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No. 686925
Continued support of less anime threadpics
previous thread:
>>>/ot/679774 No. 686947
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>work as an inspector
>bf tells me he had a really bad dream
>ask him
>says he dreamt that I "audited" our relationship just to make him sweat
>then I went to flirt with a black neighbor and sang duets over synth keyboards with country music
Idk why but kek. Men.
No. 686956
Why, WHY am I seen as such a doormat at work? Why is my beta aura so strong? I don't trip over myself to volunteer to others and take every burden, but also I'll help out if I have the time. Like I thought that's what being a good team player is all about. I'm not friends with any of them, but I'm not a social pariah and we exchange niceties like coworkers do.
And yet I have 3 out of my 5 coworkers trying to keep pushing work onto me when they don't do it to anyone else, and it's like this dumb stupid power game constantly trying to do only my equal share. Like today, I have to input something and someone else needs to verify it, both of those have a set of subtasks. So I ask a coworker to verify my stuff, and he does the BARE MINIMUM then tells me "you can do the other tasks", and I'm like…what? And he caught me off guard but he was explaining why it could technically be me who does it then walks off saying he needs to go in 15 minutes (the tasks take literally 2 minutes). And so I was left with these tasks that for the months I've worked there, were clearly defined as something HE should do along with verification.
And it's like that over and over. There are processes that need 2 people, with clearly defined subtasks, yet I'm almost always asked if I did what THEY are supposed to be doing, and when I say "…no?" They act disappointed and surprised?
And I was even TRAINED this way. So if two people have 3 tasks each, my initial training involved me doing 5 of those tasks and someone else doing 1. Two people started alongside me, yet somehow I was the only one conditioned to be the fucking workhorse without even knowing it. And it's just pushing and questioning if I've done extra work constantly, as if doing only my share is lazy. And just always suggesting I can do this or that even though I've done more than any of them that day.
It kind of feels like a small gripe, I could just say no over and over, and sometimes get stealthed into doing my unfair share like the above anecdote. But it's exhausting and makes me bitter as fuck to all my coworkers.
Sorry for the anon in the all moid workplace though, I need to count my blessings.
No. 687004
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I ordered a bunch of cute fabric masks and I'm so excited to get them aaaaa.
I love wearing masks.
No. 687026
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Been pullen out my hair for days i’m crazy ooogo booogo
No. 687027
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>>687012Yesss, they look like this! I got them all off etsy. Some are gifts and I'm excited to give them aaaaa
No. 687033
I'm not going to be graphic about it but reading up on the fistulas developed from severe damage to the vagina after rape in that news thread…I hate men, I really do.
The youngest being TWELVE MONTHS OLD I fucking hate men. And the fact that those horrific acts is used more as a way to harm the soldiers…it's so dehumanising.
Why is rape so so prevalent in wars? Men. And the most annoying thing is I can't say that in polite society, I can't say I hate men because i've never heard of a group of women gangraping a kitten. I can dance around it and say ohh oh WAR makes people do horrible things. Yes, awful how RELIGION drives people to believe this is justified. Yes yes of course, it's not like men are inherently less empathetic, particularly to women and often behave like literal animals without the constraints of law and order. I cant just say "it's men, I mean do you see women doing anything like this? No? Right, because it's men".
Funny enough men in general, it's like…they don't seem to truly feel disgust at these acts? It's like their main priority is making sure that I know that NOT ALL men are like that. They don't feel ashamed, hell usually their first reaction isn't pure disgust at what actually happened. Just oh those are awful men, must be because they're uneducated, ignorant, religious extremists.
No. 687040
>>686970The issue is that the lines are blurred on whose tasks are whose. Like I said I was trained to do more than my fair share of tasks before realising that's not how it works. Really we can exchange all tasks, one can feel generous and do more, or if the other has software issues someone else can take it on. So the task list isn't set in stone, it's just what's done. So best I can say is "isn't that usually your area if you do X?".
My "no"? to me isn't uncertainty, moreso confusion that why would they think i'd do that in the first place, and I think that's my tone too. But yeah, it just seems to be this common assumption I'll do more than is fair, maybe they're all dickbags and think that because I don't know the system they can take advantage, but it doesn't explain only me being taken advantage of vs. the other new starts.
No. 687066
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I just can't stop fucking crying every single day
No. 687076
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My only close friends have turned into really cringy "alt" people like the ones on tik-tok. They un-ironically kin fictional characters and wear extreme fashion or cosplay on regular days out in public. I feel bad for them when they get made fun of for "looking weird" and I honestly just think people should just mind their own business but GOD DAMN.
No. 687111
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When I remember this girl I liked, I'm sad we don't talk anymore. We only did because of uni but I left. She was so cute and had a pretty name. I actually had a chance I think because she liked girls and left me small gifts of candy twice. There is no reason to contact her anymore but we had fun working together. Life really grants me zero luck to take it all away
No. 687117
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I recently joined a discord server for my uni course and there's this one girl who I used to know in college who keeps making semi-hurtful comments, but she always downplays them or makes them sound like a joke.
One time we were talking about children while waiting for our lecture to start, and she just goes "yea I don't think you'd make a great mother", without explaining why when I asked her what she meant by it.
Here's just a few more examples: "makes sense that ____ does her work in lessons, as she only cares about sleeping when at home(I have the top marks in our group), and while the tutor was going over the word limit and his expectations for our report she points to me, and in front of the entire class goes "knowing ___, I bet it will be difficult for her to adhere to the word limit, since she always writes so much". Like, was that really needed?
It's gotten to the point where she's so casual about it that I'm not even sure if she's trying to be mean or if that's just how she behaves.
>>687111Ah, sadly I know this feel. I still think about her and it's been years, although after stalking her social media I found out that she's hetero and our interests don't align at all nowadays. Good luck on finding someone else who fits you.
These lyrics from the scissor sisters (mostly the remix) always remind me of her:
"It can't come quickly enough
And now you've spent your life
Waiting for this moment
And when you finally saw it come
It passed you by and left you so defeated"
No. 687226
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Did you know using serifs is now ableist?
As someone with ADHD and a bit of dislexia who is also a graphic designer, this pisses me off SO MUCH.
No. 687228
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this is so fucking disgusting. i want all men to die. Please die. die die die.
No. 687239
>>687234>>687232thanks this is just another reason to off myself today, was already on edge on other threads but this makes me want to pull the
trigger so fucking bad
No. 687340
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i'm really fucking embarrassed of how psychotic i've been acting these past several months, and of how delusional i've been about my mental state these past few years
No. 687355
>>687226> ableistOkay Sherlock honeypot-emoji open bracket art raffle yellow-artist-emoji paint-palette-emoji close-bracket, AKA Fuck the Blind.
The problem with being offended by everything is that you’ll inevitably fuck up, too.
No. 687399
>>687397She’s asleep right now and I was just looking for them to get dressed for work so I’ll ask when I get home, but the first pair she lost is probably gone forever (we searched together before).
>>687398Nah if she doesn’t like something I own she just says it to me to my face lmao
No. 687410
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>>687395buy some mesh laundry bags to wash your socks in so you won't lose any more
No. 687432
>>687419I hate that teacher. How much of a fuck up do you have to be that your work is teaching a child a Christmas song but she bullied them instead?
It's not even a fun song for kids to sing.
No. 687438
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Im so scared to go to the orthodontist. Since age 10 to now (im 19 rn) i haven't wore any braces. My family wasn't well off with money, we were basically kind of poor and had to live on welfare. My parents do have a stable job and do earn quite a bit, but they have to pay bills and for my sisters education. This is the first time my mom made an appointment for the orthodontist and im really scared to go, im really insecure about my teeth because they are all crooked and just looks weird. I really want to have straight teeth but im just too scared that the orthodontist will ask me why i haven't gone sooner for braces and it just makes me feel insecure as fuck.
I don't really wanna blame my parents for anything, since it isn't really their fault that we had little to no money, i do appreciate tho that they gathered enough for some braces for me, which i couldn't pay for since i do not earn that much. I just want to feel more confident while eating in public or just smiling in general.
No. 687443
>>687438Anon, they will definitely not judge you. If they do, walk out of there. You can definitely find an ortho who's chill. There are plenty of people who get their braces later in life because of finances, everyone knows braces are expensive as fuck.
I was lucky enough to have braces as a kid, and it definitely helped me. I had super crowded teeth on the bottom, and weirdly spaced out teeth on the top (one of my front teeth was basically sideways somehow). Be prepared for the pain when the wires first go in, it was unbearable for me. I was still self conscious throughout middle school with them, but it was a small price to pay. You deserve to feel confident smiling, and I hope everything goes well during your appointment!
No. 687558
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It's my last day at this half forsaken office where I was chronically underpaid and undervalued. I'm trying to look busy while I fiddle on my phone, I mean they did give away most of my duties already. I really don't want to finish the work I do have, even though I've done a good majority of it already. I want to just give what I completed to the sup and tell her best-o-luck like how they treated me when they told me I'd be losing this job during covid. A weird part of me also wants to complete it though and send the email because it would grate me that someone else would take credit for what I completed, even though they don't care and it really doesn't matter. I guess it's the principle?
Fuck. Oh well, feels good to know I'm being paid on their time to take a giant lunch break, use the bathroom, and play on my phone cause they don't give a fuck about me. Last week I showed up to the building for 30 minutes while everyone else got a paid holiday off, but I wound up claiming the whole shift anyway on my timecard and got away with it. Exploit me and I will exploit you too. Mwuah!
No. 687572
>>687564Wow that's really sad anon but you've done your part in warning him. Sounds like a really hard lesson he will have to learn himself, I just hope if he does manage to trick a straight guy into thinking he's a real woman that the dude won't try to fucking kill him. Straight men are the biggest perps when it comes to violence against trans.
I hate that the world fed this delusion.
No. 687577
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>>687574For you anon, I could be.
No. 687588
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>>687586What pain meds do you take anon? I take these ones and they are great. I am from the uk, but they probably sell them everywhere
No. 687598
>>687585Kek oh no! I can confirm that I'm not OP but was
>>687034 at least. Not autistic east Asian anon, though,
I'm South Asian tyvm No. 687600
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>>687079Girl, as you already know… men cannot be friends with women. Hetero ones specifically. It sucks and it’s hard. And I’m sorry to hear that someone who you considered your friend, has ruined your trust. Hope he doesn’t contact you again.
No. 687610
>>687117I’ve found the only way to stop shit like this is to call them out when it happens, because it really catches people off guard when you stand up for yourself. She might not even perceive what she’s saying as potentially hurtful but you shouldn’t put up with it.
Next time she says some
toxic ass shit, question her about it. She probably won’t even know how to respond and I bet she’ll never do it again
No. 687628
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I wanted to move abroad after finishing college but I'm scared that people will judge me badly because of my nationality and the stereotypes based on it. My government is already fucking me up, I don't want to be treated like a second class citizen because of some fuckwits.
No. 687644
>>687117All you have to do in this case is say
'wow ___, that's a rude thing to say to me.'
'___, that's a really unnecessary personal comment you made about me. It's pretty rude'
'___, please stop making comments about my work. It's not appropriate for class'
Other people are probably picking up on it too so she'll probably go silent, there's no way she can downplay it if you call her right out. You have to be really direct with these sneaky sidemouth bitches. Is she only targeting you?
No. 687658
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>>687079Anon im happy u are smart enough to realize his bs,i send u good vibes and obviously dont feel bad for him u can't control others delusions.I think is better if he goes away but that's up to u
No. 687696
>>687117You need to grey rock her. I had this exact scenario but in person with a uni classmate. I wanted to make friends and she always was down to hangout or study. But each time I left feeling like crap. It's these casual comments she dropped regularly. "Your drawing is dumb" "your sense of humor is weird" stuff like that. I don't know why someone would do that, but I think she didn't realize or thought it was playful?
Basically I put my foot down and started replying things like "That's kind of hurtful" or looking displeased. She apologized but I had had enough and avoided her after. Any time she spoke to me I was a grey rock, aka bland short uninteresting answers and no eye contact. I think she got the message since I did speak up. Since it's discord, you can say something mild in opposition but mostly ignore her and don't engage. This is what I recommend. You can hope that she will lose this habit and grow better, but don't count on it in your time with her. habits are hard to unstick.
kinda wonder if it's the same person lol No. 687848
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I’m having a big depression. I’ve been isolated from everyone the majority of the year thanks to pandemic. I feel like an utter femcel and have been driven to use dating apps in hope of some social interaction but that only brings more depression with the absolute scrotes who use those sites (1. men who are unattractive 2. men with bad personalities and/or issues 3. combination of 1&2) which brings my self esteem down even more. It also almost feels every girl around me is involved in sex work of some sort. Sex work doesn’t match my current morals but I can’t help but feel a mix of undesirable and poor af, busting my ass off in a job that will never pay as high a year as these girls earn getting their vag out on the internet. Feel I’m becoming a big ball of negi toxic energy.
I just feel little to no happiness this whole year and starting to just think what’s the point anymore. (Plz don’t state the obvious to kms kek)
No. 687852
>>687848Most sex workers dont make as much as they claim. It's a cope.
I relate to you with dating sites. The men are so gross I have just given up.
No. 687890
>>687848dating apps are designed to not actually get you to meet up with anyone. they're a horrid platform and it took me years to figure it out. all they want you to do is get hooked on the dopamine rush of matching. they make a "game" out of picking people and it becomes similar to a slot machine. your convos either go nowhere or when you meet up the chemistry isn't there. then you feel frustrated and think, well, maybe i should buy a membership to get all these other perks? maybe that'll help?
they're just designed like a game because they want your money. beyond that, there's a constant "what if there's someone better?" when using apps. a conversation falls flat so you just start swiping again because there's so many people, right? there's no sense of permanence or commitment. and there's no way to catch interest in the same way you could be drawn to someone organically in real life. dating apps are scum. get rid of them.
No. 687906
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I'm really glad I lost weight, being fat was a horrible fate. I feel so sad when people make images like this.
I'm happy to be able to walk up a flight of stairs without perishing. I'm happy I will live longer. Eating upwards of 2500 calories a day, having no logic or rules around what I place into my body and calling it "intuitive eating" and "treating yourself" is slow death.
In fact, all the things on the right were far worse when I didn't think seriously about my health and body.
No. 688032
>>687852I guess it is a cope and they do exaggerate, but even doing the mental gymnastics of how many subs they have times their fees it kind of makes me feel like a pauper. I try remind myself that at least I somewhat have my dignity and am not prostituting myself online for a bit of cash but the struggle at times is real.
>>687890Yeah I agree so so much, funnily enough I was watching a youtube video about this yesterday by Ordinary Things. I always end up deleting the app in a ragequit because every match convo fizzles out in a week where I image their eye has wandered elsewhere, and if it hasn’t fizzled out the guy is usually a pestering nut job messaging 24-7 and I distance myself because it’s a bit red flag. Then weeks later I end up back again out of boredom and loneliness. The app I use I only stick to the section of people who have already liked me to avoid wasting my time swiping, so have never felt the addiction of swiping but I can’t speak for the people on the other end who probably are. How can anyone meet anyone during all this covid shit?
No. 688072
>>688067That's crazy. Anon, please don't wreck your hair.
>>688065How old are you? Why is she still dictating what you do with your appearance?
No. 688091
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i work part time as a student assistant at a university library and a new sa got hired recently. i had my first shift with him last week (we are always 2 ppl working together at the same time) and jesus christ this guy has the most annoying personality and will not stfu!!!! he literally kept talking non-stop for the entire 6.5 hour shift.
i can't imagine having another shift with him without repeatedly bashing my head into a wall. he acted overly familiar with me and tried sooo hard to get me to like him. at one point he would ask me questions like "what's the craziest travel experience you've had" and "what is your favorite food" and i was just thinking wtf is this a first date. he was so intense and would constantly make these bad sarcastic jokes.
he would show vague signs of self reflection by saying shit like "ahaha sorry here i am annoying you again!" and i wouldn't respond i would just look at him. his non-stop talking prevents students who need our help from approaching us because we look busy/they don't want to disrupt our convo.
my boss told me to be welcoming towards him because i have a "warm" personality and he is new. she is a very sweet and non-confrontational person so i don't want to go to her about this minor "issue". i gave obvious signs of not wanting to have these long ass convos with him, but he didn't pick up on any of them. i guess i was too polite, smh.
No. 688122
>>688106If she's that controlling, she won't let her wear a wig and avoid bleaching her hair for long, not enough to repair damage. If her hair is falling out, she needs to stop.
I can believe she has a psycho mom, but is she truly dependent on her and as an adult? If so, that's what really needs fixing… but she's probs an underage poster, and won't admit it kek.
No. 688125
>>688094Do you think you might be disassociating?
Symptoms of a dissociative disorder:
-feeling disconnected from yourself and the world around you.
-forgetting about certain time periods, events and personal information.
-feeling uncertain about who you are.
-having multiple distinct identities.
-feeling little or no physical pain.
No. 688182
Every time I eat something that I think of as unhealthy, I get really anxious and scared. It's not a physical condition because some of them are pretty innocuous foods, like pasta and bananas, but I start panicking because I feel as though I can feel the fat clotting or that my heart is going super fast because it's so unhealthy I'm going to have a heart attack. For example, both yesterday and today I had fried tofu and both times I tried to get rid of the anxiety by pacing around for an hour and then showering. The other day I ran five miles in the morning (unrelated to these thoughts) after not doing much activity throughout quarantine and today my legs are sore, predictably, but I can't help but be more aware of it after having that meal and I feel like it's immobility from obesity, even though I'm a normal weight. It just makes me feel so dirty and gross, but I don't think it's an eating disorder because I eat pretty normally regardless of these feelings, it just causes me a lot of stress when I do so it's more like an extension of my anxiety. It just sucks because I don't have much money for groceries at the moment so I'm just having our basics, like rice, pasta, frozen fruit, canned beans, etc. but it's driving me really crazy, combined with being mostly sedentary because I work from home. I did gain weight during quarantine so maybe that's why, but I feel like I get really scared when I "enjoy" a food too much, I'd rather just have a diet of bland foods that provides all my nutritional needs even if it doesn't taste good.
No. 688284
>>688106>>688122No, I'm 18, I'm going off to uni next August. My mom won't even let me get a job, and I feel really pitiful about it knowing how much my friends have made over the past two years working.
The funny thing is, my mom wears wigs too but she lost her hair after getting a thyroid removed. I'll try convincing her to wear a wig while my hair tries to recover. Thanks, anons!
No. 688289
I would do anything, ANYTHING at all for even one friend who I could spend my time with and truly connect with. I'm perfectly alone and I realized this a week ago when I tried contacting some people to talk or hang out, only to be blown off by all of them. And this is a consistent pattern; I reach out, but people are always "busy" or have some excuse to not talk with me. It's like, absolutely everyone I meet has someone better to talk to at all times, and people only talk to me when they themselves have no one. I just don't get it. I'm friendly, outgoing, and positive, but not overly obnoxious or weird to warrant people to stay away from me or to drop contact. I've been trying to rationalize what move I could even make now; fuck, I'd even pay for someone to spend time with me, that's how desperate I am. I can't even believe my 19th birthday is later this month and that… nobody cares. Not even one person. It hurts so bad, and I don't know what more I could do than what I've already tried.
No. 688291
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i put my head through my door today cause my CPTSD flashbacks were too much for my morning brain to handle. every day i wake up seething knowing that had men not existed, i would not be broken like this. i would have been so full of light and life. i've been reduced to fractions of a person by the hands of men i just genuinely loved and wanted to be around. i know this sounds so edgy and retarded but i just daydream about going full Aileen Wuornos mode until I die just to try and even the score. this hate consumes me and i have no idea where to put it. i hope one day i will not hurt like this. so much is inflicted upon us in every direction, i wish divine intervention was real and that something out there would spare us from this violence and sickness. i think we all deserve better than we have been given. if you somehow can't relate to any of this then i am genuinely brought some peace to hear that, that its possible, even if only for a few people to not have to ever feel this. i want to feel like that. i think i would trade everything to feel that. saged because i'm genuinely embarrassed for being this raw on an imageboard, fuck
No. 688317
I could honestly really do with talking properly to my friend group from back in 6th form, who are still mostly my closest friends, over Zoom. I'm not a gamer at all but I don't mind playing some basic online games like Among Us and Spies with them, because it's what they're mostly into. But recently one girl who I'm not particularly close with has started inviting her 7 year old brother onto the calls. I just haven't been turning up recently because it's so awkward! It's not like they're both at home together and he weasels his way onto the call - she's at university in a different city, he's at their family home, and he gets given a link every week to go on the zoom call that should be for our friend group. We're all 19 or 20 and in our second year of uni, it's so weird to me. We can't swear or play games that aren't child friendly when he's on (our irl gatherings were usually full of innuendo, it's lame but a big part of our friendship) and I'd feel so weird discussing any part of my personal life in front of him - obviously we're all young adults so that would involve some love/sex/emotion discussion.
I really want to raise this with them because it's preventing me from having a social life, but I know it would hurt her, I'm fairly sure she's slightly autistic and she's also really into kids media (like Disney shows and tween lit) and quite religious while being asexual as well. I fear she's just using her brother to avoid hearing us talk about sex stuff. I'm worried our other friends will side with her and accuse me of having a vendetta - they can't really enjoy this gathering of 5 female university students and 1 young boy, can they? It was cute for about 10 minutes once, but now he's on every call, twice a week. Anons does this sound weird and what would you do?
No. 688401
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>>688291I hope it gets better for you anon. Scrotes ain't shit
No. 688409
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>>688291You are correct, let it out. Sorry that you feel this way anon, it’s not uncommon.
No. 688441
>>688258viruses aren't germs.
>hey look at this retarded country over there lets all do that because they've been doing it for yearsYeah lets all look at africa and put discs in our lips because they're so smart for jumping on a retarded bandwagon
No. 688462
>>688458>for no reasonWasn’t the point of
>>688258 that they wear masks to reduce disease transmission?
No. 688489
>>688462Honestly, don't argue with them. They're one of
those people, so it really doesn't matter what you say.
No. 688552
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my dad died six months ago from covid and my drinking has been bad but i've been attempting to get it under control. i started working out two weeks ago and i'm starting to feel the results. have no one else to tell
No. 688571
>>688564> I would rather listen to streetcats having sex.BAHAHA.
he sounds insufferable and either dumb as a box of rocks or really narcissistic…
No. 688584
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>>688564> My dad went deaf early and sometimes I wish the same for me despite loving music, myself.Anon I laughed throughout your whole post, and this was a perfect cherry on top. Oh my god you’re a good supportive gf. Let it all out.
No. 688604
>>688547ayrt it means a lot to me for someone to tell me that. I've only told my friends who've also self harmed about it (aside from here) and they were very accepting but it's very difficult to tell or explain to anyone who's never done it and to me there's something so humiliating and shameful that I can't even tell one of my best friends every time I do it because she's never been a self harmer. It takes me months to admit it to people who don't self harm if I ever tell them, and I never tell my family because they're shitheads who'll blame and shame me and try and institutionalize me without understanding that self harm doesn't equate to suicide attempt
I am glad that I managed to make it this far without a massive episode. I feel selfish ranting about me alone knowing a lot of people are suffering now, but I hope things go back to normal sooner rather than later. this year has been me trying to test my spirituality just to see how long my hope in futile and silly obsessions and my waning faith would take me before I hurt myself again and over six months is pretty good. I guess I'll take that. I'm not a positive person by default and I beat myself up when this happens but the good thing is that my pent up anger won't be so prominent now and hopefully it will be a long time before this happens again
No. 688651
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I genuinely can't remember the last time I had a good friend.
It all started going downhill once I was in high school. All of my friends from middle school went to a different high school and no one kept in touch with me at all. I didn't have the courage to contact my middle school friends so I never saw them again. My other friend who ended up attending the same school as me was away for a good chunk of the time (they even dropped out at one point) . But I already had issues with her. She had obnoxious tendencies. Every time we went out I'd get embarrassed because of how loud and offensive she was at times. And if I tried to tell her how offensive she was being she'd say I was acting lame. She also could NEVER take no for an answer. If I declined to do something she'd keep on pushing me until I caved in and said yes. When I came over to her house she'd almost always be arguing with her mom which made things awkward and uncomfortable. And it often was over the stupidest things ever. I sympathized for her mom because she really was too much to handle. She once made me participate in this elaborate scheme where she pretended to meet up with an older guy off facebook to make her parents worry as revenge for being mad at them. Like what the fuck? What kind of diabolical person do you have to be where you want to make others suffer just because you're mad at them. I could never understand her thought process. I could write more things I hated about her but I'd go past the character limit. I really wanted to stop being friends with her but didn't know how to end things. However shortly after her dad passed away in 2017. I felt really awful trying to end our friendship after right she lost her dad so I continued to be friends with her. She has mellowed down since dad's death so things haven't been that bad. But now I'm starting to realize that we never had much in common. Sometimes I find myself being a little too bored when we hang out, if we ever do. We went from hanging out every other day to seeing each other 2-3 times a year. I guess part of that is because we're older now and have more responsibilities. But I also think it might be because we're naturally drifting apart. If that's the case then I welcome it. I did enjoy some of the times I had with her and I definitely leaned a lot about myself while we were together. But I think I outgrew her and our friendship and it's time I moved on to the next phase of my life.
No. 688662
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>>688545I feel you it's been really hard for me to do school at home ever since the pandemic. I'm going to have to drop out of all my classes since I haven't done any of my assignments. It sucks hard but hey what can you do. If computer science is something you really want to do I say keep pushing. Sometimes you have to fail a million times in order to succeed. Retake your classes next semester if you need to and try again. You got this anon I believe in you.
No. 688675
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>>688649I'm a retard who spelled gill wrong but this thing. It's disgusting and needs to be clean out
No. 688683
>>688675>preauricular sinusit doesn't
you can't
flex it at all, can you?
No. 688694
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>>688677>>688683Here's a better idea of what it looks. Some evolutionary biologist thinks they are remnant of gills but it's just a birth defect lmao. I wish I could do cool shit with it but it just gets gunk build up.
No. 688762
>>688755you are completely right.
he was bitching in another post how dare the woman didn't want to fuck him when he saw a fellow human being in her first and a piece of meat only later on, after some time.
I hate men like this yet I cannot stop myself from witnessing their idiocy. Why am I like this.
My only consolation is that they are never happy, always whining about women not doing whatever they want them to do, not getting enough asspats and not having where to stick their dick in.
No. 688790
>>688770ngl it feels good to. the days following though..
sorry to intervene, continue
No. 688804
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My mom heard me masturbating while I thought she wasn't home and texted me, "Are you crying?"
I wasn't then, but I am now.
I'm going to fucking die of embarrassment.
No. 688813
>>688804Anon just lie to her if you have the chance
My mom once literally caught me humping a pillow kek
No. 688828
>>688804Eh that's not so bad.
I never had a door that closed when I lived at home so my mom could always peak in. One time when I was a young teen I was experimenting by trying to masturbate with a plastic carnival toy sword, which was certainly a step down from my usual rubber-ribbed hairbrush handle. My mom must have caught a peekaroo into my room cause the next thing I heard her yell was "DON'T STICK THINGS IN YOUR VAGINA!"
No. 688901
>>688894Thank you anon. He is in therapy but its a slow road. He has told me a few things that seem to set him off, namely 'not being attracted to me anymore'. He's just left, I've heard the front door close. No idea where he has gone, afraid to ask because he's in one of his moods again.
I'm so fucking stupid. I should leave but I've had a bit of a shit decade, and he became my family basically for a long time.
No. 688917
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>>688901Anon……you know what to do, I can’t even touch what you’ve said here without exploding honestly.
No. 688962
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>>687696Sheesh, that sounds exhausting. Glad you put a foot down and stood up for yourself. I might have to do this as well, seeing as how our interests don't really match up for me to justify putting in a lot of effort into getting chummy with her. I'll call her out the next time she does it and then just distance myself from her, while still being on semi-friendly terms with her.
> I had this exact scenario but in person with a uni classmate.We still had to go in a couple of days each week, meaning that most of the scenarios I listed happened irl. Thankfully from this week onwards we're doing online teaching only, which should give me enough time to sort it out before we have to meet up again.
>>687644Thanks for giving me the examples! I usually just tend to downplay it, seeing as how casual it all seems, but these are perfect.
>Is she only targeting you?From what I've noticed, yeah. That might be partially because I'm the person she knows the best, seeing as how we hung out at college before meeting up again at uni. And I usually don't tend to mind being the "funnyman" of the group, as long as it's not mean-spirited.
Unrelated but: she's also one of THOSE vegans, where she will outwardly judge you and imply that you don't care about animals or that you have no discipline if you eat meat.
>>687122>>687610Thanks for the advice! Glad I posted in this thread.
No. 688984
How the fuck am I supposed to lose weight without relapsing into ED? I’m at the last “acceptable” weight before I push into the “slightly overweight” BMI (160 lbs currently). I already walk at least 2 miles a day (super physically demanding job), work out as much as I can manage, eat an okay vegan diet (lots of veg, only a few processed things), watch my sugar intake. I’ve weighed the same consistently for like two years now, since my last relapse, and prior to that relapse I weighed this much too. Is this just my fucking body shape? Am I doomed to forever be a size goddamned 12? I can’t count calories, I’ve tried. That’s how I relapsed last time and lost like 20 pounds in three months. The second I go back to eating normally, even eating the same foods in the same portions, it feels like I just balloon back up. If I get any fatter, I would literally kill myself. I can’t be fat.
But I don’t wanna relapse because it’s not sustainable. I was never happy with my weight even when I was like 115lbs, I couldn’t even enjoy being almost my perfect goal weight. What am I supposed to do? Trigger myself into a relapse, lose a ton, slowly gain it back over two years, repeat this cycle until I die?
No. 688988
>>688984> eat an okay vegan diet (lots of veg, only a few processed things), watch my sugar intake.You're on the right track, just cut off the amount you're eating!
It's as simple as calories going in and out.
I myself also got too into counting the calories, so what I did was just eat what I normally eat, just reduce the size of the portions without knowing what the numbers were.
I also got rid of the scales in my bathroom and just went off on how I myself feel about my body.
Growing up around most family members being overweight and getting told that I need to eat a "healthy portion" really fucked me over, but over time I got used to the new portion sizes.
Also 20 pounds in 3 months isn't anything bad, as long as you feel mentally well. 1.5 pounds per week seems normal if you're on a diet.
No. 688989
>>688890>>688901You really need to work out a way to leave, anon. I’ve been there too, staying with an
abusive guy because I “loved” him, for fucking years. Like yours, my life was shitty in other ways and he sometimes provided a little comfort. But abusers want you to think like that, so they can stick around and suck you dry. At first leaving is difficult but you’re probably underestimating just how much he’s draining you - just because other shit has hurt you, doesn’t mean this isn’t having an impact.
If he’s saying he’s not attracted to you anymore, isn’t that the nail in the coffin of even the most fucked up relationship? He doesn’t want you to feel attractive because that gives you power. Fuck him. You’re cute, get out of there and work on recovering from this. Take that misplaced kindness towards him and aim it at yourself.
No. 689121
>>688893no, i meant we have nowhere to do it. he can't come over to mine and i can't go over to his for obvious reasons (we live with our parents).
I JUST WANNA HAVE SEX WITH THIS MAN AAAAAAAAAAA. a hotel is not an option because those shits are way too risky in regards to COVID… god knows who has been there
No. 689130
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I've been getting into the Hart family car crash (where two white lesbian moms committed murder-suicide on their six black children after years of abuse) and it makes me mad how many people are willing to vouch for these two pieces of shit. Is it because they were both attractive and good at taking pictures? I don't get it.
No. 689151
>>689130You know exactly why some people would defend them.
Just a sad and fucked up case all around.
No. 689156
>>689151Just curious, why do you think people would defend them?
The couple didn't seem to have a lot of close friends, but they went to a lot of music festivals. A lot of their music festival friends seem fine with what happened or they're definitely not willing to condemn such vile shit. My idea is that people turn a blind eye to others in their own "tribe" because their identity can't handle it. Like when people say that someone couldn't be a murderer because they went to church all the time. These women were part of a different religion, just one full of hippies.
No. 689160
>>689156>My idea is that people turn a blind eye to others in their own "tribe" because their identity can't handle itThis, but also on a wider scale. Two privileged women take in a bunch of kids that can easily be perceived as "ghetto".
No matter what happens, no matter how evil the two might be behind closed doors, there will be a subset of people ready to insist they were more good than harm for those children.
No. 689173
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>>689166Liar. She does have a "weirdness" about her face, but it's a beautiful weird. Like those unconventional models that only have one thing off, but the rest of their face is beautiful. She had the perfect face to be in a horror movie.
No. 689234
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finally met a guy that wants to get to know me properly, supports me & pushes me in the right direction, is nothing but honest and open. sadly we met online, i know what he looks like, and have interacted with his irl friends
through online games. i really want to be able to meet him because im into him. its so cringy that i like someone i met online but i wanna chase after this, he makes me happy.
No. 689248
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>>689234>meeting online is so cringggeyyyy who gives a shit. that's how most people meet nowadays. meet up as soon as you can (and as safely as possible) and see where things go.
No. 689250
>>689248thank you, im sorry. i definitely plan on it.
>>689249he lives in north dakota, im in missouri.
No. 689278
>>689262They've learned to LARP that they're the oppressed lower class when they're really the selfish, pissy middle class mad that they don't have as many privileges as the upper class.
I honestly think they have even less empathy than the upper class, because while the latter might donate a bit and be ignorant otherwise, these ones will tell you "I'm basically broke myself! Stop holding me responsible for anything! By the way, you should actually stop virtue signalling and donate to
me so I can buy a new console. Just existing rn is labor for me as an autistic queer nonbinary femme, talk less of using my valuable time to educate you online".
No. 689283
>>689245Are you the stripper-anon that blogposted about this alleged female rapist ex (you already know he cheated on you with her, end of) and how hurt you are that your boyfriend still talks to her (and that he might even go back to her), posted your face here, admitted to stalking her on social media and later LARPed as the ex here while insisting you're a wealthy sex worker who buys him trips abroad and video games?
If so, how long will you humiliate yourself like this? He's not going to change. Either accept polyamory into your life or walk.
No. 689285
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found rat shit in my dirty apartment i want to kms sometimes
No. 689290
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>>689262A lot of vocal leftists (especially on Twitter) are middle class and fucking up people’s perception of the movement. It’s just a rebellious fad to them so they don’t care about the damage their Twitter ‘activism’ causes. I have a personal cow who is notorious for this, as a minor celebrity she has ended up accidentally supporting right wing views then getting mad about it.
Pic rel explains the way I think a lot of WC people think of it. Not so much thinking wealthier people “should” be better but that they have much more opportunity to get better or at least to live a more comfortable life than otherwise. It still sucks, but it sucks much less than being in the same situation with little money.
> As if they're exaggerating or should suck it up Funnily enough I’ve heard the same things said about working class ill/disabled people, especially wrt claiming disability benefits.
Context for pic rel is an article about the former U.K. PM whose government screwed over disabled people despite him having a severely disabled son who required 24 hour care.
No. 689309
>>689305I agree with
>>689308, but as far as specifically Ireland goes, isn't there something about a US born citizen being able to acquire Irish citizenship or go through Irish naturalization if they have an Irish-descendent parent/grandparent, or a family member with Irish citizenship? Maybe that's why Irish heritage is claimed more often than other heritages.
No. 689317
>>689308Nta and I agree with this but find it bizarre how superficial it is. Ime of Americans who call themselves “Irish” or whatever heritage nationality, they never seem to learn the language or engage with the culture in a deeper way than a tourist would. Which is weird as they seem proud and doing that would genuinely set them apart from their peers.
>>689309Yes it goes back to Irish-born grandparents but not beyond that, so potato-famine immigrant descendants don’t have a right to citizenship.
I thought claiming Irish ancestry was a white American meme, just like the Native American great-great-grandma who was a princess.
No. 689324
>>689290I was ready to be mad reading pic but it makes sense. I understand what you're saying and agree, but there's something very sickening about types like you mentioned.
I know that being wealthy grants them better resources and care, but even that has many flaws. Which speaks to how bad it is for the lower classes, for sure. Disabled people are much more likely to be abused, and I was thinking of a case in a wealthy family my mom knew where the son was violently assaulted by a well-paid "caregiver." For middle class families (like mine) we can afford a decent amount of care but even that has been a huge nightmare! People have no idea how bad it is, so I honestly can't imagine the upper class resources being that great. They throw money around but even then things will go wrong from what I've heard.
Sorry for the spergout, anyway I agree though. It's significantly easier for the rich, while not being great (I think), so for the poor it's a nightmare. I still feel uncomfortable using the word "easy" because I hate to describe people's serious struggles that way. I guess that is why I am bothered easily, but I understand the heart of the matter. Just wish people weren't so devoid of empathy at all
No. 689332
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I’m starting to get kinda chubby
No. 689337
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I have online troon friends because I used to be younger and dumber. There's only one I want to remain friends with, an enby who matters to me a lot. The others make me feel that I'm betraying my morals, since one of them is becoming a fakeboi. I can't caution her or I'll lose the friend that matters. So I'm thinking I'll leave the group chat and only keep that person.
The others barely talk with me anyways so it should go smoothly. I still feel bad about lying to my nb friend by pretending not to disagree. Well, the topic hardly comes up for us and they aren't unhinged about themselves, so I can handle it. There is a sense of guilt, you know? I can't change how I think especially not after my own experience. It's not an ideal situation these days.
No. 689360
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>>689358I'm sorry anon, I hope you can remember this image next time.
No. 689374
>>689370Could you get your number changed? I'm so sorry I've never had this happen to me, but here is an article I found and there's likely more, could also try looking up your name or phone number in quotes and see what comes up?
Hopefully this isn't the case!! Maybe there is another explanation. Someone could've given a fake number that ended up being yours or something, or maybe it's spam? You could try blocking all of them and wait for it to blow over
No. 689378
>>689374I am the same anon, I just saw the rich boii thing and yeah that sounds off. I want to hug you anon, this would freak me out too. I'm so sorry with what happened in your past, maybe you can find other people online who had this happen and have experience. They are definitely out there.
If you want you should try and find the source, then report it to the site or to police, but anyways I am really hoping for you it's something else. Please if you can contact a friend or someone you trust to help calm you, even if you don't tell them what's going on. Only if/when you feel you can of course. I want to hurt anyone who did stuff to you tbh but I know Im just some random anon
No. 689390
>>689380i donated a bunch of old plushies and toys to a thrift store (an actual one, not some hipster bs imitation) and i spoke to them as i put them in the bag, telling them that even though i loved them i knew they would make someone else a lot more happy. some child was going to take them and have so much fun.
i can't bear to get rid of my REALLY old ones that i've had since i was a child myself though, for some reason.
anyway, maybe you could clean him up and donate him?
No. 689392
>>689326Sadly I can relate, my mother is always on her phone, which is mostly set on speaker mode(unless she's in public).
She can't be normal about it either, she constantly has to shout and when she laughs she does it in an exaggerated and shrill manner, even in the middle of the night.
It is quite often embarrassing, as she does it in public too. + we're immigrants so she doesn't mind doing it in russian either.
Makes me feel straight up homicidal
No. 689411
>>689405There are plenty of non-interactive mouse traps. I watch mousetrap monday a lot because I like his autism also I'm interested in what it takes to catch a mice.
If you truly want to catch them and be done with them, the best trap for you is to buy a big bucket, add some peanut oil to the bottom. Find a way for them to climb up the bucket and inside. You want to make it so they can't get back out. You DON'T have to kill them (just make sure the oil isn't a high enough level to kill them, the oil is so that they are attracted to it and get slippery so they can't climb back out). By the next morning, you will definitely have a ton of mice. Then you can drive miles away or go really far away and dump the bucket.
Definitely check for his other stuff too.
No. 689556
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I recently started working at a new workplace and I quickly realized that it is extremely toxic. It is a small company owned and run by a narcissistic couple, both of whom seem to be addicted to plastic surgery and have no sense of boundaries. They both constantly namedrop influential celebrities and politicians they know and brag about the expensive stuff they own. On the job interview, one of the first questions they asked me was if I want children in the future and if yes, how soon and expressed their relief when I said not anytime soon, but they also noted that the woman whom I'm replacing and who is having a child is 'fulfilling the task that every woman should fulfill - giving birth'. Working overtime is encouraged and the manager's assistant (also friend and gym-buddy ) told me that she once or twice stayed at the office until 9 fucking pm. Working hours officially end at 4:30 pm but the managers regularly start meetings and discussions after 5 pm and expect everyone to stay as long as they last. If someone dares and leaves at 4:30 there's this weird tension in the air. They only let a few employees work from home (the graphic designers and programmers) but the female manager is really not happy about it and once I heard her screaming from her office that the graphic designers must be sleeping instead of working because of the shitty job they are doing and she's going to take back their 'home office privileges'. Her mood swings fucking terrify me and every time I hear her voice I get knots in my stomach
No. 689599
>>689556Do we work at the same office? Kek.
I also got the child question which caught me off guard because I thought it was illegal to ask personal questions like that, but turns out it's actually a gray area. Technically, they're not "allowed" to make hiring decisions based off if you have/want children or not, but they can ask and then officially not hire you for some other legal reason. It's kinda insane how easy it is for companies to get around anti-discrimination laws.
No. 689647
>>689426Because I'm actually their only friend, they have no one else apart from me to hang out with.
>>689429Thank you for replying, that’s exactly how I’m feeling. Even with the “bragging” thing. I can’t share anything good that’s happening to me because I see their face change, even their mood. They’re not being subtle about it either, they just stop talking at this moment. They even snapped at me when I was commenting something about another friend I have like “I don’t know who she is and you know it”, ffs I know but it wasn’t important. They always act pissy because they’re envious of my friends, job, relationship and all that because they won’t ever have a functional relationship.
It’s hard to write this but it took me a long time to realise they’re treating me like shit just because they can’t have what I have (I don’t know if that makes sense?)…also they project a lot over me because of other people’s mistakes, i.e. one day they told me they couldn’t meet up with my best friend because they were afraid they would be replaced like some girl replaced them in third grade???? It hurt me because I got really offended but of course I couldn’t say anything because ~depression~ and loneliness…oh well.
No. 689771
>>689740>>689762 ( •_•) (•_• )
( ง )ง ୧( ୧ )
/︶\ /︶\
(emoji) No. 689778
>>689772At the risk of sounding like a high maintenance bitch: these people either don't give a shit or are absolutely scared of real shit, they suddenly realise anyone can get hurt or sick and that freaks them out and their feelings of upset trump yours, even though you already have filed it down so much it's basically the least they can know about your situation without knowing anything. I would understand a very hysterical health anxiety fits sans warning or reason but I am talking "Yea, they found x and it's x" and they just won't reply till it's about them or just spiral. I know it can
trigger people, but if you wanna be friends with someone, they should be able to give you at least some health related updates. Lame shit.
No. 689787
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Why is getting your first job so hard?
I've been throwing curriculums left and right and not even one opportunity showed up, I keep getting ghosted by stupid HR cunts who say they will contact me to schedule and interview and never do.
The bills in my household are starting to pile up after some medical emergencies and im fucking panicking.
No. 689823
venting here because I dont know who else to talk to and the wound is still fresh.
long story short, my boyfriend has a dog, which was his before we started dating and moved in together. After being with him a while, i've noticed that all he ever does with his dog is yell at him, keep him in the kennel, and hit him. Maybe once or twice a week he'll actually give the guy love. And he always gets yelled at when he leaves his little corner for anything. He also never takes this dog out for walks, he only gets to go outside for the bathroom (mind you, this dog is a 2yr boardercollie).
I am the primary person who takes him on walks, plays catch with him and gives him love. I've grown to love this guy a lot and I feel so fucking guilty every time my boyfriend hits him. I am supposed to protect this guy, love him and keep him safe.
So, about 20 minutes ago I brought it up to my boyfriend. Granted, I didnt bring it up the best way. I started out with "I think we should get rid of the dog" so he could just have a clean slate with a new family. Forget about all of this. My boyfriend got super mad, though. He started talking about how he fought for that dog and would never give him up. I was like okay, well you need to change how youre disciplining him. You only yell at him, never give him love, and I want you to stop hitting him. He basically went "well okay, everytime he does something bad, I'll let you take care of it" which is. you know. I'm a psych 2nd major and i;ve tried explainging to him that there are other ways to condition the dog to be good, but I dont think he ever listens…? I just feel so bad for him. I need to help our dog. I feel sick to my stomach because I dont think I got anything done and now my boyfriend is mad at me and I did nothing for our dog.
No. 689843
>>689823your bf genuinely sounds like a disgusting asshole and i'd be afraid that he would abuse
you later on if his reaction to an animal doing something "bad" (that it doesn't even understand) is to hit and yell at it like a caveman
No. 689848
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>>689823fucking hell just get the pup out somehow, tell your bf he ran away when you walked him or whatever, he's being abused.
I don't know your story friend but I'm also wondering how tf you can stay with such a person. Like living with him, sharing your life, being all intimate and cuddly with some useless fucker who hits dogs. Not even gonna speculate how likely it is that he takes his aggression out on you eventually, even if that never happened I just don't understand how him hitting and isolating a living feeling pet, who he should provide with a happy cozy life, doesn't kill your attraction dead in an instant.
No. 689862
>>689851obviously only after getting someone to look after the dog for a while. As for the second point, yeah, I wouldn't recommend anon to stay with the bf after that, that's a no-brainer. She should have her ducks in a row re moving somewhere else, break the news in a public place, then dump him. Claiming he ran away is just because then the bf can't really prove to the police she's lying.
I don't know, probably there are better ways to help the dog, but he's likely suffering terribly so I would devise some dumbass plan in this ballpark if I had to.
No. 689864
>>689823what you could do is post about this toward some animal rescue group of some kind, then they could take the dog away while you make up an excuse like he got off the leash and went after a squirrel or something. might be difficult to find a group to do that if they're afraid of your bf pressing charges or something but as long as they rehome the dog someplace away it's not like he'll ever find it. idk. he might start asking around online or putting up lost dog posters though… this is a tough one. you could try to record the abuse/neglect and show it to whatever equivalent of aspca you have, but that'd very blatantly put you in conflict with him.
ask yourself this: do you value a relationship with a man who hits animals more than the well-being of a defenseless animal?
No. 689874
>>689823op here-
ive calmed down. Hes just an animal abuser(but only with dogs…?), not a people abuser(as far as I know), but its still bad. I just talked to a dog trainer friend about taking him, then I would try convincing my bf to give him up while the dog was gone. I'm on a lease with him and work for his mom so im kind of in a bind in terms of breaking up. For now, at least. thanks for listening to my misery.
>>689864 yeah, worst case scenario I can take the dog to a shelter a town or two over and say he ran away. I'm waiting to see if he's willing to give it to dog trainer friend first
No. 689942
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Again with my old ways…
No. 689947
>>689728Thank you anon, I'm sorry that you're in a similar situation and wishing you luck with the surgery. I'm glad to hear from someone who understands though.
>Have you done the thing where you don't even actually talk about your feelings about health, just giving the most barebone "this is what i have, i am gonna get this done to me, then this will happen" and even that seems to be too much?Yes. My dad even told me he forgot that I have cancer when I told him about my further appointments. I think they simply can't handle it, very immature. Like if you don't think or talk about something it's not happening.
No. 689988
My mother is a full munchie that projects it on my father and I. My old man doesn't know any better and doesn't do anything besides shake his head and agree because the alternative is her screaming and throwing shit and threatening to commit suicide anytime we do anything less than kiss the ground she walks on.
She's diagnosed me with a gluten allergy, dyspraxia, ehlers-danlos, celiac, PTSD, autism (when I was a child. she "prayed" it out of me by faith healthing. which is to say, I was a perfectly normal child), PTSD, and being a "highly sensitive person". My dad being an old man, has plenty of vague issues related to being old and the gazillion fucking magic internet vitamins and supplements she feeds him against his doctor's instructions. he ""has"" leaky gut, gastroparesis, the inability to digest lettuce, a gluten allergy, and kidney disease. she doesn't get anymore specific than saying kidney disease, and the actual nephrologist says my dad just needs to lay off all the laxatives (guess who makes him take those). She believes in colloidal silver, holy basil, more alt med things than I can list.
Her personal medical conditions are never diagnosed by a doctor and never receive follow up and seem to magically get worse or better depending on how she feels like getting an ass kissing that day. she has been "anemic" as far back as I can remember into my childhood. She doesn't see a doctor regularly for blood work and just buys iron pills/gummies/patches that she takes maybe twice and forgets again. I had to explain to her how they screen for anemics during the blood donation process and she didn't know what hemoglobin is. She sees a "weight doctor" that does nothing but write a continuous prescription for speed. she is not overweight and at most tries to do trend diets for a few days, like keto and "fasting" which she then uses as an excuse to throw more screeching toddler fits because she hasn't ate in several hours.
What really makes me rip out my fucking hair is that I have PCOS she never cared about or did anything more than call me a slut for missing periods or telling me she has it worse when my periods were heavy, unusually long, and were irregular for years. I almost got into legal trouble in high school because my periods caused me to miss so many days of class. now she has PCOS "a little" and she "had it when I was your age too". I get this adult woman screaming and throwing fits because I take metformin, as prescribed by my doctor because she read on Facebook metformin is actually the devil and the worst, most intolerable drug to exist. I don't experience any side effects, she does not have PCOS and is actually healthy.
Her sciatica, anemia, arthritis, little pretend "cancers", and thyroid issues are not real. she complains to me about forgetting to take her handfuls of magical herbal internet vitamins when I genuinely have to take my antidepressant, birth control, and metformin daily to function. She also buys pain killers online and has lied to me and my brother repeatedly how that's not illegal and they're really not any stronger than Tylenol. She loves to pop those tramadol and has got my old man addicted too. He had a total knee replacement and was in agony after knee surgery because he'd developed a tolerance to that low dosage of opioids. His kid from another marriage is a nurse and was very concerned after hearing about this. of course batshit crazy munchie bitch was deeply, profoundly offended at a nurse saying prescription drug abuse is what's happening and that it is bad. I don't really know or care what to do about this. I'm in trade school to save money and move out and never speak to her ever again. It's just a relief to write all this out and begin to try to understand it. I think my mother qualifies to be a cow. I live in backwards reverse fantasy land where nothing make sense and the only thing that matters is making sure the narc munchie gets her praise and free range to treat us like shit as much as she wants. I gave up trying to do anything more than process what factually happened long ago.
No. 690026
>>690020>Am I stupid for getting hung up on something so materialistic?No, I don't think so. I mean, when you want your gifts nicely wrapped it's not about the wrapping itself, is it? It's about the effort and thought that went into it for someone you love.
I get not being much of a Christmas fan, I feel the same way about Christmas for similiar reasons as your bf, but that's no reason to behave shitty when your gf tries her hardest to make in an enjoyable time. Maybe he feels resentment towards christmas and/or those who enjoy it? Have you tried talking about it to him?
No. 690032
I called one of my exes today to catch up because of extreme loneliness and also he texted me a few weeks ago asking if I ever wanted to hook up again ( I said no). During our convo we were talking about dating general, and he started ranting about "Old exes" from years ago hitting him up because of covid and how he thought it was super lame, with zero self-awarness that he was currently talking to an ex. Like okay, you think I'm just wasting your time but you choose to talk to me anyway, at least be polite and keep your mean opinion to yourself. Total downer. Ive been a NEET on and off for most of my life, I can entertian myself and find thing to do at home, the only thing I can't deal with rn with this corona shit is total isolation and loneliness. All I want is a cute bf to sleep over with and watch movies and cuddle and take care and make soup for, why is this so hard in my shitty city to find. All my exes are either nutcases that I blocked long time ago, don't want to see me because "it's not you, it's me, I'm not really sure where my life is going rn" covid edition, or are interested in me but live on the other side if the fucking atlantic.
No. 690042
>>690026Thanks anon, we have discussed something similar in the vein of gift giving and material celebrations after my birthday last year. I think we came to a good understanding that although he isn't bothered about gift giving and celebrating much, he knows its important to me - not because of the cost of things but rather the time and thought put into them. I think I need to manage my expectations and have a talk about this BEFORE christmas, expecting him to read my mind and know this is about more than wrapping paper is stupid
>>690036You're right, the wrapping paper in itself is not a big deal. I should get over that.
No. 690096
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Every once in a blue moon (usually after a beer or two) I have the horrible desire to "rehabilitate" someone who I know is awful. Both to prove to them that they can change their path, and because it makes me feel good to help and change their minds in a selfish sort of way. That led to me contacting a person who is completely irredeemable as a person. He isn't as bad as some would make him out to be (he's an online presence), but I think the trait that disgusts me the absolute most in a person is an inability to introspect and a lack of desire to change their situation, even when they're in constant distress and there's an easy way out, and that's the kind of person he is, someone with no desire to self improve. It really annoys me that I waste my time on things like this but I do it every once in an while regardless and it consistently is a plague on my life.
No. 690127
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Sorry for the long reply but I guess this is the vent thread…
>>690098That image is too real and I am sorry you are cursed with a big heart. Truly it is a curse and I have had that same conversation with a boy but they just cannot attain that girlboss mindset in the end. They just don't understand basically anything and I find myself spoonfeeding men on how to be normal, empathetic, and kind to one's self and others, and it is invariably a lost cause. And yet I keep finding myself in this situation! Help!
(In my experience, the scrotes do care, but only in retrospect, pic related)
>>690099I need to work on that. Sounds silly from an anon but I'm proud of you for putting that had work in and that it paid off. It is a powerful feeling, but I expend that warm energy on the wrong people historically.
>>690103I guess it isn't bad, but, without revealing too much about myself, I had a a long period of time where I was just depressed, and even though I wanted to feel better, I didn't really make any real effort to change my situation. But my circumstances changed rapidly and I had to adapt and make major efforts to fix myself, because it was a sink or swim situation. Looking back, I feel a lot of regret for not having made those changes sooner, as I now feel like I wasted a lot of really valuable time in my life. So I guess it's not "bad" but it's detrimental to your own health, and like
>>690106 said, people really won't stick around if you won't change and your upset is affecting others and upsetting them by proxy.
>>690112Relate heavily to this! Actually basically what I said to the person above. I think I am particularly disgusted and peeved by people who prefer not to help themselves and don't want to change and prefer complaining whining in an endless loop because, in all honesty, I was sort of there at one point. But, like you, I also put in major effort to get stronger and that's why people approach me for help. And as unappealing as that trait is to me, I feel a deep need to help, because I know if I was capable of change, most people I know are too, and yet they choose not to, and they make it everyone else's burden to bear. (I am also proud of you for making such great strides in your life)
No. 690129
I'm about to leave for work and I rather be doing anything else.
Normally, I work in a hotel restaurant that's fully self-serve and the clientele is mostly tour groups. All I do is collect plates (systematically, I go around the section, smile, and take away their plates), clean, and serve tea and coffee. For a waitressing job it's fairly easy because there's no actual order taking and serving involved and I can just about manage it with my social anxiety.
We never reopened in the spring this year because covid meant no tourists, but the owners own multiple hotels in the area and one of the nicer non touristy ones is open, which is where I am now (starting now because I got a new temporary job during the summer which was totally non social).
It's a proper waitressing job which I've never had and I'm freaking out. I started there yesterday and all I did was observe, I don't know how I'm going to approach people or make small talk because there was almost none of that at my old job and it's been so long since I even did that.
And to make things worse, some guy my age who works there immediately started hitting on me (not at all a brag, I think he's one of those men that goes for weak looking girls) and in my nervousness I just smiled and went along with it and I don't like him at all and I can't just tell him to fuck off because we're going to be working togetehr for months and then at my original workplace when it opens because that's where he originally got hired and he's also only here on a temporary basis. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
No. 690173
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>checking on artist I used to love to see if they’ve been up to anything
>all of their accounts are scrubbed and the last post they left was about being sick of drawing
No. 690195
My dad is in the hospital right now, I don't know if he will be alive any longer. This is the second time he had a stroke, add to that is a minor brain hemorrhage because of that he can't even move or sober enough to answer our call. Covid is starting to appear again where I came from and they only allow one caretaker per patient, my mom has to stay there for him. I just wish this would end, why is my happiness so short and almost non-existence…Just when I was happy and boom, this shit happens and i have to be all sad again. I hate this, i really hated this, there is no one i can share this information with because im scared they will pity me. I just wanna cry but some reason i cant, i have to be strong for my family, i have to get through this, this is not the end.
No. 690239
>>690127Last anon you replied to, I'm proud of you too!! But I think like you said, complaining and whining is so disgusting cause we were all there at one point, but I think its a maturity thing that you definitely grow out of. Everyone was definitely like that in their teens, but after that?? We all learn and grow!!
Related, but the guy I was talking about in
>>690096 just texted me opening a conversation with complaining, and when I said "sorry I'm in a class right now so I'll hit you back afterwards, just had a nightmarish presentation" ALL HE SAID was "F". I spend so much time checking in on him, talking him through shit, and I can't even get a "oh shit, good luck on your final". just fucking "F". Litcherally fucking fuming babes, I got with him thinking he was a well-adjusted chad but he's just a depressive eeyore-like gamer with early onset erectile dysfunction. why are scrotes so cute but so absolutely fucking useless???
No. 690263
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I posted a while ago about how my husband got a puppy I kept saying I didn't want and I hated it because it kept destroying all my shit. The puppy is six months old now and is still an absolute nightmare, she pisses and shits in the house every day, destroys everything she can get her mouth around, is way too rough with my cats to the point where they basically live in our bedroom now so she can't get to them, has the most irritating high-pitched bark on earth, is difficult to walk because she yanks the leash the entire time, and is just generally a real asshole. Positive reinforcement hasn't worked, negative reinforcement hasn't worked…I don't know what the hell this dog's problem is, I have never had a pet that is so impossible to train. Our older dog was better behaved than her when he was like, half her age. Just today I left her alone in the kitchen for five minutes only to return to her having already eaten half a box of crackers she somehow got off the top of a shelf. I don't know wtf to do, nothing seems to get through to her and the whole situation is making me become a dog hater.
No. 690266
>>690216It's also funny how trans women (somehow i'm not hearing trans men in this dispute ever) want to be considered real women but they don't relate to real women at all, it has to be about their transness. Supposedly game is not going indepth about a "struggle of being transgender"… well, maybe in the future of prosthetics it's not a struggle at all anymore? I thought this is what they want?
Also, there's actually a trans character in the game, some other reviews mention it, but Polygon reviewer forgot they have to play sidequests to discover stuff apparently.
No. 690269
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>>690239God are you me? Or are we just walking the same sad path of dealing with scrotes who can never understand our emotional depth? lol. I dated a guy who sounds exactly like that, good looking, seemed well adjusted, but it was a facade, and behind the scenes he was a goddamn nightmare and I had to teach him basic social cues, not because he was autistic or anything, but because he'd never faced any real hardship in his life, so the smallest things seemed insurmountable and foreign to him. And getting him to understand that he could only become happy if he made an effort was impossible…. and he also literally said "F" to me as well. I am so sorry and I stand in unfortunate solidarity with you in liking cute boys who end up being fucking stupid. Wishing all the best for you!
No. 690415
>>690403I came in to say the same thing.
I genuinely don't understand people who think this "Animals dumb, they don't notice presence in or out of an area, or anything at all, they are like machines haha" way. It just seems like a massive cope, or some kind of weird, near-Grug sort of thinking. Most animals, especially cats, are very intuitive, observant and feeling.
You'd think more humans would be more in tune with and sensitive to animals that have been our companions for literally hundreds of years.
I kind of wonder how those people rationalize things like droves of stray animals showing up at people's funerals after they die if they fed/were kind to them, dogs and cats somehow knowing when a guy is bad news and being protective of their female owners off the bat, dogs leading firefighters to burning houses, etc.
No. 690450
>>690339>wondering what it did wrong to deserve this in the last minutes of its's a cat, it doesn't wonder.
I agree with other posters that the cat would've probably benefitted from having his owner around but at the end of the day, it's still an animal. It doesn't think like we do.
I guess it's my unpopular opinion but people should stop humanizing animals.
No. 690463
>>690450Wondering literally just means questioning or being curious about things. You think cats never do that, especially about humans they've spent their lives with? Or that they never consider right and wrong (aka good and bad behaviors, being punished by owners, etc)? Are you sure?
If animals were as retarded as you think, they wouldn't be able to survive in the wild, care for their own offspring, cohabit with humans, etc.
No. 690467
>>690450What? Yes they do. Animals can have human traits, just like humans are animals. They throw hissy fits when being abandoned or left alone for too long and react to scolding if you aren't a shit owner. There are various degrees of questioning their own actions upon pets but a lot do.
This reminds me of my philosophy teacher, who never even had a pet, claiming cat's aren't concious because they don't recognize themselves in the mirror like children at a certain age, when there are actual cases of that documented already.
No. 690472
>>690463Anon it's a cat, a cat, it has no concept of what 'good' is or what 'bad' is. How do you think it could ponder good or bad? Are you for real? It only knows what behaviour gets it something it wants, and what behaviour gets it something it doesnt wants after experiencing so. That doesn't mean it can actually think about good or bad or right and wrong.
>If animals were as retarded as you think, they wouldn't be able to survive in the wild, care for their own offspring, cohabit with humans, etc.I don't think animals are retarded at all, those are your words. They act on instinct, that's how they do the things you mention, that's not the same as humans.
No. 690489
>>690472"Good" or "bad" are obviously in regard to punishment/bad behavior vs good behavior. Context.
>It's a catI really hope you're not a pet owner. This is near autist level lack of understanding of body language, expression, etc.
What do you think instinct means, and what it entails?
No. 690497
I don't know if this is the right thread for this but I don't know how to feel right now and I just need to say it so I can try to work through it.
>armchair doctors always telling me I should have my thyroid checked because I'm constantly cold, bruise easily, shed like a housecat, and my weight has fluctuated pretty heavily over the last 5ish years
>always assert that I bruise easily because I'm pale as hell (not anemia either), I'm cold because my standard body temp is just lower than "normal" (which is actually pretty common), my weight fluctuates due to my own voluntary poor eating habits, and everyone in my family sheds but I'm not balding over time, my hair just seems to have a fast life cycle where it grows fast and sheds
>get fed up and decide to ask my doctor to check just to confirm
>they say they don't think I have a thyroid problem either but understand my desire to put the question to rest and order bloodwork
>go in to the lab last week to give blood, doctor's appointment to discuss scheduled for this Friday
>through the double-edged-sword of technology, I get an early notification on my phone that the test results are starting to come in
>first notification is my metabolic panel, everything is smack in the middle of the normal range
>more results coming in over the weekend, everything fi-
>positive for Hep C antibodies
>immediate message from doctor, "don't panic the antibody test doesn't mean you have it, it's not unheard-of to come up positive for antibodies and negative when we look further, I ordered more tests"
>viral load: 155k
>call from doctor: "um, can you go back to the lab again before Friday."
>my mom got Hep C from a medical mistake before they knew it was a thing, but everyone told me I had been tested multiple times as a kid and there's only a 5% chance of mother passing it to child
>there is no reaction image suitable to express how I'm feeling, because I'm not feeling anything
>I don't know how to respond
>still desperately hoping this was some mistake and I'm going to go in on Friday and they're going to laugh and say it was a fluke and everything's fine
>know that they aren't going to
>the only thing I can feel is that I'm sorry for my husband to be stuck with me already
If I was still single and living alone I'd be planning my suicide attempt. I don't know how to deal with this. The one person who could possibly understand is my mom but I'm scared to even tell her because I don't want to feel like it's her fault.
No. 690753
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Whenever I sleep in my sisters bed (ex when she’s away from home of something because her bed’s comfier than mine) I get these bad nightmares(?), like opening my eyes and thinking I saw a huge bug or whatever and literally jumping out of bed, every time. Its so embarrassing.. I think the fact that her room/bed is right next to a large window (on the other side is the front of the house) has to do with it?
Sorry if I dont make sense or sound insane, I just woke up and needed to vent
No. 690780
>>690739Fuck me?! Fuck YOU.
>>690776My dumb ass in my first relationship thought you didn't need trust for a healthy partnership, but I've since found out its the most important factor by a long shot. More than love, more than anything. Are the trust issues unfounded or what? Even if its a gut feeling its not a good place to be. What happened?
No. 690792
>>690780I caught him looking at sexual pictures online and he said he knew he shouldn't do this and it was a mistake, apologized and said it wouldn't happen again. I am pretty insecure so that hurt alot but I figured it could be worse and if he stops I will get over it. Since then I have walked in on him twice quickly closing browser tabs and then acting guilty and apologetic. The first time he had an excuse that I accepted but now that it happened again I just feel stupid. He swears he wasn't doing anything but I can't believe him. I know that's not a dealbraker for everyone but he knows I was absolutely crushed for days every time. If it was the other way round I could never consider doing anything that I know hurts him. So if he can, clearly he doesn't love me that much.
Assuming that he is actually lying but there is no way for him to prove he isn't.
No. 690793
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I didn't get ANY fucking sleep last night cause my period is making me pee every 2 minutes
No. 690803
>>690792Your boyfriend sucks and you yourself sound like a manipulation bingo too.
Break up.
No. 690808
>>690792Leave him, he's going to keep doing it behind your back anyways. I had a boyfriend who would do the same, but with video porn. He said he would never do it again, quite some time later he admitted to me he has an addiction for it. So I tried to help him sort out his issues, it was good for months. After I told him about my trauma relating to being abused because a relative of mine wanted to recreate sexual abuse from porn when I was a child, days later, he told me he watched porn again. If a man does it once, you can forgive him if YOU want to. If he does it twice, leave him. He doesn't care that his actions make you feel miserable. Everybody has guilty pleasures, however his is clearly breaking a boundary you are not okay with. Respect yourself because he doesn't respect your standards. You can find another boyfriend. I found one who never watches porn, he worships me to the ground, and has empathy. He's even a strong advocate agaisnt porn because he agrees that it hurts vulnerable women even before I existed into his life. You can do better anon, trust me, don't hold back on what feels safe right now. Your emotions matter.
No. 690872
>>690848I mean otherwise the money thing could just be benign dumbassery, as in men don't always realize there are things that would make you happy… that they could trivially easily get you… with money?? Or they might feel weird about it, like they're bribing you, at least in the high gender equality parts of Europe.
But anon… if he isn't that invested in making you cum, how is he worth staying with? It's not even directly about the orgasms even though that's already a reason to leave, like on a character level, why does he care so little about bringing you pleasure
No. 690898
>>690891I've always been honest about whether or not I've orgasmed after sex and I don't fake orgasms, but I've never brought it up as its own topic. I guess I hoped he would hear 'no I didn't orgasm' and then want to change that lol. I've never asked him to spend more money on me/buy me presents/take me out (under non-COVID circumstances) because I fear I would just come across as whiney or entitled.
ah my apologies, I meant he's 'sweet on a surface level' like him doing things like cooking for me, but not so sweet he takes time/care to make me orgasm haha
No. 690908
>>690898If he’s asking after sex (as in after he’s finished) then it sounds like he’s concerned/interested to some extent, but perceives the “sex” to be over and that’s why he doesn’t go back and try to help you finish. I think if it was a standalone conversation and you told him what you want in bed, it would be a more effective conversation. Just going off of what you’re saying and thinking best case scenario, he doesn’t seem to be dismissive, just…dumb about it. Maybe even take control for yourself and guide him into doing things that pleasure you. You guys are partners, it’s okay to give and take.
As for the money thing, I dunno, that could be a love language thing and might be based on how you split finances anyways. My bf and I take turns paying when we go out to normal places, but if it’s expensive, he always insists on paying bc he makes more money than me, and I let him. We both buy each other random gifts if we see something the other will like, but when it comes to asking for things, it’s only during holidays/birthdays. Is there anything in particular you’d like him to treat you with financially, or how is that split? Is it something you can just talk to him about as well? Again, men are dumb, anon. If he’s generally very sweet and earnest and not a POS, try communicating, but if it’s pure callousness or selfishness, then eh, not worth it.
No. 690979
>>690977We have so much in common, and I earnestly have fun with him. Just his texts today sent me on a total tirade and a lot of it has to do with my frustration at myself for not bringing it up in a mature way that I don't like this new behaviour from him. Every time I want to say "hey that's incredibly sexist and unfair" it turns into me REEEEEing and then cooling off in a separate room.
Just sooo extra pissed off at finding a hunk of cheese in my livingroom, too.
No. 690997
>>690979That makes sense, it happens. I mean, you both are adults–I do think it makes sense that if one person in a relationship is working while the other isn't, the person at home should pick up around the home, but that doesn't mean the other forgets how to be an adult. Like hello?? Not picking up spills, messes he made, and things like that is incredibly unacceptable. You can help do his laundry, sure, but he can still put it in the hamper. You can do the load the dishwasher and put them away, you have the time, why not, but he can clear his plate and take it to the sink. And if he cooks something that's just for himself, then he should clean up his own mess imo, but that may be for you guys to decide on. Maybe put it to him like that? You aren't and shouldn't be a maid. That's ridiculous.
>should be cleaning until 7 PMOh fuck off, it doesn't take that long and shouldn't just to punish you/make up for a work day. I hope you enjoy your day, anon. Do what you feel like doing.
No. 691018
>>690988Start looking into the trades industry.
There are a lot of places who will pay for your apprenticeship, given that you stay with the company during it. You can become highly skilled and get paid for it.
Horticulture and carpentry are very desirable skills right now. It's important to know how to grow your own food/have basic animal husbandry or be able to build structures.
Keep your head high and you will get out of there.
No. 691224
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my mom was watching softcore tranny porn with me when I was 9 years old but I wasn't allowed to watch spongebob
she told me all of my friends at school were being molested at home and that's why I was never allowed to see anyone outside school, and they weren't allowed to come over because she hated our house and was embarrassed of it
she told me every time I went outside I was going to be kidnapped and murdered, even if I was with my dad, who she also hated and told me didn't love me
I wish I was dead every single day and hate myself for being too much of a coward to end it myself
Eventually, I'm going to start walking into traffic
No. 691230
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I may come off as a raging ingrate but oh mother paid $160 for a keratin treatment that barely changed my hair,I can't help but feel like shit.she kept insisting and insisting but I reluctantly accepted it anyway and now I'm not too happy with it because there's barely anything that changed,other than the hair color.I can't help but feel terrible even though it was her choice to change my "look"I now look more plain and uglier.I literally said no a billion times but she kept insisting.
No. 691258
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I started a new salaried office job and I'm anxious as hell. This is my first week. I feel like I make real good first impressions with people but I can never keep it up, which I credit in no small thanks to my resting bitch face and standoffishness when I'm hyper focusing on new material. Thank FUCK for facemasks so I can hide my bitchface and just smile with my eyes while I force a perky tone.
And I'm dead fucking scared that I won't learn all the damn training cause it's regulatory and super complicated, like terms and abbreviations that make no fucking sense to me. I even bunged up a spreadsheet today that's already loaded with formula errors that make inputs a nightmare. While the trainer who I report to is understanding so far, she's not going to be that way forever if I don't straighten out. They're going to migrate to an actual electronic system next quarter but I have to keep my head above water with this dumb spreadsheet business until then.
Just yesterday they were talking about a different employee in a different albeit similar regulation role, he was fired. They said that although he was very nice, he was just too inconsistent and made too many errors. I pray that I'll smarten up but holy fuck am I overwhelmed, and of course since the company is new the training is flying by the seat of their pants and it's very hard to ask for individual attention for anything since everyone is so busy with their own roles. The irony? They expect ME to be onboard training new employees by the start of January….yeeeeeeeah. I might be so fucked lolcow, I couldn't live with myself if I blew this job. The benefits are amazing even if the pay isn't.
No. 691322
>>691320or if they financially controlled you and wouldn't let you leave under threat of self-harm and you're currently working on your escape plan still
more common than you'd hope
No. 691333
>>691326I doubt nipples are as big a deal as you think, and why would someone pick just one "ideal girl"? I'm of the belief humans can appreciate different features at once and find multiple people attractive. It's likely he is creating her to be appealing to him, but most people have more than one type they find appealing. Does this make sense? If his game crashed and he had to start over, he'd probably make a totally different character, not replicate
that girl I gotta have with the tiny little areolas specifically (lol)
tl;dr it's not that deep.
Also as others will tell you, it'd help to improve your self-esteem. Don't let the opinions of a scrote, even if it's your bf define you. Then you can never be happy, seriously
No. 691336
>>691326Think on how he'd react if the tables were turned.
Stan some attractive fictional dude in his presence. Then, you will know.
No. 691366
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I just got yelled at by a woman for not weraing a mask outside (they're not mandatory outside, we're in europe and the closes people around us were on the other side of the road) and I'm so burt out I almost started crying.
I'm stressed as fuck since a close family member died and my brother and mother are useless shits. All financial stuff is on me now, so is cleaning and taking care of the 4 pets we have. I'm tired. No one asked if I wanted any of this shit or if I need help. Wish I could at least have a restful sleep but no, I'm the fucking worst.
No. 691439
>>691366Hey, I understand you. I'm in the same spot except my brother would help but he can't and we have only 2 pets. I really hate when people use whatever excuse under the pretense of having a higher moral ground to bully someone and ruin their day. I'm also from a european country and the amount of people that either live near me or are family members that have died from covid-19 has been expanding at a rapid rate so covid-19 feels very real to me.
I wish I could hug you and tell you that it's going to be okay
with masks and gloves on of course.
You're doing your best and you're not alone in this. You're not the worst, you're the best anon.
No. 691697
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Why does the media and modern day libtards cape for black criminal men so hard. Not good black men, but thugs. He and his friends locked an innocent couple in the boot of their own car, his friend shot them in the head and then Brandon set the car doused in lighter fluid on fire. It was found the woman died of smoke inhalation but
>oh noesss he’s a nice guy and that was a long time ago, let him off REEEE
makes me sick to think of those being the last moments of my life burning to death in the boot of a car with my dead husband and how terrifying and painful that would have been. He’s getting a better death than he deserves, good riddance I say
>inb4 he was a minor
I too was once a minor, and I with the majority of the population never murdered someone nor would I have participated if my friends did.
No. 691700
>>691697Honestly I don't think he deserve the death penalty, but not because he's innocent/was a minor, but because, like you said, it's a better death than what he put his
victims through. Wtf just let him rot in prison.
No. 691707
>>691646anon you should make a gofundme and shill it on twitter, this will only continue to get worse and may cause more serious health issues. It's not fun to ask for help but there are a lot of people (especially right now, during the holidays and covid) who are willing to help out with medical bills. if you can write a compelling case for why you need it and ask people to signal boost then you'll get donations for it.
>>691702are you for real? it's a federal execution and the president is the only one able to stay it
No. 691719
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>breaks my heart man. i cry>>691707I don’t think the president can get involved if the court has already decided a verdict and punishment, and even then, why would anyone want to halt it. Just because the guy is a “nice” dude since and has a pic or 2 smiling doesn’t bring them back, they are dead and gone forever now in an awful way.
No. 691721
>>691697then Kim's bitch ass had the nerve to post a picture of the dude as a child, post a picture of his
victims too.
No. 691744
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I masturbated to degenerate stuff and now I feel fucking gross and I want to scream. I also get very avoidant of my bf every time I masturbate to that stuff and now I want nothing to do with him. Why do I always do that. Fuck fuck fuck.
I need to just delete that app, I get like this every time.
No. 691792
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I gave one of my cats up for adoption, I've gone through so many people and I'm hoping I chose right but I;m so stressed and anxious I gave myself a panic attack and diarrhea, the person is nice but I can't help but have bad thoughts and now I've been listening to music and crying for over an hour I'm so fucking sad I miss her so much why is life so cruel why can't I have so many cats.
No. 691854
>>691817Is your man marrying you or his daddy? Tell him to grow a pair and stop trying to reason with a
toxic man who's trying to justify cheating. Time for him to go no contact with daddy until daddy can learn to behave.
It's honestly sus that your fiance feels the need to tell you these hurtful things the man says about you instead of just telling him to shut up. That's gonna be your FIL anon, if you don't establish respect now it will NEVER happen.
No. 691879
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>>691798>covers car in lighter fuel and sets a car alight after friend shot innocent couple in the head >jury wrongly decided because good boy now>bust a nut in a woman b4 so a daddy, don’t kill the murdering daddy! think of the child!>was only 18 at the time and 18 year old brains are the size of a pea and run on autopilot sims mode with no autonomy obvs>he did not shoot, only burnGuilty. Fucking frazzle him. Hasta la vista.
No. 691887
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having sex is almost fucking not worth it because of all the pain it causes me afterwards. my bf has a large dick unfortunately and i feel like after i visit him i need to be in bed for three days because im sore as fuck, have a surprise UTI, burning, etc. i feel like sobbing right now because i know the pain is going to keep me up all night yet again and i have work in the morning. i feel like this is god punishing me for being a fornicator. even though sex feels good in the moment i wish i just had a microdick bf instead so i don't have to feel this horrible. but again its my fault because i am really shy and i dont know how to discuss sex issues with him, we just kind of do it and then dont talk about it. id feel so embarrassed saying something or stupid if i brought lube which is totally irrational but still. FUCK.
No. 691901
>>691887Anon you already know that if you're too shy to talk about sex directly you probably shouldn't be doing it, you need to get over that or your sex life will suck forever. Just send him a message if you have to.
UTIs are more commonly caused by bacteria on his dick or hands, not enough lube, not peeing before and after sex or going at it for too long. It would definitely be good if you bought the lube, you can also look up positions specifically for when the dick is too big and try doing it after a shared shower.
No. 691903
>>691879Come on anon, it was an mistake. Who of us wasn’t aiding and abetting murder and burning people alive at 18? He wasn’t the one that pulled the
trigger. He thought they were dead before burning the car! Why on earth would he be the one to check when he saw them get shot with his own eyes? He’s done his time and so deserves a second chance.
No. 691905
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I have court in less than 9 hours fuckkkkk this, my ~social anxiety~ is gonna fuck me over. I can't handle talking in large groups especially when the focus is all on me aaaaaa. Why they fuck did that retarded alchey scrote destroy my work and make rape threats. Fuck this. He's done this shit before but the court just let him off with home arrest or send him to the psych ward so what's even the point.
No. 691911
I don’t want to derail Shayna’s thread any further and I also feel bad about bringing it here but holy fuck, I hate e-whores. Whores in general who choose to partake in it, really. They’re so disgusting, and anyone pro sex worker has worms in their fucking brains. There is no excuse to choose a profession or platform that facilitates human trafficking, including children, distributing child porn, rape/rape on rape, revenge porn, etc, yet muh money and freedom when they have the freedom to get a job anywhere else. Or hell, still work for themselves by developing a skill. Absolutely abysmal state of the world.
No. 691918
>>691887anon if you're too afraid to be talking about sex with your partner you shouldn't be having sex. We're not saying this to hate on you but it's more for your health and safety, such as if you were to catch an STI from him you need to be able to have that uncomfortable conversation with him.
>>691905Good luck anon I wish you the best and I hope everything goes your way.
No. 691936
>>691879I just saw one of my wokefag mutuals on instagram share something about how people should call and advocate to prevent his execution, and I genuinely wonder if she/anyone else who shares these things looks into the background or case before sharing them.
>inb4 infighting about recent police killings/brutalityField officers are not judge, jury, and executioner regardless of whether or not someone is a criminal.
No. 691973
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i want enough money to never have to worry about anything ever again. who doesn't though.
stg if i won the lottery i would do absolutely nothing for an entire month. i would play all the games i want to play but can't because i lack the $$$ and time.
and you know what? i'd be altruistic as fuck. i'd invest 1mil and donate the cash i made from that investment. don't fuck with me
No. 692029
>>692009Yep these types of thoughts are pretty normal, everyone gets them. What matters is how much distress they cause you because that could be indicative of something else going on like an anxiety disorder or OCD.
I was recently diagnosed with OCD because I struggle with a wide arrange of intrusive thoughts. It's not easy to identify your compulsions when you struggle with "pure OCD" but you probably have a lot of mental ones that you don't know about if you have it. Thinks like researching, checking your body, checking past memories, ruminating, repeating certain phrases in your head, all count.
You should check out Imp of the Mind by Lee Baer.
No. 692080
>>692032Wait this is me. I literally have impulsive thoughts about my house blowing up or people dying immediately if I don't tell them I love them. Thoughts like "If I don't make it to this green light my boyfriend doesn't love me" and if my boyfriend says "Ugh, I'm gonna diiiie" I make him knock on wood and get extremely pissed if he doesn't…
I'll check it out, thank you anon.
No. 692115
>>692083The problem with bpd patients is that their shit self-esteem and identity issues can make them overly self-critical. Even more so in cases like yours, when you’re additionally self-loathing for having this illness and desperate not to come across as a bpdfag.
Don’t fall into that trap. You need to work on your emotions and behaviours, definitely, but the goal is not to be a robot. Setting that as the aim - even subconsciously - is going to fuck you up because you WILL fail. You have a mental illness characterised by extreme emotions and responses. A completely mentally healthy person has things that make them feel negatively, so you have no chance.
You’re allowed to be anti-porn and express that. Plenty of women are. I’d say in this case, the cause of your feelings doesn’t matter if the end result is the same, but I understand it feels different to you. Maybe you could analyse WHY you have these feelings. Is it because you don’t want him looking at other women (understandable, but possibly bpd feelings)? Because you’re genuinely afraid he’ll run off with some Only Fans girl (unlikely, probably bpd)? Or does porn disgust you because it’s exploitative and so on (not bpd)?
Figure out the reasons and go from there. You have bpd and it makes these things difficult, but that’s not the beginning and end of you. Recovery is possible (even if partial), and completely normal people experience emotions too, even unreasonable ones at times. You just have to learn to be critical and control your responses.
No. 692151
>>692083If you think about it, it's surreal how many girls and women have been manipulated into thinking that she's "entirely in the wrong" for caring/not wanting her partner to watch porn.
Like we've been forced on a large scale to just silently accept that men in a relationship jerk off to naked women on screen, otherwise we're whiny, controlling bitches. And that's just the emotionally cheating aspect of it, don't get me started on the disgusting industry that porn is. It's truly surreal, I have no other words for it.
Anon if you take anything away from this post, let it be that you're not at all "entirely wrong for even caring" and that it's reasonable not to be okay with your boyfriend's porn habits.
No. 692157
>>692134Ok but it's mainstream now. I accessed to hardcore sites when I was young and impressionnable, I know it has always existed, but now you don't need to go to an obscure site to find it, it right here on the front page of all most popular sites.
Plus this doesn't change anything to the original point. Anon is right to be upset, it has nothing to do with mental illness. Her bf is a shitty coomer.
No. 692160
>>692157It's probably just me then. I don't feel like porn has changed that much.
>Plus this doesn't change anything to the original point. Anon is right to be upset, it has nothing to do with mental illness. Her bf is a shitty coomer.I didn't say it did?
No. 692258
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>it's another 'anon gets liquid shits on her period' episode
No. 692277
>>692266Same here, anon. My first ex stole my virginity, abused and controlled me, and emotionally manipulated me into staying with him via suicide threats if I ever left him. We were 15. Idk how old you are, but I'm 26 now and as sad as I am for myself for ever having gone through that, I'm fine. Much better off without that loser, and I know he's still as insecure and pathetic as he was then. You got out of it, you'll continue to grow, and it's okay to be angry at him, but he doesn't deserve to hear from you, even if it's to tell him what a pathetic piece of shit he is. Fuck Charlie, and fuck Chris.
No. 692280
My boyfriend's coworkers suck and he has to redo their work 99% of the time. It's been stressing him out, he's been working extremely long hours, and he's been pretty melancholic and frustrated about it in general lately, but he won't. Fucking. Tell them. He'll send an e-mail back with "corrections they'll see," but they obviously don't care and are taking advantage of the fact that he's better at and cares more about the quality of work than they do. I comfort him, and I really am proud of him for being good at his job and caring, but also, it pisses me off so much that he won't grow a fucking spine and delegate the work with instructions and expectations for how it should be done. It's gotten to the point where these bitches are asking him for input for things OUTSIDE OF WORK because "he's just so creative/better at these things!" yet he still won't tell them off. Most annoying part is that when I get mad, he "feels attacked," even though it's more misdirected frustration than anything, but still. Swear, I'm going to steal his laptop and tell these bitches to stop being so bad at their jobs. Not really, obviously.
No. 692287
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I'm emotionally maturing and developing very quickly at the moment. Life is currently testing this new-found maturity through health concerns and responsibility I have towards the health of others. I'm absolutely terrified at the moment but at the same time, I'm the maturest and most responsible I have ever been, so that's something to cherish
No. 692328
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> SIL starts copying me from hairstyle to my personal interests and typing style
> She jokingly "anonymusly confessed " on her gc that she wishes she was me, also mentioning the fact that I am her brothers partner (being a reason to that). And our only together convos we had always involved her saying how much she WANTS to be me.
> randomly starts dating a kid whose birthday is close to her brothers birthday and personalities are almost the same
Anons…? Am i being paranoid or…That's fucked up…Isn't it…?
No. 692421
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The intersection of liberal feminism and muslim women produces the most retarded takes. Being an Arab woman is just constant blackpill.
>Soon after “Ladies First” was screened, I met these Saudi students in Washington Square Park in New York. Hend, on the left, had watched the documentary and criticized it for portraying her country as a place that oppresses women. “We don’t need to abolish male guardianship,” she said. “We need to teach men how to be better guardians.”
No. 692510
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I can't bear the word 'yikes' and it's used here constantly. Every other post is like picrel. No contribution, just Y I K E S I N G. Shut the fuck up!!
No. 692511
It’s always said over some trivial shit too
No. 692519
>>692514sage dipshit.
>>692518Blimey! I'm a britbong.
No. 692520
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>>692504Nta but not everyone has the skull shape to rock this look. I would love to shave my head but I know I would look like absolute shit. I'm super jealous of girls who look good with shaved heads or buzzcuts
No. 692562
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My sex drive diminishes to the point of near non-existence in relationships. Like, I won't even feel like masturbating or fantasizing, which I tend to do a lot of if I'm not seeing anyone. I don't think it has anything to do with the men I'm dating because it will occasionally come back an I can have great sex with them, regardless of whether their a piece of shit person or not. I don't know why I'm like this but I fucking hate it.
No. 692580
>>692575if you're an android user download YouTube Vanced
if you're an apple user idk. suffer
No. 692589
>>692575There was an Adblock I used on apple but it was a while ago and I don’t remember it working on safari but there were definitely some free options that worked decent on apps and stuff. I think it was like a stop sign.
Agree with the YouTube thing, I drifted away from practically every personality because reality is theyre just people making videos trying to get as much money as possible and the pursuit of fame is gross. I stick to movie reviews and analysis videos strictly now because those interest me.
No. 692614
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I find it ironic that males make fun of girls for having daddy issues when that's men's own fault
No. 692623
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>>692575Anon it is literally called 'Adblock'. Go to their site or the app store. Wiki says there's a version for Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, Opera, Safari, Yandex, and Android. It's free, downloads quickly and blocks immediately. My mum downloaded a version for ipad safari which has worked well for years. Zero ads.
No. 692652
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I hate that I have a fat moonface, literally no facial definition. Why did my fathers genes have to triumph?? If I was a different sperm/egg cell would I have looked different? At this point I'm just gonna get ps. Tired of it.
No. 692669
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>>692652I like round faces (also have one). We live in a looks-obsessed world but I bet you're still beautiful and good the way you are. I bet you have a lot of perks and good traits that make you shine. I bet only looks-obsessed people perceive it as a flaw and that there are people that don't even think about it at all.
No. 692684
>>692665Can you say why? Maybe it’ll help me feel better.
>>692562I feel you. Not the same situation, but I’ve basically never had a sex drive. I’ve never orgasmed and masturbation does nothing for me. I’m a virgin too but it doesn’t even bother me. I wish I could know what an orgasm feels like though.
>>692421I’m so tired of liberal feminism. Having the right to degrade yourself for men isn’t empowerment. Letting men into women’s restrooms isn’t empowerment. Being required to have a man with you at all times isn’t empowerment.
No. 692685
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>>692669Aw, thank you anon! I really do appreciate it. I do think one day I'll "grow into" my face (probably when I'm like 30 or something), but I guess for now I just gotta focus on the good parts.
No. 692740
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I have a coworker who is having sex with her on again/off again boyfriend and she doesnt use birth control. She really is fine with using the pull out method and it really disgusts me because this bitch is 30+ really okay with this dirty mofo not using condoms. What's worse is that she doesnt want to get an abortion because it would be too 'emotional draining.' Then why even have sex without bc if you dont want to face the consequences of pregnancy? i dont get it. why is she like this…
No. 692746
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>>686925My girlfriend agrees with these takes and it's making me annoyed (especially with the third one). I told her that it's just reinforcing segregation and she said "babe it's their oppressors, it makes sense" and I said it was dumb, and she said "so you're saying oppressed groups must interact with their oppressors trauma or not?" and now I'm just more mad. I feel dumb because I let this make me angry. I just need to cool down.
No. 692759
>>692741People with chubby faces are at risk of aging badly too, I once saw someone say there's 3 'types' of aging and it seems accurate imo
>saggers (facial fat getting droopy)>sinkers (skinny faces that get sunken in and hollow)>wrinklers (self explanatory)I don't think many people can escape being one of them.
No. 692761
>>692716Thank you anon. I know I'll probably be grateful for my face later, I'm just highkey tired of it right now lol
>>692736This just isn't factual. No ones face gets bigger as they age.
No. 692767
>>692387>>692394>>692516>>692525i just don't know how to.. react? i'm a csa
victim and like. i have heavy ptsd from it. it's not like he's
abusive or shows anything similar to what happens in our like, daily life, and i recollected me also saying that i couldn't think properly and him telling me to just not think. i have no idea how to like. bring that up with him? and obviously i'm not gonna just dump him. i've been shut off completely all day mentally because of this. fucking hell. once i finally get to see my therapist again, i'll talk to her about it.
No. 692772
>>692767> how to like. bring that up with him?> obviously i'm not gonna just dump himAnon please be reasanoble. Please. I know you love him but what he did to you was disgusting. WHAT are you going to tell him? What do you expect to hear from him? He's going to gaslight the shit out of you. Like you have delusions, or that you actually consented, or something else. Or even if he apologizes, it doesn't matter how many times he says sorry, he raped you and he can't make up for it!
> it's not like he's abusive or shows anything similar to what happens in our like, daily lifeAbuse doesn't have to happen frequently to be abuse. It happened once - it's gonna happen again. It's just beginning. I doubt you're going to go to the police, but you have to run before he does it again.
No. 692784
>>692764Congrats on the changes you have been able to make for yourself anon. I would absolutely call it recovery. Progress is progress. And progress isn't linear. There are going to be times when you feel like you're going regressing or engaging in old thought processes. But you're doing it with the experience and successes you've built. Parts of you are going to continue forward and parts of you are going to go backwards and parts are going to loop around but as long as, on a whole, you are pushing through and growing, you're recovering. You're having thoughts about self-harm, but you're not doing it. So hell yeah that's recovery!!
As to the permanence of self-harm urges: I've self-harmed for about 12 years now, the last time being a year ago, and while I can't say for certain, I think once it's become such an engrained coping mechanism there will always be a part of you that will think about it when you're in a bad place. I don't mean to say it will always be an unbearable urge you have to fight, especially as more and more time passes from your last incident of self harm, just that when you're feeling shitty it might pop into your head as the automatic go-to, even just as an intrusive passing thought rather than a serious consideration.
Stay well my friend!
No. 692811
>>692787It’s promoting empowerment and money ,which is really the motivation. I almost got sucked into it because I saw this girl talking about how she’s educated but makes bank from onlyfans and as a broke student I was so starstruck by the idea of getting paid thousands per month just for being sexy (which I’m not so I never did it but I started planning it in my head)
I know at least 5 girls who have an onlyfans (all very early 20s and one does actual porn now) it’s funny seeing them post about how it’s their dream and how it’s so natural to them but then they cry and e beg if they don’t get paid enough. Reminds me of an MLM since all the top girls like to sign on new girls under their link so they get 10% of their earnings
No. 692815
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What an incredibly retarded take. If you don’t know the guy on the left is Nikolas Cruz the psycho who carried out the Parkland school shooting. Cruz is still awaiting his trial but because of Covid his court date has been moved indefinitely. He is charged with 17 counts of premeditated murder and will almost certainly get the death penalty (if the state I think Florida still has the death penalty). I think his lawyer is trying to get him an insanity plea but it’s probably going to be thrown out because it’s obvious to most that Cruz is playing up this ~i’m crazy~ thing. This tweet makes it seem as if he is getting off scot free for being a school shooter and committing one of the worst school shootings this nation has ever seen. His trial is also taking so long because there’s so much evidence to build up and there will be many witness testimonials. Cruz has a extensive and problematic online history that is still being combed through.
No. 692820
>>692811Yeah, but it makes me mad how we only "motivate" girls to sell their bodies (also objectively, their reputation and guess this is more of a personal opinion, but also their dignity). It's so misogynist, so transparent. I know I'm saying the obvious and that many anons have pointed this out but I'm genuinely, just, shocked at all this shit and clearly the podcasts
triggered me.
When are people going to understand that "making bank" really isn't everything in life? Having thousands or millions on your account is nice, absolutely, but there's so much more to live a fulfilling life.
No. 692850
>>692820lbr they aren't actually making bank, or at least not sustainable, long term bank. And I don't even mean the money will run dry when they 'hit the wall' decades in the future, with something like OF it's gonna be months to maybe a few years at best before they're replaced with a newer, younger crop of girls who fit new trend. A male audience is fickle and obsessed with novelty, even popular girls who make money are going to be old news soon enough.
I really, really loathe women who promote doing porn by bragging about their money and lifestyle. They are full of shit and misleading young women in an extremely harmful way, and they're doing it all to save face and make themselves look good. They are absolutely devoid of any integrity and it's straight up dangerous.
No. 692874
>>686925I'm trying to watch the Epstein documentary and it's so hard. I'm so sick of this world and the fact that men hate us so much and don't give a shit about us.
I saw some people talking about it in r/askreddit on favorite socumentaries and people were talking about an idiot getting eaten by bears more than this. I just have this sinking feeling most acrotes didn't cry with the Epstein one and deep down don't care. They'll never relate to us, its just a meme for them. How do you even shake this feeling anons? I just feel so angry.
And yes I will be deleting reddit because this year I've opened my eyes to how much of a shithole it is. Fuck them.
No. 692878
>>692874It's probable that maybe not many men actually care about crimes against women, it's kind of like how some people don't care about crimes happening in thirdworld places, they just can't empathize or don't care. You are right to feel angry that many people just don't care, even blame the
victim. I try to show support and kindness to kind of counteract the increasing indifference. It all seems less like actual happenings and more like words on a screen, a trend to post about and then forget. Same goes for yemen, uyghur etc.
No. 692912
>>692850This is the ugly truth about sex work that young women need to know. Easy money is a myth. Men don't want to pay for porn to begin with, who the hell do they think is paying out for every girl who posts softcore selfies? This goes for both OnlyFans and camming. You're competing with hundreds of thousands of girls for chump change. Not to mention, these type of men are not above scamming you, blackmailing you with dox, or reselling your content elsewhere. It also takes a considerable amount of time and effort to advertise yourself, cultivate an audience, stay engaging, etc., you know, actual work.
It's almost like a MLM, women who claim to be making bank from sex work
have to make such claims, because to say otherwise would be admitting it isn't worth it. I have plenty more to say on the subject but I'll stop myself here.
No. 692917
>>692912It’s so sad seeing girls with potential decide to sell themselves as a little present to ugly old bigoted men. I also get those MLM vibes and I’m sick of it being shoved in anyone’s face like oh you need money? Make an onlyfans!!
I think it was Lauren southern that asked for donations for a sick family member and someone was asking her to just make an OF because it would make a lot of money. Fuck that, it’s not a fucking option for everyone and shouldn’t be encouraged. Can you imagine “oh you’re low on rent, just sell your body for 5 dollars” that’s the state of twitter and it fucked up my mind and made me feel like a failure for not taking advantage of catering to the male gaze
No. 692945
>>692943> unemployed man tells me how to clean a damn table because I’m not doing it like he likes itThere’s a simple solution to that - he can clean his own table.
Good luck with the break up!
No. 692982
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I went to my friend's wedding engagement event today and after the event I came home feeling down. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy my friend finally got hitched, it's just that my circle of single friends are getting smaller and smaller each year. I'm actually scared of being the last unmarried person in my group of friends. I'm already in my 30s and I have never dated or fallen in love at all. Thing is, deep down, I don't think I want to get married yet. I just don't like the idea of getting tied down and having to change my current lifestyle. I want to enjoy my hobbies and having a stress free introverted life. But everyone is pressuring me about marriage and giving pitying looks when I say I'm still single. I hate how asian society/culture sees older single women as something to be pitied or think that an unmarried older women must have something wrong with them.
Is there any place on the internet to hang out in for "never ever gonna get married single ladies" out there? I want more single friends to vent and have fun with. The loneliness does gets to me sometimes. I wish I can be alone forever but the idea of being alone in my 60s or 70s is kinda scary, ngl.
No. 692984
>>692982I live in a place where gays are unable to marry and have children and are still very persecuted. As a childless unmarried middle aged woman, most of my friends are gay men and women. It just naturally turned out that way because we have a similar lifestyle compared to our married hetero aquaintances that mostly socialize around family stuff.
I am not pressured into marriage and kids like you, but that kind of societal pressure is another thing you share with gay people.
Maybe you can meet some nice friends that will fit your lifestyle in gay circles?
No. 693160
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Made zoodles and they're fucking awful, this shit tastes nothing like pasta. I can't find shirataki noodles anywhere in my area and I'm not paying a stupid amount for anachan slim noodles so I guess I just won't be having pasta dishes any time soon. Shame because the avocado pesto I made actually turned out pretty decent.
No. 693190
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i hate being depressed.
No. 693237
I'm angry that I wasted so many years being overweight. So many things I missed out on that I feel too old for now because I didn't have enough confidence.
>>693160I don't like how zoodles taste when they're cooked. I just use them raw in salads for some interesting texture.
>>693197NTA but it's from "Oniisama e".
No. 693271
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For my new job I’ll be stocking items at a store I used to shoplift from when I was like 15. It was mostly ice cream/junk food and never anything expensive like electronics but I did it for months before being caught and it definitely added up. Never did it again and never will. I’m just scared and don’t want to lose my job or feel like I’m constantly being watched.
No. 693273
>>693261>How am I going to learn a whole terms worth of java material in 1.5 days Not by wasting your time on here, for a start! It's about damage control, you've already fucked up but now it's time to increase your chances of success as much as possible. Blacklist time wasting sites and just study as best as you can, make sure to sleep properly so your brain is working, staying up all night to study the night before the test is false economy.
This doesn't sound like advice because it's so obvious, but it's all that you can do at this point so just do it as best as you can. Good luck!
No. 693377
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>>693372If your husband brings up
what again?
No. 693458
realizing i'm having serious feelings for the older man i've been seeing for a year now (not even gonna say the age gap bc i'll be roasted for it, i know i know); feeling stupid and upset. the sex is so good, dare i say addicting that i don't want to break it off with him, and we have fun when we're not fucking, but i don't know what to do with my growing feelings. he's also… poly. yup. he's cringe in a number of ways but nevertheless i have feelings for him, lord help me. it's embarrassing the situation i've gotten myself into, idk what i was expecting. i know i need to tell him how i feel but i'm not sure what i want to happen. ik i'll be extremely horny and frustrated by the lack of sex if i stop seeing him, i feel i've been able to explore my sexuality so wonderfully since we started seeing each other, it fulfills a big need for me. and i also will miss him. but i don't know how comfortable i am navigating non-traditional relationship styles, i err on the side of them not being my thing, though i can see the merits of non monogamy. probably not going to do anything about this now because of the holidays coming up, but i just had a good cry about finally admitting this to myself. much to think about
No. 693466
>>693458Ma'am, I know the dick ain't
that good. Please come to your senses a bit. It's cool that he's helped you realize some things about yourself, but you aren't chained to him. I wish you luck.
No. 693467
>>693458>he's also… poly>he's cringe in a number of waysI also like older men, but damn atleast pick a good one. Just because he helped you be more free sexually doesn't mean you should like him. Whatever you do, do not pursue a relationship with him. Before you know it he's gonna be asking to bring other women in. No one wants to be a sisterwife.
>ik i'll be extremely horny and frustrated by the lack of sex if i stop seeing himYou're a sexy ass bitch and you will find another, BETTER, man.
No. 693589
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Idk if this counts as racebaiting but the fact that people are defending a guy who killed two people and set them on fire makes me feel ill. I feel the same about people defending the rapist Jacob Blake. It makes me sick that I could get killed or raped and people could defend the person that did it. I’m so fucking disheartened at the state of things and I’m left-leaning.
No. 693590
>>693571I go back and forth between feeling like dwelling on insecurities is detrimental, but protective in a sense because it keeps you on your toes or just straight up detrimental and not worth it to focus on because it's going to cause some kind of self destructive thought processes and likely hurt the relationships pursued because of possible projection.
Hopefully you find someone that feels more sure in their own skin that doesn't feel the need to talk shit about an entire group you're a part of
No. 693603
>>693589No anon I agree. I think it's sickening that people could somehow compare or associate the execution of that man with actual brutality or abuse by the justice system at all. It should have no association to things that involve actual abuse of poc's by cops. In the case of the murderer and the other guy who allegedly raped a 2 year old, I don't care what the hell their race is, what they did is monstrous and people should not be defending them. I think the death penalty is harsh in some cases and should not be applied, but it's ridiculous to say that it'd be "too harsh" to execute a fucking child rapist or someone who murdered two people by trapping them in a car and setting it on fire
Hell I think it should be noted that while George Floyd had a criminal history it was not tangentially related to his arrest for something he didn't do and the subsequent horrific act of abuse by the cop who killed him. At least in his case he seemed like he had tried to improve himself? and what happened to him was clearly a disgusting abuse of authority by a cop (that video made me sick honesty). For the woke crowd to try and somehow incorporate the execution of literal rapists and murderers into their narrative as somehow being comparable to incidents involving police brutality and black people unfairly being killed by cops for merely walking on the wrong side of the street makes me sick. The murderers and the rapists made their bed. The two aren't comparable.
My question is why the hell the woke crowd never seems to focus on other prison problems, the extremely high incarceration rates and long sentences for small drug offenses as an example. That to me would be far more concerning than some rapist or murderer being put to death. I feel like that gets overlooked a lot, guess it's not "performative" enough
No. 693618
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I’m sick of working hard for nothing! I just want to be with someone I love and raise kids now. Never thought I’d be like this but here I am.
>inb4 raising kids is hard!!! I know.
No. 693636
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i recently a tattoo to cover some old self harm scars. i wanted to get a female artist, but ended up with a male one. due to childhood trauma i struggle being around men and don't like them touching me. i know that a lot of men have ppl who look like me as their "type". because of this i've always gotten male attention and it never fails to make me uncomfortable. i get anxious when someone hits on me and hate getting compliments on my body/appearance from men.
surprisingly, the tattoo artist was wonderful. i felt comfortable around him, and when he complimented me it was actually nice. i was like wtf is going on. i'm so annoyed though!! i'm unable to pinpoint exactly what it was that made me trust him and let my guard down. i've never even been properly comfortable around the men i've had crushes on… smh.
i was about to start opening up about my issues w men in therapy earlier this year, but then the pandemic fucked everything up. i just needed to get this off my chest lmao thank u for listening, farmers.
No. 693708
>>693683You can, lol.
Slightly related - I remember my mom wanting to make a public post on social media announcing my very first period. Glad I had that shouting match about it. Really dodged a bullet.
No. 693776
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This is a vent but also some sort of cheer up thing.
If you lived a shitty, difficult childhood that extended into your young adulthood, it's no fucking wonder you may be "behind" on some things. Shit like, a relationship, a job, school and so on. Who the fuck made up this shit that makes us think that "yeah, yeah all my life hasn't been what could be called normal by any means but the fucking second I get out of my parents house/turn a certain age I should definitely be at the same place as the 'normal' people who didn't go through life like I have, makes absolute sense!"
It fucking doesn't. No one is saying you cannot achieve great stuff just because you lead a difficult life, I am saying it isn't such a bad, scary shameful thing if you haven't done that at the same speed as others. I fucking spent my early 20s so DEEPLY ASHAMED that I was only then starting a new school and my actual life away from that mess that was my life from ages from the age 4 to 21. Why the fuck, I should have been proud to even be around for that long, I still get ashamed of myself when I compare myself to some people from back home but you know what? I am sure they didn't go through the stuff I did and I am sure they have had their own issues, just like we all. I would not expect anyone to turn 18 or 20 or any age and suddenly be okay after years of abuse and awful shit, no one sane would. It's absolutely never shameful to keep trying or to get tired of constantly trying yet feeling lacking due to not being where "we're supposed to be" at. I hope anons here never fall too deep into the pit of "I am already too old, too tired too this or that to try, look at these people, they are already so good and achieved", never feel embarrassed to try, that never gets you anywhere and if anyone tries to make you feel less than just because you are "too old" or "too late", fuck them, they don't know you or what the fuck you are capable of. Love you anons.
No. 693799
>>693779>>693784I figured others would gain something from hearing it from someone who knows what it feels like, you focus on your journey, who gives a shit you are doing stuff at an older age, you are still doing them!
>>693782I think I know what you mean, sometimes people simply did not have an enviroment or time to learn or experience stuff that many consider to be "normal" and they just have to do it later on, it's okay. Hope you don't feel too badly about it, it's okay to go at your own pace as an adult.
No. 693940
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My dad used to beat me and my mom when I was kid and their divorce was really violent. He vaguely apologized to me once when I was a tween but now he pretends like it never happened and it's so frustrating. Sometimes I think I just have false memories or something because no one will acknowledge it and I hardly remember anything from my childhood anyway.
No. 693990
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>>693776Thanks anon. You're probs way younger than me but it still helped me.
No. 694107
>>694054I was in therapy for years but I felt like I had worked through my issues as much as I could. Maybe I'll try again when the pandemic is over.
You're right though, I need to just accept that there is no closure and move on. Thanks anon.
No. 694154
Having that one day where I remind myself of my
abusive parent and how fucked it was that at the age of 9 or 10 I have been thinking how better it would be for my family if I was never born.
>>693776Thank you anon!! I kinda relate to career level, because I am so confused right now, but it may be extremly affected by the undiagnosed ADHD that I want to get treated the very next year (I have been described as a "child with ADHD traits" my whole life, but no one has spent so much time on me to get me a diagnosis). Ily too anon!!
No. 694194
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Every time someone talks to me I want to cry
No. 694208
>>694199History themed accounts and channels have so many comments like that, especially from American military worshippers. They post things like "A beautiful moment. Peace and light." on photos of US soldiers hanging out in Vietnam or Iraq, and hateful comments on photos of malnourished children of those countries. Jesus would be ashamed if he existed
Reposting because it ended up in the wrong thread somehow
No. 694219
>>694199Yeah screw those comments.
Omnipotent and omnipresent gods don't get to take credit for all the successes while assigning all the failures to humanity.
If theists really want to believe then: Either we have benevolent gods who have no real power to save the innocent and therefore aren't deserving of worship, OR we have all powerful malevolent gods who choose not to save the innocent and therefore aren't deserving of worship.
Some god who gives a child terminal bone cancer with excruciating death in order to "test" everyone's faith is not a god I'd ever worship even if it did exist. People are fooling themselves.
No. 694226
>>694189Same here. I’m also really annoyed at the people who continue to throw parties. Practically every week there’s a news item on my regional page about the police breaking up yet another party of 20-30 people. Stores don’t sell alcohol after 8 pm to discourage parties but of course people are just buying the alcohol earlier in the day. Most of the partiers are teenagers and I know teenagers are retarded, but I can’t imagine myself at that age being
that much of an asshole. They don’t get punished either, just “spoken to”. And of course the selfish assholes aren’t the ones getting sick, it’s their relatives and other vulnerable people they’re in contact with.
No. 694228
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I've just been put on medication (for a physical problem) that won't let me drink alcohol for a week. I was looking forward to finding a nice white wine this weekend. Sux man
No. 694285
>>694267> I'm getting sick of the elderly being scapegoated as the spreaders, it's literally college aged people being the worst offenders.Whynotboth.jpeg
I don't know how it is where you are, but where I live students are definitely having illegal parties. I don't agree with it and it's stupid but I can also see why, their classes are all cancelled and they're locked in their student flats with no supervision.
But the elderly? They're literally out in the shops and on the buses using their free bus passes constantly. They never wear masks and you overhear them chatting about how this is all nonsense. They move dangerously close to shop staff to hear them because they're all deaf.
Both groups are as bad as each other but it's the elderly who are going to die from this.
No. 694356
Kinda related to the discussion going on here at the moment, but I needed to vent this anyway.
During a walk with my dog yesterday, an old lady approached wanting to pet my dog. I'm kind of averse to letting people touch my dog during the pandemic, so I usually ask them not to or let the dog sniff their hand without direct contact. People are usually very understanding. Other dog owners just let our dogs say hello while we keep our distance.
This old lady, however, was coughing loudly and then sneezed directly into her hands before reaching out for my dog. I pulled him back and asked her not to touch him, but she just waved me off and insisted on petting him, promising me she just had the flu and that there was nothing to worry about.
Like ew, no. I came off as a huge bitch, but even if it is just the flu, I don't want you rubbing your snotty hand into my dog's fur. She looked really hurt that I kept pulling away from her, so now I just feel bad about the whole thing.
No. 694362
>>694331So does the sole taste the nicest to you or the heel?
Fuck this pandemic. At this point, stay inside if your at risk and let everyone else carry on. You’ll be fine and if not, too bad.
No. 694365
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I can't stand retards who believe the elites want to depopulate the earth, especially here in Europe. People get rewards and handouts from the government for popping out kids, meanwhile childless women can easily end up homeless, even if they're young. A girl must be pregnant or already have a kid in order to be helped by social security services, to give her a room to stay in. You literally don't have to worry about basic human needs like shelter and food if you have a child. You're childless? Well fuck you then, go on the street and starve.
No. 694370
>>694365my parents have alluded that they had me in order to get hella benefits before they became official US citizens lmao
I knew lazy unemployed people who have kids and live off food stamps/assistance programs spending all their free cash on weed meanwhile I was a college student unable to afford housing and food so I had to live in a boyfriends room for a year. Poor people are going to have kids regardless of barriers anyway
No. 694484
My bank tricked me and now I have a -$120 balance until I get paid at the end of the month from my new job.
I got my last paycheck from my old job on Friday. The first thing I did was schedule my car payment which is a loan also through my bank.
Over the weekend it showed me a balance with my car payment already subtracted from it. Which gave me the impression I had money to buy food and gifts.
Well surprise, guess I didn't! Monday evening they reordered my transactions and the car payment in a way that ultimately showed I had a -$64 balance. I wouldn't have known about it had I not received an email warning about my balance suddenly dipping under $25 in over a year. Weird cause it showed I had money with the pending charges subtracted in the daytime. Whatever, so I begged a family member to write me a check for $65 and made the deposit last night.
I woke up and now my balance is -$126 dollars. The check didn't clear, they reordered charges again, and then they charged me overdraft fees on two transactions for $35 each. I specifically don't have overdraft protection so I'm not sure how they got away with that, I don't really give a fuck about a $7 streaming service enough to have paid $35 for it, and even so, if I didn't actually have $18 yesterday for a sandwich and mailing a package at the post office then they should have declined my card and I would have paid with my credit. Those things ought to have declined if I didn't actually have money. But it didn't work that way, because they told me during those times that I still had money!!
I want to call them and bitch them out for charging me overdraft fees, but did those sneaks assign the overdraft fees to the fucking sandwich or postal charge? NOPE. One went to the $7 streaming subscription. The other was assigned to my expensive ass car payment that I scheduled BACK ON FRIDAY WHEN I GOT FUCKING PAID when they reordered that charge to now only show as processed today. Now I fear if I call them to bitch about the overdraft fees that they'll remove my car payment cause there was no "protection" to cover my charge and then I'd have no way to get the money to pay it because it's due before I get paid.
These fuckers are thieves. I need a credit union, just a shame they're so inconvenient.
No. 694549
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>>694526I don't even have a twitter account, I see this on the internet in general.
No. 694553
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8 page research paper due at midnight and I've been stuck on page 4 for hours because I can't think of or find anything else to add. Why do I always pick the worst project topics?
No. 694564
>>694488I'll give it a whirl but I doubt these vampires will care. Worth a shot, thanks anon.
No. 694607
>>694100goddammit that's infuriating, personally this is the first time i read about this maybe because ppl mostly hear how older moms get downie kids etc.
unfortunately it's normal that person who wants to make kids isn't thinking of any risks. mostly it's a bit selfish act to reproduce. i know this wasn't the reason of your vent but had to point that out.
also, makes me really think if my autism was caused by this mutation from paternal side or is my dad really on the spectrum. he was 59 when i was born, now demented so have to figure this out by myself.
No. 694617
>>694380It's okay to like garbage, it's good to not even bother to argue about it with strangers on the internet. screw those ppl.
I like stupid crap as well and can't link with any people, especially the same gender. I've started to even enjoy being alone after distancing myself from old friends bc of personal issues.
Have an enjoyable me time and enjoy your moe escapism.
No. 694662
>>694606i understand anon, it is just so discouraging when every single "wlw" space on reddit or tumblr is full of women that swear up and down on how gay they are and how much they love women and then in the same breath talk about how much they love their boyfriends or how they will never leave their beloved husband, even though they are 'totally a lesbian'. there are women that will get fucking
triggered if someone mentions that lesbians don't want to hear a thing about men. saying that lesbians don't masturbate while thinking about men will get you labeled as
toxic, bigot or terf. and let's not even start talking about trannies and how they get away with constant talking about their penises and 'lesbians' that date them and talk bout how amazing piv sex is.
at times it feels like i am the only one. and it is just a vent. after looking at shit like this i get thoughts like 'no woman is exclusively attracted to women'
No. 694674
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It somehow came up that kids who lack trust and nurture at home tend to seek alone time during distress, like crying over something, scraped knee, upset. And my mom genuinely was amazed and said that it was just handy how i have always ever since i was a small child just went into another room or a closet to cry, changing place and holding in my tears if someone came in. I love my mom but I point blank told her it was 100% they used to laugh at me for crying or just yelled at me to stfu so I read the room and would just gtfo and that i get that they weren't lovey dovey people or liked hugging or some shit but didn't they ever find it weird seeing other kids with their parents? She was just baffled and kept saying how she just thought it was handy and wondered where i learnt it from, but half assedly apologized. It's fucking weird knowingly having done shit like that and then later on realising it's straight out of some psych book, doctor lock me up, i am a fat cliché posting cringe!
No. 694708
2 part vent
Pt. 1:
My fucking spider catcher won't do its ONE job of catching fucking spiders. I rent a HOUSE now, not a 2nd floor apartment so I NEED THIS. Thank god the sneaky fucks pretend to be dead if you poke at them enough, so I could brush it into a box and RUN outside just to drop the box prematurely and freak tf out. It initially changed my life to get a spider catcher because it was like boop, 1 minute max between seeing a spider and it being outside, now it's changed back to the shaky 15 minutes trying to throw a tupperware box on it, then sliding paper underneath it, then trying to lift that paper without the spider escaping because you know, paper is floppy and you create gaps, and the risk is SPIDER ON YOUR HAND so it's a slow SLOW precise but still risky process.
Pt. 2:
Why is it that people without arachnophobia don't fucking take it seriously? Even the well meaning say "hm maybe you could work on getting over the phobia". Why don't I hear that suggestion for other phobias? And like I haven't tried. Other people will straight up disregard it. If I need help dealing with a spider in the family house my parents SIGH and roll their eyes. I asked my mom once to keep an eye on the spider while I got a tub and she just didn't and it disappeared. In my bedroom. I couldn't sleep that whole night because it's apparently too difficult for someone to conceptualise being afraid of spiders if they aren't themselves. Like if I have to deal with a spider I'll lose sleep. More than that I'll actually imagine feeling one on me and jump out of bed wiping myself all over to see nothing.
Pt. 2.5:
I do need to do something about it though. When it gets into my head that a spider could be anywhere I can't rest. There could be one on the wall behind me, under my chair, by my foot, right behind any object I see. One could've crawled into my teacup, etc etc.
The only way for me to not be afraid is to just forget spiders exist. But that can't happen if I need to directly confront one. Oh well, once I can afford a therapist to cure all my lifes ills I'll tackle it psychologically.
No. 694772
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I genuinely have a troon voice, screechy-low and cracks constantly, to the point that even moids accuse me of being a tranny on voice chat and its starting to make me sad, my vocal chords are damaged please stop calling me a troon.
(really ironic that body-wise it would be impossible to mistake me for a man)
No. 694776
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in the last two months I've spent over $800 on vagina related costs: $200 for yearly check up,
$85 on a 3 month supply of generic BC, $42 on plan b (just in case), $435 on the abortion pill because the above two methods could not fend off my bf's super sperm, three hours in the waiting room & $52 on medicine for a BV infection probably caused by wearing pads (which i was instructed to wear until i stop heavily bleeding/spotting.) the worst part is my BF is 2200 miles away and I just feel like a pile of shit and I hate having a vagina. he's offered to pay for everything but i asked him to buy me a plane ticket instead.
there is no reason any of this should cost this much.
No. 694778
>>694774Not discord, I like playing online games so co-op, I would probably still be insulted some other mysoginistic shit but being called a tranny makes me self-conscious and sad.
>>694775It sucks because there's certain troons, like nikkietutorials that genuinely sound more "real" than I do and im fucking mad to hell and back about it.
No. 694789
>>694776If you're gonna be spending $1k+ on vagina maintenance look into getting an arm implant.
Been there anon.
No more abortion and plan B pills. Never get a period. No more monthly bc costs.
Ask your bf to pay your expenses and get a plane ticket. $562 of those expenses are because he doesn't wear a condom with you.
No. 694794
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>>694599Just submitted some random crap to get it over with since my grade can take a hit. I don't really have the capacity to care about Zoom University anymore.
No. 694797
>>694791Because in order for some people to be insured, they have to pay $200-300 premiums per month and then pay a $15-75 co-pay to attend the preventative visit. Can't speak for anon but I imagine premiums being too financially oppressive while not making low enough to qualify for Medicaid is the reason.
When I was a contractor, it was easier for me to cough up the $400 for an obgyn visit once a year than pay close to $200 a month the rest of the time just to get my one annual "free" checkup.
Paying for insurance as a healthy person is clowning yourself in America. Fortunately I'm with an employer who has great insurance coverage for $0 out of my paycheck, but that is extremely rare.
No. 694804
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>>694797I understand not wanting to pay the premiums. I haven't had it since 2018, and even at that time working for a fucking insurance company I was required to pay a $5600/year deductible. Insurance companies in this country are a fucking joke.
That said, you shouldn't be paying copayment for well-care visits.
No. 694876
>>694873Then he doesn't love you.
Caring about your health is a fundamental part of a healthy relationship anon, get the fuck out.
No. 694894
>>694883>asked if I’m a garbage dumphonestly, yeah anon it does kind of sound like narc behavior. any other person should be happy they got some free stuff. sounds like the times my gma would get mad at me for inane shit bc she thought I made her look bad
>shouldn’t take food that could’ve gone to a sheltergrasping at straws to blame you for "what you did" sry for armchair, I hope he calms down and apologizes
No. 694906
>>694883>food has potential for bugs >suggests you take it to a shelter Lol ah yes, bugs are good enough for those homeless poors.
I honestly would be freaked out a little myself (I don't really like taking food from friends just due to being particular and wanting to pick out my own things and then needing to make space for shit I don't really want) but your dad sounds like he's more concerned about it being an image or class issue. Like you all look hard up for food if you take your friend's unclaims, hence he asked "Are you a dump?" He just has a tone that it's inherently dirty.
No. 694910
At my job, I had to work with a group of retarded cunts last weekend who completely froze me out, all because I asked them what they wanted to do about covid spacing.
We have 2 desks we work from to make returns (it is a retail job), one being the mobile desk, where we use iPhone registers, and the other being the fixed register by the clothing racks.
I wasn’t rude either, I didn’t demand that they move or anything, I just asked if they were comfortable swapping the register for the mobiles if needed as the iPhones we have are old as fuck and constantly freeze, forcing us to finish a transaction on the register.
Seriously I really hate working with other people sometimes, I wish I had the register to myself or just me and support as I am generally ok alone. I really didn’t want to get yelled at by the managers again for being too close, as we can get in trouble now for being bunched up together. And of course, they spent the entire shift huddled up gossiping, kept logging me out of my account so I couldn’t use the register, making nasty comments within earshot, just dumb petty grade school shit.
I really don’t want to work with them again, and I figured my boomer manager stuck us together because we are all “girls” so of course we are going to kiki and just automatically be best friends, right?
No. 694939
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For the first time in my long term relationship, my boyfriend resorted to name calling a “loser” and “fucking bitch” mid argument. Shocked by his immaturity tbh.
No. 695008
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I need to shut up and put a happy smile on my face because no one cares and my depression/paranoia/agoraphobia is starting to stress my fiancé out. I want to die but I’m too much of a coward to do it, but I’m too scared to live. The highlight of my life is shitposting drunk online, fuck me.
No. 695010
>>694789thanks, i just got onto medicaid so the copper IUD will be free now. we used condoms after the plan b scare, but i was on birth control the whole time.
>>694791i'm unemployed because of covid. went from really nice salaried job w/ full benefits to state insurance that is spotty at best. i might be able to get some of this refunded, but the paperwork alone is making me want to rip my hair out. mainly i'm upset that i've never had to use my insurance for years and now that i lose my job all this shit pops up.
No. 695033
>>694783I'm sorry it's happened to you and others, too, anon. A woman in my dorm just woke me up by calling me a fucking paedophile (it's her thing) and now I'm having to sit in a hot bath to stop my legs hurting so much because I can't get back sleep. If I get covid cleared today or tomorrow I'll be allowed to ask for a referral to use the gym here so maybe I can work on some gentle strength and flexibility stuff while I recover. I used to be muscular but now I'm a sack of white haired saggy skin and bruises.
If anybody has any recs for gentle muscle tone/endurance stuff to get stronger after coma I'd really appreciate it. I think resistance bands look good but I don't know very much, I just used to be a jogger
No. 695040
>>695015Also condoms are not only important because of pregnancy lmao
Young people just love to pretend that STDs dont exist.
No. 695043
>>695015I understand not wanting him to get surgery (especially if you're not life partners, I wouldn't ask that of any of my bfs unless we were married), but why can't he wear condoms? Just like how you wouldn't force him to get surgery because you love him, he should wear a condom (even if it's just for this little moment where your bc doesn't work) because he loves you, especially when you are pouring so much money into your sexual health.
You said he has "super sperm", and maybe you were just joking, but if not that's even more reason for him to take protection. BC is not completely foolproof.
No. 695055
>>695039I hate how it's the standard that women have to pay for/deal with everything regarding pregnancy. Stories like
>>694776 are honestly my nightmare.
No. 695075
>>694856The online nationalists are top tier retarded conspiracy theorists usually, but unfortunately in this case a large part of the blame in on the Korean government too. The Korean government has accepted funds on multiple occasions and never properly paid it out to the
victims. It keeps being swept under the rug because both governments are more interested having a pissing match with each other at the expense of their citizens. It’s factually incorrect to say that Japan has never paid or acknowledged the act though. They just refuse to do it over again after the government changed hands and decided it didn’t like the way it was addressed before because it feels like “losing”.
The Korean government is twiddling their fingers until all the remaining
victims die so they never have to cough up the rest of the funds and Japan refuses to acknowledge it anymore because they think that plugging their ears will make it go away. Nobody wants to hear from
victims or speak to them directly because the PMs are too busy being passive aggressive with each other to care.
No. 695097
>>695084bruh if he doesn't randomly and repeatedly pull you off of his dick to kiss you sloppily, it ain't real
get out of there
No. 695105
>>695104Dude, it's
his dick, that's like if he wouldn't kiss you after you licked his arm
That means his dick is dirty or something
No. 695107
>>695096I agree that giving a blowjob is submissive but demeaning means lack of respect & dignity. Men demean themselves by being attracted to anything with a vagina and sticking their dick in literally anything. Consensually sucking a dick can't compare.
>>695106Giving a blowjob doesnt mean cum is all over your face though, what?
No. 695112
>>695104>>695099Why do straight women like humiliating themselves? Like, is it a sickness?
Will you be homeless if you dump him or something? I bet he doesn't wash his asshole because he thinks it's gay to touch it, too.
No. 695114
>>695113I made
>>695085 so I mean…
However, If a woman genuinely enjoys anal and the dudes not a weirdo, then that's not an issue to me.
No. 695116
>>695112They're probably afraid their shitty boyfriends will leave them if they refuse to do something. Try to tell a scrote you won't suck his dick. He will bitch about it all the time and cheat on you and leave you lmao.
Dicks are gross and I will never suck one.
No. 695153
>>695139Could be, our apartment is shit and they cut corners everywhere they can
>>695133my doctor said it’s because of the fold between my boobs, I guess like how an armpit can get it from being a damp warm enviro
No. 695222
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I have a final exam this morning in a class taught by the meanest professor I've ever had (this is STEM if it matters). She makes the exams needlessly difficult; the final is cumulative over thirty chapters and she did not give a single indication of what we should focus on. It feels like she genuinely wants us to fail.
I've managed to secure a very high average before the final, and I pride myself in my grades and getting all As. I am so fucking pissed that Dr. Satan has made the entire class stressed this semester that I'm tempted to half-ass the final and get just enough points on it to secure, like, a B or something. I'm so angry that she's ruined all of my motivation to the point where I'm venting on lc instead of doing practice problems before the test.
I know this is such a first-world problem but fuck this class has been so draining.
No. 695226
>>695224Bullshit games:
Normal reaction:
"Hey bf, I don't want your cum in my mouth."
No. 695267
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>>695255>actually liking the tastewhat the hell
No. 695268
>>695265nta but
>partnerShe obviously doesn't see him as a partner, but rather as "Men"
No. 695279
>>695270Wow what the hell
There's gotta be some sort of legal action you can take against him
No. 695302
>>695279idk but he marched me to an ATM when i dropped him at the airport and demanded i withdraw £80 for him ($100) he claimed his card was brokwn or something.
we've been together for 2 years idk whats happening
dont think hes got me xmas presents either :/
No. 695326
>>695302Where is he from? Is he coming back (I’m assuming you’re in the UK)?
I’d look into taking legal action against him if possible, or at least reporting him. He sounds psycho.
No. 695348
>>695326he’s american and i’m british but he’s returning from europe
i could cancel his ticket but i don’t wanna burn our bridges
No. 695380
>>695371yeah i know. i really hope this isn't the case jesus christ
>>695376>You're both fucking stupid i know anon i know
No. 696659
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My manager is taking three days off during christmas and five around new years eve, meanwhile I'm only getting the 25 and first of january off. I'm so fucking disapointed, this bitch already spends multiple hours everyday on her phone while she locks herself in the bathroom, and she'll be able to see her friends and family for the holidays while I'll be stuck alone in my appartment since my shift ends just 30 mins before the curfew on both days.
No. 696672
>>695655Yeah, the concept of sex doesn't really bother me but I have no idea how people get off to porn. It looks so over the top and unsexy. I don't think porn is automatically bad on it's own but the porn industry is so
toxic and damaging.
No. 696995
>>696784Lol someone’s testy
It doesn’t matter. And I wouldn’t even give a shit if she hardly spoke English if she wasn’t a condescending cunt towards me and when I try to explain myself, she literally doesn’t know what I’m talking about.
No. 697009
I just saw this video of a 19 year old girl crying because people body-shamed her online over having saggy breasts.
Even in the video of her crying, she insisted on wearing a low-cut top, no bra, with her tits just hanging out. I really don't understand why she wants/needs to show them off. I have saggy tits too, and I'm at a young age (I lost a lot of weight, loose skin), so I get the shame and depression. But I just wear a bra, plan for possible plastic surgery and get on with my life. No one but the person I'm fucking even needs to know, ffs.
I'm so tired of these women who act like they'll die if they don't get to do hoe shit. You don't have a porn star body, get over it and stop trying to live like one. If you really want to feel sexy, just bring attention to your other assets. It's not hard.
No. 697036
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Im so retarded. I started retinol too quickly without letting my skin adjust AND kept using my salicylic face wash and got a substantial retinol burn. I'm usually one to do lots of research and take things slowly but for some reason I made a stupid assumption about the retinol cream I used. Now I have red crepe skin and I look permanently hungover for the last week. It legitimately aged me like two years and I can only pray and use normal moisturizer and hope it goes away. I feel so fucking stupid even though I definitely deserve this but god I just want to scream.
No. 697055
>>697036I feel you, retinoids are harsh. I stupidly used tret daily on body acne without working up to it and got major peeling like I had a bad sunburn. My face is fine with it but my body is not as tough.
The worst part? The body acne was on my butt. My butt is peeling.
No. 697113
I've been living in this bubble with a friend and now that I've popped it by getting a job and interacting with others, yo he's so shitty in these small ways.
Like every single time I try make plans, it's like he wants me to strongarm him into them and have it my way and no other way. I'll directly ask "if that's good for you, if the time/place suits you" etc etc but he's just like "where do I need to meet you, and when". And I will ASK for his input, and if I've led it do a stop in the conversation where he'd HAVE to give his opinion, he just won't.
Oh and he's fine once we meet up, but when I suggest any activity he's like "OK, I'll do it". Or "fine, ok". NO. How about "yeah sounds cool, looking forward to it", or even "hmm, another time/place would suit better". I used to be OK with it because I figured he was shy and I'm fine with calling the shots, but once I found out he'll say OK even when he doesn't want to do something and THEN hold it against me as if he did me a favor that's not OK.
And when I ask him dude, do you actually WANT to? You dont sound like you're into it at all. He'll give some non answer like "I said I'll do it so I will", as if I'm asking him a favor! As if it's some…INCONVENIENCE to have a friend invite you out. Only once I'm like "well we can just not do it then because I don't want to be in your company when you don't actually want to do it. It's miserable.". Only THEN he'll be like uh yeah I want to. This happens a lot. And every. Single. Fucking. Time. I'll use the phrase "if you don't want to do it, then I'll do the thing myself instead of having your reluctant, moody ass as company". And he backtracks. Is he thick? Why won't he learn? Is he trying to do a number on my self esteem?
Either way post christmas I'll just start taking his reluctant answers as a straight up no and not prompting or cajoling him any more to ask how he really feels about it. If that means we stop hanging out that's his loss. We're each others best friend and he has no others. I guess we'll see how it'll be when there are actual consequences each time with no room for interpretation.
No. 697158
>>697157Oh nevermind I'm retarded. I thought you said "it pisses
me off"
No. 697166
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>>697152>no classier than themAs if he was the fucking prince of a long lost kingdom or some shit, flirting like a retard with someone who is clearly not interested on his sad ass.
Don’t worry, anon, having standards is a good thing and you should be proud of being able to show your disgust.
♥ No. 697182
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I think I'm a lesbian, or at least like girls, but no matter how much I think about it I feel like I'm being an attention seeking faker even though I've never told anyone/hinted anything about it and I actually did display a lot of signs of it from a young age and I am attracted to women lol
All the stuff out there about it is all from women who realised they were lesbian from the day they were born and never had any doubt. and now that every single zoomer online is a kweer they/them, I can't figure out if my mind has just been warped by the internet or if my disgust/apathy/etc towards men and attraction to women is just common sense, I'm gay, or both
No. 697220
>>697182It's ok if you didn't realize it at a young age but can tell in retrospect that a lot of signs were there. Like not all kids care about sexuality and lovey-dovey stuff at all, no matter if they are straight or gay, so please don't feel like a faker if your realization is different from other people. If you are worried that you're actually bisexual but men disgust you, I second
>>697200 who cares. I knew some girls that identify as bisexuals only because they are attracted to 2d guys kek, but any real scrote made them repulsed. Just, it's okay to doubt, but you're gonna figure it out eventually anon, I believe in you!
No. 697332
There was a nasty exhibitionist man who was arrested near my workplace tonight. I work in a small box almost all female staff store. He was clearly fucked up from the moment he came in. I thought he was just a typical schizoid weirdo drugged up, since we live near a ghetto and occasionally get people like that, who'd go away with eventuality. He came up, asked if we had a public restroom, I told him we don't, and wandered up to me after my coworker had talked to him and she could tell something was off too. He said "someone is trying to kill me, I need protection" to which I said "sir we don't have anything to offer you here" trying to kick him out to the store behind us. I told him the store behind us was a lot larger and he said he left there, which alarmed me. With warning bells going off in my head I told him "you can stay here for a few minutes if you decide to buy something" because I assumed he was just a mentally ill asshole and not a sexually deviant prick, hoping that if he bought something he would then leave. I don't like to assume every person who comes in who seems mentally off is a criminal, because I'm a bpdfag and bipolarfag myself and I understand not every eccentric seeming person is a bad person. his vibes weren't exactly kind, it was clear he was doped up on some kind of drug, I assumed he was an idiotic dopehead. He didn't look homeless so I assumed he wasn't homeless either, just drugged. I didn't care at first if he was a druggie as long as he'd leave. The problem is, he clearly didn't want to leave, we were about to close, and he was the last person in the store.
So I sent him over to my other coworker who showed him where the candy was. A few minutes later my coworker started screaming and pushed the man towards the front, and me and my coworker hadn't seen what he was doing. She starts screaming at him and then screams at me to call the police. She caught him masturbating behind a display near the candy, and I call the cops as she's trying to push him out, and my other coworker is trying to help. The guy isn't being too aggressive but he keeps yelling "someone is trying to kill me" while I'm telling the 911 operator wtf is going on. They push him out near the door and then he pretends to reach out to "thank" my coworker and gropes her breasts. My coworker was just trying to alleviate the situation by offering to "shake his hand" and he took advantage of it to grope her, which was the last ditch effort. we scream at him to get out when he runs to the fast food place across the street. The cops caught him there and then an officer came and said we all had to write witness statements.
Turns out he had prior sex offenses, they can't disclose what they are, and that scares the shit out of me. They said they're taking him to county jail because of his repeat offenses and that he was extremely mentally ill and off his meds. If he weren't so doped up the situation probably would've been worse. Three women probably could've stopped him but he was a pretty tall albeit skinny dude and we've never had an incident like this happen. I was trying not to shake and cry but I ended up crying in front of the cop briefly, and the entire time I held the phone to describe to the 911 operator the situation, I was trembling. Men are so fucking awful. I've been in retail five years, worked the graveyard shift at a grocery store. I've seen a lot of shit, but I've never seen shit like this in five fucking years of retail. I'm so disgusted and I didn't even see his dick myself. I would've protected my coworkers with my own life to stop a man from assaulting them and taken out my damn boxcutter and sliced him to hell and back if given the opp. Ugh
No. 697341
>>686925I had a final third-round interview for a dream company of mine.
So basically, I was through 4/5 panels and the recruiter told me 'I was coming across like I thought I was too good for the job.' And pressed that they weren't concerned about aptitude (sales role) and that for the final panel the only thing that would matter was demonstrating that I was excited to go work at (x company)
Some background, I'm blonde/look young and often feel like I need to act more confident/assertive (especially when interviewing with men) for people to take me seriously
She basically presses for 10 minutes that all that matters is expressing excitement for the company culture because there is serious concern about me 'not being excited'
I go into the final interview round and perform exactly the way the recruiter told me to, emphasizing how much I like the company culture and trying not to act 'intimidating' to the guy who was interviewing me
It was obvious at the end of the interview by the way he reacted that he didn't take me seriously at all, thought I was a dumb blonde, etc.
Recruiter calls me to tell me he voted no on hiring me, no offer.
I am very upset.
No. 697601
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Sometimes I fucking hate my IRL "friends" (acquaintances from hobby circles/political groups). I'm absolutely green with envy, their lives are so great and they just dont realize it.
I'm an immigrant living in a very rich country with crazy wealth inequality, most of my friends have really wealthy families and great lives, they can afford to live in one of the most expensive cities in Europe and dont seem to be able to get their fat heads around the fact that other people dont have a life as good as them.
I cannot move to their city because I don't have parents who can pay fucking half million euro mortgages on apartments for me but they keep telling me I should move there like it's somehow an option.
Half of them are right-wing leaning and super scared of crime, they think the country we live in is somehow riddled with extremism, meanwhile, I grew up around fucking bombs and gang rape. If shit did hit the fan here it wouldn't even affect them, they have the money to keep themselves safe. They are so brainwashed by Blogspot news articles that they thought my neighborhood was sort of an insane area where cops can't go, and it's a straight-up lie. I live next to a police station!
They're constantly telling me I'm not like the other "bad" immigrants and I'm a good one, it's so insulting.
And the ones who are not right-wing are all retarded lefties who glorify Mao and all seem to have some fake disability. They're constantly begging for money and shit online while living in central city apartments paid for by parents.
Every problem in their lives feels made up. Most of the lefty half of them ditched me when they learned one of my few actual friends is a "terf". (she talks online a lot about being a victim of female genital mutilation and they canceled her for her "transphobic language" because she said it happens to women from our country a lot).
I am sick of people like this telling me they know how I feel when it comes to economic stress. We manage to live on like 80 euro a month after rent and are thousands in debt because I am the sole provider for my disabled dad + child brother, the government won't support us since we're still in the process of getting our citizenship. I work to support the family and all our medical costs and have no free time.
Half of these fuckers are making 10x that because their parents pay for all their shit. They constantly ask me "oh why not just study" as if I could magically afford that while working full time and looking after my family.
I always thought I would be happy when I moved to this country, and in some senses I am, but I also feel so alone here.
I know this is a nasty, all over the place rant and I likely just look like a bitter cow right now, it's absolutely not the kind of jealousy that I would ever let out IRL/act out on.
I'm thankful for what I do have, just sick of people who have it "easy.
No. 697691
>>697379I've worked five years in retail and never seen this happen before. I guess I should consider myself fortunate that nothing else happened. Local police should've sent a female cop to interview us but they sent a male one, which I was irked by. Although he was clearly uncomfortable and had to ask us some gross questions about whether my coworkers and I had actually seen the guys dick and whether it was erect or not… I wanted to die.
>>697545>>697543At this rate I'm starting to believe we need to bring back the guillotine. Seeing people protest the death penalty irritates me. Am I really wrong for thinking murderers, rapists, and sex offenders who are proven and tried in a court of law should be sentenced to death for their bullshit? Them festering in prison isn't going to make them remorseful, especially if they're repeat offenders
No. 697801
>>686925>>697544any advice anon?
I do have another offer but it would require relocation, massively high enterprise-level quota (i have no experience) and definitely a lower-level company.
idk if saying no in the current job market is a good move though.
I'm moving into another round with a better company as well but they have an infamously intense sales culture, and after that last experience i don't want to get my hopes up for anything
my boyfriend gave me the same advice about female recruiters but i ignored him because 'she seemed so nice' LOL I'm an idiot