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No. 430575
Unsure if you're actually straight? Actually gay? Anything in between? Ask for advice here.
Also welcome are "late bloomers" who realized their true selves long after their teen years who'd like to share their experience and tell others what signs to look out for.
Please be kind to questioning anons, no matter how "obvious" it might seem to you what they are.
Thread #1:
>>153246Thread #2:
>>>/g/344673 No. 430582
My feelings on sex with a woman in a long term relationship are complicated, and it's making me question if I really am bi. The thought of tribbing and stuff is hot, but in my mind it feels closer to a type of foreplay; I have a desire for a level of physical intimacy above just that, it doesn't feel like enough to be the "pinnacle". I'd be fine with this in just a FWB situation, but I worry that in a long term relationship, the inability to have some sort of genital penetration would make me feel unfulfilled over time, and like something was missing. I don't think a strap on would solve it either, as it wouldn't actually be her inside of me, nor would she be gaining much from it physically, if anything at all. I should probably also clarify that I haven't ever properly been with a woman before, aside from a couple of casual "relationships" in my younger teen years, which didn't go beyond making out and sleeping in the same bed together, so this is not from experience, but rather what I worry could happen. The thought of eating a woman out is very arousing to me too, so I don't doubt that I am attracted to women on a sexual level, I'm just not sure if my feelings are enough to actually consider myself bi. I'd feel incredibly guilty if I was to start dating a woman and this was to end up happening. Has / does anyone else feel similarly?
No. 430602
>>430600nta but that clearly isn’t the same as what she’s talking about. there are straps with clitoral stimulation though.
it’s interesting how people vary, i always thought i couldn’t be with a man because i need clitoral stimulation and they’re usually shit at doing that / it’s not considered the “main event”, but some people really need penetration to be happy in a relationship. it’s not sexuality, just physiology.
No. 430683
>>430589I wish the op included a note that more dating experience usually helps you figure things out in a way that theory and hypothetical situations in your brain never will. casual dating and sex with nice, cute people on tinder is the answer. they might be a little nerdy for you or in an open relationship or something cringe like that, but when you're questioning your sexuality, you don't need your hookups to be the pinnacle of romance anyway.
>but I don't want to lead someone on when I don't know if I could seriously date a–then don't date people who make it clear that they're serious like that. going on a date or two and then stopping is a normal part of dating anyway.
>but I don't want to sleep with someone who's confident in her sexuality when I don't know if I would seriously be turned on by a girl–then experiment with someone else who also wants to experiment. you will feel less pressure and judgment.
>>430598see, here's an example. there are things you will never be able to 'get' about sex just by thinking about it really hard. I couldn't explain why using a strapon turns me on as much as it does, but it makes me unbelievably wet and feels good and I love doing it. if you're turned off by strap/fingering, then that's a perfectly good reason to just stay straight, but if you want to find out if penetration with a woman would feel mutually satisfying, you probably need to experience it.
>>430622>you should try [having sex with women, just in case it's better than you imagined]could not possibly disagree more, even though I would say that I had no idea how much I would like sex with women until I tried it and I had all the usual fears too (what if I'm straight and it actually turns me off? what if I'm not good at it? what if it's really hard to make her orgasm? etc). at a minimum, you should want it. don't try things you have no interest in just in case they're what you like. the mental desire needs to be there.
No. 430684
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My sexual fantasies about men are not satisfying because they aren't women, and my sexual fantasies about women aren't satisfying because they aren't men. As a result I'm not attracted to pretty much anyone irl since no human is simultaneously male and female. The closest I get is to lusting over androgynous people I see online, but even then when I try to fantasize, something is missing no matter who I choose, and I have to try to force myself through it. I don't know what this is, but it really sucks. I'm so horny and touch starved but the person I'm pining for doesn't exist.
I'm really severely depressed due to this. I think those mega autists who lust over planes probably have a happier sexuality than me. At least planes exist. Pic for comic relief
No. 430688
>>429496AYRT, same. Maybe it's a bi cycle thing, maybe it's because being an OSA teenage girl is very difficult. Idk
>>429503>all my friends talk about is menGodspeed nona… Maybe try socializing with lesbians and bi women to balance it out? I hope you manage to find a corner where you don't feel so out of place.
No. 430703
>>430683>>430600do people actually get strap orgasms? kek I know this is so irrelevant but that’s just so crazy to me. imagine if you actually had a penis, would last zero seconds.
>>430688don’t know any lesbians all my bi friends are just the same and mostly date/talk about men anyway lol. plus always trying to set me up to sleep with guys since i’m bi with no experience with them when i really don’t want to, so they’re almost worst than the straight friends. i guess it’s a relatability point? since they want to be able to talk about wanting to fuck both guys and girls with me as a fellow bi. this anon said
>>429728 i should try to just go and fuck men if i want to learn attraction to them and maybe i will try that eventually but i kind of don’t want to have a shitty experience where i don’t enjoy it yet kek. agrees with my friends’ thinking though
>sameseems to be a fairly common phenomenon, the late attraction to men thing. how are you meant to ever be sure of your sexuality? how could any woman be sure she’s a lesbian when she could just not be attracted to men yet?
also, for the anons that have experienced this i’m really curious how you realised? did you have to find a really good looking man who
triggered that attraction? an emotional connection? was he just your type? or was it just random and you suddenly wanted to fuck guys you didn’t think twice about before?
No. 430717
>>430703>how are you meant to ever be sure of your sexuality?There are telltale signs. 'Late OSA' is a thing but it's doesn't appear from nowhere. Childhood crushes (in your case), husbandos, fantasies involving men, vague emeotional/sexual stirrings… A woman can be in denial or uncomfortable with these things but they're still there. Lesbians know because they don't experience these things and even if they go through a phase of 'trying' to be straight, they come of it sure they want nothing with the other sex. I agree with the other anons that this rumination isn't helpful.
>all my bi friends are just the same and mostly date/talk about men anywayI should have guessed this kek
No. 430723
>>430717well that does makes sense
>Lesbians know because they don't experience these things i guess i see a lot of women who consider themselves lesbian or have even been told on here they are lesbian, but have experienced these things eg having husbandos as a teen or even having dated or had sex with men etc (of course not enjoying it). i think that is what made me start questioning (if they are considered lesbians, am i?) but i was probably overthinking it. for the record i am no longer questioning and am just sticking with the bi label, just interested in this line of discussion regardless. i’m still curious about the experiences of anons who experienced late stage OSA after feeling as though they had 0 sexual attraction to men prior.
>I agree with the other anons that this rumination isn't helpful.i’ve told anons in one of these threads before the same thing basically, it’s not really worth worrying about so much. but in the end i’m a hypocrite kek i couldn’t ever go unlabelled or anything
No. 431110
Sorry to be annoying… but I was wondering if anyone had any advice or input on this
>>430684I feel really lost about it and I’ve never heard anyone with my problem before so I don’t know what to do or how to deal with it or even how to think about myself.
No. 431192
>>431110it might just be that you're sexually ambivalent toward nobodies who mean nothing to you. I'm the same, a crush has to call to me before I really care, and people I know in real life are way easier to fantasize about than celebrities or fictional characters.
>>431115>I feel like knowing your sexuality should come before involving another person in your mess.Getting coffee with someone who barely knows you to see if you click or making out with someone who's only interested in casual sex doesn't really qualify as getting another person involved in your mess so I feel like you can avoid that problem if you just swipe left on anyone who seems too serious.
No. 431851
>>431642the hard thing is that a lot of people lack self-awareness or are dishonest with themselves or with others
>>431770if you have to ask then you're overthinking it or you haven't experienced it yet
No. 431941
Hello so I'm glad I've found this anon threads because I have some stuff to sort out that I don't feel comfortable sharing with anyone, my therapist included.
SO.. Basically I've considered myself a lesbian for the past 16 years, only have had relationships with women, only ever felt to be in love with women, never even had a cartoon male crush, always women,etc…
I used to party a lot and while drunk or on drugs it seemed like I didn't give a shit and fucked multiple moids, which always made feel horrible the day after. Like super super dirty and disgusting, ptsd kind of stuff. Never had sex more than once with any of them for that reason and never sober. Tried that once and it makes me want to puke.
Except for one.
I had sex with him like three times, still drunk and high all of them, and I'm not sure if I liked it? I think one time maybe I did (I barely remember the other ones) and it's so incredibly conflicting to me.
I have never felt that any other time and the thought of being with a man repulses me, but now I feel like a fakebian for having kind-of enjoeyed it?
Does that make me a fakebian? Am I secretly bi? idk I hate this shit I wish had never touched any moid -or alcohol(learn2integrate)
No. 431946
>>431110You could try dating a trans identified person of either sex? Maybe on hormones?
>>430941It really depends on where you live. If you're in a big city which is more or less progressive I't way easier than it seems. But imma have to tell you something no bi woman like to hear: you have to get out there and tell the women you're attracted to them. There's no other way. You need to do it. You will get rejected often, but sometimes you will not. Dare, shoot your shots, you'll find the girl you're looking for, it make take years, but she's out there, somewhere. Go look for her.
No. 431966
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>>430717> Childhood crushesAnother anon but want to expand on that. There’s a thing, I’m not sure I can call my childhood obsessions “crushes” though. I had some periods of time when I was really into a character but I did not really want to do anything with them? I did not imagine kissing them or anything, I just liked the characters.
When I was 7, I was obsessed with Jessie from Pokemon. I also liked Cornelia from Witch, Kallisto from The Rain Children and Akane from Ranma 1/2 (and Ranma too. All the girls have the same figure but back then I was shocked at the amount of female nudity and how awesome it was drawn). I remember a time when I really liked a one-episode character from a TV show my grandma watched - a drug addict named Gabriella. When I was 12 and was reading a Christian fantasy book that described how young nuns gathered in a field close to the monastery to play volleyball, and how young and pretty they were, I decided I need to become a nun too.
I also liked an anime moid from an obscure weaboo comics. Having said that, I think I started liking him when it was revealed that he had a “forbidden crush” on a young queen, and not before. Maybe that’s because I like forbidden romance stories; maybe that’s cause I’m bi. I also started liking Snape from Harry Potter after his tragic incel past was revealed in book 7.
Oh, and I also developed a feeding/fat fetish somehow and fantasized about fat girls living somewhere in a wild, or a majestic shining fairy queen interacting with a helpless fat princess from other kingdom, locked in a tower. I also played pretend that the trees were cursed princesses and that you had to kiss them in order to turn them back. After kissing a bunch of trees, I figured that they were not turning back because I was a girl and not a prince, and I got very very sad. Also, when I was very little, I played pretend that my grandma was a Maid Marion from Robin Hood, and I was, well, Robin Hood. I gave her the ring made out of flower etc.
In middle school, I remember thinking about boys and romance but more in a sense “it’s a normal thing that’s supposed to happen and if it doesn’t, then there’s something wrong with you”. There was a boy that was sort of ok, and I thought he would make a good boyfriend. I didn’t think about doing anything with him though, and we weren’t even friends. It’s just that he was behaving nicely than other boys, and that made me think he would be a good pick. At the same time, I noticed how beautiful some of my female classmates were. I remember looking at one of them in the biology class from behind, and noticing how nice she looked. There was the other girl I liked as well, and she was a bit bossy and cool, and I really liked how she looked, and really wanted her to like me.
When I was 14, I had a very intense friendship with a female classmate in my new school. I recall thinking: “Is this what falling in love is?”, but then talking myself out of it because, well, we were both girls and obviously it couldn’t be falling in love. At the same time, I remember that I was very flattered when a guy told other people he liked my idea for a school thing. I pondered if it meant he liked me.
When I turned 16, the trend of noticing how beautiful my female classmates were continued. I also met two guys who I thought would be good boyfriends. I don’t think I ever thought about them from the perspective of kissing them, it was more about validation of having a boyfriend. It would mean that I’m worth something. I sort of liked Brad Pitt in Mr and Mrs Smith. Because of that, I distantly remember telling my friends I liked bald, macho guys.
What else? I read some yaoi, and found it hot. At the same time, when I watched movies about gay moids, it was way less exciting, and not that hot. Having said that, I don’t think I ever got a husbando.
Is any of it “crush”? I’m honestly not sure. I also don’t know how to tell if it’s a crush or if I’m making myself think it’s a crush. Like, recently I started a new semester in my school and there is something about one professor. During the first class, I imagined how nice would it be if she hugged me from behind and I felt her boobs pressed to my back, and touched the curve of her hips, etc. There’s something about the way she speaks - so authoritative but still soft. But what if I’m only making myself think about it that long? What if I’m dragging out a fantasy to convince myself that I’m a lesbian?
No. 432053
>>431966a lot of this is ancient history and all of it is so removed from reality that it could mean everything or nothing, but the games you played as a child where you kissed trees are never going to be the determining factor in whether you're gay or bisexual. who do you feel real lust for? who do you obsess over or end up thinking about daily? as an adult and not a seven year old kissing trees, who do you organically get real crushes on and develop real chemistry with and end up starting real relationships with? I too did the thing where I had half-hearted crushes in middle and high school 'just because I should,' but I was bored and didn't know anyone I really cared about.
in the way you wrote this enormous post, it sounds like you feel confident in your sexual and emotional attraction to women, and you have all these reasons why your attraction to men may not be real, but then you end on the question of "what if I'm dragging out a fantasy to convince myself I'm a lesbian?" if you want to see if you're actually attracted to women or not, I would challenge you to go join one LGBT club thing just to make friends and see if you can meet any women you like and wanna date. you might still be bisexual, but I think you would be a lot happier as a gay or bisexual woman who was feeling boobs and hips in real life instead of struggling over your identity.
No. 432067
>>432053>as an adult and not a seven year old kissing trees, who do you organically get real crushes on and develop real chemistry with and end up starting real relationships with?Not this anon but earlier this year I asked if my childhood crushes meant anything and anons said yes, and that they will come back as an adult. Most people seem to believe that stuff that happens in childhood does reflect attraction as an adult. I’m not so far in I can confirm or deny this yet, but it seems reasonable to me. I don’t think you can just rule out every early crush.
That being said, since she doesn’t seem to have had actual experience. I disagree with anons saying “just go for it” (eg if someone doesn’t know if they’re attracted to men, why on earth would you recommend them sleep with a man? kek) but if she does actual feel things towards women it’s different.
No. 432073
>>432067 well, I'm not every anon! but in my opinion, if you're a happy and sexually confident adult who can look back and say your first real crush was on this cartoon character or this classmate and your feelings were real and strong, then I'm sure you are right. but this post contained a lot of ambivalence, like "I'm not sure I can call my childhood obsessions crushes." "I liked this guy, but maybe it was just because it was a forbidden romance." "I wondered if it was love, but talked myself out of it." so I don't think her childhood sexual and romantic exploration with kissing games and yaoi comics necessarily meant anything because it didn't lead her to any conclusion, and dwelling on it for too long is a mistake when she could be engaging in age-appropriate exploration instead, like dating.
>I disagree with anons saying “just go for it” (eg if someone doesn’t know if they’re attracted to men, why on earth would you recommend them sleep with a man? kek) I'll say it again: going on daytime tinder dates is a very low stakes form of sexual exploration, and it's also a very low commitment form of social interaction. the point is not to go sleep with a man if you don't know if you're attracted to men, but to go get coffee, then dinner if you enjoyed their company, then meet up at the park the following weekend if you enjoyed dinner and want to see more of them, and see if you feel attracted to them after getting to know them and building a connection first.
No. 432101
>>432073Well I can see that way of thinking too. I agree she should just go on dates, easier to see your feelings on the matter.
I think by your reasoning I would be considered a lesbian (by experience and adult feelings) but I’m sticking with the bi label due to being told I’m probably bi-cycling which I was skeptical of especially since it was crushes (not sexual) BUT after the late-stage OSA talk… I’m more convinced. From peoples’ experience it seems like even if it’s not real attraction it can be indicative of the future, so sticking with a label now can kind of set you up. I think that would kind of hurt.
Only thing that sucks is being excluded by lesbians’ dating pool for reasons that don’t apply to me (yet) and I guess people expecting me to understand finding men attractive kek. I feel like an alien among OSA women
>>431851>the hard thing is that a lot of people lack self-awareness or are dishonest with themselves or with othersWhat are you talking about?
No. 432176
I think I'm a lesbian but does anyone else look at hot guys and think they kind of want to be them? Like I can tell they're hot objectively, some guys are really good looking, but the idea of being with them is unappealing. I also don't want to be a guy and Im not a TIF or anything, but I'll look at a muscular guy and think I wish I was built like that. The idea of touching them or being with them is unappealing but when I see a muscular moid I get jealous. Actually even with regular guys I get jealous, something about their bodies just seems to make life easier, they don't have to deal with periods, don't have to find clothes that fit their boobs, they can just be clean and well groomed and be considered attractive, no pressure to do makeup or nails or shit (stuff I already don't do). Back when I watched porn I used to pretend I was the guy in my head. Even with my female celebrity crushes I always fucking hate their boyfriends with a passion and fantasize about taking their bf's place. I feel like this so bizarre, and it doesn't come from a place of wanting to date or have sex with men but from a sort of desire to step in their shoes for a day, it just looks easier. I don't know, sorry for describing this in such a degen way.
No. 432299
>>432213More like obsess about how easy it is for them to just
be and go around and date their girlfriends and be accepted socially and stuff. Meanwhile we have dumb femininity trauma or issues not shaving or something stupid like that and they're just there with a hoodie and being dumb af and still appreciated
No. 432378
>>432374What explanation? We’re referring to the definition of “comphet”. Unless you have an alternate definition for it?
Just sick of anons in these threads having double standards for everything, no ideas are consistent at all. First you can’t be a lesbian if you’ve done x, y or z meaning basically every lesbian is bisexual, then oh no this isn’t comphet because comphet is stupid actually dating men doesn’t fall under that it’s different! Do you hear yourselves
No. 432401
idk what's going on but i'll say what was said here
>>429376comphet is not a thing unless you're from some super conservative and/or third world shithole
No. 432538
>>432378first of all, 'ideas aren't consistent' because there are multiple people posting with different opinions. second of all, it's not a 'double standard' to say that straight and gay (and bisexual) orientations are different in some ways–I'd say it would be a false equivalence to say that they're the same, and hugely naive to expect that they would be (men and women aren't the same, and gay and straight relationships aren't the same). third, I really object to the way that you keep talking about 'the definition of comphet' as if it's a simple word in the dictionary as opposed to a hotly debated concept. but I agree with nona here
>>432333 when she wrote that compulsory heterosexuality is the idea that "there's intense social pressure to conform to heterosexuality for women."
>First you can’t be a lesbian if you’ve done x, y or z meaning basically every lesbian is bisexual, then oh no this isn’t comphet because comphet is stupid actually dating men doesn’t fall under that it’s different! Do you hear yourselvesyou seem really stressed out by the fact that understanding your sexuality ultimately comes down to un-verifiable and un-quantifiable factors inside of people that we can only guess at based on their behavior, but it's always gonna be subjective to some degree and based on reported feelings and motivations, which people often report unreliably because they want to hear a certain answer. like, for example, it seems like you're the anon
>>432343 who said "dating men would fall under comphet," right? but I would say that's way too simplistic. maybe Girl A tried dating men a few times and then stopped dating men because she realized she wasn't attracted to them, and that's just a girl learning that she's a lesbian by beginning to date (this would be like what
>>432333 was saying where you can go on dates with men, but it's not necessarily compulsory heterosexuality, it's just thinking you might like something, trying it out, and then realizing you don't). then Girl B went on a date with some guy, felt nothing for him, but kept dating him for months or years because she felt like a weirdo for being single when all her friends had boyfriends (so that would be the pressure of compulsory heterosexuality keeping her in the relationship). then Girl C dated two or three guys and felt nothing for them, but she was just dating people who weren't right for her and she's actually bisexual. it's complicated.
>>432401>comphet is not a thing unless you're from some super conservative and/or third world shitholeI disagree. it's pretty obvious that even in first world countries, lots of people are ashamed or susceptible to social pressure from friends and family and society. it's one thing to say "I'm smarter and more confident than girls who bend to judgment and peer pressure and those girls are pathetic and stupid," but I think you have to be straight, autistic, or stupid to say "the pressure doesn't exist at all."
No. 432558
>>432554that other half of the post was a reply to a different anon talking about some other meaning of it so that's why i didn't address it.
>the mockery that some openly gay public figures facebeing gay is extra cool now for public figures wdym? this isn't 2005 kek. i could almost understand some average jane in a super small town but this part is just false.
No. 432582
Reposting because I formatted it like a reddittor a got no answers:
I have some stuff to sort out that I don't feel comfortable sharing with anyone, my therapist included. Basically I've considered myself a lesbian for the past 16 years, only have had relationships with women, only ever felt to be in love with women, never even had a cartoon male crush, always women,etc… BUT I used to party a lot and while drunk or on drugs it seemed like I didn't give a shit and fucked multiple moids, which always made feel horrible the day after. Like super super dirty and disgusting, ptsd kind of stuff. Never had sex more than once with any of them for that reason and never sober. Tried that once and it makes me want to puke.
Except for one.
I had sex with him like three times, still drunk and high all of them, and I'm not sure if I liked it? I think one time maybe I did (I barely remember the other ones) and it's so incredibly conflicting to me.
I have never felt that any other time and the thought of being with a man repulses me, but now I feel like a fakebian for having kind-of enjoeyed it? Does that make me a fakebian? Am I secretly bi? idk I hate this shit I wish had never touched any moid -or alcohol
Hopefully I'll get some answers this time please I don't know if it's sexual OCD or what but it tortures me and sometimes I can't sleep at night because of it
No. 432596
>>432332Thanks anon I'm going to try seek them out. I'm tired of feeling like this.
>>432210To me with some men I want to be in their bodies, partly because it seems easier to look like that and partly because I wish I could experience being strong like that. In real life I'm very short and weak. I always felt jealous watching action movies when they'd pick up cars and get girls and stuff kek. Plus I disliked having breasts and hips, as an insecure teen I used to look at men's chests and feel genuinely nauseous about my own, I hated my boobs and wished I was flat like a man. But does that make me attracted to men? Surely part of being attracted to them is the desire to be intimate with the opposite sex but I don't even fantasize about that. There's straight girls who get heaps of plastic surgery because they're obsessed with having a body like Kylie Jenner or Kim Kardashian and I feel that's somewhere in the same vein. Or girls jealous of other girls who have bigger boobs or are skinnier. I'm genuinely asking because I don't want to call myself a lesbian if I'm not, but I don't know if bisexual fits as a label when I have never wanted to be intimate with a male.
>>432582I think if you have to be under the influence to even consider that you might have enjoyed sex with a man, that's a sign that you wouldn't enjoy sex with them normally. I see it as similar to straight women who get drunk and kiss or have sex with other women, which is weird but happens. I wonder if the reason you think you enjoyed it is because it's all just a haze where you remember orgasming, which is almost always pleasurable.
No. 433220
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i posted questions in these threads before, but i want to type my experiences, see if the answers are the same. this is really difficult to shorthand sorry, and if you ask i’ll expand on it. really entwined with my obsessions + eating disorder so i added what seemed relevant. not diagnosed with anything at all though. btw i was barely in school, mostly sporadically, and NEET’d often. sorry for mentions of underage sexuality.
primary school (7-11):
>crush on first best friend, J, she has features i like, is tiny and cute + doted on, i feel jealous. we move
>would talk about how boys at school are ‘soo cute’ with new best friend. tell my friend when i “liked” a boy
>cut out picture of boy in year above from school calendar. stare at his private instagram profile every day despite not seeing anything. cry when he leaves for secondary
>mum begins to drill it into me about how i could never be a lesbian. quite relaxed because i never could be, never really shake this rhetoric though
>stare at any photos i can find online of girls from school. jealous of their beauty and thinness
>ask my mum for info and manage to find J’s mum’s facebook, stare at pics for hours. mum comments and for the first time i feel ashamed. note that i need to keep these feelings a secret
>roleplay yaoi in gc with two girls from school
early secondary school, years 7-8 (11-13):
>start watching porn
>crushes on 2 boys who are nice to me, last about a week long each
>strong feelings for boy, let’s call him A. undercurrent of my secondary school life. visually he has features i like (large dark eyes, dark hair, radiant soft skin, small, cute) + very intelligent, precociously so, and just like J is relatable to me in that he’s chronically online from a young age. when i make eye contact with him, i can feel his soul. my obsession feels spiritual. from year 7-9 my mental schedule revolves around when i sit next to him. tell my friend i like him
>pretty girl talks to me often. i admire her slenderness and feminine features. makes me feel hot when i’m around her, but don’t really register this. A confesses to her, my friend looks to me but i don’t really care and note we like the same kinds of faces.
>boy in the year above is really pretty, called D, heart-shaped face and longish hair, really skinny. makes some efforts to talk to me that i’m too retarded to get
>people start to date
mid-late secondary school, years 9-11 (13-16):
>play spin the bottle with friends, kiss some girls, including a girl called E1
>people start doing parties and having sex, especially rich popular kids
>sit next to a boy. feel bored when i first see him. when he turns to look at me i feel fascinated, the way he talks, makes eye contact. i skinwalk these traits in the future and have them now. find him mentally stimulating as his mind is so different from my mine. the pen he lends me smells of tangerines. tell my friends i like him.
>E1 & i flirt, she’s cute, i’m tipsy and ask her over and over to kiss. she tells me she wants me to ask when i’m sober
>i have it in my head i never want to date at this point. she really wants to date me though. we do a lot of kissing in places. i finger her once. everything is completely clothed. i enjoy everything, but if i look back on it i don’t think i felt sexual attraction to her at the time. i have some dreams about her, one sexual.
>confused feelings towards my french teacher, she’s very slender, has beautiful calves, and her pencil skirts hug her feminine figure so attractively. a petite face and dark eyes which are traits i like now. i think she pays special attention to me.
>girl, E2 (same name kek) hazel eyes and dark hair, radiant skin. she’s really reserved but comes out her shell with me, i feel the urge to stand too close to her.
>don’t think about A much. my love feels like storge, his eyes still seem fascinated by me though. i feel a connection whenever we make eye contact. realise for the first time i must find have always found him beautiful. the autumn light makes his eyes glow sepia and his skin radiate.
>start to ignore tangerine boy. french teacher was sweet enough to notice things and put us next to each other though, aw. i feel fondness for her.
>girls start to go after him. note that he might be good looking to some (i find this difficult to tell)
>boy who is good-looking(?) (looks like a guy from a post i liked when i was 11) goes out of his way to talk to me. i find him amusing
>find out he actually likes me. i immediately turn around and pretend i heard nothing.
>height of ED has already begun. stricter on calorie counting
>D seems to have hit puberty finally, looks too masculine to me, so i forget about him.
>try masturbating to the thought of someone. clit doesn’t even get hard.
>stop attending school
somewhere in a neet period i don’t remember specifically (14-17):
>try to get off to videos of males masturbating, switching the tab at the last moment. develop temporary autoandrophilia instead
>try to get off to yaoi like other fujos do, end up looking for ao3 yuri for the first time and get off to that instead
>acquire “husbandos” imagined as girls, with small boobs and a vulva. first i think of genitals sexually, if not extensively. picrel
>in gendieshit at this point. internet best friend and i are of the belief that “genital preference” is weird. “no one is attracted to genitals”, just the person.
early hikkikomori stage (16-17):
>go back for a certain reason, see french teacher. get a pang and wonder if i was reading the signs right and she might have slept with me. feel stronger about her.
>beautiful dream about E2 being my girlfriend, wake up crying. stare at female ex-schoolmates profiles, they’re really pretty.
>see someone on social media. dark hair and eyes, and features i like. extremely thin. let’s call them C. they’re in a… hospital gown (kill me). we’re both 16. i believed we’re still at the age where a male could be androgynous, if only on screen. not that it mattered in my gendie mind. says he’s “male”. i assume he’s a “transphobe or something”.
>get the insatiable urge to fantasise about him
>feel guilt but he’s “probably a transphobe, doesn’t matter”
>it’s not even real anyway, since i want to imagine him with a vulva and as a girl like my anime boys
>i know exactly how to imagine their vulva would look like, and the way they’re sitting cross-legged would mean if i lifted up their gown it would be completely exposed, especially since their thighs are so skinny. i’ve never wanted to orally stimulate someone before. i really wanted to see it
>admire their fingers, want them to touch me
>first i’ve gotten wet without touching myself. don’t think i’ve ever actually been turned on before, feel kind of giddy
>snap out of it, feel weird, that’s never happened. get into the habit of checking their account a couple times a year
>find out they’re a TIF
>ashamed. not only did i purposefully imagine them as a girl, i imagined their actual body, so i’m a pervert
>forget they’re a TIF again
>stop watching porn
>obsession with 3 male celebs. first one is popular, obsessed how he talks, his charisma. wish to have his energy and softness. he’s really thin.
>second is a niche one. found his flickr(?) from when he was the same age. the pictures weren’t impressive but i feel like i sense his soul. it hurts me, like love through time. i scroll for hours each night. sometimes music reminds me of him. finally i stop, and delete the pictures i have of him. he’s thin.
late hikkikomori stage, 18:
>last one, kpoop idol. obsessed with the glint in his eyes + he’s really thin. has a beautiful face. is a year older than me but looks young, early puberty or mid-pubertal at most. he’s cosy, has a good laugh. i wish we were friends. obsessively watch lives and fancams for 3 months. in pain, when i run out i feel stressed, i’ve been this way about kpop before just not a specific member. then it hits.
>C’s account is private
>sent into a mania. i wake up, watch a 6 second clip of them i found over and over, stay up as long as possible, 8am, watching, listening to music, pass out, for a month. i only eat peanut butter and lose weight, even more weight
>fall into depression. i need more, become a stalker
>get confirmation she’s a girl again, even though it was obvious by now since no male our age looks that feminine
>this lasts a really long time
>read a post about sexual attraction/“demisexuality”/asexuality. states masturbating to who you’re attracted can give orgasms, which i blush at because aren’t you not meant to do that?
>start masturbating thinking of them. i’ve never orgasmed like that before. sometimes i go 7 times in a row, i didn’t even know i could be so engorged. wonder why i ever watched porn.
>opens up sexuality to other women. more masturbation.
>out of gendieshit at this point, but even if in the fantasies they call her she, in meta i refer to C as “he” or i feel ashamed
>forget what it’s like to be around people
>try to think of boys i knew or the idol sexually, naked, feel nothing.
>thought of touching a penis grosses me out
>idol boy looks older now, his age, and seems less beautiful to me
start going out again
>remember how different it is to be in people’s presence, realise i find most women at least slightly attractive
>don’t like looking at men unless i have to, remember even back in school with adult men
>become more fond of moid friendships since it no longer feels like they can’t be platonic
>found moids squareness unattractive as a shut in, irl they’re even more unattractive and so much broader than me
>everyone is clubbing and all my bi friends are having so much sex with guys. disconcerts me. make fun of me for “not losing my virginity with a guy yet”.
crazy thing is i feel like i could be called straight, bi or lesbian and that would all seem like a fair conclusion.
No. 433238
How lesbians describe their sexuality: "Yeah, i'm a lesbian. I've been getting crushes on girls/older women/fictional female characters since elementary school, I think."
How bi and het women describe their sexuality: whatever this is
>>433220 No. 433443
I love my boyfriend but there’s no way I’m not gay. I’ve only ever had sex dreams about HIS ex-girlfriend, not him, in our relationship. Going to The Land in Michigan was the highlight of my life and since then I’ve realized straight women don’t plan their life around getting to be themselves after their partner dies. I really don’t picture myself truly alive until my 60s or 70s, or earlier if he divorces me, when I’ll have the freedom to live in my favorite building in the city, and date women. I dated women when I was in high school, and made out with women in college but have never had a serious, sexual relationship with a woman. I have so many more important things to worry about but I’m worried I’m going to die wondering, and there’s 0 way I can tell anyone in my life I’m thinking about this. The ironic part is that we almost never ended up dating because he thought I was a lesbian and didn’t want to make a move & now our lives are so enmeshed. Our families all know each other now and have an active social life. I would be tearing my friendgroup apart. But I’ve started thinking about going to a lesbian bar when he’s out of town (he often is, for work) just to be there but not to do anything improper. God I fucking hate myself, I would be so disappointed in myself if I knew when I was 14 and dating girls that I was going to force myself back into the closet over the next 10 years and feel like shit about this in my mid-20s.
No. 433479
>>433476Bisexual imo
>I also had the same exact anime boy scenario happen with a few kpop idol moids but it only lasted a few months and think they are ugly now.Kpoop men are still real life men even though they put on a fake persona, and attraction to someone is still attraction even if it only lasts for a few months. tbh I never understood the idea of celebrity attraction supposedly not counting as true attraction (not referring to you specifically but just a thing I see online in general)
No. 433514
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>>433510..I think I'll just agree to disagree. Sexuality involves being attracted to a person's literal sex too, not just how they style themselves. Unless OP imagines those guys with vaginas instead of dicks, idk but most women attracted to (or formally attracted to) idols usually are the later.
No. 433516
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>>433514I hate that whole lesbian masterdoc “you can like celebrity males and be a lesbian” thing. Feminine males aren’t women, that’s tranny logic. Maybe if it’s a fictional male that’s incredibly androgynous and you gender swap it or some shit like okay maybe, even that’s still iffy to me though, but a real living male with makeup is a male no matter how much you try to turn it around. I hate the idea that “lesbians can like celebrity males” because it really plays into moidthink like “LESBIANS ARE JUST LESBIANS BECAUSE THEY CANT GET CHAD AND HAVE HIGH STANDARDS!!!!!”. There’s many women in the sea and if one ends up crushing on males, even famous ones, out of all of those women, then i highly doubt they’re gay.
No. 433528
>>433471You got banned for bait, but I think it’s a fair question. No, I don’t, and as a younger teen/child I found them “beautiful”, not “attractive” if that makes sense. I think there’s a distinction, there are women I find attractive but not physically beautiful too.
>>433514>>433516I agree with both of you, and it’s weird how this double standard exists when men who like femboys are absolutely gay/bi. People have such a diluted ideas of what lesbianism is. A kpop man is that, a man. And being attracted to a masculine woman wouldn’t be straight either. I can’t believe I can even find these tranny-adjacent ideas of sexuality on lolcow.
No. 433551
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I think we all agree that being attracted to real men does not make someone a lesbian, but when it comes to anime or cartoon characters the opinions seem to change a lot. I made a forms to collect the opinions of farmers about it, just out of curiosity. If I get a significant amount of responses I will report back the results. Don't need to create a Google account or be logged in to reply: No. 433574
>>433551Answered this, little awkward formatting thouh. Imo imagining anything with male secondary sex characteristics + penis is OSA no matter what.
If the character is impossibly girlish (like a trap) + imagined with a female body, if someone imagines the character with a penis I can excuse this as perhaps some internalised thing. It’s more plausible for the imagined character to be closer to female - a girl with a strap is close enough and actually exists whereas an extremely feminine man with female sex characteristics and otherwise looks female, but has a penis, is a nonexistent entity. In reality it’s neither OSA or SSA.
Cuntboy/genderswap is SSA so long as the character has a believable amount of masculinity capable of a woman. A male body with a pussy isn’t really, so I put masculine the bara for OSA.
No. 433587
>>433220reading this insane post feels like a simulation of HOCD, but I just want to ask you to consider one thing.
>crazy thing is i feel like i could be called straight, bi or lesbian and that would all seem like a fair conclusion.if someone said "you're attracted to men," you'd agree. and if someone said "you're attracted to women," you'd agree. and if someone said "you're attracted to men and women," you'd agree. the only way all three of these things can be true is if you're bisexual. I think you're probably bisexual, but I also think it's useful in a practical sense to call yourself bisexual, because that doesn't force you to date anyone (so if you're really not interested in women, it's fine because you don't have to date a woman if you never meet one you want to sleep with) but it also doesn't rule out any options (so if in the future you get a crush on a woman, you don't go into an insanity spiral because you decided you were straight before and now you have to question every thought you've had since age 7 all over again). as long as you don't make your sexuality your entire personality, you'll be fine.
>>433443if you're already planning your husband's death before you've even married him, please don't marry him
>>433507I ignore or skip a lot of posts because I don't even know what to say about them. but "you're definitely gay, because korean men are women" is going to be the death of me.
No. 433593
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>>433220tl;dr The answer is: you're bi
No. 433611
>>433605>you're never going to find a human being that resembles any character pictured hereMaybe not the bug eyed face part but for sure you can find men that have the body types of masc, neutral and "feminine" in a natural way. At the end great part of sexual attraction is towards the body and genitals not just the face.
>a woman can makeout with another woman and maybe feel arousal from it but that doesn't mean she actually has any attraction TO womenNonna, I…
>also for me whenever i fantasize about anime dudes i'm never in the equation, so bonus question 2 is a bit tough to answerIt doesn't specify you need to be in it. Can be solo fantasies or between male characters.
No. 433617
>>433593i’m confused, are you answering or did you not read it kek
>>433587>you’d agreei think this is a fair deduction. but also i can’t really say agreeing is what i mean by it being a “fair” conclusion. truth is i just don’t know. as i said before, i’ve asked some questions in some of these threads. when i only talk about my experiences before 14, i am considered straight. if i only talk about experiences post-14, they tell me i’m bisexual or lesbian and if i only speak about my current experiences/feelings they tell me i’m a lesbian. it’s this divisiveness that makes me think it’s fair whatever anyone calls me. people have told me different things irl too but i trust the words on here more than anything including my own opinion tbh, i don’t think i could ever identify as anything that went against anons’ verdict.
>but I also think it's useful in a practical sense to call yourself bisexuali agree
>if you never meet one you want to sleep withwell yes i do meet women i want to sleep with and have sex with them kek (post was my experiences pre-adulthood) so that’s not a problem. but i see what you’re saying regardless, it’s the least
problematic label to stick with. thanks for sharing your thoughts
No. 433702
>>433687Sometimes I read what anons say and think, if I’m bisexual then you’re
definitely bisexual. Because like, do you consider yourself a lesbian? I couldn’t if I was using the idea of dick to get off kek.
No. 433704
>>433687not falling in love with men irl is sadly not an indicator of being a lesbian
I coped about being bisexual using this exact argument for years and I still haven't found any man irl I like enough to date but also I can't deny some male bodies and dicks make my pussy tingle and I can get off to the thought of men alone.
I just came to the conclusion I don't like real men in a romantic way because I hate their behavior but sexually of course I'm attracted to them
No. 433787
>>433758It's not just sexuality, though. It's a problem with our approach to sex in general — everyone's exposed to extreme shit, extreme shit is normalized, and people aren't given the space or encouraged to figure out what they're into. You've got hundreds of thousands of guys masturbating to step sibling porn for example, because the men at the top of the porn industry have a fetish for it.
>>433769Thanks anon, I'm glad I made sense. It's something I've noticed more recently. Sexuality-wise, you've got straight girls getting off to lesbian porn when they wouldn't ever date a woman (and yes, I do believe these girls can be straight, just like I believe straight girls can make out with each other when they get drunk and sleep with other women to "try it out" before settling down with a husband and 2.5 kids in the suburbs). You've got average straight guys jerking off to shemale porn because any creature with heels and tits (real or not) registers as sexy in their brain, even though they'd probably be repulsed by them in real life. Outside of sexuality, you also have normie women masturbating to medfet and noncon and ageplay because it's dripfed to them through self-insert fanfiction and self published Amazon novels. On the extreme end I've seen anons here that would never touch a child or desire to that are into shotacon, just like I've seen explicit fanfic written about high school age characters by women who aren't pedos and would not fuck a teenager. But since those are drawings or stories, the reality of it fades away or can be ignored. I honestly think porn encourages people to get off to anything, whether they'd like it in real life or not, whether they're actually attracted to it or not, just because it's presented in a way that reads "porn" to them. You can't convince me every man masturbating to GILF porn is sexually attracted to elderly women for example. It's less of a "I'm horny because of x, I'm going to masturbate thinking of x" and more like "I'm bored and want to orgasm, time to load up some porn." Inb4 anyone says I'm not comparing shotacon to lesbian porn or whatever, I'm not saying any of this is on the same level of severity. But one's porn consumption isn't the best litmus test to me for sexuality because half the time people are just clicking on the top video on pornhub or whatever. Obviously if you're constantly masturbating to porn videos of a certain sex, you're more likely to be attracted to that sex than not, and if you're having sexual fantasies about fucking x, you want to fuck x. This isn't saying that women who masturbate to pictures of men's dicks are actually lesbian or whatever.
No. 434101
>>433836Same. ADHD.
I am bisexual with a monosexual hyper focus at any given time.
Most of the time I want a gf in a very lesbian way and occasionally I really want the d.
No. 434245
>>434113Are you autistic or ADHD? Because while I think sexuality is biological, I think mental illness and environmental factors dictate "how" you experience attraction. My first crushes were entirely fictional but I became attracted to real people in my 20s because I didn't have friends as a kid/teen.
>>434131Are you on any medications or birth control, and have you ever had close friends or interact with people in real life often?
No. 434310
>>434190I guess I should go to a therapist eventually, people have been recommending it to me despite feeling I have no reason to.
>>434245>are you on any medications or birth controlNope, never been.
>have you ever had close friends or interact with people in real life often?Yes, I was like that until college but that was such a long time ago it doesn't matter anymore.
>>434285I went abroad on vacation several times and still nothing.
No. 434633
>>434555nah i know i’m bi 100% (as i don’t mind the idea of being with men and i’ve had sort of sex with women before), i was just curious as to what the thread would say. like i know my interest in traps is simply because they’re the best of both worlds to me, a dick
highly idealized and curves. it’s like i can look at a man and reap his only real good point without having to look at a man
No. 434749
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For all of my adult life I used to think penises were extremely hot and vaginas were disgusting. everything about dicks, from pubes to balls to foreskin, was sexy to me. But within the last couple of years I suddenly started thinking penii were disgusting, and all the things I used to think were sexy about them now are revolting to me. But consider the following:
>I don't have any problem with the rest of the moid, I still am attracted to them as always
>I didn't experience any trauma.
>I did randomly start finding vaginas attractive out of nowhere
>but I am not into to anything else about women and am not attracted to them, never have been.
It's like something got borked and reversed in my brain and it's left me unable to be attracted to either sex. What the fuck? How do I fix this? I'm serious. How do I power myself off and on again and fix whatever glitch this is?
No. 434752
What if I’m attracted to men’s voices but not physical looks? Like sometimes I think their voice sounds cute?
>>434749I used to be this way - minus the penis thing since they’re always been weird to me - but I used to cringe whenever I looked at vulvas, even though I always thought women looked attractive. Since I knew I liked girls from a young age I felt wrong for it, especially when other SSA girls/women talked about loving pussy. One day in my teens this just stopped idk, kinda weird. I think it might have been after the first time I became attracted to a girl and fantasised about her sexually I guess. Something rewired.
Anons seem to value past experiences a lot so even if you were no longer attracted to their bodies, they would still tell you you are straight/bi as opposed to asexual/lesbian (not sure whether you’re SSA at all). But being attracted to the rest of them? Of course you still are. It’s like those moids who go on about finding pussy ugly. You’re just attracted to the rest of them and would enjoy sex when it hasn’t got anything to do with his penis.
No. 434781
>>434779if every human has a fluid sexuality then nobody is a homosexual (therefore a lesbian). Past experiences do matter because lesbian is exclusive attraction to females
>>434773basic answer is kinsey scale (score a 5-6) but people on here chimp out over that answer so if past experiences with either sex were consensually and done with attraction or with a desire on your part, then they most likely are an indicator of attraction to said sex. On the other hand if said experiences were not consensual or done out of any form of pressure, and done without attraction or enjoyment. then you may want to take those out of the picture. Also i think it depends on the action itself, if it was consensual sex, a long term relationship/marriage, or some type of passionate making out then in most situations, you’re probably attracted to the sex you did it with. If it was a peck on the cheek or a short term relationship then you could still consider what those actually meant and why those things happened and how you felt doing it. Like another anon said i also think enjoyment matters. Crucify me if im wrong though im a kinsey 6 lesbian
No. 434810
>>434773The true answer is that sometimes it matters and sometimes it doesn't. "Past experiences" is a very broad term. Also, you can't even separate it by what the experiences are. The same thing, for example let's say a 2 year marriage that ends in divorce, might have been a miserable lie for one person, while another person might have just sleepwalked through it and didn't realize she was missing out until meeting someone of the right gender woke her up, and a third person might have been sexually compatible with a spouse but unattracted to him because he sucks.
If you're a very sexually confused person, then when it comes to who you're choosing to date or sleep with, just focus on being true to your current feelings. But don't position yourself as an authority on sexuality or anything or go around giving other people advice.
No. 434821
>>434752Oh, I’m not questioning my attraction to men, I know I am/was straight, and I guess maybe my post wasn’t totally thread appropriate because of that, but I didn’t want to stick such a crude question in the advice thread or something…
I guess what I’m asking for is ideas about how to “push past” whatever weird phase I’m in, because liking men but not dicks, and liking vagina but not women, leaves me unable to pursue anyone at all even though I really really want and feel a physical urge to.
No. 434956
>>434881Ayrt, I never really understood how other straight women can want dick but think it’s gross, I was never like that back before my brain glitch happened. But I mentally visualized your suggestion since you’re right a lot of women operate that way.
When I try to imagine a guy I wouldn’t mind dating, and then try to imagine sex, even if I don’t
look at his dick, I know it’s there and I can feel it, and it freaks me out in the same way seeing a cockroach skitter across the floor at a diner makes you want to stop eating the meal.
For a while now all I get off to is thinking about vaginas. I think they’re beautiful and sexy in the same way I used to think dicks were. But I feel like shit because I don’t actually feel anything for any women, when I try to imagine a woman I wouldn’t mind dating I can’t think of any I would be interested in, etc, so I really think something went wrong in my brain because this doesn’t make any sense.
I want it to stop, but at the same time I am freaked out by the thought of going back to how I was because it’s so gross to me now. But where I am now is useless and frustrating so I guess yes, I want to go back. I guess there’s probably nothing I can do to help fix myself though so I’ll stop shitting up the thread. It just is depressing.
No. 435132
>>433220i’m this retarded anon kek, and i’ve recently come to the conclusion while talking with a friend that i just have very strong interpersonal feelings. my feelings towards platonic friends of which I have no romantic or sexual desire towards are very intense. i’ve come to the conclusion that this is how i felt about boys in the past. even the girls too, back then. i’m still tentative to call myself any sexuality (i’ll give it a couple years) but i think this is the most likely for me. originally i wondered if i was biromantic despite only feeling sexual feelings towards women but yeah, no, i’ve tried that and it just seems like i just desire very close affectionate friendships. i haven’t gotten those intense feelings i did for boys as an adult but i still like having close friends of either gender. i just only like to sleep with women. sexually, male bodies and dick repulse me, and male faces can be nice but not “attractive” to me
and i still don’t think there are pretty males after puberty. just thought i would put my thoughts here as a concluding remark or if anyone has any advice/opinions haha
No. 436559
>>436529I don't know. I wouldn't feel comfortable calling myself that. Shouldn't one figure that out the first time they have sex?
>>436533I don't think the problem is "men suck at sex" since it's not even something I mentioned. I said I don't feel happy dating or enganging in sex with men, even if it's not horrible/traumatizing to me. I do think I'm bisexual but "men suck at sex" is not helpful or relevant.
No. 436562
>>436559There’s this one anon who likes to dismiss literally everyone like this kek. You could say men repulse you and she’d still say you’re straight/bi. Ignore her.
You could be bi or lesbian but you’re right, you can gauge an idea but it’s most comfortable to call yourself that after some experience.
>Shouldn't one figure that out the first time they have sex?Have you not slept with a woman? If I’m not misunderstanding what you said.
No. 436955
>>436895>I feel too picky to be a lesbianfemale socialization makes a lot of lesbians preach "all women are beautiful" (similar to how straight women like to say that they don't care about a man's appearance just le personality), but in reality most people have types, they just pretend they don't bc they're afraid to be perceived as shallow
>like the women most lesbians thirst over are unattractive to mewhich type of women have you seen most lesbians thirsting over? like super fat or muscular women?
No. 437211
>>437209I think it’s hard to say, when it comes to this. This isn’t uncommon - most “bisexual” women seem to be like this (bihets, you might say) whether they actually are considered to be or not. I would argue this seems to be the most common sexuality for women - sexual attraction to both women and men but only ever romantically interested with men and always seem to end up with them.
Some people will say you are straight; in my mind, sexual attraction is all that matters in sexuality, and I think it’s retarded that people have a double standard in that a “straight” woman attracted to women is straight but if a “lesbian” said she was attracted to men it would be rightfully clowned on. They’re both bisexual - it’s like the opposite of febfem. That being said, if I were you I would probably just say I’m bisexual but only interested in men romantically. Still though, you’re right - getting more experience will always make you more comfortable with any label you settle on.
No. 437214
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I'm in a bit of a crisis because I have a fetish that seems to be dominating my entire sexuality. At first I thought I was bi because the fetish scenarios I imagine work with any sex, then I thought I was gay because I coom a bit harder and a bit faster if women are the centerpiece, but then I actually had sexual encounters with both men and women, and tbh neither worked because I didn't engage them in my fetish irl so I didn't enjoy it at all really. I now call myself asexual because I don't feel a strong need for sex or masturbation, but the fetish persists. I don't even watch porn (my fantasies are so specific no porn of them exists, trust me I tried finding it with no luck) and I've had this fetish since I was in first grade way before internet was a thing. Am I just retarded? Is there a way to reprogram myself?
No. 437228
>>437211there's a weird trend in this thread where people like you act so put out by the "double standards" that people have for what constitutes as meaningful attraction to men and women. women's bodies are objectified, same sex attraction is marginalized and objectified, same sex relationships are devalued, and opposite sex relationships are easy and ubiquitous. it's just not a symmetrical situation, so it's dumb to act like it's a double standard. if you look at a female body and think "zoo wee mama" but you don't get aroused, you don't want to date or kiss or fuck women, and women aren't an actual option to you, then sure you can argue that you're a strongly male-leaning bisexual or a kinsey 1, but it's a very technical and autistic approach to sexuality I gotta say. however, I also think your analogy isn't even accurate. if you have male crushes, you only feel real passion for men, you're so turned on by your boyfriend that it makes you feel like a degenerate, but you also see a nice pair of boobs and think "wow, boobs" (while otherwise not really thinking about women) that's not a woman who has any reason being in a gay club–that's a straight woman who can appreciate boobs in the same way a lesbian can appreciate a nice wool coat on a man. the fairer equivalent to the sort of "questioning lesbians who are attracted to men" that we see here would be if a straight woman was obsessed with yuri and lesbian porn and only ever masturbated thinking about women having sex and had a huge crush on anya taylor joy and talked about her to her boyfriend every day.
>>437214why didn't you bring up your fetish when you were having sex?
No. 437238
>>437214If you are legitimately autistic then yes in a way it could be tied to autism, because autistic people more commonly have different relationship to sexuality. Autistic men have much higher rates of paraphilias than men in general, but autistic women don't seem to from research (though I question it, I'm autistic and developed a more common fetish from childhood myself and it's how I get off 99% of the time. I don't have much specific help on dealing with the fetish, but you might benefit from not masturbating for a while to reset how you have conditioned yourself to masturbate for years. This article on recovering from porn use won't 1:1 apply to your situation (so don't let it make you feel bad) but the advice to focus on sensation when masturbating with a vibrator may help. your sexuality label, if you're willing to have sex with men and women you may be bi, but when it comes to paraphilias it's not so clear cut (especially with men). You could also look into asexual labelling if you want to communicate that you don't want to date and keep it simple.
I don't know if sex therapists would even be helpful in this day and age, but you could also try reading more into sexology. I learned the term "analloerotic" from reading Men Trapped in Men's Bodies, do you feel like it applies to you?
No. 437246
>>437217Even if this is an anon forum, I'm still too embarrassed to admit it. It's nothing illegal, but I've been ashamed of it for so long I can't bring myself to describe it. Also years of relying solely on my imagination for coom have essentially made me get so specific with the scenarios it feels like I would be giving away too much of myself by describing them. Feel free to fill in the blanks yourself if you must.
>>437228I was too embarrassed. Also, part of my fetish is, um, a bit voyeuristic in nature. I don't actually want to partake in the fetish myself, in fact even in my fantasies I'm not there and I don't play a role. It's always other people doing it.
>>437238Not formally diagnosed, but autism is not out of the question. I had a psych evaluation for something completely different and have been told they suspect it might just be a presentation of/caused by autism. But I'm a woman and I present atypically so they haven't nailed anything down yet. I used to masturbate inappropriately as a child (like under desk at school, behind the sofa my parents were sitting at etc.) so I feel like I was bound to grow up sexually fucked one way or another. This is all great advice though, only I'm very much used to having long periods of complete abstinence and my fetish has not gone away still! The "analloerotic" label definitely fits, since even in my fetish fantasies I'm not actually the one partaking. And, as I've mentioned, I'm just sort of uninterested in sex in general, kinda bummed out that I might die alone because of it, but eh.
No. 437282
>>437258people can get off to sexual situations and ideas because they evoke the thought of sex without necessarily fantasizing about a partner. if you see breasts and fantasize about rubbing and licking etc., then that's a gay fantasy. if you see breasts and fantasize about being sexy and topless yourself, then it's more of a self-insert or self-objectifying sort of thing. I've definitely had many fantasies where the arousing part was that something was happening to me, not that the person doing the things was someone I was super attracted to, and the difference is very clear to me.
>>437253so, to me, the logic is: she said that she decided she was bisexual based entirely on theory–i.e., not because her body responded physically to women, but because it would be logical if she was attracted to women. bisexual in theory, not in practice. then, when describing the way her body and mind actually react in sexual situations, she says that it's easy and common for her to crush on men, but women don't take up the same mental space: seeing a pretty girl makes her 'feel awkward.' that doesn't sound like someone who's masturbating to fantasies of women, it sounds like someone who has an awareness of what a sexy woman is supposed to look like and feels different in the presence of someone super hot, which I think is also super common among straight women (whether it's envy or admiration or self-consciousness). again, something that makes instant sense to me from my own personal experience, as I also feel weird around very conventionally attractive men and women who I'm not at all physically attracted to.
No. 437290
>>437287yeah my swimsuit thing was weird, not sure what to make of it, it was more like some autistic sexual fixation than a concrete fantasy about "being a sexy woman in a swimsuit that men are turned on by" because men or the desires of men weren't even involved in it in the slightest, it was almost more about the texture and pressure feeling of wearing a sports swimsuit and seeing it on women was erotic to me because I know what their body must feel like while wearing it. Although I till don't think that was all of it because I had preferences for what type of women I liked looking at in them best. Hard to categorize. TBH I still would probably get horny wearing a swimsuit like that kek but I've tried to put my sports swimsuit obsession to rest.
I don't have autism but sometimes i really fucking wonder.
No. 437304
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the word "attraction" by itself feels confusing because then it makes het women think that they are bisexual if they think another woman looks good. does attraction actually mean when someone turns you on? or does it mean something else?
No. 437321
>>437312The thing I hate about this thread is that anons are so theoretical with people’s sexuality if someone says
>”Yeah I’ve had crushes on boys as a kid but never felt any sexual attraction and am repulsed by the male body but I am turned on by women ”people will rush to call her a bihet/straight woman, even if realistically, she would NEVER be compatible irl with a man unless he was celibate. People in the thread love to speculate on anon’s sexualities based on like a paragraph of their sexual history, when really they should be giving them advice on what to do to help them figure out their sexuality on their own.
No. 437436
>>437312>>437321i don't think its helpful to focus on how you were feeling when you were just a child though because how many times have we've heard of kids going "when i grow up i want to marry my mommy/daddy" or something else that's weird? its because when you're super young, you think its love if someone makes you feel happy for whatever reason that may be.
imho REAL love REQUIRES sexual attraction. you can absolutely love and care deeply for someone or a group of people on a platonic level, but that's not the same as actually being in love with someone in all seriousness because that requires sexual attraction.
as an adult, when you're not viewing pornographic material and outside of a sexual content, who is it that turns you on? who is it that makes you feel a real bodily yearning for? therein lies your answer. everything else is just splitting hairs and making yourself go crazy for no reason.
No. 437854
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i need advice more for a compulsive behavior rather than strictly a questioning situation, though it does have a relationship with it. anyway, i have this weird need to keep exposing myself to pictures, images, or even videos of naked men or things that focuses on their private areas only, despite causing me to either cringe at best to nearly throwing up and start crying at worst. it's like a part of me still cannot reconcile with the fact that i absolutely hate dick, but then i tell myself, well, what if you come across the perfect one and it will cure you of whatever hangup you have over it? i've never in my entire life seen one that turned me on, but it's like i don't want to accept it and idk why that is. i don't know if this is the right thread for this kind of question so let me know.
No. 440018
i always thought i was straight but now i'm not sure anymore. pls no bully for what's gonna be a really long post
>growing up, always assumed i'd find a husband
>develop a close relationship with another girl from school and send her messages about how i love her and she's so amazing. fantasize about living with her when we're grown-ups
>late elementary school. girls start talking about boys. i feel confused and left out. what's a crush? what does it feel like? at a sleepover we talk about crushes, i make one up based on the fact that he was the most popular boy in our grade.
>age 12, go to my first party. one girl there says she knows all about sex between two girls. i'm fascinated and i want to ask her more, but i'm too scared
>high school comes around, still don't get crushes. a boy asks me out as a joke, i'm meant to say yes because i'm the weird awkward girl but i say no. when he asks why i don't know what to say
>read a book where a character says she doesn't think she's capable of loving her boyfriend, or really any boy. relate so heavily i memorize the passage
>start reading slash fanfiction about my favorite band members, get obsessed with it and dream of finding a love like that
>see a male server i think is cute and get kind of giggly about it
>continue reading my smutty slash fanfic
>age 15, a boy develops a crush on me. i don't mind him complimenting my hair or clothes, but i feel uncomfortable when he texts me "ily". i don't reply
>my best friend and i become obsessed with romance books, she tells me she has "book boyfriends" and asks who mine are. i think about it but realize that while there's some male characters i like i don't want them to be my boyfriend. actually i think they'd be annoying in real life
>age 16, i'm at a party with my friends and one boy is paying particular attention to me. we're having a good time and i feel flattered that he likes me. i don't think he's good looking, but he's funny and the way he's talking to me makes me feel cool and funny and pretty. usually boys make fun of me. that same night he grabs another girl and kisses her without asking. i feel shocked and text him asking why he did that and tell him to apologize. he makes excuses and i tell him to leave me alone. i'm very thankful he didn't do that to me
>me and my friend start watching a tv show and she calls one of the actors gorgeous. in fairness, he really is gorgeous. a scene comes up where he slams another guy up against the wall and kisses him, me and her scream and blush and dance around. even though sometimes i find myself mindlessly agreeing with her about how hot some of the actors are, i don't care, because i love connecting with her in this way. i like it when we agree and i fit in
>i watch the actor's other movies. there's a scene where he's full-frontal, i have to look away. he's handsome and i like the kissing scenes because they're so romantic, but when a friend jokes that he's my boyfriend i start feeling weird. i watch the kissing scenes again and try to imagine he's kissing me, but start feeling uncomfortable and turn it off. i think about having sex with him and feel disgust. start looking up pictures of hot guys and imagine what it would be like to be their girlfriend. i'd be okay with hanging out but thinking of kissing them makes me feel small and trapped and scared
>start watching porn with various results. the men in it are all ugly and i don't like how mean they are to the women. i try gay porn since i like slashfic. some of its bearable, but i don't like it much. in stories they're okay, but men's bodies are actually pretty ugly in real life. i start feeling like i'm masturbating just because i should be masturbating. go through a lesbian porn phase and like it way better. penises are weird looking
>graduate from high school and spend the whole summer with my best friend. she tells me she hopes boys talk to her in college. i tell her i hope boys don't talk to me in college because i don't want them to kiss me. i cry really hard when we say goodbye
>college rolls around. she has her first kiss with a guy at a party, who's name she doesn't know. this makes me feel weird. i think she's too good for this guy who doesn't care about her.
>my best friend gets a crush on another boy who i disapprove of. i tell her not to go for it, but one night she kisses him. he becomes her a boyfriend and she starts ignoring me. i have a full meltdown over it, crying and listening to breakup songs. i decide i hate her boyfriend. we drift apart
>other girls in my dorm are talking about boyfriends and their celebrity crushes. i talk about the actor i like, but when they start talking about having sex with them i'm horrified and cover my ears. everyone laughs.
>develop a fantasy about having a girlfriend
>become obsessed with a female character. i become so obsessed i pretend she's my girlfriend and think of her almost every time i masturbate
>get my first crush ever on a girl from my class. i get nervous around her and i feel good when she laughs at my jokes. fantasize about kissing her. fantasize harder about eating her out.
>panic. my family is homophobic. i can't be with a girl. try to push it away and think maybe i'm bisexual. imagine marrying a man and feel such a wave of revulsion and fear i have to stop thinking about it. have a bad dream that i'm a pregnant housewife with a husband
>my current situation. i'm scared in case i don't like men and i've been lying to myself. i feel so confused.
No. 442547
Ngl if you everyonr here you we t outside and interacted with people you would realise your sexuality within 5 months maybe you not that special (no hate) irs just not that hard to figure out if you actually talk to people in real life so go be normal for 6 months you will find out
>>441782Idk go outside
No. 442581
>>442547Are you drunk?
Also this is such a dumb fuck answer kek, not everyone has an easy sexuality like you. I'm a proper adult with a full time in-person job, went to college, had lots of friends in high school, and I still struggled to figure myself out.
No. 442587
>>442586So when was the last time you went outside and talked to a human irl. If you’re this
triggered it’s because you know we’re right. Go cry into your anime body pillow if you can’t handle it
No. 442613
>>442547It’s not that simple, there are just other variables. That being said, I only ended up questioning my sexuality because I started staying indoors since my teens when it hadn’t fully developed yet I think. I used to be like
>>442582 and thought my fascination with certain guys meant I was attracted to them, even though I wasn’t. There were clues over my hermit period but I only realised when I started functioning properly as an adult and it hit pretty suddenly. But even
that wasn’t enough, because it meant my whole entire life I thought I was something I’m not, and in my head shouldn’t everyone know by like 15? So I couldn’t even validate those feelings. I’m still not comfortable with a label.
>>442589If it doesn’t matter, what are you taking issue with? Anons being given advice or opinions? I like this place because every other one is infested with shit ideas about sexuality and gender, troonshit, oh you can be a lesbian and like men, oh every woman is attracted to other women etc. Even if you don’t get the answer
here there’s no issue in asking and it can be enlightening, maybe not even to just sexuality but other facets of your life that affect it.
No. 442616
>>442593I don’t consider the manifestations of auto-any-philia indicative of any sexuality, just like troons who become bi by getting off to the idea of being a sexy woman basically - even if that’s not an exact counterpart. Even if you’re “sexually attracted their bodies” it could be a case like this - if you’re subconsciously objectifying them like you think a man would and not “yourself” that’s one reason why you can’t imagine yourself having sex with them as a woman, and not from the male perspective. Why would sexuality, viewed from a male, be indicative of the sexuality of a woman? It is something separate.
If you feel hot and attracted to someone irl then even if you have some weird hang up fetish that’s still attraction though. In that case, disregard what I’m saying. Otherwise, no. You can be affected by coomerism without even being a coomer too, with how deep it is in society.
>I feel like I’m the only woman like thisSorry, this part is long. No, I think a lot of women are like this, and I think a lot of straight women who watch porn also get off to the women to be honest. I mentioned the male perspective because it’s something that takes root really early and subconsciously even before exposure to overt sexuality. It’s the same perspective that allows straight women to feel aroused by other women’s bodies while never wanting to fuck if a male’s outside the room or get a romantic relationship out of them, and also the same perspective which allows them to get off of the fact that they’re being sexualised and arousing a man with their bodies when they’re having sex with an uggo. It’s not attraction to
a woman, it’s attraction to
””women””, or a sexual concept.
I used to question my own attraction to women years ago because even though I could only get off by objectifying them and self-inserting in porn this wasn’t the same attraction I felt irl. I felt like something was off. When I actually started feeling attraction to women as people, my type was completely different. The women I got off too were basically as busty or as curvy as possible, and I cared about their faces much less. I couldn’t imagine having sex with them yet still get off to their bodies, Now I know my type is a certain type of face and thin women… I don’t feel much for curves. Makes me think whatever that “sexuality” is before wasn’t an actual one, or at least not one that was coming from within
me instead of an external source.
There are other forms - “AGP”-like behaviour from women, resulting in them not paying attention to when/if they’re attracted to a man or not since they get off to the idea of being a sexualised woman, not the actual scrote who may be ugly or they may be a LBL; AGP from men that bi-ifies scrotes since they also get off to the idea of being a woman fucked by a man; AAP that results in TIFs sometimes having the same thinking of you (less common); AAP that results in TIFs imitating sex as a gay man, which can be SSA with another TIF or OSA with a man - resulting in a straight woman going prison gay (common) or rarely, a gay woman sexualising the idea of being a “bottom”/“top” without being attracted to the man. This is much rarer but I added it since I do think fujoism can result in sexuality pathologies just like other forms of porn, if you were exposed to it early, and I think it did for me. I’ve seen a lot of TIFs (straight, bi, lesbian in both OSA or SSA relationships) say their only form of sex is anal with a strap/dick - very clearly a larp.
Anyway long post, just my thoughts on some things.
No. 442622
>>442584>>442585>>442587>>442589All of you keep ignoring the fact that some of us already go outside and still can't figure it out. It's not even hating any anons, it's that we literally did what you said and still don't know. why did you all ignore
>>442582 and
>>442581 No. 442700
>>442616>When I actually started feeling attraction to women as people, my type was completely different. The women I got off too were basically as busty or as curvy as possible, and I cared about their faces much less. I couldn’t imagine having sex with them yet still get off to their bodies, Now I know my type is a certain type of face and thin women… I don’t feel much for curves. Makes me think whatever that “sexuality” is before wasn’t an actual one, or at least not one that was coming from within me instead of an external source.Nonna, you described my sexuality perfectly. I never understood it very well, but it has always been like that. My sexual fantasies for most of my life have always included objectifying a woman like typical coomer fanservice in shonen anime. I would self-insert as the man and get off to a kinda faceless woman with balloon boobs. However, both the girl who was my first crush as well as my first gf when I was 16 were very boyish and thin girls with basically no boobs at all. And after my first gf, every other girl I fell for and dated was the same type. I never got attracted to hyper sexualised women irl. And I never had issues having sex with other women. Like, irl the type of sex I like and enjoy has nothing to do with the objectifying fantasies I grew up having. And I never watched porn ever lmao. I blame anime and videogames for putting those ideas in my head, really.
No. 442957
>>442949I don’t think you’re ready for the retardation of my mind to be honest.
>men too sinewy and hard, their legs look like horse legs>women too short and stout>the fact that all men have stubble is gross>I like cute breasts but prefer male nipples>average male waist too tiny>average female waist too curvy>the way women carry fat on their upper arms is a turn off, I like angular shoulders>average male face is too… Neanderthal and blocky>average female face too round and baby like>female lower bellies 100% more attractive than moids’, the flat hard vainy plane below men’s navels to their dicks is creepy, again reminds me of a horse>etcSo I guess my preferences all trend towards complete androgyny but even the most androgynous people will have certain traits that aren’t that repulse me… I think the person I want does not physically exist since they’d have to be a complete mash up of the sexes’ traits. I know this sounds insane. Believe me I hate being like this.
No. 443036
>>443031It’s not passive aggressiveness, sorry. I’m saying that the anons are making sense. Hence why it causes me distress - I think that this behaviour indicates OSA but my feelings right now don’t line up. When I hear other women say they experienced similar things I also think to myself they are bi or straight.
It’s not really a matter of actual experience as I have no problem expressing my attraction to women IRL. HOWEVER psychologically I feel weird and uncomfortable with the place I’m in, sort of. I feel abnormal.
No. 443039
>>443036I have two thoughts in response to all of this. one is that dating women seemed unreal and impossible to me until i did it. I downloaded and deleted dating apps a bunch of times without doing anything but when I felt the connection in real life, everything changed, and again the first time we kissed, and again the first time we had sex. the power of growing up in a world where straight relationships is the norm is truly difficult to overcome, even if you think you're liberal and supportive of gay people in your life and you don't think homophobia affects you. I thought I was enlightened and above that sort of thing when I was an inexperienced virgin but I was just so ignorant that I didn't know what I didn't know. same sex love is possible and worth it.
my second thought is that admitting that you think the things you write in
>>443038 is the first step, and the second step is telling yourself that it's irrational, shallow, immature, and bigoted to think this way, and you owe it to yourself to do the difficult work of breaking out of these habits of thought. there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, bisexual, or straight. these are inherent neutral descriptive traits. they aren't cringe or uncool virtue signaling or bandwagon jumping any more than they're sinful or wrong, and the sooner you can earnestly embrace your natural state of being, the sooner you can be happy and fulfilled.
No. 446340
>>446319Some would say you're lesbian if it feels wrong to be with a man; some would say you're bi if you can tolerate sex with a man at all. Who cares.
Personally I think you're a lesbian. You literally said you wanted a man only for cred. You sound down-low almost. I don't think it's very hard to have sex with someone who is unattractive to me, so it doesn't seem outlandish you could tolerate sex with a guy for some calculated personal gain for you, but I'm not you so I don't know.
>gain "cred" with feminine straight passing bi women.for why tho
No. 447963
I experience occasional attraction to men but I wouldn't act upon it, I can't even act upon it. I try getting close to one and literally every avoidant attachment wall known to humankind goes up. I just don't and can't feel emotionally or mentally safe around men, something which I value in an intimate relationship. Meanwhile it never happens with women, I'd tell them about my emotions, thoughts, live with them, have sex with them etc. I score as "lesbian" but I do get that spark of attraction towards men, but "febfem" is a conscious choice and I don't feel like I consciously avoid men, I unconsciously do. I've tried as a teenager to get close to them and I got these horrific anxiety flare ups/attacks as a result, I don't even know how. I'm partially convinced my "initial spark" isn't even actual attraction and rather an intrusive thought thanks to my ocd about getting close to them, which I've had since childhood. I mean, why else would I have such horrific flare-ups of anxiety afterwards.
No. 447977
>>447967Ayrt, I’m not familiar with what redditors are doing with the label HOCD but what you described doesn’t sound like HOCD it sounds like Reddit women trying to convince themselves they can be gay without actually being attracted to women.
My HOCD came out of nowhere at the same time an unexpected crush came out of nowhere. I think I found it so destabilizing to have possibly been wrong about my sexuality for my whole life that it caused me to not believe anything I feel anymore because I don’t trust my brain on a fundamental level. Of note, my brother has severe OCD so I think there’s a genetic predisposition at play as well.
No. 448791
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>>448788>then because you’re a fan of fictional male character #476 that makes you bisexual for some reasonusually they're talking about women who are sexually attracted to those characters rather than simply being a fan. because many times they end up talking about the character's dick 24/7 or have more interest in that than their girlfriend, or end up like
>>433514 No. 448807
>>448788I used to think that but then i realized that still counts as OSA and words have a meaning. I don't correct people with 'actually i'm bisexual', i just say 'not quite' when they assume i'm gay and they get it
>>448791Yeah i don't get their logic. If erotic feelings towards men (fictional or real) take up this much space in your head, you're not a lesbian. Not that you need to like yuri or whatever but if you're fantasizing about men it's not lesbianism.
>>448477>I believe that your sexuality is defined by your actions. Are young gay men and lesbians who try to be straight before going 'nope, not attracted' not homosexual? Are straight women who try out lesbian sex not straight? Both of these scenarios are not that rare and yet, these people's sexuality didn't magically change. A woman could be living in the middle of nowhere, without a gf, dying untouched but if she's exclusively into women she's a lesbian. Are celibate women asexual?
>inb4 terminally online concernIs it? Most people would raise a brow if you talk about OSA fantasies while clamining to be a lesbian. It's logical
>>448443Agreed kek why should anyone come out, just don't call yourself something you're not, it's not that hard
No. 448808
>>448788i think it's like the other anon said that it's more so when you fantasize about the character's dick or whatever and wish you could have sex with a bepenised individual that makes you bi. pseudo-husbandofagging in a nonsexual way says nothing about who you choose to date and sleep with irl. but at the end of the day this is all such terminally online discourse that it's making me cringe just typing it kek, the truth of the matter is that if you only date women and are attracted exclusively to them, labels don't matter because you're functionally lesbian like
>>448477 said. all this "lesbians aren't allowed to have male idols they look up to or male favorite characters" shit really dies when you go outside and get involved with the community.
>>448801>Are gay men and lesbians who 'try' to be straight when they're young not gay? don't be obtuse and bring up something anon wasn't talking about, come on now. you know she didn't say anything like that.
>I don't correct people with 'actually i'm bisexual'what is with bisexuals having so much to say about lesbianism? it's so strange. you sound wounded.
No. 448849
>>448808>what is with bisexuals having so much to say about lesbianism?You mean bisexuals having so much to say about bisexuality. And i don't sound wounded (?)
Aside from this, I agree with your point, i just don't think having a husbando is like looking up to a man or being a fan of him (though it might look similar at first glance).
No. 452032
>>450873the truth is, anyone can look at any type of porn. the issue aside from the fact that watching porn is an incredibly unhealthy habit, is that it can produce a thing called pseudo-bisexuality. this is something i hear bi people talk about and how it frustrates them that they keep coming across fake bis who think they're bi because of some porn they found and thought it looked neat. a straight woman can come across lesbian porn and think she's suddenly bi just because she got wet automatically because that's what pussy does when it gets caught off guard. she doesn't actually like women in all seriousness irl, but she figures because she felt that weird sensation, that means she likes women thanks to the porn.
my advice, stop looking at porn. it is damaging to your brain anyway and it makes figuring yourself out all the more harder than it has to. sexual orientation is about who turns you on in everyday situations, not on a screen.
No. 452344
>>4521111) that post didn't mention anime boys at all. I think it's a mistake to phrase this like one hypocritical person holds both these opinions as opposed to assuming there are a lot of different people posting who may disagree on things.
2) variations of this post get posted all the time and it's always phrased like it's some double standard that the bar for qualifying as "interested in women" is higher than the bar for qualifying as "interested in men." but what you need to understand is that a lot of women prioritize male partners and treat women like shit/objectify them/only want to use other women as sex objects to become sexier to men (see: that polyamorous cow who recruits
victims for her husband), and they may technically qualify as bisexual but we don't like them and we don't claim them and we don't want them in our community.
No. 452541
>>452111>>452115i should add, that it is completely possible to come across people who's porn habits actually matches their real sexual orientation. however, if their arousal patterns are not similarly reflected irl interactions with members of the same or opposite sex like the way it is in their porn use, then my point still stands. being addicted to porn is extremely common and pseudo-bisexuality is sometimes the result of this.
let me put it this way. if a woman tells me that she watches lesbian porn and thinks is hot, but then tells me that she's never even felt turned on by the sight of an actual woman undressing in front of her in, say, a locker room situation, then i'm going to doubt she's into women in all seriousness. sexual attraction starts around puberty and peaks at around mid to late teens. i won't speak for the bisexuals who didn't felt attraction to the other sex until later on in life, but for most people, their orientation quickly comes up at around 8-10 years old on average. so i have a hard time believing a woman like that.
No. 452559
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>>452541Not any of the anons, I’m just going to go off on a tangent but
>felt turned on by the sight of an actual woman undressing in front of her in, say, a locker room situationI’ve always been extremely confused about if this happened to me or not. I remember feeling intense panic about locker rooms but never could pin down exactly what my problem was. Was I just shy to be naked around other people? Was it because of the stress of trying not to accidentally look at anyone else naked? Was it the cold tiled expanse of fluorescent lighting setting off my animal nervous system?
I’m curious how other people felt about locker rooms, and does it have any sort of correlation with sexuality? Or is this just a common feeling for everyone?
No. 452609
>>452541>but for most people, their orientation quickly comes up at around 8-10 years old on averageNta but really? That seems weirdly early or was I dumber than other kids kek (but I don't think my classmates were like that either?)
I'm probably an outlier since I wasn't attracted to anyone until mid-20s but even when it comes to the average person I thought it was at 12 at the 8 nobody knew what gay/straight/bi was kek>>452559>Was I just shy to be naked around other people? Was it because of the stress of trying not to accidentally look at anyone else naked?I'm straight and relate to both these parts.
No. 452963
>>452899Ayrt in my case I think yes, she was extremely unique looking. Very very long midface and nose which is uncommon in women, and great bone structure, tall. But had cute rounded feminine facial features, her lips in particular were very feminine and cute. I just found her so adorable in every way.
unfortunately she was fucking straight and my heart was crushed and pulverizedI developed a theory that maybe my attraction is based nearly 100% on this unique long-face, long nose facial ratio which is rare in women, but not uncommon in men, and so that's why my exception felt so out of the blue, even though really it was following this subconscious rule I didn't know I had. If I ever meet another woman who has that look (and the other traits I like but this facial ratio seems to be the prerequisite), I wouldn't be surprised if I fell in love again. I just pray the next one isn't straight or else i might kms.
No. 456646
>>456627You're a bisexual with a strong preference for women.
>I think of sexuality labels as only useful in terms of how accurately it describes your like actual behavior, so I wonder if it might be time to just give up and call myself a lesbian who happened to be straight for college NigelNo. Unless you realised you were in serious denial and that you were in fact never in love/attracted to him you should't call yourself a lesbian. Sexual orientation does not reflect behaviour it reflects possible sexual attraction. For example celibate people have still an orientation despite not acting on it.
No. 459422
>>458677i feel like the way women have been socialized to never accept having even just nice feelings in a platonic sense towards a male without it having to mean something deeper definitely messes with our heads for so many years to come. you may have grown up in a household with open displays of homophobia and that made you want to cling to the bi label since it feels less worse somehow than being a lesbian. in my case, i practically worshiped straight love, i know that sounds strange but it's true. i grew up in an
abusive household with family who hates lesbians, so i see straight couples as something clean, holy, wholesome, to inspire to be, while seeing homosexuality as deviancy or some kind of personal failing. i suppressed my sexual feelings to my female peers growing up so much that i just tell myself that it is something i can manage by ignoring it as much as possible.
i always tell people this, and it doesn't sound cutesy or whatever, but sexual orientation is quite literally about your body's natural reaction to the opposite, same, both, or neither sexes. males have never turned me on, maybe you are the same.
No. 460448
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>>460420i know its all cutesy and funny to hear people say things like, oh i knew i wasn't into men/women if the thought of having sex with them makes me want to throw up or kill myself etc, but i must say that a lack of attraction can literally feel like.. absolutely, positively, NOTHING at all, too. like a void or a black hole with nothing on the other side of it. take this as you will.
No. 460534
>>460444I’m not actively like this, more that I’m thinking past me was or could have been, and I don’t know if that’s indicative of my sexuality.
>>460448I see
No. 461293
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So, seeing the latest fight in the lesbian general has given me some serious pause. Yes, it's about the dreaded gold star thing and I'm not one, so I'm doing some reflection. It's weird, but honestly? I don't want to be a lesbian. So to see that feels like a sign that I can be cured of this hangup I have. Truthfully, I've dated both, but I've been assaulted by moids so much so that I obviously have a trauma with them, so it makes things messy in my head whenever I look at them. I've been doing therapy in general and my goals for 2025 is to also take up somatic therapy to come to terms with the sexual violence I've experienced at the hands of men. So that's that. What is making me frustrated, though, is that no matter how hard I try, I CANNOT for the life of me get turned on by men. I've tried everything; I look at regular movies to look at men in different settings, sometimes to see scenes of them doing things like maybe take off their shirt before going for a swim. No tingles, no feeling hot and bothered, nothing. I go bolder and look up Rule 34 shit (I know I know) to look at animated naked men. Again, nothing. I look up erotic fine art photography, still nothing. When I masturbate and try to think of men, the pleasurable feelings suddenly disappears and I can't orgasm, or if I do, it is sorely disappointing or I'll even have an episode of Orgasmic Anhedonia which is super weird to go through. With women, everything WORKS for my mind and body. Arguably, I've been like this I think before I dated anyone period, so I'm not sure what to think.
My ultimate question is, is any of this even normal? I've always been proud to call myself bi since a very young teenager, though some people disagreed with me over the years for some reason. I came out as gay to my parents this year but I think I'm regretting it. I'm pretty sure I have capability to feel feelings for both men and women, it's just the sexual attraction seems to be exclusively for women. But again, I think given everything that's happened to me, this makes it much harder. Sorry if this ended up being quite long.
No. 461301
>>461296Before all the bad things happened to me, I felt absolutely nothing for men until, I want to say maybe ages 13-14 when I thought a guy looked cute or handsome in one of my classes. That's when I was like, okay, I think bi is the right label for me. I had no issue agreeing with people when they thought a moid looks good - if he had a good face, then I think so too! Sexual attraction wise, yeah, again, I felt none of that with them. Their bodies may as well never existed to me. But I was able to feel a strong emotional connection with them. I was able to have things in common with them. I wanted the typical suburb home ending with the husband and the 2.5 kids, so of course I dated guys to realize that dream down the line. Kissing them felt fine, I wasn't dripping wet like it is when I kiss women kek, but it was fine enough. I think this is hard for me because men in general suck in bed, while women put more effort in pleasing, so unless I magically find some man who's head game is on par with the most seasoned pussy eating woman… I'm gonna be confused I think lol. I feel like, if someone could somehow create a brand new sexual orientation, where I feel something for men minus the sexual attraction, and feel all of it with women without problems, then that would describe me.
No. 462737
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I feel like I should be attracted to moids with nice faces but the minute I try to think of them sexually I feel immensely disgusted. In middle school I liked moids to the point where I almost dated one, did all the classic things like trying to scoot close to one I thought was cute and strongly desired to be physically close to them (like holding hands and intimate hugging) but the minute anything sexual was implicated I could not be anything but turned off. This didn’t continue into high school by the way, because I stopped thinking boys looked nice for some reason so I stopped getting these crushes, though I still had two niche celeb moids I was fond of. What gives? I feel very weird like it’s a psychological problem with me that needs working through.
Ever so often I feel a semblance of how I felt in middle school. While I don’t desire to be close to them (even that feels gross now) I occasionally, maybe once every couple years, come across a scrote that looks good and I feel as though I should be attracted to him. Funny example is Luigi Mangione. His eyes look exactly like this girl I am intensely attracted to, so I get very drawn to his face. I feel like I should like him and feel weird about it, but the minute I try to try to think about him sexually I am either grossed out or bored, in fact it feels so silly that I find it humorous especially since his body and parts of his face is so gross to me. Growing up I would think about girls while masturbating then when I got really close tried to switch to a male (idea of one I knew, or one of those two celebs, anime boys, or even actual penises) but my arousal would entirely dissipate and I would have to start again. I don’t know if autism is making this more difficult, I tend to overanalyze my feelings. Honestly I don’t even know if what my sexuality is is my main concern, I just want to know what my deal is. Please psychoanalyze me
No. 462902
>>462737I can't psychoanalyze you, but I can relate to you. Growing up I would also masturbate while thinking exclusively about women's bodies, and I still do this to this day, though not as often. I can become aroused by thinking about men's bodies with cawk n balls and everything or looking at depictions of them, but I don't want to jerk off to them. It doesn't make much sense, but just thinking about doing this makes me cringe? Something about this feels so unsexy idk. Moreover, when I was younger, masturbating to men seemed borderline illegal to me. Masturbating while looking at a random picture of a woman seemed totally ok and normal though, mhm. I was raised by a religious mother and as a very small child, I read books about how homosexual behavior is definitely not ok btw.
A bit unrelated, but I also feel like I'm becoming less and less attracted to men? I look at photos of men that I found hot 3-5 years ago and now they look kinda ugly to me. Like, what was I even thinking back then? Now only certain depictions of animu bishies arouse me, and even with them I'm picky. I think I gave myself brain damage by consooming too much content about idealised 2d men.
No. 462933
>>462902Ayrt, this feels different to me. Namely the getting off to female and male bodies part. If you’re aroused by men’s bodies but can’t masturbate to them, it just feels like that’s just not your preferred way of getting off. Like people who will get off to porn that look nothing like the people who they are sexually attracted to. Basically it’s kind of unnecessary to mull over what your masturbation habits are; if you’re aroused by something you’re aroused by something. However it’s possible it’s something mental that causes that, the reason for which I couldn’t tell you though.
The reason I’m inclined to think this way is because the way society normalizes the sexualization of women is ingrained since childhood. Like, I got off to pictures of breasts and whatnot (I would even draw them and then scribble them out kek) far before I actually felt attracted to a girl IRL, to the point I would say my sexuality didn’t develop before then. That sexuality did not feel organic to me, and the same was replicated back when I watched porn as a teen; I got off to women I would not be attracted to or want to have sex with IRL, as my real type is the opposite of curvy. It was the “sexual stimuli” I got off to. I think there are even straight girls who felt like this, and also felt more wrong for sexualizing men than women, until their sexual feelings for men become strong enough. I don’t think this applies to you, by the way; I just think that what you masturbate to is less telling to your sexuality than what you’re aroused by.
In my instance I’ve never been aroused by men but in those circumstances (middle school) I wanted to be close to the boys I crushed(?) on physically. I never once thought about sex with them nor did I feel any indicators of sexual arousal, and this was before my first attraction to a girl. I was shocked and ashamed when I felt this because I didn’t know what arousal was. Up until discovering the term “demisexual” on tumblr (kek) I assumed everyone felt the same way I did with boys in middle school (wanting to hold hands and hug and stuff), so I thought I was on the ace spectrum or something. When I had a crush on a girl that made my genitals feel weird I felt like a pervert, and it contradicted my assumed demisexuality because I felt attracted to her immediately. I obviously know now I am not demisexual. I’ve tried to get aroused beforehand through masturbation but it just goes away when I think about men. And placed in a sexual scenario with men I feel disgusted.
Do you think that your reluctance to masturbate to men despite feeling aroused would extend to sex? I’m not sure about your experience levels and whatnot.
No. 463004
>>462933>Do you think that your reluctance to masturbate to men despite feeling aroused would extend to sex? I’m not sure about your experience levels and whatnot.I guess. I never wanted any kind of intimacy with real men, never had a crush on one. Same also applies to women. I don't want to fuck at all basically.
Also I think that you are probably a lesbian tbh. I don't understand why you feel like you should be attracted to men when you were never even attracted to them in the first place. Is it just because you think that your sexuality was hijacked by exposure to porn when you were a teen? And why do you fixate on "crushes" on little boys you had a child? Obviously I can't know what is going on in your head, but it seems like you don't believe that what you felt was a crush despite using that word. Maybe you are/were tactile, touchy-feely person who under the influence of myth of romantic love memed herself into thinking that you had a crush on these boys?
No. 463030
>>463004>I don't want to fuck at all basically.This makes it more confusing. Do you only feel attracted to people as masturbation material and don’t actually desire to have sex with them? Depending on who you ask, people might consider that a pseudosexuality. Or it could be a self-perception thing, like you can’t imagine yourself in a sexual context.
Do you feel attracted to people you interact with? And when you fantasize do you fantasize about real people? I’m assuming you feel attracted to people IRL but just don’t have crushes on them nor desire to have sex with them. It sounds like engaging in actual sex acts isn’t appealing to you, just people’s bodies, unless I’m misunderstanding. And do you think there’s a reason you’ve never been romantically interested in someone? Circumstantially or psychologically.
To answer your questions, well those instances happened in middle school which seems to be considered late enough to be putting things into consideration, regardless of the lack of sexuality. I did see them as crushes at the time too. It’s true they do seem different from more current feelings though - even disregarding the sexual attraction, I only realized my borderline symptoms once I started feeling attracted to girls.
>Maybe you are/were tactile, touchy-feely person who under the influence of myth of romantic love memed herself into thinking that you had a crush on these boys?Possibly, but I have trouble dissecting and analyzing myself. It’s definitely worth asking here because I’ve already got two different answers, bi and lesbian.
No. 463086
>>463030This is extremely cringe, but I can only feel romantic attraction to male fictional characters. I can imagine myself engaging in sexual acts only with them since they aren't real anyways. I wouldn't want to fuck a real man, that's pretty fucking disgusting to me. Like, even when it comes to unattainable male celebs/models/whatever that I found genuinely attractive, I feel like if they materialized out of thin air and stood before me I'd feel absolutely nothing at best or repulsed at worst. That's exactly how I feel about the men I interact with in real life. There's just something wrong with them, none of them look truly appealing to me. Even their voices are kinda bleh. + I never feel comfortable interacting with them, because before I entered university I barely even exchanged words with them. I've been friends only with girls in my childhood and teenagehood, so they seem alien to me.
When it comes to women I interact with I'm not like that, I find a lot of women pretty and I'm rarely repulsed by them, but that doesn't really matter, I never felt any kind of attraction to them and wouldn't have sex with one(not that it's even in the cards lmao). If I were placed in that situation, it wouldn't feel like one of the worst things ever to happen to me like with men, but I would probably feel… nothing. I can't feel aroused even when I think about engaging in sexual acts with female fictional characters that I'm obsessed with to a degree that is kind of not normal. It sounds horrible, but it seems like I'm only attracted to women as masturbation material, I guess…
No. 463167
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i've never been attracted to women romantically but i do feel attracted to them physically. i feel like a moid
No. 464297
>>463970It depends on my level of arousement. If I’m really horny or I love the person I am definitely attracted to their genitals.
I am neutral on “faceless” vulvas, but I am definetely attracted to the vulva of the woman I love, fluids, smell, texture.
No. 464961
>>464927What kind of media do you consoom?
>>464949>it means men are better written as characters with more depth and different kinds of archetypes available to them, that female characters never get.That's sooo true
nonnie, it surely just that and not androcentrism. Or being afraid of real males.
No. 465597
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>>464927It means you're still attracted to men. If you mostly gravitate towards idealized depictions of men in fiction you obviously crave that kind of moid in your life, but will never be able to realize it so you turn to female companionship as a second option.
>>464949>>465346Idk, my media consumption primarily consists of casts that are majority male dominated (example Gundam and Legend of the Galactic Heroes which are series praised for its writing and male characters) and I never get emotionally attached to these male characters the same way I do with female characters. And by emotional attachment, this includes: writing fanfics, collecting and drawing fanarts, obsessively discussing with other fans headcanons, interpretations, theories relating to the character or pairing etc. Just because you aren't into female characters in your media and never care to seek good content doesn't mean they're all badly written. Funny to see so many people itt making excuses for their blatant bihettery.
No. 465631
>>465621op here, yeah i’m bi. just extra confused lately.
i was coerced into having sex with a male for the first time recently and didn’t enjoy a second of it. repulsed, even. but a few years ago having sex with a woman, i enjoyed it.
i guess i just feel fake or strange about the dynamics of being bi while dating a lesbian. i guess bi4bi is better for both involved?
and when i do obsess over female characters or ships, they usually aren’t lesbian or actually together and i project everything onto them, if that means anything
No. 465635
>>465623>You sound like the one getting offended.?
>>465597>Funny to see so many people itt making excuses for their blatant bihetteryYou’re the one who made that long ass post.
>>465631>i guess i just feel fake or strange about the dynamics of being bi while dating a lesbian. i guess bi4bi is better for both involved?>fake or strangeDon’t get talk like that get to you. Unless you plan on leaving her for a man or think you’ll start “craving” dick while in a relationship if your girlfriend loves you it’s fine. I think bi4bi
is indeed probably better if both bisexual women like men a lot and want to share husbandofaggotry otherwise it’s all down to compatibility with your partner. No need to worry about what people online think about bisexuals in relationships with lesbians when your girlfriend has chosen to be with you.
>>465631>when i do obsess over female characters or ships, they usually aren’t lesbian or actually together and i project everything onto them, if that means anythingI don’t think it means much, I’m a lesbian but I only like female characters in certain series since it comes to writing. In other series if I want to ship them I also project onto them since that’s usually more enjoyable than what they’ve got going on kek
No. 471390
>>471089The idea of an innate "romantic orientation" is a little fucking retarded is the thing. Most of the difference between "romantic" and "sexual" preferences that people feel can be explained by homophobia and misogyny and society just making certain things seem harder. Depending on how you're raised and who you are, if you're into women but a little homophobic, you might think "I can't deny that women turn me on, but I could never live a life with one" or "I can't deny that I have a crush on my friend, but I could never sleep with her." It's like being in the bargaining stage between being in denial of your orientation and trying to find some normalcy or reckon with your own biases (for example, if you're a pickme or NLOG who hates women, you might make a shitty bisexual in the same way men who hate women are shitty boyfriends). In the same way, if you're a hardcore manhater but straight or bi, you might be in denial that you can be "romantically attracted" to them, but it's not because "romantic orientation" is a real thing, it's just your logic overriding your orientation when you are articulating your feelings. Obviously people are going to disagree with this (I already disagree with the person who's replied so far) but that's my opinion
No. 471891
>>471630I think it's possible to be into women but "not ready for" (afraid of, intimidated by) sex, especially if you're young and inexperienced. Yeah, you're straight if desire just isn't there, and there's no need to force it, but I also think it can be difficult to come to terms with that desire and girls who think they're "romantically but not sexually into women" may find that changing later in life.
>>471633Maybe I'm retarded and reading too much into the way you phrased this, but you should never have to 'decide' who you're attracted to. You should want it so bad that there's no doubt in your mind. Nothing feels worse than having sex with someone despite not wanting it because you had some other motive, like wanting to lose your virginity.
No. 472222
>>472042I'm not a neet but I'm not social as much as I want to be, mostly because I struggle with communicating.
>>472049>tfw ice never been attracted to anybody I had one crush in my life but I didn't even have horny thought about him, just "wow he is so nice and kinda handsome I guess".
No. 474580
>>474138Why does it matter for people in this thread (supposedly for anons questioning their sexuality) if a small minority of lesbians decided to have a thread that better reflects their experiences? This whole website talks about dicks non-stop. And it's like that in the whole fucking world. It's only logical that lesbians who have never been with men would like a space that reflects their experiences. Everyone, including lesbians, loves to say how it's such a rarity a lesbian who has never had sex with men, but believe it or not, we exist. And that isn't because no man has ever wanted us. It's because we have always been repulsed by men, sometimes even before knowing we're homosexuals. So, if we're such mythological creatures in extinction, why does it bother so many people that we want a space only to talk to the, like, other 5 or 6 women who also never had sex with men? Our experiences of social isolation and loneliness growing up have also been unique and difficult to deal with, why can't we have our place to talk about it? And why women who are not goldstars also try to bully us by implying we're ugly, autistic or whatever? As if being fucked by a man made any woman special FFS men fuck everything, their dicks don't care kek it's no badge of honour having a man wanting you lol
No. 474598
>>474580If that's what it actually was, then you would be right. But the reason people think the thread and its residents are goofy as fuck is because the thread does
literally nothing but single out random people from other /g/ threads calling them bisexual for whatever the crime of the day is, usually it's something like "not cooming to anime titties is proof they are not lesbians reeeee", and when they're not doing that they're mauling each other to death instead. It's like a dog fighting arena where all the contestants are insane inbred chihuahuas.
No. 474607
>>474603If you're depressed it's probably high cortisol interrupting your arousal. At that point you're not getting off to actual arousal it's more adrenaline
triggered by stressful situations. I'd suggest exercising and eating protein rich foods so your stress is dealt with and your body relaxes at night. Did wonders for me personally.
No. 474663
>>474660it started before I ever watched porn. It was
triggered by a normal photo in a victoria's secret when I was around 11.
No. 474697
>>474598You're talking to a wall anon, the women in that thread do not care about any legitimate criticism of their behaviour. They'll just go back to playing the
victim as if they never said anything wrong.
No. 474734
>>474598All they talk about is dick, dick, dick. Just because we d-don’t want dick! You all just like sucking dick! So they go to their own space that they allegedly want away from women who have been with men (which isn’t a bad thread to want in itself)
to talk about dick some more. Ironic. With a Bechdel rule too 90% of posts would be gone. They think people are hating on them for being goldstar virgins when the goldstars leschads just don’t have enough time for their bullshit. Nothing to do with who they’ve fucked or haven’t fucked, which is what they’re conflating it with.
Personally I don’t mind having one thread with a Bechdel rule and one without it, but I think it’s funny that I find the one I belong in insufferable.
(derailing) No. 474749
>>474663If it's any consolation VS was invented by a moid with a porn habit and wanted lingerie to look more like porn so the picture was
meant to arouse the viewer.
Anyway sounds like sexuality OCD. In the book "Your Brain on Porn" even straight men get it with male/male and "shemale" porn despite not being attracted to men irl in any way. Think of it as the brain looking at the performers in porn and registering them as "adrenaline-inducing objects" rather than "people", this is how viewers are able to consume anything without even being into it, it's about raising the adrenaline to meet the heightened dopamine threshold. Porn usage is a behavioural addiction, so if you still watch it and then stop watching it, your brain will start thinking it is dying because it is not getting its "hit" and then will give you intrusive thoughts that grow in intensity until you do it, even to the point of nightmares. Ignore them, you should apply no meaning to them nor believe this means you have to act on them. You are essentially re-conditioning your brain to not act. Reverse Pavlov's bell.
Once you have stopped consuming porn for long enough, your brain will return to normal. The side effects may include getting upset about things easily and being very sensitive emotionally; insomnia; anxiety; needing to use the toilet a lot; loss of appetite or increase in appetite; and other side effects that vary from person to person. This is because your dopamine threshold is resetting.
Learn to exercise as a mood regulator, as it increases dopamine and will manage any "cravings" the brain has. As it resets, the brain gets rid of all the "fog" and you will begin to feel attracted (or more attracted) to what you're actually into again.
No. 475190
>>474844identify as whatever makes the most sense to you. if you genuinely cant see yourself ever being in a relationship with a man, even if he was the most perfect tailor made for you moid in existence, then the lesbian label works.
If there's even a small chance you're attracted to men, then just ID as bisexual but simply date mostly women. Bisexual moids that fuck all the men at the country club yet go back home to their wives do it all the time.
No. 476700
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Im a straight woman and i keep having gay dreams where i spend time with other women who flirt with me and are toxic towards me, last time i woke up aroused from it and my pussy was wet. I think i'm developing a fetish for being prison gay with other women even thought im straight, which made me question if i am even straight at this point, currently going insane trying to make out what i am someone help. I never got attracted to the average everyday woman if this means anything, i've only been attracted to tifs before but they were silly crushes when i was younger and desperate so i don't think it means anything. I know im not a lesbian because im attracted to men so maybe im bisexual but with a bigger preference towards guys? Or i'm just straight, i don't even know anymore.
No. 476729
>>476700You sound bisexual with a strong preference towards guys. To be honest most bisexuals are like this (both the ones who prefer to identify as straight,
and the super loud ones who “love all women”), you feel weird about it because most bisexual women overrexaggerate their attraction to women. You are normal and it just takes for a woman that fits your narrower standard, TIF or not, for you to like them - it’s just much less likely than meeting a man you’re attracted to. So Kinsey 2-3. I think it’s important that a lot of women’s sexuality seems to take this shade anyway? They need to meet one person specifically that opens up other doors if that makes sense. Or maybe that’s sexuality in general, I’ve heard the same from bi men falling for an attractive friend and then opening up to attraction to other men too.
To be honest I wreaked my head for this one but funnily enough the gender/sexuality-swapped version would be no question. Imagine:
>Im a straight lesbian woman and i keep having gay straight dreams where i spend time with other women men who flirt with me and are toxic towards me, last time i woke up aroused from it and my pussy was wet. I think i'm developing a fetish for being prison gay with other women converted straight even though im straight a lesbian, which made me question if i am even straight a lesbian at this point, currently going insane trying to make out what i am someone help. I never got attracted to the average everyday woman moid if this means anything, i've only been attracted to tifs TIMs before but they were silly crushes when i was younger and desperate so i don't think it means anything. I know im not a lesbian straight because im attracted to men women so maybe im bisexual but with a bigger preference towards men women? Or i'm just straight a lesbian, i don't even know anymore.Kek the outrage + there would be no questioning it. Just funny to think about
No. 478108
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>think of living with a man for the rest of my life
>feel trapped and like i can never be myself nothing but dread
>think of living with a woman for the rest of my life
>butterflies in my stomach, warmth, and yearning
I don't find PiV sex appealing, so I guess i'm a lesbian.
No. 478296
I've called myself a lesbian for years now, but in high school I thought of myself as bi. Now that I'm older, I'm questioning whether or not that's fully accurate and what I should call myself. For the record, I've always known that I like girls, only ever had crushes on girls (both now and growing up), etc.
I had a few sexual experiences with a guy friend in late middle school/early high school. I thought he was ugly, but I legit wanted to figure out if I liked guys. And I was severely porn addicted at this point in my life, if that means anything (I never had attractions towards men until I started watching porn). Everything was consensual. I didn't hate the experience; I didn't mind interacting with him but I hated him interacting with me. If anything, I looked at it in the same way as one might investigate a bug on the ground or something. I was firm on not wanting PIV, but we did other things. When I was in coomer phase, I felt "attraction" towards men, but it was moreso the idea of it and not necessarily the idea of being with a man, if that makes sense.
Since then, I've never really felt any attraction to men. I have never felt the urge to date men or even look their way. I legit feel disgusted when men pay attention. I honestly would be okay with calling myself a febfem, except I feel like that would out me as being terminally online (does anyone actually use that term irl)? If I had to rank myself on the Kinsey scale, I would rate myself a 5.5 at the absolute lowest.
No. 478436
>>478296the way i stopped worrying about this stuff is thinking of it like this. If I was a moid, what sexuality would people call me?
Most people would say you're a flaming fag if you were a guy, so just go with that, you're a fucking lesbian. If you get that wrong in the future than you get it wrong, but you sound like a lesbian.
Moids are dumb, but sometimes I admire the simplicity they approach life with.
No. 478555
nonnie. I feel like this line of thinking is a sign that I've been spending too much time online. On that note, does anyone know of any lesbian/febfem space that talks about more than fakebians and troons? I have 0 lesbian friends irl and the internet isn't really offering much
No. 478566
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How do I figure out sexual attraction if all I can do is speculate? I've never even held hands with anyone, how do I figure out what sex I'd hate? Hypothetically, both seem meh. I've never fantasized about sex with anyone or really wanted it. Romantically attracted to men and women, more women though (around a 4:1 ratio I'd say). Will I have to go off coom? That feels unnatural because you can develop all sorts of weird paraphernalias and fetishes that way.
No. 478672
>>478566>How do I figure out sexual attraction if all I can do is speculate?Sexuality is generally not something that most people need to 'figure out.' Most people's feelings and cravings for sex are natural and self evident. In my opinion, it's normal not to know exactly what feels good or turns you on until you do it, but you should still feel a horny sort of energy toward someone that you want to explore–so, to use examples, as a virgin, I wasn't able to anticipate whether I preferred clitoral or vaginal stimulation more or what positions feel good or whether I was going to like or dislike giving/receiving oral sex. However, I knew who I was sexually attracted to.
>I've never even held hands with anyone, how do I figure out what sex I'd hate? I've never fantasized about sex with anyone or really wanted it.It sounds like you're young and inexperienced. Maybe you're not ready for a sexually active relationship, which is fine, and if you're under 20, I would even say that's within the range of normal. But if you would like to date someone and you're at least curious about sex, you can prepare for a sexually active relationship by exploring your own body and what feels good to you, and exploring your own mind and finding what turns you on. For the physical side of things, you might want to try looking through reviews and buying one or two popular sex toys and seeing if you like them at all (this was the first thing I did with my credit card when I left home kek). For the mental side of things, you could talk about sex and dating with friends or pick up a romance book a friend is reading and see if anything appeals to you. You could try casually dating and seeing who makes your heart flutter, and you could try going out dancing–I barely ever did this in college but I remember being more turned on than I had ever been in my life in the club.
If you enter a relationship with someone you're romantically interested in, be honest about being interested in exploring while also not knowing what you enjoy yet. This is super important: don't let anyone take advantage of your inexperience. This is the sort of thing you should only do with someone very similar in age to you who you trust and who deserves your trust. Don't let anyone force you to try anything that grosses you out or upsets you, don't let anyone force you to try something you tried and disliked, feel free to try things without knowing if you'll like them or not, feel free NOT to try things just because you don't know for a fact you don't like them, and insist that your partners get STD tests and use condoms.
>still not completely sure how lesbians have sex or how it would work, even feelI guess the last thing I would say about all this is that long before I was mentally ready to have sex, when I was still a teenager and grossed out/scared by a lot of it, I really seriously wanted to kiss (without going further). Before you are educated/experienced in the way sex works, you can still feel a magnetic pull toward someone without knowing the details.
No. 478693
>>477694nta but i'm curious what their thoughts are on celebrities who do this (like george michael, ricky martin, etc) or the ones that are constantly rumored to be such like hugh jackman, bruce willis, and a bunch of others that already have wives and kids. because i rarely see anyone even slightly suggest that these men might be bi, not even regular gay men believe in bisexuality. on a lot of gay forums and irl they're basically what
>>478297 said
No. 478796
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>>478793A strap on isn’t necessarily an exact replica of a literal penis. It’s meant to vaginally stimulate.
I’m not familiar with the Kinsley scale and I find it kind of stupid to measure what percentage of gay you are. You either are a lesbian or you aren’t.
No. 479788
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Nonas i need your help, I'm confused af. I'm fairly masc presenting and I just like seeing another masc presenting women. I always got really attracted to any masc presenting or any short haired women on my feed and irl, including tifs. Since I was a child I always wonder why it seems like nobody is attracted to tomboys since I find them really attractive, and I was a tomboy too. I'm still not sure if my attraction to them is genuine or I just wanted to look like them.
No. 479799
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How do I know if my attraction to women is genuine and is not some polilez cope due to close male family members who, in a not so politically correct term, aren't really great male role model figures (one's a deadbeat, one's a neckbeard NEET, one's kind of okay—but has clear anger issues)?
What if I'm just Chappel Roaning my way out and see women as a "safer" romantic/sexual option (which, they objectively are, but still)?—Like, I fell for the "yuri is the purest form of love" meme unironically.
Since four days ago I've been having nonstop sexual fantasies of women having sex. None of the fantasies involve me, but rather a rotation of OCs I have schizoly created inside my head—some of those OCs do have traits that I have IRL but I would not call them full-blown "self-inserts".
Also, all of these fantasies are from a third-person view and are non-cony. These fantasies do make my pussy tingle a bit sometimes… but I still have dreams of PIV (not really pleasurable, and isn't happening to me) which I attribute to early hentai use biting back my brain.
The majority of my fantasies have been het, I definitely recall one fantasy of two girls having shower sex at fifteen, but the majority of time’s it's been het.
Also, I'm from a Muslim family. While not that strict compared to other families—I would definitely give my poor mother a heart attack if I were to even suggest the idea of having a GF.
I just realllllyy do not want to be that "fake bi girl who LARPs female attraction for brownie points" or whatever.
No. 479800
>>479799literally me, down to the
muslim hentai fried part. you're probably bisexual, and you need to stop fantasizing (and living, probably) in third person.
No. 479888
>>479799What are your thoughts on
eating coochie?
No. 480433
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>not attracted to men
>thought i was a lesbian because hey, no male attraction so you must be attracted to girls
>not attracted to women either
>have no desire for sex and see it as a chore/something i'd rather not do
so asexuality is rare, but seems like it fits me to a T.
No. 481014
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>>463167i just realized i used to be into my friend four years ago. i just never let my mind go there because she already had a girlfriend who i was also friends with. i had a pretty bad falling out with them both and we don' talk anymore. fuck my stupid homo life why am i realizing this just now
No. 481539
>>481505Is it though? I feel like it’s complicated. Like a woman who masturbates to women’s bodies could be straight with pornrot. But I wouldn’t consider a lesbian that could get off to male bodies, real or drawn, as actually a lesbian.
In my case, during my teen years I was ashamed that I only masturbated to porn with women, and thought I should be getting off to males equally. I was also deep in the gendie trenches so I subconsciously thought not being bi was “lowkey transphobic” and that regardless of sexuality it would be wrong to have a genital preference. I tried masturbating to yaoi, porn of men getting off and gay porn. I couldn’t cum from it so I would masturbate to my regular porn and switch at the last second so I could come to it. I never really thought about this behaviour at the time, and I was like 14 I think.
Fast forward a couple years and I become really attracted to someone and for the first time in my life since I discovered porn I organically(?) masturbated. I didn’t know people did this (I thought people only got off to porn and doing that was a no-no and disrespectful), but I was surprised I got the urge to actually think about someone touching me and that it felt so good. Thus I abandoned porn completely and over the process of a couple more years I started to open up to attraction to other people of the same gender (of which I don’t want to disclose because I’m curious on which opinions would be had for either). Nowadays I have a full-flown libido that is slightly higher than average and I see people I find attractive regularly and can feel sexually attracted to them, something that didn’t happen before.
No. 481957
>>479888100% fine with it. I even kind of see it as an "empathy" thing as I struggle orgasming myself, and if I could bring another woman to orgasm that would be great.
My heart skipped a beat just thinking about it, kek.I find dicks ugly (even though I consume massive amounts of yaoi—though I get more pleasure from seeing the guys get dominated rather than the dick(s) itself). Even during my pornsick phase I would skip blowjob scenes. So fucking gross.
No. 484130
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My attractions are very very clear if I can imagine myself as a man. I'd be over every woman and women exclusively. Is it that lesbian sex is just unappealing to me? What does that mean if I want more than anything to have hetero sex with my crush? FUCK my life. I swear this isn't tranny bait
No. 484230
>>484180I’ve had the worst time with this.
>identify as bisexual in early high school. Enjoy looking at women in swimsuits and short skirts, get off on it. When I get a little older, realize I was just self-inserting, not actually attracted (like your ex-gf)>extremely embarrassed, retcon any evidence of my fake “bisexual” phase, put it firmly behind me and embrace being a straight girl/woman. everythings good for many years>age 25 fall in love from afar with an androgynous cross dressing woman>”but I’m straight?…. I’m just confused because she’s handsome.”>masturbating every night fantasizing about having all sorts of sex with her. Having regular sexual romantic dreams featuring her. Even start fantasizing about her being my wife and having a baby (delusional levels off the charts). Not even attracted to men anymore>”I was definitely NOT bisexual before, so what is this?”>eventually after a couple of years of me pining from afar, she gets with a man and girlifies herself into a stereotypical straight woman. Have a mental breakdown but eventually after some time get sort of over her. Attraction to men starts to return, not really into women anymore>”I am straight again?”>just give up trying to figure myself out and embrace being a khv for life. refuse to talk about romance or sex, I don’t want to wind up lying about my sexuality on accident again. Everyone thinks I’m a frigid nun>hate myself, permanently ashamed No. 484782
>>484756No, I haven’t dated men, ever, period. But I did entertain them in high school even if I didn’t want to be with them. I’ve only ever dated two women, both of whom left me for a man.
I understand my mindset is fucked though, in that I don’t feel loved unless I am obsessed over. I don’t know how to unlearn it.
No. 484819
>>484796Yeah, I get what you mean and I detect this in women a lot of the time. I think all of the anti-bihet anti-fakebian anger and anxieties come down to the fact that everyone wants to be obsessed over and we're all scared of being the one who wants it more.
Still though, isn't it really easy to see how those women could have the exact same thoughts as you? Eager to be in a relationship with a man because they want to be put on a pedestal and loved and valued?
No. 484885
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Is it normal to be bi and get the ick after hooking up with a man? I met up with one who's what I want on paper except that he seems a bit dumb, he's also bi which is a turn on but now he wants to meet up again and I keep feeling depressed that he isn't a woman, "why do I never match with women on apps" despite often filtering out men etc.
No. 484902
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>>484895At the very least I'm doing my bit to disprove the bislut stereotype. Although I guess it's possible to be both unlucky in love and slutty