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No. 195542
The old one reached limit and now is auto-saging.
>>>/ot/187938Vent your worries and stress away, dear farmers.
No. 195558
I have really bad depression, not for one particular reason but lots of tiny things that become exaggerated into a big fog that just hangs over everything I do. I had counseling for a bit but I felt like I couldn't tell the counselor anything because of course even tho there is confidentiality I get paranoid that telling her lots the things that play a major role in my feelings (some of which involve drugs, alcohol etc) will end up being pursued further, so I stopped going bc it was kind of pointless. The only person I have to talk to right now is also my only friend (Seriously, I have no other people I have actual conversation with on a regular basis) and she's been really sweet listening to me and being 100% honest when giving me advice. I'm really glad to have her but also really scared that I'm going to lose her as friend bc the few times we've hung out it just ended in me crying. I feel like a massive idoit and like I'm just burdening her, especially after reading some of the replies in
>>195281 thread. No one wants to hang out with someone who just cries and ruins everything all the time but she's all I have it's so pathetic. ofc I listen to her when she has stuff to talk about too. She keeps telling me its ok and that she wants to help but I really feel like it won't be.
copy pasted from the last thread bc I really need someone's perspective or im gonna go insane
No. 195564
>>195558You say lots of tiny things are causing your depression so if you're not going to find another counsellor soon maybe you could try to think about these things that contribute to your depression. What things are weighing you down and are they something that you can change or not? Try to focus on e.g. One thing you can change or affect like trying to do a certain activity x times a week and work your way through it. I can't come up with situated examples due to the lack of context.
A way to hopefully relieve some of your depressive symptoms by yourself could be by using CBT methods like in link related'm sure your friend wants to be there for you anon, so I don't think you should worry more about over-sharing your problems perhaps use this worry with the CBT methods.
I do think you should consider finding another counsellor or therapist to talk to, though and try to find the courage to at some point acknowledge/explore the source of your feelings. alternatively, if you really don't want to dive deeply into your feelings surrounding your depression etc. You can try to combat your depression solely through cognitive therapy/methods that put less emphasis on emotions.
No. 195568
>>195558Anon, have you tried writing in a diary? I know it may sound stupid but hear me out. Try writing things down, afterwards, rip the paper out or if you're using loose leaf leave it in tact. Now, fold the paper into a smaller size, as small as you can and carry it around you for the entire day. Before you go to sleep, take out the paper, re read what you wrote and burn it. This allows you to freely say what you want and allow yourself to physically see it become smaller and smaller. Keeping it close to you, your mind will begin to minimize the problem you've written down about and that once you burn the paper, it kind of gives the illusion that your problems or issues disappear. It's a weird thing but I did this once my life spirales out of control when my great uncle died and All the things I've kept hidden just started to pour out,making my emotions just become out of control, i couldn't even tell anybody until I did that. It showed me that I had control and with that mindset,I wasn't too ashamed or embarrassed to tell people what's wrong.
Sorry for droning on and on, Anon but I believe you need to find a way where you firmly have a grip on what's wrong and you won't feel it will go out of control.
And remember this, you're not making your friend help you. She's doing this out of her own free will because she cares about you and wants to help. If she did feel like you were doing that, I'm sure she wouldn't tell you her problems at all because she'll think that you'll only turn her problems all about you.
No. 195572
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I know it's a really minor first-world problem compared to other things in these threads, but I'm a veggie (who never drank milk/liked cheese and only had dairy in things like chocolate) who's trying to go vegan but I'm already kind of fearing the future of my veganism. I'm on day 17 of 21 - 21 days to form a habit and all that - and I already just feel cleaner, healthier, and overall better despite my mental health issues, so I feel like I'll probably continue with it after my 21-day trial. But in a year I'll be taking a round-the-world trip to places with cultures where no meat with meals is unheard of. It would be difficult as a veggie but vegan would be a lot harder, and when I was just veggie I brushed it off like 'oh, I'll just go off it for a while, no biggie'. But since then my beliefs in animal cruelty and rights have become a lot firmer and I don't see myself ever not being vegetarian at the very least, so the idea of travelling and restricting what I can experience in these new cultures as a vegan doesn't sound thrilling.
I know I probably sound really whiny and I know that all cultural experiences don't revolve around food, but I'd hate to return from this one-in-a-lifetime trip and regret never tasting homemade national dishes from hosts or trying street food in Asia or something. The summer camp I'm helping out in in Russia has even said 'being vegetarian here is unknown; be prepared to eat a lot of potatoes and cucumber', and if my whole 6-month trip ends up that way I see myself going home early, to be honest. So I'm kinda stuck between having these experiences and sticking to my morals.
No. 195589
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I feel so bad for my nephew. He'll start crying when his parents start yelling at each other and one of them is just all, "settle down, you're fine." Like…it doesn't matter that he wasn't getting yelled at, seeing that kind of behavior when you're so young can just terrify you, especially when it's coming from your parents. Even if I step in and say something I always get some, "I DIDN'T START THIS!" bullshit.
My nephew spends so much time watching youtube videos and many of them are about families playing games together and it breaks my heart to know his parents barely do that kind of thing with him. It's summertime and he just spends his days staying inside and not playing with friends.
I'm admittedly a shitty aunt because I'm a hermit and not terribly fond of children, but I feel like I need to step up and be his friend or something or else he's going to grow up into a lonely, anxious mess like me.
No. 195616
>>195572So first off, let me just say congratulations on sticking with it for this long and making plans to stick with it in the future because planning is half the battle.
Not really sure exactly what you have planned but I'd stick to the big cities and avoid anywhere that doesn't have food that can be adapted to be vegan. There are plenty of cities worldwide known to be vegan friendly (London, Berlin, Helsinki, Tel Aviv, Singapore, Taipei, Chiang Mai…) and plan to include them on your trip. No use going to somewhere you know will be hard when you can make on easier on yourself.
If you're staying in places that have cooking facilities, use them! You're still going to get all the benefits of all the fresh, local fruit and veg. I'm sure a quick google search will give you all the vegan products available in whatever country you're in and there are barcode scanner apps if you're unsure.
Recently I made a map on Google Maps for somewhere I'm going to over the summer. You can put a star next to businesses and they'll show up on the map next time you open it (or if you're on a laptop/desktop you can categorise them by colour and little symbols like a pizza for an Italian restaurant or a bowl of rice for a Chinese restaurant) I've completely planned out every place I'm going to eat in, there will be no guessing or having to awkwardly ask for vegan options. Plus if you're hungry, you can just pull up the map and go to the nearest place for food. You can find out if a place has vegan options by liking some vegan groups in the area on fb, checking websites like Trip Advisor, pulling up the online menus for individual restaurants and just typing "vegan restaurants near _____" into Google Maps itself. There are plenty of Eastern religions that practise vegetarianism/veganism so veggie places near temples/churches should be common.
One thing I love about veganism is that the community is so friendly and helpful so if you join a few online groups and ask for traditional cuisine in the area they'll be more than happy to help you out. Hope you enjoy your trip, anon!
No. 195633
>>195631Have you tried saving up to move out? Or to pay your way through a trade school or anything? I'm not sure where you live, but there's odd jobs near me that pay quite a lot for no degree (babysitting, dog walking, etc). Even a fast food joint bumps you up to $15/hr if you stay 6months+
If you and your bf want out of your shit town and living arrangements,you guys should start looking for jobs and places to stay elsewhere. Honestly fuck the people youre living with if they're holding you back. Look online for job postings and start living the life you want.
No. 195637
>>195633I've done my best, I recently bought a new car which drained me. Desperately needed it though.
So I'm back at square one.
I'm living in Florida in a small town, anything decent is about an hour out from me. Here there's tons of fast food places all starting st minimum wage.
The place I'm at is the best paying one though.
His struggle is being a manager at his store and unable to just up and leave. Though I have mentioned it several times. He feels obligated to make sure they'll have an AM and enough people hired. But realistically the people who apply are all horrible and we barely get new people in.
if I do odd jobs on the side do they truely pay good? I'm hesitant because of the people here.
But if it's worth the risk I'm desperate enough to take it.
No. 195646
>>195637It might be harder if your town is really that small, but doing odd jobs helped me out. I live in a smallish town in the midwest, but I took up babysitting on the side and it's helped a lot. I don't like kids, but people were willing to pay $20 an hour because they desperately needed someone to watch their kids since school is out and because they can't stand their own damn offspring.
I'm not sure what part of FL you live in, but I've seen postings for odd things there too that paid decently, usually only GED as a req. Things like tour guides for hotels or parks, watching over RV parks during the night,nannies, dog sitters/walkers, etc. I can't say it's enough to live off of because hours can vary, but it's pretty decent to do on the side when you need to save up extra money. Try browsing through postings near where you live on something like or
No. 195649
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I'm in a small town in Germany right now, and it should be easier than when I was in Berlin, but I'm even more afraid to go outside lol. I haven't eaten anything all day bc I freak out when I consider leaving my apartment. I'm doing an internship here, and today was my first day, but all of my interactions were so awkward that I immediately went home after I was done, and I've just been here since then. I'm so afraid of ordering food bc I don't want to fuck up my German, which I know is a dumb thought. But I'm still dreading the rest of the summer tbh
No. 195651
>>195649don't worry! you'll maybe find some friends and get used to everything soon.
I felt the same when I moved to a big city
and don't worry about ordering some food. you can usually do it with an app or order online! you just need to do it once and it won't be hard next time!
No. 195652
>>195649German anon here, we are mostly awkward in the beginning and just need some time to open up. It's super common, just keep being nice to people at work and they will become more comfortable. It's the Germans, they cannot small talk so well. :)
As for food, maybe check out or, where you can just pick and prepay with PayPal online. You just have to open the door and take the food from them (sometimes sign that you got the food, but no big interaction needed).
No. 195656
>>195649>>195652Another German anon here and I can totally agree.
Germans tend to take their time opening up but once they do it's pretty easy to get to know them.
Also if you are in a smaller town people are more open there compared to big cities.
Pretty sure that despite their and your awkwardness it will turn out good. They are probably even more awkward than you anyways lol.
But good luck there !
No. 195678
After being single for two years, I just feel like I'm ruined on the idea of dating most guys. I feel like I'm attractive enough, but my preferences for guys is pretty specific (intellectual, sensitive, open-minded and at least a little bi, somewhat more progressive than me). On the other hand, I have NO interest in dating SJWs/special snowflakes, either.
I'm pretty sure this is the kind of guy I like the most, because I tried to have a relationship with a guy who was decent looking and somewhat similar, but I didn't really feel anything for him in the end.
I don't have a huge social circle who could introduce me to a guy like this. I'm also at a loss as to where to meet new people either. Also online dating has kind of been mediocre, and my city is filled with good old white boy bros who are nothing like my type.
So now I feel like I'm going to die alone. Or there's a good chance anyways. Hearing about all of the people who meet their SOs at parties is depressing for me.
No. 195679
>>195631Learn to code and get rich.
You take free classes online and there currently two jobs per one programmer. I mean it.
No. 195682
>>195564>>195568Thanks guys, I know whats causing it pretty much but Its a lot to go into here. Idk she keeps telling to do what makes me happy but the stuff that used to make make me happy just dosent anymore. I used to love drawing but I dont have any motivation to and if I do it just comes out looking shit. I dont even have energy to watch netflix or play games. Whats makes me happy is just being around others but I cant do that when I only have one person (who now suddenly has a new boyfriend and has started ignoring me… makes me feel like everything she said was just bs so I would get of her back. This happens to me with every friendship ive had. Id bring it up with her but I bet she thinks im clingy and insane enough as it is, and Id rather have 1 friend than 0) and ofc we cant hang out just whenever i want to. People always say well just hang out by yourself but thats what I did today and it just made me feel worse, seeing everyone out having fun whilst im just wandering aimlessly. Fucking boring
Its summer break now and I have nothing to look foward to. idk what im doing after college.
I wish I could just suddenly disappear. no one would miss me
No. 195683
>>195566> I don't think anyone even wants to date me, unless they are some fedora wielding cuck.>don't want to be alive because what's the point if no one wants youTranslation: I'm upset because attractive wealthy males don't want me. There is a diverse range of guys who want you, but you don't want any of them.
Perhaps you have hit the wall, when females get older, roughly around 30 years old, their value to men drops sharply. Your value to men is almost entirely based on your youth, looks, chastity, and how traditionally feminine/submissive you are. (Men's value is almost entirely based on financial/social status, and looks/strength)
Lol at women being so stupid they think the same things that make men valuable, will make them more valuable.
Being a strong independent college-educated career-woman who makes a decent salary and has traveled the world, something that makes men very attractive to women, will make you LESS attractive to men.These same women are thousands of times less valuable to men than an 18 year old unemployed virgin – something that would make a guy very unattractive, and a girl much more attractive.
Women are pathetically unaware of everything. I wonder if I should even bother trying to explain things like this to women, I honestly feel like talking to women about any high-level concept is like trying to explain something to a chimpanzee, or a very young child.
(Domo arigato Mr Roboto) No. 195684
>>195683wew m8, 1/10 for bold.
I don't know how to stay on top of it all. Work, trying to be fit, school, dreams of large piles of money, and so on. Seems every step I take is two steps back. Much that I hate my pay-rate, when I'm not going to work I'm a lazy antisocial piece of shit.
No. 195686
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I have my first ever job interview in 2 days and I have no idea what to wear/what to expect/how to prepare
No. 195703
>>195686What kind of job are you applying for and where are you? There are some really helpful guides if you google about but really the most useful thing you can do is look at the actual workplace yourself and assimilate
Prepare some answers to the expected questions like "why do you want to work for us" and also some questions of your own, such as what the interviewer enjoys most about the workplace, and practice saying them either to a friend or the mirror until it feels natural.
I don't want to get your hopes down but sometimes it takes a few interviews before you can land a job, so try to make this a learning experience
No. 195707
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>>195703Thanks Anon, it's a retail job and yeah i fully expect to fail but i'm still going to try my best at it
No. 195726
>>195651>>195652>>195656thanks guys, I appreciate it. Also I'm in Freiburg, just in case you were wondering, lol. I guess it's not a town as much as it is a city, but it's much smaller and has a different feel than Berlin.
my third day is tomorrow, and I'm kinda dreading it lol, but i'll try to take it in stride. also, vielen Dank for the delivery recommendations, I'll check those out!
No. 195797
>>195793Where did I say it was an iPhone? It isn't. It runs android 6. Not even a Samsung, either.
The screen shattered because it fell on it (not sideways, front facing) from above, like almost 5 feet high, and since it had came the day before (online bought), I didn't get the chance to buy a case and screen protection either.
Way to be an entitled jackass just for the sake of it.
No. 195806
>>195726Had a friend living there and I can tell you people there keep ti themselves even more than let's say a big city like Cologne or Berlin.
So from what I heard it's harder to make friends there but again once Germans open up to you they will start to be really friendly.
No. 195809
>>195704Not really in this situation but I can understand the feeling lol
>>195544I'm sorry anon. When I bought my cellphone I literally just put it in my pocket and one small portion of the screen shattered a bit. Then I bought the case (a thick one) and it never shatter again. Two years going strong. How much did the repair cost?
No. 195814
I want to tell my friend I don't think she should marry this guy. As I write this I know I need to tell her, but she has a kid in the mix, and crazy traditional parents. I'm scared of crazy worst case scenarios where she breaks up with the guy instead of just postpones the wedding, or they get into a huge fight because of it and break up, or she gets upset at me for any reason, just so many bad worst case scenarios running through my head. It's not like this is out of the blue, she has vented to me about some of the stuff he's said and done, and at the end of the day, I think they can work out their problems, but I think they should wait more than 5 years to get married while they raise their kid.
on the flipside though, i am not completely understanding in how tax credits for marriage works, and i think it looks better when trying to get a loan if you're married.. also good credit but marriage I think can influence buying houses and getting juicy tax breaks.
what the fuck do i do and how should i do this without making it seem like forceful. Ultimately I will support her no matter what but I would be sad to be supporting their marriage as her first. I was more bummed when she said she was pregnant but she told me she planned it It was within a year of knowing this dude. If you want to have kids, that's awesome, but who knows what this guy is like, you barely get to know someone like that within a year, and then you essentially postpone your relationship with each other to raise a child. We're under 25. wHY god
No. 195817
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>>195809Thank you, anon. I sent an email asking about it to the official tech support and they asked for more than half of the phone's value, so I am not feeling it. I'm gonna search for a good general tech to see if the price is a bit better.
I'm in a wave of bad luck tho, because I got really sick over the weekend and still sick rn, so I couldn't go looking for it around town, all i can do is stay in bed.
No. 195832
I've just sort of given up on this life. I hardly complain in real life, I have work, I study, I somehow managed to have a stable relationship but I’m basically just going with the flow and waiting till my time in this earth is up.
I’m terrible at everything I do (and I’ve had many jobs), I’m sure the only reason my bosses keep me around it’s because I try really hard and have a good attitude; and speaking about work, I’m always stressed out because it takes everything I have to complete simple tasks that no one else seems to have issues with. I’m slow, I panic easily, and always feel out of place. I don’t have friends, hell I don’t even know how to make friends on the internet; it’s weird, I can talk to people, go out with them and all but it just never develops into a friendship, even my brother jokes that I was born with something off. I always dreamed of traveling the world but with what I earn I have only been able to save up enough money to visit a beach; I ended up going alone of course and it was incredibly boring. Because I live in a dangerous city I don’t use public transportation, I either drove or had a family member take me where I needed to be. 7 years ago I decided that it was time to start doing shit by myself, and for the 1st time I took the bus, well guess who was raped that very same day? now I’m fucking terrified of going out alone so for the past years my life has been school-work-home. I feel so hopeless about everything. I’ve tried, I’ve seriously tried to accomplish my goals, I was so full of dreams and thought that somehow I would be able to have a fulfilling life, but here I am, reading shit about other people not even because I want to make fun of them but because it’s the only way I get to “live”. I don’t even have the guts to kill myself so I’m stuck here.
No. 195838
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One of my longest childhood friends went off her meds and completely flipped the fuck out on me because she found out I was uncomfortable about her being friends and fuck buddies with my rapist, and then publicly claimed I lied about it.
I was raped when I was 13, but no charges could be filed because it was all he said/she said by the time I finally told someone so I kept quiet…which means rumors spread like wildfire and I never addressed anything since I decided no one would believe me anyway and figured it would die down eventually, which it mostly did and only the fringe group of goth kids I hung out with ever speculated about it since the guy was part of their circle too.
My friend and I met in third grade, but lost touch when we ended up going to different middle schools until we ran into each other when we were 16 at the local "goth hangout" coffee shop in town. She hung out with my group a lot after that and eventually asked me about the guy because she liked him, but I didn't want to go into it and she didn't press. A few months later I moved to a new state and got into a much healthier state of mind, got therapy, and became comfortably independent when I moved out. We kept in touch on social media and saw each other when I would visit my hometown for holidays. I knew she had a lot of issues stemming from her own childhood and occasionally helped her through drama here and there, but because of the physical distance it was never a major impact on my life.
I got married and lived abroad for a time, and that's when she started to become a bit more clingy. She soon admitted, while high during a call, she had been fucking my rapist on and off since they'd met when we were 16. I told her it was her life and to just be careful, and she giggled and said she "believed 90% of" my story, but also kind of believed his side, and then deflected and changed the subject when I asked why she was bringing this up since it was over 10 years ago by now. I let it go at that moment, but it still bothered me a bit, especially when days later she was suddenly posting old pictures of them together on Facebook and tagging him in things. Eventually it became triggering and I decided to block her (only on Facebook, we still had contact via another social media site) until I was ready to talk to her about it since she was going through a stressful situation and I didn't want to make it worse by bringing it up. She noticed pretty quickly, though, and asked my husband about it since they were also friends.
Since my husband was at work when she texted, he gave her a brief but polite summary and she completely lost her shit. She started telling my husband that I was manipulating everyone I knew, that I sent someone to the psych ward by using black magic (lol wut), and then says we're welcome to contact her through a mutual friend when we're ready to apologize to her before blocking him. Husband screenshots it and sends it to me, mutual wtf commences, and we haven't spoken since.
It's been a few weeks and I've had a few mutual friends approach me, confused, because she made a vague status that "someone she's known since childhood" has been "maintaining a decade-old lie to protect their reputation." I've mostly given a brief summary of the situation and the friends, most of them having witnessed more of her freak outs in recent years than I have, are on my side, but the lengths she went to to try and paint me as this awful person just because something she said and was doing made me uncomfortable has stung me pretty deep. Nearly 10 years of helping her emotionally, and even financially in some cases, and suddenly she tries to completely defame me to our mutual friends, all because I was uncomfortable…It fuckin hurt, man.
I'm still bitter and angry and want to lash out, even though I know it won't do any good since, especially since everyone who knows about it already knows she's not mentally well, but fuck it made me so angry. Plus I'm legitimately happy with my life; I have a decent job I enjoy, a supportive family and husband, and, even though my closest friends live a bit away, I have a great network of people who care. I'm just trying not to be bitter about it and just accept she's legitimately sick.
No. 195866
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I quit my job at a local bar to start working at a high end restaurant. It was a hard decision because I absolutely adored my coworkers but the restaurant offered higher pay and I’m in desperate need of money right now, so I jumped. When I left I was on good terms with everyone and I visit them often because the bar is right next to my gym. We’re still really friendly with each other and I sometimes join them for drinks when they go out after work. But yesterday felt… Different. I know they were both tired but I can’t shake the feeling that they were annoyed with me. Most of the night they were cold and distant, not very open for conversation and mostly just stared blankly at me when I talked to them. I ended up sitting alone most of the night while they were talking amongst themselves or with other customers. I know that I don’t work there anymore so I can’t really ask of them to act like I’m still part of the team or whatever, and I’m the one bothering them at work so I have to respect the fact that they can’t pay attention to me all the time. But it did make me upset when I saw them smiling and laughing with other customers and I could barely get a ’hi’ from either of them when I walked in. It’s especially weird considering I was there just last week and everything was fine.
I just hope I haven’t said anything or done something that would make them so upset with me they’d immediately turn on me.
I’m torn between deciding if I should go back there and see if they’re still acting distant or just leave them alone for a while and see if they contact me.
No. 195873
>>195817That's a shame. Hope you get better.
>>195836Be careful and pay attention to the condoms lol, he's being very avoidant about it.
No. 195889
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>>195873Thanks anon.
I'm gonna vent again about this phone saga because
1- I bought a case online for it (it's a very unusual model, so it's really, really hard to find cases for it, even online) and it came with a big ass scratch in the middle. I'm not gonna return it though because I am afraid it may fall again, and even though it's scratched, it protects the phone well. But fuck, I really wish it wasn't scratched.
2- As I said, my phone model isn't very common. It's not a Samsung, nor a LG, nor Motorola, not even a Nokia, so I am having a real hard time finding techs that can repair it (online ones, since I am still sick)
I know this is "very first world problems" compared to what other people wrote here, but damn, it's making me really frustrated.
No. 195920
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I only graduated college 21 days ago and I already know people in my major who are getting hired and getting nice jobs. Meanwhile I haven't even taken the licensing exam.
I feel so jealous. I'm stuck inside studying because I was too lazy to take the exam earlier.
No. 195950
>>195682Oh anon, don't be so hard on yourself. Hell, I barely know you but you seem very sweet. But what about going out in a place with less people. Such as a small hike on a mountain or somewhere in a higher elevation. Just a place that's very open and has very little people. The scenery may make you relaxed and it may even help influence some creativity in your mind?
ahh I know this isn't the best thing to say to others but I can't really word it in a better way. I actually have no friends on my own but from my own experience, I do those sort of activities and little walks and they always tend to make me feel a bit better. It also allows my passion for photography to be utilized whenever I do, so maybe it may do the same…?
As for your friend, I may be wrong or right but sometimes when people get into new relationships their bf/gf is technically the most important thing at the moment in their lives so they do tend to ignore others or place them as less important and that may be it…?
No. 195962
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i'm five feet tall. i always thought i was at least like 5'2. but nope! i'm a fucking munchkin.
i wanna be skinny and tall like the people with good genetics. but theres nothing i can do. my body just sucks. i'm not overweight, but my legs are super short/awkward so i just feel like i look fat. like jill, if you check the jill thread, she's not really fat but she's so short that her body looks all chubby and fucking weird. my body is unfortunate like hers. looking at her old pics from when she was ana i get super anxious because she looked ten times better than she does now.
my friends/family tell me that i shouldn't lose weight because i look fine (i've already lost around 30 pounds) but i don't feel skinny yet.
i want the cute skinny legs and the skinny arms and all those things that taller girls have but my body just sucks. i want to be tall and skinny so badly ;-; but no matter how much weight i lose i don't look thin. i'm so frustrated anons. i'm not underweight but i secretly want to be. in my head, if that means i'll look cute then i want it… please do talk me out of this thoughts… i know i sound ridiculous, just venting.
No. 195964
>>195962I'm going to write about my experience to you, this is from my diary I got to keep in ED treatment center. This was 6 years ago when I was 17.
> I am currently getting treatment for an ED, everything feels like it's falling on me. All this fucking weight I lost and I still don't feel skinny enough. No matter how much I keep losing, I still look like I have a fat gut and thighs. My arms are so flabby it's not cute at all. I still have that cut from a month ago on my face. Gross.> Im 5'0 and 68.5LBS currently. I still look short, chunky, and weirdly shaped. I'm still not happy with my body, but at this point it doesn't matter what I think because I'm literally dying. I lost control with my weight even though I told myself just to lose 10lbs, which was only 5lbs away from being underweight. Congratulations ( anon ), you are a failed skinny girl. The only clothes I can wear are big hoodies and my nieces 12 yo clothing. I can't work because I'm very weak and can't stand for long. I can't so anything, but lay down and feel cold. It's always cold. Every day I get horrible headaches and many heart palpitations, it feels like I'm near death. It's not worth it at all, please trust me ( anon ). > I have severe anemia, so that's why I can't walk without breathing hard huh? My hair is also falling off a lot lately, that's scaring me eep. I don't even look cute anymore, I look like the troll under the bridge. Fucken ew!> Three days ago my heart started to race so fast and I couldn't breathe. It was the scariest moment of my life. My lungs felt like they were being squeezed and my left arm started to cramp like crazy. Today I found out that I had a heart attack. I'm so scared I'm supposed to be calm, but I can't help it. I'm scared of dying. All I can do is cry these dry tears.> I don't want to die I'm only 17. I want to graduate high school and go to college. I want to live so badly! I'm so tired of feeling sick all the time I just want to live normally. Why did I ever lie to myself that I was too fat. I'm so fuckin miserable here and the nurses treat me like I'm insane. I miss mom and dad. I miss everyone. It took me years to grow out of the mentality that skinny is the best body. I work out 4 days out of the week now, I aim for muscle not flabby skinnyfat. I'm not afraid to gain weight anymore, quite the other way now. You are 5'0. You will never look skinny like a 5'11 woman. Aim for health especially if you are in 20s and educate yourself in nutrition. Lastly as cliche as it is, surround yourself with positivity. There is no need to cause your body stress for the mere illusion of ' feeling skinny '. That feeling will happen once and will addict you into losing more weight. From that mindset, you will do drastic things to seek it again, unfortunately you'll probably only find death.
Yes, I was in control of my weight when I was still passable underweight for one year, but once you start getting used to it you crave to lose more weight. The nitpicking will never end. Also whilst being underweight I developed mild anemia. You always feel tired and weak so say goodbye if you have a job that requires any movement.
If you have any questions feel free to ask.
No. 195965
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I'm very tired of the pseudo-nihilistic edgy "meme" meirl culture that everyone from ages 9 to 30 seems to have ingrained onto themselves.
Everyone keeps posting about how depressed they are, how food is their only friend or how much they want to die and keep making "jokes" and "memes" out of it.
If you do not post watered down memes about how okay you are with dying and how miserable everything is around you but you don't care, it seems you are out of the loop. It drives me fucking mad how degrading mental health has become a joke that is absolutely normal.
I don't mind people who post online about being sad/having mental problems if they actually are having those things, but most of the people who post it do it "for the meme".
I do not mind memes at all, but i really miss when they just stayed on the internet. Now they are everywhere in real life too and you just cannot escape them.
Maybe it's the nostalgia goggles, but before this trend everyone did not mind being happy and showing it. Now if you are happy you have to hide it or mask it into a "haha i'm happy what a weird feeling not wanting to kill myself" kinda deal.
Not only it trivialises mental health, it normalises it and makes it seem that it's the norm. It just fucking tires me and want it to get over with or at least have it calm down a little.
Not only that, but also the whole "sassy" hoe shit that everyone seems to do alongside that. People just being mean for the sake of being mean, because they think it's "cool" and "omg queen" whenever an asshole treats everyone around them like crap they just found on their shoes. It's not cool, it's disgusting, being bitchy to people who are kind to you should never be the norm.
I just want people to be kind and unapologetically happy once again and get over these stupid self-hating bitchy trends.
No. 195973
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>>195950Hey, thanks :) I dont really have areas like that around where I live, but I might take a day out to the forest and draw soon. The thing is I think a very social person but I dont really have anyone to be social with. Like if I had people to hang out with I would love to constantly be around them. Not even doing anything in particular, Id love to just be able to stay over at someones house for days just doing nothing. I think thats the best. Drawing in the forest is the type of thing I would to do alongside someone else. I do have 2 other people I talk to often but we arnt very close at all and hanging out with them can get kind of awkward. We dont really have all that much in common so I find it hard to warm up them I guess, but idk where to find people I would get along with. Ive tried the friend finder threads here and on cgl but to no avail.
As for that friend im honestly really happy for her, this new guy sounds amazing (her old bf was kind of a loser). It is making me low-key salty, but tbh I 100% understand and if I found someone who liked me as much as he seems to like her I would want to spend all my time with them too. I guess its the honey moon phase or whatever rn now ahaha.
I have a week long program for a uni im looking at in few weeks and im hoping to meet some like minded people then but I always hope that for these things and it never turns out but Ill just wait and see I guess. I met a girl who was in a similar situation to me and we had some stuff in common at one of these programs a few months ago and we added eachother on fb but nothing really came out of it, we talked brieflya few times but thats it which sucks. I have no idea how people build up strong friendships with people unless they are sort of 'forced' to hang out via school or work.
My summers are always shit like this, last summer I went out (as in like, hanging out with 'friends') about 4 times in 3 months. Its always like this but I guess Im the only one really who can do anything about it. I can try and find company in myself but at the end of the day I just way prefer being people im really comfortable with, which is why its lame to only know 1 person like that because obviously I cant be with her 24/7 lmao. Idk but Im just going to try harder this summer to have fun (I do say that every time tho lol)
No. 196148
>>195965I use it as a coping mechanism because if I'm laughing about how depressed and scared I am, I'm not crying about it.
It's pretty weird to think that some of my favourite jokes/memes about being mentally ill come from people who are just looking for karma on Reddit or something.
No. 196165
>>196161I don't know what kind of retail you worked in but I feel you. My first job I worked in a bakery at a supermarket for two weeks before I just left. The training was shit, they had me doing the jobs of three different people while the other employees just relaxed, the cake decorator used me as her personal slave, and I got sick so I called out (like the training said to do) and the manager screamed at me. Fucking bye. I'm not making food after vomiting for an hour straight.
I can't go back to the store either and honestly good riddance. It's not your fault at all, why the fuck do these places not train people anymore?
No. 196172
>>195965Thank you so much for this anon, really sums up my feelings on the matter.
I've been meaning to express myself on this exact issue but I'm terrible at that sort of thing.
No. 196173
>>196161>>196165Just posting to say I 100% feel you both. I posted in the career thread some time ago about my experience working as a housekeeper at a luxury hotel and I was appalled at the lack of training/care. Every week we'd get someone new and they'd mysteriously disappear soon after, places like these prey on first-timers and the desperate and there's always always a reason employee turnover is so high. I remember being so fed up and crying all the way home on the train because of my shitty job.
Run from places like these as soon as you see the red flags.
No. 196233
occasionally i still get mad about the shit my ex used to do and i want to scream into his face. some of it is petty.
>got mad at me when i would cry and be unable to talk, forcing me to speak louder even if it caused me more anxiety
>act like he was cute even though he looked old as shit. bouncing, clapping his hands together, etc.
>critique every fucking thing from movies to music, video games etc. but when i would talk about art - "art is subjective" "you shouldn't call things 'good' or 'bad'
>said i had no authority to talk about art because he thought i had only taken like 2 art classes. i had taken it for 6 years, won prizes at competitions, etc.
>when called out for being an asshole by me and OTHER PEOPLE, always mentioned how he volunteered a lot.
>said he was from a san francisco. he was born and raised there for one year, never been back since. his entire life was spent in the city we lived in.
>told me my eating disorder wasn't real
>had NO FUCKING LIPS. god looking back it was the least appealing thing ever. kissing was so unfulfilling.
>would never show his teeth while eating. somehow covered it with his nonexistent lips. it was fucking grotesque to see like he was some sort of worm monster.
>nasty ass precum. it was fishy smelling what the hell
>called my ex-ex-boyfriend my lover~ call each other lovers~ like this was some novella
>have an opinion about EVERY fucking thing. would interrupt other people's talks.
>talk as if he was a professional in his field. never had a job. never released a project.
>share our sex life with other people because he was an "open book"
>disregarded when i would tell him the shit he does (especially the last point) reflects badly on me
>claimed i was emotionally abusive. actually he would yell it at me.
i tiptoed around his feelings and how he wouldn't get a job for so long. then i realized i was being gaslighted about being "abusive" to him. i became so afraid of him, especially after he got physical with me, that i couldn't break up with him because i was so afraid of what he would do, like try to harass my friends and spread rumors about me publicly. i realized afterwards that i was the one being emotionally abused.
No. 196246
>>195973Hi anon, maybe you could look for some clubs around your campus or where you live if you're currently on break. Volunteer work could also be a possible way to meet new people and make more friends.
Other places to maybe met new people could be the gym or perhaps by taking a course on drawing/doing artsy things or cooking etc.
Just try thinking about similar activities to sekk out if those don't appeal to you, anon!
No. 196250
>>196165I shadowed at a bakery after having a good interview and it was a total shitshow with the manager. At the end of our interview she told me to come in to work a couple days after, and when I showed up she had forgotten I was supposed to be there!
Their registers also had an employee code system so if I had to ring customers out I had to get the other working employee, since I didn't have one yet. Instead of helping the two of us the manager ran into the backroom and fiddled on her phone until the assistant came in.
>spend less than one hour being shown the front end equipment, and not how it works >manager gets angry when I can't use their wrapping machine or cash people out fast enough during the shift >thank them for having me before I leave and the AM has to get the manager's attention to have her even acknowledge me in their officeIt's no wonder the place has constant ads for openings when they don't bother training new hires. I don't particularly care for my current job but at least my boss is great.
No. 196254
This is going to be very very long, and I doubt anyone will read it but I really just want to write it all out.
After overcoming a really really bad childhood, rape, sexual abuse, an eating disorder, and crippling misdiagnosed mental illness I was finally on a really good path, I was healthy and fit and able to focus on school and working hard. I have been vegan/raw/extremely healthy for years. I failed so many things so many times I wanted to put my all into really being successful and helping other people, so I decided to work toward nursing school. I was able to get into a really good school and complete one semester well enough, but I had seen several doctors about feeling tired and ill, losing focus, gaining weight, starting to dislike myself a lot. In my second semester I was (finally) diagnosed as Bipolar, and I thought it was great because I finally had an explanation for a lot of my behaviors, swings, and why normal treatment for depression didn't work for me. I was actually happy about the diagnosis. I thought it meant I had a solution and it would be easy and I would be able to continue on. I managed to make it through that semester okay, then I spent the whole summer crippled with fatigue and depression and the horror of trying out different medications with all sorts of side effects. I thought a lot of the time that it would be better if I died, even though I was successful in school so far my memory was getting worse and I wasn't able to recall a lot of important information, which is of course really bad for a medical profession. I somehow made it through the summer, and struggled even worse through the fall. I got by by cramming information and regurgitating but every day I was crippled with depression and tired and basically kept myself going by telling myself that this was my path and I was finally going to be successful. Nobody around me noticed that I was doing badly because my grades were somehow keeping up despite my worsening memory and focus and continued illness, weight gain, loss of self esteem. Finally, in January, what was supposed to be my last semester, I cracked and could no longer function. I started having anxiety attacks every single time I thought about school and how I wasn't ready to work, couldn't recall important information, and had completely failed in my own eyes. I thought about dying every day, I researched ways to die, I couldn't do anything except sit in bed thinking about how it was all over and I had no other choice but to die. I fell into a deep depression despite my meds and my doctor, in a desperate attempt to pull me out of what was essentially a depressive catatonic state, put me on seroquel. This kept me sedated and at least quelled the anxiety, but as a lot of people on these boards know (from reading threads on other bipolar cows) Seroquel is pretty much the devil. I started sleeping 15 hours a day and putting on even more weight, but at least I wasn't trapped in a coma of suicidal ideation (I assume was the doctors thinking). Now, several months later, I have finally got a new doctor who decided to actually listen to me about how bad I was feeling physically (and about the seroquel). How despite my healthy diet and lifestyle I had kept on gaining weight, feeling tired, watching myself lose my body and fitness and self esteem and focus and memory and success. They ran almost every single blood/urine/saliva test available. I have now been diagnosed with Hashimotos, PCOS, adrenal fatigue. The mental health clinic I went to specializes in brain scanning and they found patterns related to PTSD, most likely from my childhood that has never allowed my stress response system to operate and function properly. Even though I now have all these answers, I don't even know where to start or how to begin to process all of this. It feels like way too much for me to handle and I've started falling into that trap of thinking "How much does one person have to deal with?" All I really wanted was to overcome the problems I had earlier in life, be successful in school, and live a stupid, simple life. Now I'm looking at an autoimmune disease that has caused me to become obese, my continued struggle with bipolar disorder, PTSD to overcome, and 75% of a degree that I don't even know I want anymore. All of it honestly feels like too much. I've pushed myself for so long into the ground and now I'm sicker than ever.
No. 196257
>>195631get into waitressing babe. I've been waitressing since 15 (26 now) and even at the shittiest/slowest places, I made more than I would working at a shitty by the hour place. yeah you have your slow seasons/shifts but in my opinion it's worth it.
I am going thru the same thing, I'm 26 and a recovering heroin addict. just now getting my life together after getting clean 2 years ago & I have nothing. no car, no degree, nothing. I live in a shitty town on Long Island and I'm trying to figure myself out and am feeling very insignificant because I've accomplished nothing and I'm in my mid 20s. you got this. is your bf supportive, does he have a similar mindset as you?
No. 196269
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sEE you guys tomorrow <3
No. 196270
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Fuck apartment complex politics, man.
>almost two years ago we moved here
>ground floor
>only white couple, the rest of the complex are indian transplants
>no manners and never say hello to us
>have to deal with children screaming and stomping up stairwells
>small children riding bicycles in motorways
>people keeping their bikes in the breezeways next to our door (illegal)
>people and their children throwing inorganic things like plastics and toys outside their windows and me having to deal with it on my deck/lawn
>suck it up and deal with it because they are just small annoyances
>moved up a floor
>figure out the screaming child problem
>that is, the lazy stay at home moms let their toddlers play in the stairwells and don't take them to the playground/pool in the day
>decide to put up my bird feeders to attract songbirds to drown out the children
>balcony gets dirty from squirrels digging into my plants, and there's seed husks on it so I sweep it off and spray down the deck
>today is my day off
>outside enjoying my clean balcony
>sudden indian dude from floor below
>"Um ma'am can you come over here and look please?"
>I don't leave my chair and ask him what the problem is
>"Ma'am I just want you to look."
>still ain't getting up from my chair and ask what the issue is again
>"Well there's just seed here and it's a huge mess can you put up something to catch the seed?"
>"Sure, give me a couple days after the grass takes the organic seed hulls and I'll come straight down to rake it for you!"
>the guy is an idiot and doesn't get the sarcasm
>give him the thumbs up and he seems satisfied that he's accomplished something
They don't use that deck for anything besides hanging their washed laundry (also illegal and not allowed), but I'm sure that's why they're mad at me. Because when I swept all the dirt fell from the cracks and got on their wash.
Otherwise they don't care about mess and litter at all.
No. 196272
>>196270I agree with everything you wrote except the part about sweeping your shit into their yard. Get a bucket and put it in there next time. I mean, wouldn't you be pissed if someone swept a bunch of shit into your yard because they were too lazy to carry it downstairs? (I'm saying this as someone on the second floor who has to haul down the leaves and dirt and bird seed husks every time I sweep.) Plus, if you try to cooperate with them it will give you a chance to ask them for a favor as well. (I asked my downstairs neighbors to stop taking showers at the exact same time as me since they have like 50 children who all seem to need to shower at the exact moment I'm in there..
No. 196276
>>196272>I mean, wouldn't you be pissed if someone swept a bunch of shit into your yard because they were too lazy to carry it downstairs? Did you happen to miss the part where I said I used to be ground level as well and dealt with people throwing plastics, wrappers, trash, toys. and other junk landing into my yard? Of course I know it's annoying, but dirt and seeds are easier swept into the grass than confronting neighbors. They're mad about their illegal wash getting dirty, and having to sweep like I did for the first two years I was here.
If I had considerate neighbors that I liked I would go out of my way like you, but I don't really care about them and put up with their inconsiderations all the time.
No. 196278
I was forced into a group of lazy Russian and Vietnamese exchange students and had to do a big project with them. Volunteered to be the leader in hopes of getting them to do anything at all, they gave no fucks and missed all deadlines or handed in nothing at all, constantly faking being 'sick' and making up bullshit excuses, showing up half an hour late for class, not speaking English in front of the group, etc. Now we got the final grades and they've lowered my GPA to just barely passable when it used to be really good, just because they're lazy rich kids who don't have to worry about working hard and putting in effort since their mommies and daddies will arrange for a good job for them straight out of college. The professor doesn't give a fuck and won't answer students' emails, I can't meet up with him because he's on summer holiday, and I won't be here next year because I'm graduating and moving back home (I'm currently studying abroad). I live in a poor shithole and these bastards have ruined my ONLY chance of landing a decent internship/job because I don't have any work experience (getting a job back home is impossible and nobody hires students, getting a job here is equally impossible because of my lack of work experience and being foreign).
I don't even understand the purpose of going to college if all you're going to do is party, talk shit about your classmates and get bad grades. Just go work as a waitress or something.
No. 196284
>>196278Can you go to your dean and contest the grade?
As long as you show proof of your own work and the other students' lack thereof, you should be able to get that grade from the class up to an acceptable level. Tell the administration that your professor did not answer emails and/or did not resolve the issue.
These entire situations are the fault of lazy professors. Group projects are easy to assign because it's up to the students to self-guide and get major aspects done themselves with, at best, a shitty project outline for instruction. No surprise that the same lazy ass professors also hate playing mitigators when their sloppily put-together groups sour.
I've had SO MANY shitty experiences with group projects from college. So I know the difference when a
good professor facilitates group work and a bad professor who just needs to fill their lesson plan. ie. Making it so that part of the project grade is determined by how students rate each other's efforts, or having weekly assignments to turn in for group projects for each individual so that ensures proof of who's doing or not doing what.
I'm sorry you're experiencing that anon. I wish I could say it's uncommon and it will be better next time but…
No. 196288
>>196278I had a similar but opposite problem.
Trigger warning for TL;DR
I took an advanced feminist studies course, back before tumblr and SJWs were a thing.
I excelled in that class, so my professor thought it would be a good idea to stick me with older music/theater major girls who were struggling so I could work on the final project with them. It was supposed to be a group paper and media presentation.
These selfish bitches acted like complete slavedrivers towards me because they knew their shitty grades were on the line, but instead of giving themselves a gratuitous amount of work, they passed it off on me.
I remember this group so well because they're the ones who bullied me into signing up for facebook because they wanted to be all up in my shit 24 hours. They implied I was a "loser" for not having one.
And despite me being the youngest, I was the only one with a job and a responsibility to commute. They couldn't wrap their heads around why I couldn't make their 7am campus meeting after only texting me about it at 4am. Or why I couldn't just zip over to the library at random odd hours as if I lived on campus like them.
My relations with them soured fast because I wouldn't deal with their shit.
The self-appointed leader bulldyke in our group once sent a bitchy IM about how my word document with my draft paper wasn't showing up in messenger and barked at me to drive out to campus with a USB so she could frankenstein our essays together. I drove all the way to campus only for the smug bitch to say she had 'gotten' it but didn't bother to let me know before I arrived.
They played games like that. When I'd show up to these "SUPAH IMPORTANTZ GREWP MEETINGZ" they'd have nothing and would sit around and bullshit over their Starbucks. Later on they wondered why I thought the meetings were a waste of time and didn't care if I missed them.
Next, they demanded all sorts of impossible personal deadlines for my portion (they never had deadlines for themselves…), and demanded I contribute my idea of a detailed wall scroll, with a century of events and pictures, as another media because the "music mashup" they were claiming they worked "so hard" on every night was going to be a failure piece of shit. They needed me to have a media to save their grades (though they didn't admit this).
Basically I wasn't caving to their demands about pace and they grew paranoid.
I had a job and other classes with other projects, I didn't have time to meet with them everyday.
They threatened that they had been in contact with the professor, because I was just oh so lazy and not meeting their deadlines that they arbitrarily decided!
Day of presentation: My group gave me the stink eye and distanced themselves from me as we go to stand to present our crap. Their papers sucked, and the "music mashup" made no god damn sense and wasn't academic whatsoever. They literally took lyric clips from their favorite "feminist musicians" and made a Youtube mix. I shit you not. This thing they had "busted their asses" on was something that a 13 year old today could make in under an hour! The class thought it was stupid, and those girls had a confusing presentation of explaining how the fuck that noise was even relevant or intelligent.
I bust out my 20 foot wall scroll that I had worked on. People were impressed, and I think moreso because it was obvious, that based on my presenting it, that I had done it on my own.
The professor gave me an A for that class, so I assume whatever lies and bullshit those girls whined to the professor about, the professor didn't believe it. Why would the professor have believed it? They were the ones with the shitty grades and late assignment issues!
Cute sidenote :The other bitch was too lazy to turn in her own library books, so partway through the project she slipped them off on me even though they were useless to me. I asked her everyday in class when she was going to take the library books back from me, but she'd always say 'soon,' and towards the end would pretend to ignore me. She never did it.
I forgot about the books because they weren't my responsibility. I should have tossed them in the garbage, but they stayed in my car. Months pass after the presentation. Suddenly I got a really angry IM from her about overdue book fees and her demanding I give her the money (a whopping $15) and deliver it to her music mailbox. Lmao, maybe that's what you get for not making sure you turn in your books, bitch? So I left her $15 in pennies because my job was a cashier, it was no problem.
She threw some sperglord tantrum about it that I had a hardy kek over because there was seriously nothing she could do about it. I didn't feel sorry for her, I didn't feel sorry for any of those bitches.
No. 196295
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the alt-right channers infesting every part of the internet with their muh white genocide 1488er shit are getting kind of annoying lol. at first i thought they were entertaining because they stirred so much shit and because they have a tendency to embarrass themselves in public just as much as the SJWs/antifa they despise, but at this point, their presence is really tiring. i wish we could throw both of the SJWs and the kekistani /pol/ dumbfucks in a pit and let them have at it.
i've also been accused of being an SJW for having this opinion, and it's kind of amazing considering i'm the farthest thing from that. i just hate white priders and the sad incels that think they're hitler's chosen.
No. 196303
>>196295When I see pictures like this I can't help but think
>well no wonder white women are race mixingkek
No. 196346
>>196336I view myself as a free thinker in the center with some left-leaning, as well as right, ideologies.
But the problem about being in the 'center' is that you are EVERYONE'S adversary.
I'm sorry, but the US election brought this out the worst in my friends and with strangers.
Overnight, I was suddenly not extreme or 'convicted' enough for my friends because I didn't vote for their demagogues Trump/Clinton. If I didn't agree with them 100% on issues, then I must be 100% against them on the issues.
I had to 'defriend' this one arrogant ass bitch from my social media because I wouldn't take her single Youtube video she posted as gospel as to why I should've voted a certain way, so she proceeded to call me ignorant despite her just being a dippy fashion blogger and me having an actual degree in poli sci.
It's all or fucking nothing now.
Friends on the left, who I used to think were a trite more logical and understanding, shown that they can be just as cultish about their beliefs like those alt-right nutcases. I feel like my generation is destroying polite politics. And that the older gen are either apathetic or thrilled that they have little minions doing their bidding to get what they've wanted.
We are so fucked.
No. 196347
>>196336>>196346I feel you. I have both Democrat and Republican voters among my US friends and they all say pretty much what you said.
I'm a eurofag myself and I'm so tired of American extremist nutjobs on both sides leaking into political discussions about my country on the internet. They seem to be oblivious to the fact that oher places have different political systems, societal issues and whatnot.
Like I couldn't care less if you think my city is one big no-go zone nowadays because
rapefugees or how Europeans are ~
problematic~ because they don't care about Afro-Americans enough.
At least I only encounter these people online, I feel so sorry for those of you that have to face these people in their everyday lives.
No. 196348
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Whew, after a whole afternoon I've finally finished and sent my candidacy for a project that would finally allow me to leave my southern shithole of a town & broken home to live on my own and work abroad, at least for a year (I would do everything in my power to develop connections and stay there, so let's say more than a year).
I say "would" because they will pick only two people in the city I asked for, but one can always dream. Good luck to me.
No. 196353
Yesterday my swedefag ass was walking through my really small shitty home town to celebrate midsummer with my parents at their house. I was wearing a white mid-thigh length dress with black lace tights and a leather jacket which I suppose the inbreds having lunch outside a restaurant found sexy or whatever because they whistled at me from across the road. I was not at all prepared and just wanted to get from point A to point B and it made me feel extremely uncomfortable and self-conscious the rest of the way. Arriving at my parents' I told them about it and was met with them basically agreeing on that I should be happy about the attention, to which I replied that no, it did not make me happy, it made me feel uncomfortable and that I nearly fucking cried because of it, and explaining this I became visibly upset with my voice shaking and everything. This prompted my mother to roll her eyes at me and give my father a look conveying something like "can you believe this ridiculous daughter of ours" and they both laughed it off. I didn't expect to get so emotional about it and went inside to try and regain my composure. I was in the bathroom drying my eyes trying to calm down and shake it off when my dad walked in to the kitchen and proceeded to try to make small talk from in there, then he asked if I wanted a beer before walking out again. I'm sad as fuck having been ridiculed and made fun of by my own parents for being upset but finally was calm enough to act like a normal adult so I grab the beer from the kitchen and join them outside. My mother tries to smooth things over by saying I look nice and then started talking about the weather and that was it.
It wasn't really that big of a deal but like, this is how they have always been with my sister and I when it comes to dealing with feelings. I'm 28 now and have developed a great relationship with them in all other aspects since moving back here a few years ago (I moved away for school at 17 and have lived in a couple different places since then), but it makes me really sad and a bit angry that they've always been so shit at offering emotional support.
Growing up I was always well fed and our house was always clean, but I can't for the life of me remember ever being comforted or feeling that my feelings were valid. The only exception that comes to mind is the time when I was 9 and had chipped a tooth and my mother had me snuggled up against her on the couch and was hugging me while we watched TV, and the thing I remember most about it is that at the time I felt that it was an unusually tender display of caring.
When I started self-harming at the age of 13 as a result of me never learning how to properly deal with my emotions my mother's way of showing concern was to yell at me about it. Pretty much every concern she ever had about me while I was growing up she showed as anger. When in arguments with my dad he would insinuate that I was stupid instead of trying to understand my point of view. I was praised for doing well in school but was met with nothing but frustration whenever i struggled with other aspects of being a teenager. Any situation resulting in me being upset was never talked out afterwards, no apologies were ever given and my self-esteem has always been shit because of it.
As I got older my mental health-issues got worse and I had a hard time keeping up with school and ended up failing most of my classes senior year. Because of my low self-esteem and messing everything up so bad I saw myself as nothing but a failure and never pursued fixing my grades enough to get educated further and have a proper career. My parents never showed much interest in helping me figure things out and get back on some kind of track, I guess they figured that their responsibility ended once I was 18 and technically an adult and not living with them any more.
I know that they love me and as I've grown older I've come to understand that they did the best that they could, but the lack of emotional support really fucked me up. I'm doing all right now and have worked out a lot of my emotional issues over the years with the help of my bf, but I'm still quite the mess of a person and sometimes I wonder what my life could have been like if I had grown up with more supporting parents.
No. 196355
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I'm really involved in my city's queer/drag scene which is the most accepting and lovely group of people I've ever known and has helped me get through pretty shit times. I'm not super super far-left but I'd probably be classed as an SJW because I do think that gender is fluid and that non-binary/agender people are legit, etc. I believed this even before getting into the scene but seeing how much happier these people are knowing that they're free to do whatever they want with their identities and fashion and makeup made me feel much more comfortable with accepting myself and my own life. I just wish that it wasn't seen as an exclusively SJW/tumblr thing because the people I know have thought this way for much longer than the fucking tumblrites have been yelling 'down with cis' and insisting that people use deer/deerself pronouns (and yes, I think both of those two things are absolute bullshit, I'm not that bad). I ended up where Ghandi is on that political alignment test (centre-left), but even just thinking differently about gender/sexuality gets me branded as an SJW, apparently.
No. 196365
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Bf has been on a God of War gaming streak using the main big tv in our 1 bed apartment and it's kind of boring/annoying at this point. We both work a lot so our main mixing hours are late at night, and while I don't mind him playing vidya and me watching on from my laptop, I wish he'd pick something different.
I wish he could have started any other kind of vidya marathon, I hate this video game so god damn much now whereas before I tolerated the Powder lookin' fuck in the loincloth.
It's mostly just a bunch of button mashing, obnoxious noises/meta narration, and watching him fight the same bosses over and over again bc of course he had to set the difficulty as high as possible. It doesn't even look like he's having fun most of the time…
No. 196374
>>196360Sounds like emotional abuse.
Time to call CPS.
Perhaps your parents will do better.
No. 196384
>>196382Chin up, anon. Don't be as harsh on yourself like your mom is being.
My parents were the same–thought I would land a $80k/yr salaried job right off the bat with my degrees, but I wound up settling for an unrelated sales job with decent benefits for $15/hr. Their disappointment was/is deafening to me. Because I was supposed to be a golden child and go to law school.
But baby boomers have a warped sense of what is actually achievable for fresh college grads.
Forgive yourself. Know that the way you feel is likely caused by the medication that you weren't able to take. You will be okay.
No. 196397
>>196384This so much. Have a stem degree but I'm a stripper at night and a mediocre accountant by day. Parents expect me to pay the expensive ass car they got me.
They don't know how hard it is right now. The whole bootstraps thing is hard for everyone
No. 196483
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I'm so angry at so many things.
SJWs on my timeline are pissing me off so bad and I wanna tell them off but i'm too nice and don't want to "hurt" someone or get shit for it.
I also hate alt right snowflakes. Both are just so fucking retarded and their mere existence pisses me off.
I'm also fucking pissed at the world in general. This whole world is so fucked, corrupted,… If you don't have money you're shit.
I also need to study but what's the point? Working to pay bills, taxes with barely anything left while the government is sitting there laughing with their pockets full of shekels.
Doesn't help i'm fucking autistic and got a fucking chronic illness so any real "good" job is out of the question. Fuck that shit. I'm just so mad at everything.
No. 196489
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No. 196491
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>>196490could start a commune
No. 196529
>>196284Thanks for the advice, anon! I did as you suggested and she bumped up my grade.
I stg I'm going to make people take a personality test before working in a group with me in the future if this goes on.
No. 196616
>>196524That's tricky anon, but if you have to do that then no worries. If you never worked at a place that offered you a job, no one will be the wiser. I'd say accept the jobs, but if you get offered the one you really want then reply to the previous offers that "something came up, and I won't be able to work there". They won't be your employers, so no worries. After a couple weeks they will probably have forgotten about the whole ordeal. Good luck!
>>196607Sorry to hear you are depressed anon. I hope this new year in your life brings you lots of happiness!
>>196615Why are you living in a hotel anon? Isn't that more expensive than renting?
Hope everything gets better for any anons who are in stressful times btw.
No. 196622
>>196615>>196617Hey anon, try going to WIC (Women, infants, children) and seeing what they can do for you, especially since you're pregnant. There's so many resources for women specifically, if you're struggling with near homelessness. Definitely look into it and ask questions on subreddits or Google for mothers in your exact situation. People want to help you.
Also, regardless if you're religious or not, churches can be really helpful and tend to do a lot of work locally with people down on their income or even homeless. If they cannot directly help you, they almost always have connections.
No. 196628
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I'm retarded, please send help.
I was fat all my life and recently lost a ton of weight. I'm slowly getting /fit/ now but I'm still a virgin. I'm in my mid twenties and I'm embarrassed of being a virgin, which is super stupid because I know that's something I shouldn't be ashamed of, but I feel like people are going to judge me in my future relationships if I'm this inexperienced. Should I ask one of my guy friends to fuck me/seduce him, or should I just wait to find someone? I don't even know how to do that, ffs
I'm very shy and a bit awkward, I just can't see it happening casually with a guy… Thanks
No. 196634
>>196524 , that's what i'm going to do anyway but it helps a lot of hear someone else tell me it'll be ok, ty
No. 196704
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I recently turned 18 and i'm having full blown panic attacks about how fast life is going by. It feels like i was 8 yesterday, playing with my friends and making stupid movies and going to elementary school and loving it. Now it's suddenly been 10 years and i'm officially an adult and it just makes me so fucking anxious. I barely remember the last 5 years, it has gone by too fast. Soon i'm gonna be 80 and taking my last breath.
No. 196712
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>>196161I feel you anon, got hired at Mcdonalds last year (was my first job!) and their training was awful, they just toss you in and expect you to figure it out, I cringe looking back on all the awkward interactions I had kek. I mean sometimes my co workers would try to help but most of the time they were too busy doing their own thing. To this day I'm still angry and appalled at how stupid and mean customers can be, people are horrible.
Gonna vent about my time there;
The shit talking there from my co workers was probably the worst though, they would openly criticize the shift manager when she wasn't there and complain about not getting enough hours, and would low-key talk shit about me as well. It wasn't a very good work environment (as you'd expect) but the one thing that'd made it super awful was one of the managers there, who was literally Satan. He was the goddamn worst, just the kind of person that gets off on the power trip and loves to make you look stupid. I came home crying twice because of him, whenever I'd see him my heart would sink. After I quit I used to get nightmares about him and that I was still working there, it affected me quite severely. It was nice to know that no one else liked him either, they even brought it up to my boss but it looks like he didn't care enough to actually fire the asshole.
There was also a handful of co-workers that I wouldn't hesitate to push into the hot oil fryer, two of them were my age; a guy who had a dumb undercut that was promoted to manager and the other was a fake as fuck girl. At one point, both of them were on fries for some reason, and I was on drive-thru handing out food
>one of them had forgotten an order of fries so I had to ask them to give me another one>Girl didn't hear me after I repeated it twice and she got frustrated quickly and went behind undercut manager guy and in a low voice "i can't fucking understand her ugh/mumbling to him". >He says also in a low voice that I can still hear,"Gotta keep the aces in their places" then asks me to go to the back drive thru a.k.a the hot place with no fan where they put people they don't want around in to work. I basically got sent back there for nothing, it wasn't even my fault that THEY forgot an order of fries, I was only there to give out the food.
The whole situation was stupid and he handled it so poorly, same with another time when this mentaly ill man came in and started picking the lose change off the counter (it was change another co worker found in the lobby)
>I was cleaning trays and undercut guy was at the counter awkwardly telling him not to do that>he then notices me standing there and tells me "hey anon can you handle this?" then leaves me there with the man. >I let the guy have the change since I didn't have the energy to deal with that and wanted him to leave.I was uncomfortable since the man was big, mentally ill , and hard to understand but it bothered me more that my co-worker decided he didn't want to deal with it and just dumped it on me while he goes to chat it up with my other co-workers.
Now I'm just hoping that the jobs I apply for don't end up like that experience, I hate people so much jesus christ
No. 196723
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>>196707Thanks, you made me feel better about not having a girlfriend.
No. 196726
3 months ago I got fired from I job I really enjoyed for being absent too much, I got sick alot since it was Winter. During that time, my boss did not like heat cause he and his brothers are fat fucks. I got let over the phone and I just cried and cried. My whole life I was rejected by my own parents, family, teachers, people who I thought were my friends. I just couldn't take it. It just brought back all of those feelings back again.
It hurt even more that a few months prior I was staying at my best friend's house for 2 months and his mom fucked me. We agree that rent would be $100 (I've known him and his family for 7 years and we were close at the time) at the end when it was time for me to go she threw a 1.5k "bill" at me and I was so bewildered, hurt and betrayed. She never said anything about changing the rent/conditions with me, she said "Anon. I told you". In her alchoholic ass mind she thinks saying "I can't take this" equates to "your rent is now 1.5k" the room was dirty before I moved in and she wanted me to clean it like how it was before lol. I had literally no money and I still have debt to pay off, I had to borrow money from my mother, who I am grateful for to pay her back so I could leave. Despite struggle financially I still paid her because of the respect and friendship I have with my friend, she got 1.2k from me and she's been asking for the rest and I won't be paying it. I should had fucking done this earlier, I will never forgive her for betraying me like that. I loved her as if she was my own mother. I use to send her cards and gifts for mother's day and her birthday. I was so hurt and crush..
I'm trying to get back on my feet but it's been tough. I spend most of my days in bed, I don't contact my friends anymore as they indulge in shit like drugs and the party/club scene. I feel alone because I can't talk to anyone, sometimes I feel like I can't speak to my SO about my depression. I felt strong before, nothing got in my way and I feel like I lost that. Sometimes my SO would critisize me saying that maybe I never had that headstrong attitude to begin with. He makes it seem like I was lying to myself and everyone. He just recently netted a job with a top finance company and I am jobless and depressed. He tells me that he feels like I'm just sulking behind him and it makes me feel like other shit. It makes me feel like he doesn't think of me as an equal. Again I can't talk to him about this because he will say something like read the self help books, go find a job, go work out. I have no motivation to help myself and just alone..
No. 196744
>>196670But most guys would want a virgin girl, if they could choose. The number of men who prefer that their girlfriend has had sex with other men before, rather than being the first, is very low.
You must be talking about guys who only want to date virgin girls, and won't date a woman if she had sex before, I guess? Then you're right, these guys have issues and that anon should avoid them.
No. 196753
>>196745>A normal man wouldn't care if a girl isn't a virgin.Strongly disagree. Lots of people love the idea of being their partners firsts. I'd wager a significant number of women like that idea too. There are of course those who avoid virgins because they don't want to go through the learning process but I believe those are the minority.
Now if you said it wouldn't be a big deal for a normal man if she wasn't a virgin, I would agree.
No. 196759
>>196744This really depends on the individuals and virginity means nothing to some people, regardless of gender. A lot of people are doe-eyed with virginity. They wanting perfect virgin mates have religious backgrounds or have some ideal vision of being someone's one and only. Yeah, it's a fetish to some, but wanting a virgin isn't just because of a single thing.
Most well-adjusted people will just take a person due to actually liking them, not if they have a v-card still. Go for those reasonable types and if you happen to be a virgin, just be honest. It's seriously not a big deal and if someone makes it a big deal, consider it your big red flag.
No. 196779
>>196778People don't consider it racist because it's implied that they GENERALLY don't mesh well with people of X race/ethnicity/nationality [however, there might be/are exceptions], as opposed to "I hate niggers and would never date one ever, ew".
This is the kind of butthurt you see when someone says "I don't like cats" and a cat owner comes to defend their furbaby because he's such a great pet. Relax, I'm sure Mittens is a great cat, just not for everyone.
No. 196789
>>196778It seems like it's only white people who actually prefer their own race.
Everyone else just prefers white people above their own, and gets butthurt because whites generally have an ingroup preference. Hence the veritable rivers of butthurt from certain subreddits (e.g. /r/asianmasculinity).
No. 196796
>>196786>I have had plenty of men tell me they're shocked that I'm cute/not smelly because I'm Indian and they wouldn't date Indian girls. I have had plenty of men reject me before seeing what I look like only because I said I'm IndianI know this feel, but I'm black. Pretty much all of those people turned out to actually be ugly or mentally fucked up in some way, though, so it was no big deal. Some of the ones that did end up seeing me usually reeled back and tried to find out whether I was mixed race or made shitty comments about me being an "exception" or something, which was really dumb and annoying, too.
A lot of people won't understand what you're saying because they've never been put on the receiving end of bad stereotypes, but you're entirely right, anon.
No. 196797
>>196793Yes, i am projecting. And yes, thats not healthy. Idk how to stop stalking that bitch tho.
Btw my bf has minor contact to her, because he has things in her basement.
No. 196809
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We have barely any food in our house and I'm starving. my partners pay doesn't go through until tomorrow, and all we have in our house is some instant rice and one pack of ramen. I don't like bothering others for money or food, it feels wrong so tonights dinner will be suffering. Just one more day..
No. 196822
>>196809Like instant ramen?
I'd cook the rice and use the seasoning packet from the ramen to season the rice.
Just to switch it up. Maybe even pick out the little dehydrated vegetables from the instant ramen, hydrate them, and fry them up with the rice.
Idk. Got a spice cabinet?
No. 196832
>>196778You can't force people to have sex with you; that's called rape kek. Some people don't date fat girls, some don't date skinny girls, some don't date blondes, some don't date goths, some don't date normies. You're not entitled to the desire of others. I know many caucasian guys who specifically like a certain ethnic minority and don't like their own race, that's just how it is and they are entitled to like what they want and be in control of what they wish to date as are you.
I'm Arab and my preference is Asian and Caucasian. I am not attracted to other Arabs or Indians, I also don't mix well with their strict culture so stay away (even if they are westernised, if it's long term their family becomes my family). Call it what you want but it is what it is and I like what I like. And if someone didn't find me attractive because I am Arab, so what, I'll get over it as so should you.
No. 196847
Dont give up anon. Someday you will find someone whos ok with you and your bullshit.
No. 196852
I fucking hate my coworker. I have to prep his paperwork for him to take to his jobs and he never believes me on anything.
Last week I passed him the work forms to complete and told him that he'd gotten the city wrong, it wasn't X city, it was Y city. He absolutely refused to believe me, the customer who requested the work, google maps, AND our boss and called the customer to confirm I was wrong.
Surprise, I wasn't.
This is the 5th time this has happened, at least once a month he calls behind my back to my boss to insist I've gotten something wrong when I haven't. I've been doing this shit for 4 years, fuckwad, you've been here half a year. I'm pretty sure I know what I'm doing.
That and literally all he does when he comes into the office is talk about how he purposely pisses off his wife and thinks it's hilarious, brags about driving a motorcycle, and this, that or the next family member being in gangs. He's in his late 40s for fuck sake.
No. 196856
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I am getting more and more sick of lolcow. I am sick of people sperging over non-saged posts and derailing and acting like mini-mods. Just shut the fuck up and report the post instead of derailing with 15 posts about derailing.
I am sick of every single poster accusing others of being pullfags. Honestly, lolcow is worse than pull. On pull they at least have polite conversation about actual content, even if they powerlever a lot. Here we just have endless nitpicking of perfectly normal girls.
I am sick of perfectly normal and beautiful girls being torn to shreds by jealous girls here. The streamer threads are a perfect example. Beautiful and normal girls being called manly, potato nosed, ugly, old etc. Its honestly pretty fucking embarrasing.
No. 196861
>>196855You always have deniability because it's anonymous, anon.
It happened to me once on cgl. This spoilt psycho bitch I was telling a story about always railed against 4chan for being ~bullies~ yet apparently she was obsessively checking every thread everyday. So she replies to my post freaking the fuck out demanding to reveal my identity because she knew it was about her. Suddenly on her fb she posts a screencap of my post and was whining about it to her friends trying to get people to tell her what I said wasn't true.
So just to fuck with her, I posted in the thread pretending it was about someone else and what a massive tool she was for projecting the story to be about herself. Other people agreed and she got 10/10 tier ragey and started backpedaling. Anons made fun of her for getting upset. And of course she never figured I made it.
So change names, go vague on details, but ultimately you can always deny it.
(IMO I'd rather people talk shit about me anonymously rather than spread shit to people irl, but that's my 2c)
No. 196876
>>196856Yeah I don't think any of the streamer girls are ugly and have said so in a thread only to be bombarded with "r u sure look at this pic of her anon" to which I'm like no she looks fine. I think ugly should only be reserved for cows like raven lol.
I know what you mean this site gets mentally tiring sometimes
No. 196888
I've been struggling to cope with depression since the latter half of elementary school (I'm now in my mid-twenties), and even though I was able to finish university and find a decent job, I feel like both my romantic and platonic relationships have suffered.
I have a close group of friends who I love, but I rarely respond to text messages and turn down plans frequently, which has left me alienated. I know it's completely my fault, but it still hurts. I'm going to be leaving the country next year and I think they're probably happy to be rid of me.
And in terms of men, I've never been able to be close to anyone. I always shut it down at even the slightest flirtation, even if I like them a lot, which is the most fucked up part. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never had any traumatizing experiences or suffered abuse, I'm able to be sexually aroused, but the reality of it is overwhelming.
I just feel like a complete fuck up.
No. 196910
I work in a private facility for addictions and mental health, have been there since last year.
Without going into too much detail my facility treats all ages pretty much, from around age 4 to adulthood. I work the most with teenagers. Our facility is supposed to be safe, impossible for them to harm themselves, or close to it.
But I found out today one of our kids killed themself the day before (Thursday) while I was not working. They hung themself. Nobody found them for 27 minutes, a head count was late/missed
Now I have no particular attachment to this particular teen. They were kinda really crappy, you couldn't help them, and whenever you tried they would snap out and be mean and would not open up no matter what. Many tried so hard, but you couldn't help them. They were a ward of the state, no real family and no foster family or attachments aside from some friendships. But nobody saw suicide from this person. Never talked about it. But it's the ones who font talk about it that go through with it most often, right?
And I can't tell why I'm having such a hard time with this. I can't tell if I'm sad about it, angry, idk what I should feel or do feel besides kind of numb.
I go back to work tomorrow and I don't know how to feel about it or how to talk to the other patients about it, if they ask or talk about it. I've never been in this kind of situation.
Could we have done more for them? What was so horrific that they did this? What couldn't they open up about? And why do that to so many other people, their peers and staff alike? I have so many questions that I know I'll never get answers to…
No. 196912
>>196856I agree so much with a lot of this.
Also ana-chans calling everyone fat.
When people called Anisa fat and started aguing about it I wanted to ragequit. I mean, she's not ripped, but c'mon.
Too bad I am addicted to the milk, but this gross cowpox discharge coming with it is annoying.
No. 196937
>>196916I'm so sorry, Anon. I had to put my elderly cat down a few weeks ago; it is never easy to lose a pet. I can tell how much you love your doggo and that counts for a lot, okay?
I'm a little tipsy and your post hit those feels, sorry for being a big stupid baby. Hang in there. <3
No. 196962
>>196961Thank you so much. It really stresses me out because I want to have a baby before I ding 30, this is my last year to do that.
I cut out a lot of friends when I had the MC, and now the ones I have just doesn't understand why it's devastating to lose something like that.
I can imagine post partum is rough. I don't look forward to birth and hormones but it'll be worth it in the end. Probably. Hopefully.
No. 196967
>>"It's not the end of the world, just try again">>"maybe it's for the best that it didn't stick" (referring to me being depressed…. over the fact that I had a miscarriage. Apparently that makes me an unfit parent.)
>>"You really worry about this too much">>"Just don't think so much about it and just try again, it's not like it was a real baby yet"It might sound pretty tame and not as insensitive, but being hormonal and hearing this shit from your so called best friends is really hard. It was also around the time I got married so I walked down the isle raging with hormones and looked pregnant but wasn't.
No. 196989
>>196985>my life will never get better>I'm 22Ahah. Anon, I know you're depressed and not being able to get mental health help feels hopeless, but you're thinking just as irrationally as how you were planning to kill yourself by July.
Become a squeaky wheel like other anon said; tell your uni that you've had suicidal ideations and you haven't been able to complete assignments. There's a possibility (if you work on this
now and don't wait further) that you could have those bad grades wiped and you could retake the courses. If you do see someone, get handwritten letters of your condition, and if your uni psychs can write to your professors, have em do that (that's what I did during my breakdown in grad school).
And if you haven't come clean with the professors of those courses, do it now. You want them to understand and be on your side. They have hundreds of students, so they're going to assume the worst about you if you haven't shown up for classes and haven't done assignments like any other typical 'party' student.
No. 197010
>>196936I'm sick of this too and the only explanation I would have for such an behaviour would be that their character just makes them look ugly in general?
I used to know someone and I thought she was really nice looking. Turns out she is a shit person made her look less attractive after that.
No. 197039
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>>195542Ive always wanted to be famous or popular online or be a model but as social medias have come and gone, and I got older, I accepted at 16 Im not pretty enough and my life is too average. I recognize its dumb and egotistical to care about ect but it still bothers me time to time. Especially with my current situation and now that Instagram has become a job for the girls pretty enough, girls like Alexis Ren and other insta models who make a living on traveling and modeling or just being a social media star. I know its probably not that easy, that theyre probably unhappy too in someway and it wont last forever, ect, but I would have loved to experience it.
Im mostly at peace with it but my young sister has showed me girls like in pic related who are like 14 and literally living the life I tried to have until I was 16. It seems so effortless for them and I hope they know how lucky they are. When I was in college my parents got into an accident and I basically had to drop furthering my life to take care of my whole family because Im the oldest and both sides of my parents family are gone in some way. I love them and wouldnt trade them for the world but I wish I couldve experienced being insta famous at 16, being an insta model who travels, or even a vlogger. Im especially envious of Taylor for obvious reasons. I’ll be raising my siblings for probably the next ten or more years and taking care of my now disabled parents for life. Reality sucks more than ever and the life is being sucked out of me from the stress. Life isnt fair.
No. 197040
>>197039>other insta models who make a living on traveling and modeling or just being a social media starOh my sweet summer child free to browse the entire website, pay particular attention to the scat fetish requests
No. 197067
>>197064The trick is really to just make it look like you're living a traveler's lifestyle or in luxury if you're not. I can take a picture next to any lake and say "Canada is great!" when you're just by any old lake with pine around it. You don't even have to do things like cool foodie shots at expensive restaurants. Just take a picture of your Starbucks unicorn frapp with a pastel filter in a bubblegum pink sweatshirt and it's good enough because it's just aesthetic.
Instagram famous is just such smoke and mirrors. Most sugar babies/cam girls/sex workers don't even make all that and clearly have splenda daddies and limited budgets, so even that doesn't always work.
No. 197069
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I don't have any friends but at the same time find it really hard to motivate myself to do things alone. Even running errands or going out to buy food or something, I hate it and it feels like a boring chore because I have to do it by myself. But it's been years since I've had friends so I know I have to get used to it because the alternative is that I just don't do anything at all. That's kind of what I'm doing right now, and it sucks.
I need to go to the store today, for example, and I just feel dread and overwhelming loneliness. But that's how I feel about everything, everyday.
No. 197083
>>197069What about work anon? Coworkers can be good friends.
It's too bad I have to quit my job because the company is going under. Then I'll be right where you're at until I find something else
No. 197085
>>197083I'm a temp worker in a really close-knit office, and the culture honestly reminds me so much of highschool cliques. I've tried being friendly but half the time they don't even remember my name, or say things like "Oh, you're….Anon, right?" in a really catty way.
I'm sorry your company is going under, that really sucks. I hope you're able to find something new ASAP.
No. 197095
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I'm worried I can't give my fiance a child.
My cousin is already pregnant and I feel like such a failure because I had all the signs of pregnancy (it would have been my first) and I was so convinced yet 2 weeks later I got aunt flow. .
And with all these women openly proclaiming their pride in having abortions etc. it aggravates me to no end. I WANT A CHILD.
I feel like my basic functions are failing me entirely.
And my cousin's was an accident to top it all off
No. 197100
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My taobao package got rejected by china customs and is just kinda in china mail limbo while my agent fingers their ass not retrieving it at the post office. I've never had an issue with customs in the 7 years I've been using taobao, figures it would happen now while I'm not in the best of money positions. I'm trying to have hope that it's just in mail limbo like an anon told me rather than actually getting rejected for ?? reason, only to get returned to my agent where I have to fork out $40 in shipping AGAIN to ship it and MAYBE get it, maybe have customs reject it again. idk. I was really hoping to have cute clothes to wear for Summer.
No. 197106
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>>197105That's awesome, anon! I'm proud of you! You'll get used to the job quickly and the nervousness will go away so don't worry too much. You're going to do great! What kind of job is it?
No. 197112
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I have work, I hate work.
No. 197121
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Same shit every year.
I don't feel like writing a huge rant, but this year will probably be as awful as every year. Guess the good part is that I can't get anymore disappointed or sad about it.
No. 197140
>>197130>I'm way too sensitive about everything: loud noises, bad moods, critic.You may want to look into highly sensitive or hypersensitivity.
Also… just have a look at all the other people. What are they actually contributing?
How much of seroquel do you get? If it is below 100 mg it is only used as a calmer. Ive gotten it too for sleeping issues.
You visit a psychiatrist. Did he say you got BPD?
You should ask him for a diagnosis.
No. 197141
>>197136anon, there are usually only a few pills that get you actually addicted. Are you living in the US? Is it possible to find a psychiatrist that doesnt overuse such medication?
Antidepressants e.g. have no addiction issue.
You could even go there and tell them you want something that is non-addictive.
Iirc only opiate based medication is addictive.
No. 197142
>>197095it's possible you actually were pregnant. Only 30% of fertilized eggs, survive the first 4 weeks or something. Most of the time women dont even notice.
Can you take anything that increases the baby-friendliness of your uterus? like ask a doctor.
No. 197143
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>>197105Congratulations anon!
Im proud of you! You can do it!
No. 197144
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Ive got my period and everything hurts, and im emotionally sensitive as shit and full of love and I want chocolate, but at the same time Im glad because last month was the weirdest I had in years and I was actually scared Im pregnant or some shit.
Also I fell in love with a girl and omg everything is just so mhhhhh right now.
No. 197145
>>197141I see what a big relief, Thank you anon!
hope i can convince them and go soon :)
No. 197146
>>197140>You may want to look into highly sensitive or hypersensitivity. Thanks, I'll look into it.
I got the diagnosis bpd from a psychiatrist after I talked to her for 20min. I had a breakdown before, so I cried the whole time.
A second psychiatrist told me he doesn't believe in bpd and I should built a social net(web?) to support me. Also recommend sport, moving to the US (because people there are happier lol). He also was excactly like Dr. House and I think he took a few pills himself lmao.
Just 25mg seroquel. :)
No. 197148
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Today I was scrolling through Google Street View and pics of mountain villages, chalets, woods, northern lights and I've been a ball of feelings, it made me feel so peaceful but also I want to go there really bad and I started travelling with my imagination like some sort of Anne of Green Gables and started to look for nice b&bs and cabins in the woods for a future vacation plan for me and my future bf
Feels good
No. 197149
>>197140>>197146See :)
A lot of people get a low dose of seroquel.
20 minutes is not really enough for a good diagnosis. If you self harm or used to, you have a 100% chance of getting diagnosed with bpd, although not everyone who self harms has bpd.
imo most of the time it's a cop-out-diagnosis
No. 197161
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>>197148do it, one piece of advice though: go as far north and as rural as possible, dont settle for something more south.
I was in Umeå
in december and it's for one not far north enough to really see the boreal light (especially not in the city) and also not rural enough for real (touristy) native villages with reindeers.
No. 197166
>>197164phew… it's really too much to remember it. There are so many genuine things you can do in sweden. I remember the ice hotel in kiruna, astrid lindgren things if youre a fan in the near of stockholm. Elk farms are great but theyre only seasonally open in summer I think.
for native villages, i dont really remember, sorry.
but there are quite a few and theyre partly open for tourists.
further more i only know about sweden, but the lapplander/sami (natives) are all over the northern parts of scandinavia. No. 197177
>>197170this might be a weird advice.
But carrot soup might help.
Just take 500 gram or 1.1 lbs of carrots. Chop them in small parts with a knife. Put them in a pot with twice as much water. Add a teaspoon of salt. Now boil it for over an hour or better two hours. You will have to add water again as some of it will get evaporated over time. So make sure the water level stays put over time. After it cooked for 1-2 hours, you can either puree it with a (hand) blender or press it through a sieve. If you lack both, eat the carrots together with the water - it should be the same.
Eat only the soup for some days.
Ive had super bad diarrhea and was super nauseous for over a week and after starting to eat the soup it got better. It's important though you actually cook it for over an hour or longer.
You can try taking Perenterol along with it.
No. 197192
>>197176Thanks anon ! Didn't know about not drinking in between meals I'll try this thanks for the advice !
>>197177I'll try it but Idk if it will help. Tried so many things and nothing helped for a long time.
I got some med's I still take but I only got a few more left so I normally only take them if it's really bad.
But thanks for the advice !
No. 197286
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>have aspergers and depression
>date a really cute guy but make it clear I don't want a relationship
>constantly pushes my boundaries and inserts himself into my stressful moving situation then uses that to guilt me into doing what he wants (seeing him more because he is clingy and FLIPS if I tell him no when he wants to see me)
>finally get drunk last night and tell him that I'm tired of him saying we're so similar while shutting me down and making me feel like an alien when I'm expressing myself (aspie so that means talking about my passions)
>tell him I'm done with him making me feel like a freak
>at first he is apologetic but then gets mad and guilt trips the hell out of me for the "help" he GUILTED ME INTO IN THE FIRST PLACE
>he starts saying shit like he loves me and I used him so I say goodnight because he can't love something he was so apathetic or rejecting towards (my inner self)
>he has some kind of meltdown this morning and drives an hour round trip to throw a hat I have a duplicate of into my yard and blocks me on fb
Wew lad. At first I was sad but once he texted me about the hat I kinda lost it. He's 26 and that is just so petty. Maybe it's not nice but I find it pretty funny. Mixed emotions because I'm still sad that I'm an aspie and treated like an alien, but also feel a lot better about my decision to dump my ex (almost a year ago) and express my feelings to this guy. I'm normal (in the sense that aspergers is just neurodiversity) and fuck these guys for treating my "eccentricity" like a defect. I'll stick to people who act like adults and are more than just trivia-smart, thanks.
Ugh. I hate dating. (Also I resisted texting him #cutebutpsycho and basically live-snapped the hat debacle)
No. 197287
>>197151>the client didn't ask for the X to begin withThen they don't get it.
Unless they pay up. For extra X$, you will provide them with it, if you can.
Before each project with every client, write down in clear writing in bullet points EXACTLY what they will get for their money. Quantify every aspect of work. Ask them to confirm it. Start working.
Any demand they make, if not previously agreed upon, charge extra or simply refuse to do.
This is how you business. Know your worth and stand your ground when you bargain, or you will be sucked dry.
No. 197300
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Every other week or so I break down.
Mostly when i'm by myself and have the time to think, since I live with my bf.
I just have no friends. None. My bf is the only person in my life that gives me human interaction (i live away from my family so i don't see them much).
After falling out with a close friend over them not treating me like a friend, i was basically their person they used until they found someone better, I just shut down. I'm extremely lucky to have my boyfriend but if anything were to ever happen like we couldn't live together or break up i would be 100% alone.
I know if i didn't have him I would self harm out of depression, boredom, and pure need of attention. I'm a Uni student the supposed high of my social life and the 2 years i've been here i've never been out to any parties or anything i just sit at home. My degree is all guys but 1 other girl and she doesn't seem interested in talking to me and while yes i do have people i talk to in uni they're not the kinda friends you'd go out clubbing with and vent to them, you know? (hence the venting on lolcow..)
I'm just a lonely person and i WISH i could make friends but i don't know how too, my uni has no proper clubs to join or anything that i could go to alone and feel safe/comfortable.
I start my work placement for uni in september and while i would like to hope i'd make friends it's at a game dev company - another sausage fest with people twice my age.
I just hate myself right now.
No. 197326
I need an insanely rigid example of a budget. Or some insanely rigid example of developing self control. I just recently quit smoking cigarettes and starting using an e-pen, but I'm still fucking up my lungs, and I want to stop altogether. I also smoke oil and I have no knowledge of any long term studies done on it but I imagine oil just slicking over entire clusters of air sacs in my lungs and rendering them useless. I want to actually be healthier and not be as dependent on indulging in chemicals all the time. I share everything with my partner so quitting cigarettes was a joint effort, and I am worried that if shying away from dabs or pot won't be, it will put an actual strain on our relationship. I personally wouldn't care if he didn't want to quit, but I feel like the dynamic of our relationship would change. I'm honestly just afraid that if I quit everything and make huge improvements in my life and he doesn't, he'll develop some kind of complex. I would actually enjoy a partner where I'm more of the breadwinner or I treat him more, I just want to have control over the entire situation quite frankly.
All I want to do is not work in hospitality anymore. Laborious jobs aren't paid enough in this area. I'm not even working in a field relevant to my degree, which is irrelevant to the career choices in general anyway, so what's the point in the first place? I can be in debt until I'm dead.
Part of me wants to be running the show, the other parts want to run away from literally every obligation. I want to just wander around all day hopped up on a substance and indulge in bullshit media and take shitty pictures, draw shitty pictures, write shitty stories, and occasionally relapse in some way or the other for hellish, self-destructive and self-indulgent mayhem
I feel like a fucking idiot, I feel like an idiot that I even share any of this here
No. 197345
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I ended up dropping my guard and catching feelings for an online friend after knowing him for a year and a half or so. We talk daily. Of course, he's on the other side of the planet.
It took me about a week or so to be honest w/ myself about it and as soon as I do he tells me about how he's made friends with a cute girl at his work and how they really click. He's not dropped me or talks any differently with me or anything, and I'm happy for him, because we both find making new friends fairly difficult and he's been deserving of a win for a while; I'm just really angry with myself. Who tf am I to be crushing on a nice boy three continents away? I'm an absolute moron.
No. 197347
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I have no friends and no boyfriend and I live with my mom in a retirement/resort town. I'm 27 and a virgin and I seriously worry about slowly morphing into a friendless middle aged homebody.
No. 197352
>>197347>>Are you me anon?I'm not a virgin, but everything else you said sounds spot-on to my current situation. I've become so depressed, I'm on antidepressants and even though it makes me not want to kill myself, I'm still not happy. Luckily, I applied for graduate schools abroad, was accepted and my stepdad has paid for everything (bless him!).
If I were a few years younger, I probably wouldn't have appreciated this opportunity as much. At 27, I realize finally what I want out of life. I'm not sure about you, but I got myself in this situation a few years ago because I never thought much about what I wanted to do after college. I probably would have been happy staying with my longterm boyfriend and working a regular day job if it weren't for studying abroad. I did 1/2 my undergraduate program outside the country, and suddenly realized the awe of living in a giant metropolis.
Even though I was miserable in my home country/city after knowing what else was out there, I decided to start my own company straight out of college despite student loans and almost no funds or skillsets. Even though I learned a lot, the idea of being stuck in my current situation/location constantly threw me into panic. The fact is, as much as I enjoy many of the seniors I know through living here and wouldn't mind vacationing here, I don't fit in and desperately miss living in a large city with lots of stuff going on/opportunities. Even though I desperately wanted to succeed at my own companies, the dread of being trapped in this city/country for the rest of my life really screwed me up. This dread of becoming "stuck" here resulted in me also having zero IRL friends anymore (was scared of getting too bonded or falling in love and never leaving).
Even though I finally decided to leave, I go into a panic everyday/night thinking about dropping everything I've worked toward and leaving. I know it will be easier for me living somewhere I'm happy and not constantly panicking about becoming "stuck" living somewhere I'm unhappy, but it's still difficult. I'm leaving in 2 months and plan on staying abroad permanently in a huge major city. Honestly, I just want to live somewhere I'm happy. Living with my mom isn't even an issue for me, but living in a small town/resort city just isn't for me. I'm planning to have my family visit me for extended periods of time (mom and stepdad are both retired), but it's still scary knowing I'll be gone for good.
>>Sorry/sage for the blogpost and not contributing much, but thought I'd share my situation a bit more in detail incase you can relate since it's not often I see people in a similar situation.Do you have any plans to leave/change your situation?
No. 197353
>>197351Thank you for rationalising that for me, makes me feel a little less loopy. I appreciate that.
But, just, FUCK. Maybe I'm just really paranoid but I'm a little scared he'll just… forget about me, or something. Logically I know that's dumb – we're very close, if not the closest friends we've both really ever had (we both have decent helpings of trust issues brought on by shitty upbringings), but I'm just some girl on the other side of the world, with not much to offer to him.
Just fuck my shit up fam
No. 197369
>>197352Moving abroad is not going to fix your problems, if anything it's going to create more. You keep talking about moving somewhere 'where you'll be happy' but you don't magically become happy by moving somewhere else, even if the place is more prosperous, because you'll need to try twice as hard to succeed there and people rarely pick candidates with foreign credentials unless they've a degree from Oxbridge, Harvard or some other world-famous institution. Not to mention that it'll take LOTS of money and LOTS of time just to get all the paperwork in order (for you
and your folks), find a place to live, learn the language (if you need to), get a job as a foreigner, meet new people etc. It also costs exorbitant amounts of money.
I STRONGLY suggest talking it through with a therapist or a friend, I've met many people with a similar mindset (I moved abroad years ago, come from a country with a massive expat population and occasionally hang out in expat groups) who thought moving to X country would magically make everything better and finding work, making friends, etc would be easier than back home. Believe me when I say it'll be much harder.
Please, please think this through very carefully before causing irreparable damage to your bank account, CV and social life. If you're unhappy now, you're not likely to be much happier anywhere else.
No. 197390
>>197376i've had an ear infection too and yeaahh i feel u its fucking miserable. sorry that you're going through that.
>infection>hair lost>hormonal problems>weak immune systemuhhh maybe ask your doctor first before losing the weight? just to be extra safe?
start counting your calories. its the easiest thing you can do to lose weight right now. there are plenty of apps to track calories, free ones too.
if you are a little overweight you can lose the extra weight easily with calorie counting (as the anon called, "stop eating tons of food"). if you're heavier and you need to lose tons of weight then changing your lifestyle +diet/exercise is necessary imo.
sometimes the tiniest things like not asking for soda, skipping breakfast, eating one less slice of pizza, and other silly things can make all the difference. when you track everything you eat, you start realizing it so i'd recommend it for you anon. since its bothering you a lot and you can't do much in your situation. good luck, hope you feel better.
No. 197394
>>197380>>197390Yeah, thank you anon. I am not obese, my IMC is about 26 so yeah, overweight. I actually lost tons of weight in the past (about 60lbs), but since I started (and dropped) the pill, my hormones and metabolism have been shit. I've gained about 25lbs back. Mind you, I don't drink soda since I was a kid and don't eat tons of shit, actually my blood results are pretty good.
I am currently taking medication to for this, but so far nothing changed. I've lost half of my hair since January, it's sad. And to prove that it's totally hormonal, my nails are always big and healthy lol
I'll admit that I do love me some carbs tho. I'll try to eat them less and even bought some kitchen stuff to help with meal prep.
But until them, I'm pretty miserable. And deaf.
But really, I appreciate the help and concern, anon! Sorry if I sounded too whiny
No. 197421
>>197369I've actually lived abroad a few times, and have pretty good credentials. I see a therapist, and she also recommended I leave (she's an expat from Europe).
I've never had an issue making friends, but decided not to make friends here because of my own fears of becoming "stuck".
Luckily, my folks don't need to file any paperwork as I'm a dependent and plan to have them visit (not live with me) so this is all on me. I know it's a lot of work, but I'm getting everything in order and will be eligible for permanent residency in a few years. I know this is right for me, but thanks for your advice though anon!
No. 197453
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>tfw have the face and body of a wee hobbit child but the voice of Big Bubba
>for some reason everyone thinks I'm a lesbian
>people think I'm angry and violent when I get autistically excited about something because my voice carries
>when I answer the phone people always mistake me for my boyfriend
>tfw I'll never be kawaii
At least I can always join the Bulgarian mafia or be a pocket sized loan shark. Loan barracuda.
No. 197478
>>195542I've been on seroquel to sleep for 3 years and I'm up to 600 mg but I don't want to be anymore. I'm numb but also I have a mental illness that makes me feel so intensely that I feel safer feeling numb but at the same time I feel spacey and exhausted and dumbed down.
I'm gonna lower my dose and see if I can still sleep. I see my psychiatrist in like 3 weeks and I'll discuss it I just want to start already I'm tired of feeling faded as hell everyday
I hope I can do it though… I've never tried. I don't remember falling asleep without meds for 5 years easy..
Suggestions are welcome, also any drugs I could suggest I switch to???
No. 197484
>>197477>>197394Got thyroid issues and shit never got checked out (it was around 3.5) because normal doctors over here still think that nothing over 4 is bad.
So if they tell you there is nothing wrong with a let's say 3.0 got to a specialist they'll get shit going
My doctor says something around 1 is perfect.
No. 197486
>>197484are you the weight issue anon?
yes usually over 2.5 means issues. most doctors treat after the old standard of 4.0 though. :/
if you have over 2.5 for several blood works, try to get an ultrasound of your thyroid, your thyroid hormones T3 and T4 checked and get antithyroid antibodies checked.
I have hashimoto's thyroiditis, which is quite common among thyroid diseases. my tsh was 16 in the beginning and I was adjusted on a dosage so that my TSH was around 4 and literally lost several years of my life because I felt like crap.
My tsh is now nearly not measurable my thyroid hormones great and Im on a combinated medication with T4 and T3
No. 197488
>>197486No I am not sorry for the confusion.
Glad to hear that you feel better now !
And I feel you. I don't have hashimoto (my mother has is though and I think it's very likely that I will develop it too someday) Injust felt like crap before my meds.
I still feel very tired most days and I can't seem to lose weight but it's much better than before.
I'm curious anon how is it with trying to lise weight for you?
My mother is talking a lot of bullshit when I ask her she is lying that she can't lose weight at all and only maintain her weight, despite her being lazy and eating like shit.
I wonder how much bullshit she talks or if there is a grain of truth in the stuff she says.
No. 197495
Hey there anons, I am this anon
>>197394 and I am very thankful for your help! I don't live in the US (or any english-speaking country for that matter), so what is "THS" exactly? I'll translate it to my native language and double check the results.
I have my blood results (and we have universal health care where I live so it isn't a particular family doctor or anything) and I checked every page when they came out (I always do) and didn't see any problems but a Vitamin D deficiency (that many doctors say it's pretty common here where I live, but I have to take supplements for it anyway lol)
I do have PCOS and as far as I know I don't have thyroid problems, just "metabolic issues" (?), also I doesn't help that my uterus is retroverd and it sits wrong on my intestines/colon area making it harder for my bowels to work properly lol Shit just sucks (literally i guess)
However the doctor said a low carb diet really helps for most of my problems (and I've tested so myself and it really does), however it's very hard not to eat bread and stuff like that on a daily basis, when I go to work it's almost impossible to find something around that doesn't have refined carbs, so I really have to meal prep, which I am looking forward to this weekend or when my new kitchen gear arrives.
Sorry for this long-ass post lol saging for that. But thanks again, anons, it's super cool how you're willing to help~
No. 197496
>>197488I have weight issues, but I rapidly lose weight when I start cutting out any carbs (at maximum 30 gramm per day) and do a high fat diet. started 6 weeks ago and already lost 8 kg
No. 197502
I fucking hate my brother.
He is a lazy, selfish slob who refuses to help out or contribute. He's 19 and unemployed, after being kicked out of college for never attending. He sleeps all day and plays video games all night.
What's caused me to hate him is the way my mum treats him. She has always babied him, defending his shitty attitude and lack of self-responsibility. 'Oh well, at least he's not on drugs'. She enables the fuck out of him and it causes nothing but arguments. My dad can't stand my brother because, like me, he is completely embarrassed by him, so my parents are constantly arguing over his lifestyle, and of course he doesn't see any of this as his problem.
I'm the older sister, and I've always been held to a higher standard. Everything is expected of me whenever they go away - taking care of the house, walking and feeding the dog, laundry, cooking food, picking up post and I fucking work all day. But my NEET brother, who does shit all, is expected to do nothing.
I'm so fucking envious of all of my friends, who have a good relationship with their brother. They joke, the share interests, they care about one another. It's so surreal when I visit them and I see them having friendly conversations with their brother.
I can't wait until I move out. I will never speak to that sack of shit again.
No. 197507
>>197502In pretty much the same situation, anon (only it's my sister, not a brother).
It's so weird hearing my bf talk nicely about his siblings! Thank God I'm not the only person feeling like this.
No. 197518
>>197502I'm sorry about your situation anon, I envy those tight as fuck asshole siblings with their cosy families and shit. People laughed and thought I was weird for me and my brother not even saying hello if we saw eachother out and about.
I've hated two people in my life, and one of them is my brother for the abuse and the fucking hell he made my childhood. We're cool now but we will never share a bond.
No. 197519
>>197495What country are you from ?
Maybe google something like thyroid result blood work or something like that in your native language maybe that will help ?
Or ask your parents about it I'm sure they will know.
No. 197532
>>197531I'm sorry anon but I laughed haha
Maybe play it cool ? is it a friend ? You might be able to laugh with that person lol.
If it's a stranger then I don't know what to do really just ignore it I guess lol.
No. 197534
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I kinda of hate coming to visit my moms.
Every few months I'll come to my moms to stay a week with her and her boyfriend because I hardly see her, and I know she's loves when I come over. Every time I stay over though, it's always the same thing. I hang out with her after she get's off work, she seems in a good mood and then her boyfriend starts ordering her to do things/she gets super pissed off at how messy her bf made the house/gets pissed off at her bf she making her go run his errands while she has her own stuff to do. I'm happy to help out if I see she needs it, like I'll do the dishes and clean up a mess if I see it but she gets in this SUPER foul mood the moment she's around him, cussing up a storm, throwing things and stomping, talking about how she wishes she was dead.
I get mad sometimes too when my partner makes me alittle mad but my mom pushes it.. it happens every time I come over and it makes me feel very uncomfortable as she storms through the house. Often I just go outside away from her. Both my sister and I have tried to help her get away from her partner, to move someone else and dump him but it's been over 7 years and she won't take our advise. We have tried to help her, I tell her I love her all the time but when this happens every time it reminds me why I don't visit often. She has no life of her own, she lives to work for her bf.
>>197518I'm the same with my sister, we had a terrible relation growing up together and I loathed her for a very long time. We are /okay/ now but she seems says very demeaning things to me.
No. 197535
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>>197531I farted in front of a guy I had a crush on in 8th grade
No. 197543
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i have depression and it keeps fucking things up
i was achieving really good grades before i developed it then that all changed. i ended up managing to get into a fairly good uni but i just got a shit grade in my second year and i need to decide whether a) i redo the year and try to improve or b) continue into my final year and work my ass off but get a piss poor degree
i'm worried no matter what i choose i'll still underachieve
i felt like a fuck up before but this has dealt a big blow because the course material really wasnt that difficult but i could never concentrate or remember anything
i have other problems too from struggling with my self-esteem, to poor social life
it's getting to the point where im doubting if i can ever change but i dont want to give up
i just want to be an functioning person but everything is just so much all at once i can never get myself in order
No. 197552
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My new meds are making me miserable, i've been on them for a month and there's no improvement. My psychiatric clinic won't offer me therapy and rarely do check-ups and is generally shit at offering the right help atm (they used to be better for some reason). I'm a wreck and lie in bed and cry all day. My boyfriend is amazing and supports me a lot, but i still feel like shit whenever i'm on my own. I can't even manage my job which is super non demanding with few hours. I just want my life back.
No. 197554
>>197495it's TSH: thyroid stimulating hormone.
it's a Hypothalamic-pituitary hormone and produced by the hypothalamus and pituitary gland, not by the thyroid itself.
It regulates the thyroid function.
The TSH is usually the hormone that is checked first and most often at blood work. Should be the same in your country.
Go check for it in your last blood works, maybe they even checked it. Tell me what it says.
No. 197556
>>197488sorry im the same from
>>197486 and
>>197496I want to give a more elaborated answer.
I dont know how it functions microbiological and what the issue is, but in my personal opinion and what Ive learned from a selfhelp forum in my native language, not everyone with thyroid problems has weight issues.
Some with hypothyroidism are underweight with trouble gaining weight, some are overweight with trouble losing weight and some are at a normal weight with no specific issues at all. I guess the thyroid is not the main source of problems and that the other genetic sources and family sourroundings play a role too.
personally and what ive experienced from other people with this disease I think, having one disease that affects the hormones makes it more probable you will have other hormonal issues as well. And just from my experience it seems more people with thyroid diseases have a genetic insulin resistance. It's a proneness for type 2 diabetes but without the illness became manifest. It makes sense since it is discussed that the thyroid plays a role in processing carbohydrates, which is the reason why a lot of people can make great results in cutting carbs out of their diet.
ahh sorry, it's so hard to explain everything with all the medical terms in another language than my native language.
the second part is that if you dont get the right medication or enough of it, you lack energy which makes it hard to get out of bed.
Regarding your mother, dont judge her. Be glad you dont have the same thing. Of course she has own responsibility and she could lose weight, she would just have to use double effort. You know?
And at your mothers age, it is probably less important for her than to enjoy eating. :/ Idk.
God, I just come of my sleeping medication TT__TT I'll stop rambling now.
No. 197557
>>197488>>197556cough… what I want to say summasummarum: it's 50/50. She probably is lazy and stuffs her face with garbage, but even if she didnt, it would be hard for her to lose weight. And a short term diet wont work. She would need to stop eating crap for the rest of her life to maintain her weight.
How overweight is she?
No. 197559
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>>197478hi anon, im the seroquel-advice anon from the tuna thread.
what mental illness is underlying all of that?
Is it possible for you to reach out to psychotherapy?
>also any drugs I could suggest I switch to?Do you really think this is a good idea?
In the beginning an antidepressant thats calming could be helping.
Dont do big steps, just try it with 550 or 575 in the beginning. Do you have the 100mg pills at home or 25mg? If 100mg… you can ask in a drug store for a pill-parter (or whatever thats called in english, image attached) that way you can take quarter, half or 3/4 of a pill and lower the dosage in small steps.
Your body needs to adjust to a new dosage and come of the stuff.
No. 197583
People with good skin routines should have perfect skin.
I woke up on my 19th birthday with cystic acne.. it's never gone away since. Years of treatment. I always took amazing care of my skin- only wore eye makeup, always used sunscreen, vitamin c, collagen. i must've spent thousands on amazing luxury products for my skin. i've always had a great diet and i never eat fast food, dairy, or tons of sugar. the acne is hormonal so things have 'worked', but eventually they stop working.
my friend has perfect skin and she sleeps in her makeup. she always jokes about how she only eats mcdonalds (she literally does, she can't cook) and only drinks coke. she cakes her face in foundation like a drag queen even though she doesn't have a single spot. it seriously makes me want to commit suicide.
i eat healthy, i workout, i always have my whole life. i've done so much to keep my body in perfect condition. i can't go outside without foundation, but putting it on hurts. and whats the point? you can see all the huge, nasty bumps under it. i'm thin, and people used to always compliment me when i was just out and about. no one compliments me anymore.
No. 197589
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>>197583Her skin will probably look like shit in a decade or so, while yours will still look youthful.
At least, that's what I keep telling myself when I feel bad.
No. 197591
>>197502as you see not everyone has nice siblings and cosy families. :/
I also always envied those who have good relationships with their brothers. My three brothers are strangers to me.
But hey, at least your didnt enable a child molester to take advantage of you, like mine did.
No. 197593
>>197529i know what you mean kind of.
Doctor hopping though comes mostly from them being lonely. Most of the elderly would just need someone to talk to weekly, not even therapy-tier, just someone who cares a little and listens. but they dont have anybody so they do the only thing thats available to them: they go to their family doctor.
but I understand why youre annoyed. Elderly people are so unflexible and grumpy and want to have everything their way
No. 197594
>>197531>>197532>>197535I have something better. I farted in front of a co-worker who I always thought was nuts.
And a few days later I swear she farted forcibly and hard in front of me. It was the most awkward thing Ive ever experienced someone do. I wasnt even that embarrassed by my fart, but that… that was something new.
No. 197595
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>>197543what are your studies?
Why would one bad grade make it a piss poor degree?
I cant follow …
No. 197597
>>197583>must've spent thousands on amazing luxury products for my skinSometimes luxury products have too many ingredients because they're trying to do EVERYTHING for your skin. I know that my skin routine at its most expensive was harmful to my oily and spot-prone skin and my acne at that point was disgusting. I kept folowing skincare routines recommended by brands that I thought were good but they weren't all they were cracked up to be.
Switching to simpler products perfected my skin. I think it's easier to pinpoint which ingredients don't work for you when each product has less ingredients.
tbh now I just use aloe vera, witch hazel and olive oil and skip anything with alcohol or perfume in it. Every week or so I branch out with a luxury mask or serum. I switched to a milkier sunscreen too because I think the thickness of my old sun cream blocked my pores.
No. 197599
>>197583in my personal opinion and from my experience your skin care routine is nothing more than an advertising scam.
Ive had cystic acne from 14 to fairly now (30). Ive done one round of accutane which has improved it a lot, but I still get small break outs.
Weird share but I had diarrhea and took some stuff that improves your bowel bacteria and BOOM suddenly all of my acne is gone (good fucking god, sometimes im so glad this board is so anonym).
what I want to say: improve your bowel.
btw what I took was perenterol, but you should probably do a full round of intestinal repair / renovation of the intestinal flora
No. 197601
>>197599asmefag: no product I ever bought did fucking anything. It comes from the inside and that is where you need to heal it.
And btw, I dont even wash my face daily anymore and my skin is the best it has ever been.
No. 197603
>>197347I have the exact same settis. Everything, exactly the same, the age, the town type, also a virgin and no experience whatsoever.
I'm deep deep down in depression and my mother is overly attached to me. I don't know if you watched black swan but the mother-daughter relationship is a lot like the one between me and my mom.
What's worse, I live in a country where unemployment is really high so I'm also neet. I applied to so many jobs that I can't even count, not even one single response. Now I barely get out of my bed. I can't sleep, eat, I don't even go internet that much. I just wish I never woke up. If it weren't for my mom, I would have jumped or overdosed already.
My father told me that I have to start paying rent from next year on or that I move out. I'm sort of looking forward to it. I'll just go to the nearest bridge and end this.
No. 197604
>>197599>your skin care routingnot yours.. i meant skin care in general.
like, it doesnt do shit.
it just "common knowledge" it would help because of advertisement.
Santa is red because of advertisement and diamond rings as engagement rings werent a common thing until the 50s and cartier's engagement ring advertisements.
it's fucking nuts.
Our society is fucking nuts.
No. 197605
>>197603is it not possible to move countries?
or to get an education?
No. 197608
>>197598yeah, I understand how module's grades are build up.
I still dont understand why your grade would be so fucking important or why a lower grade would make your degree suddenly so piss poor.
No. 197618
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I'm so sick of the power leveling that goes on in any threads that have to do with personality disorders (especially BPD or Narcissism) its always the same bullshit of random anons arguing over medication or armchair diagnosing but writing paragraph after paragraph. Usually following it up with how they know someone personally or have the disorder themselves. Putting "sage for blogging" at the end doesn't make it all better, it's totally ruined some threads and when it's going on it makes them almost unreadable (the Onision thread and the Luna Slater thread, for example- both overpopulated by autists).
I know its possible to discuss such things in a civil way…the munchies thread for example isn't that bad. For some reason though the average anon can't comment on bpd/npd without sperging the hell out.
No. 197636
>>197583How often do you shower?
I know it sounds weird but when I was in Basic,I showered much less/slept dirtier and my acne cleared up
No. 197637
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>>197345hahaha its basically been radio silence other than "check this dank meme the cute girl sent me" since I've posted that. I know that sounds petty and clingy as shit but before that we'd check in w/ each other a few times per day. He was even like 'hey dw ur still important to me' with no prompting or anything, but idk I don't really feel like I am. I just wanna be happy for him but fuck I'm feeling kinda bitter about it
I kinda just regret everything tbh
like FUCK this is what u get for having feelings u dumb bitch why are u like this!!
No. 197639
>>197583Stop wasting time and get the fuck on accutane.
I wish I went on it earlier, it would've saved me so many years of suffering, so much money spent on skincare that simply cannot fix cystic acne that requires proper medicine, and all the scarring and pigmentation it left behind. I know it's hard to make the decision because of fear mongering about side effects but your derm will monitor you the whole time. Fuck the accutane causing depression meme, it cured my depression because it was 100% environmental as a result of acne.
No. 197640
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>>197638it's not even a significant other thing, either?? she's married? If anything we were kinda like the significant others, we're a more-than-friends close kinda thing, but neither of us said anything about it bc we're on either side of the world and it wouldn't work. We've dropped the L word on each a few times and have done the whole 'I'd deffo date you if distance wasn't a thing' song and dance. Like, we get together and watch streams and shit and fall asleep in voice chat on each other, that kinda close.
It's just dumb. idk i feel really stupid abt it – it was a thing for a couple of days before I even posted about it bc it took me that long to be like 'no ur not being stupid about it IS kinda shitty'. I couldn't ever hurt him over it though, because I do love him in whatever way it is that I do way too much. It just really kinda hurts and I have no idea what to do about it
No. 197642
>>197556I'm only judging her because I think she is lying by making up excuse. If she would just tell me smth like 'I'm too exhausted from work to cook smth or do sports' I would understand.
Idk how overweight she is to be honest. She kinda looks like Momokun just maybe 2 sizes bigger and with a huge ass (you know like the I had two kids kind of ass)
Thanks for all the info though.
I've never been really interested in my condition despite me taking the meds. And I used to eat like shit too (I think I still can't get over the fact that I used to be one of the kids who could eat anything while staying thin or at least I didn't really learn on how to eat more healthy so Idk how that works lol. Stupid excuse I know)
Nowadays it's better and I'm slowly trying to understand how to eat more healthy so I can lose weight again.
No. 197643
>>197613I know how you feel anon lol.
I feel like this cosplay scene is all about gaining 'Fame' now which makes me fucking sad. Before it was also kinda about gaining like compliments or whatever but now with Instagram and that bullshit it took the whole scene to a different planet. I feel like you sometimes too anf then I have to remind myself that I'm doing it because I have fun doing it and I enjoy it not to gain some likes which don't even mean shit unless you actually make a living out of it.
No. 197644
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I'm getting really tired of 'eyebrow-shaming', even if it is in jest.
I have naturally thin eyebrows, not 90s pamela anderson thin but pic related, except rounder. They're also kinda far apart, that's just how they grow.
I have big, round, protruding tea-stained eyes and they really don't need to be emphasised further with chunky brows, the ones I have now suit them just fine. I've tried several different styles but it just made me look fucking goofy. Yet people insist I get mine filled in, microbladed, shellacked into obedience etc because that's trendy now. I use a brow pencil and make them slightly fuller when I do my makeup, but any more than that would look silly, and I've tried.
What's worse is that in pictures they look even lighter, thinner and further apart than irl for some reason. Same thing happens to my lips, they just… disappear and my eyes look really meaty, idk why. Which just incites even more comments about my 'sad brows'. Jfc stop, not everyone's face suits Lily Collins caterpillars.
No. 197648
>>197644Ignore it and be proud you're not enough of a dumb trendwhore to force a look that doesn't work for you. Things like that will go in and out of fashion but your natural shape is almost always gonna be the best choice.
Though I do question the sort of people you choose to interact with, are your friends and acquaintances all mean spirited instathots?
No. 197654
>>197644eyebrow shaming? really?
and if you're comparing yours to Kristen Stewart's, I'm sure yours are fine. hers are light but the shape and thickness is just fine.
No. 197663
>>197657I know the feels anon, im in your place actually
How long is soon and how bad is your body exactly?
I have tubular breasts, fupa, man ass, and sooo much fat on my face,shoulders, arms, back, and armpit, i also have a lot of razor bumps on my thigh area and my labia has these weird wrinkles in it, im a virgin though so idk
Basically my plan is to get a lift and some fat transfer to my breast, some fat transfer to my butt and hips, and acne scar removal, and fat transfer to my labia, with some jaw reduction and im doing a looottt of working out, waist training and taking care of my skin
In clothes,i look normal,without them I look bad
I also might consider selling my eggs to pay off the surgery as well
>in b4 "ooo just work on your self esteem"Look I have a breast mutation and god awful body that working out and dieting can only fix so much, i don't want my boyfriend to take off my clothes and be disgusted, it's for me and I've been struggling with this since i hit puberty, it will honestly make my life so much better
No. 197669
>>197663Have you tried actually working out and eating better?
If there's that much to fix is it really worth going through all the trouble?
I seriously think your self image is kind of warped, I understand if someone's nitpicking because we all do that when we look in the mirror but I highly doubt there's so many things fundamentally wrong with you that can't be fixed with diet and exercise. The fupa comment just supports that.
No. 197672
>>197669yes, I have, like I said, diet and exercise only goes so far, I have awful genes really, I do legit have tubular breasts, I wear an A cup and they're sooooo saggy with nipples the size of a coaster , my self image isn't warped, which I get that a lot because I wear baggy clothes that make me look normal, I have fupa because it's in my genetics, I'm 5 foot and even when I was 95 lbs I still had fupa, I gave up and I'm 135 now, I do diet and exercise especially with squats but as I said, squats and exercise can only go so fat
my ass is shaped like a mans ass, I don't have saddle bags, my hips are shaped so weird, they're not hip dips but, they literally are straight flat on the sides, I have two huge dents in my ass, like a mans ass would be shaped, it's just awful and I have been squating/ weight training for years, it did get bigger and more toned but my hips and dented sides didn't change
No. 197676
>>197657I know how you feel anon, one of my breasts is a A vup an the other is a B cup, it's awful.
However, if your boyfriend really loves you, he won't care about stupid shit like that. Sometimes sex is just like an extension of cuddling, by that I mean, your boyfriend probably will be happy if you both feel good, like cuddling.
Also, having sex with the lights off can be fun. It helps you feel eachother better and not pay attetion to your sorroundings.
I know it's hard, but try to relax. If he cares about you, he'll understand. If he doesn't, well.. he shouldn't be your boyfriend in the first place.
Good luck.
No. 197691
>>197676well depends, if asymmetrical breasts are the only flaw you have then it's going to seem a lot easier to talk about how if a man will leave you for your body then it's not worth it
I'm anon from
>>197663 and I know my boyfriend loves me enough to not break up with me over my flaws but I do want to fix some of them, no I don't expect to be perfect but this is something I struggled with for years, and planned on getting PS for years, and I know it will make my boyfriend happier when he takes off my clothes (as long as if he doesnt know about the PS) it will make him happier seeing me more confident and I will be happier and won't feel trapped inside my body, I only have enough good attributes to count on one hand and none of them even matter (good feed/hands, nice skin color, nice nose, nice lips, nice hair)
No. 197701
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Untill last year I had never had a friend who genuinely cared about me or had anything in common with me, all my friends untill last year where just people I meet in my last year of hs and we were all just kind of stuck together bc it was the last year and everyone already their own groups (all of them where foreigners who had just moved so didnt know anybody, and had just been told by teachers to hang out with the unpopular kids, thats how our 'group' was formed) we all had nothing in common with eachother and they were all very focused on work, which I didnt care about all, so I never did any fun teenage things aside from a few partys here and there. We never went out on the weekends or hung out at eachothers houses or cafes, no texting till 3am or sneaking out, other typical teenage shit. It sucked. When hs finished I cut ties with them and spent summer alone in my room pretty much everyday. I thought when college started I would find a nice group to hang with but everyone In my class is a mirror image of those from hs. Expect for one girl who by some kind of insane coincidence, idk how, who shared pretty much everything in common with me. It was almost scary.
Finally I found someone who I share so much in common with and is the first true friend Ive ever had. I thought everything was finally starting to look up after being depressed for years, and I was starting to look foward to the future a little more
But of course bc Im fucking cursed or some shit
> Find out shes moving away and wont be coming back to college after summer
FUCK. wow I genuinely dont know why this shit always happens to me, why I am not allowed to be happy?? I guess not being completely alone was fun while it lasted. I dont think I can handle being alone again. The thought of it just makes me to kill myself, as if I didnt already.
No. 197704
>>197701Sage for samefag forgot to add, im
>>195558 for extra context kek
No. 197705
>>197691It's not my only flaw, I was just giving an example because I really hate them lol I do have a lot of flaws, but I didn't want to drag it on.
If you want do go under the knife, all the power to you, just don't do it because of your boyfriend. I almost ballooned my tits because of an ex, he said he couldn't get hard because my breasts were ugly, turns out he was just an abusive motherfucker.
So be careful, anons.
No. 197708
>>197705Agreed. I tried dating my male "best friend" and after we decided to become bf/gf, he started going on about how unattractive I am. It's not a big deal that he wasn't attracted to me, since I don't/didn't find him attractive either, BUT he was pretty crass about his feelings. It really made me feel bad about myself.
He told me the perfect girl for him was a DD+ 182cm+ (6'0"+) Swedish blonde (with naturally platinum blonde hair) that dressed like a hooker. This was before he moved to Sweden (literally only moved there to get a gf).
I never had someone bash my appearance so much before, so I considered plastic surgery. In fact, I made an appointment with a surgeon, who told me I didn't need surgery and to spend the money on my hair and nails instead.
After I came to my senses, in part due to the plastic surgeon and therapy, I realized that I was being ridiculous trying to change myself for someone I didn't even want to date!
As for my "friend", he's leaving Sweden now, after a few years of trying to get a girl there and the 10/10 Swedish girls not wanting anything to do with him. He regrets everything.
No. 197715
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It's Yukata Season and I can't fit my Yukata anymore ughhh I just wanted to put a Yukata on and tie cute obi ribbons. Sigh.
>inb4 stop eating so much
Yes yes I'm working on it, but I'll probably lose the weight when Yukata season is over. Oh, well.
Have the Queen being cute in a Yukata.
No. 197719
>>197714No clue, i really hope so, last he said anything about her was that she was a hoe being thrown around by old dudes and is dating some ugly meth head
Why did he feel the need to mention her body is better than mine though and brag about how tight she was but blast me the secone i consider plasic surgery?
Didn't mean to delete my post btw sorry
No. 197721
>>197719>>197719Ever told him it bothered you?
It seems like he lied about her being a ~perfect pear shaped submissive jap waifu with big tits~
No. 197740
>>197722He sounds douchey, anon. You deserve someone who's supportive, not ANNOYED when you feel insecure. <3
I've had 2 seizures because of it, but I keep abusing my bupropion. I just got a little more careful about it. Logical solution is to switch to some other med, but I don't want to do more SSRIs again. They make me feel dead inside and kill my already decimated sex drive. Depression, fuck yeah!
No. 197764
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Depression hit me hard again, my boyfriend used to be the sole thing that pulled me out of the gutter. Now he just seems to parrot these same phrases that everyone does, he doesn't make my anxiety induced ocd habits disappear because he just keeps denying everything. "It's not like that!", "It's all in your head!", "You'll feel better in time, you'll see!". I know it's all in my head and I can't break the loops I get into with pointing it out. I know it's not his place or job to fix me, I don't expect that. I'd just wish I had a little bit of thought and reassurance dedicated for me. I'm all alone and I've started planning my death again, because everybody is just a shell to me. Nobody has any meat in them anymore. Not even him. I love him so much but I'm so lonely.
Atm I'm just in bed, bleeding my uterine lining out and crying alone when I just would want to be held and given attention. I keep pushing him to play with his friends and spend time with them, because I don't want to poison him with my company all the time. I don't have any friends myself.
No. 197771
>>197663I have stretch marks all over my body, and I've had them since the second I started puberty. Legs, arms, stomach, hips, back, boobs. Everywhere. My boobs are also very big but they sag. I was the first one in a bra. Soon is in a month or two. I want to get laser treatment for the stretch marks, and I'm considering a breast lift or a reduction. I never see anyone else with stretch marks this bad except for women who have been pregnant. I'm not even fat.
Best of luck with your treatments anon.
>>197676Thank you for the advice anon. I know if he loves me he should be able to accept my flaws, but I hate them myself and would feel a lot better if I could get rid of them. I wish I could accept myself for how I am, but I see how perfect everyone else looks and it makes me want to claw my skin off.
No. 197774
>>197657your body is probably not even half as hideous as you think it is.
and even if it is: just be grateful you dont die a virgin.
No. 197775
>>197663tubular breasts?
If you can live with eventually numb nipples, get an operation. I have them, not even really bad and if I wasnt scared I would lose all of my sensibility I wouldve loved to get them done at 18.
No. 197788
>>197755Oh anon, I know how you feel. I'm the anon you replied to in the post.
I remember being a teenager and wearing size 0 everything, never worrying about a single thing I ate, never even trying on clothes before I bought them. Now I'm 22 with an ugly body and I'm lucky if I can shove my fat ass into size 7 jeans. I'm 115 pounds but it's all fat and almost all of it goes to my hips. (5'3" for reference.)
I'm really changing my lifestyle because I'm sick of being such a fat pig. I'd really like to get to 100 at first, but 95 would be perfect. I guess I really just want to be able to look into the mirror without hating everything I see.
Good luck to you anon. ? This shit is so hard.
No. 197789
>>197663Speaking as someone with body dysmorphia, you sound like you've got it, too.
Listen to the anons here. Also, you shouldn't live your life only for beauty and only for others. There's more important things.
No. 197820
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No. 197859
>>197815Sorry you're
triggered, fatty.
No. 197860
>>197855Damn anon, you're a really shitty person. She's your grandmother. You literally hate an old woman who is responsible for you being here because you're such a spoiled little cunt.
Appreciate her while she's still here.
No. 197862
>>197855I totally get it anon and annoying is annoying. It doesn't really matter who it is. Unfortunately the only advice I can think of is to just be patient. Maybe when she gets better it will be a little different. Or maybe you can have a talk with your grandmother about taking her medicine and eating to get better?
From my experience, the elderly like to feel like useful and needed so if you can go along the lines of "grandma please do what your supposed to for you health because I'm worried" it might help.
No. 197863
>>197861nayrt but do you really think that only one girl on this website has issues with her weight? You're in for a huge surprise.
Also, this is a venting thread. No one needs to care or even respond. I don't really understand how posting on an anonymous Mongolian basketweaving forum, literally screaming into the void, is attention seeking.
If you really have an issue with people complaining about their lives then why are you in this thread?
No. 197867
>>197858Yeah, you are right too, anon. I need motivation to stay focused and do the work, tho. I am so unmotivated like, fuck. And when I said that to my mom she brushed it off, like "No you're not" (because I only show her my happy side), which actually made me even sadder. I'll go to the advice thread later to ask for help to study/work better.
Thanks for replying tho, I really appreciate it.
No. 197876
>>197863Obviously they aren't the only one bothered by their weight but making an incredibly obvious attempt at fishing for anyone to go 'nawwwwww but you poor bby you're so thin'
Nobody venting creates a setup begging for validation of their boring peusdo-anorexia melodrama. Everyone knows that 115 lbs is perfectly average unless she's a midget or tall. Why feed their desperation for validation? They aren't special for struggling a little or being normally sized. They need to learn to validate themselves and grow up not get coddled online because they have a minor problem.
No. 197878
>>197867Motivation is a fleeting whore and you don't need it. Motivation isn't consistent or reliable or useful for anything other than a creative burst.
You need to cultivate self discipline and you do it by forcing yourself to do the work that you hate to earn the satisfaction of completing it and doing it well. Force yourself once and you'll find it easier the next time because you've had a taste of genuine achievement.
It's super hard but if you keep telling yourself it's too hard and you're too unmotivated you'll fail. Tell yourself repeatedly the only thing stopping you is you and then get out of your own way.
Ignore the voice that says I can't be fucked, I'm tired, why bother, tomorrow, blah blah and make yourself uncomfortable.
No. 197898
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>>197878Not OP anon, but damn, I really needed to read this. Best advice for me right now, hope it helps the other anon too. You're 100% correct. Just gotta do it, even if I don't have the energy or will power.
No. 197900
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Moved abroad a year ago and the in-laws are visiting and they're driving me crazy. I think I'm just being melodramatic but every day spent with them is so taxing and exhausting and I secretly can't wait for them to leave. I care about them and I'm happy for my husband because he gets to see his parents after a year apart, but I just wanna rip my hair out at this point.
No. 197901
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I was in a "nerd" group two years ago, made some good friends I hang out irl and then got the fuck out of there because a lot of them, grown up men in their twenties, literally had a private chat where they spent their time gossiping about members of the group. Also, being one of the first and few girls of the group, looking "normie" and being somehow attractive, despite avoiding attention and just staying in my chill spot, some of those guys were and are still obsessed with me. Also, them being just a more clean version of a neckbeard, flirt with just every slightly attractive girl who comes in the group, and when rejected start ganging up on them. Those creeps took my rejection really badly, hate my guts but pretend to be nice to me.
One of them is the nerd Onision: an absolute narc, arrogant, thinks he's always right and smarter and more talented than everyone, thinks he's a special snowflake for playing chess and reading french comics than nobody knows. He also has a Lainey: an underaged, bland, shy girl he's in a LDR with because girls his age run away from his creepyness. He also flirts with other girls, even in front of her, and gets rejected every time because the only one who could ever tolerate to touch him with a ten foot pole and deal with his NPD is a spineless underaged girl with no personality.
I had him in my friendlist because we were supposed to be in good terms, turns out that he's still shittalking me in that private chat and keeping up with my life (or the little I share on fb). This time he's salty because I'm writing for a website, so he goes on saying that "I can't write and I'm talentless" - despite everyone else saying the opposite - just because he writes for a website too. What a sad, insecure, pathetic little pedo man. I'm so sick of this high school tier drama, so I'm going to confront him and cut ties forever. I will never be in a nerd community again. What a bunch of pathetic losers.
No. 197906
>>197897you should tell him all of this. complete, sincere communication is even more important in long distance relationships. if he's invested in your relationship and cares about you 100% he would want to know that this bothers you.
i had a similar conversation with my LDR bf. it's no longer a problem. communicate, people
No. 197919
I'm at the point in my life where Im just starting out pretty much, I desperately wanna get my own place, get a job, sell my eggs to pay for plastic surgery and cannot do that with my parents in the way, which yeah I'm trying to get a job and split a place with a few friends and all but my family is the most aggravating and time wasting
Lets start with my grandma, a local trade school here was holding an event, my grandma heard about it, and gathered all the family to go to an event that was supposed to benefit and help me, the only person going to school soon, which makes no sense but they made me go despite me telling them i don't wanna and they tell me "oh you might see something you like there" and while i see my fellow classmates walk around by themselves or with 1 person,here i am walking around with my family for no, fucking, reason at all they needed to come, just to have them later tell me i should go to a regular uni and not a trade school, wasting my time and embarassment
Second thing that bothers me is the fact they name me this weird foreign name, im not gonna say what it is, buts it's one of those Russian ones that sound like an american name with a twist on it, you know which ones im talking about
But they call me by my middle name which is fine, but they constantly scream it in public to get my attention which is embarassing because when they do it I have all these people come up to me and say "ooo your name is ___ i thought it was ___" youd think they go by what I wanna go by, and not by what they wanna call me which is embarassing because of my social anxiety and how judgemental people are here, usually i wouldn't care but people here make a huge deal i don't get called by my first name, even though i prefer it
3rd, back to my grandma, she is fucking making me do everything, like she will read about a class in the paper that isn't relevant to anything i wanna do, tell me about it then act hurt when i don't wanna do it, which guilts me into doing more things i dont wanna and wasting my time and if i deny my family sees me as some monster,like there will be an event at church where they listen to a new song and she will make a huge deal and make me come, she almost made me come watch the choir practice, which makes no sense to waste my time and watch plus i had plans with friends
She constantly asks me stupid shit about getting into the local uni here, im not a student here yet i don't even wanna be a student… I use to be on the basketball team all my life and out of nowhere she comes up to me, knowing I'm not a student and said "did you see about joining the basketball team" like youd think it would be common fucking sense you cant drive up to a random school and ask to join a sports team etc etc, i have so many problems in my life and wanted to vent about that,my other problems are being handled as it is
No. 197927
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>>197901confront them and come back and tell us anon
bring photos, films, recordings, receipts No. 197935
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I thought my bf was asking me if I wanted to go to a concert next week, which I usually can't because nobody ever wants to pick up my shift at my job.
So I told him to go ahead and buy the tickets for himself and friends.
I guess he actually meant that the concert is tomorrow, which I theoretically could go to because I called off work sick. But I only found that out because he posted about the concert to fb and now it seems a little too late to beg to tag along.
Additionally, I do legitimately feel punky and it would look bad on my part to post on social media about concert going when I'm supposed to be at home sick.
So, idk, realistically I couldn't have gone regardless but it still feels bad being left out of things. I don't remember the last time I did something legitimately fun like that.
Feels like I work for the weekend, since I have such a useless weekday schedule, and even on my weekends I mostly do nothing.
>will probably see if bf can buy me a band shirt at least, he had no interest in these bands until I introduced him
No. 197978
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>>197976Speaking from experience, love tends to happen when you least expect it. Just live your life, have fun, and enjoy yourself/friends/family. People tend to feed of positive energy…well, at least the type of people you want to be in a relationship with. Eventually it's just going to happen and you won't even realize it.
No. 197981
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>>197976>someday my prince will comeprincesses where visited by princes because the princesses were known. They are in a way famous and popular. Public figures. And because you automatically get some kind of ennoblement.
Since youre not a princess, nobody knows you're sitting in your small town. It reminds me of a TED talk of a woman who said she "highjacked" dating and figured out that even in Philadelphia a population of 1.5 million people, there would actually be only 35 men who would fit her requirements (image related).
This doesnt have to be necessarily be true and it's regarding what you expect, but think it might be about right.
>to be afraid of men and to stay away from them.Well, I hope you do see the connection.
Im my personal experience you fall in love with people you meet and learn to know. Love at first sight is rather seldom.
No. 197984
>>197982I feel you. I have this too. It especially bothered me when I was in middle/high school because every other girl had a flat crotch. I thought maybe I was a fat fuck, but the thinner I got, the more pronounced it was.
Guys I've spoken to say the feature is not unattractive and can even be cute/sexy, so that made me feel (slightly) less disgusted with myself. I carefully pick out my pants and swimsuit bottoms so I don't unwittingly draw unwanted attention to my crotch. Only so much we can do, though.
No. 197987
>>197982>>197984a lot of men are into puffy pussies especially on slim women.
Only because theyre not depictured in porn and such, doesnt mean men dont like it.
No. 197995
>>197984thank you i dont feel so alone now anon!!
>>197987>>197988>>197992I never knew it had a name!
No. 198000
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>>197927I did it right away because I was mad. I knew that group is full of salty losers, but I keep in my contacts the ones that (supposedly) aren't. Our interactions have always been friendly, I've never done anything to him, and he turns out to be this doublefaced and catty? Enough.
At first he said stuff like "B-But I didn't, who told you that" because he didn't know I have receipts. Showed him the screencaps, the three "…" typing marks go on and off for a good 4-5 minutes.
Then he finally replies. "I didn't want to be mean" yada yada. Nah dude, my "secret spy" told me everything, you always talk behind your own friends' backs and it wasn't the first time you came after me (cowardly acting as a friend in my face, obviously), so now I'm cutting you out for good. He actually tried to gaslight me, guilt trip me and say that he's my friend and loves me. It's surprising how much he has in common with Onionboy.
At last, as soon as he noticed that I was having none of his shit, and after I've told him that he sounds really insecure, he finally flipped and showed his true colors. "HAHAHAHAHAHA insecure of whaat, of youuu? I have a bright future in front of meee, [blah blah bragging about his uni grades and degree], [blah blah bragging about how he writes for a good and refined website "while I write for a shit one"], who do you think you are, there's no way a successful person like me would be insecure about you", a nice Gregsperg-tier sperg. I simply told him that confident people don't act like that (because it's true, come on, I'm not very successful but I don't have even the 10% of his levels of salt in me), that I'm sick of his child behavior and basically everything I said about him in the first post ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And before saying goodbye I managed to manipulate him into thinking that my source is a close friend of his that even apologized to me on his behalf.
Now they're telling me that he's fighting with his friends in the private chat, to find out "who betrayed him". Needless to say, I feel sorry for his gf and I hope she wakes up soon and dumps his ass for a kind, cute guy.
My job with this asshole is done.
No. 198003
Since I was 13, I thought of getting a nose job, but on the other hand I am also really afraid of it. The tip of my nose is really wide and the one half is very asymmetrical. Every time I look in the mirror I think "Oh, it's not THAT bad", but when I take a selfie from the front or right side, where the nose appears super wide, it always looks absolutely hideous and if my nose is way too big for my face. (That's also why only very few fotos of me exist and on every image you can only see the left side of my face) I can't even imagine what people must think when they look at me and I honestly don't know how my bf or the few friends I have, put up with me. When I was in my teens I experimented with makeup to get the focus on my eyes and lips but when I do it, I always feel guilty of wearing a mask, because I have soemthing to hide.
I didn't told anyone about it and I am so ashamed that I think like that on a daily basis. I am very sure that I will get plastic surgery, when I am out of uni and can afford it, I just can't see myself living with this ugly, hideous thing.
No. 198018
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>all your friends inherit houses, land and money from their parents/grandparents
>you only get debt
No. 198020
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>>198018I feel it
>high school classmates are all in real estate or insurance because of their parents>still trying to do college in my mid-twenties while working retail and living with my parents like a neckbeard No. 198040
>>198036dude I feel you, I don't wanna seem like some redpilled psycho but here a lot of people will easily get jobs, apartments, get into uni easier, etc if they're not white, I know a lot of them are smart and deserve it, but I knew a few girls from church who were honor students, good grades, never did a felony,etc etc, pretty much the average good girl who always struggled with getting jobs and getting into a uni, one girl applied to 6 unis and had 113 interviews, no job, no uni yet but the druggies who were lazy as hell, made average grades, got arrested before, etc easily got jobs and into uni, it just doesn't seem fair
sage for tinfoil
No. 198067
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I'm having really shitty luck as an online buyer lately and I don't know if it's due to it being summer, or if sellers are just being more irresponsible than usual.
>end of June
>decide to support seller by buying a print of her artwork instead of reposting memes of it like most people did/are doing
>via storeenvy
>got shipping notification fine
>tracking num didn't work but figured I'd give it a few days
>tracking number never worked even after a week
>still no print in the mail
>contact artist about it
>"Oh storeenvy has been garbage with incorrect tracking numbers you're not the first, tell me if you don't get it in a few days so I can talk to postal service."
Like…why continue to use storeenvy then?
It's been more than a few days since the deadline but I have to check my apartment complex's office just to be sure the postal worker didn't deliver it inside before I message back.
>also end of June
>ordered a set and a single of a product
>NOTHING was backordered when I placed my order
>two days later, receive notification that single product shipped but not the set
>because they decided a few days later to list a backorder on my set
>obv it wasn't on backorder at the time or else I'd have not ordered it!
>their website says they'd wait to ship items together when something is backordered to 'be green'
>well no, because they shipped my individual
>which I take as a bad sign because it means they probably won't fulfill that backorder for a significant amount of time
>the single product is useless without the set
So this company basically gets to sit on $50 for almost a month now without notifying me, or at least letting me know when they'd get more of the set. They kind of just expect their customers to be stupid and not ask I guess, I left a comment with my order number on their company fb page so maybe that might get a result.
I ordered something a few days ago from a UK clothing store and I still haven't received a shipping notification, despite paying extra for better shipping. At this rate, it will get here at the same rate of the free shipping assuming they had followed their own shipping policy!
What the fuck is happening.
Why does no one have their shit together?
No. 198072
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>>198036>>198040Yep, my building's pretty much a refugee camp now. I don't mind the actual students who come here for their Master's or whatever, they're great craic and I really couldn't give less of a fuck about Sanjay Patel and Dong Quang playing table tennis and drinking on a Saturday evening, but we also get actual middle-aged families nowadays who leave their buggies in the stairway with the screaming brat still inside, hog the hot press/launderette (like I described above), let their kids piss by the entrance and god knows what else. None of them look all that young and I highly doubt any of them work or go to college, so I don't know who let them in in the first place.
I'll forever be jealous of my classmate who got the quiet Indian for a next-door neighbour, his gaff always smells so nice and I've got a pack of rowdy Africans who burn things at 4 in the morning.
The Purge can't come fast enough.
No. 198099
>>198067I'm really hoping the artist didn't scam you anon
I hope all your mail gets to you safely!
No. 198119
>>198099The good news is that it was there when I checked at my office, so huzzah for that!
>>198107If they don't respond to me I'll start a paypal claim. Which sucks, because I didn't have problems with them up until this point.
They got popular really fast, so maybe they're overwhelmed with orders…but that's not my problem tho.
No. 198124
>>198120>but I can't name you the rule or explain why one is using tense x instead of yIt's funny because most native speakers can't either, kek.
Your grammar seems fairly good to me anon. If native English speakers are giving you shit over an honest try, they're likely insecure themselves. My second language is Spanish but I probably couldn't type a full paragraph on the spot without any errors either. No less write in my own voice without relying on formulaic sentence structures I learned from school.
It'll be okay. I have faith in you!
No. 198130
>>198120Fellow not native Eng speaker here. Can write pretty good, can understand written English even better, but irl speak and pronounce need a looooot of work. Also:
>I can use certain tenses just fine but I can't name you the rule or explain why one is using tense x instead of ySame. But take note that most native speakers can't either, and that theory is not really important unless you're using English for academical purposes (for ex. teaching it). No one comes at you irl and asks you "Hey, tell me tense X".
And at last, it sounds like you haven't been in that English speaking country for long. You will improve dramatically in a year or less. Just keep interacting with natives.
No. 198131
>>198120Native English speaker here:
I don't know what the fuck I'm saying most of the time, let alone which tense I'm using. Sometimes (when I'm angry) I say really weird shit that comes out in jumbled sentences that don't make any sense. People still get me.
Don't worry about it too much, especially if you live in the UK. They're just a bit too obsessed with accents, it's the only thing they've left, after all.
Always remember that you speak one more language than they do.
No. 198143
>>198120I'd never have even guessed you weren't a native speaker from your post. most of us can't tell you the rules of English because they're so stupidly complicated and contradictory.
Seems like people are being picky with you if you speak as well as you write in English.
>>198135 well obviously don't starve yourself just eat fewer calories than you're burning. Duh. Eating too much is the only way you get fat so obviously eating less is the way to lose weight.
No. 198147
>>198124Thanks anon. They aren't really giving me shit for it I guess. Sometimes they are just really rude when I'm struggling by just changing the topic.
It's just me being stupid I guess.
>>198130The thing is I lived here for a year already I guess since my time here is coming to an end I just expected more changes in my English.
Accent wise as well as my vocabulary.
I guess they can't tell what country I'm from by my accent unless I tell them, but it still sucks that they can pick my accent out at all by listening to me for just a second.
Anyways thanks anon.
I guess I'm just jealous of the people who used to be in my class. They could name everything while I just couldn't.
>>198131I live in the US. But my coworkers told me that people here are also crazy over accents so I guess that' why they are pointing it out.
And yeah that's the only thing that sometimes makes me feel better especially here in the US where you might learn Spanish in school but no one actually uses it.
>>198143Thanks anon that cheers me up!
No. 198157
I wish I was normal and not someone always going through anxiety and panic attacks.
I have been having extreme panic attacks about death and not existing. Just got over this in January and started again a few days ago. I can't sleep, I stop eating, I cry a lot, etc. Therapy and medication hasn't helped. I wish I could understand how others live their lives without this crippling fear, I hate going through this so much. I'll be 30 in November, I worry once I get over this, it will come back around birthday. Time seems to fly by so fast, felt like I just turned 29. I feel like in the blink of an eye, I'll be old and on my deathbed. I'm not religious, I don't believe in an afterlife. I wish I did but I can't accept it, it would always be in the back of my mind that it's not true. I'm trying to have faith in radical life extension but I do worry that I'll be too old/dead by the time it becomes fully effective.
I just feel so angry and sad right now, I wish could live my life normally without feeling this way.
No. 198172
I feel like my life completely halted in 2013.
I had friends, a bright future, was dating hot guys, and enjoying life. After I graduated college and moved back to the U.S., I lost everything. Suddenly my health (physical and mental) plummeted and I gained 40 pounds. Before I knew it, 4 years had passed.
I'm trying to move forward, but am deeply depressed despite being prescribed a high dose of antidepressants. I look at my old friends and classmates from that time period's FB profiles, and most of their lives seem to have come to a standstill at a similar point in time. No or few updates at all to their profiles. I'm too embarrassed to contact anyone. I've had a few old friends from high school contact me, but I was too embarrassed to reply, except to one person. I replied, and never got a response back. It makes me more depressed thinking they may be feeling the same way as me.
I'm trying to get out of this "funk" and go back to the way things used to be, but it's hard. I'm moving abroad in 2 months to get a graduate degree, and hope that will jumpstart things for me. Right now I spend most of my time laying in bed avoiding life, and feeling like crying. I joined a couple internet forums I used to be an active member of, but I'm not sure if it's just me or if life has changed so drastically…because the vibrancy is gone. Everyone I used to chat with on the forums have disappeared. I don't even know why I come to lolcow anymore (habit? it's the best option for likeminded people?). All the milk has dried up, most farmers are just bitter and miserable like myself.
Anyway… =(
No. 198210
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Oh my fucking god
I love my boyfriend but he is such a fucking child sometimes!
It was around 12 AM last night, and he had been on the couch, sleeping while sitting up, for two hours. I tried to wake him up a few times, but he kept making the same sad pitiful face before closing his eyes again. He wanted me to wake him up, so now I have to fucking constantly try and nudge him awake without getting angry at him for falling back asleep. We just ate a bunch of fried chicken like pigs and watched Seinfeld. Then he got mad that he was falling asleep to Seinfeld. Then fell back asleep. So I got up and brushed my teeth. He woke up again and asked me what time it was. I told him it was late and I was going to bed, because I have to fucking get up in the morning. Cue him getting pissed off and slamming things around, huffing and hurriedly searching for things on the XBOX to do or watch or something.
So I just laid in bed and ignored it. I put a pillow over my head and ignored it. He just got angry and impulsively decided to buy cigarettes, but then sat in the living room and moped before going to bed.
God, just grow the fuck up. I'm sick of all his fucking attachment issues. I want to scream. Like, he can't be 20 feet away from me (not even) in the bedroom and enjoy a TV show by himself in the living room.
We walked around all day yesterday after I got home from work, and at 8 PM he was like "We don't have enough weed for tomorrow, do you want to get weed tonight?"
No, I don't fucking want to get weed tonight after leaving the house 3 separate times to grab things, I just want to sit down and find some motivation to do something besides sit on the computer all day. I said no, I don't want to. Instead of going, oh okay, I'll go by myself, he gets all pouty and dejectedly tells me he'll wait 'till tomorrow. Guess who changed her mind so he wouldn't fucking pout all night!
The most annoying part is how he can't just be like "I know I have issues. I'm sorry I get upset when you don't want to do something with me." and leave it at that. He has to tell me WHY he has them, even though I KNOW WHY, and he's told me several times before when a similar situation has occurred.
I don't think he understands that I will leave him if he keeps this up. If I feel like I have to do go everywhere and do everything with him to maintain his positive mood, I'm going to fucking leave. The only thing that's stopped me from breaking up with him a few times is going to pound a few drinks at a pizza bar without him.
Fuck me, why the fuck do I always fall in love with man children? I have serious problems.
No. 198231
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My boyfriend just spent the day consoling his ex-girlfriend after her long-term boyfriend dumped her. He took her out to eat, and took her to a clinic (even making an appointment for her), and spent hours at her house.
They've been friends for longer than we've been dating, but I still hate it? I trust him, but he does this kind of stuff all the time without considering how it would make me feel. I think because I'm usually so chill with everything, he doesn't see a problem. I've mentioned it casually, but sometime's I think he's a little retarded when it comes to social norms.
Am I being unreasonably jealous? He's not the cheating type, but it still feels bad he's spending his time (and emotional energy) on another woman.
No. 198236
>>198232>>198233Yeah… I had a mutual friend tell me I was overreacting the last time (he had lunch with another ex's kid), so now I question myself about it.
I don't want to be the girl whose like "no females", but it's getting to me.
Glad to hear that I'm not being totally crazy about this though.
No. 198243
>>198231Spending lunch with an ex's kid sounds like he's a nice guy to a fault where he wants to help out all his exes just because he cared about them once.
If it bothers you, talk to him in a serious way? How is that so hard.
No. 198244
>>198243Yeah, that's my gut feeling.
It feels so hard because I don't want to be so jealous if he's truly just trying to be a good friend. Jealousy ruined my parents relationship.
I'll put on some big-girl panties and bring it up tonight. Guess I'll keep you all posted if anything comes of it.
No. 198249
>>198244If a situation bothers you, you should bring it up in a serious manner from the start. Guys are oblivious and can't take a hint. If you're not firm on the details or intentions, don't worry about being X kind of person until you're 100% sure of the details.
If you still feel jealous about it, it's not a bad thing. Different people have different sets of boundaries. It's not the worst thing in the word to expect your SO to restrain himself from being too friendly with his exes.
honestly, him being so close to his exes still is a red flag for me, even if his intentions are good. he's juggling multiple women as if he's still in some significant relationship with him, without any regard to the one he's currently with.
No. 198250
>>198231My bf is sort of like this (used to be anyway?), in the sense that he doesn't understand when he crosses emotional boundaries with his female friends and that it's downright inappropriate to do.
I tried to be understanding at first because he just had a lot of female friends, and we had so many mutual friends that I would've known before if he were a cheater.
He invited a female friend to stay at our apartment once, lied to me about how long she was staying for, and went out to do fun shit (datey stuff like trips to the museum and showing her the sites) while I got to go to work. Whenever I'd ask to go on dates, he'd bring up money as a reason not to. I gave him an ultimatum after he treated me that way and told him if he didn't start treating me better, that we were over.
It worked pretty good.
If you want to make this work anon, then you have to nip this in the bud before he thinks this is acceptable.
It's not fucking acceptable.
No man or woman would defend you if you spent your entire day helping a nice Tyrone. People would suspect you and call you a slut. Don't let guys get free passes for questionable behavior.
No. 198253
>>198244Good luck, and don't let him step on you. Remember that he's in a relationship and the stuff he's doing isn't normal. Be firm. Update us tomorrow, if you want to of course
>>198249>Guys are oblivious and can't take a hintI have to disagree on this. I hear a lot of girls saying this to excuse poor behavior from men, but truly, they are perfectly capable of understand what's going on. My goldfish is oblivious and can't take a hint, a guy isn't.
No. 198257
>>198253That's probably true. I meant more that if you bring up an issue in a joking way, people (guys) won't really get that it truly bothers you unless you actually make it clear.
Goldfish aren't the only beings that can be oblivious.
No. 198266
I do not really know how to describe it, but lately I remember many moments from my early childhood. For example, I went to a store today and stood in front of a huge poster. On the poster was a city at night, I could see every small, brightly lit window in the big skyskrapers & in the background of the store ran some weird kind of Deep House mix.
This reminded me of a night when my father and I drove home after visiting my cousin. There played a similar kind of music in the radio and I was happy because my brother wasn't there so I was allowed to sit in the passenger seat next to my father.
I saw the well lit city pass by in the window next to me, and when I looked with half-closed eyes at the front, the lights of the passing cars looked like stars. I felt sad when remembered this, because it made me realize that I am now grown up, and my father will not be there anymore in a few decades. I do not know why, but pictures of cities at night make me sad, I associate them with transience. Anyone else here who is experiencing similar stuff?
I just really needed to get this off my chest, sorry for my bad english.
No. 198270
>>198195This sounds like my mother she is the same and I hate it so much.
I just want to scream when she does that. Funny thing is whenever I do something """"loud"""" she fucking screams at me for being too loud when I make dinner or whatever because her fatass needs to watch TV.
No. 198295
>>198284It really does feel humiliating doesn't it?
Like, not even a call-back for a position I'm overly qualified for is a brand new sort of rejection and idk how to take it.
It's been 6 months and nothing. Hope you get some good news and a steady job soon anon
No. 198311
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Started calorie counting, didn't know it felt so good. I got help from a friend, which is good, but I keep having my ED tendencies, my calorie intake is at 1.4k but I only go up to .5k or .6k
I feel like nothing has changed other than instead of puking a lot, I just eat way less than I should.
Mixed feelings.
gif unrelated.
No. 198394
>>198392I understand but you need to take this seriously. Or you're going to die. Men are strong and one blow the wrong way CAN kill you.
I don't mean to be mean but CALL THE POLICE ! they can help you they'll throw him out and you'll keep all his shit too.
No. 198445
>>198438Try to ask them to play something different.
Make it less awkward by only telling one person pretty sure they will help you to change the game.
No. 198446
>>198438>>198445Don't do this.
Like funerals, going away parties are not for those who depart, but for those who stay behind.
Think, how would you like you to be remembered? You know the importance of first impression. You are about to learn the importance of last impression.
No. 198478
just thinking about killing myself, not seriously, but I think about it like a wandering thought sometimes when I'm stressed.
i just want to leave everybody behind and be alone, but I know that's a bad idea, but I just want to be alone. i never feel satisfied with anything, can't focus on anything for more than a few minutes, i have a fucking mental problem. i am a failure. i don't mean anything in this world, i am nothing. usually nihilism is comforting but I feel despondent and frustrated. nobody gives a shit, nobody cares. i'm an annoying human being. the only reason i can't kill myself is hurting people that love me, thus proving how hypocritical it would be for me to be upset that i feel surrounded by apathy, but then kill myself and hurt others. that's why i just want to disappear. i just want to disappear. there is nothing to talk about. I am a failure, in a dead end job, and i am certain i will go nowhere, and i'm not even 25. i sound like a huge pussy because i am one.
No. 198484
>>198478anon, i can't explain how much i relate to you right now.
the only reason i haven't killed myself is the fact that my parents and siblings would be devastated. my dogs and cat wouldn't know where i went, but they'd know something was wrong.
No. 198487
>>198478>i don't mean anything in this world, i am nothing. nobody gives a shit, nobody cares>the only reason i can't kill myself is hurting people that love meI thought "love" included caring about someone.
If you're feeling right now so bad that you want to die, suffering that greatly, and yet no one cares as you said, why would they care differently when you died. At least now they could do something about it.
Maybe they'd feel bad when you died, but that's about them, not about you, I don't see how it's loving someone. Dunno fam that just sounds weird to me
No. 198489
>>198478There is noone you must please. There is nothing you must do.
It's just a ride, this life. Relax. Breathe. Stop and smell the roses.
No. 198503
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>>bf always spends money on shit, spent thousands on useless and degenerate crap when we were broken up in 2016
>>get back together with him, we're both super happy
>>Bf loses job
>>Looks desperately for a new job
>>Bf decides to propose anyways
>>Say yes
>>Bf says engagement ring is expensive even though I genuinely wouldn't care if it's expensive or not because I love him
>>Ring has to be adjusted
>>Finds out at jewelry store that engagement ring is not that expensive
>>It's actually pretty cheap for an engagement ring
Why lie? He's unemployed and decided to propose anyways because we're both super happy to be together, things are great again, our age is nice for marriage and all of that… But why lie? Does he think I'm very materialistic? I wouldn't even be with him if I was. He's looking for a job, I don't need anything expensive. Fuck. Now I am bitter and sad that he lied, not to mention thinking about the money he spent on gross CRAP and TRASH last year. Kill me.
The worst part of this is that I really don't want to confront him because I know he had good intentions, but… Ugh.
No. 198510
>>198503Like you said he had good intentions. You shouldn't "confront" him about it because that sounds like you'll tell him he made a mistake and berate him or whatever. Tell him that you appreciate the sentiment and that he tried to make you feel good with the ring but that there's no need for that kind of materialism between the two of you
Also consider that he might have been lied to whereever he got the ring, if it isn't the same place you had it refitted.
No. 198552
>>198511dont fall for that, anon.
the cow made a self post on PULL and now wants to make it seem like it was a vendetta post.
No. 198587
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I've noticed I have a pattern of becoming extremely infatuated with attractive guys that are A.) in positions meant to teach/help me B.) impossible to develop anything further relationship with.
i.e. Professor, waiter at a high class restaurant (who put a lobster decorated bib on me for my dinner; oh god it was adorable, I swear the sexual tension was like a blanket) and most recently, my personal trainer.
Thing is I'd never consider making a move considering how inappropriate that'd be and part of me knows I only desire them for the impossible fantasy, once I actually knew them as people it'd likely fall apart. I have a good relationship with my pops, I'm not insecure and I have a bf that's very attentive/caring. What's up with this subconscious part of my self that's continually seeking men in these positions? Am some sort of idealist romantic or do I need more self validation than I thought? Gah… I want these pointless infatuations to stop (but I also don't)
td;dr I'm a big idiot
No. 198598
>>197701late reply so you probably won't see this but me too, anon.
in HS i transferred to a big public school because i wanted friends. i was ostracized at my old school for being into music like metallica, iron maiden, anthrax, etc.. At my new school there were kids like me and i was so excited, but they had all grown up together and hated me for no reason. i had always been a girly girl and loved makeup, skirts, etc.. apparently because i had long hair and wore miniskirts i was a fake fan.
i ended up going to concerts alone (i had always dreamt of going with friends). i eventually saved up enough sick days at school and skipped a whole week so i could follow metallica on tour around my state. it was fun, but i kinda wish i had someone with me.
i did end up meeting lars ulrich at an art museum, which was cool.
now im in college and im having the same problem i did in HS basically. especially now with band shirts being in trend, everyone assumes a put together girl is a poser. i'm not saying i'm model levels of beauty but i do take care of myself. i thought this stupid way of thinking would stop in college, but apparently not.
sorry for the rant, i'm just tired of being lonely. i want someone to share my passion with :(
No. 198599
>>198511>>198552I actually did contact her and it got removed because the IP addresses are different so she said it was obviously a vendetta (my friend had multiple posts over the past few months, i'm assuming all from her apartment about 2hr away from me so I obviously wasn't using a VPN or whatever). it was really stressful though, I thought the falling out had been pretty calm but I guess not. i think she's embarrassed about it now (i noticed she quickly blocked me on everything after the thread was taken down).
crazy sucks, especially when you don't know they're crazy until it happens to you.
No. 198613
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>watch romance anime or read a manga
>spend two to three days moping and depressed because I'll never have someone that loves me in my life
No. 198640
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My brother is going to grow up to be a good for nothing mamas boy and it infuriates me. He is 12 and can't even use a knife and fork bc my mom has always cut his food for him. He is allowed to scream and swear and play video games all day, if I did that shit at his age I would have gotten the shit kicked out of me. And if I dare say anything, she'll respond with "well when you were younger you were like that as well". Yeah, when I was 3. Why tf are you comparing the behaviour of a 3 year old with the behaviour of a spoiled rotten 1w year old? The worst part is that my mother has constantly complained that her brothers were spoiled and that she had a hard time, so why tf are she doing the same shit herself?
No. 198648
Ever since I've come back to my parents' (my mom's) home after college I've been having crazy breakouts, headaches, and frequent nightmares. My mom has untreated mental issues (don't want to armchair, but probably bipolar and narc) and has abused me since childhood. I love her, but she only ever says hurtful things to me, that if she dies I won't cry, that I don't love anyone, projects a lot of her bad features on me, calls me every sort of name, is frequently mad at me for the stupidest reasons, will beat the fuck out of me if I ever dare to move the slightest critic in her direction and has overall denied me the development of a self esteem which has caused me a lot of problems I'm working on. Thing is, we're also dirt poor and where I live finding a job is like finding the holy grail, and IF you find one you get paid like 400-500 monthly. This way, there's no way I could move out. But I NEED to move out, because this situation is taking its toll on me and I've had the first suicidal thoughts since teenage years. I feel legit trapped in a hopeless situation. I just need money and a therapist. Why do people with crippling mental issues have kids and why nobody stops them?
No. 198652
>>198640odds are she's picking up familiar behavior from her parents in the way that they treated her brothers. i hate to say it anon, but you need to step in even if your mother doesn't like it.
there's nothing wrong with being a mama's boy (being respectful to women, a little less hopped up on masculinity) but being CODDLED at 12 years old is an issue.
No. 198654
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so, idk how i even made it this far. i'm doing an internship abroad, and my social anxiety is at an all time high.
i feel awful and alone most of the day because the time difference is getting in the way of me talking to my best friend and bf, and i know i need to try to make friends here instead of relying on talking to them to make me feel better, but i don't feel like my language skills are good enough. that, and the people living in my building already have friends from their own countries, so it's easier for them to speak with them… so i just sit in my room for hours and i'm wasting time here waiting for the days to pass so i can just go back home, when i should be doing cool things, but i can't bring myself to do anything by myself or talk to anyone. one of those dumb vicious cycle things
i also hate the place i'm interning at, it's really stressful for me to work at the reception desk (in addition to other shit) because i'm not fluent, and i've had people get mad at me for not understanding them which just makes me want to kill myself. plus everyone probably thinks i'm fucking retarded because i get so nervous when i speak that i stutter and talk quietly. i feel so useless at this job, having to ask them to repeat themselves is just so embarrassing for me and it makes me want to die
the internship is unpaid, too, so i feel like i'm doing this for nothing, not even improving my language skills, while destroying my mental and emotional health even further. the only good thing is that i'm losing weight, mostly because i'm not eating, but at least i'm starting to look nicer in my clothes
No. 198661
>>198654Where are you, anon? I know this sounds silly, but sometimes some anons from the area/country could be willing to be friends with you, even if it's just online. I know i would!
But anyway, I am sorry about your experience. Not even getting paid tho? How do you live where you are?
Good luck!
No. 198663
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I was chilling in my room with the windows open late at night, when a group of 2 boys passed by talking and laughing very quietly about something. I started listening on their conversation because i'm nosy.
To my surprise, they were talking about a passed out girl they raped tonight and laughing about it and saying how she didn't wake up at all and how "good it felt fucking her when she was asleep".
I didn't know what to do so i looked out the windows to see what they looked like but they were already turning a corner and getting in their car, and i wasn't able to catch their faces or clothes at all since it was very dark.
I don't know if i could've done something about it, but i feel horrible for knowing this and not being able to help the girl or report those bastards, i just wish i could do something with this information to help the victim in some way instead of being useless.
No. 198667
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>>198661hi anon, thanks for the kind words! i really appreciate it.
i'm in southwestern germany right now. living arrangements were provided by the place i'm interning at, and the only thing i have to pay for is my own food. it's a nice setup honestly, and the area is really gorgeous, but i'm such a sperg and can't take proper advantage of it lol.
No. 198669
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Been suffering with the depress for ages. Lately I have been getting worse and worse and seriously considering an hero and with additional weight gain due to comfort eating I feel 10x worse. Feel like my friends are getting sick of hearing it, I turn to my mother hoping for a shoulder to cry on and support. She expresses how bad I am for telling her how I felt and how I should have kept it to myself and that she wouldn't have told her own mother and would have pretended she was okay (even though I told her I feel like kms), and that now I've made her feel bad and why don't I tell my friends instead and not her and that I make her feel depressed etc. Now hiding upstairs crying. I was only visiting her for the weekend, want to go home but I feel more an hero than before now. Sighhh
No. 198670
>>198663I would have ran outside gone in my car followed them and run them over. Or you could pull up to them say you're looking to have fun (fucking vomit) and exchanged phone numbers give it to the police.
Damn tho where do you live? Here in LA guys most guys are so damn dorky and passive they would never do that. Or if they did I wouldn't believe that. Sounds like a fantasy
No. 198671
>>198663Aww anon, it's not your fault. Even if you saw their faces you wouldn't know their names, or the name of the raped girl…
If she files a report. And even then, the two assholes could always claim they were drunk too, or something like that. It's terrible, but most guys get away with raping drunk/unconscious girls all the time sadly.
>>198667That's cool! You could open Tinder and find a cute, friendly guy who speaks English. You go out, he could show you the city, even introduce you to his group of friends. As weird as it could seem, Tinder is often the best way to make friends when you're new in town.
No. 198673
>>198667Dude I'm in the same position right now but I'm in the US.
It was the worst year of my life really.
Anyways I'm going back to Germany in a month again you wanna switch out contacts ? I think I pretty much know how you feel so that might help.
No. 198674
>>198669 I'm the anon from
>>198641 and I completely understand what you're going through. No one cares to listen unless it benefits them or their needs, and scoff at you like you're annoying for being depressed and wanting someone to be there for you.
If it means anything, I think you deserve to be heard and your feelings are valid anon.
No. 198675
>>198671can you use tinder for just friends? i wouldn't want anyone to get the wrong idea lol. sorry i'm kinda dumb when it comes to those sorts of apps lol, but thank you for the advice. i will probably do this.
>>198673hey anon, we can talk if you'd like! i also only have a month left here, too. do you use discord, whatsapp, usw?
No. 198678
>>198675I got whats app wouldn't want to post my number on here though for obvious reasons
Anyways I put a throw away mail adress in the email field feel free to send me a mail and we can exchange whats app numbers!
No. 198684
>>198663This is an awful situation anon, and I am sorry. But really, it's not your fault. Please, don't carry the guilt over your shoulders like that because it's only going to stress you out. But it really shows how you are a good person.
Let's hope the girl is doind fine.
No. 198721
>>198640Where is the father? Your mother should realize that when your brother grows up and realizes how your mother robed him of becoming an adjusted individual, he will hate her for that.
I started cooking my own meals at age 10 and still sometimes hate my mother for teaching me to not stand up to bullies, but to just ignore them.
Bad parents piss me off so bad.
No. 198722
>>198503Maybe you shouldn't count other peoples money as if they owe you.
No. 198767
>>198766How old are you? Tbh it sounds like he was just drunk-horny. Luckily you didn't go with him because you'd have just ended up hurt.
Imo it's best to forget about it's especially if he hasn't messaged you since. Sorry
No. 198781
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I'm upset because my boyfriend tries too hard to do nice things and be friends with this flakey dumbass obeast dude who's spoiled rotten and it really messed things up insofar as being able to go to a concert with my bf.
Story is bf bought concert tickets for him and friend. The concert is tomorrow, but asshole friend decides to tell him tonight (less than 24 hours) that he isn't going.
I can't just go in his place because my job is inflexible as fuck. It didn't used to be, but now it is.
I'm scheduled 1pm-11pm and the concert starts at 7pm. Nobody ever picks up hours, and I'm trying to get into a fb group right now called 'incentives' where you basically pay someone under the table to take your hours. It's double pay.
I have five days of floating vacation time (not counting the two weeks I scheduled in September), but apparently I can't use them because I needed to have submitted the request for it last monday,
Which is an extreme amount of bullshit.
I can't take a sick day.
So, fuck me I guess. If that stupid ass fat fuck would have told us he couldn't go like two days ago my chances would've been better, but almost nobody ever picks up the day before. Fuck that dickweed.
No. 198785
>>198766I feel like this would be me if I were in that situation lol. I always feel guilt for dumb reasons and from an outside perspective, I think you should just forget about it.
As for me venting,
I told this guy I really, really liked that I don't want to do anything else unless I know it's going in a good direction, and just wanted to see where it would go. He started being distant, which I just thought he was busy, then he made a sugarcoated excuse (which also had to do with him being too busy, specifically with making music) for why he didn't want a relationship or anything, and still said he wanted to be friends. I realized after he said that to me that he just meant he realized he didn't like me that way, he confirmed, I chewed him out a bit over text and made sure he understood that he was the one that initiated most of it, to delete the nudes I sent him, and that I can't be friends after that and apologized and that was that.
I'm still friends with him on facebook,
plus he is roommates with my very close friends. Most of the reason why I don't want to be friends with him was because I got such strong feelings for him so fast and it wouldn't be worth the hurting.
I want to do things to try to get him to regret what he did but I know in the back of my head that its pointless. I never met someone that I clicked so well with, guys.
No. 198813
>>198785I know the feel anon, that used to be the story of my life - I'm actually the anon u replied to so let me tell u one thing - they always come back around and regret not giving u a chance when they could ;)
However for most boys or ex's the best "revenge" is honestly just doing you and appearing better than ever. It's not to say "look super hot!!" But look like you're enjoying life, and are completely unphazed (even tho inside that's it the case lol)
I know it's tough to just get over it, but you just gotta fake it until you make it. If he comes back around or tries to chat with u even as friends don't dive on in and pour your heart out to him, don't make any sad type statuses or guilt trippy posts because it's fills their ego to know that u can't move on. However, when you're happy and enjoying life without them it like
triggers something within them and makes them want a part of that again! And who knows a while you're busy showing him ur better off without him, maybe you'll start to believe that yourself so by the time he comes around and tries to hit u up again you won't even want it anymore!
No. 198852
>>198813Thanks so much anon!! This is what I keep telling myself. I agree, they always regret it. I have a feeling he will so I'm trying so hard to act like I don't care. He loves music and art as much as I do, he is more into music, but he draws just to draw sometimes. But now I'm getting really buried into my art and posting it on social media, which I wanted to do anyway, but it's making me even more focused and its a plus that I can brag about it to him without directly doing anything.
He acted super into me, more than I've ever experienced, had GREAT sex, chemistry in all ways, and since we have so much in common, I really think he will realize he made a mistake. He's 25 and I'm 24 by the way.
I'm trying to do everything right, and I'm proud of myself for being the one to say that I don't want to be friends afterwards and I won't interact with him unless he initiates it, even they I will still be weary. I'll probably interact with him minimally if I see him in person.
I took a photo of your post with my phone to keep as a reminder!
No. 198917
>>198911I went through a similar thing at your age. I was stalked and attacked by a random stranger during broad daylight. I called police immediately afterward, but was humiliated by them (told me it was my fault for wearing a knee-length skirt rather than tight jeans…I kid you not). The creep who assaulted me wasn't arrested for a few days after attacking me, and spent the next few days standing outside my apartment threatening to kill me.
He had a few friends who would scream outside my apartment that they would kill me too, including a woman (his girlfriend?). I literally never saw or met these people ever in my life. I didn't attend any of the court proceedings (didn't want him remembering my face too well), but he still received 4 years in prison. Despite this, I became a complete recluse, and definitely considered dropping out of uni. My grades dropped and I purposely let myself go physically. After a few months, I moved abroad and immediately felt 90% better. If you can transfer to a university somewhere safer, I don't think it's such a bad idea. I had to return to the U.S. to complete my degree 1 year before my attacker was released from prison, and became incredibly suicidal after returning to where everything occurred (it happened near campus).
I've been seeing a therapist for over a year, and she has recommended I leave the country permanently for my mental health. You don't need to leave the country, obviously, but moving somewhere new might be a good idea. I've learned "coping" skills (including a 5 month self-defense course), but honestly, even my therapist said there are too many mentally ill people walking the streets in the U.S. (she's a European immigrant) so being paranoid isn't unreasonable. I'm not sure if you live here or not, but if you are a weeb of sorts then check out East Asian countries. That is where I lived 2 years, and am returning. It's incredibly liberating as someone who's been raped and sexually assaulted to live somewhere withOUT the creepy drug addicts following you in their cars, cat calling, and cussing you out or groping you etc. Sure there are creeps, but nowhere near the same level.
>>Anyway, sorry for the blogpost. Just wanted to share my story so if you can relate to any of it, maybe it will help you in the healing process and moving forward. I'm really sorry to hear what happened to you anon!
No. 198918
>>198916Same here anon. I even saw a sleep specialist a couple times and had a sleep test done. Basically, he said I'm not sleeping properly because of stress. I'm not sure if you are stressed or not, but it's definitely a contributing factor for me at least. There have been a few times in my life where I slept just fine, but those were low stress times (grew up in a stressful household and spent most of my adult life with stress).
Hope your schedule gets better anon!
No. 198940
>>198916>Its amazing how fucked up my sleep schedule is I keep staying up 24+ hours in order to "fix" it. I tried to do the same thing for ages. Never worked. Instead I kept shifting it forward a few hours each time until I got it to where I wanted.
I can only speak for myself but a huge factor for this was the fact I had nothing going on. If I have college and/or work that requires me to be up at 8 AM, my body will be happy with 8 hours of sleep as that's all you're supposed to need. But during vacation? I'll regularly sleep for 12-16 hours. I also know my friend was just constantly feeling tired during a bought of depression brought on from a relationship that should have been ended way earlier.
No. 198945
>>198941Holy fuck anon, don't do it.
You will be even more miserable. Please, go to a doctor.
No. 198965
>>198964How is that a helpful suggestion? What should she do while outside that will help her overcome her body issues?
>>198962I feel you too anon. I'm a 22 (soon to be 23) yeah old virgin and I'm genuinely afraid to enter a relationship because I have no confidence in my body. I've been working out a lot this year to try and overcome it, but even though I've noticed positive changes I feel like it's never going to be enough.
No. 198996
>>198965There's therapists outside. She could meet one and learn that thinking you're doomed to lonely loneliness because of not being 10/10 is incel tier logic.
Outside also has fewer pictures of models and other shit to sit around comparing/torturing herself with. There's activities and people and she might just develop
No. 199010
>>198542>"well no one can compete with fictional characters" Yes they can, because fictional characters are fake and not real. Worse than being dead. So why yes, you can compete with fictional 2D waifu because he will literally never touch or fuck it.
And you need to get over that you will never be 'fictional' tier hot. Nobody is, naturally.
No. 199067
>>199036were not as healthy because we sit in on our asses everyday ranging from malnourished skeletors to fat obese whales and are ridden with mental illness.
…u guys kno its tru
No. 199088
>>198964>>198970>>198976I do go outside, quite often actually. It's good for distracting myself and meeting other people but that doesn't get rid of the fact that my body doesn't look good to myself or when compared to other girls. Also going outside during the summer often means going to the beach and showing a lot of skin.
>>199001The area I live in does have a lot of youthful good looking people which sucks sometimes. A lot of people here often try to become something along the lines of "Instagram models", or work for up and coming clothing companies.
So going outside just lets me distract myself from what's bothering me and let's me enjoy myself. I work out a little too with hopes to improve my body shape but was wondering if anyone else had any other ideas.
No. 199092
>>198942>>198962I'm shaped like a refrigerator. I am basically a thinner Kate Upton– big boobs with a nonexistent waist and ass. It's unflattering and not at all a good body shape. I'm not exaggerating anything; I really am shaped like a brick.
I have been dating the same man for two years and he is a dream. He loves my body and sees nothing wrong with it. I know you will be the same, anons. I thought I would never find someone who loves my horrible shape, but he does. You just need to find the right person.
No. 199098
>>199092corsetting, gaining muscle on your outer thighs help, do lots of hip abductors and get protein powder
however you shouldn't feel bad about that, beauty isn't a one way street, many of men and women think kate upton is hot as fuck
my friend actually has the same problem, big tits, shapeless everywhere else, to make her feel better I showed her a picture of kate upton and she was like "holy fuck she is so hot and she's shaped like me" just because you're not shaped like roger from american dad with huge tits doesn't make your body unattractive
No. 199103
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I hope this is fake, holy shit
No. 199106
>>199103This is absolutely heartbreaking, i grew up with linkin park and met one of my best friends thanks to them, fuck i am sad.
I really feel for his wife and children too, this are such horrible news.
No. 199108
>>199103Its true, mike shinoda tweeted about it on his official account.
Its a huge shame.
No. 199112
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Yesterday and the day before me and my bf where all cudly and loving and sugary and stuff, and now today he's very cold with me because yesterday we had a very fucking stupid disagreement, i fucking hate this and it's making me miserable and achy
i thought we were cool because in the morning he was treating me normally, i even brought cookies because i thought we were meeting after work. fuck
No. 199133
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>>199103>have a terrible day, with dysmenorrhea preventing you from going to a close friend's graduation>freaking out because some of the acne you thought you fought seems to be coming back>going back on socials to see thisI can't wait for this day to be over
No. 199150
>>199133I feel you on the acne thing, too. My skin was recovering after 6 months, but now I've got scarring to deal with all over again.
Also, I learned one of my professors died recently and I had just started a class in hopes of having them again, with no idea why we had a sudden switch in instructors.
A lot of my formative music listening years were influenced by LP, so this news is just awful. Especially learning that LP had just released a new MV hours before Bennington's suicide came to light. His death is awful no matter what, but something about it is even more depressing because it wasn't during hiatus or a break. Like he was hurt so bad that even a busy schedule couldn't stop him from suicidal thoughts.
I guess I don't know how to explain, but drawing is the only thing that really keeps me going. Producing work that shows I'm improving is when I'm happiest. But when I get depressed, my feelings of inadequacy over art amplify and stop me from doing anything. I guess part of the reason I want to go into art is that producing work will stop me from killing myself, but Bennington's suicide flies in the face of that.
I don't know. I think I'll quit art soon because it's a risky career and I don't think I'll ever be good enough. I hope I can find a new career, soon.
No. 199174
>>199162Me too, farmer. Me too…
The worst is when I have vivid dreams of having friends or even a boyfriend, and then I wake up and realize that I'll never ever have any of that. I'll never experience happiness.
No. 199213
>>199150I've been feeling the same way lately due to similar circumstances. LP and Chester was kind of another moment where I just felt this wave of sadness. Its funny because I spent my entire day drawing today to relax and when I had found out all I could do was continue my art and listen to LP as a little grieving moment.
Feel better anon, keep drawing even if that isn't the career you choose. If it makes you happy, if it makes you feel accomplished, keep it. Art produces something that stays with people when we aren't here anymore. Hope tomorrow is better.
No. 199269
>>199261he was most likely joking and probably thought you where doing the same.
Everyone knows there's no such thing as windows 9, don't get yourself worked up about it.
No. 199276
>>199150ME TOO ANON
I was telling my friends that the only thing that makes me happy right now are drawing and listening to music. I started painting on my body too and it's helped soooo much, it's so therapeutic. I try to do something and post it to instragram almost once a day (if you tag there's always at least some people that will like it). This is what is getting me through things right now. You don't need a job in art to keep doing it, I changed my major from art because I figured I would be doing it either way.
His death made me think, too. Whenever I hear of someone famous committing suicide, I feel so understanding of it. I've been in some seriously bad places with my depression but not bad enough to kill myself, which makes me think there is a whole other depth that you can reach and it scares me that I could possibly get there one day.
No. 199283
>>199112>>199124tell your guys boyfriends to grow the fuck and don't act like a cold little pussy for some dumb reason and refusing to work it out
that sounds like some shit a 14 yr old girl on her period would do to her mom
No. 199293
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I hate Shadman and his pedo minions so much. "He only draws it ironically! Muh victimless crime! U r butthurt!" No, you don't spend your entire time drawing something like that if you're not into it. Normal people wouldn't draw CP. Also he's drawn actual children and his Patreon got rekt for that, so he did molest real children.
They just completely refuse they're pedos. "Pedos molest children, if you don't molest a child you're not a pedo!" Do I have to pull an Onision and open a dictionary? Jeez. I understand that, like incels, redpill etc. they're very vocal on the internet because irl no one in their right mind would partecipate in their degenerate circlejerk, but their stupidity and denial gets on my nerves everytime.
No. 199295
I haven't smoked for two days and my depression is spiraling out of control. No one takes me seriously when I say I wanna kill myself and I can barely eat.
>>199103 doesn't make me feel much better either
No. 199309
>>199295Where are you from? If America, 1-800-273-8255
They also have a private chat. No. 199338
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I'm so fucking tired of this stuffed nose and scratchy throat i've had for like a week. It probably doesn't help that i've been binge drinking since last sunday but fucking hell. I want to TASTE my potato chips goddamnit.
No. 199362
>>199338Anon are you me?? Literally got super drunk for the first time in a while on the weekend - suddenly has terrible as fuck cold that won't go away. I literally came to browse because I can't sleep due to cough and sore throat
Best wishes anon!
No. 199366
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It's dumb, but I feel really bad about potentially throwing out this hand-me-down 80s dishware set that I grew up with. My mom gave them to me when I moved out for college, but tbh they're pretty dated– and imo–a little ugly. The matching cups are gone too because my asshole roommates obliterated them on purpose a couple years ago. My mom long ago threw out the matching mugs as well.
So I have a disjointed set of plates, butter plates, and bowls.
There's lots of scratches, some chips, and fading on most of them so they're probably not even worth my time to resell.
It just feels weird to put them in the trash when these are the dishes I've eaten off since forever.
I got square, white ceramic plates today while I visited in my mom's town, which were on discount. They're made in China, and they definitely have a mass-produced feel to them that the vintage dishware doesn't have.
Pic related is what my set is. Should I just let them go farmers? Idk…
No. 199367
>>199366nah, most of my silverware and dishes are cheap mass produced aliexpress level crap to
your plates look fine, but if it helps, if the old dishes are the floral kind, they probably weren't that ugly, something is kinda cute and comforting to me about floral dishes, despite me not even growing up with them
No. 199369
>They're made in China, and they definitely have a mass-produced feel to them that the vintage dishware doesn't haveThat feeling isn't "mass-produced", it's "made in a country with no regulations or care for human life that produces shit-quality products as cheaply as possible with dangerous and destructive results and my sub-conscious survival instincts are begging me not to eat off of these"
I don't have an opinion on whether you should keep the old set or not, but if you don't at least shell out a little more money to by cook and dinnerware made literally anywhere else. Your dinner will be better without the lead and other chemicals leeching into it, just trust me.
No. 199370
>>199369Guess I could keep the older dishes until I grab a lead swab test. But I doubt that's an issue. I googled it out of curiosity and most articles said the lead concerns were only for improperly manufactured plates and ones with brighter dyes.
>>199367Haha thanks anon, I too am a sucker for floral dishes. I'm keeping an easter set I inherited from my grandma, but for some reason I never quite registered my set as floral. I always thought the orchids were black waves until I looked more closely one day.
No. 199402
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I worry about how younger millenials and the next generation will turn out when reading youtube comments under videos like Yumi King's, Onision's, and other Youtubers who do questionable shit. The way their followers worship them and believe they can do no wrong is worrisome. Also the fact that they see unhealthy relationship as "goals" makes me think that they're going to end up in bad/abusive relationships. On top of that they don't seem to handle criticism and different viewpoints well at all. I hope Im wrong though and that they grow out of this shit when they become young adults.
I also worry that kids get sexualized too early, there's so much shit on the internet that's easy to access and opportunities for kids to get preyed on. There have been studies that show kids hit puberty earlier these days too, which just adds to it.
No. 199405
>>199402I've noticed kids in my area just don't look like kids anymore, I don't know if it's a worldwide phenomenon or not. And I'm in my late early 20s so even 18 year olds look like gangly teenyboppers to me.
My SO is a cashier at a large shopping mall supermarket and he constantly rants about girls as young as 14 wearing Kylie Jenner makeup, Instaho clothes and generally looking like slutty Hobbits. I myself have seen really young girls trying to flirt with older guys and get them to buy them things which just…what even.
Idk, when I was young I still played with Barbies, wore braces, plaits and rainbow-coloured platform flip flops so this makes me super uncomfortable.
No. 199409
>>199405same, either that or they look super young as well
I work with a lot of kids and when I see preteens/early teenagers, they either look 21 or they look like 4 yr olds, it usually applies to the boys that look like kids though
it also scares me that ddlg is a thing among these people and often allows them to get in a kink based relationship with some pedophile, it's disgusting and wrong people think stuff like the movie lolita, or ddlg doesn't harm kids at all
the insta baddie thing among kids, I think they shouldn't be overexposed to instagram,my 12 yr old cousin, while she dresses normal, she still wastes all her mommies makeup on kylie jenner makeup, technically it's not harmful, but what ever happened to just being a kid? and the kids that do act like actual kids are jumping on the lolita train, it disgusts me
No. 199421
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>tfw live across street to super popular store that my friends frequent every now and then but they don't text or ask to hang out
I know not everyone wants to hang out w/ friends during a shopping trip, but it feels a lil bad that they don't want to stop by for tea. Even bf is a little sad they don't say anything, we only know based on the pictures they post on fb. Especially considering they often drive out thirty minutes to an hour from their own homes to go. Feels like ever since I got less involved in fashion they're distant now.
No. 199469
>>199467just wanted to add that i feel like my youth is wasting away because of my skin
i don't even wear makeup that much, only when i go out once a week and i have to use so much foundation and concealer
i would give anything to be like my friends who can complain about being ugly and then post selfies minutes later because they know that they have clear beautiful skin
No. 199471
I got some random junk to get out of my system. The older I get the more I hate living in 2017, and people in general. I feel like no matter how indifferent I act to new people I meet, I still end up attracting weirdos and it's driving me insane.
At work a few weeks ago, it was the last day for this middle aged guy that every one seemed to like pretty well. He came up to my friend/coworker and I during lunch, asked for our pictures, and started going on about how he was building a BDSM whipping rack for his friends. I don't get why he told us that. We had never talked about anything like that before. He went on about how he worked in the strip club industry designing clothes, and said stuff like that I would fall flat on my face if I wore 6 inch stilettos, and called me vanilla and I feel like he kept insinuating I was sexually innocent. I was super creeped out by it, and I ended up telling a manager about.
He was the 3rd creep I've had to put up with at this job in only a few months.
And here's the thing that's really bothering me. That friend/coworker has a girlfriend and I feel like he keeps flirting with me. He's said some wierd things. Someone else remarked it seemed like he's always hitting on me, and someone else asked if we were dating.
He had asked me to hang out two times before and I just kinda ignored it because I didn't know if his girlfriend was okay with him hanging out with other girls without her there or not. Later on it seemed like she was okay with it, so when he asked to hang out last week, I said sure. It was pretty normal for the most part, we walked around while he drank several beers and he kept asking if I wanted a sip of daddy's beer. I'm not sure what he meant by that. I have a pretty hard time sometimes distinguishing between someone just joking, being friendly, or actually trying to hit on me. I want to believe he was just joking, but part of me thinks it was some attempted daddy dom meme thing wrapped in a joke; I vaguely get the feeling he's into that sort of thing bacause a couple days after the creepy old guy left, we were talking more about it. I couldn't believe that he thought it was even remotely acceptable to tell us about his bdsm rack, but he told me "nah, I was actually really interested." What…
I hadn't really thought too much about it till yesterday when he wanted to hang out again. We were going through pictures on his computer, and you could clearly tell what each photo was by the thumbnail. He enlarged one of them and I looked up, it was someone's fucking ballsack pulled out of their pants. From the looks of it it was probably taken by him or one of his friends. I was super embarrassed, but he was like "haha, oops." He showed me a bunch of YouTube videos he found, one I'd guess I'd classify as soft core bondage porn. I told him that, feeling super uncomfortable, and he just ignored me and let that video play for another minute. Another video was a sex doll sales videos, and I was like "dude, how is this on YouTube? Doesn't this violate terms?" Friends who get to know me well know get that I'm not comfortable with porn, or really sexual stuff like that. He just let the video keep playing and didn't change the video till I asked him to.
I just really wanted to get all this junk off my chest. I don't expect any advice, I would feel stupid stopping being friends because we have to work together and have another work friend in common. I want my job for awhile. I also feel like some people are just think I'm being prudish and over sensitive.
No. 199478
>>199471Stop enabling him to make you this uncomfortable ffs. It's clear he's taking advantage of the fact you want to be nice and are afraid to outright reject him. That's a really bad idea to let him do this. It's escalating and you're not cool with it. You're not a prude because you don't like watching pics of your co-worker's (who have a fucking gf) ballsack, come on.
You should enforce some boundaries 'cause I guaranty you, pretty sound he's going to try and kiss you or some shit and put it all on the fact that you were so flirty with him because you never rejected what he was doing.
No. 199481
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>tfw drank up mom's box wine again
6th day of my binge fellas! gonna get me a cigarette.
No. 199485
>>199471is this a joke? obviously the solution is to not talk to this fucking creep anymore, why the hell would you hang out with someone who makes you constantly uncomfortable?
maybe this keeps happening to you because you enable it by being spineless smh
No. 199500
>>199481Cheers, anon
I dug into a stranger's liquor cabinet and had two shots, passed out (or fell asleep, not sure which) and now I'm hungover as fuck. Didn't even get drunk.
>tfw used to drink over half a bottle of vodka every night and now my body is rejecting alcohol like thisWhat an ungrateful little shit
No. 199526
>>199471He shows classic signs of being a rapist. Making you feel uncomfortable through jokes with sexual connotations, images and videos. He knows you feel uncomfortable and gets off from it.
If I were you I wouldn't go into the same room with him anymore. He needs a clear and sound "No." from you. Otherwise he will keep pushing your boundaries.
Stay away from this freak if you want to stay safe.
No. 199528
>>199509Wtf Anon
What shit hole country do you live in that there are no laws that keep your boss from treating you like that? What do you make an hour?
No. 199538
>>199471A friend of mine always complained that she constantly attracted weirdos. It was because she never had the guts to say "no" in fear of being "impolite", so the creeps always took advantage of it. Creeps can recognize this type of girls pretty easily.
React. Say "fuck, no", even loudly. Do something. As long as you put up with their shit they will see it as consent.
>>199528>>199533Could also be Italy, their employment situation is utter shit
No. 199551
>>199545go, anon. Do what you need to be safe. Psych ward is not as bad as one might think. It can make you nervous at first, but youll soon adapt and then it feels nearly normal.
just go an emergency admittance thingy and tell them at what kind of place you are right now. And please dont do it. Even if right now it seems no one cares about you, you have a future.
It will get better. Trust me.
No. 199552
>>199467>i wish i had killed myselfwait until you have finished high school.
high school is shit for most people. it will get a lot better afterwards.
No. 199557
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>have a good social life
>can make friends with people and get along with them instantly mostly
>become a total sperg when a romantic situation arises
>still single at 27 and never had anyone in my life
No. 199559
>>199537yeah, accutane did nothing. i did this one antibiotic that kinda worked but it all came back. i've even tried those expensive lasers. i've tried not washing my face using face wash, not wearing makeup for a month, no dairy no sugar.. everything i can think of. my sister also has cystic acne (hers is on her chin, mine is on my cheeks) and it's never gone away so i'm losing hope. but in addition to the acne my whole face is red and also covered in bumps/normal acne. i'm so tired of covering my face all the time, i know it's such a stupid reason to be depressed but it's all over my face and i can't get rid of it.
i guess the worst part for me is that i'm doing everything right and nothing is working. i haven't eaten fast food in months.. my friend literally sleeps in her makeup and has clear skin :(
No. 199561
>>199559Could be stress and/or hormonal related acne. I empathize anon, my mom was diagnosed with rosacea and had adult cystic acne all her life.
I have acne as well, and the only things that have ever helped, but didn't eliminate, were antibiotics and topical creams. I stopped doing the antibiotics because I'm afraid of resistance. No skincare regimen has ever made a huge difference. My back is a scarred disgrace and I get extreme hyperpigmentation aka redness. My pores are ironically really small but I feel like that only makes them susceptible to being clogged easily by keratin and sebum.
So my new go-to is dousing my face with benzoyl peroxide cream. It works and makes it so I can go outside without makeup save for some concealer on some of the red dots.
But it does make my face extremely dry and sometimes itchy. Yet it's the only way. I combine it with some moisturizer in order to combat the effects. I'm not blemish free, but at least it doesn't make me feel like I'm dirty or have a skin disease.
No. 199581
>>199559Accutane didn't work? Weird… For how many months were you on it? Afaik you see improvement from 6-8 months on. What does your derm say?
Read this
>>197599 you could try it too! You could also find help on r/Acne, there may be someone in your same situation that came to a solution. Don't stop trying, there's always hope!
No. 199606
>>199559i have a friend struggling with a very similar situation anon,
she finally decided to take estrogen pills and it's clearing up already - honestly an insane the difference within a month already.
No. 199611
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I've come to the realisation that two friends treat me like shit. They make fun of me for trying to improve myself by running, eating healthy etc. and for my hobbies. For a time I thought it was just roasting/banter but whenever I make a comment they acted so hurt.
I would distance myself from them but the issue is that they are my only friends and I don't want to be friendless. I'm also shit at socialising so idk what I'm gonna do
No. 199622
These days my friends were saying "how can someone like you be single, you have to make a tinder blah blah blah", so I created one, again. Big mistake. I have to carry all the conversations by myself, come up with subjects to talk about, and I'm always the one who is making effort. If I try to let the girls come up with something to say they don't say anything and the conversation dies. After a while it tears your self-esteem apart.
I just don't understand, I'm not a 8/10 looking super sociable guy but I'm not a 3/10 robot loser with no direction in life, either, and I'm far from being the kind of guy that gets posted in the "terrible exes" thread as well. Surely, some girl out there would like to date me, but it's like they're doing me a favor just by talking to me. Well, serves me right, I was happy this year just studying, hanging out with my friends, and doing my stuff, and then did something I knew would only hurt me. Sage and sorry for malepost, but I needed to vent somewhere.
No. 199629
>>199561>>199581>>199606thank you for all the responses!
i was on accutane for 6 months. while there was improvement, it did come back. i only have acne on my face, not anywhere else.. it's definitely not stress because my life is pretty stress free besides some regular highschool drama but i've never really felt stressed (besides the whole stress of acne).
my skin is really close to this girl's but just on a different part of my face. i've actually talked to her about it and it's the same as me, where it'll get better but never really go away.'ve tried every suggestion under the sun.. so i guess all i can do now is learn to live with it.
No. 199649
>>1996296 months is nothing. you usually take it for a lot longer. I only had super mild cystic pimples - like not even the whole face, just 4-5 at a time and only around my period. I had a very low dose because the acne wasnt as bad (20 mg/day) and Ive taken it for 9 months. I still get pimples now, but theyre not super deep in the skin and infected, but only small ones at the surface of the skin.
weirdly enough it also improved my acne inversa, although it is said it's no use for it.
No. 199650
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>bf did something retarded
>I'm hurt and shocked
>Say I'm going to forgive him
>Trying my best
>Still sad though
>Bf says I could physically hurt him if that would make me feel better
>Says that's pretty awful and that I couldn't do it
>Starts thinking more about it…
>Feels like I'd actually feel better if I did
>Tells bf I can't do it, but would probably feel better
>Bf says I should beat him up if that would help me
>Unsure of what I should do
Are we retarded? Am i evil? Is this normal in relationships? We never fight, so this is new to us, and we don't know what to do. I feel like I'd feel better if he was "punished" for his stupid actions. I know he already feels bad, but seeing him feel humiliated and in light to moderate pain would make me feel like he's finally hurting like I am too.
And no, were not going to break up over what he did, he didn't cheat on me etc. I'm very bitter and wanting revenge is part of my personality, unfortunately, so idk what to do.
I would probably feel guilty, but I will say that slapping his face a few times would make me feel better.
No. 199652
>>199650Yes, yes and no.
Grow up, you literal child.
No. 199661
>>199660>desperately needing outside validationsorry to say, anon.
but foremost and all you need to find yourself pretty and stop thinking what others think. and also stop fishing for compliments. You make yourself dependant from other peoples opinions and will end up like tuna. Also relying on others opinion you'll get crushed down like that each time you dont get a compliment. Get some self worth, girl.
No. 199665
>>1996601) Men are notoriously horrible at complimenting people and don't notice minute differences in appearance like women do. I don't even bother asking my bf anything about me that doesn't require a "yes" or "no" answer. If you want an honest opinion, ask a random girl (not lolcow for obvious reasons).
2) You're comparing your blank slate to a girl with extensive plastic surgery procedures, regular filler appointments, makeup, lighting, angles AND filters.
Also this
>>199661 No. 199673
>>199650anon, this is ridiculous for a few reasons.
youre implying that what he did wasn't too serious, so i'm just concerned what youre going to do when something serious does come up?
you need to take this situation to learn how to manage your emotions. It's fine to be upset even after saying it's forgiven. Forgiveness is a process, not just a "yeah its fine" and then suddenly you forget all about it. So take the time to be upset, let that heal you, learn to trust him again and trust that he won't do it. and just let him know that although you're still sad you still love him and maybe let him know ways that he can help. Yes it may make you feel better in the moment to see him humiliated, but is that really what you want? I feel like that behaviour will turn into just doing things to spite him everytime you're upset at something he's done no matter how big or small just to -get even-
Fighting is tough especially if you're pretty new to it, and everyone has their own way of doing it, but i think getting even is just stupid.
Focus on learning how to actually forgive and let go.
No. 199677
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My period pain is so debilitating, I probably endo or something.
I desperately want to be on birth control again, but my insurance sucks and all the women's clinic with cheap birth control are shut down near me. Fuck me…
No. 199693
>>199673Thank you for your well thought out reply. You're absolutely right, and I'll try to work on that. What he did was
very serious but it wasn't aimed at me. I'm not violent at all and I don't tend to be emotional, so I have no idea why I'm feeling/acting this way.
No. 199753
>>197447nah anon you're not alone, in fact in the sexual abuse thread, a lot of them mentioned that their pediatrician touched them when they were younger and were really creepy about it
as crazy as this sounds, but I feel like pediatricians need to be watched and monitored better and more, it just really creeps me out and strikes me that someone can be so okay with touching a kids genitals for "check ups", I mean I could understand if the kid is having problems but why do they need to do it to every healthy child who is showing no signs of anything like that happening ?
No. 199754
>>195542I've done something dumb that might (hopefully won't) result in health related unpleasantness. I have a problem and I need to stop but I'm afraid of admitting it, failing, and disappointing the people who matter most to me.
It's not an actual physical addiction, either, which makes me feel like a fucking loser/failure for not stopping.
No. 199770
>>199760I use to have a friend like that, they treat you like backup friends and can care less about you. You are better off without that person
Block and then delete them. You won't regret this, fuck people like that. There are/will be other people who appreciate you and your friendship
No. 199787
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>overhear classmate talking to professor trying to figure out the name of an outsider artist
>recognize who it is because I was going to write a report about them and give classmate the name
>"wow thanks anon that was awesome of you blah blah etc"
>write down that I'm using them for my report on list passed around during class today
>overhear classmate and professor saying it's unfair that I picked this person when classmate-chan clearly wanted to
Should've kept my mouth shut, I guess.
No. 199834
>>199760ahh i had a friend just like this, i recently told her how i felt and she lost it on me… safe to say we don't talk anymore. sometimes u just have to know when to cut those people off - they bring you more misery than happiness in the end. It's draining especially when youre constantly giving and giving and shes taking and taking.
it's even easier when it's an online friendship because you don't have to worry about mutual friend hangouts and stuff haha
No. 199840
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>>199782He's probably checking if you're interested, but doesn't want to show that he misses you in case you're not.
No. 199859
>>199849Different company (almost 8 months) same experience. The last four companies I worked at are the same. Either micromanagement or pure sketch.
The only way out of the cycle is starting your own business, until you grow enough to have to hire people and the cycle repeats. Or join corporate at somewhere big and have a smile painted on you.
No. 199885
My only irl friend decided I wasn't good enough for her. I would get so fucking angry (I wouldn't confront her because I didn't want to be clingy, or cause drama) because she NEVER texted me, called me, or asked to hang out. I had to do all the fucking leg work in the relationship, it felt like a chore, most of the time she was never interested in anything I said, she seemed a bit bothered when he hung out (tho I am rlly socially anxious so the bothered thing might be me projecting) so I would rarely text her or ask her to hang because I felt like a bother, but sometimes we would have so much fun just shooting the breeze that I really didn' t care about the negatives.
So after helping her with her closing duties at work (aka staying late out of my own free will, not even getting payed) I finally said something.
I asked her why she didn't ever text me or ask to hang out.
Then she said in a shitty little tone, "I dont't know, why don't YOU start the conversation?" Now, I am pretty quick to get annoyed and angry and this shit nearly sent me to the moon, because like I said I'M the one making the first move every time, but because I enjoyed our friendship when she decided to actually be my friend, I kept it inside and tried to poke fun.
I just said, "You hang out with Amy all the time, though!" Just kind of light hearted and chuckling, she really didn't say anything back. (Amy is this girl she's friends with that she has no problem actually communicating with. Not her real name btw.)
So fast foward like a week or so, she keeps gushing about how Amy is sooo funny, Amy did this Amy did that, Maria did this, Maria did that (Maria is her OTHER friend shes got no trouble talking to and hanging out with, also not her real name.) And so I've had enough fucking bullshit so I'm over here pretty much nearly seething, on the outside I'm like… oh how cool!…trying to be okay and not telling that bitch how fucking pathetic she is crawling back to those two cunts after they excluded her for the longest time.
Okay, so I just quit trying to text her. A few weeks passed.
Now its yesterday, the bitch ignored me completely outright, so I guess shes okay having her old two timing bitch ass friends back.
I put my two weeks in yesterday as well. She actually hooked me up with the shitty ass job. It just felt wrong to keep working there when working there also made me miserable. So now it's job hunting season.
It's fucking insanely hard for me to ease up to people because I've been through some shit like this before (one "friend" dumped my ass and told me to kill myself when I was struggling through really tough depression and had previously attempted suicide, another one would punch me and kick me and fuck if it didn't hurt, then giggle "that's what friends do")
I thought she was different. She was shy and funny and not rude at all, until, well…
Any advice, besides telling me to stop being a pushover or a pussy, etc.?
Sorry for the fucking novel lol.
No. 199887
>>199885Ngl anon, seems like you struggle with a lot of self worth. Perhaps it really is your insecurities that makes it feel like she doesn't like you as much, when really she's just enjoying your time together or maybe she can sense your on edge so it made things a little awkward.
You also sound a bit bitter/jealous over her other friends. Had you all ever hung out together before?
Some people just click naturally better with others and unfortunately that's out of anyone's control.
I've been on the other side of this so maybe it's possible she just didn't realize she was making you feel this way… replying to her with something like "you don't have a problem texting Amy!" Or w.e it was you said probably wasn't smart and sounded bitter, something like "I just worry I bother you by texting you first all the time" would've been better and more inviting for a conversation about how you feel about things. If she's really valuable to you as a friend maybe try messaging her, apologize for the way you acted and maybe explained that it was brought on by your hurt feelings by feeling like youre not as close friends as you want to be. That way you're not putting blame on her - which would cause her to put blame on you and have a fight etc.
I get what it's like to have a friend who doesn't care for you, however it seems there's a lot of personal insecurities getting in the way and possibly making you feel this way
No. 199889
>>199887Yeah, unfortunately I have a lot of insecurities. And yeah I'm really bitter I guess. When she stopped hanging around the two of them, she hung out more with me and it was fun. It just… makes me angry how she kind of used me as a place holder, y'know? She knows the person I am. I guess I can't fault her for getting tired.
And no, I never hung out with her friends. I'm scared of being the fourth wheel while they have fun. Which would definitely happen. I guess this was another chapter in my life. I'm still bitter…like, way bitter. I also bungled stuff up because when I said 'stopped trying to text her' I meant I tried texting her but she's never replied so I stopped (sorry for that, got carried away I guess), and I don't think she'd respond now after so long, I also dont want any drama at work since shes close to our boss and sort of… goes and cries to him when shes upset. I just need to better myself, I think, and try to be more outgoing and focus on my mental health since it has kinda went down the shitter as of late lol.
I just thought about it and I mean I already put my two weeks in, I guess this would be the best time to talk about my feelings next time we work together when we aren't so busy. It won't be my preferred place to confront her but I don't see her outside of work anymore and she won't text me. So maybe it will all have been a misunderstanding or she really doesn't want to be my friend. But either way, I'm definitely going to better myself! Thanks for responding, anon :)
No. 199923
But I'd be dissapointed if my bf doesn't punch that ugly motherfucker in his disgusting face.
But seriously, he should have said something.
No. 199932
>>199929He's probably just retarded. Guys don't usually have a lot of forethought into what they're saying. I can't count the number of gaffs my bf has said to me.
>>199917I can see why you'd be down but your bf is with you for a reason. Who cares what some loser thinks? He's probably just humping his dakimakura every night while weeping anyways.
No. 199934
>>199932>>199929>>199923>>199920thanks guys, this helped a bit actually. i know i shouldn't care what some asshole thinks, but my self esteem is pretty low so i take stupid shit to heart.
my bf didn't want to tell me the details but he did mention in passing the guy said something "rude" about me and i insisted on him telling me. he's a little autistic. he did say he told the guy off though, so that's something.
No. 200048
>>200045…And then call CPS so you don't get charged with kidnapping. Say she just wandered into your property and those crazies next door aren't taking care of her and so on.
Least we remember that even though they are druggie scum, they are (probably) under the mistaken impression that they can care for their three-year-old. Which is still, as far as we know, theirs. Taking their kid escalates things.
And no, they won't go to the police, they'll take up pipes and chains and settle their grievance more directly.
No. 200069
>>200048I'm not taking their kid. HELL NO!
That's one of the things that is hold me of calling cps. Since the dogs charged me and m husband they have been more watchful and yesterday for exemple the whole group was staring at us when we came back from the gym. And th y had the dogs on leash. The problem is this now, we have a group of homeless druggies staring at us. I feel so much more paranoid. I honestly lost my "daaawww" effect over the kid and may call the cps to scare them since complaining to our landlord is not doing anything about the situation and like I said they are not only bother us, but other 3 neighboring families too. I'm glad I found out that I can make anonymous reports on them for the child neglect.
No. 200074
>>200070I guess it's more rebound effect than proper withdrawals, I guess. It's really feels like withdrawals though : intense headache behind the eyes, really sore muscles, upset stomach.
I don't take anything else and have really been abusing them lately, so I don't see what else it could be.
No. 200088
Last night I read an article on Wired about a girl who had a cyberstalker since she was 12 that was always truing to get her fired by posting letters to her bosses or ruin her irl friendships by pretending to be her and saying horrible things. It reminded me of the stalker that I had from 12-19 but made me realize how lucky I was that it never progressed and he gave up eventually
And then today I logged into an old account and saw that he had messaged me 2 days ago, the first time in maybe 4 years. It's just too much of a weird coincidence, and also makes me uneasy that he could still sometimes be cyberstalking me after I thought it was over. I'm still thankful he's just a lurker rather than the psychotic type that tries to interact or influence.
>>200071>I know I should leave, but I can't.Do you actually have a reason other than the cliche 'but wen its gud its reel gud so love overcums all' that you can't leave? If it's at this stage already and you're only young then break up, but if you're a LDR locked into a mortgage or something then try couples counselling first.
>>200087It would be weird if someone you loved lied to you and told you they loved you in order to keep you as a friend, would you really want that kind of friendship?
No. 200101
>>200080do you know what you like?
If not: write the things down you love and enjoy.
For example:
Animals, music, drawing, telling stories, antique furniture or whatever.
It's not always easy to know what you like. Ask yourself if you like random things and listen to your heart.
And then you can think about one thing you really enjoy and turn it into a hobby.
I hope that helps a bit. I have the same problem
No. 200113
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>>200103I don't know if you have tried it already but someone I got to know had migraines all the time and really bad ones.
She got this piercing because it's supposed to help with Migraines (not everyone of course)
But it really helped her and she has them less now and not as extreme as before she got the piercing.
It's worth a shot I guess.
No. 200206
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I broke up with my girlfriend a month ago, the thing I really miss is smelling her.
Smelling her armpits or pussy got me really hard, I would smell her panties while jacking off or before lifting weights for the testosterone boost to increase my lifts (home gym).
I think I got addicted to smelling the female pheromones, and now I went cold turkey.
I know they sell used panties online but that's kind of disgusting because I know they fuck other guys and probably have an STD.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 200417
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I've been in a long term relationship with a man for 7 years, since I was 16. I realized I liked girls between then and now, but I'm happy and committed in my monogamous relationship.
>tfw will never get to fuck kinky lesbos while I'm young and fit.
>tfw wasting my entire youth due to stokholm/sunken cost syndrome
No. 200474
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How do you guys find your internet friends? I used to have so many like ~3 years ago during the prime of one of the fandoms I was in. I used to rp and find them on tumblr. Nowadays I barely have any online friends and I don't know how else to find them aside from playing video games or finding them through my instagram community, and even then we usually don't share similar interests. I'm so lonely and I'm tired of boring, thirsty gamer neckbeards being my only available outlet. What communities are you a part of and how did you find all your online friends?
No. 200488
>>200474Dude are you me? I've been having like this literal same exact problem all of a sudden, same timing and everything. I actually thought for a moment "Did i post this when i was high?" before I saw the post time.
I hope you find at least some consolation in the fact that you're not the only one because it sure as hell made me feel better.
No. 200523
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I've been having shitty luck the past few months trying to land a job, so I've been trying to promote my art and get commissions on multiple art platforms(FA, dA, Hentai foundry) and I haven't been getting any nibbles. I made a price list, compared it to other artist and also my own art and posted it on my twitter. I guess the next step is my Tumblr. I'm honestly up for drawing anything, I might even be willing to do scat/piss if it means getting money.
No. 200618
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>>200616In that club myself.
The trick is to isolate yourself enough so that everyone thinks you're just shy/antisocial instead of a crazed misanthrope.
No. 200624
>>200474Good question. In my experience, if you make all your internet friends via fandoms it's no wonder they don't stick when the wellspring of fan interest runs dry.
Try adding them to your regular social media. I regret not adding my internet friends to any social media shit. They all added each other but I hung back and now we don't even have our old forums anymore.
Better yet, make friends IRL.
No. 200646
my friend is stuck in a toxic relationship right now and nothing anyone says will get her to leave.
her boyfriend used to live with her at her mom's house for a year, rent free without ever contributing to bills, groceries, etc. in the beginning of their relationship he claimed he was so in love with her and wanted to marry her, but she recently found out that he told his ex that he would "come back for her." she's clearly heartbroken because basically their relationship was built on a lie. one day when she was cleaning up, she found a usb drive full of nudes of his ex girlfriend, them having sex, etc. she also found old love letters and a ring that she thinks he was going to propose to the ex with. he's told her that she's crazy, that she should be thankful that he "didn't really cheat on her like other guys would." anyway, she ended up moving in with him to his own place even though i told her not to because it would make the situation worse. everyone has told her to leave him but she insists that he's good for her, he doesn't really act like that, etc. i've tried everything but she just won't listen. i'm mad at her because she won't listen and think she kinda asks for it, even though that's a horrible and irrational thing for me to think.
No. 200659
>>200616I have the exact same thoughts and feelings. I was even thinking of writing it down here.
>>200618> The trick is to isolate yourself enough so that everyone thinks you're just shy/antisocial instead of a crazed misanthrope.That's my plan.
The only thing I care about is the ecosystem, the plants and the animal world, I consider those pure.
No. 200678
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I can't stand snobs. They make everything into a pissing context and ride every civil discussion down into the ground. They're the reason why I can't discuss literature and music with anyone but my closest friends, they either try way too hard to impress everyone or shit on people for liking something they don't.
>Whaaaat, you actually like Catchy Generic Pop Song? Haha, you're a faggot with shit taste! I only listen to Zimbabwean neoclassical negro-metal, everything else is for plebs!
>OMG she said the Mona Lisa's left nipple is pink when everyone knows it's clearly a muted vermillion! Pls stop!
>Ackshually, it's der sitzpinkler, not das sitzpinkler! I've only studied German for 3 months but I'm going to lord that one asinine error over you for months and act superior to overcompensate for my crippling insecurity!
Go away out of that.
No. 200695
>>200646All you can do is let them crash and burn sadly.
A friend used to date this guy who'd go out of his way to destroy her self esteem and try to isolate her, and she managed to escape his bullshit in her late teens. But then some years later she got back together with him and she acted like it was all wonderful. Hell she fucking acted offended when no one was surprised when she "pranked" us for april fools and pretended to break up with him because he crossed some boundary (again). Eventually she dumped him a second time and admitted to hiding all the fucked up shit he was doing because she knew how we'd react.
I've basically reached a point where I'd offer to be there to help her get her shit back together if she does something retarded like that again, but I won't stick around to watch. I'd suggest you consider something similar.
No. 200709
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Anybody else feel like life is a constant battle no matter what? Like the ratio between pain and happiness is just fucked, it's like 999999:0.1.
And I don't even mean 'happiness' per se, but there just never comes a moment where things are 'OK.'
I'm not depressed or anything, I just feel like I'm constantly putting out this colossal effort all the time and it doesn't seem like anybody else has this problem.
Like I can't just be idle, I'm constantly running on all cylinders and can't sleep at night because I'm still racing on the inside.
It's just really exhausting.
No. 200718
>>200709That's what makes the .001% so satisfying.
I've got a test in 40 minutes and I spent half my day off from work playing Fallout 4 instead of doing anything practical. I have to get out of college, can't stay a second longer. And this place…like a leviathan waiting to devour you if you don't know anyone or have any real money, have that slip of paper giving you permission to belong to the middle class.
No. 200727
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>>200719>friend I talk to every week or soShoot me an email fam
No. 200766
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>Can't decide if I'm dealing with this guy's BS because I'm lonely and I should drop him and risk loneliness or give this fucker a chance to redeem himself even though he should of been putting the effort in the first place
After complaining about being lonely, I ended up meeting this guy through chance online and found out he lived near me!! We arranged to meet up and hit it off really well. He wants me to become his gf but I had just gotten out of an emotionally draining relationship. He said he understood that and said he'll give me time which was sweet at the time.
Fast-forward to now, he still wants me to be his gf but he puts literally no effort in anything. We've only met up twice in the six months I've known him and I told him I refuse to meet up with him until he plans but always switches the reason behind that he can't plan is that I'm busy but I opened my day just for him??? He also likes to say I don't reach out to him but when I do he doesn't respond??? But expects me to response a.s.a.p but when he's busy he won't tell me so I'm left waiting. Like what the fuck kind of manipulation am I letting myself go through right now?
He just likes to talk to me when it's most convenient with him or if it's late at night and wants lewds or something which I've told him no on multiple occasions and only pushed plans for me to get drunk with him at his own home.
Now my biggest problem with him is that I'm trying to have open ended conversations with him but he'll ignore it for long hours and just say "hiiii, how are you?" instead of going on with the topic and this has happened on multiple occasions.
I brought up the situation in the most straight-forward way possible but he just flat out ignored me and did the "how are you doing today?" response and it really annoyed me. He didn't even want to acknowledge the problem so my friend told me that he was being stupid and I should switch things around and start treating him the way I treat him to see if that can send a message instead but I think he's too dense for that… I got fed up and told him to go fuck himself because of how he's been acting and now he's trying to become all high mighty saying that I'm in the wrong for telling him that and wants a formal explanation about it all or we won't be going out this week like he's apparently been planning but there hasn't even been a day or time set and it's just draining …. it's been 9 hours since the last reply so I'm not sure whether just to drop everything or try one last time to see if he can see my point without acting like he's not at fault.
Everything was so sweet in the beginning, what happened…?
If you made it this far anon I want to let you know that I love and appreciate you and I hope someone does too.
No. 200777
>>200766He will not redeem himself, it never works that way in real life. Drop him and don't waste your time, TRUST me anon. I've also come across a similar dude who was constantly vague and tried to keep me on a little string. Value yourself, have confidence, and you'll find someone worthwhile with time.
>>200775Do this thread a favor and fuck off with the trolling.
No. 200780
>>200766>Everything was so sweet in the beginning, what happened…? I'm in a somewhat similar position with another gal. I've also done that kind of game before even before her.
Basically I'm just putting my effort elsewhere. You explicitly stated you don't want a relationship right now, which I can respect. But when do you? I've gotten a similar speech about "maybe later", and sometimes that shit is months but more realistically never. Which I'm not really angry about, but I'm moving on with my life and chatting up other women who actually know what they want and when.
Maybe it's different than that. But from my perspective it's just about getting maximum results from your time and energy.
No. 200791
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Been trying to conceive for a year and I just found out that this wellfare queen methhead whore I know is pregnant again. This will be her 5th goddamn kid. She's been arrested and had her kids taken away from her a couple of times. The last time she was pregnant she was actively using meth during the pregnancy too. Why does it seem like the people who aren't deserving of children are the ones popping them out all the time?
No. 200799
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>have a small copywriter job on the side
>some guy contacts you
>he wants a 4000 word article, in one day, for 10 dollars
>friend of a friend proposes you to work on weekends in her restaurant as waitress
>"We need someone who wants to work"
>9 hours a day
>for 27 dollars a day
If you want someone who feels like working you should feel like paying them, bruh. It's hilarious how people in their 50s say that "young people nowadays don't want to work" when they are the cheap fucks that want to exploit and overwork the fuck out of them for only 2 dollars per hour. Kys
No. 200803
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>>200791At least you're trying to fix the problem. Globally white people are already a small minority, and in western countries they're reproducing at well below the replacement birthrate of 2.1
The non-white immigrants in western countries are reproducing far faster than them, that's the only reason these western countries are even light blue in this picture, on a global scale white people are demographically set for extinction.
Did you know white people will be the minority in most western countries in the coming decades? You can have feminism to thank for this, instead of women having a designated place in society as wives/mothers, feminism has convinced women that they should not have kids, go to college and enter the workforce, ruining the economy by almost doubling the supply of workers, and voting to allow more immigration which also increases the supply of workers, which ultimately lowers wages and working conditions.
Because of this there is fewer and fewer men that make enough money to become acceptable fathers.
Feminism has also created insane marriage/divorce laws, and poisoned women's brains to the point where they're so toxic that even men with good careers now don't want to marry or have kids with them.
Basically this has resulted in white people not getting married or having kids anymore, people from the third-world haven't been effected by feminism as much so they still breed like rabbits.
Somehow you decided that you still want to breed, and you tricked some numale into having kids with you, even though you will inevitably divorce him and take his kids away and financially destroy him with alimony/child-support.
You're either unhealthy as shit and have hormone problems from your diet or (prescription) drugs you take, or your boyfriend has the same problem and has low sperm counts.
Thanks to feminism western men have much lower sperm counts on average now. No. 200810
>>200770Thank you anon!!! I hope you had a wonderful night. I truly believe it was that element too but I thought it could of been fate to met seeing how we lived so close and were doing so well before. I won't stress about it anymore, after some venting a good night sleep I feel better anyways.
>>200777That's exactly the concept, anon! The "little string". He still hasn't replied to my message and I have no interest in starting up a conversation so this may be it. Thank you as well!!!
>>200780About not wanting a relationship right now, the issue other than my previous ex draining of me all of emotions by constantly saying he is going to kill himself and having him baker acted at the hospital and controlling of some other aspects of my life, I wasn't 100% ready to emotionally invest into another person even if I do feel lonely. I wanted to make sure through some type of distinction that I wanted this relationship with certainty so it can be a healthy one (at least on my end). Through getting to know him more I was willing to give it a chance but it seems like it's ending up more on he just wants to sleep with me which would of been okay if that was just the type of relationship I was looking for and person I am but I'm not. So it's a little disheartening knowing that I'm getting feelings but it's all lust on the other end. I am going to see about putting my time and effort now into something and someone else and hope it goes well. Thank you!!!
No. 200815
>>200813Good luck!
Oh my… I read it wrong and thought you mean a psychologist.
To wait that long for a psychiatrist is really inaccectable.
No. 200828
>>200823>>200824Same here anons. I cope by venting here (or on net) and going to therapist when things get bad.
Sometimes I start to think if it's really friendship that I have with other people…
No. 200869
So a couple of weeks ago, my ex broke up with me. We've been together for a few years and this past one had really taken it's tole on us due to situations I had been put in. We ended up talking it out and decided we were going to take a break for about a month, but still made the stupid decision of continuing to talk like we were "just friends" (which didn't really work out because we still had strong feelings for each other). They kept telling me that they didn't know what to do because they felt like they were in a catch-22 situation and that if we did talk, it would hurt; if we didn't talk, it would hurt more. They asked me for a solution and the other day I came up with one and called them up to see if we could meet and talk about it.
An accident happened at their work and I ended up waiting for an hour alone in the middle of the night next to a gas station. I started to overthink and forgot the solution I had come up with, a different one invading my brain: Telling them it was over.
We met up and I told them that, mostly because I thought it was the best solution for them (without saying that I thought it was best for them because I'm a stupid prick) and they were quick to agree. It felt like my whole world was falling apart and I went quiet. It really hurt and frustrated me, because I felt like everything I had just been given false hope and that anything I had done had been in vain. I wasn't angry, but it just seemed so easy for them to let go after being together for so long, after calling me the "one" moments before. They kept asking why I was quiet and I just couldn't filter. They got pissed off by what I said and drove me to the front of my house, but continued to throw harsh statements at me. I started to get angry because they were trying to argue with me in a place where I still lived with family members, one of which was still awake. The argument got more heated and ended with me telling them to not tell me they loved me if they were going to be like this and slamming the car door.
They drove off.
I tried to go after the car, feeling remorse, but there's a very steep hill and I was too late. I called them and asked them to come back, which they did, except they were driven by rage.
They ended up speeding back to my house and on the turn on to my street, crashed their mother's car (we're both a lot over 18, but it's not very usual for people to have their own cars at our age nor live away from home where we reside). The crash caused a piece of the bumper to fall off, as well as a huge indent and large scrape. They started blaming me for the crash, saying I was the one who made him speed (even though the only words I had said were "come back, please") and that I would have to pay for the damage. My ex stated that I was at fault for destroying the trust they had built with their family after having a troublesome time in university, that I had destroyed us and any chance of getting back together, that I would never be able to make this up to them…
I disagree, however. I never forced them into any of that, nor did I force them to pick up the phone. I still feel… guilty?
They've blocked everything but my email and number. I want to make sure they're okay and I still want to make things okay with us, but I don't know. I want to give them a few more days and check up later, but I don't know if they'll ever stop be angry with me or blaming me for it. It was an accident and I don't want to never be able to speak to them again because of this. Even though shit had hit the fan, they were still my best friend…
No. 200881
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My boyfriend doesn't listen to a word i say and wonders why i get grumpy, He has zero common sense and thinks saying "sorry" solves everything when he'll do it again within a week. My family have went on their 4th "family vacation" this year alone and I haven't been invited once, I get told they're going away and get shown the pics when they come back, no consideration if i want to go at all. I'm assuming it's because i don't live in the same city anymore. I had to cut off all ties with my brother due to him emotionally fucking me for over 10 years because of our parents divorce.
Life is grand right now.
How do I stop wanting to kill myself.
No. 200909
>>200881for you, explain to your boyfriend whats going on and how you feel, if he refuses to even try do anything, leave him and find someone else
for your family, talk to your family about and say it bothers you and how it makes you feel
find a way to cope and relax your mind, take up something you love, relax and value yourself, don't spend time letting yourself be sad about people who aren't worth being sad over
>>200896well depending on the terms you and him are on, explain the situation to him and how it makes you feel and that you want to be on good terms, then give him the choice if he wants to push you away like this or be there for you, even if it's just too hear you vent
take care of yourself while you can, even if you need to beat yourself up to stay alive and healthy
No. 200924
Ok so I met that guy like 1 1/2 months ago when I was on a trip to a city in another european country. We had a great time, I thought he was super cute and low key developed a major crush on him. We had texted or sent each other snaps almost every day since then, which is why I decided to travel to his country to see him again (I'm about to do a 6 month internship from mid-august so I knew wouldn't be able to see him in a long time).
I never explicitly told him that I'm going to his city only to see him, but I kinda thought that was obvious since I kept telling him I'm looking forward to seeing him. The evening before I went I asked him about his plans and he said that we would meet up for sure but that he won't be free all the time, which was totally fine with me since I didn't expect him to hang out with me all the time anyways.
After I had arrived at my Airbnb, I texted him and he told me that unfortunately he would be busy the next day (because of driving lessons and rehearsals) but that we would meet up for sure and that he would find a way to make time to see me.
After not seeing him at all for 2 days I texted him on my last day asking if he would be free to meet up that evening (I had already felt super miserable the entire time and couldn't enjoy my stay at all). He replied that he's really sorry but unfortunately couldn't find the time to see me, after which I low key freaked out. I told him that I had traveled 4 hours and spent a lot of money and time to see him, to which he replied that he didn't realized I came to his city to see him specifically and that he is very sorry about it. I was really upset so I kept confronting him about it, telling him that I do not think it's impossible to make time to see someone who is only in town for a short period, and that he should have told me that in advance instead of telling me he would be free. At some point he just stopped replying. I went back to my country yesterday and now I'm feeling fucking MISERABLE. Like, I feel like I have overreacted: what if he really just hadn't realized that I was there because of him, and was really just busy? I felt like I kind of fucked up because I was so honest with him. Now I have no idea if I should text him again and back-paddle a little or if I should just accept the fact that I fucked up? At the same time I also think that had he really wanted to see me, he could have made time for me..
Honestly, I feel so fucking miserable and I absolutely hate dating
No. 200925
>>200909thanks anon, it's hard, but I'll try to take care of myself. Not eating anything def doesn't help in this mental state, I know that.
And, I guess I'll try to send him a message and to convey how I feel and what I've been going through.
haha, I didn't think that venting anonymously would help as much as it does.
No. 200985
>>200924sorry anon, but you definitely over reacted. it was just a guy that you had a crush on, you've only known him for a month and a half - why are you spending ur time and money to travel to another country for him. it was pretty silly that you're blaming him and getting pissed at him for not knowing - did you guys talk about your feelings for each other? does he know ur into him? did he say he was into you too?
as long as youre having guys be the reasons behind u doing things and not just because its something you GENUINELY want to do, you'll always end up disappointed. Even if it had worked out and he met up with you, theres a big chance you'd end up miserable because he only saw you once, or that it didn't lead to anything more or whatever whatever…. do things for yourself, boys suck anyways
No. 201053
>>201050>why haven't you dumped his ass?I feel like it's my first and last shot. I can't imagine that I will ever be able to get into another relationship again or that someone will love me. I don't think it's possible with my face.
And I still like him, it's pretty pathetic kek.
He is fat/chubby while I am slim and he has pretty bad skin and weird hair. I guess the difference between us is that he doesn't look after himself
No. 201062
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>tfw get boyfriend that's not when I was 12 and playing some ded mmo.
>We finally decide to do the lewd
>I'm prepared, wet, foreplay is done and shit, got massage first and
>Penetration is a go in 3 2 1…
>I close up super hard and start screaming it hurts
>He stops
>this happens every time we try to have sex
>I keep apologising and he keeps insisting it's fine
I'm paranoid that he'll leave me.
He says he won't, but I can't even satisfy him properly like a normal girl. I legit feel broken
No. 201083
>>201068You're sure you're not having a run of the mill UTI? I mean, if it hurts to pee and it manifested right after…Most sti take way longer than that before the signs start to show.
Try to buy some cranberry juice, drink a lot of water and take a long bath. And if you're starting to have a fever or pee blood, go to your GP asap.
No. 201099
>>201068>>201083Not the same anon but I've never heard of blisters being a symptom of a UTI. Sounds to me more like the first outbreak of herpes - it can manifest less than a week after first exposure.
Anon, you can't do anything but keep yourself clean and hydrated until you go to the doctor. Don't pop anything and don't have sex. If it is herpes, it sucks but it's pretty common and it can be managed by antivirals.
No. 201110
>>201099But Hpv doesn't cause flaming pee, I think. It's warts and itchiness. What OP think is blisters could just be some tearing if the sex was so painful.
Anyway, you're right, anon should wait and see. But like I said, better watch out if it's not just a simple UTI. They can get nasty if you let them fester.
No. 201111
>>201068You could quite possibly have needed more librication and have gotten a fuckload of microtears. I know it's gross but could you get a picture off google images of blisters similar to the ones you've got?
It's best to go to the doctor if possible but I know that's not always possible in the US.
No. 201115
>>201062r u a virgin? basically lube it the fuck up to ease the pain as much as poss (just being wet isn't enough for most especially for a first time) and relaaaaaax as much as possible - it'll hurt no matter what until ur hymen breaks pretty much, so just go slow and steady and each time it'll get better.
if its not ur first time then i'd go see a gyn to be on the safe side!!
No. 201134
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I'm a bit worried and excited right now. I'm finally moving out of my parents house, and moving in with three of my friends (who have already lived with each other for a year) this weekend. I love them but they're a bit clingy and v much SJWs (which i try and avoid political discussions).
But I need to vent about something happening right now. They once mentioned back in October about going to a Renaissance fair that I wasn't really interested in but said if they planned it out I might go. Months pass and it's this weekend, literally nothing has been said about it until last week. I declined and said I plan on moving all my shit and that it's also my mom's birthday. Tonight I receive a text asking if I'm going and I say no…again. Now they're all pissed at me, and texting how they wish they would have known I wasn't going, and that they had planned to spend the weekend with me? I apologized but they're still mad? I don't know what to do?
Sorry if this ends up being long, but now I'm scared of pissing them off even more by defending myself the week I move in?
No. 201157
>>201111OP here, I can't find any pictures similar to what is going on with me, I only seem to be able to find the extremes of herpes and other diseases
but the best way to describe the appearance is I had 2 small blister like bumps on the left side of my vulva for two days, they seemingly "popped"(gross i know) and aren't healing over that well I'm guessing due to the friction from my clothes / walking
No. 201167
>>201140Pretty sure I am, but now I'm having second thoughts?
>>201143Thank you. I feel like I'm outgrowing our friendship sadly, but you do have a point, so I'm just going to stand my ground and not apologize any further. I only really plan on living with them for 6 months (never signed a year long lease agreement, and just talked to the landlord about this lol) until I can find a place closer to my job.
also sage for reply
No. 201189
I want to completely change my life and I'm not sure how.
I had depression since childhood and I felt like my teenage and college years were wasted because of it. I've never had any hobbies or interests so I've got this huge period of my life where I came home from school/college and just browsed the internet until I fell asleep (I didn't even study because it would remind me of how stupid I was, how much of a failure I was and had shit grades obviously). I tried taking up so many things (martial arts, all kinds of dance classes, painting/drawing/sculpting clay, drama, baking, multiple musical instruments, writing, zumba, coding, pilates, yoga, reading…) and literally nothing kept my interest. I've had jobs but the whole time I was desperate to get out and find a job that I actually was passionate about and wasn't just something I did to make money. I wasn't even that interested in my college course (it was just the only one I was accepted into). I gained a lot of weight from comfort eating and just eating out of boredom. My hair and nails are so weak, I'm fat and I have to cake foundation on my face just to feel acceptable.
I feel like all of my problems tie in with each other. I have no friends (I'm ridiculously fucking lonely) and it's probably because I'm overweight and dress to accomodate that and have nothing to talk to people about because I've had no hobbies or interests for a solid decade. I want to lose weight so I can buy nice clothes and look pretty/approachable to others. I want to find a hobby that I'm really passionate about and that inspires people around me. Even just something that helps me pass time, is a conversation starter and keeps me away from endlessly scrolling through facebook and comfort eating. But every time I try to take something up, it reminds me of how shit I am at eveything and how I'm just doing it to seem interesting, not because I actually enjoy what I'm doing. I end up getting really publically embarrassed in a class or destroying whatever I've made.
The only person I really have in my life is my boyfriend and I'm really appreciative of him but I'm afraid I'll lose him. He thinks I'm pretty, interesting and great with conversations but I don't know where he gets that from? I just want to be able to dress nice for him and have loads to talk about when we sit down to eat together. I've seen many therapists over my life and mentioned my problems to them but they can't seem to help.
Has anyone turned their life around after something like this?
No. 201196
I love my bf, but his English is starting to piss me off.
He's from a Scandinavian country, his English is fluent and he lived in NZ for a year. I'm a native English speaker from a non-English speaking country so I speak what could be called standard 'Trans-Atlantic English' (but really just extremely watered down Irish English), no discernible accent and a mix of fairly common British/American words save for things like 'runners' and 'footpath'. I don't ever use local slang or try to joke or make puns as it usually results in empty stares. Most people in most countries can understand me without a problem, at least to my knowledge. We've been together for 5 years,
He stammers and stutters for 5 minutes before he gets to the point, doesn't know the English word for some of the most basic household items so when I need something in a hurry - i.e. "please hand me the ladle" - he stops and stares at me like I'd just sprouted a cock from my forehead. I then have to spend another 3 minutes of my life using baby words to explain what I need. Sometimes I have to do this three or four times in a row before the little light-bulb in his head finally turns on. When I try to explain something to him he sometimes just doesn't. get. it. and will aggressively argue against it, usually resulting in him fucking something up and then sheepishly apologising when he realises what I'd been telling him all along. He refuses to learn and avoids talking to my family because he "can't understand them" (but he could understand his thick down the country bogtrotting host father who is originally from Castlebar), cries when I (politely) correct his English but complains about his lecturer giving out to him for it, and worst of all even I'm now starting to sound like him with the stammering, funny phrases and word salad because I always struggle to tell him things in terms he'll understand.
He has no trouble understanding video games, Game of Thrones without subtitles, even things I often struggle with like certain older British sitcoms, he can use complicated words and talk about medieval weapons and fortresses for days but still doesn't know what a hob is and calls the kitchen range a stove. The oven is also a stove. As is the base of our electric kettle. And our microwave 'stove'. I'm getting increasingly annoyed by his broken English phrases like "what's the clock (time)" or mixing up he and she. He even speaks with a semi-London accent for fuck's sake.
That is all, I just wanted to vent in a vent thread.
No. 201210
Alright anons, I'd love to hear your opinions on this topic.
I think many here are in the 18-21 age range, where most people are still discovering themselves, attending college, and are somehow dependent on their parents. Consider that this also involves looking pretty young/immature.
My question is, why do men who are significantly older (30s, 40s usually) have the boldness to hit on people who are obviously young? Is this some sort of delusion? A belief that young women want a sugar daddy?
I'm interested to hear thoughts on this, since this happened to me today, and it was particularly interesting because the man had a good 10-15 years on me, bald and all, and was hassling me with personal questions while I was shopping. His pickup line was basically asking me if I'm into manlets, and my initial thought was that some incel was about to unleash his rage on me, tbh.
No. 201220
>To be honest, the biggest reason men even work to become financially successful is so they can have sex and reproduce.
To add to this point, women can easily have sex and reproduce simply by existing, there is tons of guys willing to do both with you, they will even pay you money for it and take care of all your needs.
Men have a much harder time with this, outside of educational institutions, they have to make money or else the vast majority of them won't be able to have sex or reproduce. This is partially what drives men to succeed so much more than women, that and greater intelligence, physical strength, and less coddling by society (it's sink or swim for men, either swim or you're homeless and no one gives a fuck).
A surrogate costs tens of thousands of dollars, a sperm donor costs a few hundred.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 201335
I feel like shit. I don't want to be single again.
Met my (soon-to-be-ex) bf over a a year ago through a dating website. We hit it off quite well, became a couple after a month or so. It will sound cheesy, but it seemed we were perfect for each other. Similar interests, temperament, outlook on life and future, sex was great. I know he loved me and found me attractive, shit, everyone else could see it too.
Everything was going smoothly, until he found out he inherited large debt and decided to move cross Europe to work it off. I was reluctant about going there too. He was supposed to find a place of his own (he lives with his cousin atm) and settle down a bit, then I'd join him. And now 2 months have passed since he left, and he became distant. You just notice the change in their behaviour. Ignoring my messages or replying to them after a while, no I love you's/I miss you's, stuff like that. So yesterday I mustered up the courage to ask his straight whether he wants to continue being in a relationship with me or if he wants to end it. Message read, no reply.
I just can't believe how fast he got over me, it hurts.
No. 201339
>>201210>A belief that young women want a sugar daddy? Some do though. It's like the Nigerian Prince emails, we're not retarded enough to click on them but it can be inferred that there are still people who do so since they keep doing it.
So yeah, 99% of the time they're going to strike out but eventually they will find a girl who wants a sugar daddy or has some major daddy issues. Plus there's that huge experience gap they get to exploit making it extra appealing if the guy himself is immature for his age.
>bald and allHey now, this has been an issue for me since I was 21.
No. 201346
>>201230I wouldn't worry too much about it anon. I don't know how old you are, but everyone is at different peaks in their life right now, some who are probably worse off than you. And you never know, that person might hate their entire existence and plan of driving their car into the river?
Just stop comparing yourself to other people. You'll find another job, and you'll be able to move out, just don't expect it to happen overnight!
No. 201362
>>201360Stop caring about fitting in. It's possible you don't see it but come off as really needy. People feel awkward around that.
Pretending and learning not to give a fuck made me more friends than endlessly trying to be pleasing.
No. 201363
>>201361Wtf? He prioritized getting a last good fuck before telling you he has herpes?! Even without talking about the rest, he a fucking douche bag.
Be mad anon, get it out. But don't be mad at yourself, it's not your fault. You couldn't guess he was a disgusting pos.
And please, cut contact with him. He doesn't deserve you. It's going to be difficult to mourn but I promise that it's going to be easier if you stop talking with him.
He wasn't your best friend. No friend act like this.
No. 201364
>>201363We didn't sleep together at all during my stay because I didn't want to and I didn't want to create any "false hope", but I hear what you mean. It is fucked up and I definitely need time to myself and to try and reclaim my life a little bit.
It just sucks because this is going to make it harder for me to find someone else for the rest of my life. I wish there was no stigma obviously, but I know I might be perceived as "used goods" now and it…sucks. I felt so free and hopeful about my new life as a single pringle but now I feel defeated to say the least.
No. 201365
>>201364OK. Well, honestly it was still shitty. Why did he even tell you after all this time? To hurt you? To stop feeling guilty about it?
I know it's bad but well. Lots of people have herpes. It happens. It's not going to prevent you from finding another better one.
No. 201370
>>201369I'm just like you, almost 30 and still have no idea how to do it.
Sorry, anon, I wish I could help.
No. 201371
>>201189I'm in the process, currently holding down a job, attending university maintaining a B average and going back to a Pescatarian diet so I can go from 135->115 (dream weight) oh and stop wearing loads of makeup stick to just foundation and powder until your skin gets better. Make the changes, get up and change your life! Maybe go get a masters, what is your gpa? If it's not great maybe consider reenrolling and starting over with something that interests you. I went from being suicidal to hopeful in a matter of months, I'm the happiest I've been in years :D Please change your life before your depression consumes you and ruins the rest of your youth!
Oh! And the weather is great, get a bike and try biking sometimes to relieve stress, it's fun and allows me to lose weight in my problem area (thighs)
Don't use the internet a lot, or stick to websites and things that aren't negative.
Take up a hobby, I knit and donate the clothes I make to the homeless shelter. I'm even considering creating a group out of it on meetup, take advantage of meetup! Join a book club, or anything that interests you :) I prefer women only groups because it's easier to make friends that aren't looking to turn it into a relationship.
No. 201372
>>201369Forget the past, it doesn't matter anymore. You can only change the now! Do we have a self improvement thread? Try to create one and catalog your changes each week, I think it's easier to stay on top of things when you're surrounded by people going through the same struggle.
Also to stay motivated I occasionally watch motivation videos on YouTube, they always hype me up.
No. 201378
>>201370sorry you have to go through this too, anon x
>>201372there are a few similar things related mostly to beauty, I'll check them out!
I guess my problem is that sometimes I get really motivated and try really hard for a few weeks but once I go through another bout of depression I can't help but think "what's the point, I'm not happy either way" and I start eating badly, cutting my nails and hair etc. I just feel like maybe a hobby would distract me from doing that? Do you ever get periods like that or how to do stay motivated when your head is putting you down?
No. 201400
>>201377>what biological advantage do these lanky, effeminate nerdsDid you actually read the memo? He basically says women are (on average) more agreeable and are more interested in people which he believes is a significant portion of why women are less common in the Tech field.
> Openness directed towards feelings and aesthetics rather than ideas. Women generally also have a stronger interest in people rather than things, relative to men (also interpreted as empathizing vs. systemizing).He also gave various points in women's favor too however. It's not like he just went on a tantrum about how women are evil, but how there are differences between the sexes and the gender distribution in STEM will likely never mirror the general populations distribution. This is not that controversial of a belief.
No. 201412
>>201377tbh the guy was a fucking sperg but still i find it hard to deny that men and women have very different interests
like in sweden which is the most forthcoming with having laws to encourage men to pursue traditionally female things and women to pursue traditionally male things, they have ''lower'' rates of females in male subjects and vice versa
of course there might be some other explanation but idk
No. 201417
>>201400I do agree that there are biological differences and interests between women and men on average. But I think that these women already lean more towards the "male mind" or whatever that makes men more "systemizing," like, that's why they have their jobs at Google and are interested in Stem in the first place. Maybe he's talking about company culture but who knows (I always had the image that Google was an over the top friendly and social place in the first place but eh)
>women are (on average) more agreeable and are more interested in people which he believes is a significant portion of why women are less common in the Tech fieldBut Im p sure it's not the innate biological differences that created this gender gap, since coding was considered a woman's jobs before. was the tech field more social and people-oriented before? (correct me if im wrong)
I also should have made it clear that I was getting more angry at the responses made in Phillip Defranco's comment section rather than the actual memo haha
No. 201430
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>>201417>Maybe he's talking about company culture but who knows (I always had the image that Google was an over the top friendly and social place in the first place but eh) I mean, this whole memo was riding the tail of him being forced to go to a forced diversity talk. Like it's not as if the dude did this out of nowhere, he had 12 hours to kill when he was being sent to China for work.
>I also should have made it clear that I was getting more angry at the responses made in Phillip Defranco's comment section rather than the actual memo hahaReading youtube comments is a horrible idea.
No. 201431
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The guy look like an incel which make all of this story hilarious IMO and a lot of what he said read like a regurgitation of Jordan Peterson's work. I don't get why he needed to sperg about it, he could've just done his work in the company and chill. Seems like he wanted to start something big.
I don't think he deserved to be fired thought.
No. 201512
My grandma is obsessive and a munchie and it is really starting to aggravate me
I've been in the workforce for 4 years, nothing new was happening, she just came up to me before work one day and she treated me like a kid and said "oh you're gonna learn a lot today have a good day with a real job"
I'm 23 and she is convinced I am a child, she constantly wants me to do anything she finds, if there's a class happening on something I have never been interested or involved in she will make me do it and guilt me if I don't, I've had my license since I was 16 and she tried making me go to driving school and offered to pay, she is convinced I am a kid because she is obsessed with church and will make me go to any event, they could be literally just painting the wall a different color and she will make a big deal about it and talk about how I have to come just to see the wall, she thinks I am broke and poor, she goes out and buys me clothes or shoes for random reasons, when I first started my job as a housekeeper, she called me and started ranting about how I need new shoes and had to walk around all day, then made my grandpa drive her to pick me up, get me new shoes I didn't even need for no reason, and drop me off. This isn't even her money it's my grandpas. She thinks I don't own shorts because I don't like wearing shorts so she literally went and gave me a pair of her shorts…
for the munchie part, she's a compulsive liar, and like most munchies, always feels the need to act delicate and weak, she's been to the doctor and tested and they found nothing wrong with her, but she always pretends to not be able to open jars, bottles, open doors, etc
I know she is lying because she gave me a water bottle before and asked to open it because she couldn't but later I saw her carry a 20 lb object, I don't want to fight with her about it to start drama, but I also feel like the excessive worrying she does is somewhat pretentious and offensive, once I was at work all day and I was tired out, I came home and fell asleep and she accused me of being depressed, if I leave she spams my phone asking me if I got home because she's "nervous" and she has tried putting me in kids classes before, made me eat at the kids table, and always tries to get me to do what the 8-12 yr old grandkids are doing. sorry for the rant, needed to vent
No. 201521
>>201516Welp, information about this kind of stuff wasn't as good back then (I'm assuming you're not a 10yo). It's sad to think maybe you could have had some help but you're not going to change the past.
I'm in the same situation, I never got the psychiatric help my doctor recommended because it was too shameful. Sure, it would probably have been better to be helped back then instead of letting it grow into this mess but being mad at my mom for it isn't going to turn back time.
No. 201575
>>201516I know what you mean anon, I have a similar story but not as extreme
basically ever since i was in primary school teachers have constantly told my parents to get me help because I have a hard time paying attention, slow learning, awkward and no social skills, which lead me to be the outcast in middle school, no friends, and developed several shit like depression, anorexia, self harming etc, this was in 2002–2006 so it's not like tumblr was a thing with self induced depression, they refused to ever get me help despite the school telling them I need help, I begged them to get me a therapist since I was 12 but they always "forgot" until I was 16 and had a suicide attempt, and the hospital pretty much forced them to get me help but only for a short time because I refused to talk to my therapist (I got fucked over and betrayed by my first one) and then canceled my therapy all together because she got pissed that the doctor gave me a new form of medicine when she had 3 unused bottles of lexapro, which she kept locked up in her drawer and everytime I had to remind her to give me my medicine she would through a bitchfit
No. 201576
>>201521Yeah, my anger is probably definitely displaced but looking at those test results and then hearing her saying stuff like "are you retarded?" when I got a bit older just makes me really fucking mad. I feel like she knew something was off and decided to ignore it, then got angry when my issues manifested and spiralled into what I am today.
But I guess I should just let go and deal with this myself, idk what I would have done in her position back then.
No. 201580
>>201575Didn't see your reply when I posted
>>201576 but yeah. I just feel fucking cheated.
>basically ever since i was in primary school teachers have constantly told my parents to get me help because I have a hard time paying attention, slow learning, awkward and no social skillsI almost wish teachers did this for me but I only had one HS guidance counselor ask my mom if I was delayed or something. Teachers loved me because I was quiet and I got good grades most of the time. And the only reason I managed that was because my mother constantly pushed me past my limit with studying (by myself). in the short term, that all worked out because I made it through school with mostly good grades and getting my associates was easy but honestly I feel dead inside.
I was also a weirdo social outcast but she always had me in nice clothes with pretty hairstyles, plus her friends had kids around my age range, so I coasted by on that too for a while. Most of those people weren't really friends though and I found out at least one girl I basically grew up with always thought I was a weirdo and never really liked me. :/
idk I think you had a more extreme case than me actually since technically the only therapy I got was a brief stint in highschool, and it didn't lead to medications or anything.
I don't even think I'm making sense anymore.
No. 201589
>>201580I kinda sympathise except my parents did get me treatment. The sad part is that it was the wrong kind and I was needlessly pumped full of drugs for years because they didn't know many psychiatrists are only out to get that €€€, and I didn't know that not all pills necessarily work (I had really bad anxiety, like crying-in-a-corner-for-a-week-and-only-drinking-water bad). We lived in a tiny bogger town where that type of thing is severely stigmatised so they had no information to go off of, as nobody dared to talk about it. People would just try to pray the cray away at best, and doctors in the capital knew that so they often tried to milk as much money as they could out of us. I guess what I'm trying to say is there's different ways to get fucked up as a kid and many parents just kind of wing it without knowing the consequences of their actions, unfortunately.
On a separate note: I'm an only child in a place where everyone had at least 1 sibling, and my parents were/are separated. They constantly bickered when they were together and even went at each other's throats at one point. We were extremely poor and I remember always playing by myself and being alone. After they separated I went to live with my mum and gran and all I remember from that period is constant screaming. I got the infamous wooden spoon treatment on an almost daily basis, which nana later upgraded for a switch. They dressed me in boys' hand-me-downs (from our neighbour) and I always looked unkempt. I think that's what eventually drove me bonkers.
Now that I'm an adult I can look back and see how fucked up the entire situation was. I'm pretty much a recluse now, and whenever I visit my parents I always feel awkward hugging them. I'm scared of affection and don't show it even if I feel very strongly for some people. I don't remember being hugged or kissed much as a kid at all, my folks were both too preoccupied with their own problems. The only one who hugs me now is my bf and honestly it sometimes makes me cry because I needed that so much more in the past. I never felt like I lived in a safe place where I was loved and appreciated for who I was.
I also feel terribly envious of others, it's always with me, I don't remember ever not feeling like that, not even when I was little. Everyone always had better toys, better looks, boyfriends, better clothes (and later uniforms, though that one was unfounded), more money, parents who loved them and talked to them like a close friend, they were always better at their hobbies, more social and never had to worry about wasting money on 'dumb crap' like cute pencils and marbles etc.
Even now I look at my bf and think he's a right lucky bastard to have parents who are still together, have cushy jobs, a place to stay, money to retire and take care of themselves, no debt, could always buy him anything they wanted and take him to the dentist when he needed to be taken…
I don't hold it against anyone and can separate and hide my jealousy from my actual feelings for each person, but it feels bad to always think you're worth less than everyone else, that other people will always see you as a dumb knacker not worthy of their attention. Because let's face it, plenty still do.
I don't think I'll ever find happiness. I feel like I need to surround myself with puppies, smiles and love 24/7 in order to be calm and content but it's hard when you're in your mid-20s and my boyfriend only has so much to give.
No. 201592
>>201589>I was/is <turquoise> when everyone else is/was <purple>Who cares. LIVE. Don't just BE.
Focus outwards, not inwards.
Think more about what you can give, less about what you can or cannot have.
We need your colour. We need you.
We are that much poorer and weaker when you're stuck staring at your belly button.
Hey! Look at us. Pay us attention.
Touch us and we'll touch you back.
No. 201593
>>201580>>201576Reading these made me remember a memory I had
totally forgotten. In school I had really bad, severe depression and anxiety and couldn't go because it made me physically sick. Since I was so young, I didn't know what was wrong with me and my friends and my parents thought I was faking sick or was being lazy and stupid, which made me feel even worse. I remember one day (this started in middle school) I randomly got sent to a special ed room where they give you those stupid tests and I didn't know why? Did they think I was autistic or something??
No. 201611
>>201589I know how you guys feel.
Looking back I had major issues and even though I was submitted to a psych ward for a few months I didn't get any treatment afterwards.
Looking back I don't know how no teachers noticed how unkept I was either or my mom even.
I used to not take a shower for a month or so (I didn't smell bad though you could still see it on my skin)
No. 201617
>>201516>Am I wrong for feeling this way?I wouldn't say you're wrong but there's nothing to gain by holding onto it.
My background is a bit different. I was diagnosed when I was around 5 and my mother did a good enough job working around it. But my father by his own admission basically fucked off because he "didnt know how to deal with it". So there was a big experience gap for me, a lot of things I had to learn through my own research a father would usually talk to his son about. He eventually tried to do a 180 but it strongly colored my view of him.
But holding onto that anger wouldn't benefit me, what happened happened. All you can really do is try to move forward now that you have a handle on your problems.
No. 201625
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I will probably never hold down a stable job nor graduate from college with a useful degree. I spend the last 3 years dicking around in a degree making barely any progress.
Now my mother is forcing me to look at other schools and programs, but tbh I'm just so apathetic and burned out from fucking nothing.
I have no social skills, life skills or job experience in anything. I'm too depressed to step outside.
I feel like I was never really given a chance in life from shitty learning disorders and reading shit from the school when I was 7 saying I was predisposed for depression and anxiety. Like I was doomed from the start.
No. 201636
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This morning I looked at myself in the mirror and saw five white hair, three to one side and two to the other. I already had found white hair before, I used to yank them out and never think about it again, but now I'm worried. It's more than five for sure. I'm 22, is it normal?
No. 201638
>>201636Yes, it is. Most people I know get white hairs in their 20's. I myself have about 2 or 3 popping up every week, and I am 24. Bu to be fair, I've been kinda stressed lately kek.
5 white hairs are nothing.
No. 201687
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I've never been good at making friends, and I don't really have any memories of being in a friend group where we share interests and can talk about everything.
I was in an abusive relationship for about 4 years, where we began as close friends. I'm glad I got out of it, but I realize that I only became more isolated and scared to interact with others, and I even miss having this person that I could confide in.
I'm dating another person now, who is friendly and kind and has stable mental health, and who has a group of friends who he always hangs out with and interacts with. I feel like such a red flag having no friends and just waiting my turn to talk to my partner. My social media is just me spamming what I would run to tell a friend, or my boyfriend, but I don't want to annoy anyone with my dumb inane shit.
He's kind to me, and understands my situation and why I act the way I do, but I hate feeling like a burden. I want to be normal.
How do people make good friends? How do I get people to talk to so I can become healthier and overrall less crazy?
No. 201696
Weird place to ask for advice, but is there any way you guys have been able to get your doctors to take you seriously?
I have been having difficulty with sleeping since I was about 14. I am tired all the time. Honestly, most of the time all I can think about is how tired I am and how much I want to be sleeping. It has gotten worse the older I am. Currently, I've started falling asleep without knowing it. I will wake up at my boyfriend's house, friends' houses, even on the bus, without knowing how much time has passed or even where I am. I will oversleep every day, even though I have three different alarms at various locations in my room. I'm so fucking tired all the time and caffeine just makes me anxious without making me any less sleepy.
I've brought this up to two different doctors and all they tell me is, "You need to exercise, you need to eat better, you are just depressed." Alright, seems reasonable. Except that I exercise three times a week. I take supplements. I watch my caloric intake. I have a 19 BMI. I'm not depressed. I have self-esteem problems, but I know what depression feels like and it's just not me.
When I tell my doctors this, they just tell me to exercise more. "Do cardio 5 times a week instead of 3! Go vegan!" But I'm too exhausted constantly to exercise more than I already do, and I feel like going vegan would make me feel worse.
How do I advocate for myself without sounding like a munchie? I honestly, truly feel like there's something wrong with me. I just want a doctor to listen to me and try to get to the bottom of this. I don't want to be so exhausted all the time.
Since this is a vent thread just wanna say my self-esteem is at an all time low and it's really fucking with my life.
No. 201701
>>201696It sounds like you're not getting quality sleep at night. You could ask your doctor for a sleep evaluation, even just to see how you sleep.
Though, tbh I wouldn't knock trying veganism. I used to be really sleepy and tired all the time, but after switching to a more plant-based/low carb diet I can go through the whole day without feeling like I need a nap. My old diet wouldn't even classify as unhealthy, but carbs really fuck me up for some reason.
No. 201702
>>201689Try photoshop or something and see how it suits you. If it looks good, no shame in doing it! You do what's best for you anon.
Everyone tells me my brows are too small and far apart but that's what suits me best since my face is tiny and narrow and my eyes kind of close together.
No. 201705
>>201704I don't snore and as far as I know, I don't stop breathing.
I spent a week with my grandmother recently and she told me she kept checking in on me when I was sleeping because I made so very little noise she thought I was dead.
No. 201707
>>201696Had kinda the same problem not as extreme, you might have thyroid issues.
Since they found out I had it I'm on meds now and they help (I have depression too though so it's not like I got all of my energy back)
Anyways since I take those med's I feel much better and don't have to take naps all the time.
No. 201709
>>201707Also go to a thyroid specialist normal doctors don't really know what to do.
Mine didn't even found out about it because they have wrong numbers.
My current thyroid doctor knows exactly what's going on which helps.
No. 201715
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>>201687>How do people make good friends?Make a list of interests, do things and join clubs related to them. Gives you an easy way to get your foot in the door and get to know each other. I mean I get it's easier said than done, most of my hobbies are antisocial. But there's no real easy way to make friends other than putting yourself out there, it's not like you'll meet them in your room.
No. 201717
>>201696Fucking hate those goddamn doctors.
Useless sacks of shit.
Are you getting enough nutrients? If you use MyFitnessPal or the like you can track your nutrient intake and adjust accordingly.
No. 201725
>>201722Making an account on fetlife when you're inexperienced and apparently want relatively vanilla things strikes me as a good example of putting the carriage before the horse. You talk about fetishes but you just talk about cuddling and a bit of spanking, when I think fetlife I think hardcore BDSM and watersports.
Also people dress it up but Tinder was literally made for NSA sex. It doesn't matter if some people try to force it into becoming an actual dating app, that's not going to go away.
No. 201732
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My father died of cancer in 2012 and today I was going through his old closet and found a few of his diaries (2009-2012).
He didn't write much, so it's mostly doctor appointments. But there are also a couple plans he thought of on how to help the local community. He also kept track of the temperature outside, especially in winter.
I cried so hard when I found them. I wish he kept a more detailed track of his life, or I had more of these diaries so I could read more and get to know him better.
I miss him.
No. 201736
>>201732My mother died of cancer in 2012 and that was almost what I was going to vent about. Sometimes I miss her so much I can't stand it. It drives me crazy thinking I won't ever know some answers, what she thought about some things - even if they're not important - or what she'd do if she was in my situation.
The most difficult part is not grieving or missing her here - like, physically. It's just that I seem stuck in the same old point and I'm scared all this pain won't ever change, will stay like this…Numb. That's the word.
She took chemo bc she wanted to see me finishing my degree (I was starting) and she didn't even make it till I finished my first year. It's just so frustrating to me.
No. 201740
>>201736>>201732anons, you're both extremely strong and i wish you the best in the rest of your lives.
i've lost three extremely close people in my life in the last two years (grandfather, grandmother, and grunkle–all of which were present through everything). my father refuses to get his own health checked out despite us all worrying. his real dad died of a heart attack, his mother has had two bypasses, and his brother died of a heart attack. i think he's scared to find out something is wrong because he KNOWS something isn't right. i just want him to get checked, i want my dad to be there for my wedding and for his grandkids.
No. 201741
>>201740>>201740Thank you SO much and same goes to you.
My grandfather is acting like your father and I know it may be because of my mother's death. Sometimes I feel so bad for him because it makes me sad to think the fear it's stronger than the need to know if everything's right with his health (which I know in part it isn't, due to stomachal problems).
My grandmother, in the other hand, is extremely worried about everyone, all the time, over-protecting us…It overwhelms me because it seems I can't take two steps without her getting -actually- worried about my well-being…And I remind myself it's because of my mother passing away. It seems that everything just reminds me of what happened and some days it's just…Ugh.
No. 201752
>>201748dude, that's…. holy fuck..
I feel ya, im a major germaphobe too - certain things are nearly impossible to stop "seeing" the germs until you literally just forget about it. You've showered 3 times, you've disinfected your cuts and hell for good measure I'd throw a little hydrogen peroxide all over your leg lol… next step is just don't stop this from ruining your vacation and get yourself busy and distracted from that terrible experience. You're clean, despite what you may feel or think, the germs are gone - they're dead.
Tomorrow will be a new day anon, now go have fun on ur vacation!! have a drink or 5 to help u forget
No. 201753
>>201748Sue their shit anon (no pun intended)
Document every cut, scrape and bruise, every interaction with the staff, everything
No. 201765
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My new gym is so gross.
Due to my money situation I got a new gym membership (since my old one was free with my accommodation and i moved out). Since I'm low on money I'm on the off-peak program which means i can only go between 9pm to 9am. Not an issue for me anyway since i'm a night owl.
but the horrible gross old men that go at these times make me want to stop going altogether. I wouldn't consider myself attractive by any means, i'm semi fit and wear normal gym gear. I'm even with my boyfriend every time i go but i'm so discouraged to do my 100% workout since i have at least 1 gross man just staring at me.
Yesterday I had to fucking leave early because this Persian guy legit stopped what he was doing and followed me around for 30 mins. I assumed he was going to talk to me, but nope. Just looking at me AND LICKING HIS GROSS OLD FUCKING LIPS. I called him a "gross old cunt" and proceeded to get my boyfriend and cut my workout short, He still followed us still i left the building fully.
I never had these issues at my old gym, yes people look, i'm guilty too. It's nice to check people out at the gym i mean people working hard and looking good is something you can't ignore but staring at someone is disgusting. I don't care if they're staring because someone looks different, or if they have bad form, or its plain admiring. If they're not going to go up and talk to the person (which you really shouldn't anyway at the gym) just go somewhere else.
I'm seriously considering an all woman gym.
No. 201774
>>201768honestly i've done the same thing with my ex, it's actually a literal chemical addiction in your brain so seeing them with someone else still hurts
it'll just take time for it to pass, but you need to stop checking it, don't turn it into a bad habit
No. 201775
>>201748sue them jfc
something similar happened to a friend of mine once
No. 201814
>>201732my mother died a few days before my 7th birthday, but she was an avid writer (something i inherited). treasure those diaries, even if they're only doctor appointments and the like. also, my deepest condolences to you, cancer is an awful way to go.
also, i really like that picture, but i didn't realize how morbid it was until i saw the noose around the guy's neck, lol
No. 201832
>>201812has your dog been around negative males before? my cat would attack my husband the first few times he came over when we first started dating, but it's because my ex would get physically and verbally violent with me and the cat wanted to protect me. now the cat and him are nearly inseparable.
maybe try getting your dog to be near you guys when you hug/kiss, and give him pets and positive reaffirmation when he DOESN'T bark and jump and all that. it seems like he's trying to protect you but that doesn't mean he thinks your boyfriend is bad–he just doesn't like another human touching his human.
No. 201863
>>200755>>200774Late reply, I know,.. but I learned that we have people in other departments that obsessively look up anyone who gets hired on here to see who they might be working with…
Turns out the new hiree has been arrested a couple times in the past year for marijuana possession. I also have 0 idea what his real age is. FB says he was born in 1991 (I know that I shouldn't put stock into that, but he's also updated his major to being botany/marketing/chemistry instead of flat botany like before), but the arrest listings/mugshots have him listed as being born in 1997.
Do we really not background check anyone here? Or require you to put previous arrests? I don't recall if that was a requirement on my application because I don't have any and could've overlooked that… but Somewhere he is lying. Like, what the hell.
No. 201868
Sometimes I can't believe how my so called ''best friend'' acts. It's unbelievable how deluded he is about his own life.
I love him, I really do, but at times it's so hard just to stand a guy like him. He thinks it's okay to judge everyone / everything that doesn't affect him directly, specially when it's something related to someone close to him (like me). And I don't mean it in a good way. It's like he always has to think the worst about everyone.
I.e., someone who has a partner can't be too clingy or it becomes cringey (in his opinion). PDA? UGH, no! He's not / can't be like that!…When the truth is he IS like that. When he meets a girl, she becomes his entire world. In the past years, I had to see how someone catfished him, lied to him, LAUGHED at him and then emotional blackmailed him. And he chose her before anyone else. He caused so much shit between our friend group because of his / her lies, it's so frustrating. Well, until last year he still defended her / him right to talk to her because he thought nobody should comment on his life (when he's the one being nosy all the time).
But then he met this girl -in RL-, they started dating and he denies everything that had happened with the other girl. Like, telling she wasn't that special, that he wasn't actually in love with her, that she was a complete asshole..He supossedly hates PDA because his new girl hates PDA, he doesn't say ''I love you'' too much because she's avoiding the moment she has to say it to him, he doesn't want to hold hands because it reminds HER about her ex. But he says it's because she finds it cringey or too much, of course. Not buying any of it.
And this goes for every aspect of his life. When another person does it, it's terrible and ''omg how people can act like that, I would never'', when he does it, he always has an excuse to justify it.
I think it frustrates me so much because I'm closer to him than any of our friends and I have to see year after year how he only lies to himself. I like to think that at the end of the day he's the one with this problem, because I cba about him deluded way of thinking anymore, it never ends.
No. 201870
>>201833I hope it's easier for you too. <3
I think it's strange how pain works sometimes. When my mother died, I didn't feel at all for a long time. I think when I was supposed to grief her I just couldn't accept the idea of never seeing her again, or talk to her. Then when a year has passed, all that pain came over me and left me…Full of it. I had to search for medical help because people expected me to be better at that point, not worse.
How do you people deal with pain? (Not only because of losing someone). Do you confront it, embrace it, avoide it?…I'm just curious.
No. 201873
>>201870i learned that it's always best to keep old messages on the phone from people, or old videos just because it's nice to hear their voices sometimes when you can't do it often.
i'm bad when it comes to pain–physical pain i'm good with. i got a concussion once and didn't even cry. mental pain? i bottle it in until i reach a breaking point and everything bubbles over, leaving me an absolute wreck. i don't really know how to better myself from it.
No. 201881
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this is a bit of a dumb little thing to bitch about but I need to vent
this company keeps taking vintage photos, shooping them then calling them original and their own, it pisses me off because people are now using it as a defense when you call bodies types like the left unrealistic, and people are using it to the pull the "OH WELL GIRLS IN THE 50S WERE SHAPED LIKE THAT"
while the 50s did have standards of beauty, they weren't as unreasonably unattainable as todays standards with huge ass hips, an ass that sticks out 4 feet, concave stomach, and 17 inch waist as well as perfect round big even boobs with small pink nipples, an anime vagina, with the face of a literal child
the standards nowadays are really starting to drive me mad, especially when people feel the need to ALWAYS comment on girls bodies or if the girl is ugly or not, it seems like no matter what unless you're perfect if you show your face in the public eye people feel the need to bash the ever loving shit out of you
but ugly men don't get jack shit for it, then when you try to speak out about the insane standards as well as people going out of their way to call any girl or woman ugly for not fitting a certain criteria
I even considered breaking up with my boyfriend before because I didn't think he deserved having to stay with a body as awful as mine
No. 201887
>>201767A fucking truck followed me once to get my phone number.
Like that guy even turned around since I went into a side street.
And only because I waved back at him.
I kinda admire his confidence but what the fuck creepy.
Those fuckers are thirsty af.
No. 201928
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I don't know if i do this correct, i am new here and i am not so good with english.
so i hope you guys can forgive me.
I just need someone else opinon on that. It is going to be long but please bear with me.
Let me explain:
I am not intrested in sex or anything like that. (wouldn't call myself asexual because maybe i will meet the alien of my dreams one day) and instat of going to partys i like playing video games. i love being alone in front of my pc. Speaking with people online is okay, but meeting them is kinda stressfull (just with some very good friends i know it isn't that stressfull). Most of my friends don't have a problem with that.
Somtimes i would like to play some online games with someone. Like a buddy or something, most of my friends don't play much.
A friend introdcue to me a guy (we were in teamspeak)
So i start talking to this guy and he is nice. But because i am a little paranoid i tolt this guy on our first meeting that i am just intrestet in video games, that i don't want a realtionship or stuff like that. Just plain old video games. He told me that is no problem for him.
Some month later as we played, he made some allusion (is that correct?) and i asked him if he hoped that we getting together or something like that. He said yes.
of course i was angry and told him, that i do not like that and so on.
He said he did not know that i was not intrestet in a relationship. Which was NOT true. But he said that he still wanted to be friends so i forgave him.
Some time later, he did it again. I was really angry. He said that he though that i was maybe just playing hard-to-get. So i told this guy again that i am NOT interested in stuff etc.
He apologized and i let it slide. (I feelt bad everytime, then maybe i gave him some false vibes or something.)
So again some month later he tried it again. You imagen how angry i was. The problem is i can't really express how angry i am, i do not like to use many swearword and often i think it is my fault too. So i told him that i can understand that he has problem with his feelings but i really don't want. If he wants to stay friends he has to stop that or else i block him.
He promised he won't do it again.
Well he didn't, but i can not make a joke or something without him saying something really stupid or he draws some stupid conclusions.
He also can't be alone. I was for like 1 day not online and he send me a message if i was okay and if he had done something bad. Of course i didn't reply immediatley, so he wrote me a message on my phone (he got the nummer from me at the beginning, because i am a stupid shit who can't say no). I then told him i would tell him if i had a problem with him and that i have a real life so i am not alway online, even if i don't like it but we all have to. If i am away a month he can panik. I also told him that i don't want him to write me on my phone (because i realised what a idiot i was for givin him my number).
So this panik of him never really went away, especally if i didn't want to play with him, (i want to play some singleplayer games too). He always messeged me if he did something wrong and i always told him that i would tell him if he did.
So the last week my parents weren't at home so i enjoyed the peace and wasn't much online. I was 2 day in a row not online(which is not long for me), so he wrote me on the second day in my messenger, which i could not read because i wasn't online.
Next day he wrote me a message on my phone, with the sentence: "i know you don't want me to write you messages here."
I don't need to tell you i was pretty angry at him. Not only did he not wait a day for my respons he also did ignore my request of not using my phonnumber.
So i wrote him that evening, that i am really angry and i feel totaly observed (he always writes with me immediatley when i am online), that i wanted some time for myself and he really needs to calm down. I don't need to tell him all the time what i am doing.
He got also really angry and wrote that he was just worried and so on. I felt bad, but he alway did that, he always pulls out the victim card. He never admits that he did something wrong too. I always told him that i can understand him that it is hard to fall in love with someone who doesn't love you bad. Or that i am just a little too sensitive.
I did not answer him, because i didn't want to write something inconsiderately. Next day he send me a youtube video. I told him i did not want to do something with him because i am still mad. He said he though so but maybe the weekend. I don't know why but that made me again so angry, like in 3 days everythink would be okay and normal again. So i told him i don't think so. He threw a tantrum and told me that he will never ever care for a friend and that i am totaly bitching write now.
Again i just waited for my anger to stop, so i did not reply.
Now 2 days later he wrote me that he is sorry and he wants to be friends again.
From the friend at the beginning i know i am one of the few contact he has and that he never really stoped having hope that i will be his girlfriend. She also told me that he said maybe if someone would kiss me or something i would maybe like being in a relationship.
Having every 2 month a bad feeling because he can't stand something and is mad at me, is really stressfull and of course the other thinks my friend told me.
I am really thinking of ending this friendship.
The problem is, he is nice and i like playing with him. I feel really bad, like i am just a overly sensitv person who wanted a toy and know it is too stressfull so i give it away.
So em yeah, thanks for you attention and i hope you can help me.
No. 201949
>>201930Yes i know, it is a bad habit of mine to care too much about people.
I just don't want him to become one of those womanhating men, because i blocked him.
I will explane myself in one last text and then block him. Maybe he will learn from it.
Thank you.
>>201939Never though about it, it sounds like a good idea, i will try it.
Thank you anno
You guys are really nice. Thanks a lot.
No. 201952
>>201939>>201949Imho that's a shit idea, cause you are still dealing with people. Some of them might be as emotional as you are. We are all dealing with shit here, no need to be an asshole because of it. Used to be a close friend of a person who couldn't leave their room and could only rely on online companionship. Said friend got really emotionally fucked up by people with similar idea ghosting him and treating like shit. He had to deal with rapidly detoriating health and poverty, so yeah.
Continue remembering that you deal with other people online, but be careful and don't be afraid to stand your ground and protect your boundaries.
No. 201955
>>201952Oh no, i wouldn't try be an asshole to somebody.
I would just try not to feel bad about blocking him.
If i meet a new person of course i would be nice to them.
>>201953Well i was not always angry at him just those times and enjoyed playing video games with him in between.
I understand so just blocking.
Thank you
No. 201961
>>201955It's nice that you don't want to br an asshole but sometimes you have to be if he still doesn't understand.
Don't be a complete asshole just don't be all polite either.
I have to deal with a similar situation. Told the guy a couple of times that I don't want anything from didn't help. Now we got mutual friends so I couldn't just ignore him because I would still see him occasionally.
Lucky that this is not the case anymore so I can finally completely ignore him.
Anyways my point is ; he never learned from me saying no. Even when I was fucking rude and mad and believe me I'm not normally someone who is rude on purpose.
I don't think it matters what you say though he will probably be mad anyways. He might learn from it.
No. 201968
>>201961I know, i try.
I am happy that you are finaly able to ignore him.
If i had to meet him again, i would have been terrible.
Thank you for telling me your story.
I am sure he will be mad, but i think it will be best for both us us.
Thank you again ano
No. 201973
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my psych diagnosed me with bipolar disorder w/ traits of schizophrenia (he thinks) so i have to take this stupid idiot seroquel medicine
the problem is it makes me gain a shit ton of weight. he knows i have really severe issues with my body, disordered eating etc, but now i've ballooned up to 206 lbs from 170 (im 5'5 so i was already a fatass but u know i was losing weight before i took it) now i just feel really depressed and dont want to go outside ever. i'm scared of anyone seeing my gross body. i don't even recognize myself in the mirror anymore, dont take selfies anymore, dont send nudes, anything.
but the seroquel does help me with anxiety and psychosis, and makes me sleep at night; without it i cant sleep at all. i barely eat anything but it still makes me fat
part of me is just posting this here cause i know lolcow is notably brutal and someones going to say "starve harder fatty" but part of me also wnats somoene to validate me?? idk i just feel like evrything is pointless if im 200 lbs. even if you have a shit personality people will still like you if youre skinny. but if youre a fatass no one will want to talk to you. ive been the ugly friend my whole life. i hate myself so much. idk what to do.
No. 201976
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>>201973Make a schedule and organize your eating habits
remember 3500 cal = 1 pound
work out and burn off more calories than you eat and eat smaller portions as well as keeping a balanced diet
I also find that planning out my meals ahead of time, and making sure the calories are under 1700 helps a lot
stay hydrated, drinking a warm cup of tea every morning can help fasten metabolism and planning a workout schedule
here's a diet planner your exercise, do cardio everyday, sometimes find ways to do it when passing time (drying off after taking a bath, before going to sleep so you can make yourself tired, etc)
No. 201979
>>201963Anxiety sucks and I know it's hard, but try to breathe and simplify things in your head: you're attracted to that person because you found he/she attractive and it's completely normal, it just means you have eyes in your face and you like what you see. That doesn't mean you have to DO something about it, just as when you see someone famous or similar.
Try not to feel guilty because you don't chooose who you find attractive, you have your own taste and that won't change not now, not ever. You didn't do anything wrong, the guilt you feel it's because you're actually scared of hurting / losing your fiance and that's what matters. I'd be worried if you didn't care at all but you're already having nightmares and everything. You're not a bad person for feeling what you're feeling and you have to convince yourself you're not doing - anything - wrong. I hope you get better. <3
No. 201984
>>201976Not that other anon but wow thank you so much for posting that website, it's such a great idea.
I'm laughing though because it suggests spinach for my lunch. Nothing else, just spinach.
No. 201985
>>201979Thank you so much. This was legit touching. I've struggled with anxiety my whole life, but it's only gotten worse into adulthood. I'm better than I was before. I think sometimes, I just need to hear other people tell me I'm not doing anything wrong to make myself chill. Idec about the guy other than as a friend, and my fiance didn't care when I told him about my anxiety…he spent time with me while I was crying my eyes out and tried to soothe me. He is such a good man and god I'm lucky.
Thank you again. <3 I'm glad that people this kind are on these boards!
No. 202003
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I'm really constipated and gassy and my bumhole is cramping so bad Jesus Mary and Joseph someone please help me I'm dying
No. 202008
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there's some fire drill testing at my apartment complex, and they'll be going into suites at some point. i'm getting kinda anxious over it, i don't like people in my private space, pisses me off. like, fuck off and go away, i'll burn to death if it means i'll avoid strangers seeing my shit and having awkward interactions. aaa
>>202003knees to chest pose to release gas
>>202005eh from the occult perspective you'd probably be told to do a banishing ritual for a while, lbrp is the usual go-to
No. 202026
I always thought I'd be dead before hitting 18.
I don't know from where this certainty came from? I was pretty sure I'm gonna either kill myself or die somehow. I've been suicidal, yes. And I lowkey still am. I don't think I've ever had depression though? I enjoy my hobbies, I'm optimistic and I genuinely laugh a lot. But life just… doesn't feel right to me. I've never been in love, had sex, travelled abroad, worked. I don't really feel tempted to try any of those. Society is something I can't see myself in, but also I'm soaked in those norms and standards and shit, I'm torn in between. And I really love my parents, and becoming a hermit would disappoint and hurt them. But the only things keeping me alive are them and nature. I truly do love nature and this planet in general. I wish I could become a hermit in a nice place, by the woods or shit, I feel so different alone in nature, but also I'm so spoiled by technology. I'm doomed. I chose a hard profitable subject to study, to earn lotsa money fast for that nice recluse's hut somewhere… I thought "well girl, you can kill yourself anytime. Let's try this, maybe it'll work" Now those studies eat away my free time and creativity. I feel even emptier. Like what the hell am I doing with my life. I'm kinda a wild child at heart, but also I'm a coward, taking safe routes where I can always back away, because maybe the truest truth is, I'm a comfortable normie. And all of this is just some coming out of age shit and I'll finish my degree, get that job and suddenly be divorced with 3 kids.
I'm drunk. I don't know if what I wrote is readable. Sorry.
No. 202042
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Fell for a guy. Ended up choosing some childish annoying e-camwhore who flashes her nudes to all his friends in front of him over me. Stopped talking to me at all except when she's busy and he needs some dick tickling.
I know I'm shit, but what the fuck, man.
Not sure whether to be more disgusted at myself, the man, or the girl. Probably myself.
Would post her shit, but I know I'd be the only one getting fucked over. Besides, it's only childish of me.
still sucks. Heart wants who it wants, then stupid shit like this happens.
No. 202043
>>202026Hey anon that's pretty relatable. I don't want to come off like i think i know everything about you or everything you're going through but this sounds so much like how i felt in college. I'm a big loner, only keep friends and lovers if it's absolutely worth it to me (usually not) and for a long time i thought i was completely incapable of having a job or wanting one and that i would either have to be a hermit or die. I like the idea of that hermit life too but i really don't think it's your only option. You sound like you're less delusional than most people so you haven't tricked yourself into thinking the normie life script is your only destination and identity. The fact that you haven't had much experience in the arenas you mentioned just exacerbates the feeling that you never will. I gotta tell you that just getting a part time job and genuinely allowing myself to quit if I hated it lifted such a big weight off my shoulders. I still don't really know what I want to do for the rest of my career, maybe I will end up a hermit in the woods, but the knowledge that I can learn to pull off an easy normie job is such a relief. It's not the work itself that's the imprisonment, it's feeling that you HAVE to do it for societal approval or survival. A lot of work goes into achieving freedom and self-reliance too.
Sorry if this is unhelpful but you sound a little troubled and I really get the feeling that you're a lot smarter and capable than your lack of experience has lead you to believe.
No. 202049
>>202031It's gonna be a level of filthy normal people can barely comprehend because people become goddamn animals in shared accommodation.
There's more chance of them getting you sick 5 times within the first two months than anything sinister.
No. 202050
>>202042Cut yourself off from the dude, get into tinder/reddit dating (r4r or whatever), meet other people, remind yourself he's a mediocre piece of shit and nothing to write home about.
Good luck with getting over your crush.
No. 202053
I'm being taken advantage of by one of the parents of a kid every I babysit daily. He shows up at least an hour late every single day and sometimes he hangs out with my husband when he comes to pick his kid up, and when he does he doesn't take over watching his kid, he still leaves the job to me, hours after my "shift" is supposed to be over. My husband is just like me and we are too nice to tell him off about it, but he does try to help me watch the kid to make it a little easier on me, in front of the father who still does not step in. Also, when the kid fucks up (hits, kicks, hits my animals, lies, etc) he makes excuses for what is done to make it out like it isn't the kid's fault, and absolutely refuses to reprimand his kid for what is done. Not to mention, he doesn't give the kid, which is kindergarten age, a bedtime, so there is a sleep-deprived tantrum every single day that I must deal with. Oh, and he was supposed to send the child to my house having been fed breakfast and with a meal for lunch, but he does not, and I am forced to feed the child because I cannot allow them to go hungry.
No. 202057
So, two years ago I once had an art friend that I can talk to about art and fandoms in general. She's fun and happy-go-lucky and she sometimes forgets to manage her priorities.
In first year, we got kinda close in the second semester, and one day we were partners for a project and the task was simple: you color the A0 sized plan given to you. I got UTI and vomited a lot at home, and told her via chat to do her part until I get better so she won't have to do anything once she handed the plan to me. Once I did get better we met outside the classroom so she can now hand the project to me, and guess what? She didn't do her part. So we ended up cramming the whole piece.
Fast forward to two years, she kept missing classes back then, and her art improved. Oh, and fun fact: she only skipped classes because she was gifted a graphics tablet by her parent (despite her having low af grades, 10/10 parenting) and would rather to stay at home and draw to build her following on her Facebook Page. That same year I got accepted in an org while she didn't, because of her failing grades. She was pissed, and started working harder. By working harder, I thought she meant her grades. She actually meant her art. While I was working on an org people kept comparing her to me to the point that I was about to go insane because I haven't churned out personal art besides the ones I submitted for the org. Meanwhile, she sacrificed acads for her art to get points from the ppl in the org. But then again, her failing grades would still not get her in though.
We then were grouped with two other people for another project for a class, and the leader decided to hand out individual tasks for everyone. A month later, she barely finished her tasks and one of my groupmates and I instead filled up her part since he and I was already done with ours. At the same time my art friend and I were partners for a writing project, and I gave her the task to add more arguments and citations in the RRL. On the day of the deadline, we went to the print shop to finally print the paper and she gave me a look that says that she didn't do her part (even though she borrowed books from the library for her to read and use for the paper) so I got pissed and ended up cramming the rest of the RRL.
A month later, she's still busy churning out artworks for her Facebook page while I did my best in my acads and so far she kept chatting me about how artist X and Y in the local art scene noticed her. Good for you, boo, but what about your acads? There was even a time when we waited for our next class we drew on our sketchbooks on separate tables. Of course, it drew attention from people to the point that when a lot of people surrounded her she got up on her high horse and talked shit to me in front of everyone. Ofc I got extremely pissed because thinking about that made me remind of all the times I had to fill up for her because she was incompetent and lazy on projects. A few days later I forgave her after apologizing and started watching out for her.
When I get the chance to talk to her via Messenger during study breaks, she would go "yeah I might not come to class later because I don't feel like it and I wanna finish this drawing for muh followers in my FB page". My friends and I kept track of her absences because we care for her that much back then and hoped she won't get debarred.
Later on we had a major wherein we have to submit a plate by the deadline, and funny enough that she still draws because she wants moar followers. Fast forward to the deadline, she didn't submit, she skipped all of her classes, decided to withdraw w/o talking about her parents about it and then talks to me that she has depression despite her not being actually diagnosed.
Now, when we started chatting, she told me that she's depressed because her family is broke and the fact that she was failing all of her classes. Well, at first I bought that shit, until one of her close friends told me that if her family were broke, how come she can still go to dinner with her family in restaurants and watch IMAX movies. Since then I started asking her for more information. As a friend, I tried my best to convince her to not kill herself (she didn't explicitly say that she wants to yet but I just want to be sure). Tbh I think the reason why she failed classes was because she was still being a lazy fuck whose priority is gaining more likes and followers on her facebook page.
Then weeks after she was debarred from classes, and she then started flaunting that she has depression on Facebook and a lot of people bought that shit. It was kind of funny that she's enjoying the sympathy she's gaining from her Facebook friends and followers. When a friend tried to call her out on her bullshit, she would just bring up the depression card as an excuse, and not accept the fact that she was being a lazy ass who only wants attention and pity points. Since then I ignored her for months, even tho she keeps posting about depression n shit on facebook.
Fast forward to 2017, I stopped ignoring her and decided to move on with the bs that happened in the past. She transferred schools and got her dream course. Yeah, good for you. Everytime I felt like talking about art to her. Good for you. But ffs stop whining and complaining about how you can't accept criticism from your professors. You really wanted this course, so why not suck it all up and take the challenge? Like hell, she kept bitching about her one classmate who was dick to everyone but I rooted more for her classmate because instead of whining, she actually finished her projects.
Argh I'm tired and pissed and I just wish she didn't get everything she wanted in the end because she doesn't deserve it at all.
Also sorry for grammatical errors.
No. 202066
>>202057 I understand your frustration here because I met few people in my life whom I know don't deserve what they have at all. At least you could distanciate from her and you know that all she talks is pure BS. At the end of the day she's the one playing the victim and that's just like living a lie. It's kind of sad how people have to excuse themselves.
When I was depressed af in college and classmates called me out because of my depression causing being late in group projects, I was SO ashamed even when I knew it wasn't my fault at all) I wouldn't even think about making up an excuse because, yes, I was being kind of lazy and late.
No. 202099
>>202096Thank you. I have been contacting some shelters this morning and some have a program with trade schools to help you get back on your feet. Your answer just validated my thought and what I was planing to do. Better than be back in a short relationship and from now on I better have a plan b. I regret that I always thought of trusting him and always ignored having a plan b so I wouldn't hurt him.
I was stupid.
No. 202101
>>202043thank you, anon, for putting so much thought into my ramblings. You read me pretty well, yeah.
I actually started thinking about getting a part-time, but I'm a bit worried if I'll manage mentally both uni and work. I barely made it into the next year, it was so hard. And with even less time… I don't know. I also need free time to recharge from being a regular human. Eh.
>It's not the work itself that's the imprisonment, it's feeling that you HAVE to do it for societal approval or survivalYes. No need to add anything, you get it. Sometimes I distance myself from all of this and look at society as a construct. I think it's a very clever idea, I really do. It has my full acclaim. But I also know it's not for me, not because I'm too lazy to work or too cold to start a family. There's just no thing in this world that is good for everyone, I think. And it also applies for society (or the "normie way of living").
Maybe I'll work out something in between… Maybe I'll run away. Doesn't really matter, as long as I'm comfortable with myself and my choices. The most important thing is to remain m e, even if others try to mold me into t h e m. I think.
Thank you, anon, your insight gave me a
trigger to think about it a bit differently. I feel more light-hearted now. Wish you luck with whatever you're facing.
No. 202194
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It looks like I'm going to be spending my birthday alone this year. It's a couple months away but I doubt my situation will change (my only friend just got a new job and has already taken a lot of time off, so she won't be around) and it's just ugghhhh
It's my 21st so I know that's meant to be a big deal, people can say age is just a number and your birthday is just a day but you only turn 21 once. Besides, I haven't done any night life shit or partied in months now and I was looking forward to taking advantage of it.
I spent my 16th alone as well, but at least I had school to break the day up a bit. I'll never forget how it felt, I hung around with my 'friends' and I think one of them gave me a card. I asked if anyone wanted to come back to mine (baring in mind my house was on the same road as my hs) but nope, they all wanted to go home and study. I went home, watched a movie, had some cake with mom and cried. I really don't want to feel like that again
Any ideas on how to celebrate alone?
No. 202195
>>202194>I hung around with my "friends"Reminds me of the time that my "friends" would rather hang out with someone who has enough cash to have dinner with them instead of the birthday boy/girl receiving gifts.
Whenever it's my birthday I always binge watch movies or shows that make me happy, or if you're an artist, you draw characters you care about.
Also, fuck those guys who didn't hang around with you on your birthday. You deserve better friends, anon. Have a virtual hug.
No. 202196
I saw this article and it bothered me am 18, I never had a real job outside of volunteering and working for family shop once in a blue moon which I don't even get paid for, I've been applying after applying for jobs since I was 15, I took several classes and tests such as work keys test so I can get a job and nothing seems to be working
I have medical bills to pay off because I had a suicide attempt and my grandparents paid for the hospital bills and I really need to pay them back and I am in a household with overprotective yet irresponsible parents hence the rush to get a job since I could, when I say overprotective as in, they track my every move, yell at me everytime I go somewhere without telling them, even yelled at me once because after I was done shopping at one store, I went to the store next door without telling them, my parents are alcoholics and will often fight, sometimes get violent when they get drunk, and it has gotten awful and resulted into the death of a pet (not on purpose) which I do not want to get into, my parents think I'm a mentally ill attention seeking liar if I am ever sad or ever have a problem in life
I had to postpone college for the sole reason I couldn't even pay for it and everyone in my family think I'm this big lazy slob who's too stupid to get into college and a bottom feeder because I have no other way to pay for my shit
basically, I need money to move out desperately, I have a long distance boyfriend and want him to visit which is another reason why I want to move out, my parents would never allow me to be with him if they knew and I wouldn't even be able to sneak pick him up from an airport because they have a tracker and go batshit crazy when they can't see where I'm at like they think the second they don't know where I'm at im doing drugs behind a dumpster, Basically I need a job, or a way to make money desperately, I do not want the government to get involved because of other reasons (no I'm not on drugs nor have I ever done drugs/been in jail/anything like that)
what can I do to get a job asap or at least make money? Idc if I make 80 dollars a week just ANYTHING to get me out of this hellhole (no camming or sugar daddys or anything id rather live here than to do that)
No. 202199
>>202195Aw thanks, anon! Hugs to you too :) I've always been unlucky with being friends with people who just don't seem to care about holidays or birthdays etc. Yet still, I surprised them all with cards and brought them gifts on the last day of school bc I'm kind of a doormat and care about sentimentality way too much. I was also the one who organized us going to a restaurant to celebrate, and also (with the help from my parents, who never got any thanks either) organized a limo and photography for our Prom. All that was forever ago now but thinking about it just really gets to me ugh
I remember in 8th grade I let my each girl in my little group chose what gifts they wanted from me for Christmas before hand and none of them even wished me merry Christmas lmao.
It just really sucks that my whole life I've gone out of my way to do little things for others and always get nothing in return. It's not about the gifts but feeling appreciated, ya know? Like I would drop everything to hang out with them but they couldn't even skip one study sesh in the first term for a friends birthday.
That's kind of off track lmao, I do draw so I think spending the day drawing could be nice, I dont really set much time aside for art these days.
No. 202236
I had a tumor removed last friday (parotid tumor, under my right ear, had it for like 4 years,4cm big) had to remove it cause it grows and grows and you just have to fucking remove it! I was scared of surgery cause it can cause facial paralysis and other shit…
So whatever I had this expensive surgery and now I'm here trying to sleep and I'm feeling weird, like having an anxiety or panic attack… (I have anxiety and depression), I'm thinking calm the fuck down, everything is going to be alright! But I had to wake up cause I was feeling too damn weird and scared of even having a stroke for whatever reason..
Now I do have some paralysis, I have to move my face and do some exercises etc, but my right eye wont blink properly and I searched online about it and it turns out you have to ve careful with your eyes in this case, putting tape around to close it while sleeping, so thats what I did and BAM, maybe that's why I'm feeling weird and panicked, I had to remove it and try to calm down, unsuccessfully…
I'm so fucking mad, why the fuck do I have to go through this! Fucking shitty tumor! I hate this I am in pain I am so fucking done!
Can't complain, there's no use in it, I had to remove it yes or yes…
I'm so sad and I feel weird and scared :(
No. 202240
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>>202213>I just don't really know what to do.All you can really do is try to address what caused you to fail and try to move forward. You've already acknowledged the big problems, you slacked off and didn't take it seriously. So how are you going to approach those problems? When I swapped over from a highschool to college mindset I set up a schedule with hard limits, learned to apply a sort of triage to my studies, and held myself to a certain list of standards. Also realize it's fine to stumble as long as you put yourself back on track, I was about to have a panic attack last semester when I got a 40% on my first quiz but I ultimately passed with an A.
>>202214>Settle with a class that I wasn't looking forward toIs this an arts thing? It's always just a question of if you make the prereqs in my major at least as an undergraduate, and making sure you sign up with your preferred professor before others. Like if you don't have a C minimum in Calc 2 you can't take Calc 3.
No. 202241
>>202194Anon for me it's totally the same: never had much friends and even the small clique i was in, never really cared. I haven't celebrated my birthday in years. I always tried to go out of my way, to ask everybody i invited beforehand, when they have time, but still so many never managed to make it… It's frustrating, especially, if you always try to be there for them, but never get anything in return, makes you wonder, what is wrong with oneself, because others somehow seem to always be able to party with all their friends…
My birthday is in 2 days and i'm just very glad, that i have to work there, because otherwise my parents would bug me to "go out with your friends!", when it's simply not that easy… Actually i'm no longer even scared of just celebrating my birthday with my family, what i'm really scared of already months prior is New Years Eve, which is "traditionally" celebrated there i'm from, with basically binge drinking with your friends; you can't stay with your parents. So every single year i'm franctically asking the little amount of people i know, what they are doing etc. in hope of them asking whether i'd like to join… because what better way to greet the new year, than completely alone.
I know that this probably doesn't help you but i wanted you to know, that there are more peolpe in the same situation. Do you still live with your parents? I'd think it would be easier if not; at least nobody would constantly repreminding you of your loneliness.
Its so frustrating thinking your a normal, kind girl; when why is nobody wanting to spend time with you? You mentioned the aspect of having more money, but i always felt, that the prettier the others were, the more friends they had…
No. 202250
>>202194>>202241Your experiences remind me of my life since I was a preteen till…Well, now. It's not that I feel left out, it's just that I know I'm not a priority for none of my friends when I always try to put them first because I actually care about them, not to get anything in return.
Same with birthdays and parties…I.e., when I decided I wanted to celebrate something small this year for my birthday, I asked when they were free almost three weeks prior just to choose a day…And I felt like I was running after them just to get a simple yes or no. But when I can't go out / can't be in a certain party, almost everybody decides to join even in the last hours of the same day.
In my case I think it's because I care too much and they don't. I don't mean it in a bad way, it's just that, as I said, I'm always thinking about meeting my friends because I want to spend time with them and maybe if I don't they'll get upset or something…While they don't think like that: for them it's as simple as: if I wanna go, I'll go, if I'm not feeling it, it'll be another day…
>Do you still live with your parents? I'd think it would be easier if not; at least nobody would constantly repreminding you of your loneliness.(I'm not the first anon). I live alone with my boyfriend and it's true that maybe living with your parents it's kind of harder because they care about you being alone or not. In my personal experience, though, I have much more anxiety now that I live ''alone'' because the pressure I receive is from myself and sometimes I feel extremetely guilty because I start to overthink everything.
I studied in my degree something called ''distorted thoughts'' and there's one called ''fallacy of the divine reward''. It means that when we do so much for other people and we don't receive the same or equal things we tend to feel frustrated and see it as unfair. For me, it's unfair the lot of effort I put with my friends and what they give me in return, I just can't feel it any other way. But I have to remind myself that only because I do the effort, that doesn't mean they'd appreciate it as I'd appreciate it, just because they're different people.
No. 202278
>>202194I feel you. I've been spending most of my bdays alone since I was 18 and every time it feels like shit.
My advice to you is to treat yourself. Buy few slices of cakes you like, splurge on some expensive food and cook yourself a good meal (or buy something premade), make the day about you. Go to the movies or watch something at home, do a spa day, or something a bit special and out of ordinary. I usually clean my house the day before and buy something extra nice for myself for breakfast (like some fancy coffee blend), it sort of sets the mood for the next day.
No. 202281
Like I feel bad about the girl who is supposed to be my "best friend". Like we've been best friends for years, but after taking time to think about it, she's been incredibly flaky. Last year, we lived together, and she seemed really tired for work, which I understand, but then she wouldn't go out to eat with me even when my parents offered to pay.
Then she moved a couple of hours away and quit her job to study. Ok, I understand, but the whole time she was studying we never saw each other once. She invited me over for a weekend, and then she cancelled on me.
Then after she was done studying and between jobs, she visited me once while she was in town and then went back home after a day claiming she was tired.
Like, I understand people are entitled to their time and space, and people aren't always going to be around to hang out with me, but it seems a little extreme.
Now she claims she misses me a lot, but I'm getting a mixed signal as to whether I can even drive over for her birthday.
I dunno I just feel bad about the whole thing.
No. 202289
>>202215Anon that's really sweet, I'd love that if things don't work out :)
>>202241I still live with my parents but in way Im happy about that because at least I wont be completely alone, but at the same time I know that they feel sorry for me and will mention it a lot
>>202250>I'm always thinking about meeting my friends because I want to spend time with them and maybe if I don't they'll get upset or something…While they don't think like that: for them it's as simple as: if I wanna go, I'll go, if I'm not feeling it, it'll be another day…Fuck, this exactly how I feel. I would cherish every moment I spend with my friend/s and love to hang out with them, looking through older pictures of me and my only current friend makes me feel so warm and fuzzy to think about the fun I have had with her, but I know they see it as just a way to pass time. The fallacy of the divine reward thing is pretty helpful you're right, everyone is different.
>>202278I'll try and do some stuff the day before that's a good idea, I've been getting into baking recently so maybe I'll make myself a cake. Thanks anon
No. 202304
>>202294Maybe? I mean, I feel like everyone I know has some sort of depression these days, and it can manifest differently in each person. But my other closest friend has some sort of depression as well, but has been willing to spend a lot of time with me, even though she doesn't like socializing all the time.
>>202289Good luck anon!
No. 202319
It's my 19th birthday today.
I had a terrible fight with two of my guy friends yesterday, so I can't stop thinking about that. Not too great.
If Facebook didn't remind my friends that it's my birthday, they'd have no idea. Which is fine.
But I have like 3 close friends that I have known for a decade now and they still forget when my birthday is and only say something after facebook reminds them. Idk, I guess this is really selfish, but I always have reminders set on my phone and the dates circled in my caleder, when it's their birthday, so I expect them to do the same. It just feels kinda shitty, you know?
Idk, my birthdays always remind me how lonely I am. I always say that I don't really care about my birthday and don't celebrate it much, but honestly - I just have nobody to celebrate it with. When I tried to get some of my friends to go to a bar with me on my 17th and 18th, they all said they had plans already. (The age was not a problem, my country gives zero fucks about underage drinking, ha.) So I haven't even tried this year.
Idk, I think I'm a pretty normal girl, so why do others seem to dislike my presence…
Sorry for the rant, I'm just bitter.
No. 202331
>>202319Happy Birthday anon! I don't really have anything helpful to say other than it's always better to call people outright about plans than to wait about hoping when they haven't given a clear answer. If you know it's just you, you can make the most of it better. Have you asked your friends to remember your birthday and told them how it makes you feel when they forget? Some people really make a bigger deal about it than other people and you should be able to be honest with them.
19 is so young, find things that make you happy and make the most of it if you can!
>>202328You're not alone anon, it's probably become an almost comforting little routine for you to think about. CBT might help you unpack it.
No. 202336
>>202331Thank you, you're right, I should be more straightforward. I thought I'd have these things figured out by now, but apparently not, haha. That's one thing I'm gonna work on and hopefully I'll be much better at it by the time I'm 20 :)
I really appreciate your response - hope today treats you well!
No. 202352
>>202241>I always tried to go out of my way, to ask everybody i invited beforehand, when they have time, but still so many never managed to make it… It's frustrating, especially, if you always try to be there for them, but never get anything in return, makes you wonder, what is wrong with oneself, because others somehow seem to always be able to party with all their friends…That is too fucking real anon. Spent hours and a lot of money buying very personal gifts for people, travelling halfway across the country to be with them on their birthdays. When it comes to my birthday, I book the date well in advance to be considerate of others. So many people don't show up and make up shit excuses, when they wouldn't dare miss something someone else organised. If they do show up, they only stay a few hours and act unimpressed. They complain if it's in a venue that doesn't suit them. They don't even bring gifts or a card at very least?
I put so much effort into holding conversations with people and making sure they feel included, I do things that I'm uncomfortable with to please them and back when I was in school, I allowed myself to be bullied because I thought "well maybe they have worse things going on in their lives and they're just taking it out on me, I'm okay with that as long as we still get to be friends". I'm so done with other people, they're so selfish. It really makes you wonder what's wrong with yourself when they treat everyone else with great respect and treat you like a stranger. If it helps anyone, a therapist did tell me that it sounds like I have aspergers and to get myself checked out. I freaked out, didn't go to my next session and never followed it up by seeing a doctor. So maybe I think I'm being nice and everyone just sees me as giant autist flailing about and puts up with me because they feel sorry for me or the benefits of me buying them shit outweighs my shit mental disorder idk.
Worth getting checked out if you suspect it, I guess.
No. 202354
>>202352I don't have any advice for either of you, but I just wanted to express my empathy. I feel the same way. I feel like I try so hard for people to like me; I make and buy them so many things, I try to engage them in conversation and genuinely talk to them and take intrest in their lives. I try to be sincere and friendly and work hard to come up with fun things to do.
But people treat me like dirt. Like I don't even exist. I don't think I'm a good or a spectacular person. But I know that I try really hard to be friends with people. And all they do is make me feel like if I disappeared forever, no one would ever notice.
I feel so lonely and ignored that dying might be preferable to this misery.
I bet you anons are lovely people. I hope that someone recognizes all the love you have to give, and gives you some back in return someday.
No. 202364
>>202354I'm so sorry to hear that anon <3 it's a very lonely place to be and I wish I had the answer for us all. Asked my therapist about it before and she had no explanation for it, it's bizzare.
I bet if we all knew each other in person, we'd all be the best of friends.
No. 202365
>>202354>>202352>>202241Same here…For me it's exhausting. The worst part is that if I force myself to not care too much, I feel like I'm just pretending to be someone I'm not. I feel frustrated because we're here talking about feeling the same all together with strangers and the people who should care more about us just simply…Don't care.
I know it's not like ''I give you this, you owe me that'' or ''I do this for you, you should do the same'', it's that sometimes they don't actually care and that's what hurts the most. Even as you said with conversations, I always feel like apologizing when I don't ask how's that friend or another one day and they can pass like one? two? weeks without knowing of me…
No. 202369
>>202352I can definitely relate to this, although I'm not at all on the autism spectrum.
I'm not sure why people enjoy being rude, mean and uncaring, but apparently being a kind person is uncool. It's exhausting. The world is a shitty place, so I don't want to make it even shittier by being like those people. I will never give up being kind, but I am learning how to not let people walk all over me.
>>202352>>202365>>202364>>202354>>202368Sending love, guys. <3
People can be horrid, don't become one of them. Stay true to yourself, be kind-hearted.
No. 202375
>>202352Great to know somebody understands me; about the Aspergers thing, i'm fairly certain, that i don't have it, but i guess i'm pretty much depressed by now. Thinking back to my school years, my situation was actually always very similar to how it is now. You just don't notice it/overthink everything as a child and now that constant feeling of loneliness kinda built up. Because i aspire to work for the state later on, i can't visit a psychologist, otherwise i would have went already.
>>202354The thing you said about practibly being "invisible" is so true; i changed school and some months after i left my friend told me that a classmate literally asked "Anon,…who?" that sucks… And a few months ago at an internship i was told to be more active, because i'm like a shadow, always there, but one does not notice me and i thought fuck, that sums up my entire existance.
>>202365 For me it's not that i even care anymore, i'll often just feel numb; but it definatly affects my everyday life, school, work etc. negative, since there's this constant lingering of some sort of sadness. I've been pretty much trying to lose weight/becoming more attractive (also in order to feel more confident) for over 6 years now, but simply can't, because food and being on my laptop 24/7 is my only source of comfort.
>>202369All the love back to you, anon!!!
No. 202385
>>202375>>202369Joining in on the group hug, I've met some absolute muppets with massive circles of friends and I can't help but feel jealous. I know a guy who pretty much befriends people exclusively for personal gain, he's not even being particularly clandestine about that and they love the shite out of him anyway and post cutesy messages on his facebook, so unfair. I'm not all that but I can be a good friend if I try, and I do try all the time. I always circle between trying too hard and not trying at all and people always give me grief for either one of the two. The only advice I ever seem to get is
>don't try too hard anon, you'll come off as fake and people can tell when you're faking>don't just give up and stop caring anon, how are people gonna know you like them if you don't let them know?The two seem contradictory but what do I know.
Unrelated rant:
>going home by plane, transfer flight goes through Paris CDG>airport is patrolled by soldiers with machine guns>someone left their suitcase by the terminal entrance and they had to board off the entire section just to get rid of it>police vans every-fucking-where>railway station blocked for 2 hours while they investigate something or another (of a terrorist nature, natch)>entire families of fat Brits (not a trim waist in sight, literally every single family member is ugly and overweight, even the baby) with Mickey Mouse ears>Overhear a French lady complaining to someone that she had to move out of Paris with her kids because it was getting too polluted and dangerous>mfw these are the people that think I'm a hardened glue-sniffing, car-stealing criminal whenever I tell them where I'm fromAhh, karma
No. 202418
I know I'll probably get made fun of for playing the victim in this post but I don't know where else I can express these feelings without getting attacked.
Does anyone else feel completely worn down by misogyny/sexism? I'm at the point where even jokes that I would have found harmless a year ago are started to seriously affect how I see myself. I just can't take it anymore, and I honestly want to die just so I don't have to see any of this shit anymore. I despise the fact that I was born female, that I am female, and that people see me as lesser because of this. I'm about to be 23 and I want to end my life because I'm not 18 anymore and that's "peak attractiveness." I'm still a virgin and I feel like I wasted my 'prime' (18-21) and now I'm virtually useless and nobody will ever want me. Deep down I know this is juvenile and I'm still relatively young but I can't stop feeling that way,
Just the other day I was watching a TV show with my father and there was a beautiful character that couldn't speak English, and he actually turned to me, his fucking daughter, and said "that's the perfect woman. Do you know why? Because she's hot and she can't communicate." My own FUCKING father said that. That's what he thinks of women. That's what men think of me. I can't go anywhere on the internet now without seeing some shit about how women ruin civilization, women can't do this and that, all women are hypergamous whores who contribute nothing and deserve nothing, I've been told to go back to the kitchen if I have the audacity to speak up on a topic. I know that it's "just a joke" but I also know that deep down there is some truth behind it.
I know they're just words but when you are constantly inundated with sentiments like that every single day, I don't see how you can just brush it off and not let it affect you. I'm having trouble putting into words the pain and self hatred I feel. I don't want to feel like I'm sub-par, deformed, unintelligent, and useless aside from making babies - which I don't even plan on doing anyways. I just want to be more than that.
I just have no interest in living in a world that hates me for being female. I didn't choose this and I don't want it. I fucking hate it. I'm not trans or anything like that, I am definitely female, which is what I fucking hate about myself. Because no matter how competent I am, how much I know about something, how hard I work, I'm still a fucking WOMAN and people can see that.
I want to go live somewhere that I never have to interact with people ever again, especially men. I can't stand the way they look at me like i'm some stupid little thing who doesn't belong. I already KNOW I am inferior, I don't need everyone else reminding me every time I leave my house.
No. 202433
>>202418Nobody will make fun of you in this thread, anon.
I just turned 22 and am still a kissless virgin; it probably is more common than one thinks.
I liked spending time on tumblr and the blatant anti-white sentiment (all white people are racist and ugly etc.) there was really hurting me personally, so it's just better to stay away from it. Same with reading/watching the news. I'm from Germany and although i'm from just a small village as soon as you flip the newspaper open you will read about crime and unjustice commited by migrants; and still the politicians (and earlier my teachers) try to push the narrative down our throats that we're all still guilty because of the past, that we owe them and still are basically all nazis… They tolerate child marriages happening here. My mom is working in a elementary school and these fathers and brothers treat the girls abusively and nobody is doing anything against them in fear of being labeled. Other shit these boys do are for example stabbing other children with forks or telling the teachers they don't need to listen to them because they are women, they learned that at koran school. There even came a father and asked a young teacher wether she's interested in marriage and as solution her boss said that they are no longer allowed to wear short clothing…vomit
Sorry for the rant but shit like that happens so often and it really makes me feel sick although i try not to think about it since there's nothing i can change…
So even though you probably can't distance yourself from real life people like your dad, at least try to stay away from toxic places on the internet like 4chan or from movies you already know before that they promote unrealistic and disguasting relationships with large age gaps. One example that always comes to my mind is Ted (2?) there it's seemingly totally normal and even encouraged from friends that a 50 year old Mark Wallberg dates Amanda Seyfried whos half his age…
No. 202434
>>202281>"but then she wouldn't go out to eat with me even when my parents offered to pay". Sometimes people don't want to do things, dude. this is something really silly to be upset over.
As for the rest, she has her own life and it isn't based around you. It seems like you're being a little selfish over your 'best friend's' choice to do her own things. If you feel bad, that's a good thing. Work on it, work on yourself. Whether you mean to or not, your attitude could be making your friend feel even less like hanging out because she's going to start feeling OBLIGATED rather than wanting to do it in the first place.
I have been in your friend's position before, and I'm no longer friends with who used to be my 'best friend' due to this–they were upset that I was working and was unable to devote all of my time to them. Guess what? I feel great now that we don't talk. She seems to be doing well too.
No. 202436
>>202435Give it another week and take a pregnancy test, if that doesn't clear your mind go to a doctor.
Could be your diet, could be a seasonal change. Missed periods aren't always something to worry about!!
No. 202438
>>202418who gives a fuck about what men think? what can they do, just gawk at you and make nasty jokes? so what. start focusing on what you like about being a woman, there's got to be one or two things at least even if they are small. my dad also spews bullshit but only when hes angry or wants to make a shitty joke and says stuff like "all you women are crazy", this is coming from a deadbeat loser so i dont pay attention to it and just let him blow off some steam. i have no idea what your dad is like but i certainly dont think every man literally sees us as less, only retards on the internet, people who have something extremely wrong with their lives and in themselves, and types of people with not enough social stimulation in their lives.
dont end your life, you have approximately 50% of the population on your side too. remember that. men arent the end all be all.
No. 202442
>>202418I agree with
>>202438 - it's mostly just online losers who think women are inferior. Like I see men commenting shit even under FB articles, but do I see them acting like this around me IRL? Very rarely. I'm also in my early twenties and boys my age just don't think this way, it's a foreign concept to most of them.
This is the most recent internet "trend" that we are having - edginess and hating feminists. I think it will die off, let's just wait a bit.
And about your father, yeah, older people will die eventually too lol (sorry)
If you face misogyny in your daily life though, then I can't advise anything other than growing a spine. We won't have any equality if we cower instead of fighting back. I assure you that all the women hate has its source in fear. I don't want to sound too idealistic, but the world is changing and they're just scared of it. Suddenly they have to respect women? What a crazy idea.
Try to find strenght in it. Try to prove them wrong - you are not weak, they are weak. You have a voice. Talk back. Educate yourself, be successful.
The world does not hate you for being female.
On the other hand, anon, you sound like you have deeper issues going on, and your self-hatred just took the form of "I hate being female". It's like a parasite that chooses a nice warm place where it can feed freely… and the place it chose guarantees a long life, because our struggle will take a while.
If you haven't, try to seek professional help. Especially if you feel like killing yourself.
No. 202447
>>202442>it's mostly just online losers who think women are inferior. Like I see men commenting shit even under FB articles, but do I see them acting like this around me IRL? Very rarely. that's just it though…the men who spout these ideas online are probably "normal" in real life. the nice guy that you meet and have a nice conversation with at a party can go home and post on theredpill about how women are worthless children and you would never know.
you are right that most men aren't like this, but this kind of thinking does seem to be spreading at a concerning rate, especially among young white men.
No. 202463
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>>202375>food and being on my laptop 24/7 is my only source of comfortugh I feel that. I don't have any friends, I don't work, and I'm not in school so I think this to myself every day because I'm just on my laptop aimlessly trying to distract myself with netflix and video games (though I barely even play those anymore because my concentration is so shot it's hard to focus). I don't even talk consistently with people online that I could call friends- it's all image boards or anonymous internet forums..
I'm turning 25 this fall and seriously considering becoming an hero just because my life is so fucked and boring and pointless.
No. 202464
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So I was checking out the #artPH tag on twitter and I was REALLY happy that I was able to discover so many great artists and at the same time disappointed because of how ppl always feature the most popular ones (maybe it's twitter's fault for not having a separate filter on number of likes similar to pixiv tags). I mean I'm not hating on them but there are so many more artists who deserve more recognition, especially ones who can do concept art, character design and visual development.
I guess people here prefer to see portraits of just local/famous celebrities. Even worse the tag is plagued with shitty selfies of themselves or their gfs/bfs ("IT'S AN ART!!!!" they say) just to dickride on the tag and get more attention.
This sounds really dumb but I can get why my parents refuse to let me take an art course in this country. It's actually hard to get an arts-related job here unless you lived abroad.
Anyway RIP dreams. Idk sorry guys for coming across as salty. I'm just very disappointed right now.
No. 202483
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>People tell you that you need to lose weight, that you'll look better thinner.
Shows picture of when I was thinner
>Proceeds to tell that you have a big nose, no lips and you're a lost cause visually.
Fuck my life because apparently beauty on the inside shows.
I'm low-key jealous of people who are pretty or even average passing.
No. 202491
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A terrorist attack happened in my hometown yesterday and I feel surprisingly empty. It's depressing to see the country you grew up in become like this, I never had to worry about anything back in the old days.
No. 202498
>>202491Honestly i'd prefer feeling numb over getting enraged every single time it happens…
My sister is only 12 yo and she and her peers are completely frightened about every single thing such as traveling to bigger cities in fear of dying; although i'm still young myself, it must be fucked up having to grow up as it is now.
No. 202508
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>>202491Terrorism sucks dick in general. It's not even because they really want to demonstrate their views, it's truly because they're brainwashed by some psychotic cult like thing usually or they're REALLY mentally unstable. At least that's what I've deduced so far.
No. 202522
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>>202508>not even because they really want to demonstrate their views…..
No. 202547
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>>202508>It's not even because they really want to demonstrate their viewsIf you've ever seen the ISIS videos they post they have quite literally said they want the children of Europeans to be orphans. Actually making them orphans seems like a good way to go about it.
No. 202551
>>201512as well as being mentally ill, she sounds like she hates the loneliness of all her kids being adults, not having anyone around and being bored so she focuses on you to try to get in touch with you, feel less lonely and whatnot
could she have a memory loss problem as well? it sounds like she can't get out of the stage of around the time you learned to drive, got a job, etc etc, which may be why she thinks you're poor
No. 202585
>>202463Honestly i just wonder why that is… Why can others make friends so easily and always seem so happy and content? Some people only make the right life choices, everything goes well all the time; why not for me or for you anons on here as well?
At some point at ones life something must have gone wrong or is it simply destiny? Sometimes i truely think i've been weird and destined to be a social failure from the day i've been born…
No. 202593
>>202590I know what you mean, but if it helps, learn to control your sex drive, I'm in an LDR and I feel like shit, I really wanna do stuff with my partner when he gets here but I am terrified and extremely insecure about my body I really want to be able improve but I can't and I feel like he will be disappointed
I want to be with him, I want companionship and cuddling and kisses and all that, but I feel like he thinks I'm stalling when I just want to improve my body first before he comes .-.
No. 202594
My boyfriend is muslim, I am not.
His parents are strict, don't even know about me, they'll eventually want him to find a beautiful muslim wife to marry.
My parents are islamophobic/xenophobic, they used to know about him but threatened to kick me out, so now they think we've broken up.
We meet in hotels, it's rare but it's nice when it happens (slightly LDR, two different cities in England)
I really want this to work out but if we ever did want to move out and get serious, we'd have to do it in secret and both of us would probably be abandoned.
I worry about where this will end up, we're almost a year in, but my anxiety surrounding our future is difficult to handle sometimes. We've had conversations about it but we both just want to tackle things as they come (eg rather than worrying about his parents wanting him to marry, wait until they bring it up to start worrying).
>>202590Can relate, except I don't browse porn blogs, I just relate to not being able to have him with me.
No. 202598
>>202593Yeah I definitely need to stop stimulating myself like this because it's going to get really frustrating at some point lol. Plus I can't concentrate on anything, my head is just filled with thoughts of him.
Yesterday I spent two hours writing what I wanted to do with him, I'll probably just send him that soon but I know I'll just think all day about how he'll react when he reads it.
Fuck I'm so deep in.
I hope you'll get comfortable with your body soonish Anon! Don't let your insecurities make you waste opportunities to be with your partner, time together is really precious.
No. 202618
>>202617*not falling for
they'll either tell you never mind or they'll say something that's clearly insulting, making look bad around people. at this point, it should be much easier to stand up for yourself since they can't fall back on "ooooh that's not what i meant you're overreacting!"
No. 202657
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>>202547I should of clarified that by views I mean religious views.
No. 202704
>>202436 said
unless your boyfriend put the mayo in the sandwich you have nothing to worry about, most likely you just lost or gained weight, or it might be syncing with another girls period
No. 202717
I created a new thread since this one is like shy 30 posts away from locking.
New thread:
>>>/ot/202716 No. 202720
>>202594Why are you putting yourself through this? Is this how you want to live for literally the rest of your life? If we were talking about a girl of another race dating an out and out racist here, you know what answer we'd all give, why is it any different because his semitic desert cult says non-Muslims aren't real humans?
Remember also that people become more like their parents the older they get.
>My parents are islamophobicI can't imagine why. His family sounds amazing.
No. 202813
>>202788I've never flown Air Canada, but my old roommate flew with them regularly and never had any issues.
Remember that people with bad experiences are more likely to review and vent online than people with good experiences, so chances are that Air Canada, in general, is pretty OK.
No. 202863
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The people at my work won't stop gossiping about me because I'm a socially awkward person in general. A lot of it started recently when because of really bad social anxiety I said hi to someone and then didn't say hi to the person next to them. THIS PERSON I DIDN'T SAY HI TO IS FUCKING 30 YEARS OLD. THEY NEED TO GROW UP. Plus I made a self depreciating joke about myself that somehow evolved into them gossiping about me. For fucks sake, I'm glad a lot of them are leaving.
No. 204081
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The cohort I'm a part of has made my grad school experience a living hell. The ringleader–as I like to call her because in my opinion she runs the show–of the group had a part in it, gathering as much dirt on me throughout my last year and told everyone in my dept and others about me. In particular, she heard about my romantic involvement with someone that used to like her and that him and I got along and hung out. She even turned one girl that was in the same year as me against me because I was getting "between" their friendship. That girl and I used to get coffee together and she was also the one that was inviting me to dinners that she would host. Now that girl doesn't even look at me whenever we're in the same room.
These past few days I've been going to their "mandatory" events, one of them being an outing dedicated to the first years that the second years had to sponsor, which I was never invited to last year as a new grad student. I ended up mentioning to the ringleader at the gathering that this was the first time I was invited to any of these outings. She got very defensive and said something about not being about to "find" my contact info last year, but somehow found it this year, which is complete bullshit since I'm in the university directory and had my private contact info included in the email chains by my advisor all of last year.
The whole cohort just either flat out ignores me or interact with me only when we're alone and no one else from the group is around. Whenever I try and tell people about this, all they have to say is "well, it's just differing personalities–not everyone can get along!" or "aww why don't you just try smiling and talking to them more?". I ended up breaking down sobbing and considering killing myself because I feel so purposefully isolated by them. I know that it's only one more year, but I don't think I can handle feeling this miserable again.
No. 204104
>>204085I'm really sorry for your loss anon, if you still have the body you can have things made of it like a pretty little box if you cremate her and a picture of her
if it helps, tehmimi is going through a similar thing, I know how much it hurt when a family member of mine got drunked and accidentally dropped my dog, resulting in his death
No. 204317
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I keep falling in love with characters who has the same concept: hot, indepedent and rich girls, like Chanel Oberlin and Veronica Lodge. The more i fangirl about them, the more i realise that i biase them just because i want to live like they do. It really makes me feel even more depressed than i usually am, since i have a really bad social anixety even when it comes to my family memebers. Though my friends do joke about the fact that my character is smiliar to Victoria Lodge, and the only difference is that i'm shy in general and obviously, i'm not rich at all.
I honestly would love to be like them, or even just become a hot instagram thot but i don't get any support at all. I'm so unconfident about myself, my hobbies and plans/dreams overall because now i live with my parents (after 14 years of living with my grandparents because my mom stopped giving a fuck about me after she divorced with my biological father) and they keep being abusive towards me, blaming me for basically everything-anything without any good reason. Father-in-law always says that i'm not going to have a good education, job and life just because math is my weakness. I live with the for 1,5 y now and all i keep getting is pressure, belittling, berating and pointless name calling. I also have two little brothers now, and im basically the only one who babysits them and cleans the whole apartament, because mom and father keep whining how tired they are, while they're actually not.All father does is working in a large company, being a boss who just sits on his desk and tells people what to do, while mother is being a kind-of housewife. She does nothing at all but spending 8 hours with the youngest child and when i come, she leaves immediately, saying that i should babysit.
I have A marks on every subject but maths, and physics, yet dad keeps being an asshole towards it. Everytime i say that i'm too tired to look after kiddos, they always end up playing the victim role here, while also saying that i don't do anything at all but spending time with my phone.
The main thing which i worry about is that i already have a social anixety and low self-esteem, so i'm way too afraid that i'll end up just completly destroying myself. I really do need some support, but even my friends IRL or on the internet never listen to me, since they just use me as their 'cry pillow'. I consider my kindness as another weakness, but what i can do about it. I can't even join drama club because i don't have any time for that (thanks alot to babysitting and such), while i'm also too insecure to even try that, so all i do is try my best to translate stuff, play videogames and draw alot.
My English is still kind of shitty, sorry about that.
No. 204318
>>204317i forgot to mention that one of my lil bros is 9, and the other is going to turn 4.
I look after the first one most of the time, since we study in the same school, i always run to his teachers asking whats up and stuff while also helping with hw / dealing with his school problems. His teachers keep calling me his 2nd mom, lel.
No. 204321
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>>204317>I have A marks on every subject but maths, and physicsI do feel like that's something that'll nail you in the ass though. But I'd just suggest you spend more time on Khan Academy and at the tutoring center then trying to beat yourself up over what he says.
No. 204329
>>204317Depends from where you are and your education system, but I'm terrible at math and physics and it wasn't such a big problem. On my finals after high school, A-levels or however people call them, I barely passed math and I managed to only because I intensely studied by myself from some internet math tutoring sites. And now here I am, studying law, no physics, barely any math. What I want to say, you don't have to be some freaking renaissance man, no one's good at everything. Just do enough to pass and then look for something corresponding to your talents more.
But as I said, it depends on your country's education system.
Also, if you want to pursue higher education, just pick college/uni/whatever further away from home, so you have to move. Then move, to the dorm or elsewhere. Parents problem solved.
No. 204353
>>204329>Also, if you want to pursue higher education, just pick college/uni/whatever further away from home, so you have to move. Then move, to the dorm or elsewhere. Parents problem solved.Yeah, i plan on doing that. It's just, it's been only 1,5 years and i can't really handle all of this pressure anymore, and that 'moving' thing is the only reason why i'm still sane. I still can't believe that people who i care about the most (even though i havent seen my mom in like ~forever~) are being such unsupportive assholes. And that's legit the only reason why i turned into a complete unconfident NEET instead of trying to be wannabe extrovert.
I really care about their opinion and stuff the most, which is obvious, but all i get is this weird shit for legit no reason.
In my country, our education system is completly fucked up so i'm happy that i'm going to be graduate soon.
I'm just really afraid that in the end, when i'll be free from all of this shit i'm still going to have all of those depressive thoughts with myself which are going to turn me into 'oh that nerd w/o any friends' clique.
Could you please send me a link to the site? I can give my fb/discord/skype/whatever if need.
No. 204532
>>199560This is old, but I'm so sorry anon, I know what you are going through. I had to get a really invasive surgery a few yeras ago and the recovery was about two months long. I was in terrible pain for most of it even though I had painkillers.
Not a single friend who knew made time for me before it nor visited me during that time. Only a couple long of distance friends checked up on me every now and then, which I really appreciated.
I had a couple of friends who were supposed to hang with me before and after my surgery, but they all bailed for a shitty reason the day of. At that point I was well enough to hang with them almost like normal without making it seem like I was in pain, so idgi.
Mind you, when my friends so much as get a sniffle or have a bad day, I try to do something nice for them, or at least chat with them so they don't feel lonely, let alone how much I do for them otherwise.
I'm probably a huge doormat compared to you which was my issue, but basically it really sucks when your friends aren't really there for you or don't respect the time with you. Sure they can't drop everything and be there for you all the time, however a call or a text from time to time would have been nice, let alone getting their shit together to be able to spend the last day with you for a while as they originally said they would.
Before my surgery, I even told my friends outright that just because I'm recovering, doesn't mean I don't want to hear from them and it would make me happy. They all fucked off.
I really wanted to kill myself during quite a few days during recovery out of pain and loneliness, because my body didn't work right anymore and everyone forgot about me. Now I don't really bother with those people because it became clear they only thought of me when they had something to gain. The entire time during my recovery, they would be in my area fucking around or posting on their twitters about how much white men suck, how they won't apologize for being (insert minority here), and "muh depression." (Which is just a bit fat pity party for most of them and they are spoiled and pampered brats, although I tried to console them about it for years prior anyway.)
Sorry for the rant, but I hope your recovery is going well and you have at least a few people who are there for you and reaching out. I never thought a procedure like that would make me feel so lonely and hopeless, but it really does, especially with the fact that, depending on what was done, you can't eat/move/defecate or are in extreme pain and then all wonky because of meds.
No. 206814
I lost all my long term friends about a year ago thanks to a jealous former fried who decided she wanted to show back up in my life, create a bunch of graphic rumors about me fucking randos from okcupid and destroy my reputation and ability to get a job in my home town.
Since then, I’ve felt so empty and lame, nothing I used to enjoy feels good or is interesting anymore. I feel like I don’t deserve friends and that maybe I really am jus a stupid, ugly loser whore that people only talk to because of my big tits (even though it’s been going on 2.5 years since I’ve even kissed a guy but w.e). I just feel so shitty and it’s been a fucking year but I can’t seem to get myself back up. I’m afraid to go to all the places I used to go because I’m aftaid of running into them again. I ran into one of them at the grocery store a few weeks back and she acted super nice and friendly, and like everything was fine and she wanted to catch up and hang, but it turned out to be a prank.
I’m just wondering what I did to deserve this bullshit, and how one girl can manage to make so many people be known gen years turn against me with just baseless rumors. And why nothing I say or do helps.
I’ve been trying to make new friends, I can’t keep a stable job since I lost my good one but I am meeting a lot of new people at them. Unfortunately, whenever I think I’ve made some new friends and try to make plans to hang out, they start avoiding me and leaving me on read and cancelling plans. It’s like no matter what I do and no matter how well things seem to be going, after a few months they just disappear.