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No. 2171446

>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching

Previous: >>>/ot/2167095

No. 2171449

I hated that stupid fucking numa numa remake song so much

No. 2171458

It’s kind of fascinating how Mike Pence was vice president and did literally nothing at all the whole time? Kamala was really scratching and clawing for all the attention she could receive as soon as she got in office but Mike Pence was just throwing paper planes around his office kek

No. 2171460

The only reason Rihanna has a career is because she fucked jay z. She can’t sing, rap or dance and sucks live there’s no way she would be as rich and successful had she not slept with jay z. She’s one of the few pop stars I can say is completely useless at her job.

No. 2171533

I think the anons who get pointedly upset at nigelpoasters are jel in some way

No. 2171547

Which remix? The Alina one?

No. 2171551

Nobody is jelly of your yeast infection.

No. 2171552

>Rihanna can't sing
wow, that's definitely an unpopular take.

No. 2171553

But the nigelposts are always bad

No. 2171555

Did someone make a post saying they have a yeast infection? Is there lore I’m missing kek

No. 2171568

Rihanna has an extensive and fantastic discography

No. 2171575

99.99999% of men are hideous

No. 2171579

NTA but PIV is the leading cause of different recurring infections because of moid hygiene and semen.

No. 2171599

Do your guys nigel’s not shower? Do some of you not shower before or after sex? Cause I’ve never got a yeast infection in my 7 years of marriage

No. 2171606

Some nonas are about to get real mad at you

No. 2171608

Of course moids don't clean their dicks, it's a meme at this point that men don't even wash their asses properly. And semen causes Bacterial Vaginosis. What are you gonna do, boil it and put it back?

No. 2171610

I've never had a yeast infection ever, but I have gotten 2 UTIs from gross moids who didn't know how to wash their dick right. Most women I know have gotten something nasty from unwashed dick. It's pretty common. And awful.

No. 2171612

Tupac had a loose asshole

No. 2171616

Nta but the one time I’ve ever gotten a UTI was from a butch lesbian that apparently had dirty fingernails. Just saying.

No. 2171617

How did you end up with this wildly unpopular opinion, nona?

No. 2171619

Big If True!

No. 2171620

Kek at threadpic

No. 2171621

He was a whore, jay z has an even looser one

No. 2171634

I'm gonna be remembering this randomly and laughing this whole week.

No. 2171644

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ntayrt but ewwww

No. 2171647

Entirely realistic, not saying that can't happen. Also apparently lesbians are more likely to develop BV according to studies.

No. 2171653

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No. 2171655

I really like Lana’s music, but she is not a very good singer, particularly live. Many performances I’ve seen are rushed and don’t sound good, at least on video.

No. 2171656

This shit

No. 2171657

If 9/11 nowadays happened it would just involve ripping apart the EMTs and fireman for taking a dangerous job and that they shouldn't have done that, and then people stalking the victims of 9/11 to explain why it's a good thing they died, and then people conspiring about the ethnicity/religion/etc of the attacker. I hate how hateful we've all became towards each other, seeing 9/11 videos and reactions it almost felt like a whole different realm

No. 2171720

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i think the late 00s / early 2010s were cool in their own way. like i just heard paparazzi and bad romance by lady gaga for the first time in a LONG time and wow what a trip. it really sounds like 2010, like she dominated that era. and the songs themselves just sound cool, a really interesting type of pop that is weirdley timeless and it doesn't sound hollow or cheap pop at all. i think that era leaves a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths because a lot of the fashion trends of the time were sk awfully cheugy, like so much so that i don't think we'll be having a 10s revival quite the same way we had a 00s. and also so many people were tweens/early teens at the time and that's such a bad time in life, like nobody wants to remember half the shit from back then or how you felt on a daily basis rofl. anyway there's tons of other music that was so good from that time that i liked back then and when i listen to it now it's such a crazy trip, particularly indie/alternative pop and rock, stuff like vampire weekend, MGMT, two door cinema club, phoenix, temper trap, naked and famous, and so on. i will definitely be making a playlist to collect all of these from the time and start listening to them again.

No. 2171757

America should have allowed Japan and Germany to complete their holy missions in China and Russia in the 1940s. Why did we bully good Asians/Europeans and support bad Asians/Europeans? :((racebait + emoji)

No. 2171766

9/11 was a watershed moment, all the schizo conspiracy q-anon stuff that is around now is partially because of 9/11.

No. 2171767

obesity is a disease so I have 0 problems with fatties using ozempic to lose weight. there is no longer a shortage anyway. inb4“oououooo they need to exercise” yeah but they won’t. that’s why they are fat to begin with. overeating is a behavioral problem and if ozempic stops it then just… let them.

No. 2171776

I fully agree with this. In fact, when I woke up I thought I'm going to write something similar to this today kek. Idk why it bothers some people that "nooo they cheated reee" like who cares kek. They hate fat people and want them to lose the weight for their own eyes, but then when they lose it from a drug they're then pissed that they did it the easier way? Doesn't make sense to me.

No. 2171788

I think people keep forgetting obesity is a disease because so many adults are fat now. Not so long ago back in 80s you could barely see any fat people, now half of the adults in the US are obese. People focus too much on the vanity side of things.

No. 2171805

Self-aware mentally ill people are worse than self-unaware because they know what they're doing is wrong and messing up their and their loved ones' lives but use it as a shield whenever they abuse and manipulate.

No. 2171807

A lot of people get off on just shaming fatties that they don't realize it is literally just a disease. Binge eating is typically connected to trauma, and non trauma related obesity is typically because the person craves carby/sugary foods all the time due to deficiencies or other health issues. Heart issues can make you feel like you're going to have a heart attack if you walk around the block and it can be very demotivating when you push yourself to exercise and eat as little as possible while barely having any results. The weird cultural obsession with punishing people over everything is so counterproductive

No. 2171808

Not the point. Just felt weird remembering empathy from everyone without it being turned into a thing where everyone is at each other's throats

No. 2171820

I hate the shitty, ugly actor threadpic.

No. 2171840

I think that’s a very popular opinion. Even her fans admit she sucks live. Her snl blue jeans performance was shitted on by everyone.

No. 2171921

ooooooh the Numa Numa sample Rihanna used in that song with T.I. Yeah I always thought the sample was weird in the song, it made it sound stupid.

No. 2171922

>it can be very demotivating when you push yourself to exercise and eat as little as possible while barely having any results
Ozempic doesn't magically make your body lose more fat. It suppresses your appetite so you'll (successfully) eat less. This is also why people like Elon balloon back up after they stop it.

No. 2171924

No. 2171925

Not necessarily the ones you said, but the anons who write spergy fanfiction about other posters based on the most innocuous posts definitely come across as obsessed kek

No. 2171932

I never even see nigelposters outside of /g/ so I don't get the sudden obsession with them.

No. 2171935

bisexuality is not real

No. 2171936

No. 2171938

Why do you think it's impossible for people to be bi?

No. 2171960

Being on the receiving end of one of those fanfics over something trivial is so batshit insane kek

No. 2171971

Bi people who exclusively date the opposite sex and cry about biphobia are weirdos. I 100% believe that bisexuality is a real thing, but why are you victimizing yourself when you're in a heterosexual relationship and don't face any negative consequences because of it? These people will throw a tantrum if they hear someone doubt their bisexuality because they've never dated someone of the same sex, but why does that affect them? If you know that you're for a fact bisexual, why do you care about someone doubting it? These people give me spicy straight vibes, especially those who claim their heterosexual relationship is a queer one kek. Like, I'm biracial and people always doubt my racial background due to my appearance, but I don't care because I for a fact know what races my parents are. People's perception of a core part of my identity don't bother me, so I don't get why it bothers some bi people.

No. 2171977

Posters in the cat and dog hate threads are subhuman. If you can hate ANY animal there is no love in you. If you can rejoice in any animal being harmed or killed then you are sick I don’t make the rules sorry.

No. 2171981

Based, fuck both those threads.

No. 2171991

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agreed. something must be seriously wrong with a person for them to spend their free time hating on literal animals

No. 2171996

very male coded of them to take pleasure in animals suffering

No. 2171997

Especially when you can tell exactly which threads the fanfic writer camps in based on what they choose to sperg about kek

No. 2171999

Both threads are total shit. I hide them any chance I get.

No. 2172001

Wasn't it revealed that most of the posts in the dog hate thread was one single male sperg?

No. 2172006

Noticed the biposts and that reminded me. Being attracted to a "passing" tranny is not completely heterosexual or homosexual but on some level of bisexuality. Yes, they are biologally one sex but for example bearded, titchopped and roided up tif has too many male characteristic to be attractive for someone exlusively into women. Tims more rarely look like actual women, but if they manage to get curvy body by plastic or whatever it is not just attraction to a feminine man anymore. And just to be clear again, not talking about your average agp hulks or fakeboys with tiny moustache and hoodie.

No. 2172014

NO tim even slightly resembles a woman. Gay men also get bbls, there's no bisexuality aspect to it at all.

No. 2172015

Does the term "male coded" ever meant something?

No. 2172019

Coding is shorthand for "stereotypes" anyway so it never meant a thing.

No. 2172020

Bippies who can't hide threads shouldn't be allowed on imageboards.

No. 2172022

What is that, bisexual hippies?

No. 2172043

Why are there people bitching about this thread twice a day now? No one used to care. Hide the fucking thread. And don’t forget, 97% of people in the west rejoice in animal torture and death every single day, because they aren’t vegan. And dog haters are arguably more ethical than dog lovers because they’re opposed to breeding them, even “””ethically”””

No. 2172047

being an online sex worker is embarassing and there isn’t a way to do it or an amount of money you could make that would change that. pretending you are different or people can tell the difference between you and any other gross lazy loser online is a coping mechanism that is really really embarrassing to witness.

No. 2172050

I fucking hope this isn't an unpopular opinion. I don't think most women want to be prostitutes, but we're doomed if that's changing.

No. 2172051

Most of them are ruining their reputations and getting shit on by everybody (ESPECIALLY the moids they cater to) for pennies, to boot.

No. 2172055

Wow, you felt pretty targeted by that post didn’t you kek

No. 2172059

NTA, but people complained about the cat and dog hate threads all the time. Just scroll past those posts if you don't like them, same way nonnas have to hide both those threads in disgust.
>but ur not vegan
This isn't a smart reply because eating animals for nutrition isn't the same thing as hating them. Animal haters are so weird, kek.

No. 2172063

most of them aren't making much money anyway or at least not enough to support their lifestyles. the same ones that brag about how wealthy they are end up having to beg their coomers for help when any kind of financial emergency arises.

No. 2172073

Nope, you just care about the optics and ohhhh that sounds mean! But you don’t need to eat animals for nutrition, and the world certainly doesn’t need billions of animals slaughtered per day to stuff their fat under nourished asses with Mickey Ds, wings, and queso. Interesting that you ignored breeders too.
>reeee if you post in dog hate you’re evil all wrongthink should be banned its so moidy
>no u
>omg chill???!

No. 2172075

Can you go back to your containment thread already?

No. 2172079

Wow you felt pretty targetted didn’t you

No. 2172081

I wasn't that anon, but I see they got to you. Please take your meds.(infighting)

No. 2172085

Did I say you were that anon? Back to bed grandma. Back to containment. Take your meds. Omg chill? Relax.(infighting)

No. 2172093

Cringe, even

No. 2172099

Just embarrassing.

No. 2172141

Because it's mostly one anon samefagging +/- 3 others agreeing with her. She's been at it for months with occasional breaks.

No. 2172161

If that’s true then they should complain in meta. I don’t care if it gets taken down for something like that, I just think it’s retarded to moralfag about people hating pitts. Especially in the unpopular opinion thread when dog loving is a popular opinion, just to get mad if someone posts an actually unpopular opinion in response kek

No. 2172190

It's amazing that you think the anons who are disgusted by the dog/cat hate threads are a minority and not most of the site. The mental gymnastics to justify your psychopathy to yourselves…

No. 2172197

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>but you don’t need to eat animals for nutrition
Meat is the most nutritionally dense food available, it contains all required vitamins, minerals and amino acids necessary for human life. It can also be made available anywhere livestock can be kept. A a single cow eating grass in a field can produce gallons of milk and a quarter of a tonne of meat. A nutritionally complete vegan diet is not sustainable because it requires imported foods. Try and eat a locally sourced nutritionally complete vegan diet, you will fail without imported and industrially processed foods.

No. 2172225

Animal products in modernity are not good for you. Their nutritional value has plummeted because animal farmers don't care about quality, they care about profit. Like the majority of food production businesses. You're right in theory but wrong in reality.

No. 2172237

Ntayrt but I think if it was one anon samefagging the thread would be locked already kek

No. 2172248

This is such a cope. Most people in the world don't hate animals, and are creeped out by those who do.

No. 2172250

That's like saying vegetables aren't good for you because they aren't as nutritous as in the past.

No. 2172253

Maybe if you’re buying factory farmed foods but regular farms at least in the West pride themselves on offering the highest standard of care to free range/pasture raised animals

No. 2172274

Maybe I'm just an autist but I never understood the purpose of push-up bras. Like oh look at me I'm going to wear something super uncomfortable to raise my boobs up and smash them together unnaturally so some idiot scrote gawks at them and assumes that all boobs look like they defy gravity at best and hits on me at worst. I know male attention is a drug for some people but what is being accomplished here? It just looks kind of dumb and uncomfortable to me.

No. 2172278

Just girls being encouraged to pornify ourselves to be seen as more attractive or desirable

No. 2172284

True. Wearing just sports bras makes me feel weird and almost childish but I'd rather be comfortable than have my boobs pushed all the way up for no real reason, that shit kind of hurts. Lets make moids wear stupidly tight pants so that we can see the outline of their nuts all the time.

No. 2172314

File: 1726854746452.jpeg (18.87 KB, 320x134, IMG_8523.jpeg)

Fat activism is a load of bullshit . The body positivity movement has done nothing ever since it was co-opted by fat activism, the only thing being promoted is fatness, not different body shapes, not disabled bodies either.
Being fat isn’t healthy it’s correlated to a plethora of diseases and it increases one’s risks to develop complications in pre-existing conditions.
Fat-phobia sucks but let’s not promote harmful lies.

No. 2172317

this is an unpopular opinion on LOLCOW?!

No. 2172327

i don’t think “fatphobia” is real it’s just being rightfully disgusted by something completely unnatural and inhuman

No. 2172331

No woman wants to be a prostitute, be it online or on the road. Even the handmaidens who shout “sex work yass” don’t want to be one. And the small percentage that does gets hit with reality once they do.
Sure if you do OF and you’re successful you might get money ( if you’re that lucky 1% that earns money otherwise you get pennies) but you lose any ounce of respect and dignity, yours too. And it remains in your history for ever.

No. 2172334

I remember shopping at the clothing store with my mom when I was a young teenager and being weirded out when she took some push-up bras for me to try. It's possible a lot of girls were given push up bras at that age and just don't think that much of it. Some push-up bras are more subtle, so I could see it happening.

I like sports bras, they make me feel more athletic than I actually am kek

No. 2172347

Nona this is a popular opinion, most people thankfully look at fat activism and think it's insane

No. 2172350

>Their nutritional value has plummeted because animal farmers don't care about quality, they care about profit. Like the majority of food production businesses.
This is even more true of plants than meat though. Plants derive their nutrient content from the soil and soil depletion is becoming a major issue. The greater the soil depletion the more farmers rely on artificial fertilizer which not only causes more soil depletion in the long term, it also pollutes ground water and rivers which leads to eutrophication of coastal waters.

No. 2172356

I agree that it looks stupid. I can't ever forget being a teenage girl and my friend thinking she had freaky unnatural boobs because they were so far apart and didn't touch… she literally thought boobs were supposed to be smushed together all the time. It makes me so sad to think she's probably not alone in thinking that.

No. 2172357

I got bullied by other girls for having no tits so I wore push-ups to fit in and have a ~womanly figure~. Beauty standards when I grew up made it taboo to have your natural breast shape. Later on I kept wearing them when I want to suggest more of an hourglass figure because I'm pear shaped and they balance out my chest/hip ratio. I don't wear any bras at all if I'm not wearing something form-fitting though.

No. 2172373

Everyone uses the quirky meme word “gooning” now because they’re too ashamed to use the actual word masturbation, because it is something shameful.

No. 2172386

Gooning actually sounds worse to me because it reminds me of that psychotic pedo tranny named gigglygoon clown

No. 2172390

I hate crustaceans

No. 2172434

Kek I thought gooning was being stoned but on chemical stuff

No. 2172573

Not sure about the cat hate thread because I have it hidden, but the doghate one has one very consistent/recognizable posters though I don't think they're samefagging.
What I meant the anon who keeps complaining about the thread existence in several other threads and essentially repeats the same infighting posts with the same wording over and over. Not saying that several people can't dislike a topic, but most nonnas just ignore what they don't like or post about it on meta. The timing is also very weird, no one complains or even mentions the thread(s) for weeks, then there's suddenly posts about it on multiple threads, who all immediately get a bunch of replies who are only minutes apart on utterly ded lolcow hours. Honestly that time would be spent better volunteering in a pit shelter kek.

No. 2172998

I find online SW a crappier option because of the footprint, people can trace everything back and it never leaves the Internet. Onlyfans won't even allow you to make an account without linking to your personal legal name accounts. At least women meeting johns are putting in effort, typically in survival situations, and if they're smart there's nothing that can trace back to them

No. 2173002

I’m the anon who posted about it today, and it was my first time posting about it truly, and since I said my piece I don’t feel the need to post about it again kek

No. 2173005

Honestly don’t like how anons tear up apart women’s looks on other boards. Especially when they look perfectly fine… they say the same type of shit moids do to neg women. I just can’t see how that way of thinking can coexist with either the ideas presented in the ugly man psy op thread or the belief society is much harsher on women’s looks.

No. 2173006

It is women that make the backbone of society.
Where do you think men get their ideas from? They'd literally fuck a sponge. All their constraints come from society, and society is women.

No. 2173007

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crustaceans are awesome, fuck you

No. 2173009

Mmm this made me hungry for some oysters

No. 2173011

crevettes, gambas, langoustes…

No. 2173049

Growing up in the early 2000s I swear pushup bras were 90% of the bra selection in stores. I grew up wearing push ups when I was developing bc I only shopped for clothes once a year and around the time when my family would get clothes there would always be a similar selection in stores, with push up bras being a big percentage of what was on shelves. I always thought they were stupid and hated them as a kid, I would avoid them like the plague, but the leftover styles were always so ugly and granny like it was like a punishment. If you see media during the 2000s you'll see what I mean, the girls always have super perky, perfectly round breasts in films and that was why. I'm happy there's so many more options for bras now, even though I personally no longer wear them.

No. 2173328

JK Rowling is so whiny on Twitter. While I understand her concerns about women's spaces and the hostility she faces from the TRA community and I'm aware that JK Rowling has done a lot of good things, it feels like she rarely talks about anything else. Nowadays, she seems more known for her involvement in radical feminist debates than for being an author. It is not surprising that much of her audience consists of middle-aged, heterosexual white women who claim to be radical feminists because of their opposition to trannies, yet often harbor sexist or homophobic views themselves. Some of them even think heterophobia is real and are quick to label a woman with masculine features as a man too.

No. 2173329

Nice try. Whiny about women's rights? No. Beetroots? Yes.

No. 2173331

Nta but Rowling harassed the fuck out of that Imane Khelif boxer just because she looks like a masculine gnc woman so I wouldn't outright say that women's rights is her passion kek she couldn't even tell the difference between a gnc woman and a tranny

No. 2173332

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No. 2173334

>is shocked that an unpopular opinion is getting posted in the unpopular opinion thread and immediately calls it bait

No. 2173335

that boxer’s trainer literally came out and said that imane was xy, jk was right retard

No. 2173336

Go back to Reddit kek

No. 2173337

Did you miss all those infighting containment threads about the XY boxer? Bringing it up like that again is bait.

No. 2173338

It’s not even a criticism, that nonna is straight up hating kek. She’s saying nothing other than “JKR is evil, why does she care so much about speaking up!!! She’s not even writing anymore!”

No. 2173339

Anyway my unpopular opinion is that staying commando in the house is the best thing you can do, I love letting my pussy air out when I’m home. Thank you.

No. 2173341

Where the fuck do you people come from?
I swear despite the claims about the dumbass shit thread, the autosage really followed by an immediate shift in posters for the utterly worse.

No. 2173343

it's not like i agree with anon above but all you nonnas really need to chill out because this is an unpopular opinion for a reason. why are you suddenly getting so defensive like somebody insulted your actual family member kek it comes across like elon musk fanboys who defend him at any chance they can get

No. 2173361

No. 2173384

they think they'll finally get their mother's approval by taking care of her but it will never happen. boymoms are incapable of fully loving their daughters since they view them as inferior and are sometimes even jealous of them. that isn't going to suddenly change just because they're old and near death

No. 2173385

NTA, but I think I remember infighting with you. I did post about disliking the animal hate threads like two times a year ago. It's funny that you've brain-wormed yourself into thinking any random anon who dislikes those threads must all be me, even today. I didn't think I made that much of an impact on you. I've probably done enough for cats and dogs in my life to make you fully apopleptic anyway, kek.
Anyway, yeah, most people don't support animal hatred, and will naturally feel disturbed by threads targeting companion animals, regardless of whether they hide them. It's not against the rules for them to talk about it, either. People definitely shouldn't breed pitbulls, either, but spending your days dreaming about killing them is fucked up behavior too. It's normal for some anons to react in disgust, even if you disagree.

No. 2173388

I have seen boy moms leave everything to the daughter once they passed (boy mom I'm thinking of who did this didn't even get visited by her precious sons in the years she was dying LMAO). However, the brothers will still be better off than the daughters because they got 50+ years of preferential treatment.

No. 2173390

I'll never comprehend mothers who favor having a male child so much over a daughter. It's creepy, and reminds me of microchimerism.

No. 2173391

i have a theory that giving birth to a male can seriously harm your brain. it doesn't happen to every mother of a son but when it does the results are disastrous.

No. 2173393

As somebody whose own mother is a gigantic boymom, thank you for reminding me once again why I need to stop feeling bad for her and go full no-contact one day.

No. 2173400

Here comes the troon defender. I’m here to get away from retards, I don’t want them here too. Give a real opinion other than yapping about how JKR is evil for speaking up. I don’t even follow her anyway, but I’ve seen this discourse fucking everywhere and I’m tired of it.

No. 2173403

And most of the time the son is useless and does nothing whine the daughter shoulders all the responsibilities.

No. 2173405

cope and nobody is jealous of your ugly scrote, I promise you you’re the only one that wants to suck his dick who’s near his hairy unwashed stinky asshole, you’re quite literally disgusting(infighting)

No. 2173425

Being fat is unhealthy (obviously) but it needs to be treated as more of a medical concern than just someone being too stupid/selfish to know how food works, we should also take notes into common factors in society causing obesity (long work weeks and people needing carbs and sugar to stay up, more controversy with walking in non-urban areas, etc). America's obsession with accountability is one of the biggest reasons why we won't ever accomplish anything

No. 2173428

It's both men and women ripping apart women's appearance though, it's not exactly a one or another situation. IMO both do it equally

No. 2173435

I hate it so much. it feels like mothers should cherish daughters more because of everything women have gone through. The entire concept of having a male child is better is vile to me. I'm tired of all these kings and monarchs who wanted a son to be their heir instead. It makes a false narrative that men are natural born leaders, despite us knowing this is not true. I want more women to be girls girls and stop giving a fuck about men

No. 2173445

i think there are two groups of people responding that overlap slightly. one group is women who genuinely want to help the girl posting and are telling her to leave him because they want better for her. the other are the groups of people posting about being kissless 30 year old virgins who are coping by pretending all relationships would end that way for anyone and actually they’re alone on purpose, not out of lack of positive traits - and therefore they are so much smarter than the rest of us. those are the ones taking joy in other peoples hurts and projecting on them or bitching because being reminded not everyone here is a NEET a decade behind their peers and that there are people capable of at least holding down relationships on here. it’s honestly such an embarrassing self own whining that normies shouldn’t post about having relationships on here.

No. 2173456

I’m with the racist kpop’ers saying that ethnic people who aren’t Asian look weird and out of place copying Eastern Asia aesthetics.

No. 2173457

I think more accountability needs to be taken when homicide or suicide happens. Of course the murderer should be punished by death (since ik someone will strawman by claiming I don't think murderers should be held accountable) but I mean people in their life

People who bully school shooters should be punished, people who mom-shamed until she offed her kids or herself should be punished, moids who emotionally abuse women and she offs herself should be held accountable,etc. The only exclusion to this is moids since 9/10 times they're killing others or themselves for narc reasons

No. 2173458

>kissless 30 year old virgins
>you must be an inkwell!!1111!!femcells!!!!1111
learn2integrate, most of us are women and some of us genuinely hate men so what the fuck are you talking about

No. 2173461

What are ethnic people

No. 2173466

>people who bully moids should be punished
lol no, bullying moids is the right thing to do, we just need to castrate them, lower their testosterone and have them under state-mandated 24/7 surveillance and control to stop their wide-scale propensity for violence. many women are bullied and ostracized but you don’t see them going out of their way to commit mass shootings and murders (with the exception of audrey hale who was a tif troonytoon who was trying so hard to be a scrote she figured it would be the scrote thing to do to commit atrocities for attention kek, even tifs know how pattern recognizable this behavior is with biological men). it’s mostly men who commit these mass murders and school shootings, it’s a male ego/entitlement problem that’s connected to mass male violence. you see how their parents are usually coddling and somehow neglecting their XY subhuman children? a recipe for disaster, just don’t birth scrotes

No. 2173470

yeah we look the worst trying to be “kawaii sugoiiiiii”, different races look their best in their own stereotypical fashion and styling (street fashion, urban fashion, y2k, etc.) it would be the reverse with these south korean kpop idols who dress like modern black people kek

No. 2173475

Just say black people nonna. You want to be stupid, be openly stupid. White people look stupid too with “Asian aesthetic” wonder why you didn’t include them when they’re the majority of koreaboos and weaboos.
Also almond eyes aren’t only exclusive to people from east Asia.

No. 2173476

that entire post was written about women so i’m not sure how you got confused thinking i was talking about men on here and i never said either of those words. i don’t like men but pretending people in happy relationships don’t exist because no one will have you is crazy. you’re reacting for a reason right now.

No. 2173477

I'm going to be honest, you just sound kind of fat and easily embarrassed. (Attractive) people of any race can look good in any kind of presentation. You worry too much about what racist Korean people think when "kpop" itself lacks any real value or distinct style of its own. That shit doesn't matter, it's made to sell, and skinny black women looking different from normie basic IG thots grab attention.

No. 2173479

why do you think some women making one bad decision out of love erases every bad decision you’ve made? if you’re one of the NEETs on here every woman who can socially function enough to be in a relationship is making better choices than you.

No. 2173481

File: 1726927756837.jpeg (244.47 KB, 736x920, IMG_2578.jpeg)

actually white women look very natural and pleasing in the kawaii-acubi look because they look similar and usually have the same skin tones as east asians that make the color combinations very pleasing. i prefer picrel with black women, we aren’t asians so it looks like ridiculous cosplaying while white people can get away with it because a lot of anime characters resemble white people

No. 2173482

Nah, some nonnas do sound ridiculous. On one breath they’ll tell you that their nigel is caring and loves them and on the same breath they’ll tell you that they don’t clean after themselves, that they hide messages on their phones, that they don’t text them unless nonnas do, that they forget important things and that they watch porn or soft porn on social media constantly.
Seeing that isn’t being bitter, there’s hardly anything to be jealous of in these relationship when these scrotes hardly do anything worthwhile while the women are the ones trying to patch up the relationship and find solutions. Being single at least gives me peace kek.

No. 2173483

you’re delusional, naive and think being in a relationship and fulfilling some faith-based whimsical “biological imperative” to give birth is a requirement for women to be happy. you’re the one who’s mostly perpetuating patriarchal fear-provoking garbage, not me who’s just being blunt that 99% scrotes commit social fraud and spit lies every single breath they take. grow up dumbass and lift those big fucking testicles off your head it’s preventing you from thinking properly

No. 2173486

That's what I was wondering. Koreaboos are so weird. Kpop is ripped off of fashion and music made by Americans of black/white descent and Japanese people, anyway. It has no real "aesthetic" besides subpar copying.
If we boil it down to the Japanese influences alone, even that's less of a "being ethnic" issue than it is being overweight or having strong features (which is why white people with strong European features tend to look bad, and why most kpop idols are made to get jaw surgery, nose surgery, etc - "natural" Korean features don't look like anime characters).

No. 2173489

File: 1726928118409.jpeg (64.05 KB, 460x640, IMG_8530.jpeg)

lol , do you seriously think that being black means just dressing with a urban and hip hop style.
A style is just a style and a makeup style is just a make-up style too. It’s a matter of how your features work on you.

No. 2173490

It looks really bad though, we all know black women just don’t fit certain standards of femininity so I don’t know why you keep trying to make it seem like we do, we don’t. We dress and act completely differently to East Asian women because of the cultural and social differences and expectations, we know who fits the cutesy-childlike aesthetic more and pulls it off effortlessly because it’s more believable for them, not us. I’m just stating an observation(racebait)

No. 2173491

i don’t believe in literally any of that besides agreeing about men lying to hide who they are. i’ve experienced it myself but i’ve also seen friends who are genuinely happy. i literally came to this website to expose a rapist. i’m really not the person you’re making me out to be. i honestly think it’s offensive to say something that degrading about another woman as well, you aren’t coming across as much better than the men who sexually harass me or try to sexually degrade me. why was that the insult you reached for?

No. 2173492

File: 1726928273110.jpeg (79.97 KB, 521x640, IMG_8531.jpeg)

Again, it’s a matter of features and again almond eyes aren’t exclusive to East Asian people.

No. 2173493

Don't give that anon any attention. They literally just posted a video of black women in lolita fashion in the Things That Make You Laugh thread calling then "nigga-chan". It's likely bait.

No. 2173495

If that anon is black, she personally has unfortunate features, is overweight, or doesn't know how to wear makeup, and blames her race instead of putting effort into looking nice or just getting over it.
She's going to reply to you insisting the woman you posted can't "really" be black. Suspiciously, these types online parrot the things insecure non-black people say. Saying "I'm black" is the easiest way to get away with attacking black people online these days, kek.

No. 2173497

Bullying moids 100% because typically when moids get bullied it's because of their own actions when girls get bullied it's their appearance or just over analyzing random crap

No. 2173499

You just sound retarded. So black women are strong, black sisters and Asians are uwu, meek and feminine. It sounds insulting to both black women and Asian women and frankly quite reductive too.

No. 2173500

yeah i’ve just been reporting those posts.

there are definitely posts that i agree with you entirely about and i would definitely categorize you responding in that way more as trying to help another woman with low self worth.

No. 2173501

>straight hair that black people don’t naturally have
>make-up ripped completely from an east asian style
>blue contacts lol
what’s your point? inb4 “they stole these ideas from americans, the japanese” yapyapyap yeah you create new ideas by taking other ideas and putting them into a blender adding your own flair and there you have it. it’s like copying multiple races and thinking you look good, it’s the strangest form of racial dissociation i’ve ever seen

No. 2173502

If you’re ugly that’s on you nonna kek, but don’t include other black women with you.

No. 2173505

Yeah I’ll stop engaging, thanks

No. 2173507

>n-no we share the same features!!!!!! it’s not like that!!
well duh, but that’s clearly not the point. and then we’re wearing wigs resembling white peoppe hair and burning the texture out of our hair KEKKKK(racebaiting in multiple threads)

No. 2173509

You know you have nothing of value to add if your point really boils down to, “YOU’RE JUST UGLY!!!!” kek

No. 2173511

That would look ridiculous as fuck on black women, it looks cute though sometimes, not all the time. It’s funny how black women actively try to subvert and prove to the world they aren’t what they are through every action they make, actually other groups of women do that as well. It’s a form of hiding in plain sight that just doesn’t sit well with me.(racebait)

No. 2173513

You're replying to a morbidly obese coper. They probably saw a cute black girl in weeb fashion on Pinterest, and it got them triggered for whatever personal reason. Report it.

No. 2173515

File: 1726928910614.png (1.77 MB, 1546x938, cf-4194033965.png)

Looks the same on everyone retard, they're just urban clothes.

No. 2173518

And this is exactly why I always do what I want to do with myself because retards like anons always have black women in their mouth.
To the black nonnas reading this, wear what you want , there’s nothing to prove. You want to be sporty? Be that. You want to be cutesy and hyperfeminine? Be that. You want to be more masculine? Be that. Natural hair? Go for it. Wigs? Go for it. Braids? Go for it. Buzz cut? Hell yeah.

No. 2173521

If you were actually black you would know that you don’t wear braids every single time, it’s a myth and a psyop that black women need versatility with our hair and then the versatility is just slapping a wig on or frying the fuck out of our hair with a blowout or silk press to mimic hispanics or those with straight textures. The fact that natural hair growing out of our heads not manipulated will be unacceptable until we all is a blackpill. This isn’t a social justice opinion, I just think it’s funny how much black women desperately deny reality at all costs.

No. 2173522

Boring bait

No. 2173527

You will never be a woman, let alone a black woman.

No. 2173528

This. It's just clothes, I don't understand the big deal about it.

No. 2173533

Same, having to see this shit everyday with all my relatives as a kid is already enough, I want to have friends who don't remind me everyday that men are trash at this point.

No. 2173534

I don’t understand people who are so adamant on insulting countries where the consumption of dog and cat meat happens. We eat animals too in the west, from pigs to horses. I do not agree on it per se because I see dogs and cats as pets, but I still don’t think that it’s this abomination that some make it out to be.

No. 2173537

Exactly. This type of bait is so dated and 2008-tier, and the goalposts always shift because it was never a serious argument. By now, nearly every zillenial/zoomie and gen alpha who's "into" fashion has already seen examples of black girls or women pulling off all sorts of styles, it truly does not matter in the grand scheme of things.

No. 2173541

if they were farmed ethically, sure. the issue in these countries are that they are stealing family pets. In fact, foreigners defending the countries eating dogs and cats are making the behavior worse because most of these countries are already trying to outlaw it

No. 2173549

not unpopular, most people hate abused women more than they hate abusive men

No. 2173558

yeah for real why do people think abused women struggle to have the self worth or even the ability to leave? “i purposefully isolate the victims of abuse while turning a blind eye and retaining my relationships with every man i know who abuses women because i’m a low empathy pick me, why won’t this terrified woman with no support system stop harshing my vibes?” these are the types of women who stay with partners who molest their children. to me people like that are complicit.

No. 2173560

still not unpopular, most people would rather distance themselves from women in distress while expecting those women to help them in their times of need. I feel like the weird increase in the demonization of abused women will just lead to more abuse, since not only are women not leaving but they're unable to speak up about it, likely what's going on in the mormon mom situation. Abused women are such inconviences to people she's rather come off as violent because being abused as a woman bothers people way more apparantly than the woman being violent

No. 2173561

Samefag. I wholeheartedly agree with you nonna, I didn’t quite specify my stance. My critique was mainly directed at how most people jump on the “oh my god! They’re eating cats and dogs!”

No. 2173564

I'm in a DV situation and have been unable to leave due to financial reasons and physical disabilities. It's been a struggle trying to get help because I just get hit with people going out of their way to whine about "why did I stay with him? clearly I need to try harder to leave". I can't even tell friends and family because i know they'll react just like anon is

No. 2173566

The problem is the weird sadism aspect (eg claims that the more the cat or dog suffers, the "better" the meat is, when in reality, a stressed out animal makes for poorer quality meat) and the fact that they kidnap people's pets in swathes just for this. Cases where parents decide to "punish" their kids by selling beloved pets to meat markets are fucked up, too. It's not even like there's an ongoing famine that leaves them with nothing else to eat, or like these are just a bunch of people stuck in a village with no understanding of the outside world or animal sentience. There's a definite malice to the whole thing that makes it difficult to defend. I can't really follow the "cultural relativism" cope when it comes to food, because then I'd not only be forced to defend all the things I just mentioned, but the consumption of fetuses and eggs covered in children's piss (both actual examples of cuisine from China).
Eating carnivore meat is also generally a bad idea, health-wise, because they carry more toxins. Pretty sure RFK Jr incurred a brain parasite from eating dog meat in South Korea, though I'm not sure if that was an issue with sanitation, the meat itself, or both. Last thing, and this is just my opinion, but it strikes me as a special type of fucked up to use animals that were specifically bred over many, many years to love/protect humans and be their friends for food when it's not necessary.
>But what about other meat? Cows, chickens and pigs have feelings and can be your friend too
This is true, but meat is still important for the nutrients it has to offer. I'd support any humane ways there are of slaughtering them. I think if lab grown meat were to be perfected and made affordable, it'd be better to switch to that than to waste resources on killing so many animals.

No. 2173568

I'd rather listen to an abused woman vent and help her leave the situation than mentally ill sociopaths whining about how much victims bother them

No. 2173571

abuse victims are at the most risk for violence when trying to leave and when coming forward. and not just from the abuser either - i’ve seen wives, mothers and even exes threaten women coming forward. because of that exact attitude - they want their life a certain way and the victim saying their son or partner is a violent rapist ruins that. some people would literally rather an abuse victim die than escape abuse.

No. 2173572

It’s not a matter of hating. It’s a matter of protecting your own peace at a certain point. I do not agree on just closing the door on them and ending the friendship but I would put distance. Leaving abusive relationship is hard and no woman starts a relationship expecting to be abused, the victim blaming is useless and goes no where.
But when you’re constantly trying to help the other person and you just see no change and you see them being hurt constantly while offering them options then you can’t really blame them and some women are just not ready to leave, but will gladly use you as a personal therapist.

No. 2173574

then don't? why would women who need help want someone with socialization issues to "help" them?

No. 2173577

Y’all skip and downplay how hard it can be to always offer emotional support. Kudos to the one who can do it, but I know I can’t.

No. 2173579

I don't expect financial help from anyone, but if your first reaction to me finally getting the guts to confide that I was raped is to call me stupid or run away from me it's just useless telling anyone tbh

No. 2173580

Abuse is not that nonna

No. 2173583

that's fine, but we also need to react better so we stop scaring women out of seeking help

No. 2173584

I wouldn’t call you stupid I’d just give you advice on how to leave, if you didn’t take that advice I’d slowly ghost you

No. 2173585

??? is this something you've experienced? I was friends with women who are being abused and I didn't even know about it until they left them. what are you talking about?

No. 2173587

Yeah I’ve experienced that. I had a friend who a controlling cocky asshole bf and he would make jabs at our appearance, our homes etc and she would just stand there and not say shit.

No. 2173589

I've been given "advice" and then screamed at about how I'm "stupid and making excuses" when I told them it won't work
>oh just walk out
my city ate up the "poor men don't get shelters" bait and all the womens shelters are either full or shut down/turned into mens/shared shelters
>call the police
I have and they don't care
>call family and friends to help
the few I did just insulted me for "letting it happen" and I gave up

No. 2173591

You don’t just get up and leave , it’s not that easy. I do understand your POV about how much of a tool it can take to give support , not blaming you for that, I’m the nonna >> 2173572. But saying that they should just leave does nothing.
These women are often financially trapped by these men, they have kids with these men, they are married, they are police officer etc..
And you’re also downplaying how abuse literally changes your brain structure.

No. 2173592

That's not a common occurence though, you're acting like abused women are just offering their friends as punching bags to their man because of a single situation

No. 2173593

I had a good friend who got in an abusive relationship (with a woman) and her entire personality changed. It was like a switch flipped. She was never one to get into arguments easily, but she started a fight over something minuscule and it lead to me cutting her off. Her girlfriend is really controlling and wanted for my friend to stop being friends with me. I tried to help her, but my efforts were fruitless because she didn't listen to anything I said and continued making terrible decisions even though I warned her numerous times. Like she started buying and using drugs because of her (both which are very illegal in our country). Not saying that the only answer is to "give up" on women who get abused, but personally I'm glad that our friendship is over. She became a horrible and mean person not only towards me, but everyone else. And there's only so much of it someone can take before they nope out.

No. 2173596

i would literally offer you a place to stay and help moving all of your stuff out of there safely while he is gone. i am confident that my handful of closest female friends would do the same. when i was being abused, i didn’t have friends like that or felt like i couldn’t go to them/the friends i had. it turned out that my friends were kind of bad people and when i cut off that small group of people, my life got a lot better. it’s funny in the context of this discussion because the people i cut off weren’t abuse victims, they didn’t care about it and they were the ones causing drama because of their interpersonal issues and the abusive behaviors they themselves had. it kind of tends to be the people you meet that are entirely out for themselves that will freak out at the tiniest inconvenience and need everything their way, including controlling conversations and saying emotional support is emotional labor. they are always the ones butting heads and destroying everyone’s peace. an abuse victim escaping abuse and an abuser being removed from everyone’s lives causes peace. allowing an abuser to get away with it causes discord. it’s actually very simple.

No. 2173597

who reacts to someone struggling to leave DV with "well I wouldn't be your friend"?

No. 2173598

You'd think after all these years I'd stop being shocked at how stupid and horrible a handful of lolcow users are, but nope, I'm still surprised. Some of you are just the worst.

No. 2173601

Nayrt, but helping a woman who is done with her abuser and wants to leave is way different that regularly staying in touch with a woman who doesn't want or feel the need to leave her abuser. The latter is way more difficult to navigate. Like have you ever even been in a situation where your friend refuses to leave their abuser who poisons their mindset and behavior towards you?

No. 2173602

The kind of dumb bitches that hang out in this thread.

No. 2173603

I tried telling some female friends but got insulted constantly, it stung even worse because most of the situation involved sexual abuse which took me a while to admit it was happening to me in the first place

I just stopped honestly, he's either going to kill me or I'm going to kill myself. I'm so fucking tired of being treated like the villan when I am literally physically trapped

No. 2173604

no offense but do you have a personality disorder or are cluster B? it's very suspicious when you make a discussion about DV victims on whether or not you'd be friends with them

No. 2173605

She's disabled and abused, so she has nothing in common with you? Like being disabled and abused are her entire personality? Kek. Just baffling.

No. 2173609

Agree with you nonna

No. 2173612

yes i have? do you not know that it takes most abused women multiple tries to leave? i’m gonna hear my girl out and help her build momentum for each and every one of her goddamn tries thank you very much.

No. 2173613

jesus what happened in this thread

No. 2173614

no one wants to be your friend, not a loss

No. 2173617

I can't do this shit anymore kek. I am so disgusted with this place lately. Consider the doodle board abanonded because I ain't coming back to tend to the mentally ill.

No. 2173623

So you're just gonna deal with your friend treating you poorly? Not everyone wants or have the patience to put up with that which I completely get.

Ok, see you next week!

No. 2173624

Ugh of course I always wake up to dumb shit like this

No. 2173625

>some rando cluster b bitch doesn't want to be friends
oh no anon I'm so sure we're all really missing out on your BO and BPD rants/moid defending

No. 2173626

Nonna there aren’t any services for DV near your area? A woman group or something?
Do you have any relative near you at least?
I’m so sorry for this situation.

No. 2173628

how is my friend being abused ME being treated poorly?????

No. 2173630

I find people like you funny, because it doesn’t take much to end up poor or disabled nonna. You could lose your job in a couple of months from now on, you click get into an accident and lose your legs or the use of your legs. It happens just like that.

No. 2173633

I reached out to services at the dr and they're all full or I have to physically leave and go there, I have frequent surgeries and often get bedridden. My relatives are either in different countries or dgaf/eat up the whole "it's your fault for staying" bait. My best bet is to keep calling shelters and other services until something happens

No. 2173635

Oh my god stop being obtuse. If someone's friend ends up in an abusive relationship and as a result of that starts treating them poorly, being mean to them, putting them down etc. basically becoming toxic, I get why they don't have the energy to stay friends. I'm not saying that the someone in this example is the victim, just that I get the perspective of some of the anon's in this thread. Like this is the unpopular opinions thread kek why are you moralfagging so hard.

No. 2173639

This is a friendless person trolling, kek

No. 2173640

Finally someone said it

No. 2173642

People can also become horrible friends because of a variety of different situations anon, why do you draw the line at DV? I've seen people turn into shitty people if they get a crappy job but it would be crazy to cut people off for having shitty jobs. Just cut them off if they're genuinely turn shitty not because they might turn crappy

No. 2173644

i genuinely have not had that experience. i’ve had people who need to vent at me for months or even years on end and i’ve just been patient unless they were victimizing someone else. i’ve been through a lot and understand a lot and am sometimes the only person they have. i’ve been in similar places to them. my life is better now but there are still things i struggle with. keeping having been raped a secret for years damaged me so badly i broke down fully and had to rebuild my entire life. i would never judge another woman who was in the place i was because i know exactly how easily i could lose everything again and i’m grateful i can use the pain i’ve been through to help other women. it feels less purposeless. i know no one else is going to help them, so i do it.

No. 2173648

you could literally get in a car accident tomrorow and have this be your life. you would definitely not handle it as well as the person you’re talking to. i hope that life doesn’t decide to treat you a lesson, i don’t think you’d make it. you seem kind of weak honestly.

No. 2173649

I think we need to draw a line at trolling when it's causing harm. Women are actively opting out of seeking help/speaking out due to built up shame around being a DV victim even if it is "trolling", not to mention the people that unironically start siding with trolls. Can't we go back to spamming never gonna give you up or something to troll not silencing DV victims?

No. 2173650

Can you be a bully somewhere else. You sound sad, genuinely. Does it make you feel good to beat down on a woman who is having a hard time already?

No. 2173653

I get what you mean, but I disagree because as a principle I refuse to stay friends with people who put me down and don't stop even after me trying to resolve it several times and communicating that it upsets me. No matter the reason.

The venting I 100% agree with. I will always listen to my friends (and other women in horrible situations) vent. My point is that sometimes you have to cut off someone in an abusive relationship because their abuser literally turns them against you and there's nothing you can do about it. There's a huge difference listening to someone vent and listening to them saying incredibly mean things about you and completely stop caring about you as a friend.

No. 2173656

Some posters are only here because they want to live their /r9k/ LARP without being bullied by moids.

No. 2173658

You are spiritually fat and ugly.

No. 2173661

If her parents are blaming her for abuse they probably aren't going to be any better. Im glad you have that luxury but that's not reality for a lot of women and there's something wrong with you if your only thoughts are who would be your friend or not

No. 2173662

>do you realise the website you’re on
Nta but this is giving the vibes of “I find lolcow after someone mentioned on twitter/tumblr that this is the mean girl femcel site” kek

No. 2173663

That word makes me want to throw up

No. 2173665

File: 1726933745982.jpg (92.07 KB, 932x857, IMG_6609.JPG)

My unpopular opinion is that whenever nonnies start moralfagging and frothing at the mouth because people on here talk about a topic that's sensitive to them in a way that they don't like, they should be banned for a month to get a reality check.

No. 2173667

File: 1726933774036.jpg (35.4 KB, 500x388, 1000000241.jpg)

Trolling in the 2000s
>Hitler did nothing wrong
>I fucked your mom
>Some stupid song
Trolling in 2020s
>Giving people PTSD by spamming child porn
>Keeping women in abusive situations by insulting them until they shut up
>Calling skinny women fat

No. 2173670

My very popular opinion is that you not wanting to be around someone is a huge W. You sound unbearable

No. 2173672

Why do you take everything that troll takes so seriously? It's getting kinda embarrassing I must be honest…

No. 2173673

>giving people PTSD by spamming child porn
Ahh, the good old 2010’s

No. 2173674

>Muh moralfagging
Anon this isn't sperging and torture fantasies about women who post nudes on the Internet, this is shaming real life women into staying in abuse

No. 2173676

Samefag just wanna give a special shoutout to my fellow Omegle zoomers who saw billions of dicks and crimes being committed

No. 2173677

Lol, sure

No. 2173678

Enjoyment and happiness evade you, though.

No. 2173679

Just accept that people on here have different unpopular opinions. There are topics I care a lot about that people on here shit on, but I don't gaf because I'm on fucking lolcow? Like me, you should fail to take anything people say on here seriously. Please get thicker skin or go to another thread to vent about your grievances.

No. 2173680

Sometimes you don't have to be a pilot to see that the plane is crashing.

No. 2173683

A baiter with no posting history showed up and shat up the thread. I deleted all of her posts because she's most likely a persistent ban evader due to the fact that almost every post she made has a different ip.

No. 2173686

Nta but thank you moddie ♥

No. 2173687

I notice they have a specific posting style of constantly deleting posts and reposting 5-10 minutes later. Everytime I see it, it's the same damn anon with a different IP shitting up everything

No. 2173688

> lmao abuse victims need to stfu and stop being so whiney this is the UNPOPULAR OPINIONS thread for UNPOPULAR OPINIONS

No. 2173691

oh wow, ok thanks farmhand!

No. 2173692

Insulting women until they get scared to speak out about being abused isn't an "innocent unpopular opinion"

No. 2173693

I think being too friendly with your kids is inappropriate

No. 2173695

Where did I say it was an innocent opinion? You know your moralfagging and overtly emotional posts only makes baiters more excited and that it spurs them on? inb4 how dare you shame abuse victims into staying quiet reeee

No. 2173696

actually so embarrassing they were obsessed enough to go to those lengths to make those posts. thank you for deleting them

No. 2173703

File: 1726934857807.jpg (25.54 KB, 390x280, 1000064448.jpg)

Gyms should have buddy systems for newbies so everyone can make new friends and avoid having people getting injured for not knowing how to do the exercises properly.
And it should, of course be sex segregated because women and men workout differently and don't understand the needs, limits and capabilities of the other sex.

No. 2173704

I think everyone needs to start realizing how people act online can project into real life. We were all told that online racists were just trolls and to not feed them. As soon as racists stopped being called out more and more young people became full blown racists

No. 2173705

What do you mean?

No. 2173706

What are you talking about? Who's forcing you to be friends with them?(don't respond to bait)

No. 2173708

Like I think inviting them into your life too much. I was very close with my parents as a child and this resulted in them feeling like it was okay to invite me to their parties and hang out with their friends

No. 2173710

Like trying to be their friend so hard that you're on moreso their level rather than being a parent?

No. 2173712

So basically acting more like you're kid's besties than their parents? I agree, that's always weird.

No. 2173713

Yes basically, and also exposing them to adult things that they shouldn’t be around for the purpose of being a “fun parent”

No. 2173715

yes and same with kinks. that dude sending you rape threats on reddit has thought about doing something for real. he’s trying out things to see how they feel.

No. 2173716

>I think everyone needs to start realizing how people act online can project into real life.
>Is on cyberbully central

Nayrt, but anon was talking about leaving a friendship? Of course no one is forcing them to be friends kek. What she said is clearly a controversial and unpopular opinion in this thread.

No. 2173723

Oh, yeah I agree, especially with young kids and preteens. It's normal for parents to become "friends" with their children in adulthood, especially mothers and daughters, but they need an assertive role in childhood to develop properly. That's the reason why I hate soft parenting.

No. 2173730

This isn't even new information and anyone who isn't raging newfag worked this out back on /cgl/. Clearing cookies doesn't remove all identifiers, the mods will still know it's you.

No. 2173738

Noooo I missed this! Does anyone have screenshots?

No. 2173742

And it’s often easy to pinpoint when someone’s samefagging or shitting up the thread, similar typing styles and back-to-back posts during a slightly slow time of day definitely make it obvious kek

No. 2173765

Is there an all girls (real) discord or a lolcow discord where they play VG with voice chat? (Flood detection)

No. 2173766

Avoid abusive males, even indirecr interactions, means hating abused women to you?

No. 2173789

It was just some attention-seeking tard saying "I would not be friends with a woman who was poor, injured or in an abusive relationship because I only want to be surrounded with people like me and have a fun life" over and over again.

No. 2173840

Our weekly 'idgaf about abused women' post where they hang around for max engagement, repeat themselves like a parrot and add in details about how they have a full life

No. 2173841

Girlie having a full on schizo meltdown here

No. 2173864

I’m trying to test something out but what would happen is I posting 1208 gifs?(spamming)

No. 2173866

you will be banned for spam

No. 2173869

Why don't you go do something fun like make breakfast nonny this can't possibly be fulfilling..

No. 2173872

i think this is supposed to be the fun life they were telling us about

No. 2173878

I agree with you and I've started thinking that maybe personal trainers that train you in their own home gym are the way to go (1:1 attention, no gym anxiety because probably no one else is there, they have acquired a lot of their own equipment over the years). It's hard to find someone like that where I live, though.

No. 2173880

Don't know how unpopular this opinion would be around here, but.

There is more value in just being GNC, because gender is bullshit, but trooning out is just another way of conformity to the society and gender norms.
There is more value in questioning your sexuality and experimenting than adhering yourself to a label and suffering because it wasn't right and fighting back to prove yourself deserving of that label.
Truly, I abhor the state of LGB(begrudgindly T) in this age. What happened to fun and self-exploration and nonconformity, why does everyone want to suddenly stuff themselves into restrictive boxes.
If you know who you are, you know. If you don't feel free to play around. But sticking a label and following the cabal of "you must be like that if you want to sit with the cool kids" is just. Boring.
Moids and fujos getting brainwashed into transness just because the other social norm "applies" to them "more".
Spicy straight just begging to be actually queer and grasp at anything that would make them.

I hate all of those. I am almost 30 and still haven't picked any labels, because gender seems trite and I have an assigned sex already and I am fairly sure I only like women, but you don't see me faffing about with pronoun pins or pride flags or whatever shit. I'm just a person who might never even figure it out at all. And I quite like it that way and see more value in genuine human expression and interaction than this circus of labels and masks and identities.

No. 2173887

physical/fight related self-defense is useless and futile for women against men.

No. 2173890

yeah i agree a 9mm works better.

No. 2173894

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The music made by girly girl productions is pretty fun and nice, just remove the weird bi guy shit and it's perfect, I wish the group was misandrist tbh, it would make more sense.

No. 2173900

In the sense that a woman is not going to use her BJJ lessons to beat up a grown man yes, but all women should have a basic understanding of self-defense for at least the purposes of getting away from a violent conflict.

No. 2173902

it would appear you were correct kek. nice try with the 1208 images nonnie! maybe take your meds next time

No. 2173949

Or how it's always posted in the unpopular opinion thread as if it's some delightful new discovery like we cant just go anywhere else and see the world shitting on abuse victims left and right

No. 2173968

Or how it's always posted in the unpopular opinion thread as if it's some delightful new discovery like we cant just go anywhere else and see the world shitting on abuse victims left and right

No. 2173978

its ironic since not caring about abused women is the default whereas the actual unpopular opinion is caring about them

No. 2173981

I don't understand why europeans see Putin as their enemy and not the USA/UK/Israel triad.

No. 2173987

More people are mentally ill than most people would like to admit. People who work in customer service can barely even do their job without encountering handfuls of lunatics screaming over nothing daily, and then you have millions of people acting irrational if not supporting others displaying irrational behavior online daily.

Mentally ill people acting out often don't see their actions as abnormal behavior, and if they do majority won't tell their therapist they threw a tantrum at the cashier because their coupon expired, they won't tell them they sent death threats to someone over a disagreement about ice cream flavors, or anything else. So they're not be treated for it, they'll only tell them how sad they are so with the tiny chance these people are in therapy, it's even more unlikely they're being treated for their social disorder. We need to have harsher laws for people displaying their mental illness in public

No. 2173999

To add to this , too many people don’t take any responsibility for their actions and blame it on their mental illness. BPD, OCD, DID (which is fake anyway), autism, Tourette etc.
And I also think that there aren’t as many autistic people as everyone says. Listening to the same song several times and being passionate about a specific topic isn’t autism. There’s way too much self-diagnosis going on.

I’m not from America, but you guys have weird shit going on especially there. It still happens where I live but not as much.

No. 2174003

>too many people don’t take any responsibility for their actions and blame it on their mental illness. BPD, OCD, DID
This is partially due to the "anger isn't mentally ill" thing. Also why people often associate mental illness with only women, even though it's moids committing almost all murders, violence, etc which requires some form of mental illness to commit

No. 2174011

i never finished jojo's bizarre adventure because of the art style

No. 2174028

I used to find left wing men more attractive for some reason, now I find them extremely irritating. They all sound like nagging school teachers. Very effeminate vibes, YUCK!

No. 2174045

what the hell are you even talking about bro

No. 2174048

anime or manga?

No. 2174059

This post is fucking killing me for some reason.

No. 2174068

Media manipulation and historical conflict. Europeans are extremely petty about past events and rarely forget.

Maybe politics is irrelevant and you're just repulsed by soyboys? Peak soy can be found on the right and the left but there's more of it on the left due the left's aversion to exercise.

No. 2174071

>We need to have harsher laws for people displaying their mental illness in public

Idgi, the first half of your post was complaining that these people hide their traits from their therapists or the general public.

No. 2174085

Yesterday I was on the bus with my bf and it was packed, and this one white dude was moving to another seat once it got opened, and some black guy started causing a scene and yelling at him accusing the white guy of putting his ass in his face. The bus driver almost had to call the police and he kept calling the white guy the n-word over and over. He eventually settled and get this, like 5 minutes after the incident he starts talking to himself and then the dude he was literally yelling at??? It's absurd how mentally ill people are. I also work at customer service and I've seen mentally ill bitches freak and explode over coffee. You can guess where I work with that but I agree with you. Unironically unsure if asylums should be brought back or not.

No. 2174094

Back in the day if you displayed signs of illness you got thrown on a wagon and put into an asylum. During your treatment they'd interview loads of people in your life to get a description of your behaviours. We need to revert to that since most people aren't honest about how they act. Personally if it was up to me people who act crazy online would get the rope

No. 2174100

Trump-chan? Where have you been loca?

No. 2174104

>people who act crazy online
I’m not disagreeing but do you know where you are right now?

No. 2174118

It's not hard to find location based on IPs and bust through VPNs, it's just about the networks putting out the IPs of people who are acting mentally unstable. Personally if people can't have nice things like free speech without abusing it then we don't deserve free speech

No. 2174121

But they have a very selective memory, I mean, didn't USA screw them after WW2 with debt and economic impositions wrapped in "aid and rebuilding"? Or when the european gold disappeared from the federal reserve in the 70s? Also they had, last century, a lot of refugees and activists from latin america spreading info about the dictatorships here being USA's policy.
They don't know about the shock doctrine? JFC

No. 2174133

Feminism will never succeed and the only reason we got some rights is because the government wants more workers.

No. 2174141

Yeah I know I said I don’t disagree. It’s just weird to hold this opinion and also hang out on a website full of people acting crazy online. It’s like intentionally sitting down and eating food that you don’t like and that will probably make you sick.

No. 2174146

Feminism has been pretty succesfull considering I went to university, can vote, have a comfortable, skilled job that fully supports me, have a bank account on my own name with my own money in it, my father's inheritance became my personal property instead of it going to my husband (if I had one) and I have all the means and freedom to remain single and child free. You would've had none of that if feminism didn't succeed to a certain degree.

No. 2174149

People like this are so short-sighted, like they live in a bubble when it comes to societal issues. The world was so different a century, two centuries ago.

No. 2174154

Congratulations, you are extremely privileged!

No. 2174156

ntayrt but this is such a twittard phrase

No. 2174172

Excuse me? All of that is more or less the norm for women in the West aka the region where feminism orginates from. Sorry if you live in Iran or something, should've detailed it if you live in some backwards shithole.

No. 2174174

Not everything you dislike is from twitter. This nonna is stupid if she thinks that girlbossing is feminism. The vast majority of women have no rights. Daughters of educated men have always been privileged. Most people who go to university have parents who did too. Congratulations to her if it isn't the case but that's more of an anomaly than anything. The other anon is right, women are pushed to work now to maximise the work force. If there was enough moids, none of this girlbossing would be allowed.

No. 2174175

NTA but now you sound like a retard too

No. 2174178

Everyone itt is a fucking retard

No. 2174179

your existence singlehandedly justifies stoning executions

No. 2174180

I love when I leave for a few hours because of infighting and then come back and see that there is, indeed, still continual fighting kek

No. 2174182

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No. 2174184

You think having your own bank account and going to school is girlbossing? kek

No. 2174185

Ntayrt but you could say this about literally anything

No. 2174186

Nta but don’t be fucking dense, obviously we’ve made SOME progress if we can fucking go to school now.

No. 2174187

same kek. It's been hours how aren't nonas tired

No. 2174189

I also think people acting crazy on here deserve the rope

No. 2174191

Ugly moid

No. 2174199

Then that's not free speech

No. 2174200

Wishing anyone to rope is idiotic.

No. 2174201

They cycle out, come on are you new? Unpopular opinions is just 24/7 infighting central battle ring, it’s like a colosseum we go to hone our skills and vitriol.

No. 2174210

Nah Trump is hot

No. 2174215

File: 1726951418548.jpg (59.32 KB, 1280x720, oh shit.JPG)

Ntayrt but young Trump was kinda…

No. 2174221

Proof or it didn't happen. Print a picture of him and take a picture of yourself kissing it on the mouth.

No. 2174223

ugly and old
ps. kamala win

No. 2174225

That’s it. That’s my last one. I have thoroughly lost faith is straight women now, forever. It’s not coming back. NSFL information.

No. 2174230


No. 2174231

>The vast majority of women have no rights.
Feminism predominately orginated in the US and Western Europe. Please tell me about all of the ways feminism didn't succeed there and what rights women there don't have that men do.

I'm not claiming that feminism has made modern women's lives perfection and in all ways equal but your female ancestors would turn in their graves if they knew you claimed feminism didn't succeed in the very places it originated from. If you live in forementioned countries you've got rights and luxuries women just 2-3 centuries before you could've only dreamt of. Sorry you've got to do paid work now. Women without rights work their assess off too.

No. 2174234

Ntayrt but /pol/tards usually are straight guys who aren’t attracted to Trump? Does me thinking he looked better when he was young and skinny suddenly zap away my womanhood nonners?

No. 2174237

>what rights women there don't have that men do
Nice fanfic dude.

No. 2174242

NTA But I’m a burger and I can’t personally think of any rights I don’t have…are you referring to women from shithole countries or first world nonnies?

No. 2174245

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nta but /pol/tards don't give a fuck about clarifying "straight" they think lesbians and straight women are the same thing
Me too, but I'm a kamala simp so it's unfair for me to judge them I'm not gonna lie. to each their own…..

No. 2174248

No. 2174249

kamala wins

No. 2174250

Coping with what?

No. 2174256

I remember back when Hillary was running and everyone just assumed that she’d win up against Trump. Ah the good old days…

No. 2174258

That man's ugliness

No. 2174263

i mean trump supporters are doing this too… same with kamala supporters. why do you guys love pulling 2016 so much when he lost in 2020? This election is closer than 2016 and 2020 as polling has improved. It's like 2020 has been erased by all of your minds

No. 2174267

>feminism is when men and women have equal rights
>men forced 64'565 women to give birth who resulted from rape, after total bans on abortion in 14 states
It's called women's rights for a reason.

No. 2174268

Women outnumber (and perform) men in higher education. But sure, pursuing education is only for women with rich daddies.

No. 2174272

Again: I'm not saying women's rights are perfectly equal in all ways but if you're in a first world country you've got the majority of rights that men do too. Feminism has objectively succeeded. And your 9-5 working lifestyle is far more comfortable and independent than the lifestyles of women who actually have no or very limited rights, even if working sucks.

No. 2174276

Men and women shouldn't sing together, it always sounds like shit and any song featuring both would improve simply by every singer being the same sex.

No. 2174277

This was essentially the attitude that voters had in 2020, which is why they were too lazy to vote on their own. Because they assumed no one was going to vote for old man Joe, however the only people who left their homes to go vote that year were libtardies

No. 2174278

Mamas and the papas are the only exception to this though

No. 2174280

It is. Be glad and recognise your privilege. If men forced their wife to have as many children as they used to, male children would be favoured. What you are describing doesn't translate once women enter the workforce. Women are a rarity in position of power and authority. And those women tend to conform to male expectations.

No. 2174283

I've always noticed this sort of attitude towards things that women indulge in more than males. Whenever women outperform moids in higher education it's "ALL COLLEGE IS IS JUST SOME WHOREHOUSE FOR WOMEN TO GET FUCKED BY CHAD!!". That wasn't even close to the attitude around higher education when it was majority male, at most you'd be seen as pretentious. I'd imagine that if after years of being barred from education in general, in the future, women would start to do better on standardized tests, moids would start seething over testing (also ntm how moids scores are skewed higher because moids tend to drop out more therefore the retarded moids do less testing). They already seethe about how the education system is "rigged" for women kek. Don't let these retards try to tear down women's achievements by screaming "OH WOW GIRLBOSSING!!! REEEE!!!" because they don't think women have their mind set on anything other than being mothers.
agreed, i find the atmosphere of 2024 interesting because dems have trauma from 2016 and reps have trauma from 2020. I don't think either side is gonna be doubting each other this year subconsciously. Big reason as to why I think this election is going to be close

No. 2174284

Just because we are not battered and chained to men like a hundred years ago and just because women in third world countries still live that reality doesn’t mean that we still don’t need feminism. We shall never become complacent and female liberation hasn’t been reached yet.

No. 2174287

you never go on /g/, huh?

No. 2174291

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You know you could settle down with a man and never have to work again but you'd just rather complain about the world. You're as bad as the freaks on incel.is(bait)

No. 2174297

I legit had to google Mike Pence just now

No. 2174303

You didn't even try pol-kun.

No. 2174305

Right?? It’s literally like he didn’t even exist for those 4 years idk

No. 2174309

Q predicted this

No. 2174310

It just reads as jealousy because a lot of anons respond angrily or unsavorily to happy, positive posts nonnies make about their nigels

No. 2174311

This is why I believe that women should start killing men en masse

No. 2174312

He looks like a girl I used to know. Sam, if you're reading this, you're ugly and fat and you look like 2 blokes kek

No. 2174316

donald is a troon

No. 2174338

File: 1726955578337.webp (699.87 KB, 2222x3333, 7336900063158.WEBP)

Her butt looks like it smells bad. She gives off unwashed chubby theater kid from high school.

No. 2174342

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What does she give off?

No. 2174348

Nonna the ampits are right there in the view, yet you headcanon about the smell of her completely average looking ass.

No. 2174354

I only commented on her ass since she won’t stop showing it off. But you’re correct, she is rancid all around (physically and psychologically).

No. 2174356

I hate this dumb, attention-seeking fakebian but you guys are too much. Her ass and armpits? Really?

No. 2174357

I want to rip the love handles off of her .

No. 2174361

This isn’t an unpopular opinion at all nonnerita

No. 2174362

i have a hunch she smells like corn chips

No. 2174365

Obviously he’s looking old and crumply now but he wasn’t that bad when he was a youngin

No. 2174381

i truly think that they are seething because she has a nice body, can sing and isnt afraid to tell people to fuck off even if it comes off as cringe. My real unpopular opinion is she wouldnt have had to worry about being seen in public if she kept the drag persona on during interviews and stuff. I dont get why she is doing interviews with her makeupless face talking about how she just wants to go to yoga without being hounded. I'm telling you if the video didn't say her name on it i'd think she was just a merida cosplayer being interviewed. And i like the Chappelle show songs. Also I think nonnies really like her on here and are just trying to be different.

No. 2174387

i haven’t come to her defense because defending anyone isn’t worth it. but it’s really made me roll my eyes scrolling the celebrity thread and seeing people ignore stuff like diddy, a man who abused and raped how many people? being on suicide watch to rant about her being annoying or something stupid. it really depresses me seeing people’s priorities. i don’t care about annoying girls. maybe more girls should be annoying and mid and praised still. can we save some of that vitriol for like pedophiles and criminals please?

No. 2174391

i hadn’t thought of it like that and that makes me feel a little better. it sometimes really bothers me feeling like people don’t care about stuff like that.

No. 2174395

>i truly think that they are seething because she has a nice body, can sing and isnt afraid to tell people to fuck off even if it comes off as cringe
I have a question are you straight or bi lol? I hate her because she's shitting up the lesbian community with troon shit. I fucking hate fakebians ESPECIALLY since 2020, they literally outnumber real lesbians (since the pandemic ofc). It's tiring having to deal with fakebians, so imagine some fakebian coming to fame constantly sperging about her ex while calling herself totes gay!!! same goes for renee rapp, julia fox, every single fakebian celebrity. I hate them all. It may be different for other women but the chappell hate here literally originates from her being a fakebian roach. Tired of this female intrasexual competition "you hate her cause you want her body" cope, most people who hate her are lesbians

No. 2174396

I don’t like CR simply because I don’t really like her genre of music and also her constanly asskissing troons and drag queens at any given chance while snobbing lesbians (her speech at the VMA was literally “thank you drags, trans people…and queers). But I can see how she’s famous and I’m at least glad that a lesbian (or fakesbian, it’s too early to tell so let me be happy for now) is going mainstream.

No. 2174400

Also her constantly complaining is kind of funny kek

No. 2174405

No, people are seething because every second news article on pop culture/gossip sites is some quote from her complaining about how much fame sucks. Overexpose is a great way to make people hate you and especially if you get it by sounding particularly negative and ungrateful for a situation many people would kill for. And on here obviously many anons will hate her for being a pretend lesbian TRA.

Personally I was unfairly biased against her from the start because her music never lived up to the hype imo, it just so happened that she became genuinely annoying regardless so I can justify it kek.

No. 2174406

Women can’t dislike other women without being jealous apparently. It’s not exactly hard to look better than her anyway, she’s a frumpy chubby clown that looks older than her actual age and at least I don’t have to larp and am an actual lesbian.
Her behaviour just makes me think if they did an MRI on her it would reveal microplastics in her brain or something

No. 2174418

The way you described her and the way she actually looks, I actually thought you were talking about a completely different person

No. 2174420

I think college should stop being a think. People pay 6 figures to learn about shit you can teach yourself at the library free of charge

No. 2174422

Abortion was taken away, men still rape and kill women en masse with almost no persecution, pornography becoming mainstream, men making deepfake ai porn of celebrity and normie women and underage girls, degenarate depictions of women being accepted and even celebrated, women get more plastic surgery than ever, troon shit, women being in no positions of power in any industry. Most of these are because women allow them and are okay with them and because for every right women get men will always chimp out and make another problem/take something away and will never treat women like humans because they dont want to be equal with women, they want to be above them. Moids do not want to be equal to women and having a wife to abuse physically and emotionally clearly benefits them, so why would they suddenly allow them the option to be independent? Why didnt they do it before? women are not a threat to men and they couldve easily killed them and raped them if they wanted to, so why did they give women rights?

No. 2174423

I don't think I can learn how to spay my dog or fix a retal prolapse on the library.

No. 2174425

Yes you can nonna there are plenty of read-as-you-go spay/neuter pdf’s!!

No. 2174427

I like Chappell Roan's music and I think anons are being weird if they're claiming her ass is average because it's literally like the platonic ideal of a big ass in that it's bubble shaped and large. However, every time she opens her mouth lately, it makes me dislike her as a person. It's a bad look cancelling smaller, intimate shows for the VMAS after telling the press you don't want to be famous (and at that, so early that people already would have travelled, etc. for said show). She keeps on talking to the press in these interviews while claiming she wants space and it's a conflicting look. It's like she's proud of not being media trained and I think it will bite her in the ass and tank her career if she's not careful. I can understand why people dislike her.

No. 2174431

I listened to an episode of her podcast and she was surprisingly articulate…

No. 2174433

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>women are not a threat to men and they couldve easily killed them and raped them if they wanted to, so why did they give women rights?
You do know that a lot of early feminists/suffragettes were terrorists, right? A lot of them were really violent too, this goes for a lot of earlier feminists too. I remember that they taught this in schools? I'm screenshotting the wikipedia article because I assumed this was well known. What makes you think moids suddenly allowed for voting rights, did they just randomly change their minds out of pure kindness? No, stop discrediting feminists.

No. 2174436

i know it is stupid but i hate when women dye their hair red. not like firetruck red but trying to look like a natural redhead. i think it's because i have always hated my red hair and been made fun of for it and as a real ginger, you're going to look a little weird. we just have different colouring than other people. when normal women dye their hair red they maintain a normal appearance and it gives the rest of us unrealistic standards kek. i know this is fully irrational. also, i feel like it is attention seeking behaviour, like wearing coloured contacts and trying to act like your eyes are bright green or something.

No. 2174438

woah stacies i kneel

No. 2174439

She managed to subtly shaded him. He’s calling 35 old when he’s 68.

No. 2174440

why is there gameplay at the bottom? what the fuck is this brainrotting shit

No. 2174443

As much as I too would like to be a domestic terrorrist, that is not the same as the average male being more phisically threatening than the average woman

No. 2174444

I would absolutely lick every inch of her but her ass-out costumes look stupid.

No. 2174446

She’s got a little more jelly in the belly than most female pop stars; but she’s not fat compared to the average American.

No. 2174447

This is pure, unadulterated mental illness. The seething skeleton is psychically terrorised by an image of a healthy woman. Classic

No. 2174448

I think she's pretty but I have yet to see something about her that isn't completely stupid

No. 2174449

She's skin and bones compared to males in media

No. 2174454

Whole thing seems fake also is Maher a secret gay?

No. 2174456

>that is not the same as the average male being more phisically threatening than the average woman
That's not the point I was making, this is so obtuse kek. buildings were getting burnt down and bombed everyday, do you think moid's upper body strength did anything to stop that? Moids didn't have some cartoonish change of heart, their strength caused by male sexual competition just couldn't help them against the sheer amount of pressure and violence they were receiving from suffragettes at the time. I'm not even saying this to be le epic radfem it's just historically true that suffragette terrorism is one of the major reasons western women have voting rights today. The point the anon i was replying to was making was "well moids are stronger and can rape and kill women so if they hate women why did they give them rights?". It's because women simply (not-so simply actually kek) countered that with terrorism. They were fed up and didn't give a fuck if moids were stronger than them, they had the people and the technology to fight back. Moids (and women too) HATED suffragettes kek, you think that made them stop? You think male violence made them stop? It didn't, so quit dooming over le biology and pick up a history book.

No. 2174460

Also samefag but a lot of early feminists were wanted by the FBI, you think that stopped them too? kek

No. 2174462

There is a theory that she is actually wealthy and her "fame" was manufactured from the beginning and given wings via bots. She did seem to have a lot of things ready to go (t-shirts & merch, a podcast) in less than two months of time.

No. 2174465

certainly they could have come up with a different manufactured start if that were true? even if you wanted to go the slut angle, you could have chosen a sexier or funnier version than saying you spit on a dick. it barely makes sense.

No. 2174470

Yeah exactly lol do these people think males are just invincible to bombs thrown by women?

No. 2174473

i don't believe this is true because the men who interviewed her in the first place were furious that none of the attention came back to their shitty tiktok account. if her family paid them to do it i think they would kind of like… have a plan for it to benefit them in some way? they were a small account before her, so why would she pick a random no name interview account to base her fame off of. also she filmed a video in front of her house and it looked like shit.

No. 2174476

Honest question, do any of you have any real intentions to become a misandrist terrorist? And are you working towards becoming one? Cause I'm failing to see how I'm supposed to apply any of this to the normal woman. Personally, the only potential bomb I have is my pressure cooker.

No. 2174477

Most women are unhinged enough to kill themselves for their cause and I’m not either but that’s honestly the reason men got so far lol they don’t care about death

No. 2174479

Samefag arent*

No. 2174487

No lol but I was replying to an anon who was trying to make a point about how "well if men are so evil why did they give women rights when they couldve just raped and killed them" when that's historically not true lol why do you guys keep missing my point. Also misandrist terrorism obviously isn't going to happen in western countries. Suffragettes had the numbers, not just the bombs. Most women are too brainwashed to actually fight for a feminist cause. Anyways stop missing my point, moids did not give women rights out of the kindness of their hearts and it is objectively true that many suffragettes often protested through terror/violence. My point is that what the anon i was replying to said was objectively historically inaccurate.
>women are not a threat to men and they couldve easily killed them and raped them if they wanted to, so why did they give women rights?
This is true, women aren't apes and need to be pushed further to actually fight back. Although there are definitely feminists willing to do that in non-western countries. Iran and south korea come to mind

No. 2174494

> "well if men are so evil why did they give women rights when they couldve just raped and killed them"
That was not what I got from that post at all

No. 2174499

I think this is what’s going to start happening in places like Afghanistan in the next decade. There’s going to be women so beaten down and tired, they’re not going to care about going rogue.

No. 2174502

ayrt and at some point the reeing over biology and "ratfems" starts to sound like that. I understand the "women are sitting ducks" idea of today because it makes sense, I agree with the original anon on that. But it's very annoying seeing early feminist movements get misrepresented because of muh biology or whatever, or because of the idea that moids thought voting rights were good because it benefitted moids (although a copious amount of moids were against voting rights and it took immense pressure to actually change the minds of those in power)
A bit off topic but seeing interviews of women there is incredibly depressing, especially hearing about how suicidal they are I wouldn't be surprised about that either. Seeing moids call it based though is laughable considering afganistan is dirt buttfuck poor compared to countries with more equality for women

No. 2174512

I guess no child left behind was past my time, what exactly is their policy?

No. 2174514

I’ve googled “no child left behind” so many times and gotten the same “increase accountability of public schools” response but I don’t really get what that is supposed to mean? Like what exactly is expected of teachers under this act

No. 2174535

NTAYRT I had to google myself, not a burger, so if I'm wrong maybe smartass above can correct me.
>increase accountability
This means schools were judged more on their students performance which now included children who were a minority, lower income or disabled. There was more testing and a stricter cirrculum now.
>what exactly is expected of teachers under this act
Teachers of core subjects (English, Math, History, Science) were to be highly qualified. At minimum have a bachelors degree, certified by state, and prove they could teach their subject. Some who didn't fit this criteria were given more tests/extra work to prove competency. The emphasis on standardized testing put a lot of pressure on teachers, which would limit their teaching capabilities. If schools didn't reach the target AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress, a measurement of a schools performance essentially), teachers would face sanctions like relocation or layoffs. Some schools, depending on AYP scores, would have entire staff changes.

No. 2174537

It's good in theory if it actually trained you for your career. We shouldn't need loads of electives, lib arts, etc if it's not even the field you're going to, it's just a way to get people to spend more money on "credits"

No. 2174540

There's always a new girl celeb around that's being ripped apart in terms of her appearance.

No. 2174541

i wish i had blonde hair and blue eyes. The pretty privilege that combo gets is crazy. You can have a literal neanderthal face and the blue eye + blonde hair combo would still get you touted as a goddess.

No. 2174545

There’s no combo like brown hair, blue eyes, and tan skin though

No. 2174546

stop coping.

No. 2174547

That’s just what I’m attracted to

No. 2174549

of course you're retarded.(infighting)

No. 2174552

The fact that this site is majority female is what makes it great and precious but also why it's suffocating.
It's the general atmosphere of moralfagging and petty policing. There are many anons who aren't like this (more than in other sites) and i love that, but it depresses me how even a site that thinks of itself as 'the one place without a filter for women' still suffers from this..? I feel like i'm 8 again with how these anons go about policing others, it boils down to calling you names (usually a variation on moid) for not thinking exactly like them. I hate that for whatever reason, many women value total group cohesion over sincerity. I hate how aggravated they get over minor things that others wouldn't even care about, i get tired just reading their screeds sometimes. It's also funny because the excuse for hair-splitting and infighting is 'LC has a distinct culture, we aren't dick suckers like [insert site]' all while behaving like 2014 tumblrinas..?
All that to say that i just don't get why 'you're a moid!!!' (=you seem marginally more masculine at this moment) is an insult because women would benefit from being more '''masculine''' in their interactions, ie. giving less of a shit. Feels retarded to say this on a cow watching site but then i don't see how 'fascination with weirdos online' automatically translates to 'scolding other women 24/7'. inb4 'infighting is normal on IBs' i know, i don't mind infighting itself, but rather how 'you're a bad girl because you offend my imaginary ideal LC opinions' drives a lot of these disagreements
Kek they don't, it's posturing. It would be great if they did mean it though
Of course
Neanderthal face with blonde hair sounds horrifying though
"Male coded" means un-feminine (thus bad) nona

No. 2174553

If a culture wants to be popular and stand out, to have people want to be a part of it, it has to sell out.
You know why Japanese shit is popular? They aren't pissed when people cosplay ninjas and make amusement parks about samurai, kimonos can be rented and dishes can be experimented with.
Not that there aren't some things that are off limits, but you can't have a culture be protected and holy but also popular with tourism and the next generation.

No. 2174556

Tbh I always thought brown eyes + blonde hair was the more appealing mix. Makes people look like baby birds.
Blonde blue eyed people are like coriander some people think they look like aliens and some people worship them too much when they are just humans with low pigmentation in their eyes and hair, or in my metaphor, an edible plant.

No. 2174558

Nope, I have no desire to do that

No. 2174560

I guess I don't really see how you can say that people disagreeing with you are just policing you as opposed to practicing the same freedom of speech you're practicing when you say whatever retarded thing gets you called a moid.

No. 2174564

I don't care about nigelspergers but when it's some tradfag in an american politics thread sperging about how her moid provides for her it's annoying as fuck (and yes this has happened). I'm a lesbian too, I don't get why there's a need to sperg about the hubby all the time when it's unnecessary. I think conversations outside of /g/ should be kept as moid free unless its like a vent thread or some shit.

No. 2174565

For real. I have both the soapy coriander/cilantro gene and the blonde blue eyed alien gene

No. 2174567

Most of us are lesbians or at the very least have moiddisgust.

No. 2174574

File: 1726969111648.png (878.59 KB, 1024x1024, s33qff.png)

yeah but that combos hair is usually bleached and fried. Im talking about actual blonde hair people which 99% have blue eyes too.

Im really jealous of the privilege that both blue eyed + blonde haired women (and in some cases men too) get.

I know this is a petty and stupid thing to care about but i can't help but feel upset when i see gorgeous dark women with beautiful features being put in the same level as a blonde + blue eyed woman who looks mediocre and is nowhere near the same level as those women.

Colorism is a bitch, it's like the darker your hair, eyes or skin is the more harder you have to try to fit into beauty standards and ive seen dark hair-eyed women who look like supermodels being put in the same level as blonde women who are a 5/10.

I even have real life experiences of men with extremely high picky standards hyping up a blonde + blue eyed woman even if she is obese or has a very weird face, meanwhile for a darker woman if she has a slight imperfection then she is ''mid''. The blonde privilege trumps over everything.

You can look like a uncanny alien satan if you're blonde and there will still be a group of men (and women) worshipping you. Also i noticed that the majority of men who have this colorism fetish are men who are either not-white or are white but with brown hair/eyes.

Also to anyone reading this don't confuse bleach fried hair with blonde.(ai outside containment)

No. 2174579

Why would you want to be fetishized by non-white men? The only decent men are white.(racebait)

No. 2174586

i know you are a racebaiter but did you not see my post mentioning white men doing the same thing:

>white men with brown hair. (which is like the majority of white male population lmfao)

No. 2174588

Why would you want to date brownie eyes? I’ve rarely met white men irl real life with that color(racebait)

No. 2174589

>The only decent men are white.
such bullshit kek, i beg you to go live in the balkans or eastern europe.

No. 2174591

The more I talk to straight women on this site the more I find myself on the cow boards more than /ot/. I realize i really only get along with nonas because of our synced mockery of cow antics. I've seen discussion about abortion turn into "Okay well you're jelly welly because I have a moidfriend" "Nuh uhhh he's ugly". It's kind of depressing. I also hate it when they project their competition with other straight women onto lesbians. Although I will say I've definitely been using /ot/ more after lolcow went back up because there's definitely been less baiters + less normalfag retards who say retarded shit. Honestly. My point still stands more, there's much more of a chill atmosphere in cow threads

No. 2174592

They’re not white. They’re Eurasians.(racebait)

No. 2174593

But i don't get called a moid that often. This isn't about me. 'Moid' is one way they do this, another popular thing is 'you're male-aligned' even if men are entirely irrelevant. And it's not about disagreements, it's the impotent moral posturing and reference to moids (which is code for un-feminine behavior/thinking, by the way) that i find lame. If you disagree, fine, it's just that moralfagging isn't a serious objection.

No. 2174594

umm….that's not true but im probably arguing with a retard + (racebaiting) scrote so i won't continue this conversation further.

No. 2174595

That's still white to most people, who cares about the technicalities?

No. 2174599

“ The Balkans are home to many ethnic, religious, and linguistic groups, and the people are mostly South Slavic, but also include Albanian, Greek, and Turkish ethnic groups. The region has been a crossroads of cultures from the east and west, and has been influenced by continental European and Mediterranean cultures.”

They’re closer to Arabs than Anglo saxons

No. 2174601

Nordic and germanic men >>> balkans and slavs

No. 2174603

Yeah anon, i regret replying to him lmao, that reply screams male.

No. 2174609

>"Nuh uhhh he's ugly"
Kek that's how I always react, my bad I guess.

No. 2174611

>Me starts venting and gives my opinion on hair and eye color privelege.
>XY defect immediately takes this as a chance to start racebaiting like i gave a shit.

Sigh anons, remind me to never speak about colors on this basket-weaving site

No. 2174613

Ayrt and in your defense the tradfags who brag about how everyone is jelly of their moid are miles more annoying kek

No. 2174615

My husbands white and got brown eyes

No. 2174617

anon please don't reply to the moid, just report and ignore.

No. 2174618

Yes, thank you for combining those two parallel conversations

No. 2174621

No. 2174623

I’m sorry nonnie my bad
Kek ♥

No. 2174636

File: 1726970976794.png (1.52 MB, 1024x1024, eed4rf5gtg65.png)

Ironically enough the only people who i didn't see engage in colorist behaviour are blonde men. But blonde men become extremely rare in adulthood so that sucks, because the moment those mens hair darkens they start worshipping blonde women as if they are gods no matter how mid she is physically or mentally and will pit literal 9/10 women with a 4/10 blonde woman like…(ai outside containment)

No. 2174641

I wish you could pay to travel by submarine. I love submarines and used to build models of them in minecraft as a kid. I think people would find it cool, like a sea safari

No. 2174651

I don’t really know why you people care so much. It’s like you have no thoughts of your own and just wonder what moids think. I think raven hair is the most beautiful and dark gloomy eyes too, even then amber, hazel and green eyes look more striking to me than blueish eyes. To be frank I don’t even think blondelust is that strong right now, especially with the ethnically ambiguous shit being in. 2010s was you’re hot if you look latina, 2020s is you’re hot if you look East Asian. Not exactly notoriously fair population when it comes to eye and hair but still pretty objectively a big influence on current standards.

No. 2174741

Captain obvious is a farmhand now?

No. 2174766

The love of my life is definitely myself

No. 2174772

I believe there is a heirarchy to BPD bitches. BPD Stacies and BPD beckies. Both leave a trail of destruction, but the former is mostly unbothered, satisfied with life and always wins. The latter is always coping and ends up with guys like Ethan slater.

No. 2174827

Who's your example of a "BPD Stacy"?

No. 2174871

Hip dips are the dumbest body part to be insecure over, especially since 90% of women have them.

No. 2174875

They're fine if you're skinny, mine are hideous because I gain most of my weight in my hips and upper thighs so it's really exaggerated. I can't wear tight skirts or dresses, and it's super annoying that if I just had enough fat there to create a smooth curve I would simply be curvy and pear shaped.

No. 2174902

i find them really cute

No. 2174941

I think it's dumb when feminist content creators virtue signal by outlining negative male behaviors with the caveat "white women pay attention, we do this too." No, you don't. You're not a moid and separating yourself from other groups of women in order to self-flagellate does not make you virtuous or more able to help other women.

No. 2174948

>always wins
I swear, you people have no actual understanding of borderline or psychology in general and just use it as a catch-all term for a woman who’s a bitch. Actual BPD is nightmare for people with it, no matter how unbothered they seem, until they choose to learn to manage it. What you’re describing is closer to ASPD or NPD.

No. 2174967

Males are absolutely disgusting to look at though

No. 2174968

why are you making up boogeymans to scream at

No. 2174970

just hide the psyop thread nonners. peace of mind instantly achieved.

No. 2174977

Nice DARVO, tardfucker

No. 2174978

Hip dips are extremely feminine and cute, I love them.

No. 2174981

>liking 18+ men makes you a pedophile
why do ugly man fuckers always sound like moids

No. 2174982

File: 1727010431292.jpg (1.26 MB, 3000x3000, 1000000575.jpg)

Men should not live past 30

No. 2174984

File: 1727010588028.webp (13.55 KB, 640x360, _120632160_hi070695108.jpg.web…)

reminds of gabi petito and the ugly scrote that murdered her. They were both the same age. She legit looks like a child next to him.

No. 2174988


No. 2174989

idk who this is but he looks like he's never cleaned his bellybutton in his life.

No. 2174991

friendly reminder that while you are defending this scrote he would be calling you nasty for not shaving and would furiously masturbate to barely legal teens on pornhub lol

No. 2174994

Nonny that poor woman had like two kids and still manages to look like a goddess. What's his excuse for choosing a cueball and a poorly kept goatee?

No. 2174995

i hope shes cheating with cute twinks

No. 2174996

Why is "adulthood" obesity and balding for you? And why don't you apply that same standard to women and yell at all the straight men? Honest question

No. 2174997

There is an overabundance of haggard moids out there and you decide to whine in an a female only burmese embroidery forum instead of going out and living the romance of your life?

No. 2174998

And then she'll come here to sperg at us some more like it's our fault it's happening lmaooo

No. 2175000

File: 1727010887121.jpeg (58.42 KB, 482x637, the-earliest-known-photo-of-qu…)

this is the earliest known photo of queen victoria, 1844. almost 200 years ago. i don't think she looks inbred, definitely something went wrong in the next couple of generations for queen elizabeth and her children to look the way they did. also looking at this photo makes me wish i was living in 1844 on the cold dark streets of london. don't ask me why it just looks comfy.

No. 2175002

Flabby attention whore

No. 2175003

>consensual sex
make it less obvious

No. 2175004

Something is really off with that guy’s belly…did he have lipo or something?

No. 2175005

>also looking at this photo makes me wish i was living in 1844 on the cold dark streets of london.
Nonny it smelled like piss and shit

No. 2175006

who are you saying this to

No. 2175007

Wrong thread

No. 2175008

she looks like a depressed potatoe

No. 2175009


No. 2175010

You know they won't answer you kek

No. 2175013

People were dying of consumption on the streets unable to afford a stale piece of bread, you'd likely be one of them.

No. 2175014

>anon wishes all women had access to beautiful males
>"empty egg carton moment"
I'm not allowed to say what I think, but iykyk

No. 2175015

that marriage looks depressing

No. 2175016

NTA but you have to admit, looking that bad at 30 is insane, and his wife is (hopefully) in her 30s too and still kept herself looking nice and pretty, so why can't he do the same? These are valid social questions.

No. 2175019

Nta but I’m in a happy relationship and personally I think it’s disrespectful to your partner to let yourself go as badly as that guy in the pictures did. It shows you don’t care about their attraction anymore once you’ve “got” them.

No. 2175020

>b-but i think they look happy!!1
Emotional reaction. Let's have a logical discussion.

No. 2175022

my first thought was abdominoplasty

No. 2175023

His beard is poorly kept and patchy and his wife has more muscles in her forearms than he does (not a knock on her, I hope that queen is as strong and badass as she looks). He looks like he's spent the last 10 years being lazy.

No. 2175024

this is so depressing. Women should only date men in the 18-25 range

No. 2175027

im the anon who posted the pic, kek how brainwashed are you that you think i would be jealous of being chained to an ugly bald fat moid? Unnattractive moids have no value.

No. 2175029

Are you being for real?

No. 2175033

I cant understand women who would endlessly defend these creatures. Your partner isnt gonna look 21 forever, sure, but how could have sex when they look this bad? Imagine that thing crawling on top of you, doesnt it gross you out?

No. 2175034

Rather die with 15 cats than let this creature >>2174982 touch me kek

No. 2175036

Id eagerly feed cats my body than have sex with a fat bald moid

No. 2175037

I love the insinuation that I wouldn't rather comit sudoku on the spot

No. 2175039

better than having to sleep next to la creatura everynight

No. 2175042

fat men get all of those

No. 2175044

Im not gonna have sex at 80 nona, but the girl in >>2174982 isnt even 40 and her husband already looks like that

No. 2175046

Women dont look even 1% as bad as moids do dont lie

No. 2175047

for you bitch i am going to be 60 and roofie qte 21yo scrotes at the bar. Rather dead than lie next to fat hairy balding pigs.

No. 2175048

Look at >>2174982. If you think her possibly having cellulite, stretch marks and sagging breasts is anywhere near as bad as what you can see on that man, clothed, you are delusional, kek. Why lie about reality, are you some kind of tranny? Men punish our eyes every day and expect us to say nothing.

No. 2175049

I like how you conveniently ignore the non-single women who agreed that the bald guy looks awful.

No. 2175051

Women usually get those from having children, which regardless of your thoughts about having children is still doing something. All a male has to do is sit around and time itself will ravage his body to an unrecognizable state.

No. 2175057

good for them

No. 2175058

Only men think this is some kind of an insult

No. 2175060

its even funnier because men are the only ones who shoot up schools because they cant get laid. Women live just fine being celibate, but men go crazy without depending on a woman.

No. 2175062

Exactly, their worst nightmare is to end up alone so they project heavily.

No. 2175068

Because we live in a death cult where men's only value is their ability to find a woman to reproduce, producing workers for the rich. If they believe they won’t succeed, they make others suffer. Women internalize everything and suffer in silence. Men make everyone around them feel miserable. If women were like men, society couldn’t function.

No. 2175073

Why does a picture of royals who lived in outmost luxury makes you want to live on the streets? At least choose a cozy 1800s cottage anon, love yourself.

No. 2175148

I hate that the standard for lesbians is being fat. I go on dating apps and it’s like
>thin! (unicorn hunter with a bf)
I’m going to be a virgin forever. I am apparently a very rare endangered breed to be attracted solely to healthy women.(not an unpopular opinion)

No. 2175165

I wonder if it has to do with subconsciously copying some male behavior.
Not to say lesbians do that wholesale, but stuff like eating proportions meant for an adult man is seen as manly and cool, and eating food men do the same way men do will get you fat.

No. 2175182

File: 1727019319895.jpeg (81.05 KB, 469x380, IMG_2580.jpeg)

You know we live in a male-tranny worship society when people care more about rehabilitating criminals who are mostly moids rather than seeking justice for victims. It’s no wonders many female victims always claim they hope their abuser or perpetrator turns a new leaf in their behavior, it’s so fucking retarded and sad that they know there’s more hope on them funneling money into their slavery-imprisonment complex to keep ingrates alive rather than funneling money to uplift women’s lives. Pic unrelated look at this white dude wearing a karen’s wig kekkk I just thought it was funny, you will never be a stacy middle-aged karen.

No. 2175187

We moved from anachan utopia to “fat empowerment” nonsense which is why you see unattractive fatties always arguing with you instead of spending time figuring out how to lose weight so they aren’t offended when you call them fat anymore. It’s like their problems are solved by going to therapy, a doctor and hitting the treadmill. I’m sure there were probably extremely hot lesbians a few decades ago but they’ve slurped the internet gender koolaid which goes hand in hand with looking like a fat, unkempt slob oozing with self-hatred.

No. 2175197

File: 1727019951109.jpg (49.19 KB, 400x400, move in with me? .JPG)

I think I could’ve said this before but you should be considered native American if you’re born here. I don’t care if I’m genetically spanish I’m American as fuck!

No. 2175208

It's so obvious that they're either trying to get REEEing "male feminists" off their backs when they do this or just being passive aggressive NLOGs.

No. 2175210

I looked this up because I was curious and found a few different possibilities
>addictive behavior is correlated with homosexuality and sugar/food is addicting
>it repels male attention actually had the most male attention when I was at my heaviest weirdly, usually from thin black men, so there’s another stereotype I’ve anecdotally confirmed true
>some lesbians are sexually attracted to big ass and thighs
>lesbians just don’t have the cultural values that associate thinness with attractiveness (I’m skeptical of this one)
>just a coincidence because obesity rates are generally high across the board (also skeptical)
So basically nobody knows kek. I do know a ton of fat lesbians and I myself am a lardbian. The fittest lesbians I’ve known are usually gym rat type studs but I also know a handful of black femmes who are obese

No. 2175241

I swear, so many people think that anger, spite and envy aren't really emotions for some reason, probably because they're the average scrote's default state of being kek. I also hate it when an atrocity happens and people comment shit like
> Stop diagnosing moid criminals with mental illnesses, it demonizes the nice ones!
Like get a fucking grip and stop caping for lunatics. OF COURSE it matters if an evil person has something observable wrong with their brain. It's funny because they're the exact same kind of people to diagnose everyone who is slightly rude to them with NPD kek

No. 2175287

If there's any media that can be blamed for "ruining an entire generation" it's Homestuck.

No. 2175295

Maybe not a generation, but people don't realize how much furries ruled the 2010s and ruined zoomers art

No. 2175296

And butches are trooning out. We’re in a famine nonnas.

No. 2175302

I’m fascinated for what it’s gonna look like when the detransition wave really kicks into high gear

No. 2175303

Anime needs to be held accountable for its consequences on millennial and zoomer youth kek

No. 2175305

Can I say that gay men and bi men gross me out? I was a diehard fujo a couple of years ago, but I started to find all the scenes gross and the idea of two men having sex makes me barf now kek. The whole culture is just icky for me too even in real life, between the grooming problems (young men being mentored by older men) , misogyny , lookism, drug use (poppers) the promiscuity and extreme focus on sex, etc.
I’m kind of an hypocrite since I’m bi, so I guess I’m biphobic too?

No. 2175307

Samefag. Not that straight men are any better mind you. I’ll just say that I find all men gross at this point kek. Imo when they express their sexual desire without the hindrance of women in a way (I don’t know if it’s the right term) they end up being so depraved in a way.

No. 2175310

its not because they are bisexual or homosexual, its the xy nona. Its an indicator of a mentally healthy woman to be repulsed by it.

No. 2175312

Any woman who caps for male criminals, especially if they committed SA or worse needs a big reality check. There is no rehabilitation for that shit. Just kill them

No. 2175313

Plastic surgeons are going to have fat pockets by doing breast augmentations kek and reversing trans surgeries maybe (idk if it’s possible, I don’t think so).
I’ve also noticed that detrans are always women and I think this is is also why troons hate them. It’s very rare for a TIM to detrans, I wonder why, is it because the sexual gratification is way too high to give it up?

No. 2175315

It's because women cap for Tims and men dont do the same for Tifs. Women are idiots for this

No. 2175316

Male suicide rates are only higher than women because women feel more responsibility/empathy for the people they leave behind.
As parents and grandparents die off, the female suicide rate will probably rise drastically.

No. 2175317

And these kind of people never give a damn about how the victims are affected and how surviving rape in itself is a life sentence, why shouldn’t the perpetrator get a proper punishment? Why should they have the grace of another chance?
You cannot rehabilitate a rapist because there is nothing that justifies rape, you don’t do it in self defense, you don’t do it for money etc…
Besides they’re retards, because talking about the rehabilitation of rapists when most rapists aren’t even prosecuted or convicted and when they are they end up doing a couple of years at best is tone deaf as fuck. We can start talking about rehabilitation when all rapists go to jail (I ideally think they should all die honestly).
They could put that energy on caring about victims.

No. 2175318

It's okay anon, we're all fagphobic here. I do respect the gay rapist grind though

No. 2175319

Agree and women tend to use less violent methods in order not to leave a mess to clean up for those who are left behind. Men will hang or themselves shoot themselves in the bedroom and scatter brain matter all over without a care or throw themselves on train trucks or off of buildings.

No. 2175321

Exactly. Once you choose to rape someone, you should get the death penalty. No man on earth will ever understand what it's like to have your own body violated. It's extremely hard to live with that after it happens. I hate men so much.

No. 2175322

They understand when they get anally raped by another man though, trust on that kek

No. 2175325

There has been too many incidents of men jumping to their death from a building and landing on another person( usually a woman or a freakin baby in a pram.) Men dont give a shit about anyone but themselves

No. 2175329

It should happen more often tbh

No. 2175337

Sorry for the typos, my keyboard is set on my main language

No. 2175373

Did normies read Homestuck? It definitely ruined a generation (even two) of nerdy women.

No. 2175379

I don't like the amazing digital circus, I tried both episodes and I fucking hate it. It has homestuck 2 vibes for me, where it's like on a surface level wacky zany fun (like homestuck original) but without any of the soul and just a thin veneer for "oh character is actually sad and has problems and is a obviously just the author venting their 'deep' thoughts" and then there's like a background radiation of perversion. In homestuck 2 it was more obvious with everyone having sex and cheating totally out of character and Jade has a dog dick, in digital circus I can't put my finger on it but I can FEEL it. But anyway I hate it. I like homestuck and problem sleuth cause they don't try to be emotional or deep.

No. 2175427

It's made by a tranny. That should tell you everything you need to know.

No. 2175445

Is it unpopular to say that despite all TADC’s issues I’d still much rather watch it than Helluva Boss or Hazbin Hotel?

No. 2175475

As a adult why do you even want to watch that when that is very obviously made for teenagers.

No. 2175504

TADC is so fucking artificial it hurts.

No. 2175506

The aesthetic is stolen from girls on Tumblr, too. It's so derivative and shallow with equally shallow fans that it reminds me of kpop.

No. 2175507

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Light colored eyes are so scary,it's way easier to see if someone is a psychopath/sociopath just by looking at their dead set eyes.

No. 2175511

I didn’t know you were supposed to like a show like that but okay anon, go off. If the tranny creator and thousands of grade school nose pickers didn’t turn you off then I think it’s time to reevaluate the media you’re consuming…

No. 2175522

we should stop spoonfeeding newfags, just let them think NGMI means a secret vaginal infection or something

No. 2175528

nice going, matey!

No. 2175536

I love when I see cute newfaggy posts. My favorite is when it’s a screenshot of a thread with a bunch of missing posts cause they hit the “hide saged posts” button and they’re like
> OwO what’s wrong with this thread?

No. 2175539

Both shows are retarded. They’re a lousy attempt at being edgy by swearing and talking about sex, at least bla bla Hotel one. The art also sucks.

No. 2175540

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Instantly reminded of picrel

No. 2175546

Farmhand, you are retarded. That is actually an unpopular opinion within the community I’m talking about.
>inb4 “take it 2 meta”

No. 2175547

You just know he has probably killed someone and has got away with it

No. 2175568

>anachan utopia

No. 2175582

god he’s so womanly i hate it

No. 2175609

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Fujos that ship these two are crazy to me. They never seemed like great friends, and they never really had that great of chemistry. They literally had such an annoying and unironically toxic relationship but it did feel very real so it gets a pass and I don't understand how anyone could ever ship them. They literally hold each other back from any growth and both possess a crabs-in-a-bucket mentality towards each other. Then Rigby will have a BPD spergout because Mordecai's cowardly ass can't muster up the courage to do something, or Mordecai will laugh and belittle Rigby because he has an over-inflated ego and knows his friend is a weak sperg who couldn't finish high school. They come together for other members of the park but they're rude-ass retards to each other until someone else comes along to show them how retarded they're being.
I don't hate their friendship because it feels like a very real representation of two childish college aged wagies having to suffer in their "growth" together and the only reason they stick to each other is because they go way back, but I do think any kind of shipping is just plain retarded.

No. 2175612

they seemed like the type of people who forced themselves to be friends with each other because they were sat side by side in class

No. 2175613

This is one of those shows where I can't fathom why anyone is attracted to the characters. The art isn't bad by any means but it's definitely not attractive kek

No. 2175614

I think mordecai his hot but I also think cuphead is hot for the same reason. Abstracted representations of moids >>> bishies

No. 2175621

Ayrt, kek exactly. They're so inconsiderate which each other. Benson and Skips, and Muscle Man and HFG have way more believable friendships than these losers.

No. 2175625

Do you ship cupcest

No. 2175631

i happen to like the toxicity in their relationship, ok!! abusive yaoi ships make the world go round

No. 2175633


No. 2175642

/g/ are all pickmes

No. 2175643

Ayrt, I understand the reason behind liking toxic yaoi, but the fact they're such assholes to each other and then turn around and soyjak over childish-ass shit is annoying as fuck. Yeah it's a kid's cartoon but they're like 23 canonically, it should have been an adult swim show TBQH and maybe they wouldn't have been as annoying as they are.

No. 2175646

Me when the girls make fun of me for my unconventional attraction

No. 2175658

>then turn around and soyjak over childish-ass shit
Doesn't that add to the realism tho? But either way toxic yaoi and yuri should be reserved to pretty, brooding characters

No. 2175663

then u would be the pickme? …

No. 2175671

How does anyone ship a bird and a squirrel? Am I missing something? Do women shlick to this?

No. 2175686

Oh sweet summer child…

No. 2175758

Oh nonny you'd be surprised what people will ship and shlick to

No. 2175765

I don't think there is anything worse than scrote wageslave bird and raccoon.

No. 2175767

Not even people shipping the two Columbine retards?

No. 2175768

That's disgusting too, but at least they're human.

No. 2175770

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I’m confused how you found this website when you post stuff like this

No. 2175817

The abstraction allows women to imagine them as they want.

No. 2175852

christians are so endearing, especially the women. even if they're kinda ignorant or preachy or overly conservative, they're still cute to me.

No. 2175862

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aww that's really sweet. god bless you nonna!

No. 2175875

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I'm watching that Mr. Snowflake Amberlynn docuseries and I can't help it but… Destiny was so cute. She seemed really fucking fun and funny, plus she was a Star Wars autist so you know she can nerd out. I feel bad that she was trapped with Amberlynn, especially since Amberlynn most definitely let Destiny's cat out of the house. Destiny was such a trooper, too. Krystal became outwardly hostile towards Amberlynn for good reason but Destiny's annoyance was always in the way of a dedicated partner who really can't hold it in but they're still trying to preserve feelings, which endears me to her because it's so sad to think she was cooking and cleaning for that soulless blackhole of a human for years. You can just tell that she's sweet and nurturing, and it drives me crazy to see her talk about her grandpa's stroke, or her mom's miscarriage, or her health scares, and have her death ham girlfriend shove a camera in her face all the while and then turn it back on herself to sperg out some inane, pointless detail instead of doing the right thing and comforting her and offering sympathy. To see her grin and bear the sadness of losing her cat and then getting no support from the woman she cooked and cleaned for is infuriating. I'm glad she at least had a kind family that really loved her.
Seeing her cuddle in bed with Amberlynn makes me kind of jealous kek she's so cute. She's still fat now but even still I find her so fucking cute

No. 2175879

people overly antagnising women but when someone is genuinely bad it gets swept under the rug. You'll see like 100+ comments ripping some poor lady apart and saying the most unspeakable things about her, and then you'll see the comment that supposedly offended everyone and it will be nothing but moids can have whole ass pedo, racist, etc accounts and it's "just disagree and move on"

lolcow is guilty of this too though, moids have to be complete devils to get a thread, just for it to be dead, but our most active gossip threads are women just being whores, clowns or both

No. 2175893

I would not be friends with a woman who sucks cock. I was reading a female redditors criticism on the hwk tah retardation and all the comments were like “ermmm actually… most straight women enjoy giving head, we’re just afraid of talking about it because of women like you” umm what? that’s disgusting. How can you type that and not recoil. That’s so incredibly gross… If I was talking to someone and they said that face-to-face I would walk away.

No. 2175895

I cannot stand the hawk tuah meme its not funny in any capacity and its completely beyond me how its not dead yet

No. 2175899

and how do you plan on making sure your friends all abide by your church camp rules?

No. 2175901

The minute they mention it I’m out, kek. If you can keep your condition to yourself then I guess we can be friends.

No. 2175902

are you in high school? no one talks about their sex life with friends past HS huh

No. 2175903

That’s… just not true. I mean it’s literally how the meme became a thing… are you 17? Besides, a lot of us didn’t even have a sex life in high school? Kek

No. 2175904

you need to be mentally ill and a degenerate to be a good artist in this day and age

No. 2175906

You’re right I’m a normie-passing moralfag and my art looks like shit

No. 2175907

>Besides, a lot of us didn’t even have a sex life in high school?
just you loser
>I mean it’s literally how the meme became a thing
it was only a meme among moids and pickmes, plus that girl was just drunk and saying stupid crap. If you feel personally offended but some drunkie making a blowjob joke idk what to tell you

No. 2175908

Ntayrt, sounds like someone peaked in high school…

No. 2175910

Does your mother yelling at you still ring in your ears?

No. 2175911

So 17. Ironic that you think adults don’t talk about sex with each other like every get together is some sort of chaste pg-13 conversation, but calling virgins losers - sorry, people who didn’t lose their virginity underage, losers, is ‘out-of-high-school’ behaviour… hm. “Losing your virginity” in high school is at best ok and at absolutely worst traumatic, especially with a moid, are you serious? The only people who shame that are pornbrained libfems. So yeah, I’m not surprised you apparently suck dick, and since high school too? Kek

No. 2175912

it was a joke. the idea of women frequently telling friends about sucking dick past the age of maybe 20-21 is bizarre to me
wew, lad

No. 2175936

Me and my friends do talk about r18 stuff from time to time , but if they started ranting on how they’ve sucked this dude’s dick and had sex with him in a detailed way I would feel grossed out, no one wants to hear that.

No. 2176039

One of the my most hated type of people are the spineless perpetual victims.
Most often than not they walk willingly into abusive situations and create needless drama while hiding behind the victim mask. They go to cry to everyone’s shoulder questioning how did they end up like that while purposefully pursuing more and more problems in their lives because they are addicted to it. Of course everyone will always coddle their delusions and pat them on their backs. Once you get tired and try to snap them out of it they cry even harder and everyone around them calls you an unempathetic bitch.
I do not trust them and I vow my life on avoiding them like the plague.

No. 2176043

The true solution to oppression is by fighting it's source, the home. Boys shouldn't be raised expecting everything for free. They should be thankful they're even alive. Maybe then we'd have less neety moids jerking it to hentai and porn.

No. 2176047

Infighting in 3…2….1…

No. 2176051

I'm just impressed at the audacity of not even trying a new personalityfag gimmick kek

No. 2176094

I think instead of wasting so much money on stuff like skincare and makeup, we need to look at our inner health. Everyone is deficient in vitamin D3, everyone. It plays a big part in important bodily functions yet no one takes it seriously. Even tribal people in Africa that work outside all day, don't get that much, so how can we ever hope to? The amount you get from diet is very small, and even then, most people eat like shit. Sunlight is important, but I'm a hikki, kek. I hate going outside and even if I did, I wouldn't get that much vitamin D since I don't like showing more skin than my face, hands and neck, and you need your skin exposed to get any of the benefits. I also don't have time to spend outside for too long. Supplements are important. Most other vitamins and minerals you could get from your diet but Vitamin D3 seriously needs to be supplemented. Important that it's D3, not D2. It would fix so many of our problems. Of course doctors act like anything over 4000 IU is evil. But that's because if you got better, you wouldn't visit them anymore and they wouldn't get paid. Bastards. Anyway. Inner health is very important. For your body, mind, and outside looks too. Fuck skincare, I have great skin and only use water and cream. My brother uses so much skincare, but eats processed food and takes no supplements and he's a fucking pizzaface. Poor kid, but that's what happens when you don't listen to your big sis' advice. I rather use my money on my health than on sincare and fakeup.

No. 2176116

>i literally came to this website to expose a rapist.
Nta, but who?

No. 2176154

based but moids are also the gender well known for sledgehammering their family to death for an extra hour on league of legends so i think they're just impossible to train into not being awful

No. 2176159

>i think they're just impossible to train into not being awful
>They should be thankful they're even alive.
That's why you give mothers unfettered legal freedom to off their sons. Only the sons though.

No. 2176183

You should only have one lifetime sexual partner, who should also only have one lifetime sexual partner, you.

No. 2176190


No. 2176211

File: 1727103738428.jpg (54.08 KB, 406x612, istockphoto-183383708-612x612.…)

I love airports and going on airplanes. It's like a fun adventure trying to find your gates and go through TSA.

No. 2176220

I agree, I also love seeing other people going about their travels, and all the different departing flights' information. In my mind it's so cute, because here we both are, but you are going to Malta and I am going to Oslo or something.

No. 2176223

i like it too, it's fun somehow, i used to hate it when i'd have to travel with my parents bc Indian parents put 500% of stress into something that would only need 10%, back then i used walk slightly further away from my family to pretend i was all by myself and that everyone totally thought this 13 yr old child was a 20 smtg woman off to see the world.

No. 2176246

I love airports too, just like I love train stations, hotels, even bus stations, basically anything that reminds me of traveling!

No. 2176297

women who have never dated or been with a woman at all, who have had strictly cisgender male partners who are gender conforming are not bisexual and do not experience oppression. it’s fine to let them come to pride they’re fine allys. but just like admit you like the culture and go. everytime my straight married friend says dyke or that she’s sooo gay out of nowhere to sub an actually personality i want to tell her to shut the fuck up. a few months ago she actually unironically said she and her husband could get attacked by a trump supporter in the grocery store as if they appeared queer at all??? upper middle class brats trying to feel oppressed cos they feel left out, every single one of them.

No. 2176323

Something that men will never understand is that for women, being able to be alone and independent in of itself is a victory, for most of history women were forced to stay at home and live with either their parents or their husband, only go outside when accompanied by others, and spend their lives taking responsibility for others.
Being able to be alone and free to do whatever they want (like own a cat) is in itself an ideal life.

No. 2176333

>uses the term "cisgender"

No. 2176364

So if she was dating some man in a skirt that demanded to be referred to as a woman would she be more worthy of saying dyke in front of you?

No. 2176374

i don’t want a straight woman calling me things she thinks are edgy slurs because she’s fake bi and saw it was okay to say on tumblr and got excited she could finally say something edgy like she saw on drag race. if she had dated anyone who was trans or even someone who was GNC, it would at least be more “queer” than being straight as a board. i’ve seen a lot of girls who are the same kind of fake bi call an entire relationship queer because their otherwise normie boyfriend let her paint his nails and now they think they’re defying heteronormativity. she doesn’t even do that yet any time she sees something about straight people she’s like not me i’m gay as fuck boyyy i’m a dyke while her husband glances at her like huh?

No. 2176402

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Tine Fey is one of the least funny humans in existence. I don’t know how unpopular this is in the current year but I know I’d have tomatoes thrown at me if I said this when this movie came out

No. 2176420

>troon mtf or gnc male means heterosexual relationship is now queer
if she isn’t fucking a woman then she’s straight no matter how much tranny cope she tries to use

No. 2176425

her husband was born a man and identifies as a man there is no particular trans ideology mentioned in this story besides stating that not even that applies here. i do kind of get why trans women say they live rent free in your heads though cos holy fucking shit you guys really took a paragraph where i specified she’s never had anything but cis partners and started talking about trans people for no reason. idk if it’s reading comp issues or what but jesus.

No. 2176462

A lot of anons have a hard time understanding that too.

No. 2176470

>if she had dated anyone who was trans or even someone who was GNC, it would at least be more “queer” than being straight as a board.
You mentioned troons first and gtfo lolcow if you’re listening to what “trans women” say you newfag

No. 2176517

that was in response to someone asking for clarification about it dude.

No. 2176528

I personally think that only butch lesbian can use that word. It’s the same as black people with the n word , gay people with the f word. If you haven’t experienced oppression and victimization due to this words then you’re in no place to use them.

No. 2176544

You think that a troon male saying dyke is more valid than a “cisgender” male, nonna it’s the same fucking thing kek. If you only meant tifs you could have specified that.
If you’re not a lesbian you don’t get to use that, full stop.

No. 2176574

I finally saw baby reindeer (refuse to pay for Netflix) and I’m surprised that people ever felt bad for the main scrote. I could barely get through the 2nd episode bc all I could do was think the whole situation was his completely his fault. Oh I led on an actual crazy person to think I was romantically interested in her and she took it seriously, and now I have a “stalker”. Like, you made your bed. He just wanted someone to inflate his scrote ego and it turns out the only person who’d do that was an unhinged lonely weirdo. I watched the first episode and then skipped to the last one because I couldn’t stand him at all, and there’s like apparently years in between the first and last episode, and he’s learned nothing, hasn’t blocked her, texts her, is listening to her batshit voicemails. Like, hello, you stupid bug chasing tranny fucker, look in the mirror. That’s the cause of the problems right there. I remember there was a thread about it here somewhere and everyone was just saying how insane Martha was. Ummm yeah she was nuts from the start, that’s a great reason not to lead her on, which the like 40 year old (judging by looks) scrote should have fucking known.

No. 2176576

His sad backstory excuse was that he got raped + addicted to drugs by an older man when he was in his early twenties which is obviously horrible, but tbh it seemed like he already had all those same flaws even before that happened. The actor is pretty wishy-washy about which parts are real and fake anyway.

No. 2176593

i think that my wording may have confused you. i said nothing about them being able to say that word, i said a straight woman should not say it. i’m honestly kind of bewildered at some of the reads here. i’m a bisexual woman who was called that by a straight woman pretending to be bi and bothered by it. i only brought up the word cisgender to show she has literally no ties at all to anything LGBT. i agree it should only be lesbians who say it.

No. 2176594

Men do this all the time on a smaller scale, the whole "lead women on then act like they are being sexually harassed" thing, I've been the victim of it myself. Like jekyll/hyde tier hot and cold antics so he could frame me as creepy to others. Snakes

No. 2176604

Anon. For the last time. We do not like trannies. They are not part of the lesbian, gay, and bisexual community. Stop using their retarded verbiage and grow up.

No. 2176611

honestly insane they just had that man try to play himself in his early twenties and they expected us to understand that somehow. if this had been about a woman, people would have LOST THEIR MINDS that he not only came on to her but supposedly while he was being stalked and after he called the cops went to her house and fucked her. like if a woman came out with that story men would have literally murdered her for it. instead this full grown man was acting terrified of some woman who was more of a threat to anyone else than herself and he acknowledges that and how he led her on and is like but i’m somehow still a victim? he played with an insane person on purpose for laughs in front of his friends. she emailed him a bunch and kept coming in to a place she thought she was welcome. not really the sob story he thinks it is and honestly neither is the rape? he said he went back because he liked it and he thought he might have given the impression that the man thought it was consensual. like the entire thing, in depth was: i told a bunch of unstable people i wanted to do things with them sexually, we all got inebriated but somehow i was the only one who could not consent at the same time as i was enthusiastically participating and voicing my consent. there is literally a scene where the dude who drugs him hands him it and he chugs the drink making eye contact as if this is like part of it for him. i genuinely think this man had kinks and sought out these experiences. and then he was like. damn. acting like a degen psychologically affected me. am i? a victim?

No. 2176612

okay but do you think that woman should be calling me a dyke i don’t want to talk about that with you guys lol

No. 2176615

Do you think a tranny that calls himself a lesbian would be more eligible to say dyke than your fake bi friend? Just wondering.

No. 2176621

no i would be more disturbed at any sort of misogynistic insults being thrown at me by anyone with any proximity to manhood than by a woman calling me that. like when men say you can hit feminists. no they can’t you just want to hit a woman or call her a dyke or a bitch or whatever. if the first thing you do when you transition is continue to be a misogynist i do not trust your intentions towards me.

No. 2176623

>bemoaning fake bi straight woman saying dyke
>b-b-but if her husband w-was TRANS she'd b-be more "queer"
>no guys I didn't mean it that way! I just meant she only watches drag race and has no connection to the LGBT community!!
Go back.

No. 2176628

i think the straight woman watching drag race and deciding she can now use slurs and say misogynistic things about her actually gay friend part is relevant to her characterization. millennial white woman who watches drag race and is bad to actual lesbians is a type of person that’s actually kind of common now.

No. 2176630

That's not the part people are clowning you on and you very well know it kek.

No. 2176631

What's with all the LGBT queer bilesbian trans talk? Everyone here is painfully hetero, who y'all trying to fool?

No. 2176633

i’m being embarrassingly earnest here but i do not understand at all why this is the discussion instead of just idk saying the fake bi girl isn’t that big of an issue or something. i won’t use the word cis on here anymore like noted i guess? but like i don’t get why even mentioning she wasn’t dating idk a trans woman or man is that upsetting? i get sexuality and gender are different things. if she was a straight woman dating a trans man i would understand her being concerned she was going to be attacked in a grocery store but she is dating a normal ass man?

No. 2176636

Same here. Got led on, he dumped me after I put out, made it sound like I was nuts to our mutual friends because he wasn't telling the full truth. Been febfem ever since. Men aren't human.

No. 2176637

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> tfw the moid claimed that he was "groomed" at the age of like 25
Also, how he just refused to present his case to the cops (not justified by muh scrote double standards, he didn't even try) and actually went out of his way to ensure that his pet tranny's assault didn't get reported made me laugh so hard. From his chaser perspective, that's his true and valid gf being physically beaten in public and he doesn't do anything about it because he craves his stalker's validation too much, objectively what a fucking asshole kek. Not to mention, it came with further proof that trannies are not women because the troon goes "omg you're totally keeping your stalker around on purpose teehee" and "I will confront her myself and give her a piece of my mind!!" Like stfu no real woman would ever find that endearing or want to throw herself in danger just to prove a point to a psycho. There's also a kekworthy moment where the tranny nervously asks why the main character calls himself bisexual and he just dances around it with a meaningless non-answer lmao

No. 2176639

there is no cisgender nonnie, a man in a dress is the same as a man in pants

No. 2176648

tonally the show was so off too? like he doesn’t even seem to care that much and is just like isn’t it crazy this happened to me? why is no one laughing were these things SERIOUS? how messed up and actually i am messed up but in another way, i am fine. the end. like what was the purpose of that? did he make the entire show to find out what people’s opinion of what happened to him was it seemed like utterly meaningless self caused misery that ends with and now i am a comedian with a netflix special and i am not sure what to make of any of that hahah, anyways isn’t it so unusual that i’m a man and this happened and i’m basing my comedy around it? like you’re trauma dumping uncomfortably about situations you are not shy about saying you created. and you supposedly don’t even hate these people or want them to face consequences you just want to like tell the entire world who they are and what they did and pretend you’re sort of fine sort of not and even though you wanted to go to the police you kind of didn’t like? i can kind of relate to being an imperfect victim and not knowing what people who harm me deserve but that whole thing was so weird and gross and not funny at all? like it wasn’t even that crazy he just included weird gross graphic details because i think in the end what this was actually about is this man has some sort of humiliation kink.

No. 2176649

A straight woman dating a trans man is a lesbian or a bisexual woman. If you haven't peaked on trannies yet please just leave this place and leave us alone.

No. 2176651

> if she was a straight woman dating a trans man i would understand her being concerned she was going to be attacked in a grocery store but she is dating a normal ass man?

Can we put this to bed now

No. 2176654

i’m not here to have a debate about that though, whatever your opinion is, no one is going to attack a straight presenting couple the way they would if one of the members of the party was trans. i’m not making any sort of statements or trying to convince you, it was one detail in a whole paragraph about a woman being called a slur and not liking it.

No. 2176659

Handmaiden tranny cocksucker please leave.

No. 2176660

it’s gross you would reduce a woman to being a cocksucker. that’s honestly like an insult a man would say, i don’t find you shocking i think you’re just foul and gross for the sake of being gross.

No. 2176661

> cocksucker
> cocksucker
> cucksucker

does she ever take a day off?

No. 2176662

oh jesus is this like a known entity i’m accidentally engaging with sorry next time i’ll ignore when she says that

No. 2176665

Bitch nobody is attacking trannies on the streets unless it's a gay tranny getting murdered by a closet gay moid. Please just drop the libfem LGBT-enomics. You stick out like a sore thumb and look like you hate JK Rowling kekkkk.

No. 2176669

Nonny you might want to lurk here more if you're still drinking the TQIA++ kool-aid

No. 2176671

Kek it's ok nonny you didn't know

No. 2176673

It's multiple of the faggot BP infighters. It's bait.

No. 2176674

i live in an area where any business people associate gay people with gets neo nazis with guns standing outside not letting people in occasionally. it’s why she brought up being attacked and why i was grossed out because she is not going to get attacked like some actual lesbians a town away did the month before? and it’s gross someone who has never actually experienced attraction to a woman is trying to pretend she is also in some sort of danger because actual gay people are. no one is going to attack her for being bi because she is a straight woman in a straight relationship. she’s more likely to be attacked for being a woman, which attacks against women are becoming more common but not something she cares at all about. it’s insane to me she wants to be oppressed and is so bored she pretends people are going to bother her at the grocery store. no one is going to bother her at the grocery store and this is the type of supposed oppression she is under that she thinks allows her to reclaim the word dyke.

No. 2176678

> any business people associate gay people with gets neo nazis with guns standing outside not letting people in occasionally
Lmao go back

No. 2176680

She's probably not exaggerating. There are groups of bald men with swastika tattoos that do shit like this.

No. 2176682

Go back with her

No. 2176687


No. 2176688

yeah they are like hicks pretending to be tough but they always cover their faces and just stand there shouting stuff lol i didn’t think this was so unheard of? nothing has actually happened as a result of it they just go away eventually and it scares everyone off that street for a couple days.

No. 2176691

Literally doesnt happen. If you think this is something that happens then you're a hikki who has never seen the light of day.

No. 2176693

File: 1727129339457.png (354.85 KB, 1242x2688, IMG_0523.png)

i am feeling gaslighted in this chili’s tonight

No. 2176694

They sound like they aren't american just making up shit they think would happen here

No. 2176695

i fucking wish this was true but i would make up beautiful and interesting things instead of this which is honestly so boring at this point no one even really reacts to it anymore

No. 2176696

Men in dresses who force people to call them female should be "hate"crimed.

No. 2176697

Ok so once in some place in germany and once in america? Doesnt sound like your first description at all. Go back

No. 2176698

They said "gay businesses." So it doesn't only happen to trannies. Learn2read.

No. 2176699

It has happened multiple times in America. Have you never heard of neo-nazi gangs? Rednecks?

No. 2176702

okay well everyone hated my post and it ruined the whole thread. so let’s move on. i think brussels sprouts are one of the best vegetables. i think that getting upset about people who want to drive ahead of you or something is dumb. ummm. what else do i think. people who hate pineapple pizza have bad palettes. literally anything but this. i don’t care when people think a woman is annoying cos normally she really isn’t that annoying and no matter how much she talks i would rather her be boring or annoying than listen to a man say anything.

No. 2176705

Did redneck become something other than working class sometimes rural South person when I wasn't looking? Genuinely asking; I can't keep up with this shit anymore

No. 2176706

Okay so then anon can just be allowed to affirm gendie's fethishes? Fuck off.

No. 2176707

It doesn't happen super often as this fag is making it sound like. Demonstrating as a hate group in front of a business intimidating the community would get your ass in jail so freaking fast, even in burgerland. No fucking way it's happening to such a degree that this dumb little fag actually worries about it. I hate this exaggerated twitter brained crap just regurgitated to make women more afraid of existing.

No. 2176708

Nothing to do with my posts.
No, it's just the type of shit they would do.

No. 2176709

Integrate, you're coming off like a personalityfag.

No. 2176710

It's palates, not palettes

No. 2176711

>I hate this exaggerated twitter brained crap just regurgitated to make women more afraid of existing.
I think you are taking this anon's post too personally. It's something she witnessed in that area. She even said the word "occasionally." Calm down.

No. 2176712

lol this newfag cannot win, almost feel bad for her at this point.

No. 2176714

>it's just the type of shit they would do

No. 2176716

you know what? that one i deserved.

No. 2176732

You're a good sport

No. 2176734

Can you stop saying trannies are a persecuted minority next?

No. 2176737

File: 1727130888939.webm (Spoiler Image,3.75 MB, 720x406, 1722191829867626.webm)

Nta and nor was I involved in this convo before I saw the shit about nazi demonstrators so drag me if i'm missing context or whatever. But it's something that happens, It doesn't happen all the time but when it does they usually harass minority women and kids and it's fucked up because they know they can't defend themselves. This shit happens most commonly in nashville too from what i've noticed. Spoilered vidrel because it's a grown man throwing slurs at a little girl

No. 2176749

The way you type is so insufferable. How the fuck did a retard like you even find this site? Leave and never come back.

No. 2176758

i swear to god men never mentally evolve past 16. They keep being attention whore seeking faggots until their last breathe. They seek mommy attention so badly.

No. 2176765

i actually think we have a lot of chemistry, you and i. maybe you’re afraid of that. maybe a bad bitch that is stupid and everyone hates is exactly what you feared walking into your life and now here i am. and you’re running, just like you always do, don’t you, when you think maybe you could really be happy this time…

No. 2176776

sorry newnonnie but you will never be baldchan

No. 2176781

Tumblr/tiktard tier humour. You should go running back and continue kissing tranny ass over there

No. 2176786

>bad bitch
>believes that a woman dating a moid in a dress is "queer"
You are the furthest thing from a bad bitch. You are basic libfem handmaiden Becky number 5857390.

No. 2176792

I bet you felt smart and witty typing this out KEK

No. 2176796

you handle my trolling a lot less gracefully than i handle yours i’ve noticed.
she sounds like a fascinating, complicated woman.
yeah you notice they never get into altercations with men. they also normally disperse as soon as the cops show up because they are terrified of having their identities revealed and facing consequences for their behavior.

No. 2176800

You're not trolling anyone tranny-loverchan.

No. 2176804

i really am having such a lovely time with you ladies tonight. how do YOU feel about brussels sprouts or pineapple pizzas? i like them but i know some people don’t.

No. 2176806

The fact that you ignore it won't make anons forget you think trannies are a persecuted minority kek. Please just go back to twitter.

No. 2176807

pineapple pizza is tasty. my unpopular opinion is i hope you lurk more here and peak on trans

No. 2176811

You know she won't, she'll probably run to tumblr or twitter to post screenshots mocking women who don't believe in gender identity for being mad at males who intrude in their spaces.

No. 2176816

tumblr and twitter delete it when i post my rapists instagram account and they let it stay up here i love how much hatred in your hearts you guys have for men it’s actually really nice being in a place where you can post i hate a man and it gets deleted if any of them try to speak. my unpopular opinion is that should be the whole entire internet.

No. 2176820

So trans women are men then, right?

No. 2176846

Hope you remember to include all men in your hatred. I know twitter likes to harp about intersectionality, but no axis of oppression takes away maleness and no group of men are your allies.

No. 2176865

Policefaggots just stand there

No. 2176910

File: 1727136977735.png (768.02 KB, 1080x1132, 1000001564.png)

I don't like madoka magica

No. 2176911

its a shitty 3deep5u anime about lolis suffering, only 14yos like it. Princess tutu is miles better.

No. 2176920

I started watching porn at a very young age(12 or so) and i think, in my very specific experience, it was actually beneficial to my developement.

No. 2176926

yuri is a genre for trannies, so yeah het is better

No. 2176928

Never seen someone say that before. How so?

No. 2176929

t. "male ryona" y/ncel who'll end up fucking a moid within the year

No. 2176930

It helped me develop a sexuality centered around sexualizing men instead of sexualizing myself for men. It would have probably been detrimental to myself if i watched straight porn instead of gay or solo men, though.

No. 2176935

>posts lolis kissing
wow you are trully showing me how totally not coomery yurishit is

No. 2176936

Ah, gay porn. That makes sense. At least you're free of that specific brain-worm, cheers.

No. 2176940

File: 1727138942363.jpg (163.65 KB, 640x512, 3696415807426.JPG)

Utena mogs. Sorry lolifag.

No. 2176941

calm down yuripedo

No. 2176943

It's sad knowing that's probably the majority of lolcow

No. 2176947

File: 1727139183354.jpg (99.5 KB, 850x777, sample_91bfb23a32d60cb6e81d902…)

why do you always proceed to racebait, you truly are irl kikomi

No. 2176950

File: 1727139332064.jpg (23.25 KB, 564x627, 69744f9db6e424eba858b44197ec77…)

That's how they always sound. 2D moid = moid. I don't care about arguing if one yuri is better than the other but you faggots seriously expect lesbians to consoom piv/buttsex slop kek. Always on a mission to paint anything lesbian as moidy you retard stop moralfagging and go judge the moids who trace real little girls instead. Madoka Magica is garbage but like come on

No. 2176956

That would be based

No. 2176958

You’ll peak soon. I came here November last year thinking I’d just to pretend to hate trannies when I was actually neutral-positive towards the ideology. Sometime in spring I look at myself and wondered when I became “”transphobic””. Really opens your eyes. We calibrate yourself to what we’re surrounded with and no one wants to consider themself the bad guy, so we prevent ourselves from really thinking on the matter. I don’t hardcore hate trannies like some anons do, but I now completely disagree with the ideology, think it builds its basis on sexism and I can be critical of a lot of the people here. Some people are technically innocent victims of the movement.
They hate it when you say this though. Bisexuals want to be oppressed so bad. I say this as someone who is technically bisexual. Especially anyone who pretend biphobia is more of an issue than lesbophobia.

No. 2176968

Being lesbian is better than being heterosexual. No matter how much you shill yuri and gl being tranny/moid coomer shit it was your precious xy specimen who infested it, who also commit/make up 99.9% of pedos, murder, rape, war, sex traffic, make deepfake ai revenge porn, don't wash their ass, go bald at 24 whose brains register you as body parts incapable of thinking.

No. 2176971

rarely do i say this but this pic is weird and moidy. don't put half-naked anime girls in front of real world tragedies, you're like those tifs drawing dunmeshi senshi with palestine kids

No. 2176975

yeah our "misandrists" are just misandrist in that they're pissy moids aren't catering to them kek, they don't actually hate men at all

No. 2176976

Tranny raid

No. 2176978

ironic considering you are defending your lolislop made by lolicon moids

No. 2176981

consuming fiction is better than letting a scrote bust inside you

No. 2176983

It's too hard to be les there are like 1000 roadblocks while men just say yes. And it's somehow a mystery why bi women are mostly hetpartnered. Cuz men say yes. No Stacy I am NOT ok with you bringing your friend to our picnic date and if you think I'm a bitch because of it fine. I honestly think it was just a hood girl and her gf trying to rob me. No man has tried to pull that on me.

No. 2176984

Yuri is still shit, dunno about gl, but the stuff that the majority of people that don't speak Japanese can read tend to be absolute trash that you have to read with your brain off regardless of the genre.
What can anyone expect from shit made in countries where women are considered attractive if they speak like toddlers and walk like they're about to pee themselves?

No. 2176985

>I was actually neutral-positive towards the ideology
>We calibrate yourself to what we’re surrounded with
>we prevent ourselves from really thinking on the matter (literally admitting to avoid thinking rationally if necessary to not hurt any feefes)
>I don’t hardcore hate trannies like some anons do
>""technically bisexual""
I feel like I shouldn't dislike you as much as I do just be reading your post, but I seriously don't fucking like you. You seem like such a fake ass doormat with zero backbone, identity nor courage to front with their real opinions. I'd hate to interact with you in any capacity

No. 2176986

I was thinking the same.

No. 2176987

your boogeyman doesnt work because i am not interested in 3dpd lol

No. 2176988

sure thing can you show me one single post of fujos putting their bl ships over atrocities involving children?

No. 2176990

File: 1727140858373.png (164.47 KB, 285x343, 1650760695025.png)

Considering that yurifags have an occasional depressive episode about yaoi getting objectively more content and compassion poured into it than yuri, yurifags are getting pretty bold tonight.

No. 2176991

You're disgusting wtf is this

No. 2176992

does your nigel know that

No. 2176993

the fuck do fujos have to do with yuripedo having a schizo meltie

No. 2176995

True, I don’t know how straight women delude themselves into not being blackpilled has to be a mental illness. No wonder they Aiden out, they want to be seen as real people by the ones they love, hybristophilically

No. 2176996

Ntary, but an anon once drew art of a "shota boyfriend" after an article of a boy being raped was posted

No. 2176998

>spams and defends lolicon yurishit made by moids
>also wants to larp as misandrist
kek the irony

No. 2177000

File: 1727141088983.jpg (95.57 KB, 350x539, 1000065469.jpg)

Well nonnas, just don't reply to the retard.
My unpopular opinion is that Christmas is a fun holiday and that maybe everyone should learn a few things about kindness from those Christmas specials and movies that kids watch.

No. 2177001

I agree yuri is shit and i dont consume it, but being attracted to moids isnt much better

No. 2177003

Fuck you, it’s hard being a gay girl in a homophobic christian household, I am 19 and have been a fandom-ridden neet since 11 so the gendie kookaid was shoved down my throat, Sorry not everyone is born perfect.

No. 2177004

File: 1727141231049.gif (1018.37 KB, 343x205, awkward-Buscemi.gif)

What the hell is going on…

No. 2177005


No. 2177007

My unpopular opinion is that Shera and He-man are probably my favorite set of fictional siblings. This picture gives me a lot of joy.

No. 2177010

Troons isn’t always the answer. We just have yuripedo itt and some newfags, and dykerage.

No. 2177012

why are anti shota fags always lolipedos? both you and that retard ntyfag. Women arent raping little boys, meanwhile the pedos that consume your yuri shit definetly buy those creepy dvds with little girls in bikinis. Aoki Ume even confessed to stalking underage girls.

No. 2177013

i thought they were dating and she ra was made to make heman look less homosexual

No. 2177016

Holy shit 19?! I'm talking to actual kiddos on my lolcow.com wtf, girl you ain't no lesbian cut the crap you're just confused, you're too young for this queer crap focus on something else

No. 2177017

Shera is He-man's long lost twin sister lol.

No. 2177018

atp it's just obviously bait

No. 2177021

Twin? Where? lol

No. 2177022

Im not pro lolislop or shotaslop (i jerk off to my girlfriend) but like why do these retards always recommend hetslop and fagslop as an alternative to the yuri they constantly complain about? literally what lesbian is reading that shit? Theyre always coping over le evil dykes. We even have some 'tards yelling "dykes dykes dykes!! It's dur dykes!!" now lolol
What the fuck is "Technically Bisexual" you're gay or you're not.

No. 2177023

>not liking piv and buttsex means youre a pedo

No. 2177024

I will never understand these anime terms about being perverts.

No. 2177025

File: 1727141518939.jpg (74.05 KB, 736x550, 1000018064.jpg)

That's why I don't understand wtf this point is supposed to be >>2176968
So being a gay is better than being hetero because scrotes are generally subhuman and because "muh yuri"? When yuri still gets BTFO'd by Yaoi any day of the fucking week just from the amount of people that put way more compassion into yaoi content? When people unanimously agree that yaoi is usually written better and more creatively played with than yuri? This was a joke, right?

No. 2177027

Oh come on nonnie, they look more alike than Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa kek, or Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver. He-man will never beat the homo allegations.

No. 2177028

File: 1727141589084.png (92.5 KB, 359x259, stats.png)

post actual stadistics

No. 2177030

>Oh no! Think about the poor innocent 16 year old moid who is physically stronger than any female teacher!

No. 2177031

YWNBAW! (just in case)

No. 2177034

>queer crap
Kys hettie
People act like 19 is a child and 20 is a grown adult that should have a job and be thinking about marriage and children kek. Sorry to break it to you but there are probably even underage newfags itt, take what you can get.(infighting)

No. 2177035

File: 1727141689767.jpg (276.4 KB, 1532x1576, __astolfo_and_astolfo_fate_and…)

ntm on my goat but the ahh based and maxxpilled af fr xD :joy:(retarded shitposting)

No. 2177037

I never said yuri was good, i said that even if yuri was shit it was the scrotes youre attracted to that made it that way

No. 2177039

What is going on here??? Don't you all have two-three containment threads to do this shit in?

No. 2177041

Second anon, wish it were that simple but I’m a 99.99% kinsey 5 (assumedly, I haven’t crushed on a male since middle school and haven’t ever thought about them sexually) and most female bisexuals are fucking Kinsey 2s who have only had boyfriends. So yeah you’re bi or you’re not but I think if a Kinsey 1.5 bisexual woman who has never went near a woman said they were technically bi no one would bat an eyelash.

No. 2177043

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No. 2177044

Even if you can blame scrotes and trannies for ruining yuri as a genre, the fact that it's in the state it's in just helps my point that yuri isn't enough to make being gay better.

No. 2177046

>moids ruined yuri
>here i will proceed to shill my magical loli lesbian slop made by men!
for someone who hates men oh so much and blames them for ruining your anime lesbians you sure love yurislop made by men like strike witches and madoka

No. 2177047

Where are the fujoshis when you need them

No. 2177049

I dont read or watch yuri retard

No. 2177051

People like you go so hard that you circle all the way round back to misogyny. There are women stronger than 16-year-old boys KEK even if it’s not everyone. Shotafags be like n-no ALL women are so u-uwu and small and snuggly and weak, EVERY one of them.

No. 2177052

Kek you DO sound 19yo, hilarious

No. 2177053

i'm here and i'm kek'ing

No. 2177054

nta but forget about all that kinsey shit, it was invented by a sexual predator

No. 2177056

For real. This double standard exists on /g/ too, the women on there are complete degenerates but if lesbians said that…

No. 2177058

I am basically twenty.

No. 2177059

>its misogyny to acknowledge biology
tranny ass logic

No. 2177060

File: 1727142185449.jpg (109.48 KB, 1080x1380, 75289a89bc3517669fe492_308a606…)

what do you need

No. 2177061

the way i should have listened at this point and not come back to this tab because what the actual fuck are any of you talking about, i’m scared????



No. 2177062

a 16yo girl cant overpower. You call yourself misandrists unless its about ucknowledging irl power imbalances between men and women.

No. 2177065

she has a point.

No. 2177066

There are 16-year-old boys who hit puberty late and are anachan and women who are built, don’t worry if you train hard and long enough you’ll be able to overpower and rape at least a fraction of all the teenage boys you want(scrotefoiling)

No. 2177067

i think you should try to have a different problem than this one

No. 2177068

no, she doesnt. Otherwise tifs would be beating men at sports, but you only hear of moids stealing opportunities from women.

No. 2177070

>women are better than men
Are we supposed to disagree?? What is your point?

No. 2177072

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No. 2177073

you are the reason trannies exist and think they are entitled to women's spaces(infighting)

No. 2177076

Scare the troons pls

No. 2177077

I dont hate fujos and i get where they're coming from but it frustrates me how women are so objectified anything featuring or centered around women gets called tranny coomer slop

No. 2177078

What the fuck are you talking about? We’re talking about shotarape or whatever. I’ve beaten teenage boys at sports even as a teenager let alone a grown woman.

No. 2177082

Stop using fringe cases to support your argument. The fact is 99.9% of teen boys can beat the living shit out of any woman and no amount of coping changes inherent differences in muscle mass.

No. 2177083

File: 1727142554595.png (1.83 MB, 1248x1888, IRL kikomi.png)

mental illness. If you were a real misandrist you would be drawing your own yurishit instead of consooming and defending yurishit made for men. All the yurislop you consume is made by men for men, you dont get to shit on fujos for being straight while supporting straight men yourself.

No. 2177092

File: 1727142928097.mp4 (Spoiler Image,2.22 MB, 640x358, 1717553196431.mp4)

>average yuri enjoyer.mp4(infight bait)

No. 2177094

well it would help if that one anon itt would stop posting coomer art

No. 2177095

Because they let you win. That was in setting where they're expected to hold back. That doesn't change the biological truth, you weird delusional freak.

No. 2177096

File: 1727143036886.jpg (81.88 KB, 637x777, shut up loser give me your mon…)

Why does it say we’re locked?

No. 2177097

Have you not been outside…? These aren’t even fringe cases, it’s common for teenage boys to be weak or even underweight, we’re not talking about over 18s here. Why are you just lying?

No. 2177098

Made by a woman
>Girl Friends
Made by a woman
Made by a woman
>Cafe Liebe
Made by a woman
Anthology, most authors have been women.
>Amano Shuninta
>Anne Happy
>Ikemen Joshi
One female author, artist is a woman

Time and time again yumes and fujos shit on yuri without knowing anything about the genre.

No. 2177099

I’m sorry? There was a girl who was on the boys’ football team. They weren’t adults who had finished puberty, so the gap was just a little smaller.

No. 2177100

Any further infighting about yuri or male/female relative strength will receive a longer ban than usual, this is accomplishing nothing. Yuripedo was ban evading/baiting in this thread and their posts have been deleted. If they ban evade to post again, report and ignore them.

No. 2177101

You genuinely think that competing with males in sports and them letting you win proves ANYTHING about the real world.

No. 2177102

Because there is a rogue jannie being retarded, they thought they could lock the thread. Unpopular opinions are for discussion, I don’t even know how you can get banned for infighting here. Just calling it, Infighting thread #147 so it’s like, legal

No. 2177103

They're weak and underweight when pitted against stronger boys. Pitted against women, they will have the upper hand unless they're some literal malnourished neglected terminally ill scrote. I can't believe there are still women out there retarded enough to believe they can beat any scrote that's gone through male puberty.

No. 2177104

Rihanna’s pretty good , i don’t care for her music but she’s got some good music and has an influence. i think Katy Perry was one of those pop stars who were always meh but overhyped

No. 2177106

Where’s that video of scrawny men being able to beat roided women in a fight

No. 2177107

Actually she's arguing about the logistics of "shotarape," because she's another one of weird creepy freaks that proliferate on this site.

No. 2177108

With all respect anon, you are completely wrong. Though crossing paths with jay-z defintely got her where she is right now, she is incredibly lucky with that. TBH, i don't think she fucked jay-z, looking at her dating history she would never fuck such an ugly scrote.

No. 2177112

I just don’t feel like you’re reading, I’m talking about teenage boys and adult women. I’m saying there are still some women that can overpower them, objectively?
boys, but I have seen women beat up men once or twice to be fair. Not my argument though.
Why am I being gaslit? I can think of several tiny boys back when I was in secondary school. I literally arm wrestled them. The boys started winning arm wrestles against me once we were 14 specifically, I remember that, and those were the normal ones (not the tiny boys). I probably could have lifted those boys up easily kek. And I was a fellow teenager?

No. 2177114

Rihanna had charisma, star power and consistently put out multiple hits throught the years. I don't know how to explain ir well put Katy just panders and bases her entire brand around the current trend while Rihanna had a crafted persona unique to her and adapted the trends to her rather than base her whole identity on the trend.

No. 2177115

You're proof is arm wrestling? Seriously? They weren't trying retard, actually try to attack those boys and see how fast they deck you.

No. 2177119

Oh my god if I have another discussion with an anon that doesn’t read I’m actually going to pass out. Those were the normal ones. The tiny boys were literally… PICKING UP size for 14-year-old me What the hell are you even arguing??? Do you genuinely think there aren’t adult women who could hold down a teenage boy? What?

No. 2177121

Well? Did you ever actually attempt to pick them up?

No. 2177123

You're so right anon, that's precisely why she continues to be highly relevant in the current year despite having no signs of releasing any new projects aside from stuff for us to consoom. A lot of people don't even care about what she is trying to sell us and still want to see a pic of her just breathing. Katy perry could never tbh.

No. 2177126

Uh, yes? My whole friend group used to fuck around with this guy in it. Honestly even at 16 most of us could overpower him other than the underweight girls. He was just a soyboy who also happened to not do exercise. And there were other boys we knew we picked up kek not exactly crazy. None of them were tall though.
I don’t get it, did all the boys in your school roid out immediately? Are there extra hormones in your food? Like actually. It’s not unbelievable for an adult woman to overpower a teenager if these were my experiences when I wasn’t even an adult.

No. 2177129

I don’t see why infights get banned in this thread unless it’s threading bad territory or going on for a day+.

No. 2177132

Men overpower women in most cases and are stronger than women on average but anybody who thinks a woman cant overpower a male occasionally, once in a blue moon, does not go outside lol. Especially when it comes to boys who haven't completed puberty. There's more factors to shit than just brute force. This is a dumb debate though because it stems from fucking yuri yaoi discourse

No. 2177135

I thought you were talking about actual adolescents that didn't develop properly. But in any other context, the only possible way a woman could physically overpower a man is through him letting her win. Unless he has some physical defect, this is just the truth. It's not variable, it's not just "most cases," it is every healthy male.

No. 2177136

>girl you ain't no lesbian cut the crap you're just confused, you're too young for this queer crap
nona are you implying that people can't tell their sexuality until they reach 26 or something? kek

No. 2177141

Let's be real. All you need to know if you're a lesbian is to ask yourself
>Do I think about women sexually or romantically?
>Would I ever eat out a woman?
>Would I ever date a woman?
>Would I ever marry a woman?
>Would I ever spend the rest of my life with a woman?
>Would I ever do the aforementioned with a man?
If you answer all six with a yes, you're bi. If you answer only the first five with a yes, you're a lesbian. I tire of people who think that if you're into X media then you're not X sexuality.

No. 2177143

>But in any other context, the only possible way a woman could physically overpower a man is through him letting her win.
How would you define physically overpowering if you're spamming "he's letting her win"? Are you not considering other factors like skill, where the hits land, height, where they're standing, scenario etc etc. Biologysperging is so retarded when the original topic derives from a debate about shotas and lolis. If you put amanda nunes against the average moid who is not skilled in any form of fighting she's winning lol. Curious to how you define overpowering?

No. 2177155

samefag unless you're not talking about a fighting scenario and you're just saying untrained average male beats untrained average female 99 times out of 100 or some shit then that's fair I just think you can't really shit on someone's prepubescent child v prepubescent child ancedote because the average male beats the average woman that makes no sense

No. 2177157

I hope you’re not delusional enough to actually rely on your own strength as self-defense…

No. 2177162

And they banned me for infighting when I replied to this. Dykephobic jannies confirmed
I wish it were that simple but after all the girls on questioning your sexuality thread drilled it into me that I’m bi I don’t think I could ever consider myself lesbian without that in the back of my head kek. Also this scares me to death bc some nonnies have told other nonnies it’s common for bi women to experience attraction to women later so they’re probably not lesbians, since I’m only 19 this seems plausible enough to just say I’m bi (and kind of waiting for the other shoe to drop)(ban evasion)

No. 2177165

When did I ever say I was doing that? I'm not a very skilled fighter. Ad hominem all you want but I just don't understand nona's arguement, is she saying there are no other factors to an adult male v adult female fight other than raw strength therefore nona's ancedote must be wrong? There's just no correlation, male and female children have a different strength gap than adult males and females too. You're misreading what I'm saying

No. 2177168

I think this is an oversimplification.

I think many (perhaps most) young "bihets" also question if they're on the "asexual spectrum." Generally lacking libido and drive makes it really difficult to answer these questions, especially when what you do have doesn't at all line up with mainstream depictions of female sexuality.

Someone like this would answer these questions something like…
>Do I think about women sexually or romantically?
Yes, but do I think that because of media influence or my own desires?
>Would I ever eat out a woman?
I would do it for her, the same way in which I would give a massage to somebody I love, but it would ultimately be labor. There's also a chance that I could find out that I'm terribly repulsed once I'm actually in that situation.
>Would I ever date a woman?
Abstractly, yes.
>Would I ever marry a woman?
Abstractly, yes.
>Would I ever spend the rest of my life with a woman?
Yes, but who wouldn't if not for social stigma? Gender
>Would I ever do the aforementioned with a man?
I feel roughly the same way, with some caveats.

No. 2177176

I think everyone should learn how to swim. My current gf and my ex both didn't know how to and I was honestly completely shocked that anyone in the world couldn't know this basic skill and live their life without being terrified that you're gonna drown in water higher than your chest. I think if you drown because you didn't know how to swim, it's utterly on you and I don't feel bad. I encouraged my current gf to enroll in swimming classes held at her local university, cheaper than cheap and she doesn't want to. If she falls into a koi pond she would just straight up die. Isn't that insane? Learn to swim.

No. 2177177

If we're talking about men now and not undeveloped boys (which I get her anecdote, if he's short and hasn't fully developed it makes sense that an adult women would be able to restrain him), upper body strength, more muscle, and other physical differences would be why a male easily overpowers a woman. I haven't looked into it before but now I see that an elite female fighter could use a technique she's trained in to take down the average unskilled male, possibly.

No. 2177178

No it ain't. You are straight.

No. 2177194

File: 1727148622307.jpg (65.47 KB, 700x700, iamxthinkofengland.jpg)

A large part of me is inclined to agree with you.

I think media depictions of female sexuality are dominated by depictions that make sense to and appeal to men, but I think that sort of sexuality is not actually all that common. Based on my personal experiences, I would say that only around 30-40% of non-lesbian women have any amount of active sexual desire for men, and only a small portion of those have a strong sexual desire for men. (Otherwise, I think female sexual promiscuity would be a lot more common.) Historically, women that don't particularly care for sex with men but who want companionship, kids, a normal life, etc, were considered straight simply because they were willing to tolerate all-too-frequent sex with men, sometimes even making an effort to brainwash themselves into not hating their weekly smexy time sessions with their nigels.

After all, what is being "straight"? In a sense, following the sexual/romantic path that society clearly lays out for you is the straightest act of all.

But this is not really how society defines sexuality nowadays. I think most women that fall into this category would be just as able to form this sort of relationship with a woman (and they would likely enjoy it more because of shared values, more closely matched sex drives, and a way of having sex that is less inherently traumatic). But the lack of interest that characterizes their sexuality also causes them to put practically 0 effort into pursuing relationships whatsoever, so naturally, they almost exclusively end up in relationships with men. But at their core, if they really are just as capable of forming this sort of relationship with women, then are they not bisexual? Additionally, just as somebody like this could have sex with a man and a woman and realize that they are absolutely not attracted to women, couldn't they also have a lesbian realization?

No. 2177195

No opinions but really curious about this topic, please discuss moar.

No. 2177196

>Do I, of my own volition, think about women sexually or romantically?
>Would I, of my own volition, ever eat out a woman?
>Would I, of my own volition, ever date a woman?
>Would I, of my own volition, ever marry a woman?
>Would I, of my own volition, ever spend the rest of my life with a woman?
>Would I, of my own volition, ever do the aforementioned with a man?

No. 2177197

>only around 30-40% of non-lesbian women have any amount of active sexual desire for men, and only a small portion of those have a strong sexual desire for men
Lol. Lmfao even.

No. 2177200

>Additionally, just as somebody like this could have sex with a man and a woman and realize that they are absolutely not attracted to women, couldn't they also have a lesbian realization?
>realize that they are absolutely not attracted to women
>also have a lesbian realization?
>But at their core, if they really are just as capable of forming this sort of relationship with women, then are they not bisexual?
You have to actually enjoy sex with both sexes first off. Also most women are extreme super straights, idk where you got those percentages from kek.

No. 2177202

I dont exactly agree or disagree with her but with how ugly and shitty scrotes are i wonder how many women are deluding themselves that theyre actually attracted to dysgenic moids/brainwashed by society to please men

No. 2177204


No. 2177207

Why else do you think the "asexual" community is entirely comprised of women? Tons of women date men solely because what they actually desire is social approval and they don't have strong enough sexual desires to offset that.

No. 2177216

No I agree, most women’s attraction to men is conditional and more hybristophilic in nature, Which is why you come across women who say “oh being funny is more attractive than being good looking! uwu” and date ugly and/or balding scrotes

No. 2177220

objectively true, i do like to look at dicks sometimes, but i dont think i want a moid to touch me.

No. 2177221

conditioned* not conditional. i think it’s easy for this to happen when there is not much outlet or authentic expression of female sexuality like there is for male sexuality. it’s like thinking you’re attracted to women because you’ve conditioned your clit to react to porn, except with toughing out straight sex.

No. 2177226

The number of autists I hang out with might skew my data.
I really should have said "any meaningful amount" in the first statement though.

But I really do think most women have a skewed sort of tertiary sexuality. "Stacies" tend to be pretty sexual, which is often what motivates them to do the things that make them stacies, but most women are not stacies. "Becky" types that I've known often unrealistically latch onto unattainable males like celebrities and fictional characters. They usually do transfer this onto real men, but theyh end up being the types that date "for personality."
(>>2177216 took the words right out of my mouth.)

No. 2177229

if jannies have banned me for bs in the past this better be banned for reeking of zoomer newfaggotery, tiktok screenshot and “This” caption is too perfect it’s almost a parody

No. 2177231

File: 1727150286677.jpeg (265.58 KB, 1137x1000, GYFd3VmXEAA9UxG.jpeg)

No. 2177233

I hate seeing attractive men doing this shit too

No. 2177235

lmao i love how this retard doesn't realise that he is doing the same thing

No. 2177240

Men shouldn't be allowed to give their opinion online.

No. 2177243

No he is ugly enough to get a pass

No. 2177245

You can take my weird dumb shitposts from my cold dead hands, TikTok faggot.

No. 2177251

Sorry for being attractive and weird
I’d love to give my opinion on this but I’m a dyke. Straight women, how attractedactually are you to men? Genuinely, and disregarding the ugly men psyop thing even though I agree with it I’ve heard nonas say they like ”mature” hairy men kek so clearly I’ve been underestimating straight women’s sexual attraction to them

No. 2177252

Feeling the need to post thoughts like this on social media for female validation (much like he is) is conversely the most insufferable behavior

No. 2177253

Lol you're forgiven nonna (are you doing it for male validation though?)

No. 2177254

Social media has been a thing since 2008. I don't understand how people, especially kids, are still so attached to it. It is dead. Every post is just advertisement now.

No. 2177257

This should also be filed under insightful opinions.

No. 2177258

Anon, you’re on social media right now.

No. 2177259

File: 1727151320177.jpg (996.25 KB, 1179x1399, azrail0512.jpg)

I swear I've seen all these same opinions on different faces. Why do they all do this

No. 2177260

>Straight women, how attractedactually are you to men?
I only get horny to anime boys, real men are repulsive to me. I guess I like them on a conceptual level rather than a practical one. IRL men will at most get a "he's pretty/hot/cute" response out of me when they're aesthetically pleasing but I never feel drawn to them. Trying to imagine myself actually being touched by or dating a man disgusts me. No, I have never been sexually assaulted.

No. 2177261

where's my updoots and reblogs? where's your profile pic?

No. 2177265

Most tiktoks are just some face and a stolen tweet or tumblr post to get more likes and views. None of these people actually believe anything, don’t take it personal

No. 2177266

The way males type/articulate is so cringe to me. Why can I smell the testosterone off the screen
Kek anon what do you think social media is? Do you think there’s a tickbox like, “Can you block someone? Mm then it’s not social media” KEK

No. 2177267

He's unironically right but by the same principle he's guilty of the same thing. There's truly nothing more annoying than these 4chan femcel/incel larpers on tiktok that the algorithm sends my way every now and then. They're literally all insufferable attention whores, men and women alike, case in point >>2177259. It made me fully understand how cringe revealing your powerlevel at every step is.

No. 2177268

AYRT and I feel like an anon imageboard isn't similar to instagram/xitter/youtube for a variety of reasons. 1) We don't run ads here 2) We can't monetize our posts 3) We don't attach our personalities/personas to our posts or opinions 3) Lolcow is less immersive than an app like tiktok or twitter where an algorithm is designed specifically for you based on your interests

No. 2177271

When he makes the same facial pose in each video I find myself mimicking it and it makes my mood worse

No. 2177272

Can this whore wear a burqa? I bet he applies this to all women too not just "conventionally attractive women". Sorry I'm a 6'0 chiseled dyke who is objectively funnier and smarter than you. Sorry I'm charismatic and get more play than you. So many moids seethe when you're funnier than them, you can make your little useless bitchy looksmaxxing, halo effect, pretty privelege posts as I have 100 women writing beautifully plotted shitposts on xitter just to make you cry because they love me. These looksmaxxing whore moids have been infesting tiktok with their chadwhiningslop. He's whining about women shitposting while being an attentionwhore online. He def wants stuff in the butt with all this cattyness radiating from him. may pussyallah deal with him…

No. 2177275

This is veering dangerously close to "straight women aren’t really straight because they want to fuck a celebrity scrote/pictures of a scrote's weiner instead of some regular scrote on the street". 3D is 3D

No. 2177276

Kekk now I'm imagining what you might look like watching the video and mirroring his pose

No. 2177279

Ntayrt but no one has implied they’re “not really straight” (then what would they be? bi? lesbian? kek obviously not) just that female heterosexuality often involves not being that attracted to men, and certainly not to the degree men are to women.

No. 2177280

But it's true. The very concept of "straight" is modelled off of typical male sexuality. It does not take the female experience into account.

No. 2177283

lmao do you do that often with other people too?

No. 2177284

If a woman is fantasizing about dicks idk what else you'd call that…

No. 2177287

No. 2177289

We are talking about far more situations than just that. Idk why you guys always chimp out whenever anons try to make earnest analysis on female sexuality.

No. 2177294

nona kek I'm losing it.

No. 2177296

I'm not chimping out, I just don't agree with the analysis.

No. 2177304

>men like Diddy and Depp go around terrorizing everybody physically, mentally and visually
>moids still rally behind them and defend them as if they’re long lost friends
>Chappell Roan says something stupid, Florence Pugh exists, a celebrity gets filler, a random lolcow.farm user has a baby or dares to wear makeup
the call is coming from inside the house

No. 2177306

shut up nonny holding moids accountable can wait, the fotm lady celeb said something that ruffles my radfeathers
in case the sass was not obvious, i agree with you

No. 2177315

nobody here likes dippy or depp to be fair, yes even celebricow anons call them out

No. 2177316

It's almost like women who enjoy casually gossiping about celebs have more fun talking shit about mildly annoying people than staring deep in the abyss of male depravity and cruelty. We may as well delete all the cow/flake boards on here if we're only allowed to be bitchy about criminally evil moids and anything else is too frivolous.

No. 2177321

You can hate on both and most of us do, if you’ve been here long enough to see it. I’ve seen anons talk about the diddy allegations and talk about the abuse to did to his ex girlfriend, the video that showed him beating her in a hallway, and talk about what he probably did to other artists like Justin Beiber and Usher. During the depp v heard trials a lot of anons supported amber while shitting on depps handmaidens. The tradwives/larping moids come here because of the tradthot threads and love to bait while calling everyone sad empty egg cartons doomed to live alone with cats forever. Also of course anons will make fun of Roans fakebian ways and nitpick celebrities, you’re on lolcow a site made to nitpick and criticize women because it was banned off cgl

No. 2177322

>a random lolcow.farm user has a baby or dares to wear makeup
Two are not like the others

No. 2177325

>than staring deep in the abyss of male depravity and cruelty
Nta but this isn't true. Men and their depravity and cruelty are literally a constant topic here.

No. 2177331

ntayrt but that's probably why some anons want to talk about female celebrities and cows instead, cause they're tired of hearing about men's crimes and someone who's just cringe is more entertaining

No. 2177332

Chris Chan threads are popular

No. 2177335

You have a point that no anon will get because they think the only reason they prefer nitpicking women over men its "how they escape daily misogyny" kek. it's really their ego on life support via schadenfreude, derived from women they feel competitive with or compared to in some way.

No. 2177337

It is true that a lot of anons here actively dislike women more than they dislike men, even if everyone here would consider themselves a manhater.

No. 2177341

samefag but i just remembered all the reactions to lana's boyfriend kek. maybe the site going down did a memory wipe

No. 2177344

nta but there’s a reason why male lolcows don’t last. Chris chan threads are popular because thats babbys first lolcow but unless the cow is popular with women watching them like the onision, shane dawson, and jeffrey star threads, or if they’re horror cows like the zoosadism thread or discord groomer thread they just aren’t entertaining. Not even popular cows like kingcobrajfs, daniel larson, or cyraxx are covered to the extent of the other cows here and it dies off quickly. Male cows do nothing but act evil and retarded online which isn’t surprising, but if women act retarded online its interesting because it’s harmless like pixyteri or watch narcissistic people doing stupid shit like the original costhot/egirl/cam girl threads. Women will connect more with other women even when it comes to making fun of them big shocker

No. 2177350

You're right, but it's not fun to talk about in the context of gossip and we have different threads for those topics. Women are going to gravitate towards female cows and celebs because a) they're more relatable and we connect more with them (even if it's negative, like we are more critical because we compare ourselves to them), and b) it's lighthearted and relatively harmless for the most part. You can get your milk and remain cheerful doing it. If I go into, for example, the fucked up news stories thread, I fully expect to be depressed and angry from what I see there. But if I go into the celebricows thread, I want to have a laugh or vent a minor irritation.

No. 2177351

File: 1727156375013.jpg (711.26 KB, 1536x2048, 1727076637866.jpg)

lots of celebricow anons are retarded libfem tourists or faguettes, that i agree on. I don't care about pugh's titty mole or whatever. but I like that thread because I like shitting on fakebians who invite trannies into our community with their huge platforms sorry not sorry. fakebianism is inherently milky and you can sue me for hating chappig, julia fauxbian, and renee rat. I swear to god the jealousy cope is so old. Also who the fuck jealous of Fanny tranny and pixyteri? I notice this recent trend in people complaining about nonas gossiping about women on this site after people started getting on chappell roan more for her objectively cowish antics. Shut up, she produces some good 2% milk. If you're a chappell roan fan nobody cares I'm just tired of every thread that mentions her cowish antics being flooded with retarded WKs. I'm a grimey fan but you don't see me getting on my knees for her in her thread. If you wan't a pure feminist space where no women get shitted on, don't go in the cow threads. If you wan't people to engage in male cow's antics more, engage in male cow threads so people have shit to comment on and work with. Easy as that
I loved daniel larson's thread he's my favorite cow ever, too bad he's in jail (well not too bad LOL).

No. 2177353

File: 1727156598782.gif (635.2 KB, 275x190, 1000008383.gif)

If you think anons on this site don't hate scrotes with a burning passion and verbalise it regularly then you're either staying in this thread for way too long or skipping like every 2nd post in every other thread kek. I don't think anyone here genuinely wishes harm on most of the female cows.

No. 2177357

>If you wan't people to engage in male cow's antics more, engage in male cow threads so people have shit to comment on and work with.
Yes, please join us in the YouTuber thread if you'd like to unleash your pent up frustration on an ugly rat aka ProJared in the YouTuber General thread, or maybe you'd like to watch a car/train wreck that is Joshua Block..

No. 2177358

I just realized I said YouTuber twice, uh sorry.

No. 2177384

nope, they are. mention wearing makeup or being pregnant and at least one schizo will come out to call you a pickme or handmaiden

No. 2177439

They Hated Her Because She Spoke The Truth

No. 2177543

The reason terrible men are able to live and do so well is because of their female enablers in their family. The men who are constantly in and out of jail, lazy etc would just die off or end up in prison for life if the women in their family got a back bone, but they’re always there to bail him out of jail, give him a warm bed when he gets kicked out of a woman’s house for the 101019299 time and are always there to tell him everyone’s wrong and he’s right.

No. 2177554

I don't get how BossmanJack never got kicked out of his home, at least he is in jail now.

No. 2177557

Most addictions I can understand but people with gambling problems truly are just weak-willed. How the fuck do people regularly throw away their entire life savings in a single weekend in Vegas? At least drugs and alcohol slowly reel you in over time with guaranteed highs before they start fucking you up.

No. 2177561

freebleeeding is not gross and is very comfy

No. 2177577

>who have had strictly cisgender male partners who are gender conforming
>tranny trying to sneak the typical "you have to suck my girldick and gender-affirm me, or your attraction to your own sex isn't valid" shit he also says to lesbians in, and get women annoyed at bihets to inadvertently agree with him too in order to further gender-affirm him
Kek at this attempt, and the one idiot that agreed with it (assuming they're not also a tranny)

No. 2177586

As long as you don’t get blood in public spaces IDGAF. You can free bleed in your house as much as you want.

Blood is still a biohazard after all.

No. 2177591

Hell no a straight woman has no business using slurs like that. It’s the general consensus here.

No. 2177594

>blood is a biohazard after all
Nah, I refuse to shame my body for it’s functions. Period blood is of pure essence and is integral to human life. You can even go swimming on your period without pads/tampons because the water will almost instantly stop the bleeding and even before that the massive amounts of water in the pool would hide any discolouration. Blood is natural, get over it.

No. 2177600

You have shitty opinions and shitty taste in pizza too kek

No. 2177603

you have to sit to spread your blood, if you are running errands or something that involves being on your feet it's fine, blood doesn't filtrate if your layering is good and have spare clothes to change.

No. 2177604

NTA but you’re stupid and dangerous. No first aid course will tell you to touch a person’s blood even if it’s your parents.
Never, ever, come into contact with blood that’s not yours, it can carry tons of infectious diseases that are not just HIV.

No. 2177612

>tfw i could be a walking biohazard if i wasnt a neet
dang that would be so cool i would transmit autism to everyone who comes in contact with my blood

No. 2177613

You can’t stop me.

No. 2177616

You’re a retard kek, blood is a biohazard, even if it comes out of your pussy. Free bleed in your home and outside as long as you don’t get it anywhere. Period blood is not mystical, Devine feminine etc, it’s fucking blood.
Saying that feces, urine and blood are biohazards is just a fact, it’s not misogyny.

No. 2177617

Interestingly you won’t face anywhere near the same level of scrutiny if you say dyke (aimed at lesbian) than faggot (aimed mostly at gay moids)

No. 2177618

who even says dyke anymore, it's so old fashioned

No. 2177622

are u a fag

No. 2177625

Being a short man in the west is an indication of a profound genetic handicap. If I, a thirdie woman, can grow to be 5’9 they should be 6’2 AT LEAST. That’s just not fucking normal. You belong to the tallest race on earth, are wealthy and eat a cow every month. Its just not fucking normal for you to be so little. Males took years off their lifespan to maximise size and you’re SMALLER THAN ME? No fucking wayyy dude

No. 2177635

It’s not really in fashion outside small butch/andro lesbian circles, I’m just surprised to hear a bisexual woman married to a man even picked it up and started using it. Very poser-like for a few reasons but not really anything to get worked up about (also the other nona being bisexual herself it kinda seems like the pot calling the kettle black that she takes offense at it and calls the other woman fake bi, but she should really just have the fight she clearly wants to have with this woman and not stew over it here)

No. 2177644

I’d like to to put my input as a bi woman. I think that there’s a lot of covert biphobia around rn and there’s a lot of rush in fitting in a box rather than exploring and finding yourself. I think that fakebians ( who associate their whole experience with comphet) and fakebis (who chronically date men and who only like women in their head and don’t even bother to try because “women are scary”) partly exist due to how heterosexual dating is structured , men are honestly shit…it takes you a whole sea of misogyny, lack of empathy, lack of emotional intelligence and empathy before you even find a decent man. It’s hard to reconcile your attraction to men despite how they behave and it’s much easier to just do the “maybe I don’t like men”.

I like men, I am sexually attracted to the male body and as much as you nonnas hate me, I love dick and I love how it feels.
I like women, I am sexually attracted to the female body , I love eating pussy, how it feels, how it smells, it arouses me and the fact that their body is familiar is comforting in a way too.
Liking men and liking women is a different experience but both are equally fulfilling (at least when the man is decent). But abandoning men due to how shitty they are and deluding yourself that you like women is simply detrimental , this why the lesbian community is in shambles due to fakebians and how even the bi community is in shambles too and how it is very much male centered.

No. 2177645

>I like men, I am sexually attracted to the male body and as much as you nonnas hate me.
I meant to say “as much as you nonnas are going to hate me” kek(delete and repost instead of correcting yourself like this)

No. 2177646

i don’t think a woman who has only dated other women for the last six years is fake bi. the other woman somehow still watches drag race and idk if that’s where she picked it up or what cos she doesn’t use tumblr or twitter, she just uses reddit. which. anyways. i actually agree i am going to have to tell her not to ask me that instead of being mad, i had been under the impression she had had relationships with women sometime in the past but she recently was actually shocked i thought that when i was talking about the woman i’m seeing recently. i felt weirded out by someone who was just bi doing that in the first place, it’s not really a word i use or any of my partners have, but i have seen it online a lot recently and was like well she does like women herself… another poster who said you don’t see people calling gay men fags as much is right because i have heard her drop that word but NEVER in front of or to hee gay male friends. which also was interesting to me.

No. 2177650

I wish this was a feminist website. If moids get to have /pol/ and spread their misogynistic rape-y bullshit all over the web why aren’t we allowed to counteract that with grifting to a political ideology, would be way better than whatever balls gargling shit were allowing currently.

No. 2177656

a good way to begin would be to stop saying other women are cock suckers and ball garglers. the call is coming from inside the house.

No. 2177661

This is not a female separatist website this is a website to make fun of people

No. 2177662

Technically it's a female separatist website. Seperated from 4chan, no moids allowed.

No. 2177664

It's not against the internet rules to talk kindly about women, men just shame each other heavily when they do that. We don't need a rule against talking kindly about men either, just shame whoever does it. What is it with wanting to enforce opinions with separate rules?

No. 2177667

No man on 4chan tolerates pussy eating wimps you fucking cockbreath(cockbreath sperg)

No. 2177668

>noooo don’t use those harsh words!!!
Then what do you do when you have sex with a man? Kekkkkk you sound like those libfems getting triggered by words that accurately describe the sexual situations they always put themselves in, they hate being called whores but act like stereotypical whores. Makes no sense, I’m really not going to mince my words just because it shows how disgusting dick sucking is. Imagine saying “fellatio” every time you want to talk about dick sucking, I would be called a fucking pretentious retard every single time I did. Also I don’t care if you come up with the excuse that everybody’s bedroom business is none of anybody else’s but maybe don’t post it around for people to judge and laugh at? Get a grip.
Why not both???

No. 2177669

girl literally what?

No. 2177671

nta but Twitter stuttering and going “???” when someone writes an eloquent response to you is not how you use imageboards. We SPEAK here.

No. 2177674

we have drastically different opinions about eloquence please do not act like that schizo ass rant in response to saying stop degrading women sexually and summing them up by the most degrading act you can think of, just like a man would lmao. you will never be as gross as men.

No. 2177676

also all this autism about this website and the rules is so embarrassing. it’s not like a secret website anymore. there are people who share my opinions and tell you to shut up too. i don’t care, stop trying to boss me around you are like an annoying child on the playground trying to tattle on everyone who won’t do what you want.

No. 2177677

>do NOT call ball gargling, ball gargling
>otherwise you did a heckin’ heterophobia
literally 1984

No. 2177679

> "We need more misandry"
> "Everywhere else is so misogynistic"
Kek. Anyway my unpopular opinion is that I prefer hand sewing, I just find it very relaxing.

No. 2177680

literally i am a woman dating a woman, you are a schizo.

No. 2177681

The woman happens to be a fat femme queer with balls, of course.

No. 2177684

Do you know what the problem is with you? You want to talk tough and be Miss/Mr Big Bitch, but have everyone be gentle with you. It makes no sense.

No. 2177685

yeah no, why would that be what i meant. you’re making up a person to be mad at because everyone tells you off every single time you start your cockbreath shit.

No. 2177689

Holy shit, the ball sucking newfag with the queer boyfriend thinks we let men in here, my fucking sides

No. 2177690

I forgot this website has practically become invaded by tiktokfags and twitterfags. I’ve seen too much “girllllll” and “y’alls” being allowed, this isn’t LSA learn2integrate we don’t speak hot cheetos here.

No. 2177691

Please integrate

No. 2177692

What are you even talking about? I'm referring to your admitted gender dysphoria and desire to go full nullo like Fanny.
You talk talk talk about cocksucking this, ball-gargling that. Now, if we say you obviously post every single day about cocks and balls and blowjobs because you're obsessed with them and are a very, very feminine woman at your core, you start saying everyone on the site is abusing, gaslighting and bullying you.(infighting)

No. 2177693

The overly offended hot cheeto people have entered the chat, I’m really not surprised considering the only thing that matters to them is their “manssss” mmmm mmm mmmmmm gurllll mah husbindtttttt(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2177694

Please stop samefagging, and stop thinking about cocks.

No. 2177695

i have literally never seen even a straight woman so cock obsessed she has to project it on random people. this is honestly like the people who try to talk to me at the gas station levels of nonsense.

No. 2177696

Nah they're subtly implying that you type like a scrote but clearly it went over your head kek

No. 2177697

I can tell you’re a newfag when you think everybody is the same person posting repeatedly, you don’t even know how this site works but you want to give your retarded opinions about have we shouldn’t be mean to women because we’re all women here!!! You’re free to ignore/not respond like the others who rather live in blissful ignorance kek

No. 2177699

> Typing with accent after namedropping LSA
> "Gurl mah husbindt"
You people are so fucking boring kek

No. 2177702

>i-i-it wasn't me
You type in the exact same schizo ESL way. On top of that, you discovered this website roughly 3-4 years ago and never once learned to integrate. We can tell you have multiple tabs on Pornhub open, we're just sick of hearing about it.
No lesbian loves hearing and talking about dick the way you do. I don't even think most straight women do. It's a symptom of extreme hypersexuality, and possible OCD. I remember you posted about how rubbing your clit isn't enough, how you need penetration, and how much you hate that your biology and sense of pleasure is tied to dick (except, as always, you projected this personal issue onto the entire female sex). There are many, many things wrong with you. This isn't about "being mean to women", it's about your phallic fixation.(infighting)

No. 2177719

my unpopular opinion is the friends and partners of a rapist or abuser, the ones who have heard what they are accused of and actively defend them, should also face social consequences. if it’s a man i will never believe they also aren’t rapists. if it’s a woman who chooses to get with or get back with a man who raped another woman but not her, especially if she talks about or tries to hurt the woman coming forward, she should be viewed as extremely suspicious and potentially psychopathic. there are obviously partners of rapists who are being victimized themselves and are maybe in denial of their own abuse, those women i can forgive because they either come around eventually or are trapped in hell forever. everyone else, especially boy moms saying their precious baby boy would never, or men who do the same, all deserve to be punished as well. just because they didn’t gang up and help him physically abuse that woman doesn’t mean they aren’t contributing to her abuse too. especially the ones who go out of their way to help silence or even kill a woman coming forward. i don’t believe they think that woman is lying. i think they all know and co-sign it and if the rapist goes to jail or something they get away with it by pretending they were fooled. you hardly ever see people who caped for an entire rapist and even harassed the victim for them face any consequences, social or otherwise. even if they drive that woman to suicide. rapists wouldn’t get away with it and keep doing it if they didn’t have an entire supportive community defending their right to destroy a woman’s life backing them.

No. 2177764

Referring to your baby as “bub” is cringey as fuck.

No. 2177773

This opinion is good, but it will never happen. A lot of people are related to rapists and they'll always cape for them. I've accepted that family never cares about who their relatives hurt. Just ask anyone who was ever molested by a brother, uncle, or whoever.

No. 2177776

same with calling a romantic partner babe. Or husband hubby. I wish people stopped talking tbh

No. 2177779

AYRT and yeah. that is the most frustrating thing. we can’t even properly hold rapists accountable, we will never be able to hold them accountable too. but until they stop, we will never be able to lessen the amount of rapes that happen because it is essentially consequenceless. and if society doesn’t care about rapists, their shady friends and delusional families can basically openly harass rape victims and not get even the slightest bit of backlash. it makes me want to scream and scream and scream. i want to grab my rapist by the shoulders and scream like a banshee in his face. i hate them all so much and it makes me feel insane.

No. 2177788

its disgusting, why is it i have so many friends who have been sa'd by their family members and those family members were still invited to events. the family just pretends nothing was wrong or that they support the victim but then tell them to keep the peace because the attacker is disturbed and "going through a lot". worst part it was always the mothers who knew but told literally no one. one of my friends parents are possibly getting divorced because her dad found out through her when she was a full grown adult that his father molested her aka her grandpa. her mom never told him, and that side of the family is really big so who knows how many kids hes harmed. no surprise all of the families are hardcore conservative christian americans.

No. 2177795

i knew a girl who was molested by her grandfathers, she was awful and sexually inappropriate and struggled with boundaries from a young age. she made me uncomfortable but it was UNDENIABLE those behaviors stemmed from molestation. she was very very young when i knew her. she only said what happened after he died. and despite the fact that it was just so so behaviorally obvious, most of her family said she was a liar and actually tried to demand her share of her inheritance back. i hope she spent the entire thing on something stupid as fuck. fuck that old man.

No. 2177838

Absolutely, when are we going to split off like /cgl/ did? I don’t exactly like ”cocksucking” either but that’s not even the point, just most of the “”misandry”” on this site is women throwing a temporary tantrum whenever they’re mad at their nigel but in the end always revert to acting like they’re superior for being able to “get with a scrote” (like that is an achievement) and normalise doing degrading things to themselves, you know?

No. 2177848

Also samefagging, I’m not an exactly an oldfag so I’m not going to try be condescending about it, but the least you (and other anons) could do is integrate. I’m upset farmhands are more focused on banning potential infighting and less focused in being strict on integration like when I joined because it really affects the state of the board imo. I come here specifically to escape the type of conversations/lingo that will happen on Twitter/TikTok, especially with these kinds of women. If you’re going to storm into a new place at least try to respect the board culture as much as possible, it’s impossible to do anything about it when there’s so many newfags at once and we’re already hard up in other ways.

No. 2177849

There's a lot of obnoxious cutesy mommy words like hubby or kiddo, they sound super cringy and low IQ.

No. 2177852

why are you so obsessed with dick sucking? weird af.
my unpopular opinion is that if you behave like a schizo radfem you are part of the four year terminally newfags that we have ruining the site.
lolcow was always a segregated space with feminist rhetoric without this level of autism.

No. 2177865

Nta but probably because oral sex from a woman to a man is usually the most degrading sex act a woman can do and it is both normalised, and normalised to not be reciprocated. What was the statistic of heterosexual woman who don’t orgasm during sex? Now what statistic of women suck dick? Kek.
Tbn, personally I’m not terribly fixated on cocksucking in particular, but I always join these discussions because I find it bizarre that (like the other anon said) everyone gets so defensive for using perfectly accurate terminology. If you think “cocksucker” is schizo and degrading but “pussyeater” is neutral then maybe that says more about what you subconsciously are aware of… It’s like the anon who got mad at me for saying she was impregnated/inseminated… you’re pregnant, what do you want me to say? There aren’t many other options other than creampied.

No. 2177875

Smells like sperg in here

No. 2177880

i want to make a disclaimer. your guys' pattern recognition is garbage. i constantly see bait posts meant to start an argument with BP anon or me, someone you think is terrorizing the website with BP, when i never talk about it outside of the containment thread (and i wouldn't start if the thread got deleted, either). it's fucking hilarious that you think BP anon gives a shit about trannies or the unpopular opinions thread. surprise, there are more than 2 users that bait and infight about this subject. you're creating a boogeyman, schizo, but i'm sure you think you're being rational. i just want to drive in the point that you are embarrassingly wrong.(take it to meta)

No. 2177882

>If you think “cocksucker” is schizo and degrading but “pussyeater” is neutral then maybe that says more about what you subconsciously are aware of…

When I said that? see, thats what i mean about the autist newfaggotry we have to deal since years now.
No matter the topic, you schizo bitchs will always manage to ramble about heterosexual sex. Talking about unconscious, do you not understand how self-hating and dick-obsessed you sound using words like "creampied" "inseminated"? literally behaving like a NLOG "wish i was a moid" permanent newfag loser.
Idc what stupid excuse you'll make for your autism, schizophrenia and newfaggotry. Integrate you bitch. Go to read 2015 threads to learn the culture of this IB.(infighting)

No. 2177883

you wrote this entire schizo paragraph to a random person. they must think you're fucking crazy. KEK.
you are clearly ESL. integrate, bitch!(infighting)

No. 2177886

I’m sorry your ESLness is so so funny kekkk #I imagine you as a german white girl imitating an african-american accent##

No. 2177895

There was once a female only feminist image board with a dedicated man hate board.

>perfectly accurate terminology
It isn't. Using terms like ball gargling and cock sucking is crude and unnecessary. It reeks of porn sickness. Just use terms such as fellatio or oral sex. There is no justification to graphically describe sucking dick when the act itself, not the method in which the act is performed, is what is relevant to the discussion.

No. 2177899

So are we going to pretend these aren't the same two schizos making multiple posts at each other

No. 2177902

I won’t argue on ball-gargling but even then, the fact that cocksucking, ballgargling etc etc all reads as “”pornsick”” when pussyeating or equivalents wouldn’t and even other crude terms like schlicking aren’t tells me it’s just more than that, isn’t it? And to be frank, using “fellatio” and “oral sex” just sounds pretentious, sorry, this isn’t a scientific dissertation nor a formal conversation. Regardless it would be weird in the midst of other crude profanities that are common lingos on this website, everyone says cock or dick and pussy over penis and vagina, are always calling each other retards and dykes and faggots and more so to just stop and carefully tiptoe over “”oral sex”” “”FELLATIO”” even just seems disingenuous and is clearly hypersensitivity.

No. 2177905

Mods, please ban the infighting cockbreath schizo.

No. 2177906


>Father, why do these words sound so nasty?


>Can be fun
>Join the holy orgy
>Kama Sutra
>Everyone!(not an opinion)

No. 2177909

I prefer calls to messages. Sending messages is so boring. I don't have the patience to wait for other people to respond and my desire to talk to them just disappears.

No. 2177911

are we just going to pretend like these aren't the same people?
samefag, give it a rest, god..

No. 2177912

Are you retarded? I’m the first anon and only one of these is me, are you >>2177899 and >>2177875? Mods will be like what the fuck are you talking about KEK. Some anons are confusing their schizophrenia for psychic powers, no I am not 5 different people, go back to bed.

No. 2177922

It will take a miracle to have female consciousness and that’s why feminism won’t ever become mainstream (apart from libfeminism that benefits men kek). I don’t blame them anyway, when you’ve been told your whole life, ever since you were a child, that “you’ll find someone” “you’ll find a husband” etc it’s hard to think otherwise.

No. 2177932

I'm >>2177875 and that was my only comment until the one I'm making now.

No. 2177935

you're hopeless.

No. 2177941

So what if it's not an opinion? It's a silly reflection on the dumb infighting (which are also not opinions). Why leave the retarded bitter infighting but ban light-hearted fun? Smh

No. 2177946

There is nothing good about being a woman

No. 2177949

no ball hair

No. 2177959

I dont have balls but have a lot body hair so i don't know if it applies to me

No. 2177961

specifically ball hair

No. 2177964

Not having to feel gay about stupid shit like "eating cupcakes" and "taking showers."

No. 2177965

Trooning out does not change any of the problems associated with being female

No. 2177990

physical weakness and mistreatment/abuse

No. 2177994

There's always going to be someone stronger than you, even if you're a moid. Not that it even matters, learn how to use a gun.

No. 2178004

Not a burger and the strength difference between men and women is too great to ignore sorry. Not trooning out but I will always have thoughts of it for this reason. Males are taken more seriously and are in relatively less danger.

No. 2178011

Sorry anon I live in a totalitarian state I can’t do this. I appreciate the concern, though.

No. 2178012

Have you been assaulted or attacked before?

No. 2178014

>get a taser. a gun. anything. their weakness is weapons.
Im always curious about this, if you were against a moid and you had a gun, are you just supposed to shoot them? wont you go to jail afterwards or get into legal trouble?

No. 2178015

Weapons training solves all of these issues

No. 2178016

>the strength difference between men and women is too great to ignore sorry.
But are you in a position where this actually makes a difference in your day to day life? I think most of us on here on LC are probably in countries where we live relatively safe lives without being actively endangered by physical violence.

No. 2178017

Depends on what they did to cause you to shoot them. You know, like if one tried to assault you and you shot him you'd probably have to go to court but they'd rule it as self defense.

No. 2178019

do they? court is usually biased against women

No. 2178024

Doesn’t matter. Men are opportunists.

No. 2178033

yet most women have experience with sexual or any harassment from men. Youre also the sex that gets stds more easily, goes through pregnancy and gives birth which the government controls and can make you give birth to a rape baby. Also if you get raped, abused, harassed no nobody gives a shit not even other women because most women will always throw you under the bus for men and will ocstrasize you for not being endlessly empathetic and welcoming into women's spaces.

No. 2178039

Sorry I do think that matters. I think there's a huge difference between living in, say, Libya and being constantly and actively surrounded by violence or living in say Switzerland where women generally go about their day in relative freedom and peace.

I'm not saying it doesn't matter at all but like being obsessively haunted by it when you live in a relatively safe country (which I think you do otherwise you would've claimed you lived in Pakistan or something) just unnecesarily makes your life more unpleasant. Are you also obsessed with the fact that you could die everything you drive your car? Some things outside your control aren't worth sacrificing so much energy and thought to.

No. 2178044

Nope, sorry. Male tard strength will kill me whether I live in a shithole or not

No. 2178048

there is trannies in switzerland

No. 2178052

nta and I get the point you're making, but you're underestimating how much abuse happens to women behind closed doors, by men already ingrained in their life. Arming yourself to walk down the street is a fraction of the battle of women's safety in society. Men are deeply insidious beings by nature.

No. 2178053

Caseoh is so unwatchable, how is he so popular? His camera and mic quality are abysmal, his voice is grating and he is far too loud. He is not especially cute or funny either, he has the personality of a rock.

No. 2178055

Agreed. I'm cautious being around moids at night or alone, but I don't go around self-victimizing myself 24/7. It's a waste of time and energy to be putting yourself down in that way. And in reality, moids are just human like anyone else, not some sort of superhuman entity with superhuman strength. In a struggle with you they could slip, crack their head on the concrete and be dead within minutes. It makes me roll my eyes when women cower and fear moids beyond what is necessary, you just know they are stroking themselves to the thought that every woman is terrified of them and their malevolent godly strength.

No. 2178064

They're still right because those women in places like the middle east and Libya, those women also have to deal with abusive scrotes in private. And they'll get even less support if they speak out than say a woman in a western nation. And there's less resources for them to actually leave. Men overall are shit but a woman in Switzerland or the US has more resources to defend herself from the male threat >>2178055

I agree with your take. It's useless to hate your femininity because of the existence of toxic masculinity. Especially if you live in a first world nation and come from a culture that won't force marriage and kids on you. As a burger i can choose the scrotes i interact with and all of the abusive ones in my life are cut off. including my worthless sperm donor. I'd probably have a much harder time in a 3rd world patriarchy.

No. 2178069

It will kill you, or it has the potential to kill you? self victimisation is bad. Not every woman dies by the hands of a scrote. Some of them won't even ever experience male violence in their lifetime.

No. 2178074

No. 2178092


No. 2178099

File: 1727208542658.jpg (1.4 MB, 3464x3464, 1000011278.jpg)

She is literally just a successful Lillee Jean clone to me. She's like if Laur didn't do crack when she was pregnant (just tinfoiling but come on kek). Every time I see a tiktok of her performing it makes me laugh because all I see is an elevated Lillee Jean. Lillee Jean if she was exactly what she and her mom have been trying to present her as for the last couple of years kek.

No. 2178132

A large number of posts have been deleted. These posts were all from two ban evaders having an infight. If you see anons having an extended infight please report so the problem can be fixed before it gets out of hand.

No. 2178133

agree. I feel so depressed about it

No. 2178176

Do you live with an abusive scrote or are you just retarded and dramatic?

No. 2178186

Anyone know what this was about

No. 2178213

Men shouldnt be allowed to give their opinion.

No. 2178217

File: 1727215507432.webp (39.04 KB, 740x740, Royal-Doulton-Philpotts-Miniat…)

I just want to know why she does her makeup like a Toby jug. It's so fucking odd.

No. 2178227

Why does she paint her skin brown? This is a seriously strange look to walk around with 24/7

No. 2178242

god you people are so fucking boring

No. 2178319

There is literally zero point to sex scenes in tv shows and movies. It just feels like straight up porn scenes it’s just an excuse for men to put their fap fodder in plain sight

No. 2178320

I also want a jewish woman thread allowed on this website. I want to see how much seething and antisemitism it would cause from the ex-muslim crowd

No. 2178346

Of course while anyone here can freely shit on Christianity and Islam the Jews demand their safe space despite already not being able to shit on Judaism without getting banned lol(you can shit on religions without breaking global rule #7)

No. 2178388

probably also just to degrade and get to touch the actresses

No. 2178593

I'm not into breastplay at all. I don't like having my boobs touched, fondled, or grope by a moid. Idk if I'm weird for this or not

No. 2178644

Sex scenes always weirded me out. Okay, they're having sex. We don't have to be there for all of it. It's like suddenly having a detailed scene of someone clipping their nails. Dull and uninteresting.

No. 2178648

Fandoms and fan fiction are retarded.

No. 2178652

I think sex scenes should be illegal

No. 2178684

Absolutely based. I wish they would ban the fandom thread it’s like a tumblrfag/twitterfag haven in there.

No. 2178686

Totally agree. They are a cheap way of maintaining viewer attention and satisfaction through brute neuron activation by using straight up pornography. Our contemporary culture is so poisoned by hardcore porn with extremely graphic and disturbing content that it’s even forgotten how these tv/movie scenes are also pornography, and people will even outright argue that things don’t count as porn unless detailed shots of genitalia and penetration are shown.
To me it feels like I just walked into a room by accident and intruded on two random people, or like having to watch someone sit on the toilet.

No. 2178688

The fact that anons were just able to move on from the /ot/ hack and continue posting as they did before is a bit startling. I don't fully entrust the site after that

No. 2178691

what are kakers going to steal from you?

No. 2178692

It’s like our data is being flung around by monkeys. At least this isn’t kiwifarms where you have an account attached to an email, but there are still evident security risks.

No. 2178703

We have no idea what they were trying to do and we may never know, but it's unsettling a hacker could just wipe things mass scale like that not knowing their motive and what they may have obtained from it

No. 2178713

I like that scrotemin’s damage control was making it seem like they had it under control despite them taking longer than the announced amount of time they said it would take to fix the site. I feel like they were just scouting around for outside help during those two weeks, I truly believe they’re incompetent.

No. 2178717

What do you mean "trust the site" nonny? Also the only thing that was targeted was images posted on here. Were we supposed to not post on here ever again and just have it become a grave yard? Kek

No. 2178720

Some anons in the Fanny thread have got to be fibbing a little. How is it that there is always one anon that has experienced the same exact shit Fanny has made tumblr goon fuel to.

No. 2178724

People who hate kids pointedly or are mean to kids really scare me

No. 2178729

maybe its fanny fans making up bullshit so their queen can goon while she egosearchs

No. 2178733

I'm starting to believe the tinfoils about oldmin passing ownership of this site to a teenager cause a barrel of monkeys could've handled it better

No. 2178739

Get a vpn. It may not be perfect (remember the kiki self-posting saga?) but it's still decent enough. Also, nona's should request to have our IP info swiped whenever we have an admin switch. Back when we had a male admin (I forget his name) he did that. Really helps to alleviate some of the paranoia that comes with these situations.

No. 2178741

I wouldn’t care if they kept the discussion to their thread but they and husbando weirdos leak that shit everywhere in /ot/ and it make it feel like lolcow is full of 12 year olds

No. 2178835

I hate people using ‘goon/ing’ instead of ‘masturbate’. Gooning is a specific fetish, and doesn’t refer to masturbation in general.

No. 2178859

File: 1727246486543.jpg (26.07 KB, 257x360, autism.jpg)

No. 2178870

I've come to absolutely despise the focus on smut in fanfiction. God forbid I want to read or write about my favourite characters doing something else but fucking all the time. But try saying that without immediately being called a prude or puriteen. No, I just want more than pornified sex that all reads the same anyway. I'm bored of that shit, but now I feel like even more of an outsider in fandom spaces.

No. 2178878

Everyone look! Nonna is showing her special ribbon to everyone. How nice of her.

No. 2178889

NTA but she's right, stop being a baby.

No. 2179013

I have a friend like that too, it's probably because she's insecure about her breasts because they are too small according to her.

No. 2179060

Me too holy shit I'm gone for like 8 months and when I come back everyone is saying "slop" this and "goon" that.
A gooner is a person, probably exclusively male, whose entire life revolves around masturbating. He has a "gooncave", or a room that he uses exclusively to masturbate, with a bunch of screens showing different harcore porn videos to overstimulate him enough. He takes his porn HDDs and masturbation accessories EVERYWHERE with him because he literally cannot spend half an hour without jerking it. Their fap sessions take hours. Anons used to understand what a gooner is, there were even examples posted here on this very board. Like a pic of a guy that posted himself on Reddit, he was totally naked while fapping, wearing VR headset and surrounded by several screens with porn videos on them (this was probably posted in the Reddit hate thread). THAT is what gooning is, not just masturbating or being horny, being a gooner is like being a drug addict.
Also, it's obvious that the internet just replaced the term "coom" with "goon" because they sound similar.

>It's like suddenly having a detailed scene of someone clipping their nails.
Kek just like that one pedo anime that neckbeard otaku defend

No. 2179087

broke woke: arguing whether or not there were "pocs" in medieval europe
real woke: medieval europe settings are already overdone and stale anyway

No. 2179105

Does breastplay even feel that amazing for most women or is it mkre or less a meme? Weird as fuck how people will talk about women having all kinds of weird erogenous zones all over our bodies but never bring up the clitoris, if anything clit stimulation is seen as some meager absolute last resort for the "broken frigid ones" who cannot orgasm from piv or pia or sucking dicked or getting rimmed or nipple sucking or being choked or whatever like normal women are allegedly "supposed to". "The biggest sex organ is actually the brain" is also used as a similar cope, you don't need your clitoris touched to orgasm no no, it's literally just that you're not in the right mindset and not feeling sexy and liberated enough! Maybe put on some sexy lingerie or something, everyone knows female sexuality is about putting on a performance and pleasing moids and if this makes you uncomfortable it's just because you're not performing the right and empowering way!

No. 2179109

No. 2179123

File: 1727274532380.jpg (538.26 KB, 1024x576, 447_309938.jpg)

I wish movie makers would do medieval european settings actual justice. Add some actual color, for example instead of making everything and everyone look beige and dirty. Medieval people loved color.

No. 2179164

not a muslim or raised near islam, but still nobody likes you. fuck off you're already protected here.

No. 2179171

>nobody likes you
Speak for yourself and chill.

No. 2179185

Euthanasia should be available to people who fucked up their life beyond repair or terminal hikkis who have tried at least 5 different meds with no improvement

No. 2179190

Am an ex-Muslim and think a Jewish girls thread would be okay. What the fuck is your problem?

No. 2179191

This, no one can speak ill of jews because they are a hyper protected class. Fuck off.(go back to /pol/ )

No. 2179192

Same boat, I feel nothing either. I think it's more common than it is.

No. 2179193

Do we really need yet another movie/game/show etc set in medieval Europe or Medieval Europe inspired? No, we do not. That is the real unpopular opinion.

No. 2179272

My unpopular opinion is that the average male is technically a gooner, the ones that are into the goon fetish are just open about it.

No. 2179273

I don’t get why we don’t euthanize homeless junkies who shit and piss everywhere. They won’t know they’re dead.

No. 2179303

Judaism reminds me of trans ideology

No. 2179364


No. 2179380

Who here even supports Judaism? I feel like you're imagining things.

No. 2179424

I know you’re trying to provoke a debate with an imaginary anon, but only married orthodox jewish women cover their hair. According to google, 9% of jews are orthodox. Probably why it’s not a common association or practice with judaism.

No. 2179458

Most feminist religion confirmed.

No. 2179468

I rant about that stupid word all the time. It's so fucking annoying seeing anons use it while probably complaining about other Twitter lingo. acting as if they didn't first hear gooning used as a replacement for masturbation on twt

No. 2179476

Wasn’t the point I was trying to make kek. It’s retarded to pretend any abrahamic religion is feminist

No. 2179502

File: 1727298348869.jpeg (136.25 KB, 1170x1376, IMG_5047.jpeg)

Moids shouldn’t be allowed to become psychiatrists or therapists. I just saw a video of an autistic black woman with severe childhood trauma talking about how she was misdiagnosed with ASPD. She didn’t have a sociopathic bone in her body. The only time she ever considered hurting others was when she was heavily bullied as a child.

I know that everyone here hates bippies but I’ve been friends with someone who is diagnosed with BPD for years and there is no way in hell she has the same mental disorder as Jeffrey Dahmer. She never has angry outbursts, she doesn’t discard people, she doesn’t manipulate people. She just has attachment issues as a result of horrific childhood abuse.

Meanwhile I know a dude who is literally a BPD caricature. 24/7 identity crisis (he’s cycled through literally every gender identity, sexual orientation, style, political affiliation, and religion under the sun), suicide threats as a form of manipulation, drug abuse, sex addiction, self harm, cheating. It’s like there’s this black hole inside him and he craves constant attention and validation, yet no amount of attention and validation is ever enough. His diagnosis? Depression, anxiety, ADHD. Give me a fucking break.

No. 2179505

Kek at pic

No. 2179511

Probably unpopular due to ugly male psy-op, but I love that older bands are all mostly average and ugly people, it really feels like pure talent was valued compared to now when they all have to be hot models with plastic surgery to make it big

No. 2179513

Ugly moids can still make music.

No. 2179520

But you don't know that ASPD woman and how she acts in her everyday life. You just "saw a video" of her.

No. 2179527

It's fine for musicians and athletes to be ugly, they perform a function and only need to be skilled. They aren't obligated to be attractive, it's just a bonus if they are. I know my rockstar husbando isn't perfect looking, but just being cute + also talented and creating lots of music I want to listen to is more than enough for me.

Models and actors are different story, we have to look at them for extended periods of time so unless they are exclusively character actors they should be attractive.

No. 2179556

Who the fuck calls getting your boobs touched ‘breastplay’.

No. 2179580

Women manage to be attractive/non-repulsive and talented so no, ugly men should die

No. 2179582

KEK fandom porn literature tags have ruined this generation.

No. 2179584

Considering 99.9% of men are unkempt and ugly, women with boyfriends who are 9/10 hideous, are cucked pickmes and i don't respect them

No. 2179595

>meanwhile, I, who spends most of the day insulting women on an imageboard and masturbating to scrotes is not a massive pickme

No. 2179604

this does not look tasty to me at all. you could not pay me to eat this slop.

No. 2179612

Islam is a weird as fuck religion and people are just afraid of the batshit insane people that unironically follow it. No one thinks Islam has anything pretty or interesting, it's all just people coping and trying to say random compliments so they don't get assaulted and/or murdered by religious freaks.
Actually, not even the most batshit insane Christian would try to kill you for making fun of Jesus, a Buddhist wouldn't also try to hunt you down and kill you for thinking that some stuff of the religion sounds silly.
Islam only exists because people are too afraid to fight against it, because moids get too many benefits off it and because women are indoctrinated and threatened with murder if they even dare to question whatever the main moid of the incestuous brothel says.

No. 2179613

Idgi why would ex-muslim women hate jewish women thats a weird fanfiction you got going there.

No. 2179640

How does masturbating to men make someone a pickme? What?

No. 2179649

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No. 2179655

I think foetuses are creepy and prolifers who have tried to humanise them more than the women carrying them have just pushed me to be more pro choice

No. 2179668

it’s fucking noodles with cheese, humans don’t like mouses you retard

No. 2179670

supremely true, they’re all ugly as fuck with shitty tastes. every time an anon posts the ugly clothing she’s been saving up to buy makes me laugh, nobody has the heart to tell her that her taste is complete shit

No. 2179698

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More men should start doing this.

No. 2179699

Just saw this on another site, agree.

No. 2179715

NTA but she has multiple videos talking about her life, I know who anon is talking about. Comparing her life story and mannerisms to other people diagnosed with ASPD, I don't believe she has it. She has no history/record of violence. She got called a sociopath for saying "Do whatever you want to me, just don't kill me" when she was put in some sort of foster home with physically aggressive girls who threatened her, because that was considered an "abnormal" way of thinking/speaking.

No. 2179752

Crumbl cookies are disgusting. They’re way too sweet, have too much frosting, and taste undercooked. I’m saying this as someone who has a massive sweet tooth and prefers soft cookies. They’re just gross.

No. 2179834

Sexuality is not innate, it’s not born through you. I wish lesbians would stop clinging on to this as a talking point, sexuality is very much adjustable. This is probably the most politically incorrect opinion to have in this website tbh. You can tell of that toxic christfag ideology infiltrates their line of thinking especially when it comes to handling those experimenting or questioning their sexuality, it’s practically just repackaged “born again” shit for homosexual people to cope about the nature of sexuality. They’re so afraid of it snowballing into supporting conversion therapy and trannyism they don’t want to admit this to themselves, that sexuality is not a thing you are somehow born with… and then you lose because of growing up (losing your purity and then having to get baptized) and then rediscover as a “born again” homosexual kek. It literally makes no sense. I truly believe someone can be “born” heterosexual and then come to the conclusion that they might like to suck dick or lick pussy, you’re just complicating it because of your traumas and because gendies and trannies have co-opted these discussions.

No. 2179836

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the ironic thing is that women of the village throw him food and feed him. His existence is dependent on women.

No. 2179838

It's easily provable that it's not innate just by looking at how homosexuality can even be an expected behavior in certain historical cultures. Greeks wouldn't have been fucking each other in the ass so frequently and still manage to marry women otherwise.

No. 2179841

dan schneider is licking his lips hard to picrel
yeah so true, you can pretty much psyop men to fuck other men, that explains the pools of tranny chasers and “it’s not gay if i fuck a femboy hurr durrr” memes. men are gay creatures from the abyss

No. 2179849

It isn't just men who are flexible. It happens in all-girls schools and women's prisons too. The fact is, a very large portion of humanity is sexually flexible, it's just that not everyone gets put into a situation that reveals that flexibility. Strict homosexuals and strict heterosexuals are the minority in my opinion.

No. 2179864

I didn’t think about the prison thing but wouldn’t it just be like rape? Idk I don’t know a lot about how inmates really get down except for soap memes. I agree with you though, so many straight “wholesome” men browsing gay porn while their wives and girlfriends are sleeping. I feel like this would excuse the poly uggos by saying humans probably enjoy having multiple partners but honestly with the amount of cheating and side person culture, there are just many people who love being non-committal. We create so many damaged and broken homes by getting people who are non-commital and hypersexual, probably most of the world population, to have children and attempt to create stable homes for minors.

No. 2179866

I think the reason the whole born this way thing started being forced from the top down is because people are afraid to admit otherwise would legitimize the existence of conversion therapy. I don’t think sexual orientation is fixed and innate for everyone (probably is for some people) and I wish it was more accepted to say that. Only slightly related but I really despise lesbians who hate bisexual women and think they’re all cheating whores because IME those lesbians wind up cheating because they assume their girlfriend already is. I’ve seen this happen a few times and it happened to me. It was pretty devastating tbh. I dated my high school girlfriend again in my early 20’s but had briefly dated a man while in college and that was enough for her to justify treating me like trash who no woman will ever love. I don’t label my sexuality and definitely prefer women but that really put me off trying to date women (the only people I deliberately try to date) for many years.

No. 2179871

It also shuts down attempts at actually making headway in research on human sexuality because certain people take it as a personal attack, like the rates of child sexual abuse in gay men are alarming but we're just not allowed to talk about it because it's not PC.

No. 2179881

I agree. Both myself and said cheating girlfriend were molested by older girls as kids and neither of us see it as something traumatic so I do think there’s something to that theory. I also know lesbians who were raped by men and seem to be lesbians more so because they’re scared of men than because they love women. Unfortunately the LGBTQBBQ are considered a protected class so it’s extremely difficult to get any research approved and many wouldn’t want to conduct it or participate due to fears of it opening to doors to scientifically backed conversion therapy.

No. 2180008

>women conspiring to extend an innocent man's suffering
many such cases

No. 2180013

Teenagers don't belong online and if they want to be here they should not mention their age, and do their best to blend in and not reveal their immaturity. In other words: they should lurk more. If that doesn't happen, they should be shamed silent.

No. 2180019

The reason it’s “alarmingly high” is because young boys are whores and will fuck anyone who wants them, kek. That’s not abuse.

No. 2180021

I hate bisexuals purely because they can’t comprehend the existence of straight and gay people. They’re so rigid minded and I autistic it’s insane

No. 2180027

>They’re so rigid minded and I autistic it’s insane
>can’t comprehend the existence of straight and gay people.
And you can't seem to comprehend the existence of something else other than those binary options.

No. 2180028

Bitch you’re the one who denied sexuality is inherent for anyone. You’re the one who thinks everyone is a bislut who picks whichever side is the most convenient at the moment. Twitter tier reading comprehension

No. 2180030

>read this
>think "This is a cope from a bisexual who could've gone either way and thinks everyone else is the same"
>literal second reply >>2179866 is someone admitting to being bi
I think an unfortunate amount of people misunderstand that there being far more bisexual people than most people realize or want to accept doesn't mean that some people aren't still only into one sex. Had that not been the case, conversion therapy actually would be valid, but we know it doesn't work. Everyone has their own leaning.

No. 2180031

NTA but you're no different when you attack bisexuals, except that your irritation is rooted in envy of being able to "pass" as normal (being envious of someone or something doesn't make you righteous). Also, calling someone a slut for their attraction is a bad idea for anyone homosexual or straight for obvious reasons, we don't need to look far to see degeneracy.

No. 2180034

I’m straight not lesbian ya retard, there’s nothing enviable about being a confused mess and the one demographic most likely to be an serially abused junkie.

No. 2180036

>calls others retard
>can't read
Kek. Also, all anyone has to do is wake up BJ-chan to make you start crying now. Straight women trying to enter the sexuality war is weak.

No. 2180041

Bi’s are objectively worse off than straight women

No. 2180044

Cope, they can actually pick

No. 2180055

Another straight woman being fucking retarded on topics of sexuality. How original.
Just shut the fuck up.

No. 2180057

Nta but I'm not confused nor a junkie lmao.

No. 2180059

No high value man is going to marry a known bi and no lesbian is going to trust a known bi. Worst of both worlds(ban evasion)

No. 2180060


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2180061

>and the one demographic most likely to be an serially abused junkie.
How is that the fault of the victim? Bizarre.

>you’re the one who denied sexuality is inherent for anyone.

You must be talking about someone else in the thread. There are multiple anons posting. I'm nta.

No. 2180066

This particular brand of straight women are eternal strugglers, and can never stop projecting their slave lifestyle onto every other woman on earth. Imagine being aware of the demographic who murders, rapes and subjugates you and your sisters, and still going on about "but muh high value men" to cope about how women who actually have the choice to opt out and stay away from them are somehow "worse off". On a women's site, no less.

No. 2180067

>High value men
Back to r/FDS

No. 2180070

If you are a middle or upper middle class woman in a first world country, there is no excuse to be invested in dating men, or finding and/or getting picked by "high-value men" in 2024. If you have all the keys and tools to build a life of your own, and your main focus is still on men, it's nothing but pickmeism.

No. 2180071

Pick one.

No. 2180072

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Women who spend hours dictating to other women how to conduct their own sex lives are not of sound mind.

No. 2180077

Yes, and that's why the anon who malds about bi women and mocks them for being abused (especially by the same men she ball-polishes) needs help.

No. 2180083

99% of bi women also end up straight married but have to perform threesomes with hookers for their moid on top of that. Cope

No. 2180085

Nope, those are straight women lying about being bi because they don't want to get cheated on. Everyone knows this by now. Actual bisexual women in the west are 1% of the population, and lesbians are even fewer at 0.5%.
Heterosexuality for women is literally so dire that straight women are encouraged to LARP as bi to suit men's fetishes, and they actually do it. We have women like Shoe0nHead who formed their whole livelihoods on attacking other women and voicing abject disgust/hatred toward them unironically pretending they want to eat pussy, just to satisfy moid desires. Straight women are so known for having "bi phases", and it's so much more common than actual bi women existing on both a statistical and interpersonal lvel, that some people don't even believe bisexual women exist. None of this is sane behavior, and it's always a certain type of straight woman doing it and pointing fingers.

No. 2180093

>Nope, those are straight women lying about being bi because they don't want to get cheated on.
No true Scotsman fallacy

No. 2180095

Coping hard

No. 2180112

It's annoying because so many straight women either outright claim or agree with the notion that lesbians are the "real" predators, and pretend to be terrified of butches while excusing the rape ape(s) in her home and social group. There are too many cases of straight women letting their daughters get molested because dick is more important than the wellbeing of their child. They'll even attach inappropriately to their sons and feel jealousy toward their daughters. To me, that is peak degeneracy, worse than being a junkie or facing abuse.
Bis aren't the ones boymomming and tradthotting it up, proudly having 3+ kids to the worst men on the planet and helping to worsen society for all of us. At least you can talk to an actual bisexual woman and convince her to abandon men if she hasn't already, because a female-only society would be livable for her. With the exception of husbandoanons and such, the majority of straight women will know what's right, and still choose wrong (including to the detriment of other women, including female relatives and children) because of their allegiance to men. That's why so many of them post about wishing they were lesbians once they discover radical feminism. They know how fucked it all is. Men can literally be ugly (ie have distinct physical markers demonstrating their unfitness to reproduce), and straight women will still convince themselves that they're handsome and loving angelic Nigels, then attack other women for not being attracted to them.

No. 2180272

It’s not sensical for same sex couples to have kids. Kids need a mother and a father. Two moms and two dads do not work, thats like doing good cop/good cop.

No. 2180277

Samefag but I also wonder what same sex parents do when their child grows up and asks who their mother/father is.

No. 2180278

I only feel the same about homosexual couples adopting children of the opposite sex

No. 2180287

Wym nonna? Like you think it’s creepy when lesbians adopt little boys? I always kind of felt the opposite, it feels really concerning to me when gay guys adopt little boys and lesbians adopt little girls. If you can’t naturally conceive children by yourself, then you don’t need to be having them at all. Period

No. 2180289

> what about IVF!! what about heterosexuals adopting!!
I still feel the same way. I think IVF is wrong, and I think an orphaned child should be adopted by a family member instead of sexually deviant strangers.

No. 2180301

>lesbians adopting little girls is weird!!!
This is what the "based homophobia (BUT ONLY TOWARDS MOIDS)" brings us kek you stupid fags cannot be serious.

No. 2180304

Lesbians adopting children (including little girls), period, is unacceptable, predatory, and weird. Just like faggots adopting children (including little boys) is unacceptable, predatory, and weird. I recommend reading posts in their entirety before rage typing your response.

No. 2180305

A child raised by lesbian parents would have a way less chance of being abused because there is no moid in the relationship. Try again.

No. 2180307

its probably bait, there havent been cases of lesbians adopting children to molest them like gay scrotes do

No. 2180310

Inb4 they bring that one case where the lesbian couple committed a murder suicide with their 8 adopted children (while conveniently forgetting all the family annihilator moids)

No. 2180312

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No. 2180314

But faggots are actually predatory towards adopted children. I'm allowed to hate them for it without you going "omggg you homophobe against lesbiansss!!" because you thing a lesbian and a faggot are the same things (they're not, sorry). Next time don't take the bait.

No. 2180316

Well it sounds like neither of you have ever lived in a location where homosexuals have access to adopting kids and its considered common and “acceptable” kek.

No. 2180318

This is the “things you hate thread”, not the “oh, i disagree with something someone hates so, it must be bait!”
Don’t talk to me about lesbian parenting until you’ve lived in Portland or New York.

No. 2180319

I also hate retards who stand by the belief that just because you don’t see something on the news, that somehow means it doesn’t happen.

No. 2180322

Thinking women who fuck women are as degenerate as the men you suck, fuck, and treat as king should be classified as a mental illness.

No. 2180323

Ntayrt but, faggot means homosexual. Lesbians and gays are both faggots. Glad I could clear that up for you. If you hear the word “faggot” and don’t like how it makes you feel, maybe seek therapy for your disorder? I also find it funny how no one ever seems to notice that being a faggot didn’t become popular until social media became a problem kek.

No. 2180325

You're in the unpopular opinions thread, troglodyte

No. 2180327

Well yeah homosexuality is actually a lot weirder and physically unnatural, compared to heterosexuality. You can’t really argue with that, because if we were all homosexual, there would be no humans kek…does that not compute for you?

No. 2180328

Can't hear you over that dick in your mouth.

No. 2180329

Oh my bad KEKK I’m going back and forth between the two. But I guess what I’m saying still counts. This is the unpopular opinions thread, not the “Oh! This is an unpopular opinion! You must be baiting REEEE”

No. 2180331

Anon, we’re reading words that are being typed. You’re only proving my point about homosexuals being sexually degenerate by constantly bringing up sex, and apparently fantasizing about other anons giving oral sex. Are you sure you’re a lesbian kek?

No. 2180332

Sucking dick is not natural and is not an essential part of reproduction. Stop doing it, girl.

No. 2180333

When people say faggot they usually mean two men. Good job on your "um akshually" moment though. And I actually love calling gay moids faggots, not bothered by it at all.

You know what's physically ""natural""? Moids raping women and women being forced to have their children, I guess you like that then.

No. 2180334

> continually fantasizing about oral sex
Who said anything about giving or receiving oral sex? You’re right! That’s not natural! Good thing normal people do not do those things, only sexually degenerate people who watch porn and think to themselves
>hmm, I wanna do that!
It requires a man and a woman to create humans, and it requires a mother and a father to raise a child. Children raised with a single parent or same sex parents legitimately never turn out to be normal human beings. You don’t even have to take my word for it, you can go to a place like Portland and see for yourself.

No. 2180337

When did I ever say that I agree with rape? Also, “faggot” is often used in reference to gay men, because they are gay. It is a reference to homosexuality.

No. 2180340

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No. 2180342

Men rape little girls at a far higher rate than lesbians ever could kek, keep fucking and sucking your natural predators I'm sure they love the free asskissing.

No. 2180344

i dont think thats what she meant at all

No. 2180349

I don’t find it creepy either way I just think puberty would be especially difficult for a girl without a mother. I don’t know if it would be as bad for a boy with two moms, though.

No. 2180351

Telling women to get a boyfriend and to marry a man is encouraging self-harm. Cringe!

No. 2180353

Lmao what is that argument. Well no homosexual ever laid a finger on me either and married straight men have history of raping their own kids, checkmate. You are so retarded.

No. 2180356

Ntayart but nobody cares about your parents, this is about others. If you seriously gain your experience of the world only through your limited upbringing you’re just plain stupid and selfish in the worst way possible. This feels the same when I place myself on such high copium it almost feels like drug-induced delirium, if that’s what dick lovers have to do to pretend to like it then I rather just sniff a line than taste smegma.

No. 2180358

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No. 2180364

Lesbians are awesome, sexy, amazing, wonderful, wanderlust, intelligent, astonishing, mesmerizing, awe-inspiring, courageous, strong, smart, brave, reliable, dependable. Straight women would just sit there like a deer in the headlights while the lesbian would fix up my car if it breaks in the middle of the road, I think I know which one I rather choose tbh kek

No. 2180368

I guess the unpopular opinion here would be that being gay at all is a mental illness

No. 2180369

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>boys need a father
What the fuck, are you lost or something? Someone get these tradfags off my lolcow!!!

No. 2180370

Whats up with bi scrotes why are they getting beat up?

No. 2180371

She has to project that all those other straight women are less capable and interesting to cope with her sad life.

No. 2180372

I'm surprised you think when you barely have any reading comprehension.

No. 2180374

Anon, understanding that children need both parents isn’t being trad

No. 2180375

You married a man because despite what every other woman says about us becoming more equal to men, you needed him for jump the economic ladder and get help. Besides that there would be literally no incentive for straight women to be with a man, you’re just held hostage by the lack of further progress we’ve made towards women’s liberation. I’m assuming you’re the tradfag that’s always whining about teh mean blackpillers!! if not then idc, stop whiteknighting these straight women they’re not going to fuck you

No. 2180377

I actually think being raised in heterosexual household can greatly damage a child because heterosexual relationships are based on sadomasochism and one parent totally dominating the other. Anyone who claims that hetero families are better for children is a male supremacist who wants to indoctrinate kids into thinking that women are weak and meant to submit and males are strong and meant to be obeyed and worshipped.
In contrast homosexual relationships are between equals not a man using someone he sees as nothing more than a disposable object for domestic chores and sex.

No. 2180378

I read your post, which reads
> homosexuals have never placed a finger on me
We’re talking about our parents, nonny. Please lurk if you’re going to join the conversation.

No. 2180380

Boys dont need fathers, they need to not exist just like these “fathers”. Even men know fatherhood is a farce and a lie which is why they take every ripe opportunity to evade and avoid this responsibility despite them creating it in the first place, we don’t need fathers in the home we need to make single mothers more economically efficient and have more freedom to care for their children. I really don’t believe in needing a father in the home, people just don’t really respect mothers who control their kids and the home

No. 2180381

Nonna…have you ever heard of something called being in love with someone and wanting to take care of them? Not surprising that this is how cynical you are, considering you claim to be a lesbian.

No. 2180382

True in comparison to female homosexual households and false in comparison to male homosexual household.

No. 2180385

> heterosexual relationships are based on sadomasochism and one parent totally dominating the other.
Is this how your parents were anon?

> Anyone who claims that hetero families are better for children is a male supremacist who wants to indoctrinate kids into thinking that women are weak and meant to submit and males are strong and meant to be obeyed and worshipped.

Do you think your mom is weak and meant to submit to everything? Do you think your dad is strong, and you must obey and worship him? Nonny it sounds more like you were raised in an abusive household, not a normal one.

> In contrast homosexual relationships are between equals not a man using someone he sees as nothing more than a disposable object for domestic chores and sex.

So, you think domestic violence and abuse between lesbians just doesn’t exist?

No. 2180387

> they need to not exist
Soo, your fantasy is that men just cease to exist kek? Anon, that’s not reality.

No. 2180388

Ok single mom LOL

No. 2180389

Anon, I’m really sorry your dad did not love you or take good care of you. I’m not saying that to be backhanded or facetious I genuinely do feel sad when I read about anons who haven’t experienced unconditional parental love from both of the people who created them. There’s nothing like it in the world.

No. 2180390

That's a total fabrication. It's not that lesbians commit violence against each other. It's that violence has been committed AGAINST lesbians. Don't get it twisted. Don't let moids feed you lies because they're jealous of a woman giving love to another woman instead of serving males. This has been proven to be false. Look it up. Honest.
Stop the lesbophobia. Holy crap.

No. 2180391

Samefag, right as I posted this I received a text from my dad saying he loves me KEK. What a coinkydink

No. 2180395

Marriage is purely conditional and not about love. People marry for benefits, it’s basically a business with the ruse of love and divine union covered on top of it. There’s nothing necessarily wrong with that but stop acting naive, you’re projecting your own emotions and feelings on to this scrote who doesn’t think like you and never will. You have completely different motives, thoughts and opinions and your scrote just nods his head willingly to whatever shit you ramble to him to get access to you and your body and or further his goals, this fantasy you have in your head is completely different to his and in actuality he isn’t living in fantasy, he’s thinking about how to use you all up until the bitter end and is content with acting like the lamb. You are so damn naive, jesus christ. This isn’t purely out of trauma or past scorned relationships this is pattern recognition of scrote behavior. Psychopaths users and abusers don’t go fully operate in a predatory mode, they get you to believe they’re fully there for you and reinforce your duty as compassionate agreeable caregiver, forcing you into a one-dimensional role that you’ll eat up because of your huge ego of wanting to feel better than others. Scrotes hear you ramble and wave to get into your pants, they view every single transaction with a human female as one that exists in prostitution, there are many who are willing to wait years just to set the trap and there are those who are so porn-addicted and sex addicted they can’t do that so they just create their trappings for the short-term taking them out and paying for meals, drinks and then get angry when the sex isn’t offered. Men don’t view your fluff as relationships, men see sex as relationships. They don’t know what you’re talking about, they nod their head until you unzip your pants. Stop being naive.

No. 2180396

if tradwhores can use abusive homosexual households as strawman that all gay people shouldn't adopt then so can we use the far more numerous abusive "traditional" households where the father rapes his children and the mother doesn't do anything because her shitty religion told her she must obey her husband at all costs.

No. 2180398

Why are you making this so personal? It's just statistical fact that males commit more violence than women, so naturally fathers are more dangerous to children than mothers. Your experience isn't everyone's. Sounds like you're coping.

No. 2180402

Were swarming with tradthots, what the fuck happened to my lolcow? Is this the consequence of locking that tradthot thread in /snow/? You need to be bullied off the website retards

No. 2180407

I bet it's one of those "ebic le trolling ecksdee" retards from the confessions thread. And I have a feeling it's a pretty widely known personalityfag, too. I won't say who but just know she was definitely not chased off when she was found out to support trannies, I can tell she still hangs out in celebricows because she has a schizophrenic interest in celebrity culture.

No. 2180408

Mmm and moids are so much better, they’ll protect you and offer more than those deranged, violent and abusive lesbians despite them beating their children, raping them, committing murder-suicides within their household, definitely not stereotyping them up as shrills who just need a good dicking to become normal like how most people view them. Shut the fuck up with your ridiculous homophobia and lies, might as well shut that mouth of yours with your husband’s tiny ass dick, bootlick-chan. Keep writing those fake stories, fake stories of your parents, fake stories of roommates, there’s literally no reason for anybody to believe you. That’s all you dick worshippers do just like your men, lie all day long.

No. 2180410

just lock the thread atp

No. 2180411

XYs have admitted themselves that fathers are supposedly needed for disciplinary reasons and for settings standards. However you can see these moids do nothing but raise more coddled psychopaths that do nothing for society. If women disappeared, you would have more wars and moids killing each other but if men disappeared no one would be here to commit more than 80% of crimes. No one would be here that are behind 98% of child sexual assault, you’re free to post yourself online without being deepfaked, your peers would be able to live without moid harassment. Women and girls would be able to learn how to truly live without the male gaze and not deal with rape apes 24/7. You faggots gtfo lolcow if you wanna suck moid cocks and talk about how they’re sooo needed when all they do is use brute force to keep each other in line and most of the time that doesn’t work anyways.

No. 2180412

NTA, but do you have any proof to back up your claims?

No. 2180413

I wish we could ship all the pro Palestine people who are they/thems, queers etc to a middle eastern country like that so they can get stoned to death immediately upon entry

No. 2180415

Kek same. They are way too annoying

No. 2180416

I mean you gotta think, if hurt people hurt people and most lesbians are hurt women……

No. 2180418

That’s definitely not bj-chan it’s either an annoying semi-serious baiter or the tradfag which I’m suspecting is just a trolling tranny living a picket fence delusion in their head trying to encourage us “femoids” that pregnancy is natural for us hons~

No. 2180420

nta but can you stop personalityfagging with italics its really annoying

No. 2180422

this is so retarded i need to get off this site

No. 2180423

You want a nuclear family model, that is a man and a woman with a few kids under one roof. You’re basically a traditionalist in-denial, retard

No. 2180424

Anon I' not talking about bj-chan kek. Starts with C rhymes with Schmarry.

No. 2180426

your faggot husband doesn't worship you. he spent his money and time on trannies online and gay porn when you aren't looking and has to imagine you have a penis to even get a boner when you have your orgasmless 4 minute het sex.

No. 2180429

Oh god do I hope and wish this happens, they conveniently are always anti-war whenever this whole “participation” part comes into play kek

No. 2180430


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No. 2180443

I don’t agree with male fags adopting children and using surrogates, it makes the most sense for lesbians to adopt and have children if they want to. You just sound very retarded and male-identified, men aren’t shit

No. 2180470

NTA and haven't read read the convo, so feel free to ignore but
>It doesn’t actually make sense for lesbians to adopt children
Why? They had get pregnant but not every lesbian wants to have some guy's semen inside her, plus the odds of having a male child are way higher on IVF. I can see why some of them prefer to raise a completely "outsider" child rather than one being born thanks to a man instead of her wife.

No. 2180592

A lesbian can carry a child, she can do IVF and so can her partner , they can adopt too. Two gay men on the other hand, they should either adopt or fuck off.
Surrogacy is exploitation and commodification of women.

No. 2180712

This should be framed and put on every trad woman or libfem or any heterosexual woman who seeks relationships with moids. Fucking tattoo this on their skins, engrave it into their mirrors so whenever they look at themselves thinking their moids have the same romantic fluffy feelings as them they can be reminded of how it really is. Too many women miss the point and are completely unaware of how men think of women and relationships. As a hetero volcel I can't look at so-called "happy" hetero families with kids because when I look at the moid I know. I know he has no love for the children, I know he couldn't care less for the family aspect and the nice marriage. I look at that type of family because I know that the only thing holding it together is the woman agreeing to be a sex sleeve for the moid who's only interested in having a regularly available sex object so he can get off without having to look for a partner. He doesn't see her as a person and never will, he only sees her as a sex slave, and he can dangle some fluffy emotions, some nice words and some money and gifts in front of her to make her believe she's truly loved (so she'll give up her body).

No. 2180759

Marriage is a good idea if you run a business together. Always keep receipts of what you do at said business. Get into credit card debt after you're married so if/when you divorce it's on his dime too and you only need to pay half.

No. 2181183

Is this the survey that revealed for the lesbians it was when they were in previous relationships with men?

No. 2181201

LGBT is 100% mental illness and should be treated accordingly(bait)

No. 2181451

I love ridiculous, fatty amerifag sushi. I love it so fucking much. I fucking love sauce on that shit and I love it fried too. I would probably despise real sushi. I don't care, the Japanese stole it anyway kek. Australian sushi looks fucking amazing too.

No. 2181505

Ever had a deep fried philly roll nonny? Pure heaven.

No. 2181553

Nuns are fucking pathetic, look down on them more than pickmes. I can't imagine giving up your entire life to study something fake. Just seems like a coward's way of hiding from life. Nuns are losers

No. 2181554

I envy them. I think the happiest people are ones with very strict routines and they would fall into that category.

No. 2181556

tbf, they made more sense when it was a good option to not be forced to be hitched to a moid for the rest of your life. They don't really serve much of a function in today's world where most women, even in some countries with crappy rights for women can do what they want. If i was born in the pre-1970s era i would have taken the women as the church role in a heartbeat despite not being religious.

No. 2181563

Women who grow up in fatherless homes are more likely to be assertive. And women who grow up with more men in the house with subconsciously sexist habits are more likely to end up demure even outside family dynamics. Scary to think about how much effect this might have. I think this is why I relate so little to female socialisation, two generations of all-female households.

No. 2181565

What the heck did nuns ever do to you nonny?

No. 2181566


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No. 2181569

Damn, I missed one of the anti-lesbian infights…

No. 2181570

Uhh…nta but, gay men shouldn't be allowed to have children at all.

No. 2182215

Nonnie just say you got an old school Catholic education and leave it there.

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