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File (hide): 1713905429641.jpg (23.58 KB, 488x337, 1694111578550.jpg)

No. 1977077

thread rules:
>no racebait
>no infighting
>don't reply to bait
>rest of /ot/ board rules apply
>farmhands are always watching
previous thread: >>1969469

No. 1977085>>1977087

do not drag infights over, the argument ends when the thread dies

No. 1977087>>1977089

stop mini modding

No. 1977089>>1977099

stop being retarded

No. 1977092>>1977094>>1977182

File (hide): 1713905707827.png (2.33 MB, 1536x1024, IMG_5211.png)

Dammit, I had this one ready!

No. 1977094

aww that’s a cute one

No. 1977096>>1977101

Being pretty is kind of a talent. I have no idea how to dress nice, do makeup or hair. Women who can do all that on their own are artists.

No. 1977099

File (hide): 1713905823002.jpeg (59.48 KB, 490x586, IMG_0149.jpeg)

ruined one of the most entertaining infights of the evening. go ahead, go on and tell us whatever unpopular opinion that got buried during the infight(infight bait)

No. 1977101>>1977109

i agree, but being pretty without doing anything is not only better but it’s less embarrassing to not be spending tons of money on time over getting attention from scrotes.

No. 1977106>>1977107>>1977108

Since the majority of women in the world ARE mothers, it makes sense for mothers to be on this imageboard. Some people need to grow up.(ban evading)

No. 1977107

stfu the infight is already over, thanks a lot

No. 1977108>>1977151>>1989387

lolcow isn’t the “majority of women” tbf. like, it’s basically for non-normie women, that’s why we come here.

No. 1977109>>1977110

>for scrotes
Lesbians and straight women don’t like ugly women as well

No. 1977110>>1977112

are you trying to say women cake their faces for lesbians and straight women because they think their natural faces are “ugly”? sad, no wonder everyones getting surgery now.

No. 1977112>>1977114

Even the soft natural pretty look takes effort if you’re not born that way

No. 1977114>>1977116

by natural i mean natural, not “natural”. moids don’t put this much effort so stop trying to portray it as psychologically normal even if people try to act like it is.

No. 1977116>>1977119

Straight women and lesbians don’t like women who aren’t conventionally attractive as well. For example being fat, dull greasy hair and acne. Women also like pretty women, not just men.

No. 1977119>>1977124>>1977145

um… ok? so don’t be fat and shower? you’re still not convincing me why women should be wearing makeup when it’s unnatural and sexist.

No. 1977120

Wtf is this? Why isn't the OP AI?

No. 1977124>>1977126>>1977145

I never said women should do anything esl anon. don’t even wear that stuff, I only said I think being able to make yourself pretty is a talent.

No. 1977126>>1977129

i never disagreed with that kek. i said it’s more admirable to be naturally pretty instead of being that insecure to actually get good at it.

No. 1977128>>1977130

esl isn’t an insult btw, these threads seem to like saying that a lot when they’re probably monolingual amerifags who don’t even know a drop about other cultures outside of mcdonalds.

No. 1977129>>1977131

And you said that women only do it for scrotes and I’m telling you esl anon that women also like pretty women.

No. 1977130>>1977133

Because esl anon makes herself to easy to point out kek

No. 1977131>>1977135

you’re lying if you think women wear makeup for other women and even if they did it’s not something deserving of praise at all to be that ashamed of your natural face.

No. 1977133

eh, dunno who that is but it’s not me. i think my grammar has been fine.

No. 1977134>>1977153

What happened to the other thread? Did I miss something?

No. 1977135>>1977140

Esl anon you pick up any chance to cry about sexism don’t you?

No. 1977140

pretty sick of people accusing me of being a personalityfag. first i was yuripedo, then this esl fucker, someone mentioned someone else too, i don’t even know the stories for this shit. but would i be wrong in assuming you think makeup is totally based and girlboss, then?

No. 1977145>>1977149

I basically see makeup as a superhuman stimuli. Women are still beautiful without makeup, but if a person can't appreciate natural faces anymore, their brains are fried kek
Yep, pretty much the most beautiful women are just normal pretty without doing all of this stuff, but they can make themselves look inhumanely beautiful.

No. 1977149>>1977152

It’s not even just makeup that can make a person prettier though. I’m clueless about skin care, color theory and hair styling. That’s why I think if a woman has these skills it’s a talent because a lot of people don’t. There are some women so educated about skin care that they don’t even wear makeup because their skin is so good.

No. 1977151

ntayrt, i know lolcow isn’t the ‘majority of women’ per se, but there are still moms here. i don’t think it’s necessary for us to exclude them. but we’re not reawakening this.

No. 1977152>>1977159

i’m the other anon, the latter makes sense to me and is more deserving of praise imo i just find makeup sad and ayrt is right, it’s calibrated our brains to not know what women look like. i used to be big into skincare before i just got interested in eating healthy, it’s more reasonable to me because why wear concealer when a product will get rid of your problem and is actually good for your skin. but to be frank, i’m bi and i think women look 100% better without makeup. makeup-wearing creatures look like inhuman aliens.

No. 1977153

File (hide): 1713907428440.jpeg (162.78 KB, 700x700, IMG_6210.jpeg)

No nothing happened nonnie have a croquette

No. 1977159>>1977161>>1977172

If all women (including celebs) started going out without makeup, you'd be in for a shock.

No. 1977161>>1977167>>1977170

no i wouldn’t, because that would imply i view makeup as ‘normal’ and regular human skin women as the weird, ugly ones, and i’m not that retarded. seriously how are you people itt pushing moid rhetorics like thinking this shit is normal.

No. 1977167>>1977177

Nta but post a picture of a pretty woman with no enhancements that you think is pretty then

No. 1977170>>1977171>>1977261

ayrt I'd be happy if women would just stop feeling the pressure to wear makeup, but I'm skeptical of people claiming that everyone would look better without it (especially men, who typically have no idea what women even look without it). I don't wear it, but that's a conscious choice to put comfort over looks.

No. 1977171

I don’t wear makeup but it’s because I suck at it and it makes my pizza face worse

No. 1977172

what is this supposed to mean?

No. 1977177>>1977181

i’m confused. for what reason? to prove women aren’t pretty without makeup. that being said, i would post myself since i obviously don’t wear makeup kek. but since i can’t i’ll say the celebrity last posted in the previous women you want to fuck thread looks beautiful, way more than she does with makeup / other women with makeup. it’s also easier to find models who don’t wear makeup especially nicher less popular ones. you can’t possibly think that i, as a woman, don’t know what women look like without makeup especially since i date women and know what i think is attractive thank you very much. women will always be much more beautiful natural and anyone who thinks otherwise is brainwashed, end of.

No. 1977181>>1977186

Because if you’re mrs natural show us an example of a woman with no enhancements that you think is pretty

No. 1977182

How dare you try to use AIslop

No. 1977183>>1977187>>1977214>>1977222

I've legitimately got no sympathy for girls who were groomed by 4chan moids. And the thing is, you can always tell who they are and what their "trauma" is. Little BPDemons who hate other women and occasionally adopt some surface level feminism to cope with the fact /soc/daddy used them as a cumsock when they were a teenager.

No. 1977186>>1977189

i just gave you an example, go find the thread, lazy.

No. 1977187>>1977196

The first thing any of those girls are gonna do if you try to help them is call you jealous. I don’t waste my time with it and even if i had a daughter like that I wouldn’t waste my time I’d just kick her out and let her go be with her scrote.

No. 1977189>>1977193

No makeup doesn’t mean no enhancements though

No. 1977193>>1977194

you heard it here folks, all women are ugly without makeup or surgery. ok then.

No. 1977194>>1977195

Not all enhancements are plastic surgery and makeup

No. 1977195>>1977198

what the fuck are you even on about now, whatever, i’m not arguing. women would be better without makeup, mentally and physically (to a healthy brain) that was my only point.

No. 1977196>>1977204

kinda based.

No. 1977198>>1977200

The girl in the thread you’re talking about uses skin care, can do her own hair and makeup, is educated about fashion and skin care though. Just saying.

No. 1977200

so she’s… drumroll… not a slob. is it a problem that she showers too? that being said she’d obviously be pretty without any of that, so i don’t get what your point is.

No. 1977204>>1977206

File (hide): 1713908896088.jpeg (763.36 KB, 1284x804, IMG_3026.jpeg)

I would kick her out because I’m not going to end up like the jasmine Richardson family trying to get between my daughter and her scrote and she murders the entire family. If she’s under the age of 16 she’s going to a boarding school in Europe and if she’s over the age of 16 the scrote can take her.

No. 1977206>>1977212

Yeah I agree. I have read stories about extremely online teen imageboard girls who fucked imageboard moids and the hell they put their mothers and families through reduced my sympathy to a big fat zero. They deserved everything the groomer gave them and then some.

No. 1977212>>1977218

My kid would probably hate me for sending her off to a Swedish boarding school to get her away from her scrote but she will thank me later. After 16 there’s not much legally you can do to stop them, so it’s not even worth the work and just let them go get strung out on crack with their scrote. Jasmines family messed up not ambushing her and sending her far away from the country but instead they were naive and tried to get in between them. Her poor little brother tried to defend himself against them with a Star Wars sword and she slit his neck. Girls are dangerous when they get into relationships with edgy older guy types.

No. 1977214>>1977249

They literally go looking for it at this point. And the "grooming" is just knowingly hanging out in e-datingcords and hoping some fat europoor scrote finds you low-esteemed and low-BMI enough to sexually harass. It doesn't carry weight for me that in this age of virality, terminally online girls don't know what they're getting into and who they're talking with.

No. 1977218

>strung on crack
Reminds me of incel discord groupie to now ip2 groupie dexpuppy

No. 1977222

I’ve got a limited threshold for them tbh. Teenage girls should never be blamed for getting groomed, but some factors make me less likely to feel bad for them. If they’re just low self esteem teens who are looking for love in bad places, I hope they get better; but if they’re adult BPD-chans who snap at you for being concerned about their moid, then I stop feeling bad. You can only care about someone so much after they reject help time and time again.

No. 1977227>>1977282

honestly why have children? if it’s that bad then don’t.

No. 1977249>>1978781

They're conscious enough to know the places they hang out are full of literal, doxxed, accredited sex pests in their 30s and 40s but they're also conscious of the fact they can use the grooming label as a plausible deniability shield for their own weird fetishes and desires when it all comes crashing down.

That's my take.

No. 1977261

99% of the time when I see bare face and makeup side-by-sides the barefaced pic is prettier. And same with even minor plastic surgery. Very very rarely will I see one and be like oh wow that actually is an improvement. Honestly I think people just memed themselves into thinking it looks good.

No. 1977279>>1977280

I respect K-pop because it’s the only industry where men are exploited just as much as women

No. 1977280

i hope someone responds with that one gif

No. 1977282>>1977289>>1977295

The world would be a better place if not having children was the socially accepted default.

No. 1977289>>1977296

True. I think it's because every moid wants it, so every woman "should" birth it, kek. Otherwise, it wouldn't be expected of literally everyone, there'd just be a group of people who'd be responsible for that.

No. 1977295

its not really possible to not have children by default because if no one had children there'd be no more people, nonnie. thats the whole reason why its not universally commonplace by default kek

No. 1977296>>1977336

it has nothing to do with what men want, reproduction is just part of life for all species, it's about what both parents what. if a woman wants to be a mother, she'll shack up with a partner who wants to have a baby as well. a man can't really be the deciding factor as to if a baby is born because he's not the one with a uterus so he doesn't have a ton of control

No. 1977300

Vermouth is the best alcoholic beverage and its so underappreciated. It's always vodka this and wine that

No. 1977319>>1977324>>1977428>>1977560

File (hide): 1713913807111.jpg (130.21 KB, 627x1024, tumblr_1581633a820199db33bdb8c…)

The most beautiful actress ever.

No. 1977324>>1977333>>1977334

She looks hungry

No. 1977328>>1977380

I don't think healthcare workers should act like fast food employees and be "nice". And by that, I mean, I wish people felt less entitled to complain about health care systems until they actually learn what they're for. Hospital staff is expected to put up with the most inane shit and I think it's worth risking "liability" issues when you have people abusing your services.

Also, service dogs shouldn't be allowed in a crisis unit. Guess what? You aren't the only one on a fucking crisis unit. Some of the other clients may not be too happy to spend time in a room with a dog. Tough fucking shit, guess who can replace the emotional support animal when you're in the crisis unit? The emotional support staff.

No. 1977333>>1977348

and you look fat

No. 1977334>>1977348

>fat burger who thinks ice spice is hot

No. 1977336>>1977345

>it's about what both parents what.
But realistically we had tons of women who didn't want to give birth, but they still did, historically. Especially a lot of women might not want it, for obvious reasons. At least say that it's default just because maybe the majority of men and women want it. I don't see how literally every single member of the species should be a mother or a father.

No. 1977345

ata, i'm personally not someone who thinks that its what we're all here for it that every single human should be a parent or reproduce because thats definitely not the case, but in the current world it is more about what both parties want, women aren't shackled to men the same way we used to be. also i don't think the majority of men want to be parents, i think they just enjoy having sex and thats what results in them becoming parents. but bottomline, i know it sounds nice for having children to not be commonplace but it always will be because thats whats required for life on this earth to continue.

No. 1977348>>1977353>>1977366

She looks like a malnourished 3rd worlder…sorry

No. 1977353>>1977356

ntayrt but dude what? she looks normal. does she look too skinny to you just because you can see her collarbones…?

No. 1977356>>1977361

Look at those little ramen noodle arms and sunken in face. She can’t weigh more than 98lbs. She’s hungry.

No. 1977361>>1977364

dude she looks normal weight. she's probably 110-120 pounds. i don't know what you think an average weight woman is supposed to look like..

No. 1977364>>1977367>>1977373>>1977384

File (hide): 1713915596628.png (2.79 MB, 1284x2778, IMG_3029.png)

She looks like a starving woman in south East Asia…but everyone has their preferences and you can like what you like. Too boney for me.

No. 1977366>>1977369>>1977386

File (hide): 1713915689174.jpg (108.21 KB, 500x596, tumblr_a144b99d4194b77cb4d9b81…)

cope. it's incredible to what extent the obesity pandemic has shaped american standards.

No. 1977367>>1977397

she looks tall, which is probably why she still looks slim at a normal weight, i dont know what reverse bone rattling would be called but this is it. maybe fat jiggling?

No. 1977369>>1977376

Give her 10 more lbs and she would be beautiful.

No. 1977373>>1977390

>>1977364 Big cope. She's beautiful objectively. Show us what body types is appealing to you anon.

No. 1977376

>a woman is only beautiful if she fits my weight standards
fuck you anon she's gohgeous

No. 1977380

I'm shocked any dog in allowed in a hospital environment considering they are unhygienic and some patients may have a reaction.

No. 1977384>>1977392

Seethe harder fatty and just know no matter how much you starve yourself your body will never look like hers

No. 1977386>>1977389>>1977409

Is it just me or were people much better looking in the 70s? Even celebrities look dysgenic nowadays.

No. 1977389>>1977409

i genuinely think it’s that today’s standards are really retarded + celebrities get shilled through shit like fucking their way in resulting in less ugly people being weeded out. very beautiful people still exist but they rarely get scouted to be famous actresses or singers anymore.

No. 1977390>>1977397

File (hide): 1713916560991.jpeg (818.28 KB, 987x1498, IMG_3030.jpeg)

I like it when women look like they can afford taco Tuesdays

No. 1977392>>1977394

I would never want my body to look like that. I don’t wanna attract pedos.

No. 1977394>>1977395

t. fatty-chan with cowtits. Post your bmi

No. 1977395>>1977396

I’m 5’6 at 129

No. 1977396

You have a tranny build, hit the gym

No. 1977397>>1977403

This woman pretty much as slim as the other one, but with more plump hips?
I do think it's her vertical might be skewing the perception.

No. 1977403>>1977406>>1977407>>1977411>>1977419>>1977420>>1977422>>1977428>>1977437

File (hide): 1713916917066.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.51 MB, 955x1631, IMG_3031.jpeg)

The south East Asian woman has no hips and her arms look like mini pool noodles(bait)

No. 1977406

i bet you’re not even gay, both of the women posted are hot.

No. 1977407>>1977410

this is just insulting her for the fuck of it now, she's beautiful.

No. 1977409

I think it's a mixture of >>1977389 dysgenics and shit diets.

No. 1977410>>1977418>>1977420

Her face is very beautiful but her body is giving slum houses in the Philippines

No. 1977411

why are you so pressed? her face alone makes her top tier.

No. 1977418>>1977425

how? shes slim but its clear she isn't underweight. what is there to have against smaller women?

No. 1977419

why would this need to be censored

No. 1977420>>1977435

More fatty cope. You wish you could have that body

No. 1977422

Oh, i see it on this picture now. It might be natural for her. People loved it back in the day. It's post-Twiggy era.

No. 1977425>>1977436

File (hide): 1713917624407.jpeg (907.16 KB, 840x1690, IMG_3032.jpeg)

Thin is good(pic related) but not holocaust tier

No. 1977428>>1977432>>1977442

Do people actually think this looks good? This is why women need to do at least some strength training, her arms and legs are noodle thin and lanky, it looks weird.

No. 1977432

what do you look like anon

No. 1977435>>1977439>>1977459

Do I wish that? Her body looks like mine when I got forced into inpatient at 96 lbs when I was 15 and addicted to meth and starving lol

No. 1977436

laura mogs her to hell and back

No. 1977437>>1977465

She clearly does have hips, any woman that doesn’t look like a hottentot Venus BBL caricature gets called straight up and down nowadays, you’re delusional.

No. 1977439>>1977441

NTA but it sounds like you're projecting, thats likely the problem at hand, not this womans body.

No. 1977441>>1977444

I just don’t find it attractive. She looks sick to me. Maybe she’s not sick but she looks it. I associate that body type with crack heads.

No. 1977442>>1977451>>1977473

>women need some strength training it looks weird
there's nothing wrong with a woman looking skinny, i don't think women should be expected to be muscular and overblown the way men are supposed to be

No. 1977444>>1977448

it's okay if you don't find it attractive but that doesn't mean shes not healthy, she literally looks on the lower end of the average spectrum. she doesn't look crackheady or underweight at all. it sounds like you're simply the one with the issue.

No. 1977448>>1977454

She looks strung out to me( and probably was because in the 70s the drugs were pure)but you’re allowed to have your opinion

No. 1977451>>1977458

>i don't think women should be expected to be muscular and overblown the way men are supposed to be
What a stupid fucking thing to say, having some muscle tone is a sign of a healthy body. It doesn't mean roided out. She looks sick and unhealthy.

No. 1977454>>1977484

File (hide): 1713918268193.png (270.51 KB, 306x412, shut up dumbass.png)

>she looks like she is addicted to drugs because shes skinny

No. 1977458>>1977466>>1977479

can you describe how she looks sick and unhealthy? shes very normal looking, but im also not a burger so that could be why i have a balanced perspective of what a human being should look like

No. 1977459>>1977495

Sorry about your meth addiction but some women are just naturally thin. It's not that big of a deal.

No. 1977465>>1977473

File (hide): 1713918394002.jpg (69.11 KB, 692x830, db1c0a3978cca6d13285ec604c7c0c…)

they will see a beautiful woman and nitpick her because she doesn't have cartoon hips. her body type was common in the 70s.

No. 1977466>>1977470

same, did an anon say she was south asian? i feel like this is a very common body type among them especially on a traditional diet.

No. 1977470

she's half dutch too

No. 1977473>>1977479

Sounds like an annoying gymfag who think women need to dead lift to look healthy. There is nothing wrong with being slim or slender naturally.
Is that Cher? she's gorgeous in the 70s

No. 1977475>>1977480>>1977486>>1977492

My unpopular opinion is that women being skinny or twiggy shouldn't be so stigmatized. I don't like and don't think its equitable to compare to a drug addict or an anorexic just because im not curvy.

No. 1977479>>1977490

Legs and arms are skeltel-tier. You can literally see where her ribs connect to her sternum. I only had that happen to me when I was 20 lbs underweight. So no, I'm not a deathfat.
You only think it looks healthy because most women romanticize other women looking underweight and weak.

No. 1977480>>1977532

same, people accept overweight people but if you’ve always been underweight or near it regardless of how healthy you are people feel obligated to comment on your body. but fat shaming is bone rattling kek

No. 1977484>>1977489>>1977493

File (hide): 1713918762822.jpeg (271.46 KB, 932x818, IMG_3033.jpeg)

You can be skinny without looking like a crack head tho(pic related). The girl from the 70s looks like a crack baby tho.

No. 1977486

I agree with you. I've always been chubby myself, but I think it's some western fat acceptance bullshit when naturally skinnier women are shamed. Some women are just taller and slender due to their genetics or home diets. I go to a college with many south east asian women and a lot of them are skinny. Some are chubby. It doesnt matter, but it bothers me when people go 'this is what a real women looks like' because it feels tranny tier.

No. 1977489

It's almost as if different women have different body types or something.

No. 1977490

ntayrt but you're really gonna look at Cher and say she looks weak kek? be so fr rn

No. 1977492>>1977498>>1977534

Yeah, I don't want to blogpost but I hate when people comment on how much/what I eat. Especially when people think I'm lying about not being super hungry or whatever. I'm just fucking scrawny let me be. I noticed that "friends" will always make fun of small boobs/less exaggerated curves on thin women if they feel threatened but then preach muh body positivity otherwise.

No. 1977493

The lady in the original photos doesn't look like a crack baby at all, have you seen an actual real life crack baby? Because they look much more unhealthy than a beautiful tan goddess with a thick head of hair and a healthy figure.

No. 1977495>>1977505>>1977518>>1977632

Unpopular opinion but there’s no such thing as being that skinny naturally. People think zendaya is naturally skinny but even she admits she doesn’t eat.

No. 1977498

Many people are weird about naturally skinny people. My cousin was literally bullied for being thin and lanky when she's naturally built that way.

No. 1977501>>1977518

No you can’t be underweight naturally just like you can’t be fat naturally. If you’re underweight you probably just don’t eat enough and don’t notice it, just like fat people aren’t aware that they’re eating more calories than they need.

No. 1977505>>1977506

zendaya isn’t the only skinny person. no one says this about ‘naturally overweight’. for them it’s “bmi is a myth anyway” or “you’re barely overweight” (but bmi 18 is death)

No. 1977506>>1977509

Esl anon is this what you do all day?

No. 1977509

for fuck’s sake everyone is esl anon aren’t they?

No. 1977514

File (hide): 1713919307378.jpg (54.4 KB, 640x457, laura-gemser-indonesian-dutch-…)


No. 1977518>>1977522

no ones talking about zendaya though
there are some women who can be naturally underweight though, however the lady in the photograph doesnt look underweight

No. 1977522>>1977525

Being naturally underweight is not a real thing unless you have a thyroid issue or illness

No. 1977525>>1977526

dw i think you fatties are abnormal grotesque creatures too.

No. 1977526>>1977550

Well if you think weighing more than 100 lbs is over weight I hope you get the help you need soon

No. 1977532>>1977544

Fr though I can't help but it being jealousy and projection. Especially when they tell you to "eat a burger" when your weight is normal just naturally skinny. Modern beauty standards have made some ppl think that having "boobs and ass and hips with a tiny waist) is automatically "healthier" when in reality people's bf distribution differs when it comes to weight gain.

No. 1977534>>1977544

I know the feel nonnie. I'm pretty petite and landwhales and trannies made fun of my body so much in hs to the point it gave me severe insecurities that sometimes still persist to this day especially about my boobs kek. Although some of it was def out of jealousy as well. How do i know this? Bc some of them told me themselves

No. 1977544>>1977546>>1977554

Esl anon but serious lol no one’s jelly of you

No. 1977546

Be serious*

No. 1977550

nobody said being over 100 lbs is overweight though

No. 1977554>>1977555

ntayrt but i think that pretending being skinny means a woman is a druggy or an anachan does reek of strawberry jelly

No. 1977555>>1977574

What high school do you even go to where there are tons of trannys bullying you for being hot? Trannys are pretty rare

No. 1977560>>1977569>>1977588>>1977590

File (hide): 1713920985560.jpeg (88.36 KB, 539x640, 83832239023.jpeg)

Laura Gemser was so hot. I'm obsessed with actresses and models from the 70s and have entire printerest boards dedicated to them. It's a shame that everyone is fat and ugly now.

No. 1977569>>1977577

Women in general looked so beautiful in the 70s. I dunno if it was the more natural hair and softer makeup, but they always seemed more gorgeous somehow.

No. 1977574

im nta who said that..and i cant speak for her but trannies are quite common in a public school setting since 2016

No. 1977577>>1977578>>1977586>>1977590

File (hide): 1713921564277.jpeg (68.37 KB, 449x699, 3893493402.jpeg)

The food wasn't pumped full of weird synthetic stuff so everyone was skinnier back then. The bar is so low now that as long as you aren't fat then that means you're hot.

No. 1977578


No. 1977586>>1977603

This is a cute girl. The south East Asian one looked sick tho.

No. 1977588>>1977603

I hate this 70s worship. Apparently I have a 70s body and long hair and now I’m constantly being scouted out by loser weed scrotes to be their manic pixie bong huffing 70s goddess nympho. I can’t wait until this trend is over

No. 1977590>>1977603

File (hide): 1713922209273.jpg (68.09 KB, 736x746, f0c9cc4a92f247869e23f6f16c6129…)

It was a really good era. The films being made were excellent and the actors and actresses were beautiful. Now I get why my dad told me everything was better back then lol.
Not even that. Just have a fat ass and you'll get famous kek

No. 1977603>>1977606>>1977616

File (hide): 1713922521535.jpeg (73.94 KB, 640x940, 43439349000.jpeg)

She doesn't look sick some women just maintain a thin frame. if you look at her face she doesn't look gaunt which women with eating disorders tend to have.
I don't really think it's a trend or anything. I've always liked everything 70s and consume media mostly from that decade. Nice humblebrag lol
That era was far from perfect but I would 100% rather live then than now even if it means giving up technology.

No. 1977606>>1977611>>1977618

>wants to not be able to own a credit card or buy a house without a husband
>wants lead poisoning

No. 1977611>>1977614

boo you guys are no fun. let me live in my fantasy world for a minute jeez

No. 1977614>>1977615

Most women in the 70s didn’t look like that. They’re celebrities and models for a reason. You’d be ugly with lead poisoning like everyone else back then. People also aged worse in those days.

No. 1977615

obviously majority of people didn't look like that but at least obesity rates were nowhere near as bad. seed oils are the new lead anyway

No. 1977616>>1977619

You don’t think it’s a trend? Girl, look around. Fashion and interior design is nothing but 70s, every other girl on the street is wearing those ugly ass flared yoga pants

No. 1977618>>1977623

ntayrt but you are so insufferable and dramatic

No. 1977619

it's like a psuedo 70s thing they do where they don't even get the clothes right. but yeah i've noticed the 70s look has made a comeback amongst zoomers. none of them even listen to the music or films of that era and those yoga pants can barely count as a homage to the decade. i never even see other black people with afros besides myself.

No. 1977623

Your mom

No. 1977632>>1977643

Yes there is such a thing it’s called good genetics which most of you fat anons don’t have, unfortunately

No. 1977643>>1977647>>1977652

If you were to eat more than 3000 calories a day you’re gonna get fat. Being thin or fat has nothing to do with genetics. It’s about what you eat.

No. 1977647>>1977650

>3,000 calories
anon you burn like half of that just sleeping…i dont think you understand just how hard it is to get fat

No. 1977650>>1977655

Eat Big Mac combos 3 times a day from McDonald’s for a year and then come back and tell Me how well your genetics worked to prevent you from getting fat

No. 1977652>>1977656>>1977660>>1977661>>1978127

File (hide): 1713925121246.jpeg (106.5 KB, 702x626, IMG_0123.jpeg)

It absolutely does have everything to do with genetics, there are women with naturally well-developed and beautifully shaped and proportioned bodies while most normie women have dumpy bodies, flappy tits and skinny fat fuppas by the time we get to our 20s caused by hormonal imbalances and PCOS. They’re definitely putting crud in the water and food to stunt our growth and cause genetic mutations in multiple future gens like we’re a rat experiment, picrel for reference to what I mean. Some people are able to resist these bioengineered chemicals and poisonings and also have resistant genetics. Celebs and high-class people are most likely to have better genetics because their bloodlines are closed off to caste-mixing and they have selective diets unlike us who eat goyslop everyday and the shit genetics don’t make it better. I’ve seen women with naturally skinny bodies that cause me envy and the ones that are so unfortunate because I just know their family genetics are terrible and full of mutations and diseases

No. 1977655>>1977658>>1977663>>1977670>>1977730

im not geneticschan im just speaking in general, 3,000 cals a day isnt going to make you obese as long as youre not sedentary

No. 1977656>>1977666

Body proportions is dictated by genetics but not being fat. If being fat or thin was genetic then during the holocaust you would still see obese people running around in the work camps. Weight is dictated by what you eat and that’s it.

No. 1977658>>1977664

You burn about 400 calories sleeping not 1500 lol

No. 1977659

for anyone talking about calories just go here to see how many calories you burn daily and how much you need depending on your lifestyle and height and weight. genetics can help with fat distribution but saying anything else is cope

No. 1977660>>1977662

Hormonal imbalance and PCOS are rising because of overconsumption of sugar, simple carbs, meat, and dairy. You can easily avoid that by not eating like a slob. It doesn’t cost that much to put down the tendies and eat some fucking vegetables.

No. 1977661

you do realize your "picrel" is obviously a joke right?

No. 1977662

fr, blaming it on the frogs in the water is retarded. i’m skinny and pcos free because i actually care about myself kek

No. 1977663>>1977706

nona..3k calories is a lot even for a regular man. If you're eating that much daily, a normal woman would easily be gaining 3 lbs of fat every week.

No. 1977664>>1977667>>1977670

nta but this is why people say genetics, i’m underweight and eat 2000-3000. i move about but nothing crazy, so it’s insane to me that people can actually get obese but sometimes i just gotta think maybe they were unlucky.

No. 1977665

I’m fat but it doesn’t bother me as much as it would for other women because I actually understand calories and could be skinny in a month if I wanted to. Women make a big deal about being fat because they think it’s a permanent situation.

No. 1977666>>1977669

Of course when you starve and deplete fats of nutrients they would lose some weight but they’re not going to be the skellies they constantly show in those holocaust photographs, those people were likely already skinny to begin with and were starving and diseased because rations were depleted because of ongoing nearby warfare, cutting off transportation

No. 1977667>>1977684

What did you eat today for breakfast, lunch and dinner?

No. 1977668>>1977671>>1977677>>1977720>>1977721

File (hide): 1713925715104.jpg (24.21 KB, 419x360, itS52rCWXvzK.jpg)

shes part of the psyop

No. 1977669>>1977672

Esl anon don’t make up stories

No. 1977670>>1977684>>1977706

no woman can eat 3k calories and not gain anything unless you're in the wnba or some shit. that's the maintenance calories for a fully grown man kek
you're overestimating how much you eat because no amount of genetics prevents weight gain if you go over your caloric intake

No. 1977671>>1977677>>1977680>>1977720>>1977727

File (hide): 1713926084637.jpeg (381.93 KB, 714x929, IMG_0152.jpeg)

>la creatura

I wish they would stop shilling this ugly bitch so much because hot darker-skinned super models and celebrities are starting to gain more popularity and attraction, it’s so tiring.

No. 1977672>>1977676

You already admitted in the confession thread that you like throwing that word around for no reason. Shut the fuck up and stop responding to me weirdo

No. 1977676

Learn English hun

No. 1977677

her face is so uncanny to me

No. 1977678

I'm just gonna toss in that it's definitely boils down to calories in/calories out but it's not just genetics. How you were raised and emotional issues also play a part in both under/normal/overweight. People learn bad habits or have no connection to knowing when they are hungry or full and don't even realize it since they are conditioned nearly from birth.

No. 1977680>>1977691

As Azealia said let's get booty, let's get wigs, light skin and Americans will eat it up

No. 1977684>>1977687>>1977689>>1977696

i had porridge with dates and cacao, vegetable patties and then an jar of peanut butter. most of my days look something like this, yesterday it was a bag of pistachios.
if you say so. i understand the science but i’m just telling you how it is.

No. 1977687>>1977690

That’s not 3000 calories retard

No. 1977689

Whole jar? Because it doesn't sound like a lot at all, except of a jar of peanut butter.

No. 1977690>>1977693

my jar of peanut butter says it’s 2200 so…?

No. 1977691>>1977699>>1977709

they literally already gave up on ice spice and already trying to do that same thing with that bobblehead indian tyla girl from SA. not even an actual african, her parents are descendants of indians who lived during that time when the smelly bongs brought them to do slave work kek

No. 1977693>>1977697

So you go to the grocery store and buy 7 jars of peanut butter for the week? I find that very hard to believe kek

No. 1977696>>1977700

everything you're eating sounds low cal except the peanut butter which is very high in calories. do you eat it every day? eating it once or whatever isn't going to make you gain weight

No. 1977697>>1977698

i don’t eat peanut butter every day dipshit. but i do like nut based snacks, hence why i mentioned yesterday bingeing on pistachios.

No. 1977698>>1977702

Ok nuts arent 3000 calories ya dumb bitch

No. 1977699>>1977744

nta but isn't tyla colored? in SA that means you're usually mixed with indian african and european

No. 1977700>>1977701>>1977708

eh, i eat things in high volume especially since i only cook for myself. the vegetable patties were homemade and a tower-full

No. 1977701>>1977704

So you make a tower size amount of a veggie patties everyday?

No. 1977702>>1977705>>1977717

the packets of nuts i get are about 2000 each, along with meals it gets to around 3000. but yes, i’m a “dumb bitch”.

No. 1977704

oh for fucks sake i don’t eat the same things every day. why are anons dumb on purpose. but roughly the same amount in volume, yes.

No. 1977705>>1977713

You eat a pound of nuts a day? You must look insane when you go grocery shopping for the week

No. 1977706>>1977710

i probably eat more than that daily because im a fat bastard but i weigh 98 lbs and thats normal for my weight im 5'1, but im also not sedentary and do not drive a car which are both things that might make it harder for your body to burn calories

No. 1977708

well your diet is fine for the most part. fatties demolish a box of pizza and that's only considered lunch for them. just make sure you walk daily and avoid slop and you'll be fine nona

No. 1977709>>1977744

You never see artists like Amaarae get pushed as hard even though her music is good and she's pretty.

No. 1977710>>1977719

Not possible to burn 2000 calories a day unless you’re an athlete or you have aids

No. 1977713>>1977714

i buy things in bulk online but that’s just two packs of nuts from tesco’s, not the craziest

No. 1977714>>1977718

If you eat a pound of nuts and jars of peanut butter daily and you don’t gain weight you might want to get yourself checked out for aids or cancer

No. 1977717>>1977723

I’m calling bullshit I do intense workouts 8 hours a week and I can’t force down 3k cals unless I relied on McDonald’s

No. 1977718

sweet of you to be concerned but my doctors say i’m very healthy and my bloodwork is perfect. and you know that i’m not eating literal jars so i don’t know why you’re twisting my words. 2000-3000 is in the realm of average.

No. 1977719>>1977722

ayrt, like i said im not sedentary and i walk 30 miles a week which is probably why im not as fat as i could be. also, the average woman burns 1,950 calories over the course of 24 hours sedentarily, and then walking at least 5 miles you can burn 500 calories so thats like 2,450? thats your whole day worth of food burnt off

No. 1977720

The Ice Spice spergs are getting soo annoying.

No. 1977721

she's such a blatant industry plant. a lot of her sexiness feels unnatural and empty, especially when compared to women like mts and nicki (i know nicki has ruined her legacy but ice spice will never be her). az banks also arguably has more "it factor"…i dunno, she's a weird case.

No. 1977722>>1977733>>1977737

You’re not burning 2000 calories from walks

No. 1977723>>1977729

>8 hours a week
>a week
thats only like an hour and 15 minutes a day nonna, thats not super intense kek

No. 1977727>>1977735

uma delicia

No. 1977729>>1977738

It’s not athlete but significantly more than average and it’s high intensity dance and cycling, not some piddly walking shit

No. 1977730

>as long as youre not sedentary
Then that's not your genes anon, that's exercise

No. 1977733>>1977736

did you read my whole post? i did not say i burn that much solely from walks. i said walking 5 miles you burn 500 calories, and your body burns 1,950 calories sedentarily over the course of 24 hours just existing, so over the course of a whole day you can burn 2,450 calories.

No. 1977735

File (hide): 1713927520760.jpg (Spoiler Image,89.03 KB, 600x842, 42e.jpg)

I had to Google this wtf

No. 1977736>>1977739

Average BMR is 1400, your estimate is a whole 1k over your needs. There’s no way you’re eating 3k

No. 1977737

nta but how much do you usually burn if you're walking? i'm fat and want to start as i'm already dieting

No. 1977738>>1977747

>piddly walking shit
walking 5 miles a day is easier and a million times more effective than some useless dancing for 45 minutes a day

No. 1977739>>1977742

youre saying this as if its hard to eat high calorie after exercising all day long

No. 1977742>>1977745>>1977746

Nta but even if you are losing weight from exercise, you said you’re thin due to genetics. If you have to work your ass all day to burn calories then you aren’t thin naturally.

No. 1977744>>1977748>>1977750>>1977758>>1977768>>1977826

File (hide): 1713927752074.png (1009.18 KB, 958x714, IMG_0153.png)

barely any african nonners, here’s her and her parents. even if she’s mixed she still does not represent most black women, but ofc burgers and dumbass foreigners from the outside equate people who look like halle berry or alicia keys are full-blooded and it’s so annoying. she’s a culture vulture for sure and she’s super easy to be one because no one suspects a thing sue that 10-15% of black phenotype showing
you know exactly why. they’ll keep shilling these mystery breeds and taylor swift to stop natural trends from happening, they do this all the time.(racesperging)

No. 1977745

i didnt say im thin due to genetics though, i said im thin due to the fact that im not sedentary. i said in my original comment that im not DNAchan.

No. 1977746>>1977752

98 lb anon and underweight 3000 cal anon (me) are not the same. she didn’t say anything about genetics.

No. 1977747>>1977760

I used to walk several miles a day. I had no muscle mass. I do dance 2hrs straight a day 3x a week right now, it’s calisthenics AND cardio and I have gained a ton of muscle. And then the cycling I do on top of that is extra cardio for fun. 5 miles walk is doing nothing for you.

No. 1977748>>1977758>>1977761>>1977826

File (hide): 1713927829983.jpeg (274.21 KB, 1122x1120, IMG_0154.jpeg)

Samefag, twitterfags found her grandparents and looking fresh like pakichan’s great grandparents. Hate it here

No. 1977750>>1977755>>1977759

Tyla has been saying since she blew up that she's not black

No. 1977752

i eat super high calorie but im a fucking midget so im just normal weight for my diaspora kek

No. 1977755>>1977762>>1978526

the main point is that she’s shilled for a reason. ready to say she’s not black but ready to take up space where she clearly does not belong

No. 1977758

a lot of people especially black americans projected the whole black identity on her. i don't even think she identifies as black

No. 1977759

she's being shilled to a black audience though. they never give nearly the same support and push for monoracial and dark skinned black women. You never see them push Doechii Kaliii or Amaarae as hard.

No. 1977760>>1977769

yeah i bet it sure is doing nothing for me, ok nonna. also being all john cena isnt the goal for all, some of us just wanna maintain a normal weight

No. 1977761

She's so beautiful it makes me feel bad kek

No. 1977762

She's south African regardless anon, she can make music in South African genres. If people still call her black then that's just an issue of black (American) people thinking that everyone who has brown skin or talks/acts a certain way is black.

No. 1977768

they really are giving grammys to anyone nowadays

No. 1977769>>1977770>>1977771

Ok but to achieve normal weight you’re not fucking eating 3000 cals while walking kek

No. 1977770>>1977775>>1977776>>1977779>>1977780>>1979012

nta but how many calories do you eat then? i can’t imagine someone becoming overweight from eating 3000 calories.

No. 1977771>>1977782

well too bad im walking 5 miles just to go to mcdonalds

No. 1977775

What are you talking about, you can't 'imagine' it?? You don't need to imagine it, you can just check a TDEE or BMR calculator and see the pure numbers proving it would make almost any non athletic woman fat

No. 1977776

> i can’t imagine someone becoming overweight from eating 3000 calories.

No. 1977777>>1977778

holding in your pee is healthy

No. 1977778

No. 1977779

Nonnie, they just don't want to admit it can be genetical. Not even because it implies that some people are sort of superior in this way, but because they want to shame fatter people kek Majority of people would gain weight very quickly if they ate like you. I cannot imagine eating 3000 a day, it's like 2 days for me or slightly more even. You are kind of an outlier though.

No. 1977780>>1977799

Honestly I still struggle to even break 2k most of the time, I only reach it when I force myself to down a protein smoothie with lots of fruit, tofu, and cream. I can get around 2.5k if I eat carb heavy the rest of the day and then add chips on top of the smoothie, but then I feel like I’m gonna burst for hours on end.

No. 1977782

File (hide): 1713929253913.jpeg (106.91 KB, 1280x720, soup ors eyes.jpeg)

samefag but i wish they never stopped supersizing, that was the best thing they ever did

No. 1977799

I’m so tired of this discussion. Just in general. Calorie counting this. BMR that. Being a woman just feels like a race to the top that’s actually a race to the bottom. I think part of getting over my ED was realizing how small minded and boring it really was. I just eat when I’m hungry enough and try not to think about it too much now.

No. 1977826

I would never have guessed that was a nose job and it changes so much

No. 1977858

bobs are the ugliest hairstyle thats why it has an ugly name

No. 1977866>>1977887>>1977891>>1977893>>1982369

teachers should be able to smack students like the old times you can’t put an adult in a room with 30 kids and tell her to deal with them all by herself where she has no authority, not allowed to scream, not allowed to actually punish and kids face 0 consequences on whatever they do. If they don’t fear anything then they should fear the humiliation of getting smacked in front of everyone at least.

No. 1977887>>1977893

With the teachers I had to deal with from kindergarten to high school I would have been severely abused by several of them for having the audacity of not being white so I have to disagree with you here.

No. 1977891>>1978715

I think the pendulum is going to swing back this way- not immediately, but with the way the education system in the US is right now I see it happening in the next 10-15 years. Not saying I agree, but I think this idea is starting to gain popularity again, but people can’t say it out loud

No. 1977893

Hitting kids is for incompetent people, as a teacher, if you have to hit a kid you already lost control of the situation all together, you know this is not about actually teaching them to behave appropriately but you wanting to unload your stress on individuals that can't actually defend themselves. Don't even get me started on the fact that, like >>1977887 said, if teachers were allowed to hit children, some of them would target kids based on their own biased standards like racism or sexism, not every adult has a sane enough mind to deliver punishment fairly

No. 1977910>>1977912>>1977923>>1977937>>1977944>>1978025

File (hide): 1713944604631.mp4 (1.93 MB, 480x854, RgYSSEM.mp4) [play once] [loop]

I genuinely think this bodytype is disgusting, not as disgusting as an obese moid body, but still disgusting.

No. 1977912

agreed. gross. Looks like a bara frankenstein.

No. 1977923>>1977931

I also despise his hair and facial hair, so ugly and boring.

No. 1977931

for some reason every MENA moid styles his facial hair like this and I don't fucking get it.

No. 1977937

I like this body type but maybe not this big, but men who look like this are always empty inside and are boring cheating smug assholes so it ruins it for me. Plus when they’re this large I always worry they’re going to roid out and murder me

No. 1977944>>1977980

Looks gay. I don't think the average woman likes this look at all.

No. 1977980>>1978037

From my watching reality tv experience and anything adjacent, this is exactly what normie women like most. Idk if this is the most trustworthy way to learn about the world, but still, there are undeniably women who like it

No. 1978025

He looks disgusting, like a giant zit ready to pop. Also his legs look dumb.

No. 1978037

>Reality tv
Well, that attracts a certain type of person. In my experience normies like less extreme looks.

No. 1978077

A couple of 'rare diseases' (especially in (young) women) are only rare because it’s impossible to find a dr that takes you seriously and bothers actually diagnosing you instead of writing it off as anxiety or being stress-related.

No. 1978089

Alcohol and weed are overrated, being drunk is unpleasant and nauseating and being stoned is uncomfortable and anxiety inducing. Also benzos suck. but opiates are amazing

No. 1978127>>1978155

>Celebs and high-class people are most likely to have better genetics because their bloodlines are closed off to caste-mixing
This is such a delusion. Caste doesn't dictate genetic beauty, just wealth, and this is a fact that makes richfags seethe on a macro level (and likely why plastic surgery is so widespread and considered "trendy" these days. All the nepo celebrities end up getting it and can never hide it from the public). Maybe it could if it wasn't for ugly, dysgenic old men hoarding wealth in most of the world and using it as a bargaining chip to ensure they can continue their bloodlines, but as it stands now? Lmao. The whole wealth inequality/caste system nonsense is just a way to enable those men to ensure their even more dysgenic sons are ensured their pick of wives and girlfriends, anyway.
Notice that the British royal family is ugly as shit, and the good-looking royalty are all average-looking. Clean-cut people, but not intense beauties. All the beautiful people end up being regular people with good (or at least decent, though a few of them are/were literally starving) diets and genetics that just "struck gold", and some of them become models. This is also why there are so many cases of the neurotic, average looking rich girl or woman who gets headshots taken, pays for shoots and tries to nepo her way in because she wants to be a model very badly vs the girl or woman from modest means who's always been told she "could" model and has come to see it as the path of least resistance. Anna Delvey was able to get away with lying about being an heiress because she was average/below average looking, just like typical rich people and their families. Had she been particularly pretty, it would've attracted too much attention and made people want to ask questions.
Anyway, sorry for sperging but I hate the cope that wealthier people are also naturally more attractive, because reality isn't like that. The most handsome men I've ever seen were all either poor or middle class (upper middle class at highest), the rich ones ranged from straight up ugly to average.

No. 1978155

NTA but you’re so fucking right I’ve been saying this shit for years. The richer and older the money, the uglier the offspring. I have an uncle who married into a super old money fam in Virginia and his wife’s genes dominate all my cousins. They’re the only real uggos in the family kek

No. 1978386>>1978394>>1978402>>1978430>>1978477>>1978485>>1978675

I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion exactly but I don't get why people have "pride" in things they can't control. Whenever someone says they're proud of being (insert ethnicity/sexuality/nationality here), it doesn't make sense of me. You're proud of being American? Okay congratulations for being born on x,y coordinates. You're proud of being Asian/Black/Whatever? Okay? Same thing. It's not like you earned it or worked hard towards it or anything. It makes way more sense when people are proud of things they actually accomplished. It's good to be comfortable in your own skin of course but it doesn't make any sense to have pride in something that you were just born with.(please no race commentary, it's just going to start a big fight and derail)

No. 1978394

I agree. It's shit for people devoid of any real accomplishments and identity. To piggyback off this, I find it weird when people get ecstatic about their culture being recognized or noticed by outsiders and talked about as well.

No. 1978402

I understand why people want to take pride in their identity if they have been oppressed for it in some way, but I'll never understand nationalism kek it really is for stupid people that don't have anything else to brag about

No. 1978430>>1978472>>1978635>>1978675

this especially goes for white supremacists(racebaiting)

No. 1978465>>1978495

Clothes only look good on tall people. Everything I wear looks dumpy because I’m short and have stout proportions

No. 1978472>>1978635>>1978675

Funny how they mentioned minorities and never mentioned white supremacists who more often than not use their “pride” to terrorize, murder and disenfranchise minorities but no it’s those damn minorities getting excited about being a Disney princess or putting their flag in their bio that is ruining the fabric of society. If they don’t understand why a black person would be proud to be black in this society then they aren’t well read and lack the nuance to even formulate this actual popular opinion(racebaiting)

No. 1978477>>1978599>>1978623

I love being black ♥

No. 1978485>>1978635

Agreed, I get being happy about it, but pride is usually in relation to something you’ve done, not something that just happened to you.

No. 1978495>>1978499

It depends on the length, style and fabric of clothes. But as someone on a shorter side I agree it can be difficult to find something that will look good on you while shopping, it seems like the majority of clothes is made for someone taller and with straight hips.

No. 1978499>>1978622

I blame fags and anachans for that. ruined female fashion

No. 1978526

File (hide): 1713970573079.png (2.76 MB, 1920x1280, Ayra20Starr2001032320AS23-5_L.…)

IMO Ayra Starr is more beautiful. Tyla is pretty, but her music isn't hitting, so her fans tend to racebait about her all over Twitter and put her in competition with actual black women for easy engagement and rage clicks. It's really sad, and something I've never heard of fans of Alicia Keys or Chili from TLC doing, because they were already very talented women who happened to be mixed.

No. 1978599


No. 1978615>>1978760

Kids go through edgy rebellious phases because their parents suck. Hormones only play a minor role. Parents making fun of kids for it is just telling on themselves. Think back to the dramatic and edgy kids from school. They all had retarded parents and/or some kind of shitty living situation. I knew plenty of kids who were upbeat and regulated, and they were the ones with attentive parents and met needs. It happens when hitting teens because that’s the age where you really start to think for yourself, can see the situation of your peers and how yours is different, and are no longer solely focused on pleasing mommy and daddy. So yes, when kids say no one understands them they are actually telling the truth.

No. 1978622>>1978625>>1978682

>Anachans ruined fashion
That implies fatties could fix it, and you and I know that's a lie, anon

No. 1978623

Can you be black in Apefrica only?(racebaiting)

No. 1978625

Nta but you're really bad at logic

No. 1978635

I'm OP and I'm literally black, lmao. I specifically used those examples because it's already considered retarded by most people to be a white supremacist. I didn't think I needed to spell it out. Like >>1978485 says, it's fine to be comfortable in your own skin and happy with who you are but I'm saying it's pride specifically in those things that doesn't make sense to me. You should be proud of your own accomplishments, like getting fit, graduating university, getting a cool job. Not being born a certain way.

No. 1978675

>(racebait when the op never mentioned any specific race)
Farmhands, are you blind?

>You're proud of being Asian/Black/Whatever? Okay? Same thing.

You banned and redtexted >>1978472 who literally referenced the OP saying that, too, lmao. You get banned for saying white supremacy is bad after someone mentions other races here, and yet some retard will pop in to claim "Mods let people bash white people, they only ban someone if they're racist to black people!!". Even in isolation, explain to me how it's "racebait" to simply say white supremacists are wrong/incorrect and nothing about white people or any other race as a group. Like, "oh no, be careful not to hurt the feelings of white supremacists"? Retarded mindset(take it to meta)

No. 1978682

You're retarded for the following:

A) anachan as a standard in the fashion industry is because gay moid designers think its the ideal. There are multiple quotes posted even on this site where designers are laughing about how normal women are disgusting for having feminine bodybshapes

B) the opposite of anachan isn't being morbidly obese, and even if it was then a GOOD designer could make it work. The people who dressed/styled Adele always made her look stunning despite being a fatty. Saying fat people look inherently bad is cope for people who think thin people are inherently attractive kek

No. 1978715>>1978768

in 20 years teachers will be replaced by a combination of AI and disciplinary officers

No. 1978760>>1978763

Disagree but this is an interesting take. There are goths/alts with sweet parents out there who support their choice.

No. 1978763

But being alt doesn’t mean you’re acting out or dramatic. It’s just fashion and music.

No. 1978768

yeah that’s what everyone said in 1990, as well

No. 1978779>>1978803>>1979014

I am way happier after refusing the idea that women need to be sexually active in order to be mature or attractive or free or normal or whatever other nonsense, even within a relationship. I hate the libfem "reckless sex is empowering and liberating!" schtick. I think a lot of women and teenage girls are basically groomed into thinking that they need to get a sex life going and that they would have way better lives if they were encouraged to see that you literally just don't have to and it doesn't mean shit about you regardless of what people say. You're still a complete woman and an adult.
blogposting anecdote my ex would throw literal tantrums over me refusing sex and I felt socially pressured to go along with his retardation because I was exposed to a lot of messaging that it'd make me a shitty girlfriend or uncool as a woman if I didn't. I remember being a preteen and stressing the fuck out over birth control because most of them were literal body horror to me but I felt like I'd have no choice someday.
I have a bf but we don't do anything sexual together and it's perfect. I hate that I grew up being told that that's only for ignorant prude freaks who think that sex is evil or something, we both talk openly about the topic and have mature discussions about expectations and boundaries. We're just on the same page that it's just not something that feels right at this point (especially since I had such bad past experiences) and have agreed that it'd be something we'd try slowly at a future time when we're completely committed and prepared for the possibility of pregnancy

I can't stand the idea people promote that you need to get physically vulnerable super early in a relationship so you can see if you're "compatible", if you're mature and a good match then you should be able to discuss those things verbally in a mature way and to work together to figure it out even if it's awkward at first.
I also hate that people push the idea that men will resent you and you'll be forever alone if you don't pander to their sexuality (thus scaring a lot of girls into reluctantly going through with stuff they don't want) but most men are awful coomers so I can't say I don't understand. But the push should be to try to shame those guys into growing up and seeing women as more than sex toys and to encourage women to ardently reject them unless they do.

No. 1978781

>but they're also conscious of the fact they can use the grooming label as a plausible deniability shield for their own weird fetishes and desires when it all comes crashing down.
Very accurate - many of these girls are pornbrained and fantasize about really violent forms of rape, degradation, older men etc. Grooming should be reserved for irl victims like the victims of the pakistani grooming gangs.

No. 1978803

he's probably fucking other people on the dl. there's rarely men who are actually asexual lmao. i will never understand the women who get into a relationships while being sex repulsed because most relationships come with sex

No. 1979009

gambling is a good way to practice faith

No. 1979012>>1979015

File (hide): 1714002854245.jpeg (86.19 KB, 741x691, IMG_4599.jpeg)

Picrel is from the show Secret Eaters where the set up cameras and also secretly follow people to track all their eating, this is what 3000 calories a day looks like. You’re probably overestimating the amount of calories you eat on the average day.

No. 1979014>>1979016

Being celibate is based tbh. It feels like freedom, safety and security to me. I have a normal sex drive so it's not always fun but ultimately it's worth it. The knowledge that I'm not pregnant, I have no STDs or PH imbalances or yeast infections, there are no moids out there with naked pictures of me or intimate knowledge they might gossip about (I have had sex but it was so long ago and we're no longer acquianted), nobody is going to insult my body or pressure me to do things I don't want to do or cause me any shame or physical discomfort… it's so good for my mental wellbeing that even if I get horny and tempted to find someone on tinder I lose interest in the idea before I ever decide to do it.

No. 1979015

ntayrt but she must be fat and lazy, i doubt shes burning off her excess calories

No. 1979016>>1979021>>1979022>>1982264

One of the biggest regrets of my life is sending previous partners nudes. As far as I know nothing has happened but it's something that weighs on me occasionally. It makes me feel so pathetic and retarded that I felt like doing that was normal.

No. 1979021

its ok nonna, they're all going to die very soon so they won't be able to recall the image of your intimate being any longer

No. 1979022

I did as well, but fortunately it was in the fliphone era so there's nearly no chance he kept them, and they would be too tiny and grainy to share anyway. Looking back it was fucking stupid but I know all I wanted was compliments, if he was remotely nice and complimentary to me otherwise I wouldn't have done it. I can't say there was any social or cultural pressure to do it back then so it was particularly retarded of me, but no harm done overall.

No. 1979052>>1979091

If the trannies are allowed to self diagnose to steal drugs from the needy, I’m now diagnosing myself with cancer (terminal) for which I require a morphine IV drip. Take THAT white coats!

No. 1979057

drug addicts deserve zero sympathy

No. 1979088

I don’t understand why people get sad when old people die, it’s their time to go why are you getting all sad about something you know is going to happen?

No. 1979091

So true. I have terrible headaches and I think I should have access to the strongest opioids on the market. It’s only fair.

No. 1979112

Most normie moids aren’t as big of sex pests or emotionally distant they seem but because moids are obsessed with attention of other moids they just parrot whatever shit makes them look better in the eyes of men. I guess I have that therapist aura where people just tell me shit and I can’t even count the number of times someone has told me something in private that has emotional depth and nuance and then completely changed their tune once other people are around. Of course there’s horrible vapid misogynistic moids but the ones who don’t really think that way yet never call it out really frustrate me. I would feel bad for them if it wasn’t so pathetic.

No. 1979120>>1979186>>1979200>>1979242

Reddit, not Tiktok, is the reason why the internet is shit now. Reddit is way too accessible to normies and is probably most of the reason why normies watch gore nowdays. Horrible tumour of a site, I wish it would at least get pushed away to a TOR browser so normal people can't go on it.

No. 1979123>>1979175>>1979177>>1979318>>1979788>>1980591

Employers simply suck at choosing employees (at least for "peasant" jobs) and people need to admit this over than standing around blaming people who'd make 10x better employees than who's being hired. When I was in high school and after I graduated I knew honor students, perfect attendance, charismatic, clean, etc who would take almost a year trying to find a decent job and get rejected left and right. You know who never had any trouble being hired though? Ghetto and white trash people who would get arrested like once a month, missing teeth, shitty tattoos, always calling out cause of a hangover etc. I honestly have no sympathy for these companies who happily made potential great employees starve and go homeless but jobs were always readily available to people who couldn't care less. I could go down to the street to the Walmart right now that rejected almost every person I know and the people working are literal meth heads and boomers who take the entire shift to load up a single item on the shelf

No. 1979140

Uzumaki gets too much recognition among Junji Ito's work. It's not bad by any means but it's chapters are so disconnected, Hellstar Remina does its story 10x better and Mimi'Ghost Stories does the anthology format 10x better

No. 1979159

Halo effect in weight treatment is real. If you report sudden weight loss despite no change in activity you immediately get screened for health issues, illness, hormonal issues, thyroid, etc. if you gain weight without any change to diet or exercise you immediately get accused of lying or lazying around without realizing it

No. 1979173

I’m starting to think that dreams and fantasies are just as real a part of one’s inner experiential landscape as “real” experiences. We know they did not happen in the world around us, but they did happen, just as everything else happens, ultimately, in our brains.

No. 1979175>>1979179

i'm about to be the one posting this kinda thing as i start my summer wagie job hunt again. fuck employers for not taking people on for the summer, last year i had a goddamn CAR WASH tell me the wouldn't hire summer workers so from now on i'm roleplaying as an aimless holder of a useless bachelor's degree trying to make ends meet

No. 1979177

kek this reminds me of when I was accused of being a bad employee because my hours were getting cut and I was getting minimum wage. I was always on time, never missed a day, never sat down, caught on quickly, never had drama, etc. Turns out a moid in the same position as I was with the same amount of experience was getting an appropriate amount of hours and making double my wage despite calling out to smoke weed, lazying around and flirting with customers daily

No. 1979179

these places would rather rely on understaffing/underpaying than to properly budget for employees/locals too I don't know afford to fucking EAT. every place is insanely understaffed and everyone is underpaid, americucks will defend it non stop because they treat businesses like retarded children who don't know how consequences work but god forbid the CEO buy one less mansion so peasants don't have to take out the 15th payday loan to pay for a studio they split with 5 people

No. 1979186

I was with you until the gore part. Not sure what normies you know. But I just think the faux geek intellectual steampunk knitting snark-wokifying polyfaggotry is an annoying plague

No. 1979200

>most of the reason why normies watch gore nowdays
They've always done that though. Videos like funkytown or 1b9p wouldn't be as popular if they never got their hands on it. Even Facebook boomers back in 2010 would repost gore or CP when they found it for some reason.

No. 1979203>>1979279

i don't understand using tranny as a slur. you have the HSTS types (can call them faggots) and the AGPs (can call them retards). Using one slur to lump them together is silly. Then the retarded AGPs try "reclaiming" it and wielding it around like they're edgy when they're simply balding ugly straight men. The HSTS aren't much better and still sexist, but they are different from the majority of men in that they're not straight at least.

No. 1979242

oh baby you don't wanna know about the days of liveleak

No. 1979279

tranny is just fun to say. tranny tranny TRANNY!

No. 1979310>>1979462>>1979799

Japan being super safe is a moid lie, it is definitely not safe for women. When I was there I got stalked multiple times and harassed, once some disgusting moid tried molesting me. First time in my life I started looking into self defence classes and pepper sprays as this shit never happened in my own country (i'm slavic). And no I was not in some kind of shady nightclub or street but in a normal "safe" neighbourhood.

As I was googling about advice on how to prevent shit like that happening to me, I stumbled upon tons of blogs and various forum posts of foreign women who were also living/visiting Japan talking about their experience of harassment and abuse (some really sick shit). If this is what happens to foreign women, Japanese women must be living in hell.

Fuck Japan

No. 1979318>>1979786>>1980010

You know what it is? A lot of middle managers at supermarkets are chronically insecure and don't want to be around people actually doing things with their life. It cuts them deep that what for them is a permanent job is to the other person a first stepping stone.

Don't take it too seriously when supermarket managers complain about the useless stoners that come in wearing sunglasses and smelling like shit (why does everyone there stink). They like that, they like that there's someone there so beneath them that they can pile into the lunch room each day and talk about what a loser they are. They even like the dramas that come with missed shifts and shenanigans because it makes them feel special with a role to fill. A group of honor student teens would stack shelves, never need to ask for help, after the first week of training never need to ask a question…And then suddenly the shift manager finds himself being just another person, that hurts, he'd rather have the stress of wrangling retards than experience the pain of feeling mediocre.

No. 1979462>>1979522

>If this is what happens to foreign women, Japanese women must be living in hell.
It's the opposite, they target you because you're visibly foreign, you're less likely to have any kind of protection or to be able to call for help - you're a much easier target.

No. 1979484>>1979500>>1979525

I don't understand people who aren't attracted to the same traits in others as they want in themselves. My idealised boyfriend is almost a copy of my idealised self.
It's just the AAP tendencies speaking but it makes more sense to me than not- why not be consistent?

No. 1979500

I agree in terms of personality, ethnicity, age and height, but I really like dark brown/black curly hair and chocolate brown or hazel eyes, and I don't have those traits myself.

No. 1979522>>1979527

Yeah, definitely the opposite, Japanese women are safe. That's why they need to have separate public transportation for women. Because foreign women are the ones they target.

No. 1979525

I tend to date (attractive) people who are different from me because it's interesting. This is for things like body type and height more than hair/eye color. Even with the latter, being with someone who looks too much like me is a bit bland, and has mild incest vibes.

No. 1979527>>1979533

Women get assaulted in public transports everywhere, it's just that Japan decided on a specific solution that wouldn't work as well in other countries. I don't think Japan is the only country with women only train cars either. In my country if someone tried to pass that rule men would be able to sue that person or company and easily win a lawsuit because "muh discrimination" and "muh misandry" even though I'm sure plenty of women would love that.

No. 1979533>>1979536

The fact remains that Japan is not safe for foreign or Japanese women. Most rapes and assaults are far more underreported than in western countries due to the shame culture, they have a legal child gravure industry and "compensated dating" and "bars" to hang out with young girls are ubiquitous issues. The Japan-simping all over the internet is so moid and coom brained it's unreal. Women are not respected.
I know some koreaboos wanted to do the same thing with South Korea for years and insist on its "safety for women" up until recently, all of it is retarded.

No. 1979535

Crimes being underreported also applies to most countries for the same reason. The gravure shit with teenage models is way more unique to Japan though. It stopped being legal a few decades ago in my country but even then a celebrity back in the 70s or 80s published a monthly or weekly magazine full of pictured of naked teenage girls and instead of going to jail for it like he should have he was just nicely asked to please, stop publishing that shit anymore by the president, who then invited him to sing for an expensive christmas party. I can't speak for Korea, all I know is that the law is very lenient for rapists and women get fired for being feminists on a regular basis.

No. 1979536>>1979537

why are you retards always so obsessed with hating on japan. there isnt a single country in which women are truly safe.

No. 1979537>>1979538

Do you get upset like this when we talk about other countries? Fuck off weeb lmao

No. 1979538>>1979542

no but you guys always shit on japan for some reason, maybe youre just mad you werent born japanese?

No. 1979542>>1979543

So, you agree you only do this for Japan? We talk about all countries being full of rape apes, none are exempt as long as men keep being evil. Find another site if this triggers you.
>maybe youre just mad you werent born japanese?
This sounds like projection, no one but a weeb who wishes for that would get upset at people just talking about moids being fucked up in Japan. Do you also get mad at Japanese women who discuss rape culture and misogyny in their country because they should just feel blessed to be from Nippon?

No. 1979543>>1979546>>1979552

youre right, im a weeb and wish i was born japanese. women getting raped in japan is unfortunate but it happens everywhere so nothing you can do about that.

No. 1979546

Thanks for admitting it, now please get help. This isn't a rape apologist site.

No. 1979552

We as humanity can alway so something about everything, that's our point in this universe. We do shit.

No. 1979745

I hate having a bush. I think bushes look really cute on other women but I hate them on me. If the hair gets too long I subconsciously start trying to pull the hair out when I'm half asleep. Whenever it gets too long I feel turned off and my hair grows fast so it has to be trimmed every week. I've tried to love my bush but I just can't. I'm going to get a Brazilian again when I can.

No. 1979786

They hire losers because they know they're desperate and will take shit. Good potential employees in their mind can find a job anywhere (and they also believe they're being supported by mommy and daddy) so they can't just push them around and do whatever they want no consequences

No. 1979788>>1979809

I'm dreading my job hunt because I've only worked retail and now I have a six month gap in my resume due to a mental breakdown. I have no idea how to explain it away without sounding dodgy. Got my associates, I was a good student but now I'm contemplating going back to a different university because I screwed the pooch so royally by not finding a better job or internship while I was still in college, had drama and a mental break, then found myself unemployed for six months now. I'm afraid they won't even hire me at wagie jobs no matter how desperately I need them if my social skills and mental health come across as completely disintegrated but then the companies will hire people who can't do their jobs half as well as I can instead. Fuck this shit

No. 1979799

Ngl, I do think some overdo it.
I have a friend that was thanking God she was American and not a poor pathetic Japanese woman and I was like, bitch you live in Los Angeles.

No. 1979806>>1979810>>1979820>>1980789

Women are pragmatic when it comes to love, yet we are supposed to act like it's not the case at all. The idea of a 'love marriage' has turned western women's brains to mush. I wasn't raised with romance fairytale narratives so i learned (reluctantly) that high romance is mostly for lesbian relationships and fantasy. Not that i wouldn't love a proper romantic het development, but it's not the most important thing to consider as a woman. Many women secretely assess their couple on terms like 'is he good for me materially', 'is he stable' etc, yet they seem offended when i openly state i'm taken because it's made my life much better and not because my heart is burning to embers for my nigel or whatever. They'll even say you're a terrible person for not following this charade, as if men weren't aware of this to some degree (despite some women's efforts to be whimsical teehee lover girl). I used to hate myself a little for being cold in my calculations but i realized it's retarded and a consequence of feminine policing. Plus i've met women who are more honest (they're not from western europe/the US) so i feel less alone in this

No. 1979809>>1979970

>I have no idea how to explain it away without sounding dodgy.

You lie. You get a friend to cover for you, set up a Google phone number, and then put on your resume that you were an intern during those six months at a company who's work is related to the job you're applying for. Then you put a fake name as your friend's name and put their Google number and put that they were your manager or HR. If, and it's a big if, if the current company calls them, she can pretend to be your manager and give you a glowing review.

No. 1979810

I mean, the average woman would be dumped on the spot if she stopped sucking dick. It's only fair you expect to be paid for it. Even pragmatic women are lovebugs compared to the average scrote. You're good

No. 1979816>>1979854

i do think poor parents deserve government help for the sake of their kids but i also feel no pity or sympathy for them. i really do think you should be earning a certain income for x amount of years and get a rigorous mental health check before you’re allowed to breed. like if you’re poor as fuck or you otherwise know you can’t properly support a kid, why have one? wrap it up or keep your legs closed. abort.

i just get sick of seeing grossly overweight poverty stricken moms on pt screeching down their two-four toddlers. i can understand messing up once, but twice? four times?? at that point it’s not the fault of the government

No. 1979820>>1979846

Both of these options sound like hell to me kek. It's either accept the fact that moids sucks and are only good for what they can provide but you still have to play the loving wife role or be on a superdose of copium and believe your nigel is some unicorn out of a fantasy novel made just for you rather than a schlubby scrote who coerces you into sex and will cheat if you don't put out. At least the first option would be less insanity inducing over time since you already have accepted this is just the way things are kek

No. 1979846

AYRT, i think you can strike a balance by finding a moid that makes you fantasize and live your little romantic dream in the first months, while keeping in mind your best interests. That way you can comfortably enjoy the 'quiet love' of domestic life that remains after your mutual attraction/obsession dies out. Playing loving wife is easy if you feel like you're being taken care of but not in a strictly material way, since you got to project a fantasy on him. This is why i first hated the idea of marriage for anything but love, older women wouldn't even entertain the idea that we need some emotional highs and lust, because they'd given up on it in their own love life. It made relationships seem so barren and cold, hope i didn't sound like that kek

No. 1979854

I agree, but a lot of people want to "punish" parents via suffering from the kids. Yes poor people shouldn't have kids but don't forget kids to starve to show them

No. 1979970

I don't really have a friend who'd do that. Rather I've lost the majority of my friends because of my mental breakdown. How do I fix it then?

No. 1979985>>1979992>>1980007

physiognomy is real. every ugly person ive ever met is so ugly on the inside

No. 1979992

hey, leave me alone

No. 1980007

being treated as ugly has its side effects, so does having low self esteem. its nurture, not nature.

No. 1980010

I never thought about it this way but you're right. I tried applying to many different 'shitty' places years ago and was rejected despite having experience, being put together, ect. and I always thought it was so weird how illiterate retards with fried hair who always job-hop and can't complete a task get hired so quickly.

No. 1980033

It is weird how ssa women always police each others orientation. Like yeah I get some cases like claiming you are a lesbian while sleeping with men is retarded. But especially arguing who is a real bisexual and who not, when you literally cant know. It is not a club for likeminded women is just who you are attracted to.

No. 1980116

It's a lie that hoarding is caused by deprivation, it's literally the opposite. Nearly every boomer i've ever met is a disgusting compulsive hoarder of worthless garbage (often literally)

not one of them was ever deprived in childhood of anything except… hmm… discipline, structure, necessary punishment, corrective beatings, moral guidance, etc.

my parents are disgusting hoarders, most of their friends qualify as hoarders, one couple they know recently had to have their (detached) garage fucking sealed off and fumigated and decontaminated like in a fucking movie because they ignored it for decades and raccoons eventually broke in and had a den in it for YEARS.

if it were true that privation led to hoarding, people who grew up during the depression (like my grandparents, none of whom were hoarders by any stretch of the imagination) would be the champion hoarders, but instead that is boomers, who had the greatest material abundance in history.

No. 1980160>>1980236

People who diagnose celebrities with autism are no different from those tinfoilers calling typical celebrity druggie behavior 'demonic'. Because that's usually the same kind of behavior being analyzed that they mistake for autism, that or celebs acting 'quirky' and attention seeking as usual. Plus autism isn't that common enough for that many of them to have it.

No. 1980165>>1980229>>1980323

I would like to see tiktok get banned just out of curiosity, I want to see what will happen. It might be funny. I don’t have a principled reason for wanting it gone.

No. 1980229>>1980277

Same, I think the reasons for banning it are overblown and retarded, but I can't wait to see the mass freak out

No. 1980236

Oh same, it's so fucking stupid and desperate, I think they want to humanize high status moids or make them less intimidating or something. Tumblr idiots are always diagnosing my fav musician as autistic because of music skills + occasionally being a little awkward. But aside from rare awkwardness he's literally one of the most famous celebs ever, notoriously charming and good with people. Autism savants exist but someone in that position needs exceptional people skills.

No. 1980277>>1980321

Tiktok getting banned would generate the most amazing HOAD since IchiHime lmao. It would warrant its own thread. Imagine tiktots tweaking for their next fix let loose across the barren remnants of modern social media destroying everything they touch.

No. 1980315>>1980318

I hate The Office. I don’t think it’s funny, and I hate people who do.

No. 1980318>>1980322

Which version? I used to find the brit one hilarious, but upon re-watch I don't think it aged well.

No. 1980321

Nah they’d just immediately migrate to instagram reels and YouTube shorts

No. 1980322

Both of them suck. Can’t even decide which is worse.

No. 1980323>>1980335

I'm fine with it because it has created a generation of literal braindead kids and zoomers. The short term videos has actually fucked with people's attention spans and need to look at their phone for hours on end. I relish in the ban, and aftermath.

No. 1980335

If the govt banned it for that specific reason I’d be in support of it but the china fearmongering is retarded and gonna basically guarantee bidens loss next election. Not that I’m a big Biden fan but this was about the dumbest thing he could have possibly done optics wise

No. 1980357>>1980515

I think we should be allowed to doxx moids in here, it would be funny.

No. 1980411

There are some aspects of social medai that are very beneficial such as sharing information, knowledge, photos of the outdoors/cute animals; but cultivating a personality and posting about yourself and your personal life feels not only unnecessary but unsafe.

No. 1980428>>1980429>>1980527>>1984050

The best fanfics are written by either sexually repressed SEAsians, spergy TIFs or literal college professors.

No. 1980429

Bonus points if any of their author notes reference to a suspiciously sheltered/religious background kek

No. 1980502

Public use of AI and computerized interactions that eliminates the need for actual employees isn't going to last for much longer. We already can't have self checkout without stores experiencing theft because its so easy to get away with, even with cameras and security guards. I don't think we're ever going to reach a point where theres robot waitresses or shit like that. Don't even get me started on how the art world is eventually going to go into an uproar about how AI "art" destroys the value of a piece of work.

No. 1980515

Doxxing is not allowed because it would bring the site into legal trouble and probably would cause any hosts to drop it

No. 1980527

How so?

No. 1980591>>1980596>>1980599>>1980619>>1980809

This is not true at all the real issue is that people that are “college educated” are not looking to apply to those jobs. A lot of y’all think you are too good to work the food industry, or retail after graduating college. Also while you are in school you aren’t seen as reliable either because you aren’t available during peak hours because you are in school and again once y’all graduate school you largely think you are too good to work those jobs. The “ghetto white trash” are available and don’t think they are too good to work certain jobs. Also also they know you guys will quit even faster than the drug addicted because you don’t really “need” the job fr.

No. 1980596

Also you guys only apply to those jobs as a last ditch effort. Most of the people you are looking down on also faced rejection but unlike people like you didn’t give up after a few rejections. It is not that hard to find a job Americans just place stigmas on certain jobs. I remember being 19 working at 7/11 and being shamed for it by adults and my peers alike for not being in school. Not registering that I had to work those jobs because I couldn’t afford to finish school. >>1980591

No. 1980599>>1980648>>1980801

> A lot of y’all think you are too good to work the food industry, or retail after graduating college.
Are you implying college and uni educated people aren't too good for positions that require no schooling or certification?

No. 1980619>>1980826

I thought poor uni students were a meme for a reason. I have an actual certificate in Hospitality that I got in high school and have been rejected from tons of hospo jobs.
I'm working class and only now am finally going through tertiary education after years of literally shovelling shit because the only jobs available in the shit hole I live in are either agriculture, construction or fancy hospitality jobs. I 100% agree with other anons that employers and managers just want people to shit on.

No. 1980648>>1980825>>1980829

A job is a job at the end of the day. You need experience with people regardless. No one is too good to flip burgers or direct someone to an article of clothing just because you spent more hours studying. We all need food and clothes on our backs and someone to supply it lol

No. 1980789

I understand this logically, sprinkle sprinkle and all, but I simply cannot be intimate with someone I don't find physically attractive. I guess it's my failure I prefer nice hair over money. Of course I would never expect moids to have emotions or empathy, but I just want them to be hot. Just be hot and not one of those professor types who never shuts up.

No. 1980801>>1980817

While you were reading Foucalt, I studied the forklift

No. 1980809

Why on earth would I complain about being rejected from said jobs if you believe me and others aren't even applying to them? It's also pretty clear I was talking about high school if you had bothered to read my post at all

No. 1980817

No. 1980825

thats great and all but can these place please stop hiring lazy and rude sacks of shit and give the jobs to starving high school graduates who got kicked out on their 18th birthday? no? you're just going to create hypothetical situations where it's actually them who is the bad employee? alright

like come on man, you realize Mcdonalds and Walmart have job acceptance rates less than fucking harvard. Surely there were better applicants that wouldn't throw a bitch fit because you asked for extra sauce? nope never employers fault apparently guess I didn't have enough DUIs when I was homeless at 18 willing to take any old job that accepted me since I lost 40 lbs not being able to afford to eat

No. 1980826>>1980828>>1980845

>I have an actual certificate in Hospitality that I got in high school and have been rejected from tons of hospo jobs.
Hospitality degree holders are the absolute most insufferable people to work with in hospitality. They are always horrible in interviews no matter how many chances you give them hoping one of them actually understands the job (they never do) and if they actually get hired they have this giant chip on their shoulder about their certificate. You are also kinda dumb for bothering to get a certificate like that because you're gonna be required to start at the bottom and work your way up regardless. You should get a degree in business management or a certificate in accounting and network your way into a hospitality management company's headquarter offices if you want to pursue a hospitality career path; being a controller or payroll coordinator for a hotel/restaurant chain or something is actually nice even if you can't break into the upper management boys club or can't afford a higher degree.
Kinda curious were you applying to supervisory positions or like entry level front desk/bartender type stuff?

No. 1980828>>1980839

nta but how do you even know this?

No. 1980829>>1980838

>A job is a job at the end of the day
I'd agree if flipping burgers had the same perks as a job that requires skillset.
>You need experience with people regardless.
That's why you take a job like that while you're still in school.
>We all need food and clothes on our backs and someone to supply it lol
Yeah but not by skilled workers lol. Flipping burgers is for teens and people who aren't qualified to do anything else.

No. 1980834

icelandic and french (the languages) are ugly af

No. 1980838>>1980841

>trying to justify fast food restaurants hiring kiddie diddlers and meth heads who won't work over decent workers all because the professionally-presenting people all because they're slightly annoying
no wonder American businesses would rather shut down completely than to fix easily solvable issues. If I ever need to work in customer service I'll be sure to pop out 3 kids with a bum and drop out of high school first so they won't think I'm annoying

No. 1980839>>1980844

6 years in hospitality, liked to talk to people who had been working in hospitality much longer than me and always asked about how they got their current job. At the end of the day it's just my opinion, but I didn't completely pull it out of my ass.
Only one successful person I knew had a hospitality degree and did well, and he always said the degree was completely useless at the end of the day. He could have just started working.

No. 1980841>>1980846

File (hide): 1714143788689.jpg (118.27 KB, 1084x1200, E3jKMXkWQAM3Hfd.jpg)

That's certainly an interpretation of what I said. Not American btw.

No. 1980844>>1980864

I worked in hotels and tourism for most of pre covid and have no idea what you're even talking about tbh. I was also referring to how you know how they do in interviews "regardless of chances" and everything else

as for getting the degree in the first place I feel like a lot of them are in positions as mentioned where they're desperate for a job and getting rejected left and right by retail, fast food, etc, then wrongfully believe recruiters when they claim they weren't hired because of experience (cause you couldn't even get said experience with every place rejecting you) so think getting a degree in hospitality will guarantee them a job when in reality you should've just got addicted to cigs and been a bum apparently

No. 1980845

It was entry level stuff I was applying for, though that was several years ago and I'm studying law now so while you have geniunely good advice I feel it doesn't apply

No. 1980846

yes? that's what the whole argument is about, how basic low-tier jobs are rejecting great applicants (for stupid shit like you said - being annoying) and then hiring some of the worst people alive. Instead of being like "yeah, these place need to hire better staff" you just resorted to claiming the people with no crime record and who act half decent were just super annoying and that's why they didn't get hired

No. 1980864>>1980874

> I was also referring to how you know how they do in interviews "regardless of chances" and everything else
Oh. Because I was the one interviewing them at certain points in my career. I meant I kept interviewing people with relevant education (it does stand out on a resume) but they were somehow the worst in interviews. You could tell that someone had told them that the certificate or degree would guarantee them a job but hadn't actually taught them anything about working in hospitality including basic stuff like the typical working hours (which are basically 24/7 and suck). If they managed to get in they always acted like they were the supervisor towards people who knew way more than them but didn't have a degree, plus they always had no availability which essentially precluded them from ever becoming a supervisor. Hospitality isn't a 9 to 5, as you probably know, but they seemed to not understand that. Maybe they thought degree = normal person working hours? I never figured out exactly where their heads were at, they just sucked to work with or even talk to in an interview.
>so think getting a degree in hospitality will guarantee them a job
I think this is 100% what they think and probably what the schools tell them but unfortunately it's not true

No. 1980874>>1980901

how often were you interviewing them? this doesn't even sound remotely close to the hospitality majors I know. The worst one I know (idk what his major even was) is that he was a hotel manager, bragged about working 4 jobs despite being in a position where he didn't even have to do that to survive (during a time of a crappy job market mind you), bragged about ignoring and never seeing his family to work. You'd think he would be a great manager then right? nope! he ended up bringing our reviews down multiple times since he blows off customer complaints and sexual harassment to, not even joking, complain about how much he works. He would under-schedule people who needed hours but over-schedule teenagers being supported by their parents and were shocked when people he barely paid 60/weekly quit to work somewhere else, which resulted in understaffing and turned the place into shit

he also refused to fire some housekeeper who would watch teen girls shower and abuse her dog in front of customers, but fired people over other dumb reasons too. Now the business is up for sale and guess who will never ever ever get held accountable for being a crappy manager

No. 1980901

Holy shit he sounds like a total nightmare. Was he overscheduling the teenagers so he could creep on them? What a nasty character.
I don't know why my experience with hospitality degree-holders was so different to yours. Maybe I was just in the wrong place and the schools that were offering hospitality degrees in my city were crap/scammy. The guy I knew who was alright had gone to hospitality school in a far away city.

No. 1980940>>1980941>>1980951>>1980993

File (hide): 1714148473979.jpeg (84.32 KB, 618x234, IMG_0189.jpeg)

Nta but mods are too try hard with the redtext and not funny. Why are you banning them in a casual /ot/ thread where nothing they said was bannable? I told you they are the ones making these threads off of bait posts(take it to meta)

No. 1980941>>1980945>>1980947

You're not supposed to defend men in that thread retard, go suck their dicks anywhere else on the website

No. 1980945>>1980951

Idk I took that comment not as defending males but wishing posters would post uglier moids to actually make fun of. “Ugly moid thread” with average looking men ends up being boring.

No. 1980947>>1980951

There’s a difference between defending and being realistic that some of the men in that thread aren’t that fugly

No. 1980951>>1980963>>1981014

got a pack of low standard-chans here kek. they're all ugly, stop being pathetic. do you think moids cape for average or ugly women at all?

No. 1980963>>1980969>>1980983

ntayrt but ok but can someone provide a man who they think is like, so ugly it makes you want to vomit? because all those men are just regular ugly so i get disappointed when i open the thread expecting to see some real hounds..

No. 1980969>>1980973>>1980974

They just want to be attracted to little boys openly or they’re lesbians kek(baiting)

No. 1980973>>1980984

i don’t think it has to do with their sexualities nonnie kek, i understand hating men and thinking they’re all ugly by default but i remember the last time i saw a man so ugly i had a visceral reaction to it, he had British people teeth and his face and body was covered in tattoos, sores, and track marks. His hair was purple. Disgusting.

No. 1980974

>not liking ugly men means you are a pedo
some of you sound so much like moids

No. 1980983>>1980986>>1980994>>1981004

File (hide): 1714149983665.png (Spoiler Image,306.11 KB, 403x392, hideous male.png)

Spoilered for hideous male posting, but Benny blanco (picrel), Barry Keoghan, Matty Healy, Matt Smith, Pedro Pascal, etc. There are so many it's insane

No. 1980984>>1980992>>1980997

I agree I don’t find all of the men posted in the ugly psyop thread attractive but it’s so overblown and the posters use it as an excuse to embarrass anons about what they personally like, they get a power trip over it.

No. 1980986>>1980994

Watch her pretend he's average, kek

No. 1980992>>1981016

so you admit you have such low standards that it's embarrassing when someone points it out? kek, this is proof the ugly male psyop is working

No. 1980993

Nah I like the redtexts, makes miserable anons like you upset

No. 1980994>>1981005

I said vomit inducingly ugly, he’s enough to make you say “ew” but that’s about it kek. I wanna see a face that’s truly disgusting

No. 1980997>>1981002

I dont understand how people like you function on this site. You get so triggered and offended over men being called ugly, but use lolcow, a site built to bully women.

No. 1981002>>1981003>>1981004>>1981028

ntayrt, i’m the anon who said that the guys in the ugly thread aren’t especially ugly and i’m being true when i say i’m not saying that in a way to try to defend anybody at all, i’m just saying you’d think that it would be easier to find men who really are like ugly as dog shit?

No. 1981003

and samefag but /snow/ and /pt/ are the gossip boards, /ot/ isn’t really for bullying any particular figure except for the celebricows thread but I don’t think that counts

No. 1981004>>1981018

you just have very low standards because sometimes i wish anons would spoiler the scrotes they post there because they make me physically ill, like >>1980983

No. 1981005>>1981012

So do your own homework? Maybe those anons are posting faces that make them go "ew". Its not their fault you have even shittier taste.

No. 1981012>>1981020>>1981028

soo what do you expect me to do just spend days and hours scouting ugly males when i could just ask someone on lolcow.farm to post a picture of an ugly man if they’re already an expert on the topic to the extent of making a thread about it?

No. 1981014>>1981022>>1981027>>1981028

“Capping for men” “male defender” Are you illiterate or just dumb? I said that comment seemed like ithe opposite of capping for men. An average male is ugly by default, I thought the thread was about retch inducing males. An average male is balding with rough facial skin, the average is ugly, I want to see something different than the usual ugly moid I’ll cross paths with. But with your level of retardation you’ll read this and go “omg look at this cocksucking male lover, do you think the men you’re praising so much would say such KIND things about women!?!?!”

No. 1981016>>1981025>>1981026

No the problem is you keep spreading your sperging to every corner of the site

No. 1981018

yeah i probably have low standards because i’m a burger, that’s my fault. and all the men here are ugly as hell, but selena gomez boyfriend just looks like a normal guy except really fat with a pubic hair beard and a horrible haircut. If he was styled differently and wasn’t obese i feel like he wouldn’t be that horrific? I just don’t see men that often anymore who are entirely irredeemable, appearance wise, because “looxmaxxing” or whatever the trend is is so simple when you’re not a lazy fuck but i guess he can’t be bothered

No. 1981020>>1981023

>soo what do you expect me to do just spend days and hours scouting ugly males
Exactly that, since you seem obsessed with seeing these goblin men

No. 1981022>>1981028>>1981029

>I thought the thread was about retch inducing males
You should read the OP before scrolling thread then, stupid bitch(infighting)

No. 1981023

>you’re obsessed with seeing these goblin men because you expected to see ugly men when you opened the ugly men thread
wouldn’t it be more accurate to say that i was obsessed if i was actually capable of contributing to it regularly? idk if you thought that sentence through nonny

No. 1981025>>1981038

So you think women shouldn't be mean to ugly men on lolcow? lmao. If it offends you this much that women shit on men, try 4chan or reddit.

No. 1981026

feel free to use any other website nonny

No. 1981027

The fact that the average male is fucking ugly like you admitted, with even uglier ones being shilled in Hollywood as desirable as a way to lower women's standards is the problem that we're discussing in the thread, it's not just a thread to post ugly men. Go look for truly hideous creatures on google if that's what you want to see

No. 1981028>>1981032>>1981033

you don't understand the point of the thread at all. It's not designed to be a gallery of disfigured faces, it's about the psyop to lower women's standards by only showing old/fat/subpar men in media. Basically what >>1981022 said. Read the OP, stupid.

No. 1981029

nta from the comment you replied to but
>Thread to discuss the current psyop regarding ugly men getting shilled as attractive. Discuss beauty double standars in media, ugly male characters being shilled as attractive, lack of attractive men in hollywood, etc
>do not try to defend ugly men ITT no1currs

Nobody was defending any of the men in that thread we were simply curious to see if anyone would be capable of providing a truly abhorrent man which it seems as though either no one wants to try or no one can find one

No. 1981032>>1981050

>a psyop to lower women’s standards for ugly men
but all men are ugly already, because ugly is the average man? so is it trying to lower our standards or trying to make our standards more realistic?(ban evading)

No. 1981033>>1981037

Stop replying to ban evading retard, it's the 1st and 2nd reply in your post

No. 1981037

second anon, i’m pretty sure if i was banned i wouldn’t be able to post my comment..

No. 1981038>>1981044>>1981046

You shouldn’t attack anons for their preferences, that’s my point. It first starts as valid scrote hate and then it always goes into making fun of each other and moving the goalpost from the original thread topic. That’s what infighting is, we just attack each other and barely the moids

No. 1981044>>1981130

>You shouldn’t attack anons for their preferences, that’s my point.
you have like 4 containments to bootlick ugly men, go there if you dont want your uggos insulted. Otherwise, learn to accept other anons dont have to coddle you or your ugly moids.

No. 1981046>>1981052

Do you have an example of when this actually happened? Only one that comes to mind is the Arthursperg

No. 1981050>>1981057

well, the entertainment/media industry goes out of its way to cast super hot women and keep beauty standards for women impossibly high and always changing, but the average ugly male is accepted into the industry and even shilled as legitimately hot/attractive when he most certainly is not. is that just run-of-the-mill standard industry misogyny or is it a psyop? I don't know but it's more fun to call it a psyop.

No. 1981052>>1981073

Arthursperg came to the thread to call all anons pedophiles for not liking her nasty grandpa, kek. I hate husbandofags that act like boymoms, they act like victims when anons insult their fictional blorbos and always become super misogynistic and attack women afterwards.

No. 1981056>>1981061

I don't think a lot of moids posted in the ugly men thread are ugly but you know what I do? I shut the fuck up and mind my own business. Lolcow is one of the only places where men are rightfully nitpicked and have their appearance torn apart. You can literally go anywhere else and go worship your uggos like post Malone or something

No. 1981057>>1981070>>1981077

yeah obviously because the majority of women are beautiful so its easier to find beautiful women just like it’s easier to find ugly men, also everyone loves looking at women because all women are easy on the eyes even the ‘ugly’ ones per standard, whereas men it’s harder to find an attractive one because they’re literally like 1 in 30,000,000

No. 1981061>>1981069

nobody’s pretending that they’re not ugly, it’s just that they’re not that ugly. that’s not to say that their appearances shouldn’t be picked apart or made fun of but it’s more a desire to find uglier men

No. 1981069

>but it’s more a desire to find uglier men
So do it then

No. 1981070>>1981311

It's so much easier for moids to be hot too. There's universal haircuts that are flattering on all men, same with facial hair styles, fashion, etc where as women have to figure out our face shape (which can be super subjective depending on who you ask), our color season and everything else. And on top of that male maintenance is so much cheaper. Like what is going to sports clips and getting a short taper fade for 10 bucks that hard? That alone can easily make most moids go up by 2 points alone, males are also less prone to break outs, don't have to worry about full body shaving or having top tier perfect skin cause wrinkles and pores are "rugged". Even with fashion every single thrift store I've been too has no shortage of high end moid fashion pieces they can get for less than 5 bucks and it's universally good looking regardless of body type. For women you have to take hours to flip through thrift store crap that isn't gross church ladies used Dillard's or someones leftover shein. They have it so fucking easy and somehow still fail

No. 1981073>>1981114

Yeah idk, I'm a husbandofag too but some nonas are just too sensitive about it. I'm still waiting for her to give an actual example of this supposed attacking each other instead of the moids

No. 1981077>>1981090

I agree with you women on the whole are more beautiful, but you’re missing the part where the beauty standards for women in the entertainment industry are literally beyond reality (being a beautiful woman isn’t enough you need to have 100 procedures) while male beauty standards are nonexistent and now they’re just lying to our faces and calling ugly men hot.

No. 1981078>>1981095>>1981136

I wish more anons were into powerleveling autism

No. 1981090>>1981137

is it that they're calling ugly men hot, or is it that of all of the ugly men, the chosen male celebs just happened to be the most digestible?

No. 1981095>>1981123

powerleveling is male autism

No. 1981114>>1981118

Nta but eh, I've noticed passive aggressive bitching in other threads. >boy I sure do hate [husbando character] but I am too oppressed because I can't call them out for being ugly and the women who like him all pickmes enough, the bar is literally under the floor.
Getting it's own containment thread has made it a bit better, though.

No. 1981118>>1981121>>1981134>>1981332

husbandofags act like such victims lmfao your thread doesn't allow anyone to criticize your husbandos, you are just acting pissed that you cant minimod and ban anyone who says shit about your cartoons. Children are starving in africa.

No. 1981121>>1981132

>Children are starving in africa.
And you manage to find free time to seeth and bitch, it's amazing really.
I'm not even a husbandofag, I just see this shit a lot.

No. 1981123

File (hide): 1714155667501.png (360.9 KB, 512x512, Z7HeRxU.png)

Nta but this is such a cringe opinion. Imagine not enjoying something harmless because you arbitrary assigned it to be male behavior. Troon ass thinking.

No. 1981127

The whole colour analaysis thing is retarded and unnecessary. I wanted to get into it until I saw that different people give completely different answers, or are often times unsure about which palette you are and suggest multiple. Sure, a certain palette may look best, but the benefit of that one over others is clearly menial if it's so hard to discern which specific one you are. 99% of the time it's not like every other palette actually looks bad aside from one, it's just that one looks marginally better than the others. Specific colours may not work for certain people, but limiting yourself beyond that and only adhering to a certain palette is entirely unnecessary. I can understand it when it comes to makeup, as the difference IS noticeable, but that is very rarely the case when it comes to clothes.

No. 1981130

File (hide): 1714155835813.png (310.07 KB, 750x1000, IMG_0190.png)

You’re mad that those containment threads of fun and joy btfo your miserable attitude just by existing.(infighting wojak)

No. 1981132>>1981139

children are starving in africa but anon isn’t doing enough to go and help those poor thirsty and starving children, but yes bitching about ugly men in media is truly what is killing the masses KEK

No. 1981134

nta and i dont know anything about husbandos but
>children are dying in africa
this is a statement that makes me care less and less about impoverished africans every time i hear it

No. 1981136

ngl I watched DBZ with my moid friends and kinda got the appeal of power level autism, but it's not for me

No. 1981137>>1981146

No. Some of the men being shilled as attractive are not even as attractive as a man off the street. The psyop is also lowering the standards for men and what they think they should look like – protecting their egos so they never feel threatened or inadequate or driven to improve themselves. If men had to look at the most attractive males all the time it would hurt their feelings. This is all discussed in the thread.

No. 1981139>>1981154

Nona… the husbandofags are the ones that apparently need to kneel so the starving african children can finally no longer be opressed.

No. 1981146>>1981152

can you provide a photo of what you think an attractive man off the street is just so i can have an idea of what your standards actually look like

No. 1981152>>1981162

It's not polite to take pictures of strangers and post them on the internet, I can't do that.

No. 1981154>>1981172>>1981213

nta but if you are so sensitive about women not liking your husbando maybe you should stay in the husbando thread.

No. 1981162>>1981167

i dont mean a literal man off the street i mean can you google a man that you'd consider to be attractive? i said "can you post what you think an attractive man off the street is" not "can you post a man off the street" kek zoomers have 0 reading comprehension. Also, posting photos of strangers as long as they're adults has never been discouraged here

No. 1981167>>1981179

What are you arguing for or against exactly?

No. 1981172

Dude, I just pointed out what I saw because they were quite literally asking. Do people ever read up for context?

No. 1981179

what im saying is that the average man is ugly which is why only ugly men are able shilled as attractive, nonny retorted with no some of the men aren't comparable to a man off the street, and i asked if she could provide an example of what she considers to be attractive so we can all see for ourselves what her standards exactly mean when she says attractive

No. 1981213>>1981238>>1981243>>1981348

This website welcomed ugly men appreciators and husbandofags a few years ago until you newfags came and ruined it.

No. 1981238>>1981242>>1981247>>1981262>>1981430

It still does, where are you getting this idea? Because there's one thread on this board where anons can talk shit about ugly moids and characters? Literally no one is saying you can't like ugly celebrities or be a husbandofag here, just don't expect anons to coddle you over your preferences if you sperg about them in unrelated threads. No one is shitting up husbando or unconventional male threads with this topic and trying to run posters in said threads off the site either so it's not like you're unwelcomed. inb4 newfag lesbian pedo accusations, I'm a husbandofag myself and have been browsing here for 5+ years kek

No. 1981242

File (hide): 1714160697510.gif (721.14 KB, 220x220, IMG_9955.gif)

I love being coddled, desu~

No. 1981243>>1981244>>1981247

No we didn't, newfag.

No. 1981244>>1981246

No you’re the newfag

No. 1981246

No, you.

No. 1981247

>it still does
>no we didn't
The duality of man.

No. 1981248>>1981251>>1981259>>1981407

File (hide): 1714160877398.jpg (48.28 KB, 540x458, 1687966388368347.jpg)

The funny thing about the ugly man thread is that every time an example of a conventionally attractive male gets posted, some other anon(s) will instantly rush to declare that he is also hideous and part of the psyop. I think there would be value in discussing things like why Hollywood isn't producing heartthrobs anymore, but good luck fighting any psyop when the whole thread consists of hair-trigger autists who can't agree on any standard and think everyone else in the thread is a brainwashed pickme for not sharing their exact taste.

No. 1981251>>1981254

It's not a big deal.

No. 1981254

It's not. I just think it's funny.

No. 1981259>>1981263>>1981265

>The funny thing about the ugly man thread is that every time an example of a conventionally attractive male gets posted, some other anon(s) will instantly rush to declare that he is also hideous and part of the psyop

They do this with my baby ATJ, coping and saying he “aged” like milk while his wife looks like curdled cheese. It’s undeniable that he still looks amazing for an old scrote and has retained most of his attractiveness and appeal from his young actor days, those anons love scrotes in a mentally stunted state of mind almost like male imageboard/forum users because that’s most of their dating pool. He is sexy aged wine and I’m tired of anons trying to deny it

No. 1981262>>1981275

>I'm a husbandofag myself
Do you use the husbandofag thread? If so, doesn't that mean you brag about your husbando but then do ugly psy op to shit on other's husbandos? Or do you pretend he's not your husbando and shit on him yourself?

No. 1981263>>1981269

just hide the thread lmfao

No. 1981265>>1981271

Lol pls be joking

No. 1981269>>1981296>>1981322>>1981324

File (hide): 1714161764926.jpeg (93.93 KB, 735x717, IMG_0197.jpeg)

No I will stand by my word and say that thread is absolute trash and was made to divide the entire website and make it less fun to post. That’s the real psyop, ugly men have existed forever, but that thread coming out of no where came from a brain that glows in the dark and types unfunny red texts. Mods have always had a vendetta against husbandofags and /g/tards, they treat us like scum(don't post ai content outside of the containment thread)

No. 1981271

am I really

No. 1981275

I do post in the husbando thread sometimes, but I'm not one of the anons who rag on certain characters that got posted (mine hasn't been posted there btw). I'm just there to talk shit about ugly 3DPD moids who basically turned me into a husbandofag kek. I almost feel a bit bad when someones husbando gets posted because the husbando nonas are usually pretty nice and I like seeing them in both the retarded shitposting and the dedicated husbandofag threads.

No. 1981296>>1981320>>1981321>>1981323

>wah wah everyone is obligated to cater to my taste and no one is allowed to dislike what i like
>if i see something i disagree with i will act like being personalky vicitimised and throw a tantrum instead of ignoring it
are you five years old? just hide the gd thread

No. 1981311

Literally. And despite that "pretty boy privilege" gets you way further than women being pretty too. Now that I think about it all of the "hottest guys in school/in the dorm" were just moids who weren't fat and styled themselves somewhat decently, didn't even have to have attractive facial features kek. If any incel claiming the world is against them put as much effort into their appearance as an average woman does they could be on top of the world

No. 1981320>>1981341

Nta but the tone of the thread is constantly "beauty (my opinion) is objective, facts don't care about your feelings" which only leads to people antagonizing each other at every turn when it turns out nobody actually agrees with each other what objective beauty is.

No. 1981321

Ntayrt but isnt that literally both sides of this?
One side is mad because their husbandos get shit talked.
The other side is mad because they can't shit talk husbandos.

No. 1981322

KEK nona sometimes I wish there was a thread on /meta/ for lolcow tinfoils like this, it so good for a laugh. (not really though, I'm sure it would be shit up in no time, people wouldn't be as creative as you)

No. 1981323>>1981333>>1981341

>hide the gd thread

how about you stop being so bitchy and aggressive?

No. 1981324>>1981329

> …and make it less fun to post.
For you, it makes it less fun for you. Others are having plenty of fun.

No. 1981327

The furious fujos and the anti ugly man psyop anons are routinely incredibly juvenile and retarded sounding. No matter how much of a sperg an ugly man/fujoshi hater is they're leagues more based and funny than a raging tard trying to defend their precious moids.

No. 1981329>>1981334>>1981337>>1981351

yes because your shotacon ass gets to enjoy dunking on women who have age-appropriate husbandos

No. 1981332>>1981345

>your thread doesn't allow anyone to criticize your husbandos
…No shit? That would discourage posting, cause infighting, and it's always been against the rules to complain about the topic of a thread in that thread. There are a bunch of other threads to criticize fictional characters, why exactly do you need that one to allow it?

No. 1981333

how about you go back to tiktok

No. 1981334

>If you don't like geezers you're a pedophile
There it is again.

No. 1981337

if this is the arthurfag quit it already kek, you're just sullying the reputation of the rest of us husbandofags with your sperging and retarded pedo accusations

No. 1981339>>1981366

>someone called a moid I like ugly in the ugly men psyop thread
Yeah, I really don't understand what's the problem here. I myself like some moids that would be called ugly if I for some reason tried to defend them there, it's not a thread to praise anyone. Just like you'd be considered an obnoxious fuck if you were to criticize someneone's post in any of the thirst threads in /g/. Even if everyone agreed whats an "attractive man", so what? Not like anyone here has power over what actor gets cast or whatever.

No. 1981341>>1981354

if you condider use of the word "goddamn" bitchy and aggreessive i wonder how you even ended up on the cyberbullyjng website
yeah the thread has infighting, but i don't see why it should be closed just because someone's mad ppl don't share her taste. just avoid the hate thread and post in the appreciation threads instead of trying to dictate what everyone should like.
it's honestly embarassing to get mad bc someone said your pet moid is ugly.

No. 1981345

>There are a bunch of other threads to criticize fictional characters, why exactly do you need that one to allow it?
They wouldn't stop crying and vomiting at how they didn't have a safe place because this site is full of pickmes defending moids.

No. 1981348

What in the revisionism. You retarded driverfags and jermafags were sent to a containment for a reason, because no one else on /ot/ wanted to see your fugly moids. I know you’re one of those anons too because you tried this history revisionism a few weeks ago because you were sad your generals on /m/ were dead. Fuck off with this lie.

No. 1981351

“Age-appropriate husbando” and its a geriatric scrote who pumps out dust instead of sperm

No. 1981354

>it's honestly embarassing to get mad bc someone said your pet moid is ugly.
I don't even have a husbando, I'm just calling it as I see it.

No. 1981357>>1981361>>1981365>>1981376

>whole site built on tearing down women's looks
>anons sleep
>one thread to criticize uggo men
So transparent

No. 1981361>>1981367

Then bitch get the fuck out, you must look like one of the cows from the gossip board if it bothers you so fucking much. That’s the point of this website, it’s a gossip website

No. 1981365

ugly men alwyas been made fun of here too. newfags trying to ruin this site.

No. 1981366>>1981394>>1981437

Yeah. I like 1990s Cillian Murphy and I don't think he aged badly but I'm not going to get mad if he's literally in the ugly man threadpic. It's funny. I would never defend him in there, it's not for that. And honestly it is a psyop that he was having sex with an actress 20 years younger than him in his last film, but I digress.

No. 1981367

>Tells other anons to leave if they can't handle gossip
>She is the one who starts crying the moment her scrote is the subject of said gossip

No. 1981376>>1981385>>1981403

Eh, fwiw I've noticed a lot of anons wishing female characters were more ugly and saying it'd be better if they were fat or homely.
Also, I think someone is fucking around with that, at least going off on what's there now on the ugly psy op thread.

No. 1981385>>1981483

It’s so pathetic, they honestly think a woman can be super fucking ugly, not maintain feminine hygiene and get a nice-looking scrote, it’s so unrealistic and mostly impossible except for some outliers. They’re the ones living in fantasy land and have extremely comical expectations.

No. 1981394

Exactly this

No. 1981403

and what about it. you have plenty of attractive women in all media and it’s never going to change and lots of ugly males, why female character can’t be ugly just because?

No. 1981407>>1981454

I think anons picking apart any moid is a good thing since the same happens to female celebrities, no matter how conventional they are you’ll always find a moid calling them mid. The standards for males should be impossible to achieve. And it someone calls your male of choice ugly you can just scroll down and not respond, I don’t see the problem.

No. 1981430

Nta but some anons in the psyop thread bring up characters popular with anons in the husbandofagging thread on purpose to bait and start infights sometimes. Could be a coincidence if it's a FOTM husbando though, or could be deliberate because they don't like how the trend caught up with anons here, who knows.

No. 1981437>>1981453

Sorry but he looks like a lizard that has dried up in the scorching sun

No. 1981453

No. 1981454

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>The standards for males should be impossible to achieve
Based, this anon gets it.

No. 1981483

The gender flipped version of this happens all the time and is basically the norm. Fiction doesn't have to be realistic all the time anyway.

No. 1981553>>1981573>>1981574>>1981632>>1981636>>1981656>>1981658>>1981841>>1981849

Kangaroos are so scary, they should just go extinct.

No. 1981573

No cockroaches need to be wiped out

No. 1981574>>1981581

>Animal (that I probably don't even live near) is scary so it should just cease to exist.
Human logic. Now, if this was about gnats I would be in full agreement

No. 1981581>>1981595

animals literally kill eachother for less, that's not human logic at all

No. 1981595

The animals are not calling for the extinction of other animals on lolcow.farm. But in all seriousness, killing isn't the same as wanting it to go extinct so honestly I'm not sure what you mean anon.

No. 1981625

I always feel like it's a tragedy to the world when a woman who is tall and physically androgynous tries really hard to be super feminine but still has a really hard time attracting men due to her natural phenotype– whereas if she was into women, all she'd have to do is cut her hair, dress casually and take her makeup off, and all the SSA women in the vicinity would be throwing themselves at her from all directions and she'd be swimming in dating and hookup options.
I thought about this today when I saw an absolutely stunning androgynous woman who had styled herself in an extremely unflattering feminine hairstyle for her face shape + lots of gaudy makeup that didn't suit her features. She would be dropping panties instantly if she cut it off into a shaggy pixie and wiped the makeup off. Of course that's not what she wants, though, which is the essence of the tragedy.

No. 1981632>>1981636

If you're gonna be mean to innocent aussie animals cant you wish death on cassowaries instead of cute roos. Those bitches are actually scary, worlds most dangerous bird.

No. 1981636>>1981637>>1981647>>1981867

File (hide): 1714188317578.png (1.34 MB, 916x1200, image_2024-04-27_132208077.png)

You must not be Australian because there are far more dangerous and more common animals elsewhere. More before have been gored by deer than beat up by a roo, the last time that happened was in 1936. We have enough animals going extinct here and I like my tree kangaroos (picrel) and wallabies.
Cassowaries are already dying out, I don't think any Australian animals except brown snakes and maybe saltwater crocs should have their population be reduced. Feral animals on the other hand should all be culled, especially wild pigs who kill more people than sharks.

No. 1981637

*more people
I don't have time to delete and repost

No. 1981647>>1981859

No. 1981649>>1981653>>1981655>>1981657>>1981854>>1981907

Weed is safer and better than alcohol. if alcohol is legal everywhere, weed should be. but if possible ban alcohol or limit the amount you can buy.
In lolcow terms, pixielocks and shayna are both 25-26. Pixielocks looks like an obese woman in her late 20s. not that odd because shes really short and metabolism starts changing IMO as someone her age and height. But Shayna looks like a divorcee in her third marriage. Shaynas alcoholims has fucked her life, her head, aged her massively and now her life is in a point of no return. Her chronic weed gave her Cannabinoid hyperemesis syndrome which is rare yes… But once she upped the alcohol and lowered the weed she looks sickly and ill all the time and i think its unironically giving her wet brain and i fear for her nowadays when i see her drunkenly posting photos and info on her location and bragging about wanting to get abused.

No. 1981653

I agree, I switched from alchohol to weed because alchohol was messing with me too much.
At least for me, it's much easier to control the amount of weed I take in and it doesn't have such bad side effects (short term, anyway).

No. 1981655

Weed is safer than alcohol but I’m not sure what this strange cow-parison has to do with it. “Xyz will make you ugly” is a retarded argument too

No. 1981656

oh fuck you

No. 1981657

weed is literal medicine, i dont understand why there are so many people who try to argue otherwise. I know that Jesus loved to smoke a nice big fat blunt

No. 1981658

what did kangaroos ever to do you :((:()

No. 1981694

I hope Big Daddy Xi straightens Joey out and unbans tiktok

No. 1981841>>1981855>>1981859

Please no, we need the tourism bucks.

No. 1981849

No, dumb humans who want entire species to go extinct should.

No. 1981854

The only thing weed does is make me more hungry and give me cotton mouth. I use it to sleep on the weekends after work on friday. I hate the way alcohol makes me feel. the last time I had it, i threw up for hours at a party. I felt so embarrassed, though everyone was super nice to me. I am really only doing weed. it just sucks that so many places are demonizing it. I can understand not using it during work hours like alcohol, but after work, i should be allowed to smoke.

No. 1981855>>1981859

Control your wild fires then.

No. 1981859>>1981871

True, our chamydia bears don't really draw people's attention like they used to.
I meant to say "beaten to death", but yes, while attacks can and do happen it's usually the case of a alpha roo (I hate that term but I don't know what else to use) protecting the herd from a percieved threat. It's a wild animal that adapted to survive getting hunted down by dingoes and crocodiles, of course it will have the strength to protect itself- however in the grand scheme of things you're probably more likely to get attacked by a brown or tiger snake while walking in places roos inhabit. Like deers and bears and shit are way scarier in my opinion.
Actually wide spread flooding and cyclones have been our most recent natural disaster

No. 1981861

Anyone who drinks and smokes is retarded and never doing it doesn't make you "uncool" or uptight it just makes you intelligent enough to not willingly put poison into your body

No. 1981867

fuck they're cute, pokemon irl

No. 1981871

Koalas are my favorite animals. I am from the burgerland, and would love to visit Australia.

No. 1981892

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I can't stand it anymore, screw everyone (except all of you, of course) I don't care if I don't have friends, I have my mom and that's enough for me, I don't need you to tell me to get social media, I hate them and I don't have intentions of installing one just to talk to empty shells, I even prefer to talk real people, I just like to live happily watching hetalia and writing in a diary, why people can't understand that I'm happy like this, idgaf about Taylor Swift, or seasonal coomer/shonen anime, chat gpt and much less interact with men. THE WORLD IS ALREADY AT ITS END and i just want to be happy listening to stupid marukaite chikyuu, or watching some documental. Love for all the nonnies who need it!

No. 1981899>>1981911>>1981940>>1981959

i don't think it's more wrong to eat dog meat than any other meat. i just don't understand the shocked reactions toward it and people trying to make it illegal etc. animals are animals, why would dogs be exempt?

No. 1981907

the only downside of this is that weed smells like absolute shit and weed smokers need designated areas and housing to keep that smell away from normal people

No. 1981908>>1981913>>1982348

I don’t understand why white people who are like 25% black get to claim they’re black to gain access to black spaces but me as a dark skin black woman who is 40% white couldn’t do that…I think it’s unfair

No. 1981911>>1981940

Mostly because they're pets and are being constantly humanized, same as cats, hamsters (in some countries) parrots or some types of fish.
So like, it's hard to make a disconnect between having a dog and then going to the supermarket to buy dog meat, specially considering that surely the different breeds dogs and cats have different types of meats and so on, it could be pretty uncomfortable to have a husky and then find at the supermarket husky meat, most people would feel very uncomfortable thinking of their pet getting killed in order to be consumed.
Kind of why vegans stop eating meat and consuming animal products.
Otherwise, yeah, probably dog and cat meat are the answer to all of the malnutrition issues in the world, but first you would need to convince everyone in the world that cats and dogs are good cattle and that there's no such a thing as being troubled with the idea of consuming your pet after it dies.

No. 1981913

America (and by extension everyone else because burgers export their culture) never got rid of the one drop rule, just made it woke to fit with the times.

No. 1981915>>1981924

I’m a care giver and yesterday my client attacked me and it made me realize this. If you have retarded kids(male or female)you have to keep them skinny/slim so when they go into retard rage mode family and care givers can fight them off. I almost got seriously injured yesterday trying to fight a fat retard off.

No. 1981924>>1981926

tbh i think a lot of extra tard rage come from not getting enough exercise so their bodies feel miserable and overstimulating to live in from the lack of movement. i stopped putting my head through walls and other things once i got access to a stationary bike and could pedal when i feel out of control

No. 1981926>>1981927

Minimal exercise is good for retards. We don’t need retards with the athletic bodies of boxers, that’s dangerous.

No. 1981927>>1981930

Then how do you propose to slim them down?

No. 1981930>>1981938

Feeding them healthy foods(don’t feed them more than their daily maintenance calories) and taking them on nice walks. They need to be weak and easy to take down when they go into retard rage mode so they don’t end up killing relatives and care givers. I Have seen big Gaint retardswho are like 6’2 at 250 lbs rip peoples hair out in one pull. Retards who have the bodies to fight people are like walking time bombs.

No. 1981934

Manslaughter is such a weird word that has nothing to do with its actual meaning, if anything it sounds even more brutal than a "regular" murder.

No. 1981938>>1981946

You're right, a friend of mine had a tard brother that almost broke her mom's arm because he got mad out of nowhere, he would also constantly rip the hair out of her and her little sister.
I'm glad he died a few months ago tbh. He was a gigantic tard.

No. 1981940

I feel like dog and cat meat wouldn't be the safest to eat considering they're often carriers of Echinococcus hydatidosis and other parasites that might be hard to get rid of. Plus you'd need good quality food to get good quality meat, which is probably pretty expensive in the long run, especially when you take into account that dogs take longer to get about full sized than cattle or poultry.

No. 1981946

It blows my mind that parents with retard kids just over feed them and can’t see they’re making violent tanks who can kill anything with no empathy . If you’re going to not put your retards up in a psych ward the least you can do is keep them slightly underweight so people who they decide to go ape shit on have a fighting chance to defend themselves.

No. 1981957>>1981961

I think most women will go through a phase in their life that they will hate being born a woman, I think it'd be better just to be honest with teens about that and how it is a phase.

No. 1981959

Some of it is cultural but the main reason cats and dogs aren't considered as food is because they're carnivores. Rabbits and horses are freely eaten in some parts of the world while still considered as companion animals because they're both herbivores.

No. 1981961>>1981963

I always loved being a girl and it’s probably because I always had features that made people accuse me of being a troon/masculine so I never really got to embrace my girly side

No. 1981963>>1981967>>1981969

I didn't mean femininity, I meant hate being a woman in society, and the adult changes of the body that freak teens out.
Rather than try to flower it up with girl power and how periods are beautiful, just be honest with how it is.
I'm saying this after reading a bunch of stories of girls becoming tifs because they think hating growing as a woman or hating how their body might change is unique to them.

No. 1981967>>1981973

I don’t think that’s so much hating being a woman as it is being scared of becoming an adult. When most girls get their first period they subconsciously know all the things that give them joy like dolls, sweets, cartoons are about to go. Most little girls associate period with becoming a boring old woman.

No. 1981969>>1981982

yeah I was honestly pissed when I got breasts because they hurt and got in my way (they did!) but I'm glad no one was telling me I could cut them off if I wanted or telling me I wasn't meant to have them because I'm actually a boy in the wrong body and I'm sick and need medicine. it's crazy making

No. 1981971>>1981977

I’d rather be a very attractive gay white man over any form of woman

No. 1981973

nta but when i was a kid I was more scared of the blood aspect and potential pain more than anything else, i never associated it with becoming boring or old. the other changes like boobs/hips freaked me out because of sexual harassment and seeing how males treated women who looked developed, and how they were seen in tv shows and movies. and i was already adverse to romantic and sexual content, hated the idea of having a boyfriend, things like that before then so that made it worse.

No. 1981977>>1981980>>1981989


Reasonable. I'd be OK with magically turning into a very attractive gay white man too, but I'd be even more OK with magically turning into a literally perfect hentai coomer-tier woman.

No. 1981980>>1981987>>1982023

I feel like as a gay white man I could find love with another cute twink. As a hot woman I’m still going to be dating the uggos I get now.

No. 1981982>>1981993

Growing up, one of the things that bothered me was actually violence.
No matter what I did, physical exertion never felt good and I knew I would never be satisfied with punching somebody back because it would never hit as hard as the anger I felt.
"If I was a man" was thought a lot.

No. 1981987

I feel like with the internet and the growth of social media, hot people of any sex have vastly more options than ever.

No. 1981989>>1981992>>1981994

Why would you want to look like a hentai tier woman? You'd just be granted the plain john weirdo.

If I had to pick and decided on the most selfish choice it would be a Vinnie Hacker-esque man. I'd get rich just for existing and have an abundance of pickmes.

No. 1981992>>1981998>>1982079

Being a straight good looking man must be heaven on earth. They are living the human existence at its most peak form.

No. 1981993

this is so real. that frustration you feel as a pubescent when your punches don't hit as hard anymore compared to boys and sometimes seemingly stop affecting the boys you're fighting with at all. pain.

No. 1981994

I wonder the same, I just do.

No. 1981998>>1982002>>1982047>>1982350

File (hide): 1714232083122.jpg (66.36 KB, 960x760, bunch-of-bananas-on-cloth-sb10…)

Being a medium or even below average man who spends like 10 minutes looking at Pinterest and following it will grant you so much

Unpopular opinon: Bananas are the best fruit

No. 1982002>>1982015>>1982047

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Tomatoes are the best fruit and you know it. Stop lying on lolcow

No. 1982010>>1982014

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Puberty isn't universally terrible experience it's made out to be. Some people don't take it well, but others are neutral or excited over the prospect of growing up.

No. 1982014

I got my periods later than average and I was so relieved when they finally came, same for all the other changes honestly, I was so scared I'd have a child body for my whole life.

No. 1982015>>1982021>>1982664

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I love tomatoes especially the ones I grow while eating them like an apple while sprinkling salt + pepper, BUT bananas are the best fruit AND flavor.

No. 1982021

Hey i have this in my backyard

No. 1982023>>1982028

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I’m with you I really think being a hot woman and aspiring to be is part of the psyop and really the short end of the stick. Every time I see a hot guy he’s with a mid to ugly woman. I’m jealous but not mad, I think it’s based every time I see it kek.
> Mfw I’ll never be horse faced Stacy

No. 1982028

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My ideal female body is takarazuka male role style. I want to sparkle handsomely.

No. 1982035>>1982040>>1982042

Why do we get fetishists get away with the "I'm coping with my trauma" excuse? How is coping with trauma getting choked or beaten? In fact people who have choking or beating trauma naturally flinch, ge t panic attacks or have lower pain tolerance because our brains surely can't differentiate in between fetish and actual violence and we (women) end up dying anyway from rough and/or freaky sex, why it has been normalized or nobody told these people that they're full of shit?

No. 1982040>>1982043

not sure what you've been seeing that has you ticked off but if you've been reading what people say online there's a high likelihood that the people are not actually engaging in real life sexual activities, they're talking about their fantasies and fetishes in their head. most of the psychoanalysis about how valid someone's fetishes are is from terminally online types.

No. 1982042

Physiologically, there's a link between oxygen not reaching the brain and heightened arousal, which is likely why the whole "choking is hot" thing started (also related to the practice of moids jacking off while hanging themselves that sometimes pops up in media). It's never safe, no.

No. 1982043>>1982048

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Oh come on. https://www.centreforwomensjustice.org.uk/new-blog-1/2019/10/18/337ygo3hpbrrgf4094pgq1ol1knqdm

It's true that most of the discourse is held by terminally online people but that doesn't excuse them from acting shit in real life.

No. 1982047>>1982068

My brothers are like that, one's a fuck-up and the other isn't but both have lived lives way easier by being attractive men.

No. 1982048

damn no one said we were talking about moids using this as an excuse to murder women. anon was talking about it from the women's perspective, like a woman who's engaging in bdsm fetishism saying she's actually doing it to deal with some trauma. we weren't even talking about the phenomenon of men lying that a woman they rape-murdered consented to it, you just brought that up. don't "oh come on" me.

No. 1982068

You responding like this to the fruit posts is killing me

No. 1982079

don't even have to be good looking. I feel like if I was a man I would be okay looking at best naturally but through the power of just grooming myself, showering or caring about how I look in general, having actual values and empathy and not being a porn addicted misogynist, it'd already put me way above like 90% of men in the dating pool unironically. they truly live life on easy mode and somehow still manage to fuck it up

No. 1982108>>1982113>>1982119>>1982128>>1982133>>1982183>>1982206>>1982288

All moid hairstyles besides buzzed or sometimes long hair are ugly. I don't understand why they bitch about needing a haircut, just buzz it it'll look so much better than the either limp or frizzy hair you have right now.

No. 1982113

buzzcuts are the ugliest moid hairstyle. They end up looking like prison bitches.

No. 1982119

Ew. Only women look good with buzzcuts. Moids have misshapen lugheads.

No. 1982128

It's so much easier and cheaper for men to have flattering hair. There's honestly zero excuse for moids to have sloppy hair. Same with moids clothes

No. 1982133

Buzzcuts look awful on moids unless they have 10/10 facial features and skull shape…and then they would still look better with longer hair

No. 1982180>>1982188>>1982209>>1982262>>1989429

imo a lot of the nonies that say they like anime but hate the "problematic" aspects of it are lying, they just want to fit in with the pinkpill/radfem users otherwise they wouldn't watch or play half the shit that they do

No. 1982183

I can only be attracted to moids if they have long hair, I think I got traumatized growing up in a military environment.

No. 1982188

Truth. I tried to rewatch one show after I got pinkpilled and just, couldn't. All of the stuff I shrugged off as "kooky Japan trying to be cute" was just too obviously messed up and killed off my enjoyment.

No. 1982206>>1982252

Unpopular opinion but male fags are usually better hair stylists than women

No. 1982209

Looking back as a former weeb, I can't believe I watched anime for over a decade and liked it. Felt like a hard case of arrested development that I continued to argue I was a feminist when there was so much shit with coomer undertones and I feel like I wasted my youth on the slop. Seeing the genre go mainstream and teenage boys wear aheago hoodies urges me to go fully nihilist ngl

No. 1982247

It might be me being an oldfag and also me being "privileged" to have good genes and also drinking a lot of water to hydrate well, but I strongly believe too many women are too heavy handed on the makeup. They ruin their skin underneath with it, and with neglecting other steps in the skin care routine (full makeup removal, hydration skin care, etc.).
I know it's partially due to marketing e.g. makeup tutorials and reels that use a huge amount of the product as they squeeze it out of the tube when 1/4th of the amount is enough - like they also do in toothpaste ads. But also due to the products' quick expiration dates which pushes women to use the tube to the fullest, even if that means they use 3-4 times the amount they should apply. And too many cute and good looking women ruin their skin doing that, which is a shame.

No. 1982252

No. The best hairstylists are women.

No. 1982262>>1982266

Not being able to find anime/manga without fanservice is a problem with you tbh.
>ugh all anime is so gross ew and isekai
Have you tried finding something that isn't basic bitch trending on twitter tier or is Shonen Jump as far as you're able to go?

No. 1982264

Posting for anyone else who might need it.
I feel a lot of regret too but for me it's a bit different because it largely happened when I was a child, and the guy forced me to take particularly degrading stuff that I didn't want to. I don't think it counts as grooming since we were the same age, but last year he got a warning from state officers for CP and it really makes me wonder about the circumstances behind that…

No. 1982266

Ah, I mean "you" as in generally, not you specifically.

No. 1982273>>1982278

french pop is bad, not terrible, just bad. i was bored looking for something different to listen to, so i tried listening to french pop playlists. i had to turn on something else as it was making my head hurt. i don’t understand why the women all have whiny, thin, whispery voices with that ghastly nasal tone? why do the men croon like old dogs that need to be put to sleep? why are they always plucking on a guitar singing a capella in a white shirt with uncombed hair while two pigeons drink coffee outside the window? don’t even get me started on french “rap” either. like excusez-moi, mc baguette huit neuf cent, you will never be biggie smalls. you never sold crack at 14 or been gunned down by crips kek, stop pretending. i like vanessa paradis; her voice is high and nasally but somehow it works with her. everyone else i am just like, non non non. no wonder why i never hear their music playing whenever i go out (i live in france), even they know it’s not that great.

No. 1982278>>1982292

How can you say that when France Gall exists.

No. 1982288>>1982325>>1982646

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I watched too many jdramas growing up so I LOVE shaggy hair cuts on both men and women. Hitler youth haircuts make me want to roll my eyes to the back of my head

No. 1982292

idk anon, i’ve tried this genre over the years and it is just meh to me. i like a few songs here and there but in general i am not impressed. i am a burger and some of my fellow americunts act like french pop is somehow better than american pop…they both have their issues lol. i am always willing to be proven wrong though. i used to hate country, now i don’t mind.

No. 1982296>>1982329>>1982332>>1982344>>1982388>>1982577>>1982705

small dicks >>>>> big dicks

No. 1982325>>1982646

Same, nonny. I would kill for a bf with fluffly hair but it hasn't been a thing in the west since the 70s.

No. 1982329>>1982347>>1982349

Small dicked moids who lack hangups usually eat pussy good. Big dicked moids act like they don't have to try and are instant unappealing.

No. 1982332>>1982335

wrong. small-dicked moids should kill themselves

No. 1982335


No. 1982344

how is small dick better? you cant even feel them on your g spot. big dicks are much more enjoyable

No. 1982347>>1982352

I swear I don't mean this as scrotefoiling but this sounds like something a small dicked moid would say to cope. Any male worth having sex with will care about your pleasure and eat pussy, that's like the bare minimum

No. 1982348>>1982944

That’s why transracialism never took off, the whole labeling is meant to keep the white race pure. No half-breeds allowed. Not my thinking but that’s why the one drop rule exists and why so many black people looked and are mixed and have distant white ancestry

Sometimes I feel like I would better assimilate and be treated better if I just looked white. More options for makeup and dating. Imagine being treated like a normal person. Let’s see what new biological technologies will come about in the future

No. 1982349

I'm "experienced" and disagree. Some of the best non penetrative experiences I had are with men with large penises. Men with small penises usually lack proper hygiene, idk the correlation but it's a thing

No. 1982350

Bananas are fucking disgusting and should have gone extinct

No. 1982352

It is the bare minimum, and a lot of moids don't meet that bare minimum if they think their dick is sufficient. Some moids know their dick isn't sufficient and either develop dumb hangups like humiliation kinks to cope or actually put effort into giving pleasure to women.

No. 1982369

Where are they not allowed to scream?

No. 1982388>>1982473

i’m tired of this nonsense, vaginismus-chans need to stop peddling this make believe. we just need to train and brainwash big dick men into knowing how to locate the clit and eat pussy and dicklets would virtually become useless in bed.

No. 1982466>>1982468>>1982481>>1982646>>1982698

File (hide): 1714252176378.jpg (152.48 KB, 750x750, 1000015958.jpg)

I am so sick of ATLA fans declaring that Azula wasn't a bad person just because she's 14 with daddy and mommy issues. Mommy and daddy issues are never real excuses to become a sociopath, and young age never stopped teenagers IRL from being and doing evil. Why do people act like parents problems and young age stop Azula from being an objectively horrible person? In real life, that's not even how it works. Imagine having a sibling like Azula. Would you NOT think they're a horrible person?

No. 1982468

She's cool so i forgive her

No. 1982473

seriously though, it sucks biology classes failed women so hard that instead of seeking help and pelvic floor therapy for their vaginismus they just seek the "less but still painful" option. If it hurts during sex you either have issues you should take care of before injuring yourself or shouldn't be having sex with a man if you're not aroused enough to have sex comfortably

No. 1982481>>1982698

It’s annoying they won’t just let her be the badass villain. Kinda the show writer’s fault though, they literally wrote in daddy/mommy issues for Zuko and her to make them more deep, then they wrote her into being a babbling psychopath with a fried brain.

No. 1982577

a small dick wrote this post

No. 1982646>>1982861

They're also teenagers that everyone hates so they project onto her like mad. They ignore that Azula is a cool villain with charisma, skills and brains, because they have none of those things. The only thing they have in common is an ebil mom who tells them to stop sending death threats to other k-pop stans on Twitter, so that's what they fixate on.
I've met a lot of moids who have this haircut and they're all greasy as hell nice guys who seethe when women aren't attracted to their poetic souls. Maybe it's for the best that moids have broccoli hair atm instead of ruining cute hairstyles.

No. 1982664

That kitty cat must smell so good

No. 1982698>>1982861>>1982882

shit take. idc about azula's morals bc she idn't real and she's cool as fuck. plus zuko was a dick to her bc he was a mediocre entitled moid mad at his more talented sister.
the writers' insistence in taking her down a peg always reeked of misogyny to me ngl

No. 1982705>>1982820

Men with small dicks always seem to have psychological problems because the lives of men revolve around dicks.

No. 1982820

True. My ex had a 3 incher and he had a complex that turned into a fetish for disgusting shit like small penis humilliation and femdom piss. We never did anything remotely sexual but playing therapist for him was gross.

No. 1982861>>1982867

File (hide): 1714271425165.jpg (79.16 KB, 640x898, 1000015971.jpg)

I dont get how it's a shit take. Azula's one of the best villains I've ever seen because unlike any other villain, Azula actually got shit done. What annoys me is when fans swear she wasn't a horrible person at all and only a victim.
Like this anon said >>1982646
It's ironically insulting to Azula to assume that she was only evil because daddy Ozai made her, because it takes away her intelligence and blatant choice to be a bully bitch on her own kek
>Zuko was a dick to her
Fucking how though kek all their lives it was always Azula that instigated rivalry and shit with Zuko. She tried to kill him multiple times, nigga what the fuck are you talking about?

No. 1982867

Ma’am, I loved azula. She was so unapologetically invested in herself, she had pity moments but she knew that nothing would change it so she buried it and just carried on. I honestly don’t think Ozai had any intention of giving her a title once he ruled, she was only ever going to be his lackey, why would he want a fire lord especially one who was unhinged and so power hungry (tbf in another life where he did win Azula totally killed his ass for top spot).

No. 1982882

one of the show writers made a clout-farming twitter thread about how if they had more seasons they would've redeemed Azula into some overly apologetic wilting flower character. Typical moidbrain. I'm so glad they didnt and left her alone, Azula was and still is peak as she is.

No. 1982944>>1982953

It's not a feeling its a fact, you literally just would be treated better. Unfortunately (inb4 muh society) we live in a racist, classist and colorist society where, in all parts of the world lighter skin is heralded while darker skin is demonized which is stupid because most of the world has dark skin. Obviously all skin tones should be looked at the same in a perfect world but we are in hell. It's honestly funny af that society as a whole wants to be pale though, a skin color that largely makes you allergic to the damn sun. When i found about sun poisoning and how its a common occurrence for the lighter complected I realized the true reason why they hate black people LMAO i jest.

My unpopular opinion is Society wants dark people to not realize just how lucky we are. Obviously everyone has melanin and dark skin people also need sunscreen and can get sun poisoning/skin cancer blah blah but its not that common especially the darker you get. (hell im 30 and just found out the sun be poisoning people on the regular) The older I get the more i love and appreciate my dark skin and realize society's opinions are fickle, based in delusions and largely lack compassion so why tf should i care what these weirdos think!?I hope you realize that one day soon.The problem isn't you or what you look like the problem is that most of the world is antiblack and do everything in their power to make the darker complected feel less than. Its all a big cope cuz they can't stand outside on a sunny day without the sun cooking them alive. And also so many black women are entering beauty and expanding shade ranges, making pigmented shadows and blushes, you don't need to look white to get better makeup options try juvia's place. Don't let society dictate the life you want its 2024 black women are the most free we have ever been you better live it up buttercup!

No. 1982946

Asian comedy series are painfully unfunny. They are stuck in the Benny Hill/Mr. Bean era of comedy (but not as charming) and rely too much on slapstick. Silly faces and loud noises aren't funny. Shitty tubi movies are funnier than those shows.

No. 1982953>>1982960>>1983014

> Don't let society dictate the life you want its 2024 black women are the most free we have ever been you better live it up buttercup!

Then why does everything suck? Why does it feel like people hate us?

No. 1982957>>1982959>>1982962>>1982971>>1983033

i dont know how unpopular this is but anime has gotten really really shitty in recent times, like wtf even happpened?

No. 1982959

They're trying to appeal to normalfags more often now

No. 1982960>>1983027

File (hide): 1714283717831.jpg (170.4 KB, 908x1076, 1000015980.jpg)

NTAYRT but I'm black and when I'm down in the dumps with the society shit, I just nibble on a little edible and keep it moving. Figuring out why everybody likes to shit on black women isn't the priority, what matters is realizing that people are going to hate you for your gender and blame you for what the scrotes of your race do no matter what. So you might as well just try to live your life as your own main character and get your own happy ending. Sorry for the derail

No. 1982962

i think anime has always been shitty with occasional decent show here and there. but i haven’t been able to find a single good show for like 3 years now so yeah it definitely has been shittier

No. 1982971

I feel like it might have to do with lack of funding or creativity and overworking tbh. like other anon said good anime has always been kinda rare but recently it's nonexistent. there's still interesting manga, but they always choose the shitty ones to adapt into anime or butcher it somehow.

No. 1983012>>1983034>>1983378

You shouldn't be too generous with third worlders, but not for the reasons you'd think.

Over there generosity and gift giving is for the most part cynically done to buy influence, or is seen as people saying they're better than you. It sets of envy and resentment so easily, I've seen people so much better than me get despised simply for being too nice. It's a bizarre contradiction where the more people are accommodating for charity reasons, the more they're despised.

In my experience you can be generous, but accept when they instantly repay the favor and give you more, don't make a fuss. Never give more than they can afford to give back, they'll be uncomfortable at feeling in your favor. If you are too generous they will despise you and resent you just out of nowhere.

No. 1983014

In my sociology course, I learned that the reason light skin and taller height were preferred throughout many cultures was because of feudalism. Basically if you were a noble you had the option to stay at home or enjoy leisure activities while the peasants were working every day and not eating right and this mostly occurred in racially homogeneous societies and states but still the peasants would end up shorter and darker-skinned, and this lasted for centuries and so that's the sociological impact of it.

No. 1983027

>So you might as well just try to live your life as your own main character and get your own happy ending. Sorry for the derail

Love this advice

No. 1983033

They only market to working male otakus, so plenty of preteen panty flashing for them

Anime used to be cool back in the 90s/early 2000s, maybe that was just novelty

No. 1983034>>1983046

Do you think this is a leftover from colonialism?

No. 1983046>>1983055

NTA but why would it be?

No. 1983055

nta but I'm a third-worlder but I do think there's an aspect of a humiliation that won't wash over them, because they didn't win their independence through war but because the US and USSR made them UK and France give them up.

No. 1983111>>1983115>>1983135>>1983143>>1983204>>1983220>>1983242>>1983248>>1983516

File (hide): 1714300573642.jpeg (29.52 KB, 474x593, Gross.jpeg)

I hate veiny arms on men so much—but some women find these sexy for some reason? I have seen genuine yumejo artists draw their husbandos with these gross, crawling worms underneath their skins even when they don't have it in caonn.

What is even the appeal? To emphasize his strength? It looks like straight up steroid abuse.

No. 1983115

my ex used to have those and I used to squeeze them and he would squirm. I am neutral towards them but the moment he started bragging I thought they were perfect to pinch at.

No. 1983135

I don't hate them, but I've never found them sexy too. I guess it's because it's a sign that a dude is lean and exercises or something? Men don't really get these unless they hit the gym.

No. 1983143

I get the urge to pop veins when I see them

No. 1983201>>1983203>>1983205>>1983207>>1983231>>1983233>>1983336>>1983344>>1983392

File (hide): 1714308424473.jpg (328.49 KB, 1200x818, d0012d.jpg)

Contemporary art enjoyers like to think that people who dislike it are just unintelligent, but the truth is just that a lot (not all) of contemporary art needs context to be able to properly enjoyed. Many museums don't add context to the art (or make it very small) so the average person isn't even given the info necessary to admire a piece. This contributes to the idea that contemporary art is meaningless and money laundering. But contemporary art enjoyers just call everyone who doesn't get it dumb which makes them seem pompous and snobby, and that further pushes people away from modern art.

Also, the "but you didn't" response us pretty silly.

No. 1983203>>1983231

File (hide): 1714308567486.jpg (8.31 KB, 401x650, max-650x650_R6KE8It.jpg)

Samefag, you really cannot fault someone if they walk into a museum, see this with no/little context, and think its just some brown fabric. It's actually a very poignant piece but the explanation needs to be offered.

No. 1983204

I like arm veins but I can't really explain why, I just do. It's primal I guess.

No. 1983205>>1983247

File (hide): 1714308616706.gif (954.61 KB, 480x270, 34dec3b49ee072515bbec80129f50c…)

I wanna eat this image

No. 1983207

It depends, like Cornelia Parker’s 50 pieces of silver or manga carta is interesting, how it was made was part of the artistic value, but some conceptual art really is just jerking off, and it has no real value aesthetic or otherwise. The problem was after realism was perfected, there wasn’t anywhere further to take it.

No. 1983220

Good vascularity, strong erections

No. 1983226>>1983232>>1983235

Bleach, Naruto, One Piece is Sailor Moon for scrotes.

No. 1983231>>1983239>>1983247

Am an unintelligent plebian. What are the contexts of these exactly?

No. 1983232>>1983236

This isn't an unpopular opinion, kek.

No. 1983233>>1983247

you watched that one tik tok huh

No. 1983235>>1983236

>shounen is for scrotes
Very novel opinion

No. 1983236>>1983241

catch me a break nonnies, this is my first time watching anime like bleach kek

No. 1983239

>>1983231 This is all from memory so correct me if im wrong nonnies:
candy picture is an artist who lost a loved one during the aids crisis. The hard candies were his favorite and visitors can take a piece of candy. However every night the staff replaces it with the amount that the man weighed before he developed aids. So every time someone takes a piece of candy its a pound he lost while struggling.

The flag: A mexican artist soaked a white flag in the blood of victims from the cartel and displayed it on a government building i believe. The victims families also helped and washed the hall with blood and water so that when it was being displayed you couldn't escape the blood smell. Since it is a hazard they only display the replica.

No. 1983241

Kek its okay nona. At least Bleach has some cute guys alongside the moidshit

No. 1983242

WOW. I don't know, it's just does to me.

No. 1983247>>1983255

File (hide): 1714312583835.jpg (26.09 KB, 460x276, Teresa-Margolles-010.jpg)

No, idk what you mean. I was actually thinking about some discourse I saw about Klein Blue months ago.
The first one is Portrait of Ross my Felix Gonzales-Torres. The candy represents his partner who passed from HIV-AIDs. The candy weighs 175lbs altogether, which is how much Felix's partner weighed before he became sick. Viewers can take a piece of candy which represents how the disease ate away at Ross.

The flag is Flag 1 by Teresa Magdolles. She's a Mexican artist and a lot of her work revolves around violence in Mexico. For Flag 1, she would go to the sites of drug-related murders and cover the flag in the blood of the victims. Picrel is her in front of another one of her works, blood stained tiles from the site of where her friend was murdered.
If they ever display it again at the Art Institute of Chicago, you could.

No. 1983248>>1983932>>1983937

i dated a guy who worked out a lot so he had veins like this. One day he sends me a video after a workout of his forearm and its literally his veins just moving around like snakes underneath his skin. It was the most disgusting thing i ever seen and let him know to never send me no shit like that again. Its probably why we didnt end up together lol.

No. 1983255

Finally a nonny that cares about art like I do

No. 1983288>>1983303>>1983313>>1983321>>1983324>>1983327>>1983334>>1983356>>1983374>>1983381>>1983390>>1983504

Women are such a loser gender. I use to get mad about it but now all I can do is laugh lol she found the ugliest discord mod to date and he still has side bitches to cheat with.

No. 1983303

lmao……. why even bother dating men

No. 1983313

It's not really about gender but i feel like i can tell so much about them just by looking at it that it would sound like fanfiction kek, have seen it before. I don't think that she is really hurt by him contacting other women itself, they probably argue almost daily.

No. 1983321>>1983376

Looks fake

No. 1983324>>1983380

Why does she have a huge flip phone with a keyboard? Am I blind?

No. 1983327

I thought I was immune to second-hand embarrassment but I cannot watch this. even though it seems kinda fake I'm cringing

No. 1983334

Betting $50 he goes on ig reels or something and screams about how high women's standards are and how 80% of women are only going for 20% of men… All while he gets a gf leagues above him and is somehow able to cheat while being a fat and ugly loser

No. 1983336

Based nonna, I fully agree.

No. 1983344

this is why valerie solanos was justified on shooting andy warhol. he and that duchamp moid started that trend kek

No. 1983356

The problem is the moid. She deserves better

No. 1983371>>1983375

BPDettes wouldn’t be so awful if people would stop betraying them. They hate women with BPD because BPD women actually hold people accountable and would kick your shit in

No. 1983374

This vid is unavailable in my region, is there a mirror? I want to cringe too

No. 1983375>>1983384

Wow. This is the most hopeful, kind, and patient opinion I've seen about BPDchans on here. Truly an unpopular opinion, because 99.9% of people do not have nice things to say about BPDfags, regardless of gender.

No. 1983376

it literally is media literacy really is dead

No. 1983378

as a child of immigrants, i agree. no one loves being the less powerful one in a dynamic- and this is especially amplified in third world cultures where the culture is overly masculinized. then they start to feel the need to be extra resentful to get some “power” back. it’s a subconscious thing, they don’t even do it on purpose.

No. 1983380>>1983385

File (hide): 1714321283600.jpg (190.44 KB, 1400x1400, dseifert_4711_samsung_z_flip_3…)

Might be a foldable

No. 1983381

stop posting these retarded “interviews” they are almost always fake and if they are not fake then they are edited/cut in a way to garner more ragebait

No. 1983384

Well I thought it was obvious why most people hate BPD women, they make the people who have caused them suffering deal with their suffering. I honestly think normies love triggering BPD-chans on purpose and love seeing them act out so they can play victim, there’s something wrong with their boyfriends and friends who secretly love the chaos that comes with intentionally instigating their behavior.

No. 1983385>>1983386>>1983938

File (hide): 1714321552274.jpg (1.24 MB, 3024x4032, 1000015991.jpg)

Would it be an unpopular opinion to say I'd rather get a flip phone than a foldable?

No. 1983386

While I don't think it's the majority opinion, it's not an uncommon one, at least imo.

No. 1983390

Faaaaake. The guy is pretty convincing but the girl is NOT a good actor.

No. 1983392>>1983402

My unpop opinions on art:
It's not art if you need backstory or lore to understand the piece. Real art stands alone. Context should enhance understanding of a piece and not be needed to understand it. People can appreciate A Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, without knowing anything about Pointillism or Seurat. Knowing about either just enhances appreciation of the painting.

The shift from artist as craftsman to artist as genius was probably the worst thing that ever happened to art.

Around 1920s, high brow art society just became a huge circle jerk because there was nothing left to do technique wise. It seems to me much of art history from the Italian Renaissance on was a new upcoming group of artists saying 'f that style' in reaction to whatever the popular movement was at the time and coming up with new techniques and styles, but once you get to Dada, they don't come up with new stuff, and just are a huge mutual admiration society for whatever nonsense people inside the clique come up with. Not that new stuff wasn't being created, e.g. graffiti art, comics, but that's too low brow for the high brow types.

No. 1983402

nta and not necessarily disagreeing with some of your points but the problem wasn't that technique has reached an end point because there are still plenty of draftsman and painters who focus on technique and make "standalone" pieces, but more so the question of paintings being representational came into question because of the invention and proliferation of the camera.

No. 1983422>>1983425

File (hide): 1714324734778.jpg (141.68 KB, 604x755, MV5BZmQ0NDE5NjYtMGU4OS00NGMwLW…)

The guy from Baby Reindeer was not molested. He willingly got assraped to get ahead in the industry, and now wants to cry about it. He was already a faggot before he got assraped. He led Martha on because he's a gaslighter. The "I want anal sex" text that "his friends sent for him"? That was him. How random is it that the text was about anal sex, when he is in fact a faggot who loves shit on his dick? Hmm.

He's still a degenerate crack/speed addict degenerate who wanders around spreading STDs, you can tell by his sunken eyes and ghoulish body.

No. 1983425>>1983443

grown adult men who have elephant strength compared to women can’t be raped or molested anyway anon, only women.

No. 1983443

nta but that's kinda the point, he could have stopped it any time and Martha wasn't devious monster, she was more fucked up and hurt then him and in a way he was taking advantage of her.

No. 1983476>>1983480

The "Everyone Knows That" song was found today and so I finally want to say: it is not that good or interesting of a song and I have no idea why anyone was so hellbent on finding it, unless its just for the novelty of solving a mystery.

No. 1983480

I agree its one of the worst lost songs

No. 1983504>>1983514

File (hide): 1714328702993.jpeg (102.6 KB, 1125x1069, GMQjSPUWIAA7et4.jpeg)

this video is staged but you are right. women just get so pathetic about men. i always see men bash other men for being "simps" but to me it's like women are the retarded simps whose minds melt for some basic male who probably wishes she was 16

No. 1983514>>1983532

seeing stuff like picrel makes me want to go on a NLOG rant. i need women to stand up right now please

No. 1983516

I don't know how to make this makes sense, but I like them on guitarists' arms and hands who gained it from playing guitar rather than working out. It somehow has a different better look to it.

No. 1983532>>1983540

isn't it blackpilling?

No. 1983533>>1983545>>1983547>>1983552

File (hide): 1714329546765.jpeg (97.8 KB, 573x601, IMG_0235.jpeg)

Never understood the Jasper hatred. He’s such a qt and makes me so fucking horny

No. 1983540

They’re the same retards insisting it’s muh evil feminists’ fault for granting them to ability to work and to not be bangmaids churning out babies for their husbands and families. I’ve seen way too much women falling for the trad meme of becoming a housewife and not working and I unfortunately fell for it a year ago and it really came from a place of burnout. They are seriously afraid of admitting that feminism is not a perfect one and done deal and that we as women have failed to improve the material conditions of our own gender and sex. They are a bunch of bimbos who just want to sit on their ass all day long playing housewife while other women are suffering and it pisses me off, that is what I would call a cowardly, weak female.

No. 1983545

okay now I want to watch twilight

No. 1983547>>1983557

Just don't get any papercuts around him.

No. 1983552>>1983562

he looks like he should be in victorian clothing not an athletic jacket

No. 1983557

kek I remember that scene

No. 1983562>>1983566

File (hide): 1714330812188.jpg (1.95 MB, 3264x2448, near-dark.jpg)

twilight was so lame and lazy with its depiction of vampires. So fucking boring. Literally just pale faggots in normal clothes. As a vampire enjoyer i am disgusted by how lazy everything about twilight is. Vampires would dress cool.

No. 1983566>>1983569

File (hide): 1714330911214.jpg (38.49 KB, 475x703, 1000016001.jpg)

What about Deacon Frost?

No. 1983569>>1983588

i cant believe this person isnt a downie

No. 1983588>>1983591

well what vampires DO you like?

No. 1983591>>1983597

The 3edgy5u ones from near dark and lost boys are peak. A non goth vampire sucks cock.

No. 1983597>>1983600>>1983605

File (hide): 1714332410279.jpg (119.54 KB, 1500x1000, 1000016003.jpg)

>A non goth vampire sucks cock.
Ironic you say that when I always got the impression that the Lost Boys were into men and not just women.

No. 1983600

God they’re all so ugly. Jasper ftw

No. 1983601>>1983606>>1983610>>1983611

Soda > alcohol
Getting drunk is for losers, only real ones get diabetes

No. 1983605>>1983612

only real men who are 100% secure in their heterosexuality allow themselves to be slutty(for women).

No. 1983606>>1983608

alcohol is wonderful soda is sticky and too sweet

No. 1983608>>1983618

Imagine how nasty it must feel to eat crackers and cheese with soda instead of crackers and cheese with wine.

No. 1983610>>1983614>>1986146

File (hide): 1714333147010.jpg (261.13 KB, 897x900, Tea.jpg)

tea > everything

No. 1983611

So true. Alcohol is overpriced fun water that tastes like ass and makes you retarded. Alcohol exists so normalfags can legally drink themselves into a comma and forget about how they are exploited in their daily life by people in power. It's for plebs.

No. 1983612

I agree, all prostitutes know this.

No. 1983614

Now this I agree with, and I'm not even a bong.

No. 1983618>>1983631

mmm and i love having white wine with salads too! i cant imagine drinking soda with my fucking vegetables

No. 1983631>>1983633>>1983647>>1983784

File (hide): 1714334126613.jpg (164.1 KB, 1170x1127, 1000016004.jpg)

Plus, coca cola tastes like fuckin' battery acid. I get that it's an unpopular opinion thread, but picking coke over fine wine with ice cubes in a cute glass? yeeesh.

No. 1983633>>1983635>>1983641

wine is for losers

No. 1983635>>1983646

losers > soda gulpers.

No. 1983641>>1983646>>1983648

wine is amazing, and one of my other favorite alcohol is whiskey

No. 1983646>>1983651>>1983653

the alcoholics and type 2 diabetes amputees fear the water connoisseur that's fully moisturized, hydrated and thriving

No. 1983647

>coca cola tastes like fuckin' battery acid
But, nonnie, that's the best part? Especially cherry cola is like this. Acid>wine.

No. 1983648>>1983653

I never had whiskey. I heard it can taste amazing with coffee, do you know if that's true?

No. 1983650

seltzer >>>> soda >>>> alcohol
problem SOLVED

No. 1983651>>1983663>>1983667

File (hide): 1714334786188.png (381.75 KB, 427x445, 1000016005.png)

First of all, I am the avatar. I have mastered all four elements of water, alcohol, tea, and some soda. From the source of my ass, i can guarantee that all drinkers will be okay if they balance it with water.

No. 1983653>>1983656

you can enjoy wine without being an alcoholic nonna kek, managing your frequency and practicing temperance is everything. also i have a habit of chasing back my sips of wine with lots of water
yess i love putting whiskey in my coffee! i also love sipping an old fashioned with some chocolate ice cream.

No. 1983656

Damn that sounds pretty good, I gotta try that sometime

No. 1983663>>1983665>>1983668

> all four elements of water, alcohol, tea, and some soda.
those are the same element, autist

No. 1983665

File (hide): 1714335466498.png (61.88 KB, 499x461, neeerung.PNG)

No. 1983667

made me kek, thanks anon

No. 1983668

File (hide): 1714335545800.jpg (47.12 KB, 429x296, 1000016006.jpg)

I am the galaxy.

No. 1983686>>1983711

File (hide): 1714336182675.jpeg (48 KB, 750x517, 1712801848874.jpeg)

I like coffee and energy drinks

No. 1983711

File (hide): 1714336960443.png (3.5 KB, 600x600, Alphanamel.png)

The true mark of a lean mean caffeine guzzling machine

No. 1983784

Agreed. All coke, lemonade and other swill sold in plastic bottles at supermarkets tastes revolting to me. These drinks probably did taste good when they were originally made with natural ingredients. They are now so far removed from anything remotely natural and are nothing but petrochemicals suspended in water.

No. 1983837>>1983839>>1983893>>1983948>>1983964

File (hide): 1714342981487.jpeg (1.2 MB, 1284x1453, IMG_3058.jpeg)

Most normie women like being cat called but pretend like they don’t. Most normie women would feel ugly if men never hit on them on the street. Women who go out half naked want men to cat call them. They don’t want men screaming highly sexual stuff at them or touching them but they do like strange men staring at them and tripping over themselves to talk to them.

No. 1983839

True but also kind of obvious nonnie

No. 1983844>>1983882

File (hide): 1714343630346.jpeg (78.27 KB, 602x316, IMG_0238.jpeg)

You don’t need a father in the home and I genuinely don’t understand the “fatherless” meme and that it’s a missing fundamental part in a woman’s life. Barely know my dad, don’t want to know him at all, don’t feel hatred, don’t feel intense angry, I feel true and genuine apathy towards him and wouldn’t feel the difference if he was a big part of my life or not. Vast majority of fathers are barely an integral part of their child’s life. A mother is basically everything, a man (a father) is a speck of dust compared to the power and significance of a mother.

No. 1983846>>1983850>>1983851>>1983852

File (hide): 1714343735506.jpg (1.12 MB, 1080x2340, 1000007712.jpg)

Hate how overexagerrated make up and outfits are anymore. Don't get me wrong this girl is very beautiful but the brushed out hair, way overlined lips, nutso eyelashes with the oversized necklace is reading as ghoulish to me. Idk from a pure aesthetic standpoint I'm not into it. Not a big fan

No. 1983850

Nonna that's a goth, they look like that on purpose

No. 1983851>>1983858>>1983877

I always get the feeling that these girls are too insecure to actually rock a goth outfit without trying to "bimbofy" it. They're scared to actually be considered off-putting by men. The overlined lips that rival the Jokers, the big ugly lashes, the fact that she's eyefucking herself in the camera. It all reads as turbo insecurity. It screams "find me attractive! Find me attractive!". So many trends and aesthetics are ruined by this fear of being perceived as unfuckable my males. Trying to look like a snapchat filter has ruined fashion.

No. 1983852

File (hide): 1714344343721.png (283.97 KB, 440x433, patricia_morrison.png)

No, she needs to brush out her hair more, more volume, she'll never patriciamaxx like that

No. 1983858>>1983875

File (hide): 1714344813118.jpg (19.64 KB, 480x359, 1000016017.jpg)

>They're scared to actually be considered off-putting by men.
Oh so THAT'S what it is. I'm no goth, but I occasionally wonder what the sudden shift with men's attraction to goths is all about. I see men lusting after and fetishizing goth women online, but it was rather new to me because I swore men used to be intimidated by them. I think the change is a mix of men having goths be portrayed in bimbo-fied way in the media, combined with normie women imitating that bimbo-fied portrayal in real life (like you said).

No. 1983875>>1983878

Goth for men is just:
>Woman wear black tanktop and skirt with red lipstick and wants to fuck me
They are retards, their brains are their penis.

No. 1983877>>1983936

My 36 year old brother was giving off about women looking too sexy and pornified these days. I would have thought a slut was just his type but I guess since being in his 30s he recognises a woman has more worth than her looks and that yes some women do wear make up for themselves but lbr most are for male validations. The males know it and now some of them are even getting annoyed that 'normal' women are too sexy and try hard now

No. 1983878>>1983880

You forget the tiny skull on the shirt so you know they're hardcore

No. 1983880

That's too extreme and unsexy for them

No. 1983882

No. 1983884>>1983886

File (hide): 1714346815273.png (382.58 KB, 1200x700, 1634018182788.png)

I unironically believe lolcow.farm should be preserved in the museum for generations of scholars to pour over. I think this website is a very important instance in women's history.

No. 1983886

Yeah me too, I think so too.

No. 1983893

File (hide): 1714347622445.jpg (31.98 KB, 452x678, images-2.jpg)

If they're hypersexual and into exhibitionism, then I guess? But then that's not so normie.
If they're normies dressed normally and minding their own business, then of course not, they don't like being cat called. When I think of normie women I think of picrel, just someone minding their own business.

No. 1983932

Can you send me the video?

No. 1983936

Men have always hated it in the gym, and really that's where these types of women make it too obvious as they do one exercise every five minutes and spend their time browsing their phone.

No. 1983937

Imagine if penises could do that.

No. 1983938

Nta but why can’t we have phones like this in America?

No. 1983948

Disagree, there are a few that like it but most women do not like being cat called.

I was friends with one girl in highschool who liked getting cat called. It was creepy cause the guys cat calling her where obviously pedos considering she was 4’11” and looked young. She was so annoying, and she felt ugly when she didn’t get cat called. Most women that I’ve known are not like this.

No. 1983964

I think it's just really insecure people or girls who are too young to realize it's not a compliment. Normal men don't catcall women, creeps do, and they don't do it because a woman is hot they do it because she looks like an easy target. I don't think anyone over 22 wants to be catcalled

No. 1984050

>best fanfics
>spergy TIFs
Literally wrong

No. 1984055>>1984056

I firmly believe that all actresses who played lesbian characters (even if it's for a comedy bit) are all actually lesbians.

No. 1984056>>1984059>>1984128

you think Zendaya is a lesbian?

No. 1984059>>1984071>>1984074>>1984088>>1984118>>1984128

nta but yeah she does seem quite butch actually

No. 1984071

why do people online keep saying this, she dresses feminine. the closest thing is the one time she wore a pantsuit, while still dolled up in feminine makeup, hair, etc

No. 1984074>>1984086

you don't understand what butch means.

No. 1984086>>1984089

Nta but I figured that they meant personality wise.

No. 1984088>>1984091

KEK you'd hurl if you saw a real butch

No. 1984089>>1984098

Ntayrt but even personality wise I don't get it but I can't figure out what her personality really is. This is reminding me how twitter tried to meme Kendall jenner as a lesbian just because she's 5% less hyperbimbo than the other Karjenners lol.

No. 1984091

oh please

No. 1984098

I heard she's bi.

No. 1984118>>1984127

she’s definitely a lesbo. her spiderman bf is the closest thing she could get to a 5’2 tomboy tif struggling with gender euphoria and asexuality without compromising her sex symbol image

No. 1984127>>1984130

Don't you mean tomgirl?

No. 1984128

Zendaya has actively worked with and pushed the tranny movement so she might not be a lesbian but way worse.

No. 1984130

DA tomgirl is a femboy

No. 1984141>>1984144>>1984172>>1984411

Rewatching Dodgeball (2004) right now and yep, I still believe that it’s one of the less-funny “stupid 2000s comedies” of the era but everyone I know seems to love it. Both Zoolander and Anchorman were funnier in my opinion

No. 1984144>>1984155>>1984185

I agree, all of those stupid male brained comedies are just nof funny and watching them on the day and age of tolerance and acceptance makes me appreciate Amy Schumer a lot more.

No. 1984155>>1984396

I still like some of them, but I realized I especially dislike these ones with Vince Vaughn having these little “quips” all throughout the movie and ending up with the hot chick at the end

No. 1984170>>1984399

The weird recent spike of self-admitted shotafags on LC really grinds my gears, not for ~morality~ reasons but because they are just that insufferable with how shotafags here shove their gross fetish into completely unrelated convos because they think they're edgy and transgressive or something.

No. 1984172

Anchorman was probably the defining stupid comedy of my teenage years, I don't even remember Dodgeball

No. 1984185>>1984205

amy schumer only gets the hate she does because shes female, you know how many crappy male comedians are out there that no one cares about? but god forbid a woman suck then its all women

No. 1984205>>1984264>>1984411>>1984928

This. I hate shitty comedians in general, but a disproportionate amount of criticism gets heaped on Schumer. It's happened to other crappy female comedians in the past. Although in Schumer's case, it's exacerbated by how overexposed she also was. Strongly dislike her, but not any more or less than dildos like Dane Cook.

No. 1984264>>1984928

Stand up comedy is just a scrotefest. Men into it are seriously the worst.

No. 1984396>>1985458

Speaking of scrote comedies I stopped rewatching Knocked Up a couple years ago and then I read about how they treated Katherine Heigl on set (poorly) and it made sense.

No. 1984399

I had the displeasure of dealing with them back when I was a weebfaggot and it still adamantly grosses me out. you're not alone.

No. 1984400>>1986327

girly women who wear very girly clothes get poorer treatment from people rather than cool hot tomboys (NOT actual gnc women they're a different category). even in the dating scene, some men are embarrassed to date super girly girls

No. 1984411

I rewatched Ricky Bobby a few days ago and it still made me laugh.

My dumb side hobby is seeking out female centered comedy movies. I'm not the biggest fan of Amy as far as female comedians go but you can't deny men are just angry seeing a woman be vulgar onscreen in a way that isn't palatable to them. Melissa McCarthy does it better though

No. 1984677

Spanish and Korean are the ugliest fucking languages ever. I'm aurally assaulted everytime I hear those languages

No. 1984714>>1984724>>1984762>>1984815>>1985572

A lot of GCs don't actually understand gender ideology enough to argue against it. It's hard to say this without being accused of being pro-trans but there's a lot of strawmanning and disingenuity on the radfem side and it only does us a disservice. Come on, when you see how badly TRAs misconstrue us, that makes you take them far less seriously, doesn't it? It's the same in reverse. It pushes those on the fence away.

No. 1984722>>1984726>>1984740>>1984777

Nerd or weeb friends are boring. BPD girls are where it's at. I've had both and BPD girls are so much fun.

No. 1984724>>1984729

I wish they'd fucking listen to ex-TIF terfs more often when they explain the inner workings of the cult and how it preys on so many insecurities from first-hand experience. So often they just shove our experiences aside and try to pin the trans phenomenon in the simplest, most easily digestible causes that don't make them uncomfortable.

No. 1984726


No. 1984729

Hard agree. The thing is, a lot of GC are just trad

No. 1984740>>1984747>>1984828

they are until you get more male attention than them or get attention from a male they want.

No. 1984747>>1984768

I still like them regardless. The fun is worth it.

No. 1984762

Even if there's tons of smart detrans women and radfems who can perfectly dismantle gender ideology TRAs will ignore it and repost some conservative boomer calling an ugly woman a man. "see? terfs are all so stupid and hate women! you can just ignore them haha!" and also trying not to sound pro-trans but while I think our MTF hate threads full of rapehons are eye-opening and a good place to vent, the average TRA lurking will think "well I know trans people who haven't raped anyone and so TERFS are dumb!" I think nuance is lost on those who don't want it tbh

No. 1984768>>1984821

what's fun about BPD friends? i never interacted with one

No. 1984777

t.bpd friend

No. 1984815

Kind of agree with where you're coming from but I don't think you should engage with the ideology too deeply to be honest because then you just get in the weeds with them and it's a waste of time. Just simple factual statements like "plastic surgery shouldn't be promoted as the answer to unhappiness with your body" are better.

No. 1984821

There is always some drama or something going on with them. Sometimes they might recruit you to help them out. Good times. My BPD friend and I stalked some dude she was messing with while she was in an open relationship because we knew he lied about being single.

No. 1984828

Exactly, or until they start skinwalking you.

No. 1984878>>1984896>>1984963>>1985173

File (hide): 1714414451649.gif (66.37 KB, 200x196, 3e56d90cd5b36804d108a321b0276a…)

I think that mixing girls and boys together in schools was a mistake, i wish single sex schools would be back in a proper way and without all the gender questioning.

No. 1984896>>1984925

They're extremely common here in Ireland. One thing our country did right kek

No. 1984925>>1984970

wait really? are they non religious all girls schools? the only sex segregated schools here are usually catholic or something

No. 1984928>>1985125>>1985456

The braggart behavior of moid stand up comedy is what's annoying, what's funny about a long drawn out story about drugs that basically goes
>I'm so great, I'm so great, good things happen to me effortlessly with no effort

I caught Bert Kreischner's "The Machine", and it was literally just a tall tale about how Bert Kreischner is so effortlessly great.

No. 1984963

I may have hated secondary school because i had no friends, but i am eternally grateful my mum made sure i was away from moids because she knew they would bully me.

No. 1984970>>1984978

Well they're called Catholic schools but I think it's just out of respect for the history and tradition (the schools were usually founded by nuns), but nowadays they're very modern and not very religious. Girls of all religions attended my school, and I'm not Catholic either. The most 'religious' thing our school had was the morning prayer said over the intercom and a statue of Mary outside in the field.

No. 1984978>>1984993

You were never forced to sing hymns for hours or go to mass? I went to catholic schools my whole life in the UK and they always shoved that shit down your throat.

No. 1984993

Not at all, that stuff was all optional. There would be mass for special occasions and you could volunteer to go there and sing hymns and stuff. I'm agnostic but would actually go to mass from time to time because I was fascinated with churches but my stupid Muslim parents would never have let me step foot into a church otherwise kek.

No. 1985125

Bert is quite possibly the most washed up stand up comic of this era.
My unpopular opinion is that people should be legally allowed to physically attack someone that is intentionally harassing them. Stalkers who skirt under the law? You should be able to attack them without fear of legal consequences. Bring back mobs, is what I'm saying.

No. 1985173

I went to some girls schools growing up in bongland. First was a catholic girl's school, I only went there when I was very young so I don't have a lot of memories. It was a full on boarding school run by nuns, I had mostly been brought up on like, children's books from the 50s etc. so I didn't realise how old fashioned it was to go to a school like that until I was much older. The older girls all wore these extremely cute red duffle coats and pinafores as the uniform and I was so jealous I never got to wear it.
I left to go to a normal state school for several years but at secondary I went to a girls grammar school, so a selective school with an entrance test. It was a completely secular state school and was single sex out of tradition. I enjoyed it a lot socially speaking but it was like living in a bubble, a complete fantasy world, I was so sheltered since I didn't meet boys outside school like some of the girls did, and I didn't have any brothers or close male relatives, the only men I interacted with were teachers. I was acting like a complete retard with my friends right up to age 18 with little real concern towards men and their opinion of me. I never really got used to being in mixed sex company so end up coming off really quiet even though that wasn't the case at all growing up.
I'm still glad I went though, education-wise there's no way being mixed in with boys would have been more beneficial.

No. 1985428>>1985451>>1985471>>1985504

I don't think that youths who want to be actresses, directors, models, etc should follow their dreams. All the millennials and zoomers did that, and look at the state of the economy now.

No. 1985451>>1985465

What even are you talking about? When I (zoomer) was in school if someone wanted to go into entertainment they'd immediately be laughed off and mocked. You can't possibly believe the state of the economy is all because evil zoomies wanted to be actors or something as if every dumbass kid in the 80s and 90s swore they were gonna be a rockstar too. But yes it's not because greedy corporations are price gouging to fill CEO pockets and the government refuses to pass any sort of regulations protecting normies it's all because a handful dumbass kids said they wanted to be a singer or some shit

No. 1985456

I hate that fat scrote so much. He's like if the worst fatass moid you knew from high school (you know, the one who always exaggerated stories and thought he was hilarious) had millions of dollars, that's him. I hate how it's totally cool and funny for him to take his shirt off and show off his massive, creepy, bowling ball alcoholic stomach and talk about sex during his sets, but people shit on Amy Shumer or whoever for daring to make jokes about her vagina.

No. 1985458

I love retarded comedy movies, and I absolutely hated Knocked Up. I stand by the opinion that it's a horror film

No. 1985465>>1985485

my opinion is based you just dont understand it

No. 1985471

I completely disagree. Most people who are going to school and graduate seek to become white collar professionals because it's the only line of work that actually pays enough. However, there are not enough jobs to actually meet the demand for these jobs and nobody would work in places like mcdonalds or the oil rig unless they really had to. It's really hard to run a business nowadays because of artificial inflation and over saturation of the market by a handful of mega companies who governments constantly buy out. With that in mind, there's absolutely room for those kinds of people to exist and with the internet, such a career path is even more easier to attain than ever without having to make a huge financial risk like moving to LA. I don't think that the kinds of people who go down the fame/hollywood path ever have the intention to contribute to the economy aside from working jobs just to keep afloat.

No. 1985485>>1985489

I don't think anyone with brain cells thinks the entire economic collapse is caused by the entire 5 broke teenagers who wanted to be an actor. No wonder schizo anons think glowies lurk here, I can't imagine any sort of logical explanation behind this unless you were purposely trying to direct attention off of people actually causing the issue

No. 1985489>>1985491

>5 broke teenagers
im pretty sure theres more than 5 failed actors in the world stupid

No. 1985491>>1985492

what failed disney show do you live in where there's that many failed actors to have an effect on the economy? kekk

No. 1985492>>1985497

i live on the west coast so that probably has an influence on it

No. 1985497>>1985501>>1985504

I went to college in Seattle and Idaho and still have no clue what the fuck you're even talking about. If what you said was even close to reality do you have any idea how many community colleges and universities would have to shut down? Do you even understand how younger generations opting out of careers to become actors would effect the economy? because even if all zoomers all at once decided to do entertainment no exceptions it would just make employers desperate/shut down all together and places would be forced to lower rent/prices to accommodate these losers. failed actors arent holding guns against realtors heads and telling them to keep 5 million dollar shit boxes on the market for 3 years straight, they're not demanding companies falsely inflate everything or demanding employers to underpay and understaff kek

No. 1985501>>1985506

>seattle and idaho
uh have you lived in Los Angeles kek?

No. 1985504

if there was a huge uptick in millennials and zoomers opting out of normal careers to become models, musicians, actresses, etc basically what would happen is
> University and college prices would drop rapidly to try to get more people to go
>same universities and such would be loads less competitive, the majority of any old normie would be able to walk into Harvard and get accepted, nowadays universities are more competitive than ever
> Jobs would be paying BANK, even construction workers in LA aren't being paid more than 40-50k a year if they're lucky, any form of labor job would be paying a minimum of 6 figures
>old people would be thrown to the streets since no one will take care of them
>housing prices would drop rapidly since majority of failed actors rely on van life to deal with the inconsistent salary, apartments would be desperate to rent out their stuff

No. 1985506

surely since everyones a failed actor then blue collar jobs, first responders, healthcare, etc all other necessary jobs will be doing everything in their power to lure in people right? since there's a very little market of employees willing to work such? well good luck trying to explain that cause they're making it as difficult as possible to be trained (which is way more expensive there too btw), but also require loads of licenses that aren't even required in other states. every single job field in LA is extremely overinflated. I WISH it was all failed actors cause everyone who isn't in entertainment would be flooding there for desperate non-entertainment employers

No. 1985513>>1985517>>1985518>>1985540>>1986052

The 2000s get a lot of flack because people were "bodyshaming" and yet at the same time pics of 2000s celebrities look way more down-to-earth, with simple makeup, simple clothes, and most of them have fit and healthy bodies. Some boob jobs but no BBLs, no over the top makeup with heavy countouring and massive fake lashes, no weird plastic surgery like buccal fat removal or overfilled lips, and bodies that simply looked more achievable.

No. 1985517

but even the ones with fit and healthy bodies were still called "fat/pudgy/etc" many times (like Britney Spears)

No. 1985518

at least y2k bodies were skinny in a realistic way, now I see bodies that look like literal holocaust survivors got a body scrub and glitter tan being shilled as ideal

No. 1985526

I automatically assume halal restaurants aren't as good as regular ones in my city and I've yet to be proven wrong. The reason why they're popular and tend to have good grades and comments on google is because the costumers are muslim so they have no "choice" and no frame of reference as to what good restaurant food and service are supposed to be like and there's not a lot of competition so they put up with anything and think it's good. Meanwhile the last time I went to a halal restaurant/cafe the service was so bad that it took nearly one hour between when we were seated and when a waitress took our order and her excuse was "we couldn't see you because you're seated close to the wall behind everyone" as if that were a good excuse and as if her coworker didn't put us there in the first place.

No. 1985540>>1985553>>1986052

This omg. The 2000s ideal body was skinny. Just be skinny, that was it. Which is literally all about calories ingested. Todays trend is impossible to achieve, and nobody is enough. You have to be skinny in the right places and fat in the right places. You need a tiny waist, but a big round ass and wide hips along with perky anti-gravity big boobs. Thin cheeks but big plump lips. Perfect tiny slope nose and big lashes. It's all porn standards. I miss when just being skinny was the goal, it's something possible for everyone to do. Now we're expected to literally look like porn stars

No. 1985553>>1985558>>1985565>>1985578

>The 2000s ideal body was skinny. Just be skinny, that was it.
Nta but not necessarily, you had to be skinny and with the right body frame. Everyone keeps forgetting how often celebrity women who were already thin still got nitpicked because they weren't super skelly levels of thin or had wider hips and ribcages.

No. 1985558

The new press and weirdos like perez hilton were at fault. This wasn't a problem in the 90s, and skinny was the standard back then too

No. 1985565

nta but no, so many VS models were shilled as ideal even while having large rib cages and being as boxy as possible. even in times when they did care about ratio like the 50s, it was still more realistic to normie women without having to go into debt and risk dying for plastic surgery

No. 1985568

I think 2009-2011 was a sweet spot cause the bodyshaming was toned down and the kim k influence hasn't yet taken over the world. Looking back, the kardashian clan really ruined a generation of young women

No. 1985572

This is honestly the crux of terfs/radfems/gcs, their hubris prevents them from actually understanding how the ideology works and how often they actually play into the "terfs are conservative homophobes" stereotype thinking that high school level bullying tactics of calling a FTM an ugly bald pooner or a MTF a he-ma'am honster actually works and doesn't make them look exactly like what TRAs paint them as. The other day I saw some tearjerker "don't worry we understand that patriarchy makes you troon out because you don't feel pretty enough to be a woman!" comic which a ton of FTMs were clowning on and it really solidified the issue to me, they really don't see trannies as actual human people doing what they perceive as the best solution in their current situation and something that genuinely helps them cope with the dysmorphia they have. I actually fully believe that a butch lesbian who has lived a miserable life as a woman and now passes as a straight man is actually happier and more functional as a member of society, why wouldn't she? Everyone hates a woman who's not conventionally attractive by heteronormative standards, especially if she's not sexually available to men, but are much more willing to forgive a manlet. Acting as if they would be happier in our current society as the most hated kind of woman just for you to feel better about not seeing those nasty trannies around is exactly why no amount of "don't worry, you're perfect as you are to us!" faux positivity will not convince them.

On a related note, a lot of the time FTMs are averse to GC spaces because if you ever talk about how fucking much it sucks to be a woman you get bombarded with things like "NOOOO I LOVE MY UTERUS AND OVARIES HAVING PERIODS IS SUCH A MAGICAL FEMININE EXPERIENCE SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU STUPID NLOG PICKME" when pregnancy and everything related to it is still a horrifying, life-threatening experience to females of all species and a huge hindrance to our biological system and the "giving of life" meme doesn't make up for having my body and reproductive rights controlled by crusty moids who control everything on the planet. The biggest reason why women have been oppressed is specifically their ability to gestate and give birth and the male obsession with controlling and exploiting that trait. Loving and appreciating women but hating being one can be true at the same time, and this is something that doesn't seem to compute to a lot of gendercrits.

No. 1985578>>1985581

File (hide): 1714462786917.jpg (299.96 KB, 1000x1578, britney-spears-2007-mtv-video-…)

This, you had to be emancipated little orphan boy levels skinny with long limbs, extremely toned stomach and small hips but also large breasts were just as important back then as they are now so everyone got fake tits done, also you couldn't go to the gym because gaining muscle made you look "stocky" so you just had to starve. Britney Spears was openly called fat and disgusting during her 2007 MTV VMA performance (in mainstream news, not just trashy tabloids) and back then everyone agreed, they fully bought the narrative that picrel is being a disgusting obese landwhale just because she's not a dehydrated skeleton. I agree that today's beauty standards are so fucked because they're impossible to achieve without surgical procedures and photoshop but the eating disorder era of Y2K wasn't any better.

No. 1985581>>1985585>>1985586>>1985587>>1985758

I think this would still be considered an unattractive body shape these days, no one would call her fat but people would say she has no curves and no ass

No. 1985585>>1985587

this, she looks like a wooden plank

No. 1985586

>nobody would call her fat
post this in celebricows and she will be fatty fatty fridge shape + someone will say she looks like Shayna. This woman was torn to shreds back in the day and still is now

No. 1985587>>1985589>>1985597

Point proven, no matter what era, anything but unattainable and artificial passes as "beautiful" so anons who long for the good old days have no idea what they're talking about. She looks like the most average normal weight woman ever yet in 2007 she was obese and in 2024 she's "a wooden plank".

No. 1985589>>1985590>>1985595>>1985602

or maybe just a normal looking woman is beautiful you weird drama queen

No. 1985590>>1985592

Learn to read and get back to me, illiterate-chan.

No. 1985592

File (hide): 1714463765558.jpg (278.89 KB, 1366x2048, Monica-Bellucci-in-a-photoshoo…)

no i read the whole thing and thats my response

No. 1985595>>1985609

The 2000s sucked
nta but i'm pretty sure that's what she's trying to say. Britney is beautiful but by 2000s standards wasn't seen that way, and would also be nitpicked today too

No. 1985596>>1985601

At least women nowadays mostly refrain from body shaming or they give weird backhanded compliments, but I feel like men are more ruthless than ever. Go on insta and under every girl post there's men ripping them to pieces "she's too fat", "she's too skelly", "no tits", "no ass", "not thick enough", "mid" or admitting they're kinda ugly but still wanting to bang them. If they ever like a fat woman it's cause she's very well endowed and has good fat distribution

No. 1985597>>1985602>>1985604>>1986596

I feel like anons don't mind beauty standards that much, they're just mad that they don't fit the beauty standards of today, and since lc has a ton of anachans they think they could fit beauty standards of 00s

No. 1985601

It's always way off too. I swear to God I've seen more "no tits no ass" comments on women who have proportional curves than I've ever seen on legitimately flat women

No. 1985602>>1985606

That's what anon is saying, estupida.
Agree with this. I've seen multiple anons and women IRL/on other sites say they wish the pendulum would swing back so they can fit the standards again instead of learning to like their body regardless of the decade's standards. I disregard anyone who says they want old standards to come back because today's standards are unhealthy, it's a coverup.

No. 1985604>>1985613

Skinny is still a beauty standard though? Feel like every other girl is trying to get a tiny waist these days

No. 1985606>>1985608>>1985609

Girl you don't seriously think BBLs are a healthier beauty standard kek

No. 1985608>>1985612>>1985621

What is with the reading comprehension in this thread? No that's not what I said.

No. 1985609>>1985612

samefag there's jessica simpson too
NTA but no one said that

No. 1985612>>1985616>>1985619

>I disregard anyone who says they want old standards to come back because today's standards are unhealthy, it's a coverup.
The point was that today's standards are actually more unhealthy and require more effort and money than old standards

No. 1985613>>1985630

Skinny never stopped being the standard, but people really mean slim where your whole body is small. I also feel like there are people who feel like having curves = fat so maybe that's why the word skinny is used.

No. 1985616>>1985617

Again, terrible reading comprehension. I was not saying that today's standards are healthy or healthier than old standards.

No. 1985617>>1985623

No, you said that it's a coverup and that I'm lying, that apparently I don't care if it's healthy or not I just want to fit in

No. 1985619>>1985624

i mean that's true, but idk why anyone would want the old standards to come back and replace it because that was shitty too towards normal weight/average-thin women. there shouldn't be strict beauty standards for women at all imo.

No. 1985621

It's so fucking annoying, the reading comprehension and weird baiting is off the charts in /ot/ in general. Drawing stupid and hyperbolic conclusions from replies just to evoke an aggressive reaction and barely reading or internalizing the post is an epidemic here.

No. 1985623

I literally don't know who you are? Like I said in the post, I was speaking generally about things I've seen and heard said, I wasn't trying to target specific anons. Whatever posts you made, you're not the first person to say you want old standards back.

No. 1985624

You guys also have poor reading comprehension because I never said I want the 2000s back, all I said is that despite the bodyshaming, celebrities still looked normal and healthy and natural and today everyone looks more plastic in comparison

No. 1985630>>1985635>>1985641>>1985644

>Skinny never stopped being the standard
Bullshit, nobody cares about being thin anymore, all that matters is having notorious curves, now people getting dangerous surgeries to achieve the look the same way people died starving themselves back in the 00s. That's why someone like ice spice could thrive, back in the 00s she would be considered extremely unattractive or too fat

No. 1985633

File (hide): 1714465595147.png (518.76 KB, 752x749, fOXRSpp.png)

both these opinions are correct

No. 1985635>>1985637

A celebrity doesn't disprove that skinny is still the standard. There were fat celebrities in the 00s too. The standard is still skinny, it's just skinny (or skinny relative to the rest of your body) with curves now. If it was strictly about butt and boobs then the women on 900lb life would be the standard.

No. 1985637

It's mostly the waist that makes the difference. Everything else being curvy and rounded is fine

No. 1985641

Ice spice only thrives because she's a plant

No. 1985644

Majority of women thriving are industry plants/nepotism. There's so much more attractive and more talented female artists but don't get shilled because they didn't have connections

No. 1985648>>1985661>>1985678>>1985738

Straight eyebrows look better than arched eyebrows, they're cuter and soft looking. Arched brows make everyone look like an angry drag queen.

No. 1985661

>soft looking
Good I don't want to look soft.

No. 1985678>>1985689

It really depends on what your face looks like in the first place, so it depends on each person.

No. 1985689>>1985718

nta but i have a criminally round face and small mouth so i need tiny straight eyebrows to not look like an Angry Bird

No. 1985718

If I decided to make my eyebrows straight I'd look like an alien from outer space, it wouldn't fit with my brow bones at all too.

No. 1985738

I love straight brows and I've always envied girls who had them especially if they were a bit thicker and expressive like emilia clarke but I don't have the facial structure for that unfortunately

No. 1985758

Ooh brother post your fat ass body. She's strong, fit, and healthy. I hate you cunts on this fucking website.

No. 1985767>>1985797

File (hide): 1714476442849.jpg (19.92 KB, 323x125, abbb.jpg)

abby brown shouldn't be in this with the other cows, there i said it.

No. 1985797>>1985810

Why not? She's funny

No. 1985810>>1985820>>1985822

She’s one of the cows I’ve always seen as relatively innocent. She’s fun to watch but she isn’t doing any harm—having her up with Onion is insulting.

No. 1985820

It's not about innocence, it's about how funny they are.

No. 1985822

she fully admitted to beating the shit out of her own mother during her tard rages so she's not entirely harmless kek. that said she's still not nearly as awful as most of the cows on here. even the people who were devoted to making fun of her online, including luna, are far worse individuals than she ever was.

No. 1986011>>1986015>>1986808

I hate the word "pussy" so much I have to get my nigel to call it a vagina during sex.

No. 1986015>>1986069>>1986808

how bout cunt

No. 1986052

I looked at some of my old Teen magazines from the 2000s and I was shocked at how all of the celebrities looked so…normal? Like yeah there are jokes about who got a nose job or whatever but everyone had MUCH less filler, not everyone had huge fake teeth, most of them just looked like normal, good-looking slim people that you might see walking down the street in LA. Now, everyone looks like escorts and Bratz dolls.

No. 1986069

NTA but that's worse.

No. 1986075>>1986101

I think male virgins are cute and don't get the hate they get (as long as they're not weirdo incels). I hate how "player" guys get put on a pedestal when they're nothing but STD collectors and most likely coerced the women they slept with—I legitimate hate manwhores more than virgins.

A promiscuous woman I can sympathize with since there's a possibility it's a trauma reposnse (i.e. sexual abuse and now wants to take back control). But promiscuous men are just plain disgusting and think with nothing but their dicks.

No. 1986101>>1986174

The slutty guys I've slept with got grossed out when I got too wet and turned on and also pressured me to give them blowjobs (hell no), while all the virgins guys I've dated slurped on my pussy like it was their last meal and never pressured me into anything. As long as the guy isn't a virgin because he's a loser or has ridiculous standards (ie. elbows too pointy, wouldn't bang) they're the best lovers.

No. 1986146>>1986162

definitely an unpopular opinion but i hate tea. i've tried so many different kinds, added honey, tea, sugar, etc. and every single time it has a bitter aftertaste that makes me genuinely nauseous. maybe i'm just sensitive to bitterness, because my entire family loves it and says it tastes nothing but sweet and floral

No. 1986162

tea shouldnt be bitter, a teabag should only be steeped for 2 minutes and then removed. many people believe that for an enhanced flavour the teabag should be left in longer, when actually more teabags should be added but still only be steeped for 2 minutes.

No. 1986174>>1986181

This is my experience too. "Experienced" moids get on their high horse and refuse to be corrected about female anatomy or think whatever the hell their ex was faking is what all women like. Virgin moids can take criticism or you have the semi autistic ones who do research before going into it and actually know the difference between clit and urethra. It's fucking baffling how many moids I've been with who supposedly have a laundry list of partners that immediately start rubbing my pee hole like they're trying to start a fire, never had this issue with virgins however

No. 1986181

>semi autistic ones who do research before going into it and actually know the difference between clit and urethra.

KEK. I hope to meet a BF like that some day.

No. 1986230>>1986246>>1986428

The people who foam at the mouth at how little time housekeeping takes are disgusting 90% of the time, they're confusing their own carelessness for home sanitation with everyone else being lazy. I knew 3 people like this and my parents are one, dishes and laundry are done sure but all of their crap is dusty, toilets aren't clean, floors covered in dog piss, etc but oh no "IT JUST TAKES 10 MINUTES A DAY YOU STUPID LAZY PIECES OF SHIT"

No. 1986246

ugh I knew so many boomers and moids like this, most of the time it's to diminish effort of women who keep their homes clean. You wouldn't believe how many moids will swear how little time it takes to clean and that evil housewives are just spoiled and complaining over nothing but when you go to their house it's a complete dump. Having that little self awareness should be illegal

No. 1986283>>1986288

The moid from "cats from hell" fucking sucks and is probably some masochistic weirdo.
>meet aggressive cat
>repeatedly shit on its boundaries by jamming your hand aggressively in the cats direction to touch it, then act surprised when the cat doesn't back down and keeps hitting you
>also act surprised that it doesn't want a treat from you after that
>make annoying sounds and stare at it like a psycho ready to pounce through the whole process

No. 1986288>>1986296

watching a basic failure to understand animal body language is very frustrating. have to wonder if they're retarded or doing it on purpose.

No. 1986296

Literally every episode is “I don’t ever play with my cat and in fact actively physically hurt him in some form on a regular basis, our only interactions are when I poke his ribs as an attempt at petting when my friends come over,why is he so mean and withdrawn?!”

No. 1986297>>1986302>>1986326>>1986337>>1986509>>1986612

File (hide): 1714506502038.jpeg (167.62 KB, 516x640, IMG_0276.jpeg)

Breakfast being your biggest meal is so dumb and will leave you full and satisfied for the entire day, for it to be the most calorie-heavy meal is a waste unless you’re a marathon runner or extremely active. Picrel is way too much for me, I would only be able to eat one of those toast and still be nearly energized and feeling full for almost the end of the day, but maybe I’m just not normal and eat too much carbs. People tend to make two meals in one sitting when it comes to breakfast and I prefer mine with some yogurt, smoothie, a smoothie can even be a whole meal.

No. 1986302>>1986318

i dont eat breakfast at all personally and im sexy as hell. do with that info what you will

No. 1986318

kek what anon

No. 1986326>>1986331

>People tend to make two meals in one sitting when it comes to breakfast
Where do you live that people actually do that though (other than on social media), most people skip breakfast or barely eat anything other than coffee

No. 1986327

I agree, I used to have a bf who would tease me about putting on makeup or fixing my hair, or he’d be like “why are you wearing that, we’re just going to the store?” Scrotes are retarded

No. 1986331>>1986336

America and you know how much we overeat

No. 1986336>>1986354

In my experience most people skip or barely have breakfast and then pig out for lunch and dinner eating 1000 calorie fried fast food combos rather than having a huge breakfast

No. 1986337>>1986343>>1986348>>1986354>>1986358>>1986361>>1986435>>1986460

do americans really eat like that lmoa, there's 3 diferent sources of pure grease there, not to mention the questionable pairing of scrambled eggs and pb & honey(?) toast

No. 1986343>>1986354>>1986612

File (hide): 1714508144567.jpeg (67.38 KB, 500x333, IMG_4627.jpeg)

Nta but one time some nonny rattle rattled me when I said this breakfast (minus the pancakes) is insane and way too much food and unhealthy

No. 1986348>>1986509

This post made me think it was going to be a McDonald's tier breakfast or something, everything on that plate is healthy and nourishing besides the jam. Life must be miserable when you look at food and only see how much fat (which is mostly the avocado) is in it rather than all of the other nutrients.

No. 1986354

>perfectly fine avocado and eggs
>equates two sources of fat to grease

Go away skelly-chan
Love me some of that diner-style breakfast but that’s usually a special occasion type of breakfast for many americans, we do eat like how anon >>1986336 described out of convenience because most of our days is spent wageslaving but there are people who still prepare their breakfast off of high-calorie breakfast foods we get at our local supermarkets like waffles, pancakes, oatmeal, cereal, donuts, pastries that feel like full complete meals.

No. 1986357

it's just very weird pairing to me, i do see it's supposed to be 'healthy' but i think it would feel agonizing to eat three different genres of fat in one breakfast (and then some sweet berries and jam, also?), so i'm asking if americans rly do eat like that, because it seems like absurd stock photography cuisine to me.

No. 1986358>>1986423

Americans don't really eat breakfast, they just go to work and grab something processed there. Probably contributes to the terrible metabolic disorders.

No. 1986361

Avocado, peanut butter, and eggs are healthy and nutritious. This is what a balanced meal looks like when it's not pure carbs and sugar.

No. 1986423

Careful before the "metabolism doesn't exist and there's nothing wrong with our food" anon comes in and throws tantrums

No. 1986428

>See moid posting about how it takes less than an hour to deep clean his entire house
>Claims he only cleans 10 minutes a day and that men are better than housekeeping unlike stupid dramatic women
>Click his profile
>He lives in a trashed up trailer that looks like a hoarders episode
Tried and true.

No. 1986435>>1986504

I'm concerned about what you're eating if you think that's a bad meal. The jelly and bread are a little processed, but it's two ingredients. I see a healthy balance of vitamins, minerals, and protein.

No. 1986460

literally who mentioned americans holy shit why do americans live rent free in the heads of non-americans its soo weird

No. 1986504

kek anon must think college students should be dropping like flies considering majority of them either don't eat breakfast or will eat microwaved hot pockets or ramen or something for all 3 meals

No. 1986509>>1986526

I always need to have a good breakfast or else my stomach will make annoying noises in class kek.
I agree nona. That's a pretty healthy breakfast and fat is very good for you. it's processed sugar that's bad. Don't know what the fool you replied to was thinking when she typed that out kek

No. 1986526

there's also healthier versions of jams and jellies that don't contain a lot of sugar, even if it was some cheap processed crap. Unless you have really poor genetics eating jam and toast isn't going to make you gain 50 lbs or make you get diabetes or any other health issues, if this was true every slav would be hospitalized every winter since jam and toast and the average breakfast for them when fresh fruits and veggies aren't available

No. 1986594>>1986600

I'm calling it now that in a few years the progressives will totally switch their view on ai images, and their current arguments like "ai is soulless, only humans are capable of creating art" will sound bigoted.
(disclaimer this is not me endorsing ai images)

No. 1986596

Now this is the truest post in this discussion. If 2000s standards remained the same today most anons wouldn't utter a word about it and would engage in the exact same type of nitpicking the media did back then themselves (well they already do tbh, they would probably just add in some "thunder thighs" insults along with the usual rattling)

No. 1986600

I think it'll take more than a few years (like maybe a few decades), but I can see this happening once ai becomes actual ai, as in artificial intelligence.

No. 1986601>>1986615

File (hide): 1714523142337.jpeg (168.2 KB, 1170x440, IMG_2276.jpeg)

comments like this piss me off. men aren’t horrible because muh patriarchy they are horrible because they are all subhuman that were supposed to go die off at 19 at a tribe war. they are just born fucked up and there is no hope for them.

No. 1986612

Okay, let me check
Nice, some good fructose why not
Light source of protein, nice
Another good source of protein
>Bread with jam
Not bad, carbs aren't the devil, people need some sugar in their bodies
7/10 I'd say it's a nice meal, me personally I would eat half of this though, just the bread with jam and egg it's enough for me
Same with this, I would eat half this meal. There are 3 sources of protein there, I'm fine with just the sausages and a pancake. Both protein and carbs balance each other so it's alright

No. 1986615

I mean you could argue that
>subhuman that were supposed to go die off at 19 at a tribe war
is a symptom of patriarchy, but I don't actually care enough to make that argument just to point out it existis

No. 1986759>>1986760

race only matters when its male on male violence

No. 1986760>>1986787>>1986795

What's the logic behind that?

No. 1986765

I have 2A hair and types 2B, 2C are so pretty to me I wish mine made actual curls instead of crimped crappy waves.

No. 1986787>>1986792>>1986793

Nta, but i suspect when it's male on female it's always more mysogyny?

No. 1986792

misogyny* oops

No. 1986793

That's wrong though, if op assumes that as well she's incorrect. If a man is racist he will be just as racist against women than against men from my personal experience.

No. 1986795

Nta, but moid on moid killings tend to be gang-related. Otherwise most males are way too homosocial and dickless to actually kill another guy unless a cooler dude tells them to do.

No. 1986806>>1986815>>1986831>>1987274

Normalizing homosexuality had disastrous effects on society. Homosexuality is closely linked to pedophilia and spreading diseases. Or just toxic behavior. Yes, lesbians are guilty too, the fact how they try to distance from gay moids is pathetic when they're both homos. And bi people are spicy homosexuals too.(bait)

No. 1986808

Based opinion.
Sounds derogatory as well.

No. 1986815

All of that is extremely common amongst het moids as well.

No. 1986827>>1986882

Progressive women, even some otherwise based radfems, get things wrong by get tunnel vision about religion and shitting on all religious women. "All Abrahamic religions are evil, if you're a Christian/Muslim you're just a pickme tradthot that is ok with your moid raping other women" and the like. Religions are supposed to be a guideline on social behavior. Misogynistic men will always try to twist it to their advantage, yes, but they do that with everything (see the atheist moids trying to shill sex work is work). The main tenets of most big religions is usually rather tame, shit like "live an organized life, respect others, don't lie, don't cheat, don't be a degenerate" but scrotes will write misogynistic fanfiction, pass it off as a part of the religion and it'll eventually become a part of culture through word of mouth. In more educated and progressive societies, this type of bullshit is not believed by people and a "religious" person just tries to be nice and participates in prayers and stuff more often than your usual Joe. But the more sexist countries just use any and every excuse they can to bring down women, they do it with or without religion but the use of "god's words" to justify their shittiness indeed is a useful tool. Of course religion does have an impact and it needs to be addressed when trying to identify and mitigate patterns of misogynistic beliefs and actions against women, but shitting on women who just use religion as a basic life guide and do shit like volunteering at soup kitchens and the like is misguided. In my country the feminist who first popularized female only schools (shitty locals didn't believe in educating their daughters at all before that) played 4d chess with the minds of the parents (since she knew the way they operated) and convinced them to send their daughters to school. I've read her writings, she was decently religious but lady was definitely all for women's empowerment and education.
So yeah I hate blanket statements

No. 1986831>>1986835

File (hide): 1714551445171.jpg (26.43 KB, 634x161, 30D53D9700000578-3429412-image…)

But aren't most victims of pedophilia girls being preyed by adult men?

No. 1986835>>1986838

File (hide): 1714551745406.jpeg (7.82 KB, 352x245, angry_gay_rat.jpeg)

This pic is vile. Where in the world did you find this?

No. 1986838

News article, it was from hurt2thecore

No. 1986882

>Progressive women, even some otherwise based radfems, get things wrong by get tunnel vision about religion and shitting on all religious women.
I have a theory that most progressive and/or radfem women come from either religious families or countries and I can't blame them - escaping and deprogramming yourself from such an environment is hard enough and I understand rejecting religion and even bashing it at times.
>"All Abrahamic religions are evil, if you're a Christian/Muslim you're just a pickme tradthot that is ok with your moid raping other women" and the like.
I also find this thinking dumb and black and white, but let's not deny the fact that unfortunately, a lot of religious women have a very self destructive belief system and usually shove it down their daughters' and other womens' throats because "God wanted this" or some shit (things like self sacrifing to the point of becoming a shell of yourself for example). That can happen even in the most progressive countries too, although in a small number. And unfortunately, only a small number of countries are that progressive that the state can separate itself from religion entirely.
Yes, societal sets of rules are beneficial to society, but just like how there are agnostic people who refrain from being degenerates and liars, there can also be religious people who can pray all they want and be degenerates behind closed doors, we will never know for sure.
In the end, people need something to believe in as in spirituality, but I do think that religious women should just take away the be a kind person part and not the be subservient and shut up part. Don't most religions consider women who are on their periods dirty and aren't allowed to enter churches? Or if you christen your baby before it reaches day 40, you as the mother are forbidden to enter the church at your baby's christening just because you gave birth? (some examples from churches and Christianity from where I live, maybe it's different in other parts of the world).
Abrhamic religions tend to be against women, that's why radfems are not having it anymore and are acting that way.

No. 1986923>>1986974>>1986978

File (hide): 1714561272050.png (4.92 MB, 1550x1853, My wife and I finally moved ou…)

This might belong more in the consoomerism thread, but physical manga is often a waste of space. Actual books contain more content per page so it's justifiable to have them around, but 1 story taking up an entire shelf or more is crazy.
I get it for things that are 6 volumes max that you REALLY like and plan on re-reading, but buying FOTM shonenshit for the sake of it is bonkers and I actively judge people for it.

No. 1986959>>1986971>>1987002>>1987004>>1987005

File (hide): 1714565258689.jpeg (75.91 KB, 735x703, IMG_0285.jpeg)

“Sigma” characters that scrotes love to admire and worship relate more to the everyday female experience. There’s a Patrick Bateman inside of every woman when they finally swallow and digest the femme blackpill about this world. Sorry for sounding cringe, it’s just true and this character type seems more believable when it’s done for women than with men.

No. 1986971

I actually agree with you. Men aren't pushed to the brink like they think they are. A lot of times that's their own bullshit behavior or subjected on them by other men. But I don't think it'll ever be what women go through at, you guessed it, the hands of men. Men snap because they've created a fragile world for themselves through their on ineptitude for being fortified against life. Resilience is possible for everyone, but it's so necessary for women as a default trate that it doesn't even need to be mentioned to know it's there. We're not sperging about our (incorrectly termed) "stoicism" and maniless or whatever the fuck.

No. 1986974

>Actual books
You mean novels? Comics in general and novels aren't comparable at all in terms of storytelling. I don't disagree with you though, I only buy manga I know I will like a lot because they can take a lot of space. If ereaders and ebooks existed when I was a kid I would have begged my parents to get me an ereader and I would have started buying digital versions of the series I like just because it would have been more convenient.

No. 1986978>>1986984

The idea of manga collections is fun but they can easily take up a ton of space like you said. I think getting your favorite favorite series or older series that become hard to get or too expensive when you can is a good way to do it. A collection of things that you actually want to read repeatedly makes more sense.

No. 1986984

Speaking of which, I used to read a lot of manga from the local libraries and they had a large variety of things, I started buying manga to be able to read series they didn't have there or that were hard to find in the right order because everyone was borrowing them. It was a long time ago, I should get a library card and try to check what they have now.

No. 1987002

Lmfao I unironically related and noded to everything Patrick was saying in the movie because I understand exactly what he's talking about. I evem understand the narcissism and wanting to be number 1 aspect. cringe but even the murderous intents are understandable when trying to get rid of people who stand in my way or take opportunities away from me when they don't deserve it. I just want the best for myself and to "get out", and it's so frustrating when there's no short cut around that other than just killing the people. I don't like the killing the sex workers part though. But I'd hire male escorts if I was that rich and unhinged.

No. 1987004

There was this tumblr post/meme about how every tiktok clean girl with 30-step skincare routine is more like Patrick Bateman than any moid. Rings true.

No. 1987005>>1987182>>1987276

They need to cast Margot in the American Psycho remake.

No. 1987024>>1987034

Outsider art is the best kind of art.

No. 1987034>>1987049

Farrah Abraham’s My Teenage Dream Ended is a better hyperpop album than anything I’ve heard from Charli XCX tbh.

No. 1987049

Love that album, but it’s so emotionally intense it’s hard to sit through very often. Art based on real tragic events, even if it’s not considered “good” by critics and/or is considered outsider art, is always more gripping to me.

No. 1987182

Yes please she would crush this.

No. 1987219>>1987225

I think that shakshuka doesn't taste very good.

No. 1987225>>1987236

You're probably making it wrong. I personally think it tastes the best with tomatoes only and minimum seasonings, to get the full taste of tomatoes. And I avoid canbed tomatoes or tomato sauce from a jar, and instead grate a tomato into my pan. Tastes better this way. Don't forget to make sure your eggs are runny. And maybe don't add cheese.

No. 1987236

Yeah it's the cheese I hate in combination with the egg

No. 1987274

I don't think i've ever heard of a lesbian pedo in my life.

No. 1987276>>1987293

Movie remakes are so soulless, the endless remaking of movies needs to end

No. 1987290>>1987351>>1987641

Housework is more exhausting than work-work. I can work from 8am to 6pm no problem, but just cleaning for three hours or cooking for one and I'm beat.

No. 1987293

Ok but it won't, so we should at least get one cool thing out of it.

No. 1987294>>1987320

File (hide): 1714589458522.jpeg (358.46 KB, 648x704, IMG_0303.jpeg)

I hate people who have ferrets as pets, look at all of those dookie stains and the fact they bought a bunch of macaroni for them to stick that dirty animal into so it can have fun. I just know that room smells rank and they’ll keep ignoring it because of their quirky animal that shits over everything. I noticed troons and gendies love adopting these things, is it because this is another case where the pet looks and acts exactly like the owner? Both are smelly, trashy, love living in dingy dumpy rooms going without showers and constantly whining on about childish “fun” and “doing zoomies” like they aren’t grown ass people.

No. 1987320>>1987331>>1987339>>1987346>>1987643

I found the video and it's literally just a tortilla blanket, anon

No. 1987331>>1987346

ntayrt but this made me kek. tbf though most ferret owners are disgusting gendies that usually let their ferret shit everywhere and don't pick it up.

No. 1987339>>1987346

why is she dumping him in macaroni wtf

No. 1987346>>1987350>>1987360

anon, how can we confirm that we know they love letting their pets shit all over the place kek
literally what I said, you just know what type of person they are when they have a specific pet
the way she’s slamming the ferret in the macaroni makes me want to go crazy for some reason, I thought they were fragile creatures

No. 1987350>>1987393

Out ferret jumped out of a 7 story apartment to chase doves and was fine. Ferrets are extremely hardy creatures. You're thinking of rodents. They also don't shit in their living areas unless they are neglected and have no choice.

No. 1987351

Depends on the work for me. Even more menial tasks at work the time can slip by so fast. But if my coworkers are being retards then I suddenly feel extremely burnt out and would rather do house work all day kek

No. 1987360>>1987393

>how can we confirm that
By looking at the blanket and seeing that that's just the design? Do you think the ferrets were just specifically and solely shitting on that blanket and somehow the poop didn't end up anywhere else.

No. 1987393>>1987431

>Out ferret jumped out of a 7 story apartment to chase doves and was fine
You never know, what if that’s its very own ferret shit station or something

No. 1987431

Ferrets dont shit in blankets, they like nestling in blankets and they like sleeping in a clean are, like any other animal. Almost all animals, unless they are sick, dont shit where they sleep/eat.

No. 1987535>>1987551>>1987658>>1987758>>1987804>>1987950

The importance of father figure bs and "daddy issues" is pure psyop. Literally 0 related to us species' males heavily partake in childrearing, nor is the existance of nuclear family a cultural/historical constant. This is so bullshit, its ridiculous how brainwashed people are to believe this.

No. 1987540>>1987544>>1987613>>1987658

The ''angry manchild screaming a children's cartoon'' genre is genuinely peak youtube content.

No. 1987544>>1987547

is this the turning red 9/11 guy?

No. 1987547>>1987550

yeah, and the same guy that said he would rather get raped than get accussed of rape. He's such a charming autist.

No. 1987550>>1987555

didn't he have one really bizarre animated pitch about kids ruling adults and it having real world consequences for some fucking reason.

No. 1987551

I wonder how many people pushing this idea will defend workaholic dads (in situations that they don't need to work so much ofc) who work 100 hour+ weeks for the sake of stroking their own ego about how good of a provider they are. I guess just throwing the label "married" on absent ass moids somehow is better developmentally for the children than if the mother remarries and finds a partner that actually acts like a parent. But then they'll turn it into a "I WORKED MY ASS OFF TO PROVIDE AND SHE LEFT ME FOR A RICH CHAD DOCTOR!!" situation

No. 1987555

'growing around' yeah. I am honestly amazed he isn't a groomer with weird fetishes.

No. 1987585>>1987611>>1987622>>1989273

File (hide): 1714605278019.jpeg (111.49 KB, 1200x1500, IMG_4629.jpeg)

Silken tofu is massively underrated. It’s a crime that it’s relegated to only smoothies and dessert mousse. Firm tofu is gross and the fact that people use firm tofu for mock egg scramble when silken is right there with the literal perfect texture built is in beyond retarded.

No. 1987611>>1989273

I agree, it tastes amazing. Regular fresh tofu is also good. It's the firm and extra firm tofu that's bad.

No. 1987613

I only agree with this because we got this gem

No. 1987622

My mouth is watering. I love this kind of tofu

No. 1987641

Understandable. My brain gets exhausted by work-work so I feel super sleepy and need tons of sleep, while my body aches because of house-work. Especially dishes because lifting them hurts my shoulders, and wiping/vacuuming because of hunching my back. Laundry is the least tiring but carrying the laundry basket is hell, especially up the stairs to get to the laundry room in our house.

No. 1987643

I'm no ferret expert but that one looks scared?

No. 1987658

Honestly, so true kek.
I've seen loser males call their dads who seem like nice men simps or cucks. I remember some girls in my highschool saying it was good not to have a dad because dads rape their kids, they were literally 14-15 making this assessment. Honestly, if i did not have my dad, idk if my life would be much different aside from the financial side of things, which imo, is where 90% of the positives of having a father lies within. The other 10% is having a backup parent incase your mother is abusive if he even gives a shit or isn't in cahoots with her that is or dies, which again depends on him not being useless.

No. 1987674

Body hair looks fine on women but digusting on men. Like a bush on women is just cute, but on men it just a disgusting mess of scraggly pubes with their dick hanging in between the mess. Armpit hair on women is so non offending, but on men its so long and gross. Amd not to mention men have ass, back, shoulder and chest hair too. Saying this as a completely straight woman.

No. 1987746

Unrealistic, but men shouldn't be allowed to leave their own country unless heavily supervised

No. 1987758>>1987790>>1987804

I do think (good) father figures are important, but more in the sense that it's important for people to have two parental figures regardless of gender. The problem isn't that we don't need father figures, the problem is that men aren't expected to be amazing parents like women so a lot end up dropping the ball. Also, I think if this was true it wouldn't emotionally/mentally affect people for their dad's to be absent, but it does because being abandoned by a parent sucks and it's wrong of them on a lot of levels.

No. 1987790

I think one of your parents abandoning you messes with your head in most cases, but 'daddy issues' are fetishized and used to meme women into fucking old scrotes and deadbeats. If you constantly hear that you will turn out this and this way, it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.

No. 1987804>>1987805>>1987859

You guys seem to forget that a good secure father figure is pretty important cause it basically protects you from other scrotes. It might be case by case but other scrotes are less likely to mess up with you if you're backed by an assertive dad. And it's also something unconditional, unlike a boyfriend who might piss his pants at a threat or think it's not worth it, good dads are more likely to risk themselves for your safety. I know multiple cases of young girls who were bullied by boys but they either stopped or really toned it down after the girls brought their dads at school. It's common for shitty young men to suddenly get quiet when faced with a strong older male authority. It's pretty much the reason why the military works for them so well kek.

No. 1987805

>moids only being useful for protection from other moids
what a racket

No. 1987819>>1987820>>1987957

I wouldn’t choose the bear

No. 1987820

Me neither tbh. The meme is funny though bc it makes scrotes mad, kek

No. 1987859

Most young scrotes could just beat the shit out of the dad if they wanted to after they hit about 16

No. 1987950

Maybe, and I would have preferred to be raised completely by non-gender conforming women in a women's world, but I do love my dad and am glad he's in my life. Honestly, with the stories I hear other women tell, I could have done a lot worse.

No. 1987953>>1987961>>1988001>>1988032>>1988087>>1988243>>1988721

File (hide): 1714653065657.jpg (92.63 KB, 645x929, 53e3eeb0151b405168bcde0941fa0f…)

Skinny jeans aren't that bad and they are pretty versatile and comfy too, especially in black. The blue washes are up to debate, but they aren't THAT bad either.

No. 1987957

I just feel like I need two more details to make the decision. What type of bear is it, because I'm avoiding the polar bear at all costs, and is it a random man from anywhere in the world, or is it a random man from my country?
But most choices boil down to the bear.

No. 1987961

absolutely not.

I agree they're versatile though. Unfortunately you've got to be pretty skinny to make them look good.

No. 1988001

I love them. Fashion is cyclical and they’ll be in again soon

No. 1988032

I like black skinny jeans too, especially if they have some stretch in them. Comfy to wear to the office if you work somewhere with a business casual dress code since they look a bit more dressy than a pair of leggings. I'm actually wearing some today kek

No. 1988057>>1988060>>1988063>>1988090>>1988111>>1988199

Unless you live in a third world hellhole like Pakistan, Poland or the deep south of the US, it's really not hard to be an anti-natalist. Most of the western world doesn't socially sanction or demand you to have kids. Your family will not disown you, your friends won't tell you that you're abusing your spouse or SO. Boomers complain, but they also complain about things like bikes and avocado toast. "DINKs" are a rapidly growing demographic, and the only people really mad at them are dumb tradtards. In a western country, the worst you will probably get is "Oh, you're not having kids? That's a shame, you're so intelligent/attractive/etc".

90% of the reason people don't like anti-natalists is because they don't know how to read a room, and are often severely autistic. Once they become a part of that ideology, it's like they lose touch with concepts like "time and place" or sympathy, and are a hair's breath from sperging to women grieving over miscarriages about how nothing of value was lost. It reminds me of pro-lifers who start attacking or looking down on women and young girls if they've had abortions. Even when you try to nicely help them understand that they're being retarded, they start accusing you of being a pronatalist who wants to have babies or encourage others to do so, that ~*nobody understands*~, etc. No, everyone's on the same page. The environment is fucked, and so is the economy unless you are rich. People shouldn't be having kids at this rate, and there are plenty of children who should be adopted. You just sound deranged and are embarrassing.

No. 1988060

>third world hellhole

No. 1988063>>1988068>>1988082>>1988084>>1988092

>Most of the western world doesn't socially sanction you to have kids
Doesn't the government literally give you money if you have kids? You get it in your yearly tax credit, and you don't have to earn any income in order to get it. Plus the non-stop media propaganda where every woman character has a kid, women on TV who have abortions die in most character arcs, and women who sacrifice their lives for the children are venerated. Seems like that's pretty strong social and governmental sanction for having kids.

No. 1988068

>Doesn't the government literally give you money if you have kids? You get it in your yearly tax credit, and you don't have to earn any income in order to get it.
Isn't that where the concept of welfare queens comes from? No one really wants that life except the poorest of the poor (and statistically, they would've had children regardless). The media is just the media. It also tells us to get married to ugly, fat incompetent men, grin and bear it and live like we're in sitcoms, but no one IRL will try to enforce that. I'll admit I haven't seen the "character has abortion and dies" thing in any modern media, but I also haven't seen people (besides some trads) parrot it as women being "heroes" for having that happen IRL. Most people just think it's sad.

No. 1988082

>Doesn't the government literally give you money if you have kids?
Yes.. to compensate a portion of the loss of income when you have kids. Or at least that's how it goes in my country. They've actually been steadily decreasing the amount of child support and tax benefits you get because they no longer want women to be SAHM for economic reasons, so they've been lowering the amount to discourage women with kids from staying home.

No. 1988084

This only applies to both working parents + the women who qualify for tax credit would have to spend it all on day care or medical bills anyway, it's not nearly enough to compensate for the cost of having a child in America

No. 1988085>>1988151

birthday partys are narcissistic. you're not wrong for having one, but i cant imagine throwing a party, as an adult, to celebrate myself.
"going out" for your birthday is acceptable, but becomes more narcissistic the more people you invite/stops you plan.

No. 1988086>>1988143>>1988189

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I genuinely never liked the art in Free! kek
Okay, i'll say what i see frankly: they have some weird male version of the moeblob faces that look even weirder compared to their bodies, i also don't like the haircut of most of the characters which makes them uglier in my eyes. Maybe they're bodies can be attractive to me in a different style but with the one they have they always seem like grilled sausages turned into a carton box. Even when they have clothes they look like slenderman's colorful kids to me.
I don't know, they just never worked to me but i appreciate the appeal they had on others.

No. 1988087

I think it's a matter of body type and fat distribution. I'm short and a bit on the thin side in some areas but my fat distribution gives me slightly wide hips so I look weird in skinny jeans, I still own 2 of them, one in black and one in burgundy kek. They're nice to style with big poofy shirts, button up shirts, and pussycat knot shirts. But look weird with a plain fitting t-shirt. I have a classmate who has a skinnier but still curvy figure and she looks amazing in skinny jeans.

No. 1988090>>1988093>>1988103

>Most of the western world doesn't socially sanction or demand you to have kids
that's literally not true. I'm married in my early 30s and I'm already tired of people asking where is my crotch spawn. I maybe want one but people are super annoying about it like I'm running out of time by the second and I MUST reproduce. my social life has been reduced to every single woman I know either being considered the loser single woman, the childless married harlot (how DARE you not be popping out kids) or the married woman with kids who looks down upon other women. I've stopped interacting with a few social circles because they always ask when I'm having kids and I can't give an answer so I just say not right now. then they keep pressing to do it already because I'm running out of time or they want our kids to be friends or whatever the fucking reason they find justifiable to demand me to have kids. what if I don't care if I'm running out of time. not going to even mention my family. if you want a kid so bad fucking have but stop asking people for kids. go adopt if you can't have one. get the fuck out of my business.

No. 1988092

Idk what country you’re living in so it may be different for you, but here in the US the tax credit is $2000 per child per year, which is about 1/6 of what it costs to actually raise that child, and then they offer zero paid maternity, paternity, or family medical leave, along with zero after-school childcare to help you balance having kids and working. Then on top of that they enable wages that are low enough that the vast majority of families can’t afford to have a stay-at-home parent to raise the kids. Burgerland isn’t a good environment for families financially and socially.

No. 1988093>>1988094

>I've stopped interacting with a few social circles because they always ask when I'm having kids and I can't give an answer so I just say not right now.
Nona, why not just tell them you don't want kids, and it's not for you?

No. 1988094>>1988098

because I am not sure if I want to have kids? did you read my post?

No. 1988098>>1988105

You can change your mind later, it's your business and it's fine to say that to shut people up.

No. 1988103>>1988106

Kek imagine ending friendships because someone has no idea that a particular topic of discussion is unpleasant to you but you refuse to tell them that.

No. 1988105

I find it rude the fact I was being asked almost everytime we met, I don't want to have to come up with a lie or excuses, it's distasteful to keep asking. but somehow everyone is completely fine with demanding answers about your reproductive status like it's everyone's business. it's disrespectful.

No. 1988106

I've told them I didn't like being asked but they were just being "ahh nonna I don't mean it like that you know me". imagine thinking people who are annoying, disrespectful and that don't respect boundaries don't exist.

No. 1988111>>1988118

You're right. I live in one of these hellholes where marital rape is legal because moids feel entitled to having kids, and women can be legally forecd to quit a job or stop studying to stay at home to raise the kids she was forced to have, which creates an unhealthy environment for the kids as well, because the mom didn't want them, and the dad only sees them as trophies and achievements to brag about but not people with needs, so they get neglected. Being anti-natalist after experiences like this is understandable, especially when you're the kid who was neglected and only brought into the world to be shown off then shoved up a shelf to rot because no one actually cares about your wellbeing. Someone like this wouldn't know how to raise a child either because they weren't raised to begin with, and they might attempt to use their kid to overcorrect what happened to them and end up messing up the kid's head in the opposite direction. Having kids to own people, take revenge on people, to please people, or any other reason that involves what people says about you is just wrong. One should only have a kid if they truly want to raise and care for someone and genuinely create a new life and love them the way they are within reason. And if they can't do that then they better off not having kids. But this is somehow too difficult to figure out for majority of people. I think the western anti-natalists also do it from a place of owning someone, like their parents or society or whatever, rather than a genuine evaluation of their situation and who they are and their capabilities to raise a child, which is why it comes off as obnoxious. Instead of realizing a child is a human with needs they may not be able to meet, they dehumanize the child and act like it's an inconvenient demon that exists to torment them only, and this is part of where the obnoxiousness comes from. But what do I know, I just woke up and I'm rumbling.

No. 1988118

you're absolutely right and the people who think being anti natalist is a reddit edgelord thing only are comfortably living in their secular white suburbia to realize there are places the only value put on women is if they can breed or not and if you don't want or can't, you're not valued as a human being and people think you're a leech on society, a harlot or a feminist trying to destroy society and family and who most people with "common sense" would excuse violent against.

No. 1988143

Based honestly. I'm not an artist so I don't know much about anatomy, but their bodies just look proportionally wrong? Like the heights and the body types don't match up or something. It's as if the artists tried to combine everything considered attractive about a male body together even if some of it might contradict each other. And yeah the faces are also off putting, they're too round and soft and they have retarded droopy eyes that look half closed, like they're unable to open their eyes at all. And the skulls are too small compared to the eye shape and size, the noses are also just a curved line. It's probably a consequence of the time it was made on where that specific art style was popular, but I'm glad it died out. I'm not big on modern anime designs either but it's slightly better than the mid 2010s era. But I'm disillusioned with anime art style in general and starting to really dislike any anime style that doesn't lean into realism and doesn't have normal shapes and sizes for everything.

No. 1988144>>1988150>>1988169>>1988180>>1988250>>1988588

many pretentious therapy buzzwords like “enmeshment” are culturally insensitive. there, I said it kek

No. 1988150>>1988152

go back

No. 1988151

>i cant imagine throwing a party, as an adult, to celebrate myself.
Sorry you don’t like yourself lol

No. 1988152

go back where? are people of different nationalities not allowed to post their opinion, nonna

No. 1988169>>1988202>>1988203

>difficult words are culturally insensitive
read a book, bitch. also go back to twitter.

No. 1988180>>1988202

They're annoying and frequently misused, but why insensitive nonna?

No. 1988189

Same. I'm glad a lot of women felt catered to by the show, but I could never get into it and find the character designs generally hideous and uncanny. They're like homunculi built from a list of features that technically appeal to women, but the balance is just… off. For me, anyway.

Probably didn't help that I was on a swim team when it was airing kek

No. 1988199

>Your family will not disown you
If you have old fashioned/religious relatives and they find out that you got a tubal because no one in the family keeps their damn mouth shut, yes they fucking will.

No. 1988202>>1988209>>1988223

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Difficult is not the same as pretentious ESLtard. I understand the words they’re just used obnoxiously which is why I said “buzzwords” but I know you are incapable of realizing that without calling anyone a twitterfag, I have nothing to prove to you. Ironically enough therapy buzzwords are utilized by twitter users the most, so who’s really the twitterfag? Cunt.
Families from different cultures and backgrounds have different ways of raising their children but through a spoiled Western lens they see it as enmeshment. They’ll frame any behavior or family dynamic that’s born out of survival and necessity that isn’t abuse as a psychological anomaly that needs to be helped through meds and psychiatry. Not everything is a mental health phenomenon but to a mentally ill hyper individualistic Western eye, it seems like something abnormal. Just my opinion, coming from someone who’s family is regarded as “enmeshed”

No. 1988203>>1988205

I don't agree with that anon, but at least she doesn't type like a twitterfag.

No. 1988205>>1988208>>1988209>>1988216

what the fuck typing like a twitterfag means? saying random asinine shit are culturally insensitive is peak twitterfag behavior.

No. 1988208>>1988210

Culturally insensitive has existed before Twitter. Go touch grass, retard. Or is touching grass and going outside now twitterspeak for you? Being the opposite of a loser makes you a twitterfag now

No. 1988209>>1988220

ayrt and I agree with you. Western psych does frequently medicalize outside cultures without considering full context as to why something is the norm there but not here.
Anon she's esl and already explained what she meant. The term she probably meant is medicalizing, but it's easy to see how she got to culturally insensitive.

No. 1988210>>1988212>>1988217>>1988225

telling people to go touch grass when they disagree with you on something is literally twitterspeak.

No. 1988212>>1988217

It's also good advice and something you should consider doing.

No. 1988216>>1988218

>what the fuck typing like a twitterfag means?
Consistently avoiding any capitalization whatsoever, and jumping to conclusions at muh special magic nono phrases without listening to any explanation.

No. 1988217>>1988221

She doesn’t realize that for once that’s the only time twitter has ever gave good advice to people.
Go outside.

No. 1988218>>1988222

not sure if summerfag or retarded but you don't need to capitalize everything in an imageboard.

No. 1988220>>1989560

>Western psych does frequently medicalize outside cultures without considering full context as to why something is the norm there but not here.

Thank you nonny for not treating me like a crazy person for stating the obvious. Can’t believe staying that will get you called a “woketard” for acknowledging cultural and racial differences.

No. 1988221

It really is good advice. Probably unpopular but getting away from people spaces for a couple of hours every day/week did wonders for my mental health and I unironically tell my friends to go outside now.

No. 1988222

Being incapable of reading comprehension is another sign of both twitterfaggotry and retardation. I agree with the other anon(s), go outside.

No. 1988223>>1988738

as someone who comes from a not western (because sudaca families are not considered the model of white american or european therefore not real western), being enmeshed is a fucking pain in the ass. I hate having my entire family up in my ass about anything I do. I stopped posting anything on social media because everything I posted would immediately become gossip in my family and someone would call me because I posted a dumb meme or something they couldn't understand. anything anyone does is a motive for gossip. not everyone thinks being enmeshed is fine and a lot of people in these enmeshed families are full of generational trauma.

No. 1988225>>1988228

That’s not from Twitter. That phrase existed before Twitter. don’t care what knowyourmeme says, knowyourmeme is wrong about a lot of internet meme history

No. 1988228>>1988241

No. 1988241

It irritates me how so many things on knowyourmeme are credited to normie websites circa 2019/2020. No, bitch, that’s not anywhere near when or where it’s from, that’s just when a bunch of normies were exposed to it because they were in lockdown/that’s as far back as their internet memory went before lockdown. Or maybe thats when normies were editing knowyourmeme and urbandictionary because they had too much time on their hands and now there’s a false record, but whatever caused it it’s annoying..

No. 1988243

I'm finally at that age where I clearly remember people balking at "skinny jeans" as this crazy new trend, and also clearly remember anything slightly baggy was "Ewwww, it's like MOM pants from the 90s" and now we're all the way back to "Ewww, skinny jeans?!" Getting older is fucking wild.

No. 1988250>>1988254

>Seeing words I don't understand makes me feel dumb and I want them to feel bad for making me feel dumb so I'm just going to call it "culturally insensitive" instead

twitter/tumblr zoomer behavior

No. 1988254>>1988289

Do any of you people read the reply chain before commenting?

No. 1988289

they must be baiting, just ignore them

No. 1988329

I think the obsession with black Americans the entire world has is weird. Even if it’s hate, I don’t sit around thinking about people I dislike.

No. 1988450>>1988475>>1988485>>1988952

Survival sex is very real and a lot of people who give "advice" to prostitutes don't understand the advice they give just end up digging them in the hole deeper
>Just get a job at McDonald's/Walmart/Amazon
These jobs won't even pay remotely enough to support themselves+ I've seen escorts try to dig themselves out by getting a job at these places, and then at the end of the month when rent and bills are due and biweekly pay is hell they just end up having to sell themselves again for rent. And that's all IF these places even look at your application, so many corporations have like 3% job acceptance rates so it's not necessarily a situation where you can just walk in and be hired. Also if hours get cut or you get fired just because (which is all completely legal and these jobs are notorious for doing such) these women will just resort to prostitution again to scrape by

>Go get a trade

This could be good advice if there were good programs in the area. A lot of male dominated trades just resort in sexual harassment galore, other trades either don't pay nearly enough to compensate for the price of schooling or a lot of programs turn out to be scammy and it's thousands of dollars down the drain. And a lot of young desperate women end up resorting to OF while having actual jobs just because moids make promises of good money (not really) and everyone is just desperate right now

No. 1988475>>1988516

No harm but if you have to sell yourself to afford the bills everyone else is also constrained too stop living outside of your means and get a roommate.

No. 1988485>>1988495>>1988521>>1988740

sometimes you’ve got to buck up and work 2 shitty jobs to make the bills. 8 hours at mcdonald’s and 8 hours at walmart or some shit. and a lot of times it comes down to a matter of expenses than anything else. you can’t switch jobs and keep all your streaming subscriptions, having a credit card payment, and a car payment and expect that 8.50/hr will cover it. so many people are afraid to be uncomfortable that they’ll sell their bodies before living within their means

No. 1988495

>2 shitty jobs to make the bills. 8 hours at mcdonald’s and 8 hours at walmart or some shit.

You know i have read alot of dumb things here vyt this one takes the cake for the most retarded things i have read. Congratulations i guess.

No. 1988516>>1988529>>1989119

I'm not doubting there's girls who just want a luxury lifestyle, but the majority of them I've met got kicked out at freshly 18/ were trying to escape abuse and because of the shit economy, there's almost no sustainable situations for someone to even live humbly. Roommates work sometimes but if you're a woman living with a male roommate (majority of people seeking roommates) is dangerous and you also have to hope they'll pay each month and everything else

No. 1988519>>1988522

The FreeBritney people are crazy and only enable her mental illness and addiction.

No. 1988521>>1988534>>1988550

>Walmart or McDonald's
Both of these places rejected me on multiple occasions when I was homeless kek. Almost everyone I knew applied for Walmart or McDonald's and got rejected outside of 1 person who ended up getting their hours cut to like 6 a week and then ended up getting fired because the manager wanted to hire her son instead. This wouldn't have to happen if Americans got off their lazy fat asses and rioted for rights instead of telling people to "shut up and work any job you can, if you are getting fired, not hired etc you're just stupid"

No. 1988522>>1988533

To me the people who are anti-free are even crazier to me becauae they want some random woman they never met to be put into a conservatorship.

No. 1988529>>1988600

Anon…dont bother most of those anons are literal neets or have providers. Because if they didnt they wouldnt sound so out of touch with reality.

No. 1988533>>1988549

Britney's situation is complicated. On one hand her family were absolutely using the conservatorship to exploit her and milk her fame to the last drop, overworking, overdosing her with meds. But on the other hand she clearly had mental issues before she was put into the conservatorship and needs proper medication and supervision or else she goes haywire. The problem is after the conservatorship ended nobody has her interests at heart an she herself is spiraling. If Brit has bipolar like is claimed then she is fucked without meds, and her previous lithium doses probably fucked with her brain even more. She needs serious and intense therapy and medication which she is likely now afraid and skeptical of because she did experience medical abuse in the past. Doesn't mean she doesn't need it. It's just hard to watch

t. fellow bipolar woman who's been unmedicated before and watched it ruin my own life

No. 1988534>>1988538

also I know anon will pull this
>inb4 how stupid do you have to be that Mcdonalds wont even hire you!!!

No. 1988538>>1988553>>1988554

A lot of these retail and food jobs now do these ridiculous personality tests and screenings before and if you don't answer them perfectly you'll get rejected. I'm a former wagie and I will always mention just how annoying it was that so many wagie jobs will boot candidates based on nothing more than some dumbass test, not even giving you a chance at an interview. It's stupid for all jobs to try and forcibly analyze your personality before you even get an interview. The bar should not be that high for a min wage job especially.

No. 1988549>>1988562

So you admit the conservatorship was abusive but you still want her in one…?

It feels like you are projecting yourself onto her, she is not you nor your mental illness. if you look at her breakdowns before the conservatorship most of them were related to actual irl issues like her problems with federline, her being stalked , the partying lifestyle which celebs were ecouraged in back then etc.

Tbh she doesn't really seem to even be doing anything bad lately other than her cringy insta bikini dance videos.
Feels like some people here would even advocate for lobotomising women if it was still legal.

No. 1988550>>1988559>>1988925

I wish people would riot against mega corps as hard as they are rioting for Palestine or BLM.

No. 1988553>>1988564

The staff for retail interviews are absolutely retarded and extremely biased towards applicants.
If im going to be honest depending on where you live getting a office job is easier than retail.
Retail is absolutely shit and the staff only accept your applications based on vibes instead of how you answered the interview.

No. 1988554

tests and a lot of hiring managers are fucking ridiculous. I worked at a fast food restaurant (not Mickey D's) and they will hire actual felons and crackheads who show up to work high and don't work but I've seen them reject/fire people for dumb shit like
>having their wage expectations as they advertised in the job ad (13/hr)
>a manager was notorious for scheduling people on days they had scheduled off for doctors appointments or if they had a second job, same manager would fire people if they didn't show up even if they had schedule several weeks in advance
>"he's just kinda awkward"
>"she has crazy eyes I can't hire here"(she was very nice and professional, just had a weird face)

No. 1988559>>1988565

>anons talking about something entirely else
>hmmm how do i make this about about blm and palesti

No. 1988562

She's out in the streets hanging out with drug dealer felons, getting into car accidents, fighting with staff, and claiming she has body doubles. She's clearly unwell and needs to be medicated. I support her getting away from her abusive family, but she needs help.

No. 1988564

I remember an anon got fired during an emergency surgery because another employee "didn't like her vibes" She basically begged the manager to evaluate or give at least one quote on something she said that was off just for little to no response and the lawyers weren't helpful either.

No. 1988565>>1988577

just saying that people should protest as hard as they are protesting for those causes.

No. 1988577>>1988584>>1988592

nta but I can definitely see where the frustration comes from. It feels exhausting anytime people try to organize a protest for workers rights and everyone just refuses to go because of "what ifs" yet suddenly everyone who all had work, school, etc can make time to protest things that shouldn't have been our countries business anyway

I felt this way about the abortion protests too tbh, on both sides. I'm all for abortion but most of us are one fuck up away from homelessness, I'd rather die from a non treated miscarriage if it means I got a chance to get a job that was sustainable and employers couldn't treat job seekers like annoying leeches who don't have any human needs like shelter, food or safety

No. 1988584>>1988590

Anon unplanned pregnancy leads to even more poverty. This weird thinking of "im okay with trading one right for another right" WILL NEVER WORK and has never worked. We can have both things. I feel like this type of thinking is why i saw sone radfems lately post about how they are okay with losing the right to vote as long as troons lose rights too

No. 1988588

That’s not a buzzword.

No. 1988590

>Anon unplanned pregnancy leads to even more poverty.
I'm not doubting this but adoption is an option and honestly? when I was homeless I couldn't even think about sex. If we spent more time fighting for ethical hiring processes and workers rights, a lot of more women would be able to afford birth control but also would be less worried about unplanned pregnancies. Now you don't have to starve with a newborn you can starve all by yourself, priorities I guess

No. 1988592>>1988755

>I'd rather die from a non treated miscarriage
No you wouldn’t, it’s a fucking horrible way to go.

No. 1988594>>1988648>>1988652

Only idiots defend the dog or cat meat trade.

No. 1988600

Kek, yeah cause you can't pick your roommates. Only thing that anon could pick at was the possibility of living with a moid. Simply don't then? Youre out of touch if you think whoring yourself out should even be an option. Fuck off

No. 1988618

Look sometimes a woman just needs a man.

No. 1988648

this is a pretty popular opinion

No. 1988652

why would anyone defend any of the meat trades? they're all pretty gross. we could do better we just don't.

No. 1988674>>1988689

If there is a God, it is very stupid for any woman to see them as a male figure. God would be either female or genderless.
In fact, God as a male figure is just the first psyop for the entire false narrative of the superiority of the father figure, which is a cope for men's innate understanding that they do not hold as much value as women. What they seek is a mother, and until each man accepts that, he is lost.

No. 1988688>>1988693>>1988707

All women should abort their XY unborn foetus. If I were to fall pregnant, I would get an abortion if XY.

No. 1988689>>1988697

Patriarchal religions are peak male arrogance. They really were like 'the creator of all life is definitely like me, not like you women even though all life did literally come from you. And he says you need to be my subservient inferior bangmaid or you're going to hell.'

No. 1988693

I don't know if I would actually be able to abort, but I honestly would do everything in my power to have a girl, I would even do woowoo shit to manifest a girl.

No. 1988697>>1988751

I can’t believe scrotes have seriously memed women who aren’t Jewish to worship Yahweh and a dead jew on a stick and seriously think that dude who isn’t even the real God and is a small Israelite war deity is behind the creation of the universe, makes no sense. Women are inherently creators, men know no matter how much skyscrapers they prop up and wars they create to be the arbitors of life and death it will always be a poor man’s imitation of woman’s natural powers as a creator and a destroyer. Men are only destroyers and murderers of physical and spiritual life.

No. 1988707

if there was a way to 100% guarantee XX I'd be rushing to have kids

No. 1988721

My even more unpopular opinion: all denim pants feel uncomfortable. I have the body type that should fit skinny jeans but any time I wear them it feels like I'm about to explode.

No. 1988738

Hard agree, I don't get why anyone would enjoy being raised like that just because their culture says it's okay. I wonder if OP made that post because of that one thread on /g/ that got bumped

No. 1988739>>1988742

File (hide): 1714702331981.gif (358.77 KB, 400x300, 14e28b5f-21a0-436c-b628-c81243…)

This lady was absolutely right in this scene. No man is worth it that much, people got angry at her message because they themselves won't stop chasing dick, believing fairy tales and humanizing males. People called her cruel for her delivery or whatever but she's literally stating facts, the last thing women need is more validation to their delusions over men. Talk your shit miss Emily

No. 1988740>>1988744

>8 hour shifts
Have you ever worked in retail or fast food or know anyone that did? Unless you're the only employee there or a manager no one's getting scheduled for 8 hour shifts, hell in fast food you're lucky to be scheduled for more than 6 hours

No. 1988742>>1988748

OG Loralei is the best character in Gilmore Girls. The other ones suffer from middle loralei arrested development and ego complex.

No. 1988744>>1988758

They're being hyperbolic and fast food considered a job for anyone. Just got to a recruitment agency and shop around for jobs. I promise you there is an office job for anyone.

No. 1988748

Shit Emily isn't called loralei. Please understand what I meant.

No. 1988751>>1988753>>1988756>>1988876

>a dead jew on a stick
You know what, as we are on the unpopular opinion thread I'll admit, most of the time I simply ignore the type of shit you guys say about religions in general because I understand this site's demographic doesn't like abrahamic religions but sometimes it's very hard to stomach, really. I'm maintaining a neutral stance about religion to appease everyone yet some are literally unable to do so as well. What possessed you to write this vile shit?

No. 1988753

Kek, why is it hard to stomach nonny?

No. 1988755>>1988879

So is getting murdered by some hobo because you're living in your car, or dying from a bunch of other unrelated health issues because you're unable to seek help for it due to finances, or dying from overworking yourself to scrape by. But hey at least I'm not going to die of a pregnancy related death and instead just wait til I can't afford medication from health issues I'll inevitably have from overworking

I honestly don't understand this logic tbh. At least with lack of abortion access it's a singular issue that's a once in a lifetime emergency if anything like that at all, with shitty price of living and zero job rights that's basically a 100% guarantee of you working yourself to death or find yourself in a dangerous situation because of lack of housing. Also with abortion how are women even going to pay for said abortions when they can't afford to feed themselves? Sure fight for legalization before workers rights and america being livable I guess

No. 1988756>>1988761

It's some weird cunt baiting. All major religions are interpretations of creation stories told by our earliest recorded ancestors. Not really a surprise humans segregate into different groups based on their world views and understandings. Staunch atheists are such gay bores like oh wow you're telling me just now the bible isn't a scientific document, shit here I've been trying to turn water into wine.

No. 1988757


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1988758>>1988762

I'm almost convinced staffing agencies are some form of money laundering because I've been to 3-4, both will claim they had no jobs for me kek not even the first time I've heard something similar. Or they just never respond

No. 1988759>>1988770

File (hide): 1714703194402.jpeg (81.24 KB, 745x1000, 653.jpeg)

I think I'm the only one here who likes her and finds her backstory relatable. And while I'm not that much into shipping, I prefer her with Zuko solely because it's rare to see two emos paired together in media. Every other emo/goth/dark n mysterious/whatever you call them character in fiction is paired with an opposite, outgoing character and that deeply annoys me. I can't even begin to tell you how much I strongly hate "opposites attract" pairings.

No. 1988761>>1988763>>1988764>>1988766

You’re praying to a dead Jew on a stick who was betrayed by his own people and most of us aren’t Jewish. That is the funniest religious psyop. I wish all beliefs and religions would die and we would stop giving up so much of our enemy to any gods and spirits

No. 1988762>>1988772

Honestly jobs are kind of like houses we've got a shortage and we've got to wait for people to die or give up for openings. All those hoops even the most menial jobs make interviewees jump through are to just keep trying to wittle down candidates. Maybe depends where you live but there's an abundance of factory and office work around me. I get emails daily for all sorts of roles even though I'm not looking

No. 1988763>>1988789

Are you asking why a political person was made a martyr for his beliefs?

No. 1988764>>1988789

It's not exactly the content of your words but the unnecessary crudeness/edginess of them, it's like you're trying your hardest to come up with the most outrageous stuff and for what?

No. 1988766>>1988789

Why do atheists think Christians wouldn't know the backstory of Jesus? Next you're going to tell me the Old Testament is written by Jewish scholars.

No. 1988770

She was my favorite character on the show and I was so invested in her little crush on Zuko and then their relationship, super happy when they ended up together. Cue my absolute horror and shock to find out such a large amount of shippers foamed at the mouth about her being trash and how Zuko should've been with Katara, bonkers shit I tell you.

No. 1988772>>1988777

It's not a shortage it's that a lot of places rely on understaffing/cutting hours and underpaying the lowers for profit while giving way more to the higher ups. I've seen corporations that can't afford to staff up their hospital/school/etc or pay people livable wages while giving the higher ups damn near billions yearly in just allowances, bonuses etc alone, not even including their normal salary

Hospitals are a good example of this but ofc this also applies for restaurants and stuff - every single hospital I've been to does not have safe staff to patient ratios yet the lead board are getting millions in bonuses a year and even more that don't count as salary such as gas allowances, lunch allowances, etc Americans are so fucking cucked by this that they'll just claim "well they worked hard to get there they deserve it" but like?? are the people saving your life not worthy of enough to pay for at least a small studio apartment or to escape an abusive situation? Of course not

No. 1988777

Hospitals are fucking atrocious how they're run. In my region most of the fuck ups comes from administration delays for some fucking reason. Like no joke you'll be waiting months for results and some cunt on the other end will be like "the results came back x months ago and it's fine, bye!" And its like wtf. Admin staff in GPs use to be able to open letters addressed to doctors for patient results and they can't anymore. So the doctors are only allocating a few minutes a day to an ever growing pile. People are dying waiting on appointments and follow ups but a lot of the delays are waiting for one department to feedback information. It's a fucking joke. I lost a parent to cancer and will never forget the smarmy cunt of the doctor saying he has the good slow growing cancer kept emphasising how we'll get him in for scans in a month or so and then develop a treatment plan. It was like how do you know it's slow growing if you haven't done all the fucking scans. He died within 4 months of diagnosis and too far gone to start treatment. We noticed a downhill and kept enquiring enquiring and then talking about going private and were told going private at this stage would just confuse the system and appointments and blah blah. It's a fucking shit show. I also got recalled for a smear because they publicly fucked up 1000s of test results. Sounds like fuck ups at such a low unskilled end of the whole fucking health service and you're right there's too many high ups that do fuck all and take home so much money.

No. 1988789>>1988792>>1988813>>1988864

Martyr for absolutely nothing kek, he lost and got his ass set up to be killed by those pederasty-loving mafia meatball people.
Jew-chan, you can stop going around acting shocked and bothered all because of that infight from the tinfoil thread, no one is going to start a holocaust again because they said something mean about Jesus. Making racy comments about all communities is bannable here, doesn’t stop a lot of anons.
I’m not an atheist, I just don’t find it viable enough to worship a dead jew on a stick or a mysterious god who only clearly cares about the state of Jewish people and not everybody else on this planet.(infighting)

No. 1988792>>1988799

Martyr for nothing. You sure do have a heated opinion over thousands of years of nothing.

You're also retarded. You already alluded that you know there's differences in Jewish and Christian people yet look at the shite you've written. Maybe God could grant you some wisdom

No. 1988799

Tbh, there is none. They both suck

No. 1988813>>1988824

I'm not Jewish wtf, what are you even talking about now? You damn schizo, you act like only Jews would get offended at your words

No. 1988824

then why are you whining so much about it then

No. 1988864

>I’m not an atheist
what religion are you? genuinely curious, schizo-chan

No. 1988876>>1989448

That other anon is cringe, but you are also pathetic for being this worked up over what she says.

No. 1988879>>1988904

Why it is alway a zero sum game with people like you? It so hard to imagine that not everyone has the attention span of a goldfish like you do? Most people can focus on more than one issue at a time.

No. 1988904

Well they sure as hell don't act like it cause everyone who hit the streets for abortion were nowhere to be found for affordable housing, workers rights, etc

No. 1988925>>1988927

What are you talking about. The part of rioting for Palestine was boycotting McDonald’s, Walmart and buch of other mega corps, but then you had retards proudly announcing they’re going to support them even harder to show these Arabs.

No. 1988927>>1988932

>The part of rioting for Palestine was boycotting McDonald’s, Walmart and buch of other mega corps
we could boycott them because of whatever the hell war they've been pretending to support but can't boycott them when they've been running people homeless and poisoning Americans? saying "we're boycotting you for Palestine" will accomplish nothing but making them take back their support for Israel. "we're boycotting you because of lack of jobs, lack of pay, poison food, etc" is better

No. 1988932>>1988945

Most of them still didn’t take back their support for Israel (McDonald’s actually doubled down on it since we’re talking about it) and there were talks about boycott being lifelong. Even if you showed these people how mega corps are harming workers or even customers directly, a lot still wouldn’t care because they can’t live without the taste of greasy cheeseburger (I’m not Murrican, but to be fair I think it’s more complicated in the US since fast food there is the cheapest option).

No. 1988945

There's way too many addicted fatties that boycotting isn't doing anything, we need to add literally riot. Even with boycotting the only thing it accomplished is raising prices and corporate used it as an excuse for lay offs

No. 1988952

When you say survival sex do you mean a relationship with someone you dislike just to have a place to live? If someone really loves you they won't have this strange sex-for-rent shit that happens.

No. 1989082>>1989091>>1989102>>1989108

Why do so many of you seethe so much at motherhood and women who decide to be mothers?

No. 1989091>>1989095

Because statistically women who become mothers put themselves, and by extension their children, in a precarious position. Women lose financial resources and earn less on average when they become mothers, particularly if they take on the majority of childcare (which most do). Not to mention moids are dangers to women and children, and most mothers are having children with moids instead of other women. It's just a risky situation all around and I think that not having children should be the socially accepted default. I hope for a world where fewer children are born out of obligations or into bad life circumstances.

No. 1989095>>1989100

I would be angrier at moids than at any woman ever but ok

No. 1989100>>1989105

Obviously the blame lies with moids, but most women learn by adulthood that moids are hazardous to our health and occasionally a risk to our lives. It's hard not to roll your eyes when those women still choose to build families with males but don't take precautions so that they and their children don't get hurt.

No. 1989102

I think motherhood is cringe, but I also don't seethe much

No. 1989105>>1989109>>1989115

You realize that most women (in stable modern countries at least, where they have the actual choice whether to have children or not) don't get abused? I don't want to downplay anyone's trauma, but acting like every woman ever will inevitably get raped or beaten by a moid some point in their life is INSANE. It's just not true, and I'm sick of seeing that shit stated like it's just a fact.

No. 1989108

I just think bringing someone into this world is cruel. Often I can't cope with being alive and struggle with understanding why someone would willingly have children knowing they're going to suffer. I don't seethe but I do feel bad for the kids.

No. 1989109>>1989125

>You realize that most women (in stable modern countries at least, where they have the actual choice whether to have children or not) don't get abused?

I think you should die, seriously. Doesn’t matter where a woman lives, she can be subjected to many kinds of abuse and it doesn’t only have to be physical. Kys(alogging)

No. 1989115>>1989125

File (hide): 1714743858025.png (85.08 KB, 861x601, globalviolence.PNG)

ayrt and okay, but you're wrong though. "Stable modern countries" have a 1 in 5 rate of intimate partner violence against women.
>The prevalence estimates of lifetime intimate partner violence range from 20% in the Western Pacific, 22% in high-income countries and Europe and 25% in the WHO Regions of the Americas to 33% in the WHO African region, 31% in the WHO Eastern Mediterranean Region, and 33% in the WHO South-East Asia region.
>Globally as many as 38% of all murders of women are committed by intimate partners.

No. 1989119>>1989127

Most sex workers would make the same amount working at a factory or an entry level office job. It all boils down to them being lazy and thinking selling coochie is easier.

No. 1989125>>1989136>>1989151>>1989161

Good thing, you'll never procreate, retard

The point isn't that violence towards women is not a huge problem.The point is that acting like every woman has direct experience with abuse and should therefore know better than to begin relationships with moids is 100% projection. Violence isn't the actual norm for most people (again, most) in developed countries, and it's batshit to act like it is.

No. 1989126>>1989429>>1989446>>1989447

women should be legally allowed to carry any kind of personal defense weapon we want (mace, taser. knife, even a concealed gun if you know how to safely use it). there's really no good reason why we shouldn't be able to have some sort of weapon on us at all times since women are constantly at risk of being harassed, stalked, and/or assaulted and we are far less likely than moids to lash out violently against innocent people. this law would of course exclude troons.

No. 1989127

I don't think so, I've seen middle-age-mother looking hookers charge $600 an hour. Not that it's "easy" money, but it is good money.

No. 1989133>>1989189

If a woman is in abusive relationship with a man and then chooses to have kids with him she’s pretty much saying she doesn’t care that her kid will be subjected to that life style. Women like that are selfish and usually dont learn their lesson until their kids are killed by their scrote or the damage is already done, then they finally decide it’s time to leave.

No. 1989136>>1989157>>1989251

>violence towards women is not a huge problem
Maybe for neet-chans who never leave their rooms or are lucky enough to be able to avoid males in their daily life. Most of us are not this fortunate so, yes, we do have to live with the risk of being in that 20-33% of women who does experience intimate partner violence and take precautions for our safety.
>acting like every woman has direct experience with abuse
1 in 5 anon, which means if it's not you, it's probably your friend, coworker, or relative. We're all affected, even when it isn't happening directly to us. We're all at risk because there's no way to truly know whether our nigels will remain one of the good ones.

No. 1989151>>1989248

>good thing you’ll never procreate
Is the tradthot retard prideful that she got a scrote to nut inside her and knock her up only for to turn you into a married single mother where you basically take on all of the child-rearing responsibilities that are almost never placed on to the male? Kek, all of us can do that in less than a few hours, men would fuck anything including animals. Getting impregnated does not grant you special powers or worth but it certainly makes semen-receptacles like you feel better about women who don’t want to be chained down by a baby and a scrote until they die. You’re pathetic and have a childish way of viewing procreation

No. 1989157

Violence and rape against women are underreported but because anon lives in her tight little bubble and could not give much less of a fuck about women suffering at the hands of men and only cares about what cock goes inbetween her legs, her mind desperately wants to refuse absorbing this obvious common sense answer. It’s undeniable that there is a rape culture against women and it doesn’t matter where you go in the world, it exists. Anon just does not care and would rather ignore reality. I stg women who have sex with scrotes lose their fucking intelligence and ability to reason, turns them into braindead retards

No. 1989161>>1989185

You sound very young and naive anon. Even if every woman does not go through physical abuse (and this number is much higher than you think considering domestic abuse is often underreported), men will still emotionally manipulate you, use weaponized incompetence, resent you for having to provide even if you do everything for them, and will often leave for a new shiny young woman once they are done with you, leaving you with no support and to raise the kids alone. I've seen it happen time and time again, and even the "good" ones can leave you at the drop of a hat. Don't ever mistakenly think it can't happen to you, because it can. Men don't have the same loyalty to their family that women do.

No. 1989185>>1989252>>1989267

It's a moid, he posts this shitty bait camouflaged as "opinion" every other week. Him not knowing that almost every woman had at least one abusive experience with a man should've been the most blaring sign.

No. 1989189

I can confirm this from personal experience and will never, ever pity a woman who prioritizes her man rather than her children, regardless of the excuse she'll use.

No. 1989248>>1989255>>1989257>>1989265

>getting pregnant does not grant you special powers
NTAYRT but whys everyone hate moms so much on a female only imageboard? i never understood this kek.

No. 1989251

Nice reading comprehension with that first quote.

No. 1989252>>1989267

My bad for taking the bait then, it's just that I've seen women on social media this brainwashed before so it was concerning.

No. 1989255

Mother wound

No. 1989257>>1989268

I don't think it's everyone but some more vocal anons.its just some loud retards although I understand if someone hates pregnancies or being a mother why the hell would you hate a woman who's one? It's a personal choice

No. 1989265>>1989270

Also NTA but saying getting pregnant doesn’t grant you special powers isn’t being hateful, it’s just the truth.

No. 1989267

I'm not a moid. The whole point was that women don't invite abuse by starting families with men, because abuse isn't universal norm and shouldn't be treated like a norm. I never said abuse isn't an issue. This site sure is where nuance and reading comprehension go to die.

No. 1989268

right like pregnancy and motherhood is so hard on its own, you'd think that would be a reason to treat mothers with more respect and love

No. 1989270>>1989306

AYART, i'd consider creating life to be a special power, especially because not everyone can do it

No. 1989273>>1989289

what!? … do yall have brand suggestions? I've been eating firm and extra firm tofu for the majority of the year…

No. 1989276>>1989277>>1989284

Most women don’t have kids because they care about motherhood or being a parent. They do it to solidify the relationship with their scrote. There’s a reason you rarely see rich women who are single just having kids because they love them. Most women think it’s just something they gotta do to keep the scrote around.

No. 1989277>>1989279

There are actually a lot of adoptive rich single moms. Like Sandra Bullock, Charlize Theron, Mia Farrow, Angelina Jolie

No. 1989279>>1989285

Did they adopt those kids before or after the scrote cheated?

No. 1989284>>1989375

What planet do you live on? Have you ever talked to a middle+ class adult woman? What you're describing is unstable cluster B behavior that only a fraction of women engage in.

No. 1989285

i have no idea i dont know them personally kek i think they adopted those kids completely single

No. 1989289

Not really. I live in the US and major grocery stores do not always carry good tofu. They only carry varieties of firm and possibly a silken one. Just buy a silken one and make this and see if you like it https://www.cookerru.com/silken-tofu/
If you live in a major city or near an asian immigrant population, then go to the asian grocery store nearest you and shop around. I used to live in Pittsburgh and the market neighborhood there (the Strip District) has a lot of asian grocers one of which make their own tofu and that was the most delicious tofu I ever had. If you find anywhere that actually makes their own tofu definitely give that a try.

No. 1989306>>1989322>>1989352

Idk to me it’s a basic bodily function, almost everyone is capable of it, those that can’t are the exceptions. I mean even if you only count women, that’s half the world’s population. Not really a superpower. Definitely doesn’t give you superpowers afterwards.

No. 1989322>>1989339

>well akshyually
the autismal nitpicking doesn't make you sound smart, just say you have no comprehension of divine Feminine power and go kek

No. 1989339>>1989347>>1989354>>1989355

My unpopular opinion is that divine feminine power shouldn't be wasted by propagating inferior moid genes (most if not all moids are dysgenic and have rape in their lineage) but what do I know

No. 1989345>>1989349

I feel like the girls supporting girls shit is easier to act on if you’re conventionally attractive, upper middle class or rich and white. I’ve had so many degrading interactions with women that I’m like fuck them as much as men kek. I feel cringe when women try to force that women love each other stuff on people(video related)….like bitch get away from me with your fake ass. If men would finally treat women with some love and respect you just know half of these fake bitches would jump ship.

No. 1989347

Well when you discover a way for women to reproduce that doesn’t require male genetics, and is capable of resulting in a child that isn’t retarded or dysfunctional, please do let us know.

No. 1989349

It’s definitely way easier for privileged women to be that way, but we still need female solidarity because 50% of the population we share a planet with could kill us with their bare hands if they wanted to.

No. 1989350

>reee drug addicts exist so that means they’re worth less!
There are sober people who are just as disgusting and shitty as methheads, anon. When you go out into the real world you’ll realize that.

No. 1989352>>1989356>>1989360

Even crack heads on the street who smoke meth everyday can get pregnant and give birth to crack babies. Nothing powerful about it. Making pregnancy and child birth to be something special and power is just brainwashing to control women so they think the greatest accomplishment in life they can have is popping out a baby.

No. 1989354>>1989358>>1989374

My unpopular opinion is that all families have rape in their lineage, no one is exempt from that

No. 1989355

Lol no kidding. Divine feminine this, divine feminine that, and for what? The gene pool has been utter shit for a fair bit of generations now, literally a race to the bottom.
Pregnancy is just a free for all now, there's nothing special about it.

No. 1989356>>1989365>>1989368>>1989369

Samefag but young women should see having children like young men do. It’s a sign of the end of your life and the worst thing that could happen to you.

No. 1989358>>1989362

if your ancestors are men they 100% raped at some point and denying or saying "b-but race xyz rapes more" is retarded. moids use race to put us against each other when the problem is clearly the defective chromosome.

No. 1989360

Pregnancy and child birth are special and powerful things, though. Just because there are inept and unhealthy women in this world does not mean that what they’re capable of doing isn’t still a powerful feat. I know there are a lot of r/childfree edgelords here who hate children and shit but pretending like it isn’t an amazing thing that women are able to do is just being misogynistic.

No. 1989362>>1989364

>if your ancestors are men
It’s not physically possible for any human being to solely have female ancestors. We all have centuries worth of male ancestors. No matter what race, rape exists equally amongst all of them.

No. 1989364>>1989367

that's what I mean. if men exist they rape. thanks for getting the point.

No. 1989365

I know that trying to say anything in these kind of discussions here is useless but what the hell kek.

No. 1989367

well the remedy to that isn't really ending humanity, but you can keep fantasizing about it

No. 1989368>>1989376

it baffles me when a young woman gets pregnant she is supposed to see it as a blessing but expect help from none while going through physical changes, health risk, having to stop anything for almost a year, etc., when a young man impregnates a woman it's like his life is over and he is literally FORCED to help the children he nutted financially as if that's the worst thing that can happen when it comes to having children. the double standard is astronomical.

No. 1989369

>women should think the way men do
Yeugh dear Lord..

No. 1989374

My unpopular opinion is that your ultragreat grandfather was some hairy ape that wasn't even able to form a sentence, do with that information what you want, sorry.

No. 1989375>>1989380

I mean that anon isn't entirely wrong, go look at the regretfulparents subreddit and see how many women there regret having kids because their scrote and his family begged them to. Some definitely do it because they don't want their Nigels to leave them

No. 1989376>>1989385

>Men are the only people who want children women only have children to keep their moid
>Oh but also when a man finally impregnates the woman he begged to have a child with its the worst thing that can happen
Can you even decide what this "double standard" is kek? Now it just sounds like you're throwing shit at the wall hoping it sticks

No. 1989380>>1989397

I wouldn't really consider opinions posted on Reddit to be the book of Truth on the topic of parenting lmfao. You have to understand that; the type of people who are asking for advice or venting on Reddit about their own ill-prepared decisions are severely retarded and not representative of the average human being with a healthy brain.

No. 1989385

what the fuck are you talking about? did you reply to the wrong person?

No. 1989387>>1989391

Nta but "non normie" women having stable relationships, careers, kids is a good thing. Most of us would've been locked up and sterilized if this was the 1800s. women reaching their goals and succeeding despite having unconventional interests should be GOOD news. If you want all weird women to not have kids go to some corrupt ass country that sterilizes women for whatever they feel like then

No. 1989391>>1989394

I would be 100% either lobotomized or forced to be a birther and at some point snap and have PPD. glad nowadays I have the option of choosing when and if I can birth children.

No. 1989394>>1989400

I agree, but we also need to stop shaming women who want and have children. Demanding forced sterilizations/celibacy on women for going to a gossip imageboard on the reg is so moidy and barbaric, similar to the laundry list of weird shit they'd sterilize women for on the reg

No. 1989397

True, but think of how many women out there do this and don't post online about it. Probably lots kek, I think you underestimate what women will do and put up with so that they aren't single

No. 1989400>>1989405>>1989406

nobody is shaming women who want children, stop taking it personally people don't want the same thing as you.

No. 1989405>>1989410

I was referring to the a-logging against anons who are mothers, not just the recent argument but in general. They even talked about in meta about how there was a handful of anons alogging farmer moms

No. 1989406>>1989410

ntayrt, but yeah there are a lot of anons who call mothers names or talk down on the fact that we decided to reproduce as if its something shameful to do just because participation/contact from a male is required to create a child

No. 1989410>>1989419

just because there are a few mentally ill individuals shaming mothers in this website it doesn't mean shaming women for having children is a systemic phenomenon. it will never compare to the amount of hate/disdain childfree (and moidfree, but even single mothers get treated like shit too) women get. you can also chalk to the fact EVERYTHING a woman does gets criticized.

No. 1989419>>1989440

File (hide): 1714759744899.png (695.72 KB, 1079x1452, 1000000216.png)

As someone who's been both child free and a mother, honestly? You get so much more hate as a mother, not just in terms of being a mother alone but every.single.thing. you do is heavily criticized, you're expected to be 100% perfect at all times from the get go and nothing less. At least with childfree-woman haters they typically just say you're useless/selfish and move on with their life, people who hate moms will literally stalk them, send rape and death threats to them and their kids, you're literally treated worse than actual child rapists sometimes it's fucking bizarre

No. 1989429

not true at all for me. it has more to do with how I grew up with anime and other jp media and it really shaped my tastes so it's really hard to just go consume normie media just because it's less problematic, and even then normie media is still filled with problematic things too, and almost everything is problematic to some extent. as much as I feel alienated from a lot of anime communities because they're usually filled with disgusting coomer moids, I still have a hard time getting into normie shit and I still enjoy the stories and characters in a lot of jp media, some of its aesthetics, and so on. I can't just flip a switch and suddenly dislike things I enjoy just because I got feminist consciousness, even if it did make me see those aspects of them (which I never even liked or just ignored, I just didn't know why) differently. I do think what you said applies to some other women who act like they're feminists but then if you criticize anything in anime or someone refuses to watch something because of the fanservice they call them a "prude", though

No. 1989440>>1989579

You could apply all of what you said to childfree women too kek, I think both mothers and CF women get equals amounts of hate and criticism tbh. Might be about different things but both are hated by society.

No. 1989446

I wish, in my country any self defense items or items that are legal to carry like bear spray would get you arrested or taken to court if you used them on someone. You basically have no right to self defense here, it's retarded

No. 1989447

aren't we allowed to? you can just buy a taser on amazon

No. 1989448

>Having any kind of beliefs and staying in your ground is pathetic
If you're godless that's your problem, if I was infighting over politics you agree with you wouldn't even mind

No. 1989449>>1989460

File (hide): 1714761360602.gif (6.74 MB, 593x598, 1708575244898.gif)

tofu is not real food

No. 1989450


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No. 1989456

new thready >>1989451

No. 1989460

Why not? It's just a byproduct of a bean. The soybean is blinded and the mixture is pressed to dry Its liquid as much as possible, then the ground bean is used to make tofu. I think they add some cuddling agents like acid and stuff, too. It can he cooked or added to soups or salads, it's a source of protein and fibers. I know American vegans may have ruined it for you, but at the end of the day it's an asian delicacy and a side dish, never a main one, and the main dishes contain meat. It's like a cheese to an extent.

No. 1989560

Western psych is retarded but a lot of the things that other cultures see as normal and get labeled as enmeshment are actually just thinly veiled female oppressive practices and it’s right to criticize them and point out that they’re fucking weird

No. 1989579

Again, I've been on both sides, both outspoken child free and a mother. At least with child free you just piss of a select few incels and old ladies, when you're a mother you get hated by friends, family, men will tell you you're ruined, women will tell you you're unbearable and no fun anymore, and on top of that you constantly held you unrealistic expectations and made to feel like you're never good enough to be a mother. It stings twice as hard since you're responsible for a small human and their development and the entire world is telling you how awful you are for not meeting their insane standards

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