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No. 2425242

welcome to the jungle, it’s worse here everyday

No. 2425271

i’m tired of being controlled and told what to do. people constantly wanting you to play the side character to their lives is so fucking annoying, even more embarrassing if they do this on the internet kek

No. 2425279

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I get so angry and have violent thoughts every time I see this ugly bastard. I just saw him in a trailer and I feel like punching a wall to stop me doing something more radical. I haven't watched any movies he is in since I just can't and I have nothing against him as a person, but he looks 1:1 like a pedo who used me aged 7-14. They really look like twins.
Time to cuddle my cats and control my breathing.

No. 2425291

You're completely justified in your rage nona, he was a frequent Polanski defender and cheated on one of his girlfriends for a 19 year old. He'd probably go lower if he could

No. 2425294

i have the same reaction to him .
i think it's his eyebrows, any moid with these dopey upturned eyebrows triggers an aggressive response within me

No. 2425349

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An angry lady on reddit said those are coke eyebrows and used images of mac miller as an example but I guess they don't have the same angle. I agree A. Brody's eyebrows look like they are permanently in a position to lie or trivialize things

No. 2425503

i am so frustrated, i am very lonely but more terrified of dating. i feel like i could never be enough for someone or make them happy.

No. 2425511

Ok cool so now I can hate him for real and not just because he happens to look like that. I always felt bad for hating him since I knew nothing at all about him, but he's just a regular moid after all.

I hate when men do that kinda eyebrow pose on purpose thinking they are cute or something. It looks super ugly and faggy kek.

No. 2425519

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mandatory faggotposting
faggot tries to explain shit to me condescendingly, meanwhile he's only more educated on paper while i have actual work experience
faggot also acts flustered like a real faggyfagfag when asked about his ring, says its his marital ring, since hes married to a woman. absolute kek
his name is mirko helbling

No. 2425520

I'm pretty sure I have lipedema. I always suspected because at a young age I was chubby but my legs were abnormally huge. I struggled with bulimia because of bullying and lost a lot of weight as a teenager but still always had big legs. I was confused for a long time the difference between pear shape and lipedema. I'm still confused but now I'm kinda convinced and honestly I kinda want to kill myself. I don't think I'll ever accept my body. I have tuberous breats too. I wish I could have been aborted tbh. I'll always have a disgusting body.

No. 2425539

Lipedema apparently isn't real and is a diagnosis pushed by plastic surgeons to give a medical reason for lipo.
I know this probably doesn't help, but if you're healthy and exercise, who cares what you look like? I bet you someone trapped in an iron lung would kill to have your legs for anything. I know that sounds like "why complain when there are people suffering" but honestly, getting older is in our future and someday we won't have the mobility and energy we have now. And I don't want you to get to that old age wondering why you ever cared how your legs or breasts looked to random strangers you never thought about again.

No. 2425592

Nonna you didn't choose to have lipedema and you can only try to manage it. Do not get suicidal over it. It's sad to think someone wants to die because they don't look like what they want or what is expected of women. I get it, but it is so sad. I wish you could just raise your middle fingers and laugh to beauty standards.

It is a real thing and can also be very painful. I hope nona does not have any pains and is just dealing with a cosmetic issue.

No. 2425616

I really need to lock in to my autism in the way in that I need to learn just to stop caring. I’m tired of always being aware of how I act, talk, move, everything. I hate how little things like work being busy and having lines can make me crash out when everyone around me is so calm I’m the freak bitch. How does anyone do it? Do I need to start vaping or something? Do I just sink into apathy? How do I turn off my brain like this? I don’t want to give a fuck anymore.

No. 2425619

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I'm one of the most disgusting beings on God's Earth. I date people I don't love because I lack the will to say "no" and the conscience to think about my feelings. I don't know what "love" is, and I'll drag (or be dragged), for months on end, through hellish relationships I want to take no part of. Dating is beyond horrible. What your partner does reflects on you and vice versa, you can't let your guard down, and you must constantly both check yourself and your partner (Why are you late? Why didn't you buy me a bouquet? You make me look unlovable and undesirable with your lack of effort, I hate you.) I dread romantic gestures, they make me grimace, but if I don't accept/expect them, I'll look bad in the eyes of others. What if someone flirts with me while I'm in a relationship? I'll indulge and flirt back, not because I'm unfaithful or lust for others, but plainly because I'd rather cheat than reject someone and suffer through the awkwardness of it all. I will do anything, say anything, be anyone. I'm too easy to string along. My severe, pathological egotism will ruin me. If you invite me to go out for drinks, even though I have to study, I'll ditch my studies and go out, well knowing the direct consequence of that is failing an exam. Why? I don't know. It's not because I want to drink, or because I crave the company of others, or… etc. I'm physically unable to refuse. I study something I dislike because my family thinks it will look good on a resume. I date someone I feel no affection towards because my friends think he's a catch. I hang out with "friends" who I have nothing in common because my family would find it abnormal if I were to sit alone in my room all day. I spend all of my energy pleasing people, I cannot take confrontation of any sorts. If someone tells me, "you look sad, are you okay?" I enter a paralyzing state of panic. It's a disease. I want to die in my sleep.
The other day, one of my life-long friends wished me luck on my final presentation for college. I was taken aback, she did not only remember, but also made a point to wish me luck and ask me how I did afterward. I have never done such a thing for her, I never thought of it. She made me feel awful. Was I selfish for never asking about her own finals? Did she resent me for it? It seemed genuine and borderline loving to send me those text messages. Did she mean it? If not, then why did she ask? How could she possibly care about finals that have no effect on her? If I did well or wrong, it makes no difference in her life. So why ask? I don't understand.
Whenever I hang out with her, it pains me. She will sometimes hug me or say "I love you" or laugh at my jokes, I'll try to play along and entertain her for as long as possible, try to be sympathetic if she vents to me, or funny if she seems playful; I'll even go to a party if she asks, even though I hate parties/clubbing and have an obviously awful time at such places. Another problem is, when I see her, I quickly run out of replies. I end up smiling very weakly and awkwardly laughing in an evident fake manner. She's well aware of my fakeness, but she never questions it. I'm waiting for the day she gets fed up and confronts me about it, so I can be freed.
Similar issue with my boyfriend. He seems madly in love with a woman he made up, who bears no resemblance to me. It makes me feel insane. I don't understand why he has this perception of me that bears no relation to my actual self. I'm cruel and petty and egotistical. I'm depressed and self-indulgent. I sin compulsively. He takes people who have any of these traits. Why does he insist on dating me, then? Is he stupid?
As of late, I've been haunted by a memory of my childhood. I was at the shopping mall with my father. He wanted to buy me clothes and shoes. He asked me to pick any shoe I liked, but I didn't know what I liked. The shirt he picked was red, and the trousers were white, so I thought I should pick shoes that were either red or white. I found two pairs, and I was inclined towards the most expensive one, but I didn't know if it was okay for me to ask for them. I hesitated and he got upset. He told me something along the lines of, "just pick what you want, don't think so much, why can't you do that?" I knew he could afford any shoe in the store, he knew I knew, yet I wanted to be considerate, but he got upset regardless at my lack of direction. This remained a constant through my relationship with him. He'd insist, over and over, to just say what I mean, but I choked on my own words and ended up crying.
I wish I killed myself when I first got the idea, around age ten or so. If I died as a child, when I still had potential, people would idolize the woman I never got to become.
I don't know what sort of mental illness I have. Therapy doesn't work on me because I try to please my therapists and I end up worse off as a result.
I apologize if my English isn't too good.

No. 2425621

Oh, okay. I've been told by a couple of doctors that underlying pain is usually caused by something else and lipedema is really a push by plastic surgeons. Someone in agreement told me they suspect that after recovery from the surgery, the person is then usually diagnosed with whatever was originally causing the pain/issues because they aren't brushed off and told it's a byproduct of weight (if the sympyoms weren't alleviated by the weight loss itself).

No. 2425664

Are you literally me wow. I love you nonnie

No. 2425665

My bunny keeps peeing outside her litterbox and I need to wash her sheets every 2 days at this point so the house doesn’t smell.
She’s gone to the vet and checked it wasn’t a bladder problem, I also got her a low entry litterbox in case she’s arthritic. I’m so tired of a peepee house.

No. 2425666

Also samefag but my antidepressant also made me gain weight even though my psych told me it’d be a very low possibility, I hate this.

No. 2425689

Does anyone else feel like they aren't able to watch or play all the "classic" movies, tv series, video games or whatever because of how they consume media? I feel like I consume media so slowly. Like if I watch a tv series and like it, I will be obsessed with it for months and sometimes even years. I will not pay attention to anything else. I feel like I'm not able to just consume media and then just move on to the next thing like that.

No. 2425699

Someone I’ve been close to for a while is beginning to act super BPD because I made a couple jokesabout their boyfriend (who found it funny) and is saying I’m a projecting weirdo for it that should shut the fuck up. This is hurting my soul nonnas

No. 2425711

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kill my bacne right now please god

No. 2425723

I'm tired of people claiming they are loners and outsiders when they have a big group of friends they talk to everyday and hang out with. I understand that they are not "mainstream" but most of of them have quite popular interests (anime, alt fashion, music, art) and are into normie activities such as going to parties/clubs, drinking, smoking. They always play the victim card saying they were bullied or that their parents are annoying, as if there aren't plenty of normalfags who went through deep traumatic experiences too.

No. 2425728

They always make being an "introvert" their entire personality like wow you're sooo quirky for liking a romance novel at home on your couch once in a while.

No. 2425735

it's symptomatic of the point we've hit in society- everyone's gradually become more insular, and is convinced that everyone ELSE is out having fun. therfore, if you're not out socialising EVERY SPARE MINUTE you're a hecking introvert

No. 2425744

I used to have 2 friends who were in the same friend group who did outings together, one was on Discord almost 247 too and had other friend groups they were in, they would game together too so not only irl hanging out. They would whine about being such loners and never seeing anyone and how people must hate them because of how they never hangout. One was always so "I was so bullied as a kid" come to find out it was for one year in elementary school, not that it doesn't suck but the way she made it sound was so much more heavy. I was bullied for 7 years in school and I never really talk about it because I got over it but I'm also just built different I think? These friends would whine about being so lonely back when I had cancer, during covid when they were still doing almost weekly outings with many friends. That shit just threw me over the edge with them, they would also always use the "I'm so anxious" when I would ask for a simple call or if we could meet at a park. Realised these people would be too anxious to attend a wedding or a funeral of mine, got pissed and dropped them. I'm in remission and they're apparently still victims.

No. 2425756

I hate ai. I hate that any man or boy can take a photo of any woman or child and make instant realistic porn of them and that men of course don't even see that as an issue so they don't care to regulate it

No. 2425794

How do I argue or even explain feelings to someone who's most likely autistic enough to not understand them? I keep getting pushed around physically and my hair pulled, but the explanation is that "well your hair didn't get pulled out" or "you're not dead" which supposedly justifies it. Like I get it, being "result"-oriented in a way, but humans have emotional complexities too.

No. 2425803

I would give anything to hide posts as well. I can’t stand most of these posts already, it’s already retarded

No. 2425806

I had a short lived waitress gig and my coworker who was alt kept talking about how she is a huge introvert and a ball of anxiety and finds socialization difficult, but this woman was super popular, had a large group of friends, was very friendly, had a very active social life going out drinking very often and integrated very well in society. Like I'm sorry but just because you have anxiety from time to time and have some tattoos and piercings doesn't make you less of a normalfag (where I live alt fashion is basically as mainstream as it gets for young people). Everyone thinks they're soo different and soo special and the rest are just boring NPCs but in reality pretty much every normalfag I talked with recently struggled with something lol. They're still people, no one is gonna be 100% productive and happy all the time, everyone has problems.

No. 2425811

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My neighbour’s dog will not stop barking as soon as I’m in my yard, at my door, getting in and out of my car. There’s nothing I can do about reporting it to the council or ranger since the barking has to be continuous over hours for anything to be done. I’ve left a note in the letterbox that was polite and the stupid bitch flew off the handle at my partner about it after cornering her in the street. Says she’s old so wants the dog barking “for protection”. So fuck the neighbourhood I guess. Anyway I was walking past today with the rabid thing going nuts at me. I had my tennis racket and a ball because I was taking my own dog (which is kept inside with us to NOT bark) and hit the tennis ball at this neighbour’s garage in a moment of frustration and headloss after years of this. Anyway the ball bounced straight back to me. Will I be arrested?

No. 2425813

How's the COVID pandemic situation now?

No. 2425817

Damn are you me? My neighbours have this extremely aggressive sheepdog that growls like it's genuinely going to kill me and if it gets close enough it'll bark. I suppose fear isn't a valid factor in filing a complaint though.
Also I highly doubt you'll be arrested, way worse things get slapped on the wrist so

No. 2425818

Memory holed.

No. 2425820

You may be me because this is a sheepdog too. Completely unsuitable dog to be holed up in the backyard all day like that. Sorry to hear you’ve got the same problem nona. This dog is only 7 years old so could live another 7 easily.

No. 2425821

>My neighbour’s dog will not stop barking
Tell me about it. There's this little yapper at my neighborhood that literally barks for HOURS. Just yesterday, he barked for 3 HOURS straight, god if I'm losing my mind and I'm not even living at the same street, I don't want to imagine what is like to live nearby that fucking dog. He's currently barking as we speak, god

No. 2425822

My neighbours are blatantly abusing their daughter. They constantly humiliate the poor little girl by forcing her to strip naked and stand outside in their front yard, she's only eight or nine from the looks of it. I've called the police and CPS multiple times, they won't do anything about it because she is not being physically abused in their definition, being naked is not battery, and she is not being sexually abused by the textbook definition. I even brought up the fact that someone could record her and make CP but they just said unless there's proof other neighbours are doing that, there's nothing that can be done. Negligence and failure to prevent harm are crimes under my knowledge but yeah, I can't do anything since I'm not an explicit party. What the fuck do I do, this makes me sick.

No. 2425823

Where do you live at?? This sounds third world tier of godless. I'm so sorry

No. 2425825

Can you drop a tip at the FBI tipline for child exploitation?

No. 2425826

I can’t take it anymore I just want to fucking die

No. 2425827

I live in Australia, which is what baffles me. We're supposedly a first world liberal inclusive country that's supportive of mental health and all that shit.
Not US

No. 2425834

Can you drop a tip at the AFP tipline for child exploitation?
And ask in the aus thread, they'd know better than us retarded burgers, I think.

No. 2425835

Yeah I've been planning to do something along that. Might contact the ombudsman for my state as well or non-legal services

No. 2425842

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sounds very much like this

No. 2425843

Attack them and hurt them. Seriously though, can you stop being around them and have other people intervene for you?

No. 2425846

>narcissistic prayer
Kek, anti-narcs are so melodramatic. Calling normal human responses of denial “narcissistic” proves letting normies learn mental health/therapyspeak has been a detriment for normal society.

No. 2425848

How are these normal human responses of denial? Context matters here.

No. 2425850

are you retarded yourself? how is this something you have to explain to them. you have two options in this situation:
1.) hurt them back, violently, quickly, severely, so they learn.
2.) you get far away from them, forever.

No. 2425851

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No. 2425852

Invest in dog mace. You did nothing wrong.

No. 2425853

unless they are an actual toddler, like under 5 years old, there's no reason for you to explain anything.
>most likely autistic enough to not understand
make yourself a pointy object and make it hurt for them the next time they do it. they'll learn.

No. 2425854

So, uh, normal people?

No. 2425863

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Why is it always the retards getting multiple replies for their shit?? They’re clearly pretending to be retarded

No. 2425865

Reasons on why women don’t make good friends or people to talk to
>your problems only matter if there’s a man involved
>your problems only matter if there’s a “hubby” involved
>your problems only matter if there’s a snot-nosed child involved
Women are terrible at being friends with other women. I don’t give a flying fuck about “cute gifts!!!” and empty hangouts, I want to talk about shit that actually matters.

No. 2425868

Samefag but other women don’t even believe in other women’s humanity, they know and understand by being in association with a man they by proxy get some of those “human” benefits that males get. It’s why women who are actually crying out in pain with real issues are ignored why these same retards with relationship issues continuously keep hogging up and clogging the thread despite there being numerous threads for them to post their retarded shit they can easily prevent. Single women don’t exist, single women are ghosts, women who date, are mothers, are married, or are in any type of romantic-sexual relationship with a man are seen as perpetual victims to always be empathized with and women with men excites other women because the mention of men, in a hateful or admirable context, is more important than anything else. How am I supposed to give a fuck about your supposed “rights” if you don’t even believe jt’s possible for a woman to be a human being, you pretty much prove you don’t see other women as human unless there’s a man that completes them so what the fuck differentiates you and the people you pretend to be angry at??? You’re angry at people for saying the truth: you only care when a woman is associated with a man, because you believe that a woman becomes human when she becomes fuckmeat for another male. I’m so fucking disgusted by other women, most are honest to god lying, manipulative, selfish pieces of trash truly incapable of accountability and integrity, it’s just so fucking true. Overgrown little girls walking around, and some of them are so bizarre because they think their age is a badge of wisdom kek, you’re just as retarded as a 13 year old girl. Absolutely hopeless

No. 2425869

you're going to get zerg rushed but I just want you to know you're right

No. 2425870

What do u wanna talk about nona

No. 2425872

What matters to you?

No. 2425876

Who's the girl in the thread pic? She's fucking hot. Anyway I want to bludgeon half of the people I see on reels with a sledgehammer.

No. 2425878

That's BJ-chan or one of her copycats. She is easily the worst internalized misogynist this site has to offer, often going on deranged rants about how much she despises other women. Don't even bother talking to her. She's one bad day away from hanging herself or shooting up a school or some shit. She belongs in an institution.

No. 2425880

Being an insufferable nlog, of course.

No. 2425882

>you’re going to get zerg rushed
Kek, your prediction was correct

No. 2425883

Spot the narc game strong

No. 2425884

This has been weighing heavily on my mind

No. 2425887

If you hate women so much then why the fuck are you even on this site? Fuck off to 4chan if you want to talk to moids.

No. 2425896

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The typical responses, because it hit a nerve and they know I’m right. You’re shitty friends, shitty companions, shitty dating choices, shitty all-around, almost just as bad as men. Extremely selfish is the worse and unique way possible, always thinking of the now, throwing every single other person under the bus and never considerably thinking how actions have consequences. Always needing to quell terrifying feelings of cognitive dissonance by calling people of dissent crazy, hysterical and “woman-hating” because you, just like men, always have chimpouts when the truth is revealed on your behaviors. You hate accountability, responsibility, any kind of markers that would make anyone respect you, which is why you’re always needing another virtual daddy to coast under and then have your female handmaidens which you call “friends” to beckon and call when you could give less of a shit about them to vent about your retarded choices as if you weren’t the one that got yourself into that mess in the first place and then throw them away when the moid comes back/you forgive him/another moid or a child comes into the picture. I don’t know how much longer you can call this misogynistic and calling people who are saying this bigots or bj-chan, it’s becoming abundantly clear people are tired of playing around like children. A lot of women want to play around like children, be children, and when people start noticing this weird and odd behavior and call it out it’s suddenly bigoted behavior to criticize another human being (a woman) for their dumb choices and deliberately self-destructive and self-deprecating behaviors. Shut the fuck up and let me vent

No. 2425898

thats why non-faggy gay men are the best.

No. 2425906

Cont. (samefag) these retarded mods will ban anyone who uses this vent thread to vent about other topics but will allow the same fucking relationship derailers post the same fucking vents, so why are certain vents “valid” and others are not and are ban-worthy??? Another prime example of the flaw moderation and of course the hitler fatties in their high gaming chairs don’t give a flying fuck, it’s “take it to meta” because the mods are also baiters and infighters themselves. I’m just so fucking annoyed and tired of this shit. When you complain about these things people say, “well, why didn’t you mention it??? why don’t you suggest or say something about it instead of just complaining?” and when you actually do, you’re fucking ignored and banned for it, so what’s the point of telling people this dumb advice. I literally can’t stand people anymore, every single minute of my life it’s like growing into uncontrollable misanthropy.

No. 2425914

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I’m tired of being banned for using this thread PROPERLY instead of the other people who’ve clearly been let loose in this thread for a few years to post the same garbage that would have them get hundreds of upvotes in a Reddit thread. Alogging should be allowed in here, I should be allowed to be fully angry and vent. I should be able to say the mods should be thrown off mountains and cliffs and the male administrator needs to choke on his own dick instead of trying to make this entire website his secret little female fishbowl fantasy scape website. I should be allowed to vent about random strangers in my life and angrily saying they should die, because venting should be cathartic and a release, not a perpetual cycle of self-flagellating drama like the relationshipfags who shit up this thread over and over again because they love drama, chaos and are about as toxic and disgusting as the men they choose to be with and have sex with. If you don’t want people to clock your retardation and messy behavior then don’t have a messy ass life and don’t make the intentions of your posts so obvious (well only for people like me who are actually somewhat self-aware and can see through other people’s bullshit)

No. 2425918

I should be allowed to be cringe and free, this is a fucking anonymous imageboard and you still fant even be free? You’re still giving a fuck about etiquette that you should’ve put to the side when you come on this website. The same website that talks shit about fatties, bippies, anachans, and other vulnerable women but suddenly this same exact heat coming into another board is a fucking red flag? Inconsistent moderation, retarded ass digital karens and digital NIMBY neighborhood watch types making sure you stay within your line like this is fucking Twitter of all places, inconsistent etiquette expectations because who the fuck said that /ot/ is the nice girl club where we all pay each other’s asses and never say a mean thing? So many of you are so fucking full of it, can never truly defend yourself, and when you get offended at one little thing you have to alarm daddy and mommy mod to take care of it for you because you’re a sheltered, delusional, emotionally unbalanced mess obsessed with making yourself a victim to garner sympathy from it.

No. 2425924

Thismorning a car slowed down next to me, a man screams the n word 3 times with all of his might and speeds off. I'm as pale as people come but nobody else was around.

Dunno if it's related but a couple days ago I was on the opposite side of a street when I saw a man lean in against a kid as if he was gonna whisper but then he starts shouting in the kids face, shoving his body right up against this 11ish year old and pushing him backwards. I couldn't cross the street with all the afterschool traffic as they seemed oblivious to what was happening. It ended with the man raising his arms out like a bird or something and shouting "see I knew that because you're black" as he walked off. A couple had spotted it too but cars would not let them get across either. Not till everything was over. Great. Idk if today was related. If it was the same guy. Whether that guy even took notice of me and that couple. There's such an uptick in men being shitbags to anyone walking alone. They're usually in a pathetic state, unwashed, toothless, drunk in the afternoon but dying to feel superior to anyone, ie a woman or a child.

I've friends and coworkers who drive everywhere which is fair enough, most do around here but they act like we live in a lil haven of a town and "That kind of thing doesn't happen around here!" Walk around without the buffer of your car and get back to me about whether it's happening. You'll get this shit or you'll notice this shit more. We don't have a magical forcefield around the town that makes our local men the fucking best men.

No. 2425927

Why am I such a lazy piece of shit? I have work to had but here I am reading about e-whores and degenerate TIMS.

No. 2425952

Why can't I be a "Negative Nancy," huh? What's so wrong about it!?

No. 2425967

gay men are still involved with men, no

No. 2425976

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I just got laid off from work and gave up on dating after the last guy I met up with revealed he was super cheap.

I can't shake the feeling that my life is going to go in circles forever; I'm nearly 25 and I'm still single, have no social hobbies (I write and read literature, I like plays/concerts, stuff that only pretentious rich ppl and oldsters in my country like). My living situation sucks and I can't get a job, I can't even have casual sex as everyone hot is taken and if they're single, I'm worried they'll rape me, give me STDs etc … basically, I feel like a hopeless loser.

I don't know how to get my life moving and start doing the things I'm passionate about. I want to make more friends but my weirdness/lack of 'normie' interests makes me seem boring, most men disgust or scare me, and my city is filthy and full of weirdos, drunken bums etc so not exactly easy to find good people. What do I even do in this situation?? Even other 'losers' have more friends, better jobs and so on. Fucking sucks.

No. 2425978

I usually only get replies in these kinds of threads when I mentioned my relationship issues so I feel you.

No. 2425985

Shut the fuck up, BJ-Chan.(encouraging personalityfags)

No. 2425990

I have no other option but to kill myself. I can't ever see myself being satisfied in life. I am beyond dysfunctional, i should try to get better, but i just don't see the point. I hate having to clean the house, cook and shower because it's all for nothing. Just wake up and wage slave until i die. I don't like anything, i hate everything around me, i don't have the ability to like or enjoy things. I am legit annoying, i look and sound like a sperg when i talk or do anything, i have the shittiest social skills, i just feel like a robot, talking to people is like a quest or test that i have to pass. I used to be on meds but i stopped due to negligence and i felt like they weren't doing anything. There is nothing i get out of life.

No. 2425991

Maybe there is an app that can read and describe LC posts to us while we work?
Sorry to hear that anon. I doubt this will make you feel better but this is a lot like 2008 and those retards turned out okay. It's hard to make or keep friends during a recession bc everyone is so stressed out and pissed off. The myth about people ~coming together~ is only when they rely on each other for things/survival. You're just living through "bad times" atm and so are a lot of other people. Scrotes will always be scrotes tho

No. 2425998

I know some of you are tired of BJ-chan but is it really crazy to feel like this as a woman? Do you nonnas not deal with women like this? Or do you also have boyfriends?

No. 2426001

Samefag PLEASE REPLY to this, i have no one to talk to or that can relate to being a NEET

No. 2426007

Hire a cheap cleaning service to clean your house and time your showers to make them less hideous, buy pre packaged meals, buy disposable dish ware to cut down on washing dishes, get rid of clothes you don’t wear and cut down your wardrobe to about 10 items to cut down on laundry.

No. 2426015

Nonnie you need a friggin hobby, something creative that makes you feel fulfilled and that is fun for you. I recommend really throwing yourself at anything that seems even remotely interesting and just try out as many crafts as you can.

No. 2426018

I'm sorry to everyone whose posted vents like this before that I've seen and not responded, but honestly I don't know what I would say. I'm in a similar boat. I don't know what the point of living is for. Somehow I have enough of an attachment to life that I fear death. I remember having a breakdown at work feeling like my life was pointless, I'd do nothing but work then die. I barely passed highschool due to being depressed I'm going out in the adult world both unprepared and unwilling to have to live as a wagie until I die. I tell myself it's important to have a job and be a functioning member of society, but in my heart of hearts I know it's not what I want. I wish I could live in a community with women like you completely separate from the real world but I might as well get addicted to drugs with that pipe dream. I don't like the world today, and I feel as if there is no future. Society feels as broken as it has ever been

No. 2426020

You nonnies want to form a little art club and do little projects together or something? Like damn you need the gift of crafting so bad.

No. 2426022

From what it sounds like is that she is just incredibly rude and psuedo intellectual and is repellant because of that. Women don't appreciate that snobby, elitist attitude.

No. 2426026

These are unbelievable heights of cringe, I'm really shocked

No. 2426029

I don't think so. Why is it always when a woman is treated unfairly it is because she was too asertive and therefor being snobby and elitist? No wonder anon is mad, if women aren't super lovey dovey and sweet then she is a total bitch it seems

No. 2426031

She speaks like a psychopath. Are you her? I noticed she never sages.

No. 2426032

One time I posted a serious vent and then a nona complained about how she accidentally farted in front of her retarded scrote and now the world's ending and she got a million equally as childish replies. Obviously no one owes me replies but it was so to see how much women care about the opinions of creatures that don't even wash their hands. I honestly can't even relate to most other people for unrelated reasons but it makes it worse to realize that all most people care about is posturing for fleeting relationships and meaningless sex. A bunch of hungry automatons just trying to gain social capital and fuck. Is this really all there is to life?

No. 2426033

get some cod liver oil

No. 2426034

>boohoo why doesn't anyone want to perform free emotional labor for me on this anonymous imageboard

No. 2426035

The person you're replying to or the helpless victim who keeps ending up as a helpless victim? Women here have zero patience for that shit, sorry, reddit is an option
I thought the fart post was retarded so that's why I replied to it. I don't reply to vents that are total doom and gloom bc it's too much effort and those anons are usually a black pit of despair that can never be filled but still seek out positiivty/affirmation constantly anyways. So if it wasn't either of those things, I'm sorry for ignoring you nona

No. 2426037

No. 2426038

>Obviously no one owes me replies
I'm complaining about everyone's obsession with moids and fucking and using my own vent as an example in contrast with a fucking fart post, not whining over not getting emotional labor you smelly invalid.

No. 2426040

Obviously people are going to reply more often to posts that are light-hearted. It's nothing to get mad about. Sometimes people just don't want to deal with constant negative bullshit

No. 2426044

Yeah that's fine, and I'm not mad either I'm just tired of hearing about my Nigel this, sex and hookups that, it's pathetic. Moids do it too. Everyone does it and it's dumb.

No. 2426045

I’ve lost empathy for the type of people who are depressed and messy after living one. Living with my sister is sometimes like living with a scrote, I feel I’m a bang maid with no of the pros. I just hope when it warms up we don’t get roaches. I don’t care if you’re sad, Wash your ass and get the moldy dishes out of your room ya nasty ho.

No. 2426049

There are tons of normies on here

No. 2426051

I wish my relationship with my mom wasn't so complicated. I was neglected as a kid–no real education beyond reading books, usually no breakfast or lunch so very underweight, lived in a dirty environment, no social interaction. Then she had a TBI as a result of her alcoholism/neglect to her own self. And I hate that I resent it a bit but I do. It's like she uses it to get out of life the way she always wanted to. Now she has a knee injury and despite the pt saying to do exercises she doesn't do them. I just hate watching her neglect herself so hard, and I've struggled with my own demons and it feels like although I know she cares deeply, she focus fires onto my issues to not look at her own. I know she loves me so I have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that she neglected me I guess.

No. 2426055

This reads like an osamu dazai novel kek. I used to feel this way a lot too, and still do sometimes. You’re thinking about yourself too much. You don’t want to tell people no because you don’t want anybody to have a bad perception of you. Stop comparing what other people do to what you do. If your friend inquires about your life take it at face value, don’t spiral yourself into thinking you’re a horrible person because you wouldn’t do the same. I’ve been there and it’s exhausting. Just try to live in the moment more and stop obsessing over how other people see you. It will never satisfy you. If you don’t like the person you’re with, grant them the opportunity to find someone who really does love them. Life for yourself more and stop worrying so much. I promise you’re okay and mostly normal.

No. 2426064

I'm basically in your situation except it's a different family member and we already have roaches. I love not being able to invite anyone over and not being able to tell them why, haha.

No. 2426067

i get it, miss holier-than-thou. it must be so hard and so lonely being the only person alive that has any modicum of psychological complexity. fuck these idiots for not understanding you! you should go and take some time to soothe yourself by staring at your reflection in a still pond

No. 2426069

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I can't even relax anymore, it's ramadan and only three of my family members are fasting, two of them are living in their own apartment, but they all came home for dinner and one of them brought her boyfriend with her. I don't want to socialize and especially not with some random guy while I'm wearing my pajamas. He doesn't even fast either so I have no idea why he's here.

No. 2426076

I hate all pickup truck drivers and they deserve to die. Retarded ass pieces of shit taking up all the space around them. Nothing but killing machines driven by the most repulsive beings on the planet. There could be hundreds of them on the highway and none of them will have anything on their cargo bed because they were bought as status symbols and not for their utility. Get off my bumper you shitup truck loving faggot. Die.

No. 2426082

I'd invite you to join me but you sound kind of insecure so I dunno. Maybe next time.

No. 2426083

I mentioned to my mom a couple of weeks ago that I've been trying to keep better track of what I'm eating, both to lose a little bit of weight but also to make sure I develop healthier habits where I get what my body needs on daily basis. This also meant that I've been experimenting a bit in the kitchen with trying to find actually tasty healthy alternatives to popular pastries and desserts because I know I struggle with not indulging in sweets a couple of days before my period and a couple of days into it, with less than stellar luck of course kek.
Today when she came over for lunch she mentioned how she saw an expert on tv talk about how it's "healthy to be a little overweight", how people drinking a milkshake with whipped cream are fuller for longer because of the fats so they aren't as likely to snack, etc. I didn't really respond to it, I just kinda went "mhm" and pretended to listen. I know what she's trying to do, because she knows I hate my body and I have dabbled in unhealthy eating habits before but I have NEVER had an ED or even close to having one. I don't know if she is coming from a place of guilt, since the main reason I hate my body is her. Or if it's just her coping about being a bit overweight now that she's old. But it annoyed the hell out of me.

No. 2426084

This is Sidewinder after escaping prison in Captain America Brave New World, isn't he?

No. 2426092

I’ve gotten to the point when she leaves I clean her room just to have some hope of Jo roaches getting in lol

No. 2426095

I understand where you're coming from but the beginning context and the way you spiraled here is kinda hilarious, nona. I'm sorry a fart made you get this existential on an anonymous imageboard in your time of need.

No. 2426104

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…she literally just now sent me a couple of links about "THE DANGERS OF DIETING". It's not like I'm not fucking refusing to eat or jumping on a diet fad ffs, I'm just trying to explore healthier lifestyles since I have both a job and hobbies that are sedentary. It's not like I'm underweight either, I'm on the upper end of my healthy bmi range which is also why I want to lose a couple of kg so I can be in the middle instead

No. 2426133

Is she fat? Or even just chubby? Make sure she won't sabotage you and add ingredients in your food to make you fatter.

No. 2426209

She's definitely chubby, she used to be a model which was also why she would rag on me for not inheriting the absolutely insane metabolism she used to have. She's surprisingly not narcissistic enough to try to sabotage me, it's not like she has access to my food anyway, but she'll definitely continue to comment on my eating habits.
What angers me the most if, even if I had an ED and she was trying to "help", it's too little too late the damage was already done and deep by the time I was 12 ffs.

No. 2426213

I´m so pissed at my stuff today. My glasses always lose one glass and I have to act quick to not lose the tiny screw. My phone bothers me about storage even though I dont even use many apps, it´s mostly images that take up space but I feel like I deleted so many already!!! A lot of things also just fall over recently and it driving me nuts. I´m getting clumsier by the day.

No. 2426262

>literally adding a seventh, even shittier line to the prayer.

No. 2426267

I'd like to think of myself as a well rounded individual with my own wants, needs, interests etc and yet I still let another person's lack of affection towards me sour my mood. How fucking bleak. You have one life and you make it revolve around another person? Get a grip you dumbass bitch, listen to your favorite bands or something stop letting it get your mood down, it's so insignificant in the grand scheme of things

No. 2426283

god i agree. i hate how you cant see when youre backing out of a parking spot when they park next to you too. i see them all the time here in the south its horrible. my mom's shitty worthless abusive husband drives one too of course. cars that signify a worthless moid

No. 2426284

its ok nona, feel it as much as you want to and let it go. rinse and repeat. thats how it goes

No. 2426289

Aww thanks nonna. You're so right. Let it wash over me and then i'll get used to it and it won't hurt as bad. The key is to just get used to it.

No. 2426291

>cars that signify a worthless moid
I agree with the exception of men who actually work on farms or in a profession where they had to drive heavy equipment to and from. you can tell the difference in how clean the truck is. a prissy limp-wristed faggot who drives pickups for social points will always have a clean car. a hardworking blue collar man knows that there is no point in keeping the truck clean because it will be dirty by the end of the day no matter what he does

No. 2426295

cannot for the life of me get a fucking job. 7yrs ago i was working in recruiting and then an opportunity for an IT role popped up. i took it, got my bsc in business informatics and everything went fine until they let me go because of company downsizing (financial issues) and now since 7months i cant get a fucking job istg im so mad. i cant find a recruiter role either even though i still know everything UGHHH

No. 2426303

>One time I posted a serious vent and then a nona complained about how she accidentally farted in front of her retarded scrote and now the world's ending and she got a million equally as childish replies.
I mean this so seriously dude: when it comes to making conversation, a problem with an easy solution or a question with an obvious response will receive way more interaction than a hilarious, interesting, or life changing post that doesn't invite easy banter. even in the real world.

No. 2426331

TMI dont read if you have a weak stomach but i feel like i had to write it out. if youre reading lmk how retarded i am
basically my bf urged me to eat more fibre because his mom died of colon cancer and ive been super hesitant because i was afraid that it would mess with my poop and now i realise that me having to spend 329532532minutes in the bathroom cleaning my fucking ass because its all smearing around like theres a chocolate fountain pouring out of my ass was literally just a fibre issue and im glad i found out why but i hate giving my bf props i know he will do some dumb moid shit like i told you so instead of just being happy for me.

No. 2426336

It took me about 5 months to find a job in IT i think the market is crap right now plus companies don’t make up their mind enough about the hiring process, job ad etc. try to not take it personally nona.

No. 2426337

File: 1740948973037.jpeg (53.49 KB, 960x720, piss off pedro.jpeg)

I'm with you nonna, annoyed pop culture is trying to push these hideous men on us all the meanwhile pushing unrealistic beauty standards on us.

No. 2426343

Has anyone tried Wellbutrin? I'm really interested in it and heard good about it but worried about possible side affects

No. 2426345

Just came back from my first night shift in the emergency room. I'm fucking exhausted but so happy and proud of myself! I improved so much. In spite of not being perfect, I think I was really helpful. It feels good to finally be able to do some useful work after 5 years of reading books and answering multiple choice questions behind a computer screen. Patients were so happy with me and that felt really nice too, a woman even grabbed my hand to kiss it (I literally hadn't done anything though for that one LOL).
It was also really fun to finally see many diverse cases instead of the same thing on loop. I could use a wide range of the knowledge we're supposed to acquire.
But yeah all nighters are brutal, I slept all day and now I'm still tired and my entire body hurts. It's like I have less strenght too, I struggled to open a milk bottle…
Anyways I'm going to pretend to study for another hour and go to bed early. My next shift is on thursday so I have plenty time to rest.

No. 2426346

He always made me feel uncomfortable every time I saw him on screen.

No. 2426358

the retards living above me have finally quieted down after calling the cops on them for a noise complaint a dozen times but now the obese hoarder next door has started blasting her tv every day. this dumb fatty has her tv pushed up against our shared wall so the speakers are blaring right into my apartment. plus I have roaches coming into my apartment now because she hoards junk and rarely cleans. every day she gets about 5 packages of cheap useless garbage that she hoards in her filthy cramped apartment while she stares at a glowing rectangle for countless hours. I need to win the lottery so I can afford a down payment on a house and get out of this shithole. with the constant noise pollution from shitty neighbors and the nasty roaches making their way into my nice clean apartment I'm going insane. I hate living here but can't afford to live anywhere else.

No. 2426364

I love slowing down in front of them until they finally give up and go around me. Fuck them.

No. 2426376

Let all the negative thoughts wash over me. I'm a talentless loser that will never be recognized outside of my town. I'm a failure - I'm broke and stuck in a dead end job. Any day now, I'm going to be laid off and lose my apartment. I'll have to move in with my parents. My roommate might need me. We might both lose our jobs. I'm obsessed about relationships and friendships because I am a total loser who is terrible at maintaining them. People leave me because I am boring and selfish. I want to die. I want to disappear. I have a lot of hate inside of me and I want to purge it. I want a twenty year vacation. Ughh.. I am a loser and I alienate people, I'm forgettable, I'm a waste, I am boring, I'm stupid, I ruin people's moods. I am destined to be poor and alone for the rest of my life. I am a fundamentally flawed human being.

No. 2426399

Don't act on the feelings, just hear them. I genuinely feel like I have severed myself from my entire friend group because of a falling out with one friend. They tell me they thought I was ignoring them, but I tell them I thought they were ignoring me. I just feel like crying. It never ends. I want to stop ruminating. I want to stop worrying about how other people feel about me. It drives me insane that I can't get this shit to stop. But I'm whining. I feel this unbearable pressure building up inside of me.

No. 2426410

you sound like a horrible bpd bitch nonnie, get help asap. otherwise your friends will leave you, you crazy dumb bitch, ok?(infight bait)

No. 2426439

It's soul breaking like it just sucked all the good energy I was having, I just finished this inspiring feminist book dedicated to women and there's the afterwords thanks to all of them, and all the feminist editors and friends who supported her in her writing. Then it had to end with a "I couldn't have done anything without him, the best partner"

No. 2426440

I upset myself and now I can’t sleep

No. 2426441

Having such bad anxiety and intrusive thoughts that I just want to pop an extra prozac on top of my regular one, but I know that that's not how that works and would likely do me more harm than good.

No. 2426451

This might sound strange and very random, but I've found that listening and following along to a video on a topic you'd typically find to be boring or not interested in helped me out a lot. I remember one day I was feeling miserable and found some Youtube video of a woman talking about some economic situation in Japan, and I stopped crying and feeling anxious as I paid attention to the video. All that aside, I do hope you feel better, nona.

No. 2426459

just found out that my irl scrote friend likes to play zenless zone zero. it's one thing to hear about people playing that shit on the internet but to actually see someone physically playing that shit in front of me is just surreal and gross to witness.
i even off-handedly mentioned to him that it's kinda weird and overly sexual towards women but he insisted that he didn't like the game for that reason and he just thought it was fun. i don't believe his cum-filled brain for a second and once i'm able to i'm gonna cut off all connections to him. i had already tried to do this once before a few years ago just bc i thought he was weird and annoying but this time i'm actually gonna do it

No. 2426461

He is yet another lame coomer. I don't trust gamer moids.

No. 2426462

hope you never touched his hands

No. 2426468

look up silexan/lavender oil pills, they can help a bit with anxiety without worry of side effects (minus some that give you lavender flavored burps)

No. 2426476

I wish actual cute male hookers existed, I'd pay one to cuddle me very sweetly, but I've looked at some websites and they're all fugly

No. 2426480

Just saw someone use "theybies" as an alternative to girlies… what the fuck

No. 2426484

honestly if i knew that they couldn't physically overpower me in any way and that they were hygienic and cute i would probably consider trying out male hookers but i know damn well that all of that shit is a massive pipe dream. i'm pretty sure most male hookers are for gay dudes anyway and they have no taste tbh

No. 2426491

Yeah there's also the major health risk and rape risk. I was thinking maybe if there was a very selective agency with reputable hygiene and STD testing but of course something like that will never exist. Fuck this shit lol the male gender is literally so useless.

No. 2426495

I really need a rich man who takes me to expensive dinners and fucks me good

No. 2426497

i cannot tell you how much i hate that we on the average are weaker than men. but i also dont wanna bodybuild and look like a fucking tranny

No. 2426498

I don't get what the point of expensive dinners is. Like, food is food, $100 meal doesn't taste that much better than a $20 meal.

No. 2426506

NTAYRT but thanks. I can't stop ruminating tonight and I'm going to try that. I think it's because I haven't left my house for more than groceries in the past three weeks… and other things. I just need to learn something new…

No. 2426508

>spend hours trying listening to friend, trying to comfort friend
>get shit on "omg you dont understand me waaa"
>stop trying
>"i miss when you tried to be understanding"
LOLLLL yeah alog

No. 2426512

Should I fight her for you

No. 2426522

i mean you are right in the sense that some restaurants upcharge like crazy for no reason beyond the namesake and having to cover the cost of giving you a nice atmosphere to dine in. but usually fancier restaurants charge more because there's a difference between the quality of food being served since they are likely sourcing locally-made and high-end ingredients which cost more than what you can buy for cheap in a supermarket. additionally they're also paying more skilled chefs who have better technique and more innovative culinary ideas than your average teenager at mcdonalds who just shovels pre-made shit under heat lamps and into boxes to consume. some people really can taste and appreciate the difference in quality between a burger that costs 4 dollars to make and one that costs 25. some people don't though and that's totally cool too, at the end of the day it's all just a matter of personal preference and taste.
>.t food snob who really likes nice restaurants

No. 2426523

I sincerely hope that it can help. I feel that it helps snap the mind out of it because it's just so random and technical, so you start getting invested in what they're saying. The attention gets redirected, and it works somehow.

No. 2426539

ive played for months and i can advocate that 90% of the men who like it are disgusting lowlifes who say shit like "hags" and "cunny" lol. at some point i just stopped looking at people discussing it at all. i dont blame you for cutting him off over it

No. 2426584

gross post but good for you! what are you eating for fiber nona?

No. 2426586

File: 1740965511703.jpg (422.74 KB, 1079x1502, Screenshot_20250303_022928_Ste…)

thank you valve/steam for supporting gender specials and trannies on woman's day. where would they be without your unwavering support? cunts

No. 2426588

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Anytime women discuss the reality of how pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are often negatively impact women there’s always someone accusing you of “hating mothers/children”, having mommy issues, or just making shit up (where is this “apathy” for pregnant women?). Of course someone is going to get triggered by my post but let women vent their concerns in peace, not everything is directed at you.

No. 2426596

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I finally dumped my useless ugly bf and I can tell he's not taking it well, and he's hung up on the fact I didn't want to have sex with him last time we met. That's all you really wanted in the end, huh? Hope you fucking die in a fucking fire can't believe I ever gave you the time of day for as long as I did.

No. 2426612

I'm losing my fucking mind. I simultaneously appreciate everything around me but I also hate everything. I hate living with my parents but I deeply appreciate them and love how I've been getting to know more of their past. I deeply hate how busy my weekend is because of how busy this week is going to be but I appreciate the time I spent with the people I love. I'll never be satisfied, I just want to be alone, but I don't want to be lonely. What the fuck is wrong with me?

No. 2426618

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Thanks for the suggestion nona, I can’t seem to find the legal status of it here in Australia but I bought an ultrasonic bark stopper instead which apparently stops the barking in its tracks because the sound is so unbearable (imperceptible to people). Hopefully it works.

No. 2426630

man, i wish i could get the stick out of my ass.
for example i was really want to get into designing and making tiny hand-painted clay figs and keychains for fun of weird and cute creatures. i have lots of ideas. but i pretty much haven't even bothered because i don't want anyone around to know that i'm doing anything like that. i sometimes wonder if it's some kind of narcissism because i certainly am happy when i see others doing stuff like that at any skill level and enjoying themselves. it's like i only cringe at anybody like me that does it.

No. 2426637

I am so depressed that I ate an entire stuffed sopapilla…

No. 2426641

what do you want her to do, explain that it hurts her when they pull her hair? unless she's a caretaker for the mentally challenged, she's wasting her time (and even then she's wasting her time)

No. 2426649

Can you update us on if it works. I have the same issue in my neighborhood. I can't step outside or else I am surrounded by non stop barking.

No. 2426677

If you live in a climate that you don't have to worry about a jacket or coat you're very lucky. I would love to be able to transition freely from indoor to outdoor without having to figure out an outerwear to shield me from the elements. I would dress so much nicer.

No. 2426683

File: 1740972108013.jpg (144.99 KB, 725x1024, sghsfhjkd.jpg)

God I wish I had symmetrical breasts so bad. could care less what a moid thinks of them but Its just annoying because Id like to go braless SO. BAD. but theyre noticeably uneven. Hoping to get a reduction in the future but for now I'm braless nearly 24/7. I despise bras but its also tough to just have one giant c cup and d cup in the way whenever i want to jump or run or dance. I can physically feel the pull when they bounce or move and it SUCKS. i wish i was blessed with b cups, or at least even boobs. Hoping to get a reduction in the future to even them out, imagining wearing no bras in cute dresses and loose shirts sounds so freeing. I do it anyway, but doing it completely comfortably sounds so heavenly.(ai outside of containment)

No. 2426703

I think chronic feelings of boredom are worse than being sad or hopeless.

No. 2426738

you'll catch yourself missing that feeling eventually

No. 2426739

I am so tired of hearing my girl friend complain about this piece of shit dude who sounds like he fucking hates her. She's blocked him but keeps talking to him and entertaining what he has to say instead of, idk, just not fucking talking to him because he sounds dangerous as hell and has anger issues? I feel so bad for getting so angry at her (in my own thoughts, I obviously don't actually get angry with her) but come ON. Stop fucking talking to him!! It's really that simple!!! Like i want to shake her by the shoulders so bad but she doesn't seem to respond well to me being straight up with her. Like if I don't wrap my replies in four layers of bubble wrap she seems put off by it but holy shit girl stop being fucking STUPID you are going to get yourself killed by this mouth-breathing retard because you refuse to listen to any of your friends telling you that!!

No. 2426741

How long have you guys been together?

No. 2426750

Sorry, I didn't mean girlfriend I just meant like female friend. This is about a guy that she knew for only like two months and was in "relationship" with

No. 2426754

kek now you have something to be thankful for in this situation I guess. I hope your friend becomes undickmatized soon nona but it may take a while

No. 2426793

Is smoking not haram or what? Why every Muslim man ever that sits next to me smells like he just smoked a whole pack. Fucking hate smokers ESPECIALLY male smokers. Female smokers are fine. Male smokers however should kill themselves.

No. 2426797

File: 1740985976980.jpeg (63.02 KB, 1076x1048, IMG_5071.jpeg)

>tfw both your star sign and mbti are considered ‘cringe nlog’
I give up

No. 2426804

Idk but Muslim scrotes are often huge hypocrites. Any 10 year old who's even looked at a male is a whore to them yet they sleep around at hundreds of brothels. And that's just one of many examples.

No. 2426805

My dad screams around the house so fucking much that it's a miracle none of our neighbours have called the cops on us. At this point I hope they do, I'm sick of him.

No. 2426807

any chance he's doing something like dread game (manipulation strategy) with her or something? what explanation did she give for talking to him more?

also you have my sympathies. i might be meaner than you but to me she just seems like an awful friend if she tweaks out at her friends' honesty yet keeps orbiting some awful guy.

No. 2426816

My groomer rapist got into gay internet drama and deleted/deactivated his facebook account. I am praying to god he actually deleted it for good because i have been worrying for AGES knowing this creep has my nudes(ik ik i was like 15 when i sent them). I fucking hate how cryptid facebook is, i wish it would tell me if they deleted their acc or just deactived it and can re-activate it whenever. I want to sleep comfy for once. I have been wanting to come out with my story for years but cant because i know he has all my chats with my nudes and other personal info to extort me, so i am praying he actually deleted his account.
tl;dr: fuck zuck for hosting my underage nudes and not allowing a way for me to delete all my messages from his side.

No. 2426820

intj anon?

No. 2426823

I haven't made a single friend in over seven years now since I graduated from university. All my old friends moved away. I've just been staying at my parents' ever since and despite trying to get out and do things, I haven't made a single friend. I've participated in mainly sports and art groups but I feel like I'm too out there for people and just have never made a connection. I just wonder if it's time for me to really just not give a shit anymore and be more open about my politically incorrect and impolite thoughts in my artwork. I keep making art that is just too "safe" and I think it makes me seem like a boring person. At least someone might listen and care if I actually said something somewhat interesting. I'm still afraid to be open about myself though..

No. 2426828

A close online friend of mine blocked me out of nowhere and deleted their messages. I asked them and edited my messages to at least give me closure or some sort as to why they decided to do this. I asked on an alt account as to why they wanted to do this, and they blocked me there. I did not fight with them, I have 0 idea as to why he blocked me out of nowhere. I asked his friends and 0 response, one was very flaky and barely responded. I do not know what to do. I do not have many close friends who know this much about me.

No. 2426853

It's not haram nonna, it's just strongly not reccomended

No. 2426863

Honestly fuck avoidant people. I have zero empathy for their actions. "I'm afraid of getting attached so I push away and treat badly all the people who care about me and supported me" like grow the fuck up and be normal. Especially fuck avoidant men.

No. 2426864

Will do nona. I feel your pain. Why are some animals owners so selfish like it’s their right to just disturb the peace?

No. 2426865

This but anxious people. "I'm terrified you'll leave me so I'll accuse you of leaving and cheating 24/7 and snuff out any independence you have because independence means you can leave me"

No. 2426866

To be fair anxious people have a pretty valid reason to be afraid that their avoidant partners will avoid them kekk

No. 2426868

I mean anxious x secure person, not anxious x avoidant. But anxious people are emotional vampires, no wonder they get avoided.

No. 2426870

>tfw avoidant
it is what it is. 90% people are shit and i'm sorry for the remaining 10% but not worth the risk.

No. 2426871

Oh yeah I agree, but I feel like most combos are actually anxious x avoidant cause secure attachments are quite rare. I feel like anxious people should date each other instead, same with avoidants

No. 2426874

Works in theory but irl that would just be adding more fire to fire kek

No. 2426887

For a while I have been thinking about the general dehumanization of all women by the sex work industry and porn. I guess more often I see the conversation devolve into debates about the consent given in sex work, or more specifically the ability of the woman to give consent/long-lasting trauma resulted by sex work/childhood trauma that led to sex work etc. I just don't get why I never see people here actually talk about the fact that the women in these videos are just place-holders for scrotes, and by giving moids porn and sex work, you are allowing them the dehumanization of all women and womanhood. I guess on the surface level it feels like such a "duh" thing for most people, but it truly disturbs me and I hate that I don't see more people talk about it. Like, if a scrote is watching a hardcore dehumanizing porn video, he is not even really thinking about Lana Rhoades or whoever it is in the video, but he is using it as a place-holder for specific women in his life AND also all women in general. On a similar note, I hate the fact that European cities have legal Red Districts, where it is known huge amounts of coercion and human trafficking happens. Beyond that, the fact that these women are put on display for men to pick and consume like sausages, with the implication being that you can buy and sell human beings as long as they are women. To summarize, I am not implying that these women are not victimized and that they are suffering more than the general population of women due to it, because they surely are. What I am saying is that even if the debate is about how sex work can actually be "ethical" and not coerced, and the women participating in it really want to do it, that does not mean that these industries are not super fucking disturbing and sick. idk I guess I just really needed to type this out somewhere kek

No. 2426894

Anora winning is truly laughable, the movie was mediocre.
I hate these wade of pro-prostitution when more prostituted women live lives of hardship, oppression, violence, drug addiction than the ones who do OF. And the added wave of pro kinks bullshit too.
Women will never be free, look at the shit we are glorifying.

No. 2426895

At this point I will delete all social media, it’s tiring to see this stuff pushed down your throat at every angle.

No. 2426899

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This dialogue is so shitty. It’s ridiculous that this movie was even nominated in the first place, along with the tranny movie.
Like even without me being anti-prostitution and anti-trannies, these movies were objectively shitty.

No. 2426903

Will do nona. I feel your pain. Why are some animals owners so selfish like it’s their right to just disturb the peace?

No. 2426926

honestly scrotes need to stop making movies

No. 2426959

I'm glad I never heard of it until now. What a shitty movie.

No. 2426986

Normie encounter
>at completely non-political event
>'thank God for this, I really need to get out of the house and stop hyperfixating on the news'
>Enter the West Coast Stacey who's there as her bf's +1
>literally the first thing this girl brings up is Trump policies
>"And I'm here in a green card, what if he deports ME??"
>Can't figure out if she expects sympathy for this, this is the situation with practically everyone in our area but the tech companies would throw a massive fit if half their workforce got evicted so seems unlikely at best
>but also this feels like a shit test so just make placating remarks about Orange Man Bad.
>Immediately after that she starts talking about 'entitled' demographics (which I'm one of)
>me: "uh, yeah, I guess some people can be entitled in this group. It's just like any other group of people. There's variety."
>her: (long pause, changes topic)
So I guess that was the wrong answer kek
>ends the conversation by bragging about her boyfriend's luxury car collection and $3k camera lenses
As a poorfag I have nothing to say to this except 'wow yeah that seems excessive'
>literally doesn't even say bye or nice to meet you or anything, just wanders off with zero exit line

idk if I just straight up met someone from Crazy Rich Asians or what but the impression I left with is 'damn the worst stereotypes about self-centered liberals exist for a reason ig'. Like if anything 'green card job' rn means you have an exit strategy, you and your rich boyfriend can leave the country whenever shit hits the fan. The rest of us have to live with it indefinitely.

No. 2426989

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You know, it is a special kind of disgust that I feel when a person walks into the center built like this, and has the audacity to be surprised when my job is made longer and harder than it needs to be. Your veins are small and they roll and it's difficult to even palpate you because of course it fucking is if your arms are built like the back of a Shar Pei that was reincarnated from Amberlynn Reid. I feel like the society of America would be greatly benefitted from how Japan deals with obese and fat people. Annual fitness and health check and if you're so fat that you make your job look bad, Metabo Law is going to be in use. Whoever says that shaming wouldn't help fat people is a liar–Japan makes it a JOB to discourage being fat as much as possible, and it works. There's a reason why they're one of, if not then THE LEAST fat country in the world, and America needs to start writing down notes. Not just for my convenience, but because these statistics of just how many people are going obese around here is genuinely sad.

No. 2427005

But I don't want anything to do with the male gaze and gaining weight helped me avoid it. Look we know mom stuck 180 sticks up your ass all at once when you were 12 thats fine. Just internalize it. Just shut the fuck up for once in your life and internalize you're self-crucified tripe. Yes I have more ruthless audacity to avoid the male gaze than you've ever had in your god forsaken life to take a piss. I could care less what it does to you, how much it feels like mom sticking 23 more sticks up your ass, but maybe i should just soak it up and enjoy it at this poiint? Like maybe i should just revel in your constant misery? Bitch in a corner for all eternity you're not gonna make me participate in your pathetic performance when men are ugly as shit and make me feel nothing but gross

No. 2427006

It’s not as simple as just discouraging people from being fat. There’s so many things baked into our culture that make active lifestyles more difficult for Americans than Japanese. For one thing there’s the public transit situation where this country is such a sprawling asphalt hell that you can not walk to work unless you live in NYC. We also pump high fructose corn syrup into fucking everything and our food is designed to be addictive.
Maybe giving out free ozempic will make America thin again, I don’t know.

No. 2427009

I tried to make springrolls but the wrap kept opening up before I could even cook them so now I just have 2 weeks worth beef and torn sheets of whatever this stuff is and I want to scream

No. 2427011

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I had a vivid dream that I had sex with her. I want to die.

No. 2427013

kind of proving her point with how annoying this post is

No. 2427014

Use flour + water paste to stick it closed. If the sheets are unfixable then just buy plain tortilla wraps, use the flour paste I mentioned to close the meat inside and fry that

No. 2427015

File: 1741009100633.png (151.55 KB, 345x480, boobphysics.png)

Only a TIM that looks at too much anime would want this. Nona, no boobs are perfectly symmetrical.

No. 2427016

Not everyone is desperate for scrote i guess you have to agonize over the fact and feel hurt? i dont know what to tell you.

No. 2427017

I will make another vain attempt next week. Thank you for the advice nonna.

No. 2427021

Nta but you sound like an asshole and had to twist her vent about insecurity about le ebil twannies for no reason…? You were better off not replying at all

No. 2427024

nobody even mentioned men except you lmao

No. 2427027

Average nurse talking to the cashier in the Wendy's drive thru

No. 2427028

You should stop blindly assuming things and projecting on yourself. It's very newfag of you to interpret something like that from a single sentence written by an anonymous person on a computer.

No. 2427035

Breasts sticking up with no sag. I hate this kind of coomer art the most.

No. 2427039

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>venting in the vent thread
wow, no fucking way, really? That's fucking crazy, man.

No. 2427043

Chatgpt bot slop confirmed

No. 2427047

Do you strive to look thin for your sexy pet dog nona

No. 2427052

we are writing the 'how to decenter men in your life' wikiHow article specifically for you rn dear nona

No. 2427055

File: 1741011331313.jpg (269.08 KB, 1005x659, consume-the-knowledge-v0-v5qk6…)

nice idea

No. 2427070

i feel so empty. my heart has shrivelled into a tiny, bitter thing. i have nothing left to give

No. 2427087

I hate moids with low self-esteem. Women with low self-esteem will probably just ask you "am I good enough" but moids will be like "I'm not good enough for you, you probably think I'm weird", putting words in your mouth like it's an accusation mixed with a pity party. Yeah, you're right actually, sir, thanks for the warning. Hope you bald at 27

No. 2427090

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I hate my damn body. I hate having big breasts, I hate my curly hair I hate my ugly face. I hate how uncomfortable my body is. Also doesn't help that I've gained weight since I got depressed. I hate that the things that could make me look less bad are exactly the things that I hate the most and are super uncomfortable. It's unfair that I'm stuck in such uncomfortable body. I can't help but sometimes resent women who get breast augmentation or any other type of procedure to achieve things I consider uncomfortable. I love my parents but sometimes I get angry at them because I got the worst features of them. I just want to feel comfortable without feeling hideous.

No. 2427104

Same, I hate people like that. They're just horrible people who make the world a colder and shittier place to be in. You can never count on them for anything but they'll always expect you to be there for them. And when you get tired and move on they'll just start shit talking you like you're the problem. Like nah, YOU'RE the problem kekkk and this is why no one wants to be around you anymore, not because every single person is magically sooo clingy and needy or whatever other cope they make up to feel better.

No. 2427109

>But I don't want anything to do with the male gaze and gaining weight helped me avoid it
>I have more ruthless audacity to avoid the male gaze than you've ever had in your god forsaken life to take a piss
>you're not gonna make me participate in your pathetic performance
seriously hoping you're an actual retard because why would this be a valid course of action in your mind? risking your health and putting your body under constant strain all because of moids? are you stupid? i'd respect you more if you just said you like to eat a lot

No. 2427112

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My friend decided to try hanging out more with a group of women she's acquainted with through a group she usually parties with. They had all shown interest in having a "girl's night out" so she tried to pull something together. She called me later during that night, going "damn, I never really realized how damn lucky I am to have you guys as my friends. You always inspire me and don't care for male validation".
Apparently the women turned out to be turbo pickme's, when they weren't only focusing on their phones they would go back and forth talking about how they wish they had more female friends while at the same breath talk about how "women always cause so much drama and only gossip". Somehow the topic of sexuality got brought up, and they all mentioned being bisexual despite being in long-term relationships/married with their moids and got extremely surprised when my friend told them she's a gold star lesbian, going "WHAAAAT! But you look so NORMAL!!" because apparently all lesbians have alt styles according to them.
The night ended with them inviting their moid friends over without asking while still calling it a "girl's night", and when the moids arrived a couple of the women went "like, have you EVER seen me with this many chicks in one place at once (they were 4 or 5)?? Like, that's SO weird, right?".
My friend just paid her bill and left without saying anything at that point. I just can't stop thinking about it, especially the part where they aired their view on lesbians. It just frustrates me that these women are in their late 20's to early 30's. Most of my friends are very intelligent women with no pickme behaviors, so I forget that there really are adult women out there acting like this.

No. 2427113

I cannot find a single female artist I like without someone giving me shit because she's not a perfect feminist icon meanwhile no one bats an eye when I listen to Kanye when will it end

No. 2427116

A while back, I got a traffic ticket for a stop that went above the limit line in my family's neighborhood. Faggot cop just parked there waiting for someone to make the tiniest fucking infraction for his department's quota. Ever since then, I've noticed so many faggot drivers just not even stopping at the stop sign where I was ticketed. Some of them don't even bother with a rolling stop and just plow through. Why the fuck haven't they been caught and ticketed? I fucking hate cops so much. I'm fighting this ticket out of pure spite because fuck this faggot cop.

No. 2427117

I lost ten pounds. I feel good. In a healthy way. It's so easy. I'm 5'8 and gained weight but I never realised I was underweight until I gained weight lol.

No. 2427119

This has got to be bait lmao. Nona, you're fat because you like to overeat

No. 2427132

I want to be the best at everything ever and if anyone in the room is better than me I get so jealous. Sometimes I'll literally have nightmares about it… Idk wtf is wrong with me I wish i could just enjoy stuff rather than getting in one sided contests all the time

No. 2427137

Look at the bright side. You tried to make spring rolls and instead you made spring bowls.

No. 2427160

It's ok anon we're all going to die and no one will care. Generic advice but do the best you yourself can do. Imagine trying to outdo an alien at intergalactic football. You won't. Apply this in other areas.

No. 2427169

Being sick and alone sucks. I don't know what virus I caught but I want it out of my system asap. I can't eat anything, I'm nauseous, I have a massive headache and I feel so weak. I can't sleep properly because of the headache. I haven't been this sick in years. It hurts so much that I actually cried.

No. 2427171

It was trash, I’m so confused and disheartened by the accolades. Disgusting

No. 2427173

File: 1741019217288.jpeg (121.62 KB, 736x1104, IMG_3927.jpeg)

Don’t be fat

No. 2427174

I’m sorry Nona being sick is the worst. I hope you start to feel better soon. Take care of yourself.

No. 2427192

My doctor told me to socialize more to help with depression lol lmao how do I do that, I have social anxiety and most people suck. Socialize with who?? Ugh. Hermit discrimination

No. 2427202

Haven't drawn anything in more than ten years. And now I'm scared to start again. I'm scared. And to think my drawings used to be displayed in our city's art exhibits. I inherited this talent from a parent, i never worked for it.

Just the thought of sitting down and starting again from the basics, disgusts me. I feel like I'll live until i die without picking up a pencil again. Somehow living with regret for the rest of my life appears to be more pleasurable than starting from the basics all over again.

No. 2427208

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No. 2427210

Then just don't draw. Free yourself.

No. 2427221

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When I was in middle school, I remember going back to our huge apartment complex from somewhere with my mom. It was dark already, and as we were about to park I spotted these three boys I played with sometimes. I asked my mom if I could go play with them but she said no. After some back and forth I became angry and yelled "it's because I'm a girl, right?" She fell silent and looked down with the saddest expression I'd ever seen on her face, and after a few seconds she allowed me go play with them. It haunts me still.

No. 2427224

I don't think artistic abilities can be inherited, it was probably just encouraged more. Anyway the best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago, yada yada, pick up that pencil/paintbrush/whatever and get to it!!

No. 2427231

Artistic abilities are inherited you coping dimwit. Don’t make think your lack of pedigree is everyone’s reality kek

No. 2427239

She is not being treated unfairly. She's an insufferable NLOG who whines about it on imageboards and blames others for her horrid attitude. This is fucking incel behavior.

You have no fucking idea what an actual psychopath is.

No. 2427243

what is your source for that claim

No. 2427281

you can not inherit acquired traits or skills that's just basic biology kek

No. 2427283

I hate when women make the color pink their entire personality trait

No. 2427287

Yes you literally fucking can, go and look that shit up you fucking brain slopping retard it’s common sense. Just like intelligence you can be born with certain skills that makes creating art extremely easier than others(infighting)

No. 2427294

I'm not her and i guess she technically falls under nlog category but i get ther frustration. Depending where you live you can find women who are mature and are not male-centered, but most women do prioritize men/male opinion over women.

No. 2427295

Fasting/portion control isnt even that hard after you power through the agonizing first 3-4 days where you want to keel over from hunger. After that its piss easy to just eat waay less especially when you replace those fewer meals with filling fruit, veggies, fish and meat. I’m am honestly annoyed it took me a decade to realize this. Now if only I could get my lazy ass to lift some weights to put on some muscle.

No. 2427303

i know how the "culture" is on this website but why are you so aggressive about this specific thing

No. 2427321

I regret responding to you, now I feel like killing myself even more. I feel like shit. It's horrible.

No. 2427329

with or without context, this was pretty much an overreaction on your part. Hit a blunt damn

No. 2427339

I've wasted so much money by putting off things I didn't want to do. I've indirectly wasted money by not picking up any jobs during high school or uni. I put off anything even slightly unpleasant because I just can't deal with it. I wish the world could stop while I gather myself. Now I'll have to look for a job soon and I just don't want to. I don't want to do anything. I forgot everything I learned. I feel like I didn't learn it in the first place. I'm a bystander in my own life

No. 2427341

I think people just feel out if a person is a part of their in-group or not before forming an opinion. And everyone is brainwashed.

No. 2427344

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called out this filtermaxxing retard on livestream and he blocked me, kek. he went on to talk how afghan/muslim/covered women are the only ones worthy of marriage, trashing western women. hes from canada(not your personal army/off-topic)

No. 2427351

Why do I have to be such a cringe gatekeeper? When I find something I enjoy I happily share it with everyone, but when I find something I really LOVE… I tell no one. It can only be mine. It would absolutely help the obscure artist/band/creator/whatever if I engaged in the fandom and spread it to people I know who would love it too. But I won't. It's mine and I will never ever share it with them. I don't get why I'm like this or where it comes from.

No. 2427354

kek that's supposed to be the same guy? his insecurities are so stinky i can almost smell them through the screen

No. 2427361

He looks like he smells and covers it up with cheap cologne

No. 2427363

please benevolent forces of the universe smile upon me

No. 2427366


No. 2427367

I browse kiwifarms for some cows that aren't mentioned here, but holy shit those guys became more retarded than I thought possible in the last few years.

No. 2427369

The last time I posted/browsed regularly was 2020, and they were noticeably worse than they were when I joined circa 2014. I can only imagine how much more they've devolved since.

No. 2427371

Basically Null doesn't live in Europe anymore and started fully sucking trump's cock for some reason and keeps spewing delusional political bullshit and putting it in the site highlights.

No. 2427380

They are super retarded these days. Literally eating all russian twitter bot propaganda and regurgitating the general right wing social media propaganda narrative. Also more racist than usual, you can't browse any thread without people using slurs and derailing into racewar sperging. And no, it's not ironic.

No. 2427381

guys I'm fucking dying first day of the period pain is insane i feel everything hurt, i have to shit really fucking badly but moving an inch feels like torture i think i will die my legs are twitching but they hurt whenever i move them i think im dying i want to peel my skin i hope i pass out

No. 2427385

If you haven't, you should get checked for endometriosis or PCOS.

No. 2427389

I don't think I'm suffering from burnout but I'm definitely exhausted, I didn't realize how bad it was until my friend pointed out that I haven't really had any time off since the start of 2023 because I've been non-stop studying since then, and honestly the studying is fine since I've been practically choosing my own hours during the two days a week I wasn't having lectures. But going from that to an 8am-5pm internship 5 days a week has made a number on me, and I've realized I probably can't do full time.

No. 2427409

I am so beyond frustrated with my stupid retarded evil piece of shit university. It's like they're actively working against me. Fuck you and your bullshit retarded arbitrary requirements, random fees, and constant changing policies and requirements. Not helpful in the slightest "we want to see you succeed and we have so many resources to help you!!!" MY ASS

No. 2427427

my date is coming over in 10 mins and im having a fart attack fuckkkkkk fuck fuck farts come out quickly please

No. 2427472

I know I should work but all I want to do is draw today

No. 2427484

That's good, you have creative drive

No. 2427497

Would women even have choice without technological advancement.. Without birth control they're resigned to becoming mothers. And in small, close-minded communities without the internet to be exposed to different ways of being, they're mentally pressured into assuming the same role.

No. 2427502

I've gained weight so I look fat but my face is still long and "slender" which looks so fucking stupid! I know it sounds better than it is because "fat face" sounds bad, but it really just looks mismatched and unbalanced unless you're a 10/10 hottie which I am not. Having a stick head and a blob body looks gross I hate it so much

No. 2427504

Spinsters existed, religious communities of women only existed, the suffrage happened before birth control or technology. Plus it's a popculture myth that women were forced to be doormats and mothers. History is actually quite fascinating.

No. 2427506

There have always been "old maidens" in every society, women who never got married or had kids and others looked upon them with pity when in reality they may very well have been happy that way. Plus, there used to be places like nunneries where women just chilled with other women

No. 2427515

Aw thanks nona, you make me blush

No. 2427516

I used to be the type of person who would “close the gap” between new friendships quite quickly to get closer and feel less awkward (like invite out, add each other on apps, share stuff, etc), but ever since I intentionally stopped doing that I realized that other people dont reach out to me to do the same. Why? I feel dumb now

No. 2427566

most people feel uncomfy doing that nona. you were probably overbearing them. its not normal to go all in with socials and inviting people out. youre probably weird and got picked on in ur childhood and if youd have to describe your love language it'd be soemthing dumb like "acts of services"

No. 2427577

NTA but where the hell did all that projection come from, geez.

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