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No. 654901
Let it out anon
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>>>/ot/648656 No. 654928
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Growing up my best friend was Chinese and I definitely had her and her moms standard strongarmed onto me from the age of 13, instead of being whiny and emo about it I’m grateful because although her mom was harsh I did end up losing my puberty huskiness by 14 and It gave me really thick skin. I used to be really sensitive and at first I coped very unhealthily with all the extra scrutiny but it’s turned me into a really tough adult and I’m glad for that. Only remembering this because I recently started au pairing for a Chinese family to pay for my school and the wife was talking about how I have elephant legs. That probably would’ve hurt my feelings if I weren’t already exposed to the ridiculously severe Chinese beauty standard—my legs are just muscular lol. Give me the strength to put up with her making me feel fei po to the next four months.
No. 654937
>>654910Couldn't you hide it? So they have to know by insurance or something you're still taking it? Do you have a prescriptions in advance and stash them to take them secretly? Talk to your provider about this issue and the pressure hindering your progresses, maybe they'll be able to offer some sound advice.
If not, maybe just hide it and make them believe you stopped after their request got though to you. That way, you'll be taking them while you need it and stopping on your own term (and with a healthy taper off, It's awful to quit benzo cold turkey)
No. 654955
>>654940Asians in general aren't very PC about things. My Bengali coworker told me I got fat the other day. He wasn't even saying it in a mean way, I just turned on my webcam (which does make me look unnaturally wide) and he just went oh! Anon, you got fat!
I hope I'm not fat though.
No. 654964
>>654955I feel like tumblr pc culture tries to ree about body shaming too much, if you’re too much of a baby to handle someone pointing out a change in your weight you probably need to be psychologically stronger anyways. Good on you for not getting offended.
>>654960Yeah I know when you’re young esp a young girl it can really fuck with your head, when you aren’t aware of how socially commonplace that is and can even just be a form of playful teasing it definitely feels more mean spirited than it’s meant to be. Obviously it can still be very
ToXiC too or whatever but that goes without saying.
No. 654985
>>654937It's not insurances fault, since i aways just go from work to home everyday and they are a bit controlling, they notice the commotion if i either go to a psych or if i go out of my way to buy them at the shady drugstore that sells it without prescriptions. I
So i hide the pills, but they know when i start them. Also my mom sometimes snoops around my stuff.
I don't even need to stack them tbh, they expire before i can get through 1 box.
No. 655038
>>654901A good friend of mine is in a
toxic relationship that she even acknowledges it won't last long term but stays together? I honestly don't get it, she has anxiety problems now and is emotional, and she recently told me about how she has beaten her bf twice in the past couple of months. Like left him badly bruised, beat the hell outta him. She says he doesn't hit her except once he kicked her to get her off him when she was attacking him. I don't know what to make of the situation other than to stand back and watch.
Its becoming a train wreck and neither of them seem willing to end it? Its so fucking crazy how they act to each other. How she acts now towards everyone else. That she smoked crack a few months back because he stresses her out that bad? Like wtf girl. I thought she had a pretty solid head on her shoulders but this year she is just running head first into a dumpster fire. Sad to see
No. 655052
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sad vent rather than angry: tfw you desperately want a boyfriend but are paranoid as shit about men
i wish i could just date women without having to worry about judgement bc it’s a real possibility that even the nicest man i come across could actually be a pedo or cheater or whatever
also im sick to death of ldr shit i just want to be held
No. 655110
>>655109moids heard about drugging and their minds immediately went to rape because they're just that depraved and love projecting said depravity on women
if anything, it actually kinda sounded like cardi drugged those men so they wouldn't rape her
No. 655162
>>655160Thanks anon. I haven't been responding, I'm years into having to bite my tongue while he talks about him to me. He's a loner with suspected autism so my dad seems to almost pity and baby him. I know from losing other relatives that once he's actually dead my dad will turn him into a saint and never shut up..
Still hoping he doesn't make it out of the hospital this time. I might just be vague and tell my dad I can't sympathise after the death. It's already incredible that my dad has never pieced together the obvious.
No. 655191
>>655175I mean sure but i feel like “bipolar” because they’re so different from each other but it’s really just me. One thing they both have in common is that i love feminin stuff like skirts snd dolls etc
Idk man
No. 655202
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Anybody else an expat and tired/stressed of it?
Friends back home are either hyping it up like I’m living this glorious adventure or jealous as fuck and sharing stuff like “You’re not an expat, you’re an immigrant”
But I’m paying so much fucking money and getting about nothing in return. Pay is average and I have ZERO advantages. I pay extra taxes and can’t even get basic healthcare. And now because of fucking COVID, my work hours got significantly cut off and I can’t get any government help for people affected (They love to brag about their extra income help but that only applies to residents)
And I can’t imagine going back “home” either because it’s still so badly affected by covid while here is not as bad and work could pick up again soon.
No. 655222
>>655219people who have a genuine interest in something aren't constantly flip-flopping between if they actually even like it or not.
>>655220um, yeah? i'm not wishy washy. i know what i like
No. 655225
>>655222Liking two things that are opposites or just different doesn't mean you don't really like them.
I can like both pepperoni and broccoli pizzas equally and then not know which one I want to order at Pizza Hut today.
No. 655238
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>>655232>>655225"teehee i cant decide between pink pastels or grunge and darkness"
No. 655243
>>655238Imagine being this conceited about pieces of fabric, are you 16?
Anon is obviously talking about the financial and practical aspect of liking two different styles, its very hard to own that many clothes, but you wouldn't understand that right zoomer-chan?
No. 655287
>>655101Do you happen to resent him for more than just his weight gain/eating your food? Not that those aren't completely
valid reasons to be upset alone, you just seem incredibly frustrated with your husband, and that's usually for more than one issue even if it seems centralized around one thing. Either way, can you hide/keep snacks to yourself instead of buying for the household? Technically they're supposed to be for you, but since he eats them when they're out, of course. That sucks, though. You can't even offer to work out with him because of your condition, not that you should have to baby him into being fit.
No. 655313
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>>655290Yep it me Abby.
Lmao how can you not love it spies in movies go undercover in different disguises? Playing dress up simply isn't a threat to my core identity like it clearly is for some. Damn you know what, my aesthetic is hitman-core.
No. 655436
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I wanna go back in time and snipe myself in the noggin.
I was so fucking "I'm superior" and I hate that shit.
No. 655536
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I tried so hard. I'm being treated like trash. My own friend is gaslighting me because things aren't going her way when I'm the victim. The fucking audacity. I'm questioning my own fucking sanity because I might be overreacting but my other friends say I'm not. Who do I believe? Certainly not myself. People are so fucked this world is absolutely fucked and I want to die
No. 655608
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I didn't get the scholarship I worked so hard for
That's life for you, but I am very bummed, although I am trying to not show it to my relatives and SO
No. 655633
I broke down crying today from stress because I have a friendly coworker at my new job kek.
Like I don't want to ruin the connection, because she's nice. But I can't be in the same room as her without her sitting next to me and talking, all the time! I told her I like my space and being alone to give her a hint, but she thinks she's the exception I guess?
It's like first thing at the station, she notices me so we walk to work with her talking to me. We get to work and I'm reading training manuals, or trying to while she's talking to me. I want to go to the toilet, she follows. I can't even SHIT. I have to run, RUN to get the opportunity to have lunch on my own. God forbid I go to the cafeteria or bathroom though, because she WILL notice and I'm roped in. I have a specific place I go to that no coworker knows because I know they'll hunt me down if they did. I say I'm leaving to do some undesirable thing and she just FOLLOWS me. She wants to go the same route home and I find myself hiding so much.
She's very nice and we do get on, but the friendship is new and very tiring. I don't want to burn this bridge which I'm sure would happen if I asked her to stop talking to me so early on, but also I might just snap if this keeps up. Like I already feel trapped at work because of my shit hours, there's no need to have the additional constraint of dodging this girl. Like it wouldn't feel so bad if she just chilled out A BIT, so I could maybe approach her instead of being chased.
It's a common problem for people to be persistent in befriending me, but in the workplace it just adds this layer of complexity because I can't (and I don't want to) ask them to just fuck off. I appreciate that I seem to be likeable at least.
No. 655635
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Can someone explain to me the surprise about RoosterTeeth employees always being shitty creeps? Like you really didn’t see these things coming? It is driving me mad. Please get some brain cells people
No. 655638
>>655287The weight gain is my main problem, and I honestly think it would fix a lot of things if he just stopped stuffing his face. It feels like he doesn’t care about me enough to stay in shape. I try to look my best and he doesn’t give a shit unless I ask him to.
I stopped initiating sex just to see how long it would take him to do it himself, and after a month I confronted him about it, saying I feel like he doesn’t seem to be attracted to me anymore. He said his lack of libido is because of his weight gain, and that his body has changed so much that it affects his confidence. I told him I love him no matter what, and that I’d help him get in shape. But the next day he’s already snacking again, and complained when I bought Coke Zero instead of regular Coke… I just feel like I’m at the point where I might snap and be really insulting to him.
No. 655639
>>655608oh no!! im so sorry, anon. that's such a shitty feeling. i hope there's more fortune for you in the future
>>655584true bliss and honestly the best existence. playing childhood games has done wonders for my stress this year.
No. 655706
>>655638Lmao it sounds depressing to agree with
>>655677 but I kinda do. Although I don't recommend insulting him but focusing on the "fear" side of things. A lot of people are like this, it's the whole enabling issue. If you tell someone you want them to improve but you don't actually enforce any "punishment" for them not doing so, then they'll just continue to do the same things they always have because it's easy and there's no pushback (even if it's ultimately unhealthy for them). It's just human nature. You thought the lack of sex would inspire change but because his self esteem is too low to desire it, that wasn't a significant enough consequence. The most you can do is try to find something he fears more than the potential failure of not being able to lose the weight. Unfortunately, that thing might be losing you. People say ultimatums are bad but when you've tried everything else they can be a saving grace. Either it makes him step up and you get the partner you deserve or he doesn't and you can move on to find someone better.
No. 655851
>>655315My take has always been that as an expat, my time here is limited. It can be a pathway to immigration and getting a permanent residency but most often than not, it’s a sneaky shiny carrot presented by the host country government that knows you won’t ever get it.
90% of expats nowadays will just go back home when their contract expire or they have no more other options or can’t marry a resident. We play by the book and are just temporary cash cows that pay into stuff like healthcare and retirement but are heavily taxed on it. I’m starting to consider pretending to live with a local friend and acting as a couple just to get a better visa but even that shit cost you $10k and lawyers fees.
Illegal immigrants definitely have it worse cause they’re often undocumented, but immigrants by the definition of it at least have the same rights and privilege as other residents.
>>655272Thank you anon, hang in there too. I think people just look at it from the outside and think it’s all fun and sunshine when I’m bleeding twice the money I would if I stayed in my own country, prob won’t contribute enough to retirement in any of them and just have to deal with some much more bullshit than residents. No wonder that after 2 or 3 years my other expatriated friends realise they made no fucking progress, their savings are non-existent and go back because of a burn out. I’d be tempted too if Europe wasn’t currently fucked up by covid.
No. 655855
>>655811If he hasn't already commited by that age it means he has some issues. Do women really believe that quality men are still free at 40?
>>655836It's true that 25 is technically an adult but the power dynamics at play between a 25 year old and a 40 year old carry more risk than those between peers, age gap relationships are at higher risk of abuse, and if we talk about marriage, the risk of divorce is also higher.
No. 655872
>>655852How did you know it was this specific situation? If it was, sure sucks.
I've been rejected but always assumed the men either had inflated egos so thought they deserved models or I just wasn't their type (as in they only like short or alt or outgoing women or smth).
No. 655886
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Not someone I know saying how I shouldn't call them "women's issues" or "women's clinic" when talking about myself, a woman. A while ago I would have just said shit like "you're so right!!" but now I told her ass to shut the fuck up, I am talking about myself and I happen to be a fucking woman, mu terminology shouldn't be your takeaway when someone is talking about their health. These people try so hard to come off as woke forgetting they are talking to real people they are supposedly friendly with.
No. 655904
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Something that I was planning for a long long time just didn't happen as expected and am so lost right now. I know it was immensely stupid and naive of me to bet everything on something not so reliable, but still.
I am now looking for a job again, but I am feeling so empty inside. But for now, if I get a real job it's gonna be good enough.
Dreams aren't real
No. 655969
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>>655921yeah imo ftms are usually a lot more calm. ive met great ftms. i feel terrible for them. but mtfs have always harassed me and they just make me so fucking uncomfortable. i swear being a lesbian is a fucking threat to them. theyre just as homophobic as those strict republican christian lgbt movie stereotype dads. they always fucking will be and i feel so threatened around them nowadays. when i was 13 i said not all white people are racist online and i got about 70 messages telling me to kill myself/get murdered, sent by a "black transwxmen" way before the sjw craze was in. im never fucking forgetting that shit. that day i learned to suck up to them and fear them. now im just like fuck off dilate kek
No. 655998
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There's a lot of dumbshit in the true crime "community", but the Chris Watts case is another level. He was the guy who killed his pregnant wife and 4 & 5 years old daughters so he could go be with his mistress. He dumped his daughters bodies in oil tanks where he worked.
Because they lived a middle class life, and she was into a MLM (so a shit load of public social media posts) the case attracts a bunch of fucking nuts. They will go to lengths to villianize the dead woman that is just insane. I avoid as much as possible to do with the case because god damn.
The comment attached, the user who wote it is STILL active a year later defending Chris Watts daily. They act like this man was a child with no control over his life and it just baffles me. He SMOTHERED HIS CHILDREN TO DEATH. The little girl had to see her Mother's dead body, see him murder her sister, and then beg for her life. I just can't fucking deal with the stupidity and hate. I gets so angry.
No. 656015
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>>655998People always forget that they lived beyond their means and were in substantial debt. Not only is it common for couples to have joint accounts with pooled money, but additionally it's not uncommon for the more responsible partner to assume control of the account when the other partner doesn't have a grasp on the budget or spending. Chris is an idiot, SW obviously was suspicious about what or who he was spending money on and she was right to be so. She's the one who managed that household, it's a miracle Chris could put on his own socks and drive himself to work. Seriously, watch the videos, it's like the guy is socially stunted.
You really gotta watch out for people who defend family annihilators, particularly male apologists. The reason why this guy is whiteknighting Chris so hard is because he feels he's been taken for a ride by a woman, and projects that onto this case with Chris so he can validate his murderous intentions and thoughts. After all, criminal behavior isn't all bad as long as it's justifiable in one's mind–or so this person would believe. Honestly the best litmus test you can administer to men is seeing in what ways they empathize with male killers. Violent men defend violent men.
No. 656018
>>655998LoL at the idea mothers who kill their own children are somehow given more sympathy simply by virtue of their gender. Being an abuse
victim is a non-issue unless somehow your children were the abusers?
That's what I don't get about these people. He had no excuses. He lied his fucking ass off. Iirc within hours of killing his entire family he was looking up vacation spots to take his mistress. Like this fucker actually thought he was going to get away with it.
The only way I can see him having any defenders would be the people who think SW did it. Which a lie fed to him by the FBI in the first place.. CW himself even admits he got it from them.
No. 656028
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>birthday today
>internet friends ive been talking to for 2+ years sent me a link to a google doc where they all wrote kind wishes and messages
I knew about it in advance and I still teared up reading it. I didn't think anyone noticed me isolating myself these several months but a couple of people said "I wish we could see you around more". It feels weird to be seen.
No. 656029
>>656015He paid for all the dates he went on with his mistress, but SW is the financially
abusive one according to his defenders lmao.
I agree though, this case is great for weeding out unhinged men
>>656018He called his kids school the morning after he murdered them and said they weren't coming back. What in the fuck. In my experience, a lot of lonely women find him attractive and project a fantasy on him. It's so creepy.
No. 656034
>>655998The Dr. Phil episode on this case, where he whored out the devastated family, made me puke, the details on how he disposed of his daughters bodies is the most inhuman thing I've ever heard in my life
I cannot emphasize that enough, "disposal," he fucking destroyed them
He doesn't deserve to be executed, he deserves whatever the worst torture is
No. 656039
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I wish my mother would realize that it's very hard for me to constantly get phone calls from her only for her to talk about what I need to improve on. I'm super excited to get a call from her only for her to start with "I just wanted to call and ask if you were still cooking healthy?" or asking me if I have exercised. At a certain point it's obsessive. I understand she wants the best for me but the best, for me, would have having her call and asking me any shows I've watched or the latest gossip in the news. But she only talks about myself, my weight, my health.
If something were to happen to her tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to cope because I feel like we don't have a good relationship at all right now. This doesn't feel like motherly love it feels like a coach or something.
I understand she is trying to care for me but…. damn, I just wanna have a mom I can laugh with and joke with. Every conversation with her is a lecture and I cry almost every time we hang up.
No. 656043
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Fatass mosquito landed on my computer screen, I swatted at it and it flew to my keyboard and I finally smashed it but because it was full of blood it spurt onto my keyboard and my anime computer mat. The girl is wearing white and I had to run quickly to get spot cleaner. This motherfucker made me work when I'm trying to just be a bum today. Probably sucked my blood too the asshole. I'm glad you're dead now and I killed you with my bare hands you little vermin.
No. 656044
>>656018I find that mothers who kill their children do, in general, deserve some more sympathy. That's because the vast majority of the time it's due to post partum depression/psychosis, mental illness and a lack of support from the father. The specific reasons are often actually altruistic (as in, they think they're saving/protecting the child from something). But as they grow older the number of mothers who kill their children drops DRASTICALLY.
Men, on the other hand, typically murder their families as a result of romantic jealousy and trying to regain control over a woman who planned to leave him, or financial struggles. They usually have a history of DV and substance abuse, and their murders are more impulsive.
No. 656046
>>656039have you asked her to not hover over you like that and try to speak to you as an adult and not just her child? its hard for some parents to see their children older and make the connection that they want to be treated like how youd do with any one else that age.
or shes just controlling idk
No. 656047
>>656046Oh yeah definitely. We had a big argument about it, I snapped on her and she ended up crying her eyes out. She said she'd never do it again, but here we are.
People have given advice like "cut her off" but I can't do that to the woman who raised me. I love her very much.
No. 656062
>>656047I love my mom but I fucking hate when she starts crying over the littlest fucking thing and starting with 'am I not a GOOD ENOUGH mom/well I had to do xyz you think I'm not tired/stressed/angry?' Literal
victim complex.
No. 656077
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"freedom of speech friendly" unless you say that you hate retarded libtards and get banned for it, even if it's your honest to god real opinion.
Tbh I'm not that suprised and I'm not angry at all. I posted something like "I'm a POC and hate retarded libtards" (both true, since I'm hispanic) and got flagged as bait, lol) Just got unbanned today and thought it would be funny to share. But yeah censorship sucks. I hate retarded libtards!!!
No. 656081
>>656077You can say what you want but if you say something that sounds like bait just to get people
triggered then yeah, you deserve it. A shitty dumbass opinion like that or me saying "I'm gonna kill all conservatives they're retarded" would get us both bans. Come up with better things to say, unless your vocab is limited, muchacha.
No. 656090
>>655998For some weird reason, being financially taken advantage of (or being an ATM according to them) is the worst possible thing that can ever happen to men.
You see so many men insist on prenups and vilify women who sacrificed their careers for their families and are in need of alimony.
It’s the ultimate aggression for them, to attack them at their finances. I’m not sure if it’s a result of some exaggerated American capitalist lifestyle where daycare cost more than you can make at your job, or a medical intervention can bankrupt you overnight, but it’s so weird that everything including murdering your own children, is totally justified by them because of money.
Sure Shannan was an idiot and squandering their money, at the very least it’s that tight knit community that she had that made her friend call the police not even a day after her murder. And she obviously googled the restaurant’s menu because Chris admitted he was making no attempt to hide the fact he had a mistress. He wouldn’t answer his phone, talk to his kids when they were away or touch his wife in weeks. Everybody would think that he was seeing someone else.
I agree that Chris is such a stunted deranged sociopath. I can’t believe in these days and age, men don’t know that if a women disappear the very first suspect is her partner. He couldn’t even keep a straight face when his neighbour showed his video of his truck and even the neighbour busted him within 2 minutes of seeing him.
I can’t believe this dude really thought that people would just think his wife bailed town suddenly, pregnant and with her 2 kids and not even contact her family like some kind of wanted druglord, or that his mistress would be tots ok with starting a new family with this sociopath. Yeah she did seem like a cunt, but I doubt she’d have been ok with his murdering ass, homegirl ain’t that stupid.
No. 656160
>>656156like actually separating yourself in a different category from others isnt helping your outlook. if you go into life reeeeeeeing normie (which is cringy as shit btw)
spoonies are always so gatekeepy about health. you have no idea what other people are feeling or dealing with or if they have experience dealing with it.
broke stressed out and depressed/unhealthy is unfortunately a common college feeling. be more proactive. actually ask someone if they would sit down and listen. a lot of problems can be worked thru if you learn to communicate effectively then youll find when you set up a conversation to be completely candid and serious people respond more to you. if you are expecting someone to respond to a call and response we are programmed for ready to listen to someone bitch for 30 minutes, youre gonna be seriously disappointed. if youre at uni, go see what mental health care there is.
>>656156 No. 656163
>>656086You don't seem to understand social cues. They're asking to be polite, not because they care. When someone asks you are, you're supposed to say you're fine or tell them about something small so as not to burden them with your personal baggage. You don't know what problems they have in their life or how their life has been so far, which is why people complain about small things to you.
They don't really give a shit about how hard you have it. If you're annoying to be around people won't like you and won't want to befriend you, and that's unfair but it's just how it is.
You can cry all you want about it but you can't make people care and you can't make people like you.
It's your job to manage yourself as an adult and work with what you've got, it's not their problem you can't. Casual acquaintances aren't obligated to be your pro bono mommy therapist you can cry to, that's why people pay a trained professional to treat you.
No. 656166
>>656160Sorry but I was the one listening to 30 mins of bitching. I was the disposable "friend" for their venting. I just got tired of years of that treatment and I just don't want to edgage with people anymore, especially now when my health deteriorates. It doesn't happen in one day, it's an effect of years of getting the same treatment.
>you have no idea what other people are feeling or dealing with or if they have experience dealing with itWell if they're able to go to work and/or school they're already better than me right now. Also, don't pretend like most people aren't self-absorbed oblivious npcs focused on consooming.
No. 656174
>>656166>You don't seem to understand social cues.I'm autistic but I understand that much
>They're asking to be polite, not because they care.I'm perfectly aware of this. I hate this forced courtesy, it's fake shit. Don't say something if you don't mean it. I won't fake something just because other people fake it. Do you really think it's ok? I'm supposed to LIE to make the person who asks me about something they don't even care about to make THEM feel good about themselves?
>If you're annoying to be around people won't like you and won't want to befriend youBut they loved to vent to me, some said I "inspire trust", but they usually couldn't return the favor. I just seemed like an easy vent machine to use because I was quiet and not assertive
No. 656212
>>656105anons here acted so retarded about that extra money. One girl here was saying she broke down at work crying when she found out the extra money people were getting
>>656136this is why no one in your life gives a shit about your problems you sperg.
No. 656222
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So much work. I'm sleep deprived, I feel dizzy. I want to vomit, but nothing's coming out so I still feel nauseous. More work is coming up tomorrow for sure. They keep piling and won't stop. I try to sleep but I can't. So many fucking words to write. My hand hurts. My stomach hurts. We have an exam on weekends. I haven't bathed yet. I want to die RRRRRRGGGHHHHHH
No. 656259
>>656222If you're unable to sleep right now you need to take a moment to look after yourself or you won't get anything worthwhile done, sleep starved brains write shit papers and can't retain studying. I know it's scary but you know I'm right.
This may be TMI and but these things are what helped me during my final year that I wish someone had told me sooner, maybe this wall of text can help you or any other anons
If your deadline is less that 8 hours away and you showered that day then pick out some clean clothes and set a timer for 15-30 minutes to shower and change, no pyjamas, and then use the timer again to make something real to eat. If you are trying to stay awake avoid carbohydrates or refined sugars. Stay hydrated.
Have a longer timer alarm ready on your phone for 60-120 mins or however long you would normally nap for, along with any other necessary alarms, so that when you do start to feel sleepy you can quickly start them off without having to think about it. It is good to test your alarms with a 1 minute timer to check they ring loud or long enough so you know you can trust them and to train your brain to recognize the alarm. If you start to fall asleep at your work at any time, get up and either take that nap or brush your teeth to stop your brain associating work with sleep, and also when you try to sleep but can't then get up and go do anything else instead of lying there. Sleep hygiene is no meme.
If you can disconnect your internet while you work or alternatively use a site blocker with a timer that will help you from wasting time on lolcow or other sites.
When you next have time look at speech to text apps to see if that can help with typing your drafts so you can rest your hands.
At the end of the day, if you fail at whatever task is in front of you then you won't actually die.
No. 656262
>>656252Have normies ever considered the fact that the world doesn't revolve around them and their basic bitch problems and it's not fair to vent to someone but never returning the favor? Sounds narcissistic
>>656254Sorry for venting in a vent thread
No. 656282
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In the last episode of lolcow
>my boyfriend is NLOS (not like other scrotes)
>lesbians are predatory creeps
>if you criticize the concept of femininity you're a NLOG aiden
>"I love dicks but I wouldn't have a problem with kissing a girl for teh lulz. Am I lesbian or bisexual?"
No. 656346
>>656337Sounds like a gate keeping asshole. He probably feels like he is not speshul anymore cause he though he is the only person in the world who knows about those things and seeing how he isnt makes him upset. He was being rude,
nonny, pay him no mind.
No. 656353
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>went on a date with a guy
>really hit it off
>he asks me if it’s the first time I’m going out on a date like this
>says it’s his first too
>things go super smooth the whole evening
>gets hit by a swing of the stupid and brings him home
>obvious sexy time ensues
>things seem to go super nice with each other on general
>a while later he dropped the bomb
>wasn’t actually his first time going out on a date and had actually dated others both before and during
>was even having something kinda serious with someone too at the same time
I feel so used and disgusting, I should have known better so you guys are free to call me an idiot.
Dude isn’t even hot or charismatic enough to have this much game
No. 656381
>>656366Kek ilu anon. Maybe I don't know about others but my Gen X cousins (there are 5) are a bunch of vapid social climbers. All of their "advice" to me and my siblings (we're millennials) consists of how to suck up to our boomer elders (whom they admire above all else) and how to stay in our lane. A few years ago my brother, while in college, shifted from microbiology, first to engineering, then a year later to his actual passion of computer science, and my Gen X cousins literally crowded around him and lectured him to go back to engineering and just grin and bear it just because there was more money there and it would bring more wealth to the family. Fast forward to now, my brother's doing great and even got a very high-paying job overseas in Berlin, and during family zoom conferences all our Gen X cousins ever want to ask him is to repeat this or that phrase in German and if he has a German girlfriend already.
Like fuck I'm not even a fan of generalizing anything about these imaginary sociological lines people just decided to draw between age groups but my cousins have really influenced me into being wary of anyone their age.
No. 656420
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anyone else have a stepdad? anyone else never get along with him?
I can't pinpoint when I decided I didn't like my mom's husband, but i've seemingly always disliked him since little. The worst part is idk why I didn't like him and now that I'm an adult feel guilty, but I still can't talk to him. I can't say I like him now, but I certainly appreciate what he's done for me and my immediate family.
I met him when I was ten after my dad had gone to prison(which I had always thought until that point was hospitalized bc they lied to me about his whereabouts), I think I just didn't like my mom being with a different man other than my dad. Even after I found out, I felt like if she wasn't going to be with my dad, then she shouldn't be with anyone else. He knew I didn't like him but rarely made an effort to bond with me, only my brothers. He has a daughter and instead of trying to make her get along with me, would pit us against eachother and say his daughter was better(not outright but implied). She's never liked me and I think it's understandable since it must be weird knowing your dad didn't raise you but did another woman's kids. Anyways, are those good enough reasons to dislike the man? He did put a roof under my mom's head and took on her 3 children afterall, I feel like I've been unfair to him.
No. 656430
>>656353Nah anon you're not stupid, you just wasted your trust on a worthless liar. Imagine how much more fun and romantic that would have been with a man worth a shit who was actually for you. Be thankful this one is dumb enough to expose himself early in the game instead of wasting more of your time. Now that you know who he really is you can say you didn't mean it because your intimacy was meant for someone worthy. Being hard on yourself and other women won't stop men from being shit anyway.
Go ahead and dust yourself off, and take it as a lesson in vetting.
As much as men whine and kick and scream online about paying for dates, I've found it to be the best way to vet out worthless men. Because men who just want to use you typically won't want to invest or spend money on you. Make them work for you.
No. 656434
>>655998The people of the true crime community are a bunch of creeps. I enjoy reading up on interesting cases but the discussion? Fucking insane. Where I live a teenage girl disappeared by a lake and it was obvious she drowned but the case attracted a lot of attention because it was so mysterious and the divers initially couldn't find the body. The true crime board following the case made up all these intricate tinfoils about how she escaped abroad with some foreign lover (she didn't have one) and maybe her father was abusing her and continued at it for like 80 pages. Even when her body was found from the lake a month later they still went at it if it was a suicide or was she murdered or did the aliens force her into the water.
The worst kind are the ones who go hover around the graves, stalk the family members' social media and the incels who develop an obsession with female
victims while simultaneously writing bitter walls of text about how nobody would care if she wasn't a pretty young woman and she was probably a whore who deserved it anyway etc.
No. 656441
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I like how my boyfriend thinks it's funny how I use the word 'scrote' and call him one sometimes. I like how I can vent some of my annoyance at his gender by calling him the male equivalent to 'cunt' and he just laps it up like a blissfully ignorant puppy. Sometimes when we play argue over petty shit I call him a "stupid scrote" in seriousness and he laughs like a good boy. Dumb scrotes.
No. 656492
>>656475You bet your scrote ass.
>>656479Kek and based.
No. 656540
>>656536Your dad is a Man
from one of the most violently patriarchal cultures that exist unfortunately, anon.
No. 656553
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Literally no woman believes this. Almost all women goes through life making choices around avoiding threats from being physically weaker. Although I do recognize that women neglect the self-defense aspect too much, as if resigning ourselves to such fate.
This shit always motivates me to put in more hours at the shooting range and train with a knife. You HAVE to be ready to kill, to take a life. Strike first strike hard no mercy ladies.
No. 656583
>>656578Dead serious, my ex was a security guard so I got to know more about these laws. He had to pass a two-week course just to use pepper spray. I wouldn't even mind the course but you can't even take it unless you have a "good" reason.
I asked him what the fuck I'm supposed to do in that situation and he just said "run away and call the police :)". What if he has me cornered, you may ask? What if we're married and I can't leave the house? "Then just call the police and try to hide before they come, if he attacks you can defend yourself but don't go too hard on him :)" Because that's worked so well for women in the past.
No. 656586
>>656583>>656570Jesus I may live in racist ass hick town but at least we can put one in a mf's dome if he don't step off my lawn…
>I wouldn't even mind the course but you can't even take it unless you have a "good" reason.Wtf??? Just say you got assaulted I guess… Surely there's a women's advocate group somewhere in your country that protests this bullshit.
No. 656592
>>656439ntayrt but you don't get to decide what sits right with a person and what doesn't hun. sometimes kids feel uncomfortable around people that aren't their family members and it is what it is. you're free to whore around, what's not okay is deciding to bring children into the world with people that will not make suitable parents/you don't know you'll even see tomorrow.
>>656456again, you don't get to decide what's traumatic and what isn't. also, children need stable homes, so it isn't far fetched something like step parents is traumatic.
pls, if you have degen opinions like these, do the world a favor and don't have kids.
No. 656696
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>>656685Every man I've dated but one has acquired his entire personality, political opinions and taste in music/movies/games off the internet. For people that cry how women arr act same they sure let themselves get dressed and groomed by the internet, let the internet tell them what music to listen to and what food to eat, and what they should be studying or doing with their lives.
There was no natural curiosity or varied taste in things, you could put every single one in a box. I didn't know this until I started looking up some things my last ex talked about and found out that everything he does is dictated by Reddit, while the previous ones had their lives dictated by 4chan (especially /mu/ and /fa/) and Twitter wokies, respectively.
No. 656714
>>656685>are/were very into comedy and believe/d they could be great stand-up comediansthis is such a cringe trait honestly
>believe they have "dark humor" that is darker than other people's humor, make a deal of how they use it to "cope" and this is even cringier. what does men even need to "cope" with? being circumsised?
No. 656766
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So it's my birthday today and I'm upset by it more than expected.
It's not like I'm anything different than yesterday or even few months ago but to think i'm 29 just doest feel… exciting. I'm still far from achieving what I wanted and even though it's stupid I'm really feeling upset about my youth fading away because I feel it's the only thing I have to offer in a relationship. Sitting here realizing I'm officialy this old makes me terrified of what feels like unavoidable loneliness and failure. Passage of time sucks.
No. 656769
>>656766Passage of time does suck, but you know what? It's your birthday! It's literally your day. I hope you find some time to treat yourself to something nice, whether it be a movie, some nice food or doing something you enjoy. I get what you mean, though. I turned 30 this year and I thought I wouldn't be as bothered, but I was. I was depressed about it, but then I thought fuck it. Yeah, I'm not where I hoped I'd be, but you can't cement things like that into life. It just doesn't work that way, so please try not to feel too down. Wishing you a happy birthday, anon, and all the best for 29. Take care!
No. 656775
>>656766Happy birthday, anon.
Stop feeling like shit, what's something you enjoy doing?
No. 656787
Thank you all for birthday wishes and understanding, I feel heard. I really hope I'm just feeling down temporarily and I'll do my best to be good to myself today.
>>656769Actually it's my plan for later, some good food and Netflix most likely! I know we both can do whatever we do, however much time it takes, it's hard to not feel down when the message around you is that you're supposed to have it all at your early 20s. It's bullshit but it sticks to your subconsciousness. I'm glad you managed to shake it off and I hope I can too!
>>656773Fingers crossed it's as you say, in the end we're our own harshest critics. I'm gonna chill as much as Friday allows (so like, just somewhat, someone has to do the work haha)
>>656775My favorite activities are limited because of Covid, i'm sure that's not helping with how I feel either… gonna do my best to have good time later; it already feels better having written this down here and having some support
No. 656796
>>656766Anon, it’s not so bad being 29. Don’t let the world make you think that. I hope you can enjoy your birthday still!
>>656779This is the most Russian sounding post ever lol
No. 656834
>>656817Don't be lazy next time.
>>656822I wish we were only twelve. We are 28, and we have one washer and one dryer as well.
No. 656846
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stocks make me cry
you really do need money to make money
i og have like 150 dollars in here btw, but imagine if i had like 20k. it would be based
No. 656852
>>656814It makes my blood boil when people do this. The people that can't be fucked to retrieve their clothes on time shouldn't complain when other people need to use the machine and resort to piling their neighbour's shit on top of the machine.
Alternately, I kind of wish one of the washing and drying machines in my building were reserved exclusively for people that don't have pets.
No. 656854
>>656837Anon. Why? Don't do this shit to yourself. I have a full credit load
and two kids in virtual education along with an extremely part-time job and it makes me want to die. If I can do this, you're completely able to. Print out the syllabus from each class, organize a binder with folders for each class, check the assignments daily, write out on a notepad the assignments due daily, make sure each thing is done a couple of days beforehand.
Get your shit together.
No. 656905
>>656900I get where you’re coming from, majority of het women are insufferable re men, but I think saying that hetero women who won’t date garbage men must be gay is counterproductive. We should be encouraging other women to have standards.
I’m straight and I feel you
>>656888 I find myself adoring male characters in video games and other media, indulging in fantasies of men like that existing. I played a lot of war games and would imagine the guys and noble then just remember how male soldiers will rape women because it’s allowed and watch porn and then get really sad kek
Even just talking to men outside of a strictly professional context, I can feel their galaxy brain retardation, entitlement, and whining cause my soul to leave my body.
I’m definitely 100% straight. Grossed out by the thought of anything sexual or too romantic with a woman. I love how men look and smell
(the clean ones anyway) etc
No. 656914
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>>656846I feel you. I wish I had more moneys to play with and a mentor.
Picrel. It only made me 80 bux cuz I'm poor
No. 656923
ive hated my boyfriends friend group for the LONGEST time. they constantly make fun of him, they call him fat and retarded, they aren't nice, etc. and it drives him insane and makes him insecure and sad.
over the weekend, they took the bullying too far and he had a fucking meltdown. catastrophic. he blew up at people and screamed at them pretty viciously, tore them up. i said he should relax for a bit, step away, etc. cause as i was also saying, theyre CLEARLY not good for him. and finally for the first time in like 8 months he took my advice over theirs!!!!!! he quit talking to people for a bit, took some time to buy new food to start adjusting his diet, he was doing all his course work and applying for jobs, it was fine for a few days.
until this fucking cunt of a scrote decides hes his friend and he wants to go "talk to him" and "get it out!!!". he was one of the worst ones. he forces his heroic emotions onto other people all the time and its exhausting (for him AND the other person). and he makes the bf very defensive and unwilling to talk. so, scrotefriend goes to his place and forces himself in via using the roommate, and surprise, it freaks the bf out so much that he quits talking to everyone including me.
and its jsut escalated so fucking hard from there. somehow the police got involved at some point and everyones gone silent on me. i had a midterm and hours of work today and i have more projects to complete. i have to sleep basically right at 1am or i wont be able to wake up in time to get to work tomorrow and i have to do so many projects in between meetings and shit too. but they keep freaking the bf out and they want me to go chase him around his area despite me living 30 minutes away. they want me to go chase him despite all my personal planning.
im exhausted and people are just so exhausting. i dont know how im supposed to get through literal decades of this. this is beyond terrible. why would i want friends myself after this. i have my one girlfriend and we just whine about how hard schedules are and work is shit and stuff. all i need. ugh.
tl;dr my boyfriend got arrested because his "friends" thought emotional duck duck goose was a good idea
No. 656932
>>656927well tbf im stressed, i didnt really organize it well i guess. mb.
my bf explained pretty explicitly to everyone involved that he wasnt interested in talking about his feelings; hes not good at it and wasnt comfortable. he was only talking to me. the scrotefriend i mentioned kept invading his personal space to force him to talk about himself. if someone says no and keeps refusing to talk there is clearly no need to continue.
i probably should have mentioned that my bf plainly said fuck off at one point and locked his living space, but the scrotefriend broke the doorknob so he could enter and mysteriously acquired a master key. he's technically not allowed in the building my bf lives in.
>>656928i am not chasing him and i am doing my own activities. i keep explaining that to people blowing me up (texting, calling) but they're hellbent on making me play emotional GF and go waste my time and energy on him.
sorry anons im fuckin tired. think ill date women after this
No. 656943
>>656578>>656586>>656589I think anon lives in Russia.
There's been this case of a father that physically and sexualy assaulted his daughters (18, 18 and 17 years old) for most part of their lives. They killed him in the end, they are facing 20 years in prison. The police found numerous knives and guns he used for torture.
I saw leaked dms with the youngest one where she said "I can't tell anyone I'm getting raped by my own father, nobody is ever going to believe me". Truly heartbreaking.
Look up Khachaturian sisters if you want to know details.
And authorities were involved before, but he got away with it because domestic abuse is not a crime here. It was decriminalised couple years ago because "family values must come first". There's no definition of stalking in the law. There's no such thing as a restraining order.
For example, there was this woman that went to police because her ex husband was stalking her. She was ridiculed and sent away, and couple months later he took her to the forest and chopped her hands off with an axe. He told her "you love to hug our children with those arms, so I'm gonna take that from you". The surgery she had to go through was so complex that it's a miracle the doctors could save one hand. He got lesser sentence for dropping her off at the hospital and not proceeding to kill her. She says she fears the day he's going to come out.
There's so much shit like this. I hate this country and I fear men everyday, knowing that if anything happens to me or other girl/child, we won't have justice until it's too late.
No. 656953
>>656949>We need to stop blaming men and start blaming the system!She's missing the tiny detail that it was men who created this system and benefited from it the most. Wives get higher sentences for killing their husbands than husbands get for killing their wives. And in other countries shit like this
>>656943 is still happening
No. 656959
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i understand and am not surprised by internet personalities turning out to be sex pests, but god it's so fucking exhausting to see.
i hope those girls are okay.
No. 657004
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This is a little whiny because it's borne from a nice situation but I'm currently involved in a project where we'll be interviewing a local indigenous group (we have contacts there coordinating with us) and I thought I'd be able to get away with just talking with them over video chat but my teammates are drafting a budget plan that includes us having to travel there in person then testing both ourselves and the interviewees before meeting. The pandemic's made me lowkey agoraphobic and I am DREADING having to take the multi-day trip there. Let both me and the indigenous group stay safe and cozy at home pls
No. 657025
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I wish my boyfriend wasn’t a Trump supporter. He’s “pro-life” and Christian too while I’m pro-choice and an atheist. I used to be pretty apolitical but this year has made me much more politically conscious and his beliefs put me off. I care about him and know he likely has good intent, but it’s giving me doubts and I really don’t like it. I wish I could shake the bad feelings I’m having ugh.
>>657011That’s so gross. My bf calling his ex “hun” would really disturb me. I hope all goes well anon. I’m on your side!
<3 No. 657029
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>>657027I don’t know what I will do. I care about him as a person but his beliefs repel me. I guess I just have to do some deep thinking. Here is another picture for you anon!
No. 657047
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I'm just… sad. It's so weird how you can have a totally normal week juggling work and minor problems thinking "Things are tough but I've got this!" and then one afternoon you can actually feel your fuel running out and til you've slowed to a stop in the middle of the road, just feeling exhausted and hopeless and overwhelmed by everything.
No. 657048
>>657034Because, anon, a lot of pro-life people aren’t that way because they want to control women’s bodies, but because their spirituality tells them that the fetus, and the embryo, and so on, are inherently valuable. Have a real conversation with someone who is pro-life and you will find that they don’t sit there thinking of how they can control other people’s bodies all day. Its not an objective contradiction or impossible, it’s just a matter of perspective and spirituality.
Anyway, my vent is that I hate the thread picture.
No. 657063
>>657011> he was still calling her hun> hunUnacceptable behaviour unless he was trying to recruit her into his mlm
It doesn’t matter if he loses trust in you when you’ve already lost it in him. I wasted too much time on a similar relationship. My only regret is that I didn’t leave sooner
No. 657081
>>657078Lol I thought I'm the only one to do something this messed up. Would not recommend, I thought I can forgive him but ultimately just wasted my time.
>>657076 break up with him please, it's the best course of action. There's no way to repair trust after something like this.
No. 657120
>>654901here's my retarded vent. a while ago i started talking to this girl who was super sweet, had great sense of humor, nice, just overall flawless almost. she was so nice to me, she would give me all sorts of advice about school and how to cope with emotions, we we're hitting it off immensely well to the point where it barely ever took less than half an hour to reply if she wasn't busy or wasn't sleeping. i was head over heels for her and i was practically starstruck.
we start talking about turn ons and turn offs, i tell her one of my turn offs is bad hygiene, she fucking flipped out over this and says shit like '' you know some people can't afford basic stuff like deo right? you know how much the system has fucked people over so now they can't even shower from depression?!'' i apologized because i didn't mean it badly, she cools down and then i ask for some of her likes and dislikes.
she said asians, catboys, and femboys. i wasn't shocked as this is popular with women right now until she specified she can't stand any asian that isn't japanese. i genuinely cannot tell if she was trying to flatter me as i'm japanese or if she was being honest, either way it's weird. i asked her why and she said ''koreans are plastic, chinese are dirty, the rest are just boring and ugly.'' i'm not korean or chinese but i was genuinely kinda offended. like wtf? why are you generalizing an entire community just because of some popular misconception?
fast forward and boom, she's been lying about her age. i was 17 at the time and she said she was 16, turns out she was 22 fucking years old and had lied about her age because of her ''twauma'' i lose my shit as i feel violated and absolutely disgusted by this girl lying straight to my face about her age, i told her she was a gross pedo freak and blocked her. i told some of my friends about it and they all agreed it was fucked. later that week i get added on skype (which i literally never use) by someone called ''imsorry
myname'' i add her back knowing it's probably her and tell her to fuck off or i call the cops. i unadd her and i haven't heard from her since aside from some of my friends i introduced her to that still follow her vent account. she'll randomly say ''i'm so horrible i'm going to kms!!!" and has lied about it to her friends to make me look bad.
i don't care about her and what she's saying but this has been working me up to the point where i can't even study, i'll suddenly think about it and it weirds me out and i start freaking out. it's so gross and i literally feel disgusted by my own actions. this is so exhausting.
No. 657127
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>>657120I read through your vent and got to
>i literally feel disgusted by my own actionsand I'm so confused. What did you do? Literally nothing. She lied to you, she bitched at you about deodorant and then was racist and weird, etc, then stalked you? Nah. I understand if you're freaked out and unable to focus/study because you're traumatized by the relationship you had with this liar, but you need to internalize that it is not and never was your fault. And that you also dodged a major bullet. I'm so sorry that happened to you, and I hope you're able to get over it soon. Fuck that rancid bitch.
No. 657129
>>657120>you know how much the system has fucked people over so now they can't even shower from depression?!I had an ex with gum disease as the result of him neglecting his teeth during a long depressive bout.. the smell of his breath was unreal. Car rides were the worst. Are you meant to deny reality and just pretend that's not a turn off? That kind of defensive shit, I'll never understand it.
You can have empathy for depressed people and still admit that nobody wants to fuck someone who smells bad. What a weird mix of PC and non-PC she is.
No. 657147
>>657127thank you. i just feel like i could've prevented it and it was just so fucking disgusting how she took advantage of me. i told her about some really serious shit and how it had affected me but she always managed to spin it onto herself and make it about herself. seriously thank you because i think she groomed me, don't a lot of grooming
victims feel guilt and at fault? this is so fucked.
>>657129 i know about the whole depression affects hygiene thing, chronic depression runs in the family and i've seen it affect other around me, i tried to explain to her about how bad hygiene is just something that grosses me out but i didn't mean to come out as ''ableist'' as she said i was being. she was just so weird about it as if she wouldn't be grossed out if a smelly neckbeard who refused to wear deodorant approached her.
>>657130thank you, i think it was for the better i left before she could lure me further into her whole guilt-trap with ''muh twauma'' shit and make me her wk. thank you all
No. 657149
>>657145You definitely should. Do it! You deserve piece of mind.
And you'll get over it someday. He'll always be there because he was important to you, but it'll be as a lesson/just a person, not as the force he was and may still be.
No. 657155
>>657147>i think she groomed me, don't a lot of grooming victims feel guilt and at faultYes they do, unfortunately. I get it, I've also been a
victim of grooming on more than one occasion, and I still feel that guilt creep up occasionally. However, when I see or hear it happen to someone else, it's so easy to see that it's not even remotely their fault–like it wasn't yours. And it wasn't mine, and it isn't anyone else's when an adult is blatantly lying about their age and manipulating them in order to victimize themselves and keep you in their web. That's what she did to you, and you did not allow that once you learned the truth, even when she tried, again, to manipulate her way into your life. She can't bother you anymore and doesn't deserve to. If you need therapy for this, I hope you're able to seek it, and if not, just remind yourself when you catch yourself feeling guilty that this was something she did, not you.
No. 657188
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I will be 26 in 4 months and I feel like I'm about to die. I have no achievements, I'm a college dropout, no friends, no romantic/sexual experiences. Maybe if my life wasn't shit I wouldn't feel so old. I still look quite young but I have tired eyes, life is fading away. I remember my 18th birthday so vividly, like it was yesterday. Where did this time go?
No. 657204
>>657197Same. I only phone when it's an emergency, I don't want to have a dry ass conversation over the phone when I could just text.
My mum phones all the time just to say things like "hey I'm on my way home!" then hang up. I love her so much and it's so cute she checks up on me but she could've just texted that.
No. 657209
>>657204Aw, okay that's really cute, and I don't think I'd mind that even though I agree I'd prefer it to be a text. It's just that my family (mostly dad and sister) call to
talk. Every. Day. We're all spread out so it makes sense, I guess, but still.
My sister's husband's family talks on the phone/FTs all the time apparently, and she thinks it's cute and wants us to do that too, but it uses up my social battery just as much as spending time with people in person does. The only one I can answer the phone regularly for is my mother because she rarely calls, has reasonable length conversations, and is just as eager to get off the phone after 20mins tops as I am kek.
No. 657210
>>657120>you know some people can't afford basic stuff like deo right? you know how much the system has fucked people over so now they can't even shower from depression?>THE CHINESE ARE DIRTY Kek, guess it's only okay for her to be an unwashed cow. Don't beat yourself up anon, just be glad you didn't waste another minute on this mental liar. She pretends to be a woke type but on the inside she's a bully who believes she's the only one who has any real problems.
Like other anons said, bullet seriously dodged.
No. 657232
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>>657203>>657205You're both absolutely right, but goddamn I just wanted someone to talk to about the character.
No. 657243
>>657222It's inherently manipulative because her relationship with her son is not your problem, at all. Since she believes there's an issue between you both that's causing her son to distance from her, then her talking to you is probably an attempt to put pressure on you and guilt you. Remember she's only talking to you right now because her son is ignoring her, she told her son he's free to come home if he needs it. She is not your friend.
Tell your husband to grow a pair. His mother is harassing you and it's all because he had to blame his cowardly avoidance on some nebulous "a lot goings on" when that wasn't the truth anyway. That was no mistake, he just didn't want to deal with the consequences of telling his mother she's overbearing and setting up proper boundaries cause that would've required effort and discomfort.
Seriously that has got to stop.
No. 657301
>>657032>is he, a christian who believe you're sinful and going to hell, with you?I don’t know. It doesn’t seem to matter to him. He never went to church either (before quarantine). I honestly think he is just Christian because he was raised that way.
>>657034I completely agree that forcing a woman to give birth against her will is disgusting and barbaric. That’s why his belief disturbs me so much. By “good intentions” I meant that he has sympathy for the fetus (or “child” in his words). Personally I know that it makes no sense to sympathize with a non-sentient clump of cells rather than a living breathing woman, but I am trying to assume the best of him.
No. 657308
>>657243Thank you for the reply. He's tried to set up boundaries and explain to her that they don't have a friendship, and that she needs to find people in her life that live near her instead of relying on him to be there to vent to. She defaults to the lie that other parents have such strong relationships with their children and talk so frequently.
I would love to have a relationship with her, but I don't want to deal with that kind of manipulation and I don't trust her anymore.
No. 657451
>>657444It's okay anon, there wasn't any harm in asking unless they blatantly stated they weren't open to other opportunities. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. The colleague likely has a clear concept of what they want/are capable of providing right now and your plan just didn't fit within their current vision. Maybe once you've saved up some money you can join them for the full service if you're still interested.
I doubt they think any less of you though, and if they do, that's on them. Clearly you weren't intending to undercut them or minimize their worth. This wasn't a failure, it was just a rejection - you can let it hurt you, or recognize that rejections are common even (especially) among the most successful people because they don't let something so small stop them from seeking opportunities and improving themselves.
No. 657471
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>>657456I love you too! It's okay to feel embarrassed and upset for a bit; I'm glad you realize it's unfounded though. I think your colleague is lucky to have someone who is interested in their work and made the effort to support them even if it didn't work out this time.
No. 657521
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I hate being a neet so fucking much.
If I was a heiress or w/e, I probably wouldn't mind, I'd stay at home all day pursuing my hobbies and stuff. But I am just a leech for my parents and that kills me inside
I am trying, I am applying to jobs in multiple areas, but it's either too competitive, or I am not qualified enough, or both. Not to mention how it's harder now by itself because of the pandemic and because my country has become more and more of a shit hole since 2016.
I hate my current self and I am useless.
No. 657529
>>655214 *poseurs. Poser is a person that poses, but poseur is the word you're looking for. Like
>>655221 said because they beat me to it.
No. 657573
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>>657553It's so frustrating right? It doesn't take me hours to get over like it did when I was a baby, but in my heart I'm still a freaking carebear so there's always a moment of, "Why can't we just get along?"
No. 657604
>>657594Yeah, but like, realistically, what are they gonna do to a literal who with 10 followers? Harass her until she deactivates? (well, which she did lmao) Unless OP was dumb enough to make an account with her personal info on it, or the TRAs somehow get their hands on her IP address, it's not like they can doxx her. Can't you block people or prevent them from sending you DMs?
>>657599It's crazy they went after you just for liking radfem tweets. Aren't there a handful of radfems who have Twitter and are open about it but haven't been run off the site yet? We need more people who can do that, honestly.
Not sure what you mean by being careful - you definitely shouldn't put your personal info up on social media (not just because it's dangerous to express radfem views these days, but because you don't want to have people having that info on you in general), but you shouldn't have to censor your views either.
No. 657612
>>657604>Aren't there a handful of radfems who have Twitter and are open about it but haven't been run off the site yet? We need more people who can do that, honestly. Nta but there are "radfems" on twitter with a few thousand followers, but they mostly talk about trannies and grooming on the internet, nothing else. I was surprised how many "radfem" twitter accounts exist now and how popular they are, but I quickly noticed that radfem ideology got so watered down in those circles that it became just transpeaked liberal feminism. There's a huge amount of young women calling themselves radfem, but they don't know theory etc. They don't want to seem as man-hating, they're not critical of femininity and piv, they think lesbians are predators who want to castrate their precious boyfriends and rape them and they react to any female separatism discourse with agression and
victim mentality
so basically lolcow Actual radfems and lesbians critical of "watered down" radical feminism never have that many followers, although they also exist on twitter and stick together. They also have wars with fake radfems. Why call yourself something when you don't even know basic theory or you want to reject it?
No. 657614
>>657612This shit makes me seethe kek. Then they find the actual radfems and finger wag at them for hating men or having female centric spirituality/religion or actually knowing theory and expecting other women who call themselves radfem to know the basics
Or act like lesbians are privileged lmao
No. 657615
>>657604No, I know that with radfem theme content you shouldn't give out any info. I did listen to that advice. It's less about doxxing and more about death threats and such. I was cyberstalked for several years because of social media, so I avoid any situation like this. I got kind of paranoid too, because this would put a social media account of mine in the limelight.
I agree, I shouldn't have to censor myself but I should've been more careful with arguing with randoms if I wanted to keep a low profile. That's a new life lesson I suppose lol
No. 657629
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ugh i can tell my coworker is actively trying to court me because he constantly touches base with me throughout my shift, asking how things are going, and then later tonight he decided to get aggressively playful by jokingly telling me I’m a bitch for telling him excuse me and him moving out of the way (he wanted to start up some banter, but it came out of nowhere wtf)
and im polite because i don’t like starting shit and i always want to present myself as a nice person when I feel like I’m not, but sometimes the nice act isn’t worth it because dudes like this guy take any semblance of politeness and interpret it as flirting.
No. 657631
>>657615I had to delete Instagram because I got cyber stalked. (I feel you on the cyberstalk thing) I only followed libertarian accounts (regardless if it was left-libertarian or right-libertarian). That was 2 1/2 years ago too. Haven't had one since.
>>657621 I had two guy friends, but they became really weird so I randomly stopped talking to them, but I don't care about having friends rn. I've gotten stabbed in the back prior friendships or should I say "friendships".
No. 657659
>>657652She cooks all the time for herself (as a hobby she enjoys) and lets me have as much of it as I want, and if I ask for something in particular she'll make it for me. She also makes me a sandwich for work most of the time, because she wakes up really early. I always make my own breakfast and about half my own dinners.
I'd feel worse about being such a womanchild if she didn't like doing it, she absolutely loves it when I praise her food and she's a health freak so feeding me nutritious meals makes her happy. I'm dreading moving out because I'm just not passionate about cooking like she is but I don't want to sacrifice a healthy diet out of laziness.
No. 657710
>>657652My mom cooked for me rarely, once a month I'd say.
My boyfriend's mom cooks for us once every few months.
No. 657714
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Men would be perfect if they had vaginas. I only had sex with women because I'm too autistic about men having dicks. Average women are hotter than average men, but when I compare my 9/10 men and women, the men always win. I just find male form more attractive. I constantly fantasize about snuggling with men and it makes me horny. But vaginas are objectively better than dicks. If my 9/10 man had a vagina, he would be perfect (10/10). But having a dick, literally no man can be 10/10. Dicks ruin everything. I don't understand how can a male form be so attractive to me yet when I look at a dick, the magic disappears.
>inb4 just date a tranny
I don't want a fake smelly hole with fecal bacteria in it attached to a male body pumped with female hormones. I want a natural self cleaning pussy attached to a biological, MANLY man. Thinking about scissoring with an athletic, hot guy makes me go UGHHHHHHHHHH Why are males so imperfect?
No. 657723
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>>657714Just date a tranny (chad aiden)
No. 657729
>>657724well I am autistic, but this is one of the things I can't stop sperging about and it prevents me from getting close to men
>>657725I like Buck Angel but I don't think I could date a trans person, all trannies are deformities. I just wish men and women existed as they are except men had pussies instead of dicks and we could cross fertilize each other
No. 657760
>>657612this is such a dumb comment. Why are you going to twitter for your radfem shit? Actual radfems are at meetings and heading union meetings, not tweeting. No shit the radfems that are very online on twitter are retards, they're still twitter users.
Do you guys seriously think the radfems partaking in praxis are having "wars with fake radfems" on twitter. Grow up.
No. 657801
>>657752Hard same anon. After peaking with JKR I tried to fit into GC spaces like Ovarit but deep down I'm too lib for them, so much radfem is just dumb to me, like not wearing dresses or makeup because it's a symbol of male oppression wtf. Literally some of them think wearing a dress in your house alone is contributing to women getting raped and oppressed somehow. To me that's just as abstract and stupid as believing cotton ceiling is oppressing transbians
Now I'm all riled up about TRAs but kinda politically/ideologically homeless because every side is too extreme for me. I believe you can be both assertive and empathetic with these issues but that nuance is nowhere on social media now. I just want to have a place that lets me talk freely and make memes without descending into ideological purity in-fighting.
Eckhart Tolle TERF site whenLet's both enjoy our bans lol
No. 657874
>>657870What is in your mouth? Drop it!
No seriously, this is bad. You can't have a healthy relationship with a woman who hates women so much she won't even call herself one
No. 657882
>>657875Well, I'm Asian. I'll say the characters definitely allude to what actual members of Asian high society are like. So there
is representation happening, kek. I think it's dumb that Asian Americans are touting rich Asians as somehow "better" than rich white people. They're just as bad when it comes to underpaying employees or buying their spoiled children's way into success or out of trouble. I even found it hard to feel sorry for Gemma Chan who's supposed to play a "good" rich girl because after her husband cheats on her she easily leaves their shared luxury condo to stay in one of the 14 luxury condos she owns (an actual line in the film). But to be fair, as mindless romcom fodder, it's fine. Quirky cast of characters played by charismatic actors. The sort of thing its intended audience wants.
No. 657900
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i stumbled across that picture of the french teacher yesterday and now i think im just going to delete twitter/social media and immerse myself in soft things…cottage core, sanrio, only happy music…ill even stay off the damn shayna thread. i hope it makes me feel better.
No. 657974
>>657900Arab worshipers slaughters kaffirs
>Apologetics: "you don't understand bro, it's the rampant Islamophobia in France, Uk, Sweden which radicalized them bro"Never understood this logic considering in these countries more non muslims die at hands Islamist than the other way round
Christians in Egypt, Syria, Pakistan endure worse than Muslims in Europe yet they don't go around baying for blood of muslims
No. 657985
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>>657983Alternatively, I'm a dumbass bitch.
No. 658001
>>657991No shit, I just wanted to know the
reference of rarted or if it was a new dumbass word. Goddamn. TA already replied, dumb bitch.
No. 658004
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>>657988Samefagging. I think there is something inately wrong with me, there has to be. I've tried every thing. I am a good listener, I barely even talk about myself, I guve feedback, make jokes and listen with interest when people talk. I do almost every favour and help every time. I don't say no to stuff. I've even tried my luck with people whi had the same interests as me. I give gifts sometimes, even if it is just a simple small meme-y drawing. I don't annoy with constant messages, I don't ever ask for any sort of help. I listen to vents, give advice. But no one is a close friend of mine, there is no one who I talk to. I am simply never in someone's mind. I literally only talk to my fucking mom ffs. Why can't I make friends? I have idea what I should do. I feel so defeated wasting my early 20's all alone. I know I sound extremely bitter, and it's because I am.
No. 658021
>>658004>I don't ever ask for any sort of helpCrucial mistake. You need to involve people in your life. Why would they consider themselves your friend if they're not involved in your life?
When you ask for help from someone, you're asking them to invest in you. To invest their valuable time amd effort. When they make that investment, that person bonds to you, because now they have direct personal interest in you. Seeing you do good is seeing their investment grow. They have poured their effort and time into you and that makes you valuable to them. Then you will be on their mind.
I know it may sound a bit strange basically saying "get friends by asking for favors", but I can vouch it's a successful bonding strategy. Not only that, but receiving help is 10x more important for inducing bonding than giving it.
No. 658042
>>658021Based. Took me a lot to understand it but it's absolutely true. Small favors like these ones
>>658029 can help with strangers but you can't be close with someone if you haven't shown a vulnerable side of yours, and that's done by asking for advice, help or just someone listening to you vent
No. 658101
>>658093Am I on Twitter?
>>658098I've pretty much given up on finding a hot man who loves me. I'll die alone from alcoholism.
No. 658108
>>658046I'm going to talk from my experience because I can't fully analyze yours. I have a group of girl friends, and sometimes we interrupt each other when sharing random things, sometimes we let it pass and don't mind it but other times, we say to each other, nicely, that we were speaking and that is important for us to talk it out.
The same thing happens if someone wants to vent, we just announce that there's something in our minds and we'd like to share it. A little bit of anticipation is great, the other person can prepare to listen to you.
Maybe you can try to communicate your needs a little bit more? If your friends are worth it, they'll understand and give you your space and their company. If they don't, they aren't good friends.
Also, > someone better than me
There's no one better than you anon! Delete that mindset.
No. 658110
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Why do people that suddenly go by they them use the dumbest fucking names. A girl I knew had a perfectly fine name and now she goes by fucking Bip.
No. 658119
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I'm having some health issues and will need to go to the doctors… i've tried self medicating but it isn't working out.
Things is i hate docs. They never listen or diagnose me right, and this issue is delicate, there are some symptoms i want to treat and some i don't, and there is also mental stuff involved. I would need a half hour appointment with a good one but all i can get is 8 minutes with some that won't even look at me.
I'm really close to just forgetting it, trying some natural stuff like better eating and exercise and if it doesn't work fuck it.
No. 658148
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i miss an ex friend even though she acted in a really disingenuous and manipulative way to me when we fought/when our friendship ended which threw me off
i was probably not the best at handling the situation because i shut down during conflict either
even though i should probably not engage with her anymore i miss talking to her a lot as she was the closest female friend i had at the time, even though she didn't seem to feel the same way or care about me as much
i feel bad about myself when i think about her despite admiring her so much for so long because i sense that she thought of me as stupid and didn't really respect me that much
she was uncannily similar to me in a lot of ways which probably led to a lot of mutual projection
i miss talking to her a lot even though i think she's kind of mean now ;_;
not sure what to do…i miss her so bad sometimes but she surely doesn't miss me…grass is always greener i guess
No. 658152
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I need advice from any Eurofag and to vent. I'm in a relationship with a man who is from east eu and I am from latin america. Anyways, when we speak of the future, he would prefer it if I moved to his home country. I mention how I don't speak his language and never lived anywhere so damn cold. His country is the opposite of my own culture, however the only thing similar is probably the machismo haha. I love my country, my culture, my people, to move to the other side of the world for him feels like I'm abandoning all I know. So far from anyone I know, isolated from home and being an outcast in a all white society. When I think of it, I don't see our relationship lasting for much longer. It makes me feel very sad because I want to be open to the idea of him sharing his culture to me, but I feel like when I'm there, I have to become one of them and lose my own to be accepted. That was my vent. My question is from a European perspective, do you look down on women like me? An immigrant living in your country? I don't want to move there and it's likely I will break up soon. I wanted it to work, but he is persistent that I should move to his "safer" land. I legit feel like Pocahontas leaving her homeland for John fucking Smith lmao.
No. 658160
>>658152Eroupe is really big and diverse, you’ll have to be more specific. Though, it can happen anywhere you go anon. You shouldn’t have to change yourself to fit a mold, but the truth is, people may not always be accepting if you are “the only one”. Is it really worth it?
Make him leaves his country for yours. Men will always have an easier time anyways.
No. 658206
>>658163>most foreigners HATE living there long term. Especially the poland/ukraine regionFunny you say that, because literally every foreigner I know living in Poland says they expected it to be scary and shitty and it's actually really good if not better than their own countries, most of them are living here 5 or more years already. Granted, I live in the capital city, not some small village. But yeah, Poland and Ukraine are nothing alike; so I'm joining the people asking
>>658152 to specify which east European country because differences can be pretty big.
In general though, if your boyfriend is treating you well now, it's not likely he will change to some monster returning to Europe; we're not like this anymore, if someone has already tried the more progressive lifestyle most commonly associated with the west, it's not like they have that second evil regressive personality buried deep inside.
No. 658241
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I'm so fucking sick of having ADHD. It's so severe I was told that my case was rare in adults, and far more frequent with children (yay!) I can't do shit at work. I can't remember shit. I gt fucking humilated by all my manager, except one. I get basically yelled at left and right for stupid shit, I got told I wasn't going to "get anymore help, I'm not going to tell you again" (despite only telling me.. twice?) after I messed up the sequencing of customer service. I've been yelled at for making everyone's job harder because I was slow on a drink, just nonstop. I tried telling them that I am suffering with it and it's extremely hard for me and they just kinda quirk a brow and nod. I'm sick of it. I started new meds for it but it's barely working (just works on my temper, if anything.) I want to be fucking normal. I have other disorders too but this is the only one that really affects work. I want to quit and try to find something a little easier but this job pays REALLY well. I feel guilty and sick every day because no matter how hard I try, how much I prepare myself for the day, I end up feeling like the eleven year old they have to babysit.
No. 658264
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man i was SO STOKED to get home and make this pork tenderloin i've been marinating and thinking about all day but when i get there my mother (whom i love dearly and have a great amount of respect for but cannot cook for shit) just threw it in a crock pot and now it's all dry and nasty and flavorless ahhhh i cry
No. 658309
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I want 1940s and 50s fashion to come back but every decade all you bitches care about is the 90s and 80s! 40s and 50s fashion is the only style that flatters women of all ages.
No. 658316
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>>65830920s-50s America fashion is iconic. Could have been some of the best years in this country if not for all the period-typical 'isms and 'phobias of that era. The 70's was cute too, but it can't top the years before it.
pic is a 2019 tv show, but I frickin love Midge's outfits No. 658365
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>>654901I'm still dwelling on some bullshit that happened two weeks ago, haven't brought it up with the people involved but I keep thinking about it every so often and getting pissed off.
I rarely see my cousins/relatives because whenever I DO see them they spend hours getting drunk and being stupid assholes and my sober ass has zero patience for them. But the other night one of my cousins was moving away and I figured I could say good-bye because she's the least assholish.
What followed was a fucking interrogation from all of them about my life/job, basically asking me why I'm poor and why won't I do anything about it, like I just decided that I'm better off making minimum wage at a retail job. They all have really well-paying jobs in finance, lots of vacation time, benefits etc. and they're rich as fuck (and deny it, of course), and they really can't get why I'm not doing as well as them. They piled on the most condescending bullshit reddit-tier "advice" like "fInD soMeThIng yOu LiKe To dO". Thanks, assholes, it never occurred to me to pick something I like to do and look into jobs that involve doing it.
I'm obviously lowkey jealous that they're well-off and can travel and work from home, but I also get this kind of bullshit from them every. single. time. I see them. And then they wonder why I don't want to see them? Like, I'm sorry I couldn't go to college? Sorry my brain isn't wired for math/STEM??? Sorry my mental illness held me back in life??? I didn't ask for fucking advice. If I'm not in an acceptable income bracket for you, why do you want me around at all?
might mean well, but I really don't give a fuck. They're oblivious, patronizing, privileged people and in between dropping their "advice" they were being rude to the waitress, just to top it all off.
No. 658389
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I straight up hate men. They can go from oppressor to "uwu oppressed" in a matter of one shitty shave, a skirt and some striped thigh highs. They call themselves "femboys" and flash their ugly wrinkled "bussy" on camera because it helps validate their newfound fetish. All while wearing cheap 2 dollar panties from aliexpress and amazon because they can't even bother putting effort into anything. They do the same poses in EVERY picture (kawaii peace signs while showing a quarter of their face, occasional boxxy level eyeliner, shitty bangs and a face mask to hide their ugly fucking gappy grin).
Fun fact, after I typed that description, I googled "femboy" and easily found several pictures of exactly what I described all within a few seconds, one of which being picrel. How did I nail it on the head?
Then they get to be absolute cunts to everyone and it's fine. They've finally got the clout to do that. They have simps that'll cling to their every opinion, they have the "don't worry dude I got your back even if you wear skirts" type shit. They basically still have their brotherhood but if you try to fuck with them they cry oppression "it's because you're jealous of my juicy ass and THICCCCC thighs!!!!" (which are just chicken legs). They worship 12 year old anime catboys with tiny penises because they themselves have 2 inch dicks and a flat chest.
Later, they get a little fat and have "boobs" now and then eventually they admit they're "twans" and now they're 100% untouchable. But they still have male simps and are worshipped as a "WAMAN" in STEM, with cool CODING skills and an "awesome" personality. And these aren't the ones that even try to get a girlish personality. They are still just men in skirts with an absolutely trashy personality, retweeting straight shota because it's reminiscent of the love they never got from their own mothers.
No. 658390
>>658309I think the issue here is that you think women need to be flattered at all. So a small waist and larger bottom with slim ankles and high heels is what you mean?
Genuinely looking for an answer here, not trying to be a bitch.
Otherwise calling this a larp.
No. 658422
I don't wanna come across as like overly intelligent, hell I don't even consider myself particularity intelligent, but it pains me seeing so many people(American's, Arabs, Europeans, Whites, Blacks e.t.c) discuss religion and politics without having the least bit of research, I see this on twitter and even so called political podcasts
even 30 Minutes on Wikipedia add something to a conversation, like I read books, blogs and various news sites about geopolitcs and current affairs and now whenever I'm conversation with the vast majority of people it becomes an insufferable experience cause of how little people know, the only person I can talk to about geopoltics is my aging gen-x ex-Army officer Uncle
No. 658444
>>658389Incoming coomer rant and I apologize in advance but IRL femboys are disgusting and always look like your pic related. I really fucking hate how they shoehorn themselves into a discussion about a 2D anime femboy like anyone gave a shit. Take your box chin and shitty aliexpress thotwear ass out of here you degenerate, I don't need to see you trying to kin my husbando.
I mean more power to them for daring to be gender non-conforming but I always feel like throwing up when they somehow expect people to simp all over them simply because they're an "irl femboy uwu". Dude that's the problem, you're not a soft, beautiful anime character. You're gross. Like all 3D men.
>>658398Gotta always love how they have impossibly high standards for women but once some twitter trap puts on a $10 cosplay skirt and a pair of programming socks it's like Venus herself descending on them.
No. 658450
>>658444>>658389Every "soft / fem" boy I ever met was a manipulative cuck and a thirsty guy who would never care about your age, as long as there's a chance you may send them nudes. One of them even tried talking to me after years, casually and dramatically mentioning how he had a crush on me when I was 14 (I am 20 now), we sepnt some time watching trashshows and he ended up raging and being pissed off after I went afk to greet my s/o. Never messaged me again after. Keeek.
When my family was suffering he tried ticking me into sending nudes for him for money when I was only 17. "Technically legal" my ass.
No. 658469
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My favorite pillowcase is falling apart
No. 658524
>>658520I actually forgot about her but that would be funny.
No, i just have no clue how to have normal friendships.
No. 658552
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>>658498Become the sexy villainess you were meant to be, anon
No. 658556
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>>658469>>658545Anon-chan don't stop…
No. 658583
>>658553Who cares? Not everyone finds finger blasting enjoyable.
>>658569>while having full bladderThis sounds uncomfortable, though.
No. 658637
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>>658469>>658545>>658556This is so so funny to me, I love you all so much.
Also though on a related note, I'm desperate to cuddle something big bc I'm lonely, just got out of the hospital, and I'm going through a bad time rn. I found a dakimakura of my husbando and I'm wondering: have any of you got dakimakura/body pillows? Do you have any buying tips? Do you fuck them? I just wanna cuddle but one thing might lead to another you know how it is
No. 658647
>>658326maybe, i was the one who blocked her though despite feeling like i got the short end of the stick behaviorally..
i really loved her (platonically) but it would suck if i got burned when trying to contact her
oh well! i might try it sometime anyways
No. 658688
>>658637Anon… that body pillow is gorgeous! If you get to buy it, I think it will look beautiful.
I kind of want a body pillow so I can pretend I’m hugging my husbando, I’ve been giving up dating for a while so… might as well have something nice to cuddle at night when I can’t sleep.
I think i might end up having more than one, maybe 4 or 5 different covers because I got lots of different kinds of husbandoes that I like.
I think a good tip is buying the cover and then getting a nice pillow on your own, because I’ve read that sometimes, when you buy the combo of the pillow cover + pillow, the pillow itself isn’t as fluffy and nice to hug as others.
No. 658709
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>>658390Because it focuses on making a woman look mature and classy so everyone can look good in it. A 40 year old and a 18 year old can look nice in it.
No. 658710
I keep seeing people I know who were my friends once and I can't stand how they all have their lives together, but I'm always still here. I've been in and out of hospitals, going to doctors, doing uncomfortable exams and having anxiety spikes every other day. It's been almost four years. I'm tired and I can't imagine living my whole life like this. I keep telling myself that the next week will be better, then the next month, then the next year, but it never gets better. I just want this to be over, I want to live in a house far away in the middle of nowhere with the things that I love and waking up and not feel even a bit of pain or discomfort. I want to forget the needles, the medicines, the stench of sanitizers and latex gloves, the sounds and color of the probes they shove inside your guts, the fucking pale green of the sheets and clothes of the hospital and nurses. I wish I could go back to when I was a child and wasn't afraid of anything, full of energy and healthy.
No. 658726
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Idk if it’s because they’re new or just retarded, but I’ve began to hate a couple of anons that just seem to ruin threads with their hyperaggression and autism so viscerally that I finally just have no motivation or interest to contribute anymore. I suppose that’s a good thing. It’s been an interesting six years everybody lol.
No. 658743
>>658732You're conflating ideas with how you don't fit the gender norms for being a woman, such as makeup and looks, with how you just don't fit the pattern for a likable person. These two things don't have to be related, if you don't want to be a typically feminine woman that doesn't make you bad or a failure. If you don't want to be a friendly, sociable person that's ok too, but you just need to find a way to do it without causing friction e.g. be ok being alone, work a solitary job where you don't need to interact with many people.
You sound like you don't know what you want though so you could probably benefit a lot from therapy.
No. 658744
>>658309This is a tad too classy. I don't know if it would still seem classy if everyone dressed like this though.
Now I'm wondering what 40s and 50s casual clothing looked like hmmmm
No. 658759
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>>65830960s-70s will always be better.
No. 658768
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>>658759That’s much more pretty the 70s are full of Polyester
No. 658771
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Can we all agree today's fashion sucks, though?
No. 658774
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>>658768you could never wear that to go grocery shopping, unlike pic related
No. 658777
>>658152>I legit feel like Pocahontas leaving her homeland for John fucking Smith lmao.This doesn't sound good lol.
anon, latina inmigrants (specially indigenous ones) are usually looked down in white countries. And eastern europe tends to be specially closed minded from what I've been told from my acquaintances from there. This dude should at least be willingly either to spend time with you in your home country X months a year because this shit of making you leave everything for him sounds like a serious redflag, and it's obvious you don't want to leave and he probably looks down on your culture. God this sounds so borderline, "drop everything just to come here and worship my ass daily", it's a formula for disaster.
No. 658781
>>658148Did she really act in such "disingenuous and manipulative" way anon? You totally sound like you hurt her and you were so busy wallowing in self-pity and angst you didn't acknowledge it nor apologized for it lol. I'm a little tired of seeing girls getting treated like crap and then getting shit for not being nice enough when they are just protecting themselves from being hurt any further. You can't hurt someone and expect them to be nice to you afterwards, come fucking on now.
Anyway if you miss her so much you probably should try to talk to her instead of whining about it here.
are you a man by any chance? lol No. 658799
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>>658152 anon, thank you for all the replies, I feel better that you're all looking out for my best interest rather than making me feel dumb. I talked with my boyfriend last night about how I feel about moving so far away with him. He understands now why I feel like this. We settled on me living there for a few months and if I don't like it, then we will live elsewhere. He just wants me to give his country a chance while understanding he is asking for lot to transition completely there as a permanent home.
No. 658820
>>658799>>658152I have nothing much to add that hasn't already been said but I'm a West-Eurofag and Eastern Europe generally has a terrible reputation here. Some countries more than others, but I wouldn't willingly go there. I don't know what Latin America is like, but before you go I'd make damn sure I wasn't downtrading living conditions and such if I were you.
Just wondering, is he unwilling to come to your country? Just make sure he doesn't convince you to stay or refuse to move somewhere else together once you're there and don't like it. It's easier for him to keep you there/convince you to stay once you're already there, so be careful about that.
No. 658839
>>658834>>658820Latin America is even poorer, so what's your point?
> I'd make damn sure I wasn't downtradingYou can't.
No. 658851
>>658839Anon, even if a country is poor or rich, the op clarified she's leaving her whole life behind if she does leave. Moving to a slightly richer country doesn't automatically mean your life is going to become better or you are going to love it. So yeah, she could be potentially downtrading.
Following that logic, depression in 1st world countries wouldn't be a thing.
No. 658893
>>658876my condolences, anon. Never buy important shit off ebay. Lucky all i've been scammed in there was a windows key that cost 10$
Don't forget to give that bastard a bad review to warn other tho
No. 658897
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>Ex bf messages me on discord
>He's transitioned
>Wants me to peg him
We haven't talked in over a year
No. 658948
I did it. I broke up with my girlfriend of just over a year. We'd been having problems off and on for the past two months, but it was really since the start of Oct that I started to sense it was inevitable.
I know I did a lot of things wrong. I ignored a big practical thing early on because I was thrilled to have a girlfriend. I slept with her too early (I was a virgin). I had the best full year of my life with her, and then…it was gone. I don't even know what happened. I started to fear that I was settling, and my attraction to her was gone. I couldn't see a future for us, and I wasn't proud of her.
Even though I felt in my gut I was making the right choice, I still feel so sad and empty inside. I was so happy during the relationship. I don't regret it at all. But with this and restrictions continuing in my state, I just don't feel like I have a purpose in life right now. I'm afraid in a month I'll still be miserable, and go "well, she wasn't the problem after all, why not get back together?" I know it wouldn't be the best thing for me, but it would be so…easy. I'm just a wreck.
No. 658953
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>>658545>>658556It's not a body pillow you weebs. It's just a pillowcase I sewed myself lmao. That said, I had no idea people made Batman dakis and now I can't stop laughing
No. 658956
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I always wonder if those men are larping or if there really are 20 year olds desperate enough to date 60 year old grandpas
No. 658965
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>>658960Love yourself jfc
No. 658976
>>658965I do anon lol. I don't have plans to fuck a 60 year old but, if a old billionaire wanted to date me who am I to refuse god's blessings?
>>658974Right. Gotta get that inheritance.
No. 659003
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I know the whole world isn't against me. But why does it seem that way?
No. 659004
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i have a performance this friday and its fucking cancelled because one of the guys i'm performing with caught covid
i know its inherently out of my control but fuck i worked so hard on this and it's all going down the drain
maybe if he didn't fucking hang out with people all the time we wouldn't have this problem but nah! he had to value pussy more than his health!
No. 659057
>>659053I just need a yes or no. Do I watch Bly Manor tonight?
(Hill House made me cry too)
No. 659079
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Just smile! Don't rock the boat! You are just lazy and will be ignored if you bring up mental illness. That stuff isn't real!
I feel like I'm banging my head against the wall going in circles if I try to explain how to feel to my mom or bf. All this stupid pent up feelings and no where healthy to let it out. But hey all I know is learned helpless. Just a victim complex who complains is all.
No. 659222
>>659193I’m sorry you had to go through that anon.
I hope the shitty moid gets attacked by a swarm of killer bees.
No. 659242
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This just appeared in my recommendation and what the fuck. This channel is full of this kind of videos and comments are all somehow supportive? Is it some kind of scrote agenda to normalize age gap relationships to groom more young women?
No. 659284
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I have no friends, no partner and no job. My only close family is my aunt, she doesn't want to go outside because of covid and although doing groceries for her stresses me out, it gives me a sense of purpose and it feels good doing something for someone. I feel needed
No. 659297
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>>659242This "love don't judge" channel is always on my Snapchat recommendations, which weirds me out because all my young teenage cousins must get it too. It definitely seems like it's trying to normalize age gaps/poly/fetish shit to younger people.
Even the name annoys me. Bringing up the realities of grooming is "judging," apparently.
No. 659326
>>659307This reminds me of the anon in another thread talking about how they get off on causing 'imperceptible' amounts of suffering and how frustrating it is that they can't inflict more pain without getting called out.
Practice in the mirror: 'Please don't make comments like that, it hurts my feelings'. No other explanations or defenses. Repeat every single time. Over and over. Make this the only response to their nasty comments. Either they really don't know they're doing it, so you have to point it out, or they're doing it for fun, so you have to make it boring for them. This response works both ways.
No. 659329
>>659315I have told her that her comments make me feel even more ugly than I already do, and she gets hurt and tells me her intention isn't to say I'm ugly, it's just to 'inform me'. And if I try to explain my feelings further, she just gets upset/angry and then I have to make it up to her, same song and dance every time.
>>659326Wow, what an edgy faggot. Thank you for the advice though, I think it's kinda clever. I will do that next time. Won't over explain myself.
No. 659349
>>659347I remember you posting about this. I'm really sorry to hear that he's doing well tbh, but hopefully his lifespan is still shortened.
Honestly, it's probably the whole "people around me may die" thing. I don't know if guilt would make someone purchase gifts to make that up, but then again, a lot of men don't know how/would want to verbalize those things. It's really weird to think about, and I'm sorry that this is a whole other layer added to the abuse you went through from your uncle creeping into your relationship with your father. In any case, enjoy your new coffee table. I hope you have a good day, anon.
No. 659370
I'm not exactly sure if this is a vent, but it's going to be dumb and longwinded so.
I remember once in highschool I had really bad acne (for me–looking back, it wasn't even bad), and I put a shit ton of makeup on to cover it up, not realizing it made it look worse. My mom made a comment and asked me why I was wearing so much, told me I didn't need it, that I was making us late for whatever we were doing, etc, and we got into an argument about it. I started crying and yelled, "well it's because I'm ugly, mama! Look at my face, I have so much acne! I'm gross!" and other stupid histrionic 16 year old bullshit, and the look on her face was probably the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen in my life, but I didn't realize it at the time. My mother is extremely stubborn and has given me the silent treatment for 3 months over something trivial. She doesn't back down from arguments. This was the only time she did. She told me that wasn't true and then let me finish what I was doing and bought me some Bare Minerals makeup, much lighter weight than what I was using, that week. Looking back on that as an adult woman hurts. I don't have kids, but I do know how much I hate when my friends say horrible things like that about themselves, and I can only imagine how much worse that is to hear it as a mother from your daughter. I miss my mom. I haven't seen her in almost a year and won't until January, when it'll have been over a year. I want to hug her. Love you, mama.
No. 659379
>>659329>'inform me'Oh this bitch super knows what she's doing.
>she just gets upset/angry and then I have to make it up to herI know you know this is bullshit manipulation, she knows it too. Continue to politely and neutrally ask her to stop. She's going to be mad about it, but you're being extremely reasonable. That one phrase says everything you need to say.
The hard part is going to be letting her get mad if she insists on it, and not rushing to comfort her. I know how difficult this part is. I guarantee you can survive her displeasure.
'It hurts my feelings when you make comments like that. Please stop.' Change subject.
>'BUT I'M JUST!! informing you!!' 'It hurts my feelings when you make comments like that. Please stop.' Change subject.
The Captain Awkward blog is really good for example scripts in situations like this. Good luck!
No. 659392
>>659379Anon, you called my ma a bitch.
But yes, I know it's one her tactics to like, let herself off the hook. I don't entertain it anymore, don't engage in it at all. She said today that when I smile, one of my eye looks smaller than the other, and I just said 'alright, good to know' and just changed subjects. But now, I'll try what you suggest. Maybe it'll get through her thick skull. Thank you for the peptalk anon, you don't know how much I appreciate you rn. I'll check out the blog you mentioned!
No. 659393
>>658859no anon, the movie we were watching was like a religious one and this literal angel despises humans, so I said something along the lines of, i c what they mean/is it bad i agree with them? lol
I don't think he's angry, he always tells me, plus didn't sound like it
No. 659479
>>658834We might be poorer but most places in Eastern Europe are far safer than anything Western Europe has to offer. It's not like it's Zimbabwe, the fuck.
The issue isn't even poverty, it's the attitude towards foreigners and the likelihood of OP's bf not being a scumbag.
Damn Westerners really love injecting their opinions into every conversation and then wonder why people like to dunk on them online. Nobody asked you.
No. 659491
>>659485You should have pepper sprayed him, anon.
Jk, but tbh it is an ok idea to be “friends” or at least fake acquaintances if you live alone and ever need something. If he gets weird just set firm boundaries. Or stab him.
No. 659499
>>659491The "I want to be friends" bullshit is a common lie by men like this, you see this scrote is an immigrant or at least has African background and when I was a teenager I often found myself in a situation where an African guy would start suddenly talking to me and then follow me for a very long time. They always ask you your number, do you live alone and where is your house. I sometimes had to walk to different direction than where my house was because I didn't want them to follow me. They also didn't leave you alone until you gave your number (me and my friends always gave them made up numbers). And they ALWAYS said they "want to be friends" because that works on some teen girls.
I thought I didn't have to deal with this anymore because men like this are predators towards teens or women in their early 20s at oldest, but seems like this one is even more desperate.
No. 659517
>>659485 >I'm almost 30 I thought I didn't have to deal with this shit anymoreSimilar happened to me last year (same age) and I don't know whether to think these men are following pick-up artists?
My guy repeated over and over that he wanted my number and I said why would I? When he repeated himself I too repeated the same answer louder and louder each time til he fucked off.
No. 659522
>>659513Not to upset you but this literally happened to my boyfriend's friend once. He was constipated but tried to turbo-poop before a roadtrip anyways and his asshole prolapsed. He was in the bathroom for 30mins just waiting for it to go back in on its own. Awful.
Also gdi we're talking about poop in OT again.
No. 659530
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>>659485When this happens I channel all my autismo energy and get VERY LOUD. They're relying on you being uncomfortable to make you quieter and more compliant, as if it's embarrassing to be harassed. But now he's the one that needs to be uncomfortable.
'NO THANK YOU. I DO NOT WANT YOUR NUMBER. PLEASE MOVE AWAY.' repeat any time he opens his mouth.
You can be polite but you have to be LOUD and project your voice and attract a lot of attention. Make people across the street aware this man is talking to you and you don't like it, you can even use an air horn if you like. People will remember you doing this.
It will scare the shit out of him, and he's going to get the message that you're very difficult to deal with. He can't even argue with you, because you're being polite, and the way you deliver the message leaves absolutely no room for argument.
I recommend going to somewhere open and quiet with a friend and practicing projecting your voice and just shouting. It's amazing how quiet and small we learn to be as women.
No. 659579
Mine is a nasty old crow but of course wicked people always cling to life the longest. Apparently 50 years of smoking mean nothing to the reaper.
No. 659583
>>659572Yeah, that's my thinking. I just ignore entirely and put up with either the "ah, nevermind," or "bitch!" I was with my friend when it happened once, and she turned around to tell him off, not yelling, just, "you're sexually harassing us, that's not okay," and when he finally left, I was so pissed. I told her that this man can look at the number on my parking space and knows where I live, but she turned around and lectured me for being a doormat. Fucking hell.
>>659575I love this idea for when they're truly persistent, kek.
No. 659590
>>659572Handmaid/scrote detected.
Yes, do this, because the point of getting loud is to garner attention from onlookers. A guy who picks a quiet woman to harass isn't gonna keep it up in front pf a crowd.
Nobody ever said to scream back st a man who has you cornered, but that's still a good idea- get loud, enunciate, and don't instigate anything. Just make noise and get away.
No. 659597
>>659590Sis if a man has you cornered and/or worse, isolated, being loud isn't going to do shit.
Do kick them in the nuts, though.
No. 659626
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Man I hate that my stepdad is this super “overprotective” dumbass. He always talks about how if he ever catches me having a boyfriend, he’s gonna hurt them. And honestly that freaks me the fuck out cause I do have a boyfriend. My mom and dad are really chill about that kind of stuff, but I don’t think I’ll ever be able to tell them about who I’m dating cause I’m terrified if my stepdad does find out. I’m a fucking adult now and I just wanna hang out with my bf but idk if that’ll ever be possible with my stepdad. He used to humiliate me when I would wear makeup or dress girly and be like “oh who are you trying to get impress anon?”. Like bitch I’m just trying to look cute and feel good about myself. I mean eventually I have to reveal to them that I’m with someone that I love, but I’m too scared of him humiliating me in front of my family or scaring away my boyfriend. I just wished he would fuck off.
No. 659632
>>659626It's weird that he's like this even though you're an adult. Usually stupid moids are like this and say "no dating til you're 18 reeee," and that's bad enough, but you're literally an adult. Can you tell your mom?
No. 659639
>>659635Anon I can't believe you just said retarded…ableist retard.
Yeah, par for the course. Why do actual hard work when you can just project that you do to people who will see it, ie your circle of people who already generally agree with you.
No. 659665
I don't know what's going on with me lately, but I've never felt so horrible and like I am the direct cause of everything bad that has ever happened to me because I'm just a fucking childish person and a complete idiot. I'm overwhelmed with anxiety and anger and horrible memories about my last relationship. It had an extremely uneven power dynamic, with me in the lesser role. Without going into details, I was in a position where it would have been almost impossible for me to leave him. I can't prove directly that he wanted me in that position all along and intentionally sought me out so that he could have that, but he did/said things that really made me question the nature of the relationship, like telling me he wouldn't still want to be with me if I ever moved out and tried to live on my own. I also once overheard him telling his friends that he never wanted a normal relationship, that he intentionally seeks out "sad girls with daddy issues" who "don't realize that he's worse than their dads." That was the only time I'd ever heard him say something like that though, and it was almost so comically evil that I wondered if it was some kind of a larp. I don't have a close relationship with either of my parents, but I don't consider myself to be someone who has "daddy issues," so I can't imagine I even fall into this category? He objectively treated me badly even if he wasn't like, horrifically abusive. He was extremely selfish, bought into manosphere "red pill" bullshit, neglected my needs, gaslighted me if I tried to bring up things he was doing that upset me, yet lately all I do is blame myself for everything that went wrong. Like, maybe if I'd just accepted we were different people with different needs, it would have been okay. Maybe I was actually the abusive one all along. He was always telling me that I was a nag, that I "didn't understand him at all" and "don't accept him for who he is," etc. I got really angry with him a lot because I didn't like the way I was being treated, but maybe we just weren't compatible and I'm exaggerating how bad things really were.
We have a lot of mutual friends and nobody else who knew us ever seemed to think he was doing anything wrong, and they still don't even after I'd alluded to some of the things that went on behind closed doors. My last therapist didn't seem to think he was abusive either and was just like "it's in the past; you need to focus on the present" if I ever tried to bring up the relationship. I've had a grand total of one person ever fully believe me when I confided in her that I felt like I had been abused. Like, pretty much all I've ever gotten from people otherwise if I try and talk about it is just, "yeah it sounds like you guys really weren't compatible." His friends and family know he's an asshole in relationships, but they sort of treat it like a joke. If I ever insinuated he was abusive, they'd just sort of dismiss it and try and redirect the conversation, or they tried to give me advice on how to better react to his behavior, how to practice acceptance, etc.
I feel like I'm losing my fucking mind. Why do I feel like he's the worst thing that's ever happened to me if he wasn't actually abusive? I've never in my entire life felt so powerless, helpless and full of rage towards a single person. Like I'm actually physically sick and have chronic pain and stomach problems from how much this has all affected me. I can't get any support from people I thought I could trust, and I don't really even know what to do at this point other than shift the blame to myself and try and work out why I caused all these problems so that this doesn't happen again, but that doesn't work either and usually just makes me feel worse.
No. 659671
>>659665I'm so enraged reading this. First of all, I'm so sorry that you're not getting the support you need from your friends and family, anon. It probably has a lot to do with the "boys will be boys," and/or "he's just like that!" mentality that excuses terrible men from being accountable for their behavior. You even recognize that.
>His friends and family know he's an asshole in relationships, but they sort of treat it like a joke. Like. That's what that is, period. And because of that, there's no way you're going to get them to sympathize with you, or if they do, they'll sympathize, but brush it off and not hold
him accountable for your pain or the pain he puts other women through.
>bought into manosphere "red pill" bullshit, neglected my needsfollowed by
>Maybe I was actually the abusive one…He was always telling me that I was a nag, that I "didn't understand him at all" and "don't accept him for who he is," etc.Ma'am that's exactly what redpoll manosphere diaper babies are. They don't view women as full people, they view us as burdens that should bend to their whim while never having to sacrifice their own comfortability. And why not? Because they're men? So stupid.
This man has successfully used all of the privileges of being a man and the patriarchy to blind your friends and family and gaslight you into feeling crazy, but you are NOT. He was and is a giant piece of shit, and none of it was your fault barring wasting time him for too long, which isn't really a "fault" thing–we all have to learn. Seriously, don't beat yourself up about it at all. Your therapist is a moron for saying "it's in the past, focus on the present" because your present is currently disturbed by what he's done to you and the way it's affecting your self esteem and relationships and trust in others. Please find a new one.
I'm just. I'm livid. You don't deserve this. I'm so sorry anon, but "all the bad things in your life" or however you're feeling aren't your fault. Feeling crazy because you were gaslit is literally the point of gaslighting, and being surrounded by people that don't understand that or know how to support you is isolating. But you can take your life back. He doesn't deserve a place in it. Fuck him. Fuck him so hard. You'll be okay.
No. 659685
>>659671This anon is right, my friend. There may also be another reason they enabled him—people want "normalcy" and peace. They can sense something's off, it can be right in their face, but don't want to be the one to face it. I think this is why so many abusers act in plain sight, "open secret" scenarios etc. People hesitate to call it out, to start conflict, to dial 911. It sucks though since that is a harmful non-response. Especially your therapist, it's easier to
pretend to help you with bullshit in "the present" than to talk about making a change by leaving this man. Thought exercises alone couldn't have saved you from the situation. If you had a good therapist they would've noticed and told you what's the truth, that this man is bad for you. You might consider changing therapists. Anyway, I'm so sad for what happened to you and it definitely was abuse. No question. His own words are enough to damn him. I hope you can recover and learn to stop blaming yourself, because it wasn't you. It's terrible this happened and I hope the best for you now that you're out
No. 659707
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>>659698I’m sorry anon sending hugs
No. 659748
>>659671>>659685Thank you anons. It helps me sometimes to write it all out, and then it's easier for me to see that what happened wasn't my fault. I do have a new therapist now and so far she's been more accepting and supportive. I'm still deeply ingrained in a circle of people who support my ex, and I basically can't hang out with them without someone mentioning him, or without worrying that he's going to turn up out of the blue (it's happened before). I'm dating someone new, but he also knows him and seems to think I should be over what happened by now. He's not very supportive of my healing process and is more upset by the fact that because I'm all messed up, his needs aren't getting met. It also took me a disturbingly long time to convince him that my ex was
abusive, and I've never fully trusted that he completely believes me. He doesn't always believe other women's stories of abuse and thinks it's more important to approach these things with a
degree of skepticism" rather than supporting them outright. That's always really bothered me because it's like, how are you doing anything other than hurting an abuse
victim further by insinuating that they must be exaggerating, misunderstanding the abuser's intentions, etc, rather than just fucking believing them? It's not like you can't just cut ties with the person if it turns out they're lying about being abused, which ime almost never happens. He's also one of those annoying people who, despite me literally showing him evidence to prove the contrary, thinks that emotional abuse just isn't that big of a deal.
I have a lot of money saved up and I'm about to finish my degree. Seriously considering booking it and never speaking to any of these people again as soon as I have the chance.
No. 659753
>>659749I got ptsd, my murderer rabbit was brown and the
victim rabbit was white
No. 659864
>>654901>>659554>>659572>>659583>>659590>>659593>>659596>>659597>>659600Please I'm in no way suggesting you antagonise men who are trying to hurt you, I'm saying get loud because it seriously works and I get out of situations all the time by just being as unappealing a target as possible. You can use your instinct to tell you when those situations are.
Clearly don't try to make a Teachable Justice Moment out of a threatening situation (who would do that? Are you both very patient and suicidal?)
No. 659878
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>>659868It's been consistently memed for like 15 years now and has plenty of material left, I doubt you'll ever escape.
I like the manga but can't be bothered with the anime so eh.
No. 659883
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My relationship with my close online friend somehow has gotten to the point where it's just her constantly seeking comfort and me being run ragged emotionally after trying to offer 24/7 support to her for any small issue. I like her a lot but I can't do it anymore and I feel like I'm being used
No. 659921
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I've been exercising with indoor cycling this quarantine and I've never been this horny in my life, it fucking sucks that I haven't had a good fuck since I broke up with my ex 3 years ago!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm going to fucking lose it masturbating does nothing to me aaaaaaaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 659938
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I am fucking angry my mom made me live in the basement even though she knew how high the radon level was down there
I am even fucking angrier that she kept me down there out of spite after another kid's parents told her they would never let their kid over again because she knew and told them radon was a government hoax because her husband told her so
I'm also a little mad those other parents didn't like, I dunno, tell the school or some shit I guess
If I get lung cancer later, she will absolutely deny that my childhood radon tank had anything to do with it because I used to smoke weed
I'm also angry that she just fucking told me this casually in a random conversation over a decade later like it meant nothing
No. 659943
>>659941>if its high in your basement dont you think its high in surrounding areas as wellI mean yeah, presumably, what's your point?
>what shithole you live inoutside of stl, america's belly button shithole
No. 659953
>>659883I have one or two online friends who act like that. One I forgive because her life legitimately sucks ass and she doesn't mind if I only respond with an emoji/try to steer the conversation elsewhere/respond with my own bullshit.
You should tell her exactly what you just said–it's running you ragged and you feel used. If you're really close friends, and if she's a friend worth keeping, she'll realize what she's doing, apologize and change. If not, start holding her at arm's length and/or gradually ghost 'cause fuck that, you're not her therapist.
No. 659958
My boyfriend is emotionally exhausting me and it's so hard to analyse why. It's like 80% of our interactions have some underlying power struggle or tit-for-tat bullshit and I'm sure it's not helping my mental health.
I'm super easy going and I prefer to give my energy without thinking of what I'm "owed" because the simplicity makes me happy. But this guy is always making bids for my attention where i have to stop what im doing and turn to him just so he can talk about his topic or show me some youtube…. but he wont fucking do the same in return. I could "haha" at something and he will ignore it… be more obvious about it and say "wow this is crazy" and get nothing. Life in this apartment is his fucking story and i'm just a side character.
Dont even get me started on all the regular boring "maintenance" chores i do around here by default, plus weekday groceries+cooking… But oh how he'll bitch about how much he spends on overpriced groceries and cooking 2 meals a week. I'm doing 80% of the work around here but i'll get chewed out on this stuff.
After giving him so much positive attention over the weekend (his birthday was saturday) he got shitty that his "plans" for today had to wait. He never set a time to do the plans, it was vague, just "lets go look at some couches today".
I figured he didnt want to do that right away, so I got ready early so I could duck next door to my favourite store and then grab some groceries, it would have taken an hour max. I even told him all of this but just as im finishing getting ready, he gets ready and expects me to stop what im doing to go look at couches. um, no buddy, i told you i was ready to do that after i do my short thing. He gets all pissy that i wont drop my plans and go with him instead.
I feel like he doesnt listen to a word i say. expects me to "mute" myself in our shared space so he can play his movies and music. And on top of it all he complains about the lack of sex when he doesnt even initiate.
Dude be taking all this attention and bubbly personality for granted, holy fuck. I could be dating some 6'10" dark haired cutie in real estate, or that other guy thats a model+ ex stripper. I'm undervaluing myself.
No. 659967
>>659962haha thanks for the solidarity. At this point i feel pretty disconnected over it and it's just a mater of time until i move on (unemployed right now)
It's insane how he perceives himself like some kind of simple, good, hardworking man who is being dug for gold. i pay 40% rent and 50% of all bills, and he doesnt have to lift a finger when he comes home. He makes out like this new couch is for us but i aint fooled on stuff like this without a ring. he will pick the couch and maybe consider my input, thats it.
meanwhile i have to clear out sections of my bookshelf for him. be "ok" with him always using my makeup desk chair as his bedside table…. always entitled to my things and my spaces but whats his is his, and I'm lucky to have anything at all thanks to him. ugh lol.
No. 659975
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After waiting patiently for several years I just re-enrolled at my university with enough in savings to cover the period I need to finish my degree, allowing me to pursue my dreams.
Literally the exact same day, not even a few hours after I finish talking to my advisor, my partner's cat ends up requiring an emergency surgery and we're now $2100 in debt.
No. 659979
>>659974>can be strongeranon pls. you shill for the government?
the bigger issue is that it affects that area, and if her mom is aware of if then officials are aware of it and no one is addressing it. humans were a mistake. we were given one small space rock and cant even take care of it
No. 659984
>>659975Sounds a bit like partner's problem and not really yours.
I know that pets are special and you have empathy for it suffering but imagine all the pets you can properly care for when you have a better income from putting your study/career first.
I desperately want a cat but i fear the surprise costs fucking me over before i'm ready. And i would be careful to view a partners pet as theirs, not "ours"
No. 660034
>>660014You're right, and it's only in the last year or so I've started viewing relationships and men in a different light (thanks FDS).
I've been a people-pleasing, low self esteem, late-diagnoses ADHD dumdum for too long. I'm working on that stuff now, and getting the right meds has cleared my mind alot from the emotional brain fog. I keep thinking that the people-pleasing will make up for my shortcomings but it's just let guys walk all over me tbh. Tired of it.
>>660023I feel this sometimes. I have no idea how to react when he does this though. Pretend i didn't hear?
No. 660149
>>660138>I tried going out of my comfort zone and talking to peopleNice!
>on dating appsYou fucked up. I know that we are in middle of a pandemic, but you should try meeting people IRL or on other social media. Dating apps are meat markets.
No. 660158
>>660155 said. ppl who masturbate to that shit are totally pedos.
No. 660169
>>660168that's fucking idiotic statement. people being right about loli being for pedos isn't the reason real kids aren't protected enough
are you the retard from stwawbewwymilk thread
No. 660177
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>>660163>HS that fucked 14 year old freshmenIf there were no rapes, then it works, because every teen must be aware of consequences of fooling around with bad / older guys.
No. 660182
Well, I was friends with this boy at school, at that time we saw each other every day and got along very well, but after graduation we walked away and stopped talking. I still kept him added to my social networks, but it has been many years since we finished school and since then we have been in complete silence until he got in touch a few days ago, talking to me again as if nothing had happened in almost a decade. We practically don't even know each other now, but he text me every day all day long and I can't understand what he wants. I thought it might be loneliness because of the quarantine, but he has a girlfriend, family and friends. And this has left me very confused, because people look for others for some specific reason, but I cannot identify what that reason would be. It would be too weird if I asked him directly why he decided to look for me now after all these years?
No. 660183
>>660176You’ll get to travel to Europe someday anon! Don’t think “it’ll never happen”. Commit to yourself that you will go fir a visit when it is safer to travel. There is plenty of time to save up and prepare. Do that for yourself anon.
>>660182Ask him! It’s kinda sus if he’s got a gf, but also stranger things have happened.
No. 660237
>>660216Yes they dont care about us we are protesting all the they want to ban abortion of rape kids. Its all a f joke..
Thank you anon i hope more ppl get the info we need all the support we can get cos it is sick
No. 660290
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trying to take myself with a grain of salt since Im high or whatever but… I havent forgot this girl, my best friend in high school, I secretly loved her… she looks like picrel. trying so hard to resist searching her name on social media or contacting her again— it wouldn't be smart would it. It's been years, her birthday just passed, but god, she was perfect. I know no one is but she was close. I always knew it'd never work since both our parents are religious, hers are scary strict, and she's probably straight… Fuck why can't I remember if she ever crushed on someone. I had it for her bad but forced myself to move on. I know we're old enough now our parents shouldn't matter but let's face it they do. And i haven't seen her in years. rip my aching heart
No. 660321
>>660290anon I feel like this too. I have never told anyone this but I’m kinda high too so whatever. I found her twitter recently (like a stalker) and she’s come out as bisexual. Our friendship ended after we had a fight related to the first and only “boyfriend” I got in high school… she totally cut me out, I’d try to talk to her in person and she would literally turn her head away. When I saw she was bi some things about that clicked for me. The original fight was SO minor and her reaction so over-the-top and I was just like oh, we were pretty gay for each other, huh?
I still think about her. We were close for many years. Part of me wants to message her but I think she’s kind of a bad person.
No. 660323
>>660295I'm going to go through the coffee date to get it over with since he hasnt said it's an actual date or alluded to anything of that nature but I'm gonna be firm and make it clear I'm not looking for a relationship and he hopefully gets the hint. He at least toned it down with the texting today. I just hope going to the gym won't be awkward after that
>you're not obligated to go out with this guy and reward his annoying, persistent behavioryou are so right, I wish it was easier for me to be more assertive, told my mom about this guy and she basically said it's just a coffee date take pity on him
No. 660342
>>660323Aw, well good luck and be safe, anon! Don’t let him continue to back you into a corner or pressure you into spending more time with him.
>I wish it was easier for me to be more assertiveIt’s honestly a skill that you can learn/work up to. I can still be timid or polite irl, but as soon as a man proves to be inconsiderate or persistent in a way that’s dismissive of my time and energy, I’ll be straightforward. Hope this is a good opportunity for you to practice that!
No. 660449
>>660360Take care anon! Hope you recover soon.
>>660413Sorry anon, that must be disheartening. It’s hard to deal with family members who have different ideologies to our own. Been there.
No. 660611
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I feel as if my depression is coming back again, my fiance has been playing WoW non stop and i can't tell him to stop because it would be hypocritical of me since im literally grinding genshin impact and i don't wanna be a massive asshole to him.
But at the same time, i just want him to talk to me and text me for once, since we are LDR communication is something i really find important, but since we are less communicating i just feel more and more depressed about it. My anxious thoughts are very irrational and telling me that he loves his game more than me and it really makes me sad.
I really want to tell him how i feel, but i hate sounding hypocritical. All i want is to have long convos and love from him, theres nothing else i want, just for him to pay attention to me, his game isn't that important, right?
i'll just keep playing klee i guess and bomb dumb hilichurls until i feel better, crazy how one in game character makes me feel atleast a bit good.
No. 660625
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Why does it feel like the process of learning art is killing all of my creativity?
No. 660629
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>>660625I'm struggling with the same problem, I'm an animation student and I'm starting to feel so afraid about the fact that I will monetize my passion and I'm slowly starting to feel empty of all creativity. Good luck anon
No. 660678
>>660671You see that on here often enough. Anons find out that their guy has very particular tastes when they find his porn history and it's nothing like their own body type. Has to suck finding that out after already investing time in someone.
That being said, I've dated guys where I honestly wasn't 'too' attracted to them, as long as there was an active sex life they didn't seem to notice. For some reason (low self worth?) I felt like I needed to settle in some areas. My last ex got quite nasty during the break up and it took quite some self control not to point out that I never felt too excited by his looks… I got myself into that relationship so I felt I should rise above using that as an insult. No matter how low he acted.
No. 660696
>>660686 > They were talking about tiring it was dealing with the two of us cause we were being anxiousHaving anxiety is the most tiresome thing. It's tiresome for you and eventually for the people around you. I know it hurts to hear it but it's also just a reality. I think they discussed it privately knowing that you obviously can't just switch off your anxious nature, so they needed to vent without attacking you.
I remember my first big break up speech was a guy telling me how 'exhaustive it was having to live with my anxiety'… hurts but if you're talking about actually having an anxiety disorder then yeah that's the nature of it.
No. 660885
>>660756>I can't go on dates because men nowadays don't pay for food or drinks.Do you feel you need to offer to pay for your half in order to get dates, or that no man is going to like you enough to pay for you?
Imo there are signs and ways to tell if the guy you're talking to is interested in actually treating you, or if he's stingy and looking for the cheapest date possible.
The biggest thing is to lay out your expectations early in the conversation so you can weed out all the idiots who are going to waste your time regardless. Most guys wanting you to put in major effort (paying for dates, driving to them all over hell, etc) aren't taking you seriously cause they're trying to conserve their money and energy for other women they have in rotation. They don't care if you overwork or go without cause they don't value you. Obviously there are exceptions, but this has been my experience. Men who are into you will want to take care of you.
Don't shoot down the possibility is all I'm saying. The fact that you're employed and conscientious about your spending already puts you in a league above other women who completely expect full rides from men. It just makes me sad to hear that anon, idk. You deserve to have a nice night out and be treated for your efforts.
No. 660967
>>654901i've always had an unhealthy relationship with my mother but it got worse recently. i'm afraid to leave the house knowing she's gonna watch my back. she doesn't knock when she comes into my room she just barges in. looking over to see what i'm doing on my phone. she hates my friend who has piercings and some tattoos, smokes weed. thinks shes a junkie because of how skinny my friend is and wants to keep me away from her. yes it's just one person but i can't help but think this is really bad to do to your 19 year old daughter. she also would verbally abuse me and sometimes physically when i was younger. there is always tension with her and my dad, they never loved eachother but are staying together for "traditional values". am i
valid for feeling like i want to escape?
No. 661003
I've been mulling this over in my head for the past few days. It's dawned on me suddenly that the reason why my mother always instilled in me a great fear of mental health and anything to do with it (saying people who have to seek therapy are lazy, excusemakers, severely sick people, etc) is because she herself likely suffers from a personality disorder that may be bigger than her narcissistic traits I've seen. I think she was afraid that if I went to someone to talk about my experiences especially about what she's done, they would quickly realize she had the major problems and would counsel me in ways that would prevent her from being as controlling or having as strong of an effect on me. I think she's deeply ashamed of the things she's done to me, choices she made, and how she raised me but she can't risk anyone in the outside world knowing her true self. So it was better for her to convince me and others that she was the best thing ever in my life rather than reflect on her behavior and get real help.
Even now when I'm low contact with her, she gets super pissed if she finds out I said anything negative about her to my friends. For instance, before I made the decision to remove her side of the family off my private facebook, she once accused me of "airing dirty laundry about her for the world to see" because her shitbag nephew attacked me on a post I made about me volunteering. He then brought up my bad relationship with her and smeared it in my face. I responded affirmatively and said she was abusive and that's why I didn't speak to her. So her nephew/SIL triangulated me and showed mom where I said she had been abusive, cause she rarely paid attention to what I posted. She proceeded to call my stepdad to rave about me, threatened a cease and desist, and said I "don't know what I'm accusing her of" when I said she was abusive. As if I had exposed her and she was freaking out, from a sentence made in my own self-defense after it was dragged from me.
Would a parent who knows they've been good to their adult children really react with anger and threats like that when their child just said they were abusive? Do good parents worry about their reputation and image first and the feelings of their child second?
I hate her. I can't imagine being such a fucking monster.
No. 661053
>>661034>my partner is not only trans but also homophobicKek how? Either your partner is a bio woman larping as a man or a man larping as a woman which would make him a transbian. Can't really be homophobic either way.
>Actual Trans PeopleThe fact they they're trying to gatekeep and prevent you from existing the way you want to is more indicative of being controlling over you than caring about whether or not you actually experience dysphoria. If they went through that experience, they would hypothetically be supportive in you figuring it out, at least; but no, they want the attention on them. Nah.
It sounds like you're surrounded by shitty, unsupportive people. Like another anon said, it's way better to ditch them and be alone and figure your shit out, maybe with a therapist or something, than be with people who actively put you down or make you feel more lonely. Seriously, that's worse than actually
being alone/lonely.
I can't really tell you what you are or how to feel about your own body, but it's normal for women who are insecure, abused, confused, hate themselves/their circumstances/etc to think it'd be easier to be a man. That doesn't mean you are one. Not enjoying your feminine features or sex characteristics is normal too. It sucks, but women are taught to either hate or feel shame about ourselves. You can exist as a gender non-conforming (GNC) woman without being trans, that's just a factor that's swept under the rug and forgotten with trans idealogy peddled before gender neutrality/non-conformity. In any case, I can really see your pain, anon. I hope you feel better and do what's right for yourself whatever that may be.
No. 661075
>>661053My partner is FTM and bi. After we got together they've frequently made comments specifically about lesbians and gay men. They have said that butch lesbians are pathetic, ugly and disgusting, that lesbianism is predatory, that gay men are just "cock crazy street whores in a male body" and that gay people as a whole are narrowminded, stereotypical and boring. I'd call that being homophobic.
Thank you, really. I used to think I was FTM but when I realized I'm actually a lesbian (when I was around 25, I've heard many detransitioners say they realized they're not trans around the same age for some reason) I stopped trying to be something I'm not. I'm GNC but my entire friend group is trans and I'm very isolated otherwise, even worse so with quarantine. I've recently gone back to therapy for my mental health though. I guess you're right about how loneliness is better than shitty people, truth hurts right? Thank you.
No. 661116
>>661075That absolutely does not compute in my head but okay. She sounds awful and exhausting. Does she think being twans and homophobic makes her interesting and less stereotypical or something bc
that’s pathetic kek. Are most of your trans friends actually her friends, by chance, or would you say they’re more yours/truly mutual?
I’m glad you’re working on your mental health. That’s really important in general, especially during quarantine, and especially if you might be ditching these shitty people. I’ve been around people who drain me and make me feel worse. I was much happier and able to sort myself out and grow without them sowing tendrils of doubt into my head. Good luck, anon. I hope you find happiness, I really really do.
No. 661178
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Bf brought up how he's excited that he might be getting one of the two cats he used to have with his ex-wife, and of course it's the more antisocial and jittery cat.
He's excited and made a comment about how I'm going to love this cat. But deep down? I'm a bit resentful. For one thing, that is not and will never be my cat. What will happen is that I'll wind up caring for and cleaning up after a cat I had no say in choosing nor bonding with for the majority of its life. It'll also probably be depressed from getting separated from the other cat and having to adjust living with me.
Most animals tend to love me so I don't doubt the cat will be any different, but it doesn't feel entirely fair. I haven't owned a cat since my childhood cat died in the early 2010s. Since then I've been with partners who either didn't want animals, already had their animals, or–as was the case with my abusive ex–forced me to buy his choice of cat while completely disregarding my own input about what I wanted even though I was paying for everything and then threatening to gut me if I wanted the cat post-breakup.
You may ask why I don't just get my own cat but tbh I think two mammals in a one bedroom apartment is too much. I'd love to own a house and then two cats would make sense, but let's face it, I'll probably die first before I ever eliminate my debts and get savings for that.
Man I wish his ex would be a raging unreasonable bitch like how she's been with everything else and just keep both cats from him, but truth is she probably wants the less social and problematic cat gone anyway.
No. 661182
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i want to experience love but i'm terrified of being vulnerable so i'm sitting here until i go insane, knowing what i have to do but paralyzed by the possibility of being seen and then rejected/feeling humiliated, also being looked at sexually. i can't keep up what i'm currently doing though.
No. 661199
>>661185That's really sad, I'm sorry you never got your cat back anon.
It's definitely worth a conversation. I know it usually makes for bad feelings should the relationship fail, yet I've always seen it as
ideal when a new pet of any kind is a shared couple's experience. Basically something they decide upon and do together because the pet will occupy space and responsibility in both their lives. Obviously pets are like kids so generally speaking as long as you bring them up prior and the boyfriend says he's ok with you have them. then it's fair game.
Idk, or maybe it's my cope to be selfish because all I wanna do is own a cat I had a say in choosing in over a decade. Either way, it's gonna happen so I have to get used to it, but I do want my boyfriend to know how I feel about that and what my future intentions would be.
No. 661219
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Hate this
No. 661280
>>661270not really, i'm really close to not even voting tbh
>>661262not gonna take the bait but if i was i'd ask why you think that
>>661278i'm very open with people about my beliefs and i'm usually not afraid to speak my mine. i don't think i believe anything super radical either, i'm most certainly not right wing at all, definitely left-aligned. and i used to be a crazy sjw a few years ago for context. "trump" just has such an ugly connotation, even to my friends who essentially agree with my general views.
No. 661289
>>661260It's not anyone's business tbh. I don't know why it's suddenly a common question to ask. My parents always said you never talk about religion or politics to people.
I'm doing the same thing and just saying I'm not voting when people ask because you're less persecuted for that than saying "I voted for Trump."
No. 661348
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I think that if I could wipe my existence out of family's and boyfriend's minds, I'd kill myself.
No. 661359
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>>661260>just think dems are the bigger of the two evilsYou prefer the evils of taking away women's reproductive rights, rabid anti-immigrant culture to the point of locking children away from their parents, and ensuring the poorest/most at-risk citizens don't have access to healthcare, as opposed to… some troon pandering, maybe? Huh.
No. 661360
>>661348Im with you anon.
There are points when i feel pretty lucky i have an attentive partner and family.
Honestly the guilt of my family and friends pain has always held me back, but suicidal thoughts never really go away, just the courage…
after seeing the aftermath after my highschool close friends suicide, his friends and familys pain including mine was intense. Heshot himself less then a week after visiting me… And it would have happened a long time ago and he always kind of joked about it in an off hand way… Please check in with those you know care about you. I know it is exhausting mentally sometimes but the reminder that you can still brighten someones day can be comforting, even after all the self loathing.
There are days when you will know, even on simple little things like the way something tastes or share laughter .. It was worth it to stick around and to hang on, and there will be more moments like this.
Sorry for blog post, this became my own vent too, i guess.
No. 661437
>>661434Whenever I would meet a british woman in friend circle, they would always be passive aggressive for some reason and acting petty, targeting me or some other new woman. I never understood why? Can any brits explain?
With british teenagers, girls would be nice and cute. But when its an adult woman or someone who is some years older than me they act like petty and p-agg person who just hates you and doesn't want you to be here. I never argue with anyone nor talk much.
No. 661454
>>661448Why they would ingrain this sort of ideology into honestly the most unattractive group of women I've ever seen is beyond me.
>>661453Definitely. Old roommate at university would openly neg her alleged "best friend" who was a shy, spineless, loser girl and bitch about how her friend would look kind of bummy at the gym when they go together which was allegedly the reason guys wouldn't approach her. Who goes to gym looking for guys to ask them out? Insane bunch of bitches honestly, lol.
No. 661477
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I hate the job market so much I just want a job why am I competing with thousands of people for the most basic ass positions to get paid fuck all just so I can eat and live. How am I ever supposed to get a career when there just aren't the positions? It's so draining being rejected all the time
No. 661481
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>"I feel self conscious and uncomfortable in our conversations because I know you are always worried about setting me off"
Then get some therapy for your massive anger management problems that everyone and your dog has told you you have, holy fuck dude!!
No. 661503
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I just wanna vent that mother nature's "present" is not being kind to me this month…
No. 661519
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I'm trapped in an endless struggle to meet everyone's expectations, despite going to multiple terapist trying to get away from that toxic mentality; today I've seen some update from my ex on social media, she's always been a NEET, no job, living off social support, her flatmate cooks for her and from what is seems nowadays for few years already she spends all days roleplaying with other people in an MMO. Sometimes I wish I had so little ambition, just dissociate completely and shut myself off real life.
excuse the pepe please
No. 661527
>>661513Are you trolling or a kid larping as an adult?
Obviously I was talking about hormones and all the random crying that comes with.
The weird phrasing is because I'm not native english speaker, its a Dutch expression.
No. 661544
>>661527>>661535I'm not sorry and not a troll but the way TA worded it was retarded as fuck. We all have different ways to word it "Aunt Flo", "Mother Nature's Gift" etc but why word it like that
here instead of just saying "my period". not trying to
hi scrote but it genuinely sounded like someone who wasn't comfortable talking about a period or saying the word (aka larping). you say "mother nature's gift" in mostly formal settings or like with your fuckin' sweet grandma or something, not on a gross imageboard full of women and neets. tf
No. 661579
>>661562My original was partially a passing comment as a joke. no need sperg. I wasn't even being entirely serious and I even said I wasn't "hi scrote"ing. calm the fuck down
what the fuck are you all smoking today, I can't even make a joke using a common phrase said here "you gotta be 18" is said fucking everywhere here.
No. 661607
>>661582Tbh this seems like a conspiracy by Amazon and online retailers to kill small businesses.
Very unfair.
No. 661708
>>661668It's not, the whole corona situation has made people's mental health worse and people who are stuck in
abusive houses can't leave when they need to. Have you looked into suicide rates of other countries? I am not sure what your mental health system is like over there or how your country is affected by corona but usually in lockdowns or closing of businesses/jobs also increases these statistics of abuse, suicide, and homicide.
No. 661728
>>661718I don't like them in general even when I have been with the guy for a long time. I rather have the dick in person, it's more of the guy attached to the dick I am interested in.
>>661717I wouldn't humor them because I don't want them. It's an instant turn off, but maybe I am just stick in the mud when it comes to things like nudes. I don't like to give nudes or receive them. Some girls do like dick pics but betting your chances on them liking it without you asking is a sure way to ruin things.
No. 661753
>>661725SAME. I know some girls who are into chubby guys or guys with dadbods. I do like a petite lightly muscular guy. Any guy buff or bodybuilding is just not my thing.
Guys think that because they see shows or see women that do like them giving the guys who have them attention.
If a girl says she likes 5-6 inch dick then it is her saying that to make a guy feel better. As if all girls are supposed to like 8+ inch dicks. I don't want a big dick, I just want a guy with an average one. All guys think we want big dicks too… Seeing a pattern here.
>>661731Sexting with only text, that is the best thing. Not seeing it helps me want the guy more. Yeah, giving back type thing, no thank you. It's not even a fair trade because not a lot of girls get off to dick pics but majority of guys can get off to female nudes.
No. 661793
My boyfriend said one of his dreams was to make an art academy for autistic people. I was appalled and asked why because I never knew he cared. One of his exes had an autistic brother and I have an autistic sister who makes shitty, basic fractal art you can find anywhere (and she always says she'll sell it and never does). I'm a little bitter I think his reasons are because of my sister (like maybe he feels sorry for her best case scenario, worst case scenario, my bpd brain is telling me awful things) when she literally gave me hundreds of self image issues because of her overt narcissism. Not to mention I made autistic friends in school who were also narcissists and it's just made me decide, they're not worth my fucking time. I tried explaining to him that he doesn't have firsthand experiences with autistic people and he certainly hasn't been shaped by them in the way others are, and maybe he should reconsider, but he became adamant he'd do it himself if I wouldn't support it. Thing is, he'd likely need my financial support if it occurred. We originally were intending on getting married and sharing finances which is a big deal because I'll be in less debt and making a lot more money than him with my degree and job, but this alone has made me want to split bank accounts or somehow keep my finances as separate from him as possible.
Basically, my boyfriend wants to make an academy for autistic people later in life and for me, the sheer thought he wants to do that alone disgusts me and I feel like a jackass because it's made me sure to split finances.
No. 661796
>>661793Also, I know this is one of those stupid things or projects people say they're going to do, and it probably won't happen.
It's the sheer thought he wants to do shit for autistic people that disgusts me. Yes, I'm that shitty of a person.
No. 661800
>>661793So your boyfriend wants to do something altruistic and you are pissed because you are jealous of your sister? Girl, you're the problem here.
You're obviously not obligated to support his dreams financially and separate bank accounts are always a good idea, but you just sound bitter.
No. 661812
>>661753I hate how men base all their expectations on what women should like on their own perceptions. I'm an artist and draw basic bishounen shit and my male artist friends would always act like I'm some sort of sexual deviant for liking slim pretty boys over roided out guys with beards. And this is all while they'd be drawing actual degen hentai.
I'm glad I changed my art circle to be almost entirely female.
No. 661815
>>661793I am pretty sure he would need to go through school and even training for that to even happen (assuming that you are in a first world country). My parents take care of autistic people, things your boyfriend should know about his dream. One, it would have to be government regulated meaning it would be checked on a lot. Two, not a lot of people go into special education because disable people are dicks and hard to deal with on a daily basis. Three, it would be so much debt. This isn't just a business but something that has to buy extra stuff, pay more for the employees, etc.
I 100% understand your side of things, I am not going to be mean to an autistic person but I prefer not to deal with them on a daily basis.
I would suggest, you support it by cheering him on but not take part into it. Also, you might have to consider this a deal breaker. Most people think they want to work with disable people but don't realize how much stuff the care takers go through. Just keep in mind while what you experience is
valid, it is not a good method to coat over every disable person.
No. 661826
>>661812Just looking at hentai and talking to male hentai artists, it makes me hate men slightly. How they view women and what they think women want, it's rarely ever on the mark. As soon as you add an average male glaze or ideas to women's sexuality, it becomes about the male's desires of what women want.
bishounen bodies are what I like, I look for similar body types when finding guys I am attracted to. Also good on you for getting of that group.
No. 661840
>>661798My dad is likely autistic, or at least has asperger's, and my mom would have mental meltdowns nearly every day when I was growing up. In all fairness, they should not have bred. My dad's sister also has BPD.
>>661803I'm not jealous of my sister, I'm actually disgusted by her. She does nothing. She sits at her computer all day, playing Final Fantasy online and writing fan fiction, she claims she's an artist, but never sells anything…all at the age of 30. She is enabled by my parents majorly. It's actually been a script in terms of reminding me what not to be like. This person is a leech to society and she is proud of it; when she was younger, she stated she was superior to other people her age because she didn't have to pay rent and could basically fuck around all day. No one in my family wants to take her in when my parents pass away, so that'll be interesting to see.
>>661805Well, the most borderline thought I have through all of this is "what if he wants to do this because it's homage to my sister and he's secretly into her". It's pretty ridiculous, tbfh. But my main reason is because I personally don't care to be part of supporting something for autistic people because I would find that draining and frustrating.
>>661815I'm not rude to autistic people to their face, but I generally try to avoid them because they are draining for me, especially as I lived with one, possibly two, for so long in my life (in addition to various others along the way). The only exception to the rule was my first boyfriend who was extremely sweet and caring, but he was very aware of his asperger's and he knew it made him socially unaware and such, so he put in the effort to not come across that way. So yes, exceptions do exist, but it's extremely rare.
No. 661855
>>661847The main reason I have that I think is legitimate is that I don't want to deal with any more autistic people in my life than necessary.
My BPD affecting me with thoughts like this when they've only interacted once, when I genuinely don't have other things to be jealous of, appearance-wise, accomplishment-wise, etcetera. is quite secondary. If it were only this, I would waive off this feeling, probably discuss it, and that be that. But I'm more bothered by a long shot that I'd have to be in prolonged contact with autistic people throughout my life.
No. 661867
>>661859Well, yeah, I stated in the post right after my initial post it was unlikely it would even happen in the first place, especially given what his income will most likely be.
>>661863I've only been in relationships longer than 4+ years. I've never dated or been in short relationships. I may have BPD but that doesn't mean I let my thoughts control my actions.
No. 661894
>>661867Is 4 years classed as an impressively long relationship length?
You said bf, not husband, not soon to be husband. The point is you are letting your bpd rule you by getting pissed off at his future dream seeing as you don't know how long you'll be around into his future anyway.
No. 661901
>>661855I'd rather be around autistic people than BPD people and I'm sure the autists don't want to be around you either. Don't worry, if your boyfriend is actually a caring and altruistic person who has cute naive dreams like building schools for retards then he will soon realise what a coldhearted
toxic bitch you are and drop you.
No. 661910
>>661793Anon he's talking out of his ass, see it for what it is rather than legitimizing it as a threat to your lifestyle.
As other anons mentioned, there's soooooooo much work and money and effort required into opening up an academy for potatoes. Until things materialize in some way to the effect (he miraculously secures a business loan, he gets licensed and accredited to run such an establishment, etc) take what he says he wants to do with a grain of salt. By the way, it is best to keep a secret bank account for your own savings. Him having a savior complex for female autists might not be the only reason you'd want to dip in the future.
No. 661921
>>661875Sure, hence why I'm on a vent thread.
>>661894There's an exact date planned. I would say it's soon.
I guess, I'm irritated enough to vent about it to an imageboard, but it's not like I'm losing sleep over this. I would say my thoughts are being ruled if this was all I could think about for a day, or something like that.
>>661901My boyfriend is the one who wanted to marry me much earlier. As for autists, I might agree with you except they tend to talk to me because they have such low social awareness to the point where they don't register I'm different. I may have these thoughts personally, as I said before, but that doesn't mean I'm acting out on them.
>>661910You're right. I'm easily fearful of the what-ifs, even if I know they're unrealistic.
No. 661925
>>661921Bpd will drive you mad worrying about the what ifs and often it's to point where it drives your partner away and ruins the entire relationship.
I've been on the other side of that and all I can say is dont rush to marry if you are dealing with these thoughts
No. 661956
>>661949Anon could've just been allergic to one of the ingredients, that doesn't necessarily mean it's not body-safe.
>>661953A doctor can help you figure out what you're allergic to, it's probably good to go.
No. 661961
>>661955Just Corona related things, but I'm far from home and things just… kept happening today. Thank god it's almost over, and thank you anon for asking.
I just have to accept I don't really have friends- if a friend is a person you talk to about /yourself/ and not just interests. Sucks because I don't think I will ever have one again, although that may indicate I'm the one who is unable to form relevant relationships…
No. 661980
>>661975He could very well be abusing her behind closed doors. I went through the same and given time to reflect I realised she's likely to already be dealing with his rage or she will be when the honeymoon period is over. My jealousy turned into concern that these guys leave a trail of now damaged women behind them. If he was
abusive with you he won't just change like that.
No. 662168
>>662165Anon Cancer is definitely one of those issues you shouldn't mind your family helping at all, your mom loves and cares about you.
(I hope you get better soon.)
No. 662187
>>662141No, the hypocrisy is annoying. I've seen lesbians make hour-long videos composed of nothing but bitching about bisexual women, as if they can't just ignore us in peace.
>>662138I don't think there's anything wrong with that if it's how you feel. I just don't get how hard it is for some people to keep their preferences to themselves and keep it moving.
Just, what is the need to publicly blast bisexual women? It's not like we're trannies forcing dick on everyone. At least men deserve it, they actively sexually harass women, abuse them and try to "convert" them if they aren't attracted to them. Bisexual women are annoying
at worst. And then these same people wonder why so many of us decide to distance ourselves from the community, date men and live as straight people. It's really not worth it when everyone's going to either invalidate you, or pigeon-hole you as a slut. No one takes it seriously, and if they do, many will despise you on principle for no good reason (even if you share many of the same struggles), so why even bother?
No. 662191
sigh I can't get over my ex roommate whom I had a falling out with. The funny thing is, the first time I saw her was at a job orientation. I knew she was sapphic the minute I saw her. Being bi, I immediately started small talk with her and then after orientation, I found her via work Skype.
We started chatting up and instantly just "got" each other. Next thing I know, we're going to gay clubs together and making plans to be roommates. After we moved in, she got a dumb ass dog and he ruined everything. I was allergic to him and she didn't clean after him. She wanted to hang out but I felt socially awkward and lazy and I didn't want to hike with her. Things just got worse until she got mad at me and messaged me while at work and I snapped at her, writing an entire essay about my feelings of how she never cleans after her dog and is very pretty and holds grudges. And even after that, my cowardly ass, I didn't talk to her face to face until a few days later. After that point, she didn't want anything else to do with me.
Anyway, I genuinely loved that girl. I feel very sad that we never got back along together because we both had some crazy times at the club. But I just genuinely don't think we're compatible on the level of socializing. We're both socially retarded and have childhood trauma so basically we were always competing and I kinda hated that. Not to mention that one time, she told me her sister got molested. She was opening up to me, of course, but the whole time I was remembering the time my dad did the same thing to me so I didn't respond as a "real friend" would and I ended up just making a comment about her dog because it was awkward as fuck for me. She brought that up later and said that was when she knew we couldn't be friends. Fuckin bitch it's not always about you. Damn it I'm still bothered by it but at least our lease ended and I don't have to deal with her anymore. We are still friends on facebook for now
No. 662208
my best friend + roommate of the past few years has been very distant since the summer. she always seems mad at me and our other housemates/friends. i can empathize because we've all lived together for a while now and i get being sick of each other - i feel it as well, next year it's time to move on from living together - but on a personal level i still love them very much and still enjoy hanging out with them; they're my closest friends. i feel very hurt, and the hurt is turning to anger at her. she's been extremely passive aggressive for months now, occasionally we have times where it's normal, but then the passive-aggressiveness pops back up.
at first i was just chalking it up to her being depressed and wanting to withdraw, which i get because i do the same, but it's just been so long now that it's like, do you not want to be my friend anymore? my 2 other roomies have felt the shift ever since the summer as well and we're all at a loss for what's wrong.
i guess to make matters worse she started dating this guy shortly after i noticed her attitude shift, and they spend all their time together. she seems pissed off whenever he's not around. if we're hanging out and it's us and her bf, she'll seem happy, but as soon as he leaves she'll start sulking or not want to hang out. now she's talking about moving in with him next year (we're 21.) i think it's a horrible idea, and if it wasn't her in this situation, i know she would think it was as well. i like him and all, but they're still in the honeymoon phase.
i haven't really spent any meaningful time with her since the beginning of quarantine when we were the only two in our house, going crazy together (in a good way) over the state of things. now things feel so different.
it makes me sad to consider that perhaps we won't be best friends anymore. she was really my best of best friends, my college roommate, the first /best/ friend i've ever felt like i'd had. now, i feel like she wants nothing to do with me, or she thinks i'm stupid and annoying. i don't pressure her to hang out. but it's just made my living situation so uncomfortable, to even be in the kitchen with her alone, i feel like she's going to snap at me for not cleaning up or doing something else that annoys her.
sigh. i know the answer to this problem is to confront her. but i'm scared.
No. 662259
>>662256I thought because he was 6'2 with a chad face he would have a huge cock and be good at sex.
What pisses me off about this situation is he is probably walking away from this thinking hes a sex god who got one over on some dumb slut and is off to terrorize some poor 18 year old girl.
No. 662265
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I can't stop thinking about suicide. Objectively, I know what the problems are that I should work on - I focus too much on the negative, I can't stop comparing myself to others and think that I'm behind them in every possible way, even if I'm doing something enjoyable I can't really enjoy it, I always have this feeling that I'm missing something that everyone else has, I have random bouts of shame and guilt over random stuff - but I can't escape the feeling that it'll never get better. Time passing makes me panic. I feel like I should have accomplished something already, I should be something or someone -but I never do anything and just ruminate on stuff, which makes me guilty for not accomplishing anything…and the circle of self-sabotage continues. Even if I accomplish something I feel like I've accomplished nothing, or it was due to luck. I cannot think of the future with a positive mindframe. When I think of the future I feel tired, the thought of having to exist for more years to come makes me feel exhausted. I don't work in the field I want to and I feel like I never will. I don't have a romantic partner and I feel like I never will find one. I have a useless degree that everyone laughs at. I feel like I will never have the lifestyle I want. I have one friend I can count on and she already expressed feeling stressed out and our friendship being in danger due to my constant mood swings and suicidal thoughts which in retrospect, I regret sharing with her. I hate the way I am and I hate what I am. I recently went on a few job interviews to find a new job because the one I work at now is pretty toxic - but the prospect of working at another place doesn't excite me either, it just fills me with more dread.
I really really really really want to understand how people wake up every single day, go about their every day life and still manage to muster up joy and positivity and warmth and a drive to do things and enjoy life. I can't understand it. I've never felt that. I always felt like I'm an empty bag of skin filled with occasional bursts of melancholy on autopilot.
I've been in therapy multiple times, for many years and I've found that I always grow completely dependent on my therapists - while I'm in therapy, I feel fine, my mood swings get lighter, my sense of hopelessness disappears, but as soon as we terminate (I wish I could be in therapy forever!!) everything returns to the way things are now - hopelessness, suicide ideation, existential dread, insomnia. I think normal people have an ability to be able to soothe themselves in negative situations when they are alone but I have no idea how to do that, I feel like I will always have to depend on others. I have an appointment with a new therapist towards the end of November but honestly I have no idea how I will stick it out until then. Sorry for the novel
No. 662266
GOD online classes are so fucking annoying. Instead of discussing, all my prof does is complain and overshare about her life and then suddenly, she'll quote something "inspirational" to us, as if we have the same problems she has. After that, she comments on whatever we do, like our handwriting and also our faces . Then, she goes back to sperging again about how "dumb" her other students are for asking questions and get mad at another sick student for not attending class.
Now she's talking about her watercolors. I can't mute her because she frequently asks "Don't you agree anon? give me an example about what you think of blablabla". She gets angry when you don't answer back immediately, and says shit like "Your attendance is also a requirement" to threaten us.
Every meeting, Our only purpose is to hear her vent. It's like she doesn't even care her own students can hear her and have better things to do and have to finish. Now I get why the principal, who's my relative, told me that she's kind of off her rocker. It's as if she speaks anything that goes through her mind. WHY CAN'T SHE JUST STOP TALKING REEE SHUT UP
No. 662323
>>660631samefagging woopsie-
I hope you get klee, i think theres still time to roll her, i wish you luck on that!
>>660679Eh i mean she can be good if you build the right things on her
>>662281God this makes me so mad, this is why i hate people with Münchhausen syndrome, they always take advantage of vulnerable people, children or elderly doesnt matter who aslong as they can make money off of peoples pity for the ones they are hurting. Im happy she got arrested, and to think its her own child…damn just goes to show people with this syndrome just dont care.
No. 662352
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I made the mistake of reading a sub that's filled with people who had experience with people with BPD and, as a BPD fag myself I'm just heartbroken. I fully believe these people and what they went through is real and valid but damn I feel so much shame about my diagnosis now.
Always felt bad about having BPD since whenever someone finds out they just leave/ghost "before something happens". I have "quiet BPD" so I turn all of that mean stuff inward so I don't hurt others and am in general high functioning.
I really hope I'll be able to get meds and therapy next year but it makes me wonder if it's really worth it since the condition can't be fixed at all and all I ever see when it comes to BPD and dating is "don't", "not worth it", "they'll turn abusive" etc.. Maybe I should just give up.
No. 662362
>>662352fellow bpd-fag here. don't read boards like that, i know it can be tempting but it destroys you. (i used to read bpdlovedones as a way to self harm and punish myself, to give some perspective.)
like any other major mental illness you can become an
abusive fckin asshole if you lack insight or don't keep your symptoms in check, but for every
abusive outward bpd i've met or heard of, there's been like three of us quiet ones. i've actually had a bpd friend who did stuff to me like the things people generally vent about on boards for loved ones, and she refuses to work on herself, completely lacks insight and simply uses "sorry, i have bpd" as an excuse to not apologize or take responsibility for her actions.
i'm real proud of you anon for planning therapy for yourself! don't throw it away just bc it's not curable: getting help to manage your symptoms and understand the pd and how it affects you personally WILL improve your situation with it and it will contribute to you getting the chances for a good life. i know it's easy to get discouraged but pwBPD aren't the monsters we're all collectively made out to be and it's worth it to keep fighting. dating can and will most likely always be tricky but dating isn't the end all be all for what makes a life worth living.
good luck with everything; i'm rooting for you anon!!
No. 662371
>>662362That's exactly the sub I went to, I expected to find tips on how to help your loved ones to understand you better or how to help them etc etc but instead it's all "everyone with bpd is the devil, they will turn
abusive no matter what and they can't be helped". I believe they went through some shit but damn it was a painful read. :/
Thank you for believing in me anon <3
No. 662373
>>662352>since the condition can't be fixed at all That's not true! With therapy, medication, and willingness to do so, you can learn coping skills to minimize the symptoms until they're hardly or rarely noticeable and very manageable. It may not be a "cure," but most mental illness isn't "cureable" persay anyways. I have bipolar disorder and have gone to therapy, am very aware of the manic symptoms that affect me (ie impulsivity, compulsive overspending, hypersexuality, attention seeking) and keep them on a TIGHT leash or have strategies to "fix" them if I slip up. You're willing to do the work. Even if it's difficult and you will experience the very difficult symptoms of BPD, the fact that you don't see it as an excuse to hurt people/just be that way and are seeking therapy is a great step. Don't give up, anon, I think you'll be okay.
No. 662407
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Boyfriend came home from work yesterday night with some chicken nuggers for me, but mfw I forgot to take them with me for lunch at work today.
No chicken nugger for me.
What shall I consume now?
No. 662428
>>662352I went through abuse at the hands of someone with bpd (escalating to physical harm in the end) I got therapy and quickly learned not to visit that sub even as a fellow '
victim' The name ought to be changed to 'scorned exes of bpders' or 'I just never liked my mother in law' because there's no love left in most of those cases and hell there's no diagnosis in many cases too. So great name lol. Feels similar to raisedbynarcs in alot of respects, posts will set off your BS meter but it's designed to be a hugbox.
No. 662472
I can’t stop thinking about my ex husband. It was my longest relationship. We were together for like three years. (Yes it was a very short marriage I know) We have so many memories together. We traveled to several different places together, and I just have so many little memories and funny stories and stuff that happened with him.
It’s not even that I still love him or something though I actually initiated the break up/divorce with him because I completely fell out of love with him and was not attracted to him anymore. I felt like he completely gave up and let go. We were still young but he gained a bunch of weight, he couldn’t do the simplest house chores. I would legit cook dinner, eat my share and clean up and wash all the dishes and just leave his dish in the fridge and go to work (I worked evenings) and he would come home from work and eat the dinner and he couldn’t even be fucked to wash his ONE DISH AND ONE UTENSIL. I would tell him to wash it soon and he’d say “later” and it would be before bed so he’d say he’d wash it tomorrow morning and come tomorrow morning he still wouldn’t wash it. I’d do all the laundry too and I just asked that he brought it in after dark since it’s a bit heavy for my to carry inside, but he never did that. It would end up being midnight and he still wouldn’t have done it. I was depressed, I lost attraction to him, we fought all the time, he got really pissed a couple of times and like started driving all scarily just because I pointed out he was pulling up to the wrong restaurant or something.
I was miserable at the end of it, but we still had decent days. He made a lot more money than me so one good thing was I felt financially secure. But eventually he kept asking to borrow money from me even though I only worked part time and made less than 1k/month and he worked full time as an architect. I eventually refused to lend him money and told him to use the money his parents gave us as a wedding gift that we had hidden away behind some books to save. I went and looked for it and the envelopes were empty and so I guess he already used it for something without telling me. That happened very shortly before I broke up with him. Kind of a last straw.
It was fun though some days. We had nice dates, as in we went to really nice places and we got good pictures but I would almost cry when we were out eating sometimes because I’d look around and everybody would be talking and having fun but we had nothing to say to each other. It felt like we had nothing in common or nothing to talk about. I feel like logically I know it was the best decision but I feel shitty also for just “giving up” so easily instead of was a marriage so I feel like I didn’t try hard enough I guess. Maybe if it was just a boyfriend I wouldn’t feel so bad. He asked me to please try to let him change when I asked to break up, and I was really cold and refused. I felt dead inside at the time. I’m kinda surprised at myself for being so straight forward. I’m not good at doing stuff like that. I’d heard him say that he would change a couple times before though and the change never lasted. But also I feel like I didn’t try hard enough. I was so depressed and anxious and angry too.
We broke up like over a year ago and I’m with a new guy now who I love and I know we have so much more in common and our relationship is great and we live together and everything but still sometimes I feel guilty about my ex and I wonder what he’s doing (completely blocked him on Instagram so I have no idea) and sometimes little nice memories of our trips or dates or whatever pop into my head. Other times I feel intense guilt and I feel like a horrible person and I wonder if I broke his heart, if he misses me. I feel guilty if I’m feeling happy and loved and I wonder if he’s lying alone and depressed/sad/crying.
I know it’s probably partly a “grass is greener on the other side” thing and it’s just easy to remember the good memories over the bad ones after you break up and that’s why so many couples keep breaking up and getting back together, but god I feel so fucked up it’s been over a year I should have completely moved on by now right? Do I need therapy or something?? I seriously have some memory or guilty feeling flash into my head for at least a few minutes every single day. It’s agonizing living like this
No. 662481
>>662449My ex lost his phone like thrice during our 4 year relationship. Sometimes I wonder if it wasn't just an excuse at times to waste money on a shiny new phone.
Be diligent and look for patterns. Men tend not to just lose things that are important, sometimes there are underlying motivations. Losing a wallet before a major trip is suspicious…will he expect you to be picking up the charges or driving if presumably his cards, money, and license are gone? Do you often pick up when he lapses in responsibility? Hmmm.
No. 662635
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Mfw polish and mother is a conservative pick-me, who shits all over protesting women, saying they're savages not 'real women'.
She's being passive-aggressive, keeps spamming me with alt-right Facebook posts because I've set a pro-movement profile picture overlay. Wait till she learns that I'm lesbian, doing an apostasy, also have 2 tattoos she doesn't know shit about.
No. 662648
I was so mad at work that I left like an hour early because my trainer is a panicky COW. Like she's fucking anxiety embodied, and it's amazing how she switches from kind of chill to FUCK WE GOTTA MOVE for…no reason? I was trying to do something on the company software and getting nowhere with authorisation. Coworker had the same issue and turns out the permissions we requested weren't right, so he reapplied with the right ones, so did I along with intending to ask the approver directly to approve it.
The trainer is hounding me on accessing that part, and I was like yeah <coworker> had the same problem and got the answer, so I've asked for the right permissions and it should happen soon, she's like OK cool. Then 5 minutes later she requests to look at what I've done, then tells me to send multiple screenshots to the person in charge of that software and that "it MUST be done ASAP! ASAP, really. You NEED those permissions, that's the right role you applied for it's fine, get it fixed", and I was like uhhh they should come with this new application? But she was insistent. So I do that, head of software emails IT, who come back to me and after lots of back and forth they say "yeah you didn't apply for the right role, you'd need to talk to the person approving it for the right role" and I'm like yeah I figured. And this took HOURS. And I FINALLY did the thing I intended to do like 4 hours beforehand, and I made sure to tell my trainer that it was a fucktonne of wasted time chasing this up when my original idea was fine.
See, and I wouldn't vent so hard if it wasn't for the fact that she's so fucking nonchalant about being so embarrassingly panicky and clueless. When I told her it was a huge waste of time, she just shrugged, literally. Whereas I've come off as inefficient, dumb and clueless because of HER oh so confident instructions. Also happened when she referred me to people for things whose responsibility it absolutely wasn't. Like the people she points me to are the perfect mix of absolutely not in that area AND high up enough that it's a proper bother to them, and before I know it i've asked the fucking…head co-ordinator of the workplace where the damn…laminating sheets are. For example. And every time I've left a bad impression on each of these people, all because I asked essentially a coworker who was told to instruct me on my job.
Is she trying to sabotage me? Or is that too deep?
No. 662726
>>662719god is a lie and nobody cares about anyone
we were all born to die and there is no hope
No. 662740
>>662599NTA but I tried that and it didn't really work for me.
>>662580I feel very similar to you anon, except I have just never liked food. The only food I like are fruits and chocolate honestly, but of course I know I need to have a more varied diet. It's just really hard for me to eat because I really don't like anything and when I do like something, if it's not 'healthy' I feel guilty and bad for eating it. I even want to gain weight, I just dislike food! I hope things get better for you soon anon.