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No. 2171644
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>>2171616ntayrt but ewwww
No. 2171720
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i think the late 00s / early 2010s were cool in their own way. like i just heard paparazzi and bad romance by lady gaga for the first time in a LONG time and wow what a trip. it really sounds like 2010, like she dominated that era. and the songs themselves just sound cool, a really interesting type of pop that is weirdley timeless and it doesn't sound hollow or cheap pop at all. i think that era leaves a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths because a lot of the fashion trends of the time were sk awfully cheugy, like so much so that i don't think we'll be having a 10s revival quite the same way we had a 00s. and also so many people were tweens/early teens at the time and that's such a bad time in life, like nobody wants to remember half the shit from back then or how you felt on a daily basis rofl. anyway there's tons of other music that was so good from that time that i liked back then and when i listen to it now it's such a crazy trip, particularly indie/alternative pop and rock, stuff like vampire weekend, MGMT, two door cinema club, phoenix, temper trap, naked and famous, and so on. i will definitely be making a playlist to collect all of these from the time and start listening to them again.
No. 2171991
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>>2171977agreed. something must be seriously wrong with a person for them to spend their free time hating on literal animals
No. 2171997
>>2171960Especially when you can tell
exactly which threads the fanfic writer camps in based on what they choose to sperg about kek
No. 2172050
>>2172047I fucking hope this
isn't an unpopular opinion. I don't think most women want to be prostitutes, but we're doomed if that's changing.
No. 2172059
>>2172043NTA, but people complained about the cat and dog hate threads all the time. Just scroll past those posts if you don't like them, same way nonnas have to hide both those threads in disgust.
>but ur not veganThis isn't a smart reply because eating animals for nutrition isn't the same thing as hating them. Animal haters are so weird, kek.
No. 2172190
>>2172141>>2172161It's amazing that you think the anons who are disgusted by the dog/cat hate threads are a minority and not
most of the site. The mental gymnastics to justify your psychopathy to yourselves…
No. 2172197
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>>2172073>but you don’t need to eat animals for nutritionMeat is the most nutritionally dense food available, it contains all required vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for human life. It can also be made available anywhere livestock can be kept. A a single cow eating grass in a field can produce gallons of milk and a quarter of a tonne of meat. A nutritionally complete vegan diet is not sustainable because it requires imported foods. Try and eat a locally sourced nutritionally complete vegan diet, you will fail without imported and industrially processed foods.
No. 2172314
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Fat activism is a load of bullshit . The body positivity movement has done nothing ever since it was co-opted by fat activism, the only thing being promoted is fatness, not different body shapes, not disabled bodies either.
Being fat isn’t healthy it’s correlated to a plethora of diseases and it increases one’s risks to develop complications in pre-existing conditions.
Fat-phobia sucks but let’s not promote harmful lies.
No. 2172331
>>2172050No woman wants to be a prostitute, be it online or on the road. Even the handmaidens who shout “sex work yass” don’t want to be one. And the small percentage that does gets hit with reality once they do.
Sure if you do OF and you’re successful you might get money ( if you’re that lucky 1% that earns money otherwise you get pennies) but you lose any ounce of respect and dignity, yours too. And it remains in your history for ever.
No. 2172334
>>2172274>>2172278I remember shopping at the clothing store with my mom when I was a young teenager and being weirded out when she took some push-up bras for me to try. It's possible a lot of girls were given push up bras at that age and just don't think that much of it. Some push-up bras are more subtle, so I could see it happening.
>>2172284I like sports bras, they make me feel more athletic than I actually am kek
No. 2172573
>>2172237Not sure about the cat hate thread because I have it hidden, but the doghate one has one very consistent/recognizable posters though I don't think they're samefagging.
What I meant the anon who keeps complaining about the thread existence in several other threads and essentially repeats the same infighting posts with the same wording over and over. Not saying that several people can't dislike a topic, but most nonnas just ignore what they don't like or post about it on meta. The timing is also very weird, no one complains or even mentions the thread(s) for weeks, then there's suddenly posts about it on multiple threads, who all immediately get a bunch of replies who are only minutes apart on utterly ded lolcow hours. Honestly that time would be spent better volunteering in a pit shelter kek.
No. 2173006
>>2173005It is women that make the backbone of society.
Where do you think men get their ideas from? They'd literally fuck a sponge. All their constraints come from society, and society is women.
No. 2173007
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>>2172390crustaceans are awesome, fuck you
No. 2173011
crevettes, gambas, langoustes…
No. 2173341
>>2173328Where the fuck do you people come from?
I swear despite the claims about the dumbass shit thread, the autosage really followed by an immediate shift in posters for the utterly worse.
No. 2173385
>>2172573NTA, but I think I remember infighting with you. I did post about disliking the animal hate threads like two times a year ago. It's funny that you've brain-wormed yourself into thinking any random anon who dislikes those threads must all be me, even today. I didn't think I made that much of an impact on you. I've probably done enough for cats and dogs in my life to make you fully apopleptic anyway, kek.
Anyway, yeah, most people don't support animal hatred, and will naturally feel disturbed by threads targeting companion animals, regardless of whether they hide them. It's not against the rules for them to talk about it, either. People definitely shouldn't breed pitbulls, either, but spending your days dreaming about killing them is fucked up behavior too. It's normal for some anons to react in disgust, even if you disagree.
No. 2173475
>>2173456Just say black people nonna. You want to be stupid, be openly stupid. White people look stupid too with “Asian aesthetic” wonder why you didn’t include them when they’re the majority of koreaboos and weaboos.
Also almond eyes aren’t only exclusive to people from east Asia.
No. 2173481
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>>2173475actually white women look very natural and pleasing in the kawaii-acubi look because they look similar and usually have the same skin tones as east asians that make the color combinations very pleasing. i prefer picrel with black women, we aren’t asians so it looks like ridiculous cosplaying while white people can get away with it because a lot of anime characters resemble white people
No. 2173482
>>2173445Nah, some nonnas do sound ridiculous. On one breath they’ll tell you that their nigel is caring and loves them and on the same breath they’ll tell you that they don’t clean after themselves, that they hide messages on their phones, that they don’t text them unless nonnas do, that they forget important things and that they watch porn or soft porn on social media constantly.
Seeing that isn’t being bitter, there’s hardly anything to be jealous of in these relationship when these scrotes hardly do anything worthwhile while the women are the ones trying to patch up the relationship and find solutions. Being single at least gives me peace kek.
No. 2173489
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>>2173481lol , do you seriously think that being black means just dressing with a urban and hip hop style.
A style is just a style and a makeup style is just a make-up style too. It’s a matter of how your features work on you.
No. 2173492
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>>2173475>>2173456Again, it’s a matter of features and again almond eyes aren’t exclusive to East Asian people.
No. 2173495
>>2173489If that anon is black, she personally has unfortunate features, is overweight, or doesn't know how to wear makeup, and blames her race instead of putting effort into looking nice or just getting over it.
She's going to reply to you insisting the woman you posted can't "really" be black. Suspiciously, these types online parrot the things insecure non-black people say. Saying "I'm black" is the easiest way to get away with attacking black people online these days, kek.
No. 2173500
>>2173493yeah i’ve just been reporting those posts.
>>2173482there are definitely posts that i agree with you entirely about and i would definitely categorize you responding in that way more as trying to help another woman with low self worth.
No. 2173515
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>>2173481>acubiLooks the same on everyone retard, they're just urban clothes.
No. 2173558
>>2173549yeah for real why do people think abused women struggle to have the self worth or even the ability to leave? “i purposefully isolate the
victims of abuse while turning a blind eye and retaining my relationships with every man i know who abuses women because i’m a low empathy pick me, why won’t this terrified woman with no support system stop harshing my vibes?” these are the types of women who stay with partners who molest their children. to me people like that are complicit.
No. 2173566
>>2173534The problem is the weird sadism aspect (eg claims that the more the cat or dog suffers, the "better" the meat is, when in reality, a stressed out animal makes for poorer quality meat) and the fact that they kidnap people's pets in swathes just for this. Cases where parents decide to "punish" their kids by selling beloved pets to meat markets are fucked up, too. It's not even like there's an ongoing famine that leaves them with nothing else to eat, or like these are just a bunch of people stuck in a village with no understanding of the outside world or animal sentience. There's a definite malice to the whole thing that makes it difficult to defend. I can't really follow the "cultural relativism" cope when it comes to food, because then I'd not only be forced to defend all the things I just mentioned, but the consumption of fetuses and eggs covered in children's piss (both actual examples of cuisine from China).
Eating carnivore meat is also generally a bad idea, health-wise, because they carry more toxins. Pretty sure RFK Jr incurred a brain parasite from eating dog meat in South Korea, though I'm not sure if that was an issue with sanitation, the meat itself, or both. Last thing, and this is just my opinion, but it strikes me as a special type of fucked up to use animals that were specifically bred over many, many years to love/protect humans and be their friends for food when it's not necessary.
>But what about other meat? Cows, chickens and pigs have feelings and can be your friend tooThis is true, but meat is still important for the nutrients it has to offer. I'd support any humane ways there are of slaughtering them. I think if lab grown meat were to be perfected and made affordable, it'd be better to switch to that than to waste resources on killing so many animals.
No. 2173571
victims are at the most risk for violence when trying to leave and when coming forward. and not just from the abuser either - i’ve seen wives, mothers and even exes threaten women coming forward. because of that exact attitude - they want their life a certain way and the
victim saying their son or partner is a violent rapist ruins that. some people would literally rather an abuse
victim die than escape abuse.
No. 2173572
>>2173549It’s not a matter of hating. It’s a matter of protecting your own peace at a certain point. I do not agree on just closing the door on them and ending the friendship but I would put distance. Leaving
abusive relationship is hard and no woman starts a relationship expecting to be abused, the
victim blaming is useless and goes no where.
But when you’re constantly trying to help the other person and you just see no change and you see them being hurt constantly while offering them options then you can’t really blame them and some women are just not ready to leave, but will gladly use you as a personal therapist.
No. 2173589
>>2173584I've been given "advice" and then screamed at about how I'm "stupid and making excuses" when I told them it won't work
>oh just walk outI CAN'T EVEN WALK
>sheltersmy city ate up the "poor men don't get shelters" bait and all the womens shelters are either full or shut down/turned into mens/shared shelters
>call the policeI have and they don't care
>call family and friends to helpthe few I did just insulted me for "letting it happen" and I gave up
No. 2173591
>>2173584You don’t just get up and leave , it’s not that easy. I do understand your POV about how much of a tool it can take to give support , not blaming you for that, I’m the nonna >> 2173572. But saying that they should just leave does nothing.
These women are often financially trapped by these men, they have kids with these men, they are married, they are police officer etc..
And you’re also downplaying how abuse literally changes your brain structure.
No. 2173596
>>2173564i would literally offer you a place to stay and help moving all of your stuff out of there safely while he is gone. i am confident that my handful of closest female friends would do the same. when i was being abused, i didn’t have friends like that or felt like i couldn’t go to them/the friends i had. it turned out that my friends were kind of bad people and when i cut off that small group of people, my life got a lot better. it’s funny in the context of this discussion because the people i cut off weren’t abuse
victims, they didn’t care about it and they were the ones causing drama because of their interpersonal issues and the
abusive behaviors they themselves had. it kind of tends to be the people you meet that are entirely out for themselves that will freak out at the tiniest inconvenience and need everything their way, including controlling conversations and saying emotional support is emotional labor. they are always the ones butting heads and destroying everyone’s peace. an abuse
victim escaping abuse and an abuser being removed from everyone’s lives causes peace. allowing an abuser to get away with it causes discord. it’s actually very simple.
No. 2173603
>>2173596I tried telling some female friends but got insulted constantly, it stung even worse because most of the situation involved sexual abuse which took me a while to admit it was happening to me in the first place
I just stopped honestly, he's either going to kill me or I'm going to kill myself. I'm so fucking tired of being treated like the villan when I am literally physically trapped
No. 2173623
>>2173612So you're just gonna deal with your friend treating you poorly? Not everyone wants or have the patience to put up with that which I completely get.
>>2173617Ok, see you next week!
No. 2173626
>>2173603Nonna there aren’t any services for DV near your area? A woman group or something?
Do you have any relative near you at least?
I’m so sorry for this situation.
No. 2173635
>>2173628Oh my god stop being obtuse. If someone's friend ends up in an
abusive relationship and as a result of that starts treating them poorly, being mean to them, putting them down etc. basically becoming
toxic, I get why they don't have the energy to stay friends. I'm not saying that the someone in this example is the
victim, just that I get the perspective of some of the anon's in this thread. Like this is the unpopular opinions thread kek why are you moralfagging so hard.
No. 2173649
>>2173640I think we need to draw a line at trolling when it's causing harm. Women are actively opting out of seeking help/speaking out due to built up shame around being a DV
victim even if it is "trolling", not to mention the people that unironically start siding with trolls. Can't we go back to spamming never gonna give you up or something to troll not silencing DV
No. 2173653
>>2173642I get what you mean, but I disagree because as a principle I refuse to stay friends with people who put me down and don't stop even after me trying to resolve it several times and communicating that it upsets me. No matter the reason.
>>2173644The venting I 100% agree with. I will always listen to my friends (and other women in horrible situations) vent. My point is that sometimes you have to cut off someone in an
abusive relationship because their abuser literally turns them against you and there's nothing you can do about it. There's a huge difference listening to someone vent and listening to them saying incredibly mean things about you and completely stop caring about you as a friend.
No. 2173665
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My unpopular opinion is that whenever nonnies start moralfagging and frothing at the mouth because people on here talk about a topic that's sensitive to them in a way that they don't like, they should be banned for a month to get a reality check.
No. 2173667
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>>2173656Trolling in the 2000s
>Hitler did nothing wrong>I fucked your mom>Some stupid songTrolling in 2020s
>Giving people PTSD by spamming child porn>Keeping women in abusive situations by insulting them until they shut up>Calling skinny women fat No. 2173679
>>2173674Just accept that people on here have different
unpopular opinions. There are topics I care a lot about that people on here shit on, but I don't gaf because I'm on fucking lolcow? Like me, you should fail to take anything people say on here seriously. Please get thicker skin or go to another thread to vent about your grievances.
No. 2173695
>>2173692Where did I say it was an
innocent opinion? You know your moralfagging and overtly emotional posts only makes baiters more excited and that it spurs them on? inb4 how dare you shame abuse
victims into staying quiet reeee
No. 2173703
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Gyms should have buddy systems for newbies so everyone can make new friends and avoid having people getting injured for not knowing how to do the exercises properly.
And it should, of course be sex segregated because women and men workout differently and don't understand the needs, limits and capabilities of the other sex.
No. 2173708
>>2173705Like I think inviting them into your life
too much. I was very close with my parents as a child and this resulted in them feeling like it was okay to invite me to their parties and hang out with their friends
No. 2173766
abusive males, even indirecr interactions, means hating abused women to you?
No. 2173789
>>2173738It was just some attention-seeking tard saying "I would not be friends with a woman who was poor, injured or in an
abusive relationship because I only want to be surrounded with people like me and have a fun life" over and over again.
No. 2173869
>>2173864Why don't you go do something fun like make breakfast
nonny this can't possibly be fulfilling..
No. 2173894
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The music made by girly girl productions is pretty fun and nice, just remove the weird bi guy shit and it's perfect, I wish the group was misandrist tbh, it would make more sense.
No. 2173902
>>2173866it would appear you were correct kek. nice try with the 1208 images
nonnie! maybe take your meds next time
No. 2173949
>>2173840Or how it's always posted in the unpopular opinion thread as if it's some delightful new discovery like we cant just go anywhere else and see the world shitting on abuse
victims left and right
No. 2173968
>>2173840Or how it's always posted in the unpopular opinion thread as if it's some delightful new discovery like we cant just go anywhere else and see the world shitting on abuse
victims left and right
No. 2173999
>>2173987To add to this , too many people don’t take any responsibility for their actions and blame it on their mental illness. BPD, OCD, DID (which is fake anyway), autism, Tourette etc.
And I also think that there aren’t as many autistic people as everyone says. Listening to the same song several times and being passionate about a specific topic isn’t autism. There’s way too much self-diagnosis going on.
I’m not from America, but you guys have weird shit going on especially there. It still happens where I live but not as much.
No. 2174068
>>2173981Media manipulation and historical conflict. Europeans are extremely petty about past events and rarely forget.
>>2174028Maybe politics is irrelevant and you're just repulsed by soyboys? Peak soy can be found on the right and the left but there's more of it on the left due the left's aversion to exercise.
No. 2174121
>>2174068But they have a very selective memory, I mean, didn't USA screw them after WW2 with debt and economic impositions wrapped in "aid and rebuilding"? Or when the european gold disappeared from the federal reserve in the 70s? Also they had, last century, a lot of refugees and activists from latin america spreading info about the dictatorships here being USA's policy.
They don't know about the shock doctrine? JFC
No. 2174215
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>>2174191Ntayrt but young Trump was kinda…
No. 2174231
>>2174174>The vast majority of women have no rights. Feminism predominately orginated in the US and Western Europe. Please tell me about all of the ways feminism didn't succeed there and what rights women there don't have that men do.
I'm not claiming that feminism has made modern women's lives perfection and in all ways equal but your female ancestors would turn in their graves if they knew you claimed feminism didn't succeed in the very places it originated from. If you live in forementioned countries you've got rights and luxuries women just 2-3 centuries before you could've only dreamt of. Sorry you've got to do paid work now. Women without rights work their assess off too.
No. 2174245
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>>2174230nta but /pol/tards don't give a fuck about clarifying "straight" they think lesbians and straight women are the same thing
>>2174225Me too, but I'm a kamala simp so it's unfair for me to judge them I'm not gonna lie. to each their own…..
No. 2174283
>>2174268I've always noticed this sort of attitude towards things that women indulge in more than males. Whenever women outperform moids in higher education it's "ALL COLLEGE IS IS JUST SOME WHOREHOUSE FOR WOMEN TO GET FUCKED BY CHAD!!". That wasn't even close to the attitude around higher education when it was majority male, at most you'd be seen as pretentious. I'd imagine that if after years of being barred from education in general, in the future, women would start to do better on standardized tests, moids would start seething over testing (also ntm how moids scores are skewed higher because moids tend to drop out more therefore the retarded moids do less testing). They already seethe about how the education system is "rigged" for women kek. Don't let these retards try to tear down women's achievements by screaming "OH WOW GIRLBOSSING!!! REEEE!!!" because they don't think women have their mind set on anything other than being mothers.
>>2174277agreed, i find the atmosphere of 2024 interesting because dems have trauma from 2016 and reps have trauma from 2020. I don't think either side is gonna be doubting each other this year subconsciously. Big reason as to why I think this election is going to be close
No. 2174291
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You know you could settle down with a man and never have to work again but you'd just rather complain about the world. You're as bad as the freaks on
No. 2174338
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Her butt looks like it smells bad. She gives off unwashed chubby theater kid from high school.
No. 2174342
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>>2174338What does she give off?
No. 2174365
>>2174258Obviously he’s looking old and crumply now but he wasn’t
that bad when he was a youngin
No. 2174405
>>2174381No, people are seething because every second news article on pop culture/gossip sites is some quote from her complaining about how much fame sucks. Overexpose is a great way to make people hate you and especially if you get it by sounding particularly negative and ungrateful for a situation many people would kill for. And on here obviously many anons will hate her for being a pretend lesbian TRA.
Personally I was unfairly biased against her from the start because her music never lived up to the hype imo, it just so happened that she became genuinely annoying regardless so I can justify it kek.
No. 2174406
>>2174395Women can’t dislike other women without being jealous apparently. It’s not exactly hard to look better than her anyway, she’s a frumpy chubby clown that looks older than her actual age and at least I don’t have to larp and am an actual lesbian.
Her behaviour just makes me think if they did an MRI on her it would reveal microplastics in her brain or something
No. 2174422
>>2174231>>2174283>>2174272Abortion was taken away, men still rape and kill women en masse with almost no persecution, pornography becoming mainstream, men making deepfake ai porn of celebrity and normie women and underage girls, degenarate depictions of women being accepted and even celebrated, women get more plastic surgery than ever, troon shit, women being in no positions of power in any industry. Most of these are because women allow them and are okay with them and because for every right women get men will always chimp out and make another problem/take something away and will never treat women like humans because they dont want to be equal with women, they want to be above them. Moids do not want to be equal to women and having a wife to abuse physically and emotionally clearly benefits them, so why would they suddenly allow them the option to be independent? Why didnt they do it before? women are not a threat to men and they couldve easily killed them and raped them if they wanted to, so why did they give women rights?
No. 2174433
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>>2174422>women are not a threat to men and they couldve easily killed them and raped them if they wanted to, so why did they give women rights?You do know that a lot of early feminists/suffragettes were terrorists, right? A lot of them were really violent too, this goes for a lot of earlier feminists too. I remember that they taught this in schools? I'm screenshotting the wikipedia article because I assumed this was well known. What makes you think moids suddenly allowed for voting rights, did they just randomly change their minds out of pure kindness? No, stop discrediting feminists.
No. 2174439
>>2174431She managed to subtly shaded him. He’s calling 35 old when he’s 68.
No. 2174443
>>2174433As much as I too would like to be a domestic terrorrist, that is not the same as the average male being more phisically threatening than the average woman
No. 2174446
>>2174338She’s got a little more jelly in the belly than most female pop stars; but she’s not fat compared to the average American.
No. 2174487
>>2174476No lol but I was replying to an anon who was trying to make a point about how "well if men are so evil why did they give women rights when they couldve just raped and killed them" when that's historically not true lol why do you guys keep missing my point. Also misandrist terrorism obviously isn't going to happen in western countries. Suffragettes had the numbers, not just the bombs. Most women are too brainwashed to actually fight for a feminist cause. Anyways stop missing my point, moids did not give women rights out of the kindness of their hearts and it is objectively true that many suffragettes often protested through terror/violence. My point is that what the anon i was replying to said was objectively historically inaccurate.
>women are not a threat to men and they couldve easily killed them and raped them if they wanted to, so why did they give women rights?>>2174477This is true, women aren't apes and need to be pushed further to actually fight back. Although there are definitely feminists willing to do that in non-western countries. Iran and south korea come to mind
No. 2174502
>>2174494ayrt and at some point the reeing over biology and "ratfems" starts to sound like that. I understand the "women are sitting ducks" idea of today because it makes sense, I agree with the original anon on that. But it's very annoying seeing early feminist movements get misrepresented because of muh biology or whatever, or because of the idea that moids thought voting rights were good because it benefitted moids (although a copious amount of moids were against voting rights and it took immense pressure to actually change the minds of those in power)
>>2174499A bit off topic but seeing interviews of women there is incredibly depressing, especially hearing about how suicidal they are I wouldn't be surprised about that either. Seeing moids call it based though is laughable considering afganistan is dirt buttfuck poor compared to countries with more equality for women
No. 2174535
>>2174514NTAYRT I had to google myself, not a burger, so if I'm wrong maybe smartass above can correct me.
>increase accountability This means schools were judged more on their students performance which now included children who were a minority, lower income or disabled. There was more testing and a stricter cirrculum now.
>what exactly is expected of teachers under this actTeachers of core subjects (English, Math, History, Science) were to be highly qualified. At minimum have a bachelors degree, certified by state, and prove they could teach their subject. Some who didn't fit this criteria were given more tests/extra work to prove competency. The emphasis on standardized testing put a lot of pressure on teachers, which would limit their teaching capabilities. If schools didn't reach the target AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress, a measurement of a schools performance essentially), teachers would face sanctions like relocation or layoffs. Some schools, depending on AYP scores, would have entire staff changes.
No. 2174552
The fact that this site is majority female is what makes it great and precious but also why it's suffocating.
It's the general atmosphere of moralfagging and petty policing. There are many anons who
aren't like this (more than in other sites) and i love that, but it depresses me how even a site that thinks of itself as 'the one place without a filter for women' still suffers from this..? I feel like i'm 8 again with how these anons go about policing others, it boils down to calling you names (usually a variation on moid) for not thinking exactly like them. I hate that for whatever reason, many women value total group cohesion over sincerity. I hate how aggravated they get over minor things that others wouldn't even care about, i get tired just reading their screeds sometimes. It's also funny because the excuse for hair-splitting and infighting is 'LC has a distinct culture, we aren't dick suckers like [insert site]' all while behaving like 2014 tumblrinas..?
All that to say that i just don't get why 'you're a moid!!!' (=you seem marginally more masculine at this moment) is an insult because women would benefit from being more '''masculine''' in their interactions, ie. giving less of a shit. Feels retarded to say this on a
cow watching site but then i don't see how 'fascination with weirdos online' automatically translates to 'scolding other women 24/7'. inb4 'infighting is normal on IBs' i know, i don't mind infighting itself, but rather how 'you're a bad girl because you offend my imaginary ideal LC opinions' drives a lot of these disagreements
>>2174476Kek they don't, it's posturing. It would be great if they did mean it though
>>2171533Of course
>>2174541Neanderthal face with blonde hair sounds horrifying though
>>2172015"Male coded" means un-feminine (thus bad) nona
No. 2174556
>>2174541Tbh I always thought brown eyes + blonde hair was the more appealing mix. Makes people look like baby birds.
>>2174546>>2174549Blonde blue eyed people are like coriander some people think they look like aliens and some people worship them too much when they are just humans with low pigmentation in their eyes and hair, or in my metaphor, an edible plant.
No. 2174574
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yeah but that combos hair is usually bleached and fried. Im talking about actual blonde hair people which 99% have blue eyes too.
Im really jealous of the privilege that both blue eyed + blonde haired women (and in some cases men too) get.
I know this is a petty and stupid thing to care about but i can't help but feel upset when i see gorgeous dark women with beautiful features being put in the same level as a blonde + blue eyed woman who looks mediocre and is nowhere near the same level as those women.
Colorism is a bitch, it's like the darker your hair, eyes or skin is the more harder you have to try to fit into beauty standards and ive seen dark hair-eyed women who look like supermodels being put in the same level as blonde women who are a 5/10.
I even have real life experiences of men with extremely high picky standards hyping up a blonde + blue eyed woman even if she is obese or has a very weird face, meanwhile for a darker woman if she has a slight imperfection then she is ''mid''. The blonde privilege trumps over everything.
You can look like a uncanny alien satan if you're blonde and there will still be a group of men (and women) worshipping you. Also i noticed that the majority of men who have this colorism fetish are men who are either not-white or are white but with brown hair/eyes.
Also to anyone reading this don't confuse bleach fried hair with blonde.(ai outside containment)
No. 2174599
>>2174594“ The Balkans are home to many ethnic, religious, and linguistic groups, and the people are mostly South Slavic, but also include Albanian, Greek, and Turkish ethnic groups. The region has been a crossroads of cultures from the east and west, and has been influenced by continental European and Mediterranean cultures.”
They’re closer to Arabs than Anglo saxons
No. 2174623
>>2174617I’m sorry
nonnie my bad
>>2174618Kek ♥
No. 2174636
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Ironically enough the only people who i didn't see engage in colorist behaviour are blonde men. But blonde men become extremely rare in adulthood so that sucks, because the moment those mens hair darkens they start worshipping blonde women as if they are gods no matter how mid she is physically or mentally and will pit literal 9/10 women with a 4/10 blonde woman like…(ai outside containment)
No. 2174982
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Men should not live past 30
No. 2174984
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>>2174982reminds of gabi petito and the ugly scrote that murdered her. They were both the same age. She legit looks like a child next to him.
No. 2175000
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this is the earliest known photo of queen victoria, 1844. almost 200 years ago. i don't think she looks inbred, definitely something went wrong in the next couple of generations for queen elizabeth and her children to look the way they did. also looking at this photo makes me wish i was living in 1844 on the cold dark streets of london. don't ask me why it just looks comfy.
No. 2175034
>>2175025Rather die with 15 cats than let this creature
>>2174982 touch me kek
No. 2175044
>>2175040Im not gonna have sex at 80 nona, but the girl in
>>2174982 isnt even 40 and her husband already looks like that
No. 2175048
>>2175045Look at
>>2174982. If you think her possibly having cellulite, stretch marks and sagging breasts is anywhere near as bad as what you can see on that man,
clothed, you are delusional, kek. Why lie about reality, are you some kind of tranny? Men punish our eyes every day and expect us to say nothing.
No. 2175165
>>2175148I wonder if it has to do with subconsciously copying some male behavior.
Not to say lesbians do that wholesale, but stuff like eating proportions meant for an adult man is seen as manly and cool, and eating food men do the same way men do will get you fat.
No. 2175182
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You know we live in a male-tranny worship society when people care more about rehabilitating criminals who are mostly moids rather than seeking justice for victims. It’s no wonders many female victims always claim they hope their abuser or perpetrator turns a new leaf in their behavior, it’s so fucking retarded and sad that they know there’s more hope on them funneling money into their slavery-imprisonment complex to keep ingrates alive rather than funneling money to uplift women’s lives. Pic unrelated look at this white dude wearing a karen’s wig kekkk I just thought it was funny, you will never be a stacy middle-aged karen.
No. 2175197
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I think I could’ve said this before but you should be considered native American if you’re born here. I don’t care if I’m genetically spanish I’m American as fuck!
No. 2175210
>>2175148I looked this up because I was curious and found a few different possibilities
>addictive behavior is correlated with homosexuality and sugar/food is addicting>it repels male attention actually had the most male attention when I was at my heaviest weirdly, usually from thin black men, so there’s another stereotype I’ve anecdotally confirmed true>some lesbians are sexually attracted to big ass and thighs>lesbians just don’t have the cultural values that associate thinness with attractiveness (I’m skeptical of this one)>just a coincidence because obesity rates are generally high across the board (also skeptical)So basically nobody knows kek. I do know a ton of fat lesbians and I myself am a lardbian. The fittest lesbians I’ve known are usually gym rat type studs but I also know a handful of black femmes who are obese
No. 2175241
>>2174003I swear, so many people think that anger, spite and envy aren't
really emotions for some reason, probably because they're the average scrote's default state of being kek. I also hate it when an atrocity happens and people comment shit like
> Stop diagnosing moid criminals with mental illnesses, it demonizes the nice ones!Like get a fucking grip and stop caping for lunatics. OF COURSE it matters if an evil person has something observable wrong with their brain. It's funny because they're the exact same kind of people to diagnose everyone who is slightly rude to them with NPD kek
No. 2175313
>>2175303Plastic surgeons are going to have fat pockets by doing breast augmentations kek and reversing trans surgeries maybe (idk if it’s possible, I don’t think so).
I’ve also noticed that detrans are always women and I think this is is also why troons hate them. It’s very rare for a TIM to detrans, I wonder why, is it because the sexual gratification is way too high to give it up?
No. 2175317
>>2175312And these kind of people never give a damn about how the
victims are affected and how surviving rape in itself is a life sentence, why shouldn’t the perpetrator get a proper punishment? Why should they have the grace of another chance?
You cannot rehabilitate a rapist because there is nothing that justifies rape, you don’t do it in self defense, you don’t do it for money etc…
Besides they’re retards, because talking about the rehabilitation of rapists when most rapists aren’t even prosecuted or convicted and when they are they end up doing a couple of years at best is tone deaf as fuck. We can start talking about rehabilitation when all rapists go to jail (I ideally think they should all die honestly).
They could put that energy on caring about
No. 2175507
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>>2174636>>2174574Light colored eyes are so scary,it's way easier to see if someone is a psychopath/sociopath just by looking at their dead set eyes.
No. 2175540
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>>2175507Instantly reminded of picrel
No. 2175546
>>2175148Farmhand, you are retarded. That is actually an unpopular opinion within the community I’m talking about.
>inb4 “take it 2 meta”Nope
No. 2175609
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Fujos that ship these two are crazy to me. They never seemed like great friends, and they never really had that great of chemistry. They literally had such an annoying and unironically toxic relationship but it did feel very real so it gets a pass and I don't understand how anyone could ever ship them. They literally hold each other back from any growth and both possess a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality towards each other. Then Rigby will have a BPD spergout because Mordecai's cowardly ass can't muster up the courage to do something, or Mordecai will laugh and belittle Rigby because he has an over-inflated ego and knows his friend is a weak sperg who couldn't finish high school. They come together for other members of the park but they're rude-ass retards to each other until someone else comes along to show them how retarded they're being.
I don't hate their friendship because it feels like a very real representation of two childish college aged wagies having to suffer in their "growth" together and the only reason they stick to each other is because they go way back, but I do think any kind of shipping is just plain retarded.
No. 2175631
>>2175609i happen to
like the toxicity in their relationship, ok!!
abusive yaoi ships make the world go round
No. 2175643
>>2175631Ayrt, I understand the reason behind liking
toxic yaoi, but the fact they're such assholes to each other and then turn around and soyjak over childish-ass shit is annoying as fuck. Yeah it's a kid's cartoon but they're like 23 canonically, it should have been an adult swim show TBQH and maybe they wouldn't have been as annoying as they are.
No. 2175658
>>2175643>then turn around and soyjak over childish-ass shitDoesn't that add to the realism tho? But either way
toxic yaoi and yuri should be reserved to pretty, brooding characters
No. 2175758
nonny you'd be surprised what people will ship and shlick to
No. 2175770
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>>2175671I’m confused how you found this website when you post stuff like this
No. 2175862
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>>2175852aww that's really sweet. god bless you nonna!
No. 2175875
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I'm watching that Mr. Snowflake Amberlynn docuseries and I can't help it but… Destiny was so cute. She seemed really fucking fun and funny, plus she was a Star Wars autist so you know she can nerd out. I feel bad that she was trapped with Amberlynn, especially since Amberlynn most definitely let Destiny's cat out of the house. Destiny was such a trooper, too. Krystal became outwardly hostile towards Amberlynn for good reason but Destiny's annoyance was always in the way of a dedicated partner who really can't hold it in but they're still trying to preserve feelings, which endears me to her because it's so sad to think she was cooking and cleaning for that soulless blackhole of a human for years. You can just tell that she's sweet and nurturing, and it drives me crazy to see her talk about her grandpa's stroke, or her mom's miscarriage, or her health scares, and have her death ham girlfriend shove a camera in her face all the while and then turn it back on herself to sperg out some inane, pointless detail instead of doing the right thing and comforting her and offering sympathy. To see her grin and bear the sadness of losing her cat and then getting no support from the woman she cooked and cleaned for is infuriating. I'm glad she at least had a kind family that really loved her.
Seeing her cuddle in bed with Amberlynn makes me kind of jealous kek she's so cute. She's still fat now but even still I find her so fucking cute
No. 2175907
>>2175903>Besides, a lot of us didn’t even have a sex life in high school?just you loser
>I mean it’s literally how the meme became a thingit was only a meme among moids and pickmes, plus that girl was just drunk and saying stupid crap. If you feel personally offended but some drunkie making a blowjob joke idk what to tell you
No. 2175911
>>2175907>loserSo 17. Ironic that you think adults don’t talk about sex with each other like every get together is some sort of chaste pg-13 conversation, but calling virgins losers - sorry,
people who didn’t lose their virginity underage, losers, is ‘out-of-high-school’ behaviour… hm. “Losing your virginity” in high school is at best ok and at absolutely worst traumatic, especially with a moid, are you serious? The only people who shame that are pornbrained libfems. So yeah, I’m not surprised you apparently suck dick, and since high school too? Kek
No. 2175912
>>2175908it was a joke. the idea of women frequently telling friends about sucking dick past the age of maybe 20-21 is bizarre to me
>>2175911wew, lad
No. 2176051
>>2176039>>2176047I'm just impressed at the audacity of not even
trying a new personalityfag gimmick kek
No. 2176094
I think instead of wasting so much money on stuff like skincare and makeup, we need to look at our inner health. Everyone is deficient in vitamin D3, everyone. It plays a big part in important bodily functions yet no one takes it seriously. Even tribal people in Africa that work outside all day, don't get that much, so how can we ever hope to? The amount you get from diet is very small, and even then, most people eat like shit. Sunlight is important, but I'm a hikki, kek. I hate going outside and even if I did, I wouldn't get that much vitamin D since I don't like showing more skin than my face, hands and neck, and you need your skin exposed to get any of the benefits. I also don't have time to spend outside for too long. Supplements are important. Most other vitamins and minerals you could get from your diet but Vitamin D3 seriously needs to be supplemented. Important that it's D3, not D2. It would fix so many of our problems. Of course doctors act like anything over 4000 IU is evil. But that's because if you got better, you wouldn't visit them anymore and they wouldn't get paid. Bastards. Anyway. Inner health is very important. For your body, mind, and outside looks too. Fuck skincare, I have great skin and only use water and cream. My brother uses so much skincare, but eats processed food and takes no supplements and he's a fucking pizzaface. Poor kid, but that's what happens when you don't listen to your big sis' advice. I rather use my money on my health than on sincare and fakeup.
No. 2176211
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I love airports and going on airplanes. It's like a fun adventure trying to find your gates and go through TSA.
No. 2176402
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Tine Fey is one of the least funny humans in existence. I don’t know how unpopular this is in the current year but I know I’d have tomatoes thrown at me if I said this when this movie came out
No. 2176544
>>2176425You think that a troon male saying dyke is more
valid than a “cisgender” male, nonna it’s the same fucking thing kek. If you only meant tifs you could have specified that.
If you’re not a lesbian you don’t get to use that, full stop.
No. 2176574
I finally saw baby reindeer (refuse to pay for Netflix) and I’m surprised that people ever felt bad for the main scrote. I could barely get through the 2nd episode bc all I could do was think the whole situation was his completely his fault. Oh I led on an actual crazy person to think I was romantically interested in her and she took it seriously, and now I have a “stalker”. Like, you made your bed. He just wanted someone to inflate his scrote ego and it turns out the only person who’d do that was an unhinged lonely weirdo. I watched the first episode and then skipped to the last one because I couldn’t stand him at all, and there’s like apparently years in between the first and last episode, and he’s learned nothing, hasn’t blocked her, texts her, is listening to her batshit voicemails. Like, hello, you stupid bug chasing tranny fucker, look in the mirror. That’s the cause of the problems right there. I remember there was a thread about it here somewhere and everyone was just saying how insane Martha was. Ummm yeah she was nuts from the start, that’s a great reason not to lead her on, which the like 40 year old (judging by looks) scrote should have fucking known.
No. 2176576
>>2176574His sad backstory excuse was that
he got raped + addicted to drugs by an older man when he was in his early twenties which is obviously horrible, but tbh it seemed like he already had all those same flaws even before that happened. The actor is pretty wishy-washy about which parts are real and fake anyway.
No. 2176594
>>2176574Men do this all the time on a smaller scale, the whole "lead women on then act like they are being sexually harassed" thing, I've been the
victim of it myself. Like jekyll/hyde tier hot and cold antics so he could frame me as creepy to others. Snakes
No. 2176611
>>2176574honestly insane they just had that man try to play himself in his early twenties and they expected us to understand that somehow. if this had been about a woman, people would have LOST THEIR MINDS that he not only came on to her but supposedly while he was being stalked and after he called the cops went to her house and fucked her. like if a woman came out with that story men would have literally murdered her for it. instead this full grown man was acting terrified of some woman who was more of a threat to anyone else than herself and he acknowledges that and how he led her on and is like but i’m somehow still a
victim? he played with an insane person on purpose for laughs in front of his friends. she emailed him a bunch and kept coming in to a place she thought she was welcome. not really the sob story he thinks it is and honestly neither is the rape? he said he went back because he liked it and he thought he might have given the impression that the man thought it was consensual. like the entire thing, in depth was: i told a bunch of unstable people i wanted to do things with them sexually, we all got inebriated but somehow i was the only one who could not consent at the same time as i was enthusiastically participating and voicing my consent. there is literally a scene where the dude who drugs him hands him it and he chugs the drink making eye contact as if this is like part of it for him. i genuinely think this man had kinks and sought out these experiences. and then he was like. damn. acting like a degen psychologically affected me. am i? a
No. 2176637
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>>2176611> tfw the moid claimed that he was "groomed" at the age of like 25 Also, how he just
refused to present his case to the cops (not justified by muh scrote double standards, he didn't even try) and actually
went out of his way to ensure that his pet tranny's assault didn't get reported made me laugh so hard. From his chaser perspective, that's his true and
valid gf being physically beaten in public and he doesn't do anything about it because he craves his stalker's validation too much, objectively what a fucking asshole kek. Not to mention, it came with further proof that trannies are not women because the troon goes "omg you're totally keeping your stalker around on purpose teehee" and "I will confront her myself and give her a piece of my mind!!" Like stfu no real woman would ever find that endearing or want to throw herself in danger just to prove a point to a psycho. There's also a kekworthy moment where the tranny nervously asks why the main character calls himself bisexual and he just dances around it with a meaningless non-answer lmao
No. 2176639
>>2176633there is no cisgender
nonnie, a man in a dress is the same as a man in pants
No. 2176648
>>2176637tonally the show was so off too? like he doesn’t even seem to care that much and is just like isn’t it crazy this happened to me? why is no one laughing were these things SERIOUS? how messed up and actually i am messed up but in another way, i am fine. the end. like what was the purpose of that? did he make the entire show to find out what people’s opinion of what happened to him was it seemed like utterly meaningless self caused misery that ends with and now i am a comedian with a netflix special and i am not sure what to make of any of that hahah, anyways isn’t it so unusual that i’m a man and this happened and i’m basing my comedy around it? like you’re trauma dumping uncomfortably about situations you are not shy about saying you created. and you supposedly don’t even hate these people or want them to face consequences you just want to like tell the entire world who they are and what they did and pretend you’re sort of fine sort of not and even though you wanted to go to the police you kind of didn’t like? i can kind of relate to being an imperfect
victim and not knowing what people who harm me deserve but that whole thing was so weird and gross and not funny at all? like it wasn’t even that crazy he just included weird gross graphic details because i think in the end what this was actually about is this man has some sort of humiliation kink.
No. 2176671
>>2176662Kek it's ok
nonny you didn't know
No. 2176693
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>>2176691i am feeling gaslighted in this chili’s tonight
No. 2176708
>>2176706Nothing to do with my posts.
>>2176705No, it's just the type of shit they would do.
No. 2176737
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>>2176707Nta and nor was I involved in this convo before I saw the shit about nazi demonstrators so drag me if i'm missing context or whatever. But it's something that happens, It doesn't happen all the time but when it does they usually harass minority women and kids and it's fucked up because they know they can't defend themselves. This shit happens most commonly in nashville too from what i've noticed. Spoilered vidrel because it's a grown man throwing slurs at a little girl
No. 2176796
>>2176792you handle my trolling a lot less gracefully than i handle yours i’ve noticed.
>>2176776she sounds like a fascinating, complicated woman.
>>2176737yeah you notice they never get into altercations with men. they also normally disperse as soon as the cops show up because they are terrified of having their identities revealed and facing consequences for their behavior.
No. 2176910
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I don't like madoka magica
No. 2176940
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Utena mogs. Sorry lolifag.
No. 2176947
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why do you always proceed to racebait, you truly are irl kikomi
No. 2176950
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That's how they always sound. 2D moid = moid. I don't care about arguing if one yuri is better than the other but you faggots seriously expect lesbians to consoom piv/buttsex slop kek. Always on a mission to paint anything lesbian as moidy you retard stop moralfagging and go judge the moids who trace real little girls instead. Madoka Magica is garbage but like come on
No. 2176958
>>2176816You’ll peak soon. I came here November last year thinking I’d just to pretend to hate trannies when I was actually neutral-positive towards the ideology. Sometime in spring I look at myself and wondered when I became “”transphobic””. Really opens your eyes. We calibrate yourself to what we’re surrounded with and no one wants to consider themself the bad guy, so we prevent ourselves from really thinking on the matter. I don’t hardcore hate trannies like some anons do, but I now completely disagree with the ideology, think it builds its basis on sexism and I can be critical of a lot of the people here. Some people are technically innocent
victims of the movement.
>>2176297They hate it when you say this though. Bisexuals want to be oppressed so bad. I say this as someone who is technically bisexual. Especially anyone who pretend biphobia is more of an issue than lesbophobia.
No. 2176984
>>2176968Yuri is still shit, dunno about gl, but the stuff that the majority of people that don't speak Japanese can read tend to be absolute trash that you have to read with your brain off regardless of the genre.
What can anyone expect from shit made in countries where women are considered attractive if they speak like toddlers and walk like they're about to pee themselves?
No. 2176990
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Considering that yurifags have an occasional depressive episode about yaoi getting objectively more content and compassion poured into it than yuri, yurifags are getting pretty bold tonight.
No. 2177000
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Well nonnas, just don't reply to the retard.
My unpopular opinion is that Christmas is a fun holiday and that maybe everyone should learn a few things about kindness from those Christmas specials and movies that kids watch.
No. 2177004
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What the hell is going on…
No. 2177022
>>2177002Im not pro lolislop or shotaslop (i jerk off to my girlfriend) but like why do these retards always recommend hetslop and fagslop as an alternative to the yuri they constantly complain about? literally what lesbian is reading that shit? Theyre always coping over le evil dykes. We even have some 'tards yelling "dykes dykes dykes!! It's dur dykes!!" now lolol
>>2176958What the fuck is "Technically Bisexual" you're gay or you're not.
No. 2177025
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>>2177003That's why I don't understand wtf this point is supposed to be
>>2176968So being a gay is better than being hetero because scrotes are generally subhuman and because "muh yuri"? When yuri still gets BTFO'd by Yaoi any day of the fucking week just from the amount of people that put way more compassion into yaoi content? When people unanimously agree that yaoi is usually written
better and more creatively played with than yuri? This was a joke, right?
No. 2177027
>>2177021Oh come on
nonnie, they look more alike than Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa kek, or Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. He-man will never beat the homo allegations.
No. 2177028
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post actual stadistics
No. 2177034
>>2177016>queer crapKys hettie
>19People act like 19 is a child and 20 is a grown adult that should have a job and be thinking about marriage and children kek. Sorry to break it to you but there are probably even underage newfags itt, take what you can get.
(infighting) No. 2177035
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ntm on my goat but the ahh based and maxxpilled af fr xD :joy:(retarded shitposting)
No. 2177060
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>>2177047what do you need
No. 2177066
>>2177059There are 16-year-old boys who hit puberty late and are anachan and women who are built, don’t worry if you train hard and long enough you’ll be able to overpower and rape at least a fraction of all the teenage boys you want
(scrotefoiling) No. 2177072
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No. 2177083
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mental illness. If you were a real misandrist you would be drawing your own yurishit instead of consooming and defending yurishit made for men. All the yurislop you consume is made by men for men, you dont get to shit on fujos for being straight while supporting straight men yourself.
No. 2177092
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>average yuri enjoyer.mp4(infight bait)
No. 2177096
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Why does it say we’re locked?
No. 2177098
>>2177083>octaveMade by a woman
>Girl FriendsMade by a woman
>YagaKimiMade by a woman
>Cafe LiebeMade by a woman
>SyrupAnthology, most authors have been women.
>Amano ShunintaWoman
>Anne HappyWoman
>Ikemen JoshiOne female author, artist is a woman
Time and time again yumes and fujos shit on yuri without knowing anything about the genre.
No. 2177112
>>2177101I just don’t feel like you’re reading, I’m talking about teenage boys and adult women. I’m saying there are still some women that can overpower them, objectively?
>>2177106>menboys, but I have seen women beat up men once or twice to be fair. Not my argument though.
>>2177103Why am I being gaslit? I can think of several tiny boys back when I was in secondary school. I literally arm wrestled them. The boys started winning arm wrestles against me once we were 14 specifically, I remember that, and those were the normal ones (not the tiny boys). I probably could have lifted those boys up easily kek. And I was a fellow teenager?
No. 2177119
>>2177115Oh my god if I have another discussion with an anon that doesn’t read I’m actually going to pass out.
Those were the normal ones. The tiny boys were literally… PICKING UP size for 14-year-old me What the hell are you even arguing??? Do you genuinely think there aren’t adult women who could hold down a teenage boy? What?
No. 2177126
>>2177121Uh, yes? My whole friend group used to fuck around with this guy in it. Honestly even at 16 most of us could overpower him other than the underweight girls. He was just a soyboy who also happened to not do exercise. And there were other boys we knew we picked up kek not exactly crazy. None of them were tall though.
I don’t get it, did all the boys in your school roid out immediately? Are there extra hormones in your food? Like actually. It’s not unbelievable for an adult woman to overpower a
teenager if these were my experiences when I wasn’t even an adult.
No. 2177141
>>2177136Let's be real. All you need to know if you're a lesbian is to ask yourself
>Do I think about women sexually or romantically?>Would I ever eat out a woman?>Would I ever date a woman?>Would I ever marry a woman?>Would I ever spend the rest of my life with a woman?>Would I ever do the aforementioned with a man?If you answer all six with a yes, you're bi. If you answer only the first five with a yes, you're a lesbian. I tire of people who think that if you're into X media then you're not X sexuality.
No. 2177162
>>2177136And they banned me for infighting when I replied to this. Dykephobic jannies confirmed
>>2177141I wish it were that simple but after all the girls on questioning your sexuality thread drilled it into me that I’m bi I don’t think I could ever consider myself lesbian without that in the back of my head kek. Also this scares me to death bc some nonnies have told other nonnies it’s common for bi women to experience attraction to women later so they’re probably not lesbians, since I’m only 19 this seems plausible enough to just say I’m bi (and kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop)
(ban evasion) No. 2177168
>>2177141I think this is an oversimplification.
I think many (perhaps most) young "bihets" also question if they're on the "asexual spectrum." Generally lacking libido and drive makes it really difficult to answer these questions, especially when what you do have doesn't at all line up with mainstream depictions of female sexuality.
Someone like this would answer these questions something like…
>Do I think about women sexually or romantically?Yes, but do I think that because of media influence or my own desires?
>Would I ever eat out a woman?I would do it for her, the same way in which I would give a massage to somebody I love, but it would ultimately be labor. There's also a chance that I could find out that I'm terribly repulsed once I'm actually in that situation.
>Would I ever date a woman?Abstractly, yes.
>Would I ever marry a woman?Abstractly, yes.
>Would I ever spend the rest of my life with a woman?Yes, but who wouldn't if not for social stigma? Gender
>Would I ever do the aforementioned with a man?I feel roughly the same way, with some caveats.
No. 2177194
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>>2177178A large part of me is inclined to agree with you.
I think media depictions of female sexuality are dominated by depictions that make sense to and appeal to men, but I think that sort of sexuality is not actually all that common. Based on my personal experiences, I would say that only around 30-40% of non-lesbian women have any amount of active sexual desire for men, and only a small portion of those have a strong sexual desire for men. (Otherwise, I think female sexual promiscuity would be a lot more common.) Historically, women that don't particularly care for sex with men but who want companionship, kids, a normal life, etc, were considered straight simply because they were willing to tolerate all-too-frequent sex with men, sometimes even making an effort to brainwash themselves into not hating their weekly smexy time sessions with their nigels.
After all, what is being "straight"? In a sense, following the sexual/romantic path that society clearly lays out for you is the straightest act of all.
But this is not really how society defines sexuality nowadays. I think most women that fall into this category would be just as able to form this sort of relationship with a woman (and they would likely enjoy it more because of shared values, more closely matched sex drives, and a way of having sex that is less inherently traumatic). But the lack of interest that characterizes their sexuality also causes them to put practically 0 effort into pursuing relationships whatsoever, so naturally, they almost exclusively end up in relationships with men. But at their core, if they really are just as capable of forming this sort of relationship with women, then are they not bisexual? Additionally, just as somebody like this could have sex with a man and a woman and realize that they are absolutely not attracted to women, couldn't they also have a lesbian realization?
No. 2177196
>Do I, of my own volition, think about women sexually or romantically?>Would I, of my own volition, ever eat out a woman?>Would I, of my own volition, ever date a woman?>Would I, of my own volition, ever marry a woman?>Would I, of my own volition, ever spend the rest of my life with a woman?>Would I, of my own volition, ever do the aforementioned with a man? No. 2177200
>>2177194>Additionally, just as somebody like this could have sex with a man and a woman and realize that they are absolutely not attracted to women, couldn't they also have a lesbian realization?>realize that they are absolutely not attracted to women>also have a lesbian realization?wut
>But at their core, if they really are just as capable of forming this sort of relationship with women, then are they not bisexual? You have to actually enjoy sex with both sexes first off. Also most women are extreme super straights, idk where you got those percentages from kek.
No. 2177226
>>2177197>>2177200The number of autists I hang out with might skew my data.
I really should have said "any meaningful amount" in the first statement though.
But I really do think most women have a skewed sort of tertiary sexuality. "Stacies" tend to be pretty sexual, which is often what motivates them to do the things that make them stacies, but most women are not stacies. "Becky" types that I've known often unrealistically latch onto unattainable males like celebrities and fictional characters. They usually do transfer this onto real men, but theyh end up being the types that date "for personality."
(>>2177216 took the words right out of my mouth.)
No. 2177231
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No. 2177251
>>2177231Sorry for being attractive and weird
>>2177226I’d love to give my opinion on this but I’m a dyke. Straight women, how attractedactually are you to men? Genuinely, and disregarding the ugly men psyop thing even though I agree with it
I’ve heard nonas say they like ”mature” hairy men kek so clearly I’ve been underestimating straight women’s sexual attraction to them No. 2177259
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>>2177231I swear I've seen all these same opinions on different faces. Why do they all do this
No. 2177266
>>2177259The way males type/articulate is so cringe to me. Why can I smell the testosterone off the screen
>>2177261Kek anon what do you think social media is? Do you think there’s a tickbox like, “Can you block someone? Mm then it’s not social media” KEK
No. 2177267
>>2177231He's unironically right but by the same principle he's guilty of the same thing. There's truly nothing more annoying than these 4chan
femcel/incel larpers on tiktok that the algorithm sends my way every now and then. They're literally all insufferable attention whores, men and women alike, case in point
>>2177259. It made me fully understand how cringe revealing your powerlevel at every step is.
No. 2177306
>>2177304shut up
nonny holding moids accountable can wait, the fotm lady celeb said something that ruffles my radfeathers
in case the sass was not obvious, i agree with you No. 2177351
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>>2177304>>2177335lots of celebricow anons are retarded libfem tourists or faguettes, that i agree on. I don't care about pugh's titty mole or whatever. but I like that thread because I like shitting on fakebians who invite trannies into our community with their huge platforms sorry not sorry. fakebianism is inherently milky and you can sue me for hating chappig, julia fauxbian, and renee rat. I swear to god the jealousy cope is so old. Also who the fuck jealous of Fanny tranny and pixyteri? I notice this recent trend in people complaining about nonas gossiping about women on this site after people started getting on chappell roan more for her objectively cowish antics. Shut up, she produces some good 2% milk. If you're a chappell roan fan nobody cares I'm just tired of every thread that mentions her cowish antics being flooded with retarded WKs. I'm a grimey fan but you don't see me getting on my knees for her in her thread. If you wan't a pure feminist space where no women get shitted on, don't go in the cow threads. If you wan't people to engage in male cow's antics more, engage in male cow threads so people have shit to comment on and work with. Easy as that
>>2177344I loved daniel larson's thread he's my favorite cow ever, too bad he's in jail (well not too bad LOL).
No. 2177353
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If you think anons on this site don't hate scrotes with a burning passion and verbalise it regularly then you're either staying in this thread for way too long or skipping like every 2nd post in every other thread kek. I don't think anyone here genuinely wishes harm on most of the female cows.
No. 2177358
>>2177357I just realized I said
YouTuber twice, uh sorry.
No. 2177586
>>2177561As long as you don’t get blood in public spaces IDGAF. You can free bleed in your house as much as you want.
Blood is still a biohazard after all.
No. 2177604
>>2177594NTA but you’re stupid and dangerous. No first aid course will tell you to touch a person’s blood even if it’s your parents.
Never, ever, come into contact with blood that’s not yours, it can carry tons of infectious diseases that are not just HIV.
No. 2177616
>>2177594You’re a retard kek, blood is a biohazard, even if it comes out of your pussy. Free bleed in your home and outside as long as you don’t get it anywhere. Period blood is not mystical, Devine feminine etc, it’s fucking blood.
Saying that feces, urine and blood are biohazards is just a fact, it’s not misogyny.
No. 2177644
I’d like to to put my input as a bi woman. I think that there’s a lot of covert biphobia around rn and there’s a lot of rush in fitting in a box rather than exploring and finding yourself. I think that fakebians ( who associate their whole experience with comphet) and fakebis (who chronically date men and who only like women in their head and don’t even bother to try because “women are scary”) partly exist due to how heterosexual dating is structured , men are honestly shit…it takes you a whole sea of misogyny, lack of empathy, lack of emotional intelligence and empathy before you even find a decent man. It’s hard to reconcile your attraction to men despite how they behave and it’s much easier to just do the “maybe I don’t like men”.
I like men, I am sexually attracted to the male body and as much as you nonnas hate me, I love dick and I love how it feels.
I like women, I am sexually attracted to the female body , I love eating pussy, how it feels, how it smells, it arouses me and the fact that their body is familiar is comforting in a way too.
Liking men and liking women is a different experience but both are equally fulfilling (at least when the man is decent). But abandoning men due to how shitty they are and deluding yourself that you like women is simply detrimental , this why the lesbian community is in shambles due to fakebians and how even the bi community is in shambles too and how it is very much male centered.
No. 2177668
>>2177656>noooo don’t use those harsh words!!!Then what do you do when you have sex with a man? Kekkkkk you sound like those libfems getting
triggered by words that accurately describe the sexual situations they always put themselves in, they hate being called whores but act like stereotypical whores. Makes no sense, I’m really not going to mince my words just because it shows how disgusting dick sucking is. Imagine saying “fellatio” every time you want to talk about dick sucking, I would be called a fucking pretentious retard every single time I did. Also I don’t care if you come up with the excuse that everybody’s bedroom business is none of anybody else’s but maybe don’t post it around for people to judge and laugh at? Get a grip.
>>2177661Why not both???
No. 2177692
>>2177689What are you even talking about? I'm referring to your admitted gender dysphoria and desire to go full nullo like Fanny.
You talk talk talk about cocksucking this, ball-gargling that. Now, if we say you obviously post every single day about cocks and balls and blowjobs because you're obsessed with them and are a very, very feminine woman at your core, you start saying everyone on the site is abusing, gaslighting and bullying you.
(infighting) No. 2177702
>>2177697>i-i-it wasn't meYou type in the exact same schizo ESL way. On top of that, you discovered this website roughly 3-4 years ago and never once learned to integrate. We can tell you have multiple tabs on Pornhub open, we're just sick of hearing about it.
No lesbian loves hearing and talking about dick the way you do. I don't even think most straight women do. It's a symptom of extreme hypersexuality, and possible OCD. I remember you posted about how rubbing your clit isn't enough, how you need penetration, and how much you hate that your biology and sense of pleasure is tied to dick (except, as always, you projected this personal issue onto the entire female sex). There are many, many things wrong with you. This isn't about "being mean to women", it's about your phallic fixation.
(infighting) No. 2177779
>>2177773AYRT and yeah. that is the most frustrating thing. we can’t even properly hold rapists accountable, we will never be able to hold them accountable too. but until they stop, we will never be able to lessen the amount of rapes that happen because it is essentially consequenceless. and if society doesn’t care about rapists, their shady friends and delusional families can basically openly harass rape
victims and not get even the slightest bit of backlash. it makes me want to scream and scream and scream. i want to grab my rapist by the shoulders and scream like a banshee in his face. i hate them all so much and it makes me feel insane.
No. 2177788
>>2177773its disgusting, why is it i have so many friends who have been sa'd by their family members and those family members were still invited to events. the family just pretends nothing was wrong or that they support the
victim but then tell them to keep the peace because the attacker is disturbed and "going through a lot". worst part it was always the mothers who knew but told literally no one. one of my friends parents are possibly getting divorced because her dad found out through her when she was a full grown adult that his father molested her aka her grandpa. her mom never told him, and that side of the family is really big so who knows how many kids hes harmed. no surprise all of the families are hardcore conservative christian americans.
No. 2177838
>>2177650Absolutely, when are we going to split off like /cgl/ did? I don’t exactly like
”cocksucking” either but that’s not even the point, just most of the “”misandry”” on this site is women throwing a temporary tantrum whenever they’re mad at their nigel but in the end always revert to acting like they’re superior for being able to “get with a scrote” (like that is an achievement) and normalise doing degrading things to themselves, you know?
No. 2177852
>>2177668why are you so obsessed with dick sucking? weird af.
my unpopular opinion is that if you behave like a schizo radfem you are part of the four year terminally newfags that we have ruining the site.
lolcow was always a segregated space with feminist rhetoric without this level of autism.
No. 2177865
>>2177852Nta but probably because oral sex from a woman to a man is usually the most degrading sex act a woman can do and it is both normalised, and normalised to not be reciprocated. What was the statistic of heterosexual woman who don’t orgasm during sex? Now what statistic of women suck dick? Kek.
Tbn, personally I’m not terribly fixated on cocksucking in particular, but I always join these discussions because I find it bizarre that (like the other anon said) everyone gets so defensive for using perfectly accurate terminology. If you think “cocksucker” is schizo and degrading but “pussyeater” is neutral then maybe that says more about what you subconsciously are aware of… It’s like the anon who got mad at me for saying she was impregnated/inseminated… you’re pregnant, what do you want me to say? There aren’t many other options other than creampied.
No. 2177882
>>2177865>If you think “cocksucker” is schizo and degrading but “pussyeater” is neutral then maybe that says more about what you subconsciously are aware of… When I said that? see, thats what i mean about the autist newfaggotry we have to deal since years now.
No matter the topic, you schizo bitchs will always manage to ramble about heterosexual sex. Talking about unconscious, do you not understand how self-hating and dick-obsessed you sound using words like "creampied" "inseminated"? literally behaving like a NLOG "wish i was a moid" permanent newfag loser.
Idc what stupid excuse you'll make for your autism, schizophrenia and newfaggotry. Integrate you bitch. Go to read 2015 threads to learn the culture of this IB.
(infighting) No. 2177883
>>2177702you wrote this entire schizo paragraph to a random person. they must think you're fucking crazy. KEK.
>>2177882>BUZZWORD BUZZWORD BUZZWORDyou are clearly ESL. integrate, bitch!
(infighting) No. 2177895
>>2177838There was once a female only feminist image board with a dedicated man hate board.
>>2177865>perfectly accurate terminologyIt isn't. Using terms like ball gargling and cock sucking is crude and unnecessary. It reeks of porn sickness. Just use terms such as fellatio or oral sex. There is no justification to graphically describe sucking dick when the act itself, not the method in which the act is performed, is what is relevant to the discussion.
No. 2177911
are we just going to pretend like these aren't the same people?
>>2177561>>2177905samefag, give it a rest, god..
No. 2177912
>>2177905Are you retarded? I’m the first anon and only one of these is me, are you
>>2177899 and
>>2177875? Mods will be like what the fuck are you talking about KEK. Some anons are confusing their schizophrenia for psychic powers, no I am not 5 different people, go back to bed.
No. 2177932
>>2177875 and that was my only comment until the one I'm making now.
No. 2178039
>>2178024Sorry I do think that matters. I think there's a huge difference between living in, say, Libya and being constantly and actively surrounded by violence or living in say Switzerland where women generally go about their day in relative freedom and peace.
I'm not saying it doesn't matter at all but like being obsessively haunted by it when you live in a relatively safe country (which I think you do otherwise you would've claimed you lived in Pakistan or something) just unnecesarily makes your life more unpleasant. Are you also obsessed with the fact that you could die everything you drive your car? Some things outside your control aren't worth sacrificing so much energy and thought to.
No. 2178064
>>2178052They're still right because those women in places like the middle east and Libya, those women also have to deal with
abusive scrotes in private. And they'll get even less support if they speak out than say a woman in a western nation. And there's less resources for them to actually leave. Men overall are shit but a woman in Switzerland or the US has more resources to defend herself from the male threat
>>2178055I agree with your take. It's useless to hate your femininity because of the existence of
toxic masculinity. Especially if you live in a first world nation and come from a culture that won't force marriage and kids on you. As a burger i can choose the scrotes i interact with and all of the
abusive ones in my life are cut off.
including my worthless sperm donor. I'd probably have a much harder time in a 3rd world patriarchy.
No. 2178099
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She is literally just a successful Lillee Jean clone to me. She's like if Laur didn't do crack when she was pregnant (just tinfoiling but come on kek). Every time I see a tiktok of her performing it makes me laugh because all I see is an elevated Lillee Jean. Lillee Jean if she was exactly what she and her mom have been trying to present her as for the last couple of years kek.
No. 2178176
>>2178074Do you live with an
abusive scrote or are you just retarded and dramatic?
No. 2178217
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>>2178099I just want to know why she does her makeup like a Toby jug. It's so fucking odd.
No. 2178686
>>2178319>>2178644Totally agree. They are a cheap way of maintaining viewer attention and satisfaction through brute neuron activation by using straight up pornography. Our contemporary culture is so poisoned by hardcore porn with extremely graphic and disturbing content that it’s even forgotten how these tv/movie scenes are also pornography, and people will even outright argue that things don’t count as porn unless detailed shots of genitalia and penetration are shown.
To me it feels like I just walked into a room by accident and intruded on two random people, or like having to watch someone sit on the toilet.
No. 2178717
>>2178688What do you mean "trust the site"
nonny? Also the only thing that was targeted was images posted on here. Were we supposed to not post on here ever again and just have it become a grave yard? Kek
No. 2179060
>>2178835Me too holy shit I'm gone for like 8 months and when I come back everyone is saying "slop" this and "goon" that.
A gooner is a person, probably exclusively male, whose entire life revolves around masturbating. He has a "gooncave", or a room that he uses exclusively to masturbate, with a bunch of screens showing different harcore porn videos to overstimulate him enough. He takes his porn HDDs and masturbation accessories EVERYWHERE with him because he literally cannot spend half an hour without jerking it. Their fap sessions take hours. Anons used to understand what a gooner is, there were even examples posted here on this very board. Like a pic of a guy that posted himself on Reddit, he was totally naked while fapping, wearing VR headset and surrounded by several screens with porn videos on them (this was probably posted in the Reddit hate thread). THAT is what gooning is, not just masturbating or being horny, being a gooner is like being a drug addict.
Also, it's obvious that the internet just replaced the term "coom" with "goon" because they sound similar.
>>2178644>It's like suddenly having a detailed scene of someone clipping their nails.Kek just like that one pedo anime that neckbeard otaku defend
No. 2179123
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>>2179087I wish movie makers would do medieval european settings actual justice. Add some actual color, for example instead of making everything and everyone look beige and dirty. Medieval people loved color.
No. 2179502
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Moids shouldn’t be allowed to become psychiatrists or therapists. I just saw a video of an autistic black woman with severe childhood trauma talking about how she was misdiagnosed with ASPD. She didn’t have a sociopathic bone in her body. The only time she ever considered hurting others was when she was heavily bullied as a child.
I know that everyone here hates bippies but I’ve been friends with someone who is diagnosed with BPD for years and there is no way in hell she has the same mental disorder as Jeffrey Dahmer. She never has angry outbursts, she doesn’t discard people, she doesn’t manipulate people. She just has attachment issues as a result of horrific childhood abuse.
Meanwhile I know a dude who is literally a BPD caricature. 24/7 identity crisis (he’s cycled through literally every gender identity, sexual orientation, style, political affiliation, and religion under the sun), suicide threats as a form of manipulation, drug abuse, sex addiction, self harm, cheating. It’s like there’s this black hole inside him and he craves constant attention and validation, yet no amount of attention and validation is ever enough. His diagnosis? Depression, anxiety, ADHD. Give me a fucking break.
No. 2179527
>>2179511It's fine for musicians and athletes to be ugly, they perform a function and only need to be skilled. They aren't obligated to be attractive, it's just a bonus if they are. I know my rockstar husbando isn't perfect looking, but just being cute + also talented and creating lots of music I want to listen to is more than enough for me.
Models and actors are different story, we have to look at them for extended periods of time so unless they are exclusively character actors they should be attractive.
No. 2179698
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More men should start doing this.
No. 2179836
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>>2179698the ironic thing is that women of the village throw him food and feed him. His existence is dependent on women.
No. 2179841
>>2179836dan schneider is licking his lips hard to picrel
>>2179838yeah so true, you can pretty much psyop men to fuck other men, that explains the pools of tranny chasers and “it’s not gay if i fuck a femboy hurr durrr” memes. men are gay creatures from the abyss
No. 2179849
>>2179841It isn't just men who are flexible. It happens in all-girls schools and women's prisons too. The fact is, a very large portion of humanity is sexually flexible, it's just that not everyone gets put into a situation that reveals that flexibility. Strict homosexuals
and strict heterosexuals are the minority in my opinion.
No. 2180030
>>2179834>read this>think "This is a cope from a bisexual who could've gone either way and thinks everyone else is the same">literal second reply >>2179866 is someone admitting to being biI think an unfortunate amount of people misunderstand that there being far more bisexual people than most people realize or want to accept doesn't mean that some people aren't still only into one sex. Had that not been the case, conversion therapy actually would be
valid, but we know it doesn't work. Everyone has their own leaning.
No. 2180031
>>2180028>>2180021NTA but you're no different when you attack bisexuals, except that your irritation is rooted in envy of being able to "pass" as normal (being envious of someone or something doesn't make you righteous). Also, calling someone a slut for their attraction is a bad idea for anyone homosexual
or straight for obvious reasons, we don't need to look far to see degeneracy.
No. 2180055
>>2180034Another straight woman being fucking retarded on topics of sexuality. How original.
Just shut the fuck up.
No. 2180061
>>2180034>and the one demographic most likely to be an serially abused junkie.How is that the fault of the
victim? Bizarre.
>you’re the one who denied sexuality is inherent for anyone.You must be talking about someone else in the thread. There are multiple anons posting. I'm nta.
No. 2180072
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Women who spend hours dictating to other women how to conduct their own sex lives are not of sound mind.
No. 2180085
>>2180083Nope, those are straight women lying about being bi because they don't want to get cheated on. Everyone knows this by now. Actual bisexual women in the west are 1% of the population, and lesbians are even fewer at 0.5%.
Heterosexuality for women is literally so dire that straight women are encouraged to LARP as bi to suit men's fetishes, and they actually do it. We have women like Shoe0nHead who formed their whole livelihoods on attacking other women and voicing abject disgust/hatred toward them unironically pretending they want to eat pussy, just to satisfy moid desires. Straight women are so known for having "bi phases", and it's so much more common than actual bi women existing on both a statistical and interpersonal lvel, that some people don't even believe bisexual women exist. None of this is sane behavior, and it's always a certain type of straight woman doing it and pointing fingers.
No. 2180112
>>2180055It's annoying because so many straight women either outright claim or agree with the notion that lesbians are the "real" predators, and pretend to be terrified of butches while excusing the rape ape(s) in her home and social group. There are too many cases of straight women letting their daughters get molested because dick is more important than the wellbeing of their child. They'll even attach inappropriately to their sons and feel jealousy toward their daughters. To me, that is peak degeneracy, worse than being a junkie or facing abuse.
Bis aren't the ones boymomming and tradthotting it up, proudly having 3+ kids to the worst men on the planet and helping to worsen society for all of us. At least you can talk to an actual bisexual woman and convince her to abandon men if she hasn't already, because a female-only society would be livable for her. With the exception of husbandoanons and such, the majority of straight women will know what's right, and still choose wrong (including to the detriment of other women, including female relatives and children) because of their allegiance to men. That's why so many of them post about wishing they were lesbians once they discover radical feminism. They know how fucked it all is. Men can literally be ugly (ie have distinct physical markers
demonstrating their unfitness to reproduce), and straight women will still convince themselves that they're handsome and loving angelic Nigels, then attack other women for not being attracted to them.
No. 2180289
> what about IVF!! what about heterosexuals adopting!! I still feel the same way. I think IVF is wrong, and I think an orphaned child should be adopted by a family member instead of sexually deviant strangers.
No. 2180318
>>2180314This is the “things you hate thread”, not the “oh, i disagree with something someone hates so, it must be bait!”
Don’t talk to me about lesbian parenting until you’ve lived in Portland or New York.
No. 2180333
>>2180323When people say faggot they usually mean two men. Good job on your "um akshually" moment though. And I actually love calling gay moids faggots, not bothered by it at all.
>>2180327You know what's physically ""natural""? Moids raping women and women being forced to have their children, I guess you like that then.
No. 2180334
>>2180332> continually fantasizing about oral sex Who said anything about giving or receiving oral sex? You’re right! That’s not natural! Good thing normal people do not do those things, only sexually degenerate people who watch porn and think to themselves
>hmm, I wanna do that! It requires a man and a woman to create humans, and it requires a mother and a father to raise a child. Children raised with a single parent or same sex parents legitimately never turn out to be normal human beings. You don’t even have to take my word for it, you can go to a place like Portland and see for yourself.
No. 2180337
>>2180333When did I ever say that I agree with rape? Also, “faggot” is often used in reference to gay men,
because they are gay. It is a reference to homosexuality.
No. 2180358
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No. 2180364
Lesbians are awesome, sexy, amazing, wonderful, wanderlust, intelligent, astonishing, mesmerizing, awe-inspiring, courageous, strong, smart, brave, reliable, dependable. Straight women would just sit there like a deer in the headlights while the lesbian would fix up my car if it breaks in the middle of the road, I think I know which one I rather choose tbh kek
No. 2180369
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>boys need a father
What the fuck, are you lost or something? Someone get these tradfags off my lolcow!!!
No. 2180378
>>2180372I read your post, which reads
> homosexuals have never placed a finger on me We’re talking about
our parents,
nonny. Please lurk if you’re going to join the conversation.
No. 2180385
>>2180377> heterosexual relationships are based on sadomasochism and one parent totally dominating the other. Is this how your parents were anon?
> Anyone who claims that hetero families are better for children is a male supremacist who wants to indoctrinate kids into thinking that women are weak and meant to submit and males are strong and meant to be obeyed and worshipped. Do you think your mom is weak and meant to submit to everything? Do you think your dad is strong, and you must obey and worship him?
Nonny it sounds more like you were raised in an
abusive household, not a normal one.
> In contrast homosexual relationships are between equals not a man using someone he sees as nothing more than a disposable object for domestic chores and sex.So, you think domestic violence and abuse between lesbians just doesn’t exist?
No. 2180390
>>2180385That's a total fabrication. It's not that lesbians commit violence against each other. It's that violence has been committed AGAINST lesbians. Don't get it twisted. Don't let moids feed you lies because they're jealous of a woman giving love to another woman instead of serving males. This has been proven to be false. Look it up. Honest.
Stop the lesbophobia. Holy crap.
No. 2180395
>>2180381Marriage is purely conditional and not about love. People marry for benefits, it’s basically a business with the ruse of love and divine union covered on top of it. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that but stop acting naive, you’re projecting your own emotions and feelings on to this scrote who doesn’t think like you and never will. You have completely different motives, thoughts and opinions and your scrote just nods his head willingly to whatever shit you ramble to him to get access to you and your body and or further his goals, this fantasy you have in your head is completely different to his and in actuality he isn’t living in fantasy, he’s thinking about how to use you all up until the bitter end and is content with acting like the lamb. You are so damn naive, jesus christ. This isn’t purely out of trauma or past scorned relationships this is
pattern recognition of scrote behavior. Psychopaths users and abusers don’t go fully operate in a predatory mode, they get you to believe they’re fully there for you and reinforce your duty as compassionate agreeable caregiver, forcing you into a one-dimensional role that you’ll eat up because of your huge ego of wanting to feel better than others. Scrotes hear you ramble and wave to get into your pants, they view every single transaction with a human female as one that exists in prostitution, there are many who are willing to wait years just to set the trap and there are those who are so porn-addicted and sex addicted they can’t do that so they just create their trappings for the short-term taking them out and paying for meals, drinks and then get angry when the sex isn’t offered. Men don’t view your fluff as relationships, men see sex as relationships. They don’t know what you’re talking about, they nod their head until you unzip your pants. Stop being naive.
No. 2180396
>>2180385if tradwhores can use
abusive homosexual households as strawman that all gay people shouldn't adopt then so can we use the far more numerous
abusive "traditional" households where the father rapes his children and the mother doesn't do anything because her shitty religion told her she must obey her husband at all costs.
No. 2180408
Mmm and moids are so much better, they’ll protect you and offer more than those deranged, violent and abusive lesbians despite them beating their children, raping them, committing murder-suicides within their household, definitely not stereotyping them up as shrills who just need a good dicking to become normal like how most people view them. Shut the fuck up with your ridiculous homophobia and lies, might as well shut that mouth of yours with your husband’s tiny ass dick, bootlick-chan. Keep writing those fake stories, fake stories of your parents, fake stories of roommates, there’s literally no reason for anybody to believe you. That’s all you dick worshippers do just like your men, lie all day long.
No. 2181505
>>2181451Ever had a deep fried philly roll
nonny? Pure heaven.
No. 2181565
>>2181553What the heck did nuns ever do to you