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No. 756733
previous thread
>Reminder that if you are a radfem/pinkpill/Terf sperg/gendercrit, the "unpopular opinions thread" is not your reverse uno to continue the discourse. Nor is it your general place to try and fight people. Ignore posters you disagree with.If you are here to;
>sperg about trannies ruining your board, or your conspiracies that everyone who disagrees with you is a tranny - BAN.>explain in detail why every man is shit - BAN.>fight people who disagree with you - BAN.>post vaguely veiled gendercrit posts to try and evade the no gendersperg rule - BAN.>reply to someones personal experiences because you inherently disagree with their views - BAN.>discuss your views on racism - BAN.>have gender crit discussions - BAN.>try and score twitter cookie points by dunking on the "bigot" terfs - BAN.If you are here to;
>complain that your boyfriend did x/ you got cat called/ you had a bad day due to a man - NO BAN.>talk about your personal experience and opinions. - NO BAN.>HOWEVER, personal experiences and opinions do not devolve into long political discussions nor do they contain your tangent on how all men are scum or how you want to ethnically purge because once upon a time a (((man))) said you are fat. No. 756782
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>>756744agreed, why is everyone copying runescape get your own ideas
No. 756914
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Forcing milk in the /snow/ and /pt/ threads should be a perma-bannable offense
No. 756997>>756998>>757006>>757046>>757144>>757150>>757151
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The monarchy should be treated as nothing more than celebrities. Enough with this cult of personality around the royal family
No. 757021>>757029>>757032
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I hate the oversimplified meme. There is nothing wrong with a simple design, it’s meant to be readable, marketable, and recognizable. Most people can only process larger or main elements rather than details, and it’s all about memory and brand loyalty, it’s not a fucking painting that will be placed in the Louevre, it’s for companies to maximize more profit by subtle predatory advertising and expecting less effort for less pay from their designers. Suddenly every commentary and their mother turns into an expert on graphic design and artistic skill, when they seem much more ignorant about the real issue which is capitalism.
No. 757029>>757032>>757044>>757048>>757062
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>>757021I don't hate simplified designs but I have to agree when it comes to Mozilla, it didn't need it all. The 2009 logo was the best imo, the 2019 at least had the firefox figure but it looked weird because the globe was smaller. Now it doesn't even have a fox! Their whole identity!
No. 757150>>757225
>>756997they shouldn't even be celebrities imo
they shouldn't even be
No. 757688
>>757660 EXACTLY anon some of these folks need to live a little dump truck booty is funny as fuck to say.
especially when a girl says it which i only hear girls say it to each other personally as a joke.
>>757652 like grow up anon and get that stick out of your dump truck ass.
No. 757791
>>757620>>757652Butts that are big in proportion to a healthy or skinny woman's body are nice. Butts that are just big unshapely potato sacks are gross. That being said I feel like a lot of women and men drink the tumblr bbw kool aid and think that big = good and that women just need to eat a lot so their ass and tits get really big and not work on the shape/perkiness/roundness. It's very
toxic imo and might as well be the same as the pro ana shit
>Inb4 that doesn't happenI've met plenty of men and women who think like this. Yes they're all losers but they're still people who exist and I am allowed to rant about them
No. 757848>>757859>>758122
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>>757846No, anon, people hate karens because you’re the
last thing any poor minimum wage worker or black person wants to see during their day. The amount of entitlement and ignorance is astounding. Open your fucking eyes
>>757846Exactly, because Karens demand attention and respect or else they're ready to throw hands, and because they take up space. Which are, as we know, fine if a man does it but for women it's a huge faux pas.
Karens are also moms more often than not and will attack pedos over the slightest suggestion of someone ogling their child, as they should, which makes moids salty because they can't freely talk to preteen girls at the mall like they would otherwise.
No. 757917>>757934>>758116
>>757866>I don't get why Karens are a thing but there isn't an equivalent term for menyou know exactly why.
we need to coin the term and start using it, like 'scrote' or 'fuckboy'
No. 758168>>758174
>>758159yeah I agree with you, I think you're right about the societal reasons but also the dating pool of opposite sex partners is just significantly larger, obviously statistically there's going to be more bi people in opposite sex relationships. but I do think that sentiment you're talking about is much more pronounced in discourse heavy online lgbt groups as opposed to what you find among either irl lesbians or even straight people. Idk, I think so much of this kind of online discussion about who's
really bi or gay and heavy fixation on 'defining' sexuality and people's 'identities' has little material impact on anything and is pretty unhelpful and unproductive, and is not really very reflective of how the vast majority of gay people actually live their lives.
No. 758263
>>758262I like graphic prints, and I have several versions of the same graphics (3 of one, 3 of another) hanged. No way I can see the little differences in detail. I put them all in different frames to add variety.
NFT's honestly seem exactly the same as prints to me.
No. 758760>>758761
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Not every act of kindness that has no benefit towards you counts as being someone's "personal therapist." I know there are people who take advantage of that kindness or take it too far, but you're just being a schizoid by making that your reason to not be nice to someone. You can still defend yourself when necessary and be really nice to people, even when you get nothing in return. You don't have to be a super-pushover to make someone's day.
No. 758915>>758917>>758918>>758919>>758920>>758922>>758958
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this bitch is so unbearably unfunny. he sticks out like a sore thumb in his collabs with drew. drew is pretty quick-witted and clever and danny just does not compare. his humor is still stuck firmly in the era of vine and it's just so cheap and tired and immature. i cannot fucking stand him and maybe it's because i'm high but i hope he gets cancelled so i don't have to ever hear about his ass ever again.
also his hair is fucking ugly.
No. 758918>>759200
>>758915tbh i agree, hes definitely the worst out of the kurtis conner/drew gooden/danny trio.
I couldnt even remember his name, thats how bad he is
No. 759181>>759186
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Self-diagnosis of mental health issues can be incredibly spot on, provided a few conditions are being met:
A)best if you are a grown-ass adult
B)you are using an actual medical test and not some buzzfeed bullshit like 'pick your favorite Winnie the Pooh character and we will tell you which personality disorder you have'
C)you have been observing your symptoms for a long time and have some self-awareness
D)you are not intentionally skewing your answers so that you have the same mental health issue as your favorite singer, anime character etc. or fit into a tumblr niche.
Sure, it's best to get tested with a mental health practicioner, especially if you need the official diagnosis for health insurance or so people will not be able to easily doubt you. They will literally pull out the same tests anyway. The only difference is that they can see corellations between different mental health issues better than you do. However if you did a test for a personality disorder or depression and scored highly, you probably DO have this problem and a visit at a shrink will only confirm that.
Self-diagnosis is unnecessarily maligned.
Bonus advice: if it looks like you have all the symptoms of a mental health issue and tell it to a loved one, by God don't believe them when they pull crap on you like 'no, you cannot have this! It's too rare! Besides, you had that one friend ONCE in a third grade. You don't have X, you are just shy/overworked/whatever'. Either seek professional help or if you cannot do that, at least get some self-help (work)books. It's better than nothing.
cringe pic for attention kek
No. 759501>>759512>>759525>>759610>>759614>>759615>>760355>>760469
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It baffles me how common shit like this (23 year old scrote dunking on a 16 yo girl and her content for being stupid and immature, all while getting views, subs and money from it) is becoming and how no one seems to care.
No. 759610
>>759501People will always shit on teen girls or anything teen girls like because its cringe. cause you know god forbid girls get to enjoy something.
People still shit on twilight (it's bad but its enjoyable) and girls got dragged for liking it. Let girls just enjoy shit unless they are harming someone.
No. 759612
>>759595every single reddit thread i go through is a rehash of the same 4 unfunny jokes. its painful because i know they think theyre hilarious
every actual funny thing on the internet can be traced back to some black girl on twitter.
No. 759648
>>759632It’s kind of cozy tbh.
Maybe you could bump the art threads with questions and the sorts, I particularly don’t know what could be asked to start a conversation, but it truly would be nice to read more about other anon’s opinions on art.
No. 759669
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Onion's house is ugly, the barn will be an upgrade.
No. 760173
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Gumball machines were legit disgusting. You were lucky if you got 3 month old gum because the shit was usually years old with sunspots and flakes. Every machine legit broke some health code violation. Also the shit was crazy inflated. 10 gumball machines balls is enough to buy an entire pack of them.
No. 760178>>760253
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Magic exists, prove me wrong anons
No. 760284>>760289
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I think the youtuber Alivia D'Andrea will really regret posting those "glow up diary" videos when she gets older. In general there is way too much oversharing of personal life on youtube and other social media these days.
No. 760338
>>757862People just use Karen for any woman (20+) who disagrees with them. Normie zoomers just use it instead of a bitch in any argument if they see/suspect the other person is a woman.
>>759595Where I live (middle/eastern Europe) there legit isn't any stereotype about women being unfunny. We've never heard this growing up. We have a lot of female comedians and hosts and women are expected to be funny the same way men are (our culture prides itself on its humor). People may only think men have more fecal humor while women more sophisticated. Only thing I fear is the stupid stereotype spreading here because of the Internet and young people getting into redpill and incel shit.
No. 760355
>>759501Why is it only men who talk about her? Like not even boys her own age, men who are 21+. They’re her main audience since she’s a teenager who dances in a crop top. Interesting.
IMO any man who talks about Charli is a pedo. I have NEVER heard about girls her own age talk about her.
These YouTube men are so original, they would be nothing if they weren’t able to talk about women.
No. 760461
>>760389Who hurt you?
A 5ft2 person looks normal you're just a weirdo kek
No. 760470
>>760389I don't know where you live but depending on the average height there and if the people who are short are short because of a specific reason like a severe lack of growth hormone
during childhood they can been considered disabled.
>Even upwards towards 5’2”/157cm is cutting it close.Nevermind then, didn't notice you were baiting lol.
No. 760516>>760528>>760537
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>>760420This, most women where i live are 5'4 below, i've actually never met anyone 6'3+ in person, this is so strange to me.
No. 760548>>760556>>760558>>760566
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>>760389I wish I was 5’6-5’9, imagine the clothes I could wear and buy and look really good in them. Shorter women always look stumpy in clothes unless they have a really
good, solid fashion style or they’re incredibly stick thin
No. 760572
>>760521>because not too long ago being gay was something people tried to change or even called a choice, both of which still happenI never got this mentality. Being gay or straight is clearly something a person can change. It's not even down to a question, if you can learn how to walk after suffering brain damage then you can change your sexuality.
Not that anyone should have to but it's possible.
No. 760575>>760578
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Very unpopular but personally I love love noses with bumps more than smooth ski sloped noses. I think they have so much character and are actually pretty on women when not overly big or bulbous I guess. After a decade of self hatred it's a surprise because I have a [bulbous tipped :(] dorsal hump myself and have wanted to get a nose job since middle school. Then I got into kpop where high nose bridges are a thing and now I can't help but find non-bulbous dorsal humped noses so cute. As long as they're 'delicate' for lack of a better word.
Picrel is a cute natural nose that I like. If I wasn't broke and could find a good surgeon that I could trust not to botch it, I would just get my nose tip and nostrils slimmed down very very minimally.
And I hate that I have to say this but before any retarded anon gets salty bc I apparently insulted their ski sloped nose, just stfu because the rest of the western world likes your nose. You can't even look up "dorsal hump nose" without seeing rhinoplasty before/after photos.
No. 760598>>760603
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>>760578Kek are you fucking kidding me? The nose is one of the most narrow beauty standards that there is. Either your nose is primarily straight or ski sloped or else it's considered ugly (unless you're a man). There's a reason that my exes' friends used to call me the bird at one point because of my nose and my nose isn't even hooked, it just has a bump. Calling people with hooked or bumped noses "birds" is pretty much everywhere, if you lurk LSA's 90DF threads they use that term frequently.
Middle Eastern women love doll shaped noses. There's a reason that Iran does SEVEN times more nose jobs than the US. Same goes for Italian/Jewish girls in the United States, rich parents will gift them a nose job to get their noses shaved down to a ski slope because the bridge is considered unattractive. But after a lot of research into it myself I've found that a lot of Italian/Jewish girls just needed a chin implant to balance out their side profile except the hatred of having a non-sloped nose runs so deep that they'd get it shaved down anyways.
Also in case you're confused by the original image, the woman in that photo got botox, not a nose job. She's beautiful anyways and her nose is adorable.
No. 760603
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>>760598About Iran and Middle Eastern women getting nose jobs for 'doll like noses'. The bandages are even a symbol of pride because it flexes that you have enough money to get your nose done. No. 760620>>760631>>760634>>760653>>760661
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Male otaku hoarder: disgusting die
Female otaku hoarder: baste
No. 760637
>>760596I disagree, it's selfish imo because it's possible the other person doesn't want to have sex with males, you're basically taking advantage of them for your own pleasure. Not to mention it's dangerous for the trans woman like
>>760608 mentioned
No. 760643
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>>760634>male otaku>fan of Subaru from Diabolik Lovers (>>760631)Nope, not possible
No. 760644
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>>760634I don't even care if they're moefags. These women are unapologetically marriage-repellant and I respect that.
No. 760671>>760673>>760679>>760682>>760692
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>>760661How can these otakus even allow to spend so much on merch? Are they all super-professional middle-managers in their daytime life, only to drool over Levi figurines at nighttime? Are their parents giving them allowance to spend on collectibles? Do they sacrifice everything for 2D-worship and have zero savings?
No. 760679
>>760669Oh cool I can't read moonrunes, I assumed so from the amount of Levi relics kek
>>760671I guess if you're a salaryman/woman and you don't have kid or relationship, just a tiny apartment and cheap meals then it's pretty possible to spend all your money on degeneracy.
No. 760694>>760725
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>>760682Love > financial security, you wouldn't understand peasant
No. 760725>>760732
>>760694She is kind of right, I'm saying this as someone who has a room like the ones being posted.
It's easy to get caught up in the whole "how much merchandise you buy is proof of your love" thing. It's often a slippery slope where you get used to having a "monthly order" of plastic goods you don't care about as much as you think you do and neglect saving for your future. I have well off parents that pay for my education and housing so from ages 16-20 I worked part time jobs and used every last penny I made on anime. I still enjoy a lot of the stuff I have but a lot of it I don't enjoy nearly as much as the price I paid for it. Also having that much fragile stuff makes it a massive pain to move.
Like anything, it's best to enjoy anime merchandise in moderation. Husbando/waifu consumer culture is stupid.
No. 760757
>>760732I also just want a body pillow and different covers for the different husbandos I got, anything more than that is just too much for my easily tired eyes.
Like, I get buying some plushies as well, maybe building an itabag, but those are things you can put in a plastic container whenever you don’t feel like being a husbandofag.
No. 760778
>>757862I want to say I first heard it back in 2016 and it was funny for two weeks but its extreme overuse has classically conditioned me into rolling my eyes whenever someone brings it up. The general trend of calling someone a stereotypical name in response to something stupid is obnoxious in general and just reminds me of shitty mid-10's tumblr humor. Everyone thinks they're some master clapblack-er when really they're just parroting the same unfunny memes as everyone else. It takes absolutely no wit or thought. The gendered equivalent of some 19 year old replying to rando conservative tweets with 'ok boomer'.
The most obnoxious part is that any time I've tried to bring up the fact that it's not funny anymore because of how overused it is, without even mentioning misogyny, they hilariously automatically squawk 'KAREN'! Thanks for proving my point you Meatcanyon-loving mouth-breather.
No. 761020
>>761016I had a floor manager who would drink three five hour energy drinks per shift
she said she only did it because cocaine was illegal, she was truly an extremely unhappy person
No. 761157>>761161>>761302
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>>761016I understand if you're talking about the regular, energy drink flavored ones like Red Bull or original Monster, but some of the fruit flavored ones are delicious
Pic related>>761064Do you feel the same way about any sexual comment ("I want him to fuck me" etc) or do you just hate pegging?
We're not joking No. 761159>>761430>>761486
>>761064I think they mean it though. I think they've never pegged someone and in their head it's a really hot fantasy.
I've pegged before, found out it's not all that hot in reality. Def one of those 'should've kept it as a fantasy' situations
No. 761302>>761306
>>761123God same, pork tastes even weirder than meat
>>761157Just pegging (for hygienic reasons). Just thinking about the bacteria involved and the ~smell~…I have a very bad OCD so is a "hell no" from me.
No. 761306
>>761302Different anon and sorry for the grossness but I used to work for an online sex store and when product reviews were submitted by customers I would have to read over them before letting them publish to the product page.
Men writing reviews for anal toys would always comment about how bum smells had seeped into the toy and how they couldn't get the smell back out of the toy.. I don't think I was paid enough to read that kind of shit all the time
No. 761430>>761441>>761486>>761511>>772064
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>>761159This 10000%, picrel anon in the kinkshaming thread described it best. I have wartime flashbacks to my scrote ex pressuring me to look at his ass. Oh, sorry, his "cute boipussy." Up til then I was a fujo, and I've since learned the "yaoi hole" theory is correct. Male asshole is disgusting irl. I did not feel present in my body at that time and was dead and lifeless. This moid mentioned so casually how "shit happens" aka shitting himself on a dildo… Nopenopenope. It's degenerate. I'm sorry. Those cute sexy drawings of anime guys (if you're into that) are not reality; reality is femboys and sissies. And stinky male anus.
No. 761432>>761443>>761449>>761450
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this body type is gross and unattractive especially on disproportionate males
No. 761447
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Dua Lipa makes lame underwhelming music and needs to stop being hyped up for her nostalgia bait. It’s the kind of music t play in overhead stereos in grocery stores literal commercial music aka boring vanilla whitey shit on par with Ed Sheeran kek
No. 761449
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>>761432Yeah getting supper bulky doesn't work for short guys at all. On the disproportionate angel it can't even work on tall guys because big body+dinky head=ugly.
My own unpopular opinion, but some dudes would be better off being slightly chubby than having cursed buff genomes
No. 761486>>761497
>>761159>>761430Pegging can only be good if the woman is the one who pushes for it, and if the guy actually has good hygiene and a decent amount of shame. Before I asked him my boyfriend researched extensively how to clean himself out, and even changed his diet to make it so he doesn't have to do thorough deep enemas every time. I'm pretty sure he'd cry if there was even a speck of poop anywhere, lmao.
Also honestly it doesn't help that most moids eat poorly and are walking around constipated, they should not being forcing their poor gfs to do anal play especially if they can't be bothered to take precautions.
No. 761511>>761549
>>761430I'm a diehard fujo but would absolutely never peg a man
(I'm a lesbian for starters) because of this. Let's be real, the yaoi hole is just a stand-in for a vagina. Anal sex, especially with men, in real life is painful and often nasty as hell, what with shit coming out of there and moids in particular not looking after their hygiene or even shaving their ass hair. My heart really goes out for the naïve women who fall in the trap of "just peg me once, let's just try it" with their boyfriends and suddenly he's demanding her to eat his ass and fist him because that's the only way he ever gets off now. And then he fully embraces his femboy/sissy fetish while his porn sickness prevents him from realizing that his lanky, skinnyfat 6ft quarterback looking ass resembles nothing like the drawings that are basically just a girl with a dick.
No. 761543>>762986
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This may be a weirdly specific opinion but the only good music from the Indian subcontinent was songs from Bollywood films from the 1970s or before. Also, maybe this is just survivors bias, but Bollywood films from the 70s were significantly better than modern Bollywood films. I can't help but cringe at new Bollywood films, but I don't feel the same about older ones. I think it's because newer ones always look like a very poor imitation of western movies, whilst older Bollywood films seem more charming
No. 761553
>>761549I swear a ton of r/transwidow stories start with this exact setting. It's always like
>My husband wanted me to peg him once, then he wanted to do it every other time and now he's demanding me to pound his ass with a strapon every time while ignoring my needs, then he started putting on a wig and a dress during sex and… To the point it's become a huge fucking red flag if a guy is into anal play.
No. 762121>>762124>>762150>>762168>>762171>>762177>>762179
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Mullets are hot (on women). Yes even "barcode" ones like Doja Cat's.
No. 762199
>>761610Yep same happened to me with my ex, turns out he was also into sissy hypno poppers porn and other shit. Weird thing is he was very much against troons but once it was a bedroom kink it was hot to him. It's porn sicknesses in my opinion. He'd be a normally adjusted and straight person but watching that shit everyday just fucks them up. It just rots their brain. But yeah wanting to try a strap on and talking about it all the time is moving into my red flags.
Sage for blog
No. 762273
>>762269As someone in a wet city where the pavement is littered with dog shit and broken glass I must politely disagree, but I support sensible orthopaedic footwear, everyone's feet would be less gross if we even just wore sandals in summer
Modern day shoe designs should he seen as the health crisis that it is
No. 762408>>762414>>762415
>>762398off topic, but I just laugh when other women post about using their keys as a weapon in case someone attacks them, like wtf is that going to do?
unpopular, but I've never really felt this fear of men. I know if I tell them to fuck off loudly they go scrambling, even if they do shout something nasty as they go. If I lived in a third world country or a ghetto, yeah, I'd take precautions.
No. 762437>>762452>>762535
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women should start weightlifting more because it's hot and the aesthetic is severely underused. we need some roid chans in the world
No. 762557>>762561>>762563>>762567>>762576>>762693
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The 'casually doing my makeup while talking about dead people' Youtube trend needs to die, it's fucking tasteless
No. 762561>>762567>>762573>>762693
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>>762557how about telling about dead people's misery while mukbanging?
No. 762566>>762574
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I think Selena Gomez can both be a pillpopper and have lupus, neither usual druggies or people with the disease need transplants that young, mix them both and yeah you've got whats going on with her, she's going to end up killing herself before 50.
No. 762774
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>>762764Samefagging to show the proof that it's /lgbt/ scrotes, found by another anon.
This is the thread: No. 762777>>762782
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>>762742I'm the same way. I think more women like the cute/pretty type, but men don't want to accept that, kek.
No. 762816>>762837>>764128
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I love this style of tattoo combinations. I don't mean themed, but rather when people are just full of tattoos that look like they're flash tattoos/came from a sticker book.
No. 762819>>762829>>762852>>762853>>762909
File (hide): 1615915589454.jpg (Spoiler Image,61.18 KB, 748x932, ELhTyZ1XYAEvNiH.jpg)

I hate that people act like Harry Styles is some fashion icon, because there are celebrity men wearing effeminate clothing that do it well, but don't get as annoyingly hyped up as Harry does. Lil Nas X and Billy Porter are the first that come to mind, but there are probably better examples Harry always look disheveled and stinky. It's a fucking eyesore
No. 762852>>762867>>762874
>>762819I'm really not seeing the concept there. Gay Abraham Lincoln? A clown? Why is his belly out like that? What points are being made?
It just looks ugly. No punk edge (the tattoos are boring), the little clothes he's wearing don't look cool or really make sense together, no makeup or hair, he doesn't have a nice body or face. What are we meant to see?
He's an ugly, frumpy bitch and I hate straight people for hyping him up.
No. 762867
>>762852Duh anon it's obviously Humpty Dumpty
Harry looks like an average unattractive man in frumpy clothes usually but this is something else, the photographer must have hated him to post this
No. 762874>>763109
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>>762852>>762829Just to be clear, I didn't choose that pic cause I saw people praising it and saying it was effeminate or whatever lmao. I saw it on here a while ago. It was just the best pic I could find to showcase his stinkiness. His actual "fashion" choices are not much better though
No. 762878
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>>762750cope and seethe, scrote.
No. 762909
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>>762819Samefag but, I don't even think it's Harry's stinky/sloppy look that makes these outfits look bad on him. Even people like Jaden Smith and Young Thug did photoshoots in dresses and it looked great, picrel. Young Thug literally made a video talking about how he has a "permanent dirty dick". So I don't know what it is, but Harry cannot wear that kind of shit, stinky or not.
No. 762916
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>>762879Thats kind of because the internet and the real world have made it so two differing "popular" views can exist at once. You know how people bitch about home somethings big online, but no one irl cares or knows about it? On the internet the reddit CF community dominates, but IRL no one gives a shit about it.
No. 762972>>762981>>762982>>762985>>763004>>763030>>763038>>763062>>763076
File (hide): 1615925041818.jpg (32.11 KB, 580x480, Smurf.jpg)

If you use toilet paper and not wipes to wipe your ass, you're gross and have bits of paper and shit in your ass
No. 762985>>762990
I can't believe grown ass people are too embarrassed to buy a product because it says "baby" on it
No. 762990>>763001>>763004
>>762981Even worse, because then it rips apart and bits of paper are stuck in your asshole.
>>762982No, I just like the feeling of a clean asshole that hasn't been ripped to shreds by dry paper
>>762985Exactly anon. How can people feel clean after smearing shit all over their ass with fucking dry paper that rips easily???
No. 763004>>763011
File (hide): 1615927218981.jpg (188.88 KB, 1280x720, this is your fault.jpg)

>>762972>>762990I prefer a non-blocked sewer. Also,
>ripped to shreds by dry paperhow tf are you getting paper cuts on your asshole?
No. 763011
>>763004Rubbing paper against a dry asshole (I don't know about you, but my asshole isn't moist) is pretty uncomfortable. Also, you don't flush them, you put them in a nappy sack and put it in the trash.
>>763001No matter what ply, it will always leave your anus feeling dirty because you're getting dirt off with something dry. You wouldn't get mud off your shoes with dry paper, would you? Even if you did, it wouldn't leave it as clean as it would using something wet.
No. 763088>>763099>>763104>>763108>>763120>>763126>>764127
I thought people being more "online" would lead to higher literacy rates and yet I see overall spelling levels get worse and worse every year.
>inb4 typos, ESL, or internet slangI don't mean that, I mean simple errors like "sneak peak" and "should of," the one thread on /g/ with benign spelled as "benine." Zoomers especially spell like shit. Is everyone using speech to text suddenly??
>>763075Agree that specific age difference isn't pedo but I do think there's something creepy about it if an adult /only/ dates underaged high schoolers. Also feel like we should stop labeling these men pedos because it's allowing real pedos to blanket themselves under your argument.
No. 763099>>763433
>>763088Criticizing people's spelling is ableist uwu
Remember to use tone indicators!
God I hate zoomers
No. 763108>>763117
>>763088Over dependency on spellcheck combined with "no red line = good" philosophy. The 'bennie' thing 100% is a phoneposter who can't see red lines.
Zoomer and I've realized how shit my spelling is because I butcher words and hope spellcheck fixes
No. 763112>>763117>>763127
>>763104sneak peek*
But who gives a fuck? Unless it leads to serious ambiguity or vagueness, it doesn't matter if you spell things wrong or make grammatical mistakes. In academia yeah, you should take the proper precautions, but online you can shitpost with shit grammar freely.
No. 763117>>763126
>>763108Aw, that makes sense. I guess I probably would do that too if I grew up with spellcheck as a default.
>>763104I'm ESL myself and for some reason it made my English writing better since I had to work harder to learn it correctly.
>sneak peakSupposed to be "sneak peek" because a "peek" is like a little look at something but a peak is the tip of a mountain.
>should ofMakes no grammatical sense, "of" is a possessive word. The phrase is "should have" which is why it's abbreviated "should've"
>>763112I really don't know why I care tbh. I feel silly when I catch myself caring, I guess as mentioned earlier in my post it comes from frustration at having to work harder to get a good grasp on English. It also gives me the feeling that nobody reads literature anymore, which makes me sad. I know that's lame and pretentious
No. 763126>>763226>>763232
>>763088Nah, its not only you that notices literacy and reading comprehesion levels are down the drain. Its something ive been noticing for a long time since normies became more common online. When I use grammaratically correct sentence structure the likelihood of some tard misconstruing the meaning of my words or outright reading something else is nigh. People online respond to petty insults, poor grammar, sentence structure, and awkward trendy syntax much easier than they would something that is technically more literate. It honestly makes me extremely disappointed by how hostile and idiotically hive minded people get towards "big" words just because they cant understand things outside of shitty slang. I dont mind using less formal speech but its a fucking problem when I always have to dumb down my text just for people to get what im saying and not skim across my words. Its coming to the point where the majority of English speakers understand the language no better than a intermediate ESL. It obviously wasnt like that during the 90s and 2000s internet which is why im complaining.
>>763117My issue is why is it considered pretentious to care about art and literature on the internet but people obsessed with video games and anime can sperg all they want in the most neurotic anal retentive ways because nobody calls them out for their bullshit? I dont understand why having standards for anything humanities based online is considered a "no no" or "ableist" but retarded mc video game fan can blow his neck vein over whats almost always a children's targeted franchise? A part of it is because video games and anime are the most popular forms of social groups for zoomers now but damn it still disgusts me.
No. 763226>>763232
>>763126Your rant gave me so much comfort just now. Too often in online conversations (or texting) I find myself apologizing for talking too much and think the way I communicate is stodgy. I sometimes dumb my sentences down, or purposefully don't use certain punctuations (like an oxford comma), so I can seem more relatable. It feels good to know it's possible that a lot of peoples' attention spans are just shot.
Bear in mind I don't think I'm particularly well-written, I just noticed I've been feeling like some socially stunted weirdo. Honestly, how much can I use Internet slang, meme formatting and AAVE until it feels like it's not even my voice or me talking and using my own sense of humor? Like some algorithmic AI that's evaluated what's trending has taken over my body and typed for me.
Sorry for the sperg.
No. 763433
>>763099I just had a flashback of seeing a (white scrote, of course) zoomer on twitter who said that white women are inherently guilty of racism against black people /
POC because "there's always been a white woman behind/besides a white racist man", all of this while using tone indicators.
No. 763438>>763447>>763448>>763452
File (hide): 1615979045000.png (277.67 KB, 700x2062, pandas.png)

I think Pandas are dumb we should let them die. I agree with picrel.
No. 763447
>>763438They mate
accidently?? How is that even possible kek. I agree they are dumb but very cute
No. 763474>>763483>>763521>>763525>>763557>>763602>>763630>>763634
File (hide): 1615986293139.jpg (90.21 KB, 600x800, pTuzOkH-600x800.jpg)

people who have handwriting that's extremely "perfect" have undiagnosed mental disorders
No. 763505>>763513
>>763500nta but that's not what she said. It's the way you describe women that makes you sound like a tool.
>"female interests"gimme a fucking break
No. 763521>>763796
>>763474cope harder with your shitty handrwiting, anon.
also, based stanley hall and maggie mead
No. 763557
>>763474I have pretty neat writing to the point where sometimes teachers would accuse me of typing on first glance, and I agree with
>>763525. Although I have ADHD and was very autistic as a kid, so penmanship was just another random obsession
No. 763630>>763634>>763725>>763796>>764082>>764085>>764518
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>>763474Somewhat related but I also hate the "studyblr" note aesthetic. I know some people find having nice notes like that motivating but it just seems like a huge waste of time to me.
No. 763724>>763729>>766022
File (hide): 1616014958879.jpeg (205.8 KB, 735x1102, DA177B3E-8BAA-4F5F-9545-F1779D…)

I’m pretty tired of this decor style but it’s very popular
No. 763725
I do like the aesthetic and pretty notes but I do think it's a waste of time.
I'm most likely never going to look at them again and throw them away when declutter time comes.
No. 763732>>763733
File (hide): 1616015702311.jpg (165.36 KB, 700x529, pan.jpg)

Idgaf is some superstitious tribe that thinks pangolins are a miracle cure and anything more than a placebo. These cute animals shouldn't be killed and de-scaled just because 'it's part of their culture you despite it not working. I hate when people defend cultural relativism even if it legitablelty hurts people, like people who defend fgm and eating dogs
No. 763745>>763750>>763797>>764058
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Idgaf is some superstitious burgers that thinks cows are a miracle protein cure and anything more than a cancer causer. These cute animals shouldn't be killed and cooked just because 'it's part of their culture you despite it not working. I hate when people defend cultural relativism even if it legitablelty hurts people, like people who defend not eating dogs.
No. 763749>>764111
>>763424I'm trying not to judge people on their harmless hobbies, but when the other day my coworker (who's super into astrology, stones and all that crap) lost her shit because I had opened my umbrella inside to let it dry, it's making it hard not to be annoyed. And like
>>763703 said she hateds religion because her mom forced her to go to church as a kid lol.
No. 763762
>>763760This take is so based
what the fuck
No. 763767
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>>763760You’re saying the truth and you should preach your word, please never let anyone silence your ideas.
No. 763771>>763785>>763799
>>763424I agree. Every time I see that witches vs patriarchy subreddit it makes me cringe beyond belief. Obviously it’s not as harmful to society as religion since nobody is using tarot readings as a basis for why women shouldn’t have reproductive rights, but goddamn do they sound dumb as bricks. It’s like believing you can talk to squirrels or something, totally harmless but you’re still a retard.
>scrote No. 763796
>>763602me either. something is seething beneath the surface
>>763483>>763521>>763630>>763634you can have nice handwriting without having this weird forced "extremely perfect" style though
No. 764057
>>763799I think they still would regardless of the existence of this subreddit or not lol. Even when your doing reasonable arguments they can still dismiss ya.
Though do to my religion and interests I do come across quite a few witchy lolcows and part of me really doesn't want to dish them for their believes and another part of me is like " How conceited and self important you must feel in order to call yourself a starseed?"
No. 764103
>>764090Kek I hate troon shit too but report back when people post about wanting to be trans and angle their pictures to look more like a tranny.
I don't think either group is "oppressed" but I think most people are less disgusted by and would rather be ana than a troon.
No. 764127
>>763088>>763075Age difference has nothing to do with whether it's pedophilia or not. Adult is not a relative term, an adult cannot physically be more of an adult than another adult, they're both adults to the same degree. Likewise two women or two men cannot be more of women or men than the other, they're both women or men to the same degree. If you agree that a 16 or 17 year old dating a 21 year old, who is an adult, doesn't involve pedophilia, then you must also agree that them dating a 50 year old, who is an adult to the same degree as the 21 year old, likewise doesn't involve pedophilia. Some here might disapprove of the latter pairing for other reasons, but to call it pedophilia, while agreeing that the forming pairing isn't pedophilia, is illogical, or a misunderstanding of the word 'pedophilia' might have occurred.
No. 764136>>764781
>>764115Agree, I have a few kinda niche hobbies that really only attract women and reddit is really good for discussing them. Once in a blue moon there will be a "Im a guy and I like this" attention seeker but they always get downvoted/ignored. Aidens screeching about how they're not like the other girls in the hobby get mostly ignored too.
Im lucky that moids have an aversion the stuff I love, or they don't even know it exists
No. 764157
>>764135Weren't most pagan practices still lead by male heads directly or indirectly historically? How different is that now in their resurgence?
>>764139Nta but by having female-centric spaces in which women get their grievences addressed, it sparks important conversations. Needless to say, not all book clubs and basket weaving forums are interested in furthering female interests. Especially nowadays when they're filled with libfems and NBs.
No. 764256>>764276>>764311>>764327
File (hide): 1616091962176.jpg (335.3 KB, 1080x1808, IMG_20210318_192534.jpg)

>>764243Just ad you posted this, I accidentaly ran into pic related kek
No. 764260>>764263>>764264>>764275>>764283>>764285>>764301>>764306>>764317>>764325>>764328>>764356
File (hide): 1616092413658.jpeg (51.03 KB, 740x370, B4340363-E7D6-4B05-8A04-E05C3B…)

It’s honestly so funny watching Western anons explain away and not even begin to understand rituals or spiritual traditions that are from entirely different cultures. Most people who are into witchcraft nowadays are doing it all wrong and it’s usually mixed with lukewarm New sage ideas such as crystals, manifesting, reality shifts, all of that retarded bullshit instead of the stuff that might actually harm you (shamanism, spirit contacting). Incoming the rational lady fedoras telling me none of this shit exists and to fuck off but will let deranged child-like middle age women collect toys. Fuck my life
No. 764275
>>764260>Posting all this shit with a picture of witches from millenials' childhood cartoonAlso
>but will let deranged child-like middle age women collect toysWhat do you want them to do about that? Shoot any adult women who owns crystals or plushies (whichever you mean)? Anyway why does it bother you what grown women are doing with their money? They arent hurting anyone, and especially not you.
No. 764285>>764299
>>764260Kind of curious what you mean by the spirit contacting since I've seen so many new wave witches want to summon things. Do you mean that it's no joke? Cause I agree haunted spaces are no joke and it sucks to live in one or by one.
My opinion:
Men with many women as friends are either:
-emotional vampires who want women to care for him
-trying to have sex with all them
No. 764294>>764307>>764319
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>>764115Reddit (especially modern reddit) is mostly trash but there’s still no better place to curate all my niche interests. And until lolcow opens up a board for breeding ornamental shrimp it’ll stay that way.
No. 764301
>>764260I'll take
breeding ornamental shrimp anon over these two groups any day any time.
No. 764304
File (hide): 1616095801053.png (657.28 KB, 681x614, eriktheelectric.png)

Extreme cheat day videos on Youtube are weird and this guy has an eating disorder. Doing this type of video frequently should receive criticism along with the obese mukbangers like Nikocado.
No. 764313
>>764311Ikr?? Or even offering their shitty art and labeling it as emergency commissions is miles better then straight up E-begging.
Why should I care about this rando that is privileged enough to have net access?? If I wanted to help the least fortunate I would volunteer at a soup kitchen
No. 764324>>764332>>764360
File (hide): 1616098267721.jpeg (383.58 KB, 2048x1152, A7DE0FFF-70C0-411D-86DC-518F2D…)

>>764317New age sage + little knowledge about shamanic cultures + practicing western witches “nowadays” can apply any random etsy crystal buyer who calls themselves a witch, use context clues. She didn’t even mention Asians, or race for that matter. Your inferiority complex is showing.
No. 764328
>>764260Oh it's you again, anon
Anyways magic isn't real, go sacrifice a goat for funsies!
No. 764337>>764339>>764344
>>764326There's an increased risk of birth defects in babies conceived via IVF. And if you're not even able to conceive on your own it means your genes were not meant to be passed on to begin with. And you may have other health problems you don't even know about.
I used rape as an example, just because you're able to do something doesn't mean you have the right to.
No. 764344>>764346>>764366
>>764337I'm not even sure what the first half of your post is suppose to be in response to. That's still not the same thing as rape.
>And if you're not even able to conceive on your own it means your genes were not meant to be passed on to begin withSo fuck gay people I guess lmao. I don't know what world you live in where humans are asexual and able to breed on their own.
No. 764366>>764378>>764383
>>764339Well, nature doesn't care. Don't want to risk your child having some sort of condition - don't breed in your 40s.
>>764344>oogaa boogaaa I don't understand what analogy isI never said it's literally the same as rape kek
>So fuck gay people I guessI mean, a healthy lesbian can have good quality eggs and use sperm donor and she can even inseminate herself at home, that's not the same as a het woman who has shit eggs and couldn't get pregnant naturally and she needs something more complicated like IVF.
No. 764386
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>>764332>all cultures have some form of magic or animalistic/naturistic beliefsExactly. That’s why anon bringing up Asians as a direct parallel to a very specific type of person was so retarded. None of what the original anon said demeaned European or American shamanistic ideas, let alone showed a sense of Asian superiority. The sperg over it and calling anon a racist was dumb.
>>764360It’s not that serious anon. Is this bait? What would being a burgerfag have to do with this? Isn’t your argument about race, not nationality?
No. 764388>>764398>>764400>>764414>>764477
>>764378Well, I'm an antinatalist, I think imposing life onto someone is a crime in general. And I was obviously talking about people who know they're sick, who have medical records etc. Imposing life if you're a healthy neurotypical is bad enough, but when you're mentally fucked up or when you have some dangerous genetic disorder it's even MORE fucked up than usual.
>draw parallels between someone removing another person's bodily autonomy versus a person exercising their own bodily autonomyBut when you're purposefully creating another life it's not JUST your bodily autonomy ffs. How can you not see this?
>>764383>People who have no fertility issues and don't need those treatments really don't have more of a "right" to reproduceYou're right. They have no right at all.
No. 764398>>764420
>>764388So your belief is that willingly reproducing with knowledge of your genetic history when you know you could pass something on is sinister. That being said, do you believe these people would be more or less prepared for the consequences of their child having a condition than two carriers ending up with a child who has a birth defect, disease, etc. as well? In both cases, someone with a disease or condition still exists in the world. Antinatalism is by far one of the worst philosophic takes I've heard in history btw.
>But when you're purposefully creating another life it's not JUST your bodily autonomy ffs. How can you not see this? Except it is. May I ask if you're pro-choice or pro-life?
No. 764420>>764429
>>764398>That being said, do you believe these people would be more or less prepared for the consequences of their child having a condition than two carriers ending up with a child who has a birth defect, disease, etc. as well?Doesn't matter. Minimalization of the risk matters. Minimalization of the harm matters. I know normies know nothing about it but still.
>>764400No one should, but this is an unpopular opinion thread, and openly saying that fucked up people shouldn't breed is even less popular than antinatalism.
>>764414And some people like being high on heroin. Crazy I know, lol. Doesn't make it right. Read The Conspiracy against the human race or something.
No. 764441
t. olympic life-enjoyer
No. 764448>>764449>>764513
>>764429No one should have the right to force a woman to give birth. But no one should force humans into existence either.
>>764437Of course they are, like most breeders.
No. 764456
>>764428I'm not an antinatalist but I see where you're coming from.
For me it's like this:
>the bad outweighs the good: worthless>the good outweighs the bad: great, meaningfulSo I'm pro eugenics to some extent.
No. 764498>>764509
>>764477I read Ligotti and Cioran, haven't read Zappfe yet. Have you read anything on efilism though? I noticed that it becomes more popular among certain antinatalists. term itself was made up by a guy on youtube named Inmendham and I know it's easy to disregard him because he looks like a crazy dude and he's angry lol but most of the things he says make sense and he dunks on nihilists beautifully.
No. 764509
>>764498Ah, I'm going to check Cioran, thanks. I saw him mentioned a few times. And I have heard of efilism, I will check that out too. I've only became familiar recently with antinatalism as a philosophy although the sentiment has always been familiar to me.
I've been introduced to it through blackpill feminism no less, I noticed it's a common pairing. It's a shame both ideas, stances or concepts if you will, are so controversial.
No. 764513>>764530
>>764448I just asked a question anon lol, I'm not seething because I asked for some detail. You talked about mental illness and said 'even neurotypicals' are blah blah… that'll naturally lead people to think you maybe have either autism or mental illness in your family. It's a question to guage what life experiences have shaped these views.
We've all read the anti-breeder thing a bunch of times on here before, nobody is seething at your views. It's your backstory that I'd be interested to hear.
No. 764518
File (hide): 1616109132682.jpg (81.63 KB, 720x540, lolwowliana.jpg)

>>763630I'm an artist but man, my notes were nowhere near this "artsy". I mostly drew in the margins of my notebooks, lol. Also picrel, it's my old highschool friend's homework (they didn't have to turn it in, hence the swearing).
No. 764530>>764545
>>764513Ok but your "backstory" doesn't make your ideas wrong (or right), so why does it matter? The majority of mentally ill people want to have kids, the majority of people with shitty childhood (shittier than mine) do not support antinatalism. Hell, they're in denial and they perpetuate the "I'm gonna be better than my parents" myth. You sound like you're denying our ability to come to certain conslusions based on observations and research, like it's 100% determined by our family history and personal experiences. Also, it's not just about us humans, the entire nature is severely fucked up and retarded. Do you think that I have to be, I don't know, victimized by a bunch of lions in order to come to the conclusion that they're fucked up?
Way before antinatalists there were groups of gnostic christians and before that, buddhists, who came to similar conclusions, that this realm is basically hell and the best way to win the game is not to play it and stop spreading consciousness across the universe. It's nothing new. The fact that it never reached mainstream popularity only proves how deep our animalistic instinct of self preservation goes.
No. 764534>>764540>>764542>>764549>>764555>>764588>>764700
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sage do unrelated but does anyone secretly find some of the points inside of a manifesto sort of right even though the person behind it is probably a terrible person, like the woman who made the SCUM manifesto like all of it is so relatable about my feelings towards men but I’m so afraid to talk about it
No. 764555>>764558
>>764534I wouldn't call her a terrible person, she was sexually abused by her father and then further abused by her grandfather. She was then forced into prostitution to support herself despite being a lesbian, further destroying any semblance of hope she may have had in the male sex. Her conclusions are pretty much the same that all peaked women eventually come to. I'm straight and I'd still be overjoyed if all men dropped dead, but I mostly just try to avoid them as much as possible in my personal life since there aren't enough of us to actually fight against the established order.
So she shot some scrote who painted soup cans, who cares. Dude didn't even die.
No. 764703>>764716
>>764701The absolute worst. I have a few friends from art school; upon graduation one immediately started working for an ad agency. While discussing the job hunt, our other friend said in the most disparaging way, "I don't wanna work for an
ad agency." right in front of our other friend, whom I knew was less well off than she was. Like, way to go bitch, all you did by saying that was feed your own ego. Up to now she's still unemployed and living off her parents. And she's not even fucking good at art.
No. 764716
>>764703It's really bad when it's combined with delusions of grandeur, like, they think they're going to be the next Post Malone or something and a job would prevent that dream from materializing.
I have a flatmate who is like "uhhhh, working a job will prevent me from doing my music". But he can't explain why he doesn't work part time, or why he doesn't actually study musical theory. I tried to press him on going to uni and study musical theory and he was like "uhhhh, I don't want to learn what other people prescribe, I wanna be original".
I really should've posted this in the vent thread. But ahh it's frustrating.
No. 764738>>764745>>764756>>764773>>764804
File (hide): 1616137928164.jpg (428.85 KB, 687x584, 80385.jpg)

I hate how Billie Eilish looks with blonde hair, her gray hair was the best she ever looked, but the black with green was still miles better than this basic girl blonde
No. 764756
>>764738I have a tinfoil that they made it look bad on purpose because quarantine started a diy hair trend among Gen Z and this hair is easy to copy by blobbing bleach all over your head once. They want teens to copy her to cement her cultural status, so why not be easy to copy?
No toner, no highlights or dimension, she has all the money in the world for styling but her hair looks like this? It has to be deliberate.
No. 764772
>>764769Because it doesn’t fit the black and white lefty narrative. If they did, they’d have to admit that Asians are also racist to black ppl sometimes and vice versa.
Black men are fucking horrible to Asian women.
Also 80% of the time an Asian is attacked it’s a woman. You’ll NEVER hear asian men say this because they are too busy sperging about white waaaahmen.
No. 764871>>764911
>>764814This. Those were probably the parlors he visited all the time. He went to something that was familiar to him.
It's sad to me these women were most likely
victims of human trafficking but people only care about them after they are dead. Where is the concern for the woman who are still working for these massage parlors?
The world is a disgrace. Coomers gotta coom.
No. 764896
>>764757im sorry but i dont think that that is true at all not to racebait but ever since these anti asian violence discussions started happening people have been non stop calling out black men so much so that a news organization did a video essay about ways black people can help the asian community out and stop this violence from happening. There was also an article posted by a black woman on ways the black community can start uplifting asian americans and holding each other accountable like a day after the shooting by NBC. Also when Daniel Dae Kim started spreading the #stopasianhate he called out and posted the picture of the black man who murdered the elderly asian man in a robbery turned killing. I dont think its fair to say that this is only becoming national news because the perpetrator this time is white. Its become national news because 8 people died at once in a mass shooting. This has been making headlines for about a month now and topics about black and asian violence has always been at the forefront of these stories.
I personally think that asian and black people should stick together but its hard for it to happen because asians have embedded in them (not all of course) the stereotype that all black people are violent criminals so when a violent crime happens to them by a black perosn it feeds the stereotype. Also we have to ttake into account that most of these crimes done by black men happen in low income neighborhoods where usually (but not always) money was a factor not so much race. and black people have embedded in them (not all of course) the stereotype that asians are rich and come into low income black communities as business owners to racially profile and all while profiting from that same community financially by having a monopoly on beauty supply stores, liquor stores, nail salons etc. God i know im about to be taken out to pasture for this. But i just really wish we would stop being racially bias all of the time and really talk to each other and learn from each other instead of just assuming that all asian people are rich and all black people are violent criminals. I would even argue that if the perpetrator of this most recent attack was black it would be even bigger news and used as a way to discredit the BLM protests from last summer. Im so sad im gonna be banned for this but i stand by what i said and I hope that one day the black and asian community can come together like we did during the civil rights movement.
No. 765009>>765016>>765045>>765126
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Scott Pilgrim is the shit mostly because of the music, people only started recently hating it because they can’t think for themselves. I always see the excuse that “both of them are terrible people” rather than admit the scrote main character in the movie was a predatory pedo and the only crime Ramona did was just be a woman apparently
No. 765229
>>765211that’s what I was thinking and it’s horrible that people die from it, but like seriously it really just makes me think of ED
victims for example eugenia cooney who must be suffering from such a weird narcissistic denial to see the state of her own body, it’s really sad. narcs do tend to engage in self-destructive behaviors only out of extreme obsession of their own state of being and achieving perfection and I feel like ed
victims can swing both ways from hating their bodies and being so obsessed with it like narcs.
No. 765638>>765660
>>765537I can understand how someone with anxiety problems or a need to regulate their stress levels might turn to orgasms. I know myself that it essentially resets my mood. Being addicted to the rush that an orgasm causes, sure I can grasp that.
What I don't get is people who drag others into it though. You can watch porn, you can buy sex toys, you can get off all day either alone or with a partner. But cheating, treating people like shit in the process…all that stuff is so unnecessary. It's the orgasm itself that gives you a huge endorphin rush so why not just jerk off? In the end you get the same high without hurting people
No. 765660
>>765638Sex addicts who prefer actual fucking to jerking off alone in the dark, they’re probably also addicted to the ego boost and or the power of using someone sexually. You’d hear a lot of these men have little to no interest in sex with their wives but will use hookers constantly. They’d fuck a pig and think it’s a W.
Btw just masturbating to combat stress isn’t necessary a coomer behavior. Rather, assess how frequent and preoccupied you are with it.
No. 765663>>765669>>765671>>765674>>765678>>765826>>765837>>765853>>765858
>>764323Wow ok go fuck yourself. As someone who's dream in life has always, always to have children (call me shallow, I don't give a fuck, I feel like my purpose in life is to be a mother), when I found out only a year ago that there is a devastating terminal illness gene that runs in my family, I was absolutely heartbroken at the thought of not having kids, thinking I was on this planet for no reason etc, imagine the ONE dream you had in life, the one reason you had for living because of the possibility of it in the future seemingly just being torn away from you. Then, i discovered IVF and genetic testing existed and I was so fucking happy to realise we live in a time where this is accessible and I do, in fact, have a chance of conceiving. I just want to know, what the fuck is wrong with a blessing such as IVF which can eradicate genetic diseases, bring the gift of a child to people who's dream it is to have children, what the fuck is wrong with you? Someone like me who has done nothing wrong, who would never dream of naturally conceiving a child who may potentially carry this disease, idk you sound like a huge cunt who has never had to deal with anything like this in your life.
No. 765688>>765690>>765692>>765733
>>764323IVF is shady as fuck for me ever since I've heard that women ended up with degenerative diseases and fucking brain cancer as collateral just from going through fertility treatments and the harvesting. Like they were sitting there with their 3 year old sons/daughter, talking about how their time with their childred is limited.
Fuck anti-natalist crap though.
No. 765791>>765854
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>>764323If you mean people like these, I totally get you. There's a tik tok I always see circulating of a woman who is clearly mentally ill and physically weird and people telling her not to have a baby and then it turns out the baby looks exactly like her lol. Those cases shouldn't breed at all.
No. 765810>>765814>>765815>>765817>>765818
>>765799>>765803I want to have my own child, because I want to know what it is to be pregnant. I want to know how it feels when you and your husband are expecting a child, and all the preparation that goes towards it. It's a little product of the love between me and my partner. Simple like that.
However, I agree adoption is 10 times more cool, and the bond between an adopting parent and a child is as strong as a pregnancy. But I just really want to experience pregnancy, everything about it, the good and the bad. Pregnancy is natural and I think it would be something nice to experience as a woman. Stop blaming women, why don't you say this to men who want to have children? Or men who are child-less? Tell them they should adopt, see how they react. Again, women are an easy target.
No. 765814
>>765810I do direct the same type of scorn/ doubts to men though- so idk what you're talking about lol. They can be every bit as genetically entitled as woman and it can get even worse in some regards because they don't have to push them out of their bodies
Good on you if you want to experience pregnancy anon, but I already explain why I have a bad reflex or get a bit judgy when peeps insist on pregnancy.
No. 765815
>>765692Just adopt like a normal person ffs
>>765810That goes double for males. Instead of spreading your worthless genes around, pick up someone's trash and give an abandoned kid the life it deserves. You are not a rabbit. Use your brain
No. 765819>>765823>>765829
>>765813Genetic entitlement as in
"Ohh I reared you and carried you for 9 months !! I'm entitled to do and say as I like because your basically my property"
Change some of the word for " your my seed and without me you wouldn't exist and i work to feed and clothe you" and that's how men will construct their argument
No. 765824>>765843
>>765817I would full stop adopt kids if I ever wanted a child for myself- for now I'm kidless since I'm single and thinking about rearing life stresses me more then anything tbh
>>765821It might be a side effect of men being seen as dispensable in regards to parenting. It's fucking shit lol
No. 765825
>>765823Definitely. But genetic entitlement is a whole lot more common since the process of going through adoption is different from simply making your own children ( even if said process isn't perfect)
Also many people generally don't adopt as much Imo. So while shitty adoptive parents exist they likely are a blip in comparison to shitty bio ones.
No. 765827>>765840>>765843>>765851>>765869
>>765821My thoughts exactly, the critizism always falls upon women. I hate this. Everything about babies always falls upon women. You want babies? Critiziced. You don't want babies? Critiziced. You want to adopt? Critiziced. You want to get pregnant? Critiziced. And don't come at me with "society is very good to mothers/pregnant women" because it isn't.
What about men though? Men who are 30+ and their only priority is to buy more videogames and anime figures. Do they also get the same treatment? They might be called manchilds, but no one comes and shoves down their throat the fact that they should be fathers as long as they're young. If they're childfree, they're left alone. They don't grow up forced to play with realistic baby dolls and telling them how good of a father they would be. It has always been us, women, because we're either seen as mothers or fuckholes.
No. 765840>>765846
>>765827Sad but truth
>>765829I did not deny they don't. It just people have their own babies more then they adopt them so shitty parents are 9/10, biological otherwise.
No. 765848>>765872>>765874>>765936>>765982
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haagen dazs > ben and jerry’s
ben and jerry’s is absolute shite and white millenial food, haagen is luxurious and creamy
No. 765850>>765855
>>765785>At least with adoption you are guarantee a kid. Not true, adoptions fall through all the time and not everyone would be approved in the first place. I am 100% in favour of adoption as a concept (and even more so fostering, the most ethical of all choices to be a parent/guardian), but the reality is that it can be just as difficult and expensive as IVF. To be fair that's mostly because people want as young a child as possible, but the older a kid is, the more hard mode it will be to raise them and I can understand that not everyone would be willing or able to do that.
I really feel for women who want kids but have fertility issues but I also don't think having children is a human right. If it turns out that IVF or adoption do more harm than good (either to them or the children), I think it's a loss you just have to grieve and eventually accept. Plenty of people have unfulfilled dreams, they aren't all owed what they want at any cost.
No. 765853>>765860>>765974
>>765663>I feel like my purpose in life is to be a motherLol this is so incredibly sad. Literally every animal on earth feels the same. It's just a biological instinc, there's nothing special about it. And there's enough people on this earth already. God, after so many years I would expect humans, especially women, to develop some higher purpose. But it looks like all we can do is to make more slaves for capitalism and fuel the need to produce even more shitty quality food pumped with hormones and antibiotics (because it's not possible to produce organic and good quality food for that amount of people in a short time). And that will give us even more cancers. So yeah, thanks for over-breeding this planet to death. And don't forget about all the goods you're using produced in third world countries because it's cheaper. But who cares about the damage we make, SOME breeder and SOME scrote want to have a baby and therefore we have to burn the entire world for the sake of it!
No. 765868
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All of this arguing can be solved by yeeting 80% of moids right of the face of the planet. I'm willing to exempt the the 20% GigaChads from fatherhood, only keep them as livestock. I will tend the farms and help raise anons kids in our village.
No. 765881>>765884
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True feminism is listening to "Sugar, We're Goin' Down" and realizing that "I'm just a notch in your bed post, but you're just a line in the song" would have been better if a woman had sung it.
No. 765917>>765919>>765921>>765925>>765935>>765978
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The anons in this thread are honestly so weird, imagine seething because a female wants a child… so much for feminism and making your own choices, huh? sounds like a lot of trannies found there way here, referring to women who want to conceive as 'breeders'…(shit bait)
No. 765923>>765924>>765925>>765927>>765931
nonnie. seethe harder that i want children. it's okay you don't, but there are actually women who do wish to fulfil the natural urge of nurturing and loving a child, cope
No. 765925
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>>765923>>765917Oh boy he samefags on both sides
No. 765932>>765934>>765938>>765950>>767508
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So fucking tired of disconnected youtubers making videos about serious topics like murder, child predators, etc. It's one thing if they handle it seriously and don't include outrageous levels of fluff but as an example, the pic is from MamaMax's video mylol.apk where he's… cosplaying Jacket from Hotline Miami? And pretending like he's being hired to kill these predators or some shit? Like holy fuck dude this is not the fucking time nor place. Of course no one in the comments are talking about how fucking weird it is that this dweeb-ass motherfucker is cosplaying Hotline Miami. They're all just kissing his ass. What's the thought process behind including footage of yourself acting poorly in a video where you expose child predators? Like seriously how do people think it's a good idea? Absolutely no critical thinking skills whatsoever.
No. 765934>>765939
>>765932mamamax is cute and all but he’s like the corpse husband of horror/dark youtube channels, he’s such a tryhard edgetard and reminds me of a 13 year old idolizing batman because he’s an alpha male mysterious gothic vigilante with a hero complex. Thank god he reports the pedos to the law enforcement but the extra fluff i agree is completely unnecessary but it’s really to give the retarded idiots who watch YouTube entertained because sadly no one will care about dark subjects or
victims unless there’s interesting flashing colors and graphics flying across the screen to make his viewers engaged.
No. 765959>>765967
>>765950Nta but the trend of commentary channels covering every sexual abuse allegation that they can find… God it pisses me off. They might be balanced and 'on the fence' in the vids but they are breeding a generation of teen boys parroting
> There's so many rape allegations everywhere nowadays! Men are always being accused. You can't even talk to a woman anymore. Any allegation I hear I immediately dismiss it because its becoming too common Ffs you're subscribed to a channel riding the trend of sexual allegations being cool gossip and easy youtube revenue. That's why you hear so many allegations all the time! That's how that works you dumb scrotes.
No. 765967
>>765959It's funny because they refuse to accept the fact that males rape a lot. They're mad about it being talked about.
But yeah, at least this guy doesn't do that (or only look at popular public figures' allegations). He straight up makes a show of investigating those seedy chatrooms, tracking down the creeps on them, posting their faces and/or names for everyone to see, reporting them and having his audience do the same. It's far more productive than those BS commentary channels, and I'd take all the cringe/hammy editing in the world if they'd all just shut the fuck up and use their exposure for good.
No. 765974
>>765853>Literally every animal on earth feels the same.So what? What's the problem with that? Are you going to go kill pregnant dogs too? Because they also pollute the enviorment with their shit you know.
Some women just want to be mothers and that's okay. Not everyone has to be a rocket scientist. A good mother is as valuable as a musician, a designer, a programmer, etc. Sounds like you have mommy issues and are a doomer. I know who you are bitch.
>because it's not possible to produce organic and good quality food for that amount of people in a short timeSo we should stop all people from having babies so YOU can get better food? Selfish motherfucker, off yourself and do the planet a favor.
>>765853>SOME breeder and SOME scrote want to have a baby and therefore we have to burn the entire world for the sake of it! One family having a baby is not going to kill the enviorment jackass, what a sad black and white thinking. Grow up, stop being so nihilistic and stop degrading women.
>I would expect humans, especially women, to develop some higher purposeIf you care about women so much why do you call them breeders, asshole? Why do you want that anon to kill herself just for wanting to be a mother? Maybe you should kys.
No. 765978
>>765917>imagine seething because a female wants a child…This, what the fuck.
>>765892>I bet it thinks if it can get women to agree that motherhood and pregnancy are the literal devil (but attempt to make it feminist uwu)My thoughts exactly. Troons are the ones who call us breeders, so of course when someone says that word I'm suspicious. Fuck that shit I'm out.
(dont respond to redtexted bait) No. 766080
>>766015Average is average, not ugly. But even if you are ugly, wtf do you expect people to say? I really hope you aren't forcing people to listen to you complain about your appearance, putting them in the uncomfortable position of feeling obligated to reassure you whether they think you're ugly or not…
But tbh you sound like one of those very average women who thinks they're suffering just because they aren't 10/10 instagram models. That's just greed and self pity, not warranted insecurity that could justify feeling sorry for yourself.
No. 766132>>766177>>766179
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Cropped hoodie, jeans, boots, beach Bob hair that's been everywhere since 2017 is boring.
So is the graphic 90s band t, shorts, canvas shoes, messy bun look. The fashion here feels uninspired and copy pasted. Not sure if other anons see the same look everywhere.
No. 766214>>766215
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skirts > any type of pants
No. 766221>>766223>>766248
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>>766215this one better? more western?
i'm not a kboo yuck.. No. 766272>>766291
>>766268So? It still looks normal and nice to me, it's not even obvious altfashion or screaming special needs. I really don't get anons who think wearing anything outside of H&M catalogues is
triggering weebshit.
No. 766291
>>766272no one is
triggeredif you go on pinterest and search korean beige fashion you'll find like 20 variations of that same outfit. it doesn't look as classic as you might think, specially not how the photo is stylized.
No. 766293
>>766289>Never seen an ugly female get a threadgo make one
adam driver has a containment thread because no one else in ot wants to see him, that's the thing. Not because we're celebrating adam driver.
>you’re still ugly and unattractiveNTA, Looks aren't everything in this life, belive it or not, meanie
No. 766325
>>766300Same as
>>766314. I don't care if a MTF is "one of the good ones" and could even look fine, I won't entertain someone's idea that they're "female-identifying". I could probably date a detransitioner if they didn't ruin their organs irreperably.
No. 766363>>766372>>766374>>766376>>766379>>766384
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>>766345>>766306That's what I thought about FtMs as well until I read shit like picrel, they are just as unhinged as male trannies, they just express it in different ways.
No. 766541>>766542>>766545>>766550
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Trans women are more beautiful than vagina-havers(bait)
No. 766597>>766598
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At this point, as much as I hate to say it, the dumbest redditor is smarter than the average /b/-tard
No. 766657>>766660
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A star is born (the latest one) is a shitty, boring fucking movie. Absolutely tedious and predictable, I didn’t even buy Bradley coopers & lady Gaga’s so called chemistry.
No. 766665>>766667>>766686>>766691>>766728
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I don't know how unpopular this opinion is on this website but I love this lesbian flag and I wish we kept it that way !
No. 766667>>766682
>>766665It looks great!
>>766663Isn't Oscar as BS as eurovison nowadays that's based around politics or/and celebs?
No. 766742>>766750
>>766732I’m talking about the stuff people say about their country’s flags like
>the stars represent the statesAnd stuff, the axe looks interesting but I have no idea of what could it mean.
No. 766780>>766791
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This is what happens to women who trust and befriend gay men.
No. 766791
>>766780is that the video where she tries to spin buying a new mansion as a testament to her being a
victim because "y-you guys i was so scared of jefferson starfish that i had to move" or something lmfao
No. 766925>>767099
>>766905Jobs that pay so significantly below wage that it's more worth it for somebody to not work and get by on $1400 for a few weeks or longer. Then they can be rehired when it runs out cause it's not like there will be a lapse in cleaners if anon's "ant colony" comment has any bearing in how desperate employers will be to turn over rooms.
It makes sense to take a vacation from work when you've just been paid more by the government than your exploitative dead end job would've paid you in two month's wages.
No. 767258>>767841
>>767099>everyone blows it on stupid shit.The problem is actually the opposite, people are typically saving and being reserved with their stimulus. Which defeats the purpose of it, it's no longer stimulating the economy.
Keynesian economists would prefer that people went out and spent it on dumbshit.
No. 767337>>767363>>767365
>>767099 i think a lot of people just hate poor people and want them to just penny pinch never spending money on anything but food,housing, and kids if they have any. Let poor people live their lives too tf. Its actually helping to
wait for it STIMULATE the economy. dummy
No. 767357>>767363
>>767099I bought something frivolous just because of you anon. The stimulus is made to spend on any thing that the person who receives it wants it's made to
stimulate the economy. Meaning if some one wants to spend it on bills they can, if they want to spend it on a new sound system for their TV they can. The government doesn't care where the money goes, as long as it's back in circulation and not being hoarded.
No. 767365>>767422
>>767337It's the principal that they say they don't have enough money to fulfill their basic needs and they spend the money on recreation and fun, and then go back to asking for money because they didn't spend it on things they need.
For instance, why should I sympathize with someone poor who buys a new iPhone when I wouldn't even buy myself an iPhone because it's above my price point. I could also just blow my money on things I don't need and beg for it from others too, but I am trying to be responsible with my money and save it.
No. 767422>>767448
>>767363>>767365Are you really seeing people who are starving and on the brink of eviction wasting that money instead of spending it on rent and food? Somehow I doubt that is the exact situation people are in. Chances are whatever money troubles people bitch about on facebook are exaggerated, they can already afford their needs and now they can afford their wants too.
The stimulus is NOT meant to be saved responsibly, that defeats the purpose. It's made for wasting so this is the one time people have an excuse. My country is giving out vouchers for restaurants and cafes specifically, for example. Going out to eat is a waste if you're struggling, but that's what the economy needs right now.
No. 767448
>>767422Sure, but I still don't have sympathy for people who have nicer technology, clothes, and shoes than I do but say they have no money and their current wage isn't enough to meet their basic needs.
Also, that is how the stimulus should work, but in reality most burgerfags are going to spend it on Amazon, Wal-Mart, and other huge corporations that aren't struggling.
No. 767495>>767561>>767573
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This is literally so true and no one can tell me otherwise. Autistic men are unbearable and get coddled to death while autistic women still manage to be normal fucking people. Do not let autism distract you that he is still a male.
No. 767555
>>767538>wanting to be ugly AND a literal midgetPlease explain
I can understanding wanting to be short you think petite girls are cute, but being extremely pretty would trump nearly any height except the extremes (<5'0 or >6'0) for most people
No. 767558
>>767550I second
>>767552, how tall are you? Also, how old are you?
I am 6'0 and as I've aged I realized its had it's advantages. I can reach into tall spaces, most clothes usually end up looking great (shopping can be a pain sometimes though), studies have shown tall women are taken more seriously at work, and I've seldom had to deal with creepy scrotes trying to hit on me. I hate to say it, but I feel as a tall woman a scrote would think twice before assaulting me vs. someone who was several inches shorter.
If you're overweight on the other hand, get healthy. You can't control height, but you are in control of a healthy weight.
No. 767565>>767583
>>767513Not to defend men cause I really can't defend most shit they do, but I feel like men tend to be more oblivious and have very low standars thanks to society coddling them, so every time they do something nice or defend a woman in the most basic way (and I'm talking about good empathetic men who were raised to be less shitty, not the idiots who call themselves """"male feminists"""" to get in women's beds), they think they tried their best and call it a good job. Or they really don't know how to defend women because they're himbos and they think as long as they keep their close ones happy amd safe the world will always shine tomorrow. Men think of themselves first as individuals, so they just go like "I treat my girlfriend dinner and she's happy with my company, I'm always there to listen to my sister when she needs me, and I help my mom with money", instead of thinking "you know what, men are disgusting, we're all assholes". Again I'm not defending this behaivor. It's just that men are so stupid that they don't even realise. But then you have the ones who do realise and are evil because they want to, and that's sadly like 70% of men.
No. 767573
>>767495I saw a statistic today that autism is 5 times more common in boys and it really pissed me off, like I'm almost certain it's not more common it's just that no one has ever taken the time to see what autism looks like in girls
Also I don't disagree with this but I also think it could be mitigated if boys were held accountable like girls are, autists included
No. 767583>>767584>>767590
>>767513>even the nicest men have a knee jerk negative reaction to feminism in general.This really bothers me. Any time the women in my friend groups would talk about personal experiences of men being creepy, street harassment, being talked over at work, etc., the men would either say nothing or act like it wasn’t a big deal. We weren’t faceless people on the internet, we were all pretty good friends, yet our male friends brushed our problems aside. Yeah yeah I know, “get better friends,” but that’s just it, where the hell are these male friends that listen to women?
>>767565I don’t think it’s obliviousness, I think most men think things are genuinely way easier for women. “Women get sex way easier, a few guys being pushy towards them is just the price they have to pay for ez tinder matches.”
No. 767584>>767586
>>767583“Faceless people on the internet”
Just because you can’t see someone, doesn’t mean they aren’t real dumbass.
No. 767588>>767620>>767722
>>767576ok Imma compare my moid to your list, nonnies do the same
>who doesn't watch pornAlright, he does, but he's extremely vanilla and dislikes anything that isn't amateur. The moment I told him I would lower my usage he was supportive and told me he should too. He actually admires my determination to quit porn
>>who doesn't have at least some harmful fetishes like anal or worseMy moid doesn't even like anal or public sex lol. He's super vanilla, his most extreme kink is just a normal boobjob lol
>who takes brushing his teeth and hygiene seriouslyHe washes his teeth even more than me and told me he always makes sure his dick is clean, so I'm grateful
>who has goals in lifeHe's not exactly someone who wants to be rich or super succesful, but he knows how to save money to go on his dream vacation in another country, so for me it counts
>and who has the basic discipline to work on themHe's very serious when it comes to work, so thank god he does have the discipline
>who has the finances to support a potential familyHmm, maybe not so much this one. He's an animator and doesn't get much pay
>who is emotionally availableThanking god that my moid is very empathetic and lovign and always listens to me
>who will take an active interest in me and actively plans things for the relationshipHe does!
>and who is taller than me, at least somewhat handsome and has a healthy body and lifestyleHe's not a model and can be VERY picky with food, but he's overall healthy.
I know this might sound like a stupid humblebrag, but my point is, if I achieved it, everyone else can. Don't give up hope
nonny No. 767618
>>767604Not really, men want women to be slutty on demand, if they somehow don’t feel like they want to have sex, you have to pretend you don’t have a sex drive; but if they want to have sex, you
must be ready to have sex because that’s what they want and you should somehow want to as well.
When they stumble upon a woman with a high sex drive, they get put in a corner and don’t know what to do because they’re retarded.
No. 767620>>767726
>>767588My nigel is far from perfect and sometimes drives me crazy but he's at least willing to listen and learn. Of course it would be ideal to find a man who's super mature from day one, but I think if you want to have a happy relationship the biggest necessity is to find someone who respects you and follows through on your requests rather than taking it as an attack to their ego. (Difficult since men are socialized to believe they're always right and deserve the world simply for existing.)
>who doesn't watch pornHe had issues with it for a while but never defended it, he realized it was shit. He stopped watching about a year into our relationship partly because I said I'd feel better and partly because he personally wanted to.
>who doesn't have at least some harmful fetishes like anal or worseHe's expressed some passing interest in anal for the novelty of it but hasn't repeatedly begged or tried to pressure me. Especially after I told him he'd have to let me peg him if I agreed kek. He's pretty vanilla otherwise.
>who takes brushing his teeth and hygiene seriouslyHe is actually very on top of his hygiene and somewhat OCD about it. Finds other guys who neglect self care gross.
>who has goals in lifeHard worker who has also started going down a career path that's smarter too. Fast learner and enjoys being able to bring his own finances to the table. Got better about saving.
>who has the finances to support a potential familyI'm childfree so I don't care about this. We're on the road to being able to afford a house and invest for retirement which is good enough for me.
>who is emotionally availableHe's sometimes a bit slow about this stuff but has learned a lot during our relationship and doesn't shut down or find it tedious when I want support. Gotten better about checking in emotionally without me having to ask.
>who will take an active interest in me and actively plans things for the relationshipHe's always remembering little things I mentioned that even I forgot, supports my hobbies and has set up some really cute dates and celebrations for us.
>and who is taller than me, at least somewhat handsome and has a healthy body and lifestyleI personally think he's super hot and he's attractive in enough of a mainstream way that others compliment his looks as well. He's 6' and works out regularly. If I had to pick his weakest point it's that he's not the tidiest person, but he does cook and clean regularly. (So his desk may look like a tornado but he regularly does the dishes and washes the sheets.)
No. 767722>>767726
>>767588Doing it for my moid now hehe
>who doesn't watch pornHe doesn't. Sometimes he reads doujins but I'm okay with that. For some reason the only, I don't know what you'd call them, erotic media(?) I like are fanfics and doujins. Besides his nudes of course. I guess I prefer to read.
>who doesn't have at least some harmful fetishes like anal or worseThank fuck he doesn't. We have exactly the same fetishes more or less, it's very refreshing.
>who takes brushing his teeth and hygiene seriouslyNah. This is one of the few things my moid fails at. His teeth are fine for now but I worry for when he gets older. We don't live together but when we do spend a couple of days at each other's place, he does put more effort into hygiene. And he cleans up if I ask.
>who has goals in lifeHe does, and he's working towards them well. I don't really understand his work (typical tech shit) but it's clear he has goals for it and is working up in it.
>and who has the basic discipline to work on themKind of? We're both in college and he really struggles to do his college assignments sometimes, but he can code for hours on end. I guess he's just the type of person who can only discipline himself when he enjoys what he's working on or believes it'll help him make money.
>who has the finances to support a potential familyYeah. It's nice. For Christmas he bought me very expensive gifts that I genuinely liked. I felt so grateful.
>who is emotionally availableYes. He is a very sweet man. He always listens to me. I think he's just a genuinely kind and 'good' person.
>who will take an active interest in me and actively plans things for the relationshipYes! I think this is so important. It's okay to not have all the same interests as your partner, but I do think it's important and sweet to at least take an active interest in their personal interests, what they want to do, where they want to go etc.
>and who is taller than me, at least somewhat handsome and has a healthy body and lifestyleMy moid is the same height as me (we're both quite short) but I prefer that. I think he is very handsome and most of my friends agree he is good looking. I really like his body. His diet could be healthier (he loves Burger King way too much, it's really not that good) but he's not fat at all thank fuck.
No. 767727
>>767576>who doesn't watch porn>who doesn't have at least some harmful fetishes like anal or worseI haven't given up all hope on men but having spent my early twenties (stupidly) on a fetishy themed site where people hooked up..I'm painfully aware of how many men are 'normal respectable bfs with no kinks or extreme porn habits' and then they're secretly on those sites hooking up with strangers and bitching about their gf being close minded and boring. Even offline I've had a roommate go through my room and when he discovered sex toys he thought I'd be up for having an affair?? Told me all his fetishes and shamed his gf for being vanilla. To add to that he was a decade older than me and planning on eventually marrying that same woman.
Also had gay friends on grindr show me that crap on there. 'Totally respectable married men' crossdressing or sucking a dick on their way home from work. Somehow all feeling entitled to live a double life like that.
No. 767776
>>767770lmao anon you basically described the entirety of lc.
like no anon, people are angry or mean towards you because you're just so hot and pretty, it's because you're probably incredibly insufferable
No. 767812
>>767770I look back on the bullying that I witnessed in my class when I was like 5 to 10 and there was a pattern of ugly fat kids with divorced parents (or ones being raised by grandma while mom was mia) bullying normal looking kids with married parents and better homes. It was an example of entirely jealousy based bullying for sure. But then teenage bullying that I witnessed was quite the opposite. No fatty would dare bully an attractive girl. The dynamic flipped over.
Actual autists got mild bullying throughout both though.
No. 767847
>>767842I know about that, it doesn't change my opinion.
>>767838I think intersectional feminism works in theory, but not practise. It ends in X group of women screeching at Y group for being karens, not supporting them through a specific struggle enough etc. I don't see a solution. It would be nice if women were able to both discuss racial issues as well as put differences aside to fight the common enemy. Or just support each other no matter what, like scrotes do kek. Sad how divided feminism is in general, no wonder we keep fighting each other.
No. 767865>>767878
>>767856Don't know if this is negging but I remember when I started dating my last bf he was full of compliments about me being smart, capable, having a cool style, thinking I'm hot, whatever. I had incredibly low self esteem. Always had.
I think I had maybe two moments during that relationship where I said something positive about myself and his reaction was to tell me not to get a big head? Me with my crippling low confidence and a life that has been drastically held back by low confidence.. Fuck those men worrying about you getting an ego when all you feel is two seconds of what it's like to be normal
No. 767869
>>767862Nta but I think I had a pua approach me a while back and while talking he pointed out another woman to me and rolled his eyes saying something like 'god types like her eh?' she was maybe a lil trashy in how she looked that day but why draw attention to the poor woman whose just walking past minding her own business?
I hate that they have to shit on women at all. Me or others lol. I'm not flattered that you compared me to a stranger two seconds into talking. I'm not competing and if I had to pick I'd rather fuck her than fuck you.
No. 767880
>>767871I'm an ex fakeboi and I come from an uptight household, super strict dad that to this day acts like he owns me..even though we live several hours apart and I'm getting gray hairs
I had my stupid gender phase and a year into taking T I finally told my dad. He took it ok at first but then switched and freaked out. Between that and me having my own doubts..I came off of it. I'm a gay woman. That's all I am. He still doesn't know I'm gay though. Or it hasn't been directly said. I found it easier to say I'm becoming a fucking man than to tell him I date other women as a woman. It's weird. And pretty fucked up that I've heard others say the exact same. Some parents will accept a 'straight trans son' before a lesbian.
No. 767886
>>767884correct, source: I'm a weeb
best we can do is to embrace that
No. 767942
>>767926Diff anon and I'll prob sound like a granny here but yeah they had a procedure, young people now vlog or document every fucking procedure or appointment online.
If they went to the dentist we'd get to hear about that instead. The comments would still be screaming YES QUEEN in support of them getting a root canal done. I don't even think it's that deep. Its all just attention. The procedure is legal, they had it. They got a few Yaas queens. Next week they'll get their covid shot and film the needle going in lol.
No. 767944
>>767912Pretty sure
>>767918 is just to piss pro-lifers off and be edgy like every teen on the internet.
No. 768037>>768115>>768137>>768139
>>767856Negging in it's original form is meant to be for 10/10 women who've never experienced a negative comment in their life. Supermodels, celebrities, etc etc who would be legitimately thrown off by someone not worshipping them. Using negs on regular girls with regular self esteem problems is absurd… if there's one thing I can reasonably expect from men based on past experience, it's insincere niceness to get into my pants and a fear of offending me and fucking up their chances. I have thin skin and would absolutely not respond well to a guy insulting me in any way, I'd lose any interest and assume they had no interest as well if they thought being mean to me was a good idea.
That's also an argument against 'all women love asshole chads!!', I am very unused to men being blatantly mean unless they have zero attraction to me. It's not something I'd ever, ever tolerate in a man pursuing me. Incel retards who believe we like assholes don't realize that men only show their true asshole colours later on, at the start they fake being nice.
No. 768115
>>768037The only time I've ever dated an asshole, it was a guy who had been on his best behaviour in the beginning. That act slipped slowly enough that I found us living together and frustratingly tied together before it hit me that he wasn't who he seemed to be earlier. In the end I definitely played my own role in making sure we went down in flames (pettiness begets more pettiness) but I can pinpoint the moment where that had been set in stone. The very first moment where he outright said something just to take me down a peg.. While I was already on a low peg? lol
Like alot of twenty-something women I was so fucking low in confidence. I was getting past depression and grief from losing a parent and the guy had once wanted to be the white knight helping me with that. Turns out if you actually show improvement they panic and change tactics.
Learnt a lesson from that. If you meet a guy and you're down as hell and in a bad place at the time of meeting them… look into that guys dating history or be very good at picking up signs. A man who wants to swoop in while you're down often isn't as romantic or charitable as you might want to believe.
No. 768128>>768155>>768157>>768248
>>768003gotta perform that femininity for everyone
seriously having kids is just a nasty power trip grosssss
No. 768137>>768146
>>768037>Using negs on regular girls with regular self esteem problems is absurdI'm glad you haven't had to deal with this and that you wouldn't be affected by it, but it's something that absolutely works on all types of women. A lot of us are trained from birth to do whatever we can to live up to scrotes' standards no matter how arbitrarily they change. Having someone be really nice and into you then suddenly hearing them say something casually derogatory like, "Whaat why are you wearing such a frumpy sweater? Is that your idea of a fashion statement or something?" can be very jarring. And not in a "Wow what a dick" way but an "Oh shit he liked me before, I guess it's just a sweater so I'll wear a dress next time" kind of way. And then it goes on and on until you're someone else entirely for the sake of winning some asshole's affection. It goes beyond the specific concept of negging into
abusive and manipulative tactics many men use without even knowing terms for it, they just feel entitled to push women to conform to the pretty braindead stereotype they desire.
No. 768146
>>768137>I'm glad you haven't had to deal with this and that you wouldn't be affected by it,I never said I wouldn't be affected by it, I literally wrote multiple times about how I have thin skin and would be extremely affected by it. I meant absurd as in it's a stupid, nonsensical tactic which will backfire, which is exactly your original point…
>>768139Yeah, it was hyperbole, but that's the logic specified by PUAs in The Game etc. They're targeting women they believe aren't accustomed to being insulted, which in their mind is top tier models and the like whether that's reality or not.
No. 768242
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I like when artists draw characters with vitiligo. I think it looks nice, and idk why so many anons seem to think it's weird or bad when they see artwork of someone with vitiligo. I even thought that vitiligo barbie was cute. Sidenote but, the vitiligo trend kind of reminds me of when heterochromia was popular
No. 768248
>>768155anon says "lmao what" and is called a troon, I don't get it
>>768128antinatalism sperging should be banned, they have their containment thread on /g/ so knock your socks out there
No. 768271>>768276>>768326>>768363
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They were intended to be a lesbian couple, not sisters. Nobody can change my mind.
No. 768362
>>767832Intersectional Feminism does make sense, but it's easy to take too far from the core issue.
>Gays are persecuted just like women are and homophobia is rooted in misogyny>So intersectionalism must include gay men by proxy>trans people are often gay men and persecuted for being trans, they should be included too!>Now racism and oppression against muslim immigrants…And so forth, soon you get a group that's not at all interested in supporting female issues since they've gathered so many demographics their interests start clashing. And then the movement gets hijacked by the loudest one, often men.
Slightly related but I hate how people think being "a white woman" is some sort of a default beauty standard around the world when in reality the stereotype in many non-white countries is that white western women are hypersexual whores who don't mind being groped or even raped and will put out for anyone.
No. 768363
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>>768271sorry but you sound like that scrote from /u/ who's obsessed with them ( and who has already sperged once on the lesbian media thread )
No. 768414
>>768401Lesbians are rad
And that should be obvious knowing where we are, your question was bait.
No. 768467
>>768449Of course, after all, you're not like other girls.
Tell a man to prioritize intimacy over his dick cumming, see how that goes. And sex is all about orgasming anyway.
No. 768501
>>768488I love my male friends! I don't want to sound dumb and I don't want to infight, but I actually feel like I've been lucky to find pretty nice and funny guys out there. Very low in the "shit men do" scale, they can be quite romantic and empatheric in their life. They always treated me with respect, I've never been sexually harassed by my male friends and they've never been into me/me into them. And this is very lucky considering I live in Mexico and men here are the worst, most
abusive and gross guys with machismo problems and they look like ugly potatoes.
It's actually women IRL that I always have a lot of trouble making frienships with. All the ex female friends I've had always end up having some weird trauma, weird relationship with their parents, and were plain
toxic to me.
No. 768716
I'm short and I don't act aggressive at all. I also don't know of any other shorties who act aggressive either. Are you just surrounded by crazy women or are you generalizing to begin with?
No. 768736
>>768725It upsets me when tall anons don’t like me, it feels like being rejected by tall qt irl :(
>>768730Averagefags are the true enemy. You culturally appropriate both of us.
No. 768907>>768913>>768918>>768933
>>768905This whole post is a word salad but
>some people should avoid (being born themselves)…what?
No. 768913
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>>768907?? ! what do you mean!?
No. 768918
>>768905I agree, some people most definitely should not have kids
>>768907She's telling you to kys anon, undo and avoid being born again
No. 768921>>768927>>769112
>>768905Retard, how are eugenics wrong? People have large brain to develop technology to control chilbirth, there is no
valid excuse to let genetically broken babies being born. If you care so much about down syndrome tards, go adopt one, will 'ya?
No. 768927
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>>768921The problem is, would you trust our current society to judge who gets to be born and who doesn't? People in power would find a way to game the system, like usual, and the rest of us would get fucked, like usual. Once you freely allow eugenics, it's a slippery slope. At least if everyone has a right to be born, then everyone has a more or less fair chance at life.
No. 768933
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>>768907>>some people should avoid (being born themselves)We must avoid being born KEK better luck next time I guess
No. 769374
>>769369I agree
I also hate how "productivity hacks" are incessantly spammed to the point where people are embarrassed to not have a "side-hustle" or five jobs at one time. It's a bit tin-foil, but I think the dramatic increase in popularity of all this garbage is a planned distraction from serious economic, environmental, and government issues that are not being addressed
No. 769562>>769564
>>769542Imo this is right to be an unpopular opinion, it only works in casual relationships where you can afford to not solve the problem or want them to leave you alone
We shouldn't have to be their therapists but men have such terrible emotional intelligence that if you never bring up an issue they will never either. I wouldn't want to have a relationship where we don't communicate and problems are just ignored.
No. 769568
>>769542Couldn't be me. I'm not conceding to a scrote's bad takes. A man who can't tolerate being wrong is a big red flag.
>>769564Of course if he refuses to change his mind on important things then I'm not dating him.
No. 769574>>769588
>>769542To an extent. For more serious matters you need to lay out the expectations/boundaries early so if they violate them, you have an established reason to justify leaving. But that's different from arguing the same issue over and over and being a doormat, however.
Works for other things though.
One time my bf got into an argument with me and later he showed me some stupid coomer tier meme that was related to our argument from facebook. It was really gross and sexist. I raised an eyebrow and was dead silent while his laughter puttered out and he realized I was serious.
"Y-you're right that's disgusting…" and he pulled away his phone. Lmao. But just imagine had I laughed along pretending to not be bothered, or would have bitched him out for showing me that which would have made me the bitchy offended karen. Sometimes silence is super effective.
No. 769604>>769606>>769635>>769656
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People that feel attracted to him aren't pedophiles, dude looks 25yo no way he's 15.
No. 769682>>769695
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>>769671Listen to Broke with Expensive Taste album, they’re probably referring to her recent music. why is almost everyone on this website so boring sometimes
No. 769695
>>769689I didn’t love 1991, but 212 (obvi) and Liquorice are dope tracks. I get what you’re saying with house music + rap in Van Vogue especially, not my fave bc it was busy imo, but it was cool and different.
>>769682Yeah I was trying to go recent-ish to older, I’ll give this a run.
No. 769842>>769846
>>769837right? and when someone who is too "normie" for them starts presenting with mental illness, or reveals they have suffered with it, they are not actually
valid in their eyes. I'm not normie enough but I've seen it be said a lot by these people and it's like, you don't speak for the "neurodivergents." you actively argue to make things worse in some cases (like pretending low-functioning autism isn't a thing because their privileged ass never met someone who causes scenes in public and is undeniably in need of help)
No. 769969
>>769575Agree but isn't this a popular opinion
>>769578I support this
No. 770142>>770151
>>770140Is this an attempt at negging?
Women should be bothered by scrotes watching porn period. It is not a desirable thing to be his fetish. Men have Madonna whore complex, they don’t view porn stars as people and would never commit to one.
No. 770154>>770159
>>769802Uh no kek
The only time I’ve heard of women using something besides the bathroom is from emergent need, never, not once, just laziness
No. 770159>>770160
>>770154The only time I piss in a cup is in a doctor office.
Which, why the fuck isn’t there a better way to collect urine for women??? Why do I still have to piss on my hand in 2021??? Just another reminder of the omnipresence of patriarchy. Reeee
No. 770239>>770284
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Meganebu deserved more love and attention, it was a nice anime and it was supposed to be sad as fuck, but it never got the second season it deserved.
No. 770284
>>770239I was so hyped for it at the time. Still love that little faggot Takuma. And the artstyle was awesome too, so original and fun.
I don't know, maybe the designs weren't pandering enough or the timing wasn't right. The incredibly low DVD sales were sad to see.
Man this takes me back. We are, we are~
No. 770346>>770610
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All pixar/disney films look like nightmare fuel, it looks so shit and play doughy, like actual poop. Cant wait until this 3d phase becomes niche but I don’t think that will ever be possible. Blender/mayafags are like silicon sperg geniuses because using those programs are insanely hard
No. 770597>>770600>>770604
>>758317Piss baby. Coke is equivalent to drinking alcohol. In fact, alcohol
fucks you up more. Come back when you're doing fire and ice.
No. 770733>>770765>>770811
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>>770662you're telling me these bitches aren't cute?
No. 770765
>>770733Exactly this. Anon is being performative in her Sanrio hatred.
NLOG type beat, except we didn't even accuse her of being like other girls.
No. 770811>>770848
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>>770733NTA but most sanrio is hit or miss, san-x is nice except for rilakkuma. My favorite sanrio is now keroppi after my melody and kurmi got fucked by egirls. Keroppi is perfection
No. 770848
>>770810You're right that thinking critically is healthier than following a crowd. Here I think it's a difference of intentions. When scrotes say "think for yourself," it's because they don't want to elaborate on or defend their shitty opinions. Also because they feel they're the authority on everything, the most unique and speshul, who have come up with these amaaaazing ideas all on their own with any outside influence. True critical thinkers evaluate multiple sources of information to find the truth, adjusting their beliefs and outlooks accordingly. "Think for yourself" scrotes do not.
>>770811Anon can you
please get some new Keroppi pics, maybe some with actually transparent backgrounds? Quit posting the same images all over /ot/, Miss Common Sense Opinions Thread.
No. 770874
>>770869If she has multiple kids then she probably eats like a bird at home, anon. I bet you she sneaks soda and pizza at work because her kids would gobble it up or beg for some if she tried to eat that shit at home.
I've known skinny people with shit diets, but their trick is that they eat small portions and convince themselves and others that they frequently pig out. So they don't gain weight cause they just don't eat the calories. If your coworker is having a 1000 calorie lunch, it doesn't mean shit if she goes home and maybe snacks on another ~200 or so before she prepares something for the kids and goes to bed.
No. 771012
>>770975>>770970>>770972>>770967I am
>>770963 and yes, I have PCOS and both sides of my family have a history of diabetes, including my father.
Keto works great for people in the same situation as me though, I used to be miserable counting calories and not seeing results at all, after switching to keto I stopped counting calories because it legit doesn't matter (i even stopped counting the carbs kind of cause after a while you kinda just know by heart) and lost more than 15kg + bloating and also my skin got heaps better
No. 771021
>>770945it really does though, companies like 23andme can even look at your genes and tell how fat you probably are by your genetic predisposition.
>>770959not entirely, since "a calorie is a calorie" is wrong. your body has different hormonal responses to different foods. I recommend watching the youtube channel What I've Learned and his videos about sugar and calories. also there's a documentary called That Sugar Film where a guy doesn't increase his calorie intake from what he was already eating but switches to eating sugary foods that are marketed as "healthy" yet he gains a bunch of weight and gets fatty liver disease.
>>770970you can be born with type 1 diabetes which is not insulin resistance. it's where your pancreas just stops working and your body can't make insulin. type 2 is insulin resistance and I'm pretty sure you can't be born with it which is why it used to be called adult onset diabetes.
No. 771063
>>771041Okay but for a while rap really was bad because it became the coolest thing and so everybody tried to do it and the results were absolutely awful.
Astrology is huge right now and the results are very embarrassing because the average person is absolutely shit
No. 771102>>771271>>771289
>>771096Completely agreed
Is fun like "Ooh does my crush's sign match with mine", kinda like doing a buzzfeed test
But people who take it so seriously to the point of not interacting with ""bad signs"" or even not hiring people based on signs (yes I've seen it IRL) is beyond stupid
btw scorpios are cool keep being cool mwah No. 771241>>771249>>771250
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It makes me depressed how progressively uglier people of all races/classes are becoming since the 90s. When I see old photos from the 80s and back it makes me so fucking depressed, esp when I see media from the 60s and 70s, goofy fashions notwithstanding. Every guy was an alpha male model chad by today's standards, even your random bum waiting outside studio54. You had to exceptional ugly to be "ugly". Women didn't have a billion instagram, cheap fillers and shitty surgeries. These crazy/ugly features on steroids (barbie noses, sausage lips, filler witch chins, bigorexia and jawsersize for men ect) weren't a thing. I wish I could just take a time machine back there and stay, maybe I could actually met a man I didn't find visually repulsive or fat
No. 771249
>>771241i feel like people are less fit / fatter now, and unexplicably uglier, but maybe the photos we decided to save were only of beautiful people ?
beauty standards were less strict then, you didn't have to have straight teeth or shaved legs.
No. 771297>>771302>>771309>>771379>>771389>>772347
shouldn't astrology be real? Think of it this way: the 100% unique location in timespace in which you were born influences various aspects of your life. That's pretty sensible and believable as far as I'm concerned.
I think people who rag on astrology might have control issues. They can't bear the idea that some things are determined at birth, randomly, imperceptibly, and without recourse. Sorry you're a virgo or whatever.
No. 771302>>771307
>>771297Serious question (I asked on the astrology thread on /g/ months ago but nobody answered, and I'm genuinely curious):
What would a natal chart of the first person born in outer space or on another planet look like? How will astrology adapt if/when we leave our home planet? So far it's only applicable down here. Are there any efforts to expand it so it can be applied beyond our planet, and what do they look like?
No. 771309>>771415
>>771297It might have an effect, mainly for people born way before us, since even the seasons changing and depending wether your mother bore you in a season of famine or abundant crops probably had lasting effects on your health, personality and shit. It's still arrogant to think that astrologists have it figured out since they reference their own interpretations and even if they work with a margin of error of 90%, they'll be right sometimes, right?
The question of free will is separate from this, you can accept that fate exist (as in the events and others' choices will influence your life in a way you have zero control over it) from believing that someone can
read your fate because they said so.
I feel like we're getting near a "no astrology sperg" rule.
No. 771311
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>>771294Me too anon, I'm chill I swear.
I don't really like this whole second wave of New Age that we're having. A lot of women I know got into shit like crystal healing or whatever crystal spiritual bs
but hey, at least it's aesthetically pleasing
No. 771379>>771415
>>771297It just feels about as real as psychics to me. There is literally no empirical evidence suggesting that astrology is anything other than a pseudoscience and I'm just not big on how smug and haughty people get when they find out your starsign and claim to have some kind of sudden deep understanding of you, when all they're really doing is throwing a lot of
incredibly general shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.
"Oh you're a sagittarius so that means sometimes you want to be alone, but also sometimes you want to be with other people!" "Oh my god that's sooo me!" Whole thing just makes me cringe a bit.
No. 771389>>771415
>>771297Switch it around: Why
would the 100% unique location in timespace in which you were born influence various aspects of your life?
No. 771415>>771478>>771519
>>771309That's a really good point. I haven't thought about it as a distinction between the existence of fate and another human being accurately predicting that fate. Seems a bit silly of me now, considering I don't even know where astrology research comes from. Certainly not the word of God, seeing as there's so much speculating and contention even between amateur astrologists.
>>771379Another good point! Comprehending the metaphysical is that much harder when the culture around it can be so asinine. Reminds me of a short news story on a palm reader who straight up admitted that his profession is bullshit. He would just throw out some generalities and see what stuck, then build from there.
>>771389Hard to put it into words. I wish I could say something other than "fate," or "angels," or "movements in the celestial plane." Somehow I feel like it's just as important as DNA, simply because it is completely unique. Even if we can't feel it and it doesn't matter much in daily life, everything is always
moving. In the end, I guess it's just intriguing to me and not a fully formed opinion.
No. 771422
>>771364Hopefully this is a bait, it isn't that deep
nonnie. Go touch some grass and feel the sunshine in your face
No. 771429>>771657
>>771307You've got a point about constellations, the distances between stars are so great that we will probably never get there, and even if we ever get as far as to be able to see completely different constellations, it's likely "we" won't be human anymore but something else because of how much time would pass.
So let's talk just about those born in our solar system. If a person is born on Mars, their Mars can't be in this or that house, they won't have a Mars in their natal chart, they're on it. But they can have Earth in their natal chart, right? It was in the sky when they were born. What would that mean, having Earth in your 1st or whatever house?
I'm not an astrologist either so forgive me if I'm getting something wrong here.
No. 771519
>>771415Yeah, as
>>771478 said, it's really cool of you to be keen to listen to differing opinions and I appreciate you taking mine on board - nice to have a healthy nuanced discussion on here with someone!
No. 772039>>772044
>>771935Is having a child with no scrote better than having a deadbeat or
abusive scrote for a father? Not saying those are the only options, but I think a loving and prepared (emphasis on prepared, a lot of issues stem from economic insecurity) intentional single parent family would be better than the possibility of a broken family.
No. 772058>>772062
>>771935But who is stealing jizz?
Scrotes waive their rights, they don't want to be known fathers to children. You're more angry about people paying to raise a baby that isn't even genetically all their own, versus a scrote dropping off a load for his selfish reasons?
Sorry, but this is weird. Not to mention children born to couples who use IVF tend to have more stable home environments being that they're invested and wanted. Assuming all sperm donor children have no father figures or two-parent households is asinine anyway. You have no clue what you're talking about and I hope this is bait.
No. 772062
>>772058>assuming all sperm donor children have no father figures or two-parent households is asinine anyway.To add to your post, there
are sperm donors that agree to meet the children they father.
No. 772129>>772149>>772253
>>772117I've had guys bang on about how I was "the only woman who'd fulfill this kink, other women all refused!"
I'm now living that sexless life, I'm close to repulsed by sex and I don't associate sex with MY pleasure or my orgasm. I bent over backwards and gave these guys some fap material to think back to for years though, at least they had fun… I fucking hate my past self.
No. 772253
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>>772117>>772129>only girl who agreed to his kink FUCKKK I can’t believe my dumbfuck pickme libfem stupid bitch ass self EVER thought this was a compliment. It fills me with cringe everyday to remember that I was the only girl doormat and pickme enough to cater to a man’s bullshit.
Don’t be like me, young women.
No. 772303>>772375
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>>772117Bf recently complimented me for having the best sex he's ever had in a relationship, including his longest ltr.
>tfw it's all vanilla sex where he does all the work and I don't even have to put his cock in my mouth Feels good. Crazy to think I used to put myself in such positions of discomfort for male pleasure when they're just as eager with the basics if they're not pornsick. He loves pleasing me instead which is how it ought to be.
No. 772361>>772364
>>772355Anon, do you know what a hobby is? Something doesn't have to have a ton of meaning for someone to find enjoyment out of it. I've never watched Star Wars, but I would assume that Star Wars fans learn stuff like Klingon because they're fucking nerds who like the movies. You could also say playing video games are a waste of time since they're not real and have no real meaning.
>>772357What does this have to do with feminism?
No. 772375>>772376
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>>772303Absolutely based anon.
I love vanilla sex. I never get tired of that shit.
No. 772611>>772638
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Trans girls excel at everything cis "women" can't do. Looks, talent, style. TERFs are green with envy when they see tgirls and that's why they created a whole ass ideology that protects their fragile failed wehmen ego.(piss-poor bait)