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No. 2444802

This thread is for voluntary NEETs who wish to keep up this lifestyle, or are not ready to reintegrate into society yet. NEET stands for Not in Employment, Education or Training, having little/no active social life does not make you a NEET.

Previous thread: >>>/ot/859842

This is not a place for ex-NEETs, those attempting to return to society, or those who wish to. Here is the link to the current recovering NEET thread: >>>/ot/1714003

Some topics to discuss may include:
>How you earn or spend NEETbux
>Ways you spend your free time
>Opinions of others and how you feel
>The positive and negatives that come with NEETdom

Be considerate of others and refrain from shaming or sharing opinions that are not relevant here.

No. 2448285

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How many chronically online shut ins do you think exist in the general population? Like in a population of 100 people?
i feel like covid caused a mass extinction event of normies by forcing them to spend more time online then they naturally would, destroying their friendships, relationships, jobs, etc, which isolated them, and thus spending time online the internet and going places they otherwise wouldnt has exposed them to retarded ideology and autistic gamma rays.
Do people still go outside and socialize with strangers face to face the way they used to?
Maybe it’s because i been a hiki NEET for 2 years since graduating HS but for some reason I find it hard to believe normal people exist anymore since I see the world through the warped lens of the internet.
Im in the USA if it matters.

No. 2448314

i dont think theres many true neets because of how ungodly expensive things are right now, most people cant afford to live off a family member or partner. but talking just shut-ins, theres a lot, especially with people our age (im assuming youre around 20). zoomers are so socially isolated its depressing, and im saying this as one.

No. 2448410

Thnx for the link to the neet recovery at the top. Haven’t been in the old thread for a few weeks nice to see a new neet gen.

No. 2448458

I'm a NEET but not a hiki and my brother keeps getting them confused kek. He also told me he feels like he should buy me a hot plate and a body pillow of my husbando. I wouldn't use the hot plate, but I would actually love having a body pillow. Too bad my parents would judge me about it…

No. 2448533

Atleast you have a supportive brother.

No. 2448565

I'm really thankful for him. I feel bad because I'm definitely the failure to launch sibling, when my parents thought it would be the other way around. We're both autistic but I have needed more support in adulthood. I just hope he doesn't resent me.

No. 2448636

But you don’t feel bad about being NEET?
I struggled more in adulthood too and also have a brother. I just hope I can live on my own. Decorate my house the way I want. Have peace that I don’t have to live at home.

No. 2448657

im glad my brother is normal i think my parents would be more mad about me being unemployed if he wasn't, he's honestly very successful and makes up for my failures. he's always been very popular and has stayed in contact with all his childhood friends, meanwhile i only have my nigel and a couple of online friends i talk to maybe 2 times a week

No. 2448694

I don't know where you read that I don't feel bad about being a NEET lol. I wish I could live on my own too, but I unfortunately have retard disability autism where even my doctor told me I shouldn't be working and I get NEET bux. One day I do hope that my rehabilitation will help me have the skills to live independently, work, and maybe even become able to drive, but right now my life just isn't that.

No. 2450003

To the Neet nonna with the doctor bf, how did you meet? (Plz dont say med school puhlease, but understandable if you do)

No. 2452217

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Many people work hard and still live paycheck to paycheck. Nightmare fuel. I'm lucky that I have a good family.

No. 2458708

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No. 2459627

I have a few questions for neet anons because I need to think about a lot of things right now. Basically I'm sick of my corporate job, I'm very close to a burnout, I'm living with my parents because of the rent prices in my city and I hate it, especially at my age and I'd like to take a long break soon. Here are my questions:
>have you ever worked? If yes, did you quit, were you fired, did you last contract simply end on a set date?
>are you earning unemployment benefits? If you're disabled, are you earning disability benefits instead? Is it enough or do you need a bf/husband or parents to financially help?
>do you plan to stay a neet for as long as possible or do you maybe plan on staying one for a specific amount of time? (example, my big sister only accepts job contracts for 6 months or a year at most and doesn't do shit until she can't earn unemployement benefits anymore on purpose so she can have as much free time as possible)
>do you still keep yourself busy during your free time or are you bored most of the time?

No. 2459643

Unfortunately I'm a big retard so even if I wanted to be productive during all my free time, I mostly struggle with trying to make myself do even basic shit. I can answer your question about disability checks though.
Off social security disability payments, which increase or decrease depending on where you live to account for cost of living (what a joke haha), I still need other benefits to make it work. Primarily food stamps, I would be kind of fucked without them. There are also apartment units with reduced rent set aside for those who are disabled/elderly, and you need your benefit statement as proof you are on SSI/SSDI so you qualify to rent there. However, since there are never enough of these units built, the waitlists are years and years long. And a lot of the residents don't move out unless they become unable to be left alone, or die. When I'm not renting in these kinds of units, I'm living with family.
I have never worked. I was declared disabled when I turned 18, before I finished high school.
I do not ever plan to work a normal job, for many reasons which all add up to being unable to perform at a normal job. If I ever escape being on benefits or the charity of my family, it will be because I found something niche that allows me to go at my own pace from home, or on commission. I have a few plans for this, but it's a toss up whether they'll pan out. I've accepted this after many years of grief, it is what it is.
If you thrive off of leaving the house and interacting with people, this life will probably make you want to die. You are pretty broke, so you have to be okay with being a homebody. If you're okay with that, it's hard to get bored. I have an internet connection, my issue is pulling myself away from the internet or sleeping for long enough to be productive. I have started so many retarded projects and hobbies just because I could. Even if I get sick enough to be bedbound, I can pull up lolcow threads on my phone and let the hours go by.
Your biggest enemy will be "lack of enrichment". You gotta shower, you gotta get out of bed and walk outside sometimes, you gotta put down your week long Netflix binge and read a book. You need to mix things up semi-regularly so you don't start feeling dull and depressed. It's the #1 trap of being a NEET, in my opinion, you have to be on point and not let yourself fall into a ditch.

No. 2459656

I see, thanks for the answer. I'm not American so benefits for disabled adults are different, I know because my mother stopped working because of a physical disability and she isn't educated enough to have an office job to compensate. What's fucked is that in her case she would have gotten a lot more money thanks to that if she divorced so a lot of couples like that divorce and go back to becoming boyfriends and girlfriends, so that's why I asked about it and about parents or a bf/husband. She likes to travel whenever she can now that she doesn't have to raise kids anymore but it's hard on her body, it really sucks. Some of my friends told me some of their own friends are high functioning autists and rich as fuck so they're neets, earn unemployment benefits they don't really need and own several apartments gifted by their parents but they all spend their days online arguing about trans rights instead of doing more fun things. I don't know why it shocked me when I learned this because I easily guessed they were autistic when I met them but I thought with that much free time they could both indulge in hobbies they've had for a long time but I guess even that becomes boring at some point.

No. 2459662

I think. Maybe those high functioning autists have something else wrong with them. Even at my most mentally ill I wasn't wasting time getting into retarded internet arguments, much less about troons.
The situation about being married giving you less benefits is true in the US as well. It's why disability rights activists have "the right to marry" as one of their talking points. You will be forced to rely on your spouse or family members if you try to be on disability and married, which then leads to increased rates of domestic violence against the disabled. I should have clarified in my response, but the other disability benefits like food stamps and reduced rent keep me from having to rely on family. Which is good, because if my parents die when I need to rely on them, I'm totally fucked.
Sorry I couldn't answer your questions more in depth since I am amerifag, hopefully someone else with more helpful info will be by soon.

No. 2459669

>Even at my most mentally ill I wasn't wasting time getting into retarded internet arguments, much less about troons.
We're all nerdy late millennial women in Europe so tbh some of my friends care too much about this topic without even being autistic. I think in the case of the two women I'm talking about it's really just that they were on tumblr and twitter as teenagers and then young adults to talk about fandoms and arguing on the internet became their new special interest later. If we were zoomers maybe things would have been different because we would have been exposed to different information and opinions, I believe it's a matter of wrong time and wrong place here. They both were diagnosed a few years ago as adults too. One of my close friends is a neet too and she does the same thing but she has anxiety on top of that and has been doing a lot better since she started taking antidepressants recently so maybe you're right and they all have both issues at the same time or something similar.

>Sorry I couldn't answer your questions more in depth since I am amerifag

No need to apologize, I just want to have personal experiences and opinions so I can see what I should do next before my job gives me a mental breakdown and I suspect I should try and be a neet for some time to "recover" and use my free time on hobbies.

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