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No. 490470
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No. 490471
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almost posted on the drunk thread but this is a bit bigger than that. it's been almost a year since i decided to cut contact with a convicted felon who essentially raped me (i never said yes through voice or body language and he put words in my mouth) and was convicted for his second felony (child enticement). it is also almost the one year anniversary of the relationship with my boyfriend who changed my entire life. i drank HEAVILY last year and quit my job that had a decent wage but i went back to school this year and have never been happier. ive even gone back to therapy and want to get better and have a family with this man! we've had an extremely close and intimate relationship and i am so grateful for it. but i am still plagued by anxiety and depression and some memory issues that i am working through therapy.
i have clear goals of moving out of my mom's house (a source of anxiety) to move in with my boyfriend in a new place when his current lease runs out. i graduate with a degree in accounting in fall 2021 and i love my schooling so far. but i am still plagued by debilitating bouts of paranoia and depression and the simplest tasks can send me in some complicated anxiety attack and i just feel so embarrassed. i am so so frustrated that i have to be SO mindful of my environment and my actions and my thoughts that i just want tp revert back to when i was suicidal and a serious binge drinker.
i really have an issue with wanting to kill myself in a passive way. i havent been to the hospital because im afraid of surviving but i have an extensive self harming history. i am scarred all over my thighs and stomach and chest and shoulders and upper arms and some very noticeable on my forearms it makes me feel so crazy sometimes.
i just have to vent it out i think because holidays are so stressful and winter sucks where i live. i love my boyfriend so so much and i dont want to die. i have made so much progress. but sometimes it just feels so lonely and useless to keep going, you know?
No. 490477
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my grandpa just died and i dont know what to do anymore, he was battling a painful illness so im glad he can rest now but it still hurts so so much
No. 490485
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Surprise, another guy I had been talking to turned out to be a complete asshat. We met online and chatted for a bit, and had some chitchat on cam before finally meeting in person. Up to that point he was texting me on an everyday basis. Also he was lovebombing(?). It's not quite the right word, but not outright expressing lovey dovey sentiments. Just saying things that would make him an attractive partner to someone like me, luring in my trust. In hindsight it feels like I got bombed.
So we met up and had what I considered to be a decent time together. We didn't get wildly intimate and we both agreed not to reveal everything on the first date. He left and all was normal.
Suddenly his texting drops. I reach out to message him twice but both times he was curt. Very sudden and stark change. The final time when I texted him (last wednesday) I asked him if he was free that weekend and all he told me was that he wasn't going to be home that weekend and that he'd be very busy all this week.
I mean I had nothing to say in response to that? I just figured he'd get back to me when he had time. I gave him the benefit of the doubt, because 99% of the time "I'm too busy" is a giant cop out. At least in the context of being ignored for a week. I bet he had time for video games and things he actually wanted to do!
Fast forward to today: I finally got so frustrated that I texted him to ask how he was doing. He ignored that text. I waited two hours and then I was blunt and just asked him if he wanted to talk anymore or not. Immediately he replied back to me with excuses. Claimed not to have gotten my previous text, which is major bullshit. And that he had been asleep and was now at work. No, he couldn't have texted me since he'd been soooo busy. Furthermore, he technically had the last message last wednesday (I didn't reply to his response telling me how busy he was..) so the onus was on me to chat him back. Besides he thought I was mad at him for him telling me I was busy–fucking nonsense games like that.
Who am I to change shit spots on a shit leopard? Maybe I should thank the shit leopard for showing me his spots before he sunk his teeth into me.
Anyways, he hasn't answered the last text I sent and obviously wasn't apologetic. Gonna block and defriend the creep, I'd give him a farewell fuck you text but that would probably just stroke his ego. This guy dgaf about me. No one really does. Love the neo narrative that women are now clingy and needy if they expect their potential suitors to check in on them more than once a week.
It's really hard finding people who care.
No. 490503
>>490502Says something how you think so little of this group yet you continue to browse there and even search for their validation in your vacation choices.
If you had friends you could share your pictures with those, and people who are "successful" like you.
No. 490504
>>490477Went through the same thing so I empathize anon.
HUGS He's with you always.
No. 490518
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I'm so fucking terrified of my family dying. I think about the 'what ifs' like an idiot almost every day at this point and it makes me so sad. I'm aware that nothing lasts but I can't cope.
No. 490527
>>490518Me too, anon. Last year I was at a sleepover and when everyone was already asleep, I felt so much panic I couldn’t stop crying and only wished to go back home. It was like any kind of bad shit could happen to them just because I wasn’t home. I actually had to call my mom to make sure everything was fine and only then I could sleep.
It was extremely weird and I wish to never feel that panic again.
However, sometimes I also have those “what if” moments. I’m still trying to figure out how to block those thoughts from my mind.
No. 490535
>>490521I hate it when someone I like likes someone I hate, especially if its for more serious reasons like defending a rapist.
I never understood the jeff goldblum obsession.
No. 490541
>>490518Omg anon I literally came here to talk about the exact same thing. I know how you feel. Sometimes when I think too deeply about death, illness, me or my family dying I literally get panic attacks and become extremely afraid. I'm terrified of death and what happens after, if there's an afterlife, if there's just nothingness and complete darkness, it all sounds scary to me - and even more terrifying than that, I hate having to go through some kind of illness or disease and suffering or going through pain, I don't want to become weak and depend on other people, I find it so embarrassing and it strips away my dignity. And I don't want any of my family to go through that either, I don't wanna be around highly stressful and gross situations, I don't want anybody to leave me. I love my grandparents so much and they've always been around my whole life and I'm fucking terrified of them dying, and how I'd feel when they're gone and how different life will be. I don't wanna be depressed and show others how depressed I am. I'm scared of it all. I don't want anyone I know to die
No. 490640
>>490489>>490517After he didn't respond to my last message last night I sent him the final this morning. Deleted him off social media. The works. I even said how I don't think he'll respond but how I don't care cause it felt good to not let him off completely. He's a passive coward and I can tell that he's not gonna apologize. Assholes like that constantly justify themselves.
Anyways when someone makes me frustrated like that, I tend to go through past conversations to pick out red flags to vindicate my rage.
The kicker in all this? When he was initially bombing me with texts he would get whiny and tease me about being uninterested if I was legit busy at work and didn't reply to him within an hour! Yet I'd always apologize and get back to him the same day later.
Yet this sleazeball can cut me off with how "busy" he is and ignore me for a week, but I'm supposed to take that as a miscommunication and a failure on my part to initiate.
I don't even care about him, I care that so many men are conniving sociopaths trying to stack options like women are idiots.
No. 490648
>>490640Oh god, those are some huge red flags. Tbh with guys like that you shouldn't even send them those final messages like you did because even negative shit like that boosts their ego. Best thing with guys like that is to not show you give a fuck at all. Save giving a fuck for the guys who are actually decent and treat you with respect. Also NEVER, NEVER apologize to men who are just playing games. Women apologize for too much shit while these awful men will push your boundaries, neglect/ignore you, all without even batting an eye.
At the very beginning you have to be setting the tone and also what kind of behavior you will accept. This will weed the shitty guys out almost IMMEDIATELY. If he can't get the attention/validation he wants he will move on to someone else. If he's not texting back and putting in significantly less effort than you, don't respond by giving him even more attention and effort! Someone who wants you in their life won't back off, play cold, and risk the chance of losing you. A good man will work and put in effort for you!! I can't stress this enough! It's almost a given that women will give a lot of love in relationships, but it's not the same for men. Unfortunately we have to sit back and let men prove themselves to us.
Don't be afraid to cut someone off immediately if they are not treating you the way you want to be treated! Don't think you have to settle for anything less than what you want.
No. 490662
>>490482I wish you good luck with this anon! I started forcing myself to become a morning person earlier this year and even though I still struggle to get out of bed in the mornings, it's one of the best things I've done for myself.
Have you tried the sleepytime clock? It usually works for me. You're woken up between sleep cycles so you usually wake up refreshed/not groggy. Maybe if you can, just start waking up just a bit earlier (like 10-20 min) than your current wake up time and work backwards until you reach your goal wake up time instead of jumping all the way back
at once? I believe in you anon!
No. 490677
>>490658Nah anon, I don't think you're feeling jealousy.
You're feeling disgust. Because you felt a particular way about intimacy while this person you had feelings for evidently views intimacy as a disposable novelty.
She's so shallow that she doesn't even see how damaged she looks in calling herself a slut and leaving a trail of bodies.
I'd be disgusted too, knowing I gave feelings to someone like that.
No. 490722
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I'm pretty sure I'm going to be fired soon. I can't concentrate for shit at my job and it shows in my work. But honestly it's hard for me to care, idk. I think I might be burned out
No. 490753
>>49072665 is still super young and they have a long ways to go before getting really old, and they could easily have 25-30+ more years if they play their cards right. If you're close with them I think it's worth sitting down with them and talking about your feelings and how much you care about them. From my encouragement and concern my parents have taken to heart the health and nutrition advice I've coached them on and they are both 60 but in amazing shape, eat really healthy, do cardio and weight lifting constantly for the past several years. We go jogging, hiking, and to the gym together and make healthy meals together. Their vitals, blood levels, etc. have all improved drastically and their doctors are really impressed. Some defensiveness is normal for a while since it's their lives you are talking about, but if you are kind about it and actively help them with stuff like making some food for them or doing more activities with them you could totally get them on board with some healthier habits that will ensure an increase in their lifespans and protection of their mental clarity and mobility. Just make sure to pose it not like "here are all the things you are doing wrong" and more like "I love you so much and you are my best friends in the world and I want us all to live as long and healthily as possible together, can we try eating some more xyz together if I make it or sometimes go biking/hiking/walking/etc.?" A VERY long, happy, and active future together between you all is possible anon!
No. 490793
>>490753>65 is still super young and they have a long ways to go before getting really old, and they could easily have 25-30+ more years if they play their cards rightYeah, my parents are in their early 60s and I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised by how obviously not old they are. Like, you grow up thinking 60+ is a decrepit senior citizen on the verge of death but in reality, my parents have barely changed and certainly aren't any less active. My mum is a hardcore athlete and super fit, my dad does sport and works out, we travel all the time, they have plenty of hobbies and friends. They have some health issues, sure, but they haven't slowed down at all and they would have to deteriorate rapidly to worry me.
It makes me really optimistic for the future actually. It used to kinda seem like life was over at 30 but if you've got your health and money, retirement age seems so fucking awesome. I'm jealous of their lifestyles tbh.
No. 490803
>>490676I feel the same towards my own boyfriend, anon. He’s fucking rich and is able to solve whatever problem/need he has only snapping his fingers but still complains the whole day about very stupid things while life fucks me over frequently.
I absolutely hate how he has all the support and conditions to have the chillest life of the world but would rather spend time complaining about videogames or stupid college work. Ugh
No. 490845
i don't really know if dressing and looking androgynous/masculine is the best way for me to cope with nearly 8 years of csa from three different men.
like, i had a fakeboi phase for a while when i was 12-14 but then after that i realized that i felt for comfortable identifying as a girl. at first, i thought my tomboyishness and hatred for feminine items was my fakeboi habits, but once i hit 16, i realized that it might've been a coping mechanism since my abusers were homophobic as hell and hated boyish girls. so i guess preteen me was like, "hey if i act like a boy they won't harm me anymore!!!!" which leads to now. me, 20, being told by everyone i know that i looked prettier with longer hair, that i looked prettier in dresses.
believe me, i've tried to enjoy things that are considered feminine. i painted my nails once when i was like, 17, but after five minutes i washed that shit off out of disgust. same with any time i tried to grow out my hair or wear makeup.
people say i've got a naturally masculine face, so sometimes i pass as a transguy even when i get uncomfortable at the thought of being a dude. it's really hard for me to explain to people, so i don't get to talk about this much, since it's not just related to LGBT things.
i'm okay with calling myself a butch lesbian, since that's what i am anyways. i just… i wonder if coping like this is really okay for me.
No. 490855
>>490852thank you, anon.
i guess it's mostly peer pressure from everyone around me and the fact most of my friends in my teen years were fakebois from tumblr.
and no, i don't really have a desire to be a girly girl. most of my boyish mannerisms (how i talk, sit, etc) and my interests might've been the reason why everyone (especially 30-50 year old women in my town) keeps trying to tell me to look like a girl while i'm still young. maybe they're self projecting at the loss of their youth, but i don't really know.
as a kid, no one really minded since they thought it was a phase from me hanging around too many guys in junior high and high school. i don't feel like explaining to them that the way i express myself is, like, stupidly simple but also ridiculously complex to other people.
No. 490874
one of the things i really regret is admitting to my doctor i had suicidal thoughts and he had to tell my parents. the looks on their faces still kills me and guilts me like nothing else. i know i shouldn't hate my doctor for telling them but i do, but mostly i just hate myself for saying anything in the first place. that was a few years ago and i very rarely feel suicidal anymore but i just know it's something that still lingers in their minds and i feel so embarrassed and exposed. i don't want anyone worrying about me like that or finding out things like that about me. it's made me feel really guarded and i never talk about my feelings with my family anymore. i'd rather keep it that way tbh. it also made me quite wary about doctors in general too
>>490871good luck anon!
No. 490906
>>490485Just block him. You're 100% correct about him and at this point you are responsible for your own wellbeing. If you continue to play this game you are complicit in your own pain. Move on anon.
>>490517 you too.
No. 490931
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>>490883I fucking!! love Sanrio!! Especially Kiki and Lala because I am a two-faced gemini bitch lol.
I went Christmas shopping and just so happened to come across a Hello Kitty popup store and was so sad that I had to hold myself from buying everything in there. I just love all of it, and it always makes me think of my parents because my dad would always go out of his way to buy me Hello Kitty plushies as a kid. I bought a very nice Kiki and Lala wallet when I visited Japan a few years back and I won't be replacing it until I can go back and find another equally cute one. I love their adult line stuff so much.
sage for plush sperging lol
No. 490978
>>490931Your dad sounds sweet, I'm a little jealous lol
My dad threw away all my plushies one day while I was at school. I was about 8 and he thought I was too old for them??
No. 490989
>>490978He is sweet! But also kind of an asshole haha I came home once to a Hello Kitty body pillow (not lewd… it's just pink and fuzzy with her face in the middle) and he said he bought it because it was the last one and he saw a little girl interested in it, so he bought it for me so she couldn't have it lol.
I'm so sorry your dad threw them out!! I would've had a meltdown, which is probably why my parents never threw any of my toys out. I have a raggedy old pillow that I sleep with to this day and they have never tried to take it away from me because the headache of me learning to be "independent"/grow up from my toys (i.e. I probably would've cried until I vomited for god knows how long) far outweighed just letting me have them. I think in general my love for plushies as their only kid has rubbed off on them. I brought home a lot of plushies that I won from ufo catchers and they'll ask to take certain ones for themselves to put on their bed/will be offended if I don't give them certain ones lol.
No. 491012
>>490989I cried, my mom cried. I eventually collected a little hoard again and he repeated his clear out.. We were in family therapy by the second time it happened and we realised my dad was overly controlling
Still plushie collecting in my 30s lol. I love how some countries embrace it at any age. Couple of my friends have only started collecting pokemon plush lately at 30-ish
No. 491028
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I miss my old friend so much, even though when our friendship ended she hurted me like hell and back. Seeing her shower her attention to her new friends like she used to to me is kinda sad. Sometimes i wish things were normal again between us and we could be friends forever, i can even get to see her get married some point in the future but its long gone…the friend i used to know turn into something i dont wanna remember anymore. Getting through is hard because i felt like its going to be a while when i get to meet someone so in sync like her again. She left me broken and in shambles after all this time while she is so happy with her new and ''controllable'' friends…why am i so unlucky in friendships? people constantly stabbing me in the back, i just want to be happy or find a friend that at least share the same interest without being judgmental. Life is unfair…
No. 491038
>>491032 I don't think he's addicted and there's no way I'm going to coddle or "help" him after this.
>>491037I know but I was sure it wouldn't happen to me. I'm so stupid.
No. 491041
>>491032If they both were 'strongly anti porn' and he's doing this behind her back I'd worry about any trust being possible at this point
Privately watching porn while in a relationship where it's not discussed as a big deal is totally different to painting a false image of yourself and then jerking it to porn secretly
No. 491057
>>491025I'm probably a little jaded but I think men who claim to not watch porn are liars. Even worse than the pornsick in some cases.
I think the truth is that every man watches porn. And while I've long since accepted the occasional porn fap by them, it's so pathetic to have porn stored on their phones.
Shows a complete lack of impulse control. What even for? For those bathroom faps on the go I guess.
I'm sure you'll talk it out. I would just never believe the man who would say that to me. I'd think he was just telling me what I wanted to heat.
No. 491061
>>491057almost all men will watch porn outside of a relationship, but i think there are genuinely guys that won't watch it in a relationship. i won't go into it because it's strange and very specific, but i can tell if my guy orgasms without me, so at worst, if he's looking behind my back, he'd be looking all with the 0 payoff of not cumming, if he is looking at it.
>>491025that's sad. i'm sorry, anon. honestly i think the only solution is to just find a guy that has like, an insanely low sex drive. that's the only way i see it working, being that porn is so normalized.
No. 491065
>>491055>>491032i agree with
>>491041 he's not just looking at porn behind her back, he's literally lying about who he is or at the least, the type of person he is.
No. 491079
>>491076nta but i think socialization is just a basis for a lot of issues. so many people use socialization as a crutch. even claiming that men are shit rapists cause they can't be anything else because of how they are socialized really removes a lot of responsibility. all of us were for the most part socialized to be certain ways and many of us don't want to accept that. blaming socialization for everything turns everyone into
victims, even if you're saying it negatively.
No. 491102
>>491076I mean we often pick which parts of our socialisation really stick with us into adulthood. Most of us have plenty of resources to see a mix of ideas and to choose our ethics
Specific to the situation being discussed, he chose to lie and blaming society for his ongoing charade wouldn't make any sense here
No. 491188
>>491181this sounds really rough, anon. my grandma who was basically my mom was alcoholic for over 40 years and i can tell you for certain that if an she doesn't want to help herself, no one else will be able to and it will not be their fault.
my grandma died after essentially just drinking without eating for almost a year straight, she was literally wasting away before our eyes, skin flaking everywhere in large chunks, random bleeding etc, none of that fazed her in the slightest. she never in her life admitted she had a problem, i used to cry on her bedside before going to sleep when i was in elementary school that she should stop and it is making us all so upset (she was the cranky and violent kinda drunk) and she would be apologetic and crying as well and saying how i'm the most important thing in her life but then next day/drinking occasion it always went back to the usual.
tldr blogposting, you really can't make them better unless they actually want to get better. i feel for you anon, alcoholism really does ruin lives and families but you can't help much besides be there for them if they ever decide to turn it around in the end. i hope she gets some sort of wake up call and am really sorry you are going through this.
No. 491190
>>491181If she won't accept your help, there's nothing you can do, so please don't feel like you've failed her. What she's doing to herself is by no means your fault. I think you're doing everything you can. You're actually doing more for your sister than a lot of other people would in your situation.
That being said, please take care of yourself. I'm not asking you to stand by and let your sister drink herself to death, but you should try and dedicate time to yourself and get some much-needed rest if possible. I know that's a really generic thing to say but your health is suffering so much due to stress, and you deserve to rest. You deserve to lay down in a proper bed.
I'm sorry you have to see your sister do this to herself. I hope that she sees how much you love her and care about her. I hope sobriety sticks for her. And I hope your health improves.
No. 491192
>>491191I complained to my mum and she gave me the key to the basement of the building next door (all owned by the same ppl) and to use their laundry room instead lol because apparently this is what she does if she runs into these people.
Continued vent: that old man took like 15 minutes checking all of his clothing in the each of the dryers he took up so I left to go next door and when I came back, none of the dryers are on but his clothing is still in there!! Is it fucking dry or not!!!
No. 491321
>>491181thinking of you anon. my closest friend died this year of alcoholism. it was very difficult and I am ashamed to say I don't think I did enough in the year leading up to it.
people have recommended Al-Anon to me in the past (I also had an alcoholic parent that died too) and I never ended up going, but it sounds like you need more support than you are getting - maybe worth thinking about something like that? look after yourself. other anons are right - you can't make someone else recover, that's not on you.
No. 491328
>>491324I know how you feel, anon. Take your time to heal and try to remind yourself of your own worth. Just because some crusty dick dropped you, doesn't mean you're suddenly worth less. And don't beat yourself up over the feelings you're having, that's just how it is. People usually don't just fall out of love from one day to the next.
It took me so much time and I was so fucking bitter, but I got over it. Still see and interact with him on a semi regular basis and it's just neutral. You'll get there.
No. 491331
>>491324Don’t feel bad cause you’re neither of those things, anon. And don’t blame the woman he left you for, if anything you should pity her because he’ll probably leave her for someone else too in a while (those kind of guys are the worst)
Just focus on you, distract yourself with hobbies like drawing or painting or knitting or something creative, that or exercise. I know people on social media will tell you to just sit there and wallow in your depression and mock people for saying that they should
try to do things to feel better
“yoga doesn’t help, Karen”
It doesn’t hurt to try to feel better, Fuck that guy, anon. He doesn’t deserve the space you’re giving him in your head.
No. 491343
>>491181None of this is your fault. Your sister is suffering from a mental illness and drinking is her way of self medicating. Remember that when she's
abusive and violent towards you, it's not because she hates you. She's probably in pain and will do anything to relieve it.
Unfortunately with alcoholics there's little you can do until they're ready to help themselves. You need to look after you're own health, not only for your own sake but because your sister will need you there when she's ready. Don't expect her to be able to give up the alcohol and stay sober straight away. Severe alcoholics are physically dependent on alcohol and going without it will cause her more harm. Delirium tremens can kill alcoholics so any attempt to detox needs to be done with medical supervision. Try and get her to see her GP as the GP will likely prescribe her benzodiazepines. This helps control the alcohol cravings and will treat the underlying anxiety.
I wish you all the luck in the world for having to go through this.
No. 491360
>>491352>if this shit continues into januaryit will, and will likely continue way after. your bf honestly sounds like a freak. men who are verbally
abusive and have screaming fits over nothing rarely change their behaviors. cut it off now and spare yourself from suffering through more of his unhinged bullshit.
No. 491381
>>491364Sorry if this sounds cliche but I'm sorry. I have no idea what what you're going through is like. You have all our love & support. Basically everything
>>491378 said. Sending prayers your way..
No. 491382
My boyfriend is addicted to watching Amberlynn Reid reaction videos. He says they help him stay healthy and in shape - which is awesome, sure, but they're so annoying to listen to.
He doesn't like using headphones, so since we live together I will usually hear the videos going like a lame radio show in the background. There's this one guy - MichaelBePetty - who has the most nasal and annoying voice while talking. Everyone is praising him for how real and "no bullshit" he is, but all I hear is some insecure guy constantly going "oh my god gurl, I don't care, gurl, whatever gurl why are you even filming this" while mentally fapping on his own high horse on how much better he is than her.
Like for real, if Amberlynn Reid is the bar you set for what a great person you are, you might have some issues of your own.
None of these people commenting on a trainwreck like Amberlynn Reid are genuinely concerned for her health like they claim. They're just stroking their own egos to the lowest hanging fruit possible. It's boring and unoriginal, but at least my bf's doing well on his weight loss and I feel like telling him to quit watching these idiots would just seem like I'm trying to sabotage him.
No. 491386
>>491382>None of these people commenting on a trainwreck like Amberlynn Reid are genuinely concerned for her health like they claim. They're just stroking their own egos to the lowest hanging fruit possible. It's boring and unoriginal, but at least my bf's doing well on his weight loss and I feel like telling him to quit watching these idiots would just seem like I'm trying to sabotage him.agree so much with this. i've seen so many 'commentary' channels just be assholes about fat people and then say they're just 'telling it like it is' and 'real talk'. they're really just doing it out of self righteousness and a lot of them are chubby themselves (shocker).
the only channel i like for that kind of thing is michelle mcdaniel, who is usually really respectful in spite of her awful clickbait.
No. 491397
>>491041That's why I'm so upset. I thought he's so wokeuwu and not like other men.
>>491057You're right.
>>491061Thanks anon. I think I'm done with men for life.
>>491102Blaming society would be ridiculous because he KNOWS about all human rights issues related to porn. I guess he just doesn't care. It's sad how his morals mean less to him than his dick.
No. 491416
>>491181Went through the same with my older brother a few years ago. Please don't destroy yourself over it, there's really nothing you can do about it other than be there for her. I know it's hard to take care of yourself while someone you love is suffering like this, but your health is important. As other anons said, the only person that can make her sober is herself.
I wish I could offer you some better advice. Maybe try therapy if you aren't already.
No. 491417
>>491415Can't you switch dentists? Some of them are just hopelessly incompetent, I'm afraid.
Blogpost but I used to go to this lady who would berate me for my dental hygiene and tell me so many teeth need to be taken out because they're "rotten beyond saving", until I switched to this cute Greek guy who said that they can all be saved easily and I had so many cavities because of teeth clenching and fitted me for a mouth guard. My teeth have been perfect ever since.
No. 491454
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i need to vent about how much i love my best friend. she's actually the kindest and most thoughtful person i've known ever and i'm not always the best friend due to circumstances but she never holds it against me and she's just so great guys she's great and i want to brag to literally everyone about how great she is. i haven't had a friend like that in a long time and i'm not sure i deserve it
No. 491473
>>491454I have a friend like this as well, she's also so humble that she hates it when I post about the great stuff she does for me cause she's concerned about making other friends feel bad. Never met someone quite as thoughtful as she. I want to brag about her every time.
I'm glad there's good people out there.
No. 491478
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OMGGGG. My flatmate drives me FUCKING INSANE. She bakes every single night, starting at midnight until 5 in the morning, which would still be okay for me (well, except for the noise she makes when I'm trying to sleep) but then she proceeds to smear dough on LITERALLY EVERYTHING and doesn't clean up after herself. Doorhandles. Light switches. Cupboard handles. Bathroom sink. Kitchen sink. Also, I suspect she has been stealing from my things because I found dried dough on my coffe jar as well as on the package of the of salami I had in the fridge. Which is funny considering she told me she never eats processed meat because they are "full of hormones" and also she "stopped drinking coffee years ago". Sure, bitch. I wrote notes saying "please don't steal from my coffee, thank you" and "please stop eating my food, thank you" and put them in my cupboard and the fridge, but if she continues to do this I'm going to confront her about it.
No. 491491
>>491479Initiate: ruin friendship by confessing love
My sympathies anon.
No. 491493
>>491478Confront her, anon. No one deserves to live with a filthy pilfering roommate.
A scrote scolded me to wear a coat when I was taking out the garbage today and just, fuck men
No. 491554
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im so fucking sad. not only have i been physically ill for almost 2 weeks now but it's affecting me mentally. the last thing i needed for my mental health was to be unable to be productive with homework, not go outside, not workout and not be able to eat healthy food. ive been eating liquids for 4 days now and i've barely gotten any work done. it's the end of the semester so there's, in a way, not that much to do but i know for a fact if i were healthy i would have been a week or two in advance.
I also feel like maybe i shouldnt have finished this 3 year program. I feel like i enjoy and am interested by some parts of it but could never actually get a job for it or no one will hire me. im panicking so hard. push comes to shove surely i can just be some mediocre marketer but i feel like I have huge impostor syndrome. I have around a 90% average this semester yet feel so empty inside. I dont have many friends and I've barely touched video games. The only thing that makes me feel like I have it together is the routine of homework, school, gym and cooking. Now that I'm sick I just keep crying all the time because of the physical and mental pain. I'm so alone. it's my fault for isolating myself but i feel like I don't really have anyone to truly talk to anyways. Sorry this vent was messy and all over the place. I'll probably make a post in career advice thread or something because I also need to find an internship to graduate and I've barely looked up agencies or places I'd want to work outside of big video game companies that seem like such a stretch at this point.
No. 491560
>>491554anon, please tell me you're from burgerland or else I might actually know you irl
And post to the career thread, I'm sure some anons may have some advice for you. Remember, you're sick right now and not in a normal state of mind. You can do this.
No. 491564
>>491489>>491497hey anon, dont panic about going grey! it can be genetic or due to stress or diet. all three made me turn grey at 25. if you're stressing there are myriad ways to style/dye your hair so it looks awesome with the greys.
welcome to the silver fox club!
No. 491567
>>490470Is that really bjork?! Wtf, not the Icelandic smol fairy I envisioned. What's going on here?
Sage for no vent just disbelief at bjork
No. 491590
>>491497>>491564>>491580Hi anons, thank you for the reassurance. You're right, I'm perfectly fine. I've been going through a rough year dealing with a trauma setback so seeing the hair strand further
triggered a big wave of panic and anxiety that's been building up for a while, I've been in a ball of dissociation the whole day and it's mostly due to my overreaction.
Actually, I remember my mom started getting gray hairs at the same age and it didn't start getting most noticable until 2 years ago, which was about 20 years later.
It's been a stressful time, but I know my priority on worrying about this will subside in a couple days. Nothing interesting has happened recently so that's probably why I'm more focused on it.
Now I'm definitely excited to mess around more with my hair. I only found out about the strand because I was getting a haircut and it popped out under a big chunk of hair.
Typing it out has kind of helped me cope, thanks again for the reassurance, seriously needed it.
No. 491592
>>491590got you back cutie, please dont stress too much. I'm sure it looks fucken cool too. update us on your progress if you decide to style it/get more greys, could be handy for us other white-hair anons.
glad you're feelin better lil dude hope your day stays good
No. 491670
>>490739Some kid recently wrote an article about how he became radicalized because he became a mod of /r/dankmemes on reddit when he was 13 years old. It's really that easy.
>>491005I know how you feel anon. My first year I actually managed to get all A+ in my courses. Something in my attitude and motivation changed and now at third year I'm probably looking at some C+ on my transcript for this semester, especially in my stats class because I skipped almost every class and only showed up for the midterms (once you skip a few times in a row and get behind it's hard to go back). I also don't have a lot going on compared to a lot of my peers which is why I think I'm in this rut, I'm just stagnant in life and my brain is getting tired of only doing studying.
No. 491694
>>491406It's partially the foreignness and partially the fact that translators are mostly freelancers now.
It's not that people who work in IT are better people, but I used to work in finance and even I had to change careers because IT is eating away at all other industries. Sad but that's how it is.
No. 491708
>>491692>the way the guy touched me was so delicate and intimatei don't quite follow this
>I've never been intimate with anyone now i get. i'm sorry that your first experience being 'intimate' with someone was being groped in a concert, but understand that wasn't neither delicate or intimate, those weren't his intentions. i'm sorry you're going through this
No. 491731
>>491699As different anon said, you don't need to copyright photos and art, the moment you create it you have rights to it, american companies are spreading this copyright bullshit to scam people.
Are you sure that you deleted social media for good? If you can restore one with your photos just report copyright and link photos on your account.
If you deleted accounts for good use this form: are trying to report something else.
Describe everything in additional info box, he even threatened you with releasing more photos so they should do something about it. Don't report pictures for harrasment, moderators will think that you are just trying to take them down out of spite.
No. 491741
>>491692Well most people who sexually attack are aggressive. He was probably "delicate" about it because he wanted to keep groping you and you hadn't run away yet.
I remember a girl at a gig once who turned around and loudly instructed the guy pushing her to stop rubbing his dick on her ass. He disappeared after that. In a gig environment you have every right to tell someone to fuck off and let you enjoy the band. Everyone will be on your side; it's impossible to misinterpret. You're not on a date, it's a strange guy harassing you.
Sorry this guy took advantage of the fact you were caught by surprise.
No. 491780
Found out yesterday that a hapless sex worker friend of mine I've known for years is going to be a single father. I didn't think he could get any trashier. (For context, he's keeping his babymama's name private, and is only going to be a single father because she decided that she doesn't want children, and apparently she didn't realize she was pregnant until long after the legal abortion period.) I'm just sad and upset because I remember going window shopping together years ago and how much he wanted to improve his life and get out of the shithole he lives in. He always tries to do the 'right' thing but it's always for other people and never for himself, and just keeps digging himself deeper. On top of that, the first thing he posted about on FB was cosplay for him and the baby. I'm glad that he wants to step up and be a good father, but how could someone be this dumb? He knows how rough he had it growing up in poverty, hasn't been able to really move up in life, didn't take precautions when having sex, and I guess is just okay repeating his childhood with a new baby. At this point there isn't any better choice, but I'm so disappointed.
No. 491883
>>491880Samefag but
>>491863I feel the same way anon, it’s like I can connect with people on surface level and maybe get to know each other better if we drink but that’s about it, everything reverts to how it was the next day. I feel like I can’t connect with my friends that well either because we have such different interests that it feels like there’s not much deeper I can connect and I feel bit envious of my mutual friends who do. All my hugs to you hope you meet people who you don’t feel that way with
No. 491922
>>491672>>491679Oh no, I’m not trying to use the system that way…okay, maybe a little. I am qualified because of mental illness and have been visually impaired since birth but since I wasn’t born in this country (US), I can’t get any tugboat money until I’ve become naturalized. It is also why I got a work-permit right away.
As for wanting the tugboat, it’s more so my family’s idea in order to have some to fall back on so I don’t become dependent on them in the future. Currently I’m working and a student so I’m not exactly leeching off Uncle Sam lel
No. 491927
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>>491922Oh wait I thought you meant an actual tugboat
No. 491975
>>491974As far as I’m
aware, I don’t get anything because I’m a part time employee. But regardless, it does feel like.. specifically targeting me. My sales are on par with everyone else so it’s not my performance.
No. 492062
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I can never fall asleep without laying in bed for 3 hours minimum. My brain is just constantly sperging out about everything I’m not happy about every single day. I feel like I literally need to take meds for my anxiety but I won’t go to see a doctor. I feel like I’m becoming irrelevant. I literally have no friends besides my boyfriend, I haven’t hung out with any of my actual old friends in over a year. As far as my boyfriend goes its long distance so whenever I’m not staying with him I get depressed and think bad things. I don’t even update my social media’s anymore (I don’t have many anyway) although I do still go on there to check out others. I feel like I haven’t posted in so long that no one even remembers that they’re friends with/following me which keeps me from posting. My only hobby is playing a game that has a pretty toxic community and that I stress too much over but won’t stop playing realistically because I’m addicted like a retard. I just feel constantly overwhelmed idk. It’s not something specific I feel at the back of my mind so I don’t know how I will ever clear it. I also wish my stupid chin acne would go away.
No. 492071
I’ve been working at my first job for almost a month now, but I really think I have ADD. I was a NEET for a few years (I’m 21), so being out of school meant I didn’t really need to worry about that since it wasn’t like I was doing anything important, but my issues with focusing are stressing me out again. In school I had to read things multiple times before they even slightly got in my head, I couldn’t stick to any tasks and it was a struggle to do so without trying to start on something else, I’ve always had issues with memory so that made school quite difficult for me, I get bored of things very easily, issues with organisational skills (I’m literally the least organised person ever), etc.
At work, I do the same thing my whole shift (it’s only part time too, so it’s literally a four hour shift and I find that difficult…), and I find it really hard to keep going and stay on track/motivated without taking several breaks in between. I work in a warehouse where I pick and pack, and I actually enjoy it, the people are nice. It’s not hard either, sometimes stressful. I don’t want to start slacking off because of my issues focusing and lose my job because it’s finally teaching me how to be a normal person and not a home bound NEET not to mention having money is nice. I want to go to the doctors and inquire about maybe seeing if it’s worth getting tested but since I’m an adult and I wasn’t diagnosed in childhood/adolescence, would they even take me seriously? I had other issues as a child and my family didn’t pay attention to me a lot, and in school I was quiet and mostly left alone by teachers (though some would complain when I couldn’t focus or finish tasks), so any issues like ADD wouldn’t have been taken on board. I also want to go back to school eventually but I become incredibly stressed with my difficulty with learning to the point where I get agitated and I cry because I feel really dumb, whenever I’ve tried to pick up new skills/hobbies it seems impossible.
Sorry for the long post, but I just hate being like this as an adult and I’m stressed. I have work tomorrow and I’m feeling tense.
No. 492129
I’m so fucking sad anons. I was bouldering today and on the FIRST boulder of my day, a new V0, I jumped off and fell on my fuckin tailbone. I’m home now, the staff was very sweet and my parents came to get me, but I’m so angry at myself. I keep thinking “what if I had climbed down instead? what if i had gone to warm up on other routes im more familiar with instead?” and shit like that. Our slab wall isnt terrible high, and I jumped off from high up because I’ve been trying to force myself to become more comfortable with jumping off the wall. I’ve done it before and I know how to properly fall from higher heights, but I just moved fucking weird or aimed my ass weird so instead of landing on my feet, then butt, then rolling off my back, I just went from feet to tailbone.
Climbing is inherently dangerous and I know I’m lucky I didn’t end up with a sprained wrist or ankle, but I’m just… angry at myself. I know once it heals and I start climbing again, I’ll be riddled with the fear of letting go of the wall, or I’ll be too scared to climb to the top because I worry about coming down. I’ve only been climbing for a little two months and I felt like I’ve made good strides with being more comfortable high up on the wall and coming down and now I know I’ve just set myself back a whole bunch of steps.
The pain isn’t terrible but it spikes up and I have to move very slowly, but fuck me.
No. 492132
>>492017I just graduated from high school and have 0 work experience so this was the only place that hired me and I applied to a ton of places. It helps slightly to remember that this job is only temporary.
>>492051I guess if I had to choose I’d say it was the menial tasks. The monotony of doing the same uninteresting thing every day. I don’t know if that’s a problem with the job or my depression though.
No. 492160
>>491969shrugs idk probably. I’m not really that desperate for tugboat money and I don’t plan on fully surviving on it when I’m aiming for a high-paying yet stable job after graduating….in the next five years or so (law school…still thinking about it).
>>491976Originally from Mexico
No. 492173
>>492140>those guys are using you for sexYeah I'm literally doing the exact same thing to them we're all fully aware of the situation
>not really a feminist thing to doWho fucking cares, does everything a woman does have to be some huge political statement?
No. 492187
>>492178Um, yea, that's how it is by default? Why do you think other minorities complain about the perception with everything they do as being a political statement when they are literally just existing?
Lol, you all are late to the party.
No. 492201
>>492173I wonder why anons are whining at you.
As long as you have a good time and the guys please you so that it's mutual I don't see the problem.
No. 492208
>>492206I am a pretty "extreme" feminist but if men are pleasant and lick pussy what's the problem lol.
What is sad are all those men who want ons but don't care about women's pleasure.
No. 492211
>>492187NTA, but we don't want to be a walking political statement. it's the
allies who more than likely have some sort of fetish of seeing those socially lesser than them suffer and the rest only see us as a political statement out of spite to piss off the political enemy.
>>492140This sounds like a LARP tbh
No. 492221
>>492201I get way more head than I have to give so yeah I'm pretty pleased
>>492188How? I'm not shitting on women who don't have casual sex or think it's anti-feminist. I didn't even disagree with that notion. If anything me sleeping around drives guys away from 'picking me'.
No. 492231
>>492221You're asking to get picked as a hook up partner. You're delusional.
>>492228People on discord are losers. why the fuck do you use it?
No. 492240
>>492129samefagging but on top of the lower back pain, suddenly I got cramps from my period and almost passed out doing laundry…
Well, my family is ordering pizza tonight and I’m gonna pig out because today physically been awful.
No. 492256
>>492231Nta but you're calling anon a pick me because
>You're asking to get picked as a hook up partner. She
does get partners, hooks up with them, and lets them go on her own accord. How is that pick me behavior?
No. 492270
>>492231Considering how many guys I've ghosted or just ignored on tinder, pretty sure I'm the one doing the picking. Stay mad tho
>>492257Do we though? I can orgasm several times and then blueball the guy if I want to. Sure there's the risk he might rape or murder me for it, or do that anyway, but there are ways women can get theirs and give a guy nothing.
Besides the point though. Anon was trying to tell me guys were using me, as if I was going into these things expecting marriage and being easy.
All this cuz I wanted to vent about how the men I've dated have never made me pancakes. Stay salty, farmers
No. 492276
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>>492272And you're a retarded radfem larper. Troll more
No. 492280
>>492274Really didn't say that though? Acknowledging the risks of something and still doing it =/= thinking you are fine. Being delusional would be saying men don't hurt women for no reason.
Fwiw, I have been raped by three different people, two of them multiple times, who were close to me and weren't just one-night stands off an app. Being modest didn't save me from getting raped.
No. 492293
>>492291Ok, scrote
>>492289You must be under the delusion you're liberated and reclaiming your sexuality lol
No. 492296
>>492291You're based anon. I appreciate it.
>>492290That's fine if you don't personally understand it. Vibes are great but they get boring and there's only so much they can do, you can't really replace a partner with a vibe. The men I've met have been relatively interesting people even if they're putting on a front, one I'd consider a friend now, I get more out of it than I did a monogamous, romantic relationship, without any of the arguments or pressure, and I was socially pretty retarded until recently so it gets me out of the house and talking to people on a regular basis. I also have a pretty high sex drive. It's been a recent part of my life, it's not something I've been doing for years. But I've gotten pretty lucky and had a decent time so far.
No. 492299
>>491992I’m from the US and a state where they can fire me whenever, for no reason. But if they can find an excuse to shove me out (fired or quitting), I’m sure they will. Plus the gossip at my workplace is wild, everyone already knows about my write up. Apparently someone plans on saying something about how my write up wasn’t justified, but now I’m stressed because 1) I didn’t ask this person to, 2) management will know that I spoke to coworkers about it, and 3) i should be the one to stand up for myself!! At best, they might listen to someone who’s been here for years.. at worst, I could be let go over talking about something they may have wanted to be private (they didn’t say it was a private matter but who tf knows).
Anyways work sucks (I loved it prior to this tbh) and my jobs politics/culture is shitty apparently.
No. 492303
>>492296Yikes. So you are a rape
victim and an autist who doesn't have a good social life and is using men to cope.
No. 492306
>>492296You're welcome anon. I regret deleting that post now. But I realized that I was totally
triggered by what is likely bait. Stay safe out there and keep having fun!
No. 492307
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>dropped my phone
>glass protector was fine
>screen glass underneath shattered
No. 492406
>>492380your mom sounds
toxic af
No. 492463
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man why am I so goddamn ugly in pictures. my face just does not make sense, it feels skinny but it ends up looking fat, my cheeks look bloated, i get a double chin, my undereyes are gross, i just look fucking disgusting. i hate coming across pictures of myself other people have taken, it makes me paranoid about how i look to people irl and if i actually look like that to others.
No. 492467
>>492380my mother is similar except she's the conspiracy theory Alex Jones equivalent to yours, she's also weepier and more guilt-tripping and attention-seeking rather than aggressive. I tell her to go out and do things but she refuses and delves further into depression, there's absolutely no use talking to her as she outright repeats the same things starting with "but for me, I…" for hours on end. she drives me insane.
I don't have any advice but good luck with her. don't exhaust yourself to try and save her.
No. 492484
>>492463Same, anon
I look in the mirror and my face is fine then my grandma posts a pic of me on Facebook and my face looks crooked and fat and shit wtf
I’m convinced that ugly me is what I actually look like and I’m just good at taking selfies and also the mirror lies
No. 492506
>>491686Hi fellow translator! I get what you mean, but I still think like there will be jobs for us in international companies and such, they always search for people knowing a few different languages. But yeah, career change is not a bad option either.
>>491694Anon, thanks for your opinion. I sometimes think I should change my last name to a typical last name in this country. About translators being freelancers, you're right. I wanted to look at freelancing options, but we were advised at the uni to work in a few companies first and not dive into freelancing without having contacts to potential clients. But I will look into it I think.
IT is overpowering everything. It's pretty shocking to see.
No. 492510
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>>492507you can be made to look like a neanderthal or have your big ass nose flatteringly minimized depending on a camera's focal settings
No. 492511
>>492510This, and body dysmorphia on top of it just dramatizes your reaction to the slight shift in the image.
I also think other people look better in real life/in mirrors.
But I think this anon is just trolling lmao.
No. 492512
>>492507Idk, I know people who seem good-looking to me irl but look bad in pictures.
I have the opposite question about myself, I tend to look pretty good in pictures but I wonder if the pictures are lying and if I actually don't look so good.
No. 492517
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Alright, this is going to make me feel bad, but if I don't get it off my chest it will bother me.
So my boyfriend has wrapped a gift for me, it's not at all heavy, but it's long and flat. I've come to the conclusion that it's a painting his mother has done. Now, this would be a nice gift right? But it's a painting that he personally wanted. I don't really want to give too much away, but it's an established painting that had become a popular meme, and it's a recreation done by her. I didn't want this, and now I'm going to feel terrible when I have to pretend to be super excited about getting a gift he wanted.
I would never say this to anyone, I just feel shitty for wanting something different.
No. 492523
>>492517Wait, why is he giving
you a gift that
he wanted? Does he think just because he likes it so much that you would too? Even when I buy gifts for my best friend, I can tell she might not like somethings that I would really love…
No. 492532
>>492507A flipped version of yourself in the mirror is still 3D and moves with you whereas a photo is not. You can make yourself look like 40 different people thanks to just lighting and angles alone, what have you been smoking? A photo will have your general likeness sure, but it's nothing like real life.
There's a reason why "true mirrors" exist.
No. 492543
>>492517I get upset over things like this too, but there’s a few factors to consider here. The first being, is your relationship worth more than a good/bad gift? And second, how much effort did you put into your gift for him? I do get the emotional tug at getting a gift you don’t want, it sucks to feel undervalued. But have you been dropping hints all year or are you more passive about your wants? I’d try to be more vocal before the holiday, give him time to rethink the gift, before you have to grin and bear it. It’s a petty problem, for sure, but it could easily create some unnecessary resentment in your relationship. Communication is the only way I can think of to have the holiday you want/deserve. Tell him what you really want and how important gift giving is to you. If he still can’t get it and it gets under your skin enough, maybe you should consider breaking it off. Guys are mostly retards who dont give thoughtful gifts, but theres exceptions to every rule. If it’s a dealbreaker, then I encourage you to move on to someone better suited to your needs.
No. 492549
>>492517Did he get it for free/at a reduced price seeing as his mother painted it?
In my experience bfs give the worst gifts even after years living together. I would say it's a man thing but then my dad hardly knows my interests since we moved far apart, and he still manages to consistently give 'safe' gifts that are pretty nice
It's shit having to fake excitement over a gift because deep down you're hurt at how little the person seems to know you
No. 492556
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Holy fuck I'm doomed because my dad accused me of stealing $43 from him even though I never did now I have a black eye,to sum it up,I have a US PayPal account,there was $40 there, I decided to make a new PayPal account within the country I live in now (not America)I added all the important info to it,10 minutes later I transferred the $40 to my new PayPal account,the same day I spent them,the website gave me a discount,so I spent $35 instead of $40, needless to say it all went great until today,my dad yanked my hair and punched me afterwards he accused me of stealing $43 from him,I relentlessly said to him I never stole anything from him,he was becoming more violent like the ugly savage he is,that the card was in my name even though I didn't use any damn card!only my balance,the date said Dec 9 (today) even though the purchase was on Friday/Saturday
And I've spent $35 not $43!he claims I used his check information to steal from him,I never ever did
Why the fuck did this happen?
Holy shit the worst morning I've ever fucking had,now this brute doesn't trust me and I think he will kick me out for good
No. 492561
>>492556anon, im sorry youre stuck in such an
abusive situation. please take care of yourself and get away from this pile of steaming shit. you deserve better and nobody should ever hit you.
No. 492585
>>492467samefag. she was always insufferable but more recently hopped onto the trumpette train sometime 1-2 months ago and hasn't dismantled. hoping it'll maybe subside after the holidays, but it's reflecting badly back on me since i can't afford to live with anyone right now except her. she's had a lot of things crawl up her ass and die since i started living with her but the political shit has gotten far worse than it was when i started. arguing only makes it worse so I often leave the room when i don't feel bold enough to tell her to turn it off. I don't care to hear some retarded blonde bitch say "hollyweiRD LIBERALS" unironically and have to hear that crap, she mutes the television to play this obnoxious shit, nonetheless. how hard is it not to force political views onto others? how hard is it to not obsess and fear monger over things like that… during the fucking xmas season
i have seriously considered returning my mother's few gifts I've bought thus far for christmas so that i can get my money back bc my bank balance is abysmally low after spending money on gifts for everyone and I don't think she deserves them, the shitstorm that would cause would be p bad so I'm probably not gonna do it, but she honestly doesn't deserve shit from me
No. 492592
>>492585Same thing has happened with my brother to the point my entire family ignores him and looks down at him now. He's gotten so obsessed with far right politics and conspiracy theories all he can ever talk about are his political opinions and how the government wants to take our guns away so that they can systematically round everyone up and kill us all, even though he doesn't have a gun to begin with. No matter how much everyone tells him we don't care and don't want literally 50-100 texts a day from him about it, he won't stop and acts like a
victim about it. That type of political content just rots people's brains.
Hope you can move out and get away from your mother's bullshit some day soon.
No. 492603
>>492588you can 100% buy outerwear from those places, you just need to be smart. there are 3 easy tips to save you from failure.
>look for items with reviewsreviews, especially ones with pictures are a sure way to not get fucked
>look at the sellers other itemsif a seller is selling 1 listing for a jacket and 50 listings of car parts, you probably should look elsewhere
>if it seems too good to be true, it isexpect a little less, and read the description. cheap leather will always be fake, but sometimes it will say in the product name that it's real. same with down, which is usually just substitute.
i've gotten many nice coats for less than 30 that have been amazing in these cold quebec winters.
No. 492607
>>492463add me to the list. I'm the least photogenic person, even when I was slim I always looked like a massive angry fat tomato in every photo.
even professional photographers have been stumped, they look from the camera screen to me going "but how is it so different?"
and now I'm a lot fatter, so I just avoid cameras at all costs.
No. 492639
>>491478sorry but this is hysterical and I'm wheezing. Is your shitty nocturnal baker thief flatmate a cartoon character with sticky hands made of dough? Is she a raccoon?
And I agree with the other anon, you should confront her
No. 492646
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>watching popular counselor on YT
>talking about narcissistic mothers, how they effect their daughters
>concise points
>he struggles to close on a positive note
>poses awkward questions and attempts to explain his answer that would land upbeat
>"So should daughters of narcissistic mothers cut them off?"
>"You only get one mom."
No one told me I only get one dad. My stepdad adopted me when my biological dad abandoned me in a country road after an argument. I've had strangers who've owed me nothing act more empathetic and parentlike to me. What would it take for people to believe my mom is a toxic manipulative shit who has caused me countless traumas for the sake of her image, and that there's no outcome I would value in having her in my life? Would she have had to been hitting me all the time for people like him to believe that she was angry, spiteful, domineering, insecure, selfish, and otherwise just the right mix of unmotherly–to see that she should have never been a parent? Or would these people just pretend like she must have had a good reason to been hitting me? Bad parents get too many passes. I resent that.
No. 492678
>>492671If you don't feel chemistry and attraction then why try and force something that's not there?
What you're describing is a friendship, or y'know.. a doomed relationship
No. 492692
>>492678I still have some hope that through intimacy and trust and commitment more attraction could develop with time. And that it's something that can grow. And that maybe fear and familiar comfort in the single life is holding us back.
But maybe you're right. Thank you for the input.
No. 492697
>>492692I had two relationships where I hoped the attraction would build with time. It didn't. I want those seven years of my life back
Now when people ask about my break ups I have to make vague shit up cos I hate admitting that a lack of sex very slowly killed both relationships, and yeah I somehow didn't learn my lesson the first time
No. 492708
>>492671Do you feel pressured by him to be more sexual or attracted to him?
I think you can grow fond of someone from the stranger->friend process and attraction can grow there, but I don't believe sexual attraction can grow anymore once you already know the person. It will stay at whatever level it is now or drop.
Unfortunately biological attraction has little to do with the personality, all about genes and immune systems like you said. This is why so many people are good on paper but not as partners.
No. 492730
>>492724Thanks, anon.
I understand it might be a coping thing too, it’s just that he’s already made so many selfish decisions regarding literally anyone (myself included) that this time I couldn’t think of it in another light. I feel so bad for his mom staying there alone.
No. 492736
>>492523It may be because I was encouraging him. It's tricky to explain, but his parents have more art from the actual artist of the meme painting, and we thought it would be funny to actually have one of them at our apartment, but his mum is a painter so he suggested that she could paint the original, which was completely different to the original idea and didn't have the same effect/feeling(?). But he seemed excited about it so I told him it could be nice
>>49253819, he has always been spot on with gift ideas for me, he's very smart and considerate. This is just very surprising to me.
>>492543I have definitely hinted at many different gift ideas, and have a lot of hobbies and interests that he knows if appreciate gifts for/from, and have stated "if you'd like to get me something for Christmas you can get me ____" either in a joking way, or a genuinely helpful way. I'm sure it's not the only gift or anything, but him telling me it's "my gift" makes me feel pretty dissapointed. I wouldn't break up over a gift, especially since I know he goes out of his way in other gift-giving holidays, so I know he's not just terrible at it.
>>492549He would have gotten it for free. He does know me very well, and has been very good with gifts in the past, ones that are very specific. I guess he's given me high personalized gift expectations
No. 492738
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I've gotten so fucking heavy, my body looks almost exactly like Shay's. I feel so gross with my gunt and rolls, but I feel like I can't stop depression eating fast food.
No. 492741
>>492738fwiw shay's body wouldn't be talked about nearly as much if she wasn't such a disgusting train wreck and rather some normie nobody we all collectively happened to pass by on the street. and if you do feel that uncomfortable with your body, it isn't such a gigantic weight where it is near impossible to go bounce back without like loose skin and 3 years of your life gone.
i do tend to fall into the trap of "too tired/sad to bother, will just get MacDonald's or frozen pizza" occasionally but if I force yourself to cook something, it can feel almost invigorating? obvi depends on the person and scheduling and all but maybe try out some new recipe to hype yourself up a bit? good time of the year for a nice nourishing soup! or at least get some baby carrots to snack on on the side or the like. anons in the weight loss thread prolly have more weight loss-targeted advice but i personally have noticed that shitty food makes me feel shitty and sluggish in general and it forwards the spiral of inactivity and upset. she's literally not that overweight, just completely unfit so either healthier food choices or increased physical activity will prolly sort you out!
No. 492747
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K I’m gunna catch a B& soon but you’re really cute and I hope you know it
No. 492756
>>492738christ on a bike. that's not fat. jesus. I'd do anything to look like that as opposed to the blob I am now.
just my luck to have my ED be compulsive overeating. I wish I could go back to never eating, but I'm so fucking depressed and it makes me eat more and the cycle continues.
No. 492766
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I’m suddenly getting anxiety about writing back to my matches on dating apps. I’ve had too many bad experiences talking to men online so I guess that’s why I’m feeling this way. I didn’t even get any bad messages from my matches but I’m paranoid that I will say something wrong or make a joke that they don’t get or find offensive and be judged harshly in response. I dread opening my apps now and checking on their responses. Now I suddenly don’t even want to date anymore.
I think I need to deal with my fear of getting hurt and my lack of trust toward men before doing stuff like this. I went through a lot of abuse in the past that probably adds to this too.
No. 492778
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>>492770>Males don't care about you half as much as you do's so fucking true.
No. 492815
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Having an orbiter is nice at first but a while later it quickly turns scary and uncomfortable. Please do not let them in, i got rid of all of my orbiters and i was stupid enough to keep this one, I kept him because I thought he was the least autistic.ow I'm finding love again and life is great but out of the blue he texts me and spoils my whole mood, I want to go back to that fuzzy feeling I had earlier before he messaged me with his weird request but now I'm just anxious.
No. 492831
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people who say shit like this honestly ought to be considered legally retarded especially in the context of them talking about themselves on mother fucking /snow/ of all places. the absolute STATE of the type of pea brain who unironically roasts themselves this way on an anonymous imageboard because they need negative attention that badly. yikes. i can’t look away.
No. 492878
>>492815What was his request, anon?
I never would've called my 'friends' orbiters before, but hearing you describe it that way puts a lot of stuff into perspective. It was tough cutting off the last one for the same reason, he'd text me all the time and even after me telling him multiple times that I didn't want any gifts or to borrow his comics he'd still unload things on me every time he caught me at an event. (I generally refuse gifts from guys I don't want to be close with because regardless of what they say, they always expect something in return, and I just don't want to 'deepen' any relationships by giving them gifts back.) Finally I told him some shit about my mental health being bad and not having the energy to maintain our friendship, and that mostly shut him up because he's so "woke." It wasn't necessarily a lie but like, I wish he'd just respected my wishes in the first place. I know how tough it is when one person is much more invested in a friendship than the other bc I've been there too, but at some point you have to take responsibility for your own feelings and stop chasing after people who aren't giving you the same level of attention you're giving them.
No. 492894
>>492831you seem more retarded being so bothered by something so mundane. simply stating their jaw is square is not a self roast, it's you that decided it's a roast because you apparantly hate square jaws so much lol. that anon was simply making point of how ridiculous the nitpicking is in the pnp thread
people who get so pissed about something on a thread on lolcow that they have to bring it into other threads, like the vent thread, take this site way too seriously. you should take better care of your blood pressure
No. 492903
>>492897Are you going to see Promare? If that’s the case, I doubt they’ll say anything since you’re probably all passive aggressive twitter weebs anyway.
It’s a movie, not a tight knit hang out. Just get in and out, why would you want to hang around?
No. 492921
>>492593this probably goes into the relationship advice thread but whatever
i got cheated on by the love of my life and i couldn't be more broken. he was the only person that i ever trusted (since even my family was physically and mentally
abusive to me all my life) and i truly feel alone now. i have nothing that keeps me going anymore. thinking of killing my self everyday. I am a dumb dropout (HS not college) that has dyslexia, discalculia and crippling anxiety on top of it now. I gave my virginity to him and now this. i found the most perfect man but he was only perfect in my head. i hate men and i hate this life.
No. 492936
>>492934Please speak with your professor. Most of them aren't robots and
do want you to succeed! What more do you have to lose by speaking to them about trying to save the credit? I believe in you anon.
No. 492939
>>492878Orbiter is redpill lingo.
>>492815You sound like a man.
No. 492944
>>492936she's really hard to talk to, and is my favorite professor too. i'm gutted by the fact i've (preemptively) disappointed her. i don't have the courage to face her right now tbh.
>>492938i'm US but my school is an extremely hardass industry-focused arts school. some majors will give you extensions, but my major is notorious for no tolerance, no excuses, etc. and i regret picking it more than anything. no idea if getting this degree is worth it anymore tbh. good luck to u 2
No. 492954
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Ever since school started again it's a nightmare to go home with the bus and I have no other option. Why the FUCK are these highschool kids trying to shove people inside, the bus won't leave without you and if you're too far back though shit, you're not getting a seat. Today I was able to literally lean my whole bodyweight at whatever morons were pushing from the back. Jesus christ why is it so hard to act fucking civil for some of these retards
No. 492996
>>492954I know this feeling Anon. I once forgot my bag on the bus because of how fucking obnoxious some of the high school boys were being. Got off a stop earlier and my whole trip was fucked since no wallet, no phone. Just couldn't handle it. Got it back fortunately, I think one of the quiet girls on the bus noticed and gave it to the bus driver. Bless her.
Now I live in a town where people aren't obnoxious on the bus, more like a freak show every morning. Lots of obese, unkempt people. Not trying to be rude, but like a bunch of CWCs honestly. Better than the former though.
No. 493133
>>493059maybe not helpful but I also get these thoughts and personally find them peaceful. like I can't ever fuck up THAT much, even if I do "this thing I'm afraid of doing bc omg cringe" it doesn't matter if it does go tits up because overall it changes nothing and so on. it's weirdly empowering, like I might as well just do whatever I want since there are no consequences sorta thing.
yeah, I will never be a hot 22 year old but does it matter?? all the hot 22 year olds will eventually become old and ugly and die and in 40 years no one will remember them just like they won't remember me.
No. 493148
>>493141NTA but a butch/tomboy woman is way more likely to read lesbian to me. I assume most normies are the same since TIFs are just not that relevant or mainstream off the internet.
Though if I see a tumblrina looking teen girl with short coloured hair, anime merch, etc I'll often assume she's a fakeboi or genderspecial.
No. 493181
>>493141i feel you. i present as gnc/masculine in terms of hobbies/habits/fashion, and so many people online think i'm a tranny whenever i post selfies on twitter or something.
irl, however, people just see me as a lesbian because they don't give a shit about troons, which i'm glad about. like, come on. just because i've got short hair and i'm wearing men's clothing doesn't give you the right to assume i'm a troon, especially when all these genderspecials are going off about "maybe…that feminine person u see irl is actually a closeted transguy so dont call them a she!!!" lmao.
the main problem is how you're perceived online, really.
No. 493182
>>493150I got stared at by a family when I was out at dinner with a friend lately, I'm very much aware that I have an unusually deep voice and the restaurant was loud so I was talking to my friend a little louder than usual
It was the kind of staring where you know they actually want you to notice. Hopefully they felt stupid when I stood up at the end and I'm barely over five feet. No Tran here folks. I hate that I'm now stuck wondering if people are questioning what I am
No. 493209
>>493201One time a company addressed my sex toy order to 'Name Surname Orgasmic rabbit vibrator' no idea how they ended up printing that but fun times! I kind of wanted a refund to make up for the embarrassment but didn't get one. Another time I had a butt plug delivered to my local post office with heavily damaged packaging
The place I currently order from now says LH trading on all the parcels so if the courier man who delivers them every couple months ever gets curious it's very easy to find out who LH trading are. You kinda have to weigh up the benefits of getting the toy with the risk of embarrassment
No. 493210
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I remembered that I followed the wholesome memes page on fb a while ago and that the creator used to try and make money from her audience for just posting stolen and non credited memes.
They didn’t even attempt to make their own shirts or merch. Just shitty ads and wanting to start a Patreon.
They tried to profit off their page of 1 mill with zero original content, today I ended up finding out that they became a sell out and the stupid Troon sold out their page for a quick buck.
What a waste of potential in a page
No. 493237
>>493090I had a slight crisis over this during college and we were doing translations for a class project in my language class. There were so many nuances and double entendres that are near impossible to encapsulate perfectly and you will always,
always have to sacrifice something when translating into another language and it sucks.
I want to read some of my favorite books in their original language! Think of all the undertones and wordplays that were missed out on! Unfortunately I'm really bad at picking up new languages so I'm stuck reading the translations and hoping other people write about the fun shit I missed out on.
No. 493248
>>493243I wonder if some people who identify as asexual are experiencing something similar. Sex and porn being so heavily joked about that you can become repulsed by it
I had an ex with a filthy sense of humor and the thought of sex with him became repulsive. He liked anal and I didn't so the fact that most of his jokes were about things in peoples asses pissed me off
No. 493261
>>493248asexuals don't really exist sweety.
it's called being normal. society these days is heavily sexualized, too much imo.
No. 493282
>>493281There's one anon that gets stupidly
triggered by it and I think it's the condescending 'I like to call people sweety' one cos nobody here even said asexuality is
valid and she still chose to misread the post just for an excuse to sperg
No. 493297
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posting on this website be like
No. 493301
>>493295NTA but I've never quite liked penises and I had two long term male partners, I don't think it's healthy to force it. Even with all the effort I put in to keep up an active sex life it wasn't enough and the average guy will still bitch at you for going a week or two without sex every now and then
Either find someone incredibly understanding or stay single til you've worked through the underlying issue
No. 493305
>>493268never said you did not-sweety! so stop "sperging" about me. The main point of my post was to criticize society's sexualization.
>>493281I don't know how I hate them? I think they don't exist and need to stop being a snowflake but that's about itz
No. 493324
>>493309I don't know how I even hate them*
I never brought them up before, sorry for hurting you I guess. I still don't think there's any asexuals though and it wasn't the main point I was making (people don't listen).
No. 493335
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last night i found out that my shitty ex bf died a few months ago and i'm really torn between feeling so much relief, knowing that i don't have to worry about him stalking me & my family or trying to doxx me & shit, but also feeling kind of fucked up about it. knowing the person who pretty much destroyed you, tried to ruin your life for over a year after you cut them off, and changed you as a person completely is just..gone. i don't really know how i'm supposed to feel.
No. 493362
>>493351Thank you for your kindness, anon.
I just hope someone with a good heart and good intentions comes along eventually and treats me and my family with love and respect without holding my past against me, it often seems difficult to find a genuinely good person, but that's why I need to heal first.
No. 493364
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>>493335hi anon i’m glad you are safe now but i understand it’s probably conflicting going through that. sending hugs
i just got scammed by a psychic for a good deal of money. the goofy thing is i can afford it but i’m more upset about having trusted someone and shared personal things. i’m trying to reach out to friends and family more so i don’t feel so driven to reach out to strangers because i was seriously lonely and depressed and she hella took advantage of me. she also was technically picking up things accurately but i need to realize that intuitive gifts does not preclude unethical behavior :(
No. 493366
>>493335I'll toast to that for you anon. Mazel tov!
>>493360Addiction is neither rare or incurable Luna.
No. 493371
>>493360Everyone knows addicts are people. What's uncertain is what an addict is capable of or what they'll do in order to get their fix.
Addicts hurt people. Only a fellow addict or someone naive would completely drop their guard around them. I can empathize, but at the end of the day their brain chemistry is fundamentally different. I treat addicts how I'd treat bologna-snorting special ed kids licking their fingers for that last bit of Dorito dust.
No. 493379
>>493372No one said you were brain dead, your brain has been altered by your addictive drug of choice. I don't know what you were addicted to, but assuming it was something hard along the lines of opioids or meth, it absolutely changed your brain and how it works. You can Google those terms if you don't believe it, but it's part of the reason why some addicts cannot stop despite being aware of all the horrible things addiction carries.
Sounds to me like you're taking a sensitivity to the things being said about addict lolcows, but imo you should stop identifying so much with them as you're recovering.
The majority of people on this website aren't conservatives shaking our fists at the devil's lettuce. We come from firsthand experiences with addiction, and being family or friends with people who are hooked on damaging substances.
No. 493384
>>493372 nta but then fucking leave and go recover somewhere else where you're not
triggered by the shit anons post
No. 493435
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I'm about ready to kill my roomate. He's never paid me any rent in the time we lived here(4 months). We moved to the city together, I was the one with the money who put the deposit/first month down and signed the lease, and we agreed that he would find a job as soon as he could(I got a transfer). But of course he had to be all picky like "I would never work for minimum wage, I'm worth more than that" (this whole time I supported his ass with my min wage job lmaoooo) and "I don't want to work in cleaning or fast food, those are shitty jobs" (those are literally all he's qualified to do other than retail). Basically claiming that he was working soooo hard to find a job while sitting on his ass all day, making a mess of my apartment and eating my fucking food. He thinks he can use everything that I own, even though I told him multiple times to not touch my stuff. Lots of my kitchenware and other things I keep in common areas have gone missing, I have no clue what he did with them. All weird little things like my tupperware lids or spoons or some shit, they're just gone. If he doesn't steal my stuff he breaks it, I had to take my tea towels and floor mat out of the kitchen because he got some sort of sauce all over them, and he just throws the tea towel wherever instead of hanging it over the stove handle so it smells like shit and has a bunch of food residue on it. He doesn't listen to a thing I ask of him, even though all my requests are reasonable, like don't turn the thermostat up to 30 because it's too fucking hot, or don't leave lights on, turn off the stove when your done so you don't start a fire, don't smoke weed inside go out on the balcony so we don't get a complaint from other tennants, things like that. He always says "oh yeah absolutely, totally I will do that" really enthusiastically and then doesn't do it, and now that I think about it he's probably just mocking me and my autistic ass just didn't realize. He's not bad about cleaning up, although he doesn't do it in the places that actually matter; he never wipes the countertop after making his nasty stoner food so when I go to use the kitchen I have to clean it first(another thing I asked him to do), but he does my dishes all the time, which I HATE because that's how my stuff keeps going missing, he washes and puts it away and some things are just…gone and the clean dishes still have food on them half the time, but I can tell he thinks doing the dishes makes him such a good roomate, like when I asked him not to do my dishes for the aforementioned reasons he agreed not to, then since I didn't wash them myself immediately he did them anyway and when I confronted him about he just smiled at me in this really self congratulatory way like he was doing such a nice thing for me or some shit. Who the fuck declines the opportunity to NOT do someone elses dishes?
So I finally asked him a few weeks ago to leave, it's a good time because he just got a full time job but hasn't started yet, he'll be earning more money than me so he has no excuse not to leave. and he wasn't argumentative about it like I expected, but I asked him to leave before and christmas, he could rent a room off someone now that he has money and of course he's all
>oh no I can't do that anon, I need at least a few months to get enough money for a nice apartment
>thank you so much for everything you did for anon!!
mother FUCKER its not my fucking responsibility to support you because your spoiled ass can't live by someone elses rules. It pisses me off so much that he has the nerve to thank me when I didn't do any of this for his sake, I didn't bring him here with me for his benefit, we had a fucking agreement and he took advantage of me. But of course I'm a fucking doormat and agreed to let him stay longer because it's winter and I didn't want to throw him out but like fuck this man…I'm so tired of being a pushover to this dickhead. I went to see my parents last weekend and my mom is pissed about it and gave me the motivation to tell him to get out at the end of this month. I chickened out the last couple of days but now I think I'm ready to tell him off. He's got to leave by the end of the month or I'm changing the locks on him and throwing his stuff outside.
On top of it all, his parents are fucking loaded so whether he's lying to them about his employment situation or they are really okay with him living off someone who makes minimum wage I don't know, but if he complains to me about not having money for an apartment I will point him back in their direction because I'm sick of basically being his mommy.
No. 493453
>>493452just cancel, apologize for your wife's overzealousness, and explain to her you don't accept commissions in that medium. maybe ask the commissioner if they could accept something in your chosen medium instead w/ a small discount.
just tell your wife you don't do commissions in that medium, or not to outright accept commissions on your behalf.
No. 493462
>>493453Yeah youre right and thats p much what i did. I just freaked out because this has never happened before and had the idea that id have to force myself to produce quality content that im just not well practiced in at all
ngl im still upset even though it feels like its all over. we talked about it, but she still doesnt understand why i didnt want the commission in the first place. i really appreciate having someone that likes the stuff i do in my spare time but i still feel almost betrayed? like if i drew shit stick figures in the margins of my architecture notes and someone started advertising me for wedding portrait commissions
idk i just had a bad day and this was the cherry on top
No. 493484
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I have never been more frustrated by men. This regular who I was attracted to at my job ended up giving me his number and we started talking all the time. I hadn't had good conversation with a guy in so long and thought maybe things were going well for once but then he randomly blocked me on snapchat and didn't reply to my text asking what was up like a week and a half ago. I left it at that since unfortunately that's normal nowadays but then today he came in and did what my coworkers agreed was an excessive amount of small talk. I get if he didn't want to make it weird whenever he came in but it wasn't just a quick and simple, "how you been?" He hovered for awhile. He asked about my recent trip (which he blocked me two days into), mentioned he didn't see me last time he was in when he knew I usually worked so he asked if I was sick and okay, if I've been busy, if I liked his new hair, and then ended with "talk to you later." and maybe I'm being dramatic even venting about this but I feel like, ok if you weren't into me fine, but then suddenly you hang around me to have all this small talk and act like you didn't just, ghost me, basically?
Then this other guy I had talked to for awhile asked about hanging out and I told him my usual free days. Suddenly stopped replying too. I sent a snap and a text two days later but didn't pester past that. He hasn't replied in a week now but continues to like my pictures on instagram. I just feel so tired of how the start of a relationship seems impossible nowadays, at least with my bad luck or whatever is going on. I can completely understand being busy or losing interest but with these situations it feels like too much and it makes me not want to pursue anything.
No. 493496
>>493484The first guy sounds psycho. Block you out of nowhere and then trying to be friends in person? wtf is wrong with people these days?
It might fall under "breadcrumbing" where they are trying to be available-but-distant in order to seem desirable, or maybe they are just insane. Hard to tell.
No. 493507
My stepdad decided to invite his mistress (who's my age..) over. From Wednesday until Saturday. We split the rent on a 2 bedroom apartment since my mom divorced him for cheating, and I needed a roommate. We get along fine (although his recent womanizing has greatly disenfranchised me) and most people think we have a camaraderie (my mom is mentally disordered and antagonistic so I've never gotten along with her and my bio dad has been out of the picture since giving up rights when I was a preteen). Maybe I just view this parental relationship as the last I got. Despite that, stepdad still wanted me gone during this girl's duration of stay. He wanted me to ask my friends to put me up but tbh every friend I knew lived an hour+ commute from my job so I pretended not to be able to get anybody. He insisted on a hotel, and when I told him I didn't have the money he graciously volunteered my cover. By which he set me up in a rinky dink hotel which is not only scuzzy, but has a rainbow of male characters outside to boot. Additionally, my stepdad required that I buy him weed. I remember when I was in college and he'd yell at me over weed, but now there he was begging me to find him a plug and procure a half for him and the girl. I've spent 3 hours hunting down weed, but I got it, and will drop it off for him tomorrow. He gave me money, but I still feel like this is wrong. What kind of parent asks their offspring to go buy them drugs? Jfc. Then of course stepdad coaches me on the lies he told this girl, so "just in case" I meet her, I'll know which lies to tell. I'm not to tell her that he was married. I'm to say that I'm his adopted daughter but my mom lives in Florida and I'm up here because of my bad relationship with her. Midlife crisis? Who knows. Why couldn't they get the hotel room and not me? Who knows. All my parents are spiritually dead in my mind, as far as I'm concerned. I'm so embarrassed, and so afraid that if I ever get close to people that they'll judge me for my weird family situation and how most of them are bad people. I don't want to be a bad people. THERE IS A HIGH FREQUENCY TINNITUS BUZZING COMING FROM THE HOTEL ELECTRONICS IM GONNA SCREAM.
No. 493511
>>493507Wtf, fuck your dad (oh wait)! This
triggers my man-hate so hard. Can you in the near future find new roommate?
No. 493523
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Dear Tenderloin Housing Clinic of San Francisco,
Enjoy your memes!
No. 493590
>>493202>>493205>>493208>>493209Guys, I ended up getting it last night. And yes, the exact thing I thought would happen happened, some fucking pimply kid smirking at me. I used to do seasonal work at the post office and yes, everyone knew those fake company names that are actually sex shops. We were bored kids, of course when we saw some strange name we looked it up for laughs just in case it was something ~scandalous~ (it was a small post office so we did have the time and automats didn't exist here yet). I know, very immature. I guess I technically deserved it, the tables have turned kek.
Anyway actually I realized it's got more to do with my social anxiety than the fact it was a parcel from a sex shop. I'm so used to those automats now.
And because you all need to know I love this vibrator way more than the old one, I actually got an orgasm in like 2 min which never really happens with me!!!!!!! it's a christmas miracle merry christmas farmers No. 493607
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I have an exam tommorrow and I'm trying to study, but the apartment above me are renovating and have been drilling on and off for hours.
Sometimes they'd start as eary as 7am till 4pm, but today they decided to start at noon and are still going on
How tf am i supposed to concentrate
No. 493615
>>493607have you tried listening to white noise? it usually helps me concentrate even when theres noise distraction.
also, good luck on your exam!!
No. 493624
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I have my first psychiatrist appointment today and I just feel so stupid and scared.
No. 493665
>>493435>On top of it all, his parents are fucking loadedchange the door lock and put his stuff outside your front door
it's time to burn bridges
No. 493666
>>493607>>493615i recommend brown, pink or grey noise as they are "softer" than plain white noise
i often listen to brown noise when i need to sleep faster
No. 493682
>>493602Just know that a plane crash (or even a non-fatal engine failure or something of the sort) is extremely unlikely to happen on any given flight, a terrorist hijacking or a suicidal pilot situation even more so. Especially when you don't fly to or from some third world country where no one gives a shit about safety regulations (and still most of their flights don't crash either).
Damn talking about planes really making me excited because this time next week it'll be the holidays and I'll be on a plane
to see my bf who currently works in another country yeet and I just love flying and the atmosphere at airports etc. maybe I'm a weirdo. Hope I get the window seat! Didn't specifically book it but I seem to always get it somehow.
No. 493694
>>493640Thank you anon!
It really wasn't that bad but the lady got some datails wrong on the "report" thing and wants me to get an eeg and I can't help but feel like she's wrong.
No. 493695
>>493615>>493666I usually listen to cozy library sounds, but they are right above me so they're way too loud.
Thankfully, they clocked out now
And thank you!!
No. 493700
>>493697Damn. This is real shit, anon.
Sending you love from a fellow lonely bitch.
No. 493718
>>493682nta but I also love flying too! I do think stuff like "hm, what if the engine just blows up right now?" or other terrible shit during take off, but it doesn't bother me too much. Maybe because I've been flying since I was very young?
People shit on airplane food but I've never had bad airplane food honestly lol. I look forward to watching movies that I missed out on (because I don't go to the theaters that much), and with tablets and shit being so common now, I'll download a bunch of shit I want to watch in case they don't have anything I like. Hope you have fun with your boyfriend and get that window seat!!!
No. 493720
>>493708I've been there too anon and it really sucks. It feels like losing your true self and is a horrible cycle. Shame, regret, and black and white thinking only increase binging! Try to remind yourself those thoughts are unfair and harmful to you. Try to counter them with self-care and self-nourishment. Be gentle and forgiving with yourself and focus on things that can bring you more peace, happiness, and comfort (spending time outdoors, gentle exercise that you enjoy, hobbies, nutritious meals). Binging also causes a lot of completely temporary bloating from all the water weight and extra food inside your digestive system so you definitely have several pounds that are not even fat and will disappear very easily when your habits become more moderate again. Also remember people much, much heavier than you go out and exist in the world and enjoy life–you should not have to isolate yourself because of some temporary weight gain which honestly no one else cares about because they are thinking about their own lives, not random people's sizes. Your ED is not the answer since it would only further sap you of energy and joy, but rather self-forgiveness, healing, and working towards becoming a happier and more comfortable version of yourself are what will return you to your natural size and mental health.
No. 493735
>>493588Not that anon but you guys realize dicks -are- gross, right? Realizing that doesn't make you secretly lesbian. It's a known fact that women are cleaner and care generally more about basic hygiene than men.
I once walked in on my ex taking a shit and he was wiping his dick tip off with toilet paper because apparently men shit on their dicks sometimes due to sitting down.
This is a common thing.
Dicks also build up a ton of sweat and their balls are constantly next to their assholes when they are sitting. Add all this to the fact most men can't be bothered to actually shower or practice basic hygiene…
Dicks and men are gross, probably more so to non-lesbians because we get to see in action how they (dont) take care of them.
No. 493737
>>493688>>493698Man, this hits home. I spent so long waiting for my older sister to "grow up" and finally be the person I always wanted her to be but I've had to accept that she's never going to change and that she'll never magically wake up one day and stop being a bitter, narcissistic, hateful person. I remember the day it truly sank in that she's never, not once, genuinely cared about me as a person and it fucking stings.
I wish I could say that after all these years I've completely come to terms with it and made my peace but honestly, I still cry sometimes thinking about all the awful shit she's done to me (and our family) and I get so intensely bitter and jealous seeing sisters who have a cute and healthy, loving relationship with each other. Shit sucks.
No. 493755
>>493742This Midwest is the worst place for weather anon KEK I'm stuck in the Midwest since birth and I can't wait to get out. Majority of the reason is because the winters are not worth it. Hope you find a new place soon, you definitely learned a lesson lol.
Hate driving to work in these winters. Last year it took me 2 and a half hours to get to work when it would normally take me 45 minutes. And I couldn't turn back because I was so close to work and the roads behind me were dreadful and icy. It was brutal.
No. 493774
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I don’t know what to do girls. I’m in a LDR with a guy who’s very very self conscious. He never voice chat, never send pictures of him (I saw his face like once), never try to be more “real” with me other than texting. We only play games together. I love him very much but god, I can’t stand it.. When I bring this to the table, he gets upset and think I don’t understand. I fuckin get it but you promised me you’d make some goddamn efforts and still nothing. We took a break a moment ago and I almost ended it for good because of these specific reasons. I’m not like him: I’m extraverted, socially outgoing and love to be on call and feel close to my bf by sending a bunch of stuff, including selfies. On top of that I’m soooo sexually frustrated since meeting him is a BIG NO NO atm because he’s not ready for it even after months of dating. If I dare ask about that, he becomes real mad since he starts panicking and overthinking.
He made it clear he was deeply inlove with me and that I was his sole reason for living. I feel the same but I’m very very frustrated by his behavior.
I envy those who are patient and can wait indefinitely for these things, it’s not me. I feel like I’m losing my mind. I made a promise to not leave him again and to stay by his side forever because I love him so much but it’s so fuckin hard to be left with texting only in a LDR….
I know I’m gonna sound like a heartless bitch but I’ve been fantasizing of having sex with a man. I don’t want to nor will cheat on him ‘cause I have sincere feelings but my libido is killing me and masturbating can only go so far. God I sound like a pornsick virgin but it’s the truth. Last time I had sex was with my ex in july.
No. 493777
>>493774So you've only been dating since July, he's 'deeply in love' with you but all you do is text and play games together and he gets upset at the idea of meeting you? I'm with
>>493776 here.
As someone in an LDR myself with someone I met online, you shouldn't put any emotional investment in unless you can video chat. I'd even hazard to say don't get attached until you can meet at least once, and certainly don't make promises of forever until you visit enough to get an idea of what forever with them means.
LDRs are fucking rough. Don't bother with them unless the person is absolutely 3000% worth it to you. He should be chomping at the bit to see you, to be able to touch you and spend time with you. Bail.
The only reason I'd give for staying is that you need an emotional buffer of a nice fluffy low effort fantasy after a break up, but sounds like you're getting nothing but negativity out of it.
No. 493778
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>>493774>never voice chat>never send pictures of himthat totally sounds like an actual catfish anon, run!!!
No. 493781
>>493778This, even the lowest confidence virgin body dysmorphic dudes I've talked to online are still happy to send videos, photos, and dikk pics or videos whether you want them or not, heh
The circle of "is a real but shy guy" and "catfish" are not even overlapping here. Also maybe he's married, homeless or some other significant status that would become evident with more recorded information
No. 493798
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>>493775I did, that's when I decided to take a break. I came back because he told me he would change and make efforts but here I am months later.. He keeps saying I shouldn't be that upset.
>>493776 >>493778
My bad, I had to clarify: I did see what he looks like on three different selfies a long time ago but they were cropped to only show half of his face and to this day, he never sent me one again.
>>493777You're absolutely right.. That's what I thought but he sorta guilt tripped me into staying and forcing me to understand what he's going through, that I couldn't be mad because I was "supposed to love him unconditionally" and not hurt him. I do get some positivity but it's overshadowed by all of this shit.
I'm a needy person who craves personal touch so it already took a toll on me to not receive any. Not to mention I'm a very anxious person suffering from depression so none of this situation help at all.
>>493781 >>493784
Yes, this is what I've been thinking all along and it tremendously reassures me that I'm not some kind of capricious child to request things like that.
No. 493839
>>493816Even if he is who he says he is, he's wasting your time. Getting mad at you for wanting a relationship that has any sort of stakes at all is fucking dumb. Don't let him manipulate you or make you feel like you're the asshole for being a reasonable person and valuing your feelings.
I'm still on team catfish but even IF by SOME MIRACLE he's just this super shy low self esteem guy it's not your job to be his therapist and emotional punching bag and you cannot be expected to set aside things that are important to you when he's giving jack shit back.
No. 493850
>>493835I'm jealous of your bf but anyway, if you're both paying rent then you guys should talk about having a certain number of days per week which the flat is yours, either so you can have some downtime or a quiet couples night. If he wants to see his friends on a night you've agreed is yours he can always just go to theirs or a bar. It might help to joke to his friends that you want time to sit in your underwear and watch TV after a long day of work to show that it's nothing personal.
However you also need to look for some friends anon, only having your bf is unhealthy. You don't need to be a huge extrovert but even joining a book club would be a start.
No. 493878
>>493864"Those abused girls in Rotherham and elsewhere just need to shut their mouths. For the good of diversity" - Naz Shah, Labour MP for Bradford West
"as far as these young girls who are being exploited in towns and cities, we believe they have made an informed choice about their sexual behaviour and therefore it is not for you police officers to get involved in." - circular email sent to the police by the Home Office under Gordon Brown
Not really surprising that Labour lost seats in Northern England.
No. 493879
>>493878>>493870I think that a great many people on the left that purport to be feminist/environmentalist in general, routinely make a very critical error in their assumptions about why people aren't as leftwing as they are. In right wing/anti-enviromentalist circles, a large quantity of the contempt that is present for environmentalism/socialism is not due to the abstract concepts of environmentalism/socialism themselves, it's due to who the concept is associated with. Many of the people who are critical of the legitimate concept of anthropogenic climate change are critical of it because they find its strongest proponents to be insufferable. I think that a lot of this contempt, which often spills over into very bad policies, is due not to any deep-seated view of the environment, but simply due to their contempt with us and our "coalition" more broadly. Just as we generally have a disdain for the right and their coalition and what they say, they obviously harbor the same for us. By simply associating environmentalism with the left, especially by pointing the finger of blame for the environment and white men, we are needlessly alienating people that are potentially non-hostile to concepts of environmentalism and the threat of man-made global warming. This is not to say, of course, that they would agree with us and our particular viewpoints on the various details of our views of the planet's health and welfare, but they could be made to change.
No. 493882
>>493880You like being free, right? You like it that there's no
abusive boyfriend in your life that controls everything from what you can and can't eat to who can and can't be friends with? Well Brexiters see the EU as that boyfriend. Even if they don't feel Brussels is being
abusive in this exact point in time, what they still to want to make sure is that they're never advantage of it in the future. The advice that's always given to anons, that they should always love themselves, and strive towards independence before making a commitment roughly equal partner that they absolutely trust; if it's true for an individual then it's true for country as well.
No. 493889
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fuck it, i will die alone
the past few days i tried to push myself to go to events that interested me, but i'm too shy to really approach anyone and i just ended up making awkward small talk
everyone would just be better off if i stay at home
i just wanna make friends (and find a gf)
actually i want a gf real bad, i have friends (kinda) but i cant seem to make any romantic connections
im just so lonely
No. 493897
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>>493864Marxists BLOWN THE FUCK OUT! The Conservatives are libshit trash who are even hated by most of their voters. It just goes to show how little people think of Labour. Jeremy Corbyn for PM NEVER EVER.
>>493883Its pointless trying to explain that to them. If they were reasonable people they would already understand that you can't protect the environment while supporting open borders and opposing population control.
No. 493899
>>493883>The biggest advocates for protecting the environment are right wingAre you taking the piss
Also no one in this thread knows what the fuck fascism is
No. 493903
>>493835Establish dominance- Come home, throw your bag and coat on the gaming table, leave your pants on the floor, throw yourself on the couch and turn the TV volume all the way up. When he approaches you and says "What the fuck, anon," say "Yes sweetie I'd love a beer, thanks!"
I'm just kidding, you definitely do need to talk about this but he should have noticed that something was wrong when you started coming home and locking yourself in another room every day. This hits close to home for me because I'm nervous that my own boyfriend will do the exact same thing if we move in together, so it's something we'll have to discuss beforehand. Hope you guys can work it out!
No. 493919
>>493761I don't think you sound bratty anon. Seems pretty shitty to me if they can't put in the same effort to see you (and for your
birthday) that you put in to see them. And the fact that you offered to pay for everyone who can make it? You deserve better friends anon.
I hope you'll have a wonderful birthday, with or without them. Eat some good expensive cake, do shit that you want, and have a good time!
No. 493920
>>493910he was obviously just wiping his dick from having urinated and anon is retarded
unless this is weird american thing #5723094 where the water level in toilets is so high any poop that's floating can drift over to touch a guys dick if he's long enough flacid
No. 493929
>>493755lol, definitely learned my lesson. everyone is nice and there’s tons to do. i’m actually in the twin cities, so not completely unbearable. come to miami with me, anon! my friend lives in a huge house down there and is willing to rent to me for ~$300 a month
>>493771i grew up in a very touristy beach town in florida. i’d much rather deal with sitting in my hot ass car in traffic for 2 hours and be near the beach than freeze my ass off and only have lakes. (i’m a spoiled bitch who doesn’t like to go in water that i can’t see through)
No. 493938
>>493920Depends on the toilet, and the dick. Like if you're an 8" guy using an older, less water efficient toilet then I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility that his dick would touch the stool.
All the more reason big dicks are overrated. I don't want to get e-coli in my vagina because a guy with a poopy dick fucked me. Thank Christ I'm bisexual.
Also this conversation made me laugh aloud in the supermarket.
No. 493971
>>493940Don't freak out too much, it's Christmas so lots of people spontaneously go out after work, maybe his friend was convincing.
Pay attention to whatever is worrying you, maybe even call him to ask him a random question like if he can pick something up on the way home or ask if you can come if that will help you eliminate your doubts, but don't start panicking for no reason
No. 493983
>>493980I’m 23 and I got married this year, not just for healthcare. I’ve been wanting to go to school since I graduated but my lack of health insurance kept preventing it because of what I want to study. I tried getting it through various jobs but of course they’d cut my hours
just enough that I didn’t qualify.
No. 493984
>>493965I feel you anon. I come from a low income family from one of the most expensive states but I was kicked off their medicaid health insurance because I "made too much." I was making $17.50 when I left my job there. I understand in some states that this is more than enough to live on, but it's not in my state considering the insanely high cost of living. I left that job because it was retail and I earn minimum wage at my current job ($15), but I still don't qualify for state assisted health care. I earn just above the threshold for it, but I absolutely cannot afford to even move out without at least 2 roommates (even for a shit neighborhood!). If I was to get my own insurance, the premium for the silver plan after the tax credit would still be about $200 a month, but I'd probably get fucked over with the tax credits since I didn't quit my job until a few months into 2019 and they factor that income in.
I wish you the best of luck anon. I want to have hope for our future but I just don't anymore.
inb4 "just move states!"
No. 493997
>>493965I feel so bad for your situation, particularly the part where you've gotta cover your own vaccines because your mom was retarded. I feel so bad for this upcoming generation with kook anti-vax parents who are going to stunt their adult children from doing things in life all because of their arrogance.
No one wants to marry me so I've been on my own with finding health insurance since my parents retired at 22, lel. There's been some years when I've been uninsured. I'm 28 now, the "best" health insurance I had was when I worked at a call center. There was no option to opt out of their health insurance, I think they deducted just under $100 from my paycheck every month, but the same nonsense with copays and a ridiculous deductible. I actually used it because the call center stressed me out a lot and made me sick. There were actually running jokes by the local physicians about "another one" from my company needing psych medications. I digress.
Anyway I'm in this anon's shoes
>>493984. I have a new job that's not stressful and doesn't make me sick, but the contractor's insurance sucked ass and was too expensive. Before I opted out, I went on the marketplace to see if I could get a cheaper plan. Nope. Even though I have massive debts and high rent that completely nullify my $18/hr, this country treats me like I sit high hog and can afford a $200+ premium for SHIT insurance that doesn't cover anything, requires copays, and has high deductible.
I opted in for dental and vision, but not the fucking health insurance. So I'll be uninsured again. Just a few weeks ago some jackass tinder date got me sick, and when I got an ear infection I had to go to an urgent care for antibiotics. It was $120 for the visit, and another $40 for the antibiotics. It was cheaper to be uninsured than paying with insurance!!!
No. 494010
>>493997Luckily my mom got smarter when she had my younger siblings so they’re vaccinated, she’s admitted to me that she was dumb at the time and wishes she could afford to pay for me to get them now (not that I asked, but I appreciate the thought).
My health insurance is 220/mo and won’t cover anything, it’s literally for emergencies so I’ll only be in some debt worst case scenario instead of a shit ton of debt.. yay. Which further bums me out because I have really bad anxiety and would love to find a medication that could help me, but noooope. Can’t afford it, no matter what. Maybe once I’m done with school, I’ll get a job that pays a living wage AND insurance that will allow me to get what I need. It feels like such an impossible dream though.
No. 494012
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>>494004I wish you the best of luck in the future anon, and I think your dog can come to love you just as much as your parents!
I got my dog when I was very, very young. She's "my dog" but that's mostly the excuse my parents pull when they don't want to bathe her or something. Otherwise she's the family dog. My dad took care of her the most the first few years we had her, then it was mostly my mum, and then it was finally me when I came back from college 2 years ago. Over the course of her 15 year life, I've had the shortest amount of time committed to her.
Despite this, I would say she has the strongest bond to me now anyway. I wake up with her at 6 in the morning, hours before anyone else is awake (she always wakes up this early even though my parents routine is always to wake up at 9am, so I adjusted to her wake up time), feed her, and walk her before I leave for work. I think maybe my parents play with her when they wake up, but their time with her definitely does not outshine me anymore. When I come home, we cuddle like crazy. She's super affectionate as a senior and I've got all the love to give (my parents mostly ignore her). A few years ago, if she had the choice between going to my dad or me, she would definitely pick my dad. She didn't give a shit about me. Now? It's me, all day, everyday. I'm the sole bringer of food, guardian of walkies, and angel of rubbies to her now. My parents don't have shit on me anymore when it comes to who my dog loves the most. She still won't sleep in my bedroom with me though lol.
No. 494019
>>494008Well she still can't walk on a leash so I just play with her in the living room or run after her in our backyard lol
>>494012Yeah I get this but my dad already gets up very early for work so he's the one who greets her and let's her outside and then my mom sits with her during the day because I work in my bedroom.. I don't know what to do because I'm worried if I just take her with me when I move out she will get traumatized and not get used to it. When I'm left alone with her for a few hours (which sadly doesn't and can't happen very often) she already gets stressed sad. I know she sort of loves me because she's always happy to see me and plays with me but she clearly doesn't feel safe or happy when we're alone together. I told my mom I wanted to do the things like let her outside and give her snacks but she's not listening and is taking everything over, I would do more for her but I don't know how, she can't walk on a leash and my mom already gives her everything even when I tell her I want to do it and my mom is almost always home so it's hard to practice being alone together as well. She freaks out when she's in my bedroom and I close the door so I can't sit with her here either
No. 494042
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I'm tired of all the diet/fitness advice being about either losing weight or losing weight + gaining muscle and having rock hard abs/a tight ass.
I mean, if those things happen in the process that's great but I don't care about how my body looks with my clothes off (it's not like anyone's going to see it), I just want to be in the best physical shape I can be in terms of performance and I don't know where to find easy to digest tips on how to begin and what with.
I started doing bouldering with my coworker recently, we'll go snowshoeing soon, and want to start horseback riding lessons, archery and orienteering in the summer when the weather is not shit (I live in the Arctic circle so the weather prevents me from doing outdoor sports for a lot of the year). I want to see how fast I can run, how high I can climb, how straight I can shoot, and I want to know what foods I should eat to give me the best fuel for those activities.
I want to see my body doing cool things, but now I'm a flimsy skinnyfat shrimp with no body definition who gets winded super easily and I don't know what to eat on a daily basis. I would ask my coworker for advice but she follows this weird ass diet and talks about anti-nutrients a lot so I don't want to.
No. 494205
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my dumbass cant flirt for shit and now some cute guy thats actually interested is hitting me up and i cant help but feel disheartened by it ughhhhhh
No. 494246
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My mum is in surgery for a herniated disc so it’s kind of a big deal? I was having upbeat conversation with her up until the moment to ease her nerves. Well now that she’s in there I’m freaking the fuck out anons…
No. 494299
I hate-lurk a lot of internet communities. Twitter's "MAP" scene, the "PEAR" shit and its affiliates are one, and I just have to say, I don't understand pedophiles and their defenders.
If you're a pedo, why not just shut the fuck up about it, and live your life without causing harm or feeding into things? Why are they always trying to play victim, worsening their condition by consuming things like CP (including simulated CP) or literally molesting children when they know it's wrong? If they were really just normal people, they'd completely understand why the world fucking hates pedos. If you haven't done anything to a kid, never plan to, and don't want to normalize their sexual abuse, why even take it personally when people talk about how much they hate pedos? A decent person would not care, no matter what they secretly feel in some part of their brain. Why do they have to bring up being "MAPs" or "NOMAPs", talk about it and try to force people to accept their pedophilia?
If they were decent human beings with empathy, they'd get exactly why it's not accepted, and they'd agree that it never should be.
Instead, they choose to be selfish, act like they're innocents and push that typical "MAPS are valid, it's not my fault, woe is me, i was born this way and no one understands me!! i need to be handled with care (and be allowed to feed into my paraphilia without being judged), i can't help it" pity-me rhetoric. Either that, or they try to rationalize their impulses in all sorts of ways. Usually, it's by blaming children, claiming they actually want it, that they're "fighting for children's rights", that children are somehow pedophiles too, or insisting that they (pedophiles) are just "teaching" them (disgust).
If a person with pedophilia can't live in silence, then castration and suicide are options, too. And tbh, if their so-called "sexuality" impedes their lives so much that they need therapy and coddling, or else they might sexually abuse a child, that's reason enough for them to be considered irredeemable and locked up.
It's like they're too self-absorbed to see this, or they're willfully ignoring it because they're just that selfish and abhorrent.
Sorry to sperg out, I'm just angry.
No. 494309
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Why the fuck is me wanting a fit partner being "too picky" and having "too high standards"? My life pretty much revolves around fitness and being healthy, why the fuck would I want a SO that's not into it? I'm not even talking about strict healthy diet and killing oneself at the gym. It makes me feel like I'll be single forever and at this point I'm starting to think it's okay, better than being miserable just so I can say I'm in a relationship.
No. 494311
>>494309That's not picky at all. Being healthy should be a basic requirement.
Also, I don't think most women can be too picky. On average most women are wonderful partners so they deserve someone who exceeds their standards and treats them right.
No. 494376
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>>494362>dating men from 4chanAnon please…
No. 494383
>>494371Hello fellow virgin. It feels like I'm tickling myself and like I'm stuffed but in a really good way, and then when i cooooom it feels like I am pissing out the longest piss i held in.
Very overrated come to think of it, that's why i quit fapping.
No. 494389
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One of my supervisors was so unprofessional during our Christmas party. He was talking and dancing with another woman in a physically intimate manner just a few minutes after his wife left. And it's even sad to think that I used to really look up to him. Cheating is fucked up, but doing so right in front of EVERYONE? that's the real shit on the cake. I want to talk about it but my co-workers haven't mentioned anything yet and I worry that my observations might be wrong.
Men really are trash.
No. 494390
>>494381>How DARE these women not moan authentically! They've deathgripped their cocks so badly that they can't even stand female vocalizations anymore. Which is funny because the whole reason why porn actresses moan like that is because their directors and viewership demanded that.
Just can't please all men.
No. 494405
>>494381What exactly do these people expect from things put together in order to poorly imitate intimate moments? Real sex with people who are in love with each other doesn't involve three seconds of fingering, a blow job and straight to dry jackhammering while somehow squirting 3 minutes in. And honestly at LEAST this is a step up from men who think women's vaginas are broken if they aren't able to cum from dry fingering for 2 seconds.Have men become so obsessed with nitpicking that the only way to meme them out of porn addictions is to nitpick the porn in order for them to copy other men and nitpick porn? Is this reverse psychology?
If the human race dies out because men death gripped their cock's to not being able to enjoy sex with women and meme'd themselves into nitpicking women so much to the point where women are no longer attractive to them then so be it, at least the future generations in 3rd world countries where men haven't broke their dicks with porn will get a good laugh when they wonder why the people who have the ability and most opportunity decide to let themselves die out because of anime and porn
No. 494462
>>494444Alternatively go back asap and ask if you can exchange it for the other book and just say you got them mixed up because you were so tired that day, if it's only been a day or two you're within your rights to do so and the staff know you're a regular anyway.
Then once you finish it, donate it to the library project. Win win.
No. 494576
>>494467I understand completely Anon. I'm 25 and I still haven't gotten over them, even if I'm not involved in the fights directly it still makes me feel so drained. My mom is neurotic and can be in the pain in the ass with starting arguments sometimes, but my dad is so fucking mean and cruel to her. One time he yelled at her and told her to fuck off and get the fuck out of his house, it made me so angry and sad. What's worse is that I can't hate and shun my dad completely, because deep down he is a good person that has listened to me and helped me and my mom a lot. But he has anger issues from being beaten and abused as a child. I can deeply relate because even if I wasn't beaten, I still have a lot of anger from the emotional abuse and neglect from when I was younger.
I'm sorry you're going through this, Anon. It sounds like you even have it worse because your parents are still emotionally
abusive towards you. I really hope you can get some sleep and do well on your test tomorrow. Please feel better soon.
No. 494590
So, they found my aunt dead in her apartment. They don't know how long she had been dead for. My mom found out while she was visiting me, through Facebook. Nobody had even called my mom when they found her to tell her what had happened. My aunt was a drug addict on and off for a while, so it wasn't surprising, but still sad. My mom thinks it was an overdose but the sheriff said they don't think so. She was only 31. I hadn't seen her in years, probably the last time was 10 years ago when I was 12. My mom only spoke to her infrequently and they were barely even close for the past 10 years bc it was so hard to deal with her addiction that she refused to get help for. I didn't cry or anything or even feel that sad. My mom didn't cry either, she's not the type to show a lot of emotion, but I know she is upset and sad. Last night we watched funny movies and laughed but she has to be sad? She had to call a lot of our family to tell them and when she was talking to someone she said "I should have been checking in on her more" and it just broke me. Today she has to go to the state my aunt lived in and go to the coroner to identify her body, plan a service, etc. because my aunt's mom died a few months ago (half sisters so they have different moms) and their dad died years ago, so she is basically the only family she has. and I just feel awful and wish I could go with her but I can't miss work this week since I have to take 2 weeks off for Christmas. I don't want her to have to deal with it alone. After she left a few minutes ago to drive there I started sobbing, honestly not even bc I'm sad about my aunt but because I feel horrible for my mom. I hate that she has to deal with this. That probably makes me a bad person but oh well.
No. 494668
>>494665>it's kind of on you for doing something like that for a boyfriendYou mean kind of dumb/codependent right?
You shouldn't change your body according to the whims of another person you feel like appeasing.
>>494662You need to love yourself first anon.It seems like he's manipulating you, not very nice of him…
No. 494687
>>494576Thanks a lot, anon. I really appreciate your words.
Exactly, I understand both sides and don’t feel like just pushing one of them away. I kinda get why they get so mad at each other sometimes, but it’s so exhausting.
Idk if I really do have it worse because when they’re alright, everything is great and I love their company. However, I wish I wasn’t treated like a punching bag in times like this. Today I told my mother what she said to me made me sad and her answer was that she was “upset”. Like, no apologies. I’ll wait for it anyways.
I didn’t sleep very well but I feel like I did ok on my test! Thanks again.
No. 494750
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Due to a complicated misunderstanding, a friend indirectly caused me to lose two of my friends this year. I sympathized and kept contact. Now all she does is moan about how lonely and depressed she is when she doesn't even try to improve her life. Eventually I gave up talking to her since I was the only one putting any effort into the friendship. I feel so resentful towards her now, not that that it matters. I just miss my old friends, fuck.
No. 494773
>>494603Thanks, and no
>>494619Sorry I meant blood related immediate relatives, she has family on her step dad's (who has been basically her dad for past 20 yrs) side and also my mom's mom's side but they technically are not related. She also has a ton of friends. But my mom said that she told her she wanted to be cremated (but there's not a will as far as anyone knows), plus they have to do an autopsy, so we think we are going to hold off on doing any sort of service until after Christmas. She was also on the board of my family's company so we have to deal with how her shares will be divided. It's just a big complicated thing ugh.
No. 494797
Not that anyone was chomping at the bit for an update about my pathetic life
>>493507, but I'm happy to report that my stepdad told me it's quits between him and the girl. "She's not the girl for me." Haha, sure old man. She probably saw you need to split rent with your adult daughter and realized you don't have the money she thought you had, and yiked out hardcore. Thank fuck, though. I just hope he dates someone nice and his own age.
>>493511>>493514>>493597Thanks for the supportive words fam. I hope I can find myself in a better living situation at least by next year.
No. 494806
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>>492584>meet someone on tinder and chat over Snapchat for a while>we seem compatible >we make a date a week in advance >“sorry I just got called into my minimum wage job by surprise and have to work instead of go out with you tonight”Or
>”I’m too tired after work today can we reschedule?”>Then we just exist on Snapchat Limbo where nothing happens.Honestly getting so sick of this crap, why can’t people seem to just stand up for themselves and say “no I won’t be coming in boss, I have plans today find somebody else” or “I know I’m tired but I made plans so I should keep them”
Are people really at the mercy of their bosses or would they really rather work another 8 hours then go out on a date to meet somebody?
No. 494815
>>494806I feel you anon. It does happen, especially in restaurants/retail where people call out every day, but if they don't make an attempt to reschedule to a tangible date, they are probably not that interested and just want a few orbiters around to feel desirable. Chances are they want to keep their options open while talking to several different girls.
Don't keep them on snap/ig either, or else your ig feed is all losers that you never talk to. If you haven't spoken in a month or so, just remove them with a clear conscience.
No. 494833
>>494820Getting healthy is a great goal and all but you can aim higher than that… like dumping his psycho,
abusive ass.
No. 494838
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Lost my best friend because they were the type of person that was so woke they’re asleep. Everyone who doesn’t agree with them or see the world in the same way they do needs to do self reflection yadda yadda when they’re the ones who need to get a grip and take a hard look in the mirror. They wonder why throughout the years their friendships ended in flames and I was there the whole time supporting but once I wasn’t supporting them correctly, I was bitched out (for the hundredth time) and had to nope out. I had the audacity to tell her if she doesn’t like the way she looks to change it since it’s all she bitched about for years, but Im perpetuating society’s expectations of her losing weight and she’s never been happier (then why do you constantly bring up how fat you feel and whine you won’t be thin enough for a guy to like you ?). I’m the bad guy for not understanding the Latina struggle of not having a big enough booty because I’m white (I’m not but go off sis). I’m just so fucking angry at the years wasted with this person and I should have seen it coming. It was eye roll inducing watching them claim to be super intelligent and on another level while posting to Facebook all their dirty laundry and making call out posts about me for sympathy and asspats. Because instead of cooing ad nauseam « you’re not fat ! » I was honest because that’s what pour relationship was. Oops, guess it was just her being allowed to be honest with me and I had to walk on eggshells in fear I might break her ego. Best part is now she’s making these stupid tshirts in red bubble with the inspirational « Radical self acceptance » (because I couldn’t accept her for who she is !) but she didn’t even create the font herself, it’s a plain ass tshirt, and I’m pretty sure that phrase is copyrighted. I’m just so mad because I take friendship seriously and she was supposedly my closest female friend, but these past few weeks I realize she doesn’t even know me as a person.
No. 494849
>>494838God, I'm glad you got out of that friendship. It's totally not worth it. Fingers crossed she realizes she needs to change her way of thinking.
I was a former SJW a few years ago and it was so extremely stressful, very cult like. Reflecting back on it, I'm sure I only got so caught up in it because I mentally wasn't in a good place. Now there's times where I'll catch myself going back making really edgy SJW statements on social media from time to time and it's always when I've had a really overwhelming mental health day.
However, I do realize a lot of people get "woke" to hide from the fact they're probably not as pure as they think they try to make themselves out to be. Honestly fuck them. I have unfortunately ran into many circles led by narcissists, sexual abusers, racists, and homophobes. It's always the consistently loudest ones trying to make all the calls too.
No. 494858
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>>494849Yeah, the worst part for me is I’m the type of person who always questions myself and what I did wrong/what I could change to make the situation better because of shit self esteem/years of gaslighting. Then she has the audacity to make posts saying her most supportive friend since childhood was trying to gaslight her into hating herself. Nah bitch, I just got tired of hearing you « woe is me » It was really telling when she went off on me this time in a group text, not caring one bit how she might come off to the other person. Guy friend in the chat confirmed to me I wasn’t crazy and that she was way out of line with the hurtful things she said, I should cut her off because she was
toxic, and was the one who made me realize she didn’t really see me as her friend despite knowing her since grade school. She took his thoughts/advice on relationships to heart over mine because he’s a male and black, even though she’s only known him for a few months, he said the same shit I said, and I’ve had more relationship experience than the two of them combined. She’s going through a divorce so I understand why she’s lashing out so much, but it’s put into perspective just what a petty and sad individual she’s always been.
>gets sad/mopey in a convo because at one point in the past I didn’t refer to her as my best friend>I grovel/apologize say I’ll be a better friend and I didn’t mean to hurt her feelings>talks to me with such vitriol and venom for not sharing the same opinions guy friend questions we’ve known each other for as long as we claim/if we're as close as we claimI wish this didn’t hurt so bad. Feels like I’m going through a breakup.
No. 494863
>>494776Thank you anon. After several hours my nausea has mostly gone away. Unfortunately I haven’t been able to sleep for more than an hour straight because
my body keeps fucking pooping out liquid. I haven’t even eaten solid food in more than 12 hours at this point, I don’t even know what it’s emptying out. Also my fucking butthole feels raw from wiping it clean. I’m not even wiping it that hard! I’ve literally just been going 1-3 times every hour for the past 7 hours!I know I should stay home but I want to go to work because I need the pay… (I’m part time and don’t get sick days).
No. 494900
actually some advice on navigating this would be appreciated tbh.
>>494892Actually I'll add my theory to this to maybe justify why I'm so mad about it.
So he can receive treatment that I find…less than fair. I think any reasonable person would say it's less than fair, buuut he gets mad at me at pointing out that it's unfair instead of being annoyed at, you know…the actual situation where someone's being unfair to him.
And it COULD be that he genuinely sees it as totally normal and is annoyed at me for "blowing it out of proportion" (when I usually just start with "well that's unfair/presumptous/inefficient" and he's like "nah" so I try point out how I interpret the tone from the language used etc). Or…OR he does see it as unfair/shitty of that person but doesn't want to confront or acknowledge this, so instead transplants those feelings of friction on to me both because I'm putting it out in the open that that person sees or treats my bf poorly, and because I might be seen as a "safe" person to vent at.
Which I think fucking sucks, because in that work incident I was fully on my bf's side and it ended up with me recieving the cold treatment and apologising for making my bf feel bad about it.
Also, in terms of the boss suggesting he go to another country, I'm assuming he meant on the next work trip, nothing is planned, so wouldn't be anytime in the next few months. Soooo…like how is that in any way helpful omg such bs seriously.
No. 494902
>>494900>>494892You're probably completely right about the treatment being bs and he doesn't want you to be because it means he's a doormat.
My bf is the same and it just keeps on happening, and right now he's vomitting from stress caused by how much he's being pushed around by his superiors. I've been telling him for months to man up and be more assertive but it's probably too late for them to ever respect him and it only got worse with time. You're right to try to encourage him to fight against bs thrown at him but so many men are completely passive because they've never had to fight for respect.
So yeah. You being right and not overreacting means he's a pushover at work and he doesn't like that idea, which makes him act like a bitch to you.
No. 494905
>>494863Sounds like stomach flu, I get sick with it once a year. Today you're likely going to keep on shitting liquid even if you don't eat anything. In my yuro country we have a great remedy for diarrhea that is called smecta and is basically edible powdered clay, I don't know if it's available where you live though!
You might still have diarrhea tomorrow but you'll feel better already, however remember that you're still contagious so wash your hands thoroughly especially if you go working today.
No. 494926
>>494914Try waxing, laser or épilation but all of those can result in ingrown hairs.
Maybe you're using a shitty razor, I know that some are just nasty even if they're new. Safety razors are very nice.
If nothing else works, I guess you gotta go with the bush!
No. 494927
>>494905>>494908Thank you anon! I ultimately opted not to go to work today… I feel okay and the diarrhea seems to have let up a bit (have not needed to go for a full hour now wooo) but some wooziness still comes and goes and I was worried about dealing with my commute lol. I bought some bananas and jello to eat, though my mom got mad at me and told me not to eat that (because it’s going to make me poop she says??? idk im so fucking hungry I’m just gonna wait for her to leave for work before eating a few bites of one).
I’ll look into a rehydration solution though! I’ve just been carefully sipping on water here and there. I got some ginger ale at the store but I guess I should’ve picked up a sports drink too lol
No. 494980
>>494975He does..
But I kind of wish he didn't so I could say yeah but you don't shave either
He told me it's okay if I don't shave but now I already know he dislikes it if I don't
No. 494982
>>494980If he is less attracted to you because of it hat's clearly on him and says a lot about him. My bf has of his own accord gone down on me with a full bush and did not think it was gross/unattractive (although I trim now to make it easier for him). Then again my bf isn't a toddler. That's the kind of attitude you should expect a partner to have towards your body.
Really the worst part in all this is that it makes you uncomfortable. If you really want to give in you should ask him for tips, or just trim to minimize discomfort. The only way to be completely hairless is to wax btw, shaving always results in stubble the next day or few days after.
No. 494986
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No. 495021
So I'm having loads of anxiety currently because of my job. Here's the situation: I work at a fast food restaurant as a weekend worker. Now apparently, my schedule is fixed so that I have to work every other weekend. This was not mentioned anywhere in the contract nor was it mentioned verbally. Therefore, I thought you would get assigned shifts during the weekends that you could turn down and switch to another time, given that I'm being paid per hour. This is also my first job.
I just got assigned a shift on a day where I am overseas. I contacted my boss, asking if it was possible to switch and how to go about doing so (there is no information available anywhere so I asked her). She passive-aggressively told me that "If I had been to the information/mingle meeting last Sunday, you would've known that you are required to apply for vacation eight weeks in advance."
1. I wasn't at the meeting because I had a migraine, and had told the vice-manager (?) that.
2. I wasn't even hired eight weeks ago!
I politely answered that when I signed the contract two weeks ago, I had checked the schedule and only had two shifts in my schedule, not the shift I was asking about, so how could I have known? She then told me "Well you work every other weekend", which as I stated above wasn't specified ANYWHERE in the contract. Now I should have asked specifically before I signed the contract, but I still have loads of anxiety over this and feel like she now hates me and is going to fire me. I've tried reaching out to some co-workers (that I haven't even gotten to know yet) if they could switch shifts with me, but I have no idea how this will go down…
No. 495050
>>495044I don't expect her to cater to me. She just really wanted me to live with her yet didn't consider my fear or my pet and feels upset how I won't visit. It really breaks my heart but it just can't work how she wants it to.
>>495045Ugh thanks. We have to figure something like that out.
No. 495056
>>495042Nah fuck that, people gotta learn when their animals aren't appreciated by others. She can do whatever she wants in her own home, but I think it's really weak that she can't fathom to celebrate at someone else's house if she's not willing to accommodate the removal of the pet for the holiday.
Do you bring your pet around? If not, then that's all the more reason why it's fair.
She sounds like a social pain in the ass.
No. 495088
>>495081Calling someone a retard because they are experiencing the natural after effects of a live shooting in order to save the lives of others. You sure sound pleasant to be around
Anyway it's not that I can't handle it, it literally just happened last week. Every single person who experiences that will have mental trouble for the next few weeks. If we went by your rules everyone would just die because first responders are still human and I guess being human means you shouldn't work in that field
No. 495094
>>495079Honestly cannot handle apartment complexes for this reason. I have PTSD as well and I need my quiet and peace. I'm lucky I found an apartment that's basically a regular home, but sectioned off in two and it was way cheaper than what the actual apartment complexes were offering. I only got one neighbor to worry about and he's thankfully quiet.
The anxiety will ease with time, keep reminding yourself you're safe and it's just noisy neighbors.
No. 495126
>>495116Maybe he generally likes making music despite sucking at it and wants to be better?
I can understand some of you’re frustrations but you sound kinda elitist.
No. 495127
>>495116You're the one acting like you're better, though. The guy is clearly having fun and you're the one saying he shouldn't because he isn't as good as you.
I bet you'll turn around and say there is no such thing as natural talent when you have to learn a new skill outside of your field of expertise and it's too hard for you.
No. 495131
>>495088Sorry about the edgy retard that replied, and thank you anon for putting yourself through these traumatic events in order to help others.
Your neighbors sound very annoying even for a non PTSD person to deal with.
No. 495262
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I'm currently begging my bf to use soap when he showers. He thinks that because he's asian and doesn't stink, he only needs to rinse with water. Why are men like this? I literally do not understand
No. 495299
>>495274> If he doesn't respect your opinion on something as small and simple soap he's not going to give a fuck about your opinion elsewhereShe would be equally not respecting his opinion on soap.
He would be equally justified in leaving because she doesn't care about his opinion.
This isn't about whether or not he should use soap, I'm just pointing out your hypocrisy.
You will never have a successful relationship like this.
No. 495314
>>495313Has nothing to do with soap.
It's about the lack of self-awareness and hypocrisy in dumping someone because they disagreed with your opinion, when you are equally not respecting their opinion and don't even realize it.
She didn't say dump him because he doesn't use body soap, she said dump him because he doesn't respect her opinion.
You will NEVER have a successful relationship like this.
No. 495316
>>495314>>495299>You will never have a successful relationship like this.>You will NEVER have a successful relationship like this.Why do you keep repeating this? You realize that, unlike /r9k/ and other internet hovels, most of us are not incels, right? That many of us actually have (or have experienced) good relationships and also happen to have standards (for example, a strong preference for men who actually wash their bodies, or are sane/humble enough to accept the basic knowledge to wash one's body. I understand this might be a bit too "Chad"-tier for some other types of men to accept)?
This isn't about ice cream versus frozen yoghurt, for fuck's sake. It's about basic hygiene. His opinion is clearly incorrect on this matter, and the fact that he's still holding steadfastly to it means he'll probably ignore her when she tries to point out something else he's obviously wrong about, even when it's more important.
You're speaking based on some ridiculous general principle for a very specific, clear-cut issue, and it makes you come off like an autist.
No. 495318
>>495316She made it into an issue on how to react when your partner doesn't agree with your opinion. It has nothing to do with the original soap issue.
If you're getting angry and hysterical to the point of breaking up over them disagreeing with your opinion, not even the topic they disagreed about, there is no way for you to ever be in a long-term relationship. You are on the mental level of a child.
No. 495326
>>495299>>495314>>495318Ok, so if you tell your bf "hey, please use soap because you don't smell the best" and he writes you off saying "Nah I don't smell and I'm never going to use soap" do you think he respects you? Not to mention that him smelling off to her is a fact… not as something as simple as disagreement in tastes. He clearly doesn't give a shit about what she says, and thinks she should just deal with the smell.
That's what I'm saying is grounds for dumping him. It's a huge fucking red flag from him. You can't stay with grown men who lack basic empathy and self-awareness because at their age they won't fucking LEARN. I mean having bad hygiene is terrible enough, but not willing to fix it for your partner is the shit cherry on the cake.
No. 495346
>>495328Is it a serious one anon? We're you symptomatic or not really?
Do you know if he cheated or if he's aware that he's a carrier?
If it's a serious std I'd pursue negligence or battery charges.
No. 495353
>>495318>mental level of a child So is not washing yourself with soap! Children are the ones who don't like to wash and get pissed when their mums tell them to use soap.
This isn't negotiable for opinion, it's basic hygiene. This is like someone not believing in brushing their teeth just cause they don't smell their own breath. It's gross.
I wouldn't want some unwashed dude flopping his greasy ass on my furniture and in my bed. Just cause you think you don't smell doesn't mean your body isn't covered in oils, dirt, bacteria, and other free radicals.
What the hell?
Having an opinion on soap is being picky on whether you like making your own or buying a brand. Not refusing to use soap.
No. 495405
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I should never have started reading gender critical because I spiraled into being a radfem. I can not imagine myself living another 60+ years in the same world as males.
Worst part is that every day just brings another reason to hate men.
No. 495410
>>495408Thank you! I know autism isn't something inherently bad or shameful but I can't help but overthink now that I am diagnosed. A lot of my close friends (who I haven't told about my diagnosis cuz of shame) say I strike them as the least autistic/most socially aware person they've met.
The doctors mentioned I just had enough point to classify as autistic n they mentioned a second hand opinion is something they'd be willing to do so theres that.
Sorry for rambling it's just I haven't been able to talk with anyone about this lol
No. 495412
>>495394It's okay anon. You've probably been so socially conditioned that your quirks go under the radar and are only noticeable if someone looks at you with a spotlight.
Sometimes I feel a bit 'tisty. Yet then again, I'm considered normal for the most part and unless behaviors were interfering in my life everyday, being awkward sometimes is fine.
No. 495418
>>495412It's just I can't help but feel so much SHAME in my diagnosis. Like I've always been told I have pretty good people skills and my closest friend even mentioned how it seems I get along with everyone, so then being told I might not get social cues makes me question all of my relationships.
My psychologist mentioned one reason why I got diagnosed was because of my flaking eye contact, which I never struggle with during our normal sessions but when I knew i was being judged for "how normal" I was acting I freaked
No. 495435
>>495414the essential areas for soap are under your arms and your feet, maybe your bum but nowhere else because soap is chemically foreign to your body and water goes a LONG way.
how often you should shower is individual because of activity levels and what you've been up to
there is such a thing as healthy bacteria and you live quite harmoniously with those little shits
the only ones in need of daily washing are babies because poop and urine leakage is not healthy bacteria and if you do shower 10 times a week I hope you enjoy your colds
if you absolutely must shower every day
>no less than 5 minutes under tepid water>mild soap under arms and crotch unless you have really sensitive skin or eczemas then use as little soap as possiblemay you all be blessed with beautiful healthy skin
No. 495447
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>>495439If a girl doesn't like my manly smells the door's right there, she can get out.
No. 495456
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We miss you.
I miss you.
No. 495470
i got molested by a female relative a very long time ago under the guise that it was 'consensual'. i had no idea what i was doing back then, i'm sure, but i played along with it (i still have guilt on this notion, now that i'm typing it out), and i think i even enjoyed it. it was relatively "mild"; stripping, making out, making me get on top of her, making me suck on her boobs some times, etc. i am very close with her today, and consider her one of the best people in my life.
we were both under 18. i just don't know what to think of it now, typing it out again, unearthing all of this
you never really get over csa ofc, and sometimes i wonder if i'm fucked up for not despising her. i will never receive closer because i am too scared to bring it up to her. typing this now, i realize i will never really know what went through her head or what goes through it now regarding those memories. i'm a coward and i don't know if i will bring it up ever with her.
i don't know how to feel. i usually block this out, as i can cope with it fine, but i know, i know it's affected me subconsciously and consciously.
my promiscuity at a young age. using my body as my means for validation and approval, rather than accepting proper praise and love from others (even though it was scarce, i always had an online friend or at least one friend there for me.)
i just dont know man
No. 495474
>>495470If you were born as an ancient Roman citizen, you wouldn't have any of these thoughts.
Society tells you that you should feel bad and act like a
victim, even though you don't actually feel that way. You're conflicted between the way society tells you to think, and how you actually think.
No. 495477
>>495470Hey anon, I understand you. I was molested from 7-8 by a female family member that was under 18. She convinced me it was a normal way family members could play at the time I guess. Shed lock the door and a lot of awful, awkward,
abusive shit would happen. I always blocked it out as nightmares growing up. She's been through enough drugs to probably not remember now anyway. Maybe it was her way of coping what she did a few years prior? I do hate her at my core though, hate people cuddling me, and run from sex. Not really sure what advice I could give but you arent alone. Always felt harder to admit due to people not believing from lack of evidence as well as it not being the typical older male family member.
No. 495491
>>495475i'm so relieved too. i have a close friend or two who are also csa
victims but our experiences & reactions are so vastly different (ofc…) that i find it harder to deeply relate with them out of my own insecurity of fear, guilt, and shame of my own experience instead of empathizing with them. the fact that i even went along with it sometimes brings me the most guilt but i was just a kid after all. i am so sorry that it happened to you as well, and i'm happy to at least be of help in letting you know that you are definitely not alone. you deserved better, we all did
>>495477i'm sorry. they also sort of 'convinced' me it was for xyz or some shit and then gradually i just went along with it no questions (if not some slight verbal defiance) as it went on. i dont need advice, im just happy to know im not too alone, thank you for even replying. i hope you're doing alright regardless of that garbage shit and i hope the best for u
No. 495493
>>495492i would say about around 7-9? I don't know if I'll be ready anytime soon, especially if it's face to face. i rly do desire that closure because i really want to know what made her want to even do those things? the first thing that came to mind is that someone else previously abused her maybe and she somehow is projecting it onto me. i grew up with her very closely always and only realized the volume of the situation as i grew into adolescence and lost my purity for good. then i had to actually deal with the feelings that came with accepting what happened and knowing it wasnt my fault lmao
the thought of her being attracted to me back then makes me feel gross somewhat, and i hope to god she isnt now if she was. i think im in denial of this bc i dont want to face the truth? idk. there will come a day where i will bring it up. i dont know when
No. 495691
>>495645You need to calm down.
>>495470Nothing bad happened to you. Society is just making you feel guilty. Women generally aren't capable of sexual abuse.
No. 495693
>>495645Don't dwell on it anon. That person was attempting a very unfunny troll, as I also suspect
>>495691 is doing.
No. 495696
>>495645That person was an asshole. Like
>>495653 said, everyone is on your side. They said that shit for the attention, but forgot they weren't on 4chan or Reddit or other pedophile/pedophile apologist hubs (no matter how hard one particular "anon" is trying to make this place into one ITT just two posts above), so try not to give them the satisfaction of even a second more of your headspace.
No. 495769
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i have a male friend who is severely depressed/anxious and has latched onto me as their best friend which was initially fine becuse i like supporting and helping people but holy fuck this guy will get jealous if i am hanging out with someone else but will ignore me for hours and barely talk to me its like i just give and give and give and theyre just a lazy fuck who dont want to maintain their friendshipsdjfajdsfkajsdjahfgkuhasdkghakhfghkadfgh
No. 495791
>>495787No I live in a 3 bedroom house with 7 other people including 2 babies and an
abusive autistic 50 something year old man
No. 495819
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I know I shouldn’t let it bother me and he rarely does, but I get really sad when my boyfriend likes other girls’ pictures on social media.
No. 495849
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>>495405oh god same
but it's also made me reevaluate some past experiences with men and maybe the man hate (i used to mock a year or something back) is
valid No. 495859
>>495825Well, because I know that he loves me lots, or at least that’s what he tells me all the time. I know he genuinely means it, I just can’t help but feel a little insecure.
They’re normal girls, none of them are exes or friends. He doesn’t do it all the time, thankfully.
No. 495889
>>495859well, if they're random girls on the internet, especially ones with many social media followers etc. i would feel a bit less bad about it even if the pics were of the sexually suggestive variety. it's so much less of a threat, some random girl who will never give your bf the time of day anyway even if he wanted it (and seems like he really seriously doesn't and is happy with you if him liking their pics doesn't happen that often). exes or female friends with similar suggestive stuff however… he'd be my ex soon. that's when it gets weird and insulting.
i don't doubt he loves you though, but i definitely understand your feeling and i don't think there's anything actually bad about it. nowadays seems like being even a bit "possessive" (in an emotional sense, even) of your partner gets you branded as some yandere mega bpd psycho gf but don't listen to that crap. just try to focus on the good of course, that he chose you and none of those girls, you are the one who he chose to actually be with irl. they're no competition to real love.
No. 495907
>>495834same. i hate it.
pornsick men ruined it for me, and meds. i could never fuck again and die happy.
No. 495933
>>495909More on my dad being a hoarding dumbfuck: since he’s discovered facebook marketplace, he wont stop buying people’s shitty possessions. He bought a tower fan months ago but it’s shit, so he bought a different fan and we only use that one now. The tower fan just sits there. And just now he came home with ANOTHER tower fan, so I told him to throw out the first one and he says “no, I just can’t figure out how to clean it. I just have to figure out how to clean it”
No. 495937
>>495933I literally just got so frustrated because I told him to stop taking up so much freezer space too much the fucking HOOPS this man jumps through to justify his hoarder mentality and push the blame on me “not trying hard enough to find space” (why do i have to dig to put food in the freezer? why?) and I ended up cutting because I didn’t want to smash one of my electronics.
Great. I love getting so frustrated that I have to cut to calm myself down. I just want to cry.
No. 495957
>>495953Oh absolutely. It’s like the second you throw out anything (food or otherwise) that he hasn’t bothered to look for before, he throws the worst manchild hissyfit. He’ll even misplace his own stuff and end up hysterically screaming or blaming me or my mom because he would
never lose his own stuff in his steaming pile of useless shit he keeps piling up.
No. 496009
It makes me feel petty yet I feel uncared for and disappointed with my friends lately. These were my inner circle friends so it feels a bit more personal as opposed to if it were someone like acquaintances acting distant. They took an international trip together as a group, to a destination I went to recently. When they got back they didn't get me anything and were super cryptic about the entire trip. Maybe they forgot. Maybe they are just so tired of being asked for the trip details they didn't feel like rehashing outside some general 'It was great!' statements. I couldn't go with them due to money issues but I wished them a good trip, and even helped them out and gave advice when they asked for it.
I went to that destination on a super poor budget, I didn't even bring a luggage. Yet I still managed to get them all souvenirs or merch, I was thinking of them. It bothers me that they boasted to me about all the money they had to spend going personal shopping, and didn't think of me. When I asked them about their trip and to give details, I read their response like annoyance at me as if I were prying? One of the friends told me a different friend was constantly arguing with her fiance. I'm not supposed to know that.
Could be why I was given such curt answers. Though I don't think it's any big deal, relationships are tested on international travel. Why would they even think I'd judge?
In general I'm not in a good mental place, and due to circumstances neither are a few of these friends. I don't want to assign blame, but I really needed my friends to step up and reach out to me just a weensy bit, but they haven't. I feel so alone.
No. 496015
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>putting together 'spa day' bags as xmas gifts for friends
>bottle of wine, facial masks, candles, chocolate
>the chocolate tho
Fam, this is why I can't buy sweets. I'm already dreaming of tearing off the wrappers and tonguefucking those chocolates.
Why did I do this? I should've just bought the chocolate last minute so I'd be less tempted.
I'm shameful.
No. 496022
>>496011I'm happy for you anon, but also sorry for your shitbag sister and the family who enabled today to be about her addiction and not about your success.
I was so burnt out from my master's that I never want to go back to academia, so I know a doctoral is no joke. That took a lot of work, and hopefully at the end of the day you can be satisfied in knowing you did good.
No. 496030
>>496011I want to grow up to be like you anon. All that must have been incredibly chaotic but you sound like a woman who handles her shit!
Hugs I hope all the positive things continue to come and keep you comforted this holiday. I'll probably be on lc on christmas lmao
No. 496057
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>>496045i love this shit hole. so many good anons.
No. 496135
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Why the fuck do males prentend they want cute wholesome women when their timeline is full of things like this pic? Is it a sour grape thing? They know they'll never get the hot bimbo, so they pretend they just want a homely girl?
No. 496149
>>496135Madonna whore complex. None of them realize Madonna whore complex just won't work and unless they're good looking and extremely rich chances are they won't ever have a wholesome cute girl as their wifey and Stacy's as their harem behind the scenes. It's
toxic because it doesn't teach men appreciate and love what they have while they lust after traditional marriages. Truth it most traditional marriages men sexualized their wife and so it worked and both had a good sex life. Now men are too busy nitpicking women's bodies to enjoy sex with their very own wife and they do that shit and wonder why so many women are skipping out on marriage nowadays
No. 496152
>>496019>>496022>>496030>>496050>>496045Thank you anons I was crytyping that post and now I'm cryreading your responses. Thank you for caring about me and my dumb day enough to respond
I love this site and everyone on it and I hope that you all have a wonderful, happy festive period
No. 496169
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My dad is a good person, most things considered, but he travelled for work when I was young and never gave a fuck about trying to be an active parent. It's like he was paying child support and my mom was a single mom. He rarely ever disciplined me and my brother, we never had any deep conversation with him about anything, he never tried to teach us anything, it's like he was just there to be with my mom over half the time. As a result, we've grown apart and he didn't even tell me happy birthday this year because he's got a grudge against me for not giving a fuck about him now. I almost feel like a horrible daughter because I know family is important, but this man didn't lift a finger to actually put in effort to cultivate a relationship with my brother and I. He worked to give us everything financially, I just don't think that's the end all, be all of a good parent?
No. 496186
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>>495769Samefag but now the same guy finally got a girl to confess she had a superficial crush on him and he said that for the first time in ever he can sleep knowing he's important to someone and I want to rip my fucking hair out because I've been his support for over a fucking year now. Holy fuck. I've told him a million times he's important to me but nooo that doesn't couny because I wasn't romantically interested.
Fuck men and fuck their pussy obsession.
No. 496221
>>496186Don't you know? It's never real if you don't tell it with your cunt.
You honestly could rip out your fucking heart and give them, they would still go "uwu but this gorl spread their legs, it makes me feel important, nothing else counts"
No. 496255
>>496186On one hand I 100% agree that he should appreciate you, the friend who keeps supporting him all the time for no reason and not say such crap to your face.
On the other… I get what he means. Friends are important, but you are just one of many and quite replacable. If someone falls in love with you, it's like they decide you are the best and the most important person to them.
It does not have to be a sex thing.
Wouldn't your bf be more important to you than the friend?
I bet so, and it's normal. It's also normal to want to be the most important person to someone, especially when you have a low self-esteem.
You still should drop him if you are sick of his shit.
No. 496275
>>496255I get what you are saying and I halfway agree, but:
He has known this girl closely for 3 weeks.
They only know each others through an MMO.
He has never seen or heard her and vice versa.
He gets crushes on every girl he knows
They aren't dating and have not been dating.
I have been his only close friend for over a year, I've helped him out of suicide, depression, self-harm, I've supported him, listened to him, told him how important he is to me…
But apparently because she said she has a superficial crush on his personality and avatar he can FINALLY feel like he is important to someone.
It's a slap in the face to all my effort.
No. 496288
>>496275Op of
>>496255I'm sorry anon. He sounds like an immature retard and you are right to not want to waste any more of your time on him. I feel bad for all his issues, but it's not right for him to take for granted the one person who has always been there for him.
I've been in a similar bad place where I felt that nobody would ever love me or even be attracted to me (kek), but I never disrespected my friend like this.
No. 496365
>>496358"theet" is a very cute typo, and I want to help you to not worry. My teeth were very bad from years of bulimia in my teens and similarly not visiting the dentist out of fear. Freezing/numbing medication doesn't work on me because of a disorder I have but I did it one day out of the blue and honestly my teeth were in very bad shape, my molars had broken in half and partially fallen out(?) but they were able to (over a few years) fix it no problem. They can fill broken teeth, cap them, bridge them etc. without having to fork out the money, pain and time of having permanent implants. I think the fear of having them fixed heavily outweighs the actual weight of any procedure. The human body is incredible. I wouldn't worry too much but what I'm trying to say (terribly) is that even if your teeth are hella bad, there are still options that are not too too too painful or expensive, although I'm sure the price talk is redundant due to location.
I wish you the absolute best of luck, but please try not to keep yourself awake over it.
I just got two broken teeth fixed two days ago and it wasn't too awful and feels very nice today, albeit slightly sensitive.
Also cracks in the surface enamel of your teeth, although visible, generally don't impact the strength or structure of your tooth!! It's worth googling if it would help you calm down, too. Enamel cracks can happen from something as benign as an extreme temperature change in the food>beverage you're having. If the cracks ever discolour, let's say from wine or smoking, they have peroxide procedures that they can do to spot treat it, and I can't imagine that would be too awful.
No. 496375
>>495811I've been daydreaming about cuddling with someone in bed lately and I feel pathetic.
It shouldn't be pathetic. Being touch starved is a real thing. I wish I could help you.
No. 496382
>>496374A TIM wrote this lmao. "I'm so sad that hating troons has made me such an ugly degenerate but trans women just take all the men away"
Trans women are fucking hideous. Straight men hate them probably more than terfs do. And an inside out. Mutilated cock will never ever compare to a vagina.
No. 496398
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A few days ago a guy knocked at my door and said he was a volunteer for the humane society and asked if we knew we had a cat living under our house. I said no but it wasn't a surprise to me because we've had cats living under our house multiple times in the past. He said he and his girlfriend usually come by twice a day to try and feed the cat and that they want to coax her into a humane cat trap, but the problem is she has a little gray kitten and they've seen her running across the street with the kitten in her mouth. He said they were feeding her so she could produce milk for the kitten. Also apparently our neighborhood has a stray cat problem. Anyway, yesterday the cat came out to greet my mom and my sister and they fed her. She came out today again and we gave her 2 cans of fancy feast and she ate almost all of it really fast. I'm just really sad because I've never seen her kitten(s) and it's freezing cold outside. I wonder if her kitten is even still alive? It would be easy to capture her, but to get her kitten would be another issue. Does she have just one kitten? There's no real way to get under our house because the hole is too small. Anyways here's a picture my sister took of the cat. You can't really tell in the pic but she's literally bony.
No. 496437
>>496374>gender criticalthinks straight men will actually suck girlcock
>pinkpilledthinks ugly women can't get laid despite men having absolutely no standards
well meme'd my friend!
No. 496439
>>496432Damn, I could have written this exact post except that I'm 10 yrs into my working life and am not going to college.
I've just accepted that realistically, my family are enough to keep me happy, and while I hypothetically would love a super close girl gang, I can't help preferring time alone to making/being with friends.
No. 496490
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decided to put in my two weeks but realized that i couldn't handle another 2 fucking weeks at my shitty job. so i ended up just writing in my resignation letter that the 21st would be my last day. i'm off for the next few days and then i need to go in but honestly i don't think i will. i'm probably going to block all my co-workers and manager because of how anxious i'm feeling. this time of year is so depressing for me.
No. 496499
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>>496374Lmao. Are you the same "person" who also said they feel like a faggot, that Hontra Points is attractive, feminine and beautiful to the general public and that men would rather have sex with him than actual women in the Breadtube thread?
When will you learn? Fucking delusional and pathetic.
No. 496506
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>>496499ah yes, the feminine beauty!! the true feminine elegance, how can we ever rival this? (these photos are from last month, this is not pre transition)
No. 496526
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i posted here about a week ago about my abusive ex boyfriend dying & i'm still not over it. the flood of old times has been so hard to deal with & i don't have anyone to talk to about it. i never got closure or a reason for why he did the things he did, i never got to say my peace, i don't even know how he died. all i have are horrible memories of a very hard time in my life where i was taken advantage of to the fullest degree & i barely ever stood up for myself. the flood of relief that came with knowing he wouldn't be able to ruin my life anymore has passed, so all i'm left with is questions i'll never have answers to & memories so horrible they caused multiple amnesic episodes. if only the memory loss had been permanent.
No. 496538
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I hate this broken dick meme,
why is it so common nowaday?
Even when guys stop watching porn for awhile itts still a thing.
Are high sex srive males a thing of the past cus it seems like guys are only have jerk off drives now.
No. 496543
>>496526Abusive people tend not to
ever give explanations or viable excuses for their actions, so I don't think you were denied any reasoning or understanding by his death. Even if he lived to 100 he wouldn't have given it. Closure is not a thing for
abusive psychos.
One less asshole on the earth now he's gone. I'm sorry that you had to go through that, anon. Things will get better.
No. 496568
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>>496150you'd be surprised, like this prominent radblr "lesbian" tried to argue that depression caused her to have consenual sex with men
No. 496623
>>496601comp het explains "crushes" on normal guys but they're more like "uuuhhh this guy isn't terrible? and maybe okay looking? sure let's go with him" in that you kinda just choose a non offending guy to "crush" on to appear het or you confuse platonic friendly feelings as romantic bc you don't know the difference yet. if your disinterest in men leans towards neutral or indifferent rather than actually repulsed, it's probably easy to get sucked into the "give the decent man a chance!
he likes
you so you gotta date him!" culture.
No. 496649
Bitching about boyfriend shit below, please skip my post if this topic is annoying to you!
It's been four years of ONLY catering to my boyfriend's bizarre fetishes while he outright refuses to participate in any sexual desires I have and it's making me feel like a fleshlight.
TMI but I have a nipple sucking fetish(?) and he used to suck on my tits when we were first dating, but it promptly stopped after I told him how much I loved it/how good it feels. It's like his ultimate fetish is denying me orgasms. He went from being my cute, longhaired twink boy that was often mistaken for a woman from behind to being this unhealthy-looking blue collar worker who only talks about work. He stopped doing art and sold most of his musical instruments and I feel like the only thing we have in common anymore beyond our house/cats is the fact that we like the same musical genre. Hardly enough to feel like it's my civic duty to cock polish him.
I am so depressed (unrelated) from losing my parents and then getting raped, then molested from my foster dad. It's like being lonely and feeling very unwanted leaves me to focus on these parts of me more than I would if I was feeling loved, or desirable beyond my ass.
I read a post on here once that hurt my heart, it said women who just "let" men have anal ruin it for their future girlfriends because they'll expect similarly from them and it HURT! It's like damn, I'm that asshole ruining it for women because I lack the guts to keep it vanilla.
I also read that quote "cool girls never fight, they just present their open mouths for cock" or something, and I read it out to him to see his reaction and he earnestly laughed and said "You're cool girl!" and fuck I cried that whole night. I cater a lot sexually because it's attainable attention. No man out there really gives a fuck about how my day went or how far I got on my knitting, but they'll gladly take notice when you've shaved your bush.
Then all of a sudden this very kind, very manipulative man entered my life through a shared interest and for no reason at all is trying to woo me, and it feels like a dangerous trap. He's offering to pay for my school, for my living expenses and medical expenses on the basis that he is "in love" with me. I didn't take anything from him and ghosted him back in April but his social media often has posts regarding missing me and hoping that I'm okay. He's incredibly rich and keeps using that as if I need money or something, but I don't I just need genuine human connection! I'm debating joining an organized religion like becoming a Mennonite and never having to be someone's anime fetish again in my life. Just dedicate my whole self to horse grooming and spinning my own yarn or something.
Everything just feels like such a scary trap. I wish my boyfriend was my best friend instead and I wish I could know whether or not this other fellow is being predatory or just kind. I can't trust them, my boyfriend is a very very kind person and still makes me wish I were comatose sometimes.
I just needed to vent and everything I wrote might not even make sense when I reread it. Feel free to rip me apart for my stupidity or to give advice, I don't know what I need.
Typing this gave me such a bad case of the shakes. Yikes
No. 496660
>>496568I don't get this. If those things all happened under an altered state of mind, she can't really help that. If the consent was under mental duress and she feels traumatized about it, it was technically rape (or at least an
abusive relationship where she was manipulated into sex).
If anyone wants to hold it against her, they're not worth her time.
Is the "gold star" thing really that serious? Why not just date bi women, or other non-"gold star" lesbians if she gets shit for it?
No. 496664
>>496649You aren't stupid, you just got with a guy that completely flipped the script on you. He left you unsatisfied and unhappy, and that's not right.
You're correct that the other guy might be a trap, too. If all he can do is offer you money without giving you the emotional connection you crave, he's missing an important component. Whether he intends to or not, that means he will hurt you.
Him making posts about missing you and remembering you even now sort of implies that there might be something to him, though. Otherwise, he would've found just someone else to try and replace you (and maybe made some pissy, passive-aggressive posts about how much it sucks being ghosted).
In your position, I'd probably try to be friends with him and see what he's made of emotionally, but leave again if he doesn't understand how to be there for you. If he really cares for you, he won't pitch a fit about you not jumping into anything with him, either.
Ultimately, though, go with your gut and stay away if it all seems too seedy. In the end, trusting people leaves you vulnerable, and you sound hurt and exhausted, so maybe it'd be better to be alone for a while.
No. 496670
My sister turned 18 this year, she started working for general works for our city, met a 30 yr old man and they “flirt” and “like” each other. I am the only one in my family that sees a massive problem with this. Everyone else, including my parents, defend it saying i am not seeing past the age and judging him, and that he is such a nice person, my sister is mature for her age (yea ok, she’s 18 and her brain is not fully developed). It’s caused a big rift because everyone else is encouraging it, and thinks it’s cute, while thinking I am just being a judgemental bitch, but I am just genuinely concerned ffs.
No. 496675
>>496649if you want to stay with your current boyfriend you're going to have to learn to speak up for yourself and your desires.
it will feel shitty at first since you have the self destructive need to please people who don't deserve it.
i don't know you personally but you smell like you have bpd, but this just a gut feeling from a stranger on the internet so take it with a grain of salt.
it's not really a choice between men but more of you changing your behavior. your personality made it easy for your bf to treat you like a fleshlight, so you'll end up repeating that no matter where you go.
please be more aware of your behaviors and try to catch yourself acquiescing to avoid conflict or to please others at your own detriment.
also be careful with the rich man he might want to get revenge for being ghosted. I dunno how many times i've fantasied getting elaborate revenge on people who've broken my heart.
take care of yourself anon, you are worthy of being loved, and you're strong for surviving this long after all you have endured. if you are able to afford it please go to therapy. you carry emotional wounds that don't just heal on their own.
No. 496683
>>496649>I read a post on here once that hurt my heart, it said women who just "let" men have anal ruin it for their future girlfriends because they'll expect similarly from them and it HURT! It's like damn, I'm that asshole ruining it for women because I lack the guts to keep it vanilla. No, you're not an "asshole ruining it for other women" because you were trying to please your selfish boyfriend. I agree with a lot of things farmers say, but whoever wrote that didn't realize that puts more UNDUE responsibility on us for a man's decisions. Guaranteed that if an anal-obsessed faggot doesn't get it from one girl, he'll try it on the next until he gets one to do it. And so forth. Men are insatiable when it comes to their desires regardless if we as women chose to go along with them or not.
So you can release yourself from that guilt.
>Then all of a sudden this very kind, very manipulative man entered my life through a shared interest and for no reason at all is trying to woo me, and it feels like a dangerous trap. He's offering to pay for my school, for my living expenses and medical expenses on the basis that he is "in love" with me. If it's too good to be true, then it is. Trust your gut.
He's trying to ingratiate himself into your life, you sensed it was controlling and weird behavior and you blocked him. And look, he knows you might still be watching him and so he does manipulative shit like making guilt trip posts hoping you'll crawl back.
You're not stupid anon. You're seeing your trust being taken advantage of, and you see the injustice of it. Don't be ashamed to point it out, the people using you require that you feel stupid and therefore won't say anything.
No. 496691
I feel so unsettled. My office wanted a potluck today so I brought in a tote with the thing I planned to serve. It had a cute platter stand, a box of fancy cracker assortments, and of course the containers and slices for what I brought. Left it in the fridge with everyone else's potluck things intending to retrieve it later.
When the time came I went to the fridge to set up. Someone took my stand right out of my bag. They also opened my box of crackers and took an entire stack of one kind of cracker, and left only one with what appeared to be two front tooth marks on it.
I searched around for my stand, and someone from a different department had used it to flop a nasty paper plate of something on top of it in the break room. Once I found it I took it back. I kept hearing her say sorry after me, but? She was only sorry that I was mad, not sorry that she went through a bag that didn't belong to her and took what she wanted from it. I hate entitled people.
By the time I got it set up and went to the conference room where my potluck was, everyone already had a plate of food. Someone took a few slaps from mine to be polite, and they complimented on the presentation, but for the most part no one really ate what I brought. I had made a fresh cranberry salsa over cream cheese and orange zest.
They ate pizza, nachos, and fried chicken. I felt super stupid for trying to make and bring what I had, then again someone brought a veggie platter and no one touched that either. Next time I'm just gonna bring in junk food, since they don't seem like the type of folks who really appreciate non-processed things. Now I know, just wish I'd known.
I probably feel a bit worse about this than how someone else would feel, but I'm not having a very nice holiday.
No. 496718
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Sometimes I just wish someone would say "yea, sucks you had to go through that" instead of instantly trying to relate with their own story and making the conversation about them then. I already have a hard time opening up to people and every time this happens I just give up because I feel stupid to talk about myself after they told their story. Guess I just want to be validate for fucking once.
No. 496720
>>496708What a specific thing to nitpick and go off on me about. First of all, I didn't say it to be condescending, I said it because I didn't know that's the type of food that they liked.
This potluck was at noon during work hours, so no one was getting drunk and passing out into food comas.
You sound like a fridge thief.
>>496710Thanks. It's not world ending but it's just off putting.
No. 496779
>>496775What is wrong with that?
It's objectively bad for everything.
No. 496878
>>496593My mom is nowhere near that bad (but acts similarly) and holy shit anon I'm so sorry you have to deal with that.
I'd say buy her adult diapers for three reasons: in case she needs them, make her realize she acts stupidly, or just plain piss her off.
No. 496882
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my bf is wanting us to hang out with his friend and his girlfriend soon. they're both ex-theater kids who smoke weed and do coke. i'm sure they're lovely people but a part of me isn't looking forward to it because i feel like we'll end up getting high together (i'm not a fan of smoking since i get super paranoid when i'm high). they're also super outgoing while i'm a pretty shy and reserved person.
i feel like a fucking loser.
No. 496945
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>>495909bruh call hoarders. they'll even give you money. shame that fucker.
my mom was a dumbass hoarder too and the only way she cleaned up was because fucking hurricane harvey destroyed her house and stuff. kek
pic is from an episode of hoarders
No. 496990
>>496858>>496894No, she has no issues besides acting like a retarded person on purpose. And she has been like this my whole life. I don't remember much from when I was like a toddler but I know she was already acting so fucked up when I was a little teenager. And the pissing thing is not the only abnormal and frustrating thing she does.
>>496878I've already gotten mad at her multiple times but it doesn't help and one time my dad got mad at me for picking a fight with her about it despite her being clearly the problem but yeah
No. 497024
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>tfw you put yourself out there to find and create relationships both platonic and possibly romantic but end up ditching the person every time because you're picky af
Ever since I realized that I don't NEED a relationship/s to be happy and that I'm fine on my own it made me picky af with making friends and finding a partner. I'll die fucking alone lmao
No. 497066
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The guy I like I'm pretty sure likes me back, but he won't make a move on me.
Like… we do hug goodbye but aside from that, I don't think he's ever touched me. I realized that after going on a date with someone, and that person touched me more than the Guy I Like did in the last 2 months lol. I mean for example touching my arm gently, something respectful yet giving a signal. My guy doesn't do this. He hugged my tightly and longer than usual once. That's all I think.
We lay in my bed together, listening to music. No move.
We watch movies in his room. Space for Jesus between us, arms not touching or anything, even though I clearly lean in his way.
Playing games till 3 am, taking long night walks. Whole night basically spent together frolicking, like teens in love. No kiss, just a goodbye hug.
I really don't know… He's had multiple girlfriends, I have no fucking idea how lmao.
I know he's into me, trust me on that.
Like… I don't want to make out, I don't want to hook up… I want him to hold my hand or whatever. Why won't he? He's so hard to read. Is this what Twitter calls "emotionally unavaiable" boy? Haha.
(I'm unable to make a move on him first, because I'm a kissless virgin idiot. Please don't roast me, I think I'm doing pretty ok for my lack of experience and the social autism anyway. I give him readable signals I think.)
Guys have always acted too fast and forward for me, I thought I will have a problem with finding someone willing to take things slowly… And now here I am, the irony.
It's just so frustrating!! At this point we're going to die of old age, waiting for the other person to make a move or something.
Felt good to write this mess down though.
No. 497075
>>497012>>497012Then leave or stay out of man hate threads
>>497043GC is more focused on troons. Not men alone
No. 497096
>>497085>maybe work on that before you think about pursuing any guys?If I were to perfect myself for guys/relationships I'd die alone at the age of 80. I'm not trying to desperately get a man, but I think I'm at the age when I just have to "socialize romantically" if I want to have a healthy relationship one day. I'm already struggling comically, aren't I. I'm too old to be this dumb. I'm not bad at communication with my close ones, I'm just very inexperienced with love, I have social anxiety on top of that. I work with it exposure therapy style, that's what I'm doing with the guy basically. Everything is new and exciting, but also overwhelming sometimes, and doing certain stuff first is just…
very hard, not only mentally but physically for me
>>497082Eh, I know, you're right. I'm really getting more forward, I feel like I will gather the courage soon. It's just really hard for me and I wished!! he'd do it first.
No. 497118
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It's pathetic that I'm around this site frequently enough to note a difference. Lately I've noticed seemingly one particular poster who nitpicks innocuous things from anons to start an infight about, and generally being meaner than what typically follows on /ot/ boards. Anyways it's just kinda shitty. I feel bad when I come back to browse and I see shit like that.
No. 497308
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>>490470I don't want to get into too much detail, but not too long ago I got a dream job selling things I absolutely love, working with people who are genuinely great and fun, amazing and understanding bosses, great hours and incredible pay. It was amazing until a coworker and I began to doubt the legitimacy of the products we were actually selling since we'd have customers returning the items due to them being counterfeit. We began to dig deeper into this only to find out that basically everything we sell are fake bootleg copies,and that not only do our bosses not give a shit, they have actually been caught doing this before, and have gone under, and come back up again under a different name.
My main coworker who uncovered this with me was offered a full-time position (due to her being rostered onto a different place that was much larger and had more customers which helped her actually make sales), while I was not. She felt so disgusted and offended by what happened, that she decided to quit herself, since what we are selling is actually a huge passion for her.
I'm just pissed at all of this, I need another job but no one will be hiring since they've done it all with their christmas casuals, and my amazing coworker is now scrambling for a job too.
No. 497407
>>497402I know how we all feel about trans shit here but honestly? If she feels better calling herself a dude and deluding herself into believing it, you should probably let her be. Shes obviously struggling and calling herself male is her way to cope. She'll probably grow out of it shen she gets older. I wouldn't recommend trying to introduce her to gender critical views because it'll just make her really distraught and could possible
trigger and mental breakdown because she's using being trans to cope with her shitty life. A lot of trans females do this and they usually don't hurt anyone. Its more rapey and entitled trans males I have a problem with. Tifs are just annoying and cringe most of the time.
I just she doesn't mutilate her body to fuel he delusion. If she ever grows out of it she'll regret having cut off her breasts. Thats whats really tragic about all of this. Perfectly healthy girls cutting their body parts off.
No. 497418
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>>497416Of "bisexual lesbians" or of that specific twitter chain?
No. 497450
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star worms spoilers
I just saw Rise of Skywalker and I literally started angry crying on the way home. I don't give a single fuck about Reylo or w/e it has nothing to do with that. I'm horrified that literally the biggest movie franchise in the world would portray the idea that a man who spends 99% of his time abusing you, and 1% not abusing you gets the girl and gets his kiss and earns his redemption and earns his hero's death.
Why the fuck. They're SO irresponsible with their portrayal of women. When Han is a predator and doesn't take no for an answer, Leia's the one playing hard to get. When Anakin is horrible and abusive Padme is seen as the cause of his downfall. When Rey works the entire series to be a good person and a good fighter, the man who's been physically stalking and attacking her somehow gets to be her redemption and saves her from evil. He gets to be the fucking hero in the end, not her. As a little nerdy tomboy I would have killed for a character like Rey growing up. We finally got one and they fucking ruined it.
It felt like a punch in the gut. When they were sitting there together it's like the hair on the back of my neck stood up and I was just thinking god no, please no, not that ANYTHING but that, PLEASE don't kiss, please don't do this. I wish I could say I felt like I was overreacting but how many millions of kids are going to see that and storyline and think it's ok to stay with a terrible abusive partner because "no but they have a good heart I swear". I know I'm just working off my own experiences with abuse but It's like I can feel the damage done to generations of young girls to come. I can see the little seeds of compliance, of "no really, it's fine", of "he's only treating me this way because he loves me" of "well I'm a strong girl, someone like ME couldn't be abused or manipulated" that it plants.
No. 497465
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All my coworkers are on holiday except me and some random Indians who don't seem to like me much.
Also I hate that I have to work for Hanukkah but come Christmas I STILL can't get days off because "you won't mind having everything dumped on you, right? You don't celebrate Christmas" go fuck yourself
No. 497470
>>497450Yeah that was uncomfortable, le you can change a violent
abusive gaslighting rageaholic bad boy with love trope, thanks disney.
No. 497569
I went to see a friend this weekend but at one point she started shitting on her ex-friend and it made me so uncomfortable. She and this ex-friend were really close but for whatever reason, a few weeks ago, the ex-friend messaged her and said that she didn't want to be friends anymore. I get that it's hurtful and it's shitty, but out of all the friends my friend has lost, this ex-friend was probably the least worst of them all. She didn't ghost her, didn't try to avoid her for long periods of time, and didn't start shitty arguments all the time (all of which have happened with other friends she's no longer friends with).
I don't know if part of me is just tired of siding with her and demonizing her ex-friends like I used to, or if it's just me realizing that this friend isn't that terrible of a person compared to all the other friends she's lost. I don't want to say "yeah FUCK (THAT PERSON)" with her because I don't want to talk badly of someone who isn't bad. I don't know what terms I'm on with this person, if she views me as an extension of my friend and therefore doesn't want to be my friend either, but we weren't that close to begin with. My friend talks about wanting to go back to Japan and heavily implies that our last trip was ruined because this person came with us (my friend invited her), but like… that was WAY before any of this, and we all had a really fun time together.
Maybe it's just my friends way of coping with losing this person as a friend but I just don't want to get involved anymore. I don't want to get dragging into her hours long tirades of how xyz is a shitty person and here are all the shitty things they've done like I've been dealing with for years already.
No. 497594
>>497579Thinking of doing both, tbh. Except I kinda feel bad because 5 of us left this hell hole in less than a month.
>>497582It's a shitty high end restaurant cashier job, no HR. No nothing. I was doing 6 hrs a week while I was in school. I might do what other anon said, and bring it up to team captain and also email her.
However, I don't know exactly what to say…
No. 497629
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I hate when you refer to a man as creepy for being interested in teenagers when he is in his mid 20s and he is like "oh you must be jealous/insecure about you age"
I can understand sometimes why manhate anons are the way they are.
No. 497688
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I recorded some footage of myself talking for shits and giggles and looking at how ugly I am in motion is fucking mortifying. My head and jaw is blocky like a goddamn Lego man, my overbite is horrifying and my big ass teeth make me look like a legit horse, and when I laugh my nose and chin make me look like a goddamn Halloween witch lawn ornament. I want to apologize to every person who's ever had to interact with me in real life.
No. 497692
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>>497688Lets be real tho. It’s like that for a lot of us. I’m sure you’re being hypercritical anon. I think my voice is trash but a lot of people say it’s cute. I’m rooting for you beautiful
No. 497698
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>>497692This is so sweet, thank you, anon!
>>497695Girl this made me laugh my ass off. The recording was of myself talking, not taking a shit, but I see how you misread it. Made my night imagining someone setting up a camera to record herself shitting and then looking critically at the footage lmao
No. 497714
>>497508kek I know that feel anon. No respect because they think you're "just a secretary" but when things go wrong suddenly your responsible for every damn thing that happens in the department.
Also made me realize how many people in positions of power, making 6-figures a year are incompetent af…like no reading comprehension or people skills whatsoever. Swear I'm going to have a heart attack before I'm 30.
No. 497763
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Saw a little old lady who looks like my grandma working the cash register endlessly for the pre-Christmas rush. Gives me depression fam. In America you have to slave your youth away for the promise of not being homeless in old age. How can women not feel pressured to have kids lest we have no one to take care of us at the end of our lives.
No. 497769
>>497763Spoiler alert: Kids aren't meant to be your old age caretakers but
if you choose to go that route make sure you're good to them because they might not want to take care of you if you've spent 80% of your life being a nasty crotch to them.
No. 497778
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I was deathly sick with a cold more than a few weeks ago, and I was barely recovering from the after-effect of constant snot and a lingering cough when now apparently I caught the flu.
I've had to take hot baths and hot showers constantly because I'm freezing. Layering blankets and clothes barely help and all that does is cause me cold sweats. I have snot and a cough, but the chills, headache, and body aches are an abomination. My eyes feel like they're on fire but not because they're dry, but because of the heat coming from my head. Earlier I was laying on the couch frozen in pain. I couldn't stop crying. I'm constantly pissing myself with every cough and sneeze because my bladder muscles can't handle two months of straight illness anymore. I'm exhausted but can only pass out when I'm too tired to cough even though I feel I gotta. I know this one is extra bad because I have no appetite, when in contrast I often don't pass up food when I've got just a common cold. Worst of all, my acne has come back with a vengeance because my immune system is too busy fighting off whatever the fuck it is I have to deal with my painful red cysts all over my face. I look physically like a leper and feel like a social one too.
I'll be alone for Christmas this year. I was meant to go with my stepdad to visit the only part of my family who still talks to me (tl;dr I went no contact with my narcissist mom and she smeared me to anyone who'd entertain her so her side doesn't talk to me at all now). Not that they hadn't always treated me like a black sheep and only superficially tolerated me on holidays anyway. Getting back to my stepdad's side: I'm sad because I bought my cousin a $70 Lush bathbomb kit and I was super excited to surprise her with it, but I just told my stepdad to take it and go. No one wants to be around me because I'm ill.
One of my best friends who lives opposite in the country sent me a package with a Christmas gift, but the kind words she wrote in the card meant so much to me that I just sat hugging it while sobbing, and rocking myself back and forth. I'm so hard up for anyone to be as thoughtful, considerate, and kind to me.
No. 497784
>>497772Of course there are other choices, making your kids sacrifice their OWN retirement savings for yours is one of the worst and least reliable options of them all.
I mean, you say you wouldn't do it but you're the one who said
>How can women not feel pressured to have kids lest we have no one to take care of us at the end of our what else are we supposed to assume? Not having kids at all is the very first idea I have when I worry about retirement, not that I should have them specifically as a contingency plan.
No. 497800
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>>497778I'm so sorry that you're feeling so awful, especially during the holidays. As an anon, I can't do much, but I genuinely wish that you recover soon and have a merry Christmas despite your illness. And even though you feel sick and lonely, know that there's someone wishing you well.
If you don't feel like eating, please make sure to drink water if you can. It helps me when I'm sick.
Here's a cute kitty! And merry Christmas again!
No. 497803
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>>497698I know this is late but damn bb you got this lol you’re so sweet lol
No. 497824
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Yesterday (Dec 23), my grandfather (67M), Paw, whom I have considered my father figure for the past decade, passed after years of struggling with heart disease and lung disease. He had a rapid decline since Friday and had been transferred from our condo — where I (21F) have lived with them since I was 19 to help take care of them, but mainly Paw — to comfort care, then hospice last night.
As soon as he passed yesterday (11:45ish AM), my mother, who is estranged and viewed as evil by the rest of this side of the family, told me I could come to her house if I needed to get away. After years of taking care of my Paw and Maw, I put myself first, and had my girlfriend drive me to my mother's. I was there for a couple of hours before my good friend from high school came by to take me out to dinner and try to get my mind off things. HS friend brought me home to the condo at around 7:30, and came inside with me.
I was immediately met with animosity — and actual rage by my sister (25F) — from Maw, who was upset that I had had my bio father tell her I was leaving, and had not called her during the hours I'd been gone. This is the first big loss in my life, and it's of the man I considered my father, and he considered me his daughter. And now I had my sister telling me I'd behaved "wildly inappropriately," and that our grandmother "is priority" since her husband just died. No one asked me how I'm holding up, but then again, none of them had ever in all the years I spent watching Paw die while doing anything in my power to make him happy. Maw then told me I was to sleep on the couch and give up my room to my sister and her boyfriend for the night, as she'd asked them to stay since she hadn't known I was coming home, and didn't want to be alone. She then took MY cat into her room for the night. I feel like I'm being punished now of all times. I feel like my grieving is being policed. I feel like I'm always going to be the fuck-up to this goddamn narcissist that should've been in Paw's position all along.
No. 497839
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My boyfriend has a porn addiction and it's ruining my self esteem not being able to do anything for him. He waits till I'm off to work to get off and completely ignores me for the rest of the day.
He has also admitted that he doesn't want to meet up with an online friend because he would cheat on me with her. We're trying to work things out but my heart hurts. Merry Christmas?
No. 497840
>>497839Fuck anon, I would demand that he cut contact with the “friend” immediately.
Then put an ultimatum about detoxing from porn, try to talk to him about how very much damaging it is or appeal to morality about how horrible the industry is, if it all fails maybe try straight up catholic-esque shaming, call him a maniac or diseased.
But if there’s any other reason you also feel uncomfortable just break up, its not worth it.