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No. 40826
http://ricepuritytest.comLet's share our scores
Higher is more pure, lower is less pure
I scored 50, which is about average, I guess. I'm not really that sexually adventurous
No. 40833
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I might as well become a wizard. ;_;7
No. 40848
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No. 40873
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lol, 71 and I could check off most off the sex stuff.
No. 40924
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Nobody can out-lose me
No. 40928
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>>40830so who can beat my score?
No. 40929
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>>40833I got 93 as well. Glad to see I wasn't the only one in the 90s.
>tfw I had to look up what cunnilingus was No. 40930
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>>40928I just did. I feel like a dirty person.
No. 40941
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I could only check like eight things. I've only held hands with a boy once. I got so embarrassed that I broke up with him the same day we started dating.
No. 40972
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>>40952>>40965I'm 23. I'll have to work hard to get to 22 by 26…
No. 40982
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>>40972H-anime yuri poster in the back ground, mlp fim sheets and a dildo…….
Do you still live with your parents? No. 40989
File: 1443683962730.png (Spoiler Image,1.62 MB, 1267x709, 1407193317913.png)

>>40982Not me obviously, thank god. Probably saved the pic from 4chin some months/years ago.
And it's not an anime poster take reasonable care of my body and I'm good at talking to people. However I'm more on the introvert side, and being focused on my studies doesn't help me meet anyone besides the 15 or so other math students… Disliking alcohol and loud/crowded places is a great way to keep your purity up !
Writing this made me think I should cut back on internet / stop posting to go out and meet new people, but then again I don't even know what I'd do lol.
Oh and here's another weird pic from my folder for you anon.
No. 41012
i want to be that sexy popular whore whose the life of the party with 8 sugar daddy's
and yet im just that boring girl in the corner
1 day.
No. 41050
I'm only 24. Is this bad?
No. 41120
>>41050nope, I'm
>>41009 and I'm 100% sure my number would have been the same when I was 17. It's all a matter of when you get exposed to things and how much of it.
Though there are some things there that I found weird to be included (like the beastiality and incest ones)
No. 41123
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Weird, I don't even give a fuck.
No. 41177
>>40941, turning 19 this Monday.
No. 41317
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No. 41388
>>41326hay bby most of that stuff is from when i was a kid my purity levels are off the charts these days
we can play video games together and stuff!
No. 41829
>>41456I got 86 and I'm a virgin who's never even had a boyfriend
I feel slightly better about myself now
No. 42750
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40, 23 years
No. 42831
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I scored 84.
I'm pretty pure.
No. 44403
Age: 21
Score: 34
>>43110Damn gurl.
No. 44410
>>44398I'm sorry, but the fact he actually said that he was flaccid and so you were officially friendzoned is hilarious. Must've been pretty uncomfortable at the time, though.
You're still really young–plenty of time to meet worthwhile guys who you will enjoy kissing and maybe getting into a relationship with.
No. 44417
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23 and my score was 22.
No. 44424
>>44418I think you answered your own question:
>I don't even do anything.Seriously, what the hell kind of question is that? All anyone has to do for a lower score is to do more items on the list than you've done–is that really so hard to imagine?
No. 45234
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ya'll are vanilla as shit
No. 48438
>>40826Age: 23
My score was 65 and I haven't even had sex yet hahaha
No. 48601
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im also turning 23 in feb
No. 49879
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No. 51379
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>>40826I'm a lot more pure than i thought
No. 52560
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>>52401Never masturbated?
I'm impressed, anon. I heard that's unhealthy for your balls though.
No. 53604
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Nothing in drugs
No. 53955
>>52560Well, I'm a girl and don't know how
I don't know about half the things on that list tbh, I never paid attention in sx ed/health and I'm not really interested
No. 55593
>>54672age: 18
score: 95
I have enough Jesus for the both of us.
No. 56708
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Age: 23
Score: 27
Not even close to the current record. I'm disappointed in myself :^(
No. 58175
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age: 18
score: 63
No. 59306
>>59295>not cybersexing and ERPingI've used so many programs for ERP. Skype, World of warcraft, unfortunately second life and whatnot. I have many characters on F-list. I've been ERPing since I was about 13.
>>59296>money for cyberingSounds retarded
No. 74823
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Well then.
No. 74827
>>74819I'm 20
I would have gotten ever higher if I didn't have a brief cybersexing stint with a girl in Indonesia last year. I think without that the only thing I could check off on there is masturbating and masturbating to an image/video
No. 74837
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>Score: 33
>Age: 26
I haven't done drugs or slept around.
No. 76289
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age: 18
score: 92
No. 79330
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Freshly 19. I've done a couple pots in my time, but no alcohol or drugs. Never in trouble with police. Haven't done any sexual or risque things in public. Been with the same nerd since age 13, so no group or rando sex. At least I'm not a kissless virgin!
No. 79357
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I guess this is what i get for being a fujoshit and a Neet
No. 79391
>>79383Oh wow I did it all wrong, no wonder I was confused.
I swear I get dumber on my period :(
No. 198844
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>tfw virgin who can't drive
No. 198845
>>40826Age: 19
Score: 86
>tfw you've done sloppy makeouts and been fingered, but still haven't held hands with and done cute shit with a boy sober bc you're probably afraid of intimacy. No. 198859
File: 1500414649145.gif (1.98 MB, 450x338, large (18).gif)

Score: 90
Age: 20
>tfw shut-in virgin that likes to get drunk occasionally and is always very horny
No. 198863
>>198855ay fam. 79 age 20.
pretty much checked everything except anything involving intercourse or the weird shit like beastiality.
No. 198877
>>198872>when youre bisexual and can score on both fellatio and cunnilingus >when you keep crossing consecutive questions without leaving one out and you wonder if you'll get a full scoreby the way, that's the most american "innocence/purity test" Ive ever come across…
>Danced without leaving room for Jesus?>Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context?>Had sexual intercourse in four or more positions?that thing sounds like it was made by a 14 year old orthodox catholic girl who is afraid to touch herself
age: 29 (30 in a few days)
score: 29
No. 198883
Score: 23
>>198877I know right?
>PURCHASING contraceptives is most impure behavior>so is kissing someone other than a family member (even on the cheeks/hand, apparently) No. 198885
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age: 19 score: 84
knowing myself, i probably won't have sex anytime soon
also, what is rice? is it a school or something?
No. 198904
>>198902I'm 20 and haven't even had a relationship even on that level, so at least you're ahead of me on that.
I'm just surprised you haven't masturbated. Have the rest of you guys getting 90+ scores never masturbated? I'm genuinely shocked.
No. 198907
>>198904I got 93, 18 years old
I ticked off;
>Masturbated>Seen or read pornographic material>Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context>Been drunk>Faked sobriety to parents or teachers>Used tobacco>Used marijuanawow my life is shit kek
No. 198969
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>>198885Yeah pretty sure it's from Rice Uni
>age 21>77While I have dated and gone to 2nd base I've never actually had an SO, glad to see other virgin farmers
No. 199013
>>199005Congratulations, you're chieftain of the hoe tribe now
One of us
One of us
No. 199025
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No. 199055
>>199005Praise be, for we will kick Jesus out of the room and celebrate the thotness.
Amen, fuck you Jesus.
No. 199065
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No. 199219
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43, I'm 24
Eh, most of these things you do when you are on a relationship, really. Pretty stupid test, and as anon pointed out, they consider holding hands and bestiality to be the same value lmao
No. 199248
>>199027the only higher score one I believe
which types of ones did you check off anon
No. 199320
>>199248the only sexual ones I checked off are video cam type stuff, other than that I haven't checked off any romantic or sexual thing off
also for the drugs and police and stuff, I check off being questioned by the police and some stuff in trouble, i never smoked though
No. 200364
>>198885Yeah, it's a private college in Houston, Texas
Sources: I live in H-Town
No. 200396
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>22yr old
>17 score
I might have a problem.
No. 200459
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>>199536join us fellow thot <3
No. 200911
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Age : 27
Score : 22
I think we can all agree anyone with a score below 30 belongs in the thot club
No. 200989
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I got a 90 (age 25), and two of the things I checked were things I did as a kid (peeing in public, 'vandalism' if you want to call erasable writing that).
No. 201035
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Age: 24
Purity Score: 68.
Well, that's due to my ex-bf. Lol.
No. 201125
age: 24
score: 32
Not even a little bit pure, wow. I mean, I'm in a long term relationship and we live together, so the sexual stuff isn't much of a surprise. Drugs/alcohol are an occasional thing, actually everything I checked off was a fun time
>>41253>>54129>>56185my dudes
No. 201139
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22, got 66. I only dated and with one person but I consider myself pretty kinky when I was single with my dildo collection ;D
No. 201228
>>40929Same score! Glad I'm not the only failure here.
I'm actually pretty knowledgeable about sex compared the average person and quite dirty minded, just have no experience because severe issues with relationships and intimacy.
No. 203115
I'm trying to escape my hikki shut in ways, It's tough being shy.
>tfw 26 but gotta pretend to have experience No. 203197
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>>203104>that linkmade me chuckle, nice
No. 204941
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Age: 28
Score: 88
well I guess I am joining the wizard club then
No. 204953
>>20320696 at 24. Do I win anything?
>>40853I feel ya.
No. 449871
>>449816Happy birthday for today anon!
My score was 21 at age 27 and I'm a little jealous of
>>449807, I think she might be Whitney Wisconsin. Pretty much the only ones I left unticked were the ones to do with cheating or multiple partners, as I'm very monogamous.
No. 449882
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age: 29
score: 87
have fun in hell, sinners.
No. 449930
>>449863Beastality, STIs, arrests, incest
basically the shittest
No. 449978
age: 26
score: 27
But similar to
>>449889 most of my points come from dumb stuff I did in my mid-late teens and very early twenties because I was a bit of a fuck up kek.
No. 449991
>>449882age: 29
score: 86
you beat me by one point
No. 451755
File: 1566421226825.gif (1.87 MB, 540x303, tumblr_inline_pkxjmfO5Qb1s8ws2…)

Age: 26
Score: 60
Ehh, I feel pretty average. I feel I could have done more considering my age, but I'm not a very sexual person.
No. 451929
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Age: 27
Score: 41
Really just answered no to the hard drugs question and the weird sexual stuff at the very end.
No. 455273
>>40826Age: 20
Score: 79
I'm a virgin, but I've had interaction with the cops due to a shitty home life, so that affects my score. I use medical marijuana as well. I've "held hands romantically" and kissed before even though it was a situation I really didn't want to. Yikes all the way around.
No. 461143
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Age: 25
Score: 58
No. 464128
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38. i am 20.
i took the test again in context of what i had done prior to this year and i got an 83 lmao. i have done so much shit this summer
No. 466031
Score: 19
Right there with ya
No. 467090
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No. 469265
figured I'd be hire, but only ever done weed/been in 1 serious relationship so
No. 469857
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age 25
score 97
What am I doing with my life. I'm already a christmas cake, what if I become a wizard on top of that.
No. 469876
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>>469857embrace it anon. I can't wait to get my witch powers.
No. 469931
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23, i'm a dirty birdie.