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No. 1803431
Generational General
A place to converse, ask questions about, and give your opinions on any and all recent generations (Boomers - now)
>>>/ot/594715 No. 1803549
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>>1803431Remake op with this pic
No. 1803583
>>1803572Tbh, all generations had shit stuff, like how kids back then were either normal or retarded since there was barely any understanding of stuff like autism or adhd, racism was obnoxious (at least nowadays people are forced to hide it) there were more corporal punishments both at home and at school (nowadays teachers even ask Kids for their permission to pat their shoulder and teachers can get in trouble if they check their phones near the students) and so on.
This generation also sucks ass, and the next one will suck too. I honestly have a hard time imagining myself being 100% happy in any past time unless I idealize it to hell and back.
No. 1803649
>>1803572same, anon. Gen x got the golden age of the internet, blockbuster/video rental stores, best musicians while they were still alive and thriving, got to see the best movies on theater, no phones so closer relationships. What do we get? fortnite concerts and mr beast….yay. There is nothing good i can think of being a zoomer, all the music sucks, movies suck, games suck, clothes trends suck, there are no counter cultures, everything is either extremely generic to appeal to the lowest common denominator or tries to appeal to the gendie crowd. Absolute cancer to live in.
No. 1803674
>>1803617are you saying this is bad? the club edm thing is personally a bit dystopian to me but they seem really happy
>>1803649…was this an actualy event? like something people actually went to and watched live inside the game?
No. 1803681
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>>1803572related to this, I feel the 90's and up until the early 2000's was the last era of good looking actors in the mainstream for example Zac Efron, Brad Pitt, Jude Law, Leonardo Dicaprio, Keanu Reeves, Cillian Murphy, on some level I blame Marvel movies for this loss, we regressed back to the era of the huge muscular steroid freaks of the 1980's
Sylvester Stallone actually talked about this, he claimed actors like keanu reeves, will smith, bruce willis and even early steven seagal in the mainstream killed the steroid macho roles that he used to play, even the gulf war and the internet had a part to play in it, cause most people finally realized that IRL soldiers don't look like bodybuilders, so we had a rare window where we got good looking and fit men in the mainstream.
No. 1803683
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>>1803681and for anyone wondering this is more or less what male actors bodies looked pre-steroid macho era, fit but all natural and healthy.
No. 1804110
>>1803617When I was growing up gabbers and skinheads terrified me because they were often racist and would try to bully me. But nu-gabber scene looks pretty fun, I like the doc Vice made on the current wave. Maybe I'll go to Thunderdome someday!
Sometimes I wish I had been born earlier to enjoy house and techno when it was mainstream but then again I'm sure it must have been full of annoying normies if I wanted to go see my fave DJs. When I go to clubs now most of the ppl are super chill and really there for the music.
No. 1804123
>>1804110I hope we both get to go to the Thunderdome someday,
I'm gonna be old and chime is, saying concerts were amazing in the late 90s/early 2000s. We used to get out tickets, go in, enjoy the show and get to the meet band after for autographs sometimes. Now stan culture has all these people on insta or twitter. Also, no phones were at shows, so maybe you'd get a quick shot or two on your fujicam with someone's thumb in the way, but those were the days we took in the experience instead of getting likes/reblogs online.
No. 1804141
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>>1804123>>1804110my older friends talk about the massive free parties that would be held on the moors and derelict buildings all over England in 90s and everyone would jump in their car with friends and drive to them, - in the pic the person on stilts is wearing a massive dress to hide that underneath they are drilling into the tarmac to ruin the motorway concrete where they were throwing a party as part of something called Reclaim the Streets. These people were all stinky post-post-hippies that all became retarded ultra libs though so..
No. 1804675
>>1804527We went over this bullshit last thread most Zoomers aren't raising Gen A. It's mostly Millennials.
That being said I can't imagine what kind of demented kids Zoomers end up raising.
No. 1804809
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I've bitched about university stuff before, but I'm curious what the general opinion is of college-age zoomers, specifically those that were from affluent families and coasted through COVID. It feels like, in a broader sense, zoomers are either chickenshit shut-ins, or absolute menaces, with very little in-between. Hard to judge what exactly went wrong other than blaming COVID or shitty/absent parenting causing their failure to cope with what seems like life in general. On one hand, just about every school kicked the door open to "accommodations" that seem to never stop being abused, with everyone taking "mental health days" for weeks on end and getting infinite deadline extensions. On the other hand, it's like their parents expect places like college to do the work for them and fix their actually mentally ill kids. Which generation has the worst parents? This isn't even an isolated issue but from experience recently, everybody's at a loss for how to deal with it.
No. 1804941
>>1804884>>1804787The shopping cart is the ultimate litmus test for whether a person is capable of self-governing.
To return the shopping cart is an easy, convenient task and one which we all recognize as the correct, appropriate thing to do. To return the shopping cart is objectively right. There are no situations other than dire emergencies in which a person is not able to return their cart. Simultaneously, it is not illegal to abandon your shopping cart. Therefore the shopping cart presents itself as the apex example of whether a person will do what is right without being forced to do it. No one will punish you for not returning the shopping cart, no one will fine you or kill you for not returning the shopping cart, you gain nothing by returning the shopping cart.
You must return the shopping cart out of the goodness of your own heart. You must return the shopping cart because it is the right thing to do. Because it is correct.
A person who is unable to do this is no better than an animal, an absolute savage who can only be made to do what is right by threatening them with a law and the force that stands behind it.
The Shopping Cart is what determines whether a person is a good or bad member of society.
No. 1804982
>>1804933It scares me and stresses me out a lot. like even water from the purest stream in some rural mountain range is gonna have microplastics in .. wtf has happened to our world
on a smimilar note my boomer father and gen y mother do not give a shit about microplastics. will eat food microwaved in plastic for almost every meal, cut food on cutting boards that literally give off plastic debris everytime you use a knife on them etc.
No. 1805066
>>1804941You’re a good person,
No. 1805093
>>1804964what's the pattern
No. 1805141
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11% drop in gay marriage support in 2 years
No. 1805358
>>1805291from one degeneracy to a dangerous life threatening one. good for you and your image i guess
>>1805141kms hate my life as a genuine homosexual zoomer i either have lesbian masterdoc who get up your ass about "terfy genital fetishism" or whatever the fuck or the regular overt homophobes who want me dead for being an eeeevil pussyworshipper. either way i get ostracization and abuse, verbal from the former because they're mostly all talk no action and physical from the latter. it's not looking too good
but tbh i live in a muslim country anyway so not like things were any different for me before i wonder what really caused this shift because it can't be trannies or oversexualization or whatever, i really don't understand. i don't even get why anyone still thinks it's in any way a big deal at all, it's beyond me that it's still up for debate…
No. 1805441
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>>1805416there's a lot more to it than just living together. one of the big reasons gay marriage was pushed so hard 20 years ago is because people weren't able to visit their long term partners in the hospital or make medical decisions as next-of-kin.
No. 1805503
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This discussion reminded me of this popular thread about the "THE PUNK CARGO-CULT", it's a by a reactionary moid, but I've seen it shared and retweeted even by some radfem accounts as well and it's a worthwhile analysis of the state subcultures for most zoomers.
>The punk “look” is intentionally hostile: loud, sharp, aposematic, offensive. The music is much the same – loud and bold, with an unpolished, raw edge. It’s the emblem of an ideology, but more importantly a lifestyle – moshing at basement shows, sleeping on friends’ couches, binge drinking, fighting, vandalism, protest. Life “on the edge.”
>But what happens when these signals are divorced from the lifestyle they represent? They become online status symbols, markers of “genuine” dedication – yet ultimately ring hollow. The culture moves from dive bars and record stores to TikToks and Twitter threads. “Punk” spirals into a completely new concept, one without real-world grounding.
>However, unlike traditionalist movements or historical revivalism, this is a cargo-cult of a culture that existed within living memory. For that reason it provides an interesting case study of how the online intersects with the real — and in this case, subsumes it.
>Understanding this transformation requires a short history of punk rock. Once a thriving genre and “scene” in the 1970s and ‘80s, punk declined in liveliness through the ‘90s and had its final cultural moment in the early 2000s. At that point, all of the scene’s novelty splintered into different genres: pop punk, metalcore, math rock, etc.
>This phenomenon extended beyond music: these niche “scenes” became evolving social networks, with constantly-shifting norms and ingroup signals. Today, they exist online alongside “punk,” but without the same signaling and stagnation. They were born in the internet age, and still present the possibility of novelty. Punk, however, faded into irrelevance, becoming not a social scene but an archetype, an older model of the Current Thing.
>However, this splintering was not the end for punk. Recently, on social networks like TikTok, #punk has gained the appearance of liveliness. A revival effort is underway. In fact, if one’s only exposure to the subculture was online, one might assume that it is a thriving and active lifestyle in constant flux. The scene is highly visible, and engages in constant debates over such things as “moshpit etiquette,” “lace code,” “gatekeeping.” These lively arguments create the illusion of motion, of development – in reality, they are mere entropy.
>The same flux has been suspended for months, if not years. Arguments over “gatekeeping” hinge on caricatures and social norms that haven’t existed for years; the subculture is no longer niche, hidden, and thus gatekept. Similarly, lace code was a system of political identification that faded from prominence in the 1980s. Today, having strong opinions on it is an empty social signal, akin to arguing between favored models of typewriters.
>What this looks like in practice is often odd. Young TikTokers talk about how they will make sure to “punch anyone wearing white laces” (an outdated far-right skinhead signal). Meanwhile, right-wing punks have not meaningfully existed for decades, and absolutely nobody ladder-laces their Doc Martens to show affiliation anymore. More likely than not, this would result in an attack on some poor kid who thought the contrast looked cool. Or, even likelier, nothing of the sort will happen… because the culture is not in-person anymore.
>These online signaling debates are the culture.
>It is often said that young people lack a genuine countercultural movement. This is true, but of course it does not stop the search for subversiveness – and as a result, hyper-online youths attach themselves to these older subcultures, in a bottomless search for “real dissent.” But by moving online, this outdated brand of counterculture has not been revived, but merely frozen in time.
>The movement of a subculture to the cloud does not only affect its online character; it goes on to shift the character of real-world events, which become mere accessories to the online world. This is particularly visible in punk. At punk-adjacent concerts and bars, the culture is permeated by signaling and simulacra rather than genuine participation. Everyone watches themselves in the third person; “look at me, I’m moshing!” rather than being swept up in the violent frenzy of a dark room and blaring guitars. Outfits and patches are of high concern; an imagined sense of “purity” is expected.
>Punk, then, serves as a fascinating case study of the online fully conquering the real. As real-world activities are subsumed into online social signals, they lose their potency, and participation becomes a form of this signaling rather than a genuine activity.
>In this way, punk has become a set of tropes that one participates in rather than a living culture. The “living culture” takes place in comment sections, forever rehashing debates over the ambiguities still left between these popular tropes. The archetypes are already defined and known, the actions well-corralled and restricted, the musical canon forever frozen in time.
>The internet allows for this sort of social cryostasis, in which participants in a dead culture aim to rehash its glory days while insisting that those glory days are still alive. This type of suspended animation is a distinct feature of the new global hivemind. We tend to associate the internet with rapid progress, or at least change… but it can also create the opposite. Stagnation, entropy, cargo-cultism. The oppositional nature of social media creates a veneer of aliveness through constant debate – but this debate ultimately goes nowhere, and with each passing day becomes further divorced from the real world. In this way, a living, in-person culture can be reduced to a dizzying (yet meaningless) mix of online symbols and social signals.
>Over the past few months, some have expressed concerns that AI language models will create a sense of stagnation on the internet, as they simply rearrange ideas that have already experienced their day in the sun. While this may be true, it is not a new phenomenon, or merely a feature of new technology. It has already happened to dozens of subcultures, entirely populated by “real people” (at least insofar as online personas are real). The result is a sort of unwitting human AI, as social media users merely rearrange the words that have been circulating in their “scene” for eons.
>This phenomenon is entirely created by social media, as discourse-based platforms are uniquely capable of using mere entropy as a façade of liveliness and progress. Any subculture or movement, removed far enough from its in-person roots, runs the risk of falling into this suspended animation.
No. 1805557
>>1804123Sage for no contribution but Thunderdome is actually today?! I happened to be board the tram and it was full of high strung gabbers. It must have been fate cuz I don't even live anywhere in the vicinity.
>>1804141This is so cool, England must have been so fun to go clubbing. Maybe it's a bit cheesy but I love the movie Human Traffic.
No. 1805580
>>1804057>>1804091>renting VHSI never really got the appeal of rental stores tbh. I grew up in the 00s and several of my childhood friends say they miss renting movies but i could never justify the price. Renting movies from the only rental store in our small town costed the same as buying a brand new DVD and I didn't like the idea of spending money on something I wouldn't own
ironic this is the same argument people use against streaming services. Whenever I wanted to watch a movie I would just go to the library to borrow one since it had a good selection of movies or I would use putlocker.
I guess people miss the feeling of going out and discussing what you want to watch but for me, that was only a small part
and sometime the most tedious of movie nights. Often we had already decided beforehand what movie we wanted to rent so we wouldn't even be at the rental store for long. I never for a sense of "adventure" whenever I visited the video store but maybe it was different in the 90s where internet wasn't widespread so finding obscure movies was harder.
you couldn't even rent trashy b-movies or cult movies in the local rental store. It only had blockbuster comedies No. 1805640
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>>1804941this was posted on 4chan in /b/, where moids do nothing about admitting to child molestation and CP. I also notice a lot of cart narc fans have zero problems with stalking, harassment, racism and even sending rape threats towards women in cart narcs videos. it was also debunked by actual psychologists, so call me crazy but I don't think a site where men admit to raping kids is exactly a moral guideline
the issue with this theory is that is PROVES my theory, and the fact that where this was posted proves it as well. This theory is often only pedaled by people who have something extremely wrong with them, people who hang out on pedo hotspots, people who have no problem with acting repulsive, they know deep down they're the lowest scum alive, returning the shopping cart is literally the only thing that makes them morally correct so they desperately grasp onto "muh MUH SHOPPING CART!!" to justify all other crazy shit they do. Like sure you're racist, sexist, and rape kids but at least you return the shopping cart! and some people unironically agree. Great job patting pedo moids on the back though
No. 1805666
>>1805648people who are like that legitimately scare me
>inb4 JUST RETURN THE SHOPPING CART FATTY DUMBASS IDIOT LAZYI always return the shopping cart, I even agree more people should return them, but unlike others apparently, it's concerning on how many people think they're saints or something for doing what is expected, returning the shopping cart but allow even more legit dangerous slip-ups over something that is annoying at most. It's like patting yourself on the back for not getting speeding tickets and are ready to shoot someone for going 5 miles over the speed limit while acting as vile as possible. Once you act THAT disgusting towards people over forgettable mistakes you lose all the creditability for manners and ethics.
No. 1805695

>>1805640>This theory is often only pedaled by people who have something extremely wrong with them, people who hang out on pedo hotspots, people who have no problem with acting repulsive, they know deep down they're the lowest scum alive, returning the shopping cart is literally the only thing that makes them morally correctyeah. Looking at the comments is so cringe. Some highlights are
>These women create their own issues then claim victim when they get called out. So you got in shit for walking your cart back because you parked too far from the cart return. Hmmm, let me see if there’s a logical solution to this self made victim narrative??? Oh, right, park closer to a cart return!
>There is nothing my kid could do to stop me from returning my cart
>Imagine not following common courtesy because you got raw dogged.
>Woman card check. Victim card check. Yeah it's such a risk to put your cart back 😂 Unbelievable. People will go to the ends of the earth to not be responsible but yet they won't go to the cart return.
>Women have ALL KINDS of excuses for EVERYTHING!! GREAT WORK, CART NARCS!!!👍👍👍👍🔥🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯💯💯I'm not surprised being misogynistic and gross is apparently perfect acceptable but god forbid you don't return a shopping cart once!
No. 1805717
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>>1805580It was definitely different in the 90s before the internet. I remember specifically you could rent anime with subtitles at blockbuster. They had video games too for SNES and Genesis. It was something to do (usually with family or friends.) I used to rent really obscure anime and watch it with friends at sleep overs. The internet didnt become an at home thing until 2001-ish, and even then none of my friends had PCs until closer to 2003/2004.
If someone isnt born in the 80s to be a 90s kid, it was a huge chunk missed out on before the internet starting becoming a norm in people's lives. I didnt feel the change of it all until 2005, when more and more people had access to livejournal and posted anime convention photos.
No. 1805730
>>1805141close exposure to trannies did that, thanks sissy freaks
>>1805146Absolutely, especially the gen z guys. Grew up with access to all porn at the touch of a button, raised with redpill slop and demands a Q-cup AI waifu
Maybe the men and women of gen z should separate?
No. 1805742
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I hate terminally online baby boomers and (some) gen x. They're all retards except for the industry pioneers. Actually every time I open twitter I get blackpilled on the generation of the baby boom.
Bonus tip, go on new articles or on posts about child abuse. I swear that entire fucking generation gets an adrenaline kick out of seeing children getting hurt or humbled. I saw an article about a 14 year old boy being beat with a machete with a bunch of faggot instagram baby boomers in the comments defending the dad. Oh also if you see an article of an child in any stage of life being beaten to death you can scroll with certainty you will find someone in short time describing how they survived such a beating or how the parents must've had a reason to beat their preteen/toddler/etc to death>>1805503>doc martensI'm a hippie outsider and I'm not in the punk scene obviously but I can't help but feel like it's all a LARP these days because why is the punk thing specifically designer price points boots with low durability that probably couldn't handle daily commute let alone a blue collar job like they used(?) to? Is it more about the cultural icon that the docs represent?
Again I'm not punk and will never be because I'm 'tarded but I'm autistic about these kinds of things so I'm just curious.
No. 1805773

I feel like cart narc is a good reflection of how Zoomers are turning. The way he films random people, seemingly mostly women with kids even before they do something wrong, in anticipation that they will mess up. Just constant monitoring with cameras ready for clout, under the guise of "making sure they're being courteous"
then when the women notice he is filming and get annoyed at him following them around, naturally, the woman gets defensive and scared, instead of just leaving the woman alone he continues to bother her while claiming the only reason she is upset is because she didn't feel like correcting the mistake ignoring the fact most people just want to live without randos holding a camera up to their face ready to post online to a community of people ready to be vile towards them.
Once the video goes up it becomes a hotspot for the "courteous" people to fester up their bottled-up misogyny, and racism, and use them as emotional punching bags to "put in their place", of course hiding behind the shopping cart returns when it's clearly a deeper issue of someone being obsessed with discipline over harmless things. Of course the "courteous good guys" say nothing when you're pointing out this seems like an extreme reaction to a mistake and a lot of people are having deeper issues, other than "just return the shopping cart" as if the same people crying about women, black people, etc aren't going to be vigilant for any other mistake normal people make and then use that to justify their mentally ill sperges
No. 1805810
>>1805640Many cases of the lowest of low posters will have an opinion or resource that’s valued as good and every normie praises them as being such a good moral person. This is going to be a niche example but the OSINT “community” is full of it. Guess they can ignore all the troons with suspicious shite and connections to illicit activities and services (cough) if they provide a valuable resource to their LARP of being an internet investigator. Shouldn’t society find public shaming and videoing people for just one wrong action to be just as bad? It’s the fucking Karen videos I swear, they’re conditioned to just go right ahead and assume that anyone filmed is in the wrong while the person filming is a good guy. It’s also just a weird meme, none of us like people that don’t return their carts I don’t know how it became such a moral stance. Maybe the more trivial a thing means a larger group of people can latch onto it because no one really disagrees with it. Since another anon mentioned littering, can people actually give a fuck about that? It’s 10 times worse than someone leaving a cart in the Target parking lot that will get put back, yet I see no public shaming for it.
>>18055880I miss being a kid visiting Blockbuster and telling the other kids to watch the new Spider-man or whatever else I thought was cool. I like movies and I would love to have a place I could have casual small talk about them today but I don’t really have that.
No. 1805815
>>1805810Samefag, I don’t know how I fucked up replying to
>>1805580 wrong twice and i’m too lazy and tired to fix it. I’ll throw in something relevant to this thread and that is i’ve heard my boomer dad say “They couldn’t make this today!” about Tropic Thunder and while he is right he’s says it about 60 times and year and I don’t think boomers know how much edgy humor is still alive.
No. 1805887
>>1805810>Many cases of the lowest of low posters will have an opinion or resource that’s valued as good and every normie praises them as being such a good moral person.this is so true. I remember a documentary when MAPS was first becoming a thing and there was a man who admitted to being attracted to children but would donate to child abuse
victims and see therapists. I pointed out that it was fucked up the parents would allow a man who admits to being a pedophile to babysit their daughter and people came in blazing arms about how "he probably did more to help children than I did"
I think the shopping cart police
are the Karens. a Karen who flips shit because an employee messed up their order or something is still a Karen. the logic behind a Karen is that technically they're in the right because the employee did something wrong, but what makes the Karen bad is the disproportional reaction to it. In the hypothetical situation, if you were act like cart narc enablers you can say something like "omggg its just manners to make their order right! how hard is it! don't be a lazy sociopath!"
I feel like if cart narc was a middle-aged white woman filming people everyone would be ready to sue her and there would be no debate on if cart narc is correct or not. I also feel like if the identities of the people were completely hidden then there would be less debate since it feels like a lot of the fans wait for a woman, old person, black person, or whatever group they don't like to fuck up and then use it as a free pass to spew their bigotry.
it's actually terrifying to me how more and more people are using mistakes to justify crazy things happening to someone. I remember seeing cases of women being abused, having their husbands cheat and walk out on their kids while blaming the wife and the commenters would came in saying "well she should have just done dishes/lost weight/etc" as if someone being "perfect" would've stopped someone as mentally ill as the perpetrator from doing whatever the help they did.
Cart narc essentially plays the good guy to hide his own sins while being obsessed with the power trip/hero complex it gives him. If it wasn't harassing people over where they put a piece of metal in a parking lot, he would probably find some other shit to pull out his ass to stroke his ego while harassing people over. It is pretty dystopic we can't even grocery shop without a camera in our face ready for us to fuck up and then put our face online to get rape threats. why didn't the "good courteous man" delete racist and sexist comments anyway?
No. 1807633
>>1807570They never got to see any positivity that wasn't
toxic and required benzos to achieve, their parents and grandparents were going through some shit from the wars that they never got treatment for themselves, and there's a lot of bullshit from the Victorian era that carried over into how boomers were raised. They grew up with 'rules for thee and not for me' and 'life isn't fair, suck it up' and all that crap.
At the same time society was so structured that you really had no way out of being forced into a role someone else had decided was for you. Everyone rushed into marriage and hated their spouse, women dropped out of work and school to have children, men pursued careers they hated because their parents forced them into it, and since everyone else was miserable, clearly the misery was part of the package and they shouldn't complain. They took their feelings out on their kids, who were forbidden from questioning their elders. They know they have power over staff at the establishments they visit and they want to throw their weight around because therapy is for freaks and losers and Pappy raised a real man. They're all hot air. You know how they all look around before they do something retarded? They're tailoring their actions to their audience. They need asspats more than any other generation because they've overgrown kindergartners.
And yes, lead and other forms of pollution helped make them retarded. Smoking and drinking during pregnancy and around babies was normal, the air pollution in large towns and cities was so bad that it changed the color of the air. Their brains literally didn't have enough oxygen and had an abundance of lead.
Tl;dr they were fucked from the start and they're determined not to change that.
No. 1807674
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>>1807670Uranium glass too. The heyday was about 1880-1920, but a lot of boomers grew up with at least a few of these kicking around their household cabinets.
No. 1808908
>>1807607Don't forget being fed lies about the nuclear family. Boomers really think the working man with a housewife and 2 and 1/2 kids was how the world worked, even though that sort of thing was only available to the middle and upper classes.
>>1807633On top of being absolutely retarded because of lead poisoning many of them were coddled quite a bit by their parents even if they won't admit it. The parents of the boomer generation lived during the depression and participated in WW2 so they knew what hell looked like. As a result many parents spoiled the ever living shit out of their children so they could have what they didn't have and more, which only made the boomer generation into a bunch of spoiled toddlers. Everything boomers say about millenials and zoomers they did or do with much more ferocity. Whenever a boomer at work talks about how lazy or deranged zoomers/millenials are I mention that they were the hippie generation that prided itself on being a bunch of lazy degenerates and they get pissed when I bring that up. Boomers only decided to become the generation of morals to mask their own faults.
No. 1811642
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>>1807633>>1807607>>1808908Yep. The thing about boomers is that they were born into the post-WW2 world and technological breakthroughs that for the first time made it possible to achieve the quality of life that became the golden standard. And the thing is, this isn't just a western thing. The developments achieved there trickled down elsewhere as well, for example in China boomers are just as entitled and aloof as they are in other countries because post-cultural revolution they got pretty much everything handed to them, made everything expensive and inaccessible to their children and are now accusing them of being lazy and weak. Sound familiar?
Convincing my boomer parents of how out of reach their lifestyle (own debt-free property, a summer house, two cars, high quality traveling) and they can't expect it from their children anymore is like talking to a brick wall. They can't comprehend the idea of the way they lived being unsustainable, much less how they themselves got greedy and wanted the next generation to overperform just to preserve their own material wealth. I'm not American myself but I presume it's the same over there as well, we're paying for them to keep living like pigs while trying to jump through the numerous hoops they set up for us. Gen X narrowly escaped this fate because they became adults just in time to afford cheap housing, education and an accessible job market and like boomers they think it's all thanks to their tough spirit and millenials are just being whiny marshmallows who should pull up their bootstraps. The oldest millenials are in their early 40's by now, not some 20-year olds buying a mortgage payment's worth of avocado toast, yet we only have the fraction of the wealth our parents did at our age and there's nothing we can do about it.
>They know they have power over staff at the establishments they visit and they want to throw their weight around because therapy is for freaks and losers and Pappy raised a real man. Picrel is the world if especially boomer fathers got professional help instead of dumping all their suppressed trauma on the people around them.
No. 1811644
>>1811642this is also the only point in American history where people can have multiple trades or work in healthcare and still live in poverty. Now you can be a CNA, emt or something and make less than a fucking Mcdonalds worker, I even knew EMTs who got paid more in the 90s than they do now even with inflation. I also see a lot of boomers use the argument
>you spoiled retards just want to live in LA or something reee suck it up and move to the countryas if boomers haven't been impulsively moving to any remotely nice country town and turning it into a vacation town to the point where everyone's getting priced out. they also kick their kids out as soon as they turn 18 so it's not like they can save their income for a downpayment
No. 1811646
>>1805146They already do. Zoomers are too young to really remember the times of what offline societies were like and specifically racism and homophobia, I grew up being told that gay people are degenerate and sick in the head and all lesbians are female attracted just because they haven't met the real man to fix them yet. Using the N word was regular speak and non-whites were considered intellectually inferior to whites. And this was a mainstream thought, not some fringe online movement, and it was barely 2 decades ago. So now that they're all chronically online being exposed to the mentally ill trannies making being "queer" their entire identity they fall
victim to the social media algorithm purposefully serving them provocative content so they develop tunnel vision.
Because their feed constantly boosts weirdo degens, and by interacting with those posts (opening them, sharing them to comment on them etc) they only poison the algorithm further. So now they unironically believe the west is being sunk by evil gaytranny pervs and refugees raping children left and right and give their full support to populist conservative parties since they appear "rational", they address the world they were manipulated into seeing by their social media they spend 90% of their day staring at after all. If they went outside and met people and experienced life in general, they would realize how disconnected they are from physical reality. But as most of them aren't forced to do so they're easy prey for charismatic right wing youtubers and tiktok producers who offer easy solutions to complex problems to run their own pyramid scheme. And I'm not trying to be holier than thou about this either, I definitely was very misguided and ignorant about a lot of things in my younger years, but after entering workforce past university and having to learn to tolerate and get along with people in order to earn a paycheck I found myself seeing the gray areas between black and white thinking. It's natural progression that's being disrupted by online soapboxers.
No. 1811653
>>1811650They're too young to remember the pre-Internet world, or at least the world where internet wasn't mainstream. High speed internet connections became a thing in the mid-00's which made it more accessible, and technology prices came down to the point you didn't just have one family computer everyone took turns using but multiple devices in the house. And by 2010 smartphones took over and now you had access to the internet and social media in your pocket at all times. If we assume that the cut off year for Gen Z is 1996, the oldest ones are in their late 20's by now. They're not
that old. They practically grew up with social media being a looming presence in their lives as teenagers and tweens while most millenials were well into their adulthood by the time algorithm-based feeds showed up. And this is not to say that millenials are somehow immune to propaganda because they aren't, but zoomers specifically were fucked from the start and made worse by the pandemic locking everyone inside.
No. 1811680
>>1811644And it's becoming a thing elsewhere as well, in my country working two jobs was unheard of but as time passes it's slowly being made into a reality. We're freefalling into a post-capitalist dystopia and I don't know how we can break the fall because it's been in the making for decades and picking the structure apart will be an uphill battle. Single ultra-rich billionaires keep getting richer and richer while the middle class has to compromise on their quality of life when it comes to basic things like housing, food and healthcare. But instead of blaming the ultra-rich they blame the lower classes for being "leeches", they're being peddled the idea that if they just work hard enough they too can become rich like them, but the truth is that you can not become rich without either having 1 in a million stroke of luck and being in the right place at the right time, a wealthy family or by blatantly exploiting labor. For every successful multimillion dollar business there is a thousand failed ones that put its owner to poverty and debt.
>they also kick their kids out as soon as they turn 18 so it's not like they can save their income for a downpaymentAnother good example of how out of touch with modern life boomers really are. Every single one of my friends was practically kicked out after they finished high school because their parents wanted to keep the money for themselves or made to pay rent for living in their own goddamn home, so they were left struggling to find a job in a market where you require a bachelor's degree to empty the trash cans and a housing market where prices keep rising so fast that even if you lived on tap water and breathing in air it would take you over a decade to scrape enough money for a down payment. And if you manage to buy a home for themselves, the mortgage payments will take two thirds of their income so what's the point of owning your own walls if that's all you can afford?
No. 1811719
>>1811703I know someone who was a similar age as you during 9/11 but he just happens to not have a good memory of it. I think the siblings thing is an interesting point and probably has a significant effect, but that just made me think that the age of the parents might play a big role too. I have parents who are old enough to be my grandparents so we were probably a bit less up to date than other families
>>1811704this is a good explanation and that sentiment makes a lot of sense. There are definitely times where I realize that things I've always taken for granted as facts of society aren't necessarily the case for everyone and it makes me really aware of how I'll be ignorant about certain things due to my age. Most recently I was reading a book from 2002 that predicted that the stock exchange will likely become primarily a digital market, and I did a double take and realized I've always subconsciously taken "stocks are traded on the computer" to be an intrinsic feature about stocks rather than a modernization. I knew
logically as a fact that stocks existed beforehand, but never really thought about the mentality of someone who'd make that sort of statement because they didn't have the idea of digital stocks internalized, if that makes sense. It's kind of embarrassing
But I've also definitely met people in real life who genuinely assume that I don't know about things like the floppy disc, and are genuinely shocked that I do know, which is awkward for everyone…
No. 1811759
>>1811745yes, on a basic level I torrent games and movies sometimes. But I can't say I understand the process on a very familiar, technical level if that's what you mean, I just do it as a means to an end
I never really thought of it as a generational thing I kinda assumed everyone pirated occasionally
No. 1812013
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So I know a lot of generation cut-offs are very arbitrary and sometimes very region-specific, but I do believe that there are two clear halves of Zoomers. Those born in the 2000s versus those born in 2010s might as well be considered different generations. Growing up with phones and social media as a constant fundamentally changes how you view the world. We have a generation whose views are entirety shaped by short-form videos that often border on conspiracy theory.
No. 1812030
>>1812013I've got two younger brothers, one born in 2008 and the other in 2012, and culturally they aren't that different from each other besides maturity. The same goes for myself and my 2008 brother, besides me being an adult and more mature. 2008 is solidly Zoomer, 2012 might be cusp but close enough to being a Zoomer. I was born in the early 2000s and a lot of my peers had cell phones and social media starting in elementary school, even though we were underage. I was actually pretty late to get a phone by the time I had in middle school.
>>1812020They were born in the 90s, why would they be part of the 2000s?
>>1812024The cutoff has always been somewhere in the early-mid 2010s, 2009 is definitely too soon.
No. 1812339
The hard cut off year for zoomers and millenials is a stupid topic to even debate over and I don't understand why zillenials fuss over it so much all the time. Of course there is deviation on either side, if you were born in 1997 and have much older siblings and your parents weren't into the latest tech you're naturally much more likely to be acquainted with the 90's trends than a first child with younger parents born in the same year. But the fact is that the formation of the new generation started happening around that time, like
>>1812323 said there is bound to be overlap. It reminds me of older xillenials who are extremely insecure about being millenials (because millenials are lazy snowflakes unlike them!!!) and bring up being "Gen X" at every given chance despite being born in 1981 and sharing absolutely no memory of any defining cultural events or experiences for that generation.
No. 1812426
>>1812136I interpreted the (now deleted) comment to mean that late 90s borns were from the 2000s like 2000s borns, but late 90s born people were born in the 90s, not the 2000s, which is why I thought that comment didn't make any sense.
>>1812323At the earliest IMO Zoomers start at 1997, but I think 2000 is a nice, round number and makes heaps more sense to start another generation—in a new millennium! 1997-99'ers are on the cusp and not full Gen Z, in my experience. But I think
>>1812339 has got the plot, at least in the first half.
No. 1812760
>>1812608I'm in university and I think more people are left-leaning by numbers, but you're spot on in that their "activism" just extends to sharing social media posts. The more seriously left ones are often crippled by a grab bag of (real or imagined) mental illnesses so they keep to themselves. Meanwhile the right-leaning people are usually more stable, even if they are edgy or immature.
A lot of people exhibit extreme leanings one way or another but honestly, I'd say that very few people are actually serious about politics in that they really think about it beyond trendhopping some label like "queer" or "trad" basically as a sort of club with a flavor/aesthetic that they think is cool, and parroting whatever online influencers in their sphere say is based. Most people here are truly just interested in their personal life and simply have a few surface level political catchphrases that they picked up on, like saying "stand with ukraine" when they really don't know or care that much
One bizarre thing that's been happening though is ostensibly left-wing students spreading posters all over campus that are pretty harshly against Jews, because of support for Palestine over Israel. I now regularly see stuff like the star of David with a big X over it or ramblings about how Jews are evil and inhuman, and I guess they just don't get taken down? Some of them are schizo and incomprehensible. But they're usually in this tone that's openly leftist, or at least claims to be, with mentions of diversity or lgbt rights or whatever No. 1812777
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i just remembered the panic over zoomers discovering chokers and it feels so long ago
No. 1812901
>>1811695I grew up similarly. I grew up poor and as a result most of the things I had were hand-me-downs from my millennial cousins and siblings. I was around a lot of outdated tech like VCR, CRTs, and tapes of all kinds. All of my toys, video games, and other media was stuff from the 90s and early 2000s. It kinda sucked growing up because I would want to talk about 90s video games and anime but most people either didn't know what they were or thought I was a weird hipster elitist for liking that stuff. I also didn't have any smart technology until I graduated high school in 2016. Even today I only have a smart phone and I've never touched a tablet in my life (nor do I intend to).
On a side note, I think it's so weird when I see Boomers and Gen Xers having all these smart devices when only a few years ago they were making fun of millennials and zoomers for having/wanting these things. I would chalk it up to just generational hypocrisy but it's weird how a significant amount of middle aged people and older are just as (if not more so) attached to smart technology than the younger generations. What's even scarier is that most of these people don't know how these things work and don't intend to learn.
No. 1812933
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Which generation would you say has the cutest moids and which has the grossest?
No. 1812948
>>1812933>cutestsilent generation and G.I. generation
>grossest all the rest
No. 1812964
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>>1812933The 70s had cute moids even the ugly ones had something endearing to them.
No. 1812974
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>>1812933Gen X men (sometimes also known as The Daddy Generation)
No. 1813012
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God I hate modern men
No. 1813126

I bitched about boomers earlier in this thread but I actually have a good relationship with my baby boomer parents, and I have a tinfoil theory. I think they just repress the shit out of memories. They're not like our generations (maybe gen x also?) that sit on memories and mull it over. If they experience something traumatic and horrible they bury it behind 200 doors and if you even slightly try to dig for it they feel a palpable sense of discomfort and lash out. So what
>>1807607 said basically. I figured out early in my teens that when my parents were angry at me for no reason it was because they were deathly terrified and worried for me. I learned that they were never going to directly apologize to me, but instead communicate in other ways that show regret.
I might just be retarded and also I'm not a shrink. But thinking this way literally helped me communicate with my older peers better. Both of my parents have seen some shit and I swear they'll drop the darkest piece of their life stories I've ever heard of one day and then completely forget they told me anything the next day. I don't know, I think they can be genuinely caring, strong and sturdy people if they are allowed to be. But like other anons said I think some of them become fucking brainwormed and stuck in their ways and keep pulling up the ladder. I promise all the anons in this thread that the terminally online baby boomer is infinitely worse than the terminally online young adult, teenager or child. Some incredibly online silent gens scare me too. They have actual dementia so they instantly get turbo fucked by shit they see on social media.
Give them animal crossing like that one new leaf lady or something please. That old ass grandma or great grandma that you got needs to go through 8000 levels of candy crush or have a 3 year long streak of duolingo, not left to the wilds of the internet to be devoured by bait.
>>1811642Funny you mention this because my parents managed to fumble our housing I think around 2008. Feeling the burn of the housing market directly on their skin makes them incredibly more likely to empathize with me now kek
No. 1813258
>>1813242My 95 born sister said the same "cool aunt" shit to me, it's fucking cringe tbh, especially when I remember two of our aunts on our father's side trying to be the "cool aunt".
Not that I consider myself cool, I listen to Metal or vidya game music, I crochet and I got my shit together by age 26-27 when I got a job abroad and moved 900km away from my Mom's house, which is pretty late.
I just can't relate at all to her, especially how abrasive she can be when she talks. I don't have kids but if I had some, I know enough that I would not let a no filter, self indulging person like her near young kids.
No. 1813263
>>1813126>Both of my parents have seen some shit and I swear they'll drop the darkest piece of their life stories I've ever heard of one day and then completely forget they told me anything the next dayMy parents do this and it blows my mind how casual they are about it. Like when I was hearing about the time my dad was nearly killed by tanks and only lived because he heard other people panicking/dying and ran away before they got to him, the way they mentioned it was like the way you'd describe someone being mean to you, as if it was just an unpleasant day. On occasion I'll respond with something like "isn't that kind of messed up" and they'll kind of think about it like they never considered it, and basically say that that's just how things are.
You're completely right about online older people and I wish it was talked about more. One of my grandmas spends a lot of her time on her computer or phone and it's honestly really concerning, when I was staying with my parents I'd hear her staying up all night watching things just like a young person would. We're trying to help her find healthier uses of her time (e.g., making similar aged friends) since she does have some early dementia.
No. 1813366
>>1813263Fuuuucckk they are so right about them just dropping trauma randomly.
I remember being like 7 and my boomer mother randomly said how she had to grow up in a house where her cousin raped the family cat daily. She would also randomly drop that her grandfather was a pedo and her mom would hand-deliver her daughters to him.
Now if I bring up these topics as an adult she shuts down (doesn't deny)and refuses to engage. She still believes her mother was a good mother too. Hearing that shit at my young age was so traumatizing.
No. 1813375
>>1813016>>1813229As '95 I identify with both late millennials and early gen Z. My friend who's from '96 feels the same. I wouldd create a small category of zillenials for 95-96 kids
Also my youngest friends are from 2001 and my oldest are from 1990
No. 1815215
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Is it the lack of irl interaction that does this to people? Zoomers must be the most mentally weak generation.
No. 1815223
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>>1815215That's a obvious ragebait article, of course it's fake.
No. 1815224
>>1815215wow I'm a zoomer kek
>Is it the lack of irl interaction that does this to people?Not really. It's more good ol infantilism. It's mostly their parents fault because I can guarantee that they ordered food for their kids up until their late teens and, well, didn't teach(or didn't give the chance) kids how to be independent.
I'd say that millennial parents are childish themselves so they can't educate an independent person.
No. 1815281
>>1815215This is just on par with those "Millenials spend their money on avocado toast" ragebait articles from 2011.
>>1815225Media literacy has gone down in zoomers specifically so got you there I guess. No. 1815340
>Is mortified at the idea of calling down for room service
>But is also perfectly capable of recording herself and uploading it for millions to see, in the same vein
I don’t like this self-infantilization that zoomers have going on. I understand, humanity as a whole is starting to live longer and starting to think ‘in you’re 20’s you’re still young’ which is true I agree you’re still young but you should fucking be able to order some food and have normal communication with people by the time you’re 20.
No. 1815788
>>1815474Shit is infinitely worse. I saw a case of a girl in middle school who killed herself and her bullies were honest to god making crunchy instagram memes of her suicide. Roping isn't even an exit and the kids know school admin won't do shit and much less the justice system. I was so lucky to not only be born in a period where I wouldn't be constantly filmed or taken photos of.
Pro tip, school admin doesn't want to solve problems, they simply don't want to get sued or have an open police case on them. they're kind of like school HR. Didn't happen to me but a friend of mine only got anything done with school admin once she threatened to get police involved. When I have kids I'm going to take that lesson to heart, first file a complaint, and if it ain't solved by the next time I come around I'm slapping a lawsuit against the entire school and filing a police report. If your kid drops dead they don't give a shit. When it comes to corporates and a certain subsect of middle aged fucks the only language they understand is a lawsuit, media coverage and criminal charges.
No. 1819303
I'm kind of realizing that Gen alpha not really knowing how to do much (read, write, whatever) is probably due to their parents somehow not realizing they have to teach them. It may sound like an idiotic theory, but I genuinely think some people don't realize you have to teach children every. Single. Thing. Or they just won't know it.
I came across a screenshot of this video, the caption says the daughter is Gen alpha.
No. 1830124
>>1829987My parents grew up during the time when not just your parents but your teachers were fully allowed to whack you with wooden sticks. The don't question any adult in authority era. Which led to alot of sexual abuse by teachers and priests where I am. I grew up when spanking was still happening in alot of homes but kept quieter because a shift was happening in views on it. 50/50 chance you were in a spanking home att and there was an emphasis on getting kids ready for how life will be tough later on whether that included 'methods' like that or not. Surely the generation under me will reach a better balance I thought. Now you've got kids going to school in diapers because parents are too hands off and gentle to push their child to get potty trained if they show any resistance. The kid will decide its own time to train. Few kids are gonna willingly lead the way on changes though. It's like was there ever a point where a balance was reached in terms of not making your kids terrifed of you through physical punishment but also guiding them to get through basic development stages through other means. We went from threats and fear and never questioning any adults order to replacing that old bullshit with.. doing nothing? Telling kids that they're their own boss and leader even at toilet training age.
I keep seeing teachers online saying they're thinking about quitting the profession because parents are sending their (non disabled) 6 and 7 year olds into school and handing baby wipes to the teacher with instructions to wipe them.
No. 1830211
>>1830186Which is ironic coming from them. They barely know how to socialize. My personal favorite is when they make these lame shorts or tiktoks about what a healthy relationship is supposed to be and you can tell these are people who haven't dated anybody, still live in their childhood bedroom, and they're probably going to die alone themselves.
They are just so far removed from reality that it's actually a marvel that more of them haven't run out into oncoming traffic. It's the psychosis for me.
No. 1830232
>>1830124Stories like these fascinate me. I remember reading somewhere that Gen Alpha, specifically the iPad kids, had a slower development with motor skills because they don't play with toys. They also have lower social development because they don't play with other kids or even their siblings and just prefer to sit in front of an iPad all day. Gen Alpha is going to become a monstrosity of a generation with how their parents raised them. Gen Alpha is probably going to be full of lolcows not seen since the Chris Chan era.
>>1830186As a Zoomie you're right. I'm in my mid-20s and so many of my peers act like mean girls from high school despite being way too old to act like that. Something I noticed with Zoomers specifically is that they only support causes that are easily consumable. They support gay rights and civil rights only if they get to be the center of attention or are able to consume the culture surrounding it. This is most noticeable with the LGBT community because you can just identify as genderfluid and not change anything about your appearance or expression and still be
valid uwu. If you mention that the community was meant to be a safe haven for people suffering from homophobia and not for mullet wearing Tiktok users than you're an evil bigot who doesn't deserve rights. This rule applies to not just major social movements but to sub-cultures as well (look at any alt-subculture and you see it everywhere see
>>1805503for a more eloquent response). I personally believe that social media is a driving force in this, because social media is about advertising and consuming, rather than actual discussion. On a side note, I think its ironic how Zoomers are the loudest about preaching anti-colonialism, but still have the same colonialist mindset of "if I can't have it than no one can".
TLDR; If Zoomers can't consume something freely without repercussions or doing any research then they hate it and it doesn't deserve to exist.
No. 1830361
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I've been reading a lot about the 1960's and it's fascinating how the boomers viewed themselves and their parents. Everyone is shitting on them now but back in the day even the journalists believed teens of "the age of Aquarius" were going to change the world.
No. 1830563
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I don't know why everyone thinks zoomers invented wokeness. I came of age in the 2010-2015 peak Tumblr era and watched my nerdy friends become obnoxious performative SJWs before my very eyes. That's when the neopronouns and gender woo woo really started, then companies realized shortly after that manufactured internet outrage gets them clicks and attention and started doing it on purpose. Older zoomers were growing up in the middle of all that so it makes sense that they absorbed that kind of behavior but I don't think it's fair to blame them for it, annoying as those people are.
I'm really just angry that I used to call out the hypocrisy of random people I know getting cancelled for being transphobic bigots, when actually they were just girls that the gendies of yore didn't like and tried to pull reasons out of their ass to ruin them. But at the time it was only on the internet so my family and siblings laughed at me for caring about something "that only happens on the internet and not in reality". I feel like that Roman prophet who nobody believed even though everything she said came true.
No. 1830666
>>1830563Agreed. I'm a young millennial that joined Tumblr in 2010 as a teenager and a lot of that stuff thrived in our age group, it just became mainstream and passed onto the Zoomers. I lost so many friends to it, my original online friend group pre-Tumblr is in the 28-35 range, that's normally the age that would know better but I can count on one hand how many didn't wise up. I'd argue that the liberal Gen Xers also were the early stages of woke shit, because on some of my Tumblr circles there were 40+ bloggers who would share queer theory written in the 90s that used pronouns like ze/zir and genderqueer as proof that they were always real and
valid. I miss when you would only meet these people in bougie city colleges and not anywhere.
No. 1830713
>>1830679I remember that too. Personally I didn't care about that stuff when it was just an alternative lifestyle only
some people did, but now that everyone is like that. I knew 5 people on Livejournal who were trans, but when we jumped to Tumblr, everyone was. Even though anyone who grew up liberal in the 2000s remembers how Christians tried to shove their values down everyone's throat, now they're repeating the same thing.
No. 1831364
>>1830577I think it depends on the culture and religion and their relation to sexuality, if repressed or not, using it to "raise" their kids.
My parents are boomers and their parents were from a North Africa colonized country but moved to Europe. My grandparents were traditional Muslims, the only parent that did the physical punishment was the father and the fathers would use belts on their kids sometimes, but usually it would happen just few times, because my parents had over 6 siblings (the older siblings usually help raise and control the younger ones) or because the mothers would threaten to tell the father and that would dissuade the kids to continue whatever they're doing. So in that world, especially where anything sexual is taboo and frowned upon, spanking had no link to anything kinky.
And then on the complete opposite of the globe, I even remember a school friend of mine when I changed school but was still in the EU whose mother was from Haiti. She would spank and hit her with a slipper, a belt, and probably God knows what and it sounded like the mother was an unhinged person. I think her mother was extremely religious too, but there was no hint of kink or anything in that situation either.
I've only ever been "spanked" by my parents once each when I was between 5 and 14, my Mom slapped my thigh and I remember seeing the red imprint in my leg the first five minutes after it happened, and my father spanked me after I left my first cellphone in a changing cabin at the swimming pool.
Overall, and small derail from spanking to general discouragement methods parents used, the method of my mom threatening to tell our father when we wouldn't behave with my sisters worked a lot more, because my father was unhinged when it comes to yelling at us. I don't know if spanking us instead of intimidating and bullying us would have been more traumatic, but because he was scary and loud, I just can't stand anything loud as an adult.
No. 1832969
>>1831793>Does anyone remember when Millennials kept toting that Zoomers were going to start a revolution?Are we sure this was millenials? Maybe it's because I'm between those two but I definitely can't remember thinking when I was in college that those high schoolers a few years younger than me would lead a totally different life? Even if there is a 10 year age difference, changes in society don't happen that fast.
>>1832945I work with very young children and can definitely imagine that many of them won't ever properly learn. Buggest problems are parents coddling them and diagnosis working as an excuse for not having to better yourself. For example a boy I teach has a reading/writing disorder and therefore I have to give him easier worksheets, easier homework, easier exams and I'm not allowed to have him read. So how should he ever get better? It's ridiculous
No. 1833194
>>1833000ayrt and I wholeheartedly agree. Like I said, I didn't REALLY notice them until pandemic because we were all forced to be inside and many things were shut down. Prior to that, I encountered maybe one or two on a dress up game and they were shit starters and
victims even back in 2012. You could say the most benign opinion about something, they'd come in and get pissy, and if you responded they'd start screaming about how they're literally a minor and how dare you say xyz to them and the internet is for kids and how we all needed to get off of it. I even started to notice it on Instagram around the same time. I had my art on there because I was told it was a good place to gain traction, but fuck I ended up deleting my account because there literal 11 year olds on there coming onto my fucking page. Making my account private would've defeated the purpose of trying to advertise my artwork in the first place, so I just gave up and I haven't attempted on any other platform since. The most infuriating experiences with them have been when they'd start arguments with others, yet replying to them wasn't allowed because they'd chimp out and make it about, "How DARE you!1! I am a KID and YOU are an ADULT YELLING AT ME!" .. um, none of us fucking knew your age, dipshit? You came into discussions and took umbrage with people who asked you not to insert weird gender shit into our stuff or you just got pissy because someone told you no. One of the most notorious ones grew up to wear tommy bahama shirts, dyed her hair pink and shaved it down, and is a they/them. And I only know this because years later when I logged on out of boredom and started interacting with the community again, lo and behold she was still there and I accidentally ran into her in a different part of the site. Since it had been damn near five or six years, I was chill about it and was like, "oh, sup dude, I didn't know it was you because you changed your username" and it was like nothing changed. Cue screeching about how I "harassed" a "chIolD" by disagreeing with her about fictional characters in a forum half a decade ago. Bonus points for when she was obsessively following a friend and I around the site and when we said something about it, she spammed us with these old ass gifs of a little girl repeatedly banging a table with a crayon in her hand and saying no.
>>1833001They're fucking freaks. Like I said before, I noticed this bizarre behavior with them ages ago, but I forgot because my encounters with them have been sporadic yet in each instance I have a new story about how fucking unhinged they are. Disagree about fictional characters or franchise directions? "YOU'RE HARASSING LITERALLY A CHIOLD!1!" Ask them why they keep following you and your friends around? "YOU'RE HARASSING LITERALLY A CHIOLD!1!" Block them? "YOU'RE HARASSING LITERALLY A CHIOLD!1!" I'm over it and I can't believe that I'm saying this, because I grew up in an
abusive home and I swore I'd never hit my kids, but these fuckers should've gotten cracked across the mouth growing up.
No. 1833195
>>1833086NTA but even in my country the school system changed drastically since the 2000s, for the worse of course. I had autism but both were late diagnosed because shithole so mental illness isn't real. There was no such thing as no child left behind policies, you either went to normal school or retard school and that's it. If you went to normal school, you had to follow the curriculum like everyone else and if you didn't you'd get failed and repeat a year which was considered really shameful since everyone one-ups each other all the time. It was up to the teachers to decide how much help you need and what to do with you. Not saying the system was great but it was what it was.
By the time I got to high school, my sister was in third grade. They nixed several subjects children would get introduced to at that age and changed the curriculum so that "problem students" and regular students sit in the same classroom. This of course meant that problem students got all of the teacher's attention and regular students just had to deal. The course material was dumbed down over the years to help those students, while the normal students who didn't have anger issues or a missing chromosome fell behind because the standards were lower, but forcing the retards to do better meant parents threaten to sue you for discriminating against little Johnny who can't help not knowing how to do simple addition. Now they've ruined what was left of the old curriculum even more with experimental teaching methods, tablets and some other bullshit. Sis is luckily in college but our old teacher who retired last year talks a lot of shit about it on Facebook.
No. 1833201
>>1833194>replying to them wasn't allowed because they'd chimp out and make it about, "How DARE you!1! I am a KID and YOU are an ADULT YELLING AT ME!"I just tell them to either shut up or let me speak to their mom if they really are underage. Of course they go
>um I don't owe you anything???? I'm literally a minor??but they eventually shut up once you bring up their parents enough. Zoomers are also hilariously bad at not displaying all their personal information online so you can DM them and ask if XYZ is their mother, shouldn't she know what kind of comments her child is making online? Shuts them right up if you get it right.
No. 1833215
>>1833201I just hate how they try to make it seem like any adult who calls them out on shit is committing an actual crime. There's being aware of your surroundings and practicing safe internet etiquette and then there's just being a fucking chode. An adult talking to them isn't what they try to make it seem like. Its the audacity for me. Its the coming into spaces where they were never welcome and never supposed to be yet demanding it all change for them and any dissent is met with: REEE AM CHIOLD!1! AM MINOR!1! Yeah, and?
Seriously, what IS this? Because when I was on Neopets, imageboards, dress up games, forums, LJ, etc I never did this. I never saw people try to "win" discussions back in the day by going, "Well, I'm a kid so you HAVE to listen to me AND you shouldn't be talking to me because YOU'RE an adult." I swear, it feels like a five year old wandering into a pub and telling everyone to get out.
No. 1833378
>>1833365I'm aware that it has always existed. I was actually just talking about this with another nona. My gripe with the SP thing is that it seems like the porn is okay with zoomers if its two gay boys, even though it is gross all around. I mentioned that I had to deal with Bronies who were both men and women acting like myself or my friends were puritans as well. I also remember this being the first time I encountered the gender bullshit. I still remember being asked why I like MLP and I gave the sentimental answer about how I grew up with the 80s version and all my aunts who were raised on cartoons from that era gave me their toys and introduced me to Rainbow Brite, the original not they/them looking She-Ra, Jem, Popples, etc. But, I also ended it with, "Well, I'm a girl!" I didn't think it was going to be taken that seriously. Like clockwork, I had zoomer teens (both dudes and girls) coming in to tell me that I'm not allowed to say that last part because THEY'RE girls and that doesn't mean that THEY like girly stuff! Cue bitching about gender roles and how men can like it as well, how 2010 MLP was superior because old MLP made them hate being girls, etc. The fact that my offhanded remark about myself caused them to mald so much says a lot more about their own issues and I don't think I should have ever had to tailor myself just because someone else hates themselves. Those are their insecurities, not mine, and it was never my job or anybody else's to asspat and placate.
No. 1837121
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>>1834047>you bait people into arguments and then when you get proven wrong no one is allowed to present you with evidence otherwise ?I noticed that too. Also, I noticed that when zoomers start infights and arguments on the internet and realize they're losing, they'll start saying "omg calm down!", "you're being delulu and deranged!", "stop screaming and being dramatic!" and other passive-aggressive shit when they're the only ones getting in their feelings kek It's almost cute when they're obviously butthurt, but try to convince the
other person that
they're the crybaby bitch, picrel is basically them
No. 1837614
>>1837590I think they are projecting their own childhoods onto their own kids and aren't realizing how much things have changed that this won't work anymore. They played videogames and texted their friends and spent time online unsupervised and they turned out fine, right? Well their kids are not in the same environment, now there is just so much more content than before and it is so much more accessible and targeted in ways it wasn't for their parents.
I think a lot of modern parenting trends are also not suitable for the lifestyles these families actually lead. Gentle Parenting, Attachment Parenting etc. Both parent and child need the right personalities and enough time to devote to it in order for it to work. More authoritarian parenting styles probably work better for a lot of these families but it isn't in fashion right now.
No. 1843436
>>1843360Not sure if you mean on LJ or just in general, but some random memories of 2000-2005 when I was in my early 20s:
- This one is probably obvious, but 9/11 and the failure of the antiwar movement were really depressing. I had come up in the 90s punk/emo scene and was around for the tail end of the "Battle of Seattle" anti-globalization movement, when it really felt like the left was starting to win people over to the cause. (I think this is how a lot of people your age felt about Occupy.) 9/11 basically proved that had all been a LARP, and then we were all completely powerless to stop a war that was obvious bullshit. When Bush won a second term it felt like the end of the world (lol).
- Trans wasn't a thing. It just wasn't. There were drag queens and there were people who were "genderqueer" as a deliberate aesthetic statement, but even in edgy counterculture spaces, modern gender craziness as we know it today just didn't exist, except I guess in
very small circles of people who were already incubating the ideology. The closest thing I can think of was meeting a Boomer at a Ralph Nader meeting (kek) who I'm pretty sure in hindsight was an MTF who passed pretty well, but if so he was dressed in an age-appropriate way and didn't act creepy or make a big deal about it. The first person I knew who trooned out in a way that was like "no, I'm actually a woman, if you misgender me I'll kill myself" was in 2012-2013.
- On the other hand, a lot of the modern racial discourse was definitely there, that's what I was mostly talking about with the failed grad students on LJ. People who were really into Noel Ignatiev, J. Sakai, all that stuff that eventually got popularized.
- I feel like early aughts science fiction blogging was ground zero for a lot of for the really crazy social justice discourse that started to take over the entire Internet in the 2010s. Mostly Gen Xers and even Boomers who had been in fandom for decades and all knew each other. Someone once described it as being like a playpen full of autistic kids who would all start screaming in unison if you messed with their toys. You had a LOT of middle aged liberal women and creepy "male feminists" desperate to prove how tolerant they were, who would eventually go all in on gender stuff.
- LJ was a comfy platform and I miss it. It basically had all the features you would ever need to start a blog and connect with other people who had the same interests you did. When everything moved to Facebook and Twitter it was a huge step backwards. You didn't have to worry about getting people to notice you with the algorithm or anything like that, just see what overlapping interests you had and send them a friend request. I was just an idealistic kid in a college town but I became online friends with a whole circle of Gen X people who were part of the Bay Area punk/lefty scene who all seemed like really cool and down to earth people who were fun to talk to and interact with. I have no idea what ever became of them.
- "Indie sleaze" sucked the first time around, it sucks now, and Zoomers should be sent to their rooms for thinking it's cool.
No. 1843871
>>1843552Kids are being exposed to social media algorithms at younger ages and they assume that that's how most people act.
>>1833241I'm going to get a ton of hate for this but Millennials are the main reason all this pro-porn, "sex work is real work", and other degeneracy that is plaguing the internet and modern society right now. Zoomers undoubtedly contributed to it but it should be noted that so many Zoomers were groomed by gross Millennials into believing this horseshit. I'm not saying it excuses Gen Z's behavior but there's a reason most of them are these mentally ill porn-sick gender obsessed weirdos. While most Zoomers weren't iPad kids they were exposed to the internet way younger than they should have, and as a result are royally fucked up by it. I think the worst part about Zoomers being groomed is that if they try to talk about it they're almost always shut down for one reason or another. They're accused of being prude ("puriteens" is the phrase I've read), bigoted, or attention-seeking. I know there's a lot of current discourse going on between Millennials and Zoomers with most of it being bullshit but Zoomers are right in that Millennials did kickstart the bullshit we're currently dealing with on the internet.
No. 1844050
>>1843436AYRT, I meant on Livejournal but this is insightful. I'm far from a zoomer (32) but I graduated high school when Livejournal and Myspace stopped being cool and Tumblr boomed in my early 20s.
>Trans wasn't a thing. It just wasn't. There were drag queens and there were people who were "genderqueer" as a deliberate aesthetic statement, but even in edgy counterculture spaces, modern gender craziness as we know it today just didn't exist, except I guess in very small circles of people who were already incubating the ideology. The closest thing I can think of was meeting a Boomer at a Ralph Nader meeting (kek) who I'm pretty sure in hindsight was an MTF who passed pretty well, but if so he was dressed in an age-appropriate way and didn't act creepy or make a big deal about it. The first person I knew who trooned out in a way that was like "no, I'm actually a woman, if you misgender me I'll kill myself" was in 2012-2013.I remember the "genderqueers" being an aesthetic statement too, I was actually a friends with some of those (they were older than me, into alt and goth stuff and never pretended they weren't their birth sex) and in my pre-Tumblr circles I only knew a few transgender people who had the mindset of "I'm biologically a woman/man but I became a transsexual" instead of "I was always like this and genitals aren't real, I'll kill you if you perceive me wrong". When I saw people on Tumblr talk about "truscums" and how evil they were it confused me because most "trans" I knew were like that minus the academic niche types (I tried to look into 90s gay culture years ago and ended up finding "queer" zines that was basically the mainstream gender stuff, one was a diary of a TIF who wanted to be a gay man and cried over how gay men won't date her).
>I feel like early aughts science fiction blogging was ground zero for a lot of for the really crazy social justice discourse that started to take over the entire Internet in the 2010s. Mostly Gen Xers and even Boomers who had been in fandom for decades and all knew each other. Someone once described it as being like a playpen full of autistic kids who would all start screaming in unison if you messed with their toys. You had a LOT of middle aged liberal women and creepy "male feminists" desperate to prove how tolerant they were, who would eventually go all in on gender stuff.I'm pretty sure these are the exact 40+ bloggers I saw on Tumblr when I was 20-28 who spread the "queer" shit to the younger generations. They're routinely so condescending and holier-than-thou too, but people listen to them anyway because they're "old" and must know better.
>LJ was a comfy platform and I miss it. It basically had all the features you would ever need to start a blog and connect with other people who had the same interests you did. When everything moved to Facebook and Twitter it was a huge step backwards. You didn't have to worry about getting people to notice you with the algorithm or anything like that, just see what overlapping interests you had and send them a friend request.This is why I wish I was old enough to use Livejournal, because even the "old days" of Tumblr were pure shit in my experience. I actually snagged an account on Dreamwidth and Insanejournal hoping that maybe there's an active Livejournal revival community there, but trying to convince other people my age that are well over 25 to use it instead of Twitter is like pulling teeth.
No. 1845343
>>1845305Gen X was born from the mid/late 60's to late 70's/early 80's. Silent Generation would've been in their 50's by then, no way they were giving birth to the majority of Gen X. They're the children of older boomers born in the 40's and early 50's. I have no idea what this zoomer obsession with crying about millenials but it's so misdirected it makes me cringe. Surprised they're not calling the Wachowskis and Elon Musk millenials.
>>1845329The overwhelming majority of my millenial friends have boomer parents as the baby boomers' generation (1945-1964) spanned for a longer time than millenials (1981-1997) for example.
No. 1845475
>>1844161>Millenials were like in their 20's when this shit started gaining traction, how do you think they had or still have any power?DA, I agree with you but I think there's some complicity with how a lot of millennials continued to buy into the extreme "sex positive/sex work is work/porn is harmless" shit when we were past 25. That's when the zoomers picked it up; A lot of us were arguably groomed by liberal Gen Xers but then we perpetuated the cycle. I admit I had a cringe sex positive phase in my early-mid 20s but I wised up when I noticed how porn addiction rates were rising, refusing to kinkshame led to more abuse within these communities, and that camgirls who enjoy it are not reflective of the majority of prostitutes, etc. Of course the other people my age just called me a
TERF/SWERF/conservative for it, so that's probably why so many people didn't speak up about criticizing it. I think a lot of the early "callout/cancel culture" shit was pushed by millennials and zoomers were worse about it.
No. 1845706
>>1845475Most of the early pro-SW and pro-kink stuff was tied to women being free to do what they wanted with their bodies without being shamed for it. Of course it immediately went to shit but there was so much slut shaming and policing of women that women embraced the movement. It's the same as girls identifying as he/they/xir to escape misogyny, but in the other direction. When Tumblr stopped actively shitting on men and started on the path to handmaidenism even that thin veneer of performative feminism went to shit. Sex work positivity has always catered to men. If terminally online politics had stayed online we wouldn't be seeing the surge of normie women humiliating themselves for spare change on onlyfans.
I really believe that most of the SWers have also peaked. Being in contact with johns will do that to you. I remember reading stripper tumblrs and wondering why they always complained about being broke when they posted endless pics of the cash they made in a day. They ranted about how much they hated stripping and the only part that made it all worth it was the cash, they whined about being broke because they had to pay the club regardless of how much they'd made, they posted about sexual abuse that management turned a blind eye to, how they hated their bodies and themselves. Many of them sperged out about how alcoholics and junkies are people and you shouldn't judge them, especially if they only do it to get through a long night of stripping. But stripping is super easy and fun guys, you should totally try it! Same with the sugar babies, endless pics of the same few bags and nails with rants about how much they wished their sugar daddies would die already and how disgusting they were, stinking of BO and feet with nasty unwashed dicks. Reading the blogs shilling the joys of whoring is enough to peak anyone. And that was at the peak of SW being cool.
Also you can't say anything online without some retard deliberately misinterpreting it, you show your real opinions with silence. I've seen less and less pro-SW and pro-kink on the blogs I follow unless it's a tranny malding that nobody wants to buy their nudes. Gen Z will be the same. They'll grow out of their NLOG phase, see how working part time flipping burgers gets you more money than working full time selling ass pics, and get a real job. The economy is so shit right now that it's no wonder kids think that sitting at home begging for rent money is as good a career choice as working a 9 to 5.
No. 1871781
>>1871633I was born in one of years right between millennials and zoomers, and in my experience the millennials I know all look younger than the zoomers I know. It’s harder to tell on social media of course but it usually seems the same way.
A lot of millennials have baby faces because boomers and gen x were all obsessed with youth and the males were the ones who started the misogynistic thing about women being at their most attractive before 21 years old (despite the fact that men hit the wall and women just straight up don’t)
Zoomers didn’t really inherit neotenous features, which isn’t a bad thing by any means, they just look more similar to all the other generations.
No. 1871814
>>1871807>I think Millennials just grew up at a good time where smoking cigarettes was seen as passé, and a lot of strict rules regarding youth-smoking were enforcedAre you American/Canadian? Because I feel that North Americans have a very different culture to other parts of the world when it comes to smoking.
In Europe smoking was/still is pretty common for kids, even if it is in decline. If your theory is true, we should see far more nicotine ravaged zoomers and millennials in Europe than America.
No. 1871831
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>>1871814The difference is when you're a teenager smoking fags you bum one or two a day from your friend's pack, and you really only have a few puffs and then it's done. The amount of nicotine a cigarette-smoker puffs in the run of a day is a lot less than a chronic vaper. I've known people who hit their vapes every 5 minutes, given the chance. I think that a lot of younger people think of vaping as "more safe"
than smoking, so they over-do it by massive amounts. Compare someone that doesn't consume nicotine to someone that does, and you can see the difference in ageing very clearly.
No. 1872024
>>1871807agree with all of this. I don’t know how it is in europe like
>>1871814 said, but american zoomers are HOOKED on vapes and started young with raging nicotine addictions by 14. I too vaped in high school/college and I kind of wish I was a millennial so I wasn’t exposed to that shit
No. 1872042
>>1872024This is a factor. Nicotine is a drug like any other, it has both positive and negative effects. It's been investigated for treatment of several disorders including crohn's disease and neurological problems such as dementia, parkinson's disease and ADHD. The main negative effects are that's it's addictive and it's vasoconstrictive, which means that it can prevent blood vessels from dilating. In large doses it's a poison and has been used as a pesticide. It's known to be teratogenic but not carcinogenic. A lot of people that do end up smoking or vaping have some sort of neurological or mental disorder and they use nicotine to self medicate out of desperation for relief.
The carcinogenic properties of cigarettes comes from chemicals added to the tobacco when it's cured such as formaldehyde and the chemicals created from burning tobacco such as benzene. The chemicals used in filters and the paper bleaching process can also contain carcinogens. Cheap cigarettes are more processed and chemicals are used for bulking out the tobacco.
No. 1872318
>>1872042Yeah the vasoconstriction is what ages a person, it makes it more difficult for the blood to reach the surface of the skin to bring nutrients ergo the skin ages faster. Also I've read new reports that nicotine itself can act as a mild carcinogen, so there's that.
>>1872008I think the eurofags are huffing copium with the "mein Euro Cigarettes Are gooden for dein Health!!" bullshit. I've had cigarettes from North America, the Caribbean, Europe, and Asia and they're all the same in terms of "smoking this is bad for me." Even though I don't care about the health effects, it's the appearance effects I care about as I'm very vain.
No. 1872333
>>1871781>A lot of millennials have baby faces because boomers and gen x were all obsessed with youth>Zoomers didn’t really inherit neotenous featuresWhat's this? But zoomers are mostly babies of gen X? Why wouldn't they inherit "neotenous features" also? It must be something else, if it's even the case at all.
>>1871807>Nicotine really REALLLY ages a personDecent theory. So much kids are addicted to it right now, it's creepy. They puff even during lessons.
>>1871831I remember in 2016, when it was getting popular, it was advertised as "95% safer" or something. It gave me an impression that it doesn't have nicotine at all or only minimal amount. The concerns were raised even back then, but mostly people thought it was "safer". I thought people would know by now that they aren't, very unfortunate.
>>1872318>"mein Euro Cigarettes Are gooden for dein Health!!"KEK really?? They're lying to themselves so bad.
No. 1872351
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>>1871781You realize Lamarckian inheritance is a discredited theory right…. Please tell me you're trolling anon I don't want to believe people actually believe this
No. 1872395
>>1871633>honestly to me it feels like both zoomers and millennials have issues with growing up. They both want to be the cool, young onesOn a broad scale, I agree. I think a lot have Peter Pan syndrome, as a result of either being left to over indulge as a teen with parents giving them a pass to do everything, or as a FOMO type thing because they ended up raising their younger siblings or other traumatic childhood things.
As fas as my own experience as a millennial that feel more like a Gen X, I'm vibing with being called grandma by friends and acquaintances and having grandma hobbies like crocheting. But I look younger than my zoomer 95 born sister. Every time I meet co-workers or friends of hers they think she's the oldest. It probably does make a difference if you smoke/drink more and exercise and sleep less. And also eat poorly.
Too many people in both millennial and zoomer generations can't cook for shit, having take-out 4-8 times a week usually doesn't get on the level of the nutritional value of a healthy homecooked meal.
No. 1872689
>>1872655There was already a controversial discussion about when the Zoomer generation starts on the thread, and I don't wanna retrigger it.
Let's just say I'm an oldfag and back in the day, 1995 used to be the year that sociologists said the millennial generation stopped. Not saying it's right or wrong, but it's internalized in my head. Though it's most likely that because I don't identify with 85-90% of the traits, habits and observable behaviors of millennials despite being born in 90, it feels like a generational gap with my sister when I identify a lot of similar traits, habits and behaviors in her that I don't personally have.
No. 1886916
take it with a grain of salt I'm in a Eurofag country where they believe in "soft parenting" and I'm not a native from there I'm a millenial and I see millenial parents in my area and they can't even bring the kid to listen to em and they have to apologize for the shit their kids do. And sure, it depends on the origin of the millenials but many of em think "Discipline? What's this? Can I eat it?" and I feel bad for the kids of the Gen Alpha who never learn what the canvas of what society accepts and what they don't, what's legal and what's not, etc.
Some will hate their parents for being too permissive, just like some millenials hate their boomer parents for not giving em enough responsibilities and always letting em do whatever they saw fit.
No. 1886922
>>1886916>they have to apologize for the shit their kids doI hate this so much. If a kid does something so bad that a parent need to apologize to a stranger on their behalf, then they are old enough for the parent to tell
them what they did wrong and have them apologize/make up for it.
No. 1888052
>>1872395As a Zoomer I always assumed the reason most of us look older is due to society gradually forcing kids to "grow up" sooner, especially girls. The sexualization of girls has been increasing for decades but I think with late Millennials and Zoomers it's becoming more apparent. A lot kids I knew growing up began smoking, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs in middle school and some even started in elementary school. Some of it was pressure to appear older but for others it was to cope with trauma. I should clarify that we're only pressured to look older not necessarily act older. Many Zoomers (and some Millennials) don't know how to do basic adult things like cook, sew, do basic car repair, etc. This can stem from parents not teaching their kids but also the lack of home education classes in school.
>>1872402It's because of their upbringing being forced to placate their own
abusive parents. If you ever get to know an old Boomer or Gen Xer sometimes they'll just tell you the most insane
abusive shit that happened to them in their childhoods. Many old people had
abusive childhoods and don't want to admit it and think because they survived it then it wasn't so bad. I'm not saying this to absolve them from criticism btw, many of them end up passing on that trauma to their own kids, thus repeating the cycle.
>>1886895I might get a ton of shit for saying this, but the current Millennial parenting is just a different form of helicopter parenting. The helicopter parenting we know Boomers for had to deal with more material things, such as degrees, good paying jobs, appearances, etc. whereas the modern form of helicopter parenting is more concerned with internal feelings. Instead of shielding their kids from material failures, they're trying to shield them from personal ones. Millennial parents are obsessed with making sure their kids is seen, heard, and thought of as special, to the point that if someone does anything less they attack that person. They don't properly discipline their kid because that would make the kid upset. So many Millennial parents that I've spoken to are terrified at the idea of their kid being upset at them so they just give them what they want (usually an iPad).
No. 1888080
>>1888052NTA, I hard agree with your third comment. I’m a millennial and I don’t want children. I have never felt maternal but a huge part of it is I just could not cope with not being able to raise them well enough, and I believe children should not have to suffer because you’re a shit parent (whatever the reason).
I also know so many anxious parents terrified of doing something wrong.
No. 1888115
>>1888052I come from a country where it is pretty normal to see teens drinking and smoking, all my friends did it, some families even encouraged the kids to drink like it was no big deal, yet I don't think kids nowadays are doing drugs more than the kids in the 80s or 90s. Of course we have vape now but I don't believe that is making kids look older, just giving them a whole bunch of new health issues that will come up in the future.
I do agree about sexualization. Girls are sexualized since forever, but I do think it's worse now we have lib feminism telling girls that treating your body like commodity for men to consume is progressive, then giving them a bunch of sexual traumas, and then telling them that every girl likes that and if you don't it simply means you're not a girl, thus leading "the other girls" to do a different type of drug that ages them as well destroy their bodies. The amount of makeup and "skin care" products young girls are using too, like, girls around 11-15 that think they need to use products to prevent aging, these same products having ads targetting early 20s women insecurities, having them to inject botox to "prevent aging marks" aka expression marks, completely normal shit that is now undesirable, and this belief teens have that after 25 you're too old to do anything and enjoy things, all the drag makeup being hold like peak femininity, making the girls look so much older. This is much worse than the 90s, even with all the ana bodies we saw on tv, imo, because at the same time there was talk about how dangerous being super skinny is, but there is no talk about all the crap women are putting on their faces, it is all "self care", and I don't think there will be much discussion about it anytime soon, this would be like trying to stop the beer ads in my country, a fight no one wants to have because there is too much money involved, plus even feminist women tend to shut down this conversation as if it is a personal attack on them. I think the whole problem here can be summed up to society (men) ruining girls.
No. 1888187
>>1888115Society has failed and continues to fail girls and women in new and extraordinary ways every generation. I think it's the plastic. More than ever we are surrounded by plastic. Lack of exercise and good food in childhood is what I think is making zoomers "look older" (which I don't even agree with), though excessive makeup use and sexualization plus internet filters is probably not helping (if you mean looking adult).
Also, has any other generation seen such widespread grooming practices like zoomers have? I think gen z has the highest rate of groomed/sexually abused children out of any demographic. Zoomer women have all been groomed or attempted to be groomed. Girls for a few years were being told how good OnlyFans was and how good sex work was and I know lots of girls who started when they turned 18. Sexual abuse always happened but you had to have physical access to do it.
No. 1888243
>>1888052>kids I knew growing up began smoking, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs in middle school and some even started in elementary school.This is actually really interesting. It must vary from place to place or country to country because where I live, the stereotype is that gen Z doesn't do shit, like nothing. No parties no drinking no vape no drugs but also no job no study just staying inside using the computer all day. Nothing nothing. Maybe some consumerism but I feel like it's a 50/50 imo. Some zoomers just have permanent bedrot and are fine with just owning a decent PC or they'll go insane and deck out their rooms fully. This is a crackpot theory but since a lot of them understandably grew up overstimulated, overstimulation might be comforting? A lot of them really like maximalism and ngl I think they have good taste since I was always a maximalismfag as the decades went on but I'm looking forward to seeing if their tastes will change or not.
>many of them end up passing on that trauma to their own kids, thus repeating the cycle. I'm the anon who made that post and yeah, unfortunately I have to agree with you. I have a good relationship with my baby boomer parents and they just drop the hardest most depressing piece of lore from their childhoods sometimes and it's deeply disturbing. Like MAN have child care standards changed from the 50s and 60s. And even if I think older gens are resilient, I feel like that inner part of their subconscious just fell into a state of learned helplessness or something. It's useless/detrimental to resist against an
abusive parent, so just try to be the best child you can. And if you were abused, you gave a reason to be abused by your parent. I was pretty pissed when I made that post but it makes sense when I analyze it with a clearer head.
No. 1888925
>>1888243Anon from
>>1888052. When you also add into the fact that mental health institutions only began to become somewhat functional very recently, it's no wonder why older generations are so fucked up. Whenever I tried to talk to my Gen X or Boomer family members about going to therapy they would freak out, not necessarily because of me thinking they're insane, but because they think they're going to be permanently institutionalized for having anxiety. It wasn't until my older millennial cousins went to therapy and came out better did they realize that mental health services aren't as bad as they used to be.
>>1888187While I love the internet and have met numerous lovely people on it, creating it was like opening Pandora's Box. There's so many useful and interesting things you can learn on it but instead social media has marketed it as being something to advertise yourself on for clout or to forge some kind of connection with strangers. I don't think the internet was ever intended to be this widespread, let alone with it being accessible where ever you go. I do think Zoomers are the most groomed generation thus far, but with Gen Alpha being handed a tablet from when they're toddlers, I think they might unfortunately end up being more groomed than Zoomers in the long run.
No. 1888958
Also agree with
>>1888052 >kids I knew growing up began smoking, drinking alcohol, and doing drugs in middle schoolMillennial here, my 93 born sister started smoking at 14, I caught her in the act after some school exams as I walked home back in the day. Doing drugs however came way later in her case. As for other millennials in my high school we had like three or four stoners in total in my graduation year, which is hilarious because I was in a private school for upper middle class so the stoners were doing it to upset their parents more than anything.
>many of them end up passing on that trauma to their own kids, thus repeating the cycleCompared to
>>1888080 , I don't wanna have kids because the trauma dump (the stories) and real experienced trauma at home happened in the childhood years where my personality got shaped into the fixed one that I developed beyond the age of 9-10 and after puberty. Had my parents only shared stories or had the
abusive traumatic situation at home started way later, when me and my younger sisters were adults and have learned coping mechanisms from growing up then it wouldn't be as fucked up.
But it wasn't the case, and due to it I feel like my two younger sisters act like and look like they've grown up but are not grown up at all, they're stuck in time personality wise. And in my case, I feel like I've been trapped in the mind of a 50-60 years old ever since the traumatic shit at home escalated when I was 14, aka. past the point where I can ever envision myself having children.
I don't know a lot of people who've told me whether in my generation or afterwards that they feel older than they are, except my best friend who had witnessed traumatic shit at home from her parents' bad divorce
the mom strangling herself with a phone cord so she can pin it on the dad and shit .
No. 1889038
>>1888243>Like MAN have child care standards changed from the 50s and 60sThat's the one thing boomers really shouldn't get any flak on, but they do. I get that a lot of people really shouldn't have been parents but that's hardly exclusive to any generation. Therapy was a bad word when I was a kid (late 2000s), let alone in the 60s. When my parents were children they just let all the crazies walk free and abuse their families instead, and it's not like the mothers could get divorced to escape their violent husbands without being branded a whore who should have picked better.
What's really bizarre is that all the boomers I talk to defend their objectively terrible parents to death and excuse their psychotic behavior, but a lot of millennials go no contact for a lot less. My mom and dad extol my grandparents' virtues but I've felt firsthand how awful my grandmother was, who was physically violent on top of being openly and obviously jealous of both me and my mother for having a better life and more opportunities than her (even though my mom's life was terrible thanks to my grandpa and her). My mom did spank me and I don't condone doing that to kids, but my grandma beat her bloody for any old reason.
I'm not saying that it's necessarily a bad thing to go NC, there's some real psychos who end up with kids, but some people my age and older do like turning every bad childhood experience into "trauma", like not being allowed to have certain toys. Then they use their "traumatic" childhood to excuse being a doormat when it's actually that they think disciplining their own child is scawy and not a necessary part of raising a human being so they'll pop an iPad into their hands instead.
No. 1889045
>>1889013Anon here
>>1871831 suggested that if you vape, you might consume much more nicotine than if you smoke cigs, so it might play a role. But you'd need a study to know if it's really the case.
No. 1889055
>>1888934Zillennials/younger millennials/older zoomers or whatever you want to call the crop of people born in the 90s, grew up with the internet being a place, whereas younger people grew up with it becoming an extension of real life.
You had to go home or to the library, go online on your computer and only then you could read blogs or play flash games. Very few things were moderated or monetized (for better or for worse) and a lot of existing content was made for fun. Early social media was also less serious, for those old enough to remember Facebook's Farmville and poking era and MySpace before that.
I can't explain it, but it feels different now. There are no boundaries between online and offline and it feels more like a big shopping channel than a place where you deliberately go, so I can see why people say it's lost its charm.
No. 1889087
>>1889055Seconded. If you got bullied at school as a millennial, you didn't have the Damocles sword of the bullies continuing online or via phone apps, Whatsapp group chats etc. .
It started with Facebook by 2008 where people would make middle/high school gossip pages because of fucking Gossip girl, but before that, once you were out of school as a bullied kid, you got your normal life back.
No. 1889154
>>1889087AYRT and I went to school from early-mid 2000s until early-mid 2010s, after which I went to college. Even though social media was already entrenched from I'd say 2007-onwards and everyone at my school had an account, bullying still wasn't as bad when it crossed into cyberbullying. My middle school years were the Amanda Todd, Kick a Ginger Day, Jessi Slaughter era so it definitely wasn't mild, and I myself got bullied pretty badly at school. But even if people did comment mean things on my Facebook pictures and my, it didn't haunt me 24/7, if that makes sense.
IME the really bad stalking-bullying that my sis went through started happening around 2015 when everyone was getting cancelled for this or that. She was crying one day that a girl who didn't like her just made something up and told everyone to gang up on her so they did, and the principal told her if everyone is saying it except her it must be true. She and her friends had a group chat she was constantly harassed in, she was filmed, my mom had to step in eventually. I'd never seen anything like it, can't imagine how bad it is now with Tiktok.
No. 1889213
>>1871831vaping is measured at least 90% safer than smoking. itself is not proven to be as awful as tar and the other chemicals present in cigarettes. some people use nicotine pouches and etc. all in all nicotine alone is just a stimulant.
No. 1889235
>>1889198Imo, all gen x people in middle management positions are shit scared of losing their jobs to more capable millennials.
Whenever I challenge a process (or whatever) I always seem to get shot down by whoever is responsible, and it’s always someone who’s been there for 20 years and is gatekeeping a certain process on purpose.. yknow, so no one can question it. We do it like this because actually you forgot this bit outlined in policy blablabla. I once worked in a team with 8 managers only supported by 3 admin, when asked if they could look at their resourcing they decided to get rid of admin.
No wonder we always moan about the state of jobs these days..
Wait that sounds a lot harsher than I meant it to.. hope you got the point.
No. 1889273
>>1805740Late reply I know but I am a young millennial who gets lumped in with Gen Z and my two biggest pieces of advice would be:
1. Get a very intensive hobby. I did track+XC all through high school and college. The serious athletes do not have time to train and accomplish anything else if they are too phone addicted. Out of all of my friendships made in this era I was probably the most "tuned in" by far. I remember how nowadays gamergate is looked upon as some online cultural turning point but for me it was irrelevant because literally nobody I was friends with gave a shit. They all had full lives and had better things to do than find out what the newest e-conflict was.
2. Tailor your career aspirations towards where you want to live. Having a job sucks shit. Some industries are better than others, but it's never sunshine and roses. For example, if the current financial situation means you want to hunker down at your parents (and if you want to do that, obviously), guide your career path towards that. You don't want to have a BS in chemistry if there's nowhere to use it and you live 2 miles from a hospital. In that case nursing, etc. would help you achieve your goals better. I'm stressing this because I have a Chemical Engineering degree which I consider to be the most retarded out of the common engineering degrees. I would have had way more flexibility on where I can love and how if I had done mechanical, civil, electrical instead.
3. Keep in mind when making decisions that there is a lot of bias behind what you hear online. Do you think a normal, well adjusted, competent person is getting the crazy bad job offers you see on r/antiwork? The Internet makes humanity look really bad but you need to remember the other end of it: it's bad because I bet 90% of all posts are made by the bottom 10% of the population. You can avoid almost any retarded thing you see online by not being a shithead IRL.
No. 1889324
>>1889311This and also people just didn't consider the internet "real" because it was such a secluded physical space like
>>1889055 said. Today even if people might make fun of someone for being on their phone too much, if you have a large following or make income, people will at least respect that. But in the past you could have told someone about your couple thousand followers (a huge amount at the time) and people would stare at you blankly and ask how you know they're real. Accessing any media was much more effort, starting with how to even find it and if it even was online. Cameras were much more rare and having copious selfies would be weird. Growing up I had only a handful photos of myself and if someone wanted to see them I had to scan them and send them via email, lol. My younger friends find it weird that my social media including instagram has no pics of my face, it's almost mandatory now.
No. 1890538
>>1889038Purely anecdotal but I found that the people who should go NC never do, while the ones who could probably work out their issues with their parents will go NC over nothing. There's more nuance to this subject than what I just said, but it's something I've noticed.
>>1889154Multiple events around this time really changed how people treat the internet and its relation to real life. 2015 was the year leading up to the election, the popularization of the Black Lives Matter movement, Gamergate was still ongoing at this time, etc. A lot of bullshit was going on that caused everyone to use the internet as an extension of their irl selves in order to portray themselves as being on the "right side" of history. I was in high school around this time, and I remember the pressure from both ends of the political spectrum to "pick a side" in every political debate; there was no room for nuance or discussion. I feel like this era of the internet and culture is where all nuanced discussions on the internet officially died. For the record, I'm not implying these discussions were good before, but I believe that the final nail in the coffin was planted around 2014-2016.
No. 1891166
>>1889216>Sleeping well and drinking water are detrimental to looking healthy and young.Kek
nonnie I think you need to look up what 'detrimental' means because this sentence is very much untrue.
>>1889055I'm the AYRT. I think you said something really interesting with: "The internet being a place" & "there are no boundaries between online and offline [nowadays]." This is interesting to me because I agree; back then during Web 1.0, the internet was definitely a "place." And that place was mostly for nerds, social outcasts, socially inept people, etc.. I remember for a long time before 2010s, using the internet for 2+ hours a day was derided through jokes in TV shows and in movies. It was definitely seen as a loser hobby. I think during Web 1.0, the internet was a "real" third space (if you're familiar with the third space theory) for these types of people. Lots of different nerds with varying interests congregated in unique communities on forums that were tethered together by web rings. Now that the internet is mainstream during Web 2.0, it is difficult to say that it is a "third place" because even though everyone is online, there's no real "space" for people to congregate in safely without being exposed to the Other (in a psychological sense of the term). Alongside that, because the distinction between real life and the internet has blurred so much, the idea that it can be a "third place" is redundant as it is so omnipresent that those "third places" end up being echo-chambers or reflections of reality rather than dedicated communities focused on a singular, oftentimes neutral, interest. It's interesting that suicide rates, depression rates, and anxiety rates for youth all began to increase post Web 2.0 (specifically social media) even though those rates had actually dipped throughout the heyday of Web 1.0. As social media continues to decay, especially the larger social media websites, I wonder what the future of the internet will look like: what sort of web will Web 3.0 be? When will the change from 2.0 to 3.0 take place, and what will be the consequences of that change? Much like Millenials and older Zoomers can identify the changes between 1.0 and 2.0, I'm sure that younger Zoomers and Gen Alpha kids will be able to distinguish that change and perhaps will look back at the era of social media with rose coloured glasses once all is said and done.
No. 1912739
I’m early Gen Z, think young zoomer/gen alpha children are looking a lot older because kid/preteen shopping spaces are rapidly disappearing. Justice, Libby Lu, Claire’s, those used to be hotspots for 8-13 year old girls to find age appropriate clothing and makeup. I remember being a kid and wishing I could have a makeover party at Libby Lu like all the tween girls had. Justice had all the cutest clothes that I used to see girls my age wear. Graphic T shirts, zebra print, hot pink, it was paradise for little girls. The makeup from Claires and Libby wasn’t about looking mature, it was about having fun experimenting with different products. I think around the time these older girls were going into high school, dressing in cute and girly clothes was seen as childish, and the older middle school girls started shopping at Forever 21 and Sephora. Of course, since they were older and “cooler,” younger girls started shopping at those places too. Now, with the addition of child fashion influencers being considered the ultimate cool girls, they’re sponsored by adult clothing brands like Lulumelon, and their young girl audience wants to dress and do their makeup like the cool girls. And these brands are pushing intense skincare on little girls because they say “if you don’t use these products on your face when you’re 11, you’ll be a wrinkled old hag by the time you’re 21” and it scares them. It’s really sad tbh.
No. 1912768
>>1872895I can confirm as I'm born in 94 while most of my friends were a year younger. You can guess who didn't transition kek.
>>1873164This is true as I've noticed younger millennials and older zoomies have a lot in common. A few months ago I was talking to not the same friends I mentioned but actual zoomers in their mid 20's. We noticed there was a lot of similarities and think Millennials and zoomers are going to go down in history as a combined generation since there isn't a lot of us.
No. 1912778
>>1912770I'm a millennial too and while my parents never forbid me to have make-up in my preteen years, I only ever wore some when I would visit my 16 some year old cousin during the summer holidays and she would doll me up. I got makeup maybe at 14-15 years old but mostly a black eye pencil cuz I got an emo phase. And them later once YouTube Makeup gurus were all the hype in 2008-2009 with Panacea81 and MichellePhan, me and my younger sister bought some because my sister wanted to be an MUA like them.
The only time I used makeup at home before that was as a toddler, I ruined my Mom's expensive lipsticks by smearing and crushing them on the bathroom mirror and sink kek
No. 1942548
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Millennial nonna's, how do you feel as most of you are growing 40?
No. 1947193
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>>1942552I really, truly hope that it comes from a place of knowledge, and not just being more and more socially awkward. The best thing girls and young women can do is just not date. If I had known back then how fucking mean and depraved men are, I would never have given one years of my life.
>>1945783>my parents would brag about how their late teens and 20s-30s was a whirlwind of experiences when living independent, but me and my Zoomer sister never got that. We're both in-and-out of shitty jobs to get by.It always bugs me when pop feminists say that your twenties are for travel and discovering yourself, because it's so tone deaf when more than half of women are just working and struggling to get by. It would be better to say that men are vampires and we're already working overtime at that age as it is.
No. 1947570
>>1942548Millennial in her 30s. It's… weird. Like, when I was 16, I thought I'd have a house by 25. I only got a condominium because I got married to my long time girlfriend in my early 30s and we both scrapped by to get it.
Economy is shit, but honestly, aside from shitty money issues, I'm still happier now than in my late teens, early 20s. The only thing i miss from my 20s was when anime and cons/gaming stuff wasnt super mainstream, so only real losers and nerds like me were into those fandoms.
No. 1949066
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I cant stand the troon shilling at kids anymmore. First we had gen Z trooning themselves out at age 12, and now gen A is following suit because their retarded milennial/Gen X parents dont want to be seen as "abusive extremists stifling their childs true self!!!!111!" . Enough. Parents need to either start explaining to their kids why what is happening is wrong, or we're going to have to start popularizing lynchings more often like those men did with this faggot(calm down)
No. 1966410
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No. 1975392
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We're finally seeing millennials starting to post "back in the day" type memes
No. 1975678
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I noticed that many boomers are now fed up with the generalizations about them and fighting back. I think in the past most of them would agree their generation sucks and talk about how younger generations are going to save the world. Is this new or I just didn't see it before?
No. 1975725
>>1975434No joke I might start printing out maps for when I travel. I'm absolutely retarded with google maps, I was in an unfamiliar city the other week and struggled so fucking hard with it. The city is laid out like a grid, it would've been soooo easy to navigate with a paper map, but with an app constantly moving and reorienting and having to zoom in or out to see landmarks I was having trouble. Though I have a feeling it's because of the android app because whatever maps my sister had on her iphone was way easier to understand.
Paper maps were the absolute worst in the car though. I vividly remember my mum driving me to friends houses etc and having to pull over for her to look at maps, and it was so stressful for her because we'd be lost and us kids are whinging about getting to the party and she's trying to navigate. Apps are a godsend for driving.
No. 1975895
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>>1975392Oldfag millennial here, anyone else remember printing out Mapquest directions to get to your friends’ house?
No. 1976016
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>>1975392>>1975433a lot of it seems to be about AI and zoomers not partying as much as they did.
No. 1978538
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>>1975392I'm already seeing unironic nostalgia for the late 2010's.
No. 1981710
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was this ever a thing?
No. 1995013
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>>1981772They put it in the newest Pokemon game, which was really odd. I wish I could say this was fake, but, having played it, it jumpscared me.
No. 1998640
>>1998502My father was physically
abusive to me growing up and he often would share stories about both of his parents beating him for minor mistakes as a kid like they're funny childhood memories. I can't wait for Boomers to die off, I swear they're the main reason why Millennial parents coddle and barely discipline their kids.
No. 1998777
>>1998470Must be where I live then, there were a ton of 40-50 year olds thinking toddler beating was based or something. I can't even imagine being an old, bitter fuck and thinking there's a reasonable excuse for beating an infant to death. At least it's socially unacceptable to say so now, going back past the 2000s (again, where I live) it was entirely reasonable to say a child deserved it for being bad and that it was an "honest mistake" from the parents. Not getting into what the fuck genx/boomers consider "mistakes" since they're clearly too retarded to tell the difference between spilling a glass of milk and committing a violent crime or an act of pedophilia but I diagress. Their generations are still stuck discussing if pedophilia and homosexuality are sins of equal offense. Gotta decide whether to kick the 15 year old dyke or fag out of the family or the uncle that's been molesting generations of kids in the family.
>>1998640I have a good relationship with my parents, but my dad and my mom have similar experiences. I'm pretty sure boomers just heavily repress things to the point of insignificance or humor, like a learned helplessness behavior. I think the later gens did the opposite though, we mainly went for the rumination and acknowledgement route, which also has its ups and downs. I'm sure there's a goldilocks zone somewhere.
>I swear they're the main reason why Millennial parents coddle and barely discipline their kids.Unfortunately millennials brought along the idea that parents can't be ever be criticized or blamed for anything too. A lot of them are going to become the same narcissistic parents they claimed to hate, but now with extra therapyspeak and victimization. Can most of these parents handle being looked in the eye and told "you fucked up" once?
No. 1999701
>>1995887>Millenials are the kicked puppy generationLol so true. I can't find it on google, is this a phrase you just came up with? This perfectly describes the Millennial experience of doing everything your parents told you to do, and then they act like it's your fault that you can't find a job.
I think one underappreciated difference between Gen X and Millennials is gentrification, the whole "slacker" thing comes from Gen Xers being able to afford to live in cities and enjoy urban life even if they had low wage jobs
No. 1999723
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>>1995422tbh I haven't really seen zoomers talk shit about millennials outside of hurr hurr 30 year olds are so old and cringe disney adults. If anything I see so many of them wishing they were born in the 90s so they could experience the y2k Myspace scene kid ~internet core~ era. Makes me glad I was able to experience all of it though. I've even had younger zoomers tell me they were jealous that I was a scene kid when it was a thing KEK it's fascinating.
No. 1999774
>>1999730at least teens in the 2010s had what was last remaining of malls, skating rinks, cheap-ish salons, movies, bowling alleys, amusement parks, arcades, etc, it will only get worse for Gen Alpha as most of these places are shutting down or just driving the prices through the roof which will just result in it only being accessible for rich families (which are getting less and less because of the economy)
nowadays gen alpha relies on wreaking havoc in Sephora and getting into non-stop online arguments just to feel any sort of socialization, does gen alpha even have sub cultures forming anymore? even the youngest gen z seems so painfully the same
No. 2000362
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>tfw i would've never had any of these experiences regardless of when i was born because no one wanted to be my friend
No. 2000837
>>2000605>Boomer and Gen X parents did this tooare you seriously pulling this card? the generation that would leave their young kids home alone to go on trips/work, kicking their kids out and telling them to only come back for water, etc compared to now when kids arent even allowed sleepovers? idk why some of you are so desperate to insinuate that parenting/life was "THE EXACT SAME!!" as it was back in the day, similar to how some of you denied the fact removing a lot of social spots for kids had any effect on them because "we use to hang out in the basement!"
that's great - but a lot of more adventurous kids want to explore and have fun, even then you shouldn't take away spaces for kids and teens and shove them in a basement. It's bizarre you even have to explain why public areas met for entertainment and socialization are needed
No. 2000852
>>2000344I didn’t realize it until recently but I’m thinking this happened to me. I seemed to have missed out on a lot of stuff because of my parents helicoptering and that being always in the back of my mind even when I was older (“my mom wouldn’t allow that…I wouldn’t be allowed so I won’t even try to ask permission”)
My parents were so deathly afraid of me getting pregnant or into drugs I think. i wish I had gone to concerts and parties and movies.
No. 2000897
>>2000842>people are considering more things abuse/neglect that are nowhere close. Even on here I've seen anons claim that room sharing is abusethis but with finances
>don't have kids unless you can get them a NEW car at 15>don't have kids unless you can pay their entire college tuition, wedding, and first decades worth of expenses when they're on their ownwhile I do think parents should be financially stable, expecting free college, free car, free wedding, etc simply for being born is insane, even more insane to accuse someone of neglecting their child for not providing such
No. 2000941
>>2000852Same all the way. My parents were a mix of controlling, helicopter parent, extremely neglectful, and emotionally
abusive. I wish I was joking, but my dad was a cop and had plenty of mental issues and my mom couldn't solve shit either, they really shouldn't have had kids. I regret being alive.
No. 2004721
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Millenials, zillenials, and zoomers who give their small children their own phones and iPads were always annoying, but I never realized how stupid it is until I saw it with my own eyes. All little children do on their phones and shit is overshare and risk their family getting doxxed, consume garbage, and drop the shit out of their electronics. For fuck's sake, just give them a damn doll or a book. No child should be having their own phone until they're a teenager.
No. 2079926
>>2079660A quarter of zoomers are still in high or middle school, cut them some slack. I know they can be insufferable, but this is ridiculous.
>>2000344Late reply but there was a time where putting tracking devices on your kids was considered overbearing. Now it's considered normal for parents to put tracking apps on their kids phones and plaster security cameras everywhere inside homes
No. 2079960
>>2079929Gen X numbers are down because so many of them were aborted. (Boomer women went really crazy for abortion in the seventies the number of abortions still hasn't matched those numbers forty years later).
The ones that made it killed themselves on mass with risky childhood behaviour, drugs and suicide.
So many of them are still determined to die prematurely from drugs like meth in the 2000s and synthetic and prescription opioids from the mid 2010s.
No. 2081021
>>2079991 Boomer women born in the late 40's and early 50s were the ones having masses of abortions in the seventies. Then maybe having a couple of kids from 1979 - 1985.
That seems to be the major pattern in most Western countries.
Gen X that would have been born in the seventies didn't join the population because of abortions.
Which is obviously interesting because a lot of those same women want to shut down the possibility for young ladies to do the same thing now.
No. 2081194
>>2081021Yeah, boomers were the ones who were "sexually liberated" in their youth before the went conservative down the line.
>>2081031For things like what's the difference between a millennial born in 1994 and a zoomer born in 1995, sure, but you really can't tell me that people who had an analogue childhood are arbitrarily different for those who didn't.
No. 2084092
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What makeup trend from your generation do you hate the most kek? I hate drawn on moles, ‘statement eye makeup’, and extreme blush like this
No. 2084251
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>>2084092what everyone else said but especially this
No. 2084337
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>>2084092as a zillenial I hate the trannification of makeup
and how I still can't do anything remotely interesting looking without glares, but using 5x the products to get a typical instagram look is considered "way less makeup"
No. 2084344
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I get it's cringe for gen z girls to be doormats to their boyfriends, but what the fuck is with their boyfriends demanding to be glued to them or accuse the girl of cheating? I saw this and there was multiple comments of people reporting the same thing, Gen Z girls are working and their boyfriends are demanding to be texted every second, to be next to them each shift, and it's not to be prince charming no it's because the moids think all girls are whores and need to make sure their whore gf isn't actually going to a gang bang for their 4 hour mcdonalds shift. Skill issue on both parts, especially the insecure losers
No. 2087091
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I hate how literally every coastal gen X man behaves like this. It’s so trashy. Desperately clinging onto his high school senior year when he first smoked pot and started listening to RHCP…
No. 2087522
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>>2084092Picrel used to be what people sold millennials as "trendy". Thin eyebrows doesn't look great on a majority of women. Some girl back in my second year at uni tried to persuade me that thinner eyebrows would look better on me. I wasn't interested, I only nodded out of politeness but I never plucked my eyebrows' natural form down to regret it later.
Some trends just are meant to be ignored.
Also the dark lip liner with lip gloss trend. If anyone thought that looked flattering in the 2000s, they're on crack.
No. 2089765
>>2079649People put too much focus on arbitrary generations that don't even manifest themselves equally geographically.
>>2084678>aren't people who were in high school during the early 2010s still technically zoomers?Uh, no? The people you're referring to are solidly millennial. Even late-90s borns are typically on the "cusp" and not fully incorporated into gen Z culture, except for maybe '99ers.
No. 2119418
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>>1999730Have to agree with the politics part. You are expected to understand and be part of the political climate earlier than ever before, which leads to things like picrel
No. 2138173
>>2137980millennials are cringey and annoying but zoomers are more unhinged. The obsession with trolling/rage bait and zoomers getting unironically brainwashed by what was supposed to piss people off took a huge huge hit on the generation.
Racism for example - racist trolls in millenials day would be blown off or called out, now if there's a racist troll zoomers will pop in and go "wow you're actually right" and then "ironically" join the literal KKK
No. 2182600
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Okay, do we blame boomers, gen x, or millenials for how poorly celebrities were treated in the early/late 2000s?
No. 2182627
>>2119418Not sure what the image was, but I agree with this
>You are expected to understand and be part of the political climate earlier than ever beforeMy friend was reflecting on how we were in middle school and said it was annoying that I was apolitical back then because it’s “privileged” for a
middle schooler to not care about politics. No, it isn’t “privileged”; middle schoolers can’t even vote so it doesn’t matter whether they care about politics.
No. 2222612
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No. 2249003
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I just wanted to share this with my fellow millenials because as cheesy as it's written it still hit me like a truck. The hate millenials have gotten forever has been ridiculous while Gen X, the generation that's been so ridiculous that I genuinely don't wonder why so many of us are into silly shit like Harry Potter and Disney because art from our adolescence like literature, music and movies the only constant that has been existed in our lives and remind us of the time when we still felt we had a future ahead of us. We had so many expectations put on our shoulders. We were expected to follow our parents' and Gen X relatives' path. But everything changed.
Columbine and 9/11 traumatized an entire generation (I remember both events really well and how terrifying they were) and planted the seeds for all the large-scale terrorist attacks of the 2010's but Zoomers don't really realize the magnitude of the 2008 recession. My family was hit hard too. I had just become an adult by then, and finding a job was impossible. And the world never recovered. The banks who caused the situation were bailed out by governments, by our tax money. Public funding was cut to bail out these greedy banks. Our future was sold away. Occupy Wallstreet happened. Gamergate happened. The annexation of Crimea happened. the ISIS attacks happened. The refugee crisis happened. The 2016 elections happened. The covid pandemic happened. The 2022 invasion of Ukraine happened. And where we are, we're watching the results of the public schools being made to foot the bill for those bankers in 2008 - Gen Z men are turning into MAGA cultists. It's so exhausting. The world we were getting ready to build being demolished in front of our eyes right after we finished laying the foundation.
I'm in my mid 30's, my friends are 30-40. A lot of us struggle to find work. Educated people who were laid off and are now horrified to watch the rich tech billionaires talk about replacing their work force with AI bots. If I want to get a new degree to stay ahead of the game, I'll have to go into serious debt to fund it. Working feels like I'm prolonging the inevitable - being made obsolete. When our parents bought their first house at 24, we're now buying it at 40 - if even then. We're buying that stupid fucking childhood nostalgia special edition garbage once in a while because it's like $50 and it brings us some sense of control in a life where it would never be possible to save up a $50,000 down payment for a studio apartment because 50% of our paycheck goes to rent and the rest to groceries. Only to be called stupid and lazy because some millenial mom tiktoker is ~being cringe~. The only reason we ever had this signature "hope" of ours and don't have the cynicism of zoomers is that we were born into a world where we were told that we would be the ones to change it for the better and that stuck with us. But I'm losing it. After yesterday's elections, I genuinely am sinking deeper into apathy and preparing for the future where all of us are living off some meagerly governmental paycheck waiting to die of some infection we can't afford to treat while climate change has caused food and water shortages due to ruined crops and record droughts.
No. 2249145
I am sick to death of classic rock radio. I hate the Gen X music taste and how up their own ass they are about being "the last generation before everything turned bad."
>>2222612Most movies suck ass sooo…why would I not want to stay home and listen to podcasts and do whatever?
No. 2249156
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No. 2251999
>>2251965I’m a zoomer and early Gen X/late boomers when they were young are the coolest to me.
>>2249145There’s other genres from Gen X musicians besides classic rock. We will never have new wave or grunge again.
No. 2252018
>>2137980Millenials were pluto in scorpio, they can be quite fanatical. Ones who can't deal with this fall into the perpetual childhood of eating box cereal, smoking weed, and watching cartoons forever.
Zoomers are pluto in Sagittarius so that would make them less mystic… I think all the grindset shit could be downstream of that (As a millennial, I find it revolting)
No. 2461097
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do you think this is ture?
No. 2461112
>>2461097"Neurotic about not wanting to be taken advantage of" is such a predatory way to phrase it. Kids are more informed about the risks and make healthier decisions for their body and mind. Drinking as a teen can and often does cause irreparable brain damage. It's so retarded for adults to spend so much time and effort to stop underage drinking and then go "huh why aren't the kids drinking these days???"
Also another obvious answer is because kids now largely hang out online, they don't regularly go out and drink the way older generations did so they don't see it as needed for having a good time. Drinking culture has changed.
No. 2461250
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>>2461097I think this is phrased as an indirect insult on the other generations, because this is basically pointing out that zoomers are smarter for avoiding situations like that. The way this is phrased begs the question of why women before zoomers relatively normalized the idea of getting "white girl wasted" at a party or a club while surrounded by scrotes they don't know. That's dumb. It was dumb in the 80s. It was dumb in the 90s. It was dumb in the early 2000s. It's a stupid idea all around. Good on zoomer girls and women for NOT participating in "party culture". I'd rather zoomers be shat on for being "shy" and "virgins" than raped and victimized like how previous generations would glorify this behavior.