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No. 562547
>>562526>>562542Is it bad I didn't laugh till I saw the mirror?
That girl gets so much shit but that meme is hilarious, I feel so bad
No. 562691
>>562685This. Remember when Epstein died and Onion was all like “Why is everyone saying that he was murdered? He obviously killed himself!” Probably because Epstein had Grug’s dream life only for it to come to a grinding halt, so of course suicide would make complete sense to someone like Onion.
The new Netflix doc says that Epstein was a textbook narc, much like Onion himself.
No. 562801
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>>562745has to be it, she looks pretty normal here and the thread picture is really disturbing to look at
No. 563083
>>562961Same. I can see how they could be considered graceful if you only look at the body and squint really hard, but their faces are so hideous to me. The concept of girly sparkly unicorns cracks me up because real horses are so ugly.
>>562962People constantly refer to horses as beautiful, graceful, majestic etc. As a kid I was afraid of horses and adults would get upset at me for that.
No. 563174
>>563157Thanks. I wear hijab and although I have really nice hair, I actually look better with one on I think. There's a certain way to wear it though that makes it cute vs really really ugly. I wear it like a turban or I wear it really loosely while still covering my hair. The clothes you wear can enhance it if they're trendy, or make it uglier.
>>563160Most of the girls I know don't think it's hot tbh unless you're literally wearing a cotton scarf. If anything it protects the top of our heads from overheating.
No. 563175
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>>563155I'm seeing a strange influx of muslim users…
Anyways, I don't wear it but I follow a lot of bloggers who do. how do you wear it? I find it to be really cute especially worn like this
No. 563187
>>563175I'm the gorgeous cousin anon and I am very much not a muslim even if admitting that to my mother would make her seriously murder me. As she has said so many times.
Some hijab styles do look pretty though, and I think women just get used to the feel of it. I would never wear one though. I look better with hair. My cousin wears it similiarly as in the image you uploaded.
No. 563233
>>563155I think burqas and niqabs are dehumanizing as fuck and I get uncomfortable whenever I see women in public (which is rare but still). While I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion on here, I would instantly get branded as an islamaphobe if I ever said that because I live in a really liberal area.
Don’t really have a strong opinion about hijabs either way though
No. 563254
>>563252bisexual women bad
bisexual women bad
bisexual women bad
bisexual women bad
bisexual women bad
bisexual women bad
No. 563319
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i don't like movies. big hollywood franchises suck ass and are made by pedophiles, independently made movies are better but rarely worth spending over an hour of your day on. i fucking hate quentin tarantino and his spergy obnoxious stans, which usually make up the ~film enthusiasts~ of any group of people.
much of the "cult classics" are just retarded porn and/or gore fests put on a pedestal by scrotes and equally brain dead pickmes. because popular movies are never really visually extraordinariy i feel like movies are just storytelling for people who are too dumb and undisciplined to read a book.
however i do enjoy animated stuff (except studio ghibli garbage).
No. 563341
>>563332NOO LMAO i was eating a sandwich, oops
No. 563413
>>563411Just do it, anon.. do it and be free and feel pretty
They really are beautiful and they give such a delicate feminine curve
No. 563448
The Rain on Me and Stupid Love music videos look like shit and are boring. I'm disappointed.
>>563155Same opinion here, I'm glad it's not really a thing in my family, I can't even imagine any of my family members wearing one and they actually believe in God and try to practice the religion as much as possible.
No. 563458
>>563409>Like saying races other than curly haired latina or blacks can't have dreads or box braids or something.All my Black friends say this not because it's cultural appropriation but because these hair styles are bad for hair that's not between 3A and 4C.
I don't know, cultural appropriation is definitely a thing imo, but a bunch of people think even normal, harmless things count as cultural appropriation. When I say that middle eastern fashion designer whose name I forgot literally designing basic ass karakous and saying they were inspired by costumes in Game of Thrones that was definitely cultural appropriation. But I see people losing their shit when white girls in exchange programs in Japan are wearing a yukuata during a summer festival with their Japanese friends, which is ridiculous to me.
No. 563469
>>563409I was in Walmart (ugh) and said to the cashier, who had 6 row Ghana braids, "I LOVE your braids! I wish I knew how to braid… I've been wanting to do my hair for so long."
She looked at me with dead eyes and said "you shouldn't, these braids are not for you."
bitch i am sorry my skin didn't turn out darker but i'm not even half white, my birth father is half Nigerian (full on Nigerian granddad, thx) and half white, my other birth parent is middle eastern.
Thanks for telling me I can't braid my hair tho!!!!!!
No. 563486
>>563458Afaik most jp ppl don't give a damn if non Japanese are wearing their traditional clothing or glorify their culture. If anything they are happy it is getting exposure.
Also w dreadlocks, just a personal anecdote, I knew a lot of white people with dreads because I was/am into hippie "culture" where many people adopt an ultra natural lifestyle. You just literally stop combing your hair and it gets matted over time, no matter your race. Our ancient human ancestors probably had them so I don't get how how a group can lay claim to unbrushed hair. Like I can kind of understand being protective over creations exclusive to your culture, but how are dreads like that?
Idk I have mixed feelings over the concept of cultural appropriation. Some things are most certainly in bad taste but some things are more grey area.
No. 563487
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>>563486The way non-black people attain dreads, and the appearance, is different from the ways black people attain them.
This post goes into detail: =/= just tangled/unbrushed hair
No. 563500
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>>563486I was thinking about braids when saying this, I don't know about white people with dreads having particular problems until they try to get another hair style.
As for what I said about yukata it's just one random example among many others. I could have also kept using the Algerian/North African example of the karakou and said that if a white woman was invited to a traditional wedding by her bff who's the bride and who's Algerian, and the wedding is happening in Algeria nobody will really care about her wearing one. At best they'll be surprised. Because it's not the same thing as pretending YOU invented it because you watched Game of Thrones and you think it's a never seen before design.
I think when it comes to clothes at the end of the day it's just a matter of context, and when and where you're wearing these clothes. And even when you do a fashion faux pas it's not ALWAYS cultural appropriation. If I saw a random American going grocery shopping at Walmart while wearing a kilt I'd find this weird as fuck/surprising but that's not cultural appropriation by itself unless the dude starts telling me that he invented kilts or some shit.
No. 563502
>>563409literally only americans and the internet care about cultural appropriation
Ive had dreadlocks for 10 years and I'm pasty as fuck, besides the good old classic "how do you wash your hair" Ive never had a single comment about "appropriation"
whats next, white people not being allowed to curl their hair anymore? clearly we are the devil lol
No. 563508
>>563493yup. the concept of fake hair, wigs or extensions, even high quality and well styled, is so disgusting and icky and i can't help but associate it with old musty ladies.
fake eyelashes too, it reminds me of the evil aunt in bernard and bianca.
No. 563563
>>563541all religions are sexist and against women in general. what do you expect from books written ages ago by men who believed women to be objects that were their possession?
don't try to use this shit to single out islam yet again (brown man terrorist hurrrhurrrr)
No. 563582
>>563563>>563578I'm exmuslim living in the west and everyone pussyfoots around Islam calling it empowering to women even though actual abuse and oppression goes on right in front of their eyes. I'm not using it to single out Islam and say brown man bad because brown man is literally my father. I'm sorry but Islam is not a race.
Honestly saying all religions are bad is retarded since you know that most other religions are practiced in a much more moderate way, they are a lot more reformed whilst there are a lot more traditional muslims. Islam is uniquely oppressive in the modern era and blocking your ears isn't going to change that.
No. 563592
>>563580That's not unpopular. Most people will say "ew" when you mention eating a vegan dish even if it's just a basic curry or hummus and falafels.
Like is every dish you make just plain shit until you add parmesan or crack an egg over it or something?
No. 563597
>>563579Are there many Muslims in Sweden? I'm curious, usually how radical and violent they get is related to where they come from in terms of country/region. Muslims from the Middle East and Pakistan are a special kind of fucked up from my point of view.
>>563581>Lots of people already denounce the others for being shitty. There's a weird double standard.Depends on where you live, not by the general public in my experience. As an ex-muslim when I say that I hate Islam and don't believe in God even SJWs listen to me and agree while adding "not all Muslims are bad though!!" but when I say that I find Judaism or Christianity retarded for the same reasons almost everyone is in denial except SJWs (but only for Christianity). And SJW don't have as much influence as you think, for better or worse.
No. 563605
>>563597>Muslims from the Middle East and Pakistan are a special kind of fucked up from my point of view. nta and not sweden either but i'm also from europe and the muslims from pakistan/afghanistan/etc. here are most of the time the ones who groom young local girls into thinking they want to date them and be together with them and the girls unfortunately fall for it too. i've witnessed so many of them suddenly turn into a "muslim" and start behaving like they're part middle eastern and learning islamic prayers, it's all so disturbing because those men are only in it to fuck them. i've also witnessed so many of the girls fight each other over their ugly boyfriends and "how dare she pretend to be a muslim when i know more prayers than she does", it's genuinely so depressing. my own friend got groomed by an afghan man when she was around 15-16 and he ended up raping her (both vaginally and anally) and then literally self harmed on video call so that she doesn't leave him, and i also had to witness her "muslim" phase. now they're no longer together and he got a 19 year old girl pregnant, they even have a child together. i'm not even shocked.
these men definitely know what they're doing. the funny part is that despite all of this gimmick, they still pretend to be holy and a devoted believer.
No. 563607
i am
>>563563 and where I live islam gets a shitton of hate and no one defends it or anything. I didnt say all religions are bad, just that most are sexist or started out as such (or are still thinly veiled sexist)
>>563579look up how much rights amish and jehovas witness women have.
>>563581I dont get that, the hatred against islam in my country is very real
>>563582with brown man bad i was referring to the way people think here…
brown person = islam = terrorist
is what a lot of people think here unfortunately…..
No. 563617
>>563612>>563612oh sorry nah i just forgot to mention
I'm from Belgium, you probably havent heard from us. we are a tiny hateful country.
No. 563621
>>563616you have a point but dont forget usa has "in god we trust" printed on their money
i think religion and politics should always be seperated (ref Laicism in Europe)
No. 563624
>>563622oh wow what are the odds.
Please tell me more, what did he do?
No. 563639
>>563629>>563629haha that sounds very Belgian indeed. it's also true we usually don't speak much politics and its even kind of against the law to say who you voted for.
And you're probably right about him not sharing his opinions.
The thing is some are actually racist here but others make fun of it by being very sarcastic about it but Americans (dutchies too) dont usually appreciate that either.
No. 563651
>>563645hey how nice fellow countryperson!
what part are you from?
I'm from flemish part in the east. maybe they're worse here because this is the country side? Also I work in construction where I meet a lot of those typical "real men" kinda guys. (low education)
I heard Gent is a very tolerant place.
No. 563667
>>563660don't forget chocolade and Belgian fries!
>>563654that probably helps. I also have a feeling wallon people are more leftist than flemish…not saying brussels is wallon but you guys are kind of in between.
>>563657thats nice to hear anon
No. 563676
>>563616It's more complicated than that, depending on which country we're talking about there's a political aspect you can't ignore, and colonisation and the cold war also had a big role in how some countries became more conservative. In some countries things were just fine until specific events occurred like a coup d'Etat or different parties fighting over power after decolonization, etc.
Watch the animation Persepolis, it's a great movie in general and it will show you how Iran became what it is from the point of view of an Iranian woman, it's a classic. An anon in another thread also posted a video of a former Egyptian president when the topic came up (I think it was Nasser? I don't remember) and you could see everyone laughing at the idea of forcing women to wear the hijab back then.
No. 563708
>>563621The US also references God in its laws iirc, definitely in the constitution. It's not a secular country, unfortunately.
I had a hard time trying to get people to understand why it's a problem that the government is signaling proximity to a certain type of belief system when I still lived there. They didn't seem to understand why that emboldens WASP types to think it's "their country by rights" as opposed to other citizens since the very government aligns with them by virtue of referencing their idea of a creator in its literature routinely. This excludes other faiths and lack of faith, which in turn alienates a chunk of the population. It should not be that way but I digress.
No. 563766
>>563756My grocery bills are much more expensive for buying fresh produce and quality protein like seafood. Whereas when I was gaining weight I was eating relatively cheap because lower quality food and junk is cheaper. Do you think it's just a coincidence that people who are paid lower, have stressful jobs with longer hours, and who are unhappy are the ones who are getting fatter?
>you need to eat thousands upon thousands of calories to gain weightNot really, tbh an extra 200-300 calories a day over maintenance is going to result in a slow and steady weight gain over the course of a year. Sounds like you're talking out your ass, did a fatty make fun of you today or something?
No. 563771
Cultural appropriation is
valid but not in the SJW sense.
>>563409If I wear cornrows to work I risk getting fired. People have been fired/ sent home from school for their hair not being appropriate. Other people wear it as a fashion statement and get no shit.
I literally wear my hair straight wear or wear a wig to every job interview / professional school interview because it will ruin my chances if I don't. Many other women do this and still do it today.
>The Crown Act If you have to pass a law through each state and eventually CONGRESS in order to not have people get away with not hiring you because of hair, then I don't know what else to tell you.
> Tigon Laws passed on poc/black women to cover their hair in public in North and South America
Recent laws to allow black women to whear natural hair at work
No. 563808
>>563787Idk, counting calories sucks and if you get too adjusted on that and go through a period where you're not counting, you're likely to gain again.
I started to lose weight when I stopped buying into the 3 meals a day meme. I'm much for satisfied to wait until I have a delicious dinner where I'm free to eat relatively whatever I want.
No. 564057
>>564010No one said he was cancelled, there was just aggressive attempts to do so. A bunch of Twitter fags just tried to cancel Joji because they only just realised he is pink guy. An example of someone legitimately cancelled (as far as I know) would be that bitch Roseanne from Rosanne. She made the mistake of saying this monkey looking bitch looked like a monkey and only afterwards realised she was black.
>>564024True, it's retarded to assume a tard mob has that ability. They've been trying to get Jeffery Star for years still to no avail. And that guy's an actual POS
No. 564080
>>563787I couldn't stand counting calories because it was too involved, and if I didn't feel like logging something or myfitnesspal was going to slow lol I just wouldn't log things. Daily fasting was way easier for me because by the time my feeding window came, my body wanted real food, and I'd get full before I had the chance to binge on junk food.
Not saying counting calories is bad, it's just hard if you're retarded like me lmao.
No. 564160
>>563766>>563827"Cut out the McDonalds" != "Eat salmon & kale everyday". Beans & rice & frozen veggies are all much healthier than junk food at a fraction of the cost. Stop making excuses.
No. 564350
>>564337If you honestly can't see why advising people with portion control issues to eat rice is a bad idea, no one can help your room temp IQ.
Know who likes rice and beans? Mexicans. Mexico is the most obese country in the world. Checkmate, weeb.
No. 564369
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>>564350Rice and tortillas are good, okay.
No. 564390
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>>564369Refried beans spread on a tortilla with a few dashes of Valentina is bomb af.
No. 564444
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A clockwork orange is one of the dumbest most edgy movies I've ever seen, it's literally just some guy walking around raping, killing and doing whatever edgy thing the writer decided to throw in but they put classical music over it so suddenly it's super deep and society is fucked etc etc.
My best guess is that it's a power fantasy for scrotes but that's the best guess I got to why anyone would unironically like this garbage.
No. 564451
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>>564449They make nendoroids of some weird shit sometimes.
No. 564454
>>564444I never read the novel or watched the movie but I've been told the movie "forgot" to add the end of the novel about how the main characters are pieces of shit who gets punished for their crimes. Correct me if I'm wrong. I watched the Shining, also by Kubrick, for literature class back in high school and my teacher said something similar, about how the writer didn't think the adaptation was good.
>>564449>>564451I wonder who would actually buy and display these nendoroids. I don't get the appeal when they're ugly live action movie characters.
No. 564456
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>>564454>how the main characters are pieces of shit who gets punished for their crimesNah, the main character does get punished for a bit but goes back to doing exactly what he did in the first place by the end and this is sort of framed as a good thing? At least the cinematography framed it like that.
>I wonder who would actually buy and display these nendoroids. I don't get the appeal when they're ugly live action movie characters.Probably people buying them as a joke or because they were at hottopic for the suicide squad one, they have done figures of live action characters that look cute though.
No. 564466
>>564456Yeah this one is cute and actually looks good. I don't know how people would buy nendoroids as a joke or at hot topic in the West when Funko Pops exist. They're less expensive after all.
>but goes back to doing exactly what he did in the first place by the end and this is sort of framed as a good thing? Sounds like some weird redemption arc thing. Honestly, I only know what Clockwork Orange is about because of edgy classmates long ago who bragged about watching the movie because it's so edgy, I got curious and read about the plot online but it seems like the type of movie I'd hate and wouldn't even finish. I don't know if the novel is better despite its differences but I don't think I'd enjoy reading it either.
No. 564467
>>564466>I don't know how people would buy nendoroids as a joke or at hot topic in the West when Funko Pops exist. Even the ugliest nendoroid like the Joker one are less ugly than almost every Funko Pop also I think people probably like the interchangeable parts.
>They're less expensive after all. Eh, depends. I've seen nendoroids go for 10 bucks (especially on jp sites) and Pops go for 500+.
> I only know what Clockwork Orange is about because of edgy classmates long ago who bragged about watching the movie because it's so edgyHaha, I'm pretty sure that's the general audience who enjoys it along with man children who think they're smarter than the average person for liking some shitty movie about a guy who rapes a lot. Never read the novel but I've heard it's pretty similar to the movie with a chapter added about the protagonist wanting to have kids or something.
No. 564471
>>564444It's saterizing the relationship between government and crime (both conservative and liberals put using him as a propaganda pawn in their own way before actually protecting the public from him while letting people as bad as him become cops anyway) and the second half is nothing but Alex getting brainwashed, abused and tortured e.g. the opposite of a power fantasy.
It's like American Psycho or Fight Club where it's obviously using a villain protagonist to make a political condemnation but the fanbase is retarded and think he's epic and cool.
No. 564491
>>564474I hate how so many high art movies show so much excessive gore and disturbing shit and how people gloat about watching it without even flinching and jerking off about the deeper meanings behind watching some graphic rape scenes as if we already don't hear about that shit irl enough. It's not 'ooo so deep' it's fucking porn for some people. Of course, some movies can be respectable about subjects like that but most are just shock-value.
I even hated Midsommar too, like, it felt female-suffering is some high art shit. No, it fucking isn't. I don't know, I am rambling. I'm just sad I can't enjoy so many celebrated movies because some scenes I just cannot stomach due to past trauma and it's like man, when you can't watch some subject matter, you really realize how much of it is filled in high cinema.
No. 564519
>>564514Young women, including white ones, are at the bottom of crime statistics, most of them have never done anything bad, yet they have internalized such a deep guilt. Meanwhile men of all races and ages happily rape and murder and the ones who don't still defend those who do and shit on women, without any remorse.
That's in no way comparable.
No. 564522
>>564519Just people putting all emotional labor, guilt and other assorted social work back onto women, for a change
Women are now supposed to take the blame for violence enacted by men towards other men.
No. 564601
>>564547Really? I actually like that. I’m way more likely to read your post when answers are laid out cleanly rather than some wall of text.
No. 564723
>>564709i would agree but i don't like mcflurries without sauce and in the UK recently only the special ones get sauce. Ice cream vans have lovely soft-serve.
i've started to see baskin robbins pop up in cinemas around here, is it worth the price? its kind of expensive but im curious
No. 564826
>>564796>>564809This is why I do not trust male feminist or white people who go around doing the "Listen up white people!!" I do think some come from good places, but i've seen a lot of male feminists say FOUL shit to women who say something that they don't agree with.
Just like I've seen white women calling black people coons and talking down to them when we don't agree with what they are being told is "Woke".
I feel a lot of these "Allies" want a reason to shit on different groups of people in the name of being woke, but it's still sexists and racists.
>>564796I have no issue with tranny Micheal Jackson addressing his fellow man, but again, it's another way for someone whose not black to talk down to someone who is black.
I'm not saying everyone doing it is wrong, but when you see a white woman calling a black man a coon, then you go, "Isn't this just racism?"
No. 564827
>>564824It's not changing. Black men treat black women like shit. Which is why i get so pissed when LGBT+ starts talking shit about black women and how we can stop the few black men who do harm trans women or gay men from doing it and it's like, we can't even stop them from harming us, our communitites and eachother. How the hell are we going to stop them?
Black women are always at the bottom, no matter what and everyone pretends to care, but are constantly blaming us for things we didn't have any parts in.
We always criticize black men (trans women included) but no one cares.
No. 564925
>>564910Hard pass. I'm sexually attracted until they pull the cringey poses and then my clam dries up into dust. It reeks of tryhard Laineybot/Kalvin Garrah vibes.
Plus some of them are like beautiful androgynous models yet they are acting fools on an app for teenagers. It's so lame in my opinion. But then again, my opinion is unpopular hence it's in this thread.
No. 564968
I fucking hate himbos and himbo yearning jokes. I heard one weeb make a joke about himbos irl and it was so cringey, I'll always associate the term with that nowz Fantasizing about unrealistic men is understandable, but shit like
>>564865 gives me cancer.
No. 565280
>>565275well it sure seems that way.
also am I supposed to feel bad for being white or something? I obviously dont agree with what happened and white middle aged men saying "b-but what about our rights?" are retarded.
But that doesnt make it our fault.
No. 565299
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>>565275Meghan Markle said today that 'the only wrong thing to say is to say nothing' so you're damned either way. The only answer is to not be on social media for this and many other good reasons.
No. 565306
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>>565299Accurate. Fuck being a larger account they're all getting shit bombed by tards even when they're as extreme as the rioters
No. 565338
>>565336european countries don't get to colonize most of the world for centuries, up until recently, some occupation still going and then just say "just go back to ur countries lol"
if france and the UK and other countries didn't want blackies and arabs in their countries why did they colonize them? france still owns whole countries full of black people. the UK is the reason so many countries speak english as the first language. they forced peoples into poverty there (by building the very system that made generalized poverty a thing) and took their resources, kept taxes high, signed unfair treaties etc.
are europeans the only ones who can decide when they can occupy countries, colonize, then go home and say "stay away"?
think for just one second, /pol/tard.
No. 565339
>>565336There's a whole thread for this topic and we've been asked to not shit up other threads with it. Quote
> Please keep COVID-19, and protesting to their respective threads. Don't derail vent, confessions, or the dumbshit thread. If you hate a thread topic you can always hide it.
No. 565348
>>565338nobody from europe is colonizing anyone these days you moron. there's no need for young people to feel any guilt over what their ancestors did.
i don't know where you're from but op anon isn't wrong. it's true that many people who have "recently" immigrated to europe don't assimilate into their new country at all. im not talking about colonization but people who have immigrated in the last 30 years or so. throughout the years i've met many people who have lived in germany for 20+ years and they can't speak ANY german or even english. it's especially an issue with older generations. they usually only keep to communities of people from their country of birth and don't bother with getting accustomed to the local culture.
No. 565349
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>>565339They locked it.
Keep arguing anons, you're giving the rich exactly what they want.
No. 565367
>>565348i'm from a country that is still owned by france where french people sperg at the mere mention of independence, and the country itself has had waves of immigrants from everywhere. no it's not in africa.
the natives were allowed to come into the capital without a curfew only in 1960-something. france accepted to maybe help the country work towards a potential independence in the late 80s. even in official independent countries, colonialism is alive and well but it's hidden behind treaties and unofficial local french power, as well through the many consequences of past violent colonialism.
i'll say that people who never learn the local language are an issue everywhere; plenty of those among expats (aka western immigrants) and poor immigrants alike. i wish for all immigrants to integrate, if only for their own mental health and better social organization.
but they're not that numerous, and usually old as shit, like you said. nowadays most immigrant kids learn the local language and go to school, or at least interact with european-language-speaking kids. this complaint is minor even if
valid, imo.
no 1 curr about your guilt.
No. 565410
>>565348if you are a french faggot, rightfully go fuck yourself
>>565338Don't forget Libya
>be france/european countries>be mad at north african and subsaharan countries trying to devlop and and prosper>bomb the everliving shit out of them with other european nations and America because of the fear of a 3rd world having their own currency and controlling their own resources and oil supplies.>Cry when refugees flee to your country>keep taxing the everliving shit out of them so the money they make never goes back to the people>"oversee" elections so they people you want in power stay in power and keep the status quo>get involved when they make their own currency (ECOWAS) in order to entrap them so they can never escape. (Nigeria saw this coming so they noped the fuck out, thank god). >recently talk to corrupt african leaders due to economic uncertainity during brexit and UN issues>get mad and say china is colonizing and get angry that the corrupt people they let into power listen to china more because china has more money than them. Europeans keep thinking they aren't responsible for more than half the shit that goes on in Africa and the Middle East and put the blame on America because America has a big ass mouth. Who the fuck drew boarders in the entire continent of Africa, India, Pankistan, and other various countries around the world? Hint: it's not only America.
they never fucking learn, war after goddamn war
Hell, it is just part of the world. You have Ethiopia controlling the Nile becuase it is their river and you got Egypt and the rest of the middle east trying to take it away from them. It's endless.
No. 565423
>>565403How is it NOT possible? We hold individuals accountable for every little thing. We are even holding our politcal leaders more accountable than cops.
Doctors get sued up the anus and their license to practice is revoked if they were callous as cops. Hell, sometimes they get it taken away for being deemed as "unprofessional" if they are retarded and say stupid shit on twitter/facebook and enough people report it.
Same as lawyers.
Hell, even HAIRDRESSERS have more hours of training than cops do. You can sue your hairdresser, nail tech if they fucked up your scalp / hands.
Teacher and nursing unions have power but teachers and nurses are still held individually accountable for what they do. They can be fired. Especially teachers, because at the end of the day, the public teachers are hired by the state.
Why are cops the exception?
Why can cops in certain states get away with sexual assault after searching women during traffic stops late at night? That should not be ok. There needs to be accountability somewhere, and not in the form of police council with members who review these cases because many of them are chosen by police. There should be a council but it needs to be put in placy by chosen individuals that the community supports with the backing of the federal government, and their identity needs to be protected because cops often go after people who are witnesses to their crime. They have even gone after former ex cops for speaking out and threatening to kill them.
No. 565433
>>565423i don't think you understand what i am saying, anon.
they won't stop rioting until every single cop is held accountable for what has happened? How is this possible? I've seen things like "even good cops" whatever the fuck that means. so i guess we will just be in endless riots for the rest of our lives because nothing that happens will ever be good enough. awesome. sick. totally cool.
More training, education and screening for cops? absolutely.
trying to witch hunt every single bad one out there will be damn near impossible. next.
and doctors do not get their licenses taken away after one malpractice suit. only the medical board can decide that. and do people really sue their hairdressers THAT often? no, you don't see that getting reported otherwise you would have a bunch of karens suing for cutting their hair wrong or their nail techs for the wrong nail shape or sloppy paint job, get a grip.
and too many sexual predators who work in schools get protected too, so…….
and also racist doctors and nurses who will refuse POC care, where is the outrage? anyway nice talking to you.
No. 565436
>>565433I hope gang violence is targetted next,IMO all lives won't matter until black lives ACTUALLY matter and not just the ones who are male and being killed by the cops, but the stuff that goes on in our own backyards.
I feel more unsafe in every neighborhood i've lived in then around the police. I'd think as a black person I'd feel more safe around my own but i don't.
No. 565438
>>565433you were right but
>anyway nice talking to youchildish
>>565435 i have always secretly thought this. everything in america seemed to be about class first and race happened to fall in with class. there is a huge divide between "educated" and "uneducated" americans
No. 565451
>>565446I agree & this thread can be equally embarrassing lmao
Somebody help!!
No. 565454
>>565429Right. People need to release that no one is innocent, not Europeans, the Chinese, Middle Easterners, evil African dictators that genocide tribes (sometimes their own!) for money.
I'm just annoyed of all the Europeans pretending their shit doesn't stink. As if most of the people who immigrate to the country with many of them already speaking their language fluently (sometimes with thick accents) are all just happenstance and are all colluding to destroy them. Why the fuck are these retards suprised when you have british colonies that speak english come to england to get a job beuase their government advertises for them to come, ultimately for cheap labor they wouldn't have to pay for with a british born citizen. How come so many immigrants in britian are Nigerian, Pakistani and Indian? Just a coincidence? Complete ignorance. Why are you complaining about the number of Hatians when you begged them to come to build up your fucking Economy and you still exclude and discriminate against them, while in one breath saying they "don't assimilate". How the fuck are people going to assimilate, if you don't fucking let them?
The same shit happens in America. Anglos are king, fuck everyone else. Then when poles are ok, they let them assilmilate. Then when germans and jewish people (which waxes and wanes) are ok, then they let them assimilate. When non-white minorities want to participate in society and people exclude them so they end up creating their own subcultures, the same people who excluded them stay, "they never assimilate". Middle easterners were considered white passing enough and assimilated, until 9/11. Then they are now perpetual terrorists that have "never assimilated". Same with asians. People try to use Asians as a wedge with model minority bullshit and those that foolishly eat it up don't realize that by being a "model" minority, you put up and shut up and don't talk about anything bad happening to you because you are the model citizen, the "honorary" group, just given permission, for now (and given covid, China trade war, the threat of China (and by extension Asia's growing prosperity and influence so that the western world doesn't only call the shots) we are right back to people scared about the "yellow peril".
When you have a unique group of Americans (black people) who had to fight tooth and nail to fucking shit in the same goddamn bathroom and use the same waterfountain, and still have people who excluded them covertly in social activities, what the fuck do you think would happen? The 60s was 50 running now 60 years ago. Do people think that after civil rights it was all fucking hugs and kisses and all the racists just diseapeared of the face of the earth? No. Many of them are our parent's and grandparents and they still pass that shit down.
No. 565459
>>565454>All of the EuropeansAh yes. Me and the other Irish did have that big fight over that large and fertile patch of land that one time
Seriously, Europe is nothing more than a term for a group of countries that banded together for economic reasons and may or may not have relations with each other. I'm not asking you to name every individual country just like I can't tell you where fucking Vermont is but we are all so wildly different as countries that your statement falls apart.
No. 565464
>>565459>Europe is nothing more than a term for a group of countries that banded together for economic reasonsthat's the European Union, not Europe
>>565454>I'm just annoyed of all the Europeans pretending their shit doesn't stink.I'm sick of people pretending I'm responsible for the shit my government does or did and/or my ancestors did
No. 565474
Ignorance is bliss.
Seeing all this talk makes me envious of people living in eastern asian countries.
>be rich 1st world country who did shit in the past just like europe/america
>simply don't learn about history (or don't care)
>be patriotic af
>foreigners ignore any of your actually racist actions and instead love your country and think you're so perfect, polite, etc because animuh or random popstars
My country didn't fight, invade, bomb etc anybody since before my grandparents were even born, I live in a small town with very few foreigners, I've only ever been in contact with one black person, I'm pretty sure I've never really been racist or oppressive or anything like that, but that doesn't matter because of the way I look and the place I was born. I don't want "permission" to be racist, I just want to be left alone like them.
Also, governments doing shit =/= citizens are evil or okay with that.
No. 565478
>>565459Feeling this a lot my friend
>mfw my white country was colonized and oppressed by two neighboring nations for centuries and didn't achieve independence until the 1900s, got its original native culture obliterated, our native language wasn't allowed in schools until early 1900s, countrymen weren't even considered white until the 1950s because we were seen as a lesser race, we were sold as slaves to the Mediterranean and Central Asia, we constantly get blamed for the colonizing nation's crimes because of guilt by association despite not even getting to be in the power until, again, the early to mid 1900s>Always left to fend for ourselves, having to fight other nations' wars, one of the only countries in the world that paid its massive war debts but somehow became a successful, wealthy country in a few decades all on its own>Almost nonexistent amount of PoCs until the late 2000's>Still nobody gives a fuck about us or our history and now we're getting sperged at for m-muh white privilege because of the US It's so fun being
Finnish No. 565479
>>565454What is with all the "you europeans" posts on here the last few days. It's not one country with one set culture.
> I'm just annoyed of all the Europeans pretending their shit doesn't stinkYou're annoyed with the vaguest group of people then, people across 50 different countries annoy you.
No. 565480
>>565468All I'm saying is:
Europe = a continent
European Union = a group of countries that banded together for economic reasons
Europe =/= a group of countries that banded together for economic reasons
Europe and the EU are two different things and anon's got them clearly confused by saying Europe is a group of countries that banded together for economic reasons
I'm not saying Ireland is not a part of Europe lol
No. 565495
>>565471>>565464>>565459>>565478You retards really can't read because I mentioned how white minorites are hurt as well, I literally mentioned germans, poles and jews getting shit on by Anglo and that's implying for other groups I was too lazy to mention like Irish and mexicans.
Jesus christ, I will make sure to add a fucking pdf next time.
No. 565514
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>>565498there are plenty of effective smoking cessation aids and alternative coping mechanisms ya know, ones that won't make you end up like pic related or dead
honestly the most annoying thing about smokers is how they treat it as a personality trait and they're so adamant that they absolutely need it to survive when there are millions of people who have successfully quit
>>565509just wait until tobacco companies get weed commercialized kek, can't believe they haven't done it sooner bc there's so much money to be made off it and the consumers won't die as easily
No. 565525
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>>565514the thing about it is that it's an expensive habit and it's nothing to do with patches, it's the act of smoking. Juuling or whatever is a better option. Anyway, stoners do the same but nobody really cares because weed make hed feel funi. It's always the potheads that rag on smokers the most which i find hilarious. The 'personality trait' thing is also a twitter meme and yeah i'd argue that it can be a personality trait? A trait is a behaviour, someone can get drink a lot and have that be a personality trait, someone can be a heroin addict, whatever, their psychological dependence is literally a personality trait? i don't understand this argument. anyway does anyone have a lighter
No. 565526
>>565454The thing is, your point "Europeans pretending their shit doesn't stink." isn't new, gazillions of non-white people or woke whites have said that already, for ages.
You don't need to be a racist to get tired or pissed off by this. It's always white or european/american seen as pure evil while the rest of the world are their
Do you think you could tell other countries that they hold privilege over foreigners in their country? Or that saying "But me too" as in "my people face issues too and I care first and foremost about them" is actually very bad or even racist? No, this shit only runs with white countries, and yet most still criticise them the most.
Do you know how asians reacted to blm? They talk about white privilege and how much racism they face when abroad. They don't even spare a thought to the fact that actually they are the "privileged" ones in their country and that black people in their country complain about being discriminated by them and not by whites (like no blacks allowed in my bar/sports club etc, shit that would get you high punishment in europe/us).
I'm privileged over people in poorer countries, but not within mine (how can I be privileged because of my skin color when everybody around me looks like me?) I don't pretend to be oppressed, I'm so glad and thankful to be born in a safe place but I also don't like being treated like some lynching colonizing criminal because I simply am not.
No. 565532
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>>565498Im not an habitual smoker but it takes my anxiety off during social situations, keeping my hands busy and not flapping around like an autist while trying to talk with people is also a bonus.
>>565514Honestly its 2020, we get it, smoking may lead to cancer, everyone who smokes is pretty damn aware of every bad thing about it, please just leave us alone, alcohol is as bad if not worse for your body and definetely worse for your mental health yet no one gives a shit unless you're an obvious alcoholic with a life in shambles, and even then all those issues associated with smoking are personal problems, why do you give a fuck if I get ugly and wrinkly? And most likely no one who complains about smokers will be paying our cancer treatment lol.
No. 565537
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>>565532Kek, it's getting paradoxical in Ireland because we have massive excise duties (14 euro for a decent pack of fags) and smokers are more than paying their way in these astronomical charges and are paying wages for the very ministers who tell them to quit now for their health and then buy a pack at the literal bar we have inside our Senate. If everyone quit tomorrow, nobody's pockets would be lined.
Smoking when drinking is generally fine for all classes but daily smoking while you go about your business can be considered a bit trashy. A lot of smokers have lower income, so people who live in countries like Ukraine where cigarettes go for pennies are making an absolutely roaring trade of people buying in bulk. It has been interesting to see how people persist despite government restrictions and how much law really shapes culture.
In Australia, it is not unheard of for tobacco to be grown there and sold under the table to make hand-rolled cigarettes. Where there's a will, there's a way but it sucks that it all boils down to
>Hey, these people are addicted, if we double the price over a few years, we'll make double the moneyand we have such strange situations. Apologies for massive sperg but I hope someone else is interested in the economy around addictive substances.
No. 565543
>>565498I'm an oldfag and started smoking back when everyone did it (underage of course) and the packs were still cheap and they only had warning texts on them. Now they have all these gross gore images on them (which now feel a bit silly tbh), it's gone out of style and the taxes have been hitched so high up that I've paid a ridiculous amount of my future health care by smoking alone. I like smoking, it's essentially a part of my personality at this point which is why it's so hard to drop. Most of my friends think it's gross and constantly berate me for it but I don't know. I don't smoke near other people and always apologize if I accidentally happen to disturb someone with the smoke, it's just something I do to relax by myself. I want to drop the habit but I just don't know how because as cliched as it sounds it's like an old friend.
The stoners shitting on smokers are ridiculous with the irony though. It's not like your trashy ass drugs are any more classy.
No. 565547
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>>565544I'm not american and most of the time I can't tell the difference between white anglo americans with a slightly darker complex and mexicans unless they're mestizo, amerimutts just look like this generic white person and think everyone else is just as aware of their subtle differences. Mexicans are essentially the offspring of the Spanish settlers from centuries ago, they literally look like Italians.
>>565544Implying this doesn't happen with other blacks.
>mexicans are model minority >middle eastern are model minority Tell that to terrorist sentiments the fact latinos are also killed at high disproportionate rates. Did you forget about the people in camps too?
Eastern asians have been the only ones consistently seen as model minorities. You also got I'm not black I'm OJ types.
No. 565580
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>cigarettes>pollution and bad smellI think you mean cars and industrial plants luv,
no one can smell cigarette smoke unless you're side by side, just take four steps away if it bothers ya?
Smoking literally only harms the smoker, and maybe their loved ones.
>>565537>>565543My country has had the gross and gore images for years, its gotten to a point my smoker friends make fun of it "oh i only smoke packs with the fetus picture", taxes are still bearable since tobacco addiction isn't really big enoug of a problem.
Not considered trashy either but most people who smoke tend to quit when they get in their thirties, usually due to having kids.
No. 565589
>>565580You have to be joking, cigarette smoke is noticeably from several metres away. And being close to a smoker is unpleasant because their clothes reek even when they're not smoking.
I mean do what you want, bad smells aren't a huge deal and I won't complain to their face about it. But don't pretend nobody notices unless they're within 4 steps of your cigarette.
No. 565598
>>565589Yeah, smokers let's not kid ourselves, we've all gone a few days without a smoke and suddenly been able to smell it, smelled smoke from curtains next to a window you were subtly trying to smoke out of. Let's also mention the yellow poorfag fingernails that come from smoking rollies. I'll never forget trading some homeless guy in the street half a bottle of Buckfast for some fags with my then boyfriend thinking we were doing great. Turns out they were handrolled with pipe tobacco. Holy fucking shit, it was the most unpleasant experience of my life if only for the complete shock of expectation vs reality and I can still hear it. I literally felt its effects so hard i heard the pipe tobacco. Never again.
>>565597You always hear 'smella weed' but i've only ever heard it said when obvious young lads come in wearing the same coat they smoke every day in and are smiling like mad cunts. If you're a professional woman and are going out of your way to be that paranoid, I truly think you're fine. I think if someone smelt weed, they'd assume they were mistaken because it'd be weird and unprofessional to openly sniff near you and also very unprofessional and opening up to legal action to accuse you of smoking for literally 'smelling' of weed. As long as you don't get literally piss tested you're golden and i'm sure you could notice the flags that you had been caught in time not to piss dirty. You're a smart woman, you're fine.
No. 565607
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George Floyd was a piece of shit career criminal who nobody in their right mind would want on the streets. I'm not talking about the kind of criminal repeatedly locked up for carrying drugs, he's the kind of person that was charged for holding a gun against a woman's abdomen to rob her for drug money.
That aside,what exactly are people protesting? Less police brutality? Cause statistically, it's going down. The amount of unarmed black people who have died from police is literally less than 10 individuals per year at this point, dropped from about 30 back in 2015. Do people actually look at statistics and data before getting angry or do they just jump to conclusions the first chance they get without doing their own research on things?
I say this as a minority (mexican) who grew up in bad urban areas. I feel like more people woulds share this opinion if they grew up around the kind of people who tend to be "victims" in these scenarios. You can't just say everyone is a good person just from their skin color just like you can't say they're bad for their skin color. Some people really are just fucking scumbags,and the police aren't there to coddle and pamper them when they clearly aren't trying to become responsible functioning individuals within society.
Like, why the fuck is nobody outraged about David Dorns? Black Lives Matter. Unless you don't fit our narrative, then your black life is worth less than a convicted felon who overdosed while getting arrested.(bait)
No. 565609
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>>565580I made my original post in the first place because I was at the park earlier and some cunt was smoking and it was blowing onto me, came back inside and my hair smells of cigarettes. so disgusting. I mean you can tell someone is a smoker just by passing them by even when they're not smoking, I promise you your clothes and hands reek, at a minimum. im sure your home and car also reek.
>>565525why not have an actual interesting personality instead of basing it on smoking?
>>565532actually, your cancer treatment literally will be paid in part by taxpayers. it doesn't just increase your risk for lung cancer, either…
>>565543plenty of ways to try and stop and plenty of alternative coping mechanisms
No. 565610
>>565607- George Floyd moved to Minneapolis in 2014 for a fresh start after being released from prison in Houston, Texas following an arrest for aggravated robbery
- Floyd had turned his life around but died on Monday after a white officer knelt on his neck while arresting him for allegedly paying with a fake $20 bill
- None of the officers could have been aware of Floyd’s more than a decade-old criminal history at the time of the arrest (!!!) No. 565617
>>565607>>565610Just because the riot thread got locked doesn't mean you need to shit up this one, too.
>das raycis.jpgI'm sick of this /pol/ invasion.
No. 565632
>>565617>>565624Honestly wasn't aware how
triggered you guys would be from it. I don't wanna go to /pol/ but if shit's censored here of all places then I'll just delete it. Never mind that I actually want real change against structural racism. Will delete my post after the 30 minute timer, cheers.
No. 565639
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>>565616>thinks smoking is disgusting and posts about it in the unpopular opinions thread>clearly ur AUTISTIC!!!! you guys keep proving that smokers have shit personalities and are unwilling to accept that smoking is straight up putrid. and no, i don't "get it," addictions of all kinds are disgusting and like I said there are tons of ways to quit and cope. if you think you need smoking to continue living and it is that much of a central component to your personality maybe uhhhhh look inward?
No. 565644
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>>565639this is so funny, i forgot how unironically
triggered nonsmokers get. this is practically milk, not the fucking animated infographic about smoking causing cancer
No. 565646
>>565642smokers in this thread:
>it's a defining part of our personalities!!!!>it doesn't define us!!!! it's just a habit!!???? if you NEED cigarettes and can't even try to quit then it quite literally defines you
No. 565658
>>564723ngl i have mayb only had baskin robbins like twice in my life haha i have always viewed it as "expensive", but its popular so i think its worth trying at least once!!!
my favourite store bought ice cream is kawartha ice cream!! its canadian and made in ontario and even tho its in a tub u can taste all the ingredients 10/10 idk if they sell in other countries but i would recommend!
No. 565660
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>>565657I don't derail and moralfag every time I find something personally disgusting but hey, you're right, mind of an addict kek
No. 565665
>>565661Why is everyone on this thread suddenly a Jehovah's witness? Is it not you girlies who call Shay a disgusting slut in /snow/ and then read about other girls touching themselves in /g/? Are we on the same site? It seems like a new ideology is adopted by the same group of infighters every night who dogpile on literally anything, it's kind of funny and nice to see discussion flowing even if it is retarded infights because you can tell it's the same people half the time but Jesus christ. If board-tan is the ideal for us, infight-tan should be a heavy smoking radical feminist who wants the Luna thread to stay, uses /pol/ and calls europeans Eurofags and uses very broad, upsetting terminology for all involved.
>>565664Kek, I see you holding your breath. Is it not good practise to blow up/down instead of out, especially one on one? I'm a degenerate so I don't mind if someone's blowing smoke into my eye as long as I get more
toxic chemicals at the end of the day but I couldn't imagine not having the decency to blow away and always ask "hey, cool if i smoke?" especially one on one.
No. 565676
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I support police dogs biting the shit out of people's ass.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 565716
>>565677I do believe smoking and lung cancer statistics are lower than they make it to be, obviously pretty high on the cancer area, but not as in a 1-out-of-2 thing. Smoking used to be hyper prevalent in society until the last 20 years, yet lung cancer statistics arent even the most absurd, its not even the most common type of cancer (it ranks amongst the highest in america but not really on most countriest) , thats goes to breast and prostate cancers, I’ve heard of plenty cases of breast cancer but only once of lung cancer, and the person who had it, my great uncle, worked with lead processing in a battery factory, so i doubt being a smoker was the most damning thing there lol.
No. 565718
>>565717Honestly i used to get
triggered by getting hi scroted but i've resigned myself to the fact I sound like a scrote to other women when there's a particularly spicy take on smoking I have to reply to
No. 565719
>>565706Hard to say because the obvious ones get banned and the ones who can blend won't get noticed.
I bet there is a tonne of lurkers though, men cannot resist invading female spaces and I'm sure private female conversations fascinate them. I don't go on /r9k/ but apparently they talk about us on there? I've seen some anons mention it.
No. 565720
>>565706I don't think they all make themselves obvious but I have no doubt they're there. The meet the farmers thread that got bumped recently has a post from a gay guy in it from a while back.
>>565717I wouldn't say it's constant but I do think there have to be a few hanging around. the guy got the site up and running really quickly after admin decided to yeet the gc threads. he must have been at least lurking.
No. 565729
>>565727nah, read rules, if you "announce you have a dick" you're banned but users take it way too far with the hi scrote because you literally can't get banned for being male, it's only if you unironically post
>Male here,but it's nice to feel like an exclusive female commmunity i guess?
No. 565732
>>565729Is that in the rules? I actually just opened up the rules page and read it after I made that post, because it occurred to me that might be the case, but I didn't see it. I'm on a phone, though, so I didn't peruse.
I get it, though, when I think about it. On Halfchan, it was always like you were a thirteen-year-old boy, even if you're a middle-aged black woman. You learn to assimilate and become a 13 y/o in spirit. Like, its part of the culture, even if that immaturity is really only idiomatic to boards like /r9k/ and barely trickles down to the blue boards like /lit/. Image boards never discriminate against you directly/inherently, but part of being in that culture is changing yourself memetically, like in your prose, how you identify yourself.
It's not like I'm not aware of the /g/ board and stuff. It's just that the main content on the board has no reason not to garner both sexes in even split, in the same way that Halfchan is less predominantly 13 y/o white boys than you would think.
No. 565770
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i'm a huge supporter of BLM and regularly donate to organizations (especially now), have donated to various bail funds, support and promote black businesses, etc but this type of rhetoric surrounding "reparations" makes me cringe.
No. 565791
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>>565770>how will you use your whiteness for black people?I'll let you know when I can afford the name brand shit. Cunts.
No. 565794
>>565770I can't help but read this shit and automatically assume that 4chan is behind it, like the #BaldForBLM stuff going around.
"Straight 'white' hair is a luxury many PoCs don't get to experience. Show your support by going #BaldForBLM"
I know the OP is dead serious, sadly. egirls, move over. It's time for PoC to ebeg online for their shekels!
No. 565798
>>565770This reads like some findom raceplay fetish bullshit.
>check the IG of the person>it's some biracial girl with the "art hoe" aesthetic who talks about supporting "black queer, trans, and nonbinary folks" before even mentioning black women>"she/they queer bi dewdrop"Lmao, no wonder. She probably does exactly that kind of thing for extra cash and tells herself it's "empowering". I hate that this kind of person appoints themselves as the speaker for an entire racial group. The concept of reparations makes sense, but this is the most cringy way to go about it. At least her photos look nice, I guess.
No. 565814
>>565806I mean, Jewish people received reparations, and Native American people, and Japanese-American people because of the internment camps. Even former slave owners were compensated, kek.
What exactly is the problem with it, especially since many people are living today off of what's been awarded to their family from slavery? Benedict Cumberdatch is one example of that.
No. 565833
>>565825Unrealistic in what sense? If it could happen for other groups (including people who literally enslaved others), what makes it impossible?
>Firstly, governments aren't going to go for that (especially China). If everyone followed the whole "The government will say no so don't even bother" logic, pretty much nobody except a very specific, lucky group of men would have any rights at all, anon. There's nothing to lose in keeping it on the table and campaigning for one's rights. There should be someone holding China to task, just like there are people in HK who are standing up to China trying to make them their bitch, regardless of their strength.
>Secondly in reference to what is commonly implied by reparations, why would syphoning the wealth from working class white people do anything to further equality, rather than inequality? Aim for the rich white asshole %1 that oppress us all and I'll be the first to jump on board.I haven't seen anyone specifically aim for the white working class on this, I always believed it's about the 1% who hold that much wealth to begin with. I agree it'd make no sense to look to other poor people.
No. 565835
>>565833I don't have the energy to argue with such an autistic perspective, it feels like currently that's all we do on this site. The example was referencing the tagged post saying China should (not saying they shouldn't, but this is the real world) pay reparations when
>>565815 was obviously being facetious.
>I haven't seen anyone specifically aim for the white working class on this>>565770Read the damn image, it's reparations on the premise of whiteness alone. I've seen plenty of spergs claiming due to intersectional feminism BS that whiteness renders you inherently privileged, thus expected to open your wallet as wide as possible. I'd call you a Twitterfag, but clearly you haven't spent enough time on the site to be aware of the intention of the concept. I envy you, I wish I hadn't come across so much insanity.
No. 565836
>>565835It's not autistic just because you don't have any dissenting arguments left, anon, lmao. Like I said, you personally thinking it's unrealistic doesn't mean no one should try, otherwise literally nothing in history would ever get done.
>looking to Twitter they/thems for political theory/game plan or activism in general>wondering why you're miserableLike, really ask yourself what power that person holds, what education they have on this topic, and what they know about anything before appointing them the spokesperson for any of this shit. If all you do is read bullshit from e-girl types and chuds, of course you're going to come out with weird nightmare vision.
No. 565839
>>565677>you can't argue with someone who literally reads that they're killing themself every time they open a packLiterally this. Who would eat a certain type of food if there were gore images on it's packaging and you knew you'd get either cancer or your limbs amputated for consuming it? Nobody but smokers kek
>>565806>Going by that logic I deserve reparations from the Germans Germany paid over 100 billions in reparations, the last payment was only made in 2010 (and we're still kind of Israel's bitch even nowadays).
That's why it always pisses me off when Americans (or Brits) use "b-but remember what you did, you are nazis!" as some sort of argument, when no other country ever tried so hard to make up for their past. We paid reparations to Britain, meanwhile they invaded close to 200 countries, France also several dozen, just imagine if all of them suddenly demanded money.
No. 565841
>>565838I'm not miserable, I think having these conversations is a good thing.
How is that a personal blow? I was referring to her saying "You obviously don't use Twitter, I envy you", unless using Twitter is now an integral part of being a person or something.
No. 565844
>>565840>medium article from another Twitter literally whoYou can post literally anything on Medium, I've seen at least one article about anime "helping people to accept their trans identity", lmao.
The second article doesn't even seem to be actually about financial reparations, it's about tackling racism and educating young white people so history doesn't repeat itself.
Sorry if I struck a nerve or whatever, goodnight anon.
No. 565846
>>565839>We paid reparations to Britain, meanwhile they invaded close to 200 countries, France also several dozen, just imagine if all of them suddenly demanded money.I wish they would, though I know from what happened to Haiti that those two countries would just throw a tantrum and start fucking those countries over even more, most likely with manufactured wars or ridiculous boycotts.
It's just the right thing to do, but greed and selfishness will reign unless some extremely hostile takeovers happen.
No. 565849
>>565847>But they're not demanding anything from the African tribes who sold their own to white people in the first place.Multiple African countries have already apologized for slavery and opened the door for them to re-establish themselves on the continent. Just because you don't see things doesn't mean they don't happen.
As for financial reparations, that's in short supply, largely in part because of former colonizers bleeding them dry of resources and money to this day, Congo being one of the most notable cases of that. If everyone should forget the past, everyone should also stop profiting off of the past.
No. 565851
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I'm horrified that everyone is going the protests and have somehow conveniently forgot we still have this deadly pandemic going on.
Mask or no mask, all those massed gatherings and blatant disregard of social distancing guidelines will erase all the efforts made in controlling COVID-19. I'm fully expecting an explosion of cases 1-2 weeks from now, taking away more lives and creating suffering that could have been avoided.
No. 565855
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>>565844They're literally just the first results sue me for being too lazy to read them, the title's enough kek. Social media is an outlet for the voices and general consensus of the common people. Twitter is a place where not regurgitating the general consensus lands you censorship, where as doing the prior gets you a blue tick. That's why they're examples. Acknowledgment of context is important.
The second article makes the assumption "white folks" are inherently capable of making contributions to reparations when that's frequently not the case. They don't preface their language with that fact, which is presumptuous. I'm not particularly offended by the language, but it's an example.
The rich are literally pushing this divisive, diversion based agenda so instead of tackling the real culprits we sit around pointing the finger at our fellow peasants while the co-opt to movements aimed at achieving change.
>>565349And it's working, because psyudo intellectuals get a kick out of shitting out whatever Ivy League Universities claim. I'm not against helping the underprivileged, but using statistics to blanket an entire race will not achieve that ends. No. 565887
>>565868karma isn't real so stop sperging about muh beliefs.
however isn't it about having good things come back to you in rebirths and your next lives? isn't the idea of good things being returned to you in this material world more of a shinto-confucian thing?
No. 565891
>>565887>>565883Its not real, its just a concept.
Im not sperging im much to zen for that
I think what most people dont realize is that the ultimate goal is to free yourself from karma. So no its not good to have alot of good karma.
No. 565930
>>565851in my area all political leaders changed their minds on social gatherings if they are related to the protest, heck they have even encouraged "peaceful protest" meanwhile we arent in america…. the "expert" doctors here who i have never agreed with have said protesting is ok as long as u "dont shout bc there will be more spit" that could spread around kek
just crazy to me that a few weeks ago ppl were getting ticketed for walking with family in empty parking lots but if ur protesting its all good (btw i realize why protest is necessary just the double standard is nuts)
No. 565933
>>565855agree with literally everything u have said here!!! its crazy how every story is diverted back to race nowadays even covid has been labelled "racist" kek
a lil off topic but i wanted to share this opinion and see if anyone stands with me on this: imo telling ppl to support poc businesses does nothing to support greater social movements or equality if its on a platform like ebay or poshmark bc everyone is there just to sell shit and the race of the person doesnt actually matter bc its just a shop like any other and its possible that the poc, no matter who they are, may even have more money than whatever other white person so supporting them thinking that u did something good just bc they are of a certain race is dumb unless its for an organization or something
No. 565975
>>565825>Aim for the rich white asshole %1 that oppress us all and I'll be the first to jump on board.This. If the filthy rich bankers and bureaucrats want to ease "muh oppressions" with their generational blood sucking coin for black people than fuck yeah reparations across the board!
Because I'll be damned if I'm going to give black people a chunk of my hard earned poorfag shekkels to pay back some debt to soceity that I never fucking owed in the first place. We all have ancestors who have done reprehensible things, money isn't going to wipe away their sins away and it's not going to fix the problems we have going on TODAY.
Seriously wake up and smell the emotional and mental manipulation that's being played on both of us.
Black people constantly being brainwashed into believing that their oppressors should also at the same time be their saviors removes any motivation for black people to become independant and thrive on their own, thus continuing the cycle of gibbs, poverty and crime.
White people being brainwashed into thinking we have "privilege" and are inherently racist because of the color of our skin is racism in and of itself. It's okay to dump on whitey because whitey is never disadvantaged or discriminated against. And even if they are it wasnt that bad, and if it was they deserved it (narcissist's prayer anybody?) It's okay to make whitey feel bad about their ancestors because they colonized people n' shit (because no other race has ever raped, pillaged and stole from another race amiright?)
In truth racism is just a fucking fear tactic to make anybody afraid to speak the truth: black and white people alike. The puppet masters want us on their strings so they can keep profiting from divide and conquer. Until ALL OF US say ENOUGH to the cunts that keep pulling this shit, there will never be peace.
That's why the word "racist" means nothing to me anymore. It gets thrown around like nothing for the dumbest shit and I could care less if some mind fucked faggot wants to call me racist: go for it. I know who I am.
TLDR: Everybody sucks cocks and racist is a 5 cent word.
No. 565980
>>565975I don't understand how you genuinely think that white people don't have privilege. Let's say you're pulled over by a cop. Do you really believe you're just as safe as a black person?
It sounds like you want to believe in a just world or something but that's just not the case. Cops are more likely to kill and arrest black people.
Also, about money going toward black people. I think you're confusing the way people want to give money to the impoverished, which happen to be made up of more people of color. Historically, racism has affected the areas that black people have lived in and how they got jobs, ect. So the fact that so many are poor makes sense. I think there's a class consciousness that won't stop growing.
No. 565983
>>565980>>565980Shutup, you're missing the bigger point being made.
Not that I disagree but everything is spot on otherwise. And no, that mainly applies to certain places like the US or the west.
No. 565994
>>565980The concept of a person having greater privilege than another is true but the concept that a person has privilege because of their skin colour is not.
Does a disabled white person have more privilege than an able bodied black person?
Does a working class Mexican have more privilege than a college educated African American?
Does a gay Chinese man have more privilege than a straight muslim man?
The level of privilege is also going to vary massively by location. No one cares in the west if someone is gay and it's illegal to discriminate against someone for being gay, yet there are some places where coming out as gay will get them killed. Saying the privilege between these is equal would be wrong.
No. 566022
>>565967agreed kek hilarious that in ont the protesters out today are like 80% white only a few black ppl from what i see in videos
example: No. 566036
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>>565873>>565868Who let Madame Zeroni on lolcow again
No. 566103
>>566079Don't reply to me asking what it means if you can't explain it properly.
No. 566193
>>566177Then explain what I misinterpreted or didn't understand.
>performative liberalIdek what that is, but it sounds like certain containment board's slang. Go back.
No. 566212
>>566208Exactly. And all it does is enable people (not even racists) to feel better about writing them off as
victims. things like "why are the protestors defending a criminal?" or that the incident is just an "unfortunate accident" get brought up just as much as people angry about looting. Neither of those are
valid concerns considering how much this happens, but there is so much wiggle room you can't ignore the signs. I just want to know where the fuck this
nation wide media coverage is when black women or families are getting treated like this by police. There are hundreds of incidences like this where people have never even had a brush with the law being brutalized by police just going about their day and the media turns a blind eye.
No. 566274
>>566271Yeah, we're all totally jealous of being completely devoid of any dignity or self respect
The thought makes my skin crawl
No. 566308
>>566283>Anon, the 'jealous' comment is very unlikely to have been made as anything other than to spark repliesWell, it worked, so what's the problem? We can't ask for elaboration?
If she plays her cards right in a response, she can get even more replies, and we will (probably) be entertained. Seems like a win-win.
No. 566341
>>566335People have the right to be disgusted by simulated pedophilia, and to voice that disgust.
Trying to censor their right to disgust is actual moral policing. Being "anti-kinkshaming" in general is moral police shit. No one is obliged to accept your fetishes.
No. 566343
>>566341"People have the right to be disgusted by gay people, and to voice that disgust.
Trying to censor their right to disgust is actual moral policing. Being "anti-kinkshaming" in general is moral police shit. No one is obliged to accept your fetishes."
I'm not a consumer of it but as someone who is lgbt I find this shit generally disgusting. Where do you draw the line? Should I not be serviced for my sexuality too?
No. 566346
>>566343There is no "P" in LGBT. Pedophilia isn't a
valid sexuality, and it never will be.
No. 566347
>>566344>>566346You completely missed the point.
If you accept "kink-shaming" etc etc as something
valid you open the venue for discrimination against other groups. Who is to decide your disgust for "pedos" is
valid and someones for LGBT is not?
We are not talking about abusing children but consensual acts between two adults. I don't condone that stuff and I think abusers of any kind should be in prison for good.
No. 566348
>>566347>If you accept "kink-shaming" etc etc as something valid you open the venue for discrimination against other groups. No, we don't. Only autists and dishonest pedophiles deal in such black and white thinking.
>We are not talking about abusing children but consensual acts between two adults.Two adults who fantasize about children in a sexual context. That's pretty disgusting, and any sane person would agree.
No. 566350
>>566347Are you from Twitter? Did you find your way from Twitter to here? Is that why you're acting like a stuck up bitch who's the most opwessed, because people are against your beloved pedophilia fetish? This is slowly starting to sound like that one 4chan meme where they tried to trick people into believing LGBT supports pedophiles and child molesters.
You have to be some troll. No one is as stupid and dense as this.
>consensual acts between two adultsTwo adults who roleplay a bland father x daughter incest relationship, get off to abuse of thousand of
victims and so on. The "daddy" figures in DDLG are always the ones who seek out minors or already vulnerable women who found the wrong community to participate in and then manipulate them for their own disgusting will and needs. Not only that but if you get hard at the thought of your partner sucking on a bunch of pacifiers and doing childrens things, then the chance of you also getting hard at the sight of ACTUAL children doing that is very high. And that makes you a pedophile. There are no what if's and but's.
No. 566351
>>566348>No, we don't. Only autists and dishonest pedophiles deal in such black and white thinking. Oh good job calling me a pedophile. I guess I'm wrong about courts being stacked by god-fearing, gay-hatin republicans and the erosion of our rights.
Silly me, I guess we should legalize discrimination based on ones moral compass since nobody would dare to tread on us.
>Two adults who fantasize about children in a sexual context. That's pretty disgusting, and any sane person would agreeWhich is not what we were talking about. You said people should be allowed to attack people for their kinks, not be disgusted.
No. 566354
>>566351You could also just be an autist. Funny you jumped on the "dishonest pedophile" thing first.
>I guess I'm wrong about courts being stacked by god-fearing, gay-hatin republicans and the erosion of our rights. This is a court? I thought it was an unpopular opinions thread.
>Silly me, I guess we should legalize discrimination based on ones moral compass since nobody would dare to tread on us. It is perfectly legal to discriminate against pedophiles, both practicing and non-practicing, especially for those in the LGBT, who've had to deal with pedos trying to glom onto their movement for a long time.
>Which is not what we were talking about. You said people should be allowed to attack people for their kinks, not be disgusted.No, I clearly said people are allowed to be disgusted. See
Wait a second. Are you that NAMBLA poster from the Venus thread? The shitty reading comprehension, obvious newfaggotry and pedophile talking points are familiar.
No. 566362
>>566354You clearly were calling me an autist and a pedophile.
>This is a court? I thought it was an unpopular opinions thread.But you do live outside lolcow, right? If everyone accepted your view as the correct one then that's what would happen.
>It is perfectly legal to discriminate against pedophiles, both practicing and non-practicing, especially for those in the LGBT, who've had to deal with pedos trying to glom onto their movement for a long time. Yes, just like against all minorities or even majorities, outside the rich white ones of course.
Myb. I forgot criminalization doesn't actually do anything, that stuff still happens.
>No, I clearly said people are allowed to be disgusted. See >>566341.Yes, aka allowed to deny services from us etc etc.
And no.
No. 566365
>>566362>You clearly were calling me an autist and a pedophile.That's how you interpreted it.
>But you do live outside lolcow, right? If everyone accepted your view as the correct one then that's what would happen. Most people already don't accept dd/lg, or pedophilia.
>Yes, just like against all minorities or even majorities, outside the rich white ones of course.Today I learned being a pedophile is the same as being a minority, and that those of us who aren't pedophiles are the equivalent to rich white people, kek.
>Yes, aka allowed to deny services from us etc etc.If that's how you choose to interpret it, go nuts. Also
No. 566379
>>566365>Most people already don't accept dd/lg, or pedophiliaMost people don't accept someone being lgbt either and you're saying it's okay to fuck em over for it.
>If that's how you choose to interpret it, go nuts. AlsoYeah. That's what it always boils down to. You might as well bring back Jim Crow, oh wait that's already a thing thanks to people like you.
I don't particularly enjoy the topic but I just find your attitude
toxic af.
No. 566384
>>566379>Most people don't accept someone being lgbt either and you're saying it's okay to fuck em over for it.Like I said, this logic only makes sense to autists and pedophiles who think it's all the same. Also, people who are already homophobic.
>Yeah. That's what it always boils down to. You might as well bring back Jim Crow, oh wait that's already a thing thanks to people like you.This was some funny bait, but I don't think anyone's retarded enough to think this unironically.
>I don't particularly enjoy the topic but I just find your attitude toxic af.Being disgusted by pedophilia's
toxic, got it, kek. People who think this way are pretty much confined to their usual "MAP" hideaway spots, interestingly. Again, this is pretty funny, good job on keeping me occupied for a little while, but be more subtle next time.
>>566378Thank you.
No. 566394
>>566384>Like I said, this logic only makes sense to autists and pedophiles who think it's all the same.Yet it always holds up, eroding peoples rights (in the case of ddlg, the right of two adults) never seems to stop. Of course no rights here exist but that doesn't mean I can't disapprove the idea.
>Also, people who are already homophobic.Yeah, that's like 50% of the population? I feel safer already.
>This was some funny bait, but I don't think anyone's retarded enough to think this unironically. You think people stomping on black rights for being "latent criminals" is a bait? Holy shit, just go back to stormfront already.
>Being disgusted by pedophilia's toxic, got it, kek. People who think this way are pretty much confined to their usual "MAP" hideaway spots, interestingly. Again, this is pretty funny, good job on keeping me occupied for a little while, but be more subtle next time.What I find disgusting is your callous attitude towards other people. You clearly have never had to face discrimination in your life so it's easy for you to go "hurrr durr people should be free to shit on others because they're gay, black, pedos or whatever they dislike".
That's what you're saying. You are just brandishing the inequality people face and say it's all right. You dislike someone because they go against your holy book? No biggie, just fire them or whatever.
No. 566399
>>566395It's what pedophiles do best. Victimize themselves to justify their desire to victimize others. They legitimately can't understand that they're not the same as black or gay people, and it makes them very angry that they're not considered as such. It's like they have brain worms or something.
I've seen a ton of cases just like that poster, trying to argue with people, but pretty much no one falls for it. The best thing is just to say "kys pedo" and go, because they're not going to get it.
No. 566420
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>>566343>comparing simulated child rape to being gay>implying being gay is a fetishHomophobic kinktard owns self, more at 5
No. 566496
>>566480NTA but man that girl really fucked up, good thing she didn't reproduce with him.
>got with her when she was 18 and he was 32, she'll be 26 when he's 40 years oldAnd he keeps at it even though she asked him to stop because he knows she's trapped and doesn't have anywhere else to go. He moved her to a different country. Her family sounds like they suck and they couldn't support her from that far away anyway. She doesn't work, so she'd have to hire a lawyer and take his ass to divorce court for alimony unless she gets herself a retail job or something. That's a real quagmire.
No. 566720
>>566690ex heroin and meth anon here
Not eating sugar versus coming down on heroin or meth is not at all equivalent.
Processed sugar is bad, but honestly it’s not on the level of hard drugs. Would a sugar addict stoop to the levels of selling their body to cope a fix? No. If you abruptly stopped eating sugar could you possibly have seizures and die/ become ill? No.
It’s not the same.
I’ve never done crack so I couldn’t say if it’s more addictive than that.
No. 566730
>>566715Yeah, I smoke weed probably once or twice a week on average (more after corona tho) and cigarettes on the regular as well. Nicotine is more addictive than sugar for sure lol.
>>566720You're looking at it from a severe addiction perspective though. Most people who try hard drugs don't become addicted to them. Some try them once, a few times, use them every now and then. A certain fraction of users get addicted. I think it's usually 15-30% percent depending on the drug in question.
You won't die or anything without sugar but so many need their fix weekly if not daily. Processed sugar was a mistake honestly lol. From nutritional studies I've seen sugar is the new bad guy now as opposed to fat.
No. 566737
>>566690It's not that hard to quit though, even if it does make you want to consume more food when you have some. I quit processed sugar completely (still have the odd fruit) and it was nbd. But perhaps I'm ignorant to the struggle since I have no sweet tooth and always hated candy and soda.
The REAL problem with quitting is that it's added to almost every prepared food in the supermarket and all fast food. I've been forced to eat wholesome meals when all I desired was clear skin lmao.
No. 566863
>>566844Woops meant to reply to this bitch
>>566807 my bad
No. 566917
>>566755The visuals are the most interesting thing about the movie
If pocahontas was about fighting some native american villain, then it'd be 10x better
No. 566920
>>566733You realize that all of that information is coming from companies that sell food, right?
We've known for a while what the ideal diet is (more veggies, more whole grains, meat less often)–but every time you see "gluten is the new enemy" or "fat is the new enemy" it's based on some study that wants to sell you something
Low fat foods were popular for a while until people started realizing they weren't losing weight: there was just more sugar in those foods to compensate for the taste
No. 566958
>>566920Yes, I'm aware there's a lot of funding and sketchy business going on.
I would say that even though we have a good idea what the best general diet is (the bigger picture) is there's still a lot we don't know about the details. There's indications that the range of vitamins and nutrients one might need could even vary from person to person and that the blood test ranges we use is to some extent way too generalized.
Also don't know about anyone else but from seeing the decline a lot of vegans go through after years on the diet I don't think it seems like a very healthy choice for a lot of people. Cutting down on meat and incorporating more greens and fiber for sure but still having some chicken, fish and eggs in your diet seems healthier than just getting protein and vitamins from plants considering some of the nutrients there are more difficult to digest.
No. 566975
>>566918>>566935I get very wasp-y, child of a Gordon Gekko type vibes from her. She seems like she genuinely romanticizes negative aspects of the past in a way other similar youtubers don't. Her vocal affectation is absolutely insufferable.
I agree with everything
>>566834 said about Rachel Masky, and that's why I don't watch her but I don't get the same red flag, run away vibes from her that I do with Bernadette. I quite like Karolina's content.
No. 567044
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>>566975While everyone else in the vintage community seems quite outspokenly woke Bernadette's silence on the matter and her air of smugness and preference for conservative wear, she really can't get enough of saying how she prefers old timey clothing in every video, paint a pretty bleak picture of who she is behind the cameras.
Rachel is just an autistic cosplayer, I like her videos if im in the mood to watch a spazz.
Karolina is at her best when she's doing funny skits, i skip all her other content.
No. 567048
>>567044I've tried to watch the vintage tubers and I can't find anything to grab onto, there seems to be a lot of mumbling and badly angled footage and not a lot happening.
Not quite vintage but adjacent is Christine McConnell who seems excellent though.
No. 567049
>>566690No it's not and fatties need to stop blaming everything on sugar and saying everything that contains sugar is evil and bad for you. It's gotten so bad that people won't drink pure fruit juice or eat fruit because it's "just sugar with some fiber anyway", ignoring the vitamins you get. Have fun making yourself miserable by refusing to have any sugar at all I guess.
Don't be a dumbass who takes everything to the extreme, eat healthy, unprocessed food cooked at home and in moderation, don't drink soda and candy. Have some sugar if you want to, just don't have too much, the same goes for everything else. There's nothing wrong with having a bit if you eat well otherwise.
I stg people can be so irrational, why does there always have to be some "evil" ingredient people blame for their health issues?
No. 567133
Maybe it'll weed out the ones who are only nice to get in your pants
No. 567134
>>567131Totally agree anon, it's even worse that's a worldwide phenomenon and in my country we even have our own word for simps
Even a guy trying to be nice to a girl to get to meet her is called simping kek
No. 567146
>>567104Geez I was just making a suggestion. no need to get so defensive
I just find a lot of these mid 20 year old women who romanticize the past to be kinda weird all right
No. 567152
>>567131It's just another word created by awful men to shame other men who break rank and treat women like people, except this time it's working because 'nobody wants to be a simp'
Change the narrative, start saying that simps get mad pussy. Fight it.
No. 567154
>>567149It's Brazilian Portuguese and the word is "gado" which means "cattle" or "ox" more specifically.
Idk why it's called like that, maybe because cattle just mindlessly follow the cattleman and do what he wants?
No. 567200
>>567044yeah it's not that interesting that she doesn't want to post about that, she's a sewing channel.
what's actually milk is this CRAZY christmas video which i had to find because she unlisted it, in which she pretended she didn't know what christmas was, what wrapping presents was, what it meant etc.
she was asked whether it was because she grew up jewish, she said no, which is a big lie. a few google searches with her real name Erica seem to indicate otherwise, as her mother is listed as a contributor to a certain jewish journal (not giving details as her family doesn't deserve being involved).
there are also articles online about how big her house was growing up.
No. 567246
>>563448I kinda like the Stupid Love mv cos it reminds me of the Power Rangers kek
My unpopular opinion:
Identifying with certain "aesthetics" is just a substitute for a personality and the people who do are actually usually the most vapid and boring.
Liking a certain movie, band, clothing style etc. does not necessarily add to you as a person, and relying on material possessions and latching onto superficial identifiers to give yourself a sense of self and individuality still makes you a sheep, no matter how niche it is. And emphasizing style over substance just shows you care more about your image than contents of what you consume, which isn't bad exactly but people like that usually have the most trite opinions.
No. 567261
>>567250>>567252i like Karolina's content and think she's quite pretty but you guys this is lolcow, a website entirely dedicated to nitpicking and shitting on people.
the entirety of the internet is policed so that you cannot say anything that anybody could even remotely find offensive, especially in female spaces. if you find it distasteful go literally anywhere else, this is the dedicated place for cattiness.
No. 567269
>>567267absolutely, people will always whiteknight and other people will always be there to remind them how hypocritical it is.
>muh free speech, let me wk>stop replying !!! No. 567323
>>567193lol i always find ironic how bernadette, one of the most famous vintagetubers, is so absent from this video in particularly.
But yeah aside from bernadette being creepy and probably a tradwife there isn't much milk on the vintage community, mostly people are going to have issues with their specific personalities but its an expensive style, just like lolita, they will always be weird.
No. 567379
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>>567357You're just salty you missed out on that awesome Varg posting the other day.
No. 567385
>>567357He's not even that good looking lol.
Seems like desperate horny teens are into him.
No. 567445
>>567379he's not good looking but he does have an endearing expression, i see the charm
the years didn't do him any good tho and his linguistics tweets make next to no sens. i wonder what it must be like to be raised by people like those
No. 567476
>>567463Kimetsu no Yaiba, Beastars, Dr Stone, Haikyuu idk man the list is long enough
>>567470Hmmmm Yeah I don’t think its that deep, Japan had a huge problem with nationalism in media I doubt a middle aged japanese dude came up with an oh so deep layered critique that at first it just seems like propaganda.
No. 567482
>>567200I always found it weird she said she had never celebrated Christmas because I follow her on Instagram and I swear she posted stories with her family around christmas time being like "look at all our holiday snacks" or something
>>567323What do you mean she's absent from it? She's in it and says shes thankful for the polio vaccine and memes.
No. 567506
>>567499Yep the ugly ones tend to develop a
victim mentality and niceguy syndrome. If I'm gonna have to pick from the inferior sex I'd rather pick one that doesn't show his womb envy on his face kek.
No. 567508
>>567504Their relationship is honestly
toxic and codependant as fuck. Jenna constantly puts herself down and Julien always has to sit there like "Nooo, babe, it looks so good!!! You did amazing!!!". She's also a negative asshole towards him and everything he does. That time she got mad at him when he was making pasta because he was being "messy" kek even though that's literally how pasta is made. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's just a shitty relationship.
Like damn, Julien is only like 27 isn't he? And he's housebound because Jenna has become agoraphobic over the past 2 years and can't be left alone.
No. 567514
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old hollywood movies suck ass (pre 1960s) except for like a few silent films like metropolis or maybe two hitchcock films. i hate the fashion and the annoying ass accents and the paper thin plots, everything done in the 30s-50s was vastly outweighed by "new" hollywood movement in the 60s-early 80s. even twee ass godard films had more substance than the most "deep" film of the 1940s. old hollywood fans are also annoying AF as well, pretending like the industry was a glamorous secretly bisexual paradise, and not full of rape and drug abuse forced upon the actors by the studio heads. say what you want about the 1970s but most acknowledged that it was a fucked up time for sex (ie: underage groupies/rise of hardcore porn) while the further past is still romanticized.
maybe its a matter of personal taste idk. i'd rather watch the blues brothers than singing in the rain as a musical movie choice. sage for rant
No. 567534
>>567476But what about some edgy seinen stuff? I want gore and despair and drama. KNY can pass as substitute for BNHA maybe lol
And how do you know those creators don’t have skeletons in their closet?
No. 567896
>>567892disagree with this bc my sister got ibs out of nowhere in uni and it caused her a lot of pain.. she had to go to various hospitals etc just for them to single out that it is ibs and eventually i got it too in my last year of uni… both of us are quite fit and healthy so its really confusing as to how it started!! she doesnt suffer from it as much anymore but i still do quite often and its honestly awful bc it just makes me feel like a gross person and i worry a lot about public interactions
imo phoebe was saying she had almost every diagnosis u can think of (esp those that are tough to prove) so i can understand why that make influence ur view of it being another BS thing LOL
No. 567900
>>567892I had it from ages 19 to 29 and couldn't tell you why it suddenly started and why it stopped after ten years, It was a miserable time and I didn't self inflict it by being unhealthy. I tried every med and diet and eventually had to settle for just living through it as a social recluse. The mystery of it is frustrating.
I was underweight from it so I struggle to understand how people get fat or stay fat living with ibs. Though some bloating does happen.
I certainly didn't whine peoples ears off about it though, I didn't talk about my bowel movements all the time or include it in my online profiles. That is too much. Phoebe tickner is out there making every illness (that she totally has!) look bad
No. 567905
>>567896Nta but I've heard of a whole lot of people either getting it right before their final exams in secondary school/highschool or it starting in uni like that. Sad part being it then lasts years afterwards.
Mine eased over the years and TMI but I only really get period-shits every month now, looking back at those few years I basically used to have that every day. Nice to be at a point where I can actually recognize period-shits as being different and not everyday thing! Hopefully yours eases over time too.
No. 568032
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>>568024Creepy, I was just thinking that.
A lot of the non-binary/genderfluid stuff is just annoying to me now, because the whole world doesn't ask or need to know about your complicated relationship with your own body and/or the social structures of gender. I promise you if someone cares, you will know, and you will talk about it. Otherwise, it's just cringy. In fact, who is actually "comfortable" with gender? We all just get on with it and try to make things as painless as possible. We're all unique humans, these markers are worthless except in the most clinical sense.
It just smacks of self-obsession and the need to be "special" in the most boring, lazy, low-effort way possible. Learn to do something that's actually interesting, or at least have interesting things to say. Don't just get a shitty mohawk, put "they/them" in your Twitter bio and sperg all day about mogai flags. You're not a deep thinker, you look like a cultist. Not everything needs to be categorized, it's okay to just exist.
It doesn't even feel like I know a person better if they designate themselves that way. What am I supposed to take away from that? "Ah, yes, this person is neurotic, very online and has enough free time to contemplate their navel instead of doing anything of real importance"? Just live your fucking life and stop obsessing over gender like it's a fandom.
Sorry for rant
No. 568039
>>568036Nayrt but out of boredom I followed a link in the ftm thread to a reddit discussion about how trans people have sex and most of it was just so normal.
Obviously the internet is full of mentally ill weirdos larping as outdated gender stereotypes, and I'm not defending them, but it's nice to know that out there are also some average people who just live like everyone else and have average sex lives with their less-average genitals
No. 568103
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Daria fucking sucks. Literally NLOG the Cartoon. That bitch and everyone who likes it are actually pic related.
No. 568152
>>568150For real. Even besides that and the porn-induced ED (lmao), I can't imagine entertaining a guy who needs to watch women get abused just to get his dick hard, and even thinking it's "borderline abuse" to
not accept that. Fucked up.
And honestly, aside from the ethical issue, it's a funny double standard because guys generally can't handle it if their girlfriends are fantasizing about other men, especially ones with dicks bigger than their own. Mentioning a male celebrity being hot in front of 99% of them is enough to get them seething, kek.
No. 568154
>>568152OP feels like a young anon talking. I was also thinking like OP when I was a 23 yo sex positive young adult with only 2 men on my belt.
You know better when you're 30+ and have seen some shit I guess.
No. 568158
>>568149explain how this is abuse, anon. i don't understand why asking your partner not to get off to others is criticised so much, it's a perfectly
valid request in itself. before even considering the vulgarity of porn and its effects & the double standard of men not being able to handle their female partners lusting after other men, how is it "wrong" to expect him to express his attraction to you, and you only? of course it's natural to feel attracted to others on both sides, but at least show some self-restraint out of respect for your partner who you supposedly love, lol. and if your only problem with him watching porn is that the pornstars are "hotter" than you you need to re-evaluate and raise your self-esteem, yeah, but the fact that some women feel this way doesn't cancel out all the other problems women have with their partners engaging in porn. i feel bad in a way for typing this out because it could just be bait but oh well
No. 568187
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>>568154>>568163Yep. I'm so happy more women these days realize they don't need to be okay with it, after the previous couple of decades of mandatory sex positivity. I don't even understand why porn is considered "sex positive", when it's literally the main thing that prevents young-ish people from having sex lives at all, let alone active, healthy, and mutually satisfactory ones.
Also recently saw pic related, holy shit. This summary doesn't even include a bunch of studies with the same conclusions that were easy enough to find and should be common knowledge. I used to believe sexual dysfunction from porn was mostly a meme, and the only problems were the abuse in the industry and the damage it does to women's confidence in relationships, but wow, how are people just okay with this and hellbent on denying it kek.
No. 568224
>>568149I don’t think it’s abuse, ultimately people can set their own boundaries for their relationships and if that’s something both parties agree to then fine. I do think it’s irrational and controlling, though. The rising anti porn sentiment in general is worrying to me, I think there are
valid criticisms of both the sex positive movement and the porn industry and that there are steps that could be taken to vastly improve things but most of the current criticism largely comes from fringe manosphere groups or radfems and therefore has been extremely unproductive and does not attempt to address those concerns, it’s just a lot of pseudoscience, out of context and incorrectly interpreted statistics, and emotionally driven responses. Coming from a culture that deeply represses sexuality, I think the alternative is a lot worse and it is better to work to improve things than attempt to push an abolitionist route (which will never happen anyway).
No. 568235
>>568224To me this attitude differs in no way from kinkshaming, or trying to subjugate the sexuality of those whose preferences are highly monogamous and mutually devoted. Women who want porn-free relationships should be encouraged to find compatible partners, trying to shame and gaslight them as "controlling" would not be defensible if it was about any other comparable sexual preference, and it shouldn't be.
This kind of devotion, and both partners only having eyes for each other (at least in action if not in thought), is something many people find important to their sex lives and a wonderful part of their romantic relationship. For some reason it's now frequently labeled as crazy and pathologically insecure by those who have different preferences. People who watch porn aren't entitled to dating these women, they aren't compatible and that's that.
I'm happy if more women can define and express their personal boundaries more clearly nowadays, and if they are free to not agree to relationships where they're uncomfortable. The people who try to argue against their sexual boundaries and personal discomfort should reflect a bit more on what they're asking these women to do, especially if they want to bring up sexual repression.
No. 568280
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>>568267Not everyone hangs out with trash people anon
No. 568293
>>568285I only 100% believe my boyfriend when he says he hates porn because of Murphy's Law. Of course someone like me who had no problem with porn would somehow find a guy that actually hates it.
I watched a lot of porn before I dated him, but now I barely ever watch it and I don't know how I will ever go back to dating guys that watch porn and want all those porn meme things like to cum on your face.
No. 568295
>>568285>anons on here have meltdowns after they discovered their staunchly anti-porn bfs were indeed watching porn the whole timeThat's because they're upset about the lying, not the porn itself. If a man knows that he can't realistically stop watching it, then he shouldn't have ever agree to his woman's expectation. The man ought to face the fact that they may be incompatible–if he doesn't do it then that's on him. It proves that if something suits a man, then he's willing to ditch his integrity to fulfill his wants.
What stops his lying at the porn?
What else is he capable of lying to you about as long as he believes he won't be caught? Debt? An addiction? An affair?
Would you continue to date a coward who can't have a frank and honest discussion about the relationship and his needs while lying to your face? If you aren't angry if this should happen then you need to reevaluate your self-respect.
>>568224>>568235Reasonable posts.
No. 568299
>>568285Of course it's difficult, though it gets easier when you're older and have a better eye for general moral integrity and honesty. It's still extreme weaksauce cope to go "men will just lie about breaking our boundaries anyway, so you shouldn't even try have these boundaries in the first place."
Why pretend you're in a good relationship then, if you're so casually sure he would almost certainly lie about something that's genuinely important to you? Is this the kind of man you would accept?
No. 568309
>>568267>You're borderline abusive and need to work on your self-esteem if you don't let your bf watch porn>Lol nope>W-well he's just going to do it anywayThat's when you break up with him once you find out, for being a lying bitch. If he's so addicted to porn that he'll knowingly break the trust of someone he claims to love, he's not worth it. He can be alone with his screen and his dick in his hand, if it's that important. I don't see the issue here.
By this logic, women might as well let their boyfriends fuck around, too. "He's just going to do it behind your back anyway, 99% of men are like this, we've all seen anons with stories of being cheated on", kek. Then you dump his ass, problem solved. What's the difference?
No. 568310
>>568299I watch porn myself so it's not an issue I contend with in my relationships but I never said anything like this in my post
> "men will just lie about breaking our boundaries anyway, so you shouldn't even try have these boundaries in the first place." My only point was that it's impossible to know if they're being honest. An anon that sticks out in my memory was dating a guy who was really educated on everything dodgy happening in the porn industry, he preached all that stuff himself, was very vocal about being against it and then the anon discovered his secret habits and was pretty distraught. I'm guessing the guy could really act his ass off.
No. 568350
>>568336>>568339Oh man, can also attest to this. I dated a guy who had never really watched porn because he just wasn't interested, and no other partner has ever been even in the same ballpark with how good the sex was.
Porn can really mess with how people focus on their partner, are present in the moment, and connect emotionally. Especially when mainstream porn is typically so focused on the male getting off through a certain order of visually appealing acts. With guys like this, it's like their sex life is mostly a hobby or activity which they've mostly optimized already and which women sometimes take part in, not this romantic and playful moment between two people who genuinely just want each other.
No. 568377
>>568149I have mixed feelings about banning partners from watching porn. In a way I see it as just a tool for masturbation and masturbation is such a personal thing that even in a relationship I believe you have the right to some privacy there. I know I wouldn't date any guy who would try to ban me either using sex toys in my solo time or viewing that celeb crush folder I have that really gets me going lol
I understand though that alot of porn encourages selfish and ever-increasing extreme sex acts and you don't want your bf being influenced by the standards of porn. I've always allowed bfs a bit of privacy where I assume porn is being consumed at times but I don't ask or worry about it. Having seperate/private masturbation time with our own fantasies and not having to police each other suits me. Also, nobody has really mentioned this so maybe it's not common but I've watched porn together with partners.
No. 568386
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>>568382Oh I didnt hear about that, yikes.
>>568383Its to get attention. I hate the term virtue signaling but now after recent events I can see why its a term.
No. 568401
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>>568372>trying to make her out to be the next hitler…You were using hyperbole, right?
No. 568408
>>568401Nope. This tweet is tame compared to some I have seen, wish I had screencapped them, but good find anon. Also I dont follow this person but their tweets keep popping up on my timeline-they dropped their bf saying they were transphobic for agreeing with JK, despite the fact their boyfriend was fine with them being trans.
>>568399Seriously they are so annoying.
>>568405Pornhub which is the most well known site is in trouble for having videos of child abuse and actual rape on their site so no, dont think they are being "dramatic". Not all porn is vanilla or amateur.
No. 568409
>>568405Why are you being so obtuse? That's not the porn anon is watching, it's what men are watching. Porn has become increasingly violent specifically to meet the escalating tastes of male consumers, who are literally being conditioned to demand more and more extreme sex to maintain their boner.
Pornsickness is a real thing and men are crazy susceptible to it.
No. 568410
>>568406Right lol. It sounds ridiculous to me that so many anons on here are like "your man watches porn???? Just wait until he becomes a pornsick tranny chaser with a rape fetish smh".
I honestly don't care if my bf watches a few minutes of whatever porn is on Pornhubs frontpage every few days to get off.
No. 568419
>>568416>I took a look just now because your comment triggered me and I need to prove you wrong! >Also I still dont know and I still dont careOk.
>>568418You know its bad when even the likes of ian miles cheong are calling it out No. 568424
>>568420Who's moving goal posts? Not everyone you disagree with in this thread is the same person.
>why don't you try to educate people who are watching porn instead of bawwing to people that you don't even think use porn sites.You mean, like we are doing now and your complaining about it? I mean tbh I dont even know what people you are talking about with that last sentence.
No. 568434
>>568422>in the middle of all thisthis is a campaign that's been going on for so many years now but it's not as popular as it should be, because porn is totally normalized and basically every where nowadays. i don't expect it to get shut down immediately too, people are too pornsick and too much of a cumbrain to give a fuck and will still continue fapping because their beloved dicks are more precious than the feelings of trafficking
>it's not like this shit is on the front pageso? it's still fucking disgusting. it shouldn't matter if you see it on the front page or if you can find it 500+ pages in, no content like that should exist on a porn site in the first place. and how do you even know that it's not in the front page? anything could be possible. the 15 year old
victim's videos had thousands of views. i am so sure there were also people among the viewers with the mentality that it's not CP or rape because they put the video on pornhub willingly wah wah wah
No. 568437
>>568432cp on LC =/= cp on pornhub
the cp on LC gets posted in a pathetic attempt of a raid by people from other boards. it's not like we exchange stuff like that on a public platform all willingly because we get off to it and also get money lol
No. 568439
>>568431CP is on most major websites and apps. There's been CP on Reddit, there's been CP on Snapchat, there's been CP on Youtube, and if you include drawn CP then that's literally everywhere and not even hidden behind search bar Kung Fu. Humans are just scum and CP existing on websites and apps with millions of users is sadly a given. It's disgusting, yes, there should be more done against it, yes, but it's inevitable.
But CP and rape still don't = porn that the average consumer watches.
No. 568446
>>568440>the average man isn't wanting cp when he sits down and looks for a scene to fap to on PH>men who want cp aren't looking for it on pornhub,How do you know this?(not saying its true but its a stupid remark to make either way) Even if they are not
how does that excuse it being on the site? Did you not read the links which talk about how underage porn on there has been viewed millions of times and how the site refused to remove it after several requests?! Of course you didnt you just got mad.
But I take back my previous remark about you having few braincells, its clear now you have none.
No. 568456
>>568452Yeah, because those two are totally the same group of people. Are you insane? The sick fucks with weird fetishes are literally the porn addicts we're criticizing, just the female version.
Even if all porn was vanilla, I still wouldn't support it. It's got nothing to do with jealousy and everything to do with the sick feeling I get when I read what porn stars have to say about the traumatic experiences behind the scenes, and how you never know if that particular video involved the abuse of a woman or not. I'm just not taking that risk and it's a gut instinct, it repulses me and people who enjoy it repulse me too.
No. 568459
>>568451Nice try Jan.
>why are you even acting like anybody here is defending the distribution of CP?I'm not.
>Everyone has clearly been saying that it isn't okThe anon I spoke to wasn't, which, given your whining sounds like you.
>yet you keep sperging about it.Lol that projection. Reminder I started responding after this post
>>568405 which was accusing another anon about being dramatic. Again, nice try.
No. 568461
>>568452That had crossed my mind too, and we're just pretending that none of us watch porn ever?
>>568456James Deen is a good example of someone in thousands of scenes who treated women like shit on set and raped his gf off cam too. TBH I'm not a porn-free saint but the fact that the industry took him back.. I changed my habits after seeing who supported him.
No. 568462
>>568452This anon
>I didnt read the posts so imma strawman!>Also I never posted here until nowFucking kek.
>>568456My issue isnt with vanilla porn or even kinky stuff its excusing abuse but I respect your view.
>>568458>Simulated/acted abuse is the exact same as real abuse posted to porn sites for people to get off ofI mean, no. But you're kinda supporting that anons view that its all the same ergo should all be banned so, well done shooting yourself in the foot there.
No. 568469
>>568464No, just you.
>>568466If they meant that then ok, my bad. But then it really doesnt fit because people being abused behind the scenes which is a different situation to abuse videos being uploaded to a site which refuses to take it down because they make a load of money off them. The only thing they have in common is they are both wrong.
No. 568470
>>568458There is abuse everywhere and god knows I hate pedowood with the same passion as I do porn, but only in porn is it literally expected for you to get off to the abuse involved. The porn industry is just worse in a lot of ways. Sex is an inherent part of it and there is no meaning consent when money is involved, therefore whatever sex you're seeing is non consensual in most cases. Trafficking is directly linked to the industry, pornographers need to trick and mislead women into agreeing to do porn in the first place, you never know what the pornstars actually consented to doing or what can be distributed and where.
There may be a serious problem with abuse in other industries but they still have significantly more regulations and protections in place, and the content you are consuming is not an actual depiction of it. You know an actor probably desperately wanted to be in the movie you're watching and agreed to the film being released, whereas nobody desperately wants to be a porn star. They're usually cornered into it by poverty or by being manipulated and lied to.
No. 568474
>>568458I get your point here anon, but this isn't a great equivalency. Any job that employs women is going to have sexual abuse, entertainment or manufacturing, but there's a huge difference in getting sexual gratification to the video of someone's direct assault than enjoying a singer's song because he's an abuser in real life.
The real problem is how the consumers of porn think about the people they watch. Pornhub has no real moderation on videos. There are plenty of stories where a woman's (or girl's) rape was uploaded and stayed on there for a long time. The real issue is how men how view women, and how little they care about the legitimacy of the videos.
No. 568487
>>568481I'm honestly finding it so funny. The progression was basically:
>"If you don't let your bf watch porn, you are abusive and insecure">"He's going to watch porn anyway, get over it">"Porn isn't even that bad! Nothing wrong with a bit of Pornhub">"CP? Well, it's not on the front page, so who cares? No, I don't realize or care that Pornhub has had actual trafficked children tagged as "verified performers" or refused to remove literal CP from their site, and anyway, stop pretending I'm defending CP">"No, YOU'RE the ones with messed up sexualities! Men mostly watch amateur, lesbian and vanilla porn, and those can't be abusive or exploitative! Remember this thread where some anons describe having self-destructive fetishes? Not only is that literally the same thing, Lolcow is one person!">"D-Do you not consume any media? Every industry has abuse somewhere, come on!"They're trying everything they can to convince a bunch of random women on the internet that they're wrong for not liking porn, and not wanting their partners to be porn addicts. Like, is being a coomer that important to some people? Is that their identity? When you get to the point where you're trying to downplay rape and CP, it is time to stop. I swear it's like brain rot.
No. 568500
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>>568452>when most of them watch vanilla, lesbian and amateur(X) Doubt
Let’s see I went on PH just now and what’s on the front page?
No. 568502
>>568481>>568487Yep! and then sperging out when called out for shrugging off CP and tries to start infighting, hilarious.
No. 568505
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>BBC gangbang and incestmutts truly are a bunch of incestuous cucks like they say
No. 568509
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>>568452There's actual data on this. When surveyed, force/rape isn't even close to being a popular fetish for women. You know what is? Actual romance.
>'m kind of tired of the "Women love rape, women love abuse, so how dare they judge men for watching/creating rape porn?" meme being pushed. Even if there is a minority of women who have twisted fetishes, not only do they aim it at
themselves and not other women, they're definitely not the ones supporting the porn industry and paying to watch women get raped on camera. They literally struggle with self-hate and shame around sex, lmao, hence why you see those types of posts in a "fetishes you're
ashamed of" thread.
Are most men with rape fetishes ashamed at all? I haven't been given any reason to believe they are.
No. 568584
>>568560Yeah,there's a definite line. I like chikan porn when the woman looks unsure about it/kinda forced but ultimately enjoy it.
I will nope the fuck out and feel disgusted if there's any tears or any pain showing.
No. 568599
>>568585Anons here are like neckbeards in means of what they expect of women's bodies
Anyone who doesn't have a concave stomach and 5 inch around arms is fat, girls without tits to their collarbone are saggy, asses and boobs that don't poke out four feet are flat, non-baby shoulders are broad, hips that aren't massive are narrow, jaws that aren't that of a mouth breather are man jaws, any bump on the pussy is an STD oh and don't not shave either because some anons laugh at camgirls bushes for some reason? Oh and "dirty" and "aging badly" is practically universal
No. 568623
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>>568612Probably to prevent cringy typing like pic related.
No. 568639
>>568638Do all women love shoes?
Most people want to try something popular if they haven't done it before, but after that it's going to be down to personal taste
No. 568691
>>568638Anal to a guy feels like putting their dick in a really tight ring and then once through the ring part it's really loose. There's also no natural lube so there's a lot of faffing with lube involved. Oh and shit can get on their dick. Guys think anal is super sexy like porn, but in reality learn that it isn't.
Vaginal sex to a guy feels like a nice tight glove to their dick all the way down.
Guys want anal because they like what they've seen in porn, but in reality once they've tried it they realise vaginal feels better.
If you meet a dude who prefers anal I'd suggest running for the hills - it doesn't feel as good for him or you so he's likely getting off on the fact you're getting no pleasure out of it.
No. 568696
>>568693I agree, but I don't really consider it in terms of security or lack thereof.
I just think masculinity is very ugly in large doses.
No. 568704
>>568585The ironic thing is that every time anons come to nitpick some girl's stomach rolls she gets sitting down or thigh cellulite I get this image of an insecure chubby girl choking on her envy and trying to make skinny people seem fat too. Because of them I hand huge props to overweight people who don't try to drag others down with them.
>>568577Honestly this is what it should be called. "Rape fetish" as a term is so misleading, what most women have is "Ravishment fetish". They want to be desired and lavished to the point the dominating party can't control themselves and makes the woman enjoy themselves whereas rape is just about the offender getting off on hurting someone weaker than them. People can't comprehend the thought of women experiencing autonomous sexual desire or anyone wanting to dedicate themselves to pleasure them so they just started calling it a rape fetish.
No. 568706
>kill yourself kill jewsLol classic imageboard bantz
>kill men Omg extremist terrorism
No. 568783
>>568585I like how they always try to cover their ass when their infighting gets called out too by claiming fatties are shitposting as equally. When actually if you search for how many times 'fatties' gets mentioned it's always way more than someone calling 'anachan' and that typically starts after they've posted about fattys for the millionth time.
They really have a hard time coping that there's no fat boogeymen on this website and they're being that salty unprovoked.
>>568704>insecure chubby girls are behind the comments!Nope, sorry but regular girls with EDs and image issues are way more abundant. It doesn't even make sense, why would someone fatter than a cow call them fat? All they'd be doing is making themselves feel bad. Dumb logic.
No. 568928
>>568926She said nothing wrong and all the
triggered autists deserve to have their childhoods tainted.
No. 569030
>>568935Ugh, I agree with this. I lived in a rural "city" of about ~11,000 people. The men to women ratio was something else. Like 80 men to every 100 women. Doesn't seem drastic, but it was enough to make it so that average to beautiful women were complete pickmes for low effort and ugly men. Cute guys were hastily gobbled up. Talk about zero options, it's understandable to me why women in my family (and even traits I exhibited until I moved away) pandered so much to men and were catty towards other women. That's just what that kind of environment reaps. Checked the census info and apparently 20% of households there are occupied by single women–doesn't specify if they have children but I would not be surprised by the single moms. Their baby dads leave them for the next childfree puss on a dime. 25% of the population is in poverty, and the medium income barely scrapes past $25k. It's a shitpit!
The only thing I disagree with is there being a preference for anorexic or obese girls. Nah, every guy in that fucking place thought he deserved a conventionally attractive woman with a socially acceptable appearance so he could boast about her to his friends like we were all collectible objects.
No. 569357
>>569337I can agree.
People getting so riled up over fictional ships in general is embarrassing.
No. 569376
>>569324Yeah, he gives off loving father vibes. I also don't believe everything he says, but he has a lot to offer.
>>569256Can't help but feel bad for him. I hope he's okay.
>>569242I agree with some stuff he says, like his views on men and women, even though they may be backwards by some people's standards. I feel like he's the antidote to a lot of bullshit mainstream science.
No. 569531
>>569337i think shipping is fucking dumb and people are less interested in compelling stories and more interested in the depiction of bland unimaginative romance with no substance, as even though characters vary situations and interactions are portrayed in like 5 ways total.
bodice ripper novels are at least more honest about the mindless pandering to homemakers with cookie cutter reader insert protagonists and more self aware about how shameful and bottom of the shelf all of this is. shipping is for uwu awkward teens who craft their nerd/anime trash personality around fandom, which is a more dignified way of saying they like 2 character designs and to have them kiss.
anyone over 15 who shits their pants about which cartoon character should be shipped with which has to have some form of mild mental retardation.
No. 569625
>>569615Do you live in a city?
>>569622Hard agree
No. 569648
>>569635Sorry to reveal this to you so abruptly, but you're dumb.
As someone who has never dealt with anorexia and also finds the look to be off-putting, anyone with a brain knows that anorexics don't find themselves to be appealing either and most tend to avoid taking photos or looking in the mirror. They literally look in the mirror and think they are fat, and when they have moments of clarity, they realize they actually look malnourished and ugly. When you get to the point of consciousness where people can see your bones, I'm pretty sure the idea of putting anything in their mouth will make them physically and mentally ill. Don't base your understanding of a whole ass mental illness around the ana-chan thread.
No. 569679
>>569635You’re retarded if you think 70s cher is underweight
Visible muscles on underweight bodies look gross, orthorexics look fucking terrible, worse than classic anas
No. 569683
>>569060Yeah Lush sucks tranny cock hard. I still buy from them because I like low packaging. I guess there's not really anything like an environmentally friendly radfem brand.
It's kind of stupid companies need to have political positions anyway. At least something like environmentally ethical affects the actual product, the companies position on troons has absolutely nothing to do with anything they sell. It's just pandering.
No. 569738
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>>569679Cher was 5'9 and 105 pounds. Are you fucking dumb? That's a 15 BMI, even if she was 5'6 thats still underweight.
Most anas, especially on here, aren't never gonna have that body cause they're lazy as fuck and don't move because of their shitty lifestyle but still somehow think they're brave for not eating, lmao.
No. 570007
>>569944>>569981Canada has to be the most annoying nation on earth. All Canadians I ever met were serial humblebraggers, constantly rubbing how uber polite they supposedly are into your face ("our country's biggest negative point is that we say sorry too much! teehee")… You should thank god that America exists next to you otherwise people would take a much closer look at your
problematic past. Didn't Trudeau also have a sexism (or was it racism) scandal? They're like backstabbing little rats, they act soooo woke that they even let predators like Yaniv run free, at least Trump and Co. don't hide that they're pigs.
No. 570073
>>570007>>570011Yup. Canada is literally that annoying aunt who wants to give you marital advice while their husband is knowingly fucking another woman on the side and they pretend to be okay with it. I cant stand Canada's smugness when they have so many issues in their own country, including how they treat indigenous people.
>they act soooo woke that they even let predators like Yaniv run freeExactly.
No. 570105
>>570007When I read about how they treated indigenous people, and the fact that they still haven't apologized, the "Canada's so nice" meme fell apart for me. Fuck Quebec and their ugly version of French, too.
Only America being a total shitshow allows them to look good, honestly.
No. 570159
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This is somehow okay now with general public now that Rowling has committed a big bad crime of talking about biological sex.
No. 570163
>>570159The general public and The Sun aren't the same thing. Although the general public are also scum.
For bonus points JK's ex would be able to dodge any problems by transitioning. Do it for the lulz.
No. 570166
>>570159Yikes, and I'm sure many of the people cheering on this domestic abuser call themselves "feminists." I've never watched or read Harry Potter, but this is appalling. People are acting like this woman murdered someone with her bare hands when all she did was say "sex is real."
These people are absolutely psychotic. Imagine being this angry that a fucking children's book author has a moderate opinion.
No. 570189
>>570182All these news publications do that kind of thing to absolve themselves.
The fact is, they gave some
abusive, worthless loser a platform to boast about attacking her for the catharsis of every fake-woke Twitter user and macho ma'am who tried to crucify her online. They know what they're doing by putting out this story around this time, it's all business to them.
I wasn't even that pissed about the Twitter thing (these theatrics aren't new on the internet), but this is downright sickening.
No. 570208
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>>570205You think the people who sent her those threats to begin with did it for other reasons?
These aged like milk for sure.
No. 570211
>>570180I really hate it when people don't realize that Harry Potter was written in the 90's and for
its own time period it was a very diverse cast of characters. I don't even like Harry Potter but even I'm able to see that you can't judge a kids' book made 30 years ago by 2020 qualifications and call the writer "racist" because what she wrote for diversity doesn't meet today's standards. Even
having non-white British characters in an English children's book was considered progressive even if their role didn't extend beyond a foreign name. There's a difference between making fun of someone intentionally and simply not knowing any better.
I fucking swear in 2060 people will be judging the content created in 2020 and be appalled how we dared to not have any Neptunian aliens in the fiction of our era and cancelling every author even if they are dead by then.
No. 570251
>>570245I can’t believe you’re delusional enough to think that. Outside of your very small
echo chamber, very few people agree with you. Thats why you constantly see posts here about how scared you people are to even tell your close friends your beliefs. Most academics and scientists disagree with you. And most people who ‘agree’ do so solely out of hatred if trans people, not because of sympathies with women or radical feminism (and are ironically the kind of people who would be the target demographic for articles like that).
No. 570259
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>>570251>Most academics and scientists disagree with you. Holy shit, no way this isn't bait. What is happening to /ot/ lately?
No. 570364
>>570359They always look like skin blemishes from afar, and when they've faded, they tend to look awful.
It sucks, because tattoos are really cool in theory.
No. 570457
>>570439Simple, you can't act nice just to one of them and treat they all equally, no flirting allowed. I'm pretty tomboyish so we got a lot of tastes in common
Even if one of them was attracted to you, he wouldn't want to make things awkward in said group of friends, or he'd be afraid of what the other guys'd think
No. 570541
>>570438Everytime I see people saying it's racist it's white people or Asians in the West who never faced actual discrimination besides being told their food stinks in primary school once and who are represented in the media since forever. I really don't care if her name isn't inaccurate, by itself it's not racist. If JKR named her character some stupid shit like Ching Chong then I would actually believe it is racist though. You guys are acting like you're reading the very first super racist Tintin comics sometimes kek.
Oh and while we're talking about HP, I'm sick of anyone who only watched the movies and never read the books and who think Dumbledore being gay was weird, came out of nowhere, and was just pandering. I suspected it a little bit when reading the seventh volume before that interview when we learn more about his backstory and his brother and sister, and I wasn't the only one back then. It's just a confirmation, not sudden LGBTTTTTQQQQ pandering.
No. 570574
>>570438>My wife is from China (born and raised) and was side eyeing that shit when she saw the HP movies with me years ago.Wasn't China's most popular actress (before she got thrown in gulag for tax evasion) named Bingbing?
Why is "Cho" so shocking and racist?
No. 570602
>>570593I feel the same way about blondes - which I don't really get because people don't care if it's natural or dyed, so it's not about rarity. It seems to be more about the color itself, as in light colors > dark colors.
Sage for ot.
No. 570633
>>570597Every fucking one I met during my life has ever worshipped redheads, men and women alike.
>>570602Yeah, at least blondes in my zone aren't nearly as adored or bragging about their hair, most of them just wish they had a brighter blond.
No. 570660
>>570593tbh I'm definitely guilty of this. My hair usually gets brought up in conversation when I meet new people and I definitely get a big ego boost from random compliments. But also, growing up with red head was shit. Kids are cunts and I was bullied pretty much daily for it, any argument would just end with them saying 'well at least I'm not ginger harhar bitch', like I was a loser automatically because I was ginger. So when the flip happened and suddenly people are gushing over red hair, it feels pretty good. The reason it gets attention is simply because it's more rare, I guess, so for better or worse you stand out.
ot but I think dark hair with pale skin is really beautiful, like a timeless beauty.
No. 570712
>>570708i dont understand the degree of dirty weeb needed to get off on animated hentai. the animation budget is $5, the voice acting is a looping clip of a cat dying, everything is censored. what even is the point, at least the art is good in manga
anyway, eeewww coomers stinky
No. 570713
>>570593I'm a redhead (auburn though, not bright ginger) and people couldn't care less. Most of the people gushing over uwu redhead qts are 30-something millenial nerds for some reason, and the women they simp for aren't even natural redheads.
Most people don't give a shit about my hair or comment on it, they will only occasionally ask "oh is that your natural colour?" and that's it.
Meanwhile, slap blonde hair on any girl and she's suddenly an alpha gigastacy and people won't shut up about "that hot blonde".
No. 570733
>>570713I just had a big galaxy brain moment, do guys actually prefer bottle blondes because they believe on some level that women bleach their hair for male attention? As if they think bleach blonde women want to be noticed by them the most?
I feel so stupid that I might have only just realized something everyone else knows, I just thought that men thought the color was sexy, now I feel so stupid.
No. 570737
>>570733It's not too farfetched. Guys like women who gussy and fuss over their looks and subjugate themselves for male approval.
To be fair, even women like it when guys put effort into their appearance just for us.
No. 570744
>>570735No, I'm
>>570713 and European. Blondes are almost a status symbol where I live. Redheads, especially the kind of red that I have, just means you're a horse girl and/or Jewish and Jewish girls are considered ugly where I live (not that they actually are, but that's the stereotype).
No. 570796
>>570593i'm a simp for red headed girls. maybe it's because i like bright colors in general. i think the combination of red hair, pale skin and freckles is what's attractive, it's very ethereal and fairylike.
i fuckin hate the way geeks like red headed women though, they are often the hot love interest and the red hair is there like a fake flaw to signify awkwardness and difference that makes neckbeards think they are more accessible than blonde stacies and more quirky than brown haired normies.
No. 571391
>>571267cheating is normal for men. 99% of them cheat. Dating is for marriage and then you still stay for the children. As long as the man is rich and doesnt abuse you who cares?
women who marry for love fail most of the time. Think smart.
No. 571395
>>570743only platinum blonde, and platinum blondes are seen as prostitutes.
NATURAL blondes are rare tho
No. 571407
>>571403And I suppose you came up with that hot take by yourself?
>>571406Actually it can. People in long-lasting relationships cheat more not because time exposes them to vice but because relationships without cheating don't last long. Humans aren't made for monogamy, we evolved to hop and switch across different people over our adult life. We go against that thanks to socioeconomic factors but thanks to million years of evolution we still have the urge to fuck around even if it's not in our self-interests.
No. 571413
>>571407If that's how you feel then just have an open relationship. But that might bypass all the deception, resentment, fights, attracting
abusive partners and avoiding intimacy which is what you really want since you've got mental problems.
No. 571483
>>571462>Gay people can get fired just for being gay in most statesThe Supreme Court just ruled the other day that it is unconstitutional to fire anyone just for being gay or trans, so that's no longer a thing. Not sure if you were aware of this yet.
Sure, employers are probably going to find a bullshit reason to fire someone, but they'd face serious legal issues if there's evidence that they were fired for being gay or trans.
No. 571486
>>571453Agreed. I think a lot of the anons replying to you are misunderstanding what you're trying to say.
I don't think 100% of the LG population is bi, but there are definitely a good portion of LGs that would rather die than admit to any same sex attraction. The same goes for vehemently straight people, as you said. For some people, being gay is their entire identity. Bisexuals are seen as lesser, thus they'd feel as though they were losing part of their identity by admitting they're bisexual.
Just IMO as a bi.. Let me know if I'm misunderstanding the replies.
No. 571494
>>571486I agree with you, I think it's for different reasons though…like with straight people there's so much social pressure and stigmatisation for being gay that I think most are so repressed that if they do experience some degree of attraction for the same gender they are not even aware of it on a conscious level. I think with gay people it's more that they are so used to having their identity invalidated and for various reasons gay rights and activism has pushed for the idea that being gay is 100% innate and not a choice etc (which I don't even disagree with for the most part but I don't think it matters and don't think it should have been a focal point), so I think they feel anxious about the idea of people not viewing homosexuality as
valid and the damaging material effects that could have on them in the present society we live in. Ideally there would probably not be a need to have these identities but in the present world there is because lgbt people still face significant discrimination.
No. 571495
>>571483Diff anon but I can't wait for shit like that to happen in my country. I took a university course a couple years ago and one woman on the course didn't like lesbians. She was at least twenty years older than me and weirdly bothered by shit like short hair on women or sports bras. So I got called things like ladyboy and even eunuch??
One day she felt up my chest in a room full of people to make sure I had breasts. She was allowed to do that shit for months but got kicked off the course for asking a (straight) girl what her sex life with her bf was like.
No. 571523
>>571514Your biggest problem is conflating all those groups together and then within those groups, acting like it's a hivemind.
Most feminists I know aren't against all porn, but they do have a problem when the porn begets sex trafficking, abuse, and excessive exploitation. I think it's possible to both acknowledge that porn isn't good for individuals on the whole, but that it also isn't going to go away entirely. It can be both.
No. 571524
>>571514This is strawman?
>cultures from all ages produced pornHistorical porn didn’t feature “tiny teen” taking piss anema from 10 dudes, extreme degeneracy wasn’t shilled as normal quirky kinks. Most of it was just depiction of sex, and if they’re feeling spicy it’s gay.
No. 571529
>>571514i agree banning it won't make it disappear, but putting it back in its rightful place in the moral landscape, ie a shameful disgusting evil thing that only slimy neckbearded incels and germans sex tourists would consume, is important.
now it's freely discussed and people even self-deprecate-brag about how they watch porn instead of working and cleaning, that cannot be good to promote it like that.
it should be taboo and it should be the norm that women are repulsed by or refuse to date men who discuss it / overtly or at all look at it
No. 571537
>>571523>>571524>>571527i'm op. i agree with everything you said. porn will not go away, but we need to think about the ethics of incest porn or violent porn, and protect the actors involved. i think more sex work needs to be legalized so
victims of trafficking or rape aren't fearful of the police.
just going on the pornhub homepage makes me feel like future men growing up on the internet rn are doomed. the ads promote wanting to "build" a woman or fuck teens. all the top videos involve teens or """""step"""" family members (the little step-sisters are the most suspect…). the ICE porn makes me wanna die.
>>571529put down the radical internet subcultures, take your meds and go outside.
No. 571540
>>571514I agree it may not go away completely, but people are definitely waking up to the problems it’s bringing. Ngl it’s nice seeing more and more people trying to get shota/Loli and toddler shit out of their communities.
Also those “teen” ads where they shoop the already tiny actresses to look even more prepubescent are super fucked up. Some look like genuine kids.
No. 571541
>>571514Regulated how? There will always be a way to exploit women and children, there will always be someone destitute enough to allow themselves be abused. You can never be sure. The only way to dissuade abuse is decreasing the demand for the product.
>>571529Kek based
No. 571545
>>571524ok idk what kind of historical porn you're aware of but maybe take a look at Lucian's detailed zoophile donkey porn, which isn't exactly mild, and i guess some other things in late antiquity and especially during the severan era. plus marquis de sade and all the porn he inspired throughout europe, like this one by apollinaire where at some point the pope makes two children sodomize eachother.
doesn't change that today's "kinky" porn is dangerously becoming more and more violent and degrading, i agree with that.
No. 571550
>>571549>Y'll the ultimate y'all queen is here
please have mercy on me
No. 571554
>>571549This is almost as hilarious as it is autistic
No. 571569
>>571549Well men do love porn.. and killing themselves, so if they want to watch porn and then kill themselves.. who am I to stop them?
Male suicide rates being higher is a good thing, they're just practising their rights, Y'all
No. 571582
>>571567Close but no cigar.
>>571576Did I say "my booze"? I'm an absolutist mind you but I find the idea of controlling peoples rights absolutely disgusting.
What do you think happens when US starts to regulate porn? They will kick that can of shit down to Mexico where women are way more vulnerable. Same with drugs, it's always the same. Finland, Sweden etc have a ban on euthanasia so cancer patients are either rich enough to travel or die in pain because they're too poor and weak to kill themselves.
Every time you people regulate lives of others it ends in suffering of the most vulnerable while rich simply bend the rules. Fuck you
No. 571594
Vibrators do desensitize you if you use them often enough and on high settings
I used to work around toys (for an online sex shop, not in sex work) and I always heard 'sex experts' saying that they absolutely cannot desensitize you or make it harder to come manually… but I've experienced exactly that. I had all these free playthings and I built a high tolerance. Probably like how men death grip their dicks after a while. Nothing permanent but it can be good to take breaks or turn the settings down a notch. I hate when sex positivity turns into just lying about shit
>>571592I want both tbh
No. 571595
>>571529I agree with this and I think it's already happening to a certain extent. Porn has always existed, yet it's only within the last ten years or so that it's become mainstream.
>>571541>Regulated how?A law making it illegal to profit from porn would be effective. It would deplete the massive companies like mindgeek that control the porn industry without punishing individuals that just post nudes online.
>>571549People should be allowed to do whatever they want to themselves on the condition that it does not harm others. Watching porn sustains an industry that exists by abusing women.
No. 571617
>>571605Porn industry is always pulling that shit, I think certain states in the US made sex while in bondage illegal (because it's hard to prove it's not rape) so it pisses off the industry that bondage porn is confined to states outside the of usual scene. Maybe laws have changed since then but I remember porn bosses bitching about it as if they are so discriminated against
Then they tried to bring in a law making condoms a requirement and they freaked out again, James Deen was most vocal about it.. then it came out that he rapes women off set and on set. One of those women ended her life. Muh rights tho!
No. 571663
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>>571547you're just jealous you aren't a good goth anon
No. 571680
>>571662I knew of a psychiatrist years ago who had a reputation for diagnosing any woman who disclosed sexual abuse as having bpd. She was a psych in my local free health clinic and people in the waiting room talked about her, I made a mental note to never disclose my own childhood sexual abuse.
Several years later I'm in hospital after my male housemate got drunk and attacked me, I had my injuries looked after but then I couldn't exactly go home to that house and my family all live in different countries, they said they'd admit me to psych to give me something to help settle my nerves and so I'd have somehere to stay for a few nights while making plans. On my admission assessment I was asked about past sexual abuse and given the rough day I'd already had my whole body froze up and I covered my face with my hand, couldn't move for the longest time. So that gave it away and of course the psychiatrist (the same one with that reputation) was talking about bpd with me the next day. I was later diagnosed with something completely different. I still can't open up about the CSA.
No. 571707
>>571680I'm so sorry that happened to you, anon. I had something similar happen during a really turbulent time in my life while I was unemployed and in a really
abusive relationship. I'd been seeing a psychiatrist on and off for years and being treated for depression/anxiety. I started self-harming during this time and I opened up to her about it. Suddenly, she's telling me she thinks I have BPD, that I should be voluntarily hospitalized, and that she can no longer see me because I'm essentially too much of a handful for her now that she's decided I have a personality disorder. It was really humiliating and shocking. I stopped seeing her after that and have told this story to every therapist I've seen since. Not a single one of them agreed with her assessment that I had BPD.
Seeking trauma-informed therapy is a really good idea if you have trauma and want to avoid getting labeled BPD. I really do believe that it is horrendously over-diagnosed in women, and unfairly so. I would go as far as to say that the diagnosis is sexist in itself and was designed to shame women for completely normal reactions to trauma. I always thought it was odd that it's the only "personality disorder" that is actually treatable, and that it is virtually indistinguishable from C-PTSD, which is conveniently still not included in the DSM. I'm glad DBT therapy works for people, even if the BPD label itself is stigmatizing and missing the bigger picture.
No. 571714
>>571710If someone does something destructive, and you show them proof that it's just that, how do you think they'll feel?
The sad truth is, there is no way to reduce harm without shame coming into the picture at some point. Too much shame is obviously counterproductive, but acknowledging a negative habit is an inherent acceptance of shame/wrongness in one's personal choices.
No. 571763
>>571721You can't cloak everything under subjectivity, anon.
If they'll want to change and get help, they will inevitably feel shame for their actions. It's honestly that simple. Looking at underlying reasons and solving them otherwise isn't mutually exclusive from feeling shame for the driving behavior, either, it's all part of the process of healing.
There's just no dodging this, no one would bother changing if they truly didn't ever feel bad about anything they did.
No. 571916
>>571705>Shame is a healthy reaction to negative behaviors, and should logically be followed by positive change.this is true but for guilt. there is a distinction between the two responses. guilt helps a person develop empathy while shame does the opposite.
i do agree with you to some extent though. poeple accusing others of "shaming" for defending their own morals and opinions in a nonviolent way is ridiculous and destructive.
No. 571959
>>571949Right? I would've murdered for online courses back in my college days. I didn't live on campus so the daily trudgery always made my days long and exhausting. I shudder to think how my grades would have improved with the ease of stress that classes gave me. Imagine not having to get ready, commute, hustle between courses, be exposed to sick college students, deal with obnoxious cohorts, and face power tripping professors in person! What a fucking gift and I hope undergrads are thankful.
The only thing I disagree with (if it's even happening) is students being charged full tuition. It takes little relative effort to run online courses, and students literally can't utilize any campus facilities.
No. 571962
>>571949As someone who had to take online classes this semester and had taken them on purpose in the past, it’s a completely different ballgame. Most professors don’t know how to teach online, didn’t know how to upload assignments or communicate with the class, or they kept their expectations for in person class which was unrealistic. In an online class, you get all your assignments for the week at once, maybe have a short paper due every week, a few discussion boards, etc. profs tried to be able to account for attendance and participation points, kept big projects that hinged much on being in class, and overall just didn’t know how to translate their lectures to an online format cause they had literally no time to figure it out. In addition to that, taking one online class along my regular ones while having my social/academic life at college was a lot different than doing 5 online classes at my parents house with everyone else home from school/work.
No. 571977
>>571949I mean… first of all I don't live in america so things are probably different and we don't often get assignments, our grades are usually based on the one exam we take at the end of the course. Some online classes were nice because the professor took time to explain the slides and if you wrote them an email they would reply immediately, but another professor disappeared for weeks and didn't post anything. It was annoying not being able to ask a question without bothering the class or the professor or both. The way exams were was changed obviously, resulting in both students and professors not knowing what the fuck was going on.
That said, going to class in pajamas was comfy.
No. 572001
>>571908From what I've seen, minimizing shame has just fed into defensiveness, learned helplessness and rationalization.
Teen pregnancy isn't linked to personal failings/morals as much as it is a lack of education on self-protection, to be honest. Now that I think about it, I don't think there's a single society that doesn't moralize sex to some extent. The difference is how they go about it.
A more "conservative" society might teach young people that sex is wrong in itself, any sexuality is shameful and outright refuse to educate them on it, while young people in more "liberal" societies might be taught that sex is fine and even healthy, which means they actually will be educated on the ins/outs, but to keep in the spirit of sex-positivity and "don't shame", they'll also be told outright lies (like anal sex isn't destructive on women's bodies, choking is harmless, the whole "if it gets you off, it can't be wrong, just be yourself" logic, etc).
Both have detrimental drawbacks, one just works in the nature of minimizing shame, while the other maximizes it. My whole point is that some level of shame is good, I guess. It helps you cut through the bullshit and see the truth as it is. A culture that goes out of its way to avoid shame just ends up sweeping everything under the rug, causing more problems in the long run.
No. 572011
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>>571987I dislike it too, but for different reasons. Hooters was already sexualized and degenerate, anyway.
Besides finding it dumb/obnoxious like all other coomer memes, I wouldn't be as bothered if they had just drawn some cute anime boys. Instead, they went with that flat faux-anime Twitter art style, some lazy, flat character designs and all of them having ginormous hips/thighs to fit in with the current "thicc!! body positive! chonky soft bois owo
braaaap" meme.
Nothing about these characters even reads as "boy", other than the flat chests and two of them having short hair. They're just a bunch of Shadman-tier traps/trannies with fucked up body proportions. It's all so ugly, but I guess coomers will eat it up regardless.
No. 572017
>>572014>does any sex education actually teach this or is this just what retards on twitter say?It's literally put in publications aimed at teens who want to learn about sex, like Teen Vogue. AFAIK, most sex education curriculums are based primarily on PIV sex, contraceptives and STIs, but obviously the actual culture/societies that allow for that much go more in-depth outside the classroom.
I remember one gay guy wrote an entire article on Teen Vogue trying to "guide" teen girls on anal sex and claiming the same bullshit about it being "perfectly natural", and it caused mild uproar, but people defended it for sex positivity reasons, lmao.
No. 572044
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>>572028>>572011I'm not a fan of Hooters either, that's where I went wrong with my pseudo-rant. I don't necessarily have a whole lot against it by any means. If you want Hooters or femboy hoooters that's your own thing.
However, the shota bulge thicc thighs is what makes it disgusting to me. This shit specifically.
No. 572046
>>572040Also this
Most fujos can see through this coomer garbage. Femboys can be cute if they’re done well.
No. 572177
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I understand where this person is coming from but from what I have seen international kpop stans love the victim/underdog narrative and foreign idol perfectly provide that for them. I doubt most of these fans aside from a few weebs really care for what country a foreign idol comes from, nor are they aware of the history like that, especially not China/Korea.
No. 572253
>>572251well but then people, even those who like their faces, would be pressured into getting PS like in south korea.
there's something uncanny and eerie about breaking your face to have it reconstructed, like putting on a pretty person mask, but i can't quite put my finger on it. i would never want to date someone who had PS (well, also because PS is only popular among crazy incel types and not those with a bump on their nose like with girls).
No. 572262
>>571662I think BPD is overdiagnosed and there are sexist elements at play (i.e. how promiscuity is judged against women vs men), but as BPDfag myself, I gotta admit I am for real crazy pants insane and DBT and intense therapy are the only things that keep me from fucking up the lives of those I care about (as well as my own). Yeah I'm like this because I had a really fucked up childhood, but that's just an explanation and I needed to learn how to handle life without constantly melting down and self destructing, and understand that the worldview I'd formed over the years was inaccurate to the point of delusional.
>>572191Agreed. Unless you break something in a fall or fight, or you needed a mastectomy (although I wish we could normalize this, I understand why a woman would desire breast reconstruction after cancer), or some other "special case" that is based on medical reasons.
No. 572264
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I do not like the Good place, it seems to market its as self as being very deep and philosophical but I don't think it makes any sort of introspecting comments about the Human condition, its literal rick and morty tier intellectualism but marketed towards the smug lib twitter crowd instead redditards and worst of all I just don't think its that funny
No. 572268
>>572254>intelligence and virtue>geneticKek, no. Unless you're only talking of actual disabled people and autistic savants, these are things that are refined over time with practice/effort and personal interest. I hate this "Everything you have is only because you were born lucky enough to be talented/smart/whatever!" meme. It's so destructive. Some people will use it to excuse themselves from self-improvement, while others will use it to attack others and try to block them from life opportunities out of the
assumption that they are incapable of anything. Nothing good comes out of that logic, it is so backward.
"Virtue" also isn't genetic. That's so subjective, I don't even know why you'd add that in.
No. 572284
>>572264I don't think it ever tried to present itself as anything more than what it is. It's fine for you to not like the show but the way I saw it marketed was as a quirky, slightly irreverent comedy that had social justice leanings, similar to Broolyn 99 and Blunt Talk. But then the loud fanbase started acting like it was the biggest galaxy brain writing ever just as the Rick and Morty fans did, and inevitably no show can stand up to that hype.
Fandoms ruin everything. Jameelia Jamil doesn't help.
No. 572300
>>572254well what about praising people for being tall, or having a beautiful voice ? many things that are nice are genetic.
>>572256the people that are successful and genius always are hardworking, and being born in a supportive or weathy family certainly helps a ton, but you cannot educate anybody to do anything.
>>572267are you one of those "there are different types of intelligence" people ? it's been tested, the people who have high orienting yourself in space intelligence, those who have high math intelligence, those who have high dexterity intelligence etc etc, overlap very tightly, they are the same people, and so those phenomena are interlinked and basically the same thing, and that's why IQ is the sole overarching measurement.
No. 572359
>>572204Lol stop making excuses for them. They do understand cultural appropriation and if they're going to profit off black american culture they should at least refrain from being offensive towards it.
Anyways that person just sounds like a bitter koreaboo. Just because you listen to kpop doesn't mean you have to put them on a pedestal over others. The Youth with You contestants
are more talented and korean survival shows
do primarily put looks over talent.
No. 572441
>>572437I could, but you kind of made my point already by being mildly defensive about a hypothetical opinion that would only negatively affect men if true/
No. 572451
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>>572444Pic related.
I don't get why something so vague and short managed to piss at least two anons off enough to passive-aggressively vaguepost about it in turn, almost like they took it as a personal attack.
Not everyone cares to argue or make elaborate posts all the time, some people are just here to shoot the shit and make small posts.