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No. 1714003

A Thread for former NEETs who escaped the NEET lifestyle and are trying to stay out and current NEETs who wish who want to get out of NEETdom

This is not a thread for wilful NEETs

Topics regarding NEETdom may include but are not limited to:
>Reasons why you became a NEET and why you want to leave it.
>Little things that motivate your escape/recovery.
>Changes that you face regarding leaving NEETdom.
>What made you slip up on your NEETdom escape/recovery.
>Asking for advice/help.
>Your success at becoming a normie.

Previous thread
#1 >>>/ot/472051

No. 1714008

I like the picture

No. 1714010

I didn't want to screencap some anon's story for the thread pic like in the first thread so I hope the image I chose will suffice. Another thing I didn't do was link to the NEETs general thread as two groups you guys wants different things in life and wilful NEET may drag you down to NEETdom again.

No. 1714097>>1714151

I graduated from college two years ago and haven't had a full-time job since then, have no internship experience either. I half assed the job search but due to mental illness and stress around my parents' expectations to get a job so they can look good to their friends, it feels better stay unemployed than get something full-time that makes them feel embarrassed. I applied for help from a state agency but it's taking a while for them to get back to me. My dad is pressuring me to go for my masters but I lied about my college grades and have no idea what to put in my admissions essay so I don't think I'd get in. I think I'm going to run away from home and hurt my parents' feelings because I don't want to tell the truth about why I can't get into a master's program.

No. 1714151>>1715285

what was your major if I can ask?

No. 1714174>>1714849

I'm trying to escape NEETdom. I'm in the process for signing up for University and looking for work. So far so good… I have to make a LOI for uni, and it's going good, so far.. I think? I want someone to go over it but the only person that is close to me that went to Uni is my boyfriend, except he's absolutely busy.

No. 1714849>>1714853>>1719112

Got a PT job, wahoo! I'm excited!! Now, let's pray I get accepted into my uni program

No. 1714853

Congratulations Nona, that's a big accomplishment! Now only for a few more…

No. 1715285

i graduated in engineering but made next to no connections and had a lot of issues around sleep so i did bad in my classes and forgot a lot of what i did.

No. 1718673>>1718675>>1719499

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Thank you, nonnas. I got the job (yay), but I had to tell them I couldn't do it once they told me I'd need to travel to train (boo), but I am not fretting because I found a backup unexpectedly. I wouldn't mind going where they needed me to if I knew how to drive and I wish they added that requirement in the listing. Anyway I'll apply later to plan b today after my sleep. At my interview I acted like a total idiot when I had to introduce myself. I forgot I had to shake their hands first so when I walked up to them (it was outside) I was in a half bow position staring at their hands until I remembered I had to reach for their freaking hands so my hand sprung up so reatardly. I wanted to melt down to the ground, but I kept it going. I know better next time…

No. 1718675

No. 1719106>>1722932

I messed up today in my job again, I think I'm about to get fired.

No. 1719112

Update, it's a pain. They were about to make me work solo for the first time this coming up Tuesday, which I think it is insane. Part of me wants to quit, cause I keep hearing about people not staying for long.. The training was barely as training, how am I supposed to work Saturday alone?

No. 1719499

All the best to you.

No. 1722204>>1722932

My biggest regret was being a NEET for as long as I was. Being employed is not nearly as bad as I thought it would've been (I thought being a diagnosed sperg meant I was unemployable, but my boss knows and accommodates me by having me stick to what I'm good at), I just wish I did it when I was 18 and not when I was 27. I think what disappoints me though is my life is basically the same minus having a job and paycheck; I'm still just as alone as isolated as I was since then. Being alone with money is easier but it feels like I shut myself off from the world for so long I don't know how to enter back in it. Even before I became a NEET I didn't have many friends as a teenager.

No. 1722932>>1723129

what happened anon? hope ur doing well
me too, when i've been able to hold down a job i have felt very accomplished but it also doesn't have the self improving factors that a lot of people around me acted like it did

No. 1723129>>1727223

AYRT, I personally have gone through a lot of self-improvement and don't plan on changing jobs but I'm stuck in the feeling that it was "too late" and if I did this earlier in life I wouldn't be in the place I am.

No. 1724097>>1730101

Approaching year 4 in a month pray for me.

Had to drop out of uni at 18 to look after sick and abusive family members the whole time who refused to stop dying and now have no job experience or social life. I guess i have to join government programs because no one replied to my resume even though it was entry level positions lol

No. 1724407>>1724563

I've got a job interview tomorrow and just know I'm going to fumble because I start shaking uncontrollably whenever I have to do an interview. Wish me luck nonnas I need some money even if the job is shit

No. 1724413>>1724414>>1724419>>1728076

not knowing how to drive is killing me. i can't believe young me thought the world was cool and i could just walk/bus everywhere. i'm learning now (been taking weekend lessons since july) but everyone's still saying i can expect my license by like next year at the earliest

No. 1724414

You’ll get there eventually Nona!! I promise life is infinitely easier when you have the freedom and independence of a car

No. 1724419

You're making it sounds like you've been taking lessons for a long ass time but I don't think you're doing that bad? The average time it takes to get a license is about 6 months, if you get your license by winter 2024 you're just slightly over the average by 2ish months.

Anyway taking a few months longer than most is OK, money aside you're not missing out on some grant opportunity to change your life just because it's taking a little longer. Allow yourself some time.

No. 1724563>>1725176>>1725184>>1725221

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I think im slowly getting out of neetdom, i have a few more friends in uni this year and one of them is a super nice girl that has so many friends so I look up to her a lot! Sometimes I feel stressed that im not going out everyday but I need to remind myself that Rome wasnt built in a day! Last week I went out with some new people and I kinda missed holding hands when walking thru a busy place just for safety (this sounds so corny but I stopped having friends at 17 so I just missed those silly things) I hope that this is just the start and I get a job soon so I have more oportunities to meet more people!

good luck nonita bonita!

No. 1725176

awh i am so happy for you! i hope many good things come your way
>I kinda missed holding hands when walking thru a busy place
when i started socialising again after a long time i noticed this too, its really comforting

No. 1725184

awh i am so happy for you! i hope many good things come your way
>I kinda missed holding hands when walking thru a busy place
when i started socialising again after a long time i noticed this too, its really comforting

No. 1725221>>1725233>>1728374

But if you're in Uni you're not a NEET?

No. 1725233>>1725378>>1728783

I've noticed a lot of anons seem to think that being a NEET more or less means having no friends/social life

No. 1725257

I was a NEET for 3 years and now I'm working at a daycare center and taking classes part time to eventually get my Bachelor's. If you're considering a job in childcare this is my experience.
pros: some places are so understaffed they will basically hire anyone with a pulse, some of my coworkers have never finished high school. Second, there are no more gaps in your resume, you were just working as a nanny (they're way too lazy to check references). Also, unlike shitty retail jobs you can pretty much sit down when and take bathroom breaks when you want.
Cons: you will want to kys some days, kids can be awful and violent and I've heard parent horror stories as well although this hasn't come up for me yet. You encounter piss, shit, and vomit. Other days are easy and the kids are cute and it helps fill the void in my lonely, friendless soul.

No. 1725378>>1728783

They're dumb zoomers/zillenals most likely. I see it on TikTok all the time, some zoomer giri thinks that not having a social life and doing all of her school online makes her a NEET instead of just an awkward recluse at best

No. 1727223

I feel like things are too late for me too but I’m beginning to think it’s not over until it’s over ykwim? Don’t gaslight yourself into stopping whatever it is you’re thinking about getting good at

No. 1728076>>1728723

In my country, getting your licence takes almost 3 years, and that's not even a full (open) licence. It could be worse nonna.

No. 1728374

She could have been a NEET and only recently joined uni.

No. 1728723

three years? but why?

No. 1728783>>1729183

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It's funny because NEET originated as a term used by the british government that usually referred to teens 16-18 who had left school but never moved onto work. The social problems they were associated with were like, gangs of youths hanging around or causing trouble in public in the middle of the day. It was part of this big crackdown on youth antisocial behavior at the time. As a slang term NEET was synonymous with chav, pretty much.
Very different to the modern day usage which implies a more harmless socially impared basement dweller.
Picrel is a forum post from the time showing the original usage.
The definition changed, I think, because the term only got to the US through anime. Japan picked the term up as a loanword to describe their own youth unemployment problem, but in japan the stereotypical NEET was an otaku shut in rather than a teen delinquent. By the time it took hold in the US, the chav hysteria in the UK had faded and no one used NEET as slang anymore so the japanese meaning took precedence in the english speaking world.

No. 1728901

I've had two phone screens in the past week and this recent one today went really, really well. I haven't worked seriously and not quit in less than 5 shifts since before covid and am kind of a shy agoraphobic type so this is a huge step for me. Both of these jobs are within my capabilities, have good benefits, and are a reasonable distance away. AND at the one I know someone that promises to send my resume to the right people with a good word for me so I am feeling positive. Even if these don't pan out I am feeling more confident I thought I was more awkward than I am. Talking to recruiters isn't so hard I can be normal if I try

No. 1728934>>1729483>>1729618

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I spent 4 entire years after flunking University (I lie and tell my friends I graduated kek), now I am back to learning in another University for a whole different subject I think I might enjoy and I feel weird being 24 when every classmate is 18 or 19. I don't look 24 and they all think I'm the same age as them, but still, even though I was stuck as a NEET, I tried to develop my style from something basic to every day j-fashion. I learned to cook better, take care of my belongings and rented apartment more efficiently. I also stabilized myself in basic opinions I never had the chance to think about. I feel like I've advanced quite a bit since I became a neet at 20… But there's something inside my heart that wants to go back. Go back to neetdom. Go back to leisurely pacing myself through the day every day Buuut also I feel uneasy being so "experienced" around these literal kids who still play pranks on each other, but on the other hand I feel like joining in, like I'm also 18 and I wanna gossip and have fun. I don't know how to put this all into better words, but maybe my neetdom also made me childish and now it's coming out, as during my first Uni I wasn't like this at all.

No. 1729183

Today I learned that chav is an acronym.

No. 1729483

I also went back to uni at 23 (25 now) and I feel the same way, I think I'm a much more developed person than I was first starting uni. I'm friendly with people in my classes but I don't really have a desire to be close friends with 18-19 year olds. In a way though I have a lot more in common with my classmates than people I used to go to school with who have now moved on for the most part to good jobs so sometimes that's strange. I even had a crush on a girl in my program at one point but I sort of felt conflicted about it because she probably didn't realize I'm older than her and I was a loser dropout.

No. 1729618

Anon you're just 24. There's some level of maturity difference between you and 18 year olds but it's not THAT big, therefore it makes complete sense that you want to join in on the fun your slightly younger classmates are having. You're not an imposter. (They're also not literal kids, give them the benefit of the doubt sometimes). You're talking about yourself as if you're a grandma who isn't allowed to have fun anymore. Go, have fun with your classmates, joke around, gossip, go out for drinks, whatever, those are all perfectly normal and reasonable things for 24 year olds to do. And frankly, and I mean this with no offense whatsoever, you're probably not as developed/experienced as you think you are compared to them/for your age as you've spent the past four years NEETing.

No. 1729925>>1729933

>interview process over two days
>day one is a fucking brunch with strangers and company execs who will be judging you on likability
>day two is three interviews back-to-back (one of which is explicitly to gauge your "fit")
this world was not made for autistic people i see that now

No. 1729933>>1729941

Management and coveted positions are not for autistic people. They want someone full of shit who can also shmooze and put on some shit eating ass kissing dick riding show

No. 1729941

it's all so exhausting. i've not even gotten confirmation that i'm invited to this shit process yet but i'm praying i am even if i dread it
why can't getting a job be easier. i can do the work, i just need a chance kek

No. 1730101

current plan:

1. government year in trade, they hire retards (me) so if i improve physical fitness i can do it currently i can do like 50% required of the physical test rn
1.5 try to get a normal job in between neetdom and governemnt to return to normalcy like night stocking or something
2. take apprenticeship trade job with experience gained once year finished
3. have 70k salary gain 4+ years experience
4.?? at this point i will very likely quit and use all my money to shut myself in again need to make some sort of unghostable aquaintance to anchor myself to human world

challenges include: not being terribly unfit- have improved fitness results in the last week and a half, attaining medical clearance, not giving up instantly on any challenge presented to me.

any particular critiques or deathwishes?

No. 1730981>>1731195

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i just applied with the most flattering "skill-based" resume (because i have no education and no experience) possible without actively lying about my credentials and even so it's 5 sentences. surely they aren't choosy about who does the dishes? but it's the shittiest resume ever.
i'll have to rewrite it.

No. 1731188

They still haven't given me a reply it's joever

No. 1731195

They hire literal 16 years olds for doing the dishes so I wouldn't worry about the resume or lack of experience. Your age and therefore wage is more likely to be an issue if it's easy for them to hire cheaper minors instead.

No. 1733986

I applied to 5 retail jobs for the first time in 2 years with my shitty resume that has no experience listed. Just high school and a skills section. I was paralyzed for a while thinking about what else to do about my resume so I said fuck it and just applied with what I had.

No. 1738082>>1738769>>1983751

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I'm a former NEET who's been in uni for a while now. The thing is, I don't have any real goals here, it's just my door out of NEETdom. My parents want me to get a degree so they support me financially so that I can live alone comfortably.
I'm on my 3rd year and haven't picked a major—the clock is ticking for me to pick soon, but I just have no idea. Not even any leads where I'm choosing between a few, I'm outright lost. I've been taking random classes that are either required or that seem okay, and there are certainly things that I enjoy, but nothing sticks hard enough where I'd feel okay about diving deep into it as a full subject of study or a career. This makes me pretty alienated from my peers, who seem to all specifically know that they want to be an engineer or artist or whatever.
It's not that I'm miserable and apathetic about life; I'm actually a really happy person, it's just that all the things I enjoy doing aren't exactly career-oriented or profitable. I like staying home, cooking for myself, making amateur art, playing video games, chatting with my friends, simple mundane stuff like that. In my ideal life, I just spend time with my friends and family. I have no dream job…
But yeah, I dunno what to do when it's time for me to be forced to commit to something. I might just pick something decently profitable that's not very competitive… I actually tried randomly picking at an earlier point but they unpicked it for me because "it's not your real passion" and basically expected me to figure out my true life goal if I just gave it time.
Some people suggest that I should drop out and become a basic restaurant wagie or something, others say it's a waste to give up my opportunity at uni (it's a pretty prestigious one and I will incur minimal debt) and that I'm not cut out to survive in the wagie world. I think even my parents are seeing that I'm at a dead end because they've shifted their focus to saying stuff like "anon have you met any nice smart men? If you get a nice rich husband you can stay home all day~"

TLDR anyone else struggle to "pick a path" when it comes to deciding what kind of non-NEET thing to pursue?

No. 1738129

No. 1738339>>1738391

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I used to have friends in school as a kid, we'd go to the mall and all that stuff in the free time. I miss it and I get anxious if I don't talk to people, I don't know why.
I'm trying to escape the NEETdom because the older I get just worse it feels and I'm only in my early 20s.
No idea what I want to do or how to make friends, living already in such a introverted country. I'm scared I will be alone forever or if I find partner they'll see me as total loser once they find out all my contacts are people I have met online and don't see irl.
I wish good luck everyone with their goals, sometimes I feel like I was doomed from the start (shitty childhood) but hopefully I will be in better place once I reach my 30s.

I have hard time going out there and enjoying things alone, I'm fixated on needing peoples approval all the time, anyone have tips how to get rid off this? Should I just go to therapy?

No. 1738391>>1778864

>feels the need for human connection and to be loved, like everyone else
>hey should i go to therapy for feeling this way?

No. 1738422>>1739205>>1739228>>1739293

Farmers, what is the differences and/or similarities between a NEET and failure to launch syndrome/faildaughter/son in your opinion?I’ve been reading whatever limited studies have been done of FTL and it’s almost exclusively males, who failed to finish collage/ transition to the workforce, with the hallmark characteristics being living at home and lacking core adult life skills (cleaning, cooking, time and money management) and having no friends or only superficial/age inappropriate friends and being a enormous financial burden on the family. Video game, nerd stuff and weed addictions are sometimes present but sometimes not-I guess FTL also encompasses the weird 35 year old guy who spends all day surfing/at the country club hanging out with people ten years younger than him and while his aging parents just pay for everything no questions asked, which wouldn’t really fit with NEETdom. One the other hand core aspects of failing to transition fully to adult life are the same. I see myself in some way reflected in the FTL category because I never had the level of dating problems most neets have, but I totally failed to make it to the workforce in anyway (besides attempts at getting and losing a few dead end min wage admin/handcrafting jobs last one being years ago). I live in a crippling sense of loneliness and alienation and if I died tomorrow I think only 2-3 people (all exes) would really care longer then a few days. On the other hand I live alone and don’t need anyone to do my laundry, I know how to cook,how to get different stains out of fabric, dont have problem with hygiene etc. But I wonder if that is related to these case studies being done almost exclusively on men. In terms of classic NEETdom I’m heavily addicted to the internet, have Asperger’s-y poor social skills and was a classic weeb at one point in life. There are expensive rehab style problems that claim to work with FTL, I wonder though would it have any value for female neets though?

No. 1738769>>1983751

As a post-uni recovered NEET my advice is always to not worry about your passion. You won’t actually know what job suits you best until you try a number of them, and plus you can pivot much more easily once you are already within the work world. You are in the perfect part of your education to focus on co-ops, practicums, internships if your school has anything like that… your major could be anything, the word that’s actually on your degree will have shockingly little relevance to your work life compared to getting experience at real workplaces, but i would even pick a major based on which majors have work experience components. Also, idk about your school, but at my school, you could enter co-ops without any specific degree matched to a job, it was basically a job board. I would accumulate as much experience and savings as you can this way, and figure out what you like doing by trying things out in the real world. In the work world a lot of the time you can wind up moving into roles you realize you like without formal education because of other experience and skills you acquire on the job. Right now I would say you just want to do everything you can to set yourself up to comfortably explore different types of jobs after you graduate, feeing confident about your level of experience, etc. Good luck nona, you are in the year of your education that i turned my life around by doing the above things

No. 1739205

can you link to studies on failure to launch? that sounds interesting. i read for one place, they actually segregate or only offer their services to men because otherwise there's too much interpersonal drama if both sexes are admitted. i don't remember where i read about it but it was like a life coaching thing where they taught people chores too.

No. 1739228>>1739249

Same, realizing all neet and FTL type literature almost always focuses on males made me realize how much men are actually coddled by women and society and how women are expected to always bring their A game and be on top of everything 24/7. I was a FTL female for most of my twenties and it was insane because I literally didn’t know a single other girl in my life like that expect one girl who had severe anorexia and was basically a shutin because of her illness. It’s crazy how scrotes complain about how society has endless expectations and pressures from them but every neet I’ve interacted with and known was a male, except myself. Every woman I knew had their shit together and was grinding to make everything in their life work while juggling a career, kids, a marriage, side activities and hobbies etc. It’s actually insane how much pressure women are under and remarkable how strong women are, it’s literally moids who are pathetic weaklings who can’t handle the slightest failure, rejection or criticism.

No. 1739249>>1743330

I think a lot of mentally ill women hang on the edge of NEETdom but never enter into the category because they just don't have parents that are willing to let them eat hotpockets and play computer all day so they form codependent relationships with men instead. My sister and I both had NEET tendencies into our early twenties but she had a husband who financially supported her and I had our mom who eventually forced me to get a job. I still live with my mom (and have been employed since then, thanks mom) but I just don't think many parents are as accepting of faildaughters as they are of failsons, and like you say they don't coddle their female children the same way they do their males. There's an expectation that women eventually leave the nest to make their own families and that pressure starts young so even if we don't have children or get married, the net is pulled out much sooner. Also women who do end up having kids have to become responsible and hard working, especially when they have kids with failmales who can't or don't want to support them.

No. 1739293

>which wouldn’t really fit with NEETdom
How doesn't it? Being a NEET literally just means not being in education/employment/training, even someone who has just graduated and is still seeking a job is technically a NEET. I hadn't heard of FTL before but from the sounds of it, every FTL is a NEET but not every NEET is an FTL.

No. 1740040

How do I stop being so reliant on online friendships? I want to gradually move on from them and focus more on my real life friends but i’m finding it hard. It’s even harder for the ones i’ve known for years, it’s not as strong as a connection with someone in person but it still makes it hard because I respect them and don’t want to hurt them or have them dislike me. The feelings aren’t mutual because some of them still message me frequently. I know I could just delete my account but then they’d wonder where I went and they know my other socials and we have some mutual connections anyways.

I’ve naturally drifted away from online friendships many times in the past, what made it easier was that online friendships felt much less intimate, we maybe were friends on 1-3 different sites and our direct messaging was about mutual interests and casual discussions. You naturally lose interest in that niche online pet simulator and one day you just never log back in. That was easy, now it’s evolved into everyone having 10 different connected social media accounts with dms and group dms opened on every site where the logs of your discussions can be kept forever. You know so much more about your online friends today, 13 years ago I didn’t know much about that girl I met on that niche pet simulator forum besides us being the same age and her hobbies. When I was a lonely NEET I wanted to make a connections with others that I overshared too much and let online friendships get too personal, and now that I want to move on with my life I have to wonder if they could ever connect with me in 10 years again because they remembered the colleges i talked about going to and some of my jobs. Sorry for the long rambling nonnas, having more real life friends is helping me in some aspects but that lonely nerd who’s only friends are strangers is still in me in some ways.

No. 1740176

im 23 and ive been complete neet since i graduated high school, im very mentally ill and cant do anything alone. im gonna try a IT 2-year course next year, and try to get into pharmacy college later, but im autistic and have severe social phobia. i have tried enrolling in university before but my longest stay was 2 months.
being near my family is detrimental to my mental health and my biggest desire was to get accepted into an uni in another state, and i did get into one, but my family didnt let me go. that completely shattered my expectations, even thinking about it makes my head dizzy, low blood pressure and all. i just dont have anything else to live for anymore. i am planning my education just so i can fill some expectations from others, but its not my ”dream”. my ”dream” would be getting away from my family. where i live its not common to just move away when you turn 18, people generally move out when they get married, in their mid-20s or so.
i hate working so much. i have worked a few months for my family business and it was so fucking miserable. the last time i got so stressed i tried killing myself and ended up in the hospital. the work wasnt stressful, sometimes id be playing computer games all day, but i just couldnt handle to go somewhere and work all day and then come home and do absolutely nothing because i just became a fucking zombie. i couldnt do anything after i come home from work, i would stare at the ceiling like a broken robot, no thoughts, literally. i dont know whats wrong with me. i like studying but i cant even socialize. i dont like working but i need a lot of money to leave.
just what the fuck do i do to not feel so much pain and desperation, i cant even get the autism buxx. im not even pretty to sell my body online.

No. 1743330

>I just don't think many parents are as accepting of faildaughters as they are of failsons
i agree with this but i also think it's dependent on a lot of things like race, age, etc.
overall yes though women are not allowed to become NEETs at the rate men are. it's so funny that scrotes have this idea that women just have it easy despite every facet of reality rebelling against that fact

No. 1743635>>1759677

I'm a recovered hikki NEET (been employed for almost 4 years now). I have a 2-year-old nephew and I've noticed I really enjoy being with him, he has more calming presence than adults do even though he cries more. But I've noticed that the moment I'm with him and my mom or some other adult, I tense up and can't be with him naturally. To others it probably looks like I'm not interested in him but I just hate to be "perceived" by others when I'm with a child, it's so awkward. Does anyone else have a problem like this?

No. 1755360

I’m a recovered NEET with a career of four years. It wasn’t good for me to be unemployed because the ennui was really bad for me, and trying to outrun that feeling is why I got so successful in my career so fast. I never had a “real” job before this so I didn’t know you could get satisfaction and purpose out of life by working. Who knew!

I can’t shake the desire to do fuck all, though. I never want to go anywhere for vacation. I just want to lay in my bed for as long as I can get away with it. I miss watching an infinite backlog of stupid movies. If I could be a NEET again for a year I would watch all the garbage Blumhouse has churned out in the past four years while I fucked around on my phone. I would ruin my sleep schedule so hard again. I would get into WoW again and collect all the mounts I missed in the past couple of years. I would just do absolutely nothing and it would be so wonderful. I really don’t enjoy being around people at all, it’s so fucking exhausting to me so I don’t want to go to a destination vacation where there’s strangers and noises and scenarios. I just want to close the blinds and hibernate again.

No. 1759624>>1759641>>1759657

I left in the middle of an interview phone call again. I thought I was past that but I didn't prep and didn't get enough sleep the night before. The problem is I know I must be anxious, but I've numbed myself so much I can't tell how anxious I am. I wouldn't get the job anyways but I'm disappointed in myself. The recruiter emailed to ask if we should reschedule, but I don't know if I should because what if I do this again and waste her time? I'm autistic and could use that as an excuse to ask for questions ahead of time but I really do need more serious employment counseling. Thank god my appointment is finally next week. Ugh.

No. 1759641>>1759657

Never tell any recruiter about mental illness or your spectrum stats. It will not help you and people will look down on you.

Finish interviews no matter how painful or how much of a guaranteed flop it is, and yes reschedule. That route is you functioning despite your problems and not letting them work you.

The worst thing you can do with severe anxiety is seek to be comfortable, as the boundary of comfort and discomfort will always shrink until you are a mute hermit. You have to keep pushing out.

No. 1759657

Firmly agree with this advice. Your anxiety is understandable, but I promise you're never bombing as hard as you think, I've had employment offers after some really shocking performances. Ultimately, it's not a persecution, the interviewer WANTS to hire you, and this is their whole job, they've seen everything and are trained to see the best in people. Reschedule if you feel able to so that company isn't blacklisted as an option for you, I believe in you.

No. 1759676

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I just really don't know why I can't fit in anywhere I go. I went into CS with the "I'm gonna be rich and make money, I can learn to make games on the side" mindset. 3 semesters in, I'm seriously considering switching to gamedev because I already wasted years, and I don't want to be here for 4 MORE FUCKING SEMESTERS wasting my parent's money to constantly do high level math and biology I'll forget within a day. I remembered why I hated school recently: being surrounded by people I couldn't give a single shit about doing the same thing day after day, just because its "the right and normal path". I already grew confident enough over the years to dress how I want half the time, but I get too much within my mask/persona of being this mean woman who has better places to be. It works but I just make myself miss out on interactions because I'm so focused on getting home to relax and not worry about breaking the illusion.
I've been absent to all my classes since last Tuesday and used up all excused ones. I haven't been able to stop biting my nails and ruined a month's work of regrowth. I'm grateful to be born reasonably well-off with a roof over my head but I never asked to be born. I wish I knew genuine love and companionship like back in my innocent pre-2nd year of middle school. Really really really trying not to go back to depressed unfeeling neethood because I think if I do I'm gonna do something I'll regret this winter. The only reason I haven't done anything is thanks to my paranoia and self-awareness of how my mask will be permanently broken with no way of going back after years of hiding away and trying to be at least be perceived as a normal, sane person. I am so filled with hate, disappointment, envy, and jealousy. Turn 23 soon but I already feel old…

No. 1759677

Old post I know Yes I’ve struggled with this a lot and I think it’s because I’m super emotionally unavailable. I’m more on the severe end for a woman but I really used to struggle with showing any emotions around other people and even something as “simple” as being affectionate towards an animal or baby freaked me out. I am just very scared to get attached to anything emotionally and especially afraid of showing those emotions to others.

No. 1759785

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I'm finding recovery really hard. I consider myself NEET often but in reality I bounce from job to job, staying 1-4 months typically before losing it again. Right now I'm doing temp work that is very unstable, I get enough money but I can't plan even a week in advance, and I work with retards. However, I'm able to stick with it when I don't seem able to stick with a permanent job, and the variety is kind of fun.
I just know this can't be it forever, getting antsy and I don't know what to try to do next that's realistic for me, don't even know what I want I'm so depressed that I'm passionate about basically nothing. All I know is that I want to do better, and that this shit tires my body out, but I'm good at it. My bf is working overtime both professionally and academically right now and I feel so inadequate.
At least this is better than being on jobseekers allowance (any other povvo britbongs here?) It's survivable for now and I want to do better but doubt my ability to do so.

No. 1762699>>1772810

hey anonies, any advice on quitting a social media/internet addiction? i have limited access to my phone and laptop (thanks to my dad) but instead of putting my energy towards finding a job or studies, i just end up wasting the day away looking forward to when i get my phone back :,((:,()

No. 1771777>>1771922>>1772844

I’m trying to recover from being a meet for over a year. I graduated college and couldn’t get a job. If you want to know what I studied it was CS and I feel like I wasted my life studying for nothing. I could just work in any blue color job tbh but I feel like it’s a waste of my degree but I literally can’t get any job. Not even an interview. I stopped doing projects and I feel like the projects I did before weren’t anything good enough to get me hired. Is there any way I can use my degree even if it’s freelance work? I don’t know anyone else to talk to this about so I decided to reach out in case anyone else experienced or is experiencing what I am going through rn. I feel so alone and I was supposed to be the one in the family to actually make some good money but I’m just a failure.

No. 1771922>>1772810>>1772844

i'm in the same situation, sort of – graduated in may and i am still jobless. nobody wants to hire me. not bookstores to offices to cs-related tech jobs. have you given staffing agencies a try? i've signed up for one and i'm praying i get something there

No. 1772088

>find jobs i want to apply to
>it would take only 5 minutes to apply
>waste time on lolcow for days instead
hory shet i'm retarded

No. 1772810

I haven’t even thought of staffing agencies. I’m going to try that and see if I get a job somewhere. The thing that sucks the most about my situation is that I’ve been like this for over a year. But I’m still trying. And it’s true they don’t want to hire unless you already have years of work experience under your belt. The only jobs willing to hire me are blue collar jobs which I can do but I feel like it’s a waste of my degree. Let’s hope we both get a job

I wish I could help but I’m stuck in the same position. I feel like the only way to lose one addiction is to get a different addiction. It’s like losing weight. Most people who lose a great deal of weight end up getting an alcohol addiction. So for you to get rid of your addiction you’d have to find something else to fill your time. Maybe you can try working out? Going on walks? Drawing. Reading. Writing. At least that way people think it’s a more “productive” use of your time instead of being on social media. Maybe you can make a friend and that friend can take you out to places so that you don’t get to be just waiting for your phone to hop back onto social media.

No. 1772844>>1772901

Nobody wants to hire someone with no experience. Sign up for as many staffing agencies as you can, once you have a couple of jobs under your belt you can start working towards jobs in the areas you graduated in. Once you have a few years of experience and you figure out how to pitch yourself to employers you'll be able to get the sort of jobs you studied for.

No. 1772901>>1774182

Does it matter what type of experience it is? I’ve always worked factory jobs but it’s not like that’s related to cs.

No. 1772951

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Covid lockdowns did the final push that sealed my fate, i'm comfortable with being a neet/hikikomori now. I have my own tiny apartment, regular supply of veggies from country side relatives and a bit of passive income, nothing can make me face the disappointments of outside world. I'm abandoning humanity back, haha, take that!

No. 1774182

CS is very saturated right now but, as with all jobs, knowing your way around office politics will do more for your career than actually being competent. Factory jobs aren't the best if you're looking to get into normie office jobs, but you can absolutely get normie office jobs if you have experience in anything remotely related to admin work or customer service, and you can get into cs jobs through that. Find staffing agencies that can get you into some shitty call center job as a temp. Don't worry about getting one or two week gigs- you're really employed through the agency so it's not going to reflect badly on you. You can also use that experience to apply for better staffing agencies that can give you more opportunities in the areas you're interested in. Don't be discouraged if you're stuck working in shit jobs for a while. ANY job is better than no job at all, and the more agencies you're signed up with the more chances you have of not having any gaps in your employment. It's OK if you're too retarded to function, agencies are sleazy bastards who'll find you something to do for a few days no matter how incompetent you are. The more experience you have the easier it'll be for you to get a job you actually want, so don't get discouraged if you play up your degree and they still give you call center jobs. You're not going to be stuck there forever.

No. 1777178>>1778385>>1778386>>1778864>>1821684>>1823106

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uhhh why do i still get intimidated by teenagers in public (i am 22)

No. 1778334

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Torn between purposefully flopping an interview tomorrow (by being myself) or actually atempting. I've started a sewing class and have to quit if I actually got hired, which would be a shame and it's just a shitty retail job, not to mention my mother is against it, but I dunno, since someone like me won't get many opportunities to join the job market.

No. 1778385

Same but 23. I always look away I'm so pathetic.

No. 1778386

It's the years of bullying nonnie. I'm 29 and still get uncomfortable near them

No. 1778642

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>Applied for job
>Already hoping they don't call me back because NEETdom is too comfortable
It's not even a demanding job. Nonnies I hate this.

No. 1778864

>I have hard time going out there and enjoying things alone, I'm fixated on needing peoples approval all the time, anyone have tips how to get rid off this? Should I just go to therapy?
nta but bump, for me im fine doing alone but only when im out of sight

the fawning/ need for validation is a problem…

No. 1780853>>1780907>>1780910

Hi guys I wanna save up to get a car, I’m somewhat of an invalid and I passed the written part of my drivers exam I haven’t taken the driving part yet but I get so anxious and jerky while driving I don’t know why I’m so retarded and I think too much about it but I don’t know how to stop and another thing is that my family won’t let me practice driving because everytime I ask for the car they get all “I’m not having the car towed! “ which I can’t blame them but one of the ppl in my house literally drives and doesn’t have a license and it’s just like where do they draw the line and how do I stop being so stupid about driving I’m too old to not have a license i feel like such a idiot

No. 1780907>>1780989

Sorry your family isn't more understanding or helpful, nona. Don't feel stupid! Idk what country you live in, but plenty of people in the world don't learn to drive because it isn't necessary in walkable communities, have public transit, or can't afford a car. You're mature for taking on this responsibility and wanting to do well. I believe in you! Driving tests are not really difficult, they are intentionally simple enough for teenagers to pass. Most people I know struggle to parallel park and/or kinda drive like shit even after 10+ years of experience. Maybe it would be helpful for your anxiety to watch videos simulating the test?

No. 1780910>>1780989

im in the exact same place nona HAH, ive driven once for 20 minutes and it was fucking awful so im planning on doing driving lessons.. where i live you can find ones where the instructor has their own wheel/ accelerate/ break etc that overrides the student's? try find something like that where you are, or look around for empty parking lots. never too late to learn theres lots of adults who still take their driving tests (e.g a lot of my family had to re do theirs from scratch when they migrated to where we live now) best of luck!

No. 1780989

Thanks nonas! I do believe in myself too it’s just a big new step

No. 1782788

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Half the jobs I would apply for have heavy lifting listed as a required skill. I'm so out of fucking shape it's not funny. None of the jobs I've applied for have even written me back to reject me. Now when I actually make an honest effort to get a grip all the years of making no effort at all are biting me in the ass.

No. 1796249>>1796252>>1796309

Sometimes I don't know if I regret not working earlier. I had a lot set up so that I didn't have to work. read parents enabling me, constant minimum wage entry level job rejections enabling my anxiety and giving me excuses not to apply and a bf who made way more than enough for me to do whatever- and yes I do regret living off his money, not cause it used his money but because it made me reliant on him. I also made every excuse not to do further education and the only time I did was when my mother forced me into 6 month courses I had no interest in and did nothing with, and even with that at least she tried because I just made more excuses. I also can't drive whatsoever.
In a way I don't because I loved being able to do whatever, no responsibilities and it's so hard to fight the urge to just sit around doing nothing again but at the same time I regret it big time because I feel so slow in where I should be. There's 3 people with my job title at work including me and the other two are 16 while I'm in my 20's. The only advantage I have over them is that I can work weekdays because they have to go to school. I'm basically an assistant and constantly take orders from people all day long who are younger than me yet have three or more years training ahead of me and do way harder work and it just makes me feel like I should be at their level. Everyone at work is nice but it makes me feel like absolute shit knowing they are so far ahead and doing stuff I literally have no idea how to do because again, it takes years of training.

We were looking to hire another person for my same position and my boss literally said "No I don't think we should hire her because she's 18, and is a bit old to start training. Meanwhile everyone there is well aware I work the same position, same responsibilities and I'm in my 20's.

No. 1796252>>1796271

I've been in the same position as you nonna, but there's no shame in being older than your coworkers. Everyone moves through life at different paces and takes different roads. I promise that there is a lot of people the same age as you who are in the same position. Don't be discouraged!!

No. 1796271

Thank you anon, I'm very thankful to my boss because she put up with so much of my shit. My first few months I was a bad employee because I was going through a lot of shit I genuinely couldn't control so I was constantly on edge, anxious (which made me miserable to me around and I cried a lot, like every meeting with my boss I ended up crying randomly) and also I was always late to work because I just didn't care enough. I once showed up three hours late because I stayed up late and slept through my alarms. Honestly don't know how I wasn't fired because prior to that I was late multiple times and I think I used up every excuse. Of course she was pissed with me but I will say once in a meeting I did open up a bit to how I was raised and my mother specifically, and while I cannot blame her for my adult life and it's my responsibility now she did later on admit to me hers was very similar and she understands why I was the way I was. Convo short my mother hated me growing up.
I'm very lucky that I work with such nice people and my boss is huge on self improvement (not just for work but for everyday life, we do a lot of life goal type stuff at work, how to achieve realistic goals so on that have nothing to do with the company) and she said she has seen so much improvement. She's extremely blunt sometimes and it can be hurtful but I think I needed the honest truth, because of her I started really trying on my sleep, walking more, trying different strategies to make sure I'm not late to work (when before I'd blame it on busses being late or whatever).

No. 1796309>>1796317

I have a job interview in a few days, I really hope I get it. It's nothing special but being a NEET for too long has me stressing about the most banal things, it's nice in the first half year or so but after that you just become so detached from reality and what's normal.
I feel you nonnie. Not really the same situation but what I'm applying to is technically a side job for like 16 year olds so I hope they don't tell me I'm too old. Age discrimination sucks, so many places are notorious for firing/not hiring anyone over 18 because they actually have to pay them.

No. 1796317

Yeah she literally said a big part of her age was the pay. The thing it's an apprenticeship so it's apprentice wage and she would be starting at an age earlier than I did. I am thankful for my boss in a lot of ways as said in a reply to another anon but it did feel like absolute shit hearing "blah blah blah too old", especially when we had a 16 year old do tasks that again, take years of training and knowledge and I had to take orders from her.

No. 1796366>>1796409>>1796466

I got the job I interviewed for

No. 1796409


No. 1796466

I'm so happy for you, anon.

No. 1796849>>1796859

I’m on vacation in a tropical country right now because my family brought me along, but all I’ve done is sit in my childhood room and scroll twitter all day. I don’t even do this on purpose, I just feel dread going out. The airport and plane ride were intense, I had to take 3 days to recover from going out in public. But those days are over, and I still feel drained from the airport. Is something wrong with me? People travel all the time, and nobody likes the airport, but they survive! I feel awful, maybe I can do small things to leave the room

No. 1796859

Maybe get excited about something small to leave the house for each day? Boba shop or some new food to try?

No. 1797223>>1797229>>1797972

I'm falling back into neethood because I had to go back to a rural area and I don't know how I'm going to fix it.
I miss Paris. And I miss you Paris nonas and our outings. Sorry I fell off french discord, I couldn't find it again and I was really depressed for a while.

No. 1797229>>1797245

You actually met up in person?

No. 1797245

We did. It felt pretty fun (to me, anyway…)

No. 1797963>>1821622>>1821850

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No. 1797972

I want to meet my city nonas too but I'm worried I'm too weird kek

No. 1803197

Being a NEET who already has a uni degree is depressing. At least if you didn't get one yet, you still have something to look forward to and can take advantage of networking and internships there. I went through university when I wasn't mentally ready and blew all my chances. Just makes me want to die.

No. 1807195>>1807202

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I feel so hopeless sometimes, not just because of being a neet, but because it feels impossible to escape from in my position. The advice I get from people online is to just go out and be social but it’s hard for me, because I don’t have a car, and I live somewhere bad so walking to nearby places is dangerous. I hate this life so much, I haven’t talked to a non family member irl in years. I don’t even know where to start getting out there

No. 1807202

Is there a way for you to make them take you out or something? I didn't go out for years because I'm in a position similar to yours, but now that I'm 28 years old my family understands that I needed to actually socialize and such, so now they do anything to let me go out and talk to other people, but mostly it was because I get sick constantly from not going out at all.
Just going to the supermarket helps a lot.

No. 1814362>>1815004

My parents are making me go to a community interview and resume prep event. I'm so nervous because people they know will be there and I know I'm going to freeze up and embarrass myself. I've tried to hide my anxiety issues from them (yes it's not healthy) and the idea of being "revealed" is terrifying.

No. 1815004>>1821622

Samefag, it wasn't bad. The people running the event were nice and gave good advice. I did chicken out on doing a mock interview because I knew it would be a waste of both our time. I think I can finally accept Ihave a pathological level of anxiety and need to look for a therapist, I can't keep ignoring it.

No. 1815364>>1821622

I got a successful job interview and my trial run is the day after tomorrow. Wish me luck guys, I'm gonna make it

No. 1816051>>1821622

Messed up today and made a few mistakes, but I won't let slip ups drag me down! I hope this will be the last time I post online, Good luck and God bless to everyone on this thread.

No. 1820392>>1821622

I’m doing it! I’m finally becoming a person on paper again. I’ll be able to work and volunteer. Finally I can buy alcohol and go into smoke shops (not that I necessarily will). Feels good to know I’ll be able to do normal things again. Wish me luck it all comes together nonnas.

No. 1821622>>1821628>>1824274

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I wish we would talk to each other in the thread more. I'm going to reply to some posts to be the change I want to see.
This is very interesting, thank you for sharing anon. I can see some of these traits in myself, but I don't at all relate to "changing the channel" or avoiding my feelings. I feel everything, turned up to maximum, all the time, and it only stops once I have tired myself out. I wonder if anyone else is like that?
If your anxiety is that bad, then yes you definitely need help. The shame will try to tell you that you should be able to handle it all by yourself, or perhaps that no one can help you, but shame is a liar. Going to the event and choosing to get help are important first steps. You're moving forward a little bit at a time.
Are you the anon from the Advice Thread who did your trial run but didn't get paid? If so, by now I hope you've heard back about the job and that you're 1) getting compensated and 2) hired for real. If you're not the same anon, I still hope it went well and that you have a job now.
Goodbye and good luck anon, if this is truly your last post then I hope your internet-free life is a beautiful one. Keep up that positive energy! Your resilience inspires me
It feels good to have physical proof of your participation in society, doesn't it? And even better to have things to look forward to. Let us know what happens next?
I want to talk a bit about my own situation as well. This month, I managed to get one of those online jobs that dont need any experience or qualifications. It should be easy, but every time I think about having to actually do it, I start crying and want to throw up from fear. I would rather quit before I start than get fired for inactivity, or worse, because I messed up on the job. What should I do? It's so hard to recover and I don't know how to confide in anyone else…

No. 1821628>>1821634

>This month, I managed to get one of those online jobs that dont need any experience or qualifications
What is it?

No. 1821634>>1821646

I feel nervous to say exactly what it is. If you're looking for work, you can find online/wfh/gig job listings on websites like Rat Race Rebellion.

No. 1821646>>1821654>>1840727

Thank you, any hints…? I'm not even American so idk, would like to find it in my country

No. 1821654

I'm sorry, I don't know anything about opportunities outside of the USA. Maybe you could look on RRR for international stuff, or e-mail the people who own the website for links/resources/suggestions. That's the best I can offer you.

No. 1821684

When I first came out of neetdom, I used to look at teenagers and get nervous near them as if I were another teenager, but I suspect that was because I sort of was still a teenager mentally. With more experience and learning new coping mechanisms, I don't feel that way too much anymore, because I feel like I have emotional control that teenagers lack.

No. 1821850>>1823078>>1823085

What is this from? I know for a lot of us this archetype resonates, but it feels pseudoscientific.

No. 1823078

I found it. It's from an article by Pete Walker, the Complext PTSD guy

No. 1823085>>1823134

I think it can be kinda helpful but I hate these categories. It assigns you one of them when in practice I’ve cycled through all of them during crises depending on situation. Also it really casts a very negative view on certain types

No. 1823106>>1823134

because they are absolutely talking shit in their heads, texts, or out loud about you. Especially if you make eye contact. you are doomed to be bullied by teenagers for all eternity. If hell is real there are probably teenage fire goblins down there who will look at you, raise an eyebrow then turn to their gargoyle friend and choke out a cackle.

No. 1823134

I think the point is to see which one you use most often or for the lowest levels of pain, while understanding that you are a human being capable of a full range of behaviour. Whoever tried to pigeonhole you was not understanding the concepts. I get what you mean about "negative view." Some authors let their biases show and that can be hurtful. But again that's just an opinion, a problem with their worldview that has nothing to do with you.
The same can be said of teenagers. Their empathy skills are underdeveloped and probably not nurtured by anyone around them, much less other teenagers. It hurts to be insulted or laughed at but, at the end of the day, that's just a random kid who doesn't even know you. We have to do our best to brush it off.

No. 1824274>>1826386

My ID is in the mail! It happened so fast I’m a bit nervous about the pressure that’ll come with being able to do things but at the same time kind of excited. I’m lucky my moms been with me (she’s the whole reason I finally sorted my ID), she’s been helping me look for volunteer places and taking me out everyday. Seeing her socialize gives me some pointers, mostly I’m realizing others are super awkward compared to her (small town hospitality suits her so naturally, I could never) so I’m more forgiving of my own inept socializing.
I’m thinking of trying online work like what you’re talking about before I volunteer somewhere just to practice handling the pressure and responsibility of expectations. What is it the job has you doing? I find focusing on each individual task helps, even if I have to break it down to “press this button, now fill this out” etc. I’ve also been practicing ignoring my negative thoughts by constantly reminding myself I have that luxury because I’m in my head and can objectively determine what’s helpful and what’s a hinderance, it’s difficult but it really helps.

No. 1825542>>1826386

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I need to get out of the NEET circle, forever. I feel like I start, I get a part-time job, I go back to school, I hit the gym and for a short time, I'm normal. Then somthing happens, and I lose out on that discipline to maintain my routines and I fall apart. I've been told there's something about me that makes me self-sabotage, I have a "big shadow", that I lack a plan for life, that I lack something. I've tried therapy and it hasn't worked out for me. All I ever do is run in circles and I hate it. I'm a life-long failure and I just want to become normal for once.

No. 1825547>>1825617>>1826402

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How to make a plan? How to have a dream, and then make it happen and live that dream without dashing it on the floor? I'd call myself semi recovered as I've been working fulltime for a while now, but people always ask me what my 'life plan' is, or what I really want, and I just don't know, for now I want to survive and be good at what I do. I don't really believe in myself enough to have more than that in mind, but that feels like the wrong response, and I'm boring and sad for not having and working towards a dream. A quiet and comfortable life? Except that sounds boring. I have a degree in a creative area but I think maybe I'm happier just exhausting myself physically for a living. If my depression ever lifts maybe a dream will come to me but I doubt it. I wish people wouldn't ask these things and just accept my work persona, it makes me sad to talk about it.

No. 1825555>>1825568

thread theme

No. 1825568

Awww I love this song

No. 1825617

Nonna a lot of people don't have dreams and plenty more abandon them as they get older. There's nothing wrong with living comfortably, though it might be hard fitting in. A lot of society does expect you to be working towards something if you're young but that doesn't mean you have to. I don't know what it is you 'do' that you want to be good at, but if you do have a hobby or something you can always fall back on telling others about that when they ask. That or blow some minds by saying outright that you're happy just existing.

No. 1826386>>1827232

It's great that your mom supports you and you can rely on her when you're outside together. I think volunteer work is a good idea. Most people in those programs are patient and forgiving, so they will understand if you want to take things slow. Let us know what you do with your ID when it arrives. Do you already have a library card? Signing up for one could be fun, if you like to read.
My job is a "talk on the phone" type job. Going slower/breaking everything down to the smallest component is surely the only way forward, but I don't think I can do it. I feel hopeless and inert. It seems that it was pure adrenaline that had me looking for work in the first place—nothing sustainable. At the time, I thought I was better, but I guess not. I feel like, deep down, I've already given up, but on the surface I'm still in denial, telling myself I will try. Like this it's somehow even more painful than just admitting defeat. I am so tired.
I wish I knew the secret, anon. I'm also trapped in cycles and just wishing to get better. I feel like I should be capable enough to work sometimes, so I don't want to say I am disabled or that it's impossible. The best advice I can give you is to keep a daily diary, just a few sentences each night to record of your activities and moods. If you do it long enough, you'll start to see patterns and figure out what happens to you just before that "big shadow" comes over you. As long as you are alive, you always have a chance to try again. Just survive as best you can, that's the way forward.

No. 1826402

That's a normal, albeit very irritating, question to be asked at work. They want to know if you're looking to be promoted or looking for another job, they don't give a rat's ass about your deepest hopes and wildest fantasies. Your dream is to be the best in your field and make lots of money for the company.
And speaking from experience, there's no point in thinking about the hopes and dreams you 'should' have when you're depressed. Focus on making it through your depression first, THEN think about what you want to do with your life, once your brain is functioning again. If you still want to have a quiet and comfortable life, great! It's a good goal to work towards, no matter how others try to make you feel about it.

No. 1827232

Can you try to recapture the pure adrenalin state? When I used to be really depressed and apathetic to everything I’d go do crazy shit like starting a course or making friends with random people, I would just be like “well nothing matters so who cares if this goes badly!” about it.
Have you tried a script? I’d write myself little scripts when I was first learning to manage phones, if you know what you have to talk about you could try that? Make up either a script or cliff notes that help you remember/get the information out. Anytime you stutter or fumble it just take a deep breath and try again. You’ll get better the more you do it and if you’re ready to give up who cares right? May as well just suck at it and do it anyway, maybe you’ll get good? Or maybe you’ll be better then others at it, not the best but capable?
All this is easier said then done of course and I say this all as someone who hasn’t had a job in 10yrs so it may not even be helpful anymore, but trying over and over is the only thing that got me to at least start going to the grocery store and even attempting to become human again. I don’t think about failure, I just think about doing things better next time.
I’m very lucky my moms helping me, it was really difficult to reach out to her for support but she’s been a real boon in my recovery. It’s going to suck when she has to leave but at the same time I need to become more independent under my own power eventually. I hadn’t even thought about a library card but now that you mention it that’s a great idea!

No. 1835315

at the beginning of this year i had a job and routine - i quit that job in june and now i feel like i have completely regressed. the thought of working again makes me terrified and full of dread, i do not want to be around anyone or be under anyone's eye. but i know i really really need to get back into the swing of things - my savings are dwindling away, and i just want to leave this place for somewhere better but i know to do that i need to work. i just wish i was someone else because honestly i cannot see myself ever being a normal person long term

No. 1835318

I quit my job in August because it was letting me focus on something that wasn't myself and I ended up being severely underweight and malnourished because all I'd consume was energy drinks on breaks. I'm doing slightly better now but regular jobs just ain't for me and that's cool

No. 1835327>>1835436

My bf's mom had a big impact on getting me out of the house and keeping a routine. She didn't really like me for a few years because of my anxiety and agoraphobia and thought I was just mooching off her son (maybe a little but I contributed what I could and my bf was fine with the arrangement though obviously not ideal) but the past few years she got to know me better and I think came to her own conclusion that I am indeed mentally ill kek. She began showing up with very little notice, sometimes to just drop something off or ask if I wanted to go for lunch which turned into her asking if I wanted to run errands with her. Then she was hiring me to help her with yard work and taking care of her animals. She's also given me confidence to start driving again. I appreciate her so much. My own mom sucks ass so this relationship means a lot to me.

No. 1835436

This is so sweet anon and I think telling her this (like with a sweet thank you card or in person), would be nice for her to hear.
Im sure you have brought a lot of joy to her life.

No. 1840500

I don't really know how to open this but i've been out from my neet situation for a while, it was kinda forced so i'm better now but part of the reason why i didn't suffer being a poorfag neet too much is also because i'm a loner and i had some trauma from people giving me too much attention.
I feel a bit better with myself and i'm still trying to work out my issues, but now that i'm going out again people are calling me pretty or beautiful and all sorts of things again and i don't like it because it makes me feel conscious, brings me bad memories, makes me involuntary scared of them, and i don't even do anything to appear that way, i'm very basic.
I try to just show appreciation to their kindness but whenever i get back home i feel like next time i go out i just want to dress myself in black clothing from head to toe, it's so hard to accept myself whenever i feel like i still catch people's attention. I don't want to sound rude or stupid but i really wish no one would comment on my looks, even if it's someone close or just a stranger. I wish i would be able to not give much attention to those words too.

No. 1840727>>1847179

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I feel like such a failure. I literally aplied to 8 entry level jobs and got rejected by all of them, others have already experience and I have none. What do you even do in this situation

No. 1840730

I started community college fall of last year after having been a neet for 10 years. I’m currently on break and I want to find a job, but who would hire me with zero work experience?

No. 1843397

I am still a bit of a newfag, sorry for any mistakes in advance.
I've been a NEET since graduating high school, in general I've had no motivation to do anything. I was diagnosed with anxiety and depression as a pre-teen, though I haven't taken any medication for it in several years. I barely passed most of my classes in high school- my GPA is below 2.5 (amerifag, not sure how it works for other countries) but I had a high standardised test score. A family member knows the college chancellor here (community college) and basically signed me up for college, so I "took" a semester a couple years ago… I only passed one class and never logged into the online portal for the other classes.
I've had interviews for a couple of jobs the past 2 months, waiting to hear back from one (notorious for long hiring process, it's a government job) and the other I never heard back from even when trying to do follow-ups both through email and in-person. I have an interview for another job tomorrow, it's a part-time position I think. I've kind of got a foot in the door because, in short, my mother knows someone who knows someone. I'm hopeful for this job opportunity, I went shopping for business… casual? office-wear type stuff today since all I own are jeans, sweatpants, and t-shirts that wouldn't be appropriate for the setting at this job. I've been trying to learn how to do makeup and be more "professional" but I think I need more practice before actually leaving the house with any on… To be honest, I really really hate how it feels on my face.
I've been trying to be more presentable as a person, I might try learning how to take care of my hair (curly) as well if I can properly dig myself out of this pit. I guess it's a bit of a light at the end of the tunnel thing. It's faint, but I feel firmer in some things that motivate me. I want to save up for a specific convention later this year and maybe a mirrorless camera to upgrade from my old DSLR. I have no friends, nor family members close to my age. Most days I only talk to my grandmother, whom I live with. My hobbies and the need to take care of my grandmother are most of what keep me going. I've tried improving my social skills, but it seems like a moot point. I made a post in a vent thread a while ago, and I remember one nona basically saying that maybe some people are meant to be alone- I feel like that may be the case with me. I won't give up hope entirely, but I have a lot of trouble socialising… to be honest I'm not a very likeable person overall, no matter how many times I try to change my approach. It's like people are off put by me before they ever even speak to me. Throughout my school years I was bullied, it only ended when I transferred schools near the end of HS and literally did not speak to any other students at that school. It's a very lonely existence overall. I try not to take what I have for granted, but it feels hard to not have anyone I can truly talk to. Maybe the improvement will come naturally in time… (cope)
Sorry for rambling so much nonas, I just don't have anyone to tell this stuff to. tl;dr I might be breaking out of NEETdom soon, but I'm still socially retarded.

No. 1847154>>1848074

feel free to judge me and my vanity, nonas, but I really, really wish I got a job when I was at my best before I festered into some kind of goblin.

I grew up being bullied over the way I looked and even through my adulthood people recoiled when they saw me. very briefly for some reason I looked relatively ok (I think I was 23-24?), but now? I look like roadkill. I am tall and built like a linebacker. my health is worse than ever in spite of no longer being fat. I have the worst case of acne I have ever seen (accutane + tretinoin had 0 effect and caused a ton of bad side effects). alongside that I have health issues and feel like shit pretty much all the time.I look genuinely scary and I am so exhausted that I can't even keep up in social situations without making massive amounts of mistakes, slurring my speech, offending people, etc. I already needed years of speech therapy in grade school to remotely be able to talk. I don't want to care about the way I look, I really don't, but, all these years have atrophied my soul and all I want to do is never, ever to be seen again by another person. I do not want to go outside. I do not want to talk to anyone. I do want some random person to insult my face for the 1000th time. I just wanna hide. But I need to live, right? It fucking sucks. I don't need to be cute or pretty…but the fact I scare people makes me feel so ashamed, so guilty that I exist.

if I could just sit in front of a computer alone in some cubicle I could work, but apparently that's a pipedream.

No. 1847179

Don't take it personally nona job hunting is garbage right now. Even people with masters' degrees struggle to find employment and basically everyone gets shoved around (especially by entry level jobs) because they use bots and stuff to make decisions. Meaning it doesn't matter who you are, if you don't have the exact keywords the bot is looking for, they don't even think about you long enough to really reject you. It sucks but it isn't your fault.

No. 1847969

I have a job but i feel like my agoraphobia has only become worse because of it. I dread waking up in the morning and having to clock in, talk to people, have lunch breaks and sit in silence with other workers. I wear makeup because im very insecure and some men are very creepy towards me, touching me when it isnt necessary and things like that. I miss being a neet so much and talking to people consistently has not improved my social anxiety/ineptitude whatsoever. I feel guilty for feeling overwhelmed since so many other people struggle more than me but i cant help it. this post is kind of rambly but i just needed to write this all out.

No. 1848074

I know this is a long reply, so sorry in advance!
I want you to know that how you feel is something I'm very familiar with, nonna. Cystic acne feels life ruining, especially considering we're bombarded with ads and insta feeds and tweets that are photoshopped to hell and back to make people look like they're flawless and made of plastic. I don't have a lot pointers for the NEET/job stuff, cuz I'm kind of in the same boat–it's a process, unfortunately–but the acne stuff I feel like I could give a few pointers on, at least regarding the things that helped me.

>cut out dairy, processed sugars, salty snacks, red meat, and caffeine from your diet

Certain foods and ingredients fuck with your hormones and can make break outs a lot worse. I'll have a flare up and I'll know immediately that it was something I ate.
>start taking a 1000mg vitamin c supplement and incorporating vit c rich foods in your diet.
I personally like Ester-C because it comes with calcium and is easier on my stomach, but feel free to shop around for whatever is affordable for you. Oranges, strawberries, peppers, tomatoes, and cantaloupe are my favorites for food. Kale and broccoli are good, too.
>drink more water
Self-explanatory. Try to get at least 8 cups a day, if you can.
>birth control
So, this one isn't one I've had to resort to, but a lot of women see improvements in their skin when they start a BC regimen. If it's within your means, and you're willing to give it a shot, you may want to consider seeing your doc about a prescription.
>10% Benzoyl Peroxide Acne Medication
There's a pretty reasonably priced cleanser on amazon–their own brand–that I've been using for couple years now that's worked well for me. I still get a few hormonal break outs during my period along my jaw and neck, but they aren't nearly as bad as they used to be. The face wash dries out your skin pretty heavily, though, so be ready to either gently exfoliate or to find a moisturizer for acne prone skin to ease the irritation, if you decide you'd like to give this one a try. A lot people warn off this type of face wash, for good reason if your skin ends up reacting badly to it, but it's an easy solution for people looking for one, so I figured I'd include it anyway.
Before I made a switch in my diet, I was taking one of these every day. I don't remember the exact name of the med, and I still noticed few smaller break outs while taking it, but the change I experienced with its inclusion was noticeable enough for me that I was actually kind of afraid to stop taking it, once I couldn't afford it anymore. However, the diet changes I made did away with that worry entirely, so this ended up feeling kind of like a waste of my money after the fact kek. Just another thing to think about!

For me personally, I go for solutions that are easily accessible and cost effective, since I'm not into the whole skincare and makeup scene–the thought of spending exorbitant amounts of cash on face shit drives me up a wall. However, if anyone else here has any skin advice that may help, and involves something I didn't mention, such as highend skincare, feel free to speak up.
There's also the skincare thread in /g/, if you'd like to ask any of those nonnas directly for advice. They're certainly better equipped to answer than I am.

Remember to take it step by step, nonna. Rome wasn't built in a day, and your self-esteem can only recover as quickly as you can build it up, and that'll take time. It'll be okay. hugs

No. 1848626

I was a neet for like 4 years before i got my first job, had it for about 2 yrs, got laid off 6 months ago and since then I've worked 2 jobs that I've quit within a month because I hated it. On my 3rd now and I want to quit within a week. 1 was retail and 2 were full time corporate. I'm just miserable and I want to go back to neeting, but I don't really have the funds and I'm worried about my resume gaps if I decide to just work for a few months and quit. I hate talking to people, especially coworkers. Does anyone know how to force myself into liking a job? Or should I just kms

No. 1848653

I just miss the variety of having a job or something to study, that's all. I scrape by on unemployment benefits for now, but it's been a year and my budget all goes to keeping a roof over my head and some food in my fridge, which means I'm basically stuck in my apartment. I miss taking the bus downtown. I miss going to cafés. I miss lunch with coworkers, even the shitty ones, and I miss meeting up with friends and going to amusement parks, movies and such. There's only so much hiking one can do before getting sick of it being the only option for a change of scenery. I want a job so badly, because having tons of free time doesn't matter when you can't do anything fun. I'm tired of trying to occupy myself with hobbies and TV shows. I want to occupy myself with money.

No. 1852284

i gotta say, after being a jobless junkie neet getting into the routine of normal life hasn't been the most difficult thing, but the people. every day i am surprised at how fucking mean and evil people normies can be, i've met lot of insane junkies i respect more than them because they haven't been willingly mean spirited bitter evil people. like one day at work i go to talk with my co workers, they sit there all happy together. then other one walks off and the moment she is outside of hearing distance the other starts badmouthing her, what the fuck, such fake snakes some of these people are. it's such a small thing, but these people constantly insult each other behind their backs, they're so judgemental and dismissive of other people's feelings and backgrounds while martyring themselves over how difficult lives they have had. i know they think they think they have had it worse than me, they think i don't get it, they act and say that i don't know how difficult things can be while i've gone through way more extreme shit than them i just don't talk about it much if at all, and they act that since they have had so many difficulties and whatever it gives them the right to hurt other people to make themselves feel better. i often miss the drug binge days with other junkies just because of this, they obviously weren't the most honest people around they and i were junkies it is a fact, but they rarely were this evil and mean to other people.

No. 1874246>>1874247>>1874273

How do I go about moving out? I have enough in savings but no job right now and don't have my own car. I don't think I can bring myself to seriously apply for jobs unless I leave my parents' home.

No. 1874247

Unless you're rich or put your parents credit card down no one will rent to you while you're jobless. Enough employed people have a hard time applying for housing. Best bet would be to apply for a room mate.

No. 1874273

About how many months' worth rent do you have in savings? I was able to move out without a job by paying 6 months rent up front, though it was a struggle to find an apartment that would accept that and I ended up living in a pretty shitty area. If your parents will cosign it'll make it easier. I heavily suggest using wanting to move out as motivation to find a job because being employed will greatly increase what apartments will accept you

No. 1884347>>1889770

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can an ex-neet with communication or other problems talk about what helped you get ahead especially in terms of finding a job? I do freelance work at the moment but I'm still struggling to make enough to save up for the future. I had almost a decade of remedial speech therapy in school and spent years trying to work on it and I've come to realize that I will always sound awful and not be able to properly talk to people. on top of that I do have health issues that make me feel delirious pretty much all the time. I can still do routine tasks though the job hunt has me very discouraged, sometimes I wonder if I can find a gig that I won't fuck up or I'll even be hired for.

No. 1884871>>1885178

I am jealous of you FTL/adult NEETS. I dropped out of school completely at 13 and was an on/off NEET since I was 10.

No. 1885085

I'm doing community college late (24) after starting and dropping out of multiple courses after a few months since I was 18 because of depression. This year is the first time I've made it past Christmas without dropping out and going back to NEEThood. I'm currently on my work placement in a quiet office and I feel more comfortable there with adults older than me than with the 18-19yos in my class (who just remind me of how I wasted my own late teens as a recluse). I hate having to answer the phone though. I always forget something important, like getting someone's number, or telling them before I put them on hold, or something. E-mails aren't as bad. Printing and shredding stuff is fine. It's quite a slow office so I spend large amounts of time just scrolling my phone and drinking tea. And I like that the dress code is pretty casual, I've been going in every day with a bare face, jeans, sneakers, random sweater, ponytail, and nobody has said shit.

No. 1885178

>i dropped out of school completely at 13
you're not alone, i essentially dropped out at 11 and again at 13. i've barely escaped neetdom and i've never worked a job for an entire year, maintaining employment is hard for me. i wish i was more normal.

No. 1887844>>1906401

I don't know what to do, I just get so anxious about getting a job, specially because I will have to teach and I don't know if I'm any good at this shit even though I graduated.
I haven't found a job yet in 3 months and everyone at home is losing their patience because getting a job as a teacher should be easy, but it isn't.
Today I will just be a substitute teacher for a few hours, it's the only way anyone wants to hire me, I don't know if it's because I'm young for the career (most people mostly want teachers that are like 50 or 60 years old because students only respect "old" looking people I guess) but I'm not even that young, I will be 30 years old soon, how come I don't seem respectable enough?
The thing is that I'm so anxious right now, I could barely get some sleep, yesterday I was thinking that I wouldn't feel like this if I could just work daily, then I wouldn't worry so much, and yeah I would commit some mistakes but I would learn from them.
But then I think that mistakes aren't just "oops I better delete this archive" I just get anxious because I had shit teachers in high school and to this day I just know that their mistakes basically made me who I am career-wise, I don't want to be the one who is blamed years after because I said a wrong joke or because I didn't say enough examples or because I was too difficult to understand or who knows what else.
I also hate that people barely understand what I say most of the time, this is why I wanted to do something where I could be away from people, working behind some computer with as little interaction with anyone as possible. Like, I have a friend that tells me that I fucking speak in a code, how?I literally just speak normally? and during my internships the kids would also say that they wouldn't understand what I said as in my pronunciation of my own mother tongue is shit? I don't know, I want to kill myself at this point, this isn't what I wanted, I don't want to be a teacher, I don't want to be responsible of any random ass child I didn't give birth to.

No. 1887899>>1894242>>1906391

My job is barely a job (just 3 days a week) and I still struggle to hold it down. It's not like I hate it or anything I just hate getting up to go to work and clockwatching while I'm there. Life is boring and annoying, how do people with a 9-5 job stay sane? I'll have to get one eventually and it's the last thing I'm looking forward to.

No. 1889770

Late reply but I just treat all my job related social interactions as a performance. I'm very bad at normal social interactions (diagnosed autist) but great at roleplaying because making up stories about people who aren't me is easy, so I treat my corporate identity as a fictional character I'm acting as. I memorise fancy corpo buzzwords, prepare super in-depth STAR answers (half of which are fully made-up), copy the speech patterns of my more charismatic colleagues, smile all the time and just make shit up when I get asked questions I'm not prepared for.
I feel like once you've observed the corporate performance enough (and you don't have to already work to observe it, there's lots of youtube channels that show mock interviews), you can parrot what you've seen and just smile and people eat it up. Work-related interactions are honestly easier than normal interactions because it's fairly easy to create a script and stick to it since interviews or meetings have specific goals.
I do think my coworkers can see through the mask sometimes (because I slip up when I'm tired and can't always fake excitement as well as I should) and it's a bit soul-crushing, but it got me a job after years of NEETdom and I've been told I'm great at interviews.

No. 1894242

maybe you need to look into getting a more engaging job? should my study plans fail i plan to work in a bakery or kitchen so i'm at least moving all day.
a problem for me is hating the people i work with.

No. 1905437>>1905441

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>ask for job
>expect 0 response

nonas this is my first ever interview. i don't think i'll be hired but i'm still panicking over it what the fuck do i do i'm too retarded for this

No. 1905441>>1905459

I think what helps me with job interviews is that you can practice and follow a script since most jobs will ask the same types of questions. Just look up common interview questions for whatever the position is and then write out how you'd respond. It works for me and I don't feel so nervous knowing going into it knowing exactly what I plan to say kek

No. 1905459

thank you for the advice nona! i'm somehow less nervous for the interview than i am about the possibility of being actually hired? both are terrifying but having a real-life job feels weird on a whole other level as someone who has been a complete shut in for years. kind of hoping i don't make it but nevertheless i'll give it my all

No. 1906391

same, I work part time and still hate it, I don't understand how people work 40 hours or more a week and survive mentally. Yeah like the job itself isn't terrible but every day I'm scheduled I dread it and consider quitting. I think I would honestly choose to work the bare minimum of hours that I can live off of, over working full time and making more money. I'm jealous of people who find careers that they are passionate about, I have never found anything that makes me excited to work

No. 1906401

I feel like this with every job too. So much anxiety and fear of making a mistake. The idea of being responsible for things or people is terrifying

No. 1907147

i was gonna have to go back to work to pay for my stuff because my family is in debt, but apparently my mom found a very good lawyer and i'll be getting my monthly autism buxx soon lol
i'll be entering uni in june, and i'll have 5 years of college ahead of me to finish, so technically i won't be a neet, right? just an unemployed student.

bye bye, neet life. (til the day we meet again, five years from now…!)

No. 1925418>>1925628

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I had an interview today and I start work as a carhop on Monday! I'm kinda nervous I haven't had a job in a year and had only stayed for a 4 dsay, im a little nervous.

No. 1925628

Congratulations nona, good luck at your new job! I'm sure you'll do great!

No. 1928549>>1929619>>1931444

Nonnys how do you escape the neet mindset and find ways to make friends and leave your pre existing shitty life? I’m also old (36 Jesus Christ) and I’ve spend my entire life with 1-2 friends at a time and bouncing from meaningless job to total NEETdom. Right now I have a PT personal assistant job which is a complete joke but is actually the an okay astroturfed job that I can not be totally embarrassed by; I work for a lawyer so it seems important and I look from the outside to be not a complete failure.I also have a micro arts/painting career that makes zero money (I have sold 2 paintings in my entire life) but again looks good online.The problem is I hate 90% of the people I interact with, I wasted my life trying to make in the arts and almost everyone I see on a daily basis I either dislike or really don’t care about and that includes my boss. I don’t even care anymore about having an art career sometimes, even though it’s probably my only chance to be someone on life and last year for the first time ever I started getting invited to participate in crappy exhibits. I just feel so spiritually dead inside it feels like it’s not even worth it. I have no relationship and haven’t since 2019. It seems basically impossible to make friends or meaningful connections with people around me who are not crazy, deeply immature or involved in antisocial activities (drugs/alcoholism, batshit crazy activism, weird social scenes like redscare ). I feel like lifetime of being terminally online has also ruined my ability to talk and interact with the few decent people I meet in a normal way, the last guy I dated dumped me after 4 dates for making meme jokes he found distasteful. It’s all so exhausting. Even if you technically get a wagejob/hobbies/friends you still have the stench of NEETdom floating around you like a corpse. Sometimes I kind of just wish my life was over, it feels like it’s just wasting away.

No. 1928768

ahh I got accepted into a big girl job while lying about work experience (i've never worked anywhere before) I'm worried as fuck but also excited

No. 1929619

I've struggled with similar things like you nona, especially the dislike or disinterest in all people around me. I'm still on the journey of escaping myself but I can tell you some things that helped me feel more connected to the world and people around me.
First it helps to change your mindset about other people and develop a stonger sense of empathy or general interest - not that you need to befriend everyone around you and find out their story but just respecting the fact that they have deep inner lives and are probably preoccupied with themselves and their troubles in their minds. Just little things like saying hi to your neighbours and being kind to the people you work with could help you see the warmth that exists within people and might make you feel a bit more normal.
Also it seems you've lost your passion for art but I think you can rediscover it. Doing those small gallery shows is a great first step and you shouldn't put your achievements down. Art is a great way to connect with people and give yourself a purpose. You can look at grants or residencies or projects you can do with other people, there's always opportunities like that and usually the more local they are, the easier it is for you to get in. I think choosing a project to do and focusing on it will help you feel more grounded too.
Art events and projects would also make a great way for you to make friends and people who understand you more. I've always had a better time making friends with other people who are somehow weird or also on the sidelines, and they don't all have to share the same weirdness/interests as you. Generally though people like that are more open to your quirks as well and are more willing to connect with you. There's a range of people between terminally online neets and total normies and you can fall somewhere in between and have a great time. Either way good luck nona, I'm rooting for you.

No. 1931444

You're in the online arts scene and work for a lawyer, you're literally surrounded on all sides by emotionally stunted narcissistic retards with inflated egos. It's really not hard to see why you have a hard time making friends with them.
Spend more time offline. Join a local craft group that's more likely to have older normies than histrionic genderkweerz. You'll learn to socialize with normies and they'll probably appreciate your retarded jokes more than someone your own age, or at least they won't get as easily offended by them.
You sound like you need a break from being an online artist specifically. Go to a museum or art gallery and look at paintings that are the opposite of what you normally make. Follow a tutorial in an art style that you're unfamiliar with. Make collages from shitty printer paper and flyers. I've done this when I felt dead inside and my art was stagnating, it worked wonders.
Don't bother scrambling to fix your life. Changes will come at their own pace, slowly, and you'll do more harm than good by rushing into normiedom to tick arbitrary boxes. There's no law saying you need to have more friends, or a relationship, or want to hang out with your coworkers for longer than your contracted hours. Focus on finding out what makes you happy, and work towards that instead.

No. 1933468>>1934409>>1934619>>1934652>>1934663>>1934722

i wouldn't mind working any job if it wasn't for my hygiene. i have serious odor issues and cant afford anything. my hygiene is locking me in my house and ive been trying to find online ways to make money (ART) and its not working at ALL. im afraid to go out and endure humiliation again just for a check. i can't take it.

No. 1934409

I’ve been a NEET for 8 years but some bad shit has happened and I’m about to be homeless. I started a medical coding and billing course a few months ago but due to aforementioned bad shit I can’t wait to finish before trying get a job and idk if I’ll ever be able to finish. I’ve applied for 4 jobs today and hope someone will just give me a chance.
A lot of call centers have WFH jobs. Same with customer service for many ISPs.

No. 1934619

There's super strong deodorants made for odor problems, I think they're medical grade deodorants. I don't remember the brand names but if you go to the drugstore or pharmacy, you should be able to find them.

No. 1934652

Please consider that the issue might not be you but your clothing, odors can embed themselves in the fabric and are really resistant to being removed by normal means. Ideas:
>spray the underarm area of clothes with an enzyme based pet odor cleaner like Nature's Miracle
>use lysol laundry sanitizer when you wash your clothes
>don't use fabric softener, it embeds odors even worse
>certain dri is the only deodorant that works, use a little hydrocortisone the first couple of times you use it for any itch
>use spray antiperspirant on your feet
>use antifungal shampoo on your scalp and body like Head and Shoulders
You can also try things like Swiff applied to your clothes so they stay fresh longer

No. 1934663

Cleaning your washing machine filter helps a lot, always followed by an empty hot wash and then cleaning the filter again. Sorry if this isn't very helpful.

No. 1934722

My best friend had awful odor issues and they vanished after she got laser hair removal on her armpits. Might be something you can try? I know it's expensive but lots of places do discounts.

No. 1978900>>1979724>>1979764>>1979772

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How do you adapt socially? I feel like I'm in this awkward in between state where I no longer fit in with the online loser culture I spent my life in but I don't fit in with normies either. I've grown distant from all my old friends because I changed (for the better) and they haven't, but I can't seem to really get that close to my new real life friends, it feels like we just aren't the same at core. I also feel like I have the social equivalent of a resume gap since I spent most of my life doing jack and shit and can't really relate to people's vibrant lives or bring up personal experiences to share. I'm well-liked but I regularly get perceived as autistic/weird/offbeat (not an imagined insecurity, people literally say this). I don't care about it in the sense that it doesn't matter what people think but it hurts sometimes that I feel like I can't really connect with others even though I can get along with them really well… Does that make sense?

Oh, and I'm dropping out of university, but really struggling to find a job, so I'm sort of scared I'll fall into NEETdom again. I have no credentials besides a high school diploma so I keep getting rejected and I'm worried that I'll regress if I can't get someone to take me soon.

No. 1979724

Unfortunately i have no advice because i'm in the same situation except i'm even worse off, because i can't even get along with people well. Like, HOW do you manage to do that, when our life circumstances are so different? I just escaped a decade of social isolation and now i interact with fun and interesting people on a regular basis, and i thought this was BECAUSE our lives are so different, and i have no personal experiences to share??

I'm hoping that as we get older and don't fall back into our old ways, the gap between us and normal people will close and we'll be just like them eventually. Idk tho

No. 1979756>>1979783>>1985953

Also. The generic advice that people will give you is to join a sports team or hobby group, something like that. Does anyone here have experience with that?

The thing is, i KNOW that i will be out of place in any group of normies, and i know that i can't hide that there is something wrong with me. If you don't believe me, my boss said that i seem like a traumatized person, and my behaviour hasn't even improved much since i started working there. I don't know if it's a neurological thing that can never get better, or if it is something that would take years to improve. But i still crave the social interaction so badly and completely bored out of my skull also.

They stuff in my city like self defence classes for women, other martial arts for women or dance classes, which seems cool, but if it is a total pipe dream, i don't even want to waste my time on it.

No. 1979764

I've been trying to figure this out for two years

No. 1979772

Don't ave advice but I'm in the same spot nonna. It sucks but all you can do is try your best.

No. 1979783

I've been trying to look for one but I've been striking out. All the meetup groups near me have too many men in them and are too far away. I don't really want to deal with too many men or drive 20 mins for an unsatisfying group where I feel like I'm going to socially alienate myself. Do you have any interests that might have groups near you that aren't any of the things you listed above? I've considered joining writers meetups since I like writing but once again, too many men, including old dudes judging from their profile pics so I'm not really enthused. It's hard to clamber out of this hole

No. 1983737>>1983751>>1983824

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Not sure if I count because I'm not a NEET yet, but I'm about to be. I'm just looking for advice from someone older/more experienced rn.
From a young age, I never wanted to go to college or even have a job. I had and still have no idea what I want to do. However, neither my mom nor sister completed college and they really wanted me to go. To protest, I told them I'd get a job out of high school.
That didn't really end up happening. I spent about a year NEET-ing until they pressured me to go back to school. I've been going now since fall 2023 and I absolutely hate it. I feel like it's a waste of time and money. I was lucky because I got a scholarship to go to a community college for 2 years free. But I don't really know what I'm going for nor do I have any goals. I just feel like I'm wasting time. My grades aren't even good and I don't know if I would be accepted to transfer to a 4 year.

My bf of 2 years is planning to move to another city for work and offered for me to join him. I feel like this is a good opportunity to start my own life with him. But it also means I'm going to become a NEET again. He is a hard worker (which makes me feel even worse) and offered to take care of me. Says I only have to work/continue school if I want to.
I need help deciding if this is a good idea or not. My family has always been quite awful to me and I suspect the main reason why I can't keep a job or stay in school is because of home pressure/fighting. But I also feel like it's stupid to squander a scholarship like this. But I also don't have any idea of what job I want, let alone career.
Has anyone been in a similar situation? Or could anyone give me advice on finding something that I want to do? Any advice would be treasured. I don't really want to be a NEET again, but I also don't know what else to do.

No. 1983751

I'm >>1983737 and I relate so much to your post. Especially the part about my family starting to think I'm a dead end. There's a lot of pressure on women to be independent these days and I wonder if some of us weren't built that way? I hope you worked things out.

I'm NTA you were replying to, but I think that I'm going to try out your advice myself. I think maybe people in these situations are thinking too large and maybe I'm missing the trees for the forest. Thanks.

No. 1983824>>1993467

I’d move with my partner, quit school, BUT DEFINITELY get a job. Feeling like a burden will destroy you mentally unless you’re a terrible person and you need to have your own money anon, you don’t want to be vulnerable and completely dependent if your relationship eventually ends. You must keep trying to be independent and capable nona, you can’t be someone’s cat. Please keep pushing yourself to do what you know is right.

No. 1984031

I've left neetdom November 2023 when I finally became employed at a school as a sped wrangler. I almost quit twice. I am enjoying having an income the most. I'm able to buy new clothes and shoes, products for hair and skin care, and little things to improve my living space.
Though, I'm still struggling socially. My only best friend passed away at the beginning of December 2023. I've never lost someone close to me and it felt unreal. Getting up to work and do things like everything was normal was…indescribable. There was no one to help me through this grief, not even my family noticed I was suffering that much.
As of now, I've gotten used to the loneliness somewhat. Some days it hurts more. I used to feel painfully awkward and out of place at work. Especially when they're obvious cliques and certain treatment if you are a certain race… But I'm over it because I truly only care about the money. I don't want to stay in that job because it is stressful and gross. They are so understaffed and I felt bad at first, but then they really gave me a difficult kid to handle and left me on my own. It wasn't until he started hitting me(I only agreed to help because he was not violent with me at first) that other coworkers stepped in to help.
I definitely want to leave that place and work with regular kids. Though I'm wondering if I should become a full-time to get health insurance and paid time off…
I did want to get into tech fields…It's been hell trying to educate myself. I try studying from YT videos/books/apps but I keep subconsciously self-sabotaging by getting distracted and not staying consistent. Idk if its that I doubt myself that much or I need more structure and guidance.
It feels like I'm running out of time. Even if I work and save money and take care of myself, its never enough. I still live with my family and who knows when my living situation can change. I want to be self-sufficient and normal so I can meet like-minded people, make friends, have a lover, etc… But I still feel like I'm too slow. It's my fault I'm in this game of catch-up. I'm trying to make smarter moves but I'm so alone in all of this. My only friend used to guide me so much and she is no longer here.
In the end, all I try to focus on each day is not making things worse. I don't have to make major steps/progress each day, but I shouldn't slack off and make things harder on myself. I just miss being hopeful and passionate about the future…

No. 1985953>>1986034

I think what helped me was doing things without analyzing too much about whether I'd absolutely enjoy it or not. It helps with the socialisation, it feels more natural to interact with a wide range of people, also learn how to deal with not ideal situations (discomfort and disappointment). It was like pulling teeth at first, but then eventually I would get kinda excited about trying something new, have a story to tell, see something funny or weird - it all makes a more robust life imo. I'm also much better socially now because I've dealt with many types of people and trained that 'muscle' if you know what I mean.

No. 1986034>>1986043>>1986062>>1986432

Uh, what do you do about acquaintances like coworkers noticing that you're a weirdo with no friends or social life? Like when they ask what you did on the weekends and you never say anything about friends, or doing things by yourself that people normally do with others, like going to a concert? Sometimes I just want to yell "I'm a loser with no friends!!! And here's the reason why:…!!" and have it over with, because clearly they put two and two together by now, but still I can't just SAY it, so I feel like I have to hide something all the time.

That sounds great. Do you mind sharing some of the specific things that you did?

No. 1986043>>1986062

I just lie kek, sometimes I make up stories about how I went and did XYZ with a friend over the weekend when in reality I was at home or did do something but on my own. Usually I'll just turn the conversation around and ask them questions about what they did, lots of people are happy to talk about themselves at length so they quickly move on from wondering about me

No. 1986062

I lie. The drawback is that it's hard to make new connections because supposedly you already have friends.

>Usually I'll just turn the conversation around and ask them questions about what they did, lots of people are happy to talk about themselves at length so they quickly move on from wondering about me
This is a great skill and very very true. Most people aren't genuinely interested in you, they just want to make small talk, so you give them a plausible answer and then turn the conversation back around to them. People love to talk about themselves, especially if you know how to ask questions to keep them going.

No. 1986342>>1993471

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I really don't want to move out of my parents' house. The thought that I'll have to do it at some point is terrifying to the point of being debilitating. I am literally unlovable to a stranger (retarded, asexual, no college education, no ambitions); besides, is it even love when the person can one day decide you're too much and just up and leave your life forever? I hate to admit it, but I sometimes quietly envy the people who had bad childhoods, were forced to grow up quickly and became independent as soon as they turned 18. My parents are the absolute best and have always supported me, but I feel like I haven't actually matured emotionally, I feel the same way in my mid 20's that I did when I was 14. I hate the nuclear family model, I hate that the only thing that awaits me is bleak loneliness. I just want to be loved so bad.

No. 1986432

I joined a table tennis club, volunteered at an animal shelter and with the local red cross chapter, helped organize the work Christmas party, joined random meetups. You'd be surprised the breadth of types of people you meet, for example the ping pong street team thing — I was far from the weirdest person there. It really helps to just jump head first, otherwise I found myself searching for excuses and reasons why "I won't like it, it's not for me, I'm too socially inept" etc etc.

No. 1993467

Thanks for the encouragement. I think I will take this opportunity.

No. 1993471

I had a very abusive awful childhood and I did grow up fast only to regress with depression and drug problems. The grass is not greener. The only thing ove managed to do is work an entry level job and hatched my cart to lawyer who owns his own home. We're getting married this month thank God. No prenup and he's putting my name on the house.

No. 1993472>>2005108

I was a neet for 2 years and recently went back to college. I am older than everyone else. I obviously cannot make any friends- they are all teens and are still in their hs drama mood. and I’m very socially awkward too. i sometimes feel like it was for nothing. i pushed myself out of my comfort zone to get this stupid degree but i’m still a loser loner so what was it all for?

No. 2004805

Has anyone ever gone to therapy while being an active NEET? I've always been curious what therapists say in this scenario. Do they just tell you to go fill out job applications and stop moping around? I was in therapy for years while I was in high school/college but never as a NEET and when I would vent about how I wasn't doing any of my assignments on time I would just get told to get a tutor and make a calendar for when everything was due and that did jack shit and I dropped out.

No. 2005101>>2005489

I got my first job after a year of unemployment about a month ago and as much as a like it I know it’s not a good long term situation, for one it’s part time so I’m still on partial welfare, for two, it’s a bartending/waitressing job and not only am I very socially awkward, I’m also insanely clumsy (have been since childhood), I’m always breaking glasses and I accidentally spilt gravy on a man’s lap. (He was very forgiving and kind about it luckily) Idk I like my job but does anyone have advice for a job that doesn’t require great social skills and where it doesn’t matter if I’m hopelessly clumsy? I wouldn’t mind doing some sort of online course to get into an IT sort of role cause the only experience I have is in customer service and I know it’s not what I’m suited to at all.

No. 2005108

Seems like you're in a better mindset than these teens to further your education. And if this is your first year in uni or college then maybe they'll become more mature and be more open to befriending you later. I wasn't a neet but I'm saying this based on how my siblings are dealing with going back to university in their late 20s and early 30s, and based on former classmates in uni who were older women with husbands and kids who still befriended younger students.

No. 2005135

I went to college right after high school, but went crazy from sperg burnout a few months in, and was a NEET for about a year. Then I started college again, all was good for the first and second year but covid quarantine always had me distracted. After that I failed my third year and had to repeat it, and in the middle of that year I just dropped out from shame and frustration. I went back to NEETdom, I moved back to my parents and was a sort of reverse hikikomori finding isolation outside all day until shitty dog owners and local "troubled youth" made it impossible to step outside and make it back home alive. After that, I started to work in the family business, so I have been a minimum wage agriculture worker for the last two or so years. I wanted to get a job at McDonald's or whatever but there is a 99% risk that the druggie boys from my shithole hometown will stalk and harass me, and my parents live on the outskirts of the village so I'd have to fight with the wildlife to get home at night. Agriculture is full of middle aged alcoholics and druggies too but the nepotism keeps me safe and I share my specific position with two coworkers who are much better than anything I'd get elsewhere. The same inability to focus that ruined my studies makes it equally hard to get a driver's license and I still can't drive at 26. I want to be somewhere normal, doing something normal, but I don't know where to start. In terms of appearance, I had a considerable glow-up in my 20s, and I have never had issues with hygiene, health or chores, I am functional and normal besides my disaster of a resume. But still, I don't think anyone sane would be with me.

No. 2005154>>2005678

>didn't hear back from the daycare
>didn't hear back from the butcher
>didn't hear back from the ramen store
>didn't hear back from the burger store
>didn't hear back from the supermarket
>didn't hear back from the cafe
Just off the top of my head. I'm not even asking to be paid, half the time. I missed my entire secondary education and my one qualification is a food handling certification so my resume may as well be a middle schooler's. But how do I get work experience if nobody answers me?

No. 2005489

tbh I liked overnight stocking, so if you find your current job a bit too stressful and can get along with the schedule, that's an idea. especially if you like to line things up nice and neat. the overnight crew sometimes makes a couple extra bucks hourly as well.

No. 2005678

I know this is a redundant answer that has been said again and again, however volunteering does work and pushes you to socialize with others. Not only do you get the experience from that, if you get along with the staff members you may obtain references and connections to job opportunities. It doesnt necessarily have to be a soup kitchen, ive found volunteer opportunities in libraries, family centers, community facilities and charity shops. Best of luck on your job pursuits.
Remember you have a lot of time on your hands during NEETdom, use this excess wisely.

No. 2005912

Is anyone else also neeting because of living in a high crime area? A few days ago my mom (60s) went to buy bread from the lady across the street and got pistol whipped by two scrotlets on her way there. My parents being old and mentally not that sound tend to blame me anytime something has happened to me and go on full screaming matches about how it's my fault for going around "unprotected". Even if I'm applying for jobs I'm not sure I want to have one because i would have to get out of the house on the daily..

Honestly considering suicide as I'm a friendless autist. Only reason I didn't yet is because i am volunteering as a scout leader and some of the kids are orphans or have their parents in jail. Can't imagine the other adults explaining why I'm not around anymore. One of the kids had his mom kill herself during the pandemic and he witnessed it

No. 2053594>>2053598>>2053619>>2053622

File (hide): 1718680918305.webp (75.5 KB, 1136x852, trader joes.webp)

Maybe I'll get a job at trader joes. if you don't know trader joes it's a grocery store where the cashiers are required to flirt with you. So I'll just be casually, meaninglessly flirting with people all day and get used to it. And maybe a girl will take it seriously and become infatuated with me. Then I'll have a job and a gf. Plus I already have a really cool hawaiian shirt.

No. 2053598>>2053622

I’m not American and I had no idea it was that kind of place. Men can’t even buy lettuce without having some girl on their bowing before their feet. No one even mentions it online. What the fuck is this sort of perversion? Absolute degeneracy. America needs to be nuked off this world

No. 2053619

I would work there

No. 2053622>>2053627>>2053786

>if you don't know trader joes it's a grocery store where the cashiers are required to flirt with you
i dont think this is true

No. 2053627>>2053637

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No. 2053637

stop messing with my head anon….

No. 2053786

I have never gotten the flirty impression kek they're just uber friendly

No. 2065872>>2065932>>2076713

i’m glad i’m out of neetdom but i’m learning the smiths were right. i was looking for a now and now i’ve found a job but heaven knows i’m miserable now…if i were remote it would probably be so much better. if i had my own place, even more so

No. 2065932

> i was looking for a now and now i’ve found a job but heaven knows i’m miserable now
Kek nona whenever i'd emerge from prolonged NEETdom to land a job i'd play this song constantly, on my way to work, at home, singing along loudly because it really is like that. It's weirdly uplifting

No. 2075819>>2075845

I’m a loser NEET what should I say when the interviewer asks that inevitable question: So, tell me about yourself
I have nothing good to say about myself

No. 2075845

Fake it all. Talk about your ambition, passion to work hard and help xyz, having/learning general skills in organization, managing, communication, etc..

No. 2076713

Glad I read this post, gonna blast this song on my way home from work later kek

No. 2079276>>2079394

Has any former NEET here managed to have a good career? I have a ~3 year gap in my resumee (although technically I was in college all the time) and I am so incredibly insecure about it. I am scared it will come up all the time in interviews and when I am trying to get ahead in my job

No. 2079394

Any neet should follow this advice but tbh just go to culinary school/take cooking classes because chefs are all felons anyway so as long as you have no criminal record you have an immediate advantage Over like almost everyone interviewing for the same position

No. 2160071

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I've been trying for a while to put my life back on track. Wanted to go to veterinary school but as the day of the exam approaches I am filled with dread I'll fail again. My score last year was about 150 points lower than what I need to get in to the university I wanted.
I am seriously thinking about giving up this insanity of ever setting foot in a public university. I'll probably just become a slavewage and keep all the money I get so maybe in the future I can pay for a degree. It's gonna take years and I am feeling like shit my life is going nowhere but I don't want to keep living like a recluse tard when I reach 40, especially right now I reconnected with my middle school best friend and ny parents are getting older. I am also seriously concerned if anyone will ever take me as I am in my early 30s and nothing to show and most places would rather enslave people that are barely adults. I should've killed myself when I was 24.

No. 2163028

The only hard part of no longer being a NEET is interacting with other people. I genuinely don't understand people and it's incredibly draining navigating interactions. If all I had to worry about was work and school I would be fine but interpersonal relations are 75% of my energy expenditure on any given day.

No. 2179319

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I think I’m going to jump for fucking joy, it’s like a light in at the end of my dark tunnel. I can finally seek some sort of plan to finally lift me up out of my dead end life, no more living with shitty family members, no more avoiding continuing college, no more of that kind of suffering. I honestly hope this goes fully through so I can get a second chance at life, please send some hope for me guys!!!! I can make it!!!! Girls were going to make it!!!! Please don’t let this just be false hope, please let this be real.

No. 2179393

If I don't force myself to interact with people and flex my smalltalk muscle I will spiral and go insane. I have been a NEET before and having no responsibility in my life just isn't for me, it makes me really prone to unhealthy behaviors and thought processes. Part of why I love my hobbies is because they offer me a great reprieve from work and part of why I like working is that it offers me a reprieve from my hobbies. If all I did was focus on my hobbies my passion would die. I need to ration my passion and drive for things because if I don't I just lose all interest and work is great for that in my opinion.

No. 2232956>>2234776

I've been a NEET for a few years now, but I want to become a normal person. I've avoided work and I'm a little scared of getting a job but I know I can't live like this forever. I guess it all kinda hit me when a family member asked me if I had any real life friends and I said no, I don't know how to socialize at all, how do people make friends? Also dropped out of college a while back but was thinking about going back, not too sure what I want to major in though. Any help would be appreciated

No. 2234768

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Every time some dumb shit passes on my life i return to my neet tendencies. I should been doing stuff outside, trying to keep a routine but im too anxious for whatever, just doing freelance for some bucks and going to college, trying everytime but i always have those days. I might be just depressed.. as everyone here, but its not like a have a time of my life where i wasn't to compare it to.
There are entire weeks when i cant do shit, i'm not made to function

No. 2234776


How to socialize? You meet ln a common place, like college, school or work then start talking, its not always exiting but there are people like you and me arround, i mostly tall with other women. You offer them something, gum, help, whatever and start with something simple, interchanging small favors worked for me to start.

No. 2234927

Hey nona, I'm writing a huge text on tips for you, but I have to go now so I'll continue it later. Check again in 24ish hours. I hope you'll find what I'm writing helpful.

No. 2257055>>2257056>>2257135

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If I get this job I applied for, will one of you hold me and tell me you're proud of me? And if I don't get it, will one of you shoot me?

No. 2257056>>2257061

ill shoot you with a hug

No. 2257061>>2257069

I'll be back to update.

No. 2257069>>2271602

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ill be here

No. 2257135>>2271602

I hope you get this job and, if not, you can get a different one in the future. You can do it anon!

No. 2257177>>2257962

I've been a NEET since covid. I graduated from university in a useless arts subject (pressure from my mother who is in that field), and immediately went on to do a course that would get me access to higher education in science instead. Lockdowns then shut down my course before I had decided what field to apply to (the government here will only fund specific courses if it's your second undergraduate degree - I wish my mum hadn't convinced me not to drop out of my first one, it destroyed my chances to do something useful and vocational). It's now been 4 years, 2 of which I spent in a very violent and coercive relationship. I've been trying to recover from this but my best friend died one year ago which made things really difficult again.
I'm nearly 30 and the shame and panic I feel about this is unbearable. I have done some volunteer work, and before burning out I did a decent amount of illustration commissions, but I've never just sucked it up and gotten a normal job. This is partially because I've been put on a type of state benefit that is predicated on me having "limited capability for work", so if I do get some shitty entry level job it may well take away the only stability I do have.
I am completely no-contact with my mother because she is borderline and physically assaulted me in a way which felt like she was trying to kill me a few years ago, so I don't really have a support network especially now that my best friend is gone.
I try very hard to be active in many ways so as not to just rot away or be so unproductive that it's totally unjustifiable to myself. I wake up at 7 every day, I ran a marathon this year, I read a lot of literature, I'm in therapy, but all of this stuff doesn't detract from the fact that I'm a drain on society and living off government benefits. I'm sick of having no expendable income, I'm sick of being worthless, I'm sick of having nothing to do and having to just quietly, guiltily create structure for myself in my life. I don't even know where to look for a job or if a single position would accept me with a 4 year "gap in my CV". I used to do private teaching until my final year of uni but I can't even go back to that now that I've spent so much time away from the subject.
I'm incredibly spoilt by my circumstances in many ways and I feel like I'm going to get really horribly roasted for this post for being lucky enough to be supported by the state at all, but it's got me in an immobilising double-bind and I don't know how to get myself out.

No. 2257962

Enroll in some online class. That won't cut your state funding and you can either brush up on an old skill or try and learn something new. As a commissioned artist, you have been self employed, so that isn't a gap in your CV. If asked about it, just say you want more stability instead of the project based gig economy illustration work is.

No. 2264628

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i experience a deep identity crisis and i suffer greatly. chose this thread, cause its running, but it goes beyond a profession.

i cant seem to belong anywhere. in university and school, the prof choose me cause i brought in tension, shook up the group. While i was not even doing anyhting. others were much better at work ethics or knowledge. But i asked stupid question, disagreed, was always too late, detached but could outperform at times, stuff like that. And i never seemed to belong anywhere.

i used to think working in a small secluded, trustful group, under harsh environment would be the feeling i was looking for, so i applied to work as a diplomat, but failed at the math test and gave up on it. im not interested in politics and IT and though i could adapt to it, i started to have doubts wether i want to live my life for it. arts and crafts feel too meaningful in a way, as if demands a part of me, that i refuse to share. and i like playing job, playing life, an avatar, its my kind of kitch. but i realized its wasting my time and i find troubles owning me.

random ppl. quickly stop me on the street, or at a party or just train, anywhere, anytime and start confessing, giving a lot of personal information, it feels like i appear to them very sturdy, and they seek my approval. This annoys me and i do not feel the same, but i never can connect back and left confused.

i feel scared and high strung, but at the same time i crave tension, challenges, a breakthrough.
But i am stuck and dont understand where to go.
got fired two months ago and im thinking of starting something new but i have no idea what.
where to go from here?

No. 2270796>>2271010

Ok so it's hard to admit, but the pandemic put me in a bad place, it wasn't really over until 2023. And this year I had the worst going on for me mentally so I didn't really bother looking for a job. But next year I'm going to try. What should I do? Should I throw myself into a low entry waggie job just like that? Or work on a design/arts portfolio because I graduated as that shit and it has to do with my dreams and shit? Or both.
I'm still not doing good mentally but after therapy I've slowly been trying new things out. At least now I know I'm not some bpdfag.

No. 2271010

I say both, open yourself to try and you can see what opportunities come. Maube you can choose, maybe not

No. 2271602

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Thank you, nonnie.
It seems I'll be needing the hugs of instant death.

No. 2279006>>2308550

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I just applied for a gas station job, I hope it's okay. At least it's walking distance, I do other things than sit behind the register all day and the salary is really good. I have never kept a job for over half a year, I hope I can sit this one out for a while. I'm feeling pretty nervous, I don't even want to stop neeting I'm just sick of being broke and dependent. It's only part time so I hope it'll still leave me with enough energy to enjoy life on my free days. Maybe I can find some joy or at least a sense of responsibility in making coffee and panini's and selling tobacco all day.

No. 2308537>>2308549>>2308586>>2308628>>2308639>>2308650

Any former NEETs/otherwise failures struggling with the shame of being too old for where you're at? I'm in my last year of a bachelor degree at 28 and doing a compulsory internship and most people are like about my age or younger except they've been employed for years. In one of my first weeks the boss went around loudly announcing I was so old for someone doing an internship when we were having a drink with a handful of people on a friday night, this weekend my supervisor went loudly annoucing she's younger than I am and laughing about it while she was tipsy (christmas dinner). I wanted the ground to open and shallow me whole. It made me feel soooo bad and embarassed.

Even worse is that they made clear they're pretty happy with me and are open to employing me after I graduate next summer and I was honestly considering that but after this weekend's stunt I totally don't want to do that anymore because the shame is unbearable.

God it took me so much courage to go back to school at an "old age" instead of being stuck in dead end retail jobs for the rest of my life and this behaviour almost feels punishing. I know I'm abnormal and worthless but please just let me correct my life's mistakes in peace. I don't need other people to make me feel bad about myself, I already do.

I just wish I could talk to someone who's in a similiar position.

No. 2308549

In ten years they won't think much about working with an older intern, but if you drop out now in ten years you might really regret it.
Often when people remark on this stuff it's just to make small conversation, don't give it too much thought and keep on your path. Keep it up!

No. 2308550

I've worked in similar jobs for a good part of my life, and I'd say it's worth sticking around. There's times where it definitely got excruciating, but there's really no other job where a good part of your time is spent sitting down. Overcoming the times where it gets difficult is key in consistency.

No. 2308586

I'm also in my (very late) 20s and just started university again after NEETdom. Every single person I meet is 21 or younger. I also started some shitty student job and am working together with 18 year olds who are saving up for their driver's license or some shit.

I used to think it was embarrassing, but you know what? No. If they ask I act like I have had a crazy life. I don't say much, but stay vague, like: "oh you know, I've done different things, been in different cities, life was crazy, but here I am now." Don't lie, it'll be embarrassing when they ask questions, just stay vague enough that it sounds not-loser. RL is all about how you're selling yourself. You can be the 28 year old that "fucked up her life", or you can be the 28 year old that "has experienced so much in life, and is now taking up on their next journey".

And one last thing: younger people are extremely annoying, and you should not let the immaturity (like your supervisor bragging about how young she is) get to you. I'm friendly with the youngsters I gotta be around all day day, but I keep my distance and on the inside often roll my eyes. Don't give them power over you, these fuckers barely started walking kek

No. 2308628

They sound awful. 28 is not old at all. How old are these people? I'm 23 and I don't think you''re too old for where you're at. I know a lot of people who completed degrees in their 30s and 40s after only working dead end retail jobs.

No. 2308639>>2308643

This is something that's constantly on my mind too as someone who is about to turn 28. When I have to tell people my age it just feels bad now in general, like they expect me to have everything figured out but I don't at all. It makes me feel like I can't relax or take my time with anything anymore as well, like time is running out and I already wasted too much of it. I'll also get people taking jabs at me with saying I'm old when they're only a few years younger than me (like 23-24), though at least it hasn't happened when applying to jobs or internships in particular. I could just feel the awkward silence after I told them my age but they never came out and said it like that.

No. 2308643>>2308651

Most people don't have it figured out at all, it's mostly just luck and they pretend like they got there without anyone else's help (especially men). Don't feel bad about it.

No. 2308650

>In one of my first weeks the boss went around loudly announcing I was so old for someone doing an internship when we were having a drink with a handful of people on a friday night, this weekend my supervisor went loudly annoucing she's younger than I am and laughing about it while she was tipsy (christmas dinner).
it boggles my mind how disgustingly rude these people are. it really says nothing about you and more about their sheer classlessness.

No. 2308651

Thanks, I'll try. And you're right, most people I know weren't as unlucky and typically had more support from their friends and family.

No. 2316545

I'm a full time student and I travel so far every day that I have no time to work. I know I don't qualify as a neet due to the education aspect but I sure feel like one. I have basically zero work experience since I spent my entire childhood and teenage years on study. I qualify for neetbux from the government for young people and get it, and I'm too depressed to try applying anywhere. Who's going to hire a retarded ass adult with no experience? Even the entry level jobs only allow little high schoolers because they're expected to have no experience.

No. 2322816>>2322832>>2322919>>2322963

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Nonnies how do you go outside? I can do it if I have a purpose/goal like shopping or I am with friends, but my family sorta expects me to go outside and just wander around daily? What am I supposed to do? I don't get any joy out of it and I am just anxious the entire time, it was always like this since I was a kid, since I guess I never got to be outside "by myself".
Does anyone have any advice?

No. 2322830>>2322942

>NEET for 7+ years
>get offered cushy job at art gallery from mom's friend
>I'm an artfag so its perfect
>gallery existed for 20+ years
>boss immediately falls into severe drug use/debt by third week of my employment for some reason
>constantly have drug dealers coming into the gallery to "scare" me because boss says I have the money she owes them in the store
>she spent all of the money that customers and artists paid upfront without fulfilling glass-cutting orders
>several large clients didn't get their artwork in time for Christmas
>we don't give refunds
>like some people have paid like $4,500+ for nothing
>huge amount of vitriol that people come in spewing because they're rightfully angry as fuck
>get my last paycheck
>quit on Christmas
>paycheck bounces
>all coworkers except me are screwed because they spent the money already
>I saw it coming so I put the check in a separate account until it was approved
Holy shit what an awful foray into the "workforce", but at least it closed the huge gap on my resume. Gonna be a NEET for a while again because that was beyond not worth it. It was like I paid a ton in gasoline just to drive to my volunteer position where I got yelled at for spending money on drugs that I didn't get to partake in. Horrible. Never pay up-front for artwork that you're not allowed to see until it's done. Might have gone better in the vent thread but my GOD did I ever miss being a NEET the entire time. No amount of money can pay for my time being raped like that.

No. 2322832

Make a goal/purpose. Do you have a favorite inexpensive drink? You could make it a goal to go and get one. It took me a while but eventually I built my goal up to just going outside and sitting in the shade for 30mins, I had to practice silencing my anxious thoughts though and sometimes they still intrude but I’m getting better. Having someone go with you helps a lot too (like you said) so see if you can find someone who’d be willing to go for a walk with you every day, it’s good exercise, gets you out in the fresh air and you can practice in a safer setting silencing your anxiety.

No. 2322919

Maybe you could go to a library or a cafe to read a book or stuff. Malls with food courts could also work, and you could take long walks around while window shopping. A park is always good but it might be too cold depending where you are rn.

No. 2322942

Are you a fucking child? Sheltered cunt. Kill yourself or grow the fuck up likee the rest of us.(infighting)

No. 2322963

I like going to the park or anywhere with nature to look at plants/bugs. I live in a soulless suburb so I get how boring it can be. Listening to an audiobook helps

No. 2322970>>2322973

is it actually possible to find a job that doesn't make you want to kys? it seems universally agreed that work is the worst part of being alive and it takes up most of your time being awake. unless you're part of the chosen few who 1.) has a passion and 2.) can make a living on it, or has a simple mindless stable in-demand decently paid job, I don't understand how anyone can not feel dread 24/7 about the prospect of working for the rest of their life

No. 2322973

People don't think about working for the rest of their lives, they think about what they look forward to in their week and how to accomplish their weekly goals. They plan trips and outings in advance, they plan hobby time when they can. Keeping sanity is all about scheduling and planning things out.

No. 2329413

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Finally going back to full time school, and I hope to get a job inside the school. I'm fine with being a janitor if I can pay off my debt faster. Maybe I can finally become a normal person again

No. 2330283>>2330310>>2330444>>2330495>>2330809

Nonnies who live normie lives with jobs and social lives, how do you do it? I hate working so much. It's unbearable being out all day, dealing with people, putting on a mask. I hate getting up and getting ready, knowing I have to be in a cage with the fucking mask for 8+ hours. I’m not even working right now, but I’m waiting to hear back from an opportunity I was so excited about and now the dread is setting in. I just want to be home with my games, books, and PC. Even if the job is bearable or part-time, it’s rough. You work all day, then have to take care of yourself, cook, shower, clean. Days off are just choosing between keeping up with people or cleaning, never actual rest. Life feels so miserable. Sorry for the rant, but seriously. How do you do it? Does it just kill you inside until you stop caring? I just want to be a NEET forever.

No. 2330310>>2330422

> Nonnies who live normie lives with jobs and social lives, how do you do it?
> I hate working so much.
I don't mind working and generally like my job

> It's unbearable being out all day, dealing with people, putting on a mask.

I generally enjoy it and don't really mask

> I hate getting up and getting ready, knowing I have to be in a cage with the fucking mask for 8+ hours.

I like getting up and enjoy my getting ready process. I don't really mask and don't notice the time go by at work.

This is totally not helpful, but yeah we can do it because being alive isn't a miserable chore

No. 2330422

Nta but what do you do for a living nonnie?

No. 2330444>>2330750

i don’t know. i am back to both working and school as a former neet and i very frequently just bawl my eyes out while driving back home due to how much i hate people interactions/working/school. today i had a horrible shift and just cried for the entire 50 minute drive back home. maybe i should become a nun

No. 2330495

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I reframe those inconveniences not as a chore but as a natural consequence of wanting to take care of myself and improve both my life and future.

No. 2330750

nonnies, nuns don't get to own any worldly possessions and they work a lot. i live near a town with a convent and they have their schedule on their website. they get up at like 5:30 am and work all fucking day until late at night. worse, if you have any kind of professional training they make you work that job anyways. there's a nun who's a dentist and i found an old interview where she talked about not wanting to work her job anymore and she's always been intrigued by the idea of being a nun… well now she runs a dentist office as a nun and all staff members are nuns too.

No. 2330809

what worked for me was learning to enjoy challenges. getting up and going to work does suck, but im lucky enough to have a job that feels like i'm helping people and at the end of the day vegging out at my pc feels like a reward.

as far as feeding yourself, taking care of yourself, stuff like that-its fine to take shortcuts. I eat a lot of microwave meals, use dry shampoo and body wipes when i dont have energy to bathe, stuff like that.

having bigger things to look forward to helps a lot too. I dont necessarily want to work my 10 hour shift (sometimes it still feels like stabbing myself in the brain), but I do want to go to cons and cosplay with my friends and having that reward to look forward to kinda makes it worth it.

if you want practical advice maybe try a time audit? for a few days track how you spend your time. this helped me find places where i could carve off a few minutes that I wouldnt really miss to do stuff that's piling up. literally like 'okay i gamed for 6 hours so i could game for 5 hours and 45 minutes and spend 15 cleaning my room'. acknowledging small victories helps too. if you struggle with eating healthy but you had fruit instead of crisps that counts as a victory!

setting routines for the day and spending time outside helped me too. Routines give me structure i can lean on and time in nature does something or another to my body and brain that makes it work better? I have no clue but it helps with wanting to be alive.

No. 2333122>>2333477>>2376298

Idk if it's the right thread, but I'm a loser autist living with parents who lost my job a few months ago and every day I can feel myself losing all hope and spiraling into neetdom… is there anything I can do to stop it from happening?

No. 2333438

I stopped being a NEET when I was 21 but I still struggle with having a normal social life. Not only do I not have time due to my job, but even when I was a kid in school I didn't have one either. I don't even know how someone would get a social group for the first time at 26, most people seem settled into their friend groups and families.

No. 2333477

You need to keep some kind of regular appointment with being outside of your home and having to interact with other people, whether it's some kind of club/volunteering/exercise or something less formal like just going to the library or sitting in a coffee shop for forty minutes every Wednesday, you need to be outside of the house ideally once a day but definitely twice a week. Once you don't have a reason to regularly be outside of the house, you lose all normalcy and it becomes harder and harder to act like a regular person

No. 2344053

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I'm not a neet by choice. I'm struggling to find a job after graduating and have been unemployed since May. My field is very competitive in my state so it's been very discouraging applying to jobs, going to interviews, only to be ghosted. I feel so powerless. My savings are dwindling and I barely eat through out the day anymore. I've always struggled with mental illness and being socially retarded. This is the worst I've ever felt. Being a NEET sucks so much. I feel like even when I do get a job, I'll just continue being a failed normie. Picrel is me screaming into my pillow

No. 2357705

I was looking forward to starting some classes and a new job in the new year and for reasons out of my control BOTH fell through. I'm so fucking tired of being alone in my home. Life can really be so disappointing, even when you try your best and make all the necessary steps. At least I'm going to the gym but I want more than that, I literally cannot stand to be locked up in this house with nothing to do any longer I'm losing my mind

No. 2358049

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I hate myself, I've never had a serious job thanks to my parents, which I love, but they always supported me to focus 100% on studying, so I never had to bother getting a job. However since I graduated I got really depressed, mainly because I realize I hate it. I suspect I've always been depressed or there's something else wrong with me, because something I've learned is that if I feel so lost nowadays is because I just did what I was supposed/expected, and now I'm free to do what I want… And I don't know what to do. I've been a neet for 3 years. It's not because I am lazy, I always help my family at their business, but because I don't trust my own skills, and I never had the chance to learn other things (always focused on academics so much, I barely experienced life).

No. 2358256>>2364420>>2365257

i'm a neet who wants to use men for money, or at the very least make money online using my femininity. any nonnas got tips on that, without having to have sex or pretend to be sexual? it's possible btw. alternatively, i am thinking about getting a bf who is independent so i can live with him. but i wouldn't want to have sex with him, so i would need to find an "asexual" lol

also, what are some activies i can do as a neet to go out more? i want to find concerts and events, but don't know how to go about finding them. i don't have friends, and don't feel like making some to be honest

No. 2364208

Just texted someone back for the first time in a year I have so much anxiety right now even though it’s not a big deal at all

No. 2364260

Not really neet in college but I don’t know if I”ll be able to work after this. I’m a senior and have been for a while, it’s so painful to do the coursework. All I can do is embrace the pain of studying but it hurts.
After this is over I have to neet for a few months more just to heal and prepare for a job. I really hope I can find something where it’s not stressful and I don’t get told off or workbullied

I really have to try to not live off neetbux but maybe I can get neetbux for a few months until I find a job that suits me. My plan was to work after graduation but I can’t transition that smooth. Been sorta neet for 3 years so I should give myself time to figure out work stuff

No. 2364420

Idk but you could try the gold-digging thread on /g/. There are also communities for gold-digging/rinsing men on Reddit and Tumblr and PDFs out there with advice

No. 2365243

Im working full time now and I want to kms. Part time was kinda fun sometimes but I got greedy for normiecore. Fml

No. 2365257>>2365982

Why would you do this? It's going to destroy your future prospects and you're going to get insane stalkers. If you simply must show your ass for pennies, at the very least don't show your face and larp as a guy so you don't get as many deranged moid stalkers. But seriously, don't do it.
You can do a bunch of activities, just look online to find local concerts and classes and things. Your only restraint is money.

No. 2365982

they literally specifically said non sexual ways

No. 2366194

I began going to school this year and started taking it seriously. I’m getting into applied sciences.

No. 2367019>>2367026>>2368577>>2369125

EVERY WAGIE APPLICATION I HAVE SENT ENDS IN REJECTION DESPITE ME HAVING PREVIOUS WAGIE EXPERIENCE. Why??? It's like the universe wants me to remain a hikkineet!! I don't want to end up like some of my shitty relatives!

No. 2367026>>2369125

You’re not alone in this. I swear, no place in town was actually hiring seasonal workers last year, even though they posted job listings.

No. 2367264>>2367274

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i started my life as a student again and it's been so rough. i want to make my mother proud and actually get a proper job after i get my degree, but leaving my home almost every day and seeing people in class etc is the hardest part for me. i don't want to go back to being a neet, but it seems like there is just no place for me in society. what keeps me motivated is honestly how supporting my mom is being, she knows it's not easy for me and her reassurance really gives me hope that i can do this! my teachers are really accommodating of my tism which has been a positive surprise. though i guess comp sci has a lot of us kek. even with my own negative feelings i want to believe it will be alright…

No. 2367274

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Recovering NEET also in comp sci. I understand the struggle nona, it was really hard for me the first semester I had to leave my house for class too. You’ll slowly but surely find your place. I have an all women group that I have taken multiple classes and worked with many times now that I can rely on for support but before I had them I felt exactly like you do. I’m sure you’ll find your group too with time! Until then you can always post here and we can support you instead ♥

No. 2368577>>2369125

I feel you nonna, I've been rejected from 4 jobs so far. I want to make money and be independent but I can't even get a job at a fucking gas station.

No. 2369125

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Same here. I haven't given up on finding a job but I'm trying to romanticize my hikkineet life to ward off thoughts of hanging myself. Rewatching Winx club has helped me cope lately

No. 2370580>>2370603

whenever i neet-maxx i stop taking care of myself completely. i dive into one vice or a few and make that my entire life. i don’t shower for sometimes weeks, i don’t brush my teeth, i don’t do any cleaning and i just fester in my own filth. i always avoid seeing mirrors, but then when i’m forced to go outside in states like this i just want to hide away even more.
i’m fine when i actually have something to apply myself to; school/work, but whenever i’m in these transitionary periods i let myself go completely

No. 2370603

God literally me. With no aim I truly don't do shit.

No. 2371556>>2372139>>2380767

I was so nervous and scared on the phone today but I’m happy I reached out to arrange therapy sessions for myself, even if they are not as good as the real professional thing. Feel ashamed that my voice was shaking and crying on the phone kek, imagine me in a real world setting, yikes.
That said, anyone else try to do group therapy offered by social services?
I just want to be normie and not shake and cry interacting with people….

No. 2372139>>2380767

Good for you nonna. You have nothing to be ashamed of.

I've done a couple of group therapy sessions, they were privately funded but compared to a friend's experience in group offered by social services sounded virtually the same. My personal experience was that it was less pressure than one-on-one therapy since I didn't have to spend the whole session talking, I also found the reassurance that comes from other people who are going through the same thing I am can feel more authentic and warm in a way, compared to reassurance from a professional. Not everything discussed in group was relevant to me personally but was mostly still interesting to hear, and when it really wasn't i could just zone out with no consequences. Group is also a way to practice interacting with others in a real world setting that's free of judgement and removed from your private life. It can be kind of like socializing with training wheels on, in a good way. I hope your experience is a positive one, good luck. Things often get easier with time and experience.

No. 2373024>>2373047>>2373152>>2374141>>2375166>>2377198

Former NEETs I need some advice.
I applied for a job working at a deli counter last night and got a call from them today. I have an interview for half 2 tomorrow.
I've never worked in food service before, and while I did study Food Science (which goes through all the hygiene standards and whatnot for working with food), I didn't complete it as it was during the pandemic and I couldn't keep up with it over Zoom (sadly I have no degree or qualifications).
The only jobs I've worked before were last year when I worked front desk in an office briefly covering for their usual receptionist, and a couple of weeks working in a bookstore when I was a teenager. I lied on my CV about working for a year in a department store that closed down during the lockdown too.
I don't really have any references, not even friends who could lie for me, but I do have a write up I asked one of the managers in the office I was in last year to write up.
Do y'all have any advice for me? I've never done a real job interview before. I don't have a lot of time to prepare because it's tomorrow and I only applied last night.

No. 2373047

Oh don’t worry about it, at most they make you get a food handlers cert which is a really boring online course.

No. 2373152

>applied 24 hours ago
>interview tommorrow
They're more desperate then you are. You'll be fine.

No. 2374141>>2392319

I have too much free time.
>tell me about yourself
"I grew up in the area and graduated from X high school. I have experience working in customer-facing roles as a receptionist and in retail. Before the pandemic, I was a food science major, so I'm familiar with hygiene and safety standards." (It may feel awkward, but just end it there. If you want to fill the gap you can also say you do Instacart or food delivery or something like that but you where you also have food handling experience.)
>(they probably won't ask) why did you stop your degree
Just say the tuition was too expensive
>Why do you want to work here
I enjoy working with food, so the role sound great for me. My friend worked at a different [grocery store chain] and enjoyed it, it sounds like a great place to work. Plus, I shop here all the time, so it would be great to have a discount.
>What would you do if a customer got mad?
I’d stay calm, listen to their concern, and try to resolve the issue politely. I would never try to argue with the customer as that would escalate the situation. If it was something I couldn’t fix, I’d get a manager. In my past roles, I dealt with frustrated customers by staying professional and making sure they felt heard.
>Tell me about a time when a customer got mad. How did you handle it?
At the bookstore, a customer was upset because a book they pre-ordered hadn’t arrived on time. I apologized, checked the system for an update. I let her know where the shipment was currently at. Since I was familar with the book she wanted, I suggested a similar book while they waited. We had a great conversation about it and it ended up diffusing the tension in the conversation.
>Why did you leave your previous positions?
My last job was a temporary position covering for the receptionist while she was on maternity leave. The department store closed during the lockdown, so I had to move on.

No. 2375166>>2392319

Let us know how it went

No. 2375978>>2380771

I’m an almost neet I struggle with focus on writing for school rn. I had a stressful week worrying about money, it’s been kind of resolved. Not fully resolved so that still makes me anxious. I want to graduate already. Not workong rn but if shit really hits the fan I”ll do a cleaning job. So I did think about a backup plan. Any suggestions for stress? I did do reading just no writing for my final assignment. I spent two days actually on school and admin and three days mental health days. It’s weekend so I want to do at least one day of schoolwork but I’m dreading it. I don’t go out but maybe I can try some exercise today.

No. 2376298>>2380760

It's me again, I've converted to literally never leaving the house in just a month. Initially I took walks, but it just feels like a waste of time now. I spend all day on my computer or sleeping. I barely even leave my bedroom tbh. I feel like I'm in limbo, not quite living but not quite dead either. I'm occasionally sending my resume to jobs hoping I'll get something but it ain't easy.

No. 2377198

>deli counter
i worry for you so bad. my old job at the grocery deli when i was 18 was the most stressful and miserable shit of my life

No. 2380760

Anyone that you can join on a walk?

No. 2380761>>2380762>>2380789

How do I start showering more often?

No. 2380762

Set an alarm.

No. 2380767

I have no money for therapy where can I find group therapy nonnas? I don’t have a social worker. I’m talking to the dean this week, though I don’t think she can get me therapy.

No. 2380771>>2380804

Spend time in nature with no other distractions, it's my biggest stress reliever. When people say "go touch grass" it's actually a great recommendation

No. 2380789>>2380804

take time off your day just to bath, even if its more than the bath will take, get everything ready ahead of time and stay in the bathroom in a while even if just on your phone for a while while you're convincing yourself to get it. It gets easier as you do it more often.

No. 2380804

I hate nature these days everything is filthy in my neighbourhood. The people are too noisy and crowded. Anything not nature related ?
This can help just being in the bathroom and staying there for a while. It’s such a chore since I have to cook water to shower warm kek.
So that makes me procrastinate. Maybe I should enter the bathroom and just meditate with some high hertz and do affirmations.
Be less stressed about it especially after walking up and down with warm water just take a few breaths. I have to shower tomorrow.

No. 2380850>>2380856>>2393293

Nonnas it’s been 4 months since I left Neethood and got a job. I am paying rent. I am buying groceries. Today is my day off and I lay in bed with my ribs aching because my job is so physically demanding.
Being a non neet is cool but I have some gray hairs now. Aside from that I guess I’m good. My body is toned. My skin is clear.

No. 2380856

I used to be an E Whore btw. Getting a job really makes me humiliated to have pandered to men for so long. Now I’m delivering shit Ashton Kutcher, Mila Kunis and John Legend. Would be a lot cooler if they weren’t all pedofiles.

No. 2392228>>2393287>>2395628

I got myself apartment but now I'm too anxious to go to the grocery store, I have been there before and its just 5-10 minute walk but I get anxious over what if my neihbours see me? What if I look weird? What if they know how little I exit the apartment? I feel overwhelmed by just thinnking about making a shopping list, I wonder if it would be better to just go thinking "I'll get this one thing" and then see what else I want?

No. 2392319>>2393293

Deli counter application girl here. I would have posted an update here sooner but there was a delay in my interview (the interviewer was sick on the Friday I was meant to do it, then it was a long weekend so I didn't have my interview till last Tuesday. Which I was glad about as I had more time to prepare).
I did my best to memorize what >>2374141 wrote, which I would like to thank her for as it really helped me. I left the interview feeling pretty confident and the recruiter seemed to have bought my lie about previously working in a department store for a year.
He had more people to interview and said he'd be in touch on Thursday, but he didn't call until today. To be honest, I thought they'd just decided to ghost, but he rang and told me they're giving me a trial. I have an induction this Thursday, and he mentioned some online training. The trial is six weeks and if they're happy with my work in the six weeks they'll make a permanent staff member.
Unfortunately it won't be full-time, he said it would be four days a week. And the pay is shit obviously. It's actually slightly below minimum wage (I'd be getting €13.50 an hour whereas minimum wage here is €13.70). But even though it's not a great job I'm just glad to have finally found something after getting nothing but rejection emails or nothing at all from other jobs I've applied for. Hopefully this job will lead to better prospects in the future.
Repost for spelling errors

No. 2393287

Do that yeah, walking and trying to remember your shopping list can help keep your thoughts of other people. Try making a short list with things you absolutely need. You can make it in your head but don’t forget. Good luck and go at times when it’s quiet.

No. 2393293

I'm so happy for you, that's such an improvement from what you were doing before. Do stretches and maybe try some yoga once you get home to help get rid of the soreness.
Good job! It's going to be stressful, but you can do it. Focus on working as fast as you can, remember to smile at customers when you give them their order, and when you're starting to get worn out, think about the money you're making and how you're only in that job as a stopgap. Look for other jobs in your 4th or 5th week, just in case they decide not to keep you. It's much easier to get a job once you already have a job so you shouldn't struggle as much as you did before you got the deli job.

No. 2395628>>2395673

>what if my neihbours see me?
>What if I look weird?
>What if they know how little I exit the apartment?
Please take no offense but: You're your own favourite topic to think about, right? I feel, I think, I wonder, I want, what if I, Me, Me, Me, Me, Me. You're consumed by yourself. Well so are your neighbours. They're also consumed by thoughts about themslves and their lives. It'll hardly register in their mind when you walk past. You're just a blip in their day.

No. 2395673

I stopped caring what my neighbors thought of me a long time ago when I assumed some of them could hear my conversations I'd have with my friends on my phone when I'd go walking because they sound completely unhinged to anyone who's not involved in the convo

No. 2395822>>2395841

tl;dr What to say at medical appointments, about where I work [neet with no job history], valentines day plans [lol never had a bf, I hate moids]?

Recently theres a tooth ache that isnt going away, so I need to go to the dentist. Ofc it happens near Valentines day, so whereever I go, Ill be interrogated about what my plans are, why dont I have a bf/husband, etc. Yes, this happened. Even got asked 2x in a row by the hygienist if Im pregnant, "no? are you sure?", when I was just fat.

Last time, I was repeatedly asked by the moid dentist why I switched from my previous moid dentist who is his friend. This was despite me repeatedly telling him its to save gas money. Then he asked what I do for a living. I didnt want to say unemployed, so I said I resell things. He laughed out loud and repeated it. He also said a disgusting Bill Clinton "joke", and him and his assistant stared at me, while I uncomfortably laughed to try to decrease the awkwardness. Im not even sexually active, and he hadnt begun the appointment, so it had nothing to do with that, he was just being a moid. My mom thinks he was based for that anti-liberal joke, and that I should go back to him. He did do a good job on the actual dental work, but..

I want to go to a woman dentist, and theres one nearby with good ratings. Problem is, Im in a small town, full of very nosy turbo normies, and old bullies who are now successful and have their own families and homes. Meanwhile Im still a loser in my 30s living in my parents home. So the gossip will probably spread, even if I dont happen to see anyone I know there. Ill be asked, "hey do you know xyz?", "are you related to [insert bad blood relatives here]?"

Regardless of which dentist I go to, what will I even say when asked about my job, valentines day plans, etc?

Should I just pick somewhere out of town? Then it might have to be a moid dentist, only because theres so few women dentists where I am.

No. 2395841>>2395894

You need to grow up. I say that with love. You are in your 30s and you're still worrying about gossipers will say about you? Come on. That's high school level thinking, especially when you're still seething about people that used to bully you more than a decade ago. You can't control what people say about you, or how people think about you, so you have to learn to cope with it in a healthy way. I have empathy for you because I know what it's like living in a small town, but at the same time: small town gossip is really not that big of a deal. You are in control of your life: you have the power to say "no" to things that make you uncomfortable. If the dentist makes you uncomfortable and you don't like him - don't go to him. It's that simple.

>What to say at medical appointments, about where I work & valentines day plans?

>"Where do you work?"

>I don't have a traditional job, right now I resell things that I find online. It's super cool, I get to talk to people all around the country and I enjoy it a lot.
>"What are your plans for Valentines' Day?"
>Well, I'm single right now, so I think I'm gonna treat myself to a self-care day and watch some of my favourite movies. Maybe I'll do some at-home spa treatments too."

Honesty is the best policy. I don't know why these questions would create so much anxiety for you, it's just basic small talk. Just from your post, it seems like you have a big issue with feeling ashamed of yourself. You need to work on your self-image and your self-worth.

No. 2395894

Youre not wrong. I grew up constantly hearing relatives worry about what others will say. My older brother is even worse than me for that. So I just grew up with that mentality as the norm.

I have a lot of shame, yes. Im very socially anxious, and I struggle with basic conversations esp if they ask about my life. As for self image/self worth, Im trying to unlearn a lot of things taught to me by my misogynistic mom.

Thanks for the ideas on what to say, nonna.

No. 2395930

Forced myself through college only to struggle with getting a job. Might as well have just not wasted my time there if I'm going to end up working at mcdonalds and blowing my brains out anyway

No. 2400716>>2402751

I have an interview next week I really hope I get it. I keep getting rejected, even grocery stores don't want me (probably because they can pay high school kids less). I love being a neet but I hate the financial aspect of it. I hate having to rely on my parents for money, I'm a leech and if they died suddenly I wouldn't be able to live anymore. I don't really want to work at that store I just want to have some type of stable income and some hope of ever moving out.

No. 2402751>>2402759

Good luck!

I might have to work after all I gave up looking for a month. I hear people talk about cushiony jobs or having high standards for the jobs they look for soo that gives me some confidence that I can possibly find a job I like.

Right one thing though is my hair situation it’s a matted mess and I wear something to conceal it. I’ll try to work on it today I hope I can get an oke job and hopefully my hair sitch gets sorted.

No. 2402759


I showered multiple (3) times this week at my bf’s. It made me realise… I really have to work this year because I need to get my shower situation sorted too. I’m looking forward to moving out. I don’t have a job yet but I might for a few minutes, also only pick jobs according to my standards because no I’m not lowering my standards again it sucks. I like showering btw it just sucks at my parent’s house it’s only cold. I really am over it I will move out this year neetbux or wagiemula (yes I just made that up) I have to move out. Ugh it’s hard I have other things that I have to fix, including a routine for my mental health. Like working isn’t gonna solve all my problems only, a few.

Though I rather have less problems.

How many hours do you guys work?
How many hours do I start with if I haven’t worked for 4/5 years?

No. 2405005>>2405008>>2405016

It’s hard, I want to apply for neetbux but then I”ll have to apply for jobs. I’m still studying I need money to pay for school. What do I do. It’s overwhelming. I’m also in the process of asking some financial assistance but I need to go to my doctor and they suck. I did go and they messed up. Can’t go in too much detail but yeah that is gonna take 3 months before I get anything and Neetbux can be 2 months.
What do you do when you apply for a job do I seriously seek for a job or no? Until I finish school I’m a senior in college btw and also need to move out. Kinda adhd and can’t concentrate at my parents.

No. 2405008

I mean do you seriously seek a job while on neetbux and not ready yet? Or kinda wing it until you are ready to look for an actual job while on neetbux.

No. 2405016>>2405033

Apply for a student grant

No. 2405033

I am applying for assistance it’s similar to a grant. But I need a backup plan, I might look for a scholarship? Something else?
Oke no the program that I am applying for is a grant (not a burger). The thing is I have been trying to get it for 2 weeks now my doctor messed up. Don’t want to put all my eggs in one basket for this grant.

No. 2406096

>Finally gets a job
>Mom keeps saying they must have hired me because of the 20 years outdated advice she gave me
>She has no idea I didn't use her advice and got the job because I used advice nonnas on lolcow.farm gave me

No. 2417937>>2422202>>2422228

Do People with introverted personality type have their problems improved or worsened by moving in with other people?

I have a job that earns 950 per week and 45k in savings so I think I can comfortably afford a 200-300 per week sharehouse room. The issues are that I'm very low energy in every aspect to where I won't even wake up past rolling onto my side if I'm not working. I'm extremely uncomfortable living at my familial house because there's a problematic (like retarded violent not politically incorrect) person living there and I either stay locked in my room or outside sleeping in my car. The problem is that I'm worried whether these behaviours would bother roommates or something or I'd be bothered by people I don't know trying to socialise with me. Ideally I'd like to secure somewhere where the person would agree to not talk to me or I could live isolated or something, so I'm considering getting licences to work FIFO or truck driving so I don't have to socialise and could work overtime to afford a cheap house and only work occasionally to afford internet and food as I'm planning on kms before I get significantly old or anything

Opinions or advice?

No. 2422160

Is anyone else an eternal wagie/NEET because they're legitimately too retarded to do anything else? I have a learning difficulty called dyscalculia, which is similar to dyslexia except it's to do with numbers and maths instead of letters and reading. It's not as well-known as dyslexia though and as a result there aren't a lot of supports for it. The only accommodation they'll give you is just giving you more time on maths tests, which is useless when the whole issue isn't that you're slow at maths but that the numbers literally look like gibberish.
I did really well in my other subjects in school, especially language related ones, but always failed at maths no matter how hard I tried. And because of that I couldn't get into college because in my country even if the subject you want to study isn't maths related whatsoever, the college itself still requires you to have a certain level of competency in maths to admit you. The only ones that don't are very expensive private colleges that would cost half my (admittedly low) annual pay to get through the door.
I did try a couple of six month community college courses but failed both of them because they had math modules (which I should have seen coming for the first one as it was science related, but the second one was an office skills course that was otherwise just typing and using Microsoft Word and whatnot and I found it very easy except for the math part which isn't even necessary to be a receptionist. At least I never needed to use any math when I did work experience at a front desk for this course before flunking out).
I stayed at a NEET for a long, long time until I recently finally managed to hold onto a job making sandwiches. High earning jobs obviously were out because I can't get a degree due to being retarded, and even jobs like working as a cashier were out because you need to be able to do mental maths for them. But like I said, I got a full-time job at last and no maths is involved.
I actually like working in a kitchen because there's little maths involved and my coworkers are saints. But obviously the pay is shit, it's actually a tiny bit below minimum wage. Obviously I don't want to be on minimum wage forever but I don't have many options because of my inability to process numbers.
I am good at writing and have an interest in folklore from my mother's country (which is largely passed down orally and even the few books by foreign anthropologists on the subject miss out like 75% of the details and gloss over a lot of things), so my dream is to publish a book on that which actually goes into detail about the legends and mythological figures and help preserve a dying tradition while making some passive income to supplement my terrible pay. But I live in another country where that topic is unheard of so I don't know if any publisher would ever pick it up, especially as I have no background in anthropology or anything.

No. 2422202

Roommates may care if you get nosy ones, but as long as you don't want people to keep silent hours the whole time you're in bed, no one will care what you do on your days off. I think you should risk the roommates rather than continuing in your current situation.

No. 2422228

If your family home is like that I'd say move out. It sounds like you can easily afford that and I'm a firm believer that mental soundness contributes a lot to earning potential. You'll have a different set of issues acclimating to a new living situation with strangers, but it's better than feeling unsafe and confined.
Source: moved out and absolutely hated my roommates but it was still better than being at home

No. 2429071>>2429374>>2430354

File (hide): 1741135694611.gif (1.41 MB, 165x165, cat-neko-atsume.gif)

going to try and go to the local church 5 minutes down the street for sunday service, first time actually going somewhere and being independent in an entire decade thanks to homeschooling and forced isolation (im 19 le zoomer etc). a little scared of what my parents might say/do since i dont want to get potentially kicked out or just outright told "no you're not doing that", trying to be hopeful about it though. wish me luck nonnas ill need it, i want to move on with my life

No. 2429374

File (hide): 1741156013714.gif (1.22 MB, 400x225, mwah.gif)

Good luck! You got this!

No. 2430354

I'm here to support you nonna, but mostly to know where is that gif come from, it's so cute!

No. 2442976>>2443541

File (hide): 1741886847119.jpg (25.8 KB, 735x434, 1000139021.jpg)

I've been a non-NEET for a few months already but I need to know
>have any of you also felt guilty for not working while at home?
I have a weird schedule, some days I only work in the afternoon, some days I work full day and somedays I work only in the morning. Sometimes I go to my second job but I call it a prostitute job because I only go there when I get called.
My boss wants me to create extra content that the company does need, buy my parents keep telling me that I don't have to work while I'm at home and that I should only work on that while in the office.
But I feel really guilty because i haven't worked at all during my NEET days, so I try to relax but all I do is end up thinking about work, and when I was a NEET people would always tell me that I don't know what real work is like and I still feel like I don't have a real job somehow, so in the end I end up doing at least one job-related task so I don't feel too bad, but now I feel tired as fuck.
I also feel stressed because my boss keeps accepting random projects and they all fall on me because I'm the only one in the company who knows how to do those things.

No. 2443541

Your parents are right. You don't owe your job the time you wasted on neethood, you owe yourself that time. You need constructive hobbies for that guilt feeling. Like learning/practicing music, art, writing, bird watching, a sport, teaching yourself programming, basically anything that's not just sitting around watching streams or playing video games. When you feel like you should be doing something, do something for yourself.

No. 2445470

I've been officially employed for a month now, but somehow I can't help but still feel like a NEET despite working from 7-4 every day. I guess it's because I've been a NEET for my entire adult life, so it's hard to stop feeling like one right away.
I don't like working very much. But it's nice to have money going into my account every week, even if it's just basic minimum wage. Still better than living off the piddly allowance my dad gave me like I was before (you can't get NEETbux in my country unless you've already worked and paid taxes before)

No. 2445477

NEETS i support your grifting endeavors wholeheartedly, but I'm surprised that in other countries there aren't forums where they set up apartment complexes together like princess jellyfish where you all live in little units and never look at or talk to each other

No. 2462288

I have a job interview at a beauty supply store tomorrow, I've been rejected from 3 interviews so far and it's been kind of discouraging. Any tips on seeming more enthousiastic and less like an autist? I'm excited to work there but every time I'm interviewed I get some kind of imposter syndrome, I feel like I can't act too excited because it feels fake even though I'm not lying.

No. 2462447>>2462636

I haven't worked in fifteen years. I got married young and my husband got killed over seas. I've been living off his insurance pay off and survivors benefits since then, but it's getting kinda tight. In the past year, I stopped isolating, and made RL friends, and now I'd like to think about getting a job again. I just have no idea how to go about it. I get anxious because I know any job interview is going to ask me why I haven't been working like what am I suppose to say? Well…I got real depressed, started drinking a lot, dated a few assholes, wasted a lot of time playing vidya, reading manga, writing fan fiction, keeping up on petty internet gossip, but don't worry, I'm sober, in therapy, and ready to be an active member of society again! Like, I start wondering if I should even write a resume, I don't even think some of the places I use to work before are still around and the dates are all hazy. I did get an AA in General Education during the time, but that seems pretty worthless. Does anyone have any advice? Like some place I can apply for a part time job that won't grill me over the gap in employment or just trying to figure out how to answer that? I was thinking maybe fast food or something or maybe 7-11 or a gas station.

No. 2462636

Lie on your résumé. I was a NEET for almost 7 years and didn't get any interviews until I just lied. Find a local business that closed down recently and pretend you were employed there for years. This takes care of the lack of references because you can't really get a reference if you can't contact your former boss or call up the liquidated company. You could also lie about being self employed. They're not going to check if you tell them you sold crocheted baby blankets online or something.

No. 2463478>>2463487

File (hide): 1743049536222.gif (1.52 MB, 350x196, tra_tra___ - 17420418332771824…)

I'm going to officially leave neetdom in a few days and it's kinda of scary. Ever since covid took away the last few months of senior year it feels like my life just stopped. I've been a social recluse for long slowly rotting away in my room it feels unnatural to think about talking to people everyday. Even despite the training I've been doing this week by going outside and talking to at least a cashier everyday the second I return to my room it's like a giant weight lifts off my chest. I'm scared. I have to do this though, my parents are getting old and my savings is about to run dry. All of those times I said I would just bite the bullet feel like missed opportunities to run away from reality. Maybe I'll return after a few years and finish my Associates and get a bachelors in something easy. Idk. It feels like the first day of kindergarten is coming up again. Goodbye Comrades

No. 2463487

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>Ever since covid took away the last few months of senior year it feels like my life just stopped.
Holy shit anon, are you me? Covid hit during the last few months of my senior year of college and it totally derailed my career. I had an internship lined up at a major company that fell through because of COVID, and I've been underemployed ever since.

No. 2463491>>2463505

I'm applying everywhere and was looking forward to an interview with a retail store last week which I haven't heard back from since. These are literal minimum wage dead end jobs too. I'm obviously not ready to go back to school anytime soon either. I've been living in isolation from anyone and anything for the past five years essentially with zero growth. Losing hope tbh

No. 2463505>>2464423

If you're extremely desperate, you could probably find online transcript work. I think I used "rev" and got paid like a third worlder but it got me to my next step

No. 2464423

I will look into that thank you nona

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