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No. 573506
Let your stupidity run wild by asking stupid questions in this thread.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/563330 No. 573507
>>573424to reply to anon in the previous thread:
it's also illegal to not separate burnable and non-burnable trash in japan, but it's not enforced that much. especially not in big cities. i think fat people are just fat without having to pay fines, lmao.
No. 573535
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Does anyone else have a permanent retainer? I got one behind my bottom teeth and one side snapped off. The local dentist quoted $120 to glue it back on.. I'm poor as fuck right now. Anyway it's been more than ten years since they installed the retainer, so I'm wondering about what I should do. Take it off, get a removable retainer from the internet, get it bonded back??
No. 573537
>>573535I was told that the only reason I don't need a top retainer is because my bottom retainer is maintaining my bite, causing my top teeth to remain straight for almost 16 years now. If it was suddenly removed I was told that my teeth would move and they can't predict accurately how or how quickly. If I were in your position I would save it and have it reattached as soon as I could safely afford it, but I wouldn't worry about needing to do it ASAP. Maybe use the time you're saving up to get a few more quotes, especially from universities that offer student dentists at a discount. I wish you the best of luck!
>>573533Thank you!
No. 573582
>>573536I'm guessing bc they
killed off Joel in the first few hours. Also the lesbian stuff.
No. 573595
>>573584If you've already tried wiping off the excess product on the rim of the mascara tube and you still have spidery lashes, you could try taking a ziploc bag and kind of squishing 90% of the mascara off the brush while pulling the brush out. It's hard to describe but it works for me.
I use l'oreal double extend mascara, it's a tubing mascara that doesn't burn my eyes when I remove it like regular mascaras do, but it still gives me spidery lashes if I don't do the ziploc bag trick.
If you wipe most of the mascara off the brush then you will get a more natural effect, though.
No. 573598
>>573582>>573536Honestly has nothing to do with "lesbian stuff" it was just rife with bad writing and had a bad ending too.
Also men didn't think Abby was hot so that definitely played a part in the review bombing because there was a sex scene that was dumb.
No. 573602
>>573600. how did they respond to your confrontation? What would be your goal behind telling his band? (No matter what the goal is you have the right to tell them at the end of the day). Are you telling them because they're a big enough band that it might come out through other
victims and you want to prevent them from dealing with that publicity, or do you want them to kick him out?
No. 573635
>>573602>>573603I don’t know what my end goal would be in telling the band. I initially went to this person privately because I don’t want to cancel anyone or blow something up in a public sphere. They responded with what seemed like a sincere acknowledgement and apology, which was an initial relief, but I just have this awful lingering sense of responsibility, and can’t shake the feeling that if they were bold enough to assault me there’s likely other folks out there who they’ve abused, and they could still be doing it. I guess with their band having previously kicked out a perv I now view them as possible allies to keep an eye out for future transgressions…
It’s also complicated by the fact that the person in question identified as a cis dude at the time of the incident and is now a trans woman. I feel like that’s fuelling a lot of my apprehension about speaking out.
No. 573647
>>573643Just base it off how you want to be treated. If they're crossing a boundary that makes you feel like utter shit, do not let them do it. If they're crossing a boundary that you don't feel strongly about you can "be the bigger person" and let them have that. Maturity isn't about thinking of people as toddlers therefore letting them do
abusive shit. They are, in fact, not toddlers and can think for themselves quite well. Maturity is gonna be in how you handle the situation (calmly) and how well you can draw your boundaries.
A mature person does not let people walk all over them, don't do this to yourself!
No. 573658
>>573652they kicked out an
abusive transwoman lmfao
No. 573664
>>573658Ah right, no this situation is that they kicked out a dude and replaced him with a trans woman, who assaulted me years ago when she/they identified as a cis dude and weren’t in the band.
It’s part of the reason I hadn’t acted on it sooner - I’d searched for them a couple of times over the years under their old name and nothing came up. I’d largely repressed the memory of it until I stumbled across a photo of this band online recently, recognised the perpetrator and messaged them privately on their own account (they acknowledged my description of what had happened and apologised)… now more recently I learned the context of how they joined this band and wonder if I should disclose to the band too. It’s pretty convoluted, sorry. Overall I don’t want to do anything public because I’m anxious about it and I don’t want to cause a public pile-on / cancellation.
No. 573670
>>573665they are big and vaccinated (I hope). Unless one or both of them are
abusive there's nothing wrong with it in theory
No. 573673
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Are Americans really that exited about having lidl in their country? No. 573680
>>573673I'm just as annoyed by the smug Euros acting bewildered over this one (1) tiktok. Don't act like there's not tons of "omg my first time in Target/Whole Foods/Etc!!!" vlogs from Europeans and Australians on youtube
Also, the person who made that tiktok is probably some teen from bumfuck Kentucky who has never seen an Aldi or anything nicer or more exotic than a low-tier Walmart.
No. 573682
>>573665potentially, but i'm a manhating womanchild so you may want to take that with a pinch of salt.
>>573673american grocery stores sound like the ninth circle of hell, lidl is probably a nice change of pace. Who wouldn't get exited about pastries that cheap?
>>573677does aldi have instore bakeries in germany? lidl have better fresh produce where I live but I imagine that changes from country to country. Aldi is superior in every other way though.
>>573680I think it's pretty wholesome.
No. 573695
>>573665It's not 'weird' because every guy wants a younger woman and most girls pretend they like older men, but good luck in nother 10 years when he wants to upgrade to a new girl in her 20s.
Think twice about throwing your future self and other women his age under the bus, do you really want to be with a man who thinks you hit the wall at x age while he ages like fine wine?
No. 573718
>>573665Every young woman who fucks older men just makes life harder for women as a whole.
It sucks that old men can freely date 18-30 year olds for as long as they want but womens dating life is supposed to end at 30 and you cant date younger.
No. 573755
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Holy shit anons my mom just brought me like 4 gallons of milk. Apparently her church was handing them out…
I don’t drink milk (well except here). What can I use all this milk for before it all goes bad???
No. 573872
>>573867Personally, I don’t wear heels. I own like 2 or 3 pairs and they’re super cute and really elevate whatever I’m wearing to the next level, but whenever I look at them, all I can think is “how long am I going to be walking? what if I slip and fuck up my ankle? should I bring an extra pair of shoes?” Too many risk factors. Why wear heels when I can wear flats that are equally flattering
and I can wear them around town all day with no worry? I’ve only met one person in my life who wore heels every day at work, and this was when I was still working in retail!!! I never understood how she did it, and apparently lots of people would ask her why/how she could stand wearing heels everyday (ranged from 1-2 inch depending on the shoe, which isn’t much, but when you’re running around a store for 8+ hours…)
No. 573873
>>573867I almost never see girls in heels unless it's a night out. Flats are the norm, nobody would question a tall girl in them. If anything heels are way more attention grabbing.
I like small, chunky heels for daily wear though. I think they can be worn casually and they are often comfier than flat shoes, which can have really thin soles.
No. 573902
>>573867god i used to wear heels allll the time when i lived in a pretty flat and even city (lots of stairs though) but the city i currently live in made me trip twice and almost trip countless times, plus i have a weak ankles apparently?
you might wanna stop overthinking how people will see you (they don't think that much about your shoes… hell they might like it better if you don't wear heels as a tall girl bc idk insecurity?). just make sure you're not walking constantly in potholes + have ankles that can take a bending.
No. 573914
>>573867Worn them three times and am nearly thirty. Bad for your feet and spine and can’t run well if you needed to in them.
My MIL wears them frequently cause she’s just scraping five feet tall and prefers being taller than the average child.
Promise you this anon, nobody at all is thinking as much about anything you wear as you think about it. Not ew she’s tall, not ew she’s in flats and hates her tallness, not ew look at this slob in sneakers and not ew look at this tart in stilettos. Find shoes that feel good and look good to you. Doesn’t matter how flat or high.
No. 573947
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If I am cosplaying a tan character and I am very pale, should I just do it regardless of my skin color or should I use dark foundation? I don't want to come across as insensitive or be called out for blackface, the character isn't black though (I think she's supposed to be Spanish) but the people who call others out don't seem to care about this, they just care that you darkened your skin. I live in Europe and I have no online presence so I'm not scared of losing followers or anything, I just don't want people to think I'm a racist especially in light of recent events.
I could tan probably but the convention is in winter, so I might lose my tan and most of all I don't want to ruin my skin by tanning. What do you think I should do? I really like this character and I really want to make her costume.
No. 573980
>>573973It's a slang term for "anon". Anon -> Anonnie ->
Nonnie. I can't really remember where it originated from but it's usually used in a mocking or playful sense.
No. 573988
>>573987stop powertripping
>>573986it stands for pixy teri
No. 574173
>>574134I have them several times a year. Yes I cum. And the orgasm is even stronger than the ones I get from real sex or masturbation, despite the fact that nothing is touching me.
So funny you ask this because I actually had one two nights ago, where a guy was fucking me from behind, and it woke me up with my pussy pulsating so hard I thought it was going to prolapse.
No. 574197
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Does anyone know why the fuck my smoke alarms in my new house are so sensitive?
I'm taking a bath with a scented candle and alarms go off in multiple rooms.
I just wanna fuckin relax
No. 574209
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Anons have you ever dated a poor person before? How was it like? And to anons who didn't, what are your thoughts about it?
I think I'm starting to like a guy but he's pretty poor. He's educated and nice to talk to. Not gonna lie when we talk I feel like there's a gap that comes from our different backgrounds. Also it's crazy how sexually experienced he is while I'm still a virgin. I feel bad for thinking like this but it's not about receiving nice gifts or having nice dates I just don't want to struggle because of that in the future.
No. 574218
>>574209My bf grew up poor but is in college now and has decent career prospects. I don’t think I’d keep dating him if he didn’t want to go to college and was fine working a dead end job (eurofag obviously).
He’s got weird hangups about spending money sometimes but it’s ok cause we’re both broke anyway rn. (Just “student” broke, not “go to the foodbank” broke, that’s how he grew up.) I feel it’ll be weirder when we buy a house in the future. I don’t want kids so money is not super important.
His mom is super judgmental when I spend money on basically anything. Makes fun of name brand foods in the house, can’t believe we’d get appliances new instead of secondhand, that kind of stuff.
No. 574231
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>>574209A few times
It became exhausting and very restricting because I enjoyed going out to eat once a week and wanted to go to events but my partner prohibited that cause I'd have to pay for all of it on a student income.
In the long run don't expect to go travelling overseas together or "be comfortable" with buying personal high priced items cause it might cause underlying guilt.
I felt like my life was easier when I started dating someone who was financially stable with a decent job.
Dating a poor person in the short term for life experience, Yes.
Settling down with? No.
No. 574239
>>574209>Anons have you ever dated a poor person before?Multiple times when I was younger and dumber. The last straw being when I wasted a few years of my life trying to make things work with a lazy sponge during my mid 20s. Now in my late 20s, I realize I'm noticeably set back in both finding a decent partner who doesn't come with neuroses, and also financially because I have no savings from having been forced to live paycheck to paycheck because my partner could barely support himself. I have nothing to show for all the wonderful things I did for this unappreciative man.
>How was it like?Oh, dreadful. Even if you're not materialistic, a poor man's mentality will drive you berserk if not depressed. You know how when poor women get with rich men, they're generally grateful and go out of their way to kiss their asses? Like make sure their men like them even if they cannot be financially equal? Well it's not so for poor men! They have weird inferiority complexes and your financial status makes them bitter because they feel entitled to what you worked hard to earn. They feel obligation that they should be able to provide for you, yet they are either incapable or don't want to. These men grow highly resentful as a consequence. They start wanting to control how you spend
your money because they feel guilt and routine in not being able to spend any of theirs. If you are thoughtful and make plans or get them nice gifts for special occasions/'just because,' nine times out of ten they will never reciprocate that. Poor people in general are "grabby" and only the most self-aware learn how to genuinely share. I can't tell you the thousands of dollars I forked in an attempt to make my ex happy throughout the years, and yet I was expected to worship his feet for taking me out to a middling-expensive dinner on my birthday with no gift, no cake, and I had to always pick where–I was just supposed to be happy that he wasn't making me go dutch or cover him. I constantly had to hear him bitch about his money issues (which were all self-made but I was too soft to give him a dose of reality). He never wanted to improve, he just wanted someone else to come along, witness him, then give him good jobs like king shit because he was just himself. Which is super disgusting in hindsight because I worked my ass off and was only a couple of steps ahead of him. He just thought the world owed him something as a male from a rough background. My parents and I gave him multiple financial breaks so he could save to do the things he claimed he couldn't due to money (get a license, get a car, etc.) he'd always find a way to blow his savings on video games, booze, and junk.
One year my job was making me so sick from stress and anxiety so I reduced my hours. I caught him talking shit behind my back to his female friends on social media and them giving him advice that I needed to go get my ass medicated and back to work. Instead of questioning why he couldn't handle a rent payment alone. He also had a habit of exaggerating how hard and long he worked.
For the record: After we broke up of course I had a rebound relationship for a couple of months, but him? He shacked up as soon as he could with some older bitch from a bar down the way from where he worked. He took up the first female who would have him because he couldn't even live a year alone by himself. Which proves he was only with me because I let it continue and I was convenient, not because he truly loved or cared about me. On the night I had a breakdown because he once again was being a lazy ass after I came home from work to a wrecked apartment and him playing video games, he didn't even put up a fight to keep me or beg me to stay. He hung his head in silence, perhaps having the biggest 'oh shit' moment inside his head about where and who the fuck would have him now?
On the outside he was charming, a good friend to his mates, had a wonderful voice, and appeared 'educated' (he was a college dropout from my alma mater but my friends knew and endorsed him so I thought it was ok). Yet he was a terrible, selfish partner with no life ambition other than to let someone else hand him shit. The only positive thing I can say is that he didn't want to have kids–not because he hated kids because he was always willing to spoil his bitch sister's babies–but because they would've been an extra financial responsibility.
I took this asshole on a trip to Japan that I earned through my job, on an extremely limited budget btw, and he made me feel like shit the entire time about spending our pooled money EXCEPT when it came to shit he wanted to spend on. He wasn't willing to make my dream trip nice for me, talk about absolute hell although he keeps up a pretense that it was the best trip ever. Maybe for him, not for me. He didn't plan or research a god damn thing besides which famous bar he wanted to visit.
tl;dr Don't give a poor man a minute of your time, especially if he wouldn't fuck with you if you had nothing to offer.
Regarding your situation
>He's educated and nice to talk to. It's nice that you can have conversations but relationships are more than just that. What are his future plans, and are they realistic?
>Not gonna lie when we talk I feel like there's a gap that comes from our different backgrounds.It's real and not imaginary, this feeling will only get more uncomfortable.
>Also it's crazy how sexually experienced he isNah, fucking is free and poor people enjoy lots of sex for the fact. Trust me anon, he'll lose the ability to give you a good dicking by his 40s anyway.
>I just don't want to struggle because of that in the future.Unless he mans up and gets better for you, you will struggle and then have the insult to injury of never being treated to nice dates or gifts.
Choose wisely. Better to cry in a suite in Paris than cry in a filthy hovel.
No. 574280
When do anons prefer to shower and why? I swear I'm not a scrote or some filthy animal, I just really can't figure out what the best time to shower is. Everyone in the family besides me showers twice a day (I'll only shower twice on particularly nasty summer days). I don't have really dry skin, but I don't think two showers a day is really that great. I flip between once a day, to once every other day (pls no bully for "eww stinky" because I, weirdly enough, found out that I just don't really stink because I'm missing some genes or some shit for some sweat glands)
-Morning showers: No risking going into work with crazy, uncontrollable bedhead since I can wash my hair in the morning, start off the day feeling fresh and clean. But then if I don't shower the night before I feel like I'm bringing in dirt/grime into my bed/can be time consuming on days I have to wash my hair/multiple people showering makes me risk being late to work.
-Evening showers: Can shower whenever and no time crunch, not bringing in dirt and grime into bed. But then I feel not the cleanest, especially since I'll eat dinner after having washed my face in the shower (feels weird to not wash my face if I'm already in there) and then I feel unclean after eating despite brushing my teeth before bed lmao. Also risking bedhead.
-Night showers: Same as some cons above, plus I risk going to bed late if I wash my hair. I try to avoid blowdrying my already shitty thin as fuck hair. I feel like I'm at my cleanest going to bed though lol.
I feel like such a fucking autist about this. When I worked retail my schedule constantly changed so I adjusted when I would shower based on my ever changing schedule, but now that I work an office job with regular hours, I'm still trying to figure out what exactly is the best time to shower… I guess showering twice a day would solve my bedhead/cleanliness feeling issues but I'm adverse to putting on lotion frequently because it makes my skin feel sticky and waxy.
No. 574283
>>574280I morning shower, personally. I can't stand greasy bed hair. Since I'm home err day now I do it once every other day. Don't shower twice a day, anon, that's weird and wasteful. Your skin would get so dried out from constantly stripping away natural oils.
>ew bed germsThat's why you laundry your sheets ~every week and wear pajamas.
No. 574286
>>574280Depends on the context.
I have no need to shower in the summer so much as I have central air and I don't get sweaty unless I'm spending an ungodly amount of time outside. Of course I shower then, but for the most part I'm inside either at the apartment, store, or work all day. I'm not an insanely sweaty person to begin with and I don't exercise often.
I clean my bedsheets once a week and do my laundry as well.
I shower about once every other day, usually in the evening unless I'm going someplace and want to look extra done up. I still wash my face twice a day, and fix up my roots with dry shampoo if they look a little greasy.
My hair quality improved when I showered less obsessively and gave myself Olaplex shampoo treatments. I don't heat tool my hair hardly ever unless I want it straight, my hair is very curly at the ends. I take a shower in the early evening so it can dry enough by bedtime, unless I go out of my way to blow dry. In the morning I just wet my hair at the ends and apply some curl cream, and again touch the roots with dry shampoo if they didn't hold up so well. Sometimes I use a little dab of perfumed oil in my hair.
No one's ever disparaged me about my appearance, they usually say I smell nice. Sometimes I'm naughty and don't shower for two or three days. No one has noticed my bullshit so far.
No. 574288
>>574280I start work at 7am and wake up as late as possible with the bare minimum of time to get ready, so I always shower at night if I've got work the next day. That way I've got plenty of time to shave, wash my hair etc and I like being clean and comfy when I'm lying around relaxing of an evening. I don't expect to be particularly close to anyone at work so I'm not that fussed if I'm not pristine around them or don't look amazing. Anything goes on weekends, I'll always shower right before going out with friends or whatever, and I like having extra long showers on weekend mornings.
I'm a bit autistic about planning my hair washing though, I always want to time it correctly so that it's nice for when I'm doing things, but that I'm not washing it more than twice a week.
No. 574361
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>>574303I went to look something up a month or so ago and it was down. I forgot about it but I just looked it up and saw this
No. 574376
>>574218>>574231Thank you for your intakes anons. I feel like I should have posted this in the relationship advice thread. I'm actually posting there to see if I can get more insight.
>>574239Damn anon, glad you got rid of that guy. My worst fear is ending up with some lazy bum, that's why I'm hesitating so much. But I can say for sure my guy isn't passive, he worked his ass off to be the first person in his family to get into a prestigious university and he told me he wants to study a lot to become an automobile designer at Volkswagen or some big company. He dreams big and I can respect that. Maybe I'm being a little prejudiced because of his background and that our differences might bother me later and idk if his family'd like me either and not see me as an spoiled little girl. I'm actually ashamed of how hard he works compared to me.
No. 574407
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>>574060I remember I felt like that at 3 weeks pregnant
No. 574552
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If I've smoked weed 2x in the last 60 days, the last time being 2 weeks ago, can I still expect it to be in my urine? Normal bmi.
No. 574563
>>574492The weirdest part is that it literally came from a rapper, Lil B.
They can't come up with anything on their own.
No. 574568
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Is this offensive? And if so why? Someone got upset with me for sharing it on Facebook. I genuinely didn’t mean to upset anyone I just thought it was a funny breaking bad reference
No. 574577
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I remember seeing a music video on MTV (Germany) circa 2002. The video was of some dark-haired man walking naked along a desert highway or something. Full frontal nudity with a huge bush, as far as I recall. I think he might’ve been bleeding as well, some Jesus kinda shit. And then other naked people joined him and walked with him, I think?
I was 7 in 2002 so it kinda shook me because of the nudity. I’ve been trying to find out what song and music video it was since then but am still clueless. I just remember the video, I don’t remember the song at all. Does anyone have any idea what this could’ve been?
No. 574582
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>>574552Just chug some fruit pectin before peeing
No. 574592
>>574591real but exceedingly rare, individuals who have it most likely living quiet and reclusive lives not attentionwhoring on the internet
the rest are delusional with personality disorders
No. 574605
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>>574283I tell my parents this about them showering twice a day and my mom calls me gross? Even though I'm the only one who doesn't stink lol. Well whatever.
>>574286Thanks for answering anon!! Just wondering, when you shower in the evening, do you shower right before bed and also wash your face in the shower? Or shower in the evening, have some time/stuff to do before bed, and then wash your face? I feel so weird not washing my face if I'm already in there, but then I don't like the feeling of "dirtying" my face again if I eat dinner after showering or something lol.
>>574288Thanks anon! Wow I wish I could wash my hair as few times as you lol. My hair is so thin and pin straight, I have to wash it every other day or I start looking like Venus lmao. Dry shampoo is okay, but after the second day, there's no saving it besides just washing it.
No. 574641
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Anons who have had good relationships, had a good boyfriend, how did you meet him?
No. 574649
>>574641he was a mcdonalds employee who saw me falling down the stairs
this is the closest thing to a coffee shop au i will ever get
No. 574650
>>574641All of my past bfs have been lovely, and I always met them in unconventional ways when I wasn't really looking for a relationship..
>Met at a NMH concert (lol) where a mutual friend introduced us, chatted on fb and started visiting each other's cities to explore together>Met in university dorms; he saw me moving into my dorm and allegedly tried endless tricks to catch me in the hallways, eventually matched on tinder and he came bolting downstairs to hang out immediately >Found me on twitter through a friend-of-a-friend-etc situation, stalked all my social medias and asked me out via miitomo (after chatting on twitter)current bf
>Made a joke tinder account just to shitpost, guy's profile with stupid blurry photos and the bio "I email myself a lot" made me laugh so I asked him out to have tea, just moved in together last monthI guess what all of these have in common is that I went into it with a carefree attitude and made sure to thoroughly vet each guy as someone I'd want to be good friends with, first and foremost. My advice is to approach it as if you were genuinely interested in making a new male friend.
No. 574669
>>574641through a mutual friend. Funny story actually..
I wasn't that close to the mutual at the time, we always hung out with other people too, never alone together. Mutual had a big crush on me, which I didn't know about. His friend didn't know either, and within about 20 minutes of chatting with him, I knew how much I liked him, and so I kept in contact with him after that to build up our own connection. I ended up asking him out, he said yes, mutual got all salty about it, then he got REALLY salty about it when we didn't suddenly stop dating, and when our relationship became official, mutual ended up sending me this big message one day about how 'I never gave him a chance (he never made his feelings clear) and that he couldn't be around me anymore' kek I didn't have the heart to tell him that the trade of him for my now amazing bf was the best thing to ever happen to me.
to anyone here who's lonely: I had no idea when I woke up that day I'd be meeting a guy I'd end up falling in love with, so sometimes you just got to stay hopeful
No. 574673
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Why does there seem to be a thing about refusing to date Asian guys? I understand having a racial preference but the way some white women talk about refusing to date Asian guys seem a little bit racist.Is this some weird American thing? Asian guys don't look particularly ugly imo and I'm not even a K-popfag. Is it how media portrays Asian men that causes people to have the subconscious preconceived notion that asian men are ugly, even if they're aren't?
>Inb4 male
I'm not male. I just don't understand why people hate Asian men, as a minority, for seemingly no reason
No. 574675
>>574673>wanting to date men from an extremely homophobic, misogynistic culture that also requires you to take care of his aging passive aggressive parents for the rest of your life and 100% have kidsi wonder…
seriously though, i extremely lucked out. most asian parents, even immigrants are super traditional.
No. 574683
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>>574673Who told you that? White women have no qualms fucking asian Chads. Those who don't only had nerdy kids at school as point of reference.
Look at Junskitchen, he's classic femme-ish asian and swarmed with wet white women pantsu.
No. 574709
>>574670I used to use mediderm and any cream with high hemp percentage.
Have you tried black seed oil? It cured my eczema, maybe it will work for you too.
No. 574712
>>574699No but you'll probably get called racist.
I am very against unaccompanied male refugees but fine with women, children, families etc. I'm sure that's "racist" according to woke people. I just hate men, a lot of woke seen to think POC men are somehow better than white men but they're not at all.
No. 574719
>>574673The only time I heard someone say they didn't like asian dudes it was from a chinese girl who was constantly complaining about yellow fever from white dudes (who weren't even looking her direction)
literally a dude stood next to her in line and she thought he was cute and I asked why she didn't talk to him and her response was "I didn't want him to think I was just some asian girl and have him think I'm submissive"
Honestly, if it comes from asian people, it has to have a level of self hate
I could see people not liking asians due to the media, but asians, male, female, other, are all pretty hot IMO
No. 574761
>>574741IIRC, that imagine is a combination of thousands if not tens of thousands of pictures of asian dudes from a country
so it's like, how the average asian dude looks in that specific area/country
No. 574770
>>574591ty anons
would it be retarded to link a blog i've been reading to see what people think? i don't think i'd call them a cow, though they've been an odd interest of mine for a while now
No. 574783
>>574743thank you anon. I know logically you're right, so it was good to hear this from a third party.
>>574770I would be interested personally tbh
No. 574836
>>574663uuh… it's obvious i wasn't talking about the origin of the term, which is irrelevant, but of its usage.
4chan types clearly took it for themselves and now it's clearly associated with them. like apricot doesn't seem like an arabic word anymore even though it is.
based is part of alt right autism speech, sorry about your rapper
No. 574843
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>>574809there's a self-administered nasal swab that isn't as deep as the nasopharyngeal swab
No. 574919
>>574906can't remember the shoe situation well but it'd all depend on the frequency and such. i could never be with a reply guy or anyone who at least frequently replies to all kinds of "lewd" models. if the guy is following 25 different titty streamers and costhots that's also a no-no.
but here's the catch, i follow sexy models on instagram. i look at the tits, drop a like if the picture is good and keep it pushing. no simping, no trying to get likes in the comments. i expect my man to do the same, which is not a high bar honestly. ain't nothing wrong with looking.
No. 574948
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Is there a difference between L'Occitane's shea butter and other pure shea butters that you can get off of like Amazon or some shit? I only use L'Occitane's because I would get it as gifts from my family and shit lasts for a long time, but I'm running out and want to replace it but am balking at the price tag lol. Does L'Occitane actually do anything to their shea butter or is it just brand name making it so expensive?
No. 574983
>>574946not necessarily. two people can be in a relationship, be attracted to each other and be satisfied with what they have, even if they see hot people on pornhub or twitter. it's more complex than looking at your partner and thinking about all the models with huge tits and tiny waists or the actors who are 6'7 with abs, wishing you were with them and not with a dumpy normal person.
it's pretty much case by case. if you see a hot woman on your man's ig feed and he immediately says "hot, right?" but never compliments you, that's an issue. if he's dating you but half of his online time is scrolling through e-girl picures and going on pornhub, that's an issue. if your man says "(insert model) got a boob job and looked like you before, maybe you should too", that's an issue.
>>574971liking pictures (especially on instagram in 2020) is the most mindless activity, and almost every app is made so that it's quick and easy. many people can't even justify why they like all the posts on their feed.
i don't think you want to date speds, so i don't understand the "secretly hoping for attention" thing. no one follows the hottest models out there with 50k+ followers hoping for attention through /likes/.
No. 574994
>>574983>no one follows the hottest models out there with 50k+ followers hoping for attention through /likes/.Some guys do though, especially with less popular camgirls who have less than 50k-ish followers. They comment incessantly hoping to get replies or likes.
A coworker added me on instagram and I saw he was following almost 2k (!) people, which turned out to be hordes of "add my premium snap" thirst traps. It's desperate and trashy, particularly when you have it associated with your account you use for family/friends.
It takes very little effort to not like a bunch of thirst traps, and even less to follow their accounts. There's a certain point where they're definitely doing it mindfully. Anyone who does that doesn't care how embarrassing they look.
No. 575005
>>574994oh man i saw some guy's grandpa's instagram and he only followed escorts/porn actresses/models…embarrassing
imo the simple fact that a guy would be liking and following under 10 sexy women on instagram feels like it's none of my business, since i'd have to go digging to find that information. but it's different on twitter or facebook. those platforms will show everyone the posts you liked; if your grandma or normie IRLs follow you on said platforms, try to make 0 of those liked posts tits or straight up porn, lmao.
guy from my hs liked porn on facebook for months before someone eventually told him we could see everything…he was an anime weeb who liked harem anime, not surprising.
>>575003there will always be people who think you're weird for doing anything. i've met countless people who love exchanging cute animal content with their loved ones! once me and my bf sat in front of youtube for 2 hours just watching animal videos.
No. 575048
>>575037Not even on discord?
I kinda want to join discord but I've been thinking the same, it's like 21 is the age limit for using the internet (the way we do).
No. 575061
>>575037I'm younger, but assume that is the case. Older people in niche subcultures probably have acquired a close group of friends. Or don't invest time meeting new people, are cool being loners, or maybe just find online spaces unfulfilling.
No. 575100
>>575064NTA but
>I’m younger, we have less control over our lives and are less matureYeah you do so sound like an immature little shit.
No. 575229
>>575197>As I've got older I've gained more responsibilities and found new hobbies that take up my timeOldfag here. This is basically true. You also realize how
toxic imageboards can be in general. Tbh I'm only posting on here regularly again because I lost my job due to COVID and haven't been able to find another. Also I hate myself.
No. 575354
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what's it like getting a car financed? I just got a good paying job this week, but I don't start til Monday… want to get a car ASAP but I think I'll get rejected if I don't have payslips to show them??????
No. 575362
>>575358You want to go into debt just to avoid getting asked an innocuous question?
How do we not have a thread on you yet?
No. 575374
>>575372Going to hope this isn't bait but why not just call them that rather than needing a short catchy slur?
All the race specific words I can think of either have added racist or misogynistic connotations so it's just perpetuating hate so I would't recommend them. Even 'race betrayer' just brings to mind self entitled incels. Bootlicker is generic but fits many situations
No. 575439
>>575372For black people specifically, I've heard Uncle Tom and
The second one has multiple meanings but in this case it's "A black person who is ignorant to white discrimination and unknowingly suffers with self hatred." (from urban dictionary)
I don't know about PoC in general but I've heard people just say call them a pickme.
No. 575451
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>>575439>>575449Thanks anons. As much as I think this kind of behaviour is a pain, all those terms sound freaking awful, like the equivalent of unironically calling other women whores/sluts/bitches like scrotes.
No. 575481
>>574686>>574569native here. two spirit identities are definitely not new, although due to Tumblr and increasing gender discourse making them more well-known, there has definitely been some historical revisionism when discussed online, specifically by white liberals.
as the previous poster noted, not all tribes held two-spirit identities to the same regard, as there are social variations in how each tribe viewed gender or sex variations, misogyny, homophobia, etc.
from what I know for the most part though, a lot of tribes did respect two-spirit identities and held them in either a high regard or as an entire separate category of being separate from male or female. No. 575494
>>575482From wikipedia:
"Liberal feminism is an individualistic form of feminist theory, which focuses on women's ability to maintain their equality through their own actions and choices. Liberal feminists argue that society holds the false belief that women are, by nature, less intellectually and physically capable than men; thus it tends to discriminate against women in the academy, the forum, and the marketplace. Liberal feminists believe that "female subordination is rooted in a set of customary and legal constraints that blocks women's entrance to and success in the so-called public world". They strive for sexual equality via political and legal reform."
"Radical feminism is a perspective within feminism that calls for a radical reordering of society in which male supremacy is eliminated in all social and economic contexts. Radical feminists view society as fundamentally a patriarchy in which men dominate and oppress women. Radical feminists seek to abolish the patriarchy in order to "liberate everyone from an unjust society by challenging existing social norms and institutions."
So radical feminism is supposed to be class based like marxism.
No. 575522
>>575501Yeah I have a huge problem with listening to new music and it sucks because I love music and it's a huge interest of mine so it's kind of an insane contradiction. I have a shit attention span and I get impatient, a lot of music just isn't good/doesn't resonate so it's hard to wade through the boring when I already have music I know I like. I have a terrible habit of skipping around in songs to listen to 1 sec snippets to see if there's a good part lmfao. Retarded adhdfag shit.
I also tend to avoid it because it makes me feel bad about myself compared to other people who listen to new stuff regularly and have a lot more knowledge of the genres I'm interested in than I do - I feel like I'll never measure up or be able to talk about music in a confident and authoritative way even though I have a lot of takes on it.
No. 575531
>>575522Ayrt and holy shit, you have literally put into words everything I feel about new music. When I'm painfully trying to listen to a new track I keep skipping around to find a good part and only if I find a good part will I listen to the whole song without exiting. And I see people raving about a genre which I just cannot get into because I cannot listen to new music and I feel left out.
>>575503Same anon, I've only found out new music when I'm not specifically looking to hear new songs, like in someones intro or in a speedpaint or something. I found out about the song which went something like 'if the world was ending you'd come over right?' through a video by simplykenna lol.
No. 575557
>>575556I don't know why it didn't occur to me to bury them. I think I will do that.
Thank you.
No. 575567
>>575566Yeah, I had my own bowl I used for him. I'll leave some out tonight. <3
>>575558Haha, thanks. That makes me feel a lot better.
No. 575614
>>575607I believe that the remainder of straight girls with masculine interests or styles that are comfortable with themselves without turning into "uwu gay transmen" or they/thems prefer the respect of being referred to as tomboys rather than terms that might refer to them being being a into women when they're perfectly comfortable with being straight.
That's just my general assumption through, feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.
No. 575684
>>575607depends on circumstances but you can use gender nonconforming or GNC as well
pretty sure butch and stud are lesbian terms
No. 575717
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do any anons know an artist that sells cute stickers?
No. 575750
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>>575717IllustrateChrissy on etsy! don't really buy merch, but I still browse places like etsy b/c I like to look at products made by artists.
She's one of the few Etsy sellers that sells AC sticker sheets as opposed to single stickers. I think that they're a good deal for an artist seller. Her style isn't flashy or "stylized", but it's a simple, cute, and on-model sort of technique.
The Animal Crossing stickers she sells are the most popular, but she also has a TON of stickers sheets for different dog breeds, and a few Pokemon starter sheets.
I know about her b/c she was an upperclassmen at the art school I went to, and I ended up following her on Insta.
No. 575911
>>575902For flash tatts they usually have a binder that you can flip through.
Might vary depending on where you live but ime shops that have lots of open walk-in slots sometimes aren't the best. If you need to book a session in advance and wait a while.. chances are they do good work.
No. 575997
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How do I know if I'm a 'prude'? (Or is 'prude' just a way for men to control the sexuality of women?)
No. 576005
>>575988What country do you live in, and if you don't have free Healthcare v do you have money? This question gets asked fairly regularly but the answer is really tied into how health-care works in your country, but also medication really affects people differently so try to be realistic about what you're expecting from meds.
I recommend searching through threads on r/adhdwomen too
No. 576007
>>575988You probs have ADD more than ADHD. Just lie about it anon, say you didn’t act out but did mediocre in school, psychiatrists aren’t gonna check your report cards. Tell them if you experience insomnia, caffeine addiction, constant forgetfulness and poor time management. Extra points if you show up to the appointment late and talk over the them lol
It sucks that girls get ignored for not acting like absolute retards, left to just self-sabotage in silence. Lie if it’s gonna get you the help you need.
No. 576008
>>575997I was always told a prude is someone who goes around judging anyone who has sex outside of marriage, that's what it means to me.
Men have basically warped it into, oh you don't love anal? you prude!
No. 576011
>>576008the term is also used a lot around here to shame virgins.
No. 576013
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I never got the opportunity to watch sailor moon or revolutionary girl Utena as a kid. I remember reading the Salor moon manga when I was younger and ended up dropping it in a few volumes since I disliked that it didn't give the characters any personality or interactions between characters ,aside from their introductory volume. Should I watch Sailor moon and/or revolutionary girl Utena?
The main reason why I'm hesitant to watch them is because I wonder whether or not the hype surrounding them is only due to nostalgia,especially with sailor moon. I'd prefer to hear the opinions of people who didn't watch sailor moon or Utena as kids
No. 576015
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Since Welcome to the NHK, Fooly Cooly and Good night are the most impactful for aimless teenage/young adult boys, what shows/movies/manga/comics would be the female-equivalent for aimless teenage/young adult girls?
No. 576016
>>576013You should absolutely watch Utena. It's not comparable to Sailor Moon, and it's NOT a kids show, I'm surprised you have that impression. Expect something more like Evangelion, in the sense that it has very adult themes and takes a more analytic viewing to understand fully. It's an incredible series, in any case.
Sailor Moon is monster of the week for the most part. It's fun and has a cute aesthetic but can't hold my attention the way it did when I was a child.
No. 576017
>>576005US, and I currently have good insurance. And I hear you but like I said I've done a lot of research and I've taken ADHD meds before so I understand they're hardly a silver bullet.
>>576007ADD and ADHD aren't considered separate diagnoses anymore, it's just ADHD with subtypes. And actually, even with adults, my psych did ask for standardized test scores from childhood and any other things like that if I still had them. Plus they could easily ask for my college academic record which is also good. School performance is the only thing I can't lie about really because there's ample concrete evidence I did well. The thing is I don't need to lie, I just am very bad at explaining and advocating for myself and my psych overfocused on school and "you're just depressed take SSRIs and then talk to me"
No. 576041
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>>576015A more recent anime which was gorgeous and impactful for me that doesn't get enough attention is Michiko and Hatchin. A quick wiki plot outline
In a fictional South American country of Diamandra, the criminal Michiko Malandro escapes from prison and kidnaps her former lover's daughter Hana Morenos, whom she nicknames "Hatchin", saving her from her abusive foster parents in the process. The two are about as opposite as they come, but their fates become intertwined through the connection of Hiroshi Morenos, Hatchin's father. On the run from the police and Hatchin's abusive foster family, the unlikely duo set out to find Hiroshi and ultimately discover their freedom. No. 576046
>>576013In all fairness I never liked the Sailor Moon manga. It's mostly just a self-indulgent shoujo with the author's self insert (Usagi). The anime took a very different approach and that's why I actually feel like it's noticeably superior to the manga. The storytelling is better and the characters are written to be way more interesting with more distinct personalities.
>>576039I discovered Sailor Moon when I was around 12 so I'm biased and this was like 20 years ago so not a lot of magical girl stuff existed back then. Sailor Moon was definitely the precursor for all magical girl series to come after it so it has to be appreciated for that feat alone. However the main appeal comes from the girls all having enjoyable personalities you could relate to. They had a lesbian couple during a time it was absolutely not common in any way. They had flashy costumes and attack/transformation scenes, something that became a cornerstone of all the magical girl stuff today. Not to mention the iconic cinematography with all the pastel cityscape aesthetics and abstract imagery. Shitting on it just because of "annoying crying voice" feels more than unfair to the series that created a whole genre.
No. 576058
>>576054Gomen nasai for asking my stupid question in the stupid questions thread, Ma'am
>>576055Thank you I appreciate your efforts very much
No. 576078
>>576046Mentioning a specific thing that I personally didn't like about it isn't the same thing as shitting on it. Anon was asking for opinions, after all, and particularly ones from people who first saw it as adults. I can appreciate what you say about the groundbreaking nature of Sailor Moon, but separate from that, I still don't think that it's very good or interesting. I did like the theme songs though.
Anyway, relax. We don't all have to like the same things.
No. 576114
>>576106one word, thousand meanings:
No. 576118
>>576115Hi, I appreciate feet and am a woman.
Funnily enough I recently denied having one to this guy I'm talking with (though him asking at random made me think he also has one). Too early for that, just in case.
Anyway, other women in /g/ have posted about it before iirc.
No. 576124
>>576058damn right you should be gomen about it
I feel bad now for calling you stupid now I'm a shit bully kek good luck with your weightloss, I tried the version of the app with the girl character myself and her bitching made me laugh but also please be careful not to internalize that negativity too much
No. 576206
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>>576115I do. I haven't told my boyfriend yet but his feet make me excited. They're callused but not hairy as fuck, and he recently got an intense sandal tanline from hiking in the woods nearly everyday.
>Mfw watching him go barefoot to pick mulberries off a tree for me No. 576229
>>576213It's horrible, isn't it? One time I was talking about voices with a friend and I said I was happy that I had a lower voice and she just said "you think your voice is low?" and laughed at me and that moment has stayed with me forever.
I want to be commanding and respected, but I'm nasal and whiney.
No. 576294
>>576277I have 7 'good' tshirt bras, one for every day of the week. Then some 'special' ones (backless, strapless, for low necklines, skin-coloured) for certain clothing. And then a bunch I've collected over the years and don't wear anymore, but still keep just in case like
>>576277 said.
But really I think the acceptable amount of bras to have is any amount that will let you wear good-fitting, clean bras everyday.
No. 576310
>>576059Don’t feel guilty. If something that serious happened so close to you & it’s
triggering your anxiety, you should definitely talk to someone about it.
No. 576312
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>>576066Waterloo is pretty good. Also not sure what grocery stores you have where you live, but Whole Foods’ store brand of sparkling water is good too. Both have grapefruit flavors and a pretty wide variety to try.
No. 576313
>>576277Enough that you can change them at least once a week and always have a clean pair at hand. I'd say three is a good minimum; one that you worn previously and is now in the wash/drying/"resting" after the wash, one that you're wearing currently, and one clean pair ready to be worn next. It doesn't hurt to have more though, and a few "special" ones for different occasions and clothing (white bras for white shirts, strapless/backless for some dresses, a good sports bra obviously).
I have three regular pairs (two wireless, one wired) that I use normally, one sports bra, and a lace bralette for when I want something really light and breathable and don't need a lot of support.
>>576281Lmao I still have all my B-C cups from pre-weight gain, "just in case". I do hope that I get to wear them again someday, couple of them are super pretty.
No. 576318
>>576277I have a rotation of 3 bras that I wear weekly that I bought from VS back in 2015 because I can't find bras with the same amount of lift and volume. Yes, the bands stretched but I gained weight so it balanced it out.
Then I have two lace bras for lingerie that I never wear (one I've owned since 2006) because they're nice and have held up so well for the fact that I rarely ever get the chance to look sexy in bed for anyone.
So there.
No. 576326
>>576307FFO: cleanliness.
For real though a fresh bra daily is not that outrageous.
No. 576341
>>576326A fresh one daily is just so much laundry to do for something that doesn't even touch your armpits, maybe you guys have dryers or something?
I did actually have a decent collection of bras but suddenly last year wearing any with underwiring became insanely painful so now I just rotate a couple of bralettes or go without
No. 576368
>>576277It depends on what you care about and what your comfortable with. Some of my friends have an extensive collection of bras for different occasions. I think the lowest number I ever had was three, bra for work, sports bra and a bra for lazing around the house and sleeping in.
Now I have too many too count because I have nursing bras in different sizes and I refuse to throw away my old sports bras even though they don't fit me anymore, because they were expensive and they remind me of specific time in my life.
No. 576444
>>576411speak in terms of texture and ingredients, not overall quality. instead of saying something tastes bad, just say it's good but next time try a different method to make it even better. comment something good about it before adding your critique. it helps to compliment something she did right in order for her to remain confident in her abilties. but don't refrain from commenting on objective realities…such as if a thing is burnt/undercooked. also if she's following recipes perfectly (and buying decent cooking ingredients) she should be producing moderate to good cooking, so maybe ur oven or pots/pans are subpar or being used in the wrong way.
it all depends what she sucks at though. if she uses too much salt or sugar, plainly say it's too sugary or salty. recommend adding ingredients to reduce dryness or blandness. i tell my mom or whoever that
i personally like things certain ways because that method tastes better to me. i got my mom to stop cooking stir fry at medium heat and with garbage ingredients this way. her veggies would always end up soggy and tasteless so i just made it myself, the way i liked it, one day and she ended up preferring my version herself and changing the way she cooked stir fry completely.
sorry this was long i just personally relate to this so much lol (not the biggest fan of my moms cooking but she has improved a ton)
No. 576489
>>576442 Would you have a serious relationship with men? Would you have a serious relationship with women? Do you actually like sex with men, or do you just think dicks feel good?
Tbh only you can really decide what sexuality you decide to identify as, but I would say you're bi
(or "heterosexual homoromantic" if you want to be pretentious) No. 576499
>>576490Kind of same, but I would also be happy if post history expired after x years
It makes me uneasy that there's a permanent repository of awful things I've said but I have no idea what they were or if I'm just repeating myself every time I use the vent thread. Have you ever gone back to the first websites you ever used and read your old conversations? It's not pretty.
Since you posted in the question thread, let me offer you the solution that if you become a farmhand you should be able to access your post history, or you could a couple of years ago.
If anyone reading this is crazy enough to become a mod as a result of this post, do me a solid and delete everything I've ever said kek
No. 576516
>>576494Agreed. I'm also someone who had a few "girl crushes" and finds women physically attractive, but the thought of actually having sex with a woman doesn't do it for me at all. Can't really picture myself in a relationship with one either.
I think it's really common for people who are "experience seekers" and stimulation junkies to think they're not straight, just because they like the idea of trying literally everything at least once.
No. 576523
>>576070>>576072Thank you! I got Bubly today and it’s pretty good! The berries/yuzu concentrate sounds delicious!! Will definitely give it a try. I’m a fucking sucker for yuzu stuff heh
>>576312I saw a lot of Waterloo being promoted at my local Target, will try them out next!
I also saw Spindrift, which I realized I had tried before (remembered the logo but not the name) and loved it, but it’s pricier compared to every other brand so alas lol.
No. 576549
>>576547wow that's scary. What exactly do you have?
But this happens to me when I'm driving, which is my main concern Though it doesn't get completely crossed and blurry, I become very disoriented and my eyes strain a lot. It's even worse at night with all the lights
No. 576583
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>>576567I tried 5-6 different ones over a year + period and the one attached is the ONLY one that actually worked for me. It burns like hell though if you get it near the nail bed so read the instructions and only use a little at first until your nails start hardening. I tried the Opi nail hardener but personally this was better for me.
No. 576626
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why is sex with the lights turned of seen as the way women want to have sex?
No. 576691
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>>576442>do you think it makes me a lesbian/bi if i only dream of sex with men?>is there a name for lesbians that only likes the idea of sex with dicks?Yeah, a straight woman.
Lesbians into dick, really? Is this bait?
No. 576734
>>576709My guess is, depending on the content it’s not a lot of work for a quick payout and most of these people doing it already have the equipment for video and photography.
And personally I think online porn content has become way more open in the mainstream right now compared to how it used to be, it’s kind of depressing
No. 576736
>>576442Anon, sexuality is fluid and it might take years for you to finally settle on what is a comfortable label for yourself. Don't think too much of it.
I was hypersexual growing up (and mostly identified as bisexual), and found myself mostly attracted to men. I could only imagine myself ending up with a man because I was so sex obsessed at the time lol, didn't really care or see myself emotionally invested in them though. I was attracted to women too, but emotionally rather than sexually. I've dated both sexes, and enjoyed my experience with women more. Now that things have evened out and I'm not sex obsessed, I don't really see the point in ever pursuing men again. None of the times I was with men were really ever emotionally fulfilling, so why bother? Also, most porn is made for the male gaze, lesbian porn
Go out and date whoever piques your interest. You might change your mind over time, and that's fine. Contrary to some anon replies here, there's no sexuality police that's going to kick down your door and haul you off to sexuality jail just because you might change your mind after experiencing life and different people. r/comphet might also interest you.
No. 576752
>>576700Empathy has nothing to do with it. If you say you only like dick, you're not even bi, just straight. It's just facts, and there's nothing wrong with not being lgbt.
I'm quite tired of people pushing the "Lesbians like dick" rhetoric, and that whenever you point out the bullshit of it, someone comes in moaning that you're being "uwu mean" and "invalidating".
>>576702A dildo is not a dick, and not all lesbians use dildoes. Just think about it for a moment and the answer will come to you.
No. 576886
>>576626Because people stereotype women as being insecure and/or vain, and also as not being as interested in sex (seeing as sex w/the lights on is seen as slightly more intense/"freaky").
>>576709I think a huuuuuge part of it is how much OnlyFans has taken off this year. Covid and quarantine greatly accelerated this, both because they gave people more financial incentive to sell content and because quarantine increased porn demand in general. But, I think OnlyFans was going to blow up regardless of the pandemic. When I learned about it last year before it was so big I was stunned at what a good business idea it was - nude culture, sex work culture, paid Snapchat culture, etc have all been growing and becoming further entrenched in recent years.
Now in recent months I see people with OnlyFans in their twitter display name or in their insta bio almost daily. Fucking Beyonce mentioned it in the Savage remix. It had a meme imperial period where SO MANY people were talking about it and making stupid normie jokes about it and now it's here to stay. In many circles I think people see it as cool or glamorous to have one, like you can get money for your nudes from simps that makes you a bad bitch. It's trendy as fuck, it gets you fuckloads of positive attention, and of course you can make easy money from it. Not surprised at all that cows are flocking to it.
No. 577018
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the more caffeine I consume, the better I sleep. What's happening?
I have phases where I like energy drinks once in a blue moon. usually, it helps me stay organised better and get up earlier and staz energised. every other time, I am disgusted by the chemical cocktails though and can't even stand the smell and find them ~toxic~. my newly-turned ex-boyfriend drank them, too, (also in phases) and during the stages of grief I started drinking them, too. To combat some of my lethargy (next to more healthy and professional methods) and maybe even to feel a little closer to him? I feel a lot better?? Why? If it's only a phase, I'm just gonna ride out the energy wave until the disgust takes over again.
No. 577053
>>577045Because Japan is anti-globalist and being fat is disgusting gaijin disease, did you not learn this in school?
Also, do you have autism?
No. 577059
>>577058Can you stop falling for bait and just refer to
>>577052I live in Japan and that's accurate
No. 577070
>>577019It's not illegal to be overweight in the entire country. Some companies require you to be fit, that's all. What
>>577052 said isn't even accurate. However, if you're too fat for rides or planes or stuff like that the won't hesitate to deny/charge you extra.
No. 577143
>>577130OPI Nail Envy contains formaldehyde too, and OPI is considered a respected/quality brand. They make formulations of it that are formaldehyde free but idk how those compare to the original.
>>577138Do you often wear your hair pulled back tightly? Look into traction alopecia, it's a common reason women start having receding hairlines. Otherwise I would say you should see a doctor to rule out any serious health problems that might be causing it, and if not, then see a dermatologist if you have insurance/can afford to. Imo seeing a derma if you can is better than fucking around with OTC products in a lot of cases.
No. 577574
>>577570What do you think about bisexual men in this regard? Also curious.
I think bisexuality is a hot topic in general with if the LGBT community, I’m not sure though, because I don’t belong to it.
No. 577593
>>577570It’s not illegal to put ~kweeer~ in your twitter bio, if that’s what you’re asking
>>577588Ebay seller here. Shove them up your ass, helps sales a lot.
No. 577719
>>577588I have never ever seen an eBay listing that included a person in the photos unless it was someone modeling clothes. No offense but no one on there cares and honestly you're more likely to put people off by looking like a weirdo.
High quality photos, good lighting, enough photos for buyers to see what all sides/parts of the item look like (you'd be shocked how many sellers don't do this), and there are things you can do to make your photos eye catching and aesthetically pleasing without including yourself in them. Maybe get some cute colorful fabric to use as a background or take photos outside.
No. 577765
>>577751There's definitely creative writers and karma whores on there.
>>577746Similar situation, this was the first imageboard I used regularly. Before, tumblr and woke circles made them sound evil. I like lurking on 4chan occasionally; seeing how they act is like observing a wild animal in their natural habit. It's the female posters that make me sad, scrotes will always be scroting.
No. 577791
>>577746>before lolcow I didn't know anything about image boardsConsider yourself lucky anon, I'm happy that there are places like lolcow now that are more female oriented.
Became a regular browser on there because of /cgl/ back in 2013. It has it's own brand of autisim but tbh I like the board since a large potion of users are female and I'm into convention related shit. I've made friends with quite a few anons on there and while a few do have issues, they're genuinely cool people. They also call out scrote nonsense which is nice.
Never really deviated from that board tho(aside from a few occasional visits to /ic/) because I saw some super awful things being posted on other boards. I remember the first time going on /gif/ and being horrified of the rekt threads they'd have. Same with the other dumpster fire boards like /pol/ and /b/. Saw an image of
a purple faced dead child being held firmly by the neck and never went back. The hand in the image belonged to a man, hey no surprise.
>>577757Same, when you really look into it the difference is huge. So much fucking gore, creepy porn, and CP on there that a lot of them encourage.
I'm so glad the farm is decent enough to not allow any of that shit here.
No. 577802
>>577776This is relatively uncommon but if you smoke weed regularly and have for a while, look into cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome, one of the symptoms of its onset is morning sickness.
I only mention it because it used to be considered rare but it appears to be getting more common and more people should be aware of it.
Also consider any meds or supplements you take in the morning, some can cause nausea if you take them on an empty stomach.
No. 577842
>>577746I browse fa/fit/x/int/ck
Blue boards are pretty tame
No. 577873
>>577847You sound exactly like me. It's really fucking wild how much weird shit you get from some people, for your whole life, just for being quiet, no matter how socially intelligent you are.
That kinda reminds me of friends/acquaintances (none of whom I ever disliked) who have told me stuff like "Before I knew you better I used to think you didn't like me because you were always so quiet". What's the point in saying that to me? Like what am I supposed to say… sorry? I'm very insecure about my social skills even though I know I have a high degree of social awareness and I'm incredibly paranoid about coming off as rude to people. So hearing that just makes me feel like shit. I know people don't mean it badly but it just sucks because they're feeding into my insecurity.
Another thing is people's bizarre impulse to turn to me during a group conversation and say "…Anon, you're being quiet!"
No. 577914
>>577889 > It’s not what he usually doesI think this is the root of the issue but still you should back out of it if you still don't love the design tomorrow. No need to feel guilty either, it happens.
A lot of the time you match yourself to an artist by sticking to their style and their strengths, asking them to step a little outside of that is pretty hit and miss.
No. 577918
>>577908Yeah that’s what I did. When he showed it to me I was literally speechless but not even in a good way. I was just thinking “why is this so … bland?”.
Which is weird because I’ve seen (albeit rarely) flower tattoos on his feed.
Don’t get me wrong, the quality was obviously great, but I showed him again the reference pictures I sent and his reaction made me feel like he didn’t look at them much.
>>577914You’re definitely right. I tend to overthink so I was just thinking if it happens again, do I want to push it again and offer a second deposit? Money is not the issue and he’s definitely worth it.
It’s also my first tattoo so I don’t know if there’s any etiquette to follow. I’m a designer myself and I usually show drafts before going straight for a completed design, I thought the process would be similar.
No. 577921
>>577918I've showed up to lots of appointments where I only saw the finished design on the day, that's after already booking myself in for a full day session so yeah it happens like that sometimes and now that I think about it.. it's not ideal lol. I was lucky in that my reference pics where closely followed.
It's definitely a time to be assertive and not worry about being 'difficult' or whatever, as long as you're paying them for their time you're well within your rights to ask that it be exactly what you want.
No. 577933
>>577928Anon idk if that’s the same for you, but literally I missed my tattoo artist’s answer because it went straight to my spam folder!
I feel like they usually have a crappy website and whenever they answer enquiries it’s flagged as spam.
No. 577951
>>577933Good idea, I’ll definitely check my spam from here on out too! It’s such a shit website (literally most of the artists don’t even have bios), and the inquiry was in on like a form so I’m worried they didn’t even get it cause it wasn’t a real email? But thanks I’ll definitely check that too!
>>577939Yeah I’m definitely keeping that in mind! Like I said to the other anon, I’m worried they didn’t even get the email. I live in a super duper small town so I was wondering how busy it would be, also because they said on their Facebook page that they didn’t have a lot of backlog appointments so that’s why I reached out to there. I’m kind of ambivalent about the studio anyway, i just chose it cause it’s the only one in the town I’m currently in but I’ve heard it’s very unnecessarily expensive, I figured I had more a chance of hearing from a studio in a town of <5000 people than trying one in the city but I definitely don’t mind driving to get it, i was hoping this one wouldn’t be too busy compared to those ones. I just don’t even know what the usual response time is so I have nothing to gauge it against.
No. 577954
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How to stop feeling uncomfortable around a person who secretly hates you (is open about it in private, but not when public is around,even though there are still hints of it)?
I don't want and won't drag myself in drama, I just want to feel comfortable and calm whenever they are around.
I am a really socially anxious introvert who always has to be a respectful extrovert around people, which is draining for sure. But boy… Things are so much harder because of that person now, I always have panic attacks before going to meetings that involve them.
No. 577965
>>577847>>577873I feel this so hard. Every time I've tried to fit in with a group full of normal people (i.e. not weebs) they end up lowkey bullying me like it’s middle school solely because I'm quiet and therefore "weird". I wish I had a penny for every time I overheard people gossiping about me without realising I was standing
right there because at least I'd get something out of it besides paranoia and anxiety. It's always really mundane shit too, like what I studied in university or that I have a boyfriend, but they treat it like a scandalous tidbit. Then when I try to let them know they can just talk to me directly and I don't bite, they treat me like even more of a freak for overhearing (bro this is my office too) and double down on the ostracising and not-so-subtle whispering from the other side of the hallway. Sometimes they even give me nicknames.
>Another thing is people's bizarre impulse to turn to me during a group conversation and say "…Anon, you're being quiet!"This is so awkward, especially when they phrase it like an accusation or talk about me in third person like “Anon is one of those
quiet people”. What does that even mean?
The worst part is that it’s a self-fulfilling prophecy. The more people treat me like some kind of school shooter the more uncomfortable I become around them and the less motivated I am to be chatty and nice, so in the end they feel totally justified in the way they treated me.
No. 577974
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Genuinely how can I stop myself from coming here all the time? I have website blockers, I delete apps, but nothing sticks. I’ve rid myself of mindless Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit scrolling but I waste so much time in here. I really want to move on from this place so I can focus on my work but it’s so addicting.
No. 577976
>>577974hide your phone in a place that's annoying to reach (in a cupboard on the top shelf behind other stuff) and find yourself something better to do, ie more purposeful and that leaves you feeling accomplished when you're done spending time on it at the end of the day.
i struggle with that too, the internet drains me of my time, creativity and discipline sometimes
No. 578028
>>578016I like giving them but I wish they weren't so physically uncomfortable. I have an irrational fear of dislocating body parts so having my jaw open too much or for too long makes me really anxious. I also hate how dirty my face feels after, all that spit and sweat and skin cells all over my acne-prone chin and mouth area, not good.
I wish the men I've given them to were normal and not pornsick and would cum in a reasonable amount of time instead of taking ages.
No. 578082
>>574091No past trauma, right? That's the only time I used to have a big problem with forms of penetration.
Honestly you can't force it, especially if that's not something you enjoy. Unless you plan on having sex anything soon, there's no point messing around up there. It typically sucks for me unless it's another person, otherwise fingers feel weird to just use when the clit is way better.
Enjoy yourself the way you prefer, everyone's different!
No. 578099
>>578089Diff anon here but I had abuse in my childhood and without wanting to be was done anally. I have always had a love/hate relationship with even vaginal penetration. Sometimes leading to tears afterwards or leaving me feeling emotionally unsettled.
I posted here before about an issue I had where I would buy sex toys, use them and get emotionally set off by them and bin them. I had that cycle for a while. It's frustrating but similar to you clit stuff doesn't have the same negative effect so that's something. At least that's a safe orgasm.
No. 578100
>>578098>>578092>>578095thank you
>>578094don't rly know yet but i've been side eyeing bungou stray dogs volume 16 for the past few weeks now.. the cover is very pretty
lol No. 578135
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Is anyone else seeing these weird gaps in the threads, and is it a hellweek thing? Sometimes when I open a thread posts will literally disappear before my eyes as the page loads, including my own, I've never seen this before.
I'm not getting a ban redirect so hopefully it's not that
No. 578160
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Has anyone tried Nu X cbd tinctures? I wanted to try it for my OCD, but i've never used cbd oil before, so i wanted to get something cheap. It's like $9/8, but i'm buying it for $6.
I'm really just worried that if I get a cheap product, it won't work.
No. 578165
>>578160I don't know much about CBD or brands but
everything I've heard from friends and just around is that decent CBD products are on the pricier side. The CBD market has grown so fast and just due to it's nature of being in the gray area between heath supplement and psychoactive compound and the fact that many people aren't super informed about it, there's a lot of bullshit out there.
If I were you I would research reputable brands and be willing to buy something quality because you don't want to lose out on the opportunity to actually see if it could help you by buying weak shit.
No. 578197
>>578194If I'm snuggling an animal, it's probably going to be on me in some way
Like on a couch or on my bed, if it sits on your bed then it's butthole is on your bed
the issues isn't that my face is near it, but that it could be near places where it's butthole touched
No. 578236
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Why was sage removed from /pt/ in the past? What was the reasoning for it?
No. 578382
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>>578028pic is anon after bj
No. 578400
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No offense to other girls shaped like me, but what the hell are you supposed to wear to look actually good when you are short, short waisted, & have long legs? I am tired of wearing longer shirts to hide how short my torso is, I just wana look decent. Guides to dress myself with this body type only have outdated/ugly clothes.
No. 578426
>>578400Where did you get the idea that it's a problem? Haven't you heard figures of speech like "all leg" and "legs up to her armpits", or looked at models? You're the desirable proportion. I don't know how you're looking at your long legs and instead seeing short torso freak, maybe you were bullied by people who were jealous or maybe you just can't see what you have?
If you want to dress to make yourself look stumpier then just do the opposite of what the rest of us are all told to do and instead n wear flat shoes, lower waistlines. Take some of my extra torso and donate me some leg whilst you're at it please.
No. 578630
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>>578453I don't know if it's cool but I like reading websites that translate english comments for Japanese people to read. It has the bonus of linking back to the original page so you've got a reference for the translation. Also lots of weebshit on them. For some examples:
>>> last one doesn't update anymore but seeing them translate /a/ threads was hilarious. Pic related.
No. 578631
>>578625Which country anon? I originally wrote up a really long winded response with fake steps for the unemployment process in a fictional reality to be snarky but you don't deserve that, navigating unemployment is enough of a kick in the backside.
Google might be more helpful for something this specific though, just from my own personal experience
No. 578726
>>578710Why the fuck would the Chinese make a propaganda video about tripe of all things? All westerners think tripe is disgusting.
A lot of that shit is just editing
No. 578738
>>578736I don't want to post about it here. I don't want my real life identity associated with this place at all. Should I put the leaks on a burner twitter account?
I agree that not having friends isn't milky. I do still feel a little bad about it haha.
No. 578779
>>578630> that pickek'd.
Thanks, anon. I saved it!
No. 578846
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So I wear this ultra thin plain silver stacker ring on my ring finger and no other rings. Today I handed a co worker something and when he saw my ring he was like "Oh! You're engaged?". Do people still think a ring around the ringfinger automatically means it's an engagement ring? I thought it was generally accepted that you can wear a ring around your ringfinger for fashion, was I mistaken?
No. 578870
>>578678i agree with the idea. when i think about the racism I've experienced as a non-black person but still a visible person of color, a lot of it goes back to issues that stem from antiblackness and anti-black racist attitudes historically.
of course there's going to be areas where the sun won't touch, but if we create an ideal world where even the most oppressed person can have the same opportunities for love and life as everyone else, it would liberate those opportunities for everyone else who isn't as "oppressed" or has shit easier.
i think a lot as a latino about how for example,
toxic masculinity plays a part in how I'm treated by men. when i think about that, i think about how most of latino and black
toxic masculinity stems from traditional Christian fundamentals and ideas. and when you get back to where that came from, a lot of those ideals were pushed on to or forced on to black slaves and Latinos by missionaries and white colonialists. Natives as well. so technically, one could attribute a deep sense of
toxic masculinity in latino culture to that forced dedication to christian beliefs for so long by colonialists, which was ultimately due to racism and anti-blackness.
i feel like all of these issues are connected and i really do believe in the idea of these issues intersecting/being intersectional, so even with something as far extended as Asian culture, liberating black folks and making a world that's better for them would likely see positive benefits for them as well (ex: skin lightening products in eastern and asian countries, the concept that the darker your skin is the poorer/uglier you are, vice versa, etc.)
No. 578877
>>577847i feel this so hard. the extreme and sometimes obsessive social awareness? being hyper socially aware? yes. it's hard to relax or put my guard down because I'm constantly aware of everything around me.
"oh, she just said she liked my outfit, but then her gaze went to the left side, so maybe she's lying"
"oh, he's shaking his leg. he likely has an anxiety problem. that might be useful information later" (this person is a stranger, it's not useful info lmao)
i guess my brain tries to notice and compartmentalize every little detail of what I'm aware of around me "just in case" something happens.
I've never been able to tell if it was just an anxiety thing or an anxiety and autism thing.
I'll just be minding my own business as I normally do and people will ask me "are you sad/mad?" or "is something wrong" and nothing will be but because they asked me that I'm like shit do I look like it? Should I be?
I've been called weird too many times to count and have even been told I look like a school shooter so wtf.
I'm just a quiet and hyper-aware person. I try to be as self aware as possible, I care too much about what people think and I think that plays into it as well. Just the way others perceive me/my actions from an outsider's perspective, and how everything I do influences others. I've been told I care too much about what others think by my partner, and it's probably the same shit.
glad to know I'm not alone.
No. 578959
>>578955Yes, as someone who has been to rural China several times, it can be nice irl. Is showing that propaganda? (Although what you can't tell from an edited video is that the bathrooms suck ass)
People like the Pioneer Woman have a whole brand about their rural lives even though Pioneer Woman specifically is from a rich family and most people in rural America do not live like her. Is that a propaganda thing too?
I do agree it could be for tourism. I wouldn't be surprised if they used those videos to advertise to people in the mainland outside of youtube.
No. 578969
>>578849yeah it's just a plain band, it's pretty much identical to
>>578846>>578922no, on my right
No. 579019
>>578877I'm the same anon. (Although I smile all the time and nobody calls me weird). I'm just extremely socially aware and it drains me so much. After having lunch with a friend I have to go home and sleep because I feel so socially drained that it makes me physically tired.
A therapist diagnosed me with social anxiety and GAD when I was a teen. She also said that I had autistic traits but not enough to be on the spectrum. So maybe that's still a thing. Don't know if she was exaggerating but if those diagnoses are true then what the fuck am I supposed to do to solve it? I'm socially doomed
No. 579055
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What are some other (preferably female-dominated) 4chan-esque imageboards? I know about /cgl/ and crystal cafe, but /cgl/ is a never-ending fistfight and crystal cafe is populated by larpers and trannies
No. 579060
>>579059I'm sure this kind of thing happens in relationships where the guy is the codependent, but usually it's the other way around.
There was no reasoning with my ex, so if I was particularly pissed at him, I'd usually just go sleep on the couch myself because I didn't want to be anywhere near his ugly ass. I sometimes do the same with my current bf, but he actually tries to have a discussion with me and usually ends up apologizing, which ends in me either coming back to bed, or him coming out to sleep on the couch with me lel.
No. 579070
>>579063I didn't clarify but I was married to
>>579066 and another was just a live together partner
No. 579254
>>579226Every child plays doctor.
It's not COCSA unless you were actually molested/raped by the other kid.
No. 579267
>>579254What does that mean? What is rape or molestation in this context?
>>579259You must not be from the West?
No. 579280
>>579268I think kids can be too curious for their own good and exploring each other's genitalia isn't that serious. They're just curious and at that age they don't know what's down there so they cannot tell the difference between right and wrong. If it was a kid the same age as you, then I don't think it was bad, but it might be sketchy if you were way younger and someone way older than you did that, especially if the other kid somehow tried to coerce you like
>>579277 said.
No. 579297
>>579280I feel like a double child rapist and I’ve been crying for a few nights. I just wanna know if I could somehow apologize to the girl not that it will make anything right. She’s a year younger than me and there was no coercion. But she was so young she probably didn’t know any better. (I’m the perpetrator)
If I’ve traumatized her I will seppuku. It was not a regular thing. And it “only” happened once. Idk why I’ve been suddenly been able to memorize it. I feel I should report myself to the police.
>>579281Oh that actually makes sense. Here where I am it’s such a taboo. Wish we had saunas then this would have never happened.
No. 579419
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Can someone better at computers help me out? I'm going through the used thinkpad market and found a T460p for sale and it has a 32GB ram. I was aiming for 16GB but this listing just popped up with 32GB and other decent sounding specs, so why not? But I saw someone else comment (on thinkpads with 32GB ram) that their CPUs aren't powerful enough to take advantage of it before hitting a CPU bottleneck. It would be better to find a T480 with a 8250U processor or better alongside a 32GB ram. Now, the computer I'm looking at has a 6820HQ processor, and I'm comparing them on intel's website but a lot of it is computer mumbo-jumbo that my peabrain just doesn't get-
TL;DR is a i7-6820HQ better or equal to the i5-8250U?
No. 579429
>>579391I've watched it a few years ago but I could still rewatch it now and think it has not aged at all. Honestly it's such a slow and uncommon anime that you won't notice it's an older show.
I can also tell you that I tried watching flcl 2 or 3 times and I never made it past the first episode. I hated it and I still don't get the hype. Lain is a COMPLETELY different anime. It's not aimed at teenagers really (imo). I'd say the demographic would be the same as Mushishi ? Or maybe Haibane renmei ?
No. 579457
>>579391Well, its demographic is stinky intellecktual otaku, I mean…
> god is lonely internet loliTbh it's not as d333p or mindfucky as it clearly forces itself to be. I really like its themes and styles and it emotionally resonates with me. I'd recommend a watching but don't buy into the hype too hard. I think Lain is to be experienced above all. After that, it's fun to read all the crackhead expositions.
No. 579478
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Sorry if this comes off as rude, but I need to ask.
I like crime/detective sort of shows, but is normal to be annoyed by the victims or the characters investigated as suspects?
Since the lockdown, I've been watching a lot of The law and order U.V.E. with my family, but I can't stand many of the victims or their families. So I wanted to know if this is usual or I'm just a unsensible asshole.
No. 579491
>>579478Nah it's not rude or weird. I'm not really into fictional crime shows but I am into true crime and annoying people are annoying no matter what their life circumstances are. I think if you looked into crime/true crime discussion communities you'll see that people have all sorts of opinions on the "characters" involved.
Plus with fiction shows like those sometimes the writing is just obnoxious kek.
No. 579512
>>579503Anon those store bought grated Parmesan doesn’t even need to be refrigerated after opening. My family leaves it out all the time lol it tastes better refrigerated though
Unless you’re an incredibly unlucky person, botulism is very unlikely. Chances are you’d just get mild diarrhea from germs from eating left out food.
>t. depression hoe who ate incredibly sketchy old food for years No. 579521
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Does anyone know what the heck this toolbar is and how I get rid of it? Google translate says it's something called Yandex Market. I googled up removal guides and they just say to remove it via the control program, but there's no such program called Yandex on my computer, nor is there a plugin on my chrome either. I have no idea where the hell it came from, it just started appearing out of nowhere a long time ago and only shows up on shopping websites.
No. 579634
>>579583Just go to clubs/pubs when they open up again or try to find any dealer and ask them. Even if they’re weed dealers, they’ll have a contact that will sell coke most of the time.
Don’t send texts asking for it directly as this could piss off your dealer. Either ask someone directly or use apps like wickr me.
No. 579686
>>579684If you're an adult and you have some money to pull it off:
Lie to the people susceptible to report your disappearance by telling them you got a new job in a city far away, move to a hotel there, tell some randos there you're going to move to another continent, stop all contact with anyone, you'll have enough time to set up your new thing. The cops won't look for you, it's not illegal to ditch your life.
No. 579765
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How do I get better at analyzing and thinking critically about media? I feel really retarded because when I consume media I often take it at face value and then I see other people making intelligent observations and thoughtful writeups on the characters, their development, theories on the plot, etc. that I never would've noticed on my own. Is it even possible for me to git gud and be more intelligent with the stuff I read or watch?
No. 579789
>>579765Analyzing plots, themes and characters comes more under 'Literature' but not taking media at face value is 'Media Literacy', they're both kind of different but you can make a start with both just by actively asking yourself questions as you watch/read something.
What is a person or characters personal motivation? From what point of view are you shown the story and could it be a biased or incomplete viewpoint? Learn the difference between active and passive sentences. Is a topic or theme repeated? Does the Author show a personal bias? Does the story echo a classical story or myth?
I recommend Crash Course's entire range of YouTube videos on literature so check out their playlist out for that, but also they also have a small media literacy course love analyzing advertisements so much that I genuinely enjoy them. The majority of 'free' media is advertising or propaganda, and it's just a matter of recognizing what is being sold to you
There's also lots of traditional school-level resources online for that No. 579794
>>579790What did he do?
Is he being anti-Japanese again?
No. 579871
>>579790I hope we get that thread back someday, but we do have a discord, you know
>>579854I hate so much having super sensitive boobs days before my actual period. I usually wear no bra with an extra layer of shirt because it's too painful. and it's shit when it's not every period, but only some months. wtf
No. 579928
>>579869no no no no noooooooo
They smell great but are so overpriced.
Wait until the 50 percent off sales they have them at least 3 times throughout the year. THEN it's worth it.
No. 579934
>>579919>Are they ashamed of being fatties or do they fear never getting laid because they’re fat?Neither. Men who are ashamed of themselves don't like to stay feeling shamed for long. At some level they are okay with being fat and the lifestyle they live to stay that way.
Secondly, women have been socialized to give fat men a chance. "Dadbod" is a meme for a reason, because men simply aren't held up to standard the way women are. Fat men get laid as long as they trick women into thinking they're not like those other chads a la compensation.
The reason why men hide is because they want to attract models–not any ordinary looksmatch woman and especially not a woman with a weight problem like themselves. Men want all the perks of being seen as confident, attractive, and competent without having to put in any of the work. Hiding is the quick fix and a means to an end. Because otherwise, there's no disadvantage to being a fat man in today's society.
No. 579981
>>579962I didn't bring it up. I was like "Hey I never have normal periods", and it took a few gynos to decide to test me with a vaginal ultrasound (ow) and bloodwork.
But anyway, if you mention your symptoms and your suspicions, a good doc will take you seriously. Nothing to be embarrassed of.
No. 580014
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What app/website is this?
No. 580038
>>580022Are the people they're posting pics with people who they go to school with? Idk the context of your situation but there were stressful/intense periods in college where my social life would narrow down to pretty much to just the people I studied and did homework with who were in my program or a similar one. I was very focused on school and probably not as engaged with other friends or family as much as I should be, but I spent a lot of time with my school friends because we just spent so much time studying that we would also eat together and hang out when we had the time because they were just around. I also have ADHD and I kinda easily get wrapped up in what's immediately around me, especially during stressful periods, without intending to.
Sorry for the blogpost but if your friend is always with their school friends they could be going through a similar thing. Not trying to excuse your friend's behavior especially if you're actively reaching out to her but it's possible what she's doing is unintentional. In terms of advice I agree with what
>>580027 said. Talk to her but don't be accusatory. She might not even realize how you feel.
No. 580042
>>580038Kek I was about to suggest this too but I also have ADHD
I guess we really are stereotypes, and maybe bad friends
No. 580059
This is gonna be Retardation: The Post so pls stay with me, but how can I discuss with my friend about her “problematic” behavior? The last time we talked I was upset with her for talking to me about someone who she is a massive fan of but is… very racist, however he maintains a liberal image. It’s very hypocritical, she posts all this socially aware content about BLM, abolish ICE, but then supports people who have done irreparable damage to those causes. I know people are going to tell me to drop the friendship, but I don’t think it’s her intent to be hurtful. Albeit, it is the third time she's done this It's especially hurtful because I am a woman of color, and she is white woman. She's had a massive impact on my life and has been my friend for years. I wouldn't want to end it over politics, especially when I’m not even liberal, she's just very hypocritical.
No. 580071
>>580022it's probably not that deep. even for my childhood bestfriend i've been bestfriends with since i was 9, we don't talk regularly. there were periods especially during school for us both where we wouldn't talk for months, then talk again and it was like nothing changed. same with my other long term friendships.
you don't need to talk to someone constantly to still be important in their life. if they're your friend, reach out to them and make sure they're OK yourself/ask how things are. don't just assume their intentions or feelings based on your already assumed position of there being an issue with yourself
No. 580102
>>580059>>580059No you're being dramatic. I bet you wear clothing, enjoy things, and buy things, use services that are tied to "
problematic" things too. Grow the fuck up and stop calling yourself a colored person in a politically correct way. It's embarrassing.
t. mexican
No. 580149
>>580059Bring it up. No reason not to talk about it. Unless she doesn't know, it doesn't make much sense for her to openly support someone that goes against everything she claims to stand for.
Not sure why another anon said you were being dramatic, it's weird behavior. Clothes/foods and many services are a necessity in life, while adoration of public figures isn't.
No. 580165
>>580059Who is she supporting though? I feel like the bar for what is considered
problematic is a joke now a days with everyone being so PC and liberal. If it's an actual rapist, that's different vs someone who made a shitty off color joke
No. 580169
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what breed is this cat?
No. 580178
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>>580169Definitely looks like a British shorthair to me!
No. 580332
>>580182>there's just something so depressing about a term for people who just… don't care to spend time out of their lives perfecting their body aestheticsI'm so glad you said this, totally agreed. It always feels like people think women are wronging others by not aiming for a perfect body. As long as you're not unhealthy or taking up excessive space, why do you owe the world anything else? I'm not body positive, I don't like HAES bs, but being average and a bit doughy is not hurting anyone.
>>580215Lets not be obtuse, people aren't referring to visceral fat when they call women skinnyfat. Women don't tend to accumulate it like men do, they're more likely to get called skinnyfat for having flabby thighs or a bit of a pouch. Being small but not extremely fit/toned is not a significant red flag for health issues.
No. 580337
>>580326>>580333do you have a budget? it may help to write out what you can afford to spend on different categories or items so you know that money's purpose was specifically for you to get that item.
also before you buy anything look on the store website for coupons. it adds up.
also, are you newly on your own? i was the same way of having buyer's remorse for everything. my parents were extremely frugal growing up and i always thought we were poor. we weren't but it stuck with me and i was very cheap until i was 2-3 years out of college.
a budget helped me put it into perspective to show i am saving enough. also look at your needs vs. wants and be comfortable with your choices. thankfully i'm no longer cheap, but frugal. despite the cracked screen my $100 phone does the same thing an iPhone can, i wear a lot of staple pieces that still fit and look nice so i don't need to buy anything new, and i'll paint my nails instead of getting a manicure. but i no longer have remorse over buying the nail polish or taking an Uber instead of walking a mile in the dark
No. 580353
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>>580347Yeah for real. And like, I get that people can use skinnyfat as a descriptor and not necessarily an insult but… it's not a good descriptor and I think it feeds into people who are at a healthy weight (men and women) feeling insecure about how their body looks. I also really hate the term because although
>>580215 is totally right that exercise is important for anyone to be healthy, lots of healthy exercise that is actually enjoyable doesn't make your body look any different! And that's okay! I go on long walks almost every day and I'm still a "skinnyfat" skelly.
I honestly think the intense focus on exercise to reshape or tone your body for healthy weight people is really harmful. I stayed away from any sort of exercise/fitness content or activity for years because I'm recovered from an ED and I just hated the pressure I felt to be working towards some aesthetic goal. Sometimes it feels like everyone is exercising either to look better or to be more athletic/competitive and I never related to either of those reasons. Exercise can be incredibly helpful to mental health but I think some people don't try it because they're put off for the same reasons I was. I recently realized that I can get into exercise for 100% mental health reasons and I can give myself "permission" to ignore the aesthetics BS.
There's a million articles about this but seeing this a few months ago really opened my eyes. No. 580356
>>580354Other anons might know what else it could be but it's probably just hypervigilance from anxiety. Do you have any pets? When I lived with cats I had that happen to me more often cos I would think for a split second that I was seeing one of them approach. I also used to have it happen more often when I used a phone that had a blinking LED for notifications, similar to "ghost vibrations" that people feel from their phone, I would think I saw the LED blink out of the corner of my eye when it wasn't.
It could also be an effect of sleep deprivation.
No. 580359
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Who is this? Her head nod is addictive and I want to read her thread.
No. 580362
>>580359Doja Cat, she literally has a song called Moooo!
It's an earworm
No. 580366
>>574835You asked this ages ago but if you're still curious, try biddy tarot. Just keep it simple and do three card readings, and read up on the meanings and keep practicing.
There's tons of good websites to help you learn as well, but I'd try to avoid searching up a bunch of different sites trying to get the "right" answer. It is largely reliant on your own intuition as well. How you interpret it and feel should be the answer first and foremost, but if you're completely stumped (or brand new to it) understanding the base meanings can be helpful.
I've read tarot for years and take it fairly seriously. It's revealed a lot of things to me (boyfriend lying, friends bad intentions, events about to occur, things I'm ignoring). I think it's just a way of channeling intent into tangible reality.
Intent in the sense that you have a question you want answered, and by focusing on that you allow the relevant tarot card to be chosen to reveal the symbolism that will help you to understand the answer.
No. 580399
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Who else got something stolen really expensive at school?I was a total fucking stupid motherfucker when I was 13/14 years old I took a 2 in 1 convertible laptop to gym class (only the tablet)
I just left my seat next to the tablet for 10 minutes and it's fucking gone I went batshit insane no one gave a fuck at school when it was reported missing, my ass got kicked when I told everyone at home
To this day I still feel guilty about it!of all the stupid shit I did as a teen
No. 580425
>>580414I think it really depends on you and your cousin, your relationship, etc. I worked with my brother for a while and was even kind of his supervisor (not officially, but when the actual manager for our department had gone home, I was expected to take charge) while we were also living in the same house, and he would sometimes act inappropriately around me because he would forget we were in mixed company (swearing, etc., just basic things that we would do when talking or hanging out that were against the work culture). Honestly I would say (without knowing anything about you or your cousin) that your cousin has more to worry about, because if you end up getting fired it could make him look bad depending on how his leadership views that kind of thing.
considering the current situation I'd say go for it.
No. 580522
>>580510Lowkey this
>>580515 and keep this in mind especially with any pic/video showing off someone's flat stomach - super easy to take these on an empty stomach or after fasting/using lax. Models actually do this, I think I remember reading some dumb magazine piece about how models prepare to walk in the Victoria's Secret fashion show and it said that they start liquid fasting X hrs before the event and fully fasting Y hrs before, etc.
Beyond that, bone structure and your body composition play a role in how flat your stomach looks. I'm pretty sure that different people's uteruses can tilted to different degrees/be positioned within your abdomen differently and that effects how flat your stomach is no matter how thin you are.
No. 580524
>>580515>>580522Alternatively building enough muscle that you have abs. My sis doesn't fast or takes laxatives but she's super muscular and she doesn't have a pouch at all.
But realistically, if you're skinny and your stomach sticks out isn't that usually bloat rather than fat? If you're not able to actually grab fat I assume certain diets could fix that. I wouldn't know though, you'd have to pry carbs out of my cold dead hands tbh. But my stomach is always way flatter in the morning after digesting everything from the day before.
No. 580550
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What would cause my stomach to be shaped like the left? It basically distends in my upper stomach area and dips where my belly button is, but then bulges out at my lower stomach. For as long as I can remember my stomach has looked like this but I've never seen anything like it. Even in people who are extremely obese, I feel like their stomach puffs out more like the right. Is there any way to change it?
No. 580592
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>>580510How is your posture? Anterior pelvic tilt can cause people to look permanently bloated. It's fixable with back strengthening exercises.
No. 580630
>>573506Is that shit real in the movies when people call into work and just say they can't come in for their shift?
I couldn't do that when I worked retail. My manager would be like "idc if your grannie died check and see if anyone is willing to take your shift"
No. 580659
>>580596in the /g/ board there's a female friend finder thread and I've found people. try there anon.
not sure if this will work, but
>44295 No. 580678
>>580673There's no Lindsay thread but there's a contra thread, you might have to scroll a few pages to find it
I'm pretty retarded at the whole linking format, if another anon wants to link it go off
No. 580838
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I'm technologically inept and idk what to do. My little brother showed me this on his phone. He keeps getting notifications from an address that reads "". Is this actually a virus or is it just a trick or something? I barely know anything about tech and idk what sites he goes on but I feel liek this is actually a virus or something that he got on his phone.
No. 580973
>>580957both of these
>>580959>>580960deep down they find you repulsive. speaking as someone who has had a few "friends" with benefits "relationships" kek
No. 581006
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>>581001Huh, what are franks if not frankfurts? I used to love eating these little cocktail ones on their own, it's not weird but it is probably made of hooves or something similarly gross.
No. 581106
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How does one overcome apathy?
No. 581112
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how do i meet girls with common interests irl and start being friends?not even necessarily with many common interests
it's been maybe 10 years since i've made a new real life female friend and all the ones i had in my life seem to have gone away. I have a few male friends and ended up with tomboyish manners from only talking to them and i'm really tired but don't know how to approach anyone when trying to become friends
No. 581215
>>581202I've had a cavity filled and It didn't hurt.You might feel vibrations from the drill, but you won't feel it. If your dentist numbs you properly, which will be the worst part considering the needle, then you won't feel it. I've had two teeth pulled and felt no pain, only tons of pressure.
If it does hurt, tell them. The dentist will probably test to see your mouth is numbed before though. I think mine asked me to swish cold water around my mouth or something. (Or maybe that was just to rinse my mouth out idk)
No. 581222
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How do you make cursed memes and Pepe edits? Also baddie edits? They’re awesome, I want my own dumb bitch memes.
No. 581251
>>581202The vibrations from the drill are honestly the weirdest, most unpleasant things I've ever felt. It wasn't a painful sensation at all, but I felt like I felt it up in my brain rather than my mouth. I don't know how to explain it, but honestly it might not even bother you like it did to me.
After you get your cavities filled, make sure you're comfortable with the fillings! Your dentist might just have you bite down and ask if it's okay, but see if they have that sheet of paper for you to bite down on that's easier for them to see if they overfilled if they don't already have you do it. My dentist didn't offer the paper thing at first (in hindsight, WHY NOT) and I couldn't tell if it was overfilled or not since it honestly felt fine, but it ended up causing me so much pain a few days later and I couldn't really properly chew until I got it fixed.
No. 581262
>>581251>>581249>>581215Thank you, anons. I am mostly nervous about the numbing injection, but you all survived so I'm sure I will too. Kek.
>>581253Cool, something I can answer: the efficacy of these depends on a lot of factors, so YMMV. My friend who has pretty frequent constipation uses them (and other brands) to regulate herself. I took them and was running to the bathroom like 6 hours later. Honestly if I were you, I'd wait until you're done with work and take them immediately after, followed by lots of water. This will give you a sort of safe window to figure out how long it takes for them to work in your body.
No. 581305
>>581202I literally felt nothing.
It's not even in the same ballpark as a tattoo
No. 581323
>>581202I guess is super different for everyone so you'll find out how it is for you soon, but for me same as
>>581251 anon, the drill sensation is easily the most unpleasant thing ever. And numbing doesn't hurt at all, I'd take it ANYTIME, anything to not have to suffer through the drilling. I have a few tattoos, getting them was walk in a park compared to the dental drill.
No. 581457
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Bought a used laptop online, have yet to boot up laptop to find any potential issues but part of the charger wire is all chewed up (pic related)… It plugs in fine and haven't smelled anything weird or seen any sparks, but I'm a little apprehensive, should I bring it up with the seller? What should I even say? I bought it off of ebay…
No. 581741
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A few years ago I was into exploring google maps, and i found coordinates on some website to a really beautiful place.
It looked like pic related but covered in snow and maybe less blue. It wasn't connected by a road so it might have been a photosphere. I don't remeber the location but I feel like it's in north america.
I tried to look for the website again, typing various thing into google, but i just keep getting same old copy-pasted articles.
This is a shot in the dark, but does anyone recognize what I'm talking about?
No. 581865
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>>581741I don’t unfortunately, but it sounds absolutely breathtaking anon. I really hope you find it again someday.
No. 581919
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Ok, so my sister is preggo, she's gonna give birth in October.
Last week she did an ultrasound and the baby's head is weird.
It should be 8 cm (3 inches) on both sides, but one side of baby's head is almost the double size (5.5 inches (ca. 14 cm) or 14 cm).
This baby is not gonna be "normal", right? IF she survives until October, she (the baby) will be born with some kind of mental/physical problem right?
This baby is very wanted, everyone is so tense around.
No. 581949
>>581948I hope someone tells you the answer so I can know, too
It's more likely that someone will tell you that you have ADHD or executive dysfunction and then you'll spend the whole time googling that instead of working
No. 581959
>>581948>>581949As the kind of person that forgets stuff and tends to procrastinate, I usually think “I have to -insert name of activity- and if I don’t do it now, i will regret it” and repeat it as much as possible in my mind.
It’s not exactly flawless, you will waste some minutes in between, but it really helps to have this nagging feeling in the back of your head, telling you to get done whatever you have to do.
Always try to find some sort of place you feel comfortable at, your bed, the couch, a nice table… Being comfortable helps me a lot more than being uncomfortable, because the moment I’m uncomfortable I will try to find something to get me distracted from that feeling.
I hope it somehow helps, anons.
No. 582011
>>581948Look up "Self Worth Theory and Procrastination" on Youtube. Of all the self help bullshut you might see on the Internet, this is the best by FAR.
It singlehandedly got me to pass 7 exams (my whole semester)these last four days after not stuyding for three months due to crippling procrastination and avoidance (and honestly maybe a bit of quarantine depression, it was so awful).
No. 582017
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>>581871Have you tried mineral salt deordorant? It's a stick of salt that you rub under your arms while your still wet after showering. I started using it when I was pregnant because I didn't want increased levels of aluminium in my breast milk. I've haven't used anything else since because it so effective.
No. 582019
>>581871Baking soda-based deodorants (either DIY or like this, look up the composition) work well for me and I stink up really really fast regardless of the weather.
No. 582044
>>582011Nta, but I watched that and it's incredibly stupid. For me, the reason why I procrastinate has literally zero to do with me and everything to do with the thing I'm supposed to be working on. If I dislike the thing/type of work, I'll procrastinate (less time spent on it means less torture, duh); if I like it, I'll dive right into it and enjoy the fuck out if it. Literally nothing to do with success/failure, fear, self-worth, or any of that jazz. Just what I enjoy/hate doing, simple as that.
I swear, 99% of psychologists and their "theories" are modern mumbo jumbo.
No. 582065
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Does anyone here use Does it have a profile view counter?
No. 582092
>>582079Yep, you got it.
>>582082It's stupid of that TED guy to make such a sweeping generalisation based on his own experience in university and then sell it as universal with psychogy lingo. Not everyone is as insecure and not everything is deep. In fact most are not.
No. 582095
>>582093I'm not saying she shouldn't watch it. If mumbo jumbo helps you, eh, go for it.
Just don't end up doing something you hate because you are so insecure you must have success in that particular thing just because you started doing it. That is the slippery slope in the TED guys talk. Success is not as important as enjoying life, successes are many to be had but life is one and time flies by. Stop and ask yourself from time to time "do I hate this thing I'm doing?". Reaching an arbitrary goal is not worth the misery in those cases. Choose your successes carefully.
No. 582101
>>582095I totally see your point and how it could be a slippery slope. A lot of people would fall into this
toxic mentality of pushing themselves because it's maybe somehow "their fault" that they are not succeeding at something they should be doing even though they have no passion for it. Could totally happen. But there's other side for it, and it's what is covered in this TED talk which is a totally legit thing too. At least for me, so thats why I'm trying to explain that it's not "mumbo jumbo" and downplaying it like this kinda feels bad for me personally, I don't know why. I love my job and I'm good at it but due to the way I was raised I constantly fear failure, so every time new big project comes I'll delay starting working on it until there's almost no time left because I'm terrified I'll start and realize I'm not good enough and I'm a fraud. Then, 99% of the time, when I actually start I'm having a great time and I'm getting things done. When I finally for the first time found publications about such behavior I felt better, I felt understood and it really helped managing that negative approach - obviously not fully, but I've stopped seeing it as something unmanageable. That's why I guess I think it can be an important take for someone else too.
No. 582102
>>582101>it's not "mumbo jumbo" and downplaying it like this kinda feels bad for me personally>taking it personallyWow, you really are insecure
Glad you're overcoming it though, I'm rooting for your success!
No. 582107
>>582044Well it was more meant for people like
>>581948 who seem lost on the way to tackle their procrastination and I thought it could help her. I'm like
>>582101 and often procrastinate on shit I like doing, in fact anything that has high stakes is difficult to do, even though it used to be a hobby or something.
I totally agree it could be mumbo jumbo, but it can really helpful, especially the part about equating your worth to your performance. It really resonates with me as I was raised with huge expectations of academic success.
No. 582123
>>582114It’s okay to cry, anon, I think it’s better to be able to have a good cry than to bottle up everything and then blow a casket at some moment in which you don’t truly have a reason to cry, like, imagine being in the middle of a birthday party of someone You know and then crying after months upon months of shitty situations, it would look like you’re trying to be an attention whore when you’re not.
So, I think it’s more mature to cry over stuff that makes you feel shitty, than to bottle it up and then let it overflow you.
But if you said something like:
>i cried because my accessories weren’t exactly on point with my outfit
>i cry whenever I watch nature shows
>I cry when there’s not enough milk for my cereal
>i cried when my eyeliner ended up crooked the first time I applied itI would definitely tell you you’re being quite immature and that maybe you should think more about what’s actually a serious matter and what’s trivial.
TL;DR: you’re fine anon, you’re a normal person.
No. 582155
>>582136Email and ask your professor if they'll accept earlier editions of a textbook. Some do (since each edition only has very slight changes in content and sometimes the pages numbers might be off a little), and some professors are adamant about having the current edition for whatevehr reason. Also, check if your school's library has it. My school's library would have certain textbooks available to take out (would not loan it out for you to take home because they wanted everyone to be able to access it) and would let us scan some pages if we needed to.
Have you tried using ? Shit saved me during college so many times lol.
No. 582246
>>582227Those were the questions I was intentionally asking. Originally, I was intending to use it to pay off an expensive textbook and a phone bill but when you sort of confirmed that one would
have to pay back - with those expenses, I am not so sure anymore.
How do money requests work? Do you just ask for help paying food or Netflix and some random just shows up and gives you Venmo bux?
No. 582293
>>582287NTA but that’s fine. They have a venmo card you can request and it’ll charge your venmo balance (or if it’s zero, will charge whatever payment method you have connected to Venmo).
Honestly, why not just open up a credit card if you’re worried about things being safe and don’t want to use your debit card? They often offer decent protections. I have Venmo but personally don’t have the venmo card or use it outside of splitting restaurant bills with friends (I also see friends using it to pay each other their half of rent or utilities).
No. 582309
>>582287I don't think you understand what we're getting at here.. I mean 'cash on you' to mean physical money. You can't spend money you don't actually have. If you try to spend, the app will pull from your debit card/bank automatically. It links and PULLS money from your cards/banks, because your friend who paid for your coffee doesn't have a credit card machine she can just whip out to grab the money you owe her. We live in a modern cashless society.
DO NOT use Venmo's credit feature, afaik it doesn't have any perks like good cashback, or rewards like normal credit cards use, and the interest rate must be terrible. Honestly since you're a college student, you should start building credit now anyway.
No. 582311
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Are there more male pedophiles than female pedophiles or is it 50/50? Do female pedophiles not act on their pedophilia as much or do they just get caught less?
No. 582321
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>>581865I think I found it!
It was a photosphere but I think it's deleted now, so I can't view it like I did originally. Still there are some photos online.
The place is in Germany, Kleiner Gleichberg
No. 582328
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Who else likes puppets?
No. 582351
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>>582328Me! I love puppets!
What is you favorite kind of puppet? Hand puppet? finger puppet? Sock puppet? Marionette? Ventriloquism dummy? What are some of your favorite pieces of media with puppets?
No. 582356
>>582352Samefag, i meant we have no family bond, kinda obvious from context.
If the general consensus turns out to be 'no its not incest/wrong/unethical' I'm gonna hardcore flirt with him.
No. 582376
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Now that the kpop thread is locked, where do you guys go?
No. 582514
>>582512>I’m just very depressed at the moment and want to be out of my mind for a while, not kill myselfIf you're even slightly underweight, this is a bad idea unless you
are trying to die.
No. 582527
>>582514Thank you for the quick response, anon, truly. Kinda sucks that the weight thing would be the worst deterrent considering I’m not like that because I want to(
abusive relationship with my father who restricts my food intake is the reason). I think it will have to be one or the other, then. Have a good night/day/afternoon wherever you are.
(on a side note, since I don’t browse this thread often and don’t know its usual contents, sorry if my posts brought the vibe down).
No. 582557
>>582555Is your crush male or female? If he's a man, he's gay. If she's a woman, yes.
t. Lana Del Rey fan.
No. 582583
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How come some girls are naturally skinny when they're at a low bodyfat% despite not exercising to gain muscle (like Ashley from bestdressed), whilst other women are skinnyfat when they're at a low bodyfat%
No. 582645
>>582579It's the same for me and I'm no expert but some hypothesis I've gathered:
1. You probably learned to write young with pen and paper so you're wired to have an easier time with it + you maybe subconsciously associate pen and paper writing to a time where you could write any dumb shit you wanted as a kid.
2. It's easier in pen and paper to correct yourself/add parts of the text where they are missing, whereas on a computer you'd have to let go of the keyboard, grab your mouse/touchpad, find the mistake/part you want to correct, making writing on paper have a better "flow" and you can just keep going for hours.
3. You don't have as many distractions on paper, depending on whether or not you have an internet connection while you're typing.
4. The white background of a writing program + contrast with dark typo is tiring for the eyes (which is why I'd recommend if you can changing the background of your file to a grey/green/any color that is not stark white if you can).
There are probably more I haven't thought of but it's interesting to think about!
No. 582743
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What does it even mean when men say stuff about accidentally breaking/crushing short/petite women during sex?
t. virgin
No. 582759
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Hello hello, does anyone know the name of this web design/structure? I remember making something like this as a kid on piczo (2005/2006) and I want to recreate it again. Basically, there's a window in the page where everything is refreshed/changed. Does that make sense? Attached picture for reference.
No. 582768
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>>582655You're welcome anon!
I thought about some more reasons one would be able to write faster/better on paper, being that it's easier to put emphasis where you want to by italicizing your writing (if your normal handwriting isn't already italicized), underlining, changing the colors of your words if you're writing with one of them 4-colors retractable pens in one single flow of work instead of having to let go of keyboard, fetch mouse/pad, click away or stop typing to ctrl+b or ctrl+i and whatnot.
I remembered two other pieces of advice if they can help:
1. Making the margins of your document smaller (works mostly for Google Doc) so you feel like you are filling more + you don't have to go from a page to another as much when trying to remember already written stuff.
2. Changing the typo either when starting to work and/or sometime during writing so you don't always work with the default one, it makes writing more engaging + you can spot more mistakes you would have missed when re-reading (for some reason it really works well. It's like it simulates the feeling of "publishing said text somewhere and only noticing the mistakes there because it's a whole new layout").
Good luck in your writing endeavors!
No. 582796
>>582792A mannequin is a bit overkill for some who's only learning how to sew, though an adjustable one is pretty handy when drafting your own patterns. You really should start with commercial patterns though. They're usually marked with the required skill level so just pick one you like in the novice category.
You might want to look into getting a serger if you want your clothes to have a more professional finish/to be more sturdy.
You also need tailors chalk for marking your fabric.
Godspeed and have fun with your new hobby anon, I hope you'll like sewing as much as I do. :)
No. 582802
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What are some good retinal-A cream and high SPF sunscreen for the face that can be easily found cheap in the UK? I bought £34.99 of the stuff at boots and I sorta regret it. What are some alternatives so that I don't have to spend as much?
No. 582832
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>>582803it feels like (for me at least) my heart and soul pours out to this person - snacks, time, words and affection - i am able to give and not worry about reciprocation, because it feels as natural as breathing to want to share everything with this person. sometimes it feels like flying. that’s cheesy but w/e. there was initial attraction, it did take time btw for this person to be able to reciprocate on the same level - this part was scary, feeling like i was always the one “giving.” i look back on it and appreciate now what was so terrifying in the moment, because it felt meaningful when he was finally able to show love back in the same way. like finally getting a snuggle from a shy street kitty
No. 582871
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What's another name for people who are conspiracy lunatics?
No. 582897
>>582874since it's this generations new vine I doubt that someone won't make a clone to replace it if it gets banned
funny that the american retards are complaining about chinese data collection on a fucking meme app mostly used by millennials and gen z'ers when they let google and facebook do fuckall they want
No. 583073
>>583024I can kind of agree, but I do think a lot about adopting kids though.
While things might be getting better little by little, I'm still super scared about internet usage. I know you can limit shit like that, but ultimately kids always find a way to bypass this. Especially since internet access is everywhere. Unsupervised internet usage fucked me up as a kid and basically gave me a shitty porn addiction.I would not want my kid to suffer the same fate.
No. 583154
>>583149General attitude is that you don't insult people IRL. Donesnt matter what kind of insults you use, or who you direct them to, insulting is considered trashy and uncivilized.
As for online, that depends on the community. Over here it's a pretty standard insult.
No. 583184
File: 1594569505227.png (713.79 KB, 680x1440, IMG_9157.PNG) stamp-9:57) Am I retarded for not understanding how these lesbians count as 'femcels'? A lot of this stuff comes across as comradely rather than the hatred seen in incel forums
No. 583235
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Anons i finally am gonna draw again after months and thought id do a simple watercolor painting to begin with, which one should i paint?
No. 583422
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>>583270>>583339Yeah anon, I began having panic attacks while taking Prozac. I'd suggest switching to something else and potentially getting a new psych.
No. 583423
>>583408I‘m pretty sure most people don’t care about stuff like that. But technically, sexualization is kind of a bad thing since that makes the objectified person seem just like well, a sexual object that’s just there for the pleasure of the person consuming the art and whatnot.
But again, I’m pretty sure there’s barely anyone who truly cares about that when it comes to buying something.
It truly depends on your target audience, and even if you do something thinking about your intended target audience, there’s the possibility that other people out of the group your stuff is directed to might want to consume what you’re doing.
Just go for it and have fun, don’t worry too much about these things.
No. 583528
>>583479>>583479Full lace real hair is the best I think. However I only used lace front wigs and I'm really happy how natural and easy they are!
I bought mine second hand, because real hair is so expensive (and a must) but I guess that's not for everyone
No. 583531
>>583479I do this. Second what
>>583528 said, definitely get a human hair lace wig. Full lace is best because it gives you most styling options, but lace front works too. It will need a lot more styling and effort than real hair to look good, and it'll need a decent cut to pass as real. Out of the bag it'll look like an awful poofy mop, don't be discouraged, get it styled and watch a ton of tutorials.
No. 583673
>when they're loud even though the host asks to be quiet because of roommates/neighbours>touching everything, snooping around too much >not at least proposing help (for example with dishes)hosts
>bit on the contrary to above, putting guests to work too much>not providing basic necessities like towel, toilet paper, so the guest has to ask for everything or deal without it>not caring if guests are hungry or thirstyTbh I love hosts who don't care about the answer and just bring drinks/food anyway. Especially with drinks, even when people refuse beverage if you bring it, they will drink it
No. 583933
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Did Doja Cat actually participate in white supremacist groups or just used a slightly more niche site that had hate groups? I mean even Tumblr has nazi circles, they're unfortunately everywhere.
No. 583992
>>583933She would go into video chats where there were some 4ch faggots and was rumored to be a /soc/ girl? But I doubt she herself was a white supremacist, she was probably stupid enough to flash a few chanfags for attention and spent time in chat rooms with them but I don't think she was really all that invested in some kind of /pol/ ideology like the people trying to cancel her were saying. she's an edgy girl who was mostly interactive in internet communities prior to being famous and it kind of shows, but what she did was far from the worst cancellation I've seen.
women get "cancelled" for the dumbest shit compared to men, shamed for life, but a guy can be a rapist or abuser and people conveniently "forget". her pal Rico Nasty pointed this out in an interview
No. 584193
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Was twitter always so nuts? Or did the increase of tumblr refugees just make it worse in the last two years.
No. 584227
>>584194>mainstream internet has gotten worse overall too.I agree, but also what exactly attributed to that? I can’t seem to pin point it.
I’m not saying that the internet was always sunshine and rainbows but it was definitely more care free years back. Now it feels like everyone is walking on eggshells. All the fucking ads and influencer shit doesn’t be help either.
No. 584239
>>584227I agree with
>>584230 but it's not just that. The fact that the internet doesn't just feel like a virtual place to talk to people and read about stuff anymore, but more like TV makes me think it's all because of companies making money off the internet since social media exploded in 2007 (with fb and all that stuff). There are adds everywhere, influencers don't post just because they want to talk about topics that interest them but because they want to make money, have sponsorships, be on PR lists with big companies, not be cancelled/they don't want to lose their audience, etc.
No. 584243
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>>584228Yes, target your upper chest muscles (under your collar bone). It creates muscle that lifts your boobs up and as a bonus minimizes that flap of skin at your armpit creases. Youtube some exercises– rule of thumb is have your hands forward and above your head to put more stress on your upper chest, somewhat pic related but hands lower and never lock your arms, so in push-ups or lifts end up in that position.
No. 584262
>>584227Combination of corporate takeover and internet becoming more and more accessible to the general population.. especially with the rise of smartphones.
I feel like up until maybe 2005ish the internet was still mostly the realm of the young and/or tech savvy. Now we're in a time where every person and their mom is online pretty much every day, so it's going to be different than years past.
I'm an oldfag ('80s born) and I really feel nostalgia for the geocities/AOL/yahoo/etc. era of the internet. Could just be that's what I grew up with so it's rose colored glasses.. but it was a better time imo. Everytime I "logged on" it was like a new adventure.
No. 584343
I use it all the time without problems
No. 584353
>>584342You can get a virtual library card for LA Public Library and download books from them!
They will ask you for an LA address but just google a house or apartment in LA.
The only thing is, if you want to download popular bestsellers sometimes there is a waiting list, but it's nice for people like me who aren't super technologically adept and don't wanna dig through different websites.
No. 584459
>>584456"t." is basically when you are speaking something from an experience and want to be like (for an example)
doing drugs is not the best thing ever
>t. former crackheadand anons also reply to others post with "t." to poke fun and basically guess what they are (for an example)
anon 1: i hate women so much it's unreal
anon 2, replying: >t. man
does this make sense lol i am so bad at explaining No. 584470
>>584455>>584459I know how it's used, I'm asking why "t."
Why that letter? Why not "d." for example? What does that "t." stand for? I don't know how better to formulate my question.
No. 584538
>>584531if I'm commuting for work, just a coffee usually and sometimes there are breakfast snacks at work that I grab!
if i'm wfh i really like making egg-in-a-holes!! perfectly toasted bread with egg topped with whatever spices you want! i like it because it's super easy to make!
eating out for brunch/breakfast back before rona, i like diner pancakes.
aw anon you have me missing diner food… both the tasty local brunch kind and the post-bar crawl 3am waffle house tour.
what do you have for breakfast?
No. 584559
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>>584531Mostly pic related with either juice, coffee with milk sweetened with Splenda or a natural juice.
Sometimes the same but with scrambled eggs instead of ham and cheese, that’s usually for Sundays because those are lazy days.
No. 584560
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>>584554omg anon they had this at my local grocery for like a month and it's soooo tasty with a lil honey drizzled on it. but now i just have to add the oats separately since they don't sell it anymore
No. 584563
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>>584531i usually eat breakfast for other meals and dont eat in the mornings but i really like this type of bagel sandwich
No. 584581
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>>584531plain greek yogurt with a handful of this granola
No. 584617
>>584611Not at all! Did you have your cats since early kittenhood? Maybe they never learned how to clean themselves properly? In that case you'll have to start washing them yourself.
Alternatively, maybe they have some issues with their diet which would cause them to have a loose stool and, because of it, a dirty butt all the time. Investigate!
No. 584630
>>584531If I'm in a rush:
Slice of wholemeal toast with peanut butter and topped with slices of banana.
If I have time:
2 eggs scrambled and seasoned, steamed spinach, tomatoes and half an avocado.
And always a cup of tea.
No. 584646
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>>58453132-34g of pic rel, 240-250ml of milk and a sliced banana
No. 584674
>>584531A really scuffed version of this
>>584543You a fancy bitch aren't you, are you on here just to laugh at us peasants!!?
No. 584699
>>584691Do you seriously have chickens
and ducks?
No. 584718
>>584531On weekdays, it's mostly between cereal (plain cornflakes or cheerios and sweetened soy milk) or just a cup of soymilk. Sometimes I'll go out and buy different shit if I'm in the mood and might add in some greek yogurt, bread/pastries, or overnight oats on different days. Weekends I might ham it up and have eggs benedict (I really like making my own english muffins lol), or just fried eggs and some veg.
I always dream of being able to stick to the same quick breakfast routine, but I'm never really that consistent when I buy groceries so lol.
No. 584734
>>584699Yes. I also keep geese and turkeys.
>>584700Duck eggs aren't that different from chicken's eggs, they have a richer, creamier flavour and that's about it. I like using them for baking cakes and pastry.
No. 584944
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>>584669>>584674It makes me feel like a healthy bitch. I used to laugh at avocado hipsters but here I am
No. 585140
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This is a question for people with good eyesight. How much detail can you actually see on a person?
Are very HD pictures of people accurate as in person to you in terms of detail? Can you see the persons peach fuzz or even pores? Can you see every wrinkle on a person's face? What about stray hairs? What about a person's dry skin? I have always wondered this because I have really bad vision & when I wear glasses I can only notice most details when I'm up close, however I doubt glasses are the same as natural good eyesight. Unless…?
No. 585460
>>585140Man I have this same dilemma but with hearing. I wanna know what average hearing is like so I can judge how bad my ears are. I had a rude awakening a couple years ago when at work my coworker would say shit like "woah what was that noise?" about random bodily function noises my body would make that I thought were silent, like I felt them and didn't hear them (eg. Spit draining down my throat weird after a drink, the tiniest stomach gurgle or whatever)
Anyway that coworker gave me anxiety because I wondered how many times I farted silently into my chair but SHE PROBABLY HEARD. I hope my hearing is good and she's just some weird bat level ear haver
Sorry to take away from your question, I have shit eyes too so I can't help.
No. 585462
>>585396There are Chinese predictions about dates to conceive resulting in a particular gender.
And then there's the thing where diet is supposed to affect gender - something to do with acidic foods resulting in a female or something?…
But eh, I think maybe it's decided as soon as the sperm hits the egg. No matter how desperate you are for a girl, please for the love of God don't put your little boy in a dress and make him a tranny