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No. 2437755
A thread for venting about difficult, weird, or stupid stuff going on in your life.
Previous vent thread:
>>>/ot/2425242Follow all the /ot/ board rules & do not reply to bait.
Please, do not come to this thread to make fun of anons' vents, to demean them, or to try and be funny with some shit snark reply. It's annoying. If you do not have anything nice to say, don't say it at all. No. 2437762
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Nice new thread, good job OP
>>2437751Glad you got everything done! Rest easy tonight road warrior.
No. 2437765
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>>2437758>>2437762My pleasure nonnies ♥
No. 2437799
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No. 2437805
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>Every single person, including myself, is involved in the Truman show
No. 2437812
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>>2437800Maybe she started this so the thread will fill up faster and she can make a new one without the description she hates so much.
No. 2437851
>>2437847You can try doing your regular workout at the gym, and then come home and plank until your body physically gives out.
Do you go to sleep and wake up at the same times every day?
No. 2437865
>>2437857If I were you, I would find a sleep time that works across the board. For example, if I need to be in bed by 8pm five days out of the week, I go to bed at 8pm all days of the week. If you have a period where you fall asleep by 9pm, make your bedtime 8 or 9. You also want to wake up at the same time every day.
Try not drinking caffeine at least 5 hours before bed, and either don't use your phone 2 hours before bed, or use a blue light filter. It's called the "eye comfort shield" on most phones, and you can download f.lux for any computers.
You can be less rigid after a while, but you need to be very strict so your body can recuperate from being so irregular.
No. 2437878
>>2437863You didn't kill yourself in 2019 because you were meant to say hi to us while you figured out what you want to do with your life.
And you're not a fail daughter, I think. Imagine being the mother of any of our cows. Imagine being
Shayna's mother. Not such a failure now, are we?
You'll be okay, anon. This episode will pass and you will look to the future with determination once more.
No. 2437881
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>>2437863anon! surely you have pets or plants that rely on you?
No. 2437903
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No. 2437941
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How does anyone else cope with being dependent on family with such shitty and pickme takes? Especially when they weren't like that in the past? I need to get out of here.
No. 2437967
There's another aspect that complicates this situation, I was gonna post it in the confessions thread but might as well continue my story here. The guy she asked out and rejected her, he broke up with his gf a few months later. Then a few months after that, he asked ME out and we dated briefly before deciding that we were both too busy to entertain a real relationship. My friend does not know about this and I will never ever tell her, she would go absolutely apeshit over it, I know it. But I'm terrible at keeping secrets and it's pretty much eating me up inside.
It's been a year since he rejected her and she still shit talks him as if he did something wrong by… having a gf at the time I guess? I will take this secret to my fucking grave.
No. 2437980
>>2437967Ayrt I do get you here honestly, in my experience people like your friend (and my ex-friend) live in a world of their own and are largely oblivious to the feelings and dynamics of the people around them. There's only so much you can do to cater to what they think and feel when it's immature, not really rational and is detached from your own experiences. Your friend is perseverating over a blow to her ego, she doesn't have an emotional connection with that man.
>>2437974With this said I would avoid him if he ever shows up in your life in the future, I think the connection is kinda poisoned and doomed to fail unfortunately. He sounds cold and would probably do you dirty given the chance.
No. 2437998
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I have too many hobbies/fandoms.
And every time my period comes around I want to axe half of them.
When it's over, I feel joy and enthusiasm and pick more stuff up.
No. 2438072
>>2438060I care if you're here,
No. 2438083
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I shouldn't be filled with enraged jealousy every time someone I know moves back home with Mommy and Daddy as an adult but I am. My neighbors are shit, my rent is too high for the flophouse-ass hellhole I'm living in, I don't feel safe after a break-in… and I don't have the option to just leave and give up and move in with family until I have enough saved up for a year at a more expensive place. I haven't ever had that option. Moved out at eighteen and spent the ensuing decade and a half estranged and only talk to my mother occasionally now because she's fucking dying. I wish it was me. God, I wish it was me instead.
No. 2438092
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Males brag about the most pathetic shit
No. 2438116
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>>2438092Ya’ll are taking this shit too seriously. This is clearly an attempt at an autistic copypasta there’s no fucking way.
No. 2438143
>>2437902honestly I don’t think you’re alone in this feeling, I think many feel this way. Don’t give up.
>>2438017Are you wearing pants to bed?
No. 2438152
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I find it so hard right now to not fall for the blackpill. And no, I don’t wanna go to that thread, it’s full of schizo infighting and gender dysphoria kek.
It’s so disheartening to hear my peers spewing “girl power” and “sisterhood” just because they helped another woman once (usually with the smallest thing like “you’ve got lipstick on your teeth” for example), but I can tell that their “sisterhood” will cease to exist the moment a woman who isn’t participating in the status quo shows up (be it celibate, childfree, bi or les, expressing disdain towards heteronormativity, gnc, neurodivergent or just slightly weird and with different opinions). It’s all so performative.
It’s so lonely to be fair and I’m at that age where everyone I went to highschool and college with start getting married or be in ltr’s and I’m seeing my closest girlfriends become shells of their former selves and begging their nigels to be attentive to them for once. Doesn’t help that I live in a country that I can call pickme central where even the most liberal people can be quite sexist and homophobic.
I just wanna find likeminded women irl too but it seems so fucking impossible here and moving abroad will also alienate me for other reasons, I just don’t seem to ever find my place anywhere and it’s so frustrating. I feel like a passive observer in this place and in my shell it hurts.
Not to mention that I’m bi and only 3 people in my life know that, I don’t want to alienate myself further from my other friends, I know that it will change our relationship for the worse and I don’t want that to happen tbf, given how other women can react to other women who aren’t straight.
I just want a sincere hug in this moment, damn.
No. 2438158
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>>2438152It's okay, anon, I believe you will find your people eventually. For now you have us, even if some anons are fucking annoying, and that's more than a lot of gc/gnc/"alt" lifestyle women out there have.
I'm sorry you can't be more open about your sexuality as well, I'm sure that isn't helping your frustration. I'd give you a big hug if I could, keep your chin up.
No. 2438165
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I hate wide pants and I hate that my young era has them in fashion. It's not even the look of it, it's that they're so fucking impractical and uncomfortable! I like being outside and wide pants are a nightmare because. They. Touch. EVERYTHING. Other people's legs and shoes, the raised sidewalk, corners of things sticking out, grass taller than an inch. Dirt, mud, water, germs, everything. Wearing wide pants in nature is a death trap, every little tick and bug jumps on, and because the pants are so wide they also just climb up your legs straight away too. And that's not even mentioning getting stuck all the time because the pant leg caught onto something!
I can feel them swishing around my ankles the whole time and I find that annoying. Skinnier pants that are the right size are so comfy and don't have all that extra fabric swooshing around your feet, I want them to come back in style.
No. 2438178
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>>2438152Don't have anything constructive to add, I'm in a similar place and it sucks bad. Hopefully you can feel the hugs coming from halfway across the world.
No. 2438181
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Some people here are so stubborn and close-minded. As soon as your opinions or preferences differ from theirs, they label you as a moid. They make it very obvious that they've never interacted with people outside their circle.
No. 2438203
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I keep having shitty nightmares of my boyfriend ending things and it always leaves me feeling terrible. Now I woke up to fucking early great
No. 2438223
>>2438213Oh, no, that's typical for non-normies. I don't know if you're an autist or have ADHD, but it took me until my mid to late 20s to stop saying stupid shit so often. Just keep being mindful of when you do it and never stop trying to get it right.
You might even hit a point where you feel like you "always have to focus on not saying the wrong thing" but that's good because that means you're finally catching yourself just before it happens! Then it becomes more natural and that feeling goes away because you're better at conversation.
Don't give up!
No. 2438250
>>2438232No problem,
nonnie. And it's not a big deal if you were not around people early in life! Even if it takes you a while, you will become a decent conversationalist. Just remember, you get better at whatever you apply yourself to. And that includes speaking and human interaction!
Good luck! As long as you keep trying, it's never over.
No. 2438265
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got rejected from uni due to my gpa. idk what to do
No. 2438291
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Going to the mall is a nightmare because I ALWAYS see pretty and/or well-groomed Hispanic women next to picrel. Dios mío.
No. 2438308
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Sometimes it all clicks into place how the abuses and neglect you faced as a child and growing up affected you and made you what you are today. It doesn't make things any better, and it actually hurts a whole lot to look at it all together, to see the full picture a little more. Especially with the amount of people in my life who have told me to my face that my pain either didn't matter or wasn't as bad as theirs. At the very least I have been making strides in my mental health journey.
No. 2438335
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>>2438308I’m sorry that happened to you nona. One of the hardest parts about growing up and moving on is coming to terms with the harm that has been done to us. We can’t stare at our wounds forever but we can still be upset it happened. I’m glad you’re trying to recover from it and I hope one day you’re somewhere where it won’t haunt you like it does now.
No. 2438383
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thinking about the time i got dogpiled in celebricows for simply suggesting, not factually stating, that male celebs are more likely to engage in homosexuality. and guess what? the cannibal baking soda guy admits to it. every few years one of them admits to gay activity yet i'm crazy for observing it and saying "hey that's kinda gay"
No. 2438401
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>>2438383Armie Hammer is actual gaybait. There's no way he even steps a foot out the door without landing on a desperate aging faggot with money and power. Not anymore but gay moids love this face. He was even more desirable than Ryan Murphy's Boys and that is because of his name, and bc moids are stupid
No. 2438430
>>2438401Might explain his "thing" with RDJ.
Most actors are closeted bisexual. They gained the bisexuality from being casted couched and just kept along with it. Now they fuck anything that moves and have 15 different STDs. They try and hide their bisexuality by dating younger and younger women to compensate for how empty they feel inside. They will all eventually run headfirst into the wall thanks to their promiscuity and bug spreading.
No. 2438472
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I wish I didnt have adhd
No. 2438495
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>>2438472Same nona
Your picrel hits a little too close to home… No. 2438502
>>2438495Don't take this personally, it's not about you. It's about whoever made that edit.That picture made me viscerally upset. I feel actually angry now. I hate when people fundamentally misunderstand the meaning of an artwork and in doing so they pervert its meaning and destroy its message.
Christina's World is not about using a mobile phne.
No. 2438518
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A while back I became a NEET and I think it fucked my brain up. I haven't talked to or seen anyone in months (and burnt all my bridges because I ghosted my few job-related connections completely) and I just spend all day lying in bed doing nothing, even useless shit like browsing the web or playing games feels too exhausting so I just stare at the ceiling or sleep all day. To be fair I've always been lazy but now that I don't have any responsibilities I'm forced to upkeep I realized that my intrinsic motivation is non-existent, I'm basically just a slug kek.
No. 2438537
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>>2438502That’s okay anon, sorry for using a shitty meme it was the only one I had handy that was mildly adhd related.
No. 2438562
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>>2438158>>2438178Thank you nonnies, hope you’ll have a joyful and whimsical day and life too!
Yeah, I sometimes think that I should just bee myself and be transparent with how I really am and think, but in the back of my mind, I know that I would lose support and be considered disgusting by other women and I recently started to give friendships with women a chance and right now I don’t want to squander it.
I have to stop engaging with bp content too, it also contributes to my recent outlook on life and I realize it’s self harm but sometimes I can’t stop kek. No. 2438569
>>2438456You should also try antidepressants. Took me years, but now that I found one that works, I feel like I'm actually making headway into my situation.
But other anon is right. If the option is between doing nothing or doing something slowly, at least do it slowly.
No. 2438577
>>2438562I think you should take a middle pathway, maybe? Definitely stop engaging or looking at bp content, but also you don't have to out yourself to other women. Take whatever support you can get and come talk to us on here about the other things you can't say irl. Trust me, you will eventually find a friend you can be open with, you just need to keep looking for her.
Hope you feel better soon,
nonny ♥
No. 2438600
I'm terrified of being cheated on. I've seen the emotional destruction it causes first hand, my gma and mother were both cheated on, both took different decisions, and both suffered regardless. I'm afraid of finding out that the man I grew to love never saw me as a human being, only as a servant who should be happy to give everything of herself and ask for nothing in return. That he thinks my feelings are less than nothing, that the whole time he was simply hiding his anger at me having the audacity to ask him for anything, any compromise or commitment. And I do think that's the case with every cheater, that that is the internal mechanics of cheating, it's what makes it fair to them: "who does this bitch think she is, asking me to not do exactly what I want when I want? But I do like the sex, and the things she does for me, and the ego boost she gives me, so I'll play along to appease her while doing what I want."
No. 2438623
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I feel like I'm about to scream. I'm so tired of being exhausted no matter what I do, my bloodworks are fine and I don't seem to be lacking anything - I'm just lacking energy in general. I function way better when I only work 75% instead 100% but I have to do the latter. I want to have a cleaner home (I'm even too tired after work to do the "clean as you go" thing, I just make sure the dishes and bathroom are clean and call it a day until the weekend comes around and even then it's rarely guaranteed I have the energy to do any proper deep cleaning), take more time to cook my food for the week, and just in general have an additional rest day, but that's not applicable to my life at the moment.
No. 2438665
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Had 2 insufferable customers yesterday and it didn’t help they seemed like the overweight gendie, perma disabled but won’t help themselves usual whiners.
>both at least in their mid 30’s if not older
>one of the women wearing pic related while other has a Daisy Duck lounge fly backpack
>”they don’t make sugar free chocolate because they hate people”
> allergic to cane syrup, complains that she’s highly allergic to nuts but butter croissant is in contact with almond croissant so she can’t eat it
>explain to her that even if we didn’t place them next to each other, we get it delivered from a bakery so we can’t guarantee there’s no cross contamination
>still complaining
>orders a latte but doesn’t like milk so requests she only gets half the amount of milk and fill the rest with coffee
>explain that we can’t do that unless she’s willing to pay for the extra espresso shot
How tf do these people manage to not have a heart attack everytime they step out of the house, there’s always a fucking problem with them, Jesus.
No. 2438827
>>2438817NTA but my issue with birth control is that it’s used as a catch all solution to any gynecological problems for women and the entirety of negative side effects aren’t fully explained to most women it gets prescribed to.
I’m a full believer in having easily accessible birth control but also be realistic about its increased rates of blood clots, heart attack, breast cancer etc with hormonal BC.
No. 2438837
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Been feeling low energy as of late and it’s concerning me, especially since I actually keep up with my anemia treatment.
I’m stressed out and started eating like shit again (eating 2 times a day if I’m lucky and it’s either junk or portion size is rather for a toddler than a grown ass woman). Work and uni are stressing me right now - it’s wrong to wish for this, but I sometimes want to take medical leave from work and be hospitalized for a little while so I can catch a break at least.
Recently I have also been feeling the urge to isolate from everyone, hence why I deleted my social media apps and left no explanation to my closest friends at first. I want to stay locked in my room and rot in bed for a week maybe, I don’t want to hear the alarm tomorrow morning, I just wanna sleep for longer.
I hate the month of March too, always triggers memories from the time of my most impactful suicide attempt, which happened on this specific month many years ago. I don’t necessarily want to kms right now but I just want to disappear in a way and maybe for people to forget about me, what I feel right now is overwhelming.
I’m grateful for this space tho, I don’t want to tell my parents or my friends about this, don’t want to bother and/or worry them. But even the court jester needs a break and cry, right?
To whoever nonnie who took the time to read these shitty ramblings, thank you!
No. 2438844
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>>2438837You'll get through this funk, mmmmuah
No. 2438886
>>2438876If you looked at the post before the one I replied to, another anon was telling her birth control is "literally poisonous". That's not "potentially harmful side effects".
And then anon I replied to said
>i've been scared to look up the ways in which my specific implant is harmfulAs if it's a given that the bc she's using is harmful by default. Jesus.
No. 2438940
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>>2438906It's legitimately like talking to a Jehovah's witness. I told my ex friends that it was weird and suspicious for an older moid to start lovebombing you out of nowhere, and she reacted like I was a monster who didn't want her to be happy. Take a wild guess how well that turned out.
No. 2438975
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>>2438940>>2438906It really is like some kind of cult around geriatric cock. I was listening to a podcast the other day and I immediately lost all respect for the woman being interviewed when she revealed that she began dating a 38-year-old man at age 19 (something she waited until the very END of the episode to mention even though her boyfriend was a major part of the story).
Basically, she grew up in poverty with a single, teenage mom, and she got groomed into an anti-abortion cult as a teenager after she vented about her rape and subsequent miscarriage online. Years later, when her elderly pet scrote got her pregnant, she decided to have an abortion so she could go to college. She then made the baffling decision to vent about it to one of her old anti-abortion friends, who went totally apeshit, harassing her in person and even filing false police reports to get her arrested in order to prevent her from having an abortion. It's really horrible and I'm sympathetic for those experiences. However, she acted as though everything is all better now, and that her current boyfriend was some kind of saint. But this man is categorically a predator, seeking out a relationship with a barely-legal, alcoholic, vulnerable woman young enough to be her daughter. She just went from being groomed by Jesus freaks to being groomed by him. I really, really hope for her sake that she comes to her goddamn senses and dumps his ass.
No. 2438985
>>2438906My friends all have s/os their own age, but my best friend is dating a zippertit TiF and it's
almost as bad as an elderly scrote.
No. 2438992
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Sometimes I come close, really close, to psychicing myself up to making a new friend. I usually blackpill myself into thinking it's meaningless because the people I normally hang with have personality necrosis due to exposure to the dumbest things. People change over time and that's fine, but as a person who hates chnage it makes me so depressed to watch them spiral into whatever the hell that is.
Making a new friend seems exciting. Interesting. But also terrifying. I have so many quirks that are probably deemed disgusting or horrid by normie dtandards. Even my super cool cousin wants to hang out with me but I dodge her purely out of fear of my own bullshit coming to light. Being a shut-in all my life stunted my emotional capacity to feel anything other than shame for my existence.
But… a new friend. Right? I want a new friend. I want to geek out about things with someone new. I want to smile again. I want that slim possibility to make a best friend to come to fruition! So bad!!
No. 2439038
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Debating myself on whether I should reply to these pickme retards or vaguepost about them here
No. 2439069
>>2439038Don't be vague, say it with your full chest
>>2438956What, this?
>>2438906 unfortunately those types of women she described actually are real and not that uncommon
No. 2439096
>>2439069I can't be specific about the discussion I was in because I would out myself. Just know that it was about otome and the pickmes were defending rape- I mean "noncon" (because women love rape kinks, right? It's not like we're being psyopped to get off to our own sexual abuse or anything. I just said I want less of that shit but it seems to be in every adult otome game ever, how dare I not get off to rape and say something negative about it), pedophilia in Japanese moeshit games (muh Japanese women look younger, le cultural differences, you can't tell a character's age just by looking at them so I don't know why they keep being censored) and accusing "male feminists" of censoring otome games that romanticize and glorify abuse and child marriage (I wasn't even talking about that, I was talking about how scrotes in the industry don't give a fuck about what women want, so they're the furthest thing from "male feminists", and a lot of female otome devs keep perpetuating the psyop, which pickmes think has nothing to do with misogyny apparently even though it does, but the thing is, I didn't even call it misogyny, I just said otome devs and publishers are retarded. This weird, random "male feminist" accusation sounds like the pickme who plays moeshit games on the regular spends a little too much time hanging around right-leaning weeb moids online). Like have they no eyes? No brain? Media for women where the female audience is expected to find male on female abuse romantic and male on female rape erotic is not the "opposite" equivalent of porn for moids where the male audience is expected to find male on female rape arousing. And also the female is idealized as young and innocent in both. BOTH kinds of media are telling us that women's role in society is to be young and pure only for us to be raped and enjoy it. It's literally the exact same psyop, only one is made more palatable to women so they can't tell right away that it's just the same garbage. That's literally misogyny, that's sexism. You wanting more of that garbage in English doesn't make you as edgy and "based" as the moids that regularly get localized hentai games where they self insert as the rapist. It's sad that some women really think this is fair. What fucking male would ever want to stop otome games like these from being published? Use your fucking head. Chinese and Korean gacha games, Japanese games and VNs and eroge, Japanese manga, Western video games, all of these are dominated by males and will primarily pander to men. Japanese manga is being intentionally policed by males and possibly pickmes that don't want to upset their moid audience's feefees by accidentally making female characters that look like normal non-pornified people and protect their own dignity by not taking any moid's bs. Female characters that aren't just meant to be a proxy girlfriend. But female audiences have to be content with shitty crumbs all the time and even the media that is aimed at them is extremely limited and biased to show them only brainwashing shit. And it's also heavily policed, at least in the case of manga, because god forbid Japanese girls realize they can be assertive and don't have to settle for shitty moids or base their self-esteem on their own youth and beauty. But fuck you if you ever talk about this because then you're crazy (for saying something everyone already knows out loud).
I really wanted to reply to them but it just isn't worth it. They're putting words in my mouth, misinterpreting everything I said because of their own lack of knowledge about the genre, the industry and Japan's culture while they pretend to be experts, and keep lying about things everyone can tell, but this is too exhausting for me. Their stupidity is off the charts. There are thousands of people like this online and I can't be assed to waste my time trying to make them understand why everything they're saying is pure bullshit. Also if you call BL games otome you're not qualified to participate in any discussion about either of those two things lmao. If I wanted to lose half my neurons in a dumb internet slapfight with other women I would do it here on lolcow, at least farmers know the difference between BL and otome and what joseimuke is and don't make excuses for pedo moids. I wish someone would call them out on their bs but I'd be a hypocrite because I chickened out of doing it myself.
>>2439083>OUR fav otome gameIstg, we need to gatekeep more aggressively. We need to call other women out for this kind of thing more often and more publicly.
No. 2439153
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>>2438522NTA I know it's from wikipedia but here's an explanation
No. 2439172
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My best friend was shitty and manipulative, constantly put me down to raise herself up, treated me like my mother, but she introduced me to some very good people. Now after cutting her off I've inevitably become distant from them because for some reason everyone loves sucking her asshole. She's hot and charismatic like a slab of fatty cheese is on an undercooked burger. She actively treated me like shit in FRONT of these people too and they still suck her asshole. She needs ass suckers and I used to be the biggest one of them all because it's harder for me to make friends and sunken cost fallacy. Every time I go online I see them posting with her and I wish I was mature enough to let her go but we shared so many experiences together, I really loved her for decades. The final straw was when she ghosted me when she knew my father was dying. I was there for her through the loss of her own father.
She also got a retarded callout post chain on Instagram last year. Like fifteen people joined in. She used to talk shit about one of our good friends while living with them, and some idiot name dropped the friend and detailed all of the horrible things she had said about this person. They STILL talk to her. It's baffling.
It was so much easier to cut my other friend off who loaded me up with drugs and alcohol until she stole money from me and stood by while I got assaulted.
I'm a shit magnet.
No. 2439178
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>>2438906>a 39 yo bf as a 21 year old >>2439096>defending rape in an otome gameHow much do u have to hate yourself to do things like this? It literally has no benefits
No. 2439316
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>>2438166Just thought you were an ameritard is all. You realise that some bullshit written on paper can’t physically stop you from doing things don’t you? All this law is telling you is that you can carry a weapon so long as you don’t get caught.
No. 2439328
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>>2438518You are not alone, nona. I became a NEET a while ago too and have no social life or motivation to do anything, just browsing the same 5 websites and wasting all of my time/life. I hope things will get better for you soon, try to celebrate small achievements like cooking a meal or cleaning your desk etc. We're all going to make it…
No. 2439333
>>2438975Well, she had an abortion to go to college. There's hope for her yet.
>>2438906I think it's partly because scrotes their own age are so shit, and partly because of the need for security. Misogyny is rampant, the COL and job crises aren't slowing down, nobody can afford to live alone… enter Old Moid In Shining Armor, a fat balding 36 year old looking for his perfect 18 year old waifu. He has a job, he has a home, he has hobbies that don't involve a screen. He keeps other scrotes from harassing her. He tells her that he understands that it's hard to find a job right now and all he really needs from her is a little bit of effort on her part to keep the place clean and make him meals, maybe they can even have a family together. He doesn't look more walled than the scrotes her own age, and her self esteem is only marginally higher than a TIF's.
She's so convinced that this is the only way she'll ever have a decent relationship that she ignores every red flag and becomes the embodiment of relationship advice Reddit posts. Her moid took out a credit card in her name to buy Lego and limited edition funkos, he's so quirky lol!!!!! He doesn't let her find a job but that's only because he knows how stressful job hunting is!!! He isolated her from her aboosive family and friends who said he was creepy!!! He buys all her clothes for her and tells her what to wear because he's such a fashionista!!!! He wants her to get pregnant without finishing school because he loves her that much!!! And he's a bit shouty sometimes but she dated boys in school who made AI porn of her fucking dogs and sent it to her parents, so really he's an angel and she won't hear a word against him. Clearly, the only reason anyone would think this is creepy is if they're jealous or bigoted or icky weirdos themselves.
No. 2439349
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>>2438751Ayart, it’s 7:30am and I just submitted the assignment. I’m sleeping for a few hours then need to get up to do my reading before class. At least I got it done.
No. 2439361
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i relapsed in my drug addiction and i might lose my income. i don't think my relationship will last the betrayal of me doing drugs again. can't seek help cause i'll lose my license and meds. fuck my life. i want to fix the situation but it's looking bleak in all aspects.
No. 2439364
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It's annoying that I didn't get to have a normal childhood. Lots of people have it worse but apparently mine was pretty bad because I have such a hard time coping. I'm stuck picking up the pieces, even now. I want to be a mom one day, but I worry I'm too retarded to raise a normal child. Idk
No. 2439424
>>2439399i was never prescribed it
>>2439398i'm too paranoid to go to NA in my city since it's my hometown which is quite small, everyone knows everyone and yeah. i have considered it before when my addiction was at its worst. i think if certain issues in my life can resolve soon, it won't be hard getting sober again. i'm just so bad at problem solving and coping and planning ahead whenever something stressful happens.
No. 2439612
>>2439600not being the best doesn't mean be bad. just be decent and neutral until we mutually decide we actually like each other.
I would bring a plate of cookies to people I like and are friendly with but not to a group of strangers.
No. 2439640
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im getting my hours cut and im already broke you gotta be kidding me. FUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKK
No. 2439652
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this is so unfair, robots still aren't life-like or sentient enough so we won't be getting our robot husbandos anytime soon. Pls we need the robot industry to go faster, like robot husbands right now. Ill buy them even if its for 100.000k
please PLEASE , im sexually frustrated but i don't want to do it real moids, when will these robot hudbandos come to fruition.
No. 2439722
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>>2439679But what if I don't want it to be
No. 2439730
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No. 2439738
>>2439255i kind of feel better but not really
>>2439643holy shit that sounds nasty get rid of that neglectful weirdo please
No. 2439746
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I fell in love for the first time at my big girl age of 24 and for the first time in my life i feel self-conscious about my looks. Dry pimply skin with tons of damage from hardcore acne as a teen, , weird face shape that makes me look older than i am, nasolabial folds, small lips, big ass forehead, greasy and thin hair. I look disgusting. The only thing i can change for free is my weight and thankfully i already lost 3kg, but i feel like it wont be enough to make me attractive to the guy i like. Sigh.
No. 2439757
>>2439746Well start washing your hair, too!
>>2439754What? Kick him out of your house.
No. 2439763
>>2439754You should kick his ugly ass out, he’s in
your home nona.
>>2439761>Jesus chris keek
No. 2439767
>>2439757I'm not allowed anymore bc it makes me mean and i once promised to not send him away— to his own home— anymore. Leaving when I'm overwhelmed for a walk is wrong too.
I fucking know what I'm in, I know, I know and it hurts bc how did this happen to me. Now I'll just go on dates to feel desirable again, so I can let go of this shit "I might be lonely" fucked up attitude long enough to just get my shit together bc this is fucking embarrassing
No. 2439793
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Looking through my old texts with my ex legit breaks my heart, will I ever be loved like this again…fuck
No. 2439806
>>2439793i am sorry
nonny but this is cringe
No. 2439815
>>2439803I shared a vague/generic one on purpose bc I don’t wanna be doxxed. He used to send those every night to me and usually they’d be more detailed. His new gf is obsessed with me and knows I use lc kek.
>>2439794I have higher standards now and would have left him earlier.
>>2439806Kek I figured someone would think so.
No. 2439896
>>2439865It's on the left side so not appendix related at all. Aside from pain in that area I don't really have any other symptoms, that's the mystery of it. I had some stomach issue because of a stupid bacteria I had last year, but the location of the pain seems to align with what I've been reading about kidney stones. I kept hoping it was because of lower back pain and that it would go away but it wasn't.
Thanks nonna, I honestly want to get better ASAP.
No. 2439904
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nonnie, pain is in a diff location, I've had appendicitis scares before, I wish it was anxiety induced but it's not
No. 2439946
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I was going to reply to something stupid and baitish I read, but then I realized the only reason it annoyed me was because for a second, I considered the person who said it the same as a "regular person" when it wasn't deserved. It can be hard for me to remember that all anonymous posts must stand on their own merit, that almost any kind of person can find this place, and if someone's gone full retard, I don't need to kindly consider that they might be a "valid" human who'll see where they're wrong if someone engages with them, instead of just staying retarded and shitting up any thread they're in if they get a reply. Sometimes, you really do just see (or get the attention of) a cowlike or a psychotic person, and that's okay.
No. 2439958
>>2439904I feel like you'd know if it was kidney stones. That is the general area but it is a really bad pain that you can't just work through. It comes in waves and then once the stone passes more you get UTI symptoms.
I had to stop drinking soda because I got some tiny ones that passed on their own, but it still hurt so bad.
No. 2440071
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I am so ugly, nonnies. I literally look like picrel but with a hook nose. It sucks because there is no amount of makeup that can fix my bone structure. Goddam it pisses me off because my mom is gorgeous but she had me with a hideous man and i inherited all his shitty traits. I have been told i look like a grandmother since i was 15 because of my shitty sagging cheeks. I got nothing going on for me visually, just ugly all around. I really wish i was born a moid, the only thing i eve get complimented on is my sense of humor. But its worthless when you want to get laid because moids dont appreciate that. Fuck my life.
No. 2440096
>>2440071if it can make you feel any better, although this sort of face isn't the current standard i find it very cute. she just looks like a friendly person you can have an easy chat with.
and if what you care about is scrotes theres always going to be some to find you good looking enough.
No. 2440292
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Reading about that women's only gym in the UK being flooded with hate by trannies made me so angry I was literally seeing red and feeling light headed, like I'm short circuiting. I am so sick of men who call themselves women being treated as though they could never be dangerous by these people. Trans identified men are 3 times more likely to commit sexual assault than a cis man, it happens constantly and these people deny and ignore it. Seeing a screenshot from reddit of some dick saying it literally never happens and there are 0 reported cases of TiMs assaulting a woman in a bathroom is beyond insanity, so many cases come to mind just in my own local area. Sometimes I just really feel like I want to cry. This world hates women so much and we're regressing so far, women can't have any single sex spaces. I wanted to start a local art club for women only and even in my small ass town I know of several trannies who would definitely try and get in on any "women only" anything. How are these people not seen as potentially dangerous when sex is their entire personality? The TiMs in my town post sexually degenerate shit on their public profiles and I'm supposed to feel safe around that? Even if there was only ONE recorded case of a TiM attacking a woman in a bathroom, why would you still allow it? Because women aren't fucking people, that's why. I want to get really violent.
No. 2440335
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>>2440216>>2440216It's almost as if some of people are dying to find some idiots to exploit you as if men care that you're not far above their league like they prefer as long as you do what they want and are sexually available. I wouldn't worry about cuteness. there's supposedly cute moids who have a lot of issues. I'd worry about unintentionally involving yourself with a narcissistic ahole who decides that he needs to hurt you because you didn't do what he wanted. It's not paranoid to think of shit like that because men routinely act like complete fucking psychos because idiot women let them. If women felt comfortable being by themselves terrible men would not be enabled. women already have to conform to far higher standards of beauty and men routinely look far worse than women and refuse to take care of themselves so an imbalance already exists as a baseline.
No. 2440360
>>2440292nonnie, i’m feeling the exact same way this evening. normally i’m very level-headed but tonight, the thought of tims is making me seriously freak out and want to cry. their blatant misogyny just goes unchecked and we have to bow down to their every whim. when did this happen!? i feel like a crazy person for being so upset. and all of the backlash they dish out is ALWAYS directed towards women. they hate us so bad. they hate us so bad. but we can’t say that, can we? idk why i’m so upset about it tonight.
i’m sending you lots of love,
nonnie No. 2440387
>>2440292I'm sorry to hear that
Personally I'm desensitised to anger over shit like this at this point but it's not a good thing either. I find it so funny how they keep saying "How can you tell if they're biological? Pull down their pants?" as if troons with their blatant hulking glaringly male faces aren't clockable enough at first sight. They're acting as if TERFs are hunting them down with pitchforks like kek, since when has there been a single case of a
TERF attacking a TIM?
They also keep using "what about women with PCOS and
WOC who look male" like thanks for revealing you don't see
WOC as female. Also a woman could have a full beard from PCOS and I could still tell.
No. 2440409
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He is so fucking glad that I ended up moving away. The only other way the suffering could’ve ended was if one or both of us died. It’s been a long time since we last talked but I wish I would’ve killed him every day.
He made me look and feel insane. He’d push me to the breaking point and when I would finally blow up he’d remain calm and collected. I’d end up feeling like I had to apologize to him over and over again and he’d say he forgave me but then he’d bring up things I said to make me feel bad. He’d do this weird thing where he would start humblebragging under the guise of being self-deprecating (i.e., “I don’t know why so many people want me, I’m so ugly”). Whenever someone would comment on one of his social media posts calling him hot he’d make a huge spectacle out of it, insulting them to prove how “loyal” he was to me. All that just to end up cheating on me with a girl I considered my friend.
Why does he get to have everything I ever wanted while I had to lose everything, when he’s not even grateful for it? Did he ever really love me, and if he did, what made him stop loving me? Why the hell did I make the mistake of opening up to him about my mental health issues when he could so easily use that against me? Why is it that the “crazy one” in the relationship is always more hated than the evil one? Does he tell his new girlfriend about how “crazy” I am? Why was he able to change for her, but not for me?
No. 2440599
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I watched a video of a moid killing a kitten yesterday and I can't get that scene out of my head. The moid ended up being killed later, but that doesn't erase the pain the kitten felt or bring it back to life. I feel so fucking horrible. I wish all animal abusers a miserable existence.
No. 2440713
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2 months since my gf passed. i don't want to do anything anymore
No. 2440890
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I'm wearing a bra and a black jumper, HOW ON EARTH CAN I SEE MY NIPPLE SHAPE THROUGH MY CLOTHES
No. 2440898
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I hate having things I don’t need! I hate buying things I didn’t really want or need. I’ve always preferred to limit myself to buying only what’s necessary, for me, that’s just normal, I don’t even have to force myself to do it, unlike other people who actually enjoy shopping. I hate owning things that just sit around collecting dust. I hate myself for spending money on stuff I clearly didn’t want or need, but that my sister or friends made me think I should buy.
No. 2440900
>>2440417>>2440409I don't care how young you are. look into separatism discourse. I spent a lifetime around shitty men and they don't change. Even though I think a book like why does he do that by Lundy Bancroft does not feel like enough, start there. Read Mary Daly, Dworkin, Sheila Jeffreys. All of those women have experience with men, some of them were in
abusive relationships and found the courage to just no longer risk that shit. I always find it incredible when I read some woman's autobiography or trauma coping related book and see that it's basically a long list of them dealing with men who are fucking psychopathic and the fact that psychopathic men are basically very very common. these women rarely decide that their life will be much better they avoid men from then on…
>>2440530Tophia's neighbors reported them for having an unsanitary apartment that was affecting them as well. she also admitted that she was fired from Dunkin's after like a day because of hygiene issues… The internet is definitely at fault for bullying these people but they did not get them evicted, you cannot get evicted for being embarrassing.
>>2440873nonnie BPD is basically short hand for a woman who has undergone significant trauma. I know the kind of people you are talking about and they are ugly and immature and most people hate them. you can take interpersonal relations class at a community college or looking to stuff like that if you have a counselor or a therapist to help you develop self-esteem or something.
>>2440890It's because clothing like sweatshirts now weighs a third less than they did in the '80s so the thin material essentially makes it impossible to conceal shit like nips, which we all have. If I could get away with it I would totally go braless in public even though I have larger than average breasts according to some people and and it would feel uncomfortable to not wear a bra around most people. I gotta start finding some kind of woman only festival that would accommodate that kind of thing. you have to learn to stop feeling shame around your body,
>>2440860leave him. if he shows zero concern for you and your sexual needs he's basically a sentient dildo that has a high chance of giving you a UTI or an STI even. I would not tolerate that, like I'm a misandrist but still.
No. 2440936
>>2440873I’m a diagnosed BPDemon (although annother therapist suggested I just have CPTSD annd autism) and I’ve always wished that I was one of those people who internalized their anger and never showed their emotions. It’s interesting to see the opposite perspective. I guess the grass is always greener on the other side. Sometimes I wish I was a narc a lot too. At least then I wouldn’t have to deal with the guilt. Contrary to popular belief a lot of BPDs are actually big people pleasers and that’s part of the problem. We repress our emotions until we explode.
I wish I had more advice for you. I know that DBT is really helpful for BPD but I’m not sure if it helps with plain old CPTSD. Maybe schema therapy or EMDR?
No. 2441061
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>>2440968It's more of a product of the culture than the cause I would say. I apologize for the weeb reference but there is a reason Alfred is described as selfish in Hetalia. American media is very America-centered. An average nightly news broadcast will be 98% American-centered news and the rest is just reading the headlines from around the world. (My own personal example is that I remember being in Italy and was incredibly confused why the Italian news was broadcasting a hotel fire in Turkey. I didn't understand why they would contribute airtime to that rather than focus on Italian news.) My history education in school was 9 years of American history, 1 year of US government, and 2 very brief and not great years of world history, where we also talked about American history. I've known people who have never met someone from another country, or if they have it's another North American country. And it's easy to find people who have never left the country nor do they have the desire to.
The other thing is that American culture is an individualistic culture. If they don't know anyone from X country and are not going to be going to X country, why would they learn about X country? It's very out of sight, out of mind I suppose. So just because you may have the intellectual curiosity to research other cultures or countries, that isn't really… valued I guess in American culture. It's superfluous and there is no expectation for someone to know that the capital of Sweden is Stockholm, especially if they have never and will never leave the continental US.
I know you were just complaining about burgers being dumb and probably didn't expect an effortpost about American culture, but It's something I'm really interested in and find fascinating so I appreciate you entertaining me No. 2441206
>>2441124Yeah, a defining piece of American culture is competitiveness which comes with the individualistic part. Generally, people believe that you get what you work for and if something didn’t work out then you didn’t work hard enough for it. Most everything is viewed as a reflection on the individual, so people will put up with shitty conditions because they believe most everything is a them problem not an environmental or societal problem. Which, when you mix in American exceptionalism, results in… what you see.
This isn’t as much of the case in more well-off or urban areas from what I can tell but there’s still elements.
No. 2441217
>>2441193>>2441196I wondered about making an anonymous report but I'm not sure how seriously it would get taken. Her kid is almost 6 and autistic/adhd so I'm sure she would just use that as an excuse. But other than just manhandling the poor thing and her kid not knowing at all how to interact with it, it's fed and living indoors. I don't know, I guess it's worth a shot anyway.
>>2441197I would in a heartbeat if I could, I feel so bad when I leave their house
No. 2441279
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>Start talking to older sister again for first time in years
>She's claiming she was served dog meat at an asian restaurant
I genuinely don't know how to respond to this claim and also this reminds me of why I stopped talking to her in the first place
No. 2441476
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>My brother lost his phone somewhere in the house
>I call it to see if we can hear it
>Literally just state "oh, it's gone straight to voicemail" in a normal tone of voice
I'm tired of simultaneously being the bad guy and the easy target.
No. 2441483
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Picrel is unironically how I've been feeling all day.
No. 2441489
>>2441061>My history education in school was 9 years of American history, 1 year of US government, and 2 very brief and not great years of world history, where we also talked about American history.Ehhhh, this is pretty common for most countries. History class is usually focused on their own country, their ancestors and various developments, conflicts, big events, political shit and relations, maybe some tidbits about other relevant colonizers and ancient empires and then a big spolight on the world wars. History of the entire world would be way way too extensive, it's more important for kids to understand their own history, and to be aware that nazis and fascists are terrible people kek.
No. 2441564
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>you are too negative you need to see the bright side of things more often
its easy to say that when you arent fat, ugly, poor, have health problems, have no talent, are retarded, have a crazy schizo unsupportive family and you arent getting cucked and mogged by a TIF. People who say stupid shit like that dont have any real problems, its easy to be positive when you have things to look forward to. I got nothing going on for me, absolutely nothing. My life is fucking miserable and sad 24/7.
No. 2441636
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It's a pathetic thing to be happy about, but I've been brushing my teeth daily and regularly showering lately. It's not something I have to force myself to do anymore, I want to do it. It took me a while to learn, but I finally realized that laying in a filthy body just makes everything worse. Taking care of myself really does make me feel better, and that alone is a reason to get out of bed.
It feels like I'm finally getting out of this depressive slump… Light at the end of the tunnel, and whatnot. I hope I continue to find ways to take better care of myself.
No. 2441640
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>>2441636That is great news nona. Hope you have you kept enough fats and blubbers on hand to redistribute moisture to your body after these frequent bathings
No. 2441648
>>2441611NTA but
>fatLosing weight does not cost money. Exercise more frequently and change your diet. If you're gonna say you're too broke to eat healthy, skipping meals saves money.
>uglyShower regularly, brush your teeth 3x a day, wash your face in the mornings, eat little to no junk food, keep well hydrated, work out. Learn to cut your own hair. Worrying about anything beyond that is pointless.
>have no talentAnything you practice, you improve. Take up drawing, all you need is paper and pencil/pen, and the links in artist salt op. Can't afford? Save up/steal/borrow $40USD, buy cheap tablet off amazon, infinite paper. Still too expensive? Learn coding.
>are retardedNot enough info here. But having a skill (see above) alleviates the retardation. Also improves self esteem, so get to it.
>poorLearned skills may be monetized for scraps of cash, even if it doesn't happen immediately.
>getting cucked and mogged by a TIFIt is a fucking TIF. Literally just be less mentally ill than the TIF and you will no longer have this problem, because she is a woman so unwell she wants to troon out.
>have a crazy schizo unsupportive familyDo all of the above, find romantic partner, inherit family from them, start your own family. Profit.
No. 2441671
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>>2441656It certainly doesn't hurt imo
No. 2441681
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I hate my fucking stupid coworker. When I signed the contract for this job it felt like I was selling my soul to the devil and now every day I have to talk to my coworker and hear her grating voice telling me she won't repeat herself to give me simple directions because apparently I should have that shit memorized in fucking 5 days I feel my will to live getting sucked out of me, "you are not listening to me" God I fucking wish.
The salad girl also hates my guts I can feel it. Every time she sees me from her window she gets that face like she smelled a wet fart and this is all thanks to my coworker. She threw in to the trash all the salad girl's work and she's been feuding with her for like 3 days now. Fuck this. I need my coworker to move asap to a different sector or to fucking die already or I might have a very public nervous breakdown.
No. 2441715
>>2441663Coding is a skill and a fun hobby. I'm having too much fun playing with my website to hear you be negative.
>>2441684Clearly not "all" of what I said since you are apparently still fat, talentless, and getting mogged by a fucking tif of all things.
>>2441709I honestly think that if you are doing the stuff listed in my original post, no matter how crooked your nose or deformed your jaw is, you will find somebody who likes you. Can people be cruel to "ugly" women, yes definitely, but it is just as cruel to average women because of the society we live in. So yes, I genuinely don't believe in ugly women. Men are fully capable of being hideous though, I hate them.
No. 2441740
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Tired of the older women in the office asking me when I am going to get a boyfriend, and then whenever my Mom sees me, also asking me what I am doing to get a boyfriend. Here's what I am doing to get a boyfriend: nothing, because I don't want one. Thanks for asking again everyone.
No. 2441792
>>2440884Which is beyond unfortunate, mental disabilities and a lack of community support and internet bullying combined lead to these kinds of situations.
>>2440900>The internet is definitely at fault for bullying these people but they did not get them evicted, you cannot get evicted for being embarrassing. It's clear that she and her family have severe mental problems. In an ideal world the United States would care about its dysfunctional citizens and help them, but I guess I'm more upset that her family was killed.
No. 2441805
I know this sounds retarded to most people, but I'm so fucking sick of media, no matter it's origin HAVING NO FUCKING FANSERVICE OF MALE CHARACTERS WHILE OVERSEXUALIZING THE SHIT OUT OF THEIR FEMALE ONES, EVEN IN WORKS AIMED AT WOMEN. I hate watching an episode of an anime, playing a game, and all of the sudden I'm greeted with a fucking ass shot or boob physics of a female character. Even something as small as this affects my morale when all I wanna do is just unwind after a hard day of classes. Women are so fucking limited options wise and no one gets it, men really do live life on easy mode
Western media
>wokeshit video games featuring unsexualized female characters but ugly male characters who are even uglier than the culture warriors like to complain about
>boring life sim
>live action tv shows and movies that are restricted to boring romance and are often accompanied by unsexualized, ugly moids (ie bridgerton)
>if they do feature somewhat attractive males, they're low in quality and the aforementioned romance slop like twilight
>shitty smut novels that have an ugly moid straight out of a gay porn on the cover
Eastern media
>only anime for women are boring romanceslop featuring the same problems as above but with more oversexualization and abuse
>only video games for women are gacha trash and visual novels compared to the wide variety of games for men that feature both attractive characters and fanservice
>often these gacha trash and visual novels have very little sexualization of male characters
>visual novels have higher quality stories but they're boring as shit to play
It pisses me off so fucking much. Why the hell does it have to be this way? There is no substantial media (i hate that word but it's most applicable here) for women, all of it's either low quality, boring, or not truly catering to women. More importantly, why the fuck do no female creators do anything to fix this or make things better for us? I blame the myth of "women are less visual!" shit. Women deserve attractive eye candy too. This shit pisses me off so bad, I wish I wasn't a woman.
No. 2441820
>>2441794yeah anon i'm there with you. i think the majority of women have PMDD of varying degrees, but a lot of us don't connect the dots because it can be like a whole week before your period and isn't talked about.
the best thing i've done for mine is just to constantly remind myself that its PMDD, its temporary, and that i'll feel better in a few days. its not as bad when i remind myself that its a real thing with a real cause and a real end in sight.
No. 2441831
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>>2441805Funny that when even the source material focuses on the male characters (LADS) fans still find a way to sexualize the MC more
No. 2441853
I’m not feeling happy in my relationship. Things didn’t go as planned and my boyfriend and I ended up living together. We’re still not married. I hate living with him. Our lifestyles are incompatible and I’m struggling to be patient anymore. I’ve waited a long time already and have conceded plenty. He has no job, no clear plans despite having goals. He practices poor hygiene and doesn’t have good homemaking skills. If you’re not either taking care of the house or making money, what’s the point? But I’m scared to break up. Although I’m staying with him for other reasons than this, I’m scared of meeting new men. My boyfriend was a virgin when I met him (we were teens) and I don’t want to date a man who isn’t. At my age, that’s unrealistic unless he is completely undesirable. But I would rather die than date a man with a sexual past. I also am scared for my safety. I trust my boyfriend, but don’t think I could trust any other men. The quality of men is so ridiculously poor. I don’t think I could find anybody better. Maybe in some aspects he would be better, but I’m scared of being murdered/raped/cheated on etc. At least with my boyfriend it is clear he won’t do things like that. My boyfriend and I do have true love and a true connection. But I’m someone with a dream of motherhood because I love children so much and want to provide a warm home for them. And yet, he is making me fear marriage and having children with him. If it would be like things are now, it would be so, so miserable. I can’t believe his poor habits and lifestyle decisions are chipping away at something I dream about. If I were to break up, which I don’t want to do, I would just have to be celibate.
No. 2441855
>>2437755Why am I full of so much disgust ? I am overloaded with it.
Subconscious work i did got rid of a ton of it but it's still there. It still consumes me. I want to eternally isolate. Most of it is for men. I want to cut myself off from society completely. I'm not sure what to do with these feelings they overwhelm me.
No. 2442223
>>2442172Oh wow, I don't think I've ever seen such an enthusiastic and emphatic kys on lc either
for this reason I can't help but find it kind of funny but jannies really are fatigued by this board
No. 2442227
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>tfw almost destroyed lc by calling an actor ugly
Holy shit I'm sorry I truly didn't think it was a big deal or was going to lead to other shitflinging. I never attacked the anon who posted him, just said only the man was ugly one time. I'm sorry
No. 2442333
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Drank a bottle of vodka and three beers last night. I need to stop pretending I don't have a problem. I also bought cigarettes for some reason? I don't even smoke.
No. 2442499
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>get doxxed and cyberbullied off social media by a horde of people because I angered a man
>delete socials to escape it but still feel hurt so I vent to loved ones
>one tells me to just ignore the Internet and focus on the real world
>another acts like I got shot and something tragic happened to me
>another tells me "what those losers think doesn't matter"
>another thinks my life is ruined due to the doxxing
>more confused than ever about how to process it
Guess this one's going in the "this event never happened because I said so" bin?
No. 2442569
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Mods deleted my post in the unpopular opinions thread. Apparently I'm not allowed to have any actual unpopular opinion, I'm only allowed to have "unpopular opinions" that most anons would agree with, otherwise I get called a scrote and have my post deleted.(ban evasion)
No. 2442576
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I miss being a NEET, i should have never listened to my mom and therapist. Every time i try to ''improve'' my life it backfires and makes my life worse. I made the commitment to ''improve'' myself this year, told myself i was going to make friends and go to school and be what everyone thinks a normal person should be. I tried making friends, i asked a cool girl and a cute guy to join my group, and what happened? they left me behind. Now they go to the same classes, sit together, today i saw them coming back from school together, talking .They are probably going to eat out together since they have to go back to campus in 2 hours. I hate going to college, i hate my career and i hate having to sit in a classroom with 100 people. I hate looking at the mirror i look so disgusting, like a legit crackhead. I fucking hate myself. I feel suicidal for the first time in years. I miss being a NEET, i miss thinking my life would amount to something if i tried. I cant never do anything right, nothing good ever happens to me. Now my classmates are having fun and talking about life and enjoying college life while i am here, crying, even worse and more lonely than i was before. I wish i could rewind time, i wish i had never listened to my fucking therapist. I am dropping out of college and droppiing my therapist i dont give a shit anymore.
No. 2442583
>>2442524Thank you,
nonnie. It's nail art, I take some may find it tacky. Ever since I started it changed my life, to the point where my place went from a mess to organized and clean.
No. 2442613
>>2442608Thanks for agreeing.
>>2442610Even if it's illogical, it still shouldn't have been deleted.
No. 2442669
>>2442658Yes, stop paying, but also if you are not high income, go to the hospital's financial office, explain your situation, and ask for a cost reduction and financial aid options. Here is an article to help outline some ways to help: am very fucking sorry you're going through this, anon. Praying you don't have cancer.
No. 2442690
>>2442669thank you
nonnie. both offices require you to meet some poverty level which i do individually but not within my “household” so not sure how they will be willing to help. the other bill i have paid for years does not give assistance unless you have proof of a denied medicare application. ill look into this for my cat scan though. bless you
nonnie! going to try to heal and do the things i need to do with what energy i have. i hate this sick sick greed its almost comical
No. 2442760
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>>2442690I hate to ask, but is your household you and a partner, or you and your family? If you are living with your mom and dad for example, but your parents and you file taxes as independent from each other, then your "household" is only you.
Sorry if this still doesn't apply and your household is the combined income of yourself and your spouse. You should still call those offices you think will reject you. You should ask if you qualify for their programs anyway, and then ask if they know other places or programs you can ask about financial aid. Make sure to read the guide thorougly for advice like picrel.
You can do this, nona. Alogging our shit medical system for you, as well ♥
No. 2442780
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I'm sick of hearing music about sex all the time. I need to hear more female artists sing about hitting men over the head with cast iron pans and running them over. That's what I want.
No. 2442824
>>2442755girl don't make a big deal out of it, it's ok
i can relate with this feeling but really making virginity a big deal has only lead to suffering in my experience so lets not do it
No. 2442965
The woman working in the café I go to quite often is living my nightmare and the reason why you can't just trust men. Last week she found out her partner has been cheating on her since at least December with an 18 year old (they're both in their 30s, mind you). And if that wasn't bad enough, she was also pregnant. Thankfully it was early and I'm pretty sure she got an abortion, but still.
Since they are both owners of the café they have to see each other every single day at work, I went there today and the atmosphere was…. tense. She's always super chatty, but today she looked absolutely heartbroken. I feel for her, I truly do. The scrote was just sitting in the opposite corner on his phone ignoring everything.
The guy is an absolute scumbag though, I remember once his profile came on my Instagram recommend list and I checked his following list and it was all OF whores and trannies, he's just a fucking coomer. I also found the other girl's tiktok profile and she's a piece of art herself. Constantly posting about how this dude belongs to her only, kinda making fun of the ex, and various cringe shite about how the most important thing in a relationship is to be faithful to your partner kek she's still a child though, so I'm gonna cut her some slack bc she's just getting manipulated by a grown ass manchild with a porn addiction.
I don't know, this whole situation just makes me so sad for this woman. I'm not supposed to know about it so I can't even say anything to support her. I just hope she gets rid of that moid, keeps the café for herself and pulls herself together because she's coming to work drunk almost every day.
No. 2443105
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Still thinking about that time in hs where i moved earth and sea for this moid just for him to tell me he loved me then take it back and make me go through hell on earth. It all ended when i dropped out of school because he told me he was going to change back to his old school(he didnt). Then like 4 years later he sent me a text saying he was sorry and blah blah blah. You could have fucked me, loser, but you decided not to because you were an insecure loser brat. Now i am not interested in you anymore because you lost all your boyish charm and look like a run of the mill mexican. We could have had a cute angsty teen love relationship but you decided not to take me, you dont get to try cry wolf now FAGGOT.
No. 2443145
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God I’m so tired fuck daylight savings
No. 2443161
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I forgot to refill my mood stabilizers for like a week or so, back on them now since yesterday but fuck is this a grim reminder that I can't function without them. Right now I feel like I'm a walking cloud of anxiety that is a bad day away from going back to self-harming and habitually attempting suicide again. I want to do nothing but lie in fetal position and stare at the wall for hours, but I also want to attempt throwing up everything inside of me and literally become nothing but an empty shell. Existence is pain.
No. 2443168
>>2443135What threads are they in?
>>2443159Drink diet pepsi
No. 2443172
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God, I'm so fucking done with Tumblr. I don't know why I'm still on that fucking hellsite?! I returned after years because of the nostalgia, and to be honest the first few months were okay. I enjoyed making fanart of a forgotten 90's anime that I'm still obsessed with. I made a few mutual that I've been able to click with. That was until a score of newer fans found my shit. It's crazy how obnoxious some people can be. I hate seeing my art rebloged with shitty additional comments full of their insane headcannons. It's a dark series that I draw for, yet I'm seeing reblogs with comments about 'found famlies' 'mom/dad characters' other retarded fluff. I hate seeing serious or horror media be sanitize and neutered, like just fucking watch Bluey if you want something family-friendly. It doesn't seem like I can block enough of these people, 5 more spout up! They shit up the tags too. I don't try to make waves, I just want to dump my art on my blog and chat with my mutuals, but I've had enough. I haven't had much desire to post lately, each time I get on the site, I see something else that drops my hope.
No. 2443194
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>can't eat wheat (bread, pasta, bagels, cookies, cakes, etc)
>can't eat dairy (butter, cheese, yogurt, milk, dulce de leche, etc)
Just how tf am I supposed to gain weight now?! Wheat I understand because of the gluten but butter and cheese were my secret trick! I literally dropped more weight because of this bitch ass diet! I'm going to crashout at that doctor's office, bitch you were supposed to help me not make it worse!
No. 2443268
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>>2443260I'm quite comfortable nona
No. 2443291
>>2443250>>2443245>>2443226Yes, thank you! Happy to find others who get it. I feel like I'm going crazy. I can't believe people who insist on spouting their shitty incorrect headcanons while barely haven read/watched/played any of the media. I've even seen argument where the shit-fans were denying tweets the creator of the series made about their own characters. Its crazy how dense some people can be.
I just want these assholes out of horror fandoms. There's no place for them, clearly they can't handle it, but yet they still persist.
No. 2443351
>>2443279I know right? What are you supposed to do, read a book? Boring. I just want to curl up under the blanket and watch a show.
But I think you should at least avoid the social activities of your phone (such as posting on lolcow, which I am currently doing at 11 pm, oopsie)
No. 2443373
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I’m starting to think that I sustained a brain injury at some point when I was younger. When I was 7 I got diagnosed with ADHD and autism but I was otherwise a relatively happy/normal kid. I remember falling down and hitting my head really hard on the floor more than once. Some bad stuff happened to me when I was a kid, but not bad enough to explain why I am the way that I am. When I was around 9 my personality suddenly and drastically changed. It started out with depression and suicidal thoughts and quickly escalated to rage outbursts, self-harm, and even full-blown psychosis. I’ve been diagnosed with so many different mental disorders by now that it’s hard to keep track. I feel like something is physically wrong with my brain. I’ve heard stories of football players getting a concussion without even knowing it and suddenly snapping and killing their whole family out of nowhere
No. 2443409
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>>2443373Sounds like the perfect opportunity for a catscan anon
No. 2443523
File: 1741912184367.gif (2.5 MB, 273x225, 1689632825156.gif)

I hate men, I hate men so much. I hate witnessing them shit talk shit about women and holding my tongue as if men and their refusal to hold other men accountable aren't the main reason they dominate violent crime statistics. They love larping as if they are these strong protectors, but if that were the case why wouldn't more crimes be prevented by them, why aren't they killing known pedophiles? Have other nonas realized how gay men sound with how much they talk shit about women? Just bend over your best bro and leave women alone? It's 2025 you can come out of the closet. Men will have the nerve to walk around looking so ugly, smelling of sweat, open ass cheeks and being porn addicts and have the audacity to rate womens looks on a number scale including rating female celebrities that WOULD NEVER LOOK IN THEIR DIRECTION. One of the most common topics talked about among relationships is MEN REFUSING TO WASH THEIR OWN ASS.
I'm so glad I'm lesbian because I could not fathom dealing with a male. Is it just coincidence that my father was a deadbeat and wasn't a part of my life while my mom struggled as a single mother who had to lower her standards for 6 different men 3 of which are now dead? Is it just a coincidence that my half brother also grew up to be a dead beat that sees his kids a handful of times a year? It's also just complete coincidence that my childhood friend was cheated on by her scrote while she was pregnant? Is it a coincidence that every time a pedophile is caught they are male? Zoophile ring exposed, all male participants? I think I've fried my brain on true crime because not even the worst case with a female perpetrator can hold a candle to the depravity of males. What are the odds that the two young girls that died in the Delphi murders were texting with a pedophile over snapchat, only to get murdered by a whole different grown man later that day? You've never heard of a female police officer using her position of power to rape a male? There's a case about a teenage girl that grew up in a abusive household where her father was a convicted sex offender, her own brother assaulted her, only to later be raped and murdered by an unrelated male….but it doesn't stop there, her body was then discovered by ANOTHER MALE who instead of reporting the body proceeded to rape her corpse. I've never heard of a case of a woman pulling out a male intestines through his asshole? I don't know how some of you nonas aren't completely repulsed by the very existence of the Y chromosome. I'm tired of pretending men aren't embodiment of evil and if they have a clean record they just haven't gotten their opportunity yet. If you were cursed to be straight I'm so sorry.
No. 2443554
>>2443523Fr and if you bring it up some redditoid will go "so you're saying men can't get raped?? Stuff like this is why make
victims are afraid to come forward" mf WHO IS RAPING THE MEN? OTHER MEN. There's so few spaces you can even dare complain about the ridiculous skew to crime statistics
No. 2443558
Why are most people so shallow and fake? Is it normal for people who call eachother friends to talk behind eachothers backs constantly, make fun of others looks and then brag about how woke they are? These are people I have to interact with almost daily and they use me as their neurodivergent token pet. I try not to do anything with them if I don't really have to but it's hard to decline the only social interaction you will get during the day when you're too autistic to talk to other people. It makes me want to rip my skin off interacting with them, but on the other hand I can feel myself slowly going crazy having little contact to humans. I hate this point I'm at, feeling my self esteem get lower by each day, feeling my ability to talk to others get worse when I actually get the chance to, generally loosing hope. Sometimes it's like higher forces have fun torturing me, by making fate give me these literal demons to have to talk to every day. Maybe this is just me being autistic, but I just want to have a deep connection with someone else, not basic friendship, but something like finding your other half, like a soulmate but not romantically. I know it's possible but i'd actually have to talk to others and all the work I spent, getting over my social akwardness and feeling happy with myself was pretty much for nothing now. I literally feel like an alien to humanity because of my social circle.
No. 2443668
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In an act of confidence I picked up my guitar and recorded myself singing and playing for the first time in like 5 years. I felt amazing and I missed it so much, and when I went back to look at the recording - holy shit, my face looks so retarded and fat. When I sing it's like the muscle under my jaw flares out like a bullfrog and I look like I have a double chin. I have no idea if it's because I'm not supporting my muscles properly, or if it's the fact that I gained weight over the past few years but all of my confidence just flew right out the window and I feel so ugly. I used to love sharing videos of myself singing and playing and now I just feel so embarrassed and insecure.
No. 2443898
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I should have tried harder to date in high school. Now i am in college at 24 and guys my age are totally walled. They are already balding, fat, have boring personalities and shit hairstyles. Meanwhile all the 18yo cuties in college are cute, have longish hair, bubble personalities and dont have deep forehead wrinkles, but they probably think i am a grandma. I am going to die a virgin, not knowing what cute, young moid flesh feels like. Why did god make me horny, ugly and threw me when i was at my skinniest in a high school filled with teen moids with ugly hitler mandated haircuts. Fucking why. I cant even rent a qte prostitute scrote because they are always gay and walled. I tried checking a male escort site and they are all 25-35 and also fuck other scrotes.
No. 2443994
>>2443978>>2443980>>2443988jfc and appendicitis is a minor surgery, as are others, but they can turn into life threatening complications if delayed
I fucking hate how retarded and expensive healthcare can be
No. 2444039
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>>2443544Is this your mans?
No. 2444053
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got sucked into helping this old lady open an instagram shop…she said she will pay me but although i am far more tech-savvy than she is, i do not use social media and i have no clue about the seo or advertising methods that work! so i have to do research and i really hope i present her with some good information or can be a good enough help. her products are adorable but i don’t know how much to help. give her advertising tips or ideas? just set up the shop? i got cancer and essays bruh …. itll be okay
No. 2444073
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>>2443544Mine is the same way. He sends me screenshots of obvious scam texts/emails all the time and I have to tell him they are scams and to delete it. He's gotten a little better I guess, he used to send me the screenshots genuinely concerned that the government was going to shut down his bank account and throw him in jail if he didnt etransfer $500 immediately kek. Now he just sends the screenshots and says "scam?".
No. 2444112
>>2444109Just tell them you feel a bit under the weather and that will buy you a couple weeks.
Do you have a job? It's suddenly gotten so stressful, you need the full two weekend days to fully decompress (insert a stressed, exhausted face here).
No. 2444120
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>reached the point where my fear of losing my partner is exceeding the pleasure I get from his company
It's a high threshold because I like him a lot. Fuck.
Nothing can beat my BPDfag senses telling me he's getting ready to break up with me. No matter what he says or does I'm so convinced and brace myself for it every day. So exhausted.
When we started dating I was the more unsure one so this makes me feel like an absolute loser. I hate being so reliant on someone for happiness.
No. 2444125
>>2444120>Nothing can beat my BPDfag senses telling me he's getting ready to break up with meI'm trying not to actually be "mean" and infight when I say this but reading this would be like you reading about me taking a painful, bloody shit this morning. That's why people "hate" bpds so much, I don't want to think about this or imagine feeling that way. Especially bc you guys are
always in a new/bad relationship
No. 2444144
>>2444125I don't completely follow because if you vented in here about a bloody shit I'd be as worried as one can be for a stranger and recommend seeing a doctor in case it's cancer. Maybe it's a cultural difference.
>I don't want to think about this or imagine feeling that wayCheers, me either. It feels like the dumbest thing to be so theatrically miserable and/or angry about.
No. 2444156
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No. 2444179
>>2444149Okay. Well that's fair.
But it's so hard to live without love even if it makes me evil and stupid. In general I try to offer more in a relationship than I take away and am in therapy. It just helps to vent sometimes.
I don't want to annoy my friends with it for sure.
>>2444150Mood stabilizers for some, but I think I'm functional enough nowadays that it would just make my quality of life worse. It's just fucked up that if I don't live perfectly, my symptoms become much harder to manage. I'm currently pretty anemic so have sleep/fatigue issues and now it's as if I regressed to my teen years emotionally. Fucked.
No. 2444181
>>2444125>>2444149Kekk you're being dramatic. She's venting about her insecurities, and you're comparing it to eating broken glass and tearing your asshole when shitting it out.
She's not making you imagine yourself in her situation and causing your mental anguish. Just ignore posts you don't like and everyone will be happier. It contributes to the health of a thread.
No. 2444288
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I tried to alter some of my clothes today, and I messed up one thing which idk if I can correct it and one shirt still looks meh on me. All sorts of things go wrong today. I get something from the fridge, magnets suddently fall. I'm also really relly hungry but I'm trying to lose weight and eat less. I'm probably gonna get my period tomorrow so I feel also really irratable and angry sometimes. My phones battery is constantly empty and no music I usually like satisfies me.
No. 2444348
>>2444288Can you try eating something filling but not fatty? Like white rice, or some veggies? I like lentil soup for this case as well.
If your body's hunger hormones have been released but you're actively not eating, you can accidentally make it think you're going through famine and it will try to bulk up more!
No. 2444381
>>2444288women get more hungry before their period (luteal phase) and need like 100-300 more calories, eat something good and protein filled of possible. good lucky
No. 2444389
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>>2444384Groundbreaking 90s advice. We were so confused about moids and their intimacy issues, like hello? Could
he be less committed? But now we know bc we have you
No. 2444390
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I lost 55 lbs and my arms haven’t changed at all it’s insane. I’m squarely in a healthy bmi now but my arms haven’t taken the fucking hint. I tried doing Pilates for 5 months or so and that didn’t slim my arms down at all. In fact it made them a bit more manly than lunch lady-y.
No. 2444407
>>2444401NTA but instead of trying to slim them down, have you tried working them out? Exercising them will buff them up, sure, but if you end up getting fat off them, then losing the muscle is as simple as not working out any more.
Plus, like other anon said, if they're gonna be big, they might as well be strong.
No. 2444408
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>>2444403>not married implies break updoesn't mean
>married implies never break up No. 2444461
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For my own protection, I'm starting to think I might be better off trying to suppress any sympathy I feel for people outside my personal circle.
No. 2444484
>>2444462Anon you're arguing in circles and this is why it's impossible to believe you're not baiting.
Women don't want to wait until they are legally bound to a scrote to find out he's a scrote, which pretty much always happens
>>2444457Jewish moids still make fairly good husbands. This is not racebait but objectively true and you can see it everywhere. I won't compare to other ethnicities/religions bc that is already obvious and I don't have to
No. 2444491
>>2444484>you're arguing in circles No, I'm just going back to the original point. If a scrote doesn't want to marry you, he's planning to break up with you.
>Women don't want to wait until they are legally bound to a scrote to find out he's a scroteYou don't have to marry a scrote to find out he's a scrote.
No. 2444505
>>2444500>You're assuming the issue is that scrotes don't want to marry anons and the reality is that anons don't want to marry scrotes. Why can't it be both? Or rather, real scrotes don't want to marry women, women don't want to marry real scrotes, but women want to marry in the ideal.
>If a moid wants to marry a woman, he'll do what is necessary to make that happen. Since we (overall, everywhere in society) aren't seeing that happenI agree with you. That's why you should go out or sleep with a scrote. Yet anons somehow still want to enable scrotes and their scrotery by going out and sleeping with them.
No. 2444512
>>2444505They're already married. Moids who are deserving and worthy of marriage are picked by women at a very young age and settle easily, bc of the nature of them being "prize moids". By that very same nature, women are the least likely to settle since they have so much to lose by doing that, since even in "prize moid" marriages, she's still expected to give birth and sacrifice her career/goals, at least temporarily to fulfill some biological need/goal the moid has. Again, this is why women are "the prize" and will thrive in the same technologically advanced world that failmales require to exist. There is a possibility that alpha generation males observe how sad and pathetic these failmales turn out (no family, dirty home, still on tindr, etc) and become the opposite of them, bc they don't want to turn out that way too. The new Cat Ladies, but can't handle the responsibility of pet ownership. The women who abstain from destroying their lives for them will be "cool aunts" or form their own communities with likeminded women, since there are so many all around the western world at this point
No. 2444519
>>2444505>That's why you should go out or sleep with a scrote.*shouldn't
>>2444512What does that have to do with anything I said? I said moids are awful, you shouldn't go out with them or fall in love with them or sleep with them, and if you do and get hurt, it's your own fault.
No. 2444520
>>2444519You said
>real scrotes don't want to marry womenand I read moid interchangeably as "scrote" bc even in my theoretical example, I would never want to be married to these men. I can't think of a single man I would want to be married to, who I have met. So that was my mistake kek
No. 2444522
>>2444484Nta but I’m married to one. I hope
>>2444494 chokes on her hijab or whatever it is that’s restricting the blood flow to her brain.
(infighting/racebaiting) No. 2444523
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this probably sounds so retarded but i had a really close relationship with an online friend (male) and we got so close that it was more like a romantic relationship, and we obviously had feelings for eachother. ok i dont feel like typing up the whole story but basically recently he said he doesnt know how to open up and not be avoidant and impersonal and he's scared of LDR too, and im like, why the fuck were you obviously flirting with somebody who lives several states away from you, and he said he liked me anyways? but i made him upset saying he was just leading me on he hasnt talked to me in days and i feel like its just over now. now i lost the person i talk to the most so i feel lonely as fuck. it sounds so retarded to say this about a guy online but i genuinely felt closer to him than i have with any non-related guy in my life, we could talk for hours, had so many kinda obscure similar interests, he never judged me for being autistic or socially inept. he wasnt a neet or a bum either, and he actually has a kinda normal social life irl, which ive never actually been friends with a guy so normal before KEK. i dont get why he's being so retarded like this when he could have a girlfriend who loves him, he also complains to me that he makes friends easily but theyre all shallow relationships, like, yeah of course they are, ive never met a human more scared of close relationships. I know you guys are going to say he has a girlfriend irl but i really doubt it because i stalked his IG and i really doubt any young girl in our age range would want to date a guy so noncommital and scared like him IRL when he lives in a really populated area where girls would have tons of options. Why are guys in my zoomer age range SO RETARDED AND WIMPY? i just want to experience having a boyfriend once. fuck my life seriously
No. 2444550
>>2444530its just difficult because i genuinely liked him a lot and he had a lot of rare qualities that i look for in a boyfriend. well, rare for my porn-obsessed, superficial generation. like not being high libido, not liking little girls, not being into weird
abusive sex shit, he never called me bitch or whore or anything like that even if he was mad at me, stuff like that. it sounds pathetic but the bar is really underground at this point. and i dont really have any other options because i live in a really low population shitty town irl. i know people say to just focus on yourself, but thats what ive been doing literally my entire life, ive been isolated and developed lots of hobbies to keep myself from going insane, i just want to share my life and love with somebody and it hurts to get so close and have it taken from me
>>2444539that is grooming and i think its called cocsa when a minor is sexually abusing another minor. and that is really fucked up and awful of him, not sure if its actually illegal but its terrible and im sorry that happened
No. 2444551
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When you and your friend have a discussion about a franchise, and you realize both of you are going around in circles without really convincing the other one so you try to put a lid on it with a "okay, let's just agree to disagree" AND SHE KEEPS FUCKING GOING. Tried it twice, hoping she'd get that I'm trying to put a punctuation to this since it's going nowhere, but she's adamant about having the last fucking word about something that doesn't even mean anything.
No. 2444554
>>2444550no anon its not even just about 'focus on yourself' you can focus on whoever/whatever the fuck you want. go get yourself a fun distraction. i had a lot of fun just trolling men i had no interest in. give it a try. you'll come up on men that are worth giving a chance, by pure chance.
in the meantime take it less seriously and you'll have a better time.
No. 2444621
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I talked with my supervisors at my internship about how only 7 of last year's alumni in my field have gotten employments, and how much that knowledge freaked me the hell out. Their immediate response to it was to set up a meeting in one of the cozier rooms in the office with some tea and cake to help me through all my thoughts and guide me through the next steps once I've graduated. I was hoping to bring up that I would love to stay, but I guess they had me figured out and brought up that really working at a web agency means you sometimes have to juggle up to over 10 projects at the same time which is very intense and sometimes stressful, which sort of made me second-guess my wish to stay - even if I love this place and the people, it's clear that I'm exhausted from only working with one project for 8 hours a day.
They offered to help me check out bigger companies with better frontend departments, and also help me set up my linkedin a bit better because they want to "fix" my situation because they 100% believe that I have the right passion to become great at what I want to do. I always give myself flack for struggling with problem solving, figuring out how to look for the right information and sometimes being overwhelmed by all the information you find when it comes to documentation, but apparently it's rare for them to see someone so new in the field be able to figure out patterns and connections in the interface at the speed I do whenever I help out in a new project even when it's frameworks or languages I haven't interacted with before. On top of me always being so curious and wanting to learn.
But I'm still feeling so lost when it comes to finding a job once I graduate. I'm in my 30's so it's not like I'm new to the work force, I'm just so scared of not finding anything that's related to what I want to work with so I end up having to take on some shit job and my last two years (and the accompanying student debt) will have been for nothing. Even if I would be considered a step ahead with the fact that I'm a woman in a male dominated field, have references from a well-esteemd internship and sociable - I will most likely choke the moment any interviewer brings up any sort of technical test.
No. 2444663
>>2444621>but I guess they had me figured out and brought up that really working at a web agency means you sometimes have to juggle up to over 10 projects at the same time which is very intense and sometimes stressful>I have the right passion to become greatThat’s just called letting someone down gently. They just sugarcoated that you are not cut out for this or at least their company.
The less you think about your hypothetical future and the more you apply time to hone your current skills and fill the gaps that you have the more you’ll be employed.
>Even if I would be considered a step ahead with the fact that I'm a woman in a male dominated field, have references from a well-esteemd internship and sociable - I will most likely choke the moment any interviewer brings up any sort of technical test.Then work on that other than mopping around and patting your back because “they think I have potential!!”.
No. 2444670
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Normally I like working with this team member, but I’m reviewing the code she submitted for our last deliverable and it’s so bad. She didn’t separate basic functionality and conditionals from the rendering of the UI and now I have to rewrite a lot of it to actually implement our navigation tools since it’s all built on top of her previous code. I didn’t realize this until after an hour of cleaning it up, formatting, and removing all the commented out lines. Ugh.
No. 2444692
My mother uses me as her personal assistant and therapist, I’m so fucking drained. She has to do her thesis and she’s basically forcing me to proof read it aka she pastes a bunch of stuff and I have to organize, change it in order to evade plagiarism, add footnotes etc..I already have my stuff at university , I have to follow classes and prepare my own exams, why the heck did she take a master course if she didn’t want to put the work in?! I also helped her (aka I made) her bachelor’s thesis, but the thing that pisses me the most right now is that she set a very early deadline…I have my own shit to do for godness sake! I’m in fucking med school!
She’s not dumb, she has prepared all her exams on her own. Her excuse is “I don’t know how to do it!”, she’s an immigrant and while her writing (of the country we live in) might not be the best she can do it and I literally told her how to use word, she’s just fucking lazy.
She has also broken up with her ex and now she’s in a bad place (anxiety, can’t sleep etc) although she always knew that she was going to leave him, I’m not faulting her , she’s probably scared of being alone , but I don’t want to hear about how his ex wanted BDSM and she didn’t like it, about how he wanted to be a slave or how his dick wasn’t working ughh.
I’m just tired , I want to die. I wish I was a damn child like my siblings too.
No. 2444700
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had to practice bedmaking for a class and a geriatric moid was the only one available to volunteer as the patient and my fucking god he stank so fucking bad it was horrible. I had to discretely hold my breath as I worked on the bed, it was bad enough standing in proximity to him, but to actually do care directly in front of him was nauseating. the realization dawned on me that it was emanating from his bottom half which means his ass was most likely unwashed/poorly wiped, explaining the foul stench im going to kill myself nonas
No. 2444850
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>toilet finally unclogs after like a week
>clog the toilet again after only 2 days
No. 2444880
>>2444750>>2444761i was gonna say the same thing, he probably won't get far if he can't even maintain his own ADLs. at best he could probably be a warm body in a really shitty nursing home. also idk what classes you're in, but if nots a part of a bigger program, it could maybe be someone learning to care for one of their own family members/spouse?
>>2444850anon it sounds like its time to invest in a poop knife
No. 2444881
>>2444869She be shitting. Never underestimate a big shitter.
>>2444877>>2444850People like you are the reason I am forced to see poop knife posts on reddit all the time
No. 2445025
Been losing my mind lately. Between my mother's creeping back into alcoholism and my medical condition progressively deteriorating, I've lost all hope. I still feel the need to treat my mother like a retarded teenager, even if it's not "my place" to do so. I never wanted to be a parent, I hate kids, I especially hate teenagers, and here I am, trying to coach a fucking 60 year old on why spending all of her income on gifts for people that can't be trusted is a bad thing. Or why drinking until she's retarded negatively impacts more people than herself.
I wish I could just move out, just get a job, just drive away. I could have years ago, but missed the opportunity. I fucked up. I'm a failure and I hate myself for it.
I can't feel anything anymore, sensation-wise. Emotionally. I'm tired. I'm tired of life. I can't make friends that I care about anymore. I can't connect to anyone - they seem to connect with me in a way, but it's not reciprocated. I just don't have it in me to care anymore.
Probably going to get back in that nasty habit again since barfing just makes me feel better. Not proana or anything, just doing it, itself, relieves me of whatever nasty sensation I was feeling immediately. A shower afterwards and laying in bed to sleep is the ticket, but it fucked my teeth over.
Man. I'd kill to be a really boring normie.
No. 2445091
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i think way too much about erasing the face of this rapist tranny with an axe or any of his retarded knives he collected. it's been two years. he's still out there being miserable, making terrible music and having a harem of bpdettes, while i struggle pretending i don't have PTSD
No. 2445093
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>>2444889There there, it's gonna be alright.
No. 2445153
>>2445093I felt that from here
nonny ♥
No. 2445214
>>2445200Leave him in financial devastation
Half his assets to 4B nation!
No. 2445263
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My Nigel is not even 30 and he's hitting the wall, I was looking at pictures we took together and he's got a fuckton of crow's feet already. He looks like he's been smoking since he was a teenager even though he has never touched cigs drugs or even alcohol. Seeing the truth of men aging like milk in real time while knowing that this will never affect even 1% of his career and social standing as opposed to a woman who ages gracefully makes me depressed.
No. 2445277
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>>2445263Nona the deputy prime minister of my country was elected to her position off a weird soviet history degree and looks like this. Companies are now more likely to hire women bc of sexual harassment lawsuits becoming a huge thing again after #metoo. You already know from lived experience that the vast majority of young women aren't attracted to old scrotes, so really the only thing you're depressed about is your walled Nigel, but we are here to support your you through your upcoming breakup/spring cleaning
No. 2445302
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>>2445299>>2445301I've just been responding to the haters online and leaving donations open. Most people understand how hard it is and open their hearts/wallets. Have you guys ever thought about a containment thread? I can't quite figure out the technology yet but maybe I can ask siri this afternoon and get that rolling. It'd be nice to vent with the gals about this
No. 2445306
>>2445303How tall are you
Because noticed only woman that are shorter have this problem.
I'm 5'3 myself.
No. 2445323
>>2445306I'm like 5'6… I look like those tall gangly preteens.
>>2445307I dress very casual, teens around me have a distinct baggy style
No. 2445334
>>2445323>I dress very casual, teens around me have a distinct baggy stylewhat does casual mean?
if you're wearing sneakers and jeans it's not going to help you look your age if you have a neotenous frame and face that's all
No. 2445338
>>2445320I had to stop reading the Ugly Male Psyop thread it was too depressing
>>2445323You're probably gonna need to update your wardrobe in some way, just carrying a purse around make a difference. I never see teenage girls wearing purses.
No. 2445359
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>>2445353Textured skin has gone in and out style before tbh. After the 1950s/during the 60s, wrinkles became something people stopped noticing for a really long time. After years of seeing everyone with filters and shiny lasered skin, I could see this being a thing again. Women also did crazy shit in the 50s to avoid wrinkles and looking older
No. 2445360
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>>2445359samefag it's really become mental illness on a mass scale and I could see an over-correction coming, which is good news for you nona
No. 2445387
>>2445334Boots, jeans, sweaters. Just very simple minimalistic clothes, and neutral colors.
>>2445338A purse? Sometimes I'm afraid dressing too mature will make me look like a tryhard, like a kid playing dress up.
No. 2445445
File: 1742045174160.jpg (Spoiler Image,73.51 KB, 256x350, 18275.jpg)

>find out a lolifaggot german vn i knew from a long while ago is based on fucking actual kids
>the vn essentially advocates for pedophilia under the guise of "dark humor"
>moids on vndb praise it, none of the reviews call out how disgusting it is and if anything are jovial about it
Holy shit I hope scrotes actually die, no surprise this was made by a German moid considering their low AOC laws and how deeply embedded being a pedo is into their culture. This goes beyond casual lolishit but to me further proves my point that lolifaggots are actual pedos if they can't separate fiction from reality in such an obvious instance.
No. 2445509
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>>2445482I am in the same situation nonna, I started balding at 17. On top of that I got horrible skin elasticity from my inbred bald deadbeat dad. The worst part? The worst part is I know for a fact my mom only married him for his (caucasian) genes.
No. 2445514
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>>2445486you can do it nonna! one day at a time
No. 2445568
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Fuck being autistic. It is an existentially dreadful experience. Being high functioning/low support needs is a special kind of hell, because I’m functional on paper, but in practice I’m a weird, sad bitch who will never measure up to “normal” despite appearances.
It feels like my options are
A) Try my best to hide it from others and pretend it doesn’t affect me, instead having my autism-related faults be perceived as personal failings and personality traits. “She’s just like that.”
B) Disclose my diagnosis to others when appropriate and ask for help/accommodation when I need it, which as a verbal “low support needs” autistic, makes me feel like an idiot and a snowflake.
C) Rope
I hate all of the uwu neurodivergence uwu autistic joy rhetoric on the internet. It is debilitating even in its mildest presentations. God I can’t even imagine what it’s like for those who can’t communicate verbally/lack fine motor control. Sometimes I wonder if low support needs autism is even a thing. Like maybe there is no clinical explanation and I’m just cold, dysfunctional, and rigid because I was born wrong and raised worse.
I want to be perceived as normal so fucking badly it hurts, but even when I’m masking, I know people can tell there’s something off. They might express it kindly—you’re funny, you’re different, you’re interesting—but it all means the same thing. You’re not normal.
No. 2445613
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>>2445606okay bye nona have a great summer
No. 2445628
>>2445613It’s spring.
>>2445615>underage pickles Kek
>>2445621Probably. I need to stop coming on here but it’s like a natural reflex to go on here
No. 2445651
>>2445606Depression, nona. Take a break from the internet and try to reconnect with yourself. This place has its bad threads (fandom for instance) but it's also the only place on the internet where you can find women having honest, unfiltered conversations with each other about a variety of topics that is properly gatekept. I think that is extremely valuable. Don't forget we have literal grannies on here like the widow
nonnie in her 70s who was thrice married.
No. 2445905
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I think my dad is emotionally abusive, I don't know. He's just so loud and he cares about nothing unless it bothers him personally. He often screams at me for little things, like if I do laundry on a certain day/hour or if I am downstairs when he is. When he does this he's shouting about whatever it is I did this time and using insults like calling me retarded and broken. He does it to my other family members too but I have noticed he does it more to me because I am the first person he sees. I practice that "stonewalling" response and that makes it worse, it also does not help the feelings I have inside. It's been like this since I was a kis and I internalised a lot of fear and sadness over the years. I spend all day walking on egg shells around him and when something does snap in him, all of it comes rushing back and I mourn the family and person I could have been if he wasn't around. It feels like I'm trapped
No. 2445910
Urgh…. my husband wants another kid but I don't know if I'm ready. Our kid is about 15 months now, and ideally I do want two kids, but… they're a lot of fucking work. The first kid I was super gung ho. Pregnancy went well, my biggest fear was a c section which I avoided. Now I'm afraid if I'll be as lucky the second time… im also not ready to give up my life again. Those first 3 months were literally hell, baby needs fed every 2 hours, screaming for no reason, it was torture. I'm tasting freetime again just slightly and am afraid to give it up again. But my husband has a good point… he wants to do it so he can take advantage of his current company's paternity leave, which is 3 months, then be able to look for something else. Also we aren't getting younger, im 28 my husband is 34. I'm just so reluctant about the astronomical amount of work for a newborn, let alone that on top of a toddler. I do ideally want two kids but it's harder in practice
No. 2445960
>>2445905>I think my dad is emotionally abusive, I don't know. Your dad is 100%
abusive and I'm so sorry he has also destroyed your self esteem and made you feel unable to trust your judgment.
No. 2445997
>>2445910No way. Don't have a baby yet. You're not ready and that's OK. You're
only 28, you have plenty of time to decide.
No. 2446014
>>2445910>Urgh…. my husband wants another kid but I don't know if I'm ready.You need to beat this man. The only thing that matters is what do you want? An under 2 and another baby sounds like a fuck ton of work. You need to go on mommy forums and see what they say about having super young kids next to each other and how they spaced their kids.
>I'm tasting freetime again just slightly and am afraid to give it up again. Does this man actually pull his weight at home? How much free time does he have compared to you?
No. 2446059
>>2446014Tbh I don't know what I want either. I do want two kids, ideally, but actually going through with it is like getting ready to jump in a pool of ice cold water. I wish it was easier to wait until our current kid is in school…
>>2446011It's not like that, he has a point where a future company might not provide such a generous paternity leave, if they even have one. Although being totally honest he didn't help out as much as he should have during the first one, which is part of why it was so bad for me. He played video games for a lot of it… which sounds really bad and it was, I almost divorced him but since then he's deleted his accounts and pulls enough weight with the baby. In terms of how bad men can be he is not terrible by far, and I do want another kid. I am hoping he'll be better the second time, I think he will, but the first time being so bad… it's difficult.
No. 2446092
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I'm tired and I have somewhere to go later but not for like… one more hour, so… I'm losin it
No. 2446113
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Been spiraling over my looks, I’m actually losing my mind. Stopped looking at myself in the mirror out of pure disgust. This is all making me feel immature, but I wasn’t particularly insecure about my looks when I was younger, so calling it “regression” is unfair to my younger self. In other words, I’ve become worse. Thought about downloading Tinder or whatever, just for the validation, but I know that will probably just make things worse. Can’t win!
No. 2446157
>>2446113Yeah, social media will make it worse, don't do that.
What is it that's freaking you out? Getting older?
No. 2446175
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I had a friend recently tell me there’s someone in their neighborhood going around killing cats and neighbors are saying to keep their cats inside until they find out who. I don’t understand this unnecessary cruelty or wtf is going on with people. It’s so upsetting. I really hope they find out did it and people’s cats are safe.
No. 2446249
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>Think I'm doing better mentally
>Look outside
>The moon is legitimately scary and giving me bad vibes
I suppose I'm not!
No. 2446293
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>>2446283They're evolving and using pick-me bpds as living sockpuppets to lure women into giving them attention now too
No. 2446301
what? How?
No. 2446320
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>>2446301Friend finder, be careful nona
>>2357246 No. 2446451
>>2446433They’re all unfeeling and selfish.
>>2446439They’re arguably just as bad. Irl women are lost in the sauce and as empty as the men. There’s no soul with female to female social contact
>>2446447Thanks for stating the obvious without your janny tag on kek
No. 2446470
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>>2446451>janny tagI should be a janny
No. 2446478
>>2446468Let’s be friends!
>>2446470Would you save lolcow if you became a mod (bringing back shitposting?)
No. 2446508
>>2446389AYRT, and yes. A majority of the people who repeat that rhetoric never deal with tweaker type of homeless people on the regular.
It’s extra insulting because I live in a low income city with majority minorities but neighboring wealthy cities bus their homeless here. It’s so aggravating to want to say “I don’t want these homeless people here, and they’re only here because rich people think it’s okay to dump them on poor people” but you can’t without holier than thou freaks wagging their finger in your face.
No. 2446534
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Why didn’t they just let those fags die..
No. 2446545
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>philosophy teacher uses AI to make shitty covers for his papers
>english teacher has us learning abt gender ideology and genderfluid ppl
>math teacher is a sperg who keeps picking fights with students
I'm so exhausted
No. 2446581
>>2446554Samefag but take solice in the fact that most of the anons for this shit are degenerate fujo porn addicts. They're outspoken and don't represent the entire userbase. The anon who mentioned that people in places like the friend finder thread are less retarded is right.
>>2446570I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.
No. 2446583
>>2446581>fujo porn addictsfujo boogeyman strikes again when op said the post came from the
husbando threads.
No. 2446646
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Rename the site to Weenie Hut Farms
No. 2446713
i'm so miserably sad and jealous of my former best friend who moved 18 hours away without telling me, only letting me know over text months after doing so. she ran off with a partner and now has such a rich, full life with friends and partying and it makes me so jealous and sad. we used to only have each other, but that was never really true for her, only me if i think about it. now she is phasing me out of texting, not replying for months, ignoring me. i lost two people who were very important to me last year through unexpected, horrible deaths, suffered SA, and had my home destroyed by a hurricane while she lives a good life. she doesn't even know about any of that, and i know she wouldn't care. i'm so unlucky and miserable, being friendless hurts so much.
No. 2446767
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>apply to wagie job
>oh anon you just have to call the place and ask them about the progress on your application and they’ll most likely interview you
>Do this
>Phone call goes fine
>never get called back for interview
Tbh my sister with a bachelor’s degree couldn’t even get hired at fucking Barnes and nobles despite being well liked by the staff, so I don’t feel THAT bad , but Jesus it shouldn’t be this hard to find work.
No. 2446770
>>2446767Don’t call them. For bigger corporations your application could be held up in some database that the location manager has no access to. When I worked a wagie retail job we had people calling and coming in all the time to ask about the status of their applications. We don’t know and have no way of knowing.
If your application gets to the manager they will almost certainly reach out. If you haven’t heard anything it is stuck in database hell and there’s almost nothing the store staff can do.
No. 2446951
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>>2446909Use this experience and make a successful music career out of it instead
No. 2447010
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After reading more about the boiled one and its meaning, being chronically ill does feel like getting harassed by picrel constantly. The motherfucker just keeps disturbing you with its presence, torturing you and telling you strange words over and over, no one else can see him but you and there's nothing you can do about it besides coping. Every day, you wake up to this thing looking at you and you kinda have to pretend that anomalous, wretched entity isn't there, that it's mere existence, as wrong as it might feel, will not go away no matter what you do. You could talk to it, or ignore it, fight him or make peace with its presence, ultimately it doesn't matter, for it will do as it pleases
No. 2447033
>>2447010Maybe my chronic illness is speaking but this entire character concept is hilarious to me. It feels way too tryhard. To me there is a really perverse sort of comedy to having a chronic illness. You could rant and rave and cry your heart out to somebody about it and all they'd ever have to say is something like, "oh, that sucks". It's really some kind of divine comedy. Not to mention being the sort of token character that the lefties and rightoids can use like a doll to assist with their hollow talking points. Not to mention munchies loving to put you down subtly because your condition that's landed you in the hospital countless times isn't as serious as their hypermobility or whatever.
I think people with chronic illnesses should be allowed to beat the shit out of someone's car like once a year.
No. 2447153
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Sometimes I feel like the reason I didn't do well with math in school is because we were taught PEMDAS, but PEMDAS is misleading (I am also retarded).
It isn't Parenthesis, exponents, multiplication THEN division and addition THEN subtraction, multiplication and division are of equal priority and addition and subtraction are of equal priority, I wish I was taught differently so that I didn't get shit grades and then just give up on math. No teacher ever thought to be like 'you know, it isn't that specific order, you just multiple or divide before adding or subtracting, you don't have to add before subtracting' but maybe teachers didn't expect me to be that retarded.
It's like a whole opportunity was lost to me because of a dumb misunderstanding. I am so stupid kek.
No. 2447178
>>2447153That is what PEMDAS means?
>Move through the equation from left to right>Parentheses>Exponents>Multiplication AND Division>Addition AND SubtractionIt sounds like your instructors were super retarded, nona, I'm sorry they fucked you up.
No. 2447186
>>2447113I'm diabetic (type 1) and they say auto immune disorders come in threes and celiac is in the top three illnesses I hope to never get. That's awful anon. Diabetes already drives me crazy with the micromanaging, I couldn't imagine dealing with an illness that not only got you painfully I'll if you misstep but landed you in the ER because of it. At least I can inject insulin to keep my ass out of the hospital. You just have to avoid gluten, which is a mountain of a fucking task. I can't imagine it. I hope you have at least one person in your life who, if they don't understand, can help make you feel supported. Cheers
No. 2447245
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I asked a guy out, he said yes( just being nice yes) so i decided to take a shoot and told him to meet on friday/thurday and now he hasnt responded in a day. He's obviously ignoring it. Fuck i really screwed up didnt i? he only told me yes to going out to be nice and i should have understood that, now i must feel too pushy and borderline creepy for him. Why did god give me the looks and social skills of a basement dweller but made me a woman. I am such a loser.
No. 2447268
>>2447217People i knew did this shit too it absolutely baffled me, I get such bad financial anxiety it actually made me nervous to witness. Lots of buying shit they don't need, for literal what reason? Also taking out loans they have no fucking business taking out, saw a friend take out extra private student loans to pay for her boyfriends half of an expensive apartment they wanted, he promised he would cover half and more once he found a job. I tried to sneakily tell her DONT FUCKING DO THAT but it didn't work. Obviously he never found a fucking job and they aren't even together anymore. I knew loans were bad but not how bad, I luckily only took out 8k on fafsa, so not a bad apr, and if I made the minimum payment each month it doubles to around 16k by the time I pay it off. I can't even imagine private loans
>>2447262Nta but this is a completely retarded mindset my dad told me he did this, he was born in 1950 and thought the world would end in nuclear holocaust or he would just kill himself and didn't save. Luckily in his 30s he came to realize he was being retarded and saved as much as possible, he's alright now at least
No. 2447283
>>2447279You better write down all you're smart thoughts now
nonnie. The descent begins at midnight
>t 31 year old No. 2447306
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I feel terrile. My kidney infection isn't going away, my period is coming, I have an essay due by tonight and multiple jobs I need to get done over the next few days on top of errands before my partner comes to visit. I hate to complain as I sit here in bed, but the fever and brain fog and pain isn't making this essay easy to concentrate on. I haven't even been able to workout or sleep well, and despite dozing off, I just can't rest! Finishing this major essay tonight will at least take a lot off of my plate and the job stuff is easier, but goodness gracious how difficult it is to write a good essay when your cognitive functions are shot.
No. 2447325
>my brother has severe headaches
>everyone gets mobilized and we all go with him to the ER,everyone worried, nobody says a single bad thing
>I get really bad pain (when I'm unemployed and tight on finances, so no insurance, fuck my life)
>I'm a nuisance, ignorant, parasite, lazy bitch (words coming from my rich brother who probably wouldn't lend me a penny if my life depended on it, he proceeds to say I could die and other shit you don't want to hear when you are ill)
>after much crying my mom understands that this is, indeed, a very serious issue,but we have always had issues and this won't change until her last breath (she beat me when I was little because I was screaming and she STILL doesn't see anything wrong with this, what in the actual fuck)
>have to rely on friends (aka strangers) for emotional support, because that's what I need more than money
>one close friend even offers to help me financially if I need help with labs
>receive some antibiotics that help with the pain but the whole issue is still under question marks
I don't think I need to say how disheartening and sickening (in an emotional way) this all is. If I didn't have such bad luck with money I would've moved and cut ties with them a long time ago, emotional abuse is real nonnas and family can be so fucking toxic.
I'm going to get labs and investigations done tomorrow, I have no fucking clue what it is, but all options are shit: kidney stones, endo, ovarian crysts, ulcerative colitis or appendicitis.
No. 2447326
>>2447306Sorry, anon, that really sucks!! Feel free to borrow some of my cognitive functioning if you can, I'm ace at language skills.
I hope your kidney infection clears up soon, and those jobs are even easier than they should be.
No. 2447334
>>2447326really needed to hear this lovely
nonnie. my language skills have really tanked due to this infection, its incredible how something like this can turn you into a zombie incapable churning out some literary essay. ill gladly borrow some from you today! bless you! (but not in the post-sneeze way, i am not trying to curse you with a cold)
No. 2447397
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Some girl almost ran me over and gave me a face like I was in the wrong for using the cross walk at the grocery store. I heard another girl talk to her and say her name, and she had both her sorority and university on a bumper sticker on her car, which happens to be the same university I go to. I’m considering finding her in the student directory and reporting her to her sorority for bad behavior since her first name is unique enough. Asshole.
No. 2447575
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I was diagnosed with PCOS and likely endometriosis when I was 13 and put on a horse dose of birth control, my gyno tried weaning off the medication or going smaller doses but my symptoms would just come back as a bad as they were when I was young, I'm 25 now and i still get cystic acne and extremely painful painful periods on a moderate dose of BC, I need to get a lap surgery to confirm the endo diagnosis but honestly I don't even see the point, I can't afford it right and it won't do much to make me feel better. I also think I might have pelvic floor prolapse and it's been worrying me quite a bit, when i was inserting a tampon last period i felt what i'm 100% sure was my bladder, just…there. And i've been struggling with intestinal issues and UTIs lately.
Honestly I just want to yoink my brain out and live in a robo-body like robocop, I hate it all so much.
No. 2447665
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every time i try to draw i just start crying. it's been like this for 3 years now. drawing was the only thing i had going for me and now i have nothing
No. 2447677
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>>2447651Thank you, anon, this makes me feel better. We will get through this. ♥
Fingers crossed your future (not BPD) wife stumbles across you soon!
No. 2447691
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>be me
>fat womanlet
>try to lose weight
>download my fitness pal
>set up goal
>start counting calories
>eat 4 empanadas(2 for lunch, 2 for dinner)
>already surpassed my daily calories intake by 200 calories
I hate being short so fucking much i wish i could be a 6foot giant so i could eat all the garbage i want without ballooning up
No. 2447810
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I will never achieve anything; I’m simply too unstable. I will never have a family, never get any qualifications, never have a job, never have friends. Every-time I feel im improving I get pushed back down and each time I fall lower and lower. I don’t know why I’m like this. Even when good things happen to me it’s all too much and I get upset and start crying and hurting myself and ruining whatever it is. I want to be good but the only way I could be would be if I could exist in complete subordination to someone who would tell me what to do and in turn protect me from myself and give me some purpose to work for. I have no will of my own except my will to self-destruct. Everyday I think about jumping off a cliff