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No. 234969
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My personal favourite lolcow is Yoshiki
No. 234979
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>>234974His gigantic ego and the fact that he's been milking the death of his former guitarist for years.
No. 234981
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>>234979Sage for samefag, but i wanted to add that he's rather well known for having ties to the yakuza.
He's also allegedly in huge debt, yet still flaunts his wealth left and right.
Usually he's seen walking around wearing a wrist and a neck brace for extra pity points.
No. 235032
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I used to be a diehard AKB fan but… Once all the original, truly charismatic members had graduated, it doesn't have a soul of its own . It's now become more of a franchise than a true idol group. They don't even mind singing 10yo songs with girls that weren't even in the group yet when they were released and the new girls feel so bland, just another cog on the giant 48 machine, they don't bother to give them real protagonism if they're gonna graduate in 3-4 years anyway
I may sound dumb but the original AKB meant so much to me
Keyakizaka isn't half bad but I couldn't get really interested in them tbh
No. 235037
>>234981He's had surgery on his wrists and neck & his doctors tell him to wear the braces, but he's stupid for always throwing himself across and around his instruments for ~dramatic effect~. Yoshiki was my first weeb crush at age 13, and I still have a big soft spot for him now but goddamn, I can't take him seriously and it's amazing I ever did at all. He's been teasing an album that's supposedly "90% done" for like, almost 10 years? And to top it off, now X Japan is playing fucking
Coachella. TBH I think he's stuck, can't finish the album and is trying to fuck himself up too much to finish it so he can retire.
I vote for a Yoshiki thread, he's not a lolcow per se, but he is pretty lulz and weird.
No. 235040
>>235038Same, anon. I went to like, 4-5 lives, I even went to their last show in Seattle. TBH most of the drama with them is the absolutely batshit insane Kyo fangirls, and the obsessive rich Japanese fans that follow them around on tour. My favorites are the ones who claim to have like, telepathic or spiritual bonds/links to him and are his soul mates.
Yoshiki has some batshit fans too- hobo trannies, thirsty white girls who want an Japanese sugar daddy, and creepy single Asian women who stalk him and take pics of his studio/house/cars.
No. 235041
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>>235017The blog with all those translations is still up >>235020>>235021As far as i know his age got accidentally revealed, so he's probably really just 44 and only looks so fucked up because of excessive plastic surgeries.
>>235037Same, as pathetic as he is, he once was a brilliant musician and watching his behavior now (Gackt's as well) is pretty lulzy. I didn't even dare to limit this thread to Jrock or Vkei only because i wasn't sure how many fans there are on here, so i don't think a Yoshiki only thread would gain enough traction.
>>235038>>235040The only thing i know about them is that they pretty much hate each other (confirmed by themselves) and only stay together for the money.
A few years ago, somebody started the rumor that Kyo is getting married to a person called Royal Roses and then he got harassed on his Instagram because of that, but to this day nobody knows who that crazy fan was. Here they're talking about it in the comment section.
A couple of months ago, Kyo was seen walking with a girl on the streets; she was also harassed on Instagram and had to delete it. Some dumb foreign fan even posted the photo of Kyo walking with that girl, and then tagged Kyo and Dir’s official Instagram pages…
There's one really batshit crazy Kyo fan named Kareki, her Tumblr is a goldmine:
http://deadtree.tumblr.comHere's a summary of her greatest "quotes": No. 235045
>>235041Saged for samefag, but i remembered something else about Diru.
In the past they were involved in several feuds with other bandmen: Kyo vs. Kiyoharu (no idea why), Kyo vs. Kisaki (he bragged in an interview with Purple Sky about sleeping with several of Kyo's girlfriends) and Diru vs. Pierrot (they seem to have reconciled though, seeing as they played together recently).
Die is said to be married for years, but still sleeps around and Toshiya is getting married to a newscaster.
I only have this Tanuki blog as a source, but apparently Kyo seemed to be very violent in the past:
> made some bandomen drink soap at an izakaya> "kanchou” (a prank where you shove your fingers rather forcefully in the general area of someone else’s butthole)> frequently used to shove his arm in girls’ vaginas at drinking parties. Not his fingers, his arm.> shamed an ugly girl who talked to him at a drinking party and made his kohai rape her in front of everyone. He didn’t get his own hands dirty, so to speak.> piercing people’s nipples and genitalsThose rumors exist about Yoshiki, Gackt and Kisaki as well.
No. 235050
>>235045damn, I honestly thought kyo's violent stage bullshit was just an act, but I guess he really is a manlet with rage. I think he is ok looking with his mouth shut…or did he ever get his teeth fixed? I know toshiya finally did and he looks a lot cuter.
I remember hearing that they all disliked each other years and years ago but my stupid fujoshit heart didn't want to believe it.
No. 235053
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>>235051Nope, he got a little space in a magazine and filled it with basic magazine survey BS. He's pretty active on Instagram and seems to be balls deep in Cheburashka and shooping himself younger.
>>235041>tanukiDying forever @ Yoshiki smoking weed lmao
No. 235056
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>>235050Toshiya improved a lot in general, before he used to be so disgustingly skinny
>>235052Never heard anything about him being gay or fucking minors, but he often "surrounds" himself with white models
As for Shinya, he totally creeps me out. I've always considered him ugly, but nowadays he no longer looks human and then always acts so shy and "cutesy"…
No. 235057
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Like what even is this?! What man in his 40s wears costumes like that…?
No. 235064
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I think Kamijo and Mana are also pretty lulzy, in terms of having inflated egos
No. 235105
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I actually didn't dwelve more into them because of the Nazi thing lmao I just kind of liked their first single but mostly because it's more original than anything else 48g is releasing atm
Not like old AKB wasn't problematic before (like in the video for pic related)
No. 235179
>>235106Uhh, I hope it's just a fetish for the nazi
uniform and not nazis themselves.
No. 235182
>>235179many japanese people actually love nazis unironically. basically it goes
>normal citizen >japanese nationalist >nazi sympathizer. not to mention most of the country doesn't give a fuck about any connotations of the uniform. hell, a lolita brand released a series based on the uniform with a nazi sounding name referencing hitler.
No. 235236
>>235182>with a nazi sounding name referencing hitler.You mean a German name? Nice to know that just because it's German it's nazi sounding and Hitler referencing.
The name is "Die Walküre", btw, which means valkyrie. Better stay away from macross delta because of their Nazi sounding name too.
No. 235358
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>>235236Dear Anon, sometimes it's useless to even try with Americans.
She probably googled it, saw his name and thought "If Hiter likes it, this must be bad!"
>>235258It's a very popular piece all over the world, also used in quite some american movies. So, just because Hitler listened to it, does this mean nobody else is allowed to?
Can't you understand how it can be perceived as 'offensive' to claim that something that's completely normal to Germans is a bad thing, because, well duh, it 'sounds' german?
And fyi it wasn't his favourite 'song', not even his favourite piece by Wagner.
No. 235359
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>>235258>Urr durr also hitler loved dogs so dog lovers you're a bunch of nazi now!This is why no one takes amerifats seriously.
No. 235361
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>>235359Kittens are now prohibited as well!
No. 235383
>>235358>>235361>>235359Hey samefag, no one gives a fuck about your hateboner for Americans.
>>235057Eugh. Honestly I thought he was going to come out with some shit about being abused as a kid. He just seems so maladjusted even for a jrocker.
No. 235385
>>234976agreed, even though I'm not a fan of any of this, I always thought the Japanese style seemed to be unique and interesting
>>235032>>235106cringe. see they still wanna live up to that honorary aryan title lmao.
>>235383Fuck off American. Also sage your useless shit.
No. 235394
>>235383It does seem rather uneducated to not know of the origin of the valkyrie myth and it's influence in art, and with composers such as Wagner. I would hope the USA education system approaches cultural history with a bit more detail than calling something like valkyrie "Nazi".
As for the uniform fetish, is it no worse than people dressing up in other military garb? British redcoats brought death to thousands over the world during the empire for example. It's more important to understand history and not keep bringing war to the world, cosplay is hardly comparable to the current American military intervention which is destroying lives all over the world.
No. 235423
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>>235359This is what anon is talking about. Sorry about your precious nippon but there's literally no other reason for a MILITARY themed series to be named after a song hitler is quoted as liking. God you people are retarded.
No. 235427
>>235423You still don't get it, do you…? German people were offended because assholes like you still keep associating everything even remotely german with Nazis!
Nobody was defending their "precious nippon".
No. 235429
>>235427This thread is about Japan, if you ignore blatant nazi fetishism by the Japanese just because it's ~
triggering~ feel free to leave. Maybe if the Germans weren't such a shitty race of literal sheep then the holocaust wouldn't have happened.
No. 235432
>>235428>When I hear "valkyrie" You didn't though, you heard walkure, which is german
>I don't associate every german sounding things with nazi germany.No one gives a shit what
you associate the word with, I am also European. We're talking about what the
Japanese feel about Nazis, not what some
triggered Germans feel.
No. 235434
>>235429And here it comes again… whenever something german is discussed it'll end with "You evil Nazis!"…
Do you know how it feels to still be held responsible for crimes evil people commited at a time your grandparents weren't even born yet and this just because you happen to be born in the same country, thanks anon, really.
No. 235437
>>235433Wow, you're racist AND salty af.
Not that German anon (Baguette-fag here) but can we stop that stupid infighting?
Japanese tends to have a nazi uniforms fetish, we're all agree on that. Can we go back to the lulz now?
No. 235439
>>235435the argument happened because of >>235079
>dressed up as fking Nazi officers for Halloweenand
>>235106 i think SOMEONE there knows about it.
No. 235446
>>235442but no one did that.
>>235444i'm not those anons, i'm the person who posted it in the first place. i think it's ridiculous to think a japanese company would innocently pick a german name, that also happens to be a song that hitler is known for liking as their name of a military themed series. i'm not the first person to even think this, it was a huge topic in lolita fashion a few years ago, it's not my original idea.
No. 235456
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Okay, change of topic
More accusations against Yoshiki: how much would you bet that he has know idea who any of these idols he let's himself get snapped with are? But as long as he seems 'cool'…)
No. 235547
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>>235478I think it's gross that in all interviews he has always young white models in short dresses and heels serve him; same with Gackt and his clothing line.
Gackt also wrote on his blog that they look weird and that he wonders how a brain would even fit into their heads, since they're so small…
No. 235609
>>235597Yes, these poor, maybe still underage eastern european models, who are probably sending every spare cent home to their families…
Sadly that's not even the most extreme stuff he's said:
> women should walk 3 steps/metres behind men so that he can protect her (of what?!), because duh, Samurai and shiz> according to him european women never wear bras> but he likes that because underwear on women is gross> says women will forgive cheating because of their gentle nature> nowadays men are too weak, e.g. if they're not as obsessed with cars as he is, they're basically faggots (but using plastic surgery to transfor youself into an auntie isn't…) No. 235612
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>>235609Sage for samefag/blogpost
It's such a shame, he was a total cutie and awesomely talented during his Malice Mizer days, but afterwards he somehow turned crazy.
Back then he seemed like a genuinely nice person.
No. 235615
>>235611That's basically
any man with money/status who thinks being "manly" is being a pig. He's riding his fame from years ago, just like Yoshiki. He thinks because he's a Vkei grandpa he can do as he pleases.
Also: I heard a rumor years ago that he got in trouble with the Japanese govt for something tax related, and public records came out that he had a son living in Canada & he paid off the mom to take care of them.
No. 235641
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I used to love all of Yasutaka Nakata work but now everything he releases sounds outdated or plagiarized.
No. 235713
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Kyary's career is dead. She can barely sing and once you take out the weirdo gimmick there's no reason to listen to her music
No. 235715
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>>235709I think for Gackt and singers/bands with similar styles it's because they've always been obsessed with anything european and/or baroque, while Yoshiki just likes to have a model by his side like any other wealthy man.
Other than that having a white model in their MV's is sort of a status symbol? Like we can 'afford' something more (even though those models can be hired very cheaply), something a bit exotic, than just some pretty japanese girl from your neighbourhood.
I do however think it's creepy that they often use not only young white women, but downright children…
No. 235733
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>>235715I think that they try to go for a childish look because the Japanese tend to link gothic aesthetic to children for some reason, think Rozen Maiden and Kuroshitsuji. It's still creepy tho
No. 235734
>>235733I don't think so, they've been doing this for way longer already.
And they usually also don't dress them up as 'dark' like the examples you've given.
No. 235762
>>235715>>235733>>235734No but seriously, what is
up with children and vkei? Is it some sort of symbolism? If so, what are they supposed to symbolize? Innocence? Purity? Am I the only one who just finds this downright creepy?
>Sorry for the low quality pic, my lazy ass couldn't find anything better.>I love these guys, but this example always creeped me out, especially since the song is rumored to be about Junko Furuta ( No. 235763
Sage for samefag.
No. 235771
>>235709Some men fetishise blonde, white women. I noticed the same thing in a few American hip-hop and Korean music videos. If the love interest is a white woman, she's almost always blonde. (No love for brunettes, welp.)
>>235762This MV is 2edgy4me.
No. 235775
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>>235714She got cut from Kouhaku and her music releases are irregular and everyone must have got tired of the kawaii harajuku shtick.
No. 235901
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Mejibray's MIA is pretty lulzy and obnoxious. He's gotten too much plastic surgery and he acts really egotistical. It's a good thing Mejibray is pretty much dead now, even though he's gonna go off and do his own thing regardless. Maybe westerners will stop kissing his ass now.
No. 235906
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>>235901Lol, i love him. He's probably one of the lulziest bandmen out there, without being a real criminal like the older guys.
For anybody who doesn't know him:
> flaunts brand clothes on instagram like some sugarbaby> baits fujoshis by making out with e.g. Yohio of Seremedy> had so many plastic surgeries done, that his nose looks like it's about to fall of any second> Mejibray obviously broke up over a clash of their gigantic egos, despite being probably the most successful band out of the newer onesPlus: he stuffs his pants…
No. 235922
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>>235906He's a sugarbaby in the not literal sense. I'm 99% sure he accepts mitsu with little to no shame. Pictures have surfaced of him with various different girls, probably mitsu. Might just be tanuki rumors and such, though. But considering him… he seems like the kind of kusomen to accept a lot of mitsu.
Also, another obnoxious bandmen, the vocalist of 0.1g no gosan, You. He's pretty shitty to his fans. I feel like they're going to be the next Mejibray too. I think a lot of Japanese bangya have caught on but westerners ride his dick like mad. He apparently kicked a girl out of a live because she didn't know the furitsuke and humiliated her. Not sure about the other members of that band. Also, they literally made a video about mitsu. Not shoking.
People mostly seem to shit on really popular bandmen, but there's so many pieces of shit in lesser known bands.
Visual kei guys just tend to be unstable, narccisistic, and manipulative. It's a shame because I really appreciate the music genre and a couple specific bands..
No. 235930
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I was a big fan of sug in my weeb days and its pretty sad to hear they disbanded even though their music and style was boring after they left Pony Canyon.
I never liked takeru but does anyone know why he deleted all of his social media ?
No. 236014
>>235922I know about that anon, i meant this in a 'typical female instathot sugarbaby, who lets some old guy dick her'-way.
I heard about this nutjob, but i don't think that even the most gullible foreign teen fans would fall for this, they're trash and will never reach any level of real popularity (probably also because the singer isn't 'hot')
>>235962You're shocked that some vkei bandguy glamourizes suicide…?
No. 236069
>>235611it's not generalizing if it's true, in my opinion. because after living in japan for 5+ years, I can tell you that a lot of them are. Not all of them, but a lot of them.
I don't really know the reason behind it, but it might have to do with the collectivist culture and mindset that the majority of japan has. A lot of it also has to do with lack of education, especially sex ed in schools. The sex ed in this country actually makes America's sex ed system look good.
I have more thoughts and opinions why a lot of people here are socially inept when it comes to interacting with the opposite gender, but ain't no body got time to read all that.
No. 236205
>>235962It's really not uncommon for them to glamorize rape, murder, suicide, self harm, various things like that. It's not just Takeru, although fuck that guy. Hate his new project.
>>236014You must underestimate how retarded these teenage westerners are. They'll kiss anyone's ass and not listen when they're told "this person is kinda shitty" because MY HOT JAPANESE BANDOMEN!!! I honestly don't hate their music either, they're not great but not bad. They're really getting popular with westerners now. Tomoyuki seems to be a big favorite (and I will say he's the best looking of them) I'm not sure if he's done anything shitty but it feels like that entire band is filled with dickwads. I can list a couple bands that westerners cum over that I feel like are filled with dickwads who are just in it for money from mitsus, mad bangya pussy, etc.
>>236069I agree. I've only been in Japan a couple times but the men were always incredibly awkward to me and online, the amount of men who have messaged me/followed me (mostly vkei guys too, what a shocker) have really come off as strange. Not even in just a creepy way, just in a "this guy has no idea how to speak to girls" kind of way.
I don't think it's just guys, either. I think the girls are just as weird with guys from what I've seen. Just that my personal experience is that they really do seem socially inept with the opposite gender.
I'd like to hear more about why you think they're like this. I've dealt with it but never really understood why their society seems to be like this.
No. 236230
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Yeah , It weird how they went on hiatus the same month they had a small collaboration with john wick.
I'm not a fan of takeru's new stuff i read on twitter that's supposed to be himself hanging in the background cause he wore the same trousers in their teenAge dream music video.
Did anyone see that shoujo tsubaki movie he was in ?
No. 236463
>>235421>>235057>>235056If you go search tanuki there's posts with rumors of him being into lolicon. I'd believe it tbh.
I'm surprised there's not more about Miyavi cheating on his wife with white women though. I wish it was like it was in the old days when VK and Jrock were huge, everyone was sharing stories and rumors online but now everything is dead. I guess this is what growing up is? Your favorite bandomen get boring and top producing milk.
No. 236524
>>236092>>236133>>236205Hey, I'm theory anon. I will deliver in due time, I'll finish typing up everything after I get off of work tonight/tomorrow morning.
It's actually really interesting sociologically and psychologically, in my opinion at least.
Since it'll be pretty long, I might just link a google doc or something like that if that would be better. It would also keep the thread a little neater in terms of walls of text. Just let me know! I'm in the middle of typing up the first part of the response in a google doc already anyway
No. 236537
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>>236222> NGL, after the nazi drama, pedo behavior, plastic surgery botching…. I'll take Mana and his gigantic ego over most of these guys.I hate to break it to you, but…
Have you never seen their performance of no pains no gains?
>>236463I'd honestly could imagine that too
No. 236542
>>235055I JUST enlarged this photo and realized how fucking stupidly he was sitting. Kaoru's face says it all. (Does Kaoru have any drama? He was my favorite back in the day.)
>>236463>Shinya into loliconEUEGHHGHGHG of course he is. I used to be convinced he was gay, now I just think he's an enormous creep.
>>236537unrelated but god Kami had nice hair.
No. 236628
>>236626Honestly I feel like tanuki threads have it out for aoi. Off the top of my head some rumors are:
>He does hard drugs to deal with being gay for Uruha>He's hardcore into BDSM and does not know what "no" means>Virgin hunter (I think I heard this about kai too)>Awful fuckNone of which
really make sense to me? I mean, at least the vids I've seen of him and the odd interview he's in he seems like a pretty chill guy.
No. 236630
>>236628>He does hard drugs to deal with being gay for UruhaSounds more like foreign fandom rumours…
The only thing i read quite often was that he's into virgins.
>>236463Same… I always wished to be just a little bit older, since when i "discovered" Jrock it had long lost its popularity already.
It seems like all old VK fans have suddenly turned to Kpop, even though those two have nothing in common.
No. 236699
>>235435The swastica and the Manji are not the same symbol you uncultured cow.
They point distinc directions, the nazis apropriated the buddhist symbol that meant the unattainable and flipped it to change the meaning.
Fucking North Americans.
No. 236719
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>>236699>The swastica and the Manji are not the same symbol you uncultured cow.Why get so angry over a 5 day old comment?
>What the japanese feel about it? Nothing, they don't even know Hitler.Does this comment imply that swastika = manji?
Those people in the video were asked about Nazis/Hitler and apart from that one older man they could barly remember what those two were about. But you probably couldn't be arsed to watch it…
Besides, if you have situations like pic related, i'm totally sure hat they absolutely must have meant their original manji symbol…
No. 236720
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Here you go
No. 236743
>>236622Isn't Uruha supposedly an alcoholic? I remember hearing that a lot back in the mid 2000s.
>>236719Just ignore the salty krautchan.
No. 236798
>>236779I also really only listen to older bands.
They wore crazy clothing along with making unique music to further express themselves (though some of them turned into sell-outs), while the newer ones only try to get famous with the way they look.
I remember Sugizo saying something along the lines that nowadays they're all just posers.
Saged for no real contribution
No. 236862
>>236779It's the "tarento" industry ruining japanese media little by little anon.
Notice how much worse the movies and dramas got too.
No. 237414
>>237068Do you mean kareki (deadtree on tumblr)?
The 'being offended by people calling kyo hot' sounds very much like her…
No. 237432
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>>237425That's Kareki, around 30 years old, in 2018 lol
Her tumblr is a goldmine, every single post is like that. Of course the original caption is cringy (i mean, what else to expect from tumblr), but her reaction…
No. 237460
>>237432Lmao "how you treat him"
like is she serious. How would she even know he's bothered by it?
She really does think she is better than the rest of the fandom
As for the original caption, I agree it's pretty cringy even though I think he's hot, but like, I don't really see the necessity of posting captions like this when I know multiple people are going to reblog it, why can't people just stick to putting their headgames in the tags (and no, not because I think it's ~offensive~ to him but I personally wouldn't feel comfortable with knowing people are reblogging a picture they like with my captions about how I wanna fuck him)
No. 237495
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What do you guys think of Atsushi Sakurai's newly found love for 'sexy' legwear?
No. 237518
When he was younger, even though he looked a bit feminine he still acted 'manly' in a sense, but what he hinted at in a recent interview made it nearly seem (or many fans 'celebrated' it as that) like he's going down the trans path…
> OtH: I suppose your image is similar to David Bowie's pansexuality. Or maybe it's a more Japanese image of femininity.
> Sakurai: Yeah. …I think it's more Japanese style. Bowie's calculated androgyny was certainly surprising as a work of art, but when I act a role for myself, it's the refined femininity of ancient Japan, but with power. That's what I become. In fact, I have a number of friends and acquaintances like that. Men, but with women's souls, something like that. When I look at people like them, I think… “it suits them so naturally,” or “I quite like this.” They also seem very gentle to me… what we were talking about, again? (laughs)
> OtH: Hahaha. This is interesting. Please continue.
> Sakurai: I suppose I have a bit of that element or quality myself. When I was a child, I felt more comfortable playing with girls. Even now I sometimes get told that I'm “feminine.”
> OtH: If you went down that path, do you think you could love a man?
> Sakurai: Yes.
No. 237551
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Oh my god the memories. I remember loving Johnnys Entertainment when I was younger.
I have no idea if this is true but tbh I believe it. I had this one friend that became a model in Japan and was really into Arashi. She said she was able to meet Matsumoto Jun in a party she had attended with her manager and that she was really disappointed because apparently he was an asshole. Sometime after that there were lots of rumors regarding his supposing hate for foreigners, because apparently most of the non japanese people that have met him said he was super rude.
No. 237565
>>237551If you skip to 5:10 you can see them imitating foreigners by putting on wigs + big fake noses and speaking with a heavy accent.
If it was black people they were imitating, you'd probably call this blackface…
No. 237570
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Sort of a dumb question, but does anyone know why the male idols in Japan are, to put it bluntly, older and ugly? Look at Arashi, SMAP, etc. Compare them to Korean idols, who I don't even like, who are much better looking and can actually sing or dance. Or even compare them to the top Japanese actors and they come up short. Not trying to step on any toes, I just don't ~get~ j-idols
No. 237584
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I still have a soft spot for some JE guys but my god, I can't bear how incredibly outdated everything about jpop is. From the hair, to the dances, to the clothes, it's like they're forever stuck in the 80s.
>>237570They're old because well, most of them are old. Can't say anything about the ugly part, as much as I loathe kpop they have better looking guys and at least you get 2 or 3 actually talented people carrying the group. Now that I think of it, the only good singers I can remember in JE are Tegoshi, Jin Akanishi, kid!Yabu (puberty did him so wrong) and Ohno.
No. 237664
>>237622Personally i wasn't too sure about it, but i know many that claim this now… (even some idiot who said he has to be trans before, because duh there's no way a man can have long hair naturally, must be a woman)
No. 237665
>>237551Aw, Hana Yori Dango… I was a big fan of Yoko Kamio's work at the time (not so much of Jonnhys boys band on the other hand…I always found them cringy af and prefered the KoRn knock-off that MUCC was)
Thanks for that big breath of nostalgia.
No. 238084
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>>237570It depends, there are young and cute ones as well
No. 238706
>>238701>I'm pre-embarrassed for Japan. I don't think their Olympic Entertainment is going to go very well.Yasushi Akimoto (AKB47) and Yasutaka Nakata (who is hit or miss) are already involved which is not a good sign imo. Their closing ceremony wasn't bad though.
>Also, is Utada Hikaru's voice good?Her voice is sort of warbly and weak. Her fans even talk about her bad live singing, but most people listen to her for her songwriting I guess.
No. 241534
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>>241489Everyone is eating it up in the comments lmao
The song is cute but it's pretty boring compared to her old stuff
rip kyary
No. 242511
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X Japan is playing Coachella tonight, and they’re the only “heavy rock” act on the entire set list for the whole festival. Yoshiki keeps saying it’s X’s new “debut” and that they’re going to make it big in the states, because #nothingisimpossible
I’m honest to god waiting for him to accidentally kill himself on stage throwing himself around like an idiot. He has neck injuries, spinal injuries, nerve damage and one of his hands is half numb, not to mention they’re all in their mid 50’s. Even if X Japan had the kind of heavy rock Americans liked, playing Coachella is just fuckig stupid.
No. 243219
>>242511Aaand it went just as expected…
>More than 25 years after X Japan first attempted to conquer the US market, the metalheads are trying again — and recent events, at first glance, would not appear auspicious.>Yoshiki, the fiercely energetic drummer and principal songwriter of the rockers who were superstars in 1980s Japan, last year urgently underwent surgery on a neck severely damaged from years of headbanging.>But Yoshiki is doggedly persistent, and this weekend he brings X Japan to Coachella, the most famous US music festival — a prelude to the band's first studio album since 1996.>In perhaps the worst possible luck of the draw for an act playing the party in the California desert, X Japan took to a smaller stage on Saturday night at the same moment as headliner Beyoncé.>The set-time meant an unusually small crowd for the rockers who still enjoy a fanatical fan base at home and have played arenas in New York and London.>"I'm very excited but at the same time I'm wondering what kind of reaction we're going to get," Yoshiki Hayashi, who goes by only his first name, told AFP by telephone before the gig.I only feel sorry for the other guys, their ego is not as gigantic as his, so they probably feel really bad about it.
No. 243254
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>>241532>>241489Kyary’s new style and sound is pretty low energy and low key compared to her older fashion and music, but I’m not surprised that she’s changed. it’s been seven years since PONPONPON went viral, and she’s been part of the harajuku scene for even longer. she’s 25 years old and is probably ready for a change. i saw her in concert a couple of years ago, and she was super high energy. i wouldn’t be surprised if she’s just tired— tired of the super sugary, hyper music and the over abundance of patterns and bright colors. it must be overwhelming to be entrenched in that for years and years on end, and i can see how she’d feel like breaking away into a more muted, mature personality as she gets older. she’s still very sweet and cute, music and style-wise, when compared to western pop and fashion anyway.
anyhow i’m still a huge kyary stan (obviously). i loved her old aesthetic but i’m digging the new one if it makes her happy. artists can’t stay static forever
No. 243257
>>243243I wonder why she really divorced. Hope someone spills the deets on this one.
>>237399Why is Ayumi Hamasaki hated now
No. 243291
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>>243289I see she does look a little different now that you mention it. At least she's not as plastic as some other jpop stars like Ayumi, this dude
>>235901, Itano Tomomi or her friend Sheena Ringo
No. 243299
>>243219I'm amazed the other members agreed to it at all, the entire festival had
no rock/heavy bands to begin with. When the full lineup came out I actually snorted, I would be embarrassed as a musician to book a show so far outside my genre. Did he expect to convert a bunch of trendy Cali hipsters into edgy rocker weebs by throwing himself on his drums like a diva and jumping into a crowd of 20-somethings? I can imagine the crowd he got: the same 15-20 Los Angeles X fans who follow him everywhere, those crazy rich Asian women who follow him everywhere, than maybe a few people who wandered over out of curiosity. I remember a few years ago when they were filming a music video in LA he actually invited fans to come be in a crowd for the video and the turnout was so slim they had to go back and clone the crowd to make it look bigger, one guy in the crowd was spotted like 3 times in a single pic.
Yoshiki just doesn't seem to
get that X is never going to make it "big" in the west like he desperately wants them to. They're too old, they're too niche, if they were going to make it it would have happened back in 1992 when they first came to America, but Yoshiki didn't speak English yet and then Toshi joined a cult.
No. 243302
>>243259A lot of people probably say the same thing about Britney Spears or Madonna. I haven't listened to anything new of her for several years and she's definitely a hasbeen but it doesn't mean people hate her.
>>243272Lots of Asian American girls mostly date white guys, idk if you would call it a fetish.
No. 243385
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>>243379I love how
triggered Kpop stans come to this thread just to defend their faves, while completely ignoring stats like pic related.
Don't be sad anon, at least your Oppas are the
Number 1 in this category! (and it doesn't seem like anybody will beat them soon lol)
No. 243393
>>243389Nice try anon, as if this boards shits on any other asian country for getting excessive plastic surgery besides Korea.
Btw, writing
>How retarded are you?always makes you look slightly
triggered, might try leaving that away the next time. If you do that no amount of "lmfaos" will help you seem more chill and totez unbothered either.
No. 243454
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>>243441Idk, here’s the full lineup
No. 244380
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Does anyone know Sound Horizon?
I loved their music and stories but their low quality stage costumes and shitty wigs always made me cringe.
No. 244394
>>243454I never understand people paying through the nose for these tickets I guess because it just seems so generic. I have zero interest in Beyonce, the weekend or Eminem,
I would however enjoy seeing the likes of petit biscuit,a perfect circle, and I just realised that's it.
No. 247992
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My grandpa visited me today, as usual I put on his favorite japanese channel and ended up seeing this abomination. It's an idol group named King & Prince and if you think the name is cringey oh boy this is just the start, they're basically a bunch of scrawny boys with terrible hairstyles singing in a high pitched tone. Another boy group appeared later wearing fucking roller skaters and believe me it wasn't cool, also their outfits were sooo tacky. My grandpa watched it with a stern face and said nothing, god knows what he must have thought.
Whenever I see these japanese idols I feel like it's such a waste, they have this natural vibe I like but good lord are they outdated. This King & Prince group looks like fucking Arashi who debuted in 1999. Imo if they improved their outfit/hair/song combo they'd cuter and even better than kpop idols. At the same time I want them to stay like this since Johnny's Entertainment is cancer.
No. 247995
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Sho Hirano's face destroys 90% of male kpop idols
No. 248004
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>>247997Go back to your plastic idols, anon.
I'm not even a fan of his.
No. 248030
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>>248005>I prefer the plastic boys.Yeah? The ones who also wear hot pink lip tint? lol
No. 248037
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>>248034It makes you look like a faggot…
No. 248045
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>>248034>overrated kpop bois are so cute wearing lipstick uwu~yeah totally not weird… keep telling yourself that
>>248037top kek anon.
this kpop idol looks like a fucking shark No. 248049
>>248037>>248045oh sweet jesus they do this shit on purpose? i always thought it was an accidental result of oversaturated filters or something because it looks really repulsive. it makes them look really sickly like when you're crying or have a cold so your face is red. or is that what people like about it???
i don't even think it's just because they're male either. i can't imagine a no makeup except bright lip tint look would be very nice on a woman either.
No. 248050
>>248005are you sure you're really into men then? otherwise that's pretty neurotic.
like what would you think about the mental stability of a man who finds all women ugly unless they've had a ton of work done? it's your perogative, but it sounds pretty damn maladjusted.
No. 248199
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>>247992I'm guessing jiisan wasn't a fan of 光GENJI either
No. 248232
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>>237584Johnnys stage clothes and dances always remind me of the jackson 5 for some reason. Soooo outdated.
No. 248332
Atsushi Sakurai, he's the singer of a band called Buck-Tick.
No. 249486
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Ayumi Hamasaki looks weirds af now
No. 249487
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She looked good during her debut til 2014. She was so pretty back then..
No. 249489
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No. 249491
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What happened?
No. 249929
>>247997i legit thought the same thing and then i saw your comment
still better than kpop mannequins tho
>>249491if she didn't use those awful contact enses i think she would look fine in this
No. 250176
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Ayumi would have still looked good if she left her face alone. I think she piled on the surgeries for her white ex husbands, she looks horrible now
No. 250389
>>235383Why are Europeans so easily
No. 250392
>>250176i think she just got too much done too fast, it looks like she was getting more done before the previous work had settled properly. i don't know if she's stopped now but she needs to give it a rest for a while first and then get whatever touchups she needs to keep her face from sagging from it all later
>>250362every asian celebrity starts to look like gackt if they keep getting work done and bleaching their hair/wearing coloured contacts
No. 250468
>>250440I will respond to each of your points, so please relax.
>Not even that anonA bit hard to believe since you're defending that post so hard, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.
>its not "AMERIFAT STUPID!!" To reply to an old postI only mimicked her writing pattern:
"Why are Europeans so easily
triggered?" - "Why are Amerifats so dumb?"
>how tf do you know they're American or fat anyway?The vast majority of this site is Caucasian, so I allowed myself to assume she's as well. And if a person is white, but not European, chances are high that they're American. (And the majority of Americans are overweight, so…)
>And how is it stupid?How is it not stupid? At the very least extremely careless and embarrassing; that "discussion" ended ages ago, why "respond" now?
>Why do you take time out your day to whine about how stupid someone is for replying to a post?Why did the original poster take the time out of her day to whine about how
triggered a continent is based on a post that's from a month ago? Why did you take time out of your day to complain about somebody who whines about how stupid someone is for replying to a post?
No. 251996
>>235045I really wonder what Tanuki sources those are, because that sounds horrible. Especially the rape part.
Then again, his pro-life opinions in Dir en grey's music were already a sign for me that he probably isn't really a feminist/someone who has the empathy to look at life from a female perspective.
No. 252038
>>251996>Then again, his pro-life opinions in Dir en grey's music were already a sign for me that he probably isn't really a feminist/someone who has the empathy to look at life from a female perspective.That's something that always rubbed me the wrong way, too.
Cage is said to be about abortions, Mazohyst of Decadence definitely is and Obscure as well. I found this comment about the latter:>The woman was raped. "How deep will it sink inside eating skin that doesn't match?" says that the man was of a different race."The snake maes way through the sheets and goes inside the uterus." has imagery of the penis and the snake goes with the Adam and Eve thing along with the apple/baby in the video. "It can seem like a someivoshino a cherry blossom petal, that dances sadly. The stain is the moon that's fullfilled, and the vomiting at night begins. Don't you remember?" I don't know what a "someivoshino" is, but I do know that flowers usually represent virginity. The stain could be the sperm as "the moon" could be referring to color and "the vomiting at night begins" is the general sickness women get when pregnant.Being against abortion if the women was raped is truly fucked up…
That Tanuki translations tumblr also stated multiple times that Kyo (as well as Atsushi Sakurai and Kiyoharu) is rumoured to have slept with over 1000 women; taking the Japanese aversion to condoms into account, who knows how many had to have an abortion because of him - but of course it's always only the woman's fault.
(Not necessarily relevant to this topic, but he supposedly also hates "fat" girls, even though he's not exactly an adonis either…)
Since he's their songwriter and given that Diru hates each others guts, we can never know for sure if the other members also share his sentiment. When I was younger I was a fan of them, so I read up quite a bit about his life and it seems that he was a very difficult person from a young age onwards, not exactly a Mama's boy and then hearing these stories on top of it… So it really pisses me off that a person who's pro-life doesn't respect, value or treat the "givers of life" well, but what else to expect from these type of men.
No. 252401
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>>252393Anon, if somebody has a face like this, combined with a height of a whopping 5 feet, they shouldn't exactly have high standards regarding other people's looks lol
No. 252427
>>252425>a greasy ball of lardHave you any idea what 'being fat' means to a Japanese person? Probably anything above the 50kg mark.
And why are you so hung up on that anyways?
My main point was that Kyo loves singing about rape and how evil abortions are.
No. 252432
Lol, you immediately had to resort to calling me fat because I dared to insult your precious little Kyo. Seems like you also care a bit.
No. 252446
>>252038I'm the anon from
>>251996. Glad to see I'm not the only one. It's interesting to read that explanation about "Obscure", thanks for the info. I never quite looked at the song and PV in depth like that. "Mazohyst of Decadence" is indeed the obvious one. I used to think that song/PV was so deep, but looking back at it now, it's kind of hilarious how exaggerated they make an abortion look.
He probably is a hypocrite too like you mentioned. I appreciate his music, but I guess minus the lyric/visuals I disagree with. I separate art from the person, so I like guess I like a lot of his art, but that doesn't mean I like him as a person. Kinda the same how I like a lot of R.Kelly's songs, but not all songs, and definitely not a child rapist like him as a person.
About hating fat girls, I wouldn't be surprised btw, because a lot of Japanese men are like that.
>inb4 >>252393 accusing me to be fat as well. I'm an ectomorph. This is just common knowledge.
No. 252450
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>>252434>>252425>>252393The guy is legitimately ugly, and for Japanese youth raised on anime anything more than 45 kg is fat, and anything more than 70kg is obese. So what he really means when he says he doesn't like fat girls, he means he only likes VERY skinny girls, like shooped models with 2/3 leg ratio.
>>252428There is so much wrong with this image
No. 252451
>>252434>I don't even listen to them.Then why did you feel the need to jump into this convo and defend him?
Again, it wasn't the main point, I even put it in brackets. I just wanted to share it as an additional info to further prove that he probably isn't exactly the nicest, most women-friendly person out there…
No. 252745
>>252450I'm not sure what you're trying to say with those drawn on lines because they make no sence at all and are anatomically very incorrect.
The first girl is in a rectangle (not triangle and reverse triangle) in both the before and after pic except she's taking a very different pose.
For the second girl you were supposed to draw the line on her hip slanted, the proportions will make more sence then.
No. 260100
Tbh I feel rather sorry for the AKB48 girls who participate in Produce48. They're in a foreign country those language they don't understand, there they are hated mainly because of their country's past and now it seems that even the Korean judges are overly harsh on them.>As if it's annoying already that the Japanese are getting a free ride on K-Pop but their skills are this bad too?The hypocrisy… all Korea does is using Japan for money, just like Mnet is using the Japanese participants.
No. 260276
>>260220Inb4 near the end of the show
>wow you guys really improved! Amazing!>still has mediocre dancing and singingI'm guessing this is mnet and the akb company's ploy on getting viewers with dat sweet drama
No. 260279
>>260276No anon, it's only evil Nippon once again using poor old Korea (totez never the other way around). by how Sakura is still number 1 and Gaeun only 5th (despite also having had a fanbase already), many Koreans secretly are still weebs or at least don't hate Japan as much as they claim to.
No. 260281
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>>260279Why do weebs like to defend akb so much? Their music is literally trash.
No. 264695
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this thread is pretty dead compared to the kpop one, but does anybody have opinions on hyde that aren't just obsessed fan ones? he gets mentioned with a lot of other embarrassing old guys like gackt and yoshiki but seems pretty chill compared to them. he's still nearly 50 and making music now that's more scene kid than ever, and still crossdresses every couple of months, but i don't think he says any dumb old guy sexist shit or tries to profit in america with documentaries about his dead friends. he's been cheating on his wife for about 15 years but apparently that's mutual. there's also the rumour that his kid isn't his, and that he's impossible to work with because he's a narcissist.
he was also the cutest out of all of them at their peak. i don't think he's messed around with surgery the way others have but he dresses himself like shit and has ugly hair still.
No. 264704
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>>235641This is a super late response, but Nakata has always released outdated/plagiarized stuff.
His band Capsule used to be a glorified Pizzicato Five tribute act who released Shibuyakei years after its heyday. Then he started ripping off Daft Punk.
I just don't get the hype around him tbh. Perfume has some cool MVs though
No. 264710
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>>264695I would love to have a Jrock/VK only thread…
Not really a fan, but some of his songs are nice.
Apart from him looking like a total creep now, I read that he's an attention whore who's addicted to having his
kouhais fawn over him 24/7. Also, it's an open secret that he doesn't get along with both Laruku and Kaz.
(And I have to disagree with you on him being the prettiest back then lol)
Pic is from 2016.
No. 265396
>>264710yeah honestly a VK/j-rock only thread would be great.
But yeah Hyde is pretty much just as lulzy as Gackt, Yoshiki etc… Honestly wtf did he do to his lips?? His plastic surgery is reaching Gackt levels.
No. 265424
>>235641I went to Ageha when he was playing one night and honestly I didn't notice the difference between his DJ'ing and all the other DJs lol..(I only know of him because of Capsule and Kyary)
The crowd was more excited when he was there (I guess) and on the bus to Ageha the friends I made talked about they only went to go see him.. But still, to me it just sounded like regular club music lol
Btw, seems like he's playing like 2-3 a month at all the big clubs in Tokyo, if you ever wanna go see him live.
(sorry for rambling I'm a little drunk)
No. 266470
>>264695>he's impossible to work with because he's a narcissist. I'm not even a fan of hyde and I know this is fact. I think this is every Japanese mega-rockstar over 45 tbh.
Yoshiki and Gackt have the most legendary egos, and I know they can't work together for long or else it turns into a fight. I recall the Yoshiki/Myavi/Sugizo/Gackt "supergroup" that had to break up before they wrote any songs or even played any shows because Yoshiki and Gackt both wanted control and allegedly Yoshiki nearly punched Gackt in the face over a creative disagreement. I thought they fucking hated each other, but they're hella buddy-buddy on instagram and twitter, Yoshiki RTs him and calls him brother and shit. I don't know what Gackt is up to these days, his instagram is mostly just short videos of him randomly screaming? It feels like he's trying to be the kind of cool, quirky randumb that was popular in 2008-2010 when Jrock was kind of a thing in the west, but it just comes off as weird.
I saw a rumor on the tanuki translations tumblr once that Miyavi cheats on his wife with white women since she made them move to LA to raise their kids. For some reason, I never saw Miyavi as the type to be into white women over Japanese women.
No. 267315
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Thots on the new Utada album? Found it boring myself.
No. 268289
>>267312Wow, glad they never became a real band then. Honestly, I feel like Yoshiki/X are only cruising on their old fame while they quietly keep promising new shit they know they'll never deliver. If you strip away all the hype, the endlessly repetitive "Japanese rock gods" clickbait headlines they're not nearly famous enough to keep pretending they're still famous.
>>264695Apparently X just got a deal recording a new opening theme for Attack on Titan featuring Hyde, and the facebook comments were 4/5 asking about the new album or joking that it'll never become a reality, kek.
No. 294528
Reviving this thread:
From cgl; does anybody know if these are true?
>>Kamijo brought a girl in a sexy skimpy outfit and mask onstage and led her to the sofa. She sat there, Mayu went and sat next to her, and she slithered all over him, sticking her tongue down his throat, and then as he played the slides in the instrumental intro she slithered more on him. I had an unfortunately clear view of what she did to Mayu. Then Mayu got up and Kamijo sat down on the couch to be slithered on. :O Kamijo turned his head when he kissed her so all I saw of that was his hair, thank God for small mercies
>Miyavi>Involved with shady Hollywood people and far left American politics
>Kamijo>Afaik he basically pissed of all members of Lareine so they left, realized it didn't do that well as a one-man-show and talked few of them into forming New Sodmy, eventually got the rest of them back to reform Lareine for few years. Makes me wonder why Versailles' is going through pretty much the same pattern. Also, apparently he managed to piss off Kaya too because he no longer uses Kamijo's label. Not mention he got into music in the first place because he got into a fight with a tennis club leader and was forced to leave the club apparently. The non saying he destroys whatever he touches is not that far off and this is coming from a huge fan. That guy seems to be a major dick and diva in private honestly. No. 294558
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I can't believe I ever thought any of these visual kei faggots were hot shit. Reading tanuki is such a trip. Apparently none of them eat pussy or properly wash their asshole. Ugh.
No. 294640
>>294602it was a rumor, never confirmed
versailles hadnt even been around for that long for it to be a big scandal or anything
No. 294682
>>294641>they took him to see the sunset because he knew he didnt have long to liveThat can't be true, sounds too much like a fanfic.
I read some rumours that he was even bullied by Kamijo and Hizaki.
Also, I read that Kamijo and Yuki hated each other and only recently reconciled? E.g. they wished each other a happy birthday on twitter and are said to have even hugged during a concert…?
>Okay. As for me, I read about it in Kamijo’s interview for Rock and Read 064 in the beginning of 2016. It included rather bitter parts where he confessed how deeply he was offended by the formation of Jupiter (it actually left me wondering how he managed not to stop talking to his bandmates after this) and that he used to hate Yuki. The reasons were sth about Yuki not respecting his leadership, not obeying and causing him a lot of troubles with his behaviour (even reduced him to tears). But before the revival of Versailles they had a good talk together, and it looks like they managed to fix their problems (probably out of Versailles Yuki realized that Kamijo isn’t the worse leader around) Maybe other ppl know more on the subject, but I’m not such an old fan either and didn’t read many interviews to know a lot.Since Kamijo is involved in everybodies drama, he's probably a dick.
No. 294805
>>235612oh man i miss malice mizer gackt. good old times
also was talking to a bandguy before and he said he likes hitler because he was so fashionable and the uniforms were so cool
No. 294835
>he said he likes hitler because he was so fashionable and the uniforms were so coollol
No. 294935
>>294908Kamijo (or all members of Lareine) and Moran's Hitomi were Malice Mizer's roadies. According to tanuki the latter one was hit by the members of MM and there was one guy who was even referred to as "Gackt's punching bag".
>>294909A bit suspicious that a young weeb wannabe musician stays at the mansion of a foreign guy 20 years his senior…lol
No. 294945
Did anyone see this shit??
Some pretty bad accusations against Kisaki No. 294955
>>294945There was some drama last year because he posted one of his band members/one of his record label (which also failed, causing many bands to disband) vomiting on twitter and then got backlash. Also his nudes were leaked some time ago, but I've never heard of that…
But if that's true the mother is also guilty, not protecting her and stopping him.
He would take out his genitals in front of the child and grab and hit to try to make her touch them. I stopped him but he made no efforts to stop [this behavior]. [TN: This is slightly oddly phrased, I'm not 100% sure if this is what she meant. 止めましたがやめようとしませんでした。] He also coerced me (as well as my child) into licking his nipples. He would always make my child go with him to the bathroom. I know that she's also a victim, but how can you act so damn passive if it's about your own child??
No. 294958
>>294955I know there are caps in the archive of tanuki. That band member was Sui (vocalist of Megaromania?)
jfc, if this is true, it's sick. Also, makes me believe Kisaki may be involved with the yakuza
No. 294963
>>294955>>294959Japan has a huge pedo problems, so i wouldnt be shocked if this is true. It's shitty as hell, esp since i followed his band for years and have his merch.
This is why it pisses me off when neckbeards defend loli porn and other shit with children (fake or not) because then this happens and i have to believe it's true because Japan. so vile.
No. 294993
>>294992Basically. It was even mentioned on the forums.
Sad though. Those photos are super telling
No. 294994
>>294940Yoshiki's entire life is hide. Anything after that is how to milk that for money. It was said before that Taiji didn't get along with Yoshiki and found him to be a primadonna. I believe it .
Yoshiki didn't even mention Taiji on his would be birthday, even when fan IG pages did
No. 295010>Kyo's drinking party was ハーコン/Harcon and the members are sometimes called ハーディー/Hardy: Kyo, Daisuke & other Kagerou members, Gara & other Merry members, Tatsurou & other MUCC members, Satsuki, Kisui, Wataru (ex. 12012), Some combination of baroque/kannivalism members, Byou (as Kagerou's roadie)
>A lot of the stories seem to indicate the old vertical hierarchy/roadie culture (e.g. Kyo bosses around Daisuke, who bosses around Byou) which seems to have died somewhat with the idolification of visual kei in the last 10 or so years.
>The story about Ruka getting his ass beat by Yayoi/Yuuga is pretty famous too, but the details aren't really clear. Just everyone seems to know Yayoi and Yuuga wanted Ruka's ass beat and then it happened. One version I read is that Kazane from the Anarchist Records band Misery took the blame for it for a while, but that was because Yuuga pinned it on him after Yayoi ordered Yuuga to beat him up. Folding chairs were allegedly involved in the beating in the most often retold version of the story. Kisaki may or may not have intervened. The only reason I ever heard for this was that Yuuga and Yayoi got tired of him having a stank attitude and not greeting them properly.Followed by tanuki translations:
>My friend had her hair pulled by Daisuke>I had my hair pulled and I got hit hard. Kyo is trash for raising his hand to women>When I was going the girls [Kyo] hates would have their heads held and be forced to drink, he'd watch them crying and cackle. That really creeped me out>Before at Harcon I fucked Daisuke and Kyo pointed and laughed, Kyo hated me lmao. Fine by me because Daisuke is my fav lol>I had a drinking contest with Kyo and I won, but when he sobered up he kicked my ass \(^o^)/>He'd make girls strip and compare their pussies, tell them they smelled and put bottles of booze in them. I want to forget \(^O^)/>Kyo laughed at Daisuke's cutting scars and I was stunned, as you might expect>He plucked my pubes>Kyo ripped my high school uniform and I had to go to school in a jersey>If you fucked around with your phone you'd get drinks poured on you. Some bandman who was messing around taking pictures got choked>I got passed around between Daisuke and Tatsurou lmao>Daisuke dragged me to the bathroom and fucked me lmao. I was surprised because I thought he was the submissive type>Ah, the past, when I got raped by creepy Kisui and [Dir staff] Yubisui…>Daisuke and Satsuki and Gara and Tatsurou were doing rape-y things. Too late now, though.>And there was a day where the money disappeared from my wallet without me noticing>I got raped in public right then and there lol>Takes me back… Those were pretty fun times. Everyone would get smashed and when I sobered up we'd all be laid out in the room in the evening.>I woke up naked and covered in puke in the bathroom lol. When I quietly looked around outside the bathroom there were a ton of totally naked gya laid out lol>Kyo would make shit up and fight randos at the bar. That was 6 years ago though>Daisuke laughed when my friend got taken away by the ambulance for acute alcohol poisoning>Daisuke would immediately start pulling girls' hair and screaming, right? He was so problematic when he was with Kyo>A long time ago I got drunk and put my head in Daisuke's lap and he got hard instantly and it made my heart race lol>Yep. I got laughed at while he called me ugly lol. He acts good in front of [Kyo] but then talks about him rudely when they're separated lol>Daisuke's personality is shit. He's definitely hard on ugly women>They'd be murderously pissed at girls who brought girls who weren't cute lmao. I got told to go home, as expected…>That's why Kyo would invite you to drink after checking your looks lol. A little audition lmao>Gara was really demanding that I let him feel my tits once lmao>I saw [Byou] forced to get naked a lot lol>Kyo beating up passerby with Daisuke was basically routine.>[Byou] was miserable, he'd cry a lot>Ugly girls would get cucumber sticks put in them and forced spread eagle>Kyo told me I was dumber than a pigeon>[Byou] is Daisuke's slave>For sure lolol. He was always getting hit, I felt bad>When I told Daisuke to give me his number he snapped my phone in half lmfao>I wonder how [Byou] is doing. I felt so bad I tried to look after him but Shizumi forced me to go back to Kyo.>Daisuke called me stupid and hit me \(^o^)/>Daisuke made [Byou] jack off. After that he made him sing Idol-gurui [by Kagerou]>Did he cum?>He'd get his ass beat if he didn't ejaculate, sooo. He did>Bansaku knocked someone up at Harcon, kicked her stomach and made her miscarry>Trash, as always. Pregnant girls were a nuisance to him so he'd push them on Takumi from Gimmick. That's why Takumi's drowning in debt No. 295029
>>295015Sounds really like a fanfic
A lot of stuff are lies
No. 295085
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>>295032X was supposed to tour with Manson before hide died?
>>295063Yoshiki and Manson are super bros these days. Manson helped X through their Coachella set when they played there since they were up against Beyonce on the other stage.
>>294994They must have been fucking. It has to be that or maybe his band/career really was mostly hide's skills and flair carrying them & now he's just milking it… but the way he is who really knows?
>>294981I never check youtube for anything but music, honestly so I never think of it as an option for movies. Sorry!
No. 295267
>>295085>>295063Not X, hide was a friend with Manson when he was with the band Zilch. He was supposed to be touring with Manson but not with X. If you listen to Zilch is more Manson-like than X.
Manson and Yoshiki are probably super bros now because Yoshiki is using Manson's friendship with hide.
No. 295441
would love to see what he looks like now
No. 295473
>>295406Oh man. back in 2005, an cafe was my jam. I liked Kanon though. Bou always creeped me out.
I'd love to see what Bou is doing now
No. 295696
>>295406They just went on a "hiatus" for good, except Miku. Here's an article where the members express their reasons for leaving- everyone else wanted to do other things… except Miku.>>295085I read a comment on instagram that claimed Yoshiki is married to a woman who lives in Hong Kong who takes care of the white dog he posts pics with sometimes.
No. 295774
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I know this is more like the anti jrock thread, but does anybody follow johnnys groups?
Yamada Ryosuke from HeySayJump just revealed to be dating a model 5 years older than him and of course their fat old nasty wotas are saying how shes not even good enough for him and how fat and ugly she is. They are also ~offended~ because he managed to keep it a secret for three years, and shes being called a player who goes after a lot of men despite how long they’ve been together.
No. 295775
>>295774Didnt mean to spoil.
I also want to add that these are also the same fans who freak out when mid thirty year old arashi members reveal they are dating kek they are worse than kpop stans
No. 295812
>>295774i love johnnys
todays news were about ishihara satomi and yamapi. and yamapi left her for another girl and that he is dangerous and shady
No. 295839
>>295774Johnnys are awesome! I think they make a cute couple, but johnnys are restricted from dating the same way most idol groups are.
Look what happened to Jin Akanishi (the most popular member of KATTUN.) He had to pay a fine to Johnny for a buncha shit he did that is considered normal by most standards.
No. 296594
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Why is Satomi so popular and loved? Her acting and face is mehh and she looks like a plastic surgery monster
No. 296703
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>>296594I loved her before here surgery.. now she looks awful
No. 296713
>>2957743 years? well now, he did a great job hiding it. wasn't he the one with the crazy stans that threw rock at his windows?
>>296617Gackt isn't even that feminine. There is far far worse.
No. 296723
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>>296617>>296704>>296713I've never really found Gackt to be that feminine, even when his face is more 'delicate' at the time. His occasional crossdressing outfits just tend to be the right size for him so at first they seem a little less obvious and comical than with some of the other guys
No. 296841
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>>296825lol no, it's the opposite. He's got quite nice legs, yet always insists on wearing those "I just shat myself"-pants
No. 296844
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>>296841The only outfits Gackt's ever worn that actually fit right are either the various crossdressing outfits or the otherwise flamboyant stage costumes.
His regular clothes get weirder and weirder, I hate those jeans so much. I didn't even know there was a brand that made them. He's been wearing barely anything other than those for years and I swear they make him seem even more out of touch and washed up than he could pass for.
No. 296865
>>296841Those models look
thrilled lmao
No. 298147
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Does any one have milk on One Ok Rock? At first they were pretty decent but i felt like there's an undertone of drama surrounding them
No. 298267
>>298147Hmmm, I'm pretty sure they're pretty low drama, but I haven't been following them that closely for the last year or so. The only thing I can think of is Taka sometimes rants on his Instagram and puts his foot in his mouth, like a while ago when he was bitching about coming overseas and still seeing Japanese people in the audience/front row. He was most likely referring to Japanese super-fans who follow them on tour and invade their privacy, but he didn't specify so a lot of Japanese fans were upset about that.
Taka's a bit of a Westaboo, tbh. He's implied that Western fans are better behaved and more respectful, but it's just that OOR isn't that well-known in the West. If they were a big name here, they'd have the same kind of crazy super-fans following them around.
No. 298271
>>298267Samefag, just remembered something else.
People were also speculating that Taka was dating Lola and he was pissed about that too, making posts in Japanese telling people to knock it off. I think he's very sensitive about this stuff because way back when he was in NEWS there was a dating scandal where a photo of him surfaced smoking in bed with a girl.
No. 298273
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Is visual kei still a thing? That shit was my way of life back in the day, but I hear it's gone mainstream nowadays and is not quite the same.
No. 298582
>>296841I hate those style of pants so damn much. No one ever looks good in them
>>298273i mean, yes and no? True VK for me died off around 2008 or 2009. That's when a lot of people stopped caring to even buy Cure and Shoxx Magazines.
I still follow artists like Buck tick, dir en grey and Kiyoharu/SADS, but there isn't any band out there making a splash. It's pretty upsetting. I miss the over the top drama and flamboyant costumes.
I think internet culture killed a lot, i guess? At least Miyavi is still active, but his music isn't really great imo
No. 298584
>>298273Once bands like Mejibray got popular, i knew vk was dead for good. I dunno, some of their songs are okay, but that's basically the style of music now. It's like screamo meets…whatever.
I think dir en grey is semi going back to their roots with a lot of their newer music and Sukekiyo, but real vk is dead.
No. 298600
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>>298273>I hear it's gone mainstream nowadaysVisual Kei was, is and will never be mainstream lol. It was never really popular in Japan to begin with, minus during the late 80s/90s, when bands and rock music in general boomed pretty much all over the world. Bands like e.g. L'arc en Ciel, Luna Sea and Glay have toned down a lot to appeal more to the public, but some of the older bands (like the other anon mentioned, BT, DEG,…) are still pretty much the same.
We, as non-Japanese just tend to perceive popularity different. Around 10-15 years ago, suddenly a lot of "alternative" European kids were into it - but that doesn't mean that those bands also got more popular in Japan.
Nowadays, the "western" interest just shifted to Kpop; but again, that doesn't change anything about the bands popularity in Japan.
>>298582There still are many bands out there who dress up. They're just not good/well-known. And of course guys in their 50s (minus Toll) aren't going to have wild hair styles anymore, but Kamijo and the likes still wear the same style as back then.
Miyavi probably just focuses too much on his "Hollywood" career lol.
>>298584There's far worse than Mejibray. My personal "favourite" is Royz. They've got to be the ugliest guys they could find. Every year I wonder whether they're finally going to disband.
Pic related,
Acchan still wearing a military-style uniform in 2018 (and looking quite well for 52).
No. 298609
>>298600He's so damn sexy, but I've
always heard rumors of him being a colossal asshole.
No. 298667
>>298609Oh really? I always thought/read that it's actually the opposite, him being very friendly and polite…? Only that he's notorious for cheating, like having several girlfriends at once, despite being married (or already divorced
Recently he was asked on a radio show how he manages to maintain his looks and he said that he only washes his face, not even moisturizer… But around a year ago there were rumours that he's gotten something done, like a face lift or something, so maybe he's not all natural.
No. 298832
>>298683Why would she talk about Hyde? I didn't even mention him in my post?
But yes, he certainly must be an ass, since no one can even stand to work with him for a longer time…
No. 298903
>>298902>>298591Miyavi's early solo stuff was great too. So unique and so him, but once he got married, a lot of his music began to suffer. It's unfortunate. I don't care for his acting either.
He was an awful Byakuya in the Bleach movie, but it's not all his fault. Whoever styled the Soul Society for that movie should have their hair license revoked. Dry ass hair and wigs were awful
No. 298904
really hate that he got married the way he did. I remember he was at the peak of his popularity, he went in J-Melo, and like ~3 minths later he announced he was married. I feel like she crawled on his dick and lied about being on the pill so she could retire from being a multitarento or whatevee she was trying to be back then.
You can tell he loves his kids more than anything, though. He seems like a great dad but I can tell from watching my own parents stay together for the kids, his marriage is what's wrong with his music. He's making it to support Melody and his kids and it just doesn't sound as good, like S.M.F.B. was a garbage song, and it's weird how his songs keep varying from kinda happy and upbeat to "the world is fuckin cruel" type stuff.
No. 298968
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>>298952No, that's Atsushi Sakurai from Buck-tick.
Hyde is probably around 2-3 heads shorter and his face is completely fucked up by too much ps lol.
No. 298969
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>>298968vs. Hyde nowadays
No. 299027
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>>298969I knew he was aging poorly, but didn't realize it was this bad… Ouch.
Reminds me of Sakurai Sho, he's not aging well at all either.
No. 299036
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>>299027I think that's because both Hyde and Sho had very soft baby faces when the were younger, which of course ages badly. Meanwhile Atsushi always had a bit more angular bone structure, which is still visible even now at an older age.
To me he never really looked young or cute, he's probably one of those people who look very old at a young age, but then stay looking the same for a long time. And sadly Hyde is the opposite, looked like a child til 30 and then…
Speaking of Hyde, it freaks me out/disgusts me then he dresses up as a girl - which is literally every single Halloween…
No. 299042
>>298969see he's always looked "old" to me idk
even when he was younger lol
moon child was really a trip trying to pass him off as some young immortal guy
No. 299065
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>>299042First I'm hearing of Moon Child. Hyde still looked pretty good here imo, it was probably shortly after this that age hit him and he started looking like an Asian grandma. In any case, him and Gackt have really bad attitudes towards aging, they're gonna struggle a lot as they continue to get older.
Slightly OT, but all this nostalgia has me wondering about various people now. I wonder what ever happened to Mana and what he's doing now.
No. 299068
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I used to like Dir En Grey when I was younger but I got away from them after I found out how batshit crazy the fandom was.
I recently checked on their stuff and I found it edgier and more cringe than I remember.
Also Kyo is shit I don't get why he got stanned so much. He's ugly, a manlet, illiterate with no fashion sense and pretentious as fuck. He apparently only wears Gucci. I guess he cashed in on the crazy fanbois.
No. 299075
>>299068his style somehow gets more and more tragic seeing the new promo photoshoots for their upcoming album or whatever is hilarious
die is hotter than ever tho
No. 299078
>>298609 here, I did mean Atsushi. Idk who brought Hyde up, I've never heard much about him but then again I don't really follow Laruku. Red Swan is good though.
But yeah, I've always heard Sakurai is a colossal asshole despite being mad sexy. Apparently he's aware of how attractive he is.
No. 299136
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>>299065Mana still occasionally holds concerts but mainly concentrates on his clothing brand nowadays.
Pic related, a couple days ago was an event for Malice Mizer's 25th anniversary.
>>299075>>299080I never saw that was so special about Toshiya, but after he started working out… damn. Die was always sexy af tho.
>>299068>He's ugly, a manlet, illiterate with no fashion sense and pretentious as fuck. He apparently only wears Gucci.So he's an older BTS V? lol
No. 299183
>>299065as much as Gackt is aging terribly (a combo of a bad lifestyle + too much PS + the kind of face that doesn't age well anyway) his face has always looked weird, I think he'd be looking strange at this age even without messing with his face and being styled worse. He was only about 26 or so here and already you can see his face just moves weirdly sometimes, in the first 10 seconds he goes from qt young Gackt to weird 2018 Gackt.
YOU from his band has probably aged better than anyone mentioned and was cuter to start with (and has probably written more of Gackt's material than they say). Yoshiki's tight face creeps me out the most though, his smile makes him seem as greasy as all the rumours about him do
No. 299200
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>>299183I honestly can't see it anon…? I also don't think he has the type of face that would naturally age badly, his ps just fucked him up completely. And the bleached hair + dark skin combo is susually doing anybody a favour on top of it.
During his Malice Mizer interviews you can still see his bigger natural nose and I honestly think it didn't look bad at all. Actually rather handsome or even "manly" to see somebody with a taller nose bridge for once.
>>299185Seconding this
No. 299206
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>>299200Samefag, better spoiler this lol
No. 299317
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>>299065>>299206gackt's always been such a weird one to me, but the more time goes on and the less i follow any jrock/vkei the more he goes from being a quirky, charming weird to an unsettling weird. i don't mean it in an 'uwu poor sensitive baby boy' way that i still see teen girls talking about these 40/50 year old men, but i think he has some issues that are more than the usual problem of these narcissistic guys being surrounded by people who only compliment and flatter and enable them. i guess it's because i could read any headline about gackt and think 'yeah, that sounds about right' but his weirdness just seems unsettling to me a lot of the time now, more now than when he was in his early 20s and saying he was an immortal demon with a magnum cock.
for a while i really didn't like him though, now i just follow him because if he isn't doing or saying something awful i can laugh at then he's at least doing something just bizarre. like he constantly says something that's pretty progressive and open minded and reasonable (for an older japanese guy especially) then he follows it up with something incredibly backwards and outdated, i can never figure him out. right now i'm waiting for a bigger issue over the crypto currency he's part of to become a massive scandal, i give it until the start of next year. as far as i know the first time he's ever officially revealed his real name was for this spindle stuff, so it's going to be a disaster for him when it goes badly
No. 299330
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>>299200>>299206Thanks for the spoiler!!
Yeah, Gackt was pretty attractive during the early Malice Mizer days. His crazy western obsession made him get so much plastic surgery to look white and it fucked him up so royally. He keeps in shape and looks great for his age (body wise) but his face is beyond repair. it's so sad.
No. 299338
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>>299239(different anon) Toshiya is gorgeous. Always has been, but he's definitely aging so well. I always thought he had the best face, but he was too skinny back in the day and now he has arm and stomach muscles. It's fantastic.
Bot Toshiya and Die have aged the best imo. But I've always like Die's more masculine features in general since the gauze era.
No. 299350
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>>299068Kyo's got a banging body still though. But he definitely has a lot of attitude issues most people wouldnt want to deal with. Weird cuz he gets really positive reviews from all the fans who have slept with him.
No. 299357
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>>299330for me his peak was his early solo days, but I still prefer his real nose. I think changing his face and going for the kind of look that got him CGI/Final Fantasy/anime comparisons for years was a mistake, but even then he would've been fine if he aged out of that look naturally instead of trying to keep it and messing up his face permanently. It's been a steady decline but it's around 2006 that it all started to really fall apart, but you can say the same thing about his music too imo. Every so often his hair/eyebrows/clothes are better and he doesn't look quite as bad, and 90% of his instagram is just him working out so he's stayed in shape, but his face is way past saving. I don't know how so many people still pull the "he just doesn't age!" stuff when his face looks much older than 45 now
No. 299366
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>>299357He was definitely peek attractive in his early solo era. MARS was a great album, but he didn't release too many songs I cared for after that. I think the last good song I really liked was "Redemption" for the Dirge of Cerberus game.
(His hottest looks were Mizerable and Vanilla imo)
No. 299381
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>>299317I agree with this exactly. When I was obsessed with jrock/vkei I wasn't into Gackt, I didn't really have an opinion about him. As I got older he struck me as a funny old man who's clinging to his youth, but nowadays I just find him downright creepy. I don't know why, I don't have a reason to feel that way but maybe it's the rumour that he's living with Yohio, that really makes me cringe. Otherwise, he just comes across like he could be into some really fucked up stuff in his private life.
No. 299402
>>299330>to look whiteThat's why I don't get his tanning obsession. His skin would have benefitted more from staying out of sun and trying to be as pale as possible as he used to in the past…
>>299355He's said to have barbs in his penis
>>299362Same, I absolutely adored him, that's why him looking like that nowadays is even worse
>>299381Just imagine poor little Yohio taking his fucked up dong in the ass, just for the tiniest bit of vkei "fame" kek
No. 299404
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>>299136yuki is so fucking hot UNF
ive never seen him and not wanted him to fuck my brains out in one of his ridiculous pirate or vampire or harlequin costumes and im not even usually attracted to asian men
No. 299406
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>>299405lol i dont really have crushes often so when i do its always someone offbeat i dont know why but he really does it for me
No. 299418
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>>299409Yes, from september 8th/9th.
No. 299583
>>299580Many say he's "submissive" in bed. But other than that he gropes/kisses fans at instore events without permission (especially foreigners) and constantly insults/mocks girls. So, hes basically just in the business for female attention and even uses tanuki to hook up.
Cringy conversation one of his sexfriends posted:>You’re my pet, so you need a collar, right?>So, can you promise me you’ll buy one tomorrow?>Well why didn’t I have a mail from you when I woke up?>Does that mean I can quit being your master?>So you have to contact me, right?>Don’t cheat on me!>Because you belong to me.And this is supposedly his dick's got more sex translations of him, but one can never know if they're true or not.
No. 299584
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>>299580Speaking of bandmen doing creepy things, Mamo the vocalist from Rshitei is distributing his
hair during lives. I know their whole gimmick is "menhera" but that's taking it a little too far. Also apparently his fans want to ingest it.
No. 299822
File: 1537843403623.jpg (539.67 KB, 1080x1430, 20180924_224323.jpg)

Speaking of jrockers who got hot while nobody was looking, pic related. I never gave a fuck about him back when he was all OTT colorful and visal, or really even semi recently, but I saw a pic of him on his insta recently and I was just struck by how fuckable he is lately.
No. 299868
>>299841He hasn't acted like a sperg since his kids were born though, dadmode myv is bestmode myv.
>>299856Yesssss. If he sold more posters of himself shirtless smirking at the camera I'd be set. Mmmhh.
No. 300140
>>299973>>299980YMMV anons, personally I don't think he looks like a Korean fuckboi, just a regular Asian guy who tries to be stylish. I don't like girly looking guys myself so for me he's much hotter now than when he was more feminine and colorful. I never
got the appeal of girly, overly feminine looking men anyway, but maybe I just have PTSD from being called a dyke in school for having short hair and liking "Chinese women" so I go for the manly ones now.
No. 302471
>>299068Very late to this because I was sure this thread is dead but
no, I strongly disagree.
No. 303072
>>302610Oh I had a time where I thought I'm over the vk/j-rock scene for good but as it turned out I was very wrong with that.
If you're into their heavier stuff I'm sure you could like the new album. A lot of people compared it to The Marrow of a bone. If you listen to it use headphones instead of speakers though. A bunch of people complained about the mixing and I didn't understand why until I wanted to listen to it through my speakers. I hope they eventually release a remastered version just like they did with uroboros so it sounds less muddy when played through speakers. I personally really dig the album, it's not going to be my favourite (I don't really think anything will ever top my favourite albums anyways) but I was pleasantly surprised. It took a couple of listens through the entire album for it to really grow on me but that's just how it is most of the time when I get to listen to new music. My favourite tracks are Keigaku no yoku, Aka, Zetsuentai, Celebrate empty howls, Followers and the new recording of The deeper Vileness.
No. 303074
>>302610Concerning the rest of the conversation, I agree with you when it comes to the fandom, there are plenty of very unpleasant people. I try not to get too involved.
I don't see what about them is cringy? I've seen plenty of cringy shit but aside from being a bit awkward I can't really see what would make them cringy.
As for all the stuff about Kyo, I simply disagree because neither do I think he is ugly nor do I see an issue with him being short and I simply don't understand where the illiterate is coming from?
And ngl if I had the money I'd probably buy a lot of designer shit as well.
No. 308205
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What is so good about King & Prince? Their songs are decent and they look meh and yet they are so popular. WHY?
No. 308668
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>>308205It's because Hirano Sho is in the group and he's a major ikemen right now.
Personally I don't see what I'm supposed to find hot about him.
No. 308670
>>308205Didn't knew them before.
Their lyrics and melody have a nice Uta no Prince-sama vibe, so as a weeb I'm pleased.
Gosh I missed how dorky J-Idol choreography is.
No. 309004
>>308226Johnny's are always short but I think these guys are actually taller than some others in average.
Arashi are all shorties. Not that I ever minded that.. but I noticed jpns netizen really like shitting on them for their heights.
As for King & Prince, I find them tacky and boring, I don't get either what's good about them but they sell really well. They are also really boring on variety shows. They have been to two Arashi shows since their debut and it becomes even more apparent how blant and boring they are when they are with variety show profis like Arashi who know how to entertain on tv.
No. 309023
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>>308668He's cute, but I'm just wondering when Japan's gonna ditch this host hairstyle that's been popular since 2005.
Does anyone else feel like jpop is stuck in a bit of a time warp? I feel like it has barely modernized over the past ten years or so. Pic related is TVXQ in 2003 when they debuted, around this time kpop and jpop were doing more-or-less the same thing, but since then kpop has changed to keep up with modern Western trends while jpop has more or less stayed the same.
I'm not trying to say that one is better than the other, but I'm curious why this is. I think it might have to do with the fact that Japan is much more resistant to foreign influence than Korea is, so they'll import Western and Korean music, but jpop stays strictly Japanese. I dunno, what do you anons think?
No. 309040
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Fashion magazines hire the fugly akb company girls because their disgusting manchildren fans will buy the fuck out of the magazine if their favourite girl is in it that's why it doesn't matter that they make horrible models (dakota tier), unattractive and have no sense of style cuz the mags need them to stay alive since a lot of magazines are struggling to stay afloat. As a consequence the quality has of these magazines has really gone to shit ever since they started using AKBco models hence why I stopped reading and buying them all together. Akb ruined everything. Ruined the music industry with their shitty cd voting tickets and the fashion industry.
No. 309044
>>309040>Akb ruined everything(…)the music industry with their shitty cd voting tickets and the fashion industry.Don't forget the tv and movie industries. I can't get over how many dramas I tried to watch but dropped minutes in because of the fucking AKB girls and their inability to act besides the generic cute but emotionless thing otakus love.
I really hate when I find a tv series or movie with a cool premise but it's all spoiled because they only cast "pretty faces", for Japanese standards I guess, that can't act for shit. I want real actors not dolls.
No. 309097
>>299822This thread inspired me to listen to some of Miyavi's new stuff, and man. Some of it is pretty good, but some of his songs seem really depressing? Like Cruel, Torture, and No One Knows My Name. Especially the last one, imo. Qhat really made me look up his newer stuff was, I was browsing tanuki translations and read a rumor about him cheating on his wife and doing drugs a lot, and it just sounded weird to me. I don't wanna be "that bitch" but I feel like, idk, with how quickly (and why) they got married after first meeting on her talk show, and with his darker, more moody style now, maybe he's unhappy with how things turned out? He obviously loves his kids, but I feel like that wasn't quite the way he wanted to go about getting married and starting a family.
No. 309144
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>>309023I definitely agree, I hate this type of outdated hairstyle. I really want to see Johnny's in more modern hairstyles and clothes. They all would look ten times hotter imo. Sometimes you can see a glimpse of how hot they can look in a more modern style when they are on fashion magazine covers and the magazine takes it upon themselves to restyle their hair and dress them more modern.
No. 310075
>>299366Gackt was "busy" to do the Malice Mizer reunion. Pity.
He should embrace where he got his start!! He wouldn't fit in with the style of costumes any more but still…
No. 310855
>>310849Not the same anon, but she married Miyavi and got pregnant fast during the height his music career was taking off. His early solo stuff was shaky, but he is genuinely talented and got tied down into marriage/family life too fast by her.
She seems really set on not having a real career of her own either.
No. 310879
>>310855this sounds like a bitter fanpost tbh
he loves his kids and ive yet to see anything that implies his marriage is miserable
some people get married and have kids young
it doesnt mean their lives are over or something lol
No. 310917
>>310855I dunno, when they got to together he left PSC no? So he had to kinda start over from the ground up. If I was a gold digger that would be hard to start something new with someone doing his own risky thing.
I don't know them personally but I do think she seems like a good wife and mom. Having no career on her own because she is raising kids in LA is no reason to think she is in this for the wrong reasons. AND they had a second kid after the first one, maybe they just wanted to have kids and start getting a life grounded?
No. 310969
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Is KPP even popular anymore? I used to be really into her and even went to her shows during her US tour. I feel like a lot of her hype died down after Kira Kira killer was released and I haven’t checked for her since then. All the weebs have gotten over it and switched to kpop I guess lol. Do any of you guys still listen to her? Why do you think her career is failing?
No. 310974
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>>310969i feel like she was mostly shock value, which is why she kinda died off
No. 311136
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Do any of ya'll follow this idol group of obese girls? Big Angel? I just started getting their videos recommended to me for some reason. I dont know much about them as none of the videos ive watched have english subs. All I do know is the girls in brown and red/pink are annoying af. The one in brown in particular just disgusts me she seems super gross and obnoxious. Those two act kinda rude to the other members and only seem to like to interact with eachother. I think the ones in purple and yellow are likable enough just based on what ive seen. And I dont approve of the concept I think its weird and obviously appeals to men with a feeder fetish. But its interesting nonetheless.
No. 311153
>>310969no. her new album flopped and peaked at 12 on the oricon charts.
for reference perfume's album reached #1
No. 311158
>>311136Yeah these rhinos were in my suggestions too. The concept is stupid. You know japan is always looking for the next weird thing to exploit though so they’ll probably get some attention on shitty variety shows but that’s all. One of them is cute but it’s a dumb gimmick to me so eh.
Kyary had a lot of backing and shout outs from big American pop artists. If anyone could have had successful collabs it would’ve been her. Her management and label missed out. I’m sure Katy perry and Ariana grande would’ve loved to collaborate and she could’ve gained more success in the states but they didn’t capitalize off of her popularity while she was hot.
No. 311164
>>310879Loving his kids has shit to do with his wife. He barely knew her when he knocked her up and he only married her because of that. He didn't start writing depressing lyrics until after she P-trapped him either. Not to mention all the rumors of him fucking around on her.
>>310917He left PSC before he met her to go solo when his band broke up. He was inarguably at the height of his career before he married her, then he changed his style and started writing less happy, upbeat songs. Melody stans are always either naive or blind, I don't give a shit about Miyavi and I didn't know who she was before he knocked her up, but that marriage isn't happy or kosher judging by how much she used to post "thank you for supporting us!" on his insta pics. Melody was never the star her fans love to pretend she was, she was born and raised in Hawaii and moved to Japan in her 20's to get famous, which is just too old. Despite being Japanese she was still American, and iirc she tried a few different shaky "careers" before settling on the TV show she met Miyavi on.
Also having another kid quickly doesn't mean they love each other wtf? It just means they wanted Lovelie to have a sibling, since only children from dysfunctional marriages tend to end up more emotionally fucked than kids with siblings.
>>310884Them =/= him. Assholes like Gackt might pay women off to keep quiet about their kids, but Miyavi always wanted them, just… probablynot from a golddigging wannabe starlet TV host he just met.
No. 311174
>>310855>She seems really set on not having a real career of her own no, she tried, it just never went anywhere and she "quit music" to "pursue fashion" when she got pregnant/married. She only stopped caring abput her career after she didn't have to anymore. age 16-19 she did commercials in HI, moved to Japan at 19 and then flopped around several starter groups that went nowhere while using her songs in commercials she did, probably to stsy afloat until she got J-Melo at age 25. Yeah, that's some "career" she had there. Despite being pushed by Tetsuya Komuro Japan still didn't want her. I don't hate or like Melody, she's just another failed singer with a meal ticket marriage. I watched a couple clips of her show on YT though and I do think her speaking voice is annoying and she seems fake as fuck, so I'm sure I'll be accused of wanting to fuck Miyavi or being jEaLoUs of her mediocre career.
No. 311207
>>311204Nta but
you're the one sperging for multiple posts about people you supposedly "don't give a shit about".
No. 311232
>>311164Oh, yeah. Happy, upbeat songs like Coin Lockers Baby and Papa Mama!
>I don't give a shit about MiyaviBut you used to.
I can’t believe you fat old weeaboos hold a grudge against Jrockers for growing up. Miyavi fangirls were the worst, right after Kyo fan girls. Miyavi is fucking 37 years old, not the “smexy bishie” from your old Myspace gallery.
Oh, God. Were you one of those bitches that used to call him “Meevs” back in the day?
No. 311264
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>>311207Hilarious. Even if I did give as much of a fuck as you claim, at least I can remember my sage. Crazy how little it takes to have stans WKing you on lolcow, you delusional cunts all probably dream of getting knocked up by a sugar daddy or some shit.
No. 311279
>>311232>I can’t believe you fat old weeaboos hold a grudge against Jrockers for growing up. Miyavi fangirls were the worst, right after Kyo fan girls. Miyavi is fucking 37 years old, not the “smexy bishie” from your old Myspace gallery. >Oh, God. Were you one of those bitches that used to call him “Meevs” back in the day?That might be one of the craziest reaches I've ever read, thanks for the laugh, anon.
And before you attack me, I was only an innocent bystander until now lol.
>>311259His image really isn't that clean, he's just polite and therefore he gets a pass for sleeping around.
One of his exes was an idol turned porn actress and she mentioned him in the book she wrote. She claimed that he was still a virgin in his early 20s.
He got his stylist pregnant, but cheated on her/divorced/broke up shortly afterwards. Here are some pictures. was also photographed coming out of a love hotel, but this was overshadowed by Imai's drug scandal.
On tanuki is written shit like he's slept with over 1000 women or even every women in Japan kek
Nowadays he's still said to have multiple gfs, in each bigger city, so that when he tours…
No. 311298
thank you, anon, the melody stanning was getting annoying. Idk what is happening to this site but lately as soon as anyone disagrees with anything it turns into brainless, reaching, opinionated rage-fueled shitfighting. Idk why calling a spade a spade pissed off sooooo many people itt, damn. Obviously they stayed together for the kids/image. It's also not hard to lie about being on the pill.
No. 314838
>>314759Basically this.
Lately there's so much fighting on ot with people accusing everybody who criticizes anything related to Asia of being a robot, but if you read the following… from child welfare and city officials have visited her
-Her child is mentally unstable
-Received some amount of settlement money but is considering a lawsuit as she takes some kind of issue with the amount. She wants him to sign some documents (including a restraining order that will forbid him from approaching the child and a written acknowledgement of a telephone call where he said he wouldn't make any claims damage or sue for defamation), but…
-Kisaki changed his number and is refusing contact, she implores him to respond
-Her ex husband was upset about the fact that Kisaki and the woman were briefly in an adulterous relationship and allegedly wants to sue. (He only wants to sue Kisaki over this.) She amends this to point out he's also mad about what's happened with the child later.
-She was requested to withdraw her criminal complaint to police as part of the settlement money negotiations.
No. 314918
>>314715Nah.. it's horrible. He posted about a Mirage 20th anniversary thing and nothing else. No one would dare confront him about it in Japan
..also, it's Japan. CP is practically legal there
No. 315228
>>309144Ughh gross and boring
No thank you.
I love the johnnys style.
No. 315332
>>315227creepy pics were posted of him with a 2-year-old girl. She seems super scared and crying.
The woman who posted the pics has said that she dated Kisaki. She claims he was inappropriate with the young child.
No. 315393
>>315350this made me want to throw up tbh it looks pretty obvious
i hope he suffers and dies a horrible death and i dont usually wish death on anyone but i can make an exception for pedos anytime
No. 315404
>>315350reading into this it looks like the mother is doing this for money and may have let him pay her do this stuff to her kid.
she's dropping charges after getting money from him, and the father of the child doesn't care about the child either and wants to sue him for fucking his wife.
No. 315465
>>315350>>315390Thanks anons, but no thanks for the pics. I am NOT interested in clicking those links. But wow, is this the same Kisaki who is like, rivals with Kyo of DEG? I think I remember hearing he used to be the bassist before Toshiya, that he and Kyo fought constantly and that back in the day Kisaki fucked Kyo's then-gf.
>>315404I wouldn't be surprised if so. I once read a translated news article where a woman arranged to meet with a man who wanted to pay to have sex with her
1-year-old daughter, but he got freaked out and called the police because she wanted to stay and watch to "make sure she doesn't get hurt" or some shit. IIRC the guy grew a conscience last minute and ratted her out.
No. 315482
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>>315465I don't know about the Kyo gf thing, but yes- Kisaki was the bassist of their old band: La Sadies. After Kaoru joined, both Kyo and Kaoru butted heads with Kisaki. Eventually he left and they got Toshiya and dir en grey original line up was born.
Kisaki has always spoken badly about Kyo during interviews years later. I only remember there being a photo of Kaoru and Kisaki from 2007 or so? Other than that, i never see them interact. Kyo definitely doesnt talk to him.
(apologies for tiny pic. I couldnt find it bigger anywhere else.)
No. 315494
>>315350Those are really hard to look at.
Did he change his twitter name? cuz i cant find that twitter anymore. Only the Kisaki_offical one.
No. 315827
>>309023It’s mostly idols tbh, non-idol acts don’t sound nearly as outdated.
>>315228JE idols aren’t always the best looking, but I’d take that any day over the weird waxy plale look that male Kpop idols go for.
No. 317379
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What the ever loving fuck did Ayumi do to her face? Ayumi is 40 and she's trying to look like a teenager..
No. 317381
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She looks so damn strange and off compared to her old iconic fierce queen look, this is what a woman looks like and this is the Ayumi I liked all these years not that weird uncanny valley Ayu.
No. 317385
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>>317381samefag, but it's really just the namida bukuro doing it. she's being style less gyaru cause it's not on trend. pic related looks much better, from may this year.
No. 317407
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>>317385Why is that dude's belly out and wtf is that thing in the back? kek
Anyways, she doesn't look that young in candids. I'd say that's pretty normal for a rich women her age.
No. 317410
>>310969Yasutaka Nakata has no idea what to do with her anymore. I remember listening to Perfume's Cosmic Explorer and half of the songs were basically Kyary leftovers.
Gonna musicsperg here a bit. I did like a few of her songs, but they all fell into a very strict theme with no room for creativity. Now her songs sound like Perfume leftovers.
No. 317472
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>>317407>>317408Shiina ringo and utada are around the same age yet aged a lot more gracefully jesus yikes
No. 317510
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>>317472>Shiina RingoAh, my gurl!! I loved her music so much in the early and mid 2000s. Good to see her looking great.
No. 317797
>>317379oh wow, this is sad. This looks like one of the bad shoops done by Kooter tbh, but when you loos at picture like this
>>317385 >>317408 you can tell that she will or already started to suffer from the "pillow face" that happens of too much botox and ps on your face.
No. 317853
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MIA's nose is weird. Here is his before pic.
No. 318096
>>294528On Kamijo: The impression I get on Kamijo is not necessarily that he's an asshole, but that he's a major control freak and is not great with being part of a group.
Watching backstage videos, he's micromanaging everything, talking with stage staff and such and having them redo things over until they meet his approval or arguing with the manager over aesthetics, which must be infuriating for those who have to work with him, although it creates good results (why his music is still really good when most modern vkei music isn't). Apart from that, it seems like he's really awkward when interacting with the other band members. I get the impression that he's legitimately autistic or something. He's really weird- not gackt level weirdness, but pretty out there. I guess you have to be a bit crazy to keep up the '18th century french vampire' persona, but still.
I'm probably reading too much into this, but I don't want to just assume that he's an asshole (even though he probably is). He's so talented musically, it sucks that he's probably got a shit personality.
No. 318137
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>>317853Mia was so much cuter in Toon factory and i really wish he didn't touch his nose. I honestly think he's a fantastic guitarists and liked listening to him play in Mejibray.
Speaking of Mejibray. Did Koichi get surgery as well? Cuz his photos in VanessA are really different than how he looks now. I don't think it's simply a 'he got older' thing either.
No. 318138
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>>318137and vs now . I heard a lot of bands on PSC get nose jobs
No. 318161
>>318137Yup, Koichi did lose weight but he also redid his chin. And a little bit of his nose.
He looks better but MiA looks horrible - there is even a thread on tanuki called "Fix MiA's nose".
No. 318163
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Much better in Toon Factory!!!
No. 318165
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Even after his first nose job, if he just had stopped after that.
BUUUUUUUT he had ANOTHER nose job and botched it ;o;
No. 318184
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>>318161Thank you, anon! I'm glad I'm not crazy. I remember getting into them through VanessA, so when I saw Koichi in Mejibray, I noticed something very different about his face.
>>318163>>318165He really went too heavy on the PS. No idea why he thought he needed such an extreme nose job
No. 318222
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Koichi was pretty before as well.
No. 318223
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Someone made this graphic. The band that cuts together, stays together….oh wait nevermind.
No. 318224
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No one has mentioned Sena (JILUKA). Does he look fake? Right?
No. 318225
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>>318223I never realized Genki had any work done, because he was always plain and looked like Golduck to me without any makeup on, but at least he had a decent body.
Also, Meto and Koichi were the cutest members. Unfortunate they went the PS route. Meto's isn't as bad though.
No. 318227
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>>318224Sena annoys the shit out of me. He had to have some work done. Not to mention he's always posing very calculated with lighting and makeup.
I'm so done with his 'uwu, i'm so kawaii, right guys~?' thing.
No. 318229
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>>318223>>318165MiA's nose is fucked UP.
No. 318287
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>>318227All of JULUKA have "fixed" noses. Look at those tiny weird shape nostrils!
No. 318340
>>318335I think they also contour like crazy so it makes all their feature super sharp.
So true anon - I never think he is pretty but in this new picture…not too bad.
No. 318386
>>318287They're the most annoying fucking band right now because every single girl is fawning over them in the west. Their music isn't even good, very mediocre, yet they're getting so much recognition for being pretty.
Visual kei is dead if this is the kind of shitty band that gets recognition.
No. 318397
>>318386Agreed. I am over here missing the 2000s…
I really miss Kagrra!!!
No. 318401
>>318397kagrra was so underrated
the way they mixed kei with traditionalism in their music and videos always made it feel so pure
No. 318529
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>>318224>>318227Not sure if any other farmers have seen Jiluka live or been to an instore with them but I actually was surprised how much Sena really looked like he does in his insta posts…
I'm not saying he hasn't gotten work done or that the photos aren't touched up but in person his face surpassed my very low expectation.
Also, whoever they get to edit vkei photos needs to tone it down with the smoothing to uncanny valley stuff.
No. 318763
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>>318137this photo basically proves that Koichi had work done. It's pretty much undeniable at this point.
I'm not sure if Tzk or Meto has done anything though, doesn't seem like it.
No. 318765
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>>318529I thought he would look like a completely different person irl because of the heavy editing he does on instagram. But he pretty much looks like his shoops. He's actually pretty, too bad jiluka sucks
No. 319024
>>318776samefag, forgot to add - I also miss rentrer en soi. Used to be very into Lm.c and Aicle as well for some time but that was before I realised that the colorful upbeat stuff is not really my thing. (would still totally listen to their older stuff for nostalgic value though)
>>318998omg yes. Just a couple of days ago I remembered that they once covered chim chim cheree for that one vkei disney cover CD and I kept listening to it over and over…I remember that back when we had a vkei community over here a friend of mine used to be madly in love with plastic tree
No. 319146
>>319145No one knows STD status unless you personally sleep with them OR they come out and say it.
In Japan, no one says things like this out loud. Hell, we still don't know why or how Isshi or Jasmine You died.
No. 319156
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>>318224I've never heard of that dude. Is his band the new Mejibray in terms of popularity within the foreign fandomn? Are they any good?
>>318956>LareineSame. Also Malice Mizer with young Gackt, he was so cute, why did he have to turn out like he's now?
>>319145He's famous for picking up girls on tanuki - which is something that usually only very unknown, unpopular bandmen do and he is often sick/hospitalized. The combination of those two has people speculating that he could have it.
No. 319232
>>319145i looked him up lately and it looked like he had put on some weight, did not know about the HIV (if true). I still listen to PT and Guniw Tools a lot.
>>318956wasn't it cali≠gari or whatever? I was a huge Pierrot fangirl around yuuyami suicide days, before that it was hyde/L'Arc. Went to the Otakon live in 2004.
Gackt is the reason I got into jrock, remember those terrible "adopt a bishounen" things..most were anime but there was a Vanilla era Gackt one. Just down the rabbit hole after that.
No. 319238
>>319156I wouldn't say they're Mejibray levels of popular. Mejibray was entry-level, Jiluka is below that. But most foreign girls know them and fawn over them.
They're not any good, though. They have no talent. Just a bunch of pretty faces.
>>319164Oshare is laughably bad but in a charming way. The songs were catchy even if they weren't very good.
Bands now are just bad and they're not bad in a good way at all.
No. 319255
>>319208I do think some stick out. Mostly just the major bands who still have recognition value though
>>319238I honestly never understood the hype about Mejibray. I know it was probably just about their looks but that's something I never really got either. If I can't enjoy a bands music I'm not interested, doesn't matter if they are hot.
No. 319325
>>319263I went through what I listen to on Spotify/YouTube most frequently, and I was kind of disappointed at the fact the 'newest' group I listened/liked was from 2014 lol (Pentagon).
I still mostly listen to Versailles/Kamijo's solo stuff/Lareine, Matenrou Opera, D'espairsray, Kaya, Malice Mizer, the Gazette, Girugamesh, D, Diaura, and some Dir en Grey (I never got big into them, if I'm honest).
Like, just stick me back in 2007 because my taste hasn't changed.
No. 319331
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>>318397>>318401Beautiful anons. I loved Kagrra so much.
>>318613Hell yes!
I loved this Calender shoot with Kagrra and Due le quartz.
No. 319333
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>>318763Wow, he definitely got a chin implant. It's so uncanny valley. Sad, because I thought Koichi was super cute back during VanessA.
No. 319336
>>318776>>318956>>319236I got into vk during the 90s. Bless all you old school anons so damn much. I've been into vk since the late 90s and so many great bands have come and gone since then!!
Mainly all the bands on Soilei, early Matina, Donut records and Keyparty were incredible imo.
i was recently listening to La Mule because of Halloween. I dunno why, but there was a distinctness to a lot of older vk bands that barely exist now. They really are just copy/paper clones of each other. VK peaked during 2005 for me. It's hard to listen to many bands after 2007/2008.
No. 319341
>>318776I got to see D'espairsray a few times when they came to NYC and NJ (Animenext.) It was such a treat because having a Japanese band come through that many times was such a charm. No other band other than dir en grey did that back in the early/mid 2000s.
>>319140I was very invested on LJ during the early 2000s, up until 2008. It's basically how I kept in touch with all my vk friends and met up with them at cons. Back when you still had vk meet ups and panels at anime cons. Good times!
No. 319359
>>319140jrock drama was the fucking BEST back then
anybody remember those cows crystalplumage and vanessa alexandria/veruca suicide?
that drama SUSTAINED me
i always wonder what happened to crystalplumage but i know vanessa alexandria is still an awful cow who is pushing 40 but still obsessed with being an ~uber gawthy wannabe spooky grill model try hard~
at least she doesnt beg for money and gifts and berate people for not sending her shit anymore though to cover her medical bills because she was an obese alcoholic addict
baby steps i guess
No. 319516
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Nao (ex-La'Mule, ex-CELL) is now in NightingeiL with Kon.
No. 319520
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SIN looks good too. He is the band UNDER FALL JUSTICE but I guess he goes by Jin now.
No. 319595
>>319522Ahhh, lucky! I would pay top dollar for a copy of that calendar and the old dir en grey one where Kyo is wearing the cowboy hat.
>>319571Monochrome heaven is the only one i can think off the top of my head that is fairly active. Nothing is the same as the LJ comms though. Makes me super sad…
and they're more focused on new school vk versus older bands. I'm stuck in 1990s-2006, I suppose.
No. 319598
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>>319575Yes! She used to go to every single show she could and start fights with other fans. She especially hated Vanessa because Vanessa was "in" with the band for awhile. Vanessa is pretty milk worthy herself but she was much more back then. Getting knocked up by Die, miscarrying then doing the fucked up miscarriage suicide girls photoshoot, then Die basically dropped her ass and wouldnt have anything to do with her so she moped online for YEARS about it and begging for money and gifts from her amazon wishlist and talking about how depressed she was because people didnt give her things or pay attention to her like she wanted. I remember thinking she was pretty and I was into the Suicide Girls thing back then so I did donate. She then started bitching about how nobody liked her, her fans were shitty and selfish and wouldnt give her money or gifts, and how miserable she was because she had gained 200 pounds after being an ana chan. Nowadays she just does shitty "nudegawth" photoshoots with second rate amateur photogs and goes to places like Hobby Lobby and takes pictures with cheap tacky decorations every day. She refers to herself as the new Elvira and thinks literally anyone other than desperate orbiter males who search out women who post nudes online actually give a shit about her ass after she burned bridges with all her original friends and fans.
No. 320802
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>>320785In 2000 it already went downhill.
80s and 90s were the best.
No. 320803
>>320799You mean that purple vocaloid that miura designed?
>>320800Cover and indie artists! Right, i couldn't remember how to call them!
I often fall into Touhou song hell thanks to youtube recommendations lol i'll check those two out!
I also just remembered Kenshi Yonezu/ Hachi, he went from vocaloid producer to singer! One of his songs was My hero academia's OP
No. 320884
>>320815Nta but the difference is in kpop critical thread people are criticizing kboos in relation to kpop music (ex:ARMYs maladjusted asses doing antisocial thing). If you want to do the same here by all means, do. God knows there's enough material. Personally I'd start with the veritable cringe cake that is the VIP photos from the most recent Dir en grey tour.
But being like "lol weeb" doesn't have anything to do with this thread.
No. 320952
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>>320669Be careful what you wish for anon. Had to dig way back to even find that by the way because she takes like..hundreds of photos of herself or "photoshoots" a day yet she always has those stupid fucking eyebrows and layers and layers of halloween shit painted on. And it makes the caption to this so much funnier.
"No makeup. No edit. No filter.
I was told repeatedly "I refuse to do anything with you unless you draw your eyebrows on because it's so unattractive"
"How did you get so fat?"
"You look hideous with no make up "
I don't need eyebrows, I don't need makeup, I don't care I don't conform to your disgusting ideals. I'm me. Live with it, asshole.""
But Vanessa sweetie, without the eyebrows you dont look GAWTH!!
No. 321078
>>320992This is true. If it was 2003, you could find all sort of crazy fangirls.
Most grew up, or moved onto kpop.
No. 321145
>>321138YES, I guess its all about the femm boys and fan service. The music is totally different.
Not dissing either style but they seem so different besides the pretty boys.
No. 321147
>>321132>>321138I never got it. I still listen to vk from time to time, but other music genres all well.
Kpop seems so different for so many reasons. Also, they autotune everything and are clones of each other, so it's odd to see that. At least some vk bands had their own looking/sound going for them. Kpop is all the same, but i'm not a fan so that's me.
No. 321183
I once carefully tried to ask my vkei friends why they like kpop. We listen to some old men making dark rock, yet you also like (underage) pink-haired boys lipsyncing to some generic pop song…? I mean, there are so many genres in so many different countries in the world, why do you like exactly those two?
The only thing they have in common is being asian…strange lol.
But no matter how 'woke' they like to act otherwise, they'd never admit that they simply have yellow fever.
>>321182Well, at least kareki is still alive and thriving kek.
No. 321233
She calmed down a lot on the Kyo sperging, but her attitude is still the same. She's the German(?) girl who once claimed to share a mental/spiritual connection to Kyo.
No. 321294
>>321281He's really not. At least not compared to say Mamo from Rshitei>>299584
Kyo is just Kyo. I will say this though if his most recent writing is anything to go off of, it seems like even he'd rather not have a mental connection to himself most of the time.
No. 321303
>>321294ew what the hell? But yeah, shit like this is exactly what I meant. Bandmen of less well-known bands just have the chance to be weird on a low key level and aside from fans not a lot of people will hear about what they do, but since dir en grey do have a broader audience not only coming from the vk/j-music scene but also from the metal scene of course there will be more people who observe kyo doing his thing.
As already stated though, I don't think he's "so weird" in comparison to other bandmen. I've had a lot of discussions about the way he acts already since I've been a fan for quite a while now and as strange some of the stuff he's been doing on stage might be, I do also think it is brave he expresses his feelings this openly in front of such a lot of people. I personally really hate crying in front of people (or just getting too emotional in general), if I had thousands of people watch me have a mental breakdown on stage I would be more than uncomfortable.
No. 321356
>>318776This is old but oh my God I loved D'espairsray back in the early 2000s. Coll:set was my favorite album of theirs (tsuki no kioku was on repeat forever).
Late 90s-early 2000s was such a good Era for J-music.
No. 321755
>>321372I remember that tour. didn't it not go over too well since a lot of the audience was there for Korn and the other bands? Either way, the fish hooking thing was fucking gross.
All i thought about how did he not get a horrible infection from it all.
No. 321795
>>321774yeah I think especially Die got along very well with them
The audience truly was atrocious, I am glad they don't play at these kinds of festivals anymore. They're not a festival band imo
No. 321847
>>319598Die had sex with this? What?
I was obsessed with dir en grey in the mid 2000's and went to one of their shows but I never got involved with the fandom. I just obsessed over alone lmao. I'm sad I missed out.
No. 321853
>>3215082005-2007 were really bad years for Kyo. That was when there was so much tension in the band that they almost disbanded. Kyo was really depressed and anxious and wanted out. This was in 2005 just before Withering was released. Then they suddenly started touring abroad but Kyo was still in a pretty bad place.
Honestly, his mental state is not great overall. He was fish-hooking again during a couple of the recent Japan tours. And judging by the lyrics on The Insulated World and his interviews, he's not in great place at the moment either.
No. 321898
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>>321847This was her back then.
She claims she had anorexia but thats probably just an excuse for the fact that she got obese.
No. 322049
>>321898Yikes - she has no boobs or anything at all!!!
Her hair is kinda cool though…TBH
No. 322172
>>322166Pretty sure it's a chronic thing but I also think he's dealing with it very differently nowdays. I know the lyrics to the songs on the new album are all pretty dark but in a lot of the new songs his negative feelings are worded more directly than in some of their older songs. Also the last track on the new album is very different from the rest and that's exactly why it was chosen to be the last track, because after all the negtivity there is still this bit of motivation that keeps him going.
As for the disbanding, this is something I am always scared of but I don't think it's gonna happen that soon (or at least that's what I hope). In the interviews about the new album they talked about how the kind of music they created this time is more "looking into the future of the band and where they want to go with their music" while Arche was more a looking-back kind of thing…also I am holding them to their promise to come back to Europe eventually (so basically in 3 - 5 years, as always)
Not sure if their side projects make even half the amount of money of what dir en grey gets them plus kaoru does not even have a side project iirc
No. 322177
>>322172Anon. You said everything I was thinking.
I'm glad that he has so many other projects to keep him busy. His clothing lines, The Zemeckises, Sukekiyo. It was interviews and diary entries that were more worrisome than his lyrics but then again he's been saying the same stuff for years.
>Pretty sure it's a chronic thingSame. And he's said himself that he's not just moody but it's something more. But most fans still just think he's an edgelord.
>>322174He was fish-hooking during the Wearing Human Skin tour, for at least a couple of dates.
No. 322179
>>322177By now I really do think he is a workaholic but as you said, it's good he has such a lot of stuff in order to stay busy if that's what he needs… I kinda hoped he would take a break for a couple of months after the europe tour until the japan tour next spring but it's obviously not happening considering he's touring with sukekiyo right now and the followers tour around christmas
Ah yeah I completely forgot about that interview (I suppose we're talking about the same one). It's really been the same all these years but that doesn't make it less worrisome. Anyhow, guess we can just hope for the best.
The whole "edgelord" thing really bothers me, just like the "he's a weirdo" topic we already had a couple of days ago. I dare to say that just about everybody who tried to express their (negative) emotions and struggles through poetry and music would be called an edgelord. I understand why it upsets him when people think of him in such a way because I think he just really wants to be honest about what he is feeling and being ridiculed for that sucks.
Ah, at the shows in japan or in europe? I did not see any of it besides the part in blossoming beelzebub which was still pretty harmless compared to how agonised he seemed in mode of withering to death
No. 322240
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No. 322332
I always ignored this thread because I thought it was about jpop, but the last replies about Kyo caught my eye and I really enjoyed the nostalgia of reading the whole thread, like slipping into a old familiar jumper.
Feel free to ignore this post but I wanted to share my experience of seeing DeG around 2004, I was so surprised to see Kyo cutting his bare chest and spitting a spray of water into the crowd. So many people were in Vkei looks that must have cost hundreds but I'd never been in such a violent pit at that time. Although I was stuck behind one grungey sweaty behemoth with a matted single dread who smelt like they hadn't showered in months, I was repeatedly crushed into their sweaty back and when they headbanged their dread smacked my face… But somehow this didn't even ruin it! I was floored, I'd traveled from a small town and didn't even know there was such a big community of these cool looking people, although I had to leave immediately after the gig because my parents were waiting so I couldn't talk to anyone. I really regret not doing more to join that community, my interest dropped off when I got into stuff my friends liked and when Diru played my town on a Kerrang tour after I guess maybe I was an angry weeb that stupidly felt like the niche band I liked was too normie or something because I didn't go, I'm not really sure, kids are dumb. When I look at Vkei now I feel too old to spend time watching music videos in a language that I don't speak just because of younger men in pvc, but I really wish I'd been involved more as a teen. It's a beautiful mess.
No. 322719
>>322332That's very wholesome, anon. (aside from the smelly behemoth)
2004 was a great time to see dir en grey. I like Kyo as a vocalist, but the self harm was a big turn off in general for me. I know Kiyoharu (SADS) criticized him about that a few years ago.
I'm hoping they tour again around my area( east coast/USA) but in general, it's definitely such an experience in the early 2000s that cant be compared.
No. 322812
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>>322240I live in Japan, and whenever you see young idols like this most of the audience is old guys. It's so creepy and the sole reason I would never ever allow my kid in the entertainment industry here.
When a friend was visiting she wanted to see AKB, so I applied for tickets (didn't win any) and they have special contingents for women, kids and couples, because I guess if they didn't greasy 40-year-olds would be their entire audience. I just wanted to see what Chiba Erii looked like, and she actually joined at the age of 11?! WTF?! They're all way to young to join something like this at that age. But then again there are those photo books with really young kids in swimsuits that surely only people totally not interested sexually in children buy.
No. 322852
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>>322812Pedos are so fucking creepy. I feel bad for those girls. They probably just wanted to sing and dance and have fun and shouldn't have to deal with gross old men who want to grope them.
No. 322875
>>322172I'm surprised they haven't broken up already tbh. They all seem to hate each other and have other things going for them, they're getting older and all. That said, I don't really follow them much anymore, maybe they're still as popular as ever, but it doesn't feel like it.
>>322332I saw them in 2006 and it was significantly tamer than what you described. It was a super small crowd in Baltimore, there was no pit or anything, just standing room in a tiny venue. My friends and I got at the very front by Die and I got crushed so bad on the rail when he was dumping water into the crowd and holding out his guitar that my abdomen was covered in bruises. Kyo was scratching and fish hooking there too.
No. 322928
>>322852these photos…
what the actual fuck. I am beyond disgusted
No. 323481
>>323418I used to be a fan of them. I liked band like them and Eat You Alive.
I have no idea what happened to EYA but I hope they're not americanized too.
No. 323637
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>>323445half the time you can't tell what age asians are anyway.
No. 323655
>>323637You can when they're not so fucking insecure they won't even look at a camera if they're not sure if it's going to be photoshopped to help and back and they dont shave half their face off and staple their eyelids open
Their insecurity combined with the fact many of them, instead of trying to change the standard that will make anyone who doesn't get glutathoine injections 5 times a week and monthly surgeries feel insecure, most koreans will just fuel it and grasp onto it, it's gotten so bad over the past few years it maked stereotypical LA stacies look humble, it's what I find most annoying about korean culture
No. 323679
>>323674Doubtful honestly.
That was spread on a shitty thread on Tanuki and got progressively more ridiculous as it went on. They managed to paint what was a group of trusted friends 'Hardy' into a mob of rapists that included just about every famous bandman that you could think of, which is in and of itself stupid because Kyo trusted like 3 of his kohai and 1 of them passed away.
That whole scenario pretty much goes against the personality that he's displayed in interviews from the beginning.
That being said, I do believe that he has no troubled getting laid.
No. 323683
>>323651I cant help but wonder what its like to be a Japanese female around even male family members since that shit is so prevalent there. The thought makes me so uncomfortable. I know its a problem in some other places as well, but Japan for some reason pushes it VERY hard as if its normal.
>>323675Aw thats sad. Hope he is happy and can find something to fill the void not having the band anymore will leave. I've always had a soft spot for him.
No. 323684
>>323651I cant help but wonder what its like to be a Japanese female around even male family members since that shit is so prevalent there. The thought makes me so uncomfortable. I know its a problem in some other places as well, but Japan for some reason pushes it VERY hard as if its normal.
>>323675Aw thats sad. Hope he is happy and can find something to fill the void not having the band anymore will leave. I've always had a soft spot for him.
No. 323685
>>323651I cant help but wonder what its like to be a Japanese female around even male family members since that shit is so prevalent there. The thought makes me so uncomfortable. I know its a problem in some other places as well, but Japan for some reason pushes it VERY hard as if its normal.
>>323675Aw thats sad. Hope he is happy and can find something to fill the void not having the band anymore will leave. I've always had a soft spot for him.
No. 323709
>>323685Japanese women know that porn settings don't directly reflect reality. There's a lot more
problematic about how Japanese men treat grown women apart from that.
I don't know why that child shit is so normalised here, I wish it was at least illegal.
No. 323840
>>323777He wrote Mazohyst 20 years ago and Obscure 15. A person can change a lot in that time. I've always thought the songs about rape like Embryo and abortion like Mazohyst were part of his thing with writing about subjects that were/are taboo in Japanese society. Rape, abortion, and child abuse are all things that are pretty much not discussed.
Through the years his lyrics overall have become more personal.
But he's from Kyoto and he's 42 so I'm not assuming he has any particularly enlightened views on women.
No. 323845
>>323777>>323840The amount of times I've had a discussion about whether mazohyst and obscure are against abortion or not…
The lyrics are against how Japanese society deals with abortion. Abortions are very common there, were even pretty much used instead of contraception and despite being so common it's still a big taboo in Japanese society. It's about the hypocrisy, treating life as something holy and valuable on one hand and the irresponsibility of people who treat abortion so light-heartedly instead of preventing pregnancy in the first place. Also wasn't mazohyst written from the perspective of a (deformed / disabled?) fetus saying it would rather die than be born to a mother who doesn't love it?
No. 323852
>>323845>The lyrics are against how Japanese society deals with abortion.Exactly. I'm
>>323840 but you explained that much better and more thoroughly than I did anon.
No. 323879
>>323646Man, he looks different lately. Hope he just starts a new group.
Has Kanon announced anything? TBH I only thing I followed with him was when he did Kanon X Kanon release with Kanon Wakeshima. It was cute.
No. 323881
>>322852These pics remind me of those creepy photos of Kisaki from the beginning of the board.
No wonder older guys in Japan have a damaged view of girls.
The little girl playing twister is young and probably thinks this is a fun game, but the older one wearing the black and white top seems to know what's going on. She looks so grossed out from the hug.
No. 324145
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Is there any drama at all with Imitation PoPs Uchuu:Sentai NOIZ? I used to be super big into them and a web friend of mine used to hang out with the band and recorded some stuff with them. I'm just curious because anyone I know into the VK scene hasnt really followed them.
No. 324479
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Hiro (ex gossip, ex visage) has a new band called Verxina. They formed in the beginning of 2018. They have a few pv clips on their youtube. I've always liked Hiro's voice.
No. 324727
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>>324479Can you possibly look any cheaper?
Seeing shit like this makes me feel old; I haven't been keeping up with all those smaller bands for years, haven't heard of Gossip or Visage either…
Has anybody been keeping up with what Tzusuku and Koichi (former Mejibray) do nowadays? They look like absolute shit… I probably should spoiler this nightmare fuel lol
No. 324791
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>>324727why do they look like they glued strips of bubble gum to their heads
No. 324796
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>>324786Ah well, I didn't know that. What I was trying to say was that I don't really know any newer bands (the last one I followed was Mejibray and that was a long time as well). So no, noot new to vk.
No. 325486
>>324796Yeah, Mejibray is still considered a new band.
>>3250112004 was probably the last good year of vk. Maybe 2003.
No. 326091
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Does anyone listen to DOF? (develop one's faculties)
No. 326170
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>>326091That "outfit" is the most atrocious thing I've ever seen. Have some self respect.
It's 2018 and Penicillin still wear SS uniforms. Hakuei is one of the only vkei musicians who went to university and he studied teaching, "not knowing" is not an excuse in his case.
Imagine being in your 40s and still wanting to be edgy.
No. 326173
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>>326170Buck-Tick, too. Maybe not as blatant, but nevertheless…
No. 326196
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>>326191Wth, that's beyond gross lol
No. 326664
>>323646He's kept it going so long, could it be that he just can't find another way to earn money after all this time?
I stopped liking An Cafe after Bou left, supposedly to take care of his family. I wish I could find out about him and just know that he's still doing okay, or something.
No. 326719
>>326664honestly theres not really a market for japanese traps being and doing cute things anymore outside of anime so he should have given up awhile ago, but i do wonder the same
im sure theres SOMETHING he can do to take his mind off of it like…work with animals at a cat cafe or something he loves that shit and its literal therapy
No. 327134
>>327033>not to mention the self-hating black fangirls on twitter…? You sure you don't mistake vkei for kpop? There barely are any black fans and they're certainly not on twitter.
This and your other reply sounds like bait. Of course only young teens are into half naked host-looking indie bands, but the older bands matured and so did their fanbase. Buck-Tick's fans are all in their 40s and 50s, L'arc and Glay even have child sitting services at their concerts because many of their fans are already parents/couples, and so on. Not sure what's so "tragic" about that. You only sound bitter.
>>327111Their newer releases just aren't good imo. Yoshiki is cringy as hell, Pata looks like 80. Him and Toshi just come across as poor sods who're being used by Yoshiki.
When I was younger I absolutely loved hide, but I'm pretty sure that his death is responsible for a big part of his fame nowadays. He was not that big of a genius as he's made out to be.
Never listened to Sugizo.
No. 327241
>>327172I met Sugar before the disbanded. Loki didn't seem like he cared towards the end. The rest of the band were really nice though!!
Dollis Mary was so fun, I still have that LOVE song stuck in my head!
No. 327436
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since the thread is getting derailed with anons taking bait I'm changing the subject to j-pop
I genuinely find it weird how obsessed Japanese media is with making everything gay (even when most of the guys involved are straight). Pic related is king and prince. It feels like they just recently debuted but they've already done heaps of crossdressing and BL fanservice.
I genuinely wonder why this is something almost every j-idol group does. I get that there's fujoshits but I can't imagine the general TV viewer seeing idols forcibly do BL fanservice to find it enjoyable
No. 327445
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>>327437>>327439I know but it still doesn't make it less creepy tbh, especially with the bubbly shota types that look like fucking children
No. 327451
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>>327436Fanservice is in VK too. It's fake and fangirls love it. Not hate on it, just that it's in alot of japanese media. Even in dramas.
No. 327647
>>319263At the moment I'm listening to BUCK-TICK's new album (it's really good! Bishuu LOVE is a bop), ZaaZaa, Der Zibet, Dexcore, La'veil Mizeria, and emmuree. Emmuree isn't new, they're an older nagoya kei band, but they released a new album "lightless" a while ago that is really good. La'veil Mizeria is pretty new, but they have an oldschool kote kei look and sound which is exciting for me. Der Zibet's new album is completely fantastic as well.
And then of course I'm continuing to listen to Kamijo solo/Lareine/Versailles, Malice Mizer, Shazna, Janne da Arc, all that good 90s kote kote kei. Visual kei is definitely not as good as it used to be, but there are still some gems that pop up every now and again, as well as older artists continuing to create fantastic music.
No. 327662
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>>327452Some of the VK fanservice is pretty out there though.
No. 327717
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>>327647I like your taste, anon.
>>327662On the topic of fanservice when or what started this whole thing? I know that Buck-Tick started doing it very early on already, but why? What inspires guys to think, "Hey, maybe we get more popular if we act gay in front if our female fans"? Whose idea was that? I'd imagine doing shit like that with your colleagues only strains your friendship.
No. 328176
>>327925>>327936Yeah, but how did they find out that girls are even into that?
And why is it only popular in (east) asian countries?
No. 329428
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Gackt is so trashy, he now hangs out with literal hosts. That dude he's with is "famous" for having ps to look more white.
Immediately made me remember those theories of anons saying how suspicious it is, that he lets Yohio stay at his house. Afterall that guy looks like the same type… Yikes
Caption under the pic:
>I got a wonderful brother. He is so cute.
No. 329467
>>329445i remember reading him say somewhere, either in his book or in a super old interview, something like “yeah i’m attracted to men, if only two guys could have sex with each other, but they can’t”. it was one of the weirdest things to read from him, it was repression on a whole other level to seem amazed that gay sex is possible. i buy that he’s bi personally.
gackt is an example of why weird famous men shouldn’t have their ego built up. it always turns weird but nice enough guys into delusional creeps. it turns men with funny mannerisms in interviews into the type of guy who willingly hangs out with his own impersonator
No. 329469
>>329428gackt is too fucking weird. he has his own cryptocurrency now.
i remember reading an article about him a few weeks ago where he was upset at the fact his nipples weren't sensitive anymore.
No. 329914
>>328908It was a pederasty thing mainly which is lame as fuck. because ot
No. 329941
>>329467I don't know why but I was just reminded of this clip. Probably the weird but nice guys part although tbh I'm not sure if Gackt ever fit the bill for nice.
Ot but seeing Vkei/ex-Vkei guys awkwardly interacting with idols is so amusing. My favorite is a clip of Kyo being interviewed by a 15 year old idol while promoting sukekiyo.
No. 329966
>>329428Roland looks like GACKT and Yoshiki’s love child.
>>329467I thought he actually said something like he has a deeper emotional connection with men but for sex, he needs a woman. Still lame and repressed thinking. He also made another comment about hyde being so beautiful when he was sleeping that he wanted to kiss him, but alas, he was a man.
No. 329985
>>329981Naw, to me he also doesn't come across as creepy. Weird, but harmless.
>>329972Damn they look more than just uncomfortable. That girl would probably cry if she ever saw one of their videos. Who thought that this was a good idea?
Remember when Gackt said that not liking cars makes you gay?
But I do believe him when he says that he's bi (or just fakes the whole gay thing for fanservice); he's probably into as many people as possible just for the extra amount of attention.
Was this video posted already?
No. 330236
>>330105Maybe he lost his feeling with more and more ps? Peck implants….?
There are so many weird videos of Gackt. I don't think he is creepy, just having issues with aging gracefully.
No. 330375
>>330236You're probably right.
I used to be super into Gackt in my weeb days so checking in on him now I'm kind of laughing at how he aged like milk. Too much plastic surgery.
No. 330477
>>330465I gotta agree with
>>330475, whatever Yoshiki had done most likely wasn't surgical (cosmetic at least), while Gackt looks like an old lesbian because skin that has been cut and pulled ages differently than skin that hasn't. The "youthful elasticity"(tension) the surgery restores will eventually loosen and sag differently than it would have naturally.
No. 330772
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You know who never ages? The guys from D. I haven't followed them in forever but they still look the same.
No. 330962
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>>330377At least Gackt was cute when he was young. Yoshiki always looked like a rat to me.
This pic is from 2013, without sunglasses he basically has no eyes at all lol. He does look like a granddad, we're just not used to seeing any unshooped or unfiltered pics. Though you'd think he'd have an easy time aging well. All the other older musicians are still super active: Sakurai and Hyde constantly release new stuff and give concerts, Gackt is busy with working out and doing weird commercials and shows. But Yoshiki only plays the piano once or twice a year and that's it. He hasn't had any real stress in decades.
Yesterday I watched a stream of him celebrating his birthday. He is such a creep, he always has multiple young white models serving him. Always. What a fucked up way of showcasing your wealth.
No. 330964
>>330962Skip to 6:19
>>330900 and tbh, Asagi was always ugly af.
No. 330988
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Do you think atsushi has had some work done (maybe a face lift)? Like a year ago, he suddenly looked younger again, but also a bit off/different imo
No. 331067
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>>331001Good, then I'm not the only one who thought that. I tried asking some fans and they were on a kpop-stan level of delusion…
>No, he'd never do that! He doesn't care about his looks! will air next year. Then he'll be 46. Who the hell thought that this was a good idea??
No. 331082
When is gackt going to come to terms with being a old man?
No. 331090
>>331082he'd probably end up looking better if he stopped trying to seem younger, too. every so often when his hair is a solid black/brown and he isn't wearing something weird he looks semi decent again. he could pass for a weirdly aging 50 year old at least, but trying to seem 30 makes him look so much worse. and all of those guys would look better if they didn't have huge, shining veneers for teeth, it makes a botched face look even more artificial
do people still he's roided out or anything like that? i used to see comments like that a lot, but looking at his instagram he's actually pretty thin still as well as being muscular, i don't know why i thought he'd gotten super bulky in the last few years.
No. 331126
>>330964>>330962You know those white "models" are his assistants, right? Or do you actually think he drags 20-something models around to help him out? Granted his assistants never seem to age but it's actually not that weird for a rich, older Asian guy to have young women around him for status points. Just because he's one of the inly Japanese musicians who do it it might seem weird, but the rich older Asian guys in LA do that shit all the time. And newsflash- the girls hovering around them don't mind. As for the video it looks pretty tame to me, not nearly as weird as videos I've seen of some other jrockers acting like they're on the spectrum with ADHD. Yoshiki just acts gay/campy and smiley af.
I don't want to stan Yoshiki but since I don't have a massive hateboner for him I usually end up playing devil's advocate.
No. 331138
>>331090There was a period of time, I want to say in the last 3-7-ish years where he was much more muscular than his usual thin, twinky self but it seems within the last couple years he's softened out. Not sure if it was steroids or if he was just obsessively working out to hold onto his "youth".
>>331067That's a fucking joke right? lmfao pls stop Gackt. Unless they used CGI and de-aged him there is NO WAY he will pass for an 18 year old
No. 331140
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>>331126>You know those white "models" are his assistants, right? Or do you actually think he drags 20-something models around to help him out?Found a pic of the blonde one too. They dress more like Yoshiki when they know they'll be on camera but most od the time they're normal white staff members. Hell, even a couple of the nico comments said "staff!" When they brought the cake out.
No. 331145
>>331140Adding to this, his staff also has a twitter account (@Yoshiki_staff) they use to follow and interact with his fans. Yoshiki
does surround himself with white models for events but he doesn't have them do his bidding.
No. 331234
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Miyavi got Samuel L. Jackson to as a guest on his upcoming album. What a strange pairing lmao
No. 331307
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>>331126>>331140Using exclusively young foreign girls as his assistants vs hiring young foreign models to assist him is pretty much the same.
I remember watching another one of this videos and there were minimum 3 of them - all dressed in short skirts and heels.
>it's actually not that weird for a rich, older Asian guy to have young women around him for status points. Just because he's one of the inly Japanese musicians who do it it might seem weird, but the rich older Asian guys in LA do that shit all the time.Just because other rich old asian farts do the same, doesn't make this shit any less creepy.
>And newsflash- the girls hovering around them don't mind.Good that you asked them and told us.
I'm a fan as well, no "hateboner" but that doesn't mean I can't criticise him for being a weird creep.
No. 331308
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>>331307This is supposedly his new gf: Natasha, so probably eastern european.
No. 331316
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>>331090His skin is too dark and his hair too light, he needs more contrast.
>>331287And I don't think there's a way to save him tbh.
>>331288He aged the worst imo. His face was super pretty when he was young, but is way too babyish, soft and girly to look good on a middle aged guy.
Atsushi looks good, Yoshiki okay for his age and Gackt like a plastic aunt, but Hyde looks simply plain old and saggy.
No. 331334
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>>331308She's a Russian/English speaking "Instagram model" (sugar baby) living in Hong Kong. This Chinese article puts together hella screengrabsfrom 2ch as well as some wayyy less filtered shots of her partying with Yoshiki's New Lex Tokyo buddies and letting them grab and lick all over her tits, nice catch there Yoshiki. Kek, maybe she knows Taylor?
>>>331330She's 26 now.
No. 331341
>>331330That's my main issue as well. These models are mostly poor, come to Japan (or some other east asian country) in hopes of making big money, but then end up having to play sexy servant for some rich old creep, because they need the money to support their family in Siberia. That's just sad.
>>331335I guess she's downright a prostitute then.
No. 331345
>>331342Are you sure…?
>>331343So she could have been even younger than 22, yikes.
No. 332206
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>>331316Hyde aging badly is so depressing. He was really boring during the Dune/Tierra era of Larc. Aging is gonna happen no matter what, but all the other members look fine imo, while he looks the worst. I saw Vamps live in 2010 and he looked okay then. wtf happened in 8 years?
No. 332250
>>332206Plastic surgery?
>>332205Agree. All the random artists he does collabs with are so out there. His music is getting weird too, although I like his cover of Pink Spider.
No. 332294
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Hakuei is just 1 year younger than Hyde and still looks rather young (and surprisingly good imo) without all that makeup.
No. 332809
I dont think Yoshiki is japonese. All his features scream european. He has a european chest shoulders.
>>331341Some of those europeans pay the bandomen so they can use them for fame.
>>332205Ever since miyavi decided to pretend to be 1/4 korean he has acted weird. I would too. After seeing low effort kpop make money I guess he wants in. Remember when he looked 100% japanese.
No. 332821
>>332809>I dont think Yoshiki is japonese. All his features scream european. He has a european chest shoulders.What did you smoke, dude?
>Some of those europeans pay the bandomen so they can use them for fame. Yeah, I'm sure there are plenty of 20yo european girls out there who pay some old ass retired japanese rocker to fuck them, just so that they become "famous" in return…
>>332689They kind of look similar to Hyde's. I always assumed that this weird shape is due to too much ps.
No. 332828
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>>332809>I dont think Yoshiki is japonese. All his features scream european. He has a european chest shoulders.Top kek anon.
No. 332845
is half Korean. Lee is his dad's family's surname. That's not new info at all though.
No. 332878
>>332833Paying hosts or broke indies bandguys - young men - yes, but not 50-something supposed millionaire Yoshiki!
Also, what is it with always "european" this and that? Are you some weird fanboy baiting? About dem evul european females paying and seducing poor innocent Yoshiki?
>Just because the women look homely doesnt mean they are broke.I guess that means yes…
No. 333927
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>>333736The girl he took to Comic con 2011 was a small time European model/acttess (Veronica LaVery) who would have been 20 then. It's like every model he likes is Czech/Russian, born in 1991, with an upturned nose and strong jaw&cheekbones. Lucky him, he can keep getting a new gf every time his current one ages out of her 20s.
No. 334793
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Does anyone know how many VK artists actually made it Tokyo dome? For a subculture that has been around since the 80s, it feels as if not many bands actually made it to there
No. 334798
>>334793X Japan, Luna Sea, L'Arc en Ciel, Glay (not sure if they still count as VK), Buck-Tick and Gazette (I read that they didn't even sell out kek).
I guess nowadays it's impossible for bands to become big enough for that.
No. 334811
>>334798GazettE seemed to get really hype then fizzled out real fast
i always wondered why they werent even super famous by jrock standards because they had the whole package
i guess people thought they were a poor mans dir en grey idk
No. 334827
>>334811>because they had the whole packageI kind of disagree, but to each their own.
Their main problem is that they pander to teen girls and as a result their fan base constist of mostly 15yo - if you're not able to reach both genders and people of different ages then it's going to be difficult to get really big. They're already what, around 40? All the other older bands also have older (meaning also richer) and male fans.
No. 334864
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>>334843I never really checked out their music, but youtube, tumblr and about every fanfic site that exists on this planet is full of "omg they're totez together hehe"…
Imagine being in your late 30s and still having to perform without pants and pretend you let your coworkers fuck you in the ass.
If they don't change that older people (and men) will never give their music a chance - no matter how good it might be.
All the other bands also at least toned down their fanservice and took on a more mature look. No. 335000
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>>334864>Imagine being in your late 30s and still having to perform without pants and pretend you let your coworkers fuck you in the ass. kek but in all honesty though, showing off thighs and doing fanservice is in general what all VK musician do. I don't think Acchans thighs for example made him lose all male fans and popularity. In gazette's case, their music was just too mediocre. That's all.
No. 335007
>>334864im embarrassed that uruhas thighs in hot pants were a staple point of my masturbatory fantasies when i was like..16 jfc
but then i also went through a phase where i wanted to fuck bill kaulitz but only if he was actually a girl with a vag
dunno what was wrong with me
i was way ahead of my time i guess because that seems to be an actual real life thing now
No. 335036
>>334864I think most of the bands has matured up their look except for Uruha. He was/is my fav member when i got into their music 10+ years ago but for some reason he still wears short shorts. I dont care for it, but i kinda wish he'd just wear pants now.
>>335000Sakurai is always looking fantastic at least.
No. 335150

>>335000Atsushi wore suits and uniforms, never showed even an inch of skin for decades, so it came as a pleasant surprise to finally see
something, meanwhile Uruha has been wearing the same microshorts since the day he started out. Atsushi is also incorporting showing his thighs into the performance (it also helps that he's more attractive of course), but for Uruha it nearly seems like it's his day to day look. That just doesn't come across as creative or versatile. He's only a man wearing shorts because of the fangirls and not because of artistic freedom or some shit like that lol
Dir en grey also dressed super vkei, even girly, but switched their style at the right moment and now their fan base consists of half women - half men, which is ideal. But it seems like Gazette missed that train and will probably be stuck with a teen fanbase forever. I really wonder how high their ticket prices are?
>>335037Who? Atsushi or Uruha?
Video: 45-year-old high school student Gackt dating a 23-year-old…
No. 335158
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>>335053Not that I found.
I think it really was just some sort of interview during the We Are X movie tour when it came to Alamo Drafthouse in Austin? I guess?
Why she was inteviewing him I have no idea. I don't think she ever expressed an interest in Vkei.
No. 335225
his face doesnt move lol
No. 335234
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>>335211>but not the rest of X.Just wow. Pata seemed to get along very well with hide, he was probably a true friend.
Yoshiki's money-milking is so wrong, but that his own brother is also making cash of him is absolutely sickening.
>>335225I never noticed that, he always stayed on the same level of ugly imo.
Tbh, the gazette as a whole is a busted looking group.
No. 335247
>>335234>>335235>>335236honestly most asian idols are ugly af without makeup and plastic but its definitely disappointing when you see they look NOTHING like what they present themselves as because of how much shit they do to their faces
at least dir en grey all seem to be relatively attractive enough to show their bare faces except for shinya
No. 335253
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>>335246Toshihiko Takamizawa was also a banner towards the end… he is another guy that is having trouble with aging…
No. 335272
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>>335255He is well known for his collection of angel guitars. They are really crazy cool looking!
No. 335481
>>335246Actually, Yoshiki(along with all members of X besides hide) is one of the most famous celebrities to hail from Chiba prefecture. So it’s a good joke considering the plot. The same with Takamiy, who happens to be real life friends with Yoshiki, representing Saitama prefecture. It’s really funny for Japanese people.
>>335253Aww… He’s really great. He also reminds me of my friends nice Mormon mother.
No. 336782
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Hyde is looking more and more like a grandmother - even in filtered pics…
He also called Jaejoong "cute" and a "good boy" in a recent interview, what a creep.
No. 336907
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>>336782the best part about jaejoong trying to transition from kpop idol to jrock leech was him meeting yoshiki and asking if his (real) hair was a wig. he could turn out to be gackt-lite, down to the melting face and fear of aging
No. 337020
>>336992Not just lately. Early TVXQ dressed in a toned down VK style, Jaejoong released rock-ish songs already years ago and don't forget him copying Hyde's tattoo. He even had a picture of his back as header on twitter…
Heechul is also a fan, especially of Gackt. Dreaming of being a rock star while being trapped in a "dance" and lipsync group with a dozen other guys in their mid 30s lol.
16-year-old me would have probably lost it, seeing Kpop idols AND Jrockers interacting kek.
No. 337040
>>336946it was during hyde's halloween party, i'm pretty sure there's only fanaccounts of them talking and no videos. i really wish there was one to see if it's as uncomfortable as it sounds
>>336992 >>337020>He even had a picture of his back as header on twitter…not just had, he's still got it even now that they're apparently friends. i think he was always more popular in japan than in korea, and if he's going to commit to doing more rock(ish) songs then there's just more musicians in japan to work with. he's performing with toshi next week so he's probably going to keep appearing around older vk guys for a while. his pink spider cover wasn't bad, but it was mediocre enough that performing it at the halloween party was a ballsy move
No. 337049
>>335150Gackt doesnt look as horrible here i thought. Good makeup artist, i guess? Also, that wig reminds me of his old malice mizer days.
>>335185No idea why they casted a female in the role of a male (an obvious female too.) Weird, since Gackt is openly bi and wouldnt have any issues romancing a dude.
No. 337062
>>337049Half his face is covered by hair, that's why kek
Though the darker colour is also obviously doing him favors
No. 337065
>>336782Looking at Hyde now ia freakin depressing. I still really love him as a vocalist and listen to all my old larc albums before 2008 era, but god damn– he is not aging well at all. And that hair color isn't helping.
Jaejoong trying to break into the jrock scene is also weird as hell. havent cared for him since TVXQ disbanded a while back. He no longer has that baby face, but did he get plastic too?
No. 337080
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>>337067wing tattoos aren't exactly rare, but it is weirder when he's also a massive hyde fan and has the photo on the left as his twitter header. i wonder what's up with hyde sometimes, even though he's a blatant narcissistic it seems like pretty much everyone still talks about how great he is, minus the other l'arc members and probably kaz now, and he's always got grown men like gackt, daigo and jaejoong obsessed with him.
No. 337255
>>337067>>337093I was into Kpop when I was younger and knew that Jaejoong is a fan of some Japanese rocker before I even was into Jrock.
Most Kpop stuff gets translated, so if you're lucky maybe you can find some stuff about VK through that. I remeber coming across one site (maybe it was livejournal?) there people collected receipts about who is a fan of whom (e.g. TM Revolution is a fan of Buck-Tick; Yasu, Daigo, Jaejoong, Gackt and so on are fans of Hyde; Sho of Golden Bomber is a Gackt fan…)
Other than that through tumblr or sometimes if I randomly come across videos on youtube. But if you don't speak japanese it's difficult.
No. 337485
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>>336992>>337047>>337067not that exciting he came up when I was looking for some Hyde updates to see if Vamps disbanding means he's not going to tour outside of Japan again. Hyde said here that Jaejoong gave him a 10million yen bracelet as a gift, so nearly $90k. I thought he was some kind of VK sugar baby, but I guess he's going to be keeping them out of debt instead
>>337049>>337062he's never going to look exactly good again imo but he really should stick to dark hair. he still looks weird in photos for Camui Gakuen events where he has black hair but he looks weird in the way he did in the early 2010s, not weird in the way he usually looks now. light hair just highlights the worst parts of his face
No. 337491
all the series 1 jrockers in debt or almost in debt?? Damn.
No. 337508
>>33748590k is a crazy amount… Of course anybody would be willing to be friends if that's what you get in return lol
>>337491Yoshiki and especially Hyde (no idea why though) are said to be in big debt. Gackt probably not (thanks to evading taxes), judging by how much he constantly buys…
No. 337524
>>337508In the message screenshotted in
>>337485 Hyde says he plans on returning the bracelet because it's too much.
No. 338147
>>337980Thanks anon! I've always wondered why he suddenly quit.
Now there's only the mystery of Klaha's whereabouts left…
No. 338559
>>338508I found a long thread about it on twitter actually! These are all confirmed from interviews apparently.
>Riku from phantasmagoria is bi >Yasu from ABC said he would like to sleep with Hyde kek>Junjun from dog in the pwo is bi >Ryoga from Razor is biAnd then we of course have Issay and Kaya being open about it and that one interview with Acchan where he talked about falling in love with a guy
No. 338561
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>>338559>Yasu from ABC said he would like to sleep with Hyde kekThat doesn't count. There would be too many who'd like to do that, Gackt included…
>one interview with Acchan where he talked about falling in love with a guy"That guy" was Issay. Who knows, maybe those two have it it off?
No. 338674
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>>337485>>336782Jaejoong got ToshI too
No. 339353
>>332206I have thought this EXACT same thing!! Even in the Vamps live DVDs from 2015 he looks aight. His eyes look alive, he seems playful, his black hair was longer and shaggy and like SHIT dude what happened?!
I love Hyde and I’ll always stan him but I feel like he needs someone around him gently whispering “no….make better choices…”
It was also SUPER obvious the timing when he met Marilyn Manson. They were introduced by Yoshiki and then we got Hyde’s “After Light” video and man. The fishnets on the head and the smeared lipstick…99 MM is back.
I love him, he’s got a great voice (or did before he started getting into the screamo thing but I can even forgive that, he still sounds beautiful in Japanese (see Kiss of Death)), but between the puffy saggy face and the obvious lipo neck he’s got going on, he needs to reevaluate a lot of things….
I don’t believe he has giant issues with Kaz, multiple interviews have him saying how great Kaz is and that he’s like a giant marshmallow. With the rest of Laruku? Oh I believe that - though he has said they’re on good enough terms that they don’t need to “talk through their lawyers”.
I do believe he’s a bit of a narcissist (who wouldn’t be if you’d had the career he’s had but still it’s a liiil excessive) but from reading his book from years ago he seems like a pretty chill dude, even making jokes about his height and why his left hand is so mangled even now.
Honestly I just want to know if the rumors of him and his wife cheating on each other are true. She was literally his dream girl, and if you find the clip from some tv show where he first meets her in person it’s…adorable, it looks like it’s from a fiction he’s so taken with her. Makes you wonder what could have happened that they’d be anything other than super happy.
But yeah - he’s said he loves to drink so I’m sure that’s whats causing some of that face bloat but bro what happened in such a short time?
Love him to death but lately every time he does something I find myself shaking my head and going “Oh Hyde…..”
No. 339358
>>339353Samefag, links related. Videos from 2015 where he still looks semi decent. His switch from “aging kinda normally” to “grandma” seems to have accelerated around Vamps tour last summer/fall (This performance of Replay, I die and I want those contact lenses)
No. 339394

>>339353Hyde's the kind of guy who I hope is a pretty decent person, and he does seem chill given how big he's been for so long. He's quite private, his interactions with people make him seem likeable, a lot of people who know him say great things about him. I don't love his new music (the new version of Midnight Celebration is better than the 2003 666 version though imo) but I like that he still seems passionate about his own music and that it doesn't feel like a ghostwritten cash grab or anything. re: his wife, the rumours say the cheating has been since very early on in their marriage, which I don't exactly doubt but, you know, they're still just rumours, you could probably find rumours about any attractive famous man's wife that say she's a mean cheating whore. Some of them come off very fanfic-y, like the ones that say his kid isn't actually his, but he's so quiet about his marriage that there's no point even trying to guess.
It's not even that he looks really bad for someone turning 50 in a month, but he aged hard just in the last couple of years. The blonde hair isn't helping, but this was just last year with blonde hair and he looks a lot better, though he is wearing more makeup there so that helps. His face just looks kind of sunken right now, but puffy at the same time? It could just be age catching up to him fast, but if he's doing/not doing something this year compared to pre-2015 then he should really change it back. At the same time, if it's just natural aging then I'd rather just accept that he's way past his best instead of seeing his face freeze up and go unnaturally tight and frozen
No. 339399
>>339353>he’s said he loves to drink so I’m sure that’s whats causing some of that face bloatDefinitely.
Today I read that Buck-Tick has to postpone their tour because Atsushi has inner bleedings - likely caused by alcohol. He might not have aged visually, but decades of excessive drinking surely causes a lot of damage in anybody's body…
>>339394Sorry, but surrounding yourself by tons of younger musicians who'd literally kiss your ass, isn't exactly "chill" imo.
No. 339421
>>339418Thanks for link, anon!
Damn, I hope he recovers and takes this as a note to stop drinking alcohol.
No. 339514
>>339468Tbh I think both? I know I saw a pic on Instagram that i scrolled by where he was turning his head and the angle showed that weird lipo pucker that people get on their neck.
The white blonde hair was cute at first but it became real clear he didn’t know how to tone it properly. Because the grey is more violet toned I think it’s emphasizing the yellow undertones in his skin and making him look tired.
He does look so good in these, I watch them whenever I get stressed out about…alla dis
No. 339731
>>339556I didn’t have an opinion of it one way or the other, honestly. It’s nice listening to the real version.
But seared into my brain is the performance where he and Yoshiki performed it live on a rooftop and there was a bit of a struggle to get to/hold notes.
I prefer this out of his ‘newer’ stuff: couldn’t find it on YouTube. Since he originally produced it for another singer to sing and then released his version bundled together with “After Light”. His is a little faster and a little more rock-y than the version used for the opening of DITFXX.
(Also hard agree with anon above - the new version of Midnight Celebration is way better than the original.)
No. 342423
>>339556I like it, but I don't like how much he sounds like Toshi here.
>>341379>nowhere near his peakAgree 100%, but idk about it being "unlikable". Also agree that it doesn't fit SnK at all. It's a love song opening for a show that focuses on fighting and gore and doesn't have any real character romance.
No. 343041
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are any farmers going? I'm personally pissed they skipped Finland this time
No. 343859
>>343041literally the same..damn..locations anytime a japanese band goes on tour
instead of doing shitty "world" tours, tour one country or continent at a time so you can go to more places
No. 344037
>>343859>>343879>>343880>>344016Being salty that you don't get to see "The Gazette" live… lol
I never imagined them to have fans over the age of 15
No. 344039
>>343041I'm not even pissed, their Finnish lives (and overseas concerts in general) have been so half-assed they don't even feel like real Gazette lives. No kantou etc etc. The first one way back in 2007 was great but others after that may as well had been a cover band.
They don't do lives overseas same way they do in Japan anymore because of "schedule issues" (that's what they say) so by this day and age going to Japan is the only way to actually have authentic Gazette live
No. 344071
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This is a pic of Dir en grey's concert in poland. Is it the same as with kpop, that most/many foreign jrock fans are actually just japanese expats?
No. 344094
>>344037im the op of that post and i said ALL japanese bands
they all tour like.. 2 cities per country its retarded
No. 344095
>>344037im the op of that post and i said ALL japanese bands
they all tour like.. 2 cities per country its retarded
No. 344719
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so miku is still posting his fanmail and gifts he gets on facebook
"To Brazilian cafekko.
Long time no see.
I’m miku.
I have received the album from Brazilian cafekko.
Thank you so much.
I read all.
I'm so nyappy.I almost cry…
How are you??
I’ll miss you as inactive period gets closer.
I’m sorry I couldn’t keep our ancafe.
This is Brazilian memory that I’ll not forget the rest of my life.
I'm so glad to have you in my life.
Thanks for all you've done.
I hope we meet again some day.
My heart leaps for Brazilian cafekko.
i feel so bad for him
No. 344743
>>344719Typing like this, at over 30… And doesn't all the other members leaving indicate that maybe he isn't exactly pleasant to be around?
I really wonder how he survives. Is he even relevant enough to still get enough mitsu or does he have a regular job now?
No. 344745
>>344719I kinda feel bad for the dude tbh. Like his only achievement was An Cafe and he's doing everything in his power to not let it die, even though no one really cares about the band anymore.
It's nice that he actually reads fanmail and thanks people though
No. 344759
>>344754No proof, just my thoughts (as in "If suddenly everybody no longer wants to be around you, then maybe you're the problem.") Who knows.
I also keep wondering whether his fashion brand is enough to keep Mana afloat. He only does concerts so sporadically now.
No. 344846
>>344759I think if there was something like that going on at least ONE member would say or allude to something so idk.
I think the other guys just wanted to do their own thing and miku is still stuck in that uWu manchild phase and its all he knows.
Maybe he's an aspie
Doesnt mean he's a bad person or did something wrong.
No. 345092
>he has panic disorder>and social anxiety>thus he's on the spectrumwhat kind of logic is this kek. So anxiety=autism now?
Sounds more like he has basic ass GAD (generalized anxiety disorder). It's basically nothing that would affect his personality. He's just a typical "uwu nyappy desu" kind of guy. You'll meet guys like him everywhere in the Japanese music/entrainment industry.
No. 345121
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Just went through Miku's facebook posts and there's some pretty funny shit there lmao
No. 345398
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>>345252he probably has, but I found this post and it kinda made me wonder. Like dude, you're 34 you're allowed to have a girlfriend
No. 345995
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Imagine your father doing something like this at over 50, that's not much more than underwear…
No. 347491
>>345252He has had a couple Tanuki entries. Lol
But he did say he didn’t date until after high school, was always very shy and he has battled with depression and feelings of worthlessness until he became successful with AnCafe. He wrote long blog entries even a decade ago about not wanting to be seen as weak person or disappoint his fans because of his mental illness. Because of that, I don’t think he has had many long-term, serious relationships.
No. 348998
>>348955I remember Japanese fans speculating this based on a blind item a few years ago, but tbh I'd be really surprised if he was an addict. His voice and appearance don't really seem to match that. It's possible though.
The only jrock singer I heard about using hard drugs was Hyde a long time ago(cocaine). I heard it from a friend in the industry that had worked pretty closely with L'arc back in the day (like 15-20 years ago). But i don't know if he's still using. I doubt it.
As for LS, I don't think they ever made it that big overseas. Their peak was before a lot of western jrock fans appeared and they aren't all massive attention whores like Yoshiki. But their music is still awesome and I'm glad to have learned about them more through some older Japanese fans.
No. 349112
>>349001I think LS is normie enough so just go for it. Their popular works have a sort of romantic feeling to them and they’re diverse enough to cater to old and new Jrock fans.
>>348998It’s really a shame. They fall short of GLAY musically but goddamn they’re close.
No. 349808
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When cows collide.
No. 351705
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Gackt's tags on his newest IG post are weird.
#notgay….um ok??
No. 351867
>>351863I don't think he has ever admitted. He said something along the lines of feeling attracted to men more on an emotional level, but would only fuck women. So. That's at least biromantic to me, but what do I know.
Also, he has made some pretty homophobic remarks in the past, as showm here
>>235609I think he must have some form of internalized homophobia.
Also, yeah. They should. Even though I don't know how thrilled Hyde would be, since I'm pretty sure he he straight up admitted that during filming, Gackt's obsession towards him creeped him out.
No. 352045
>>352028That’s fucked up, and the two guys were released, of course what a shock. Japanese authority go so easy on male criminals, especially if they’re under 18, it’s like a free pass, even for murder. And younger guys in school, sports, business. It’s sad she’ll probably never see justice, get blacklisted and told to shut up, not enough ppl will speak up for her (other idols, famous with high follower counts), and it will be pushed to the back burner when another scandal pops up.
I’m not surprised it’s happened a lot, even the group member doing it to another member thing I’m sure has gone on before, that industry is really competitive and cutthroat.
Hope someone with some clout speaks or boosts this.
No. 352050
>>352028That's fucked up. And she said this has happened to others before, too…
I hope they release who the members giving info are and shave their goddamn heads like the one girl had to do because she was dating.
They'll try to brush it under a rug though.
>>management is having Bunshun release a scandal that they hope will eclipse the Mahohon thing. No. 352365
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Morning Musume was great before til their decline in 2010. Their music quality, music videos and members just went to absolute shit. Their old music was good and their members didn't look like basic bitch looking teens and kids who can't dance for their lives and not to mention they all look awkward as hell in their music videos, they try so hard to be like Sayumi in terms of expressions and stuff but it just doesn't work out. Their roster starting from 2010 to now did not bring anything special or new to the table, then Tsunku wonders why they got dusted by AKB. Morning Musume in it's current state is just a decaying corpse trying to re live the good old days.
No. 352407
>>352184>>352028The Maho story got updated
The AKB48 company forced Maho to apologize 2 times for getting assaulted and nearly raped thanks to the members. They figured out one of the leakers but they won't criminally charge her or kick her out of the group. I don't think they'll investigate further because they don't care. The 48 company is just terrible they've been blaming Maho this whole time and silencing her over shit their own idols did. They are literally making her feel bad for speaking up about what happened.
No. 352638
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Maho should leave Akb no one is protecting her. Her assaulters are free and even SAT front row when she did that forced apology, her fellow members are snake bitches and her management is just pathetic. No arrests, no contract terminations, no outting just victim shaming. I still can't believe they let the assaulters sit front row, they won't even ban these scumbags from the akb shows.
No. 352689
>>352654I haven't heard of either of those things, but Gackt was never really my favorite to watch. Idk who Kami even is really. I
do know Gackt has daid in the past that he gave up on women, and he has sleepovers with that Swedish guitar twink Yohio/Kevin and hangs out with that one host guy.
No. 353230
>>353223This has legit came out this week, so… yeah. That's the current state of vk.
To be fair, there are many good new bands out there, among the more and less indiefags. But bands like 0.1 no gosan and Tensai exist and I don't understand their appeal. They seem to be gaining some degree of popularity as well, which leaves me even more perplexed. They have zero talent and are trashy af.
No. 353296
>>3532950.1 no gosan fan spotted.
I like several recent bands, including really indiefag ones. I just don't get why these clowns are getting more attention than other indiefags that would deserve it more imho.
No. 353304
>>353301Well anon, if you some have fresh vk tea you'd like to offer please go ahead.
We could discuss "good" bands, but it wouldn't be that interesting if they're drama-free. That's what places like Monochrome-Heaven are for.
No. 353311
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>>353131Holy shit this band. They're so milky.
0.1g no gosan is absolute shit but they're getting popular for an indiefag band. The Japanese bangya calls the vocalist You a Gorilla on tanuki, since he looks like one, but he still seems to have a huge ego.
During a live You yelled at a fan for not knowing the furi until she left. This was a big deal and kinda blew up on tanuki. Apparently he has verbally attacked fans from the stage several times.
He talks shit about other bands a lot, even his senpais DOG in the PWO. He told fans to not support indiefag bands such as Vexent, because they're shit and POIDOL, because they have ghost-writers. As if 0.1g no gosan themselves didn't suck kek.
Then flyergate happened.
0.1g no gosan had an event with other bands and the vocalist from Mathilda crumpled and ate a flyer of 0.1 no gosan. That's Mathilda's gimmick during lives apparently? Eating things. Didn't matter to Yuu because HE LOST HIS SHIT.
During 0.1 no gosans live You said that a shitty band like Mathilda shouldn't disrespect their flyers like that. He urged his fans to scream DIE MATHILDA, which they did. As if urging young girls to scream death threats wasn't insane enough, You warned his fans that if one of them ever dare to see Mathilda, 0.1g no gosan would never speak to them again. (like during in-stores and stuff I guess?)
Flyergate continued as the "comedy" band Kaitou Sentai Nusumunja started tweeting about it and sided with 0.1g no gosan. Kaitou later featured flyer-eating in their own music video.
>vocalist yells at fan for not knowing furi>insults other indie bands for being shit while they suck more>tells fans to scream death threats towards the band Mathilda because they ate 0.1g no gosans flyers>Threatens to never speak to fans who support Mathilda No. 353320
>>353311Thank you for putting this together. I knew about the furi and Mathilda drama, but the DOG in the PWO and POIDOL stuff? How fuckin rich for a third-tier neo-oshare band, or however you wanna call the shit they play. I'm honestly surprised they still have fans in Japan. They better start catering to the unaware western fangirls asap.
My favorite part of it all was Kaitou Sentai ripping on them in their MV. They love messy vk drama as much as we do.
No. 353345
>but with the soundcloud/trap music shit dominating the west right now there really aren't any "new" Japanese bands with enough dirt on them in English to discussThis. This is where the issue lies. Since all the Tanuki translation blogs have disappeared, there is not enough talk about recent vk drama. There could be tons of milk rabout new bands that we're just not aware of. But is there anyone out there who is willing to fill their shoes and go through pages and pages of Tanuki wank to bring in some lulz? I only check my favorite indiefag band's thread, and there's literally no milk om them whatsoever.
Again, if anyone has any milk regarding the bands they like or dislike, even if they're indiefag no one cares about, please bring it.
No. 353352
>>353304my pleasure, someone else brought up the You/0.1g drama but we've had
a literal murder being accused of being a child molester Mamo from R-Shitei does, including giving away locks of his hair to his pink school uniform wearing freak fans
No. 353422
>>353352The Kisaki drama was discussed a bit in this thread previously, with links to the (unsettling) pictures here:
>>315227The Mamo and locks of hair thing has also posted been previously I believe, nothing really noteworthy other than Mamo being Mamo.
I don't think anyone has brought the Egoist murder case, what is there to say, a really sad and fucked up story, but that's hardly news.
No shade to anon, it's good to have it all grouped together for the unitiated, but that's what I would call a bit of stale tea. And that's the problem. All the drama that has made it to the west has already been discussed at length. It'd be nice to some have fresher milk, but without anyone bothered to go on Tanuki and translate it from there it's just impossible.
Does anyone know if there's a Japanese version of a gossip blog at least, something like "the best of Tanuki" of sorts?
No. 353431
>>353352we've literally discussed this before anon. These exact topics have been discussed thoroughly on monochrome haven too, so go there if you feel bothered by the "old hags" here.
>>353422Usually the drama that makes it to the west is the milkiest drama. If you want some small rumors I guess twitter is the place to be. Back when I had twitter I followed some fans and some Japanese tanuki news twitter accounts and felt pretty updated on what was going on. The western VK fandom is tiny so no one's gonna spoon-feed us with translations and gossip summaries anymore. You simply have to put in some effort by looking around twitter and using google translate.
No. 353438
>>353431Thank you for the suggestion anon. I guess I'll have look around twitter and search for those accounts. Hopefully I'll be back with something more or less new and juicy.
I honestly don't have the time nor the drive to check Tanuki for bands I don't give a shit about (if not for potential milk), that place is a mess. All the threads I follow for the bands I like have literally zero milk in them.
No. 353445
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>>353438no problem anon, I'll make sure to come here and write if I find anything juicy too!
No. 353487
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Not new milk in the slightest, but how come nobody has yet mentioned those overrated fuckboys of Dadaroma? Music-wise, they have some good tracks imo, but their frontman Yoshiatsu is the definition of a kusoman.
There were some screens floating around of one of his tsunas getting pregnant and asking him to pay for the abortion, and him ghosting her afterwards. What a human piece of garbage. Apparently he took off his condom mid-fuck without her realizing it until it was too late.
The others don't seem much better, but he's in a category of his own.
Also, he's ugly as fuck even with makeup on, I don't understand how anyone would wanna fuck that. But it's visual kei after all, so that's not surprising.
No. 353694
>>353487there's nothing special about dadaroma's music but i kind of like it. other than jokes about them all being absolutely tiny, i haven't seen that much about them but you can just tell yoshiatsu specifically is sleazy. he pretty consistently pops up on 'bandomen you regret fucking' lists but they're not detailed about why, just that he's shit in bed and an asshole.
>I don't understand how anyone would wanna fuck that.i understand why young vk fangirls would want to fuck him, his mannerisms in videos like this are just bait for weeb teens. i don't know how you could be over 16 and still think sleeping with him would be a good idea.
No. 353731
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>>353694>>353487 are the screens. The ultimate proof that Yoshiatsu is a tad worse than your average kusoman (even though I'm sure he's not the first not the last one to pull this kind of shit).
>i understand why young vk fangirls would want to fuck him, his mannerisms in videos like this are just bait for weeb teens. i don't know how you could be over 16 and still think sleeping with him would be a good idea.You're right anon, but honestly, there are a ton of other similarly gimmicky bandomen pandering to weeb teens who are at least decent looking with makeup on. He's just fugly. To each their own I guess.
I also don't hate the music, even though I heard they're pretty underwhelming live. Again, not surprising.
No. 354845
>>354840SAME. That live was such a disappointment. I like his voice a lot on recordings actually, but over here he doesn't sing half of the time and when he does… he has some decent moments here and there, but it's very inconsistent. What a shame.
(Actually no, because he's a garbage human being and the fact that he's a sucky singer just feels correct)
No. 357423
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>>355667Way, WAY long ago, when AKB48 was a new thing (late 2000's, maybe 2007 or 2008), I thought it was cute as shit and felt empowered by a "girls club" of having a chance for young girls to dance and sing on stage and possibly make it into a profession. I was a teenager back then myself. Then it turned out to be a ploy to sell borderline child porn and enabling creeper men and now I can't even think about them without feeling awful. Why must everything be sacrificed on the altar of sexualization and exploiting young women.
No. 357581
>>357577Western internet was actually really uncomfortable with this back when it was released and was used an example of how creepy Japanese culture can be. It was really controversial back then.
I can't even pretend to know how it did in Japan, but I at least know that most people on our side of the internet who weren't drooly weebs didn't appreciate how sexualized it was.
No. 357587
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>>357585can you fags stay on topic for once
No. 357592
>>357587can you not get
triggered by a single post that didn't derail the thread or the conversation in any way, jackass?
No. 357666
>>357585Yes. And male pervs in general.
>>352638This is too horrible. Everyone in charge of this industry should shave their heads, apologize while crying on camera for abusing the idols like this.
No. 359829
>>358031He's just so laughable. always
>>358079He said that a few years ago too, I believe.
No. 363659
>>363619>hide invented visual kaiThat's a big myth. There were many bands already years before X that are considered vk. hide very likely looked up to them, copied their makeup etc. There are also many american hair metal / glam rock bands who looked similar to that.
Also, Kyo is known fo never leaving the bus and hating every country besides Japan. Plus he doesn't speak English. So yeah, I highly doubt he's a gaijin hunter…
No. 363812
>>363709Because playing the sad man pays well. Judging by how many absolutely obsessed european Kyo stans we already know of, I imagine there are tons more in Japan.
I don't doubt that he was mentally ill during the time he cut on stage, but if you mention to his fans that this is no longer the case nowadays…
No. 363817
Are we supposed to use this thread or
>>>/ot/363457? This is what's confusing about threads being moved so much.