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No. 2449812

A thread for venting about difficult, weird, or stupid stuff going on in your life.

Previous vent thread: >>>/ot/2437755

Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.

Please, do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.

No. 2449815

I just watched reservoir dogs and damn, I was not expecting it to be so disturbing. those guys bleeding out and beating random civilians up during the heist was more graphic than i was expecting…

No. 2449818

I wish there was a separate board for women who enjoy not dating pedophiles and choosing their friends carefully

No. 2449824

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I really fucked up. I am so pissed. I cant stop crying. If i hadnt been so autistic now i would be in her place. But i am a massive fucking retard. Seeing them together remind me of how, if i didnt back off, now i would be in her place. I am such a massive sperg holy shit. It was literally one sentence, one simple sentence and i would now be with him. I literally cant take it, it hurts so much, i was one sentence away from my dream life. Now its too late, i am a burden, a third wheel. I hate my life.

No. 2449857

I spent all of yesterday on-off crying, in public too. I can't do this again today but I probably will. Wtf is going on with me?

No. 2449863

I asked this before but I really want to hear another nonas opinion on Wellbutrin. I really want to take it but don't want to be a zombie which SSRIs do. I heard about some of its side effects but not sure. I wish I wasn't a mental mess man

No. 2449865

Samefag but should've specified that I want Wellbutrin because it doesnt make you a zombie like other SSRIs

No. 2449960

A guy I was talking to online, interested in dating, eventually outed himself as a pedo. He was high on drugs when he confessed he had a video of him and a 14yr old. When I sent this info to the police they were more concerned with him being on drugs then him distributing CP. I fucking hate this country laws, they dont give a shit about exploitation. I also am kicking myself for not pushing further but not sure what I could do, this happened a few years ago and I still feel guilty about it.

No. 2449965

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I never realized how people perceive themselves and their worth until i started venting to my friends. They kept reasuring me that my life had worth and i wasnt a failure blah blah, when i asked them for examples they would say ''well you have me, and your cat, you have (friend i havent talked to in years, or i am not close to)'' and i dont get it. I dont base my self worth on things that i dont put effort towards, but if i tell them that they will think i dont value their friendship enough. I know its cruel but i dont think they give worth to my self esteem. My closest friend became my bf because he talked to me first, he's the one that asked me to hang out with another friend irl, i put no effort into our friendship and tbh i didnt want to meet him irl. Since he put all the effort i feel it doesnt feel like an achivement. Meanwhile i tried really hard to befriend someone and i failed and that DID affect me and made me feel useless and retarded. Because it was a ''goal'' i was meant to achieve and failed, and it reflects of me as a person. It was something i put effort towards. I feel so self centered for thinking like that, but i cannot help it. I really got nothing going on for myself, i am quite literally a lifeless shell. And i hate myself for that.

No. 2449972

I’m really angry at my boyfriend well not angry but I feel like giving up with him. Yesterday I came home from seeing my sister and was really tired, asked him to come over he tells me to come over- okay, whatever I just want to see him. So after fasting, being tired and sick just dealing with asthma all the time I go over with food and smiles and find him miserable over something his mum/brother did (his family is insane and insufferable and they live together). I comfort him whatever then I’m miserable because every day he’s telling me about giving up and how abusive his family is and whatever. I feel awful for him but I just feel like I’m being dragged into misery with him all the time and I can’t take it. I then talk to him about possibly transferring universities and he guilt trips me by saying he has spent tens of thousands of pounds on me and I’m just leaving- yes I let this guy pay my rent and everything for months when I was leaving my abusive family I know it’s retarded to be indebted to a guy but I was really young with no one after leaving my abusive family. Last straw is when his mother insults me and he berated me for showing I was upset on my face- I just burst out crying and felt like that was the last straw. I don’t know any sane woman who would handle a guy like this. I just feel disgusting and I’m sick and tired of him texting me depressing things because his mother is a psychopath. Today I just woke up crying in bed and didn’t know what to say to him I think I’m just going to stay away until I know what I want to say to him. I’m just so tired of being dragged down by retarded men whether that be my crazy Muslim dad or a sad boyfriend.

No. 2449975

It’s because your value doesn’t have to do with effort, and it doesn’t have to do with your ability to achieve every goal, either. Most people won’t be truly compatible with you as friends even if you try—that’s true of everyone. We’re lucky if we meet 100 people, are friendly with them all, and get one real friend out of it.
Wanting to make more out of your life, to achieve more and follow some sort of dreams and big goals and have them pay off is completely reasonable, and it’s natural to desire to do so. However, it’s separate from how other people view your intrinsic worth. In the end, it’s important to have both your goals, and an understanding of your right to happiness independent of that work or any achievements. Good friends value you because you make each other happy simply by existing, and their main goal is to just see you enjoy life and be content, and it matters, too. We have to find ways to occupy ourselves and feel that we use our time on earth for something we care about, but that has to be balanced with knowing that our time here doesn’t have some big purpose, and in the end it’s about cultivating happiness, contentment, peace. Finding a way to just exist. That’s true even if you achieve impressive goals—that ultimately, no matter how much we need to be driven and productive to feel fully realized, the time you spend with your cat and your friend just smiling ends up being more important, on some level.

No. 2449979

I used making friends as an example of basing my self worth in things i achieve rather than how people perceive me and the worth i bring into their lvies. I seriously think i am broken because i legit cannot enjoy the ''simple things in life''. I love my cat and friends, but when i tried to commit suicide, neither the love for my cat or my friends stopped me from commiting the act, but rather knowing that if i commited suicide no one would draw the things i want. I value the idea of drawing something more than my friends because the first one feels like an achivement that brings me worth as a person. I legit feel like a sociopath at times because of that. I get why people struggle feeling sympathy for my depression, because it feels inherently selfish. But i cannot help it, i really do not get enjoyment out of other peoples friendship until is something i worked hard to achieve.

No. 2449988

Sociopaths have a lot more fucked up shit going on than any feelings of emotional disconnect from others, so you’re okay there. It’s alright to not feel really deeply emotionally reliant on others, if you can still move towards being pleased with what you do each day. I’ve been depressed for a lot of my life and I have some serious antisocial tendencies, and have even gotten flack for them, but I have nothing but disdain for anyone who has shamed me for that.
It sounds like art is really meaningful to you and besides the achievement of drawing, you actually care about what is drawn and want to see the result. That’s a pretty good thing, honestly. It’s something particular for you that isn’t just an achievement for the sake of achievement, it’s something that you are drawn towards.
People who feel that depression is selfish just don’t understand it. We can’t magically feel joy just because it makes us more convenient or saintly seeming to others, and we really do have to live for ourselves. But so, you’re right, it’s worth seriously focusing on what goal you need to set each day or week or month in order to feel that your life’s work is moving towards what you are content with doing, then. Maybe it’s seriously studying art techniques for a certain number of hours a week, doing set studies and working on tangible skills to become a better and better version of yourself. That kind of thing is really meaningful too. But friends will never agree, is all. They see you in a different way, for your personality and companionship, and would be happy if you are even if all you do is lie in the sun napping.

No. 2449991

Thank you for your nice post. Made me comprehend more how my friends feel. Ngl i thought they were a bit selfish at first and i was starting to feel a tad bit resentful towards them, but it makes sense they just like me for things i dont personally value as much. Hope your depression gets better nonny, you seem very intelligent and thoughtful.

No. 2449996

I wish I was alive

No. 2450009

I miss exercising so much but I can't eat enough to fuel it when my stomach hurts from anything I touch and I can't digest things right. I want to be normal and healthy again.

No. 2450012

Not achieving goals can feel like failure that’s normal.

No. 2450014

Well it’s not normal but … it’s depressing especially failure after failure

No. 2450035

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I understand how it feels because I'm in a somewhat similar boat. I hope you are able to get help for your health issues and can get better soon nonna.

No. 2450060

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Tired of this fail daughter nepo baby whose mummy got her a job in the art world and her only personality is being a cunt. Someone make a new tumblr hate thread so I can hate on her more

No. 2450077

Taking a sick day off of work today because I woke up this morning to an email from my manager accusing me of saying stuff I never said and I'm not ready to deal with that. I'm so frustrated with myself because I'm a grown adult who shouldn't let feefees get in the way and should be using all my free days to find a better job or become a better person and here I am crying in bed, on my period

No. 2450087

Thank you nonna. I wish the best for you too. I should be getting medical results soon, hopefully the fix is quick.

No. 2450098

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>in elevator with some classmates that i'm friendly with
>they're talking among themselves and then one says "i like anon's hairclips"
>then the other says "i like anon's hair, so thick"
>almost start to speak trying to deny it as a kneejerk reaction like "oh no it's actually really damaged and thin"
>no wait that's retarded and unpleasant behaviour
>stutter and then mutter out a quiet "thank you" without even looking at them and then our floor comes and we step out in opposite directions
>i end up heading in their direction anyways looking for my friends from other departments because i didn't want to have lunch alone
>i pass by them and am too embarrassed to say hello again
i tried i guess? it's hard being a retard

No. 2450110

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I enjoy crochet but I hate most crochet projects. I think most of them are just dust collectors, and I don't like crocheted wearables at all.

No. 2450116

I agree about wearables. They're really bulky and harken back to etsy patchouli festival stringwear. I think it's cool it makes other people happy though

No. 2450118

just accept that you are superior

No. 2450123

no one can answer this for you, you just have to try it and see if it works or not

No. 2450127

That's why I learned knitting even though it takes forever. I feel like crochet projects require more yarn on average and are done much quicker than anything knitted so it's the perfect craft for consoomers with low attention spans

No. 2450134

I hate waking up in pain, I hate migraines, why does my body do this to me

No. 2450181

As cancerous as it ended up being, I really miss old tumblr. I miss when girls would post pictures of their ootd and treat tumblr like instagram. Pictures of local nature, pictures of a wacky drink, pictures of old local run down places like an abandoned movie theater or something, reblogs of skins gifs and cute outfits. I miss it. Now the popular culture on tumblr is being a fat, annoying tranny. The worst part is how I can remember watching the culture shift away from being a proud female majority site, unashamed with liking typical female interests to being the giant tranny moid validation and wank machine.
Does anyone still use tumblr the old way? Just kind of being the same kind of tumblrina blog that was popular in like 2012-2014? Is there still a niche for it? I kind of want to try it, since I was slightly too young and jobless to really participate during its heyday. I just miss the magic of tumblr back then, back when you weren't expected to jump and break your back "respecting" retarded trannies. Ughhhhhh.
Anyone in here still running an aesthetic tumblrina blog? Is missing E still a thing? I was thinking I could set up a sort of block-chain thing just blocking every nsfw tumblr and block every annoying troon I can find. It's risky posting my face but ugh… I don't know. Inb4 people try to scare me into not posting my face on tumblr, I get it. I've dealt with (very minimal but still gross) harassment one time I posted my face on tumblr, but I want to make sure there is some kind of extension I can use that would just block every blog url found on a blog, that way I could just mass block like the entirety of the gross old man porn blog side of tumblr (and of course the gross troon side too).

No. 2450186

Samefag, I was also going to ask if there's an up and coming alternative to tumblr I could use but the worst part of the internet now is that it wouldn't be filled with normal girls now like old tumblr was, but it would be filled with autistic trannies. It drives me crazy that there might never be an alternative to old tumblr because the gender virus has infected almost everyone. I just want that female majority site again, not a female majority site where everyone claims to be something other than female and then make fun of females at the same time. Literally cancer I swear to god.

No. 2450240


im just so tired of being disabled and not being able to find a job to support myself. not that i even want to work because it gives me bad depression wasting my days away doing the same thing.

im sick of my boyfriend who was supposed to propose last year looking at other women online

i just want to die at this point

No. 2450250

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Mum dropped in, unannounced, so I could fix some problem with her phone that I have no idea how to fix. I might add that I am hungover and it's my day off and she gives me a fucking lecture about how she had a house, married and me at at my age.
You already make me feel like a walking advertisement for post natal abortion, I don't need this. Also how am I supposed to figure out why your phone won't connect to your wifi in my flat? Go away. Find some happiness outside of criticising others.

No. 2450260

There's a medication thread on /g/ where nonas talked about this exact medication

No. 2450263

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I'm starving.

No. 2450267

>she had a house, married and me at at my age
I can guarantee that if you had all of those things then she'd still find something to criticize. Don't listen to her nonna, it's objectively way more difficult to raise a family nowadays. The economy is not the same.

No. 2450305

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Update : Someone tried to save me (but they failed because I'm a lost cause)

No. 2450310

Holy fuck I can't stand this fat faggot and his gym rat larp. Walking around with a giant tub of protein powder just hoping someone comments on it, of course someone takes the bait so he can start talking about how hard he hits the gym. Shaking his stupid protein shake cup vigorously on the walk back to his desk to make sure everyone notices. I swear to god his attention seeking is worse than a mentally ill 2013 tumblr girl.
50 year old man, by the way.

No. 2450322

What on earth you didn't say that was so difficult

No. 2450354

Living with my bf this past year and he's been unemployed this whole time and messy and still didn't learn how to cook and won't plan anything ahead of time or budget and freaks out in a mood rage anytime a mild, normal inconvenience happens to him and he's almost 30 years old. I stuck myself in this situation because I don't have a car and I adopted a dog when we moved here that I love more than anything or anyone and I would NEVER leave her behind. I also have poor credit that I've been trying to work on all year but it's tough without second income that I THOUGHT he would be providing. I just hope things get better

No. 2450355

>had all of those things then she'd still find something to criticize
She absolutely would. Thanks nonna

No. 2450370

just cheat on your boyfriend it'll cure the boredom and resentment for a little while at least. like if you're gonna die anyways may as well do something fun
demand that he puts you on as an authorized user on his credit cards to build your own credit up, and then cheat on him and leave

No. 2450372

I highly suggest you open a personal emergency savings account or some sort of secret savings if you are able to, nonna. In the meantime, idk if you cook for him or clean up after him already but if you are doing that, stop doing it and let him suffer on his own. Please try to focus on things that better you as a person and not you as an attachment to your partner. Work on your credit score, go for nice walks with your dog, get yourself a nice coffee or treat now and then and look after yourself.
I'd like to say just dump him kek but I understand if you live together and aren't already wealthy then it's a lot more complicated than that. Just try and make sure that you're at least slightly covered if shit hits the fan, and don't give him a penny.

No. 2450388

I wish males weren't allowed to write for tv shows. Pretty much every series that would be considered good, is ruined bc some retarded useless male wanted to include whatever porn scene he was watching att time of writing, that always stands out, since it's not sexy at all and is always out of character. "United States of Tara" is a great example, I remember watching and feeling bad for Brie Larson, since she was obviously reciting lines from one of the male staff so he could personally get off to watching her say that (and for no other reason, since it was completely out of character). I will never rewatch this series bc it disgusted me so much the first time seeing it and now she is older, successful in male franchises and her eyes have looked dead since the series

No. 2450395

Please get the fuck out it does not get better. I watched this happen to my friend. Boyfriend lost his job (he was kind of a screw up) and promised if they got an apartment together he'd find a job. 6 months in no job, no school, he never fucking cleaned or cooked or did any household labor at all. She said her breaking point was she had asked him to clean up a bit and make sure to feed the cats, she came back at 9 pm after doing classes and working, exhausted, nothing had been done cats hadn't been fed, he had spent all day chatting on discord vc so she called him into the room and yelled at him for neglecting to do anything, he pulled a "I'm so shit I'm sorry" then just went back on the computer and started acting meek and scared like he was being abused to the discord vc. Decided to pay for 2 more months of rent in advance and then just packed up everything and left, then he made a post on his social media asking for help cause his girlfriend had made him homeless". They are fucking BUMS and he will act as lazy his entire life, you will be his mommy

No. 2450399

Did he troon out at the same time, for double the sympathy from sw/gov haidmaidens and unemployable losers?

No. 2450401

I noticed this too, male writing is so fucking obvious. I remember watching white lotus and it was decent except for a few scenes, one some teen girls are picking on a lady, giggling to each other, then she gets up and takes off her robe to get into the pool and reveals her body, the girls quit giggling and go quiet. Teenage girls will not stop picking on someone just cause their body is nice… also the mother in the show chastises her daughter for talking about the patriarchy and says "we need to give white men a break it's very hard for them right now" i was like the fuck lmao. American horror story also had extreme scrote writing for some of the seasons, especially the one where there's a group of evil femanists.

No. 2450405

YES HE DID LMAO. He trooned out maybe a month before she left

No. 2450410

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The White Lotus is written and produced by this disgusting pig. He wrote Sarah Silverman as the "villain" of School of Rock bc she asked for rent, from the homeless scrote living in her home. Ryan Murphy writes American Horror Story, he is a gay misogynist who hates older women/his mother. I think his mother (and Marc Cherry's) were legit narc-bpds but the result of that is that they are literal garbage males whose own mothers didn't love them. So it's the world's problem

No. 2450434

God damn it I think I’m an alcoholic. I’m so sick of this shit.

No. 2450435

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My brother is getting married in May and it'll be the first time I've seen most of my family in years after I moved away from all the bs. I really get on with my brother and never had problems with him so I want to be there to support him on his special day but I'm dreading having to see my mother again. She was neglectful to me in many important ways growing up - she didn't teach me how to wash myself or brush my teeth properly, I couldn't say no to anything without an argument and she never arranged professional help for me when I was self-harming and exhibiting serious mental illness as a teenager. I packed my shit and left her house after a huge argument after I graduated uni in 2019 and since then I've only seen her once. I do not forgive her for the years of shit and neglect especially considering she's never given me a single apology and also treats this same brother like shit. She's probably got worse considering she's sponging off her weird boyfriend who isn't allowed to even see his grandkids (nonce alert?). I get messages off her saying she's here for me but I know for a fact she would argue with me if I told her all of this because she can never be in the wrong.

But I still want to go to this wedding for my brother. I want to see him happy and his gf is a really nice woman, too. I want to see them happy and have a good day but I just know it's going to be awkward as fuck. My family act like I'm some sort of mysterious missing persons case despite them telling me to gtfo of my hometown as soon as I can, yet when I did just that suddenly I'm "too distant" and "never really visit" anymore despite me living 3h drive away and not having the time to put up with their shit anymore.
Idk, I look at daughters with their mothers doing stuff like going to a spa or going for coffee together and I wish that was me. I'm lucky to have my bf's mother who is very stern with him and very kind to me and always takes my side in stuff kek but I don't even know where to start and I feel ashamed for my mommy issues. Anyway I'm rambling and the wedding is still 2 months away but I'm still dreading having to see my own mother again. God this is so cringe why couldn't my family just be normal or at least rich if they wanted to be mentally ill retards. Imagine being a poorfag AND having a crazy family. I really lost the lottery there.

No. 2450438

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>didn't pass exam AGAIN
Come the fuck on? I literally didn't remember one question and I got axed despite answering the previous two correctly and even linking other arguments together? Are you fucking kidding me? I feel retarded because it's the second time I go try this exam but at the same time he axed like all the other 8-10 people that attempted it and only made two people pass. Though there's nothing more humiliating than having to announce your failure in front of your parents too, christ, or even having to do the whole 2h drive home to uni with nothing but thoughts about how you're a fuckup for failing this shit. I'm also extra salty because they got to answer more questions while I was one of the last ones so he axed me without even bothering to let me answer other shit, and I still can't help but feel I'm a genuine retard. like why the fuck am I even in STEM? I should've picked History or whatever

No. 2450439

I just rewatched School of Rock recently and that stuck out to me too! Her character was written to be an unlikeable bitch and yet she was 100% right about everything

No. 2450440

Go to a meeting

No. 2450443

The reason most poorfags are poor is bc they have fucked up family. Most middle class kids heavily exaggerate their trauma or are actually "spoiled" (as in nothing will ever please them or make them happy bc their parents were too permissive so view "no" as trauma/rejection). Only males become irredeemable by having "mommy issues", which is why they project that on women who have absent or abusive fathers. Very few women grow up to abandon, neglect or abuse their children bc a parent did that to them, while moids consider becoming an adult or parent "payback time". If I were in your position, I would volunteer to spend time with elderly women who don't have family or never had kids

No. 2450450

It's one of the only things he has ever written so they probably picked up the script cheap and spent the rest on location and making it look nice. He is also the genius behind "despicable me 4" and "the emoji movie". The White Lotus isn't actually good show if you actually think about the stories it just looks nice

No. 2450455

>male writing is so fucking obvious.
true, there's certain moidisms that help you tell its a male in the director's chair. like in Legally Blonde, the super hot woman framed for her husband's murder toooootally loved her decades older husband and not for his money because she has a fitness empire or whatever and he supposedly has an incredible cock, to me that just stunk of a fantasy of a single balding male having a mid life crisis.

No. 2450457


We moved far away from family and friends too for more potential job opportunities for him. I do realize the danger of my situation when a few months turned into 9 months of this shit now. Me telling him what to do does nothing but cause stress due to his reactions, so I stopped. I stopped cleaning and it's fucking gross in here and I realized I can't live like that so I clean anyways. I tried paying for a cleaning service to take that stress off of me but he legit makes the apartment dirty again right after they leave, crumbs and clothes and wrappers thrown everywhere. He eats all my food I meal prep for the week in 2 days and gained like 40lbs. He has OCD and "chronic pain" (the latter being undiagnosed and I only just heard about it this year despite knowing him for 5), yet refuses to get treatment or tested to find out what could be causing it. I just had to continue my vent to say, that men really trap you, and this is my first hand experience of it unfortunately. He was working before this move, now suddenly can't do anything and has every excuse as to why stockpiled against me, rendering me silent because I'm tired of arguing and "drawing boundaries" if it results in nothing. I have a secret savings, I'm going to have to wait and basically pretend to still be in a loving relationship with him until I have enough stockpiled that I can move with my dog, and have that all planned out before announcing it too. Thank you for your concern, just don't be like me. I will never date again after this, I'd rather be single for the rest of my life than take a chance on hell.

No. 2450490

>mid life crisis
Moid writing is permanently stuck in a mid life crisis. I have no idea how even males can watch "californication" and not understand the irl version is sad balding loser in a sport's car

No. 2450541

I'm so done with my partner.. I'm a horrible person I'm sure and I kept apologising and being sorry in fights when he'd just berate me on end and I'm done. Alrighty, I'm terrible— should've been the worst though.

Didn't do that right? So what? You're upset bc I was upset and had a reason to be? Cry harder.

You thought you were a toxic, emotional manipulative partner? You just activated my ultimate mode. I've reached the point of not giving a fuck since you robbed me of all my self worth. Let's see what I can do with yours. You'll beg to break up but your family will love me more than you. I'll start laughing at your attempts to break my spirits– what now?

No. 2450560

My neighbor needs to leave her Nigel the fuck alone I haven’t had a full night’s sleep since Valentine’s and I can’t even take work meetings after like 3pm because chances are she’ll be screaming by then they’re both like 21 and she’s clearly from a rich family to live in this building but neither of them seem to be going to college or work and it just cannot be that serious. Every time I see them he has another bruise or scratches like isn’t she concerned she’ll catch a case? Also the Spanish accent they have is ugly and it sounds like bullets

No. 2450566

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I know every generation has dumb shit they are obsessed with, I'm a zoomer and we had plenty of that. But I swear to god, if I have to listen to my 6 yo brother talk about Sprunki again, I think I'm gonna blow my brains out.
I'm desperately trying to convince my mom to invest into buying a switch for him so he can play some actual substantial video games for his age group. Instead of the app store brainrot, that shoves an add to you every 2 minutes, that he plays now on mom's tablet.
I don't want my brother to be an iPad baby and I certainly don't want him caught up in some Elsagate shit, he's already autistic as is.

No. 2450568

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I hate trains (bong) I am so upset. I commute and it costs me a ridiculous amount. I booked a later train which was slightly cheaper and planned to get an earlier train with that ticket but I was unaware it would have the time on the ticket (they don’t on some) I know I shouldn’t have done this but I’m struggling anons and just want to get home. I had my thumb slightly over the time on the ticket kek when showing them at the gates at the woman was like oh my god you’re hiding the time etc and made a deal out of it. So annoyed, I’ve managed to change the ticket now for the next one without costing much more and it is cheaper than it would have been if I booked it before. (If that makes sense)

I’m just so annoyed at her reaction kek who cares. It won’t come out of her wages. Such a cow! I’m so annoyed and emotional. I know you anons may think I’m a bad person but I just want to get home. The train prices have gone on up much And I want to cry.

Am I a bad person? Why has this upset me so much

No. 2450570

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i fucking hate having pre periods moodswings and pains, either fucking start already and stop being so fucking annoying im tired of having sore nips and cramps

No. 2450577

He's 6 years old. He should be reading books, colouring, doing arts and crafts, playing with his imagination. He shouldn't be playing video games on the Nintendo Switch nor playing games on a mobile phone. What is wrong with Zoomers and Gen Alpha

No. 2450581

It seems like everytime my anxiety is the worst, she decides to come back and just fuck me up more and more. Nothing that I do seems good enough and I’m pretty fed up, if I wasn’t putting effort on it I wouldn’t care but when I do, day by day, and people can’t even appreciate it…it’s exhausting.
It seems like I can’t feel bad at all. Like, people literally accuse me when I’m feeling bad if I complain too much but also when I don’t tell shit about it. Then what do they expect me to do? To me they’re just a bunch of assholes with lives so, so boring that they have to trash talk about others to feel good about themselves.
And when I try to make my point and I’m starting to open up about my feelings, they just shut them down again and basically try to gaslight me into thinking I’m in the wrong here.
If they could just put it into introspective for a second, they’d realise I have been apologising over and over again when they couldn’t even tell a fucking sorry.

No. 2450586

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I don't know if anyone else gets it, but my PTSD flares up like a motherfucker whenever my period is within days.

No. 2450588

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The ants getting into my house are going to drive me absolutely insane. I could understand if they were just in my kitchen where food crumbs can be dropped or near my cats food dish, but they are in my bathroom and my bedroom closet where there is clearly no food. They come from under the walls but the walls they are coming from are all inside walls, none of them lead to outside. I'm not a dirty person, my house is clean, but these ants make me feel like I'm living in squalor. I've put ant traps out, I spray them with ant killer every time I see them and I try to follow their trail and spray the baseboard area where they are coming out of the wall from. I can't spray much more than that because I have pets and I don't want to risk them getting sick. I'm going to call an exterminator if I absolutely have to but I really don't want to pay for that, I wish they would just fuck off already jesus christ it's rage inducing every time I see one.

No. 2450606

bro I had 4 dogs in the house at one point and had to take allergy pills.

that shit calms my PMDD like nothing other. Literally nothing else works. For some reason allergy pills do.

No. 2450623

the exact same thing happens to me every year, it's so infuriating. I hate ants!!!

No. 2450629

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I don't like being an aunt and I hate my nephew. My brother was an abusive asshole to me growing up and now I'm supposed to fawn over his ugly kid. I get shit for not being more hands on with him but I don't care. I never wanted to be an aunt.

No. 2450669

Why did duolingo decide to have a major outage JUST as I accepted the exp boost from my friend reeeee
It doesn't matter in the long run, but I'm double annoyed because I got thrown into a fucking leaderboard with tryhards this week. I just want to finish this unit and nap. Goddamn it.

No. 2450680

crying right now because im a stupid retard and i dont think its possible for me to ever get far in life in the ways that i want to

No. 2450685

What's happening, nona?

No. 2450706

My mom has always looked kinda intimidating but recently she had a mild stroke and now it’s a million times worse because now she really can’t emote. Doesn’t help that she also has a (slight) Slavic accent. She retired to a rural area so they community was already xenophobic and now they’re just straight up hostile. They even bullied her out of her stall at the Farmer’s Market as of this week and I feel like crying every time I think about it. I wish she would move to the city near me but she’s too proud to admit it gets to her. So fucking unfair

No. 2450719

I'm constanty terrified that everyone at work hates me and thinks I'm an idiot and that I'll be fired soon. I'm trying to use this as fuel to become better, research more, pay more attention, instead of letting it discourage me into inaction. It's so hard though, it's like I have to manually rewrite my mental programming. I hope it's working. Please I just want to not feel like an incompetent loser all the time.

No. 2450723

talked to my coworker about struggling to make friends, but then she went out to a party with a bunch of friends yesterday, constantly spends time with her boyfriend, and gets free tickets to ballet and other stuff through her friends. what the fuck? why would she lie to me about being a kindred soul struggling with making friends, she has a bunch of them. i feel like she lied to make me feel better, ugh. now i feel pitied. i thought i could be friends with her, but i feel like its just not going to happen now.

No. 2450730

>ENGLISH game chat
>clearly says it's for english speakers only
>chats of all other languages AND global chats exist
>retarded non-english speakers join and chat in non-english anyway
literally why. all social modern games are impossible to play or make friends in because of this. i hate getting invited to groups where everyone only speaks arabic/spanish on an ENGLISH server

No. 2450735

Holy shit, grown adults bullying another grown adult, and an older woman at that, is another level of malice. I'm angry just reading this, I can't imagine how she must feel. I hope she'll cave and move. I'm rooting for her ♥
Sucks that she misrepresented herself but you can use this to your advantage. If she's a social connector type (organizes social events involving people of different groups) it could be a good opportunity to meet new people and make friends.

No. 2450742

Country people are pretty much angry scrotes and beaten down alcoholic pick-mes. My mom got blocked in by one and had a screaming match in a parking lot with him (think church or school), wherein she called him a douche and told him to go fuck himself and he ignores her now or will avoid her, which is what she wanted in the first place. You have to stand up to country faggots, they're used to pushing women around but respect the ones who don't back down to their bullshit

No. 2450746

im retarded, antisocial, narcissistic(?) and a dead end in life. i'm really neurotic and never stable enough to go through with my decisions. im broke but i dont want to get a job bc i dont feel like wasting hours of my time for little money, being judged for being weird and failing social cues, and not wanting to deal with the social hirerarchy (the higher up, the more opportunity u have)
im afraid of intimacy, i have no friends, and my relationship with my sexuality is not great.
i dont see any solution if not dying, but im trying to hold on since im able bodied and not too old yet
had to fix so many typos and grammar mistakes, which made me really sad

No. 2450750

Why do you think you're narcissistic? Are you struggling with your sexuality as a gay woman, or as a woman who likes men?

No. 2450754

You should drop ship autism toys for autistic adults. They'll pay lots of money for them and you can commission a chinese factory to make them for cheap. You'd only have to save up one or two unemployment cheques to get started

No. 2450762

I'm tired of getting accused of being other posters

No. 2450763

my actions are 75% almost always for my own self interest or benefit.
i like both sexes but i really love and lean towards femininity. however, i am repressed bc of my religious upbringing so i currently dont see myself dating a woman, but im too scared to connect with one anyways
i'd have no clue how to market myself, but that's an interesting idea

No. 2450767

I've been noticing more and more racebaiting posts lately and it's so annoying. Go suck white cock somewhere else

No. 2450775

It's literally no different than what people who already sell toys do. They're all over alibaba and can pretty much make anything. You could always create a mascot and market that instead of yourself, people might want to find out who you are if you're successful but when I shop for something, I don't think "hm what is the personality and lifestyle like of the person making this?" unless it's obvious a gross troon

No. 2450784

schizo users are both a blessing and a curse. a couple of them have been getting on my nerves too, especially the one who keeps sperging about ellipses

No. 2450808

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I got ocd and some people's face's trigger me badly, where I have to do my ritual to heal after I see them and I can't fucking stand this specific genre of look. I don't know what to call it. They sound a specific way and have the long nails and their face looks a little too brushed up. I sound like a pickme but I swear I hold no malice, its something about the artificial nature of it sets off like an uncanny valley affect. Maybe it's the filter? The dog filter on Instagram used to do it very bad, but it's so common and scrolling through Instagram sets it off.

No. 2450812

my stupid dumb sister has 2 sons and i absolutely hate babysitting them. everyone hates babysitting them. i was already certain that i wouldn’t have children but holy shit it is confirmed that i will never have them. i want to escape whenever i hear them screaming and tantruming. they’re both delayed, as in they cannot talk and still drink milk from bottles all fucking day. every single day. whenever they cry my sister and her husband and all of us shove a bottle in their mouths. they eat solids occasionally and when they do my sister usually feeds them chips, chicken nuggets, pizza rolls, and they do eat some of the actual homecooked food that my mom makes. im so in awe and jealous of those advanced toddlers on tiktok that speak fluently, eat only solids, and don’t tantrum.

on top of that she’s gotten them both addicted to bright colorful cartoons especially the older one (4) who is very obviously autistic. my sister hardly has tried to get him any help and i suspect that her husband is actually high functioning himself. her older son is so addicted to cocomelon that literally as soon as an episode or compilation ends, he immediately starts whining and bawling his eyes out as if someone just slapped him. every frame of that slop overstimulates him into stimming so hard that the entire time he’s watching it he’ll be squirming everywhere, unable to sit down, clapping, flapping his arms, squinting and making some hilariously gruesome faces at the screen. he’s actually stimming rn as i speak. he also loves eating dirt off of the rug in our living room and from the fireplace. he has never spoken a single intelligible sentence or word in his entire life, understands very little of what we tell him, and i just know he will be even worse as he grows up. i’m actually scared for the future

then there’s her second son who is 2 and he’s not as delayed but he might be. he can say hi to us (sometimes), doesn’t stim but he also spends almost every waking minute and hour with a bottle in his mouth. he can be very aggressive to his brother and loves bullying him and bothering him, which he can’t even communicate and say “stop” to him. he loves to throw himself onto the ground if we so much as nudge him its very funny and annoying. now my stupid mother just demanded me to go fill their bottles again as if they haven’t already had at least 7 bottles each today. they are already terrors and i’m not looking forward to them getting older and still behaving this way

No. 2450829

dump him yesterday nona. be thankful that you aren’t in trad or conservative circles because they would’ve convinced you to keep doing what you’re doing for him as a surrogate mommy wife and start shitting out some babies for him while you’re at it

No. 2450933

I have to pay a 250 fine, I want to kill myself

No. 2450969

I have a favor to ask of you first. Have you ever heard of Elon musk

No. 2450971

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Oh boy I love having CSA flashbacks after multiple dumpster fire relationships and making another mistake at reaching out realizing even brushing past it is too much. It's starting to get to the point I'm feeling slight agoraphobia being around men and in public and having to go to my job. I haven't been sleeping, my desire to eat has plummeted and I'm disassociating more than ever. I'm coping well all things considered and have some people to help me through, but we're definitely teetering on an edge here. It's gotten to the point where even being online and seeing men or listening to music with men's voices is too much for me. Sometimes even seeing pictures of women bothers me, but not their voices. Really just anything that reminds me sex is real and a part of society is really fucking my head up mentally. Especially having these flashbacks now as an adult and putting together everything.

No. 2450975

My friend is moving in with her boyfriend even though they haven't even been dating for half a year. Goddamn how can she be this naive? I hope they work out because why is she putting herself into this situation, I don't get the rush. She was on the verge of breaking up with him the last time I spoke to her. I want to be happy for her but I just can't be.

No. 2450991

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I just took half (5mg) of a 20:1 CBD:THC gummy and I'm freaking out immediately. I can't smoke weed anymore as an adult because it throws me into severe anxiety and depersonalization but I wanted to relax and thought such a tiny amount would be fine but I'm spazzing out. I would normally talk to my couple of friends in our discord but I haven't talked to them in over a week and I feel guilty so I'm like alone. I knew I shouldn't have until I fixed up my living space a little more on my day off tomorrow but I wanted to chill so bad after work today UGH my girlfriend will be home in a little while and I don't know how to become normal. I don't think they kick in this fast so surely this is just nerves? My favorite streamer just went live too and I'm too retarded to watch him.

No. 2450997

It's gonna be okay anon, we're here. Just drink some ice water and put on some nice music, okay?

No. 2451000

Moid moment, but that "gay transphobes are traitors" graphic makes me want to punch a hole in the drywall. Shut the fuck up you dumb het. You will never know how much it sucks to be a lesbian and everything "special" about you comes from AliExpress. Let's see you actually uplift some hon who's at least a foot taller than you, instead of reposting some text in jpeg form. Never going to happen!

No. 2451002

Lay down in bed with some nice blankets and maybe a movie or youtube video you like to watch. You're probably overthinking it, just try to chill like other anon said.

No. 2451007

been there before nonna, just remember it's a temporary state and the best thing to do is ride it out by watching a light hearted movie you like and maybe dozing off. like the others said, we're here for you!

No. 2451012

I'm almost done with college and of course it's right before what should be my last year when everything gets messed up, probably won't be able to graduate on time due to a couple dumb mistakes of my own but also no thanks to my advisors and professors being completely useless. Also going through the stupidest shit with my bpd best friend who is giving me the unexplained silent treatment and threatening things after a while of making me feel special and happy. I should be used to these cycles and I should be used to being a failure loser that can't get any other friends by now but somehow it still shocks and upsets me.

No. 2451022

Wtf thank you nonnas… I decided to put on the stream anyway in my bedroom and he's playing Chrono Trigger so the coziness calmed me a little bit. Got some snacks too and going to try to get absorbed.

What do you mean "on time"? Do you have to finish by a certain time? I'm sorry your "friend" is treating you like that. I'm certain you don't deserve it but friends can be hard to come by especially if you're an adult.

No. 2451050

I hate the assumption that all teen girls fight with their moms or have some kind of complicated relationship even as adults. I don't, and neither do my female friends, we all get along great with our moms. Heck I get along great with their moms too! I feel like it's a psy-op to make women look emotionally unstable and to hate all other females around them.

No. 2451055

I meant within my "projected" graduation date as I went on the standard 4-year degree track. My family, especially my mom, places high importance on academics and everyone's expecting me to graduate by this time (May 2026). I haven't told anyone about the issues that I'm having with this because I can just anticipate the bad reactions. Thank you for the kind words, though, I appreciate it nonna

No. 2451063

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i need someone to tell me to get my ass up and clean. i spent all day being a lazy bum. i feel the old desire to stay up all night being stupid online creeping up on me but i'm not allowed to do that anymore, i'm a woman with a job and some candles to light after my floors are clean

No. 2451068

Pull yourself together nonna! You can do it.

No. 2451079

A few people called me "lynchian" and I treat it as an insult because I fucking hate David Lynch

No. 2451086

like they attempt to describe your personality as lynchian? thats kind of insulting because anyone whos actually seen any of his films and hasn’t just looked at screenshots of it on instagram knows that all of his films revolve around violence against women. they sound retarded

No. 2451097

I still have thoughts about dying, but I'm trying to put them aside. I used to want to do want more in my life but living for those that love me is enough, this is why I haven't killed myself yet despite absolutely hating everything I've done up to this moment.

No. 2451099

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I feel like the youtube algorithm is just bullying me at this point

No. 2451100

might get exposed as a terf in my obscure part of the web and i feel more tired than scared…let it happen i guess. everything here has been getting more and more annoyingly trans and libfemmy for years now. give me a good reason to leave for good

No. 2451106

keekk we have the same youtube recommendations it seems, i had autoplay on and i listened to this while doing chores before i saw the title fml

No. 2451140

sorry for intrusive question but how do you feel about it? sometimes I am afraid of the same thing happening to me

No. 2451159

I'm pretty sure they meant it as uncanny valley

No. 2451161

I didnt ask him to make a group project with me an another girl approached him first and now they are dating

No. 2451203

I'll just take it and see what happens anyway
Omg I can't believe I didn't check that one out. Thanks nonnie

No. 2451218

My baby got too long of a nap today and now he won't fucking sleep, its midnight way past his bedtime.

No. 2451223

me and your baby did the same thing nona. i'm about to pop a benadryl/melatonin about it though

No. 2451239

Don’t do it. Don’t babysit him. They’ve got no right to expect that from you.

No. 2451249

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I hate having a hikkineet mom. I am feeling suicidal and i dont want to go to college tomorrow, and she never understands how i am feeling so she's going to scream and curse me and make me feel even worse than i already do. I wish she worked so i could just lie to her and tell her i went to college and everything was fine and dandy. She's such a energy draining vampire, you can tell her you feel suicidal and instead of understanding you and being concerned her first train of thought is to scream and belittle you. When i told her i wanted to drop out she screamed at me before even asking me why i wanted to drop out. She's never happy, there are days where i just ask her something simple and she screams at me. I really cant win in life. I am failing college, i failed at making friends, i tried hitting on a guy and he rejected me, i cant even have a safe space at home. My mom keeps telling me that shes going to send me to live with my dad whom i havent talked to ina year a used to beat me. She always resort to scare tactics. The only reason i am still alive is because i love art, but i cant even draw anymore because i am so busy with college. I just want to drop out.

No. 2451275

Do you have a drivers license? Do you have a car? My mom's a hikkineet too, and while she isn't as extreme as your mom she does have her moments… And let me tell you, having a car available to just up and vanish whenever I want is so nice. Going out for a meal, or even just chilling in a park by myself. It's very free'ing. You could just up and walk out, take a bus, go to a library, and just find somewhere else to be until it's night and you have to come home to sleep.

No. 2451279

Also, maybe get a tutor. May as well try before you jump the gun on dropping-out. Half-ass your assignments if you must but make some sort of semblance of an effort. Whatever you can manage despite the mental taxxing.

No. 2451282

I could technically go out, as i live in the middle of a city and i have a park like a street away. But that wouldnt be any different from going to uni tbh. I just want to stay at home and draw and play some vidya. I havent been able to do that in a month because i have been studying non stop. I am so depressed it takes me hours to read pretty simple 10 page long pdfs.

No. 2451285

You've got to look at the broader perspective anon. Dropping out now is not going to help you make enough money to move out after school nor are most jobs that don't require a paper gonna make you happy. This is a temporary fase and your grades don't really reflect how well you'll do once you actually start working, so all you need to do is hang on and get just good enough grades to pass. Just go sit in your school's library or something if you don't want to attend classes.

No. 2451291

I am not motivated about college, i enrolled because i wanted to take a break from my mom. But uni turned into its own hell. I really only feel happy when i NEET, but my mom isnt supportive.

No. 2451314

In the 12th hr of not opening that moids sc message bc I don't want to know what he said after me being vulnerable (a mistake)

No. 2451320

Me but I get so anxious and leave it for days until I just can't come back and then ditch it forever kek

No. 2451335

I wish there was something like CGDCT but with all male characters.

No. 2451340

LOGH is that.

No. 2451353

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There are! Not that many but i hope you find something you like
other animus not on the list i recommend:
>aoharu x machinegun(harem but protag is a reverse trap autist)
>Hoshiai no Sora(sadly cursed with troonshit but you can skip that episode)
>Oushitsu Kyoushi Heine
>Orenchi no Furo Jijou
>touken ranbu
>cheer danshi

If you want unfiltered cbdct comfyness with 0 story go straight to chuunibyu gekihatsu boy, its about retarded chuuni guys. Edgelord with glasses best chuuni.

No. 2451354

No. 2451361

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its only worth watching because of hidenori every other character sucks ass

No. 2451366

I hate everything, I’m merely living just to finish my degree and because I love my mom.
Everyone is selfish and ready to use you, nothing is real or holds any meaning in the long run.

No. 2451368

I think I’ll pick up drawing again or maybe try to play an instrument though

No. 2451386

Opened it, didn't respond lmaoo

No. 2451388

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Thinking about all the opportunities for female friendship I passed up because I was too retarded to reach out/realise they liked me.

No. 2451403

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I'M SICK I'm sick and I just got my period and I'm completely out of toilet paper paper towels napkins and pads and my washing machine broke and I can't wash my period panties FUCK this earth

No. 2451467

I'm not a pearl clutcher or a puritan but sex-centric boards (not just /g/ but it's a good example) are so nauseating because there is no part of me that wants to listen to gross, likely dysgenic retards pine and fic about sex like a 55 year old woman who writes harlequin romance novels. It's just boot nasty as a whole. Like your post smells musty and nobody wants to know all that precious.

No. 2451475

I kept infighting about everything there so had to leave

No. 2451484

Yeah it's become infested with genuinely embarrassing cows. That's become the board standard now basically, from a farm to an open grass-fed free range pasture. I just scroll for vaguely interesting recent posts occasionally. I don't feel like reading some 300 lb woman describe how she wants to pin a teen wrestler down and facesit him or rape a cartoon or whatever, makes me cringe.

No. 2451514

it's honestly more tame now than before since most of it is dead (beyond the youknowwho thread). in the past there were unironic scat posters in the fetish threads, a few ddlgtards and nonas lusting after convicted pedos

No. 2451533

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Drinking drinking drinking. I like being drunk too much. . My current bender began on the 10th and before that it was a very small sober streak. I don't really sleep, I get manic dreams and sweat a lot. I think a lot about dumb things. My eyes look weird.
I really want to be happy but I was depressed af before I was like this, I have really always been depressed, and I will likely be like that after. I might be happier though, a little bit. Some day I'll become a shiny beacon of radiance and happiness. Until then this.

No. 2451536

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Jack carried that show.

No. 2451540

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Man, I kinda miss things like holding hands, cuddling and kissing someone, but I also value my independence and freedom a little bit too much maybe and anyone will get these two from my cold dead hands tbf. Not to mention the idea of being vulnerable ever again makes my skin crawl.
Doesn’t help that I’m turning 26 soon and that type of puppy love relationship is pretty much off the table at this age, but this is the only type of romantic relationship I can stomach, ugh. I kinda wish I experienced that more.
That’s why I still am a virgin too kek, sex scares me and I noticed from the experiences of others that it changes things for the worse usually.

No. 2451543

I lurk on them because I find them funny.

No. 2451548

>Doesn’t help that I’m turning 26 soon and that type of puppy love relationship is pretty much off the table at this age, but this is the only type of romantic relationship I can stomach, ugh. I kinda wish I experienced that more.
Oof, this hit way too close
I turn 28 in a couple months

No. 2451553

Anything sex related is going to be gross and nasty kek. What do you expect? If you want to read fluff, read tame romance books.

No. 2451555

>that type of puppy love relationship is pretty much off the table at this age
I think it's still possible. You can find a guy who wants to hold hands with you often and cuddle you, but you have to be picky and express your interests/boundaries. You could mold a guy to your liking, essentially. Freedom and independence is more important, so I get the dilemma.

No. 2451562

28er here. That's not the point. I could find the perfect man tomorrow and I feel like my heart wouldn't be capable of the innocent, silly love that I was capable of just a few years ago. Like disney/romcom/poetry kinda love that they write songs about, that feels so far from who I am now
I'm gonna puke

No. 2451564

I disagree. I wouldn't want to read fluff made by stinky losers either.

No. 2451577

I want to go back to sleep, but I'm on my period and had a leak despite having on TWO FUCKING PADS! As if my life couldn't get any worse. Plus, I cried after a dream last night.

No. 2451578

Sometimes I still think about all the stuff I went through as a teen and how it would be hard to explain because it's not like things related to -that- happened directly to me but they did happen around me and because of all that violence I did not have a normal upbringing. That's why I'm not afraid of dying, but I'm afraid of getting killed. I learnt to be paranoid from that.

No. 2451585

My throat won't fucking let me stop coughing already. It even got to the point where it made me throw up. I hate that I'm bullied by my own body.

No. 2451592

Ayrt and no, it’s not the grossness of it, I can get over that. It’s more of a vulnerability thing, having to be seen in a vulnerable state and most likely judged over it. And I agree with >>2451564 kek, and it’s one thing to experience and the other to just read.

That’s the thing, if the other party is capable and wants that, which seems like I’m chasing an unicorn at this point. But not only that, it’s also the expectations that come with this age - marriage, ltr, keeping a certain fantasy, being there 24/7 and explaining yourself, which I find draining.

We’re in this together, nonna.

No. 2451593

Why is it so hard to get up and do the things I need to do? I've felt like this my entire life. I don't even know what my life would look like if I didn't have depression that prevented any and all action about anything in my life.

No. 2451595

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I think the place where I'm working at won't survive for long because the boss is honestly retarded about spending money and time.
Like, if you're already having people pay you a full price, you supposedly already have calculated the amount you will pay to your employees, you should have that money right there to give it to your employees at the time you yourself decided, nothing more, nothing less.
Why is she always paying so late? Like, she owes me a month of my salary and a month of classes that I've already given.
If she's mad about the results, like, I do my best, I can't do magic, and the mayority of the kids are getting good grades, only one of them has shit grades because hes a retarded moid.
Plus, it's still my work, she could just get up and fire me right now anyways because there's no contract.
I'm annoyed because it's not like I have lots of responsibilities right now, I just give my classes, prepare the material for whatever classes requires it, make a drafting for a book, make sure the attendance sheets are in order, prepare exams, prepare the study material of the academy, keep record of the time I take to give my classes and keep track of the hours I've taught so I get paid properly.
But I still think I should get paid on time even if what I do isn't that important.
Like, if it wasn't for me, this place would be even more fucked because the boss is too dishonest and disorganized, but even with my ideas to keep everything with a certain level of transparency, I can't just override the mess that my boss is.

No. 2451602

it's going to be annoying to have retards up my ass and there's vague worry this could spread to other parts of the hobby, provided they have actual dirt on me, but i'm not stressing about it. like i said in my post, this space is intensely trans and libfemmy now. my heart won't break because zippertits, troons, and "heard was a #metoo bitch" types have decided i can't sit (on the edge of the seat) with them anymore

No. 2451612

thank you for the reply nonna. I hope you stay safe.

No. 2451613

i miss my mom. i'll see her in may but i'm missing her a lot today

No. 2451642

I wish this week was already over. And I wish I could be more normal about relationships. I need to go before everyone realizes how boring and unhinged I actually am. But I want to leave on good terms this time, I can't have another stupid meltdown.

No. 2451645

>black moid talks about how much he loves breast envy, a blatantly misogynistic trope
>no one cares
>i make a joke about how funny skin color envy would be to counteract it
Why are moids such hypocrites?

No. 2451646

Black scrotes are jealous fuckers, let the hit dogs holler.

No. 2451648

Kek I feel like you've mentioned this guy before, is he STILL going on about his weird anime fetish?

No. 2451652

No. 2451677

I'm too stupid for this job. I look like shit and I'm sure I smell bad. I wish I didn't have to go outside. I want to be a shut-in again. I lost all interest in my hobbies since I started working, I just go home to shower and sleep. Sometimes I'm too tired to even cook food or too overwhelmed to watch slop. And going home isn't peaceful either because there are people there as well. I just want to be alone

No. 2451678

Is that his idea of hypermasculinity?

No. 2451698

I love my sis's kids, but they milk her like a cow and give nothing back, she's caught in a loop of debt paying for the things they can't do for themselves like rent thus keeping her living with other people and dependant on them. She even tried to move out of state and they STILL kept begging for money and ended having to move back because she went broke.

No. 2451708

>Moid REALLY REALLY into the whole kill predators, make pedophiles great again, even tried fundraising a watchdog of his neighbourhood
>He ends up being a pedophile and touching his stepdaughter.
>He unplugs the cameras that are/lead up to his steppdaughter's room every time.
>Part of city council or whatever
I do not want kids, and I do not want a step dad. It's too much of a risk. I hear great stories of dads, but the risk is too fucking high. even 0.01 too high.

No. 2451726

UGHHHH every fucking time. The ONE coworker I can't stand to be around and he won't take a day off. My days are so much better when he's not around, I don't have to fake smile and go "wow, uh huh, yup, crazy, yup, wow, uh huh" for hours while he yaps about his personal life. Sometimes I get to work and he's not there and I start to feel like thank god, today will be a good day! and then I turn around and look out my window and he's pulling in the parking lot. I should know not to get my hopes up. The only days he won't come to the office is if he's forced to be out of town on a work trip.

No. 2451728

The women-only game dev group I joined is infested with trannies. I know what you are, Persephone.

No. 2451753

I think I don't have friends anymore yet again. I've struggled making friends and staying in contact all my life since kindergarten. I've never been someone's best friend or had a close knit friend group or have childhood friends I am still i contact with. I am in university right now in my last year. The first year I became friends with some people in my classes that had to take the same train home as me. We would go out to lunch together and stuff when classes ended and study together. A few months ago I moved closer to the university because the stress of the commute really got to me. I now have less stress, a better job and am happier but I noticed that my friends kind of stopped talking with me and also stopped including me in plans. Today in class they talked right next to me about going shopping to find suitable dresses for the graduation ceremony. I felt really bummed out because I wasn't invited. Haven't felt like that since highschool tbh. I guess I don't have friends anymore. I tried asking one of them where and when they were going but it was rather awkward. It feels embarrassing to be friendless. My boyfriend has a large friend group that exists since middle school with whom he does stuff regularly and they are all nice people. When he asks about my friends I feel so embarrassed. I wish I also had a nice group of friends to do things with, have movie nights and celebrate birthdays. It would be embarrassing if we were to get married because the only people that I can invite are my immediate family and coworkers. I know that some of my coworkers are in women's soccer teams or volleyball teams but absolutely detest team sports. Why can't there be a women only knitting group or something like that.

No. 2451781

I keep writing out incessantly long paragraphs detailing why I despise my sister, but after rereading them I realize how incoherent and nonsensical my writing sounds. I just cannot properly articulate how much I hate that vile pickme bitch and it's very frustrating.

No. 2451791

Kekk I don't know how important it is to you, but if you want it to be coherent, outline it like an essay before proceeding.

No. 2451915

still angry at my past self over the time this really cute asian pharmacist was hitting on me and instead of flirting back like a normal person i got so nervous i switched pharmacies

No. 2451925

Its depressing how many children are being groomed or gaslit into degenerate fetishes by internet ironic "memes" girls and boys alike and become pseudo cam "workers" while they are just 11 years old the femboy cat meme and lolishit animecore shit is abhorrent, theres no barrier to this shit anymore and pedophiles are reveling in it. The normalization of porn doesnt help too children shouldnt be reading porn manga and manwhas it's just so utterly saddening that I know it's not going to end well for these kids

No. 2451935

The Final Four Troon Boss Names

No. 2451941

There was this very strange phenomenon I encountered when browsing fanfic. The fandom I was searching up fic for had a lot of "minors" in it, and they would upload fic. Of course there was moralfagging, but there were some who would upload Mature and Explicit fic on ao3.
Even if they wouldn't identify themselves as part of this group in the author's or fic notes, I could always tell. Why? Because these authors would overwhelmingly use tropes, fetishes, "sounds" (onomatopoeia), plot points, and themes from hentai. It was concerning that it was this subgroup specifically, and also the writing sucked absolute ass. It was like they didn't give a shit if what they wrote was complete garbage, so long as it imitated hentai they read. Sort of like when moids try to write erotic literature and it is the most retarded braindead pornslop shit.
Fascinating and perturbing, in turns.

No. 2451946

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I'm just thinking of Adam West Batman punching crooks now.

No. 2451958

You're laughing, but they would literally include the fucking "Ah~ ♥" and "schlup schlup" text in their fucking prose. Awful to see, terrible to relive what full body cringing physically feels like.

No. 2451994

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A new intern started at our office a couple of weeks ago and I absolutely hate him already, I can't tell if he is a suck-up or just lacks his own personality. At first he was sort of circulating around me because we have similar interests, but he barely acknowledges me now that he realized I'm an intern too. Even once when I mentioned I read comics during lunch, he glanced at some of the other guys at our table and went "you know what? I hate Marvel! The whole superhero schtick is so dumb!" and the guys kinda went "uh, okay you do you but what's wrong with Marvel?". I don't know what he expected, I don't think it was directed to me since I never mentioned reading Marvel (because I don't) but I guess he tried to impress the others and completely failed?
Last friday some of the guys were talking about Formula 1 racing, he asked some questions regarding it and came back on monday clearly having spent the weekend studying it because he would go all "WOOW did you see the race the other day? [name] and [name] really did a number on the others, so many laps!", of course met with confused and lukewarm responses. Similarly to when other people in the office had been talking about golfing.
And whenever he isn't trying to desperately fit in, he tries to spend the breaks talking about work, and he is doing it in a way that - again - doesn't feel genuine. Like he is trying to really imprint that he is such a hard worker and super ambitious about our field of work and he "his entire body itches at night because he can't wait to get back at it tomorrow".
Hell, he can't even shut up about pleasing our mentors. They are super supportive and get excited for us whenever we solve a problem whether it's on our own or together with them. Today he loudly burst out "it feels so great to have pleased BOTH my mentors! I LOVE making you guys proud!"
Fucking bootlicker, I hate his fake manlet ass. I hope he suffers for his lack of personality. It takes a lot for me to dislike someone in this short amount of time, but I can't handle people like him.

No. 2452014

I swear some anons will nitpick and make up things to be mad about so they can fight

No. 2452020

My mother always had this weird thing about me and my brother being thankful. Whenever we got gifts from relatives we would not only have to thank them but get up from the table and hug them. It was super awkward. When we wouldn't do it my mom would be super cold. One time on christmas when we got presents she threw a massive fit because according to her opinion me and my younger brother weren't thankful enough for our presents. She stormed off and ended the celebration early. Me and my brother had to grovel at her feet and cry for the whole evening. She still brings this up to this day as an example of "how bad" we were. She is also weirdly obsessed with my body. When I had to take medication and gained weight she would constantly bug me about losing weight and police my eating habits even though I was a grown adult at this point. When I lost all of the weight after not having to take the medicine anymore she was delighted. She would constantly ask me to go shopping with her. I do love my mother but the older I get the more the things she does and did seem super messed up and I don't know how to handle it. I had very strict helicopter parents growing up that expected me to function properly and have a certain personality. One time my dad told me that if he ever got a heart attack I would be the reason for it.

No. 2452027

He sounds insufferable and desperate. Hope he alienates everyone else in the workplace and struggles to advance in his career.

No. 2452057

Indeed, more reason Im enjoying the male lonliness epidemic, a lot of previous man whores/town bikes who are now lonely being cared for in nursing homes with no one to visit. They get what they deserve.

No. 2452061

>be me
>broke up with adhd drug addict long term bf 6 months ago
>old friends were manipulative drug addicts too who didn't care about me or my interests at all, ditched them for good
>job is remote
>keep putting off finishing my degree out of fear of having to work full time
>no friends at university either
>basically no social life since breaking up
>try desperately not to miss that piece of shit and move on
>social media is dead
>dating apps are self harm
>only have loner hobbies
>thoughts of going out and trying to socialize scare the shit out of me
>had to quit weed after 10 years of smoking every night because of sudden panic attacks
>no friends, no coping mechanisms, never learnt to properly socialize, hate both normies and manipulative cluster bees
tf do i do at this point? i'm hardstuck. how are you supposed to get to know interesting people on your wavelength with similar interests in adulthood?

No. 2452090

Same, sadly he is undoubtedly good at what he does so he will probably have a pretty good career. He is so fucking awkward, the next monday after he started he boasted about taking some of his assignments home and finished them during his free time, which made the supervisors go "it's great that you're ambitious, but uhm… don't do that, unless you're aiming to burn yourself out". So the next monday he struts in, loudly acclaiming "I didn't bring ANY work with me this weekend!", of course he got some mild praise for listening to their advice.
I know he sounds like it, but I don't really clock him as autistic (perhaps mildly), I think he's just ham-fisting his attempts to gauge how he should act to impress everyone.

No. 2452091

Well not being with drug addicts is already a life changing improvement in my book

No. 2452110

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One of my best friends ghosted me and I have no idea why. I sent her 3 messages within the last 2 months or so and she didn’t reply to any of them. I can see that she’s active on social media and she hasn’t blocked or unfollowed but she isn’t liking any of my posts anymore. This is making me super paranoid and I’m racking my brain trying to think of any reason why she would ghost me. We didn’t have any arguments. I’m thinking maybe she found my secret account where I post politically incorrect takes? She’s confided to me in private that she agrees with some TERF beliefs but she’s not as deep into it as I am and I’m afraid she somehow saw that and it weirded her out.

No. 2452112

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I like breast envy(male)

No. 2452119

I feel you. I was about to ask in stupid questions how to tell if you have depression or are just lazy. Motivation is so hard. I don't know how everyone else does it.

No. 2452120

When my dad died no one knew for about a week and a neighbor called the police because his lights had been left on for days. They gave his date of death on the last day I spoke to him on the phone. In his time zone we were on the phone past midnight his time. He died the day after they made official. It's always bothered me, I told them technically he died the next day because I was speaking to him on the phone into the following date. It's always bothered me that it wasn't changed. It also bothers me that he died pretty much right after I talked to him. He sounded so quiet and subdued compared to normal, I wish I had known he was dying. Maybe I could have called for help.

No. 2452121

Which troon drew this

No. 2452126

I'm sorry nona

No. 2452128

Did a TIF drew this?

No. 2452133

No, i drew it.

No. 2452142

>Anon, has anyone ever told you you're pretty strange? No offense haha
Yes fuck you

No. 2452143

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all this recession talk is really killing me. i moved back home to finish college while working in hopes that when i graduate i can immediately move out and find a place of my own. i truly cannot stay in this awful place any longer after that. every day reminds me why i moved out at 18 in the first place. someone please tell me it's all just dooming and nothing will happen PLEASE

No. 2452187

File: 1742420749214.webm (349.06 KB, 1920x960, sofia-makes-cathartic-bang-ban…)

Memories unlocked

No. 2452235

Thinking about how I was studying abroad last year in a country that I'd never been to and had no friends in, and I met a woman who was exactly my type- not only looks-wise but we had similar attitudes, interests, almost the same exact humor and tastes in music and so on. We got along so well for like 2 weeks and she always seemed to be genuinely happy to see me and once even left a party really early with me because I told her I wasn't feeling well. We hung out with a couple other women that I could tell didn't like me very well, I talked to her about how they treated me and she seemed genuinely mad on my behalf and gave me advice on dealing with them. Then we plan to go to an event, me, her, and the others- and the day of they all ghost me at once. The others I could care less about but I spent almost a whole month afterward pathetically begging for this one woman's attention. She didn't offer any sort of explanation or say a single word to me ever again. She didn't give any warning signs. She told me she liked me better than anyone else and I liked her so much, I spent the rest of my term with no real friends and feeling lonely and horrible. I've only had one real relationship when I was a teenager and have barely any other female friends besides, and I just wish I knew what it was to make her do that so I can identify and fix my problems so it doesn't happen again. Sorry this is rambly and reads like a 12 year old wrote it I'm irritated at everything and haven't slept for the past few days

No. 2452301

cant stop thinking about how i thought i found a chill group to finally connect with on common interests and stop being a hermit until this one girl totally flipped her shit on me. 0-100 just joking around nothing even serious she was joking about a topic so i joined in and it was seriously scary like a random switch flipped and she freaked out on me then abrutly left. was super awkward with the other girls there at the time and no one said anything the vibe was rancid. and now i notice anytime i join the chat she tries to "jokingly" be extremely cruel to me talking about like psycho shit killing me or stabbing me or whatever so i stopped wanting to associate as much. sucks. guess ill be a hermit forever

No. 2452323

i think i strongly dislike these two older women who are regulars at my job. they complained about one coworker not wearing her hair up when our job it's optional and now we all have to wear it fully up. I
i've come into work to sign in and they've immediately commented I need to eat more. im slightly underweight from eating disorder and depressive issues but trying to focus on gaining muscle to be healthier. i feel so sick of people making comments on my body. it's never something nice like how my hair looks or a nice outfit it's always weight or if i will have kids. i dont comment on anyone's body what in the hell is wrong with customers these days…

No. 2452353

I can't stop myself from feeling this way. I feel like I've never had a sense of self, only what other people want me to be, and I only completely leaning into it or completely reject it. I hate that I have no confidence. I feel like I go through periods where I think I'm okay and I think I know who I am but then I spiral. I feel like I have to break myself down and rebuild myself again. Only that I'm 29, and I didn't think I'd be feeling these feeling again.

No. 2452369

They're bitter and cruel women who most likely don't have a fulfilling life if they have to make snide remarks to people who are serving them. Next time you should smile politely at them and say something along the lines of "I'm certainly trying while handling (insert some chronic illness/serious disease/cancer to make them feel bad). Thank you so much for caring about me!" My friend did that once and made whoever was talking to her get embarrassed and stammer lol.

No. 2452382

I want to go back to school. I want the perfect body. I want to be a strong runner again. I want to be successful in my career. I want to be irresistible, envied, and untouchable.

No. 2452424

File: 1742424978162.webp (214 KB, 806x614, IMG_1757.webp)

>I want a perfect soul
>I want you to notice when I'm not around
>You're so fuckin' special,
>I wish I was special
>But I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo

No. 2452492

File: 1742426811300.jpeg (17.57 KB, 310x262, IMG_2162.jpeg)

>find out a friend of a friend’s husband is leaving her out of no where
>claims he doesn’t have free time to do whatever (they both work and have a baby)
>Wants her to leave and take the baby with her so her family can help her with said baby
>Fucked off somewhere and she’s still trying to process what’s happening

I bet a 100 big ones that he cheated on her but is too guilty to admit it. Muh free time is a retarded excuse to abandon your wife and baby tbh. What an absolute deadbeat loser. Had it not been for the laws of this land I would’ve beaten and beheaded the retard myself.

No. 2452505

Sometimes you just need to crash the fuck out play around a little bit by calling yourself agender and then snap back to reality in your misery that you will never be woman enough because you are autistic and your hobbies are so moid aligned and you’re tired of constantly being perceived and named and I don’t even want to exist man. I understand troons sometimes.

No. 2452513

Something that traumatized me almost a decade ago and mentally paralyzed me till now might be happening again soon and I don't know how to protect myself

No. 2452544

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I experience autistic, grey rage because fictional stories don't play out the way I wanted and my ideas will never be canon, it's to the point where I don't sleep at all, I can't focus at work etc. I wish I could mind control people into thinking my ideas are canon

No. 2452556

Same it makes me seeth so much that I try to rewrite history in my brain either by making fan comics or fanfics only for myself

No. 2452582

Same. I often forget the things I like exist beyond the realm of my imagination, I literally ignore canon AND other's headcanons then get actually mad when things don't play out as I envisioned them kek it's so retarded and absurd

No. 2452594

Thank you, nonna. I'm op and that made me chuckle. Thanks for making me smile, I loved that song.

No. 2452603

This the kind of people I'm seeing arguing over stupid shit in every thread at 2am. Smh

No. 2452605

Fandom discourse thread and its consequences.

No. 2452607

I probably wouldn't reply to it anyway but I still wish there was a friend finder thread for older lc users - or more like, anons who have been here a long time. Every time I open the current one it's filled with giant walls of text like anons are just trying to sound as quirky as possible and it reminds me too much of how women try so hard to impress overconsumptive men with similar hobbies

No. 2452648

I feel so demotivated. The weather fucking sucks so I haven’t been able to go be active outside in months. I was taking spin and yoga classes with my friend for a few weeks but sprained my ankle pretty bad and had to stop and we just haven’t got back into it. I’ve been looking at gym memberships just to get me out of this lazy depressive slump I’ve been in and decided today I was going to bite the bullet and just go sign up for the more expensive gym in town because it is the only one with a women’s only section. I went online to sign up and found out they actually charge more than I thought and they have a ridiculously expensive signup fee on top of the monthly. Now I’m back at square one because I refuse to pay that much, especially since it’s still a coed gym and the women’s section isn’t even totally fully private.
I don’t know. Maybe I’ll just suck it up and go to the fucking community center and use their gym for tonight. I feel like I need to do something just to make myself feel like a human again. I hate this

No. 2452649

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Finally someone who understands!
I need to get into quantum physics and shit, I want to know if if I'm able to think about something it already exists in an alternative universe?? IT HAS TO

No. 2452650

this kind of shit makes me not even want to bother with a social life. ive had people block me over the stupidest shit ever and then realize they miss me and cry for me back, why are you so goddamn immature you cant just… TALK? and not just block and ghost like a wimpy loser? please, let me meet normal, mature people this year, its so hard as an early 20s person, i feel like everybody i meet is still mentally a middle schooler… (sorry for going on a rant on your post but it resonated with me lol)

No. 2452661

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My best friend finds it impossible to believe that I had trouble at my previous jobs because I was a pretty woman. Not bragging, I wasn't model tier, but I was pretty and well groomed because I liked being girly. The other women my age made my life a living hell and gossiped a lot about be, calling me a whore when they didn't even know I was a virgin kek. My friend is ok looking and dresses bland and has a big mouth and always makes a scandal if anyone gives her trouble at the workplace, meanwhile I was calm and reserved and when I tried to defend myself it was MY fault and I'd always get into trouble. Different environments, I know, but if I tried to pull the shit she did I'd be fired the next minute.
I know all the shit about "pretty privilege" but for me it's mostly been a nightmare in my 20s and got me nothing but trouble. I have literally seen people change their opinion about me when they met me, online I didn't use a picture when I applied for jobs. It's the "she's cute so she must be dumb" stereotype, even when I literally prove them otherwise.
I thought this would get better as I got older but it keeps on getting worse because I still like to be in good shape and presentable and lucked out on some genetics, bit I keep encountering the same vitriolic hate even if, at heart, I'm still that nice introverted 20 year old girl. It's so tiresome.
The people who gossiped about me 12 years ago are still gossiping about me to this day kek, it's so fucking unreal. The women are upset I didn't get fat and are pitying me apparently for being single as if having a man is a prize. The guys have a groupchat where the ones I had on my friends list shared pics I'd post once in a blue moon. As soon as I found that out I removed those idiots. Some people never change I guess.

No. 2452679

Your sister is a shit mother and her Nigel is a shit father but you can't raise her kids for her.
Wait til they get older and try to be a positive influence in whatever capacity possible.
Not every toddler is this trilingual caviar eater like on social media but what you describe and you see these kids getting worse there's no shame in calling cps on her. They don't snatch kids off one call so don't worry but they can offer parenting classes and support if your sister is overwhelmed. Obviously this is not the first step but they seem to need help to wrangle the situation.
Good luck Nona, I get that this is heartbreaking(obvious posting style)

No. 2452752

Have to keep the windows open while I'm cooking otherwise the smoke alarm will go off but of course my retarded moid neighbor won't stop smoking absolute skunk right outside and the stench is flooding my tiny space

No. 2452796

If she was straight, she might have sensed you were attracted to her and started avoiding you out of disgust because of it. Or maybe the women that didn't like you turned her against you somehow. Either way, that's terrible and I'm sorry that happened to you. People who leave like that with no explanation are just awful.

No. 2452799

Your art is fucking hideous and I'm sick of seeing it in the anons art thread.

No. 2452819

I can't tell the difference between this and the anime you guys enjoy. Is the t-shirts or the female pedo looking character with the pre-troon?

No. 2452838

Same, it's the worst feeling in existence.

No. 2452840

I didnt even realise that a farmer drew that and not a TIF like I thought..self posting your own art as a "meme" is kind of cringe tbh

No. 2452873

There are so many autists posting here lately, I don't know if it's the weeb threads or cc going to shit that keeps attracting them

No. 2452874

If you're talking super recently, it could be the pumpkin gentleman crowd who flocked here to see her dox.

No. 2452918

I will keep posting to spite you, then.

No. 2452921

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I wish I had a nigel that would come home to me. Everyone always asks me "Don't you get lonely?" when they hear I live alone and after spending years with numerous roommates (All of who I always eventually ended up a hair away from losing my shit with, even the ones that were alright) because of how much I hate living with others, I would gladly say "NO!" but the idea of living with a partner is actually appealing. I want to watch stand up comedies with him on TV, make eachother (even if crappy) dinners, do cute things like leave little letters laying around for eachother, even argue about dumb things like who left the toilet seat on. I guess I am increasingly lonely in that I have no one to do things like this with their loved one like other women do.

No. 2452945

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>Everyone always asks me "Don't you get lonely?"
We just moved from an area where the neighbor-lady used to feel like that about me. In the three years-ish I was taking a break from moids we found out her husbands son (not hers) molested their daughter, they almost divorced over that bc the scrote was unwilling to keep his pedo-son out of the house. Somehow manage to work through this mess. Scrote ends up getting caught cheating on apps and paying for egirls. Now they are divorced, she has health issues and is ravaged by time/stress. But I agree with you nona, even knowing that I still attempted to date one and you can probably guess how that went

No. 2452946

I swear to God lc has been infested with tifs lately. I've seen more tif wannabe-moid humor the last month than I have collectively in like, six month spans

No. 2452964

I’m depressed but not in the actually wanting to kill myself way but I’m just sad and mad at literally everything and then there’s little glimpses of joy like when it’s nice outside or when I’m off work but otherwise everything just makes me sad. I don’t see the point of anything but I don’t want to die. I just don’t want to exist. Literally everyone else just makes me upset like men and normie blonde skinny girls and the fact that rarely anyone with my hobbies exist irl and I can’t even drive to those events and I hate being a woman. I’m failing to see how anything is going to get better and I’m just going to live in this apathy. I care so much for everything but everyone is so shallow and mean and normal. It must be so nice. I’m not even a human.

No. 2452971

Oh my god that's terrible. Yeah, if you land on the wrong moid it must absolutely feel like hell on earth and I do not envy women like that whatsoever. It's always a gamble and you never 100% know what a person is like until you move in with them. On the off chance it is a moid raised right that actually helps around home, is romantic and not a degen, and can have fun with you it actually sounds nice though. At least on paper.
On the other hand, since I generally hate living with others so much I could also see myself getting sick of it pretty fast once the novelty wears off. At some point I will need to be alone or I will freak and go back to having the opposite problem all over again. When they were alive, my grandma and grandpa used to fight every day and had not slept in the same bed for years. Occasionally, my grandpa would go down to the basement and just sleep in there. I guess you need to at least have a separate space at home like that you can "ragequit" at your partner in.

No. 2453005

Look I feel for you that you're struggling, sexism is hard and it cuts every which way no matter if you're pretty or ugly, "pretty privilege" is such an annoying incel term. But I would never talk about my best friend this way, it sounds like you hate her. There isn't plain jane privilege either… and why shouldn't she speak out about it if someone makes trouble for her at work? Why aren't you on her side?

No. 2453018

I want to kill myself because I feel so dysfunctional. There's many things wrong in my life right now but the one that upsets me the most at moment is that I can't have sex. I have no trust in dating apps and I'm too shy to cold-approach a woman at a bar. It's driving me insane. I want to skip all the awkwardness and just touch another person. Maybe I don't even want the sex and I just want to be held really close. Either way I hate sounding like an incel but it's been years now.

No. 2453032

MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOODS get this moid out of my website(scrotefoiling)

No. 2453039

Anon, I think if you're having trouble approaching women at bars, there might be more hangups when you get to the more intimate parts of sex. Is it difficult for you because you're struggling with being a lesbian, or is it something else?

No. 2453043

>bend over
Lower back hurts
>lay down
Lower back hurts
>sit on a chair
Lower back hurts

Surely this isnt normal for a 25 year old

No. 2453045

Do any of these help? Try stretching your inner thighs, too.

No. 2453046

File: 1742444655480.jpg (34.18 KB, 612x408, -612x612.jpg)

noooo mooooooooids in general(shitposting)

No. 2453078

Thank you anon i feel so much better already!

No. 2453120

I've had sex with women before but I'm scared of being seen as predatory because I've experienced homophobia from "straight" girls who I've been with. By this I mean they approached me and then called me predatory for reciprocating. I know I should get over this before having sex again, but I really crave human connection and the touch of someone who can reciprocate without shame. I also have issues with my sexuality due to sexual abuse and my religious upbringing. I'm unsure of what to do.
Also I'm not going to reply to the anon calling me a moid but I find it distasteful to call a woman experiencing sexual attraction towards women a "moid". Like that's literally my fear and what holds me back. I'm terrified of being seen as moidy.

No. 2453234

Well, there is no way you can be "moidy" because you aren't a moid. If someone thinks you are "moidy", they're a retard. Don't let what retards think hold you back.
You can solve your other problem by going to explicitly lesbian bars. And don't engage with straight women, especially if they start with the "experimenting" bullshit. Women tend to be overly affectionate with each other in a way that would be seen as romantic if they engaged in the same behavior with moids, so you may have misread their intentions towards you. Just avoid straight women in general and keep very platonic with them. This is why a lot of anons don't bother revealing they are les/bi to straight women.
And I hate to say it, but you will need to let go of the guilt you feel because of your religious upbringing. Some people worry over it endlessly for a number of reasons, but you're just going to have to firmly ignore it until the shame goes away. There's no reason to let it still control you like this. Unless there's something about the situation I don't understand? I'd still recommended therapy for both this and the abuse. You can also research how to deal with this on your own if you don't want a therapist.
and don't worry about anons scrotefoiling. It's infight bait or homophobia most of the time. One time I had an anon call me a moid because I mentioned wanting a girlfriend, and she admitted she forgot lesbians existed in the moment kek

No. 2453268

Did my best not to give into today. But had awveral neurological meltdowns in Walmart. It's so weird, being skinny and not old, but requiring the fucking scooters because I can't walk during my episodes. I fucking hate it. And people stared at me while I'm shaking and trying to drive into a corner of the store so that I wasn't in the way or around others to view. I fucking hate this disorder. And when it isn't happening, I look perfectly normal and act normal, so people then start wondering why I'm on disability or why I don't have a traditional job.
FUCK this fucking disorder. It's bullshit. I'm so fucking mad.

No. 2453359

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I’m terrified over the economy and losing all my money. I finally have enough of a nest egg to live the life I want and I’m so afraid the stock market is gonna crash and I’ll lose it all. I’m not that financially literate I just got lucky so I don’t know what to do with my investments. Pulling them out would mean I’d have to pay a ton in taxes but I’m terrified to just leave them in stocks. The market always has its ups and downs but we’re losing all our stability with Trump and I can’t rely on the market correcting itself eventually. I fucking hate Trump so much and I hate that my mom voted for him. She fucked up my childhood and now her politics are going to fuck up my adulthood.

No. 2453365

I feel so old and ugly. I had to take pictures of myself recently and all I can think of is how old I looked. I also feel kind of plain. I let my dyed hair grow out because I got allergic to basically all hair colourse. I don't want a crazy hair cut or heat style it. It's my only pretty feature tbh. I look plain and sad. I felt like a pt facebook post writing this kek

No. 2453395

you need to exercise

No. 2453398

I'm probably kind of addicted to working in addition to having to work a lot

No. 2453425

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I hate my asshole boss who wants me to stay overtime for shit I can do during my working hours, just because. This is just a shitty job I took during my studies, so it isn't even the focal point of my life, and this moron wants me to work overtime just cause. To add the cherry on top, she knows and does fuck all about the things me and my team are working on. And to top all of that off, she threatens to fire me from time to time when she is in the bad mood over vague shit.

No. 2453433

If you cannot afford synthetic urine, then please stop doing drugs abd then asking others to piss in a cup for you. Third time I've done this.

No. 2453434

>Third time I've done this
Just stop doing it then

No. 2453436

are YOU charging them for it at least?

No. 2453484

File: 1742476474985.gif (3.6 KB, 116x98, emoji-grief.gif)

>tfw work with an unkempt zoomie who looks sort of like a young Kurt Russell but more soyed and weeby
>would look really cute if he just took care of himself
>occasionally bully him about his hygiene and habits, which he takes in good humor
>sometimes tries to take care of himself based on my suggestions
>keep slow dripping some advice in the hopes he'll take them and look more KurtRussellmaxxed
>he comes into work one day
>face all swollen and puffy
>turns out he had a root canal and all his wisdom teeth removed
>ff a few months, he's been healed for a while now
>can already see his face recessing and collapsing
>saw a side profile of him and could tell his cheeks were falling and his jawline barely visible anymore
NOOOOO!!!!!!! The evil dentists strike again… If only I had known in advance then maybe I could've saved him

No. 2453510

I will, this was the last time. I told her that next time she'll just need to fake the test or get someone else. It was last minute so I just did it.
Honestly, I'm not sure why it makes me so uncomfortable. Realistically it's just pee.

No. 2453549

I feel so demotivated. The weather has been shit for months so I haven't been able to go outside, I sprained my ankle pretty bad a couple months back so I had to stop doing spin/yoga classes and haven't been able to start again because they're pretty high intensity and my ankle still hurts when i put too much pressure on it, and I don't have a gym. Yesterday I thought "today will be the day. I will bite the bullet and buy a membership at the gym", and then when I went online to do it I found out they charge a $80 sign up fee on top of the $90+tax monthly fee and I can't afford that right now. I just want to get out of this lazy depressive slump I've been in but it feels impossible. Maybe I'll just have to do drop ins at the community center gym even though it doesn't have a women's section. Ugh.

No. 2453553

This was so funny. Sorry about your mission failure though, you're going to have to start all over.

No. 2453587

>My best friend finds it impossible to believe that I had trouble at my previous jobs because I was a pretty woman
That's because if you're not a conventionally attractive woman or a "plain" woman you're treat like shit or just straight up ignored. I won't argue about your negative experiences with work but I really think you should maybe hear and have a proper discussion with your best friend about this stuff instead of assuming people are out to get you because you're good looking. People will gossip about women regardless of what they look like, I think you might be attributing this to your looks as opposed to the fact that you're probably shy and don't speak much so people assume you're stuck up, unfortunately.
>My friend is ok looking and dresses bland and has a big mouth and always makes a scandal if anyone gives her trouble at the workplace
If I found out my friends spoke about me this way I wouldn't want to be friends with them. I think there's more going on here in regards to your attitude as opposed to just being pretty.

No. 2453589

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>comes into vent thread
>people still talking about the “pretty privilege” psyop
sigh, no, you had trouble at your job because you’re probably retarded and don’t know how to navigate work life. just do your job, do the social bare minimum and leave, jesus fucking christ(bait)

No. 2453592

I hate fucking anxiety, I get it worse at night and it prevents me from sleeping. Last night had it bad, things I thought I was worried about kept playing through my head and my mind kept drifting back to them, as soon as it would I could feel my heart racing. I tried listening to podcasts, usually I fall asleep to those to help, but I couldn't even concentrate on them enough to ignore my thoughts. Couldn't sleep from 11 pm to 6 am. Slept form 6 am to 10 pm… so much wasted time. Now it's the next day and when I think about the things I was worried about last night they don't bother me at all, no reaction. It's like i get worried and just grab random things to place that worry onto. I wish there was a way to control it. Therapy helped a bit but diminishing returns and the only medication that affected it was Ativan but it made my memory very bad so I stopped.

No. 2453595

samefag don’t be an easy target for hotdog wageslaves to gossip about you. people are always going to talk and gossip, just do your job and go home. don’t heavily rely on your job too much either, pick up on odd jobs and outside money to supplement your normalfag wage because boomers have truly brainwashed the retards who talk about dumb shit like “pretty privilege” and pinkpilled slop truly believe careers and jobs are secure when they’re not, make your connections, hop around, make odd job money off a hobby or your employable skills, you’re getting way too wrapped up in bullshit from people who don’t understand it’s not the 1970s anymore and nobody give a fuck about their “make your work your entire home so basically just gossip and create chaos because they already do it with their dysfunctional family members” strategy. real life exists outside of work, don’t let those npcs convince you it’s work that defines a “productive and sociable citizen” kek

No. 2453600

You sound like you’re kind of rotten on the inside. If people talk crap about you that’s probably why. I have some people in my workplace who gossip about coworkers, which I frankly see as classless, but I’ve never heard one ill word spoken against the kind women we work with, no matter how they look.

No. 2453601

I know this is the vent thread, but anon, you don't sound like you have a single nice thing to say about your supposed best friend. She's not even the main part of your vent but the way you talk about her doesn't make it seem like you have any love for her at all.

No. 2453604

You could be the ugliest woman on earth and people would still insult you because you're quiet and introverted. I've been treated in a similar way by normies my whole life despite not being conventionally attractive. The majority around me always thought I was ugly just based on my race but I was always quiet and minding my own business which is the opposite of the racist things they assumed from me so it made them seethe. It's middle school bullshit but it also got me in trouble in several of my previous jobs, with everyone assuming I'm stupid or I'm shy, yet I'm still as average as ever and one of these jobs required wearing an ugly uniform that looked like shit on everyone. I doubt it's beauty privilege that gives you issues, or at least it's not only that. If you were pretty and extraverted at the same time do how would people around you act? That's not a rethorical question, I want you to think about it because each person is different, some of them would like you more and some could dislike you even more.

No. 2453606

because she’s a narc and thinks every fatty trying to gossip about her is “jealous” kek

No. 2453609

People who believe everything the media tells them in 2025 should just be killed, there is no saving them. they are not even people, they are actual npcs.

No. 2453612

This. Seriously, it’s not that hard. And also who gives a shit if coworkers are talking about you? As long as your manager(s) have a generally positive view of you, it has no impact on your paycheck.

No. 2453613

Ntayrt but the tunnel vision on looks as the issue here and framing it as jealousy is retarded.
>I'm still that nice introverted 20 year old girl. It's so tiresome.
After slagging off her best friend and saying she makes trouble and looks plain and has a big mouth. Yeah, something isn't adding up. Bullying in the workplace isn't acceptable for any reason but I highly doubt it's just because she's pretty kek.

No. 2453615

Some of you guys haven't worked in an office where short dumpy women in their 50s "randomly" hate you and make your life difficult for no reason. Anon is spot on that it's jealousy. You can tell because when another pretty, young, nice girl joins, the same people all immediately have a mysterious problem with her too.

No. 2453617

Samefag, I think I worded my reply to you wrong. I'm in agreement with you is what I meant nonna. Didn't mean to say your response was retarded. Sorry I haven't had my coffee yet.

No. 2453618

I honestly couldn't consider saying my best friend is "ok looking and dresses bland". Like I've known her for long enough to at least name her style.

No. 2453619

That’s what she said about best friend? No wonder people talk shit about her, of course full of herself, retarded, annoying and possibly incompetent at her job which exasperates the people who’ve been there for a long time kek

No. 2453621

nta and I'm ugly so it doesn't concern me. If your coworkers are only insulting you behind your back it's fine, whatever but some of them can be insane enough that it will have a direct impact on your wellbeing, especially if you see them everyday because nobody works from home. And you should keep in mind that some coworkers will try to directly ruin things for you to the point where the manager will assume you're the one at fault. It can turn into actual harassment, a friend of mine quit her last job because everyone was very passive aggressive and it ended with her manager accusing her of a lot of things until he kept contradicting himself. It had nothing to do with beauty and I assume it's because everyone wanted to harass her because she was the only black employee in the office.

No. 2453624

I don't want to be mean but they are probably not talking about you because you are just too pretty… the prettiest person i ever worked with was very nice and no one talked badly about her, except for one girl but she had a crush on some guy at our work who clearly had a crush on the pretty girl. Your friend doesn't believe you because she knows what theyre talking about… also the fact you say people are calling you are whore but also say your friend dresses plain, are you dressing somewhat inappropriately for work? Ime I was an ugly duckling and people were way crueler and dismissive when I was unattractive, it was actually shocking the difference when I became more attractive and the behavior I used to get picked on for being weird people were now telling me was cute, and i could say the same thing and it would be received much better. I think there is something else at play here is all

No. 2453625

There will always be colleagues that talk shit about you or want to make trouble. It's your responsibility as an adult to ignore that, move on and just do your job ideally until you can find somewhere better to work. I had issues fitting in in my previous jobs because I was shy and quiet, the difference between me and the anon is that I didn't start calling my other colleagues or friends "plain, big mouthed and bland" to feel better about myself and act like this was a looks-based issue. I just worked towards self-employment instead. You can't control what others say about you but I think it should be the bare minimum to not insult your best friend behind their back and paint yourself as some victim in comparison.

>My friend is ok looking and dresses bland and has a big mouth and always makes a scandal if anyone gives her trouble at the workplace, meanwhile I was calm and reserved and when I tried to defend myself it was MY fault and I'd always get into trouble.

No. 2453627

>where short dumpy women in their 50s "randomly" hate you
I have worked in that kind of office. One way to get the older ladies to stop hating you is to not think of them as dumpy in the first place. That attitude comes out even when you think you're being subtle. Being friendly and gregarious also helps in most workplace settings, not all obviously since every culture is different, but most workplaces don't like the quiet guy.

No. 2453629

No I did, but they hated me because they were racist and assumed I was retarded and stuck up based on that and on me not gossiping nearly as much as they did. Which is why I said it could be beauty privilege in OP's case but it could be because she's introverted.

No. 2453632

>my friend has a big mouth
>dresses plainly
I didn’t know being assertive and obeying the dress code (basically not wearing ~hyperfeminine~ uncomfortable office siren bimbo clothing to work that would get you fired in an instant) is now being a troublemaker kek. Her best friend should drop her instantly, just a literal doormat

No. 2453663

I hate when clients come in and try to fuck with me or tease me or they give me that schizo fake nice "Hiiii" greeting and frown at me slightly. And they never know their own shit and need it all explained to them like it's their first fucking year doing taxes. I hate every client from the bottom of my black heart

No. 2453677

I wish so much of my social life wasn’t based around drugs and alcohol when I was younger cause now that I’m sober I’ve kind of lost all concept of myself/have no cohesive “aesthetic”. I was the stoner girl wearing peasant skirts & phish tshirts & Birkenstocks, my social life was planned around going go local jam band shows and I was super friendly and outgoing because I was always stoned out of my mind. I was a total caricature but now I just have like no conception of how I like to dress/see music like once a month at most instead of several times a week/am a WAY less chill person because weed totally mellowed me out. I know it sounds really fucking stupid because it is but like, damn I am really jealous of my friends who have clung onto their aesthetics and substance use into their late 20s cause that means it’s actually who they are and not a phase lol???

No. 2453685

File: 1742488558541.jpeg (255.21 KB, 422x777, IMG_4079.jpeg)

I’m so close, this close to having a major crash out. It’s like the built up stress about this apartment drama, being persistently unemployed and can’t find a job after the other one I left and living with a disgusting moid is literally making me want to have a nervous breakdown. I have nobody to emotionally rely on and for some reason I literally feel like I’m about to explode not from anger it’s like an overwhelming pool of my entire life crashing inside me and it makes me literally just want to spontaneously hang myself with no signs whatsoever. There’s no coping, no help, no support, no understanding, nobody cares and nobody has ever cared. I’m so freaking tired of living this unfair life full of fatigue, disease, filth, disappointment, I just want to be dead. I could scream for help but nobody will listen to me, I just want to be gone from this planet already.

No. 2453697

I didn't think of them like that at first anon. Only after they were repeatedly rude to me, blocked me from doing my job, and purposely made me look bad in front of leadership. Then their negative attributes became quite clear to me.

No. 2453707

Women are the biggest gaslighters, I swear. Jealous old lady has been a known phenomenon since time immemorial, but other women will swear up and down they don't exist and it's actually your fault.

No. 2453772

start with therapy and work on yourself and sort out these issues before pursuing relationships and sex.

No. 2453774

ACT therapy is great and all but I still have a lot of anxiety about life. I wish I didn't feel like this. I wish I could redo the past 10 years of my life.

No. 2453785

Medication. There are many to try that can help with sleep and night anxiety. Have you ever tried taking melatonin or magnesium

No. 2453815

I don't get the anons who assumed a tranny drew this. If anything this is the kind of thing which would make TIFs silently seethe.

No. 2453824

Yes I take melatonin a lot, trying to cut back though. Magnesium i took for a while but got magnesium poisoning… built up in my system and was AWFUL. I've tried ambien but it didn't work for me, it didn't feel like sleeping. I would take it then wait 30 minutes and it would suddenly be the next day and I didn't feel rested at all. Over the counter sleeping pills work really well but I'm trying to avoid using them at all, oncr a week max, since they can have some long term health effects. I'll probably try sunbathing and exercising more and see if it helps, but it's very annoying…

No. 2453828

I'm married and miss puppylove… I guess it's something you have to get over eventually, the shy flirtatious thing where your heart is always racing is so fun though ugh…

No. 2453832

Start an investment account?
Anon, have you tried doing yoga or bodyweight exercises at home? Sorry if this is obvious and you're beyond that at this point. I know most people are taken by surprise at how difficult planking is, for example.

No. 2453835

wear a bra, no one wants to see it

No. 2453840

no, and i do want to see it

No. 2453841

No. 2453843

I hate it when a show uses a controversial topic like abortion for drama. Especially if the writers are moids. When it eventually happens in Invincible, I will be avoiding the fandom as much as I can.

No. 2453851

See what

No. 2453856

I am starting to feel like everyone hates me and thinks i'm ugly and a loser stupid and stinky and plotting on my downfall. Then I realize I am retarded and have no friends it makes me sad. What do i do?

No. 2453866

File: 1742496475053.jpg (35.72 KB, 720x720, 459381988_1038003951063036_550…)

Today I realized why he feels so void of a personality (except for the obvious); he NEVER shares anything about himself, every time he opens his mouth is to probe about someone without really answering to anything himself unless it's to gauge someone's reaction. The only thing we know about him is that he lives with his sister and has four cats, nothing about what kind of friends he has, what he does for fun, what kind of movies he prefers etc.
Today he wouldn't shut up about that he has downloaded everything available about Severance, and that he just CAN'T WAIT TO BINGE IT THIS WEEKEND, while clearly looking for validation from the coworkers that have been talking highly about it.
I just wish he wasn't such a fucking loudmouth whenever he speaks, he's fairly quiet while he's working but whenever he speaks up I can hear him through my headphones. And it's always him posturing in one way or another. I love this place and the people in it, but his presence is making me look forward for my last 4 weeks to be up.

No. 2453867

You need to be more kind to yourself

No. 2453874

how do i do that

No. 2453945

File: 1742499074174.png (137.97 KB, 250x394, Latissimus_dorsi.PNG)

my back hurts so bad on one side right by the spine and under the shoulder blade because i'm an autist that will lay upright on my side for hours because its the easiest/most convenient way when i have time off at home. now i'm pissed off about my own actions having consequences

No. 2453966

When I fail at something or am below average at something I feel worthess and stupid because "everyone else can do it!" and when I accomplish something or become skilled at something I can't be happy about it because if I can do it so can everyone else. I genuinely hate having this brain.

No. 2453982

I really want to disappear, I really wish I died, I don't want to exist because the world would be better without me.

No. 2454045

Try these stretches >>2453045
I know they are for lower back, but it will give you some relief, especially the child's pose, cat-cow, and seated spinal twist. Try doing all 7, though.
Then, you should do some basic neck stretching (sit up straight and tilt your head to the side and hold for 30 seconds, do both sides and other angles that are tight). Finish up with some shoulder rolls, where you roll your shoulders backwards in small circles, 30 times.
Because the specific muscle you're talking about is hard to reach and difficult to apply pressure to it on your own, you have to stretch above and below it as well. You should also buy a pack of tennis balls! Put your back to a wall, then put the tennis ball between the wall and the area on your back that is knotted or sore. Then move around so the ball presses on the area as it rolls. Doing this before stretching helps the stretches to be more effective!
Hope this helps!

No. 2454052

File: 1742504058715.jpg (179.56 KB, 960x540, 301782447_5474293919317120_546…)

I'm approaching being fed up with my fuckass job. It's easy but also so fucking mind-numbing I can feel my brain calcify but the pay is pretty ok. I almost think of going back to being a cashier or becoming a barista or even a damn dishie. Stocking shelves while listening to a podcast was more mentally stimulating than this, plus a good consistent workout. I actually felt useful and like I'm doing Something.
No skills, no degree. I didn't get past year one of my bachelors twice now cuz being a genuinely mentally ill autistic bitch catches up to me every time. I'm probably also retarded but I've seen bigger retards getting higher education so no excuses here. I know it doesn't even help with getting a job these days and there are janitors with a damn masters and there are no prospects in this bullshit country anyway, but I want it just to prove to myself that I can finish something and to add something to my resume so it would at least look more solid.
I'm so fucking tired of struggling with basic ass normie milestones past 25.

No. 2454056

Create a fictional nemesis who hates you even harder than you hate yourself and be nice to yourself to spite it. Childish idea but it works.

No. 2454060

File: 1742504322908.jpeg (50.32 KB, 736x684, IMG_0078.jpeg)

I have a friend who’s in a relationship with this dude who is legitimately evil and psychotic in every way imaginable. She isn’t in denial of how evil he is and she complains about him all the time, but she refuses to leave no matter how many times I tell her to because she’s masochistic to the extreme and she has this belief that they’re destined to be together.

He’s a retarded junkie and last night she messaged me freaking out because he took too many pills and she thought he was going to overdose. Somehow I got sucked into this group Facetime call with the two of them. He was high out of his mind and she kept telling him that she was going to call 911 but she didn’t. Once it became clear that he wasn’t going to die it just turned into this surreal conversation and she made a comment, unprovoked, about how she was the skinniest person in the group. I used to be an anachan when I was younger and I recovered, but that got to me, even though she’s not that much skinnier than me. I knew she had an ED and knowing how anachans work, I always had this fear that she was in a secret one-sided competition with me and viewed me as “the fat one”, but this confirmed my suspicions.

I feel stuck. I don’t want to stop being friends with her. I moved here pretty recently and I don’t have many friends. Plus, I don’t know how she’d react if I attempted to cut her off. If she doesn’t leave him (and she won’t), one or both of them is going to end up dead. I know it’s ultimately not my responsibility but I don’t want to read her obituary in a couple years and know that psycho drug-addicted manlet was responsible for this.

No. 2454072

This is a horrible situation to be in. I'm sorry, anon. The only thing I can think to say is to keep being honest with your friend and putting pressure on her to wake up, but I know how hopeless it can be to watch your friend put themselves through the wringer and refuse to accept help.
>She thinks they're destined to be together
Jesus christ. If the worthless junkie hasn't already gotten her on drugs, he will inevitably try doing so in the future. Keep making it clear that his junkie behaviour is gross and retarded and hopefully she'll be put off trying.

No. 2454073

I'll keep it real: cut her off & divest in the friendship ASAP. There is a certain type of person that seeks out these horrific relationships and relishes in being the victim. These people aren't the ones you want to befriend. Your life shouldn't revolve around her and her problems, she's actually just using you as a prop to fulfill her own desires and if it wasn't you it would be anyone else. You're completely replaceable to her because she's not interested in you as a person, she's interested in you as a concept: you are the onlooker, the confidante, the last hope; but it's not really you that's any of those things, it's only her projection onto you.

>I don’t know how she’d react if I attempted to cut her off.

It's not your problem. My strategy is to just slowly taper off messages. Look into the "grey rock" technique. Stop sharing your thoughts with her, stop telling her about your day, stop messaging first, take more and more time in between replies, etc., until it's more of a hassle for her to be friends with you than it is a benefit. It usually takes 6-8 weeks to fully phase out of someone's life.

No. 2454117

I had a very similar situation with my ex best friend who was also an anachan bpdemon constantly in competition with me in her head. It got to a point where I just had to cut her off honestly she was starting to legitimately scare me. It sucks losing a friend, especially your only friend but it is worth it for your own sanity. You will make new friends and you will realize how fucked up that friendship was.

No. 2454126

thank you nona i love you for this. childs pose especially stretches the part that hurts the most, i've been doing these on and off for the last hour so hopefully it'll start feeling better in a day or two. maintaining good posture is so hard to constantly stay mindful of

No. 2454131

Was reading this girl's profile who I seriously thought was a farmer judging some good points she makes and her taste, and then I read 'she/they'… so many cool women wasted away by gendie brainrot

No. 2454141

People who worry about relationships at the wrong times annoy me. Like my sister is a full time student and just failed a class but she’s still worried about finding a bf. You have more important shit to be thinking about instead of going on dates….grow up

No. 2454199

>sometimes check out a local facebook group for 20 year olds out of curiosity, maybe i can find a friend
>ALWAYS girls who have lip fillers and somehow insane amounts of money, husbands and/or kids, enjoy going to the bar, etc.

these people are younger than me (i am mid-20s) and the amount of posts i see with them in expensive clothing at expensive locations, owning a marketing agency or working remote for some big travel agency…how? how the fuck do they get such lucrative jobs? how are they making so much money and affording to live on their own? our cost of living is SO high. i feel like a failure because they are younger…

No. 2454251

File: 1742511837750.gif (2.29 MB, 478x360, 1620975339800.gif)

I was friends with this guy in high school who apparently liked me but never made a move, which is just as well because he's fugly and I would never date him anyway. I haven't talked to him in several years, but I'm friends with him on Steam. I think he trooned out, because lately all of his handles have been shit like "Queen of Magical Girls" and his pfp is always some anime waifu.

Recently, though, he changed his screen name to "Fujoshi Sister" which makes me so unbelievably mad. He is a straight man! He has never, ever shown any interest whatsoever in yaoi. He's just calling himself a fujoshi because it's something he associates with women, or potentially me specifically, a thought that makes me want to projectile vomit in his face. This feels like stolen valor, he doesn't know the first goddamn thing about yaoi! I am never, ever talking to him ever again. If he texts me again, I'm ghosting that shit.

No. 2454258

I feel like I complain about this every single month but my boobs hurt so much, I wish they just fell off.

No. 2454291

My friend who I’ve had since middle school (and we are in our 20s now) is so damn annoying sometimes. She really gets on my nerves. She used to be a massive asshole, but she’s gotten better. However, we have a ton of mutual friends, and I enjoy hanging out with her friends. She organizes a ton of social outings, and I’m slowly getting closer to her friends, who I like a lot. I feel like part of the reason she can be so grating is because she’s very moody and insecure. She’s a manlet aspie lesbian who has never known the touch of a woman, though I suppose she’s eccentric in a fun way. There’s no way I could stop being friends with her because we share so many mutual friends. And selfishly I want to befriend her other friends. And I still want invites to things she organizes. I know I sound like a bad person probably. She definitely has qualities I like, and I can tolerate her in moderation, and we go way back. But I don’t find ANY of my friends nearly as annoying. I kind of wish I didn’t have to be friends with her.

No. 2454309

anons in the attractive men thread are so weird if you don't post some feminine plastic doll they dogpile you

No. 2454368

based gatekeepers

No. 2454370

Yeah there's another thread for uglies, post there.

No. 2454380

I always find myself wanting to post guys i like, but most of the time I'm really not sure what thread to put them in. If I post them in the attractive thread, someone might call him ugly. If you post him in the unconventional thread, someone might call him attractive. I just keep my men to myself.

No. 2454385

keep posting in that thread nona keep them seething

No. 2454387

>capping for ugly men this hardly
damn and for free too..

No. 2454392

File: 1742515756291.gif (2.18 MB, 320x273, Ud4gMt-2004067944.gif)

Perhaps a hairy moid nona. I wonder what they will think of that kek

No. 2454401

go back

No. 2454412

File: 1742516266253.jpg (89.98 KB, 640x960, 1000004747.jpg)

Sister died and the funeral/already bad family drama being exasperated by the funeral makes me not look forward to coming home so much that my chest hurts whenever I come back, I keep worrying my bpd sister is gonna try to drag me into a fight while Im doing homework.

No. 2454423

A hot guy in his late 30s had a crush on me in work and I only found out after I started dating someone who would later turn out to he a complete useless cunt. The first guy is hotter and when I did eventually speak to him he had a better personality too. Another coworker had told me how hot guy was asking people in the canteen how do you talk to anon and it's like my best work mate is an old man it is not hard. Then he hooked up with the student intern at the Xmas party and they started dating. I fucking hate men

No. 2454430

I'm confused, is bpd sister the one who died, or do you have one dead sister and a different sister who is a bippie

No. 2454433

File: 1742517061111.png (28.56 KB, 300x162, doubt.png)

>late thirties

No. 2454462

File: 1742518042319.gif (Spoiler Image,8.25 MB, 500x370, 6822679.gif)

Once I got screamed at by like six different anons for posting Joe Keery. They called me a gay scrote because I said I liked his chest hair.

No. 2454472

They post actual gay moids tho. Like have acknowledged they are gay and continue posting them

No. 2454497

because they're fujos kek

No. 2454502

Who fucking cares if the fag is hot im schlicking, since when are we respecting men’s sexualities?

No. 2454503

It kinda sounds like he's just a pervert who chases younger women anon

No. 2454504

This feels very similar to early troon creep

No. 2454507

i really hate how as a woman my horniness levels are tied to my menstural cycle. (i dont know if its like this for all women actually) but during my period and a couple days after (so like 12 days a month) my libido is literally negative and i cant masturbate or enjoy thinking about sexual fantasies of my husbandos at all. it sucks

No. 2454508

File: 1742519209848.jpg (136.4 KB, 962x1390, 6466543.jpg)

Since AIDs anon

No. 2454509

I don't really see why that matters, it's not like any of these anons are going to ever meet these guys anyway, they're just admiring their bodies. Although it is kind of funny that the anons who despise fags are often the ones who thirst for them the hardest.

No. 2454511

Idk what sex ed you had, but I'm pretty sure you can't get AIDS from masturbating to a photograph

No. 2454514

>liking chest hair
thats an unconventional trait according to literally everyone, you dont see anons in the hot women thread post hairy women.

No. 2454539

Yea that's one of the many reasons I hate men. The hot men in my peer group are far and few between and they'll be predatory towards students instead of making babies with me

No. 2454540

File: 1742520416280.png (10.85 KB, 210x260, 1604252572704.png)

>Implying an equivalence between men with chest hair and women with chest hair

No. 2454542

>chest hair
Disgusting, you deserved it(bait)

No. 2454552

The fact that you care makes you human. Idk I don't want to say the wrong thing, but there's this feeling like this isn't the reality I was made for. It feels hard and frustrating to be around people who seem to fit so well, as if their happiness is included in the packaging.

I hope you find something to live for. Something to make you forget about the horrible things in people and realize the beauty in yourself.

No. 2454556

File: 1742521084168.jpg (6.85 KB, 198x254, images.jpg)

Thanks for having my back babe

No. 2454557

I have hairy pits, hairy legs, and a hairy pussy. I like hair (just as long as it's not back hair).

No. 2454558

Jesus Christ what the fuck is that thing

No. 2454560

Moid with alopecia, nona's kryptonite

No. 2454562

And? we dont have to find it hot. Its like those tumblr gendies who tried to push body hair and being fat as attractive. Its not. I am hairy too and i dont want men to find me attractive or be sexualized for it.(derail)

No. 2454563

You should make a smoothoid thread if you can't shut up about it. There's no rule that only pubescent looking moids are acceptable

No. 2454564

oh you are one of those, opinion discarded

No. 2454565

I never said you did. An anon posting something she likes is not the same as her grabbing you by the collar and demanding you enjoy it too. Why even share a thread with other people if you're going to have a melty every time someone posts something you dislike? Why not just log off and make a scrapbook of all the moids you personally like at that point.

No. 2454566

>reeee moids prefer shaved pussies
>mmm smooth hairless moid

No. 2454568

The thread is called ''attractive men''. She's sperging out because women have high standards for once.
ok pickme chan go to 4chan a post a hairy old woman in their attractive woman threads, see if they hold you to their same standards.

No. 2454570

ewww he looks like a monster

No. 2454572

You can't just decide I'm a pick-me bc I don't like the appearance of underage boys. This is the same reason anons (probably you) sperg and try to shame any woman who doesn't have a lint bush

No. 2454576

You should have a bush. It's healthier and a natural nonce-deterrent.

No. 2454578

I support bushes but also anons right to be attracted to moids with body hair, who are otherwise attractive and hot

No. 2454579

>puts other women down
>while praising ugly scrotes
always. I have yet to meet a woman who likes ugly men who does it because she genuinely has a weird fetish and not because she wants to put other women down and get picked.

No. 2454584

>who are otherwise attractive and hot
friendly reminder they dont think the same about you KEK you are white knighting hairy men who think women with armpit hair are ugly and dirty feminazis.

No. 2454585

I don't understand what your post means bc we aren't talking about "ugly men" and I didn't put women down. So maybe you're talking about the person I'm replying to but that doesn't make sense either

No. 2454587

Identifying a hypocritical reeee-tard when I see one
Now I'm putting women down

No. 2454588

Your original post was crying about how women dont like the abominations you post on the attractive male thread. So yes, it was about you being offended on behalf of ugly scrotes.

No. 2454589

File: 1742522406002.png (Spoiler Image,343.88 KB, 500x512, 81.png)

But it's not an issue of standards in this case, it's an issue of personal taste. Just like with facial hair, some guys (specifically hot ones) do not look good with chest hair because it grows patchy or in an ugly shape for them. But other guys might look good with it because it has a nice shape that accentuates the pecs or collarbones. It depends on the guy and it depends on the chest hair, and if I dated a guy with weird-shaped chest hair I would absolutely want him to shave it off. I'd say that good-looking chest hair is somewhat rare, so 80% of the guys I like don't have it. But occasionally I come across chest hair on a guy I like.

No. 2454590

No. 2454591

How is it hypocritical? men arent forced to shave or bullied if they dont. Men are actually encouraged to grow body hair. While you are here accusing women of being pedos for liking adult men who take care of themselves the hairy apes you defend are posting on 4chan about how the age of consent should be lowered.

No. 2454592

File: 1742522508611.jpg (49.32 KB, 318x238, 7be3acd3f654f0eefb5f3a02e51107…)

Thank you nona, I love you

No. 2454597

You have a fetish, and we are not allowed to share it. There are several threads where you can post your apes, why push it onto women who dont have your autistic fetish? thats like someone posting a fatty onto the thread and saying ''umm ackshually it looks good on SOME men, its my personal opinion''. Being conventionally attractive is not a matter of taste or personal opinion.

No. 2454599

Well then dont post it? you got your feedback, nonnies didnt like him. Move on and dont push uggos onto unwilling participants.

No. 2454601

Nta but that is not a fetish, it's an attractive adult male body. We can't help that the fujos here outnumber normie women and are literally always horny for "barely legal" moids or ones who have the appearance of being homosexual and underage

No. 2454602

First off, I'm >>2454462, and ayrt is someone else. People usually like the images I post in the attractive man and ideal bodies threads. I've even gotten positive feedback on moids I've posted in UMPO. Joe is one of the few guys I've gotten a negative response about.

Being fat is never attractive because it is indicative of bad health. Being into fatasses is like finding acne or gingivitis attractive. Also, chest hair is a pretty common thing for straight women to like, it hardly counts as a fetish, much less an "autistic" one. give me a break.

No. 2454603

Nta, it is a fetish. I’m not a fujo and your gross gorilla moids are not attractive.

No. 2454604

There's a difference between saying "Ew, I'm not into this," and accusing me of being a scrote.

No. 2454605

Fujos own their fujoshi and in a way, that makes them based. You are a closeted fujo and little boy lover(fujobait outside of containment)

No. 2454607

What the fuck do fujos have to do with anything? You hardly ever see chest hair in yaoi manga.

No. 2454609

Is fujo the new boogeyman word? Anyone with eyes can tell this place is overrun by normalfags. Just cope with your own shit taste.

No. 2454610

Genuine question but why not just post in the unconventional male taste thread? does it hurt your feefees that your moids get called uggo or what. Why are you putting the feelings of an ugly moid who would never wk you over the opinions of women.

No. 2454611

I think if I ever saw back hair on a moid I’d immediately projectile vomit without warning. I’m shuddering just imagining it.

No. 2454613

Boohoo keep making up identities for anons who dont like your gorilla scrotes until you finally get it right kek

No. 2454614

People get mad and tell you that your taste is too normie. You just can't win.

No. 2454615

Its always the pickmes capping for ugly men that call women pedophiles for liking hot adult men that take care of themselves. None of those gorillas would fuck them if they were equally hairy.

No. 2454617

And? why does that mean that you gotta push your fetish onto unsuspecting nonnas.

No. 2454618

File: 1742523218521.png (43.6 KB, 654x509, 5857689.png)

I would not consider something this common to be a fetish. It's like calling someone a height fetishist if they have a height preference of some kind.

No. 2454621

normie women also like 50 shades of grey that doesnt mean bdsm isnt a shit fetish

No. 2454622

I agree that the anon calling people pedos is ridiculous, but liking something you dislike doesn't automatically make someone a pickme. Also if a woman were equally as hairy as >>2454589 it would be fucking bizarre, because women don't naturally get that hairy unless they have some sort of hormonal issue.

No. 2454623

>but liking something you dislike doesn't automatically make someone a pickme
thats not what makes her a pickme, learn how to read.

No. 2454626

I don’t give a fuck about those women’s feelings anymore, if you go around calling people pedos you don’t get to cry when people bite back.

No. 2454627

File: 1742523580251.jpg (188.84 KB, 405x700, spoiler do not eat.jpg)

why did i unspoiler

No. 2454628

BDSM is formally classified as a paraphilia. Chest hair is not. You're being ridiculous, you don't have to classify a fashion choice you don't like as a fetish, you can just say you don't like it! Why do anons always have to shoehorn shit they hate into the categories of "crime," "anti-feminist," or "fetish"? Why does every opinion these days need to come with some sort of moral/ideological justification, as if people aren't entitled to just have subjective, lizard-brain tastes anymore?

No. 2454629

considering how crazy chest hair fags are being rn it should be considered a mental disorder

No. 2454630

Only one anon is calling you a pedo, and now you're using it as a justification to "clap back" at literally everyone who disagrees with you, even anons like me who never called you a pedo.

No. 2454632

ONE anon is doing that. It is ONE crazy anon. I am not doing that, she does not speak for everyone who shares her taste.

No. 2454633

File: 1742523773701.png (464.09 KB, 1240x697, germany_grosssssssssssssssss.p…)

Bdsm is "kink"
>What Is a Kink?
>A kink is a sexual behavior or practice that falls outside of standard sexual practices. (Though kinks are widely practiced and increasingly accepted as the social norm.) Kinks vary widely, with examples ranging from role-playing and age-play to breath-play (which may involve gagging or choking). Many sexual interest communities form based on a shared kinky proclivity, like BDSM.
>What Is a Fetish?
>A fetish refers to a specific object, sexual or non-sexual body part, or behavior that must be present for one to achieve sexual arousal and enjoyment. Those with a fetish—which can range from interacting with feet to wearing a specific material, like latex—may find it difficult or impossible to experience sexual enjoyment in the absence of the object or behavior.
Also monkey see, monkey do. Bdsm is insanely mainstream and boring so that's why normies are attracted to it

No. 2454634

I'm no expert but I think a shit fetish is actually scat

No. 2454635

This isn’t the first time this has happened. The pedo police comes out of the woodwork basically every time someone dares post ot express attraction to a youthful looking man. I don’t care about pickme feelings anymore. Liking chest hair is a paraphilia.

No. 2454636

People on twitch are retarded. This isn’t news, but I went back on there for a single day after half a year to check out a game I was interested in getting into. I made the most neutral, boring, game related commentary and the streamers girlfriend banned me after the stream, just for being a woman. I wouldn’t have even known if not for the next day. The moid followed me on Twitch (why? I don’t stream on there I lurk) and messaged me saying I was unbanned and basically begging me to come back and demoted his girlfriend from mod role. The social ineptness and psycho behavior on there with the unwashed scrotes and pickme bpd weeb women is so unhinged I’m sticking to youtube.

No. 2454637

Then why cant you accept women consider hairy men nasty? you are having a meltdown over people not sharing your fetish. Like calm down.

No. 2454640

Nta but not a fetish >>2454633 and people do love chest hair, especially gay moids bc they appreciate masculine men. Also I am the anon who called you a pedo

No. 2454642

It's not a fetish, for the millionth time! You're moving the goalposts from "accepting that other women have different opinions" (which I ALREADY did) and "accepting that chest hair is a fetish" which it objectively is not.

No. 2454643

Go hang out with gay moids then since your brain is wired just like a fag’s.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2454646

>defensive schizoid
This is why I clocked you as a pedo anon

No. 2454647

You do not know what the word paraphilia means. Jesus Christ, not everything you dislike is a fetish/paraphilia. What's next? Are ugly haircuts on men a "paraphilia"? Is liking brown eyes a "paraphilia"?

No. 2454648

Be for real, it is a fetish. I like guys with glasses and i would never deny its not a fetish. Why is it that crazy for you to admit you have a nasty, gay moid tier fetish?

No. 2454649

You might as well be attracted to gorillas if you like hairy men, how is zoophilia not a paraphilia?(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2454652

You guys are just baiting at this point, jfc.

No. 2454653

Anon said she doesnt find hairless men attractive. So yes, it is a fetish.
>A fetish refers to a specific object, sexual or non-sexual body part, or behavior that must be present for one to achieve sexual arousal and enjoyment
Straight men often have armpit hair fetishes, and gay moids are popular for being into the hyper hairy look too. You dont get to bend the rules just because it hurts your feelings.

No. 2454654

File: 1742524367490.png (388.38 KB, 1240x751, hair_fetish.png)

>would never deny it's not a fetish
I don't think it is, unless you're specifically attracted to their disability/impaired eyes. There is nothing under paraphilias about body hair or glasses anon. You're all just suspiciously defensive and angry about the topic of adult markers on males

No. 2454655

Cope, zoo.

No. 2454656

So, are straight men who like hairy armpits and gay moids who like hairy baras not fetishists? men in the 70s were popular for their hairy pussy fetish.

No. 2454657

If you slut-shame other women for liking something as harmless as chest hair you have absolutely zero right to call yourselves feminists. Anons ITT are reacting to chest-hair-anon like she just confessed to killing someone with her bare hands.

No. 2454659

you literally posted a screenshot proving it is a fetish

No. 2454660

It's just another feature of many that adult women appreciate on adult men. I doubt anyone is seeking out moids with chest hair, just not being weirdly turned off and hostile when seeing it or thinking it looks attractive, on that specific moid. The original nona explained this repeatedly tho

No. 2454661

She's calling women who dont like body hair in scrotes pedos, did you forget about that? also no one is shitting on her weird fetish, but rather her denying its a fetish and claiming its conventionally attractive.

No. 2454663

The screenshot also characterizes a lack of hair as a fetish too, though

No. 2454664

Yeah im sure feet are just another feature of adult males women appreciate, totally not a fetish though.

No. 2454666

Are you both illiterate? The screenshot is talking about head hair.

No. 2454668

I don't think any anon itt is turned on by chest hair by itself. Having a paraphilia would mean they would be distracted by their fat middle aged iranian car dealership boss (rooting for you nona!)

No. 2454669

It literally says chest hair in the paragraph, the illiterate is you.

No. 2454670

Exactly, thank you. I even specified that 80% of the men I like don't have chest hair. Just like facial hair (which I also dislike most of the time) it has to be the right shape, and the guy has to be attractive otherwise. A fetishist would theoretically be attracted to chest hair regardless of how nasty it was or how ugly the guy was, which is the case with a lot of foot fetishists.

No. 2454671

Not today satan-nona. We've explained repeatedly it's not the hair but the hot moid

No. 2454673

File: 1742524823586.gif (319.44 KB, 384x270, giphy(1).gif)

Why am I Satan?

No. 2454674

its talking about balding and male pattern baldness only though, it literally says GENETIC hair loss. The hair fetishism part literally says chest hair and armpit hair.

No. 2454677

>which is the case with a lot of foot fetishists.
except this isnt true, tarantino doesnt hire fatties with stinky feet to play his foot fetish. They are all conventionally attractive actresses. You have a fetish, deal with it.

No. 2454678

File: 1742524978668.png (179.82 KB, 328x500, angelnumbers.png)

Your angel numbers anon

No. 2454680

File: 1742525123652.png (853.84 KB, 617x863, SatanOriginalArt.png)

Oh kek I didn't even notice

No. 2454681

File: 1742525214275.png (20.96 KB, 963x145, 204212.png)

Ew, none of this describes me. I just like how it looks on an aesthetic level, I don't want to play with it, that's weird. And unlike Tarantino, I don't require it to feel aroused. I don't even find it particularly erotic, I just think it looks handsome on certain men.

No. 2454684

wrong thread post about your shameful fetish here >>>/g/437064
at least men with weird fetishes dont try to normalize it amongst normal people, scrotes who get off to armpit hair on women dont claim its ackshually just for the aesthetics

No. 2454686

this guy would still be ugly even without body hair though. he has a weird shaped head

No. 2454688

>Those with a fetish—may find it difficult or impossible to experience sexual enjoyment in the absence of the object or behavior.
So what you're saying is. I DO have a fat fetish.

No. 2454690

At least you admit it instead of trying to normalize it, you’re already better than the gorillafucker

No. 2454692

Nta, but like >>2454688 said, it's only a fetish if you need it to get off. So unless anon literally can't cum without seeing chest hair, I don't really see how it qualifies as a fetish.

Calling a guy with chest hair a gorilla is about as fair as calling an anon who hates all body hair a pedophile. If you say either of those things, you're a retard whose opinion is worthless.

No. 2454694

>an anon who hates all body hair a pedophile
If they become reactive and defensive in such a weird way, the only way to explain it is pedophilia. Context matters anon

No. 2454695

>So unless anon literally can't cum without seeing chest hair, I don't really see how it qualifies as a fetish.
She literally cant cum to men without chest hair, she sees them as children.

No. 2454696

>Calling a guy with chest hair a gorilla is about as fair as calling an anon who hates all body hair a pedophile.
notice how one of the insults is targetted towards the man but the latter towards the woman? you pickmes love to wk men even in spaces where they arent even allowed to be. Gorilla kun is too busy jacking it off to the teen cateregory on pornhub to care about what women on the internet think. Men only care about what other men think and men are homosexual so they like body hair in moids(and only moids)

No. 2454698

>naturally smooth moids
>forcing naturally hair moids to shave bc you literally can't cum unless he is smooth
weird but wasn't even something we cared about until you started sperging about fetishes

No. 2454699

Nta but most people in general would react that way towards random false pedo accusations

No. 2454700

Different sister, why would my sister be dragging me into a fight from beyond the grave..?

No. 2454701

>the only people who get upset about being called pedos are actual pedos!
Go try this is real life and see how it works out for you

No. 2454702

>reee random false pedo accusations, my livelihood
What a little bitch you are anon. I'm sure you're ~nta~ but you all sure have a lot to say about nonas and their "gross fetish" who don't mind or even enjoy body hair but and then react like gendies when the same logic is applied to you

No. 2454703

Men should shave because they have 0 hygiene. A hairy man is bound to smell rancy, but i bet the hair fetish crowd loves that.

No. 2454704

Why do some women love to defend men for hours?

No. 2454705

Yeah i bet the hair lovers are the same ones saying they love the way their nigel smells musty after a workout.

No. 2454706

We're talking about cartoons

No. 2454707

Anon I just joined this conversation, I didn't make any posts about "fetishes". It's like saying women who date manlets are pedos because only children can be short or some shit

No. 2454708

They think men will pick them or return them the kindness. Meanwhile in 4chan they call us legbeards kek.

No. 2454709

We are not, please learn to follow conversations

No. 2454710

Idk, I figured when you said
>I keep worrying my bpd sister is gonna try to drag me into a fight while Im doing homework
it may have been a knee-jerk, flash-back-like worry, like how people sometimes continue to be scared of something even after it's gone?

No. 2454711

Nta. I'd rather die alone in a dumpster than go on a single date with a 4chan moid

No. 2454713

File: 1742526464494.jpg (314.17 KB, 1000x1000, 1000_F_598649413_sGT9QP26q3K52…)

Helpful retard(ai outside containment)

No. 2454714

she said most of the guys she likes don't have chest hair though

No. 2454715

You always make it about "defending" moids when the topic is retards who won't stfu about what women are attracted to. And how that is insanely hypocritical, because if you applied the same logic to their smooth-moid preference, you land at pedophilia immediately. That is the number one reason nonas don't shave their bush, refusing to cater to moid's pedophilia. You (all) can't be this fucking dumb

No. 2454716

i was talking about the other anon calling everyone a pedo

No. 2454717

I'm kekking at the idea that a non-pedo would only ever respond to being called a pedo by saying,
>Ah yes! I am a pedophile! Foiled again!

No. 2454718

oh okay lol. I'm surprised the two anons calling each other pedophiles and gorilla fuckers haven't been banned yet, they're both schizos

No. 2454720

At least that's a response that shows some level of socialization and lack of autism-rage

No. 2454721

The gorillatards started this long ago being unable to accept their own shit taste and instead insulting other women, you don’t get to cry foul when you’ve been doing the same thing to other women for years. Always the people who can dish it but can’t take it calling for “respecting others” all of a sudden.

No. 2454722

>You always make it about "defending" moids when the topic is retards who won't stfu about what women are attracted to.
her cringe vent was about her crying that her actor moid crush was called ugly, are you even following the chain of replies
>And how that is insanely hypocritical, because if you applied the same logic to their smooth-moid preference, you land at pedophilia immediately.
why are you equating women to men? we are not equal. A moid who likes hairless women is a pedo because men commit 99% of crimes against children. A smooth moid doesnt look like a child and men are known for being stinky and unwashed so it makes sense to want a clean man over a smelly one.

No. 2454723

A response like that would be pretty autistic actually

No. 2454724

Yes but it's more pleasant

No. 2454725

no one said they were into smelly men though. chest hair isn't even on a part of the body that tends to get smelly.

No. 2454726

Topkek you want people to be pleasant to you when you call them pedophiles?

No. 2454727

>A moid
We're not talking about what moids like. We're talking about what anons say to other anons for having a natural attraction to adult male sex markers

No. 2454728

any part that accumulates sweat is bound to be smelly

No. 2454731

Hairy buttcracks are also a marker of adult males i bet you love those too

No. 2454732

body hair isnt the only adult male sex maker. A hairless man still looks like a man. You just have a fetish and instead of accepting it you are calling women who find it gross pedophiles. It would be less pathetic if you were like pierce brosnan nonny here >>2454688

No. 2454734

Lmao do moids get boob sweat?

No. 2454736

Who cares, I'm not assfucking a male. I don't think about his hairy asshole in my fantasies.

No. 2454737

the chest sweats, anon. If you did excercise you would see gymrat moids with their nasty tanktops completly covered with sweat at the front.

No. 2454738

The site has rules and there's an expectation that you follow them. Both gorilla anon and pedo anon will be banned for baiting/infighting because they're throwing tantrums like toddlers

No. 2454739

Thankfully I have an elliptical at home

No. 2454742

I'm 99% sure I have fucking IBS. God kill me

No. 2454747

Why does this need to be stated? What happened to report and ignore

No. 2454757

File: 1742528498737.jpeg (29.55 KB, 300x243, IMG_4085.jpeg)

>the gorillatards

No. 2454762

Damn he's kinda fine as fuck what's his name?

No. 2454763

There's a schizo itt calling women who like (or are even just okay with) chest hair "gorilla tards"

No. 2454768

In all fairness it's only in response to the other schizo calling women who don't like it "pedos"

No. 2454773

I know you can't ever connect two thoughts or ideas but "unnecessarily/weirdly reactive and judgmental to other women being attracted to body hair" vs "enjoying haireless men and not being a psycho retard about it" are different things and one is worthy of being called a pedo

No. 2454774

Yeah and they're both dipshits who need to go back to xitter

No. 2454776

My point is that the psycho retards acted that way because the other side was also acting like psycho retards. Whoever started flinging shit, gets shit flung back

No. 2454779

They call that "feeding the trolls", I believe.

No. 2454780

Yes, no one should have reacted to them outside of the retard thread and I/we should all feel dumb for that and that time has been wasted in a boring and annoying way

No. 2454787

You are a cow.

No. 2454788

I keep coming here to post, only to delete and return again the next day with the same post. I hope nobody noticed, because it makes the situation even more embarrassing. Please someone give some sort of feedback or response, right now it has been simmering in my mind and taking far too much of my attention. It started as a wonderful meeting with a peer in college. We worked together really well and I felt so relaxed and happy in his presence. We have fun and he made me feel at ease. We started working together a lot more and he eventually shared his contact information with me. At this point I already was very attached to him, because he met the needs I developed as a result of growing up without a father figure. There wasn’t any romantic interest though, since I already have a boyfriend and he isn’t my type. When we started chatting outside of school, he chatted with me beyond our projects and I loved it so much. He has such a good character and I felt so seen, understood and reassured. He is sweet and charming. I really like him and how we connect. Unfortunately, since then, I became obsessive with receiving messages from him and somehow, somewhere began to develop more of a stereotypical crush on him. I feel nervous and embarrassed when he doesn’t reply, I get nervous around him and became a lot more self-conscious. He both was a source of joy and relaxation for me, but now has also become a source of anxiety and insecurity. I don’t know how this happened, and am so embarrassed and also sad. I’m scared I lost something really nice. Whenever we work together, I want to chat about unrelated things too. I want to spend time with him outside of our projects. I thought he wanted that too and was scared I would have to keep distance so he doesn’t develop a crush on me, but now perhaps I am the one who does? I can no longer tell how he feels about me because I am overthinking so much. This is all so ridiculous, because I already am in a relationship and don’t want to date him. But I do want him in my life and want him to myself, like a brother or father. But I also do find myself slightly attracted to him, which I don’t understand because my boyfriend is more attractive. Someone help please, yes I will tell my therapist about this too.

No. 2454789

Anon may be a NEET and arguably a loser, but she displays self-awareness and a preference for anonymity which makes her not a cow.

No. 2454793

Most of the things she mentioned are pretty common amongst normies. Not really that cow like when everyone else is.

No. 2454796

sounds like you dont feel emotionally satisfied with your current man. or youre anxious and insecure and get attached to people and depend on them way too much

No. 2454797

File: 1742530942305.jpg (8.18 KB, 225x225, cow_world.jpg)

The world is a cow

No. 2454799

i wonder if gorilla enjoyers would react the same to moids if they said they dislike body hair in women hmmm(derail)

No. 2454800

youre right and that guy is my lolcow too. he keeps having meltdowns on substack at his fans and its really fucking funny. we're all a bit of a cow

No. 2454801

I think it makes sense for hairy moids to like smooth women bc it is opposite to them. Like short women and tall moids

No. 2454804

Everyone should only date people the same height as them, maybe with an inch or two difference but no more.

No. 2454806

>subscribe etc etc
Do I have to give him money to see his meltdowns? No more money for this person

No. 2454807

i think he deleted it but i found a repost here https://www.reddit.com/r/SmashingPumpkins/comments/1j1mks1 its really fucking funny lol. so washed up

No. 2454808

File: 1742531352042.gif (25.04 KB, 220x220, tee-hee-hee-cupid-me.gif)

Ty anon, I will enjoy this very much

No. 2454811

Having chronic illness and no car is so fucking isolating.
My life is basically work and recover from the work week on the weekend.
Friendships are difficult because I could make plans to hang out and have to cancel them at the last minute because I’m struggling with pain/nausea/fatigue.

No. 2454817

So men arent pedos when they like smooth women, only women who like smooth men are pedos. ok pickme.(infight bait)

No. 2454824

I got diagnosed with a neurodegenerative disease (disorder?) right before my birthday and I feel like it sometimes makes me go fucking crazy. I just wanna be able to sit and have my retard body shut the fuck up. Fucking useless sack of TV remotes-looking ass BITCH. I wish I could get back at her sometimes by driving pins in or something. I need revenge on this failing fleshy vehicle, like when you drive a really shitty car like you don't care about it anymore. Gonna drive this body 70 miles an hour over train track bumps, fuck her right back. Jerk

No. 2454825

Functionally I get why both gender prefer smoothness when it comes to genitals. In terms of appearance, moids who prefer bush are obviously superior

No. 2454827

I guess I am weird because I like males with relatively low amounts of body hair but then a huge bush and a little facial hair if it looks good.

No. 2454828

File: 1742533115891.jpg (95 KB, 1000x1000, autism_as_a_face.jpg)

I hate huge bushes on moids. It looks like gross british 60-70s scrotes

No. 2454831

yes, both are true. But where does the physical attraction/crush part come in?

No. 2454834

A moid should have no body or facial hair
>no chest hair
>no leg hair
>no arm hair
>no back hair
>no armpit hair
>no pubic hair
>no toe hair
>no knuckle hair
>no beard
>no mustache
>no sideburns(derailing)

No. 2454835

And no hair on his head also.

No. 2454836

No, he should have well groomed head hair, trimmed eyebrows, and curled eyelashes.
>no anal hair

No. 2454837

Half of these are disgusting. There are no moids who have no leg hair so he would have to shave and it would be stubbly within hours bc he is a moid and would (at least appear to) have a healthy level of testosterone so it would grow quickly. I like nona's moid >>2454589 as an example of a hot male who happens to have body hair. The anon who enjoys long pubes is actually crossing the line into paraphilia, since that makes no sense to me

No. 2454838

What does it mean when anon calls someone else "nona" and calls you "anon" in the same paragraph? It's because you're the alpha and you have superior taste I bet

No. 2454839

It is a way of differentiating between two anons. Since all anons can be assumed female, I apply the feminine gendered version to the one I perceive as more based and womanly

No. 2454841

He should wax then.

No. 2454842

They get ingrowns that looks like body herpes bc their hair is thicker than female hair. That's why male models prefer to shave their chests. You could probably force him to exfoliate several times a day as it rapidly grows back in but this is all bordering into troon town, which is why I prefer the natural masculine moid, smooth or hairy (and trimmed)

No. 2454846

File: 1742535356522.jpg (13.56 KB, 324x324, my disgust.jpg)

All of this hairy moid talk reminds me of how hairy moids always tell me i should shave. Its always the ones with a full beard too. So tired of these circus exhibits telling me i should shave when they look like my bathroom rug. Go back to the paleolithic you fucking neanderthal. Hairy men with beards are the most insecure moids on earth.

No. 2454852

A moid has never told me to shave tbh. Is it about your bush?

No. 2454853

A guy who did that would have stubble like sandpaper everywhere with tons of ingrowns. You're better off just finding a guy with super fine, light, minimal body hair.

No. 2454854

I assume all males would want me to shave (I do not shave or pluck any part of my body) I don't have any interest in a relationship largely because I wouldn't want to deal with this shit.

No. 2454855

Curling your eyelashes makes them fall out jsyk

No. 2454856

A French guy probably wouldn't. I know a lot of women in continental Europe don't shave their underarms.

No. 2454857

File: 1742536027525.jpeg (151.43 KB, 1115x895, CE0A83BD-F862-415B-90D0-28BBE9…)

Sometimes I see nonas use images I have posted as reaction images and it makes my brain short circuit since I originally posted them for informative purposes only. I’m not upset, I just never imagined they would be used that way kek

No. 2454859

No, about my legs, arms, armpit and my teeny tiny barely noticeable moustach. They would faint if they saw my bush.

No. 2454860

Well, um, I'm not French… or European, so……

No. 2454865

That pic makes me nauseous. Every time I come here I question if I'm truly straight
Do trannies even exfoliate in the first place?

No. 2454868

>Every time I come here I question if I'm truly straight
Eh. I have only truly been attracted to one male in my life. Some people are just like that.

No. 2454870

>Some people are just like that.

No. 2454871

That's dumb. Not attracted to males does not equal attracted to women. I'd be asexual- but I'm not, because I am attracted to a male.

No. 2454873

Relatedly, I've seen nonas use reaction pics I drew/made and it makes me feel super flattered, even if it's an image I only edited a little bit.

No. 2454877

It’s over, I keep checking for messages it’s over over I’ve r

No. 2454878

File: 1742538737994.jpg (60.73 KB, 680x673, GmijNocaEAYrvn5.jpg)

I cannot handle funerals. I try so hard, I cannot get through it. I lost a family member over a month ago, in a car accident, a cousin that I wasn't necessarily close with, but one I would've certainly liked to know better. One that I grew up with, and spent a lot of time with. Every single time I drink, like now, I cry about what I could've said at the funeral instead of sitting there and saying nothing. I am miserable. I'm getting older myself and I really wish I could genuinely be a person, but I just can't. I try to talk to my family, but I can't. I'm trying, but at the same time, I feel like I'm just doing nothing. I sat there, at the funeral, listening to everyone else give speeches about how much this individual meant to them, but I couldn't do anything. Not a word. Because it was so sudden, I didn't have a speech prepared. Everyone watched me as we walked around the casket, I had to be first. Back to front, sort of thing. It's been over a month now since my family member passed away, but I still think sometimes, "what if I wrote something?" or "What if I reached out sooner?"

I am venting. I think so regularly, even now, a month later after he's passed, that I haven't said anything. I try to say things to the family, but mine has been so inflammatory due to the election, I haven't been able to. I'm just stuck.

No. 2454881

I started watching reaction videos to songs from my eurofag country (just because why not) and I finally get what people mean about americans being fake-nice. All of them smile really big with their teeth and go "wow this's so AWESOME, I love this haha so AWESOME, they're so good wow AWESOME" and it looks and sounds so forced. It's so odd to contrast them with reaction videos from other countries because I see people who barely speak english in their thick accent give way more eloquent, interesting and honest reactions to the same songs. I'm so sorry to all americans who are forced to be fake nice all day, must be so tiring

No. 2454882

Just have a private service with you and close family members at his resting place. This is very common and for people who were too shock att of passing to say a proper eulogy or goodbye to their loved one. People usually have it in the morning and then go for brunch or whatever (sorry for the misgender nona, I was about to leave lc before reading your post and kind of skimmed it. I hope you are able to properly grive your cousin soon)

No. 2454883

A private service is quite difficult. We grew up in different states. We live in different states, and it's hard with having a job, and trying to get everything situated. I talked a bit with my older cousins on Facebook, but I just feel so… idk, not apart of the family. Like an outcast, like I'm just there, like I have no placement among humans sometimes. I get reminded of this occasionally, that sometimes I can't really fit in with others, but especially during times of duress, like now. I want so badly to speak to my surviving cousins because they meant so much to me growing up, but now, I'm just reminded of the time I have spent trying to grind shit like money and status, trying to grind my way to getting money and being a person, that I can't even soo those that I've known since I was a little baby myself. And during the funeral, I just wish I could've stepped up and said a word about how much this cousin meant to me.

It's okay nona, thank you for your sentiment, it makes me feel a lot better. I at least want to speak to my cousins and let them know how much I appreciate them

No. 2454885

good luck nonita

No. 2454887


No. 2454888

File: 1742540197212.jpg (5.18 KB, 310x163, mantis_nona.jpg)

Does this image mean anything to you anon? If it does, I was also disappointed by that inferior usage

No. 2454889

east asian men often have little to no body hair. my ex had barely any. smooth eggs.

No. 2454893

Heh, I'm an American engineer currently working for a European company. Lots of Europeans that visit here say similar things. A lot of them are especially caught off guard because most American engineers don't do the fake nice thing very much, but then they go out to eat or interview Americans for soft-skills positions. They inevitably get super weirded out by the fakeness.

No. 2454896

ok he sent finally now waiting again for hours… I hate it so much, because his messages are always continuing the conversation, and when we do have conversations they are so fun… I wish he would be more online

No. 2454897

File: 1742541462768.png (240.45 KB, 325x533, 1643607533111.png)

I didnt attend classes for a week and now i am super behind. ugh, i hate college so much. I wish i could drop out.

No. 2454898

You should ask sanic if that is a good idea

No. 2454899

What’s your major? What year are you in? Don’t give up, you can always get back on track, and there are resources available and people who can help you. I believe in you

No. 2454901

accounting. Thankfully all the resources are uploaded onto the virtual class webpage so i am reading through them now. It sucks so bad.
i dont trust that blue bastard anymore after i asked him if it was a good idea to go to college and he said yes

No. 2454910

File: 1742542564348.png (819.42 KB, 1240x873, billy_corgan_meltdown_app.png)

What about something like this nona? I'm about to try it

No. 2454912

Going to college is a good idea, but I probably wouldn't have chosen accounting in light of AI taking jobs away.

No. 2454919

I'm 32 and dating someone who is 26 and even thought the age difference isn't that bad or is it, be honest with me nonnas it bothers me so much. I've always dated my age or 1-2 years older. Sometimes he makes me feel ancient because he doesn't get jokes referencing the 90's. I never thought I would go for someone younger but here we are and it's making me uncomfortable enough to consider ending things.

No. 2454920

So I was an active participant in a small fandom for a rarepair until this person came along and completely took over. She kind of turned herself into the "queen" of that ship and began swamping the tag with her stories. Her personality is very different from mine and so is her interpretation of these characters. Eventually, I had enough of it, the ship was ruined for me (this is totally a me problem, I fully acknowledge that) and so I went ahead and deleted all my fics on AO3. Then I just left the fandom quietly without a word. Now I just found out that this person is going around reddit and other communities asking people for copies of my stories. And I'm like, annoyed? Offended even? What right does she have to my works? And what does she want to do with my fics anyway? I might be petty because it was her who ruined my favourite ship for me, but I don't want her to have copies of my stories. I know there's nothing I can do, I posted those fics online in the first place, but I just wish this person would go away, and, more importantly, leave me alone. She owns that ship now, so she should focus on that instead of finding my fics that I definitely didn't write for her.

No. 2454921

I was already doubting that having kids is for me but what convinced me it’s a bad deal is the neighbor’s toddler hitting furniture, crying and tantruming every morning as I get ready for work because he doesn’t want to go to kindergarten. We share a wall so I get front row seats to the screeching from my bathroom.
Neighbor has a husband, allegedly, but he seems to be a deadbeat since I never hear him talk to mom or discipline the kids and I’ve seen him enter the house only once without the rest of the family. Yet his name is on the door beside hers.
Males can threaten me with cats and boxed wine all they want but an animal that shits in a box is way preferable to even the slightest risk of whatever this hot mess is. But muh birth rates, blow it out your ass.

No. 2454923

I'm going to be honest with you, nonna. To me it seems you've already made up your mind. I (European) don't see anything wrong with this age difference, it corresponds to the age difference between my brother and his wife and they're having a harmonious marriage (they got together a bit later though, when he was almost 30), but if you're constantly worrying about it, then I'd say the relationship is already doomed. Maybe try making a list of things that you do like/dislike about him, ignoring the age question completely, and then see if you think it's worth staying together? But also don't force yourself to stay in the relationship if you're sure this is always going to bother you.

No. 2454927

If you’re just dating to have fun it should be fine, but if you’re the type to actually get serious and date with marriage in mind then I would reconsider. Younger husbands are always bastards about having to take care of the older woman they pursued and later regret so it usually ends in them abusing their wives more out of spite for their perceived lost time. If you like having a pet moid who pays for what you want and doesn’t give you a headache go ahead and enjoy it without worrying too much nonna

No. 2454932

>tfw have a crush on an 18yo at 23
its so fucking over, i wish i was born later in life. I am missing out on all the cute late zoomies.

No. 2454933

It doesn’t seem to be a good match either way but, if you want someone on the same wavelength as you, don’t go for someone 6 years younger. I feel like that is common sense. It’s of course different if it’s the woman who is older and I get that, but this part is universal.

If I’m gonna be honest though I am biased. I had an ex that was that many years older than me at 26 and it was a very unequal relationship. He wanted me to be on his level and get his peak millennial humor, be 50/50 financially despite his career being way more advanced than mine and earning way more, yet he went for a younger girl instead of someone his own age and even complained that I was too childish and not locked in enough on having kids. I’m not much younger than you, but as I approach my ex’s age it seems weirder and weirder to date people in their mid-20s.

No. 2454935

Younger men are disproportionately right wing or devil’s advocate libertarians so you’re not missing much

No. 2454936

File: 1742544814539.gif (248.38 KB, 480x324, spongewait.gif)

ok so my first ever obgyn appointment is in two weeks but i keep getting a weird pelvic pain where my womb/ovaries are. especially on the right-ish side. should i do something? god i wish i couldve got an earlier appointment, shit
maybe im a biased hypocrite but i find age gap relationships where the woman is older less uh.. idk, weird or offputting, since women live longer lives than men naturally. but i wouldnt be able to cope with the guy not getting my childhood references…

No. 2454938

i am not from McAmerica.

No. 2454940

Not exclusive to America.

No. 2454942

he has never voted before, his opinion literally doesnt matter. All that matters is that hes cute and has fat thighs because he plays volleyball.

No. 2454947

Aw that's a really cute and healthy hobby

No. 2454955

Ayrt and didn't expect so many replies. I'll elaborate on the situation a bit. I'm European too so on paper the age difference doesn't sound bad cause he's over 25. Plus he's pretty far in life for a guy his age, he's a homeowner and has a well paying job. We've known each other through mutual friends for about a year so it's not like I swiped on younger guys on a dating app, us dating just kinda happened I guess. His best friend (also a good friend of mine) is 36 and they both keep making jokes about their age difference and it makes me think about how I'm closer in age to 36 than 26. He's kinda shy and insecure and is going through a bit of an age crisis rn, I did too at his age so it's kinda weird being like "don't worry it'll be ok, I went through the same thing" when it's been six whole ass years since then. I feel like emotionally I have the kind of maturity and security that comes with time and he just doesn't yet. I definitely don't intend to marry ever. Other than the age thing we get along fine, he's very sweet. I think the issue is mostly in my head, I know a couple with a 9 year age difference and it doesn't bother me. Idk. Thoughts?

No. 2454958

Honestly, from how you describe him and the situation, I think you're fine. If you're not intent on marrying him, why not just enjoy your time with him for as long as the relationship might last? Of course, if you eventually want children (but not with him or he would want to wait longer to have them than you're comfortable with), that's something to keep in mind, but otherwise I honestly don't see an issue. I'd agree it's mostly in your head. Sure, some people might gossip, but who cares. If not the age gap, they'd find something else to run their mouth about. I'm even older than you are, nonna, and I think that the younger generation obsesses over age too much. I'm not talking about age gaps here, but about how a lot of them feel like they're too old for xyz at the "ripe" age of 30. Ignore that shit, nonna. Don't think about your ages, just enjoy your time with that guy. From what you've shared with us, he seems sweet and well-adjusted, and leagues above the common scrote in his 20-30s who's addicted to weed and playing videogames.

No. 2454973

I showed my friend a funny video and they just reply with an "akshally.." sort of reality bomb and it fucks up any good mood and vibe that I had. They do this often, unfortunately it's just in their nature. Now I just feel a slight anger brewing and I know giving any reaction or talking about how I feel will yield no comfort

No. 2454975

it’s not fair. it should be me!!! all my life I’ve felt like I’m playing catch up. I’ve worked so hard just to get crumbs and she gets everything. well he was mine first. not my fault we had to live too far apart. it just feels so shit now he lives in a wealthier area, like i’m not good enough for him because I’m too “ordinary”. just because I don’t go trAvElLinG or skiing all the fucking time (I can’t afford it). that pisses me off too. rich bitches saying “oh well you could find a way to afford it”. yes but it wouldn’t be an sensible financial decision, retard. some of us only have ourselves to rely on. I’m just sick of feeling like everything i do for him isn’t good enough. I’ve been there for him through everything. and he’s just constantly going on about his new tart, who’s already cheated on him. I want him still (retarded I know). I don’t even feel like I can just date another dude cause everyone I meet is either boring, a loser, or ugly. Anyone I meet he’s insanely critical of anyway, despite him being a literal cuck.

No. 2454991

I hope VPN gets banned because I always use one and I'm hoping it will kill my interest of coming here without the protection of it. I'm on here way too much and need an excuse to stop using lc. I'll miss the troon threads tho, it's hard being crypto but the world is peaking so maybe soon I won't even need lc for anti-troon content

No. 2454995

One of the most stable couples I know is between a woman who is 9 years older than her husband. They're in their 60-70s now and met in their 20-30s. Sometimes it works.

No. 2455008

File: 1742554138779.jpeg (74.44 KB, 1078x660, GmfJ67LXkAA1hxw.jpeg)

>women destroy everything!!
literally us white college educated women are trying to save the world from authoritarianism. fuck moids

No. 2455021

>you want someone on the same wavelength as you, don’t go for someone 6 years younger
Kek, they will stone you for this.

No. 2455022

You act like 23 is being ancient

No. 2455072

I dont think this age gap is too bad in itself, but it depends on what kind of situation you are in life, what are plans for close future etc. If you already feel bothered by his age it probably wont work. Some part can be also society valuing youthfulness in women, causing women to feel insecure about being the older one in relationship, maybe worth thinking if that is the case with you.

No. 2455082

New antidepressants have a side effect of making me shiver with anxiety like an abused chihuahua. And I'm not sure if they do anything for the depression. But I don't want to stop because it's the first drug ever that made me lose appetite and not get dopamine from food, or eat compulsively when I'm bored or anxious. I've had disordered eating basically my whole life, lost 110 pounds at some point and now cycle with rapidly putting on - losing 40 something every couple of years. I always had to bruteforce past my food obsession no matter what, it would never go away or lessen, even at a normal weight or after cutting out sugar and addictive junk. My previous antidepressants made me put on those latest 40 again on top of that.
And now it's like suddenly that part of my brain just turned off. I don't know if I want to report to my psychiatrist all thar for her to potentially prescribe me something else or just say I'm doing better and keep fucking myself up with low-key constant fear instead.

No. 2455087

My friend is getting a nose job today and I’m so sad about it. She told me last night and I pleaded with her not to do it, but there was obviously nothing I could say that would make her reconsider her decision and cancel last minute so at a certain point I just had to feign acceptance. Still, it makes me so upset, her nose is so beautiful and unique, she has indigenous heritage and the 3D model she showed me of her new nose is just so.. blah. It just makes me so sad that she’s caving to societal and cultural pressure and making her face more eurocentric. She is literally one of the most beautiful people I’ve ever met.

No. 2455097

Anyone else close to having a mental breakdown or losing themselves completely

No. 2455115

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>phone breaks
>website shows the new phone I want is available at the store near me and should be ready to get in only 30 minutes
>need one ASAP so I order it for in-store pickup
>wait for email telling me it's ready to collect
>1 day passes
>contact customer service, get reassured they'll figure it out for me
>another day passes with no update
>on day 3 now
>contact customer service again, they tell me they'll send me an email update about wtf is happening
>it's been 2 hours since then
Fuck this stupid shit, I should've just ordered it from Amazon. How fucking hard can it be to walk into the warehouse and get the phone ready to be picked up? And, if that isn't possible for whatever reason, why can't they at least send me a fucking email and tell me it'll take longer than expected?

No. 2455143

Me… I hope you're doing okay nonny

No. 2455147

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Im stressed, I need to pick a dissertation topic this weekend because I have been putting it off for too long. Nothing seems good enough and I still need to do assignments on top of that

No. 2455148

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Touch it. Now.

No. 2455164

I use to be more interpersonal and read over old texts and save certain chats to read over. But then social media got more popular and I didn't have to try so hard with people to have good conversations and could just make a status to anyone to hop on to and entertain me since I curated the topic. I also smoke weed everyday and unless you make an impression you won't break through my veil of bullshit. If you're not memorable too bad I've already forgotten everything. The weed helps separate out the bullshit I'm willing to put up with. I think it comes back to the fact I was engaged to a guy and had a dead bedroom for 2 years because my body physically rejected him before my mind could realise. Then after we finally broke up I found out I'm insatiable and a great ride.

No. 2455170

You too nonny

No. 2455192

Euro that has been living in US since forever here. For some people it is just politeness or an attempt to not get fired (Since labor protections here for many are basically non-existent), but there are indeed alot of overt fakes too. The woman that walks into a room and loudly says "HIIII, HOW ARE YOU?!" is basically an inside joke to me at this point. To me these kinds of women always seem like the type that kicks their dog and punches their cat behind closed doors.

No. 2455202

I hope so too nonna, I hope anti trannyims takes more online spaces over.
Good luck on your detox from lc kek. I should probably do it too.

No. 2455207

Maybe she just genuinely likes your stories. You know your head canon doesn't have to match hers? You can both coexist in a space and write your own interpretations. You can't be that passionate about the ship if you just gave up like that, so maybe she deserves to be the Queen.

No. 2455216

I think the reason this weirds me out so much is because my country has the type of culture where friends are mean to your face, but speak kindly about you behind your back, like:
>(To everyone else) "Yeah she's the nicest person ever I'd never say a bad word against her"
It's not even just Americans either, I went to a super fancy office once for something work related and everyone was just smiling ear to ear and speaking so weirdly kek, it really felt like they got very sick of talking to me very fast but they weren't allowed to show it.

No. 2455223

>I went to a super fancy office
Normal corporate cuck behavior, they have to be uber fake nice and look like they care no matter how obviously staged and cringe it is for everyone involved.

No. 2455236

>sister with mental disability keeps getting scammed out of her money on Facebook
>mother is elderly and doesn't know shit
>tfw I had to be the one to suggest a Keychain GPS tracker because my mom FREAKS out if she walks to the gas station three blocks away
>tfw I have to remind my mother that my sister is an extremely vulnerable person despite her age because my mom seems to think that she will be able to "grow" mentally
>tfw she is legally recognized as "retarded"
I'm scared for my sister and I wish my parents were younger and less metaphorically retarded to keep her safe. Why the fuck am I the person having to tell them to TEACH HER ABOUT INTERNET SCAMS. Oh my god. It's so sad. My family is just a giant well of sadness and shame in my heart. I wish my parents were smarter.

No. 2455249

I'm sorry anon. It sucks to have dumb parents. You are just on your own for so much. You're doing the best you can.

No. 2455261

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Today I found out my older brother is consuming cocaine, just like my dad, and my mom apparently found out a couple of days before. My brother's an useless piece of shit and never helps around the house.

My mom is heartbroken, like actual crying, but I really hope this is the moment for her to finally kick him out the house, like she did with my dad, another useless piece of shit.

No. 2455265

My friend keeps complaining that she wants to quit smoking but doesn't do anything to help herself, and I wouldn't mind but she's started to whine about it CONSTANTLY. The other day she spent a solid 20 minutes wandering the streets around our college asking everyone in sight for a lighter, and then pat herself on the back for doing it "the hard way" instead of buying one from the shop…like, I suppose that is better than having a lighter on you 24/7 to tempt you, but she still smoked the same amount of cigarettes she usually does kek. I'm not just bitching about her behind her back, I've suggested ways to help her quit but I think it's fallen on deaf ears.

No. 2455297

what is with this fucking brush that i’ve been trying to buy several times now being so goddamn elusive? am i cursed? is the brush, itself, cursed?? wtf is going on here, i just want my fucking brushhhhh
as an aside; nonas, don’t buy from makeup online. while i don’t believe that it’s a complete scam as i’ve seen some reviewers post pics of the products they received, way too many people have had similar experience as me i.e. not getting their packages or worse. in conclusion, fuck them

No. 2455310

Have you thought about a conservatorship for your sister? You should be the conservator, obviously, but this will help you keep her out of dangerous situations. And it will keep YOU out of legal trouble if you put restrictions on her. You'll also be able to place her into an appropriate living situation once your parents pass.

No. 2455341

Nonnas I wish I hadn’t peaked and remained a libfem sometimes. The hatred of women is literally everywhere, real life, social media, movies, even when it’s subtle, there’s like a propaganda that is instilled on us ever since we are born even the mainstream feminism is all about praising, pleasing men and siding with them through our “empowerment” and that isn’t a coincidence.
My friends call me crazy and man hating and it’s so annoying, because I simply see the truth.
I feel deeply uncomfortable with men and avoid them as much as possible now, apart from university and the contact I have, it’s just deeply saddening.
I watched the Netflix show adolescence recently and the paint shop scene was so arrowing and real , men find community through their hatred of women, all of them. There’s no good men because them too will side with a man or will remain silence because doing nothing benefits them.

No. 2455365

How long have you been on it, and what dosage are you on? The lowest?

No. 2455393

Just started, going on a third week, bupropion 150mg straight away.

No. 2455426

The first thing you need to do is tell your psychiatrist you are very sensitive to medications and need to start on the lowest dose and go very slowly. You want your body to slowly adjust instead of panicking because it thinks you're poisoning yourself.
You can switch around on meds, but wait another month on this one if you can. Tell the psych you want to try a different one because of a small symptom, like giving you light nausea for the first few hours after you take it. You're doing this so you can later say "you know, these other meds aren't working as well as the wellbutrin. It sucks, but I'm okay with the mild nausea for a few hours because it was helpful".
Your strategy should be this: take the new prescribed medication at the lowest dose possible. Barring any crazy side effects that make it impossible to take, you should stay on that dose for AT LEAST two months. It fucking sucks, I know, but the medication needs to build up in your system for it to work. Do NOT skip doses or make up your own schedule to take it, it can make your body reject it totally. After 3 or 4 months on the lowest dose, if you haven't seen significant alleviation of your depression symptoms, relay this to your psych and get the dose increased. You can do this until it maxes out. If the medication is having no effect on you whatsoever by the time you have increased your dosage twice, that medication doesn't work for you, switch to a new one.
Don't be afraid to try new medications. We are not all the same and our bodies react to chemicals differently. Think of everyone's chemical structure being a unique but very complex keyhole, and medications each being a different skeleton key. Sometimes only one key works for someone, sometimes they get lucky and the shape of multiple keys can fit their chemical lock. Unfortunately, the only way to figure this out is to try every key until one fits.
You may also need more than one medication! My antidepressant wasn't doing enough so I had a regular antianxiety med and a simple as needed antianxiety med added. In combination, it all works great.

No. 2455458

Thing is, I can't deal with competition at all, so when she showed up and took over the ship, I just left quietly. And it’s not about headcanons, I just got fed up with her overbearing nature and the fact that the ship sees no new content apart from hers now. I liked that ship, but I'm not invested enough in fandom to fight over it. She can have it for all I care, I'm just annoyed that she's now hunting for my deleted fics when she's already won.

No. 2455465

I'm seriously so tired of my boss asking me to do retarded shit. One of our workers was staying in a hotel room and didn't check out on the day he was supposed to, didn't answer the hotels calls so the hotel removed his belongings from the room and now he's claiming he's missing a case of beer. I've been asked to call the hotel to inquire about this. What the fuck? Am I his mother? What am I even supposed to ask? "hey did you take his beer?" What the fuck????

No. 2455475

I don't think fandom is a competition? It's meant to be, like, multiple fans contributing to the same collective space.

No. 2455476

I am sorry, anon. I feel like this sometimes too. You reminded me, me and my friend watched The Wizard of Oz yesterday and we got to talking about the fairy tales and cartoons we grew up with. It's crazy in hindsight that 99% of villains in little girl's media are ugly(old) women. I wonder how much shit like this affects you so deeply before you are even able to form comprehensive thoughts.

No. 2455511

my family and boyfriend tell me they are proud of me and love me, to stop worrying about money, but often it consumes me. i graduate in a year and i don’t have a proper job, i’m self employeed and work for a few rich clients. i pay for most of my things but my mother helps with my phone bill and some medical bills when things are tight. my rent payment is keeping the house clean and our animals cared for. i am so lucky yet full of guilt seeing 21 year old stacey with a law firm job and her own place while mid-20s me had a delayed climb uphill due to things my father did. i don’t want to compare, it makes me hate myself and that isnt fair, but how are young people getting these jobs? some of them are less intelligent than i am (maybe not emotionally kek) so its confusing

No. 2455524

Most emo people (both guys and girls) from my country have such a foul attitude, they act like massive bullies. Idk if this happened because emo got mainstream and now every mean becky, bop and pick me adopted this style to seem hotter than "all the other basic bitches". All the thugs, fuckboys, shitty rap enjoyers, gym rats and other red flags scrotes associate themselves with the emo style too. They all think they're so cool and rebellious and unique, but if I go outside half of the teens and young adults are dressed in some sort of poser shein "emo" grunge style kek. Most of them are incredibly unlikable, they glare at everyone, insult everyone, they try to dominate the space they're in, and also have some sort of weird victim complex at the same time.

No. 2455533

And I say this as someone who always enjoyed alt styles and alt communities because I saw them as a space for people who were real outsiders, had different interests and struggled with mental illness, but now it's infested with foul mouthed spoiled loud kids whose only problem is that mommy didn't buy them an expensive pair of shoes and the worst mean spirited fuckboys the earth has ever seen.

No. 2455539

Alt communities have been the most racist and classist places I’ve ever been. It’s a bunch of bullies who think that they’re better than the average person kek. Their communism is also funny.

No. 2455540

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Met with a school counselor to transfer to uni and he gave me incorrect classes, so I’m pushed back a semester and out $400.
I’m so pissed, I spoke to the cashiers office for a refund but they told me it’s outside the refund window so they can’t but speak to admissions to see if they can move the drop date to the refund window. I just spoke to admissions and they said they can’t guarantee anything because they’re not supposed to but they’ll talk to the dean.
All this because a counselor is too stupid to know how to do his job. If the dean denies it, I’m hoping there’s another way to escalate this because this is ridiculous.

No. 2455573

Yeah, on one hand they claim they're discriminated kek but at the same they're spiteful with their remarks and will rip you to shreds for no reason. I feel bad for authentic alt people who just happen to like a different less conventional style but they're lumped in with all the horrible individuals who use this aesthetic to justify their trash behaviour

No. 2455577

It sounds like bupropion. For the first 4-6 weeks everyone is either really angry or really anxious. Once you hit the 8 week mark all of that will disappear. Bupropion is the BEST antidepressant. If you still have anxiety after week 8, ask your doctor for a very very low dose of escitalopram (like 3-5mg) to take alongside the bupropion to calm the anxiety.

No. 2455608

I noticed this way back when I was in highschool. I used to want to be goth and there was a group of emo/goth kids at our school, i got to know a few of them. Holy shit worst fucking people. Turned me off the fashion at all

No. 2455625

I hate how sensitive I am. I don't even know exactly what happened, one of my friends had asked me what I thought the 3 best letters in the alphabet are, I gave my 3 initials (without actually specifying that they are my initials) and he questioned why N was my second favourite letter. I kind of joked around like "why not? what's wrong with N?" and he called me weird twice and started ignoring me. Thinking about it now, I'm assuming he took it as me trying to be edgy because why else would my answer have warranted such a response? I honestly didn't even think that way at the time so him randomly calling me weird twice and then ignoring me really bothered me and I went to bed upset and I'm still upset.

No. 2455631

People on my father's side kind of develop this kind of shakey tremble when they get older, i don't know if its parkinsons or not I never asked and it feels rude to bring it up, but makes me worried. Recently I started noticing my hands and head seem to wobble weird sometimes, or they don't quite move the way i intended, and it made me nervous. I hope it's just too much caffine and not enough sleep, or maybe that is what causes it… makes me nervous

No. 2455634

The older I get, the more my reading comprehension dwindles. My memory retention takes a hit, too. I've gotten to the point where I just start tuning longwinded posts out, or even news stories that are too long.

No. 2455649

Had explosive diarrhea (I am unable to shit properly because metformin) right after getting laser in my bikini/butt area and using lightening creams. Praying to the gods I don't get an infection or something.

No. 2455650

My bestie is a yapper who tells every store clerk why she/we are buying whatever we're buying. I love her but it gets a bit much sometimes, this random ass working person doesn't need to know our personal lives girl please

No. 2455654

My grandpa had some shaky hand condition at an old age, I noticed as a kid mine were sometimes shaking A LOT too. Like if I held my hand up I couldn't hold it still because it would automatically shake. Took me way too long to figure out it basically only happened after I had done activities that strained my hands, like sports or sometimes even just lifting heavy groceries for my mom.

No. 2455674

TikTok speak

No. 2455705

I’m sick of people telling me how I should be or how I should act based upon the opinion they have of me. It’s like I have been playing a character all these years and they think they love this version of me, the moment I show my “true colours”, or basically me being myself, they start to get worried and pushy. It makes me bad but it also makes me want to laugh at the absurdity of it all.

No. 2455708

It's very frustrating. My mom was like this, whenever I would stand up for myself or show my real interests it "wasn't me". Narc behavior

No. 2455717

My mom thought college would make me more fashionable but 9/10 I just grab the first thing I see in my closet and put it on with no further thought.

No. 2455737

Yes…and when I try to make my point they obviously dismiss what I’m feeling or thinking, like I’m always in the wrong, just because I don’t fit their standards, somehow. They even want to control how I act based upon their opinions of what is wrong or right, no matter what I do or how much effort I put into them, it’s like it’s never enough.

No. 2455746

This could be an early sign of disc degeneration in your lumbar spine, I'd suggest you do an xray if you can.
It can develop into hernia in older age, you need to start exercising and build muscle to prevent this, and stay hydrated.

No. 2455747

>tfw u liked something b4 it became b8

No. 2455750

Why must troons ruin everything?

No. 2455772

All you can really do is surround yourself with people who accept you. It's hard to convince someone their mental model of you is wrong, and if you do succeed, you're the bad guy for not being what they wanted you to be. It's lose-lose

No. 2455773

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My mom is a narcissistic psychopath who sexually, physically and psychologically abused me while growing up as well as moving me around the world to make sure I would have nobody except her, not unlike Venus and Margo.

She's also wealthy. I am still in school and I am financially dependent on her, on top of being foreign and not having a green card for the country I live in.

Anyway, after an especially nasty fight she sent me a lot of money, a five digit amount to be precise. Am I doing something wrong if I don't give it back to her? I know she is trying to lovebomb me and buy me back I will keep having a relationship with her and this will come to bite me back later but I really, really, really need the money. All abuse survivor forums say you should give it back and not let them use money to manipulate you. What would you do in my situation?

No. 2455779

My dad pays me reparations for him abandoning me to my abusive mother and tbh the only guilt I feel is from people who grew up with a cookie cutter life and thinks it's shameful my dad gives me money. How about slap it up you. I've got mental illness that can't be cured so yeah I will take free money.

No. 2455781

anon I am so sorry, god. I dont even have words?? May I ask how she sexually abused you? dont feel like you do.. but you dont tend to hear that, not like father/daughter brother/sister. also, where are you originally from and where do you live now? do you have any other relatives?

No. 2455786

Fuck you, you better take that money. I'm sorry your mom sucks, but come on. If you feel too gross to spend it right now, shove it in an investment account and let it grow, you'll be thankful later.
Alogging your mom for you, if she trips and hits her head on the way down, that was me.

No. 2455813

How come your dad pays you reparations for leaving you with your mom? Good for you. My dad did the same but he just pretends I don't exist (even though I am an adult) I always resented him for saving himself and leaving me with her, he never even tried to get custody.
I don't have any other relatives in the continent I live in, except my estranged father's family in another country. I am basically alone which is why I'm financially dependent on my mom despite being mid 20s. As for mother/daughter sexual abuse I'd say look up Marion Zimmer Bradley.
>shove it in an investment account
That's a good idea. I do indeed feel absolutely gross looking at that money and even worse for knowing that I need it more than I need to be free. It makes me feel like I'm her prostitute.

No. 2455818

You could donate it to an org that fights child sexual abuse. Then have them send the receipt to your mom’s email and don’t speak another word about it.

No. 2455824

The last time I went grocery shopping they had us scan our store cards on a different scanner, and when I attempted it today the cashier looked at me like an absolute sped. Nothing in life prepares you for this awkward and uncomfortable of social interactions.

No. 2455825

Idk. I was always a daddy's girl growing up and when he started becoming rich he started to cheat on my mum and lives in a mansion now with my thick step ma who he paid to get work done. She hates me cause I'm now the age she was when we first met and I've aged great like my maternal grandmother. She hates when my dad dotes on me and acts a psycho so I think my dad feels a lot of guilt for leaving me to be beaten by my mother and then taking a wife that also has open animosity towards me. He bought me an apartment. Paid for my degrees and gets me new cars though we hardly see each other.

No. 2455826

I don't have nearly this atrocious history with my father, but I can understand your sentiment well. He also tried to buy me back with the promise of money or my own flat, I never took anything because it is manipulation/feeling like you are an emotional prostitute of someone who messed you up, and trying to make me apologize to him, lmao. But you gotta keep that, 5 digit sum is serious and will help you in the long run. Good luck, nonna.

No. 2455829

“Oh, hah, that’s what you guys had me do last time I was here!”
>Nothing in life prepares you for this awkward and uncomfortable of social interactions.
This doesn’t sound that awkward or uncomfortable.

No. 2455830

The anon saying that stuff about donating it does not have her heart misplaced, but this is an oxygen mask situation. You gotta put your mask on before helping someone else.
The sooner you stick those 5 figures in an account and grow it, the sooner you become independent from her. Obstacles in life that could become major setbacks or force you to move back in with her can be avoided. Once you're stable, have your retirement settled, and have a very good financial situation, THEN you can donate the amount she gave you to an organization fighting sex abuse.

No. 2455831

You can fake apologies like. I find it more soul destroying working under some faggot in the business world then feigning forgiveness for a cheque

No. 2455833

They forgot you in 5 minutes. Cashier battle bigger speds every day.

No. 2455839

Just saw a troon yesterday at my faculty and it ruined my day. I was in an art college before, so it was full of tifs but this is the first time I've seen an actual transvestite pretending to be a female, at a serious university. Guess women can't have any fucking space.

No. 2455846

I'm a retard and making my own money, even in shit conditions, makes me feel better. His money will come with strings attached until he kicks the bucket and he spent 18 years destroying me and my mother, I'll apologize to hell for having to take him when he finally expires. Also, cunt isn't even rich, no five figures here, kek.

No. 2455850

That's funny, that's the next thing she's dangling in front of me too, buying me a flat or a car. It's like they're all the exact same. I don't expect anything from her which is why I'm working hard in school (for a degree that lets me help victims actually), and trying to get a stable visa so I don't have to worry about being kicked out of the country. Even though it's emotional prostitution I will take the money and like >>2455830 said I will donate the same amount one day when I'm stable.

No. 2455855

Today I'm very fucking sad. It's been 10 years since my father died and only now I am accepting that what I lived through in my childhood and teen years wasn't normal. It really wasn't. He was the cause of a lot of suffering in my family and he was very violent. It was scary to be around him. He was very abusive. Why does my brain still love him? Because back then he was the only person that showed me love and acceptance while also acting insane. I remember all the happy stuff and all the awful stuff at the same time, they flash one after another, gaslighting me into believing he was a great dad. He's one of the reasons why I'm so effed up. He put us at risk so many times. There's things he did I don't want to share on this post but man I'm still so, so fucking scared of him.

No. 2455870

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take the money and also prepare yourself to think of your relationship as a strategy game where you use her for money as much as you can take it. here's a list of five books you might find useful, the creator of ava's demon has a horrible mother.

No. 2455892

kill the moids that keep harassing me irl right now kill my intrusive thoughts kill everything

No. 2455937

Then you haven’t dealt with a controlling asshole in the family long enough. Whether it’s a moid or family member, too many people will hold money over your head and use it to blackmail you into doing favors for them or letting them get away with abusive behavior. At the same time they will use it any chance they can against you in every single argument and conversation and make it out to be some charitable gift of pure kindness that you could never live without. You can’t avoid them, especially if you’re dependent on them, but even if you aren’t they often have too much time and fuck you money to bully you.

You can choose where to work and you’re acting as if it’s impossible for a boss to be a reasonable human being. You’re kind of stuck with a family member who is a known asshole and will not change because they have been getting away with it forever and there’s virtually no consequences to their actions. To say nothing of the fact that you can’t put dealing with difficult family members on a resume.
I see nothing wrong with taking the money and ghosting if you can get away with it, but she might try to take you to court and do that thing deadbeats do where they just keep dragging it out to get a rise out of you. I don’t know you or her so if she’s that type of vengeful, I wouldn’t.

No. 2455954

Almost 3 years abroad and only 1 local friend. I am hopeless, no way I can integrate within the remaining year.

No. 2455974

I quit drinking two months ago but I don't want to make it a big thing, but I would actually rather kill myself than be at a bar right now and I was so looking forward to having a quiet night in with my boyfriend but his family is forcing him to go to a bar tonight (I know, he's an adult who can say no but his mom is SO fucking annoying and his brother will guilt trip him for like the next week if he doesn't go) so I get to spend the night alone and they're all going to be talking about why I'm not there. I HATE 2000'S COUNTRY MUSIC, DRINKING MAKES ME HATE MYSELF, I HATE BEING AROUND DRUNK PEOPLE, NO I DO NOT WANT TO SPEND ONE HOUR (plus the 20 minute drive there and back) AT A BAR TONIGHT!!! So instead I get to do homework and fall asleep alone. I hope everyone involved dies of liver failure asap. My boyfriend doesn't drink at all if he's going to be driving, and he's drank like twice in the past two months and doesn't particularly enjoy it either. Fuck my stupid baka life, my boyfriend is about to be out of town for 3 weeks so this was supposed to be our last night together for a while too. All I wanted to do was cuddle and watch a movie and we can't do that for another MONTH at least. FUCK!!!

No. 2455983

My mum began physically and emotionally abusing me when I was 9. I've done the time like. I don't give a fuck about being righteous or anything. Life isn't fair and you don't get rewarded for being good or why was I beaten every day until I was 19 and my dad agreed to be the guarantor on my first rental. When I started earning my own money he got me an apartment and said I'd pay the mortgage but just paid cash instead. I still hate both my parents for my upbringing but I'm not stupid enough to turn money with the only strings in my case is keeping up the facade we are in regular contact.

No. 2456004

Nta but you sort of have to be realistic and come to terms with the fact that even thinking about your relationship with your mother/parents makes you feel like shit. So it stands to reason that whatever you spent the money on, might remind you of her too. If it's temporary stuff like food/rent/housing to get to your next step, do what you have to do. If that's the case, you should use it to advance yourself in some way so you can finally have a peaceful life without needing to rely on them for anything and the power to reject these "gifts"

No. 2456019

I haven't lived at home in 16 years. My dad paid for my undergraduate and masters while I lived in the apartment only having to worry about normal utilities and groceries etc. He keeps me in good cars and I'm waiting on a brand new Toyota he signed a 4 year contract for last month. I've had 4 cars off him since 19. I don't feel bad driving them. I don't feel bad that he paid for the roof over my head. I don't feel bad he let me go back to university on his money after I got fed up working insurance for years. I don't feel bad about having savings. I don't feel bad ordering a take out when I should have just cooked groceries. I don't feel bad about buying tickets to any concert I want. My dad doesn't make me feel guilty about it either. As I said before. Only other people who don't get the full story of my upbringing feel like I should feel ashamed for taking money off a wealthy moid who dumped his family for a bimbo then paid to build the bitch into the perfect plastic wife. It's not like I'm gold digging for money. My dad told me he thinks he's a narcissist before. So it probably makes him feel good that his daughter can keep up the pretence of success. He use to moan to me about his friends having kids that were doctors so I asked him to go back to school. I'm not even using my degrees lmao so he can get bent.

No. 2456034

Take it. She can't legally force you to do anything. As long as she's not putting out the terms of an implicit contract, she can't do anything, can she?

No. 2456036

File: 1742597691333.jpg (74.59 KB, 683x1024, 500500317.jpg)

I guess to put it in perspective, you're still only accepting it bc they have more money than you. If they're really as bad as you say they are, you wouldn't want them in your life at all. Like a used car might be the equivalent of that to a woman who grew up poor with violent drug-addicts and works a minimum wage job but she can easily achieve more than her parents, just by staying sober. It would be extremely difficult for anons itt to make more money than their gen-x/boomer parents, since they had so much more opportunity during their working years to become wealthy. If you guys are all nepo-babies, this is your generational curse to bear and this nona appreciates and understands your acceptance and genetic apathy about the situation

No. 2456046

damn, your abusive parents pay you reparations? im lucky if my dad will keep me in the will after molesting and beating me my entire childhood kek.

No. 2456053

I think every aspect of me is ugly sometimes. It only happens occasionally but it's annoying. Someone else with the exact same size or shape of body part? Normal, pretty. Me with it? Ugly. Feeding the thoughts objective logic helps at least but it's annoying

No. 2456058

We'll sneak into his funeral the night before and put him in clown makeup nona. Then we'll silently open a bunch of fart bomb packets and covertly exit during the chaos

No. 2456060

I'll forge his will

No. 2456070

Someone needs to take emojis away from my mom she just texted me that her neighbor’s kid literally roped with 3 crying cats, 1 rope emoji instead of typing hanged, 1 broken heart that appears to be a custom color, the coffin, the purple square cross, a dove, and bizarrely a croissant

No. 2456073

That was probably the best way to break the news if you think about it. You would have been depressed and without this story for us to enjoy if your mom didn't have an emoji problem

No. 2456081

>a croissant
my fucking sides

No. 2456094

File: 1742599170025.jpg (42.06 KB, 748x420, pepes.jpg)

>been feeling awful on/off for weeks, thirsty, horrible headache
>water makes it worse and nauseous
>have tried electrolytes, no luck
>milk makes me feel a bit better
I'm never not impressed by how thoroughly retarded me and my body is.

No. 2456097

That’s true and a nice way to look at it. I will take the emojis as a sign my mom is coping well at least. Kinda heard some concerning rumors about him being a sex pest so idk if I would’ve been sad regardless, but it is always bizarre/unsettling when someone you grew up around dies young

Kek I wish lc didn’t have a restriction on emojis so I could transcribe the text it’s baffling

No. 2456101

Just post a screenshot of the message

No. 2456114

help me nonas, i feel so bad about this and i have no idea how to deal with my emotions.

here’s the story: i’m in a long term committed relationship but last year when we were going through a hard time and i was super depressed i made a male best friend and we spent a lot of time together due to shared interests. nothing happened between us, we just had a nice time together and i saw it as a sibling dynamic. however life goes on and we both got busy, and we fell out of contact but the thing that got to me was that he started talking to me like we weren’t close at all. it bothered me so much to the point where i was thinking about it and missing him all the time - so i figure i must have fallen for him. the thing is though, that my actual relationship improved and i’m fulfilled and happy in love, but it’s like my heart is compartmentalised and part of it is fine and part of it is super broken. is it normal to think so much about someone months after you stopped being in contact? does this mean i’m polyamorous? i just feel so bad and i want it to stop and it doesn’t feel fair to my actual bf that someone else is on my mind so much

No. 2456115

I’m tired of always being ignored

No. 2456129

File: 1742600687871.jpeg (56.78 KB, 736x711, IMG_1066.jpeg)

i got braces yesterday and it hurts so fucking much to bite down. all i can eat is cottage cheese and yogurt. someone kill me now.

No. 2456132

You can like two people at the same time, the polyamory label is retarded. Choose wisely

No. 2456135

>Does this mean I'm polyamorous?
I hate to do this but this is a peak hettie moment.

No. 2456146

eh, look into limerence nonna. sometimes the brain fixates on what has been lost more than the genuine feelings that were there.

No. 2456147

i’ve already made my choice but how do i get over the other guy? he is haunting my brain and i want it to stop

No. 2456155

When he comes into your mind change the subject of your mind.

No. 2456156

matched with who i thought was the most beautiful butch woman on tinder and turns out she's a tif. fml

No. 2456161

Shes a tif but categorised herself as a woman?

No. 2456185

File: 1742603574678.jpeg (638.8 KB, 1125x1138, 7F09AA32-C2A7-4A0C-A3B3-979ECA…)

There is something so raw and visceral about telling my friends of 15+ years I love them, and them me. It feels more tender and honest than any man’s confession ever has or possibly ever will. I feel so honored and blessed to have the friends that I do in my life. I love them. I hope that continues for another fifteen years if not more.

No. 2456245

File: 1742607364559.jpg (18.82 KB, 474x540, 1000004880.jpg)

I hate living with men. They're so disgusting. They aim and piss in the toilet, think their aim is good. You dumb, worthless ugly retards. I know everytime you aim and piss. Your aim isn't good. I would know because I'm the only one who cleans the fucking bathroom. You unhygienic piss goblins. You leave dried piss stains everywhere and I have to clean it up because you're too fucking lazy to do it yourself. Filthy fucking pigs. Manchildren. Your mom should've swallowed. To any of you hideous bald ogres lurking, women know exactly how nasty you lot are. Change or kys. It takes no effort to sit down like a human being

No. 2456248

>try to vent to/discuss job anxieties with mom
>conversation just reveals she's more fearful about what will happen to her if i get sacked (i'm the main breadwinner for the home)
>she ends up smoking weed and blacking out after trying to insist that this dead-end job is the best thing for me and i'm making excellent money and should just tongue the boss man's boots so i don't get laid off
can't even imagine what it's like to have parents you can talk to about your feelings without them making it all about them or guilt-tripping you for shit you can't help (should i just nuke india from the map? idk)

No. 2456253

Nasty as the fuckers are, I've been told their dick either touches the water or pees under the toilet seat. If you ever wonder how piss ends up in colorful places, that might be why.

No. 2456259

File: 1742608322978.jpg (77.88 KB, 720x849, 1000004441.jpg)

Don't care. Scum like them don't think of women who need to use the toilet after they leave piss droplets and stains on the seat

No. 2456270

We put the family dog down this morning and I’m so wrecked by it. She declined really quickly over the last two weeks to where she took a series of falls yesterday and was in a ton of pain. I’m really struggling to cope with the decision because a small part of me feels like we could’ve treated her and kept her for maybe a few more months and at the same time I know that she wouldn’t have had any quality of life left. I feel like I’ve been robbed of so much more time I could’ve spent with her. Just last week I was taking her on long walks and this morning she couldn’t even stand. I just hope dog heaven is real and that I’ll see her again some day

No. 2456295

I’m so sorry Nona. Everybody has those same doubts but what you did was right. She’ll be waiting for you, I’m sure.

No. 2456297

Heaven exists and angels are calling her a good girl and keeping her happy for you.

No. 2456301

Dating is hell and moids are opportunistic creatures who are just as much goldiggers and confusing as they claim women to be.

No. 2456302

They're worse

No. 2456307

kek I see the similarities and why people thought the posts were familiar

No. 2456309

Thank you nonas, it means a lot to me

No. 2456314

Feel sick to my stomach realizing that I've inadvertently let a male take advantage of my labor in an academic setting again. I'm taking a gen. chemistry lab and my partner has almost always either 1. Missed class or 2. Left early. He told me and our professor that he was struggling with health issues, but it turns out that he was just watching football with his stupid fucking friends. Not even playing the damn sport just watching it on a tv. I'm so uniquely angry because I literally got diagnosed with a rare and potentially incurable pelvic pain condition this semester, and now have to take high amounts of gabapentin to even function. The emotional pain of that diagnosis has worn me down so much that I couldn't even recognize any of his red flags. Also every time he did come, he kept "forgetting" to wear his safety goggles (this seems to be a male only problem, all the females in that class follow proper precautions). Including when we were handling acids that can cause permanent blindness! Fuck him and this entire institution.

No. 2456322

its so petty but i get genuinely annoyed when i see people with "SCAD" in their bio (if you dont know, its a southern art college) i wanted to go so bad, but instead im just going to a shitty community college to get some generic business degree. not to mention my art is always 10x better than theirs and im all self-taught. it pisses me off! i deserved their opportunities way more than these boring 18 year olds and their autistic object show art. so stupid.

No. 2456328

I liked the pain of my braces getting tightened kek, it was numbing in a good way. I miss the sensation.

No. 2456329

KEKK this is going to be a shitshow, update me in a couple of months. Your prototype tends to fuck up everything in their life in pursue of retarded stuff.

No. 2456337

The only men who ever fucking hit on me are already in fucking relationships

No. 2456340

Find evidence that he's lying to be lazy and present it to your professor

No. 2456345

As someone who went to art school: AI already totally fucked our job prospects. You were smart not to have gone, especially if your artwork is good without it. Networking is the only reason to go these days.

No. 2456349

If it’s any consolation anon, you’re probably better off with the business degree. I went to one of those schools and while I learned a lot, it also took me like ten years to pay off my student loans (and that was with a significant scholarship package). I don’t regret going but I don’t recommend it to people nowdays either. The job market for art/design jobs was already competitive before, but it is slim pickings now with the rise of AI. It makes taking out loans for a pricy school even more of a gamble. You’re much better off getting a business degree while working up your portfolio on the side, or at least your basic credits at the community college and then if you still really really want to go to SCAD, try to shoot for getting a scholarship for the last two years.

No. 2456380

File: 1742617705244.jpeg (47.15 KB, 735x867, 1737373169571.jpeg)

you guys are right, i just feel sad that my family couldnt afford to have me go to a "real" college/university and have the college experience and live in a dorm and stuff. realistically i probably wouldve hated art school because i imagine its full of gendies right now and i hate drawing stuff that i dont want to, but i guess i have a weird idealized life in my head that doesnt really exist but i still wish i could have? these scad kids probably dont even have much of a better life than i do. im just neurotic about this subject for no reason lol

No. 2456406

I want to throw up. Why. I feel so fucking sick to my stomach. I'm >>2456337 the guy I was flirting with and sending nudes to and receiving nudes from and was telling me I'm the perfect woman had a girlfriend. He had a fucking girlfriend. I want to kill myself, I feel so sick to my stomach I feel like I'm actually going to throw up I'm bawling my eyes out and I feel like self harming. Why did this have to happen to me? Why does this keep happening to me?

No. 2456409

Why send nudes to a guy you know they ate never kept private

No. 2456423

Look up revenge porn laws for your state or if you’re in an area that has courts that lean towards women when it comes to VAWA laws. If you can find your photos on pimeyes or other search sites take his ass to court immediately, if he can lie about having a gf then he definitely isn’t trusted with not spreading your photos. Hope you can get through this without too much trouble nonna

No. 2456444

Thank you anon. I'm really trying hard to not hurt myself. I feel like it's my fault I didn't ask him if he had one… I feel humiliated and ugly and gross. I don't know what I keep doing to deserve things like this to happen to me

No. 2456445

You probably are ugly and gross if you send nudes to numerous men who have girlfriends. You know you're more likely to be picked if you aren't so public with your desperation

No. 2456450

File: 1742621060691.jpeg (600.71 KB, 2653x1152, IMG_8785.jpeg)

kek literally becky

No. 2456451

madonna whore complex: farmer edition

No. 2456453

I swear there's incels afoot. As if 3+ is a high body count anyway.

No. 2456454

What’s your problem? Sounded like she didn’t know he had a girlfriend. Still stupid to send nudes to scrotes, but it’s not like she was intentionally trying to homewreck.

No. 2456456

She said it happened before. Sending nudes is retarded. They're not even dating they're just flirting on an app and she's gifting him with nudes. Idk about you but I've only known of ugly girls with an Axe to grind over not getting picked by some loser as the type of women that fire off nudes for attention. Or just pure sluts.

No. 2456457

File: 1742621382808.mp4 (321.78 KB, 360x360, im so focking angry.mp4)

Someone in my house ate my seaweed and I am so fucking angry I have been saving that shit until I could make my mean sushi bake but had to postpone it because I was missing some ingredients. And it was the snack packets with thicker sheets too. Im absolutely livid

No. 2456459

I wish they'd get a containment thread already, they've made the stupid questions thread unreadable for days

No. 2456461

Containment thread for what? So we can have incels posting here wtf

No. 2456465

All their virgin sperging that keeps leaking everywhere but you're right that'll probably just attract more of them

No. 2456466

lc just has a lot of femcels

No. 2456469

If they keep being annoying retards then I'm going to have to just constantly talk about my sex life to make them uncomfortable and get explicit about some of the fun places I've given and received head.

No. 2456472

Nice way to out yourself faggot(scrotefoiling)

No. 2456475

I don't remember them acting this annoying years ago though, not even last year. I think the super extra spergy ones are just a couple of anons

No. 2456476

Who the hell is going to be pissed about that kek? nonnas problem is with moids not women living their life and getting head. If you want to anger them you are going to have more luck talking about sucking cock.

No. 2456478

Wtf do you think giving head means

No. 2456486

I feel so suffocated. I don't have my own room, my parents are overbearing, my full time job take up so many hours in a day with the traveling time. I don't have any safe space in real life and I just feel so exhausted. All I want now is a private space and time for myself, but I have to keep moving if I want to get out of here. Fuck.

No. 2456502

I didn't know any of them had girlfriends until way after the fact. I'd been seeing this guy for 2 months and we had been friends for maybe 7 or 8 years, he never mentioned having a girlfriend and his Facebook says single (which he uses all the time) I had no clue he was in a relationship until I was in a discord call with his friends tonight and she popped in. I don't know why you would immediately assume the worst and think I'm a home wrecker

No. 2456510

>any of them
Wait how many times has this happened? Blunt-anon has a point if the same thing keeps happening after you send nudes to men. Also I've never sent a single nude (not once, ever) to a moid and they have nude photos/video of me. Lack of sympathy from me and probably many others since you keep choosing to do this

No. 2456522

That’s the risk you take. They could send it to all their friends or post on some sketchy ass Russian nude sharing site (happened to me lol). Men have had entire second families as well, you never truly know a person. I’m not saying this to scold you or freak you out it’s just the truth, don’t ever send anything you wouldn’t want printed 10 feet tall on a billboard. That said, it’s already happened, so just make your peace with it, don’t let it control you, and don’t do it again. Maybe look up revenge porn laws like the other anon said.

No. 2456539

File: 1742628130327.jpg (329.9 KB, 800x680, 6c29b9bd7c41ca6002481de72f8507…)

I am so in love with this guy but he very obviously doesnt like me. He leads me on because he's too kind to tell me no and i feel like such a creep. God, he's adorable. He looks like a capybara. I have met cute looking guys before who ended up being demons, but this retard is as pure as a moid can get. Just fucking adorable, ugh.

No. 2456555

File: 1742629026806.jpeg (65.77 KB, 600x900, 177.jpeg)

>He looks like a capybara.
this guy?

No. 2456560

Jfc nona that is an exact match. Of a capybara I mean (nta)

No. 2456564

nta but holy shit he does kek

No. 2456566

I knew one of my closest friends couldn’t stand the person I have been for 12 years now but having them say the things they said last week…basically they told me they don’t like him at all, that I deserve so much better, then they started to list all my qualities and started pushing again and again with the idea that I should break up with him or go into therapy ????? Because they can’t seem to understand our relationship.
I’m a very reserved person and I don’t tell almost anything about my relationship because of course it has its flaws, nobody’s perfect after all, but I think some aspects of said relationship must be kept private because people wouldn’t comprehend the whole of it. Maybe it’s because I grew up around judgemental people but I can’t help it.
I told them that I can understand why they could think about us being together as something negative because I never tell anything and it’s respectable but I also told them all the good things that were happening in that moment, and how our relationship basically works (of course it didn’t work at all, they don’t ever listen to me).
Now I’m feeling like…meh. Before it was cordial, I knew this lesson didn’t like him and that was it, I tried to brush it off every time they got together in the same place or space. But the things they said…it was all too much. After a few days I keep repeating the words and I know how cruel they were, to be honest. They dismissed my partner like he was this awful monster that didn’t care about me (just based on their opinions, not in actions because I never told anything), or that he didn’t love me just…because. Their impression after all.
I feel like they were trying to make me choose and it’s so unfair that someone can do that to you under the false disguise of being worried about you.

No. 2456569

This is actual moid tier posting wtf. I saw nonnas mention that there are clearly males on this board now but I never properly noticed until now. I also don’t support sending nudes to men but this meme is such scrote fodder(scrotefoiling)

No. 2456571

That is not what i meant! i meant he has cute sleepy face. That guy does not look like a capybara unless the capybaras in your country do crack cocaine. Capybaras look chill.

No. 2456572

>sleepy face
Coomer opiate addict

No. 2456578

Hes def autistic but i doubt hes a coomer. Otherwise he would have taken advantage of me already.

No. 2456596

I'm trying not to assign meaning to the fact that I no longer wake up with new unexplained injuries after moving out of the family home. It's been almost ten years without a mystery cut or bruise. I really don't want to think about this but it's the middle of the night and I can't stop crying.

No. 2456597

Jfc maybe you had a shit diet while living at home. If there is all sorts of context to this you left out, you should include it in your first post bc this sounds extremely paranoid and manic

No. 2456599

Same diet, same activities, same everything except I live alone now. This is the kind of thing I hear from people who had brothers/uncles/other moids living at home, but I didn't have anyone like that other than my parents.

No. 2456607

What kind of bed did you sleep in? And I'm not brushing off your worst case scenario, just that it should be worst case

No. 2456628

Art related vent, it peeves me so much when anons on this site on one hand look at literally any anime girl and calls it sexualized pedo loli bait by default, and then on the other hand you have a humanoid animal furry with twinkling eyelashes, a skinny waist and thicc thighs and anons go "idk doesn't look humanoid to me, I don't think this is sexualized it's not like it even has boobs"

No. 2456631

You likely just bumped into things more back there nona, and in a new space you don't do that as much. I wake up with bruises in weird places all the time because I'm clumsy and hit corners on tables and shelves but forget about it

No. 2456643

So I started talking with this guy online a bit over a week ago. Literally nonstop, all day, everyday, we had SO many things in common (that were not common to begin with), lots of curious similarities, we were really open to each other etc. He kept telling me over and over again how I was the perfect woman for him, how he liked me so much, how amazing I was, etc etc. Then a couple of days ago I had a really bad fight with a family member, which made me a bit annoyed at the whole world.. Anyway we were talking and in the middle of the convo he "disappeared", only to reappear a couple of hours later and since I was already in a bad mood I acted a little bit pissy to him about it. (just like not answering in time and just being a bit distant). Later at night I apologized for my behaviour and told him it wasn't his fault and that I was sorry. Next morning he messaged saying that it was not going to work out for him and he didn't need this drama in his life. SERIOUSLY? Not only was there NO drama and I promptly apologized for my behaviour. I am seriously thinking there was something else going on, maybe he found another girl or idk. I am not sure but it affected me a bit because I really liked this dude (even though it had only been a week) and if he really liked me too then this one incident shouldn't have been the deal breaker. Idk what else to say nonnas, except fuck men, seriously.

No. 2456644

File: 1742640238556.jpg (108.51 KB, 704x607, tumblr_950cf148751f1c8eac2584b…)

im going to the gyno in less than 2 weeks but the cramping is scaring me so bad im anxious and worried. why the fuck does it hurt even when im not on my period now

No. 2456652

Most probably don't draw. Their opinions are worth basically nothing if their eyes are untrained. Alternatively, could be different anons each time, which means we have a diverse selection of opinions contradicting one another from various sources.

No. 2456671

He was lovebombing you and wants you to grovel at his feet to get him back, don't do that. Either ghost him or send him a cheerful message about how you've thought it over and you think he's right, you two really wouldn't have worked out, wish him well, and immediately start talking to other guys if there's any chance that he can see how active you are on the platform you used to chat. The important thing is to not sound upset at all about him, because that's what he's looking for. If/when he comes crawling back, act like it's a joke and point out that he was the one who broke it off, and if he still doesn't leave you alone, tell him he's taking this way too seriously and it's freaking you out, then block him. And there's a 99.999% chance he will come back because he wants to see your reaction to getting your heart smashed into a billion little pieces. He wants tears and promises of change. He doesn't want you to have treated it like a minor inconvenience at best and moved on.
Scrotes sob about muh loneliness epidemic then pull this shit. Literally peak retard.

No. 2456682

Thank you SO much for these words, nonnie. This is kind of what I was thinking he was doing but I just thought he was different. Dumb-ass me, of course. I did tell him when this went down (yesterday) , after I apologized a couple of times for my behaviour and he was still set on ending things that I hope he finds whatever he's looking for, and good luck. Then I proceeded to erase all our convo/pics (thank you telegram) and that's it. One thing I learned from this is that men do NOT change with age. We are both in our thirties so I thought he wouldn't pull this teenage shit but Ive been proven wrong.
Thank you again, nonna!

No. 2456685

You couldn’t keep from acting pissy and weird with him for one week over completely unrelated stupid crap, of course he’s getting out now kek. You sound really immature with no sense of personal responsibility or emotional regulation. I’d leave too if I started dating someone while in our 30s and they were having giant family fights and acting pissy.

No. 2456689

>Anyway we were talking and in the middle of the convo he "disappeared", only to reappear a couple of hours later and since I was already in a bad mood I acted a little bit pissy to him about it. (just like not answering in time and just being a bit distant)
Nonnie I'm gonna be real with you. A couple of hours of not responding was enough to cause this? And it's a guy you've only been talking to for a week? Maybe he was taking an abnormally hard shit, you know men and their hour-long bathroom and probably jerkoff sessions. Not to defend him but this is not normal behaviour. People have real lives and sometimes they need to get away from the phone unexpectedly. I don't blame him for getting out, this is a typical red flag of someone with emotional dependency issues.

No. 2456699

File: 1742645704192.gif (721.38 KB, 500x289, jhgfhjk.gif)

Not to sound schizo but I feel like this could be classroom-chan again

No. 2456702

>We are both in our thirties so I thought he wouldn't pull this teenage shit but Ive been proven wrong
You are the one acting like a teenager if you not only think that people should be glued to their phone 24/7, but also take your bad moods out on people you barely know kek.

No. 2456708

My sister is clearing out my parents' basement and she found a box of old photos from when we were kids and is now sending photos over snapchat of me fully nude as a child/toddler for the whole family to laugh at. I adviced her to stop because even though the photos are innocent, I'm not comfortable having them shared over a digital platform even to close family. She told me to relax and that nothing will happen. She knows that as a teenager I as abducted by a grown man who forced me to get naked and allow him to take photos of me in return for letting me go, so I'm already screwed up knowing there are naked photos out there of me on the internet that were taken without my consent. Would it be totally out of line for me to report my sister to snapchat for posting these photos? I just want her to stop dismissing it as no big deal and even her just getting an official warning from the app would be nice.

No. 2456712

yes report her, your sister is a nasty bitch. there's plenty of sexual abuse within families and who knows what could happen to those photos.

No. 2456713

I'm feeling so anxious and for what, I hate it that I'm aware of how pathetic I am, just standing there unable to speak it out loud and again scared that I'm not explaining myself in case they're thinking I didn't do it

No. 2456714

Why do you write in American and British english

No. 2456716

File: 1742647604198.gif (843.19 KB, 446x232, side-eye-squint-1207580140.gif)

Yeah anon what's up with that

No. 2456720

Lol I've lived in many countries and so I guess my writing is a bit mixed.

You girls are right. My reaction was a bit too much but I realized my mistake and apologized on that same day, saying this is not how I generally act (which is the honest truth). Do I deserve to be cut-off after this? I don't think so but I do agree , again, that my behaviour was a bit off. Thank you all for your opinions!

No. 2456722

Idk probably not. Moids are notoriously retarded so we try not to internalize their chaotic decisions and just be glad we aren't like them

No. 2456726

>Do I deserve to be cut-off after this?
I think if you had known each other for a bit longer, probably not. After one week you were still getting to know each other, so even a comparatively small thing can be a deal-breaker for the other party. I'm happy that you manage to self-refect on your behaviour.

No. 2456733

Did you sleep with animals in the bed? (I’ve gotten minor injuries from my cat and my bfs dog in the bed, like a bruise on my calf or a scratch on my face) Did you have any other symptoms aside from random bruises and where were the bruises? Are you paranoid that you were being raped or something?

No. 2456775

miss that ugly dog every day

No. 2456843

I didn't make the meme. I reposted it because I thought the description matched the phenomenon itt.

No. 2456846

It's so annoying that freaks and geeks only got one season. What a show. What a cast. What ambience!

No. 2456885

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I've been having PTSD dreams literally every night for a week. I think it's a sign that I'm actually starting to heal and process what happened but I hate having them

No. 2456891

I got caught letting someone into the gym 2 days ago. I wasn't doing it on purpose. I had an issue with my scanner and it didn't work for me, so I thought while running on the treadmill. She did the whole scan thing and it didn't work too, so I let her in. The next day I go in AM and the owner confronts me. Luckily I won't pay a fine this time as it's a warning. I'm never running on that particular treadmill again. I'll run in the corner so I don't have to do awkward contact. Fuck trying to be nice! aaaaa.

No. 2456898

So as a older gen-z who is just as confused….what the fuck happened to gen-z and what is happening to gen-alpha?

They are basically UNevolving and becoming regressive. Maybe it's just me who notices this but anti-empathy and right-leaning seems to be a big thing in my generation. Coquette, tradwife, romanticizing trophy-wife age gaps with old moids, extreme ageism and lookism towards women while hyping up and lusting after ugly old men. In general my generation seems to take things like abuse or sexual assault less seriously too.

Ive noticed gen-z and the younger millenials falling down this rabbit-hole of just becoming a pickme npc.

While this is less serious than the tradwife stuff another thing i can't stand about my generation is how pro-bully and anit-individualism is. You are basically only cool if you are into the same hobbies or fashion that is currently trending for like a year and if you still dress or have those hobbies after the trend is over they will tell you ''still dressing like that in 2025'', ''still doing that in 2025'' ''bro stuck in 2021''. Also maybe it's me but ive seen a increase in bullying of disabled people too, i remember growing up as a kid, disabled people were the only people we were not allowed to bully but now as adult i notice that bullying and picking on disabled people has become way more normalized and appropriate especially online when i remember 10 years ago even online picking on the disabled was still taboo.

Alot of gen-z around me have the worst qualities of boomers and of gen-x combined. And the ones who are not bad people. are instead lazy and complicit.

No. 2456904

There's so much propaganda online and gen z and alpha are so online they soak it up.

No. 2456905

I don't see that at all. I see a lot of older women overreacting to moid-planted tiktok trends and believing that represents real life, when in reality age-gap couples have never been more unpopular. It must be crazy living in your world, you should get out and talk to young women more

No. 2456908

my post wasn't just made for the online world. This has been my experience with gen-z normies in my day to day life. It's great that you and the people you have around you in your echo-chamber are like that but that's not how it is irl.

Also very weird that you are calling a gen-z a ''old woman'' how old are you that you think people in their 20's are old? You are exactly the type of person i was talking about in my post when i mentioned ageist, complicit and lazy.

No. 2456916

Idk what to say to this bc I know you're wrong and I don't care enough to argue with you about it. You just seem really triggered bc you're lying about something dumb and want us to believe it is true. And I meant that older women outside of these age groups are pretending this is some kind of epidemic, the same way their mothers/aunts insisted slut bracelets were a national scourge a generation before you posted this

No. 2456919

young moids are more conservative due to propaganda and porn online, young women want to appeal to men and still date so they become conservative pickme types. also economic instability and backlash to libs being femininely annoying during millenial times.

No. 2456920

>I don't care enough to argue with you about it.
>You just seem really triggered bc you're lying

No you just can't refute my point tiktokfag.

No. 2456921

Ntayrt, but you sound extremely annoying. Coming from another zoomer I can already tell you’re the type of person to leave “womp womp” in the comments of a serious persons video. Imagine being ageist to someone who’s probably only a handful of years apart from you.
>Go talk to young women
The oldest Gen-Z is in their mid twenties. We are the young women you faggot. You’re either literally underaged or you’re deluding yourself into thinking you’re in some special guarded classification of “young women” just because you’re probably orbiting 19. Committed to being insufferable.

No. 2456922

Don't work with porn fried tards. I just made like $150 in an hr but jesus christ some of these idiots can barely spell to save their life, not to mention I had one rn that every time he sent me money for a photoset or custom video, he sent me a "is it done yet" or "when are you sending it" for every single minute that passed.

No. 2456927

You can tell that Gen-Z’s youth envy is going to manifest in a much more bitter way than millennials did just because of the way they slyly bully each other over being older as it is. When Gen-Alpha grows up it’s going to be an even worse war, because they’ll be the enviable youth who will determine pop culture for years, as millennials did, and as we are now. All it’ll take is Gen alphas realizing that to trigger Gen-Z you just have to remind them that they’re all middle-aged or approaching it, and aren’t youthful in any capacity, and they’ll mald about it. This is like throwing a bucket of water on the wicked witch of the west as she screeches. Thankfully I’ve made peace with growing older but some of these other zoomers, lord, it’ll be bad.

No. 2456928

Are you an of whore anon….

No. 2456933

Gen alpha are fucked because of COVID. There's a non zero chance they'll leave a noticeable impact on society like baby boomers because of how being exposed to the internet since age 3 is making them develop all sorts of mental illnesses.

No. 2456935

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You're the tiktokfag nona. What do you need to know? If you're a cityrat, the people around you will do w/e their phones say, young or old. Sometimes the same thing happens in poor meth-ridden country areas. Every generation has a weird "ackshually walled moids are sexy and you should entertain them, teenage girls" psy-op but like any falsehood or lie, it quickly falls apart and crumbles then people forget about it for a while. It's always the usual susepcts, pedos and young girls with very self esteem issues who are usually poor or traumatized. If chasing walled scrotes wasn't something they enjoyed doing before it became trendy, it won't be something they'll be doing after the trend dies out

No. 2456939

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There is nothing worse than a moid who can't do conflict. If you are a grown man and you're afraid of conflict you should be weeded out via natural selection and left to die, I don't care. You're telling me you have physical and societal advantage and you're still being a faggot and scared of setting boundaries? What is wrong with you?
This faggot I'm venting about has a woman 10+ years older than him in his Discord messages and tries to say to me "yeah I just don't want to cause problems and can't hack conflict" no you dumb bitch you just enjoy the attention and want to pretend like you don't. He cares more about keeping some sort of shallow situationship/attention from a woman who also never leaves the house and cries to him over vc. It's literally so easy to block someone and forget about them through an online space. He better not start crying that he was groomed or something when she finally gets sick of him. Like grow a fucking spine, the state of the modern moid is absolutely pathetic. There's women out here getting groomed and stalked and murdered simply for being born female yet you're "scared of conflict" when it comes to not giving some 30year old shut-in any attention.

No. 2456943

This is like the plot of baby reindeer except your scrote isn't in his 40s and has his whole life ahead of him to disappoint women like this

No. 2456950

Why the hell men are so disgusting? I was at an ice cream shop sitting at beside the wall of the shop and i could hear this gross old guy making slurping sounds everytime he tasted his ice cream like he was making out with it even though he was all the way to the other wall. Men should die.

No. 2456951

Ew I'm sorry she did that. I had one weird nude photo of me that was taken when I was a kid and it bothered me enough that I brushed ink over it and put it through a paper shredder.

No. 2456952

yeah the youth obsession with gen-z is severe and i have already seen this with my own eyes of 2005+ gen-z bullying 1997-2003 gen-z for being too old.
you keep hyper-focusing on the age-gap thing while ignoring everything else i mentioned in my post. Are we not going to talk about the shift into the right? Like what is this gaslighting as if im not gen-z myself. Not everyone is in some artsy community like yours. Where im at i noticed that my peers are more conservative and that's it.

No. 2456955

gen-alpha seem so lobotomized especially the boys like look at them….

No. 2456956

Kinda based for them to hate furries

No. 2456959

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I hate this so much. I hate him!

No. 2456960

Speak on it.

No. 2456961

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I'm happy about the shift to the right, it was too much. I feel the same as these young people, even though I am older than them

No. 2456966

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I've had abdominal/stomach cramps since Thursday and I'm guessing I caught a GI bug. I'm disappointed because all week I told myself I'd do something Saturday because it's my one day off and I'm following the artist's way book so today I planned to do the extended artiste's date, now it's almost noon and I haven't even gotten out of bed or showered. It was my spring break from college but I just worked every day and now I feel like shit. Fuck this millenial workaholic life

No. 2456969

i'd take furry tranny shit that only makes up 1% of the population to right wing tradwife barefoot and pregnant apathetic to abuse psyop that is more way likely to become popular among normies.

No. 2456978

awww and is our old tradthot married w kids or are you leftover as right wing men would say?

No. 2456988

I think my mums a lolcow of her own and has enough material i could fill up threads of her (i wouldn't but yk?). she's 60 and never grown up, shes always relied on everyone else, and specifically on me since I was a child. she won't even do simple things for herself.

she used to beat me for disobeying her, or she wouldn't let me in and I'd sit for hours on the doorstep, but her health has declined and she doesn't have the strength to do that now. still I feel like that same little kid that's terrified they'll get beat and instead does everything not to upset mummy.

it's stupid, she's disabled and so physically weak she does nothing for herself out of pure laziness, so I have to do everything.

and I can't do it any longer.
how do I get through to her that this is killing me? that she needs to stop being so helpless and feeling sorry for herself?

No. 2456991

What the hell has happened to lolcow? Where did all these ballerinafarm faggots come from? I don't understand how any woman can risk her right to own a bank account, no fault divorce, have an abortion, discrimination laws etc. Troons are awful but the right is straight up jeopardazing your rights as a woman.

No. 2456993


Yup. My country is literally running rampant with blackmail and people going on to public transport to charge "fees" to use it. The girl that makes my cosplays had to shut down her clothes shop IN A MALL because a dude went into her shop with a gun to tell her if she doesn't pay her fees she's gonna get fucked. I got robbed at gunpoint by some fucked up drugtards 3 months ago. My country is getting so fucked in the ass to the point foreigners are blackmailing SCHOOLS, like ELEMENTARY/MIDDLE schools full of kids that can barely afford the monthly tuition. I despise being an OF whore sometimes but its what helps me take care of my cats and stay alive in general. If I was working a normie job I'd be earning $300-400 monthly (this is only a livable wage with 0 pets, in a 4x5m room in a dogshit area), and probably giving up my cats for adoption to some cat killer because I cant afford them. Cant live with my parents either because my mom is a money-hungry schizo and dad is a splurging weirdo. Peru and most south american countries are so fucked that if you go to college, you'll be earning around the same unless you have contacts or go to the US, which isnt the most viable option considering the political situation there.

No. 2456994

I don't really care what they say, that's your issue. I just want to see less self-righteous trannies and they're taking care of that by postering and making popular spaces more hostile to content like that. By the time they soften up, it'll be leftoid time again

No. 2456999

Going to jail because of a miscarriage is totally worth owning the troons im sure

No. 2457002

she said it herself. The old tradthot >>2456994 thinks owning the trannies is more important than the things you mentioned.

No. 2457006

I sure hope you don't proclaim yourself a feminist, cause talking about other woman this way just because she doesn't perfectly align with your politics its insane

No. 2457007

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I'm always the last one at the party but the first one to make people leave! Wooo!

No. 2457009

I hate Baby Reindeer so much. Wasn't there some news about the scrote in that show being creepy with women at some celebrity awards show? Wouldn't surprise me given his entire show was just one long fetish-driven humiliation ritual for him to jerk off to.

No. 2457010

You guys know you can protest and campaign for individual issues and not blindly support political parties like retarded soccer fans

No. 2457011

that's americans for ya

No. 2457020

tradthot delusions: i am totally owning the trannies guys, i won't be affected by this.

Reality: economy get's worse, workers rights get worse, oligarchy, women's rights get worse, women are also in the DEI category so they get pushed out and discriminated even more in male-fields without DEI protecting them, the normies who got effected by the trump economy become tranny supporters out of spite which unironically leads to more tranny support than ever leaving trannies unaffected meanwhile all the other things like women,racism, economy have been greatly affected. But atleast you got to laugh at trannies for four years so that makes you feel better?


you unironically sound like the XY in this thread. Being against right-wingers doesn't make someone a tranny.

yet you are allowed to call other women trannies if they disagree, fucking hypocrite you are.

Kamala barely mentioned trannies during her campaign and gavin newsome even came out against troons competing with women in sports. You just have high standards for libs and no matter what they do or how much they try to pander to moderates it will never be good enough for you because you are a tradthot.(derailing/off topic)

No. 2457024


Continuing my vent sometimes it pisses me off that my family had much better opportunities than me and didn't use them for good. My cousin went to the US to continue her studies, then went full tard by getting preggo by a guy we all suspect is undocumented, who turned out to be abusive. She also got preggo barely 3 months into the relationship. The rest of my cousins had decent money so they all went to private colleges locally, and are doing meh. I had the awesome luck of being the daughter of a dumbass woman who married a man that paid for everything however he could and planned to take us to the US, then got divorced because she wouldn't stop beating him. When she got married again, the exact same thing happened: man paid for everything, then my mom beat him because he cheated on her right before he got our papers straightened out so we could become citizens. My dad is a US citizen but my mom was a bitch and didn't want to give him my documents to take me back to the US so he couldnt take me to the US or fix my papers so. Why did I have to get the weirdass poor parents? The only things I got going for me are that I'm the only one out of everyone thats living alone and paying my own bills(my other cousins are taken care of by their families since living abroad turned out to be expensive oh wow) but I genuinely wanted to get ahead in life. I could probably pop my pussy, save up and study in a decent place but even then I wouldn't be earning even 1/5th of what I earn now when I turn 26. I'll probably spend the rest of my life pandering to men who lacked proper motherly figures for a few more years, but at least I wont be a weirdo who posts how much she hates her mom and her baby daddy in her stories everyday while asking her mom if she can send some money for some baby toys like my cousin, or be 40 something and still live with my parents like my mom. I also hate myself for being a dumbass and not saving up money. I just now started thinking seriously about buying a house and there's a housing project in a beach town here where the houses are like $70k with a $7k down payment with a beach view, pool facilities, gym too I think. Hope I get to buy one of them.

No. 2457025

You just sound like a typical reactionary tranny. This is how they act toward women, weaponizing progressive or political topics while still communicating like a raging misogynist(scrotefoiling)

No. 2457026

>right-leaning seems to be a big thing in my generation
Serious question as a non-american: what's the alternative? if young people don't want to fuck with left politics anymore (trannies, idpol etc) then what are they supposed to do? simply nope out of politics?
why are you spacing your posts like that?
You know we all are already under an oligarchy, right?

No. 2457034

so you don't think calling women trannies is misogynist or a very clear silencing tactic? You can't even combat what i say. You can only scream tranny into the void like a histrionic.
nope, europe is better when it comes to america in terms of more varied politics (depending on the country) I would join a centrist politicial party or a centre-left party if the left in your country is too much.
>You know we all are already under an oligarchy, right?
technically in the beginning stages of oligarchy but yes.(derailing/off topic)

No. 2457038

NTA but wym spacing your posts like that? If you’re gonna respond to multiple anons in one post usually that’s how the text is formatted

No. 2457158

Forgot my dad's birthday…

No. 2457168

Not nonna but you are just that clockable kek
Mainly this
>imisogynist or a very clear silencing tactic?
And your other monologue. Try better next time Lilith.

No. 2457175

You’ve been so focused on trannies and didn’t say nothing but
>but Kamala wasn’t even focused on trannies (us) she didn’t even give us nothing! But you stupid bitch voted for Trump and look at where you are now! Stupid tradthot
You sounds like a mad man.
The situation is shitty given Trump’s politics, but you act like it’s just women who voted him president when that isn’t the case. And that’s another reason why you are clockable.’

No. 2457184

Every so often I get re-traumatized by the memory of the time I heard my grandfather watching porn on the TV. It just occasionally pops up in my head. My mom was in the house too, I have no idea why he thought that was ok.

No. 2457188

I feel so bad for my mother because she's probably narcissistic and thus can't change herself for the better. She hurts me and my family and I keep my distance because of that but it makes me so sad to know that whatever happens she won't be able to become a more empathetic human being. I don't think her friends are good people and I think they talk behind her back, other than that she's pretty lonely since her family doesn't want to be around her. Which is just so sad like imagine your own family not wanting to be around you. It makes her genuinely sad aswell to not really have immediate family around her but it's just not good to be with her for a long time (I feel so bad even writing this down about her). It's hard to put into words what kind of feeling her situation evokes: she can't change her ways, and her ways are being horrible to others, which pushes them away and makes her sad, but she won't change her ways so that she won't be lonely anymore. It's unfair that I can't help but feel bad even though she hurts me.

No. 2457190

Kek and this is the empowerment libfems talk about? They’ll silence voices like yours while claiming that it’s totally safe and empowering.’
Nonna I hope you can have enough money to hopefully stop doing that. Good luck and be safe.

No. 2457227

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>play vidya with online moid friend
>constantly commenting on every single move I make (usually why it's bad.), nonstop autistic dump of gamer facts, constant ego posturing on every move he makes being good
>play vidya with brother
>fun retarded conversation through and through, don't really care if I win or if I lose, neither of us feel the need to over correct or comment on what the other does
I love having a brother.

No. 2457240

American OF whores should be ashamed in comparison to you. I’m so sorry you are in such a fucked up situation

No. 2457254

holy shit nona I was about to ask if you're in Perú until i finished reading your post.
Cuídate mucho, ojalá todo mejore para nosotras las peruanas.

No. 2457261

I have relatives that are doing pretty well aboard (one is married to a rich businessman and shit) but everyone I JUST bring up the topic of MAYBE asking them for help (they already helped two of my cousins move abroad and no are doing well) my mother says I'm not a beggar and this would reflect poorly on my person.
An aunt of mine had a recent accident, she asked on the family chat to help her raise money for the surgery and my rich relatives paid paid for it, my mother couldnt stop bitching about this one aunt for "being a beggar and having no shame" mom she had broken her two legs give her some fucking slack.
What can I do

No. 2457267

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Seeing women and girls campaign and do activism for male victims of moid of moid rape sends me into a spiraling rage. I know those do it out of goodness of their hearts OR/and farming those good girl points but I know damn well those fuckers would never do the same for us. Women and students made viral marches for this kid that got raped by his classmates in heir school's bathroom and it JUST women and girls interacting in the posts about how he deserves justice and THEY gladly do activism to bring justice for their case. ContrARY to ppular belief it doesnt matter if the male victim was a literal boy prostitute THEY'RE never held to a fraction of scrutiny he female victim goes through, specially IF its a teen girl. If this was a girl moids and pickmes and even the fucking authorities would go around theorizing how she was a whore and lead them on, or already had done sexual stuff with the rapists and thus she bought it upon herself. I've seen it again and again.
I WISH these women knew MOST of male victims believe their trauma is WORSE than that of a woman because muh male honor and integrity which girls obviously dont have (sarcasm),

No. 2457268

Again I should reiterate this doesnt apply in the cases of little boy victims.

No. 2457278

There's no reward for suffering, and older relatives tend to love helping their younger ones out. Ask them and ignore your mother. It's not like she's going to give you the money or alleviate your problems.

No. 2457281

problem is that mother is so adamantly opposed to being helped even when she was literally dying.
We had a car accident before COVID, we were running short on funds and asked one uncle to help us with the money.
Uncle asks mom for details about the incident, she shuts him off and says I made it up (WE were both in the hospital) and got physically aggresive with me.
How can I convince the relatives NOT to tell anything to her?

No. 2457295

My best friend asked me to bring my…. situationship? to her birthday party, I'm freaking out kek. It's a really new thing and he hasn't met any of my friends yet and we haven't been anywhere as a "couple". Idk if he even wants to lol

No. 2457306

Crashing out right now in extreme anxiety because my coworker said they're calling off tomorrow and I'll be entirely alone for HOURS and Sunday is an extremely busy hellish day ALWAYS on top of me also having to close alone. I am absolutely freaking the fuck out right now.

No. 2457325

Every time I do these disability questionnaires, I end up crying. I can't stand talkding about this fucking illness. I wanna go back to pretending it isn't happening until it is.

No. 2457333

I feel like a deflated balloon and completely directionless

No. 2457339

Can you make yourself throw up in the bathroom, go home early, and then call in later tonight/tomorrow morning saying you have a severe stomach bug? Give it back to her.

No. 2457353

Eh, anon, thank you, I just wanted to vent that into the ether. As soon as I hit rely on here, I get a "that's enough being cringe for today" revelation and stop.

No. 2457357

Oops! Sorry, anon. I'll delete my post kek

No. 2457359

dont cry we all retards here

No. 2457362

does anyone else become completely useless the first 3 days of their period? i just become completely useless in terms of productivity. i have so much brain fog and cant articulate or comprehend or remember like usual. i can only do very little and i just want to sleep and acquire dopamine. i have shit to do! it’s hard to forgive my body and be kind to myself.

No. 2457364

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Why the fuck did mustaches become a trend again? And how did scrotes manage to meme themselves into believing they don't look like sex offenders with them? The dating pool for straight women is already abysmal as it is, and lately I've been glancing at my razor thinking "I can fix him" more often than I'd like to admit whenever I see a moid on my dating apps that would look good if he didn't decide that looking like the creepy neighbor with a weird porn collection is fashionable. I refuse to even entertain the thought of sleeping next to someone that look like they sell used cars for a living.

No. 2457369

Yes. Mine was so bad I got that entire kit surgically removed kek

No. 2457370

Worst trend of all time

No. 2457372

just become a vigilante mustache shaver and shave them when they're sleeping for great justice

No. 2457389

I’m off today and unfortunately I just started my job just a little bit over a month ago. If I called off the place would probably have to close really early and I’d be in gigs deep shit I’m sure.

No. 2457396

I thought it was bad when the lumberjack branch of the hipster trend was gaining traction in the early 2010's, I fucking hate facial hair of any type but at least then you could tell who prioritized grooming themselves by either using oils or regular visits to the barber instead of just leaving it to grow however it wants. Still ugly as fuck of course.
But this trend? You can't convince me they don't look like slimeballs, wearing a mustache like that signals that you wear tighty whities and have been contacted by HR more than once. It shouldn't be considered a fashion statement, it should be considered a punishment in the same vein as ankle bracelets. It makes me want to put them in a SAW like basement with a small plier and a sandpaper and tell them they don't get to see their loli waifu pillow again unless they use either tool to get rid of those hairy snotblobs they call a mustasche.

No. 2457402

L-LC is dead.. LC is d-dying…

No. 2457403

what about man buns, those make me have a visceral reaction

No. 2457411

It's just a saturday

No. 2457412

Depends on the hair type. I don't like men with long hair, but if they have thick and well-groomed hair and is generally good-looking otherwise? I'd objectify the shit outta that. But 99% of the time? Bring me a pair of scissors sis, clearly someone needs to do god's work here because his hairdresser sure isn't.

No. 2457420

Most scrotes have trouble empathizing with anything that is weaker and smaller than they are. If it doesn't involve the scrote perspective, they don't see how harmful it is

No. 2457430

Same. I also have the most stereotypical, drawn out, insane PMS/PMDD imaginable. Had screenings for everything under the sun, hormones, cancer, PCOS - apparently my bitch of an uterus is all fine. Really don't want to go on the pill, trying out psych meds for now.

No. 2457443

I feel insane when purely het normie IRL women tell me that they find this shit and beards and stupid ass short haircuts attractive and actually seeking it in a moid. Am I a brainrotten weeb who doesn't perceive anyone who isn't a longhaired bishie anymore? Are they ugly man psyoped? Life is full of mysteries

No. 2457445

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>it’s just a saturday she says. the raven flapped right over the glistening fat sweat off the janny on a typical slow day, beckoning a death call for what she knew as lolcow. the sweat of determination to get someone redtexted dripped all over her belly as no one shall leave this prison without their approval. her sausage fingers rustled over her keys to the computer at her dead end HR job, where she would have to log off and drive her beat up back to her husband who’s been browsing 4chan all day and hasn’t taken the trash out since last tuesday, but at least she befriended the rodent who’s been digging in it and has become her best friend. but the rodent knew something about this janny, a dark little secret. little did anyone know that the rodent has been helping her steal the last remainder of the jannies thatve been patrolling the website. the amount of hearty nutrition from digging in such fatty meat has made the rodent increase in gargantuan size and if she is able to get one last janny left to throw into the jaws of her beastly companion, she will finally be able to unlock the keys of jannyverse

No. 2457453

I'm not a janny

No. 2457460

They wouldn't call you back for an in person appointment after you did a breast cancer biopsy, right? I'm fucking freaking out. Why would they call you in to tell you the news if you have cancer or not. Are there other reasons why they'd make you go in. I'm about to throw up.

No. 2457471

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I've been a neet for a very long time and now I've got my first proper job… and I'm so fucking overwhelmed with all of it. I don't even know why they hired me and why I said yes, I'm not even qualified enough for it, I lack experience and I only said yes because I was drunk and didn't know the whole responsibilities behind it. There is this thing in my country (maybe in most western countries), where women go for jobs they feel like they are 110% qualified for, while moids will apply for jobs they lack even the basic skills and I feel like a moid now. But honestly, I really like the job, I enjoy what I'm doing and will be doing and I just want to make it right and I want to become irreplaceable for the company. It's all so stupid and I feel stressed and I want to scream and being around people isn't easy either, it's like I'm lacking basic social skills. Someone please tell me to touch some grass.

No. 2457476

Mh nonna, in person? Here in my country they call you themselves when it’s bad news , otherwise it’s you who has to call them and ask if the results are ready.

No. 2457477

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You have to be really handsome to pull a porn stache so much that it ends up becoming a non issue. See picrel, he is handsome DESPITE the ugly stache.
All the scrotes my age (20-25) somehow are having it though, it’s hard out here

No. 2457480

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And they don’t even grow one like that, they always have the anorexic stache.

No. 2457483

Handsome, he can work it I guess but I'd still fly at him like an angry raccoon with my razor

No. 2457484


you might have a bit of imposter syndrome nona, if they hired you then i'm sure they had some reason to believe that you're a good fit. Just research what you can about the job for now and I'm sure they will help you some at first and won't just drop you in the deep end. I kind of feel what you're going through because I'm a NEET and I'm doing this training course thing later this year that's going to be really intense on planning and speaking to people. We just have to do our best, okay? I believe in you nona get your money(learn2integrate)

No. 2457486

>was able to get a job she isn’t qualified for
where do you live and what skin color do you have(racebaiting)

No. 2457491

Exactly. He’s cute so I can turn a blind eye kek.

No. 2457500

Nona it's okay to fuck up while learning. Also never sacrifice yourself for a job, channel your inner moid and stop caring about being the bestest specialest worker. They do not care.

No. 2457506

Well bitch fuck you. I need to stop entertaining headcases but they're drawn to me for some reason. Jesus fucking christ.

No. 2457526

Whatever happens, nona, you're gonna be okay.

No. 2457533

I live in Canada, and my family doctor has never called me when my symptoms were nothing. I've gotten "bad" news twice from her via phone and they weren't severe. One was low vitamin D and the other is non benign brain tumour. I can't understand why this time it wasn't also phoned to me. This sucks.

No. 2457541

Yeah, the doctors usually only call if there's something to tell you. If they didn't find anything with the biopsy, then that's good news so they won't call you to inform you. I agree that it's kind of stupid, they should call regardless of whether the results were good or bad.

No. 2457556

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>feels slightly better today because i was on the verge of tears to actually crying about my shitty life
>sitting around not sad
>literally remembers that the universe decided to make people like destiny and nick fuentes, two scrotes i wish i didn’t know about wealthy and successful
>therefore there is no god
>therefore there is no loving god
Why do my blackpills come so easily

No. 2457563

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Because you are slightly tarded, anon.
Seriously, who cares if there's a "loving god"? It just means scrotes have to take responsibility for themselves and the disgusting things they do. Conversely, every act of charity or kindness someone commits is intentional, every good thing about your world has happened because someone made it happen. When a woman takes a stand against moids and their abuse, she wasn't made into a martyr by god, she found that inner strength within her own heart. When anons are nice to you on here, it's not because god decided you were good and earned it, it's because a woman read your post and took the time to reach out to you.
Chin up, nona. Maybe take antidepressants.

No. 2457574

I wanted to vent but it feels not so important after I click on the cuddling tigers

No. 2457580

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I love lifting but I hate being hungry all the time REEEEE

No. 2457581

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Living examples for the rest of us, duhh

No. 2457587

File: 1742685396130.jpg (38.94 KB, 436x372, angry-reaction-cat-Favim.com-7…)

>search for macrame tutorial
>find it
>click on the video
>moid hands
>ugly moid hands
>ugly AND broad moid hands

No. 2457589


Honestly the only branch of SW I personally find empowering is femdom (which I almost never do). The rest is having to appeal to moids. Pedo moids, mommy issue moids, druggy moids, chubby chasers, etc… Its honestly so exhausting sometimes. I've had clients who asked for sessions telling me to give them JOI to pics of their NIECES, or to make fun of their ex/gf/wife with photos (which I can tell you I 100% did NOT ask for them). Just quick advice always keep tabs on your partner if he's dodgy or just fucking weird. The worst part about being a SW from Peru is that its so much easier to see doxxing, and misogyny first hand. These men genuinely share photos of ex-escorts or girls who worked hard to get out of porn and make fun of them. My ex used to be a brainfried pornfag who kept looking at pics of a content creator/escort who is MY FRIEND and got mad at me for getting upset over it, then he broke up with me to get with a 16yo(he was 24) who left him when he asked her to be his gf(disgusting pedofag). I sexted with another guy twice, tried to hook up, didnt do anything because I hate ONS(you never know when these fucktards have an STD or are just crazy) and what do you know, it was the smart thing to do because its been nearly 1-2 years of nonstop harrassment from this weirdo through my porn socials. Oh and another thing: there's a small chance that your boyfriend is in telegram groups asking if anyone is willing to share their gf's nudes for yours. Make sure to know the moid well before letting him be around your mom or friends, PLEASE. He might turn out to be fucked in the head, have incest or pedo fantasies, or generally fucked in the head.

Thank you for not judging me nonna. Had I been able to have a normal life I more than likely would not have done SW. I don't regret being a "joke" for having an OF, I regret being an outlet for these weirdos with horrible fantasies who have a hard time respecting the ppl who genuinely love them

Gracias manita. Peru is slowly going to hell, and funnily enough online SW is the safest job now. I went to eat menu like 2 days ago and the old lady who's the owner was talking to another old lady if she was getting blackmailed because they're starting to do so in the neighbourhoods nearby. What was on the radio? School was blackmailed. Teacher was shot. Street vendors getting blackmailed. Kid was shot because a school didn't want to pay fees. What the actual fuck is going on here? I never take the bus, and my bf kept annoying me about starting to take it to save money until we saw how blackmailers are getting into buses and extorting passengers. I have a phobia of cars and motorcycles from me getting robbed at gunpoint too.

No. 2457590

Didn't they fuck or was that just a meme?

No. 2457591

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>Trying to deposit notes into ATM
>Machine rejects notes
>Take them back and put them back in wallet
>Machine tries to shoot out the rest of the amount back which surprises me because I didn't know there was going to be two ejections
>Hesitate because I'm still putting the initial money back
>Machine retracts money and says it is keeping it and not depositing it into my account because I didn't take it fast enough and goes out of service
>Have to go grovel at the bank tomorrow for my £70 because it's a Sunday

No. 2457594

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Ignore that random reaction you had nonnie, they probably just have an earth hand type. It is common to think a woman has moid hands if you haven't accepted liberal feminism as your lord and savior

No. 2457603

I’m a spiritual person and also not a good person but that was a good post. Thanks nonners
I have no idea. A bunch of scrotes keep saying they did but the sex tape was just Destiny sucking some random dude’s cock that nobody can definitely confirm if it was him and Nick. Honestly I believe it since Nick is definitely homosexual and Destiny is bisexual and would fuck anything with a pulse kek

No. 2457607

Most of my family has passed away. We used to cook and eat together. Being without them is very hard. I'll cook a whole meal and be very proud of it, then reality hits that no one is here to share or enjoy. It's depressing to where I'm wasting food, throwing it away and not eating much anymore because I miss them, which seems so damn selfish. I need to still take care of myself, make them proud, be here when they can't anymore.

No. 2457611

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Eh. You can be a good person now. You can't change things that you already did. And you can be a spiritual person without believing in the concept of god most people subscribe to. I think if you find a way to apply your spirituality that is more in tune with you and take antidepressants then you will feel a lot better. Have a second smek for the road.

No. 2457612

But I enjoy talking shit about others and gossiping

No. 2457616

So does everyone on this site, and I would never write most of them off as bad people. Just try not to shit where you eat (gossip about mutual friends to other friends, family to family, etc) and use the good sense you were born with when deciding who and what to gossip with or about. Peace be with you

No. 2457621

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>Just try not to shit where you eat (gossip about mutual friends to other friends, family to family, etc)
Ah you mean tests of loyalty

No. 2457624

Kekk true, but I have my one friend I talk shit about everyyything to, and I've had friends who couldn't keep their retarded fucking mouths shut in the past. So I gossip with my best friend and only her.

No. 2457626

I hate my family (except my mother annd maybe my sister) and I wish the Y-chromosome things I’m unfortunately related to drop dead. They are worth gossiping, talking shit about and manifesting their deaths. I don’t give a shit about family loyalty, shit is shit regardless of blood.

No. 2457630

AYRT and also >>2457624 it's not about loyalty. It's about making sure it doesn't come back on you and fuck up your life. Hence why I said "don't shit where you eat" and not "make sure to be a sweet little angel and never gossip about people you should be loyal to!"
Read more carefully next time.

No. 2457634

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I hate my family (except my mother annd maybe my sister) and I wish the Y-chromosome things I’m unfortunately related to drop dead. They are worth gossiping, talking shit about and manifesting their deaths. I don’t give a shit about family loyalty, shit is shit regardless of blood. Males deserve to rot. It’s been about maybe 7+ years of waiting for them to die or finally fuck off out of our existences and no they didn’t sexually abuse or anything, they are just no-good trash that has to be gone. Waiting and hoping. I smile every time that thing exits its room in the middle of the night whenever it has a panic attack because I know that thing is suffering for being an absolute blight on our existences. Talking shit about your enemies, which are often your family and your friends, is magic. This was way too much trauma dumping but it’s so blackpilling knowing women who go through so much shit never get anything but scrotes for how fucking horrific they are get everything. I had to live with two irl nicks and still having to deal with it being the youngest and my mother’s health detoriating in real time and it’s like watching fate seal itself. Two fuckheads who’ve done absolutely nothing for us, are selfish cunts and manipulative just like these online lolcows and yet they have jobs/one has government assistance, was able to cruise through life consequence-free while causing trauma to me and my sister, the other fuckhead doesn’t have a personality, somehow had a girlfriend despite being the most dysfunctional retard you would ever meet and it keeps reminding me how blackpilled life for a woman truly is. Life for men is easy mode. I wouldn’t dare being the bitch I am irl in lolcow while men get to be selfish, inconsiderate, antisocial fuckheads consequence-free with the unearned support and defense of their mommies, girlfriends, friends while women like me who dare to defend myself and be angry are immediately socially ostracized and seen as crazy. Yeah, don’t tell the 30+ year old to go and get some fucking help for his retardation and being a failson, tell the early 20s woman to go to the doctor so everybody knows how dysfunctional and crazy I am for clearly seeing the dysfunction right in front of my eyes and having no control over and it’s worse because I’m always surrounded by it and it impacts my health. I’m sorry for responding with this shit I really needed to vent and I’m thankful two people even cared to engage

No. 2457639

>i ruined the vibes so bad with my vent the entire board went silent

No. 2457641

would it kill you to spoiler that picrel?

No. 2457646

File: 1742688670063.jpeg (Spoiler Image,136.02 KB, 645x640, IMG_4109.jpeg)

No. It’s cartoon violence from shounen slop, you’ll live.

No. 2457652

No. 2457655

what's funny about that?

No. 2457657

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No. 2457664

File: 1742689447046.jpeg (Spoiler Image,142.2 KB, 635x424, IMG_4113.jpeg)

Erm would you mind spoileringing this pretty please?

No. 2457666

Nta but what if they meant it from a "I didn't know she was going to die" and now that got spoiled for me" pov?

No. 2457686

This anime sucks ass

No. 2457695

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I watched the first season, never watched the manga and I would say it was okay for a shounen show of all things. I just enjoy seeing the retarded monkey-brained creator drawing slop of his own ugly male characters getting blown to bits kek

No. 2457697

The ending of the manga was way too rushed.

No. 2457750

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i want to kill my rapist and his harem of BPDettes, but him first. i want to take pictures with his beheaded body and send them to his mother, she needs to know she made a lil rapist by not beating him enough. i don't care if the goverment tracks me, i already have PTSD and i'm not a trustable individual(calm down )

No. 2457793

They can choose a different political side? It isn't only just left or right anon

No. 2457820

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i thought i finally found a good moid and he said something that implies he is autistic

nonas i am old and desperate for a man esp since i never had one but even as an autistic woman i cant date an autistic moid. I cant believe i wasted mmy time and fuck his face is cute fuck this

No. 2457825

Depends in what way I guess. The run of the mill autist moid is trash but that’s mainly because they’re just a more retarded version of the standard moid. But there are some male autists who are maybe better than the typical guy because it manifests in that way where they’re super disciplined and organized, unfazed by life’s struggles, and end up becoming doctors or well-off engineers that can support a nice household. I guess it depends though as most of them are just anime gooners who fart in public and toe walk.

No. 2457830

true and he seems to be the accomplished kind it is just that idk if you are also autistic. But i feel that we wont work since autism makes you so hard to socialise and because we will be too alike in an almost gross way. I guess i always yearned for a neurotypical since not only he would better at socializing which would make it easier but also it would be better dating someone different than me

but idk will think about it

No. 2457850

My (married into the family) aunt might die from suicide and my uncle may have brought her to that point. I didn’t really know either of them much so I don’t know how to feel…from what my mom tells me my uncle has a streak of being an asshole and possibly abusive. He also is “taking a day off” from seeing her in the hospital and that he’s tired of people asking him for information about her hospital status, what the fuck? He also posted some really shady shit on Facebook and then the next morning she’s in the hospital from attempted suicide, and his posts are gone. What the absolute fuck?

No. 2457870

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gonna try to keep this vague while still getting my point across lol.

when i was 20, i hooked up with a guy was/is a lolcow… he was significantly older and had a bad reputation, but i wasn’t super familiar with this scene at the time. he lived near me, was very persistent about meeting up, and i just didn’t care enough to say no. looking back, i don’t know why i went along with it.

anyway, he’s now in legal trouble for… bad things. he recently dm’d me because his gf (who honestly deserves her own dedicated thread) dumped him. i know i shouldn’t have answered, but i couldn’t resist watching the trainwreck unfold, so i played along to get info

No. 2457874


No. 2457875

I realise that despite how my mom admits to me that my dad's parenting was extremely abusive and that she's sorry for it, she still fucking craved and craves his validation to this very day. That's why she always took his side when I was a child. Occasionally she'd play the gentle mediator and tell him he was acting a little too angry or whatever but fuck that. And I still feel bad for being angry about it because "what else could she have done" but fuck the sin of sloth, not doing something when you could have, if you truly wanted it.

No. 2457883

noo hahaha, god — younger me would’ve died for that though

No. 2457884

My friend texted me from a concert and apparently a lady brought a fucking DOG to the concert (indoors, and very loud). I feel bad for the dog and its ears poor ears, what the fuck is wrong with people? Why do people insist on bringing their dogs everywhere?

No. 2457897

I feel pretty retarded about sending a pic of my face to this moid. I was always a very paranoid person especially about my identity online. He showed me his and seems honest but I don’t know what compelled me lolol

No. 2457899

I was doing so good getting back on my deficit, but I just HAD to buy cookies and a family size box of cheez-its.

No. 2457907

My back hurts so badly. I shouldnt feel this bad when i am only 23. Fuck scholiosis.

No. 2457921

File: 1742707429383.jpg (20.82 KB, 600x600, 1661438982060.jpg)

>its pouring rain
>let stray cat i feed in
>she doesnt let me pet her or get close to her but shes not agressive so i leave her sleep on my room often
>check on her to see if shes sleeping or playing with a hairtie or something
>she peed on my school backpack
Literally fucking why the kitty litter is in the next room. Whats her fucking problem. Ugh now i dont know how i am going to get the smell out of my backpack for tuesday.

No. 2457924

She marked her territory, you can't get rid of her now.

No. 2457928

Kinda stacy on her part considering shes diminute and my actual cat is like double her size. I want to adopt her but she doesnt let me pet her, she's playing hard to get.

No. 2457934

There's a moid in my friend's discord channel that seems like a real prick. He seems to get easily aggressive and short with other people. I don't like this guy and have felt asshole vibes coming off of him for awhile now. This moid clearly has issues…Maybe I'm just going to distance myself from this channel since I'm uncomfortable. Sorry to my friend and everyone else on it, since they seem like nice people.

No. 2457939

beyond the thin veil… if you go to any male dominated anonymous forum or imageboard, and read men talk about their sexual related thoughts, you will realize just how unabashedly gross the male sexuality is. they, for all intents, wear their sexuality on their sleeves. they shriek it with pride, for as long as other men are listening to their filth, they feel justified and accepted in their degeneracy. something as simple as, what did you eat today? can be followed up with a, what did you masturbate to today? they will attempt to show each other child pornography or loli for kicks, hoping to get responses of any kind, as all kinds of attention received in that moment is exciting and further stimulating. they really are just foul creatures.

No. 2457968

I was reading through old luna threads and Lurch was holding a porn mag and an anon replied that one of the actresses, August Ames, on the cover had actually committed suicide. After looking more into it, she had been attacked online for publicly tweeting that she didn't want to film a scene with a man who had filmed gay porn. It's wild that people were mad that she said no. And even more wild that this still happens and I see this exact attitude with troons. Even if she's a pornstar she's still allowed to say no to anyone.

No. 2458022

I struggle with my self-confidence because I am a tall woman built like a brick.
Yesterday my boyfriend of two years told me he loves me BUT doesn't feel attracted to me when I am without makeup and in "manly" (big t-shirts, short pants) clothing. Because he is not a faggot and it's not his fault. It's his hormones. His hormones makes him feel disgusted by me? Does makeup change my gender?

No. 2458025

Break up with him. What a fucking faggot.
You sound hot as hell, nona, don't settle for a scrote who isn't attracted to you, or tells you that as some form of mindgame. He wasted your time.

No. 2458028

He sounds like a closet case if he needs to say all of that kek. These types are attracted to the concept of femininity rather than the actual female body itself (hence men fucking tims yet still identifying as "straight")

No. 2458030

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They are like baboons, it’s disgusting.

No. 2458031

When I've met him for the first time I actually peaked him from not becoming a tranny. He often said that he would like to be a woman because male bodies are disgusting. He wanted me to dress goth (I am a metalhead so similar, dark aesthetics) because he can't. Like corsets and stuff. I don't know what to think. Homophobic homosexual case?

No. 2458032

Why is everyone autistic?

No. 2458035

Kekkkk, nonna you should have sprinted away. He still wants to be a tranny and he’s jealous of you and he’s trying to diminish your self esteem.
Break up and compliment him on his masculinity before, like saying that he has broad shoulders, a masculine jaw etc.

No. 2458037

>He wanted me to dress goth (I am a metalhead so similar, dark aesthetics) because he can't
And a porn addict

No. 2458039

The plastics

No. 2458058

jesus christ i hate agp's fixations on dark fashion fuck off

No. 2458061

Before I met my ex, he used to follow only a few girls on insta, and those girls he followed on the span of like a year, and during the time we dated he only followed some guys not girls, but ever since we broke up he's autistically following and unfollowing new girls like every week. It's starting to make him look very pathetic, because I get the vibe he's waiting for these girls to follow him back but they don't and then he unfollows them lol. But it makes me really sad seeing him so desperate to fuck someone, when he's the one who broke up with me and we could have been much happier together. I was his first sexual experience, so he got hooked on sex and probably thought he can now get anyone but now other girls reject him. Meanwhile I haven't talked to any guys since we broke up because I still have feelings for him, I don't care about other guys and I don't care enough for sex. I wonder if he'll come back again on his knees begging me to have sex with him like he did last time or if his picky ass will settle with a girl he doesn't even find attractive.

No. 2458064

Nona you can do so much better than an instamoid ex who uses you for stringless sex. There isn't a single moid on instagram that's worth half a damn.

No. 2458068

had some incel tell me women were legally declared persons in 1929 and then he made a comment how the great depression also started in 1929 like as if there is a fucking correlation except the date. moids are fucking retarded!

No. 2458069

File: 1742719761719.jpg (933.28 KB, 804x804, 1723241760563.jpg)

hate living in the middle of nowhere so bad. i want a social life dammit. the only way is if i go move far away on my own, which would cost a fuckton and i'd have to do it completely alone because… no friends or bf. fuck my life

No. 2458071

I know it's retarded, that's why lately I've been checking his account less and less, I don't even care that much anymore but it still stings that he threw me away like that. He's one of those picky guys with high standards who wants a woman who is both pretty but also has a great personality and doesn't bother him too much, and he was convinced that he can upgrade after dating me. But now he's desperate just for a quick fuck because stacies with actual self-respect aren't gonna date him.

No. 2458075

May all the hair on his head migrate to his back. So mote it be.

No. 2458084

>You can tell that Gen-Z’s youth envy is going to manifest in a much more bitter way than millennials did
It’s already happening.
Millenials usually don’t care so much, they just make self depreciating quirk chungus jokes about it. Gen z are already having panic attacks about being 27 kek.

No. 2458087

Actually no, conservative trad women deserve it.

No. 2458092

File: 1742721922508.jpg (38.66 KB, 490x508, depressed.jpg)

If it makes you feel any better, no one I know can afford to move away from their home either, it's something our entire generation is suffering from

No. 2458095

I’ll never forgive old people for forcing us to go into lockdown because they were scared of dying at 80.

No. 2458113

borderline retard

No. 2458117

Why? They fucked up our entire lives for absolutely no reason.

No. 2458121

Oh my God, nona. You should have dumped him yesterday. He's a pornsick AGP who can't find you sexually attractive because he's broken. Dump this loser.

No. 2458169

I really love singing and it's one of the few things that keep me sane and alive so far, but whenever I decide to record my voice and listen to it, I just want to kill myself. It doesn't sound as good as I thought and it makes me want to give up because I genuinely don't know what I'm doing wrong. It sounds so dead, but fitting since I'm dead on the inside I guess. But researching stuff about recording one's voice makes me lose faith in singing as a human ability all together, all the advice is "add 10288291 effects and use this and that and remove this and that to get a decent sound like a pro.", you're telling me the pros edit their voices to make it actually pleasant? Then what does a raw real good human singing voice sound like? Even opera isn't authentic and good anymore, they're using microphones and too much vibrato to showoff and scream and shout their high notes rather than use head voice or falsetto properly. And even if it's a real pure performance, I'm hearing it recorded through a microphone and a phone speaker, so it's still not an accurate enough depiction. This is driving me insane. OCD level obsession.
Late reply but my PMS starts 2 weeks before or even a month right after my period is over. It's basically the "norm" for my body now.

No. 2458177

I bet it's the same one sperging about not being able to smoke on planes

No. 2458184

File: 1742731099252.jpg (110.84 KB, 750x599, pepesmoke.jpg)

I'm a different anon who can't move out at 27 because then I will be living at a near-poverty level. We are already quite a poorfags as it is in the grand scheme of things, but not in poverty. I can afford going out sometimes, having hobbies, therapy and can save up for education (not amerifag). Living alone is gonna be "rationing out my unseasoned rice" situation, living with roomates disgusts me in advance. My mother is also a senior and as she is getting older and more frail, I'm simply afraid to leave her alone, even if we will live close by each other.

But goddamn it's obviously dragging me down mentally to be near her. I really should just deal with it and go find myself a cardboard box good enough and learn how to draw degenerate Sonic inflation hentai commissions for additional coombux
or get bearable female roommates.
reposting to fix my garbage ass pepe

No. 2458193

Yesterday I embarrassed myself so hard, I was drinking a ton of water when I was on my flight because I didn’t wanna show up looking bloated and disgusting after we landed, but then I had to piss so, so bad by the time we were actively landing. I tried to use the restroom before we landed but the flight attendants said no, so I went back to my seat and I waited until after we’d immediately landed and ran so fast to the bathroom. Then they passive aggressively got on the mic and said “Just a reminder you’re all supposed to be in your seats with your seatbelt fastened right now everyone” but in my head I was like well too fucking bad cause it’s either I piss myself in the seat with the belt fastened or I piss in the toilet like a normal human being

No. 2458202

My boyfriend literally cried today because we haven't been having sex for a while due to my mental health wrecking my libido. Told me he's "frustrated at the situation, no at [me]" and that he doesn't want me to feel pressured, and that he dislikes the idea of having sex out of a sense of duty/pity. Then started talking about how he's seen posts online about sex not being a need and how those are all bullshit and good for them if that's the case, but it is a need for him. And then somehow also threw into the conversation that he sees a lot of manosphere content and thinks it's bs too? Just a whole thing about feeling sooooo bad frustrated, but I shouldn't feel pressured by it.
Idk anons, is he being manipulative? I feel manipulated. And pressured. In case it matters, my mental health went to shit because of a toxic hellhole of a job, followed by unemployment and now possibly the stress of starting a new job in a couple of months. Just been in constant survival mode for the past six months at least with no end in sight, and couldn't give two shits about sex at the moment.

No. 2458210

Still not over kissasian being dead

No. 2458217

why can’t men fathom why women don’t want to be hit on by uglies/losers?

I have one coworker (I’m 29 and he’s 42) that won’t leave me alone, he always makes vulgar comments, talks about how women are always flirting with him (doubt), and now he’s just discovering rw/manosphere online personalities like nick fuentes and the fresh and fit guys. He talks about “high quality” and “low quality” women but mind you he’s 5’4, bald, single with no children (which would be fine if he weren’t preaching about family values and doing a trad conservative larp), and lives with his brother. He works the same shitty warehouse job as me but has gotten suspended multiple times because he has a hard time waking up in the morning which results in him being hours late to work. He actively makes sure he’s scheduled the same days and hours as me, even though this screws him over in the end because I work a 6am shift.

I even told him I was a lesbian (I thought he’d leave me alone) but he still compliment bombs me everyday. This morning he said my socks looked very “cute and girl next door”, what the fuck does that even mean? They’re plain socks. Yesterday he was telling me that I had beautiful eyes.

I’m afraid of going to HR because he has anger issues and I’m afraid he’d hurt or even kill me. He has egged customers on for fights and somehow hasn’t gotten fired. Ignoring him isn’t possible because trust me, I’ve done that. I would stare down at my phone and go mute, and he’d ask me what I’m doing, or I’d pretend to be making a call, and he stands next to me to listen, if I walk away he’ll follow me.

Having such an undesirable man interested in me, actively pursuing me, feels like spiritual rape.

No. 2458220

Should have went straight to "I have a bf". Does he know where you live? Is it only you and him on the shift? If there are other people there, I see no reason to not go to HR. Let him have his chimpout and get fired.

No. 2458222

> This morning he said my socks looked very “cute and girl next door”, what the fuck does that even mean? They’re plain socks
Fucking lol. He sounds so obnoxious

No. 2458232

Unfortunately he knows where I live, we actually live a few streets away from each other and he’s always asking me if I want a ride to and back from work. I am truly in hell.
He’s so fucking stupid

No. 2458235

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>tfw youve accepted men are whores and you dont hate them for it you just enjoy them for what they are without expecting more from them

No. 2458236

File: 1742736495798.jpg (741.64 KB, 1694x1657, knorozov.jpg)

I KNOW I HAVE A GODDAMN ANGRY RESTING FACE. You don't have to point that out everytime, what's the matter if I look like I hate everyone in the room, I'm not doing anything. I'm not your fucking kindergarten nanny to always be gentle and smile nor was I hired to entertain you. Why are people so fucking self-absorbed and immediately decide that I have a laser-pointed hatred towards them, specifically, exclusively. Motherfucker I don't think about you at all. Preemptively deciding that I'm an uptight bitch that looks down on everyone is a retarded fanfiction, I'm just a goddamn autist REEEEEE

No. 2458242

My dad is such a fag I grabbed a twisted tea out of the garage fridge and he's like, why is this on the counter, taking it home? I'm like yeah maybe. He's like oh you should just buy your own when shopping with your mom and leave me that. Uh, ok? Weird ass beer miser go smoke some pot in your shed and fuck away from me. I'm going to load up his outside fridge with 45 of them now just to fuck with him

No. 2458252

>he's more stressed out about not getting to use your body instead of your mental health
Anon… he could jerk himself off if he was actually just sexually frustrated. But he won't because he wants to get off to using you. On top of that someone that actually cares about helping you wouldn't even bring it up till you start to feel better. Don't give in and have sex with him nonna. Then he'll know he can act like his dick is more important than your well being.

No. 2458257

If only they were just whores, and not rapists and murderers.

No. 2458294

I have a drug addiction and bulimia, I'm doing bad at uni, I have a bad relationship with my family, I've slept in from work three times this year already, I'm playing games with a thirdie fuckboy and it's draining my energy but I can't stop

No. 2458307

Damn, that sucks

No. 2458310

File: 1742740881354.jpeg (Spoiler Image,37.95 KB, 600x324, IMG_1799.jpeg)

>My boyfriend literally cried today because we haven't been having sex for a while due to my mental health wrecking my libido

No. 2458313

File: 1742740982202.jpg (81.91 KB, 1440x1440, 1000059111.jpg)

>finally find fic of my fav character where he is given normal male pronouns
>check authors other fics
>she's given into the tranny crowd and she writes him like a retarded stereotype

No. 2458314

This sounds like a nightmare nonna. I’m probably going to get shit for this but that kind of scrote is only intimidated by another scrote, do you have a male friend or even a relative your age who can fake to be your boyfriend? You might let him pick you up a couple of times to get the message.

No. 2458316

>My boyfriend literally cried today because we haven't been having sex for a while due to my mental health wrecking my libido.
1) Why is he crying in front of you? To make you feel bad
2) If sex is a need what does he do when hes single? go out and rape people?
Yes he's being manipulative

No. 2458317

He can't just jerk off? Something tells me that if he's sobbing over not getting pussy that he's not even the type to try and arouse you first. Your boyfriend is a mongoloid tard.

No. 2458323

picked my face for no fucking reason and now my skin is ruined

No. 2458325

Diaper cream.

No. 2458330

God, I hate how these moids have the audacity to latch onto younger women who have 0 desire to even look at them. I hope you have some people in your life that can help protect you considering he lives close by. Do you think you'll leave the job any time soon since he's staying put somehow?

No. 2458333

It’s so crazy you say that because a few minutes after making that post I had the idea of paying a random dude to go to my job and pretend to be my bf lol our minds are connected nonna

No. 2458334

nta Is this a prank or a weird solution

No. 2458336

I'm so tired of being fat. Going to exercise…

No. 2458351

I hate having wide shoulders and I hate having body dysmorphia because I know I'm not as freakishly, mannishly wide as I think I am but I'm constantly comparing myself to thinner-set women and I'm just going crazy in my mind. I work out, I try to eat right, and still I hate my fucking shoulders. I hate them. Im so wide and ugly looking. I'm not even really curvy either. I hate it. I just want to lose weight. I want to lose weight so bad. I don't like the weight I am, and being a lower weight helps to slim down my shoulders. I just don't like my body right now because all I do is stare at my shoulders. I literally feel like a compressed, wide-spread jpeg compared to other women and it drives me crazy but I don't know how to stop comparing myself and how to stop obsessing over how wide I feel. One thing that helps is looking at women who are shorter than me or my height because they're typically about as wide-set I am and it makes me feel normal, but a woman even two inches taller will be have such a slimmer figure and skeletal structure that it just undoes all my progress and I start spiraling and thinking she probably thinks I look like a freak. I wish I wasn't retarded and mentally ill.

No. 2458366

We are in the same boat, I recommend you obsess over trying to get your shoulders wider and compare yourself to anyone with wider shoulders than you until you trick yourself into thinking they are too narrow. After you have tricked yourself into thinking your shoulders are too narrow, compare them to people with narrower shoulders than yourself until you realise none of it matters.

No. 2458411

Diaper rash cream is supposed to soothe irritation. I dab it on spots that I picked at if those spots are the type to be red and kind of hurt (the painless, risk-free squeezes don't really benefit from it), and diaper rash cream is great at calming them. It does make my skin a little flaky though so I do very gentle exfoliating after letting it sit on my face through the night (VERY GENTLE!!!! And then MOISTURIZE!!!). But the zinc is great at healing the skin barrier.

No. 2458428

i'm so lonely and horny

No. 2458454

Came back from the store and my dumbfuck dad saunters in and asked if I got more beer. Said I sure bought more and loaded up your fridge outside don't worry. He was all oh, well, oh, that's good you have uh.. beer to drink here then next time. See your grandpa he doesn't even like to drink blah blah blah. Shut the fuck up you literally got cirrhosis from drinking too much and thought you could make me feel bad acting like gollum over a twisted tea and got checkmated. Fucking faggot ass also yelled at my mom earlier calling her a harpy for telling him not to create holes in our front yard for people to break their ankle. He's literally dumber than a sack of hammers

No. 2458496

i have become a coomer to cope with the loss of my late girlfriend. i can only feel good if i read shitty doujins or fanfics of our favorite characters. jfc i am retarded

No. 2458499

Cut off someone I don't like and now I'm being told to reconnect only 3 days later because she mentioned me or whatever. Fuck's sake, if I don't want to spend my time around someone I shouldn't have to!

No. 2458564

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I hate my roommate’s new boyfriend and I can’t really contain my dislike because of being slightly sped and it’s giving me some issues socially. It pisses me off so bad but I know I have an extremely low tolerance because I had such a shithead scrote for a father. I don’t think my roommate is in an abusive situation but her new boyfriend fucking SUUUUCKS and everyone thinks I’m just bitter because I’m single but really I’m single because even small things from moids exhaust me now. He’s extremely unattractive, has no charm, is boring, and she barely seems to even like him. My roommate is very sweet but is a self admitted people pleaser and avoidant and chose this loser over her best friend who she literally glows around. This other moid is much more attractive and way nicer to her but she chose her current boyfriend because reasons I guess. He talks down on her but in really subtle ways and no one else seems to notice but it drives me crazy. Last time I saw them we were in the kitchen and he just kept looking at the coffee machine and when she asked if he wanted one, he just said ‘Yeah I don’t know how to make it’. He’s 24. I don’t even drink coffee and figured out how to work the damn machine the first week I was here. She made him a really nice iced latte, he barely said thanks, and when she asked how it was he said it tasted like vodka? It felt like he just didn’t want to compliment her. I hate his loser ass so much. He sucks but because he’s not hitting her I have to suck it up and keep my mouth shut because she’s “happy”. I really think most people do not appreciate just how draining constant nitpicks like that really are. This type of contempt only ever gets worse and they’ve only been dating a few months. I really hope she doesn’t marry this moid and finds someone better even if it’s not her friend.

No. 2458572

She probably didn't choose her friend because avoidant people are afraid of rejection. It's sad how they do it to themselves, but you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. Hoping she breaks up with him soon for your sake, nona.

No. 2458577

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I hate when you straight up tell someone of a boundary or red line, they cross it and act shocked when you react exactly the way you explained you would. I wouldn't be surprised if I drank bleach and died of poisoning like the label says, so I'm not sure why people think you're bluffing when you come with a warning as a person

No. 2458591

Damn I was kind of in this situation myself (roommate's situation I mean) but since I'm kind of autismo, the slight digs started becoming huge red flags and I ended up realizing that the patience, kindness, and genuine interest that I got from my good moid friend was so much healthier and better for me than falling for a rude, retarded fuck boy loser. I think you should maybe try to start making subtle digs at men like her boyfriend. Don't say "your boyfriend is soooo mean" but say things like "ugh, don't you hate when men do xyz aren't they retarded", if you can bitch about scrotes together your foot is already halfway in the door and maybe you could speed up the process of their relationship to meet its end.

No. 2458602

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A few weeks ago i fell and hurt my hand. I thought it was a simple bruise and the pain was going to eventually fade. But its been 3 weeks and it still hurts and its starting to worry me so badly. I draw so the idea of having any kind of broken bone or deep wound that would need surgery or treatment is so fucking frightening. I didnt go to the doctor because i dont have insurance, but i need to go now. If i lose the ability to draw i am killing myself, its literally the only thing i like about being alive. Fuck.

No. 2458604

I wish I could maintain online relationships but I just do not give a fuck about anime at all anymore, and I'm super avoidant with texting like it's a genuine problem.

No. 2458606

Yeah this is the biggest reason I have like no friends at all anymore. I've hit peak avoidancy

No. 2458610

I feel so pathetic whenever someone I've been talking to online tells me they have a crush on me. It has happened with a few different people throughout the years and it makes me feel awful every time. I just know none of them would've felt that way if they had seen pictures of me. And I know they don't like me for my personality either, they only see the way I act online and only while I'm in a good mood. I just don't get it. I don't treat anyone in a special way and whenever conversations turn to romance I say that I don't care for it, so why confess in the first place? What do they expect to get out of it? It's like they simply want something and I happen to be there. They project something onto me that I can't be and I don't know what to do about it. I don't want to show them that I'm an ugly loser because that'll hurt my self esteem but I also don't want to continue talking with them like usual because they'll continue fantasizing.

No. 2458611

It's hard because on one hand I like to focus on my life and the people in my real life, at the same time these people can't really be depended on to fully fulfill my social needs since I'm a weirdo who's been on lolcow for ten years, but then spending so much time maintaining internet friendships feels like it takes away from living my real life. It's so hard to find the median and it's excruciatingly stressful and I feel so much shame for all the people I've just ghosted, it's so retarded and I wish I was normal.

No. 2458631

Ugh I have the same issue, I don't know what it is about the way I chat with people online that makes them attracted to me, I'm just trying to be nice and being the mood up since everyone is so depressed all the time, but I guess that's enough. I started openly talking about how I don't like men and being noticably nicer/happier to the people I know who are actual females and that helped a bit. I still can't outright bring myself to be cruel to the boys, because I know deep down they're just lonely nerds and I pity them, but I make it very known that I like the girls more and only wanna hang if my girl besties are there. Another pro tip is to say you're married, or bring up having a husband every once in a while. That stops a lot of them dead in their tracks.

No. 2458655

I think I may have ADHD. I'm not sure what the point is of knowing it. I'm already taking medicine for anxiety, I can get any treatment for ADHD.

No. 2458666

Honestly you should try to heal your attention span and try to structure your week and days out before fully believing you have adhd and asking for skinny pills.

No. 2458677

Thank you anon, very revolutionary idea.
>asking for skinny pills.
I can't, I'm already taking treatment for another issue.

No. 2458683

Then there's no reason to go and get teated for adhd if you aren't looking for meds. You won't get any adhd specific therapy unless you're living in a really liberal city. Might as well just do the work yourself because there is genuinely no reason to get tested for it if you aren't in need of medication.

No. 2458684

File: 1742755396803.png (1.78 MB, 1179x1180, IMG_3228.png)

I heard my parents talking about my oldest friend who’s a lesbian and criticizing how gays shove their orientation down people’s throats and I want to cry.
I am disappointed in a way, I’m also not straight either and if they found out I know that I would probably get disowned and in this economy I’d rather not. For now, I already am getting them comfortable with the idea of not ever getting married or having children (I do that since the age of 12 kek), but I also feel like I have this debt towards them to have the normie straight life even though that would be my worst fucking nightmare (I’m an only child, this is why I feel that way).
It hurts to know that their love for me will cease to exist if they ever find out and that this love is kinda fake. I have a good relationship with them and I don’t want to throw it out of the window.
Sometimes I wish I were a normie nigelfag who ran away with some mid 20’s moid while in highschool and pop 3 kids by 21 since this way of living is way more accepted in the shithole I live in than having a mature and well adjusted relationship with a person that just happens to be of the same sex, ugh.

No. 2458687

It's only been girls that have done this to me and I can't make up a whole person because I know I wouldn't be able to keep the story straight. It would also make it difficult to be online constantly because they'd start asking why I'm not spending time with my partner. One of them would've for sure seen the imaginary partner as nothing but an extra challenge. I don't know how to make it clear that I'm never going to fucking e-date someone that doesn't even know me and would not want me if they did

No. 2458688

No offense anon, but you are literally just repeating what I said in my OP.

No. 2458707

>I heard my parents talking about my oldest friend who’s a lesbian and criticizing how gays shove their orientation down people’s throats
They currently do
>I want to cry.

No. 2458710

Don't pivot and become the other type of retard just because you're burnt out from chronically online drama.

No. 2458752

Yea, sorry I’m not a burger kek. I get it with degenerate pride parades, gendie shit and things in that regard, but not losing your shit over seeing a gay couple in some no name movie.

No. 2458862

same, the only friends i have anymore are the ones who message me first

No. 2458863

File: 1742759842167.jpeg (15.19 KB, 275x185, IMG_1789.jpeg)

I found the hottest butch on tiktok and she isn’t a TIF, god is good, she’s so beautiful:
>gym build with strong arms
>her hair is like an overgrown buzz cut that suits her so well

No. 2458865

Go on nonna tell us who

No. 2458867

please tell me who she is anon…

No. 2458871

File: 1742760186416.jpg (55.21 KB, 724x436, asuka.jpg)

Samefag but apparently I caused him to leave the server. I've been overthinking this interaction since last night and even cried about it. I hate how oversensitive I still am over the dumbest things.

No. 2458873

File: 1742760222349.jpeg (353.32 KB, 1170x2126, IMG_1804.jpeg)

Here you are nonnies , her user is squidtimesthreee. She does solely post thirst traps.
Haven’t reallly seen any gendie stuff , at most she might be using T for gym purposes.

No. 2458875

Isn't it good he left the server? Good riddance.

No. 2458877

kek I was so scared you were going to post my ex. Thanks for the recommendation, it also seems like she has a low body fat + creatine + angles. It'd be funny if she had that build and she was on gear.

No. 2458886

Maybe. I don't even know him and have only interacted a handful of times but that's not going to stop me from beating myself up over it. I still exist with a perpetual need to be liked.

No. 2458892

You should work on that before you end up doing something you regret with far more severe consequences than a moid you don't like leaving a discord server.

No. 2458895

It's a man on discord please pull yourself together.

No. 2458899

File: 1742760935654.jpg (238.83 KB, 673x715, 72jjud.jpg)

Tired of getting unwashed commies shilling socialism on my timeline, it'd be a random video about clothing and outta nowhere "…that's why capitalism-" "…so the rise of fascism-" omg can't I breathe? leave me alone motherfuckers I don't give a shit I just want to see cat videos "nazis everywhere!!!" Stfu jfc, you all sound the same!

No. 2458903

I always get the “this anti sex talk signals the rise of conservatism” kek ,” like no Lilith, have you ever thought that the average person doesn’t want to hear about your cnc kink or puppydog bullshit?

No. 2458905

Girl I would have celebrated with a cake for having done a great job , fuck that scrote kek.

No. 2458908

Lol are you for real. I once made a moid so mad that he left a Discord and it made me so happy I bragged about it for the next 3 months. In fact I'm bragging about it right now.

No. 2458930

I'm scared of going to work tomorrow. No reason, just a mood that hits every once in a while.

No. 2458986

It kind of annoys me nobody around me thinks I'm pretty when I know that I objectively am. I think it's because they're too accustomed to shooped faces on tiktok

No. 2458991

No. 2459010

I hope you brag about it for years to come. More moids need to be shoved out of spaces.

No. 2459019

I hate cooking so much, istg I'm going to find myself a boyfriend that derives his entire self-worth out of being an NLOG (not like other guys) and his number 1 joy in life is going to be cooking for me.

No. 2459028

I wouldn't trust a moid to cook for me

No. 2459031

Let me cope.

No. 2459034

No I promise I'm not being sarcastic. I look like one of those models from the 80s but people call me masculine now.

No. 2459049

I understand, queen. Don't listen to the haters, I bet you're strikingly pretty irl
Fr it's always the absolute worst take followed by "only a literal Nazi would disagree with me" fuck outta here

No. 2459055

Thank you for your confidence in me. I appreciate it.

No. 2459057

They're out there, you can do it. If you can, get him a little bit of a germophobe/clean freak so you know he washes his hands religiously.

No. 2459061

You know what? I'm gonna believe you, earlier today I was thinking how spergs online would for sure be calling the 90's supermodels masculine and even fat

No. 2459073

Thank you, that's the plan.

No. 2459078

As long as you believe it nonna. I truly think that as long as you find yourself “beautiful” then you’re fine to navigate the world. Fixing on what other people think of you is kind of useless when everyone has their own preferences and opinion.
When I started actually finding myself attractive I started living much better.

No. 2459083

Like Gia Carangi?

No. 2459089

The new trend is babyfaced bimbo. It depends on where you live too.

No. 2459091

File: 1742765275635.jpeg (47.48 KB, 474x842, IMG_1806.jpeg)

I feel like the beauty in tiktok or other social media doesn’t really translate as much as you think nonnas, natural beauty is still very much appreciated in real life kek.
If you look like picrel you’ll look gorgeous even in 2025 kek.

No. 2459093

File: 1742765401481.jpeg (149.51 KB, 959x959, GXshpXHWsAA7Uql.jpeg)

i'm not sure if i'll ever find a space where i truly belong. i don't even feel like i belong in my own family. always the black sheep. always feeling like an alien everywhere i go, even in online spaces.
will i ever find a place for me? will things ever change? i'm starting to lose hope

No. 2459097

i have a pimple on my chin

No. 2459107

>number 1 joy in life is going to be cooking for me
I have such low faith in moids that I immediately thought this type of moid would be a feeder kek. I do sincerely hope you find a good boyfriend who aims to ultimately satisfy and please you, nona.

No. 2459111

File: 1742765726373.webp (286.15 KB, 717x645, IMG_1809.webp)

>I don’t belong in the world
>that’s what it is
>something separates me from other people
>and what will I do?
>everywhere I turn
>there’s something blocking my escape

No. 2459114

KEKK nonna.

No. 2459143

>read up on the country the moid I'm seeing is from
Oh no, oh God. I bit off way more than I can chew this time…

No. 2459152

Let me guess…Korea?

No. 2459194

I'm a third year graphic design student, the next year is the last one. But from now on we already have subjects that prepare us for our thesis.
I still don't know what I will investigate. I watched YouTube videos to be less ignorant on the matter but, it made me more anxious. I put aside my homework and watched cartoons but I'm still constantly on the border of tears. my belly hurts. I don't think I will be capable. people older than me have already went through this so they are dismissive. I don't think they realize I'm more sensitive than them and feel things too intensely.
Lately I have been very lazy, well it was vacations anyway. the summer being too hot in my place might have contributed or so I want to think. it seems too that my perfectionism debilitates me. But I feel useless when I don't get anything done. Even if I'm not studying I help with household chores and take care of my baby cousin. It's never enough.
my grades are perfect except for the religious subjects. it's not hard, but tiring. I'm so tired.

No. 2459211

I talked with my sister about my alopecia last night, it's getting to point where I am so uncomfortable going out and being seen and I think my best option at this point is to get a wig and just start wearing them permanently. My hair loss is permanent and worsening, it's not going to get better and I hate having to do a ponytail every single day just for it to not even look decent or hide the balding. My sister of course starts in with the "you can't even tell" like I've lost half my hair, you can see my scalp at all angles. Please don't lie to me to try to make me feel better, it just makes me feel worse. My crown is completely visible when my hair is down and I look balder than Ariana Grande with the ponytails, at least her scalp doesn't show through in ponytails and she doesn't have a 5head. She acts like it's something I should be ashamed and embarrassed about, and I am, but I hate that every person I've ever talked to about it makes me feel it's justified. She also acts like it's my fault for not trying harder to keep my hair, I've tried homeopathic "cures" and I've leveled my vitamins and minerals and macro dosed B12 and Biotin. My Vitamin D is high, my Iron and Zinc are high. All my vitamins are good, my hormones are balanced. She was telling me I should get hair plugs, like 15 grand and not effective the majority of the time, and not effective long term. And not even possible because my thinning is diffuse, there's no where they could even take the hair from. She even offered to pay for it. I just hate how every person I've talked to about this had made me feel it's something I should be ashamed of and given me no potential advice outside of hair plugs or expensive treatments they saw a fake before and after of online and now think it's some miracle cure, as if I haven't spent the past like 7 years extensively googling into every possible treatment option. I just want someone in my life to tell me "get a wig, it's fine, it's just hair, it shouldn't matter to people so much."

No. 2459229

Tired of every post I make here getting some stupid, catty reply.

No. 2459233

Kek sorry, anon. I don't know if you mean this thread, /ot/, or the entire website, but I do wish farmhands enforced threadrules for vent.

No. 2459236

Saw a girly post on fb about some moid sending her a disgusting voice note telling her to whore herself out for him. Yes, a complete stranger who responded to her ad about selling fruit pops since its summer. Another girly commented on her experience being sexually harrassed in public at 17 and like 4 different moids went to shit on her because she was the typical cringy otaku girl and named her son after a transformer. Ngl the transformer name caught me off-guard but it shocks me how this girl felt comfy enough to share her experience for some retarded faggots to end up telling her she's not "pretty enough to be harrassed" and that she's stupid for being cringy and having a son with a weird name. Why is it so hard for these stupid moids to picture their moms or sisters in their position? I got harrassed by a disgusting disabled boomer a year ago and even though I asked him to stop telling me he'd fuck me he kept going and I had to pass by his street every single fucking day until I got tired of him and posted his retarded ass on tiktok. Same comments. "you dont look harrassable" "you don't belong here, he does" "move the fuck away if he bothers you so much" like??? Sorry I just moved here like a few months ago and I didnt save up money because I didnt expect to move so soon because some weirdfag in a wheelchair tells me he wants to rub his dick between my tits everyday.

No. 2459241

i messed up with school … i thought my exams were due next tuesday, but they were due on thursday (it is currently sunday)
i feel so stupid & like the whole world is crumbling in right now…
i'm getting tested for adhd tomorrow & hopefully that can help me become a normal, functioning person lmfao.
i'm scared of working retail & living in my dad's house the rest of my life because i just can't get it together.

No. 2459246

I'm sorry your family is being a bunch of dicks, nona. Of course I and other anons think scrotes should be saving up for hairplugs and doing treatment shit. But you're a woman, and your worth isn't tied to your hair.
You should definitely start shopping for wigs! I know a lot of women who use wigs as a form of self expression, so you should feel free to do the same! While you're searching for wigs and either saving up money or waiting for them to arrive, you should experiment with shaving your head. First try an undercut, then a side shave, then buzz everything off!
I typically shave my head once every couple of years, and then do it again when I get tired of how long it is. It's a really neat experience. The first time I ever got a side shave, I kept getting surprised by the wind touching my scalp, and the feeling of my fingers on it. When I finally did a full shave, it took me a couple weeks to stop grabbing for my hair in the shower kek.
I think it would be a fun experience for you while you're transitioning to wigs! And if you find a style you like, you'll have a cute shave cut for when you don't want to wear wigs.
I'm really sorry you're going through this and that those closest to you don't have any sympathy. I've had hair loss scares multiple times in my life, and I remember how devastating it was when told it was probably going to get worse.
But you're more than your hair. And you're going to be okay.

No. 2459247


No. 2459249

Sorry nonna its the tiktok brainrot.

No. 2459261

I realize I struggle with internalized misogyny just a little when I think about all the times I have been bullied and treated terribly by other women for being autistic/weird. I don't hate women at all yet it also doesn't help that I also struggle with antinatalist thoughts and beliefs that stems from depression, SA trauma and being radfem. I'm not really sure how to work through these things but it's truly not fair how some women can be so mean to other women, and the fact that rarely anyone ever calls them out for this behavior, but I'm also the hypocrite because I shame women from wanting children. I am contradicting myself over and over. If any nonna has thoughts to share feel free, I want to work through this and just be normal.

No. 2459271

The easiest way to curb these passionate and hateful feelings is to stop engaging with arguments and debates about it online, here or otherwise. Some of the most hateful and misogynistic drivel I see here made by anons themselves is anti-natalists shaming women for choosing to have children, calling them ruined etc. That's a horrible thing to say and a male-centric way to think. I'm not going to just assume youre one of those people, but if you are then you need to cut it out because arguing with people online or trying to harass or bully anyone who isn't anti-natalist is so ridiculously unhealthy for you and your brain. Not all women are the women that hurt you, and not all mothers are the mothers that hurt their daughters. Stop engaging and watch your mind finally start to wander to other topics.

No. 2459291

Relatable. I have similar thoughts. There's nothing wrong with you

No. 2459374

I really like being in small but active group chats, servers etc I just find them fun. Problem is that I'm honestly a misanthropic bitch and I always end up disliking almost everyone in them. It feels contradictory to be like this, but it's more common than I think probably. The dilemma of disliking most people you come across, but still finding socialising about a shared interest or hobby to be fun.

No. 2459416

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I love my friends, I love who I surround myself with, but I can't help but feel like the ugly girl who the popular girls are giving pity to. Whenever they talk about girls/men they've been with I want to jump, I know my life shouldn't be categorized by body count but it does feel disheartening especially because I make it a point to turn men down, but then get jealous over the girls who don't. And then feel bad that I'm not like those who have had crazy experiences

No. 2459419

>but then get jealous over the girls who don't.
Why? That makes no sense. Just stop turning moids down, problem solved

No. 2459431

you dont think any of them exaggerate it to seem more interesting than it really is?

No. 2459441

so while I think you should do what you want I don't think it's good to be driven by FOMO either? because FOMO is less a guidepost for what you should do and more of a reaction. you rejecting them was probably more in line with what's right for you. even if your friends aren't exaggerating it still doesn't change that this lifestyle would be a complete nightmare to some people or may have some risks. maybe all they really have is a story to brag about rather than something that truly enriched their life.

No. 2459526

Second ayrt my husband saw my type out that response this morning and then when he saw me put my socks on he told me they looked cute and girl next door LMAO

No. 2459541

This adds nothing. Vain retard.

No. 2459553


I'm so sorry you're going through this, anon. The first people to say "it's just hair" are always people with decent hair genetics who have never suffered from any type of hair loss. Of course they're simultaneously appalled if you suggest that they should shave their head then if it's "just hair" to them.
I have something wrong genetically in regards to my hair; it's been see-through thin since birth and while it does grow decently long, it will never reach average thickness. My mom's hair was twice as thick as mine in her youth, but even so she's lost so much with age that her scalp is visible all over. Knowing that I'll most likely end up even worse off since my hair is so much thinner to begin with has been really hard to come to terms with. I'm still not sure whether I'll start wearing wigs or just try to rock a bald head when the time comes. Right now I'm just letting it grow as long as it wants since I can still sort of fake average-ish thickness with some updos and a little help from hair fibers. Long hair holds a pretty significant symbolic meaning to me, so knowing I'll have to let it go sooner or later makes me really depressed.

No. 2459560

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girls i actually hate men so fucking much, especially when they expect empathy from me. had to break into some guys house yesterday (really good shag, disappointed he turned out to be a little bitch) to get my ONLY phone charger back because the inconsiderate cunt had gone out drinking for two whole days and just expected me to pay fucking fifteen quid for a new charger? train ticket + entering thru the open bathroom window cost me four quid bro are you fucking forreal.. cost of living hello??? i made him a loaf of bread, left it there after i got my charger, didn't steal anything and i even cleaned up the dirty shoe prints i left on his windowsill. and he wants to cry about it, consider yourself lucky i'm not a touch more unhinged and autistic you fucking retard because i could've rinsed your shit. not sure if i'm genuinely low-empathy autism or if it only applies to males… maybe i'm a lesbian at this point who knows? i would never do this shit to a woman because a woman wouldn't put me in that situation and would be an ounce more considerate. hope he learns his lesson though, don't give strangers your details online and then fuck around with their personal property, did they not teach you this in school, kek?

No. 2459563

Well it brought a smile to my face nonny

No. 2459580

> not sure if i'm genuinely low-empathy autism
You literally made him bread, shut up
>maybe I like women
Can we stop attributing hating men to automatically liking women, no Jane you don’t hate scrotes because you willingly fuck them and overlook many red flags in order to do so, you just hate how men act. Sexual attraction and romantic attraction to women isn’t tied to men and it isn’t a counter reaction, leave women alone.

No. 2459583

>men hating women
Raping them, abusing them, diminishing their worth, speaking about them in a derogatory and dehumanizing way , using them as fucktoys and blindsiding them after.
>women hating men
Saying “I hate men” only with their mouth but then completely doing the opposite kek. You’d pale in front of a man hating woman kek.

No. 2459586

And before the
>ree but women can use men just for sex too
Look at how a scrote who uses a woman for sex only acts and look at how a woman who “uses” a scrote for sex acts.
You just don’t hate men and that’s okay, words have meanings.

No. 2459592

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>You’d pale in front of a man hating woman kek.
Well you should teach the others nona

No. 2459600

Start by not making bread and cleaning up kek

No. 2459649

i feel really stressed out at the prospect of not being able to afford a comfy home in the future and being stuck having to commute 1 hour + and hearing babies crying while not having the space and privacy that I need to date ever
I just want to get out
It makes me feel so miserable
I just want to work a 9-5, have time to date guys and have some hobbies, and go to work by walking or biking

No. 2459697

I'm banned from Tinder, Bumble has 0 actually gay women, Hinge only has women looking for long term relationships, and Her is full of uglies and genderspecials. How tf am I supposed to hook up with women? Any nonnies out there wanting to get their pussy ate?

No. 2459700

I think me and my old friend are drifting apart for good. We've known each other for well over a decade but nowadays I find myself muting her conversation and spacing out when meeting her because all she does is just whine about petty stuff or talk about herself constantly, never having any interest in my life at all. I feel bad because she has no other friends and I guess that's why she dumps everything on me, but I feel shitty that she doesn't reciprocate at all. She immediately changes the topic or displays complete disinterest whenever I'm trying to talk about something I'm doing or have done and direct it back to complaining about her life… and then complains about how I only talk about the stuff I'm doing to other friends and not her. I don't think she genuinely even likes me as a person, it's just that there's nobody else.

No. 2459775

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When I get super stressed out I start fantasizing about what life would be like if I could have been an e-whore.

Just lazing around, playing video games, selling pictures and buying cute outfits all day. It sounds so nice. I'm sure I could've made it and have had a small userbase, then you can monetize playing league or whatever with your subscribers and make a decent living. But my parents would never have let me, which is probably for the best since this kind of "career" is short lived.
I wonder what these girls do once their looks run out. I guess the richer ones can just live off investments, but what about the mid-tier ones?

I know this lifestyle is far from perfect and if I had ended up doing that I'd probably long for a normal life, but it's just a nice fantasy that I have in my head. I just wish I could go NEET for a year or 6 months, but without living with my parents, and indulge in wasting my time in the internet and playing vidya, I miss feeling like time is endless and boredom being my biggest problem.

No. 2459789

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I need to pay a pretty big chunk of money for specialist treatment…I can afford it on a strictly technical basis of numbers, but I'm still going to feel the loss for a while. And this is AFTER they "realised" they'd "accidentally" overcharged me and re-calculated the cost (I don't trust those stingy bastards whatsoever). I hate being poooooooooor

No. 2459795

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Honestly, most e-whores don't get nearly as lucky as Belle Delphine did and have to "expand their horizons" (read: do even more degrading content or dip their toes in prostitution) for less than the average monthly rent.

No. 2459796

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I got my period and it hurts so fucking bad my fingers are trembling just typing this. and the work day just started so its not like I can go home. Fuck fuck fuck I feel like I'm gonna have diarrhea. My stomach hurts so bad I can't concrentrate on anything

No. 2459797

Rock climbing gyms, that’s the answer.

No. 2459799

It sounds good until you imagine how many freakish men are stalking her IRL and making deepfakes of her. I thank god i was too shy to ever post my face online publicly

No. 2459807

>I wish I couldve been an e-whore but my parents wouldnt let me
Uh, be grateful you have caring parents that let you live with them and care for your wellbeing to not let you whore yourself out online for pedoscrotes? Most of those girls got groomed like hell. You sound kind of underage and dumb

No. 2459810

Teenage acne sucked but teenage ear pimples were the most satisfying pimples to pop. I miss them.

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