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No. 669357
Post your dumbass questions here
Previous thread:
>>661166 No. 669398
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>>669386>>669392Thank you.
>>669396Woah, didn't know that was a thing.
No. 669403
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>>669398Gets rid of oniony hands too.
No. 669405
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hello lolcow clinic how the fuck do you cure/lessen food poisoning? i got home sick yesterday, took a digestive pill before going to sleep, took another one after i woke up. still feeling it
what do you mean farmers aren't doctors?
No. 669419
>>669415honestly didn't expect an honest response due to how much i poked fun at myself for asking this website for medical advice, but we'll see if this follows through. since i've typed that post my blood pressure has dropped, so a puke is probably incoming soon, i knew it was going to happen but i decided to post on lolcow anyway. farmers probably are going to tell me to eat lead but it'll be fun to watch and it'll distract me!
dammit doc go finish your paper you have more food poisonings to cure!!!
No. 669429
>>669423oopsie daisy. also this statement makes me realize just how many close calls i've had. i should have definitely called an ambulance when i started having heart attack symptoms during a food poisoning episode. it immediately went away after i puked a few times, but i think back to that often.
>>669420>like peanuts or those salty crackers past experiences with food poisonings put little salty crackers at the top of my list, i don't think they're just a placebo. i think they're just easy on the stomach and keep you sated enough to stay away from other foods. orange and lemon juice help a lot too with the general feeling of nausea.
thanks for keeping me company anons.
No. 669522
>>669504I mean, any psychedelic can
trigger latent schizophrenia etc, always a risk. Hell of a time if you don’t tho lmao.
No. 669539
>>669529There are various approaches but basically on the topic how just talking to someone could help - a therapist could help you identifying the source of your depression and work a way on how you could convince your brain to not react the same, intense way every time the
trigger happens. Ofc this is a very simplified explanation.
No. 669541
>>669529Therapy ishust how they lure you in to get drugs
The therapist won't allow you to talk about what "you think" is the problem, and force you to go back literally to when you were a fetus and dredge up every shityy thing that you ever forgot about
That's how they get you to keep coming in, they literally make your life worse so you end up dependent on them
It's all about money, like every facet of medicine
No. 669547
>>669541Really dangerous thing to write, even if you maybe had a bad experience, this is not the truth and scaring away someone from getting a help they need can have consequences. Of course not for you but still, think before you post.
Also, at least in my country, therapists are not allowed to prescribe medication, only psychiatrists.
No. 669551
>>669547Okay, my bad assuming everyone in the thread is also in America
But I've tried 5 different psychiatrists, and I want to say 11 total therapists, and this has been my experience with each one
Except for the one who said the answer to my problems was going keto, but you know
No. 669552
>>669536I aways try to do whatever they ask, but it never seems to work, and it's been a few years already so i'm just wondering
>>669539True, we identified some stuff that was probably the cause. But this never did anything, i'm still feeling the same and my brain just never picked up on feeling excited about life again. Is there something else missing anon? Is cbt the right approach?
>>669541Slightly schizo but you're right that they care about money first, patient second. All doctors are like this tbf but they still help.
No. 669554
>>669552I'm the one you called schizo, but if you want advice that actually worked for me that no one ever told me; the only way you'll feel better is if you change
You know deep down what the issue is, you just have to face it, no matter how fucking horrifying it is.
Once you face that shit, once you know what was wrong with it, then you can figure out what you need to do to get the fuck away from it.
Shitty childhood? Move out of state. Eating disorder? Stop talking to the people you're talking to.
The miserable truth is that the answer are all in you, and becoming well is less about being happy than it is about not thinking about shit
You gotta just run.
No. 669557
>>669529I attempted it a few times and gave up whenever my childhood was brought up, some sort of trauma there that I couldn't stand to go near. Tbh IME I aged out of my depression around the time I hit 30. From my teens til then I found that very little seemed to take the edge off of the lows.
Give all your options a decent try though, sometimes a lifestyle change helps too, getting away from a person that upsets you or moving out of a bad area or away from a monotonous job.
No. 669573
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>>669554It's ok anon, i'm a bit schizo too when it comes to this because i have been burned by many psychs before and now refuse to take meds. And i agree with you that they do care about money way too much.
Thanks for the words, it's harsh but motivating and maybe you're right. I'll be reflecting on them.
>>669556That really seems to be the most important. I think i click better with my current one, not ideal but it's what insurance offers so this might be why it's not effective too. Or i just need other changes like you and other anons said, i'll be thinking about it. Thanks.
>>669557Yeah, i'm holding out hope that maybe this might happen. Kind of hard to make those huge changes when nothing excites you though.
No. 669574
>>669529Depression is a horrible thing to deal with and I am very sorry you have had to deal with it so long. Honestly, I would say therapy can only do so much for you and can only give you coping skills for when it gets hard. They will give you grounding techniques, if you have unresolved trauma you may work through it, they can teach you how to work through negative thought loops. Obviously, it's up to you whether or not you utilize them in an episode.
I have made peace with the realization I am going to have bad days, bad weeks or months but I will also have good ones. Some days I am so sure that I am going to kill myself. It's up to you if you can work through that or if you give in. That's the experience most people will have. Set small goals, keep a small list of what you are living for. Give therapy a genuine shot and don't expect to have a great therapist the first time around, no shame in shopping around. The most important thing is not going into therapy expecting them to fix you.
No. 669606
>>669598OT but as a westerner from a country with free healthcare I would feel the same way if I lived in ay part of the world where doctors only have the incentives to keep you coming back. Our doctors want us to get better so they'll leave them the fuck alone.
Therapy has helped me but it's going to work out differently for different people. Faking it until I made it has been the most helpful thing, like eating and sleeping and working like a normal functional human should.
No. 669623
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>>669472I have a lot of depression and anxiety but I only ever had a bad trip once. And it was because another friend was having a bad trip so it freaked me out.
Shrooming won't cure you from anxiety but it may reveal a perspective that you need. The afterglow from psychedelic experience is amazing, I like it more than the trips themselves. I feel so rejuvenated and motivated. Of course I lapse back into the habitual depressed bitch mindset eventually but for a couple weeks after I got to feel good and get things done.
If you go into it feeling ready and comfortable you'll be fine. Pre-trip preparation is everything.
- be in an environment where you feel safe, ideally have the option to go outside and stay indoors, I know many people alternate between wanting to be indoors and wanting fresh sky air
- be around people whom you know will not judge you!!!
- have a trip sitter, sounds like your brother has experience, he'll be able to guide you through it and be a point of contact with reality
- have weed for the comedown, it will help you sleep, the mental exhaustion of the trip can be discomfort if you can't fall asleep
- Anticipation nervousness is perfectly normal, don't psych yourself out thinking you have to be perfectly zen or you'll have a bad trip, just keep it a positive type of excitement, I sip a beer or two on the come up
- Surrender yourself to the experience,
you are not losing control, it is simply letting your ego take the backseat
- Have music playlists. A change in music is powerful, if you need your mind to take in a different direction, just put on a different song. It's so cliche but honestly happy Beatles music is my comfort soundtrack when I need a break from the more trippy psychedelic type beat
- I personally love touching water lol we would have a kiddie pool out in the yard 10/10 I couldn't stop laughing, the feeling of water is hilarious
I'll stop as to keep my post from getting too lengthy lol have fun and let us know how it goes!!!
No. 669635
>>669606> free healthcare… Our doctors want us to get better so they'll leave them the fuck alone.Maybe with therapy but not necessarily with drugs. My country has an excellent free healthcare system but doctors have quotas to meet when prescribing drugs and investigations reveal drug companies bribing. Also funding is an issue and the doctors will probably give you drugs that are inexpensive even if more expensive ones would be better (especially an issue with drugs that are not yet allowed to be manufactured under generic brand)
Of course it’s preferable to not having access to healthcare but still there are massive issues with free healthcare systems. Doctors may want us to get better but the system doesn’t always allow that
No. 669673
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Does anyone even enjoy these flavors? The strawberry milkshske and vanilla milkshake flavors too, I tried almost all of them and they're disgusting.
No. 669693
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It's possible to become a real Manic pixie dream girl?
I don't think that I'm pretty or cute, and I feel like if my personality is quite annoying, but more than once I have been in situations were it seems like if I am living that trope with my male friends. They think that it's cute and quirky, and I don't know how to feel, I've never had a bf before and I get kind of nervious when they think that I'm flirting, when I was just… being friendly, I guess.
I don't know, if anyone has similar experiences or something, I will also like to hear them.
No. 669701
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>>669693I know what you mean anon, I would like some tips too
Pic related is the one I mostly relate too
For what I've seen tho, being a manic pixie girl just means being yourself, being happy, not talking about anything too complicated (like, politics, because they might be annoying to people), getting happy and excited unapollogetically, wearing natural makeup and normal but flattering clothes, not being a hoe or doing things for show, and looking like a cute tomboy
It's not about being dumb or mindless though… it's about chosing to be healthily optimistic, bright, and happy. Because other things are bothersome, idk if I'm explaining myself, sometimes I can achieve this and sometimes I seethe too much about trannies, sjws and scrotes on here lol
I hope I can become a nice genki tomboy girl in the future, since I already kinda have my nice moments like these lol
No. 669723
>>669701Thank you anon, I was actually kind of worried, I don't know I just feel somewhat nervious with how people see me, but I will also like to find happiness and just be myself, haha.
I love you anon, take care! ♥
No. 669757
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How do I start reading again? I used to be the kind of kid that would buy a bunch of books every few weeks and that would enjoy reading a lot. Now I can’t even read manga without being completely distracted by other random shit. I also can’t seem to be able to read when I’m relaxed? I can only read when I have other things to do like uni assignments and such.
No. 669816
>>669777Unironically posting
Ben Shapiro in the /g/ men you’re ashamed to say you’d fuck thread.
No. 669829
>>669801It depends. If you can be among each other without really interacting, I probably wouldn't mind the background company, if that makes sense. If you're really expected to have dinner or activities with said family member, I'd probably rather spend it alone.
>>669820I had a summer job this summer where I was on my feet everyday as well and I also had a lot of fat coworkers. Have you ever watched what they eat? The first thing my fat coworkers did when they got into the canteen was go to the coffee machine and get themselves one or two cups of chocolate milk. Next they pull out something sweet or calorific left overs like pasta from last night's dinner and eat that, even before lunch. And it goes on like that all day. They just have terrible, terrible diets.
No. 669870
>>669868Lol just leave her behind, the fact she's your ex should tell all. She's still immature and you want to mature, don't let her hold you back.
I recently dropped a big group of mutuals I've held for over five years because they were very immature and classist towards people who make less than them. No regrets, I feel like I took a weight off my shoulders.
No. 669948
>>669701That's not what a MPDG is
>>669702The whole point of that trope is that they exist solely to change or improve a brooding guy's life, and nothing else. They're a scrote's idea of a perfect girl.
No. 670043
>>669975>WOWsheisliterallyme.pngBoring because I think it's cringy to wanna skinwalk fictional characters as an adult? Kek
They didn't even know what MPDG means. It doesn't mean being uwu quirky and having some scrotes obsess over you lol
Imagine aspiring to exist as (by definition) a vapid concept of a person aka male's fantasy gf. Just says "I base all my worth around being liked" to me.
No. 670109
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>>669623nta but I want to try this so bad after reading your post. I wish I knew where I could get shrooms.
No. 670112
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What is this thing and why do I see it in imageboard memes
No. 670116
>>670111Lolcow isn't racist which is probably why the n word is never used unless by some troll.
I'd use faggot a lot tho. I grew up when it was still common to hear IRL, but online I don't tend to think faggots = gay boys. It's essentially an umbrella catch all term for men. Kind of how bitch got reclaimed, we've now taken faggot to just mean men or that's how I've always viewed its context here
No. 670117
>>670111People probably don't say nigger/spic/etc a lot unlike on chans because it's frequently used with posts that tend to be racebaity which is against the rules, and also while not "sjw" per se this site leans antiracist. Seen plenty of economically right-leaning anons but no one unironically advocating for ethnonationalism. So while we don't need to censor ourselves, people here will probably default to other slurs over racial ones. Also maybe women use slurs less in general even online because we are used to being more soft spoken irl. All just speculation of course but that's what comes to mind for me.
>>670116This basically
No. 670120
>>670116>>670117These were both really helpful responses, so thank you! I'm just glad my question didn't come off as baity as I thought it would.
I guess I kinda ended up partially answering my own question since I acknowledge the f slur is pretty ingrained in this site and it isn't necessarily attributed to the actual word itself versus the n word which tends to keep its traditional meaning for the most part. Board culture overall is very new to me and seeing the stark contrast between how other chans/boards (which likely skew toward male perspectives) approach slurs versus this one has just been interesting. Thanks again!
No. 670128
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>>670112Her name is bury pink girl and it’s what happens when autism is condensed so much that it starts to create new stuff. It’s an edit for a really weird madoka porn picture that got cropped, some autist said “this is nice board” and then the rest started lapping it like thirsty moths.
i personally think it’s kind of funny No. 670202
>>670195If you like sugar, you can't go wrong with a latte. I'm a fan of anything with cinnamon, peppermint, or pumpkin in it. I'd recommend a cinnamon dolce latte from Starbucks if you have one nearby.
Frappes/frappucinos tend to be
overly sugary imo, but I still like them. I can't stand straight up black coffee though. Too bitter and pronounced even when you put cream or sugar in it.
Also, I'd suggest trying caffeinated teas as well. They're not as strong, in my opinion. You can't go wrong with a good chai (once again, it's mainly cinnamon with some other stuff.)
No. 670209
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Could someone just dump on me a bunch of book recs on radical feminism ?
I wanna know a bunch of book recs on the subject, anything you can think of, but I'm as well searching for a book that might be easy to digest and fun to read, maybe even on the lightweight side… thank you
No. 670225
>>670124Tbh I can agree. I never liked using those words either. Unpopular opinion probably but I don't think "reclaiming" slurs really works. Also I never liked women using "bitch" or "slut" as like a friend thing lmao. It's annoying.
And people trying to reclaim "queer" are always either straight people disguised as they/thems or troons. Genuine (well adjusted) gay people just say gay or bi.
No. 670267
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>>670266Samefag but I dropped the image I was going to attach of what the cones look like. You should be able to get them at the store or online for a few bucks.
No. 670411
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>>670366in my language it's never called "french girl" but "french chic" and is not associated with youth but with elegance, which I think describes the style itself better as it's all about being stylish, not being young. Also I don't think it's soft and flowery, the basic idea of it would be simplicity, not overly accesorized, no more than one pattern, limited color palette. Sounds like you're mixing it up with something else.
No. 670458
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Is it possible to ever find god or religion if you were raised militant atheist form birth?
I've never had faith, I literally cannot conceptualize it, literally every religion hits my brain like any other story
I am so sad inside, I need something, nothing makes me feel better
It's just so quiet and sad in the world
No. 670464
>>670458Well to be fair most people who have a faith were raised militantly with religion, re: forced to go to a weekly worship, attend a religious school, dedicate a certain hour of the day to prayer, study scripture, etc.
Spoiler alert:
But none of that will make you whole. No. 670467
>>670466Okay, I don't know what that means.
Guess I shouldn't have asked.
No. 670470
>>670458If you really want to find religion, attend religious meetings, ask around for who is considered to be a good guidance, some charismatic / friendly religious leader, that would help you get in. I'm an atheist by choice coming from a christian family, had a lot of christian friends in my late teens that invited me just to hang out with them at some youth events and stuff and I've met a lot of young priests that had so much genuine passion and love in they teachings without being preachy and pushy, I could totally see how people can find comfort in all that. Basically, look for someone who will introduce you to the ideals, not just dry theory of what said religion is.
Even as an atheist I don't think it's a bad idea to seek comfort in religion, if you find someone smart and forward-thinking and a nice, active community it may really be helpful.
No. 670480
>>670470Thank you. I don't really know what else to say; it would just be more fear that this won't work either. I guess you forget after school that there were always people like that around.
>>670472>expecting my half-assed faithLiterally. Said. I cannot even conceptualize faith. I am in therapy. I have a job, I got away from my family.
Do you seriously think that the first thing I considered was religion? Why and how would that ever be someone's first answer to a problem?
That is literally why I ask the fucking question.
No. 670488
>>670480A lot of people don't change their surroundings and expect their deities to fix it for them. Since you don't believe in said deities and went through the process of fixing things first it's probably not as easy to conceptualize any kind of helpful creator entity.. and why would it be? You just did all the work, right?
Here's the thing, you're too grounded in reality. Many people place trust in gods because it's a cathartic way to feel like someone is there to share their burdens with them. How do you become less grounded and believe? You just do it. You create a pattern, you choose an entity/god and speak or pray to it, and keep doing that. It doesn't matter how ridiculous it seems.
No. 670495
>>670486Thank you again, that's exactly why've come to this, people have always sought this sort of thing, it's persisted through our entire history. It obviously helps some people's mental health, I hope to be one of them.
>>670488This is horrifying but seems like the most obvious answer, actually.
>>670489I don't know what part of, "I need to add to my life," got translated to you as, "I'm giving up on my career and working out and going to therapy to move back home and join a bare-footed, snake-handling cult," but also okay.
No. 670507
>>670458I think religion is so shit nowadays bc over time its been scrubbed down to function as a cope and control tool.
Personally I really like the mother goddess stuff, 'when god was a woman' is a good book. The things I learned researching this stuff just makes me happy because its (unironically) empowering and gives me hope.
No. 670521
>i said something dumb but you're not allowed to correct me!is what you're saying, basically
No. 670533
>>669777being the coombrain anon who started the first "fetishes you're ashamed of" thread.
>>670126I forgot about 420chan. Is it still active?
>>670195Honestly, I like a darkroast, black or an americano (espresso and water). But I also like smoked porters, really dry wine, super dark chocolate, and black licorice. So my tastes are questionable and I don't like sweets. My boyfriend uses some oat milk creamer in his coffee and it definitely makes it less bitter.
>>670458>>670514I was gonna say I know a lot of pagans. I don't really talk to anyone about religion though, because it makes me uncomfortable. It seems like it's easy to start exploring. Or maybe eastern religions like Buddhism and Taoism might interest you, since they're more philosophical. In fact, I think Buddhism would be really good for your mental health.
No. 670547
>>670533>I forgot about 420chan. Is it still active?Yes! It's 15 years old this year, unbelievable.
I've been on 420chan since 2007 up until a few years back. The only reason I left it and emigrated to lolcow is that they didn't adapt their imageboard for mobile use, and I mostly browse on mobile these days.
No. 670683
>>670458You sound depressed and desperate, anon. (Good news if you really absolutely must have religion in your life: cults and religion love people like you! They will be happy to lovebomb you.)
Meaningful life isn't a thing that happens TO you - it's a thing you DO yourself. There's no magic fix to feeling like your life is pointless, but you can make a good start on it by putting new stuff in your brain. Start a new hobby that gets you out of the house. Volunteer! Take up exercise - 30 mins outdoors, every day, minimum. Read more books. Listen to music that you're not used to.
I promise you everything is not pointless bullshit. Sometimes we just need a major change, like an animal in a cage in a zoo - we get bored to the point of losing the will to live if we don't change our habitat and habits.
No. 670744
>>670458please dont turn to religion instead of therapy. like another anon said, you sound depressed. i grew up in a religious home and when i had the lowest of lows in my life i obviously turned to "god"… worst decision ever, you start expecting things to get better on their own cause "jesus is gonna save you" and you end up immobile, unable to do shit for yourself. needless to say, im a raging atheist now. i hope you start to feel better soon anon. talk to your friends, family, a therapist… hell! talk to other anons here as well! there's something freeing about being able to say whatever the fuck you want/ think without fear of repercussion in here, and sometimes other anons have given me great advice and comfort.
sage for blogpost kek
No. 670750
>>670458Why do you need a religion?
There's already plenty of magic in everyday things that happen around us. Go into nature, watch some plants grow, read more about the incredible diversity of plant life and how so many have evolved to do amazing things. Isn't it already magical how little seeds grow into big trees and chubby caterpillars become butterflies?
We're already so lucky to have been born and live in nature's magic kingdom, especially as specimens of a species that can see and learn so much more of it than if we were a wild animal. Your time on earth is limited, and after your journey is over you will go back into the earth and your body will help some lucky trees grow very tall.
I don't know what more meaning people could want out of life. Enjoy the ride and be good to mother nature, make a garden, plant a tree. That's really all it takes.
No. 670777
>>670776AKA- Something Shayna needs but won't use because she lives for attention.
Thanks anon
No. 670904
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Do people still wear these kinds of hats? I haven't seen one in years
No. 670922
>>670904I met a guy for sex a few years ago and he showed up wearing the wolf version of one of these. He wasn't a furry but he talked about feeling the spirit of a wolf in him… ok. Anyway for some reason I still fucked him. Some of the best sex I've had, he was blessed with a big one. I wanted to maybe meet up again just based on how hung he was but his mental health seemed to quickly nosedive after our meeting. It turns out his wolf hat/wolf spirit talk was part of some manic experience he was having. Mania equals bad hat but good sex?
Sorry for the random story. I think the answer is that only mentally ill people do
No. 671009
>>670881i live in the Canadian rust belt and I used to know a woman who was trafficked. She went to my high school and worked at a local restaurant, she was completely average. One day, one of her then-recently-hired female coworkers invited her to a night of partying a few cities over, about 40 min outside of our hometown. The coworker paid for all of their expenses, and by the end of the night she told the girl that she owed her like 2k and demanded reimbursement. This girl said she couldn't afford it, so the coworker drove her to a strip club in another town nearby and told her to make up the sum that she owed as a dancer and then they'd call it even. They used some intimidation tactics to rope her into it, once she went inside the strip club they took away her cellphone and ID and she was basically sold into a human sex trafficking ring. They didn't let her leave, she was constantly under watch, they got her addicted to drugs, and they made her have sex with clients. She says that she explained her situation to a few clients and pleaded for help, nobody did a thing, except for one guy who helped her escaped…and then imprisoned her in a hotel bedroom for like two months. A lot of other stuff happened, in the end it took a few years for her to escape the situation. She's doing much better now. She gave a ted talk fairly recently about her experience. She got clean and lives a regular life. She is about 29/30 years old now.
No. 671039
>>671036The other times I’ve gone in the past, they didn’t wash it first. They just did the bleaching and dyeing part, then you had to wait an hour or so for the foils to work, then they wash your hair afterwards and style it.
I’m just afraid the oil I put in today will mess up how the bleach and dye will react to my hair tomorrow…
No. 671056
>>671048Not acquainted anymore with them to know or care. Then again it's been almost 11 years since I graduated high school. My bullies were drug users and teen moms who got on my case out of jealousy in the first place. Last I knew they weren't successful but ngl I'd laugh at them if they were laughing at me for technically being fatter than them just cause I don't rock a meth bod like they do. Making fun of adult women for their weight seems like a thin straw to grasp at in the grand scheme of what makes a productive person in society.
That's just my perspective though. Actual successful people weren't mean to me in high school if not indifferent.
No. 671062
>>671056I have no idea what most of those people are doing and don't care to either, I think I'd feel similarly to you.
>Making fun of adult women for their weight seems like a thin straw to grasp at in the grand scheme of what makes a productive person in society.I was careful to say "people" because it goes for men too! In fact, ime definitely been more shitty men that have gotten fat since hs that I know of. They were all pieces of shit too, kek.
No. 671317
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Why the fuck are these calendars a thing and why do people buy them?
No. 671318
>>671048I don't care for them to be honest, I used to think of them every day in high school, why should I burden myself with that now?
There's some people that were nice to me I'd like to speak to again, but what's done is done.
No. 671321
>>671048The girls I hated are still thin unfortunately but I'd feel better if I didn't care at all tbh, I don't wanna be bitter a decade later about people who've probably forgotten me.
I like seeing nice people who've lost weight/got fit though, I'm always more impressed by that than someone who has always been slim. It's like a visual representation of getting your shit together.
No. 671328
>>671317Kek I actually got one of these at an office Secret Santa one year. The guy who bought it thought it was hilarious and kept showing it to other employees. Many a manchild laugh was had.
I truly don't know anon.
No. 671418
>>671382For the most part you can't tell if someone has BPD unless you're close to them. They often present as completely normal, well adjusted individuals on a day to day basis. But at their core they are terrified of abandonment so if you become someone who is important to them, especially a good friend or romantic partner, they will misconstrue every minor, inoffensive thing you do as an attack/perceived abandonment and will cut you off or hurt you before you can do any further damage to their non-existent self esteem. Then you (being a normal person) will reassure them that you didn't mean anything negative, and they will take you back, and the cycle will keep continuing until they either get help to better regulate their emotions (they never learned how growing up) or you can't deal with the tantrums anymore and leave.
Calling someone a BPD-chan has become trendy here for whatever reason, probably because BPD meltdowns can be absolutely astounding in terms of drama, intensity and willful ignorance. Around here that's just typical sperging, but apparently BPD has become shorthand for being a manipulative drama queen emotional vampire.
No. 671511
>>671504Those sounds send me into murderous rage aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh
>>671507I was just thinking how they could play this video to Guantanamo prisoners. They'd give away all their secrets and beg to be waterboarded instead.
No. 671525
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Any tech savvy anons that could tell me what I need to move windows updates to an external hard?
I'm running low on disk space on C but it won't let me use any external hards for updates. I tried googling but most of the answers are about moving the entire OS. Or is that the only way to do it?
No. 671610
>>671517>>671518>>671543It's even worse than you think.
They don't 'purge' in the traditional sense, what's likely is that they have a spit out bucket off camera or slightly below the table so they're just chewing food and spitting most of it out between cuts.
Not exclusive to mukbangs either. Some thin women who star in food and cooking shows have been said to do the same thing in order to keep the appeal of them being able to eat greasey and hearty meals while keeping their figure.
It was rumor for years that Giada spat out her food but her rep recently confirmed it. The rep tried to save some face by saying that she only spits out the close-up shots due to how many takes they need to film, but we all can infer the truth lmao.
>Food Network Star Giada De Laurentiis’ Rep Confirms She Spits Out Food During Filming> No. 671622
>>671619Because the reality is anorexia of her level is way more comorbid than someone being fat and stuffing their face on camera.
Being fat might kill you in 30 years. Severe anorexia could kill someone in as little as 5. I agree that neither should be glamorized but it's very obvious why one is immediately worse than the other.
No. 671655
>>671635It doesn't really matter why anorexia isn't as widespread does it? Far more people die from obesity than anorexia, making obesity the more pressing problem.
>>671643Why? A person doesn't eat him/herself so fat that they struggle to walk without an eating disorder.
No. 671656
>>671655Anorexia will kill someone quicker. It is the most deadly mental disorder.
This isn't a hard concept to grasp at all and I presume you're baiting at this point.
No. 671716
>>671656and obesity kills more people. That isn't a hard concept to grasp either. Also, obesity is more widespread because far more people become obese than anorexic, it's not that there's anywhere near an equal amount of people developing severe anorexia and dying from it.
No one is saying anorexia's not a problem, rather complaining about how normalised being obese or overweight has become.
No. 671719
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Should I buy shit off aliexpress anons… My cart is currently at $60 and consists of
-3 pairs of tights (two are lined with thick fleece, one is not but still thick)
-2 different sets of washi tapes
-a case for my airpods
-pic related because I'm a weeb
I also had a fashion wig in my cart but opted to not keep it in the end lol. Shipping is only at $0.53 for the airpods case.
No. 671736
>>671725>>671726Thanks anons! I feel frivolous buying unnecessary things but time to treat myself hahahaha
>>671728Here's the link to it!'m mostly just calling myself a weeb for wanting it because it's a haori inspired jacket lol. I found it while searching for haoris kek. The yellow one is so cute too and I love that shade of yellow but I'm worried about dirtying it so green it is.
No. 671803
>>671756>>671760native argentinian here and i agree, we talk fast, drop letters, merge words together and use a lot of italian words and our own "language" sort of speak (it's called lunfardo and we have seemlessly incorporated it into our everyday conversations to the point that younger generations dont even know those words come from our own dialect) i have also been told we sound like we are singing when we talk, but i gues that comes from our italian ancestry
imo chilean is worse tho, we cant even understand a word those weones are saying most of the time kek
No. 671849
>>671841It's not so much a gut feeling probably than you've got a sense of values and your mind is subconsciously being
triggered, maybe. But also then I guess people also get premonitions so idk
No. 671908
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Why are straight, skinny and pretty white boys usually the biggest incels?every guy I've met who looks like that has an issue with women and is more verbal about it.
No. 671924
>>671908I wish they werent like that, the only way I'd go back to fucking guys is if I could fuck one that's not yet fat and hairy, or ruined by the really long term effects of testosterone.
How are they becoming bitter while still that young? Ruining their own peak attractiveness years with it
No. 671932
>>671908I honestly think boys are indoctrinated by other boys/men and their hatred for women is a side effect of being held to the supposed ideal of
toxic masculinity. If you're a pretty, slender, artistic looking boy then you're likely going to get bullied and made fun of for being too soft and "feminine." They get a chip on their shoulder thinking that no woman would give them a chance. If they ever get rejected even in a kind way that's only going to confirm that everything they've been told growing up was correct, and double down on the self hatred so that they view themselves as undesirable and unlovable. Women become the scapegoat even though they've had little to no real interaction with the opposite sex. Typical that we get blamed for the damage other men have caused.
No. 671941
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>>671932And the pretty boy ones are more likely to claim white men are the most oppressed with white nationalist views or they are those fake feminist types who would still rape a girl if she were passed out. Even the cute scrotes are fucked up.
No. 671943
>>671932Where I live there was a case lately where a 39 year old man went around on a bike and in one evening I think he stabbed 5/6 female
victims. All those women were betweeen 17 and 19. Soon as he was caught he was all apologies of course.. I immediately wondered what his internet activity looks like. He's that guy online spamming comment sections with shit about women being leeches and how you need to mgtow before you get your money stolen during the divorce etc. He's that guy trying to reach younger men and tell them.
No. 671944
>>671863>>671879>>671919Thank you all! I'm from Canada and only really focused on the big things, like the elections, so I never really got to read about her.
No. 671947
>>671908I mean from what I have seen Incels are actually surprisingly a very diverse community with whites, blacks, south asian and east asians all united in their contempt for women
As for the skinny pretty boys(I'm talking about pretty boys of all races), I agree with anon here
>>671932 usually also fatter and uglier men call them feminine, demean them and destroy their egos from the very start. its rare to find an actually self confident pretty boy
No. 671970
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>>671963Edward furlong. He hit the wall though. This is him now.
No. 671972
>>671947Can confirm. My boyfriend has a nice mix of softer and traditionally masculine traits, yet he had no self confidence when we met. It was not due to women constantly berating him or turning him down, it was because other boys teased him for being "girly" which simply meant he wasn't a gross neanderthal. He ended up vastly overcompensating by trying to play the tough guy, abstaining from anything cute and creative (even though he's actually a sensitive person) and basically becoming this caricature of a meathead, personality-wise. Thankfully he never went full incel mode and I was able to call him out on bullshit and undo some of the brainwashing, but even after years of being together he still sometimes struggles with self confidence. Like
>>671935 said, it doesn't even matter if their views are being directly contradicted by women. The core issue is that they're actually looking for acceptance from other men, and while the incel community is just a depressing echo chamber, they feel accepted and more self assured there.
No. 671982
>>671962Consider that people don't know you and don't have the full picture. Consider that if someone's mean to you that they're going through their own unique issues that you don't even know about which could be influencing them to act a way.
Some disagree with my philosophy: Everything someone else says or does, and how you feel about it and react to it, is predestined by factors that are outside your control and conscious thought. There is literally no point in internalizing it beyond a reasonable consideration because life is organized fucking absurdity and no one knows what the fuck is going on.
No. 671984
>>671962I consider myself pretty thick skinned these days but even now there are moments where I find myself getting too invested in some rando's comment. Know that it's totally normal and don't be too hard on yourself. We all feel the same emotions, but it's how you observe/handle them after the initial rush that determines whether something will stay with you or not.
I'd say a combination of developing better self confidence and reading about Stoicism helped. When you fully understand that other people's opinions are products of their own fears, uncertainties and neuroses rather than having anything to do with you as a person, it becomes easier to dismiss things that don't serve you rather than wasting valuable energy. I recommend Aurelius' Meditations if you're open to reading, still very relevant today: No. 671994
>>671974a classic technique thank you
>>671982I like your philosophy. for some reason I'm fond of thinking big picture when I'm anxious, how we're specks in the universe and all. Even imagining the size of me then the size of the earth then the size of the Sun etc and it extends, I feel a love for life then. People say that's depressing but I find it comforting and beautiful to dwell on. So thank you yours is an approach I want to try.
>>671984you're right, it is a normal response and it's about the degree of effect. Marcus aurelius himself was a ball of stress near the end of his life and the stuff in meditations kind of helped him stay sane, is what I've heard. thanks a lot for mentioning that, I have the book across the room and forgot to keep reading so I will!
sorry if turned into advice thread for a minute, it's interesting to learn how others do it though
No. 672010
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>>671970Oh no John Conner, I was unbelievably in love with in Terminator 2
No. 672016
>>671992No. Just exhausted, maybe a little retarded and dreamy eyed.
Anon.. what foul scrote did you pick up? Or was he in a bad mood beforehand or something?
No. 672020
>>671972Yeah its sad, really wish boys were socially allowed to be naturally pretty and it not be weird or related to any kink shit or gender non binary political statement bullshit
In the 2000's a lot pretty boys that could express themselves thanks to emo and goth fashion but even now that's shunned
No. 672025
>>671992Well was he a good lay or?
Some dudes get pissed because they're mentally sizing up the competition of other dudes you've fucked, and if they didn't pull much effort to sleep with you they figure other dudes didn't either. So they get pissy, devaluing you in their heads preemptively so that if you're not impressed with their dick then they can cope by not being so impressed with you either.
No. 672033
>>671962I think thick skin is less about being so calloused that you don’t let anything in or pretending you don’t have ears. But it’s a conscious act of acknowledging the “personally attacked” feeling and letting it pass you by. Some twitterfag called me a twitterfag the other day and another bitch dared calling my husbando shit, it unironically
triggered me kek
We can’t help the initial reaction most of the time but what’s important is NOT internalizing it. Sometimes you’re the retard, sometimes that anon is the retard.
No. 672044
>>671962Bless you, anon. Of course it’s hard in practice but you just need to stop giving a shit. I used to have possibly the thinnest skin in the world and let everything get to me. I would change myself when criticised by people who didn’t like me, who I didn’t even like. I fucking despised myself because no matter how hard I tried, I was never good enough. I get it.
Thing is, none of this worked. The only things that happened were 1. I felt shit and 2. I gave people power over me. Being thin skinned will only hold you back and allow people to hurt you. Of course some criticism is
valid, but probably not some anon nitpicking you. Actually this is a great place to learn to be thick-skinned because it’s so impersonal. Anons know nothing of your life except what your post contains so why allow them to get to you?
Practice, go read some affirmations, realise how stupid being sensitive is. You’ll get there.
No. 672063
>>672045You have to develop it in your own. Also I have the equivalent of a
filmbro close to me and she gives me a bunch of recommendations 24/7 but nothing, I just can’t get into films.
Maybe try watching short films, then lookup the directors/writers and such, it might help you figure out a
”style” you might be into.
No. 672070
>>672048Nta but I know right, I usually don’t give a fuck if someone on the internet says that my writing is shit, but if my best friend says something along the lines of “this isn’t what I expected” i will fucking
cry like a little bitch because that somehow hurts.
>>671962You have to basically understand that not everyone deserves a reaction, just think about it: why would someone who knows nothing about you, should be getting under your skin? Do you think they’re important? Why? If they’re not, then they’re worthless, their words are nothing and whatever they might say about anything is absolutely a waste of time that you could be making use of by doing other stuff that are more important, like chores or staring at the wall while dissociating, absolutely anything.
No. 672075
>>672045Film is such a broad topic that it will help to narrow down where you want to start. It's kind of like saying you want to get into history… so do you want to know about the Allies' role during WW2? What is was like during the Heian period of Japan? Post-republic Rome? Take a look at the major film styles ( and you'll get recommendations for movies that were innovative for their time and influenced others. You can also just search "influential filmmakers" in themselves. Oh, and the Criterion Collection is all about presenting films that are considered some of the most important and creative, so going through their stuff is a safe bet.
Arthouse films are great too, they get a bad rap as being pretentious without any real depth but often the filmmakers do have a clear vision and want the audience to think about the topics they're presenting and come to their own conclusions. Similar to a good book, really. If a film seems weird or confusing feel free to look up film analysis and see what other people have taken away from it. Getting to toss about different ideas and interpretations is part of the fun and can lead to great discussions.
No. 672076
>>672070nta, people on the internet are normal people just like the ones you meet irl. you can estimate how irl people really think from reading here because it's anon and they're more honest
inb4 not everyone is the same… eh
No. 672261
>>672253It's not weird to ask them how they want to split things and what they want to share, I promise! It's better to get the rules down first about this and how you want to tackle chores.
People don't normally share groceries but friends might share basic things like salt and cooking oil.
No. 672267
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>>672233Cope more burgers
No. 672272
>>672253Totally depends on the group. I’ve had apartments where we share all kitchen tools and ones where we keep them all in our own cupboards. Large things that are I confident to have multiple of (mop, ironing board, toaster) are usually shared. My apartments have always been separate when it comes to food but I know some particularly close-knit apartments might share.
Prepare for any nonstick cookware you have to get scratched up to high heaven even if it’s kept separate from everyone else’s stuff.
No. 672355
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are vpns any good to keep isp leeches from stealing and selling data? or is it just a meme?
No. 672371
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Thoughts on a relationship with 22 years age gap when the younger person is in their 20s?
No. 672387
>>672358>>672362i use wipr to block ads/trackers, but that doesn't stop my isp from tracking my every move, does it?
>>672371what do you get out of a relationship like that, other than fulfilling a fetish? i look down on the old person in that type of relationship, there must be something wrong with them if they can't date people their own age
No. 672389
>>672321>>672131>>672075>>672063>>672058i'm surprised i got so many answers, i thought my question would be ignored lmao thank you for answering, it's gonna help a lot.
i'm curious now, to all farmers, what are your favorite films?
No. 672398
>>672371I once dated a guy 12 years older than me and it turned into the most
abusive gaslighty bullshit relationship where I'm still paying for therapy.
Ask yourself why any grown person wouldn't want someone who is on their same level of life experience
No. 672403
>>672398Can confirm, my parents have a 30 year gap and the most dysfunctional relationship ever.
I think most men that seek younger women are narcissistic man-children in denial about their aging and seeking someone dumber that makes them feel powerful and special and the women that seek older men are afraid of taking control over their lives and want an excuse to remain acting like retarded teens dependent on adults instead of growing in their own person.
Both are shitty, but the one that has more power, experience, and money, is definitely the older partner.
Also, all children of age gap couples I know, me included lol, are messed up and need therapy.
No. 672406
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Is 36" band size for a bra really fat? What about 34"?
No. 672461
>>672413You're right, anon. I sat down with myself and realized I was really getting stressed about what some literal retard on twitter said. I'm going to start trying to volunteer kek
>>672440I'm a 34" too which is why I was getting all worried that the next size up from me was being called fat, but I also have a massive ribcage and wide shoulders so that makes sense.
No. 672474
>>672387>what do you get out of a relationship like thatAttention and validation I never got as a kid I guess. It's childish and dumb, I know. And you know what? I think I would be perfectly fine with a father-like relationship with an older male without any romantic or sexual component to it, but the problem is, I think men are not capable of such relationship with younger women. I'm always envious of guys my age who have father/mentor-like relationships with strange men, it's also a common trope in movies. Young women who didn't have fathers can't get that, usually. I didn't have any adult worthy of trust and I developed reactive attachment disorder because of it, and I was always looking for parental figures in both women and men. There was only one such "relationship" with a man, and he betrayed my trust. I had a teacher in highschool, he was like 50, he liked me, we would talk a lot about literature, movies and politics and everything else and he would give me his time after school, even invited me for a coffee, and I was naive enough to believe he sees me like a daughter, I never felt so validated and noticed in my life. Without getting into more details, turned out he thought I had "feelings" for him, and when I said that's not the case but I still want to see him and stay friends, he stopped talking to me. I probably never cried like this because of someone (except my mother and step father). I feel like a womanchild, I feel too old for my peers and I can't stop thinking about older men (also I'm still a virgin, too autistic to get anywhere further than awkward attempts at flirting). I also have this paranoid fear that a younger dude would sooner or later cheat on me with someone younger than me, I read so many stories about scrotes having midlife crisis. I feel that with a man who's already 20 years older than me the risk of cheating would be smaller.
No. 672482
>>672474I know we're in the wrong and anons are gonna correct us, but I relate to you. I feel like guys my age (young guys) are really annoying and immature even now. The idea of an older man in comparison is so much better to me. But truth be told it would be unhealthy and he'd probably be taking advantage of me. Also, being older doesn't guarantee he's not immature and emotionally stunted in his own way kek
I'm sorry about what happened with your teacher. That's not okay. I never experienced that but some of my high teachers were the type of guy I'd like to marry. I guess the unhealthy part is wanting to rush to a guy that age. No, I can find a guy my own age who will grow like that, or wait till I'm older myself I guess lmao idk
No. 672487
>>672474Its rare to find a man who is so much older than you and doesn't have any bad intentions, anon.
> I feel that with a man who's already 20 years older than me the risk of cheating would be smaller.Oh, you sweet summer child.
No. 672492
>>672482My bf is 10 years older than I am, and I think it’d be hard for me to date someone my age again as well, though being 27, I could easily go for a 30 year old and still feel confident that he may be mature by then. Although knowing other 30yo men concerns me kek. Hopefully you can find someone either your own age or much closer that you can grow with instead of waiting to grow for you. I really do thing relationships of similar ages are far more healthy, if not less risky at least.
>>672474Holy fuck anon I hope you reported that teacher. That’s incredibly inappropriate since he initiated, and even if he didn’t, he should have declined. That’s never okay, never ever. I also hope you find what you’re looking for, but you do sound a bit vulnerable (though aware of it which is good). Big hugs and best of luck to you, girl. Be smart and never ignore your instincts.
No. 672554
>>672550I'm thin but ok. What
triggered you exactly?
No. 672555
>>672544It fucks up the absorption of many vitamins and supplements. You have to take vitamins at a different period of time. As far as hair loss goes, that's not a deterrent for the grand majority of women unless they already have a problem with it.
It's thermogenic, if anything it helps people to be more effective at burning calories.
No. 672557
>>672529I ended up getting black because they had little blueberry muffins and I wanted one. If no pastry, would have gone for a mocha or something.
>>672539I think anon assumed I meant a very sugary coffee which could be a reason to skip, I think!
>>672549I did that once when I first started an office job and there was a standing coffee pot. I thought I was going to die kek. Now I max out at 3 (black) throughout a day if I have any at all.
Anyways….apologies for instigating a coffee debacle omg
No. 672584
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this was literally over a cup of coffee anons, you can do better than this
No. 672586
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>>672570I did omg now please no more booly each other!
>>672573I have not. I'm baffled kek I feel bad.
>>672577>>672578LC coffee date! Enjoy, ladies!
No. 672640
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i can't believe i fucking pre ordered a lolita dress the wait is going to be excruciating how does anyone do this
No. 672643
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>>672640enjoy the suffering
No. 672650
>>672406If your ribcage is 36 inches and your bust is 40 inches? Yes
Most girls due to commercial sizing in most stores are wearing the wrong bra size so hard to tell
No. 672667
>>672661My last ex was older than me and a league below me, our sex life kinda died off and we fought about the lack of sex. The lack of sex being totally my fault even though I was the more attractive one and he still didn't put any effort in to get me off.
The butterflies fade quick, and uggos are just as entitled as any other guy
No. 672675
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>>672643I SEE
>>672646it's some cringe taobao dress that i'm not posting because i'm already getting roasted for buying taobao, it's not a shit dress from what i can tell, it's 90%+ cotton and the closeups look nice
that new baby dress is looking mighty good too though
No. 672682
>>672661I genuinely find them attractive.
Like with most people on this planet, there's usually something about them that's their "charm point" as Japanese people would put it, looks don't exist in a vacuum.
Later when the attraction dies down or we break up and I get over them I will usually look at them and think "ew I can't believe I had sex with
that ".
No. 672685
>>672661Hot guys are kinda full of shit sometimes, well in my experience.
But like anon said in
>>672682 the charm is a hook, line, and sinker for me.
No. 672692
>>672677i can only speak for myself since there's a million different opinions on this topic. i like using it to go to the shopping mall, cons, and somewhat upstanding restaurants. basically any place that has air conditioning and people are allowed to stand out. i don't fuck with pubs or supermarkets personally, but that's just me. some lolitas also straight up wear it at home, there's that too.
t.lives in hot tropical shithole that already doesn't like alternative fashion
>>672691>it's really up to you. some people (like me) have no more normie clothesgod i wish that were me anon, i've been interested in lolita fashion since i was 17 and only got the courage to buy my first ever legit piece 2 years ago at 25. i know the mid twenties working woman is the most common age group for this fashion, but i feel like i missed out on a bigger wardrobe.
No. 672726
>>672695thank you for the understanding anon, i'm still not really sure if the dress i bought is shit taste or not, i guess i will find out in a month or two. it's definitely the insecurity seeping through
godspeed anon, the wait will be hard but it will be so worth it for all of us.
No. 672981
I need ta know!
No. 673016
>>672993Weird coincidence, I just saw a post on that exact thing on reddit my advice is stop worrying about something so pants on head retarded and unimportant, jesus…
No. 673027
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>>673016Most Autistic Reddit link of the Month
>>672993Stop being autistic.
No. 673056
>>673046Like 10 hours total, or do those 10 hours include the breaks you take? Because latter is fairly normal; former, you may just be overthinking/overworking yourself.
Personally it takes me one evening, maybe 2-3 hours, which includes the long pauses I take where I stare at the screen or look at my notes/references or look up a youtube vid for distraction. Honestly, there's no reason to be ashamed of how long you take unless you're pretty blatantly missing a deadline. If an instructor gives you a month to work on 1000 words, it's okay if it takes you all 30 days to write them.
No. 673057
>>673046also around 10 hours for me, not including the research
usually i split the work between two days
No. 673130
>>673094Thanks, you're right and I knew it but I just needed to hear it from someone else
>>673083It's easy, you know like those jerk characters in media that everyone ends up loving anyway because they acted like a normal polite person that one time
No. 673236
>>673145Start entertaining the idea that you are more valuable than the way you’re treated. Brainwash yourself, read loads of #bossbabe affirmations. Depending on your situation, might be worth educating yourself about narcs or emotional abuse if applicable.
I did all this for a long time and still didn’t stop being a doormat until eventually I snapped, so idk how possible it is to force it. Oh, also keep score. I gave people free passes until I started writing down all the shit they did and seeing it all in one place like that made me so mad that I started standing up for myself.
No. 673244
>>673238Standing up for yourself doesn't make you a narc. You are only a narc if you give people nothing in return when they show you kindness. You are not obligated to be kind to anyone who isn't kind to you past the bare minimum, and if someone is actively denigrating you and ruining your self-esteem you have the full right to fight back and return the favour.
Being selfless with people who are anything but will never make them love you or treat you with respect, remember that.
No. 673252
>>673238lol no. That being said,
>>673236 is overcomplicating it.
>>673145 you just need to stop being afraid of saying no. What's the worst that will happen, will they try to kill you or something? I've had people try to pressure me into doing all sorts of shit I don't want to, but I value my comfort over their happiness so I say no. Who cares if they get mad, you don't get forced into something you don't want to do plus now you got some annoying fuck off your back.
No. 673255
>>673238I wonder this too. My mother has massive narcissist traits but once when she asked me to attend the only therapy session post-third-divorce that I've ever known her to have, she described herself as a "people pleaser" and legitimately believed that her only flaw as a human was being too generous. To her ex husband (who was a typical
toxic male), maybe. Yet to me and other people that she looked down on (mostly other women), we were shit who only deserved her bare minimum if that. She kept scores constantly while bemoaning when someone else did. She would expect grand gestures in return and unending appreciation for menial and low effort things she did, and would make it known either through verbal tirades or body language how disappointed she was if what was reciprocated failed to measure up. I can't tell you how many times I was called an ungrateful brat after cascading her with thank yous, or having basic shit she did as a parent held over my head as emotional blackmail.
The thing is my mom is a total doormat for the right people: Her parents when they were alive, her brothers, and mostly other men but sometimes women who she sees as successful and able to bolster her image. I think this stems from her childhood of feeling the need to puppet performative, servile behaviors and being raised around misogynistic attitudes when she was young. Be that as it may, I do think it's possible for doormats to internalize
toxic behaviors and may subconsciously act them out as revenge later in life when they find some status to do better.
But I doubt people with honest introspection and a desire to develop healthy boundaries would go down that road.
No. 673269
>>673261If you absolutely must hurt yourself in some way, flick yourself with your finger or snap a rubber band against your wrist?
I would really recommend just going out and taking a run or doing literally anything besides that though.
No. 673287
>>673269Good ideas, I'll try that. I've already went out but my mind doesn't want to give me a break so I'm getting desperate
>>673275First consultation is already scheduled but it's not anytime soon unfortunately
Haven't heard about that browser before, could be useful for different things in the future too so thanks!
No. 673305
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For all the toy collectors here, what is so special about the Blythe dolls? Why do they cost like $60-$2000 for one doll?
No. 673307
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Is it possible for your sexuality to change? I just realised that when I was in my early-mid teens I was attracted to both men and women and even had lesbo wet dreams and I consumed lesbian porn but I was in huge denial, now I'm just attracted to men and I can't feel attraction to women even if I tried but I still get the lesbo wet dreams and thinking about women together sounds nice to me I wish I could feel that attraction again.
No. 673330
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No. 673342
>>673341Google "3d cube view"
Third link
No. 673376
>>673345>>673342gracias muchachas
>>673344how about you choke on an ice cube
No. 673379
>>673377There is no attention seeking happening in the posts that
trigger that shit tho. It's usually a big raging fuss over nothing.
trigger was 'I drink this much coffee' ?
No. 673386
>>673261something that helped me when i did that: start writing what you feel in that moment, the thoughts that make you wanna hurt yourself and dont stop writting until you dont feel the urge anymore (it doesnt matter if it's just jumbled up spergs). then you can throw away the paper or burn it, it gave me a sense of "letting go" in some way, a sense of not being a
victim of my own thoughts. i hope you feel better soon, anon
No. 673399
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>>673396>>673394>>673395kek! anon they were calling you "brown". like basically "hello brownie!"
maybe i'm misunderstanding but
No. 673402
File: 1605291902126.jpg (97.79 KB, 1200x667, borat-subsequent-moviefilm-rev…)

do people actually like sacha baron cohen's stuff anymore? i saw a poster for his new movie recently and wondered who would actually watch it kek
i understand why his ali g stuff was popular, and the early borat stuff - i remember thinking it was the same sort of energy as little britain and other sort of un-PC slapstick stuff, but i fail to see how his work has much pull now? the sociopolitical climate is really different now, i think by most 2020 standards his stuff just comes off as kinda dumb and offensive
tl;dr calling all borat fans: WHY?
No. 673407
>>673402the new movie was actually pretty good–his commentary isn't necessarily meant to be from an offensive standpoint (mainly because he is at least acting/faking it). for example, in the newest movie he goes and quarantines with two random hardcore trump stans and some of the things that they say are shocking but coming right from their mouths, no fake lines or anything. it's kind of like he purposely does slightly offensive things as an act in order for certain people to show their true colors.
also, i'm sorry if my words seem jumbled or spergy, just woke up.
No. 673422
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Please math anons… the answer is 9 and not 1 right? I don’t want to ask my math teacher relative for help on stupidly simple math problem again.
No. 673439
>>673422Parenthesis first.
Then multiplication/division from left to right.
Divide first.
Then multiply.
No. 673443
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>>673399yeah i figured as much from the google translate. ty anon
No. 673450
>>673440The issue with pemdas is a lot of people growing up weren’t taught the added left to right rule, just that you must follow pemdas no matter what. like
>>673439 showed multiplication and division are essentially the same step it’s just whatever one is first in line will take precedence. 6/3 times 2 doesn’t mean you multiply 2 to 6/3, you would do the division first because it’s the furthest left in the problem. so it would be 6/3=2 then 2 times 2 = 4. Hope that makes sense.
No. 673459
>>673415It is 1, but unfortunately written awful.
6 : 2 * (1+2) =
6 : 2 * (3) =
6 : 6 = 1
It's a rule problem and not competence.
No. 673463
I hate these math problems, they just write them improperly to have people argue in the comments to get exposure for their page. It could be as
>>673459 said but they shoild have added another parenthesis around 2(1+2). But it could also be the other way. Anyway the answer is there is no solution because the question is not properly defined
No. 673559
>>673459That’s only if you assume 6 : 2 x 3 is the same as
2 x 3
Which without parenthesis around (2 x 3) I’m inclined to divide first then multiply from left to right. It’s 9 based on modern rules.
No. 673622
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Do you have any good sites not ridden with viruses to download books for free? I’m looking for a book series made by Dan Wells, but i can only find some translations and I really want to read it on English.
No. 673627
>>673622Try downloading through Irc. Here's a good guide:'ve been downloading my ebooks like this for a couple of years now and it works like a charm.
No. 673638
File: 1605306374976.jpeg (41.18 KB, 800x1000, KIC_159-2601-3250-900_model1.j…)

>>669357Anons… I know a lot of you are good seamstresses or generally know shit about clothing beyond "this looks good" so I kindly ask for some help…
I ordered this dress from Abercrombie (pic attached) and it fits beautifully, but it has some fold lines in it. How do I get these fold lines out of faux leather?
Here are the garment details:
Coating:100% Polyurethane / Faux Leather:80% Viscose, 20% Polyester / Lining:100% Polyester
Machine wash cold, with like colors
Only non-chlorine bleach
Line dry
Do not iron
Do not dry clean
No. 673895
>>673402Idk, I like Sacha's sense of humour and his political commentary. It's not profound or ground breaking, but I laugh able to get people to do/agree with bigoted stuff. I liked his "Who is America" series, but I like Ali G the best.
>>673456kek. Are you in statistics? That was my math credit in uni, because I never got past algebra 2 in high school.
No. 673943
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This is gonna sound weird AF and I apologize for it, but… Do any of you know some kind of a video game that from a certain POV can be appealing to a child grooming creep in the same way as Leon the Professional? Best if it was released up to 2010.
The only example that comes to my mind is Rule of Rose, but this game DOES NOT deserve being written about in such a context. Especially since it was already slandered as 'cHilD pOrN' in Italy even though it's anything but. There is also Clock Tower, but it also doesn't fit what I have in mind…
The other example is so fucked up and NSFW that I could not refer to it in my story cause I don't want more people to play it. I am afraid even if the title wasn't mentioned, someone would figure it out.
>in b4 do your own writing research
I did and I even am ATM, but since nothing comes to my mind I decided to ask farmers.
No. 673962
>>673958Probably because girls with boyfriends
love to talk about how they like women as some dumb social bait or make jokes about how their boyfriend ~said they could get a gf~.
No. 673965
>>673962But is their attraction to women suppose to cease when they get in a relationship with men? I can understand how the second one is really really weird.
Idk. As a straight person, it just seems dumb to complain about a person attracted to both sexes being attracted to both sexes.
No. 673974
>>673958>>673968 >bi women who are in relationships with dudes asking lesbians to have threesomes with themThese are the ones that piss me off. Been there and it feels like they view you with the same predation as any man. No I, a lesbian, will not fuck your bf or have sex with you while your bf jerks it next to us. It is not okay to ask a lesbian to do that.
I also know alot of 'bi women' who just have never done a thing with a woman. At first it was like okay you're young and at some point you probably will. My friend group are all in their 30s now and it's amazing how many bi women make it to this age without kissing a woman.. lol. Not mad but I'm kinda waiting for the day they drop the act.
No. 673983
>>673973I'm an ignorant straight woman here, but saying hating bi-women because of their "straight-passing" privilege still seems funny. Bi women do not oppress you or are the origin of homophobia, and it shouldn't be
victim-olympics anyway.
No. 673999
>>673993That's not something I'm regurgitating. They're not quiet about their sexual endeavors. Every woman I've met that's bi makes an identity about it.
I've been hit on them as a het in several extremely uncomfortable situations. They're grabby, always made comments about my body and just generally didn't give a shit about boundaries. This isn't something that happened on tv, it's happened to me with 4 women that I can think of off the top of my head.
No. 674004
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>>673995About to pull the
trigger>>673996This dude has the lowest libido ever, girl i am horny i need dick and hes wasting away his nuts to some chick with a mullet
No. 674008
>>673999Of course you remember the handful of "bi" women who are grabby and hypersexual, probably in places where men are around, too, lmao.
The bi women who aren't that way probably won't tell you their sexuality, and you most likely assume they're straight.
No. 674010
>>674001Well, two of them were strangers that were at my male friends' house and talked about it. The other two are friends that for whatever reason I dismiss. You're acting like they don't fucking say it constantly. It doesn't appear to matter whether they're around men or not in some cases.
I honestly don't give a shit if you believe me or not. The fact that you would likely eat someone's sexual harassment story involving a scrote without question, but don't want to believe me because you just can't fathom bi women as being predatory is fucked up.
No. 674014
>>674010NTA but you said they're
all that way, and you expect everyone to just accept it?
Imagine the hell that would break loose if someone went on about "predatory lesbians", goddamn.
No. 674018
>>674015If it's considered misogyny to not want to be grabbed at and treated like fucking meat by other women, consider me the master of it.
Literally never had this problem with full blown lesbians.
No. 674022
>>674015It's funny because bisexual women are literally more at risk of sexual assault and violence, but het-anon thinks it's important to push this tired, ugly "bi women are all sexually harassing me and they're all promiscuous whres!!" stereotype.
Yes, it's misogyny.
No. 674027
>>674010Ayrt, I never said I don't believe you dumbass. I meant I doubt it's true that bisexual people are more likely to pass on STD's. I don't have an issue with believing that women can be predatory.
You're experience with bi women doesn't mean that all of them have STD's. Infact, you didn't even get an std from any of them (assuming you didn't have sex with any of them) so I don't even know where you got that assumption.
No. 674042
>>674027Ok, because bi women also sleep with men and penetrative sex with men can increase chances of STDs vs a lesbian that has lower risks of STDs across sexually active groups. So even a bi woman that weren't promiscuous would potentially be exposed to something that could be spread to a lesbian partner, because the scrote was fucking around.
My experiences with predatory bi women put a bad taste in my mouth, but the rest is literally just how it is. Fuck scrotes, and you're at risk by default.
No. 674055
>>674042Again, you never got an STD from those women, so I don't know why you think your experience means bisexual women are STD spreaders. Also again, promiscuous ≠ predatory.
>penetrative sex with men can increase chances of STDsIs this even true? Genuinely asking, because I'm pretty certain swapping bodily fluids in general is putting you at a risk of stds.
No. 674060
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>>674055I learned through an anatomy course during the discussion on STDs. But here.!po=32.2222 No. 674081
File: 1605376431714.jpg (82.24 KB, 794x794, half ponytail.jpg)

Is there a way to do updos in a way that would be suitable for a person with large ears but a round face? Normally I have to keep my hair down to cover my ears and the sides of my face, but I want to experiment with some actual hairstyles. I sorta think something like pic rel could maybe work but Idk how to do a half ponytail without showing my ears
No. 674105
>>673785In my experience the only type of people who seem to take his blog seriously are conspiracy theorists.
He's some middle aged divorce lawyer living in the middle of nowhere. He accepts pretty much every submission given to him, even troll submissions. For every blind that ends up being correct there's a million more that are wrong. tl;dr he's no more knowledgeable about Hollywood secrets than your average gossip enthusiast.
>>673787The Weinstein stuff was known long before CDaN existed.
No. 674117
>>674100>Any women of color with light eyes that get asked the same question?Ah. I agree it's weird.
This reminds me of a time this black girl I knew went to Bulgaria (or some other E. Euro country) with a friend, they were at some beauty place and one of the local males was like "
She doesn't need to tan" while laughing with his friend.
No. 674139
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>>673953>I need it for a plot point in my novel.kek it's so true that a writer's google search history looks the same as a criminals
>>674081>Idk how to do a half ponytail without showing my earsWhen your hair is just lying flat, pull from around the middle of your ears and make sure it's loosely tied so it hangs over them like pic rel. Alternatively pull from behind your ears so the hair in front stays where it was. You should really just have a go trying stuff out, it would be obvious once you try.
No. 674147
bonus points: it will hurt his ego more than just a breakup
No. 674173
File: 1605387641454.jpg (88.24 KB, 574x864, 20201114_143930.jpg)

>>669357I've actively been avoiding doing anything that plays into my beach stoner look but I can't take it anymore I'm finna buss. Is it selfish to ask my s/o to go on a little trip to the beach for a weekend? Really want to go surfing but the whole pandemic and shit is keeping me from going through with it. What do you anons thinks?
No. 674197
File: 1605390919454.png (338.14 KB, 1080x911, IMG_20201114_223637.png)

Is it some kind of tranny month or holiday or something? The dodo is just a wholesome animal channel it doesn't make sense for them to have a trans profile picture
No. 674209
>>674117If she’s actually black-black as in actually african american then that’s even weirder to say wtf.
I guess my face is caucasian or whatever so i get it on my part tbh but still you don’t get to ask people if they went sunbedding even if they did it’s no one’s business smh.
No. 674281
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Am I just a retarded virgin, or does the highlighted text in this read like a rape scene?
The book kind of continues on like it's fine (it's written by a dude, btw), and the professor for the class I'm reading it for described it as "completely and entirely consensual".
No. 674398
>>674389You know what else is a good reason to be depressed?
Mental illness and fucked up brain chemistry that causes it. None of which can be perceived by you.
It's not your bussiness to judge if someone has the 'right' (wtf) to be depressed or not. You can never know what's going on in another person's head and what they've been through. The example of your work colleague should have taught you that, and yet you are back to square one.
You sound immature and ignorant. Focus on doing some growing up yourself instead of gatekeeping mental illness (or 'sadness').
No. 674400
>>674389The line is whether they expect to be coddled for being sad.
Anon above is right about one thing: everyone has the "right" to be depressed. However, that doesn't give them the right to demand to be treated differently from anyone else. If they use depression to dictate how others behave, that's crossing the line.
No. 674414
What are the best tips for doing laundry? My mother would always do the laundry in such a way, that all of my clothes shrunk, lost their soft texture and bright colors. Nearly all of my white items of clothing became grey after the first two washes, and many sweaters started to feel like hardened paper maché, as opposed to soft wool or cotton. I know it isn't the clothes, because in my stays at the houses of others, my laundry was perfectly lovely afterwards. What I could learn from them I did, but it was not enough apparently… Because of this, I never learned a different way of doing the laundry, and I was wondering if any farmers could offer advice on how to properly do the laundry, or little things I can add to the routine/change?
No. 674415
>>674414Read the labels on the clothes, they tell you
everything about how they should be washed and ironed.
No. 674417
>>674400Said guy I was talking about does work well others and even has a girlfriend, I just never understood how someone can like literally never smile or be happy for like even one moment the day
I have never seen that man a smile or chuckle or make really anything
No. 674421
>>674393I guess. I've been smoking for 12 years and was a retarded teenager. I smoke more when I'm stressed, but I associate cigarettes with breaks from doing shit and there's the relief of nicotine.
You could try shisha at hookah lounge and see if you like it. If you do, maybe get a hookah and you can smoke at home. It's like having a drink occasionally and I don't think you'd get addicted.
No. 674445
>>674437Agree with
>>674438 that Russians do this shit too. It seems to be a big country thing, maybe that explains some of the self importance? I would say it’s probably because most never expect to / want to go abroad so it’s silly to learn a new language just to use online, however a lot of people do study another language for this reason.
Though I would argue that saying “who’s Russian?” or “like this if you’re Brazilian” makes more sense written in the respective languages rather than English as it’s aimed at people who speak those languages.
No. 674461
>>674437>expect literally everyone in the world to speak PortugeseThat's not it, it's more that they can't
understand that people can't understand portuguese. They also mainly keep to their own portuguese-speaking internet (I know, hard to believe, but what you see is just a small percentage of all BRs) and tend to only venture outside of it when linked from there, so they kind of expect to still be in the PT-speaking part of the internet with other BRs. They're stupid and lost, basically.
No. 674467
>>674461NTA but I understand that they might be clicking links to websites not in Portuguese but suggesting they don’t understand that others don’t speak Portuguese is pretty wild.
Even really ignorant Anglophones concede that not everyone speaks English, and that’s a much more widely spoken language.
No. 674483
>>674480this is stupid questions, not "absolutely retarded questions that you already know the answer to"
Anyways, no. That's not normal, what did you expect us to say?
No. 674506
>>674499Doesn’t mean we should excuse and accept their retardation imo. What a shitty thing to say. I bet that girlfriend is thinking about it.
>>674489Not gon lie, that bf sounds like he negs her constantly and is the kind of guy who gets jealous if the gf goes to hang out without him, even with female friends.
If you’re non-confrontational, just get in her DM and say you want to touch base. How you thought he was being kind of rude to her and how he lowkey flirted. I’m sure she’d appreciate you checking up on her. If not, you’ll know for sure you don’t want to chill with them again.
No. 674507
>>674467>>674437I think it's simply because learning english is still a priviledge for those who go to a good school, can pay expensive courses or have time to be self taught and the average huehue doesn't have that.
They're not dumb and know not everyone speaks portuguese, but a lot of the content online is in english thus they end up there and the only choice they have is to speak the language they know and hope there's another brazillian or portuguese person around.
No. 674517
>>674506 >Doesn’t mean we should excuse and accept their retardationNo and I wasn't saying that, the only thing is if you directly call him out you likely will upset the gf and become the the bad guy. That's why in those situations I usually say "I'm just not a touchy person in general" I generalise so their bf can't get butthurt or say I'm accusing him of anything.
It's a tough situation because the gf is likely to view him through rose tinted glasses so will resent you telling her otherwise, ime
No. 674527
>>674517I agree with this 110% and I cannot STRESS how much I wouldn't confront the girlfriend with absolutely anything. Just dip out and that's it.
I was in a situation a couple years ago where a guy I knew (sort of had a history with but nothing serious) went to a festival at the same time I was there. He had a long term serious girlfriend at the time and he tried to hook up with me while we were there and she was back home. I of course turned him down, and when I returned home I went through the trouble of messaging her, getting her number, and calling her to tell her what he tried to do just so she knew. Of course she viewed him with rose tinted glasses and didn't dump him or anything, she kinda resented me after that. He ended up cheating on her for real with someone else not long after and they broke up.
Moral of the story is just don't intervene in people's relationships for fucking anything.
No. 674539
>>674522There is no home remedy that can substitute the cream or medicated disks unfortunately
They usually happen because you're not getting enough sleep, stressed or run down so try to take care of yourself
No. 674547
File: 1605460503400.jpg (63.52 KB, 564x1003, futch-esque.jpg)

lesbian anons, please educate me. Would you guys call pic related a futch or something else?
No. 674564
File: 1605462283375.jpg (128.31 KB, 612x612, 5oHIDQJ.jpg)

>>674505Naw she used to be a normal looking girl
No. 674621
>>674615>this whole futch/soft butch etc categorization seems really newthis post claims otherwise know
>tumblrbut that's the only post I found that provided evidence all together
No. 674641
>>674637ime, you stay over at their place alot (or they stay at yours) and you eventually realise you're paying stupidly high seperate rent for a place that you never sleep at anymore so it makes sense to just drop one of your places.
>does the guy just end up asking youWhy would it be the guys decision? Its 50/50, you both discuss it
No. 674648
>>674637>does the guy just end up asking you one dayThat sounds very old-fashioned but I guess that still happens, I'd hate to wait around for someone to ask me.
Imo it usually happens when a couple is spending so much time together that they may as well live in the same place, or when they are in a serious relationship but don't see each other enough because of work or LDR so they do it so they can at least see each other when they come home. Also common is when one of them is looking for a place anyway and the other half just says "why don't you just move in with me?", which can work out but is also why so many broke people end up trapped living with bad partners.
Imo people should live with friends before they live with a partner so they learn what's normal
No. 674654
>>674637I've been in two long term serious relationships and the first one we lived together for years. We were already dating for a couple of years and then we both were complaining about living under our parents and discussed renting a place together since we both had a wage.
Second relationship it was discussed but our situations never lined up. We worked miles away from the other and the commute time would never have worked. He never wanted to compromise on location or picking a midpoint between the two so it pretty much let me know convenience was more important to him than the person.
No. 674689
File: 1605471776679.jpg (49.87 KB, 500x700, 2e1a98c81adf900d3cd4c3111f95bb…)

>>674673>the fleshy part that makes them stick out from the face, and the coloured part which covers the fleshLike pic?
Tbh I think you should provide a photo cause it's hard to visualize what your issue is. But if your problem is what I'm imagining, then those staining lip balms and lipsticks might help. You can just get one to match the color of your real lips. Makeup tattooing might be an option if your willing to do that.
No. 674694
>>674689>>674692Exactly like the pic! Thanks anon, I was finding nothing on google. Makeup tattooing is a good idea.
>>674690Yeah it’s not a big deal but I find it looks weird on me now I’ve noticed it, probably wouldn’t even register it on anyone else
No. 674756
>>674721Not everything you do has to be feminist. Wearing make-up never will be because it does not help women achieve liberation. By wearing make-up you still send a message to your fellow women that makeup is a necessity and you are still conforming to patriarchal beauty standards.
Wear make-up if you like, but don't try to twist it into a feminist (-friendly) decision. That's peak libfem choice bullshit.
No. 674845
File: 1605486153535.jpeg (27.43 KB, 400x400, 82A72432-E783-4FED-9CD0-115E84…)

Does anyone remember what this girls name was? She had a thread either here or on PULL
No. 674848
>>674829I say this sincerely with love and care, try to identify what makes you uncomfortable with each respective kind of company and work on it. Don't like people because they're shallow? Judgemental? You fear rejection? Give them a chance to prove you wrong, you have nothing to lose.
Easier said than done, I'm in the process of trying to do this and it's uncomfortable but people can and will surprise you. Same with your own company.
It's either that, or an hero.
No. 674871
>>674853Losing weight that rapidly always seems to make people's faces look like a deflated bike tyre.
Why not do it slower?
No. 675004
File: 1605504573035.png (6.83 MB, 2436x1125, 97484B2D-B9B7-41C5-9552-EBEB74…)

Are sparkly dresses out of season after January 1?
I want to wear a modern take on this for my sister’s quinceñera which is on the 16.
No. 675037
>>675029Idk lol she just snags whatever I've left hanging out, plus I like sitting sort of reclined with my knees up, or even worse laying on my stomach. I guess I could just always have a modesty pillow handy, but even then she really is maniacal in her pursuit, trying to get right in there like one of those gross
sniff memes
No. 675038
File: 1605508775171.jpg (12.58 KB, 480x455, 1605360738917.jpg)

>>675031If he wanted to he would. Repeat after me IF HE WANTED TO HE WOULD.
No. 675114
>>675109i lurked there earlier this year.
>tumblrites whining about their upper-middle class sorrows, like kin drama, transphobia, and e-dating.still the same. we could have an entire thread to laugh at them
No. 675125
>>675109That just sounds like the vent thread here tbh how would that even be milky
>>675122Wait nevermind that does sound bad
No. 675132
>>675122This. A lot of users had other really specific posting and interaction rules. Like some insisted you had to "ILY" all their posts. Others would skin you alive for the same interaction.
Don't even get me started on the attention whoring and e-begging.
No. 675143
>>675124it's like walking into a damn virtual mental asylum, what the hell. why would anyone like to round up mentally ill people in one place
t.tried joining a support group for ptsd on fb and it was full of "twitter and videogames gave me ptsd" and "dad took away my iphone and it gave me ptsd" types who screamed at anything and everyone with more serious issues
No. 675147
>>675143>"dad took away my iphone and it gave me ptsd"oh god I know what you mean but sadly I still have issues from seeing my mom take and look in my sibling's phone. I was so scared she would take mine and discover un-christian stuff (or whatever she deemed satanic then get me prayed over). I take a lot of measures to protect my secrets still. Fuck ok blogging but damn i feel called out, i'm sorry
I still didn't use vent like my sibling did kek, who fits your criteria to a T. I don't know if we are really "
valid" or just babies. Stupid question for another day
No. 675152
>>675109Not that app but I follwed an bunch of accounts on instagram lately where people post pics of my fave singer/crush. Quickly figured out I'm way too old to be following them and reading about their tiny fucking problems.
I've never had to read about so much mild depression, painful boredom, parents being 'narcs' or my fave lines
> I need a mental health break guys so I won't be posting for two days > I got a hate comment, there's sooo much hate in this community, I'm about ready to leave, I might delete my account, just like I threatened to do last week too No. 675179
>>675173same anon for the last time. sorry I need to correct: I didn't mean a ptsd group is stupid, I was lumping the twitter peoples posting in with vent.
>>675166 I am also sorry about your ptsd anon, I had help for mine with emdr (OT but worth looking into?) but some of it stays with you. I hope you are doing better now than then at least
No. 675241
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I asked sanic and he said maybe. I can't ask my friends because they're normies. So I am asking strangers on the internet, should I shave the sides of my head? My hair looks like this.
No. 675267
>>675248Thanks you flatter me
>>675254Alright I will listen to you, but I think mullets are cool
No. 675330
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Girls this is so stupid but please listen. There is this girl in my class who I find drop dead gorgeous and I can’t stop staring at her. It’s not even the cute oh I find myself unconsciously drawn to her stare, it’s a full on creepy stalker joe from you vibe. In fact I stare at her so much that I’m doubting whether I am actually straight. I don’t know, I don’t want to skinwalk her, I don’t want to have sex with her, heck I don’t even want to be friends with her, I just want to stare at her beautiful face all day, everyday. Is it a normal heterosexual behavior? or am I gay as fuck but just in denial? Even more confusing thing is while I find her out of this world beautiful, none of my friends think she is anything special and is very much annoyed by me sperging about her constantly. Please help
In before underage, I was just raised very very sheltered okay
No. 675347
>>675330As a straight women, it is normal to find acknowledge how beautiful other women are. I admire other ladies looks all day everyday. What is not "normal straight behavior" is obsessing over her. You're infatuated. You might not want to sex with her
at least not yet cough but that doesn't mean you for sure don't have a crush on her.
I can't tell you what your sexuality is, but imo there's a good chance you're bi or gay.
No. 675383
>>675334>>675341>>675347Ily anons. Maybe I’m not straight after all.
I hope next time I crush on someone who doesn’t have a boyfriend and you know interested in women
No. 675401
>>675396Anon wtf are you doing other than staring at her? Sure that's kinda creepy, but it's not predatory. Literally most people have a sexual attraction to people they have crushes on.
>girl crushIs it a girl-crush if you're not straight?
No. 675409
>>675406When you want to have sex with someone.
No. 675451
>>675435>it sounds to me like you're not naturally socializedThat is true, I've never had any close friendships with people, I do okay in groups but it's much harder in one-on-one conversations. It's okay if I'm talking to someone in a casual way with no intention of closeness, I ask them about themselves and from then on we can talk about anything that clicks with me too while the focus is mostly on them. But I imagine, in close friendships people talk about their problems and feelings? I have never done that with anyone because I've never gotten intimate enough but I would like to. I just have a dumbass need to be listened to. This shit hard to navigate
>>675442I can do that fairly well but it hasn't ever developed into a good friendship where the other person hits you up just because they want to talk to you and not because they need some help.
No. 675510
>>669757i think starting with shorter books (150 to 200 pg) was what helped me a lot. i used to get overwhelmed by hugeee ass novels that seemed like to much effort to read. with novellas and shorter books i found it more enjoyable.
i also got back into reading because i was having issues sleeping at night and reading helped me get calm and cozy before bed time.
just gotta figure out what works for you
No. 675545
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The fuck was this?
No. 675604
>>675601I knew I used it wrong lol. I know vpns change every once in a while and all that.
Basically I don't bother to change my vpn to post embarrassing stuff
No. 675611
>>675604Y-you mean IP address,
No. 675751
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why do i like lighting candles so much?
never thought i'd be one of those basic hoes who likes candles. im only having one or two until theyre out, that's my rule, but still. even sniffing them when theyre unlit makes me feel happ
No. 675752
>>675718I just kind of use this place to scratch my social itch.
If you go to college/university, you could start there. Another anon mentioned interest-specific forums.
No. 675825
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How the hell do you learn how to stay focused on one thing? With art in particular. I'm constantly picking up new things, one week I want to draw semi realistic pretty girls, the next I want to have a dynamic cartoonish style, next week I want to do whimsical pixelart, next I want to learn how to create comics. And in the end I never get better because I can't stay focused.
No. 675978
>>671759coming late to this but i read that it is because cats are associated with the feminine, so many men who grow up to assault women start with cats first.
i think cats are more common in terms of the sadism-for-sadism's-sake type of animal abuse, but dogs are more commonly abused because of widespread things like dog-fighting. they'll use puppies and weaker dogs as "bait dogs". that's a real problem in the UK, at least where i am.
No. 676101
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how to make getting, staying out of bed less of a struggle? even as my depression gets better this is so hard
No. 676113
>>676101If you tend to do things other than sleeping in your bed (like being on your phone), ban that. Ideally your bedroom should only be for sleeping if your living situation allows that.
Try to keep to a routine, add fun things in to motivate you like drinking a nice coffee or doing something you enjoy for a few minutes.
No. 676130
>>676119if you have issues with oversleeping and chronic fatigue, practicing good sleep hygiene (as anon above said - no TV, phone, eating in bed. reserve it for sleep and try not to sit or lay there too much outside of that so you begin to subconsciously associate it with sleep. try to keep clothes and clutter off of your bed if you can, too). if you do have fatigue, a lot of that can be caused by certain deficiencies (anemia, vitamin D, etc) which can be tested for and treated through diet changes (more foods with those nutrients) or supplements. this isn't always the case, but frequently enough that it might be worth looking into
in terms of getting and staying out of bed, setting a loud alarm and leaving it somewhere out of reach can really help. there are apps where your alarm will go off and you have to get out of bed and take a photo or do a puzzle before it will turn off. i used one where i set it so that i had to take a picture of my bathroom to shut it off. this ensured that i'd get my exhausted ass out of bed, go to the bathroom to end the alarm, and then while i was in there it was really easy to wash my face and brush my teeth which helped me feel more awake, too.
if that's too much work for you, leaving it on a dresser or in your closet can help. get out of bed when it goes off, turn on the lights or open the curtains, turn it off and do some stretches or move around a little. getting your body moving really helps to wake up, but it doesn't have to be a set routine or tons of effort. just whatever gets you going in the mornings
you can prep some iced coffee or lattes or tea in jars in the fridge on weekends, or a big batch of oatmeal or whatever. if you have an automatic coffee maker, you can put the coffee and water in the filter and tank the night before so you only have to press the button in the morning. then you've got something to help wake you up and get some food down with minimal effort after you've gotten out of bed and woken up for the day
it might sound like a lot on paper, but they're just a few suggestions if you're having a hard time finding what works best for you. you don't have to try them all, or any of them. good luck!
No. 676143
>>676130thank you anon this is so so kind and helpful, many good points to try. I think I know an app called alarmy my friend used that I better get, it has those features you mentioned. If anyone else has this issue let's both try the app.
You're right about sleep, worst but most crucial part is maintaining a routine. It's hard because I hate having to go to bed at the same time that is relatively early for me (and others), like sometimes you want to stay up or do something in the moment. But it takes discipline then I can do those things the next day maybe. I feel so awake at the evening and night, when it gets dark, that's when I want to do things. Partly because with everything winding down it feels more "free" to do what I want. Ugh but anyway I am going to implement what you said, and the other anon's advice. No mercy for myself lol (in terms of sticking to it, but I will drink some hot cocoa) otherwise I know I'll lapse.
I really am tired 24/7 but lifestyle is probably part, I'll get those levels checked again as it has been a while and I did have deficiencies. Thank you so much for these thoughts and glad you seem to have had success with it yourself
No. 676153
>>676137Honestly, my best pieces are from thrift stores or vintage shops, mostly because they've already stood the test of time. I have great quality jeans, skirts, linen pants, sweaters, blouses, things like that with older/vintage tags. The newer/trendy stuff is usually already tattered by the time it's at Goodwill kek, but it's a fun way to get trendy things too.
But! If you don't have time for that, which is understandable, my sweaters from American Eagle have held up well, they have comfy, pretty decent jeans, I love the cross-front chill leggings they have rn (most flattering thing ever). Madewell has cute, well made stuff, but it be spendy. Hope this helps, good luck!
No. 676232
>>676225Does she like to cook? (i'm assuming she does since she's minimalist). Maybe an air fryer, a juicer or spiral vegetable peeler.
I'm vegetarian and those are just things on my wish-list lol. Convertible backpack tote, a essential oil diffuser, a houseplant or succulent.
No. 676243
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>>676225Does she have a tofu press? Getting one of these totally changed my vegan cooking game.
No. 676499
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is dyscalculia a meme or is it a thing
i've struggled with anything math related since middleschool and i've tried pretty much everything and i'm still bad at basic calculations. my old tutors must have thought i was legitimately retarded
t. passed every subject with flying colors except math (physics and chemistry sometimes too) since middle school and in and out of college
No. 676504
>>676499Why would it be a meme? I have your issue as well. I have to spend hours on math equations sometimes. I always end up having to repeat the problem out on paper multiple times. One of my common concerns from teachers was how I constantly would put very different numbers in my solution than the original problem.
Ex: equation would be 7(5x+8) + 6x+9
I'd write the 8 of as a 7 and repeat the 6x twice, so I adjusted to constantly having to repeat my equations. I was granted extra time in HS and MS. But no one understood how I was so good with other subjects but tripped up on math. It's kinda fucked up but I ended up having to teach myself how to read numbers and repeat my equations over and over because I did not understand something was wrong. I thought it was just the gay people dont do math meme lol
No. 676521
>>676519Might be gross but I don’t. Depends where you’re wearing it, how long etc. I wear mine for 30 minutes max a day. They’re mostly to protect others, not yourself, so unless you’re really bothered by your own spit or make up I wouldn’t bother. Exception would be if I was ill, partially for the germs and partially because it would be covered in snot.
If your skin is bad then probably best to wash your mask everyday.
No. 676529
>>676519Not always, but I have lots of masks that I cycle through. Like
>>676521 I don't usually wear mine all day, so those I'll reuse for an extra day or two. If I do wear one all day, then it goes into dirty laundry. But I also might change them up daily depending on the colors I'm wearing kek it just depends.
No. 676553
>>676519No. I know it's bad cause all the corona is just sitting on top of the mask (and I keep it in a case of markers and shit so it's on there too), but it's one of those blue disposable ones, so I'm kinda scared if I wash it it'll fall apart. I don't go outside that much anyway.
Thank you for reminding me to get off my ass and buy a cloth reusable mask.
No. 676577
>>676569That's exactly why she doesn't like it actually. But the thing is, he
is Christian, so maybe that would work for him. She's staunchly atheist, though, and I guess wouldn't want his sobriety so heavily influenced in that way? Idk. I feel really awful for her, she's my best friend and very blinded by how in love she is with this guy.
:( No. 676583
>>676577Yes, AA is Christian-based which may be an incentive for him, but it’s still helpful to non-Christians. It’s also traditionally centred on men but I have girl friends who really recommend it.
If she loves him so much, why doesn’t she accept his faith and use it as a tool to help him? I get that it can be annoying dating someone with different beliefs but wouldn’t she rather put up with his god-bothering than see him suffer and potentially lose the relationship?
If she insists on staying, she might as well make a decent effort to help.
No. 676584
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Does anyone know what brand these shoes are or what keywords I could search with? I've tried "y2k platform shoes" and stuff like that but I'm too stupid
No. 676598
>>676583I agree that it's helpful to non-Christians, they use "higher power" instead of God specifically if I recall correctly. I went to a meeting with my best friend in college who was struggling with alcoholism herself, and it helped her.
I agree with this, but she is very, very stubborn. I'll float this idea to her again since. Ya know, recent events have transpired, and he hasn't tried AA yet. To be fair, though, she has put SO much effort into helping him and being supportive, etc. It's not like she's said he's not allowed to do AA, she's just expressed it's not her favorite method/something she thinks works, and I guess he used that as an excuse not to go–after all, it's still on him to decide to go. Thanks for the reply and replies overall, anons.
No. 676675
>>676660i wish that were the case. i'd love to have white hair
>>676662most people are not that loud but it depends on the person
No. 676684
>>676662Some positions make me moan more but it's never porn tier, the stuff you hear and see in porn is mostly completely exaggerated, I especially hate when porn stars moan when not being penetrated, what's there to moan about when giving a boob job? kek
It's why I avoid porn in general, but even if I were to watch something it wouldn't be straight porn
No. 676693
>>676684 >what's there to moan about when giving a boob job? kekThat always cracks me up
I hear women in porn being real vocal while getting eaten out (those two licks that they tend to get) and when I was younger it made me feel bad that I go silent when I'm enjoying oral, only making a sound when I actually finish
No. 676876
>>676871>>676872I made sure it is genuine, amazon made me change passwords and I removed my saved debit card from my account to be safe, seeing as it's now happened twice in a couple weeks. Never had them that close together before. If I could delete the account in a few clicks I would've but I know amazon makes you jump through hoops to get accounts removed
Wondering if it's an ongoing issue of amazon being targetted in general. I don't give out my email too often
No. 676971
>>676567>>676569I used to go to an atheist AA meeting. We didn't talk about higher powers or say the serenity prayer or anything. AA and NA have websites with all current local meetings listed and you can search for the atheist or agnostic specific meetings.
But it's not going to help if she doesn't get sober for herself. That's why after rehab, all my friends from there went back to using (except one). I even relapsed a few times and I got sober for myself. Addiction is complicated and in my personal experience interventions don't help.
>>676917Hallucinations can be caused by different mental illness, malnutrition, lack of sleep. I'd make an appointment with a psychiatrist and a doctor for blood work. I have auditory hallucinations frequently when I'm off meds, but I have bipolar disorder.
No. 677174
>>677167He's an aged terriblely 90's heartthrob now follows Belle Delphine on instagram. If u find him don't tell anyone but it shouldn't be too hard to find him.
>>677170I just graduated highschool a couple months ago and applying to colleges rn. I've been meaning to join a gym and clubs. I think I might wait till post-secondary to start dating.
No. 677242
>>677219To add to what other anons said, the test is only 70% accurate so you might actually have it. In hospital settings (at least in my country) tests are conducted 3 times as one is unreliable. Obviously with the general public who have mild cases it’s not as necessary to be certain, though here you need to isolate if you’re ill even when tested negative (I’m surprised your country does not have this rule). Sorry to sperg but it does shock me how some places are handling this.
Also it’s possible the restaurant will ask you to leave despite the result, because they don’t want to be associated with that shit.
No. 677250
>>677245Thanks, that's what I thought.
>>677249English second language.
No. 677426
>>677401If he doesn't feel dysphoric around his penis, why does he feel the need to cut it off? Like, according to their logic, having a vagina is not what makes a woman, so. Idk, tell him that his experience being trans is
valid as is and that he doesn't have to conform or feel pressured to experience his transness in the same way that others do. That there are lots of risks, complications, and expenses that come with surgery, and like
>>677413 said, there's no need to be in a hurry for it. If he's a woman for life, then he always will be, and the option to have surgery will be there later if he still feels that strongly. God. Good luck anon, that sucks. My troon friend peaked and detransed, may yours do the same soon.
No. 677460
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Is it going to university in europe for a shit degree just to get a 4+ years visa viable?
I already have a decent degree that I finished pretty quickly but I can't stand my country's culture and politics anymore, I just want to pack my shit and live somewhere else, so my plan was getting into an university for something I absolutely love but its not very profitable and enjoy pursuing it while also working on my computer shit that actually pays well.
No. 677509
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What are some brands aside from innocent world and grimoire that make these sorta sights and socks?
No. 677513
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>>677509TejaJamilla has extremely cute stuff. I bought a pair and was satisfied. There are plenty of styles and patterns. No. 677555
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If I make a bunch of collages for a zine for a class, am I expected to source every single image used in each collage in the bibliography?
No. 677556
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What the fuck is someone doing for their whatsapp pfp to constantly disappear/re-appear? Is this person removing and re-adding my contact info in his phone?
It's some scrotes' picture. I don't even wanna fuck this guy again with his pathetic downward bent dick. If i tell u im done fucking around get the hint already you stupid bitch
No. 677620
>>677564Basically echoing
>>677608 but wanted to add that the offshoot site for gossiping about YouTube mommies (ytmd, a guilty pleasure) is still working perfectly fine, none of the tech issues that GG has and no requirement to make an account. Not sure why this is?
No. 677648
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Can a bitch get a tutorial on how to rip kindle books for sharing?
No. 677697
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>>676270so turns out i most likely have Chagas disease bc of my great-grandma, RIP me
No. 677746
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By all means tell me if I’m being dumb, but this video came up on my explore page and I find this kind of thing horrifying—playing with a patients face while they’re under anesthesia for instagram? I feel like surgeons are becoming more and more unprofessional and this sort of thing just blows my mind. Literally just tugging that back and forth to make her smile multiple times while she’s completely out. No. 677757
>>677746I think that's actually kinda normal in medical circles? Doctors record surgery to show future patients what they will go through, assess their perfomance, for medical students to get a feel of the procdure etc.
Its kind of a new thing on instagram but youtube has had stuff like this since the dawn of the platform.
No. 677873
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Is this classic lolcow's?
No. 677904
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Is music euphoria an autism thing or is it normal?
No. 677907
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Anons please help me decide. I want this pillow from liz lisa. I stopped wearing himekaji a while ago but I feel like I can’t pass on this cute pillow. My problem is that shipping is like 30€… and ultimatly I’d like to get two for my daybed. Pro is i can have it as Christmas present from my boyfriend…
No. 677936
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>>677904Normal but it goes into crazy territory if you start obsessing over audio equipment
No. 677955
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>>677945Japanese graph of hobbies
No. 678387
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Is training while doing other stuff even possible? Is it effective? Like pic related, just lifting while reading something and such, I tend to get distracted even while working out so looking at characters do random stuff while working out sometimes makes wonder if that’s even possible and useful.
No. 678406
>>678351No, it's not. I don't study chemistry, but I had carbon monoxide poisoning when my fireplace wasn't installed properly. After about an hour in the house I felt like I had the flu and kinda like I was on the waltzers at the fair while having the shit kicked out of my body. I thought I was having a heart attack and faceplanted in A&E because I was twitchy and dizzy, then I threw up on myself. Sorry for the blogpost but absolutely do not recommend putting yourself through that. Honestly you feel like a hungover chimp that's just done ten rounds in a boxing ring. Even if you manage not to puke from the spinning, your stomach feels like it's fallen out of your body and your heart feels like it's mad at you.
Why do you wanna die, anon? We all peace out eventually anyway, might as well live your life as best you can while you've got it. We're gonna spend centuries dead, but only get a few decades alive if we're lucky. Isn't there something else that can help you?
No. 678454
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Is instagram truly dead? I just opened one for my art
No. 678498
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>>678351>>678454Stay with us dammit
No. 678510
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>>678499Some insufferably arrogant megane-kun in a suit but you know he's a subby little slut that'll grovel for you if you bully him
No. 678556
>>678552I was homeless at one stage and didn't tell my dad. He's not
abusive but he's always been very clear that he doesn't think adults belong living with parents. At the same time he says he's there if there's ever an emergency. It's too uncomfortable though, to me it's too linked to feeling like a woman-child
No. 678570
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>>678568I think even if you wear a corset your body will just revert back once you take it off, unless you're like this german woman who wore a corset literally all day every day. It's seriously not worth it, I also have a big ribcage but why would you literally wreck your body and suffer just to have a trait some other people have?
No. 678572
>>678568This is not what you want to hear but it’s better to work on your head than your ribs because you’ll likely never be happy. I’m guessing your already thin as you’re thinking about this, so you don’t have the option of weight loss without going ana-chan.
If you’re insistent on it, you need to be aware that effects will be very gradual and there are limits. Do a lot of research. You need to get a custom-made corset, a generic one either won’t work well or might fuck you up. Personally I think this isn’t a good idea if you’re already concerned about body dysmorphia, but if your heart is set on it then at least do it as safely as possible and be realistic about your expectations.
No. 678612
>>678584save yourself the trouble and dont give her shit, she sounds like a handful and christmas is exploitative either way. run from your
toxic sister anon
No. 678614
>>678570I wear corsets and tbh I think the soft tissue is what's actually affected, not the bones, and so it's only semi-permanent. Your shape goes back to what it was after a while if you stop.
Woman in the pic is Michele Koebke, she quit tightlacing and is back at her original measurements, and she married a plane.
No. 678685
No. 678696
>>678612>>678613>>678615She's not
toxic or anything, it's just that our personalities are completely different and don't match, we don't even live together anymore, and I don't like her boyfriend because he is a boring normie but otherwise he is perfectly harmless. It's only 30€ from a shared gift, I tend to forget to remind people to give me money back, so maybe it's on me, but she's made zero effort to refund me either. I mostly want to get them something because my mom is probably going to pester me and accuse me of making zero effort. I'll probably get a cake mold or something simple like that.
No. 678889
>>678878Probably not. Hate to be the voice of nihilism here, but I'm pretty sure we're just screwed.
I wonder if it would improve things to require a 5 year period spent in the most misogynistic locations outside of the West and spend time living as women there first.
No. 678909
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Why dont these decrepit politicians just retire? They all have had enough money for the last half century to just retire and spend the rest of their lives relaxing on beaches getting handjobs and eating steak and being nasty and lazy but instead they want to flail about at press conferences and keep their cryptkeeper ass faces in the media. Its not a democrat/republican thing either, its both sides. I get that its all about power but isn't chilling out forever a lot more fun than being in political scandal after political scandal as a geriatric?