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No. 375696
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all 'natural' beauty
No. 375697
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have we spoken about this one before? tbh she pisses me off because literally her entire career is about body posi and "normal girls" and "no photoshop" etc etc after getting her ass injected to high heaven. i'd feel 'confident' with no photoshop after thousands in body surgery too
No. 375748
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>>375697Damn, I always thought it was natural since she also has big legs and in certain pics it looks believable.
But the pic you posted…that looks mega fake.
No. 375754
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>>375748it looks terrible. idk if she keeps getting it topped up or idk
No. 375769
>>375764>people are not born with insecuritiesTrue, other people commenting on your physical flaws cause the insecurities.
I don't see why the option of not having people comment on your flaws should only be reserved for people
born with attractive features. Why is a person
born with good features more deserving of not having others' comments cause insecurities than someone who got those features via surgery?
No. 376099
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portia de rossi looks like an entirely different person. when I saw her on the reboot of arrested development my jaw dropped. she looks very strange now. not sure if she denies it or not
No. 376107
>>376099Jesus Christ.
She can so easily afford therapy and she just keeps going on and on allowing the dysmorphia to take over. Felt sorry for her for about a minute after reading her book but damn, woman. Her problems are fixable.
Give it a few years and she’ll be back down to 80 pounds with a fourth face.
No. 377090
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Will this fucking epidemic of baboon ass lip fillers ever cease
No. 377127
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>>377092They’re Swedish. Girl in mid has /snow potential, drug addict who named her son Lucifer and has “misunderstood” in French tattooed on her forehead. Has live-streamed her butt (or tits? Idk) implants on Instagram. Saged for slight OT
No. 377153
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michael jackson is a classic, it's incredible to me that he tried to claim his hideous transformation was all due to a skin condition
janet is a really unfortunate case to me, i always thought her little cocaine nose looked horrific and she could have been so, so pretty if she hadn't mutilated it. it's always been awful and just gotten worse
No. 377170
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>>377153Michael, Janet, and La Toya all got botched noses. La Toya's I find especially horrific. It's a shame how they've influenced each other like that.
No. 377212
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>>377170la toya was really pretty. what a shame. but they all got considerably lighter, it seems.
No. 377213
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>>377212it has to be bleach. maybe mj's skin just didn't take the bleach as well as the other girls or something.
No. 377248
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case closed.
He def bleached later, or did something-
No. 377272
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"Plastic surgery? Oh no honey, its jApAnEsE pOtAtOeS that did this to my face"
No. 377575
>>377527What's wrong with nordic natural beauty (or any other type of natural beauty)? Why are all these girls wanting to look ethnic? Gee, is sad how bad these women fall for the flavor of the month body part.
I'm wondering what's going to happen when all this stuff on them goes out of style.
No. 377615
File: 1550806426871.jpg (Spoiler Image,358.18 KB, 2028x1522, B.jpg)

The Kim Kardashian effect?? Or The Bogdanoff effect.
You decide.
No. 379445
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for fuck's sake
No. 379447
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>>379445this isn't even denied but it makes me wince imagining what these fillers will look like in a few years. they look painful as is
No. 379459
>>377090imo there is nothing worse than this. giant lips instantly ruin a face
I will never understand this shit
No. 380653
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beyonce stans and their plastic surgery denial never ceases to amaze me
they're literally on michael jackson levels of denial
No. 380668
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>>380665i mean…yes? its literally the same kind of mentality that mj and kpop fans have when its beyond obvious beyonce has had a ton of stuff done, but because she takes "natural" photos for instagram with a ton of filters and obvious photoshop, her fans genuinely will claim shes had nothing done even though she looks like a completely different person
No. 381402
>>377212>>377213It could just be different lighting, given that the darker photos are in sunlight but the lighter photos are flash photography. Plus going out in the sun more still makes a difference.
>>380653>>377272I understand the pressure for these women to supress ageing but I don't understand why they change their features so much that they go from having a recognisable look to being some bland generic face. Their face is part of their brand and yet if they don't botch it they just end up… forgettable. Especially Renee Zellweger in the OP.
No. 382210
>>380668You guys keep saying mj fans deny it but…I've never heard of this like ever? Like it's well known that after that thing blew up in his face while going the Pepsi commerical he got addicted to plastic surgery and looked really scary before he died like I've never seen a mass amount of people say otherwise. He suffered from anorexia and then there's videos of his performing on YouTube too where you can see his vitiligo and how they tried to hide it with his clothes but it'll flash from time to time.
But he's never not been an example of what plastic surgery addiction can make a person look like ever since I could remember
No. 382726
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Whenever I see Pixee's Insta posts I feel bad for 5 seconds before I don't feel bad for her. She basically got every kind of plastic surgery procedure imaginable done and she kept going and going like her life didn't matter. When she went on Botched the doctors thought she came to see them because of the loss of feeling in her chin when she was actually she went there for more plastic surgery. The docs were surprised that she didn't care about the nerve damage from the jaw shave. After appearing on the show she went to the Middle east again to get more work done and this time she wasn't as lucky. Something went wrong (negligence on the doctor's part) and she slipped into a coma, now Pixee is brain damaged. The second she woke up her manager flew her back to the US to milk her mentally ill brain damaged ass some more. Pixee's family caught wind of this and finally brought her back to Sweden after trying for a few months, she now spends her days at home in bed, her parents got her a puppy to keep her company and she doesn't post selfies or glamour shots anymore.
No. 382870
>>382726Having been through BDD myself, I feel terrible for the people who have it. It's an awful mental condition that makes your life impossible and many therapists can't treat it for shit. I imagine it's possibly even worse for people who actually have money for plastic surgery, because they're more likely to not do their research properly in the heat of the moment and end up at the mercy of shit surgeons only interested in milking as much money as they can from them, encouraging them to get more and more PS.
It's sad that nobody could help this woman.
No. 383016
>>382976I heard she has memory loss alongside brain damage. Good for her that she has a loving family. That disgusting manager should be ashamed.
>To add to this she's probably going to go blind in a few years from her eye implantsHow do you know that? I know eye implant surgery is dangerous but Pixee seemed to be okay after everything healed properly. Or can eye implants suddenly cause inflammation at any time? I am just asking.
No. 383088
>>375656She looks the same. She just got older. Don’t get this meme.
Yes many women who had plastic surgery deny it but there’s also an obnoxious group of people inventing deadly procedures that just are not possible. Had this thread been made in 2007 and was this a youtube video OP probs would point out she even changed her eye colour, lmao!
No. 383196
>>383016In order to not develop glaucoma you need to use novocaine drops every few hours a day, it’s a miserable existence because you can’t see the sun or any light filled places without pain.
Optometrist appointments are necessary because of the damage that was made to the cornea.
No. 383247
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>>383088>>383094>>383188OP pic is from 2014. Here she is at the Oscars last month.
No. 383392
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I wanna get eyebag injections then I see this
No. 383395
>>383247can you achieve upper blepharoplasty-esque results with botox? Because the op pic looks like she had more room created around her eyes, which dragged her brows down.
I've wanted an upper blepharoplasty for years but my brows are similarly low on my forehead and I've read about this being a possibilty and that someone in that situation would also need a browlift.
No. 385640
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I hate Brie Larson's new look she looks so different now
No. 389021
>>379448Male sexual preference has gone off the rails: are species of beetle where the males prefer to mate with discarded beer bottles than females, because the beer bottles happen to have exaggerated versions of traits beetles find attractive. We're seeing the same thing today when it comes to beauty standards. Women are supposed to be perfectly made up with exaggerated eyes and lips, unhealthily thin waist but huge ass and thighs (can only be achieved with surgery for 99% of women), and down for all kinds of messed up sexual acts men have been programmed into liking by porn overstimulation.
No. 389104
>>389021Why aren't women affected by this? Is it because we're "less visual?" Or because we can appreciate a broad spectrum of things?
God men are such fucking retards in some aspects. Things like this remind me to never even consider involving myself with them
No. 389130
>>389104I think there is just something fundamentally wrong with men's brains.
Like how whenever you see someone with an absolutely broken sexuality, some insane fetish that defies all sanity, it's 99.9% of the time a man. It's men who are getting off to clowns popping giant balloons or cartoon pony dickgirls or people shitting into cakes and then feeding it to their pets. Women usually just don't go wrong to such an extent.
No. 389137
>>389104>>389117>>389130>>389021>There are species of beetle where the males prefer to mate with discarded beer bottles than females, because the beer bottles happen to have exaggerated versions of traits beetles find attractive.This got me curious so I searched and found this on the subject:'s quite interesting:
>I study sex differences theory, Darwinian sexual selection, and one of the clear glaring patterns about animals is that there are a number of examples of males making mating errors. Females never — I've never heard an example of a female making an error. So here's a male making a clear mating error and the theory behind it is that sperm's cheap. Males can afford to, once in a while, you know, basically make a mistake. Females no, because reproduction is much more expensive for females.
>DR: These beetles were being dragged off the bottles by predatory ants that were on the ground. And so some of the more attractive bottles had bits and pieces of many beetles on the ground.
> LLM: Does this beer bottle attraction pose a real problem for the beetles?>DG: So at least one conservation biology textbook has referred to our research as a classic case of an "evolutionary trap," in the sense that the male beetles have evolved over millions of years to prefer the largest brown female they can find, because bigger females have more eggs. And along come humans, chucking beer bottles out, and this stimulus has completely disrupted their [mating behavior]. No. 389331
>>389137Female animals might not make mating mistakes like males, but they do fall
victim to “evolutionary traps” when it comes to caregiving. This is because of supernormal stimuli as stated in:>supernormal stimuli are exaggerated versions of stimuli to which animals respond more intensely than to normal stimuli.Female birds of many different species have been observed to prefer fake eggs that are larger and more colorful than the real eggs they laid. It’s just sort of a fault in evolution that is becoming more common due to human interference.
No. 401387
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Why is it that when an asian gets surgery to change their race no one cares but when a white person (the brazilian guy for example) gets surgery to change their race, everyone gets all pissed and cry cultural appropriation?
This Japanese dude wanted to look white he got eyelid surgery, a nose implant and bone implant on his forehead to make his the eye sockets appear deeper. Thoughts?
No. 401418
>>401387People that defend it are in denial about this shit or are severely visually retarded, as in they can't process how these traits they get through PS are caucasian features.
Reminds me of artwork that is ripped off but unless you do one of those shitty 50% opacity overlays and it matches exactly, people will call it not a copy.
No. 401428
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Goddamit Korea
No. 401430
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Koreans are pretty talented at making their people look naturally beautiful. It's sad when you think about all the work they had to get done at such a young age for a shot at fame. These two had their whole faces worked on as teenagers and their parents were totally fine with it
No. 401465
>>401450Not denying surgery, I just meant that the after pic is shopped to death. Can you find a more candid pic to compare?
>look naturally beautiful>naturallyIn what world? I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone look like that naturally.
No. 401490
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>>377090LMAO this reminds me of this chick, who was somewhat popular (infamous) in my country many years ago.
No. 402101
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What happened to Xiahn Nishi? He was everywhere not too long ago
No. 403899
>>389331so males are retarded caveman sexual deviants and females just really want to care for things
god i hate men. i needed this reminder to avoid them forever
No. 404564
>>389331wait a minute
I know the paper doesn't talk about this but it makes me wonder if female animals can experience 'cuteness' the way humans experience cuteness towards their babies (and other baby animals).
No. 404582
>>404555pullfag out
like most threads on /w/, nobody gives a shit. stick to PULL
No. 404594
>>404555thats literally 2 out of the probably several hundred cows that have been featured on this site lmao
theyre not exactly all over the site
No. 407488
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>>385640Uh huh. Are you mad at how much Chris Evans has changed from that highly stylized comic book movie too? Imagine putting a picture of Lucas Lee next to a regular pic of Chris Evans and whining about how different they look in a Plastic Surgery thread lmao
No. 408645
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I find it hilarious these midlife crisis wt slags pump so much shit into their lips it accumulates into a mustache.
No. 408731
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>>389104Women's sexuality is actually less plastic than men's. Research says that women generally cannot be conditioned by orgasms to the same extent as men.
Some hypothesize that it also has to do with male sexuality being more reliant on associative learning. Men are also universally more entitled and expect their fantasies to become reality right this moment.
Another hypothesis is that women simply don't have the social or economic power to pursue their own version of supernormal stimuli or enforce men's compliance with unrealistic standards. To put it simply, we aren't rich enough so we settle for a beer bellied dad bod instead of demanding that men look like twinks from Final Fantasy. Of course we rationalize it by forcing ourselves to focus on personality rather than looks.
No. 408767
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>>408731ayrt here!
>we aren't rich enoughMight be true, although age gap sugar mama relationships don't seem as common among rich/famous women as they are with their male equivalents.
I think we just search for partnership more than males do (generally, always exceptions of course). And this is coming from a high-sex-drive bitch, but even as a billionaire I'd rather a friendly husband who enjoys my company to a model. He'd have to meet some bare minimums of course, but nothing obscene and I'd never trade him out.
You're probably also correct that orgasms condition us less sexually (again, in general). The average normie male has an interest in weird, uncanny proportions but even a high libido woman probably won't train herself to only get off to MONSTER MUSCLES and GIANT COCK or something. I like petit men but haven't memed myself into micro fetishism.
That said, I recall seeing a post about supernormal stimulus somewhere else on here in regards to women and got me thinking more about this issue and that we're into it in a different way. The anecdote was about female birds seeking the BIGGEST EGG, and I thought that could mirror how human women like to mother animals, or the select few who get into reborn baby dolls, or who get obsessed with collecting kawaii shit. Dog and cat moms are a cultural phenomenon whether we want to admit it or not. Animals are like eternal babies (helpless, rely on you for food, not cognitively developed, etc.).
Furbabies.Funny how women get picked on for that but men are okay masturbating themselves into only liking beach ball tiddies and sausage lips. Really makes you think!!!
No. 409605
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>>408767Another thing about supernatural stimuli in a sexual context is that men's exaggerated ideal is hyperfeminine, with all female sexual characteristics being taken to their extreme.
Women too have their completely unrealistic (as in no real life man looks like that barring extreme surgery) ideal for men. But instead the masculine characteristics are extremely minimized, leaving only those that allow us to identify the subject as male. They have no body hair, no facial hair, no male pattern hairline, no facial virilization, no enormous dicks or enormous muscles. Literally every character that was designed to appeal to women is like this. Also, boy bands etc. It seems that all women enjoy this up until a certain age, then just capitulate to the idea that it doesn't exist.
It's like masculinity isn't naturally attractive to straight women or something.
No. 410075
>>410050I don't really agree with this theory (I know plenty of women who like manly hairy men, it seems more like it's just fallen out of fashion in the same way that Reubenesque women were once sexually popular) but you could argue that these youthful characteristics are appealing on a man because of how sperm quality degrades with the age of a man. A younger man will be more sexually and physically verile, possibly less compromised with disease and has longer lifespan to support your offspring.
All of the gross arguments that men use for why they're only attracted to neotenous blow up dolls could be used by women too, but men have managed to construct a system that makes their balding yet hairy asses exempt from the same logic through financial and social convention.
No. 410077
>>409605I've been called a lesbian for saying this, but women just look better than men. It's the truth. There are women who do like masculine men, but I think that's because women have more varied tastes in general (and tbh, I feel like those types are far, far more of a minority than men like to tell themselves, lmao).
Femininity has always been more aesthetically pleasing than masculinity.
Men with feminine features will always look better than men with masculine features.
The only ones who will honestly, truly disagree with this at its core are most likely ugly, neanderthal-looking, wrinkly old men trying to cope.
No. 410088
>>409605This is such a chaotic analysis that it must have been written by a lesbian.
The picture is just
animefied (hence unrealistic) young man. Basically women like glamourous neoteny but will always choose man's personality or usefullness over looks.
No. 410138
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>>404564yes they do. most mammals have the same sort of "babyish" features that human babies do (large eyes, small face, possibly round head), and it makes their mothers feel extra maternal instinct.
No. 410139
>>409605this is only true in east asian countries lmao, the majority of western women want a strong stereotypically masculine man, not some pretty boy.
i'm also bi and i hate feminine males, they're a complete turnoff
No. 410145
File: 1557889799680.png (3.95 MB, 1918x1280, masculinity.png)

>>410139>this is only true in east asian Boybands exist in America, boy bands existed in America first before kpop. Hello? The Beatles? The Rolling Stones? The Jackson 5? Hanson? The Backsteet Boys? NSYNC? One Direction? Justin Bieber? I can list a million more. Leo Dicaprio and River Phoenix were sex symbols for tons of teenaged women, even Fabio, while muscular, was hardly extremely masculine with his long flowing hair and gentle face.
Women in America like their soft, flower boys too, just because it isn't kpop doesn't mean we all liked rugged masculine men
No. 410161
>>410145you literally said that "every male character marketed to women is feminized" and that just isn't true
also while boybands were huge they aren't anymore aside from kpop, and were more geared toward prepubescent/teen girls, not adult women
don't be dense to die on this dumb hill
No. 410170
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>>410089>>410119Not really. I do have bi leanings (maybe I just favor androgyny because it's like a perfect 50/50 split between male and female?), but it's not exactly "gay" to notice that pic related is more pleasing to the eye than
>>410145, lol.
No. 410187
>>410185>that guy is uglynta and I'm not attracted to him in the least, but he does look aesthetically pleasing and I can see why women would find him pretty.
"Ugly" feels like you're exaggerating.
No. 410193
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>>410185>ugly>looks similarI'm not one to cape for males, even handsome ones, but that just doesn't sound realistic.
It's okay if you like beefcakes, but it's not the male standard of beauty. It being considered as such is just men's way of trying to circumvent that they, just like women, lose their beauty as their youth fades. At least women take care of their skin and are just naturally more beautiful, though, lmao.
Pic related is a particularly good example, if you compare him to how he looks nowadays.
No. 410195
>>410194Youthful people often look more androgynous and
No. 410226
>>410214reply was for other anon
males dont have standards, they consider everything thats ugly and easly attainable as masculine
No. 410318
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>>410170you… realize there's billions of humans on this planet and not everyone would prefer your pic over hugh jackman
or either of them
for instance, the arab standard of male attractiveness is this. women like a man with a full beard to accentuate his masculinity. arabic men don't manscape to attract women. again. stop being dense. this is a very stupid hill to die on.
No. 410319
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>>410268>When women go for unrealistic/fantasy crushes, they simply look as unmale as possibleyou didn't even try
No. 410324
File: 1557924506297.jpg (104.06 KB, 1280x720, DragChris.jpg)

Uh… His face really isn't very feminine.
No. 410483
>>410312I'm saying that when wen resort to fantasy, their fantasy men are not ultramanly. When men resort to fantasy, their fantasy women ARE hyperfeminine. Literally 0 women in the world like bald synthol bodybuilders (or whatever the masculine equivalent of a silicone bimbo would be). They might settle for one, but it's not their fantasy ideal.
What is there to understand lmao
No. 410486
>>410319How the fuck is he unrealistic lmfao literally everything on him is pretty average/achievable
Also he's a superhero designed for men to project on, try again
No. 410504
>>410484I'm sorry anon, "wen" cracked me up.
The two genders: Men and Wen.
No. 410518
>>410483Oh loool.
Are you the same "bi" woman that is spouting that bullshit everywhere or are all bisexual women on this site closeted lesbians?
Because it's always a bisexual post, always.
No. 425517
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Pony talks about finally getting eyelid surgery when it's pretty clear that her eyelid was the result of a botched job from years ago. Pony is talented and likable but why does she have to play this facade of being all natural like resident snowflake, Michelle Phan when it's pretty clear that she's plastic from head to toe? Influencers and celebs don't have to disclose their plastic surgeries but for the love of god just don't pretend and claim you're all natural and make vids and shit telling ppl to love themselves
No. 425523
File: 1561348207112.jpg (77.58 KB, 612x612, 8029286357_c0f81b617f_z.jpg)

>>425517She looked like a different person before she became Pony (was known as ulzzang Park Hye Min). She had had a good amount of surgery to make her look like she does now.
No. 425854
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>>425523Did she chop half of her nose off?
No. 425918
>>425854Pony's nose job looks so bad. Her I FINALLY GOT EYELID SURGERY vid totally changed my view of her. I hate it whenever YouTubers try to come off as
relatable and
honest with these vids when they're really not.
No. 426201
>>426093There's a bit of swelling in the morning from the fluids leveling out while lying down for 8 hours. Think of how your feet swell in the evening if you've been standing all day.
Koreans obsess over it bc they're afraid of having large faces.
No. 436412
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This girl. Honestly I hate both of the call her daddy girls but alex has had a ridiculous amount of surgery and acts like she hasn't. Those two could probably have a whole thread but it's basically cheating
No. 438193
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No. 447376
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Fuck I realized this is for ps deniers but whatever. Posted and deleted a reposted, sorry for retardation
Risking necro bc I don't think anyone cares in the TV Shows thread and it has more to do with plastic surgery anyway…
This is Lea from season 5 of Bad Girls Club on the left and her current …state… on the right.
No. 447382
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Here's another example from season 1– Aimee. Top is before and bottom is current.
No. 449274
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Is there a general plastic surgery thread?
No. 449293
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Angelina from jersey shore says the only thing she’s had done is her boobs… sure Jan
No. 464015
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How is this ok? Weebs make me roll my eyes to the back of my skull. Pale white skin, blood red lips, tacky black dyed hair+Photoshop and plastic surgery won't make you look half or full Korean/Japanese, Yall look like freaks.
No. 464047
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>>464015oh this is that guy who wants to look like/be jimin from bts. I've seen both his barcroft videos and can't believe the lengths he's gone to and after all that he doesn't even look like jimin whatsoever. he needs an intervention tbh
No. 464049
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>>464046I know next to nothing about kpop or bts but and when I saw those barcroft videos of his I thought 'of all those boys in bts and he chose that one?' not that jimin is ugly imo but there are cuter boys in bts. top far left is cutest imo and then grey hair/grey suit on the bottom row
No. 464100
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>>464015>not trying to change my race to asian>gets numerous plastic surgeries to get plastic korean features>i'M gOnNa dO mY eYeS nExTIt's always the fugly white weebs who think switching over to east asian beauty standards will make them attractive.
No. 464114
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A while ago I posted this in the vent thread about how much I hate the "beauty" standards in my country for being objectively ugly. I think it belongs here as well. Eastern European women are bogpilled as fuck. I genuinely cannot stand cheek and lip fillers.
All these women are the "models" I saw when I was browsing local dress boutiques for a wedding I'm going to (the bad designs and cheap Chinese imported fabrics just add to unfortunate state of the modern EE woman)
No. 464239
File: 1569069753449.jpg (Spoiler Image,2.24 MB, 3264x1632, svetlana.jpg)

>>464178I'm from Bulgaria so I guess Southeastern Europe was more accurate to say.
Most typical Bulgarian girls have medium-to-dark brown hair and a fair-to-medium skin tone. Usually slim with small breasts. The mainstream thot hive-mind however pushes the Kim Kardashian aesthetic so lip fillers, fake tans and breast implants are unfortunately common with the difference that you have to stay very thin.
And the people who influence these trends are always the sub 90IQ women who come from small towns with busted peasant genes trying to make it big but having no other option other than getting tons of corrections and getting into Playboy, the music industry and/or being kept women for "legitimate businessmen".
No. 464288
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>>464239>>464114Funny how things change. I’m EE too but I left my shithole country 7 years ago, back then the biggest ideal among white girls were models with light hair and girlish features like Barbara Palvin or Magdalena Frackowiak. Tan skinned brunette bombshells like Irina Shayk and Emily Ratajkowski were popular among rroma girls but this insane plastic surgery ridden, borderline brownface ig thot look was never that popular. I guess the Kardashian bug was bound to hit the rest of the world eventually. Even East Asian countries are picking up on it, albeit in more niche “baddie” circles. pic related
No. 464489
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>>464100>>464015I'm curious to see how freaky he's gonna look after his asian eye surgery
No. 464540
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>>464489kek he kinda looks like that Japanese guy, Matt Kuwata, that wants to look white.
No. 464627
>>464489He looks like a rich old white woman.
Also funny if he gets his lids made into monolids to "look Asian" when lots of Koreans have natural double lids or get surgery to get double lids and still look Korean. He's just going to look like even more of a botched old white lady after fucking with his eyes.
No. 465831
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>>464489>>464713Aw Edward Avila has his own Korean wannabe twin
No. 512998
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Anyone know which Korean PS this before and after is from?
No. 513045
>>512998No, sorry.
That's a lot of eyeliner for an after photo, if it is a PS thing.
No. 517752
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My coworker is obsessed with Hailey Bieber. She had her whole face worked on (I'm not sure if she had Hailey's face in mind). She got the same tan, makeup, hair color and cut, she said she wanted to dress up as Hailey for Halloween and would talk about Hailey here and there. I didn't think of it much until I actually saw pics of Hailey from news articles, it's unreal how similar she looks to Hailey. It creeped me the fuck out. She does kinda look like her but the Walmart off brand version of Hailey. She told me she maintains her face by getting her whole face injected, her next surgery is a BBL. She got mad at me when I told her bbls are dangerous and she could die from it. I can understand why some people want the same hair cut or makeup as a celeb but I don't understand why people wanna skinwalk.
No. 517829
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>>464540Thank you anon, I just became fascinated by this guy. His name was Masashi but he changed it to Matt. He may have bleached his skin, but he also DRENCHES his face and hands with ivory foundation. You can see the foundation fading on his neck in this pic.
I can't even tell whether he's really trying to look caucasian or like one of those effeminate blonde anime boys. But I guess since he changed his name to Matt it may be a mix of both
No. 517845
>>517829something interesting about this guy though is that his instagram self and his real self are almost two separate entities. he has stopped contouring his face like a hand-painted puppet so there's less of a gap but still.
he's in a really weird ad…except it's his photoshopped faced, not actually him. even plastic surgery before/afters show his shooped selfies.
No. 517961
>>517944Ex beliebers would, a lot of Andy biersack fangirls tried to skin walk Juliet Simms too
As for Hailey I find her annoying as a person, other than that she looks like a basic white girl
No. 518207
>>517944>>517961>Hailey is not even that beautiful I think Hailey was the closet celeb she could skin walk, becuz of her typical features
It's cuz of the Hollywood obsession and celebrity worship syndrome. My coworker would be skinwalking someone else if Hailey wasn't famous. I just never actually seen something like this irl, ofc she got kicks outta of other coworker saying omg girl ur hair looks just like Hailey's!
No. 518227
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>>518225Honestly I met her after her Ps and Hailey styling makeover, I don't know if she looked like Hailey before all that. I'm still a lil salty about the comment she made about me. She said I would look "perfect" if I got a chin augmentation and a nose job. Maybe that's why I'm talking about her ass.
No. 538231
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Kpop plastic surgery is my favorite type of transformation, Koreans are so insecure they can get a new identity after surgery. Miyeon's plastic surgery always intrigued me because she looks natural and plastic at the same time. I've always thought she was naturally stick skinny like Lisa until I saw this pic. It seems like Miyeon injects a lot of Botox or whatever they use to melt the fat, and her arms blow up when the injections wear off.
No. 538233
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Miyeon got her jaw and nose shaved down, and her eyes done. She looked older in her before.
No. 538300
>>538237No race is 'naturally attractive', they're all going to have some range between ugly and good looking with the majority being average.
But the fact is, Koreans hate their distinctively Korean features. They have bigger heads, so they love small heads. They have monolids, they want double lids. They have round races, they shave their jaws. They can tan, they want to be corpse white. I don't actually know what it is about Koreans that have made them like that, I don't think they want to look white or like any other race and they're a pretty insular culture so it's not like they should be super strongly affected by non Korean media.
No. 538468
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One of the most drastic transformations I read about was of Oldboy's main actress. She was pressured by her agency to fix her overbite, got the surgery, but it completely changed her face and she had difficulty getting roles after that
No. 538891
>>538289>strong jaws, strong cheekbonesBut those
are good features. It's better than looking wonky and inbred.
No. 539756
>>538300This ultimately happens within every country or race. Rarer physical traits become desired because they're rare, they set you apart from the average population. This isn't as strongly felt in places like America, Canada, or other "mixing pot" countries, because they're not one homogeneous race. But you could probably still think of some rare traits that are considered more desirable or beautiful.
There's also other things to consider like what said trait might represent - for North Americans, having a tan shows that you can afford to vacation a lot. North Americans tend to vacation in warm, tropical places, whereas Asians prefer places like Europe that don't get much more sun. So the vacation = tanned correlation is not as strong in Asia. In Asia it is still strongly associated with being a poor farmer or laborer. Also add on the fact that UV damage causes skin aging, and Korea / Asia in general caught onto that long before the West ever did. So avoiding the sun and preventing sun damage is a big thing that is very normalized in Asian beauty culture.
No. 540844
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Did she do something to her face? Or is it just weight gain?
She used to be so pretty
No. 540972
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No. 540988
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>>540844Body dysmorphia is a hell of a drug. She was naturally beautiful before surgery. She looks way too "worked on" now.
No. 541065
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>>540988she's had work done in that before picture, too
pic related is her natural nose
No. 541072
>>541065Love Lana but christ she wasn't lying in her old songs about crazy shit she got up to. Her first pic proves it.
I still think she's pretty tho tbh
No. 541084
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>>375656Simi , Haze, and Fai (hang out with Kendall Jenner yet I'm pretty sure they do fuck all and have no talents) all have had nose jobs. None of them will admit it though, especially the brother.
No. 541109
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>>541075 Her nose isn’t a terrible size or shape persay but I’ve only seen that shape look nice on woman with really sharp jawline and cheekbones. On Lana’s face is just looks too big. I agree with the other poster that her overinjected lips are what made her look trashy, but in all honestly trashy is and has always her whole aesthetic and career, like tragic ig thot but in retro.
No. 541113
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If we’re gonna get into politicians, Vladimir Putin is undeniably the king of fillers, (and also heavy orange foundation for tv appearances).
No. 541185
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>>541113he looks so fucking weird in motion
No. 541533
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>>541070>>541074Pretty sure the pic on the right in
>>541065is from 2013/2014 though. She looked pretty then, the nose job and a bit of filler suited her well. Nowadays she looks a lot more botched though. And no it’s not just age and weight gain, there are red carpet pics from last year where she looked just fine. Pic related, left is from July 2019 and right one is from January of this year… tragic.
No. 541631
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>>541272 He was okay like 40 years ago, but even then you could see his undereye hollows forming lol. You talk to people today in Russia and large sectors will still say they don’t see anything and the man just looks different because “aging”
No. 541676
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>>541631OT, but Mathias Schoenaerts looks so much like him it's fucking scary
No. 541780
>>541533No offense anon, but she looks the exact same.
Nothing about her has changed except the lighting, and her pose. That is it.
No. 541914
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Did she have a lip lift or just fillers?
No. 542236
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>>542116No, she definitely has fillers and not only in her lips
No. 542647
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lil kim makes me so sad
No. 542957
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>>542647This one hurts. She was gorgeous.
No. 543719
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I wish Ariana layed off the fillers, her face is starting to look like a balloon
No. 543721
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Anyone know who this Weeaboo freak is? It's not a mask btw. He she it really did do surgery to look like that.
No. 543724
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>>543721jesus, that is nightmare fuel
No. 543789
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>>464114>>464239hey fellow Bulgaranon. It's mostly chalga idiots that get this ridiculous lip filler look.
one thing that does bother me is preslava's surgery. she had a nice unique look and now just looks like a scary ant.
No. 543912
>>542957Lil Kim is always such a tragic story. She's a
victim of sexism and men telling her she was ugly and told to hate her naturally black features. it's always so sad to see her now
No. 544893
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>>542647jesus christ what the fuck
those triangle nostrils of black women of the 90s and early 00s. tragic
No. 546096
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total tinfoil but i think he got jaw implants or fat removed from his jaw or something. it's not a big enough change from his natural face that it looks impossible, but i don't buy it. also he seems like the type that would go for chad surgery lol
No. 546169
>>546096One could argue that it's simply aging. His bone structure was always angular, he just had more baby fat to cover it. But then again, he's one of the weirdest guys in Hollyweird, so who knows.
Another tinfoil but I always suspected that he fakes his age. Having such a gaunt face at 27 is very rare, plus he also already looked really mature when he just started out. For example, in this interview he's cute but was (supposedly) only a teen (yet easily looks mid 20s).
Objectively speaking his face is attractive but his personalty makes him punchable af.
No. 546618
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Out of all the beautiful woman in the world, why would the richest man in the world chose a sniveling tupperware?
No. 546885
File: 1588041446417.jpg (1.47 MB, 3816x2710, shutterstock_9960461cp.jpg)

Watch any video from when he was back in Julliard, no one's face structure changes that much, even with puberty, he basically got a brand new skull its really bizarre.
No. 547074
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>>546885its called jaw fillers (which are common among male celebrities0 and other minor fillers and maybe a nose job
No. 569202
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>>375728Speaking of baboon ass, is anyone else tired of the Fake butt trend? What’s with people’s obsessions of having a diaper butt? Jailyne Ojeda has millions of followers and most of her moid followers will vehemently deny her getting any surgery but it’s just so obvious
No. 579509
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>>538237Hong Jinyoung was the most horrifying for me. She was attractive beforehand. Then she just kept getting work done, now shes gone into uncanny territory and i think things are just gonna get worse now
No. 579510
>>569237 said. They are both home wreakers, too. A tabloid threatened to release Bezos' sexting photos to the dried-up hoe, it was wild af.