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No. 61134
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I lurk /r/okcupid sometimes and this creepy fat bitch is ALWAYS posting there and hitting on people. Honestly if she wasn't a woman she probably would've been banned for being a creep.
She's not really a lolcow but I'm so annoyed with her.
No. 61155
this is the biggest trainwreck i've seen on reddit, and that's saying a lot>>61134link to her username?
No. 61157
the hawaii guy"he's especially
triggered by Hawaii. Shark attacks on Hawaiian tourists make him absolutely giddy. And if you see turtles in Hawaii, kindly consider suicide. So why the hate for people who go to Hawaii? Because their trip embodies what he can not achieve.
Here's where it gets scary. This pent up frustration and envy manifests itself in violent psychotic fantasies. Are you affluent? Then go die you cunt. This may be one of the scarier posts I've ever seen on reddit."
No. 61158
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not really a lolcow, but there's definitely something off about her's really quite talented, and isn't too much of an attention whore but… something ain't right
No. 61164
>>61158With these images I feel like the 50's was easier on women. You're a woman? Good be a housewife, stay remotely fit, look pretty, and take care your children.
You're a woman in 2016? Exercise everyday until you're under 120 pounds and be higher than 5"5 (and wear heels), also don't forget to show off your body even though we're trying to show off modesty for some reason
No. 61170
>>61164Oh, yes, the 50's were so easy! Just like the sitcoms! You live and die a housewife regardless of your own desires, your husband could beat the shit out of you and rape you all he wants, and there were little to no ways to protect you because you were nothing but a second-rate citizen in the eyes of the law!
Man, those were the times!
No. 61177
>You're delusionalDaily reminder having a sentiment different from most people doesn't make you delusional, faggot.
>>61170Yeah, it was. Women's bodies weren't on displayed 24/7 and we weren't pressured to sexualize ourselves. Also, our modesty and womanhood was more revered.
Superior times tbqh
No. 61199
>>61177>Also, our modesty and womanhood was more revered.lmao women don't talk like this. Obvious male is obvious.
Take your Madonna-whore complex and mommy issues elsewhere, perhaps /r9k/ or ISIS.
No. 61368
>>61223That fucking last line.
That said, different anon but indeed I am fucking jelly. Does this woman have no flaws? I love the stepford vibes she gives off and wish I had a fraction of the talent she possesses.
No. 61370
>>61162legitimate personal concern/self-assessment to open a discussion on how a specific aesthetic lifestyle can cause uneasiness. art initiating a conversation about different perspectives.
>>61223diarrhea mouth buzzwords. personal freedom and expression is really a leash tethered to male desires and expectations.
No. 61389
>>61223There is honestly nothing wrong with what this woman does, and I think the people making a big deal on Reddit are silly.
I only think it is dumb when some /pol/tards use this woman as a campaign against "degeneracy," or when women say they want to go back to the 50's and think it is going to be like "I Love Lucy," or some shit.
Otherwise, true feminism is the right to choose what lifestyle you want. So it isn't "
problematic" if one woman has the right of choice and chooses to be a housewife.
>>61370>personal freedom and expression is really a leash tethered to male desires and expectationsIt is Reddit, afterall. No freedom of expression is desirable there, as whatever they don't like gets downvoted to oblivion and hidden.
It is one of the most heavily-moderated sites, despite being male-dominated. So perhaps male desires and expectations aren't 100% what you believe them to be.
No. 61426
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>>61164Yes, the 50's were so easy! You were expected to take care of your children completely alone, with 0 help from your husband. You were expected to look model pretty even when you were just staying home. You had to cook all meals, clean everything, give birth to lots and lots of babies, and have no education.
Meanwhile your husband was likely a lazy drunk who slept with other women and was able to hit or rape you with no repercussions.
Oh, and you had no income for yourself and divorce was frowned upon.
What a fun and free time!
No. 61454
>>61199Why can't a woman value things such as modesty and femininity? I don't want to attract unwanted attention with my body. Are you revoking my female license?
Is it not misogynistic for you to tell women what they can and can't think?
No. 61455
>>61223No, I agree. this bitch is
problematic in depicting a lifestyle of cleaning, cooking, raising children while being thin and waify and wearing makeup 20 hours a day to be a glamorous one. Back in those days women were baby machines with no education who were beat by their husbands on a daily basis.
Ohhh, so kira kira
No. 61461
>>61456So you are revoking my female license. Should I post tits to prove that I am a woman? Cause that's something a ~real~ liberated woman with self-respect would do.
Grow the fuck up. There are women out there like me who see nothing degrading about being a mother or traditional values.
No. 61466
>>61448No, retard. Nobody gives a fuck if a woman wants to be a stay-at-home mom and cater to her husband in today's world. It is only bullshit when people glamorize the 50's like it was some magical, perfect time that is the pinnacle of femininity and womanhood, when women largely didn't have a choice in how they could live or represent themselves. Today you can choose to do whatever you want, whereas back then you had no other option.
Now back to whatever shithole you spawned from.
No. 61474
>>61454>>61461Good for you, I guess? Do you want a medal for being a traditionalist?
You have a right to post your beliefs, and others have right to react whatever way they want. People can call your definition of femininty retarded if they feel like it or not. Being a woman, or a robot pretending to be a woman, doesn't exempt you from criticism or disagreement.
No. 61486
>>61471>So the options are work, work+kids, or maybe marry-into-money+kidsThat is still a lot better than becoming a home-keeper being the only option, which is unfair to the many women who want a choice.
It is a bit selfish to think of only yourself, and how the economy disrupts your own opportunities of being a comfy housewife, when many other women may not want that lifestyle.
No. 61515
>>61500No. What I am trying to say is while I disagree with their use and think thy are pointless, I don't care if that is what the people themselves want to wear. The same like I think half the shit I see most people wearing outside is stupid, but they can all wear what they want. As long as no law says they should be punished if they did or didn't wear something.
These are my own opinions, though. I don't expect everyone to agree.
No. 61537
- gonewilder/reddit-amateur-porn star
- panty-selling entrepreneur
- Several of her past accounts have been shadowbanned, for either/and vote manipulation or inappropriate self-promotion (spamming).
Enjoy the hilarity. No. 61561
>>61559Lots of dudes. There's even a subreddit for it /r/pantyselling
They usually go for $35 each
No. 61562
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>>61368>Does this woman have no flaws?everything of hers that I've seen online references "my parents' house" and "my brother" or "my parents"
never "my apartment" or "my house," nor "my boyfriend/husband/girlfriend/wife"
No. 61564
>>61561that's fucking vile
and I say this as a heterosexual man (don't flirt with me, s-silly girls)
No. 61594
>>61158I'm really curious to know who her husband is and what he looks like. Any pics of him?
Also how old is she?
No. 61602
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>>61562I dunno what's going on in this thread but…this is a man, right? That's a man's face.
Look at the thigh on the bottom left here
>>61158no fat deposits in hip/thigh like estrogen would do - and despite this, the calves are thick and muscular. Foot size way above female average. Boobs are variable size in every pic. Shoulders like bishounen
>>61223Femme gays do love hollywood glamor. Trans love hyper-girly shit and would dedicate this much time to tons of selfies, editing, making outfits, just for attention on reddit.
Pic related must be a labor of many hours of processing, and yet…
No. 61603
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>>61602if it's a dude, this is the most impressive tuck job I've ever seen, photoshop notwithstanding
No. 61604
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>>61158Becoming a housewife is a dumb as fuck choice though, and a lazy one. Looks aren't forever and by the time most of these women get into her 40's-50's they're crusty and plastic faced. Their husband has bought a dozen other pretty 20 year old whores because he only married them for their looks and homecooked cakes in the first place and now hes bored. Add eventual divorce into it and they've wasted their life acting as a maid. Aim higher. It's pretty retarded how the epitome of womanhood is still being a stepford wife aka a gold digger.
That being said, kudos to this bitch for developing her art talent. She mostly got famous for being pretty but there's some nice use of color in her instagram.
No. 61606
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>>61603Tucking can get very convincing, depending on penis size. But I'd bet on photoshop. Clearly very skilled.
Looks at the forearms, the hand/finger size, the feet, that THUMB. Holy shit. Is it just me or is the neck a little blurry?
No. 61607
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>>61602Facebook yields a little more information
No. 61612
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Well, "she" (pending) works and lives in the right area to be strong independent and trans. Many drag queens are fantastic stylists since they have to excel at makeup, hair, fashion, modeling, even moving right. They have to be ultra-feminine in order to impersonate.
No. 61613
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>>61611Yeah, maybe the chans have just made me paranoid. But the face tho. Even if it's just a tall woman, isn't the face kind of off? And this is WITH make-up, shoop, styling.
No. 61614
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well either this lingerie store in Alabama had a trans photographer/model, or she's biologically female: No. 61615
>>61613what is it that you see as being so 'masculine' about her face? it's longer than average, true, but I'm not understanding why you think that indicates that she must be a transvestite or something…
obv. she's skilled in photoshop, so anything I could point out about her body shape or facial structure, you could deflect by saying 'but she must have shooped it', but idk, until we see better evidence than your opinion, I don't think you're going to convince anyone.
No. 61618
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>>61614Lingerie looks good post-op.
>>61615You really don't see this face as masculine? Yeah, maybe she's not trans, but she looks MTF.
But if no one else is seeing it, then alright.
No. 61628
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No. 61657
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No. 61661
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No. 61731
>>61602I was going to say no, but something about this person puts me off and makes me agree with you. They just look like post op trans girls I've seen, particularly that face.
I got a more angular face for a girl, but theirs is just too strong. Men do have a legitimately different facial structure from girls. You might want to look it up to see if you can spot some differences, although Photoshop might make it hard.
You're right about trannies eating up disgustingly hyper feminine thing. They always like portraying women like, well, what a man probably thinks a stereotypical woman looks and acts like. They seem to do this.
No. 61785
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>>61644We're assuming if she were a tranny that she'd be far along enough into her transition to get implants. Very few keep their home-grown ones as is.
>>61637Hyperbole. There's a difference between having more mature features and looking like a dude.
No. 61788
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>>61786…Really? There's a lot of shoop going on. The underbust here is very linear and has been sharpened. The light of one nipple is bleeding into the background. And the cleavage is Kota-tier bad. Even the thigh is squiggly for some reason.
Fake or not, there's a lot of editing on top. Not every boob job ends up looking like inflation fetish.
No. 61790
>>61788>Not every boob job ends up looking like inflation fetish.The ones on trannies tend to, no?
I can think of exactly one case and that is she never had a boob job and her chest is digitally enlarged in all of her photos.
No. 61793
>>61790Yeah the porn star ones tend to want bolt-ons. They do the fetish look. But if you want to hide your trans power level, you would want more natural boobs. are not perfect spheres, and very decent. With clothes they'd look fine.
No. 61796
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>>61731Kiki for ex has sharper more angular features, but while she looks like a girl without "cute features", she doesn't look like a man. I'll look over photos on photoshop tomorrow if this thread is still active.
MTFs definitely have a weird caricature view on being a woman, and I notice many love the 50's.
She actually said, "Since I was little I viewed 1950's America as a perfect and safe place? And I've always been in love with that feminine ideal from that time period?"
(I added the ? because she intones the sentences as questions. Every trans youtuber I've seen talks like that.)
No. 61896
>>61807I think they're interesting but I agree I don't think it needs to flood the thread. Maybe make a general sleuthing thread, anon? We already have a trans thread, but we're not sure if they are biologically female or not.
They're honestly a cow to me based on how much they idolize being a glammed up 1950's housewife and hyper-feminine things. I feel like regardless of gender, they're full of shit and are posting it on reddit to get Redpill neckbeard love.
If you find enough milk, just make a snow thread about him/her/it.
No. 61900
>>61661Her face is very angular and defined. It's not the most feminine, gentle face, so i can see why people are thinking it could be a tranny or something.
But her body just looks way too feminine to be the case. And her boobs seem normal to me.
No. 62153
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we cosplay nao
No. 62164
>>62153lol why does she always try to claim every popular icons and cult icons
its cringeworthy as fuck
No. 62179
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No. 62278
>>62275And painting. And cakes.
I love her talent but I wish she'd use it for something that doesn't romanticize the '50s.
No. 62288
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>>62278hardly any of her actual work is "le mid-20th-century nostalgia"
it's mostly weird sort of creepy shit
No. 62323
>>62288>hardly any of her actual work is "le mid-20th-century nostalgia"Are you kidding me with this shit right now? I looked through her top posts, it's nothing but.
But nice cherrypicking, asshat.
No. 62476
>>62402She posts plenty of progress photos of her house decorating and baked goods. Is she required to post in progress photos of her photography too?
>>62288After looking her up, I expected way more 50s nostalgia pictures, but most of it is just creepy photography and baking.
No. 62485
>>61604Lazy like
>>61426 says I guess.
Why does everyone have such a low opinion of men? Like they can't marry for love?
No. 62742 post is pretty lolcow-worthy imo.
> Loser virgin woman is frenemies with hipster queen bee> Queen bee ignores loser's requests to meet up> Loser is butthurt at everything queen bee says> Loser is obviously jealous of queen beeIt's so high school but these people are almost in their 30s omg
No. 63671
>>63605Lol its the same person mentioned in
>>61130She keeps making new accounts. What a fucking loser
No. 66356
>>62485"love" dies down, anon. Imo, marriage only is a meaningful choice to me if you really really need and trust eachother. It's practically a life contract on you standing another person until one of the two die. And back in the antiquity, not even that, it was just taking away a woman from her home and making her a glorified servant of the family of the man. No education, not even reading or writing in most of cases, you were born to make non-bastardized children and serve.
Marriage is truly a corrupted, rotten concept.
No. 67062
This trainwreck sent me a huge wall of text
>I'm pretty sure she had good explanations and counterarguments for why she couldn't follow the advice. She's unemployed, living with an abusive mother in NYC. It's really hard to live independently in NYC even with a real career. Regardless, depression and learned helplessness from childhood abuse is a very real thing. If you've never experienced abuse, you would not understand so maybe try to be empathetic?
>Yeah, I'm pretty mentally ill, thanks for shaming me about it. I have been to 4 different therapists already and I am currently on SSRIs.
>I am actually attractive, I make money off being a sugar baby ($2500 last month), but I'm attractive thanks to surgery. Actually I'm kind of a troll, but not a malicious one. I haven't been entirely honest about my life story. I had jaw surgery at 19 for an underbite as well as corrective jaw surgery at almost 24 and then a round of plastic surgery procedures when I was 24 and just recently I got a round of fillers.
>I grew up with a jaw deformity though and I was also raised in an immigrant household to an abusive BPD mother. I had a really tough childhood and I was FA for much of my youth. I didn't start getting male attention until I healed from my corrective jaw surgery. I had really bad experiences with men and people that were exacerbated by my trust issues from childhood abuse. I used to be ugly and FA and it fucked me up mentally but I'm actually hot now.
>You know the first thread I made about the attractive blonde girl that was getting hit on by ugly guys? I wrote that from an outside perspective but I'm actually that hot blonde girl. A lot of my posts are stories about the past or based on observing the romantic lives of my friends. I get attention and validation thanks to my looks but I still suffer emotionally because I know what's it's like to be FA and it's depressing to know how much looks matter in life, especially if you're a woman. That's why I sympathize so much with vcardthrow1. She's what I would have been had I not had corrective jaw surgery and had I not been born with a tall, slender body (I'm 5'8", not 5'6"). Genetics and upbringing determine so much of your life and I find that really harrowing.
>I went from being completely FA/unloved to having 15-20 suitors at once and I'm not very social. I'm addicted to validation/attention from the opposite sex and I feel FA again if I don't get attention for like 2-3 days. I'm permanently scarred from my FA youth and I always wonder what could have been had I got my surgery earlier. I'm also addicted to feeling sorry for myself and get a weird rush from reading FA stories and reliving the pain, humiliation and loneliness of my youth. I know it's so fucked up but it's like an addiction. I grew up used to negative emotions so I'm not sure what to do with my current romantic opportunities. I feel like I'm doomed to forever feel FA. Learned helplessness I guess.