File: 1718485719358.jpeg (339.44 KB, 506x631, IMG_7039.jpeg)

No. 2050407
Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.
>>>/ot/1559641 No. 2050453
File: 1718488839149.png (128.23 KB, 1289x554, nLoTLKM.png)

No. 2050628
File: 1718495261310.webp (99.22 KB, 2048x1152, IMG_9149.webp)

Anyone else remember when Bieber would spit on his fans from his apartment balcony? Good times
No. 2050762
this makes me giggle because it’s so cuteeee
No. 2050812
File: 1718504660376.jpeg (99.08 KB, 827x809, IMG_3338.jpeg)

No. 2050870
This mother and daughter are 90 and 63, the mom looks so cute
No. 2050886
File: 1718508381984.jpg (261.4 KB, 951x1695, b37_1280.jpg)

why am I slightly jealous
No. 2051546
No. 2051798
No. 2051810
No. 2051819
File: 1718575545230.png (7 KB, 540x160, images (1).png)

No. 2052811
File: 1718638704865.mp4 (2.16 MB, 576x1024, v0f044gc0000cpjbqu7og65v6rphft…)

It looks like jerma kekkkkkk
No. 2052832
File: 1718640044316.mp4 (416.51 KB, 576x750, v09044g40000cop94rvog65kb7oek4…)

No. 2052850
File: 1718640489455.mp4 (1.37 MB, 576x1024, v0f044gc0000cpm55lfog65rkj6jqe…)

I’m carrying this entire thread atm
No. 2052872
chonky monky
No. 2052892
>>2052875I don’t care kek
No. 2052894
last one
No. 2052906
ok no now this is really the last one
No. 2052937
File: 1718646904377.jpeg (85.29 KB, 389x594, IMG_1281.jpeg)

>>2052913you hurt my feelings anon. this is the first time anyone on here hurt my feelings………………..
No. 2052978
File: 1718648973146.jpg (49.33 KB, 563x721, b9f231ca1733f232fdaab384908d20…)

No. 2052994
File: 1718649543428.webm (9.13 MB, 640x480, gamer rage.webm)

No. 2053001
File: 1718649693844.jpg (52.13 KB, 640x686, 1rjowz67mzv51.jpg)

It's even funnier after building my first piece of Ikea furniture. I get it now.
No. 2053144
File: 1718656921357.gif (8.39 MB, 524x640, deez.gif)

My favorite gif of all time, it makes me laugh so hard I cry, every fucking time
No. 2053334
can’t curbstop somebody so back to spamming this thread to keep myself cool
No. 2054577
No. 2054582
German accents are so hideous I thought this was a skit at first
No. 2054603
No. 2054720
File: 1718746923729.jpeg (372.24 KB, 750x721, IMG_1302.jpeg)

>hope he’s not ugly
kek, oh god. she’s so damn pretty
No. 2057939
File: 1718924267484.mp4 (1.95 MB, 480x404, mfw.mp4)

so glad we're done with that atrocious ai threadpic. i was avoiding the previous thread just because of how ugly it was
No. 2057941
File: 1718924309078.mp4 (2.58 MB, 720x684, Bnn8x9MCSuIJPhTJ.mp4)

No. 2057942
File: 1718924396010.jpg (115.15 KB, 960x960, burger units.jpg)

No. 2057946
File: 1718924515856.jpg (245.29 KB, 1536x1154, freethinker.jpg)

No. 2057949
File: 1718924549687.png (321.28 KB, 1080x786, gegg.png)

No. 2057953
File: 1718924990725.png (456.79 KB, 675x680, truelove.png)

>>2057951i have no idea what you're talking about nona
No. 2057956
File: 1718925286948.mp4 (887.51 KB, 540x360, BifD4_V6FQtEOG7v.mp4)

No. 2058128
File: 1718940611779.jpeg (431.7 KB, 1637x2048, IMG_4294.jpeg)

No. 2058171
File: 1718943258140.png (618.27 KB, 719x741, GQd2nNIacAAWL9s.png)

No. 2059314
His dance at the beginning
No. 2059561
No. 2059879
File: 1719071862550.jpeg (51.99 KB, 750x136, IMG_1366.jpeg)

The pfp holy shit KEK
No. 2060025
File: 1719078723940.jpeg (350.43 KB, 564x795, IMG_1369.jpeg)

Kekk. How hard is it to really lose weight? if you can make the effort to go running for food during your vacation you can make the effort to run period
No. 2060623
File: 1719108482468.mp4 (2.05 MB, 576x1024, 4j6QeV5MIfTKLh8R.mp4)

No. 2060841
File: 1719131560155.png (296.94 KB, 924x882, stop a tilt like you’re .png)

No. 2060933
No. 2060941
No. 2060961
ne lurking /g/ for a few hours:
No. 2060998
>>2060860it's a ginger cat, they literally don't care if you shove them away, ruthless motherfuckers
sources: me, owner of two ginger cats who look like WWE wrestlers when they "play" with each other
No. 2061178
this is how stupid and fat some of your guys’ cats are
No. 2062190
it’s too early for this
No. 2062256
File: 1719244296030.png (1011.78 KB, 802x1341, Captura de tela 2024-06-24 124…)

>>2059886What's going on here? Also not a single woman in sight, made me a little sad.
>>2060623This guy is hitting the cat too hard, of course he's gonna get more aggressive and combative the harder the guy hits.
>>2060961Lmao picrel got recommended to me after I watched this video.
>>2062190That lady was shaped like a minion. Also the youtube poop descendants of youtube poop are going in very interesting directions.
No. 2062821
No. 2062843
No. 2062878
File: 1719280477900.jpeg (55.28 KB, 688x518, IMG_3895.jpeg)

No. 2063093
No. 2063095
No. 2063248
>>2063095she’s real for this
No. 2065877
File: 1719437509766.jpg (60.72 KB, 1080x881, coolseal.jpg)

No. 2065900
File: 1719438010720.jpeg (182.61 KB, 750x575, IMG_1430.jpeg)

No. 2065918
File: 1719438379665.jpg (45.54 KB, 736x585, 590c3edb912393e2366113f54b661e…)

No. 2065922
File: 1719438539555.jpeg (69.14 KB, 941x988, GQHFqUWXcAARg_x.jpeg)

No. 2065926
File: 1719438657709.jpg (42.63 KB, 563x668, d49c8cc5fd83670f6e0403944a060d…)

No. 2065933
File: 1719438925510.jpg (63.19 KB, 750x904, IMG_20240427_122442_755.jpg)

No. 2066578
File: 1719455416401.mp4 (2.03 MB, 720x884, true_love.mp4)

No. 2066692
No. 2066886
File: 1719471829379.png (683.17 KB, 644x1000, IMG_3977.png)

I don't know why
No. 2067607
File: 1719521403765.mp4 (705.88 KB, 720x1280, export_1719521219838.mp4)

No. 2068832
File: 1719585017240.gif (987.66 KB, 344x274, IMG_1858.gif)

When cats do gif related
No. 2068920
No. 2068929
No. 2068986
No. 2070491
The shy little shrug, the slow blinks, the fluttering eyelashes and smirk. He’s trying to seem so innocent knowing that he looks evil/terrifying
No. 2071066
No. 2071070
This is what the newmin is doing while the website is going down to shit kekk
No. 2071117
File: 1719696418474.png (237.15 KB, 499x624, 1000009312.png)

No. 2072089
I feel bad for laughing but the poor goose had a full on meltdown after trying to help that goat
No. 2072988
No. 2072996
Meemaw has childe as her husbando. She reminds me so much of some of the anons here kek
No. 2073312
File: 1719813894347.jpeg (56.06 KB, 968x773, IMG_7803.jpeg)

No. 2074455
File: 1719893122739.mp4 (2.06 MB, 720x1280, jdJ5mlPyy1k-pmh7.mp4)

>>2070438Lmao i love these series of videos.
>>2072086Damn, the stoic faces are killing me, from the young women too lmao.
Anyways, a little something to send off pride month.
No. 2074571
File: 1719904325229.jpeg (80.4 KB, 547x688, IMG_0258.jpeg)

No. 2074795
No. 2074858
File: 1719932081393.jpg (143.9 KB, 1025x1280, IMG_20240701_020226_562.jpg)

No. 2074893
>>2072089It sounds happy to me.
>>2070188Why are his eyes like that, seriously.
>>2068806Why is everyone being so loud
No. 2074904
They are so sassy lol
No. 2075022
this is why I don’t take anime seriously
No. 2076120
male autism
No. 2076174
No. 2076871
No. 2076997
Music to my ears, moids crying and throwing a tantrum like a child
No. 2077033
No. 2077039
No. 2077065
File: 1720061060212.jpeg (265.87 KB, 1242x671, IMG_5683.jpeg)

This was already posted in an old caps thread, but I reread it again and it made me chuckle
No. 2077103
File: 1720064307865.jpeg (177.62 KB, 1258x2048, IMG_7735.jpeg)

No. 2077691
File: 1720109691018.png (1.46 MB, 1140x1176, thank god this is fake.png)

the movie white chicks is actually really, really fucking insane. could you imagine spending a whole weekend with 2 friends of yours, and then suddenly Sunday evening in the midst of a ton of other criminal activity suddenly they both rip their faces off and turn out to be two black men? i know i named that file "thank god this is fake" but shortly after typing that sentence i remembered that the actual FBI has probably done shit like this before
No. 2077805
File: 1720114529225.jpeg (192.26 KB, 1022x1203, IMG_5712.jpeg)

No. 2077999
File: 1720125189525.jpeg (35.75 KB, 500x317, IMG_0471.jpeg)

>>2077805Me after a bag of Takis
No. 2079024
File: 1720195802892.jpg (263.77 KB, 1170x1259, dude .jpg)

Seeing a troon flag at a palestine rally always makes me kek
No. 2079047
>>2079033Twitterfag answer: Hezbollah, an Islamist political party and militant group that basically runs Lebanon currently, is supporting Hamas in the war, so Lebanon = good
Ironic answer: Lebanon has been ethnically cleansing its indigenous Christian population for decades, illustrating the cognitive dissonance of these tards
No. 2081624
File: 1720434356296.mp4 (2.05 MB, 982x720, 1000004068.mp4)

Only because I thought this video was just the average gay domestic dispute until I found out it was footage from roommates in a Finnish prison
No. 2081863
File: 1720453601149.jpeg (341.93 KB, 750x702, IMG_1627.jpeg)

Grown ass man posting this shit KEKKK
>madeira desouza
No. 2082073
>>2072996kek her reaction to gojo and nanami
No. 2082514
File: 1720499458921.png (1.83 MB, 2048x2048, IMG_1641.png)

No. 2082564
File: 1720505201468.mp4 (328.01 KB, 576x1024, motherismothering.mp4)

>>2077691I think the most insane thing about this film is that they kept this a secret from their wives and their wives followed them because they thought they were cheating on them. They weren't even unreasonable in thinking that, all the context clues were there. Nobody just presumes they are cross dressing for the sake of doing some fbi work. There was nothing stopping them from telling their wives they had to travel for work lmao.
I am so sad nobody every posted vid rel to this site, i've been sitting on it for months.
No. 2083012
File: 1720542628698.jpeg (508.21 KB, 578x1045, IMG_1647.jpeg)

No. 2083467
File: 1720570693026.jpg (20.95 KB, 720x158, 1000004086.jpg)

>>2083321That's how I felt reading this. Dutch is so disgusting
No. 2083503
File: 1720573119791.mp4 (697 KB, 320x568, 1000004087.mp4)

Can you also see the exact moment he contemplates caving his skull in
No. 2083527
File: 1720574207762.png (354.64 KB, 1009x1278, Screenshot_20240704-133443~2.p…)

No. 2083715
File: 1720593229063.jpg (255.29 KB, 750x929, image0-3.jpg)

Dog man
No. 2083843
File: 1720607370702.png (102.64 KB, 247x180, lol.png)

I was looking at ugly dudes collage in the ugly man psyop thread with a moai face and this one suddenly made me laugh out loud
No. 2083905
>>2083503Omg it's francesco saverio nozzolino!
>>2083883He is pretty close even personality wise.
No. 2084005
No. 2084248
File: 1720638041631.jpg (34.77 KB, 736x730, 1000012772.jpg)

No. 2085415
File: 1720712172741.png (1014.15 KB, 820x810, nooneknowswhy.png)

No. 2085788
File: 1720737648454.jpg (281.99 KB, 1080x1109, Screenshot_20240712-083944_Ins…)

No. 2085926
File: 1720747433176.png (1.43 MB, 1116x727, krek.png)

No. 2086732
File: 1720811027140.png (358.8 KB, 1170x914, krackle.png)

the enby emojis always give me a hearty kek idk why
No. 2087187
File: 1720842019207.jpeg (447.19 KB, 1051x828, IMG_6219.jpeg)

was watching totally spies and they literally pull out a book called TIFS kek
No. 2087972
No. 2087995
File: 1720910052848.jpg (109.17 KB, 490x813, ehvum.jpg)

I got reminded of good old fashioned The Walking Dead "Coral" memes and I'm basking in the puns and wholesomeness of memes from ten or more years ago.
No. 2089464
No. 2089534
File: 1720970446211.mp4 (3.37 MB, 1080x1920, TikTok Video.MP4)

No. 2089690
File: 1720976823483.jpeg (93.09 KB, 646x537, IMG_6279.jpeg)

No. 2090317
File: 1721002292333.gif (305.02 KB, 300x100, 173.gif)

kek nice edit
No. 2090547
No. 2090611
old moids crack me up kek
No. 2090706
File: 1721020985160.png (909.34 KB, 567x796, 3e9a1aa41f43d4257c81268782ad9f…)

No. 2091056
File: 1721043773944.jpg (Spoiler Image,31.85 KB, 426x487, 879742342457865.jpg)

This is so fucking stupid lmao
No. 2091153
File: 1721053435103.mp4 (3.87 MB, 1080x1920, stalkingmoid.MP4)

No. 2091164
File: 1721053936719.png (239.88 KB, 720x619, 1000005104.png)

This is who I aspire to be.
No. 2091167
File: 1721054253838.gif (12.41 KB, 150x100, 1000005100.gif)

No. 2092794
>me going through my shounen training arc to beat my nigel up properly
>me also learning not to alog by telling someone to kill themselves and saying i hope they end up on liveleak
No. 2093296
File: 1721168174863.jpg (65.42 KB, 563x814, 34986073904673895467033461.jpg)

No. 2093299
File: 1721168387071.jpg (39.13 KB, 563x626, 215611695464126683798379872866…)

No. 2093301
File: 1721168458083.gif (45.33 KB, 300x100, IMG_1762.gif)

one of my favorites kek
No. 2093788
File: 1721194888385.png (84.6 KB, 1080x406, again.png)

Discord trannies cant help but wish miscarriage on me, its the 4th time its happened. No clue who this one is though, I dont recall interacting with them.
No. 2093797
>>2093788Congrats on the baby! Keep
triggering the hons
No. 2093813
>>2093793They really do. I think its because I asked to have the female role removed from me or to change colour because I didnt want to be associated with the handful of agps that joined randomly overnight lol.
>>2093797Thanks, bubs almost here so I have alot of online time now, I wonder how many more I'll get before I labour
No. 2093896
>>2093299The angle of the pic makes him look like he should be sticking out of an apple with a little hat on his head.
>>2093788They act like this and wonder why nobody likes them. Incel scrotes will never be women kek, good on you for reminding them of that. Congrats on the baby, I hope you have a good pregnancy and the birth goes well!
No. 2093899
>>2093896I was going to post all of the other funny screenshots I've collected but it started to look jumbled and idk if anyone really cares.
It really does make me chuckle. They seethe hard when I reply with "why do you think I care what you say, you're just proving how mentally ill you are by carrying on like this".
No. 2093912
>>2093903It's been a hard pregnancy, I've been bed bound for alot of it so I've had alot of time to spare. I do hobbies like knitting/drawing/cross stitch and latch hooking but the repetition hurts my hands due to the swelling. If it's not nausea it's ligament pain or feeling like someones kicked me in the vagina when I walk around.
I don't have much social interaction outside of my husband and he works long hours, so it's just me at home. We have moved so I don't have friends in this city, I'm on mum groups apps but it seems alot harder to make friends online which is my only option until bubs here and im healed.
Not all of my time is spent arguing, maybe 10 minutes a week if that, when one of them gets an attitude when the attention isn't on them in a server I'm talking in.
Weird you think I'm as worse as mentally ill scrotes wishing miscarriages on pregnant women lol. I
No. 2094106
>>2093915hope you have a healthy labor
nonnie! sending luv
No. 2094425
File: 1721250434792.png (3.3 MB, 1179x2556, IMG_0746.png)

No. 2094432
File: 1721250789575.jpeg (30.89 KB, 1290x318, GSicrBhWkAALWMa.jpeg)

this made me giggle
>>2086732same but i always use them because i think sexed emojis are stupid
No. 2094452
File: 1721251843134.webp (37.32 KB, 512x512, mum and bebe car.webp)

>>2093788Congratulations nonna!! I'm wishing a happy, smooth pregnancy and a quick, easy labor upon you. I love hearing about anons having big positive milestones in their lives like this
No. 2094572
>>2094082I'm in a few, I guess I've gotten lucky that they don't police it as much as others. Sometimes though the trannies overtake it and change the tone so I leave.
>>2094106>>2094452Thank you both, I'm very excited I can't wait to meet bubba
No. 2095052
File: 1721296402478.mp4 (1.82 MB, 480x854, oFaQOuk.mp4)

No. 2096480
File: 1721413159699.jpeg (363.64 KB, 1638x2048, IMG_6433.jpeg)

No. 2097207
File: 1721479693602.jpeg (559.92 KB, 750x933, IMG_1816.jpeg)

brain rotten but men dressing as women
No. 2097296
File: 1721486118899.jpeg (79.13 KB, 735x874, 35f67de9-35ed-4949-ab19-b9ea81…)

No. 2097758
File: 1721517733086.jpeg (149.6 KB, 644x960, IMG_7532.jpeg)

No. 2097783
No. 2097784
This trend is so stupid but the double stomp gets me for some reason
No. 2099383
No. 2099719
File: 1721655004712.mp4 (16.87 MB, 854x640, fKzU8Bk.mp4)

emos vs goths in mexico
No. 2101373
File: 1721745566919.jpeg (51.71 KB, 474x600, IMG_7668.jpeg)

No. 2102115
File: 1721779584052.mp4 (1.11 MB, 414x400, vikingbraids.mp4)

No. 2102411
File: 1721795685719.jpeg (130.73 KB, 950x940, IMG_7670.jpeg)

shitty tiktok comments always get me
No. 2102419
No. 2102502
File: 1721800730517.jpeg (147.94 KB, 750x390, IMG_1882.jpeg)

posted it in the wrong thread but their account name makes me chuckle(unsolicited dog hate outside of containment)
No. 2102637
No. 2102642
The second person is the typical farmer
No. 2103578
File: 1721872643919.mp4 (1.63 MB, 480x760, 1000004103.mp4)

No. 2103581
File: 1721872944652.mp4 (518.88 KB, 576x1024, 1000004104.mp4)

No. 2104627
File: 1721932266659.png (1.23 MB, 1179x1961, ugloi8A.png)

No. 2105829
>>2103578The person laughing is having an athsma attack. All I can hear is liquid moving around in her lungs.
No. 2106769
No. 2106774
No. 2107278
File: 1722086224497.jpeg (118.06 KB, 750x610, IMG_1950.jpeg)

>>2107272Oh ok I figured it had something to do with faking a disorder or something kek
No. 2109575
No. 2111017
File: 1722313212113.jpeg (60.37 KB, 750x131, IMG_1989.jpeg)

average redditor
No. 2111724
File: 1722344220066.gif (1.95 MB, 320x210, IMG_7290.gif)

he looks so retarded i can’t help but laugh whenever i see this
No. 2111949
File: 1722354586628.jpg (69.63 KB, 720x1036, 453002315_1071637434970894_365…)

Stupid scrote
No. 2113067
File: 1722402303746.jpg (223.1 KB, 1080x1391, 1722379401295.jpg)

No. 2113326
>>2113067LMAO I saw one shared by some boomer relative on facebook where its a cat but instead of legs its wheels and went along the lines of "photos like these never go viral can we get an amen for this cat".
God I wish I could find it again it gave me a hearty kek before I commented saying it was AI.
How would a 4 wheeled cat even move around? You could only push it, it has no way to gain momentum to move lmao.
No. 2113624
File: 1722437188541.jpg (81.92 KB, 931x582, Screenshot_20240801-004420_Fac…)

Saw this comment on some video of that fresh and fit host guy losing his absolute mind about women, screaming into the mic.
Testerical and hemotional are going into my vocabulary.
No. 2113942
File: 1722450285733.png (482.7 KB, 855x455, MUSKZEMPIC.png)

I laughed at Musk's ozempic face, that shit makes you skinny at the cost of looking like a cancer patient
No. 2114591
File: 1722483139347.png (809.6 KB, 627x575, ITS A GIRL!.png)

HRH collection and girl moms in general doing this their daughters heads makes me laugh kek, like we get it we know shes a girl you dont need to squeeze her skull with elastic bands so everyone knows
No. 2114603
File: 1722483666542.png (544.78 KB, 963x1174, dude shut up retard .png)

>>2114601oh brother here we go again
No. 2114686
File: 1722490201987.png (563.44 KB, 528x799, IMG_2353.png)

This image is so fucking wild it’s makes me chuckle everytime I see it
No. 2114872
File: 1722500115930.png (965.71 KB, 1200x800, ZPljtQB.png)

the official KFC visual novel
No. 2115851
File: 1722550508604.jpg (469.5 KB, 1561x3302, 1721062793690.jpg)

No. 2117509
File: 1722629901593.mp4 (6.14 MB, 612x1088, b8fdcce1a09520cc4c0adb8ab3008c…)

No. 2117675
File: 1722635877229.jpg (67.43 KB, 656x662, 1000013978.jpg)

No. 2117939
No. 2118170
File: 1722657160295.jpg (226.55 KB, 1024x473, 16015311687_ccc45db18d_b.jpg)

>friends of crippled children
No. 2118776
File: 1722682206032.png (702.71 KB, 908x1138, vCA48If.png)

No. 2119966
File: 1722723105140.jpg (516.86 KB, 1080x1674, 72737474.jpg)

No. 2120227
File: 1722735251188.jpg (44.37 KB, 718x470, 1000014003.jpg)

No. 2120329
File: 1722740606277.jpg (33.96 KB, 1311x323, Capture.JPG)

In this AI chatbot discord server and there are international people in it. A Chinese user said the Chinese Claude LLM uses several "Claudisms" (basically cliché, fanfic-tier, overused terms that the AI likes to shoehorn in constantly) to describe body parts. I asked them how Chinese Claude described a man's nipples and got this.
No. 2120336
File: 1722740837751.jpg (104.2 KB, 720x1520, 1000022304.jpg)

No. 2120346
>>2120329We are on the same server
nonny! the world is so small
No. 2120363
File: 1722742280814.jpeg (774.6 KB, 1170x2247, IMG_6230.jpeg)

No. 2120400
File: 1722743530709.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1882, 1000014014.png)

No. 2120618
File: 1722763910480.mp4 (2.84 MB, 480x852, 1000004222.mp4)

No. 2120767
File: 1722773054286.jpg (30.93 KB, 534x339, cdeb2e3435a5bdaa15b2ce2e1d24bc…)

when face id is acting up so u gotta lock in
No. 2120858
this is what I see whenever I close my eyes, just a bunch of weird images
No. 2120909
File: 1722780849741.gif (5.33 MB, 364x255, 1715626096622f.gif)

No. 2123146
No. 2123154
File: 1722886998833.mp4 (4.39 MB, 576x1024, GabbiHannah.MP4)

No. 2123169
File: 1722887296450.mp4 (1.66 MB, 576x1024, help.MP4)

No. 2123172
File: 1722887470438.jpg (106.63 KB, 1125x723, 1000014052.jpg)

No. 2123183
File: 1722887805261.mp4 (1.11 MB, 576x1024, 1000014053.mp4)

No. 2123601
File: 1722910581657.jpg (36.87 KB, 635x483, 1000021594.jpg)

When my little brother had a FNAF phase he kept sending me this crap and at the time it would annoy me but now it makes me piss myself laughing, it's just so stupid
No. 2124999
File: 1722989135133.webp (16.59 KB, 391x286, 72849646007-nicholas-tranchant…)

>A woman stabbed a convicted sex offender to death over the weekend as police said the felon attempted to rape her inside a Louisiana business in broad daylight.
>The attack took place at a laundromat in Lacombe, a small, rural community about a 50-mile drive northeast of New Orleans.
>The St. Tammany Parish Sheriff’s Office reported deputies responded about 3:30 p.m. Sunday to a laundromat off U.S. 190 for a report of unresponsive man with an apparent stab wound.
>While en route to the scene, deputies were also dispatched to a call in reference to a woman claiming she stabbed a man who had attacked her while she was at the same laundromat.
>Arriving officers found 40-year-old Nicholas Tranchant at the business suffering from a stab wound, officials said.
>Tranchant was taken to a hospital where he died, according to a press release from the department.
No. 2125007
File: 1722989616637.jpeg (67.66 KB, 736x736, IMG_2356.jpeg)

>>2124999She is an American hero
No. 2125067
>>2124999>In 2002, at age 19, he molested an 8 year old girl. Got a two-year suspended sentence and two years of probation for that.>In 2006, at 23, he bust into a woman's apt, tried to force her to disrobe, she called for her 7 year old son to call the cops, he slashed her neck with a razor and ran off. He was arrested later that day. He got 20 years for that.>He got out in Dec 2023. Four months later, in March 2024, he attacked the woman at the laundromat. He tried to use a knife to assault her, she took it away from him and stabbed him to death with his own knife. That lady did the world a favor, and we should have a holiday in her honor for ridding the world of him.
No. 2125636
File: 1723035729426.jpg (59.01 KB, 428x678, lmao.jpg)

Good stuff
No. 2125650
File: 1723036981667.gif (6.52 MB, 896x500, proud-american-women-salute-cj…)

>>2124999a woman amongst women, bravo
No. 2125652
>>2124364Well I can see why
he thinks the revolution doesn't need hairdressers kek
No. 2126157
No. 2126189
File: 1723064579038.jpeg (134.08 KB, 750x644, IMG_2121.jpeg)

No. 2126234
No. 2126239
File: 1723067635482.jpeg (827.92 KB, 1805x761, 9D273771-FDBC-4AB4-99B8-5322F5…)

My YouTube recommendations
No. 2126466
No. 2126473
File: 1723081664626.mp4 (3.17 MB, 576x1024, banned.MP4)

He’s trying to sound so innocent
No. 2126669
File: 1723100773841.jpg (65.23 KB, 968x1016, 1000004274.jpg)

No. 2126670
File: 1723100837159.jpg (45.4 KB, 1241x627, 1000004275.jpg)

No. 2126761
File: 1723111100936.png (556.64 KB, 900x1200, JDojbIl.png)

No. 2127292
File: 1723148575101.gif (1.45 MB, 320x246, lenintrans.gif)

No. 2127686
File: 1723164013335.png (48.4 KB, 972x372, thedumbestshit.png)

I like going on and looking at casting calls, just to see what dumb shit is making it onto TV and movie screens these days.
No. 2127844
File: 1723173193386.png (Spoiler Image,173.06 KB, 1380x333, ot-Confessions-63.png)

>>2127457>>>/ot/1974371mods deleted the image tho
No. 2129007
File: 1723245828406.jpg (286.03 KB, 1080x1602, rslashmeth.jpg)

No. 2129038
File: 1723246705907.png (165.56 KB, 340x227, 1000000101.png)

This stupid fucking image kek
No. 2129548
File: 1723280447801.png (497.24 KB, 749x781, rb9xt33.png)

No. 2129598
File: 1723285713358.jpg (185.49 KB, 720x697, 1000004335.jpg)

No. 2130392
File: 1723338949016.jpeg (587.98 KB, 1170x1905, IMG_6830.jpeg)

No. 2131022
File: 1723392885291.jpeg (132 KB, 1080x1191, IMG_7359.jpeg)

No. 2131036
File: 1723393419385.webp (131.38 KB, 2160x1179, IMG_6896.webp)

>>2131003If the cats not at OH LAWD HE COMIN level yet, he will be soon
No. 2131103
File: 1723395485253.jpeg (133.32 KB, 1022x1020, IMG_7280.jpeg)

The femcel Reddit can be funny sometimes
No. 2131837
File: 1723428434499.jpg (19.25 KB, 736x414, 1000014476.jpg)

No. 2131868
>>2131103I almost posted this because someone rted the screenshot crying about
No. 2131958
These videos of how Korean cheerleaders perform their cheers went viral on tiktok, and it’s so low effort compared to more athletic cheerleading that I had to laugh
No. 2131965
File: 1723434017392.mp4 (3.26 MB, 576x1024, chasedbydevils.MP4)

No. 2132196
File: 1723452944202.jpg (206.89 KB, 720x1217, 1000004369.jpg)

No. 2133255
No. 2133259
>>2133256(Father) Harper, is today your first day of school?
(Harper) Dakota is gay
No. 2133261
nonny, its hard being esl
No. 2133266
File: 1723510624137.mp4 (1.68 MB, 576x606, Zeusstrike.MP4)

No. 2133296
File: 1723511281711.mp4 (6.85 MB, 576x1024, KoreanCheerleading.MP4)

>>2133264What’s funny is that all Korean cheerleaders seem to do the exact same dance whenever that music plays, no matter what team they’re on. It’s basically like an emote that they all do when something happens in the game
No. 2133304
File: 1723511660824.mp4 (6.86 MB, 576x1024, Koreancheerleaders.MP4)

>>2133296And here’s a group of them, where they have almost zero synchronization
No. 2133687
>>2133683Asian beauty standard is
toxic and retarded. Women are supposes to be frail babies.
No. 2133941
>>2131868Someone posted a screenshot of this on a different subreddit and men were just having non-stop melt downs over it. It's always funny how they laugh or stay silent when men post this stuff about women, but throw total tantrums when women post this stuff about men.
>>2131958Pathetic. Where's the pep? The cheers? The exuberance? This would grade a D even on a tiktok dance.
No. 2134366
File: 1723577745731.jpeg (89.13 KB, 924x1262, IMG_8176.jpeg)

No. 2134725
I thought you all might enjoy this, with 1.2 million likes so far. The comments are filled with people saying he should have called him a sir in response, and that they have no self awareness
No. 2134980
File: 1723610035232.mp4 (10.25 MB, 576x1024, DrUmar.MP4)

No. 2134985
File: 1723610431773.mp4 (3.04 MB, 576x1024, WK.MP4)

No. 2137213
File: 1723732890805.jpeg (72.75 KB, 645x943, IMG_6197.jpeg)

Ballerina balletcore core
No. 2137240
File: 1723734272299.jpeg (109.3 KB, 736x736, IMG_2205.jpeg)

>>2137213That isn’t balletcore kek, the real aesthetic matches the Pilates princess aesthetic.
No. 2137533
File: 1723745066634.mp4 (7.05 MB, 480x854, D8Vo9aU.mp4)

No. 2138345
File: 1723775439726.mp4 (1.79 MB, 320x568, 1000004485.mp4)

You would think this is AI generated
No. 2138356
>>2138345Good for her. shouldn't put up with shit like that.
kinda got me worked up instead of making me chuckle
No. 2139156
File: 1723824769789.jpg (39.03 KB, 623x755, whereisthebathroom.jpg)

I wish this pic had gotten popular instead of the Kevin James one.
No. 2139712
File: 1723855977926.jpg (55.38 KB, 640x360, ijwmoctaa8151.jpg)

No. 2139793
File: 1723862327412.jpg (73.41 KB, 1080x1021, media_GVIyjdUX0AASYMn.jpg)

No. 2139894
File: 1723871906563.mp4 (16.45 MB, 576x1024, snapempreg.MP4)

No. 2139912
File: 1723873685255.mp4 (1.39 MB, 480x622, choccy.mp4)

No. 2140127
File: 1723887722266.mp4 (894.23 KB, 854x480, WuMW3yf.mp4)

No. 2140141
File: 1723888647870.mp4 (17.6 MB, snowbunnymafia.MP4)

No. 2140200
File: 1723893598891.mp4 (8.27 MB, 576x1024, whites.MP4)

>>2140153I think it’s annoying too but people edit his videos like that because he’s a dramatic troll. In some the edits make it funnier
No. 2140494
File: 1723911657281.mp4 (4.99 MB, 480x854, z6S7bj5.mp4)

No. 2141087
File: 1723938059736.jpeg (127.46 KB, 843x813, 3FA160ED-CB69-4116-802B-E8F084…)

No. 2141139
File: 1723941253005.mp4 (1.03 MB, 576x1024, 1000004496.mp4)

I love this guy
No. 2141175
No. 2141683
File: 1723985872563.jpg (98.52 KB, 734x1023, 1000004502.jpg)

"Can Japanese name these celebrities"
No. 2143338
File: 1724069298032.mp4 (1.25 MB, 640x352, K846Xwf.mp4)

No. 2144019
File: 1724103571947.jpeg (100.52 KB, 567x1031, IMG_7824.jpeg)

No. 2144081
File: 1724106521329.jpg (43.87 KB, 328x592, 1000004545.jpg)

No. 2144100
File: 1724107324260.jpg (72.77 KB, 750x1000, bg,f8f8f8-flat,750x,075,f-pad,…)

>>2142766Oh no my crocodile has autism
No. 2144563
File: 1724124534716.png (358.53 KB, 1080x977, 1000014708.png)

No. 2145088
File: 1724165436207.png (574.62 KB, 1170x1226, gb3biWB.png)

she was so real for this
No. 2145327
File: 1724175142936.jpg (166.52 KB, 1390x2048, Q2i8-YUzejW-C9UWAgRrriH81604lV…)

This is so fucking stupid but a child wearing such a dapper suit is funny to me. I know that in the past people had a more formal way of dressing in their day-to-day life, but the idea that that also applied to children is hilarious.
No. 2145722
I’m on this asshole era thing as well
No. 2146429
File: 1724206037400.jpg (131.22 KB, 1080x1136, 1000004564.jpg)

No. 2146632
File: 1724210137723.jpeg (Spoiler Image,54.12 KB, 809x835, 7EE3C82E-13F8-497D-B784-180BD2…)

(spoiler that shit next time retard)
No. 2146998
File: 1724231041476.mp4 (6.98 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cqvlqlnog65r6pqeog…)

No. 2147011
File: 1724233700261.jpeg (198.18 KB, 828x1418, IMG_8462.jpeg)

No. 2147015
File: 1724233999472.jpeg (778.53 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_8464.jpeg)

>>2147012kek theres rumors that “she’s” MTF and i fully 100% believe it. before i ever knew who that was i assumed “she” was a “conservative” tranny like blaire white
No. 2147017
File: 1724234254051.jpeg (72.12 KB, 640x493, IMG_8466.jpeg)

>>2147015this is a man!!!! sarah sanders looks mtf too & also MTG lmao
(samefagging/failed transvestigating) No. 2147022
File: 1724234607263.jpeg (117.12 KB, 725x1146, IMG_8468.jpeg)

>>2147017samefagging to say“she”s trying to pass herself off as 31 literal clown world
No. 2147084
File: 1724240732548.jpg (79.81 KB, 1280x720, Life in plastic, it's fantasti…)

>>2147015>>2147017>>2147022She is botched. Men larping as women wish they looked like that. But they never do. The best they can do is to vaguely look like a woman disfigured by cosmetic plastic surgery.
No. 2148352
File: 1724317503786.png (533.49 KB, 382x641, aids test.png)

No. 2148391
File: 1724320305696.jpg (492.95 KB, 1079x916, 1000016148.jpg)

I never thought I'd chuckle at a headline about the Taliban but here we go
No. 2148674
File: 1724343581827.jpeg (484.01 KB, 1170x2158, IMG_1065.jpeg)

No. 2148756
File: 1724347776406.jpeg (395.28 KB, 1170x2133, IMG_1068.jpeg)

No. 2148762
File: 1724347843179.jpeg (602.77 KB, 1170x2103, IMG_1067.jpeg)

>>2148756Sorry nonnies I’m too lazy to make a college
But where is she shopping that she can fit in little girls clothes top kek
No. 2149482
File: 1724376730961.jpg (85.07 KB, 1080x1080, EcnMqqeXgAMql_J.jpeg.jpg)

>>2131958>>2133296>>2133304first time I've checked this thread in months, it's 2:30am and I'm laughing really fucking hardd oh my god. the lack of effort, the fake smiles, the shitty music, the "it's basically like an emote that they all do when something happens in the game" kekkkk
No. 2150489
File: 1724438504679.jpeg (244.69 KB, 2048x2048, GU5uCxhW0AADwQW.jpeg)

chinese netizens comforting some girl who broke up with her nigel
No. 2150506
File: 1724439585632.jpg (116.66 KB, 560x1024, 1000006943.jpg)

>>2150489Chinese insults are next level.
No. 2150555
No. 2150577
this is what the zoomer haters on here watch when they aren’t seething about them 24/7
No. 2150590
me as hell whenever i come on here
No. 2151593
File: 1724483827777.mp4 (9 MB, 576x1022, ng4XhydNxJzz4now.mp4)

this is so dumb i love it
No. 2152531
File: 1724527871925.jpg (280.97 KB, 2048x1676, 456241482_122136245564308480_6…)

No. 2152571
File: 1724529409027.jpg (23.24 KB, 420x232, 1000004621.jpg)

No. 2152577
File: 1724529788440.jpg (254.2 KB, 1536x2048, 1000004620.jpg)

No. 2152610
File: 1724530889112.jpg (46.76 KB, 1070x636, 1000004609.jpg)

No. 2152782
File: 1724538740986.jpg (62.04 KB, 640x778, 1000004601.jpg)

No. 2157252
File: 1724806735258.jpg (38.24 KB, 1174x546, 0.jpg)

No. 2157255
File: 1724806907673.jpg (160.84 KB, 1080x1395, 00.jpg)

>>2157252samefagging. chinese women do moidhate just so beautifully
No. 2157357
File: 1724814883033.jpeg (201.18 KB, 1081x525, IMG_9174.jpeg)

nonnas, this is truly the funniest thirsty dm i’ve gotten in ages
No. 2158048
File: 1724876081181.jpeg (131.56 KB, 720x960, IMG_8046.jpeg)

No. 2158061
File: 1724876509875.png (334.92 KB, 1170x1032, img-2024-08-28-21-20-48.png)

>>2157403>>2158047respect her hustle. separating desperate scrotes from their cash is based
No. 2158091
File: 1724877242211.jpg (85.28 KB, 1080x1419, 453192821_873035644849782_1449…)

No. 2158103
File: 1724877780084.jpg (28.36 KB, 600x315, 1664096749207.jpg)

>>2152531who's the 4th girl? looks like dollar store asuka
No. 2158617
No. 2158631
No. 2158640
No. 2158788
>>2158786It's always a "jesus christ" moment for me when you see warm and fuzzy articles like
> Orphan works 3 jobs to pay for sibling's hospital billsWho the hell reads stuff like that and thinks "aw, what a nice story" kek
No. 2159667
No. 2159671
File: 1726050515049.mp4 (17.75 MB, 700x700, 2c6934bc6d147c66f72a708cf356dd…)

No. 2159673
File: 1726050796267.gif (1.64 MB, 498x344, tenor.gif)

>>2159671fuk man… my culture, my honor… my livelihood
No. 2160351
File: 1726078955691.jpg (47.96 KB, 600x800, loaf.jpg)

The burger thread always makes me chuckle because some anons are so milky. "Who will the government give handouts to if not the poor little immigrants?" It's so absurd it's funny. Burgerland has the highest concentration of rich people—half of the 1%—but somehow immigrants are blamed for draining the state's funds, despite the country having almost no social safety net. Apparently, rich people avoiding taxes and committing financial crimes doesn't exist in the pure, honest land of Burgers. I always wonder who these posters are. They're so disconnected from reality that it's comical. Sorry for enjoying your collective suffering.
No. 2161752
File: 1726157192088.mp4 (1.25 MB, 576x1024, v0f044gc0000crf1k67og65l9tlhc4…)

I’m too old to be laughing at this
No. 2162271
File: 1726185912231.jpg (430.65 KB, 1079x1055, 1000021626.jpg)

thought this was fanny the tranny kek
No. 2163162
File: 1726258774239.png (189.05 KB, 1080x715, tits.png)

No. 2163170
File: 1726259175621.png (1.1 MB, 866x684, 1726218265042515.png)

I love the sweeper tier this is so autistic
No. 2164952
File: 1726370071915.jpeg (47.29 KB, 834x614, IMG_8200.jpeg)

No. 2166285
File: 1726496191849.png (533 KB, 655x960, Oxhq613.png)

No. 2166512
File: 1726508978770.mp4 (4.42 MB, 360x640, slayyyy.mp4)

No. 2166561
File: 1726510946443.mp4 (4.53 MB, 480x638, your dad is dead.mp4)

No. 2166757
No. 2168425
kek i hate that i sort of like this meme
No. 2168439
I have no idea what’s going on here… why are they crossing that bridge, where are they even going, why don’t they use a boat
No. 2168478
File: 1726604891294.jpg (64.4 KB, 501x879, 71OYsZWM+lL._AC_SY879_.jpg)

No. 2168946
File: 1726618914284.jpg (30.08 KB, 440x422, 10101.jpg)

No. 2169705
File: 1726681761995.jpeg (1.25 MB, 1170x1899, IMG_4590.jpeg)

This is what would happen if you befriended a farmer in the friend finder thread kek
No. 2169847
File: 1726691025539.jpg (Spoiler Image,413.11 KB, 1722x2048, 657675474564.jpg)

No. 2171541
File: 1726794380705.jpeg (75.48 KB, 736x615, IMG_5113.jpeg)

No. 2172024
File: 1726837249828.jpg (149.97 KB, 1080x2135, 1000020676.jpg)

Least retarded porn addicted moid
No. 2172089
File: 1726841734284.jpeg (161.36 KB, 946x2048, GXiuJPfWIAAcJf9.jpeg)

No. 2172090
File: 1726841807690.jpeg (140.41 KB, 946x2048, GXiuJPoXwAAYvPx.jpeg)

i'm not fucking flooding No. 2172092
File: 1726841849022.jpeg (165.49 KB, 946x2048, GXiuJPcXAAUpqYd.jpeg)

flood detected blahblahblah No. 2172097
>>2172092>>2172089>>2172090The fact this is all happening because of a girl called fucking
Twinkle KEK. What a Gigastacy, I hope she takes all his shit and makes his cuck friend seethe.
No. 2172107
File: 1726842229548.jpeg (310.72 KB, 929x1261, GXiuFFwXQAEnC7Q.jpeg)

>>2172103based dark triad stacy kekk
No. 2172110
File: 1726842541084.webp (26.46 KB, 271x240, TulipTwinkleBackcardArtwork.we…)

>>2172089Oh I remember some nonnas thinking he was cute. KEK this is hot, based twinkle
No. 2172121
File: 1726843567137.jpg (224.14 KB, 1080x967, IMG_20240920_164402.jpg)

Sorry but something about him getting spammed by borderline-schizo tiktok zoomers is really funny.
No. 2172165
No. 2172389
File: 1726859329993.jpg (222.61 KB, 575x1307, socrates.jpg)

I was cleaning my old Tumblr blog and found this post funny. One good thing that came out of radblr
No. 2172424
>>2172121The smartschoolboy9 thing is so disturbing. I'm 100% convinced the white facepaint and tongue thing he does is supposed to emulate an asphyxiation
No. 2172930
File: 1726881228108.png (331.44 KB, 642x632, 1686719244277.png)

No. 2172943
File: 1726882104100.jpg (177.33 KB, 1018x1200, 1686634575166.jpg)

>>2172931she's an 'asexual' woman (who reviews vampire media for a living) who is married to a man, has two children with him and also has sex with him>To be asexual means that one does not experience sexual desire, yes. I personally have never felt sexual attraction, lust or “turned on” or “horny” in my life (at least not yet, and I am 31 years old). When I was younger, I used to think I was “broken” or “frigid” but now I understand that it is just my orientation. However, the fact that I don’t feel arousal does not mean that I am anti-sex. To me, there are benefits to sexual intercourse that are not physical. When I fall in love with someone (and I have been in love several times in my life, with more than just cismen) it is a cerebral and emotional attraction, and I am now very much in love with my husband. No one I have ever happened to have been in love with has been asexual. This means that sex with me has been a thing that my partners have desired. Even though I did not feel the same desire towards them, the idea that they desired ME made me feel flattered, special. Perhaps this is a bit of vanity on my part, but I have always liked being found desirable. Because desire is something I don’t feel, it seems like a strange and wonderful and amazing (dare I say, alien) thing for other people to feel that I am not part of, and fascinates me. To know that it is felt TOWARD me makes me happy. When I “lie back” as you put it, I am not “thinking of England” or gritting my teeth and bearing it, or being forced to endure something against my will. I am feeling a loving kind of happiness in knowing that someone loves me enough to express their natural and human desires towards me even despite the fact that I don’t desire them in return. It is an emotional boding experience for me. I don’t quite “get” what the other person gets out of it (I can imagine, and people have tried to describe it to me, but I’ll never really understand), but it doesn’t repulse or disgust me. And also, I enjoy knowing that I am making my partners feel good out of love. >My husband gives me back and foot rubs all the time. He does this willingly, though I don’t know that he gets anything out of doing them. I love it when he does it because it feels great. Seriously, ever get a good massage? They’re awesome. I know some people get “turned on” by them, but I don’t. I just like them because they feel good for my sore muscles. And he does it for me because he likes to make me feel good because he loves me. He doesn’t get anything out of it other than that. He never asks me to give him a massage in return, and I rarely ever do (maybe cause I’m a bit lazy. Massages are hard work!) >But my point is, that in relationships, people express love to their partners in different ways. There is no one right way to have a relationship regardless of your sexuality. My husband is very respectful of my asexuality. He loves me for exactly who I am. No. 2172972
File: 1726883826479.png (788.21 KB, 736x731, wdPN3E8.png)

>>2172966the fact that she reads steamy vampire romance novels everyday while married to picrel probably explains her asexuality
No. 2172981
File: 1726884362048.jpg (92.34 KB, 704x540, tumblr_nmeflb049l1tq6v5ro2_128…)

>>2172972Yeah, I just stalked her tumblr more in-depth and came here to post the same. Jesus, this would kill the libido of any woman.
No. 2173430
File: 1726925607390.jpg (53.72 KB, 736x1104, 20202020202.jpg)

No. 2173453
File: 1726926762840.mp4 (7.51 MB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cr51ognog65jmsikr2…)

niggaaaaaaa-channnnnnnnnn~~~~(posting racebait in multiple threads)
No. 2173485
>>2173453Hii. Excuse me ladies… can i pick up my smoothie???? Um…… Ok….
why does the middle one look like a trans little boy and the right a man in cosplay
No. 2174434
File: 1726961509027.jpeg (55.66 KB, 480x574, IMG_0682.jpeg)

No. 2174753
the sound just kills me
No. 2175096
File: 1727015427244.jpg (36.11 KB, 564x564, 8888888888.jpg)

He looks so stiff
No. 2175107
File: 1727016134805.png (250.99 KB, 564x524, 1000003271.png)

>>2173453the one in the middle is really cute, lanky short haired girls are adorable
No. 2175114
>>2172943so much word salad just to say
>female socialization has made it so that i've essentially castrated myself and have attempted to replace sexual relief with scrotoid validation, and this makes me special because i call myself asexual and call sexual desire an alien feelingalso, this is against your will bc the entire point is that if
you willed it, you'd never do this, you're doing it bc the dick of the house said so.
No. 2175144
>>2173485what, none of them look like men. Atleast be more covert with your racebait, dipshit.
>>2175118nah unfortunately it's probably a white woman, it's not just white scrotes. There is this one black cosplayer and fashion tiktoker im following who is really chill and pretty and from time to time her videos will get a random flood of racist comments primarily by white women for no reason, also i noticed that most of the videos where she gets random racist hate waves are on the ones where she wears harajaku or kawaii clothes which further solidifies my theory that the kawaii/J-fashion/lolita community are racist as fuck.
No. 2175272
File: 1727023162417.jpeg (114.52 KB, 750x663, IMG_2581.jpeg)

kek, i could never hate her
No. 2175293
>>2175272If she just used her powers on the misogynistic fags who don't stay in their lane she would be my favourite person in the world kek
>>2175144Those types of women are the fucking worst. They either have delusions about looking like REAL LIFE KAWIWI ANIMU, or they know they're nothing special in terms of appearance/skill and cope with it by bullying (what they deem as) acceptable targets. It's a weird mixture of jealousy and an unwarranted superiority complex because their entire personality is being ~so pale desu~
No. 2175405
I feel bad for her but it’s so fucked up that I had to laugh
No. 2175934
No. 2176010
File: 1727081657595.png (1.1 MB, 828x1317, dinos.png)

No. 2176450
File: 1727116265380.jpeg (78.73 KB, 444x800, IMG_3004.jpeg)

No. 2176805
No. 2176831
>>2176596The woman’s husband cheated on her with an OF woman and got her pregnant. The mistress sued him for child support and the husband responded by suing her for the amount of money she earned from the OF videos they made together. Throughout the mistresses pregnancy she had filmed a ton of pregnant fetish content for her OF, and the husband was in most of them. The husband's best friend felt bad and wanted to tell the wife what the husband was doing, so he sent her one of the OF videos the husband made with his mistress. His face and wedding ring were fully visible in it, and he also had the wife’s name tattooed on his chest. When the wife showed the husband paperwork from the court case, he plays innocent and claims that she’s just some random woman who he owes money to, but eventually fessed up and said they made porn together and he wants his share. Then he and the mistress got together, and the wife is now suing for full custody of the kids, the house, the car, child support and alimony, because in the state she lives in the cheater will always lose everything to the spouse they cheated on, so she’ll get everything and he and his mistress will be left with nothing
No. 2177118
File: 1727143730084.jpeg (1.44 MB, 1170x1743, IMG_4718.jpeg)

No. 2177138
This disgusting slut desperately wanted to show how “hot” he is with this poor quality joke. Whore
No. 2177167
>>2176831>the wife is now suing for full custody of the kids, the house, the car, child support and alimonyAbsolute gigastacy move.
I do feel bad for the "love"child that got involved in this. The fact that your "parents" were making pornography with you being technically a part of it… they're going to grow up with issues.
No. 2177170
File: 1727146446925.jpg (337.52 KB, 1536x2048, Tumblr_l_70302745877303.jpg)

No. 2177173
File: 1727146612497.jpg (136.7 KB, 1080x1080, Tumblr_l_333381807772728.jpg)

No. 2177218
File: 1727150125301.png (2.91 MB, 748x9755, img_7829.png)

this entire thread
No. 2177630
File: 1727180586990.jpeg (455.93 KB, 750x1045, IMG_2592.jpeg)

oh my god kekkkk the average redditor
No. 2178245
File: 1727217827094.jpeg (465.07 KB, 750x1126, IMG_2596.jpeg)

No. 2178402
File: 1727224227589.jpeg (428.27 KB, 1170x2034, IMG_4740.jpeg)

There was a bridgerton ball in Detroit, but it wasn’t hosted by Netflix or bridgerton it was just some random group who held it. They played current music instead of classical, didn’t decorate the venue, the workers weren’t dressed in costumes, they served raw chicken, they had certain characters greet the guests but they didn’t act like the characters and just spoke in modern day language, and they hired an exotic dancer which is the part I couldn’t help but laugh at. It was sad because everyone looked like they put a lot of effort into their gowns and hairstyles just for it to be a scam
No. 2178434
File: 1727225460106.jpg (27.06 KB, 564x1000, 41b+KjgFNrL.jpg)

>>2178245>Yellow color as if it's lemon flavored>Bottle has a bbl and waist liposuction, promoting plastic surgery and unhealthy beauty standards>No delicious chemicalsPoor euros
No. 2179149
File: 1727276698467.mp4 (1.36 MB, 576x1024, mismatch.mp4)

No. 2179153
File: 1727276914634.jpg (55.68 KB, 1000x1000, 5105M2LU0YL.jpg)

>>2178434The EU fanta has pumpkin extract that makes it taste extra delicious. Plus, we have the fruit twist flavor of fanta and it's so good.
No. 2179257
File: 1727284495260.jpg (118.27 KB, 545x1528, Queen.jpg)

I saw this on the front page a couple days ago and need to share it here.
No. 2179543
No. 2179761
File: 1727316291010.png (157.33 KB, 368x312, IMG_0511.png)

No. 2180688
No. 2180849
File: 1727381956675.jpeg (771.05 KB, 1170x1961, IMG_2310.jpeg)

Say what you want about Britney’s usual Instagram posts but her reposts are so cute, she even credits the artists and tags them
No. 2180864
File: 1727382385960.jpg (41.85 KB, 564x736, 19bd004ac4fedc80aebf493762c2c7…)

>>2180849She's so kawaii..
No. 2181141
File: 1727388220857.png (32.87 KB, 1080x296, Screenshot_20240925-224603~2.p…)

She sounds like my mom
No. 2181347
No. 2181468
File: 1727399287176.png (56.12 KB, 742x638, kekkie.png)

Kek never fails to usher a chuckle out of my dumb ass
No. 2181521
>>2172389It was crazy when opabinia left her blog and revealed that all these troons and TRAs had been getting obliterated in debates by a 14 year old girl the entire time. Future if not current stacy kek
Absolutely disgusting though seeing all of the retards who had sent her rape and death threats trying to backpedal and telling her she's just a poor brainwashed child after finding out her age though
No. 2181794
File: 1727418274520.png (623.57 KB, 796x780, eeva.png)

Eva Longorias fake crying always makes me kek
No. 2183393
No. 2183792
File: 1727498526469.png (1.03 MB, 1966x1298, david kekham.png)

when you google the word "Metrosexual" a pic of David Beckham pops up kek
No. 2184309 reference (somebody kill me)
No. 2184324
File: 1727535225315.png (264.47 KB, 664x584, GYSbA3pW8AECGvm.png)

No. 2184896
average /g/-tard
No. 2185485
>>2184896wtf i just clicked on her account and it's a goldmine, she keeps forcing her voice and mannerisms to sound like a baby wtf.
No. 2186957
File: 1727652024575.jpg (81.17 KB, 564x669, b3a10f8d8162c038621c97d0bd8193…)

No. 2187358
File: 1727672102623.jpeg (176.68 KB, 1170x1692, IMG_1369.jpeg)

just saw this on japan twitter kek
No. 2187410
File: 1727677901201.jpeg (108.41 KB, 828x881, v13uvc3evtrd1.jpeg)

No. 2187565
File: 1727696733797.jpeg (430.85 KB, 1536x2048, jc77eQH.jpeg)

No. 2187577
File: 1727697189424.jpg (57.05 KB, 720x797, 1727648368961345.jpg)

No. 2187595
File: 1727698013504.png (1.66 MB, 1356x1695, OspXvDy.png)

>>2187584your right, nothing resembling heterosexuality here
No. 2187655
File: 1727703037438.jpg (430.43 KB, 1055x604, Topkuk.jpg)

This screengrab.
No. 2187847
File: 1727714188850.jpeg (39.87 KB, 473x304, IMG_2652.jpeg)

>>2187830K, enjoy your literal pump-and-dump scheme
>>2187838I love my mother, just don’t be a retard posting on lolcow while you’re pregnant with a scrote’s evil underling
(baiting/infighting) No. 2187875
>>2187866She watches political talk show clips on Facebook, she wouldn’t know what this place is thankfully because she’s aging gracefully. Give up the pokemon and yaoi, it’s time to take care of the crotch goblins you wanted
nonny kekk
No. 2187920
I would trade a pregnant woman for this cute kitty(baiting)
No. 2187965
>>2187825or just the usual shit you'd see in any '
toxic reylo' romance, but with a male character, whose now basically a rule-63 version of themselves, that you refuse to stop thinking is male
(fujosperging outside containment) No. 2188093
>>2181347I love this
>>2181423This too
>>2183393Based mom I hope that's me in a few years
>>2184896Dementia or schizophrenia. This is just sad.
>>2187595I like the style but the subject matter is horrendous
>>2187847>Women who have children are losers who let losers cum inside them>I love my motherKek
No. 2188163
No. 2188418
No. 2189410
No. 2189620
i don’t know what’s funnier the pretentious britbong or the amerifag el goblino meme responding to this britbong’s bait kek(baiting)
No. 2190256
File: 1727829790466.jpeg (416.69 KB, 750x1023, IMG_2686.jpeg)

i don’t know why anons hate tiktok so much, there’s so many retards to laugh at on this thread it’s like a huge gold mine kek
No. 2190924
File: 1727889539643.jpg (93.82 KB, 780x1040, 20241002_191626.jpg)

No. 2191613
His screams when the soap got in his eyes
No. 2191853
File: 1727962141840.png (87.93 KB, 774x550, IMG_5219.png)

No. 2192267
File: 1727985813222.jpeg (241.96 KB, 1170x2054, IMG_4882.jpeg)

The comments of a ufo sighting video
No. 2192425
File: 1727991253045.jpeg (51.87 KB, 1242x317, 06EA8DCD-314A-4966-A066-CDE067…)

I miss the femcel subreddit
No. 2192790
No. 2192828
No. 2192870
File: 1728017975548.png (329.04 KB, 748x719, sCjEeEo.png)

No. 2192922
File: 1728023331629.jpeg (642.03 KB, 1170x2022, IMG_4912.jpeg)

He heard the footsteps of someone walking on his roof in the middle of the night and the suggestion that it’s Beyonce sent me for some reason. The comments are referring to the J Cole song “she knows” which is about her knowing about Diddy
No. 2193866
File: 1728088096914.mp4 (1.1 MB, 1280x720, mLHARKIB8Ccnvclr.mp4)

No. 2194001
File: 1728096843065.png (572.37 KB, 1021x826, pnBwMYT.png)

No. 2194321
Her fans are such idiots lol
No. 2194388
hetsluts love bislut men
No. 2194420
>>2194409That sound went viral in tiktok for a few months, for some reason when toddlers listen to it they start crying so there was also a weird trend where parents would show their kids getting emotional at it.
>>2194418It looks like she stopped singing when she heard it. Also if I were a fan and went to her concert I would be so annoyed at people loudly ruining it
No. 2194422
File: 1728134987144.mp4 (1.54 MB, 1280x720, quark break dancing(1).mp4)

>>2194405It's the best dancing I've ever seen. I'd let him smash all night long.
No. 2194439
File: 1728136579615.jpg (112.76 KB, 526x688, fagtober.jpg)

>>2194427Stop derailing with your 2D obsession. That's loser talk.
No. 2194442
>>2194439did you steal that from my phone? i screenshotted that a few days ago kekkk
>stop derailing blah blah blah men are fucking ugly and so are the hetsluts who go after them, get over it
No. 2196288
No. 2197046
When he got flung to the side I lost it
No. 2197058
No. 2197062
No. 2197116
No. 2197210
No. 2197382
File: 1728318465271.jpg (233.14 KB, 1200x1496, earl grey tea hot.jpg)

>>2197145That is Quark from Star Trek and I would never. But he does get a lot of pussy, yes.
>>2195421Stop being a pickme, lol. The type of woman who uses the word hetslut isn't going to respect you no matter how you debase yourself to her.
No. 2197386
No. 2197549
I’m sorry but I could watch scrotes get chased by dogs all day
No. 2197576
File: 1728326861522.jpeg (454.04 KB, 750x1009, IMG_2743.jpeg)

kekkk maybe lose some weight before you start crying about skinny attractive women stealing your clothes that’s already a huge waste of water and resources. fat people contribute to climate change
>>2197382you’re so overdramatic, there’s nothing wrong with the word “hetslut” you can simply close the screen if it offends you that much. put on your big girl panties and get over it
(baiting) No. 2198214
File: 1728359201745.jpeg (200.45 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5634.jpeg)

No. 2199576
english dub gojo has a very important message!
No. 2199588
File: 1728435161691.jpg (128.67 KB, 542x856, Causal+craven+brisk_117c5d_104…)

>>2197576Girl, stop making up scenarios in your head. No one is seething and frothing about you being retarded, we're only pointing out how retarded you are.
No. 2199707
File: 1728444207593.jpg (42.89 KB, 640x800, post446350418_2370942029783029…)

No amount of context will make this make sense but it's just so hilarious to me. I don't even know the guy on the left, the image is just hilarious.
No. 2199770
No. 2199771
File: 1728453852309.png (5.31 MB, 1976x2048, GOMfG8eXsAEH3jF.png)

this genre of image
No. 2199832
No. 2199877
This raped male is alone in a dangerous jungle surrounded by predators, idk what he’s doing there or why
No. 2199950
File: 1728471622089.png (303.68 KB, 615x620, momokun.png)

When i get bored i like to look into this chinese company that makes cursed inflatable sex dolls. They actually rip off furfags designs to make bootlegs and blackmail them to stop selling them.
No. 2200068
File: 1728480632514.jpg (13.79 KB, 880x52, Screenshot 2024-10-09 153147.j…)

the retards anadius gets mad at in his server
No. 2200127
File: 1728488199262.jpeg (107.15 KB, 370x640, IMG_8788.jpeg)

The comments telling op that it’s all normal and that parents have kinks too kek. Most redditors are fucking retarded and it makes me cackle every time.
No. 2200129
File: 1728488242601.jpeg (25.29 KB, 739x415, images (20).jpeg)

No. 2200420
No. 2200424
File: 1728507535353.webm (2.26 MB, 762x720, 1628300292046895.webm)

No. 2200721
File: 1728527028456.jpeg (212.27 KB, 750x1102, IMG_7148.jpeg)

DAE girlfriend make you her gay bottom bitch at the tea party?
No. 2200897
>>2200721he types like a total faggot so he deserves being treated like one
>muh masculine/feminine energyonly women on tiktok call it that lmao
No. 2201191
File: 1728571340630.mp4 (3.03 MB, 576x1024, therewillbepeachslicesallovert…)

Peach McIntyre filmed herself in the hurricane for contenr, these attention seeking tiktokers will stop at nothing
No. 2201696
File: 1728591822746.png (60.73 KB, 954x290, Screenshot 2024-10-10 at 1.23.…)

No. 2202052
>>2197776I swear this used to actually be a funny thread before it became entirely TikToks, which is weird because I do actually like Tiktok but that's not what I want to see on the farm
I don't know how hosting works but I still believe this is a waste of our online space
No. 2202239
File: 1728619971305.jpeg (374.73 KB, 1039x550, 51DC1699-40E7-4718-9C95-9B873C…)

This panel transition didn’t hit the way I believe it was intended to
No. 2202756
File: 1728646633464.png (363.64 KB, 497x666, mrdeformed.png)

His hideous face and fake smile
No. 2203392
File: 1728687993308.jpg (157.56 KB, 688x1206, 1721761467322.jpg)

No. 2203956
File: 1728726382481.mp4 (2.23 MB, 576x1082, good..MP4)

No. 2204369
>>2202582No because I am not a psychopath
There's stuff in this thread that would be funny on a fyp because it would be unexpected when sandwiched between two other normal TikToks, but the funniness disappears once they get uploaded here
No. 2205002
File: 1728786409880.png (2.8 MB, 1534x2657, 100876444.png)

>>2203956kek the guy sounds like toad
No. 2206588
Based Chinese women make random male workers be their dancing rape slaves
No. 2206842
No. 2207076
File: 1728929956105.jpg (76.93 KB, 736x736, 1000016492.jpg)

No. 2207332
File: 1728943296183.gif (1.29 MB, 362x240, 1728270110625.gif)

The utter shock and him walking away so nonchalantly kills me
No. 2207448
>>2202756I like my cheese drippy bruh!
No. 2207705
File: 1728974588830.jpeg (49.87 KB, 410x313, download-9.jpeg)

Found on /snow/
No. 2208171
File: 1729006117448.jpg (634.06 KB, 1080x1048, RDT_20241015_14352920398772351…)

No. 2208690
File: 1729025594100.mp4 (489.55 KB, 338x294, Screen Recording 2024-10-15 13…)

sorry idk how to trim it.
No. 2208700
File: 1729026088827.jpg (101.34 KB, 799x738, 1000006484.jpg)

No. 2208720
File: 1729026708654.mp4 (Spoiler Image,192.57 KB, 164x294, b5b09fKWKDg7c70O.mp4)

unspoiler at your own risk
No. 2209895
LOLCOW.FARM GAVE BIRTH!!!!!! kind of laughing because that is not how I expected a baby cow to moo
No. 2210287
File: 1729123780158.jpg (71.17 KB, 1080x656, 1000016538.jpg)

No. 2210627
Her video makes me so nostalgic of old YouTube videos of random cringey people doing stupid shit kek. I wish we had some cows that acted like this and we could laugh at their vids
No. 2210668
No. 2210693
File: 1729153677620.mp4 (1.57 MB, 576x1024, tumblr_q8r48iz91Q1ye9vv1.mp4)

No. 2211463
File: 1729199410443.jpeg (245.08 KB, 750x916, IMG_2829.jpeg)

No. 2214484
File: 1729401184712.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x1555, IMG_5505.jpeg)

No. 2214515
File: 1729406660625.mp4 (632.37 KB, 720x1280, A14894024DA14ACE909AB8AF26A692…)

No. 2214523
File: 1729407306859.mp4 (101.46 KB, 400x400, QVZjZGEySFVVMkJoR25nYg.mp4)

koth opening
No. 2214569
File: 1729411449407.png (1.42 MB, 1080x1962, Screenshot_20241020-010139~2.p…)

No. 2214602
The person saying “that’s a special kind of customer”
No. 2214692
No. 2215467
Null from kiwifarms aesthetic
No. 2218326
File: 1729623756324.jpeg (325.69 KB, 585x803, IMG_2854.jpeg)

What every woman should aspire to be ♥
No. 2218448
File: 1729627071365.png (1.16 MB, 1412x1232, tk.png)

>>2217966>>2217971>>2218223>>2218280she's not a tif, just a fat woman using filters. this is what she actually looks like
No. 2218514
what, anon?
Kinda WHAT? No. 2219465
This woman who posts her two autistic daughters is so funny to me, the way she said IN JESUS NAME when her daughter walked outside kek
No. 2219473
File: 1729679565867.png (384.91 KB, 582x740, Screenshot 2024-10-23 133201.p…)

No. 2219896
She did this so her makeup wouldn’t come off when she went swimming kek but she didn’t include an explanation of any kind in this video
No. 2220063
File: 1729712246311.jpg (140.88 KB, 1099x1474, 1000015816.jpg)

No. 2220273
File: 1729718486864.jpg (50.23 KB, 1046x551, 1000016739.jpg)

No. 2220871
File: 1729760758513.gif (7.79 MB, 374x374, boxing.gif)

No. 2220884
File: 1729763134670.jpeg (931.14 KB, 2166x1629, IMG_5701.jpeg)

No. 2220894
>>2220884Wholesome cringe. Made me kek and warmed my soul.
>>2220889idk about this creator or TikTok in general, but aren't most the people uploading video content using filters? I assume that contributes to the sameface.
No. 2220985
No. 2221126
File: 1729783870512.png (371.62 KB, 375x805, moldy pineapple.png)

Bro, why do you have to be this way? Just acknowledge the chirp by gasping at the fulfillment of a well know stereotype and then move on like the rest of us.
No. 2222162
No. 2222968
File: 1729857696114.jpeg (213.14 KB, 720x1250, IMG_2879.jpeg)

An angel gained its wings
No. 2222971
>>2222969plenty of women use too. I'm so tired of some women trying to turn this into a women vs evil incels thing.
I'd take an ai husbando over an ugly human moid who thinks I'm inferior any day.
No. 2223037
>>2222986Do you think whoever runs has the time or staff to read millions of logs generated by its users every day?
Also you do know that local language models exist right?
Anyways I'm glad that little fag killed himself. Soon more will join him in hell as the "male loneliness epidemic" gets worse and more males get cucked by robots.
No. 2223042
File: 1729864095038.jpg (25.83 KB, 600x499, 012629c5c5fb251125a45ed8067cc7…)

>>2222969If I ever kill myself over an ai chat I'm not ruining it for everyone else by leaving evidence. why are mentally ill moids so fucking useless. I don't care about CAI getting censored but I really hope other platforms don't follow suit over one retarded moid and his equally as retarded parents.
No. 2223753
File: 1729894301187.jpg (60.11 KB, 1290x1260, 172989316313912289334203077124…)

No. 2223784
File: 1729895851196.jpg (67.56 KB, 348x352, cowboy bebop.jpg)

No. 2223901
>>2223888But it’s true. Teen boys literally make deepfakes, a young girl even committed suicide due to this, but no one is saying anything about deepfakes of women. The percentage of minor rapists is also increasing, teen boys aren’t as innocent as you’re painting them to be kek.
The chances of him being a degenerate aren’t that low nonna, I don’t understand why you’re this pressed. The parents shouldn’t have left a gun around a child who was depressed, sad situation that could have been avoided , but I cannot fathom any more sympathy than that sorry.
No. 2223907
File: 1729901311774.jpeg (74.3 KB, 417x640, IMG_9880.jpeg)

>>2223888The so called “fantasies” nonna is talking about mind you.
No. 2223911
File: 1729901383578.jpeg (155.75 KB, 1170x800, IMG_9879.jpeg)

>>2223888Again with these “fantasies” , nonnas! Stop it! Have some compassion for these poor boys!