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No. 711339
>>>/ot/703305cry here.
note from previous thread:
>As an added note, don't infight ITT. It's one thing to comment on an anon's post, but it's another to try and start infighting with an anon by replying with a snarky response (ex. "what did you expect to happen anon?") "that doesn't happen"
>just let anon vent, if you want to be a nitpicky bitch head over to /pt/ or /snow/. no1currs about your shitty input. No. 711353
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I'm due to have my birth control implant taken out soon and I just read stories of some ladies that have had such a hard time cause the implant was hard to find, or fused into the muscle, or the scar tissue from the first removal got caught on it, and it left nasty scars. So now I'm screaming inside and questioning on if I can really count on this as my forever BC or just crawl back to pills until I can get my tubes tied.
No. 711405
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>>711374When you do make sure you use this
No. 711471
>>711428They’re disgusting. I cringe whenever they say anything about a child. The left in general loves to use children as a way to patronise their opposers, but the reason kids don’t care about trannies in the women’s toilets etc is because a) they’re too innocent to understand the implications
B) they are governed by their emotions, making them the perfect vessel for indoctrination and emotional manipulation
No. 711511
My father is so male that he can only speak if someone else is in the middle of a sentence. He is so male that his sense of hearing does not function unless the other person is speaking directly to him and about him. He is incapable of reacting to anything that isn't about himself. He is always right about every single little thing that he says, even though, 99% of the time he has no clue and comes off as an idiot who read the headline of the article only and acts like an expert on the story. He's a mean bully and grossly insensitive and tactless when it comes to women. Whenever one does something that suggests he isn't as factually correct and intelligent as he strives off to portray himself, he either insinuates that she is emotional, needlessly aggressive, or he sulks like a child. Which is what he is. A little boy, playing around with the big kids at his corporate job, going on bike trips, acting like he's a frat boy. Always has some stupid, unfunny joke or dumbass comment to make. His feeble attempts at being useful must be appreciated with praise, or else he will throw his toys out because he physically cannot try harder. He deserves the cunt he married and I hope they stay together forever and never bring themselves upon anyone else. When I was younger, I thought he was better than my mom, because he left me alone. Yes, really, being an absent father figure is at the top of his achievement list. I will be applaud you, dad, but I'm not coming to your house anymore. I hope that thing falls to pieces. Nothing but bad memories in there. You can all go to hell without me. I'll find you a good nursing home when you drive each other insane in old age and then I'll never fucking visit.
No. 711532
>>711529The amount of middle aged men that I am stuck interacting with in work daily that have this 'everything is a conspiracy built against men like me' mindset. Like please address your depression and stop making out like the whole world is fucked up and you're so woke for somehow having it all figured out.
Your head is fucked, sir. And you suck the life out of every person you talk to.
No. 711543
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>>711525holy shit this is giving me second hand embarassment
we should start a CC milk cringe thread
No. 711598
>>711586I've seen way too many examples of customers at the top of the queue pulling down their mask in order to cough and then putting it back on post cough and I just cannot understand the thought process. Why do they think we wear them in the first place? Why do they think you can't cough into it?
Mostly it's heavy smokers who are coming in to buy more cigs so I pray that's the cause of the coughing. I hate it.
Sorry about your situation anon
No. 711624
>>711532>>711544>>711557Right now it’s the only thing he talks about so it’s not even funny anymore. He only watch these eternal videos which of course show proof of what he wants to believe & see. Also as some of you said, he feels like a
victim ALL THE TIME. He mops and mourns and is always in this cranky mood because he thinks some worldwide change is happening and he can’t do anything about it? So of course he complains and complains and tries to convince me of what I have to believe and think and this pisses me off so. Freaking. Much. I couldn’t care less about what he wants to believe but I just can’t deal with him trying to force his ideas into my mind. Just because he repeats it time after time won’t change a single thing, quite the opposite tbh.
No. 711636
>>711624I remember getting into david icke type conspiracies as a mentally ill reclusive teen. I even dated a way worse conspiracy theorist than myself for a while. He was a little too far gone and never came out of it. I remember around 2008 reading about how we were all 5 years away from having microchips implanted in our hands, bank cards would be gone and we'd scan our own hands everywhere to access anything we needed. If you pissed off the government they'd disable your access to funds through 'switching off your chip' and then you'd be fucked.
None of it happened lol. You could reach and say that banks are upgrading systems all the time (my ex still insists shit is always around the corner) It's a miserable way to think and it has been eating him up for 15 years with no signs of it happening for real. Their timelines are always way off and some people just keep waiting for the day predictions come true. Just give it ten more years… oh wait another ten. Trust me guys it's totally coming. I caught up with him lately and fuck me it's like time stood still. The perceived victimhood is the worst part.
No. 711639
My sister has a stereotypical untrained yappy chihuahua. She doesn't understand the concept of training or rewarding certain behavior whatsoever so the dog is just allowed to whine and cry and bark all day as she always gives into petting and treats. Now she's complaining about how her neighbors "dont like dogs" because they've complained to her about the barking. It angers me to no end because half of her neighbors also have dogs, who are just well-trained enough to not bark their heads off all day. They don't hate dogs.
>>711353If it helps at all I was worried about the same thing but got mine taken out in less than 5 minutes, no pain or anything. If you can still feel it on the surface of your muscle you're good.
No. 711689
>>711674There literally is no such thing as a "good" or "bad" pussy – unless you really neglect its hygiene I can guarantee you theres a 99% chance that the scrotes judging your (lovely) pussy are salty incels.
>>711687Actually it can be useful to do before pregnancy to strengthen your pelvic floor – other than that, dont do kegels for being better at sex lmao
No. 711698
>>711662It's horrid. I am glad I'm not alone, but it's sad that it hasn't ended for you. Has anything helped you with your depression or is it truly just… trudging through the minutes until something takes you? Also, do you (/ anyone else) ever have those moments where you feel like you've hit a fight or flight moment and you just sit there certain that you're going to drop down dead and it feels like you're staring down the barrel of a gun or an angry bear about to maul you? I had that while taking a depression walk in the middle of the night, it may have been my first (and thankfully only) panic attack.
>>711665I appreciate you and your optimism, but can we really say that now? I remember in one of my last therapy sessions, my therapist started venting to me about her climate anxieties, and about how she felt hopeless in the face of it all. The world is in dire straights. Sometimes, I'm thankful for depression, because it's less scary to think about myself dying than the entire world slowly boiling and drowning.
No. 711714
>>711694I had an ex with a thing for fisting, stretching, gape (both vaginal and anal, both giving and receiving!) I don't think I'll ever be able to fulfill that fantasy for anyone but would love to see men like him represented in these articles lmao
Lets not take mens preferences too seriously
No. 711755
>>711511My father is the opposite (as in the only thing he knows is talk shit about other people and deflect), but
> I thought he was better than my mom, because he left me alone.Top kek. I relate
No. 711818
>>711807Thanks, anon. I’m really considering it. To add more details bc vent:
I thought he was meeting up with a married couple every once in a while (he has been meeting up with them plus another chick, other chicks husband was the one who tested positive)
He tried to say he trusted married couple when they invited her over after they’d quarantined (he willingly met up with someone who’d been exposed but not tested, and didn’t think to ask questions?)
He tried to say the husband wasn’t there like that makes it fucking better
…he’s always lacked critical thinking but this is the first time I’ve been put in the line of fire because of it. He’s straight up dumb and short sighted.
No. 711826
>>711821ayrt. how long have you guys been dating? u seem like a responsible woman with common sense, idk how u can date someone like him.. seriously, wtf @ him
willingly meeting up with someone who is exposed to the virus? in a lot of countries you have to stay away from ppl who have been exposed to the virus even tho they have tested negative(because they have to quarantine for 7-14 days).
No. 711835
>>711826It was a year at the end of October.
I’m asking myself the same question. There’s always been a disparity in maturity between the two of us, however, I never thought he’d be so careless with this- he does have a malicious bone in his body he’s just… dumb. Anon, I don’t know if he was trying to make himself look better by adding the details I just wrote above, or if he was coming clean, but it made me see red and consider blocking him. I think he’s shitting his pants rn because I’ve been stern in the past but never outright livid towards him.
No. 711845
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my mom is too focused on her new boyfie she met online that always tries to pressure her into phone sex but it's ok because he makes ~art~ and his son just killed himself so he "needs to release things" like fucking sperm i guess and talking to me for over 20 minutes on how he's the most perfect man in the world even though they just met rather than helping me get through rape trauma kek. doesn't help she told my crazy aunt about it without my permission and she yelled at me for being upset cause she doesn't wanna go through this pain alone or something.
my therapist that i've known for years left recently without anybody telling me so now i have to tell a random stranger about my trauma if the company can even find me one again. love my life. pls come laugh at me i feel like i'm in a stupid fucking dark sitcom.
No. 711916
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Zoom university again tomorrow and I'm not ready. I needed a longer break.
No. 711920
>>711852i thought i was the only one that was like ???? when my therapist disappeared. she's seen me go through so much and i know she would have the right words to say about this situation because she doesn't sugar coat shit.
i'm just afraid i'm going get a new therapist and they're going to just tell me to communicate or something… like i've been trying. thank you, anon.
No. 711949
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Really wish I didn't still have such a completely fucked up relationship with my body & appearance that a minor comment can upset me. I'm too old for this shit.
Now I just keep thinking about how fucking fat I've gotten in the last few years, It's all my damn fault. Plus how ugly my body just is in general
No. 711954
>>711942They're women, anon.
>>711948The Fakeboi thread has a lot of FTMs lurking there just to shit on fakebois that aren't ~trans enough~. Their spergery knows no bounds.
No. 711958
>>711949>Really wish I didn't still have such a completely fucked up relationship with my body & appearance that a minor comment can upset me. I'm too old for this a fellow bdd-chan i feel this way too hard and it fucking sucks, i've unironically considered roping over offhanded comments people have made about my appearance
as for the weight don't be too hard on yourself, take some steps towards getting fit but don't do it solely with appearance in mind, you know? make sure you're also doing it for your health
No. 712010
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For the first time in my entire life, I'm going on a date. In 8 hours. I'm a nervous fucking wreck. I took a long shower, shaved my legs for once, did my hair, did my nails, going to do my makeup and dress nice.. but I worry I'll be too ugly still or too awkward no matter how hard I try to look nice. This guy is way too cute for me to fuck this shit up, but I'm such an awkward retard who can barely put a sentence together that I feel like it's gonna be awful and I'll ruin everything. And I keep worrying like, what if it's really awkward? What if I don't know what to say or do? If it doesn't work out and we end up having no chemistry I don't mind, but actually being face to face with him to decide that is kind of terrifying. We already spoke on the phone and it wasn't weird or awkward at all, but meeting in person is scary as I'm terrible at talking. All I want is a casual boyfriend not a marriage partner so it's nothing serious but my fucking anxiety is going mad. I wanna cry, I can't even sleep like this.
No. 712027
My friend applied to grad school to get a Master’s degree boasting about how much money she’d make after she graduated and trying to encourage me to do the same so I wouldn’t be stuck at my dead end job. I told her that I couldn’t handle going back to school and would instead focus on my career. Fast forward three years and I’m long moved on from that horrible job, making 120k (so my student loans are gone in the next two years), on track for a promotion, and will be relocating to my dream city. She graduated during a pandemic, can’t even find internships, has so much student loan debt to pay off, and is moving back in with her family. I have told her to just lean on me and use me as a referral because I can get her something, but she really wants to stick to her field. I can tell she’s getting frustrated talking to me because she did things “right” and I didn’t, but it’s working out for me and not her. I keep telling her to be patient and that it’ll work out but obviously who wants to hear that? She wants a fix now and I get it because that’s where I was just a few years ago. This whole situation is putting a huge strain on our friendship and I honestly do not blame her for not wanting to talk to me as much anymore because I would feel the exact same way, I will shamelessly admit that. I just wish she wasn’t so stubborn and would take me help or at least apply outside of her dream jobs. My first job sure as fuck wasn’t my dream job, but you keep hopping companies and jobs and pulling yourself closer. I know she knows this and just isn’t wanting to admit it, but you’re like girl the clock is ticking and you don’t even have a job or the money saved to make minimum payments on those loans! Fuck the grad school meme. It takes great people with so much potential and robs them and throws them out into the real world with nothing.
No. 712043
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>>711989That is what an apex predator does. Do you think lions ever defeat flies? Or hyenas? No. The most powerful animals in the world are always riddled with parasites, and parasites always latch onto the powerful. The fact that so many inferior creatures want to build an ecosystem in you/around your environment just makes your power akin to that of a barnacle ridden whale
No. 712053
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I'm 100% gonna take more time to graduate than the original plan and I can do nothing to change this, I'm in pain I don't want to be yet another rotting graduate to-be.
No. 712076
>>712071Think I posted about this before but as a gay woman (and a fairly tomboyish one too) I've had a handful of interactions irl where if I'm the only woman in the group men will openly talk about that stuff in front of me thinking I'm cool with it.
"once she gets her first period she should be legal, age of consent laws are bullshit and should be replaced with that rule instead"
No. 712077
Anonymous now No. 712074
I will likely never get over the bullying I recived in highschool, even now that I'm outwardly normal and even successful to most outsiders, I have a decent Job and I'm married to a incredible man who takes care of all my needs, were even planning on having kids at some point
But I still find myself unable to get over the trauma I received as a kid, the racism and constant humiliation by everyone, white girls, black girls, white boys, black boys all seemed to be united in how they all liked making fun of me, I was a wierd, then undiagnosed slightly autistic black girl, the odds were never in my favor I guess, I even once attempted suicide by trying to overdose on pain killers, I ended up leaving school due to the bullying but by then the trauma was deep rotted
I find myself unable to connect with anyone really, sometimes even my husband(but its usually when he's dealing with his own trauma) but there are days when I'm alone and I feel no one really loves me, that my husband is only with me cause of pity, that my parents wishes I was never born and that I don't deserve to be loved, I don't wanna die but I wish I never exsisted cause of how pathetic I am
I'm also always embarrassed that anyone discovers the stuff I actually like, mostly cartoons, anime, comics and manga, other then this site I don't ever wanna admit that I'm a grown woman who watches exclusively Cartoons meant for children
No. 712081
>>712027Idk, anon. Kinda sounds like she is upset that you didn't "fail".
Also what do you do? I'm stuck in manufacturing and i want to work up to something around 100k
No. 712092
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I know this seems like a strange thing to vent about, but I've been reading stories from parents whose children have ROGD, and it made me realize how much I love my mom and how lucky I am that I never developed ROGD.
The kids in those stories were so much like me it's scary. Depression, anxiety, not fitting in, being nerdy, not being conventionally attractive, divorced parents, and way too much time on the internet. Why they ended up that way and I didn't, I'll never know. I came extremely close to getting sucked in, too. When I was fourteen, I cut off all my hair, wore loose clothes, and didn't correct strangers who thought I was a boy. Somehow I just grew out of it, though, and today I'm just an ordinary woman.
I think the big difference might have been my mom and my brother. They're both brilliant people who were there for me when no one else was. Maybe having them in my life prevented me from getting groomed online like so many other outcast girls. My family members aren't perfect people– mom's a martyr, dad's a manchild, and my brother is honestly an asshole sometimes. But Christ, I'm so glad to have them in my life, putting up with my shit and supporting me. If you're ever having a shitty day, just remember that your parents at least loved you enough to keep you from cutting your tits off.
No. 712110
>>712071Were they Hoteps ? I've encountered a couple of them, they are fucking insane
They believe periods are unnatural and caused by spiritual uncleanness and that monogymy and women's rights were all invented by the white man to destroy and enslave the black race and that black people should enter polygamist relationships
No. 712145
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>>712101Plus there's no buffer anymore. Ten to fifteen years ago, the first things kids used on the internet were platforms specifically designed for children, like Neopets or Club Penguin. Now, kids younger than ten are being dropped into adult social media sites like Twitter and TikTok with no guardrails in place. They're sitting ducks for groomers. I know the "pedophiles online" concern seemed hysterical ten years ago, but it's an actual problem now that child-safe networking is basically no longer a thing. Why are parents suddenly so nonchalant at the prospect of their kids being groomed by pedophiles? It didn't cease to be a problem simply because people stopped caring. Frankly I wouldn't let any child under 12 use the internet outside of school even today (especially today.)
ROGD is basically just one subset of a much larger issue with online grooming. Seems like most of the women you meet online have been subject to at least one type of grooming in the past, be it DDLG sickos, "sugar daddies," pedophiles, or the gender cult. This is particularly common among people for whom the internet is their only social outlet (which is a problem in and of itself.)
No. 712192
>>712081I hope not but I’m no saint, I think I could empathize if that was the case.
I am a technical writer. I write the manuals you throw away or don’t read. There’s a lot of legal liability stuff involved, so if you’re someone who gets it right the first time and catches other people’s mistakes, consider this field. I just have a BA in English so you don’t need a specific degree, just some writing samples. My number one piece of advice is fuck small businesses. Corporate will take care of you and they’re both soulless in the end, but you get your soul back after 5PM so it’s okay.
No. 712224
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>>711339My life is so fucking shit at the moment, so restricted and dull and hopeless, home all day not allowed to do this or that or go anywhere no jobs I can get can’t find place to live, only talk to my parents and counsellors and doctors,I’m living life like a sex offender out on parole I want to rope so fucking bad out of sheer boredoms
No. 712274
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My mother is never satisfied with my eating habits and it's driving me up the wall.
I go downstairs for a snack or to finish leftovers before they spoil? "oh you're down here to eat again…"
I don't finish a meal/I don't put a lot on my plate/she has to throw away said leftovers? "What's the point of me cooking food for you if you're not going to eat it"
I'd kind of get it if I was overweight, but I'm not.
No. 712297
>>712280Fuck them hoes. Have you noticed how today’s Twitter sec workers simply HATE other women? They constantly shit on women via the internet, “cancel” them and think they’re better than women whom they perceive to be less attractive. I just think it’s funny how they always copium by saying any criticism from other women is “jealousy” because they will “steal your man” (more like distract him for the evening, cost him a few quid and help install a sense of shame) but their entire livelihood is based on their looks and their market value, and they compete with other SW, wives and girlfriends for their bread and butter. They have got to be the most jealous and insecure women in the world. In the end, sugar daddies will kill and bury their 19 year old mistresses in favour of their middle aged, morally upright and competent wives finding out, because they don’t respect them.
I feel for women making onlyfans in order to survive during the pandemic, but the idiots who think it’s something to celebrate and a “livelihood” are an embarrassment to women, and are letting us all down.
No. 712317
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>want to inform /cgl/-user that their dream dress (but in a different colourway) is on rakuten
>can't because IP is banned but I didn't go against the rules
No. 712342
>>712317This, but with posting images on /vg/
The joys of living near a university campus
No. 712344
>>712280I have
never seen a sex worker who wasn't a mentally ill wreck. They always have a myriad of disorders and resort to sex work because they don't have self control or self respect and are addicted to external validation and short dopamine shots. Nobody can ever convince me that people who do sex work can be stable, healthy people doing it out of their free will. Degrading yourself for a few bucks just isn't something a sound mind does for a living. They should seek help and stop with the "at least I'm not pouring lattes" copium.
I can somehow understand desperate women selling nudes with a fake name and their face cropped out to make ends meet in a bad situation but the people who create a whole ass persona around proudly whoring are despicable. They're the entitled cunts who screech about Pornhub being against sex workers because they were pressured to create better moderation to combat child/rape porn.
No. 712355
>>712280a few years back my friend told everybody at my school about me trying to end my own life resulting in me having to leave so seeing her drop out of school for her failed onlyfans and leaked nudes kinda makes me laugh.
especially since she's trying to encourage others to do the same on her accounts because she's on a sinking boat, kek.
No. 712364
>>712357Nta but I didn’t know, whenever I go to a dermatologist
which is basically every few years and tell them that I’ve been getting new moles way too quickly they just gaze at them and then basically tell me
>don’t worry, you’re just exaggerating. No. 712369
>>712349It’s only too late when you’re dead. Get them checked out.
I don’t know if this will help so won’t post a pic, but in the meantime you could do an ABCDE mole assessment yourself if that would make you feel better? It’s a way of helping to determine if the mole is cancerous, idk though that might make you feel worse.
No. 712377
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>>712349I only recently had to get a suspect mole surgically removed. It had most signs of a fishy mole (irregular shape, more than one color, grew with time), and sure enough, after they did a tissue analysis they found that it had a higher risk of becoming a melanoma. So check if you have those symptoms and definitely go to a doctor if you do. Better do a super easy surgery now than end up with cancer
No. 712378
>>712358Nta but I see posts on here about annual gyno, annual general check up, 6 monthly dentist check ups.. that shit varies so much to how some countries handle health care. Part of me wants that normalised where I am but docs here would actually get pissed with you if you showed up without a very
valid and pressing issue.
No. 712380
>>712357>>712358I don't, but part of the issue is I've moved several times and keep having to switch clinics, so I've never had a regular dermatologist. I also have bottom of the barrel insurance so I can't even choose my own specialists. You guys are right though, I'm going to schedule an appointment today with my GP for a referral at least (which will take weeks to go through because this is America and who cares if the poor die lmao)
>>712364I've had this problem too. Derms will only remove a mole if
they think it's suspicious, which is weird because I have a ton of atypical moles with many colors they they claim are fine? Like, can't you just take it off so that it doesn't become cancerous down the line and I can stop worrying about it? Pretty much the only thing that helps me a little bit with this is that I don't have a family history of melanoma.
>>712369>but in the meantime you could do an ABCDE mole assessmentYeah, I've done that. Problem is I have a ton of moles that are technically atypical even though they aren't cancerous. I keep a close eye on those but they don't seem to have changed from what I can tell. It's more the fact that they have a higher likelihood of becoming cancerous that bothers me, and sometimes I can get so anxious that I'll convince myself there's something wrong, or it's changed when it hasn't. It really does seem to be better for me not to fixate on them and just let professionals deal with it, but I don't trust professionals either because of all the horror stories I've read about multiple doctors missing cancer in patients who either ended up dying, or were in late stages by the time they were actually listened to and diagnosed.
No. 712385
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Medicare is so fucking complicated. I love having to be on hold for an hour just to have one question answered because they’re abysmally understaffed. I’m so close to just cancelling my health insurance because this is too fucking much.
No. 712398
>>712378I'm the anon you're responding to and tbh I get them because my mom had melanoma. I go to the gyno too but no normal doctor. We have national healthcare
but I don't know how it works yet because I'm a womanchild and my parents do everything, real world things are so complicated.
No. 712435
>>712414Just walk away for the time being and come back to it later.
No. 712442
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FUCK, it's happening. I should've known a disgusting Japanese male pedophile would make this a thing in 2021. Is there another country more full of pedos than Japan? Why are the men there so degenerate and terrible? Is it their miniscule, tiny, barely functioning micropeens? I'll never forgive Rumiko for being complicit in this.
No. 712453
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>>712450Yashahime is a spinoff that Rumiko didn't write but designed characters for.
No. 712460
>>712447I waited for an hour on hold and the phone hung up lol!! I guess the only question you’d be able to answer would be:
What is Covered California and MyBenefitsCalWin in relation to Medi-Cal? I just don’t get what and why they are.
No. 712464
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No. 712468
I hate being chronically ill. I'm a really cheerful person but it hits you like a ton of bricks.
I've had people I couldn't date because I just can't get out of the house to see them. I have to now take all my long term partner goals to who will be willing to be with someone who lives with family members who help take care of her. It shit because I don't want to make a girl my caretaker…
On top of that my medication is like $250 a month because i live in burgerland and haha fuck disabled people.
I also have been having trouble losing weight because exercising isn't easy anymore… I used to be able too but with disease progression its a no now.
>>711374Do it anon!
No. 712472
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Why do I miss people who treated me like shit? Why can't I just be happy they're not in my life anymore and move on?
No. 712479
>>712470>Sess/Rin pairingAwful I didn’t know that was canon wtf
Also, I’m sorry about your past anon, but I hope you’re doing well now, regardless of how much you feel you have or haven’t grown from it.
No. 712486
>>712480Ngl anon this is high key funny because hes being a pissbaby over something thats his fault.
Does he hate the way he looks or something?
No. 712490
>>712484>>712485We live together and I can't reasonably afford rent while in school without him, so it looks like I'm stuck until at least the summer. It's so fucking weird tho.
>>712486idk he's so sensitive, he literally stormed out of the living room to go block me. The tweet had nothing to do with his looks tho, it was just some tweet about a mutual friend
No. 712522
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I thought my sister’s brand new baby, first grandbaby to my mother, would keep her from bugging me about children, but the kid is literally a week old today and she asked when she can expect one from me. I never should have told her about my boyfriend.
No. 712642
>>712027I specifically chose a major that I would need more than a bachelor's for and I brag about it all the time.
5 years later, I've taught English in Thailand and I'm on my 3rd post college job paying me 62k a year from home. And they're literally begging me to stay another year.
Last summer I was asked to apply to Facebook and reached the 3rd interview stage. I've gotten a pretty good ROI on my major.
No. 712651
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This armie hammer stuff reminded me of the dude i was having a stupid online relationshit when i was 17 he was fucking 27, they are always 27. I wish I still had the skype logs, he wanted me to murder him and he wanted to eat himself? He was one of those coomers who faked depression the second you started putting two and two together and wanted nudes which I thankfully never gave, besides some cleavage stuff you could post anywhere. He was a mutual friend and started out pretty normal but kinda cringe but the fact that I am now almost the age he was back then…bro, what the fuck? What the absolute fuck was wrong with his ugly ass, thank god I hurt his ego badly enough that he blocked me everywhere but wow, that should have damaged me more than it did now that think about it. Now I just find it funny and absurd, thank fucking heavens I never sent or told him incriminating stuff.
No. 712668
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>>712652Lmao as an "older single woman" I've received over 1k likes on the dating app I'm on in under 5 days with men stumbling over themselves to connect with me but please continue telling this gal she's silly for thinking dick is abundant and low value. Also why would you think a grown ass woman would want to waste her time on a man who prefers a naive child he can manipulate over someone his own age who knows her worth in the first place? If they weed themselves out all the better. Don't infect others with your pickmeism.
No. 712691
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My hair needs to grow. Like a s a p.
No. 712697
>>712642>>712643>>712644That Thailand experience sounds amazing. I do wish there was more traveling in my job, but we're completely WFH right now and might be forever. I'm not a manager, but I am senior level. I can manage myself and no one else ha. I have a lot of general tips, so I'll list them out in no particular order and hope this doesn't get too wordy.
If you want a dramatic raise, the best way to do it is to get a new role. This usually happens to be at a new company. 1-3 years is a good tenure before moving onto your next role. Once you're in a company you'd consider a dream company*, you can relax there for longer. Just don't be one of those people who works 25 years at a company, gets laid off, and can never get back on their feet again.
For getting that bigger salary, learn to negotiate. My trick is just getting friendly with the recruiter. For this role, I had a good hour long chat about nothing work related at all before we got back to the conversation of salary. He then gave me the max number. A lot of times, companies will hide this number hoping you'll ask for something under it. I would normally suggest researching in Blind/Glassdoor, but the team I work on in my company was too new for me to find that info. If you have that info, be ballsy. I'd say if you're a 75% fit and they've got you on the phone, they're at least decently interested. Ask for something on the higher end. Fuck it, ask for the highest number and see what happens. Women devalue themselves thinking they're not a good enough fit for the high end, but realize that men constantly ask for what they want AND they get it. You're just as good as them.
Your company probably offers free training. Use it. Add it to your resume. Keep your resume updated so you're not trying to remember what you've been doing when you're actually trying to apply to jobs. You would be shocked what sort of stuff ends up being a huge addition to your salary. Hot things you can learn tonight are Agile project management, HTML, and UX essentials.
Soft skills are everything. Being a good performer isn't enough when everyone at the company is a good performer. Be a breath of fresh air, speak with a smile in your voice, make yourself open to helping others, be your manager's favorite, get to actually know the people on your team (in a professional sense- don't get too chummy). Being the office favorite will get you a promotion even if the other person is slightly better.
*Good company varies from person to person. My idea of a good company might not be yours. I work in big tech. This is my jam. I love being in a huge company, organized chaos, constant projects. The crunch gives me LIFE. For someone with two under two, this is probably a nightmare company. That person might prefer a company with great parental benefits, a more relaxed work environment, maybe a company with a more even female/male ratio so they're not the only mom on their team, etc. There are lots of high paying jobs in different types of companies, and many large companies do have a relaxed work culture. You don't have to stick to a certain type.
No. 712700
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Kind of want to go back to dating sites kind of don't want to bother with the shit.
I have mostly nothing to offer: no good job, no car, no own place, no education and can't make connections with people for shit.
I'm lonely right now since I've been alone in the office for the last 6 months or so and I don't have any old friends or anyone to reach out to. Thanks to fucking covid the gyms are closed and other group activities so eh. We even got snow now so that's like an extra fuck you on top of everything.
No. 712728
>>712697Great info, thanks. It's good to know I do a lot of this stuff already. Also good to know that I can be a senior writer with senior pay without having to manage people. Great spot to be in.
On traveling, don't bother waiting for a job that lets you do it. It will still feel like work, because it is. Just fuck off and do it on your own terms. But I did that before my career. I'm sure it's harder to do after.
No. 712806
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>Friend raves about food all day
>Turns out she buys meat from the supermarket like a fucking poorfag
>Has never spent more than $100 for a single dish at a restaurant.
I fucking hate faux-foodies so goddamn much
No. 712819
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I lied and told work I was having a family emergency in order to request today off.
My 20 year old cousin and her dog are coming to stay in my two bedroom apartment from today until next Tuesday because her family has covid and she can't return home until they're clear. I rent with my dad and my bf stays here almost every day.
I never have space or alone time for myself as it is. So I took today off because I know I'm going to feel absolutely smothered from this point out. I head out to work at 7am and then don't get home until almost 6pm, and now the 4 hours I usually occupy with downtime before I go to bed will be for entertaining. Oh and as usual my dad didn't lift a finger to help me clean over the weekend so I will spend most of today taking down xmas decorations and arranging the living room where she'll be sleeping. She's also a junk food vegetarian so there's a bunch of instant shit my dad bought and stowed up for her in the freezer space, where I now cannot store my meal prep for work. And I'll feel weird cooking meat for myself because it will inherently exclude her so I will feel rude.
I don't even know what time she's supposed to be coming today. It's a mystery. I feel exhausted already.
No. 712823
>>712814A Hungarian writing this is peak irony but asking if someone is ok with gay people isn't religious discrimination. Why would she accept someone who might shit on her? Like
>>712822 says they can go fuck themselves.
No. 712855
>>712753Actually I didn't even ask how old she was. 30? 40? 50? Completely different reception based on age. Obviously if you can keep yourself in shape you will fair better in the dating market, but age always catches up eventually.
Be positive, but don't be delusional.
No. 712922
>>712914Luck is always a factor, but she's above junior level. Read her post.
This is the kind of pay that is possible for creating documentation in certain niches and sub-niches, especially tech. And especially in the biggest cities.
I started in software tech and right now I'm a technical editor for a medical diagnostics company, although they still call me a writer
No. 712926
>>712925Now read her other post where she says she's senior level now. I was being contacted for mid-senior positions barely 3 years into my first
TW job.
No. 712969
>>712960Drown your sadness and frustration with money. That's what I do.
However you feel at this job, being poor is worse imo lol
No. 713002
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I've genuinely been productive and busy at work all day and still not managed to complete any of my main tasks. People need to stop asking me retarded questions/giving me things to do because I already have things to do fml.
No. 713006
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why tampons and pads cost money will always confuse me .. like oh im sorry i bleed every month let me pay you for the right to not stain your shit. fuck off
No. 713019
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I rewatched that one 'cat jumps from burning house' video that everyone got recommended a few weeks ago. it was part of a playlist about cats jumping from building, so immediately after the video ended, another video played- but the next video was about a cat falling to it's death
I have 2 cats that I love, and seeing that cat die and imagining something similar happening to my cats, like being killed in a housefire or falling to it's death, (as overly-sensitive it may seem) made me cry
No. 713031
>>713006>>713008unrelated to your post but I read it in h jon benjamin's voice and it amused me
hope your day gets a bit better
No. 713032
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Someone in Florida either wrote or carved Trump into the back of a manatee, and it makes me seriously sick. How barbaric, sick and crazy do you have to be to involve fucking sea animals in your politics. I just hope it was done with algae or marker and not carved into his skin.
No. 713041
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I think I am going mental because I’m spooked about big tech censorship acting above government and everyone I know is like “not here, that’s hamburger problem”, “ha orange man make vampire freaks account” and because all of my friends are lefties I’m feeling an even bigger disconnect because they can only see it from a good riddance Trump perspective. I feel its a very important issue on a global scale, not about left or right politics, but for the future of where these big tech giant monopolies are going to take us. They are able to push any narrative they want by banning accounts and nuking websites, and now with a pandemic the public are becoming more and more reliant on the internet. There is nothing stopping these tech giants in the future creating echo chambers and brainwashing people to vote certain ways in the future to benefit themselves. I feel like a flat earther rn and I want 7 crates of tinfoil.
No. 713045
>>713041>There is nothing stopping these tech giants in the future creating echo chambers and brainwashing people to vote certain ways in the future to benefit themselvesThat's already happened and is happening. Remember Cambridge Analytica?
This woman wrote a really insightful book called The Age Of Surveillance Capitalism that's not tinfoily at all, this is a short documentary she did too. I was having the same instincts as you and read the book. Deleted all my social media too
No. 713049
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I'm tired of having impostor syndrome. No matter what I do or how well I do stuff I always credit it to luck or coincidence or w/e. I recently took an exam and did better than most people, and yet I keep thinking that maybe they just lowered the difficulty of the test, or I was just lucky that it happened to ask questions about things I had actually studied beforehand. I don't know. I can't get it through my head that I'm not as mediocre as I think I am.
No. 713062
>>713041No anon, I totally agree anon. I support neither trump or biden. Not a leftie or a right winger. But it’s scary to know that those elites such as klaus Schwab and George soros and Elon musk and gates are working behind the scenes to censor people.
All of what is happening at the moment is to get people to take that vaccine. I truly believe it is.
Stop all free speech to silence people over the vaccine and make sure people get it. Full control of what they want people to see.
I believe the new world order is actually happening.
I wonder also how those twitter sex worker weebs will get on now? Especially the troons lol
No. 713067
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my dad has untreated schizophrenia so i am sympathetic but i hate it when he gets drunk or bold and starts bragging about all the women he's fucked, gotten pregnant, then left (if he's even telling the truth about that nonsense – i kind of doubt it, and i really hope he is lol).
i also wish he would stop smoking. i bought him a book that a lot of smokers have said helped them out (easyway to stop [sic]) but he won't even fucking read it. he always treats being retarded and rotting his lungs with cigs like it's a noble thing but it's stupid. i literally hate seeing him coughing all his shit up but still going for a smoke. wish i could go back in time and murder whoever invented the cig.
No. 713079
>>713062>>713038 also what is cc im retardedleftwing faggot here but I do see the censorship levels going high. Not that it's not deserved sometimes but I've seen where dems HARDPUSH something like Hilary when Bernie was more popular and then later admit it on NPR like haha soz . I get banning fucking nonsense shit like Troompy "let us take over the government" stuff but you shouldn't be celebrating banning freezepeach because it will come back to haunt you.
Also capitalist control isn't that hard to figure out
No. 713087
>>713041>There is nothing stopping these tech giants in the future creating echo chambers and brainwashing people to vote certain ways in the future to benefit themselves.It's been happening for years, anon. It wasn't until the 2016 elections that many social media sites such as Twitter didn't require high authentication such as connecting your personal phone number to your account to keep tabs on you and to allow only accepted opinions to be posted.
I'm not even a MAGAfaggot and I think Trump's ban was justified as he was agitating his incel army to riot but it isn't even about him, what could stop some other ideology taking over? Just as well they could start pushing shit like anti-abortion and easily manipulate the masses to make it the mainstream opinion. It's already seen with people opposing the medicalization of children, 4thwavenow getting banned for dumb excuses for raising awareness of ROGD for example.
No. 713099
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>>713041>There is nothing stopping these tech giants in the future creating echo chambers and brainwashing people to vote certain ways in the future to benefit this?
No. 713125
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>>713098Fuck your friend and fuck nazis, sympathizers, larpers, whatever. They’re all fags hitler would have killed anyways. Sorry, anon.
No. 713132
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A while ago, my mom found out that there was going to be a re-run of a soap opera that she watched many years ago. Of course she decided to watch it again and I hate it.
I remember how much I hated that series, almost all the characters are annoying but what always bothered me, even when I was younger and it aired the first time, is that the villian is unbearable. They always present her as some kind of evil mastermind that is able to get away with even the most cruel of things, but she is not, she is a moron and the only reason she has lived for so long it's because her mom and her simps keep saving her ass, she is so terrible at being a villian that when she was in a plan alone, the plan failed so badly that not even the child fell for it. Even the actress' face is incredibly punchable and I can't stand this series as a whole.
The airing of the series is right at the moment of our eating hour, and I have been hiding my discomfort and anger everytime my mom turns on the TV. I can't take it anymore, I'm just pretending to just be concentrated with eating but I seriously cannot stand it. She even turns the volume pretty high, and I'm the one closer to the TV, so I have to hear all the soap opera screaming right on my ear all the time.
I can't wait for the series to be over.
On a side note, I also hated the daugthers of the main woman, but at least I know that the younger one gets on an accident at some point, therefore she dissapears for a little bit. I'll have to keep standing the other one tho
No. 713225
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>>712819Back with fun updates: She's coughing up a storm and taking Nyquil but claims she had a sinus infection a week ago. Assured us the rapid test she took was negative.
I mean, great, but I don't want to get her sinus infection either! Bitch I gotta work.
Apparently her dad got released from the ER but he's still gotta quarantine. Which means she can't go home until next Friday.
Found out my dad volunteered to have her stay in our tiny apartment, not that she asked to. Because apparently his sister who lives 30 minutes away from us with a house and two guest bedrooms didn't feel she had to step up for this occasion at all.
And yeah this whole thing is as awkward as I predicted. I feel like I can't even go out to the kitchen to get a glass to drink because she's sleeping in the living room and I'm supposed to be in bed too.
>>712838>>712854Thank you anons. I just hope I don't get sick.
No. 713231
>>712865Same anon. I don't worry about "the wall" because my mother is still being swarmed by men despite being disabled and constantly in debt, she is also headstrong so it's not like they are even looking for a weak woman to do their chores. It makes me uncomfortable to watch younger waiters hit on her but I've got to respect her game kek
Unfortunately she still settles for mediocre men because she has been brainwashed into believing all the good men are gone and she's scared of dying alone. I hope when I'm older I can stay true to myself and embrace a solitary death instead of letting a substandard man into my home kek
No. 713244
>>712954Men are really sensitive to being laughed at. Just laugh in a light-hearted way and say something like "you sure love to play devil's advocate" then ask him to argue the opposite about stupid things like water being wet
Every time he does it in the future just laugh like it's an inside joke between you two and say "there you go again!"
If he gets mad respond that you're shocked it's not a joke, but then the next time go right back to "ok but you really must be pulling my leg this time"
Clowns deserve to be laughed at.
No. 713257
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i woke up feeling suicidal, which i haven't felt in a long time, but not in a depressed or sad way. more like an i want to rip my hair out and smash my head through a window way, is the best way i can describe it
No. 713310
>>713307I've discovered this shit just recently, he did a damn good job hiding it all these years and I thought he was being honest when he said he had a lower sex drive than mine.
I've checked his life, his relationships with other people and everything seems legit.
It is just… this.
No. 713350
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>>713244Ayrt and I lost my shit while reading this lol, this is such a good tactic. I usually try to laugh it off when I'm in an awkward situation, but with this I can use my coping mechanism to my advantage and slowly roast my puny, unsuspecting little moron of an opponent to a crisp. Thanks for the tip anon.
No. 713381
>>713368>tell my manager (who’s heavily pregnant) and she doesn’t give a flying fuckshe
should care considering pregnancy can heighten the risk of developing more severe symptoms of covid. i'm sorry anon, hopefully you won't get sick again and your clown of a coworker will either quit or get fired.
No. 713407
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>>713379>b-b-but what about my rights>women have it sooo easy nowI wanna punch these kind of guys so hard. No jackass, we still dont have the same rights as men, not even in 1st world countries.
I just ask them two questions. Can you walk around at night without fear of being raped? And are you allowed to walk around alone in a country such as Saoudi-Arabia? Yes? Then shut up!
Scrotes have made us think standing up for our rights is being a "feminazi", it's just more oppression.
No. 713446
>>713434If it was men would lose because they are consistently the bigger pieces of shit, most destructive violent and entitled. Even in evil myrderous duos like Fred and Rose etc it’s the man comitting the bulk of the sadism while the woman revels in it. “Both genders have their issues” pisses me off because men are disproportionately more of a threat to women than vice versus.
We shouldn’t have to downplay our own threats and trauma just to make men feel better.
The fact that they think putting limits on their behaviour is a threat to their autonomy speaks volumes
No. 713458
>>713379> “woman in America who doesn't have the same fear of losing autonomy via institutionalization (jail) as men do.”I’m not American, had no idea women couldn’t be jailed there! /s.
If only there was a simple way to avoid jail like… I don’t know, not committing crime? Wild idea, I know.
No. 713459
>>711339>>713457Women and girls get jailed for defending their autonomy against scrotes that want to use them as sex slaves, they get jailed for killing their rapist fathers, they get jailed for reporting gang rapes. As a woman in any country it’s a constant battle to keep your autonomy and integrity sage from rape/assault,
abusive men and sexist employers. Besides, carrying a WANTED pregnancy is not what destroys your autonomy but carrying the worthless genes of undesirable scrotes does.
No. 713468
>>713464What? How is that even a reply to what I said?
Being mad at me isnt gonna get you a gf, sweaty.
No. 713516
>>713514Do you eat fibre rich foods? I'd recommend eating lots of nuts, peanuts, wallnuts, cashew nuts, almonds. It works wonders for digestion and softer stools.
And of course, drink lots of liquid, water and tea specifically.
No. 713532
>>711845It’s cool anon, my mom and I got in a huge fight once because she insisted that me calling myself an incest survivor was disrespectful because I wasn’t assaulted by my parents. I had to then remind her that I have siblings. Not too long after, my dad, who did not understand why I was having panic attacks and nightmares, asked me during dinner if I was raped or just molested. Trying to figure out why they didnt know how to be sensitive was gonna send me to the nut hut so I had to stop wondering.
I hope you’re able to find a new therapist that works for you.
No. 713546
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I feel sick because I haven't slept enough and I can't sleep because I feel sick… what to do
No. 713562
>>713536I was once warned to integrate (not banned) for using "hecking
valid" in my post, although I thought it was clearly ironic within the context that expression was used. The irony is that if I used something like /s at the end of my post it would be as reddit as it can get. Mods are humans too so I don't take it to heart and you can always use proxies so no biggie.
No. 713580
The more I think about my history with my mom, the more I truly believe she should never have been allowed to have a kid. I remember calling the ambulance once at ~18, because I was suffering from severe chest pain – pain so bad I couldn't even walk around the house without a lot of limping, and this pain was 24 fucking 7 – and how she treated me like I was retarded for wanting to see someone.
Literally yelled me out of the house, yelled at me from the porch (insisting that she wasn't going to pay for it! That's cool, bitch, but please), made me feel like I was insane garbage, and insisted that I was always so dramatic…as if that wasn't my first time ever calling an ambulance, and as if I'd ever faked injuries before. I haven't. She eventually did take me to a doctor (after a few weeks of me being in constant pain kek, I guess we can use waiting for health insurance as an excuse) and even then treated me like I was shit, treated me like I was faking, and almost tried to toss me out of the house again until the doctor called and reveled that yeah, something was wrong with my heart. If I tried to bring this up now, she'd pretend that she never did it. Or that I'm "misremembering things". I'm older now, so it's easier to catch her when she does this shit: she does it a lot. I'm always the one forgetting shit. Never her.
Like I am sympathetic with her, since now that I'm older and not a stupid teenager I don't try to yell back when she randomly combusts on me for no fucking reason at all (she's a lot like a child, and I think it's due to her past, her family situation was utterly horrible and I get that, I get how trauma in one's youth impacts the rest of your life), and I get that a lot of our stressors are just due to the world being fucked in general, but…God. how I wish I had enough $$$ to go to a different state, pay her off for raising me, and just never speak to her again.
But this feels like a pipe dream until I finish university.
Actually speaking of trauma, the last big talk we had where I thought she understood she isn't some Patron Saint of Motherhood for doing the absolute basic shit you should do after bringing a life into this world and actually was pretty shitty (which ended in her, at a later date, blowing up at me – the usual kek) she tried to tell me one day that I NEED to "grow past my hurt". Okay…lousy retard, why don't you grow past yours? Why is it that whenever I try to speak to something I had issues with in my past you bring up your own shitty childhood and make me feel like trash for not having it as bad as you did? Grow past your own, tbh
No. 713585
>>713562I once got banned for using a smiley ironically but I think it was just an auto-ban or they looked over it.
The other times were for shitposting and I defenitely deserved them.
No. 713739
>>713738amyloid plaques? That's the only thing that came up for me when I googled "cholesterol in the brain."
Either way, I'm so sorry anon. That sounds really stressful for both of you to have to deal with.
No. 713741
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I feel fucking awful about even thinking this but this one friend of a friend, a mutual on many social platforms, someone who used to see at shows…she's so ugly? She just moved in with her gf and keeps posting cute matchy-matchy couple stuff and the way her face looks like a bloated waxy corpse without makeup is just jarring as shit. I am very happy she now has a nice, stable relationship so she doesn't get into her old retard shenanigans but how the fuck can someone visually disgust me to this extent? I never usually think people as ugly, everyone is unique and all that but the sheer way she looks completely different and like a crackhead with sores and shit is so disturbing to me. Maybe I am just bitter about old bad blood but damn she looks rank, but at least she knows how to do her makeup I guess.
No. 713887
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My boyfriend is not coming back by the end of January and while I do understand his reasons, I am so bummed out
So he probably won't be here for his birthday, which I was already expecting, but then we won't be here for mine either I guess
Just because I've finished buying him some birthday gifts today that I was planning on giving him around the start of February
It's super stupid but I miss him so much
No. 713955
>>713952Meh it just feels fetishising as hell tbh and the swirl relationships are going nuts over it
No. 713962
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>>711339That feel when you finally start feeling better and not depressed anymore
but you start to have hallucinations all of a sudden; without any warning.
No. 713966
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My social autism is going to cripple me. I can't post online, I obsessively worry about how I talk and how people will make fun of how I talk. I don't have any social media and rarely post on the forums and boards I go on, I just lurk. When I do post I get anxious. There's something about not knowing the tone of people online, not seeing their body language or other cues makes it hard for me to know how to interpret what they mean. Also, people have online personas that don't match up irl which makes me wary of connecting with people online.
No. 713986
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I don't really mean this, but sometimes I wish plastic surgery didn't exist. It's not that I judge people who get it. It's just torture knowing it's an option for me, with my big nose. More than that, it'd be preferred by society. My nose is not that big, but women get nosejobs for less, and it hurts a lot knowing that if a celebrity had my nose they'd have it changed. I rarely see people with my nose because they all get nosejobs. I don't completely blame them but it reminds me that people find it ugly, probably.
I don't want to get ps, for several reasons… I don't think it's necessary for me, I would feel guilty that I did it and probably hate myself more knowing I had a different nose before, I would feel freaked out in the mirror by this different person, I would feel fake every time someone found me attractive, feel fake in general. Most of all on principle, I don't believe in it morally for myself. And there's a stubborn part that wants to like my nose, that wants to prove the world wrong, that wants to show others like me that we don't have to be ashamed. Honestly I'm starting to like my nose both from the front and the side. The profile view is harder but I think it goes well with my eyes and creates a unique look. So, I'm determined not to change it, even if my mother had a nosejob herself. It still hurts a lot seeing all these women who found their similar noses bad enough to get work done… It feels like I can't be beautiful without doing that and ik it's superficial but I hate it. It's like a temptation that's always there but I never want to do it
Jennifer grey picrel is my cope because she looked gorgeous before and had a similar one. of course she got a nosejob though
No. 713989
>>713978me too but I wish a kind anon would soothe us about this
sadly I am scared it's inevitable
No. 714043
>>714031you can hide threads, just press on that small [-] button on the thread's top left corner
also same, thread pic is disgusting
No. 714052
>>714031>>714043You don't need to hide the entire thread, you can hide just that one specific pic that's irritating you.
Up above the pic, just before the filename, it says "File (hide)". Click the "hide".
No. 714060
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I work in a call center and yesterday I had a call that started off relatively normal and ended with the woman threatening to kill herself. I was calling about her husband who she told me was in the hospital. She just kept saying "how can i go back to my normal life? I have no life! I will never see my husband alive again!" I felt so awful for her and I wish I could've comforted her more, I was just lost for words and froze. I think my manager arranged a wellness check for her and told me there wasnt much I could've done differently. I just feel kinda stupid not being able to help more, but I also dont want to beat myself up for such a tough situation.
No. 714286
>>714281Patriarchy was created by men to fit their NATURE and it caters to them.
No. 714291
>>714273>perpetuating macho stereotype By other men.
>their emotional needs are ignored By other men, and they wind up hating their moms and girlfriends and lose respect for anyone willing to coddle them. Women do ask them to put aside selfishness and assume responsibilities like what we endure, which is a separate issue but often one conflated with brushing off male feefees for not letting them get what they want all the time.
No. 714293
I care about women problems in the society far more than men and I don't want to go into this whole discussion of men being opressed now, just wanted to respond with something that may be a more nuanced insight into why they are like this and not be like "REE kill all men".
>>714291like you say, men opress other men. nothing i can do about it and I'm more pissed about women being treated as lesser but i'm not a scrote for acknowledging the former.
No. 714306
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I really am sorry for you. I understand how you feel. You obviously know you aren’t obligated to stay with her but I would suggest starting to distance yourself. Tell her you think it’s best you go back to yours and quarantine alone to stave off the COVID, and to give her space to be with her mother alone. You seem stressed and overwhelmed and you need a break before you make a decision.
No. 714326
>>714302Okay okay, that's all A LOT but
>i dont want to be the asshole that leaves their partner bc their mom has cancerThat's not why you would leave her though? You said you were about to leave her even before this and I know it's hard, but you have every right to end it, even though people might think of it as a dick move. It's never easy and absolutely a big scary situation for you all, but I hope you can figure it out and gtfo.
No. 714346
>>714319op anon here, wasn't me but i agree w them
>>714326should have phrased it as "when their mom has cancer", not "because". wouldn't even consider leaving if i wasn't already planning on breaking up. tysm anon
there is truly not much in my heart for her over time. im scared my gf will kill herself, i've been through this w her before. it's extremely taxing,
i couldn't focus on myself and my schoolwork, and feel like i can't now
she's going to visit a friend in a diff state at the end of the month so a lot can happen, i could do it then. i'm sure i'll figure it out
No. 714357
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>>713986Big noses (especially aquiline ones) are so so gorgeous, you almost certainly have admirers who are too scared to say anything in case it hurts you feelings. Good for you for taking your stance on PS! The world is always the better for more cool noses
No. 714387
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>>714357Agreed, I'm really bored of the mass marketed baby doll noses. (No offense to small-nosed anons, it's just the lack of variety.) I think women with big noses look strong, unique and just as beautiful. Pardon the vidya sperg but I've always loved that Nintendo made the Gerudo women have big noses and they're the badass powerful warrior women culture.
No. 714400
>>713986>>714357>>714384>>714387As an anon with a big ass nose, that's really nice and comforting to read.
NGL, I love Gerudos! Never thought about their noses, but they truly are unique - like all races in Zelda. Amazing.
No. 714415
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>>711339I want to be a fucking hermit so badly. It’s all I ever think about.
No. 714482
>>714295LMAO, right? It's not acceptable for women to cry past like kindergarten. I can personally attest to this as I used to cry easily as a child and used to get made fun of for crying as early as 6 years old. Nobody ever comforted me as a girl–they made fun of me and belittled me as the crybaby to the point that I now have a huge complex about crying. As an adult when I go through upsetting/traumatic situations, I can't cry, let alone process my own emotions because I'm so ashamed to potentially cry. The only way I can cry is if I watch movies where I have an excuse to cry over some hypothetical scenario (and people still make fun of me for crying then).
Yet I'm supposed to believe that I and other women who have had this experience had it better than men/boys? What about the boys who made fun of me, a young girl, for crying? Looking back the majority of kids who teased me for crying were male. If those same boys (now men) were to complain of how hard it is to show emotion I'd laugh in their faces.
No. 714484
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> met an amazing lesbian woman in her 30s who is stereotypically "masculine" because she's been to army, loved tech stuff and physically fit with many nice interests
> now i find out that she is actually a nonbinary, preferimg masculinity and is waiting for COVID to be over to turn herself into a man
Why is it so hard to find strong, inspiring women that don't care about gender roles in any bit and just live their life? It makes me feel depressed. She is an amazing person, don't get me wrong, but now after she told that I started realising a bunch of things that I never paid attention to. And you would think a person in their 30s would not let themselves become…this. i don't know.
No. 714513
>>>/ot/713974 and I'm still fucking salty over it. I want to express myself and have a style I like and even when I post here I get dopiled by everyone. Fuck this, why does everyone want to control my life.
No. 714520
>>714513I'll commiserate with you anon.
I used to be someone who'd wear makeup all the time. I'd get tons of compliments about it yet at the same time I would get these backhanded comments about never being seen without it which sounded vaguely salty. It was almost like people were mad at me for wearing something that objectively made me look better–by that I mean evened out my complexion and enlarged my eyes–when they knew without I wouldn't have looked nearly as good. Almost like they felt I didn't have a right to looksmax myself cause they thought I was less attractive underneath it all so why should I get to feel nice about myself? As if I didn't earn it somehow, or like it was some unspoken competition.
I don't wear makeup much anymore because of masks and my wallet is thanking me for it, but don't let people's reactions get you down. You do you.
No. 714540
>>714535Sounds like you’re proud of that lol most people do that to some degree to “potential threats”, otherwise no one has the energy to seize up everyone they come across.
People aren’t scared of you kek, you probably just give off the vibe that you’re aloof and distrustful. So if people act distant it’s because of that.
No. 714546
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My dog is so old and while he's still energetic and spry I can't stop thinking about how he'll be gone soon. I don't think I can get another dog, I can't handle the pain of losing it.
No. 714574
>>714514Break up with him. It will not get better anon, please trust me unless you want to be that girlfriend who constantly feels terrible about herself and does more to help her bf's porn addiction than even he does. He's not going to change and it's going to waste your time as a wonderful partner who deserves better. A porn account on Twitter indicates straight up addiction. Do not excuse this and don't think it's going to change unless you plan on 'helping' him. By 'helping', I mean you frantically posting repeatedly to those loveafterporn subreddits and seeking out resources for him while his habits/addiction get worse.
>>714496I thought about it and I think I just don't like interacting with men whenever I have a choice not to. Even when I can blend in and when I find a group of guys that's not as sexist as others, their perspectives are still so limited which makes their conversations so shallow and full of shitty hot takes. They're boring as fuck if not downright depressing as a woman to talk to. My female-only servers on the other hand are super interesting and deep in conversation in a variety of topics.
No. 714601
>>714514>I'm more upset at myself for being upset.Y tho. Why is his obsession with looking at naked strangers more important than your desire to be cherished and sexually desired in the relationship? Stop buying into the misgynistic Kool-Aid that says sex work is empowering and porn is a teehee fun and natural tool for arousal. Modern porn began with a woman's rape being filmed and sold to theaters by the mob and it's only gotten more degenerate these days. No one except addicted coomers obsessively make entire accounts for jack off material or spent all day trading nude images of virtual prostitutes with their "friends." This is an example of bottom of the barrel, sleazy, immature, mind-numbing retardation. He's not even a boy, he's a useless zombie. What is he adding to your life that you think is so irreplaceable that it's impossible to find in another man minus the erectile dysfunction and complete lack of concern for you? The only thing he's giving you is anxiety and self confidence issues.
>I don't want to be a jealous cunt Do you fucking hear yourself? The self hatred and internalized misogyny is off the charts. Love yourself anon, no one deserves to be treated like this. If you're seriously a BPD-chan I know it's going to be even harder to feel like you're worthy of real, respectful love but look into therapy or self help books or
something. Focus on helping yourself rather than trying to convince yourself that a hideous toad has the capacity to turn into a prince if you find the magic words.
No. 714653
>>714101I'm late to reply and everyone's gonna yell at me, but no joke: research death and suicide. Accept your mortality. If you've never attempted suicide before, take a couple weeks to figure out how you'd do it if you absplutely had to. (Obviously, you do not have to.) If it immediately terrifies you— hell, if this post alone terrifies you— then don't research any further. Focus instead on your fear of death and instinctual desire to live.
If by some sad miracle it doesn't scare you, give it a try. There is nothing more motivating than a near death experience, especially the horror of being too cowardly to die even though you were agonising over being alive just seconds prior. Understand how difficult it is to die. Understand you have little else to do but live. Understand that the only way to continue in this hellhole is to carve out your dreams by force.
In those moments that you fear death, what are you afraid to lose? I know you don't want to be motivated by fear, and you don't have to be. There is a gorgeous life out there for you where you are at peace with yourself and your circumstances. Though existentialism may seem all pervasive, you can work through it to get in touch with your reasons to live. What do you yearn to do before you die? What is missing from your life that makes it so unbearable? What does your personal heaven look like, and are any of its aspects achievable here on Earth? There are no wrong answers.
Your lack of motivation stems from your disinterest in current pursuits. Hone in on what you actually want from your life. Although confronting death is a scary way to begin the process, it puts things into perspective in a way that nothing else can. Please know that you deserve to live. You deserve to live and to do so happily, with energy and excitement every morning when you open your eyes to realise you're still alive. You're allowed to have dreams, anon, and to transform your life in an effort to attain them. You deserve good.
Some disclaimers: Nobody who wants to live should attempt suicide, even if it's just a tiny kernel of hope or doubt. This goes especially for those who don't know what they're doing, are acting on impulse, etc.. I don't see anything wrong with researching the topic. Knowledge is not inherently harmful. I'm not advocating for needless death. Suicide is not glamourous. It sucks. I'd just like to offer some admittedly extreme advice to those who feel listless and stuck.
We're all adults here, so please be sensible when you ban me.
No. 714666
My doctor referred me to get a MRI scan because of the pain in my head and left ear. If it turns out I have some sort of brain tumor I think i'm offing myself because there's no point in fighting for this life. I feel like I already failed. I know it sounds deterministic but I think I inherited extreme mental weakness from my parents, who also failed at life. My father couldn't cope with his job and he became an alcoholic, lost his job and his house, he's been drinking for like 20 years and I don't even know if he's still alive. My mother was very unstable, probably BPD, also couldn't cope with stress at her job so she always had to take it out on me and treat me as her punching bag, she was in huge debt because she was constantly taking loans she wasn't able to repay, borrowed money from literally everyone (and she preferred to spend that money on some dumb shit like jewelery instead of taking me to a dentist, for example). After her death I almost lost our small apartment. Even thoguh I declined the inheritance and I don't have to pay her debts, I still have some strange people knocking on my door or leaving notes to my mother, and I'm scared. I don't have any friends except for my mom's old friend, I don't have any other family except for my aunt who doesn't really care about me and I know from my mom's friend she wants to sell my apartment and basically get rid of me. I feel completely cornered. I also have health problems and I can't find a job now. I'm autistic but that's not the problem; there are autists who do well in life. My main problem is my weakness, breaking under a smallest pressure, getting anxiety attacks over trivial things, getting paranoid about my health detoriating and about losing my savings. I feel like I'm designed to fail, just like my parents. People with shitty genes really shoudln't have children
No. 714669
>>714653Couldn't you have given her the rest of your advice without suggesting she make a suicide attempt? Even if an attempt isn't successful it can leave you with a damaged body for the rest of your life, even just overdosing on painkillers can bring a lifetime of health complications
This is the opposite of helping someone
>>714101You sound like you might be depressed, in the literal clinical sense, do you have access to healthcare? If you have understanding parents it would be good to ask them to help you with getting support. Did you used to care about the things you no longer care about? If you never did then perhaps you need a complete change of scene, some new activity that involves being busy outdoors. Volunteering your free time to a charitable organisation can also help with the problem of not knowing or caring what to do with your time.
Nobody can magically give you motivation to live but it's important to understand that you won't feel this way forever, and to find something that makes you feel anything.
No. 714673
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I'm horny and lonely but I don't like masturbation, it feels like I'm going to go insane if I don't get a good dicking soon but I won't sleep with just anyone, especially during a pandemic, and my dating life is a goddamn desert because I am (rightfully) picky.
No. 714679
>>714666I can relate, my parents families are riddled with cancer and heart diseases and they're all mentally ill. I've been existing okay, lucked out and living comfy NEET life, for now. But I've been getting pains, if I find out I'm fucked up medically I'll sign off for sure.
I hope you turn out okay anon.
No. 714682
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>>714673same anon. same.
IDK but sometimes I like to express what I'd like through drawing it out, despite how shitty it may turn out. I find that directing these energies into something helps with somewhat stating it.
No. 714688
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>>714685>but 50% of my 'inner theare' is getting dicked down by anime men anyways.Same, anon, same. Then I come back to reality and get disappointed.
No. 714695
>>714690I don't really apply too much thought into the physics of it, but I guess it all kinda melts together? Like a little bit of thinking of some self-insert OC that fits in the character's universe, but with it sort of melting into the reality as I become one with them as I remember how actual sex feels like, then to go back to my OC fantasies.
So I guess I kinda think of a story around it as it builds up the relationship to them/us banging or romancing each other. So I'm technically just writing a fanfic/doujinshi in my head.
No. 714697
>>714690Pretty much what
>>714695 said. I wasn't ever much into writing fanfictions or making up extenstive universes, but I make up an OC and a scenario on why we'd fuck, and then pretty much imagine getting fucked. It's really just a case of maladaptive daydreaming.
No. 714701
>>714695Ah, I get it now. Thanks.
>>714697I mean, I daydream and fantasize like that too, only about 3d people in a 3d world. I was just confused how you visualize sex when you have one dimension more than your anime himbo.
>>714693I'd recommend you visit Switzerland in the spring if you can, you will never forget the beautiful waterfalls in the mountains, so breathtaking!
No. 714707
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>>711339Jannies have now resorted to filing fraudulent bans. I didn’t make that post and that isn’t my IP. Just got banned for someone else’s 2 year old post.
No. 714769
>>714749probabaly the one anon who saw her company putting up job offer and her boss likes to work with sociable people.
keeping my fingers crossed either way
No. 714845
>>714843Nta but been there, spent 2.5 years with a guy who had a whole other part time (irl) relationship and somehow fit her in and kept her well hidden. I didn't see any signs til the last few weeks when he was already preparing to leave.
Honestly you'll probably be pissed off for years to come, at any mention of his name. But rest assured anyone that good at keeping secrets (for that long too) will cheat on their future partners too. Trash person.
No. 714847
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recently I found out my mom had three abortion appointments when she was pregnant with me, she canceled the first two and then when she was on her way to the clinic she met her friend who basically talked her out of it after a few hours. My mom was 33 at the time, so it's not like she was too young, she just didn't want me. She went back to work like a month after my birth, she never breastfeed me, my grandma took care of me most of the time, and then when I was 7 we moved out from my grandparents. Living only with my mom was hell. I always felt she didn't want me but for some reason that new info about abortion appointments made me feel even worse lmao. I project those feelings onto everyone, it's hard to believe anyone would want me if no one in my own family really wanted me
No. 714850
>>714847Same vibes from my family too anon.
My mom had me with an
abusive womanizer who she married after barely a year together and divorced shortly after having me. She was in her mid 30s too so old enough to know better and not do desperate and reckless things. Always felt I had this black mark on me for being from part of him, failing to be the band-aid for her marriage, and the lingering expectation to be eternally grateful to her for birthing me and giving me the bare minimums. If my mom told me she considered abortion, it would at least make me feel less gaslit about the shit treatment and little bond I had with her throughout my life and being blamed for our lack of relationship. She'll never admit she regrets me, but I can tell.
Honestly I'll completely admit she'd have been better off getting an abortion and never marrying again, but here we are.
No. 714878
>>714875it's absolutely true that bisexuals are treated much better in straight relationships but
>You can only experience oppression if you act on the homosexual part of your orientation by this logic closted celibate gay people who never acted on their sexual desires aren't oppressed either? please pick a better argument at least
No. 714890
>>714864Radfems deeming something as transphobia? In what fucking world is Tumblr in? Lol
Biphobia is definitely a thing, people just assume we're not bi based on the rate of homosexual/heterosexual relationships we end up in. To a bisexual person, the sex of the person who we date is all coincidental, no correlation of our preference for sex over the other.
No. 714909
>>714890To be honest, that one person considered herself a "TIRF" as in trans inclusive radical feminist, and many people did disagree with her over that. But still it's dumb that even someone came up with that argument in itself.
>>714898>>714899Yes, there are plenty of homophobic idiots among bisexual women, but let's not act like the only two types of bi women are the "good and pure lesbian allies" febfems vs the homphobic pick-me "bihets". It's far more nuanced than that. Also what about the very high domestic abuse of bisexual women?
No. 714912
>>714907It's weird because some lesbians will say "We don't want to date bisluts, they all have STDs and are pick-mes and are just trying us for experimentation! We want gold-stars only!", but then they'll be surprised and angry when bisexual women just choose to date men.
Who the fuck wants to be tasked with "proving" themselves to people that will act almost like bitter, demoralizing incels toward them? Also, when they and overzealous febfems (who think they're doing something) tell bisexual women who face abuse that it's "their fault" for dating men, they really sound disgusting. Nasty shit.
No. 714917
>>714907>Its misogynistic scrotebrain to think a woman is ruined by past penisI don't think you're "ruined", I just want someone with similar life experiences and mentality to mine. It's natural. I can't really understand women who willingly enter relationships with men, and I'm a febfem, not even a lesbian. I imagine it must be much stronger in some lesbians and I completely understand why some of them only want "gold stars". A bisexual woman who dated men will NEVER understand this feeling of loneliness.
>>714908Personal is political. It's not just about our fee fees.
>>714912Hmm maybe because many bisexual women don't even take gay relationship seriously and they just see lesbians as sex toys and they look for lesbians on dating sites because they want to spice up things between them and their scrotes and assume that a lesbian will want to take part in a sex triangle?
No. 714924
>>714912It's honestly very incel that lesbians say they don't want bisexual women, but then also get mad when bisexual women are with men, or even straight up don't date lesbian women. It reminds me of when men try to flirt with women, and when they reject them say some shit like "Fine, I didn't want your ugly ass anyway!". I've posted about this in the unpopular opinions thread a couple days ago, but I genuinely can't imagine being mad that people who are attracted to both genders are attracted to both genders. Let's not even mention the fact that's it's harder to find women who are into women (something lesbian women should know and empathize with) so it makes more sense for bi woman do date men more, and homophobia and family members not believing in bisexuality ("it's just a phase""you're confused!") is very real.
I honestly think that lesbian women can't take that bisexual women still struggle with their sexuality despite the fact they can pass as straight, and that's why they refuse to believe that biphobia exists
>>714917>they look for lesbians on dating sites because they want to spice up things between them and their scrotes and assume that a lesbian will want to take part in a sex triangle?Those women aren't actually bi, wtf.
No. 714925
>>714921Of course you do, and honestly anons making it all about lesbians not wanting to date us dating are retarded, but you and most febfems do really sound like you have a "not like other bisexuals" superiority complex over "bihets". I haven't actually dated a man either, I don't know if I even want to, because scrotes in my area are the worst and so is online dating.
>I choose to never date scrotes for political reasonsyou sound like you would call yourself a lesbian if political lesbianism wasn't frowned upon.
No. 714926
>>714920Whoomp there it is!
>>714917Calm down you're not superior for being a febfemme
but i do think its a based choice . You were probably just another bisexual woman before you got Pink Pilled. It's not fair to generalize bi women like that and you know it.
>They just see lesbians as sex toysSounds like a projection to me. Anon was not talking about lesbians they were talking about "seeking for me n my hubby"
No. 714934
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>>714921I think noses with humps are super cute. They have charachter.
i have a nose fetish No. 714938
>>714930She was super cool, fave cow was momokun . She was really cute in a dumb way. We looked at dogs for 4 hours and i convinced her to adopt a dachshund so based conversion to the only weiner lesbians need.
We didn't romance it off but she was fun to hang out with and we are friendly with one another. If shes reading this I'm sorry LOL.
Now all the girls I talk to I try to convert them to farmers and yes its superior because its more fun to talk about with someone. Get farmer gfs. Its probably an unpopular opinion LOL
No. 714940
>>714924>so it makes more sense for bi woman do date men moreNo, in my eyes it would make more sense to stay celibate rather than fucking scrotes. Imagine living in 2021 and having the access to all that knowledge and still dating scrotes because "I'm scared of being lonely uwu". I don't blame women in third world countries or just poor women who do it for survival reasons, but bi women who can support themselves? Kek. I have no sympathy at this point.
>>714925>you sound like you would call yourself a lesbian if political lesbianism wasn't frowned uponNo I wouldn't, because I don't deny the biological basis of sexual orientation, unlike political lesbians.
I also don't believe in "compulsory heterosexuality", another thing made up by a political lesbian.
No. 714944
>>714940Wtf are you talking about? A lot of women don't date because they're afraid of being lonely or something. Stop acting like your febfem shit is fact when it's really a personal choice.
>Bi women who can support themselves?What does that even mean? Do you mean financially? Because you know, some people actually get into relationships because they love and have romantic feelings for the other person right?
No. 714945
>>714941Yeah, I keep it, but I have zero (0) expectations towards straight women. Bi women want to call themselves allies and gay and oy vey, but they can't even let go of dicks, most of the time. They have real choice, something else than JUST celibate, unlike hetties, and yet they still choose men.
>>714944I said what I said. I only have sympathy for women who are forced to be with men because of life circumstances, not out of choice.
No. 714948
>>714945Just like I said in
>>714909>let's not act like the only two types of bi women are the "good and pure lesbian allies" febfems vs the homphobic pick-me "bihets"Also, nice job admitting to being a domestic abuse apologist, lmao.
No. 714950
>>714948Nice job admitting you don't believe women have personal agency and they're just forced to live with men
(infighting) No. 714951
>>714948>Also, nice job admitting to being a domestic abuse apologist, lmao.Literally, this anon sounds like a genderbent incel with this shit, kek.
Most bisexual women probably avoid her like the plague when she goes on these insane rants, and the lesbian women who'd actually agree with any of this just read she's bisexual and dip out for obvious reasons.
No. 714956
>>714950>domestic abuse victims are asking for it>all men are abusers and women who get into relationships with them know what's going to happenYour logic is so screwed. At this point this has nothing to do with bi women. I honestly can't tell what this is. Is it
victim-blaming? Internalized Misogyny? Both? Idk. It is some bullshit though.
I wish people would realize when everyone is telling them that what they're saying is fucked up, maybe something is wrong with how they think.
No. 714958
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>>714950You should go and have a nice lunch with her instead of passionately arguing with strange women online who've probably touched penises.
In fact, isn't this almost like secondhand interacting with men? You're deliberately getting so in touch with women who are likely to be in regular contact with men.
I don't know, it's looking a little spicy to me.
(infighting) No. 714967
>>714951Cope, even on radblr there are febfem/lesbian couples. And I'm perfectly fine with dating other febfems, not only lesbians, maybe because I don't feel entitled to lesbians.
Also, I recommend you to read sespursongles essays on bi women, comphet, radical feminism etc. You can download them all somwewhere. Though I would start with her post where she explains why she left radical feminism:>>714954Let's start from the fact that I'm not a radfem, but a separatist. I still lurk rad tumblr though. The wast majority of radfems are het and bisexual and radblr is ridden with lesbophobia and idpol, that's why lesbians, like sespursongles for example, don't even identify as radfems anymore. The biggest thinkers in radfem movement, like Mary Daly, were self admitted political lesbians (so they were just perpetuating identity politics). They not only claimed that orientation is a choice, but also ridiculed "born this way" lesbians (actual lesbians). I think it was also sespursongles who said that feminism is basically couples therapy for straight people kek. I couldn't agree more. Radical feminism is not that much different than liberal feminism in this regard. Radfems are, mostly, social constructionists. They fight trannies but at the same time they deny the biological basis of male abuse, they believe you can socialize all men to be "good", they deny essentialism not because they have any actual arguments against it, but simply because "it's too scary to think males are naturally like this" (I've seen radfems admitting it many times).
So again, I'm not a radfem. I believe women have personal agency and there's no magical power forcing them to marry men. I don't perform femininity, like make up, heels or femininine clothing. I guess the only femininine thing about me is long hair.
>>714964Right? I love how bihets on radblr say that comparing lesbians to men/incels literally NEVER happens. And here we are lol
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Family vent: A cousin from my dad's side has been crashed on my couch with her dog for one week and counting while her parents clear covid. Considering it's a 2bedroom apartment and I rent it with my dad plus my bf also lives here, space has been pretty cramped. I've been dealing with the awkwardness alright, even though I value my space and alone time because of work. Sometimes having the dog here drives me nuts because it's already gotten into and rooted my room twice, plus it begs and screams when I eat. I put on a happy tone anyway.
She hasn't been very warm to me. I got her a really nice card and present for her birthday, and invited her to a small get together with my friends. My dad made sure there was plenty of junk food vegetarian stuff she likes such as mac n cheese. Despite everything, she's not talkative and is lukewarm at best. I chalked it up to her anxieties about her parents at first, but they're doing fine and her dad even got released from the hospital. She's set to go home officially next week and we've been really nice to her so her attitude is really off and my dad describes it as "weird."
Tonight I found out she went to have dinner with my narc mom who I have no contact with. This is peculiar for two reasons.
1. She's my dad's family, and I don't talk to my mom because of her bullshit and my mom hates my dad due to their divorce. I can see why she still considers my mom an 'aunt' but this brings me to the next thing,
2. My mom has a fucking house with a guest bedroom. If she wants to cozy up to my asshole mother, then why not crash at her place? Rhetorical question. My mother would never because she wouldn't be able to tolerate the dog and my cousin idling in her house for a week with a less than peppy attitude. That's why.
She didn't tell me, but I found out because my bf noticed she was gone and texted my dad to ask about if he should lock our door. My dad told me she had gone to my mom's, she didn't tell me that herself. I thought that was pretty shitty enough, but THEN she texts me to bail on the plans I invited her tomorrow with my friends because she suddenly fears covid exposure. So I asked her if she was going to be staying at my mom's with the guest bedroom to avoid the covid issue since I'll still be exposed from having seen my friends? She replies that no and that she'd just "stay out of my face lol!" So I guess she intends to keep crashing on my living room couch and kitchen knowing I've been ~exposed to covid~ but is now just going to ignore–'distance from'–me. She insisted (without my having asked) that it's nothing to do with me and that her mom had asked her not to go, but the sudden change makes me wonder if my narc mom didn't feed her some shit about me. She's 20 and old enough to drive here and make her own decisions without following mommy's orders. Regardless, I think she's being a shitty cousin to me. I don't feel liked by her and I think she's only here because my narc mother would never and because the rest of my dad's family turned her away because they don't want to fuck with covid bullshit and have her hanging at their places for weeks either.
It really makes me think. I wish my family wasn't shit.
No. 715106
>>714085>>714075This is a late response anon but I'm a diagnosed autist and feel the same way you do, your first post reads exactly like what I'd write in my journal years before my diagnosis. I also don't have any talents/savant abilities and didn't identify my sensory issues until I was an adult and had done extensive research on them; I just thought they were things normal humans experienced, too.
While there are other things that could be going on with you -lack of empathy that isn't part of a disorder, depression- I think you could benefit from looking into how autism specifically manifests in women, which is often more subtle than the stereotypical male autist. I watched a lot of videos by autistic women, talks and conferences while I was researching this, and seeing actual women rather than doctors discuss their experience made things a lot clearer for me.
No. 715149
>>715122>>715125I was taken aback by it and had flashbacks of the last time I bitched down from another roommate walking all over me, so I responded with "I guess I'm not asking you to consider it. Please do so next time."
Oh well. If you don't want someone to misunderstand what you say, respond with "yeah np" next time instead of being a difficult ass.
No. 715378
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I had to record a presentation I did on Zoom and holy shit, I had no idea my face looked this awful while talking. I'm a total goblin. I can barely stand to see it, when I'm not laughing or talking my face looks normal but as soon as it starts moving it contorts in really ugly ways and it becomes incredibly obvious how asymmetrical my mouth is among other things. So it turns out that this is what other people are always seeing when they talk to me. I always thought I was decent looking but my confidence is absolutely shattered now.
No. 715379
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>>715378hey now, I'm sure it's not that bad. most people look weird on camera, especially during this hyper-polished age. maybe the lighting and angle didn't flatter you or you're more familiar with a mirrored image. maybe you have some body dysmorphia and are fixated on perceived flaws and weaknesses others don't notice as much. I'm sure you're beautiful anon. I believe it. feel free to ignore this unwarranted commentary tho
No. 715391
>>715382You should definitely gather any evidence that hes doing it, also maybe ask the girls who got groomed by him to maybe share if he has said anything creepy, and report it to discord staff and the discord admins and mods, possibly even report it to the police since it is a crime that hes doing.
Also, thats so fucked up anon, kind of reminds me of a guy i had a friendship with benefits with, he would make me cut his name too into my skin, i was like 16-17 and had severe mental health issues, dunno if this is any relevant but had to put this out there, because it just sounds to oddly familiar
No. 715393
>>715379That's really sweet, thank you for that response, it seriously helped me cheer up.
I do have an overly animated/expressive face that changes a lot while I talk, but chances are the mirror thing and wide angle lens that shitty built in webcams tend to have make things seem a bit worse than they are. When a friend tells me about an insecurity they have about their face 9 out of 10 times I'll be completely baffled and unable to see the flaw they supposedly have too, so I guess you're always your own worst critic. God does it make me want to hide though.
No. 715531
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I was going to do something nice and make a homemade pizza for me and my roommate. I made the dough this morning before he woke up. I have made dough many times - he never has. I say I'm going to start making the sauce and he keeps dismissing what I'm saying because his e celeb youtube chefs don't do it 100% the way I do, and it won't come out right unless I follow a youtube video. Now we're watching the video and he's taking over the sauce. Is this manspaining or just autism? Hes such an annoying fucking autist in other ways too this is just one example.
Lesson learned: never live with men, romantically or not
No. 715621
>>715610Do you date/fuck them though? If not they’re probably calling you boring because of that rather than your looks. Trying to neg you into it.
I used to think too highly of scrotes’ opinions too, but eventually figured out how dumb it was. When I thought about it I realised I didn’t think much of them either, kek.
No. 715625
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I'm so tired of worrying about money.
No. 715626
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Why are there so many faux intellectuals like this? Do they make sense to themselves?
No. 715631
>>715610It sounds like you're projecting a bit, you judge yourself as boring and need validation of otherwise. What the fuck is "not boring" anyway? Truth is most scrotes don't give a fuck if you're a fuckin astronaut or a LSD shaman, they already think they're the most interesting man on earth. Have you seen the amount of posts on the internet about women who can't even get a scrote to watch a movie after she sat through whatever boring shit he likes?
I think it's something you'll outgrow if you consciously make the decision to go against the desire for approval. Look for that girlhood feeling of joy, people who can retain childlike authenticity are never boring. They radiate joie de vivre.
No. 715634
>>715610men who call you boring are rude and are probably not putting any effort in asking you interesting questions that let them know more about you as a person because they are shallow. i agree with
>>715621 they are probably trying to neg you. i hope you manage to meet nicer men! but you should ignore their opinion of you regardless.
i think u are cool and that's all that matters ok anon.
ironically, i feel the opposite. i'm really into football and watching football matches is probably one of my main hobbies. altho this is a sport watched by a lot of women, men get hung up on me being ~not like other girls~ which makes me feel like a pickme. they also get rly creepy because they feel like "we get along well" after one shallow convo about football. this annoys me because most men don't put effort into learning about their gf's hobbies or interest.
moral of the story is that men are annoying whether they think u are boring or not and u should ignore their opinions of u.
No. 715638
>>715634>"we get along well" after one shallow convo about footballEw wtf sports watching is my country's national pastime, everyone and their grandmas watch soccer. Men just want to associate everything with themselves, all narcissists.
Men have the most basic bitch taste when it comes to arts and entertainment. The projection is off the charts.
No. 715662
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No one cares about this anymore but the Bean Dad story made me feel really sad. My Dad was just like that guy and it fucked me up bad. I learned pretty quickly how to figure out things for myself but that doesn't mean I don't have a ton of gaps in my knowledge, mostly about taking care of myself. I'm 25 and my dad ridicules me for still living with my mom but guilts me into coming home the times I've tried to move out. He pulled that kind of "teaching moment" shit on me so that 1. He could feel intellectually superior to a literal child and 2. Make sure I was completely dependent on him so he could continue getting narcissistic supply well into my adulthood. Thankfully he doesn't know that my Mom and I are planning on fully leaving him once we can get a consistent place to stay.
No. 715682
>>715672tbh I don't envy tradies, they can get seriously rich but it fucks up your body and can be crazy hours in all kinds of weather and lots of stress. I work for a builder that utilizes a lot of subcontractors and we expect a lot from them, I'm not sure what undemanding trades you mean but general building seems tough af.
You're right though, it should be more of an option for women. It's the best way to make big money if you aren't interested in getting a degree.
No. 715689
>>715675I'm really sorry you went through that anon. The men like that really only have children to make themselves look like responsible family men for the approval of strangers but still hurt the ones closest to them. They made us feel weak because they're actually weak. Not helping your preschooler butter toast is just plain sad on your part and completely pathetic on his part.
I remember I was 12 years old and just sobbing in my bedroom after school because I felt so helpless. I had terrible cystic acne, was constantly bullied, and had very few friends who I couldn't even connect emotionally to because I didn't know how. Everything in life felt so fucking hard and I had no idea why. My dad comes into my room, and I kind of reached out to him for a hug, but instead he stands over me and tells me to shut up because I was being a brat and he didn't want to hear it anymore. Never asked me what was wrong, didn't even try to comfort me, just shut me down because he thought me crying was trying to 'manipulate' him. I just learned to cry silently after that.
No. 715697
>>715689Fuck, anon I feel awful that you had a shitbag like him for a dad but I also feel we could be good venting friends, I never talk about this stuff because it would still make feel like I let it happen to me thus making me weak somehow? I don't know if you know that feeling but it's such a block especially in adult life, I don't think I am ever gonna be okay to meet and be around a future gf's family because I feel like an alien or like I'm larping a normal functional person, I just don't mention the bastard but I can sense the sus eminating from me. My dad always made sure to do some oh such noble things he would later on use as leverage or to basically blackmail me with, like how could I be so ungrateful to not shower him with gifts and praise because he picked me up from the doctor or from school, even if he yelled at me the whole time or, somehow worse, completely ignored me. I hate using the term narc but he definitely was one, no sane adult man feels the need to constantly put down his own child, like wow you knew how to do a basic task but forgot to teach it to your own child? What an absolute king.
No. 715710
>>715705Anon, do you think he'd just tolerate it if you put up a poster of an attractive man and gushed about how hot he is constantly?
It's not simple "emotional immaturity", this male is openly cucking you. Your misery is part of the fun for him. Is that your fetish? Do you really enjoy being with someone who prioritizes a paper image of another woman and his hand over you? If the answer is no, do something about it.
No. 715715
>>715705>well she's famous it's not like I'm going to get with her.Anon, the ONLY reason he's not fucking someone else is that the girl he jacks off over is inaccessible to him.
And honestly when men do things this blatantly disrespectful, they know it's disrespectful. They're not naive or confused or unaware. He does understand fully, he just doesn't care. He's doing it because he thinks you'll put up with it.
Men having naked posters up of other women isn't normal behaviour. I have not once seen an adult man decorate his house like that, not even the single ones. Teen boys might do that, but adult men don't. This isn't acceptable and typical behaviour. It's tacky, it's lame and it's disrespectful to you.
Chuck the man in the bin and find someone who doesn't feel the need to put his plaster his spank bank on the walls.
No. 715727
>>715715>>715712>>715709It's been a long time coming to be honest, the frustrating thing is our current living situation. I'm a semester away from graduating from college so moving back home isn't an option. I have thought of moving into a dorm but that involves leaving my 2 dogs behind which is not an option.
I was already considered dumping him once my career takes off so it was going to happen sooner or later. I'll have to look over my options which aren't ideal at the moment.
>>715718sounds like you have never been in a long term relationship. Go fuck yourself anon, relationships are complicated and it's not always easy for women to just up and leave.
No. 715728
>>715705Oof…Please kick him the fuck out!
Had an ex who had photos of my sister on his phone… Pictures from her socials, profile pictures, and even old ones from my hard drives… Played a bit with him by deleting those and a bit of the porn he had on his phone and laptop etc. Just so much that he realized there was something off but he couldn't ask me directly not to reveal himself. The relationship was broken so it didn't really matter anyway.
No. 715742
>>715718Not to be that bitch but this is why women will never have equality.
Naivety and doormatness is groomed into us sure, but after highschool you gotta start maturing past that.
No. 715749
>>715728That's insane, I'm starting to feel grateful I never had to put up with that level of degeneracy.
>>715744 It has been a well learned lesson. The bright side is he does pay most of my bills, which is why I had planned to make my grand escape once I gained financial independence. I have a few good job offers lined up for me once I graduate so my situation isn't completely bleak, just annoying.
No. 715755
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Every time I talk about cute girls on socials, fucking transbians respond. They're so gross and annoying, I hate that they think the posts apply to them. Sometimes I just wanna say fuck it and be openly TERF, but there would go all my cool mutuals. When will the trans trend finally die anons? I can't keep playing nice with these ugly men for much longer before I crack.
No. 715781
>>715765Because I’m brown and lesbian who is being erased, coercively raped, and identity colonized by white men in dresses. I suggest you reach out to women on
TERF platforms for more nuanced answer. Lolcow is not longer safe place for discussion. Or try perusing old GC threads, I’m sure your questions have been addressed at some point.
No. 715789
>>715765I'm not white or straight, and I used to support the whole trans thing until I found out both first and secondhand how racist/anti-black and homophobic (specifically toward lesbians) they are.
You can find plenty of examples of MtFs and their supporters (both black and white) saying fucked up shit about black women, physically attacking them (and all other women), threatening to rape lesbians or shaming them for being same-sex attracted, etc. Hell, go on /lgbt/ and watch them shit on black women, claim black hair is "unfeminine", that black women don't count as women, the whole nine yards.
I won't dump them here because that's not what this thread is for, but the MtF thread in /snow/ has a few
>>>/snow/1131745. Like the other anon says, you can also find out more if you look at old GC threads, at Crystal Cafe's designated threads about trans discussions, or the GC thread(s) on Asherah's Garden.
No. 715829
>>715723TBH this is the truth. Idk what woman needs to hear this but stop fucking men who aren't respecting you or else they're not going to learn. LEAVE. Unless you are in an actually
abusive relationship with no resources then get the fuck out.
>>715749How long do you
have to stay with him? Can you not reach out to someone, literally anyone for some money, and leave? Take out a loan for rent until you get your job? Go to a woman's shelter? If you wanted to leave then you would make it happen. It's not just him but also you who is cucking yourself.
No. 715830
>>715765Because certain aspects of trans advocacy harm real women. It's simply incomparable to racism and homophobia because there's no inherent sacrifice of another group's rights thay comes with those groups having equality. Most TERFs/GC start off as being chill with transpeople until they get more and more exposed to the insanity of the community and their demands. If it were simply "hey, we just want to be able to present as women and mind our own business", most of us would take no issue, but that is simply not the case.
I'm not nearly as TERFy as a lot of people here and actually do accept some transwomen as women (the ones who actually pass as women and are viewed as women by general society), but there are so many aspects of the trans ideaology that turn me off and even straight up disgust me:
>the idea that having "genital preferences" is bigoted because how dare lesbians not want someone with a dick>putting children on puberty blockers and hormones>putting biological men who have sexually assaulted women in women's prison>participating in women's sports despite an obvious advantage>some of them are genuinely insane and do shit like wear pads with strawberry jam in them but we're not allowed to acknowledge that as deeply psycholigically unhinged>LITERALLY HALF of them are DIAGNOSED NARCS and it shows so much with how they talk about themseleves vs real women- it is not uncommon for them to say that they have it worse than women who've experienced miscarraiges because "at least they can get pregnant". Or to say they hate hearing women complain about the pain mensturation because we're so "lucky" to experience biological womanhood.>pretending TIMs using their access to female spaces to secually prey on women and girls is not a thing when there are countless examples of it No. 715837
>>715827>that's a real, respectable job that contributes to societyAh yes, where would society be without unskilled drones cooking factory farmed carcinogenic junk food to contribute to America's obesity epidemic?
God, the bar for "respectable job" is tragically low for some of you.
No. 715840
>>715837>being an asshole to people who have to risk their life for their job>working for a living period isn't respectableyou sound like a camwhore
also nta
No. 715847
>I have told him it bothers me every time he talked about her and how hot she isYou:
>Just communicate Are you a redditor?
No. 715851
>>715760>>715761Trust me anons, I want to rally up and peak as many TRA women as I can, but it's so hard to not have people dismiss it and say "Fuck off
TERF!!" They all care more about troon feelings than women and our safety. You've seen the way they hype up men that say they want to beat TERFS, they're fucking brainwashed.
Blog, but I was all on the TRA bandwagon too until I started reading the MTF thread and woke the fuck up to just how many of these fucks are creepy pervs. It feels like the only way for them to be convinced is if they see all the gross shit they say and do for themselves.
>>715765You're born black. You're born gay. You aren't born trans, and that's literally the point of being trans kek
Honestly, I don't even hate all trans people. I just hate the 95% of men that claim to be transwomen who are just misogynists with a fetish. The 5% who try to pass, date men and leave lesbians alone, and generally try to be normal don't bother me.
>>715772I've considered it, but there's a lot and I'm sure they would notice and start posting about it, demanding I answer why. I don't have a gigantic following, but it's large enough that people would possibly say something.
No. 715854
>>715837Ok sex worker anon, keep telling yourself that cashiers and cooks are somehow bad people committing a great evil for working a basic job serving food that people eat. As if they're to fucking blame.
True it's not a glamorous role, it's entry level and 'unskilled' meaning it's a great way for teenagers to get experience and start earning money. But even for adults, as long as they're working full time, that's being a responsible, contributing member of society. It's sad that you have to look down on them to make yourself feel better.
No. 715856
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Grieving about how my older brother is an irredeemable scrote. He wasted his 20s cooming to anime figures, hoarding thousands of anime figurines, and binge eating his ass off. He still lives with me and my parents. I used to look up to him since he did pretty well in academics. Now that I surpassed him in both physique and career earnings I can’t help but pity him and how he hasn’t had a girlfriend in a decade. Now my mom expects me to help him get back in shape and fix his hoarding scenario, since it’s taking up the storage rooms in the house. I can’t stop being disappointed at my brother for being such a slob and focusing on only talking to other degenerate scrotes who like anime. I wish my normie cousins didn’t bully him so hard to the point where he had to turn to anime girls for “comfort”.
Anons, please help. I don’t know how to even fix him anymore after finding his hard drive of hentai. At least he’s still paying rent and not NEETing his life out. Internally I love him, he has treated me nicely when I was a sick, deranged fujoshi. I don’t know how to give him a reality check. I just want him to find a girlfriend, settle down somewhere and move his shit away from me and my parents.
No. 715857
>>715848Literally what are you talking about, you delusional loony? I never said literally any of that. I'm anti-sex work, but I'm just not going to pretend that burger flipping is a respectable job to feed into the copes of some anons who's bar for a "respectable" career is as low as "not spreading my asshole for money".
>>715843Correction, I said "that" much more respectable.
No. 715859
>>715854I am so confused how my anti-sex work post is leading to some of you accusing me of being a pro-whoring OF girl just because I don't think giving people diabetes for a career is respectable. I don't understand why the two are mutually exclusive and you're honestly literally retarded for thinking so.
Both involve heavily exploitative industries that seriously harm society. Both take no skill. Both should be avoided as a career. I'm not going to indulge your weird double standards to make you feel like less of a loser lol.
No. 715866
>>715860Yeah, nothing brings shame to all women like making almost six figures entry level off your computer science bachelors instead of burger flipping for the rest of your life.
>>715861>fast food work requires skill>implying that's the reason whores whore instead and not the fact it makes way more money Congratulations, this is probably the most comically retarded thing I've read all week.
No. 715872
>>715868it literally does require skill though
Does skill only count if it's mental, not physical?
No. 715875
>>715874I mean you have to be able to stay on your feet up to 12 hours, you have to be able to empty frying vats without hurting anyone, you have to be able to lift weight, count cash fast, etc
Those literally are skills, why shit on anyone doing a job?
No. 715877
>>715870Oh my god, this level of delusional cope is fucking gold. Keep telling yourself that any woman who looks down on burger flipping MUST be a whore and there's NO WAY she has a bachelors and high paying career, even when she's vocal about her anti-sex work stance. God, no wonder some of you never make anything of yourselves. You literally cant compute a path to success to the point where you refuse to even believe people when they tell you they have a bachelors and a good paying job. It's almost as sad as it is funny.
I'm gonna peace out and stop clogging up the thread. Go ahead and tell yourself whatever you need to to be less
triggered by someone not respecting your minimum wage unskilled diabetes peddling job. Have fun with that horrifically low bar you've set.
No. 715878
>>715877it's really weird that you keep bringing up your job
like weird in a sad way
I like to think if I was making six figures, I wouldn't be shitposting on a 4chan off-shoot gossip website in the wee hours of the morning
No. 715879
>>715875>why shit on anyone doing a job?Literally tell that to the anons above talking about sex work. Anyway, I'm not shitting on fast food workers, I think they deserve better considering the treatment from costumers and low pay they get. I eat fast food, I have nothing against them.
Imo, counting cash fast is not a skill that you acquire from being a fast food worker, and it's something most people learn to do in school. I do understand the frying vat thing though. I don't wanna keep derailing about this though. Let the vents continue.
>>715877Nobody cares about your bachelors and six figure job, anon.
No. 715889
>>715859If you're not just a bitter, defensive sex worker it's even worse that you're looking down on regular jobs. Didn't we just learn that ~unskilled~ jobs like working in a supermarket suddenly become 'essential' at times of need? Just because certain jobs aren't high flying high earning careers doesn't mean they aren't a respectable ways to make a living.
'Respectable' doesn't have to mean impressive and skillful btw, it just means they're doing the responsible, adult thing to pay bills and contribute to society.
No. 715909
>>715878Nta, but to be fair she only started doing that after you guys kept accusing her of being a secret whore, which tbh was equally cringey.
>>715902This gif made me super nostalgic. I miss Milky Fawn.
No. 715935
>>715829Some of you anons really are dramatic, I said I would look at my options. I'm not going to go to a woman's shelter over a fucking poster. I can obviously leave whenever I want. Like I said I can go to a dorm, but that means leaving behind a lot of things we both worked on together.
Like I said it sounds like most of you have never been in long term relationships.
>Take out a loan for rent until you get your job?And put myself in more debt? You sound awfully privileged anon
No. 715937
>>715929We've all seen the thread. Contain your
TERF sperging over there
No. 715954
>>715705Girl get a fucking backbone
And stop accusing other anons of not having any 'long term dating experience' when you're the one putting up with this retarded shit and you can't figure out how to deal with it
>>715948fuck off anon isn't this a vent thread?
Obviously I am talking about leaving especially if he expects me to put up with the disrespect but I'm not going to pack my bags and storm out because of it.
No. 715958
>>715954>>715941This thread really has some of the nastiest bitches.
So much for having a place for women to feel safe to share, on a fucking vent thread too.
No. 715966
I lost the broccoli and raisin salad recipe I was so stoked about trying out! Noooooooo
>>715958This is not anyone's safe space, don't expect to be coddled on lolcow
No. 715978
>>715967How is telling someone they deserve it good advise?
>>711339it's in the rules of the thread
No. 716001
>>715979I want to look now like a young woman but when I were a kid I wanted to look like a kid
I’m aging like milk basically chronically
No. 716007
>>715856>adult and posts an anime pic on an imageboard>shit talks autistic brother>this big adult totes based OP is shit talking autistic brother on an image board>thinks because he lives with his mother like a loser that she’s any better even though she’s living with her mom as wellJesus you’re petty as hell And your mom shouldn’t have gotten you two.
You also make me realize that I shouldn’t have weeb kids
No. 716014
>>716007why the hell are you on imageboards if even an anime pic
triggers you
No. 716020
>>716007You lonely and just want some interaction or what?
Autism isn’t an excuse to be a disgusting burden. He can pay rent so that scrote is high functioning enough to gtfo. I’m over coddling autists, especially overgrown incels who feel entitled to taking up his own family’s space for anime titties.
No. 716039
>>715924NTA, but funny how you didn't mention whether or not you were a lesbian.
When were brown lesbians ever "the center of attention"? Maybe it looks that way if you're a jealous straight white male who's uncomfortable when it's not about him and his feelings 24/7. They always find a way to guilt trip and prioritize themselves, huh? It's impressive.
No. 716078
>>715962>the effects of these pills are reversible, don't worry>but the expected side effects will fuck you up for lifeThat sounds
sooooo much better, kek. But also stopping your puberty at the point it'd naturally start and treating it as something you can just restart later down the line with zero difference is magical thinking, we're not robots.
No. 716080
>>715765Define transphobic, I don't hate trans people and I don't want them to suffer or die or whatever they accuse tErFs of, but I don't believe that trans women literally
are women, and vice versa, in fact I don't believe in gender identity at all (I think we should work towards a society where everyone feels free to be as masculine or feminine as they want regardless of sex, whereas transitioning reinforces gender stereotypes). I have yet to hear a logically sound definition of "woman" that includes trans women. And I think biological women should be allowed to have spaces to themsleves, especially ones where theyre vulnerable like locker rooms and prisons. I don't consider these views hateful at all but apparently they put me on the same level as actual fascists according to some people
No. 716087
>>715962Yeah, "any medication" renders children sterile when followed up with "gender affirming" HRT. Lmao.
The effects are not actually reversible, by the way.
Doctors are still not completely sure of the results and risks, and any reputable one you ask will admit as much. Why do you support using children as guinea pigs?
No. 716153
>>716007My brother isn’t austistic? are you retarded? Why are you so
triggered over me using an anime photo, it was the latest saved image on my phone. I looked up to my brother, when I was younger because he really seemed like he got his shit together 10 years ago until he started going to anime conventions and getting high off anime consoomerism and merchandise hoarding.
>>716015He doesn’t have normie friends that I know of, but I assume they’re all married and have kids. I’m trying to get closer to him but my parents keep flaunting my achievements to him for no reason, which could make him resent me since I’m younger. I actually had the same treatment when I was younger and resented my brother for doing better than me in the past. My parents don’t want to provoke him too hard since he does pay the bills. I guess I should leave it to my parents to decide what to do, I felt like I had a say in these types of things because he lives with me and I want to store food, not coomer shit in the storage room.
No. 716175
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Dogs are like children: You may think your dog and other dogs like it are cute because it's yours. To other people however, your dog is an obnoxious, yipping, begging, attention whoring, and messy asshole that is ugly and likely not the best representation of whatever breed you think your mutt is. You overestimate its capabilities and underestimate its nuisance. You think your relationship is special when your selfies on social media are a dime a dozen.
All of this is alright, until you start imposing your dog onto other people and then wonder why some aren't as endeared to it as you are. Maybe not everyone finds animal hair in their kitchen, clothes, and furniture as the most sanitary standard. Maybe shoving their poopy assholes in your face when you're trying to sit down isn't the equivalent of watching a beautiful sunset. Maybe other people are fully aware that your dog-child-furbaby is a human equivalent to a spoiled brat.
No. 716180
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>>716175This reminds me of my little brother that makes a point of being rude about my dogs whenever I see him like, 3 times a year, so he has no reason to hate dogs so much, he's just a dick. I had to use the family computer to look something up and pic related came up in the search bar and I thought it was so funny I confronted him about it and he got LIVID at me for "spying on him". I wasn't spying homie your psycho shit just popped up when I went to type! Now I make jokes that he wants to eat my dogs or ask if he wants a hotdog when I see him and it makes him pissed
No. 716186
>>716175My neighbors dog woke me up at 7am yesterday on my day off, never got back to sleep because she kept up the barking for ages. Whatever.
In bed at 1am lastnight tired and knowing I had to be up for something important today… dog freaks out again and barking lasts for an hour. This is an old dog. One time they told me to be careful that she bites…?? they've just never cared to train her I guess. The amount of lost hours of sleep that people living here longer than me must've had to endure. I need to buy earplugs before I start performing badly at work.
No. 716192
>>716191>i found it funny Doubt.jpg
Just admit you were mad and you had to confront him about his search history because you can't comprehend how someone could not love your pupperino. I don't tend to confront people over secret shit I find funny because it serves way more to not let them know that I know. You're angry fam, which is why you're confronting OP too.
No. 716194
>>716192Have you never teased a family member
Are you an alien
No. 716196
>>716184I meant because he searched
> do you judge people who don’t like dogsIn between all the searches about hating dogs
No. 716221
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Black twitter is yet again being dumb as fuck and picking fights on twitter because they have the same entitled personality of the whites they hate so much, at this rhythm they're going to fight with every country of the global south(global rule #7)
No. 716226
>>716180>how to eat a dog>eating dog should be legalThis is why I think dog/cat/any other animal haters are subhuman.
I don't like cockroaches. Do I post long-winded bullshit in vent threads constantly about how much I dislike them, Google "how to eat cockroaches", require an entire cockroach hate containment thread and obsess over them like a psycho?
No. No normal human does that kind of thing. Your little brother has mental problems and I'm sorry, anon.
No. 716235
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This entire twitter thread is making me really sick. It doesn't help me at all with my fears of aging. are men like this?
No. 716239
>>716235These same men cry bitch tears if you dare to have a height preference, or want someone who isn't bald, lmao.
Cringy that she double-texted, too. If you're not in that same age range, there's nothing desirable about a 34 year old man unless you have intense personal issues.
No. 716240
>>716236But that's probably 80-90% of men. So that leaves us with the small percentage of which most of them are likely taken.
>>716239> These same men cry bitch tears if you dare to have a height preference, or want someone who isn't bald, lmao.Exactly. Honestly, we should have stricter and higher standards for men. But I think some of the women in that thread were right, it's best to focus on work and hobbies and ignore men altogether. You can't win with them.
No. 716249
>>716235This makes me cringe, why did she even reply to him? As soon as someone says x age is too old, just block and delete. Don’t give them the satisfaction of acting upset. So embarrassing to see women groveling for male attention.
Why would you even want some loser 30 year old who’s looking to bang 18 year olds? The guy did you a favor by not wasting your time. Cut the damn loss. bitch.
No. 716250
>>716245I agree. I don't care about old farts wanting to date younger women but what worries me is that they make up a large % of the scrote population.
I'm the same age as her and I'm already getting hit up by 40+yo. Truth be told I also get texted by younger men and men of my age but it's scary that so many men have the audacity to demand women that are 10 years younger or even more. And not only are such men older but they look really shit on top of being old.
No. 716257
>>716111>spoilerUh what the fuck? Does he lurk here or something?
>>716175True, this morning I stepped in a puddle of my cats barf and I wasn't even grossed out. He walks all over my pillow with his little kitty-litter stank feet and I just don't give a fuck anymore (I'm sure you're wondering, and yes, I have good hygiene otherwise)
No. 716260
>>716255> Yeah I don't do any online dating Good for you, I've decided to stop recently.
It gives me personal satisfaction giving such men a straight no with a clear look of disgust on my face when it happened irl but I've completely lost faith that there are grown men who aren't straight pedos or hebephiles.
Also, these old scrotes deliberately lie about their age on dating apps so that they could get through the filters which adds to the predatory behaviour.
No. 716309
>>716235The worst part is the men replying in the comments. One woman said how she was told she was too old for a 40yo at 21 and there were men defending that as perfectly acceptable and "hdu judge!"
Women under 30 need to avoid older men like the plague, especially those in the 18-22 range. Men who only date barely legal women are just looking for an acceptable legal outlet for their ephebophilia. They'll drop you the second you age out of still passing for a minor.
No. 716314
>>716255>>715955If you don't want responses then go to the get it off your chest thread. Personally I would be thankful for the fact that so many anons took the time to write a response setting you straight. If we truly wanted the worst for you then we'd tell you to stay with your piece of shit boyfriend.
>>716231Anon please stay safe. I'm getting killer ex boyfriend vibes from this moid and I hate it.
>>716235>>716239Meanwhile I got sworn at in a server for saying I want an attractive fit guy and won't compromise that because I have both of those qualities myself. We aren't even allowed to have our equals by their logic, we should be taking and supporting their limp dick, ugly, overweight, unemployed bum asses with our wage gapped salaries while giving birth to their children, doing the housework, cooking, etc. Yes, makes perfect sense!
No. 716324
>>716260My best advice is do not do online dating and be vocal about being anti online-dating. Say that you aren't interested in dating and the men on there generally are below your expectations. Watch men REEEE about how 'selfish' you are to not be on these apps among other negative attitudes that a woman is voluntarily, happily restricting herself from the dating pool. Their reactions are an eye-opener and a good display of what they think of our purpose as women even if we are successful, accomplished, attractive, and clearly out of their league.
I wish I could pin this but I read a take on LipstickAlley from some based font who said that online dating is a waste of time because due to the fundamentals of what dating apps offer men (women on a swipe with no effort to approach IRL) it naturally attracts crusty, shitty men. These are men who cannot approach you but sit behind the comfort of their phones and feel entitled to beautiful, accomplished women that are clearly out of their league because 1) Adam Sandler and other ugly male actors normalizing ugly male-hot female relationships in movies and 2) these apps showing them that these Stacies are only a swipe away.
Tl;dr: drop dating apps.
No. 716343
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I didn't know flash was dying until it died and now I can't play any of my childhood games
No. 716346
>>716235This is a very obvious trolling attempt and she fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Doesn't every dating app these days show your age?
Even if the age is somehow hidden (don't know because I've only used Tinder briefly), wouldn't he be able to choose his age range of preference?
And even if he somehow couldn't do that, don't they have to "match" in some way, like mutual likes, swipes, something?
So he clearly expressed interest in her in at least two of those three ways and could at least approximate her age.
So he just said this to "own foids" or whatever redpill lingo they use these days and get her to worry about aging out. And she took the bait.
No. 716356
>>716343Allow me to save the day, anon of thousands of flash games have been ported(?) on this site
No. 716382
>>716020>>716022What the hell
Nah I really hate hypocritical losers, they really make me bitter.
>>716153No but you most definitely are one big nasty retarded hypocrite since you’re complaining about an adult that fucking pays rent just because he’s a weeb and because he’s le single and still lives with his mother.
You’re even humble bragging even though you also live with your mommy lol.
How about you tell your mom that both of her kids are grown and still live with her and that she shouldn’t ask you to save him.
No. 716477
>>716473Anon you dont need to pretend just be upfront with BPD and if u hurt them the fault is on them,they were warned so fuck off weak bitches.
this is my advice from bpdfag to another goodnight
No. 716486
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>>716473same anon, you post your tiktok about ducks
No. 716591
>>716499If sex is important to you and you can't physically enjoy it with a small dick, you aren't shallow. It's just very bad luck for both of you.
I've dumped one great guy over his small dick and I haven't regretted it for a second. I wasn't all that attracted to him but if the sex was good I could have been, so it was the straw that broke the camels back.
No. 716663
>>716647>>716648>>716655No, I'm not
holding my feet with my hands, I meant I hand my FOOT in a weird position. I was sitting in my desk chair, with one leg on the chair and the other one touching the floor. This is so hard to describe but, the foot that was on the floor was upright so my toes were bent, so instead of me putting my foot in a position where my toes were resting on the pads of the toes, they were bent so my big toe ended up hurting. If this makes no sense I can try to draw an example but, no I was not touching my toes and masturbating at the same time. That would be hard. I prefer nipples instead.
No. 716671
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>>716663Samefag, heres a little photo. I was gonna use a stock image, but I couldn't find any
No. 716701
>>714749>>714769Ahh I'm touched I didn't know anons would be interested in my story. Soo I wasn't fired, but I'm pretty sure it's coming.
The job ad was originally for a project assistant position but everyone wants something different. The call-center department want someone who has a pleasant voice and very communicative, the project manager wants someone who's good with numbers and Excel tables and the manager wants someone who can fill these two positions and I have a feeling that mine as well (I do design and stuff with the webshop). I think as soon as they find someone I'm gonna be let go because the manager can't stand me (last Friday I heard her making fun of the way I speak and telling HR that 'next time she should also have the applicants fill out a personality test').
I am sort of…tired of everything. I hate making people disappointed and I know I have tons of work to do on my communication skills, and the way I relate to people, but how the fuck does one do that in the middle of the pandemic? I feel disheartened, and I hate myself. I always struggled with this, I can only open up to people and be myself if I feel they 100% accept me, if not, I turn into an avoidant paranoid hermit who's afraid of everyone.
No. 716730
I'm so excited to have my wisdom teeth removed soon, especially my upper left one which already erupted but still hurts and just generally feels weird. I can't stand the feeling anymore. The surgery to remove the impacted ones is a little bit scary but I'm desensitized to it after watching a lot of videos of dentists performing it. Evolution is a bitch honestly.
>>716235To be honest, it was cringe of her to reply to him and then post it on twitter. She should have just blocked and deleted and went on with her day. Regardless, twitter is
toxic and misogynistic and I recommend that people stay away from it or limit their time there. The funny thing about all this "hit the wall at 30" sperging that men are doing is that it's made me reflect a lot more about aging than I would have otherwise and I've realized that your 30s aren't actually that old, especially 30-35. Spending time on subreddits that are targeted towards people over 30 have made me realize that life simply goes on and there's nothing to be afraid of.
No. 716744
>>716736Most of the stuff I see is:
>are there no normal girls here??>I'm actually a nice guy>If you can't hold a conversation don't bother>gym, 420, dogs are not a personalityI think most of them are frustrated and don't realize that they're digging themselves in deeper
No. 716748
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I've been learning programming on my own and while I'm having fun and learning shit, I can't help but feel hopeless because I don't think I'll manage to make a career out of it. I just want a stable job so I don't end up on the street. I wouldn't have to through all this shit if 14 year old me "just" picked a better school and career path.
No. 716759
>>716132Your (everyones) sexuality seems only relevant to those that would engage in sexual things with them. But if you are asexual then nobody is gonna engage in sexual things with you. So nobody HAS to know.
I don't go around telling people I don't like Olives either.
No. 716775
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>>716769Sadly I very rarely take screenshots since they end up looking pretty much the same after a while, on top of them being in Swedish lol
But I did screencap and translate this one to post on reddit a while ago.
No. 716805
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>>716799oh my god anon, he's holding you back! You should put him into an ultimatum about the situation, if he doesn't want to change just dump him. You deserve so much better!
No. 716830
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>>716818dunno, we had her for 11 years, they always complained about normal cat things (cat hair, picking carpet, occasional vomiting), and said she was "sassy." but she was the sweetest lap kitty who howled whenever i left the house
No. 716905
>>716257No he shouldn't. I hardly post any way
>>716262They are long time friends. But me and her also got close or at least i thought. As far as i know, he has been lying to his gang of girl friends that he is using to spot on me. Telling them i cheated. Didn't. Funny thing is i know them all and every one of them has been in an
abusive relationship but, you know, they are helping him stalk someone.
No. 716931
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Why the fuck are men so manipulative?
I haven't been on the dating scene for years and so at least 4 dudes tried to somehow get me to give them a chance/keep talking to them after I told them I prefer women (bi with a preference for women) by using the exact same pharse: "I know a great girl for you but I guess now I won't tell you about her" or similar. Like what are you, 10? To think that would work on an adult???
Even if true I find it creepy as shit that they would introduce their friend to a woman they never met, like wtf. Thank fuck I don't actually have to date men.
No. 716934
>>716914There are some decent ones that respect the
victims, don't go into gruesome gore-porn details and all that but it always is some morally grey area. Makes a lot of sense for unsolved cases because these always need spotlight for better chance of actually being solved, but all the deep dives into convicted serial killers who most of the time love the notoriety is definitely
No. 716998
>doesn't want to come off as a simpwhat in the literal fuck logic is this…
>>716931don't date men then… like seriously. Also it's clearly not true
No. 717009
>>716914There's two kinds of true crimers, one is the edgelord type who has a top three serial killer list, and the other is just anxious about being murdered
by men let's be real so proactively learns about how it happens so they can try to avoid it
No. 717021
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men on /mu/ defending ariel pink who dated and abused a 18-19 year old when he was almost 40, accidentally admitting all men are abusers. I tell myself I should stop browsing 4chan but then, isn't that what most "normal" men think anyway?
No. 717028
>>716914I have an interest in true crime but it switches off for long periods of time because I think anyone with empathy will get an emotional burnout from listening to the details. True crime redditors piss me off with their giddiness over the mystery of certain murders. The ego driven arguments they have about how they totally know who killed Jonbenet! And they know exactly what csa stuff must've occured. Then they break into calling each other idiots for disagreeing on what happnened…reality is nobody sitting at home as a stranger fucking knows what happened.
I haven't listened to much TC lately because as someone who experienced csa I can't deal with the thought of how many lives have been either ruined or taken all for the sake of one male orgasm.
No. 717033
>>717009Most common type of true crimer is bored middle aged women that seek thrills in these real stories or hope to solve a mystery themselves in their boredom. There's a reason so many podcast advertise stuff like bras, haircare/hairdyes, food deliveries "to cook for entire family so you have more time for yourself" etc. Theres only one security related brand advertising across different true crime content creators for these who are anxious about being murdered, which is telling what kind of audience is there to be catered to.
I've listened to different various podcasts and youtube creators from the genre and they all share what seems like 5 advertisers so it can give you a pretty good general idea.
No. 717045
>>717021>I tell myself I should stop browsing 4chan but then, isn't that what most "normal" men think anyway?No, not even close. I know I'll (rightfully) get banned for this, but I'm a guy who posts on /mu/ a lot and it's become far more of an incel shithole over the past 4 years. It and many other 4chan boards concentrate the dregs of humanity.
I was in that thread, and the person who posted that and probably at least half of /mu/ are alt-right virgins living with their parents. These are not at all representative of normal men, just like this site isn't representative of normal women. /mu/ is mostly just /pol/ now, which is why they idolize Ariel Pink.
(no one cares, scrote) No. 717058
>>717048It’s okay, anon, it takes a while to change your diet.
Don’t make drastic changes because it will only make you want to eat like shit again.
Just try changing some tiny things and once you notice how good it feels like to eat healthier again, you will have more motivation to add more healthy options to your diet.
No. 717060
>>717036Have you questioned whether he was being honest? I'm sure it's possible to sleep through some stuff but sleeping in a strange room with a strange person alot of people will already say they don't get the same deep sleep they might usually get. Do you believe you slept through it or do you think he just wanted to freak you out?
I stayed over with a guy when I was barely 18. I was asleep when I felt him get back on top of me. It woke me but I pretended not to wake because I wasn't interested in going again…he just put it in while I faked sleeping. I was in so much shock that he had just started so I felt the need to play dead the whole time. Men are so fucked.
No. 717069
>>717060now i’m unsure… i did think it was strange i hadn’t woken up when he did it but at the same time i take evening meds that help me get tired and fall asleep during the nights (and i don’t think i’ve woken up at night ever since i started taking them), maybe that’s why i slept through it if it did happen?
i just don’t understand why he would joke/lie about something like that, like what would he gain? did he think it would be hot? do men really not think of that as rape?
i’m so sorry that happened to you, anon.
No. 717085
>>717069The benefit to him would be knowing that he freaked you out. The feeling of power that would give his lil scrote brain.
If he did it he's an absolute piece of human trash. If he lied about doing it because he just wanted to bother you and leave you forever questioning it… still pretty trash because it leaves you with all the same emotions and trust issues. Total asshole either way.
Men who have access to consensual sex and pull that shit instead of simply waking you up really highlight that rape is about control and men don't rape out of sheer desperation for sex (as incels like to push that idea) Even men paying for sex often resent the fact that they are paying. They want to feel powerful but paying makes them feel like a loser. They find ways to get a dig in at the womans confidence or to make her feel unsafe or lesser than them.
No. 717141
My mom's boss is fucking weird, like this whole pandemic has been relatively easy in their field just no in person meetings and so on, sometimes my mom has to pick material up at the office but that is coordinated so that there's only one person there at a time. She has been working from home since 2020 february, over teams or zoom idk but her fucking boss now, in the middle of the worst snow situation in years, wants them all to go to out of town to see some other office? Like another branch that really has next to nothing to do with them, and after my mom told her that she can barely drive safely to the office once a week, she isn't driving to a even more sloppily handled town with shit roads during a fucking pandemic. Boss tells her that they could carpool, to which everyone in the office just goes wtf over, is this bitch insane. Then she says that she can't force them to go but it would have been nice that they would see the not even fucking new office, it was just remodelled or something. Most of the ladies working there are older and one has some form of cancer, what the fuck is this bitch trying to do? The boss never does shit, I have done some light tempwork there and all she did all day was be on her phone, looking at fitness pages, because she is into bodybuilding aka she never fucking eats or drinks enough during show season so she was so fucking bitchy, having cry fits over me saying a client didn't show up. Sounds petty but she's a weird cow.
No. 717151
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Mad about past relationships where I was way too nice/oblivious/forgiving to selfish gross men. I try not to dwell on it but I get this bpd-like urge to message one I'm sort of still friends with just to rip into him that I regret ever tolerating him, and the ways he grossed me out. I want him to know the truth that I was hiding my disgust. However I know that's not an option. Better to forget and not let him think he has any more relevance to me. I know it would be unhealthy anyway.
Idk it's injustice that these fuckers could feel good about themselves now because I put up with them. I was an insecure pickme and I never will make that mistake again. It's hard because I don't want them to be smug because of me. I want them to know how repulsive they are (and how I was disgusted at the time but too insecure to speak up). I was unhealthily dependent on one but finally I know I never needed any of them.
I even recall an instance my ex might have negged me. Not sure if it happens when you're already together, idk. He was totally wrong in what he said because that part of me gets compliments for being pretty. He compared my eyes to an ugly male celebrity's when they are my best feature and feminine. Not trying to brag but I had such bad self-esteem, my feelings were hurt even though it made no sense. Pisses me off that I accepted that from him.
Ugh, I swear I don't think about this often but sometimes I'm reminded when others criticize an ex. I never indulge, I distract myself. Very frustrating to keep getting the urge… the mental image of them now with puffed egos. I need to let it go but it feels like a net "loss" . I want them to know I'm better off without them and becoming a better me (petty but I guess it's common with exes)
No. 717199
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>>717151You dropped this queen
You leveled up and that’s all that matters. Feel nothing but pride anon.
No. 717252
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I feel like no matter how horribly my ex treated me, I can't convince myself that I didn't deserve it because I didn't take it lying down and was more than happy to tell him what a bitch retard he was. But then again, he'd always my anger as justification for gaslighting me into believing I alone was the problem, so maybe what I'm actually struggling with is the effects of gaslighting? But ffs it's been almost 4 years and I still get like this. How is it even remotely possible that I'm not just an asshole who wound up with another asshole because birds of a feather, and what not?
No. 717287
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all the talk about noses earlier has me thinking, how am i supposed to look good with a bulbous shrek tier nose. literally no one finds that attractive and it doesn't suit any style. at least the straighter big noses can look regal or elegant, what the hell am i gonna do with a pig face?
No. 717306
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>>717287Well your choices are to get a nose job or embrace pig life. Join me in the mud.
No. 717318
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Whenever I think about Terry Davis I just feel like crying. I wish he could’ve gotten the help he needed.
No. 717380
>>717297This post is kinda
triggering cuz it reminds me of when my older brother was emotionally
abusive towards me when we played together, always belittling me for the smallest mistakes and telling me to shut up. It might seem like I'm overthinking but your bf must feel threatened by you enjoying videogames like most guys are. When girls play anything they're always annoying and don't know how to play. I've seen this behavior quite a lot in the gaming community. Of course he could also be annoyed at you for being loud but that's just another red flag for being so short tempered. Keep playing anon! Don't let anyone feel bad about playing what you like. I'm still a "gamer" nowadays regardless of my brother.
No. 717390
>>717252Nasty fucker (your ex not you). It’s definitely not you anon, there is a literal term for this called reactive abuse. Some people respond by getting quiet and meek, others end up being “
abusive” in turn but it’s because you’re being psychologically attacked, so it’s only natural. It’s very convenient for them too because as you say, it gives the abuser the perfect fuel for gaslighting where they can turn around and go, “Oh but you called me names and screamed back! I was actually the
victim all along!” They are weak, pathetic and selfish people who take and take until even the most calm-headed individuals break. I would know. I recall at the start of my last relationship and throughout most of it I was an optimistic, calm, empathetic, peace-loving person. After several years I was crying constantly, screaming back at him, physically getting in his space, slamming doors, calling him names. But he had done all that to me and worse. Loved to say I was “too emotional” and “always upset about something” because he had ground my self esteem into dust and harassed me to the brink of self destruction at that point. While it may not be a healthy reaction, you’re going into survival mode so at that stage it’s all you can do. It’s good you stuck up for yourself. If he had been a kinder, healthier person then being called out would’ve been enough. But clearly that wasn’t the case. So long as the good, nonabusive people in your life aren’t saying you’re an evil manipulative person then clearly the issue was him. The fact you’re even concerned about it speaks volumes. Be gentle with yourself and forgive the person you were back then simply for trying to protect herself however she could.
No. 717407
>>717404Ew how did we let coombrains get this normalized when 10 years ago women can’t even talk about their periods openly without
triggering moids
No. 717409
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>find new game I like
>it has a cute boy character
>he's popular
>but he has haters in the west that post scat/inflation fetish art of him
>and a lot of posters that shit on the character and make "unga bunga sex" posts in broken english
Literally why, I'll have to stop visiting certain boards on 4chan because I'm so tired.
This reminds me when I liked a character from a mecha anime and there was this guy who spoke Spanish and broken English and he visited every single thread to post marvel reaction images and derail it into cuck arguments.
The only good thing 4chan is for is getting some rare scans/CDs.
No. 717448
>>717441Because they're being told on social media that
Gay = based
Bi/straight = cringe, you get cancelled
No. 717509
>>711339I think I’m going to be fired when i go into work today. I’ve basically been “rude” and have “snapped at” managers. Yesterday I tried to tell a manger I was struggling with something and he says “well how come everyone else can do it and not you?” And that upset me so I guess my attitude to him after that was less than engaging. Also they called us into the office to discuss COVID rules int he most condescending and insulting way possible, then let us go back to work, then called us BACK IN to complain about how someone left shit stains in the toilet. Then they have the fucking nerve to go “well we have now put in cleaningnproduct and a brush so you can clean up after yourselves because we are not your parents” WELL YOU DIDNT HAVE ANYTHING IN THERE TO CLEAN IT WITH IN THE FIRST PLACE YA DAFT CUNTS. I wouldn’t know because I don’t shit at work and if I did I’d immediately look for bleach. It was obviously in the fucking men’s toilets so why did they have to call ALL OF US, and be degrading about it? Just say “oh make sure you bleach the toilet and clean inside after use! Thank you for your help and we will get thru this tough time together uwu” rather than “there was DISGUSTING POO in the toilet. WHO DID THAT? If you do that again you will be SPANKED and FORCED TO LICK IT UP!”
Then another manager said I was rude when we had a slight disagreement over a cloth. Gave me a warning. Then when another member of staff didn’t hear/listen to what I said so I repeated it firmer and louder and she reported me for “screaming at her”. I’m definitely going to be fired. Since the first time I was “rude” they try to look for literally anything else i do that can be falsely portrayed as rude.
I think I have autism, when when I try to be nice just because my tone of voice isn’t always sweet and I don’t always smile, people are all like yOu HaVe BeEn RuDe To mE. Then I ask them “well can you tell me exactly how I have been rude?” ItS JuSt YoUr AtTiTuDe. God I hope they all die. I’d love to show them what rude really is I could make them all fucking cry if I wanted to.
No. 717516
>>717511People of our generation definitely don't think that, idk how old your aunt is but to call a 26 year old a spinster she has to be on the older side. While it's not super common to have never been in any relationship at this point I know a few people like you personally, and majority of my friends in their 20s (most of them around 30 than early 20), vast majority is not married and doesn't feel the pressure. You're definitely not as much of an outlier as you may think you are.
It is somewhat harder to meet new people when you're older because you have less social situations than you'd have at schools or idk, summer camps, but you can still arrange these, attend hobby related events, concerts, conventions, etc. Basically, there's more active effort needed as opposed to your parents or teachers putting passive you into something.
Don't let your aunt stupid take get to you too much, there's no deadline and you're still young.
No. 717517
>>717511I mean it's only a problem if you let it define you. Your aunt has a really
toxic mindset. There are people who found their partners in their 30s, 40s and 50s and so on
>your life is over when you're no longer 25No, your life is over when you're in a coffin and underground
No. 717518
>>717499I also want to have a child, and would only have -10 of fertility left.
>>717500I pray that you’re right anon, but everyone looks so happy that they’ve finally have their true and honest companion. I’m happy for them and wish them well but I wanna be happy too!
>>717511I’m a 29 almost 30-year old kissless virgin, how do you think I feel?
No. 717527
>>717518> and would only have -10 of fertility left.Ew.
But if you truly wanted a kid, you could just like, adopt one, like other people that can’t have bio children does.
No. 717536
>>717521excuse me anon not to throw salt on the wound but did your bf contacted with his ex and had a convo or are you checking old ones? and how do you know so much about her is your bf using you like his personal therapist?
idk your vent gives me abused gf doesnt know she is being abuse so please take care.
No. 717543
>>717297I slept on this a bit and decided to just not play that MMO, not solely because of the fact that I get loud/
toxic when I'm playing it but also because I did catch up on reading online communities about it. Most people are saying it's p2w and largely dead, and it's a lot of grind once the main plot is done. I did notice the lack of players when I was on server. The truth is I'm just really not good at those sorts of games and without someone carrying in my party I suck by myself. I'm more into world-building and simulation type games anyway.
The reality is my bf is a pretty sweet and sensitive guy. After I came back from the kitchen I told him how having called me 'annoying' really bothered me and why. He apologized profusely and didn't try to defend his comment at all, and said how he didn't want to hurt me. When we have disagreements we don't really call each other names or prescribe bad things, so it's glaringly obvious when either of us suddenly do it. I think I was just
triggered because this specific situation reminded me of my ex, my bf wasn't really being
abusive–it just felt unfair in the moment.
But I think the fact is men just don't like seeing women display aggressive emotions, no matter how understanding and sweet they are to us. It's like they see a side of us that they don't ordinarily witness and judge it because it breaks the peachy image they have of us in their minds. To be fair, it's the same reason why I don't tell men about a lot of personal things, they just couldn't handle it. Video games really aren't a big deal to me, and I'd hate for them to become a mainstage in our relationship regardless. Maybe it's best to have kept the original trajectory and not have started to play games in each other's presence–like our time together should really just be focused on us and what we do in our individual time is our business.
No. 717575
>>717536These are old texts. His ex was questioning her sexuality while dating him, and they broke up because she said she wasn't attracted to guys.
I am not abused in no shape or form, but we did end up tapking about her a lot - mostly because of my curiosity and how weird their whole relationship was (no labels, open relationship for her etc.).
I know he genuinely regrets that relationship but he obviously downplayed how attached he was to her. Thats the main reason behind my anger. Plus feeling like he falls for anyone who shows any interest, and doesnt have any unique interest in me.
Sorry for the sperg. But thanks for you input anon, maybe i should start questioning stuff.
No. 717576
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I want to redo my wardrobe and only wear pink from head to toe but I know I'll regret it.
No. 717582
>>717575Ok as a fellow dumbass that read stuff my bf wrote to other people before we ever knew each other - don't do this to yourself. It's old, it doesn't matter, it doesn't influence you in any way. Do you care about your exes? Your past crushes? It's all in the past and should stay there. You have no reason to know about these, and reading this will only make you feel bad, and what for? if it was recent stuff, sure, you have my blessing, but past from before you were together seriously should be just left as it is.
Right now I think you should openly talk to your bf about how you feel and see what will he do about it, otherwise you'll have all that anger and insecurity grow, unresolved.
No. 717602
>>717582Thanks anon. I've just been having problems eating, not crying and even breathing since i've read them. It just made any affection he shows seem indifferent. I stopped feeling unique.
He is my first bf, would even go as far to say first crush (only had 1 before that lasted less than a month, on the internet, never met). I just really wish i dated someone before him since rn.
Sorry for derailing, it sounds dumb but I'm just a jealous ass bitch and I regret waiting for the one if the one didn't feel the need to wait and fucked with someone else.
No. 717612
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my ex from high school (i'm 25 now) has been trying to hmu on every kind of social media that he isn't blocked on for the last few months. last night he messaged me on whatsapp saying "can we talk"
idc what he wanted because he made me feel awful during my formative years but i guess i wanted to see if there would be an apology? closure? lmao nope i asked him to straight up tell me wtf he wanted and he says "Legit just wanted to chat. I have had some of my best conversations with you."
it just pisses me off!!! i'm so dumb for thinking that there would be an apology or any real reason for this persistent stalkery. hold me ladies
No. 717615
>>717602I feel for you a lot, really, wish there was anything that could really help but I know very well there is not. It's a big difficulty to experience your fist relationship with someone for whom it's not the first, it's definitely a different stage in life for both of you, especially if you're not necessarily feeling very secure.
I know it's a bit of a meme at this point, but it really is good to see a therapist, even just for one meeting, to discuss on how to best approach relationships, sort your priorities well and all that. I believe you would be able to find some decent resources on that online too.
What's important is that you have to remember that your bf after meeting you didn't continue to pursue his ex, which means it's you who matters now most. You're your own person, by no means a replacement, even if he has a type and you happen to be similar to the ex. I hope if you give yourself a little bit more time you'll manage to find a way to cope with it better. Maybe write down how you feel, and write down what you'd want to tell your boyfriends about your worries and needs, it will help making your future conversation with him more clear and less likely to evolve into an argument.
Good luck, it sucks now but jealousy is a normal thing to feel, especially if you're not experienced in relationships, you can deal with it though.
No. 717634
>>717582hey anon sorry im 1 hour late thanks for elaborating
How you feel is completely understandable and i've been guilty for the same thing!! but i can assure you it will get better it's just the inmaturity in love being an annoying bitch.
And about your bf…look he can be the world to you right now but talking so much about his ex and downplaying his feelings with the breakup being recent is a red flag for me,scrotes are dumb and have no emotional intelligence,if u already feel like a replacement is for a reason.I think you should give more worth to your first love and not waste it on a random.Also the "nah i dont give a f about my ex" and then proceed to talk how fked was said relationship bs is how many
abusive guys start.
Talk to him about how you feel too is his turn to listen.
No. 717699
>>717612Had an ex hit me up 11 whole years post break up. He saw that I had just become single again and 2 weeks after my long term thing ended he thought it would be great timing to meet up… similarly I wondered if he had apologies but luckily I made plans to move away so we never arranged anything.
Nothing good ever comes from it. They don't reflect. They maybe still think of you the odd time while fapping so they want to hop back in like nothing happened.
No. 717718
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One of my succulents has a bent stem from falling over and being pushed against another pot, and it's stressing me the fuck out. I've only had him for a year, and his succulent head thingy has already died once in the beginning and grew back, so I'm going to be so fucking disappointed if his stem falls off or something. He'll survive and has another head/a baby so I know it will be ok, but I'm going to be so mad if the main part falls off again. I can't even tell if the leaves are dying cause it sheds them all the time. When I bought him I killed the 3 other plants that came with him, so I just can't risk killing this one
No. 717730
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>>717719I had it in the place in my house with the most sunlight (Kitchen window sill) for most of the year and recently moved it back to my room cause it just wasn't enough
even tho some of my plants did change color a lil which was nice. I need to get some lamps tbh
Mine is a graptopetalum ghost though, and I've always thought they were supposed to have long stems and grow up and then eventually when it's super old it'll grow like vines, pic rel
No. 717745
>>717723Oh christ someone feels the way I do.
I remember a geometry class in middle school where the end-of-the-year project was to 'build a bridge'. The teacher conveniently didn't have enough printouts to give me the dimensions or the specifications of the bridge.
So I go home, build one out of popsicle sticks and.. it's way too small.
So a week later, I come to class with this tiny little bridge. He hands it to a male student, sets it on the ground, and then stomps it into tiny little splinters. Got a 0. This was worth 20% of my grade. Went from straight A to C student because of that asshole.
No. 717773
So this bitch at work, man she's fine to accept my help and I'll take over responsibilities if she's not feeling or doing well, yet I'll ask a technical question in the team chat and she's like "idk, look it up", not giving anyone else a chance to answer.
WHAT is her problem? I was taken aback, like yeah if nobody knew sure I'd go through the lengths of looking it up, but what kind of team is it to not exchange information you know? I have no problem telling everyone the answers to common problems that I chased up, or the details of protocols I know. I've tried to be her friend but she's pretty boring to me, I'm still very friendly though! Why is she like this?
On a more serious note, I found myself conspiring ways to inconvenience her in a similar way in the future and literally seething at the injustice, but in the end it harms me more than her.
What would someone with a healthy mindset do?
No. 717776
>>717694yeah i still live with them but i’m closeted. i’m heading off to uni next year though so it should get better.
>>717703i’m assuming it’s a guy she’s dating and i don’t want to generalise but on the whole muslim men are garbage people. tell her to be careful.
No. 717781
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I think I'm developing or have somewhat always had ARFID and it scares me. I've always had problems with food (like hating certain food groups or being afraid of other peoples fridges because I think they're gross, I don't know why?) but I recently had to stop eating gluten because I found out I had celiac.
Then going vegan because I realized dairy and fish were starting to disgust me. It kept going lower and lower to the point where most foods make me feel like I'm going to vomit. Anything except a few things make me feel very sick even just thinking about it.
I don't know what to do and I know malnutrition is getting to me very fast (almost passed out this morning and now I have patches of hair on my body …) and I'm scared as fuck but I have no therapist or plan so .. fuck. It isn't anorexia because I'm not trying to limit my meals on purpose or lose weight, and I feel stupid because isn't this disorder mostly common in children? Ugh.
No. 717789
>>717784forget them!!! they were an asshole. i know it's hard but once you hit a full year you'll be wondering why tf you even gave that person a second sad thought.
january is a depressing month in general tbh. post-holiday, going back to school (for some), sludgy weather, no ~fun~ holidays.
it might be memed but take your vitamins
No. 717867
>>717784I've been away from my
abusive ex for almost 4 years now and still go through these periods. It gets easier, I can tell you that much at least.
No. 717878
>>717871They think of women in terms of categories (the same categories on a porn tube site)
I feel like women pay the best compliments to other women, they're the only ones that count
No. 717896
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>feeling social, let’s talk to some people!
>realise i am a black hole of a person with nothing to say, entire life consists of crying in bed
>contribute nothing to the conversation, everyone prob thinks i’m retarded
>hate myself for not being able to be a real person
why do i always do this to myself
No. 717900
>>717878Women's compliments >>>>>
Every single male's opinion on any woman is worthless to me because it all comes down to fuckability
No. 717904
>>717867Different anon here but have you dated in those 4 years?
I'm 2.5 years out of mine and I haven't slept with anyone, dated, even thought that much about it. My head is still in that space were all I feel is unsafe when a man shows interest in me
No. 717912
>>717904NTA but I've been out of one for a few years and have been in a new one now. I feel so much safer with him. He helps me through panic attacks and if I feel alone at night. He's there.
In general, though, I don't trust anyone that I encounter anymore. I used to think strangers were taking pictures of me/recording me and sending it to my ex. It was that serious.
I met this one online and we've been together for 4 or so years.
No. 717920
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I know it's pathetic AF but I'm beginning to accept my NEETdom. I really don't like going out, I just want to stay in my cocoon until my SO comes home. The funny thing is that I don't mind working and when I am employed, I am a hard worker, I just don't want to deal with anyone (people here at grade A pretentious passive aggressive conniving fucking assholes).
I wish there were more work-at-home jobs that aren't tech related or call center shit, because I would love to make some legit money at home without dealing with illegal or degenerate shit. I used to have pretty okay social skills but because life events + COVID, I feel like I'm socially retarded now. I really don't know anons. I'm just tired of everyone and everything and I just want to be a hardcore hermit.
No. 717924
>>717904Yeah I actually started dating someone not so long after my ex and I broke up. We'd already known each other as friends and took it very slow. I still really struggled at the beginning of the relationship with trust and had difficulty with intimacy, but it's slowly gotten better. I think it still would have been this way even if I hadn't been in a relationship. These things just take time to process. Don't rush yourself, but I wouldn't say hold back if you find yourself into someone and feel safe around them. If you feel unsafe with all men right now, that's just how it is. That's okay.
>>717912>I used to think strangers were taking pictures of me/recording me and sending it to my ex. It was that serious.Dude, I feel this so hard. I was 100% convinced my ex had installed tracking hardware on all of my devices for months after we broke up, and still occasionally go through periods where I fixate on that fear. I even had my current bf run a scan of my computer for foreign programs lmao. I have no idea why because tbh my ex never did anything like that to me while we were in the relationship. He was just extremely controlling and secretive and I know he has enough knowledge about technology to pull that kind of shit if he really wanted to.
No. 718024
>>718020Apparently because of the olympics, they were literally trying to tell Japanese women that they need to stop walking like that because it’s off-putting to literally every other country and it would embarrass Japan. That’s actually completely true! It’s genuinely embarrassing. The obsession with trying to be “cute” just looks desperate. You can’t possibly expect to receive respect globally acting like that, it’s incredibly off-putting and that is
not just a western perspective.
No. 718036
>>718030It sucks, because they get so incredibly defensive of Japanese people when they’ve never even lived in Japan… and the ones who have that get defensive too are always the cringy weeby types you don’t want to be seen in public with—you know, weird looking foreigners with features far too harsh and big for their ill-looking makeup, huge circle lenses, and frilly dresses.
The truth is that in many ways over time it
will drive any sane person crazy. I just couldn’t do it, it started to make me angry even. Like stop acting like that, pull yourself together ffs. If I had to see another 35 year old woman sit in front of me trying to open her eyes as wide as possible and push her cheeks out with air I was just going to go off the rails. Fucking respect yourself. Talk to me in your god damn woman voice. Stop walking like Genie the feral child. Fuck.
No. 718039
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i cooked myself some spaghetti with salsa bc i didn't want my mom's salsa. today i went to eat the leftover spaghetti and i find that my mom fucking mixed my delicious salsa with hers and now my dinner is fucking ruined. this is such a stupid thing to be mad about but i made my own salsa bc i didn't fucking want yours mom jesus christ
No. 718258
>>718176They don’t deliberately point their toes together and walk like a toddler, no.
>>718050I’m guessing you just googled this to feel a part of something? Because that’s the first theory that pops up on google but it’s been derailed countless times, doctors have done x-rays and the women aren’t even actually bow-legged. There’s nothing about seiza that impacts their gate.
No. 721662
>>712960Hey, one of the Tech Writers here. Doubt you'll read this, but I wanted to say that I really don't think switching from coding to
TW will give you the happiness you're looking for. Another reason why this pays so well is because it can be pretty boring and rote at times. I got into this field for the money and job opportunites first and foremost. I only had "fun" when I was working on something new and interesting, not when I had a backlog of hundreds of files to update and edit. It is somewhat fufilling to see your own content completed and shared with the world, but these were rare moments for me.
Find out what it really is you're looking for in a job, or in life in general. Start there. You may find out that you're just fine where you are.
PS, I was joking about this
>>712969, but there is a hint of truth to it. When I was in school, I wanted to be a writer, but I wasn't interested in being a poor writer.