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No. 560920
Not trying to vent? Not annoyed? Not asking a dumb question? Post it here.
Previous thread:
>>>/ot/550661 No. 560952
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>>560947Bringing it up ongoing infights is going to derail the thread. If you did it in good faith, which I'd like to think you did, it was a mistake.
No. 561198
I always get jealous deep down of girls who get to live in Japan, most recently of this one girl who gets to be a cute housewife and dresses super cute. It’s so stupid and it’s the weeb in me, and I know there’s no point in trying to achieve that dream anymore, but damn, a bitch is still jealous. I studied in Japan twice, once in Tokyo and once in basically bumfuck, and it was… nice?? For a student, at least. But there are things I got to enjoy as a carefree international student that I wouldn’t get as an actual worker. Hell, I’ve been working for Japanese companies here in the west since graduating, and even if they’re a bit westernized, there’s still that unspoken expectation of workers and a bit of Japanese work culture seeped in. Western companies aren’t better, I know, but god I’m sick of my romanticization of living and working in Japan when I know it’s no better or worse than just staying where I am and working for a regular company. My old boss transferred to the Japan branch and we talked a little while ago and she was complaining about how none of her coworkers have a life and how she can’t enjoy her favorite hobbies as much as she did before moving over there.
I also am just jealous of this girl because I like the idea of being a cute little housewife, but in reality, I know it’s dumb as fuck and I’d be driven crazy up the wall if I was stuck being a fucking tradwife. Being financially dependent on my spouse also scares me in case things take a turn for the worse.
No. 561256
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>>560920I'm reading
>>>/g/95052 and moids come in to bait about being dicklets midway through the thread and it's so fucking funny. The bait is high-effort and surprisingly well-written and they are so on the edge of complete meme but also serious that i cannot stop laughing
No. 561417
>>561382It would be nice, but I only lurk these threads anyway.
But by someone you mean who? Let's be honest, if you won't make one, then no one will make it lol.
No. 561447
>>561205I was able to visit for a week with friends and miss it immensely! Okinawa is insanely beautiful. Animal Crossing NH has a whale shark tank and it’s definitely modeled after the one in Churaumi Aquarium and makes me want to visit again. I always enjoyed the thought of retiring in the bumfuck city I studied in. Absolutely love how peaceful things are outside of Tokyo.
>>561241Funnily enough, studying abroad actually helped costs for me. I only paid my home university’s tuition, and room and board were really cheap in Japan and it saved me a couple thousand (and was miles better than the dorms back home lol). I hope you might at least to try and apply! There are a lot of scholarship opportunities out there, and maybe you can have someone help you write a persuasive enough argument to justify your grades! I had decent grades but my school didn’t have many applicants to the Japan programs to begin with and I always figured that as long as you aren’t actively about to flunk out, the Japanese schools might take you for that sweet, sweet international student statistic. My graduating GPA is definitely inflated because my classes in Japan weren’t that hard lol (wasn’t allowed to take any regular classes in Japnese and classes in English were dumbed down for Japanese students wanting to take them).
No. 561532
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The juxtaposition of the photo vs the headline. Damn.
No. 561588
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I'm really into history specifically the Middle Ages and tried searching for women's ideal type at the time but nothing comes up.
All I found was men's ideal type as expected but I was really curious. I know women weren't allowed to choose but I bet they had some standards.
No. 561618
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>>561588If you read the romances and look at the art drawn for said romances, they tended to be fairly regular looking dudes, more soft looking maybe. Tended to have quite unthreatening traits, good listeners, willing to fight for their love, good at arts. I suggest you read some romance tales or look up some manuscript images.
Pictured is from the Romance of the Rose, where "The Lover" pledges himself to the God of Love. Although there are some better written by women, The romance of the rose wasn't and the second part of it is imao, sexist asf
No. 561632
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I can't help but feel like a dumb fangirl every time I think about my bf. I love him so much and just thinking about him feels me with disgusting love confetti. I have never been like this and used to be cynical about love, what is happening to me?
No. 561738
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I really wanna learn more stuff about space, but it fucking horrifies me. It fills me with such a primal, existential type dread for some reason. And when I do try to learn stuff about it all that shit goes right over my head.
No. 561773
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Reading old threads is fun
No. 561793
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>>561790only have this unfortunately lol
No. 561794
>>561773The funny thing is that most of the anons who say stuff like that don't even follow the high standards that they preach on themself.
I'm not completely opposite on nitpicking, i think some digs if not too harsh are funny, but other ones just come from bitterness, self-hate and projection and it's not fun to read, imho
No. 561796
>>561793Remember that time hamchan claimed farmhands were retarded accusing her of samefagging and falseflagging until they posted her history and then it became "it was muh plan all along muwahaha"
sped4 was pretty funny but got annoying and creepy with the pedo nephew stuff
No. 561838
>>561198I really wanted to study one year in Japan to improve my Japanese but I couldn't because I was too poor for the exchange program. I'm in Tokyo right now thanks to a working holiday visa and I love living in Japan but because of the pandemic almost all of my plans for my year abroad got derailed (I had problems finding a job because of companies closing for 2/3 months, I couldn't meet a lot of people because of the emergency state, flights to go back to my country aren't guaranteed anymore and plane tickets are 5 times more expensive than before, I got very sick twice in the middle of the pandemic, etc.) so I'm kinda jealous of everyone who managed to live in Japan for work or to study in normal circumstances. At this rate I'm pretty sure I'm cursed because instead of staying for 10 to 12 months I'll go back home after 5 months. But I would never want to become a housewife just to stay for longer, this sounds like it would only be fun for the first month at most.
>>561205I really wanted to visit Okinawa during the summer but I won't be able to, how is it?
No. 561859
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>>561855ive never seen someone jump so fucking high by being startled. i had to hold my laughter and pretend i saw nothing. now theyre
No. 561963
>>561846That's it? There are so many more reasons to dislike them as this anon pointed out
No. 561971
>>561965Agreed that this is fucked up but
>using male hating radfems as the benchmark of most hateful communities >not incels who post mass shooting rapemurder plans literally everywhere>not racists who use the n word on Twitter whenever they see a black celebrity trend>not the infamous community of violent monkey haters on YouTubeAnon I
No. 561977
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No. 562051
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Am I crazy or there isn't any number at all in this image? Is this a prank?
No. 562064
>>562061But I wasn't before? Can one become color blind?
I literally see only read in that picture, what color am I missing?
No. 562070
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>>562069only bc im bored af
No. 562071
>>562070Shit, I can see it very faintly now, but I've been taking some color blindness tests and notice I have a hard time with the red/pink ones.
RIP, my eye cones are breaking anons.
No. 562156
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i'm bored and made a list of all the kokichi kinnies i found on tumblr and currently we are on 26
- 6 of them said they kin for fun and "doubles" are ok
- 8 of them said they're the real kokichi ouma
- 9 of them didn't say anything like that
- 3 of them didn't list him on their kin page but you can find him under #me, #id or #self
also working on my list of yoonbum and komaeda kinnies
…wondering if i will hit 100 people
No. 562179
>>562168i don't really know about them but i'm well informed about the psychopathic kokichi or komaeda fans/kins. there was this one fakeboi once who gave herself the same scar that komaeda has (or she tried to literally amputee her arm off because that also apparently happened to him or something like that? idek about that game) to prove how she's the ACTUAL REAL IRL KOMAEDA!!
or another one with a fakeboi turning her piss into jello and eating that but i don't know if that was kin related kek
>>562159the biggest flag is always when you see danganronpa or persona kinnies
No. 562197
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>>562179So untrue i am junko kinnie
No. 562316
>>562312he's a nazi, anon.
>>562313you can't unless you're born with that ability, like me.
No. 562321
>>562311kek Don't you mean racist?
Seriously though, why are all these race bait-y posts left up? It's a mess.
No. 562326
>>562321They're sperging out about TERFS rn all over the board
you know what, fuck this shit
No. 562333
>>562316You’re breaking my heart, honestly
>>562322I’m entirely earth deficient (Uranus and Neptune don’t count imo.) Keep guessing, this is always fun
No. 562457
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No. 562584
>>562515I don’t have the money for that, unfortunately.
>>562574I have. I always find it more difficult to read for myself. It’s more…interesting when someone else does it. Also harder to give myself pep talks when I get shit cards.
No. 562611
>>562587>get a jobNta but I'm
triggered. I can't even land a job interview and feel trapped in my part-time job that pays less than the minimum wage and too depressed about not being wanted by anyone, career wise, to apply myself more. Thinking the rest of my life will be always either expending by time working for some shitty enterprise or stressing out about money makes me want to off myself.
No. 562861
>>562807Me toooooo I tried practicing on my old dolls but 2 turned out like shit and one is decent but sloppy, I guess I have to practice more but what's the point in wasting so much time to get such a mediocre end product.
I saw a video where they made a monster high doll into a dragon girl with wings, animal legs and tail it was sooooo cute
No. 562886
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God. Not the pedo incel in the Venus thread reappearing right when a new Venus nude appears.
I don't want to bitch in the thread itself because it's derailing, but I can't stand how much that thread seems to attract a very "untoward" crowd.
No. 562908
>>562893I thought the milk would pick up with the OF thing, but since her nudes keep getting posted for milk, all it's done is attract porn addicts and old-ass, mentally insane pedos who not only sperg at people and scream that everyone's a "little bitch" for not accepting their creepy ideas about child sexuality, but blog all over the place with anecdotes of their youth that nobody even asked for.
The excessive A-loggers/PULLfags have largely stayed the same, but at least they're tolerable, if a bit annoying. The perverts just give the thread an element of grossness it really doesn't need.
No. 563131
>>563051Man, you weren’t kidding.
I had to go check her out, since I really haven’t followed up with her drama since she parted ways with Margo. Yikes. She should get a real job and make some friends or something…
No. 563221
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I feel stupid, slightly annoyed and immensely bored when I see someone arguing about Serious Topics on the internet. Like what this or that philosopher really meant, is individualism dumb or not, ble ble I'm too lazy to think of other examples. Such a huge waste of time. Completely useless. Also looks like masturbation.
No. 563240
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T his is two different people
No. 563255
>>563244nowhere when I get the time and money i'll make the site for you, don't worry bby
it'll probably make eveything easier for the mods anyway so you and all the twitterfags don't shit up the place
No. 563279
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I've never been able to burp and it's so annoying. I always feel full and my throat makes these weird, embarrassing frog noises all the time. I'd give anything to be able to burp.
No. 563289
>>563282 Been going on for years actually, on and off. But yeah she’s made a shitty song 5 years ago and I pray she’s still never gonna be a somebody despite the many internet followers (though they’re very unengaging LOL).
Even if she’s a literal criminal daughter (who probs did the same shady stuff), had she been some kind girl who’s giving and loving I’d have been more forgiving of course. She’s a rude cunt with 59k instagram followers! It fucking hurts because it reminds me how evil people always relatively have the most success.
>>563287Samefag, for some reason my draft was getting posted…
I guess you’re right, shitheads like her are everywhere. Praying they’ll lose everything won’t help I guess. I need to get desensitized. I’m glad I didn’t link her stupid ig account.
No. 563302
>>563297Not jealous though I’m not surprised if you know which girl I’m talking about. I’m upset how she can for example brag about making a girl cry and run away from class without having a backlash and just dox random girls. I didn’t even know that her father is a criminal until today and I hated the shit she did already.
Can you go back to twitter btw?
No. 563454
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I wish there was some decent Luna milk soon. I don't want the last time when the thread's bumped be for when she ODs.
No. 563464
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This bitch (who's obviously faking her race herself) is now shocked that her friend of 6 years who looks absolutely white (but pretended to be black/brown) turned out to be 100% white… Who would've thought!
>pure brainrot
No. 563470
>>563454Same anon , same.
The Luna milk was the best when she was fucked up on H and crack, now she’s just barred out all of the time (and possibly on methadone, idk..haven’t checked her threads in a min).
It’s too depressing and all we have left is her caked up , dead eyed selfies and photos of her pills scattered atop her grimy plushies.
Peak Luna was her facebooking sperging /e-begging and when lurch was on Facebook.
She’s so far gone now..her brain is absolutely fried beyond repair
No. 563477
Any anons know where to start when you have no idea what you want to do with your life and what is attainable
No. 563480
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i know its unhealthy for them but god fat cats are so fucking cute
i love them
No. 563505
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a group of my stuffed animals have developed a dialect and lingo when speaking, and given that i am an autist who speaks to stuffed animals during quarantine it has affected my own
it's not actually an issue, i can talk like a normal person it just slips out in comfy settings. i really should write kids books or something, the lore runs deep
No. 563526
>>563477I don't have any advice for you but please know you're not alone in feeling this way. Also, I can guarantee those university grad friends will mostly hate their careers and a good chunk of them won't even be able to manage their income enough to pay their loans off.
Careers suck for the most part. None of it is what it looks like from the outside.
I guess I do have one piece of advice, be flexible and don't box yourself in. Ever. You can decide to do things a different way.
No. 563550
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>>563543I believe in you!
No. 563606
>>563586It really seems stupid when you put it like that. I know they don't see me as anything other than a pair of tits and if they praise me it is only to get more out of me. And then I'm forgotten just as soon as their dicks are soft again. It's just the only kind of validation and praise I've gotten and it is just more familiar. I used to do it since I was like 12 and very lonely. I have completely stopped just as soon as I turned 18 and it has been beneficial, I am starting to be more comfortable in my body and developing a sense of self outside meaningless praises by men who don't give a shit about me.
You're right. It's not a good idea at all, not even in a short run because I feel like shit minutes after doing it. Thanks anon, I think pondering over it has kind of rekindled the oath I took to never do it again. Wrote an entry in my diary just on my 18th bday, read it today and honestly? I'm not gonna do it. I need to just distract myself with good things if a similiar feeling arises.
I really appreciate the time you took for me anon, I hope you are greeted with happiness often.
No. 563618
>>563455I was that fleck.
>>563480Hell yeah. Big fucking boy. Meaty boy. Fat boy.
No. 563647
>>563620I know anon, wish I could slap some sense into 12-17 year old me
;-;I hate myself so much, lord
>>563619It do b a chonker doe
(emoticon) No. 563898
>>563511it’s a very common at home way and I don’t usually take my pants off at the doctor.
anyway the string worked it’s way off as I slept twice so I don’t even get the satisfaction I hope you’re happy anon I personally blame you.
No. 563957
>>563501>>563947I was recently thinking if I should tie my hemorrhoid. tbh I don't know if this is hemorrhoid or skin tag.
Maybe if I'm gonna be drunk enough I will do that lol.
No. 564027
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Is racebait not against the rules any more? There seems to be endless racebait posts currently plus the fact that we have an LSA thread and a thread about the riots that the mods haven’t closed which seem to consist pretty much exclusively of racebaiters.
No. 564123
>>564044>>564027Only prohibited when it suits admin's agenda, eg scapegoat to ban 2X
The racebaiting in LSA and protest thread is fine but black anon complaining about black men in her life is
gasp racist
No. 564142
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>>560920Anons i need to get up to roll a smoke but i'm too lazy
No. 564238
>>564222Anyone who shamelessly announces they go here past the age of 19 is going to be a freak and weird af
Also anyone who denies the vast majority of lolcow is minors is dumb and in denial about their own maturity. Grown ups don't care about cheap drama like shay saying her ass is big even "she's totally flat though!" Or camgirls not being makeup artists or Anisa getting breast implants
No. 564329
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>>560920>I'm going to fuck you like a pornstarWhat did he mean by this? Why did he ever see me so genuinely sexily? I am just me with my strange stick and pokes and my fluffy bathroom-mirror haircut but it's so strange how sexual attraction warps how people look to you
No. 564403
>>564338this is the norm in southern US in my experience and it makes me feel some kinda way. honey, sugar, babydoll, sweetpea, all par for the course and i love it
some women see it as demeaning even when coming from other women but like… it really is just the friendly thing to do over here
No. 564406
>>564250Yeah anons here also all claim to be supermodel billionaires with big dick husband's whom they have ten kids with, you can't openly say you're underage
>>564258Old women only care about gossip within their friends and family, nobody cares about people they'll probably ever meet doing shit like not washing their feet once for a picture or getting implants or wearing a shirt that doesn't fit well
No. 564418
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Leaving the 2020 Riot thread for awhile so I don't take anymore bait lol.
No. 564431
>>564403Female service staff my age tend to call me "darling" or "love" or "hun" and I kinda hate it, kinda seems like they think I am younger than I am, we're the same age group!! Male staff never do it. This has happened both in NorCal and Canada. I'm polite and friendly to them but pet names are too intimate for me, idk.
>>564413100%. Also I think Carole's husband was prob laundering money or some such sketch thing for a cartel and got executed when things went south. She let it get buried bc he was a gross groomer… that's my tinfoil anyway.
No. 564442
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>>564440Part of that was my fault oopsies.
No. 564528
So I heard the everyone's like an amalgamation of the 5 people closest to them. I'm going to list mine and reflect, and maybe readers of this comment can do the same!
1. He's emotionally closed off, effeminate but straight, cries at disney films, loves birdwatching, loves witchcraft and the aesthetic related to it. Mildly conservative. Sent me a birthday card by post. Bad emo taste in media. Can act in a very agreeable way different to his normal self.
2. He's very pragmatic and a narcissistic, friend 1 and I have had to explain the concept of understanding and respecting other peoples feelings in the past. Extremely dramatic and comes up with entertaining and creative activities for us, but is the main source of our friendship tension because he does the bad thing then doesn't address it. Also effeminate but straight, absolute simp for his gf, will not stop buying flowers, baking things and booking holidays for her, we've 75% lost him as a friend since he got her. Also his personality completely changes depending on the group.
3. He's obese, can't/won't tell a lie and very good at heart, really empathetic, imaginative, fascinating in conversation and happy to explore nature or sit in a car park all day. Exquisite taste in music and can talk at length with anyone about their favorite band. Doesn't want to be employed but interested in directing. Recently became an alcoholic and smokes a lot. Is bisexual. Doesn't change any facet of himself no matter who he's with.
4. She's a sensitive sweetheart who used to cosplay a lot, we bake tasty things. She has bad social anxiety and her room is filled with plants and fairy lights. She dresses very cute and decorates her bike with flowers. She crochets and always seems so happy and surprised when I indicate she's a good friend to me. Once came over to give me dessert then promptly left. We came up with a planned dialogue with codewords to politely leave any social situation.
—gap here in intimacy because I don't have many friends
5. She's very extroverted but likes to eat. We mainly thrive when we cook a delicious dinner together then go a quiet walk around town afterwards. A lot of her friendships are surface level so we often talk more in depth about thoughts and feelings. She's eastern european and has very different ideological perspectives, but we're both easygoing enough that it never causes tension, I appreciate the different viewpoint.
I'll be honest idk what to take from this. I think I attract sensitive people who enjoy eating, because they all do. I just enjoyed talking about my friends, I love them all so much.
No. 564537
>>564506kek, forgot about her, one of my first cows
My parents think I'm on drugs again because I got up late and necked 2 pints of juice. Drinking juice is junkie behavior.
No. 564544
>>564528even though I just skipped to the end of your post because I can't be bothered to read about someone elses' friends
>I just enjoyed talking about my friends, I love them all so muchIs still the cutest thing. Congrats on friends
I'm kind of curious about how people would sum me up in a sentence like that if they were being honest.
No. 564553
>>564543Idk I just skimmed and she mentioned they were stubborn, narcissistic, do bad things and won't address them, etc
Unless you mean doesn't rape or hit anyone because that's where the bar is
No. 564566
>>564558Isn't that how you feel about your loved ones though? You eventually have to acknowledge their faults because everyone is human, but it's not the first thing you think of about them and there are enough good things that make you want to keep them around?
I can't really imagine describing someone I care about in a way that doesn't follow anons same formula
>>564564If you pay my rent and buy me booze, sure
No. 564596
>>564584kek, you're right. I wonder if those anons are under age. It's a very highschool vision of friendship where you can only have one clique of 2 to 5 friends and that's it.
Maybe it takes some maturity to sort out that you can have your superficial work friends, some hobby friends, some friend-of-yout-so-friends and that they dont all have to be exact fitting for "the group".
No. 564602
>>564584>>564587There's a difference between having friends who aren't perfect (no one is, duh) and not being able to name more than one remotely positive feature of said friend but a bunch of negative ones otherwise.
>>564593You are talking to at least 3 different anons.
No. 564608
>>564596 Yep, it seems a lot of people here overinvolve themselves with friends and seem to hold them to the standards of romantic partners. You'll burn through people very quickly if you keep seeing them in that high school manner Anyway, no1curr but i'll share some people who've been involved in my life to
trigger the "friends must be perfect" anons:
>Pothead homeless man who had been thrown out from 3 seperate families and now squats in houses in my city. Smoked many a joint with this guy and learnt his life story and how he got to where he is. Told me all about what it's like to be homeless here (huge homeless crisis and population here), sleeping in the same facilities as heroin addicts, interaction with heroin addicts, his experience in court, prison and the psych ward of the men's prison here. Had to let him go but he gave me great memories, I remember skipping a test back in high school to go to the other side of town to score a huge bag of weed for him that he got on loan because he was in hospital after ripping his testicle hopping over the wall to get into the squat>Older woman from a very looked down upon area which is basically the centre of gangland crime here, had been working as a volunteer for years, great sense of humor and the demeanour of a grandmother but the wit of any young woman.>Young girl from that same area who was unemployed so was working with a scheme to get into employment, hard-working just didn't really have any skills and it's easier to stay on welfare sometimes. Told me obviously fake stories about the man fitting her for a wedding dress hitting on her. Her niece who was homeless and happened to attend the service she was assigned to work with told me she cheated on her husband several times but I bumped into her not long ago and they're still getting married. She's pregnant and had been out drinking during lockdown. The niece is about 21, has a child in care and a new guy every week. One of her guys told me his probation officer was selling him weed, not sure if that was true or not.>Guy who attempted to have sex with a drunk girl at a party, recently took advantage of me (nothing major, just via sending images) while I was drugged to fuck. Lonely guy, autistic and suffers from anxiety, sweet but there are so many sides to him. Very interesting guy>Socially anxious girl who people tend to look past. I hate to be condescending but I "took her under my wing", listened to her problems that nobody else would listen to, heard details about her brother's drug use and family problems that nobody else knew. It seemed people took her as stupid or just uninteresting but she definitely wasn't. She asked me to teach her how to smoke and so we did and we'd always go out for a smoke (I'd provide) as she told me how it felt to be seen as invisible and what was really going on inside her headI'd love to hear from anons with similar views and what unusual people you've had the pleasure of meeting
No. 564629
>>564619The way I do it is to not talk about my relationship or sex with them.
Thy can talk about it but I don't reveal details about partners or preferences. I respond very coldly if pressed. They get the sense that I won't talk about it and I'm not interested without the awkwardness of spelling it out.
It seems to work. I know some might have an "interest" but they don't pursue me.
You have to be firm and you have to be prepared to be ghosted/be told your a cold bitch, tho.
No. 564636
>>564614I knew a guy that was out of prison on bail on the condition that he'd go to school.
Told me about it the first time we met but very vaguely about the actual crime.
I continued interacting with him normally. I mean, sure, I'd be cautious about not getting myself into some shit but it's not helping society to shun ex-felons anyway.
People are actually less likely to reoffend if they reintegrate society.
You'd rather that sex offender had nothing to lose and go into a rape spree or that he go back to society and learn that there's consequences and he'd better not do it again to keep a nice life?
No. 564637
>>564634>twisting my wordsHuh? Those are literally your words. You posted
>I don't have any kids for him to molest so what do I care, you know? No. 564647
>>564641Well, obviously, he thought what he wanted was worth risking the consequences.
Now, he has lived the consequences (prison, being surveiled, whatever) and maybe got some help.
All we can do is hope is that the conseuqences were bad enough and the help good enough to keep that want vs consequences in check.
No. 564650
>>564645Is that why you're friends with a sex offender, birds of a feather? That makes sense.
Anyway, if people find out about you, they're not wrong to ostracize you (unless your offense was just pissing in public or something), and you shouldn't try to guilt-trip or pretend they're moralfagging. No one owes rapists/child molesters anything.
No. 564656
>>564645It's that same anon that was all wide-eyed about men frenquenting protitute, kek.
We love you naïve anon but you gotta get some life experience.
No. 564668
>>564543Well, the first 2 were shunned in school due to rumors of being gay, we liked the same games so played together. They were a bit uneducated regarding women because of having very religious and conservative families but are now the first to point out injustices and double standards, including within their family, particularly friend 2. Also note that for those 2 good male friends I had a shit ton others who would try befriend me just to ask me out and cut me off/do that passive aggressive shit when I said no. The third one reads feminist literature extensively and tbh is probably more woke than me regarding equality. He just has this aura of goodness around him, and I've never seen or felt him be prejudiced or mean towards anyone. He might have poor self control regarding alcohol but he's the nicest person I've known.
Actually, one common thing between the three is that they loved one or more of the following programmes when younger: charmed, xena or buffy lol.
>>564572I think the fact he's a simp is nice, the woman he's with deserves to be treated like that. With the nice activities, I mean he's also great company. More than half of my best memories as a teen have been thanks to ideas he's had. He's got terrible coping mechanisms for conflict, but the point is that he values us as friends enough to still try communicate, though it's clearly hard for him. He has always always been there for me when I'm any less than OK. I value that and I value him, regardless of how much I disagree with him and how he deals with things.
No. 564670
>>564656Who's "naive anon"? I just think it's silly to coddle people. If you take advantage of someone, you deserve to face the consequences, both legally and socially.
We all know it's illegal to hurt children, we all know what it does, and if your "slippage" means doing so, as far as I'm concerned, the electric chair or suicide is just fine as an option.
No. 564678
>>564674Okay. Anyway, I don't respect pedophiles or rapists, and most of the population doesn't, either. Everyone kind of puts up with them, but if it was pronounced legal to do away with them, it would probably be a different story. It's unrealistic to expect otherwise, or try to moralfag on others about it.
People's lives (especially children) are typically considered more important than rapist's feelings, except in the eyes of other sex offenders and would-be offenders, I guess.
No. 564686
>>564678Kek, you're accusing me of moralfagging when you're talking about basocally witchhunting and killing any sex offender? That's rich.
I'd love to live in your fantasy world. Your way would actually solve the overpopulation problem!
No. 564691
>>564636>People are actually less likely to reoffend if they reintegrate society.This has nothing to do with being chums with a rapist. The rapist is free to find employment and reasonable living, it doesn't mean you should be his friend. And if he reoffends because women won't be his friend, then he was never going to reintegrate deep down, he would have been looking for another excuse to act out and reoffend because these people don't really change deep down.
>>564632Thank you.
No. 564697
>>564691I see what you're saying but I mean, realistically only finding employment and reasonable living is not going enough bonds to stop someone to reoffend (actually, they now will have the means and nothing to stop them).
I'm not saying "YOU HAVE TO BE FRIEND WITH RAPISTS, IT'S MANADATORY". I'm saying welp, it's just not helping to shun them all their lives.
No. 564706
>>564701It helps all vulnerable people when those who are established as predatory are blocked from opportunities to predate.
Removing that element just leaves us with people who were caught urinating in public, I guess. They can blame the public masturbation/flasher degenerates for making their lives hard.
No. 564708
>>564697>realistically only finding employment and reasonable living is not going enough bonds to stop someone to reoffend >I'm not saying it's mandatory to be their friendOkay, but let them go make friends with other rapists or people who have nothing to lose like other men. It's a very bad idea to do this as a woman.
No. 564713
>>564706I agree with you on that but again, we can't have these millions of people in prison or just killed. You end up with overful prisons systems like in the us (with high reoffending degree) or just pile of dead felons.
>>564708I'm not that anon, but I actually have my eye on a discord server on a guy who have offended (caught with kiddy porn). He now post about borderline shit (like disguting porn with very petite women).
I interact with him even if I'm disgusted. And you bet I'll be the first in line to go to the police if I ever see him crossing the line.
Better me being there and knowing than nobody and him raping kids unwatched.
No. 564728
>>564713>He now post about borderline shit (like disguting porn with very petite women).Does he have to be raping kids himself to be secretly supporting the continuation of child exploitation by consuming and supporting child porn content?
I assume you're a bit of a fuckhead yourself, as you somehow come across these freaks and justify keeping them around.
No. 564869
File: 1591216014141.jpg (13.14 KB, 377x182, Himbo_law.jpg)

>>564851I think they only fit two of the categories
Here's a guide
No. 564881
>>564859I haven’t but wow is he cute!!
>>564865Oh my god anon
I’m sorry for unleashing the horny
No. 564887
>>564869I don't know where the "kind" part of himbo came from. Do people really consider "bimbos" kind?
Bimbo has always been used as an insult.
No. 564899
>>564887Ditzy rather than dumb kinda implies nice imo… I'm thinking Shelly from the House Bunny as an example of kind bimbo.
They definitely can't be mean though. That's why it's a necessary part of a himbo fantasy and why they don't actually exist irl, because stupidity makes men malicious. Dunning kruger affect, socialized arrogance and entitlement and all that.
No. 564919
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Either he's too busy to text me or he lost interest in talking to me, either way I'm pissed off.
No. 564966
>>564964You’re talking just fine
>>564965Say newfriend again I’ll fucking cap you
No. 565035
File: 1591242764014.gif (4.47 MB, 478x480, ddddddddddddddd.gif)

I said maybe I'd create a blog a few days ago to vent and talk about random things and I actually did it as soon as one of my rl friend said it was a really good idea and she also wants to stop using social media so it's a fun way to stay in touch online. I'm going to post so much stupid shit.
No. 565081
File: 1591249315551.png (4.16 MB, 1125x2436, 70385079-5202-4448-9516-C2931C…)

Seeing Onion’s dick pics must’ve really traumatized me…
No. 565213
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Been laughing at this for a good minute now. Side profiles really add to the story of a face man
No. 565234
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I’ve heard girls say things like “wearing no bra is great” and it provides temporary relief but I have DDD massive floppy tits and it’s a hell I cannot escape, I’m always slouching so feeling the bottom of my boobs unstick from my stomach was gross, and my nipples were changing against my shirt, why did I have to be born with big boobs. They’re not even a trend because I constantly see posts like this
No. 565240
File: 1591274064303.jpeg (94.39 KB, 848x480, OK6W_koKDTOqqqLDbIoPAogXdsqZL2…)

>playing stupid head games with trash, low-tier men in your inbox, gaslighting them and playing moid to see how it feels
AMA chuuni Nika Petrova
No. 565242
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No. 565257
File: 1591275963457.jpeg (1.42 MB, 1242x1972, 4491F9D3-AAF4-43E9-9EE0-DD9AAE…)

this will forever be too much for my brain please help me
No. 565330
>>565288Prison was the best thing that ever happened to him, it doesn't even matter how corny their lyrics or videos get because the rest of the lead men from that scene all look like shit now
I never expected this timeline
No. 565405
File: 1591298852381.jpg (110.47 KB, 662x1024, awwyee.jpg)

chillin listening to the twilight audiobook, remembering the good old days getting pumped for Midnight Sun
No. 565407
>>565328Girls with actual flat chests need to worry a lot about neckline plunges. There's nothing to hold the shirt in place so if you lean over just slightly, everyone sees everything.
I'm sorry about your situation though anon. When I see these kinds of posts I always think about that meme about how it would be so nice if women could just venmo each other some titty.
No. 565450
File: 1591301849751.jpg (31.73 KB, 330x499, 51PhksBrlKL._SX328_BO1,204,203…)

>>565405is this from the japanese light novel editions? I used to get such a kick out of them. I haven't thought about them for a long time. Don't know if I'm going to read midnight sun because i really do not care about edward enough to get through 600 pages of his whining.
>>565444>small gathering >like a dozen people >during a pandemicplease be bait, i don't want to believe you're that stupid.
No. 565456
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>>565234>>565235>>565260These bra tops from Uniqlo are amazing if you want some support without wearing a bra. They're light, but still keep everything in place without feeling restricting. I always wear them to sleep and it's so much more comfy than going braless in my floppy DDs.
No. 565576
File: 1591313321185.jpeg (107.95 KB, 1122x815, 050E16AF-FD73-4FA8-95F0-16ECC1…)

ate hot domg and fries I’m feeling nice
No. 565739
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>mfw watching people drag jontron on twitter
No. 565744
>>565702wow I wish jotaro was my gay half brother.
i get what you mean though, I hate having really vivid, realistic dreams about fictional characters, it's so fucking jarring. I had a really detailed dream one time that Vaan from ff12 got transferred to the store I work at and I had to train him. He had a uniform and nametag and everything. I hadn't even played ff12 in nearly a decade.
No. 565865
>>565861When I was little I had a spot in my nose that would give out at the most ridiculous amount of force.
I basically had nosebleed all the time. I would my pinch my nose and there it was. Blood on tap.
I did some fucking weird shit with it. Like see the most I could get out in a bath. Or like have it pour in an empty shampoo bottle. It always was very funny how it would separate from the yellow stuff.
I'm glad my parents never caught me doing this shit.
No. 565871
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I swear Australia is the most cucked country on this planet. No freedom of speech, get arrested for defending yourself against burglars and now they're making protesting illegal. Watch the sheeple just accept it.
No. 565881
File: 1591358170641.jpeg (980.78 KB, 750x4132, C0B79CAB-B849-4111-AFA6-0A442B…)

Hoooly shit I hate this brand of retard slacktivism so fucking much. Wow look at that I posted some pics in my ig story to my 300 followers, that MEANT SO MUCH to black people. My fucking retweets are definitely educating those stinky oppressors who lurk my profile. Did you even go to the protest if you didn’t post pics??? Twitterfags are god damn disgrace to student activism throughout all of world history.
No. 565945
>>565881As a gay person I cringe physically at heterosexual "allies" posting virtue signaling aggressive spergouts during Pride month
before it became all about trannies, I wonder how black people feel about all these self-flagellating whites doing this shit.
No. 565999
This could belong in the vent thread but I'm not looking to have my asshole torn open for having bad taste in men because I KNOW, DAMN.
My boyfriend does not want ANYONE messaging me, regardless of how long I knew them or how innocently we talk about art or whatever. He'll rip them apart in front of me and claim that I "deserve better friends", but he's never known these people and I don't speak ill of them or anything. In the four years I've dated him, he's isolated me so badly. He goes through my phone. So I made a gmail account to talk to all of my friends, but I have to hide it and I know there's going to be a day where he finds it and then reads it all. It started over a year ago so he'd be reading forever. How has it become where I FEEL GUILTY for hiding my friendships as if I'm cheating? It feels the same as if I was outback sucking cock or something, and I know that's outright brain washing.
Every time I've left him, he's physically brought me back.
Also by "friends" I mean the girls who made a positive impact on my life in high school and are now pursuing their own careers and interests. It's not like I'm hitting up some old drug dealer that has seedy choices in words, or talking to groups of men or something. But holy shit, sometimes how much I've changed/how little of me remains inside is eye opening to how far I've lost myself. Eventually I'll leave but I'll have to have a few things lined up for this to happen, like a place for my pets while I transition.
But holy fuck, sending emails gives me the same guilt as if I had someone else's cum all over my face when I kiss him once he's done work. Morbid but honestly. Sometimes if I check my phone and I have an email, the stress makes me vomit.
I'm going to get out of this one day. Jealousy is disgusting.
No. 566203
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I'm a bitch I'm a boss I'm a bitch I'm a boss imma boss
No. 566221
>>565999You feel this way because he's conditioned you to do so. You need to get intimately familiar with the signs of
abusive relationships and more importantly, the indicators of violent escalation.
This far exceeds "jealousy" and I don't know exactly what you mean by "he's physically brought me back", but that is alarming and points to you being in more danger than you are recognizing.
The risk to your safety is significantly higher because of the pandemic (wherever you are).
If you're able to, consider calling a women's shelter (making sure he can't see in your phone that you've done this) and they will help you.
This goes far beyond "having bad taste in men" and I'm sorry this has become your reality. You deserve better.
Wishing you and your pets a safe escape and a bright future.
No. 566235
>>566234This. Woman's shelter is only when there are absolutely NO solutions left.
This is advice to anyone (can be dependant to your location but it's true for most women's shelter) : they are not safe places. People there are druggies, will still your stuff and there's a risk you'll get physically or sexually abuse (guess where perverts like to chase when they want compliant
Sleep on a friend's couch, go back to your moms, list all the solutions before the women's shelter.
Women's shelter is when he has beaten you bad and you have absolutely NO support or money left.
No. 566236
I think anon should be getting her ducks in a row, tho. Start squirelling escape money in a cash enveloppe if he has access to your bank accounts and get anything you love out before you break up.
Jealous type make for ugly break ups.
No. 566238
File: 1591428161541.png (368.45 KB, 1428x1679, 2020-06-06 12.18.16.png)

Saw this on Bumble of all fucking places. How tf you're gonna score women like this?
No. 566248
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No. 566255
>>566251I don't know, mentioning shit other people have complained about to you with regards to your behavior and laughing at it is not automatically self-awareness. it's just parroting what others say so he can fall back on it when he proceeds to act like a fucking weirdo and say "well, i told you from the get-go!" there's no genuine self-awareness or reflection here, he's just being a dick and not even in a sexy way
>i'm a messWho's going to tell him that this worked for 2012 tumblr weheartit teenage girls but not necessarily him
No. 566261
>>566248This mf types like he’s on the set of Riverdale or some shit, his description and rambling paragraph sound like someone I’d be repulsed by, what a fucking loser.
I’m kind of a mess” Jughead ass grown man, I hope he scores 0 women
No. 566264
>>566248This is embarrassing, he sounds unhinged.
If a woman typed this shit, everyone would be talking about BPD, lmao.
No. 566331
>>566299Lmao I live in a like 95% muslim majority country so it's expected. Also him drinking socially too, kek.
Expected of scrotes to be sexist while trying to score pussy though.
No. 566336
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Why did they make Satan so hot in this statue
No. 566358
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>>566336White marbles statues is old timey porn.
This one is my rape kink favorite.
No. 566382
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>>566376Fuck me, I never had looked up what he looked like aging. I'm shattered.
My fantasies about him will never recover. This is not a happy day.
No. 566421
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sometimes I forget that ugly boys have feelings too
No. 566435
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>>566410nta but will always support vargposting, some egirl level filter shit going on here though
Not sure how to feel about this, but when I was an edgy bläck metal kid in 2006 or so, we went on a family trip to Northern Norway. In Tromsø my bro and I snuck out to see the prison Varg was in at the time, just from the outside, just to be able to say we did it. I had such a crush because of his church burnings + viking braids, and I totally bought the self-defense story too, he was so cute I couldn't believe he had actually wanted to hurt anyone.
It took ages to walk there, and our mom was a bit worried when we came back, but we couldn't just say where we had been of course so we had no explanation. Once our family was together we all went for pizza, my bro and I quietly reflecting on our secret trip and the dry prison meal our friend Varg was probably eating.
No. 566437
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>>566336Satan/Lucifer is the OG bad boy crush
No. 566441
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>>566435Thanks for the Varg and the story anon.
Was your brother also a fan? Did he also have the hots for Varg?
I kinda like goaty, mid-long hair Varg, he's reasonnably hot. He's no match for younger rosy cheeked long haired Varg, tho. I don't enjoy feeling like a pedo but it's the truth.
No. 566447
>>566235OP here,thanks for providing more context about that - I didn't know.
I should have been more clear as well in that I was thinking they could provide advice/ support and refer her to services in her area that might help her.
It does sound like she has good friends that would likely be a safer place for her in the mean time but it kind of freaks me out that he seems to know where these people are and is "physically" bringing her back to him. There was a woman that was just murdered by her husband a few days ago. She finally "escaped" him and fled to her brother's, he showed up and shot her and killed himself. Scary shit.
I've recommended women's shelters before but with those two replies I'm feeling like there's a gap in my understanding of them. I'll do some research but if there's any info you think is relevant please let me know. I'd never want to put a woman in harm's way. I'm also not sure where you're responding from because I'm Canadian and haven't heard of shelter's/transition houses having a bad rep and I've stayed in one once and it was fine but obviously can't speak to the larger scope of things.
No. 566450
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>>read up on some Varg history to contribute more
>>French press says he had a French wife and three kids not in school in 2013
>>mtq j'aurais pu vivre la vie tradi française avec Varg pendant tout ce temps
No. 566459
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>>566452Thanks for the hot tip. This Varg is pretty af but way too young. I feel better about myself.
No. 566472
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>>566441Yes he was also very black metal back then, we both were very into Nordic paganism and church burnings and all that good shit. Sperging about that stuff made for a great if somewhat retarded adolescence, I honestly have so many comfy memories of those times. I would say my bro had reasonably strong though mostly platonic hots for Varg.
Looking at old photos of my brother, he actually used to look a lot young Varg (esp pic related), and could pull off the braid look really well. That's probably why I liked Varg's dreamy goat look more, he didn't resemble my bro too much.
No. 566475
File: 1591465989024.jpg (37.81 KB, 500x604, 84514541_201381207919743_24758…)

>>566472Kek, what's that incest shit in my Varg? I'm loving your story but you should be fucking ashamed.
No. 566481
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>>566475Oh no anon lol, like I said Varg looked cutest to me in pics where he didn't look like my brother, probably exactly because I didn't find those features attractive. I think that's what a healthy brain does.
No. 566485
>>566481Oh, so you just got a bro with peak Varg like quality laying around and you didn't even want it? So picky.
I'd fuck your bro.
No. 566488
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I have no idea who varg is
No. 566489
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>>566488Don't miss out on the Varg, anon, get in.
No. 566491
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>>566485Holy shit lmfao
I'm glad no one has confessed to liking combed hair + suspenders Varg, this proud boy bs is hands down the worst look imaginable
No. 566495
File: 1591469446841.png (558.9 KB, 606x815, medvargcotedemaille.PNG)

>>566491Yeah, you're right, that's worst Varg.
I'll counter with a med Varg everybody wants.
No. 566503
File: 1591470259584.png (1.41 MB, 1068x916, fuckingVarg.PNG)

Found the twitter of the smug bitch who got herself some Varg :'m not even mad, the kids they have are fucking georgous.
No. 566504
>>566503> judging women on the basis of the length of their hairthey truly deserve each other and I say that as someone that listens to black metal. I can't stand Varg and the constant double digit iq shit he keeps spewing.
He doesn't even create decent music anymore.
No. 566505
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>>566502ahaha pls someone poast this, though ultimately I don't even need caps because deep in my heart I already know this must be true
>>566503>stable and faithful personalityI'm sure these rifle hoarding trad autists are experts on identifying and embodying stable personality traits ghhhhff
No. 566506
File: 1591470738684.gif (973.64 KB, 245x245, tumblr_ba2181f8249ac02178182f9…)

>>566501Put it away, no one wants it.
No. 566508
File: 1591471117704.png (574.28 KB, 366x677, EZko2BbUwAEAFhm.png)

>>566503Thanks for this, somehow I didn't think they used social media but this is hilarious. I don't know how to psychologically deal with aging Varg but pls friends check these pajama pants
No. 566509
File: 1591471158330.png (2.12 MB, 1178x854, Vargsperm.PNG)

>>566505Dunno, those kids are so blonde. You think they bleach the kid so they fit into that's blond ideal viking life?
No. 566512
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I'll Varg post myself into a ban, idc, I just want anon to look at some profesionnal shots old Varg holding a sword, it's even tastier with some tumblr epic music : No. 566519
File: 1591473249530.jpg (20.13 KB, 370x402, 343be9c4c42699563a9535f6bb7c82…)

Ok, I'll drop one last pointy kid Varg (also some conspiration shit about illegitimate children from reddit lmao : and I'm done.
I'm fucking delighted that anon is as much into the Varg as I am.
No. 566536
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Here, have some dumbass shit about cat being austistic (
No. 566559
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>>566503this sounds like something Grimes would sperg about lmao
No. 566564
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I personally like braid varg the best
No. 566567
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>>566564Braid Varg is out of this world. I want to feel them so bad it hurts.
Why is it so hard to get men to bread their long hair? Do they have obligatory to be into burning churches for it to happen?
Also they rarely get blessed with the volume of hair Varg had. Those are two substancial breads for a man.
No. 566603
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>>566567Almost certainly yes to the church burning requirement, but I don't know why. In general men must think it's girly, failing to see that this contrast is actually the appeal. And they seem confused about the process of braiding in itself, I have talked to many a long-haired guy and they frankly don't know how it happens even after having it explained or looking it up. Therefore having braids signals superior spatial processing ability compared to other men.
No. 566606
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>>566596I've never made a thread before, I can't even bead how am I gonna make a thread
No. 566609
>>566567>>566603Those look like plaits rather than braids, there's nothing confusing or difficult about a plait. No excuses!
Anyway I love long hair on guys but I prefer ponytails and half up/half down looks. I love tv/movies set in ancient china because they all have such pretty hair.
No. 566621
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>>566514i also fully support this thread idea, also wow..finally found where i belong…all this vargposting. did anyone else have a weird thing for the two guys in darkthrone? fenris and nocturno culto… i think fenris was cutest in his isengard era.
No. 566676
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I’m excited to see what the /ot/ 666666th post will be! It be better be cursed of legendary proportion.
No. 566677
>>566672Like clockwork kek
>>566674Seems true to me fag
No. 566681
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>>566674>they're stating that all men are stupidDidn't realize that, based
No. 566682
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No. 566691
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>>566682He rises.
>>566663Lmao reminds me of pic related.
No. 566707
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>>566503Why is she obsessed with Egyptians (and also Native Americans, scrolling down) now? That doesn't seem very trad pagan euro viking norse.
No. 566723
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>>566508Holy shit, kek. Not Varg turning into a fat bitch with age, and then talking about how high body fat is actually the peak aesthetic.
>Real (European) men have CURVES No. 566769
>>566707Ok, I'll spoonfeed you with some french culture.
Before weeboos took over in late 2000, we mostly had egyptaboos in France. They would love egyptian mythology and go into useless career path (I'm now know many an un-employed egyptologue).
Dunno if other countries had their egyptaboos, but yeah. She's the right age for it and it look like she never outgrown it.
No. 566771
>>566742Also he managed to keep all of his kids out of school. I feel like it's no small feat.
French schools will straight up send the popo to grab your kids and put them in front of those tiny desks.
I wonder how they did it. Maybe they used the fact that he was a felon and other parents were too worried to have their own kids shoot the shit with ultra tradi kids?
No. 566801
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>>566790I would like to see a bunch of Barbs, Beyhive, and K-pop stans under the same roof.
>>566799He will be the Boss Baby.
No. 566879
>>566860Do they plan to eat them tonight? What's the point of keeping lobsters live and squirming in the fridge if they're not gonna be eaten?
They could always dispatch them with a knife through their top abdomen to head and they'll keep in the freezer.
No. 566889
>>566879I fucking hope so. My dad was throwing another one of his man tantrums for god knows what reason so he mightve meant to cook it yesterday but just decided not to since he didn’t want to cook at all yesterday.
Our freezer doesn’t have the space for it but they could just cook it and save the meat in the fridge. Anything would be better than opening the fridge and seeing it in there.
>>566873I knew it would be alive but my parents usually cook stuff like crabs almost immediately, so I’ve never seen them alive in the fridge and it’s very uncomfortable to see. I wish they would just put it out of its misery. I think we got it from a family friend who was going to give it to us anyway, and because my birthday just happened to pass, she also slapped on that it was my birthday present lmao. I can’t even eat it because it’s gonna give me the shits.
No. 566896
>>566889It seems like animal cruelty to keep it in the fridge for days. Your discomfort is very
No. 566985
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>>566981i knew this response was coming sooner or later, i could literally smell it from miles away kek
No. 566987
>>566981Yeah I'm so mad I didn't sell myself to be a lifelong laughingstock and have to constantly look over my shoulder for crazy neckbeards all for 90k.
State your age.
No. 566988
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>>566985It's like clockwork, every time I see it I just keep telling mysel "anons, no, don't take the bait! Please!"
No. 567010
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this has me cackling i cant stop
No. 567083
>>566978why do so many people hate her? not even baiting like
>>566981, she's definitely weird but i do like her face, it's strange but cute and she's definitely not unintelligent
No. 567103
>>567100>Women should totally be able to market sex appealOh you're one of those. Lewds not nudes my dudes~
>she did the sex appeal but wasn't gross about it at allBruh I said I like her but bitch?? The bulk amount of her popularity is looking underaged while doing various hentai shit.
No. 567105
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I just realised that the meaning of isn't "KEK WEBSITE DOESN'T WORK" but a reversal. It's a mirror because it's reflecting back at you. You are a cow looking at yourself in the mirror and they change the perspective to show that. Why did i literally only just get that
No. 567109
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>>566216If you really want one I suggest getting a broiler hen
They are fat,beautiful plump birds it's funny when you catch up to them when your running because they can't run fast also they don't live too long so they're not really high maintenance hens
No. 567114
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>>567107A topless pic of a guy is in no way comparable to women selling soft-core porn to incels… I don't have the energy to write an essay nor am I in the mood for inevitable infight. So maybe lurk old pink pill threads if you genuinely want some different perspectives.
No. 567117
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I posted in the last thread about how I started rewatching Inuyasha from the beginning because I never got to finish. I watched the first episode when I was 7, because a girl in my class had hots for Inuyasha and told me to watch it, and the first ep I ever saw was ep 23 lol.
Sesshomaru still fucks. He is absolutely the best character, and I’m also gay for his mom. I also cried at Miroku and Sango’s 3 kids. I was hesitant to rewatch because my ex loves the series too and we bonded over that fact since finding other Inuyasha fans is rare and I started to associate it with her, but man. Inuyasha is great and I still love it. I was going to flip between sub and dub but the dub is actually really good that I watched the entire thing dubbed lol. I’m so fucking excited for the sequel and if Rin isn’t the mother of Sesshomaru’s kids I’m gonna flip lmao there’s no way Takahashi would do us dirty and show Sesshomaru’s development through his travels with her and then have him fuck some rando inb4 thats pedo shit
No. 567126
>>567115Anon, don't be a prude
Shake what ya mamma gave ya
No. 567132
File: 1591584151308.jpg (Spoiler Image,316.23 KB, 752x1062, 416486464.jpg)

Read for memes but then I enjoyed it
No. 567136
>>567120>>567122I remember just liking him because he was hot, but this rewatch really solidified that he’s the best lol. I appreciate his growth while also never outright becoming a “good guy”, the man’s got his own goals and fuck what Inuyasha and crew want, they just also happen to be there. His character really shaped the types of characters I like to this day lmao.
>>567124Never hurts to spoiler.
No. 567148
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>>567144w-women ahegao during sex…right? please tell me they do…please
No. 567161
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>>567132You can't just put up good shit without links anon
No. 567163
>>567100>she did the sex appeal but wasn't gross about it at allAnon she dumped 100s of eggs on her body and fondled a dead octopus
Maybe it's not gross but it's sure some pandering perverted depravity right there
No. 567351
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>>567266You should just do it.
No. 567358
>>567311>>567351After Covid-19 is tamed I think I will.
>>567352Yeah I think I’m going to only sell my most valuable items and donate the rest.
No. 567362
>>567204Who said anything about her being """"respectable""""? They said she seemed intelligent? Also pretty much every job is degrading yourself for money but even ignoring that
>let alone manipulating lonely and vulnerable people into paying youWhat is this literal incel logic? That the evil manipulative woman is manipulating the poor lonely men. Why is there no accountability or personal responsibility for these men? Why coddle them? Even if you accepted every man that gave her money was lonely or uwu vulnerable (they aren't) that's still a stupid argument because you could say this for literally anything being sold to you. Everything available commercially attempts to exploit some need you have that currently isn't being met and offer a 'solution'. It clearly just makes you seethe to see anyone say anything remotely positive about a sex worker.
No. 567383
>>567144>it's hot to see people you find attractive make faces they would during sexbut no one do ahegao during sex anon.
Idk in what world you live in but it's not like in your japanese cartoons.
Also idk what's so smart about her, she literally sell her body for incels. That's just sad.
Also cringe on that video that anon posted about her. "She's not like other girls" lol sureeee, literally another cosplay e-thot lol.
No. 567457
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>>565450Y E S dude I had these illustrations printed out and on my wall as a teenager. pardon my oldfag showing.
I'm pumped for midnight sun because the leaked chapters were so much more wild than the entirety of twilight. legit it's some good OG hectic trash and I will die on this hill
how nice were the japanese light novels though? it's like how I imagined them in my head but 500000% more weeb kek
No. 567533
>>567519I absolutely would, they're already your ex so it's less of a problem if it goes wrong and you know each other well enough that it should go right
Good luck anon, stay safe and just don't catch corona, feelings or an STD
No. 567539
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>>567490ayrt dude I am SO PUMPED too don't even trip, I've been waiting since the original leak for s.meyer to stöp being so butthurt and give us the fucken book already. I wish I still had the pdf. seconding a edward-narrated new moon ngl the whole series would have been way darker and cooler if it had've been told from his perspective, even when he's being melodramatic.
we're celebrating, here hold my hand bitch we're in this together
No. 567546
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I went through the process of brushing my teeth, flossing for almost half an hour bc braces and swishing with water and baking soda but now I want to eat as my hunger is insatiable the days before my period. pic unrelated.
No. 567552
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Any Germans here? Or people who know the kelly family? I find that shit so weird, their kids are shoved on stage from birth
No. 567568
>>565999Like clockwork, he went through my phone and found it. He had been reading my texts and logged into the fake email to read my emails. Because there wasn't a single racy comment or topic, all he could be angry about was that I'm a liar. So I told him that I am leaving, and started packing my shit. He told me he'd drop me off at my mums, but now it's been two days and I'm still here and he's acting like it didn't happen- except for the lovebombing. If I posted screenshots of his texts, you'd think he was the Absolute Perfect Man and that I was a crazy cunt. But his words are empty and meaningless, backed by very little action.
Still working on my way out. Anyone in my family will take me but I want to have a job lined up before I use their favours, and I want a safe place for my cats.
The truck keeps truckin.
Also thank you guys for the encouragement, Lord knows I need it. Thank you again.
No. 567582
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>>560920I have a painful lymph node that could possibly be cancer and I'm kinda happy about it.
No. 567585
>>567568Grats anon, please stay strong. It is perfectly normal and healthy that you want a job and to support yourself, but right now you need to prioritize your recovery from a long-term
abusive relationship. I would highly suggest therapy and taking baby steps into full fledged independent living, especially since he may have stalker tendencies, it's safer/healthier for you to be around "normal" people for now.
No. 567607
>>567565My family was watching the goodbye Deutschland tv show of them and oh my god it irritated me so much, the way their kids are paraded around, the exaggerated Irish-ness. One of the smallest kids said they loved singing and performing, but I feel like they don’t really have a choice.
>>567567Some of these jokes are corny/dated af but I love seeing him go for their wholesome family schtick
No. 567658
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>>567653>shitgirlrofl honestly coworkers who do this are the bane of my existence.
No. 567674
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>reading fanfic
>it's too good to be true
>feeling content
>enjoying it so much
>finish last chapter
>fic hasn't been updated in a fucking year
>checks authors twitter
>"guys i am no longer interested in this writing stuff"
>will never know the ending now
>dread is taking over
>die inside
No. 567675
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>>567674It just be like that
No. 567692
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I'm tired of people who look like some approximation of this thinking they're doing something by calling normal people "Karen" for not agreeing with them.
Like, shut the fuck up. Your name isn't "Kai" and you're not a non-binary pansexual baby smol yearning anime twink, it's Kailyn and you grew up in Wisconsin. You are Karen. Just shut the fuck up.
No. 567696
got em
No. 567704
>>567692Kai, Oliver, Dakota, Koda, Max, Jacob, kek.
>>567671They will do anything for a drop of clout.
No. 567706
>>567702Hi Kai
>>567671God being zoomer sucks, they're pretty much born with social media addiction like lil internet crack babies
No. 567717
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>mfw I watched a conspiracy video and it all makes sense
Marty, I’m scared.
No. 567733
>>567674Bad feel. I found one a year or so ago that I really like and wanted to see where it went. The author hasn't updated in a year, and one of the last posts on their Tumblr is them saying "sorry for the lack of updates, I have health problems that limit my time at the computer". I legit wonder if they got sick and died.
Lord, responded to the wrong fucking post the first time.
No. 567759
I really feel like this site has been recently overrun with teens who aren't interested in actual discussion about any topic in the threads and come just for vendettas and aggressive black and white reeing and nitpicking. Am I getting old or did the lockdown followed with summer and the closing down of the kpop thread cause this?
>>567692I remember when last year some anon was bitching about Karen becoming a misogynist slur against women and I thought it was reaching but in all honesty people like these dropping "Karen" on all women they don't like to silence them and ignoring the original context kinda do verify that anon's point.
No. 567761
>>567759I agree. I think most of them are teens straight from twitter, so this must be a culture shock to them lol. I do hope they slowly lose interest and leave now that these threads are fading. I’m here because I don’t wanna have Twitter-tier discourses in the first place.
Also agree on the Karen thing. I’m not even white so it’s not that I’m too sensitive or privileged or whatever but they even made a fucking woman’s name an insult…men truly take every opportunity to portray us as hysterical irrational beings.
No. 567768
>>567759Karen might have started out as a fair call against white women who treat retail staff badly or call the cops on black people for no reason, but lbr when most guys use it, it's just misogyny. They dgaf about the white part, just the middle aged woman part. We all know how much men hate women who have the audacity to age, have short hair, be aggressive/assertive in any way etc, so they've jumped at the chance to be sexist in a woke way.
I work in customer service and get yelled at over the phone pretty often. It's mostly even between men and women in terms of frequency, but when it comes to swearing and threats, or face to face aggression, or thinking they know better than our staff, it's always men. No names for them though…
No. 567779
>>567778This, and any blond or younger women on the internet who dares have an opinion is a Becky.
Why can't the perpetual outrage machine at Twitter recognise this for what it is?
No. 567782
>>567766There's always a certain context to them though, people often use Ling Ling to refer to the overachieving Asian kid and Tyrone for the black thug stereotype but Karen has been broadened to mean "whichever woman that disagrees with me" when it was used to refer to the uptight naggy middle-aged woman who wants to see your manager.
>Woman: I disagree with this point, here is my levelheaded opinion about this issue:>Person: lmao ok karen, nobody caresIt really does now have a misogynist ring to it and used interchangeably with "roastie", a term that it's used to imply that a woman's opinion is just based on her being hateful and impudent enough to have a different view on something.
>>567765It always reminds me of that "I hate women
people gasp I mean I hate
white women *people applaud" tweet. It basically gives people a free pass to spew sexist shit as much as they want to because of their modified version of a narcissist's prayer, these women are just evil Karens who deserve it even if they're not white or middle aged or even doing anything warranting such hatred.
No. 567805
>>567802It always
triggers a mental image of a Twitterfag with a flowercrown Jimin avatar and a "19, she/her/they, pansexual, stan Loona, will block terfs and fujos on sight" profile description and a twitter feed full of discourse politics, fancams and faking being black/asian.
No. 567816
>>567801NTA, but I once literally got called "Karen" by some African-American girl (I'm African) because I was tired of her screeching about Africans. She defended it with "Africans sound like white women!!" lol.
"Karen" is dead now. Men, "not like the other girls" girls and Twitter freaks ruined it.
No. 567826
>>567808I kind of wish y'all wasn't taken over by the Twitter woke crowd. As a southerner I feel so cringy using y'all online, even though it's what I've used my whole life, and using a plural 'you' is really hard for me.
I always have to double check my post on here to make sure I didn't use it.
No. 567828
>>567826I had no idea it was even related to being "woke"
because it sounds so Southern I assumed being an SJW and Southern was an oxymoron I was using "y'all" so much because in my region and dialect it's unheard of and really cringy, so it would make me laugh. This is shitty news.
No. 567862
>>567815Seconded. Surefire way of weeding out a large portion of the autism in circulation here.
>>567852Ntayrt but y'all is synonymous with Twitter moral fags of all races, predominantly white people described by this anon
>>567805I can't discern what crusty insults like "Karen" are supposed to achieve here but good job kek.
No. 567889
>>567880TBH I'm starting to think it's popular to attack women now. Everything is our fault (even when it's not), people go hunting for Karens, all this trans shit is literally telling women to "shut the fuck up" and "let the men talk", men can say ANY disgusting thing to a woman if they are unpersoned by the crowd.
Female celebrities get more hate for the smallest things, while make celebrities can have rape accusations or even cases & still have fans.
It just seems like everyone's attacking us.
No. 567901
>>567889>male celebrities can have rape accusations or even cases & still have fans.I dream of commissioning an academic case study that compares the amount of outrage that Cardi B and Melanie Martinez have received against literally any male musician who has been accused of rape or violence against women
Nobody would pay attention though they would just immediately focus on how Cardi B and Melanie M should be cancelled and ignore the rest of it. I don't want a world where anyone gets away with rape or sexual violence periodt
No. 567923
>>567880I worked in retail for years and dealt with a ton of entitled customers, and they weren't just one demographic. Plenty of men get upset that their coupon expired. I had a customer throw a hot coffee in a barista's face because he "waited too long for it."
Karen memes are such an obvious attempt to silence women for speaking up about anything.
No. 568062
>>568057I'm not saying that, if a ton of anons come here openly supporting
victims of sexual assault but can't even show support for someone who was recently sexually assaulted within arms distance then who are they really helping? Especially posts as serious as an anon coming straight here after being sexually assaulted and witnessing sexual assault
No. 568065
>>568064It's not even necessarily numbness, I read tonnes of completely depressing posts that affect me emotionally but I don't reply to just because idk what to say. I'm not a therapist, I might not relate or have any particular wisdom or advice. Meaningless platitudes in response to a stranger's trauma isn't my idea of a worthwhile post so I just don't.
Plus anons talk constantly about their experiences with abuse, rape, molestation etc, and usually do get plenty of replies. The relationship thread is full of it, the pinkpill thread was back when it was allowed, we have a whole thread on being groomed for people to discuss and empathize with each other, etc. It's ridiculous to say the entire feminist population of lolcow doesn't care about rape
victims because one post out of many didn't happen to inspire a bunch of replies.
No. 568070
>>568069Okay 12 yr old edgelord whatever you say
>>568064The point wasn't that it was the hypocrisy that anons were talking about how bad sexual assault was and how sexual assault
victims need help when a few posts earlier an anon talked about how she witnessed sexual assault and people said it was the
victim who was actually doing the assaulting as well as being sexually assaulted herself. It wouldn't bother me but I would say the same thing if anons were talking about how bad suicide was and how suicidal people need support while ignoring posts about anons feeling suicidal
No. 568078
>>568070When they say those people need help, they probably don't mean they should be the ones giving it? Suicidal people require professional help and support from actual loved ones, not some anons online.
At least as a suicidal person, I think this way.
No. 568095
>>568079Oh my god then go to fucking reddit or twitter or literally anywhere else on the internet so you can get your “so brave and strong” replies. People get ignored on imageboard boo fucking hoo no one is paying attention to depressed wittle babies
>showing support Lmao shut the fuck up it’s not support if you’re guilt tripping people into replying, this ain’t twitter. I see suicide posts all the time and made a few myself I barely care.
No. 568108
>>568079But no one owes anyone anything. And is it bad that a person doesn't want to have anything to do with mental-chan? People have boundaries too, along w/ better things to do.
>>567984>>567984Honestly, In the end therapy works if you also put things into it. I knew friends who would go to therapy but they would never change a thing about their own mind. But it also depends on if you got a good therapist, too, sometimes. I personally had a good PTSD treatment with my therapist because I knew that I am the only one who can do something about my mind. It took awhile but it was worth it.
No. 568124
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>>568071I would, but YouTube removed it. The last time I watched it it had 1.7 million views. Here's the channel link though: No. 568159
File: 1591788903668.gif (7.97 MB, 360x200, 362.gif)

so i keep tabs on my narc drug dealer ex (admittedly because his inferiority makes me laugh after him gaslightin me for so long) and his rebound girl broke up with him
fuck yes girl, get away, just one more person who knows his antics. i was so worried about her (i know this is retarded but im convinced he tried to murder me and that beautiful girl deserves WAY BETTER). fuck yes eat dirt narc
No. 568255
>>567760You know, I don't think I've ever noticed a difference during hellweek despite thoughtlessly shitposting and blogposting everywhere. Maybe i'm too enmeshed in imageboard culture at this point.
>>567761Wasn't the Karen thing coined by black women? I watched a video on it claiming it wasn't racist or sexist, because it's used to…label women with the privilege and who exercise that privilege to discriminate against minorities? Idk but it felt like bullshit considering the everyday use of it is when literally any middle aged white woman talks unless they're down and hip with the kids.
I saw a tiktok and all the comments were calling the female security guard a Karen because she wanted the skaters to leave. So…for doing her job.
No. 568258
>>568255>I saw a tiktok and all the comments were calling the female security guard a Karen because she wanted the skaters to leave. So…for doing her job.I saw a similar one yesterday, this teenager was fucking with this woman working retail, trying to pay for something with a mystery box. The woman was fucking bewildered by him but she didn't do anything outlandish, she wasn't rude but literally every comment on it was either complaining about her or calling her a Karen.
Like if a middle aged woman came in to a store and started harassing the employees and trying to pay for something with a mystery box, the comments would be full of kids calling her a Karen, but because it was a teenage boy doing it, it was hilarious.
No. 568324
I just went through the trouble of finding a woman's social media pages because I thought her boyfriend was cute and now I feel like a creep. It's not like her pages were private and lowkey, and I found her through a fucking tiktok compilation but still wtf.
>>568124Tbh this guy seems like a hotep
No. 568404
>>568355>really extreme in an uncomfortable wayLike what? I swear twitter has yall think they’re a group of assassins out to murder defenseless men in the night (can you imagiiine).
The radical part is they don’t want shitty so called “equality”, which is a thing that they believe can not be achieved from inside the system built to oppress. They don’t want to pander and beg the nice men to give them crumbs of “equality” every now and then, they want total liberation from the stupid games.
No. 568430
>>568423You have to be joking. The most evil, controversial radical feminist idea is separatism. Nobody wants to be above men, they want to get the fuck away from them at absolute worst.
I'd love to know what you think the root cause of misogyny if it's not men. Maybe it's our fault? Is it our natural inferiority?
No. 568534
>>568510Anon I wish I could take you out on a cute girl’s date for your birthday where we’d hit up some shops and grab some ice cream to eat in a park together, and then surprise you with homemade birthday cake at home.
:( I love you anon, happy birthday. I hope one day you’ll have a lovely one where you don’t cry.
No. 568561
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I just want to say how grateful I am for this site and honestly even though we’re all anons it’s really nice to have a place to let off steam or just write what’s on your mind and also see how other people feel. I also love seeing people on here post about their interests and thanks to certain threads i’ve been introduced to some awesome new content that has helped keep me sane during these times.
No. 568579
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Normally I can’t really tell the difference between anons, but there’s this particular one that I’ve been able to spot a mile away because of their formatting style and they’re getting on my nerves because they’re really dumb. They have barely any reading comprehension skills but keep getting into fights with other anons kek.
No. 568595
>>568543I'm not against jkr cause she's a transphobe.
I'm against her cause she was immature about it and always trying to clapback at people on Twitter.
Anons we aren't the best people by mainstream standards but at least I know that most of us don't go attacking people publicly?
No. 568598
>>568579I know that feeling. Sometimes, it's just more than one dumb person on at the same time, both infighting with weird formatting.
Either way, though, they usually disappear (or at least learn to be less recognizable and post less bullshit) after getting called out about their previous posts.
No. 568613
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I don't really like cops in a general sense, but the video of the woman making fun of the short cop makes me feel sad. His expression looks like he is going to cry.
No. 568627
>>568613I feel bad for the cops, seriously. Just because a select few of them are psychos imagine being someone who actually wants to make the world a better place and protect its citizens and then some emotionally stunted antifa twat films themselves making fun of you for Tiktok clout. Cops are already putting their lives on the line trying to help people, I'm pretty sure the people yelling ACAB are the first ones to demand the police to arrest anyone who they deem
problematic and would be mad at them for not coming fast enough if their home was being burglarized.
Honestly people calling the police pigs just give me massive privileged underage white teen vibes who are mad that a cop confiscated their weed or something. Police brutality and corrupt police forces are the issue, not individual cops who are there to make people feel safe.
No. 568633
>>568595I don't think she was ever immature about that. Unless you're talking about when she post her not!headcanons about the HP franchise, especially when she went from "stop harassing Hermione's actress in the fanfic sequel broadway show for being black" to "Hermione was DEFINITELY black!"
>I know that most of us don't go attacking people publicly?People who are actually dangerous towards trans people are never blamed for being criminals, meanwhile women on the internet are getting insulted all the time for no good reason, so whatever.
No. 568643
>>568633>People who are actually dangerous towards trans people are never blamed for being criminals, meanwhile women on the internet are getting insulted all the time for no good reason, so whatever.They love to throw around that trans people murder statistic but actually having to address the fact that most murdered transwomen are black gay prostitutes who were more or less driven to the lifestyle due to their community's homophobia and macho ideals would go against their woke narrative about sex work being totally safe and empowering and black communities not having destructive pressure on their own peers.
And yeah because the movement is ruled by pampered white middle-class guys in their 30's of course they would attack feminist women and not the actually violent male nazis who want to eradicate everyone who's not white, straight and blonde.
No. 568644
>>568627I don't. The so called good cops aren't doing a good enough job of distancing themselves from the crazies. I feel like the biggest problem with the police is that they call more about protecting their friends (other police men) then they do about protecting the public. Many of them don't have the nerve to call out shit behaviour amongst themselves because they are probably scared for the backlash.
Then again, i feel like most people become police officers just for the power.
No. 569023
>>568969I get it, I hate seeing people look really sad because it
triggers my sadness sense or something.
No. 569076
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>>569063You're gonna get committed anon, wtf are you doing?
No. 569077
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So I opened youtube and saw this on my homepage lmao, now I know for a fact that before the title of the video had JKR's actual name but now this dude updated the title to this and it fucking made me kek. Like jesus, you can say her name you know.
No. 569116
>>569077I've never seen anything like this about Roald Dahl, H.P. Lovecraft, Kanye West or Morrissey.
>>569084>Trannies are trying to erase her from history.the frustrating part is a lot of it isn't even trans people, it's virtue signaling normies getting worked up on their behalf. A lot of them don't care or understand the situation, they just want to be seen to be ~doing the right thing.
No. 569117
>>569077lmao I would actually watch this video after the change. Made it a million times more interesting sounding.
No but seriously, that is such a fucking childish and petty thing to do. Who's autistic enough to go back a year to change the name into a DOODOOHEAD TERF BITCH !!!! just out of spite? People are throwing literal tantrums over something that shouldn't even be an issue.
>>569096You don't get it anon! Terves (i.e. anyone who thinks sex is real) aren't human and you're free to send them all the death threats you want and assault them on the streets! Attacking women– I mean Karens is progressive!
No. 569221
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Are people really this dumb
No. 569233
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Everytime I see Shayna's pics I want to sincerely vomit super hard. How can someone be more disgusting than Moo
No. 569250
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>>569248I seriously saw meme posts on instagram where they were like "JK who? ____ wrote the HP series" And it was liked a thousand times. Like, jesus christ. I've not seen it with another creator where people were (even jokingly) trying to erase a person from their work. Not even the most heinious men get this treatment. Imagine if people started doing it to literally any man with acclaimed work. There would be videos about how crazy these people are they are erasing a person because they're ~
problematic~ and these people would be laughed at and cringed at.
No. 569263
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After finishing Inuyasha last week, I saw these pop up on my timeline- Inuyasha inspired jewelry. There's earring and a ring too, and this necklace is based off Inuyasha's beads of subjugation and the shikon jewel shards. My stupid bitch ass is so tempted ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.
No. 569277
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>>569269Will hopefully be able to get my hands on it! My birthday just passed and I (regretfully) refunded some concert tickets, it feels like everything is just brewing for me to get it haha. I'd get the earrings and ring too but one of my piercings is messed up and the ring isn't my favorite (sadly. It's based on my favorite character so that's a shame).
>>569273It's an old anime!! Good to hear other people thing it's a cute necklace. I usually go for minimalist jewelry and avoid any gems, so I wasn't sure if this would be considered ugly or not to a regular person lol. The top portion of the necklace is based on the one he's wearing here!
No. 569368
File: 1592005680227.jpg (148.58 KB, 652x694, 1575572400031.jpg)

I need to take a shit but there's four builders in my house and I think the water is turned off. it's gonna be loud.
rip ass to assert dominance y/n? my tum hurts anons help
No. 569389
File: 1592010645324.png (354.56 KB, 450x450, 3323002181.png)

I've been wanting to try this out but my mom saw it at our local supermarket and saw that it was $7 for a box that only has four bars… and that's cheaper than the $11 H-Mart is selling it for. wtf.
No. 569391
>>569363This is so cute anon…
>>569390Damn I'm jealous. Are they worth it? Please eat one in my stead lol.
No. 569412
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>>569156I meant the "cis" people joining the social media pile-on are the ones who don't understand it. I just went and lurked /tttt/ for the first time in a while, those guys know exactly what they're doing.
>>569228there isn't always an active one. I didn't see one when I went to look just now.
No. 569536
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>>569491I had to look this up and you weren't exaggerating, "broke down" even is an understatement…
Sorry, but there likely aren't many teen girls out there who haven't experienced the same thing (multiple times), and they never receive apologies nor is anybody promising them that they never have to be in the same room as the offender again - meanwhile he, a famous rich grown ass man over 50 acts as if this destroyed his life, even causing him memory loss. And then he mentions his career declining, seems like a cheap excuse for that…
No. 569545
>>569541not cringe at all. women experience this shit daily and males tell them to get over it.
males need to stop being weak creatures and stfu. besides males are always sex depraved so he enjoyed it
No. 569562
>>569554all you need to do is look at responses like
>>569546 to describe the demeanor of some of the women on this site
No. 569572
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>>569536This is looking good?
No. 569708
I used to dread my weekly vacuuming/mopping chores when I worked retail. I was so tired, cleaning felt like another hopeless chore lol. Even if I did it this week, it would just be dirty next week, so why bother? But since I got an office job with regular hours and weekends off (even if it wasn’t the weekend, being to expect the same X and Y days off was great), I started to look forward to cleaning. It feels refreshing! Like hell yeah, the work week is over and now I’m starting off my weekend with a clean apartment! It feels like just a part of my routine, rather than something I have to figure out time and energy for.
Anyway, my floors are clean, the weather is nice, and I feel at peace right now.
No. 569728
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Why isn't there any menstruation themed horror film?
I think it could be dope, body horror and all.
No. 569732
>>569044>>569045>>569049Lmfao I can't believe you people are actually brainwashed enough to think anything she wrote was nuanced or intelligent!? Nothing she said isn't anything you wouldn't have already heard 7,000 times from TERFS if you've spent even a day online. Everything she said has been debunked millions of times already. Everything she wrote and literally everything terfs say sounds as if it's AI generated because of how cyclical and reductive it is. You just like having your own talking points parroted back at you, there was absolutely nothing thought provoking our insightful about what she said to anyone with half a brain cell.
Also I wish you people would stop trying to make 'trans rights activist' for literally just anyone who isn't a radfem terf (the majority of the population) catch on, no one says this shit other than you and it's very transparent you everyone that you are just trying to frame their pretty milquetoast beliefs as 'activism' and therefore inherently more extreme and radical than they actually are to manipulate the narrative. Also I would probably tell any trans people not to bother reading it either, not because it's some damning expose but because why expose yourself unnecessarily to the same boring transphobia that they would have already heard countless times.
No. 569765
>>569745Honestly, anyone who was mad about the JK Rowling posts is just exemplifying that they have no real problems going on in their lives, so they literally invent some to feel like heroes and martyrs.
A famous children's book author saying "Biological sex is real" and "People who menstruate are women" somehow shook up half of Twitter. Crazy. I even saw people suicide-bait over it.
It's wild how privileged, yet self-victimizing so many people are. They bitch about her being a rich white woman or whatever, but they fail to realize that they're basically part of that 1% if they have the time and energy to sperg for literal days about something so small.
No. 569770
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>>569732I love how if u replace “terf” with “tranny”, this sperg applies perfectly lmao gb2twitter
No. 569772
>>569769Yeah, probably exactly because those people are in a more privileged position and won't be hurt by it. She has a huge platform and did a lot more than 'point out sex exists'. I get why someone who's very young or in a vulnerable place could be upset over it. I don't feel like going over her entire thing again to list examples because it was very boring but it's disingenuous to portray it that way.
>>569770People are allowed to post here and not be gender critical or whatever. Go back to asherahsgarden.
No. 569777
>>569772It's usually the very privileged people who make a huge show of being in pain over ridiculous things. They literally compensate for their lack of actual issues by acting like they're so "vulnerable" that if someone breathes the wrong way, they will die instantly.
People who don't have much privilege to begin with have basically no time to throw tantrums over tiny social media bullshit, because there are far more important things going on. They are actually being threatened.
I didn't read the entirety of her blog post, but pretty much nothing I saw was actually wrong or offensive, and so far, no one's been able to point out a single issue, they just throw performative tantrums and shout about "the terfs". Anyone who actually exists outside the internet, has things going on, and doesn't feel some reflexive need to virtue signal online doesn't really give a fuck about any of this, because there's things going on in real life.
No. 569781
>>569777There have been loads of actual trans rights activists (not in the way terfs use it) who have explained rationally and in detail the various problems with what she said. It isn't usually the 'very privileged people', it's usually the people who are actually marginalised in someway and therefore have a more emotional reaction to whatever is being said. Usually the people who are actually privileged then say exactly what you're saying now 'hahahah omg look at the
triggered sjw kek'. You sound like those 'epic sjw cringe compilation' where someone is obviously being antagonised an then reacts emotionally and is ridiculed as being a privileged person with no actual issues.
No. 569782
>>569772lmao you clownfish people have twitter and everywhere else to shit up and intimidate women. do some real activism and validate a troon by sucking his flaccid girldick.
>it was very boring TRAs really complain about how terrible Rowling's post is but can't be assed to make any sensible rebuttals. kek
No. 569785
>>569781I haven't seen any of that, and you haven't linked to them, so I'm not really sure how you want me to respond.
>It isn't usually the 'very privileged people', it's usually the people who are actually marginalised in someway and therefore have a more emotional reaction to whatever is being said. Nope, not what I've observed at all, especially looking at the profiles of most of the people doing the complaining.
>Usually the people who are actually privileged then say exactly what you're saying now 'hahahah omg look at the triggered sjw kek'.This isn't even close to what I said.
>You sound like those 'epic sjw cringe compilation' where someone is obviously being antagonised an then reacts emotionally and is ridiculed as being a privileged person with no actual issues.This sounds a lot like projection on your end, can't lie. Not everyone went from "anti-sjw youtube viewer" to whatever this is. I'm literally the exact opposite of "privileged" by western standards, and that's why I see all this bullshit for what it actually is.
No one is helped by your screaming about what celebrities said on Twitter for weeks. In fact, it can easily be argued that you're drowning out news about real issues with this horseshit. Everyone is tired of it. Please turn off the computer.
No. 569791
>>569785Well, agree to disagree I guess. My experience and perception of the situation, and situations like this, is the opposite of yours. I am also not considered privileged by any western standards, but my point wasn't that
you are privileged, but in general that the people who are able to be emotionally distant about social issues are (which seems to be the opposite of how you feel). Plus I agree that no one is really helped by talking about celebrities on twitter (and I don't talk about them on twitter), I also don't think any one is helped by celebrities making statements like her's, or really any kind statement celebrities make on social issues. I don't get why you think that I think I'm doing some kind of radical activism, I'm was just responding to the post someone else made about her post.
No. 569825
>>569798I feel like the more divorced you are from opinions you don't share, the more comical and cartoony anyone who doesn't agree with you starts to seem. It's like those comics where one person (who shares the artist's view) is sensible and calm, and the other is some hideous screeching caricature of all things wrong/bad.
It's a huge problem, because people don't actually keep the same opinions for life, and you can't typecast human beings. It doesn't help that a lot of people are basically encouraged to stay away from even looking at any political content that hasn't been "approved", for very poor reasons IMO ("these people are
very good at indoctrination. it's not that they actually have good points or anything, trust us. just don't even look, stay away", "just by observing, you are lending them a platform they should not have", "don't bother thinking critically, we will decide for you whether their thoughts are acceptable", "you are making yourself unsafe by reading this, and we care about you, stranger"). You end up with people with stagnant, black/white mindsets and myopic views of the world, almost like cult members who've been isolated from reality.
I think that's what's causing some people to peak so quickly, too. Once they find out everything they've basically been groomed to believe is actually a carefully chosen set of mistruths combined with manipulation tactics, the only real reason to stay is to keep in good graces with their social circle. Even then, shaming isn't a foolproof tactic, and many walk away completely jaded.
No. 569892
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Honestly don’t even know how to explain this but does anyone else overwhelm themselves with media and don’t even notice? The other day my friend walked in on me while i was playing a game, listening to music and had a show running in the background while i was sketching in between loading screens. It’s dumb but I get these urges to do a bunch of stuff at the same time and sometimes don’t even notice when it’s happening. I feel like I need to keep my brain occupied all the time, or bad things will happen.
No. 569896
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>>569892I do basically what you do anon, my reason is so I don't get intrusive thoughts, the music and constant videos playing in the background helps drown it out
No. 569905
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kweer shit is so annoying, how do these people even live not being catered to every second of their lives?
No. 569919
>>569842What person? Me, the same person who wrote the post you're replying to now? I never once described trans people as a whole that way, I described the people I saw sperging out. I didn't even claim they were all trans.
I don't understand what you're so defensive about when you already said we should just agree to disagree. Give it a rest.
No. 569957
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Not sure if it always does that, but just found out blood pours out the nose when you shoot yourself in the head. Thanks Budd Dwyer
No. 569965
>>569385I did it like 5 minutes after I posted because I had this thought, was glorious. I feel powerful.
every day is a new challenge. thanks for the support anon ilu
No. 569970
>>569932>>569931Are you being daft on purpose? What I meant by what I said is that the term has existed for a long time it's not a brand new tumblrina gender identity. Many real women adopted the he/him pronoun for centuries.
>>569930I don't blame you anon too many female streamers cater to the male gaze so it's hard to hook on since its easy to see past their fake persona.
No. 570004
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No. 570063
>>569842Oh yes, trans activists and other twitter social justice spergs never do this. They
never dehumanize people for not agreeing that women have dicks.
No. 570100
>>569781 this
>>569942 actually. im not radfem im actually just curious because my TL is just people screeching so i went to read the blog post and it wasn't even that bad.
No. 570122
>>570117Block him everywhere and don't look back. I had a similar obsession and it drive me to insane lows every time he would kinda reject me.
It's just not worth it.
No. 570281
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I have a star wars calendar hanging up in my room and the picture for this month is Chewbacca. I don't know why, but something about the picture makes me feel like he is looking at me in constant disapproval. Please forgive me Chewbacca-sama.
No. 570294
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I've been writing an irregular blog for 2 years, to vent and train my writing. It's basically angsty greentext in prose. And I can't fucking deal with comments.
There's this lady that comments on some of my posts, just to say something nice or wish a good day, and I just can't. I can't fucking deal with someone saying something nice to me on a fucking blog under a fake name. I follow her back and comment on some her posts (and other people), but I just want to hide when someone reacts to what I write.
I have autistic meltdowns over internet comments. Just how low can I sink.
No. 570312
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I wasn't sure if this should go to the vent thread or here, but after thinking it carefully maybe is just the need to share this rather than venting.
>Don't have a Tumblr, not even active anyways.
>Found the kin comunity.
>Send a few anon asks, asking for wallpapers and flattering their work.
>Actually nice people.
>Found a promo to this new blog.
>The person behind it didn't talk about their gender, but asked to use mostly she/her.
>Send a few requests.
>She liked my asks, even gave me a personal anon tag.
>Life is good.
>She made a few other blogs with other people, so I kept sending asks.
>Friend stops liking the she/her pronouns, now is non-binary with neo-pronouns.
>Don't care, still support friend.
>Hazbin Hotel's pilot came out.
>People in the comunity began to cause drama, there was this personal-cow who kept doing lots of posts about how everyone involved, even the fans, were awful people.
>Don't care, I didn't know about it until now.
>Things spreaded to any media the cow didn't like and there was a callout post for any person who like said media.
>Friend believed those things, made posts on different blogs making fun of other friends who didn't agree.
>The blogs keep spamming with posts about "I blocked someone, if you follow this person don't interact UwU"
>Feel uncomfortable.
>Friend leaves a blog because one of the other mods like HH, blocked them when other people on the comunity were sending them hate for liking HH.
>Try to be possitive, still try be friends after that.
>Anon sent an ask saying that HH is not that bad.
>Friend goes into multiple posts about how that's not true and how anon made them loose all motivation to work.
>Fast forward a couple of weeks.
>Found another blog by a different person.
>Ask for a few edits, still use my anon name because I asked for something similar.
>Later on realized that the blog was also blacklisted because the mods liked HH.
>Don't care, just want some anime wallpapers.
>Friend stops replying to my asks with the same timing, now reply faster without my anon name.
>Still, send my Discord for comunication.
>Friend's blogs got deleted, except for blocked mod's one.
>Fast forward some more weeks.
>3 new blogs open, friend is back.
>Feel happy
>Can't interact because made a huge "Don't interact" list with stuff like "Erase canon and coded LGBT identities" and "Like X Y Z media"
>Some of the stuff they liked were now blacklisted
>Never answered my Discord invitation.
>Finally made a post explaining why the blogs were deleted, to put it simple, they wanted a new start because they used to get along people who don't agree with new views, so the new ones are a fresh start.
>Realized that the post was also about me.
>Later on new blogs also get deleted.
I am writting this because I found again the blog with the blocked mod and read the early posts, they sounded happy together, my silly asks were still there and it made me sad to know my friend is not enjoying it anymore because some cow keeps telling them what they should enjoy. I did the same thing with other similar blogs, one that had a very welcoming mod who used to make jokes freely is now run by 3 other people who every week post somethig like "If you enjoy Hazbin Hotel don't interact and I personally hate you UwU" and now the original mod is not even active so is mostly those guys circlejerking about how amazing and ~welcoming~ they are.
>Mfw I lost a possible friendship because I asked for a wallpaper to someone who liked a cartoon I didn't know about.
No. 570322
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I just thought that I killed my nintendo switch ffs that thing fell off my switch stand and after that I couldn't start any games and fuck I started to sweat because I'm not into loosing my 165 hours into animal crossing lmao but it's working after restarting wew lads that was a close call lmao
No. 570371
>>570351It'd be hilarious, and bring so much salt. There'd be anons seething at their ratio, and responding to their own posts like "By the way, to the people that disliked my post: I know you retards have no argument. Go ahead, dislike this one too". Also
>anons accusing each other of disliking posts as one of many infight methods ("I know your dumb ass has been samefagging all over the place and disliking literally every post that even vaguely has to do with this topic. Get some therapy, bitch")>paranoid anons thinking someone recognizes all their posts and is personally targeting them for dislikes>anons who sit in the vent or confession threads, find posters they don't like, and religiously dislike their posts if they update on their situation or post about it elsewhere>anons who think the person they're arguing with must've used a bot on the system to give them a shitload of dislikes >anons who actually do pull the bot thing off>botting accusations becoming just as frequent and annoying as constant "hi cow"/"hi scrote"/"hi radfem" accusations, and being made into a bannable offense>raiders and scrotes hopping on and mass disliking posts that don't worship males, porn, "traps", etc to try and make farmers think LC is now some coomer pick-me tradthot tranny abomination of a site>admins and farmhands getting their posts disliked to make a point>those automatic "thread is at 1100 replies" posts getting disliked by newfags>dislike bait - "Only fatties will dislike this post, because it's the truth">anons flexing their like/dislike ratio in arguments ("I'm a good poster, I always get like no dislikes on my posts. I bet all your blog posts get a shitload of dislikes and like two pity likes")There's probably more scenarios. It's actually so funny to think of upvote/downvote on a board like this.
No. 570491
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I have devolved into a slug lying in bed all day and keeping up with most /ot/, /g/, and /m/ threads. I've wrecked my sleep sched and am a whole mess.
No. 570512
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When you guys have dairy and sugar does it make your uterus cramp? I had some real dessert for the first time in months and it feels like I’m getting my period it hurts so much. I have an IUD so I know it’s not my actual period.
No. 570594
File: 1592220185916.jpeg (15.43 KB, 223x243, 1591517031205.jpeg)

Some months, all I want is a child and a family. It's starting again. I have such a huge baby fever. I can't stop googling baby stuff, watching reality shows about family life and stalking acquaintances and old friends who have kids on social media.
I got pregnant a year ago, it wasn't planned, and I got extremely depressed to the point of being suicidal. I had a missed abortion (early miscarriage).
I'm in a long-term relationship but we're not really in the right place to raise a child yet. How can I get over this baby fever until I'm actually ready to have children?!
No. 570715
only attentionwhores addicted to validation want this
No. 570795
I've been thinking a lot about my sexuality lately. I have been extremely tempted to experiment with women before and have had several crushes on women, one of which tbh bordered on obsession. I've written erotica w/two women and got really turned on by it. That being said, the idea of full on sex with a woman kind of weirds me out. Sex between women seems like a very reciprocal thing and I'm sexually very submissive. I'm also not as drawn to women as I am to men, and tend to be attracted to men far more often. I struggle with internalized misogyny though and sometimes wonder if that's not part of the issue. I don't view women, on average, as being "capable" in the same ways that attract me to men. I also know that bi/bicurious women also have a bad rep in the LGBTQ community, and I didn't want to contribute to that, so I've never acted upon any of my inclinations to experiment.
I know this probably sounds retarded to any of you who have actually had sex or a relationship with another woman and know it's your thing. I've never called myself bi or pan, or w/e. I've always said I was straight, but considering my history, I'm wondering if I don't technically fall under the bi label…idk
No. 570802
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>>570799HER HAIR, she asked the guy if her hair wasn't too brown (for his liking. Movie giving me a brain condition.
No. 570885
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I'm watching a history channel supported by regional goverment. Very informative but I was taken out of it when to illustrate GB-France alliance during WW1 they used Hetalia fanart.
No. 571062
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I've got my own personal tea dealer. I don't even want to check my bank report to see how much I've spent on tea lately. He usually sends me the goodies in a box but yesterday we met in an alley because he wanted to give me a few samples of some new stuff. Now I'm even more hooked. He really knows what he's doing.