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No. 766224
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>>766220You were that upset you made a whole thread about it?
No. 766225
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>>766224nta, I made the thread
here's my popular opinion: keroppi is cute
No. 766229
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>>766225Agree, Keroppi is super cute! Tuxedo Sam is really adorable too.
No. 766237
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Cannabis should be legal.
No. 766243
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My popular opinion: you are what you eat, but also, you are what you say
No. 766252
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>>766241>we all know they were into gore, lolicon, and poltard racismwhat the fuck
No. 766271
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Color theory, color psychology, the society outlook on colors and the meaning of colors affect us more than we think in everyday life, and it can change or improve our mood very greatly. This is why I never suround myself with black.
No. 766315
>>766271This. Also, the same is true of music.
I'm typing this while wearing black and listening to sad music.
No. 766328
>>766264When I scroll past the Lori thread in /w/ it's always anons screeching about her being a fatty and it legitimately makes me sick. She's skinny as hell but they're out there saying she's a lardass because she has a skin fold sitting down. I mean she's a borderline horrorcow but I would kill to have a body like that, ana-chans are actual cancer.
>>766321They're just regular blackpills instead of terfs tbh, radfems are about more shit than just being critical of trannies
No. 766333
>>766328What the fuck is a blackpill? miss me with that shit.
Anyways, radical feminists can be very hyppocritical, and that will be the thing that will discredit and kill the movement in the future if we aren't careful enough.
No. 766336
>>766328>The blackpill is a philosophy that female sexual desire is very inflexible and hence men's dating problems require systemic rather than personal solutions, if a solution exists at all.[1] It has emerged in opposition to the redpill movement which instead promotes self-improvement and various dating tricks.From the incel's wiki.
So from now on, anyone who calls themself blackpilled will be just another incel for me. No wonder they were so obsessed with the word cuck and breeder. Fuck this disgusting shit. I fucking hate this shit so much. Fuck incels, fuck scrotes, fuck trannies, and fuck misogynistic femcels.
No. 766340
>>766336I mean femcel itself is incel terminology, iirc the original incel movement was started by a woman, but it wasn't originally hateful before the men came aboard. Blackpill basically just means that they're doomposters that think humanity is screwed because women are having relationships with men instead of just going to female colonies and milking men for sperm like cows in slavery, and similiar shit. But since most women do not hate men on such level, the world is screwed because of hetero women, etc. etc.
Blackpill philosophies of any kind suck, since they propose to lie down and cry, so it's logical conclusion should be that they off themselves, which they won't, so they're hypocrites.
No. 766343
>>766340I'm sorry but this shit is so disgusting
>Nihilism, fatalism and incelicide: Some blackpillers say the damage done is irreparable at this point and advocate fatalism. Such blackpillers are often driven by essentialist views that female sexuality is so strongly biologically hardwired that it would require a civil war to undo the sexual revolution, or that it is simply not feasible and has also historically never been substantially better>Lowering women's status: Women's hypergamy means that for each man there needs to be a woman of lower status. This implies, to reduce inceldom, women's status relative to men needs to be lowered in general. Not necessarily as far that all women are below men, but many in the manosphere do advocate for this.>Women mostly have a horrible character, if any>Women are incapable of romance and love>Women only love men's resources>Women's depression and loneliness are at best self-inflicted, at worst a means of getting attention>Women behave like children>Women exhibit a dual mating strategy (betabuxx)>Women have a passive, transactional and opportunistic love style>Women are solipsistic because men want to fuck themetc.
Blackpilled and feminist shouldn't be mixed in the same sentence. this shit is nuts.
>>766340>women are having relationships with menWhich is normal even if lolcow denies it
> instead of just going to female colonies and milking men for sperm like cows in slaveryGod, anime and hentai truly were a mistake. I want these retards to kill themselves so bad.
No. 766356
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>>766343Another anon already pointed out, but you're reading the blackpill incel take on feminism, although picrel doesn't sound more alluring either. When you google for it you should add "-incel" for better results.
No. 766364
>>766356>female pickme behaivor is biologyWhat kind of brainrot is this?
>Equality is a lieIt literally isn't, we have something very close to equality in many societies. Not in burgerland though.
>Feminism is a scam and a failed movementIt isn't. It was corrupted by males, yes, but some of us who are real feminists never went away.
>there's nothing we can do about it.Literally not true. If all women came together we could change so fucking much. It has happened before.
>enjoy the ride to hell.This kind of doomerism is so fucking sad. Holy hell. I feel like they all are mentally ill and pass too much time inside imageboards so their brainrot is similar to that one of a scrote. These people need to go outside and interact with real women, get support from real women, talk with real women, think of women's needs. This way of talking and thinking isn't healthy and yesterday's embarassing behaivor was super obnoxious to witness. They think they can yell and quote shit all they want but they're nothing but autistic girls with no female circle of support. And that's sad.
No. 766380
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Everyone, relax. Look into the borzois eyes.
No. 766387
>>766381>everyone should try it, at least onceMental illness
I think eating nonprocessed shit should be a daily thing, not a novelty for the holidays
No. 766416
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Heterosexuals are some of the most uncreative, blandest people on earth. I can’t wait for their next artistic and intellectual genius when I have to watch the millionth rom-com with hetero male 1 and hetero woman 2, the hetero male only has to say “aww baby girl, c’mere” and the hetero woman gets wet, like wtf? Like what is so enticing about this shit? Don’t you people get bored? Yuck yuck yuck yuck yuck. This is peak sanity and if you don’t agree then there is something wrong with you.
No. 766435
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I regret making this thread because no-one who uses lolcow is possibly sane. My mistake. Mods please delete this fucking thread
No. 766442
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>>766416KEK you think this is bad? The more you cry about it being shat up, the more it will be. It invokes the Streisand affect. That’s why there’s so many retards here.
No. 766450
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>>766431Have you guys seen the hetero straights that manage to escape my zoo?
This is what they looked like running away
No. 766458
>>766451That was an app, dumbass
Though, 4chan can be removed from public view on google, just like 8chan was, but it’s still good for art and porn
Also, wouldn’t lolcow go for the same reason? Leave the sites alone.
No. 766486
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>>766220Yass queen I love being a cock slave and a breeder and I love exploiting third worlders for resources and ruining the planet with my shitty kids and spreading the cancer of consciousness across the universe! It's my individual choice therefore it's sane and hot. I'm glad this thread exists, show 'em nonnies!
No. 766494
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>>766488>>766488newfag go back to 4chan
No. 766497
>>766486You will never be my
No. 766507
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>>766502no you're totally a newfag
No. 766509
>>766494>>766505Ignore her. She's doing it for attention at this point, like
>>766263 said
No. 766515
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>>766513and next you'll say you're not like other girls because you're soooo "blackpilled" right?
No. 766531
>>766518I don't remember when's the last time I talked about my bf with my best friend and both of us are in ltrs kek
>>766513I might agree with you if you said low life normies whose lives consist of going to trashy clubs on weekends, thinking that working in a cosmetic store makes them hot shit and they peaked in high school because I do know such women. But they're really not the majority
No. 766534
anyway go listen to Black Obsidian and Sekhmet She Owl you oblivious babies. you have to be retarded if you believe that partnering up with men is better for the cause than separatism. comments like these
>>766373 is the ultimate proof that women choose comfort over truth and being independent.
No. 766538
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>>766220Unironically, it's kind of hot. The anti-natalist blackpilled LARPer scrotes are kind of doing the exact opposite of what they want.
>ywn get bred by a 7 foot tall bullman with beautiful, majestic long hair and horns you can grab onto>ywn have your stress and worries pounded away every night because breeding is his main "thing" >ywn cuddle with him and live together in a cute house with your adorable children>ywn laugh when he lacks common sense but feel your heart melt whenever he protects and takes care of you*real life scrotes who don't resemble pic related can fuck off
>>766486We know you fag incels are mad because you will never breed any of us
No. 766539
>>766538I have a small
breeding kink, but online childfree people have made me fucking despise that word lmao