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No. 363457
Previous Thread:
>>>/ot/234968What was discussed in the last thread:
Yoshiki (X Japan)
>is an attention whore, is still milking hide’s death and is so desperate for American recognition that his band even performed at Coachella>has a Russian sugar baby who’s nearly 30 years younger than him>announces monthly that the new album is 99% finished (it’s not)>hangs out with Marilyn Manson, Poppy and TitanicHyde and Gackt are aging terribly (plus the latter is possibly gay) and Atsushi Sakurai thinks he no longer needs to wear pants.
Kisaki (ex. Phantasmagoria) is a literal pedophile. And of course he gets away with it, because this is glorious Nipponland we’re talking about…
More can be found here:! Absolutely appalling details, pictures as proof.
At first I thought about making this jrock/vkei-only (because most conversations were about those), but then decided against it. Therefore you can also use this thread to rant about how horrible the idol industry is and how bad Ayumi looks nowadays.
The latest scandal:
She had to apologize to her „fans“ for daring to speak out about it.
No. 363563
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>>363459Amen. As long as he doesn't go full thong, I'm quite happy with his newfound love for lingerie.
No. 363598
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>>363459>>363563Just stated that it was discussed, no judgement lol
I can't believe Kisaki still has fans…
No. 363896
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>>363831all those supposed connections and this is still the best he can get? i guess it is american and pays money, so that's enough for him. i'm 50/50 on whether or not the x album is actually going to be released, but it will definitely lead to yoshiki milking hide more, with a briefer mention to taiji
hyde's album should probably be out though, after he released a meh collection of singles in 2018. speaking of him though, anybody catch the photos from his birthday with gackt? guests included a (not pictured) yoshiki, hyde's usual hanger on daigo, and gackt's unusual friend roland. guests did not include many other people over the age of 45, jrock sugar baby jaejoong, and seemingly no women at all. gackt's been making a big deal of his 20th solo anniversary being this year, i wonder if he's going to have his own mediocre album out this year
No. 363942
>>363896Roland? I can't find him…? Speaking of him, I know this isn't jrock, but this was in my youtube recommendations and immediately made me shudder… What a creep.
Hyde literally looks like a tiny grandma and Gackt, looks like Gackt… His little servant (Takumi or something) is also always with him. Shinya looks so weird too.
That whole party was probably spent talking about how great Hyde is.
And I highly doubt that Gackt will release an album, he would have mentioned it beforehand, no? All he's doing lately is being in commercials.
No. 363985
>>363942I can't speak nihongo but what's even the context of this? If I were those kids, I'd be creeped out with his plastic surgery ridden face up in my shit. Shouldn't he be in bed with gackt or something instead of signing children's soccer balls?
The kids touching his hair was kinda cute tho ngl.
No. 365432
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I used to be into 48g back until… 2013-ish? Yuko was my fave and when she graduated I just stopped caring (the singles also just when reeeeally downhill after the whole KFC meme song)
I still love to lurk them for drama tho, I think new scandals like Mahohon's will come up to the surface and I hope AkiP burns once and for all lol
No. 365449
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>>365145yeah it's really fucking weird. Why is a manwhore something inspirational to children?
Also, I don't even get why Gackt hangs out with him? Roland is nothing but a host who spent all his money on a new face. Why is he in the j-rock squad? At least the other guys have some kind of actual talent.
No. 365742
>>365449Kek at that money necklace, how childish…
Ever since Roland quit being a host (which was only a couple months ago), he kind of blew up even more, is constantly on tv etc. (And for some reason japanese women do find him attractive - or at least pretend to)
Maybe he's buying himself in? And we all know that money is the only thing Gackt cares about, he hangs around with all kinds of semi-famous, rich non-musicians.
>>365717He turns 50 this year. I really don't get it, he's so rich, yet looks worse than your average dad. You'd think he could afford all kinds of skin care treatments and only the best stylists.
No. 366320
>>363812There's no way Kyo is not mentally ill. All he does is write edgy shit about women and is still obsessed with abortion (cuz according to an old ass interview, his mother tried to have his aborted, but it didnt work out.)
He'll be 43 (?) soon, so he needs to move off the edgy phase already.
No. 366482
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>>365742If you ask me, Roland is Gackt's sugar baby. There's no way that fruit loop isn't a closet case.
Also, I noticed that since the first anti-Jrock thread, Miyavi has been posting and mentioning more of his wife, as well as Yoshiki making a point to be on camera with his Russian SB. Coincidence? Not that I think any of them would lurk here, I just find it interesting after the sperging over those women in the old thread.
No. 366970
>>366483I'd reckon he'd love to see Kisaki cash and burn (which will never happen though), but he probably also doesn't give a fuck about the women and her daughter who were abused.
>>366320So many people are making up accuses for him, even try to spin it around into him being pro-choice, but I can't believe that.
No. 367046
>>366973I feel like if it got enough fan attention, there would eventually be more of a scandal. Although with the way Japan and the idol industry is, unless her
male fans rage about it I don't see much being done.
No. 373014
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I actually get genuinely sad seeing Hyde like this. He was so pretty just 2 years ago.
No. 373050
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>>373014He literally looks like some cute grandma lol
I really wonder what he did wrong to end up like this.
No. 373066
>>373014>>373041>>373045Could this be the result of perhaps cheek fillers + botox? They look like botched cheek implants, but not quite 'plastic' enough to be actual implants, imo.
(also the clip of Yoshiki eating it on a skateboard from his insta was choice lmao)
No. 374331
>>374074He really thinks he's cute and quirky, like some dumb tween girl…
>>373883Good taste, anon. I'd second simply starting from their first album and working yourself up. Sissy Boy, Romanesque and Angelic Conversation are on of my favourite songs.
For albums, especially since you seem to like older stuff, I'd say Hurry up mode, Sexual xxxxx!, Seventh Heaven and Kurutta Taiyou. Six/Nine is very different, but maybe you still give it a try, it's suprisingly nice.
I'm rather disappointed in their newest album. The second last one also wasn't too exciting.
No. 374621
>>374432why is Gackt so cringy? lmao
when we were all teens we probably thought he was such a cool and unique artist and now we're all grown up realizing how retarded he looks and laughing at it. i love it.
No. 377521
>>374621Gackt has barely had his ego checked since the mid 90s. he couldn't have been much older than 21/22 when he joined Malice Mizer, so he was very quickly associated with one of the stronger names in visual kei history. there's all sorts of stories of him beating up various other musicians and roadies in the 90s, he leaves a well known band and has his solo career make him even more famous, he's making connections with all sorts of other celebrities far more famous than him. he's had plenty of criticism over the years for being cringy, but nowhere near enough to get through the fact that he's been having his ego stroked for about 25 years. him being (imo anyway) increasingly more unbearable over the last 10 years comes from the fact that he's had more criticism recently than he ever did before when his music was original, his singing was better, his face still looked like a face. the more articles and comments come out criticising him, the worse he's going to get
the man claimed to be a 500 year old immortal for years and was rewarded for his mysterious and unusual personality with media attention, money, and sex. i don't really think there's any chance of him getting better any time soon - not his face, not his weird instagram choices, not his occasional awful statements, and definitely not his deluded career choices
No. 378493
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Is it strange to anyone else that Hyde is playing a rock festival in Jacksonville, FL?? I mean… Nobody plays Jacksonville. This is a good little tour though, finally a Japanese artist goes somewhere other than just LA/NY/TX/VA.