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No. 2084765

Selena Gomez embarrasses herself as usual >>2047826
Billie Eilish goes on a rant about her porn addiction, for some reason >>2048062
Nicki Minaj posts a video of herself strung the fuck out >>2048105
Danger at Bad Bunny show >>2049357
Lana goes on Ozempic, ending her fat redneck era, at least for now >>2049709
Zac Efron's jaw healing up >>2049929
Azealia being herself >>2050492
Madison Beer, Ice Spice wearing gross stripper style outfits >>2050564 >>2050603
Lana begs for scrotes on Bumble >>2051881
Sabrina Carptener being forcefed to all of us similarly to how U2 was in 2014 >>2051062 >>2051064
Justin Timberlike arrested for DWI >>2054738
Katy Perry continues working with Dr. Luke Gottwald >>2055178 >>2055185
Lana and Quavo do country >>2057040 >>2076466
FKA Twigs starts having deepfake interviews be done instead of actually participating in them herself, because she's that incapable of human interaction >>2059188
Charli and Lorde come up with a weird drama storyline to try to make their album more attractive (it doesn't work) >>2059206
Kanye continues abusing his wife >>2060077
The guy from Succession dies >>2061376
Halfassed Nosferatu remake, because Robert Eggers doesn't want to have to actually use his brain to write his own movie, trailer releases >>2062291
Robert Pattinson claims he wants to remake Possession, instead of writing his own movie >>2062318
Dave Grohl tries to blame Taylor Swift for the things her fans said to his daughter after she made comments about Taylor >>2062613
Jim Carrey tries to coommit suicide for attention >>2062782
Halsey tries to ride the early 2000's wave thats happening >>2063254 >>2063256
Ice Spice is trying to shed some pounds, finally! >>2075798
Danica Patrick makes a video about reptilian conspiracy theories in an attempt to wring some attention out of conspiritard circles of the internet >>2077000 >>2077013 >>2077017 >>2077023
Cast members come out to talk about how much some scrote from The Boys is an asshole (a man is an asshole, big surprise there)
Neil Gaiman is a sex offendir, shocker! >>2077069
Tobey Mcguire is a pedo with an asian fetish, once again, shocker! >>2079474
Azealia Banks homeless >>2079557
Lily Chee, Tobey's girlfriend, exposed for spreading CP >>2079750 >>2079754
Charli publicly pretending to be a mean cunt to play into her infantile "brat era11!" because all these 30 year old women wish they were 21 >>2080075
Margot Robbie obese era >>2080690
Bhad Bhabie caught outside >>2081454

No. 2084770

Jesus Christ don't scare catalogue users like that

No. 2084772>>2084774>>2084801>>2085019>>2085280

File (hide): 1720661745190.png (2.1 MB, 2278x1018, boobie.png)

Alexa Daddario pregnant

No. 2084774>>2084779

No. 2084779

I'm not sure nonna you should ask her

No. 2084801

No. 2084883>>2084884>>2085114

File (hide): 1720670955828.jpeg (1.16 MB, 1170x1976, IMG_4867.jpeg)

Both George Clooney and Michael Douglas, who are major celebrity supporters of the Democratic Party and Joe Biden are calling him to resign. Oof

No. 2084884>>2084888

Oh cmon just vote for Trump its not like anyone will know you did

No. 2084888>>2084891>>2084926>>2085073>>2085194>>2087573

File (hide): 1720671292697.mp4 (3.08 MB, 480x852, MNsoWYGZFVx1GxWy.mp4) [play once] [loop]

meanwhile Azealia was caught at a Trump rally

No. 2084890>>2084895

File (hide): 1720671587835.jpeg (356.26 KB, 1170x1925, IMG_4871.jpeg)

Not sure if this was posted last thread but another faux lesbian

No. 2084891

she knows what she's doing

No. 2084895>>2085029>>2085182

i posted about this on /g/ but gah it pissed me off so bad when I saw it. Tired of these fake gay women thinking lesbianism is a girls club. I'm tired of this trend of straight women celebrities pretending to be lesbian because they realized being a queerio can get them attention. Not to mention the definition of lesbian has been bastardized to the point where any heterosexual woman can call herself gay. It hurts lesbian culture and community so much. Renee rapp and Chappell roan started this retarded trend, and all of these celebrities follow, smh.

No. 2084926

Knowing her, she is probably on a date lmao.

No. 2085019>>2085280

File (hide): 1720682707030.jpeg (171.28 KB, 1170x1038, IMG_8878.jpeg)

Ew her husband is a 55 year old haggot, he’s way too old to reproduce with. Their spawn will be disfigured or autistic or something.

Idk if anyone is interested, but back when the Percy Jackson movies came out she dated and got engaged to Logan Lerman, she was 23 and he was 17/18 when they got together. They were engaged for a few years and then he suddenly tweeted “love is a lie”, and then she got married to the old hideous pig instead. Logan Lerman is also engaged to someone else now, an interior designer.

No. 2085022>>2085035>>2085499

Thanks for making the thread nonnie but “Margot Robbie obese era” is so wrong

No. 2085024>>2085269>>2085280

File (hide): 1720683115186.jpeg (118.88 KB, 735x512, IMG_8625.jpeg)

This is Logan Lerman with his fiancée, Ana Luisa Corrigan. Someone posted a picture of them having a threesome with another woman in /g/ and it was disgusting

No. 2085029>>2085851>>2100868

Being a "sapphic" celeb is on trend right now, vidrel talks about it. They've made up trends like "lesbian pop" and "sapphichella". And yes it includes MTFs.

No. 2085035

Op also referred to Donald Sutherland’s death as “the guy from Succession dies” but he was never even on that show so idk where they came up with that

No. 2085057>>2085058>>2085086>>2085114>>2085195>>2085201>>2085751

I think this warrants a history lesson.

Once upon a long long time ago, when 60 IQ celebricows posters were barely zygotes and Deftones weren't dad rock, Britney was the target of andropausal has-been ire. The decomposing clown-rock fossil in vid related had an entire show program dedicated to abusing Britney cutouts, blow-up dolls and lookalikes.

Alice Cooper even had his daughter cosplay as Britney on stage (he would fake-beat her up or rape her or some other horny alzheimers vegetable type shit). Those who do not learn from the past are doomed to repeat it.

No. 2085058>>2085065

That's disgusting, nonny, but what does it have to do with Dave Grohl, his daughter and Taylor Swift?

No. 2085065>>2085068>>2085128>>2094007

Not his daughter per se. It has to do with every era having a lineup of washed pop-rock haggots reaching for the stars trying to own some Pop Queen #142663728 because they can't fuck her. And many of you are falling for the exact same malding haggot horseshit in 2024. Really embarrassing display tbh.

Also, Alice is a born-again christwurstie and a Deppfag. Of course!

No. 2085068>>2085074>>2085077>>2085762

I don't like any of them tbh, but I do feel bad that his young daughter got attacked by actual faggots and insane taylor stans.

No. 2085073

Did she get bigger implants?

No. 2085074

No chance the haggot isn't using this for continued publicity.

No. 2085077>>2085087

NTA but to me is total bullshit his grown ass child didn't expect this type of treatment. I would defend her dumbass if she wasn't a literal McMansion Nepo baby who's moldy father is nagging about a woman he can't fuck and is eons more popular and relevant than him

No. 2085086>>2085090

Jesus wtf. Kanye also had chants of “fuck Taylor swift” at his shows (when he was still relevant..). Men and their egos are seriously pathetic and embarrassing. Meanwhile Taylor and Britney just out there existing and performing. And these faggots keep seething

No. 2085087>>2085099

All three are wealthy nepo babies, but she's literally 16 kek. Obviously the stans are in the wrong.

No. 2085090>>2085111

kanye is probably seething that she's the only female popstar that didn't get into blacked PR relationships(sage your racebait)

No. 2085099>>2085177

Rich on rich crime but her "stunt" is super pathetic and attention seeking. I bet you it was encouraged by her misogynistic dad, "go and speak the truth about booger queen" cause they know the reaction is gonna get.

No. 2085111

NTA but can you stop with the porn terminology? It's gross

No. 2085114>>2085177

I hate Clooney but he’s not wrong
He isn’t fake raping her anon come on

No. 2085128>>2085177>>2085193

Well I don't care for grohl at all but this thing is obviously not about him wanting to fuck Taylor. He doesn't like her and her fans because of what happened to his daughter. To be frank I don't think many guys want to fuck Taylor or want anything to do with her. Taylor is not a Britney let's be real.

No. 2085177>>2085191

That or she hears horny seething about her from him 24/7
That's just one recording of one of his Britney themed coom chimpouts, of which there are tons

No. 2085182>>2085885

What I find hilarious is so many people bashing jojo siwa saying that chappell roan is ACTUALLY making kweer pop for the kweer community unlike jojo siwa when jojo siwa is an actual lesbian who has said that she broke up with her first ever bf when he asked to have sex with her because she was disgusted by the thought and that’s how she knew she was a lesbian. Meanwhile i can tell you now that chappell roan has only dated males, is only interested in males and probably made out with a girl at a party once or something and think that makes her kweer. How can you compare and act like a heterosexual female larping as a lesbian is more ~kweer~ than a genuine lesbian? I literally don’t get it

No. 2085191

NTA but it's kind of reductive to make everything about one person wanting to fuck the other lol

No. 2085193>>2085254

I unfortunately know plenty of hetero moids that love Taylor to the point they even go to her concerts - and it's not like they are accompanying their gf or anything

No. 2085194

No. 2085195>>2085203

Jfc, are you mentally ill? Alice Cooper is a degenerate and Grohl made one joke about an annoying billionaire who causes more damage than he or his daughter will ever do, Taylor Swift of all people doesn’t need your whiteknighting and tinfoiling about how everyone wants to fuck her.

No. 2085201>>2085217

The hatred old men have for young, preppy, beautiful women is so fucking weird. Like of all the shit wrong in the world this is what you're going to pin as an enemy? Annoying pop artists barely out of their teens? Retarded. And his gut sticks out when he raises his arms in his little sleeveless tank, what a fag

No. 2085203>>2085220>>2085226

>omg immm literally shaking! guiloltune for jkr and taylor now!(infighting)

No. 2085215>>2085309>>2085311>>2085338>>2085452>>2085508>>2085582>>2085756>>2087354>>2087420>>2087540

new Ellen page movie, she won't get any more roles after this

No. 2085217>>2085235>>2085764

Cooper's Britney-themed geriatric incontinence was sold as a "performance to highlight how talentless corporate pop is destroying rock culture" or some other cringe culture warrior shit. He also wasn't the only one whose day job was throwing at least one tryhard own at her in-between doing coke, every MTV tier altfag just had to constantly nag about how their painfully mid three-chord slop is "real underground music" because Britney exists and people like her.

Grohl is just doing the same "team SUPERFICIAL BAD MANUFACTURED POP vs TEAM REAL TOTALLY NOT CORPORATE DEEP ROCK MUSIC" grift literally every Nickelback-voiced faggot was doing back when Foo Fighters was relevant.

No. 2085220>>2085222

Nta but JKR and Taylor have absolutely nothing in common, don't be delusional. Taylor is pro-tranny and doesn't give a fuck about feminism.

No. 2085222>>2085227

No shit. What they have in common is Twitter hagravens shrieking about the catastrophic damage they both supposedly do by existing kek

No. 2085226

did you just pull out that comparison out of your ass lmao

No. 2085227>>2085231

That anon wasn't doing that though, it's true she doesn't need whiteknights and Britney's treatment is/was far worse than anything she gets

No. 2085228>>2085280>>2086193

File (hide): 1720699142259.webp (128.82 KB, 1370x785, Screenshot-2024-01-01-22.47.57…)

>Scam a children hospital out of 1mln
>Blame your marketing team
>People don't believe your bullshit
>Your husband leaves you (he was a manchild anyway but still kek worthy)
>Milan Boutique gets vandalized
>Brands drop you
>"W-Wait!! I'll donate!! Please don't make fun of me!!"
>Yeah yeah whatever
>Brands drop your name
>Profits drop so much that you have to fire people
>Fired people don't want your company name on the resume, say that it's "a stain"
>Store gets closed due to vandalism, destroyed public image and sales drop

Rich people like Chiara Ferragni believe that they can buy out their way to various mistakes. She scammed a children cancer hospital out of one fucking million euro and then she claims that she's going to the psychologist due to trauma. Yeah don't care sorry

No. 2085231>>2085232>>2085234

>Can't even hate on two obviously grifting hasbeen haggots without Swift Derangement Squad tinfoilong that you're a swiftie whiteknight

No. 2085232

No. 2085234>>2085246

What Cooper did to Britney was way worse and intrusive than Grohl making a mid joke about Taylor, it’s almost insulting to Britney to compare these two. Having an opinion is different than publicly humiliating someone on stage. Calm down.

No. 2085235>>2085240>>2085250

Yeah I'm not commenting on what Grohl said because I'm unaware of the full situation, just what Cooper did and the overarching examples I've seen online and irl of old men who have a weird seething hatred for young women. I get that Cooper was trying to do some cringey "fuck pop stars" kind of shit. It's just another example for me how much old men hate young women and critique them every opportunity they get. Growing up I remember the boomers in my family shit talking Hilary Duff for almost an hour at family get togethers, talking about how she's bland and boring and her fame will expire once her fans move onto the next blonde Disney girl. Then as I got older it was Miley and Demi and so on, now it's Olivia Rodrigo and others I'm not even aware of who they are. Old men just hate young women for some reason and sometimes they can't even explain why. No one come for me about Grohl I don't know anything about it and I don't like Taylor Swift.

No. 2085240

NTA, even though I think the Dave Grohl thing is a reach in this context (he practically did/said nothing in comparison to Cooper IMO), I agree that that sort of hatred is a "thing". When you remember the amount of middle-aged men who turn out to secretly be AGPs/sissy fetishists, it all starts to add up.

No. 2085246>>2085260>>2085288

No one said they're the same. I think you have a case of average American reading level.

No. 2085250>>2085268

Hilary Duff is such a slay her songs feature heavily on my shuffle they (amazon music) know she's the beat of my heart

No. 2085254>>2085257>>2085259>>2085276>>2085875

Much of why she has gotten so far is because she doesn't threaten women (her biggest cash cows) because men don't lust after her, and she's not a sex symbol. She's not sexy and has a country, midwest Disney vibe about her. Men who are obsessed with swift are typically mentally ill

No. 2085257

>A man told me this, therefore it must be true

No. 2085259

you're so delusional lol

No. 2085260>>2085263

The comparisons are just really weak.

No. 2085263>>2085273

Probably because they only exist in your head.

No. 2085268

Kek, based

No. 2085269>>2085333

show us(integrate)

No. 2085272>>2085280

Bobbi Althoff got so drunk they carried her out of a bar. This looks bad

No. 2085273

Are you talking to a mirror? You're the one who made them and got mad when others didn't agree, kek.

No. 2085275


No. 2085276>>2085282>>2085283>>2085292

I don't know why some anons are getting mad at you. She's meant to be relatable for her demographic, and makes child-safe pop music. She doesn't want to be a sex symbol, and she doesn't have to be. It doesn't mean she's ugly or anything, it just means she's not aggressively sexually pedestalized the way other female musicians of today tend to be. That's just not her niche or market. Her concerts are full of underage girls, too. The type of straight moid who goes to a TS concert on his own is likely not to be trusted.

No. 2085280>>2085337>>2085512

I feel so out of the loop I have no idea who any of these people are kek

No. 2085282>>2085286

I'm the anon who wrote it, I'm surprised too because I thought this was obvious. I'm sure she could be sexy if she went that angle. It's how she's marketed and she's not marketed as a sex symbol. Men are typically threatened by her

No. 2085283>>2085289

They're probably bewildered by the (not meant as an insult btw) autistic idea that designing a product to be PG/asexual acts as some kind of bulletproof anti-dick cryptonite. This is just one of those things nobody can possibly believe, they have to be coping.

No. 2085286>>2085290

I don't think anyone is threatened by taylor swift. She's got her demographics. I haven't heard one song off her album and it came out in April? She's honestly easy to avoid, her last song I heard get over played was that one about her being a problem and it felt validating to hear her admit that lol. I do find the memes about her unable to close her mouth or dance funny though. And Dave grohl is right she doesn't perform live music she can barely sing

No. 2085288>>2085296

And since anon brought up Cooper of all people in relation to TSwift-Grohl incident I said it’s a foul comparison, dumbass. General statement about rock dads not liking pop stars is true but nothing new.

No. 2085289

Not actively being lusted after isn't the same as wearing armor of "anti-dick kryptonite". She just isn't "sexy" in image/form or presentation, and as a result, a lot of the more laser-pointed moid attention is focused elsewhere (which works for her). She does attract a certain type of man, as the anon said, but not exactly "typical" ones.

No. 2085290>>2085293

I'm thinking guys are threatened by her in a sense that if they got in any kind of relationship with her she would destroy them and everyone else would just pile on, she's powerful with her stans

No. 2085292>>2085298

>she's not aggressively sexually pedestalized the way other female musicians of today tend to be
no one's mad but that's just untrue and that anon sounds unhinged or like she has some vendetta, there was a whole scandal because men made so much deepfake porn of taylor and spread it everywhere online, etc, saying "men don't lust after her" is just a blatantly delusional statement

No. 2085293>>2085297

That's probably why she doesn't have real relationships. The last guy who put up with her for years was that British one and apparently her folk sounding albums (I've never listened) Evermore or whatever and another were all heavily influenced by him and those were apparently fan favourites. I lurk the taylor Reddits and her fans even seem bored of her music and say they all sound the exact same when she starts singing. And then she goes on to insinuate that British guy is awful and he keeps quiet and then she parades ratty Healey around and writes an album all about lusting after him for years. She just took a massive dump on the one relationship in her life that seemed genuine. She's a fucking mess

No. 2085296>>2085708

Sounds like you really needed it to be a 1 to 1 comparison rather than an impactful 00s example of blond pop girl bad. I'm not about to go look for magazine cutouts or MTV VHS recordings to show you mid jabs at Britney from every washed altfag ever.

No. 2085297

most sane Taylor seether

No. 2085298>>2085388

I'd wager there's more deepfake porn of other celebrities. It was just more shocking when it was done to her and spread onto mainstream social media because of her image, and that's why there was a huge fuss about it. Like, people would be more likely to shrug their shoulders if it happened to Miley Cyrus, Dua Lipa or Ariana Grande.

No. 2085309

she looks like a fucking cancer patient, hard to believe this is a 35 year old woman

No. 2085311

Damn, t has wrecked her voice and aged the shit out of her
>she won't get any more roles after this
She’s limited herself to old tif characters which are extremely niche, and she’ll never have the privilege the way Honter Schaffer and tims can get casted as actual women; there’s no way she’ll ever be casted in non tif male role with that 5’1 anachan built and frog voice

No. 2085333>>2085335>>2085387>>2100871

File (hide): 1720705417697.jpeg (100.48 KB, 736x736, IMG_8907.jpeg)

No. 2085335

Looks more like a drunk cropped selfie

No. 2085337>>2085342>>2085414

The first two are just irrelevant influencers. Alexandra Daddario was the equivalent of Sydney Sweeney and was briefly popular a decade ago, she was more famous for having big boobs than she was for her acting ability and she kind of fell off the radar. Logan Lerman was famous with teenage girls because he portrayed Percy Jackson, and hasn’t had any good roles since then. I don’t think anyone really cares about any of them.

No. 2085338>>2085568

Kek the comments are full of calling the movie a pass and "misgendering" Ellen.

No. 2085342

Oh, good to know. Thanks nonnie

No. 2085386>>2085419>>2097726

File (hide): 1720709292199.jpeg (114.57 KB, 773x1009, IMG_2397.jpeg)

Taylor needs to quit music so we can stop hearing about her it would be doing the world a favor and let this be her future.

No. 2085387>>2085408>>2085410

He’s still fine, goddamn.

No. 2085388

This is completely facts.

No. 2085408

Look at the pictures that were just posted in the ugly man psyop thread anon, he’s hitting the wall already

No. 2085410

The huge eyebags and patchy facial hair ruined him

No. 2085414

People used to say Sydney Sweeney took a page from Daddario's book when she went topless on the first ep of Euphoria kek. They compared it to when Alexandria did that in true detective and got Fame primarily for showing her boobs

No. 2085419

It's Taylor's original face kek

No. 2085444>>2085447>>2085450>>2085454>>2085469>>2085489>>2085503>>2085574>>2085607>>2085708>>2085731>>2085778>>2085859>>2086047

File (hide): 1720713655749.png (1.7 MB, 1125x2047, img.png)

No. 2085447

Ahh this is horrible news, she was lovely. RIP

No. 2085450>>2085578

Aww, I loved Shelley Duvall. I always hated Carrie Fisher on her behalf lol

No. 2085452

Testosterone really is poison

No. 2085454


No. 2085469

icon. rip.

No. 2085489>>2085509

How did she die? That’s really sad. I’ve never seen the shining but I know other people really love it.

No. 2085499

It’s ok I don’t think Margot will be that hurt by it kek. Also he looks like the dad from succession so she probably just got confused

No. 2085503

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No. 2085508

Kek. She really thought she did something

No. 2085509

No. 2085512

Logan Lerman and Alexa Daddario worked together on Percy Jackson back in 2012

No. 2085568>>2085580>>2085582>>2085608>>2085853>>2086047

File (hide): 1720722847098.png (138.33 KB, 924x1030, ellen page navel gazing.png)

I read through all the comments on the video after reading your comment here. I thought there would be a lot more TRAs considering Ellen's a brave boyo but you're spot on, it's a few sad little TRAs drowned out by normies calling Ellen a she and talking about how shit the film is and what a shame it is that she fucked herself over like that. It must be a shock for the TRAs to come out of their echo chambers and get a taste of what society at large thinks about troons, no wonder there are hardly any pro-trans comments. It's hope fuel and literally made my day.

No. 2085574

File (hide): 1720723080285.webp (5.72 KB, 307x214, 1000015035.webp)

Shiiiit, I was just thinking today that I should watch the Shining again because she was amazing in it. She had such a difficult life, it's tragic

No. 2085578>>2085770

Wtf? Explain please

No. 2085580

And even TRAs are too busy validating the stunning and brave catgirls in spinny skirts to give a shit about a self hating lesbian. So much for "straight male privilege".

No. 2085582>>2085596

This is the first time I’ve heard her voice since her transition. Wow.
I don’t really use mainstream social media but has this term broken into the mainstream? I thought this was a KF term.

No. 2085596

it's not by any means a mainstream term, it's just that 4chan and kiwimoids are overrepresented among youtube commenters

No. 2085607

File (hide): 1720725015842.jpg (22.93 KB, 400x338, ftt.jpg)

RIP fairy tale queen

No. 2085608>>2085665

I feel like people shit on FTM way more openly, if the movie was about a MTF they would have either pruned all the mean comments or closed them. Women will also performatively fawn over MTF but not FTM

No. 2085665>>2085671>>2085704>>2086047

>Women will also performatively fawn over MTF but not FTM

Because most FTM end up looking ugly, I can count on one hand how many good looking FTM I've seen. Testosterone is poison [2]

No. 2085671

>Because most FTM end up looking ugly, I can count on one hand how many good looking FTM I've seen.
You say this as if every TIM isn’t the most hideous hulking beast known to mankind. TIFs can be openly mocked because misogyny is acceptable and criticizing moids isn’t.

No. 2085703

File (hide): 1720730860649.png (268.01 KB, 1414x964, 1720046476462.png)

Super late but the Amanda Palmer thread on /snow/ has more info on what happened
but yeah Gaiman committed sexual assault basically, had rough anal sex with a woman so bad that she bleed, is so unhygienic and nasty that he gave her infections, etc. Amanda Palmer was also aware of this and the fact that Gaiman assaulted at least 14 other women as well.

No. 2085704

It's because women know tims don't look like women but feel pressured to be good libs and include them as one of the girlies. But tifs are just weirdo girls who decided they were boys, there's no feminine pressure to hype them up. And men won't do it because they don't play those games

No. 2085708

Everyone knows what you're describing, you don't need to keep beating the point to death because people don't agree with you.
RIP, I hate that Kubrick got away with being an abusive dick to her with scumbag Jack Nicholson doing nothing but being smarmy in the background per usual.

No. 2085726

>Donald Sutherland dies
Rip President Snow, benevolent dictator of Panem

No. 2085731


No. 2085751>>2085762

Reminds me of this:
>“I’m not like the other girls and my sisters shouldn’t be either.”

No. 2085756>>2085993

She's a joke these days but I honestly feel bad for her. She strikes me as a sensitive person whose brain was broken by hollywood

No. 2085762>>2085764

unfathomable levels of cringe. hilarious how a rebranded form of this persists today tho
known condemners of their psychotically misogynistic fans, Grohl and other nirvanafags

No. 2085764>>2085767

Foo Fighters is corporate rock and so are Hole and L7, Babes in Toyland is where it’s at.

Honestly, I wish she’d still sperg about muh fake celebz instead muh ebil Trump/libfem bs nowadays. Maybe when the Don becomes prez again, we’ll get another mid-tier album.

No. 2085767

kind of telling how it's always the most corporate """""rock""""" that always has cringe nerd beef with pop starlets. probably because they're competing over the same shekels kek

No. 2085770>>2085780>>2085936

Duvall introduced her then boyfriend Paul Simon to Carrie Fisher, and she immediately started sleeping with him

No. 2085778

75 years too young! NOoo. I love her so much. Time for a Shelly Duvall marathon.

No. 2085780

NTA never knew that. Poor Shelly. RIP to her. It's so sad, she was such an icon to me growing up.

No. 2085851

Nonny thoughts on this nonnas? I thought more people would discuss it

No. 2085853

They're dunking on her because she's a woman. They never do this with MTFs.

No. 2085859

File (hide): 1720742340967.webp (33.63 KB, 980x653, shelley-duvall-then-now-208497…)

This is so sad, rest in peace

No. 2085860>>2085862

Thats just aging kek is she supposed to look 30 forever anon?

No. 2085862

That's not what I meant, I deleted and said rest in peace because I want to remember her as the wonderful woman she was back then and the one she was now until her death. I think it's important to remember her not just in her youth.

No. 2085863>>2085879>>2085891>>2085949>>2085957>>2086055>>2086159>>2086302>>2086785>>2087347>>2087628>>2087746>>2087801>>2093406

Astonishing how bad her new stuff is. Why ride dr luke for mid.

No. 2085875>>2085936

>Men who are obsessed with swift are typically mentally ill
I once dated a BPD dude who was obsessed with her so yeah I gotta agree lol. I remember immediately thinking it was fucking weird that a guy would be so into her.

No. 2085879>>2085883>>2085943>>2087755>>2087811

It’s sad that the song is called “woman’s world” and is full of overt pornography with shots of her jiggling boobs and closeups of her ass. I know this song is just ironic garbage because of Dr Luke the rapist but the sexualization and parody of women in the music video made it worse.

No. 2085883>>2085899>>2085901>>2086006>>2087688>>2087811>>2087894

File (hide): 1720744256305.mp4 (3.69 MB, 480x850, K2RLYXEcEWjdUF89.mp4) [play once] [loop]

It's all like that too, it's groce. All the overtly porny slop he crams into his songs from the past few years on feels like a taunt or something.

No. 2085885>>2087787

good point, but isn't the "lesbian" branding of Chapel Roan just a part of her drag persona? so I mean like Kayleigh isn't a Lesbian, but her stage character is.

No. 2085891

Lmao at Trisha. I have many thoughts about this song and music video but I just gotta say it's not good. First part of the video looks very 2010s dated and I guess that's what they were going for. Second part is meh, do pickmes really like this? And that end is atrocious lol "I am Katy Perry!" yeah it's trash

No. 2085899>>2087334

older women who try hard to be sexy make me cringe. hooker vibes.

No. 2085901


No. 2085936>>2087152

Lmao anon, were you dating the moid I’m thinking of? I only know one moid who openly listens to her and he’s a BPDchan as well kek. Must be a pattern.

Jfc, was she doing anything else? She also slept with Harrison Ford when they were filming Star Wars and boasted about it in her book, despite the fact that he was married at that time.

No. 2085943>>2086426

It’s interesting because it’s a really accurate representation of mainstream feminism past ten years, from popfeminist 'women can do anything!’ Buzzfeed consumerism to even more oversexualized, pseudoironic faghag bullshit and tradthot 'divine femininity’. I don’t think it’s actually self-aware but accidentally accurate.

No. 2085949

>It's a woman's world
[depicts every type of femininity women were socialised to perform under the patriarchy]
>It's a woman's world!"
[performs sexualised scenes catered to the male gaze that are fit for pornographic pictures]
I could go on and on. Not that different from Dylan's Days of Troonhood.

No. 2085957>>2085960

Sounds like a lady gaga reject from 2010 that got shelved when run the world (girls) came out

No. 2085960

worse yet it sounds like rotten chromatica leftovers which already sounded like that

No. 2085987>>2086173>>2086235>>2086302

File (hide): 1720752749126.mp4 (1.13 MB, 480x660, ssstwitter.com_1720752616632.m…) [play once] [loop]

I take back anything nice I might have said in defense of Ice Spice. I can't find a video of this performance outside of this edit but what the fuck is that behind her? Jesus pickme gooner christ

No. 2085993>>2086036

Didn't she admit in her book that she was abused on the set of Hard Candy (of all movies)?

No. 2086006

Kek what is this Shayna ass live like she’s lazily getting her tits out for paypig coomers? It’s almost like she’s frozen in the time period when she was relevant. Katherine honey you’re too old for this please. Great example for her little daughter too.

No. 2086036>>2086179

Dunno if it was that movie but she said in her book when she was 15 a female producer repeatedly forced herself on her for a while. Honestly I think abuse happens all the time in Hollywood, but most actresses either accept being a glorified sex worker or turn to drugs and alcohol. Ellen is definitely built different and I feel bad for her

No. 2086047

Damn these comments are brutal.
I always thought she was lovely, RIP queen! It was nice to live in the same timeline as her and also see how so many generations of women were enthralled by her.
I disagree with this, i think it's because men don't allow tims to feel like they have any sense of allyship with them the way women unfortunately do with tims. Its always women who are the first to coddle tims for being beautiful and they will be on the front lines attacking any transphobe. I also do think another thing is that a lot of men had a crush on Ellen page to seeing her troon out probably irritated them for that reason. I believe if an uglier woman trooned out people wouldn't be on her back so much.

No. 2086055

This is liberal feminism HELL. I hope Trisha Paytas enjoyed being in this video though. Sounds like the most blatant Lady Gaga rip off. This is going to be a trend where a lot of mainstream artists who are in their "flop eras" are just going to rip off anything else that is popular, whether it be Camila Cabello ripping off Charli xcx and Sza to this bullshit. I'd rather she just go back to basic and make stuff more similar like waking up in vegas or just some basic rock orientated stuff, i never thought she was right for this kind of pop music.

No. 2086159

>song about female empowerment
>first word she says is "sexy"
Thanks Katy I feel so empowered. Those close up shots of your tits jiggling is just so feminist, wow. Also she's stuck in 2011 when her career peaked, this would have been a ~girl power~ bop back when all her fans were 14 and retarded but it's about a decade too late, what a sad comeback.

No. 2086173>>2086235>>2086277>>2086302>>2086463>>2086999>>2087257

File (hide): 1720768061050.mp4 (1.47 MB, 480x686, 1000015701.mp4) [play once] [loop]

Shes over it but its all she has

No. 2086179

Being in an industry where you're forced to be attracted to men and stay in the closet for so long and end up assaulted by them in the meantime. God that's bleak

No. 2086193

Lol I only vaguely know her and Fedez because I love Eurovision and watch Sanremo every year, but she definitely gave me cow vibes and I’m glad to see I wasn’t wrong

No. 2086235

KEK sorry but is too funny how absentminded this is

No. 2086272>>2086286>>2086302>>2087021>>2087664

Jojo Siwa dropped the music video for Guilty Pleasure along with 3 other songs- Choose Ur Fighter, Yesterday's Tommorrow's Today and Balance Baby

The mixing in Choose Ur Fighter is terrible. The background music swallows up her vocals entirely, especially in the chorus. It's like Skrillex tried to make a Tatu song for TikTok and overlayed 4 different full beats on top of each other.
Of course Guilty Pleasure is purely ragebait. The bedazzled bear space buns are stupidly cute though.
Yesterday's Tomorrow's Today sounds like every popular 2010s song at once. Boring AI prompt of a ballad.
I like Balance Baby. The chorus is fun at least. Takes me out of it when she says shit like "I can twerk in bed" though.

No. 2086277>>2086280

This is honestly kind of sad to watch like her face is dead as she shakes her ass tantalizingly to a crowd of thousands of nasty men. shleak

No. 2086280>>2086999

Same, she looks so vacant

No. 2086286>>2086425>>2087318

Ahhh it's so cringe, but she's young so I'm not going to hold it against her. I'm confused about the scenes with the male dancers though, it's so sexualised and almost made to look like group sex with a bunch of men at one point. I thought she was a lesbian but maybe the scenes with men are just for the video or to be artsy or something, I'm probably reading too much into it. Also every scene in the video is pretty much been done before, but again I'm probably reading too much into it because everything in general has already been done before. But like the hammer licking was so Miley in her Bangerz era, and the black feathered outfit was like Miley in her Can't Be Tamed era. Although Jojo has always spoke highly of those times in Miley's career and how that inspired her so maybe this was her paying homage to that rather than straight up copying her. Either way if Jojo's having fun good for her, she's not hurting anyone. And this song was a lot better than Karma imo.

No. 2086302>>2086313

I can't take this shit anymore. God I can't stand being a woman. "Womens world " i don't even have to watch it, I can tell from the thumbnail exactly what it will be. Giant screens of a fucking ass shaking, a lesbian has to do a erotic dance for men. Please make this shit stop. I can't take it anymore. Women can't exist without it being sexual. Male singers get to be respected and dress normal but women act out male fantasies for them in everything. I'm just ready to go…

No. 2086313

Me too nonna

No. 2086334>>2086335>>2086348>>2087259>>2087339>>2087562

File (hide): 1720787575743.jpeg (87.6 KB, 516x512, IMG_3441.jpeg)

Clown world

No. 2086335>>2096920

Why are his hands so tiny

No. 2086348>>2086375

that clown makeup though. Do we know if she's even cute under all of the layers?

No. 2086375

I mean I think so, she isn’t a stunning natural beauty in the classic sense but she’s very cute with a bare face. Still wanna see a dif hair color…is Chappell fakelesbian the only one allowed to do red hair? Sabrina should do like a fun ginger w blonde money pieces or w/e. She has a lot of freckles without all that slap on her face and I think they make her look prettier tbh

No. 2086425

I think her dancing with the guys is her revolutionary way of saying she's vers. Specifically when she's dancing alone with the 1 guy and their positions keep changing. She's trying to be one of those people that have people question their sexuality circa Tumblr 2015 but that's a tough ask when you're trying this hard. You'd think it's impossible to musically express being a lesbian without catering to gooners these days. But who am I kidding- the gooners are directing and producing this shit.
I'm holding out hope for Jojo. She's cringey but kinda endearing to me. She's not quite at the Katy Perry stage of pandering to scrotes so I hope that this would be the "worst" of it.

No. 2086426

>I don’t think it’s actually self-aware but accidentally accurate.
i felt the exact same. it's like it was so on the nose that it wasn't even actually parodying anything.

No. 2086463>>2086999

she looks so fed up kek like she doesn't want to do this at all

No. 2086785>>2087256

File (hide): 1720813188699.jpg (128.37 KB, 1170x1103, GSS189FWYAAVBS8.jpg)

kek, lots of this mainstream "womans empowerment" shit really does feel like its for gays instead of women

No. 2086999

File (hide): 1720825615020.jpg (249.33 KB, 1920x1920, 1000031810.jpg)

She hates her life

No. 2087021>>2087253

Ugh, wtf she's a lesbian,and she is STILL sexualizing herself? It never ends, anons.

No. 2087152

>Lmao anon, were you dating the moid I’m thinking of? I only know one moid who openly listens to her and he’s a BPDchan as well kek. Must be a pattern.
Makes sense for it to be a pattern. They look at her life full of nonstop short-term failed relationships and go "she's literally me fr, total dream girl!" This one dude already had a dozen ex gfs in his 20s.

No. 2087253

It's sad but she's probably told to do it, or she's psyopped into thinking it's empowering or something

No. 2087256

>lots of this mainstream "womans empowerment" shit really does feel like its for gays instead of women
It literally is

No. 2087257

She should quit doing this if she hates it so much

No. 2087259>>2087343

Could make a very good joker and harley tbh he already got the looks

No. 2087295>>2088068

File (hide): 1720854972385.png (963.67 KB, 1304x1164, papercut lips.png)

Dennis Quiads seedling came out and said this not realizing how embarrassing it is. Like yeah it does kinda undermine you being cast in films and tv shows you have no business being in, especially since you're not talented and thats why he's never had any role of importance in a movie and only play a boring fruit in an amazon prime show

No. 2087318>>2087548

is she even a lesbian? i swear she was dating a guy like 2 years ago when she was pretending she was pregnant on tiktok and that she said she was pansexual or some stupid shit. i could be completely misremembering but i thought people just assumed she was a lesbian because she really looks and acts like one of those blonde lesbians that act like fuckboys and play sports.

No. 2087334>>2087362

So true! I also think that every woman after 30 (hag) should wear a babushka headscarf on her head and cover every inch of her body (otherwise she is a sloot, ew).

No. 2087339

I refuse to believe he isn't photoshopped. HOW can he look like such a disgusting goblin

No. 2087343

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No. 2087347

Is the video supposed to be like a parody? Making a jab at mainstream feminism? If not, oof. Also I find urinals to be fucking foul so putting those in was an instant negative. Trisha was cute though kek. Song sucks tbh, generic shit you'd hear playing softly in a supermarket. The whole thing reads like a "hey guys don't forget I'm still sexy! This is my comeback and I am sexy! Please think I'm just as sexy as I was at my career peak!"

No. 2087354

Kek the croaking frog voice is grating as fuck. But wow, she really pigeonholed herself into this one. She's just playing a transman, and that's all she will ever be cast as. It makes me wonder if she will speak up about how transmen can only get cast to play transmen, but transwomen can get cast to play women? But maybe that's tip toeing too close to her admitting there's misogyny at play here.

No. 2087362

Nonny keeeek

No. 2087420

Damn her voice is fucking annoying. Does she have any other expression besides that pouty thousand yard stare? Also seems like a great movie, basically going "oh me me me poor me poor BOY me people r mean to me poor me". Can trannies ever stop thinking about being trannies for one second?

No. 2087540>>2087566>>2090390

The trailer for The Umbrella Academy season 4. She sounds like she has bronchitis or pneumonia.

No. 2087548>>2087549

No, she is a lesbian. She talked about that guy who she dated for 2 years before, she said he wanted to have sex so she broke up with him because she was disgusted by the thought and realised she was a lesbian from that. I feel sorry for her really, she’s obviously a butch lesbian who struggles with her identity from so many years of her mum plastering her with makeup and treating her like a doll since she was a literal baby. She also doesn’t want to use the word lesbian to describe herself even though she obviously is because it won’t get her brownie points. She’ll only get brownie points if she describes herself as ~kweer~ and acts like she’s pansexual or some retarded shit. I feel very sorry for her.

No. 2087549

Sorry not for 2 years I meant 2 years ago they dated for a few months

No. 2087562>>2087564

They’re both hideous. Sabrina is still young and is already looking haggard from the fillers and surgery

No. 2087564>>2087570

sabrina's surgeries are horrible. i had no idea what she looked like currently until she released her new songs and i literally did not recognise her. the lips especially

No. 2087566

This looks fucking terrible. Ron Swanson's accent is shit and it looks like they tried to do some Boys shit with that cat scene. I do love that old dude though he's adorable.

No. 2087570>>2087794>>2088175

File (hide): 1720885994787.jpeg (209.19 KB, 736x919, IMG_1709.jpeg)

She used to look normal. What the fuck happened? She also keeps doing this glazed donut makeup look with intense pink blush that makes her look greasy and unwashed, it does not suit her at all. I don’t know if she’s Irish like that Barry Keoshlong boyfriend but if she is that’s probably why she looks so strange to me kek

No. 2087571

File (hide): 1720886079259.jpeg (168.81 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_1710.jpeg)

Fuck, they need to start requiring anons to spoiler that dudes face. An ugly sight to behold I actually can’t take it

No. 2087573>>2088180

I don’t care how much people hate her, they can never make me hate her. I love crazy bitches like her and Doja Cat

No. 2087628

Marina did it infinitely better and actually has a voice
I never fucking got who pushed Katy Perry so hard, her voice is average at best, she only sold because she was hot which is her #1 selling point

No. 2087664

This put a smile on my face the whole time, idk why. It's so goofy and innocent despite how sexual it tries so hard to be. The song isn't bad but she isn't born to sing at all. But I really like the dance routine, all her music videos have cool dances imo so far, I just wish the songs were worth dancing to though, they're too quiet for such intense dancing.

No. 2087688>>2087734

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No. 2087732>>2087735>>2087779>>2088436

File (hide): 1720895112683.png (481.44 KB, 1170x778, Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 11.21…)

Paul Schrader (American Gigolo, Taxi Driver, Last Temptation of the Christ) came out saying that in recent years, directors have primarily received support when they’re producing a piece of horror because it’s an easy genre to produce without needing a legitimate story or cast.

No. 2087734

I just know she is corny and passive aggressive irl. Doesn't her husband cheat on her left and right kek

No. 2087735>>2087769>>2087779>>2088436

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No. 2087746>>2089518

the song is bland af, but the weird thing is that even when I saw a lot of other super male gaze-y music videos before, this one makes me kinda uncomfortable for some reason? Is it the constant zoom in on katy's shiny looking tits and ass? The ill fitting bras and panties? idk

No. 2087747>>2087771>>2088457>>2089128

i don't even understand how sabrina carpenter got so popular and well received. wasn't she the one that got caught up in the olivia rodrigo controversy? where she stole's olivia's boyfriend or whatever? i thought people really didn't like her for that

No. 2087755>>2097732

File (hide): 1720896643599.gif (137.86 KB, 898x1138, strong female characters.gif)

I felt like I was watching some kind of parody kek. it honestly reminded me of Kate Beaton's "strong female characters" comic making fun of this kind of thing

No. 2087769

He is correct

No. 2087771>>2087940

Nonny spill the milk

No. 2087779>>2090405

100% agree with him BUT to his point of wanting seriousness in horror movies, most horror directors are moids and equate that with women getting raped and brutalized, and we don't need any more of that on screen right now. I don't think there can really be serious themes tackled in horror movies till more female directors are given the reigns

No. 2087787

still says a lot that a lesbian stage character played by a hetero or maybe bi at best woman is seen as more palatable to the mainstream than an actual lesbian in real life

No. 2087794

this looks extremely filtered though

No. 2087801>>2087848>>2087980

I really do wonder if her mass cancellation during her witness era and album plus the flopping of the smile album after it caused her to make this mess of a video.

During her smile era she showed a actual mature side to her and her music was more toned down and less sexual….and now she is back to trying to imitate her california girls era again…why?

Even in the past Katy knew when it was appropriate on which song to be sexual and on which one not to. I don't think in the past she would have been okay with making a music video like this which leads me to believe she is desperate for relevancy again.

Also her "hey hey hey" music video is not advertised as feminist yet it is unironically more feminist than her woman's world music video which sounds ai generated and looks like softcore porn.

No. 2087811

>All the overtly porny slop he crams into his songs from the past few years on feels like a taunt or something
That and/or some kind of attempt to not so subtly make excuses for himself "ackshually it's women who have the REAL power over men because women give men boners and men can't help it!!"

No. 2087833>>2087837>>2087848>>2088013>>2088425>>2088487

I keep trying to understand what makes Katy's weird sexualization stand out in a music industry where most the mainstream acts are very hypersexual (outside of like Taylor Swift) and seeing them naked/half way naked isn't even that "Shocking". I realize it's because Katy is such a star of her time.
It's so outdated/corny and cringe. Her music is just so artifical and it's not funny or cute anymore. We live in a time where there's no "Humor pop". People take themselves very seriously and when they DO jokey shit in songs it's usually to mock someone in a nasty way.
Nobody wants to listen to some fake deep shit about how women rule the world, but it's just goofy Katy jiggling her tits, empty lyrics and she's working with a fucked up moid.
But people will listen to Megan thee stallion rap about how women rule the world, because our pussy is so juicy and every man wants it, with a video of her jiggling her tits and ass.
Or Sabrina doing sexy outros about wanting BBC in her. The style of music Katy Perry is trying to do is dead for now. She's not going to bring it back, she's not cool anymore, she's not charming anymore. She looks try hard and sad, thats not even touching the abuser she works with.
Which by the way, she's not the only woman pretending to be a girls girl surrounded by abusive moids, so i take that critiism with a grain of pepper.
Katy is a easy target for all this. Also, who is Katy Perry? She never developed a true "Star persona". She's always been very generic, just the anti Taylor swift.

No. 2087837>>2087846

File (hide): 1720901969834.webp (642.7 KB, 1600x2461, karen carpenter.webp)

i miss when female musicians didnt have to whore themselves out to top charts and were actually talented.

No. 2087846>>2087853>>2087855>>2087860>>2087982>>2087998>>2088069

I was about to post this the other day in the Black girls thead in /g/, but today is so focused on the looks of women, that they don't allow any woman thats not naturally pretty or surgerically pretty too make it.
Like, do you think we'd have a Aretha Franklin in todays days? Nope, who cares if she's super talented and is attractive in her own way, she didn't have breasts up to her neck and a huge ass, with a tiny waist.
I don't think we could even have a whitney houston, because even if she was very pretty she also had a classy style to her. All the female artists are either pretty or plastic pretty and all the moids can just be.
Thats why mainstream music sucks, also Gay moids are super online and in every female fanbase, strangely enough they want to see these women twerk and look like barbies as well. They don't care about Talent, just be "pretty".
I see people always pretend like back in the day every female star was this slim trim beauty and it's not true. There was so much diversity in looks.

No. 2087848>>2087856>>2088436>>2089340>>2089465

I agree, it's like she's trying to recapture the magic of her earlier hits because when she moved away from that image she flopped

Yea she's an easy punching bag these days, let's face it she's a 40 year old white woman who's very millenial coded. She was most succcessful 12 years ago doing cheesy colorful upbeat pop music which is alien to zoomers. It's unfortunate she never cultivated much of a core fanbase but it's going to be hard for her to get the public to take her seriously again. Like she'll have to become "cool" which seems impossible for her, she's very quirky millenial not cool
The sexualization accusations are extremely hypocritical in today's market, but it's really just that no one wants to see millenial grandma be sexy kek

No. 2087853

File (hide): 1720902967192.jpg (60 KB, 500x720, 3830a1c25fc85d85260c5164d45820…)

the only good thing about all of this is that all of these talentless hacks are going to be forgotten. Its horrible being a woman nowadays, and its not a shock so many young teens troon out when the only female representation they see in media is botched up bimbo twerking her ass off while dating an ugly scrote 10 years her senior.

No. 2087855

Nina Simone, the Jacksons, Carpenters, Janis Joplin, Céline Dion, Joni Mitchell, Cass Elliot, Buffy Sainte Marie, there's a long list of celebrities who were massive stars despite being just regular looking people. And even the ones who did have recognizable looks like Cher, Kate Bush or ABBA weren't oversexed blow-up dolls. Another thing I noticed that goes in tandem with this is that not much is marketed towards adults anymore. Maybe Adele? But adult contemporary doesn't seem to exist anymore like it used to, it's just youth pandering.

No. 2087856>>2088069>>2088130>>2089340

>Millennial grandma
She's only 40, be so fr. Not sure what it is about older women that makes some people froth at the mouth this much, you'd never hear someone say this about a moid.

No. 2087860>>2087886>>2087890

It's so true and I don't understand how it got this bad. It's like music for it's own sake is hardly even appreciated anymore and people just want to watch some sex bomb vibe to some played out beat. Maybe the music industry is so low on money they only go for the lowest hanging fruit anymore.
And the gay moid thing is a good point, there's not a lot of them but it feels like they have an outsize influence on female culture, it's bizarre

No. 2087886

>there's not a lot of them but it feels like they have an outsize influence on female culture
I think there is a simple explanation for this
>straight moids bully and ostracize gay moids (and also trannies) out of "conventional" manhood
>women feel bad for them and embrace them hoping they will be more understanding of female struggles because of it
>however they're still moids to the core so because of male privilege and overly accommodating female socialization they end up taking over

No. 2087890>>2087976

relatablity over talent, looks over talent, stan twitter over talent. Also everyone is the "next big thing". People don't let as the young folks say, "people cook". Certain artists (Sabrina for example) exist for years in the industry flopping. When they get their first big hit, they are the next, Taylor or Ariana or whoever. Victora Monet was in the industry for years, but she pops out? Oh she's the next Beyonce! Tyla, oh she's the next Rihanna! They put these big shoes on these artists who 9/10 don't have the talent/charm etc. as the person they are saying they will replace, then when it doesn't happen, everyone dogpiles them. Or wonders why.
It's like they go from being "known" or "unknown" to "Super stars" overnight and they have to keep pumping out "the quality" that made them famous.
Or they are low effort like Ice Spice/Saweetie and just have to oversaturate the media with their faces/make 20 songs/pull stunts etc.
There is a reason why Taylor, Beyonce, Rihanna and even Nicki are still very popular. The reason Katy can't is because even back in the day she was super generic and dated, now she's older and the times have changed. She doesn't know how to change with it. I don't know why she doesn't go for a different sound, but I just assume she doesn't have the passion to even attempt anything more. Sorry if this reads like shit, I'm coffee drunk.

No. 2087894

shes obviously coked out here. how embarrassing

No. 2087902>>2087904>>2087908>>2087913>>2087920>>2087921>>2087925>>2087930>>2088436>>2088767>>2090447

File (hide): 1720905525481.mp4 (8.8 MB, 480x854, rapidsave.com_katy_perry_posts…) [play once] [loop]

Katy Perry explains how "woman's world" is satire. So yes to all the people who thought this was a parody and a satire you were right because even Katy herself admits it is satire.

For some reason this is worse to me knowing Dr.Luke worked with Katy on a song to make fun of feminists and sexualize it.

No. 2087904

what do people see in this woman, she's so artificial looking

No. 2087908

isnt satire meant to be funny? where funny?

No. 2087913

File (hide): 1720905985674.png (342.72 KB, 640x607, A4KstcM.png)

No. 2087920

"satire" with sexy women only reifies the norms of objectification for women. real women were still put in degrading roles for their bodies. of course a man made it and so it's called "satire". they'd put in hot men if they really want to parody.

No. 2087921

ok 5% of my hope is restored. on the other hand, it was a good move to get people talking about her again.

No. 2087925

You fuckers are so easily susceptible to damage control. It wasn’t parody or satire, it was entirely intentional and calculated to get people to care about her shitty music video and song. She also had Dr. Rapist involved so you definitely know nothing about it was a parody, that’s genuinely what all men in those industry think is female empowerment. If they didn’t they wouldn’t continuously show the same promiscuous examples under the guise of strength and empowerment with other artists. Naivety

No. 2087930>>2088945

i'm not buying it, sorry. This looks like some shit Katy thought was cool because she watched some newer girls and thought, Hypersexualization + her cringey style would be a hit. Even this criticism of feminism is outdated and empty. So what are you going to do about it katy?

No. 2087940>>2087949>>2090354

nta but when Olivia released her first hit song Driver's License about her ex-bf, Joshua Bassett, everybody thought it was about Sabrina because of the 'And you're probably with that blonde girl / Who always made me doubt / She's so much older than me' verses. Joshua and Sabrina were rumoured to be dating at that time. the album makes it clear he didn't cheat though, but rather he started dating the girl she was insecure about after they broke up. then he released his song which no one remembers and Sabrina released Skin about the hate she was getting. it was such a insignificant drama though, i don't think anyone cared about it besides their child HSM fans and no one talks about it anymore. point of the story, Olivia and Sabrina are household names now (or at least Olivia is) and he faded into irrelevancy.

No. 2087946>>2087959

Gypsy Rose is pregnant?

No. 2087949>>2087963>>2089130

Olivia Rodrigo is a household name? kek. Nobody talks about her anymore and nobody will remember her.

No. 2087959

Accidentally posted it in the Murrica thread, but Richard Simmons died.

Yes, she claims her current boyfriend is the dad but there is some marriage-associated law where she lives that would have her husband legally written as the father unless the boyfriend has a paternity test

No. 2087963>>2088457

She's definitely on her way, she's currently the most succesful zoomer popstar, her first album went platinum in multiple countries and the second one had great critical reception. Idk why anons here feel the need to diminish every rising pop girl, it's not about liking them but about facts.

No. 2087976

The industry is really grasping for straws these days. The forced virality is painful. Picking who to invest in based on twitter and tiktok is cancer. You would think the internet and ease of music creation these days would have made it even better but it seems to have turned it to crap instead

No. 2087980>>2087981>>2088767

>mass cancellation during her witness era
Did she get cancelled or did people not like her album?

No. 2087981>>2087983>>2087988

File (hide): 1720909544453.gif (654.05 KB, 220x123, katyperry-migos.gif)

No. 2087982>>2087989

ot but it's still insane to me how pretty whitney was, like even at the peak of her addiction she was absolutely glowing.

No. 2087983


No. 2087988

I totally forgot about this kek

No. 2087989>>2090405

There will never be another Whitney Houston.

No. 2087998>>2088025

Incoming sperg but I'm so SO fucking disappointed with Janelle Monae's current branding. She was such a breath of fresh air in high school and I really had to try to sell friends on her with her "weird" album concepts but ultimately the music and talent spoke for itself. But every fucking year she'd get snubbed at the Grammy's because she didn't do conventional rap or shake her ass. Electric Lady was able to have tasteful sexual themes and it still got ignored. Yoga was the beginning of the end. Very out of place for her catalog but it's what finally got her that attention she craved. Now she's flashing her tits at shows, nude on her latest album, all while going on about "I'm super queer and non binary! My new influence is Johnny Depp he's soooo talented!"

No. 2088013>>2088018

Katy is old and ugly, that's all.

No. 2088018>>2088020>>2088026>>2088069>>2088767


Some of you talk like she’s 80 and has a wrinkle origami face. The woman is 40 and good looking. She flopped because she’s not 20 anymore, but it doesn’t mean she’s geriatric now.

No. 2088020>>2088023

It's more so because the music sucks, even if Katy's face shows her age (and she doesn't even look bad, just natural) her body is great and in general she looks good. The music sucks. There's plenty of older stars who are still relevent (again, rihanna, beyonce, nicki, Taylor etc.), isn't Sza like 34? it's not age, it's bad music and cornball syndrome.

No. 2088023>>2088060

Yeah that too. Sorry, it’s just that these celebrity threads are full of people calling any woman not in the 18-29 bracket old and ugly. Like I’m sorry but you come in this thread and see an actual old and ugly guy in the threadpic and you decide to shit on Katy instead? I’m not even a fan of her, but that’s retarded

No. 2088025>>2088029

Meh I remember her getting pushed hard by indie media back then but her music was kind of lame, and I really wanted to like her. She probably would have been bigger with trendier songwriters. Too bad shes sexing herself up now though, I guess her fanbase has dwindled

No. 2088026

>implying a 20 year old wouldn't get ripped to shreds for this slop 1000x harder than legacy popgirl
lol. if tim petras's troon card couldn't save him from it nothing can.

No. 2088029

Agree, tinashe is the real blackpill snub but she's finally having her moment thanks to that hip whining chud.

No. 2088055

File (hide): 1720912532519.webp (55.4 KB, 1129x388, RDT_20240713_15544841403584964…)


Local 50 year old caucasoid haggot turning old tricks like "dunk on the wammin" and "I'm a good whitey"

No. 2088060>>2088722

you need to understand that this thread is about 60% datalounge fags

No. 2088068

He looks so frail and haggard, yuck

No. 2088069>>2088342>>2089340

I don't think Lizzo and Lady Gaga are considered conventionally sexy by anyone, especially not moids. I'm sure there's other examples too.

Fr zoomer girls are just as bad as moids with the ageism shit. 40 isn't even middle aged, much less "grandma" zone.

No. 2088130

Ok I didn't mean 40 is so old, I was being tongue in cheek I'm saying zoomers just see her as this older millenial woman who is out of touch

No. 2088175

I agree with you but this pic is a bad example of that because it's shooped to absolute fuck kek

No. 2088180

Kek same

No. 2088342>>2088678>>2089340

Zoomer girls probably feel this way because they look 40 at 25

No. 2088425>>2088914

File (hide): 1720918923571.jpg (211.13 KB, 763x1078, 71FBTwLqGHL._SL1078_.jpg)

>never developed a "Star persona"
oh? explain this.

No. 2088436>>2090405

I agree with his take on like "mainstream" horror, the ones produced by Paramount and stuff like that. They're very obviously just trying to pump out as many as they can a year to profit off it, all of the plots are so similar and the only "scary" aspects are loud jumpscares that are also cliche and predictable. But there are some gems that have been released within the past decade or so, a lot of them are either released with smaller companies that aren't strictly money driven, or foreign companies that don't get much advertisement here because it's not in English. It makes me sad though because horror is my favorite genre and I wish there wasn't so much shit to sift through when trying to find a new horror movie to watch but I guess that's kind of the same with a lot of other genres too. I love the trope of the 'final girl' but that's even harder to find good portrayals of that isn't just "beautiful woman gets raped and goes on a sexy killing spree, staying sexy the whole time with multiple titty shots."

>The sexualization accusations are extremely hypocritical in today's market
I think it depends who it's coming from, if the person enjoys the hypersexualisation coming from younger artists or their faves then I see the hypocrisy. But if it's coming from people who don't like hypersexuality in media no matter who it comes from, which feels like the nonnas here (me included) then I don't find the pushback hypocritical.

>"Haha you thought I was working with a rapist and making soft core porn and bouncing around in skimpy outfits for reals?!?! Haha no I was working with a rapist and making softcore porn and bouncing around in skimpy outfits for satire!!!"
She's retarded.

No. 2088457>>2089090>>2089654>>2090320

But nonny she's a blonde woman so she's so adorable!! And anyone who doesn't worship her hates blonde women out of jealousy and/or personal victimization by a blonde woman. Sorry, those are the rules.
The arbitrary milestones stans cling to don't reflect in real life public recognition and notoriety like pop stars before streaming. It's soooo tired and annoying to hear about how so and so's forgotten single broke a record set by the Beatles and that's a sign that music is thriving and totally not driven by bots and payola and anyone who remembers anything different is bitter and old.

No. 2088487

This reminds of me of when Jewel released Intuition. I was a kid and didn't understand her video was meant to be satire (apparently a lot of people thought this back then too), so it just looked like she was trying to compete against the sexy pop stars from the same period like Britney, Shakira and Christina Aguilera. It's like Katy's doing the same thing unironically

No. 2088678>>2090861

Most of the people saying she looks older or worse have literally been millenials who matured with her.
But you just couldnt resist taking out your insecurities out on zoomer women, stop acting like jealous bitter older pickmes.

No. 2088722

Tell the datalounge fags I'm busy stealing all their receipts and will post them as my own

No. 2088767>>2088860

File (hide): 1720927440364.jpeg (63.52 KB, 680x641, GSS189FWYAAVBS8.jpeg)

A lot of scathing articles about her work that mirror the sentiments from anons here have been written.
Nobody really believes this bullshit and it's obvious it's a last ditch attempt to push herself back into superstardom which will not happen because she has lost all sense of identity and is just trying to piggyback off trends. Claiming that it's satire doesn't work for Katy Perry at all because she has always had a quite sexed up image to begin with, especially with stuff like california girls where she literally had whipped cream can tits and was naked on a cloud.
I don't even think she was truly cancelled, but people just found her corny and she has never been able to recover from that.
I don't believe her flopping had anything to do with her age, there are plenty of female artists her age who have been able to score hits and have really good runs. People are just bored of her more than anyways and have moved on.

No. 2088860

>I don't believe her flopping had anything to do with her age
Agreed, I think the main problems are how phony it feels and how dated, this feels like something she wrote in 2010.

No. 2088914>>2089020>>2089038

People who were kids or pre teens in the 2010s forget how big Katy Perry actually was.

No. 2088945

>This looks like some shit Katy thought was cool because she watched some newer girls and thought, Hypersexualization + her cringey style would be a hit.
I agree

No. 2088958>>2089453

File (hide): 1720931503616.jpg (38.61 KB, 960x640, GETTY_96th-Annual-Academy-Awar…)

>Ariana Grande announces break from ‘anything unrelated to Wicked’ just 2 days after promising a tour in music comeback

No. 2089020>>2089025

This is so random but that post reminded me of when left shark was a big meme for a couple weeks

No. 2089025>>2089798

this is also a classic

No. 2089034>>2089478>>2089725

Yea so I wonder where her career went all wrong

No. 2089038>>2089349

True, I kind of miss that time period where the main artists were Katy, Lady Gaga, Nicki, fuck I kind of forgot the rest it's been so long. But I remember a time when one of these people put anything out it was like an instant hit, those teen magazines were filled with their outfits and everything. They would also always pit them against each other like "Katy VS Nicki, pink latex dress edition, who wore it better?" Kek, simpler times.

No. 2089090

Cool, but it’s streaming era and we are not getting superstars like Madonna or Prince or whoever anymore so I’m judging it by modern standards (and besides, gold/platinum albums were a measure of success/popularity since forever).

No. 2089128

Eras world tour.

No. 2089130

She's no household name but she's definitely a big popstar for zoomers, same with Sabrina.

No. 2089319>>2089327>>2089333>>2089335>>2089957

File (hide): 1720955918704.jpeg (180.29 KB, 1284x1352, GSVALWJW8AEtgAm.jpeg)


No. 2089327

>female body part
That wording will enrage them too. No such as a female body part and all that shit.

No. 2089333>>2089478>>2089957>>2097505

File (hide): 1720956718524.jpeg (207.49 KB, 1080x1540, D01A1261-30AC-4E8E-ABAD-40360B…)

Damn Katy can’t win kek

No. 2089335

Will someone PLEASE think of the TROONS?!

No. 2089340

No. 2089349>>2089368

Nta but speak for yourself, that was the start of the downfall of pop muisc. All the music from that era is so forgettable and empty sounding compared to pop music from the 2000s.

No. 2089360

File (hide): 1720958837449.jpg (125.92 KB, 1863x348, rip.jpg)

RIP bro, you seemed nice.

No. 2089368>>2089410>>2089418>>2090000

Kek okay true, I guess I'm just nostalgic for it because that was the time period I was still sort of growing up and I was obsessed with Katy, Nicki, Lady Gaga, Selena and Miley kek. Rose colored glasses I guess kek

No. 2089410>>2089433>>2089452>>2089629>>2091903

>growing up
> mid 2000' to 2010's

oh so you are a zommer so that is why you type that way, zommers have that distinct posting style.

No. 2089418

I also grew up with that music, and that's why I hate it, kek. I was into other stuff I discovered by chance and still branching and trying to figure out my music taste, and everyone insisted I should know and like the same shit as them, it was so annoying. But as a kid at the time, I was mostly bothered by the hypersexual imagery and the lack of good singing since vocals are what attracts me to songs usually. I remember a lesbian (or bi idk) friend od mine at the time saying she didn't like how Katty Perry has her tits out in some collab with snoopdog, so I wasn't the only one whp thought that stuff was weird and unnecessary and avoided it. And it feels nice to be vindicated after all these years because now that shit I avoided is so irrelevant and people, at least itt, hate it.

No. 2089433

>zommers have that distinct posting style
Pot calling the kettle black

No. 2089443>>2089449>>2089454>>2089456>>2089978>>2100883

File (hide): 1720964708780.jpg (182.6 KB, 1080x1171, johnny-depp-61-has-a-new-girlf…)

Johnny Depp, 61, has a new girlfriend- a young 24 year old Russian beautician named Yulia. The couple were spotted in London. She is younger than his daughter, Lily Rose Depp

No. 2089449

The average junkie you would find laying on the floor in a gas station bathroom looks like a male model in comparison

No. 2089452

Ayrt, no I was born in 1995, I meant growing up as in growing into my teens/late teens. I type like a zoomer cause I dropped out of school kek

No. 2089453

Her front teeth keeps growing like rabbit

No. 2089454

Russian women are stone cold bitches, I hope she takes every remaining penny he’s got.(sage your shit)

No. 2089456

File (hide): 1720965222123.jpeg (184.94 KB, 800x1119, E0D133BC-F34A-40B9-8A77-C3B55A…)

He’ll never get over Amber will he.

No. 2089459>>2090137

File (hide): 1720965294060.jpeg (115.27 KB, 739x1189, BF31E01D-09FD-4E6C-8251-655BE7…)

>when you order Amber Heard sex doll from Temu

No. 2089465>>2090065>>2090089

"Katy is so millenial-pilled hag core.. Am I right anonnonnitas? Holy kekkeroni!" You will turn 30 and yeet yourself off a bridge from the mental anguish

No. 2089466>>2089551

File (hide): 1720965467512.jpg (104.84 KB, 1305x749, rip.JPG)

No. 2089478

Don't forget the "is math related to science?" meme.

>Bodies don't make women women
Than what the fuck does? Acting like a sissy little slut or a dainty uwu smaww giww? A dumb whore? A submissive tradwife? Fuck off, women are women because they have a female body (including the brain).
>B-but what about the women born without a uterus ableist bigot??
Still women, just with a disorder. So sick of troons wanting attention every time someone uses the word woman.

No. 2089503>>2089507>>2089510

I remember Katy Perry falling off after she cut her hair and bleached it a la Miley Cyrus. Her long black hair was a huge part of her look

No. 2089507>>2089522

File (hide): 1720968193131.jpg (336.43 KB, 2560x1446, 636350197603226614-AP-Paris-Fa…)

this was the era when all the other female celebs got the slim shady hair style in order to appear different, but they all endend up looking like a army of clones kek. Kstew also had it got know who else.

No. 2089510>>2089520

I feel like Katy’s association with Hillary Clinton and her branding following that (the blonde-haired Witness album) is what actually killed her career. I don’t remember how accurate it was but it was like she became Hillary as a popstar overnight. And people really, really hate Hillary Clinton compared to male politicians—just the other day I heard moids sperging out about her while talking about the 2024 Presidential Election kek.

No. 2089518

>this one makes me kinda uncomfortable for some reason? Is it the constant zoom in on katy's shiny looking tits and ass?
they were like boob jumpscares

No. 2089520>>2089535

it's not only that. The biggest reason for her downfall during that time was the huge ammount of 1 hour + videos she did and those interviews where she made complete fool out of herself, that video she did with with Neill Tyson was also pretty embarrassing for her because people realised she is actually legitimately retarded and that it wasn't a persona.

She was all over the place during the era. Funny thing is she used to make fun of Britneys mental health.

No. 2089522

they were all trying to copy miles cyrus back then with tags hairstyle. Just shows how unoriginal they all are.

No. 2089535>>2090537

Yeah but it still stands that when she had black hair, sexier styling, and light-hearted pop songs, she was at least tolerated by people despite being corny and goofy. Witness and the Hillary Clinton era was a massive 180 where she ditched the sexy look to become plain embarrassing on stage and in interviews as you said. Plus a lot of the new singles diverted from her original sound with hip hop and club elements and added “meanings” (“purposeful pop”) that people weren’t really looking for from Katy Perry.
Imo could have had a better career trajectory if she just kept releasing those lame “inspirational” ballads like Firework and Roar which you don’t really age out of compared to songs like California Girls and ET.

No. 2089551

I did get a bit teary over this because I had been following her cancer battle on and off for the past few years. RIP Shannen.

No. 2089591>>2089888>>2089975>>2090315>>2090321

File (hide): 1720972965380.jpeg (450.71 KB, 1170x424, IMG_5072.jpeg)

I cannot believe Depp is still trying to get back into good public graces. The man they're interviewing for this story is literally his fixer and he's also a fixer for other celebrities.

The fixer fucking kills people at worst and at best intimidates them, and you can't trust a word he says, but now the sick fuck is trying to release a memoir or some garbage masquerading as a "private investigator" to absolve himself.

No. 2089629

Ironically you type more zoomery than the anon you replied to.

No. 2089654

File (hide): 1720975763712.png (2.75 MB, 1242x2688, IMG_9320.png)

it’s because of the eras tour not her hair but your continued obsession with blondes you keep forcing into the conversation is unmatched i have never seen a person so obsessed with a hair color and in high school i was friends with boys who wanted to date ramona flowers.(sage your shit)

No. 2089725>>2090068>>2091701

this song was definitely part of the downfall. nothing but back-to-back cringe and outdated memes. and i heard it was related to some beef she used to have with taylor swift? idk the details

No. 2089798>>2089809

THAT'S WHERE THIS MEME COMES FROM!?! I always assumed it was from like a drug PSA or something WOW. TIL thread moment.

No. 2089809

for many years I thought that this quote was from kim k for some reason.

No. 2089888>>2090523

File (hide): 1720982816989.jpg (224.74 KB, 1078x1191, Screenshot_20240714_203348.jpg)

I hadn't heard of this man before but I saw a paper in my country report on this in an article that was so clearly biased in him and Depp's favor, so I had to look it up to see if there was anything fishy about it and found this

No. 2089957

These people are so idiotic

No. 2089975>>2089978

File (hide): 1720986116092.jpg (106.38 KB, 634x829, 1000015165.jpg)

And currently he's dating a Russian girl who's younger than her own daughter. Creepy

No. 2089978

No. 2090000>>2090080

No anon you're right, it was a good era for pop. The 2000s are way more interesting for me in the grand scheme of things with Christina Aguilera, Britney, Avril Lavigne, Beyonce, Gwen Stefani, Kylie Minogue, and Rihanna. There were more pop stars than them but I've forgotten them. In my mind I do associate the 2000s with popular bands like MCR or Paramore though.
The early 2010s was pretty good for me and an extension of the 2000s, I think Lady Gaga, Katy Perry, early Nicki Minaj, more Rihanna, Taylor Swift, Ariana Grande, etc. Then later on we got more Beyonce with a widely acclaimed album. Unfortunately by 2016 everything kind of fell off but we did see the rise of kpop, the rise of some indies like Aurora (obviously, not as big as the others), and pop stars with a bit of an edge like Melanie Martinez and then at the tail end we got Billie Eilish. Those two are mid but at least Billie is still treated like a star. Oh yeah and Lizzo was there too I guess. Right now pop is really boring to me, there's nothing bombastic and I'm not interested in kpop nor Latin american sounds. Pop is very mellow and only now we have contenders like Olivia Rodrigo and Sabrina trying to rise to the top, they have a feud which will cause some interesting things with the media and that's something fans undoubtedly get into. Mistki and moody girl with guitars pop is a thing I guess. Doja Cat had something going on but she doesn't care for pop. I don't need to talk about the others because they either disappeared or disappointed kek but every popstar does at the end of the day.

No. 2090065

Kek I love you nonny

No. 2090068

Lmao I remember this drama like it was yesterday. Her basketball song is supposed to be a direct hit to Taylor because she accused her (Katy) of trying to "steal" her dancers. The song bad blood by Taylor is about Katy.

No. 2090080

2000s was the last decade of real variety in pop music radio, I miss being able to hear songs I actually liked because there was a bit of something for everyone. Now pop music is so similar that if you don't like the current trend you're just not going to like pop music for a while.
Also the quality of music has really degraded, it's not just nostalgia because I still discover old music that's new to me that I like

No. 2090089>>2090861

Stop bringing your insecurities around aging into this thread, you sound retarded

No. 2090137

kek I thought it was another bad khloey kardashian photoshop and was really confused for a moment

No. 2090315

Men always side with men, I hope people don't actually take this to mean something more than that

No. 2090320

>When you literally can't get passed an infight that happened like 3 or 4 threads ago so you keep bringing it up every thread in attempt to restart it and "win" or something
Nonna… I don't even know what the fight was about but you gotta let that shit go kek

No. 2090321>>2090534>>2090542>>2091188>>2094902

He needs to let it go. How much money did he pour into fucking up everyone's YouTube algorithm for like two years, filling Twitter and other platforms with bots and shilling, brainwashing white fat pickmes into bringing him crayons and alpacas in court, pretending he relates to incels, getting people to pretend he's still attractive and punishing the masses with photos of his ugly face/body doing "I'm so saddd" expressions, just for the same court documents that kicked his ass the last time to reveal he was a piece of shit all along? Life has spoken, and tbh it doesn't even matter what happened between them on a mass scale. He fucked his own career by being a worthless, loud, unprofessional drug addict having meltdowns at work and a sex pest who won't stop blaming a woman who broke up with him (and that he failed to blacklist) for his continued Ls. Loser needs to move the fuck on and pick up the pieces, "taking my bitch ex down!!1" won't repair what he himself has destroyed. Amber's still successful because she does her work, minds her business and maintains her appearance for her job in an appearance-based industry. Gnarled monster Johnny needs to accept that nepotism and connections can't turn literal feces into gold, and that instigating drama hurts your career instead of helping it. Hiring prostitutes and paying for more "hit articles" when everyone's tired of this story won't make him young, handsome or worth hiring lol.

No. 2090354>>2090474>>2091688>>2092205

File (hide): 1721004136974.png (209.22 KB, 912x1832, cve.png)

Kek, the lyrics for Sabrina's song are so bitchy compared to the ones for Olivia and Joshua's. Won't be listening to any of them, but it stood out to me. This person seems noxious.

No. 2090390

Gerard is a fucking tranny supporting idiot. I didnt think he'd recreate the entire character of Vanya though. I would have just recasted her. Shinji ikari isnt going to get any new roles anytime soon.

No. 2090405

I agree with you. If I had a dollar for every horror trope that is literally just women getting violently SA'd, I'd have a lot of dollars. Wes Craven's Last House on the left got remade in 2012? It's a movie about two women being attacked, tortured and raped. by random men. I hate that they remade that movie. it's bleak and awful when it came out in the 1970s. I feel like so many movies are circled around women getting hurt rather than true horror. Something like Sinister and Insidious are good horror movies imo.

Kek, why does this feel like literal Pearl, X, Maxxxine. Mia goth is the biggest horror pick me

Agree. Her voice is so incredible

No. 2090447>>2090465>>2090477>>2090543

It's so obvious she wanted to recreate "Roar" (also produced by Dr. Luke), but with a sarcastic bend. It didn't work because while Roar was silly but fun libfem campiness, this is just weirdly irony-poisoned, sinister and quasi-pornographic. Might as well make her sign a popper in that video.
Where exactly is the satire? Who is the joke on? You're still making women look ridiculous. I don't know what happened between now and then (Trump/right wing shift and horror at the Roe v Wade issue, the trans discussion becoming more prominent, hyperpop producer Sophie becoming known, a new crop of zoomer and gen alpha gays who weren't pushed to develop a more global, all-encompassing eye for beauty by a tastefully homophobic upbringing), but the hypersexual gay men all these pop and rap women are allowing themselves to be used as Barbie dolls by have started getting dark and letting their own misogyny/various dysphorias leak into the mainstream. So many gay men who happen to be mentally ill and/or addicted to porn are working as designers, makeup artists, stylists, doing "creative"/visual jobs in general, etc and forcing their vent art concepts on the less informed. They're unironically making clowns of clueless libfem singers, portraying them as literal objects, blow up dolls and surgery creatures, and all them seem to think those men are "with" them on anything deeper than sometimes unhealthy self-insertion/vicarious living, so they trust it. They hear "yasss queen it's satire on society, it's all a big joke, we're so smarttt our mindsssss babe" and buy into it. No, you are the joke. You've figured out that straight men can be misogynistic for incel/can't fuck reasons, but it's flying over your head that gay men can also be misogynistic for envious/dysphoria/straight man fetish reasons because people abuse the terms "homophobia" and "transphobia" to avoid valid criticism. They're making you look stupid, fucking up your aesthetic and having a laugh with the other gay men. So many straight women need to understand that some of these drag queens actually aren't their greatest allies.
I feel like she's never going to put out anything on par with her old music and videos. Part of Me, Wide Awake and other videos were a masterpiece compared to Woman's World. Music videos that feel like early 2000s chick flicks and fantasy or sci-fi movies are where she shines best, but it's like she lost that in a bid to stay relevant.

No. 2090465

Samefag, I actually feel like it's less about "upbringing" and more about general cultural background, but I've ranted enough

No. 2090474

Lmao I’ve never listened to this woman and I don’t think I’ll start now. I really like Olivia and this is a pretty clear reference to Drivers License. How sad

No. 2090477

At first, looking at the length of your manifesto, I thought is was going to be a bunch of nothing bullshit. But you are actually massively correct on everything you mentioned, it should be pasted everywhere especially this paragraph:
>You've figured out that straight men can be misogynistic for incel/can't fuck reasons, but it's flying over your head that gay men can also be misogynistic for envious/dysphoria/straight man fetish reasons because people abuse the terms "homophobia" and "transphobia" to avoid valid criticism.

No. 2090523

File (hide): 1721011553952.jpeg (684.78 KB, 1170x1906, IMG_5114.jpeg)

I happen to know shit about Paul I'm not supposed to and he threatens and kills people but it gets no mainstream attention because he slides under the rug. It's weird to see him actually be interviewed with a news publication. he only does it when he's doing a celebrity's damage control. He also defended Depp against the accusation that he was responsible for the disappearance of his ex business partner Anthony Fox via Radar Online (notoriously a paper used as damage control) so I'm inclined to believe Depp also had some responsibility in Foxs death as well.

I hate that this guy is an open attention whore about basically being a Hollywood hitman, he's gone on podcasts and is trying to pedal this shit memoir, and nobody talks him down

No. 2090534

Worst part is that the public still sees him as the good guy.

No. 2090537

This. 100% correct.

No. 2090542

As long as he's got that faggot adam waldman and some other idiots employed as his media consultants he's gonna keep trying for a career rebound. Doesn't he realize that if saudi money and that pickme French director can't save his career then no one can? Remember in the court docs how he said he was hellbent on totally smearing amber? That grudge appears to be lifelong

I don't even think Tim Burton wants to work with him, and that was one of his last longtime collaborators. It's too hazardous to the crew to let Depp on set.

No. 2090543

>It didn't work because while Roar was silly but fun libfem campiness, this is just weirdly irony-poisoned, sinister and quasi-pornographic. Might as well make her sign a popper in that video.
Where exactly is the satire? Who is the joke on? You're still making women look ridiculous.

No. 2090861>>2090933>>2090936

File (hide): 1721026451427.jpg (40.71 KB, 960x720, Home-Theater-Gear-GettyImages-…)


No. 2090933>>2090968>>2090978>>2090984

You're trying to make a point about how you're not butthurt about aging with hag tech? Ok(derailing)

No. 2090936


No. 2090968

nta but >hagtech
you realize projctors are still used, yeah? no wonder zoomers cant read analog clocks or type faster than 30wpm if they think technology still used today is hag tier(derailing)

No. 2090978

Was replying supposed to prove you're not a butthurt zoomie coping with pushing 30? Kek(infighting)

No. 2090984

KEK you gotta give it a rest, she has bodied you a total of 3 times already

No. 2091188

It's funny how all the biggest depp defenders like Rekieta and umbrella fag turned out to be the worst people imaginable.

No. 2091380>>2091390>>2091510>>2091919

File (hide): 1721065663155.jpg (400.95 KB, 720x901, timmychalamet.jpg)

Timmy boy is being accused of being a bitch to film crews

>Movie industry insiders who worked closely with Chalamet on his upcoming Bob Dylan biopic, 'A Complete Unknown,' claim the burgeoning superstar is, in fact, a raging 'diva'.

>And as filming wrapped on the project in June, several crewmembers spoke exclusively to DailyMail.com about the allegedly 'toxic' on-set environment fraught with complaints of 'cruelty' and 'frat-boy behavior.'
>'We were not allowed to make eye contact with him or introduce ourselves.'
>In one encounter, Chalamet allegedly flew into a rage and 'cursed out' a low-level production assistant who - while snapping a picture of the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024 - accidentally included the actor in a photo's frame.
>A security guard on the production 'scoured her phone and made her delete all the photos,' the insider claimed.
>Just 20 minutes later, Chalamet reportedly forced the movie's producers to send a strongly-worded email to the entire cast and crew prohibiting 'all cell use' near the leading man.
>Chalamet even once seized a 'restroom trailer for himself at the last minute, which caused massive lines and long waits to access the other facilities,' on a particularly busy day of filming with 120 background actors and 150-plus crew members, according to Dailymail.com's source.
>What's more, the allegations did not stop with Chalamet: overall the 'hostile work environment' was said to be rife with 'cruelty' and 'frat-boy behavior' —allegedly fostered by the film's director James Mangold.
>'He generally ran one of the least professional and most toxic sets I've ever been on,' said another crewmember. 'It was fraught with disparaging comments along the lines of 'this guy f sucks.'

No. 2091390>>2091421

> Accused of being a bitch
Kek. He does sound like one though.

No. 2091405>>2091481>>2091662

File (hide): 1721066346818.jpeg (1008.55 KB, 1170x1139, IMG_5126.jpeg)

Depp's publicists are still buying dailyfail space today give it a rest

No. 2091421>>2091429

Yeah. It's not even the first time I've heard of him being nasty to crew members. According to peple in FauxMoi, he also got mad at a PA for bringing him an umbrella when it was downpouring lol, his reps said "Bob hates umbrellas" (they referred to him by the character's name during production). He also has screamed at crew members and belittled women for their looks.

No. 2091429>>2091582

Kids who went to high school and college with him said he was a snobby theater kid, and he was supposedly friends with rapist Ansel Elgort and spread chlamydia at NYU. I don't care how "precious cinnamon roll" he's marketed, his penchant for dating nepo babies (LRD, Kylie) also says a lot about his obsession with status(sage your shit in this thread)

No. 2091481

This girl is younger than Lily Rose btw

No. 2091510

There are so many stories that came out of him treating workers terribly on the Wonka set so that checks out.(sage your shit in this thread)

No. 2091582>>2091594

>Ansel Elgort
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a while. Whatever happened to him?

No. 2091594>>2091793

File (hide): 1721074199801.jpeg (615.98 KB, 1170x1056, IMG_5138.jpeg)

He was accused of raping and sexually assaulting multiple women who were fans of his, some of which were underage when the incidents happened. These assaults happened around the time he was in The Fault in Our Stars which was pretty popular with teen girls

Hes still getting work, he's starring in HBO's Tokyo Vice and was in the new west side story

No. 2091652>>2091801

File (hide): 1721075591312.jpg (55.9 KB, 737x571, em.JPG)

No. 2091662>>2091706

Justice for my girl Amber

No. 2091688>>2091803>>2091959>>2092720

These are “bitchy” lyrics? This is not even middle school tier shit. You all do realize that this was a PR stunt to get them talking about Olivia, Josh (no one cares about him tho), and Sabrina? Josh never dated either of these women, he played Olivia’s love interest in the HSM remake but he’s gay. His dick never went inside either of them. They’re all cringe for going along with it but Olivia is not only cringe in general but her song that started the fake beef was cringe. I don’t like Sabrina either. Zoomer music hurts my brain

No. 2091701>>2091754

Ugh the only good album Katy ever made was One Of The Boys. Then she became a sellout. Besides that album, Harley’s in Hawaii and Who Am I Living For, I couldn’t hate her music anymore than I already do. Swish swish, chained to the rhythm, roar, wide awake and all of her popular songs are literally painful to my ears

No. 2091706

She's in Europe living with her daughter and I hope she's living a good life.

I wish Johnny Depp would die of prostate cancer already

No. 2091754

agreed except i also like hummingbird heartbeat off teenage dream. that one sounds like it could've been on ootb though

No. 2091793>>2091806

Holy shit I can't believe I've never heard about this before, he was one of those fugly men Tumblr obsessed over in like 2014, moids should never be allowed fame or power because they always use it to take advantage of women/girls.

No. 2091801

His spray-on flocked hair looks so ridiculous. He looks like a spraypainted Chia Pet

No. 2091803>>2091959

>You all do realize that this was a PR stunt
Accurate, that was the fakest Disney beef I've ever seen. And if it weren't already extremely obvious it's even more hard to believe that Olivia would consider Sabrina "everything she's insecure about." Kek, I'm sorry but yeah right, I don't dislike Sabrina or Olivia but even at the time Olivia was constantly being praised for her appearance while Sabrina was not.

No. 2091806

One of the women said he took her virginity rather forcefully and mused about "breaking her in" and I've never been able to forget it

No. 2091903>>2092161

>generic typing style that blends with other anons itt
>oh so you're a ZOOMER!
Millenials are really obsessed with gen z, I guess that insufferble narcissist stereotype was true after all.(infighting)

No. 2091919

It's Daily Mail, but not surprising, wasn't he a fratboy spreading chlamydia at NYU before his career took off.

No. 2091959>>2092157

File (hide): 1721087521208.png (106.13 KB, 1224x545, Zrzut ekranu 2024-07-16 014922…)

Kek, I checked what's going on with him and he's releasing an album in 10 days. He really tries to gain some interest by obviously referencing Olivia, kinda embarassing.

No. 2092157>>2092177

>My Taylor guitar
KEK a Taylor swift themed guitar??

No. 2092161>>2092177

Weak bait, arguably millennials would have gotten their "cringe" attention seeking moments out of the way if we weren't being socially and economically destroyed in ways that no longer exist which is something people with baby brains won't realize until far after they are being blamed for the economy and harassed and laughed at by skibidi toilet children and Xers. We also matured naturally and had awkward phases and didn't skip to instathot status straight from childhood.
Zoomers are too young not to be stupid and pumped full of media and (mis)information at an insane rate while skipping over all of the important details that make things make more sense and wonder why they feel insane and insecure. I don't envy them but I find their arrogance while knowing jack shit very annoying.(derailing)

No. 2092177>>2092228

No, Taylor Guitars is a big producer of acoustic guitars kek.

The constant accusing anons of being zoomers for petty reasons and seething about younger generations got boring quickly.

No. 2092205>>2092230

it seems fine.

No. 2092228

You can really tell a lot of people on here are insecure about aging kek. In no way did someone saying they liked singers like Katy Perry and Lady Gaga growing up (so mid to late twenties if they were a preteen in that era) warrant such a hostile response about how stupid and arrogant the younger generation is and how millennials are superior kek

No. 2092230

Kek, sure.

No. 2092549>>2092565>>2092596>>2092608>>2092713>>2092714>>2092826

File (hide): 1721115334001.jpeg (757.27 KB, 1170x1793, IMG_2585.jpeg)

What does this mean? Did her album flop? I’m disappointed she’s not gonna tour, I wouldn’t have went but I would have watched it on YouTube or something.

No. 2092565

Are you retarded Nona? It just means she’s going to be in their advertisements and shilling their products.

No. 2092596

Did you post the wrong pic, unless you know something about brand partnership that I don't kek

No. 2092603>>2092654>>2092657


No. 2092608>>2092707

I miss africana she looks like a bobble head now

No. 2092618>>2092641>>2092676>>2092710>>2092789>>2093155>>2093195

This made me so ridiculously uncomfortable for some reason, the interviewer is like fake flirting with Billie so hard and it seems so disingenuous it's making me cringe. I couldn't even finish it. At one point she jokes about wanting to date Billie and she just straight up says "You don't want to date me." In like a 'cut the bullshit' kind of way. Sidenote Billie is so beautiful and she has such a mesmerizing smile that lights up her entire face, she's so gorgeous.

No. 2092641>>2092644

Billie is not gonna fuck you anon

No. 2092644>>2093824

I'm not gay I just think she's really beautiful kek

No. 2092654

they’re retarded. Not even doing the trend correctly I don’t even use Tik tok but aren’t they both supposed to have their eyes closed so they can’t see each others answers.
I think these two must just burn their brain with substance constantly it’s also the only explanation for why she would be with him.

No. 2092657

Two speds trying to be trendy. Painful

No. 2092676

Billie is a retarded degen.

No. 2092707>>2092709

File (hide): 1721129225544.jpeg (171.99 KB, 800x480, 0e142391-c86a-4307-bb54-676696…)

I miss arigatana

No. 2092709>>2092711>>2094753

Hot take but she never looked Asian here

No. 2092710>>2092721

Eh it's ok. I prefer her being a hard to watch cringe tard who is very out there with her attraction to women than yet another "uwu" cutesy "totally sapphic" spicy straight or yet another hyperpop troon singing about "girldick"

No. 2092711

It was mostly a meme imo

No. 2092713>>2093155

>I’m disappointed she’s not gonna tour, I wouldn’t have went but I would have watched it on YouTube or something.
Same, I want a tour of the last two albums but realistically she's not going to ever do that. In a recent interview she said she wants to downscale her concerts too. She looks very pretty and classy in that pic btw, interesting how her image changed so much after becoming Glinda.

No. 2092714

I just remembered a conversation from the consoom thread some months back and I think Swarovski is not viewed as that elegant anymore. It's just cut glass.

No. 2092720

>These are “bitchy” lyrics? This is not even middle school tier shit. You all do realize that this was a PR stunt to get them talking about Olivia, Josh (no one cares about him tho), and Sabrina?
Kek I agree. Even Taylor and Katy's feud felt more real than this shit.

No. 2092721

Very true

No. 2092764>>2093013>>2094337>>2094769

File (hide): 1721134642452.jpeg (36.23 KB, 620x413, IMG_1811.jpeg)

Amber Rose spoke last night at the Republican National Convention.


She is best known as Kanye’s ex and for L.A. Sultwalk.

No. 2092789>>2092791

she literally looks special needs what the hell are you on about

No. 2092791>>2092792>>2092878>>2093155>>2093470>>2094909>>2106114

File (hide): 1721136746642.png (677.51 KB, 1065x713, Screenshot (31808).png)

KEK she's cute

No. 2092792>>2092836>>2092878>>2093155>>2106114

File (hide): 1721136830665.png (762.6 KB, 1164x716, Screenshot (31809).png)

Samefag, the outfit is cringe but she's so cute, I'm dying on this hill kek

No. 2092826>>2092848>>2096089

File (hide): 1721138532637.png (1.36 MB, 2128x600, IMG_0119.png)

The Bella Hadid swarovski campaign was cute.

No. 2092836

agreed nonnie

No. 2092840>>2092873>>2092982>>2093005>>2093023>>2093155>>2094074

File (hide): 1721139442810.jpeg (49.52 KB, 347x360, IMG_2532.jpeg)

Jack Black is canceling all future Tenacious D shows on their tour and going on a hiatus for the project. It’s because at their Sydney show it was Kyle Gas’s birthday and as a birthday wish he wanted them not to miss trump.

No. 2092848>>2094761

>Bella Hamas
Stupid Terrorist Bimbo. Do yourself a favor and look up where her fathers money goes.(pol shit baiting)

No. 2092873

It's cause some Aussie right wing senator shit his pants over Kyle's comment. Sounds like Jack wanted to fencesit and retain reptuation and profitability of the tour-hence the moral posturing over Tenacious D of all things. Perhaps him and Kyle had a disagreement which is why they decided to lay low and scrap the tour altogether.
Ooga booga, musicians say insensitive political shit ahhhhh!(sage your shit)

No. 2092878

there's the attractive women thread on /g/, personally, I think she looks very meh here, like only a 12 year old budding lesbian would find her attractive

No. 2092982

lol KG you mad man

No. 2093005

Jack has to stay family friendly bc at the end of the day, it is his movies that are bringing in his money - not Tenacious D.

No. 2093013>>2096089

Not to sound like a moid, but why are people worked up at what this grifting harlot has to say? She was spit out by Hollywood and lost relevance, so now she is pandering to RW Moids.

No. 2093023>>2093209

Ive always liked jack black and this is slightly disappointing. I get that he wants to be family friendly. But come on. It’s not like he didn’t say what everyone is thinking lol

No. 2093155>>2093191

Fucking sad that this is response, he really loves those Bow$er bucks huh
Please go outside to anywhere with gay women please. She looks like she's cosplaying Malibu's most wanted.
You sound like you're on her PR team, she looks deranged having her biannual identity crisis. But dropping the tan and Victoria Monet skinwalking to ….pretend she is a fictional "good witch" while homewrecking, proclaiming love for Jeffrey Dalhmer, etc. so classy, love that for her. Yas slay queen, dress business casual while your married boyfriend doesn't see his child for you!

No. 2093191

>She looks like she's cosplaying Malibu's most wanted.
>Yas slay queen, dress business casual while your married boyfriend doesn't see his child for you!
d y i n g

No. 2093195>>2093484


You have never watched chicken shop huh

No. 2093209>>2094066

not everyone wishes death on people because of politics

No. 2093406>>2095765

Feminist backlash moment. Society is becoming increasing misogynistic especially the whole media apparatus. Shit's going to get worse with constant anti-woman messages bombarding you everywhere. I mean worse than usual. In this case the general public seems to reject it though.

No. 2093470>>2093490>>2093597

Looks like Steve Buscemi

No. 2093484

You're right anon this is 100% on brand for chicken shop

No. 2093490


No. 2093597

Holy fuck you are right KEK

No. 2093824

>”I’m not gay”
>proceeds to say the faggiest shit ever about another woman under the spoiler
Okay dyke(infight bait)

No. 2094007

late reply but I 100% agree nonnie. Kids today don't know!

No. 2094066>>2094337>>2094639

Idgaf about politics, I just think he is a disgusting narcisist predator moid who has assaulted women. so, his death wouldn't be a bad thing. all i'm saying.

No. 2094074>>2094813>>2095040>>2095460

i hate the desensitized responses this shooting is bringing out of people. truly a weird and scary time in humanity.

No. 2094337>>2094526

Covered her body to appear more conservative but didn't also cover the hideous face tattoo? kek

Women and girls. This scumbag was good friends with Epstein and Maxwell. He's a total piece of shit, and so is anyone supporting him or excusing his behavior.

No. 2094526>>2094852

>This scumbag was good friends with Epstein and Maxwell.
Nta and sorry I'm retarded but are you talking about Jack Black or Trump?

No. 2094639

Yeah I’m shocked at all the otherwise progressive women being overly civil and supportive over the shooting as if trump isn’t a disgusting creep that would give zero shits when his policies harmed or killed women. Dude rolled back abortion so I don’t care about muh kindness when it comes to misogynist Republican moids, not my problem. The same republicans make smug jokes when random women get raped and killed in other countries or beaten in city streets because haha you weren’t racist enough so you deserved it dumb libs!! Somehow women always deserve whatever violence they deal with. Saying edgy stuff about shitty politicians isn’t that crazy and as someone mentioned it’s been a trend in music since forever. Jack Black is just a gross fat sellout protecting his uwu wholesome quirky moid image.

No. 2094651>>2094738>>2095111

File (hide): 1721261916710.png (198.96 KB, 1321x416, cab430abe2ac094e63f5bcdcf4248c…)

It's so touching and heartwarming that a 34 year-old woman taught a 60 year-old A-lister to maintain good hygiene. Thank god for altruistic beings of light like her

No. 2094736

Saged cause this is old as shit but I had no idea Melanie got her start on the voice? I'm almost 30 and I was a Melanie fan in my teens but had no clue this was how she started. Her voice is really nice, I always assumed her voice was edited because most singers can't sing live very well. And in one of the clips Christina Aguilera is so rude to her for some reason, she doesn't really seem to say anything nice to her at all.

No. 2094738>>2098281

kek why are so many celebs smelly

No. 2094753

she looks korean

No. 2094761

>stupid terrorist bimbo
>look up where her father's money goes
is she supposed to have control over her dad's finances? how does that define her kek

No. 2094769>>2095775

Thank goodness Slutwalk Sally is finally speaking up for… bimbo reality tv women who LARP as conservatives because right wing approval feels more validating for relevance? What exactly was the goal for recruiting Amber Rose of all people? She holds no valor to swing a vote towards either side. Even Kim Kardashian would have been a better choice. At least she had people fooled with her pursuit of a career in law.

No. 2094813

Why should i give a damn about a man who brushed off school shootings?

No. 2094822>>2094836>>2094945

File (hide): 1721273602322.webp (78.29 KB, 960x960, www-instagram-com-p-c5m8vo-893…)

it's sending me how everyone is a completely different colour kek

No. 2094828>>2094850>>2094855>>2094904>>2095172

File (hide): 1721274315957.jpeg (407.54 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_2546.jpeg)

Johnny Depp, Ahmed Saab and Will Smith on a boys trip. Guess what they all have in common?

No. 2094831

kek the jt threadpic jumpscares me every time its bumped

No. 2094836

yes anon they are different people

No. 2094850

They have shlongs? or choads

No. 2094852>>2094870

File (hide): 1721275565416.webp (233.15 KB, 1200x1003, IMG_5291.webp)

No. 2094855>>2094859

that notebook has got to have the most incriminating shit he never has it out of his sight

No. 2094859

I need someone to steal and leak that shit

No. 2094870>>2095039

Oh okay sorry I thought maybe Jack Black was on that Epstein Island list too or something, but I wouldn't be surprised at this point

No. 2094902

>and that he failed to blacklist
i don't agree with this, i wish it weren't true, but amber is definitely blacklisted and will probably never get any more roles. the entire world hates her which makes me sad. i hate johnny depp so much

No. 2094904

What a get together. Just came here to point out that the guy in the middle is Ahmed Saab. He beat his wife (Somaya ElKhashab) so badly her spleen ruptured and she had to get surgery.

No. 2094909>>2094927

You guys say Ice Spice looks retarded and then call this bitch cute ok

No. 2094927

I said I think Ice Spice is cute several times throughout the past year too Nonna, cute and funny. Also only one other anon thinks Billie is cute so "you guys" seems to only be me and one other nonnie here kek

No. 2094945>>2095865

She looks jaundiced next to the goblin.

No. 2095039

Kek fucking stephen hawking was on it so you never know

No. 2095040>>2095175>>2095185>>2096866

Yeah, it's unbelievable that anyone would gloat over the assassination attempt of a man who incited an insurrection, tried to subvert an election, reveres and regularly praises dictators, is accused by several women of sexual harassment and rape, has made pedophilic statements (e.g. "If my daughter wasn't my daughter..", and saying "I'm going to date her in 10 years" about a child he saw on an escalator), made fun of the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi, was in cahoots with Epstein, has bragged about his ability to do whatever he wants without losing support, and talked about how his ideological opponents "live like vermin" and immigrants are "poisoning the blood of the country" (totally not a far-right, fascist talking points). It's utterly bizarre that people clutch their pearls over a man who is a literal cartoon villain. You should cry over the deaths of serial killers who are put down because they pose a threat to the rest of the community too, because that's what men like Trump are: well-adjusted, successful predators who parasitize on the masses until they are somehow forced to stop by the same crowds whose energies they feed off of. Save your compassion for someone who isn't a pedophilic, malignant narcissist(derailing)

No. 2095111

Lmao I just this article and they also highlighted that she even got him to use floss. Like congrats, you finally managed to do what 99% humans do on a daily basis as part of their basic grooming. How does one even get like this??

No. 2095172

they're all abusive faggots

No. 2095175

thank you. his death would not be a loss in any way and I can't believe there are really people screetching about desensitized humanity. the guy doesn't give a fuck about women or children when they are abused or killed, why would we give a fuck about his life.(derailing)

No. 2095185

I'm going to save this post because it's so succinct and sums up everything. I can't believe people are acting like you're a bad person if you wish the geriatric chode had died when he's proven to be dangerous if left alive.(derailing)

No. 2095443>>2095462>>2095557>>2095770>>2096178>>2097501

File (hide): 1721324387465.jpeg (720.21 KB, 1170x1148, IMG_5328.jpeg)

He and Brad Pitts publicists need to tune down the obvious media manipulation. Nobody cares enough about these bloated old uggos to see their names plastered all over the news lately

No. 2095460

My thoughts and prayers go out to you. I mean…that should be sufficient compassion after a shooting right?(derailing)

No. 2095462


No. 2095557

Bocelli didn't need that

No. 2095765

>Feminist backlash moment. Society is becoming increasing misogynistic especially the whole media apparatus.
I saw it that way too, the music video looks more like it's making fun of feminism than the other way around

No. 2095770

Andrea Bocelli needs to stop collaborating with retards, it's like he's the big flopping hollywood star magnet. I'm sure Depp isn't the first instance of this.

No. 2095775

>finally speaking up for… bimbo reality tv women who LARP as conservatives because right wing approval feels more validating for relevance?
It's weird but that's something I've noticed. A lot of this type of women do this. They still want the benefits from extreme liberal feminism though, they play two sides at the same time.

No. 2095783>>2095788>>2095791

File (hide): 1721339962737.jpeg (223.13 KB, 1179x1191, IMG_4900.jpeg)


Halle Berry left Ryan Murphy’s new show. A blind item says it’s because Kim Kardashian, who’s also starring in the show, will be bringing her camera crew to film for bits of keeping up with the kardashians and Halle didn’t want to be filmed for the reality tv show

No. 2095788>>2095792>>2100895

That bitch is broke and turned out, I honestly don’t know why these washed up actresses keep denying these jobs, they are lucky these opportunities keep coming to them.

No. 2095791>>2096051

So Ryan Murphy gonna have Kim as a permanent fixture in his shows now? Eek

No. 2095792>>2095796>>2095811

you can't make it less obvious can you?

No. 2095796

Kek, read my mind nonna

No. 2095811>>2095828

Obvious about what? Be nice and say the pampered Hollywood tool hasn’t had an important movie/tv role since forever and is having her bank accounts run dry for child support by her baby daddy? Why should I mince my words for people who deserve to be insulted kek

No. 2095828>>2095861

File (hide): 1721341313538.gif (499.6 KB, 400x225, 8d9c8fde-25eb-418e-930e-24168b…)

No. 2095861>>2095884

>lesbians when they have to admit their celebrity crush is washed up and irrelevant (infighting)

No. 2095865

I’m OP and have that’s what I meant lol

No. 2095884

Nta but no one was defending Halle Berry, you just got clocked for fagspeak

No. 2095909>>2095910>>2095963>>2096079>>2096089

File (hide): 1721346287530.jpeg (422.62 KB, 821x877, IMG_2602.jpeg)

Bianca went to lunch with Kanye West like this.

No. 2095910

File (hide): 1721346316224.jpeg (331.89 KB, 650x866, IMG_2603.jpeg)

Imagine the back pain

No. 2095963>>2096011>>2096089

Is this Kanye in the black? Looks like gorilla(sage your shit/racebait)

No. 2095990>>2095998

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Rihanna shared this photo where Asap rocky is shopped out and replaced with a fenty lipgloss.

No. 2095998

kek(sage your shit)

No. 2096011

Omg loooool

No. 2096014>>2096027>>2096521

File (hide): 1721358663167.jpeg (144.72 KB, 942x1070, IMG_2559.jpeg)

Minecraft movie leak.

No. 2096027>>2096046

>Jack Black
Ooooh, talk about bad timing.

No. 2096046>>2096064

so? his bandmate made a comment he didn't agree with, plenty of libs are wusses who think nobody deserves to die. jack black won't be canceled for that(sage your shit)

No. 2096051>>2096159>>2097058>>2097433

he’s got no one else anymore. jessica lange quit, evan peters quit, emma roberts either quit or is close to quitting, sarah paulson quit, all the bland white gay guys are mostly gone, and the rest aren’t talented or interesting enough to keep viewers interested. he needs kim which is so pathetic yet satisfying. reap what you sow.

No. 2096064

tbh he should be cancelled for throwing his friend/bandmate under the bus in an attempt to protect himself and his kids movie deals from backlash over nothing. He's the only one on that cancelled tour who can afford to give it up lbr.

No. 2096079>>2096089

I hope the restaurant wiped the chair she sat on. Bare but cheeks on a public chair is crazy

No. 2096089

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This is pretty.
In the summer too?? My goodness. Her standing up must have been like removing tape from a hard surface.
I think it comes more from a place that people want to bully her for resorting to the trumpfag grift. The age of video vixens is practically over thanks to instagram and rappers choosing to just hire sex workers with no limits for their music video and rappers keep getting younger, they don't want their auntie shaking their ass in their videos. She hasn't been talked about since she the tweet about her fingering Kanye's bootyhole and she saw how much attention any poc celebrity gets for going down the conservative route once their career fumbles.
Idk about you guys, but his long ass crack and stance is what's reading as gorilla to me.

No. 2096159

He should just end it already, he’s not a good showrunner and AHS is so 2010s. I don’t know anyone who watches it anymore.

No. 2096178

Finally I feel like I’m allowed say it, Bocelli ur not even a real opera singer ur just a blind guy with a nice voice. Bel canto is the easy road. Collab with Depp like what lmfao

No. 2096499>>2096790>>2096795>>2096825>>2096834>>2096838>>2096852>>2096963>>2097493

can someone explain to me why bianca refuses to get a breastlift? Kayne west clearly forces her to dress like a kim 2.0, and obviously has in the past talked about paying for surgery for other girls (like their PA's breast augmentation), but why is he, the most controlling retard scrote ever, not pushing her to get a clearly needed breastlift? Girl is walking around without a bra, her back is probably hurting like hell not to mention the weight of her breasts. I don't get it.

No. 2096521

ngl looks fake as fuck nona

No. 2096790

Jfc Nona she doesn't need surgery she just needs to wear a supportive bra.

No. 2096795>>2096993

I think is part of her "fetishes" to have those long hentai boobs. Super unpopular opinion but I legit think she is *~uwu consenting~* to this humiliating display of degeneracy because she is a degen herself. Doesn't mean Kanye isn't taking advantage of that fact or that something happened to her in her childhood to make her like that, even green girl mentioned in an interview that she shares the upmost abusive and disgusting porn with Kanye and his employees. (women in cages getting tortured) so I don't think she cares about her back or how bad she objectively looks because coom comes first I guess.

No. 2096811

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Abusive shitbag to abusive shitbag communication

No. 2096825

? Why? Her breasts are huge and have a hang. For all we know big hanging boobies is Kanye's fetish.

No. 2096834

They're not anywhere close to needing a lift, she just needs a supportive bra. Or not if it's not uncomfortable walking around like but it looks painful on her breasts and hard on her back.

No. 2096838

As if giving her torpedo tits would make those awful outfits look better. Kanye just needs to let her wear a bra.

No. 2096845>>2096910>>2096917>>2096950>>2097058>>2097095>>2097704

Didn’t see this posted yet but Timothy / Timethy Heller (idk how to spell it) came back and made another video about her rape allegations against Melanie Martinez, I know she was commenting on some videos on the situation last year too. Melanie’s fans are now scrambling and saying they want her to release a statement on it and that they’re unfollowing her. There’s apparently also rumors that Timothy was tweeting out pro-nazi shit a while back but I haven’t seen pics of that so idk if it’s true or if it’s a lie

No. 2096852

Her breasts look fine kek. Natural (if hers are natural) big boobs don't sit up to your chin.

No. 2096866>>2096882

Couldn’t have put it better myself anon. This man should not be protected or stood up for about a fucking joke made in a small theatre.
I was at that show and the audience laughed and Jack Black laughed along and they played the other half of the show together including skits/fun interaction with zero indication that Jack was SO incensed and offended that he wanted to cancel and break up the band.
It’s clearly because of the weak backlash from a few pathetic trumpers including one of our right wing politicians.
It’s really fucking weak of him to leave hundreds more Aus fans (many who have booked time off work, paid for flights and hotels that might be non-refundable and we have a cost of living crisis going on here) not to mention throwing his ‘brother’ (his words) of 30 years who he wouldn’t be famous without, under the bus THREE DAYS after KG’s Joke.

Ik he’s disliked here but Eminem had a line in a song about Trump being in his trunk which got him backlash from brainless offended Trumper snowflakes and even stalked by the FBI but his response was “I really don’t give a fuck about what his supporters say” and he wasn’t cancelled and kept going.
Jack’s supposed to be metal af, inspired by the metal legends of the 70’s and 80’s. This move is about as metal as a tub of lard. Which he is atp. Lame af. Fuck him.(sage your shit)

No. 2096882

If Jack Black didn't respond most of us wouldn't even know about this incident. Trump fags are so fucking sensitive since people make plenty of jokes about Joe Biden dying of covid yet do not get the same backlash because he doesn't have crazed stans with serious victim complexes. And those same stans expect Eminem to be on their side, be fucking for real. He has been making EVERYONE upset since the late 90s. His career is too far from dead to start the trump grift.

No. 2096884>>2096891>>2097058

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Kek at least she's honest?

No. 2096891>>2096892

Lol this is a filter

No. 2096892>>2096894

Read the what she said again nonnie(learn to sage)

No. 2096894>>2096897

I'm sorry, I need to get my eyes checked. I thought she was spelling out f i l l e r and I thought it was supposed to be ironic since she's actually using a filter. Thanks for not being an ass about my retardation.

No. 2096897

I read it that way first too, to be totally honest(learn to sage)

No. 2096910>>2096917>>2096998

i'm not a melanie fan and never have been but, at the risk of sounding like an asshole i really don't believe the whole "melanie raped me with a dildo1!!" story because melanie has come out several times and said that they agreed to do that together

No. 2096917>>2097029

has Melanie ever told her fans to stop harassing timothee? I want to believe her but I keep thinking of when she released music right after accusing Melanie and that’s left a bad taste in my mouth.

No. 2096920

hes like 5'6"

No. 2096950>>2097002>>2097261

I don't really blame anyone for doubting her story tbh considering she used the situation to release music and refused to elaborate on the situation in a timely manner. Why even come out with the allegations at first if you weren't going to proceed 10 toes down? Also, this situation in general is just too tricky to be dealt with on social media, she should have handled it behind the scenes before presenting us with this information. There's far too much he said she said to even form a proper conclusion on this situation as a third party, plus it's not like pursuing this matter legally could ever result in anything meaningful if there is no real evidence, especially because Melanie claims it was consensual and how exactly do you prove female on female sexual assault without any physical marks or a straight up video to prove it? I guess she could always try to sue her as an alternative. I'd hope she isn't using this situation to clout chase, but it all just seems a little futile unfortunately.

No. 2096963

You sound like you're never seen actual big breasts outside of bras in your life kek

No. 2096993>>2097004

who's green girl?

No. 2096998>>2097447

usually rapists dont even deny accusations they just say that it was consensual so.. yeah? like if you don’t believe her just say that.

No. 2097002>>2097081>>2097088

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Yeah not to mention Timothy has gotten a bit infamous for constantly punching at people for relevancy, shortly after the Melanie situation she shot her credibility in the foot by trying to start drama with Billie Eilish when Billie was 15 and Timothy was in her 20s. If the nazi shit ends up being true then it’s clear Timothy is just a really disturbed person who shouldn’t be given a platform and needs to legit just log off for good. Not that this matters because the 13 year old Coquette teens on TikTok will just claim you’re victim blaming for trying to see anything in this situation. Some interesting milk about Timothy but apparently she boosted false pedophile allegations towards The Crow Formerly Known As Piper Sweeney who made a video on her so already I’m questioning her credibility if she’ll immediately believe allegations to anyone she dislikes and is constantly starting fires.

>Melanie claims it was consensual

The response would probably be
>“Well Melanie said she didn’t say no, not that she said yes”
The thing is Timothy’s story is “I said no over and over and then just let her so she’d stop guilting me” if you remove the “saying no” from the story it would be “Melanie came on to me and I let her do stuff to me and never told her I was uncomfortable” unless there was physical resistance but there’s not in either version of events, the next day they even played a handcuffs game together according to her so is it any shock people think Melanie’s innocent? From what it sounds like they were doing stuff together for a while with no complaint

BradTasteInMusic vid this comment was on, bumping the thread cuz this comment says a bit about Timothy tbh

No. 2097004

Green girl is a Kanye obsessed archivist, she knows a lot about the moid and is constantly watching his every move. This is a podcast where she talks in depth about his (Kanye's) current retardation and bianca's fetishes.

No. 2097029

Why should she tell them to stop? (If they are even still doing that) Timothy slandered her, ruined her reputation and then got caught in multiple lies, and even then, Melanie never ordered her fans to go after her. She can’t control what unhinged stans do, they are the ones who put together the timelines and figured out that Timothy made it up for clout to try to get her shitty nonexistent music career in the spotlight. All of the receipts of this event proving her innocence have been posted in older threads. Last time she was mentioned some stupid anon tried to tell me it was never discussed here before and that Melanie is a rapist, I didn’t even bother replying. Not my problem they didn’t see the multiple posts with all the receipts, or weren’t around when they were posted, but there’s no reason to lie when literally all these new/lazy ass anons have to do is go back and check the threads. This isn’t directed at you though.

No. 2097046

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Got this ad on IG for a sex toy tie in for Katy Perry's new music video, this bitch is so out of touch

No. 2097058

She’s so fucking beautiful

Did any anons here ever watch Kim’s season on AHS? I sat through like two or three episodes but was just so fucking confused and bored the whole time, wasn’t sure if it was worth finishing the rest of the episodes.

I mean… I’m not saying she deserved the level of harassment she got especially with her home address leaking, her getting hacked, but this is all by her own doing. This video is so obviously fake and a pathetic attempt at relevancy. Let it go Timothy. Go back to sex work because this sad little attempt to get famous is embarrassing to watch. You losing brand deals, modeling gigs, sponsorships is YOUR OWN FAULT. Don’t falsely put rape on someone else’s name, it’s such a fucked up thing to do. I hope anons in here don’t fall for these crocodile tears, she’s realized she can’t take back what she said without being absolutely despised more than she already is and possibly sued. I love how she mentions that Melanie contradicted herself, implying that it’s clear indication that she’s guilty (yet doesn’t state what the contradiction was), when she also changed her story so. many. times. I would stand up for her in a heartbeat just like I do for Amber Heard if any of what she was saying is true. She had and still has specific intentions behind putting out this story out, and none of the intentions are genuine. Think for a second why she’s putting this video out years later, randomly bringing this up again. She wants to con the younger generation who are newer to social media and weren’t old enough to hear about this the first time. Anyone with a brain knows exactly what she’s trying to do. I don’t think Melanie is very well liked by most farmers so that may cloud their judgement, and if you really want to know the truth just please go back and read the old posts about this, it’s so easy to find. Timothy needs to give it a rest, she’ll never admit that she lied, she would quite literally be in jail if she did so she’s grasping at straws trying to make this story trending again, yet with no new information. Just a little sob story so the tweens can feel bad for her. You did this to yourself babe.

No. 2097081>>2097082>>2097112

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Is this the drama with Billie Eilish? Idk, I agree with her.

No. 2097082>>2097083

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No. 2097083>>2097084

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No. 2097084

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No. 2097088>>2097091

>Melanie’s innocent? From what it sounds like they were doing stuff together for a while with no complaint
Nonna I hate to say it but yeah. What very obviously happened is that they were two spicy straights larping and Timothy, in true "I'm bi uwu" fashion, got spooked by actually having sexual contact with someone of the same sex. The era that this was happening and the community they come from did this constantly because they felt weird having gay sex as a straight person so they point the finger and say it was rape

No. 2097091

I don't think that's very obvious at all. What do we know about Melanie's dating history or hers? I don't know if the allegations are true myself, but this a weird assumption to make IMO.

No. 2097095>>2097261>>2097299

>My abuser said "she never said no." Even though I did say no in many different ways.
This is the part that always trips me up, because what were the ways she was saying no if it wasn't just straight up "no." I believe Timothy probably regretted the sex and wasn't fully wanting to engage in it at the time, and probably felt pressured to go along for some reason or another. But if she wasn't giving indication or obvious indication that she wasn't consenting, how would Melanie know she wasn't into it? I believe Melanie when she said "she never said no" because to me it really shows that Melanie most likely didn't know Timothy wasn't wanting to have sex with her, whether it was because Melanie was stoned or if she can't read peoples cues or not I don't know. The situation is unfortunate all around, but I truly don't think Melanie went into that situation thinking she was being malicious or forceful, but there's really no way to know for sure, it's all just she said she said and I feel for both of them.

Sidenote I also get tripped up over the idea that consent always has to be verbalized and if it's not then it's rape. Because most of the time people don't say "hey wanna have sex, yes or no?" It's like something that happens sort of fluidly, starting with flirting then kissing and so on. Obviously if the person is pulling away, rejecting touch, tensing up all of that would indicate the person is not consenting. But if the person is responding to touch, going along with it, not objecting, how would the other person know they're not consenting? It's honestly just one big headfuck. And I often wonder if Timothy wasn't consenting why she didn't make it more clear? I hate to bring up arguments that moids use to discredit women but when it's a woman and a man it makes perfect sense why women fear saying no and go along with it. Obviously the threat of violence, fear of being hurt or raped if they try to say no, drugs or alcohol. But with Melanie I can't see why Timothy didn't just stick with a verbal "no." But again without knowing what Timothy was thinking in the moment I can't really understand her perspective, I feel bad for them both tbh.

No. 2097112

Doublepost but I agree with her here and in the next 3 pics aswell, and it's clear she's not coming at Billie she's criticizing her team and her parents.

No. 2097247>>2097267>>2097277

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Apparently Tyra has a pop-up ice cream shop called Smize and Dream
>’Banks also told D.C. News Now that an “ice cream school” is also part of the plan. The school is “really rooted in underserved youth” and “cross-cultural, cross-country connectivity,” she said, adding that the access to international embassies was a big draw for why her team wanted to be in the nation’s capital.’

No. 2097261

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She didn't use the situation to release music, she only released one song around the time of the allegations and it was 2 months prior

That's not what she said anon, according to her she said no in many ways including straight up "no", the story is that Melanie kept insisting for two nights in a row until Timothy eventually layed there and let it happen. Melanie Martinez always seemed like a creep to me with the ddlg shit so I've always been inclined to believe this

No. 2097267>>2097328

Tyra is obsessed with being an abusive headmistress type authority figure for random young people. She was often unhinged on her top model and talk shows. She wants to be seen as wise so badly but only can offer tips on how to make a constipated face.

No. 2097277

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>ice cream school
Like a culinary school? Kek what does this mean.
I find Tyra so entertaining. She's really just a crazy person that happens to be pretty. I was watching Michael Jackson's Black or White music video yesterday (picrel) and for some reason it reminded me of this fact.

No. 2097299>>2097445>>2097451>>2097536>>2097537

You kind of answered your own question. In Timothy’s account of events, she was laying there not reciprocating. Like imagine someone stops speaking, won’t look at you, lays there stiff as a board not touching you at all back. Especially after they said no to you. You would know that you were raping them. Sometimes it’s also stuff like shaking their head or shaking or crying. Most rape actually looks a lot more like this than being attacked and dragged into a dark alley. A lot of people’s rapists are their partners and friends. People they love and trust and that is why they have access to them and they don’t get slapped or run out of the room when it starts. Imagine your best friend comes at you as steadily and slowly as Melanie and this has been two nights of this and no sleep and nothing you say or do is working. It started with just touching her breasts. And then she promises it will be over. Just tolerate being touched in one place and in your mind briefly and then it will be over for good and you can both sleep and it will never happen again. But it goes on for longer and it doesn’t stop and that person starts saying well if you let me do this why not that. This is your best friend. It is late. You either can’t leave or it would be a huge deal to leave. She was on at least one substance and couldn’t drive and it makes it harder to fight back. Not all rape and I’ll go as far as to say most rape is not violent. This type of boundary destroying trauma is also what makes repeat victims.

I believe her more for coming forward about something that “wasn’t as big of a deal”. That is embarrassing and makes it hard for people to understand why she “let it happen”. It’s a situation where it isn’t black and white and she’s an imperfect victim. And I believe her even more for disappearing because it’s hard to come forward. They really lied to us during MeToo, none of us that came forward got any real support and then the backlash came hard. I really think she thought it would be different. Idk.

No. 2097328

the way she went off on that model during her infamous "rooting for you" tirade was insane. i think she believes her motivational speeches and ability to make the models cry made her come across as a sage, inspirational figure but it's not exactly difficult to evoke an emotional response out of the type of young women who appeared on antm

No. 2097429>>2097515>>2097705

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kek this reply actually did make me laugh. but I remember when this all came out and I first heard about it on here, the celebricow thread at the time went crazy

No. 2097430

I believe Melanie did SA that girl, and I was a fan of her once.

No. 2097433

AHS is nothing without Evan peters and Sarah Paulson

No. 2097445>>2097446

She could’ve just slapped her. She’s like 4’11(sage your shit)

No. 2097446

Also it makes 0 sense that she didn’t go to the police and file a report because she doesn’t want her to go to jail but doesn’t mind spreading it online(sage your shit)

No. 2097447

Idk I just get the feeling that she was kind of using a consensual situation to milk attention out of one of her old hookups becoming famous but hey the fuck do I know kek

No. 2097451>>2097459>>2097482>>2097602

>laying there not reciprocating
But also didn’t think to close her legs? Or move away from her? Getting ‘raped’ by melanie martinez I don’t think would be similar to getting assaulted by someone who’s an actual threat to your safety or life

No. 2097459>>2097602

They were also playing a sex fame which lead to the “rape”. Why would you play a sex game with someone you don’t wanna fuck? She talks about it at 2:59

No. 2097482>>2097486>>2097491>>2097514

This is what coercion is, pressuring someone into having sex is also considered rape. I know it's hard to imagine being passive in this situation but are you really not putting any blame on the person having sex with someone who's laying down completely unresponsive and unreciprocating after saying no for hours? Come on

No. 2097486

Nta but why would she be playing a sex game that she asked to purchase with someone she felt sexually threatened by?

No. 2097491

I just feel like that’s not how that happened

No. 2097493

lmao if those are hanging mine should be classified as a fucking string then

No. 2097501

There's that girl who draws chibi art of him on Twitter.

No. 2097505

I hope this pushes normal, rational people even harder to hate trannies and troon shit.

No. 2097512>>2097540>>2097544>>2097549>>2097569>>2097642

Does anyone here believe Timothy? I do.

No. 2097514>>2097519>>2097537>>2097602>>2097613

Grownups walk away when they don't want to have sex with someone. It's different when it's a man who is physically overpowering you, which is rape. Timothy's story is just absurd, any adult who has had sex should understand this. If, for example, your unresolved trauma makes you freeze up and have sex because you feel "coerced", you need to work through that before engaging in sexual encounters. Women as a collective need to stop pulling this self-victimizing bullshit. If you regret it after it happens, that's entirely on you. Unless you're being physically overpowered or the person is a cop, your boss etc. you can stop a sexual encounter by exiting the room. As someone who has been a 20 year old woman, I can't fathom being "raped" by another 20 year old woman.

No. 2097515

I had a crush on him when he did man from UNCLE, lone ranger and call me by your name…

No. 2097519>>2097524>>2097525

I don't believe Timothy (is she a tif btw?) but you're retarded and perpetuating rape culture.

No. 2097524>>2098222

ntayrt but how is that perpetuating rape culture at all? thats just basic behavior(sage your shit)

No. 2097525>>2097528>>2097534>>2097602>>2097818

"Rape culture" is a way to victimize women by telling them that sex is inherently violating, that it reduces their value, and they don't have agency in who they have sex with. Rape is perpetuated by men who employ physical force or intimidation. Rape is NOT choosing to engage in sex even though you feel uneasy about the situation, aren't attracted to the person etc.(derail)

No. 2097528>>2097564

>Rape is NOT choosing to engage in sex even though you feel uneasy about the situation
Ntayrt but how is any woman in this situation choosing to have sex? That's basic coercion

No. 2097534>>2097564


No. 2097536>>2097671>>2097729

>Most rape actually looks a lot more like this than being attacked and dragged into a dark alley.
Ayrt, that's still the part I don't fully get. I understand completely why most rape is closer to the scenario you described but with a male rapist because of the obvious threat. There's no way to tell how a man will react to rejection, especially if they've already given red flags for violence or they're particularly angry. I can 100% understand why a woman would feel it's her safest option to comply rather than fight back, because again there's no way to tell how the rapist will react to that. Also with rapes that take place within relationships there's an emotional aspect or some type of manipulation or guilting in place, that I completely understand. I just don't really understand what made Timothy freeze up like that with Melanie.

>Imagine your best friend comes at you as steadily and slowly as Melanie and this has been two nights of this and no sleep and nothing you say or do is working.

That's also the part that trips me up because I actually went through a scenario like this in high school and he was also my best friend, a day and a half of constant uncomfortable flirtation so I went home. I just don't get what made Timothy stay if she felt her boundaries were being crossed by Melanie.

I also don't fully understand the argument that she was incapacitated by weed, unless she was taking dab hits but I get the impression they were smoking. But people act as if weed is a roofie. If she froze up and for some reason or felt she couldn't leave or say no that's awful and I truly feel for her, and if Melanie saw that reaction in her and continued then she is a rapist. But people who bank off the "she was stoned she couldn't fight back" argument seem like they've never seen anyone stoned outside of TV shows or something kek. If she really did panic and freeze up that's confusing but also completely valid as an explanation without the aspect of weed. That being added on just felt a bit overdramatized by the people sharing her story.

No. 2097537

NTA (and don't believe timothy either) but most rape in reality is closer to what >>2097299 described, it's not solely just being physically overpowered

No. 2097540

I don't believe her. I know this isn't proof but if you listen to mm's music she has songs with themes of being assaulted, getting revenge on men who hurt women, and being too sensitive for the world basically. I think it sounds like they consentually messed around and this mentally ill woman was jealous or wanted clout and melanie was unlucky to mess with the wrong person.

No. 2097544

I don’t. She’s a jealous bpd skin walker.

No. 2097549

I don't know tbh, I'm really torn between believing her and doubting her. I'm not a Melanie fan by any means so I have no bias towards either side, I don't know for sure if Melanie is a rapist but I'm not a supporter so if it is true I can at least know I didn't help line her pockets or speak out against Timothy or talk about the situation anywhere except here. Either way it sounds like the experience for Timothy was a negative one so I hope she can move past this.

No. 2097564>>2097566>>2097854

How was she coerced though? It's not like Melanie threatened to kill her family or something. If a friend was badgering me for sex, wouldn't take no for an answer, and I didn't want to have sex with them, I'd call a cab and leave. As women we need to take some accountability for not putting ourselves in situations that are obviously going to be traumatizing or unpleasant.
She's based, America's last bastion of feminism

No. 2097566>>2097568>>2097582

Nta, but isn't Paglia pro pedophilia and incest?

No. 2097568>>2097582

Kek she’s one of those self-hating butch lesbians who also said women would still be in mudhuts if it wasn’t for men or some shit. She’s a total embarrassment to feminist theory and if she was reborn as a younger person who grew up on tumblr she would have definitely become a FtM.

No. 2097569

I do and Melanie is crazy and tries to play the sweet uwu one. However I believe Timothy should the to the police.

No. 2097582>>2097589>>2097592>>2097691

Where did she say this? She talks about the pederasty of ancient greece a lot but strictly in a misandrist way.
Her writing is nothing special but her live interviews are incredible, she demonstrates how to dominate men in conversation and advocate for female empowerment. She is one of the few brave women to speak out against libfem trash like Susan Faludi. She's also an expert in stirring controversy, such as with the "mud huts" comment. It's true that men and women have different ways of perceiving and acting in the world, and that's what she's pointing out. She always asserts that women are capable of achieving the same intellectual and economic success as men. She actually did have a FtM "genderfluid" phase, which tbh a lot of women do, I don't think it's a bad thing as long as you grow out of it. And I wouldn't call her a butch, she's more like a femcel(derail)

No. 2097589

>She's also an expert in stirring controversy, such as with the "mud huts" comment.
so she's merely pretending to be retarded?

No. 2097592>>2097596

I don't have exact quotes but I remember I used to think she was based so I started reading up on her and then found excerpts of her talking about child molestation. She said something along the lines of there being no evidence to support the theory that fondling children will have some devastating impact on them, so she's essentially saying it's okay to molest children as long as you don't rape them. She also said something about the inclination of men to commit incest being "natural."

No. 2097595>>2097606>>2097813>>2097821

2 autists sperg and stutter and interrupt eachother for 20 minutes saying women today are angry because motorcycle gangs aren't "stealing us from the bosom of our families" and riding off into the sunset together. So true you guys, she's so feminist and femcel pilled, totally based.

No. 2097596>>2097606>>2097609

File (hide): 1721506664929.jpeg (459.53 KB, 750x814, IMG_9351.jpeg)

No. 2097602

Actual rape apologia. Kys.(infighting)

No. 2097606>>2097616

Samefag, she also supports porn and prostitution kek. She's retarded, she's like an nlog pickme, literally saying "well if women knew what I know" and "modern women have no clue about blah blah blah." I can't watch further than 4 minutes so she probably gets progressively more retarded as the interview goes on but I can't stand the brain rot I get from these 2 losers.

Ty for finding quotes nonna(derailing)

No. 2097609

She's actually a feminist icon who has empowered thousands of women, in the tradition of Katharine Hepburn and Madonna

No. 2097613

You are an absolute moron.

No. 2097616>>2097639

We got riddled with scarethots Anna Khachiyan types, absolutely revolting.

No. 2097639>>2097649

That or a moid who thought he could "hoodwink the foids" into supporting his only chance to have sex if he showed them some short-haired older women saying the same things. Giga misogynists follow the whole "Everyone knows women can't actually fact-check or read, it'll be so easy bros" thing til it's a point of embarrassment for them.(derailing)

No. 2097642>>2097664>>2098170

I'm hung up. I hate the burden of proof and I even more so hate the followup of "well why didn't she just leave?" because I genuinely don't believe Melanie would put up much of a fight compared to a sex pest moid. But let's not forget that a physical fight isn't the only thing that convinces some women to relent during an attack. On one hand, it does make me weary that Timothy is exclusively going on a social media tour with this experience rather than seeking out repercussions outside of a blemish on Melanie's reception. But we saw Amber Heard get absolutely buried in court with her abuser so I can't fault a woman not wanting to go through the distress. And on the other hand, Melanie is a grade A BPD freak and I could imagine her egging Timothy on until she relented- especially if they were sexual with each other before and after.
I hate not being able to confidently support another woman in allegations like this. It's so easy for scrotes and the scrote-minded to brush off experiences like this. Women are expected to immediately take every single textbook step to be validated about their attack and that's just not easy to do for everyone.

No. 2097649

Judging by the language, it’s probably some self-proclaimed femcel retard kek. Lolcow unfortunately got popular among these circles and it’s THIS time of the year.(derailing)

No. 2097664

Timothy also has BPD. Not defending Melanie, just pointing it out.

No. 2097671>>2097686

its only happened once and sorry to blog but i actually have been so high that i couldnt speak and could barely move and it was terrifying because i was at a moids house

No. 2097686>>2098170

Are you sure you weren't spiked or anything? I've never heard anyone having a reaction like that unless they're taking dab hits or potentially drugged. Or if they have some underlying mental health issue like schizophrenia. I'm not doubting you at all I'm just surprised weed could do that to someone

No. 2097691

>And I wouldn't call her a butch, she's more like a femcel
Anyone that uses the word femcel unironically in this website is a retard and doesn't belong here.

No. 2097704

No matter what happened I think it's retarded how she was like "I couldn't launch my music career because everyone was mad at me so I became an onlyfans thot". If I was driven off the internet by mean commenters I would simply work at walmart or maybe do art without my name attached to it. Dunno. Why do onlyfans unless you are desperate for attention? Working on music as a ghost writer or producer could had been a better option than onlyfans if she loves music so much. Unless she meant she wants to be on the spotlight? Theater or some type of acting could had worked for her as well. There's so many other things she could had done other than onlyfans.

I just dislike her. I was sexually assaulted too. I would never use that to try and launch a musical career.

No. 2097705

No one cares about random Twitter replies, go back.

No. 2097726

before she got plastic surgery I always felt like she looked porcine

No. 2097729

i think it depends on the weed and how much people have of it. i tried weed a couple times, different strains, and it made me feel locked into place and i could not move or say anything. maybe timothy had that reaction? who knows, though.
i agree with this. melanie seems pretty socially inept and probably was too retarded to read any sort of social cues.

No. 2097732

kek I totally forgot about Kate Beaton, I loved Hark! A Vagrant. And the way she draws the boobs facing the front with the back twisted around to show the ass too, absolute keks

No. 2097813

They both need to kill themselves, everyone over 40 needs to die(sage your a-logging)

No. 2097818

I literally cannot believe this obviously Mra redpill Paglia supporting shit hasn’t been banned this is so obviously a misogynistic man posting this. Literally confirms that most celebricows users are faggots and pick mes

No. 2097821>>2097841

>sperging about bride kidnapping
He's a retard. Bride kidnapping wasn't about grabbing random women from their families and raping them (which would almost certainly get you hunted down and killed by the girls family)

It was about when a girl was already betrothed to a man by her family from childhood or whatever, but as she got older, she found a bf and decided she wanted to marry this new guy instead. She asks her parents if she can marry the new guy, they say no and tell her she has to marry the betrothed moid because it was already arranged by their families.

So she would arrange with her new bf that he would pretend to 'kidnap' her, then they would go get married on the spot, and obviously have (consensual) sex (if they hadnt already) so she wouldn't have to marry the original guy she was promised to and didn't like, and her new husband agrees to take care of her and gives the family some money as compensation for ruining their original marriage plans.
It was basically a ritual for women to help them out of arranged marriages. Not a random rape free-for-all like this benzo addled senile kermit retard seems to think.

No. 2097841

Thank you for posting this. I usually have to clear this up myself on youtube and reddit, men really do circlejerk about how they'd be harem rape chads in the olden days as if they wouldn't freely get their heads smashed in by stronger males.

No. 2097854>>2097914

She's a tif lol

No. 2097914>>2097930>>2097960

Ok so I don’t use TikTok so I can’t save the pics and it’s not letting me embed for some reason but this has been getting sent in some circles I’m in https://www.tiktok.com/@areallytireddog/photo/7393481024069438725

Some people have been sending these pics around and they makes Timothy look really sus
>Mistreated her ex friends and other people who she just used to shit on Melanie
>Shit talked Melanie’s family behind the scenes like a petty mean girl
>Started following Melanie on TikTok as K-12 was rolling out and commenting on her stuff
>Is using fabricated evidence like AI voice deepfake interviews against Melanie
Idk who to believe but she really doesn’t help her credibility much here, and I doubt she didn’t know the AI deepfake was a fake since it’s very possible she made it herself. I think some stuff here was posted before but that was threads ago and most anons probably forgot it as a lot of this went nowhere

Nah she’s not lol. Despite the name she isn’t MTF or FTM, it’s kinda like the girl version of men named Stacy for example

No. 2097930>>2097936>>2097952

File (hide): 1721534795701.mp4 (836.83 KB, 768x1024, SnapTik_App_739348102406943872…) [play once] [loop]

Downloaded them just for you. Click to watch and pause to read, the website I used did a thing and compiled them into a video.

Sorry had to repost because of typo.

No. 2097936

AYRT and thanks for this, I did misread the screenshots as she said Melanie’s Dollhouse song was bad and was a trigger for her cuz of her abusive family and didn’t really shittalk Mel’s family. I will say if the roles were reversed this would definitely not look good for Melanie like imagine Melanie saying “The only thing Timothy actually has wrong with her is her narcissism, her music sucks and her vlogging videos are shit” like I’m all for shittalking your abusers but it doesn’t fit with this “innocent victim” narrative she has going, not to mention apparently lurking her pages and commenting on her shit while simultaneously acting like “Oh I’m just so traumatized I get so triggered by her” like just admit you’re out for blood, no one will judge you for it yet you have to make it sound like you’re on the edge of crying 24/7.

Not that this will matter because the people talking about this are mostly a bunch of dumb teens that will call you a rape apologist if you criticize Timothy. Already a good amount of her fanbase have jumped shit and just moved on to the next shiny singer she was friends with like Jazmin Bean or YungElita who they will also abandon if they get accused of being problematic by the next whoever the fuck. It’s a never ending cycle really, TikTok is so dumb and that’s why the allegations have been getting dragged for years, literally no one gave a fuck until 2020 when TikTok started necro-ing the situation and now Timothy strikes while the iron’s hot and Melanie is getting flamed for having a bunch of overpriced merch

No. 2097941>>2097945>>2097963

File (hide): 1721536241310.jpg (43.56 KB, 900x398, GS8eJCKWsAAgl5e.jpg)

Based on what one other person who's known Melanie has said about their experience with her, I do believe Melanie Martinez has/had an issue with pressuring and coercing other people (mainly other women) into sex. Maddie Carina was Melanie's former makeup artist. She said she doesn't personally consider it rape, but it establishes a pattern IMO.

No. 2097945>>2097947

File (hide): 1721536380903.jpg (121.49 KB, 1284x1172, GS8izlgXUAA0SkH.jpg)

Samefag, Maddie also talked about this in DMs with someone who asked.

No. 2097947>>2097949

File (hide): 1721536450767.jpg (160.39 KB, 1284x1685, GS8izlgXwAAfzMP.jpg)

Madeleine was high on ecstasy, while Melanie was sober.

No. 2097949>>2097962>>2097965

File (hide): 1721536569985.jpg (305.93 KB, 1284x1973, GS8eHwhW0AA55p3.jpg)

The pushiness matches up with Timothy's described experience with Melanie initiating, picrel.

No. 2097952>>2097953>>2097963

File (hide): 1721536734038.jpg (77.16 KB, 1284x917, 5653F.jpg)

The thing about the AI interview being made by Timothy seems to be false. I was wondering why there were no screenshots for that. It was originally posted by a Melanie fan.

No. 2097953>>2097963

File (hide): 1721536764194.jpg (86.56 KB, 1284x992, 5635A.jpg)

No. 2097960

>Nah she’s not lol. Despite the name she isn’t MTF or FTM, it’s kinda like the girl version of men named Stacy for example
I think the Nonna was talking about Paglia, not Timothy

No. 2097962>>2097965

Do you have more of this? I've never read this before and it cuts off

No. 2097963>>2097971>>2097994>>2098127

>>2097952, >>2097953
She did still use it though so it definitely does make her look odd, especially cuz it doesn’t seem she sourced where she got it from and most sites would require the poster to add a disclaimer saying “This was made with AI”

Yeah all this definitely doesn’t look good on Melanie, Timothy is a suspicious person herself but at least they were both stoned in that situation so you can argue maybe they’ve both just mixed the incident up, a sober person getting touchy with a high person is legally considered rape, thought Maddie doesn’t seem sure so maybe Melanie was also on drugs. Doubt Melanie lurks here but this is definitely something she has to address if she does make a statement.
Anyways how long until Azealia mentions this? I give her like a week at the most, I wonder which side she’ll take

No. 2097965>>2097967

File (hide): 1721538679360.jpg (304.73 KB, 1284x2000, GS8eHwkXsAIVEIF.jpg)

It's from Timothy's original statement. I'll post the rest. This is the first part. >>2097949 is the second.

No. 2097967>>2097969>>2097970

File (hide): 1721538722450.jpg (328.61 KB, 1284x1976, GS8eHwjWQAA7xLF.jpg)

Third part.

No. 2097969>>2097970

File (hide): 1721538761820.jpg (311.8 KB, 1284x1995, GS8eHwiXgAABuOm.jpg)

Fourth part.

No. 2097970

I'm devastated, this is so fucking sad.

No. 2097971

>Anyways how long until Azealia mentions this? I give her like a week at the most, I wonder which side she’ll take
If she does I hope someone screenshots it

No. 2097979>>2097983>>2098119>>2098237>>2098309

File (hide): 1721539337539.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1170x2026, IMG_5435.jpeg)

This fucking creeper skeezes me out so much why young women keep dating him (let alone Kiernan who's had a career as an actress since she was a child and should be above dating a greasy old man) is beyond me

I hate the worship he gets from fat millennial women who praise his dumbass twee music

No. 2097983>>2097984

>Taylor swift has left the chat

No. 2097984>>2097986>>2098068>>2098121

File (hide): 1721539741708.jpeg (140.88 KB, 800x742, image0.jpeg)

I know a lot of people fault Taylor for her current actions but she forewarned women years ago about him. Ugh

he hangs around the comedy store allegedly with comedians like picrel who are predators, how he's not more reviled confuses me

No. 2097986

File (hide): 1721539968436.jpeg (195.81 KB, 1170x1278, IMG_3305.jpeg)

relevant picrel

this same lady also recounted that Pete Davidson is apparently a cunt and a half and stalked her online for giving him a bad review for his show or something? I'd believe it

No. 2097994

>Anyways how long until Azealia mentions this
Kekkkk I hope tf she does, she has a lot of shit takes but she's almost always entertaining

No. 2098001>>2098654

File (hide): 1721542758161.jpeg (883.58 KB, 1170x1620, IMG_5444.jpeg)

Can't believe this rapist is trying for a redemption arc

>Despite the fallout, Hammer shared with Morgan that some of his former Hollywood colleagues did reach out, including Robert Downey Jr. But when asked about reports that the “Iron Man” star paid for his rehab, Hammer said, “No, he did not. He did not pay for me to go to rehab.”

>When prodded as to whether Downey has been “supportive,” Hammer was hesitant to answer.
>“I would say that yes, he has,” Hammer said, to which Morgan replied, “You don’t seem convinced, because that was well reported. Is that really not the case?”
>Hammer said, “I don’t want to bring anyone else into my situation. There are a number of people who have been extremely helpful, and I’m incredibly grateful.”
>Pushed further, Hammer said that Downey was helpful to him “in the way where [when] anyone in Hollywood who suffers from any sort of addiction issues — whether it be alcohol or process addiction or drugs — decides to get sober, that guy will find you, and he will help you. It’s amazing.”
>Asked for the best advice Downey gave him, Hammer said: “‘Sit down, shut up, everything is going to be OK.’”

No. 2098068

wow, and they are all hideous

No. 2098119

he's disgusting, I thought no one liked him anymore because of this. does he even have any fans left? he's irrelevant and gross

No. 2098121>>2099410

fear inspiring photograph. what a bunch of washed up old ugly creeps.

No. 2098127

File (hide): 1721561117711.jpg (382.58 KB, 1080x1812, IMG_20240721_132342.jpg)

Where did she use it? From the video it looks like it was only posted by another account. And the audio doesn't even have any incriminating info on Melanie, just says she wrote Piggyback in response to the allegations, what would Timothy even use it for? This is just like Amber Heard and Depp with ppl spreading bullshit without any proof

No. 2098146>>2098149>>2098208>>2100936

Should I stay a Rush fan, after what they did to The Runaways?
I'm beginning to be so ashamed of being a Rush fan…
I'm from Poland and Rush never played there, anyways, because Geddy Lee appears to hate Poland.


No. 2098149>>2098152>>2098162>>2098182

File (hide): 1721564796994.jpg (120.49 KB, 960x960, rush.jpg)

Those guys had to be "not like the other men".
Unfortunately that event with The Runaways members proved that assertion otherwise.
Now I will hate men forever.
Aha i j*bać także p0lackich moszniaków.

No. 2098152

Think about it, I'm a fan of progressive rock and Rush was always my no. 1(sage your shit)

No. 2098162

And why did I say "jbać polskich moszniaków", which means "fck Polish moids"?
Let me tell you. I idealized Rush, because of the fact that in Poland, many men hated and still hate women. I thought of Rush as ":not like the other men" I connected this to the fact Geddy Lee's parents came from Poland. Sadly they never played here, so as a Polish woman I will never get to know, if they are or aren't like the other men.(sage your shit)

No. 2098170

> rather than seeking out repercussions outside of a blemish on Melanie's reception
I imagine it would be difficult to prove it in a court of law. Women already have difficulty with reporting rape to police and it’s not like Timothy could use any tangible evidence like a rape kit to prove it. It would just be based on personal accounts which can get you so far.

I’ve had that kind of reaction too, I don’t think it’s that out there that Timothy got so high she couldn’t function and Melanie didn’t notice/was too stoned to notice

No. 2098182

You know what? I will meet remaining Rush members, like I met Tymoteusz Król, the guy who speaks Vilamovian language and see, if they are really nice or not.(sage your shit)

No. 2098208

The safest bet is to just not support any moids because almost all of them are garbage, but if you like their music you might as well still listen to it. If I stopped listening to all the bands and artists that were bad people I'd probably only have like 10 songs to listen too kek. But I steal all my shit off youtube anyway so no one is getting any spotify listens from me

No. 2098222>>2098225

File (hide): 1721569068467.jpeg (14.21 KB, 154x328, images (47).jpeg)

"Ummmm if you didn't want to have sex than why did you have sex? If you really didn't want to the you wouldn't have had sex. Check mate."

No. 2098225

No. 2098228>>2098235>>2099426>>2099455>>2101053

File (hide): 1721569348078.jpeg (232.98 KB, 1061x1454, 9824284.jpeg)

Have any of you nonas read Julia Fox's memoir? I've been listening to the audio book and it's surprisingly good and engaging. Her life has been batshit crazy, to the point where I doubted some of the events until I actually looked them up online - such as her parents putting the wrong birth year, weight and height on her missing person poster and ads from her time as a teenage dominatrix. Based on the info from her book and rumours about her still using hard drugs, I can't believe she's actually raising a child.

No. 2098235>>2098252

she seems like a good mom all things considered

No. 2098237>>2098425

File (hide): 1721569861647.png (150.43 KB, 1288x568, Screenshot 2024-07-21.png)

I hate to say this, but I wouldn't be surprised if he's gay. Like, he lives with Andy Cohen of all people kek. Picrel is from a Yahoo article from last fall.

No. 2098252

Didn't she let naked (or almost naked) drag queens hold her baby for a photo ops and took a thirst trap just before birthing him with the hashtag "#milf"?

No. 2098281

the same reason why so many them are rude and dumb at best and creepy sex pests at worst. being rich and famous gets to their heads and they think they can and should get away with anything

No. 2098309>>2098597>>2098602>>2098958>>2099020>>2099048>>2099190

millenials may come for me for being an ignorant babby zoomer but I've literally never heard a john mayer song in my life and it sounds like I never missed anything

No. 2098329>>2098362>>2098375>>2098481>>2098506>>2098647>>2098889>>2099347

File (hide): 1721576211410.jpeg (994.04 KB, 1708x1021, IMG_2116.jpeg)

The way she acts is so strange. She has only one good song (good luck babe)

No. 2098362

I mean it's a fair complaint, it probably does fucking suck

No. 2098375

Then it would be a relief for her to know I have no idea who she is

No. 2098425>>2098959

if he's had a long history of trying to fuck younger women over and over wouldn't this just make him bi. idk i'm suspicious of men suddenly doing stuff like this out of nowhere after creeping on women exclusively for a long time

No. 2098481

??? Girl literally just do whatever, you look like a Walmart cashier, live your life

No. 2098506>>2100905

that song isn't even that good but of course let's push the cosplaying drag queen lesbian because "pride". fucking tired of hearing her high pitched "singing" on spotify

No. 2098597>>2098602

I’m so fucking jealous of you kek his voice sounds like the way canned tuna smells and also egg farts. He exudes bad vibes.

No. 2098602

Yeah no judgement here, I'm also jealous. Tried very hard to avoid his whiny voice and forget he existed. Succeeded by abandoning radio, but he has since ruined many things I once enjoyed, from Bozeman, Montana to the Grateful Dead. Men who like him seem to be infatuated with him which is an extra layer of gross.

No. 2098647>>2098837>>2099363

File (hide): 1721590853914.jpeg (361.43 KB, 1179x1709, IMG_4979.jpeg)

I get having to restrain yourself because you’ve been launched into mainstream but she’ll probably start to decline in popularity and end up with a cult fanbase. She already said she wanted to take a step back from the spotlight because someone doxxed her sister’s work and her parents’ house. I heard it was the user who runs her largest instagram fan page, apparently she bragged about seeing her mom at the gym and following her home to find out where she lives

No. 2098654

It’s crazy how he and the media are spinning it to sound like his scandal was just addiction and not violent rape and cannibalism

No. 2098683>>2098688>>2098692>>2098694>>2098704>>2098738>>2098741>>2099010

File (hide): 1721592544270.jpg (239.24 KB, 360x539, ZCF0sQ6.jpg)

>“Because I’m gay as s–t and I have to plan a pregnancy much different than a straight person, I actually want to take three eggs, fertilize three eggs, and have three surrogates”

>“So technically, they’ll all be the same batch, but they would all be born separately,” she continued.

>“I got my three kids’ names picked out — Freddie, Eddie and Teddie,” she raved. “Got a sperm donor lined up and all! We’re ready! Just gotta be patient.”

No. 2098688>>2098755

well, I guess she’s not getting enough attention

No. 2098691>>2098704>>2100907>>2101147

File (hide): 1721592693716.png (554.28 KB, 748x809, JS.png)

>Jojo Siwa reveals plans to have triplets through surrogacy

>JoJo Siwa is sharing more details about how she plans to become a mother to triplets through surrogacy.

>“Because I’m gay as s–t and I have to plan a pregnancy much different than a straight person, I actually want to take three eggs, fertilize three eggs, and have three surrogates,”
>“So technically, they’ll all be the same batch, but they would all be born separately,” she continued.
>“I’m gonna have my surrogates, my babies, then maybe their birthdays will land on different days, and they can be like triplets, but like, not.”
>The “Dance Moms” alum, 21, has been quite vocal recently about her desire to be a mom and even told E! News in March that she already has a sperm donor picked out.
>“She clarified that she thinks she will become a mom in “a couple of years.”

No. 2098692

Gross. I hate how people talk about surrogacy like it's a fucking puppy mill. "Batches"? Wtf?
She's someone who definitely proves money=/=parent material.

No. 2098694>>2098755

Are there any braincells left in this empty head of hers

No. 2098704

America will be against abortion but allow this shit of modern designer baby breeding

No. 2098738

File (hide): 1721593524325.png (1.81 MB, 1710x900, fuck avif 2.png)

>Freddie, Eddie and Teddie

No. 2098741>>2098755

She has to be bipolar and manic

No. 2098755

I don't think it's because of any those reason, The real reason is that the surrogacy simply enables wealthy women to mimic men i.e ensure the production of genetic offspring without any physical sacrifice on their part

No. 2098837>>2098839

dude what the fuck. i hate stan culture, she hasnt even been relevant for a whole year yet. i really feel for her. girls like Orod and sabrina carpenter have been primed for fame during their years working at disney, but chappel roan was just a girl making songs in her room for years, then one day shes tiktoks new darling and cant escape the public eye. its gotta be a headfuck.

No. 2098839>>2098864

does that make sabrina carpenter scarp

No. 2098864

we can make it happen

No. 2098889

she's not even famous plus I bet no one would recognize her without the drag makeup anyway lmao. Trying to become famous and social climb for years then acting like you didn't want it kek get outta here

No. 2098958>>2099020

'98 zoomer, and I can't name one of his songs. but I think that's the guy my freshman year roommate was so hyped about having tickets to see in 2016. he needs a stage name because I figured he's like some guy who got popular via Hallmark movies or the Dollar General version of Michael Bublé

No. 2098959>>2099208

samefag but i have a tinfoil this could even be some weird PR attempt or distraction so that when people call him out on his actions someone will go "he couldn't possibly sexually abuse/prey on women/girls, because he's not attracted to them!" like why is he only doing this shit now? the timing is weird to me

No. 2099010>>2099017

File (hide): 1721603046559.jpg (161.64 KB, 1198x711, TimothyFriendTestimony.jpg)

Globelamp, one of Timethy Heller’s ex friends who has been vocal in saying she mistreated them, is now saying Timethy is faking it and is known to be two faced. Melanie’s career is very much about to implode if she doesn’t say anything, Timethy’s TikTok is getting 200k+ likes and her friends like Yungelita / Elita Harkov are getting a lot of heat for their past actions (fun fact I actually saw a few people mentioning Elita’s old lolcow thread and saying to go to it for proof)

Why does Jojo try so hard to be quirky like this? Like her whole appeal for years has just been being lesbian and getting kicked by Nickelodeon for it, as much as I felt for her when that happened her whole “I’m so random and outgoing” thing just feels so forced, shouldn’t be shocked when she’s friends with the Ukulele pedo lady herself Colleen Ballinger even after all the shit Colleen was outed for last year

No. 2099017>>2099021>>2099068

>her friends like Yungelita / Elita Harkov are getting a lot of heat for their past actions
What did they do?
>Melanie’s career is very much about to implode if she doesn’t say anything,
She finished the first leg of her tour some weeks ago, I don't think she'll say anything, I think she knows staying quiet is better for her.
>Timethy’s TikTok is getting 200k+ likes
Unfortunately likes and views don't amount to anything in the long run.

No. 2099020

I don't even know who john mayer is nor what type of music he makes

No. 2099021

Yungelita constantly participated in melanie’s music videos and posts

No. 2099048

You aren't missing anything kek. His music sucked ass. He's known as being one of those guys that women trip themselves over. Not really sure why since he is not even that good looking. I guess it's because known as being "sensitive" or something and plays the acoustic guitar. He dated a bunch of famous women like Jennifer Aniston, Katy Perry and Taylor Swift. I think that's who her "dear John" song is about. Not surprised you haven't heard of him, he hasn't released music in over a decade, or at least anything that hit the radio.

No. 2099068>>2099073

>What did they do
Elita has a dry locked thread on /snow/ >>>/snow/1187195 basically what she did was become a camgirl at 16 and she got mentally fucked up after. She started doing porn, specifically she did DDLG/AgePlay/Incest/Rape themed stuff, she later started answering asks saying incest was hot and when asked her opinion on pedophiles she was like “lol I don’t care I’m a sicko too”, she was a PULL-cow mainly but now she doesn’t do much and most of her old content was scrubbed by the time she started hanging with Melanie and she was in the k-12 movie.

Back to Mel, I think her career’s state will depend on how harshly this affects her and if her label will even let her make a statement. She’s at like 14.9 million Instagram followers currently and she hasn’t dropped so chances are a good amount of the people believing Timothy were those who didn’t like Melanie for a while, if you look on TikTok you can see a lot of fans going “I don’t know who to believe” and a lot of people just accusing anyone criticizing Timothy of supporting rape or saying “well all she said was that Timothy never said no”, most of these people are no older than 14 I’d bet

No. 2099073>>2099079>>2099169

didnt she reblog cp or something insane like that

No. 2099079>>2099111>>2099169

Don’t know about CP because she had an ageplay kink but DDLG more likely, she also posted pics of women being gagged while they were fucked and reblogged a pic of some girl getting raped at a party, Nicole Dollanganger shit basically. I would post it but idk if it’s breaking site rules to

No. 2099105>>2099106

File (hide): 1721606061024.jpeg (983.43 KB, 1170x1432, IMG_2676.jpeg)

Timothy Heller is a liar. (That’s her tied up)

No. 2099106>>2099125

what does this have to do with anything

No. 2099111

If it's women that are obviously over 18 then you can under a spoiler

No. 2099125>>2102426

Are you slow? She’s tied up like she’s going to be assaulted and this photo was taken after she said Melanie raped her. If she really was assaulted she would never post something like this.(baiting)

No. 2099169>>2099172

it's possible she reblogged that infamous pic of the very obviously little girl smoking a cigarette. it was undeniably a girl under 10 years old and i believe it was linked to cp and all the ~babydoll~ blogs liked it at the time

No. 2099172

i believe thats what i was think of

No. 2099190

This makes me happy. He can fade into oblivion. Known only as a sloppy fuckboy has been creep

No. 2099208

I've heard too many accounts of him creeping on women for him to be gay. Bisexual men tend to be more misogynistic towards women, him being bi would make sense(sage your shit)

No. 2099341>>2099472>>2099475>>2099583>>2100489>>2103376

File (hide): 1721621865912.png (2.15 MB, 1284x613, Timmy.png)

Some of Timothy Heller’s old tweets resurfacing of her being racist and saying pro-Hitler shit, as well as her ex friend Globelamb continuing to speak against her and saying she’s supported rapists in the past

Video I got this from, it’s telling that all these kids can do is scream arguments that were already addressed in the video https://www.tiktok.com/@hairypotato222/video/7393792809079147822
In other news the TikTok kids are dropping links to lolcow and KiwiFarms’ Yungelita threads and posting pics of her thread here (I’d show examples but there’s literally so much) and apparently there’s these fake rumors of JazminBean (one of Melanie’s friends) saying the n word but they were debunked anyways, this is a legit shit storm and why allegations like this should not be blasted publicly on a website filled with dumbass children

No. 2099347

she just blew up back in april and is already complaining/shittalking fans. she will fall off like doja did except doja was so popular that even after “falling off” she was huge. chappell will simply disappear if she doesn’t undergo hr training soon. i get what happens to her family is stressful, but therapists exist for ranting.

No. 2099363>>2099793

>builds career by larping lgbt for easy fame
>doesn't know that they are the most obsessive parasocial demographic on the planet
Kek and thats what you get for skinwalking lesbians

No. 2099410>>2099413

File (hide): 1721628470574.jpeg (403.48 KB, 1170x893, IMG_5573.jpeg)

Just so you know, Jeff Ross's victim in addition to her being groomed by him literally said one of the reasons she started cutting him off is that she caught him with CP. which he was allegedly "holding for someone else"

No. 2099413

File (hide): 1721628536579.jpeg (559.6 KB, 1170x1324, IMG_5574.jpeg)

No. 2099426>>2099452>>2100914

Full of made up dumb shit, but an entertaining read and she seems like a cool person. The fact that she gave her son the same name that she used as a dominatrix says it all really. Lying for street cred but as long as she's financially secure, who cares

No. 2099452

>she seems like a cool person.
She defended a rapist and attended a Pornhub awards show.

No. 2099453>>2099456>>2099569

File (hide): 1721632872610.jpeg (1.22 MB, 1170x1807, IMG_2682.jpeg)

Holy shit I really hope Kamala wins. We need a woman president so bad.(wrong thread)

No. 2099455

Does it mention her drug use? I’d be interested in reading about that, junkies fascinate me.

No. 2099456>>2099469>>2099578

File (hide): 1721633337830.png (1.23 MB, 1125x901, 1721615360036.png)

that was already posted (and is probably more suited for) in the amerifag threads anon. but to make it more celebrity related:

No. 2099469>>2099470>>2099492>>2099556

Can someone please explain what "____ is brat" means please

No. 2099470

it means that charli is desperate for relevancy

No. 2099472

>In other news the TikTok kids are dropping links to lolcow and KiwiFarms’ Yungelita threads and posting pics of her thread here (I’d show examples but there’s literally so much)
Post caps we need to archive this

No. 2099475>>2099583

Embedding because I didn't know half of the things she said here

No. 2099492>>2099502

Brat is the name of Charli's latest album.

No. 2099502>>2100481

That's obvious anon, I meant to ask what exactly Charli means by that. Like what exactly is "brat" in this context taking in account her album and everything. Like, I listened to it and it was nothing special to me so maybe someone more versed into the lore or whatever could explain what she means. I even watched a video about "the lore of brat" but it was nothing but a girl with an obnoxious voice repeating what everyone already knows from her genius lyrics webpage. Is there something I'm missing?

No. 2099556

I think it means like “___ is based” so she is saying Kamala is based.

No. 2099569>>2099581>>2099697

as a non-american I truly hope she does not win no matter who the opponent is if it is a male because the misogyny is already running rampant and to have such a high profile female leader is only gonna make it a million times worse. America is not gonna get better with either her or trump and I really do not want another ammunition for men to fuel their hatred for women.(derailing)

No. 2099578>>2100918

Kek, it's so cringey when pop stars start getting political and endorsing candidates. At least Kamala is more likeable and way less cringey and fake than Hillary, Katie Perry endorsing Hillary is probably in part what tanked her career even further.

No. 2099581

Let the moids seethe, they gotta learn to deal with their feefees(derailing)

No. 2099583>>2099589>>2100062

I'm very much on the fence about the entire situation, I've said before itt I don't think I believe Timothy and lean towards thinking Melanie is pushy and clueless and perhaps missed crucial clues that Timothy did not want to be engaging in any sexual acts with her. And the potential holes in her story are suspicious, but can also be chalked up to the incident being a long time ago so perhaps Timothy doesn't remember all of the details. However I don't think Timothy being a snarky person with jealousy issues is proof of anything. Unlikable people can be victimized, and arguing that because she's mean she couldn't have been raped sort of just pushes the idea that rape victims have to be perfect little angels who've never done anything wrong in order to be a rape victim. Again I don't think I believe Timothy's story 100%, but her maybe being a mean girl and supporting Amy Schumer is not proof she wasn't assaulted.

No. 2099589

>Unlikable people can be victimized, and arguing that because she's mean she couldn't have been raped sort of just pushes the idea that rape victims have to be perfect little angels who've never done anything wrong in order to be a rape victim.

No. 2099697

i don't understand this line of thinking. you would rather misogynists continue to run the show because a woman being in a position of power might upset them?(derailing)

No. 2099793>>2100803

Her pretending not to like fame is probably apart of her nlog larp. She spent a decade trying to be famous, of course this is what she wants. She wants to pretend that she’s too cool/unique for fame.

No. 2099856>>2099970>>2100964

File (hide): 1721660458077.jpeg (882.31 KB, 1170x1238, IMG_5587.jpeg)

Did everyone forget this guy cheated on his wife and all his cringey DM's

No. 2099862>>2099893>>2100857>>2101895

File (hide): 1721660742746.jpeg (885.89 KB, 1170x1210, IMG_5588.jpeg)

Gotta love how pedos always flee to europe

No. 2099893

It's weird how he looks more and more like a ped as time goes on. I can't believe I thought he was hot in American Beauty but I was like 16 and retarded.

No. 2099955>>2100142

File (hide): 1721664364160.jpg (261.25 KB, 1440x1730, GMqKKjDWoAAuUsu.jpg)

Emily Ratajkowski has way too much lip filler jfc. For context, she was one of the models from the Blurred Lines video who has been overcompensating for it ever since by LARPing as a feminist despite being the ultimate pickme. She's the quintessential libfem D-lister.

No. 2099970>>2100145

Has he been posted in the punchable faces thread yet? Fuck all the middle aged marms who voted this faggot as "sexiest man alive." He's not even the sexiest man in the average Whole Foods on a weekday afternoon. Also, he's a gigantic douche and all of his songs are about continuing to fuck women he wants to break up with.

No. 2100062

File (hide): 1721667400716.png (285.48 KB, 1284x832, Follower drop.png)

Melanie down to 14.8 million, she had 14.9 million before
To be fair I think the point of bringing up Timethy’s past isn’t to say “she’s not the perfect victim therefore she’s lying” it’s to say “she seems to have a history of being unhinged and possibly not trustworthy” like let’s be honest Timethy’s supporters would not be giving Melanie the same leeway they’re giving Timethy if Melanie was out here saying the n word and retweeting shit saying “Hitler was successful”

No. 2100142>>2100157>>2100906

Her post birth boob job and lipo are also super obvious, she maintains relevancy through paid pap walks and people that fap to her. She hardly even "models" anymore because she's actually like 5'4-5'5 not 5'7. Everything about her is just weirdly body dysmorphic and I hate her current look

No. 2100145>>2100423

File (hide): 1721670976087.jpeg (105.98 KB, 1795x1795, IMG_5599.jpeg)

The only good thing is that he's started losing his hair

No. 2100157>>2100297

Legit curious: How can you tell? Are there photos of scars?

No. 2100297>>2100906

Nobody's breasts look that perky and stomach look that flat after pregnancy, it's pretty obvious she got work done

No. 2100423

kek that pic

No. 2100481

probably not. it's just one of those things that's caught on and can essentially be applied to anything. similar to memes like "gorgeous gorgeous girls." i'd say it indicates something that's deemed slightly "bad", cheeky, subversive, naughty, cool, youthful (but not necessarily young). with regard to "Kamala is brat" i don't think she's necessarily using it in that way though, i think she's just playing with the language in order to signal her endorsement

No. 2100489>>2100494

not the point but why is a woman called timothy

No. 2100494>>2100644

there are girls named tyler and stuff like that. its really not that weird.

No. 2100644>>2100660

Nta but Timothy is kinda weird kek
It's like a guy named Susan

No. 2100660>>2100819>>2100834

do you also take issue with names like ashley or aubrey on men even though theyre pretty common as mens names? its just a name.

No. 2100803

just say you think she's annoying because this can't be a real opinion you have. I feel like the difference is obvious between fame and attention and love from strangers and having them stalk your mom.

No. 2100819>>2100821

Timothy was never a woman's name weirdo. Can we move on from this MM drama rehashing? Like how do more than 3 people care?

No. 2100821>>2100834

theres no way youre an adult if you care this much what someones parents named them.

No. 2100834

Nta but you seem to be the one taking it extremely personal that anons find the name Timothy on a woman weird. It's an unusual name to see on a woman so what are you crying about? Also this is lc I think anons are actually being really polite about it in comparison to how we usually are kek(derailing)

No. 2100857

I'm glad this worthless pedo is going broke (if it's not just woe-is-me fake PR) but it blows my mind seeing celebrities who were, at one point, worth hundreds of millions of dollars going broke. How do you fuck things up that badly? The interest alone on that level of wealth should be enough to stay filthy rich forever.

No. 2100868

It's so weird how extremely straight women think that coming out as a "lesbian" after a nasty breakup to get back at an ex is a cool thing to do. It happens often. The phase lasts maybe a few months, and then you never hear about it again.

No. 2100871

Theyre clothed. There's no implication of a threesome here unless you're a 12 year old fanatic.

No. 2100883>>2100892

God this bullfrog can't even play a guitar

No. 2100892

>Lights joint
>Crowd cheers
Men really get praised for the dumbest shit

No. 2100895

Oh yeah, Halle fucking Barry would be sooo lucky to work on an extremely terrible Ryan Murphy turd. Is datalounge not good enough for you freaks or something? Who in their right minds considers a straight to hulu corny piece of shit like this something worth watching?

No. 2100903>>2101008>>2101047>>2101874>>2101875>>2102084>>2102651

File (hide): 1721704436497.jpg (576.18 KB, 1610x1728, 451636239_986840133090910_5017…)

Saw this on facebook but I'm not sure when it was taken. Why does she put foundation over her tattoos like that?

No. 2100905

Someone upthread said she isn't even a lesbian, just her drag persona is. Is this true? Weird as fuck if so(sage your shit)

No. 2100906

File (hide): 1721704699191.jpg (177.23 KB, 1080x1350, 161265619_881079329354627_8009…)

Then she had the audacity to post a body check on social media 11 days after her kid was born. Some "feminist" she is. She'd let a woman bleed out on the street if calling 911 made her late for a lip filler appointment.

No. 2100907>>2100916

She's 21 years old and has a weird vibe because she grew up on dance moms and was kind of forced to be a child icon for way too long. I believe she deserves a little leeway for cringe.

No. 2100914

A lot of the things Julia says in it are lies, yes. She's always been about sensationalizing experiences and staging things for attention, the new faux lesbo era being her new bad NYC art installation.

No. 2100916>>2100920>>2100945

Usually I'd agree, but using other women as broodmares just because you're a vain celebrity who doesn't want to "ruin" her body with pregnancy is disgusting as hell. Women's bodies are not baby factories to be rented out to the highest bidder. You just know people like this refuse to adopt because they view orphans as damaged goods and are narcissists obsessed with their kids "looking like" them. Then of course after paying women to carry the babies, she'll pay nannies to raise the kids. They don't want children, they want little clones they can pose for pictures with and ignore the rest of the time.

No. 2100918

Just as Charli wrote an entire song about Lorde in a desperate bid for relevance and attention to spearhead this album, Kamala Harris PR team will be running her social media like the navy to ensure she looks as feminist and current as possible.

No. 2100920

I agree, but I don't think she's actually going to do it. I think she just spews word vomit.

No. 2100925>>2101454

File (hide): 1721705605183.jpg (34.72 KB, 540x360, 1000004074.jpg)

Anyone else think antony starr broke her

No. 2100929>>2100960>>2100984

File (hide): 1721705837947.jpg (57.21 KB, 948x849, 1000004090.jpg)

Love her for this

No. 2100936>>2100943

Let me get this straight: she slipped on a piece of paper 47 years ago and claims that Rush sabotaged her because of that? Is her theory that Rush (who wore heeled shoes themselves because it was the 70s) knew Curie would do a stupid stunt, put paper on the ground, avoided slipping on it themselves, and hoped the roadies would leave it all to fuck with some band that at that point was a one-hit-wonder stateside? Give me a fucking break. Let's also not forget that she was coked out of her fucking mind at the time. It's really obvious that she's just doing this to garner attention for her current tour, which the article conveniently mentions.

Jfc you scared me, I thought this was going to be about sexual assault. What a nothingburger. You can still listen to Rush, for God's sake.

Edit: she actually told this story ten years ago, and Geddy had a response back then:
>The Runaways had a ginormous chip on their shoulders. I remember that show. We had trouble with our gear so our soundcheck got delayed and the Runaways never got one. But we were always good to whoever was opening for us. We had no bias against them because they were girls — none of that bullshit. I know they said that we were laughing at them when they played, but quite frankly they were too shitty to listen to. And 40 years later they have a story to tell about it.

No. 2100943>>2101294

Kek you believe him? I'm sure they were gross and disparaging. I imagine the chip on their shoulder is the amount of disgusting sexual harassment and overall toxicity they faced as a hypersexualized band of young girls. They probably carry around a lot of resentment, I cant imagine what it was like for them trying to maneuver the music industry.

No. 2100945>>2100960>>2101029

>a vain celebrity who doesn't want to "ruin" her body with pregnancy
I agree with you about surrogacy but I think her reasons for wanting to use surrogates is because she wants to have 3 kids that are all the same age, and also I think she's just trying to be quirky and get attention. If she actually does start the surrogacy thing I'll be the first to call her exploitative and gross for it, but her reasons don't seem to involve her appearance so I feel like that's sort of a misrepresentation. That's like the one thing I actually appreciate about Jojo, she doesn't seem too hung up on her appearance.

No. 2100960>>2100963

oh come on anon you couldnt post the list?
shes just saying she'll do surrogacy because everyone in the industry does. shes acting like shes a gay moid or something, you have a womb jojo.

No. 2100963

Years ago I used to think people shaming surrogacy was crazy, but now I see it for how disgusting it is. Thousands of discarded children suffering in the cps and foster system and people are paying women the same amount as a yearly fast food wage to create a child for them. It's so vain its insane.

No. 2100964>>2100973>>2107182

He looks like a hairy boiled egg.

No. 2100973

It's crazy how so many vaguely attractive men are immediately revealed to be ugly when you take away the hair obscuring them

No. 2100984

My kind of petty. RIP Queen

No. 2101006>>2101044>>2101045>>2102029

File (hide): 1721713089039.png (478.98 KB, 801x627, botcrave.png)

so that ginger is part of his gang too huh

No. 2101008

the state of her hair is insane.

No. 2101029>>2101100

But why does she want three kids that are exactly the same age? That’s not something that women who genuinely want to be mothers think about. It sounds more like a pitch for a new tv show, especially considering her past. What’s better than Dance Moms? Dance Moms with triplets! Just gotta buy some triplets first.

No. 2101044

Very ugly creatures

No. 2101045>>2101057>>2101309>>2102027

File (hide): 1721720212280.jpeg (774.06 KB, 1170x1939, IMG_5647.jpeg)

Ed Sheeran: Newt Killer

Quelle surprise

No. 2101047>>2101457

She thinks it makes them invisible. This is why getting a bunch of tattoos, especially ones you won't always like or that may not fit every look you want to do is a bad idea.

No. 2101053

Speaking of Julia Fox, she recently "came out" as a lesbian

>The actress came out as a lesbian in a response to a viral TikTok trend on Monday. In the original video, user @emgwaciedawgie says, "I love when I see a lesbian with their boyfriend. It's like 'Aww, you hate that man. You literally hate him.'"

>Fox stitched the video with her response, admitting, "Hey, that was me. I was that lesbian. So sorry, boys. Won't happen again."
>The original poster congratulated Fox in a comment, writing, "did i just facilitate julia fox coming out… ily queen."
>This isn't the first time the Uncut Gems star – who was married to private pilot Peter Artemiev from 2018-20 and previously dated Kanye West – has opened up about her sexuality. Fox has a 3-year-old son, Valentino, with Artemiev.
>During her 2022 appearance on Ziwe, she shared that she'd recently been considering dating women.
>Fox also shared earlier this year that she's been celibate for over two and a half years – having previously admitted that she and West weren't intimate during their brief relationship.
>"It was six months and then it was a year and then I'm like, 'Oh my god, it's almost two and a half years and it's still going,'" she added.
>When Cohen asked if she "missed" sex, she admitted, "No. In the beginning, yes, but I think it's just like getting over anything, smoking, drugs, whatever it may be. Eventually you just forget and all that energy you were putting toward sex you can put toward other things."

No. 2101057

>kill wildlife just to build a chapel for his wedding
Celebs really are just awful people who do retarded shit just because they can and they believe they should be allowed to. I really believe once you acquire money and fame every gets a "fuck everyone else" mentality.

No. 2101100

Oh yeah I'm not denying it's weird and I'm hoping she decides to not do that, I was just pointing out it doesn't seem like her reasons are anything to do with her appearance. The main feeling I get is that she's just immature and thinks it would be cute to have triplets, it almost sounds like a kid talking about what they wanna do when they grow up. But if she does have those 3 triplets I feel for them cause she's going to work them into the ground like her mom and Abby did to her as a kid.

No. 2101147

I love how none of you guys can tell she’s trolling, it’s precious

No. 2101294

Yeah, I do. Cherie Curie has spent the last forty years milking the four years she was in Runaways for everything its worth. If there were sexual allegations against Rush, she would have made them. The women have been forthcoming about the sexual and psychological abuse they experienced at the hands of their manager. If anyone sabotaged their career, it's him. Of all the people she could go after, she picks the asshole who put paper on the floor fifty years ago because he's a big name. It's incredibly transparent.

No. 2101309

> Neighbors say he should NEWT be allowed to build there
Heheheheheheheheehe seriously though fuck this little ginger rat

No. 2101454

I can't even watch the new season of the boys nonny. It's painful to see her and what was done to her face. Absolutely cute and unique beforehand.

No. 2101457

No. 2101466>>2101471>>2101479>>2101491>>2101513>>2101559>>2101891>>2102015>>2106589

File (hide): 1721749857893.png (564.64 KB, 607x848, IMG_0077.png)

>Sopranos actress, Drea de Matteo Reveals Her 13-Year-Old Son Edits Her OnlyFans Photos for Her

>While appearing on the Not Today, Pal podcast, the Sopranos alum, 52, shared that her 13-year-old son Waylon "Blackjack" edits her OnlyFans photos for her. De Matteo shares her son and her 16-year-old daughter Alabama with her musician ex Shooter Jennings.

>Speaking with podcast hosts Robert Iler and Jamie-Lynn Sigler about how she's been pursuing girl-on-girl content for her OnlyFans account, de Matteo begins apologizing to her kids, who are on the other side of the door.
>“Blackjack and Alabama. My kids are out there. I’m sorry guys. I’m really sorry. But they know," De Matteo says
>“Oh yeah. He’s like, ‘So what do you want me to do with the bikini line here?’ ” the mom of two says.
>“Yeah, so you don’t have to apologize to them, I don’t think," Iler responds.
>“No. But they don’t see the girl shots. But I do go over that with them before I ever put them out," De Matteo explains. "I was like, ‘Are you okay with this?’ Because it’s like, if I were to do it in a movie, because I would make out with girls in movies all day long before I’d even make out with boys.”
>Last September, de Matteo opened up to Fox News about her decision to join OnlyFans, noting that it was something she pursued with the blessing of her kids.
>Despite getting backlash from the internet, the actress said her kids encouraged her to join the platform.
>"My kids were the ones that were like, ‘Do it.’ She’ll [Alabama] edit the pictures, too, because they want certain things that we haven't been able to do,” she said.
>“I used to have a lot of money. And then, all of a sudden, I went from being allowed to work to never being allowed to work again. I was never the kind of actor that took jobs just to stay in the business. I literally took jobs to feed my family.”
>She added: "So, when people make nasty comments about why I would have done that, my response is, 'Damn straight, I hope you're never in the f—ing position I'm in. I take care of an entire family and a lot of other people who depend on me.'"

No. 2101471>>2101475>>2101525

her first mistake was naming her kids blackjack and alabama

No. 2101475

tbf blackjack is just his middle-name

No. 2101479

The average 13 year old boy in the 2020s is already terminally porn addicted so it checks out

No. 2101491>>2101513

I hope she is lying

No. 2101513

>"My kids were the ones that were like, ‘Do it.’
Wasn't she the one that publicly called her son ungrateful/bragged about scolding him for being uncomfortable with her being on onlyfans (/because his school classmates knew about iirc)? I remember nonnas posting that and commenting that she was gonna make him grow into a bitter misogynist.
Is there more than one hollywood OF e-thot with a teenaged son?

I'm my memory isn't wrong, then I think she's probably lying. The other option is that she's lying about then being supportive of it, but she has them do it anyway like a chore, in the same way average nagging parents have their kids do the dishes.

No. 2101525

I think the first mistake might have been banging a guy called Shooter

No. 2101559>>2101565

File (hide): 1721753205779.png (536.72 KB, 808x897, IMG_0079.png)

btw the reason she couldn't get work is cause she refused to get a vaccine shot and that's why turned to OF

No. 2101565

shes like obsessed with saying anything to make herself look bad.. hot mess

No. 2101780>>2101790>>2101792>>2101841>>2101874>>2101893>>2102020>>2102412

File (hide): 1721758166451.jpg (216.57 KB, 542x800, Ftm.jpg)

No. 2101790

Wasn't he accused of possibly catching gonorhea a couple days ago?(sage your shit)

No. 2101792>>2102020>>2102201>>2102228

It's that tif energy, I'm a believer(stop)

No. 2101841

Cute shoes

No. 2101846>>2101855>>2102007>>2103772

File (hide): 1721762128636.jpeg (987.39 KB, 1170x1639, IMG_5690.jpeg)

Good for her!

No. 2101855>>2101974

She's only three years older and they're literally "looksmatched" idgi

No. 2101874

I posted this hoping nonna's would notice the subtle "V" symbols he's doing with his hands and legs. Also I see his hand steroids are wearing off.
She looks like a corpse(stop)

No. 2101875

Why even bother having "bangs" if they're just 3 whispy fried strands of hair lmao

No. 2101891>>2101894

I never liked her characters. Both on Sopranos and Desperate Housewives. She’s an annoying actress and a shitty person!

No. 2101893

Once a lame, always a lame

No. 2101894

No. 2101895

He should just make a movie with Polanski

No. 2101974

People are jealous. She's also from a rich family, went to a rich college and gets by doing tarot for famous people so they're envious she's living life on easy mode while not fitting the convential plastic surgery celebrity look kek

No. 2102007>>2102010>>2102410

The "trolls" are probably just middle-aged moms who thirst after Garfield and are jealous of his girlfriend. I'm baffled by the sort of moids straight women consider sexy, he's the shittiest live action Spider-Man.

No. 2102010>>2102016

you think tobey and tom are more attractive than andrew?

No. 2102015

Tired of the arms race celebrities are in to get the most attention from revealing something humiliating about themselves. This is a double-whammy of confessing to editing her photos and that she involves her son in making soft core porn (I don't care that he's a moid, that's still pathetic and creepy.) I'm not even sure this nonsense is actually true, I think she just wanted a scandal to boost her public platform.

No. 2102016

I didn't say they were more attractive, I said they were less shitty Spider-Men.

No. 2102020

He does have kind of girly looking hands tbh

No. 2102027>>2102060

File (hide): 1721773444196.jpg (51.12 KB, 600x402, Great-Crested-Newt-Pictures.jp…)

Maybe Ed resents the newts for being less ugly than he is.

No. 2102029

Nightmare blunt rotation

No. 2102060

aaw I actually like this little thing, it has girlboss nails

No. 2102065>>2102071>>2102072>>2102083>>2102111>>2102200>>2102218>>2104071

File (hide): 1721775828274.png (2.13 MB, 1170x1380, why did you do that.png)

Zucks sunglass tan is so weird

No. 2102071

I thought this was Ariana Grandes boyfriend

No. 2102072

No. 2102083

It's like he's trying to look more human on purpose and failing

No. 2102084

This is common in people with tattoos tbh. Was she recording something?

No. 2102111>>2102218

And his fine reptilian ass is going to vote for Trump. Why are these autists like him and Christopher Poole always interested in asian women? Try something new dawg

No. 2102200>>2102204>>2102208>>2102235>>2102389>>2102401

File (hide): 1721783930654.mp4 (9.06 MB, 1080x1920, Snapinsta.app_video_An-sXqnaTP…) [play once] [loop]

>since I clearly won’t be achieving my six pack til next summer, I switched my summer goal to matching my shoes to my panties

She dresses like shit now.

No. 2102201

It's so funny to me that some of you will see the most heterosexual, slimey male manipulator ever and still find a way to make disparaging digs at women instead(infighting)

No. 2102204

No. 2102208

I hate hate hate when men and women play into or fetishize the whole sexy school girl shtick.

No. 2102218>>2102573

Idk if it’s the tan or long hair…but he looks less sickly and devoid of life. I see a teensy bit of light and life coming back into his eyes. Way to go zuckypoo you’re a real boy again!

No. 2102228

Same, the Drakechan tinfoiler might have been right kek

No. 2102235>>2102241

i was so confused for a moment since you quoted the zuckerberg post and thought this was going to be zuck crossdressing kek

No. 2102241

I didn't mean too, I left the tab open and I was going to write a long paragraph about that score but changed my mind. I came back to post that and forgot it was there kek.

No. 2102389>>2102508

Is it wrong I like the skirt?

No. 2102393>>2102403>>2102405>>2102505>>2103929

File (hide): 1721794648524.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x1885, IMG_5750.jpeg)

>During the first two seasons of Euphoria, Zendaya and Levinson “were thick as thieves,” says a source involved with the production. “She found him to be an inspiring director and she knew she was embodying him” in her role as drug addict Rue. (Levinson had gone to rehab at 19 to get off opiates and methamphetamines.) Having won two Emmys for her performance, she had shadowed Levinson on set during season two with an eye toward directing in season three. The pair were close enough that they collaborated on — and largely self-financed — an indie movie, Malcolm & Marie, during the pandemic.
>Enter The Weeknd, aka Abel Tesfaye. Turen initially connected with him through producer Aaron Gilbert, then running Bron, where Turen had a film deal. Sources say both Turen and Levinson became enamored of the multiplatinum pop star, who harbored serious acting ambitions. Turen and Levinson jumped in to produce Tesfaye’s high-profile acting debut, The Idol, also for HBO. Levinson wrote a spec script for the pilot but was not supposed to spend too much time on the project because he was still occupied with Euphoria‘s season two; other writers and directors would handle the heavy lifting. But with Levinson, things often don’t go as planned.
>Eventually, as Levinson wound up spending far more time on The Idol than anticipated, Zendaya’s frustration grew. Levinson had not yet delivered scripts for Euphoria‘s third season — scripts that are still a work in progress more than two years after viewers watched the last episode of season two. Zendaya was so perturbed that she asked for a meeting with HBO’s Bloys and Orsi, demanding to know why the network allowed Levinson to turn his attention to another show — an HBO show, no less — with Euphoria hanging in the balance.

No. 2102401

Why is she dressing like one of those young tiktokers/pinterest girls? kek

No. 2102403

Not surprised. The only good criticism/unknown info I’ve found on this shitty actress was the zendaya thread in the conspiracy board on LSA kek. Terrible actress and self-centered, hasn’t evolved beyond her Disney Channel acting.

No. 2102405>>2102409>>2102429

why not just cancel euphoria? it's not good. everyones been making sexual teen content for the last like 30 years, we're over it. come up with something new.

No. 2102409>>2102413>>2103931

I guess HBO wants the viewership numbers? With angus dead, everyone hating Levinson for the idol and the dipping interest in s2 it doesn't really make sense to march onward with s3 but I guess zendaya wanted the producer credit bad enough. Levinsons writing has only gotten shittier overtime, waste of air nepo baby

No. 2102410>>2102466>>2103519>>2103932

No one seethes more about normal looking women than men.

No. 2102412

Goku pants

No. 2102413>>2102425>>2103068>>2107955

i don't feel like euphoria season 3 is gonna bring in a significant amount of viewers. at least nothing larger than what they've had over the course of their history. it's not surprising that they're just going with porny virtue signal content. also the whole sydney sweeney jacob elordi subplot in the last season was just ugh, and her acting is painful to watch. literally the most retarded woman who ever lived(sage your shit in this thread)

No. 2102425>>2102649

>trying to slit your wrists with a corkscrew
god she's too dumb to live

No. 2102426>>2102438>>2102533>>2103188

File (hide): 1721797019017.jpeg (257.99 KB, 879x624, IMG_2694.jpeg)

How is this bait?!?!

Also, Katy’s new video has more dislikes than likes lmaooo I wonder if there’s gonna be any decent songs on the album… I didn’t listen to Smile or Witness and don’t plan on it

No. 2102429>>2102439

They tried to be the new Skins UK and failed miserably nothing will ever amount to that show, it just felt way more authentic. Maybe cuz for most of the actors it was their first project, yet the all did really well in the series in my opinion.

No. 2102438>>2103938

This music video made me seethe so bad. Singing about gurrrrll power while simultaneously being the scrotiest, male gaze shit in existence. I couldn't even finish it.

I wish there was a male version of it—a song about how great men are because they protect and build stuff yadayada—while all the dudes are shirtless and are only wearing jockstraps while making out with another. Wouldn't that be ridiculous?

No. 2102439

and skins was also a product of its time, euphoria pushing drugs and sex in an era where most teenagers dont do drugs and arent fucking just feels so unnatural and obviously fell flat with teens/young adults but is eaten up by little kids/older adults

No. 2102441>>2102465>>2102470>>2102504

File (hide): 1721797873360.jpeg (1.07 MB, 2147x1170, IMG_2695.jpeg)

Ewww you can see the scar from her botched boob job

No. 2102465

Woah and they gave her hard soccer ball boobs(learn to sage)

No. 2102466

there are definitely some fangirls like ATJ fans who act the same way

No. 2102470

Pretty sure that's just weird light. Boob job incisions go under the boob so it's less visible. Only surgeries I've ever seen that left a vertical scar on the middle of the chest are open heart surgeries.

No. 2102504

Thats a shadow. Are you male? Who in their right minds thinks a breast augmentation requires opening the chest cavity?

No. 2102505

Honestly good for her, what was she supposed to do just wait around not taking any roles for 3 years while he went off and did other shit?

No. 2102508

its just a pleated skirt

No. 2102533>>2102534

How are you able to see the amount of dislikes?

No. 2102534>>2102546

there are browser extensions for that

No. 2102546

Thank you

No. 2102573

The adrenochrome is working

No. 2102649

>trying to slit your wrists with a corkscrew, god she's too dumb to live
Yes, that's the joke, the character is dumb

No. 2102651

I wish she’d eat/gain some weight. The pale complexion and light hair makes her look so washed out and sick saying nothing of being able to see all that sinew. The tension alopecia is creeping in and being anachan isn’t going to help that

No. 2103068>>2103136

why was this redtexted kek? it wasn’t saged probably because she was sharing content with it. these newfag jannies are a joke(take it to /meta/)

No. 2103125>>2103127

File (hide): 1721845181693.jpg (52.37 KB, 480x480, 452686881_1008909727062321_266…)

Ice Spice and her team are being called out for stealing wigs and copying Nicki Minaj.
Gia, the owner of Bella Brand, says she was booked for Ice Spice’s tour to provide 24 wigs, but Spice and her team didn’t have the budget to pay for the units. Due to their business dealings in the past, Gia thought the matter would be sorted out. But unfortunately, the payment date kept changing, and Spice’s team allegedly canceled the wig orders one day before they were due for delivery. Gia says the team agreed to pay her a service fee but never did. However, the team did reach out for another unit, but when Gia reminded them about the service fee, they never paid. She signed off by accusing Ice Spice and her team of copying Nicki Minaj. “Thank you for making us make all of these Nicki Minaj wigs.".

No. 2103127>>2103132

File (hide): 1721845214335.jpeg (287.23 KB, 1170x2532, GTKtHs_WMAAIE-T.jpeg)

No. 2103132

Thats so gross. But I don't expect any less from her

No. 2103136>>2103141

Sharing a 2 year old compilation video isn't content

No. 2103141

Ntayrt television media is content based off the definition itself but I'm sure the mods were really banning her for posting such an ugly thumbnail of sydney kek

No. 2103188

I think she was trying to be tongue-in-cheek but it just didn’t land at all.

No. 2103374>>2103541>>2103604

Kesha's released a new song independently under her own label

No. 2103376>>2103542>>2103774

File (hide): 1721859604340.png (165.81 KB, 730x310, FrnrECWWwAMz_IZ.png)

I'm late but there are also people who have come forward to say that Melanie is a shitty person, one said she also pushed her to have sex

No. 2103519

I doubt many men care about who Andrew Garfield is dating.

No. 2103541>>2104376>>2104662

>Are you a man?
>Cause I'm a bitch
Oh no it's bad, at least she's free to do what she wants. If she likes it then I'm happy for her

No. 2103542

Two other women said it, there's a pattern

No. 2103604

I feel like this is what holy wanted to be with ham smith and Tim Petras. I’m a sucker for church choir type of chorus in pop music so I’m a bit biased with this song as dumb as it is

No. 2103606>>2103645>>2103659>>2103812>>2104032>>2104922>>2104935>>2105251>>2105622>>2108847

File (hide): 1721874476005.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1125x1192, IMG_2632.jpeg)

Billy Ray’s ex wife Firerose sold an audio to the press of him abusing her and trash talking his estranged family.
>The country music star could be heard calling Firerose multiple abusive names like a "selfish f-cking b-tch." He's also heard referring to Miley as a "devil" and "skank" and Tish as "scum of the earth."
> The divorce drama between Billy Ray and Firerose has worsened with the release of an audio in which the country music star can be heard going on an abusive rant against his wife.

The audio, shared by Daily Mail, seemingly supports claims by Firerose that Billy Ray subjected her to "extreme verbal, emotional and psychological abuse" during their marriage.

On the tape, Billy Ray, who sounded angry over being late for a stage performance, audibly warns Firerose

No. 2103645

Not surprised

No. 2103659>>2103756>>2105151

>calls his own daughter a skank
Being male is a genetic defect hope he fucking dies

No. 2103756>>2105151

"scum of the earth" too i was confused

No. 2103772>>2103876

he’s past his prime and aged like milk. they are pretty looksmatched atm. what’s up with fangirls and not accepting their favorite actor has aged and is no longer that hot? they keep doing this with depp and dicaprio too. they all look like shit due to substance abuse, i get it you wanted to bang them when you were 19 but you gotta get over it and accept the truth now

No. 2103774

her entire brand is being a sex pest bdsm freak so this doesn’t surprise me much.

No. 2103812

He's clearly jealous of his daughter's success eclipsing his, typical scrote behavior. No wonder Miley and him are estranged and she called him a narcissist

No. 2103876

Andrew Garfield was always ugly imo. All the women I know who are into him are hardcore HP Marauders fandom weirdoes who have him fancast as young Remus Lupin and write fanfic of him fucking young Sirius Black. They’re like those deranged fans of the Supernatural actors who harassed the actors’ wives for getting in the way of their ship, except AG was never even involved with the media they’re obsessed with because it only exists as fandom edits on YouTube. These types can’t be reasoned with.

No. 2103929>>2103993

Levinson is such a slimeball. I hope he goes the way of Justin Roiland and has a scandal that ousts him from show business. I fully believe that he jerks off to his own shows and that he only became a showrunner because he's a nepobaby who wanted to make high-budget porn for himself.

No. 2103931>>2103993

His writing has always been shit. Euphoria only got by because it was a rip-off of an Israeli show of the same name. Levinson just wrote a self-insert into the story and added more softcore porn with bisexual Breadtube lighting.

No. 2103932

Normally I'd agree, but it's really obvious that the people kicking up a storm about this are jealous. The women who thirst after him are literally the only people who give a rat's ass about Garfield or know who he's dating.

No. 2103938

>the dudes are shirtless and are only wearing jockstraps while making out with another. Wouldn't that be ridiculous?
It would be an improvement kek. If I ever say no to watching guys in jockstraps make out with each other, call the cops. My identity has been stolen.

No. 2103993>>2104550

We really need to start shaming male directors who create self-insert porn, or even just cringe movies where gorgeous 20-something actresses fall for ugly middle aged men. Everyone made fun of Stephanie Meyer for Twilight when men like Woody Allen and Sam Levinson do the same shit but worse. I remember an interview with Robert Pattinson where he said that the obvious self-insert wish fulfilment nature of the series made him uncomfortable. Now imagine how actresses feel when they’re expected to get naked on camera and essentially create soft core porn catered to the director’s fetishes, or made to perform sex scenes with an ugly old man who’s essentially their boss.

No. 2104032>>2104211

Sounds like this loser is getting his karma. Hilarious that she took all his money before leaving. Firerose bpd or stacy ?

No. 2104071

Kekkk I don't understand what look is he trying to achieve here. Especially with that gold chain

No. 2104211

Stacy for spending his money but victim for getting with a man she met as a child and being severely abused.

No. 2104309>>2104525

File (hide): 1721917509614.jpeg (785.95 KB, 1125x1207, IMG_2638.jpeg)

I mean good for her team turning the satirical song down.

No. 2104376>>2104447>>2105102

I mean, this is a woman who wrote the lyric:
>Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack
I'm glad she's returning to form. I like the mariachi influence.

No. 2104447

I am too. She should continue making fun music. Past recent alinks are good too but I really loved her party tracks.

No. 2104525

isn't this a joke image

No. 2104550

Incredible how moids like Pattinson and Radcliffe can get away with trash talking the women whose IPs made them famous, yet the few women like Jeanette McCurdy who dare push back against creepy scrote creators get blackballed. We excuse sexual exploitation when moid creative do it, but female writers get dragged just for being not PC enough. Infuriating, Hollywood truly hates women.

No. 2104581>>2107512>>2108061

File (hide): 1721929732273.jpeg (849.38 KB, 1170x1729, IMG_5849.jpeg)

>Alicia Vikander and Michael Fassbender’s family has grown!
>The actress confirmed to Elle in an interview published Thursday that she gave birth to their second baby.
>The 35-year-old, who did not provide details about the little one’s name, sex or date of arrival, noted that this pregnancy was “harder” than her last.
>The actress spoke to Elle about her “physically demanding” pregnancy.
>She did not share the little one’s name or sex.
Vikander called the nine months a “physically demanding … marathon.”
>She added, “Training made it easier. It does help if you’re strong going into it. … I have so much admiration for any woman who has done it.”
>The “Ex Machina” star became a mom in 2021 when she and Fassbender, 46, welcomed a baby boy.

No. 2104584>>2104646

File (hide): 1721929877619.jpeg (513.38 KB, 1170x1780, IMG_5850.jpeg)

>She wrote, “It’s hard to believe we have spent all this time together. … I still feel like the same girl starting out so full of energy and bravado, so ready to take on the whole world on the outside.”

>However, Lopez noted that “on the inside,” she feels “tender, fragile and sometimes frightened.”

>The actress’ emotional tribute, which featured photos of herself standing in front of her cake in blue silk pajamas and a birthday crown, comes two months into split speculation surrounding herself and Affleck.

No. 2104646>>2104650>>2104659>>2104757>>2107514

File (hide): 1721933719924.jpg (292.31 KB, 1080x1350, jennifer-lopez-at-her-bridgert…)

speaking of jlo's bday party. It was bridgeton themed and ngl this is the type of bday parties I would host if I were rich and had friends.

No. 2104650>>2104655

File (hide): 1721933828817.jpg (579.35 KB, 1440x1800, jennifer-lopez-at-her-bridgert…)

No. 2104655

File (hide): 1721934205498.jpg (170.48 KB, 1440x1800, jennifer-lopez-at-her-bridgert…)

No. 2104659

holy wow, she looks amazing

No. 2104662

It's exactly what I'd expect and want from a Kesha song, I don't know what you're lookin for.

No. 2104664>>2104668>>2104757>>2105201>>2105226>>2105818>>2106495>>2106502>>2106660>>2107187>>2107197

File (hide): 1721934807984.jpg (90.87 KB, 1170x732, hunter-schafer-michaela-coel-f…)

Hunter Schafer & Michaela Coel for BoyBrotherFriend Issue 8, photographed by Inez and Vinoodh.

No. 2104668>>2105609

honter looking like he's playing with his mom's wig kekk

No. 2104757>>2104829>>2107187


how do they make Mikaela who's pretty and unique look like a troon while making the horseface tranny look soft and feminine. faggots need to be put of the makeup industry

i dont even like her but i'm loving this for her. DOES she have friends though?

No. 2104829

I mean..thats her face now, and Hunter does not look soft he looks like a moid in a wig. You can still tell whose the real woman here.

No. 2104922

this is terrifying. giving johnny depp vibes. like wtf happened to him to make him snap? and i'm glad firerose and tish left him, he's a joke. he looks like sasquatch and firerose and tish are too pretty and too good for him.

No. 2104935

wtf he sounds like a croakey 90 year old man which makes this scarier

No. 2105102

Yeah but that lyric and vibe was so iconic, especially at the time I remember everyone starting off with "omg what is this song? so trashy I hate it." To eventually loving and listening to it all the time and shamefully admitting to liking it kek. She really was personally responsible for popularizing certain trends around the time, I miss that shit.

No. 2105151>>2105155

He was talking about Tish.

No. 2105155>>2105159

only for the "scum of the earth" part. re-read again nona:
>He's also heard referring to Miley as a "devil" and "skank"

No. 2105159

I listened to the recording. He called tish a devil and skank because her two other kids had different fathers.(sage your shit)

No. 2105201>>2107187


By emphasizing the muscles in her arms and shoulders, as well as making her head appear larger. Hunter still looks like the male as male that he is to me, though.

No. 2105226

What work has Michaela had done?

No. 2105247

I just wanna know what is running through these peoples minds that make them think buccal fat removal is a good idea. we lose facial fat as we age imagine how they’re gonna look 20, 30 years from now, like a sunken skeleton. I haven’t seen anyone with this surgery look good. Lea Michelle looks frightening, like handsome squidward. The last girl is the most shocking, can’t tell if it’s Gabriette or Amelia Gray because they look so similar to me. so in 20-30 years I know for a fact they’re going to regret this and probably want cheek filler to improve it but I think that’s gonna make them look more uncanny.

No. 2105251

Not that this makes up for what he did at all, but if anons were wondering what made him snap, apparently Firerose was married before and didn’t tell him? Not sure how that’s such a huge deal but she also has a felony burglary theft charge. She wanted to get her things from his house and he put them in storage because she doesn’t want him there when he does it and he doesn’t want her to steal anything. By no means am I on his side though. And from Sloan’s video about this that I watched, it looks like he was calling Miley the devil, but who knows he could’ve been talking about Tish or both of them. What’s weird is that Noah and Braison are on their dad’s side. (Tish is insane for marrying someone her daughter was sleeping with but at least they’re closer in age). I still can’t get over his creepy raspy voice, it’s more terrifying than a man yelling at the top of their lungs. Sounds like he’s gonna croak any minute now.

No. 2105266>>2105272>>2105355>>2105357>>2105368

>manifesting ball cancer for…
-Johnny Depp
-Billy Ray Cyrus
-Dr. Luke
-Donald Trump
-Sam Levinson

Feel free to add to the list nonnies!

No. 2105270>>2105292>>2105726>>2106103>>2106652

File (hide): 1721972687330.png (757.6 KB, 720x1560, Screenshot_20240725-224102.png)

This is a friendship that doesn't make any sense to me

No. 2105272>>2105357

Marilyn Manson
Harvey Weinstein
Justin Timberlake
The singer of Daughters

No. 2105292

Yeah I used to be a big fan of Blake and still kinda have a crush on her but her friendship with Taylor makes her highly unlikable and sus. I loved her in Gossip Girl, The Town, Age of Adaline, A Simple Favor. But Blair Waldorf supremacy all the way. I noticed Leighton doesn’t get posted on here, it’s refreshing when you admire a celebrity who’s not a cow.

No. 2105352>>2105610>>2113752

File (hide): 1721980442059.jpeg (1.23 MB, 1170x1415, IMG_2749.jpeg)

They kinda hot together

No. 2105355>>2105693

Andrew Tate, he has a sex tape out with a 14 year old… from 12 years ago she’s 26 now idk how old he is but he is fucking yucky

No. 2105357>>2105602>>2106750

File (hide): 1721981349263.jpeg (40.92 KB, 700x875, image0.jpeg)

and the rest of his disgusting friend group as well

No. 2105368

All men, all of em

No. 2105602


No. 2105609

And playing with his mom's makeup while he's at it. The eye makeup looks uneven.

No. 2105610>>2107207

He looks like a pirate but sure, whatever rocks your boat.

No. 2105622>>2105674

File (hide): 1722005213737.jpeg (687.58 KB, 811x1252, IMG_2648.jpeg)

Here’s Billy’s response to the leaked audio. I heard there’s more clips dailymail is sitting on but they’re not leaked yet. I 100% believe BRC is an abusive piece of shit. The way he talks about the women in his life and Miley staying away from him. Just because Firerose didn’t tell you she was previously married doesn’t mean you can berate her etc.

No. 2105674>>2105896

Not the noble Cyrus bloodline!

No. 2105693

I hate that ugly bald chinlet Chad wannabe looking ass. The damage that troglodyte did to young moids is irreparable. I pray he gets aggressive ball cancer that metastasizes.

No. 2105726>>2105766

a whole pretentious essay just to promote a capeshit cashgrab is crazyyy

No. 2105766>>2106438

Right, like the fucking previews/teasers or whatever for this movie I've been forced to see (when going to the movies to watch other, better films) have been so insufferable, literally the 2014 cringe humor of a man going "stop it, when you get all angry it makes my cock so hard zaddy" when are people going to stop seeing these painfully unfunny movies. How does one "put their heart and soul" into a movie that is 30% The Boys-esque violent edge (but without any of the political commentary that makes The Boys actually edgy), and 70% terrible Tumblr dick jokes. Taylor swift must have terminal brain cancer from all those private jet fumes

No. 2105818

Micaela is so retarded for doing this. It's pretty obvious why they chose her of all people to do a shoot with a troon. Really not doing herself any favors

No. 2105896


No. 2106103>>2106704

Why do I hate Ryan Reynolds so much. Also feel like he has skeletons in his closet

No. 2106114>>2107327>>2107343>>2110372

File (hide): 1722023244189.webp (621.63 KB, 1420x1893, wallacefag.webp)

No. 2106438

Calling it now, I'm guessing there's going to be some lolrandom scene where Deadpool listens to Taylor Swift during an ultraviolent scene of killing bad guys or calls himself a Swiftie or something

No. 2106495>>2106548

Tinfoil, but I feel like pairing them together is deliberately trying to play into the "troons and black women are similar" narrative that racists TIMs keep trying to push

No. 2106502

Average gen z couple

No. 2106548

No. 2106555>>2106565>>2106567>>2106573>>2106584>>2106662>>2106749>>2106752>>2107196

File (hide): 1722035498796.png (119.88 KB, 469x546, brittany.PNG)

Brittany is mad at Halsey, I have no idea what she's talking about. I never watched the video (or anything by Hasley).

No. 2106565

Nonna don't leave us hanging we gotta know more

No. 2106567>>2106598>>2106662>>2106742>>2106928>>2107196

Halsey released a cover of Lucky

No. 2106573

File (hide): 1722036233986.png (14.56 KB, 472x209, Capture.PNG)

No. 2106584>>2106664

File (hide): 1722036942577.png (206.21 KB, 466x388, Capture.PNG)

No. 2106589>>2106600>>2107051

File (hide): 1722037475648.png (1.2 MB, 1080x1648, 3790.png)


This reminded me of the brazilian cow Andressa Urach whose son films her content

No. 2106598>>2106723

So she has cancer?

No. 2106600

Ewww, what level of emotional incest is this?

No. 2106652>>2106716

Hugh Jackman is one of her best friends? No way.

No. 2106654>>2106748>>2106961>>2107115

File (hide): 1722040494904.jpeg (893.71 KB, 1170x770, IMG_2316.jpeg)

Aregatta Grande stuns in new photo at the Paris Olympics (for some reason) looking constipated

No. 2106660>>2106672>>2106755>>2106988>>2107187

File (hide): 1722040762362.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1740, IMG_2318.jpeg)

They did Michaela dirty. Is it just me tinfoiling or did they make her look bigger and more masculine next to him on purpose? For reference, this is what they actually look like standing next to each other IRL. I swear they photoshopped him look uwu smol for that stupid bed photoshoot

No. 2106662>>2106746>>2106761

Halsey is an attention whore but nothing about that video had anything to do with Britney, does Britney think its about her or something or is she just blindsided by its release?

No. 2106664>>2106669

Lol what? Did she watch it and freak out because she misunderstood the video or is it a fake screenshot some retarded stan made?

No. 2106669>>2106686

Seems fake, I genuinely don’t think Britney would care lol

No. 2106672

I dont feel bad for her and she did it to herself. Why accept doing anything like that with a troon? Handmaidens never prosper

No. 2106682>>2106695

Just found out Zac Efron engages in yachting. Does this mean he's the one getting fucked by billionaires or is he the one fucking them?

No. 2106684>>2106847>>2106940>>2106988>>2107067>>2107114>>2108061

File (hide): 1722042068150.jpg (231.09 KB, 1448x2048, 1000004122.jpg)

She looks so chalky and washed out. I know im not supposed to say this but I miss her when she was trying to be Victoria Monet

No. 2106686

I'd prefer that, but she's also prone to confusing freak outs

No. 2106695

where did you get this information from?

No. 2106704

I don't think so, it's more so that the only time we hear his fucking voice is when he is trying to get in our wallets, whether it be a new movie or fucking mint mobile.

No. 2106716>>2106719

it’s a hamfisted joke because she is known to be friends with blake lively and ryan reynolds, and he’s the center of the pic. she can’t just post something sincere because of her cringe millennial humor. in retrospect it is kind of weird that she talks about her friends husband this way.

No. 2106717>>2106721>>2107055

File (hide): 1722043675109.jpg (171.47 KB, 720x1254, 1000004123.jpg)

Do nay of you watch the boys? Maeves exiting arc was so unsatisfactory, and I've seen an anon say before the actress was bullied by Antony Starr and that's why she quit. I couldn't wrap my head around why he would bully her and why she would let him, but it seems he really does neg women. What a slimeball. It's actually starting to seem like he's the reason the pretty actress who played starlight botched herself

No. 2106719

Yeah they definitely paid her to promote the movie.

No. 2106721>>2106724>>2107055

File (hide): 1722043843461.jpg (62.48 KB, 640x1120, 1000004124.jpg)

No. 2106723>>2106726>>2106762>>2108061

File (hide): 1722043857173.png (66.11 KB, 851x444, Screenshot (32101).png)

I think so maybe? She posted something vague about it to her Instagram last month but didn't outright disclose anything. To be honest I find it hard to take anything she says at face value because she's a BPD ex tumblrette who's lied about shit before and has so many dramatic stories and the same "invisible illnesses" that most spoonies claim to have because they're difficult to diagnose definitively. Not to sound like a huge cunt but I just feel suspicious about the way she went about this announcement, like why be coy? Just say "I have leukemia" if you have it but the way she tagged it instead makes me feel like she did that so everyone will assume she has it and if it ever comes out that she doesn't she can just claim "I never said I had it, I just tagged it for awareness" or something. She's always been a cow tbh but maybe I'm just too cynical.

No. 2106724

File (hide): 1722043945429.jpg (112.88 KB, 720x887, 1000004125.jpg)

Oh hes just a rude alcoholic loser, got it.

No. 2106726

It is… unique in how she presented it in the video. I'm not a hater I just notice when people are playing coy.

No. 2106742

Sounds like shit and super processed, this bitch can't sing at all with her whiny weak voice.

No. 2106745>>2108061

File (hide): 1722045543033.jpg (25.42 KB, 959x489, 1000004126.jpg)

No. 2106746>>2106761

Nta, I didn't watch the whole thing but when she sings "I'm so lucky, I'm a star" she's dressed in a way similar to Britney's Toxic MV. There are probably other references but I can't bother finishing the video.

No. 2106748

Ugh it makes me sad how much she ruined her face. Everything is so taut and tightly pulled back and upward, it looks painful

No. 2106749

lol she claims someone else posted this from her phone. Sure Jan

No. 2106750>>2106757

Jesus Christ he is HIDEOUS. Worse than Barry and Spongebob

No. 2106752

Didn't Britney give clearance for Halsey to use the sample? That doesn't make sense

No. 2106755>>2107263

Even though the tranny is taller, he is more feminine than Michaela. She has a man face.

No. 2106757

File (hide): 1722046357362.jpeg (39.18 KB, 1280x720, image0.jpeg)

I used to think he was attractive but that hairstyle is embarrassing and drugs and STDs aged him like curdled milk

Honestly he just looks possessed and sick these days, picrel is from April with short hair

No. 2106761>>2106784>>2113805

Well in general it's just Britney's song, so technically the entire song is to do with Britney. I'm not sure why she was initially upset about it being used though because it sounds like Halsey had permission? Unless it wasn't Britney who allowed the song to be used? I honestly don't think Britney is entirely there so I can't really bring myself to critique her in any way.

No. 2106762>>2106770>>2107074

File (hide): 1722046550065.jpeg (368.45 KB, 1023x1196, IMG_2752.jpeg)

No. 2106770

Ah shit, my bad. I read 3 different articles that said the same thing about her only tagging it not outright saying it. I guess I am a huge cunt kek

No. 2106777>>2106780>>2106781>>2106789

File (hide): 1722046913267.jpg (80.43 KB, 600x902, 1000004128.jpg)

This was so awful, it looks like a Temu version of the original its referencing.

No. 2106780

File (hide): 1722046974305.jpg (27.67 KB, 320x480, 1000004127.jpg)

Downright disrespectful kek

No. 2106781>>2106786

hard agree. idk why they decided to replace the lace veil with chiffon, it looks like a mosquito net

No. 2106784>>2106792

Britney approved of her using it, though. She had wrote Britney a long and heartfelt message before everything. I was looking into it and I am almost positive britney was having one of her weird meltdowns and thought the popstar character in the video was supposed to represent her. After people explained the meaning of the video to her, the dumbass deleted her rant and pretended it wasnt her. So it wasn't a fake post, she really posted it and is now pretending she was hacked. I love Britney but she isn't exactly all there anymore.

No. 2106786

The thick ropey plastic vines that look like they were attached with a glue gun too, whew.

No. 2106789

it's shit but why are we rehashing something from 2 months ago kek

No. 2106792>>2106799>>2106907

I know, I'm not sure why Britney was initially upset about it if she gave permission to Halsey to use it. I can't hate on Britney because she genuinely strikes me as someone with severe cognitive issues or brain damage, similar to Amanda Bynes. I've never been a Britney or Amanda fan but I feel so bad seeing how strange they both act now.

No. 2106794>>2106798>>2106996

File (hide): 1722047539771.png (732.14 KB, 984x933, Screenshot 2024-07-26 at 10.29…)

How has nobody yet posted about Harvey Weinstein's recent bout of illnesses? The scrote may well be on his deathbed!


No. 2106798

Oh boy I hope he dies

No. 2106799>>2106808>>2106810

She's definitely just on a cognitive decline. I also think she's medicated still, likely a cocktail that makes her so bizarre. She's never been truthful on social media really, you just kind of have to ignore her grandma antics. She kneejerk got angry and thought it was making fun of her because she just… isnt all there.

No. 2106801>>2106824

File (hide): 1722047669035.jpg (233.6 KB, 720x1228, 1000004129.jpg)

I tell myself that Tylas rollout is just pretty privilege. She's so cute.

No. 2106808>>2106810>>2106813

>you just kind of have to ignore her grandma antics
Exactly, I feel like a lot of people who "stan" her expect her to be totally normal and put together like she used to appear but it's just not going to happen. When she acts up like this everyone suddenly gets confused like she hasn't been like this since she was freed from her contracts. It's like having an elder relative who's in the early stages of dementia or alzheimers, when they start losing their filter. The only option is to just sort of ignore them when they start saying weird shit, I don't think her fanbase realizes that yet. I'm not saying she's old at all just that her behavior is similar.

No. 2106810

I'm bipolar and if she's indeed bipolar she could just be going through a manic or mixed episode bender. Bipolarites say bizarre things sometimes when in the throes of mania

No. 2106813>>2106826

I mean she's old-ish, but her brain is obviously never going to recover. A lot of people have accepted that. She does this kind of stuff so often though, it isnt surprising.

No. 2106824>>2106852

>pretty privilege
she looks like an irl bratz and not in a good way(sage your shit)

No. 2106826

I was unmedicated for 3 years and my brain feels damaged, I don't know how long it's going to be for things to get back to normal. I imagine whatever happened with Britney is 1000x more affective on her, plus she's older with the trauma of stardom and the conservatorship

No. 2106847>>2106862

File (hide): 1722049028801.png (1.2 MB, 1570x1044, luna.png)

what is happening with her foot?

No. 2106852>>2106870

idk what you see, but she is incredibly beautiful.

No. 2106862

Tattoos, nonna.

No. 2106870>>2106873>>2106878>>2106902>>2107176>>2107287

File (hide): 1722050027673.jpg (46.51 KB, 612x750, brenda.jpg)

Brenda Sykes was incredibly beautiful. Whitney Houston was incredibly beautiful. Mia Long was incredibly beautiful. Halle Berry was incredibly beautiful. Lauryn Hill was incredibly beautiful.

Tyla just looks like every other bog-standard botoxed Instagram-faced boomer celeb. You could throw a rock and find a dozen of her in the #y2k or #bratzcore hashtags on TikTok, even Pink Pantheress's look is more unique.

No. 2106873

*zoomer, not boomer

No. 2106878

Tyla is not plastic. The girls who look like her often look like her in a roundabout, conceptual way only through filters and posing. She's adorable.

No. 2106902

I get what you're saying generally. It's extremely annoying how everyone looks the same now, especially celebrity women. All the same kind of makeup/styling/fillers. It's really the fillers and PS they make everyone's skin look tight. I miss seeing different face styles if that makes sense.

No. 2106907

Britney seems to have brain damage from meth use imo I bet Britney still does it. Amanda seems like she became schizophrenic, which will often appear in your 20s, but is medicated for it. She's kind of flat now in her affect and way of speaking.

No. 2106928>>2106949

kind of embarrassing of herto try to leech of another pop star’s image like this, especially considering she’s still alive and well. can we get something that’s not an interpolation, please? i blame ava max.

No. 2106940>>2106950>>2107152

I agree. Even in her short lived asian phase she looked better because the contrast between her hair and her face worked in her favor as it made her look less washed out and haggard. If she wants to keep the blonde I hope she changes the shade/undertones to something more flattering. Or maybe she's intentionally going for the sick and frail anachan look? I have a soft spot for her even after the sponegbob mess-

No. 2106949

It's all that's being done currently. Fucking charli xcx wrote a whole song about Lorde to try to get attention for her album, whatever this trend is its so lame and uninspired, lazy etc.

No. 2106950

Anytime someone edits her hair and eyebrows darker she looks twenty times better. Enough of this stupid fragmented Glenda shit

No. 2106961>>2106984

she straight up looks jaundiced, especially in this light and that color dress

No. 2106984

She's still wearing fake tan constantly, its just a light fake tan. I believe it's to make her look like shes more olive toned naturally, but she just looks yellow. It's absolutely not a natural skin color

No. 2106988

Love Michaela and how her features come together to make her look like a feline. Also, you don't sound tinfoil-y at all! This photo just confirms to me that in the other photo they PS'd that hulking tranny's arms to look smaller and more akin to the female he was being paired with. I don't see 'soft' or 'feminine' when I look at him in either photos, only a shitty attempt to fool the viewer.

I actually don't hate that dress. I'd apply body makeup to fully cover the tattoos, though.

No. 2106996

Manifestation nonnas I thank you.

No. 2107031>>2107037

File (hide): 1722061629354.jpeg (812.35 KB, 1170x1371, IMG_5956.jpeg)

Good for miley

No. 2107037

This is ridiculous, the recording was bad but none of these people have read it and are just repeating misinformation. He clearly calls tish the devil and skank in the recording, not Miley. He doesn't mention Miley or noah. He very obviously calls Tish that right after stating her other children are from two different men.

No. 2107051>>2107730

This cow let a dog eat her pussy too, she's a mess. She calls other women dirty when she had a dog's tongue, which is full of bacteria because they lick their own asshole, inside her pussy.

No. 2107055>>2107058

I'm sure Antony is an asshole, but this person's story isn't consistent. First they say a former actor told them, then someone in costumes. So which is it?

No. 2107058>>2107102

I think they're two different people on each slide

No. 2107067

Her eyebrows are permanently frozen like that aren't they?

No. 2107074>>2113801

so was she mistakenly diagnosed with lupus, or both lupus and cancer?

No. 2107076>>2107081>>2107108>>2107109>>2107113>>2107156>>2107157>>2107198>>2107469>>2107536>>2107571>>2108689

File (hide): 1722067152828.jpeg (993.47 KB, 1170x2173, IMG_5975.jpeg)

The 10 most beautiful women in the world - and their Golden Ratio scores:
1 Anya Taylor-Joy - 94.66%
2 Zendaya - 94.37%
3 Bella Hadid - 94.35%
4 Margot Robbie - 93.43%
5 Song Hye-kyo - 92.67%
6 Beyoncé - 92.4%
7 Taylor Swift - 91.64%
8 Zhang Ziyi - 91.51%
9 Alia Bhatt - 91.14%
10 Nazanin Boniadi - 90.89%

This is a pretty random and at times predictable list

No. 2107081

Moreso than prettiest, I'd say these are the trendiest faces of the industry. Then again I'll never understand why they always compete female celebs like this but never do the same for male celebs even though they're also famous solely based on their looks.(sage your shit)

No. 2107102

It's the same Instagram account.

No. 2107108

Proof the Greek golden ratio is bullshit.

No. 2107109

We get a clickbait article like this a couple of times a year, it's like clockwork. Tinfoil, but I wouldn't be surprised if these celebs' PR teams pay for their artist to be ranked the highest.

No. 2107113

I don't get the Zendaya hype. She doesn't even look pretty, much less a contender for most beautiful. She's just young, tall, and skinny. Her face is a mess.

No. 2107114

Ham pink

No. 2107115

Erivo looks gorgeous

No. 2107152>>2108836

>soft spot for her
Why? She's such an awful person. Haven't you noticed she doesn't have any girl friends?

No. 2107156>>2107211>>2107219

Not a single Hispanic or dark skinned woman? I guess they use the paper bag test

No. 2107157

Bruh. I remember Amber Heard being hailed as the perfect golden ratio beauty, which was actually believable, since she has very classical looks. But these 3? Especially Anya and Zendaya, who have niche it-girl appeal? Both golden ratio "beauty" and this ranking are total bs.

No. 2107176>>2107179

File (hide): 1722076648428.jpg (258.07 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_e92d8ab8518e7de93aa2ed9…)

I kind of agree. I also personally find Ayra Starr very beautiful, I know they came out at around the same time.
The one thing I think sets Tyla apart is being very skinny/petite, which isn't the typical body type for celebrities today. Other than that, she'd likely go ignored.

No. 2107179

I literally only see anyone talk about this woman when it's to compare her to Tyla. I agree that she's very beautiful, but damn I'd hate to be a celeb and people only talk about me to compare me to or hate another celebrity kek.

No. 2107182

Nonna kekk

No. 2107187

File (hide): 1722077671314.jpeg (132.02 KB, 862x828, 1710458326088.jpeg)

Because transgender advocates (ie weird gay pedo men who want to legitimize putting young boys on estrogen/puberty blockers and occasionally castrate them) are racist, and images like picrel and some others are starting to spread, kek. Of course they'd find an already unconventional-looking black woman who got bogged with surgery and edit her to look "bigger" and "tougher" than a literal man on estrogen (even when in reality, she's more petite), all to try and make the latter look more "normal" and "feminine". Too bad reality and candid photos are still transphobic, though.

No. 2107196

This video doesn't try to make her seem superficial or heartless at all. If anything, it's the opposite. I suspect Britney either didn't watch this video and just had one of her malicious gay friends chittering in her ear telling her bullshit, or she wasn't able to gleam the message (both the star and the young girl feeling lonely, having personal issues, wanting to be loved, etc).

No. 2107197>>2107254

I know some people think she's botched, but I like how Micaela looks a lot. She has a very feline face.

No. 2107198

I wish people would notice that the point of this isn't to give an understanding of beauty and that the ratio meme is just that. This is meant to advertise plastic surgery to girls and women. Not a single woman who ends up on that list has her natural face or features anymore, and that's on purpose.

No. 2107207

different anon but that you’re right, I wanted to be a pirate when I was a kid so I think the outfit is great

No. 2107211

Tbh I doubt that(sage your shit)

No. 2107219

You're right that there's a weird racial aspect, but only neurotic young girls and boomers on Facebook really take those rankings seriously in the first place.

No. 2107254

Agreed, i find her so beautiful and unique looking. It kind of makes me sad how often people have said she looks like a tranny on here. Nonas bitch and moan about every celeb getting fillers and looking the same but if one if them has an unconventional face she looks like a man? Listen to yourselves. (Yes i know Michaela had some work done but still)

No. 2107263

This is exactly the kind of post a coping tranny would make, kek.

No. 2107287>>2107526

File (hide): 1722086980671.jpg (34.54 KB, 486x608, hb.jpg)

>Halle Berry was incredibly beautiful
was? halle may not be as young as she once was but she's still beautiful and looks fantastic for her age

No. 2107327

TIF energy.

No. 2107343

KEK ANON… underrated omg

No. 2107469>>2107513>>2107519>>2107533

taylor swift is ugly as sin compared to the other women on this list

No. 2107483>>2107486>>2107559>>2112217

File (hide): 1722100102229.jpeg (777.04 KB, 1170x1100, IMG_5995.jpeg)

Average boymom

No. 2107486>>2107491>>2112217

She can't claim than unless she was with him 100% of his life. The boymom brain says "I've never seen him do anything like that so it never happened!!".

No. 2107491>>2112217

>Referring to her son's recent interviews with Bill Maher and Piers Morgan, she said: 'He was not criminally wrong, he was morally wrong but it's changed his life forever and he's sober and he's happier than he's ever been.
>She said things were looking 'so good' for Armie now and he was set for a return to Hollywood.
>Dru added that she detailed her son's scandal in her new book - and that he signed off on it with no edits, adding he said: 'I wouldn't change anything, I'm really proud of you mom.'

Oh so she's attention seeking to sell a book and try and rebuild her sexpest son's name? Got it

No. 2107512>>2108838

46?? baby is gonna have the tism

No. 2107513>>2107584

File (hide): 1722101971312.webp (46.91 KB, 640x850, IMG_7374.webp)

She just needs to get rid of her ugly bangs and quit the red lipstick

No. 2107514

I will always be here for the dramatics of Jennifer Lopez. I don’t even think she is talented but she is good at being a classic diva celebrity and I love her for it. You go girl.

No. 2107519

*anya taylor joy

No. 2107526

She's even more beautiful somehow. Love Halle

No. 2107533>>2107742>>2107775

File (hide): 1722103423282.jpg (42.81 KB, 892x584, sdfdghjhj.JPG)

Taylor is pretty but not top tier, meanwhile Zendaya is only pretty when she is carefully posed and photographed. Treating Zendaya like some great beauty feels like hollywood uggofication psyop

No. 2107536>>2107544>>2107565

File (hide): 1722103565874.jpeg (81.55 KB, 391x391, IMG_7373.jpeg)

This list should be ranked on objective conventional beauty, right? Imo Anya Taylor Joy and Bella Hadid are not conventionally attractive to normies at all. The main group of people who genuinely find Bella attractive is ana chans and the main groups of people who find Anya attractive are also ana chans with the addition of nerdy gamer filmbro type of men and some chronically online lesbians kek. But the average normie in the real world does not view them as attractive. Taylor Swift and Zendaya on the other hand are shitted on for their looks online but most normies actually find them attractive irl, so I‘m not too mad about them being on the list (and I say this as someone who finds Anya really pretty but Zendaya kinda uggo kek, just trying to be objective)

No. 2107544

objective beauty is lowkey so much more boring than subjective beauty based on unique and rare features, personality, vibes, etc and that's why they're lying and saying that "ratios" have anything to do with this when, example, anya taylor joy specifically is beautiful (to the people who find her beautiful) because of her unusually widely spaced eyes which certainly means her facial features don't have the same "ratios" as other people's. and taylor swift has pretty average features that aren't outliers like that, but she's definitely only on the most beautiful women list because her fans like her personality and writing and relate to her (for moids, probably it's the blue eyed blonde thing because they don't have souls or care about personality but you get what I mean)

No. 2107559>>2107573

There was an older woman who said his father sexually abused her, and that his own father (Armie's grandpa) was the same. I can't remember her name, but she was mentioned a few times during the House of Effie stuff. That whole family is sick, the mother is likely a hapless pickme or just has a massive case of stockholm syndrome/boymomitis.

No. 2107565>>2107574>>2107578

Taylor swift looks nothing like this image lmfao this is like 13 years old and so filtered. Stop

No. 2107571>>2108858

File (hide): 1722105897947.jpg (1.98 MB, 4920x3280, Alia_Bhatt_IMDB.jpg)

I'm just wondering why they included Alia Bhatt. She's pretty, but a top 10 world beauty? No

No. 2107573

Wasn't that Armies aunt? The whole family sounds twisted

No. 2107574>>2107579

A woman's face doesn't really change that much in 13 years.

No. 2107578>>2107581

Not a Swiftie because I find her untalented and corny as fuck but she actually doesn’t look too different from that picture at all though apart from the styling? She barely even visually aged in all these years. (Or maybe she did but we won’t know since she‘s covering half of her face behind those hideous bangs kek)

No. 2107579>>2107580

Cope but also she doesn’t look like that pic at all it’s so heavily filtered and like bratz dollified almost. Instagram face fake photo. There’s real current photos of her or just real ones period in these threads or online

No. 2107580>>2107582>>2107727>>2107987>>2110067>>2112000

She looks the exact same in the current ones and never got surgery like others have, you are just blinded by hatred

No. 2107581>>2107584

She looks visibly older and not like that photo in every recent awards show and there’s nothing wrong with that, it’s just that that pic they posted is so grainy and filtered and very outdated in this context

No. 2107582>>2107590

>never got surgery

Found the delusional swiftie, have fun cooming to fake grain overlayed images of a 21 year old taylor with her nose job, brain dead retard. It’s not hate it’s facts. She’s not ugly but you’re a retard. That’s all I’m stating and I’m correct. Lol

No. 2107584

I was the one who posted that picture and I picked that picture because I hate her current hair and make up kek. I didn’t really think about / care for the editing. I also posted this >>2107513 one which is unedited but yeah, I just prefer her styling in that era that’s why I used these pics. Not to gaslight about her aging process or whatever you guys are thinking

No. 2107590

You want her to be an old hag so badly, kek. She's just a pretty slow-aging woman, while your faves botched themselves. Her nose doesn't look different no matter how much you hypnotize yourself. Cope.

No. 2107727

>never got surgery
Her eyes are an entirely different shape anon. I bet you think she got that from LASIK surgery like all the other delusion swift bootlickers kek. Her bolt-ons are obvious too. She also looks like she's had under-eye filler, possibly filler elsewhere too. Cope and seethe

No. 2107730>>2108223

…how was she not arrested for bestiality?

No. 2107742>>2107749>>2107785>>2107932

She is pretty in motion, but obviously she won't look that nice when she's pulling a face, has on makeup that's meant to not look like makeup, and has a bad hairstyle. Not to mention the outfit. I'm pretty sure any beautiful woman would look lackluster if styled like Zendaya there. I'm not a fan of Zendaya and I accept people finding her average, but I don't get why people say she's ugly when she's clearly not.

No. 2107749>>2107772>>2107773>>2109355

Nta, but she's meh in motion as well. If she needs a specific angle, specific lighting, specific styling, and makeup to look good, then she isn't good looking at all. Actually attractive people look good in all conditions. Margaret Robbie for example looks great in her candid photos without makeup imo.

No. 2107772>>2107793>>2107796>>2108863

File (hide): 1722115326758.jpg (24.65 KB, 400x400, 1639346417581.jpg)

>Actually attractive people look good in all conditions

No. 2107773

Even if she's meh (not imo), that's still not ugly. Also it just doesn't really make sense to judge someone's looks off of a pic where they're scowling.

No. 2107775>>2107800>>2108858

File (hide): 1722115390634.png (4.31 MB, 2532x1452, zendaya as rue.png)

>meanwhile Zendaya is only pretty when she is carefully posed and photographed
Nta but I feel like anyone would look ugly with some weird black clip in their nose, hair pulled back with a weird wrap and making stink face, stink face kills anyone's beauty. This is the image 4chan pol moids share to "prove" Zendaya is ugly. I feel like so few women can still look beautiful in every angle, lighting, making any type of weird face that's it's kind of unfair to base true beauty on that ability to do so. In some of the stills of her from Euphoria, where she's supposed to look bad but not posed in a weird way or has a black bar going across her face I feel like she still looks pretty or at least like she has potential to look pretty. She has a nice face shape, nice bone structure, full lips, a cute nose that suits her face, pretty eyes and full eyebrows. Her forehead is a good size for her face, she has gorgeous hair, nice skin, white teeth. Sidenote I also love that Zendaya never got her front incisors straightened, one of her teeth sticks out further than the other and it's really noticeable in close ups or when she's half smiling and I find it very cute and I love that she didn't feel the need to "fix" it.

No. 2107785

She's so cute I love her, her personality is so sweet and bubbly

No. 2107793>>2107797

File (hide): 1722116236523.jpg (150.97 KB, 1400x836, cover-wallace.jpg)

She kinda looks like gromit here

No. 2107796>>2107798>>2107799>>2107886>>2108398

File (hide): 1722116329548.webp (80.62 KB, 1199x1500, 8oZcFhr3fo2YlmYwHIJMaUGhszb8Op…)

Nta, but it's true. Picrel is Marilyn wearing a potato sack.

No. 2107797

Gromit is the puppy nonna

No. 2107798

well the example i posted (Adrianna) proves it's not true

No. 2107799

>make up
>in a form fitting pototoe sack dress
Zendaya would look great in this situation as well

No. 2107800>>2107836

File (hide): 1722116499192.webp (81.51 KB, 1832x1374, zendaya paris.webp)

>Her forehead is a good size for her face
kek what she got that neanderthal forehead, she needs bangs. Agree with you about her teeth though they're cute

No. 2107836

Kek I still think it suits her face

No. 2107886

She still has so much makeup….

No. 2107932

She looks better in motion, she's not ugly but she's not photogenic and her features are just kind of weird, her brow is harsh and her features look smushed. I feel like women fawn all over her because she's not that great looking

No. 2107945

I. Fogg all of you but you are all beautiful too we are all beautiful women

No. 2107955>>2108070>>2109114

File (hide): 1722121508385.jpg (96.84 KB, 720x1008, bcportrait.jpg)

Random but does anyone know why Alexa Demie fell off? I keep seeing clips of Sydney Sweeney's over the top, absolutely corny acting and it makes me wish that Alexa Demie had been the breakout star instead.

No. 2107987

NTA but right before her recent second renaissance happened, I distinctly remember checking her Instagram sometimes. She had short thin hair in a braid, and looked like a normal 30 year old.
Then all of a sudden she's in the spotlight once again, and her face 'mysteriously' goes back to 20 years old kek

No. 2108061

I hate that everyone seems to have forgotten that Fassbender is an abusive piece of shit. I can't stand seeing him.

"…Fassbender allegedly put the car in drive, dragging Andrews along with it.
“I went to the hospital and had a twisted left ankle, blown out left knee cap and a bursted ovarian cyst,” Andrews’ filing reads. “Lots of internal bleeding.”
"….A second instance of abuse….. The next morning Andrews found Fassbender “sleeping in urine” and when she tried to wake him up, he allegedly threw her over a chair and broke her nose."

Her sad little downturned eyebrows irrationally annoy me.

I fully believe Halsey is a grade A munchie.

Ice Spice makes nursery rhymes for retarded children. Anyone that listens to this unironically belongs in a group home. I knew from the lyrics alone that this would sound exactly like every other one of her songs. She uses the exact same cadence in EVERY song.

No. 2108070>>2108185>>2108243>>2108396

she got cancelled bc she kisses a 12 year old boy on the lips in some movie from a few years ago

No. 2108185>>2108243

wasn't it also bc she lied about her age

No. 2108223


She confessed that in her autobiography. Actually, she was only eleven when the dog thing happened. And yes, she was being SAed as a child.

But she is really a mess and goes back and forth between becoming ultra religious and quitting pornography and then having her son filming her content.

No. 2108243>>2108306>>2108309>>2108322

I hate how men can abuse women, have ties to pedophiles, have multiple allegations against them and still get roles and praise but if a woman kisses a kid once for a role and lies about her age and everyone ignores her from that moment on. I'm not saying it was okay to kiss that kid, just that there's a double standard.

No. 2108255

damn, that kinda recontextualizes the post about "having a dirty dog tongue inside her pussy" and makes that anon seem like an unhinged freak

No. 2108306>>2108322>>2108333

Wasn't the movie directed by Jonah hill who turned out to be a POS abuser himself? And yet the focus is somehow on Alexa for being in the movie rather than the writers and director of the movie itself for writing in a kid getting crept on

No. 2108309

moid: literally has to be arrested to get people to believe he's actually a bad person

woman: all it takes is her breathing wrong or some shit

No. 2108322>>2108326>>2108334>>2108360>>2108368>>2110174

You can call out a gross double standard without basically hand waving away the fact that she made out with a kid who very much looked like a little boy jfc. Jonah Hill and everyone involved in funding and green lighting that script is gross, Alexa Demie is also gross for kissing a child. Just because you think she's lol based for lying about her age or have a gay crush on her or whatever the hell your reasoning for bringing that shit up again, it's disgusting to take money for kissing a child on film. Yes even in an industry where moods get away with murder. No one held her at gunpoint and made her dry hump a preteen.

No. 2108326

How come Jonah Hill still has a career? Also, even other women in Hollywood have done worse and still have a career. There's literally a woman posted ITT who admitted her 13 year old son edits her OnlyFans photos, but CPS hasn't taken him away and she still gets interviews/PR. What the fuck is that all about?

No. 2108333

Right? They care more about Alexa Demia ACTING and not the real, actual pedophiles and rapists in Hollywood that create the media they regularly consume and shell bux too.

No. 2108334

I gauruntee you regularly watch films and television that have at least a handful of members in its production that are pedos or exploit women bts. Stfu girl.

No. 2108360

>You can call out a gross double standard without basically hand waving away the fact that she made out with a kid who very much looked like a little boy jfc
Ayrt in your second post tag, yeah and that's what I did in the spoiler. I'm not going to write some essay length thinkpiece about why it's wrong to kiss kids, we already know it's not okay and it's been said itt a dozen times before.

>Just because you think she's lol based for lying about her age or have a gay crush on her or whatever the hell your reasoning for bringing that shit up again

I have no clue why you put this in because I didn't say any of this and neither did the other anon you tagged, I have no idea who she is outside of lying about her age, kissing a child in a movie, and playing Maddie in Euphoria. I'm also straight so I have no clue what comment your seething over but it's not mine, and doesn't seem like the other anons either. I also didn't bring up the topic, I just replied to it. You can calm down now.

No. 2108368

>Anon: There's a double standard for what qualifies women being cancelled vs men being cancelled.
>Anon: Yes and why wasn't Jonah Hill given more critique for being the one to orchestrate the scene between a minor and adult? He wasn't held accountable at all. And he's an abuser.
>You: Oh so you don't care about a child being victimized huh? You don't care about little boys being hurt! You just stan Alexa because your a big lesbian and think she's cool for lying about her age! And how dare you bring up this topic that you didn't even bring up! You big lesbian!!
How did you interpret those posts so wrong kek

No. 2108396

This whole convo is dumb because Alexa did not get cancelled for this for long. She "fell off" because she's barely been doing anything since Euphoria.

No. 2108398

This is a professional photoshoot, and the sack is made to look like a dress.

No. 2108689

anya is fugly. putting her above margot, taylor and beyonce? laughable. which coquette zoomer twitter user made this retarded list lmfao

No. 2108836

>bought 6 matching diamonds for 6 of my bitches
How do you explain that line kek? In all seriousness tho she’s obviously close with Cynthia, the girl who played Jade in Victorious, and Courtney Chipolone

No. 2108838

Everyone’s got a touch of the tism these days

No. 2108847

File (hide): 1722182593457.png (605.69 KB, 1279x1026, trumpmiley.PNG)

to top it off Trump even made a remark about Miley last night at the bitcoin convention.
>“Billy Ray Cyrus is here, where is Billy Ray, he’s around here someplace,” Trump said, praising the 62-year-old for performing at the funeral of Corey Comperatore – who was killed in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13 by a bullet intended for Trump. Spotting the country and pop singer, Trump said, “He’s a conservative guy. I said, ‘How did you get such a liberal daughter?’ How had that happened, Billy Ray?'”


No. 2108858

looks like any auntie you meet in the balkans

No. 2108863>>2109355

I didn't bring up Adriana Lima though? And I don't really find her attractive because of how inconsistent her looks are. She looks different in each picture of her and I can't always recognize her.

No. 2108967>>2108987>>2109228

File (hide): 1722188700518.jpeg (100.38 KB, 890x1188, IMG_2772.jpeg)

(no context, worthless post)

No. 2108987

I wish you'd spoilered this

No. 2109114>>2109200

She's not a good actress, like not at all. Sydney is not really good either but a bit better and has looks that are always in fashion. She also produces some movies she's in.

No. 2109200

Yeah I was thinking the same thing, anon called Sydney's acting corny and over the top but Alexa's was just as bad.

No. 2109228

Someone needs to send this caveman back to the stone age

No. 2109355>>2109723

I'm sorry but Margot looks way worse regardless of angles or makeup. Her mouth reminds me of the joker.
If a literal model is ugly because of one photo then so is everyone else.

No. 2109723

But some models are funny looking they just photograph really well at certain angles

No. 2110067>>2110548>>2110996>>2111648

File (hide): 1722271388652.jpg (50.98 KB, 602x452, 1000032331.jpg)

I hate posting these but she's very obviously gotten at least 4 different surgeries done to her face ffs. Also veneers.. and hers are awful.

No. 2110136

File (hide): 1722274415077.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1209, IMG_6101.jpeg)

is Lily Chee still social climbing?

No. 2110143>>2110149>>2110167>>2110568>>2111644>>2112503

File (hide): 1722274758545.jpeg (900.51 KB, 1170x1684, IMG_6102.jpeg)

why do all sexually deviant celebs always end up fleeing to europe

No. 2110149

cause the age of consent is lower, obviously!

No. 2110167>>2115024

Europeans are quite pro-pedo. They see child rape as something akin to minor theft. Their laws are more concerned about rehabilitating pedophiles with child porn than sending them to jail.

No. 2110174

You moralfags are the reason women get cancelled for anything because your emotional screeching has zero effect on actually dangerous people aka men.

No. 2110372

three days late, but still, a lifechanging addition. Akin to Grimes looking like Jimin.

No. 2110544>>2110546>>2111626>>2112542

File (hide): 1722292044172.jpeg (1.09 MB, 1170x1673, IMG_2476.jpeg)

No. 2110546

Elon sees a blonde woman he can cloutdig and runs like a gold medalist sprinter.

No. 2110548

I always thought something about her face looked kind of…porcine? And she doesn’t anymore, it must be the eyes

No. 2110568>>2112497

temples bare, teeth rotting. he looks like shit. couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.
to answer, age of consent in italy is 14 and pedoshit is very normalized in europe. they invite known diddlers to their award shows year after year despite complaints and protests from other attendees.

No. 2110996

Reminds me of the deranged swiftie a couple threads ago claiming she got nose shrinkage from accutane

No. 2111626

isn't he also a babyfur

No. 2111644

Lana's ex boyfriends / lovers are all so problematic

No. 2111648>>2111983

I mean definitely the eyes and brow area but what other surgeries?

No. 2111983>>2114571

Nose. For sure
I feel like she also got something on her upper lip area

No. 2112000

i will never understand people who say shit like this about celebrities & plastic surgery. they're rich and famous, let's focus on what's more likely instead of your poor eyesight

No. 2112217>>2112423

She's one of the worst of the boymoms. I can't seem to find the screenshots anywhere anymore, but I remember when one of his exes (paige or courtney?) publicly shared her story, his mom started texting her out of nowhere full of vitriol and chastising her for "What SOME girls will do for attention!!"

No. 2112423>>2115023

File (hide): 1722376561868.jpeg (1.02 MB, 1170x1802, IMG_6149.jpeg)

I love how Effie keeps going for his throat. She also claimed his lawyers (attorneys from Marty Singer's garbage firm) kept harassing her on Twitter. This grotesque man who can't even act doesn't deserve to attempt a redemption arc but I'm not surprised he is, I thought I remember reading he got disinherited? Then why is mommy defending him

No. 2112437>>2112545>>2112630

File (hide): 1722377170239.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1811, IMG_6152.jpeg)

No. 2112438>>2113790

File (hide): 1722377230292.jpeg (895.33 KB, 1170x1709, IMG_6153.jpeg)

Excerpts from a proposed memoir written by Diddy's ex, Kim Porter.

No. 2112444>>2113341>>2114661

File (hide): 1722377387337.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.08 MB, 1170x1217, IMG_6154.jpeg)

I don't understand why anyone would say otherwise, they look too large for her frame now and she's noticeably had other work done

No. 2112451>>2112453>>2112496>>2112857

File (hide): 1722377677242.png (272.8 KB, 720x1016, 1000005961.png)

Crosspost from Britbong thread, Katie Price is gonna be arrested because she didn't show up to court.

No. 2112453

kek I hope they arrest her

No. 2112487>>2112493>>2112551

File (hide): 1722378505609.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1945, IMG_6160.jpeg)

her denying her obvious lip filler and weird eye surgery is so funny to me, those aren't things caused by lupus

No. 2112493>>2112500>>2112551

I think it’s caused by the meds she takes due to her kidney surgery. I’m p sure those meds make your face swell and your eyes bulge. Swelling everywhere and weight gain. Although I think before her surgery she had a little bit of injections.

No. 2112496>>2112676

KEK at her itt, I don't think anyone knows her outside of the uk

No. 2112497>>2112509

the age of consent 14 as in you can have some self freedom and you can choose stuff in trials, you can't fuck 14 y/o kids as an adult what the fuck are you talking about. 14 year olds can't drink, drive, get tattoos and shit, they're still minors.

No. 2112500>>2112551

I think so too, ive seen anons claim she doesn't even have lupus and it is all a cover up for plastic surgery or whatever. so dumb

No. 2112503>>2112517

Ugh why. He was so hot. I would have loved to be one of his students I don't even care

No. 2112509

File (hide): 1722379261590.jpg (685.99 KB, 1800x1800, 1000015722.jpg)

i think anon means this

No. 2112510


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2112517>>2112524

see this is precisely why moids get away with grooming, "I thought he was hot at the time" kek

he looks shitty now so I feel a sense of fine shaudenfrued

No. 2112524>>2112528>>2112532>>2112557

I still would now though, if he tidied himself up a bit

No. 2112528>>2112529

What's the appeal of fucking a pedo with rotting teeth? There's literally nothing attractive left.

No. 2112529>>2112539

No. 2112532>>2112541

I would say "girl love yourself" but I used to be a carreyfag so I have no room to talk

No. 2112539

I don't forgive you but thank you for apologizing.

No. 2112541>>2112546

nta, but if this is carreychan at least you actually called him out on his shit

No. 2112542>>2112547

I'm so sick of this fugly bitch who got popular because of a shitty sex joke

No. 2112545

>didnt have a helmet on
Always these types

No. 2112546

trying to rid yourself of sexual attraction toward something you now hate and fear is really fucking painful

No. 2112547

we live in a society

No. 2112551>>2112609>>2114571>>2114576

I don't know if she really has lupus or not, but there's been a LOT of speculation that it's actually because she's a severe alcoholic (and possibly drug addict) and hiding it well. Her friend who donated her kidney to her got very angry and stopped talking to her after she saw her getting drunk after surgery. There's also a ton of videos of selena stumbling around, and there's even a video of her and justin in some sketch part of LA waiting for their drug dealer (allegedly). Tbh these rumors have been going on for a LONG time, and your face does swell a lot and get bloaty if you're an alcoholic. It's been posted several times in previous threads.

No. 2112557

Can u pls stop simping for fucking abusers pls ffs celebricows has the dumbest pick mes

No. 2112609

This is probably true the kidney transplant thing is sus

No. 2112630

Average bike driver in a big city.

No. 2112676

Kid you not, I've seen her old pictures get posted as y2k inspiration.

No. 2112815>>2112822>>2112823>>2113742>>2114598

File (hide): 1722395654904.jpeg (987.54 KB, 1170x1727, IMG_6183.jpeg)

>Robert Downey Jr. will be making his return to the Avengers universe in two new movies - but will not be reprising his role as Iron Man.
>Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige confirmed that the Oscar winner, 59, will be returning to the franchise during Marvel's panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Saturday.
>The actor will play supervillain Victor von Doom (also known as Doctor Doom), in the 5th and 6th Avengers films, titled Avengers: Doomsday, and Avengers: Secret Wars.
>Downey Jr. made his dramatic entrance at the convention in a Doom costume, surrounded by replica Doombots, before taking off his silver mask and revealing his face to shocked fans who gave him a standing ovation.
>The actor was seen addressing the crowd at the convention in a clip shared by Variety, telling the crowd, 'New mask, same task. What can I tell you, I like playing complicated characters.'

just retire the MCU already

No. 2112818>>2112829

File (hide): 1722395793550.jpeg (852.03 KB, 1170x974, IMG_6184.jpeg)

God they all look awful

No. 2112822>>2113398

The moment i saw this, i thought it was so retarded. At least the benefit is that Dr Doom rarely takes off his mask, but the whole point the of mask and the character is that he is actually very attractive underneath, he just wears a mask because he's so vain and is self-conscious about a minor scar.

No. 2112823>>2112900

The announcement was cringe I saw it scrolling the other day. I hate all those movies made exclusively on green screen. My eyes do not take it in as well as films filmed on built sets or on location. It's noticeable people say I'm lying but there's something off. I had a terrible date watching that fucking Thor 4dx film and I cannot remember anything about it. Don't know where it took place can't remember any significant plot point nothing.

No. 2112825

File (hide): 1722395965124.jpeg (1.12 MB, 1170x1195, IMG_6185.jpeg)

he's not slammed half as hard for being a sex pest. I wish more women would come out against him, he sounds insufferable and gross

No. 2112829>>2112843

I feel like they swing and fuck eachother or fuck eachothers girlfriends while the other watch. I think the same about Micheal Rubin and his obession with black famous men, everyone thinks they are prostitutes (they are) but I think his fetish is watching them fuck his wife. Theres something oddly sexual about all of this. Gives me old bisexual men who think it's less gay if they have a woman involved. It's gross.

No. 2112843

I'm pretty much of the opinion all male actors are bi, especially children actors that most likely get groomed by older men and their early sexual experiences are with grown men.

No. 2112857>>2112865>>2113338>>2113344

Women look so fucking scary when their mouths get super wide like this, like a glasgow smile. How does this happen? It isnt natural but im not sure what causes it

No. 2112865>>2112872

Think it's her filler.

No. 2112872>>2113338

How does it widen the actual corners of their mouth though? The same thing happened to Zac effron

No. 2112900

The only MCU content I've really given a fuck about post Endgame has been Wandavision, the new Spiderman, and Multiverse of Madness. And I really only give a fuck about anything that involves Wanda kek

No. 2113118>>2113196>>2113386>>2113400>>2113639>>2113806>>2114365>>2114384>>2114530

I’ve watched a couple videos about Ariana’s life and controversies since I never knew anything about her till SpongeBob, this one is by far the best. It covers a lot of things that haven’t even been posted on here.

No. 2113196

I love seeing public opinion turn against her and her pickme ways

No. 2113338>>2114336

When you get lip filler there’s no guarantee it’ll stay in place, often times the filler will move and spread out, therefore stretching out your lips. I assume a face lift will widen your mouth as well because think about it: your flesh is basically being pulled to the sides

No. 2113341

large chested women exist anon. they hang very naturally, no visible scars. definitely had lipo done, fat transfer into chest is possible, but i seriously doubt implants

No. 2113344

its multiple botched facelifts + filler dragging down the already stretched skin

No. 2113386>>2113400>>2114519>>2114537

I agree with the conclusion in the end. She picks a new man every time she enters a new era. She will definitely leave SpongeBob once the Wicked thing is wrapped. I can see her new man being Penn Badgley because they’re behaving the same way she behaved with her previous relationships before openly dating them. I think part of why she chooses taken men is so they can’t criticize her for cheating since they’re cheaters themselves kek. The true idiots are the men who leave their long term relationships for a popstar that only views them as a phase. But damn it’s crazy how she cannot stay single for a single second.

No. 2113398

>the whole point the of mask and the character is that he is actually very attractive underneath, he just wears a mask because he's so vain and is self-conscious about a minor scar.
That was Jack Kirby's original concept but sadly it's not canon (anymore). It should be canon, but unfortunately they decided that disfigured monstrosity is the way to go. Something about him putting on the mask when it was still hot and it burning his face or something.

No. 2113400>>2113455

i just finished watching it and your reply popped up at the same time
i think it's an interesting way to look at it. at the end of the day i do think she's a homewrecker with major psychological issues. like it's clear she must enjoy breaking up marriages to some degree. but i can see that also being a part of it, factoring in it's her playing some character. the jim carrey method acting thing was an interesting sidenote, i'm glad she made the connection there
>I can see her new man being Penn Badgley because they’re behaving the same way she behaved with her previous relationships before openly dating them
completely agree! the signs are pointing to it all over. i felt like the fact that she was saying she wanted to have dinner with a serial killer while making eyes at a guy who played a serial killer is incredibly telling. it gives me the creeps honestly.
it's gonna be pretty funny when spongebags dumped and known as the smug POS who left his newborn child and wife, he completely ruined his reputation with this and arigatiano will most certainly move onto the next one… easily after some PR nonsense. what a shitshow.

also thanks for the video nona! was entertaining and i liked the images changing on the TV next to her

No. 2113455

>it's gonna be pretty funny when spongebags dumped and known as the smug POS who left his newborn child and wife, he completely ruined his reputation with this and arigatiano will most certainly move onto the next one… easily after some PR nonsense. what a shitshow.
God I just hope that his ex wife won't take him back just because they have a child together.

No. 2113503>>2113593

File (hide): 1722429469007.png (1.18 MB, 1080x1946, xQPJk4r.png)

>Bollywood actor talks about meeting his (now) wife when she was 9 and he was 20

No. 2113593

fuck. moids are a disease

No. 2113639

Everyday I feel vindicated for always having a bad feeling about all those pop artists, both male and female, and never liking their music back when they were starting and got big and everyone was calling me out for not knowing or liking them. Now they're all exposed for the trashy people they are, which was always present somehow in their "music" and lack of talent anyways. I stay winning without the trash in my life.

No. 2113742>>2113789>>2114339

File (hide): 1722441666544.jpeg (437.47 KB, 1170x1107, IMG_6205.jpeg)

RDJ's salary increases, meanwhile a worker on marvel set made less money working as a costume assistant than working fastfood

No. 2113752

bit late but i think theyre such an attractive couple and these fits are so good.

No. 2113789

All celebrities are grossly overpaid for playing make believe for a living. Spoiled brats.

No. 2113790

File (hide): 1722443042653.jpeg (704.12 KB, 1728x2039, 34D8127B-1F9F-427D-91EF-5337F8…)

Kim Porter was friends with Vanessa Trump(ex-wife of Donald Trump Jr.)since their modeling days in New York. Kim had dinner with the couple from time to time and allegedly told Vanessa about her fear of Diddy.

No. 2113801

Both lupus and cancer

No. 2113805>>2114448

>in general it's just Britney's song
Britney didn't write this song or have anything to do with the production. It's just her voice that is used. Technically, no one even had to ask her permission since she does not "own" the song. Pop wasn't a bunch of singer-songwriters back then the way it is now.

No. 2113806

>"'she's a little girl she's she's only 21 years old' they'ew still saying she's a little girl. she's like 36 or something. like, it's like, at what point…?"
Kek, this reminds me of when anons were trying to defend Grimes being a retarded pickme in her 30s before she went fully retarded

No. 2113896>>2114343>>2114346>>2114355

File (hide): 1722447565346.jpeg (703.01 KB, 1170x1870, IMG_2779.jpeg)

>make a career out of being an aesthetic tumblr girlie
>build a fanbase around edgy alternative teens with pinterest boards
>start releasing shitty h&m pop and larping as britney
>edgy teens don’t vibe with it

No. 2114336

Thanks, facelift makes the most sense, you're right. It looks terrifying.

No. 2114339

I saw a viral post about how RDJ does not deserve that much money and that it's a grossly obscene amount and there were simps arguing about it. Production is often underpaid. There are tons of interns, assistants, crew members etc. that make barely anything when they spend up to 14 hours a day on set. The man looks so pleased with himself accepting his new role, meanwhile the crew will be cut, their pay will be meager in comparison, and the actors (and "elite" producers) will make a killing off of the rest of the crews blood sweat and tears

No. 2114343

I believe a lot of peoples problems with her new song is that it's just a "feel sorry for me" trauma porn kind of video. She went out of her way to highlight the chemo treatments and try to look sick and depressed. Many would argue pointing this out is cold and heartless, but deliberately trying to make yourself look like a martyr in a comeback debut is kind of corny. There didn't even really seem to be any positive message, it was just larping as a britney type pop girl and saying "guys look at me, see its all smoke and mirrors i am so sick and frail". So while representation of people with cancer in media is great, I think its very rare to see someone with cancer trying to vainly iconography themselves like this video. All in all it was kind of pointless.

No. 2114346>>2114356>>2114363>>2114396>>2114578

I always thought she was so obnoxious. I remember she became a topic of conversation on tumblr because some of her early fans found out she had a one night stand with Matty Healy before she made any music, and then she made it a huge part of her personality, constantly referencing it in songs and then eventually writing ‘colors’ about him even though they never had a relationship and Healy has a long history of pumping and dumping many female fans. I also think it’s wrong that she posts her kid online. She should get bullied more. And she sings like she’s glitching KEKKK

No. 2114355

having cancer doesn’t make you special, retard. go cry about it

No. 2114356>>2114363

Ąnd įf yêųø lịëķ the wăęy ÿéűœ lœøk tĥæt mŭch

No. 2114363>>2114379

Watched this yesterday, and now this is being discussed kek.

No. 2114365

Even when she's crying over the bombing, she doesn't drop the Africana accent. That's creepy.

No. 2114379

Thæn yêů should go ænd fųck ÿœụrsəælf

No. 2114384>>2114388>>2114432>>2114481>>2114577

I didnt realize she was such an edgefag

No. 2114388

Back in the day she actually talked about being a big horror fan, iirc she dressed up as Jason Voorhees for something at her high school

No. 2114396>>2114428>>2114584

Why do anons always cape for Healy, it seems like he has a pattern of lovebombing and promising shit to his partners and then dumping them. Let's not normalize abusive, shitty men.

No. 2114428

Anon wasn't caping for him, everyone knows he's an ugly loser

No. 2114432

God, why does she still put on this baby voice and how do people manage to just ignore it? It's like people are pretending she's always sounded like this the whole time just because she played Cat and used the same voice. I wonder what new aesthetic she'll pick up once this whole Wicked ordeal is over

No. 2114448

Yeah of course but I was just saying that's why Britney is heavily associated with it, because it was initially "her song" as in she's the one who sung it and had a mv for it. I'm not defending Britney or Halsey I dislike them both, I was just saying that's what association Britney has to the song cause I thought the nonnas didn't know it was initially "hers."

No. 2114481

It’s a stretch but the Dahmer thing makes me think she’s going to go for Evan Peters next.

No. 2114519>>2114548

There was a blind item that she specifically picks men who can get her drugs - specifically, coke. And that she makes sure she has another man lined up who can get it for her before she leaves her current man.. I don’t think this was the case with her first few boyfriends cuz that was teenage love but I believe it about Ricky, Big Sean, Mac Miller, Pete, and even Dalton. SpongeBob is also definitely on Coke or some kind of stimulant. You can tell when he’s doing interviews, and especially that one paparazzi video with them where she got out of the car and was immediately startled and jumped back. Just a tinfoil though.

On another note, I think it’s crazy if what Tana said about Zach Sang telling all of Ari’s secrets when he’s drunk is true. She’s done so many interviews on his podcast, I wonder if they will stay friends

No. 2114530

She looks possessed in this thumbnail

No. 2114537>>2114551>>2114661

You really think Penn would leave his wife and kid for her? I’d like to think he’s one of the only moids on this earth with morals. I’d be devastated if he turned out to be a shitty person

No. 2114548>>2114556>>2114614

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>men who give her coke
this explains why she mayve hooked up with Jim Carrey, she would've simultaneously been homewrecking his relationship with Ginger Gonzaga (who he was allegedly abusive to anyway, surprise surprise) and gotten drugs out of the deal because he is a known junkie

No. 2114551>>2114556

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I remember reading some weird weird blind item about Penn being into kink, that said I want to believe he'd be loyal to his wife but I've known better atp than to trust scrotes in hollyweird

No. 2114556>>2114589

Him and his wife are probably swingers.

Coke explains a lot of her behavior but this is such a non-epiphany because a lot of people in the entertainment industry are on coke. Even Charli xcx just did some stupid megaobvious bump during her most recent set as some ploy for online attention.

No. 2114561>>2114664

File (hide): 1722481498684.jpg (173.9 KB, 1430x1430, 75e9b6b55f7d7e5594ea599d492dd2…)

Has she said anything yet?

No. 2114567>>2114667>>2114828>>2115315

File (hide): 1722481719275.jpg (141.77 KB, 720x629, 1000004181.jpg)

Blake… Brown…?

No. 2114571

yeah i dont think its just filler, the reason she cant close her damn mouth could be because of a lip flip.
you can have lupus and be an addict. not saying she does or doesnt because i dont find it interesting enough to do a deep dive, im just saying theres a possibility that both things are true.

No. 2114576

I think the easier answer here is that having lupus is making her more susceptible to crashing out from drugs and alcohol.

No. 2114577

she sounds like lillie jean

No. 2114578>>2114581>>2114629>>2115238

Damn this performance was so anticlimactic. Like yasss girl give us nothing. Dead / blank expression, no passion or soul behind her voice. I’ll never understand why she blew up or got signed. Her music isn’t that good and neither is her voice.

To date, this is the only song I think she sounds good on. Skip to 1:11 to hear her part. She sounds way better in a higher register and with a kind of rock and roll vibe. Pop music isn’t for her.

No. 2114581>>2114664

Please go back to Datalounge

No. 2114584

nta but that anon wasnn't caping for him at all? she literally called out that he's a whore who pumps and dumps every woman he sees(sage non-milk posts in celebricows)

No. 2114589>>2114595

Coke is also how people in entertainment stay bone skinny, they also smoke a lot

No. 2114595

They thought that girl was licking donuts stone sober kek

No. 2114598>>2114619

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No. 2114614

File (hide): 1722484245110.jpeg (43.33 KB, 737x347, IMG_8775.jpeg)

Re: him abusing Ginger Gonzaga

she probably won't ever come out and publicly admit it though

No. 2114619

I'm surprised JM's career has actually suffered over his accusations

No. 2114629

i actually think this is the worst shes ever sounded

No. 2114661

Listen to any of his interviews/podcasts and it will become apparent how boring, vapid and pretentious he really is. He loves to criticize the characters of You because he’s overcompensating for being the very people the show supposedly ridicules: wealthy and privileged faux-feminists.

No. 2114664

She doesn’t need to. Timothy is insane, why bring it up again randomly after all these years?

Not even sure wtf that means but ok lol. Sorry for having an opinion.

No. 2114667>>2114701

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No. 2114701>>2114749>>2115231

I'm aware Lively isn't her birth name but trying to make yourself sound like a Bobbie Brown type when you're known for an entirely different name is a choice. It just sounds bad.

No. 2114749>>2114764

Lively cosmetics or a similar name would've been a lot cuter

No. 2114764

She doomed it before rollout

No. 2114828

Both the name 'Brown' and multiple B's are already closely tied to certain cosmetic brands. I like the packaging and the color scheme but the name needed more work.

No. 2114858>>2115298

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No. 2115023

Effie is batshit herself.

No. 2115024>>2115336

Europe is not a single country.

No. 2115231

I remember reading a study that said alliteration made for successful branding. It's why the Kardashians do it.

No. 2115238

In the thumbnail was it a story reason he has yellow eyes or is he just jaundice?

No. 2115298

i wonder if he's relapsed now that he's fallen off a lot

No. 2115309

File (hide): 1722527932897.jpeg (789.95 KB, 1170x1555, IMG_6245.jpeg)

>Child Star, the upcoming documentary directed by Demi Lovato, will feature interviews with Drew Barrymore, JoJo Siwa, Christina Ricci and more, it was revealed on Wednesday.
>The singer-turned-filmmaker will be interviewing a bevy of former child stars including Kenan Thompson, Raven-Symoné and even Alyson Stoner, who costarred with Demi in Camp Rock, according to The Hollywood Reporter.
>Demi, 31, landed her breakthrough role on Barney & Friends at the age of eight and became a Disney Channel personality shortly afterward.
>As she grew into an adult celebrity, she battled a host of personal demons, including bulimia, drug abuse and bipolar disorder.
>Demi will be examining the lives of other people who grew up under the glare of public scrutiny.

No. 2115315

I can't say the packaging isn't cute because I have a soft spot for bees and the aesthetic but… Is anyone actually that big of a fan of Blake Lively to buy makeup for her? I thought that the recipe for successful celeb skincare/makeup is to have a big fanbase like Ariana, Lady Gaga, etc. Jessica Alba is one example of a celeb that doesn't have a diehard fanbase, but she got lucky with Honest Company because she was one of the first to establish a celebrity led brand. The celeb lines are reaching their peak. What does Blake have to offer that will make her stand out? Lol the peak of her stardom was during Gossip Girl and that's long passed.

The name is also stupid, generic, and disrespectful to the legend Bobbi Brown. Lively Beauty or whatever has a much nicer ring.

No. 2115316

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>Sources with direct knowledge tell TMZ, the split has nothing to do with cheating. We're told this "is a long time in coming" – the 2 have been growing apart for a long time. As one source put it, "They're just disconnected from each other."
>We're told if you look back at Cardi's posts from December, she said, "You know when you just out grow relationships … I'm tired of protecting peoples feelings … I GOTTA PUT MYSELF FIRST!"
>Our sources say they tried to work things out the first part of the year, but the distance between them just kept growing.

No. 2115317


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2115336>>2115362

If Africa can be a country, why can't Europe?

No. 2115362>>2115661

Africa is a continent.

No. 2115661

there is a eurovision and africavision and even a usavision but no americasvision or asiavision or antarcticavision. you are a country.

No. 2123707

File (hide): 1722916717876.png (195.75 KB, 1936x906, cucky cryday.png)

Apparently they're making freaky friday 2. Painful how consumers are being cucked so hard by the media industry

No. 2125136

New thread >>2124373

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