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No. 585082
Let your stupidity run wild by asking stupid questions in this thread.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/573506 No. 585113
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>>585107>>585108I’m this
>>585099 anon and I promise I’m not a troon or scrote lmao but I see what you mean. I just saw pic related posts in /g/ and my scrote/tranny radar went off. Sorry if I posted in the wrong place btw.
No. 585216
>>585168I actually get this a lot. I'm surprised I haven't seen other women complain about it because it's super annoying and inappropriate. It's usually older guys who test the waters to see if you're interested, but unless you're in a similar field/work at a similar company, there's really no reason for random people to be messaging you asking about your day.
If you have a profile picture and you're a moderately attractive female, it's way too common. They're definitely not trying to start random convos with other men.
No. 585229
>>585218>he could be someone trying to have an informational interview with some casual openersI think they try to make it seem that way initially. My last job required a lot of networking and I met this much older married man at an event who claimed to have a lot of connections in my industry. When I added him on LinkedIn, all I got were random "how's your day haha" type messages and no connections. He asked me out several times to "discuss people who would be potential connections," like what? lmao
Be wary of these guys. They try to make it seem like they're pros in whatever industry, but they're usually overselling whatever connections they have in hopes you'll keep talking to them.
No. 585236
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>>585216I'd say I'm meh-tier and the photo I'm using is an old photo I had to take for a visa so it's really not in my favor lol.
>>585218>>585229Attached our convo. It's just boring, casual small talk…
No. 585267
>>585263Did your gums bleed in the beginning? I started flossing a week ago and my teeth bleed a lot.
No. 585292
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>>585261Yes, every night. I don't have dental insurance so I don't have much of a choice in doing everything that I can to make sure my teeth are nice and healthy/clean. They will bleed in the beginning but should stop eventually. If they don't stop bleeding, make sure you aren't digging too deep into your gums. Flossing shouldn't be painful! You'll be causing more long term trouble with aggressive flossing. I use pick related and can change out the floss (and can move along the entire length of the floss instead of just using one spot- that's a no-no anyway).
No. 585316
>>585312I'm the total opposite. What's the point of telling me it will be okay if I don't work out how to actually fix something or approach it?
The problem still remains unsolved whether I "feel" better about it or not, and usually I feel no different if I recieve only emotional support.
No. 585318
>>585312For me personally, I like when someone takes the time to listen to my problems and helps me either gain perspective on it or tells me they have gone through something similar.
I think the problem with advice is that some people tell you things that they want to be true for themselves, not necessarily what is true for you. There's a fine line there with someone just preaching at you, and an individual actually taking the time to think about what is wrong and give you a realistic solution for your particular situation. I've gotten a lot of shitty advice over the years so I understand your frustration.
No. 585350
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Who is this guy and why do we see a lot of YouTube profile pics of him?
No. 585489
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What actor is this?
No. 585566
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>>585564when you go look on the list of the people you're following, if the person you're following is your mutual, next to their twitter name you'll see a small "FOLLOWS YOU" text. Pressing the blue "following" button would change it to unfollow, so that way you can just go down the list and clean it easily from there. Does that help?
No. 585646
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Why do I look so stupid in full makeup, even when done by a professional? Even eyeshadow and eyeliner looks dumb on me. I always just use eyebrow gel, mascara, light bronzer and blush, and lip tint otherwise I look like i'm attempting drag or something. I can't even wear foundation because I look like so dumb.
No. 585660
>>585647As a fellow older farmer, I have found out that as soon as you leave your younger days, less really is more.
For your every day foundation, I would recommend you to use a Korean BB Cream or Cushion as they are very moisturizing and really help aging skin (I think the IOPE Air Cushion Natural is great but stay away from the matte formula, it's not very forgiving if you don't have good skin to begin with). If you need to go out out and want to look great, you can get away with a really thin layer of the MAC Studio Fix, I've found out their formula doesn't seem to cling to fine lines and looks very even (if that makes any sense). If you need to set your foundation, a really fine powder such as the Laura Mercier one will do, sucks that it's expensive af. Another tip if you still feel like you're wearing a mask is to blot your face with a tissue.
For blush, try gently rubbing your cheek to see your natural flustered color and stick to a more muted version of it, it makes it look more soft and natural instead of "hey, can you see my blush?". I try to stay away from bronzer, I just find it incredibly hard to work with. For highlighter I prefer cream ones, it's easier to apply and imo most of their formulas are a bit less of "in your face" compared to the powder ones. For lips, rather than a particular color or brand, I would recommend you to just try the Asian way of applying it, which is basically spreading the lipstick with your finger or a brush, it makes it feel less heavy. If you have the same issue as
>>585646 regarding eyeliner, try getting some very soft eyelashes extensions, if you don't use eyeliner they will last for a long while, and personally I believe they look fine without mascara so one less product you need to worry about. Of course you could always try using a very soft brown eye shadow to either line your eyes or just to deepen your eye socket.
I think most of the time its not that full makeup looks stupid but more like you girls are not used to wearing that much product and that's why you feel weird, that or whoever did your makeup doesn't know your face. Different faces suit different styles after all, some girls look great with heavy eyeliner while other are more suited to eye shadow.
No. 585684
>>585590People can remember how many times they get banned?
I get short bans all the time from shitposting, I'm happy to take a time out for the sake of a laugh and hopefully my pettiness amuses others in some way too. I make a lot of reports so maybe it balances out somehow kek
No. 585825
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>>585822love you too anon
No. 585867
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Whenever a cutie makes eye contact with me on the train I look away all flustered like a retard and try to avoid ever looking at her again.
No. 585983
Does anyone know any channels like vid-related (Hercules Candy) and Royalty Soaps, where it's basically just videos of people doing every-day things for their business and commentating? It doesn't matter what their doing, I just like these kind of videos.
>>585926How long have you been exercising? I don't exercise regularly and I get cramps and soreness during and after working out. I think It's just the body having to adjust.
No. 585984
>>585915the driver 100%
>>585907i hope you find a way to break your lease for your roommates sake. you're incredibly cruel and i hate how bpd is treated as a meme mental health issue purely because it impacts women more
No. 586000
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What to do when you love some media on the surface level (visuals, ost, experience) but hate the edgy tryhard story (not even edgy in a funny way) and the famous writer is a total hack leeching on the talent of others that barely ever get praised.
No. 586022
>>586001This, there's no site quite like tumblr 2012-2014 when things were fun and you could just post aesthetic forest pictures without having to make yourself political
I wish there was another place like that, or an even better place than tumblr. But knowing how shitty everything is there's no way it will stay untainted for long and it will be ridden by trannies, sjws and poltards
>>586000Which one?
No. 586023
>>586022>Which one?Yoko Taro
This is kinda niche weeb bullshit, but I liked his works because they were weird and had female characters with an attitude.
He usually gives other people the job of writing his stuff (several female writers in the past, now a team of 7 otaku) and 3 years ago he wrote advertising tweets how he cried while writing for a game- now he says he didn't write for it at all, that was a sell-out move.
No. 586064
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this is a long shot but: is there a thread related to crafting or beading? didnt see any recent active ones but i am stuck as a beginner who wants to try daisy chain beading… i get all the supplies and then i realize the other options out there or that i am missing some things like lobster clasps and i dont even understand how to use those and theres just too much i feel lost on its a lot
No. 586155
>>586124The first two posts were funny, should have stopped there, now you sound annoying and unhinged
Neetlolita chan is that you
No. 586201
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Is gelling down baby hairs really considered cultural appropriation to some people? I've heard it once before but it just confuses me because I feel like it's always been a thing for minority girls with curly or frizzy hair. I'm not going to lie it looks a little weird when I see a white girl do it (I wont call it cultural appropriation though it just looks off) but I'm pretty sure arabs and latinas have been doing it since forever.
No. 586204
>>586155yeah, i'm getting some hardcore neetlita-chan vibes. she always tends to pop up after a few weeks anyways.
babygirl get some mental help or break your lease, i'm sure you're making your roommate miserable.
No. 586221
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>>586201Nah, prolly not. It's been a thing since the 1920's - there were a bunch of white models back then sporting "kiss curls"/"spit curls" (since you styled them and laid them down with spit), picrel. And unless memory fails me, Josephine Baker
did originate the style, but she gelled huge segments of hair, not just the baby hairs. "Minority hair" or curly baby hair tends to frizz up and look a little weird, so people are mad that white people with straight hair are doing it not out of needing better stylization, but just because it looks kinda cool. Honestly if it
is considered cultural appropriation, idc because it looks unnatural on white people anyways imo.
Verdict: It all comes down to hair type and stylization, in the end, not ethnicity.
No. 586226
>>586213It depends. If you're a shirt artist and a nobody of course you can't make a buck no matter what the subject matter is. But if you have moderate art skills and a good reputation you can make a lot of money getting commissioned by them. You usually have to be willing to draw fetish porn too. I know a lot of people who make good money selling porn to them because so many artists outright refuse to draw furries and NSFW simply for the reason that their requests are degenerate and their autistic asses are usually a nightmare to work with.
>>586217A ridiculous amount of furries work in IT either as sysadmins or engineers so it's not unusual for them to bring in a 100k a year salary. That's how they can afford their fursuits too, those things can be worth a car. From what I've seen a designer full suit with details is like 2000-3000 dollars.
No. 586235
>>586163How am I unsocialized? I would bet that I have more friends than you
>>586204Fuck off, pickme
>>586219I am sane. I just think it would be funny if she committed suicide.
No. 586384
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I don't understand dating sites. How am I supposed to kiss/date a person that Ive only known for a few weeks and I know less about compared to my friends?
No. 586604
>>586600Yes! Yes! Completely forgot, seeing disturbing things, like gore, also makes it clench too.
God, I'm honestly so relieved right now, that it is something other women experience too, I thought maybe my subconcious was into it or something.
No. 586610
>>586237Tell me why wouldn't it be funny if a pickme committed suicide? People like
>>586155 agree with me that it's a really funny idea.
No. 586620
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At what age is it weird for a woman to still be a virgin?
No. 586675
>>586620I think societally 25 is kind of a limit, i'm a 20 year old virgin-chan myself and most of my friends are regardless of gender. but i assume most people outside my friend group are non-virgins.
But for being a kissless virgin, i think 20 is the limit. most people think it's weird if you never had a bf/gf in high school or college.
No. 586679
>>585646I used to wonder this too, throughout my twenties I'd experiment with makeup from time to time and I'd always come out looking worse than barefaced. eyeliner looked terrible, darker eye shadow looked terrible, darker lips, again terrible. I think some people just look better with less, I don't know what it is specifically about our faces though.
like anon said here
>>585660 a bb cream or cushion could be more for you. I always hated foundation too but now I use a bb cream type thing and it much prefer it
No. 586683
>>586656Unless you live in some american like school drama, I have a hard time seeing people caring about someone being a virgin.
I think there were even an article about the rise of virgins starting with millenials. The societal expectations related to virginity are very noticeable during high school but later? Nah.
No. 586692
>>586642My roommate is not cooler than me. There's nothing about her that is cool. She once even got excited about a scrote asking her out on the bus. lmao
>>586612>People commiting suicide is never funny, maybe you are the bpd chan not your roomate.Moralfag
No. 586777
>>586374>>586747Yes. They might be butch but still look and act like women.
>>586753Used to think I was bi for treating women better and being nice to them while doing the opposite with men but turns out I just like being around them a lot. I feel zero attraction but have warm feelings towards my friends
No. 586873
>>586752Short answer, no.
Long answer, there can be no true equivalent. Emasculation is implying that a man has failed to adhere to socially prescribed masculinity and gender roles. He is beta, he is dickless, a simp and a pussy, he has become less of a man and more like a woman because being woman-like is an inferior state.
There are a million ways society insults womanhood and devalue those who do not perform the right amount of femininity, we hear it daily. Reducing us to objects with “holes” or “incubator”. Men call us “defeminized” for being GNC, but that’s as far as defeminization goes.
Women don’t feel like our womanness is invalidated by such vitriol for we have internalized that being born a woman is just like this, shit stick in a rigged game. Experiencing misogyny only affirms our womanhood, it is integral to being female. We don’t have the same kind of insecurity men do about their maleness and his place within the male social hierarchy. Masculinity is so fragile because men are scared they will fall from position of privilege, casted down with the lowly females. They literally measure this with their dicks.
In conclusion, people who believe in “emasculation of man” can not in the same way belittle a woman by saying that she is acting like a man, a superior state. To them, if a woman fails at gender roles, being fuckable and nursing babies, “holes” or “incubator”, she simply ceases to be human at all.
No. 587025
>>587003Stress, weight gain, weight loss, sedentary lifestyle, pcos, thyroid issues, reproductive health issues.
Talking to a gynecologist would be a good idea
No. 587051
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Should I buy these shoes… they're $30 after discount and actually come in my size (I have stupidly small feet) but my only gripe is that they might be annoying to put on and take off quickly since I'd have to undo the whole ankle strap instead of it having like a zipper in the back or something to easily slip in and out of.
No. 587070
>>587056Hell yeah, thanks anon. I think I had shoes with a similar ankle clasp years ago and I can only remember being frustrated at putting them on/taking them off because I can just slip on/kick off most of my shoes in like 10 seconds or less haha. I have similar shoes right now and they look sooo cute with my long skirts but they're
technically children's shoes lol. I'm just a fucking sucker for these ankle straps, they really up the cute factor for flats.
No. 587193
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Who else puts stickers on their car?
No. 587215
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>>587066>>587069Wore it. I felt good about myself, plus I didn't feel anyone staring. Somehow it really boosted my confidence. Really happy about myself, I usually wear dark, unassuming clothes and I went full-on "Bird of Paradise"-costume today lmao. Thanks, anons.
No. 587240
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Soooo did /g/ really help anyone make friends successfully?
No. 587412
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Does anybody know who this girl is?
No. 587518
>>587504Many people who don't think about theoretical stuff that much will probably find you boring because that's not relatable to them specifically, so they don't necessarily see the appeal and could also get the impression that since you have no hobbies, you spend your time aimlessly mucking about on the internet. Still, with many other people you can get a good discussion going, obviously more so if they're also more into abstract conversations. Many people who are like you in this respect will even find you less boring than someone who mostly has concrete hobbies and isn't into theoretical interests.
In normal social situations, just answer any questions about your hobbies or activities etc with cool and interesting things you've been into and learned recently, should be fine.
No. 587610
>>587240I added someone I keep forgetting to start a conversation at this point it's too late, and another one never answerer my request lol
>>587273put me in
No. 587668
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I really liked Kiki's delivery service and Howl's moving castle for the warm tone and the charming, family-esque interactions between the characters. Are there any other TV shows/movies/comics/books/animations that are like that?
No. 587707
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>>587668I recommend Little Forest, it was such a chill film with lots of homely food and lovely countryside scenes. The full film is on YouTube with English subs if you’d like to watch it.
No. 587708
>>587689Everyday? 50 is an underestimation imo. I would probably say a couple hundred, I post every day too, now. I think the overall number of people that post here is somewhere in the 1-3 hundred thousands, although I have no idea at all about how many people frequent imageboards. 4chan has users in the millions, but that's for over ~15 years.
Admin really should provide us with info on user base stats
although I know she probably wont. No. 587721
>>587689I'd like to imagine it's in the hundreds.
I mostly lurk, but I check this site way too often out of pure boredom.
Wish I could check my own post history so I can keep track of my autism. Sometimes I can't remember if I've posted in a thread or not. No. 587733
>>587719I wonder if we have talked before…
I think it's gotta be more than a hundred everyday at least, because I can't imagine the same 50 anons being into all the cows whose threads move almost daily.
>>587721same, I sometimes think about that too, how much I've posted and how much I've changed No. 587747
>>587721If I stumble upon one of my ancient posts from about 2 years ago I don't realize it until I've read half the message. Honestly I wouldn't like to see my post history, it's full of embarassing confessions and spergouts, probably.
Sometimes I feel like most things I post here are done in a fugue state. And if that's true, even my fugue-state-self is pretty cringe.
No. 587791
>>587747Same, an anon responded positively to a year old post in one of the attractive women threads and I was halfway to replying in enthusiastic agreement until I realised the old post was mine kek
I don't think any of us really need to suffer the cringe of our own post histories. When I came here I was really judgmental of all the cows but now I just want to see them do better in life and chat cosy shit with other anons
It's nice to think that through possibly responding to the same anons over the years we're having long term anonymous friendships though kek
No. 587807
>>587789lmao that's a funny way of thinking of it. I always pronounce it like sage instead of sah-geh too.
>>587794I think it's just because they want to put in their (usually off topic, sometimes blogpost-y) two cents despite having nothing actually relevant to the topic at hand. It's really not necessary if you're already properly saging your posts but some people do it anyway. I think new people might do it because they think that's how you sage posts.
No. 587838
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>>587795thank you so much for your answer. take this frog as a gift.
No. 587845
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What portion of lolcow users use lainchan and vice versa?
No. 587941
>>587845I sometimes use it, but much less than lolcow because it's so slow. I like the discussion on there and usually just lurk the active threads in /mega/
>>587854>>587862Just gonna spoonfeed a bit. From what I understand the names are randomly assigned from characters from sci-fi media or real-life hacker type figures. Posters don't pick them, it's the default like "Anonymous"
No. 587952
>>587845I like lurking once in awhile, sometimes learn of new things
I hope none of those dudes are here
No. 587954
>>587910You're kind of meant to, but you have me questioning whether that's not the case in other countries to mine? You're already there so people know you like that band but by wearing the shirt of another band people now know that you might have two different bands in common so you can talk about that. If you see lots of the same band tees at a gig you know that you'll probably like that band too, so you can look them up.
In my experience it's lame to wear the band's own shirt at their own gig unless it's either a very old tee, to show you're a longtime fan, or it's a tour tee from that exact tour or release to show you just bought it. Otherwise you just look like you don't know any other music.
No. 588048
>>588028I don't know about shelters, but I gave extra cat food to the local cat lady that feeds neighbourhood cats. She was thrilled that "there are still nice people that care" and "would you believe that a young man once threw a rock at me for feeding the cats". Well I never.
Anyway, gave food, got half an hour of praise, assorted life complaints (pension, health, stone-throwing jerks), and general cat-related small-talk.
Would recommend this option because you get to befriend a neighbour that way, which is always nice.
No. 588074
>>588043Actually, yeah, I consider myself pretty, like everyone else, with the right angles and lightning I “look cute” or at least that’s what I’m told. When I look at myself in the mirror I just notice some stuff like my weak chin and droopy nose, but they fit my face? Somehow?
Either I got some nice self-esteem or I’m actually not hideous.
No. 588087
>>588043Yes, totally same. I'm lucky to look ok I guess but sometimes it's annoying to think when I look in the mirror how close I am to be conventionally pretty yet these few things that are off are just messing it up. Like, I'm the only person in the family to have a weak chin, why must genetics treat me like this?
Also I totally relate to the awkward look & awkward behavior combo, if only I could be, like, cool and extroverted and amazing at conversations maybe people wouldnt mind an awkward look? But it's like my personality is just amplifying the look. Truly a first world problem but a problem nonetheless.
No. 588141
>>588137I kind of agree, discussion seems more neutral and just like everyone is having a good time instead of sjw virtue signaling
Thing is, kiwifarms is a very male place, if that makes sense.
No. 588196
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Why did PULL have a thread for bestdressed? I didn't really use PULL before it got nuked and I'm curious to know why PULL hated bestdressed since Ashley is very inoffensive and doesn't seem to be a lolcow
No. 588306
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I have a question for a Finn. Can someone tell me more about Mandi Lampi (daughter of Jussi and Tuula Lampi)?
I stumbled on her by accident and read her wikipedia article. I don't know why she piqued my interest, but I want to know more. Her whole existence seemed pretty sad and her death was so sudden.
No. 588310
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Am I the only one so addicted to lolcow that I downloaded a text to speech app to listen to while I go about my day?
No. 588314
>>588310Lolcow is the only website I use except for youtube for entertainment so i can relate.
yall bitches are cool.
No. 588328
>>588322It says the numbers - a little annoying but it does break up the posts
Depending on how large the thread is the recording can go on for hours but I obvi do other things like listen to music or yt, I just rlly like the fact I don’t have to be looking at my phone to read the site anymore
No. 588342
>>588341If you're a young adult, no, lots of people live with their parents if they go to a college in their city.
I'd say it starts being "unusual" if you're over 25. Like it's weird when you want to invite friends over. If you also contribute very little (like don't do chores/only do one, sometimes) I'd say yeah it's weird. But if you're a functional member of the family who contributes to the house, I wouldn't call that weird. Unusual is a better word.
No. 588350
>>588341No, I wouldn't say so. I'm southern european and it has to be more common here than in other parts of europe, but I know some thirty something people still living with their parents (and grandparents sometimes, especially if the house is big). They all work and have normal lives. I think people tend to move once they get married and they know the space won't be enough if they have kids.
Also, I thought this was an american thing?
No. 588390
>>588339Yas girl, same! It's like we're dating the same man.
We met at work. I worked in a job that had me observe people for eight hours a day so seeing him genuinely be friends with women and respecting them raised green flags for me, even though I wasn't initially attracted to him. He's so grossed out by the porn industry that it's endearing.
No. 588441
>>588317I never sought him out, I just got lucky. Of course, my first ever relationship before him was with a really pornsick guy, so falling into the arms of someone else afterward who was so undefiled restores my faith in humanity. He taught me what intimacy was really supposed to feel like.
>>588339> he's never asked to touch my assholeSame. I’ve been with the same guy for 5 years and he’s never been interested in anal. One time I was curious to see how it felt so I asked him to gently stick a finger in my asshole, but I didn’t like the way it felt, and he hasn’t brought up anal since.
No. 588474
How much do anons judge their coworkers if you see them rewearing clothes often? Not like shit that's faded and has stained baked into them, but professional clothing. I'm super self conscious about rewearing my clothes, but I just don't have a very large wardrobe. I have limited space and have already donated so much clothing that I dont wear, and now its down to some casual tees and pants, and my more fashionable clothing for going out to meet friends, to my nice professional clothing. I also don't stink after sweating (thanks genetic lottery) so I like getting more than one wear out of my clothing before throwing it into the wash weekly (unless it has a stain) because I feel like with every wash it's like eating into the life cycle of my clothing lol.
My new job requires professional clothing, and on top of limited space, that sort of clothing can be so expensive!! I only buy fancy professional clothes when it's on sale, but even on sale some shit isn't that cheap. I don't really want to make space to expand my wardrobe either since I feel like I have a nice, small repertoire of clothing already. It's unnecessary and I don't want a big wardrobe to make it look like I can keep up with trends and be super fashionable. If you were my coworkers would you guys judge me for wearing the same shirt or skirt twice within the span of a week, or constantly seeing the same shirt once a day every week/other week?
No. 588489
>>588317I have a male friend who isn't pornsick, and basically he's just a massive normalfag who was raised super religious.
He didn't even know about basic sex weirdo shit like inflation or transformation…imagine that existence. I almost feel bad for corrupting his mind with the knowledge, despite him having way more actual sexual experience kek.
I think he's also pretty promiscuous which may contribute (he gets the real thing so often he doesn't need porn), though he wouldn't admit it to me.
No. 588747
>>588716You might some automatic photo-correction active in your phone camera (smoothing being a very common one, sometimes impossible to turn off even); or your mirror is in a badly lit place and you take photos in a place with better light.
Also people don't have good ass skin generally but these two factors listed above + photoshop OR the general rule of the fact we perceive others more favorably as we see them in motion and theres no time / too much light nuance for our eyes to analyze their skin texture/porosity fully in a way we would do with ourselves in the mirror or anyone on a candid photo.
No. 588778
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What pattern is this called? Also, the blue in the photo is actually green irl
No. 588912
>>588317I really do think it's a luck thing. Just keep saying you don't tolerate porn in the relationship and I'm sure you'll find someone.
My boyfriend is very traumatized by porn because of grooming he experienced as a child and a subsequent addiction to it. Both of us were, so we bonded over it. You may have to find a guy with a history but that has issues of it's own. Good luck anon
No. 588965
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wait what does this mean?
why is twitter banning discussion of random conspiracy, some kind of incident?
it's been a long time since i heard the name Qanon
No. 588999
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>>588989even if no one else cares I'll make it for you anon
No. 589042
>>588953I didn’t know this ~aesthetic existed till now, and after doing a bit of research I still don’t quite don’t understand it lol… why are the tumblrinas claiming it’s racist?
Also, I hate how lazy people are about naming aesthetics, ie picking an adjective that describes an aspect of it and then just slapping -core at the end. You’d think these girls who spend hours curating their image would have a more whimsical and diverse vocabulary, but I guess not.
No. 589043
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>>588953This is goblincore
No. 589045
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>>588999Please post the thread link if you make it!
No. 589051
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>>588953>>589042Goblincore is called racist because goblins were basically a fantasy stand-in for jews in medieval europe (short, hook nosed, evil and greedy with a penchant for gold and jewelry), folk tales about goblins were basically thinly veiled beware those jews lol
cottagecore is called racist because sometimes with overlaps with weird tradfem nazi chicks on tumblr
tbh they are genuine criticisms, specially about the nazi tradfems that end up getting kinda popular because people only reblog their pretty braided blonde hair without looking at their blogs and them talking about serving their white husbands and how western media is evil.
No. 589062
>>588915Yes she's cis, or maybe I'm blind
>>588928She's not buying her friend's OF. She was talking about buying Belle Delphine's OF ffs.
>>588946She's not butch
No. 589064
>>589051How about no. Claiming things are racists because racists like them and is just giving away free things and symbols to racists to enjoy.
Suddenly, norse mythology is racist, Jeanne d'arc is racist.
Fuck this shit.
No. 589066
>>589051Nah, fuck that. Literally no one into goblincore is thinking of Jewish people and mocking them, they just like the idea of being grotesque faeries.
>>589064 is right.
No. 589069
>>588953>look up why cottagecore is racist>supposedly I should be offended by it because I'm Indigenous and it's "romanticizing colonialism">people posting about this issue are often white or very white-passingI see where they're coming from, but there sure are bigger Indigenous issues than some white lesbians dreaming of owning farms. And labeling it as
problematic won't send anyone back to Europe kek.
And ffs,
I want to live off the land with a female partner, so of course the aesthetic appeals to me. Is this what counts as internalized racism now? Huh? Wanting to wear floral dresses?
>>589051>Nazi tradfemsEven crazier. Imagine abandoning neutral hobbies just because some Nazis also like it.
No. 589092
>>589088Well, obviously, if you're looking disturbed or you're asking for something ridiculous, it's a possibility.
Just being in therapy is not much these days, a lot of people are.
No. 589093
I've been living basically my whole life in fron of a screen since childhood. It's not a unique problem, especially on a more-or-less-obscure imageboard, but I've been increasingly less okay with this as the years go by, to the point where now I look through social media and other sites on constant anxiety mode. I don't interact with the outside world at all, and it scares me. I might just fucking not grow up and die like this. I used to go to events, hikes, museums, etc., but always on my own. My hobbies have been trashed lately too. I'm tired as fuck, always. I'm pretty sure i've got Maladaptive Daydreaming, if any of you even consider it a real affliction.
If any anons got out of the hole of being a terminally online hermit, at least partially, I'd like to know how you did it. My heart is racing just thinking that I need to change now or else I'm never going to. I'm kind of fucking scared, guys.
No. 589123
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wtf is going on with that PULL migration? I don't wanna read the whole thread but the "sister forum" link going to kiwifarms is a joke right? or kiwi is really our sister forum and this is the first time i'm hearing it?
No. 589197
>>589158I think that’s on >>>g
>>589188This, looks way too stocky
No. 589304
There's a baking/cooking thread here:
>>>/g/59005But I kinda want to make a thread for healthy recipes and another one for aesthetic food (vid related) or also like, another food thread? idk am I stupid?
No. 589317
>>589093Anon, we’re currently in a quarantine/legit down/weird fucking timeline, not being able to go out is normal and not just you. Even if you weren’t doing those things before, it’s not like you should feel bad about not being able to do them now.
Try going for walks, maybe find a trail by you that you like and find a little spot you can sit down at and either read, doodle, just be away from a screen, etc. It’s a small start and keeps you and others safe rn! Good luck!
No. 589334
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Is the body fat measurement function on a crosstrainer accurate? Also wtf does this chart and the above information mean? The chart says that that 10-13% is the essential fat but the text above it claims that anything under 17% body fat is bad?
No. 589627
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How do people bake cookies like this without them browning??
No. 589628
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>>589045>>>/m/100749sorry for the delay making the thread, i hope it meets your standards
No. 589699
>>589677They're only called pickmes because there's a stereotype that because some men prefer the "natural" look (even though we all know that most guys don't even know what that means), SOME women don't wear make-up to suck up to them. It's a stupid idea and it puts more unnecessary pressure for women to conform.
Not wearing make-up being "unprofessional" is just another part of the fucked beauty standard for women, and IMO it's similar to when some people think wearing curly hair (~ type 3 or 4) down is "unprofessional". Neither of those two things are an indication of your respectability but because there's a certain look based on historical expectation for women in the workplace, they're automatically viewed by some people as untidy or whatever.
There's nothing wrong with not wearing make-up. I genuinely think that people look just as nice with or without it, anyway.
No. 589717
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Are there subtle differences between how an above average woman gets treated versus an extremely attractive one.
No. 589821
>>586756I've watched Vinesauce since 2012 and ever since the Art Corner started getting archived to youtube Vinny's audience has had a constant flow of clout-thirsty artists wanting their 5 minutes of fame and all the dumb bullshit that came with that. I also find it weird that Vinny responds in a somewhat misogynistic way almost anytime a conventionally attractive female appears on the screen, and if that's helped attract a weird combination of straight misogynistic men, misogynistic gays, and self-hating afabs into the community.
Vinny used to want to be somewhat insightful during the games he plays and was completely against turning into a "loud noises funnyman" and fans used to respect that but now that's exactly what his audience begs from him all of the time.
Joel has the worst fans of any Vinesauce member and that's been a fact for years. Even Dorb's snobby audience isn't nearly as braindead and rude as Joel's. Joel also has the JJBA autism audience.
There's a lot of overlap in Joel's and Vinny's audiences.
No. 589847
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Is it true that, in America, it's (increasingly) common for people to do onlyfans?
No. 590024
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Has anyone tried or made lean?
No. 590235
>>590212hmmm it's good you went to the ER and got a brain scan. as far as i know, brain scans (CT and MRI scans) rarely show evidence of concussions. they are meant to show bleeding, swelling and major damage, things that aren't present in (most) mild to moderate concussions.
a few questions: did you lose consciousness during/after the fall? at the ER, did you get a concussion test? were you asked any questions about symptoms or asked to state information like your birthday or who the president was? if not, i would maybe make an appointment with your primary care physician and see if you can get a second opinion or diagnosis of a mild concussion. they likely will not be able to help much, but they can write you sick leave for a week or two so you can recover at home. even if you hit your back, it's possible the inertia of the fall and neck whiplash could have resulted in a minor concussion. get a diagnosis and time off work for your brain to heal! concussions suck and stress from work or symptoms will slow improvement. feel better anon!
No. 590243
>>590212oh gosh, that sounds dreadful. get well soon anon! can you call in sick and rest some longer? it would be a shame if you had to work like that. sorry that happened
it's normal to feel fatigue after banging your head as it's a shock to the body and mind. and what other anon's said. sending you some healing vibes
No. 590406
>>590391I am a person who does that.
For me I think it's a childhood habit from playing by myself and being my own company a lot. My mother also does it for this reason.
Why is it freaky to you?
No. 590448
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How many dates should someone go on before doing things like holding hands and/or kissing? I've never been on a date and for some reason the question plagues my mind. I'm 23 and feel like I should know this shit and yet I don't.
No. 590451
>>590448It depends on the chemistry and how long y'all were talking online.
For me, I talk to guys for a long time before ever having a move made so when we first meet it's a kiss and playful hand holding.
But if you are doing casual dating or just met someone, first date should be "get to know" type thing. You never know if the guy is a total fuckwad creep that just faked his way into being a good boy on the first date. So I suggest maybe even the third.
He will show his true colors pretty much after the first date though. They always do.
No. 590519
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Is it true that, in America, people can get high-quality items through thrift shops for affordable prices?
t. jealous Briton who can't find anything decent in secondhand shops
No. 590575
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Dumb question - i wanted to post Kavos (youtuber) on /g/ for male attractions. idk if he would go into "attractive males" or "unconventional males" thread though. Do you think he'd be considered cute by most girls?
(i swear im not kavos why does this make me sound like a scrote)
No. 590593
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Anyone here went from a b cup to like a d cup from gaining weight? I'm 120 at 5'5. I dont wanna be built like lena Dunham and be fat with no
No. 590674
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What are some western brands that make similar stuff to Liz Lisa, ank rouge, amavel, axes femme etc?
No. 590720
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Was there a case where poor/low-income men were made to perform degrading acts on camera and the video was legally considered hate speech? I swear I remember seeing a radfem say this happened to justify why pornography should be also considered hate speech
No. 590764
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>>585082Can admins/mods see every single thing i've ever posted?
No. 590906
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Has anyone ever gotten or was tempted to get in their school’s water fountain?
My classes were near the fountain and I would be tempted to go in during the hot Texas weather, usually I would just rest and stick my arm in the water (pic related).
No. 591031
>>590970Korea raped the fuck out of Vietnam in the 60's-70's and throws people in jail for talking about it because they want to uphold the image of them being the ones civilizing the barbaric Vietnamese. They're in no place to complain. Like every country in Asia has a
problematic history or current day, Japan isn't even the worst of the lot. I'm pretty sure this is a bait but just putting it out there because I've seen (koreaboo) anons parroting this dumb shit in here.
No. 591038
>>590991Don't get your hopes up kek. I used to flirt with this one guy back in college; not into kpop but he had lots of favorite male anime characters he'd gush about with the female weebs. I brushed it off because he was an art student. Then he commented that I'd look cute in a suit out of nowhere (I didn't dress very masculine at all). I
guess you could hold out hope that he's bi, but in my experience bi dudes have better taste in men (aka not kpop boys).
No. 591052
>>590970But I like anime though
>>591031Didn’t know the Koreans did that to the Vietnamese, that’s pretty fucked up. China on the other hand, are the.biggest assholes past and present.
No. 591071
File: 1595840070247.jpg (160.87 KB, 1500x1064, Map-countries-istock-ZarkoCvij…)

Would it be retarded to create a thread about travelling? OBVIOUSLY noone's travelling right now for a while, I just thought it would be interesting for exchanging our impressions about countries we've been to, countries we plan on visiting once the apocalypse is over, things that surprised us, etc.
No. 591088
>>591071>OBVIOUSLY noone's travelling right now for a whileYou'd be surprised.
But great idea for a thread, go ahead!
No. 591101
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>>590914>>590960Fountain anon, here’s another close up
No. 591137
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What tf is this shape called?
No. 591205
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Why is asian fashion so much better than western fashion, also why are asians from big cities usually better dressed than westerners from equal counterparts?
No. 591209
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>>591205the only asian fashion i care about is that of grannies and aunties. this is peak performance
No. 591211
>>591208Is anyone really dressed like this on a daily basis though? Even on these fanpages showing fashion from, for example, Tokyo, all the people dressed in colors would be people from creative /fashion related industry or so. Dressed like this you'd stand out there just as much as you'd stand out anywhere else in the world. And
>>591205 is pretty basic, you could easily get - or see in editorials- stuff like this in europe.
No. 591213
>>591208>generally (not always) less shapely bodies than westerners mean they can pull off different cuts and baggy tops that would look unflattering on curvier girls.Thats a great point I hadn’t consider before on why asian fashion suits me better, im not asian myself (Mixed white and native) but my body type seems to be alot closer to asian girls, trying clothes at the mall always felt like raiding an older woman’s “sexy night out” closet, even if the clothes are meant for my age range.
>>591211 tbh japan is the more toned down one but in korea and china colorful more “alternative” outfits are very common amongst the youth like
>>591212 said, I’ve actually heard that the easiest way to spot korean tourists in japan is by their clothes and make up lol.
>>591209Grandma Kei is peak fashion.
No. 591276
>>591272Just a guess, but whiter scleras might up the contrast in your eyes, making the colour of the iris pop more and possibly making the eyes seem bigger. Also I think if you're already editing your teeth it looks weird for your teeth to be whiter than your eyes.
Some people have naturally more yellowish/muddy scleras, mostly black people and the elderly I think, and that looks pretty bad imo.
No. 591289
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Is Kaitlin Olsen hot?
I really love sunny and I love Kaitlin on it but i thought the point of her being cast is she kinda looks like an alcoholic? Like, she looks older for her age and hard around the edges. I could easily see her in any dive bar in the US. But hearing the cast/moids on reddit talk about how hot she is has me confused. She just seems skinny and blonde to me, but then I think that's all it takes with men?
No. 591294
>>591289They told the original Sweet D that she was too attractive to play the character. I mean the real reason was because she broke up with Rob and ironically dates and marries Kaitlin.
Kaitlin plays both end. Awkward bird to make fun of and tall blonde so she gets both of best worlds. She's not ugly so, yeah that's all it takes it be "hot" by a lot of men.
No. 591330
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What's a good Shopping Service for mercari and fril for poorfags?
No. 591331
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>>591322Thats definetely not alternative, its a scan from POPTEEN from 2012, its geared towards everyday japanese teen girls not a subculture niche like Gothic Lolita Bible.
You could compare it to something like Teen Vogue or Covergirl.
No. 591584
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do you guys think if you can't stop thinking about someone that isn't in your life anymore, see things related to them, have dreams about them, etc. it means anything? Like that they're also thinking of me, or I should reach out? or is my brain just torturing me?
No. 591651
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What is the best type of hair clip to use when sectioning your hair to blowdry it? I’m trying to figure out how to blowdry my own hair and it’s harder than I thouught.
>>591482I think a true asexual would only have sex if it were to please their partner. Asexuals can get horny but usually it’s only when they’re alone, and the idea of actually having sex with another person irl would be unappealing.
t. anon who may be asexual
No. 591699
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Do they have fingerprints?
No. 591751
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Who made this? I love the style.
No. 591757
>>591482The can feel horny and they masturbate, but they won’t have sex with a person irl because that will make them dryer than a desert/shrink to oblivion faster than anything.
They -could- have sex but it wouldn’t be exactly a good experience for them because that’s not what they want.
No. 591762
>>591757I see so many asexuals talking about how they don't want or enjoy sex but they do it for their husbands/bfs sake and it just screams unhealthy to me to accept that and basically normalise having unwanted sex for your partners benefit.
I don't use the label asexual but I don't enjoy sex and it would be detrimental to my wellbeing to just have it anyway
No. 591770
>>591762Nayrt but I agree that it's incredibly harmful behavior, and whenever anyone talks about being an asexual but giving it to their partner I just automatically assume that person isn't really asexual because to me it just sounds like they're in a relationship with someone they aren't sexually attracted with but they're forcing themselves to do it anyway and have just convinced themselves it's fine.
I'm sure asexual people exist, but this isn't the way to do it.
No. 591771
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>>591751idk who made that image but kficc makes similar looking art which you might like
No. 591775
>>591482I personally feel horny once in a blue moon, very briefly and not very strongly.
I can't have sex because I feel no arousal so nothing can even go in. I've wanted to try when given the opportunity, because why not, but literally nothing happens.
No. 591779
>>591776Fiverr or Odesk (which might have a different name now)
I got my first transcription job at age 16 on Odesk and made some cheap cash but it def was for pennies, I made like 60 a week. But I imagine you could find way more jobs and better paying jobs no doubt.
What skills do you have? Writing? Drawing? Clerical?
No. 591803
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Lesbians/bi girls, is it actually hard to find another woman to date or do I just suck? I just want a cute gf man
No. 591815
>>591803>>591805No avdice, I just want to sympathize. My only gf I've met organically by accident and it was great, but it's so hard to meet someone organically, and through apps it's just a hot mess. Even though I have preference for women I always end up with men because it's just so hard to find a compatible woman when you're pretty much limited to apps. Like
>>591805 said, there it's either someone 3some hunting or desperate women for whom attraction to women is their only personality trait.
No. 591850
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Why is my stomach screaming for food every 3-4 hours it fucking hurts
No. 591868
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>>591703Ntayrt but Pinterest
No. 591918
>>591916I once said that If I sold clothes that I would think about charging extra for plus sizes and my cousin went OFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF.
She's not fat but she's fake nice.
No. 591932
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What are some foods with high calories that won't give me beetus?
No. 591972
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Are there any guides to making digital collages like pic rel? I really like these sorta collages but idk how to start
No. 591983
>>591972What exactly is confusing to you? When it comes to collages themselves it's all about an idea so I think this is what you have to produce yourself, by just looking at a lot of things.
From a technical side, it's just a digital cutout, so look up how to cut out stuff from pictures in a program you like, if it's photoshop, I advice looking into layer masks and layer blending.
No. 591994
>>591973I mean what's your question? If your a complete beginner to making collages I would recommend vid related. I also got into collages recently and this video helped me. If you want to use photoshop you can get a pirated version off birdysources on tumblr.
There's also a video by Cbc Arts that shows an artist making collages with magazines that is more similar to the collages you've shown.
No. 592006
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>>591937holy shit I snorted
No. 592028
>>591978Nope. Smell never goes away. I have dozens of piercings that have been out for 10+ years, the holes are unusable and I'm still cleaning that shit constantly to avoid the smells
They tell you you'll regret your edgy teen phase, but they never explain why
No. 592115
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>How does one go Ana when you’re being fully monitored by your family?
>Is not eating and working out useful at all?
>Would the yoyo effect be dramatic?
>is it better to just eat salad and fruits?
No. 592202
>>592141I do that and I think it's a natural part of human sexuality, I do not think it's exclusive to women. I think a lot of men don't do it anymore because they've been watching internet porn since they were 8 so they never even had a chance to develop a sexual imagination or discover what's so great about physical intimacy. So basically, they've had a fake sexuality implanted in their heads instead of developing it naturally. They've been brainwashed.
It's kinda sad tbh. I dated this guy whose mom gave him porn at that age and his sexuality was completely crippled and it was not a fun time. It ended up being the death of our relationship because I can't deal with someone who learned everything they know about sex from porn. It's a pretty good sign they let media dictate who they're supposed to be in other ways, too. It's a sign of weak mindedness imo.
Porn seems to cripple men more than women and I think it has something to do with this societal idea that you need porn to jack off when if you didn't develop a porn obsession, porn is honestly really stiff, boring, unrealistic, and one dimensional. But that is just my opinion.
>>592187Not all of us are innocent, pure virgin Maries. If you've gotten close enough to screw a man you've gotten close enough to figure out his masturbation habits.
No. 592282
>>592276You're semi-aware that the more of a type of material you expose yourself to the more it'll effect you mentally. E.G. the more time you spend reading about creepy shit the more time you'll spend thinking about it and be more likely to be anxious of being a
victim of crime or frightened you'll see something scary in the dark or whatever bad outcome. Most people don't pay any attention to their mental hygiene and then wonder why they're so insecure about their appearance while spending all day reading about lookism on reddit or whatever negative topic.
No. 592346
I've been watching my first (columbian) telenovela on netflix and it's so dumb, but I can't help feeling it reflects real life for women in some ways. I've lived around northern europe so not such a patriarchal/religious environment. And I KNOW it's not realistic, but how accurate is the treatment of women in it? Like the women fuck someone they love and it's like "whoooore", but the dudes can scheme and 2 time women and spend the night with someone and it's fine? A married man whose wife won't fuck him is shameful for HER when he tells her he has to fuck other people to get his "needs" met?
I can kind of imagine it in ye olden days, wifely duties and women being questioned/not allowed to leave the house unless it's to go to market or some shit. Can some south american anons enlighten me if it's anywhere near accurate with all the romance removed or is it all for the sake of drama?
>>585261I found out I had several cavities between my teeth after some years of not seeing the dentist because they looked fine so now I do, yeah. Going to the dentist frightened the life out of me that I can never undo the damage I've already done to my teeth. Only make sure I mitigate the damage from here on out. Here's hoping they can find a way to easily replace enamel in my lifetime.
No. 592412
>>592346It happens a lot, I’m from South America
leyleypons’ latina fetish intensifies And men are often raised to believe they can do whatever the want because they have jobs.
People don’t seem to understand that women have jobs as well and that they have feelings and needs.
So? You get to see men sleeping around with literal girls in their 14’s
usually hood rats getting lauded because:
>oh well, he works, i guess he must be tired
>well, his wife had two/three/four kids, shame on her because she let herself goBut the man looks like an ugly version of Dany Devito and does literally nothing at home because:
>muh job
>muh i spend the day outside fucking with random women but outside And they seem to forget that the woman who they’re
sometimes married to is also working, taking care of the spawns and doing all of the chores if they’re not lucky enough to have a maid
who tends to be a side piece of the husbandOf course, as of now, the generation of women around their 50’s or 60’s are tired of this bullshit, and they’ve been doing their best to teach women that they don’t even need to get married anymore in order to be happy
or at least that’s in my home and the homes of the people i know ofYou will always find people criticizing the women sleeping with men for money, but that’s because they never got the opportunity to do so
to be honest I wish I didn’t have any sort of remorse when it comes to that stuff, I kind of want a sugar daddy, latin ones are quite overkill So yeah, telenovelas are basically the reflection of how Latin American society
>Inb4 we live in a society works.
No. 592421
>>592416Nothing active unfortunately, people are worried about posting their art here and being recognized I suppose, there is this one
>>546916, I guess you can revive it? Sure someone will reply.
No. 592427
Is it safe to rip off moles?
I have a small mole on my areola (It's always been there so no worries), but I nearly scratched it off a couple months ago. It's hanging by a thread, but I left it there because I was hoping it would heal back on. Idk if it safe to just take off moles though.
>>592416The art thread we have now is a General Art thread, so you can post it there or just post it in the Dumbass Shit thread
No. 592441
>>592437i think it might be because it's culturally accepted that males "mark their terrority" or "are entitled to/own their family".
idk can't think of anything else. probably really similar to why we get out father's last name. women are the "second gender" despite being the more involved parent so their legacy doesn't need to be continued unlike precious men's legacy.
No. 592527
>>592437I'm named after my grandmother, does that count?
But I agree, I fucking hate that kids are names after their fathers. I don't want children, but if I did I would insist on them carrying my surname.
No. 592615
>>592613could be you were just really lightheaded? sounds like what happens to me if I haven't been eating enough and i get up too fast. i've had to grab on to things because it legitimately does feel like i'm going to pass out because i'm so dizzy and weak
could also be something anxiety related if lack of nutrition isn't a possible culprit.
No. 592697
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>>592437Because men are trash and need to own everything, including people. I've never seen women named after their mothers or grandmothers. Or it's at least a middle name, but men love to name their sons Daniel Jr, Jose Jr or Deshawn jr. It is really prevalent with them and their sons. I had an old coworker who told me he wanted to hurry up and have a son to carry on his 'legacy' when his daughter was already 10 years old and he claims to love her, but.. hm. Men are trash and need to claim territory, even though they barely do anything during parenthood. It feels sad to take away a child's identity because you want to have a mini version of yourself, name included.
No. 593012
>>592613Best case scenario: low blood sugar, or a drop in blood pressure
Worst case scenario: some sort of neurological disorder
No. 593043
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What are some good manga/films/shows (anything really) similar to A cruel God reigns, Kate to kid no Uta and The heart of Thomas?
No. 593064
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>>593043I would recommend you look into Manga from the Year 24 Group, Keiko Takemiya (author of some of the titles you mentioned) was a part of it. I'm partial to Moto Hagio's work, myself.
No. 593074
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>>593043J no Subete and Bara Iro no Ho no Koro by Asumiko Nakamura both have the similar themes as Kaze to Ki no It's and A Cruel God Reigns. Asumiko's art kinda reminds me of old school artists from year 24. There's also K no Souretsu, it's ambiguously BL and incesty and the art style is very 80s shoujo.
No. 593149
>>592449Some people go by their middle names instead
>>593043Oniisama E
Since you’ve already read Keiko Takemiya and Hagio Moto’s manga there’s only a few other manga from that generation that are translated, unless you want Japanese recommendations
No. 593196
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Is it possible to replay oneshot on the steam version? I stopped playing it a year ago near the end since I didn't like the game, but I'm willing to play until the end and replay it to re-experince it to see if I still hate it
No. 593199
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>>593140hey there anon! i must admit that in my personal experience, ocd has been super hard to work on (especially when i was off meds) alone; however, as you asked for there are some tools that could help in the meantime which will help. i am not sure what your ocd focuses on, but cbt techniques are usually very helpful! this article: about exposure should help you at least confront your fears (its tough, but helpful). also, this chart (another cbt technique) focuses on finding evidence to refute your fears:
i was taught these skills in therapy, but i must admit i found it tough to focus until i took meds just due to how severe things became, but based on how you are doing it should definitely help! the last thing i could suggest is this book: i was recently told about it by my psychiatrist and i have bought it but not used it yet but he says its very helpful and has helped others! good luck anon!
No. 593276
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What do I do about my brain angrily screeching for more carbs due to pms? I'm kind of trying to diet.
No. 593277
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Not sure if stupid but I feel stupid about it for several reasons so: I have a male "friend" I always found incredibly annoying and disrespectful and I always wanted to have nothing to do with this guy because he ruins all the fun in everything ever. He acts like he knows everything ever while actually saying stupid, actually offensive shit. Maybe he thinks he's sassy and witty but he sounds like some asshole from 4chan with none of the potential redeeming qualities. Tries to explains shit that personally affect others on a daily basis just because he vaguely read about it on wikipedia. This type of shit. My question is, how do I avoid this guy?
For more context, it's important: the reason why I was hanging out from time to time with him or at his place was because he wouldn't stop insisting and when I ignored him on the phone or social media, an actual friend of mine also asked if I wanted to hang out with them. Because of that and other things I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand the guy and at some point with several other friends we found out that one one of us actually liked him and we all found him, at the very best, a bit "special" but because of that one friend we couldn't avoid him. At some point he moved not too far away from my place because of the cheap rent prices in the area and once he knew about it he started contacting me more and more often because I couldn't use the "there are problems with public transport" excuse anymore. He wanted to invite all of us at a sleepover for the last new year's eve and since almost none of us wanted to go because we're all women and he wanted to invite male friends we didn't know at all but we didn't want to upset our actual close friend who likes him, we made shit up to not go and it ruined all our plans. Now, that one friend is living abroad since like January so that one less reason to see this guy, and I'm thinking about ignoring him on social media and the phone again. Do you have any other ideas? I don't want him to start being an even bigger annoying piece of shit if I tell him to stfu and stop insulting everyone and thinking he's a genius and everyone should be his bff. I feel dumb because if I knew, I would have avoided that guy from the day we met in university.
tldr; how do I completely avoid this guy who thinks we're bff just because I wanted to not upset a mutual friend at the time?
No. 593284
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Where an I learn more about pedowood/showbiz? I barely know anything about it (aside from the creepy shit that happened to Natalie Portman when she was a kid, like the 18 countdown and her first 'fan-mail' and some of the stuff that happened to Brooke Shields) , are there any documentaries about it?
No. 593345
>>593284I've heard that the "Open Secret" documentary is very good, and some celebrities are mentioned as
victims. Elijah Wood (from The Hobbit) has also talked about it. Not trying to be rude! But if you search about it you'll encounter more info, I'm sure
No. 593401
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Can humans double jump?
No. 593406
>>593394>Sis you're a grown ass adult with middle school problemsNow that you say it like that you did put something into words better than I could while typing my first post: he acts like a guy in middle school who thinks he's super mature and who monopolizes conversations all the time.
>Never let him find out where you live for sureHe has no way of knowing my address, unless he asks some of my friends who already secretly hate him anyway. And nobody in my friend group is crazy enough to give other people's address to anyone without permission anyway. I deleted a bunch of social media too before for other, more general reasons, so he can't really check what I post online either by the way.
No. 593574
>>593570>Has anyone here who isn't woke maintained their relationshipres with woke friendsWhat the hell does being woke even mean at this point? I genuinely don't know how to answer this question lmao.
Like, I'm pretty liberal and agree that police brutality against blacks and institutional racism is a problem. I'm not constantly sperging about it on social media or attending protests, but I do try to stay informed. Is that "woke" enough to consider yourself woke?
I do have friends who do this, and who seem to get really nit-picky about avoiding anything that could be considered even SLIGHTLY
problematic, and I think it's really weird. I don't understand how they have fun, or if they even do have much fun with a mindset like that. I'm not sure if intimidated is the right word. They'd probably accuse me of being racist if they knew I lurked image boards though kek
No. 593734
>>593649>>593644Yeah, Orange Citrus. She was a PULL 1.0 admin that wouldn't shut up about her tits
Like she was ~boollied~ for having yuuuuge tits (they were medium sized) and wouldn't allow people on PULL to discuss Nigri because she was very
triggered they were shit talking a booby girl
She also loved LARPing Mathilda (hence the banner), even on cam. And would say she wasn't pedo baiting.
She also wouldn't shut up about her being like 1/6th native American, when she was, guess it - white.
I miss her antics.
Now, I have no idea who is the girl in yellow stealing shit, if any Anon could clarify it for me, I've been wondering for years
No. 593741
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Why the hell does she look so weird?
No. 593747
>>593746Is 23 a kid now?
>>593745But she looks like a copy of herself.
No. 593754
>>593575I’m in the same boat as you Anon. It’s gotten to a point where a lot of people, especially big brands/celebs/channels/etc, feel the need to constantly virtue signal without actually doing anything of substance to help the cause. They say “racism bad!” just for a PR move. If they weren’t doing it just because it’s trendy, they’d use some of their rich people money to actually make a difference
(sorry for the rant)
No. 593785
>>593741her eyebrows are a tiny bit too close together for my taste
and i think she looks better with her hair not tucked behind her ears
other than that i think she looks really pretty
No. 593803
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>>585082Does Mermaid gender help minors with gender dysphoria by helping alleviating gender dysphoria through therapy, or do they push kids into transitioning and put them on hormone pills?
No. 593969
>>593955What do you mean? Post a photo of it
>>593962pt is just for the cows that produce the most milk. Snow and w are just for your run of the mill cows that aren't as entertaining as the ones in pt. Although imo some cows shouldn't be in pt.
Age doesn't really have much to do with whether or not a cow goes in pt. Lillee and Laur were basically instantly moved there when they were introduced here.
No. 594070
>>593982if her kid has multiple diagnosis's, lack of medical receipts, unsupported claims, etc. most munchies by proxy keep adding illnesses to their kids medical sheet once they see their clout dwindling.
but keep in mind sometimes parents of sick kids are annoying because lets be real having a kid with cancer is absolute hell for all parties involved. she might not have much time left with her kid and she might be dealing with it in her own way.
No. 594335
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How do germaphobes cope with going to the dentist?the idea of these dental tools that have been in other people's mouthes and then going to your mouth is disgusting to the least,does it trigger them?
No. 594392
>>594391Without at least a fan or 2 it will be impossible to cool down your apartment significantly. If there's a breeze outside open your windows, even better if your apartment is laid out in such a way that you can facilitate a cross breeze, but this is way easier to do with a couple fans. If you have access to a freezer, having a bowl of ice near you might help you feel cooler (again this works better if you have a fan blowing the over the ice), and you can also freeze water bottles to put in bed so you aren't too hot to sleep or use ice packs. A cold shower will cool you off also. Try to block direct sunlight. But these are just things to make you more comfortable, your apartment is still gonna be hot and shitty. You should just invest in some box fans.
Source: live in Australia and rented a place with no aircon for awhile
No. 594466
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what does 'kin' mean? Is it just the tumblr variant of 'stan'?
No. 594490
>>594477im kek i thought it just meant a character they believe has the same qualities as them, or aspires to be more like that character. not that they believed they really were some written or drawn paper character.
>>594485i actually liked my last cafe job but i hated the boss plus most of my coworkers. i was doing 3/4 if not more of the work and our dress code was inane for our climate. since i did the bulk of the work i also had way more responsibility that i could get reprimanded for later. on the other hand if i didn't get the tasks completed they either wouldn't get done or done way later when the other coworker realized. too many good coworkers quit so all the bad ones who needed more reprimanding stayed.
No. 594526
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How common/rare was it for girls aged 14-17 to go to girls boarding schools between 1895-1911?
Also, where could I find resources and information regarding the day-to-day life of a teenage girl during that time period would be like, what clothes they would wear, how they would interact with children their own age, and so on
No. 594541
>>594535But that doesn't make it any less despicable from my point of view, regardless who does it.
My brother does none of those things and he was never pressured into having to.
You can be a man and not be interested in any of that, and no one will care. I hate that some people, especially women, encourage that kind of behavior as if it's ok.
No. 594547
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Is the lolcow discord server any good? feeling pretty lonely right now
No. 594578
>>594574There’s plenty of gossip in /ot/
See: every thread
>>594541I think your mom is just a cunt anon, I don’t think most women would give you shit for not wasting time online shopping or gossiping. Chiding you for not performing femininity is definitely a thing though.
No. 594641
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What are some “commoner” everyday dishes from your country?
No. 594649
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>>594641Pinnacle of poorfag cuisine :/
No. 594659
>>594654chocolate sprinkles ("hagelslag") on a slice of bread for breakfast or lunch
>>594641>>594656these look pretty tasty
No. 594663
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>>594641Something like this I couldn't find a better picture lol. It's just green chili and pork pieces. Either that or the usual, tacos, tortas, rice, refried beans, etc
No. 594664
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>>594654choco rats poopies 10/10 would
>>594655nta but i think it's bitter melon soup, popular asian dish
No. 594673
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>>594668I've read before that no, eating eggs is not okay because supposedly they need to eat their own eggs to take back in the protein, so taking the eggs would be bad for their health. But I've had pet chickens while growing up and eggs we didn't take would be left rotting sooo, idk how true that is. (And yes, chickens produce eggs on their own, even when there's no rooster around)
Chickens are super chill pets and fresh eggs are the best, when I get my own house with a garden I'm 100% getting pet chickens
No. 594677
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>>594641>>594664Are u Viet anons? lmao
No. 594678
>>594673Thank you anon! I guess i never really considered how much nutrients making eggs must suck out of them, but maybe chickens can take supplements to replace them.
The chickens in that photo are beautiful. And they can make eggs by themselves? Magic. I would love to have one.
No. 594702
>>594677Yes hello
v(´ω`)vI fuckin love that purp anon
No. 594708
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anyone else stay up till 5 am reading shoujo manga and spend the entire next day feeling like they're gonna die at any second
No. 594712
Every single time, I am told that we don´t have to wake up early in the morning but suddendly work to do appears out of nowhere.
No. 594717
>>594708Called out.
Not shoujo manga though, but w anything you could ever think of.
No. 594901
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>>594765>>594708>>594721Please drop some romance titles. i've been out of the loop with those genres for awhile! fuck me up anons
No. 594934
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>>594901girl im here for you!
i listed some above in my other comment
>>594765but if you want more i can recommend:
Taishou Otome Otogibanashi
Katayoku no Labyrinth
Kusuriya no Hitorigoto
Akatsuki no Yona
Umarekawatte mo mata, Watashi to Kekkon shite kuremasu ka?
Futari Ashitamo Sorenarini
Toshokan Sensou - Love & War
As You Wish, Prince
I Love You, Miki!
The Villain's Savior
Kamisama Hajimemashita
Takasugi's Tiny Delinquent Hero
Is It Wrong to Get Done by a Girl?
Emperor and the Female Knight
The Senior and Junior Broke up Three Months Ago
A Bouquet for an Ugly Girl
Mikansei Demo Koi ga Ii
Give Me a Flower, and I'll Give You All of Me
Miageru to Kimi wa
I'm a Villainous Daughter, so I'm going to keep the Last Boss
No. 594941
>>594934a fucking legend! i'm about to live this post
>>594708 anon thanks
No. 594983
>>5949661984 by George Orwell
Woman at the Edge of Time by Marge Piercy
Unfuck Your Habitat by Rachel Hoffman
No. 595038
>>595030Try Soulseek.
It was originally made for sharing music, but I mostly use it for books. People have been sharing all sorts of stuff, and I can usually find books there that I wasn't able to anywhere else.
No. 595146
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What are these strips of rubber attached on the bottom of my laptop called?
No. 595252
>>595210expecting normal communication is not expecting too much anon
No. 595258
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Is this supposed to be a private site like DuckDuckGo or Tor?
I watch this Asian dude on YouTube and he always opens up this browser before going to normie sites
No. 595267
>>595259Isn’t Google altogether pointless if you want privacy though?
Edit: fixing grammatical errors
No. 595285
>>595278it porbably sounds like bait because i couldnt word it properly. what i mean is that a lot of people around me act like everything our country produces (music, tv shows, even literature) is "cringe" while being up western media's ass. they overvalue the dumbest shows (like glee and friends) and it seems like it's because it's american.
also about the accent thing, sure, you'll copy american accent since you learn from americans. but if you're not native, you know that some people overdo it. idk how to explain it since it's about hearing.
also they seem to care more about amerian politics compared to our own. like they sperg about BLM even though black people make up like 0.01% of the population here and we never had race issues with them. but they never bring up the race issue we have.
No. 595358
>>595285I understand you.
sounds like something from here too.
No. 595410
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>>595275>>595285I live in Germany and if we'd go by the same standard as for weebs then close everybody here is an americaboo.
Two girls from my class wanted to move there so badly that they married an American right after finishing high school and I even know a woman who got herself knocked up by a american soldier (who then left), bitches are still acting like it's 1945 and America the paradise on earth. The amount of english words young people use is insane and like you said, all kind of local media is considered old fashioned and lame and most young artists here just straight up copy everything american, choose english names etc. But not just teens, most people under 70. There are so many boomers who buy gigantic cars, wear cowboy hats and boots, America simply really is still the "dream" for many.
I feel like because it has been decades since American media, American products, food etc has been marketed as modern and better, everybody is simply brainwashed. Ironically though most shit on Americans when it comes to politics but when faced with actual Americans so many turn giddy, wanting to talk with them, trying their best to speak english, absolutely retarded. Pic related, even American theme parks exist (with native americans and confederate flags as decoration…)
And about that BLM thing, the discussion about dreads, renaming things, cultural appropriation and so on is everywhere (while the average normie can't even fathom why stuff is suddenly bad or no longer allowed) and even local news are starting to use terms like POC - not the german translation, just literally "people of color" - how do you expect to teach old people to stop saying the n-word by jumping right to wanting them to use some english words instead?
No. 595422
>>595285>>595296Same here, I find it extremely ironic that rich people and local celebrities post about BLM bullshit when my country has a massive problem with colourism that nobody is addressing to nearly the same extent. A local brand of skin whitening cream (Fair & Lovely) even changed their name to not be so "offensive" anymore just because of BLM when this has been an issue for decades. Not even going to mention rampant sexism, femicide, rape and other less hip kinds of discrimination.
We also have a massive inferiority complex against the West but instead of trying to promote our own culture and good values (protecting the community by wearing masks instead of being retarded gun-toting anti-maskers, for one) people will try to ape Americans which just ends up looking incredibly cringe if you're even a little familiar with the local culture.
No. 595435
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I sorta want to watch/read deadly class but should start with the live action series or the comic? Also, where can I view the deadly class comic online for free ?
No. 595582
>>595435I would start with the comics. I tried getting into the series but it ended up playing out like a CW show where the girl is crushed on by every male ever and there's literal "who do u liek??" drama from the second episode on. Main guy is also an cringy edgelord who gets his ass handed to him constantly. If you want a dark teen show, I'd watch The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina instead.
I'm sure Deadly Class is good since it was popular before the show, but I don't think it translates well on tv at all.
>it was cancelled in June anyway kek No. 595598
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>>595527being vulnerable with others is really hard but its the foundation of strong friendships and a lot of meaning in life. i would start with just practicing sharing little things about you and your life experiences with other people - either online or irl.
ask people about themselves, relate to things they share as a way to practice sharing about yourself. (note: not as much if someone is distressed and just wanting to vent /focus on themselves in the convo).
Besides practice, you need to learn to accept the things about you that you are afraid for people to know about (i.e., reducing shame). Doesn't mean that you necessarily need to tell someone your deep, dark secrets, but you yourself need to accept these aspects of yourself.
No. 595649
I read "milk and honey" by Rupi Kaur and it was kinda shit. Not into poetry at all but it was so tumblr-esque and basic. Anyone got good recs on poems about heartbreak/femininity?
>>595629It teaches you exactly how to kiss everyone's ass so they like you.
Act interested in them, smile, use their name, relate everything in their interests and ask questions about them. Don't argue or criticise, look at it from their viewpoint, let them take credit for your ideas.
Having it all laid out did make me a lot of friends when applied, it worked surprisigly well. But with basically treating them like they're gods gift you're left open to exploitation. The idea of tailoring your personality to serve others so they validate you also doesn't sit right.
No. 595664
>>595649>use their nameDon’t do this too much though, especially if you speak a language where it is not a common thing to adress the other person by first name in 1-on-1 conversations, because it can sound really forced.
Also. I have been on a few dates with guys who worked in sales and I could clearly tell they were using those sorts of techniques to win me over and it was pretty cringe at times. That shit will probably work on very self important or somewhat slow insecure people though.
No. 595670
>>595632That fake tan Glow
>>595664I will punch a person out of sheer shock if they use my name more than once a day unless we're buddies, that's somehow very intimate haha
No. 595673
Lithuanian anons - how decent are litho guys, in general?
>>595667Damn, usually I didn't mind Ben's approach to talking to locals in Russia since he had a good command on the language, but he's really testing his fluency here and clearly irritating the locals, as well as being condescending (which I haven't seen in his Eastern Europe videos). I had a feeling he was a cunt in some way or another, so this doesn't surprise me much.
No. 595685
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I got this top at the thrift store and I hate the buttons, I couldn't find any buttons I like so I decided to paint on them, but I can't decide: should I paint cherries or cat, dog and bunny faces and a pawprint?
Please vote. Also I know it looks cheap you don't have to tell me.
No. 595731
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How do I do about seasonal color analysis if I'm neutral toned, and not particularly warm or cool toned. I think I'm close to deep autumn ( I have very dark brown hair and eyes and light brown/olive skin since I'm an Arab), should I just dress using both palettes?
No. 595739
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Who is this and where is this frooooom anons?
No. 595807
>>595802American here, I think Canadian accents are kinda like a VERY subtle Midwestern American accents.
To be honest tho, it's not a big difference between Canadian and American accents. The main difference is in their vocabulary imo. I wouldn't know if someone is Canadian unless they told me.
No. 595836
>>595598Appreciate the advice, anon! I’m usually pretty good about asking others about themselves and then sharing something about myself that fits after them. I tend to freeze up when I get asked things directly or if I don’t… know how to explain why I feel a way I do or , for instance, why something is uncomfortable other than “It makes me uncomfortable” haha
Do you have any advice for getting over physical intimacy issues? Both this and the above are reasons why most relationship didn’t work out. We mutually agreed it wasn’t going to work long term if I’m only tolerating touching and cuddling and the like because I’m not… sure if I’ll ever enjoy-enjoy it… and the guy I was with felt guilty that I was essentially just doing it to make him happy,. I tried my damnedest to grow and get used to it because we mesh really well personality-wise. But it was just… so hard.
No. 595881
>>595878A journal, never an app.
It' really beneficial but I have to keep mine simple, otherwise it just gets too complex. I also use a lined notebook as opposed to those dotted ones, it's just neater.
No. 595907
>>595894Would you want to do it with a woman?
Then no.
No. 596013
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how common is it for women to wear shorts underneath their dresses/skirts (even in summer)? I was a bit of a tomboy as a kid and by the time I was a teenager my family forbade me from wearing dresses or skirts without trousers/leggings underneath, so it wasn't until I was an adult that I started wearing dresses and skirts with bare legs, though I wear small, unnoticeable shorts underneath
No. 596025
>>595917Because you're constantly distracting yourself during the day? Happens to me when I just so happen to fill every waking minute with phone, TV or internet use.
Just sit for 15 minutes and let whatever thoughts come to you. If you vow to better something you can then take action to do it that day and sleep easy knowing you've achieved something.
No. 596223
Most of the american youth is very anti patriotic and shit talk their country all the time, fascism thrives in nationalistic pride, without that it can’t work.
No. 596529
>>596524Short answer: No.
It is in the sense that fat people are discriminated against/judged by people at large, but it's also incredibly normalized and becoming moreso with time.
Ultimately, though, it's a changeable physical attribute unlike being a POC or gay. So while there are societal repercussions for being fat, it's nowhere near the same tier as the other -phobias and -isms despite fativists pretending it is.
No. 596553
>>596546anon im so sorry about your father. first thing is to confirm he doesn't have a will. try to look through any storage containers in his house or bank safety deposits for any documents. get a folder and put any legal looking paper in it. include bank and money slips, bills and anything that looks important. if you don't have any immediate family to help, i suggest hiring someone. i'm not completely educated on this part, but i know their are people out there (lawyers or attorneys?) that can go to your estate and value a deceased persons items if there is no will. as for all the records, like health insurance, car, etc. call the support hotline. you will likely be on hold for hours, sorry anon. but it's important. explain the situation clearly, maybe read off from a notebook and ask for the next steps in continuing your payment plan and how to switch the role from your father to yourself. honestly i think the toughest thing to figure out as of now may be health insurance, but know that deaths of parents happen all the time and the insurance company likely has a procedure of dealing with situations like yours. the phone/car plans will be easier to either cancel or maintain if you have the documentation available.
again, if you are alone in this, it really helps to hire someone. yeah it sucks, but these peoples jobs are to secure and manage grieving peoples funds and assets. they will know where to look, who to call and how to get each and every cent owed to you. im so sorry again anon, please take the time to grieve first and try not to worry too much about immediate things like money. you need this time to cope with your dads passing and have a healthy grieving period. best of luck anon <3
No. 596573
>>596567It's still active?
https://fail-fandomanon.dreamwidth.orgIt's an anonymous place to talk about fandom I guess. Maybe they talk about big name fans there, I'm not sure. But it definitely is filled with tumblr types who get offended at everything.
No. 596620
I guarantee its on there
No. 596679
>>596670Adding on to this, the weirdest thing that happened was that during junior year of high school, someone on a message board I used to go offered to fly out another user to go to prom with me. The guy ended up bailing on the idea though.
The weird thing is even though I spent a ton of time online as a kid I never made a single friend online. Even now I would say that I have one online friend. I don't really get how online friendships work kek
No. 596685
>>596615>there's plenty more men like him on the market who've not been married beforeBut are they actually marriage material though? In my age range (27-32) I feel like most good guys have been married at least once. What's leftover are divorcees who entered a relationship while too immature/young, or non-marriage material dudes who are either a mix of butt ugly, broke, non-committal, or too dickish to keep a woman.
It's so rough.
No. 596726
>>596719>you live someplace with poor prospects The opposite.
The area is an IT boomfield though. And as a result I think there are so many men influxing here that they think they can be players and field their options. Lots of cheaters and men suddenly making more money than they've ever had.
Fun fact: A sizable demographic from the subreddit for female dating strategy is women in my area.
No. 596742
>>596726>ITanon those
are poor prospects
No. 596811
>>596694I've almost never had people randomly approach me online
>>596683Guess I am a shut in then
No. 596903
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Could this be a decent OP picture for the next thread?
No. 596911
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>>596903shit pic for filthy weebs, use this one instead
No. 596913
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>>596911>>596903this one could work too idk
No. 596960
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>>596956alright then here I googled a NICE anime girl for you
No. 597185
>>596726Jesus christ, this is so obviously Silicon Valley. A lot of FDS women are from California but I always attributed that to the fact that California has a lot of people population wise.
Excuse the burgerfag but are any farmers in metro cities of the south or DC area that have experience with men in those areas? Currently looking into grad school in my metro area southern city but I likely plan to settle down in DC by my mid 20s. Not dating atm or going to bother with online dating, I plan on trying to meet men organically through my hobbies and mutual connections if that helps.
No. 597191
>>597186What's your career path? And DC is horrible for women because there are way more women then men there lmao.
Also I love how you are so optimistic that you will magically make so many bffs lmao
No. 597199
>>597191Research in public policy. And you’re right about the bffs thing but I’m trying to be somewhat optimistic about that strategy rather than wasting time with the shitshow that’s OLD as a straight woman. But you said that women far outnumber the men there so maybe there’s a better chance to befriend women hahahah.
Anyway I’m against OLD because I find that even the most attractive men have some character flaw. All of the women that I know who spent hours per week devoted to finding a man on OLD always end up with partners that they met irl.
No. 597398
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As a North American anon, can a Euro anon please explain to me why Roma people are so hated throughout the entire continent? Do you guys have any personal experiences to share? Just interested in the nuances. From my perspective, it seems like they are pretty trashy, but I’ve never seen any Roma in real life.
No. 597482
>>597398Like others said, many don't work some even steal, they simply don't integrate despite having lived in certain places for generations already, which is weird, because why? It's not like they have a religion or anything that forbids them from assimilating to us.
My neighbor is Roma and is completely normal. An old classmates of mine however is not. Starting from when she was 15 she had to wear skirts that cover her knees and while I haven't even finished uni, her kids (she has minimum 3 now) are already old enough to start school soon. Both of them are from the same family/"clan" (or however you call that), yet many of them still live so old fashioned. My mom's coworker (they work at a school) is also Roma and told her that at home she definitely feels like she's worth less than men - meanwhile in public all Roma women in my town are the exact opposite of submissive. In that family it's not too bad, but elsewhere are also cases of child marriage still happening. I guess people dislike them for similar reasons they dislike muslims.
No. 597484
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>>597398we have them in north america too anon
No. 597491
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>>597484The ones in Europe are
slightly different lol
No. 597494
>>597484This is a trashy opinion, but I kind of like the dress in the middle.
It reminds me of magical girl designs in anime, hime gyaru fashion and super-pink/girly y2k aesthetics.
No. 597538
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>>597486Anon, I love you so much. I just updated my samsung browser and tried lolcow here and it's working like a fucking dream. So smooth. Thank you so much!
No. 597546
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>>597398We've had them in our country for hundreds of years, yet they still haven't integrated. They only stay in their own communities and continue to hold on to outdated or harmful part of their culture, like not valuing education, strict gender roles, parents having unhealthy relationships with their kids, violence and abuse… I'd really like to believe that all the bad stuff people say about them are just stereotypes and myths, but it's hard when I see that stuff with my own eyes. A lot of them really do carry knives around and get into a lot of fights, I've even seen a few waving around machetes. During my internship at a record store I was told to keep an eye on them because they've been caught stealing on multiple occasions, and just last weekend in a grocery store I saw a couple of Roma women get caught for trying to steal something. A while ago I read an interview where a Roma woman said that as a kid she witnessed her family members threatening to beat up her sister if she didn't wear the traditional dress (pic), and they also got furious at her when she was just 11-years-old for daring to go out in a T-shirt, because she was being "indecent".
There are a lot of good people in those communities, of course. But some of them try really hard to just sweep all the negative parts of their culture under the rug and not acknowledge any of the child abuse, domestic violence, gender inequality and other issues.
No. 597556
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what are some perfumes that smell like Japanese cherry blossom strawberry kiss from the body shop that is more long-lasting? I really like the smell but I hate how it only lasts a few seconds
No. 597574
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How many articles of clothing should I try to realistically limit myself to buying each year? So far I've bought 23 articles of clothing, and want to limit myself. Next year should be easier since I don't have to buy any swimwear or that many clothes for the summer
No. 597582
>>597563it's the same people hate asian immigrants in america, or latin americans
if anything, that type of shit is imported from Europe to here and given to the Native Americans, Blacks, Mexicans, German-speaking Mexican Mennonites outcast by Catholic Mexicans complaining about the wall
hate for different folks who refuse to conform and people refusing to reform because of hate is an ugly part of the human condition we can only ever treat and cure down to a liveable condition
No. 597597
>>597584How are they suppose to bath if according to you they live in vans?
Maybe you just have issue with below poverty line people, not muslims.
No. 597602
>>597597They do it out of choice though. Don't lump people who are legit
victims of racism (not talking about muslims since that's not a race but other anons made other comparisons) and who suffer from poverty with them, it's straight up insulting.
No. 597814
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>read some wiki on Projared
>people in the comments section defending him
I don't get it, why the fuck do people still defend him??
No. 597846
>>597515this smacks of yankie doodle posting. How do you integrate people that refuse to be part of society? Their entire culture is built around being untrusting of outsiders and moving around a lot. Black and latino communities don't refuse to interact with other people. They don't live with 50 other people and then up and move suddenly without notice every few months/years. If I own land I'm not likely to drive up one day and see 20 black people now have decided they live there overnight and there's nothing I can do to remove them from my land because of their protected status. No not all of them move around anymore but then they just settle into places and trash them longterm.
On top of that Roma culture is hostile as fuck towards women. They drive their teen girls out to big meetings where the boys essentially decide what one they want. They're taken out of school at 13 and are expected to have children and be married by 16. These girls have no outside contact and are completely insulated. Do you think the Roma males keep this thinking to Roma females? No. They harass young girls. It's part of their culture so good luck changing it.
The idea that Roma don't commit a bunch of crime is bullshit and even backed up by left wing rags. They steal A LOT. I don't think Americans understand how much. Again this is part of thir culture. They will tell you that themselves. No. 597869
>>597857Not if it's properly sourced.
It's an encyclopedia, it doesn't take into account personal wishes, only the veracity of information.
No. 597891
>>597890If you add to that those things:
- a supportive family who cares about them to a point they'd babysit their ass even when they are a midaged adult, would do everything for and instead of them
-were highly spoiled during childhood to a point where they cannot not be a center of attention
Then yes.
No. 597899
>>597890Everyone has the "right" to be depressed. Some people who had average/good childhoods become depressed adults because they work at a job they hate, or live in a place they hate or just feel lonely.
However, you might just be experiencing prolonged sadness too. I always think that most depressed people are average? Like they dont have trauma but they dont have things that make them happy either. Some people are happy or anxious all the time for no reason, and some are sad for no reason. It's an average state of being imo.
No. 597900
>>597890Everyone has an unalienable right to be miserable.
They don't however get the right to be coddled for it.
No. 597907
>>597900EXACTLY. Depression is hard, but it's common. A lot of people experience it.
Something i really hate that some depressed people do is them acting like they're so different from everyone else, the 'u dont get it :$' mentality. They assume you must have gone through 0 trauma and that what they experience is so much worse all the time.
You have every right to experience depression, talk to your friends about it, get help. But if you constantly whine and act like your depression makes you unique/different, people won't sympatize with you.
Sorry if this came out harsh depressed anons. I just did these mistakes early on in my depression and it definitely makes you more miserable. Oversharing or defining yourself by your depression does not help. And it's so common with depressed-chans.
No. 597910
>>597890interesting question anon. the root of it all is that we forget to teach our children gratitude. we just expect them to realize how good they have it without any context. gone are the days of telling your little autist there are children starving in molvania when they refuse to eat the food on their plate. there's a greater issue of parents these days being a bit more neglectful, almost like we expect the kids to raise themselves. if you don't realize how good you have it you can't remind yourself to be happy, because you don't know it could be a lot worse. and when you've actually lived and experienced "a lot worse" you have even more gratitude for the mundane things in life.
>>597886i say give it a try. i think these types of things work on some people and not on others, and that it's deeper than just muh placebo effect.
No. 597923
>>597890If you deprive a baby monkey of love, it will die or grow up scared and self harming, even if all other needs are met and they have it good.
Same with people
No. 597938
>>597890No? They can have bad things happen to them later in life and can be depressed because of them.
Also, I'll add that everyone is entitled to their feelings, no matter if they're objectively right or not.
No. 597943
>>597886I am actually trying a subliminal I made for my nose right now. I haven't been able to get visible results from any but i really think that's cause I'm not consistent.
I think the most important thing is to just have belief, consistency and to not stress about results.
No. 598060
>>598051samefag, they also always escape the law because the police are afraid of their clans, ie if you mess with one of them their whole clan is gonna beat you to a pulp at the very least. 9 out of 10 times i get assaulted/catcalled by a man it's a gypsy man. They teach their kids to steal and be violent from a very young age. Little kids beg on the street and use puppies to seem more pitiful, yet they break the puppies legs so it won't run away. Gypsy women sometimes drug their babies while begging so they keep quiet. They have their own neighborhoods they take over and destroy, and everyone knows not to pass through them cause they will be stolen from/beaten.
Everyone knows they're people just like everyone else, and no one has an issue with the integrated ones, in fact a lot of our top celebrities are roma/of roma descent. But the bad ones outweigh the good
No. 598160
>>598060do the clans have same kind of "avoiding responsibility" as here, meaning that if some families have beef with each other then everyone in that family/clan must avoid the other and have to move to different town so that they can avoid each other, because if they meet that might escalate into huge fights and the men trying to kill each other in the worst case
i have had romani friends, but they just have lot of weird cultural things. for example one girl i knew smoked cigarettes but she had to be very careful about it so that other romani didn't see her doing it or she could get in trouble, the women seemed to have very limited lives.
No. 598190
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i painted a scene on a piece of plastic, but in my tardness i painted it upside-down. is there a way to peel it off in one piece so i don't have to redo it? i used acrylic paint. pic related
No. 598198
>>598190What are you painting it on?
If it's acrylic paint it's not going to peel off unless you used a peel off base coat. You can gently scrape it off and use rubbing alcohol or something to clean it and start over.
No. 598201
>>598160yes. clans fight eachother with machetes and baseball bats, some even have guns
No. 598217
>>598198it's a cover for something in my friend's camper. i didn't use a peel-off base coat, just a few layers of white acrylic paint.
that's what i thought, fml
No. 598222
>>598201Hah, I had a hunch that you'd be close. I'm from Hungary. Greetings, neighbour.
Our roma situation is literally the same as yours, btw
No. 598224
>>598219There is but I think those kind of treatments are only really available in Africa and India.
Either way, there are so many possible health complications you can get and bleaching never really looks natural. it's really not worth it. I would recommend a chemical peel for even skin tone and daily exfoliating if you're not already doing those.
No. 598240
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>>598224Case in point. Sammy Sosa. He looks like he's dying.
No. 598271
>>597846Sounds like a stupid woke bitch who defends sexism and violence towards women cuz 'my culture.'
The Roma are trash. sexist and thieves. I always feel for those women, the same way i feel for muslim women who cant get out of their shitty religions without risking death
No. 598324
>>597846>>598051I'm a Eurofag who's been living in the States since my late teens so I have perspective on both. Have you ever thought about WHY Romas constantly have to move around and why there's so much crime in their communities? And do you think Roma women deserve to be subject to misogyny? Do you not think they would like that to change, or do you think they deserve/desire it? Remember that it was only very recently that it became legal for white American and European women to divorce their husbands, vote, get a bank account, report rape and be taken seriously etc. We're not as far removed from cultural misogyny as you'd like to think, all that stuff used to be part of our "culture" as well.
Anyways, just replace your rant with Black or Latino people and you'll realize how ridiculous you sound. Yes they do all have the exact same problems, minus the forced migration. It's a leftover effect from hundreds of years of being treated as a subhuman species and forced into poverty through redlining and other segregationist tactics. Minorities in America have it slightly better because white Americans overall are not as violently prejudiced towards other races and insistent on denying the very existence of racism like white Europeans. Only like half of Americans do that whereas in Europe it's more like 90%. You lot keep pretending all your problems are because Romas, Blacks, Arabs, etc. a all inferior races who are just naturally inclined to steal and stab people and forms gangs and treat women badly, and everyone who disagrees with you is a clueless yank. Unfortunately I can't give you a cookie for critical thinking, even though you're a fellow paprika-chan.
No. 598617
>>597398Because they
>steal>are loud and obnoxious>refuse to be a part of society>take their kids out of school>have their culture revolve around violence and power relations>have extremely misogynist views>steal so much, it's ridiculous I just need to emphasize it>don't follow shared rules at all and constantly do small annoying shit like park in disabled spaces and queue cutting, are rude to staff members at facilities and so forth>have a retarded purity culture constantly shaming women for almost whatever they do which bars them from living a normal life>>597846Agree. Every person caping for Romas I have ever met has never actually seen how they are. Their culture is irredeemable and they can't integrate into the society until they do something about it themselves and that's just how it is.