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No. 2404404

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous thread >>>/ot/2394324

No. 2404406>>2404455>>2404467>>2404474>>2404486>>2404539>>2404570

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Waiting until marriage helps women more than it hinders.

No. 2404455>>2404526

No it’s better to take your own virginity and not give a fuck about saving scrote minded “purity” for a moid that watches rape on tape.

No. 2404467

my rapist did this to me after forcing himself on me when i was waiting for my soulmate. never let a man near you.

No. 2404474>>2404526

Men can randomly do this during marriage and ditch you too though

No. 2404482>>2404542

I think most Community episodes are hot garbage. There are some bangers like the DnD episode, but i had to drop it because of how boring most episodes are.

No. 2404486>>2404491>>2404494>>2404526

if a guy sucks he's treating his wife like shit too. the honeymoon period in weddings exists, congrats for a few years things are good then you're stuck with a leeching asshole financially and legally. men may use women for their ego in different ways but it's never good for the woman.

No. 2404491

yeah and that’s also assuming you won’t get a guy to marry you young and fast just to get in your pants like uber religious people do

No. 2404494>>2404498

This is why you need to be bitchy and push a guy a bit in the honeymoon stage. Don’t be super agreeable or else you only see the guy’s good side. The goal is to test him and see his bad side early on then you know if you can handle it or not

No. 2404498>>2404511

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This is pretty common advice actually, the entire premise of FemaleDatingStrategy I think can be summarized this way

Imo anons should act as much as they normally would (like around friends/family) with the moid if they're looking for something longterm. It makes no sense to act assertive/bitchy/dominant when you're not. You need to be able to read him without creating any tests, since he'll show you his behaviour himself, without you having to do anything. Your job is to interpret/react to that behaviour, not his

No. 2404511>>2404527

I’m not saying you should consistently be bitchy especially if that’s not your nature. Just like push the guy a bit and disagree with him. If you’re consistently nice youre not going to see a guys bad side until it’s too late. Years ago I went on a second date with a guy and I disagreed with him about the restaurant choice and he got pouty and passive aggressive the rest of the night. It was really lame. If I had been nice and agreeable then I wouldn’t have otherwise seen how inflexible and cunty he could be over something as simple as a restaurant choice. I see it as a time saver

No. 2404526>>2404694

>better to get pumped and dumped
Yeah, but it's much less likely, since those kinds of moids don't want to get married to begin with.
>if a guy sucks
Then don't marry that guy? If you wait until marriage, you don't have the "honeymoon period" while dating, so you can see his true colors earlier.

No. 2404527>>2404538

no this is actually real you don’t have to be a bitch but can he handle being disagreed with? being told no? when you’re too tired and refusing him and not forcing a smile and a baby voice? cos a lot of men freak. you don’t want to waste your time on men who can’t even make good company.

No. 2404538>>2404550>>2404566

You wouldn't talk in a baby voice around your friends and never say no though right? If you're authentic in all areas of your life, it makes no sense to larp as a bitchy woman in the beginning of the relationship. I only know one person in my age group who is in an (objectively) amazing relationship and the moid is mature/helpful. This is just a trick to temporarily charm fuckboys who have never been told "no" and will grow tired of this as soon as you relent or the novelty of something "new" wears off. FDS has the evolved version since they don't fuck with scrotes at all, they don't play stupid games with them, they immediately move on to the next guy as soon as he demonstrates "low value". Anons are better off ~reading the handbook~ on fds if they're going this route

No. 2404539>>2404544

Except for the fact that most men that want to wait until marriage are super misogynistic religious men that are the scum of the earth with secret porn addictions. They also tend to quickly marry you within 1-2 years which just rushes things. I rather date a normal guy for 1-2 years before having sex rather than to rush into a marriage

No. 2404542>>2404545

i fucking hate how the episodes are titled. someone’s like “how did you like Biochemical Engineering 101?” and all i can say is “what the fuck are you talking about?” i get it’s supposed to be clever but it comes across pretentious.

No. 2404544>>2404562

>super misogynistic religious men
Most religious moids don't want to wait until marriage, least of all the super misogynist ones.

No. 2404545

Community is also responsible for giving Joel McHale the curmudgeon uptight asshole persona he's decided to stick with, when before that he was really sweet, cute-sarcastic and funny (The Soup)

No. 2404550>>2404565

it’s not that i talk in a fake voice it’s that i naturally have a high pitched bubbly voice but a resting bitch face. so sometimes when i’m not masking or tired, my difference in demeanor will straight up OFFEND men. like yes i’m a certain way when excited or when engaged with someone; but i’m not “on” 100 percent of the time and people can kind of demand that when you are extroverted and have that kind of personality. or else they think you’re like mad at them or stopped trying. and it’s like no i’m just not going to act the same half asleep after work as drunk at a party. men can be actual weird babies when you aren’t their manic pixie dream girl and again are just kind of bubbly and happy when you’re happy or doing something extroverted. i tend to not date extroverted guys who want someone that high energy all of the time. it’s not that i’m fake ever, it’s just an energy rationing/situational/being a multi faceted person thing. i do struggle with people pleasing and saying no; probably because of reactions from angry men when i have had to say no. it’s one thing to lose a pushy stranger demanding sex. it’s another to lose a friend.

No. 2404561

Shit threadpic a kitty would’ve been so much cuter

No. 2404562>>2404567

No moid actually wants to wait to marriage, but it’s the super misogynist religious ones that are super loud about waiting until marriage, even if they’re lying. There’s definitely a lot of super religious misogynistic men that wait until marriage though like the Duggar children and Mormons that marry at 19

No. 2404565>>2404607

I hate that you're making me defend moids anon but I feel the same way about my friends when they're bubbly all the time and then aren't that way. It makes me wonder if I did something to piss them off. I think you're setting yourself up by masking in the first place. Eventually they're going to see "you", let the retards who can't handle it or need you to perform fall away

No. 2404566>>2404569

The point is being kinda bitchy towards a guy reveals bad parts of his personality that you wouldn’t otherwise see until months and months later when some external bad event happens. If you want to waste months on a guy then go ahead but this is an easy way to avoid that

No. 2404567>>2404573

Okay, so don't marry those kinds of moids? What's the problem?

No. 2404569

I get it, I would just rather test a moid against my actual personality, which includes bitchiness anyways. Anons probably does too

No. 2404570>>2404571>>2404614

How many threads are you going to drag this retarded argument in? Everyone disagrees with you everytime, just take the L and go find your precious virgin moid.

No. 2404571

>everyone who disagrees with me is one person

No. 2404573

Okay retard(infighting)

No. 2404607>>2404651

the thing is when i’m bubbly it is me. i think i struggle with emotional regulation so my highs and lows are just high and i’m expressive. i do take care to make sure people know i’m just tired and stuff. it’s more like when i’m flat and neutral and a man FREAKS or i’m forced to like have sex when i don’t want to.

No. 2404614>>2404657

imagine if moids defended women like this kek

No. 2404651

>it’s more like when i’m flat and neutral and a man FREAKS
Yeah you need to ghost those guys kek. They like when you’re bubbly because it distracts them from their insecurities and issues. Secure guys don’t freak out when women aren’t super bubbly and warm

No. 2404657>>2404701>>2404706

I'm not defending moids, I'm just sick of the virginfag constantly bringing this subject in a bunch of threads, she's like a reverse blowjobchan.

No. 2404694>>2404697>>2404699

NTA but I interpreted "take your own virginity" as "masturbate and/or use toys to discover yourself first" which is good advice.

No. 2404697>>2404700

Well, that doesn't make any sense, because you're still a virgin even if you masturbate a lot

No. 2404699

I interpreted it that way too. I’m pretty sure that’s what the nona was referencing

No. 2404700

A sizeable amount of scrotes genuinely don't see it that way kek

No. 2404701

there are multiple women who plainly dont like whores, its actually normal and common sense

No. 2404706

What makes you think it's the same anon?

No. 2404712>>2404724>>2404752>>2404758>>2404864

I'm never going to be fully honest with anyone about my sexual history and conquests. Get your own life. I don't overlap partners ever and that's morally alright for me.

No. 2404724>>2404733

lmao even

No. 2404733>>2404762

I've sought out a few hotties solely to bang yes

No. 2404752>>2404801

I’ve had two guys ask how many guys I’ve fucked and they both turned out to be super whiny and unstable freaks. One told me early on that he had brain damage from drug use kek. Virgins might think they’re winning because they impress these guys but they will turn into pieces of shit the minute you do something else they don’t like

No. 2404758>>2404771>>2404842

I used to lie about being a virgin when I wasn't one or lie about not being one back when I was one but I don't think that's a big deal

No. 2404762>>2404778

Moids will fuck anything without spikes kek it's not really a "conquest"

No. 2404771>>2404779>>2404812

Lying is bad

No. 2404778

oh, they'll fuck spikes too

No. 2404779>>2404790

It is and sometimes it's a necessary evil

No. 2404790>>2404813>>2404827

Lying is adversial to love
Don't lie to your loved ones

No. 2404793>>2404819>>2404829>>2404864

Idk where else to put this, but I really think it was a genius move of hairdressers to pretend brown shades are a variation of blonde. All they had to do was to call the brown shades blonde and people just bought it! It makes brown haired women feel better about themselves without them having to bleach the shit out their hair just to be a "hot fun blonde". It's of course a bit funny though that we can all see that the color is literally brown but they still all will themselves into seeing it as blonde just because someone change the label of it, which is quite amazing.
I'm wondering where else we could do it to make women confident, maybe pretend small lips are actually big or something?

No. 2404801>>2404838

Guys ask that to see how sexually open you are (to them), if they can get you to openly talk about sex they're halfway to having sex with you already

No. 2404812

Who cares about lying to moids

No. 2404813>>2404817>>2405047

Nah some men are mentally unwell and extremely insecure. They don't need to know my sexual history unless I had an std or something which I don't.

No. 2404817>>2404833

I like when a moid dates an older woman before me, so she has already seasoned him to not be a baby. The worst is receiving a moid after a coddler anon. This is coddling to the extreme

No. 2404819>>2404822

>hair color sperging

No. 2404822

Ignore it like everyone else

No. 2404823

I despise that the romance genre is overwhelmingly just low-grade smut.
There needs to be more well written romance stories about unrequited or unfulfilled love and even when I get one it is almost immediately followed up by a piece-of-fucking-shit sequel that puts them together.
The least interesting part of every romance story is any part in which the characters are fucking.

No. 2404827>>2404832

I lie to everyone, sometimes to myself

No. 2404829

Somehow I doubt anyone whose career depends on changing women's appearance is preoccupied with making sure they're confident with their natural features

No. 2404832

Okay you've found your post-match I think

No. 2404833>>2404835

It's got fuck all to do with the women men date. Men develop weird notions over a woman's past sexual history. Not like they'll ever tell you if they used a sex worker or pay for OFs etc.

No. 2404835>>2404836

>It's got fuck all to do with the women men date.
You wouldn't know though, because you date guys you have to lie about being a virgin to. I would only date a moid who had just dated a non-crazy/coddling woman because then he won't have retarded expectations like that for me

No. 2404836>>2404837

I've been engaged lol I'm not a virgin by any means

No. 2404837>>2404839

But you lie to moids and say you are, that's what we're talking about rn

No. 2404838>>2404873>>2404886

I think it’s more because they think it screens for cheating/being a good partner, but then they still end up upset even if you have only one more body than them kek. Only complete retards ask but I was young at the time so I played the game. Even if you have a low one these losers will still judge you, so you should take a guy asking as a huge red flag

No. 2404839>>2404842

What lol. I said no one needs to know my full sexual history. They can get a life

No. 2404842>>2404846

This anon then I guess
>I used to lie about being a virgin when I wasn't one or lie about not being one back when I was one but I don't think that's a big deal

No. 2404846>>2404852>>2404853>>2404858

Yeah I'm not that anon. I've been dating since I've been 14 and I'm in my 30s now and have dated all ages. You cant always tell when a man is going to be offended by your past so I found it better not to disclose it. I'll give a simplified narrative. I won't hide that I was engaged or lived with someone for years, but will I ever sit anyone down and state my body count? No I won't.

No. 2404852>>2404857>>2404869>>2404875>>2404885

What if he explicitly asks? Would you lie?

No. 2404853

It's none of a moid's business how many sexual partners I've had, my issue was with lying virgin-anons creating retarded expectations that I seem to keep having to crush myself

No. 2404857

If he explicitly asked I would guess and probably add 5 people. If he has a problem with it, he can fuck off

No. 2404858

The moids who ask are always insecure wrecks. Just take it as a sign to ghost and never look back kek

No. 2404864

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Neither am I honest, and men never know the difference. But quite frankly, my litmus test these days is avoiding men who ask me about my sexual history in the first place. I couldn't love someone not loving me because I slept with someone before them, it would make me feel too much like his object. Not like a human who had experiences and grew, and if I afford the same respect to male partners then why shouldn't they with me? I'm the prize even kek.

I was curious about the origins so I googled it
>The word blond is first documented in English in 1481[3] and derives from Old French blund, blont, meaning 'a colour midway between golden and light chestnut'.[4] It gradually eclipsed the native term fair, of same meaning, from Old English fæġer, causing fair later to become a general term for 'light complexioned'. This earlier use of fair survives in the proper name Fairfax, from Old English fæġer-feahs meaning 'blond hair'.
>The word blond, taken from Old French, may derive from the Medieval Latin blundus, meaning 'yellow'.[5] The feminine form blonde was introduced in the 17th century.[5]

No. 2404869>>2404876>>2404914

I would lie and I hope all the shortcock men on suicide watch because they can't cope that women would leave their asses for being sexually unsatisfied knowing they don't have to settle, just like what men to do women, can pound a hearty sod of sand about it.

No. 2404873>>2404892

>I think it’s more because they think it screens for cheating/being a good partner
Oh nonna it is NOT. Every guy I've had try force me into talking about sex has been a whore who just wants to get laid. They think you as a female owe talking about sex with them, which turns them on because you're talking directly to them about you having sex. If you play along you're easily manipulated and sexually open, if you go "ew none of your business dickhead" they know to give up (but they will insult you for being a prude and "turning them down"). The smarter ones often use the tropes like "female sexual liberty", "it's nothing to be ashamed of" and other fake-feminist language as a strategy because they know that gives them what they want.

No. 2404875

>What if he explicitly asks? Would you lie?
In what world do people have to answer questions just because someone asked? You don't need to lie, you just need to tell him it's none of his fucking business because it isn't.

No. 2404876>>2404879

I don't get how lying would put anyone on suicide watch bc lying only benefits the moid's ego
>I've only had sex with __ men
>oh okay, she is rejecting me bc she hates sex or is super prudish
>I've had sex with everyone but you
Seems more effective Idk

No. 2404879>>2404891>>2404914

It's not lying because you care for his ego, it's lying to protect you from how the moid is gonna react to you if your answer would be over one.

And you're right, to prevent an ego trip for the male in the first place is to avoid and ghost men who ask that disgusting question.

No. 2404885>>2404891>>2404922

Ayrt, I would yeah

No. 2404886

They're screening for how many cocks you've had inside your pussy and mouth so that if they wanna be vulnerable and expose their little shrimpy dicks and underperformance in bed you won't have had the experience to nope out of the relationship right away.
This is why they both simultaneously care and loathe your sexual experience. Of course they want you to be experienced enough for THEM and nobody else, magically.
And if you're their meek little lamb responding to their misogyny by giving them a road report on your body like it's a fucking vehicle, my guess is you're stupid enough to stay with em which is what they want.

No. 2404888

People think women in their 30s look rough because they’re comparing them to men in the same age group. When people are used to seeing men who look 55 at 33, they’re shocked when they see a woman the same age and she doesn’t look as old.

No. 2404891>>2404893>>2404897

Maybe don't answer then? It's just setting up the next woman to be called a slut if she tells him the truth. If every anon just stopped lying about this, it wouldn't even be a big issue bc they would already be used to the idea of women having sexual partners. The fact that some of you keep doing it bc you're "scared of his reaction" (protecting your ego) is fucking over women as a class imo

No. 2404892

I don’t know, maybe. One of them even trauma dumped on me about his cheating ex. I do think he was trying to screen for cheating and get a feel for my past with guys. Either way i still believe the question alone is a red flag because even if they get an acceptable answer, the motivation behind asking is rarely in good faith. More often than not it’s the overly possessive/emotionally abusive type men who “just need to know”. As a general rule, a stable normal guy is not going to be crazy obsessed with your past and will be more “in the moment” and getting to know you that way

No. 2404893>>2404896>>2404922

I'm not dating men for the benefit of other women lol. If you want to be open and honest with a moid about your sexual history that's on you. It has fuck all to do with me.

No. 2404896>>2404905

You make no sense. You would lie and then ghost the moid, it serves absolutely no purpose and it does fuck over other women, just so you can seem desirable to the scrote you're already ghosting

No. 2404897>>2404900

>you're responsible for setting up the next woman to be called a slut!
They've been calling women harlots and sluts for as long as they came up at a word to rage about women enjoying fucking other men. But sure, keep on believing your virtues and compliance with their moral demands will work out for you…….I mean……it works out soooooooooo well for women in morally strict countries amirite?
No anon, they would just call us liars about other shit to squelch the shame of their insecurity.
This is about their egos, not the truth.

No. 2404899>>2404903

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Anons in this thread

No. 2404900>>2404903

>I would lie and ghost
How does this make sense? Instead of going on about all the other things that I'm not talking about and don't matter, tell me what reason a woman would have for lying to a scrote about her body count, only to immediately ghost him?

No. 2404903>>2404904>>2404906

>y-you don't want to answer misogynistic questions honestly it means you will never have a loving relationship!
Nah, I think the proper response as nonnas have said itt is to not have sex with the men who ask this question.

Why are you greentexting something not in the post you are quoting?

No. 2404904>>2404907

I'm summarizing, why are you avoiding the simple question I keep asking over and over?

No. 2404905>>2404914

What? Not naming ever single person I've ever slept with is not fucking over other women. I'm not into group sex or trios. It's my personal business my romantic history. I'll say I've slept with a few guys and mention an ex fiance. Do you think a man is going to tell you if he ever paid for sex or every one night stand he's had or if he has a subscription to online porn. I'd rather know if someone's had a serious relationship and then ask when was the last time they were tested

No. 2404906>>2404910

No, anons are saying they want to lie and stay in the relationship, rather than dump the moid.

No. 2404907>>2404909

Because we have responded over and over that it is about male ego, the truth is irrelevant to them. The lie is about protecting yourself.

No. 2404909>>2404913

>The lie is about protecting yourself.
Why don't you dump him instead of lying?

No. 2404910>>2404916

Gonna need to see these posts shown to me. You haven't been replying to nonnas with this opinion as of recently so it's kinda weird to bring this up now when it's not relevant.

No. 2404913>>2404916

Oh I would never be so silly to get into a relationship like that with such a failmoid anyway. I was saying though, if in a corner or already invested, lie. It's simple.
>but if these women aren't dumping right away then they're lying!
I don't care. Why do you?

No. 2404914>>2404918>>2404922

Okay, here's what you said:
>I would lie and I hope all the shortcock men on suicide watch because they can't cope that women would leave their asses for being sexually unsatisfied knowing they don't have to settle, just like what men to do women, can pound a hearty sod of sand about it.
>It's not lying because you care for his ego, it's lying to protect you from how the moid is gonna react to you if your answer would be over one.

>And you're right, to prevent an ego trip for the male in the first place is to avoid and ghost men who ask that disgusting question.

I asked if you wanted to put a man on "suicidewatch", why you would tell him the very thing he wants to hear most of all. Then you told me you were "afraid of his reaction". So which is it, do you want to put a moid on suicidewatch or are you scared he'll yell at you and say mean things?

No. 2404915>>2404919>>2404923>>2404927>>2404932>>2404990>>2405028>>2405064>>2405145>>2405180>>2405931

File (hide): 1739828026493.jpg (122.33 KB, 1000x1000, 61h3MhupFEL.jpg)

Most childlocks are total bullshit and unnecessary. Growing up we had no childlocks on anything, my parents just taught me not to eat or drink stupid shit and didn't leave me unsupervised with things that could be potentially dangerous. Similarly my parents had antiques and glass and whatnot everywhere because they taught me to be aware of my surroundings and not act like a retard, and I knew I would get whooped if I broke anything. I know nowadays 99% of parents don't actually parent though and just let the ipad watch the kid.

No. 2404916

This post right here >>2404913

No. 2404918

I don't understand what you're basket weaving. You know my stance, take it or leave it.
Suicidewatch is for all the upset males reading this right now–HI FAGGOTS LMAO.

No. 2404919>>2405049

I'd rather have locks on things that could kill my child than take the risk of something happening though. Parents should supervise their kids, but sometimes stuff out of your control happens

No. 2404922

No I was the OP and I said
>ayrt and yeah I would
and this >>2404893 you probably would do better if you stopped assuming everyone is one anon and stick to replying to the content of the post. I have no idea where you're getting I would start a conversation with a moid, make up a body count and then ghost him. The more normal and real world example of this happening is when you're already dating a guy. Sometimes coworkers ask far too personal questions at work cause they're boring cunts too but I wouldn't entertain the conversation at all. Sometimes the topic comes up and using my brain and what I know about the moid I would formulate a response based on that rather than my actual body count.

No. 2404923

This is a pretty clear-cut case of better safe than sorry. Especially locking up things like medicine cabinets and under sink areas where people typically keep cleaning chemicals.

No. 2404927

I'll say this though, so many dangerous products really would win the appeal of small children these days. The worst I got into was bar soap and flour when I was a kid, but maybe had it been laundry pods or bathroom gels…hm.

No. 2404930>>2404962

the saddest part about people like Andrew Tate isn’t even that he’s a sexist, it’s the fact that he can still get gfs and will probably get married and have children one day when he feels like it. He’s loud, arrogant, has money and muscles, it won’t be hard for him to get a wife even if he brain washed an entire generation with his bullshit.

No. 2404932>>2404967

I just read this post out to my parents and we laughed heartily together in agreement, thanks nonny.

No. 2404940>>2404958>>2404981

I get why older men like young women but wanting older men is a mental illness. If you’re like 18-21 dating men in their 30s or older, there has gotta be something seriously wrong with you in the head for you even to be attracted to that.

No. 2404958

There’s literally no reason for a man to date that young other than soft pedophilia. Guys who aren’t pedophiles can barely tell the difference between a hot 35 year old and a hot 25 year old.

No. 2404962

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He attracts low-tier pick-mes who would dump him if he cried at a funeral. His offspring will be even dumber than he is or completely disavow him and go the opposite direction. They never create any kind of lasting "legacy" in their image, it always turns out like picrel

No. 2404967

glad to have been of service nonny kek

No. 2404968>>2404988

People who need to drink coffee every morning are no better than drug addicts. Why do you need a drink that makes you jittery and highly alert when sleep and eating semi-decently does that for you?? Coffee is just the normalfag’s drug to cope with life without being seen as the disgusting junkie down the street.

No. 2404981

The heart wants what the heart wants…

No. 2404988>>2405023

You've clearly never interacted with any actual substance addicts if you think the two are comparable lmao

No. 2404990>>2404998>>2405007

t. baby that really wants to get into the cabinet and drink windex

No. 2404998>>2405007

Mmm blue raspberry spray drink

No. 2405007>>2405013>>2405014

File (hide): 1739831830025.jpg (76.99 KB, 488x992, 1000061094.jpg)

I always thought Fabulouso looks particularly drinkable…yummy grape juice

No. 2405013

File (hide): 1739832150102.jpg (32.36 KB, 600x600, 0082785401218.jpg)

It looks delicious anon. They have like 5 other flavours too, I would like to try this one

No. 2405014

Bet it tastes like its name.

No. 2405023


No. 2405028

>my parents just taught me not to eat or drink stupid shit
> I know nowadays 99% of parents don't actually parent though
There was an age where you were mobile but didn't understand language yet. Stressed out parents, especially first time parents or single parents (mainly mothers bc fathers barely do any parenting even in married couples lbr), make mistakes. You sound so condescending, like you'd be the best parent ever on your first try and would never make any mistakes. I'm not a mom but I have the humility to accept that I'm as fallible as anyone else and would choose to make my child as safe as possible instead of being too proud to use tools for that.

No. 2405047>>2405055

You don't even need to tell them that if it's cured. Most people who "get around" have had gono or the clap at least once and it cures with a pill in a week. It's no different from getting a yeast infection or BV imo

No. 2405049

This. There are parents who can literally just blink or take 5 minutes to do the dishes and suddenly the entire living room is upside down. Anons probably referencing when she was older and knew better, because crazy accidents still happened "back then when people parented and beat their kids"

No. 2405055

I don't want to catch anything, I do require a recent std test to fuck

No. 2405064>>2405087>>2405101>>2405119

File (hide): 1739834534296.png (1.34 MB, 1246x804, 4634.png)

Well anon, i tried to drink bleach as a toddler and my mom had to tackle me quarterback style. We were both in the kitchen and she literally had just turned around to grab me a non-deadly snack while I went straight for the cleaning supply cabinet.

No. 2405087

File (hide): 1739836068670.png (2.21 MB, 2400x2400, 2-SETS-NTO-Baby-Car-Seat-Alarm…)

Yeah it only takes a second and can happen to anyone. I was going to say there should also be some kind of alarm for leaving carseats with a baby inside a stationary vehicle but that exists now. Good.

No. 2405101>>2405120

>i tried to drink bleach as a kid and my mom had to hold me back
KEKKKKKKKKKK holy shit most anons really are retarded

No. 2405116>>2405122>>2405127>>2405149

There is no difference between porn and real relationships and sex. Anti-porn activists are mad about this truth being constantly revealed to them. This isn’t out of support of porn, I just think porn is a recorded form of reality (sex trafficking, heterosexuality, etc.), that shit would just go back into magazines, original forms of art or other parts of the internet and back into the private eye. It solves literally nothing, advocate the eradication of males instead because it makes way more sense than your retarded moralfagging about shit most anons here read in anime form.

No. 2405119

I feel bad when toddlers spend 70% of their day in baby jail aka a pack-and-play but I understand why. It's like people who crate their dogs kek

No. 2405120

Smart babies are very curious about their surroundings and get into everything, you leave baby-anon alone

No. 2405122>>2405128

You're talking about real videos of pornography and then make the comment later that there is "no point" of moralfagging over something that anons "read in anime form"… but what's the correlation? You even said yourself that pornography depicts the "reality" of sex trafficking, whatever that means, but are pictures of anime guys buttfucking in anyway a real depiction of sex trafficking? Is there or is there not a difference? Because it's clear one hurts actual human beings and the other is made with a drawing utensil.

No. 2405127>>2405140

You could argue that porn is worse since it comes with an incentive to make money, encouraging moids to treat the women involved worse. The male pornstars are interchangeable, you could pick any man off the street, it's the female actors that matter. The woman is not only degraded because she is a 'whore', but because she is also a resource that can be used for profit.

No. 2405128>>2405134

That is literally porn as well. But I guess women are helpless victims who are removed from their everyday choices from reading faggot porn and so it technically doesn’t make it dirty disgusting porn because women read it, not men kek

No. 2405134>>2405148

In real porn real women and young girls get raped and abused. In anime porn two drawings touch each other's drawn penises and blush gayly because it was drawn by some nerdy female dweeb.

No. 2405140>>2405150>>2405311>>2405364

>it’s worse because it’s incentivizing on things that already exist
So basically everything provided by society.
>encourages men to act worse
They clearly don’t need porn to do that, porn is again just an art form that exposes their innate hatred towards women. Again women love that “poor misunderstood man who can’t stop jacking off!!!!!” myth, they can’t be saved. I know you want to fuck ugly and worthless men badly and excuse their behavior as a class to make your heterosexuality seem less imprisoning and pathetic but that’s just not the truth
>the female actors that matter
Here’s the truth: a lot of women like and love being objectified. A lot of women love being observed, ogled, and treated like trash. A lot of these women also come from poor, disadvantaged communities and backgrounds but that also doesn’t change the fact that they like being “the art”. I don’t care how disgusting this comes off, this is just the truth, that’s why they constantly dress it up in cute fashion and aesthetics to hide the true underbelly of what it is, because they are ultimately in love with being objectified and being turned into effigies or idols for people. If they didn’t want to be treated like trash they would fight earnestly to break out of it like how some people despite their poverty and genetics manage to crawl out of the ghettos they come from, because anomalies are sometimes born where they can fight against the normal environment. If they could, they would, they just aren’t built to, but they definitely are built to be ogled, to be perfect, to be crafted like a statue and meshed into whatever the observer wants. That’s the disgusting truth. And also other stuff like having no financial opportunities, being exploited, but they can’t be perpetual victims forever, they actually have to learn to fight back and stop their victimization. It just is what is

No. 2405145

Child locks have been around for decades, just because your parents didn’t use them doesn’t mean others didn’t.
>I would get whooped
I hate people that glorify child beating. Beating your kids is for lazy, weak people who don’t have the patience or intelligence to properly parent.

No. 2405148>>2405154>>2405158

And nobody cares, because they’re too afraid to accept that heterosexuality is functioning naturally right in front of them. Those things are anomalies or horrors that need to be separated from the human experience, they’re entangled and spring from them. It’s either they actively fight back against it, refuse their bondage or continue to be victimized.

No. 2405149>>2405168

Wrong thread. Talk like a moid thread is thataway

No. 2405150

So just another blackpill doomer itt? It must be a day that ends in a Y.

No. 2405154

? How is this schizo answer related to my comment?

No. 2405158

You’re right.

No. 2405168>>2405203

No this is the unpopular opinions thread where you can post things that are unpopular. You don’t have to be a moid to come to that easy conclusion that it’s either be raped or don’t be raped, and nobody is going to save you at all. Learning to save yourself against odds is the best skill to have in this world. I mean that’s exactly what Harriet Tubman did, but of course this obvious advice is going to get ignored by women who come from sex trafficking capitals (and probably born out of those things with the white man and asian female thing) and white women who channel their passive aggression in making sure black women don’t step out of line and take their ugly celebrity crushes away from them so it’s a hopeless thing to say.

No. 2405180

I was a kid in the 90s and child locks were a thing then. It's way better to be safe than sorry. You hear too many horror stories about "I only turned for a second." There's nothing wrong with getting child locks for cabinets, the toilet, etc. Watching a kid is exhausting. I respect parents more if they do.

No. 2405203>>2405225

Someone took their ambien tonight I see.

No. 2405220>>2405251

If men treated women the way they wanted to be treated(cheesy romance gifts, good at sex, paying all the bills, loving them, not cheating or beating)most of them wouldn’t care about having fewer rights etc. you’d probably get the rare outliers who wish they could be ceos and step out of line but they’d be quickly drowned out or put back in line because things are so good for the typical straight woman who doesn’t want much but to be loved properly. The only reason women don’t want to be in this position is because being under a man’s rule is shit 99% of the time not because women have any real desire for success and power.

No. 2405225

File (hide): 1739840711275.jpeg (273.66 KB, 536x536, IMG_3693.jpeg)

wah llah ¿(ai outside of containment)

No. 2405251>>2405263

This is something you could say about literally any oppressed person about the oppressor kek. If the blacks were treated with love, adoration, and respect by the whites the blacks would be fine being slaves! Like… okay but the reality is that that would never happen on a wider scale.

No. 2405263>>2405273

I don’t think so because of black men. They’re still men and would hate feeling emasculated and not being in control of things. They would’ve eventually revolted and just left the women as slaves.

No. 2405273

I don't believe that at all, I think they would have just made the women as even lowlier slaves than themselves.

No. 2405311

File (hide): 1739843025494.jpg (46.48 KB, 354x386, 1000020171.jpg)

>So basically everything provided by society.
The porn industry incentives all blatant sexual abuse against women. Getting drugged and raped is considered abnormal in an office job. Getting drugged and raped for hours on end is a common experience for female pornstars on the regular. The industry targets women and girls who were sexually abused as children.
>They clearly don’t need porn to do that
Not denying the depravity of scrotes, but be honest with yourself, pornstars get treated worse than women in other professions. Women in the porn industry experience rates of PTSD comparable to war veterans.
>If they didn’t want to be treated like trash they would fight earnestly to break out of it like how some people despite their poverty and genetics manage to crawl out of the ghettos they come from
Why does the teenage cocoa farmer continue to work to near exhaustion, for abysmal pay? Why does the textile worker choose to work in blistering conditions, trapped in a stuffy factory surrounded by suicide nets? Why don't they simply fight back, and stop being victims? If escaping exploitation was so easy, then these jobs in their current form would not exist, yet they are still there. Your words show that you are able to acknowledge the difficulty of escaping poverty and exploitation, why are you unable to do the same for prostitution? Your mindset only supports the status quo. You're complacent.

No. 2405314

The McDonalds in this picture would have cost around $60.

No. 2405319>>2405352

Men and women both have roughly equal culpability in the present state of the world.
We all make our own hell.

No. 2405352

Women only got the vote 100 years ago. That's like 4 generations back, it's not our fucking fault at all

No. 2405355>>2405368>>2405916>>2405920

Being a lesbian seems like a happier existence

No. 2405364

>but they definitely are built to be ogled, to be perfect, to be crafted like a statue and meshed into whatever the observer wants.
This sounds like an ugly cope. I'm really not trying to be mean or infight but saying that some women are basically born to be exploited (and you're not of course, you're biologically superior) sounds just like typical ego preservation that a lot of pretty women receive attention and get lured in to making bad decisions. Anyways you sound very young and sheltered so it's probably just an extreme awkward phase and maybe bullying

No. 2405368

Every lesbian I know is doing much better in her life than the straight people I know, including myself kek

No. 2405394

I actually like scrotes and most of the people I would call friends are scrotally cursed. They might be barely sapient rapemonkies but at least they don't want to wear my skin or "fix" me.

No. 2405470>>2405473>>2405477>>2405924

File (hide): 1739854671126.webp (156.68 KB, 1200x800, Possum-vs.-Opossum.jpg.webp)

I hate to pit two successful women against each other but the North American possum mogs the Australian one

No. 2405473

Objectively correct.

No. 2405477

File (hide): 1739855023824.jpg (143.6 KB, 1200x675, Didelphis_albiventris,_Bahia,_…)

I was about to say that the South American variant mogs both of those bitches but then I saw her fupa gunt jfc

No. 2405524

File (hide): 1739858468315.png (3.92 MB, 2560x1600, Screenshot 2025-02-18 at 05.49…)

Fucking hate when MUAs use naturally and effortlessly gorgeous models to do makeup on. It's cheating. Making ugly women look beautiful is genuine artistry, not making 9s look like 10s.

No. 2405540

If you think lip filler makes them look better, you're wrong. It just makes them stick out exactly like the pic you posted.

No. 2405541>>2405542

Most humans don't have chimp mouths anon and lip filler only looks good the first year before it migrates around the rest of your face and fucks up your lip symmetry forever. And makes your lips look like deflated hotdogs

No. 2405542>>2405543

People like her are so angry and delusional kek how do you go through daily life if you can't handle looking at people's natural faces like grow up

No. 2405543>>2405546

File (hide): 1739860232191.jpg (991.46 KB, 500x339, a3f9244b19805fd7485d84a3a80111…)

I thought everyone on lc was an animefag anyways. Why do they even care about having lips

No. 2405546>>2405548>>2405732

Anons why is my jpg moving

No. 2405547

Bizarre response, seek medication

No. 2405548>>2405551

It's not moving for me.

No. 2405551

Did you hover/enlarge it?

No. 2405554>>2405556

You think I care that these random middle aged women bother you? Take your medication Roman

No. 2405556>>2405559>>2405562

You think I'm romanianon??

No. 2405559

No. 2405562

No. 2405569

Abilify may help you survive through this terror and distress

No. 2405578

File (hide): 1739861426832.jpg (266.29 KB, 1200x1763, anna-kendrick-at-a-simple-favo…)

I used to find Anna Kendrick's face annoying bc she reminds me so much of my least favourite uncle but now she is one of the prettiest actresses in the world to me, just to spite you, filler-anon

No. 2405586

I bet a photo of katiegotbandz would make you cry and throw up

No. 2405591

Are you insane? It wouldn't stick, it would migrate and create a weird lump under the skin, not inflate the actual lips. Is this zoomer fillerblindness? You sound delusional

No. 2405592>>2405599

File (hide): 1739861789409.jpg (73.58 KB, 1024x576, Untitled-14-1024x576-906099681…)


No. 2405599

File (hide): 1739862049202.jpg (73.27 KB, 736x730, 1000000647.jpg)

Still crazy she was like 20 in this photo

No. 2405600

It looks good in the first year. After that it looks like shit

No. 2405601

Not at all, this is just a faggoty ass complaint on a board that regularly discusses misogyny and feminism. You're complaining about middle aged women and expect us all to agree with your zoomer BDD brainwash? Fillers look ugly.

No. 2405604

Her lips were completely fine before, just normal. Not everyone needs to have big lips kek.

No. 2405611

This discussion has entered autism territory

No. 2405612

File (hide): 1739862427496.webp (42.73 KB, 940x529, matt-rife-transformation.webp)

I think this bd-zoomer gets lip filler. I hope someday everyone can look like a melted pixar character

No. 2405618

Men are certainly the loudest itt

No. 2405619>>2405624

I like men and women who have natural functioning lips they can speak with and not signal 24/7 dick-sucking when I look at them. I might be the only anon that associates this look with gay moids who want their face to look like a baboon's ass but at least the result is no filler migrating into my sinuses today

No. 2405624

You're not the only one. Terminally online gay men look at pictures of Nikita Dragun and think "this looks normal and should be required"

No. 2405625>>2405626

File (hide): 1739862770433.jpg (88.52 KB, 1200x630, 4d392606-e04b-4fad-bed0-dfeac3…)


No. 2405626

Nobody is triggered. You're just sperging

No. 2405632

>calling women apes now
I know what you are

No. 2405639

You unironically sound like a self-hating plastic surgery demon trying to infest everyone else with your misery.

No. 2405640>>2405650

People need to stop dying their hair blond/e.

No. 2405650>>2405653

Agreed, in fact some blonde people should dye their hair brunette. I knew a natural blonde who did this and she look 10x better.

No. 2405653

Yeah you need a very specific skin tone to look good blonde, otherwise it ages you like crazy

No. 2405654

Idk what sperg you're on but blonde hair doesn't ever make people look better so it masks nothing

No. 2405660


No. 2405673>>2405696

No woman should ever get a sperm donor, unless you have a chance to actually get to know the donor personally. If you don't you have no idea if the donor is some weird, nasty creep that's donating sperm for weird reasons (which let's be honest, it's men. all of the ones who donate are probably doing it for weird reasons) rather than just wanting to help struggling couples. All you know is that he needed $10 for a medium pizza, so he ejaculated in a cup. And if that isn't enough to convince you, just search up Kyle Gordy (vidrel) and his appearances on 90 Day Fiancé.

No. 2405687>>2405690

>she would look better with filler
You’ve been brainwashed by faggots, porn and trannies.

No. 2405690

Ignore the man spamming.

No. 2405696>>2405969

Clinics are supposed to vet sperm donors, I'm sure it's not a perfect process and they're not all above board, but the requirements still legally exist. Clinics I've looked at actually specify 'altruistic reasoning' as one of the necessary criteria, but I can't say I'd care about their reasoning if they were young, healthy, tall etc. If I were to have a kid alone the whole point would be to avoid a moid's involvement/entitlement so a known donor wouldn't be ideal either, and you can't necessarily trust them 100% just because you know them.

No. 2405710>>2405714>>2406962

File (hide): 1739867901137.webp (16.33 KB, 700x400, 783977_898147_Angelina-Jolie_u…)

Maybe because she's 23 in that photo and Jen's like 40. Here's a more recent photo

No. 2405714>>2405719

still beautiful.

No. 2405719

File (hide): 1739868683588.jpg (20.63 KB, 360x620, 244279306-1269368244.jpg)

Just like Jen, except she doesn't have wrinkly deflated lips from filler (top lip and eventually bottom)

No. 2405732

File (hide): 1739869554696.jpg (72.07 KB, 888x499, witchcraft.jpg)

No. 2405862>>2405914>>2405980

File (hide): 1739880965749.jpg (239.86 KB, 1100x1653, 1000001779.jpg)

Pimento cheese is gross

No. 2405863>>2405946

Alternative people are alternative mostly for the attention. That is why most people grow out of it once their brain starts to fully develop. I used to be alternative as a teenager and I hung around a couple of friend groups full of emos/metalheads/goths etc. To add more to it, I find it embarrassing for people to go way out of their way to look edgy after the age of 22.

No. 2405875>>2405878

Some people just post shit here for attention, not even because they believe it.

No. 2405878

No anon, I really do believe that pimento cheese sucks.

No. 2405884

Possibly unpopular opinion, those bright drinks in the OP image look so awful. I can accept the blue looking ones are coke, but the computer balance of the photo just makes them blue, but what colour originally are the magenta drinks? Where sells red 40 coloured drinks at McDonald's, is that a thing in America?

No. 2405914

it’s really popular where I’m from, but I never dared touching it. it’d show up at church potlucks or at family gatherings next to the congealed salad/ambrosia. asked my dad what a pimento was one time. said he didn’t know. I said ok well that stuff looks weird

No. 2405916>>2405920

Idk, nonna, the lesbians I know are kind of losers and are hopping from partner to partner. Those lesbians in happy relationships seem like something that only happens in Netflix shows.

No. 2405920>>2405925>>2405926>>2405947

Apparently the divorce rate for lesbian marriages is like 75%

No. 2405924

I'll never forget the time one appeared in my parents bathroom closet and I wasn't allowed to keep it as a pet

No. 2405925

Nta but I definitely believe a group of people affected by societal homophobia and misogyny might not be the most well-adjusted individuals on a wider scale. At least they're usually trying for dedicated relationships and aren't meeting up to fuck each other and eat asshole in the bathroom of some random Kroger like fags are.

No. 2405926

Nta but I assume they have higher divorce rates because it’s easier for them to leave bad relationships. Straight Women usually are financially dependent on their husband, he owns the house, they have kids etc. also, lesbians are already doing something socially unacceptable so they don’t feel the pressure to stay with people they don’t like to keep up appearances.

No. 2405931>>2405942

There's definitely more to be gained from trying to teach your kid not to go in t o those off limit places but the baby proof stuff helps when you have to do something else like clean up some mess before it becomes permanent.
Like in my household we don't keep loose change out and my dumbass toddler will still somehow find a coin to try eat.

No. 2405942

My mum was a child minder in the 90s and would get inspected by whoever and one of the requirements was to have child safety locks. I don't mind them, although there was a child lock where we kept the bin I was always foiled by. Took me months maybe over a year before I stopped being confused why it wouldn't open on first try.

No. 2405946

Style is a vibe check. That's why I can't cope with trendy people they signal they're lack of personality. I think my most hated demographic is spice boys and men that wear football tops.

No. 2405947>>2405960

It's not. It's about that much of all homosexual marriages. Meaning ~70% of homosexual divorces are between women, but gay men also get married in much lower numbers. Lesbians have a ~30% divorce rate iirc. Which is significantly less than straight couples and significantly more than gay men. I'm so fucking annoyed how this number gets thrown around by all demographics of people and mindlessly repeated.

No. 2405960

samefag I wouldn't be surprised if this number got further inflated by trans widows and transbians, but I don't know if they count as lesbian divorces.

No. 2405969

I actually knew a woman who got a donor a while ago, her kid is really cute. I think it’s because she didn’t cheap out. Ive read articles and if you get bargain price sperm then obviously you’re not getting the best stuff. You have to pay like a few thousands if you want an attractive guy because they’re in higher demand obviously

No. 2405980

No. 2405985>>2405992

I can't remember if I ever posted this before, so forgive me if it sounds repetitive. Sampling in music is stealing, most of the time they don't take permission and they get in lawsuits over it. And it signals lack of creativity and originality, that they have to take an existing thing and try to change it up a bit to make anything ever and can't make anything from scratch. And most of the time, the original song where the sample is from is 10000x better than the song that sampled it, so it's not like they created an amazing product to justify the sampling.
Another music opinion I have is that sometimes, being the original creator(s) of a genre doesn't mean being the best at it. Some genres out there are done significantly better by people who have 0 relation to the originators of the genre. For example, jazz, hiphop, R&B, pop, soul, rock, and electropop from east asian countries is superior to its western counterpart. controversial opinion but white people did jazz and rock better than black people regardless of who created it or did it first.(racebait)

No. 2405992

This is an insanely autistic take. I'm going to guess… you're autistic?

No. 2406011>>2406047

Liminal spaces are not scary, they are just very boring.

No. 2406047

But what's more scary than a moment of boredom or worse, self-reflection?

No. 2406076>>2406089

Coworkers aren't your friends and can only become real friends after they or you get another job in a different company.

No. 2406089>>2406146

Agreed. I don't think that's an unpopular opinion actually.

No. 2406123>>2406125>>2406149

Racism is kind of making a comeback anyone notice that lately

No. 2406125>>2406143

Trump won and now white men are feeling comfortable again and of course the pick mes attracted to them have to follow along to impress them

No. 2406143

>have to follow along to impress them
Do you feel like women aren’t capable of truly being racist anon

No. 2406145

Talking to chatgpt can actually be healthier for your mental health than talking to real people sometimes

No. 2406146

From experience I would say it's in between. Plenty of people befriend their coworkers and get fucked over, but plenty of these people learn from their mistakes and become more careful, but then these same people will be told that they're insane for not seeing their coworkers as friends or family by other people who will then get fucked over at some point, rince and repeat.

No. 2406149

Yes. Sure elon was tweeting that the department of education in America had a programmed focused on discussing racism with elementary school kids and called it racist. Apparently in a country with mixed cultures it would be racist to promote discussion with kids about what racism is and educate them. Elon alone promotes sexism, classism and racism all while claiming he's a genius cause he used generational wealth to buy companies. Hey everyone I bought a copy of lord of the rings, guess I invented it!

No. 2406152>>2406156>>2406165>>2406189>>2406234

Drugs are bad. People pretend that's the popular opinion but then everyone smokes weed or mushrooms or does cocaine and act like that's fine and I'm a prude for not wanting to "try" it. Sorry but your life looks like shit to me, I don't want it.

No. 2406156

I’m tired of how normalized doing drugs has become too, my state completely decriminalized all drugs so now if you try to call the cops on someone for doing drugs at the park they just don’t give a fuck. Even things that are seen as less extreme like smoking weed every single day or doing adderall/vyvanse is so unhealthy for your brain and body

No. 2406165>>2406174

>or does cocaine and act like that's fine
where in the world is fucking CRACK legal?

No. 2406174


No. 2406189>>2406191>>2406342>>2406624

File (hide): 1739907703975.jpg (70.56 KB, 640x618, 1000037478.jpg)

I fucking hate weed smokers

No. 2406191>>2406199>>2406213>>2406409

Sucks for you. I've got a prescription for it. Loves it

No. 2406199

Having a prescription doesnt make you any less of an immature loser

No. 2406213>>2406221

Medical marijuana for people who don’t actually physically need it to recover was a mistake

No. 2406221>>2406241

Samefag, medical marijuana for depression and anxiety literally only worsens it and makes them lazier and more retarded

No. 2406234>>2406247

File (hide): 1739910839845.jpg (63.86 KB, 768x768, 3165.jpg)

I remember when someone called me crazy for wanting to bring back the prohibition
>oh but a bunch of people died from drinking poison cocktails!
Darwinism at work

No. 2406241>>2406324>>2406409>>2406500

I've got a masters, work and live on my own. Tell me oh great one, what makes you so productive? I wouldn't have had the motivation to complete my education without weed and get a job. I saw t total bores drop out. They probably live I'm greyscale while I'm living in technicolour.

No. 2406247>>2406255>>2406313

Wtf why is equalling Harry Potter to porn and heroin?

No. 2406255

It's definitely a reach but to be fair Harry Potter is really fun so I can kinda see where it's coming from.

No. 2406291

children are only cute when they can’t speak. Once they start talking they turn into demons.

No. 2406313

because JKR bad

No. 2406324

File (hide): 1739914315233.gif (59.38 KB, 220x293, 1000033023.gif)

>I saw t total bores drop out.
>They probably live I'm greyscale

No. 2406342>>2406408>>2406417>>2406624>>2406992

Unpopular opinion based on that image: Addiction to alcohol makes no fucking sense. Felt so cheated as a kid when I snuck alcohol for the first time, and it wasn't much better when I got older. It just makes you slower, a bit dumber and physically less balanced. Just take a nap and stand up really fast right after waking up, it's basically the same thing.

No. 2406406>>2406410>>2406414

File (hide): 1739920098444.jpeg (121.89 KB, 559x777, IMG_3736.jpeg)

This show would’ve been so goddamn based if it didn’t have the typical bug-eyed moeslop art style, wasn’t written by a degen scrote and the female characters weren’t endlessly sexualized and it wasn’t overly edgy into unintentional parody territory. I love stories of the Carrie/Jennifer’s Body kind, are there any other types of media like that? It seems rare since movies are allergic to depicting women as powerful killers.

No. 2406408>>2406427

Have you ever actually been drunk or tipsy because that is not how it feels kek.

No. 2406409

How's the weather in Northern Ireland? Is your cokehead brother doing okay? What about dad with MS?

No. 2406410>>2406426

no you're right, i personally even like the artstyle, it would be peak without the typical coomer aspects

No. 2406414>>2406426

You're 100% right. That's also how I felt about Mirai Nikki when I watched it, Yuno was wasted on the most retarded plot ever conceived and being the waifu of a whiney self-insertable MC. I'd even be okay with these types of characters having the "crazy in love" motivation if the scrote was actually allowed to be appealing.

No. 2406417>>2406427

Sounds like you don't actually know what being drunk or like baseline alcoholic daily buzzed is lol. Anyways a lot of alcoholics become that way because they are drowning themselves from the pain of childhood abuse, physical or sexual. That's something I didn't understand until I got older and noticed some significant patterns. It doesn't excuse them and I don't ever go out of my way to be near them, but it generally takes a little more than "num num alkieshaul" to get that ball rolling.

No. 2406419>>2406450>>2406476>>2406542>>2407308

I think most women in relationships don't feel love towards their partner while most moids actually do.

No. 2406426>>2406447

Can’t have any regular woman watching a fictional show about killing men apparently kek
I wanted to watch that anime but honestly haven’t had any chance or reason to, pros and cons of watching it besides the stuff you mentioned?

No. 2406427>>2406443

I really don't care. I've been drunk multiple times, hammered even. It was gay bullshit and made me feel like trash the morning after in the latter cases. I've also had childhood trauma. It never helped me. Absolute skill issue, take a nap and drink a warm glass of milk.

No. 2406443>>2406450

Samefag, even on that note, 90% of obnoxious alcoholics and party freaks are not CSA or DV victims. They are just annoying. Often, they're literally abusers (and at the most sympathetic, you could argue they're continuing the cycle they've known, but they're not babies lmao). Stop lying to make emo stories, alcoholism is a shit cope.

No. 2406447

Don't bother kek, the writing is really edgy in a bad way and the plot makes no sense. Most of the characters are either boring or insufferable so even the fujobait sucks. Just watch a compilation of Yuno (and 12) being crazy on YouTube if you want to see the highlights.

No. 2406450

I think scrotes feel love but are extremely bad at expressing it. Far too many women are 'script writers' and will write an ideal personality for their mate in their heads and will snap their crayons and howl when their Nigel fails to follow the plot. They read romance stories (written by women) and are unprepared for the paucity of moid expression.
NTA but maybe I just like to throttle my brain down and sip a drink that tastes just awful enough that it takes me an hour to finish. I won't argue past this reply, you're an adult and I'm sure you have good reasons for feeling the way you do. You might be right but I'm too old to care.

No. 2406476

A lot of men treat women like shit, then howl like babies and realize they "loved [said women] all along" when they decide they're fed up.

No. 2406477>>2406487>>2406505>>2406517>>2406524>>2407312

File (hide): 1739923611911.jpg (1.14 MB, 1432x2109, 32432432.jpg)

The current sun avoidance trend is not that healthy as it seems and I think there's definitely some lobbying from companies that make sunscreen to push fear mongering of sun exposure, if you think about it for two seconds most big sunscreen makers are also some of the biggest cosmetics companies in the whole world.

I have issues with avobenzone and homosalate, common sunscreen ingredients and they have destroyed my skin in ways sunlight exposure has never had, i'm talking open blisters and sores that take a week to heal. Aside from sunscreen my skin is not sensitive to anything else, ive actually used pretty abrasive skincare treatments like acids with great results. Sure my case is a little out there but I can only imagine what lathering yourself with those ingredients could possibly do someone's skin without them noticing.

While skin cancer is 100% real and most likely not caused by the sunscreen itself I do think it's probably 80% genetics and 20% exposure to sunlight, very pale people with lots of freckles and moles are more at risk of having and shouldn't be toasting like crispy bacon, moderation is key and all that.

A lot of nonas here are total neets who dont get any sunlight whatsover and you can see on threads how many mental and physical health issues they have, while every tanned, outdoorsy person ive ever met was essentially a ray of sunshine with minimal health problems. All "tanning gave me cancer" testimonies seem to be from people who would go to the tanning bed every day for an hour during the mid 2000s while the only liquid they consumed was skinny margaritas.

No. 2406487>>2406525

At the very least, people like to overlook the fact you need sunlight (at least a bit of it) to stay healthy kek. I'm one of those pale people with sensitive skin and I'd gladly take my chances with the sun over a lot of cosmetic products.

No. 2406500>>2406551>>2406558

>On lolcow defending your marijuana use
Why do I get the sensation that this is a fantasy

No. 2406505>>2406525

tbh I do think there are people that should be worrying about it that much, but mostly white people in places like Australia/Arizona, where our skin is obviously not supposed to exist naturally kek

No. 2406517>>2406525>>2406547>>2406552

I don't like sunscreen. Every formula is greasy despite what people claim and sits on top of your skin, and clogs your pores. I'm also one of the pale freckled type people you were referencing, so I have to reapply more often and I feel like greasy bacon.

No. 2406524

RFK Jr what are you doing on lolcow?

No. 2406525

I do think this is a fair concern but even then, getting just a little bit of sunlight like >>2406487 said, and i really mean just a little bit like having your breakfast in a shaded area of your backyard during the spring or something like that.
>>2406517 Have you tried asian sunscreens nona? I feel like they usually have better formulas, despite my previous post i do wear sunscreen on my face, neck and hands when going out and i stick to asian ones because they usually dont contain avobenzone and homosalate. I enjoy hiking and camping so i get enough sun exposure as is so the day-to-day routine is more for vanity reasons.

No. 2406542

But it’s because women in general are easier to love. men do all kinds of dumb and hurtful shit in relationships without even thinking. So if men acted better then they’d be easier to love

No. 2406545

Masc is such an ugly word, I don't want to be seen larping "male" aesthetics, I just don't like wearing dresses and having long hair. Defining "masc" personality traits is stupid too, masc just feels like some pseudo-man association through the word alone. Unless someone has an incredibly convincing argument as to why masc (short for masculine) is actually totally progressive for the lesbian community I don't think my opinion can be changed. The word is so associated with men when lesbianism is quite literally about women. It feels completely regressive.

No. 2406547

Agreed. Every sunscreen I've ever tried somehow managed to be more unpleasant than the sunburn it was hypothetically preventing.

No. 2406551

Alright Nixon

No. 2406552

File (hide): 1739927249001.png (646.71 KB, 3293x3293, neutrogena.png)

Have you ever tried the Neutrogena sunscreen stick? It's the only sunscreen that I like to wear. It's not greasy or heavy, and it's really easy to apply. The only issue is that because it's so sheer, you might have to reapply throughout the day. I don't wear makeup, so this isn't a big problem for me, just a minor inconvenience.

No. 2406558>>2406564>>2406566>>2406664

It's because that's that one anon that kept making the same posts everywhere on /ot/ and got so mad when anons called her out, she went to /meta/ to tinfoil that there were farmhands gangstalking her across all threads to upset her. She's posted pictures of herself before and divulged a lot of personal information, like her hobbies, family life, addictions, phone model, general appearance, etc.. I could tell right away it was her from the obvious Irish "Loves it!" response and the mention of her Masters degree. Apparently she even wrote her Masters degree on cannabinoids. She subconsciously feels ashamed of smoking weed every day, but she'll never admit that so instead whenever someone mentions weed being bad for you on here, she goes off on her rants about how weed is actually a miracle drug that cured her CPTSD and that anyone that thinks weed is bad is a fascist.

No. 2406564>>2406577>>2406583>>2406664

Nta but wait what, she sounds familiar. Does she have seizures?

No. 2406566>>2406577>>2406579

It really upset you that day I disagreed cannabis had a bad outcome on my 20s whereas you claim it's why you made so many terrible choices. That was back in December too, still waiting for you to dox me gorgeous(personalityfagging)

No. 2406577>>2406580

I don't think so, I read about it after seeing it in /meta/ one day. She has attentionwhore problems.

No. 2406579

The weed is making you paranoid if you think anyone that recognizes you is the same person

No. 2406580>>2406610

It's not attention whoring to have a differing opinion and genuinely ask what's the issue if I actually am a productive member of society. No one asked you to sperg about an infight that happened in December lol(personalityfagging)

No. 2406583>>2406591

File (hide): 1739928541135.png (121.23 KB, 1013x347, posts.png)

iirc she had a schizo moment in the vent thread then went to meta to post picrel. anons were able to piece together her location when she posted pictures of herself in unpopular opinions >>2307320 >>2307321 and didnt strip the data from the photos. she thinks everyone that recognizes her is the same person (an irish farmhand) and she tries to start a fight over any opinion that is different from her own

No. 2406591>>2406594>>2406595>>2406598>>2406608

Girl you're doing too much. I asked about a farmhand cause that same day I received a ban message from a farmhand who said they where from NI. Then some sperg I had a disagreement with got the data from an image I posted and then figured out what country I was from. This all happened within like 2 hours back in December. All this to derail lol

No. 2406594

Or a week prior according to the screenshot lol. I had time off for Christmas, sue me

No. 2406595>>2406599

>ending every sentence with lol
If someone accused me of being an attention whore, I'd just ignore it instead of trying to defend myself. Not every anon that disagrees with you is a Farmhand stalking you. You did stupid shit like revealing your location and your appearance, and even the topic of your thesis. That's dumb. Just stop being recognizable, it's easy.

No. 2406598

you had 5 or 6 anons all telling you to knock it off back then and your still doing the same shit today

No. 2406599>>2406604

You're so weird. I haven't tried to bait anyone into an infight. I was using the thread as intended. Maybe read back your posts and see who went off on a sperg

No. 2406600

>"you're so funny"
>thanks! _______________
meme(?)/tiktok trend floating around everywhere is very cringe because most teenage girls are unfortunately just not funny at all, and most of the ones making the videos don't even understand the point of the meme format… i just don't get why teenagers feel inclined to document their stupidity on the internet.

No. 2406604

Nobody said anything about baiting anyone into an infight. Read my post again.

No. 2406608

Just ignore her please, shes trying to rile you up by bringing this shit up again

No. 2406610

it becomes attentionwhoring when you make everything about you and become easy to recognize and post a bunch of personal info lol

>an anon says plugs are weird

>an anon says weed is bad
>anons recognize her

like we get it okay you can stop bringing yourself up every chance you get

No. 2406622>>2406623

The Streets wrote a thesis on the cannabis vs alcohol debate. Listen.

No. 2406623

How can streets write anything? It's pavement. The weed has rotted your brain.

No. 2406624>>2406626

If you don't feel "tipsy" from alcohol it probably affects you differently. My dad is like that. Once he drinks enough to get drunk he basically goes straight into a hangover state and gets a pounding headache with nausea.
I hate how weed is so destigmatized now it is not even treated similar to smoking. Smokers are shunned in society, must hang with other smokers just to do their vice when in public but as soon as you complain about potheads stinky ass smoke they screech and become victims. Your smoke is just as damaging as cigarette smoke yet everyone has to treat it like mana from heaven or else they're a drug adverse prude. No fucktard no one wants to smell you nasty weed stank when they're out shopping. They're also worse than smokers on average since so many can't function in day to day enough they HAVE to smoke when in an enclosed space. Caught that when I was shopping, some dumbass couple was puffing it up in the damn store, and it was a small as hell store. I hadn't eaten all damn day and was immediately nauseous.

No. 2406626

Every cigarette smoker I've met is very conscious of the smell and tries their best to disguise it with perfumes or breath fresheners. Every pothead I've met is in complete denial that they smell like a skunk and delude themselves into thinking that if they themselves can't smell it, nobody else can.

No. 2406658>>2406675>>2406691>>2406696>>2406726>>2406783>>2406961>>2406993

People with kids that have an age gap greater than 3 years old are irresponsible and deserve to feel miserable and tired 24/7 for fucking up.

No. 2406664>>2406697

>weed is actually a miracle drug that cured her C-PTSD
as someone with c-ptsd who used to smoke marijuana, she sounds like a dumb bitch. weed lover anon if you’re reading this, having meaningless degrees (especially from “universities” in ireland) doesn’t immediately make you knowledgeable
Little bit off topic but i’ve come to notice seizures being brought up so frequently across all threads/ boards over the last 2 or so years on lc. what the hell is going on with nonnies?

No. 2406675

This is a really interesting opinion to me cause my mom's doctor told her to wait at least 3 years between kids kek.

No. 2406691>>2406702

How is that irresponsible? It sounds better to wait for your kids to be older before you have another, than to have a bunch of babies/toddlers at the same time.

No. 2406696>>2407296

it takes 24 months after giving birth for a moms body to remineralize, it can take even longer if the mother is breastfeeding so yeah it makes the most sense to wait 2-3 years to guarantee your body is 100% healed and healthy before trying to grow another child

No. 2406697

Yeah, I have CPTSD and I hate weed. It just makes me paranoid and puts my senses in overdrive in a bad way

No. 2406702>>2406783>>2406842

I think it'd be a nightmare to have a new baby and have to worry about the school run. It's good when the kids are close in age and can have similar routines

No. 2406726

Why? I have a 3 year gap with one sister and a 5 year gap with another and we are all very close and had a good childhood? I don’t see why this matters, if anything it allows parents to put more energy and attention into the younger one since the older ones will be a bit more independent

No. 2406776

honestly I love drugs. I love being high I love being drunk. I’m not an addict (and I don’t want to be) since I only do it so rarely but I understand the mentality. I know it’s obviously unhealthy but I want to try every drug at least once

No. 2406783

You’ve obviously never taken care of children

No. 2406842>>2406852

Imo it seems far more like a nightmare to have all the kids in a similar age range. You know those toddler tantrums where literally everything makes them scream and cry for absolutely no reason? I can't imagine having to deal with multiple of those. My niece is in that age and I don't even know how people deal with 1 kid doing that kek, she started losing her mind at Christmas because someone said the word "bed" and she didn't want to go to bed, nobody was saying she should go to bed but they were just mentioning something about their pillow. Screaming and laying on the floor losing it. I could never do anything with 2 kids doing that at the same time

No. 2406848>>2406876

There's probably an evopsych reason for the boymom phenomenon. Life as a woman was incredibly dangerous throughout history, and having a household with only daughters probably made you a bigger target for robbery, rape, kidnapping etc. If you had sons, its perhaps more likely they could defend you and the house, so it's probably why so many women feel pressure to be extra sweet and indulgent of their smeglets and try to stay on their good side all the time.

No. 2406852>>2406888>>2407050

Toddlers don’t cry for no reason. That’s just how shitty moms cope with being bad at taking care of their kid

No. 2406876>>2406886

But when i say the female body is a biological L i'm the wrong. And no, growing a parasite/tumour is not based.(blackpill outside of containment)

No. 2406884

i feel like there have to be mothers in the world who favoritise their daughters over their sons, i think there are some women who are just wired to be girl moms (water sign women for example) as opposed to pick me’s being wired to be boy moms.

No. 2406886

thinking all humans are just parasites and tumors with legs doesn’t sound like a fun way to go through life

No. 2406888

By no reason I meant like the example I posted with my niece, where someone saying the word bed was so upsetting to her because she didn't want to go to bed, even though nobody was putting her to bed. Yeah it's a reason, but it's completely irrational for us with developed brains, and telling her that nobody was putting her to bed was still making her freak out and cry. At that point you just gotta let em cry it out and calm down. More than 1 kid doing that would push me over my limit kek I think I would start screaming and crying if that happened to me

No. 2406949>>2406955

Tattoos are cool when done correctly and well

No. 2406955

I was going to say this is very popular opinion but I guess that depends on where you live. Where I live this is a popular opinion

No. 2406961>>2406995>>2407021

Tbh agree. My brother is three years older than me, and it helped both of us a lot– he was young enough while I was a baby to be on a similar wavelength and wanted to teach me everything he knew or learned as he/we grew, but was also old enough that he didn't need 100% of my parents' time/supervision and had already learned how to safely and quietly entertain himself. We've been close our entire lives and never had any issues, or felt like one of us got more than the other or anything (my dad's eldest siblings, for example, resented him for being youngest by 5 years since his own parents were better off at that point and could afford more treats like flavoured cereal. yes, really). My friend, on the other hand, has a 7/9 year age gap between him and his siblings, and for most of his life they wanted little to do with him, but were close with each other– he described it as feeling like he was an only child until they were all in their late teens/twenties and they finally started getting on, and they even recognise it wasn't the best circumstance and ended up ensuring their own kids were all close in age.

Obviously it won't be the same for every family, and a lot of it is highly dependent on the parents, but I do think it's unfair on kids to have such a large gap between them– babies and toddlers are one thing, but the gap between a kid in kinder and one late into primary school or even early high school is massive

No. 2406962

Angelina is one of the few people I've seen that genuinely get more beautiful with age. I also think her eyes getting rounder and more protruding has made her more beautiful somehow, if that makes sense kek. She looks like a beautiful but spooky cartoon character, like Corpse Bride or something.

No. 2406983

I don't get the period tracker in LADS, the last thing I'd want my husbando to talk about is my periods, it would be such a massive turn-off.

No. 2406992

Congrats, you are wired correctly. I wish I was the same. For me alcohol makes me feel like I’m an actual demigod or something.

No. 2406993>>2407314

It doesn’t matter, if you have more than two kids the gap between the oldest and youngest will be greater than three years anyway. Just more mum shaming over nothing.

No. 2406995

Yeah, it's not ideal for many reasons. I wouldn't go so far as to say anything beyond 3 years is automatically a bad idea, but I'm 14 years older than my brother and it just meant I had to be his surrogate parent. I've never really felt like his sister because I was too busy playing teen mom to a child I had no part in creating.

No. 2407021>>2407079

My older brother and I have a seven year gap and it’s like what you mentioned. I basically felt like an only child once I stopped trying to connect with him, since all he would do was beat me up. Even now it’s weird because he obviously wants to change our relationship but I have little to no feelings for him but contempt. I’m sure on some level this contributed to him trooning out and attempting to skinwalk me currently.

No. 2407037>>2407061

Mom shaming is fine. The more women we can shame into never having kids, the better.

No. 2407050>>2407058

>toddlers don’t cry for no reason
I’ve seen one have a screaming meltdown because she wasn’t allowed to drink toilet cleaner….

No. 2407058

Toddlers will cry because they can't take the cart home from the grocery store

No. 2407061>>2407070>>2407078>>2407119>>2407175>>2407290

why do you want to go extinct

No. 2407070

We should be causing a population crisis by not having children until moid behavior improves or their numbers are greatly reduced. My unpopular opinion (for normies) is that male fetuses should also be aborted to assist the cause.

No. 2407078

Consider it eugenics.

No. 2407079>>2407132

sorry to hear that anon, your brother is a shithead and doesn't deserve a sister

No. 2407119

I don't get people pearl clutching over humans potentially going extinct, it's not like it's going to happen in three generations, and dinosaurs went extinct after all.

No. 2407132

Thank you for the kind words nonny. It means more than I can really, properly express.

No. 2407160>>2407165>>2407167>>2407301>>2407309>>2407438

LC is full of nlogs who resent feminine women

No. 2407165

True, they make it a feminist/ political argument but eh, plain old jealousy, nothing new

No. 2407167>>2407290

This and a lot of fearmongering about motherhood is based, in no laughable amount, on the idea that pregnancy makes your body "ugly" and literally nothing more.

No. 2407175>>2407247

“She” is a pathetic asocial loser. Just ignore “her”, “she’s” constantly baiting here and saying very misogynist things.

No. 2407247

Why would not wanting women to not have kids be something a man would say? Men have spent centuries saying that any woman who doesn’t have kids is a selfish evil bitch, I would think saying being a mother is lame would be the opposite of a male opinion. Being a mom is a loser choice.

No. 2407290

You can call anons neets and schizos all you want, but risking your pelvic floor health, vaginal tearing, vaginal bleeding, uterine rupture, preeclampsia, eclampsia, bone density loss, organ failure, ectopic pregnancies, obstetric fistula, fucking grey matter loss and a bunch of other shit trying to shit out a kid whose growth inside you is similar to that of a parasite is not baseless fearmongering. Why is it normal for women to suffer like this? Why is it seen like such an afterthought? Even after searching complications FOR THE MOTHER, i keep getting complications for the fetus. Every single platform loves women being pregnant and shitting out kids, not even on lolcow you can say pregnancy sucks, how dare i care more about women than fetuses.

I don't care if humanity actually goes extinct or it doesn't, but why would i deliberately keep alive a world so cruel to women yet reliant on their physical and emotional labour at the expense of their own bodies, rights, safety and personhood?

No. 2407296

To be honest it’s sad to see anons on here say that women who space out their pregnancies are being selfish. They really expect women to put their own health and the health of their babies at risk, just so that they can maybe have a closer relationship with their siblings.
Which is stupid, just because siblings are close in age doesn’t mean they’ll actually like each other. Just further proof that everyone feels that they are entitled to womens’ bodies.

No. 2407301>>2407436>>2407833

I'm jealous of being oogled at by ugly scrotes and getting grey matter loss because of popping out kids? Not that doing that improves anything for women. Even if i put on 10 pounds of makeup and and get a bbl that doesn't make people respect me and make less of a target for degradation, unless you think being degraded is desirable. Femininity is just a performance and an arbitrary descriptor anyways.

No. 2407308

Idk, women do so much more for men and will stick with them through the worst, they do things you could only do if you loved someone for even the ugliest of ogres that doesn't give them much back. While men just "love" having access to her body, the status having a gf provides them and the emotional and domestic labor pretty much, not the actual women. You could ask men what they like about their gf and they'll describe what she does for them and her looks and that's about it. They'll be the first to check out of a relationship but not even end things with the woman too. If they actually loved women more they also wouldn't say watching porn is totally normal when you're in a relationship and they wouldn't treat women as interchangeable goods or base a woman's entire value on how she looks and how young she is.

No. 2407309

Why would anybody be jealous of this

No. 2407312

I think people get confused and think that sunscreen completely blocks all the benefits of the sun. You can still get your vitamin D and tan and shit with sunscreen.

No. 2407314>>2407329

It's retarded to have a huge age gap because a mother will be tired 24/7.
Think about it, if a moid and a woman have a number 1 child, it's okay, number 2 child will be at least 2 years or a year younger than number 1 child, it means that when the older kid is in high-school, the youngest will be in middle school, that's nice.
But if you have one kid in high-school and another in pre-school then you're fucking up because the schedules are different and the level of education is too.
So then you will have a kid in uni, who also can't relate to the kid in high-school, and two different schedules that will be a pain in the ass to deal with.
Then if you add a third one, who is younger, you will have a toddler that will get all of the attention, a brooding high-schooler that doesn't get enough attention, and a uni student that wants to die every waking second because the uni-student is usually supposed to help the most at home since he/she is an adult and doesn't have a job yet.
Add the extracurricular activities for each one and then you fucked yourself for life until the youngest child is in uni, assuming of course that the uni student can get a job to help support him/herself.
It's plain retarded to have huge age gaps between children. And I honestly assume that the people that have college aged kids and a toddler at the same time are just chasing a high that wasn't there at all.
Just people romanticizing parenting.
Also, it's shitty as fuck to force your older children to help with the youngest, it's not fair to them.
I have a brother who is one year older and while we don't get really along because he's a moid, I feel like it's better than how my best friend lives, she has a huge ass age gap between her and her youngest siblings and she basically had to raise them on her own because her parents are "too tired" like fucker, why make a whole ass child if you know that you have the attention span and energy of a sickly fly. It's idiotic.

No. 2407329

>It's retarded to have a huge age gap because a mother will be tired 24/7.
As if she wouldn’t be tired having to look after several small children at the same time.

No. 2407365>>2407371>>2407420>>2407434

People who get a lot of plastic surgery shouldn’t have kids. If you think you’re ugly, why would you want to pass those genes down.

No. 2407371

Just for the sick satisfaction of knowing they'll have to go through what I did

No. 2407417

You can lead a camel to water but can't make it drink is how I feel about humans with access to the Internet but are still retards

No. 2407420>>2407425

Any plastic surgery or cosmetic injections signals to everyone that you absolutely must feel desired and sexy to the general public for a good self esteem and to that I say, shallow much?

No. 2407425

My friends were talking how they wanted to get botox and I thought I was hallucinating, are they really that vapid?

No. 2407434

There's more qualities a kid can have other than beauty and two beautiful parents doesn't guarantee a beautiful child or vice versa.

No. 2407436>>2407441>>2407442>>2407600

>Femininity is just a performance
I always get confused by this argument. Does this imply that masculinity is the only valid alternative? Or is masculinity also arbitrary? Are all feminine traits inherently negative, to begin with?

No. 2407438>>2407454

Resenting the grand majority of women which society supports and cheers on. Yeah, sure jan, now go back to squeezing your foot into chinese foot-bending heels and partying with scrotes just for you to get into a bad situation with one and can’t move around or do anything about it because you care more about feminine larp than comfort, safety, and sanity. Nobody gives a shit that you do the same damn things as every single female on this planet, what you’re calling “NLOGs” are just sane women and you think everybody should hop on the same clown cosplay as you. I refuse, I will take being called an ugly, frumpy “antisocial” dyke over someone who would trip and fall with a drunk moid ready to get her at her lowest. Idiot

No. 2407441>>2407448>>2407454

You can continue to bargain inside your head and try to have it all, but you can’t have it all. Nobody said you had to walk out of the house looking a dyke, you just have to use the very few brain cells inside of your head and think about the further implications on how you dress and represent yourself to the world. Stop biting into that heavily egotistical mindset that you go outside and nobody cares, one five second glance is enough for someone to make a good enough judgement and decision on you and it will aid in their subconscious bias towards certain groups of people in society, you’re representing women everywhere. Nobody is forcing you to do anything when they rightfully critic the masochistic handicapping women call fashion and feminine grooming that seems more unhygienic and dangerous than helpful and beautifying.you don’t have to be a retarded radfem to realize there’s a time and a place and you’ve also fell for the idea that every single thing has to be some deranged performance which is why people who go outside their homes dressed in over-the-top borderline cartoony “costumes” are clowned irl and on the internet with those channels who consistently post freaks and weirdos as “education”. You’re a freak and weirdo going out every single night dressing up in a costume

No. 2407442>>2407449

Masculinity is often a performance too but generally natural behaviour considered unwomanly falls under masculine. Feminine traits can be positive or negative. They can be both performative or natural.

No. 2407448

I'm sorry but why are you talking to me this way? I was just asking a question, I'm not OP, calm down damnit

No. 2407449>>2407454>>2407455

It’s naturally performative or performance that happens within nature? Kind of like when birds change color because it’s all about sex, reproduction with the human element of narcissistic identity-seeking: I don’t blame women for acting out on their biological impulses to be the most retarded, domesticated sex of the human species and constantly people-please, speak in softness, and basically let every dirt and filth occupy her space because it’s all about being gracious and meek. You can’t be yielding and not yielding at the same time despite what these pinkpill faggots claim, you will just look like a confused retard (which you clearly are)

No. 2407454>>2407459

Are you suffering from debilitating mental illness? Serious question

No. 2407455>>2407563

girl what

No. 2407456

It’s kind of easy to be considered pretty if you’re white. All you need to do is dye your hair blonde and be thin. Bonus points if your eyes are blue. The blonde hair doesn’t even need to look good or healthy, I’m kind of envious about that because people have total face blindness when it comes to women like that.(racebait)

No. 2407457

Oh my god, what is with you non-white women and constantly harping on shit that only exists in such a small little statistic? All of those white women with blonde hair and “blue” eyes are either rare or have dyed their darker hair to be blonder, there are also “POC” people who have those same features as well. Who gives a damn, that shit is phasing out, stop constantly wanting to be validated by tards who watch porn.

No. 2407459>>2407460

If you like to call having common sense and deeper understanding which is severely lacking in the common woman as “mental illness”, then yes! Lol

No. 2407460

Can you try a little harder to communicate clearly? Your posts are really hard to read anon. Don't call me stupid for not understanding your incoherent paragraphs btw it's your own fault if you can't simplify your ideas.

No. 2407467>>2407524

Dating an ugly man can make you ugly. It must frazzle up your dna. Look how ugly Rihanna and Selena Gomez are getting. Selena is starting to look just like her scrote.

No. 2407524

Neither of those women were ever very naturally pretty to begin with. I remember seeing candid pics of them years ago. they both benefit heavily from good hair and makeup

No. 2407527>>2407549

I don't understand why people, especially here, are so opposed to the idea of a lesbian yume-ing a male character or being a fujoshi. Im straight and have been attracted to female characters and liked yuri but it'd make no sense to call myself bisexual if i don't like real women. Fictional men are different from real men, a lesbian can have a husbando and still be a lesbian.

No. 2407541>>2407544>>2407553>>2407599

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It's insane how conditioned women are to just exist in a world that's constantly objectifying women but barely objectifies men.

Can you imagine the genders were reversed, and all women spent hours a day on the PC and phone watching thirst traps of men, gooning to prettyboys, sharing lewd pics of moids, talking about porn of men while at work, comparing tastes constantly, complaining about how they wished their nigel looked more like some male model etc etc. Men would absolutely seethe and want porn banned immediately.

And yes I know many nonas are already based, I'm just pointing out normalfag women would never dream of doing this in front of men/their nigels for fear of hurting their egos.

No. 2407544>>2407556

Oh and also openly sexually harassing moids and commenting on their looks/appearances as they walk by, openly complaining in front of men about how their nigels dick is too small and how a vibrator feels better, talking about the wall openly and saying how X moid is going downhill and looking too old, men feeling so self conscious they're going to Turkey to get scrotum-lifts and pec implants etc etc.

No. 2407549

Idk, I'm disgusted by real men but the fantasies with my husbandos are have hetero sex, calling myself lesbian would be so disingenuous imo.

No. 2407553>>2407572

and women murdering them en masse while no one cares or they even get blamed,women raping them (especially ugly, old and fat women) them being blamed for a womans poor performance because they were too needy/distracting. Them simultaneously being used as entertainment but also not allowed on an equal level in Ladies clubs were the business deals are really being made, so that they can't participate or ever close the wealth inequality etc

No. 2407556>>2407562

Or being 28 and cat calling the local high school boys.

No. 2407562

Rapenona would

No. 2407563>>2407578

Can you stop starting every single one of your replies with “girl”?

No. 2407572

Also the majority of men having some kind of eating disorder.

No. 2407573

>Or being 28 and cat calling the local high school boys.
I do this already though

No. 2407578

There are 2 replies in the entire thread starting with girl and only one is me what are you talking about

No. 2407599>>2407608

>watching thirst traps of men, gooning to prettyboys, sharing lewd pics of moids
I do this daily

No. 2407600>>2407607

Ayrt. I'm gonna sound like a gendie when i explain this but i'm not a gendie so please bear with me. Let's split it into two: Presentation and behaviour. Presentation is the obvious "gender expression". Feminine presentation and (according to society) by proximity what a woman should be like: beautiful, conventionally attractive makeup, elborated hairstyles, revealing clothing, exagerated proportions, hairless except for eyebrows, eyelashes and hair on the head. Masculine presentation and (according to society) by proximity what men should be like: ugly and brutish features, big (fit or fat), hairy, simple minimal hairstyle, dark and dull colors, no skin showing. Anything outside of this box is faggot territory.
As for behaviours: Feminine behaviours and how women should act: bubbly, kind, empathetic, empathetic, innoffensive, unambitious, unobtrusive, acquisent and compliant. Anything other than this gets you labeled a bigot.
Masculine behaviours and what a man should be like: anything he wants, he will be accepted and praised for his differences regardless, but highly encouraged to be self-assured, authoritative, opinionated, outspoken, entitled, assertive, overbearing and forceful.
Now the question is, is it nature or nurture? We will never know. For women, they are highly policed at every step and breath they take. Both men and women use women as scapegoats to take their frustations at and someone to put down to boost their own egos. But when are women going to grow a backbone and put themselves first? When will they stop pushing for "equality between the sexes" when men are clearly not on the same page and never will? How can they not realize it's a waste of time trying to be "fair" when the world isn't fair to them? What does it take for them to realize that the problem is not them? Putting on makeup, hair, revealing clothes is a performance, especially since there is a lot of pressure to conform and and conforming is culturally a fundamental for a woman, but if you're an adult and have a brain to think for yourself and are still so eager to perform despite all the shit around you then yeah maybe it's nature. I'm not jealous of that.

No. 2407607

I honestly don't think most people question anything. They MIGHT question things they don't like, especially men. But if a woman questions society and comes to the conclusion it's unjust and there is nothing she can do about it, men have oppressed us for thousands of years without remorse or empathy, they might just decide to huff a lot of copium and double down on what society teaches us. It's less painful to bow down to men and believe it was your fault than to come to the realization that life is extremely unfair, at least 90% of men don't see you as a human and there is nothing you can do about it.

No. 2407608>>2407610

We're talking about normie women not lolcor users

No. 2407610

You don't know normie women aren't looking at thirst traps for hours or cat calling hs boys. You assume that and you know what they say about assumptions

No. 2407621

People that get plastic surgery won't make good partners because they paid a surgeon to do an unnecessary procedure for the off-chance it ups their attraction levels to strangers. It is so narcissistic and shallow. Men who get hair transplants also fall into this category

No. 2407622

>man has pointy nipples
>nobody cares
>woman has pointy nipples
femininsm still has a lot of work to do

No. 2407623

bras are very uncomfortable tbf

No. 2407624>>2407629

I think it looks cute. No I am not a moid, I genuinely think going braless is cute. Inb4 anyone tries to come at me by saying hurrdurr it's only cute when she has small, perky tits; no it's not I think it's cute even if you have saggy breasts. Or hurrdurr it's not cute it's trashy; wrong I still think it's cute. I also go braless in public sometimes but my libido is low so no I don't want to fuck some scrote off the street.

No. 2407625

Ignore the lib-fems, you're absolutely right. They're just mad the plausible deniability they depended on is evaporating

No. 2407629>>2407645>>2407776

I think i have cute breasts but I wouldn't feel comfortable dressing like picrel solely because of men. Even if I'm staying home for the holidays and wearing pyjamas I'll wear a dressing gown because I don't feel comfortable being braless around them. It's not to do with them but just the idea that tits are so sexualised that I feel awkward in front of my family about it

No. 2407635

yeah she is retarded for that

No. 2407636>>2407639

plastic surgery? I feel like that's a realistic phenotype. Maybe she has lip filler but other than that? I agree with your point though makeup is uncomfortable as fuck. It's the main reason I never wear it even though I am an uggo and need it. I don't know what would be uncomfortable about the hair.

No. 2407639

Anytime they see a pretty women they'll chalk it up to plastic surgery for some reason

No. 2407644

Women don't choose to have our breasts… unless of course you're a tif

No. 2407645>>2407681

That's your perogative, personally I do go braless in front of family but I will wear a hoodie if I'm with family. I don't live with then so IDGAF, I'll dress how I want.
I didn't say they're uncomfortable? Also I couldn't care less about the makeup. Surgery is retarded but if a woman wants to wear makeup, who the fuck cares? Like who genuinely has the time to care? I'll wear makeup and go braless while I'm young, there's plenty of time to not care about frivolous shit like makeup and hair dye when I'm old as fuck. I'll still be plucking my eyebrows though, older women who embrace age but are still clearly into makeup and things of the like are beautiful to me.

No. 2407650>>2407654>>2407657>>2407835

Meh I think it depends on what you're wearing. Braless + baggy thick t-shirt is whatever but braless + super tight thin tryhard polyestershit top like your picrel is very Shayna-tier and being surprised when you get sexual attention while wearing the latter is a little dumb.

No. 2407651

Do you think women have control over the hardness of our nipples?

No. 2407654


No. 2407656>>2407661

Kek my nipples are always hard for some reason, does that mean that I’m always horny and ready nonna?
You sound like a retard kek.

No. 2407657>>2407660

She probably wouldn't care about sexual attention from moids but for some reason anons think if a woman is wearing makeup or has her nipples visible it means she's begging to be raped and assaulted. Like she would probably have the guts to turn down some flirty moid but to insinuate she's asking for assault is moid brained.

No. 2407660>>2407664

It’s crazy how they automatically think that “braless=moid look at me!”. My friend never wears a bra because they make her uncomfortable.
It’s not libfeminism for a woman to be comfortable if she wants to.

No. 2407661

>does that mean that I’m always horny and ready nonna?
Nayrt, my first boyfriend thought hard nipples on women were caused exclusively by arousal and would molest me if he caught me with hard nipples. I would let him because I thought he was right and I secretly wanted it. I don't wanna get banned for scrotefoiling so I wont but the energy is the same.

No. 2407664

If anyone, radfems are the ones most likely to go braless and give no fucks what men think

No. 2407666

I don't care if males look at my body kek, and I don't care if I do get attention. I'm not dressing up to look cute to scrotes, I'm dressing up to look cute to myself in my reflection. For some reason weirdos think this is wrong. I'm not asking for attention but I am dressing up to look cute to myself. That woman also probably doesn't dress like that every day, nobody does kek. Whatever bad opinion you will concoct about me in your head, rest assured that I'm not asking to be raped or assaulted so we can get that one out of the way before you project.

No. 2407670

Yeah, mine are a little smaller but I don't wear bras either but I also don't wear super fitted thin tops and literally nobody notices or gives a fuck

No. 2407677

I will never be on a deserted island. And I actually find myself very attractive and I like looking cute. I don't care if moids find me attractive, they typically do but I don't really care and I stone face them kek. I do it to look cute in the mirror. It doesn't matter to me, in fact it makes me happy and excited to doll myself up.

No. 2407681

>older women who embrace age but are still clearly into makeup and things of the like are beautiful to me
Hard agree. I love seeing the types of older women who clearly take pride in their appearance and take care of themselves. Matriarch energy.

No. 2407683

I don't wear fake eyelashes or get acrylics or inject my face and i never will. I just wear makeup and go braless, the other stuff is in the body dysmorphia territory but wearing lipstick and glittery eyeshadow takes like 3 minutes in total, like it's not some laborious task kek.

No. 2407692>>2407700

Why is wanting attention a negative thing? I see this repeated a lot but nobody ever really explains beyond "cringe" and "embarassing." Why? We're a social species who like recognition and to be actualized, even animals will put on performances and enhancements if it will attract them allies and mates.
It's normal behavior.

No. 2407698

I'm not begging for attention, I get attention from it because I'm attractive and glittery eyeshadow and shiny lipstick calls attention to my attractiveness.
Also I'm attracted to women as well so I want women to want to look at my tits, too. I think a women having her nipples show through her shirt is so sexy in fact that I pierced my nipples simply because I thought it was sexy and it might draw me to other women who have it too kek. You can clutch your pearls but I'll be out having fun at clubs and concerts with my girlfriends in sparkly eyeshadow and nipples poking through my t-shirt.

No. 2407700>>2407706>>2407714

Change island to society of women only. Wearing any day to day clothes on an island would be impractical.

Begging specifically for sexual attention. "Look at me! I'm so fuckable!"

No. 2407704

I can't be bothered with this infight but it's hilarious there are anons acting like the lib-fem era didn't just happen and we haven't heard these copes a million times before

No. 2407706>>2407717

Thinking that a society of only women would immediately disregard any favoring of aesthetics simply because there are no scrotes there to dictate what they should find attractive or beautiful is such an autistic mindset. On an island full of women I would be even more naked and slutty and probably painted in some fine glitter body/face paint.

No. 2407709>>2407711

I wish I could do this in summer to be honest, but moids staring at my boobs makes me homicidal.

No. 2407710

I think it's sexy when a woman's nipples show through her shirt, yes? Or do you not believe in same sex attraction?

No. 2407711>>2407725

You know what's really cool in the summer? A loose cotton t-shirt

No. 2407714>>2407716>>2407717>>2407718

>Begging specifically for sexual attention.
But again why is this interpreted as a negative behavior when this is normal behavior in almost all species? It's normal to want to find a mate to reproduce with and drawing attention to how you are fit for the task.
Are some women obnoxious and in your face with it? Sure, but that doesn't mean the want for attention is bad.

No. 2407716>>2407724

Anon probably doesn't go out much and probably doesn't have a strong social network so she's not going to understand.

No. 2407717>>2407723

Yes, that was my point. That was exactly why I said the example should be changed

Idk I just think it's gross to advertise yourself as a sexual object.

No. 2407718>>2407723

Nta but why would I want more attention? That's why the polyester bodycon-anons are giving themselves away when they say they receive moid attention when they're not dressed that way. Okay, well why do it then? It certainly doesn't look good to other women

No. 2407720>>2407736

You sound like a moid and I mean this fully derogatory.

No. 2407723>>2407728

Just because a woman dresses up to look "attractive" does not mean she is advertising herself as a "sexual object" like can you get a grip.
Wrong, it looks good to me. I think normie club-going girls are sexy.

No. 2407724>>2407773

Yeah, everyone loves different kinds of attention so idk why nonnas are arguing so dishonestly. If someone is being annoying about it then criticize them for that but it's so stupid to make blanket statements about how wanting attention is bad when the average person wants that even if they put on airs like they don't. Not wanting attention is asocial behavior, and no issues with that, but that makes one an outlier.

No. 2407725

If you have small cups maybe.

No. 2407728

The anon I replied to specifically asked what was wrong with someone advertising themself as a sex object and I said it was gross. I also agree with >>2407722.

No. 2407729>>2407732>>2407745>>2407787>>2407796>>2408033

I dont care about veterans or anyone who has served in the military and the constant dick-sucking of muh veterans is irritating as fuck. They don't deserve the blind worship they get for doing nothing more than taking a job, one that also offers them a ton of insane benefits that the average citizen (most of whom are working a harder job than the majority of military fags) will never get. If they claim a bullshit disability they get thousands of dollars a month to do nothing, tons of people in early retirement groups are military and a lot of them aren't even military retirement age (which is already much earlier than the general work force who, again, work just as hard). It's that easy to "become disabled" in the military and never have to work again. Almost none of them are put in any danger and even those who are willingly signed up for it for that free college and that good housing so I don't care. Youre not making a sacrifice you're making a career move. We have the biggest military in the world and we are the most powerful country in the world, we are not under any threat and no one who has served since Vietnam is any kind of hero. Your "sacrifice" is literally not needed. I'm sorry if you were dumb and fell for 9-11 propaganda but I dont care that you lost a leg fighting for George bush's oil. No one made you do that, there was no draft and you were not defending your country. You wanted to go take part in a seige and kill some ragheads, you literally just took your opportunity to be a moid. And yet I'm supposed to worship you for it. Even though Vietnam was also a scam war rife with moids looking for their chance to go overseas and torture foreigners, at least for that one it may not have been your choice to participate, so I'm willing to give you respect. But if you've been in the military since that ended I do not give you any extra respect, you do not deserve to be glorified, and I do not care about your issues or your entitlement to special treatment. If anything I should spit on you that you got to fuck around doing some mediocre military job for 4 years and then get to live on easy street the rest of your life while the general public pays for your lifestyle and also acts like you're some kind of saint. Also, you don't deserve veneration for being a killer, assuming you even saw action, which the vast majority of service members never have. Fuck off.

No. 2407730>>2407737

I can see anon's point that the woman wants to be seen as attractive, but how is that a bad thing? Women are not weird about attractive men (although attractive men are rare) so why are women at fault for men being creepy and weird? I don't care if a woman goes out on a bikini om the street, that does not warrant sexual harassment. I wear bras but i don't like loose clothing because i look like a kid drowning in clothes. Why do women have to dress like 4chan autistic otakus? Next you're gonna say we should wear burkas.

No. 2407732

Based i hate the military they are all misogynistic rapists

No. 2407735

Moids should wear paperbags over their heads if they don't want to get bullied. Why else draw attention to their uglyness?

No. 2407736>>2407740>>2407746

File (hide): 1739996230372.png (3.15 MB, 1500x1500, 876543.png)

Being kind of generous with the ages here but this anon is correct and truthful >>2407637

No. 2407737

The only femininity allowed is the Japan pedophilia inspired fashion subculture known as "lolita". Everyone knows that if you are a more femininely aligned female that you can ONLY wear fugly, gaudy costume-tier dresses sourced from aliexpress and if you dare show any semblance of a nipple through some polyester as an adult human female you are a demonic whore begging to be raped.

No. 2407740>>2407748

Also creepy edit.

No. 2407745

tbh as a NEET I respect the hustle but I'd rather thank the wagies that make my life comfy

No. 2407746>>2407754

These girls are cute and I bet they'd be your best friend forever in the club and probably end up offering you molly in exchange for cigarettes. Would club with them.

No. 2407747>>2407758

I see your point and you are somewhat correct, but scrotes see women that way regardless. While the way the woman in op's pic is retarded, but men do some much more heinous shit than looking like a harlot it's just a waste of time, i'd rather shame and shit on scrotes instead, it would unironically make women dress less like this.

No. 2407748>>2407786>>2407819>>2407830

Yeah bc anon's being called a moid for having an opinion that only a woman would end up having, after existing in the world. A moid would believe you can wear whatever you want and it will make no difference to the amount or kind of attention you receive from scrotes in the world

No. 2407751>>2407757

I haven't done anything social in days yet I still like to play with my hair and look cute in the mirror for myself.

No. 2407754>>2407761

Of course in my late teens/early 20s, I loved hanging out with crazy slutty girls sometimes. If I posted a more accurate representation you guys would say I'm being mean and moidhearted

No. 2407757>>2407807

Based nonnie. I love painting my face like a freak when I'm alone and pretending to be doing a makeup tutorial. That's probably 90% of my makeup usage in general.

No. 2407758>>2407759>>2407768

They genuinely will ignore a woman if she styles herself a certain way though

No. 2407759>>2407768

Browns and grays, I guess it's kind of like camouflage where I live

No. 2407760>>2407763>>2407771>>2407779

Women can't tuck and hide their breasts like men can do with their balls. Women don't choose to have big tits so are they deserving of being sexualized by default if they're not wearing a XXXL shirt?

No. 2407761

Post the more accurate representation then. I thought this whole debate was literally about fun, crazy, kind of slutty girls? Anyway they're my favorite type of girl tbh as long as they don't have personality disorders, their unfiltered and unrivaled pure raw confidence is contagious and addicting.

No. 2407763>>2407765>>2407766>>2407775>>2407780>>2407781

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No. 2407765>>2407774

This is ugly as fuck though

No. 2407766

You don't have big tits because this would just draw more empahsis, also these are ugly and matronly as fuck.

No. 2407767

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>wants attention
>gets attention
>mission accomplished
Okay? Why am I supposed to be mad? She's living her own life.
Yes the moids are right but it doesn't exactly require Einstein to figure it out.

No. 2407768>>2407777

What are you referring to specifically? Colors like >>2407759 said? Women are not deserving of sexual harassment because they don't dress like a skater.

No. 2407769

Bras are warm and therefore wrong.

No. 2407771>>2407805

It's a retarded argument anyway since there's no comfort in wearing spandex for moids, meanwhile most of us shed the bra as soon as we go home.

No. 2407773>>2407789>>2407820

Being shallow isn't an attractive trait. Wanting to be a head turner is a shallow mindset. What's the point of turning heads are you wanting to engage with everyone or do you want people to just after you? People that dress and worry about strangers over interpersonal relationships are losers. This is most directed at my ex boyfriend with a hair transplant. I will never again date someone that has gotten plastic surgery. They favour turning heads over genuine respect and become hostile towards natural beauty lol

No. 2407774>>2407784

I mean the woman could always google and match something other than shein garbage to her personal preference, it's more about the cut and the fact that alternatives between XXXXL shirt and ugly bodycon does exist

No. 2407775>>2407784

so women have to dress like skaters and ugly shit like your picrel or they evil whores

No. 2407776

Me too nonna. I hate wearing bras, I’d rather be without them than wearing them, given that I’m not even busty in the first place. But look at how weirdly people react, both moids who sexualize you and women who deem you automatically a “slut that’s asking for it”. I’m not going to ever do that.

No. 2407777>>2407805

I never said any women are deserving of sexual harassment, I don't agree with the original anon on that front I just think it's stupid to deny they want attention. And yes, dressing like a skater does deflect male attention (My response to the anon saying men will sexualise women no matter what.)

No. 2407779>>2407805

I don't think women deserve the sexualisation imposed on us since childhood, but it's happened and I personally do not like going bra less around men unless in an intimate relationship and at home because of the horrible gaze of males

No. 2407780

Okay, are you a tranny or something? These things don't hide shit KEK

No. 2407781

This is so fucking ugly and millenial. My teacher used to dress like this back in the days.

No. 2407782>>2407843

It's like fucking Groundhog Day whenever I open this stupid thread to see which one of the 10 infights you all are rehashing again. Actual insane behaviour to do the same song and dance over and over and over again. None of you are ever going to reach nirvana you might be the last losers to ever break samsara. God damn you all are so stupid it pains me that I have to share a website with any of you.

No. 2407783>>2407798

Honestly I exist to please myself aesthetically speaking, if it catches a moid's attention I don't care and I know they don't have the same appreciation. Men would fuck a dead hamster, why would I care if a moid would fuck me? Kek because I am not going to be fucking him.

No. 2407784

>I mean the woman could always google and match something other than shein garbage to her personal preference, it's more about the cut and the fact that an alternative between XXXXL shirt and ugly bodycon does exist
wanted to correct my grammar anyways

No. 2407786>>2407791>>2407795

>A moid would believe you can wear whatever you want and it will make no difference om scrotes in the world
True, it’s funny how a lot of moids believe that beautiful women get hit on and hounded all the time but the truth is a girl with a mid face with her nipples out who is all loud and smily is going to get hounded far more than a more beautiful woman who dresses elegantly and not smiling as much. Because most moids are trash and enjoy trashiness which includes presenting yourself in a sexual manner

No. 2407787>>2407802

Same, I absolutely despise military vets and am glad they are living in poverty.

No. 2407789>>2407800

I’d say that moods getting hair transplants is a good thing kek. Let the beauty standards pressure them too.
I hate seeing androgenic pattern baldness.

No. 2407791>>2407799

Yes and anyone who has actually lived as a woman can see the difference in attention they get wearing a t-shirt and regular shorts, vs a crop top and booty shorts (something I would never consider wearing in public, bc of scrote attention)

No. 2407795

So many people don't seem to understand style is about signalling your vibe to others. I skated in my 20s and had no shortage of attention from men I liked. Low tier men look for the tell tale signs of a woman being easy by her clothes and as we know men are mentally retarded so you can't separate the art (clothes) from the artist (woman). I don't know how they did it, but we've got women walking around with over filled blowjob lips and baboon asses on their faces

No. 2407796>>2407816

>no one who has served since Vietnam is any kind of hero.
Were/are Korean War veterans heros?

No. 2407798>>2407801

Based, you do you nonna.

No. 2407799>>2407813

Some women aren't intimidated by a moid's eyes and don't actually base their likes and preferences on the most efficient way to avoid males. These women also tend to be offline with a big friend group.

No. 2407800>>2407804

It really isn't. Men don't have the emotional intelligence to handle a hair transplant and the y chromosome is so broken literally everything breaks their dick and/or sperm such as the medications surrounding hair loss. Males live and die in a fail state

No. 2407801>>2407812

This is what I would have posted sarcastically, as the anon who thinks you're all trendy lib-fems

No. 2407802

If you're ex-military and living in poverty you are just a retard who is bad with money. They literally pay you a pension and (if elderly) you still get SS. Getting a loan for housing is cheaper for you too. If you're still working age when you get out they have a billion resources for you to get a job and companies are incentivized to hire ex-military over other groups. Your Healthcare is covered until you die. They are given endless privileges no one else with any other job gets yet I'm supposed to feel bad when they blow it? Considering that 99% of them are pull yourself up by your bootstraps conservatives I think they should follow their own advice and stop whining and asking for handouts

No. 2407804>>2407810

It seems really traumatic and upsetting. I'm not sure how you would comfortably live with your self image, after such an invasive procedure for aesthetical/insecurity reasons only

No. 2407805

The sheer bodycon sheer shit is ugly but and she obviously wanted attention but more in a "she looks hot" way and not in a "what cheap easy whore" way. Either way so many people like >>2407637 have this weird mindset that if a woman does receive attention from moids she is tainted and ruined because moid's opinion and influence is so powerful, she is a sex object and nothing else because he says so, sounds like the same religious cope society has been sperging about since forever.

No. 2407807

i felt retarded for also going crazy with my makeup at home haha i have so many eyeshadow palettes except i barely wear eyeshadow. i love to mess with it and do weird color combos at home

No. 2407810>>2407818

Moids deserve to feel that way. Not women though

No. 2407811>>2407894

My unpopular opinion? Libfems are right about some things. They also tend to have more fun and are more likely to be the women helping other women IRL. They're wrong about trannies but that's just an objective reality, in a lot of other ways they have a lighter, more mentally sound way of viewing life. I also don't care for their moid sympathy at times, but at times I do agree with them in very rare and occasional moments. I would rather be friends with a libfem than a radfem, at least I know the libfem isn't judging me as much as the radfem and if the libfem is offline then she won't really care about how I feel about trannies anyway because she most likely thinks they're mentally ill anyway.

No. 2407812

Don't pretend you're anywhere close to a radfem kek.

No. 2407813>>2407815>>2407824>>2407829

Why would I wear ugly revealing clothing and receive more attention when I can wear comfortable clothing that fits me well and doesn't directly communicate to moids that I'm looking to be noticed? It's so gross the way the lib-fems keep trying to in group/out group the women calling out their bullshit. You're outdated even for hs mentality, gen alpha dress more conservatively than women in their 30s

No. 2407815>>2407825>>2407845

Again some women aren't traumatically affected if a moid stares at them for a few seconds like you are. And not everyone thinks trendy clothes are uncomfortable, either.

No. 2407816

Similar to Vietnam I give them a pass because there was a draft for Korea. I'm just saying you're not a hero for voluntarily participating in the military. Especially when your own countrymen were in no danger and you clearly just joined to go be a moid overseas/for the lifestyle opportunities it gave you. You're not a hero, you took a job. Lots of people take dangerous jobs but it's only the military that we suck off to this nationalistic, worshipful extent because we like to glorify males killing people.

No. 2407818

True. Hair transplants are still retarded though. There's still hair loss and it doesn't cover the full head and tried to mimic the natural growth pattern. It was a jump scare at night when all the hairspray and other hair products washed out it aged him to look like a pensioner with just enough hair for a comb over. His entire day revolved around thinking about his hair and he's basically agoraphobic because we live where it rains constantly and his hair could get wrecked. Didn't realise how much I liked touching faces in intimacy until I constantly kept having my hands moved away from his hair or lack of. Jesus.

No. 2407819>>2407828>>2408032

>only a woman would end up having
Ntayrt but no? Men are constantly complaining about "attention whores" and that women who wear makeup and sexy clothes are unnatural sluts.
This is exactly what a scrote would say about women because men are insecure, inadequate, and hate feeling in competition with other men because they want something from us for nothing.
>a moid would believe you can wear whatever you want and it will make no difference to the amount or kind of attention you receive from scrotes
And the moid would be correct.
Plain women who wear conservative clothes and no makeup are still harassed and assaulted by depraved men. They take shots with any woman regardless if they believe there is OPPORTUNITY. Men don't give a fuck what you're actually wearing if they think there is the opportunity to fuck.

No. 2407820>>2407823

Ugly men are visual terrorism. All the ugly scrotes need to be sent on mines or get plastic surgery but both of these get sterilized, only the naturally good looking ones can breed. Women on average tend to have proportional symmetrical faces so they can stay as they are.

No. 2407823

Kek i was going to disagree until you got to the sterilisation clause. Fair.

No. 2407824

Literally same mentality as muslim moods forcing burqas on women.

No. 2407825>>2407834>>2407838

You better not be the anon scrotefoiling bc holy fuck. This is like saying it's traumatic when I get houseflies, so that's why I throw out my garbage. Preventing something by doing something I want to do anyways, isn't to avoid trauma

No. 2407828>>2407831

I can't wait for them to start saying that only slutty, attention seeking women wear perfume and deodorant and wash their hair because being clean and smelling good and being well-kempt means moid attention (IE, having a moid look at you I guess).

No. 2407829

This is true but nonas don't wanna hear it sadly

No. 2407830>>2407835

You can stop talking in 3rd person now, this is pathetic and you're probably ban evading.

No. 2407831

Look at every other era of fashion in the past 100 years except the last 10. Go nuts, love always, me anon

No. 2407833

>I'm jealous of being oogled at by ugly scrotes and getting grey matter loss because of popping out kids?
It's funny you literally proved the exact point of the post you're replying to kek you clearly hate women so much

No. 2407834>>2407837

Yeah that or either a really ugly woman because most women i know feel easily harassed if an ugly cunt looks at them. Like has that anon never been outside and saw how many ugly men there are. There'd be something seriously wrong with you if you wouldn't feel offended

No. 2407835>>2407850

I'm not going through the whole thread but here are other anons who also pointed out that this behavior is pick-me, before I got here. We need a "samefagfoiling" rule for the newfags, it's beyond obnoxious and repetitive

No. 2407837>>2407840

It seems like you're desperate to call women ugly, shut-ins and use the word cunt

No. 2407838>>2407842>>2407844>>2407849>>2407972

Calm down, and no I'm not. Sorry but what moid attention are you even talking about? Because nowadays a moid has to be insane to approach you and starting hitting on you immediately, and as we all know it's comparatively rare to be raped by a stranger compared to someone you personally know, so like what "moid attention" do you mean? Is it being looked at? I don't get it. Who cares if you're looked at for a few seconds? Personally I'm not intimidated by a moid's stare so I will be dressing cute and doing my makeup because I love my reflection. If it's not traumatic why are you acting like a woman who dresses cute is begging for some scrote to rape her? Then this entire discussion doesn't matter because it's apparently women afraid of a hypothetical male's eyeballs vs women who aren't.

No. 2407840

Just saying ugly people should stay in their lane.

No. 2407842>>2407847

Why are you capitalizing words I didn't emphasize? I'm not reading the rest of this bc I've said what I had to say and my opinion isn't going to change on the rest of you lib-fems. Have a great afternoon anons, try to put on a loose knit sarong over your sheer bodycon if you live in a cold climate

No. 2407843>>2408646

File (hide): 1739998467765.webp (122.4 KB, 1200x690, what-is-samsara-hinduism.webp)

1. Yaoi Infight
2. Revealing clothing infight (current topic)
3. Eye/hair color infight
4. Tradwife infight
Can't think of anything else at the moment

No. 2407844>>2407851

It's not intimidation from the male gaze it's a visceral reaction and a wave of nausea hits when an ugly cunt of a man looks at you.

No. 2407845

Some men troon out just because they wanna wear our clothes so you're right kek. The meme about women's fashion being akin to torture like corsetting and foot binding are over. I love wearing dresses and skirts because of their comfort and fashionability.

No. 2407847>>2407853

I just put on a tight tshirt that emphasizes my nipples and I also put on lipstick just to look at myself in the mirror and wish the girl looking back was another individual separate from myself so I could be her best friend and wear tight fitting tshirts together with our nipples poking through at the club because we would be the sexiest abstinent bitches the club has ever seen.

No. 2407849>>2407854

>I don't mind giving moids eye candy because it's "cute" and I do it for myself! (society has groomed me into dressing in revealing ways that dusty old scrotes in the fashion industry determined were cute)

No. 2407850

I've been longer here than you xfoiling tards begging for bans on everything you don't like to be pointed out, also scroll up, look at the deleted posts and say that again.

No. 2407851>>2407852

Why are you looking at ugly men in the first place? You haven't mastered the Stacy "look at no man for no man deserves your gaze" tactic, thus you will always be trapped by the eyes of males.

No. 2407852>>2407859

Sometimes you get stuck in queues nona

No. 2407853>>2407863

Sounds like Autogynephilia

No. 2407854

Don't care, I'm doing my makeup like a zebra right now.

No. 2407859>>2407862

A real stacy would never even allow an old man to stand near her, she'd just Dark Triad Siren Eyes Beam him to the Hell Dimension!

No. 2407862>>2407866

Some man wouldn't fuck off out of the cosmetic aisle in Tesco and standing mindlessly in front of the micellar water. I literally pulled the arms folding foot tapping pose as he kept picking up the same lip balm and putting it back idk if he was embarrassed at being so fucking clueless but I called him a freak and he looked so stunned. I hate going to the supermarket

No. 2407863

It's called a woman who likes her reflection but if looking in a mirror causes you intense panic attacks then I can understand your mistake.

No. 2407866>>2407871

This is so autistic. Next time you can just say "Excuse me," instead of expecting people to read your mind.

No. 2407867>>2407870>>2407873>>2407876>>2407884>>2407890>>2407898>>2407947>>2408020

File (hide): 1739999065550.jpg (78.67 KB, 736x1308, 1000004109.jpg)

What do you nonas think of picrel? Is it whorish?(wrong thread)

No. 2407870>>2407881

Yes and tacky. Looks like something a dope fiend would wear.

No. 2407871>>2407875>>2407882

He was stood for ages and camping in front of female products I'm not going to fucking talk to the creep, if you're undecided what you want to purchase step away from the products and let others get to the shelves, thats more normal than being a man looking nervous in front of the female skincare and menstrual products pretending to deliberate if he wants a nivea lip balm or not

No. 2407873

It looks cute as fuck.

No. 2407875

Kek i even went to the next aisle and looped back hoping he was gone and nope. He was a creep

No. 2407876>>2407878>>2407882>>2407888

File (hide): 1739999232150.jpeg (465.64 KB, 454x943, 1727783913068.jpeg)

No. 2407878

This is how I know you're autistic because the original Pic had way more cohesiveness than this drug-fueled fetish apparel. I bet Shayna wasn't even wearing panties, like the cameltoe is just too damning, wheras jeans require underwear unless you love yeast.

No. 2407881>>2407892

Post you think is the correct way to dress then

No. 2407882>>2407883>>2407885

Ntayrt you need to be more assertive anon, that would make me annoyed even if it were a woman doing that. There would be no way I could just stand around waiting for my turn without saying something, are you sure the issue is men here?

C'mon anon. This is low-hanging fruit.

No. 2407883

Anons on this site think their reserved nature and social anxiety is some universal truth of the female sex or something.

No. 2407884

No. 2407885>>2407900

If it was a woman i would have smiled and asked politely. My local supermarket is frequented a lot by tourists and I've had more than enough uncomfortable encounters from men in there. You can also tell when a man is a creep and waiting for confrontation I couldn't be fucked with him.

No. 2407888>>2408168

Never noticed how freakishly long her toes are

No. 2407890>>2407911

Not whorish but yeah tacky and dated. It's giving me middle school flashbacks.

No. 2407892>>2407897>>2407899>>2407901>>2407907>>2407916>>2407941

File (hide): 1739999696679.jpeg (39.85 KB, 600x800, IMG_5425.jpeg)

Practical, comfortable, mature

No. 2407894>>2407901

Libfeminism seeks the benevolence of patriarchy, it doesn’t really achieve anything concrete for women. It’s obvious that it’s more palatable when any choice that you make is “feminists” and men like it too since they get the “free the nipple” “sex work is work” “beating up and playing fake rape is okay if you specify that it’s a kink” kek. I’d be a feminist too if I were a male, easiest way to get pussy , you don’t even have to say or do anything and on top of that you get to choke them and do open relationships in the name of empowerment kek.

No. 2407897>>2407903>>2407910

What if its summer?

No. 2407898

Tacky but I kind of like it. I visualize big voluminous hair with it.

No. 2407899>>2407904>>2407907>>2407916>>2407941>>2407949>>2408180

File (hide): 1739999835133.jpeg (47.91 KB, 600x800, IMG_5424.jpeg)

Samefag and a nice dress if you’re in the mood for it

No. 2407900>>2407908

I'll say this anon: Likely one of the safest places you can confront a man is inside a store with the public around and cctv everywhere. I love being rude to men in polite public because they ain't gonna do shit lmao.

No. 2407901>>2407909>>2407910>>2407922

Yeah I already know all of this. I don't care, I would still rather be friends with a libfem than a radfem.
Kek all white/cream clothes are not at all practical. It looks hot and restrictive anyway.

No. 2407902

I don't get the autistic labelling of everything as political. Sick of identity politics to be honest. Who you vote for isn't your identity. Most of the time it's choosing the lesser of two evils.

No. 2407903>>2407912>>2407916

File (hide): 1739999895919.jpeg (156.8 KB, 1200x675, IMG_5427.jpeg)

No. 2407904

This looks like fundamentalist pajamas.

No. 2407906>>2407914>>2407917>>2407919>>2407921>>2407931>>2407950

File (hide): 1739999964950.jpg (127.21 KB, 736x1308, 1000004111.jpg)

Nonas post what you think it's a good outfit

No. 2407907

And men would find a way to sexualize and harass the women in both of these. What does it prove, honestly?

No. 2407908>>2407930

I mean I called him a freak when he acknowledged me and left the aisle without purchasing anything. I had a single dad follow me around the shop before while saying to his son "isn't that lady pretty?" And it was like can you please just take care of your son I'm just out of work and want to go home and smoke

No. 2407909>>2407929

How is that normal outfit restrictive? Genuine question

No. 2407910>>2407920

Ok, but my point wasn’t what your retard ass does.

No. 2407911

It's popular among alpha and zoomers

No. 2407912

This is cute, the winter set was ugly though.

No. 2407914

There’s the fashion thread on g, go there

No. 2407916

So women not covered from shoulder to ankles or wears shorts that look like boxers she looks like a whore, kek

No. 2407917

File (hide): 1740000106497.webp (103.22 KB, 720x682, jnco.webp)

JNCO jeans remind me of Scraggy and they look fun and cute in a silly way

No. 2407919>>2408087

This is how I used to dress in 2009.
I like it but it is dated, I don't fashion myself like this anymore.

No. 2407920>>2407925

Then don't reply because I don't care.

No. 2407921>>2407941>>2408106>>2408175

File (hide): 1740000173508.jpeg (287.26 KB, 1036x1142, IMG_1398.jpeg)

No. 2407922>>2407927>>2407933>>2407936

Less restrictive than booty shorts digging into my vagina, costume jewelry and boots in the summer

No. 2407925>>2407927

You sound stupid

No. 2407927>>2407938

Doesn't matter to me.
You know you're supposed to wear bottoms that are your size, right?

No. 2407929>>2407934

Nta and i wouldn't say it's restrictive but it can feel like a sack of clothes, i'm short and i would look retarded in these.

No. 2407930

Come to think of it. During my teenage years the worst men my mum brought home and dated where the losers that picked her up from the supermarket. I might make a shirt saying all my mums worst boyfriend's met at a supermarket. I have trauma

No. 2407931

File (hide): 1740000325629.jpg (27.51 KB, 439x1100, 41cQEP6-zmL._AC_UY1100_.jpg)

If you don't dress like this you're a whore.

No. 2407932

Unpopular opinion: Trousers and belts are uncomfortable and an extreme pain in the ass to shop for if you don't have an average body. No idea how they ever got memed as being more comfortable than loose skirts and dresses when even men appropriate them in confession that they are more comfortable.

No. 2407933>>2407938

You can wear clothes that fit

No. 2407934>>2407937>>2407941

File (hide): 1740000373257.jpeg (79.25 KB, 1600x1600, IMG_5428.jpeg)

Most Japanese people are short and dress exactly like that

No. 2407936>>2407939>>2407940>>2408071>>2408175

File (hide): 1740000425370.jpeg (209.55 KB, 796x1200, IMG_1399.jpeg)

NTA, but boots and a dress are so nice to me kek. A flowy white dress and cowboy brown boots is such a lovely combo.

No. 2407937>>2407942

Looks ugly

No. 2407938>>2407943>>2407947

NTA but when I used to wear super short shorts often, that shit was always digging into my ass and it was super uncomfortable. One time I accidentally saw my friend's vagina when she was relaxing on the couch because her short were so short kek. There's a certain point to where short shorts just suck and don't do their job.
>Inb4 REEE you're wearing the wrong size

No. 2407939

File (hide): 1740000519950.jpeg (62.7 KB, 747x498, IMG_1400.jpeg)

I don’t care if it’s hot!

No. 2407940

I didn't realise everything from my highschool years were back in fashion. Someone stole my cowboy boots from a house party once. I still mourn that loss

No. 2407941>>2407945>>2407946

These outfits are so damn ugly and unflattering that I'm surprised you had not realized the only reason they pass vibe check to you is because the clothes are on cute and attractive women. Which really ties back to the point that men will persecute women no matter what we wear because we are women.

No. 2407942>>2407949

Some people want to dress like grown ups. Not crack heads who haven’t purchased clothes since 2007.

No. 2407943>>2407951>>2407953>>2407955>>2407966>>2407973>>2408042

File (hide): 1740000657395.jpeg (148.9 KB, 920x1200, IMG_1401.jpeg)

Kekk. I know the shorts you are talking about. I had a pair and never wore them.
I love shorts like picrel.

No. 2407945

Hey don’t lump my gorgeous outfit with those ugly stuff.

No. 2407946

Where I’m from all the women dress like that in my upper middle class neighborhood

No. 2407947

Okay but you would not see someone's vagina in these >>2407867 though. You probably have high-up hips and that's why they dig into your asscrack. I have high hips too and the only waist that fits comfortably is high-waist. Jean bottoms are some of the most frustrating things to figure out because everything is so different and even a few centimeters off and it will be sensory hell.

No. 2407949>>2407994

Dressing like a grownup is dressing like a mormon >>2407899

No. 2407950>>2407958>>2407977>>2408038>>2408056>>2408062>>2408349

File (hide): 1740000827880.mp4 (3 MB, 720x1280, 1000004113.mp4) [play once] [loop]

No. 2407951

Those shorts look super comfy. Daisy dukes need to burn in wedgie hell ngl

No. 2407953>>2407959

We can see her nipples anon. This is a whore outfit

No. 2407955

This woman is so attractive to me, and her entire outfit too. If she was wearing combat boots with crew socks this would be so cute to me.

No. 2407957

A lot of the government funding for scientific research is predicated on people perceiving them as authority figures, and hence being unwilling to vote against scientific grants out of fear of being seen as stoopid. They need the propaganda to keep the tax dollars flowing.

It's why scientists brand themselves with lab coats, beakers and glasses and speak in high pitched nasally voices in all those science shows on youtube. Sharty soyteens are very correct about "THE SOYIENCE", even the scientific method as you're taught in school is a marketing gimmick.

No. 2407958>>2407962>>2407995>>2408272

My pubes would be sticking out of this like crazy kek. Why are zoomers even trying to bring this shit back?

No. 2407959>>2407974

Use those reading skills we know you have. Anon was discussing the shorts.

No. 2407962>>2407973>>2407985>>2408153

Low rise bell bottoms are so ugly and look good on no one

No. 2407966

Super cute! I think no matter what size or shape you are, a simple tank top and some nice denim shorts is a great and easy summer look. Add a little gold necklace and I'd swoon.

No. 2407972>>2408044

>nowadays a moid has to be insane to approach you and starting hitting on you immediately
Uh, men will definitely still approach you and start hitting on you immediately, it happens everywhere all the time. And they stare. It's normal for women to be uncomfortable and feel fear in either situation. Nobody is "afraid of a hypothetical male's eyeballs." It really does suck to be stared at. Let's not pretend being ogled by a creepy scrote is a total non-issue. But … men are going to do it anyway, no matter what you wear. Wearing zero makeup and old sweatpants will not stop them. So wear whatever and live your life.

No. 2407973>>2407975

They look way better than the boxy shorts on >>2407943

No. 2407974

I was joking kek

No. 2407975

That's a lie and you know it.

No. 2407977>>2408030

low cut jeans always look like shit

No. 2407985>>2407991>>2407998>>2408343

File (hide): 1740001473284.jpg (84.04 KB, 736x1253, 1000004121.jpg)

My unpopular opinion is that stores should have all kinds of jeans. I have a short torso so low rise is best for me, also i like the bootcut kek

No. 2407991

This is my body goals

No. 2407994>>2408006

When you get to your 30s you’ll see you can’t dress like a cast member of shake it up and not look like you’re on drugs

No. 2407995

Pubes sticking out would be cool. Bonus points if you have a happy trail

No. 2407998>>2408001>>2408003>>2408004>>2408015>>2408240>>2408243

Even though she's skinny I just know deep in my heart that her crotch is hurting and probably pulsating with the pressure of these evil low-rise jeans. I know her vagina is probably begging her to release it from its yeast jail. There is no way it doesn't hurt her to bend down in these. Mid to high rise jeans for life baby, forever and always.

No. 2408001

This made me kekk

No. 2408003>>2408011

They're comfy for me, but i usually wear a loose size. If i have to wear a more form fitting jean they would have to be skinny since are often more stretchy and softer.

No. 2408004>>2408012>>2408272

Fuck jeans completely. Jogging pants or boy cut dress pants only.

No. 2408006>>2408013

I'd rather look like BPDemon than looking like i pop out kids 5 times a month

No. 2408011

It's your life nonnie, you're the one that lives it… but how do you bend down in low rise without having a panic attack feeling like your entire crack is about to fall out and hit the floor in an earth shattering jiggle? Yes I am speaking from my own personal neurosis. You ever see those old scrotes with plumber ass in public? Everyone always says "ugh, how would you NOT feel it?" I have bad news… because you don't. Been there before, unfortunately.

No. 2408012

That is definitely an unpopular opinion but I stand with you on this. My go-to is cargo pants.

No. 2408013>>2408017

You still do look like you pop out 5 kids a month dressed like that but you look like you’re on meth and welfare and live in a trailer park

No. 2408015

File (hide): 1740002170262.jpeg (Spoiler Image,9.24 KB, 175x288, IMG_1403.jpeg)

Nonna probably

No. 2408017>>2408019>>2408020

My stomach is skinny and flat so no. That ugly boxy dress is so ugly how could you like it, at least dress like a skater

No. 2408019

There are tons of crazy trashy methheads who are skinny.

No. 2408020>>2408025

This is exactly how the skinny drug addicts in my town dress. I’m not shitting u.

No. 2408022>>2408028>>2408029>>2408037

File (hide): 1740002567593.jpg (111.5 KB, 736x950, 1000004127.jpg)

Fashion in the 2000s was cool ans fun. It had a lot of attitude. Also makeup was more like an accessory rather than such an elaborate transformation tool like it is now so everyone didn't look the same.

No. 2408025>>2408034

I don't have meth face so i don't look like that, and i'd rather look like that than religious inbred freak who married her cousin

No. 2408027>>2408031>>2408064

I’ll just come right out and say it that shorts as a whole are fucking hideous and any scrote wearing shorts looks like an overgrown toddler to me. Adult women in shorts don’t look much better. Full length pants or bust. And don’t even get on me about climates because I never once wore shorts the entire time I lived in South Florida nor was I too hot wearing full pants. Nothing is fuglier and tackier to me than the dreaded shorts and sandals combo, doubly so if they’re flip flops. Yeesh

No. 2408028

Why do I feel like this was written by someone who wasn't even conscious then. I'm glad we're not in that ana-chan era anymore and I say this as a scrawny motherfucker.

No. 2408029

File (hide): 1740002778316.jpg (29.57 KB, 700x372, 348873983434.jpg)

>looks at the background
>"p. diddy and the family"

No. 2408030>>2408038>>2408043>>2408055

File (hide): 1740002817941.mp4 (1.4 MB, 720x1280, 1000004128.mp4) [play once] [loop]

No. 2408031>>2408050>>2408053

File (hide): 1740002902403.jpg (116.69 KB, 736x645, 1000004118.jpg)

I would wear these if men didn't exist

No. 2408032>>2408089

>Plain women who wear conservative clothes and no makeup are still harassed and assaulted by depraved men.
Yet the women who whine about harassment the most are the ones who dress in a more provocative fashion. Literally these chicks wear sports bra and yoga pants then piss and moan about gross losers staring them down or trying to talk to them and get their number. If they just covered up more it wouldn’t be nearly as bad

No. 2408033

Based af

No. 2408034

File (hide): 1740002938598.jpeg (201.91 KB, 828x686, IMG_5430.jpeg)

Well if you wanna be dressed like you’re trying to look like the girls from the movie 13…. If you like it, I love it but if you’re over the age of 18, you look stupid.

No. 2408037>>2408040

I miss when clothing was of quality, even the low quality clothes. I'm so tired of fast fashion. fashion died when alexander mcqueen died

No. 2408038>>2408045

Why do these girls look so tubular?? Is this a new filter? I’ve seen anachans with more symmetric frames…

No. 2408040

samefag but
>inb4 "fast fashion existed then"
by fast fashion i mean shein and temu etc etc

No. 2408042

Reminds when I couldn't find some shorts I liked in the women's section (they were always too short and too high rise) so I just bought a pair from the men's section, they give some kind of barbecue dad silhouette but it's to fine to walk around in hot weather.

No. 2408043>>2408048

Nta but look at how it bunches up around her crotch though. Naturally, one might try to pick up the waistband, but that is impossible in lowrise, you'd only be further suffocating your vagina. Instead you have to pull your pant legs down, but ah-ah. It's inconvenient to wear lowrise with a belt, as some leather strap suffocating the sides of your hips/hipbones/and asscrack is uncomfortable, you will have to take extra precaution pulling down the pant legs. And you will have to pull down the pant legs after every moment of being seated.
Fuck no. Fuck lowrise. Lowrise are evil. Lowrise is expressedly a cloth prison. Lowrise is hell.

No. 2408044>>2408049>>2408054

Then don’t smile at them and don’t dress like a skank. It’s pretty easy to avoid(bait)

No. 2408045

yes people are lengthening and compressing their videos to look taller and skinnier. there's all kinds of Chinese filters you can use

No. 2408048>>2408057

low rise doesn't do any of that to me, probably a low rise works like a mid rise for me so not really low rise. high rise is up to my tits and looks retarded

No. 2408049>>2408058

specifiy dressing like skank

No. 2408050

My pussy is already begging for mercy

No. 2408053

I know your vagina be stankin and burning up

No. 2408054

specifiy dressing like skank

No. 2408055

BrujoAri I KNOW it's you!!!

No. 2408056>>2408073

File (hide): 1740003418129.jpg (51.7 KB, 702x768, GFiv4Y1WkAAsW67.jpg)

>wearing these outfits in New York City, the place full of rapists and undocumented male immigrants
Braver woman than I, the sexual harassment would never be worth it for me.

No. 2408057>>2408060>>2408272

Anon I don't care how unique your figure is, there is no way you can bend, run, and stretch in lowrise. Like I can't even imagine how that would work.

No. 2408058>>2408061>>2408062

Just wear conservative outfits and don’t be nice to men. Or get hit on by losers. Your choice

No. 2408060

im 5'0

No. 2408061>>2408063

Nta but my nipples will be poking through my tank tops and I don't care.

No. 2408062>>2408066>>2408069>>2408070>>2408078>>2408079

but what is conservative outfits. is >>2407950 a whore outfit?

No. 2408063>>2408072

Ok then don’t whine about losers hitting on you and gross old men leering and it’s fine

No. 2408064

My biggest problem with shorts is that most people (men included) have ugly legs and shouldn't show them off. Unless you have hairless, smooth, zero cellulite, long, shapely legs with nice calves and thighs, shorts usually look awful on most people especially in photographs and real life, make their legs look super stubby, and also draw too much attention from rapey moids, not worth it.

No. 2408066

Yes a tight outfit with your mid section exposed is a whore outfit. Conservative is loose clothes, no crop tops, no cleavage and no nipples showing

No. 2408069>>2408081

File (hide): 1740003707798.jpeg (132.9 KB, 780x1060, IMG_5431.jpeg)

Nta but pic related is a good example of conservative. I dress like this and a scrote hasn’t hit on me in a year.

No. 2408070>>2408076

Can you please ignore the retarded tradthot and stop trying to debate her like we're back in high school

No. 2408071>>2408082

I hate the hoedown skank aesthetic, reminds me of tradthots trying to virtue signal to mega scrotes

No. 2408072

I don't have to worry about that because I don't talk to men in public or look at them so I'm fine.

No. 2408073>>2408077>>2408091>>2408098

she doesn't look a whore where the fuck are you evangelical anons coming from, and if she does that isn't her fault

No. 2408076

Uh huh, the one telling women to stop dressing like skanks is the thot. Keep telling yourself that

No. 2408077

She does look like one. It’s a skin tight outfit

No. 2408078

Just always be prepared to larp as a jehovah's witness

No. 2408079

ignore baiting retard

No. 2408081

Lesbian chic

No. 2408082

It’s exactly how shoe on head dresses

No. 2408084>>2408088>>2408213

File (hide): 1740004085106.jpg (125.71 KB, 736x1103, a91f00ce73a7a33dbc41f75caf165c…)

I'm not Desi but I wish I could wear Desi clothing in summer.
Cotton dresses over cotton trousers is so nice and comfortable, and the colors are always lovely.
It's feminine and delicate but without looking trashy or giving men a free peep show.

No. 2408087>>2408093>>2408094

it's dated??? are you genuinely retarded or do you live under a rock? this is peak trendy fashion rn kek

No. 2408088

>I'm not Desi but I wish I could wear Desi clothing in summer.
You can

No. 2408089>>2408135

>Yet the women who whine about harassment the most are the ones who dress in a more provocative fashion.
And plenty of conservatively dressed women chime in along with them because clothes aren't asking for it. You missed the point of the movement, and anyways, it doesn't take away my point that dressing conservatively doesn't save you and doesn't deter men. Nothing would change tomorrow if we all collectively wore burkas, the same shit would still happen and then society would work to shift blame on us still like blaming our "provocative" voices or sultry eyes or some shit. The goalpost always moves and your compliance will never be rewarded.

No. 2408091>>2408099

I never said she looked like a whore? I said she will spend all day getting harassed by black, Mexican and Muslim scrotes walking around in that. Not worth it at all, especially knowing how many moids in NYC carry guns on them. They can just drag you down an alley and rape you anytime they want.
>inb4 ugly fat and modest women get raped too
Duh, I know this, but being skinny and wearing tight clothing in a place like NYC is like walking into a shark tank while on your period(racebait)

No. 2408093>>2408101>>2408103>>2408105>>2408106>>2408117>>2408175

File (hide): 1740004305466.jpeg (55.56 KB, 357x500, IMG_5432.jpeg)

Nta it looks dated and old to people who were actually teenagers/young adults in that era

No. 2408094>>2408103>>2408105

Maybe because of y2k fashion revival? It's very dated, anon. I'm allowed to say it cause as I said, we dressed this way in the early aughts.

No. 2408098

They're baiting and lack attention. just report and ignore

No. 2408099>>2408104

File (hide): 1740004411015.jpeg (60.01 KB, 736x878, b7521607-258d-4ac6-bd9f-f08e21…)

But when i say the US is a third world country i'm in the wrong

No. 2408101>>2408109

I hate this shit so much, can zoomers move on to the next thing already?

No. 2408103>>2408108

Y2K fashion is basically the only fashion zoomzooms are wearing now. Nobody will just you for It except people over 35 who don't use tiktok.

No. 2408104

The US is a third world country. I don't know why anyone would deny that. It's not safe for women at all.

No. 2408105>>2408118

point being, millennial business casual is what looks dated to people who care about trends, anon. Wear whatever you want at the end of the day, but this look is not "out of fashion" currently

No. 2408106

zoomers and alpha love this style and think >>2407921 is for millenials kek

No. 2408108>>2408110>>2408113

File (hide): 1740004538740.webp (71.57 KB, 720x1200, IMG_5433.webp)

It’s ugly tho and you’ll see its ugly when you grow up, like we did.

No. 2408109

File (hide): 1740004582611.webp (30.6 KB, 1270x647, askdjhsasx.webp)

manhattan is relatively safe
Shein, Temu, Tiktok, all push out fast fashion trends. zoomers have nothing to cling onto. zoomers miss the time before the pandemic, hence why they're so nostalgic. I don't think you guys understand how much the pandemic fucked with culture lol

No. 2408110>>2408115

it's fun

No. 2408113>>2408114>>2408119>>2408124

We should make (fit) scrotes dress like this

No. 2408114

I like where your head is at.

No. 2408115>>2408123>>2408125

Fun but ugly and looks stupid on people who have actual jobs to go to.

No. 2408117>>2408128>>2408130>>2408140

The picrel looks dated because that's not even how people are wearing early 2000s fashion nowadays. What's trendy now has the same silhouettes but the materials and colors are completely different. Nobody is even wearing what we actually wore in the early 2000s. I don't really see people wearing blue jeans in general anymore.

No. 2408118>>2408136

Ok but
>saying something is dated does not mean the same thing as saying it's untrendy
Did we hurt your feelings or something? Lol

No. 2408119>>2408122>>2408124

Moids from atlanta literally dress like that tbh

No. 2408122>>2408125

I'm not talking about sagging like a fag for cool points between moids, I mean tight-fitted low rise ball-jail trousers with lacing and slutty little crop tops for our entertainment

No. 2408123>>2408127>>2408147

File (hide): 1740004887498.jpeg (161.44 KB, 736x981, d31cf53c-742d-4670-82b9-91fa61…)

just being boring for no reason… why take the joy out of life

No. 2408124

I never want to see a moid dressed like this kek

No. 2408125>>2408131

Same thing
shut upppp

No. 2408127>>2408133

This looks boring to me though. Boring is subjective.

No. 2408128

Yeah I don't mean to dunk on zoomies but their interpretations of y2k fashion are completely–and understandably–different.
It's not the same. It's very similar to how people try to replicate fashions from 80s/90s and while they do look trendy and nice, it's not the same if you lived through it. The products are different, fabrics are different, the way people stylize themselves now is different. It's hard to explain until you're older and you're seeing people walk around wearing the fashions you wore in school 15 years ago.

No. 2408130>>2408142

>I don't really see people wearing blue jeans in general anymore.
????? people do wear blue jeans anon

No. 2408131

Do you have a pic? Genuine question.

No. 2408133>>2408137>>2408145>>2408146>>2408148>>2408164

File (hide): 1740005027142.jpeg (91.79 KB, 729x1200, f70406b0-2c49-41bb-b06b-2c54b5…)

what is fun to you nona?

No. 2408135>>2408155

I’m talking about women who whine the most, and say how they get hit on constantly. Without fail they are the type of chicks who think a sports bra is acceptable to wear in public with no shirt

No. 2408136

Maybe it's an ESL thing, because to me they are almost interchangeable. As I said, no one is stopping you from dressing like it's 2016 kek

No. 2408137

Not a basic camisole and bell bottoms lol

No. 2408140>>2408143

I can't wait for zoomers to wear the infamous whale tail.

No. 2408142

They can't dress then

No. 2408143

Boy do I have news for you

No. 2408145

Those ankle boots are killing me especially with this outfit. Hideous shit brah

No. 2408146>>2408156

Her bra is hanging out…

No. 2408147>>2408150>>2408154>>2408157

The white tshirt + jeans will always be a staple, and it's so sexy to me. A woman in a white shirt and jeans, whether dressed up like picrel, or dressed down, or dressed more masculine or androgynous, will always be PEAK outfit. If the jeans are suuuuper fugly… like those wrinkly jeans or with weird cut outs… it's not cute at all.

No. 2408148

No. 2408150>>2408169

This is such a weird fetish because it's just a common benign thing. Do you cream your pants everytime you go outside?

No. 2408153

Those are not bellbottoms

No. 2408154>>2408163

File (hide): 1740005309631.jpg (63.88 KB, 464x1000, 71tv1j4mJIL._AC_UY1000_.jpg)

I'm so glad this trend is dead, holy fuck

No. 2408155>>2408177

>I’m talking about women who whine the most, and say how they get hit on constantly.
Oh you mean like conservative nonna upthread complaining about men looking at her in the grocery store???????

No. 2408156>>2408159

it looks cute like that. she looks like renaissance painting

No. 2408157>>2408169>>2408178

Lolcow is truly full of autists, that they big up items found in the basics section of clothing stores. Anyway I hate light denim

No. 2408159>>2408165

File (hide): 1740005442107.jpg (834.1 KB, 1920x2459, Raphael Madonna el prato.jpg)

>Bra hanging out in public looks like a renaissance painting
Genuinely what?

No. 2408163

White trainers light denim and fake tan signals low intelligence imo

No. 2408164>>2408173

Y2K stripper single mom core

No. 2408165>>2408171

there are other paintings with their boobs out. also wtf the babies are naked with everything out

No. 2408168

True unpopular opinion I actually think shayna has cute hands and feet(not in a fetishy way)

No. 2408169>>2408174>>2408176

So hostile and for what, a tshirt and jeans on a woman is like an angel with wings. If you can't pull it off I feel deeply sorry for you.

No. 2408171

I was going to ask which paintings but the fact that you're weirded out by cherubs in a damn Madonna painting lends me to believe you have no idea what the fresh hell you're talking about.

No. 2408173

go scrub the skid marks off your cousin's undies

No. 2408174>>2408180>>2408185

Nta but damn you really are autistic thinking a tshirt and jeans is peak fashion that someone has to pull off. Do you walk around in pyjamas

No. 2408175

Both of these are ugly IMO (and so are the white/beige sets another anon posted and said were "practical"), but >>2407936 is cute.

No. 2408176

I'm tall and skinny literally everyone of these outfits would look good on me, would I wear them? Some I did back in the 2000s lmao

No. 2408177>>2408183

No.That’s clearly a different thing. I’m talking about harassment. Every time I’ve seen a woman whining about being harassed by men she is literally wearing like a sports bra and tight pants or shorts. Like yeah no shit you’re getting harassed, put a baggy shirt on genius

No. 2408178

Agreed. Light denim is disgusting and outdated. It instantly makes any outfit look like shit.

No. 2408180>>2408181>>2408191

nonas think anything other than >>2407899 is whore clothing, what can you expect

No. 2408181>>2408182>>2408187

Because it is. If you hate men so much why would you dress in a way that their dicks prefer?

No. 2408182>>2408184>>2408188

i don't care what they think unlike you

No. 2408183>>2408198

>That’s clearly a different thing
Please. Lol. You were complaining about a man being in your vicinity NEVERMIND if the creep woulda been hitting on you. I cannot imagine the meltdown.

No. 2408184>>2408186>>2408200

Nta but this is what women who wear makeup always say but it makes no sense why even waste all that money.

No. 2408185

It's peak fashion because anyone can pull it off, and nowadays women are dressed in fugly athleisure and black tights with their socks pulled up over them like speds. A woman in a no nonsense white tee tucked into some nice fitting jeans is genuinely a rarity nowadays, but it shouldn't be because it's so flattering on literally everyone. You don't have to be a hostile weirdo to people here, it's not twitter. The white tee and jeans is just kind of casually sexy in a way, because it's so casual and laid back but not outwardly lazy and snobbish like wearing black tights out as real pants.

No. 2408186

I'm convined AYRT is actually retarded. Like there's no way kek

No. 2408187>>2408203

How do you feel about lesbians who like makeup and fashion?

No. 2408188>>2408200

suit yourself. I don’t want losers to think they have a chance with me. Which is what happens if you don’t dress conservatively

No. 2408191>>2408196>>2408199>>2408217>>2408345>>2408358>>2408401

File (hide): 1740005956072.jpeg (549.9 KB, 1284x1879, IMG_5434.jpeg)

I own that dress in every color. It’s cozy, soft fabric and warm. I’ll continue looking Mormon while you get yeast infections from your choocie cutters.

No. 2408195>>2408203>>2408204

File (hide): 1740006017201.jpg (8.24 KB, 318x159, images.jpg)

The average IQ in this thread is 75 except for the nona who likes white T-shirts and jeans.

No. 2408196>>2408197

I hope you add stylizations or accessories because nonna this is a literal potato sack.

No. 2408197

I don’t wear accessories(why would I? I’m not needing attention I’m just trying to be clean and comfy). I just throw on my Canada goose trench puffer coat and I’m on my way.

No. 2408198>>2408202>>2408205

Youre the one having a meltdown. I’m happy with my clothing choices. I don’t need to dress like a lot lizard to feel good about myself

No. 2408199>>2408206>>2408210

File (hide): 1740006215140.webp (406.7 KB, 1200x801, img.webp)

Emilia Fart energy. But even Emilia still gets pestered by dumb men no matter that she's conservatively dressed and is in a lesbian relationship.

No. 2408200>>2408219

it's okay to want to look attractive. that doesn't mean i want sexual harrassment. i'm not going out in booty shorts and a bra, just well fitting clothes

it's more retarded to care about what goes inside the head a scrote, it's like being worried what an insect thinks of you

No. 2408202

Hahahaha sure non.

No. 2408203>>2408208>>2408212>>2408224

>dressing skimpy is fashion
Kek men don't care about fashion

>anime image posted
Opinion disregarded

No. 2408204>>2408214

I appreciate you a lot nonnie. As a woman attracted to women, white tshirts and jeans is like genuinely very attractive, whether she is instahoe aligned or if she's more butch, it just works for everyone. Dress it up or down, dress it more vintage or dress it up trendy, dress it simple or dress it up elegantly; white tshirt and jeans just works. I could fall in love with any woman if she was wearing a white tshirt and jeans I'm being so serious right now. I realize I sound autistic but I don't care, real anons get it.

No. 2408205

if you felt good about yourself you wouldn't need to call others a lot lizard

No. 2408206>>2408209>>2408216>>2408225>>2408257>>2408286

File (hide): 1740006324684.jpeg (294.85 KB, 600x800, IMG_5435.jpeg)

I wear regular business casual clothes because I’m not desperate for attention wearing insane colors and tight stuff etc

No. 2408208>>2408211

Who do you think runs the fashion industry genius?

No. 2408209

Based and sexy

No. 2408210

Clearly her skank lot lizard slut whore makeup attention whore personality is attracting men to her even though she doesn't pay attention to them.
>t. thread logic

No. 2408211>>2408218>>2408222

>fags in the fashion industry are the average man
The average moid doesn't care about fashion, retard.

No. 2408212

>men don't care about fashion
exactly anon. a woman in a tank top and skinny jeans isn't a harlot

No. 2408213

I want to wear stuff like this and ao dai as well but I would look like a larper. I just appreciate pretty clothes.

No. 2408214>>2408241

I'll wear a variation of that outfit everyday for you if you marry me, anon

No. 2408216

Yes nonna, we understand you're very plain and boring.

No. 2408217>>2408233

File (hide): 1740006450786.jpg (204.17 KB, 1080x1080, 2404_streetwms_sp (1).jpg)

This dress urgently needs some accessories to look good. Like a small belt and maybe something on the collar. I love Uniqlo but they're based on japanese fashion which is super oversized and ugly.

No. 2408218>>2408220

You said "men" in your post. Not the average man, just men in general.

No. 2408219>>2408254>>2408329

Men are still people and like I said I don’t want losers to look at me and think oh I have a chance. Which is literally how their brains work because dressing non conservatively makes their pea brains believe that you are looking to fuck. I don’t want that energy aimed at me. I don’t care if lower class idiots think my clothes are “boring”, I don’t want to look hot for anyone other than my own man

No. 2408220>>2408228

Not my problem you're illiterate.

No. 2408222>>2408229

men definitely care about fashion…as long as its cringey aliexpress bondage harnesses, shorts that go right up the ass crack, shirts that show nipples, and other weird moidy fetish shit

No. 2408224>>2408246

>Kek men don't care about fashion
That wasn't the question. You don't want to answer my question because you know that if women dress in fashion and makeup "for men" then logic would follow that lesbians would not have a preference and would not care. Of course we know many lesbians love makeup and "slutty fashion." You're such a feckless coward.

No. 2408225

those look like ugly maternal clothes, ew

No. 2408226

File (hide): 1740006594036.jpeg (371.24 KB, 1284x1680, IMG_5436.jpeg)

Good. I don’t wanna look like an escort.

No. 2408228

Sure, let me just become a mind-reader and assume that you meant the average man you'd find on the street and not just moids in general because you're too lazy to clarify what you actually mean in your post and so you have to move the goalposts of what you were actually trying to say when I point out that the fashion industry is ran by pedo scrotes.

No. 2408229>>2408231

Exact. They only like skimpy shit but don't tell that to the other anons! They think men love high fashion!

No. 2408231>>2408234

no one cares what men think

No. 2408233

File (hide): 1740006696525.jpg (117.04 KB, 1600x1168, ahh.jpg)

>weebs have entered the thread

No. 2408234>>2408242>>2408250>>2408256>>2408273

>I don’t care what men think
>does everything to fit their beauty mold

No. 2408240

Low rise jeans have never made my vagina feel sore, they fit properly. You just have a large pelvis while some women do not and that's okay

No. 2408241

I'll wear a variation of it, too, nonnieat our wedding ♥

No. 2408242

They're too pigheaded to understand this

No. 2408243

Low rise jeans have never made my vagina feel sore, they fit properly. You just have a large pelvis while some women do not and that's okay

No. 2408246>>2408262

All women are indoctrinated with bullshit societal pressures created by moids, have fallen to think male gaze shit is beautiful, and fell for consumerism so they will happily buy makeup and a lot of lesbians wear unconventional makeup that would turn scrotes off anyway. Your question is answered since you lack critical thinking and need me to fill in the gaps for you.
I love shaved heads on a woman. A lot of lesbians would not be attracted to this just like the average moid. You sound straight and clueless. Respond to me immediately.

No. 2408250>>2408255

Sounds like anon is just trying to fit her own beauty mold but keep on with the internalized misogyny that anyone who likes things you don't must be doing so to appeal to the lowest value men for popularity.

No. 2408254>>2408258

>men are still people
wrong. they register as lower than dogs to me. either way i'm not gonna live my life in fear and do and not do things because of what a scrote is gonna think of me. i understand if you don't want any attention on you, but you and so many anons have the mindset that moids are so powerful and any woman he puts is eyes on is tainted and ruined as if he says he wants that means she is his, and if he says a woman is a slut then she is because the moid judgement is so influencial and the end all be all. you're weird.

No. 2408255>>2408259>>2408273

Sounds like anon is trying to overcomplicate something very simple so we don't think she's desperate for moid attention

No. 2408256>>2408261

Right like what's the reason to wear tight uncomfortable clothing?

No. 2408257>>2408266>>2408268>>2408289>>2408339

File (hide): 1740007055120.jpg (99.64 KB, 592x888, 12 Jane Fonda.jpg)

Why is it that being a woman and liking to look cool or "dress up" always has to be framed as a "desperate for attention" thing?
It's very easy to "get attention" (or avoid it), but it's complex and interesting to try and express yourself or certain vibes you like through clothing and other visuals. The easy reply to this is that this complaint is only launched at women who dress in "slutty"/"basic" ways, but women can't even be "alternative" or anything like that without being accused of the same thing. Another anon upthread claimed alt fashion being "for attention". It feels like women can't really do anything without it being made into some kind of quasi-sexual game.

No. 2408258>>2408309>>2408329

Your way of dress is informed by men if you’re not dressing conservatively. Who do you think likes when women dress like skanks? It’s horny loser men who like it. Duh

No. 2408259

Remember nona buying makeup and aliexpress revealing fetish clothing is totally not moid related…

No. 2408261

Well anon, it's my way of expressing internal wounds of misogony. The way the tight polyester fabric irritates my skin and binds to my body, expresses the rash and bondage of being a womyn

No. 2408262>>2408267

>all women are indoctrined with bullshit societal pressures
>have fallen to think male gaze shit is beautiful
Not always. And if they do think something is beautiful, independent of what men think, are they just not allowed to like it because a moid incidentally does too? No logic there.
>lesbians only want makeup if it's unconventional!
Untrue. And as evidenced upthread by posting Emilia Fart, doesn't work as a deterrent to men much anyway.
>I loved shaved heads
So anyone who doesn't like a shaved head on a woman must be into male gaze shit, right? Because men only prefer women with hair?
Here's your dumb reply you smug little shit lmao.

No. 2408266>>2408300

Oh my god Jane Fonda is so cool, headstrong and interesting. Please stop associating these pick-me's with her

No. 2408267>>2408270

Man you got nothing to say because you know everything I said was true. Weak ass reply. Now kiss me you bitch

No. 2408268>>2408300

That lady isn’t dressed like sexual or revealing. I don’t get your point.

No. 2408270

You gotta pay me first anon, I am a whore after all~

No. 2408271>>2408274>>2408280

What if all the infighting is just an attempt to find a release by sexually frustrated anons.

No. 2408272

Because early 2000s skinny is back in fashion and the only people who look good in these giga low waisted pants are size 4 and under.
I'm a jeans hater too but I can't stand jogger sweatpants. I have never seen anyone look good in jogger pants. Thank god the flared yoga pant is back, they have the superior silhouette.
I think that's half the appeal of them ngl. They're kind of a status symbol in a way because your whole asscrack will be out if you bend over.

No. 2408273>>2408281

no i just think maternal clothes and dressing like a mormon is ugly. i think scrotes in general dress ugly and look ugly too and wish they put more effort to look cute as well, so it's not like i only think women "should" look beautiful and they don't need to because women are more attractive in general, i just don't like ugly anything.

No. 2408274

True I am very horny right now.

No. 2408277>>2408283

Women who dress like skanks are deeply insecure and need to be looked at by men in order to feel good. If they were forced to wear a conservative outfit they’d come home upset and would feel ugly from getting less attention from losers. Secure women wear comfortable conservative clothes

No. 2408280

I was about to say, some of these posts seem a little sexually charged. Sometimes reading infights on here feels like watching couples that like to argue as foreplay

No. 2408281>>2408282>>2408290>>2408297>>2408298>>2408311

If your face card doesn’t decline you can dress Mormon and still be beautiful

No. 2408282>>2408287>>2408291>>2408311

I'm ugly what should I do

No. 2408283

i don't get attention from dressing in skinny jeans and a tank top, i must be ugly

No. 2408286>>2408294

There’s two types of women in this thread: the normal ones who wear the blandest, most basic clothes imaginable who usually have an equally boring and ugly scrote they keep shilling as “hot” to her female friends and the mentally ill ones that incessantly feel the need to grab attention from others by dressing up in radioactive colors and ridiculous get-up that feels like Halloween. Autist vs BPD fashion advice essentially

No. 2408287

you're gorgeous baby…

No. 2408289>>2408303>>2408320

They talk about women being male centered who crave male attention when they themselves are espousing a male-dominated opinion and following a male-centered, abrahamic idea that a good woman is a woman who dresses modestly, a good woman is a woman who dresses to honor God, God in this context being the threat of male attention or assault or harassment. But it's not really about that, much like how it isn't really about honoring God in the abrahamic faiths, it's about creating visual tools to be able to deem someone, specifically a woman, as a bad whore or a good madonna.

No. 2408290>>2408295

dressing like a mormon is ugly and anything related to religion is more disgusting than any aliexpress e-thot shit will ever be

No. 2408291>>2408293

File (hide): 1740007570238.webp (94.18 KB, 1333x2000, IMG_5437.webp)

Go on fashion nova and get one of those cheaply made baddie fits if you’ve got a decent set of tits and ass. I’ll tell you no scrote is going to care about that face with this on.

No. 2408293

Those shoes are squishing the fuck out of her feet

No. 2408294

what are the radioactive colors or ridiculous get-up outfits here

No. 2408295>>2408302

I’m an atheist and I still dress what you’d consider Mormon. Not having my tits out and yeasty itchy shorts on doesn’t mean I’m religious.

No. 2408297

but why does it matter if you look beautiful? i thought you didn't want attention

No. 2408298>>2408301>>2408305

Yeah and this is why a lot of butterfaces like to dress like hookers

No. 2408300>>2408313

File (hide): 1740007744552.jpg (73.81 KB, 960x960, 75237491_756018521491275_60143…)

Because if a random woman dressed like that today, people would still say she's dressing for attention. It'd even happen on Lolcow, kek.
The point is that it happens to all women who dress up, not just ones in sexy or revealing outfits. No one is safe from the "seeking attention" accusation unless they're in burqa (which, ironically, is in itself based on the problem of male attention, and still attracts attention for religious/political reasons anyway), and I'm tired of it.

No. 2408301

Kek they really do

No. 2408302

and i don't a yeast infection or my tits out for not wearing an XXXL medieval gown

No. 2408303>>2408329>>2408347

I’d rather some loser man think I’m too good for him than think I’m a cheap slut. To each their own(bait)

No. 2408305>>2408357

That’s why insecure high school girls go through a phase of dressing “slutty”. They don’t feel pretty so they’re trying to make up for it by being half naked. Some women never grow out of this phase.

No. 2408309

File (hide): 1740007878984.webp (5.09 KB, 500x500, stylish-plain-burka-500x500.we…)

your way of dressing is also informed by men

No. 2408310>>2408315>>2408316

Why are we caring about what grown women are wearing again, someone remind me because I forgot.

No. 2408311

Sometimes I dress "mormon" and I'm ugly as hell. I know I can't pull off clothes that pretty women can, so I just wear clothes that are cute and comfortable.

No. 2408312

ITT: retarded tradfags vs retarded libfems

No. 2408313>>2408318>>2408327>>2408338

File (hide): 1740007995536.jpg (191.39 KB, 576x672, eternal-princess.jpg)

Unrelated from the whore versus burka discussions, I love renaissance fair type fashions and I wish it would get proliferated into the mainstream more. That's my unpopular take.

No. 2408315

Because some conservitard started shitting up the thread and instead of ignoring it, anons took the bait. Repeatedly.

No. 2408316

"Unpopular Opinions" thread, not "YASS QUEEN" tranny subreddit

No. 2408318


No. 2408320>>2408328>>2408340>>2408347

Exactly. Women aren't allowed to have fun with clothes, it's all "I'm normal, I'm not a cheap slut, colors are slutty!!" nonsense and the presumption that the only reason a woman would ever do something is to get attention.
Even the reply you got is just repeating the same thing. I feel like we could just talk about these things on LC years ago, I'm not sure what happened.
>it's about creating visual tools to be able to deem someone, specifically a woman, as a bad whore or a good madonna.
Right, it's about labelling "merchandise" (because that's what this entire mindset deems women to be, rather than people).

No. 2408322>>2408324>>2408347

There you are, driven by men and yet claiming to denounce them. Your actions are based on men, and yet you detest women whose very actions are also based on men. Like they say, to live in direct defiance of something is to become the very thing you hate, in this case women who are male-centered. You are just as male-centered.

No. 2408324

-by Grimeth

No. 2408326>>2408333

Imagine being so unhinged that this is what you took away from that post. Yikes.

No. 2408327

Based nonna

No. 2408328>>2408331>>2408339

File (hide): 1740008189577.jpeg (Spoiler Image,476.34 KB, 2048x1365, IMG_5438.jpeg)

Why can’t you have fun with clothes without looking like an escort? Pic related looks fun. Isn’t it interesting how your idea of fun is what turns men on?

No. 2408329>>2408342>>2408343

Kek at anons calling anyone not dressing like a frumpy tradthot a whore desperate for attention with internalized misogyny when the only motivation for dressing the way they do is what moids think of them

No. 2408331>>2408359

Fun if you're trying to get strangers to oink at you in public, maybe.

No. 2408333

kek I replied to the wrong post (>>2408315) that would be unhinged. Anon's dress would be the hit of the renaissance fair

No. 2408338

File (hide): 1740008317376.jpg (162.93 KB, 736x1296, 2b08a959328eb46bf9aec3408a9d97…)

Technically there's nothing preventing you from dressing this way, the only problem is I don't have much of a social life and have nowhere to wear such pretty gowns. I'm not going out to shop at Walmart and dollar tree dressed like this.

No. 2408339

? I posted a picture of what I considered having fun with clothes and that wasn't "looking like a hooker" >>2408257. Why are you arguing with a strawman?

No. 2408340>>2408344

>must dress like hooker in order to have fun with clothes
Kek I almost feel bad

No. 2408342

I don’t like scrotes giving me lusty eyes(any girl who has experienced it knows what I mean). It’s gross enough when I’m dressed Mormon, but it would feel uneven more disgusting if he can actually see me breasts and ass.

No. 2408343>>2408348>>2408349

I think the frumpy dresses ITT are ugly and also the bodycon/bra-showers. It seems like literally none of you know how to dress except my pelvis-twin, this anon >>2407985 She knows that if you want to wear a slutty top, you wear more conservative bottoms (and vice versa)

No. 2408344

>a woman not dressed in bed covers is a whore
oh wow

No. 2408345>>2408352

This is so ugly holy shit

No. 2408347>>2408350>>2408354

Whoops, messed up the delete and edit but I meant to reply to >>2408303
"Labeling merchandise" is an excellent way to put it anon, you're right. In either case, the woman is basing her decision on what men think, how they would think of her, how they would treat her. In one you have the women who might be seeking approval, the other are women who are seeking avoidance, but both decisions are decided by males. In reality neither are liberating at all purely based on the root of the decision. It's quite bleak. And even if a woman might dress how she genuinely likes, there is always the looming threat of the male, the looming threat of the male overshadows every decision a woman makes. There is plenty discussion about the voyeur in women's heads but the way it is externalized is so insidious and bleak. The way it causes a woman to act towards another woman is so sad.

No. 2408348

NTA but "pelvis-twin" made me laugh. I hope something good happens for you and your twin.

No. 2408349>>2408362

i'm the same anon in both posts kek. i also think the bodycon dress with nipples out is ugly. but anons straight up think >>2407950 is a hooker outfit because you can see her stomach

No. 2408350>>2408355

No, some people literally just think unwanted sexual attention is disgusting.

No. 2408352

File (hide): 1740008639580.jpg (27.11 KB, 500x500, Screenshot 2025-02-19 184118.j…)

Even the model looks like she has absconded.

No. 2408354

>there is always the looming threat of the male, the looming threat of the male overshadows every decision a woman makes.
this whole thread right now. a moid's sight is so powerful if he desires her despite the woman saying no she is belongs to him anyways and the woman is tainted.

No. 2408355>>2408370

Then why call other women sluts and whores if they don't care or if they presumably have the confidence to handle those interactions? Why bother unless you are using a woman's appearance to deem her a good woman or a bad whore? What does a woman in a crop top really do to you, personally? In this entire hours long debate barely any effort was made to condemn the men who ogle women dressed more conservatively than their gym bros at the gym. What do they say? Misogyny is blaming the women for the man's fault?

No. 2408357

kek I knew a girl like that in hs and she flirted with literal fat midget. That’s how badly she needed male attention. Sad

No. 2408358

anon don't listen to them I love you and your ascetic monk fashion

No. 2408359>>2408365>>2408368>>2408377

File (hide): 1740008755305.jpeg (152.1 KB, 683x1024, IMG_5439.jpeg)

I’m just saying when ever these “I wear revealing clothes to express myself not to be attractive”, it makes no sense. There is so much more ugly loud clothes out there that make more of a statement than some booty shorts and a crop top.

No. 2408362

Not me, I think she looks cute. Very well-balanced

No. 2408365

>There is so much more ugly loud clothes out there that make more of a statement than some booty shorts and a crop top
Because outside of "high fashion" walks where every pretentious fag designer gets to listen to the sound of people huffing his farts, ugly clothes are ridiculed. Being ridiculed is no fun, especially if you are forcing yourself to wear ugly clothes to avoid "attention seeking" ones just to make a bullshit statement people ultimately give no shit about.

No. 2408367>>2408381

File (hide): 1740008999309.jpg (66.49 KB, 564x909, edb54af30ea1326605329d5b5797d1…)

Might fuck around and bring back the empire dress. It looks so comfy

No. 2408368

Booty shorts and a crop top would be infinitely more comfortable than this shit. The reason nobody wears high fashion on the daily is because it isn't comfortable. It's pinned in place on the models and they have to rehearse how to walk in more theatrical, costume pieces. It's not practical and dressing like this would take probably like an hour to put together for a regular person.

No. 2408370>>2408378>>2408380

Because women are the only gender with a working brain. We need to act accordingly

No. 2408373

File (hide): 1740009167644.jpeg (10.94 KB, 170x296, images.jpeg)

this is peak fashion

No. 2408377>>2408385

File (hide): 1740009229925.jpg (229.99 KB, 1169x1377, GWP6UtCW4AAn3Hq.jpg)

You'll still get called an attention-whore for wearing anything but the long Mormon dress, that's the problem.
Don't pretend the same accusation doesn't get launched at the women in high fashion clothing. It's nasty how many "people" think women only wear clothing to either receive attention or avoid it.

No. 2408378>>2408383>>2408386>>2408390>>2408391>>2408392>>2408407

File (hide): 1740009263704.jpeg (118.13 KB, 736x1104, d682f2fe-3a37-473c-bee8-df31ce…)

i'm wearing this for the salem witch trials nonny what do you think

No. 2408380

You sperging online about le evil tempting whores really isn't doing anything to help your agenda, maybe become some christian youth group counselor instead.

No. 2408381

Empire waist makes u look pregnant

No. 2408383

Needs belly chain to accentuate your WHORE midriff but other than that perfect

No. 2408385>>2408393>>2408403

Women need to dress in bland functional clothes. The time you’re not wasting shopping and putting on makeup, you could be making money.

No. 2408386


No. 2408390

slim but curvy, lucky bitch

No. 2408391>>2408399

>low rise
>no underwear waistline
This is clearly an outfit for the most devilish of whoors, everyone knows women must wear high waisted granny panties, and if you don't you are an evil whoor invited the demonic essence of males into your person, since I see NO waistline for underwear this is what a freaking whoor would wear I can't believe you made me see this I'm actually crying right now, NOT OF JOY but of anguish.

No. 2408392

Those shirts were made with a really gross fabric but i like this outfit in theory, as long as I don't look at any of the details

No. 2408393

women don't have lizard brains like tech incels and can handle both working and not looking like a 4channer

No. 2408395>>2408396

Rest assured I will never be taking fashion advice from lolcow autists, lolcow bpdchans, lolcow weebs, and lolcow Beckies who think a pair of low rise bootcut jeans is gonna turn them into a Stacy

No. 2408396

word because they are already are stacies

No. 2408399>>2408407>>2408408>>2408441

Is there actually a non-trolling anon saying that or are you guys just angry that some of us think women who dress in overtly revealing outfits are usually a) ugly and b) desperate for attention? There are at least three groups

No. 2408401

>Rest assured I will never be taking fashion advice from lolcow autists, lolcow bpdchans, lolcow weebs, and lolcow Beckies who think a pair of low rise bootcut jeans is gonna turn them into a Stacy

No. 2408403>>2408406>>2408426

File (hide): 1740009653600.png (1.06 MB, 878x855, tumblr_n1pdti1nPz1r7hyvno1_128…)

Having a hobby doesn't prevent you from making money, unless you have a mental disorder that makes you only focus on one of the two. In spite of the existence of makeup, clothing and movies, women are overtaking men in university and parts of the job market. Men do not comprehend this.

No. 2408406>>2408409>>2408410>>2408414>>2408418

Women statistically have more debt because of fashion and makeup. You’d definitely have more money.

No. 2408407>>2408412

not angry but thinking >>2408378 is a whore is ridiculous and you sound like a christfag

No. 2408408>>2408416

I'm not trolling how dare you, visions of skanky WHOORS cloud my vision and they infiltrate my thoughts like some creeping virus. I have been driven to mad fevers wherein I thrash and scream and bite uncontrollably. It has cost me my job and my apartment. I live in my Subaru but at least I have my floor length jean skirts to keep me sane.

No. 2408409

File (hide): 1740009854919.jpeg (142.83 KB, 680x847, IMG_5044.jpeg)

No. 2408410>>2408429

>Insinuating all women take on Klarna debt instead of going to the thrift store and getting Maybelline mascara
There will always be low Iq people out there nona

No. 2408412>>2408420

That's not an example of what rational anons would consider overtly revealing, other than the anons who are obviously trolling or trying to paint anyone who disagrees with them as tradfags

No. 2408414

i agree they should cut down on retarded shit like skincare that doesn't work, buying excessive amounts of makeup, other skin treatments so their skin looks edited and buying low quality fast fashion that they don't even like, but that doesn't mean that they need to dress like 12 year old boy or a medieval nightgown

No. 2408416

Jean skirts are much too worldly I only wear potato sacks to hide my figure, lest I look like a descendent of Lilith

No. 2408418>>2408432

>unless you have a mental disorder that makes you only focus on one of the two
In general, it's not hard to avoid going into debt if you're responsible with your money.
Women also don't need to stop riding bicycles, listening to music or watching films and TV to do better in life. You can have fun and make good wealth, only lizards and slavedrivers think otherwise.

No. 2408420>>2408436

File (hide): 1740010122886.gif (2.09 MB, 448x450, giphy.gif)

who are we even speaking to then

No. 2408424

Rest assured I will make sure to take equal fashion advice from lolcow autists, lolcow bpdchans, lolcow ocdchans, lolcow weebs, lolcow tradchans, and lolcow Beckies who think a pair of low rise bootcut jeans is gonna turn them into a Stacy

No. 2408426>>2408430>>2408465

how can I dress in a slightly spooky ethereal virginal coquette way like this outside without wearing just a nightgown?

No. 2408429>>2408435>>2408439>>2408444

File (hide): 1740010411908.webp (43.95 KB, 576x767, DCBC3F80-546B-4C62-848A-2C2EC1…)

Normalfags do have massive debts though, they’re the ones buying fashion nova, lululemon, and having massive hauls from shein because they’re worried about wearing the same outfits twice. Check the consumerism thread and you’ll see women constantly engage and egg each other on in retarded spending habits and most of it pertaining to makeup and clothes. Even young girls are memed into wanting expensive skincare and maintaining 10 step beauty routines before bed

No. 2408430

I think that’s just the lighting. But maybe a cleaner courtney love kinderwhore style?

No. 2408432

men are just retarded. reminds of how harassment and being a piece of shit to each other is just masculine energy and moid work culture and if you can't handle it you are weak and need to leave but if scrotes are killing themselves it's women's fault

No. 2408435>>2408443>>2408445>>2408446

This is so online holy shit kek, normal every day women are not going into massive debts over athletic wear or makeup. They might splurge on it every one in a while but as someone who has a job and friends and knows real women, this is not normal at all.

No. 2408436

File (hide): 1740010541315.jpg (14.73 KB, 480x360, 4067647921.jpg)

Clothing trolls

No. 2408439

this sucks but this is not new. young girls are always memed into acting way older than their age. before it was being a mother and a wife and now it's becoming an e-thot for discord scrotes

No. 2408441>>2408449

Seriously Nona. They’re using attractive celeb outliers when really the average woman dressing like that is just some ugly insecure chick

No. 2408443>>2408449

Don’t try to reason with someone who never talks to people irl and bases all of their terminally online opinions on the glimpses of the outside world they get from social media.

No. 2408444>>2408568

File (hide): 1740010719401.jpg (33.17 KB, 550x426, 3d3c3f3cf8de1506aa7697f48b2f4a…)

>children wanting to emulate what they see their parents do is a bad thing ahhhhhh nooooooo
Anon, just because I give a kid fake keys to play with doesn't mean I find them competent enough to drive a car or lock a door. We allow children to interact with these things because they'd bug the fuck out of the parents if they didn't. I don't agree with allowing 5 year olds access to real makeup, but playsets exist. I had one. It's a trope that little girls jailbreak their mother's vanities to play around with the makeup.
Are little girls concerned for men? No, they're trying to emulate their mothers because they find them beautiful and fun. I don't think money and debt is on their minds in the least.

No. 2408445>>2408568

But those normal everyday women are still spending money on maintaining a stereotypical feminine appearance for society though. Moids aren’t the ones setting aside a budget for hair removal, makeup, and skincare but women aren’t “normal” unless they do that

No. 2408446>>2408452>>2408455>>2408568

Idk one of my friends has a full time job and she went into debt over buying clothes. I’ve also heard of girls spending their leftover financial aid on it. I think it’s way more common than you’d think

No. 2408449

I'm watching Millionaire Matchmaker on amazon and this keeps being proven again and again. They're encouraged to wear revealing outfits but it's always obvious who goes the extra mile and why
nta or involved but it sounds like you're taking this personally kek

No. 2408450>>2408453>>2408457>>2408478

File (hide): 1740011025703.jpeg (172.33 KB, 736x1042, IMG_3752.jpeg)

Women like this are more “gnc” than the faggots who think being dirty, ugly, frumpy, unhygienic and can barely handle eye contact with people means being “gnc”(bait)

No. 2408452>>2408456

And I think you're too online and you're friend was/is in a stressful situation.

No. 2408453

GNC Classic®

No. 2408455

Irresponsible go into debt period. I knew dudes in college wasting their financial aid on video games and alcohol.

No. 2408456>>2408460

I mean a lot of women are in stressful situations but they make it worse by overspending on clothes and other beauty/fashion type stuff that they don’t need

No. 2408457>>2408464

Unpopular but "GNC" discourse is funny to me because it's obviously the tumblr influence left on some radfem individuals. Like why are we trying to measure the capacity of which an individual is "non-conforming" to their "gender", it's just tranny discourse lite to me.

No. 2408460>>2408462

This is the consequence of a capitalistic society in general though.

No. 2408462>>2408467

No it’s not. It’s bad decision making

No. 2408464>>2408469

I’ve been saying that exact thing, you’re absolutely right. It’s just queer theory/nonbinary nonsense, just be normal or just become a tranny already holy shit

No. 2408465>>2408466>>2408470>>2408482>>2408485

File (hide): 1740011454231.png (1.45 MB, 1280x853, tumblr_mw2kkdGfqi1t0bsa5o3_128…)

Basically, go for a delicate flair. Skirts and maybe stockings. Floral prints, lace, necklaces/bracelets/etc like in the previous pic are good touches.

No. 2408466

That looks itchy

No. 2408467>>2408471

Yeah it is kek, men do the same shit. We live in a society that is dependent on us spending money, buying things we like make brain go happy, spending money on things we like make brain go sad because no money, brain is sad so grug buy more things to make brain happy, grug experiencing a vicious dopamine cycle that exists because of capitalism. It's a form of addiction that is encouraged by the society we live in.

No. 2408469>>2408477

Aren't they usually middle-upper class white kids with literally nothing else going on and no other profound/interesting experiences than their self-invented gender problems?

No. 2408470

What are the odds anon is shaped like that model?

No. 2408471>>2408476

Yes, men also make bad money decisions and go into debt over dumb shit

No. 2408476>>2408481

Yeah… because we live in a capitalistic society.

No. 2408477

I mean not everyone? I think they’re usually kids but they’re also even grown adults calling themselves “GNC” because they’re just too afraid to be a gay person and say trannies are just weirdos who took it too far and ruined the gay community like many normal gay people say. They all think trannies are confused and mistaken by their mental illness instead of entirely deliberate with it which is why they’re constantly talking about “gender” being nonsensical and that if these people just detransitioned they could just be happy and a gay, confused mess yipee! They really do spout the same post-modern trash from queers and people who screech “bioessentialist!” at everything. I’m sure that didn’t make much sense but trannies are the way they are and saying this isn’t defending them, it’s just painting trannies as just temporarily defective and harmless people who got caught up in big pharma when I say absolutely not, they are 100% fully eager and on board to destroy themselves for a nonexistent porn-addled dream with the exception with the children who unfortunately have opportunistic abusive parents ready to turn them into frankenstein darlings.

No. 2408478>>2408486

How is that woman GNC?

No. 2408481>>2408484

File (hide): 1740012186844.jpg (29.96 KB, 900x900, pixel-tree-person-igloozs-gd-2…)

Ookalakatu tribal living anon. Me agree, trade coconut for whale fat okolatakay

No. 2408482

Those poofy skirts look so bad and make you look so fat if you don't have a model type of body. They bring so much bulk around the stomach. I bought one and (stupidly) didn't try it on before bringing it home- it made me look like a chunky cupcake. Skirts that have volume at the bottom and not the top will give you a much more flattering shape.

No. 2408484


No. 2408485>>2408497>>2408540

This wasn't even cute in its hey day on tumblr.

No. 2408486>>2408488>>2408494>>2408525

Because she isn’t autistic or defective, clearly values health and fitness which is important for every woman. She doesn’t think dressing like a bum is exceptional and a “feminist” act kek, might as well become a Muslim woman if you’re pissed about women looking hot. Moids get angry at women who dress up and like to look nice because they know it’s not for them, it’s why they’re always quick to shit on them and their makeup and say “love a no makeup woman”, it’s because they know that shit is coming strictly out of her own enjoyment and creativity. Not everything is for the male gaze, if you can’t discern what is clearly a campy overly performative bimbo and a stylish expressive woman then you’re fucking retarded

No. 2408488>>2408504

File (hide): 1740012479371.jpg (28.89 KB, 750x419, cea5c2dd6d0d43517b08ff27782b4c…)

Reminds me of Jada Pinkett in the 90s, before we had to learn all that weird stuff about her

No. 2408494>>2408502>>2408504

Why is being autistic and defective considered part of the female gender to the point that being neither is "GNC" kek

No. 2408497>>2408503

it is actually very cute, but the other nona is right, basically impossible to pull off unless you're a size 0 waif with no hips or ass. I've seen women wearing these kind of tutu short skirts irl and they always look so goddamn frumpy. Belle Delphine is skinny but even she looked huge and like a fat baby when wearing those clothes in candids

No. 2408498

No offense but you probably don't suit e-girl makeup. Nobody does. It's ugly as shit. Unless I'm thinking of something else? What e-girl makeup do you mean?

No. 2408502

She’s saying most peoples idea of “GNC” women is really just autistic women.

No. 2408503>>2408510

The skirt looks like shit, sorry anon. It's not cute at all. You know that thing rides up too. I'm not one for strict practicality and I like some flare but that skirt is so impractical and ugly.

No. 2408504

She was so hot, honestly still is hot despite her being a swinger cow with her weird ass husband that gives off the energy of a human shitbull ready to snap at any moment. I’m pretty sure he probably abused her in the past
Because you’re trying to be something else you’re clearly not and trying to dress up in clothes that don’t fit your body type or the energy you give off. Athleisure is cute as hell if you know how to dress, the anons who are so unnecessarily adverse to it are either fat as shit or can’t dress, betting on both. Count your blessings, it usually looks good on lean ectomorphic women.

No. 2408510

It looks like an outfit you'd put on to take a slutty pic, for whatever reason and then immediately change out of. I agree with the anons who have experienced these synthetic crinoline nightmares

No. 2408511>>2408516>>2408521>>2408523>>2408532

Luigi isn’t hot and he deserves to rot in jail

No. 2408516>>2408519

Brian Thompson apparently wasn’t very nice to his wife so

No. 2408519

I don’t care about him I think Luigi is ugly and should be made a prison wife

No. 2408521>>2408526

Why do you think he should rot in jail?

No. 2408523>>2408545>>2408547

He is hot. And no he doesn't. He wasn't the man on cctv shooting the ceo.

No. 2408525>>2408528>>2408529>>2408533>>2408536>>2408542>>2408572

File (hide): 1740013671083.png (880.87 KB, 497x787, mallpic.png)

PREACH! if you’re fr out here dressing like a medieval XXL potato sack in the name of feminism, just convert to full burka and leave us alone to sit pretty and look cute af. Moids have nothing to do with it. What do yall think of my outfit from last weekend? I was thinking of doing something with my hair but idk what would look cute(baiting retard)

No. 2408526

All ugly men should rot in jail

No. 2408528

That outfit looks mentally challenged

No. 2408529

File (hide): 1740013725587.jpg (12.59 KB, 480x360, hqdefault-171892840.jpg)

clothing troll

No. 2408532>>2408535

Based based basedddd fuck that literal uggo, anons who like 3dpd have bad taste as usual

No. 2408533>>2408663

Why are you retards self-posting? it looks cute because it looks like you’re going to an anime con kek

No. 2408535>>2408548

File (hide): 1740013962974.gif (Spoiler Image,1.04 MB, 220x220, based-aviv-3916573516.gif)

No. 2408536>>2408543>>2408550

Kekking at nobody knowing who this is

No. 2408540

File (hide): 1740014093063.jpg (84.62 KB, 640x480, tumblr_mfwk5w2Hkq1r4ht6ho1_640…)

Disagree, her and Nicole Dollanganger were the GOATs (even when she was baldheaded)

No. 2408542

Isn't that Oldmin? Kek

No. 2408543>>2408663

annoying brown girl who needs a lot of attention?

No. 2408545>>2408547

>huge nostrils
>gross curly hair
>dark eyes
>not even tall
Yeah he’s so dreamy. Couldn’t resist

No. 2408547>>2408551>>2408552>>2408554

It was him.
Sexo. Why is there no outrage over the tons of Lanzafags in /g/? Is it just because Luigi has a dedicated thread right now?

No. 2408548>>2408559

Go back

No. 2408550>>2408663

Well then tell us who tf it is

No. 2408551>>2408553

I haven’t noticed the lanzafags only the Luigi ones and he’s nasty

No. 2408552

Because the lanzafags have moved on and you keep harping over an irrelevant caveman

No. 2408553

Different strokes for different folks especially the eye color and height argument just hide the thread.

No. 2408554>>2408557

There's maybe 4 lanzafags in a thread where hybristosperging followed by infighting over said sperging is a threadly occurrence and they usually get told off after. Not the same level as 17 Luigi threads, I have no problem with Luigifags but I think people are just tired of him

No. 2408555>>2408557>>2408576>>2408578>>2408614>>2408925>>2408986

Brown eyes are objectively the best eye colour on a man. Anything else looks demonic

No. 2408557>>2408561

Good thing he's contained. People forget he is going to be tried for alleged CEO assassination, he isn't an irrelevant caveman like other anon said. He's a relevant caveman.

No. 2408559>>2408565

Truly bot-minded anon

No. 2408561>>2408614

Exactly he has his own thread what's the issue. He's shadowbanned on most social media too and the news doesn't like to talk about him since the public likes him. You had to go out of your away to get annoyed by luigifags

No. 2408565>>2408566>>2408567

I don’t know what’s bot-minded apparently, saying based to an unpopular opinion you agree with or continuously posting the same repetitive whiteknighting drivel in a thread to worship an ugly man who wouldn’t step foot in your peasant trash zip code and could afford 10x the amount of health care coverage your wagie job barely covers. Shut the fuck up and get better taste

No. 2408566

I don't care what you think of Luigi, you sounded like a pubescent boy and that's what I was specifically making fun of

No. 2408567

damn you really hate that child

No. 2408568

So fucking what? Who cares why people go in debt. Thats a dumb person thing, not a woman or a man thing. I know a man who has two kids and no job and is in debt over fucking paintball and airsoft guns! His best friend is a retard on disability who is in debt to animu figurines and other plastic junk. Women just happen to be pushed by society to buy certain things but i promise you, people go into debt for a million different reasons and it isnt consistently JUST women going into debt over JUST makeup and clothes.

No. 2408569>>2408571

File (hide): 1740015505599.webp (10.77 KB, 250x250, 40830FF9-EEA2-4638-94AF-821AE1…)

This has happened to me. I dislike IG thot/baddie aesthetics and makeup, but they suit me. Most of the styles and media I actually like often get labeled "quirky". I feel like a lot of things in my life would be different if my insides matched my outsides.

No. 2408571>>2408573>>2408577

>I actually like often get labeled "quirky"
Well that's already too much for me. Have fun with this one anons

No. 2408572>>2408597>>2408663

Never post yourself on lolcow again. Literal retard. That being said, you look like an anime girl if anime was invented in the middle east. Much cute.

No. 2408573

No. 2408576>>2408578

Blue eyed men should die

No. 2408577>>2408580

Everyone ignore this anon. She needs her brain checked.

No. 2408578>>2408579

Orange and green eyes are the best for men. But dark green only. Light green is adjecent to blue and makes them look insane.

No. 2408579>>2408593>>2408596

Post example of orange eyed cutie?

No. 2408580>>2408582

Stop trying to overwrite lolcowian ugly-avoidance with your newfag preferences

No. 2408582

NTA but this post makes no sense. Take your meds.

No. 2408593>>2408601>>2408606>>2408833

File (hide): 1740016936828.jpg (66.45 KB, 416x681, bbe67587d2c32ae1df889fca002e83…)

Hopefully your not rasist. Kek

No. 2408596>>2408601>>2408606>>2408613

File (hide): 1740016980536.jpg (45.96 KB, 612x461, male-amber-eye-with-side-hair-…)

Best eye color.

No. 2408597

I think you might be the retard

No. 2408601

Ooooh pretty. I wonder if my eyes look like this in sunlight. Probably not. Very nice.

No. 2408606

I love this eye color but I've rarely seen it. Usually it's on some ambiguously brown dude or a black man.

This isn't even amber/golden. This is just hazel eyes in direct sunlight. I know this man was blinded by the sun when this photo was taken.

No. 2408613>>2408616>>2408617>>2408630

Gross, this moid probably has cataracts. His limbal ring is almost completely faded and the pupil isn't even defined from the iris. His eyes look literally "polluted", like in a spiritual way. No wonder some of you end up with the worst scrotes imaginable

No. 2408614>>2408621

The worst men I’ve known have brown or almost black looking eyes. Also find it interesting that when there’s this dead eye thing that happens with sociopaths where their eyes go black. They dont go lighter. Interesting..
There are multiple threads about him on here

No. 2408616>>2408620>>2408628

If you have brown eyes, iridology is just a self-insult

No. 2408617>>2408618>>2408624

Nona that’s because he’s looking into the sun or a really bright light

No. 2408618

Noo he is clearly a demon because he has evil dark eyes oooh scary

No. 2408620>>2408640>>2408870

File (hide): 1740018172045.jpg (Spoiler Image,150.39 KB, 2796x1290, light-brown-asian-eyes-with-th…)

If you eat well, drink water and don't become a coomer they can look really nice. That's why children can have really dimensional and pretty brown eyes while adults will be full of discolorations from eating like shit and drinking too much. Picrel is of a child eyes, if there are anons weirded out by that and need a tw

No. 2408621

Agreed. I have the same experience. The ones with blackish eyes are the most evil. Insane!

No. 2408624>>2408625

File (hide): 1740018348106.jpg (Spoiler Image,129.38 KB, 1200x630, Ben-Affleck-3347220896.jpg)

His pupil is pinned and if there wasn't a glare directly in it, it would be more obvious

and here we are

No. 2408625>>2408628

Ewww his eyes aren’t even truly brown what a poser

No. 2408628>>2408629>>2408870

That's what I mean, I had never even heard nona's >>2408616 phrase before. I just know that drinking/cooming/drug addicted moids always have these "polluted"/fake brown eyes

No. 2408629>>2408632

That’s creepy. Eyes truly are windows to the soul.

No. 2408630

He looks like he would smell

No. 2408632

Always go for a moid with nice clear, happy eyes. The colour isn't that important imo

No. 2408634>>2408636>>2408638

I ♥ my evil dark brown irises

No. 2408636

Same kek. Absolute autism ITT

No. 2408638>>2408646

Congrats on your poop eyes

No. 2408639

i think "fictosexual" is retarded and even the most hardcore people ive seen who identify as it will still admit they wish they had an irl partner at some point. if they arent already with a real person kek

No. 2408640

Dark eyes don't indicate poor health, some people just have dark eyes kek. Drinking water will not turn Sandra Bullock or Halle Berry's eyes light.

No. 2408644

Grey eyes aren't real, they're just a muted light blue. When I hear people say they have "grey" eyes I have to roll my eyes internally because it's so retarded and gay kek. Even pictures online of "grey" eyes are blue, sometimes it's a lighter green. People with this color always brag about it once it comes up but it's so funny because nobody ever asks them about it. I swear retards hear "blue eyes" and they think it must mean that your eyes have to be some searing electric blue to be "blue", it's like mexicans/black people who have extremely dark brown eyes. People don't call the color black even though it comes across that way, so why are we entertaining some light-eyed attention seeking bullshit with "grey eyes", they dont even look grey in real life. Grey fucking eyes my ass you just have a dull light blue dumbass.

No. 2408646>>2408655>>2408656>>2408662

The wheel begins to turn once more.. >>2407843

No. 2408648>>2408651>>2408657

It sounds more like a few neurotic anons bringing up the same topics over and over more than a lolcowian samsara or w/e

No. 2408651>>2408657


No. 2408655

Kek we’re never reaching nirvana

No. 2408656

I don’t want tradwife next noooo

No. 2408657>>2408660>>2408661

samefag but it's tired, worn out bait as well (like this anon >>2408651)

No. 2408660>>2408665

Stop trying to make lolcowian happen

No. 2408661>>2408665>>2408666

Why is it bait to think saying "lolcowian" is cringy?

No. 2408662>>2408667>>2408670>>2408675

Youre the one bragging about your feces colored eyes. Not advised

No. 2408663

You guys are hilarious. Again! Again!

No. 2408665>>2408668

NTA but newfag alert kekek

No. 2408666>>2408671>>2408677

I didn't even invent lolcowian, I stole it from a complaining anon from celebricows

No. 2408667

File (hide): 1740019347866.jpg (39.76 KB, 349x480, 00womenHit1.jpg)


No. 2408668>>2408673>>2408674>>2408681

Pot meet kettle, holy shit

No. 2408670

Based feces

No. 2408671

She was cringe too, celebricow posters are terrible.

No. 2408673>>2408679

You seem like an autistic channer or reddit newfag trying to henpeck everyone into boring reply chains, like what you enjoy posting

No. 2408674>>2408679

Continuing to reveal yourself as a short term user of this website, or at least having not lurked very much, if this is your first time seeing the use of ‘kekek’

No. 2408675>>2408694

File (hide): 1740019467459.jpg (35.89 KB, 640x427, 6cf02c6b579af718628813bbc73dc5…)

If you see brown and immediately think of shit, that says a lot about the state of your mind and soul. No beauty, no heart, no warmth.

No. 2408677>>2408678

Not everyone cares about celebs

No. 2408678>>2408682>>2408684

I'm sure you could find other instances of "lolcowian" outside the celebrity thread by lurking

No. 2408679>>2408680

Why are you made to feel henpecked by like five words?

You try way too hard, kek

No. 2408680>>2408685

>made to feel
moid alert

No. 2408681

ntayrt but i’ve seen far cringier kek’s in my day nonny

No. 2408682

I really haven’t sorry

No. 2408684>>2408686>>2408688>>2408696

Earliest instance was 2023, it was cringe then too. Are there anons who joined in 2023 and now think they're oldfags? Heaven help me

No. 2408685

No. 2408686

Kek I knew it

No. 2408688>>2408690>>2408693>>2408696>>2408698

File (hide): 1740019762140.jpg (43.59 KB, 540x405, 33496516._SX540_.jpg)

Two years is a long time, I know time moves very quickly at your age anon

No. 2408690>>2408695>>2408696

Nta but 2 years makes you a newfag.

No. 2408693

Do you not know what an oldfag is because it's not not being a newfag?

No. 2408694>>2408706

Dirt in the ground that gets stepped on and shit on? Oh. So much better

No. 2408695>>2408698>>2408702

We're talking about the word "lolcowian" and it existing for two years on lc. I don't remember taking an oldfag oath that I wouldn't learn or use new words [midfag repost]

No. 2408696>>2408697>>2408699>>2408700

File (hide): 1740019976311.png (411.84 KB, 1850x642, lolcowian.png)

nta but you’re all wrong, the earliest recorded instance of the term lolcowian being used was on KF in 2016

No. 2408697>>2408703>>2408704

Is this Kiwifarms we are on right now.

No. 2408698

If you've only been on LC for two years, you're not in a position to accuse others of being short term users who need to lurk more.

No. 2408699

Of course they're wrong, they're pissy contrarian anons

No. 2408700>>2408703>>2408704>>2408705

KF users are known for being autists, pickmes and generally cringy individuals. We aren't on KF, either.

No. 2408702

Just say you're a newfag. You couldn't even respond to me properly. Probably on your phone with a triple chin looking down and breathing all over your fingers, kid.

No. 2408703>>2408716

no, anon. but kiwifarms and lolcow are related, and that’s the first usage of the term lolcowian online which was what we were talking about. also most kiwi farms users use lolcow as well

No. 2408704>>2408712>>2408716

KF and LC are similar circles, do you not remember what happened when KF went down… oh wait…

No. 2408705>>2408722

The anons turning this into the dumbest and most boring argument of all time, have absolutely no place to call anyone, any of those things

No. 2408706>>2408708>>2408709>>2408711>>2408715

That thing about lacking warmth and beauty really hurt your feelings, huh?

No. 2408708>>2408713

>i gotta use the word warm because angelic doesn't fit xd

No. 2408709>>2408713

Blue and green eyes are far more beautiful, poopy

No. 2408711

Poopoo head

No. 2408712>>2408725>>2408727

Yeah but I don’t post there so I don’t give a fuck about lolcowian which is almost never used here

No. 2408713>>2408714>>2408717>>2408718>>2408723>>2408729

File (hide): 1740020307525.jpg (99.2 KB, 736x981, 97483c340f467bcc40d6c8d622b6cb…)

Angels don't exist. Also, I have green eyes, so stop looping me into your retarded racial autism

No. 2408714

All angels would have brown eyes anyway

No. 2408715

Get behind me nona, the nazis are here…

No. 2408716>>2408735

We weren't talking about "online" ie the internet as a whole, but Lolcow. "Yasss kweeen" has existed since 2015 but it's still cringe to use here.

And? KF is still cringe, and we don't share the same site culture

No. 2408717

See, all anon had to do was post an example and the infight is now over

No. 2408718>>2408740

I can tell you have hazel eyes which are just light brown and not even green. Wtf does eye colour have to do with race kek

No. 2408722>>2408724>>2408725

it's just cringe

No. 2408723>>2408729

Blue and green still looks better than this boring shitty poo poo

No. 2408724>>2408730>>2408759

I've never said this to another woman in my life but you're acting like you're getting you period and I really mean that

No. 2408725>>2408747

ntayrt but anons don’t have to post based off what you enjoy or find to be non-cringe

No. 2408727

Okay, but it's not a newfag thing, loads of anons use both KF and LC- you know, because they're interested in cows. Anyways do you remember what happened?

No. 2408729>>2408734>>2408740

literal dookie. anyone ever notice that people with brown eyes always claim their eyes are green too? literally delusional

No. 2408730>>2408731

ntayrt but you could’ve chosen a better response, don’t want to get accused of scrotefoiling but this just makes you sound like a moid

No. 2408731

You're actually exhausting

No. 2408734>>2408738>>2408744

File (hide): 1740020633329.jpeg (8.07 KB, 225x225, IMG_7534.jpeg)

Beautiful poop eyes mmhm yessuh

No. 2408735>>2408742

NTA but
>We don’t share the same site culture
Are you sure about that anon? Kiwi farms is for keeping track of and discussing cows, lolcow is for keeping track of and discussing cows. Is that really all that different, culturally?

No. 2408738

So warm like the inside of a sewer drain

No. 2408740>>2408743>>2408745

File (hide): 1740020774863.jpg (78.81 KB, 1200x1200, j-just brown.jpg)

>g-green eyes are just hazel
>hazel is just brown
>brown eyes le bad, poopoo!!
Jealous and Elon-shaped

No. 2408742>>2408761>>2408763

Yes, have you used KF? It's full of misogynistic and racist moids.

No. 2408743>>2408751

Those aren't even hazel eyes I can't believe you took the time to find a photoshopped image just to post it kek.

No. 2408744

Why would you post a picture of your mom on here anon

No. 2408745>>2408750

Green apple tootsie pop

No. 2408747>>2408765

They don't, and you also don't get to control how others react to your posts and the terms you use. It's ok to call things cringe, don't have a meltdown.

No. 2408750

Toxic sludge chemical looking ass

No. 2408751>>2408755

I didn't say they were hazel, can you read?
Kek, okay

No. 2408752>>2408753>>2408764>>2408768>>2408816

i feel like all of the anons sperging about brown eyes are literal uggos whose only redeeming features are their light-colored eyes cant believe theres two infights going on at the same time, incredible

No. 2408753>>2408757

What's the second infight? The one about clothes?

No. 2408755>>2408762>>2408840

You must be blind and retarded kek. Show me someone irl that has this radioactive eye color. I'll wait

No. 2408757

We will get to that but first the tradwives and the fujos/anti fujos need to have their turn

No. 2408759

These sorts of replies are why you get called cringe (my bad, this wasn't meant for toxic sludge anon but she's cringe too)

No. 2408761>>2408770

So is lolcow? And it’s against the rules here too, just as it is over there. Kek how new are you

No. 2408762>>2408766

>literally so blind and retarded she can't read a lolcow post
>calls others the same
Shameful kek

No. 2408763>>2408770

Riddle me ree, why do we share cows? Why do anons know who cows exclusively on KF are? Why anons here were simping for Null that ill fated time?

No. 2408764

The projection here is crazy.

No. 2408765>>2408837

you seemed to kinda be having a meltdown over an anon using the word lolcowian, it’s okay for us to remind you that as long as users aren’t breaking the rules, they can be as cringe as they please

No. 2408766>>2408780

your light brown eyes do not look like that. you can drop the delusion now.

No. 2408768>>2408772>>2408773>>2408780>>2408784>>2408792

All the anons praising brown eyes are mid brown women. Brown skin, brown eyes, black hair. Such poopy beauty(racebait)

No. 2408770>>2408775

It's not against the rules there at all, it's clear you haven't used it. Oh, and they have unironic tranny jannies.

Just because we both laugh at cows doesn't mean we're the same, otherwise some circles on Twitter are the same as us and we should be calling eachother oomf and bestie.
>Why anons here were simping for Null that ill fated time?
You mean those two retarded women we made fun of from thread to thread?

No. 2408772>>2408778>>2408780

they always do this and they never stop talking about how their eyes are brown and get mad when blue eyes are complimented even at all. they're insecure boring uggos.

No. 2408773>>2408776>>2408777>>2408782

didnt take you very long to go mask-off kek, i knew this was all weird thinly veiled racial sperging. im not even brown!

No. 2408775>>2408841

ntayrt but nobody ever once claimed lolcow is the exact same as kiwi farms, we were just pointing out the invention of the use of the word lolcowian. get the sand out of your urethra. please anon.

No. 2408776>>2408785

>im not even brown
we can tell. it's always boring white women with brown hair and eyes who care about this shit(racebait)

No. 2408777>>2408791

Blue eyed people always seethe over brown eyes it’s so weird. Poop this, shit that, no one gives a fuck outside the internet.

No. 2408778>>2408781

Right. Interesting how there’s that new surgery to get blue eyes but no one wants poop color. Hmm

No. 2408780>>2408786

You are so upset and calling everyone brown-eyed like it's an insult. Did a brown-eyed woman steal your stinky scrote? I'm not like you dumb Nazi bitches, I'm actually pretty and don't need to bash other eye colors and play victim trying to DARVO like >>2408772. No one attacked or complimented blue eyes.
You always loop people with green eyes (the actual rarest eye color, no matter how much you deny it) into your stupid fight, too.

No. 2408781>>2408791>>2408811

i wanted brown eyes so bad when i was little, i thought having blue eyes made my face look chubbier

No. 2408782>>2408792

The way you constantly bring race into eye colour discussion is weird. If you're seething this badly about white people with light coloured eyes, I can't imagine you around people who aren't even the same race as you. You're lowkey the racist one.

No. 2408784>>2408800

white people mostly have brown eyes too and plenty of other races have blue and green eyes too. racists are so retarded.

No. 2408785

File (hide): 1740021444062.gif (520.25 KB, 200x179, k.gif)

No. 2408786>>2408793

No. I have gorgeous blue eyes and I’ve never had anyone “steal my scrote”. Keep dreaming

No. 2408789>>2408790>>2408794>>2408795>>2408796

The way brown eyes trigger you retards. Who fucking cares. All eye colors are pretty.

No. 2408790

These anons hallucinate poop everywhere

No. 2408791

project. the opposite is constantly happening and then you get retarded people like this >>2408781 who patronize you for asspats

No. 2408792>>2408802

maybe you should re-read the post i replied to >>2408768

No. 2408793>>2408798

Blue eyes don't fix ugly

No. 2408794

i guess this is an unpopular lolcow opinion but brown eyes are the prettiest, my husbands eyes are these goldy brown color and i love staring at them

No. 2408795

Yeah but honestly blue and green are a lot prettier. I love the gorgeous angelic jewel tones in them.

No. 2408796

The truth is the truth. Literally no one pays to have brown eyes in real life, but they pay for blue. that should tell you everything

No. 2408798>>2408808

do brown eyes = shit personality or something? yall always have a SHITTY attitude

No. 2408800

Most people with blue eyes are white. This is a literal fact

No. 2408802>>2408803

You're right, but weird racist freaks always do this.
>insult other races
>get a response - not even an insulting one, just one acknowledging the racism
>"Reeee you're actually insulting my race!!"
It's like they think white women can't exist and be pretty without putting brown women down. Only ugly women who want to rely on "being white" think that way, and they're also the first to bash pretty white women. It's really crazy.

No. 2408803>>2408806

Women with brown eyes really reach so hard and try to act like a victim by bringing up the race card. You just told us you're white earlier too kek. Calm down.

No. 2408806

There are multiple anons ITT, not everyone is your brown-eyed lesbian crush.

No. 2408807>>2408819

Blue eyed people act way more insecure and defensive than brown eyed people for being the ones with supposedly superior eyes.

No. 2408808

Scat fetish moment

No. 2408811>>2408834

This makes no sense. Sounds like you were a really dumb kid

No. 2408812

this infight gave me aids

No. 2408815>>2408818

Things brown eyes remind me of:
Humid sewer drains
Mold and decay
Algae and sulphuric smells in swamps
Steaming hot shits in a wet toilet bowl(bait)

No. 2408816

I have blue eyes and literally posted the op that men with brown eyes are objectively hotter. It's true. Blue eyed males are the worst.

No. 2408818>>2408821>>2408822

You're so obsessed with brown-eyed women it's unreal. Go fly to Puerto Rico or Spain and eat some pussy already, damn

No. 2408819

Youre insecure that no one would pay money for your eye color. Keep on poopin

No. 2408821>>2408823

>so poor and untravelled she thinks everyone in puerto rico and spain has brown eyes

No. 2408822>>2408826

The fact the op was about men and this cunt is making it about women makes me believe they're an ugly blue eyed male

No. 2408823>>2408836

KEK I'm from Spain you absolute bogtard

No. 2408826>>2408829

Moids love pitting women against eachother over dumb shit.

No. 2408829

They can't get laid and feel like they're owed sex and since marital rape got banned in the 90s there's been a backlash from the self aware ugly men

No. 2408830>>2408839

Imagine not having beautiful light colored eyes and a gorgeous body. Literally kms kek

No. 2408833>>2408835

You don't need to be racist to find this ogre ugly

No. 2408834

stop kek, i made edits of myself with brown eyes and compared them to myself with normal eyes and my face always looked skinnier in the brown eye photoshop pics

No. 2408835>>2408844>>2408864

He is extremely symmetrical with great skin and gorgeous eyes. Be mad

No. 2408836>>2408847

Then your post was even more retarded.

No. 2408837

Saying "cringe" isn't having a meltdown?

No. 2408839>>2408845

go to the gym and wear colored contacts

No. 2408840>>2408843

File (hide): 1740022580909.jpg (94.3 KB, 768x1024, 1715183939514.jpg)

My nigel has this eye color

No. 2408841>>2408846

We were talking about whether it was used here, it being from KF doesn't make it better kek.

No. 2408843

Can't believe you have this image still saved kek

No. 2408844

damn NTA but I think this post is more fit for the ugly men you’re attracted to thread

No. 2408845

I have beautiful eyes and body already. You go though

No. 2408846>>2408852

yeah it being from KF doesn’t matter because i was just correcting the anon who claimed the first instance of the word being used was here in 2023

No. 2408847>>2408850>>2408853

No, it just means you're illiterate. The majority of the population have brown eyes. Something like 16% have blue eyes, while green, brown and hazel are more common.
Either way, you need to calm down and feel human touch.

No. 2408849>>2408851

File (hide): 1740022753378.jpeg (39.91 KB, 739x415, IMG_5554.jpeg)


No. 2408850

Preferably from their mother they're not fit for the rest of us. Maybe they could crawl up their ma and ask for a bit more incubation time since they're not fully all there yet

No. 2408851>>2408857

we don’t talk about eye colors as often as we talk about pregnant women now

No. 2408852>>2408860

I said it was first used here in 2023 in response to an anon talking about other threads besides celebricows, I didn't say anything about the internet as a whole. KF is not part of this site, even if Null wants to buy it.

No. 2408853>>2408855>>2408859>>2408888

>typing all this out and having a meltdown
Go outside. I'm also in Spain and blue eyed people live here so why are you denying that?

No. 2408855>>2408861

Do you need someone to mainsplain you proportions

No. 2408856


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2408857>>2408867

That and the cow tits vs washboard debate are kind of our holy trinity.

No. 2408858

i love all of my beautiful brown-eyed nonnies.

No. 2408859>>2408863

but shes not denying theres blue eyed people in spain…

No. 2408860>>2408865>>2408872

the original engagement was this:
>I’m sure you could find other instances of “lolcowian” outside the celebrity thread by lurking
>Earliest instance was 2023
neither you nor the anon you were responding to specified this website solely, you were debating the use of the term period

No. 2408861>>2408868>>2408873>>2408888

I'm going to the beach in a bit. What are you doing today nona? Next you going to say light hair doesn't exist in Spain.

No. 2408863>>2408869

scroll up

No. 2408864

With a gigantic flat gorilla nose and disgusting poop beard and an ugly hairstyle and dick sucking lilps.(racebait)

No. 2408865>>2408876>>2408882

File (hide): 1740023054610.gif (933.31 KB, 498x278, 3324775806.gif)

There you go, facts are facts

No. 2408867

Cow tits are pretty nasty though ngl.

No. 2408868>>2408875

Make sure to thank your mum for taking you to the beach and make her proud

No. 2408869>>2408871

i did and i dont see any posts denying the existence of blue eyed people in spain, maybe i am missing them…

No. 2408870>>2408879

Show me the science behind the masturbation-eye color link and I'll venmo you $50

No. 2408871>>2408896

Why did she randomly bring up Spain and Puerto Rico then? Tons of people with light features in these countries. Guess you did miss it.

No. 2408872>>2408882

Yes, outside the celebrity thread on Lolcow. Which is the site we're discussing and are on. No one was talking about the entire web, no one brought up KF except you. It's called reading comprehension.

No. 2408873>>2408878>>2408881>>2408883

If you lived in Spain you would receive more vitamin d and be able to read. So I think you actually live under a pile of newspapers in Detroit

No. 2408875>>2408877

this is the most cringe thing i've ever read on here

No. 2408876

This gurugossip tier reaction gif kek

No. 2408877

File (hide): 1740023249458.png (Spoiler Image,736.15 KB, 1280x720, twtxn0gud6j31-3111001004.png)

Well guys I should go see what my mom is up to…

No. 2408878>>2408884>>2408888

Your esl insults are weak and not even funny. You actually sound like you're mentally disabled.

No. 2408879

My eyes are sewer brown because I flick the bean all day long.

No. 2408881>>2408886

She's up early to get to the beach considering it's 04:48 in Spain lol

No. 2408882>>2408885>>2408889>>2408893

well i only brought up kf because we were discussing the existence of the word lolcowian and if you do your research you’ll find that the first use of the word online was on kf…
i’m glad my explanation helped you understand better

No. 2408883>>2408919>>2408921

Ah yes you're getting so much vitamin d arguing about brown eyes being superior on an imageboard. My bad. Sorry no one invited you to the beach.

No. 2408884

>boring humorless observation that isn't even accurate
Maybe you can teach us how to tell it like it is ESL-nonna?

No. 2408885>>2408892

What an autistic hill to die on

No. 2408886>>2408894

Not everyone stays up all night on a mongolian weaving basket like you kek

No. 2408888>>2408891

File (hide): 1740023398181.jpg (46.07 KB, 686x386, northdakota.jpg)

>I'm also in Spain

No. 2408889

I support your endeavor anon, the dwarf was sincere and not ironic

No. 2408891

So many homes in spain look like this actually kek

No. 2408892>>2408897

what hill to die on..? i wasn’t trying to pose an argument or anything i was just correcting that anon

No. 2408893>>2408903

No one asked about the entirety of the internet.

No. 2408894>>2408898>>2408899

Yeah I make sure to wake up at 4am to catch the early worm of shitposting on lolcow too before heading to the beach

No. 2408896>>2408901

i saw that post. i just assumed she meant theres more brown eyed people in spain and puerto rico than blue eyed people. this is a weird thing to argue about tbh

No. 2408897>>2408903

NTA but you're pretty autistic.

No. 2408898>>2408900>>2408904

>4:50 am is 4am
Literally a normal time to wake up is 4:30-5am but I understand you sleep in all day and are up all night.

No. 2408899

File (hide): 1740023582263.jpg (749.78 KB, 3200x1801, 45219036-5af6-49f1-bd32-efa627…)

>anon's beach

No. 2408900>>2408902>>2408907

Nobody fucking wakes up at 5 in the morning unless they work in some blue collar hellhole

No. 2408901>>2408906

That's exactly what I meant, I don't know why the anon is insisting on something else (probably a retarded moid).

No. 2408902>>2408908

wild thing to say

No. 2408903>>2408912

you don’t need to ask about something for another user to still have the freedom to bring it up?
i know other anons have asked this same question before but whats this obsession that zoomers seem to have with autism? googling the word “lolcowian” and scrolling to the oldest result doesn’t really align with neurodivergence

No. 2408904

They've been sperging in here for the last hour though

No. 2408906

you keep saying that but nobody cares about the brown eye/blue eye debate except you. you sound ugly btw

No. 2408907>>2408911

I try to wake up as early as possible to enjoy the sunlight

No. 2408908>>2408909

>~wild thing to say~
>statement that sounds accurate about any non-third world country

No. 2408909

nobody said anything about work. you're illiterate

No. 2408911>>2408914>>2408915

No one invite you to their siestas, sad

No. 2408912>>2408916

It's generally frowned upon to insert unrelated topics into an existing discussion without warning.

No. 2408914>>2408915

That's literally what the beach anon said to you earlier. You're super cringe.

No. 2408915>>2408919>>2408927

>ctrl f

No. 2408916>>2408918

but the topic wasn’t unrelated though, because we were talking about the earliest use of the word lolcowian and that’s what my original response was about. not sure why this is ruffling your feathers kek

No. 2408918>>2408922>>2408926

We were talking about the earliest use of the word on Lolcow. You got confused and brought up a different website.

No. 2408919

ntayrt but she’s obviously referring to >>2408883

No. 2408921>>2408925>>2408932

NTA, but no one said brown eyes are superior? Your inferiority complex is showing.

No. 2408922>>2408926

I hate when kiwifags try to make out anyone outside of their gay website gives a shit about it

No. 2408923>>2408924>>2408929>>2408931

File (hide): 1740024021847.jpeg (39.93 KB, 623x493, IMG_4594.jpeg)

Personally I think that my eye colour is the most beautiful one. I have a rare condition that makes my eyes a bright violet, I also don’t grow any body hair and I don’t menstruate either (but I can still have kids if I want). Violet is the prettiest colour that eyes can be, honestly if I had a normal eye colour like brown or blue, I’d kill myself. I can’t even begin to imagine what it must be like for the rest of you to have to live with your boring ugly ass eye colours. Just the thought of seeing brown or blue eyes (or heaven forbid green) in the mirror everyday makes me want to puke.

No. 2408924

you are superior… i kneel

No. 2408925

I did, 3 hours ago >>2408555

No. 2408926>>2408933>>2408935

no, i didn’t get confused, and no specific website was brought up actually (we already went over this upthread). also the only reason i brought up kiwifarms is because that’s where the word lolcowian was first ever posted
i personally don’t use kiwifarms but i just googled lolcowian and the oldest result was 9 years ago on kf, hence why i corrected that anon

No. 2408927>>2408934

>steals the anon's insult that she was initially arguing with
>pretends to act stupid when called out on it
kekkkk peak embarrassment

No. 2408929

why does this sound so familiar

No. 2408931

Goddammit nonna, you are not bringing Alexandria's Genesis into 2025

No. 2408932>>2408936>>2408937

brown eyes are ugly. nobody cares about them

No. 2408933

Well thank fuck we have you anon. It's still cringe

No. 2408934>>2408938>>2408941

Peak embarrassment is thinking only one anon thinks you're a retard. I wasn't that anon, didn't even read that post, your opening sentences didn't grab my attention.

No. 2408935>>2408940

You're still confused, because we're on Lolcow and were talking about threads on Lolcow.

No. 2408936

why do you keep trying to drag this on

No. 2408937

You seem to care a lot, but I guess you did say "nobody"

No. 2408938>>2408950

So you're unemployed because you've been up all night shitposting and you think it's weird to wake up at 5 in the morning. You expect me to take you seriously? Ok kek

No. 2408940>>2408942

no, at this point it seems as though you’re confused anon. i’ve repeated myself several times, also we’ve gone over this before (scroll up) but the earliest use of the word lolcowian was not on lolcow

No. 2408941>>2408948

Fyi you don't have to be Spanish to Google what time it is in Spain because you're not a yank but thought it seemed far too early for some retard who's been sperging the past 2 hours is talking shit saying they're Spanish and heading to the beach in a bit

No. 2408942>>2408947

It's been explained to you already.

No. 2408944

>reddit spacing

No. 2408945

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No. 2408947>>2408949>>2408961

you didn’t really explain anything though, you’re just repeating the same sentence because you don’t understand i was just correcting the original anon.

No. 2408948>>2408952

did you take this from ai chat what are you saying

No. 2408949>>2408956

What are you confused about?

No. 2408950>>2408954>>2408959

NTA. Smoking meth in the middle of Detroit is not the same thing as being on a beach in Spain kek

No. 2408951

I feel like we should be allowed to be more patriotic on this website. Whenever someone brings up loving America it’s always met with
>I can’t get an abortion!!!
like not to sound crass but I don’t give a shit about stuff like that because I don’t fuck men

No. 2408952>>2408958

I'm saying I wasn't the anon that claimed to be Spanish but I did state what time it was in Spain and since that poster had been shit talking the best part of 2 hours it seemed strange they were also claiming to be posting from Spain and heading to the beach in a bit since they've been up since 3am on lolcow

No. 2408954>>2408964

what does detroit have to do with anything

No. 2408956>>2408961>>2408971

well i’m not confused about anything…

No. 2408958>>2408960

This has to be schizo posting.

No. 2408959>>2408967

ntayrt but not all of America is like detroit anon lmao

No. 2408960>>2408963

I mean you could scroll up and piece together there's more than one anon laughing at the retard

No. 2408961>>2408965

You seem very lost on both this and the original discussion.

No. 2408963>>2408968

I'm looking at the opposite. You seem genuinely pressed and keep trying to explain things and talking to yourself. No one else is doing that.

No. 2408964>>2408971

Nta but we've decided the fake-Spanish anon is a homeless from Detroit living in a gamer cafe

No. 2408965>>2408969

no i understand what the original discussion was about, i was just correcting the birth of the word lolcowian

No. 2408967

Definitely not, but the eye sperg gives Detroit crackhead vibes.

No. 2408968>>2408970>>2408976

I can only lead you to the well I can't make you drink. Brown eyes are the superior eye colour for men

No. 2408969>>2408972

It doesn't seem like you do.

No. 2408970>>2408973

men with blue eys are always testosterone deficient

No. 2408971>>2408975

>schizophrenics infiltrating this thread

No. 2408972>>2408990

no i get what you guys were talking about, i was just only talking about the creation of the word lolcowian. i’ve explained this a couple times now.

No. 2408973>>2408981

Tbh that checks out going by my dating history. Blue eyed men do not compare to brown eyed men in the bedroom

No. 2408975>>2408977>>2408979

>using google is now schizophrenia
nona you might wanna do some research on schizophrenia, it’s a very sad disease. same with autism

No. 2408976>>2408986>>2408988

You were talking about women in the entire time. You can't backtrack and pretend you were talking about men kek.

No. 2408977>>2408984

hostile and for what

No. 2408979>>2408985

Ty and anons can exude Detroit-area homeless, it's why we're all noticing it

No. 2408980


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2408981

They concentrate all their effort into smizing ghoulishly, throwing their chi off balance and rendering their jing unusable. Thrusts like a dying bumblebee.

No. 2408984

i don’t think its hostile for me to correct your definition of scizophrenia…

No. 2408985

What does this even mean?

No. 2408986

3 hours ago OP specified men >>2408555

No. 2408988

ntayrt but she’s been posting pics of men this entire time too..

No. 2408990

You were trying to argue that the conversation was about something else for the longest time.

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