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File: 1682464996011.jpeg (62.52 KB, 576x512, img-TIkglRDkVEkQaUxLaYEU9.jpeg)

No. 1559641

Post things or pictures of things that make you laugh.

No. 1559642

For some reason I always laugh when I look at Projared's thread. He really thinks he's so fucking hot, he smiles like he's about to cry and he's so odd looking. His ego is out of this world.

No. 1559650

This entire video

No. 1559653

File: 1682465656622.jpg (25.75 KB, 470x358, Screenshot_20230425-193443_Duc…)

No. 1559657

File: 1682465983945.gif (968.35 KB, 220x220, melon-cat.gif)

No. 1559661

File: 1682466221172.jpeg (38.02 KB, 320x520, 37361E34-2451-4607-8B79-C75C26…)

No. 1559669

File: 1682466991216.png (98.14 KB, 283x382, Screenshot 2023-04-12 134353.p…)


No. 1559672

shitty old youtube poops like this

No. 1559674

File: 1682467924351.gif (11.82 MB, 420x498, hungry-dog-hungry.gif)

this gif makes me fucking lose it every single time

No. 1559675

File: 1682467932729.png (77.65 KB, 494x552, eyes-surgery-family-eye-enlarg…)

No. 1559677

samefag to say im literally in tears right now from laughing at it

No. 1559681

File: 1682468082573.jpg (20.42 KB, 281x287, 1682006105274938.jpg)

No. 1559688

Okay, the meme where some troon is like
>I want a good man
and somebody, I think on facebook/twitter replied
>Look inside
Or something like that

No. 1559691

File: 1682468965803.jpeg (134.59 KB, 1080x1061, FukYt_8X0AU5P-a.jpeg)

No. 1559693

why doe some cats love melons so much???

No. 1559702

File: 1682469989059.jpeg (188.83 KB, 870x1238, BC191680-A5E3-4052-B615-584B7C…)

No. 1559711

File: 1682470929976.jpg (10.68 KB, 225x225, 1681371259092.jpg)

I love this pic

No. 1559718

Not to be a Debbie downer, but couldn't everything that would or has been posted itt also fit in the Things You Like thread? Just no need for super specific threads when we already have general threads that aren't being used.

No. 1559721

you don't have to like something to get a laugh (or chuckle) out of it

No. 1559727

No. 1560169

This obliterates my sides to this day

No. 1560179

File: 1682529969843.jpeg (68.48 KB, 750x691, 5817D345-F076-4E1D-8B77-4E4E12…)

No. 1560189

File: 1682530726323.webm (1.22 MB, 718x404, feed_my_babies.webm)

No. 1560195

File: 1682531119024.webm (6.23 MB, 1080x1080, squirrel.webm)

No. 1560199

File: 1682531328469.webm (630.73 KB, 295x480, vlogging.webm)

No. 1560202

File: 1682531611051.jpeg (104.21 KB, 1440x1080, AC451F26-8FF4-4C8F-8772-BCC174…)

Dylan Mulvaneys ugly man foot

No. 1560214

No. 1560217

No. 1560250

This isn't really funny if you don't enjoy seeing animals getting hurt.

No. 1560305

No. 1560315


No. 1560317

Not the Heckin pupperino! He’s literally ok he just went into shock

No. 1560318


No. 1560322

Even if that's true, you think animals going into shock and being in distress is funny? You're a retard.

No. 1560325

The original uploader said he is
You’re too sensitive, comedy is time+tragedy I’m sure you only laugh at the ethical things huh? Post something funny instead of just shitting up the funny thread with your complaints. Show me what’s actually funny. Most funny things are just unfortunate events

No. 1560326

No. 1560327

>Source: he said it (totally not to avoid legal problems, just trust me)
Now that's some real comedy. Fuck out of here

No. 1560331

this video has literally made me cry from laughter to the point where there was no more air left in my lungs to exhale ever since i found it 8 years ago. still leaves me in tears to this day
>already spinning…

No. 1560334

File: 1682541111295.jpeg (69.81 KB, 720x1144, IMG_3493.jpeg)

No. 1560338

>Comedy is time+tragedy
No it's not you moid brained retard. Go to liveleak of you think tragedy is funny. Falling and/or getting hurt a little is completely different from a video of a person or an animal being in real serious pain and almost dying.

No. 1560339

File: 1682541747944.jpg (160.68 KB, 1200x1165, Ft7PsW4XsAIDf4Z.jpg)

Only laughing at ethical things is not the same as not finding it funny when animals get hurt. Also you like rat race KEK.

No. 1560340

>comedy is time + tragedy
You know that's a saying and not like, a real math equation right

No. 1560401

File: 1682546221992.jpg (128.68 KB, 1080x1644, smolbby.jpg)

Every time

No. 1560733

File: 1682580136148.png (10.5 KB, 837x143, YA.png)

I was reading comments and this one made me lose it

No. 1560734

File: 1682580215304.png (27.46 KB, 626x577, help.png)

No. 1560741

Kek this is kinda cute

No. 1560758

No. 1560759

File: 1682586542600.jpeg (19.32 KB, 750x171, IMG_2705.jpeg)

No. 1560760

File: 1682586600051.jpeg (16.51 KB, 692x268, IMG_1080.jpeg)

No. 1560767

When an incel is jealous and it makes them seethe

No. 1560773

File: 1682587967937.png (69.6 KB, 703x605, image-2.png)

kek same anon

No. 1560774

File: 1682588029665.webm (2.95 MB, 1024x576, fricking_cyclists.webm)

No. 1560776

File: 1682588659135.jpg (94.76 KB, 1000x809, 7011851_1000x809.jpg)

No. 1560783

File: 1682588952919.png (Spoiler Image,209.3 KB, 714x529, unknown.png)

Somebody asked an AI for a horsecock, instead it created a reverse double centaur (2d drawing, not nsfw)

No. 1560790

File: 1682589904310.png (12.01 KB, 635x384, 1682194665615.png)

For me it's when a tranny is jealous of or mad at normal people in the most childish and hysterical way like picrel
>imagine them as handles so it's easier to pull me into a kiss……
God damn, what's wrong with him? I cringed so much it hurt. Did he start acting like this after the divorce drama or was he already this creepy in public before that?

No. 1560795

Same thing tbh

No. 1560925

kek, just pulling your leg

No. 1561032


No. 1561211

File: 1682625023511.png (1.36 KB, 191x67, f--k.png)

No. 1561235

My favourite r/mtf post lmao.

No. 1561256

Lmao. It’s so funny because like, how can anyone not say this is a fetish? What WOMAN would ever speak like that or call herself a little smol stupid baby, unironically? And troons are over here going “W-w-w-we j-j-j-just want to be recognized as women and you’re murdering us!!”
NOPE. Give me a fucking break coomer, you just want to roleplay and act out the pedophile hentai you’ve rotted your brain with.

No. 1561289

Can you not make a chuckle thread about your special interest. Be quiet.

No. 1561298

File: 1682634284259.jpg (105.03 KB, 738x768, veggie.jpg)

I love veggietales kek

No. 1561305

I kek’d

No. 1561340

File: 1682639171696.webm (7.13 MB, 576x1024, SaveIG.App - 29347435945088161…)

No. 1561351

File: 1682641141922.jpg (8.79 KB, 235x250, 333.jpg)

the nursing home comment

No. 1561353

File: 1682641366895.jpeg (179.82 KB, 1284x1562, IMG_9958.jpeg)

No. 1561357

Dying at the way they gaze upon the beast

No. 1561359

thats a tranny right?

No. 1561360

File: 1682642494641.jpg (37.13 KB, 500x262, damn sofie.jpg)

No. 1561362

I'm pretty sure it is.

No. 1561365

Pov: you live in the midlands and this is what you hear when you are trying to sleep.

No. 1561372

wow this image is making rounds everywhere today

No. 1561373

you must be over 18 to use this site

No. 1561413

No. 1561420

Has probably been said a ton but I just can't stand vtubers or their fans, i think the small ones are even worse a lot of the time because they all seem to think they'll make it big and it's just so delusional. The whole community is very parasocial and weird

No. 1561516

File: 1682661727328.jpeg (49.97 KB, 540x540, 016F425E-5829-4FC8-AEDD-BAB86C…)

I love this retarded comic so much

No. 1561545

File: 1682667350809.jpeg (29.94 KB, 721x450, truth social.jpeg)

No. 1561727

File: 1682694264455.png (289.19 KB, 1079x1078, tumblr_2c6977c7fdb744e986e4e0e…)

No. 1561902

File: 1682709975088.jpg (95.67 KB, 640x821, rippen.jpg)

he rippen

No. 1561903

KEK thanks for sharing i saved it

No. 1561905

I can smell this image. Gravitrons smell like the sweat of a million ballsacks

No. 1561931

No. 1561971


No. 1562011

File: 1682719569883.jpg (76.85 KB, 563x767, ugly.jpg)

No. 1562014

My sense of humor is so dumb stupid things like mods or glitches in games always gets me. I come back to this vid a lot when I need a laugh

No. 1562017

Howd he do that tho??

No. 1562250

File: 1682746110836.jpg (74.48 KB, 750x577, tumblr_f4983388860ca95c47a1664…)

No. 1562329

File: 1682762753717.jpeg (387.25 KB, 1536x2048, Fu3WBamXoAAirvy.jpeg)

Hand sanitizer

No. 1562333

it's the discussion tag for me lmao

poor ugly axolotl

No. 1562436

No. 1562804

No. 1562849

File: 1682802116098.jpeg (210.05 KB, 992x1755, 13DA4031-3EB5-429C-970F-57BC40…)

No. 1562851

File: 1682802300237.jpeg (29.31 KB, 1125x557, IMG_0290.jpeg)

No. 1562906

File: 1682806824716.jpeg (204.63 KB, 1080x2029, Fuow_3nXwAAyn_C.jpeg)

It's in some type of government facility. That makes it even worse, but funnier kek
Pic not related, but it made me chuckle

No. 1562912

This is how horses really are I swear to god. Love them though

No. 1562914

File: 1682807615811.jpeg (17.03 KB, 451x500, IMG_7843.jpeg)

LMAO I want this but with sailor moon

No. 1563094

No. 1563111

Genuinely love that this thread had posts, I love this and I'm going through all the posts. Happen it's not dead because I thought it would die or I'd be banned for making it, thank you nonas

No. 1563134

This was so fucking funny, holy shit

No. 1563135

File: 1682832703706.jpeg (95.67 KB, 1170x895, 0ACC5791-D0A2-4BE3-8659-5903F3…)

made me sensibly chuckle

No. 1563164

kek same, I saw it on youtube and had to repeat at least 10 times.

No. 1563181

File: 1682838162767.png (2.15 KB, 351x94, mean.png)

This post. Ever since I first saw it, I think about it at random times and laugh. The thought of someone randomly stumbling into /snow/ without any idea what the board is about and then being shocked is funny to me.

No. 1563211

Kek, this also made me chuckle.
>Remember this? Remember when you crashed your car, Tyler? REMEMBER?

No. 1563324

File: 1682861106350.jpeg (93.55 KB, 1242x1243, Fu8cXNQaIAEKbxT.jpeg)

Thank you nona for the thread, im loving it

No. 1563391

File: 1682867717995.jpg (Spoiler Image,1.69 MB, 861x8551, 1658377308970.jpg)

I don't want to just fill the thread with lc post, but this absolutely takes me out every time. It shouldn't even be funny, it was the fact it was left up that kills me

Spoilered for length

No. 1563397

File: 1682868327745.jpg (48.19 KB, 500x550, 4hqdh969468yfu8.jpg)

It gives me the same energy as this

No. 1563443

cat videos are such a classic but it always works on me

No. 1563487

File: 1682875777466.jpg (63.32 KB, 558x909, 804730b1faaf0aae7028056a344ff5…)

I love everything with Morrissey as a punching bag.

No. 1563506

I'm high and misread this as "I thought I would die" and started to get slightly concerned

No. 1563518

I want to believe this is real but I don't think veggie tales is that old (this interview is probably from 80-90)

No. 1563682

it could be, veggie tales started in 1993

No. 1563949

File: 1682894845092.jpeg (Spoiler Image,56.32 KB, 1042x770, Fu96SWPaQAEjY08.jpeg)


No. 1564028

File: 1682898116132.png (17.14 KB, 480x255, Puzzling mean elated_42f442_10…)

No. 1564074

File: 1682901050051.jpg (38.99 KB, 486x510, 0fb8fffd3a68.jpg)

No. 1564080

File: 1682901334985.jpeg (35.88 KB, 960x925, 68675BCF-A714-4BF8-8EA2-DE1C9C…)

this sleeping happy full kitty , drunk on milk

No. 1564098

File: 1682901916563.jpg (271.89 KB, 1200x1200, Boundary dragonfly_a63d7e_9693…)

No. 1564326

No. 1564351

i love their interaction so much, i always giggle when i remember it

No. 1564370

i remembered this

No. 1564401

Wow I was thinking about this a few hours before you posted. They're so cute.

No. 1564661

I always end up cracking up every time I watch this - the lines are just so bad, the crappy music, the animation, and everything about it is done so perfectly poorly.

No. 1564677

File: 1682965559610.jpeg (97.54 KB, 749x734, 0543DC61-199A-49A5-8C74-3F5B90…)

No. 1564746

File: 1682969843922.jpg (59.87 KB, 720x768, Screenshot_20230501-151954_Chr…)

look, i'm sorry, It's a sweet moment but i found this so funny.

No. 1564875

File: 1682976690979.jpg (124.41 KB, 1242x749, gripped milkshake.jpg)

No. 1565875

File: 1683028383696.jpg (33.48 KB, 828x536, FvCRHUkXoAM9VvV.jpg)

No. 1565877

File: 1683028407043.jpg (30.4 KB, 827x465, FvHZO-OXsAcb8gy.jpg)

No. 1566051

File: 1683039665739.webm (3.08 MB, 720x898, k5etuQbxplK6Jhi1.webm)

No. 1566070

File: 1683040585524.jpg (62.67 KB, 720x720, i hate satan beyonce tampons.j…)

No. 1566072

File: 1683040654270.png (424.96 KB, 960x749, d65.png)

No. 1566078

File: 1683040841586.png (80.01 KB, 619x428, image-10.png)

No. 1566095

I had to kek at their voices please listen to it

No. 1566098

Thought they all had boobs, not that was their legs.

No. 1566157

File: 1683045158543.jpeg (32.07 KB, 678x452, images (3).jpeg)

It took we a while to realise it said nerd and not Nero, I was confused what he had to do with this. Anyway look at his horrible profile.

No. 1566195

fat elvis looking ass

No. 1566279

File: 1683053503963.png (1.11 MB, 1420x1080, Screenshot_20230502-114606.png)

Their voices are really silly, but what is going on with this makeup/eye thing? Never seen this before and thought it was a prosthetic at first

No. 1566287

Its gyaru make up

No. 1566328

the Black Diamond gals couldn't sing for shit either but this…is really something

No. 1566588

That makeup makes her look AI generated, Jesus

No. 1566693

File: 1683099500228.png (252.67 KB, 1280x2124, tumblr_bdc6385fad63572ed6a7cf7…)

No. 1566703

Momokun eyes

No. 1567090

i just love her

No. 1567102

Relatable, I'd be resentful for never getting a free jar of honey too.

No. 1567328

I love this video so much. It legit puts me in the mood for painting (with brushes though I can never have so much passiom for sponges) whenever I watch it

No. 1567798

File: 1683220985101.jpg (30.18 KB, 557x287, tumblr_85f48118060038289b06be9…)

No. 1567903

File: 1683227587360.png (Spoiler Image,306.21 KB, 667x874, the chair.png)

you walk into the rumpologists' office, my humps playing on repeat in the lobby as you anxiously wait for your appointment. a client leaves the examination room followed by the expert himself, both politely exchanging goodbyes. you stand up to greet him, and right after shaking your hand he gently pushes you to the side as you turn around in surprise to see picrel. you realize, the appointment had started as soon as you sat down "oh this guy's good", you think.

No. 1567919

File: 1683228545052.jpg (86.65 KB, 640x640, muricanmountainwomen.jpg)

No. 1567921

File: 1683228627761.jpg (125.79 KB, 599x800, 1632939135301.jpg)

No. 1567934

File: 1683229160594.gif (4.01 MB, 384x216, butt slap.gif)

No. 1567935

You are an absolute legend nona, there's my ugly chuckle session of the day. Bless you

No. 1567937

Thanks for this

No. 1567984

I need the lore on this

No. 1568099

No. 1568645

File: 1683315296909.jpeg (45.88 KB, 1080x368, A845EAFD-848E-4BC8-A6D8-50B348…)

no idea why this got me

No. 1568683

I don't get it.

No. 1568699

There's this little dude who makes all these funny videos of him doing action stuff despite his dwarfism, a lot of running, he's pretty good at it. But one of the comments was like

"How long do the batteries last?"

Had me in tears lmao

No. 1568759

File: 1683323777482.png (10.7 KB, 540x263, cambrian explosion.png)

No. 1568769

tringi tringi tringi tringi tringi tring

No. 1568801

File: 1683326469181.jpg (119.11 KB, 1013x1024, favorite outfit.jpg)

No. 1568803

nickelodeon slime

No. 1568809

File: 1683326859265.jpg (30.39 KB, 549x622, FfcP1ATWAAAz9tG.jpg)

of course I hate him, but this did make me chuckle

No. 1568829

File: 1683328536091.jpeg (16.5 KB, 750x264, IMG_3009.jpeg)

No. 1568838

File: 1683329165309.jpeg (24.75 KB, 1170x263, 06033125-0611-4DC1-90D3-C9B3A2…)

No. 1568853

I'll help you hate him more anon. When this meme was circulating a while ago and people were charmed by the hashtag relatability Leto insisted that he was NOT reacting to that coat and OF COURSE he didn't buy it because of the fashion show instead of just taking the w

No. 1568874

File: 1683331647065.jpg (38.18 KB, 828x622, 340753704_591373953056308_8396…)

i hate twitter fags i hate twitter fags i hate twitter fags

No. 1568875

No. 1568881

File: 1683332686497.jpg (79 KB, 1078x934, jared leto.jpg)

Same. I just love that picture because it's such a display of monkey emotion.

Lol, what a loser. Imagine having money and not using it to buy things that spark joy. What else is the point of it?

No. 1568883

God nothing truer

No. 1568892

File: 1683334082115.jpg (56.73 KB, 750x998, Tumblr_l_117391486745686.jpg)

No. 1568898

My grandma used to sing this to me and my sister when we were babies. I literally thought she made it up, but it's apparently super common, along with the Mmmm mmmm mm mm mm song (i swear it's an actual song)

No. 1568903

File: 1683335268036.jpg (83.9 KB, 540x538, tort love.jpg)

Are you thinking of Mmm Mmm Mmm Mmm by Crash Test Dummies?

No. 1569306

File: 1683379862295.jpg (153.96 KB, 1080x1125, Screenshot_20230506_083825_You…)

never in my life have I heard of a moid with the name Moid. I gasped lmao

No. 1569313

It sounds so perfectly comedic that it has to be fake

No. 1569320

I giggled

No. 1569351

My male sims when I can't think of a good name for them.

No. 1570076

File: 1683461778829.jpg (Spoiler Image,268.72 KB, 1280x1280, good grief.jpg)

The fact that an illustrator for Rockstar Games drew one Grand Theft Auto V protagonist sucking off another, posted it online under her real name, AND entered it into an art show. The only thing that would make this funnier is if she drew it on company time.

No. 1570095

File: 1683465466366.jpg (28.16 KB, 750x490, fish evloution.jpg)

No. 1570100

Boss makes a dollar
I make a dime
That's why I draw my yaoi
on company time

No. 1570106

No. 1570187

bless up, what a queen

No. 1570205


No. 1571774

File: 1683610302653.webm (3.95 MB, 480x852, I97uk-xSIw3oMPox.webm)

I love this edgelord gymbro so much.

No. 1571778

File: 1683611214338.jpg (78.33 KB, 640x643, c4dd0ec21b809ee6c9e680c13314a3…)

No. 1571787

File: 1683612679583.jpg (101.89 KB, 597x830, tumblr_da415781133f0f9f10d5301…)

No. 1571792

File: 1683612933042.jpg (49.29 KB, 500x403, 0980987098.jpg)

it doesnt matter how many times ive seen this over the years, I cry laughing every time

No. 1571796

File: 1683613387179.jpeg (117.36 KB, 828x1034, ccd48102-af2c-4d1b-94cb-c65fea…)

No. 1571798

File: 1683613669114.jpg (42.25 KB, 563x563, ij_00s.jpg)

No. 1571856

File: 1683620287638.jpg (183.88 KB, 1170x1103, tumblr_d088deba04abafcdb3bebe2…)

No. 1571868

please give more info on this who is she? i love her kek

No. 1571911

Roxie Vizcarra, she even made pottery with drawings of gay men sucking each other off. It's all on her Instagram

No. 1572091

surprised she hasn't trooned out yet.

No. 1572147

a role model for us all. bless her.

No. 1572851

File: 1683694092710.jpg (23.95 KB, 375x436, 8cf4299afde23435a9a43f852b64f2…)

I know this is dark, but I saw an comment like this when it happened and giggled because he really did come off like this. RIP to those involved.

No. 1572855

He cracks me up because of the way he refuses to look at anything. Man squints his eyes like an ostrich. He can't see you so you can't see him

No. 1573007

File: 1683716427930.jpeg (193.85 KB, 1224x1498, C9duJf-UIAExV0v.jpeg)

speaking of

No. 1573008

Is that supposed to be Johnny Klebitz or Mike sucking off Trevor?

No. 1573026

Oh my gooood nona I’m crying on the bus at this, fuck me

No. 1573052

Weird Al never fails to brighten my mood

No. 1573054

Couldn't pick one, I like the part after 3:45

No. 1573073

File: 1683726320313.jpg (162.88 KB, 1170x1636, vshzv58zbwka1.jpg)

No. 1573169

File: 1683733362149.jpeg (82.43 KB, 597x601, FvxxiC7X0AI8K7Q.jpeg)

No. 1573171

File: 1683733460233.jpeg (125.9 KB, 1078x704, FvxxiC5XoAE9jvQ.jpeg)

No. 1573173

File: 1683733561272.jpeg (270.01 KB, 1080x1588, FvxxiCyX0AQZO0b.jpeg)

No. 1573196

File: 1683735792277.jpg (18.89 KB, 321x373, what crimes have you done.jpg)

was looking for a cute 3d print and came across this, why the hell would you censor bar a cat

No. 1573200

her privacy matters too

No. 1573207

just like children, cats cannot consent to their image being posted online

No. 1573216

File: 1683737101306.png (132.95 KB, 794x640, mpreg gender.png)

the way this image aged

No. 1573234

File: 1683738515488.png (162.93 KB, 500x520, EI VITTU YLETÄ.png)

Dumb Disney comic rewrites in general, but especially this one.
>anons on the image board said short guys can't get laid
>i bet he gets laid for being so tall
>oh fucking hell i can't take it anymore, i'll kill myself

No. 1576197

No. 1578351

No. 1578419

I want to beat up americans

No. 1578630

lol I share the same sentiment as the comments, mexican and love this

No. 1578823

No. 1578840

The way he sings is so stupidly funny I can't help but chuckle

No. 1579223

The buttplug cursor on the front page that occasionally shows up from the pits of shayhell. Everytime!

No. 1579552

No. 1579556

No. 1579565

This video I saw on tiktok originally.

No. 1579654

fuck off i just laughed with my pelvic muscles contracting backwards

No. 1579658

i sing 'where is my hairbrush' to my cat almost every morning before work

No. 1579719

i hate you i almost choked on my food from laughing

No. 1579721

anon i can tell which things you post and we should be friends irl i;m losing it

No. 1579731

i also think of this regularly lmao

No. 1579769


No. 1579774


No. 1579786

i hate you i just actually watched this entire 'movie' or whatever the fuck it is. i feel like you might be one of my friends in real life

No. 1579787

i hate you i just actually watched this entire 'movie' or whatever the fuck it is. i feel like you might be one of my friends in real life

No. 1579882

At first glance, it may seem like a parody, but an actual group of cryptbros created this animated series promoting the concept of Cryptoland(a proposed project to acquire an island and transform it into a haven for blockchain enthusiasts, akin to Galt's Gulch from Atlas Shrugged)

No. 1579888

I didn't believe for a second it was a parody, cryptobros are that ridiculous and embarrassing.

No. 1579910

File: 1684316332660.jpg (158.85 KB, 1200x800, millennial_monopoly.0.jpg)

No. 1579929

File: 1684318768921.jpg (29.42 KB, 504x514, FB_IMG_1684318790255.jpg)

As it should be

No. 1579957

File: 1684322110353.jpg (95.47 KB, 633x640, 1610500292920.jpg)

No. 1580277

File: 1684353002994.jpg (87 KB, 397x553, your green lantern.jpg)

No. 1580362

No. 1580368

My new favorite thing are those green cats/dogs that are looked at as aliens with gibberish text.

No. 1580390

File: 1684362762433.jpg (19.88 KB, 285x422, FtPK7i6XsAAovKZ.jpg)

No. 1580391

No. 1580532

They should now infest the alien thread

No. 1580582

File: 1684387848987.jpg (93.7 KB, 564x703, 863635f3707f522a96ec498a620dbf…)

No. 1580595

File: 1684388896764.jpeg (15.11 KB, 320x316, F94D0DED-CDC0-44C2-BC46-C462DF…)

>do I have Alzheimer’s? because I don’t remember ever asking for your opinion

No. 1580597

File: 1684389298940.jpg (140.59 KB, 900x522, FwIL2caQAEijdo.jpg)

Comics are so fucking dumb sometimes.

No. 1580598

No. 1581227

File: 1684450328874.jpg (17.17 KB, 292x194, E8CEBE39-C2DD-4A35-89A2-E8D2CA…)

No. 1581237

File: 1684451290952.png (7.5 KB, 1095x128, Russian Terminator.png)

No. 1581271

I love this so much, does anyone know where I could get a print of this??

No. 1581290

File: 1684456541615.jpeg (77.74 KB, 678x412, Fv0FY8XaQAAXjiE.jpeg)

Seriously though.

No. 1582181

No. 1582320

File: 1684574004726.jpg (39.57 KB, 750x567, Broly.jpg)

No. 1582324

el menudo es pancita de vaca ♥

No. 1582364

I can't tell if this is someone's fetish or an intentional parody but it feels autistic in a good way

No. 1582533

The fact that Raiden Metal Gear is counted as an "African-American" character by Wikipedia. Technically he is but it still makes me giggle every time I remember that.

No. 1582642

File: 1684604823739.png (688.13 KB, 1200x674, raiden mgs.png)

I played MGS2 not that long ago and as soon as his backstory was revealed I thought about pic related. What the hell were his parents doing in Liberia again?

No. 1582684

File: 1684609188824.jpg (289.33 KB, 1024x665, Americo-Liberian people.jpg)

It's a long and complex history, but essentially, there was an ethnic group of African Americans who migrated to Liberia. Many of those who moved were of mixed race, with some being 1/4th, 1/8th, or even just 1/16th black, but were considered legally Black in the United States and faced discrimination. The common unifying trait among this group, referred to as "Americo-Liberians," was their distinction from Native Liberian groups who tended to have darker skin and be shorter in stature.

No. 1582694

I didn't know even white people with a great-great-great black grandpa would be included in that group, I guess that makes sense in that context.

No. 1582698


No. 1582700

If Halsey is black then so is Raiden.

No. 1582702

She isn't (wokies and weirdos just want to force it), but this is a funny take so I agree anyway

No. 1582703

that's the joke anon

No. 1583232

File: 1684665128971.jpg (58.66 KB, 680x438, arianahistory.jpg)

No. 1583358

File: 1684681403796.png (312.37 KB, 592x578, y6yrNArXsAA9keU.png)

No. 1584646

This doesn't make me cackle in a "I think racial slurs are cute and funny" way but that anon who used to seriously reply to posts with "woman is the **r of the world" makes me yell every time because why the fuck would you say that. Like who is she, where is she now

No. 1584658

No. 1584665

I'm aware it's a yoko ono reference I just cannot believe anyone would quote it seriously

No. 1586976

File: 1685027275148.jpg (138.2 KB, 975x791, Fw6XdwAE9tWt.jpg)

No. 1588134

File: 1685116361383.png (1.23 MB, 586x3218, most civil discussion on MT.pn…)

Mods please don't ban for racebait(I don't condone any of what's said) but I really do love seeing twitter arguments with non-western nations, because they quickly devolve into the over top and blatant racism and name calling,
>your country's filled with western degeneracy and Jews,
>no you serve the jews
>I'm more white then you
>no your ugly and I'm handsome and you serve westerners

It's funny cause how ridilcous it is

No. 1588145

File: 1685116911102.jpeg (51.32 KB, 643x800, Fs93OmBaAAMbUN3.jpeg)

No. 1588151

Berboon? The fuck kind of insult is this? That shit is impossible to take seriously kek

No. 1588156

Bandar/Monkey is a very common insult in Pakistan, Berboon might the closet equivalent

No. 1588171

I thought it was Berber+baboon. Still sounds retarded tho.

No. 1588194

that's what he meant kek

No. 1588258

File: 1685125303282.jpg (101.52 KB, 1022x1163, FzVBepXsAEVww.jpg)

Muzzie infighting is always funny to witness, I also love that pretty much everyone universally shits on Pakistani/Indian Muslims cause of how pathetic and Incelish they are. Even in the company of the worst moids, they're still seen as self-hating losers and no one really likes them(go back)

No. 1588282

No. 1589054

No. 1589094

Brown men are so funny, they shit on their own women all the time AND are constantly mocked by foreign women. They act like they're too good for the objectively sexy South Asian women, chase after whites, and go on killing sprees when rejected. We should just kill them all at this point, and gift every woman who has to co-inhabitate with them a barely legal gigachad with perky pink nipples as a compensation. And a pony, because I personally love ponies and think I deserve one.

No. 1589099

>and gift every woman who has to co-inhabitate with them a barely legal gigachad with perky pink nipples as a compensation
Give me one around my age instead and I'm sold. No pony, I live in a city so I wouldn't be able to take care of one properly.

No. 1589104

brown/swarthy men can actually have pink nipples believe me, I know

No. 1589111

No bitch, go kill yourself. Have fun playing with haggard shitskins.(racebait)

No. 1589112

Leaving the straight nonnas with white men who age like sour milk kekw.

No. 1589113

We execute them hesbollah style when they show signs of aging

No. 1589225

All men age like shit, not just the white ones. They all think skincare is gay.

No. 1589235

tbf, Asian and African men typically maintain a youthful appearance for a longer period of time, However, both Caucasian men and women(including people of various ethnicities) tend to mature and age at a quicker pace.

No. 1589283

File: 1685204793381.jpeg (145.62 KB, 1170x1490, IMG_8783.jpeg)

You give me your number, I’ll call you up

No. 1589288

NTA but yeah, most white men show bigger signs of aging compared to other races because aging gracefully depends mainly on your genetics and facial structure.
I'm not trying to racebait btw, this has just been my experience.

No. 1589322

Happens to Middle Eastern and west asian men as well, the word we have in my language for middle eastern and european people is 'the bearded races'

No. 1589331

Pretty sure it's mostly because of the light skin having less melanin therefore being less resistant to aging by sun

No. 1589334

i think one reason is sun exposure. as other anons have mentioned men ignore things like skincare. but pale people are more sensitive to the sun.

No. 1589341

File: 1685208874894.jpg (126.26 KB, 768x1024, Daniel_Dae_Kim.jpg)

okay so why do Asian men who have lighter skin seem to age better and why do MENA men tend to age just as rough as white men?

No. 1589343

Because you only know actors that got jobs done or have access to high quality skincare.

No. 1589346

idk i said one reason, not all the reasons

No. 1589363

File: 1685210637496.jpg (55.7 KB, 735x704, d8d6c0fe8a56d9f7ee22871d3dbf18…)

No. 1589388

It looks like Mads Mikkelsen's photo with asian filter

No. 1589393

Something that will always make me laugh is when Tsudaken had to apologize to his female fans for being married. Like, just for loving his wife and having children with her, nothing scandalous at all. That poor guy must be in his 40s so to this day I have no clue how his fangirls expected him to stay a kissless virgin.

No. 1589397

File: 1685213763677.jpeg (132.23 KB, 828x1262, 521A321A-7397-4247-84FF-6E3CEE…)

she’s a queen

No. 1589465

This is cursed

No. 1590343

Someone mentioned Ayn Rand in a different thread and it reminded me of this.

No. 1593193

File: 1685552666093.jpg (150.05 KB, 2230x1080, 2frS7hMFwko.jpg)

No. 1593200

I'm officially iresexual now. I like to fuck up people of England FAUGH A BALLAGH

No. 1593206

File: 1685554236441.png (2.4 KB, 277x182, download.png)

Are they retarded? Pride flags have horizontal stripes, e.g. picrel

No. 1593210

Is this why Moroccan women have the reputation of being witches? The plot thickens.

No. 1593240

the all female biker gang is undeniably gigabased, but wtf do biker gangs even do rest of the time? i guess it's like any other hobby, but who tf makes a gang over a shared hobby.

No. 1593246

knallerfrauen!! i don't have the video on yt but here's a dailymotion link: https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x3w88mp

No. 1593250


No. 1593497

Argentinian pride (nothing new tbh)

No. 1593660

File: 1685594569662.png (75.2 KB, 1514x189, indianmalebehaviour.png)

>they shit on their own women all the time AND are constantly mocked by foreign women
reminds me of that indian moid that insulted a black woman by bringing up european women knowing damn well he'll never get to sleep with either. I'd post the actual tweet but he's nuked his account.

No. 1593663

File: 1685594728483.png (42.82 KB, 1072x847, coward.png)

samefag, this was after a lot of pushback, esp from another black woman's account that had lots of followers.

No. 1595195

No. 1595344

File: 1685740419951.png (218.76 KB, 594x1024, 1685687955135.png)

Her face kills me

No. 1596696

This shit is too catchy

No. 1596697

And this too

No. 1596703

File: 1685890144383.gif (1.64 MB, 283x240, 1685587377419768.gif)

every single one of those kibbe body type youtubers thinks they're a classic lol

No. 1597053

I can't believe it's been 8 years and this still hasn't reached 2k views. This stupid video always cracks me up.

No. 1597346

i was readying myself for a long read AHAHAHAHHAHA

No. 1597391

File: 1685941468540.webm (571.11 KB, 480x852, s9gY4jnlbGAE--1U.webm)

No. 1598077

Foul gluttonous beast. Disgusting actually

No. 1598142

don't you people have a containment thread

No. 1599260

No. 1599280

No. 1609731

File: 1686983181500.jpg (284.63 KB, 1344x2832, q0hpdbevngqa1.jpg)

No. 1609889

File: 1687006476862.png (127.78 KB, 1170x560, rfz3bn70n44b1.png)

No. 1609953

there's a Japanese literary critic that shares his exact full name with a video game character down to the exact same kanji writing and the character is much, much better known than the literary critic

No. 1609986

File: 1687014473233.jpeg (41.15 KB, 827x462, DA7BCABA-3BE6-42D9-BD67-31567C…)

trucks without trucks
just look at this dumb ass shit
it's so unthreatening
if I saw this zoom by I would giggle
it's like seeing a micro pp

No. 1612030

File: 1687188226612.jpg (112.01 KB, 960x1003, FVaB0VZaYgbdE.jpg)

No. 1615041

File: 1687477053534.gif (3.48 MB, 368x498, 1682029083438.gif)

This gif

It's like seeing an owl without its feathers

No. 1615060

I was high while scrolling by, and this threadpic made me do a double take. I love it!

No. 1615275

File: 1687508469072.png (115.04 KB, 1080x2843, poop.png)

No. 1615586

File: 1687543507083.png (221.05 KB, 1200x630, owls-without-feathers-fb.png)

>owl without its feathers
looked it up and wow, It seems like it would be a good inspiration for a horror film.

No. 1615599

they were invited to a shitty moid podcast, so in this case I feel inclined to stand up for the large person. Hope she ate the loser hosts.

No. 1615601

He's a tranny. He's a moid too.

No. 1615602

almost everyone here is a stupid dumb bitch that gets their feelings hurt by the most basic internet edginess. you retards have autistic meltdowns over words like cunt, bitch, whore and nigger, yet your entire gimmick on this site is bullying people. I've never seen anything more pathetic lol. you can't engage with dissenting opinions and you cry "muh soggyknees" over just about everything. no wonder you were pushed off of places like 4chan. You're the type of retarded cunts who can't handle reading the front pages of /pol/ or /lgbt/ without having a nuclear meltdown. imagine being so fucking cringe and retarded that not even 4chan puts up with you. even kiwifarms hates you dumb cunts. everyone on this site should have been vaporized and crushed inside the Titan cuckmarine. id rather have those billionaire niggers alive than you dirty rotten bitches. so yeah cry now and report me. Cry to the jannie like you guys always do on this site. wah wah moid this tranny that chud that wah wah. this place is bottom of the barrel dogshit and i only come here to laugh at you smelly fishy cunts. the anons here ARE lolcows and they convince themselves otherwise. you people think you're laughing at lolcows but this entire site is a containment facility OF lolcows. You're contained here on a farm of fat ugly cunts and people can freely come here and gawk at your retard posts and femsperg rage. it is like a petting zoo except instead of petting im just laughing and cringing at you shitfucks.

go now, go cry and report, get your jannie. Whores.(touch grass, for your sake)

No. 1615616

There is a time and place for everything. I frequent both 4chan and here, and I adhere to their local rules and conventions.
My point: you're not on 4chan. Cope and seethe.

No. 1615621

nona it's a moid butthurt that his racebait got redtexted. don't pay it any mind

No. 1615623

Why? It's fun. I hope he replies.(don't respond to moids)

No. 1615624

attention only encourages it.

No. 1615627

File: 1687545613573.jpg (111.46 KB, 1125x990, shady af comebacks.jpg)

because this is what you come off as whenever anyone replies to blatant bait regardless if you mean well, and it encourages them

No. 1615987

No. 1617978

File: 1687788735523.jpg (182.24 KB, 946x2048, tumblr_d70ebe7f6d8e6af8779d06a…)

No. 1617996

No. 1618008

can someone please explain this tweet to me i dont understand what it's even communicating

No. 1618036

Hopefully some kind nona takes pity on us and does.

No. 1618040

I'm guessing immature/teenager level normie shit stirring just for the sake of looking sassy (?)
The tweet is from one of those twitter accs that are just zoomer versions of justgirlythings or swagfillipino tumblr blogs for normie teens if that helps

No. 1618395

A king

No. 1618477

>the organization name is abbreviated to BRAP
I laugh every time I see it on my feed

No. 1620230

File: 1688036741809.webm (571.73 KB, 320x568, JMM0wXkBmzaKLTXs.webm)

The fact that both twitter liberals and twitter racists just decided that Miguel O'Hara is racist, and everyone just sorta goes along with it.

No. 1620341

I'm almost tempted to watch spider verse just to grasp what the fuck is going on with its insane fandom.

No. 1620346

File: 1688049246352.jpg (179.85 KB, 736x1470, 0af9f1f476cd18770ca151c4f5aae8…)

Bump, don't scroll down

No. 1620431

It's good, I have no idea how this fandom came to be. It wasn't like this with the first movie either

No. 1622335

is it because he’s hispanic?

No. 1622828

Sperg incoming.

No. (Kind of?) In Miles's very early debut before the Spiderverse movies and his video game, there was a subset of Marvel fans who were very vocal of seeing him not fit to carry the mantle of Spiderman (and since these are boy geeks we're talking about, there was a hint of racism to their complaint. Surprise surprise).

Miguel is (in a small meta way. Its more complicated in the actual movie) supposed to represent Miles's early detractors. So the fact that Miguel is an antagonist here is a way of the creators saying: "Ha! Well who's laughing now?" Since ever since the Spiderverse movies' success, Miles (obviously) exploded in popularity, especially to those who never read his comic.

No. 1625108

tbf the first movie was so good even /co/ was surprised they made Miles likable for them.

But I also feel the reason liberal fans are comfortable with him being racist is because he's Hispanic and now white.

No. 1625109

tbf the first movie was so good even /co/ was surprised they made Miles likable for them.

But I also feel the reason liberal fans are comfortable with him being racist is because he's Hispanic and now white.

No. 1626230

File: 1688659840468.webm (8.9 MB, 1280x720, IMG_697_2.webm)

No. 1627897

File: 1688797257457.jpeg (57.87 KB, 564x667, ACE5BE66-F57E-4471-A120-53D93A…)

No. 1628053

Right is a little cringe at worst but mostly harmless but people on the left genuinely fill me with rage.

No. 1628580

When TV chefs say 'ah, beautiful..' about an onion or something. I don't know why but it cracks me up.

No. 1628592

Hypnotic, really

No. 1628595

No. 1628774


No. 1628865

irl pokemon trainer.

No. 1628876

File: 1688887499663.jpg (73.86 KB, 1158x615, tumblr_d010c2dc2aa4485c938330b…)

No. 1629076

File: 1688908991082.png (Spoiler Image,741.85 KB, 760x596, babesoftheabyss.png)

No. 1629078

File: 1688909203282.png (331.27 KB, 1897x480, hit crab.png)

No. 1629942

highly plosive pios on that pope shit

No. 1631827

No. 1634738

No. 1636280

File: 1689598191107.jpeg (88.66 KB, 667x434, homeschooling.jpeg)

No. 1638493

No. 1642989

No. 1643258

This is a classic, not sure why it's funny to you when it's just bad porn acting and graphic gay sex tho

No. 1648764

No. 1649262

File: 1690744865385.webm (1.98 MB, 476x360, cmre258yre9b1.webm)

No. 1649417

Leather pants is really hot though.

No. 1653270

No. 1658673

File: 1691564750313.jpg (47.93 KB, 563x742, KEK.jpg)

No. 1659622

No. 1659736

File: 1691666371846.jpeg (709.34 KB, 828x1076, CC4D5F79-FD0A-4067-B453-ED16C4…)

this one kitty cat
his owner is @muddycat_atami on twt
if you havent seen this cat yet i highly recommend a scroll

No. 1661122

No. 1664015

No. 1664201

Based and true. Did make me chuckle

No. 1664378

I love this video thank you anon

No. 1665389

This thread is funnier than the funny meme pic one

No. 1668960

File: 1692385032684.jpg (103.47 KB, 616x874, 610636d092e075b5.jpg)

No. 1674268

No. 1674272

Honestly insane to raise son for him to call you a faggot. Male on male violence.

No. 1674420

Gay porn actors are so hot. I want to be a beard to one

No. 1674447

It's pointless since they'll never enjoy het sex or won't do it at all even in a fake relationship.

No. 1674529

NTA, but that's the best part. They just look nice and don't bother you.

No. 1675843

No. 1676639

No. 1676667

File: 1692953137640.jpg (390.48 KB, 828x1628, 24cfe513df9afddda.jpg)

No. 1676748

I love her channel. Her Twilight stuff kills me with laughter.

No. 1678104

No. 1683141

File: 1693457804173.jpg (29.99 KB, 1162x480, sadCommentary.jpg)

That's a sad commentary in and of itself…

No. 1683142

File: 1693457977499.jpg (81.71 KB, 450x600, lector.jpg)

Why is rainbowdash gay? Spike should be gay. I swear that little dino freak is the gayest of them all.

No. 1683372

No. 1683725

File: 1693511830441.gif (2.46 MB, 218x196, llama-snob.gif)

No. 1684510

File: 1693593164180.webm (366.79 KB, 480x852, f5X__n8cu0KU2G3L.webm)

No. 1687268

No. 1690754

This is the best costume ever. lmao

No. 1703729

File: 1695338935270.jpg (55.38 KB, 635x679, 1687141186671398.jpg)

No. 1703760

File: 1695340616827.jpeg (282.97 KB, 640x630, 64FE2EC4-2C7B-41DB-A01C-6D0755…)

No. 1703762

High school sucks, everybody calls me a faggot

No. 1706721

File: 1695630445442.png (368.28 KB, 640x557, tariqblackhistory.png)

No. 1708444

No. 1708772

File: 1695842919046.jpeg (373.01 KB, 1169x1745, BA29372C-8DB7-4647-B244-DE6DC9…)

No. 1708778

1. great costume kek
2. rainbow dash has a tomboy personality (plus the rainbow hair) so everyone calls her a lesbian, idk. Also, Spike was hopelessly in love with Rarity, he's not gay. He was like a young teenager in comparison while the ponies were supposed to be in their late teens-early 20s

No. 1708828

File: 1695847616656.jpeg (813.4 KB, 1170x1306, IMG_5207.jpeg)

No. 1710542

No. 1710718

No. 1713434

No. 1713620

Was this supposed to be in the things that make you chuckle thread.
Episodes like this is why I had to stop watching the show.

No. 1713718

File: 1696268650372.jpg (18.01 KB, 460x199, 20231002_144310.jpg)

Lady at the end is like

No. 1713725

it made me chuckle with just how much happened in the span of 2 minutes.

No. 1713852

As someone who doesn't have a driving license, I feel Schadenfreude when I watch those Vines.

No. 1713860

Oh buddy… That's like the old school Evan Breen video where he plays Mom, Dad and the kid's roles, minus all the "will you shut the fuck up" the revelation that the kid's dying.

No. 1714114

I’m so retarded stuff like this cracks me up

No. 1715367

No. 1716353

File: 1696476893208.jpeg (320.21 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_5646.jpeg)

No. 1716444

No. 1716473

Absolutely reveling and delighting in this man's fear

No. 1717620

You will never be a [ai boufanted middle aged man with fas face and short arms surrounded by ropes] ..???

No. 1725825

File: 1697264895917.jpg (Spoiler Image,181.89 KB, 1170x1443, F61YUs9XQAAmk6b.jpg)

When some MGTOW account posted Steven Universe porn.

No. 1725831

??? Porn addiction humor

No. 1729897

No. 1746765

No. 1746770

im convinced moids who say stuff like this are cucks

No. 1746773

They want to believe these things because they want to justify their gross fetish of being weak and pathetic. You're right

No. 1765829

File: 1699693602713.gif (81.05 KB, 220x165, magnifying-glass-tiny.gif)

from time to time i will remember when, a month or so ago, i went inside the gas station to ask for someone to fill up on the petrol, and there was a guy working there, behind the counter. i was waiting for him to get up and start walking to my car, but he never got up, he just started walking. just that moment of anticipation of waiting for him to get up, but it never happening, and then seeing his tiny self walk past me, is so funny to me. he had to have been like 4'9 at most. he was really ugly too. he seemed angry too, but i guess if you're a short ugly man, everyday is a battle kek

No. 1765842

Um… ok

No. 1765866

Ee ee ee eenie wee eenie wee

No. 1769158

Since IG reels aren't supported, I'm linking it in the comment field:

No. 1777507

Nonnnnnnnna this is trash how dare you

No. 1777517

Noooooo I was looking for this

No. 1777576

File: 1700363688909.png (453.86 KB, 394x737, 17A887A2-AD2C-4A35-966D-A7EB9E…)

Kek she looks like this muppet

No. 1778651

File: 1700421395319.webm (6.46 MB, 576x1128, tumblr_r6m8hy6RaZ1uy91jv.webm)

No. 1778685

File: 1700423203592.png (63.73 KB, 335x335, 1541097552933.png)

Well this certainly made me chuckle

No. 1783898

File: 1700706225176.png (676.5 KB, 829x565, Screenshot 2023-11-22 at 9.22.…)

I chuckled at this generic looking guy's name being just…."Moid"

No. 1783903

this is art

No. 1784279

I laughed so hard, the music kills me. I can't even finish the video without pausing

No. 1784353

No. 1785023

Not American but do people actually need video tutorials for how to make stuffing? No less box stuffing.

No. 1787607

At least people are taking the piss out of this flat concept

No. 1787687

No. 1791134

File: 1701106142203.jpg (836.87 KB, 1440x1920, tranny.jpg)

This comment from a shitty webcomic (yeah I've read it)

No. 1791155

can someone please make a thread for the comic and her gay TIF author, I feel she could be a greater cow then Holly Brown.

No. 1791168

Apparently the circus thing is based on I Have No Mouth, And I Must Scream. But I have a feeling that if Harlan saw this, he would be like "wtf is this trash?".

No. 1791618

This couldve been so much better, so seeing it just makes me dissappointed

No. 1791955

prrt prrt prrt

No. 1795288

No. 1795297

Is it moidish to say that fart jokes make me laugh? Because they really do, I love a dumb ass fart joke that makes no sense and has no relevance, sometimes they make me wheeze. Yes I am autistic

No. 1795353

Best show ever.

No. 1795362

kek im the same way. idk why, i know its childish and half the time not even actually funny but something about it just makes me laugh uncontrollably and has since i was a kid

No. 1796083

No. 1797935

Corey Feldman is such a lolcow

No. 1797937

No. 1797939

No. 1797944

No. 1797945

No. 1797946

I said it was science goddammit

No. 1797951

No. 1797956

No. 1797969

Whats going on in your life that posting clips from Norbit seems like a good idea

No. 1798013

If you find Norbit funny, you are a terminally online gay moid worshipping handmaiden.

No. 1798015

No. 1798102

Im not the anon but the only Norbit adjacent thing I find funny is 30 Rock’s spoof with Tracy Jordan.

No. 1798148

It’s not that deep.

No. 1800480

No. 1800735

No. 1800764

File: 1701822281561.png (342.04 KB, 420x420, Png (1).png)

No. 1800788

File: 1701823767030.jpeg (229.58 KB, 750x567, cute-earmuffs-for-baby-cows-2-…)

No. 1801001

File: 1701842474178.jpg (126.58 KB, 1080x1088, 407633250_914039763720650_2731…)

No. 1801138

File: 1701861302174.jpg (182.38 KB, 923x1276, Esp91mJ.jpg)

No. 1801183

File: 1701868899047.jpeg (246.8 KB, 1183x2330, 2BD32779-EEC6-4CC9-A4AE-6DDC3C…)

No. 1801194

thats a tranny

No. 1801214

spoiler troon shit.

No. 1801216

Oh ew I didn’t even realize, I feel gross now, the joke is no longer funny.

No. 1801218

>the butt chin matches the butt nose

No. 1801247

No. 1801256

The moment I heard this girl say in on of her shorts that JK Rowling "likes to harass transgender lassies" I almos gagged.

No. 1801534

ugh, why are these anti JK people so uninformed. JKR never did that shit. ever

No. 1803914

File: 1702042959502.png (1.48 MB, 1280x720, pFWLPuu.png)

No. 1804101

No. 1807234

File: 1702272437276.gif (166.98 KB, 400x300, 1702122581941.gif)

No. 1807242

File: 1702273359956.jpg (66.3 KB, 540x532, e9f207d5fe8148abf11f0e6d81c6a8…)

No. 1809706

File: 1702421376189.jpg (137.94 KB, 1080x1210, media_GA2dOZ6W4AAUhhO.jpg)

No. 1809715

nooo lmao this is too much

No. 1811485

File: 1702522095813.jpeg (105.44 KB, 1179x364, IMG_6731.jpeg)

I’m sorry but hummus made me chuckle

No. 1811592

Funnier if you know how Arabs pronounce hummus

No. 1841208

No. 1841209

A legacy

No. 1841210

No. 1842394

File: 1704634707787.jpg (90.88 KB, 696x871, 20240102_032805.jpg)

No. 1846326

No. 1850196

File: 1705095502748.png (240.03 KB, 997x807, image-5.png)

The Projared thread keeps cracking me up

No. 1850197

File: 1705095524262.png (328.38 KB, 1030x648, image-4.png)

No. 1850198

File: 1705095633570.png (386.83 KB, 513x877, image-7.png)

No. 1852337

This is like the perfect thread to post your classics but it's rarely used

No. 1852664

Daniel Larson’s twin

No. 1852694

Same, nona. A lot of cow threads have really depressing energy, but his is just pure schadenfreude.

No. 1854971

File: 1705285221395.jpg (93.67 KB, 1242x991, az6myxtnvfn81-4234374627.jpg)

No. 1856644

File: 1705393213756.png (46.38 KB, 960x586, usewithcaution.png)

No. 1856650

File: 1705393930121.jpg (106.43 KB, 720x920, 382745636_722916216541429_1364…)

No. 1856738

Based kitty.

No. 1859908

I just topped up my mobile phone by 50GB and my 5 year old son came into the store with me. He said "did you put 50 giga chads on the phone?".

I think he's been watching some interesting things on YouTube.(wrong thread)

No. 1859922

Anon didn't deserve a ban for wrong thread, but she did need a ban to take a break from LC and watch over her kid

No. 1860511

File: 1705630817187.jpg (140.61 KB, 2327x429, ElSf95h.jpg)

Call me sick or whatever but this headline gave me a hearty kek cause wtf

No. 1860521

Multiple chickens? How long did this go on for? How many chickens did we lose?

No. 1860523

This isnt the wrong thread fuck you, it made her chuckle

No. 1860528

File: 1705631533675.webm (1.76 MB, 460x252, 1694322636379984.webm)

No. 1860548

Just went back to check and apparently it was 6 chickens, so this went on for an hour and a half if the scrote stayed true to his word

No. 1864226

File: 1705902292390.jpg (186.8 KB, 1241x1536, 1000002305.jpg)

No. 1867193

I’m sorry but this woman makes me chortle a bit, she’s just so weird. She always goes up to open/unlocked windows and doors and shouts this phrase of hers to startle the people in the house, then runs away wheezing at herself

No. 1867195

She’s my personal cow, there’s something very wrong with her

No. 1867199

File: 1706167322541.jpg (138.89 KB, 975x1412, 1000002365.jpg)

No. 1867203

File: 1706167466804.jpg (51.66 KB, 600x805, 1000002376.jpg)

Mfw trying not to respond with God forbid a woman have hobbies

No. 1867211

I enjoy watching her hobby and I’m glad she’s terrorizing the UK. I just think she has to be mildly insane, like in this one you can tell the woman immediately called the authorities on her kek

No. 1867217

When she starts to wheeze and cackle I freaking lose it.

No. 1867290

what the hell did she say

No. 1867336

She said “can I get a hooya in the open window” I don’t know what it means kek. In one of her videos she came across a cement mixer and she yelled into it “can I get a hoya in the cement mixer” which made it echo loudly through the street and scared everyone

No. 1867340

Absolute menace. I wish I could have that much fun on my walks.

No. 1867351

Jimmy’s Crib.

No. 1867361

No. 1867379

File: 1706188466234.jpeg (128.63 KB, 745x702, Ero7QAqXAAkbpLn.jpeg)

No. 1867401

This is kind of amazing

No. 1867716

No. 1868036

heard a moid seething over TiFs having better hairlines and beards than he does. i dont like trannies but it made my day kek

No. 1868166

File: 1706270542370.jpeg (771.29 KB, 731x1064, 8b86itfoewbc1.jpeg)

No. 1868181

How disturbing

No. 1868182

This shit is medieval

No. 1868196

The only laughter I'm getting out of this is a nervous laughter.

No. 1868198

I've seen this lady's page before, she makes troll videos for engagement.

No. 1868201

Thank god, I was praying it was a joke

No. 1868209

File: 1706276187681.png (428.58 KB, 606x523, IMG_4955.png)

No. 1868759

File: 1706320514479.jpg (84.99 KB, 1024x1006, 1000002374.jpg)

Trisha is actually funny to you?

No. 1870212

File: 1706465210622.jpg (53.02 KB, 540x540, arbjt0mem7z41.jpg)

No. 1870225

Kek i love that dog

No. 1870307

File: 1706471950396.jpeg (183.56 KB, 750x876, IMG_9182.jpeg)

Celeb thread is full and I cba making a new one but this also belongs here: Paris threw Megamind a first birthday party and - in a surprise to nobody - she put him in a hat kek.

No. 1870314

File: 1706472409750.jpeg (138.65 KB, 750x697, IMG_9183.jpeg)


The chin strap because she couldn’t bear the risk of it falling off to reveal the true mass of his cranium: incredible.

No. 1870342

The way it’s just an excuse for HER to wear a princess dress at the age of 42. I think it’s fun for moms to do big parties for their kids with costumes if the kid likes that blah blah but you just know she’s so me-centric it’s all about her and not the poor bobblehead

No. 1870632

That baby look like he have no idea who she is

No. 1870946

Cats hate Nicholas Cage.

No. 1871066

I knew a man who was basically raised by his housekeeper and had a closer relationship with her than his own parents. I'm assuming this is a similar case

No. 1871079

This poor kid is so ugly. Maybe he'll grow into his looks/headsize, but damn, he looks like he has constant brain swelling or something.

No. 1871361

Ah, yes

No. 1871363

File: 1706560694844.jpeg (141.86 KB, 640x884, D86C9A0C-0ACD-4519-BCE6-B134CC…)

No. 1871373

File: 1706561419575.jpg (27.49 KB, 241x401, 1000012522.jpg)

Celeb hands are fucking creepy.
Why do no professional photoshoppers ever seem to grasp human anatomy when editing these cryptid paws?

No. 1871552

File: 1706576930252.png (943.56 KB, 1706x1138, 1000007614.png)

Probably not the best thing to chuckle about, but these kinds of tiktok screenshots are a guilty pleasure of mine. It's kind of funny seeing the reactions to the weird comments they get. I feel bad for them but it's also really funny

No. 1871601

File: 1706584218168.jpg (19.23 KB, 1005x146, amievilorsomething.JPG)

I laughed so hard at this title in a medical sub that there were tears running down my cheeks. I showed it to 3 family members and none of them thought it was funny. wtf, am I immoral for thinking this is hilarious?

No. 1871605

I gotta look away every time I see that baby because he looks like the Airheads™ logo and I can't take it

No. 1871634

Maybe a bit autistic for the overreaction

No. 1871650

but anon. you don't get it. imagine you are seizing on the floor, experiencing a true medical emergency, and unbeknownst to you, your 6 year old is just out of eyesight gorging himself on marbles. Then you come out of it, maybe in the hospital, or with a family member, and they're like
>oh my god, i'm so glad you're okay. while you were out, jimmy ate 36 marbles
seizures already make people drop dead tired after, could you imagine? I'd close my eyes and put myself into a coma through sheer willpower

conversely. imagine you are six years old
>see mom flopping around on the floor like a fish
>oh boy, time to eat 36 marbles!

and further still, imagine you are the relative, and you walk into the scene of the mother flopping around on the floor and then in your peripheral vision you see the 6 year old and realize he's methodically downing fish tank marbles

No. 1871653

okay i didn't laugh that hard at the headline but your description was so funny i cried. bless you and your autism nonna

No. 1871685

I tried imagining this and it just made me sad

No. 1871689

This is formatted like a superwholockian text post tumblr reply.

The dumblr autism going full force lately, shuddering.

No. 1871694

File: 1706596705896.png (239.41 KB, 1406x1433, 1000002448.png)

This is how you sound. You should be ashamed of yourself. Break free from that time capsule and into the year of 2024 please you're being left behind.(doubleposting to bait for infighting)

No. 1871916

tbh I think it’s sad you feel the need to try to make someone feel bad who’s just having a good time. If you don’t think it’s funny, you can just scroll by.

No. 1873058

This dog. This dog's noises get me any time.

No. 1873683

No. 1875912

No. 1877027

File: 1707047491235.png (304.65 KB, 975x582, uvLA03U.png)

No. 1877035

>turned on new season of rpdr
>couldn't get past the first 15 minutes
>finally understand him
>am freed of 16 years of this

No. 1877037

I hate these disgusting things and I hate the noise they make. People will piss and cry about a baby crying but will cream their fucking panties over this like it’s the cutest thing ever. This thing is an abomination against nature that should have never existed. Listen to the repulsive snort every time it takes a breath. If you enjoy watching this you’re an actual sadist whos sick in the head.(there is a dog hate thread)

No. 1879449

No. 1879541

File: 1707240285397.jpg (71.73 KB, 540x624, tumblr_5f6ac764246079e5fc27b35…)

I stopped after season 11, ngl i enjoyed looking through the drama subreddits more than actually watching the show.

No. 1879586

File: 1707244086477.mp4 (3.79 MB, 480x854, yOvG8EQ.mp4)

No. 1879677


No. 1879720

It should be illegal for men to wear skinny jeans and overly tight pants if they're ugly like this

No. 1880020

That penis is vacum sealed like a senator

No. 1884127

File: 1707604139355.mp4 (18.95 MB, tumblr_s88iu9Yg6S1tem7yj.mp4)

No. 1884155

nonnie i am in tears

No. 1884210

File: 1707608607830.jpg (68.37 KB, 746x960, tumblr_5a617e0611d48d30d09cb33…)

i watched it like three times in a row and my sides still hurt so i had to share, kek

No. 1884260

No. 1885255

No. 1886490

No. 1886685

Sorry it's not a "thing" but everytime an anon posts on the fetishes you're ashamed of thread and it's about either nazis or feet i giggle, they're always so afraid but i've seen it so often by now that i find it funny.

No. 1887809

File: 1707894744640.mp4 (2.18 MB, 480x854, 2zAPAUr.mp4)

No. 1887812

File: 1707895489701.mp4 (8.57 MB, 480x854, pRh9Pzd.mp4)

No. 1888628

File: 1707963601927.jpg (55.18 KB, 640x959, abbay.jpg)

I have this pic open in a tab and I keep forgetting about it

No. 1888917

No. 1892068

File: 1708221061439.jpg (110.96 KB, 720x673, 1000002812.jpg)

If you don't think this is funny sorry but this poor taste product inspired me to go on a journey of discovery

No. 1892069

File: 1708221121938.webp (152.21 KB, 1445x1445, 1000002810.webp)

The finest of jewels

No. 1892070

File: 1708221157015.jpg (57.13 KB, 1600x1600, 1000002808.jpg)

Products and goods that exist and can be bought and used

No. 1892072

File: 1708221201678.jpg (18 KB, 570x570, 1000002809.jpg)

If you're a little more bohemian and lowkey I've got you

No. 1892075

The urge to yank this would be irresistible I’m sorry

No. 1892079

Sorry but wtf is this? I understand what the end is but the rest? Handcuffs? From the butt? For the person wearing it or someone else? What??

No. 1892083

For someone else. Like I saw one with straight up padded cell cuffs. I guess it's an ass slave thing

No. 1892085

File: 1708222104176.jpeg (480.23 KB, 1242x1814, IMG_3631.jpeg)

This dumb ass unicorn sex toy is making me laugh so hard. The damn thing looks like Birdo

No. 1892088

File: 1708222231538.gif (898.19 KB, 500x278, 1000002814.gif)

No. 1894049

File: 1708370721971.jpeg (245.72 KB, 1056x360, IMG_6549.jpeg)

No. 1894330

File: 1708390951639.jpg (63.51 KB, 1169x721, 1000002841.jpg)

No. 1894331

File: 1708391128598.jpg (142.54 KB, 1438x1054, 1000002840.jpg)

No. 1894391

this is so creepy but you should buy it
mr pavlou was rejected by a white lady i see

No. 1895681

I might be the only one who finds this funny but vogue Germany uses song and edit choices in their celebrity videos that are really amusing to me. They make it seem like satire sometimes and other people have said they’re using their German autistic humor

No. 1895684

just like Jon i do a yearly pilgrimage to his christmas with the kranks video, love it, easily his best video.

No. 1895701

Why did he do that suddenly

No. 1895704

That post was a response to some gay racist moid bashing Australian Aboriginal women. It has nothing to do with white women nonny, kek

No. 1896497

File: 1708539627767.png (1.15 MB, 1080x1634, hrATgz9.png)

No. 1896652

File: 1708549809384.jpg (7.46 KB, 244x57, freejulian.jpg)

I didn't expect this from Fragrantica kek

No. 1896657

Fragrantica is always so unhinged, I love it

No. 1896665

Kek?! Based

No. 1896924

Two completely unrelated chaotic videos with a "what happened?" in which I love

No. 1896929

No. 1896934

Some tranny said they hope I miscarry my baby and it just made me chuckle. I keep reminding myself that they're mentally ill, but it was just so absurd and out of nowhere it made me laugh irl. He also kept bringing up me having a breeding fetish to the point it seems like he's projecting.(wrong thread)

No. 1896946

What'd you say to piss it off nona

No. 1896954

Someone asked if I was pregnant and I answered that yes I am pregnant lol.

No. 1896964

You're right, he probably was projecting lol

No. 1896971

Umm what kind of argument were you having

No. 1896976

File: 1708573851419.jpg (120.94 KB, 1170x1252, 1000002817.jpg)

A classic a classic

No. 1896978

No argument I was just talking to someone else about food
Anytime I talked he would tell me to fuck off breeder and to kill myself etc. I thought he was trolling at first but he's just unhinged

No. 1896981

I dont believe you at all

No. 1897002

taking lc seriously. like i'm always laughing bc i get both sides but also why.

No. 1897022

That's fine, you can choose not to believe me I don't care either way

No. 1897026

File: 1708575711570.jpg (150.13 KB, 1169x1949, 1697004079891914.jpg)

>random post about wanting to shake a baby
>random post about being pregnant and a random ebil twoon telling you to miscarry with no prior provocation or content at the same time

No. 1898590

File: 1708686786853.png (4.49 KB, 390x69, image-26.png)

The chat auto deletes but the same tranny said this to me just now, which also made me chuckle(still wrong thread)

No. 1899128

No. 1899132

File: 1708719983444.jpeg (80.29 KB, 1100x788, IMG_1023.jpeg)

the sokka actor. what the fuck

No. 1899135

Idk why he’s getting so much hate when his face is literally sokka shaped. He looks/sounds more like his source character than like, any other characters

No. 1899138

File: 1708720619620.gif (795.23 KB, 220x220, IMG_1047.gif)

any gif from this event makes me laugh my ass off this and the mark ruffalo one

No. 1899151

File: 1708721791226.mp4 (2.74 MB, 576x1024, sitonit.mp4)

No. 1899155

File: 1708721968704.mp4 (98.64 KB, 478x270, lEydMZNmgXtKIsht.mp4)

I was going to make a reply to that post and then stopped don't mind me. Anyones i love this video and it doesn't get used enough.

No. 1899156

he gets hate bc he lied about being native and he’s the ugliest but i agree most of the cast looks fug

No. 1899216

File: 1708727838219.jpeg (46.69 KB, 496x648, IMG_1062.jpeg)

No. 1899217

No. 1899289

Oh… you should've mentioned it was discord. I didn't believe you because I thought you meant like actual life.

No. 1899290

She always looks so proud of herself when she does the bare minimum it's wild

No. 1899291

File: 1708735807929.png (15.47 KB, 500x232, 1000002935.png)

No. 1899340

File: 1708738553000.jpeg (96.39 KB, 786x180, IMG_0592.jpeg)

Make me kek when I opened the unpopular opinions thread and saw this

No. 1899413

No. 1900070

1:53 Anons I'm dying, why does he act and speak like a disney gay lion

No. 1900071

File: 1708800141227.jpg (82.66 KB, 1227x619, dfdfdgfgdg.jpg)

No. 1900073

he looks better then he did before.

No. 1900637


No. 1900642

Idk whether to chuckle or be mad about the fact that I cannot hear the word pussy anymore without this song playing in my head.

No. 1900644

>Greg became an ozempic diva
I had no idea

No. 1901342

File: 1708890710039.png (338.93 KB, 640x640, IMG_7012.png)

No. 1901605

File: 1708904396009.png (264.15 KB, 1186x486, Capture d’écran 2024-02-25 à…)

jk's comebacks always get me

No. 1901979

File: 1708927628460.jpg (75.34 KB, 720x602, 1000002986.jpg)

No. 1902602

File: 1708967774834.jpg (99.87 KB, 735x844, 1000008757.jpg)


No. 1902615

Imagine admitting this on social media. I hope their ass gets fired. But i doubt they are even telling the truth since those books would just get fixed by someone else. Good job making someone else work harder because your ass is retarded.

No. 1902667

Seeing tweets like this only encourages me to buy more HP merch.

No. 1905662

File: 1709164876248.mp4 (518.88 KB, 384x480, 70.mp4)

No. 1905668

How did he make it move like that KEK

No. 1905679

File: 1709165674170.mp4 (300.37 KB, 540x540, 51.mp4)

No. 1905681

Kekkkin way too loud at this

No. 1905685

File: 1709165867980.mp4 (1.89 MB, 480x480, 117.mp4)

No idea but i love how you can see the results of his training

No. 1905711

I'm glad he lost the weight, but he just looks like a smug cartoon villain with his facial expressions and facial hair

No. 1905747

No. 1908040

No. 1908058

File: 1709325087848.jpeg (666.29 KB, 1170x1145, IMG_4541.jpeg)

No. 1908445

File: 1709351069502.jpeg (1.04 MB, 1170x1418, IMG_7199.jpeg)

Wife went to the news when husband bought hot n ready with the swaztika

No. 1908635

File: 1709365722880.png (1.79 MB, 1080x1440, gRJSQOD.png)

No. 1908638

File: 1709365752877.png (1.13 MB, 1080x810, kbBsCvz.png)

No. 1908639

Why is this funny?

No. 1908640

Star wars is so gay.

No. 1908645

File: 1709366021895.png (3.85 MB, 3000x1680, tpwbExT.png)

I think it's fine as a childish fantasy, but people who take it seriously seem beyond lame, they remind me of this SpongeBob meme.

No. 1908648

File: 1709366082693.jpg (102.84 KB, 821x1024, 1000003073.jpg)

No. 1908649

I've never understood people who are weirdly entrenched in star wars.

No. 1908663

I watched the first movies, and they are fine. It's like a sci-fi pulp story brought to the big screen. However, trying to make a series centered around good blue powered space wizards and evil red powered space wizards into some actual serious political commentary just seems like trying to make Barney serious, It's why I can't get into Andor, cause the Star Wars universe is a childish fantasy series. it should not be expected to deliver a profound narrative about political intrigue or the realities of war.

No. 1910738

File: 1709518332172.jpg (106.97 KB, 1179x1160, 1000003123.jpg)

Someone on twitter photodumped screenshots of their conversations with their mother and this one stuck out to me

No. 1910779

I love her.

No. 1910928

File: 1709534453008.png (Spoiler Image,242.96 KB, 475x355, youirl.png)

disgusting loli artist but the way they add this ugly moid "you" over the pretty boy/faceless male insert made me chuckle

No. 1910931

File: 1709534503721.png (1.12 MB, 990x1043, PjcieBJ.png)

No. 1910976

Gets me every timee

No. 1911164

File: 1709549534978.jpeg (784.11 KB, 1170x1745, male loneliness epidemic.jpeg)

No. 1911168

Queen shit

No. 1911337

File: 1709564287893.mp4 (1.54 MB, 480x854, TlzPsbX.mp4)

No. 1911378

No. 1911379

No. 1911381

No. 1911500

File: 1709574471419.png (479.46 KB, 500x685, zAldA9j.png)

No. 1911921

I hate looking at his drawings, they make me uncomfortable because they're so sincerely rudimentary that it only reminds me that he genuinely has the brain of a child.

No. 1912374

File: 1709650829494.jpg (793.44 KB, 828x1023, 1709615458081268.jpg)

No. 1913128

File: 1709708519544.mp4 (11.4 MB, 854x636, jI7IflV.mp4)

No. 1913539

The most accurate depiction of a gyno visit kek

No. 1914343

This troll is really amusing to me for some reason, she does a fake character like the terri joe person but she does custom drawings and wood burnings. She’s just so odd

No. 1915633

Vegetaaaaaaa! Olha beeeem

No. 1916085

No. 1916105

File: 1709896891400.jpg (132.17 KB, 1008x1768, 1000003200.jpg)

No. 1916106

File: 1709896926169.jpg (86.15 KB, 750x650, 1000003163.jpg)

No. 1916111

File: 1709897128942.jpg (59.2 KB, 641x864, 1000003178.jpg)

No. 1916171

No. 1916217

Common sight at most raves, it's to prevent teeth grinding when you're on drugs

No. 1917169

File: 1709957622954.jpg (73.82 KB, 1004x1017, 1000003267.jpg)

No. 1917170

No shit, it's just funny.

No. 1917172

File: 1709957684110.jpg (55.18 KB, 1004x614, 1000003266.jpg)

No. 1917177

File: 1709958010813.jpg (32.65 KB, 900x448, 1000003268.jpg)

No. 1917200

File: 1709960680246.jpg (115.4 KB, 1080x996, Screenshot_20240309_020335.jpg)

A comment from those Chinese videos showing products. How dense you have to be to think a summoning pattern is something related to Israel??

No. 1917255

File: 1709967654478.jpg (198.65 KB, 720x1175, 1000003269.jpg)

No. 1917950

File: 1710023470134.png (952.06 KB, 1080x1389, 1000009187.png)

the fujos are taking over

No. 1918171

Good maybe if older women in the west become fujos, then the gen z tifs won't think it's cool to become an uke twink softboy anymore

No. 1918179

kek is this real? What the fuck is this

No. 1918223

File: 1710041524642.jpg (2.09 MB, 4096x2730, GIKlTbdX0AACDVV.jpg)


NTA but this is real. The woman holding the bl is one of the french govt officials posing for a photo

No. 1918250

File: 1710044113413.jpg (89.63 KB, 1024x576, gameover.jpg)

No. 1918253

File: 1710044679565.jpg (381.06 KB, 800x1132, callhimafag.jpg)

That's a good one hahaha

No. 1918260

is she form Macron's party or some minor one?

No. 1918555

File: 1710058135704.jpg (93.88 KB, 720x551, 1000003306.jpg)

No. 1918566

File: 1710058336873.jpg (91.92 KB, 1024x946, 1000003303.jpg)

No. 1918568

I would love to use this but I would be called a tranny scrote if I did

No. 1918617

File: 1710059640308.png (73 KB, 1012x922, 507A2EF9-A844-4669-8F29-D5274A…)

Love whenever anons draw during an infight

No. 1918620

I do not. Too attention seeking

No. 1918625

it's always the artists that cant draw that shit on better artists kek(infighting)

No. 1918630

Why do you assume someone who drew an MSpaint doodle for a shitpost is an artist

No. 1918633

I don't think someone would make a masterpiece during an infight though

No. 1918634

None of you are good artists, and if you were you wouldn't be spending all of that time making LC shitpost mspaint art for attention from literalwhos, you would be doing commissions and getting money.

No. 1918637

>all that time

No. 1918639

Why are you taking this so seriously?

No. 1918640

I’m a better artist than sillypoo.

No. 1918642

sillypoo did though

No. 1918646

I'm not, that was my only post. Its just the objective truth.

No. 1918662

It's cute. It reminds me of dogisaga's comics but in a good way.

No. 1919577

Uhh i did more research, she is not a government official, but she is Noémie Coplo, the head of a company that translates manga and manhwa. The company says it specializes in lgbt manga, which is just a covert way of saying they translate bl imo

No. 1919618

File: 1710107790561.png (521.75 KB, 500x436, IMG_2431.png)

i love behind the scenes pics where actors do dumb shit in costume

No. 1919962

File: 1710124200413.jpg (75.4 KB, 700x1025, 45.jpg)

No. 1920242

File: 1710143302119.jpg (98.5 KB, 750x1334, GHXtWsKXUAAFA4Y.jpg)

>This Princess Diana Facebook group

No. 1920243

File: 1710143350222.jpg (96.36 KB, 750x651, GHXtkjhXwAA_S9Y.jpg)

No. 1920245

File: 1710143657068.jpg (42.33 KB, 750x578, GHXtkjlWIAAOzg4.jpg)

No. 1920246

File: 1710143980850.jpg (124.1 KB, 750x1334, GHXtWsMWEAAorqf.jpg)

No. 1920251

File: 1710144335224.jpg (68.64 KB, 750x1334, GHXtWsNWsAAztFH.jpg)

No. 1920255

File: 1710144641680.jpg (50.59 KB, 1024x496, GHXuBXKWUAAYrmm.jpg)

No. 1921632

File: 1710237574715.jpg (164.72 KB, 720x1270, 1000003344.jpg)

No. 1921633

File: 1710237627328.jpg (236.65 KB, 720x1263, 1000003345.jpg)

No. 1921934

File: 1710259733739.png (445.27 KB, 661x687, V1NT.png)

Shaun King fucking Talcum X converted to Islam.

No. 1922132

KEK, he really did live up to the Talcum X name. I didn't think he could any stupider but moids are great at surprising you like that.

No. 1922482

Men convert to Islam because it's a boys club where they can be as wrong as they want and hoards of men will still defend them and call them brother

No. 1922590

File: 1710293702315.jpg (273.88 KB, 1289x1605, 1000003356.jpg)

This is the most accurate white chicks reverse asianfishing I've ever seen

No. 1922592

I admire his dedication to the grift kek

No. 1922606

File: 1710294166508.jpg (333.74 KB, 1289x1615, 1000003357.jpg)

Girlie looks like her name is Becca

No. 1922607

File: 1710294212955.jpg (206.59 KB, 946x2048, 1000003355.jpg)

Arent many before images but still very different. Im not a hater I just find the dedication weirdly accurate

No. 1922831

File: 1710305798124.mp4 (13.75 MB, ssi_TDKgvvEq4zgs.mp4)

thankfully some people are finally calling it out, cause the day after he became publicly converted to Islam, he announced a "tour" regarding genocide and his old issues were also called out.

No. 1922836

she doesn't look real. spooky.

No. 1922846

On this day 6 years ago I was sleeping over with my bf and he let me know what while I was asleep I shouted “no! I don’t like this meme. Go home and touch cheese.”

No. 1922859

Damn sounds like your bf liked to tell lies for laughs

No. 1922973

maybe, but I doubt it, I’ve had various unconnected people throughout my life mention me saying some weird shit involving cheese while I’m sleeping, I’m a very prolific sleep talker and cheese is a recurring word kek. So is “no!” so it passes my bullshit inspection.

No. 1923520

File: 1710357505953.jpg (152.33 KB, 1290x1448, 1000026361.jpg)

No. 1923527

File: 1710358069547.jpg (226.33 KB, 1289x1849, 1000016523.jpg)

it gets funnier

No. 1923530

It's 100% something Jesus would be on-board with kek

No. 1923537

I agree, moids shouldn't be allowed to have fun on the internet. It should be heavily restricted for them.

No. 1923557

Rare W moment for scrote Christian… He needs to talk to the pope and get this idea Christendom wide

No. 1923562

Based pastor moment. I'm dying laughing. He isn't wrong . Mem would rather spend more time playing video games and with their homies than date women

No. 1923564

he's protestant nonna.

No. 1923628

Amen pastor, amen.

No. 1924266

No. 1924267

Protestants are christians nona

No. 1924331

but only catholics use the pope

No. 1924464

File: 1710410204499.jpg (204.4 KB, 720x955, 1000003379.jpg)

No. 1924533

File: 1710413411206.jpg (310.77 KB, 720x1278, 1000003404.jpg)

No. 1924619

File: 1710418993445.png (1.71 MB, 1080x1988, 2lFn8XR.png)

The girl is actually a Uyghur from xinjiang province doing the douyin makeup trend, here's what she actually looks like.

No. 1924866

File: 1710430049552.png (515.49 KB, 724x726, serotonin deficiency.png)

>Just eat fruit bro

No. 1924931

Nah this might be true I eat like half a bag of grapes, an apple, a grapefruit, and a handful of prunes every day and I’m out like a LIGHT as soon as my head hits the pillow

No. 1924943

have you tried it though?

No. 1924953

see >>1924619 does she look white or asian to you?

No. 1924965

>white chicks reverse asianfishing
What's that? A white girl pretending to be an asian one that's pretending to be white?

No. 1924981

Ate a bunch of tangerines earlier this day but that was before I saw this, will report back lol.

No. 1925250

No. 1925251

No. 1925297

This really takes me back to my early teens(?)… however old I was when that O'Reilly vid got leaked. kek it's still funny, I like the remix (vidrel)

No. 1925300

Yeah but I think he can solve the schism

No. 1925302

I think she means the White Chicks movie wherein black dudes cosplay as white women. This is an asian wo?man? cosplaying as white?

No. 1925715

No. 1927011

File: 1710558774952.mp4 (2.72 MB, 320x568, 1000003444.mp4)

This video is so funny

No. 1927015

File: 1710559432901.mp4 (4.09 MB, 480x854, fXvYpTz.mp4)

No. 1927027

I hope it isn't scripted that kid is funny as hell

No. 1927030

He plays genshin, league, and his bio says he's a bear

No. 1927032

It isnt, he's just mocking them the way all kids mocks their parents. The "bear bear are you going to bear bear week?" had me snorting.

No. 1927070

File: 1710562787760.mp4 (2.95 MB, 394x698, water.mp4)

Why'd they do that to her?

No. 1927432

File: 1710597520331.png (352.35 KB, 1285x754, i love my dad and he has no fa…)

No. 1927436

File: 1710597982627.jpeg (91.77 KB, 828x1048, IMG_9643.jpeg)

This made me laugh so hard my stomach hurt. Bless that kid

No. 1927439

That's not funny

No. 1927563

File: 1710605849011.png (533.49 KB, 382x641, aids test.png)

No. 1927821

File: 1710621041083.jpeg (51.02 KB, 604x709, the-most-oppressed-minority-in…)


No. 1927999

File: 1710635243752.jpeg (51.79 KB, 768x432, tumblr_oy2s7iEpP41rw76hpo1_128…)

No. 1932554

File: 1710959116755.png (2.11 MB, 1124x1521, e7iPtmL.png)

No. 1932571

File: 1710959827431.jpg (123.65 KB, 1078x934, jared leto.jpg)

>For mentioning the existence of Jewish people

No. 1936536

File: 1711227574055.mp4 (3.8 MB, 400x400, meidosan.mp4)

Game where i get drunk and try to date idol-like maids. When i tried to look things up i found a superfag streamer that was dancing to the songs and one moid that shared the models was some kind of barbie obsessed drag queen btw, i know 2 moids are not a lot but that was unexpected

No. 1938327

No. 1938921

Tag yourself I'm washafierce

No. 1938959

What's the name of the game

No. 1940098

File: 1711505548816.jpeg (161.38 KB, 1170x1250, IMG_4241.jpeg)

just saw this

No. 1940125

some positivity for my fellow amerifags after today’s bridge collapse

No. 1941667

File: 1711618474283.mp4 (1.05 MB, 480x854, sFPTHyn.mp4)

No. 1941959

File: 1711649738744.jpeg (31.75 KB, 563x392, hahahhahahahah kafka .jpeg)

No. 1942517

The part where boromir steals the ring and then the mudcrab conversation had me cackling

No. 1942599

was drinking with my mom last night and she told me a hilarious story of her being absolutely based. to preface i love my dad and he's always treated my mom right and has always been a great dad. she said when they started dating she found those swimsuit sports illustrated mags in his closet and they had a huge fight about it. my mom rolled an issue up and said "if you like it so much then EAT IT!" and proceeded to try to shove it in his mouth. i'm dying just picturing it. i'm glad i got my anti coom and anti porn beliefs from my mom, she always was openly against normalizing cheating and men looking at porn.

No. 1942663

File: 1711733517948.jpg (51.35 KB, 955x457, 1708268894609.jpg)

No. 1942699

This one got me. Kekk

No. 1944359

No. 1944365

File: 1711852391177.jpg (49.05 KB, 540x323, tumblr_pp6g1qHdLf1xoyw8po1_540…)

No. 1944367

File: 1711852474523.jpg (16.27 KB, 369x301, not tha into you.jpg)

No. 1944370

File: 1711852555789.jpeg (79.8 KB, 640x1088, 1658969304482.jpeg)

No. 1947000

File: 1712040300137.png (87.05 KB, 707x367, Screen Shot 2018-10-18 at 12.2…)

No. 1947044

File: 1712045772799.jpeg (240.86 KB, 640x640, BEFEB5B6-B5EF-4B14-9996-77EA03…)

nta but found the game, it’s Dream C Club GoGo for the playstation 3

No. 1947232

File: 1712061766341.webp (73.34 KB, 768x768, tjmg7ol8q6m61.webp)

I kekked.
This is an ancient meme, one of the first I saw when getting on the internet. I wonder if it is true because the original was on a niche furry forum.

No. 1947977

No. 1948010

File: 1712093802302.jpg (67.58 KB, 500x750, piccolo_hates_stepsisters_tear…)

No. 1948019

Oops sorry i didn't notice

No. 1948062

File: 1712096697037.png (140.98 KB, 1015x1015, Gh27f8f_mvqjChPg-vhqbfEzl57qwW…)

No. 1948070

what thread was this?!?

No. 1948073

4chan circa 2016 based on the image

No. 1951974

File: 1712336583203.mp4 (7.08 MB, 480x854, mzBbENqej7On.mp4)

No. 1953362

File: 1712415218506.jpeg (73.9 KB, 1080x1058, IMG_8585.jpeg)

No. 1953757

File: 1712436864463.jpeg (267.26 KB, 937x1273, 9FD2434B-2CF2-4FEE-975D-33E495…)

This phenomenon (artwork done by the one and only me)

No. 1954059

No. 1954060

i like your art style nonnie

No. 1954063

Thank you I wasted a taxpayer funded scholarship on it

No. 1954124

Based kek

No. 1954127

kek i love this nonnie, i'm saving it

No. 1954949

every time it gets me

No. 1955384

File: 1712540360170.png (152.43 KB, 275x273, 1000017076.png)

No. 1955394

File: 1712540975910.jpg (102.86 KB, 548x631, ftnsupx266l71.jpg)

The first time i saw this video was from the AFK screen of some moid streamer and it made me kinda happy

No. 1956961

File: 1712664095140.png (681.97 KB, 1027x733, Oli.png)

No. 1957453

File: 1712692653646.jpeg (84.81 KB, 601x411, IMG_4492.jpeg)

No. 1957498

File: 1712695682800.jpeg (252.24 KB, 1125x1325, IMG_8797.jpeg)

No. 1957568

File: 1712702404128.png (1.06 MB, 1564x968, Screenshot 2024-04-09 at 3.39.…)

No. 1958501

Do you have the rest of the edit? I forgot about this.

No. 1958727

File: 1712792685689.png (733.7 KB, 589x1015, dry lipped hog.png)

No. 1958863

File: 1712809526416.jpg (78.53 KB, 1004x1276, 1000003609.jpg)

No. 1958866

File: 1712809990912.jpeg (135.77 KB, 1284x1504, IMG_2280.jpeg)

No. 1958870

It makes me laugh when babies cry all dramatically

No. 1958875

I feel bad cause I agree completely, especially if it’s over something super stupid. Saw a baby pull his own hair and cry, but he didn’t know how to stop pulling his hair and just got angrier. Ah, moids start young.

No. 1958905

I think anything babies do makes me chuckle.

No. 1958910

I'm high as fuck and the noises those babies are making are funny as shit to me

No. 1958983

No. 1960402

This still makes me laugh

No. 1961116

File: 1712957103649.png (342.11 KB, 686x448, 1453168015088.png)

No. 1961411

File: 1712977059122.jpg (54.34 KB, 1140x641, 9d5b77a9-c222-4828-833c-5a4ef8…)

No. 1961428

File: 1712979312568.jpg (124.85 KB, 1004x1125, W0AEpmjJ.jpg)

No. 1961429

I want this to be fake, but I know it's probably not because people of Walmart is a thing. Either way, it gave me a chuckle

No. 1961452

Whenever I see this I think of shaytards

No. 1962312

No. 1962350

No. 1962495

File: 1713045996326.png (17.33 KB, 487x218, 1000001168.png)

It gets funnier the more I think about it

No. 1962499

lmao I forgot about this guy! his videos used to make me laugh so hard. when I first saw them I thought he might be insane, but he was just doing a bizarre bit (did not take away from my enjoyment)

No. 1964358

No. 1964368

File: 1713165963204.jpeg (74.64 KB, 623x320, 50097B01-8862-4A6F-83CB-238BB3…)

I know the censoring isn’t funny but lol

No. 1965421

File: 1713218724182.png (22.74 KB, 280x394, optimus.PNG)

There's someone on tumblr who writes Optimus Prime/AOT crossover fics, and I laugh every time I stumble across them. Love people with autism.

No. 1965763

File: 1713254043068.jpeg (2.63 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_2421.jpeg)

they had this thing at my local target and i’ve never in my life seen anything so hysterical

who ordered this??? who at target hq said “ah yes cancer balls randy, what a cultural touchstone to stock alongside the angry banana and lorax plushes”

No. 1965767

do you happen to live in the same town as the randyfag

No. 1965778

aww i forgot about this video, so cute

No. 1965826

To be fair the angry banana is a character from the Star Trek cartoon. Both South Park and Trek are Paramount properties so I assume that's why theyre together. Still funny though.

No. 1966217

This is us everytime someone cowtips.

No. 1966222

We lost something when we allowed nudity and crassness to be everywhere in the public sphere. I regret that the moralfags no longer hold the line.

No. 1966298

A classic.

No. 1966842

anyone calling feet "grippers". im even laughing thinking about it

No. 1967076

KEEEEEK thats a good one nona

No. 1967120

No. 1967193

No. 1967201

No. 1967359

Im extremely insecure about my appearance and post pics of myself on Reddit for validation sometimes. I know that’s pathetic, you don’t need to tell me. But the last time I did it, this woman commented saying. “You’re not fooling anyone, you were assigned male at birth” which I most definitely was not, and then started replying to every single positive comment like “he’s trying to look feminine but failing!” Went on her profile and she’s posted a comment saying she’s 300 pounds…

No. 1967366

File: 1713362166491.png (841.69 KB, 1164x833, sad.png)

No. 1967693

No. 1968876

No. 1969193

File: 1713456234450.jpg (37.28 KB, 640x503, 1000025039.jpg)

No. 1969361

I love satire/parody music done this well

No. 1972218

No. 1972353

File: 1713614515796.jpeg (240.81 KB, 1200x1132, IMG_9345.jpeg)

No. 1972371

File: 1713616216278.jpeg (252.8 KB, 828x695, IMG_6191.jpeg)

this pic

No. 1972924

No. 1972965

File: 1713659647139.mp4 (6.93 MB, 1920x1080, yandevthing.mp4)

it's from this video I've never made it past 15 seconds but those first 11 seconds are funny to me so I hope he made a nice video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G43G0B5gQpU

No. 1972966

File: 1713659722313.png (173.72 KB, 1001x463, lol.PNG)

>Scrote makes an angry/misoynstic ass post on lipstick alley about how "Cherverly" is dead, feminism, white women and black women etc.
>People clown on him for the Typo/roast him the whole thread
>Mods change the title of his thread
>people continue to clown on him, even coming back a year later to mourn Cheverly's death

No. 1973046

File: 1713663534845.webp (33.04 KB, 1075x1103, tumblr_58e20aa269182d1d7d0e1d2…)

fucking kekkkk

No. 1973121

nonsensically combining languages
>dame da besito kudasai

No. 1973294

This is hilarious

No. 1973753

No. 1973928

No. 1973983

File: 1713721165334.jpg (115.46 KB, 1200x1359, Hospitable+hedgehog_4dadbf_916…)

No. 1973987

Holy shit, is this before she turned around or is that her reaction? Kekk I'm saving this

No. 1974053

9/11 attacks were during the school day and in all time zones kids would have been in school or on their way there. so unless she stayed home from school to blow out candles with no one but a parent in the morning, this has to have been taken when they were replaying the footage that afternoon or anytime in the next week+

No. 1974056

meant to reply to the other reply

No. 1974085

Damn she’s almost 40 now

No. 1974461

The Ellen clip

No. 1975768

File: 1713839136422.png (542.95 KB, 620x775, 1713820346342.png)

This mugshot

No. 1975770

God that is so ghoulish. Thank mods we can hide other images.

No. 1976328

File: 1713885508928.jpeg (145.33 KB, 1080x1255, IMG_6264.jpeg)

No. 1976359

File: 1713887528637.png (240.57 KB, 1515x431, bucketofblackpills.png)

Context: searching for other women oriented ibs, incell forum thread about it appeared, clicked for curiosity.

No. 1976373

Fuck, I want to tie up a pathetic little man and force feed him weird pills until he kills himself

No. 1976412

File: 1713890399115.gif (82.83 KB, 275x209, 1663344872277.gif)

>scrote seethes and loses sleep everytime he sees women on lolcow and CC
If that scrote is reading this: Fuck you, bitch! Keep crying, scrote tears taste delicious!

No. 1976419

This would make a great banner kek

No. 1976434

Kudos nonnies, to think we achieved this all without a-logging.

No. 1976437

>indian moid
>browsing female-only boards knowing damn well you aren’t allowed here and seething

nigga pick a struggle. also those faggots gatekeep their shitty little rinky dink forums and websites by making it invite-only/mod-approved registry so no one can troll in them. they love to talk shit in their hugboxes but make it impossible for women who just want a good laugh during the middle of night wanting to troll an incel site

No. 1976482

Sensitive moid mindbroken by women

No. 1976532

File: 1713894322900.mp4 (5.41 MB, 854x480, qxkKnRc.mp4)

this is what an infight feels like

No. 1976705

No. 1978860

File: 1713991885301.png (155.41 KB, 198x415, savory breakfast girlie.png)

Tiktok lingo is so ridiculous this is cracking me up

No. 1979795

File: 1714063158024.jpeg (663.09 KB, 828x1259, me_irl.jpeg)

No. 1980436

Tubi is a mess lol i love it

No. 1980449

I knew exactly what podcast even though I've never listened to it kek

No. 1982097

No. 1982103

Of my god that can’t have really made the cut for a real movie, I’m crying

No. 1982868

File: 1714272300376.jpg (87.25 KB, 736x900, 1000010878.jpg)

sexual harassment is funny sometimes

No. 1982871

ewwww spoiler that

No. 1982877

the Ellen clip has me ugly crying I'm laughing so hard

No. 1982885

holy shit, I was looking for this video everywhere kek thanks nonnie

No. 1982905

File: 1714274890876.mp4 (923.22 KB, 640x640, 206402de8cea8488151f2ede3f4839…)

No. 1982941

always gets me kek

No. 1984158

No. 1984173

good god what is she reading? that's the worst erotic fiction I've ever heard

No. 1985344

No. 1985423

She's the one who brought us such hits as "my neck, my back, my pussy and my crack" and now she brings us her amazing erotica.

No. 1985675

No. 1988660

No. 1989577

No. 1990073

wait? What? Khia is writing and selling erotic fic? My god, lol. I will always love "my neck, my back, my pussy and my crack" though for being solely about female pleasure.

No. 1993567

File: 1715062182353.png (617.92 KB, 1614x936, wp.PNG)

This is the picture that wikipedia chooses to depict shotacon. Note this is uploaded by the artist.

No. 1993636

male autism.jpg

No. 1994495

No. 1994544

File: 1715129041525.mp4 (742.87 KB, 576x940, can you lick my booty hole.mp4)

No. 1994820

Part 3 is as good as part 1

No. 1995009

File: 1715170912205.jpg (230.84 KB, 1280x720, 1715115334599381.jpg)

No. 1996124

File: 1715226139225.jpeg (157.48 KB, 713x900, 1616668257171.jpeg)

No. 1996197

the scream and the way he threw his child in the sink got me

No. 1998221

File: 1715372553109.mp4 (5.34 MB, 854x640, 5qUmrQk.mp4)

No. 1999753

Sexually harassing complete strangers so hilarious

No. 1999766

File: 1715497169588.jpg (35.93 KB, 637x803, 1000003576.jpg)

No. 2002774

No. 2003172

This is how 24 year old asian Americans see you when you bring forth valid criticism about their antiblackness and hypocrisy

No. 2003240

File: 1715749412144.jpg (243.37 KB, 720x1186, 1000003627.jpg)

If you told kpop stans on Twitter that Felix and Jimin jawbone was in here they would jump in and search for it like that lady that was thrown into a pit of syringes in the Saw franchise(no kpop)

No. 2003257

this is genuinely horrifying, like it almost made me wanna throw up

No. 2003270

The Asian beauty standard is notoriously unrealistic which is why so many of them get plastic surgery. And no, they do not want to look white. It's like with anime cartoons, like you probably imagine the Simpsons as white people even though they're yellow cartoons people, Asians do the same but their brains imagine Asian faces, albeit probably idealized plastic surgery ones. It's possible that western beauty standards have affected eastern ones but they are still distinct.

No. 2003273

I wanna chew on these for some reason

No. 2003287

Jesus christ wtf that's some horror movie shit

No. 2003315

I never said they want to look white you weird bitch why are you adding your dissertation projection to this post.

No. 2004161

haha i can switch my brain from „disgusting i wanna vomit“ if i imagine human cut pain blood bone chainsaw to „yummy i wanna eat this“ if i imagine spare ribs bbq pork grill restaurant chewy juicy soft in only one second. on off on off on off.

i think that is why not every person is a vegetarian. we know how disgusting it is, seeing how meat is made makes us vomit but then when we imagine a plate and a steak on top of it, we can just make our brains believe that it‘s not an animal part. i simply can‘t imagine it and feel absolutely nothing about it, it‘s like trying to imagine a new color, nothing is there. vegetarians are really the sane humans but I‘m soooo glad my brain is a switch.

No. 2004195

When that video of a chinese woman eating a dog's face was posted here recently was the first time I really thought about that. This steak used to breathe! This steak had a mother!

No. 2004438

File: 1715801195301.mp4 (1.83 MB, 576x712, VID_20230518_235127_337.mp4)

No. 2005917

File: 1715911282393.mp4 (1007.13 KB, 502x720, Extraordinarymassiveresponsibl…)

No. 2005920

That guy's physique, damn

No. 2005921

File: 1715911678513.mp4 (6.33 MB, 576x576, funnystichrunaway.mp4)

No. 2006055

File: 1715921837024.jpg (91.33 KB, 608x817, 1000003653.jpg)

This series of photos is like a sacred ancient artifact. The purity and spirituality practically radiate from them like true religious iconography

No. 2006320

Disgusting. It's like watching a chihuahua hump a pitbull.

No. 2007028

File: 1715985762133.png (637.04 KB, 960x544, 9iueZ1C.png)

No. 2007031

He called dibs.

No. 2007039

oh my kek

No. 2007230

File: 1715999784323.jpeg (56.68 KB, 680x503, IMG_9473.jpeg)

No. 2007235

Casey Anthony is a monster

No. 2007249

They don't make trash TV like this anymore probably for the best

No. 2007338


No. 2007396

File: 1716009202666.jpg (48.57 KB, 540x377, 1000003663.jpg)

You are the retard

No. 2007419

Wow, this post dug this tweet from the depth of my memories. Btw, I'm glad we're past that era of YouTube with Keemstar, Leafyishere, Pyrocynical, IDubbz, etc…

No. 2007420

File: 1716010588440.jpeg (64.37 KB, 423x399, IMG_6030.jpeg)

Your unfunny post is even more retarded

No. 2007470

Why are you even doing this you're a fucking bug

No. 2007952

No. 2010187

File: 1716171123739.jpeg (61.98 KB, 981x857, image000000.jpeg)

No. 2010309

No. 2010523


No. 2010718

File: 1716221258089.jpeg (99.5 KB, 720x1024, 1636116381697.jpeg)

No. 2010733

the world is a better place for it

No. 2011840

File: 1716281310118.png (457.16 KB, 2048x1999, 1646865610234.png)

No. 2011844

File: 1716281584056.webp (5.15 KB, 291x280, 270c4f14ff9c4086f596353f58f598…)

>black ppl
that is so fucking random.

No. 2011851

File: 1716282127285.mp4 (1.02 MB, 854x480, uQGlVnf.mp4)

No. 2011854

File: 1716282432267.mp4 (4.7 MB, 848x464, TpajJeu.mp4)

No. 2012106

No. 2012213

No. 2012521

it’s ok nonnie i went out for my friend’s bachelorette and we all had to wear gaudy clothes and wigs, so i was in a sparkly dress and a long wig and someone on the street called me a troon kek

No. 2013393

No. 2013436

Ms. Greene got what she deserved, can't stand condescending bitches like her. And i got a good laugh too.

No. 2014159

File: 1716372839113.jpg (34.73 KB, 626x697, hardcore zigging.jpg)

a nonnie after my own heart, those pics will always make me smile. I even bought those Henry & Glenn comics, why is he so goofy and memeable

No. 2014170

ok I get it now why people have a crush on AOC.

No. 2014754

File: 1716399405623.jpeg (68.2 KB, 582x517, nordicautism.jpeg)

No. 2014767

File: 1716400073807.png (101.34 KB, 603x308, avtism.png)

No. 2014769

Ntaryt but The panel of Ian Mackaye as their therapist knitting a scarf that says “this is not a fugazi scarf” makes me kek every time, I can’t believe I’ve had that book for almost a decade

No. 2014786

>Se te ven los huevos Juan


No. 2014851

Kek thank god I have no european blood in me

No. 2015129

its on point kek i love her skits

No. 2015145

another good one

No. 2015200

Extremely based.

No. 2015252

sneakerheads are the biggest proof that black males can also have severe autism

No. 2015253

Holy shit I'm dying kekkkk anon

No. 2015254

>Didn't you graduate the same year as Betty White, though?
>NO! She was a grade above me! I'm way younger than her!
Kek I love this content creator her videos always makes me laugh

No. 2015504

She is so funny, i love her videos!

No. 2015834

File: 1716445817178.jpg (129.96 KB, 736x1019, 1000003674.jpg)

Several of you

No. 2015851

File: 1716446649250.jpg (145.42 KB, 941x1260, 1000003676.jpg)

No. 2015915

File: 1716450865428.png (19.85 KB, 489x93, fussy eater.png)

English is not my main language so i didn't read this well the first time

No. 2016884

File: 1716495725739.png (48.39 KB, 500x300, e7i6qoo.png)

No. 2017217

File: 1716505827327.png (76.39 KB, 1080x500, Screenshot_20240523-160855~2.p…)

No. 2017262

File: 1716508502808.jpeg (63.6 KB, 828x826, IMG_0281.jpeg)

No. 2017272

>”there are no women on this imageboard! You’re just a larping tranny!”
>I start manhating at maximum capacity
>REEEEEEEE (starts spamming Andrew Tate videos)
Classic. Even they know no man could conjure this level of misandry, not even ironically. It’s okay I’ll keep shitting up their boards

No. 2017278

This still has be howling until this day.

No. 2017282

File: 1716509733479.jpg (136.06 KB, 800x500, 1000002719.jpg)

i laughed

picrel is my contribution. i hear it in my head like a simpsons crowd gag

No. 2017397

Based. I keep getting malding replies from scrotes and it feels rejuvenating.

No. 2017407

Interesting fact: The fastest responses I get are from posts about balding males. Nothing comes close, they start typing instantly.

No. 2018217

File: 1716577101016.jpeg (157.42 KB, 750x563, IMG_0862.jpeg)

I’m sorry jannies, I’m sorry I laughed at this. I’m no better than a scrote(retarded bait)

No. 2019082

Are you retarded

No. 2021216

File: 1716728347327.jpeg (529.69 KB, 750x776, IMG_0893.jpeg)

I still like her unhinged ragebait videos kek

No. 2021528

File: 1716747611110.png (235.37 KB, 1080x1929, Screenshot_20240526-111846~2.p…)

No. 2022097

File: 1716774772704.mp4 (2.37 MB, 492x480, 1eDfJ-zE1FNIPLIy.mp4)

No. 2022103

Omg, I saw this stupid shit on instagram earlier. Ai movie about a cute cat girl and her cat dad saving her life after she goes overboard on a ship. Lmfao was so stupid i laughed.

No. 2022111

I lost it at the music choice

No. 2022123

There is some 15 year old friend group making this their entire personality of the month as we type

No. 2022141

laufhinf so hard but trying to keep my mouth closed becahse i'm brushing my teeth

No. 2022161

No. 2022327

File: 1716788595016.jpg (152.37 KB, 1080x1483, 1000003720.jpg)

No. 2022888

File: 1716826161297.jpeg (10.39 KB, 225x225, IMG_8788.jpeg)

it's really cruel of me i know they can't help it but this

No. 2022896

LSA is full of bots/cleaners but they’re pretty funny for normies

No. 2023459

File: 1716851463400.mp4 (2.89 MB, 480x854, 28fcec3299b6408f8f6e9a82ecb3c3…)

so real

No. 2023469

No. 2023548

This pisses me off because it's true

No. 2023566

I aged a lot faster than I thought I did, because this doesn't make any sense.

No. 2026060

No. 2026297

File: 1716994565088.mp4 (956.17 KB, 576x1024, v12044gd0000cositj7og65l5sdjg2…)

I’m tired of these tiktok embeds not working. Fix that shit holy cow

No. 2026421

File: 1716997907364.jpeg (50.46 KB, 750x750, 204470705-1-white.jpeg)

I chuckle every time I see normies wearing these, they'll always be the autist shoe to me

No. 2026446

It's so funny, but I like it. Everyone looks elderly.

No. 2026985

Ngl I have these but they're sooo comfy. I wear them all the time to the gym and for walks

No. 2026996

They look like you could bounce on them and you would go boioioiouoing in the air like a frosch. Especially ones with gel in the heel. I think it’s very cool that bouncy boots are an actually real thing. And heelies exist! I almost forgot.

No. 2028529

mods talking to us before we get banned

No. 2028541

Prime example of dad shoes

No. 2028604

your definition of normie is so online. the reason these are autist shoes is because normies buy them for their autistic sons

No. 2028649

Its literally been a trend by normies lately, it used to just be autists or grandpa shoes. You're the one who doesnt leave your house apparently

No. 2029392

File: 1717182671153.jpg (52.15 KB, 670x301, IMG_20240531_095840_769.jpg)

some fonts are so unhinged kek

No. 2029394

She talkin about fags?

No. 2029395

yes lol. Specifically about Lil Nas X dressing up as a bloody tampon

No. 2029737

I think that's mandarin, also I've seen these websites too. They were selling celebrities

No. 2030339

I just saw the Chris Rock/Will Smith thing for the first time and holy shit this is more hilarious than I remember
>"I'm going to"

No. 2030340

What website is this?

No. 2030349

It was so goofy. It felt so scripted. It's wild that Will Smith ruined his entire career over this shit, defending his wife who doesnt even give a shit about him.

No. 2030497

No. 2030664

File: 1717273230229.gif (1.51 MB, 320x240, 1000017088.gif)

No. 2030666

Isn't this the pro-life one actually? There's two iirc

No. 2030674

(ntayrt) really? I'd love to see the other one if there's two

No. 2030996

I've been getting forced to listen to this video against my will, and now the first few seconds of him leaning his head all the way down yet his hairline never coming in frame keeps popping up in my head and making me laugh.

No. 2031008

>defending his wife who doesnt even give a shit about him
Good for Jada.
But in all seriousness he didn't ruin his career. No one really cares about that anymore.

No. 2031044

Yes and no. That sign is now considered the vulgar/pro life way to say abortion, but originally it was just the sign for abortion. The first part is her saying baby, but the second part is just the word for remove, and combined they became abortion. Nowadays, is considered polite to just sign "removed" within context and everyone knows what you're talking about.
The actual chuckle is that there is a very crude way of signing 9/11 (instead of finger signing the numerals nine and eleven), and even though people would make a face, every single person would still know exactly what the sign means. You basically make two towers and then mimic a plane flying into them.

No. 2031714

File: 1717311243042.jpg (144.76 KB, 1124x1073, 1000003807.jpg)

No. 2031751

File: 1717312700645.mp4 (70.58 KB, 320x240, auslan abortion.mp4)

>I just found out there's signbanks online
This is Australian sign language for abortion. It seems to be a modified remove sign rather than a combination of signs like >>2031044 describes. The normal remove sign has a hand gesture to the side rather than downwards like something falling.

No. 2031754

File: 1717312781757.mp4 (853.6 KB, 640x360, british sign language abortion…)

And this is British sign language for abortion. I thought they would be the same since they're related but apparently it shares the sign for remove with American sign language, which is different to Australian. The sign for abortion is basically just 'remove' but the belly is indicated rather than a flat hand. It seems like sign language can get rather specific, but I would think in any sign language you can just do baby + remove and it will be clear.

No. 2031766

this one is the better one

No. 2031909

>You basically make two towers and then mimic a plane flying into them.
I shouldn't laugh but I am

No. 2031930

File: 1717331687118.jpg (Spoiler Image,128.67 KB, 542x856, Causal+craven+brisk_117c5d_104…)

A little vulgar, but the ridiculousness of this image always makes me laugh.

No. 2032142

File: 1717347794500.png (8.44 KB, 1093x30, wikipedia banned users.PNG)

Wikipedia meta pages, my favourite new waste of time.

No. 2032143

Was this originally in korean? Why is the sfx korean lol

No. 2032146

No. 2032154

I'm not sure why, but thanks?

No. 2032329

File: 1717357675255.jpg (335.95 KB, 1200x1200, Bsboon god.jpg)

Yeah, it was originally in another language.

No. 2033004

File: 1717388642003.jpg (78.96 KB, 850x400, 1717384596864.jpg)

The last part made me laugh

No. 2033031

Only based thing Karl Marx ever said.

No. 2033202

Idk tall men laugh at that but they are just as angry and pathetic

No. 2033588

i wish i could find the old video of Onision stressing how much of a fat lazy retard you are if you wake up tired
>when you wake up, you should be AWAKE and ALERT

No. 2033625

Isn't he a borderline manlet himself? Someone's projecting.

No. 2033626

he is projecting from hell thanks fuck he's dead

No. 2033851

There was a guy in the train watching soccer on streaming and suddenly the ads blares off with a woman saying "you wasted your whole day again on the phone? your mother friend's son already found a job?" but he cut it off shit I was giggling so hard at the algorithm, what kind of advertising was it even

No. 2034507

Just started giggling hard as hell thinking about how when I was in church as a kid they tried to teach us that Guatelamens only eat rice and beans. Everyday for every meal and that was the only food available there. I was aghast.

No. 2034632

File: 1717469880644.jpg (31.62 KB, 446x446, 1000003820.jpg)

Kyle Rittenhouse mom

No. 2034658

File: 1717472170534.png (919.06 KB, 1080x1174, Screenshot_20240603-203424~2.p…)

No. 2034659

No wonder he's so ugly

No. 2034661

I see it

No. 2034668

Stop playing wit me riot

No. 2034670

Ok this one got me

No. 2034675

As Ethiopian as an Irish man's ginger pube.

No. 2035754

File: 1717529777937.png (893.17 KB, 720x2786, 1622131661830.png)

No. 2035774

File: 1717530379250.png (336.37 KB, 1353x669, 4356765432.png)

>The senior, sometimes called the fag-master, was the protector of his fags and responsible for their happiness and good conduct.

No. 2036107

Hes such a divaaa

No. 2036167

Dr Umar is so funny to me

No. 2036174

He’s so dramatic about everything. He has the same personality as nickacado but as a black supremacist

No. 2036224

File: 1717553771002.webp (38.47 KB, 289x381, IMG_1115.webp)

>his hair
he’s funny as hell but he’s sort of a hotep lolcow

No. 2036698

My favourite Nostalgia Critic episode.

No. 2037113

File: 1717610969751.mp4 (6.78 MB, 854x480, aPvRf92.mp4)

No. 2037117

Fucking brutal

No. 2038581

File: 1717697017043.png (277.95 KB, 1170x1078, crossfit sermon.png)


No. 2039133

File: 1717723303860.jpg (1.14 MB, 876x854, 1000003840.jpg)

No. 2039139

I miss old youtube so much, it's unreal. 2006-2010 youtube were the golden years.

No. 2039157


No. 2039168

File: 1717725613025.jpg (286.91 KB, 945x2048, 1000003839.jpg)

No. 2039169

File: 1717725637651.jpg (168.15 KB, 720x1078, 1000003801.jpg)

No. 2039240

File: 1717731081461.png (31.62 KB, 127x133, Screenshot 2024-06-06 211413.p…)

Bishonen Stewie

No. 2039317

File: 1717738187127.mp4 (139.72 KB, 484x270, 1000003852.mp4)

No. 2039319

Me when I encounter a gendietard in the wild

No. 2039341

kek its starrrting

No. 2039344

this got me KEK

No. 2039405

File: 1717746925407.jpg (249.87 KB, 870x1250, Innocent Rouge ch70.jpg)

No. 2039412

No. 2039435

this is great actually, what is this, a manga?

No. 2039688

Does this really work though?

No. 2039760

I died laughing because someone in the comments said it looked like the cat had a side piece on kekk

No. 2039766

File: 1717781131937.mp4 (16.02 MB, 576x1024, v0f044gc0000cpcc1kvog65v62u3jd…)

No. 2039771

I honestly thought she was gonna get hit at some parts, what the fuck is wrong with her KEKK

No. 2039774

I love her so much

No. 2039775

Autism in women is fascinating

No. 2039818

That little smile while she's recording keeeek queen

No. 2040082

No. 2040092

My eyes are watering, holy shit this is too funny

No. 2040094

He reminds me so much of varg

No. 2040112

What happened to his moustache

No. 2040204

Dr umar really cracks me up kek. I don’t even know who he’s talking about in this but he sounds like he could be a personalityfag on here with the way he rants about him

No. 2040206

I wonder what he thinks about Drake.

No. 2040222

>Charles snowbunny Barkley

No. 2040224

This feels like deja vu because I could have sworn someone already posted him in here before and said that exact same thing lol. They are already rewinding the clock with the CERN machine aren’t they

No. 2040358

Anons might think it's messed up for me to find this funny (cause of who they are) but these are my cows and this vid where the fat one goes full TERF at 19:40 is always funny to me

No. 2040366

Great, now all the gay stan twitter freaks are going to use that as an excuse to justify why they love watching her get beaten up

No. 2040371


No. 2040375

>You're not a woman
>You're a whole fuckin woman
huh? KEK

No. 2040377

I am so glad you posted him, he is so funny with his little school he stole money for and promised to build.
If only Varg made tiktok videos. I'd love that.

No. 2040380

File: 1717816043516.jpg (333.96 KB, 2480x1574, GIUGNO 1984-047.jpg)

No. 2040416

File: 1717817821485.jpeg (534.28 KB, 1485x993, IMG_1172.jpeg)

Love this pic, hope the anon makes a “kill him” remix of it

No. 2040419

I'm really wondering if the anon who went on the "rape a moid" streak in /ot is the same anon who wants to rape Dylan Roof in /g. They probably really are just two different people though.

No. 2040423

Anon be so real no one here knows who those nameless hoodrats. They’re all equally grotesque from the tranny to the ones wearing caterpillars on their eyelids I can smell the vid all the way from here

No. 2040424

Probably. I love them so much

No. 2040437

>Anon be so real no one here knows who those nameless hoodrats
There are a few anons who already know whose the two women are because they went semi viral-ish last year and have been posted about here. Not to mention the vids that have been floating around of them on social media for a while. There's also an anon above who knows who they are. I hate when you guys try to be snarky and end up sounding retarded.

No. 2040443

I can tell you're trying to be a condescending bitch but you're so wrong for someone so loud

No. 2040462

File: 1717819600542.jpg (122.69 KB, 1125x1066, 1000003870.jpg)

No. 2040464

File: 1717819621331.jpg (57.65 KB, 867x658, 1000003871.jpg)

No. 2040478


No. 2040479

No. 2040482

File: 1717820078365.jpg (342.67 KB, 1080x1337, 1000027389.jpg)

I always chuckle because of these comics, they're so silly.

No. 2040483

No one here knows who they are kek, cope

No. 2040484


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 2040486

File: 1717820129905.jpg (269.85 KB, 1080x1079, 1000029787.jpg)

No. 2040487

NTAYRT but who really cares though? If it makes us laugh, then it makes us laugh. That's all that matters.

No. 2040489

>a few anons
Thank you for reiterating my point that no one knows who they are because they are irrelevant as all hell. You can take your ghetto basketball person memes back to LSA if you want to have an attitude(racebait)

No. 2040495

The fuck are you even talking about? What memes? And ironic for you to tell anyone to go back after trying to start an infight about relevancy (that no one even mentioned) like this is stan twitter. Once again, trying to be snarky but you sound like a retard.

No. 2040497

Don't argue with it, it might be a moid anyway. Just report it, it probably has a really weak chin anyway.

No. 2040498

Your right, my bad anon.

No. 2040499

Weird and racist of you

No. 2040503

File: 1717820672404.jpg (135.11 KB, 741x900, 1717602308399.jpg)

>it probably has a really weak chin anyway
I mean, so do some anons

No. 2040506

I’m tired of sheboons like you, everybody is tired of your kind of sheboons(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 2040508

File: 1717820875716.png (68.79 KB, 243x275, 1686421807670.png)

No. 2040510

No. 2040513

File: 1717821192537.jpg (58.59 KB, 761x572, 1000003877.jpg)

Hate me for saying this because a lot of men make jokes about being lesbians inside and its abhorrent but prince was a diva like for real

No. 2040515

Your dick is small, you're ugly, your mother hates you, your father isn't even in the picture, everyone prays that you'd just get hit by a car and stop terrorizing women all night because of how unhappy you are

No. 2040518

No. 2040558

File: 1717824692662.jpg (142.26 KB, 720x797, 1000003879.jpg)

Laughing at you lesbos lusting after the joker mom from the indian cringe tiktoks

No. 2040651

Holy kek I lost it at "std crab" kekk

No. 2041019

No. 2041039

His fake school is hilarious, I love when people mention it in his lives. Also every time he says “black queens forever snow whites never” or anything similar I lose it

No. 2041048

Can you post the tiktoks? She looks pretty in the picture at least

No. 2041072

Yeah, wtf is that all about? She's extremely cringy and the way she exploits her daughters in those tiktoks is very weird. They're only props who talk about how cool and amazing she is, then she kills them.

No. 2041092

We support women's wrongs here.

No. 2041099

You can find them on the you cringe you lose thread. I can't link rn because I'm on my phone. It's either in /ot or /m/

No. 2041123

No. 2041135

File: 1717871117947.jpg (91.98 KB, 750x933, 1000003881.jpg)

No. 2041142

File: 1717871299219.jpg (73.69 KB, 1290x414, 1000003880.jpg)

Boomers are so stupid

No. 2041150

why do they write like retards

No. 2041153

Uhh I'm pretty sure these are actually just black people talking in their regional dialects and not the annoying white people that imitate them. It's a lot less annoying when you remember that black people exist and it isn't just some 22 year old Caucasian dangerhair.

No. 2041163


No. 2041166

The 70s-early 2000s were the most active time of serial killers and child kidnappings. Did boomers forget how easy it was for Gen Xers and millenials to fucking die or turn up missing? Kek.

No. 2041194

>Uhh I'm pretty sure these are actually just black people talking in their regional dialects and not the annoying white people that imitate them
>"um acktually"
nta but you know anon didnt meant that…and besides yall isnt black slang and a white person using the n word would have their life ruined by now

No. 2041201

Oh sorry I'm not racist and don't see anything wrong with the way they speak casually.

No. 2041205

Boomers regularly talk about how idyllic their childhoods were and how nobody locked doors as if tons of kids weren't regularly kidnapped and murdered. Yeah it's disgusting.

No. 2041235

File: 1717874310325.jpg (89.21 KB, 1289x1218, 1000003905.jpg)

No. 2041238

unironically would take the 1% chance of being kidnapped over this crappy timeline. The 2010s were an awful time to grow up and it only gets worse. I envy my mom so much, she got to experience the best decades in history.

No. 2041243

No. 2041251

File: 1717874859564.jpg (851.89 KB, 2550x4087, 1000003906.jpg)

pearl clutching

No. 2041254

all i said was 'weird'

No. 2041255

Spoiler this abomination

No. 2041261

That's peak masculinity whether you like it or not. He is the man that would protect you.

No. 2041270

I'd rather die

No. 2041284

average gamer

No. 2041292

i am glad to see ed from 90s day fiance lost weight

No. 2041296

No. 2041308

She had her moid in a cold sweat with this prank

No. 2041310

The back of his head is flat kek

No. 2041413

this is one of the ugliest, non TIM moids i have ever seen. What a fucking horrifying creature. British men should be sent to mars.

No. 2041472

Hes literally a ten by British standards, have you seen their other men

No. 2041630


No. 2041637

I will take 10 richard ayoades over that lego head

No. 2041638

No. 2041661

File: 1717890401184.jpeg (70.74 KB, 302x265, IMG_1189.jpeg)

kawalsky, status report!

No. 2041670

This is so relatable, my parents used to threaten me when I asked for help with my homework

No. 2041834

Her biggest prank was introducing that to her parents

No. 2041990

File: 1717911075224.png (291.54 KB, 462x700, 1000003909.png)

No. 2041991

I knew she was german before I even read the caption. I was sure of it.

No. 2042008

No. 2042409

File: 1717951135981.png (183.72 KB, 503x494, IMG_2576.png)

No. 2042417

this one always makes me laugh, this is what i wish crackheads were

No. 2042471

File: 1717954290604.png (322.17 KB, 855x960, IMG_1191.png)

No. 2042558

File: 1717958493675.jpg (163.33 KB, 557x663, homophobicbeetle.jpg)

No. 2042679

File: 1717964788904.png (480.58 KB, 724x1023, qIyhfxL.png)

No. 2042981

No. 2043005

No. 2043017

Whenever "content creators" fake cry. That shit always dry as hell and they're straining like theyre about to pop a blood vessel.

No. 2043922

>”wow what a beautiful homogenous culture!!! they may be working themselves to death but at least they all look the same!!!!”

kek wignats are so retarded

No. 2043925

What is going on in this video? Are they drunk?

No. 2043928

File: 1718028409476.webm (2.72 MB, 406x720, 1717644168739045.webm)

Good morning I hate tokyo

No. 2043929

it's common in japanese work life that you drink with your workmates and boss so most people who are in the workforce are also forced to be alcoholic

No. 2043932

nta but yes and it's very endearing that you had to ask, sweet nonna

No. 2043943

No. 2043960

Was the guy trying to fart in the train or something? idgi and I have to go threw the same thing every morning to go to work so maybe I'm too used to crowded trains.

No. 2043963

No. 2043971

File: 1718030587847.jpg (59.54 KB, 650x366, Kancho_2021-08-20.jpg)

>Was the guy trying to fart in the train or something? idgi
the guy behind him shoved a finger in his ass, its called "カンチョー" or Kanchō. the best targets are found in overpacked trains as they cannot escape.

No. 2044163

the music choice kekk

No. 2044186

Nevermind forget I even asked.

No. 2044218

How often are women molested in the trains? This seems like a nightmare to be in.

No. 2044255

I thought that was null for a second.

No. 2044578

What does that even mean, are you guys inventing new slurs

No. 2044579

>old homosexual men are pests even in Grand Nippon

No. 2044597

It's slang for wigger nationalists, and it's been around for several years

No. 2044604

I was joking but thank you for the explanation I never would have guessed that

No. 2044670

File: 1718073773772.jpg (91.02 KB, 1000x593, 20171103s00001173458000p_view.…)

oh it's not just old men, kancho is a national passtime from school playground to nursing homes.

No. 2044678

Doing it to strangers tho? Come on

No. 2045338

File: 1718129080813.jpeg (103.09 KB, 750x387, IMG_1217.jpeg)

their account handle while posting this under an ultra girly magical girl show is making me laugh so hard. real asf

No. 2045366

No. 2045560

No. 2046033

File: 1718175592426.jpg (45.99 KB, 500x503, 1000003960.jpg)

A work of art

No. 2048160

File: 1718323355992.jpeg (72.42 KB, 1024x1024, IMG_3023.jpeg)

No. 2048415

I need to stop posting on the wrong threads

No. 2048416

No. 2049720

File: 1718436998885.jpeg (82.57 KB, 567x617, IMG_7932.jpeg)

I’m fucking high rn and I’m in hysterics over this pic. I’ve seen it before a million times but for some reason rn it’s the funniest thing in the world.

No. 2049743

I'm nearly crying at this one kekkk

No. 2049866

Is that a rabbit or a cat or a photoshop I'm high and I can't figure it out but I can read its aura (it's quizzical)

No. 2049869

its a cat

No. 2049877

A bunny with a cat photoshopped on its face

No. 2049889

I can't tell if this is cute or not kek

No. 2049895

Ok but he is making some good points. lol If he was female and a farmer he would post in the ugly man psyop thread.

No. 2049925

the shoes took me out seriously

No. 2050354

This isn’t even true in my experience but the boy’s facial expressions made me laugh

No. 2050355


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 2050427

New thread! >>>/ot/2050407

No. 2050811

File: 1718504575970.jpeg (161.86 KB, 1080x833, IMG_3354.jpeg)

No. 2060227

Lipstick Alley

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