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No. 1961074
thread rules:
>no racebait >no infighting >don't reply to bait >rest of /ot/ board rules apply >farmhands are always watching previous thread:
>>>/ot/1950917 No. 1961083
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>>1961076oh fuck I worked so hard on this, please
No. 1961098
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Would it be an unpopular opinion to disagree with pickmes and scrotes about men "needing to be more loud" during sex? I think that should only go for men with sexy voices and know how to dirty talk. Men with ugly voices should just stay doing their mallard duck raspy whimpers, and leave the loudness to the men with good vocals.
No. 1961379
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I don't think the old cover of this album looks that bad? It looks cheap and too bright sure but i don't think it has pedo vibes and it fits the style that she had, i think it's cute, the new one was more elegant and better sure but still.
The latex bunny look she had on Dangerous Woman was way more uncomfortable to me, i don't think she looked so different from this cover but maybe people are ok with it because she looks more mature just because of the excess of makeup.
Anyway i'd rather normalize something romantic and sensual like this than that latex bunnygirl.
No. 1961447
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>>1961445I only agree with this whenever I make sims. I always give them brown eyes because they tend to look like reptilians when you give them lighter eyes
(repeatedly baiting) No. 1961473
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>>1961447In what context would this picture even make sense? Because people with blue and green eyes only make up like a fraction of the human global population, my anonette.
No. 1961482
>>1961445I hate how I can't post a single thing on this website lately without some retard coming in straining their blood vessels trying to come up with a way to construct bait replies out of it. It's absolutely been so much worse the past few days. I can't wait until whichever retard this is gets bored of LC and goes back to their native habitat of watching gore compilations and eating their own toe jam
No. 1961487
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I'm zooming in they don't look clear or vibrant, it looks like grey bile vomit nonnie
No. 1961491
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>>1961489>some other white supremacist shithole site.Ironic considering how many white supremacist themselves have dark eyes
No. 1961492
>>1961491So did hitler
It's all about projection
No. 1961493
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>>1961487can we make it smaller chat
No. 1961494
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unpopular anime eye color opinion
No. 1961515
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>>1961504Because WS these days is just adopted by edgelords and incels of any flavor.
No. 1961531
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>>1961515i don't know who that is but his eyes creep me out so i turned him into a street sweeper.
No. 1961546
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>>1961538You know what, that is so true. White poltards will go on about how superior that believe their race is, but continue to fetishize and lust after women….who are Asian. Then you have Brittney Venti, who has white supremacists stalking her socials and trying to fuck her half-black ass lol
No. 1961558
>>1961548I kind of get it, but not because of the possibility of someone using a memory of myself as a child to masturbate, I can't even imagine someone from any of the schools I went to doing such a thing, even from the schools of sociopaths I used to go to as a kid.
But I get the anxiety when it's more about people just further making fun of me being a child and being this "this bitch was the retarded kid at school" kind of memory that bothers me.
Which is why I deleted my internet presence forever, but I'm still paranoid about anyone from my sad past finding me even by chance.
No. 1961562
>>1961548When they look at the pics they aren’t going “wow, 8 year old
nonny is so cool” they are thinking “haha I remember shoving nonnies face into that mudpie. oh how we laughed, fun times”
No. 1961572
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>>1961545because you’re also responding to bait as well. you retards really need to choose which kind of bait is worth replying to because it’s quite obvious that’s the most ridiculous thing someone could ever say and that’s because, say it with me guys, on this next episode of DBZ…
No. 1961574
>>1961538True. I remember even some pedo WS
admitting he got excited on his business trip to India and China because LGs were running up to him. They can't stay loyal even if their life depend on it.
No. 1961589
>>1961548samefag from this post but even if you guys are adults, its still strange to keep photographs of them or photos they sent you or texts you sent back and forth. rereading texts and stuff is also pretty weird.
>>1961582im op, and this is my original post.
>>1961279i didnt say that its "weird to keep your classmates school photo", i said that its weird to save photos your friends sent to you, that you took of them, and texts they sent you.
No. 1961683
>>1961546All white supremacists have a type of nonwhite woman(black, asian or muslim usually) they're into and want to date. A lot of white supremacists are self hating people who are only racist because of their complexes and again, because of their inferiority complexes tend to feel attracted other groups.
I'm mixed and I've had so many white supremacist guys try to date me, say they prefer nonwhite women because white women are ruined(no it's because they secretly hate their own race).
No. 1961686
>>1961683>say they prefer nonwhite women because white women are ruinedWhat the
No. 1962073
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>>1961466Newborns get ID bands/bracelets in the hospital anon.
No. 1962086
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>>1961851>>1962055Alright, I’ll cape for Muslims because no one else is doing it. Even if Muslims aren’t a race, this still should be banned for racebait imo. Sure, Islam is misogynistic and backwards like every other Abrahamic religion, but it’s also a cultural identity that you’re born into, and I don’t consider it inherently worse than any other
No. 1962107
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>>1962086Yeah, it's true, it's not that bad. I mean, what's the big deal with not supporting a religion
and cultural identity that sees women as cattle that can be sold to whoever is willing to pay?
Like, this website can be used to calculate the price of moids too, but just the fact that it exists it's quite insane.
No. 1962154
>>1962147Fair enough
>>1962146That is very unfortunate, and it’s understandable that you feel the way you do, but on an anonymous imageboard, that kind of generalized inflammatory statement could be coming from anyone. What if I was a genocidal Zionist saying that shit? It would be different, right?
No. 1962164
>>1962086Nonna everybody and their mother are doing it irl.
>>1962131Yes there are evil muslims that are women. They abuse and mutilate their daughters.
No. 1962227
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>>1962224Something like this maybe?
No. 1962236
>>1962073but that doesnt mean they're accurate. you can slap a bracelet on me in the hospital saying i'm a different patient, but that definitely doesn't make it true. it's also much harder to be certain that you're putting the ID band on the correct baby, because white babies all look so similar. it is horrifying. especially because there are so,
so many babies who are switched at birth and don't find out until they're grown adults. an entire life without your real mother.
No. 1962239
>>1962125Newsflash: muslims hate Jewish people and want them dead. They literally have religious texts about how filthy and ungrateful Jewish people are and how they deserve everything bad that happens to them, and how they were cursed to never have a land to live in as punishment therefore Israel shouldn't exist. They also teach the WWI-WWII history and holocaust as a
good thing to happen because it killed le ebil jooz. Even though Hitler killed Muslims, too.
No. 1962759
>>1962738yes, but unironically
>>1962745People are offended by slurs like "retard" because they're embarrassed about the idea of being a retard. But why do black people call each other nigga so wantonly if it's so offensive? Aren't Americans weirded out by the linguistic double standard they have in their country?
No. 1962769
>>1962759Same way women may call each other "sluts" or "cunts" but will get pissy if a man says it—or how best friends or siblings can insult each other unfiltered but will get angry if someone else does it.
It's the mentality of "I know your pain and what you've been through because I've experience it myself", Autist-chan.
No. 1962851
>>1962662people I know personally
>>1962618you don't even have to learn how to
cookcook, these people act prissy about box meals that you only have to add water too/throw in the oven but eat the same shit at restaurants. Fasting shouldn't be advisable though it's kinda dystopic to tell people to just starve kek
No. 1962863
>>1962825bitch is only an insult depending on the context no matter who uses it, like when my husband calls me bitch i know its in jest because im capable of reading tone
>>1962824 i said niggA, not niggER
No. 1963049
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Every single criticisms I've heard of Nara Smith can be boiled down to the person being jealous of her for whatever reasons, cause she's young, she's pretty, she's a lightskin woman dating a white man (ew), she's dating a scrote they used to like back in 2012 (ew), she has a "picture perfect" life. She makes people incredibely insecure, but they can't straight up hate her since she's sweet and uncontroversial so they have to pretend she's upholding UnReaLisTIC and HaRmFuL standards like she's forcing all women to make cereal from scratch or whatever bullshit.
No. 1963068
>>1963049She’s Mormon. Her and her crusty divorced husband with kids from a previous marriage are Mormons. Her content is Mormon propaganda. It’s all it is and I don’t understand why people like you deliberately ignore that facet of her content.
Before you say she doesn’t straight up say it and she doesn’t openly promote it congrats you fell for propaganda. Young girls will see her life think it’s goals and wonder how she obtained it and learn about her Mormon background and think her life is good and glamorous because of a shitty cult. On top of that Mormons are super racist and anti black but they’ve been trying to cover that up and pretend it doesn’t exist to save face.
No. 1963086
>>1963081LMAO thanks for showing your ass. What kind of bullshit moid logic is this? She comes from a rich family already it doesn’t matter how a woman chooses to spend her youth but all that bullshit you piled on was unnecessary. Taking care of children is hard work and full time job yet you never see her kids running around in her videos almost as if someone else is doing the dirty work like a maid or a nanny.
Her shit is disingenuous propaganda. She does mundane cooking videos that are staged and curated as fuck which is also hard work and basically a full time job as it is yet since she’s so wealthy someone else is probably doing that work load too.
She probably doesn’t do all the cooking and has shots of her touching stuff edited in to look like she does all this shit.
It’s all staged and you’re another mouth breathing smooth brain falling for it like the ones you claim to mock.
No. 1963156
Because of how rabid nonnies are, it absolutely kills any culture to let women horny post about female characters and celebrities. You need to sexualise them by the Approved Website Standards TM or else you’re a moid
No. 1963266
>>1963255The people who whine about infighting are just controlling and just want to dick ride the mods. They’re the kind of people who would be teachers pets. Theyre probably the ones using cutesy pet names for anons like nonna
No. 1963328
>>1963295They were grumpy and locked into the house, of course they didn’t give a shit about cute stuff. Now that they’re able to leave their houses (hopefully, don’t have much hope for the fujos and husbandofags) they’re in a better mood. Pandemic was making a bunch of people crazy and in a bad mood, it was way worse with the infighting a few years ago because there were more people active and using it.
>>1963314>do you think this is still 2015 God do I wish.
No. 1963339
>>1963328Pre 2020 calling people Nona’s was something new fags did and got made fun of for. It’s probably when the first wave of zoomers started coming in and you know they’re all about that fake ass girls support girls shit,
toxic positivity crap
No. 1963364
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>>1963349name one thing wrong with being dorky and corny
No. 1963374
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>>1963356I definitely remember people connecting nonna or
nonnie with new fags
No. 1963395
>>1963327We don't need to use gender neutral language to refer to each other, scrotes aren't allowed here.
Anyway nona/nonna/
nonny are great but Nonabelle/Nonica/Nonissa are
No. 1963398
>>1963393Close your eyes then
>>1963395100% agreed
No. 1963402
>>1963364it's okay
nonnie nonna
nonny i will be a dork with you
No. 1963407
>>1963364you're "that guy" even if you're a woman. like this
No. 1963412
>>1963395one time I used these extended
nonnie terms I get responses like "learn2integrate tranny stop using words no one here uses" and i felt kind of retarded and stopped kek
No. 1963415
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>>1963405okay ♥
>>1963407>>1963410>using silly internet slang means you act like a tiktoker in publicyou nonnas need to lighten up
No. 1963417
>>1963415oh i just thought you meant dorky and corny in general, i have nothing against
nonnie synonyms
No. 1963425
>>1963412I love
nonny and I love how it is redtexted so it can be used as a way to make attention of things like
nonny nonny nonnyI love you
nonny nonny nonny No. 1963459
>>1963454Sorry nonna, I was referencing
>>1963439 with the wholesome autism comment. I really hope she didn't do multiple takes because the server doesn't have time for that.
>>1963458OTP for life
No. 1963480
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Cher is one of the most beautiful celebrities of all time.
No. 1963496
>>1963491wait wym
nonnie. like the shower floor isn't clean to begin with?
No. 1963507
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>>1963497i am a bidet user and I piss in the shower, but only at the beginning of it. I am 100% confident I am cleaner than most people even if they exclusively pee and poo on the toilet.
No. 1963515
>>1963504But you wash your feet in the shower, if you pee all over them that totally ruins the shower
>>1963509yeah i feel the need to because i hold my phone up to my face a lot when im on the phone and i don't wanna get acne
No. 1963532
>>1963525If moids actually cared about changing stations in the men's room, they'd bring it up with managers and owners. But they'd rather just terrorize everyone else in a public space with their child's smelly diapers and claim that they're just a poor
victim of an unjust system. They're the first to cry loudest about father's rights, but the last to actually do anything about it.
No. 1963539
>>1963532It’s a brilliant and creative form of weaponized incompetence when you think about. He really thinks feigning helplessness and not knowing how to do something and pulling a tantrum in front of strangers will get them to help him like it does with their wife who has no choice but to cater to their manipulation. It’s about making his problem everybody’s problem. Men are ironically the most antinatalist, anti-child individuals yet love pumping them out like it’s a sport to them.
>>1963529True. They’re so useless and degenerate
No. 1963560
>>1963534i'd rather have dust on my shower floor than piss, sorry. i don't walk outside with no shoes on and my floors are not dirty
>>1963537i just feel like it doesnt make sense to pee in the shower when the toilet is right there. unless for some reason the toilet is in another room
No. 1963831
>>1963049I agree. When I see people claim it's about her being Mormon, but they ignore and decline to say anything about other Mormon women who look a bit more "stereotypical" ethnicity/phenotype wise, and
also refuse to condemn Muslim/hijabi women making similar content, it becomes that much more obvious the religion thing is an excuse.
The way some of them talk and compare themselves to her makes it clear, too. Her content is boring and milquetoast. If you're not into making cereal from scratch or whatever, and you're not in it for the clothes or something, why exactly are you watching? No one but a jealous person would give so much of a shit about some random woman cooking on TikTok.
No. 1963874
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I actually feel bad for her, not saying she's an angel or good person but a lot of anons on her thread feel overly vendetta-y and they're obviously jealous that some retarded and weird ugly girl is actually famous and moderately wealthy instead of them, specially with the tinfoiling that she does meth or h, it's pretty clear that she broke up with muskrat because of him having kids with shivon who she thought was her friend yet people still paint her as pick me supreme crying over him when she had two other relationships already, people are very cruel on her on thread and they throw their feminism out the window when it comes to Grimes.
No. 1963940
>>1963081Except no kek. She lies about her age to pander to pedo trad moids and was the epitome of the IG nude "model" thot before larping as a trad wife. She
was the OF thot in her 20s and at last minute wanted to cater to trad content and pregnancy fetish moids
No. 1964254
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nonnie No. 1964276
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>>1964275Kek, like when I called a scrote ugly and old in the 'Ugly Men psyop' thread, and some
triggered moid threw a racist tantrum because I said no woman should bow to ugly white men's dicks LOL
No. 1964279
>>1964259>>1964266The fact they make "edgy race jokes" in the first place is not antithetical to them being easily
triggered - it arises from the same source. They are insecure, racist, and immature. They want to sneakily let out their own racism under guise of acceptability/plausible deniability (its a joke! i'm edgy!) but can't handle that same energy reflected back at them.
No. 1964291
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We should normalize dancing badly in places like the club. Come the fuck on, not everyone can memorize all these random tiktok bop routines, and I think it's stupid to expect everyone or most people to be good at dancing.
No. 1964351
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>>1964282Be racist nona, say that it is american white people.
Signed, white euronona.
No. 1964354
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>>1964353So Italians and southern Europeans in general can handle spicy food but the Anglo Saxons cannot? Didn't they travel the world to get some spices? They did the historical version of driving to Walmart and getting every-fucking-thing EXCEPT the one item they were supposed to get. How do they feel about that?
No. 1964359
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>>1964346>>1964347Tbh Nara is the one trad influencer that actually does deserve the moid pandering accusations
>Inb4 she's just cooking!!Okay? Funny how farmers were easily able to spot fetish content from Yumi king, MMW, estee, and everything else that can easily be passed off as "innocent cooking content" but suddenly want to pretend like yet another trad influencer making the same content who actually does have a history of catering to moids is suddenly never like those. Fetish content isn't out of character for her at all. Similar to most OF girls she probably just got pregnant and didn't want to stop losing money so played up the breeder wife fetish to attract more attention
No. 1964389
>>1964384Idk if you're remedial or what, but I was asking that anon a question based off of what they said. I literally green texted it.
>Similar to most OF girls she probably just got pregnant and didn't want to stop losing money so played up the breeder wife fetish to attract more attentionAnd it's also said in other posts about Nara e.g.
>>1963940>She was the OF thot in her 20s No. 1964407
>>1964399Are you dense?? The real reason why people are cricizing her isn't because of her cooking videos.
>>porn has rotted the brain of youth Spoken like a true gender critical tradthot from mumsnet/ovarit. You heard it here folks, if you dare criticize a mormon that means you are rotted by pornography lmao
No. 1964419
>>1964416>>1964414Okay, that's it, im convinced anyone who keeps swearing it's "just cooking" should check themselves into a facility for that mentally retarded. Didn't know "innocent cooking" content you needed to wear temu lingerie around your kids and make the entire video about yourself. But yeah just all of us being
triggered over cereal nothing else
No. 1964422
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Esteem and Mrs Midwest get accused of pandering to moids for having like 1 inch of cleavage or even just talking about bras kek yet this thot can walk around in a damn wash rag and we're still supposed to not dare think it's anything more than just cooking? Okay. She would be on the first page of /snow/ daily if she was a blonde white girl with big boobs(infighting)
No. 1964426
>>1964422shes just cooking in a crop top. cows usually behave in outlandishly attention seeking or mentally ill ways in public, if we had a thread for every single woman who posted herself in a crop top or cooking we'd have a million useless threads
nonny. get real kek
No. 1964436
>>1964430>>1964432but she wasn't nude in her videos, and she also dresses pretty modestly in the majority of her videos?
>>1964428>wahh shes done nude photoshoots in the past that means shes a permanent whore scrote thoughts
>>1964434i mean was there any evidence posted saying that she was born in a different year? was she doing porn before she claims to have been 18? because i didnt see anything about that int this thread
No. 1964442
>>1964436Okay? Wearing a dress sometimes doesn't erase the facts she's cooked literally near naked and in lingerie
>But it's not actually naked!!You can't possibly be using this excuse
>Permanent whore!!No, we're saying an influencer known for catering to moids via lingerie posts is likely still catering to moids via lingerie posts again. Do the math
No. 1964451
>>1964446onision is a pedophile? does that really compare to a conversation about some lady cooking
>>1964445well i don't think making videos of her baking cereal is going to successfully impart any agenda, whatever you think it may be
No. 1964463
>>1964438Anons dont care she can say pickme shit like that and some anons will still kiss her ass. Is this proof that anons are.going through the
terf to tradthot pipeline.
No. 1964482
>>1964475What is your opinion on
>>1964438 this ? Is it really harmless?
No. 1964494
>>1964491and samefag but i didnt say "yeah thats bad all women do it", i said its extremely common and we'd have to make threads on all of the women who cater to scrotes and lie about their age and make thirst trap videos, if thats the criteria now.
>>1964492i understand weird nlog's moid pandering is one thing but what the hell is "suspicious behavior" when it's just some girl cooking in different outfits?
No. 1964502
>>1964500nobody ever used the word "empowering" shes just baking random shit it's a very neutral situation
>>1964499so me giving my opinion and asking questions about other users opinions is having a meltdown, but when other anons tinfoil about big old scary Nara smith its just totally normal and not schizo sounding at all
No. 1964509
>>1964502You were making up discussion out of thin air saying that anons want to make a thread on her when no one even said or wanted that. Like a defensive whiteknight.
>when other anons tinfoil about big old scary Nara smith its just totally normal and not schizo sounding at allOh you're one of those people..
No. 1964517
>>1964513maybe if every single one of her videos were meant to be sexual i'd be able to see it as eligible but it doesn't seem to be like a recurring motif in her work
>>1964510>youre stupid because im scared of videos of ladies cooking ok
No. 1964521
>>1964515think about how often you come across a girl with an onlyfans link in her bio on instagram, or instagram/tiktok models who constantly post themselves basically naked. I'm not gonna dox myself but i live in a large city and when I was in college, 47 out of my 110 female classmates were onlyfans posters.
>>1964516thats actually not what i said at all, in said its become extremely common for young women to do porn, because it is easy money, which it has been. that is in no way saying that every single woman alive does gangbangs and porn, you truly retarded dyslexic fuck. and this doesn't even have to do with Nara at this point, I'm just speaking in general.
No. 1964522
>>1964517No1curr about your shitty strawman
>But it's not every single post!!Okay? Riley Reid doesn't make every single thing she posts extremely sexual are you going to tell me she's an innocent mom lady who is being sexualized by big meanies like us if she posts herself in lingerie on the kitchen?
No. 1964527
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>>1964522She's just cooking! Don't sexualize her it's just an outfit! All women do sex work you weirdo who demands me to be mad at cooking videos!!
No. 1964531
>>1964528>She retiredSo did Riley
>just because she happens to wear lingerie or crop tops in a few videos does not mean that the videos are pornA sex worker posting lingerie videos on the Internet is completely innocent and not trying to cater to moids? Id love to see how you justify this because what the fuck
No. 1964532
>>1964529i'm going to explain this again because apparently it didn't make sense when i said
>i can type in one students name and find almost every other students account even if their names are not attached to it because they are related accounts nevermind the fact that they were also all following one other, and no, their legal government names were not attached to the account, just their faces which is how i was able to see that it was them. actually reading the post is helpful for understanding things that arent making sense to you.
No. 1964544
>>1964517no one is scared we just have basic media literacy. sometimes people promote something without actually saying it out loud. it's not schizo to recognise that.
she is presenting herself in a way that caters to the mist patriarchal kind of male fantasy (stay at home woman, cooks for him, pops out a bunch of his kids, stays sexy the entire time). her lifestyle is shown in a positive light. she is in effect promoting a patriarchal lifestyle. it's not that deep.
No. 1964547
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>>1964543This is a retired sex worker posting videos playing video games. If she was wearing lingerie (even if it was just a handful of videos) surely it would be fair to say she is catering to moids then right? So why does this magically not apply to Nara?
No. 1964555
>>1964544so cooking, having kids, being attractive, and posting it online is promoting a patriarchal lifestyle? got it i'll make sure to never cook or have a child or look good ever again, God forbid the nonnas excommunicate me for promoting patriarchy!
>>1964545>>1964548i haven't used a single one of those words in any of my posts and that's not what i am saying at all. Her current content isn't fetishistic solely because her modeling work used to be fetishistic.
>>1964547Sasha Grey isn't really culturaly similar to Nara. Nara was basically unknown and a nobody during her onlyfans days, she didn't become public spectacle until marrying Lucky and becoming a tiktoker. Sasha Grey is like a world famous pornstar and is only known for doing porn, nothing else. She's basically not a human to people, just a blowup doll. so it would be easy to assume that she's catering to moids, but we also have no way of knowing if thats her purposeful intention or if she just feels like wearing something that she wants to wear. Do you believe that if a woman does porn in the past, it means every single thought she has is dictated by trying to impress men, for the rest of her days?
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>>1964557i did not say "almost all college girls do porn", i said its become common and that i learned that because almost half of my graduating class did some kind of sex work to afford a living. it's not at all masculine to point out that catering to moids for money is commonplace in current society.
>>1964559im going through her tiktok page right now i actually can't find a video where she's half naked. are you referring to the one of her in the sheer crop top?
>>1964561i mean it looks like she wears comfortable clothes in the majority of her videos? you really believe every time a woman gets "dolled up" and wears something slightly revealing it's just because shes hoping to get male attention even though shes already married to a man who seems to be giving her abundant attention based on how frequently their children are born?
(infighting) No. 1964583
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>>1964562How is that comfortable at all? Pic rel is comfortable
No. 1964587
>>1964580>How do you know she's uncomfortable??How out of touch do you have to be to demand proof of someone saying an outfit looks uncomfortable?
>maternity clothes are stretchyA lot of these aren't even maternity clothes and things can still be uncomfortable even if they're stretchy. You're also delusional if you think she doesn't choose specific outfits for videos like every other influencer does. You act like she's just being creepily filmed without knowing and doesn't know what she's posting kek
No. 1964607
>>1964600So what’s your issue with her?
>she’s promoting Mormonism!No she isn’t, she’s not a Mormon and if she was go yell at Joseph smith
>she’s promoting an unrealistic lifestyle! You’re daft if you think she does this every day. It’s simply a hobby. She’s JOKING about getting up every morning and making the kids cereal from scratch
So what’s your issue? Her clothes are too revealing? Her skin is too dark? She’s not hated as much as a racist and misogynist white women?
No. 1964614
>>1964600>Mrs Midwest particularly made it clear she's all about choicesEspecially if that means moving away from everyone you know to live in poverty with a financially and physically
abusive, porn addict, bald manlet cop. Nara lives in luxury with her attractive husband who dotes on her, mrs Midwest is scraping by on her pitiful allowance.
No. 1964623
>>1964619I shit on all moid caterers. Why did you assume I didn't?
>>1964614Maybe I'm too stupid to believe social media straight up, but I highly doubt a Mormon musician who has a previous baby mama is exactly peak husband material
No. 1964627
>>1964623Why do you hate on women who do nothing but wear clothes and cook? There are plenty of women on tiktok talking about repealing the 19th and how it’s normal for men to want to fuck 16 year olds. Why not go yell at them? You’re wasting your time having a go at someone who’s done nothing.
>I shit on all moid caterersYOU are a moid caterer, you’re doing all their misogyny work FOR them.
No. 1964635
>>1964627>There are plenty of women on tiktok talking about repealing the 19th and how it’s normal for men to want to fuck 16 year olds.Yes! Look at Nara and Lucky's following list and that's who they follow kek. But yeah it's just innocent clothes and cooking sure
>Actually it's you who misogynistic!!This is so overused it lost its effect
No. 1964684
>>1964481The BPD thread isn't because BPDs realize it's a despised mental illness. Plenty of them in the mental disorder thread though.
The whole "I despise fucking moids grrr but also last week I fucked a random guy I met on a tinder date because he was hot" is peak BPD behavior.
No. 1964730
>>1964721Samefag also why would she want to raise kids who have black in them in such a
toxic environment for black people? Anything for some cock I guess.
No. 1964774
>>1964771She simply isn't wearing lingerie, I don't know why you lie about that
Also could you show some screenshot of her following a child rapist ?
No. 1964775
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>>1964774Stop lol. Even people who defended her admitted she wore lingerie
Also her and lucky follow Kirk along with multiple alpha male type podcasters who preach about teens being most fertile and such
No. 1964777
>>1964775She's not lmao unless you literally are a mormon yourself and believe showing your belly = basically being naked.
How the hell is this showing Nara Smith is following this dude ? You don't have a full screenshot ?
No. 1964781
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>>1964774>Inb4 it's a dress!!This is a baby doll slip from Nordstrom
No. 1964783
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Woke up in the morning to this big fat mess. So what is the point of denying that Nara had an OnlyFans? What's the goal or point here?
No. 1964789
>>1964781Looks like one of those slip summer dress that were trendy last year
>>1964785You are so conservative kek
No. 1964791
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>>1964789That's literally listed as lingerie kek
>You're so conservative Wait til you see who they follow! You also can't claim im conservative for pointing out she dresses extremely revealing
No. 1964798
>>1964791She's showing off her cute bump like 99% of mom influencers online
>>1964777Still no answers I guess she isn't following the child rapist then ?
No. 1964803
>>1964798Kirk encourages messing around with teenage girls
>All moms do it!!Excuse after excuse. She can post literal porn of herself and you'd claim it isn't like that and everyone does it and so on
No. 1964812
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>>1964727It's likely one ban evading tradfag. No idea what he/her gets out of reheating the derail after a day and defending this woman non-stop for hours.
No. 1964817
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Who gives a fuck about any of this? Legitimately who cares at the end of the day she's just some bitch on internet and none of this translates to real life. You people invest too much into the thought that people care about shit like this outside of their day jobs. Nobody is bringing up her tradwifery nobody is talking about the existence of her onlyfans you people are retarded for even letting this conversation go on past a few posts. I'm going back to sleep.
No. 1964832
>>1964823NTA but
>snark redditThese are always just insecure tiktok millennials raging about the most bland, milk-free female “influencers”, who would read that willingly?
No. 1964833
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>>1964828NTA but what is this point? This is lolcow, where users stalk social media pages to get info and milk from different celebrities and internet figures. Ofc info on Nara is gonna get taken, this is what lolcow has been doing for years
No. 1964845
>>1964842Tradthot thread got locked because of baiting/infighting kek. Most tradthots were pretty milky from what I've seen
As far as snarks go what I've seen, it's nothing against her or her lifestyle personally (outside of concerns about her stated age), but people just calling out very fake and pretentious content, which is fair since they call out food influencers for doing the exact thing. Nara isn't being targeted because of evil jealous women
No. 1964847
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I’m glad that skinny bodies (heroin chic) is coming back. Nature is healing. Fatties, fag men and trannies shouldn’t have been too insistent on being included into something most people already aren’t qualified for. The real truth is many activist fatties are just as vain and self-obsessed constantly feeding themselves with delusions such as ‘self-love’. The people who are only allowed to be fat and happy are your aunts and mother, not a model who’s being paid for her looks and appearance.
No. 1964852
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>>1964847I like the bodies of naturally skinny women, and I hate this new "culture" of everybody wanting women to have a hugely fat fucking ass. Does any place outside of America even care about women having a fat ass?
No. 1964860
>>1964790>I’m black but funnily enough Nara most likely would think she’s superior to me because I’m 10 shades darker and that’s probably what her little white twink tells her everyday kek.NTA, I knew about the tradthots mad she was biracial, but this is another dimension of obsession and projection I wasn't aware of, thanks.
She definitely isn't "famous" except in the minds and feeds of people like you and the other women that are obsessed with her. The rest of us don't care, and don't understand why she keeps getting brought up. Like you have to actively craft narratives because what's actually going on is so uninteresting. The tradthot thread had actual cows like Lauren Southern, Ashton Birdie and Brittany Venti. Some fucking cornflake tutorials aren't going to cut it. You're going to make this woman blow up the same way Sydney Sweeney did, and you'll only have yourselves to blame.
(tradthot derailing) No. 1964871
>>1964867>people who don't care or obsess about her that still are pointing out there's something uneasy about her contentThat's not who I'm replying to, look what I greentexted and what I've been saying
nonnie>>1964868And there are tons more black hijabis posting the same type of content, and Islam is a far more ubiquitous plague among black people. Why haven't you posted any of them?
No. 1964906
>>1964896I don't know much about black anon since I stay out of race debates tbh but
>OF thot with no proof There was nude pics posted of her (and likely lots more online)? Unless it's revenge porn she did do some sort of sex work and anons did have proof to back that up. It probably wasn't OF specifically but she does have a past in adult content
No. 1964908
>>1964359 That's very tame for a model, doesn't look like OF content by any means
No. 1964910
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You shouldn't be expected to be an amazing artist if you're a hobby artist, artist friends of hobby artists need to chill, we're not trying to become the next Michelangelo and paint the ultimate hyper-realistic enveloping mural that depicts some ancient unknown civilization, we just want to draw silly doodles and write shitty fanfics.
I don't want to practice every 5 seconds, I don't want to make profits with my shitty doodles and I don't care if it takes me 90 years to figure out how perspective works, this isn't my day job.
No. 1964926
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>>1964917The point is, that's not OF content, and there's no evidence she did OF. I Googled "nara smith nude modelling" and this is all that came up, I can't find any "scandalous modelling" either.
No. 1964927
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>>1964921A lot of these older celebrities still try to keep the skinny model bodies they had at 19 and they look like the Crypt Keeper
No. 1964939
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>>1964931That is unfortunately true. Americans seem to like to glorifying struggling in life because so many of them seem to think busting your ass to the bone just to get by is a shiny badge of honor and strength. Working double shifts with almost no breaks isn't something I would be proud of, but Americans are more of the type to brag about being worked like a mule. Then they do the surprised Pikachu face when their moids naturally get suicidal as hell.
No. 1964947
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>>1964926It looks like she does more nude/semi nude stuff while pregnant. Sure you can use the defense that she's not doing -actual- porn but it does look bad especially since the men that weaponize her put women down for wearing less revealing stuff than what she wears on the reg
No. 1964948
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(tradthot derailing) No. 1964969
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>>1964962>>1964962Nta but this is her
No. 1964973
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>>1964969And this is her aswell
No. 1964995
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>takes of shirt and pushes boobs together to post eczema on Instagram
Our perfect Nara would never dare try to get moid attention!! Never in a million years
No. 1965064
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>>1965062>"homosexuality is a mental illness"Welp.
No. 1965071
>>1965063It's hard to find good art now. All drawings/paintings is stupid anime shit or fandom, modern music is all covers/parodies, even high fashion stuff has been sold out for complete jokes of fashion shows with nothing flattering. I feel bad for people who mastered their talent just to get outdone but a talentless moron.
Learned to paint for decades? Well some idiot who draws furry porn makes more than you
Learned violin for years? Should've learned to edit some Karen rage meltdown into techno
You made clothes? Sorry Balenciaga said garbage bags are in
Sculptures? No should've just 3D printed anime boobs and dragons
No. 1965088
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>>1964438iirc she said it in a retarded way that she likes modern society in an interview, I'm not denying grimes is stupid I just think most of the hate she gets on her thread, specially the tinfoiling that she's some uber non functional junkie that has her teeth falling of, is unwarranted and cruel.
No. 1965108
>>1964847>>1964852Heroin chic is back because the fashion industry tanked any 'inclusive body' efforts on purpose so they could go "see nobody wants to see a woman above size 0!". And now all the gay male fashion designers can have their young women with bodies similar to prepubescent men again. Reminder that it's way easier to loose weight for men then it is for women too, and even at the height of the BBLs underweight women were still considered the standard of beauty 90% of the time.
Speaking of, 99% of WIEAD videos are just thinspo. I've seen videos with their weight and height being added (of course underweight) and zoomers will still defend the person saying they're just naturally skinny and it's not thinspo to the death.
No. 1965136
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>>1965131Ooh okay but I heard that if you have a darker line down your belly to your crotch without ever being pregnant before, that could mean you have more estrogen than normal. So if I'm surrounded by women with extra testosterone, and I have the mark of the estrogen, does that mean I am the chosen one?
No. 1965271
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I think a lot of dog owners these days think of themselves as better than parents and their "crotch goblins", but tbh a lot of dog owners are just as bad as parents with unruly children. They're literally the animal version of people with bad kids but insist they're so different. They'll let their dogs run up to anyone, bark at anyone, get offended if you're not interested in their dog, don't clean up their dogs poop, bring their dogs to places dogs absolutely shouldn't be (I don't wanna see your dog in a cafe, restaurant, or a grocery store), don't properly train them, lying about their dogs being service animals to get them in places that otherwise don't allow animals, etc etc… Badly behaved dog owners are literally a pandemic.
Not to mention that many dog owners make it a point to hate on cats, as if they're not both cool animals in their own right, while also acting like you're evil of you don't prefer dogs.
No. 1965301
>>1965108People just like anything impossible for women to get at the time, BBL and implant trends died because normie and poor women have more access to those things via care credit and traveling. Heroin chic is back now ofc only after women gained weight, went to the gym training their thighs and butt, got plastic surgery, etc to fit the trend and now those women are relying on ozempic or some shit to lose it all rapidly
It's also a symbol of wealth, the level of skinniness required by heroin chic requires starvation to some extent, now that we live in an age where even middle class women are relying on second jobs to get by, women need food more since they need energy to work. If you're able to sit home all day, your paid workers do everything for you and you don't need to work much or even worry about medical bills of you pass out of course restricting would be easier for you
No. 1965309
>>1965301Exactly. It's a lot easier to eat healthy when you can pay someone to prepare all your perfectly nutritious meals. It also takes away from time needing to think about food which is a big
trigger for getting snacks or 'bad' foods. Not to mention the time needed to go to the gym all the time for the ones more into the fitness aesthetic. The people in my own social circles that all have "gym" as their main and sometimes only hobby are the same ones that grew up middle or upper middle class.
You see the same thing with a lot of the orthorexic crowd. Not saying it isn't a terrible disorder, but you need money to spend all that time in the gym and the sheer amount of protein versions of products they consume. The average working class person simply doesn't have the time and money to become a gymbro or heroin chic. The latter can but only by straight up starving themselves and I'm not sure if we should be encouraging that.
No. 1965604
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>>1964852Fat asses are kind of gross. Most of these "thick" women are just overweight. As one nona in the previous thread said, the obesity epidemic has shaped standards in a terrible way. It's the female equivalent of having a husky bear body or whatever it is called.
No. 1965613
>>1965527My unpopular opinion is that people need to take off the rose-coloured glasses when it comes to the adoption industry.
Not every child is there because of abuse or from being unwanted, a lot of those children are there as a result of parents (usually mothers) being told that because they are poor/single/‘too young’ will never be good parents and must give their children up adoption or their kids will never be happy. In my country unmarried pregnant women and girls were sent away and forced to work everyday right up until they gave birth and often their children were given away to more ‘suitable’ families without their knowledge or consent.
International adoptions especially are the worse for this, adoption services in countries such as China often lie about where they got the children from, they’ll say that they found them on the side of the road when in reality they were kidnapped. If you adopt a child from overseas there is no way to really know if they were truly unwanted.
I’m not completely against adoption, I think it can be a great for children whose parents truly don’t want them to be raised in a family that does, however the adoption industry is ultimately there to make as much money as possible and if they have to lie to do it, they will. In an ideal world there would be no children available for adoption because there would be no unwanted children, due abortion/ contraceptives be readily available and having better support for poor/single mothers so they can study/work and eventually be independent.
No. 1965653
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>>1965650Sexyy Red looks good with her tats though.
No. 1965842
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There is zero purpose or reason for Hellweek only to give jannies and the admin a reason to pretend they’re “handling it” and have “full control of the situation”. This is the equivalent of police officers patrolling NYC subways, absolutely no reason but to harass normal people (in this case regular users) and to reinforce their necessity, only to be useless and ineffective after this performative act of “caring” “understanding” kek. A website that’s supposed to be dominated by women and is eating off of imageboards culture that is supposed to be chaotic and less moderated than other social media, it’s the most censored, janny-policed and monitored and I wonder why? Why is a female imageboard, that is arguably way less impactful and harmful for the rest of the internet so effing moderated? Why is it that we can never beat the moid allegations that no matter where we congregate it always devolves into a satirical Mean Girls film social structure where it just implodes on itself because of mercurial female rivalry, power-tripping and self-policing?(take it to /meta/)
No. 1965888
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No one cares about celebrities anymore because most of them are ugly and boring. That’s why all these movies and music sales are flopping because everyone lost interest.
No. 1965922
>>1965888>>1965909It's all of this but also writers and companies have become even more retarded and money hungry than ever.
We will have to live in this eternal groundhog day of constant remakes until some company decides that they want to make something new even if that means not making huge ass profits.
Hell, I predict that in two years we will have another barbie movie in which barbie will be a moid.
No. 1965953
>>1965888>>1965909>>1965922i agree, the movies that came out after the writer's strike made me realize that maybe hollywood execs had a point in trying to replace writers with AI.
and if we keep getting shit like we do now i'll fully support AI.
fuck that.
No. 1966297
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>>1966284no kpop threads are allowed because they attract a certain type of sperg, and they have their own imageboard. Posts that mention kpop as an aside where it's relevant sometimes is banned but sometimes not, it seems to depend on how the mods are feeling. Maybe if it turns into a discussion it gets banned? I've seen kpop boys posted on /g/, this gif is a classic for example. sometimes bans here feel less like a punishment and more like bad luck kek
No. 1966313
>>1966307Go ask in /meta/ complaint thread they’ll probably give an explanation (it will be retarded and biased)
>>1966284Imagine calling someone else a newfag when you’re too new to know the kpop critical threads that lead to kpop getting banned. You kpopfags are so fucking retarded and obnoxious
No. 1966487
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>>1966464>Again, it’s extremely suspect that “scrotefoiling” is bannable and they always ban someone who calls the obvious scrote poster a scrote. That is so fucking true. In the Ugly Man Psyop thread, some poltard faggot threw a tantrum, but one anon got banned for "scrotefoiling" even though it's extremely obvious that it was a racebaiting scrote.
>>>/ot/1963844Jannies hate it when anons "scrotefoil" what obviously is or at least acts exactly like a fucking scrote? Then they get butthurt when anons naturally catch on that something isn't quite right about the jannies? I mean seriously, how can they expect us to feel any other way when they
punish users for sniffing out moids? Maybe the theory that jannies let their boyfriends play with the site isn't far-fetched, because that's what it looks like every other day.
No. 1966663
>>1966659Earth, earl and earn are all "er" sounds. Not air.
>why do you think it's up for debate>pronouncing things a particular ways only because other people tell you you have toKEKKKK
No. 1966668
>>1966663Girl what are you on about?? Er and ear are totally different sounds. Ear like the one on your head right, or are you just spelling 'er' as 'ear'? I wasn't saying those words sound like 'air', I'm saying they don't sound like 'ear' so you can't assume her name does.
And people get to decide how their own names are pronounced so yeah.
No. 1966678
>>1966668What are YOU on about? I never said er and ear are the same sound. I said it's not air.
You probably also pronounce Arkansas as Arkansaw so I'm not even gonna entertain you anymore.
No. 1966884
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>>1966875same anon but anyway picrel because I do actually think about the Roman empire multiple times a day
No. 1967063
>>1966696This happened to me kek. I have large boobs on a skinny body, similar to Sydney Sweeney and always got bullied for being flat until I went to a country that isn't all fat asses and suddenly I'm a big tittied goddess.
As for back pain, it's real if you have dense and heavy breasts, I can't lay on my back because of the weight
No. 1967079
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If I was JKR I'd delete my social media or at least go completely quiet. It can't be healthy to be so embroiled in internet hatred and twitter fights 24/7. Troons would keep seething about her but she doesn't need to respond.
No. 1967086
>>1967074It's "Jamie" for me, never met one that wasn't passive aggressive as all fuck and really narcissistic despite being fat and ugly
No. 1967089
>>1967074For me is Thais. And men is always Lucas. All the Lucas I've met are so arrogant and cowardly and they have annoying speech patterns, I can't explain, they are just defective. If you name your son Lucas you bet he's gonna talk like a retarded faggot and have weird relationship with women. Thais will just stab you in the back, they always do, watch out.
>>1967009Kek can confirm, that's the name of my landlady and she is fucking weird
No. 1967090
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>>1967086he's a narcissist for sure, but fat and ugly, really?
No. 1967093
>>1967090he's ugly
>>1967092you're ugly
No. 1967173
>>1967066>That's how you pronounce ArkansasTo you, because you live your life how other people tell you to. ArkansaS (with an s) pronouncers on top
>>1967071I can't hate Australia because, like most people, I don't care about Australia. This is like someone being like, "oh you'd hate Liechtenstein!" as if anybody acknowledges the existence of it.
No. 1967211
>>1967208If I were in her position I would also be doing what she is doing and I think she's incredibly based for doing this. When people in
terf spaces first started praising her for her first 'dipping the toes' anti-trans rhetoric I was incredibly skeptical of her, but she's gone the distance now and is legally protecting other women in the UK when they say men aren't women. I actually think the UK is now called '
terf island' partly because of her. What else other calling is she supposed to have now she's grandma age and only writes novels occasionally? She's doing something good for society knowing she's too untouchable to be cancelled.
No. 1967215
>>1967209AYRT and yeah I know my dad is probably pornsick because of things I know about him although I never directly caught him watching pornography. I think depending on your living situation and the moid's attitudes you can totally tell if they are a regular porn user and when women try to insist to other women that an obvious non-porn-user must be using porn, they are just aiding and abetting the psyop to make porn use completely normalized in society.
I have "radfem" friends who have never asked their nigel or tried to check if he uses porn because "they all do and I'd rather not know" and this literally makes things worse. If men were actively held to account, berated and shamed by women they're actually attracted to for porn use and if other men told them they're losers, many of them would stop. But since all of society mocks the idea of "non porn users" as unicorns then moids don't have the motivation to stop at all.
No. 1967233
>>1967206they probably weren't watching porn because you were around, anon. you can also watch porn and not be a full blown porn addict. do you actually think if one of those guys was in a hotel room alone that he wouldn't watch porn? porn is the reason the internet was created. you have way too much faith in men. I'm sure it's not literally
all men, but it damn sure is the vast sweeping majority, especially when you minus all the men who are religious, nofap, asexual etc.
No. 1967239
>>1967233They could have done things to make sure I wasn't around so they could watch it, like closing their bedroom door, taking their phone to the bathroom, etc. but they didn't. This is the kind of paranoia I am talking about exactly. I have talked to some men who, when I knew them as teenagers, already said it was gross, weird, and unfulfilling. It doesn't appeal to literally every single man.
Yes I believe that men who choose to voluntarily live with women, leave their doors open and leave their devices around unlocked probably don't randomly book themselves hotel rooms just to watch porn there, since porn is a habit that people form and not the literal first thing that any male will do the second an opportunity is granted. People who don't habitually use porn probably won't take their once in a year opportunity to watch it the second a woman isn't around, because if you don't have that shit on your mind 24/7 it's not the first or only thing you think about. This is like claiming that someone who isn't an alcoholic will drink a handle of gin the first opportunity they are alone, because the only reason they're not constantly engaging in alcoholism is because other people could see them. Assuming you are a person who doesn't binge-eat 5000 calories worth of oreos regularly, is that the first thing you do when you're alone once in a blue moon?
No. 1967247
>>1967239alcoholism and binge eating are terrible comparisons imo. both of those things cost money and have dire consequences. not saying porn doesn't have consequences but they are usually further down the road and they more effect the people around them rather than themselves. I masturbate when I'm alone, and most men probably do too. the thing is, most men think of watching porn and masturbating as being interchangeable. they want something to help them jerk off instead of using their imagination, they don't care at all about the ethics behind porn or anything, or they just watch hentai. they think of watching porn as being natural or whatever and at this point most men under 30 have probably been watching porn since a very young age. not to mention I've literally seen men admit that porn is
abusive and whatnot and yet they still watch it. needless to say they don't think of it as some vice like alcoholism or drugs or whatever.
I would compare watching porn to using google or something. yes you could look something up in a dictionary, or look up a recipe in a book, but your phone is right there and it's so much easier just to type it in and voila there it is. you could jerk off and imagine things in your mind but there's all the hardcore porn you could ever imagine at your fingertips. that's how men use porn.
I agree that women shouldn't just accept it in a relationship though and should still set boundaries and whatnot.
No. 1967265
>>1967246AYRT and I agree women should ditch their nigels ASAP if they watch porn. I said above that I find it sad when 'radfem' women are scared to even ask or try to find out if their nigel is a porn addict because 'all men do it.' I don't think it's realistic for straight women to stop getting into relationships with men but I do think it's realistic for straight women to stop accepting every form of male degeneracy and uselessness if they do choose to get with men, and this includes porn as well as complete inability to do basic household chores, cheating, etc.
>>1967247My point is that if someone is not addicted to a highly unnatural and counterproductive thing then they won't suddenly decide to do it on the rare occasion they are in an abnormal circumstance, like being in a hotel room alone. If you have a relatively normal psyche and normal habits then you won't, after years of never watching porn, just suddenly decide you need to do it after 3 years the second you are alone, yes even moids have brains that respond to habit formation. Even if men masturbate when alone, if they're used to doing it without porn, they won't suddenly need porn to do it when they're in a hotel room alone.
Comparing porn use to google is just silly, you are saying there are tons of people who never use google until they're in a hotel room alone?
No. 1967266
I already replied to this, I'm not sure why you keep deleting and reposting. but
>Comparing porn use to google is just silly, you are saying there are tons of people who never use google until they're in a hotel room alone?
you are really good at missing points. the point isn't that using google and watching porn are the same, it's that the convenience is the same. if I'm googling a recipe, no, I wouldn't wait to be alone. if I was googling porn to help me masturbate, then yes, I would wait til I was alone.
>basically no situations where he was home alone without me unless he was literally on dates
well there you have it. he's not gonna masturbate if he's around you all the time. did you masturbate in front of him? did he know your masturbation routine, and you his? if not, your argument has no weight. if I was around my roommate 24/7 I wouldn't masturbate in front of them, but if I had the opportunity to be alone, like in a hotel, I probably would. he wasn't watching porn because he didn't have the opportunity, like you said yourself. and if he only masturbated in the shower, of course he's not gonna bring his phone in there cause, you know, most phones aren't waterproof. and like I said, a lot of men who watch porn aren't necessarily addicted to porn.
No. 1967267
>>1967252I don't want to get super specific but I had 100% of the exact same classes and social activities as one of my male roommates so there were basically no situations where he was home alone without me unless he was literally on dates, we walked to and from classes together and shared all our friends so although it is possible he was extremely pornsick I have a hard time wrapping my head around how he could have been watching porn on a regular basis without me knowing. He always kept his bedroom door open and I came in all the time to study together or ask questions about homework. I'm sure he could have masturbated in the shower but he wasn't bringing electronics in there. The only time he ever closed his bedroom door was when he was sad his gf dumped him and I busted in to find him crying in bed eating ice cream lmao.
I could go into more examples but I'm not saying there are literally zero situations men I've lived with could ever have watched porn, just that there's zero possibility they regularly watched it. If someone only has an opportunity to watch porn every few months I would not call them a 'regular porn user' and I think the chance someone watches porn at all goes down dramatically if they don't have regular opportunities to watch it, since it's something that most porn users do habitually. If you have no opportunity to habituate yourself to porn use you can likely masturbate without it, although I also think some men don't masturbate regularly as well. But people who can normally get off without it, either through normal sex or normal masturbation, have no real need for porn and usually don't become porn users.
This conversation is convincing me that a lot of women think porn is something literally better than food, better than drugs, better than the air moids breathe and that there is no possibility for moids not to be obsessed with it, which is weird because what we consider porn today didn't exist 50 years ago let alone 5000 years ago and is not part of normal evolutionary impulses. Why are you letting yourselves get psyopped into the idea that porn is better than every other thing a random moid can experience and all moids will use it by default?
No. 1967272
>>1967266Sorry I deleted and reposted bc of accidental personalityfagging, my bad. I don't think the convenience of porn access has anything to do with a scrote becoming porn addicted is my point. If the only time a moid creates a situation where he can watch porn without scrutiny is being in a hotel room alone once in several years then chances are he's not a porn addict. People are saying it's 'bad examples' to say why don't you eat 5000 cal of cookies when you're alone or drink a bottle of alcohol when you're alone but thinking a man who doesn't watch porn for months or years will suddenly do it in a hotel room alone is on the level of paranoia of thinking that your friend who always eats healthy is eating 3 boxes of oreos when she gets a hotel room alone. Addictions to supranatural stimuli don't pop up out of nowhere.
My point was that my roommate could have chosen to be alone more often but didn't. I didn't masturbate in front of him or when I was alone because I don't masturbate, but if I did masturbate I don't think I would have needed porn to do so. People who willingly put themselves in situations where they can't do something because someone is always watching obviously don't value that thing very much and if you think every moid who willingly puts himself in a situation where he can't watch porn is just waiting for the once in a lifetime opportunity to watch it you're paranoid.
No. 1967344
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I dislike nearly all "up" hairstyles women do, I think longer hair looks better and no matter what the up dos always just look like they have short shaved hair to me from 3/4 angles. I especially hate it when it's slicked back
No. 1967351
>>1967344You're right, that looks so ugly. The picture reminds me of my own unpopular opinion: Blond hair often looks horrible if there isn't enough of a contrast with the person's skintone going on. Like, the woman in your picture looks bald.
I suspect this is part of the reason why tanning is popular. Dark blond doesn't have the same issue, though.
No. 1967862
>>1967839>>1967842>>1967849obviously it's not acceptable to allow yourself to be in a relationship with a dangerous partner, ever. Thats why you don't get into a relationshp with one kek. I've been with my nigel for 15 years, all he's done is provide for me and give me love. If you haven't experienced that then I apologize but you're also not going to get that from an AI system. Doesn't it also cross your mind that the system will be run by a company that will be able to read all of the things you're sharing with your AI husbando? Doesn't that feel frightening? As oppposed to being with someone who is a real human that you trust and who you know isn't controlled by a board of 200 employees.
>>1967836If your husband doesn't want to take care of his own kids then it sounds like you made a misjudgement when seeking one out.
>>1967855I'd love to know do they give you a full profile on the guy? Do you see his stats, his salary, do you get a picture of him? I've never considered how that process looks for someone who's going through IVF or artifical insemination
No. 1967883
>>1967862You're not all men'ing right now. Males are like pitbulls and randomly snap and kill people. Statistically someone among us is going to be murdered by a scrote. Stop acting obtuse.
Personally I have an extremely strict age limit for males I'm attracted to so it's literally impossible for me to be in a relationship for 15 years. He would try to kiss me and I'd have to put him through a meat grinder. I'd sooner sell my soul to Amazon before touching a post-wall male.
No. 1967912
>>1967897You're making incorrect statements
nonny, and it doesn't really help the case you're trying to make because it's simply not true.
>>1967899You're saying this as if every single married couple in the world has issues with domestic violence, which just isn't factually true based off the numbers. I'm sorry if your husband doesn't want to be around you but some of our husbands love and worship us because we gave them children kek.
No. 1967929
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>>1967912Just like keeping a pitbull you’re more likely to be maimed by your nigel than some stranger you’ve never met. There’s also statistics showing that men are more likely to kill and attack vulnerable women so having his child won’t work all it does is make you an easy target to manipulate
No. 1967950
>>1967944lurk moar and reread my posts if you're having a difficult time understanding what they're saying
>>1967945well actually yeah there are millions of women who do find men having sex dolls/AI girlfriends/pillow girlfriends to be fucking depraved and disgusting kek? This has been something thats discussed for years.
No. 1967956
>>1967917I like how she’s not denying Nigel
does punish her for misbehaving on the computer. Anyway, the number 1 cause of death for pregnant women besides complications is murder, by their precious scrotes.
No. 1967959
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>>1967950Go back to the kitchen and don't come out until you have stopped men from pursuing their artificial womb sexbot fantasy. You're not gonna shame women out of the same things that men get to enjoy.
(infighting) No. 1967965
>>1967956well, my husband didnt murder me when i was pregnant so
>>1967959ouch kek why are so many anons so exclusive towards mothers? i really don't think anyone should be allowed to use sex dolls, AI bfs/gfs/ body pillow gfs, men and women both. I know there are millions of people who agree that it is a signature of a deeply mentally unwell individual.
>>1967960idk i'm not a journalist or a scientist or a therapist so i don't want to get into a debate about it irl i'm just spitballing my opinions
No. 1967973
>>1967862>>1967841>Making you feel emotions that aren't real>you're also not going to get that from an AI systemLiterally skill issue lmao btw love is a fake chemically-induced fugue state and romance is Ugly Man propaganda.
>>1967965>but my husband didn't murder me ♥This is your brain on cock.
No. 1968000
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>>1967975I’m talking about how widows or sometimes lonely older women go to church and husbandofag jesus kek like in picrel
No. 1968008
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No. 1968015
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>>1968006Well here's the scrote reveal we've been waiting for
No. 1968032
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>>1968006>at 57 a man has a chance at finding a sexy 21 year oldTOPKEK it is not 1999 and you are not chad
No. 1968035
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>>1968023Its even worse because if old scrotes had the money and the chance they would still go after young women and degrade them
No. 1968044
>>1968034So every single woman you know who is married or with a boyfriend is in a
toxic relationship with a man who hates them? Really?
No. 1968049
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>>1968037Tbh thats sadly most relationships anon. If you dump your moid for watching porn the next one will just hide it from you. There’s no true guarantee of loyalty from scrotes unless you go crazy and monitor his every move. I think it’s also rare to find scrotes that can even love their gfs for longer than a year before they start to hate them. It’s like men have a natural aversion to love and companionship that isn’t filled with drama or fighting
No. 1968061
>>1968051Only women would call this predatory, no man would. They think that because when they were young and get ran through and used/abused by older men that older women are doing it to young men. From my experience young men are a danger to the older women willing to date them because those older women are usually emotionally vulnerable and immature. When I was 28 and dating a 18 year old that mf was
abusive as hell to me because I was an autist idiot.
No. 1968067
>>1968062Tens of thousands doesn't compare to the billions of men in this world,
nonnie. It makes me sad to think that there are married people who do not love each other but that doesn't mean that thats life for all of us.
No. 1968115
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>>1968074So do you want women to pick up their standards or not, do you want them to pick and choose a suiter or not? Make up your mind. You know a girl can have a robot husband AND a 3D (gag) husband if she wishes, it's not mutually exclusive. You have yet to present a nonreactionary counterpoint to husbandofagging beside raging jealousy and inferiority complex.
>mfw moids are being emasculated by vibrators again.And you do know women ARE picking up their standards and that's why scrotes are in a ~muh lonely epidemic~. Clearly majority of moids are not evolving fast enough to compete with heightened mating standards, sorry survial of the fittest. With science as options, women no longer need to settle for bargain bin males to have a partner or family. Scrotes mad because for thousands of years, they have relied on women settling for their mediocre asses after more dominant males have had their pick. It's either Chad or Chadbot, the average XY is so fuuucked. The sooner they accept this, the easier it will be to kick the stool.
No. 1968126
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Female vtubers are just as degenerate as their fans.
No. 1968149
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60s girl groups were the PEAK of American music.
No. 1968234
>>1968230>Every woman feels this way at some pointGirl what?
>Unpopular Opinions ThreadNevermind. Carry on.
No. 1968256
>>1968251also other disgusting things she used to do was watching rape
victims retell their stories and laugh at it, she was pretty vile
No. 1968459
I hate how much therapy is shilled. Wow, I’m really going to go and give my insurance money and co-pay to be gaslight about outside influences and decisions that are totally not impacting my personal life because that’s exactly what businessmen and politicians to think kek. Why tf do normies love it so much? Therapy is absolutely horrendous if you’re a woman especially, even if you go to a female therapist. There’s also something creepy about some stranger wanting to break down your mind and sort out very vulnerable moment and experience you had like a creep in front of your face. people with power fantasies are attracted to those professions like moth to a flame. If most problems on this earth were solved (like men disappearing), I wouldn’t need to go to therapy, I wouldn’t have anxiety, I would be able to go wherever the hell I liked and do whatever I wanted without having to engage in the chaotic nature of this shitty world that those fucker elitists have wrought on to all of us. Utopia is possible, we just have to get rid of all men, and watch all of the problems like wars, racism, crime and class inequality fizzle out. That’s what bothers me so fucking much, many problems are solvable if we just let go on trying to be “nice” and “inclusive” it gets people no where.
No. 1968559
>>1968547i don't really think giving birth affects your life span that greatly, i think it depends on how you choose to treat your body before and after you give birth, and of course your genetics. something super crazy, one of the oldest women to ever live had
12 children. another had 9 children. i'm certain that life expectancy is not solely dictated by deciding to reproduce.
No. 1968582
>>1968230I had baby fever from 24-27 and now that I'm 28 I'm doing better. Hoping you do too
No. 1968606
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>>1968576so what university did you get your PhD from nonna
No. 1968615
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Is it an unpopular opinion to feel uncomfortable when people say they're jealous of you? I hated that growing up because why would you tell the person you're jealous of…that you're jealous of them? What are they supposed to do about it? Pity you? Get rid of what's making you jealous? Why make your feelings their problem?
No. 1968624
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>>1968617There are also newer studies that say pregnancy ages you, but giving birth "resets" the effects. No. 1968642
>>1968624well yeah growing a new organ and having to nourish a whole extra life inside of your body and then continue nourishing it via breastfeeding is gonna knock some wind out of your sails if you aren't nourished which the majority of Americans are not
>>1968627maternal cerebral atrophy is def real, but most women do heal from the physical side effects of pregnancy and giving birth.
No. 1968664
>>1968650It's her job, so of course, we have no idea what her real life looks like. But the lifestyle she is selling involves spending 90% of her time taking care of everyone but herself.
>>1968657>It's not like you're broke or losing money by staying home with your babyMost women stop working or work less when they have children, and their career never recovers. Being financially dependent of a man is how they keep women in
abusive relationships.
No. 1968955
>>1968681>you must have accountability for all of the horrible shit that’s been done to you put a sock it in, anon. people are allowed to be
victims, I’m not overcoming or picking up my bootstraps for shit kek
No. 1968982
>>1968955Idk if you can't read or if I can't articulate, but I definitely did not say anyone is responsible for being in bad situations or being abused/traumatized. I'm saying you CAN heal but that you're responsible for mending yourself, and that it is NOT impossible to heal like what the ayrt said. Ultimately, if you want to be better you have to hold yourself accountable to it and you shouldn't just blame your surroundings because if you're mentally unwell then everything will suck and it just keeps you in a
victim mindset. Or maybe you're purposefully misconstruing what I said in typical lolcow fashion, idk. I'm not saying it's easy peasy lemon squeezy to heal either, but that mindset of telling
victims "you can never recover from what was done to you" is just disgusting to me though.
No. 1969131
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Islam and Muslims don’t get as much disdain for their aggressive proselytizing and imperialistic practices like Christian missionaries do. I would argue that it has not only destroyed the Middle East but has destroyed many countries in Africa who are oddly practicing two dominant religions who have been responsible for their enslavement and oppression. It gets so much respect that it scares me what’s going to become of it in the future. I agree with the anon who mentioned here or elsewhere that people definitely white males are going to convert to Islam in mass droves due to progressivism and the Gaza drama being plastered all over the media. Normies want to virtue signal so hard they’re gonna virtue signal themselves into doing a jihad for a bunch of a desert misogynists. For ex. that white moid that was on the news a month ago for lighting himself on fire and recorded it in the name of the Palestinian cause reminds me of jihad suicide or political self-annilation. There are so much westerners especially the ones in Eastern Europe/Baltics who are converting to it. I’ve even see white nationalists, the ones from the US and Europe implementing Islamist ideas and concepts into their movements.(racebaiting)
No. 1969153
>>1968657you're losing money if you stop working.
and you're losing career advancement opportunities and you become harder to rehire if you ever choose or need to go back to work.
if you like being a sahm, good for you, but acting like it doesn't have an impact on your finances and future is braindead.
No. 1969212
>>1969150>>1969182It’s going to be a dark day when this prediction happens because I can foresee it coming to fruition with the way politics are going. I remember seeing an article like this talking about non-Muslims participating in Ramadan and whenever it starts I see this glorifying starvation month trending, it honestly has to be one of the most trending events online that goes on during Spring of each year. Muslims are the most publicized and widely accepted religious group and I honestly wonder why, but I barely see any Palestinians and Muslims who care about Israel-Palestine talking about the Congo crisis kekkk. They don’t give a fuck about anyone but their own kind and it doesn’t matter what race you are, it’s convert or get raped and killed.
>>1969156I’m sorry for that
nonnie. I feel like she’s acting out of survival mode because of her tyrannical family and is living through stockholm syndrome, funnilyenough I noticed older people either sticking hard to their ways or going through an ideological transformation where they’re more willing to accept things so maybe your mom will go through that elderly milestone and see where you’re coming from and you can mend your relationship better. Idk why normies don’t want to come to reality that Islam has only birthed suffering for many people in the world and its reign of power and influence needs to come down along with Christianity.
also >banned by Muslim jannies
kek we have a thread about ex-muslims and their rhetoric is allowed but oh well
(ban evading) No. 1969284
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>>1969255>calling a child partaking in active acts of self harm “fast”If I missed out on childhood why shouldn’t I allow myself consolations in adulthood. It’s masochistic (and religion coded) to self-flagellate when your brain was literally half-formed. Btw no child wants to act grown unless they feel that’s the only way to feel some type of control and validation in life.
No. 1969371
>>1969340kekkk sorry nonna, its the truth. it’s why i’m a retarded young adult who has problems with maladaptive daydreaming to detach from the reality that everyone has failed you and it’s too late to pick up most of the pieces. parents of millennial and zoomer children who are now grown up were the original “iPad” babies, we were told to indulge in pokemon, anime, bratz, barbie, totally spies, many other stuff that eventually gave other people fucked up fetishes, mental illnesses and was the precursor for new age troonery and gender ideology. most toys and cartoons we indulged in were not appropriate for our developing brains and minds, children should not be introduced to toys, books and entertainment until a later age.
No. 1969462
>>1969450It means teenagers/children doing things that are too adult for their age, that's why I'm certain. It's particularly and most commonly used to talk about young girls who are taken advantage of by older men or even sexually assaulted. It's pretty much a very
victim blame-y term, I'm sure you can get why it left a bad taste in my mouth. It's a word that's sort of being phased out.
No. 1969510
>>1969295Usually those parents are shit tbh. Inb4 "you can raise the kid perfectly and they still come out trash". Most of the people saying this are shit parents.
>>1969255You sound religious
and black. Usually kids who turn to drugs and sex while underaged are the kids being abused one way or the other.. children who are raised and loved don't tend to go for that stuff.