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No. 187939
So, I made this thread just so i could post this:
>>187900God, anon. I'm in a very similar situation. feeling so lost because i'm developing a HUGE crush on this guy who said he doesn't want to be with anyone because of his previous relationship/mental state/he still likes his ex. His life basically went downhill recently so i get why he'd want to be alone for a while and that he still loves his ex. But he just met this girl and i kind of feel like he may start hitting on her soon. we get along so well, and he himself knows that too, and we even discussed maybe, just maaaybe being together in the future when he's better… so yeah, i feel really shitty right now.
No. 187963
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I'm a former ana-chan that started with fitness 2-3 years ago. Over these years I've gained 15kg and now I'm looking normal and am at a healthy weight range.
What really fuck me up is that I'm bulking, and the weight = progress ration is really small. My current goal weight is 55kg (right now I'm at 51kg) The ultimate goal is 60kg and that's probably the max I feel comfortable at. I still feel really small, but also big and the whole thing is fucked up.
What messes with me even more are those before-after picture like pic related, where the persons body changes A LOT within like, 3-5 months.
I think I'll stop at 55kg and see how much fat I can lose
No. 187982
I have to look for a job for this summer and I'm 100% sure I won't find anything because I'm unlucky and don't have enough experience or whatever. I have so many doubts for the future, college definitely isn't for me but I'm so close to getting my master degree and finding a good job seems impossible without one. I wish I were one of these people that could just play video games on youtube and get payed for it.
>>187980I fucking hope not. I completely forgot the elections were yesterday but I'll definitely vote in May.
No. 188136
>>188134I used to have one and it was this
>>188135 but Germany has a great supply of tall, cute, friendly guys!
No. 188156
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My parents used to be cool. They are 3rd generation legal Mexican Americans and would feed me stories about how when they were in school, they were yelled at if they spoke Spanish and even eating Mexican food got them ridiculed. So every time they saw Mexicans who never bothered to learn English as well as received all sorts of government aid, they got pissed. Hell, they hate when people speak Spanish to them because "this is America. I speak English and so should you"
But then Trump got elected and my mom suddenly did a complete 180. Every time there is news of illegals getting arrested she starts ranting about how evil Trump is. Every time a white person does something stupid she right away says they probably voted for Trump. It's killing me. I just want to remind them that our families fought to come here and did it the right way and there are people doing it illegally and it's unfair. But I know if I do she'll call me racist and probably disown me.
I really want to show her this picture so I can explain to her that it's not ALWAYS about race and it's not just Mexicans doing it.
No. 188162
>>188144May time pass swiftly, anon-chan
I'm way too depressed and self-loathing as usual.
No. 188170
>>188165why is everyone always such a cunt in the vent thread
>>188156i agree with you in a sense, i dont know much about america but where i live my family also came here legally even though there was so much war going on where they were, so it pisses me off when people think they can just come here on a boat and be accepted
No. 188194
>>188193Natives are worse. My grandmother is nostalgic about the past system and whenever I mention that it got the country literally bankrupt, or that she should compare our country to western ones she just goes silent.
It makes me mad when I think about it how socialism fucked us. The economy and the mentality of the people.
No. 188196
>>188162Thank you.
I wish you well too, maybe try to get something done like making your bed or vacuuming your room, it might help you feel better.
No. 188223
>>188217I'm bi so I can't pretend I know exactly what you're going through but I understand a little, my mom refuses to shop at this one store just because she
thinks one of the cashiers is a lesbian, and she and my dad were saying "I hope he died of AIDS" when George Michael died and it really does fucking suck to hear that kind of shit from family. Again I don't know exactly what you're going through but I'm sorry you have to be ashamed, it's lame as hell.
No. 188234
>>188230> I get legit harrassed and he acts like I wanted it…Probably because you act like you do, dress in a way that warrants it, and go to places that warrant it.
He sees you talking with some guy and you're not immediately rejecting him. Your boyfriend probably thinks you'll soon actually cheat, which he probably isn't wrong about is he?
No. 188240
>>188216I feel you anon
I feel you so hard
Luckily I have a boyfriend who's very understanding of my retardation and he's slowly introducing me to stuff and teaching me how to navigate the world and even how to get help
(I feel like I might have posted this myself and not remember, so… I hope not, that would be extra retarded)
No. 188253
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I wish I could be a neet all my life and have some way of still being financially independent. Right now I'm only in the mood for video games, sleeping and going out with friends because I know I'll fuck up this semester and that I won't find a job this summer.
No. 188254
>>188230He's absolutely being a dick about it, but I'd say there's probably some reason why he feels that insecure, and you should talk to him about it and see if you can find the problem before you break up, because that's not just a normal character flaw in my opinion.
If talking to him does nothing and he keeps acting jealous with no real reason to be, then yeah, you might have a point to reconsider whether you want to be with him or not.
No. 188265
When I was with my abusive ex, my friends would all shit talk him every single time I saw them. They didn't even know about the abuse and I loved him at the time, so I felt pushed away and hurt. It never feels good to have someone you love shit talked constantly. My friends would "gang up" on me about it, circling the subject over and over during a majority of what little time I had to spend with them.
I felt so pushed away by this, and just generally had a bad time with them because I was already so conflicted. I just wanted to spend time with them to get away from it all- not focus on and be surrounded by negativity that I was trying to escape.
That's not the part I have a problem with. I understand it, and that they just wanted me to be happy.
The issue I have is the following:
Now that I've left him, I want to vent. I've shit talked him drunkly via text, and I wanted to share that with my friends that seemed to be so on my side. I was a savage, and wanted them to get hype with me about the savagery. They don't give a fuck, even leaning towards annoyed when I've tried to talk about it. My best friend since birth took my phone and threw it the first time I tried to tell her when we were drunk.
I'm so frustrated, and feel really fucking unsupported again. I almost feel betrayed, honestly. It's like: So you could endlessly shit talk a person I loved and was with for years for your own sake, but the second I want to get in my word against my abuser you don't have time for me? Okay. Great. Thanks.
No. 188273
>>188230My ex was like this, went crazy if guys just talked to me. Screamed at me and treated me like shit because anonymous guys asked me crude questions. Didn't even let me talk to his friends. I wasn't allowed to wear makeup, or clothes that might attract men. Even tank tops were off limits.
And well he was the one who cheated on me, surprise surprise.
No. 188274
>>188269It's hard to leave an abusive relationship (especially after I moved away from home/ support system), and there was no reason for them to believe that my ex was an asshole as I never told them anything. I didn't shit on my friends. I literally said I didn't have a problem with what they did initially, and that I understood it. I did say that it affected me negatively.
No ur dumb.
No. 188276
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>>188274It doesn't matter how but your friends were right about him. And they know it. What you are doing now is going to them and cry about stuff they already known and/or were right about. I been that friend before and can say that you are being annoying.
>no shit biatch No. 188305
>>188269>>188276>>188278>>188300Don't reply to obvious bait, anon. I know you want a nice supportive venting thread, but if you don't realize that they're doing to you what you're complaining about in your post, you just look foolish.
I lost my dorm key (my lanyard came loose and it fell off, but I didn't realize it until I had to head back to my room and saw it was missing), and I'm really miffed over the fact that I have to pay over a hundred dollars to replace it when school ends in a week. I'm almost certain someone picked it up, too. Oh well.
No. 188319
>>188305You're right. I mean, I knew they were probably just some robot baiting me but I guess yelling at anons about these feelings online is the toughest I'll get lol.
That's super unfortunate about your dorm key. College already takes enough money. Do they really need to charge you so much for something that will take them a fraction of the price? Super shitty of them.
No. 188325
>>188265I honestly completely get that, and I don't understand the mentality of friends who bitch about a current partner, it's never going to go well, and seems obvious that it's just going to cause issues in the long term.
How long ago did you break up with the guy though? Breakups are shitty, but your friends probably don't care about it as much as you do, so if you keep bringing it up heaps over a long time, then it can start to be a bit exhausting to be around.
>>188278>Change friends if you're unhappy with the one that had to endure you getting abusedThis is some trash bait my man, why do you keep coming into these threads and shitposting?
No. 188366
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I started working at a new restaurant last week and I performed horribly yesterday because we were understaffed and I was so stressed out. And to make things worse I woke up this morning to a text message from a coworker telling me that I forgot to turn off the dishwasher, clean it and do the last dishes. I went into full on panic mode after reading it and had to call my mom to calm down. I started crying, sent my coworker a text back where I apologised and had to wait for a few minutes after she replied because I was so scared of what she was going to say. My mind is painting these disaster scenarios where I come in to work tomorrow and everyone is going to ignore or yell at me. Or that my boss is going to call me and tell me I'm fired. All because I forgot to turn off the dishwasher.
… Okay, now that I've typed this out I realise how stupid this all is and that I probably overreacted. I wish I could be the kind of person that shrugs it off when she makes a mistake instead of breaking down like this every. Fucking. Time.
No. 188367
>>188366I feel you Anon, I constantly overreact as soon as something slightly stressful happens. And then when I try explaining my boyfriend why I'm upset I realize how ridiculous I'm being.
I guess something we could do is try to re-explain the situation to ourselves and relativize it before even getting upset.
No. 188368
>>188357My mom is like this too. My younger sister lets my mom bully the shit out of her and it frustrates me. She doesn't want to accept that our mom is a fucking toxic person, and to top it off, thinks I'm bitter for doing so. I had to stop hoping she would ever change, because she NEVER will. I distance myself from her for my own sanity. I visit my parents 2-3 times a month on weekends, but that's about all the contact we have. No phone calls or texts unless it's about family gatherings or holidays.
The best thing that ever happened to me was when my parents moved across the country and we barely stayed in touch. Made it a lot easier to define my boundaries when they moved back to the area I live in a year later. I know you can't just pick up and move wherever you want on a whim, but physical distance does wonders if you get the chance. I got a little sad from time to time but I think it was more for that fact that I mourn the lack of a supportive mother. I didn't really miss her as a person. My mental health greatly improved that year. It prepared me to handle her quirks or whatever when she came back to town.
No. 188369
>>188366ayyy another swede
tbh first i cry about what happened, then i cry because i feel stupid for crying about what happened. it's a vicious cycle.
i think we need to sort of just step back and process what makes us upset and accept it for what it is, because if you need to cry- just let it out. that's all you can really do.
hope you feel better anon! like you said, it's probably not even a fraction as bad as your mind makes it out to be. you'll be fine.
No. 188373
>>188367It's always nice to have someone else to talk to when things like this happen, especially when you can't really trust your own mind. I think I'm going to take your advice and start writing down what happened and see if it really warrants getting this upset.
>>188369Aaaaaay, was it the image or the screenshot name that gave it away?
God, I know exactly what you're talking about. I always feel so stupid after crying about something minor. I know that my feelings are basically fake news, but much like a crazy conspiracy theorist I ignore the lack of evidence and logic in favour of blindly trusting my emotions.
>>188370I've suspected that I have some form of anxiety but never been diagnosed. I'm thinking of seeing a therapist and get a professional opinion.
No. 188376
>>188373both!! i stopped scrolling when i saw the pic then saw the screenshot name and was like aw yiss
i honestly admire anyone who's working in restaurants so much because it seems so horribly stressful and i could never handle that. i can barely handle being on a crowded street because it feels so suffocating and i panic right there and just want to bulldoze over everything. anyone who works in a stressful environment like a restaurant is seriously like a warrior to me.
you'll do great; good luck with your work there and stay awesome, my fellow swe farmer.
No. 188434
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I am currently overweight due to health problems, nothing obese or anything, but my BMI is 26ish right now, so deffo into chubster territory. When we started dating, I wasn't stick thin or anything, but I was about 22lbs lighter.
I know my boyfriend loves and cares for me, and we've been together for more than 3 years now, but sometimes he jokes about my weight and when I think too much about it - which is often - I get very sad. Doesn't help that the same condition is making me lose hair like crazy (already lost half the volume of it), so I'm feeling just like a bald pig.
Today I went to the doctor and he said that I will probably start losing weight again once I do my tests and he gives me the right medicine.
So I hope.
I just wish I'd hear a little fewer jokes about my weight gain until then.
No. 188441
>>188440>boyfriend doesnt allow me to dress up to avoid rapiststhats not how rapists think
>afraid he will get angry with meyour boyfriend is the one you should be afraid of being a rapist if hes making comments like that and is aggressive
get out of your abusive relationship and stop being controlled by some loser for fucks sake. buy some pepper spray and get on with it.
No. 188442
>>188440What's the problem of being a victim of abuse? It's not necesarrily something you choose or that you are at fault.
He seems controlling and possessive, and saying "I'm afraid of making him angry" is another huuuge red flag.
No. 188444
>>188443Just be safe, anon. I hope nothing happens. :(
I am tired of reading bad news about girls breaking up…
No. 188461
>>188452You have to let them know. You HAVE to, for your own sake. Tell them, if you can't tell them the specific reason why for fear of upsetting them, that you just need a break to work on yourself and to give you some space. If they respect YOU, they will. And being a very suicidal person myself, I personally know when I tell my friends about what I'm feeling, it can wear them down. I see it on their faces. I'm sure a lot of others know it too but want someone to assure them.
There's nothing wrong for wanting to distance yourself. You can still be there for them but not "all in", you don't necessarily have to drop them. Let them know for afar if it gets really serious you're just a phone call away. Try to avoid investing all your emotions in others, it will drain you dry. Take care of yourself first.
No. 188465
I'm really getting fed up with insecure crazies who need to put others down in order to feel better about themselves (she said on, I know).
I never know how to deal with them apart from ignoring them, but it's always so hard since they're often so loud and make themselves impossible to ignore.
They always make you feel like shit about your choices and abilities, and while ignoring them makes them think they aren't getting to you, that doesn't stop you from feeling like shit and getting discouraged from pursuing your interests regardless.
It's not something I can help, and people who want to comfort me and make me feel better usually just make it worse with comments like 'you can't let them get to you' and 'you shouldn't listen to them'. I know, but it's hard not to even if I try because people will rarely dedicate themselves so much to lifting others up as these people do to bringing them down.
It's really sad because even if I can clearly see that someone has issues (redpillers, insecure not-like-other-girls a la mystery.jpg), having to listen to someone calling me stupid, weak and helpless for having a vagina and daring to enter a man's gaming/programming safe space 24/7 or daring to be ugly and exist does get you to doubt yourself eventually. Especially if you're constantly surrounded by people like that who all share in that opinion or don't want to concern themselves with the drama.
Groups that encourage women programmers usually just make matters worse, it only makes neckbeards angrier and those women programmer hackathons or whatever rarely do anything useful past talking about doing something useful. And of course men don't have the same problem because they have their bros patting their backs constantly.
I don't want to have to live in a bubble to avoid getting my self-esteem crushed, especially since everyone and their dog tells me to 'put myself out there'. They mean well, but they don't know what it's like to constantly have your work scrutinised by dozens of basement dwellers every day and be called a dumb whore for daring to get one string of code wrong. It's tiresome and I don't want to have to deal with insecure manchildren just for a privilege of doing what I like, because I'll grow to not like it at all if it means having to listen to men explaining to me how I don't REALLY want to do this, how I'm only interested in it for money, how I can't POSSIBLY do any of this, how I'm only here because I've tits, how I should frankly just give up and be a schoolteacher to little kids because 'I'd be more on their level', all day every day for the rest of my life.
At least incels only have it in their heads.
No. 188467
>>188465Welcome to the rat race darling, there's no such thing as unearned respect.
Ironically it is your post that reeks from insecurity. My cousin is the same. She's constantly complaining about other people shitting on her work or ambitions. I will tell you the same I told her: they can never take away your achievements. The reason you can't ignore their voices is because you want to comply to their rules, you wan't to be accepted by them. But there's literally no need for that. You can be a successful individual without peer recognition.
The problems arise when you have nothing to be proud of. But that is entirely your responsibility.
the patriarchy is a myth to fuel a victim complex No. 188472
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>>188467>Welcome to the rat race darling, there's no such thing as unearned respectRespect =/= treating people like functional human beings. I don't respect you, but I'm not an insecure mouthbreather so I don't call you a dumb whore day in day out just because I'm threatened by your genitals.
>You can be a successful individual without peer recognition.No, you really can't. A good relationship with your coworkers accounts for a good chunk of your performance.
>The problems arise when you have nothing to be proud of.I don't have that problem. But you don't get to decide what I can and cannot be proud of.
>The reason you can't ignore their voices is because you want to comply to their rules, you want to be accepted by themHow dare I! And no, it's because it's hard to ignore autistic screeching when everyone normal is silent.
Please stop trying to psychoanalyse a person you've never met going off only one post, the real world isn't like your JoJo comics.
No. 188485
>>188443As one abuse victim to another, I hope you can get out there soon. I understand what you mean about not feeling like its bad enough, or feeling like you deserve it. My ex would always warm me about other people hurting me to keep me from doing things, but looking back he was the only one ever hurting me. I cried every single day, because he would find some reason to scream at me. You should never fear your partner.
He was my first relationship, and shitty abuse-conditioning as a child made me unaware of how I was treated being a problem at first.
Life now is so much better! You can be happy' you can be yourself! You can be with someone that is happy with you being yourself! You deserve a good life.
My heart aches for you. I wish I could help you anon. Much love.
No. 188487
>>188486I don't. I've been depressed ans suicidal, for years. I'm sure even my psychiatrist is bored hearing me talk about it by now. I don't even feel like saying good bye or anything, it would be ridiculous. I just wish that it would end quicly and painlessly.
I hope at least I have helped some of you guys, I've tried to anyway, these last few weeks.
I'm just too tired to pretend I'm not thinking about it all the fucking time.
Thank you for your concern, it means a lot right now.
No. 188488
>>188487Hey anon, I'm sorry to hear that.
Do you maybe have a throwaway skype/discord, do you need someone to listen besides your psychiatrist?
I think about suicide all the time too, and I've harmed myself to get it out of my head, I know it sucks having such dark thoughts and feeling like a burden to everyone.
No. 188489
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>>188156Your family sounds like a group of non-whites that did everything they could to integrate and saw that the white people that the spent so much time placating to still hates them.
No. 188493
>>188472Haha, exactly like my cousin. Do you happen to be named after a poet's muse?
Keep blaming the world for your hardships. This divides successful from bitter women.
No. 188496
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>>188493>Keep blaming the world for your hardships. This divides successful from bitter women.Wowee, thanks for the tip, Buzzfeed!
No. 188507
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>insurance got cancelled
>can't afford my meds anymore
>terrible withdrawal
>suicidal thoughts returned
>fucked my midterms up
>literally everything is going wrong in life
>uncontrollable anger
No. 188523
>>188505>>188507>>188508Please, hang in there. Also, if possible, seek professional help. I know people that got their life turned around when they were 32ish, so there is hope! Please please please. I know this sounds cheesy, but there are a lot of people that are going to miss you, even if at first it doesn't look so.
Please, seek help. :(
No. 188524
>>188507Misery loves company.
This was my exact situation when I tried desperately to get help last year from a really bad breakdown/relapse. My insurance didn't really cover any of the costs of the medication I needed plus there were no generic versions.
Thanks to that I completely fell back on binge eating to cope, and gained 80 pounds within a year. I sought therapists, but my insurance didn't cover any experienced ones or psychologists. I got stuck with a 300 pound social worker who bailed on my second appointment at the office to go get fast food after I'd waited for her for 2 hours. I left her office crying on the verge of killing myself and never went back.
I'm marginally better now in that I don't want to die, but I'm still littered with rage.
No. 188525
>>188523I'm guetting help, anon. I've been for years and nothing has change. I'm almost 30, wthout a degree, unable to support myself. Every attempt at a normal life is a reminder that I'm utter shit and time passing (as a woman) makes it worse.
Sometimes, I'm so desperate I thik I would be better off becoming the silent waifu maid of a robot. At least, maybe they'd be some of sense of purpose?
No. 188537
>>188525I can act normal but I'm just broken inside.
>>188524>>188523Being from a 3rd world country sucks, I tried therapy, meds even spend some time in the loony bin nothing worked. I think my brain knows my genes are defective so it's keeping me out of life to prevent me from having an offspring or something. I spent what little money I had to get myself fixed but it just doesn't work, I'm just not meant having a normal life I guess. Oh well, probably only gonna be able to handle a few more years at this rate
>tfw literally going insane from not sleeping for 4 days and still can't sleep because of withdrawal No. 188565
>>188534>become camgirls Anon, why not onto the street corner directly?
sarcastic Common, you didn't actually just mean that, have you?
It would only make them worse for sure.
No. 188570
>>188534You're suggesting mentally compromised and vulnerable women expose themselves to opportunistic men for the sake of money, an action that could jeopardize their futures and alienate them from friends and family.
It's very shameful. There's a reason why so many go to lengths to hide it.
And as we learned from /ourwhore/ Mystery.jpg, camming to make any kind of decent money requires time spent constantly talking to gross horndogs for hours a day with no days off. The "compliments" are just means to an end to get their clothes off so the men can have some fresh meat to fap to.
No. 188622
>>188476Pft, kid's stuff anon.
>17 and new to college>wanted to impress older college friends from a club>steal a bottle of parent's liquor and go to party>everything starts out great>they bust out mixers>everyone is stupid drunk>drink a bit too much and didn't slow down>apparently they invited a guy that I had a crush on who I saw a movie with once>apparently I did pathetic shit like grab onto his leg trying to get him to stay/hug>apparently I attempted "sleeping" in the kitchen sink>remember blacking out on floor in front of door>wake up on same spot of floor next morning>everyone is acting silent/weird with me>friend later tells me they felt sorry that I blackedout on floor and took me to their bed>proceeded to power vomit food and mixer all over bed>I went to bathroom to clean myself and then hobbled back to sleep on original floor spot>look closer at my hair>it's been dyed a different color from mixer powders from my vomit>friend had to clean vomit off the bed>apologize, the next day I replace her sheets and buy them febreeze From that point on they treated me different and I later found out they were talking shit behind my back at the college club, shit that wasn't really deserved. I didn't browse 4chan at the time (2009) but in hindsight a lot of the insults they used were from board culture at the time.
Basically anon, you really didn't go as hardcore drunk as you think. Lots of people have embarrassing drunk stories. Just apologize and move on. If your friends are any kind of real friends they'll forgive that. But yeah, don't drink anymore also. Worked for me!
No. 188625
>>188622That seems ridiculous… people have done so much worse at parties, especially college.
If that's all that really happened those people are really dicks or uptight assholes. So you embarrassed yourself and were sick, big fucking deal… Sorry that happened to you anon.
No. 188640
>>188625They were kids of affluent parents who wanted to put on airs that they were more mature. Which is pretty ironic considering the smack they talked.
If I knew how they were going to abandon me and talk shit like that afterwards I would've just told them to get their parents to buy them new bedsheets the next time they're sent their 'allowance' checks.
But anyway, thank you.
No. 188651
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fuck man my mom decided to go and pick up my nephew back home from the province and i swear to god i dont want that child near me she's calling me mean about it
i dont like children
i hate myself
why can't i be normal like my family and love children like them
No. 188654
>>188651Children are fucking horrible and disgusting.
Sage for no contribution
No. 188655
>>188651How old is he?
And well no offense but he's family. Sounds you like you live with your mom too so it's not like you have to take care of him much so? I get not liking kids but it's your nephew…
No. 188658
>>188476Lol I puked 11 times in my friends hands and didn't remember shit the next day
They still love me
No. 188666
My ex and I have been split up for a year now (and a few months before that he was very distant so it feels like more than a year) and since January he's been actively trying to be my friend again after I spent most of 2016 begging him to be with him still freezing me out and I'm not really sure what caused that change? But anyway we've been talking pretty much every day and we saw each other for the first time in over a year a few weeks ago and it was great, solid fun and not weird at all, but it did remind me of the chemistry we have as people which is pretty rare seeing as we're both not great with people.
He's been talking about how he's excited for his future sex life and asking me for advice on how to pick up girls and I didn't feel jealous, I've casually dated other people in the past year, but after seeing him he went out of the country for a month and doesn't have wifi so we can't talk and ughughugh. My head just keeps visualizing him fucking all these random girls and I'm really not digging it, not to mention I miss talking to him which is a weird feeling considering over the last year I forgot what that felt like since I just assumed he was gone forever.
Realistically I know he's probably not fucking his way through European countries considering he's socially awkward, with his family, and might be a hot 10 to me but my friends rate him at about a 6-7 with his dorky, tall, bony, pale with acne self, but it's still popping into my head and it's driving me crazy. The thought of him with someone else makes me want to gouge my eyes out, which is pretty fucking stupid considering I was fine with giving him girl advice before I saw him, have openly flirted with and gone on a few dates with other people and still am, and the reason we broke up was because our relationship wasn't happy in the end so I've filled in the blanks and assumed that means he didn't love me and probably never did, so here I am, making an ass out of myself again and having feelings stirred up for someone who has 0 for me. I've been drowning my sorrows in lolcow, digiorno and tinder. Good times.
No. 188686
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I'm at my wit's end and I swear if I don't vent right now I'll fucking lose it.
Last night bf tells me he wants to go to this LARP festival today when we both share a day off. I think these events are interesting, but I don't have anything nice to wear. And because of depression/apathy over the past year I've gained a shitton of weight and don't fit into any passable clothes I could've worn. Bf bought me this potato sack LARP dress the first time we met, but I refused saying in addition to looking like an obeast nun, the dress had sleeves made with unbreathable fabric and I was not walking around a southern, treeless field in all black like that all day. He was pushy but no. Just no. NOOOO.
He doesn't understand the deep humiliation and guilt I feel. I literally don't want to be out in public aside from work because I feel AND look fat. I'm starting to avoid people if I can. And if I have to be outside without makeup, my hair looking like shit, and my fat clothes it feels like a death sentence.
He's all like "don't worry i love u" which is so fucked because he's implying that his love should be good enough to trump whatever the fuck I think about myself. And as long as I have his approval, shit's good.
Well, it's not. And it really offended me. It feels like something he says just to get me to shut up about my problems because he doesn't like handling my frustrations and sadness.
Anyway, we're discussing this clothes issue at 2am, and then he tells me in addition he wants to attend their shitty tailgate brunch and it starts at 8am meaning I'd at least have to be up at 6am to get ready and make the drive there. Lolno, it's my "Sunday" and I want to sleep in. I work second shift too so I rarely ever get up before 10am.
>fall asleep around 4am
>bf gets the message and doesn't wake me until 9am
The decision is I just drop him off. No time for makeup–threw my hair in a ponytail, and put on my fat clothes thinking all I had to do was drive and not interact with anyone.
But before we left, I wanted to stop at our apartment's office to get the Overtone hair dye I've been waiting on for days (y'know, since I'm doing the favor of driving him). Tracking says it was delivered yesterday at 11:35am. Bf checked our mailbox last night and it wasn't there, meaning it was in office.
I like getting bf to do it because the staff is very incompetent in keeping packages and we have to be extremely firm in staying while making them go back again to check. I can't deal with their shit and usually after they tell me 'no' the first time I give up.
They often claim they "don't have packages" even when they do and they're just extremely unorganized or too lazy to look thoroughly. There's a black lady in particular who is extra worse and incompetent than the others–makes the most absurd excuses to wipe the office of the responsibility.
So I pull up to the office about ready to tell bf to go inside but then I see the hours sign.
On Saturdays they open at 10.
Sundays at 12.
I thought today was Sunday because it is my "Sunday" so I start flipping the fuck out because I thought they were closed, but they actually weren't.
So not only would I have to deal with the incompetent staff later, I'd have to risk having an awkward interaction with them as I contest the location of my package.
Bf doesn't say ANYTHING and just lets me carry on the belief that today is Sunday.
Just so he could get out of it.
~20 minutes into the drive I realize it's not Sunday. I ask him why he didn't say anything, "oh i thought the same." Motherfucker, bullshit.
On top of that my bf sucks at giving directions (he doesn't drive so he doesn't understand what I need from him), paired with the anxiety of other dumb morning commuters on the road…it just makes for a very flustered and agitated drive. He screws up at least once, because he never bothers to google the destination to make sure he knows the way first.
Finally I made it and go to turn into the park for the festival before realizing I see police lights on and a bridge. A one-way bridge. Meaning I'd have to go into the event while I look like shit!
I start literally whimpering about how I'm going to get out and my bf was an asshole to me about the anxiety attack.
Like how fucking insensitive is that? He seriously believes I hate fun.
it's like, yeah bf, I totally want to do not fun things and isolate myself in the apartment because I'm a healthy person right now with no image problems. Yeah okay! I even told him "Don't you realize the terrible image problems I've been having? You yourself think I'm fat."
No response, as usual.
So he leaves and I have to interact with staff to get the police to block traffic on the other side of the bridge so I could leave.
On my way back (30 minutes) I was crying the entire way because of what my bf said. Knowing that normal people are out enjoying the day and having fun.
While I'm a pasty fat vampire who is miserable and angry.
At that point I figure I may as well go to the office to try to retrieve the package so I can make myself happy and occupied with fixing my hair.
Wouldn't you know? The incompetent black bitch is in there, meaning I ain't getting my shit today.
>"Hi, here to get a package for 2619."
>"OH YUH UH UH, U-ASAY 2519?
>so she hobbles to the back office where they toss the packages
>looks for two minutes
>"The tracking says delivered yesterday at 11:35am."
>"So…you're saying the scanners and post workers are liars?"
>even though whenever we find the packages they're never in the correct numbered spot
>"I bet you are."
I gave her the worst death glare and left. I just wanted that stupid hair dye.
So now I have to go back later.
Texted bf to tell him stupid black bitch has my package in limbo but he hasn't responded.
Probably ignoring me.
I fucking can't take it.
No. 188687
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>depression kicking super hard the last few months because i'm getting old and i'm still an anxious autist who cannot afford psych to improve in the least
>trying my best but failing
>suicidal instincts raising
>mom notices something is wrong and tells me to talk to her honestly and stop hiding it like i've done since the last 10+ years
>"stop hiding everything in yourself, that's not a good thing, talk to me and i'll try to help you"
>fuck it
>decide to be honest with my mom about how much i hate what her bordeline paranoic overprotecting has turned me into
>tell her how she killed all my dreams one by one because she did not want me "getting hurt", tell her she made all my friends leave me because no one was "good enough for me". How she basically made me be alone all my life, and i barely talk to anyone anymore and i'm a friendless loser in a small town with 0 opportunity who is afraid to go outside thanks to her.
>tell her i wanna leave the house and town because i'm not comfortable living with certain family members who did bad things to me
>tell her i've wanted and tried to kill myself for over 10 years
>tell her that as soon as i get my license i want to leave to have any kind of opportunity
>tell her what the bullying at school was like and how it transformed me with 0 help from anyone (she didn't believe in psychologists because those are for crazy people, so never went to one back then)
>basically tell her all the truth hoping we could have a heart to heart and fix some things and understand each other better because i know deep down she's not a bad mom
>feeling liberated for the first time in years
>she dismisses me completly, and tells me she cannot be a bad mom because she buys me things and i've offended her by telling her that and that i shoudln't have said any of it
>she leaves and acts like we've never had that conversation becuse "i cannot possibly feel that"
>still want to improve by myself and get out, but feel super beaten because i though i could finally be honest with someone and i realized i basically have no one to talk to freely
The realization that I cannot speak freely with even my family hit me like a ton of bricks, it's basically what i feared and why i didn't talk about it with anyone about it and it beacame true.
Hoping i can get out of this slope soon and improve myself, even if it's alone, but fuck.
No. 188688
>>188687>tells me she cannot be a bad mom because she buys me things>acts like we've never had that conversation becuse "i cannot possibly feel that"My mom's the same.
If it's any consolation, I admire your balls anon.
No. 188692
>>188689I did a water fast for about three days just to get a headstart, and now I'm keeping myself to one dinnertime meal a day under 1000 (I'm short and have an absurdly low BMR even for an obeast).
I did it before, and I know I can, but it just took me so long to lose the weight before and it feels so overwhelming knowing I have to start all over.
Not really sure what I want to do about exercise yet. As I've mentioned, the thought of being in public horrifies me and I live in a really popular place. One of the reasons I lost weight well before was that I lived across from my college's track so I would jog late at night and be noticed by no one.
I wish I knew what dance routine Pixy did. I need help coming up with some kind of cardio routine that can be done in an extremely small apartment space. Like no bigger than 6 ft by 6 ft.
No. 188698
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>>188687>decide to be honest with my mom about how much i hate what her bordeline paranoic overprotecting has turned me into>she dismisses me completly, and tells me she cannot be a bad mom because she buys me things and i've offended her by telling her that and that i shoudln't have said any of it>she leaves and acts like we've never had that conversation becuse "i cannot possibly feel that"fuck, this sounds like my grandma lol. i've been living with her since i was young, because my mom was killed & i had no other family. she's a paranoid narcissist (armchair diagnosis by me) and she really fucked me up. college did a lot to turn me around, but i'm in the last couple weeks of my final semester now, and i'm terrified to go back home.
aside from that, i keep binge eating to cope with depression & stress, which is also really fucking me up. i'm leaving to go do an internship abroad this summer and i'm fucking terrified. i'm such a goddamn awkward sperg, even if i do speak the language. i was doing such a good job at losing the weight earlier in the semester, but now i can't do anything but sleep, eat, and play video games. i hate leaving my dorm because i hate being seen by other people. and i'm not even a hamplanet, i could lose the weight in a few months, i just keep self-sabotaging. i'm going to try to lose the weight when i go abroad. i'm terrified of buying things at stores & eating in unfamiliar environments, so i'm hoping that the stress & starvation will help me get back on track, maybe. idk.
thanks for listening, sorry for the blogpost, i'll keep everyone in this thread in my thoughts. wishing the best for all of you.
No. 188699
>>188692Good work anon! I'm sure you'll get to your goal.
As for cardio to do you could try the blogilates ones, they are pretty intense and some of them barely need any space (i do them in a very small room).
Also, for a long time i did TheFitnessMarshall dance routine (+ blogilates) and i lost a shitton of weight. They are dance videos to popular songs (raging from simple to more "intense") and they are done on the go and normally you don't need a lot of space (you can adjust it i.e. walking in place instead of walking forward or whatever). They are also incredibly fun and quite beginner friendly.
>>188688Sorry about your mom, it really sucks when they are like that. But thank you, it does mean a lot!
>>188698>i keep binge eating to cope with depression & stress, which is also really fucking me up.>now i can't do anything but sleep, eat, and play video games. fuck, anon are you me because same here. I was in a such a great weight and exercising regularly and the last few months i gained like 5 kg because i am eating my feelings away, too depressed to exercise and drown my thoughs with vidya and netflix and shit to make them background noise instead of dealing with them. I feel you.
It's really shitty being brought up by people who think they are doing the best for you when in reality they are slowly fucking you over for their own calmness of mind.
I really hope you achieve what you want and i'm sure you'll do fine in your internship. The fact that you even took the step to improve yourself is an amazing thing, so keep it up because you are doing great!
No. 188700
>>188699>blogilatesWoah thanks anon, never heard of this before but the website looks great.
You da best <3
No. 188707
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I feel like I quit my longest friendship I had with somebody. I met my former friend when I was 16 (will be 25 in a few months), we finished school together and still had contact when moved to different places. We experienced a lot of cool stuff together BUT there has been always one thing that bothered the hell out of me and which got worse the older we got. She made it sometimes suuuper difficult to stay regular in touch, I don't have to talk to people 24/7 but I felt like was always the one who tried to bring us closer again, not only to find a way to phone but also to meet.
Sometimes we managed to see us each other but sometimes I planned something and she canceled shortly before it. At some point I though "well, when she wants to talk, then she will contact me". She did call me or texted me but it was always after a long while and those "omg I'm so sorry I forgot about you, I'm so busy" and so on.
Anyways, to celebrate our long friendship, I planned a trip a trip to Berlin to see one of my fave bands. She has been always down to see concerts with me and we had our first travel together to Berlin, so this was perfect to us. And followed shortly after that, I asked her to see another concert with me. She agreed with both of it and bought the tickets, got us a nice place to stay and also ordered the plane tickets. I paid for everything and she told me she will give me the money when we meet. I'm fine with it when I know that I get my money.
BUT one day before our trip to Berlin she messaged me that she is sick and she couldn't go to Berlin. We talked a few days earlier and she already mentioned feeling sick but ok enough to go. But she canceled, only a few hours before everything should start. I was like "???? why now and not earlier??" Luckily I got another friend to come with me, but I had to find a new way to get us to Berlin, which costed me a lot more money than I planned. I went to Berlin with the other friend, everything was nice. Back home I remembered her about the upcoming concert, she said she would go even thought she still felt sick.
So at the day of the second concert I got another message of her that she couldn't go because she was still sick. And I thought honestly, why THE HELL was she canceling again and why isn't she just honest to tell me that she couldn't do any of those things. I don't mind of people being sick, it happens, but you know those kind of things so much earlier and everything costed me so much more than I planned (about 500 euro lmao). her last email was about how sorry she was and that she will DEF go to the next concert with me for sore :)))!!1 Idk, even thought I didn't got my money back at this point, I didn't felt like answering her because I was just too - disappointed that she cancels so many times and that it was always haha next time!
It's been almost 5 months since her e-mail and I don't see myself contacting her again because I realized that I don't feel like talking to her again.
it's been just all those small things that bothered me and make just fuck off with the last two events. Fuck that.
Also, she didn't paid me anything even thought she said she would for the canceled stuff. I gave her my bank account contacts but she never transferred anything to me.
>sorry for the long rambling but I had to get it off my chest DAMN
No. 188713
>>188686K I finally calmed the fuck down.
>1. Bf called me like a few hours after I dropped him off to pick him back up because he knew I was sad plus it was so hot at the field he wasn't feeling good.>2. Made bf go back into office to get hair dye. Lo and behold, the package is suddenly there!>3. Going to go get pho at a new Vietnamese restaurant then go on a walk in the park with bf once sun goes down a bitI'm waiting for the dye to set in my hair rn. What a day…
No. 188714
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When I was about 13-14 years old I used to watch the most fucked up films. I was an emo edge lord but they just fascinated me. If the film was banned in a country I would have found it and watched it just to see how fucked up it was.
Gladly i'm past that now, I'm 20 now and these films are starting to haunt me. About 95% of them I only watched once since it was just out of curiosity but images of these films keep coming to mind and fucking with me.
I've never been okay with rape but I could watch it if it was in a film (Knowing it was all fake etc). These days if a film even hints at it, it makes me so uncomfortable I have to turn it off. I have no idea why i'm so sensitive to this stuff now, nothing bad happened to me to make me feel so bad about stuff like murder, rape, gore.
I just wish I never put hours in watching and finding those kind of films to watch, i didn't think it would but it took 6 years for them to start effecting me.
No. 188715
>>188714Out of curiosity, which films did you watch?
Since I was little I've had this thing where I just /had/ to research any disturbing film or whatever to find out what made it so abhorrent. I never watched them myself because I've never been into watching horror movies and shit but just reading about the plot and the scenes fascinated me. Hearing how you ended up makes me grateful I never had the guts nor the will/desire to watch any of them.
Have you tried talking about the content with someone you know/trust? If you're traumatized by them now, it would probably be best if you could put your thoughts into words and share the burden with someone so you won't have to be alone about it anymore.
No. 188727
>>188715It's been so long i don't remember them all by name. The "classic" one is "A Serbian Film", it's all levels of fucked. I don't really want to explain it since i know if i went into detail i run the risk of being banned.
Another is "The Last House on the Left", I used to love "I spit on your grave" due to the woman getting her own back but i can never get through the first part of the film anymore. Also "VHS" it's a good film but something about it bugs me these days.
There's one that is on the tip of my tongue that is the one that is messing with me the most, if it's any help is has a very graphic rape scene in a red corridor (only thing i visually remember, sorry)
I can talk to my bf about it but i'm not sure if he'll get why it's messing with me now of all time, i mean i don't even get why. It might be my heightened anxiety lately. It's not like i have a fear of these things happening to me or anything, it's so strange it took about 6 years to bug me.
No. 188730
>>188714>>188729Maybe it's not related to any film, anons. Maybe it's just that your empathy developed. When I was a teen, I would see all sorts of fucked up shit on 4chan and it wouldn't affect me too much, but today it does (not much because I'm not that sensitive, but I can see the difference).
Some teenagers simply don't have enough maturity to shocked by certain things.
No. 188731
>>188730Ahh that makes sense! thanks anon!
I thought it had something to do with maturity but I haven't changed much from 14 year old tbh. I still like my gore films but it's like the other anon said where in VHS a woman gets her shirt lift up etc, stuff like that bothers me so much now.
No. 188749
My ex has been harassing me for months. We had a long LDR and he's been threatening me since last year, but it's gotten worse in the last couple months. Since he lives in another country he can't really do anything to me and he's broke as fuck so he can't really travel here to break my neck as he wishes he could. He's threatened me and my friends, said he'd post nudes everywhere, called me the most horrible things; I've blocked him and I'm not on social media, but he keeps creating fake profiles and emails to reach me. The saddest part is that I never cheated on him or treated him badly on purpose. Meanwhile he cheated on me several times, got a bad STD from one of his one night stands and even brought a woman to live with him during our relationship. So yeah.
I think he's lost it as he has said insane things, probably just to have a reason to offend and hurt me, such as "you were the baby my mom was supposed to have but it died!!!1 why didnt you want to be my sibling, why did you leave me there to suffer1!!?"
I wonder when this nightmare will end. I've always been depressed but suicidal thoughts have really worsened lately. The thought that maybe "my" nudes are out there scare me a lot (I say "my" because he doesn't have any nude pictures of me with my face in them IIRC, but he could simply edit one).
I contacted his country's police but they can't do much unless MY local police does, and local police won't because I live in hell where no one cares about internet crimes unless you're famous or rich.
I want to die.
If anyone has ever gone through something similar, and survived, please let me know. I may really kill myself because of this and I know I don't deserve this.
No. 188783
>>188727I'm the one you replied to and I was 500% expecting you to say A Serbian Film. It was one of the films I researched back then. (I might look into the other ones you mentioned since I hadn't heard about any of them, though like I said I'd never watch them.)
Like another anon said, ASF is just a load of attempted shock value of no real substance and no thought put into it beyond that. It got the recognition that the edgelord intended though, so I guess he'd be satisfied. Genuinely feel bad for Serbian people because of it though. Unflattering title to say the least.
No. 188793
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I'm really not into my hobbies (anime, tv shows and reading manga and some novels) now as much as I used to. The thing is, I don't know if it's temporary because I don't have a lot of free time and I'm kind of depressed and if I'll go back to reading manga and watching anime like I used to until I started college or if it's just that I became really picky. I'm really into video games and the fact that I have more money now than I used to makes me buy more and more video games (mostly on the 3DS). Now my video game backlog is pretty long.
So long story short, I'm kind of poor and want to save money. I'm not sure if I should try to sell all the stuff I'm not into anymore or not. For example, last time I did it it was because of an emergency and I kind of regret selling my volumes of Gintama even though I watched the anime and it was a bit redundant, I don't want to regret selling my stuff again. But I really feel guilty about my stupid purchasing habits though, and maybe getting rid of a good part of my collection will help me stop buying more and more useless books and DVD sets. I'm really hesitating.
No. 188806
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I think I have a huge crush on this one guy but I don’t know if I actually like him, or if I’m just weirdly attached to him because I have depression and he talks to me and makes me happy. I wouldn’t mind getting rejected but I’m terrified that if we were to get together, I’d later realize I don’t actually love him.
I feel fucking stupid.
No. 188814
>>188807Jojo is one of the big "new" thing in France because I think almost all the volumes are translated now (there were problems with the publication iirc but that's too long to explain). Now they're publishing Jojolion in France so it's pretty easy to find the series, it's basically everywhere. I feel like since I already read the scans and most of the volumes with an official translation and I watched the anime except the last episodes of Stardust Crusaders and DIU, I don't really need to keep the books anyway.
>>188809I love FMA too, it'll always have a special place in my heart because I followed the series while it was still on going, as stupid as it sounds. But I used to reread the books so much I don't really feel like reading them again, so I don't see the point of keeping them. I'm really hesitating a lot more for FMA tbh. I don't know about digital copies, it sounds very convenient but not many manga are officially available this way. There are always scans at least, even if it can be a shitty option sometimes.
No. 188819
>>188809Not the other anon but that's what I started doing. I own a couple hundred volumes of manga and started using an external drive and google/mega to save their digital versions. I've already gone through a lot of manga selling it online or at a used book store but now it's getting harder because the series I have left are the ones I like the most.
I kind of want to get rid of them because some are worth a lot of money and I'd like to go minimal, but at the same time I had always dreamed of being one of those nerds with a room filled with billy shelfs of manga.
No. 188860
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>>188821You have some good taste in anime, anon.
No. 188866
>>188686Honestly, you sound like a huge cunt. Don't make problems about everything. The world doesn't revolve around you, so try to take your own responsibilities. Your bf just wants to actually have fun with you, something that you seem unable to have.
Also maybe try to lose weight instead of whining about how fat you are. It's your own fault you got fat after all.
No. 188901
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>purposefully flirt with every guy I meet
>one inevitably starts showing a genuine interest in me
I already know I'm a horrible bitch, but how do I stop myself from doing it in the first place? It's become second nature to me
No. 188915
>>188866>you sound like a huge cuntYou being ironic?
>the world doesn't revolve around youConsidering bf relies on me for transport, in that situation it kinda does. He wouldn't have half of his fun if it weren't for me taking him there, which I'm okay with mostly, but fuck you lol.
>try to take your own responsibilitiesI have/did? I don't know what you mean.
>bf wants to have funYes, and if you read my post I explained why in that moment I couldn't.
>maybe try to lose weightWow anon, brilliant, never dawned on me.
I guess had you asked me what I was doing about it, like another anon did when I replied with
>>188692, you'd know I already know there's nobody else to blame for my weight.
Sorry I had no filter, but it's a vent thread. Next time just skip if you don't feel like it instead of reading the first paragraph and making a judgement.
No. 188923
>>188452Keep in mind that a lot of people who claim suicidality frequently aren't really suicidal, it's just kind of a shitty thing some people do when they're upset sometimes.
If they're clearly struggling massively day to day then it's different obviously, and I'd get it, but all the people I've known who've constantly relied on friends to stop them from doing shit aren't really that bad off, just a bit over dramatic.
Don't know your situation, but there's a good chance that if you stop that, they'll just go lean on someone else, not off themselves.
It would be pretty unlikely that all of your friends are seriously suicidal and barely holding on unless you literally live in a psych ward or something, as far as I see it at least.
No. 188925
>>188489Do you honestly believe that it's white peoples fault that her mum gets upset if someone tries to talk spanish?
No-one fucking mocks people for eating mexican food, people have loved that shit for ages, it sounds like they've just got a victim complex, and are buying into the narrative that Trump hates mexicans.
No. 188926
>>188686So, your boyfriend tried to make plans with you and went out of his way to get you an outfit, but he's a shitty person because you have bad self esteem and he didn't constantly pander to that? Or that he said he wanted to have a day out but you'd rather sleep in than spend the day with him?
Sounds like you created issues there, it's not your boyfriends job to live his life based around your insecurities. Lose weight if you're unhappy with it, don't bitch at everyone else.
And no, I'm not being ironic, you just sound incredibly whiny.
No. 188928
>>188926>the dressWhich he bought for me 3 years ago and certainly didn't go
out of his way to get. I've bought him clothes.
But it was a foolish suggestion because as I said: it had sleeves, wasn't breathable, and was black. I wasn't wearing it out in a treeless field in direct sun for hours.
Fyi–bf stayed for two and a half hours and then asked for me to come get him because it was so hot outside he got sick.
He got a bad burn too.
So no, I wasn't wrong to scoff at that.
>you wanted to sleep inYou think it's reasonable to ask someone at 2am to take you someplace at 6am? 4 hours of sleep is "sleeping in"? I still got up early to take him.
>it's not your bf's job to live around your insecuritiesWhat the literal shit are you talking about?
I gave him what he wanted.
He had fun by himself.
He said he wasn't mad that I didn't go.
YOU are the one making a problem out of thin air. Fuck.
No. 188929
>>188928He still gave you a dress and suggested it. You didn't want to go because you're insecure, not because of the heat, you outright said that.
>You think it's reasonable to ask someone at 2am to take you someplace at 6amI mean, it depends entirely on when you actually already planned on leaving.
>What the literal shit are you talking about?Gee, I dunno, maybe all the times you mention whining about your body image?
>And because of depression/apathy over the past year I've gained a shitton of weight and don't fit into any passable clothes I could've worn. Bf bought me this potato sack LARP dress the first time we met, but I refused saying in addition to looking like an obeast nun>He doesn't understand the deep humiliation and guilt I feel. I literally don't want to be out in public aside from work because I feel AND look fat>He's all like "don't worry i love u" which is so fucked because he's implying that his love should be good enough to trump whatever the fuck I think about myself.>it's like, yeah bf, I totally want to do not fun things and isolate myself in the apartment because I'm a healthy person right now with no image problems. Yeah okay! I even told him "Don't you realize the terrible image problems I've been having? You yourself think I'm fat."You spend the whole post acting like he's a shit person for not just catering to you being insecure, when that's not his job. You got offended because he said he loved you for fucks sake.
He wanted to have a fun day out, and you turned it into a stupid drama for no fucking reason at all, then apparently got shitty at him for not buying into the drama.
Unless there's a hell of a lot more to this that you're not mentioning, it really sounds like you're in the wrong here, and based on the way you seem to incapable of even comprehending that someone might think you were in the wrong, I'd say that's an even safer assumption.
No. 188930
>>188929>and suggested itAnd I said no for VALID reasons.
>you didn't want to go because you're insecureAnd? You don't have a point.
It was of no consequence besides me being stressed out.
Bf got what he wanted and was happy, you're trying to insinuate he's some kind of victim and that's messed up.
>depends entirely on when you actually planned on leavingI said when we actually left had you read my post thoroughly instead of finding things to argue over!
>whining about your body imageBecause nobody does that here?
You seem bent on targeting me specifically for it.
>it's not his job to cater to your insecuritiesI'm not saying/never said it was.
You can't seem to understand that when someone talks about their insecurities it's not always a solution for the listener to say "what you're feeling doesn't matter because I feel good about you." That doesn't help, it's whimsy, and it would make any person roll an eye.
>you turned it into a stupid dramaHe got what he wanted lady (robot..?)
It's only "dramatic" to you because I ranted here without a filter. You're in a vent thread.
>you're in the wrongI'm not, but it seems you're trying awful hard to find it that way!
No. 188931
>>188862We weren't even friends on FB. I noticed only because a guy on the group looked like he was answering to no-one so I checked the members of the group. He answered a question I had about homework on the group last week and now it's gone.
I don't even care about the guy but now I'm feeling paranoid that my class hate me and they are secretly talking behind my back.
I don't even post on FB except to post on that group (and it's reasonable posting less than once a week).
I know I'm overanalizing this, but my social anxiety is really out of control now.
No. 188934
>>188930>And? You don't have a point.I mean, you claimed that wasn't why you didn't go, because the dress was black and not breathable. I'm just saying that clearly was not the reason you didn't go.
That's like what, four different mentions of you being insecure in a post talking about a one day period?
>I said when we actually left had you read my post thoroughly instead of finding things to argue over!
>when you planned on leavingYou only said when you woke up.
>I'm not saying/never said it was.I mean, you pretty much did
>Well, it's not. And it really offended me. It feels like something he says just to get me to shut up about my problems because he doesn't like handling my frustrations and sadness.You said you were offended because he didn't buy into your insecure shit, and instead tried to comfort you and tell you he loved you.
He's not your fucking therapist, and it seems pretty obvious this isn't the first time you've gone off about feeling fat.
There's really nothing he could have done there except reassure you that he loves you, you just made up a whole bunch of shit about what he really meant by that and got upset about it.
>He got what he wanted lady (robot..?)Haha, are you serious? Two people have said you sounded annoying, and you couldn't believe that either actually meant it and then decided to accuse me of being a robot.
You're ridiculous.
>It's only "dramatic" to you because I ranted here without a filter. So, there wasn't any drama?
>I'm not, but it seems you're trying awful hard to find it that way!Not really, no, I've just posted a few quotes and said you need to stop getting angry at others because you're insecure.
Do you seriously think that you have no fault in that?
No. 188936
I've been spiraling since friday. I actually had to go home mid course because I was feeling like I was about to cry. It was like I wasn't understanding anything.
The only other girl of the class was back after being absent for several courses and I think she was understanding it better than me.
She's in her early twenties, already have a bachelor and is way pretty than me. I know people like her better than me. I even like her better than me, she's really nice. And I guess she's more accepted, being pretty and all, in a male dominated course/field. Even the teacher is clearly favouring her.
Meanwhile, I feel really inadequate. I've been really working on my social skill to try and shit chat, be nice and helpful and stuff but, well, now this thing feels like the proof that people can see through the fact that I'm a miserable ugly shut-in inside in my late twenties.
No. 188937
>>188934>you claimed that wasn't why you didn't go, because the dress was black and not breathableHuh? That's the reason why I didn't wear that dress thing, on top of it being a horrible fit and ugly.
Not the reason why I didn't go into the event.
The reason why I didn't go is because I had no alternatives I could wear (cause fat), and I've already addressed how I plan to fix it.
So don't get it confused. I already admit my insecurities are on me but it's frustrating when someone you care about does little things to stress you out and then dismisses your fees with blanket statements.
>four different mentions of you being insecureDidn't realize we get a set amount, like pretty princess points? Lmao.
>you only said you woke up at 9amBecause that's also when I was out the door.
I got 5 hours of sleep anon. I didn't sleep in.
>and instead tried to comfort you and tell you he loved youI don't find it 'comforting' to pour my heart out when I'm immensely stressed only for someone to give me a one-liner before they scurry off to their fun. It felt dismissive. In fact anon, you saying that only highlights how fucking weird that is to leave someone in that state to go have funsies.
I guess we're apples to oranges on that one anon, but I expect my partner to step up a bit more than that sometimes. Words can be cheap, and that's what that was. Cheap.
He could've stayed with me a little bit.
He could've encouraged me to make changes.
Don't act like the only thing SOs say to each other is "ily."
I wouldn't leave my bf alone like that…
>seems pretty obvious this isn't the first time you've gone off about feeling fatYou'd be pretty wrong, because it is. I've been having it pent up inside me all this time so 'scuse if I vent about it in, you know, in the
vent thread.
Like, for real, why are you here?
You're touchy with peoples' unfiltered personal thoughts.
>two people have said you sounded annoyingJust you, and some other person who posted a meme.
>there wasn't any drama?NO. JESUS.
It was literally me telling my bf I was upset.
Do you think we were arguing?
Do you think I was blocking the door and refusing to let him leave? Just….ugh.
>do you seriously think you have no fault in that?Why do I have to be "at fault" for being insecure when I have valid reasons to be?
But aside from that, considering I was nice to bf and gave him what he wanted ummmmm…nah, I didn't do anything wrong to him.
Can you stop now?
No. 188939
>>188937>Didn't realize we get a set amount, like pretty princess points? Lmao. What are you even talking about? I'm saying you're whiny, not that you exceeded your limit of complaints per day, simply that complaining about it that much is excessive.
>Because that's also when I was out the door.So it would have been three hours earlier, and if you went to sleep earlier would have been the exact same amount of time.
6am really isn't that early.
>I guess we're apples to oranges on that one anon, but I expect my partner to step up a bit more than that sometimes. Obviously they should, but the key word is "Sometimes". It's not on him to leap to your aid every time you're upset, sometimes all you can do is say that you love them.
>You'd be pretty wrong, because it is.Why would you say "don't you realise the problems I've been having" if you'd literally never mentioned having those problems before? Come off it.
>Just you, and some other person who posted a meme. No? Did you already forget you replied to
>>188866 as well as me?
>I start literally whimpering>On my way back (30 minutes) I was crying the entire way because of what my bf said. Because those are totally the reactions people have to calm days with no drama, right?
>Why do I have to be "at fault" for being insecure when I have valid reasons to be? Are you seriously that blind? You started the drama by making a big deal out of it instead of just saying you didn't really feel up to going or weren't really interested.
Not only are you at fault for letting your insecurities control you that massively (though admittedly that's not an easy thing to fix), but you're at fault for taking that shit out on others and acting like he's a dick for it.
It's pretty clear you guys weren't having a calm conversation in which you expressed your insecurities to him by the way.
>Can you stop now?Yeah, there's clearly no point talking to you, you're just going to go "nuh uh I did nothing wrong and nothing happened anyway".
Just so you know, a vent thread isn't a circlejerk, people are allowed to disagree and talk about it. If you don't want people to have opinions about what you post, don't post it, or at least say you're not looking for anyone to reply and just want to write it down.
No. 188940
>>188939>complaining about it that much is excessiveIt's a vent.
An anonymous one.
I fail to see how it effects you in any tangible way for you to be this much on my ass. If you had something better to do, you'd be off doing it instead of wasting your time WHINING about me whining.
I think
you're annoying.
>three hours earlierYeah so I would have been asleep from 4-6am.
That's unreasonable.
>if you went to sleep earlier it would have been the exact amount of timeI work late. How is that suggestion relevant? 6am is early when you went to bed at 4am and are used to working second/third shifts.
>it's not on him to leap to your aid every time you're upsetHoly assumptions batman!
I don't get that way often at all.
The only way your argument works is based on you assuming I'm some melodramatic queen bee constantly hollering in my bf's ear.
You're wrong.
>if you'd literally never mentioned having those problems before?So me mentioning how my clothes aren't fitting lately and casually bringing up how we should eat healthier=having an emotional breakdown in the car?
>Because those are totally the reactions people have to calm days with no dramaWhimpering is a giant drama bomb to you?
Crying by myself is a way to invoke drama on my bf?
You're reaching wayyyyyy too hard with this.
>You started the drama by making a big deal out of itMy insecurities ARE a big deal. They're worthless to you, fine, but not to me. Get over yourself.
>(though admittedly that's not an easy thing to fix)Really? Because you're arguing with me like I should've snapped my fingers and put on a happy face. You're human and you know what you're saying is absolute bullshit.
>taking it out on others and acting like he's a dickHe was being inconsiderate and not thinking things through. I never said he was a "dick," but I was angry and wasn't wrong to be.
Just so you know, you're not right about everything and you've got this one wrong. Now shoo.
No. 188960
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>>188939>Just so you know, a vent thread isn't a circlejerk, people are allowed to disagree and talk about it. If you don't want people to have opinions about what you post, don't post it, or at least say you're not looking for anyone to reply and just want to write it down.*PLEASE DON'T REPLY TO MY VENT, I'M JUST VENTING!*
Just venting about this anon who is obsessed with this other person in the vent thread. Seems a little instigative. Probably masturbating herself to the verbal smackdowns she just delivered to the LARP-loathing, sack wearing, self-conscious woman. It feels so good to tell people off, especially people you think are ungrateful. I wonder if anon will become the self-righteous, crabby old woman she's pretending to be right now.
No. 188964
>>188940>If you had something better to doDon't think I actually ever claimed I had anything better to do, that's kind of why the forum exists, right? If any of us had better things to do, we'd be doing them.
>I work late. How is that suggestion relevantYou were clearly not working that night. Staying up to 4 in the morning and then complaining that you didn't get enough sleep seems a bit counter-intuitive to me.
>The only way your argument works is based on you assuming I'm some melodramatic queen bee constantly hollering in my bf's ear.For sure, but you'd clearly brought up the issues before, and I really doubt you'd get that upset over such inconsequential shit as this is and be a perfectly calm well adjusted person the rest of the time.
>having an emotional breakdown in the car?Please, now you're just flat out lying about what happened. Did you say what you said in the first post, or did you just calmly say you'd felt kind of shitty? And if it was just a casual sort of thing, why did you end up crying about it?
>My insecurities ARE a big deal. You're insecure because you're overweight. Sure, that sucks, but it's not the fucking end of the world, and it doesn't need to be turned into a bigger deal than it already is.
Sure, they're hard for you to cope with, and that sucks, I absolutely do understand that, but you create issues when you start taking that out on others.
>Because you're arguing with me like I should've snapped my fingers and put on a happy faceNot really, I'm saying that you got shitty with your boyfriend for wanting to try to have a nice day out with you, and that that's not really fair on him.
>I never said he was a "dick,"Yeah, fair enough, you said he was an asshole instead.
>I'm going to get out and my bf was an assholeIt sounds to me like you created issues where there absolutely didn't need to be issues, and were being rude to him when he just wanted to spend a day out with you.
You're just completely changing your story to avoid having to go "yeah okay maybe I could have reacted a lot better there, or not needed to be in a situation where I'd need to really react at all".
>>188960Kek, you caught me anon, I'm absolutely obsessed with this, not just posting because I'm on my computer anyway.
If this isn't samefaggotry, you're trying way too fucking hard.
Also, you get that I'm hardly the first person to say that, right? In pretty much all the vent threads I've seen, there's been posts that say they don't want replies, and people that say "Hey, from what you're saying there it sounds like you were part of the issue" to the ones that don't say they aren't interested in replies.
No. 188965
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>>188925I'll respond seriously.
>Do you honestly believe that it's white peoples fault that her mum gets upset if someone tries to talk spanish?What do you mean by fault? I believe that her parent's disdain for people that speak Spanish is rooted in a want to integrate, her parents got shit for speaking Spanish and eating Mexican food(I'm assuming by their white peers). Later in life when her parents saw Mexicans doing things that may be considered stereotypically Mexican they got upset, they blame the person acting Mexican for why they got picked on by white people(and maybe blacks) in school, they bought into the 'if you people stopped acting the way you do then we wouldn't shit on you!' meme.
With the majority of white people(the same group her parents spent years placating) voting for Donald 'They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people' Trump they became disillusioned.
>No-one fucking mocks people for eating Mexican food, people have loved that shit for agesDid they imagine it? People love Asian food but make jokes about eating dogs and cats at Asians.
>it sounds like they've just got a victim complexThey just need to get over it amirite? I mean it's not like your formative years are important or anything, right?
>and are buying into the narrative that Trump hates Mexicans.We can't say for sure if Trump hates Mexicans, but you cannot deny that he demonized Mexicans when campaigning
No. 188971
> they bought into the 'if you people stopped acting the way you do then we wouldn't shit on you!' meme
>Implying it's a meme
>With the majority of white people(the same group her parents spent years placating) voting for Donald 'They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people' Trump they became disillusionedYour logic doesn't follow. How does Mexicans not assimilating and committing crimes make their parents disillusioned with white people?
>They just need to get over it amirite?Yes.
No. 188972
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>>188971>Implying it's a memeIt is a meme.
>Your logic doesn't follow. How does Mexicans not assimilating and committing crimes make their parents disillusioned with white people?
>spend years trying to fit in and >a yuge part of the presidential candidate's campaign is demonizing your group>you watch as a large amount of white people support this man>election night>majority of white people vote for him>you realize that no matter what you do you will never integrate, you will never belong, you will always be seen as a foreign invader>no matter what you do you will always be judged by the worst members of your group>do a complete 180 and treat them as they treat youIt's really not that hard to follow, lad.
I'm assuming you didn't actually read
>>188156 No. 188973
>It is a meme.No, it isn't.
Okay, but how does the rest of your ethnic group being shit make you, someone who is successfully not being shit, give up on not being shit? This is the victim mentally that is the stupidest shit from people like you.
No. 188974
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>>188973>but how does the rest of your ethnic group being shit make you, someone who is successfully not being shit, give up on not being shit?I doubt her parents are now out there raping and murdering, they've just given up on the idea of integration because they're now aware that they will always be judged by their worst(which is also a minority, not sure where you're getting "rest of ethnic group" from).
>This is the victim mentally that is the stupidest shit from people like you.Do you have anything of substance to say? If all you're going to say is 'uuuh, i dun get it' and then scream about a victim complex then this will be my last reply to you tbh.
No. 188977
>>188965>I believe that her parent's disdain for people that speak Spanish is rooted in a want to integrateOr they're just shitty people who want to be victims? Feeling like it's unfair that some people don't put in the effort to be accepted like you did is one thing, but going off at anyone who speaks Spanish to you is just ridiculous.
>With the majority of white people(the same group her parents spent years placating) voting for Donald 'They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people' Trump they became disillusioned. You get that quote was about illegal immigrants, right? That's the anons whole point, is that it makes much more sense to be against illegal immigrants who didn't have to put in the effort to immigrate to the country legitimately and then try to integrate into the new culture (which you absolutely should do, you're in a new place and have some responsibility to act in appropriate ways to that area).
>Did they imagine it?More likely they got a few jokes about it here or there and inflated it gradually over the years until it became massive bullying.
Memory can be pretty influenced by bias, you get that right?
>They just need to get over it amirite? I mean it's not like your formative years are important or anything, rightRegardless of whether your formative years are important, yes, you do need to get over it.
What's the alternative? You just refuse to get over it and expect everyone to cater to you?
>but you cannot deny that he demonized Mexicans when campaigningI absolutely can, because illegal immigrants are not the same group as Mexicans. Show me literally a single quote where Trump demonizes Mexicans. Not Mexicans who enter America illegally, but just Mexicans as a whole.
>>188972Your mental gymnastics here are insane.
The parents have always been against people who didn't integrate into the country, right? We can agree there?
They then completely backflipped on this and started to get offended when illegal immigrants are arrested, and acts only literal idiots voted for Trump, and that it's an insult to call someone a Trump voted.
How is it, in your mind that going "Hmm, this candidate seems to agree with my views on immigrants and integrating into culture, so I think I'll just completely change those and play the victim here instead" follows any logical path to you?
Their parents are not in the same group as illegal immigrants, and from their previous views, would not have approved of illegal immigrants.
No. 188979
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>>188975Ignorance. Confusion will be burgerlands epitaph. Basically, genetics are very complicated and south America has had decades of historical fuckings that have made for a very diverse haplotype pool for the Americas. Think about how one would go about proving their germanic or slavic racial ties. It's mostly identity complexes about culture and an absence of a defined ancestry.
It may be that some communities have certain ways of speaking spanish that are similar but distinct to the original, like how India, Malaysia or even the USA and the UK have variations of the same language.
No. 188988
>>188974Then please stop replying to me, because nothing you said makes any sense. No where in the original post did it say anything about them being judged by their worst. If they take people being unhappy with Mexicans because they do x,y,z, even though they're not Mexicans who do x,y,z, that's their problem and it's still not an excuse to not try to integrate or excuse others for not integrating.
>why do Mexicans believe they invented Spanish language?The same reason they think the American Southwest belongs to them when in reality they're imperialistic invaders and the Northern 300 miles of Mexico should really be given back to the actually native Apache/Pueblo/Navaho/Hopi/Kiowaa/Other tribes.
No. 188989
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>>188977>Feeling like it's unfair that some people don't put in the effort to be accepted like you did is one thing, but going off at anyone who speaks Spanish to you is just ridiculous.
>You get that quote was about illegal immigrants, right?"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. … They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists. And some, I assume, are good people"
You could say that it was about illegal Mexican American immigrants but I would go back to what I said in an earlier post, they are judged by the worst members of their group. And even if it was JUST about illegal immigrants we must remember that Mexicans are associated with illegal immigration the same way South Asian and MENA people are associated with terrorism.
>That's the anons whole point, is that it makes much more sense to be against illegal immigrants who didn't have to put in the effort to immigrate to the country legitimately and then try to integrate into the new cultureIt's sweet that you're being charitable but nothing in
>>188925alludes to that
>More likely they got a few jokes about it here or there and inflated it gradually over the years until it became massive bullying.And this is based on?
>Memory can be pretty influenced by bias, you get that right?Yea, the mind is a tricky thing and is prone to things like inter-group bias, beloved ;)
>Regardless of whether your formative years are important, yes, you do need to get over it.>What's the alternative? You just refuse to get over it and expect everyone to cater to you?Hmmm, not sure. All I know is that people don't easily get over things traumatic things that happen to them(especially if they occurred during the formative years). Her parents seemed to cope by doing everything they could to immigrate, maybe subconsciously thinking 'if we integrate then whites wont X'.
>because illegal immigrants are not the same group as Mexicans.Sure.
>Show me literally a single quote where Trump demonizes Mexicans. Not Mexicans who enter America illegally, but just Mexicans as a whole.See quote from earlier, what's the connotation? There is a reason Trump felt the need to do the stupid taco bowl shit and have Mexican Americans come on on stage and root for him.
>The parents have always been against people who didn't integrate into the country, right? We can agree there?Sure
>How is it, in your mind that going "Hmm, this candidate seems to agree with my views on immigrants and integrating into culture, so I think I'll just completely change those and play the victim here instead" follows any logical path to you?People can agree on an issue but disagree on how they approach it, you understand this, right? Her parents may not like people calling illegal immigrants rapists and murderers, her parents may not agree with building a wall and other things like that.
Also people aren't logical.
>Their parents are not in the same group as illegal immigrantsI agree, they're not but they're associated with them by virtue of being Mexican.
No. 188991
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>>188975>why do Mexicans believe they invented Spanish language?They don't, it's just that most Spanish speaking people in America are of Mexican descent so in everyone's mind Mexican=Spanish.
>and how is it a race thing when Mexico is not a race and there are white/indigenous/black/asian Mexicans?Pic related make up a sizable portion if not the majority of Mexicans, when people make derogatory comments about Mexicans this is who they're making fun of.
No. 188992
>>188964Are you the same anon starting the race arguing shit with the other posters? I'm curious.
>>188964>don't think I actually ever claimed I had anything better to doExcept for whining.
Which you're doing by making a big deal out of my post and insisting there's problems where there aren't.
>you were clearly not working that nightI was and now you're pretending you know more about my day than I do. This is how far up your own ass you are right now.
Bf and me both work late nights. That's the reason we were both up at 2am discussing stuff, it's like coming home after work.
"Anon you should've found a way to come home from work earlier to go to bed earlier before you even found out bf wanted to attend a mega-early brunch on the other side of the city."
That's how unreasonable you sound right now.
>but you'd clearly brought up the issues beforeNo I didn't.
This is your speculation.
You have zero proof.
I told you no but for some reason you insist yes, that's not my problem. I'm annoyed at you because you're making shit up and baiting an argument. But maybe that's your goal, you seem to like arguing.
>I really doubt you'd get that upset over such inconsequential shit as this is and be a perfectly calm well adjusted person the rest of the timeIt wasn't "inconsequential" shit to me at the time, that's the point. My emotions were raw and I was feeling very upset, there's nothing wrong with how I felt and I didn't hurt anyone.
>now you're just flat out lying about what happenedWhat the fuck? No I'm not.
You're trying to spin this narrative and I'm not sure what fiction is in your head at this point. Yes, I was upset but I wasn't bawling my eyes out in front of bf and urging my bf not to go. I wasn't preventing him from going or trying to make him feel bad for wanting to go. I told him to have fun and don't worry about me. I had a stressed-out morning and wasn't happy like other sleep-deprived adults.
You seem to think nobody can have inner monologues or thoughts without spilling their guts to the other person, which are what I wrote in my post. Literally nothing happened and things are back to normal.
>but it's not the fucking end of the world, and it doesn't need to be turned into a bigger deal than it already isThat's not how insecurities work.
>taking that out on othersFucking explain how I did besides telling my bf I didn't want to wear a sack dress to a public event.
You make no god damn sense.
>I'm saying that you got shitty with your boyfriend for wanting to try to have a nice day out with youBf didn't have a choice because I'm the ride. Assuming a normal couple both has cars, the bullshit would've stopped had he had his own transportation.
>you called him an assholeBecause I thought that quip about "You could've went with me you know" was tone-deaf to the situation.
>created issuesWhat issue? Do you think I called my bf an asshole to his face? These are my thoughts, that is one of the things I felt at the time. IRL there's no "issue."
>Also, you get that I'm hardly the first person to say that, right?Yeah but you're kind of being an extra cunt about it. And no, that other post wasn't by me.
Again, I ask, can you stop now?
No. 188994
>>188989>You could say that it was about illegal Mexican American immigrantsBecause it objectively was.
>they are judged by the worst members of their group.How are you not getting that they aren't the same group?
>It's sweet that you're being charitable but nothing in What? I am that anon, I'm telling you what my point is, and that it's stupid to act like it's totally white peoples fault she's acting retarded.
>And this is based on?The fact that no-one makes fun of anyone for eating Mexican food, because pretty much everyone eats Mexican food? Talking Spanish I could get.
>All I know is that people don't easily get over things traumatic things that happen to themIt's not about whether people easily do it or not, it's about the fact that you simply have to make the effort to. You can't just be unhappy forever.
> maybe subconsciously thinking 'if we integrate then whites wont X'.Sounds like you're reaching to me, these aren't people that were first generation immigrants.
>See quote from earlier, what's the connotationThere is no connotation, you're adding meaning onto it.
>There is a reason Trump felt the need to do the stupid taco bowl shit and have Mexican Americans come on on stage and root for him.Probably because people got this retarded idea that Trump hates Mexicans despite having said nothing that indicates that.
>Her parents may not like people calling illegal immigrants rapists and murderers, her parents may not agree with building a wall and other things like that.So, her parents don't agree that illegal immigrants should be prosecuted? Stop adding "Her parents might think this or that" to it when it's not what we're talking about, and you have no way of knowing.
>I agree, they're not but they're associated with them by virtue of being Mexican.I mean, in the same way I'm associated with Anders Breiviks or socialism for being scandinavian, sure.
I don't think you can go "Well, no-one's actually talking about them, but there's a portion of their race that's doing illegal shit that people see as an issue, so it's kind of like talking about them".
I've not seen anyone outside a few edgy forums legitimately claim that mexicans in general are bad people or that there's any issue with people who legally immigrate and don't cause issues once they're here.
Her parents need to stop buying into this victim complex they've got going on is really all there is to it.
It's not their formative years at fault for this, because they weren't like that pre-Trump according to the anon, they've only really started it recently.
No. 188995

>>188994>Because it objectively was.Okay bud, whatever you say.
>How are you not getting that they aren't the same group?Okay, is there any overlap between illegal mexican immigrants and mexicans americans? Any? Do these two share a group? Are you really having this much trouble putting pieces together?
>What? I am that anon, I'm telling you what my point isThen why say
"That's the anons whole point"
Why speak about yourself in third person?
Really gets my neurons firing, anon.
>The fact that no-one makes fun of anyone for eating Mexican food, because pretty much everyone eats Mexican food?So your claim that her parents are exaggerating is based on the fact that people eat Mexican food? Okay.
>Sounds like you're reaching to me, these aren't people that were first generation immigrants. Just going off of the information I have, the stuff I've read, and what I've seen members of other minority groups go through
>There is no connotation, you're adding meaning onto it.Kek, are you serious? Okay okay, let's pretend you're right, let's take that sentence literally.
"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending…"='People from Mexico are bad and bringing a lot of problems with them'.
>Probably because people got this retarded idea that Trump hates Mexicans despite having said nothing that indicates that.And where do people get the idea that Trump hates Mexicans :thinking:
>So, her parents don't agree that illegal immigrants should be prosecuted?Don't know.
>Stop adding "Her parents might think this or that" to it when it's not what we're talking about,Why? I'm giving examples of things they may not agree on?
>and you have no way of knowing.Which is why i add 'may' ;)
>I mean, in the same way I'm associated with Anders Breiviks or socialism for being scandinavian, sure.Where? In America? Unlikely because if you ask your average american who Anders Breiviks is they would scratch their head and say who. In some Scandinavian country? Unlikely because you are a member of the majority, and members of the majority are viewed as individuals.
>I don't think you can go "Well, no-one's actually talking about them, but there's a portion of their race that's doing illegal shit that people see as an issue, so it's kind of like talking about them".I'm not. What I'm saying in response to 'but they're talking about illegal immigrants, not mexicans' is that Mexicans are associated with illegal immigration, when an American pictures an illegal immigrant they picture a Mexican(usually lazy and on welfare while also stealing all the jobs from good old fashioned blue blooded Americans), not a silhouette with 'illegal immigrant' stamped on it's head, in America illegal immigrant and Mexican are almost synonymous.
>It's not their formative years at fault for this, because they weren't like that pre-Trump according to the anon, they've only really started it recently.see
>>188972 No. 188997
>>188995>Okay bud, whatever you say.I mean, what would you like me to say? That quote was objectively in the context of talking about illegal immigrants.
>Okay, is there any overlap between illegal mexican immigrants and mexicans americans? Any? Do these two share a groupThere's definitely an overlap, but that doesn't make them the same group.
If you don't have the characteristics of a group, you aren't in that group (in this context at least). You can't have some and then go "oh well they're similar groups".
>Why speak about yourself in third person? I mean, I wasn't even talking about that post, I was talking about the original poster. I'm not really sure why you quoted me at all.
>So your claim that her parents are exaggerating is based on the fact that people eat Mexican foodI'm saying that people aren't going to see anything unusual in eating Mexican food, because it's a really common thing to do, pretty much everyone eats it.
Why would they be singled out for that?
>Just going off of the information I have, the stuff I've read, and what I've seen members of other minority groups go throughWe're not talking about other people here, we're talking about that anons parents, which we only know about because of her post. You're creating motivations for them.
>"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending…"='People from Mexico are bad and bringing a lot of problems with them'.Yeah, no. You absolutely know this is a terrible argument.
You've taken that entire quote out of context and tried to use it to act like Trump hates Mexicans.
Give this a read if you're interested
>And where do people get the idea that Trump hates MexicansFrom quotes taken out of context? The Clinton campaign (and wider media, it happened in my country too) was pretty liberal (no pun intended) with how they used his quotes.
>Why? I'm giving examples of things they may not agree on?Because we have no idea, and it's just speculation.
>Where? In America? Unlikely because if you ask your average american who Anders Breiviks is they would scratch their head and say whoFair enough, lets focus on socialism then. Most people believe that scandinavian countries are more socialist than the US, right? Do you think that means I'm associated with socialism purely for being scandinavian?
You're not talking about whether or not I'm associated with it, you're talking about whether or not people may think I am, which are two completely different things, and I really don't believe that people automatically associate a Mexican person with illegal immigration.
>What I'm saying in response to 'but they're talking about illegal immigrants, not mexicans' is that Mexicans are associated with illegal immigration, when an American pictures an illegal immigrant they picture a MexicanI can agree there, sure, there's a big issue with illegal immigrants from Mexico in the US, so there's a reason for illegal immigrants being most likely to be thought of as Mexican.
I don't think this is proof that people automatically assume that Mexicans must be illegal immigrants, do you?
And your last point is relying on quoting yourself again, both of which posts ignore that Trump was never talking about Mexicans as a whole, and lumping yourself in with illegal immigrants when you are not one is very clearly an attempt to create a victim role for yourself.
Their formative years left them against people who didn't try to integrate and do things in an American way, so your argument about how it's hard to change because of it being formed in childhood doesn't really hold up.
That attitude developed in adulthood, as a result of misinformation at best (which is demonstrative of how trying to convince people they're the victims of something is directly harmful in my opinion, as if that propaganda didn't exist, there wouldn't be this issue), or a willing ability to ignore the reality and just make yourself into a victim for whatever reason.
No. 189000
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>>188997I don't know what else to say bud, at this point I would just be repeating myself. The only thing I can do is leave you with the full speech. No. 189006
>>189004After scrolling up amd seeing all of this political/racial sperging, I don't blame you and also feel the same.
Take it to a different thread, fuck.
No. 189011
>>189000This will be my last post, because it's clearly bothering other people, but I just want to provide you with these quotes from the paragraphs before and after
>When do we beat Mexico at the border?>But I speak to border guards and they tell us what we're getting.Clearly referencing the fact that it's immigration he's talking about.
And from after, showing it wasn't Mexico he had an issue with, rather illegal immigration full stop
>It's coming from more than Mexico. It's coming from all over South and Latin America, and it's coming probably – probably – from the Middle East. But we don't know. Like I said though, last post, because I don't think there's anything more to say. You were objectively wrong.
No. 189066
>>189065mada mada
Jk we all hate them too
No. 189069
>>189011i think trump is a fucking moron and is irrational about a lot of things and groups, but i agree he's never really said anything that was specifically anti-mexican. he's said a lot of false things about the mexican government and about the nature of illegal immigrants, but nothing about the mexican people in general.
the quote "They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people" is pretty bad because it's wrong, but it's a pretty open interpretation to read it as him saying "[THE MEXICAN PEOPLE] are rapists". it could even be read as "they're bringing drugs, crime, […] and their rapists". but either way, he's saying mexican has a lot of illegal immigrants (true) and that they're rapists (not true).
the taco bowl thing is really ignorant but keep in mind the guy's a pandering moron who acts this way about everything in his life. if he wants to appeal to a person or group he'll say they're the best or naively mimic them to show appreciation. see: mining hats, getting into trucks, saying "[X] people are good friends of mine". this is the guy who regularly says shit like
in that context, is him tweeting a taco bowl mocking mexicans, or is it a socially unaware perpetually-sycophantic 70 year old trying to appeal to a voting bloc?
the media exaggeration of trump's supposed racism has really muddied the water, because it prevents people on both sides from focusing on the actual reality of him being a narcissistic dimwit reality tv host who has no clue what he's doing and can't tell the truth, admit to anything, or stay consistent with a position or statement.
(that said, he has sometimes said some pretty offensive stuff about muslims above and beyond merely calling terrorists radically islamic)
No. 189083
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>>188924The women I know who have broad shoulders all have bad postures. Keep that back straight and be proud of what god gave to you. Basically your future sons already won the genetic lottery.
No. 189105
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So sick of commitment-phobic men. I'm in my early twenties and the thought of the "hoe phase" has never brushed me in the slightest, not yet at least. I've always wondered how do you see someone, get along with them, kiss them etc. and don't develop any sort of affection at all. Many guys do that all the time, but I feel it's just not in my character. Feels so cold, almost robotic.
I just want a nice, stable, monogamous relationship, but for some reason I can't find a person that thinks in the same way. Is it that hard? Being single is so tiring
No. 189107
>>188924I had "friends" like this before I moved away.
They were always trying to make themselves feel less bad around me by taking pictures looking my absolute worst ie. double chin, goofy expression, unflattering candid pose, etc.
I tried to politely confront them about it once and they deflected by insisting I was overreacting and that I was
beautiful. But they'd never let me review the pictures and pick what I liked, and they never took shit pictures of themselves.
>inb4 conceitedWhen I made new friends and showed them the girls who took those awful photos, they said those girls were ugly and were trying too hard to bring me down to their level. Not that it mattered, they said, because even when I was derpy I was still cute while they looked like troglodytes. Even my parents thought my ex friends were jealous users.
So distance yourself and get new friends, anon. You'll thank yourself later for it.
Seriously I can't imagine posting horrible pictures of my friends. I want my friends to feel good and happy about themselves!
Once I took a convention hallway shot of a friend's costume. I corrected the lighting, color, removed blemishes/lines, got rid of her double chin, and pushed in her waist and swollen legs ever so slightly to give her a bit more shape. She LOVED that picture, she even shared it on her own fb wall. A shitty hallway shot; yet it meant the world because she looked flattering.
It cost me nothing to be nice.
No. 189153
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My best and only friend since the sixth grade (I'm graduating this month) all of a sudden decided she can't stand me anymore and texted me to never speak to her again. Apparently she's felt this way for years. Sure fooled me… I can't stop crying…
I've also got an AP test tomorrow. I'm a slow reader. I suck at writing essays. I'll probably burst out crying during the test. I wish I was dead.
No. 189158
>>189153Your friend is a bitch for doing that the night before an exam.
Remember, anon, high school is meaningless once you graduate (i assume youre in hs if youre taking ap tests?) You'll realize what a bubble it was once you move on with your life.
No. 189180
>>189177Alcoholism is sneaky. At the last week of HS me and my firend got drunk each day. By Friday a single beer was enough for the same effect.
And I noticed this on my alcoholic father as well. He does not drink much, but drinks constantly.
To my surprise they were talking about the exact same thing in the radio the other day. I don't remember the exact amount but it does not take much to be medically considered an alcoholic.
No. 189181
>>189180Yeah "healthy" levels is like 1 glass of wine for women once a week or something. Which is why I'm trying to stop. I do drink less now than half a year ago, and am starting to see the pros of being sober vs the fun of drunkness. It's just a bit harder for me than it was with tobacco/weed. Cigs are absolutely repulsive to me now and I don't have easy access to pot anymore. But alc is everywhere here and a lot of it tastes good. Plus I don't want to cut it out entirely. I actually drink quite responsibly around other people, so i just need to get sober when I'm by myself.
I'm just bored, I have a boring temp job rn. And I'm too scatterbrained to stay on 1 thing long enough to cultivate real hobbies. I'm going back to school in the Fall so I'll be plenty busy then, just need to deal with this summer months (full of parties and booze…)
No. 189182
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I take the pill so that I don't get periods, but every month I don't have a period I freak out and buy 10 pregnancy tests from the drug store. And then I debate the validity of the cheap pregnancy tests. And then I do like 3 tests in a day. And then I freak out because I didn't do it when my pee was most undiluted. And then I do it first thing in the morning and see I'm not pregnant. And then I think that it didn't detect it because it's too early. And then I worry about the time limit for getting an abortion without getting dilated by a doctor. Then I worry about coughing up over $5,000. Then I look up pay day loan rates for the RepubliCash down the street
Then it happens all over again
I need to get a real expensive test
No. 189204
>>189176what does 4chan have to do with anything i mentioned. do you know where you are
this board is 18+ so gb2pull and sorry i hurt your feefees :¬)
No. 189209

>>189158>>189162Ah, thanks you two. And yeah, I'm in high school.
Well, at least I managed not to cry during my test (which is actually kind of a big deal for me; I'm a huge crybaby!).
I just wanted to gripe about "my friend" one last time…
We hung out almost every day and there was never any indication she felt the way she did (maybe I'm just stupid or something?).
Even the day before she texted me to never speak to her again, we were hanging out. I introduced her to a new band that she started gushing over. We laughed about a 2-year-old inside joke. We reminisced about a hilariously shitty movie we watched.
She didn't have the guts to tell me to my face, or, at the very least, the slightest bit of consideration to wait until the weekend to break the news to me. She blocked my number and blocked me on all social media and keeps making vague posts about me (I'm blocked from commenting but not from viewing):
>if there's someone i don't want to be around should i tell them or just ignore them as much as possible?? >i don't like their company and it's hard for me to decide what to do and i'm desperate at this point!!>don't talk to me anymore. i want you gone. get away from me.In her text, she told me she's felt like this for years. She had gotten quite a few gifts out of me in the meantime.
Shit, she might have been my only friend, but she sure was an awful one… she's quite an actress.
…I feel a
bit better.
Have this cute lil' singing bird to cheer ya'll up, farmers.
No. 189219
>>189209>>189162 here again, she sounds like a complete child! personally, I would never want to be around someone like that, especially the type to make vague posts about others, that's some real shit stirring. If this is what her true colors really are you're dodging a huge bullet honestly, she's not the sort of person you want to be around past high school. Do you have other friends you can spend your time in classes with? For me when I was in a similar situation that was the hardest part at first.
Also that bird is too fucking cute
No. 189240
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I really wish I had my own online circle of friends, especially girl friends. I haven't had any real female friends since high school and it really eats away at me. Whenever I see people on social media talking about their group discord chats I am really resentful and jealous. The problem is I never go out of my way to try to befriend others because I feel like a piece of shit who isn't good enough to have a nice circle of pals. I tried getting into the lolcow discord but couldn't get into the farmer only chat because admin never responded to my messages and the friend finder thread didn't yeild anything either. I don't know anymore. I know I have to get out of my scared little bubble but I am terrified of rejection. I want to have close friendships but I feel like I won't belong anywhere. It's just a self fulfilling prophecy though… I just don't have the courage to break the cycle because sitting on my pity pot has always been easier.
No. 189242
>>189240If you have spare time, could you fill it with a hobby to share with other people? I have a lot of online friends that I've met through my hobbies, either who post their artwork to tumblr/deviant art or their crafts/fashion hobbies to instagram. Getting to know friends can be great but it becomes easier if you have something right there on display that they can talk to you about
The friend finder threads here and on cgl are really helpful also
No. 189254
>>189252Can't say anything about her being jealous, but kind of, she's chubby and has unfortunate weight distribution
It's the first time I encountered something like that (from someone that's bigger than me), so I'll just go along and agree lol
No. 189256
>>189255What the fuck why are you two even together? You both sound like overly temperamental kids, break the fuck up and dont even date until you have that shit under control.
What about this situation makes it hard to see that you two should not be together? You're fucking violent with each other, it's clearly not good and neither of you sound equipped to handle a casual friendship, let alone an adult romantic relationship.
No. 189259
>>189257So he's a greencard.
Either way you're not cut out for a relationship if you can't not rage and be shitty without being drunk or anorexic or whatever. You have to sort that shit out before you even think about dating.
Go to AA, go to therapy, get medicated, something but don't just let it go and pretend this is okay because it isn't 24/7. 'When it's not a total shitshow its nice!' Is a weak excuse. If it was a decent relationship the shitshow wouldn't happen.
Break up.
No. 189260
>>189259no point breaking up now, we've been doing this for a few years now just waiting. its close to the end now so it would be a total waste of these years if we broke up now.
i like this country, i'm glad to be away from the US, i want to live here and i am close to permanent residency.
i will not jump into a relationship when we separate, and i will definitely work on myself some more. i am on medication btw and did aa and therapy for years and i can't really do therapy here yet because i'm not a citizen so it's too expensive, yet another thing i am waiting for.
No. 189261
>>189260At the very least you need to spend as little time as possible with him. If you can't get to therapy start going over all the therapy you have done and start applying it to day to day life so you can stop raging in place of drinking and shit. Having done the therapy is useless if you're not applying it. What are you doing day to day to manage these rages? Or to identify the source of them? How are you two communicating about this shit? What calms you down or slows the onset of your aggression?
He's clearly not a good person to be around, are there seriously no other options? Idk how immigration works where you live, the laws in my country explicitly forbid what you're doing.
No. 189408
Pretty sure I'm about to get my third warning in a 30 day period of time from my job.
First one was because I didn't count all of the products when I got done cleaning them before I went to the next step for a validation and accidentally left one behind (it was the end of the day and it blended in with the tub I was cleaning them in… I also didn't know at the time how many there were to begin so I just went on with whatever). That was a verbal warning. Not major, but required. My error was caught by someone else and we could fix the problem in the same day.
Second was an actual written warning that involved a correctional action plan and that was because I didn't have time to pH test a batch of media before we sent it to a customer to do an internal investigation with. Spoilers, it turned out it was in the correct range, but if it wasn't they probably would've dropped us as a customer and I more than likely would have been fired… but this situation only came about because I am overworked and there's probably sexism going on in the work place (the only male lab employee doesn't have to clean shit while the actual supervisor, who is female, does? bullshit. He also apparently isn't allowed to do any trivial shit I do either, despite having the same level of education AND the manager thinking he isn't far enough along with his understanding of things despite how long he's worked here. It's utter bullshit. I'm fairly certain I'm smarter than him because in lab meetings I at least speak up and throw suggestions out there for shit we should try when he just stays quiet.)
and now, the third one that will more than likely happen, is that I didn't remind the manager to call the water system people about a bi-annual maintenance thing that literally no one else in the lab can do aside from them. Surely that should be their responsibility, right? They're the only one who can call the company that services the system and the only one who can schedule an appointment. Why do I need to tell them every other day to do it? (which I have before on a quarterly thing and they literally did not get it done until the last week of the month). That shouldn't be my job. That takes unnecessary time out of both of our days for me to constantly remind them of something /they should already fucking be doing/.
Like, thank fuck we finally pulled someone else from another department to help me I cannot handle everything I am supposed to do on my own, and it shows on these fucking timesheet we have to keep when I'm completing over 45 lines of shit and the guy I complained about above MAYBE does 10. He's in charge of different shit, but he has barely completed any of it in the past 5 months and the vice-president of the company has noticed this.
You know?
Maybe he isn't in the person for the job.
Maybe I'm just salty because the other guy is paid more and basically does jack shit.
who knows.
No. 189410
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>>189408>wahhh it blended in>wahhh I'm overworked>wahhh sexismDamn anon, take some responsibility for your fuck ups. I mean, they were mistakes, but own up to them instead of blaming it on everything but yourself.
>I'm fairly certain I'm smarter than him because in lab meetings I at least speak up and throw suggestions out there for shit we should try when he just stays quiet.Uhhh, what does being quiet have to do with how smart a person is? He's not the one with 3 warnings to his name, so he's obviously doing something right, even if it's not what you think he should be doing.
No. 189412
>>189408>is that I didn't remind the manager to call the water system people I agree that the other two are pretty much on you, but what's with that last warning?
Is it in your job description to have to remind your manager to do their job? That's absolute bullshit unless you said you were going to but didn't/forgot.
>>189411This is me but with weed. Except my bf has been getting my dabs/flower from coworkers ever since we moved to a red state. They're spotty at best. I ask him to ask the coworkers and then give the money. It's frustrating bc I can never buy in bulk, so it always feels like I'm being ripped off and paying for his coworker's shit.
I even went through the trouble of buying a really nice oil rig for myself, but bf's coworker got annoyed that I went through a gram a week. I even mentioned how I wanted to buy in bulk and nothing. Now I'm fucked and being ignored.
No. 189419
>>189416Who says you don't have schizophrenia? No offence but anybody diagnosed with a psychotic disorder isn't considered reliable when assessing their mental state.
When we're you diagnosed, and was it by a psychiatrist after observations?
No. 189420
>>189408Sounds like you're not cut out for the job not him.
You said you neglected your duties twice and now you're blaming him because he's quiet in meetings and doesn't have to do the same duties as his supervisor? Wtf?
No. 189422
>>189408OK I kind of feel bad for you because some other anons are piling up on you a bit but you did fuck up. That doesn't mean it's entirely your fault though, sounds like they expect too much from you and not enough from themselves and your coworker. In those circumstances making mistakes is understandable.
Look for another job, get an offer, then talk to management about your issues and if they don't do anything about it then leave.
No. 189428
>>189419It's fine, I understand how it sounds.
I've gotten diagnosed with bipolar disorder by 3 different psychiatrists
No. 189429
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>>189422Fresh meat is always at bottom of the hierarchy.
It is not clear who is the supervisor (anon or not) but if she works more than her subordinates then she is clearly not fit for the position. This may explain the disproportionate work loads.
>>189408Please don't stay in an abusive relationship.
No. 189431
>>189428Psych diagnosis are tricky. They are never clear cut like in the books, a lot of people have overlapping disorders. What medication are they suggesting? A neuroleptic? Are you already taking something for the bipolar diagnosis?
Maybe they want to try something else because it's not working.
I've been moved from a depression diagnosis, to GAD, to 'a lot of suffering'(whatever that meant) to 'yeah, we actually don't know, we're just going to try whatever and hope it works' over the years.
Don't focuse too hard on the diagnosis, what is important is the med they are putting you on and the general treatment offered. A diagnosis of schizophrenia is not a new identity you have to endorse for life, it may be the way to find better treatment if it's actually the issue.
No. 189434
>>189323If you've gone a year without being able to find a job, you're not applying to the right jobs. You just need to do shitty jobs no one else wants. Apply to more manual labor jobs, they hire women more often than you think. You can get them by not being an alcoholic. That's literally all it takes. Hell, you can get them even with alcoholism as long as you don't show up to the interview too drunk.
>>189428A lot of drugs for schizophrenia also treat bipolar disorder. They're extremely similar conditions with similar treatments. Stop complaining about being treated like a crazy person when you literally are a crazy person. Living in denial isn't going to help.
No. 189445
>>189443I noticed that too, terrible.
I found my old blogs on the web archive/way back machine, didn't know they collect that stuff automatically? Kind of creepy since I try to stay somewhat anon on the internet.
Glad they have an option to get the sites removed from there.
No. 189447
>>189446>>189443>>189445I love when they leave their embarrassing email addresses for us
verbally burn them and report, if we all pull our weight against it then it will pass faster
No. 189448
>>189443god this drives me fucking nuts, I always want to point it out but then I seem like a huge bitch.
>>189408you fully deserve all those warnings, just because another person isn't doing their job well enough doesn't mean you get to slack off.
No. 189457
>>189456Try forcing yourself to do studies. Just a quick study every single day.
Helps me when I'm in a drawing rut. Plus you improve a lot as well.
No. 189470
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I work for an airline and you'd be amazed at how many helicopter parents I have to deal with talking about their ADULT children like they're helpless children. I'm talking 20+ year old adults.
Last night this mama bear became outraged at me because I was "talking too calmly" and not mirroring her screaming and being upset because her 21 year old's flight was canceled. She had a wedding to be at today, as a guest. Even though it's completely on them for booking the evening departures the day before little precious had to be at the event. Mama bear was demanding I pull a plane out my ass because little precious was going to likely have to overnight at a hotel (that we would pay for) and maybe catch a flight tomorrow.
Ironically, little precious would have made a connecting flight out had she womaned up and spoke to me directly instead of three-waying me between mama and papa bear for 20 minutes before giving me the info I needed to help.
I'd say I have a higher amount of patience than the average person, but I really felt like telling this mom that I'm only about 4 years older than her daughter, and if she couldn't handle being stuck at an airport we offer a minor escort service starting at $150 so an "adult" staff member can hold her hand.
No. 189496
>>189409When you look at the time sheets we do, I am literally doing the most active work in the lab. Kill me for wanting him to wipe down the damn countertops when he has time to put "Sonic run" on his timesheet and I'm lucky if I get to sit down any time other than for lunch.
>>189410>>189417I really could have worded that part better but alcohol made me think you guys could read my mind lol. What I meant was, when we're looking for solutions to tests that have fucked up, I'm throwing out ways we can retest and figure out if we can get some sort of results that way or show where we went wrong. And some of them have actually worked out. He's not putting any suggestions out into the open. I'm at least trying to figure out why things went wrong instead of not saying anything. That's what gets me. It's not wahwah quiet people are dumb, it's an "I'm trying to fix shit that's not working" thing. I'm honestly sorry if it came off that way because I am typically quiet myself, but I need them to know I am trying to find ways to improve the way we do things so that I can move up or, at the very least, show that I can think of new ways to test items that fail.
>>189420We're the essentially the same ranking. We're both lab technicians. We both have secondary positions, as well. Because he's a "validation tech" (that has only fully completed one or two internal validations when apparently he's not really meeting the expectations the vice-president of the company had set for this position.) he's apparently exempt from cleaning, while someone who is ranked as a supervisor is responsible for cleaning doesn't seem right.
>>189422We've thrown another person in to aide with my position, and it has helped a lot. I'm frequently reminded that I'm essentially the backbone of the lab and that without me testing wouldn't get done… because I am responsible for making sure everything is made and prepared for others to test with, making sure all glassware and instruments are clean, making sure things are decontaminated so another department can ship the off, kill any of our testing that has positive growth in it, and making sure what rooms we are responsible to keep clean are clean… while also having to do testing and make sure any in-house daily maintenance/calibration is done. It's not easy to balance so when someone can throw five minutes to do something to help move things along is immensely helpful.
>>189429Basically, it goes Lab Manager>Supervisor>Technician. And Manager should be in charge of making the call to get our system checked, as I found out this morning. It has, apparently, never been the technician's responsibility in the past (we recently had a change in management so that screwed things up) so it shouldn't fall on my head, luckily.
I'm sorry if my original post really seemed like unclear self-pity ramblings. I was drunk and hormonal. I'm still mildly drunk and hormonal, but really have been doing my best at my job that I can. He actually did get a warning for not cleaning up after testing because it impeded the ability for someone else to test in a timely manner. He typically expects things to be cleaned up after him most of the time and that's what grinds my gears the most because it's typically in the way of me getting what I need to do done because I either have to take the time to clean it myself or wait for him to do it… in which me cleaning it up is the quickest option to do… but this time I chose not to do it because that isn't my responsibility to clean up after his testing.
I guess I should also note it's really hard to get fired here. Like, really hard. The only people who have ever been fired got fired for stealing from the workplace. I'm using it for experience for the most part, but clearly this might be moot territory since my reviews may or may not be good (judging my responses from you guys lol).
I recognize I messed up on the pH thing, honestly that wouldn't have happened if we didn't have to stay late one day and the manager made an off-hand comment about hoping the pH wasn't off and my honest ass saying I hadn't had time to test it (it was from the same batch).
It's a catch-22 most of the time because they don't want us to have overtime for internal things, but that's what I personally need to have overtime for–to do internal things.
No. 189511
>>189508Awww, don't worry anon. I complain about my bf a lot here too but imo it's better than me potentially embarrassing myself by telling friends or come off as dramatic if I vaguepost elsewhere about it.
Your guy sounds like a controlling jerk. I empathize with feeling stuck in a relationship, mine's more out of financial necessity lest I move back in with my parents temporarily or teach overseas.
No. 189512
>>189511t-thanks anon, lolcow are my only friends ;_; and you guys are the only ones who can give me a harsh reality check when I need it, too.
I know how you feel, he financially controls me as well but I'm looking for a job lowkey so I can move out and hopefully get away from his abuse.
No. 189517
>>189516So start saving whatever pennies you can, and make an escape plan. Don't stay with some controlling asshole who's isolating you from friends and family so he can abuse you jfc.
I'm so sick of women whinging about their shitty and sometimes abusive partners but refusing or making up excuses to leave. Any country that isn't a third world shithole has organisations set up specifically to get women out of this shit. Don't just shrug some goddamn shoulders and say 'oh no I'm just trapped wahhh Wahh poor me' and not even look for a way out.
No. 189521
>>189519Yeah props to girls who are mentally strong enough to not get into these situations and can escape them if they happen, but on top of the financial aspects which are all too common, it usually goes down like this:
>be mentally ill girl>pretty cool, fun, caring guy enters life>shit gradually goes downhill>desperately want things to return to how they were before>know you should leave but the "what ifs" and his apologies make you feel guilty and unsure>realize you're too fucked to be in a relationship for a long time if you were to escape>don't want to bother family/friends with the task of building you back up>don't tell them anything but become moody and distant, effectively pushing them away>scared of being alone, continue to live with the abuse>add in some guilt and shame from probably lying to family and friends about how the bf's been treating youIt's… complicated.
No. 189523
I don't know where to post this but since I really need to vent, I guess it's here.
I've dated a guy for almost a year and even though I am 23, it was my second relationship. I met him while I was on student exchange and about 5 months into dating relationship became long distance.
Everything seemed great, common hobbies, similar sense of humor, lots of fun etc. He was cute and kind to me and I was really happy at first because finally everything seemed to be going well. I think I fell in love quite quickly.
But as time passed by, even though I would ask him about him, he didn't really show interest in anything about me or my life that wasn't somehow tied to him. When our relationship became LD, daily communication continued thorough messages. But, again, if I told him how's my day been - he would just reply with "ah" or "I see". Like I would tell him that I finally managed to find a job, he would say "that is great" but would never ask what kind of job and would just proceed to talk about another topic.
It really started to confuse me and when I would seek advice, people would usually assume he didn't want to communicate and wanted to move on. That is what I thought at first too, but he was very adamant about staying in relationship. He would talk to me on daily basis, initiating conversations, just never about our lives generally.
I started getting very anxious about the whole thing and whenever I tried to talk to him about this problem, he would freak out and make me seem like I am going crazy and making things up. I didn't come at him aggressively, I just wanted to talk. That would make me feel guilty and I would end up apologizing. It discouraged me to talk openly with him as there was always some lingering sense of guilt.
My life got harder which made me go in a bad mental state. First my grandfather who I was very close with was dying and later I found out my father cheated on my mother. I needed support but every time I tried talking to him about it, he would just reply with a cold "oh, that's bad." and would ignore me.
When I told him I feel awfully lonely, but he would just brush me off about how he has also been lonely at some points in his life but since he is a man, nobody supported him and I as a woman have it way more easier because…I'm a woman?
My idiotic self finally broke up with him, but he would still message me, sending me fucking internet memes, and since I was a wreck and feeling lonely, I would message him back and a part of my brain hoped that things would go back to normal and that he would somehow magically start caring.
One day, he suddenly tells me how he didn't get the job he wanted and worked hard for several months. I felt bad regardless everything that happened and tried empathizing with him but he just berated me instead. (Again, I have no idea why, I think he thinks everything in my life is peachy.)
I just went into some sort of panic attack and he blocked me because "he doesn't need this."
I don't know why I am so retarded and why I stuck so long. I feel worthless and stupid. And I still miss him, I don't even know why. Fuck me.
No. 189527
>>189526Oh well, then. You heard this anon, abused people. Just leave all your possessions to your abusive partner and go live in a shelter, let them threaten the lives of your parents if you leave, let them threaten to up and leave with your kids and never letting them see you ever again, start a new life when your partner forced you out of working, studying and having friends, without any savings or jobs prospects.
Take responsability, ffs! Just throw yourself in a life of misery and probably further abuse!
Yeah, ok. You have so little awareness it's painful.
No. 189528
>>189523You don't deserve such a shitty guy, anon. You should have left earlier, but it happens. It doesn't mean you're stupid, it just means you cared about him and were probably going through some rough times.
You deserve better. Don't lose hope.
No. 189529
>>189527Oh well then. You heard this anon, just stay with some abusive asshole who makes you hate yourself and makes you fear for your safety and makes you want to kill yourself. Never stand up for yourself and just be a slave to your emotions even though your logical mind knows that you're in a horrible situation. Remember people's emotions should always be validated no matter what the cost is to them! Just throw yourself into a life of guaranteed further abuse and misery because trying to change might not work out!
kys. Again, you're part of the problem.
No. 189530
>>189529I sincerely hope you're just young and lack maturity because if you think temporary stays at shelters are all abused women need to get on their feet after years of abuse, you're really naĂ¯ve.
This kind of thinking is harmful and insulting to victims.
No. 189531
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>>189527>threaten the lives of your parentsThat is a criminal offence.
>threaten to up and leave with your kids and never letting them see you ever againNot legal either.
If any one of these happen to you please contact your local police.
>>189530Now this is the problem. No one should stay in an abusive relationship for any length of time.
It is certain that only people susceptible (did i use the word correctly?) to abuse get into an abusive relationship in the first place, but it is no excuse for sticking with the same man for even a minute. Admittedly it can take a long time for the situation to worsen but the signs are all there. Yet millions of women tend to ignore it or rationalize if for too long.
No. 189533
>>189532I love the 'take your responsalibities' bit. With it, you can justify anything.
> why fight for abortion? Women just should take their responsabilities.> why give more funding to mental health programs? Addicted people just should take their responsabilities.Abuse is so much more complicated than 'just leave lol'. I'm not saying you shouldn't leave. OF FUCKING COURSE YOU SHOULD LEAVE. But thinking wanting to leave is enough to do it when you're knee deep in it and just realised something is really wrong is just pure fantasy. It doesn't help victims. It makes them feel even more vulnerable in a situation where they is no win. You stay, you get abused. You leave, you get yourself into a miserable situation (sometimes worse than the one you leave) for years to come.
No, reducing really complex situation to dumb statements never helped anyone.
You guys keep telling homeless people to stop drinking and depressed people to smile, tho, maybe i'm really wrong and it's just THAT SIMPLE.
No. 189536
>>189533Agree with you 100% anon.
I usually just assume anons posting platitudes like that are trolling and don't dignify them with a response. Good for you for spelling it out like that, situations like these are never that simple.
No. 189540
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I don't get along very well with my parents for a lot of reasons, but I'm a total loser that still lives at home despite being 24. My mentally unstable ass can't hold down a job and the little money I do make from "side hustles" isn't enough to live off of (like $30-50 a month IF I'm lucky). I don't have friends or any other family to live with and sometimes it is just UNBEARABLE knowing I have to interact with them. But then I feel like a giant asshole because I should be grateful that I'm living in their house, that they're supporting me and I'm not homeless. I know I have a lot of blessings. But I just get so angry, and frustrated, and I want to be away from them because they make me feel angry and frustrated.
The worst is my father. He was abusive when I was younger, but he mellowed out a lot when I became a teen. I think a lot of it too was that I got old enough to fend for myself so not being as dependent on him = less asking him for things = less abuse. And now that I'm an adult he pretty much acts like none of it ever happened. We don't talk about it, and if it comes up he will actually completely deny it or accuse me of having faulty memories. So on the one hand I try to just act as if it never happened either. But then little things he does will remind me even though they aren't harmful now…like if he stomps around and slams a door, or shouts/uses a harsh tone, it's like my brain mentally reverts back to being a little kid and I feel helpless and scared all over again. And that makes me angry and scared so I withdraw, and he gets mad at me for "acting strange". Or sometimes I feel so overwhelmed by it I cry, and then he shouts at me for "having tantrums". He talks to me like a child, and treats me like a child (he assumes women are by default unintelligent, he treats my mother the same way) and that also doesn't help when my brain goes back into child-mode.
I'm just tired of thinking about my parents all the time. We live in the same house and see each other all day every day so I guess it makes sense but on the other hand jesus. I would kill for just one day where I don't think about them at all. I really, really try but for some reason it's hard.
If I would have known when I was younger that this is what my life would be like at my age I legit would have killed myself. I'm not suicidal, but just…damn. This sucks and feels like it's been this way forever and will never change. Weh weh weh.
No. 189541
>>189526sage for double posting but tbh have you ever been to a shelter? have you had to stay in one? they are not fun, it blows my mind how some people think they are a sanctuary and you can just up and leave and stay at a shelter.
first of all its very very hard to find ones with open beds. yes there's a handful of others who might be fleeing abuse or down on their luck but the vast majority (at least in my city) are there because of extreme untreated mental illness or addiction problems. it is NOT a safe environment. it's safer than being on the streets, or maybe living with someone threatening your life, but that's setting the bar low. its not like a dorm or a hostel or anything like that.
also, and I'm pretty sure this is true everywhere regardless of city, your shit will get stolen. absolutely. anything even slightly valuable will get taken, and even petty stuff like shampoos and toiletries get filched.
its fucked up but I completely understand if someone in an abusive relationship who is still at the point where they feel like they can "handle" the abuse (been there) would not exactly view a shelter as a viable option.
No. 189546
>>189541I know how bad shelters can be, but that still doesn't mean they aren't better than getting beaten.
There are organisations other than shelters that can help, and the police are a thing that exist. Any family violence organisation is better than doing absolutely nothing. These organisations can help with financial assistance, getting you to a doctor, getting therapy, getting housed, getting employed etc.
Losing stuff sucks, but is better than violence, and lots of FV orgs will assist you in either getting your shit back or replacing it. Police can provide an escort to get your belongings.
If the safety of your family or self is in danger because he's threatening to do stupid shit, again, police are a thing. They can watch the family's home or the abusers and prevent further violence.
There is always an option to leave and acting like it's ever better to stay is bullshit.
No it's not a good situation, but it's better than being abused or having kids be abused.
No. 189553
And I get so many mixed messages if whether or not this kind of sexual stagnation is "normal."
Even my own my and dad haven't had sex in years and are still together, but I also know that their sexual and romantic needs are different than mine. Meanwhile I'm freaking out reading articles online that say that if there's no sex in what used to be a sexual relationship, it's in trouble.
I don't know what to think or how to believe.
No. 189555
>>189547>>189551Sounds like you're somewhere without decent domestic violence laws and resources. The shelters and orgs I know of provide long term case management to get people into stable accommodation instead of sending them back to the abuser to get fucked up. What nightmare land are you in? India?
Any remotely functional social service system does more than just throw you a cot to sleep in whilst some crackhead steals your shoes. Sorry, I honestly thought you'd be from somewhere with first world social work. The system
You guys have is all kinds of useless and fucked up if staying with any sort of abuser is typically considered the better option holy shit.
No. 189557
I really feel like if I died it wouldn't make any difference in the world. Not as in people wouldn't care, I mean more that whether I'm alive or not it doesn't matter because I'm irrelevant and useless. My dream is to be an artist and inspire people and make an impact but it's not going to happen for multiple reasons I don't want to go into. I really hate being alive, if I died yeah, maybe some people would be upset about it, but they would move on eventually and their lives would be the exactly the same as if as I was alive, so why not just fucking die? I'm having trouble wording it but basically, I'm an un-impactful piece of shit, a waste of space and lazy and if killed myself the world wouldn't be missing out on anything. I'm a failure and just disappoint everyone and myself constantly. You know in like sad PSA's when people kill themselves and then they get to see a dramatic montage of what would have happened if they had still been alive, like getting married, settling down, becoming successful etc? Mine would just be nothing, I'm capable of nothing and I have no social life.
I'm shaking and crying so much right now, I don't know what to do. These are all just feelings really maybe they aren't true but I just don't know anymore
No. 189563
>>189562Depends on the state and if one lives in a rural area or a city.
It's pretty shit unless you live close to a city with a known homelessness or drug problem.
No. 189652
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I grow ugly coarse facial hair like a man and my gyno says there's nothing she can do. I seriously want to kms over it
No. 189656
>>189650Of course you should go back, France is the best.
I was interested what would happen if MLP had won but this is definitely better. I don't expect much to happen but I still hold hope for good things.
No. 189657
>>189592These are all issues that are fine by themselves, but all of them in conjunction plus it being mostly LDR? Love yourself and find someone else. If you want to go LDR you have to really think that person is perfect for you to both worth it for both of you, but as it is in your words he's just a guy you're getting attached to. Also it's best to only get involved with someone that has kids when you know that it's something real and long term. Thirdly, if you're overcoming issues with your ex (nobody owes anyone a relationship, period) you probably aren't ready for the serious kind of LDR that also involves kids, and so you should try to find someone nearby that won't be just adding to your pile of issues.
>tl;dr just don't>>189579These are all really normal things anon, is the a counselor on campus you can speak to? I know you're busy with work and studying but are you making sure to look after yourself enough by eating well, getting a little exercise and seeing a friend once a week? The important issues are graduating and paying your bills, so don't feel like you need to have your life planned out by now so hang in their. Most people that have it all worked out often end up changing their minds anyway or not being able to cope when things don't go to plan!
No. 189674
>>189657I never got why anons always get upset in the vent thread when others try to help, but now I get it. I was just venting in the
vent thread. Lol.
>Thirdly, if you're overcoming issues with your ex (nobody owes anyone a relationship, period) you probably aren't ready for the serious kind of LDR that also involves kids, and so you should try to find someone nearby that won't be just adding to your pile of issues.I just want to clarify that my ex and i broke up over a year ago so the fact that he's still obsessed with me is none of my business – it's his business. It is just something that makes this already hard situation worse. I'm more than ready for a new relationship. Also, you're probably the greatest psych ever since from my post about two of my insecurities you gathered I don't love myself/have a pile of issues, kek.
Next time just skip instead of making assumptions over things that people didn't even detail or explain to begin with. But yeah, i guess you
tried to help so thanks… I suppose.
No. 189676
>>189522>>189521>>189530You're talking as if anon is telling Joseph Fritzl's daughterwife to 'just leave', but
>>189508 only said how her bf is a jerk that doesn't like her playing videogames with guys. Surely if it was a case of how she literally has no family or friends to crash with for a bit and he beats her every night in a third world country shack, she would have mentioned it. She even admitted here
>>189512 herself she needs a reality check and to move out
Fuck your "it's… complicated". Everyone suffers from mental health issues right now, it's rough but it doesn't excuse you from putting your big girl panties on
>>189523you dodged a bullet. You will be ok anon
>>189674If you don't like advice don't take it, don't bitch about people taking the time to try
No. 189677
>>189676You deleted your first post just to add that? Kek. Dont you have anything else to do? You've been in this tread for 2h giving "advice". Here's one for you: do something with your life instead of being judgemental in a vent thread.
Protip: If you don't like my advice don't take it, don't bitch about people taking the time to try. I tried.
No. 189678
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ive been on new anti-psychotic meds for 2+ months now and they're amazing but making me super fat. partially they're making me hungry all the time so i just snack and eat bad foods which is my fault, but its also partially chemical and that freaks me out. in studies they legit alter your metabolism and heighten your cholesterol, and it seems like most people and even doctors just say its normal to gain weight and you just live with it…. im supposed to be getting regular bloodwork done to make sure i dont get diabetes which also scares me. i feel gross in all my clothes and i really hate that i have to tell myself every time i eat that i need to stop because i just don't get naturally full anymore. im always hungry or wanting a snack, but its just an illusion (sorry that sounds really anachan i mean more like these meds fuck with my appetite and its just stimulated all the time so there's no cues to stop between "feeling like i'm starving" and "so full my stomach hurts" I have to manually stop myself which is difficult if i'm not careful).
right now im just really happy to finally not feel crazy and sad all the time and pretty much no delusional thoughts at all, but this sucks. i know there are different meds and i could try but goddamn, these are the first ones that actually work for a long period of time and im so hesitant to let them go especially when so many things are looking up otherwise. but its hard to enjoy even small accomplishments feeling this gross about myself all the time.
im afraid of turning into charms lol pic related if you follow her thread you know what i mean.
No. 189693
>>189678Look at it this way anon, if you're less crazy now then you're in a way better position to properly manage your diet and exercise. At the very least you'll have to change your diet to include more filling foods (like proteins and fibre) just so that you don't have to be hungry all the time. I know antipsychotics are chemically pretty harsh so you may still end up a little chubbier than you were, but you definitely don't have to resign yourself to getting the beetus. A good diet is basically common sense, being reasonable and knowledgeable, and listening really hard to your body to see if you're craving things that you're lacking (like craving spinach when you're low in iron, or bananas for magnesium etc). keeping a food diary might help you feel more in control too.
and you can try lifting weights, my housemate got super fat on her antipsychotics but started lifting so that all that energy has a place to go, now she's ripped and happy.
No. 189707
>>189678Have you talked to your shrink about the weight gain? Some people can handle it, some can't. On seroquel, I kept gaining and gaining. I would eat whole pies and still feel ravenous. It wasn't manageable, even if I wanted to stop it, it was the only thing I could think about.
I was near obesity when I decided to stop. Don't wait too much if your weight don't stabilize. Obesity come with its own set of issues and will tank your self-esteem if the benefits you're getting from the meds are not that good.
No. 189713
>>189680>>189683>being unironically triggered What the fuck? This isn't reddit.
A shame it makes you feel bad, yet you're also browsing a website that could easily
trigger people with EDs, mental disorders, abuse, etc. but they're given no special considerations. But you should? Nope.
No. 189726
>>189714The thread literally has this as the description
>The good, bad, ugly, funny, and crazy. So sit down stacey, not everyone had perfect lives.
No. 189784
I just want someone to love me and treat me like the most important person in his life.
I'm sick of guys trying to use me for their sexual gratification, despite my depression.
I got abandoned by an extremely close friend with whom I had this weird relationship like we were almost a couple, even though we were not (he claimed that he was not in love with me, even though he expected me to act like his girlfriend without the privilege of actually being one, told me that he loved me and the like).
After I neglected several of friends in order to be with him when he was having a mental breakdown (he's chronically sick and his illness is stopping him from living his life), ignored my needs in order to be with him when he was suicidal… he has decided that my depression was too much of a burden to him and that I can come back after I fix myself.
I don't blame him, but he still left me all alone, knowing that I was relying on him emotionally and was on the brink of suicide for the last two months.
Yes, again, I know that it must have been exhausting for him.
I want to get better, but also meet someone who will love me for who I am (he was constantly reminding me that I'm not his type, not like the girls that he used to have crushes on etc., even though he knew that I was in love with him and it was tearing me apart and ripping my new-found self-esteem to shreds) and take care of me (to a healthy extend) and not abandon me when I get bad.
Where does one find a cute, emotionally available and mature guy who WON'T treat me like a fuckmeat under the guise of fwb/polyamory?
I always give my soul and body to the one I love and I can't imagine sharing them with anyone…. I just want to be loved like I love.
I'm so alone and I want to die ;')
No. 189785
Your post made me sad. Wishing you the best.
No. 189797
>>189792Do you have a particular
trigger food?
It sounds stupid but for me it's whole milk. I gained a lot of weight in a short amount of time, similar to you, but it's because I was drinking my calories from milk. Which makes me SO furious because I was eating nothing during this period. Like going through a gallon every other day. Ridiculous.
So I just stopped buying it. If I want something exciting besides water I add some cut up fruit pieces. Eventually my craving went away.
No. 189801
>>189797Like just milk on its own? Or milk from other foods or drinks?
For me I would say I love salty fried food. Macdonalds and fast food is my favourite when I'm at university.
No. 189802
>>189557Hey anon, I know this is a few days old but I hope it reaches you. I share a lot of your sentiments which is why I wanted to reply. But as someone who has about 5 years on you, please try to have some faith that while it can take some people a while, eventually things can work out where you are at least content with your existance. You are not worth any more or any less than anyone else. You staying alive should really only be so you can enjoy your own life. While it's hard, there are always changes you can make that will eventually get you closer to a life you will be ok with. Even if you have nothing and feel you amount to nothing, and if things seem like you have been alive for no reason, that doesn't mean you have to fall into making a choice. You can figure out a way to be an artist but also support yourself. You are no more or no less a waste of space than any other human being. I might be assuming you haven't, but try taking some more risks in getting yourself out there. You might find yourself more valued than you thought you would be. But ultimately, valuing yourself, even if you have a pointless existance, is the first step in being content with being alive.
No. 189803
>>189801Straight milk.
It's a really bizarre comfort food for me. Wish it wasn't so fattening and people weren't so keen to pump dairy cows full of hormones ;;
No. 189808
>>189804Oh yeah.
When I'm not being bad I usually buy unsweetened almond or cashew milks that are typically 20-50 calories a glass.
Right now I just have water only as my beverage. It's just easier that way albeit boring and makes me wanna die. At least I don't have to kick myself over drinking calories anymore.
No. 189822
>>189657poster of
>>189579 here! i've definitely dropped the ball on looking after myself outside of eating my vegetables and personal hygiene. to cap it all off my partner and i have now separated so that's the cherry on top of the shit cake. i definitely need to pay a visit to the counsellors office.
>Most people that have it all worked out often end up changing their minds anyway or not being able to cope when things don't go to plan!this is oddly comforting, thank you so much.
No. 189892
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It's gonna be incoherent, sorry about that. I'm tired of fandoms and people policing what others should like or dislike, and people complaining about fujoshis like one of them murdered their entire family. I wish there were communities where I could talk about my favorite video games, anime, pairings or anything like that without stupid straight white american girls in denial (the fakebois fujoshi who shit on straight and bi women, you know the ones) telling me that I'm the devil for wanting to read cute sappy fanfics about my favorite slash pairings. It was supposed to be a fun and relaxing hobby, wtf happened?
Also, why are "mlm" fakebois so present on twitter? I thought I managed to avoid them once I made an account on twitter after deleting my tumblr, they're so annoying. Thank god nobody acts like them irl.
No. 189895
>>189893Worst part in that is that I don't even enjoy "
problematic" things, I either don't mind them or dislike them and avoid them. I can't even like an entertaining female character who wears a bikini armor and without people vaguing at me that I might be a thirsty neckbeard. I just like pretty anf funny characters, it's not that deep. The reverse happens when I say I like popular male characters or anime that girls like a lot, like with the people saying Yuri on Ice was queerbaiting. "Don't like don't read" should make a come back, it's a good phrase for these situations.
No. 189967
>>189959i hate it when people give last names to their kids as first names. shit like grayson, taylor, parker etc. sounds so whitebread suburban and not in a good way.
>>189959in the future, never live or work with your close friends, especially best friend. to be able to survive in such close quarters with someone else, there needs to be some respect coming from unfamiliarity.
No. 189970
im a miserable failure and there really is no way forward. i just never get around to doing anything at all and nothing ever changes that, at least not for a long time. every time i think im about to get out i suddenly realise i've been accomplishing jack shit for all the time that i haven't been depressed, i've just been living in my head the whole time and placating my mind with stupid fantasies that will never happen. i've been talking to people on a chat website lately and i think it's made me feel even more lonely and worthless than usual. every time they ask me about my hobbies i feel like i have to lie because my only hobbies are browsing the internet and masturbating. i tell them i play guitar and drums as i know how to do both but i rarely actually sit down and play them. i also tell them that i lift weights because i started that i little while back but i've already started skipping sessions and i made no progress. talking with them just makes me realise how utterly worthless to another person i would be, there is literally nothing i could offer anyone and if i actually showed them who i really was they would be disgusted as opposed to just bored. i still fucking long for whatever any of that feels like though, even though it'd be such a bad idea. i think im mentally ill in ways i wouldnt even want to tell someone anonymous about, i saw a psychologist a while back as i almost killed myself last year but i didn't tell her shit, she eventually told me to stop going. not going to a psychologist actually helped me i think and i stopped fantasising about killing myself so much and my mood improved, but i was just as hopeless before, the only difference was that i didn't notice it as much. thats kinda how my life works, delude myself for a while then eventually realise im worthless and go back into depression only to come back out deluded and hopeful again. i tell myself i shouldn't lose hope or get into bad mindsets sometimes but thats fucking stupid because i dont do anything even when im feeling good, there is no fucking hope in the future at all except for me to become some worthless lonely middle aged person who drinks themself to death.
No. 189997
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>try to buy makeup from site but they're out of stock
>email to ask when they'll have more
>'oh we have some at the warehouse, you can place an email order'
>i email back to ask if there's a minimum spend
>she reponds and tells me to phone
>i phone and explain again
>she asks for my email so she can send me details
>email is worded really badly and at some point i have to phone again no matter what and i fucking hate talking on the phone
This is the problem with relying on a specific brand/item that either has to be imported or bought directly from the manufacturer.
No. 190000
>>189980I feel u anon, I am considering faking being trans just to get my tits removed. They're so in the way, all the time, and constantly uncomfortable. I feel like i'll never have good posture due to them either. They're not even huge. And I've been a skellington so I know that won't work, they were still there but now they LOOKED terrible as well.
And I really like the flat-chest skinny-pear-shape too and I know i could pull it off.
>tits pls go No. 190009
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>>189972Man, the old online fan community was cringy but it was 1000 times better than this whole "you are fetishizing me wah wah wah stop reading mangas it
triggers me from the other side of the continent"
Recently, a youtube user i follow who likes BL went to a BL cafe and posted pics on instagram about it and 99% of the comments were butthurt people calling her a fetishist and a disgusting straight invading gay communities and inciting violence against LGBT+ people (for going to a cafe, topkek).
I just want to be able to make cute fujo/fandom friends, but in the state is it now you cannot speak online about liking yaoi or any other "
problematic" stuff because it
triggers someone's 0.000002 T dosage of fakeboi starself moonsexual ass. You have to tiptoe around to see if they will be cool or offended.
It's hilarious how much they seem to care about representation, but only the representation that matters to them and in absolutely trivial and minimal stuff.
>try to talk to girl about liking a certain """controversial""" show>girl gets very upset for some reason>"how can you like that show it has a rape scene in it and they say racial slurs, it's disgusting that you support that">"it's just a show, who cares">"no, it affects real life people they are normalizing rape and obviously in favor of violenc…[298 pages redacted]>mfwI miss going into any community and starting a discussion on any fandom/show/manga that didn't turn into "
problematic stuff" and political bullshit.
No. 190013
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>bf: haha sure I'll make an appointment with the tattoo artist for October so you can get a new tattoo for your bday (:
>bf: I don't want to call, idk how we will work that day haha sucks but you should call yourself
Really dude? He knows how much I've been looking forward to this…and now he's making up crap like this. As if we can't take a day off. It was also supposed to be a late birthday gift, considering my birthday is in July. I'd call the artist myself but I don't even know where the place is considering he moved his shop and I can't go there by my own - it's located in a different city that I'm not familiar with and I just don't want to think about it anymore. It just feels like slap in the fucking face.
Pic not really related.
No. 190029
>>190017Lmao I know, I've seen people who bullied me hard in high school posting on their facebook about how much they cried watching 13 Reasons Why. Or posting stuff against bullying in general. I've noticed that most bullies are veeery hypocritical about it and seriously believe they did nothing wrong.
I don't believe in people changing, some people just are naturally bullies and will be forever.
No. 190047
>>190017>>190029I used to be kind of a bully. The kind that roasts you a little too long and gets a little too mean spirited about it, but it's still enough to get away with. I honestly had no idea how my "targets" actually felt. Since they would just kinda laugh it off as well, and it wasn't like we were actual friends so I never noticed if they slunk off on their own somewhere. I never realized how bad I made some people feel until I had a bout of self pity and posted on FB something like "I'm so sorry if I was ever mean to you ever" and got some genuine replies.
Idk what it's like for more serious cases of bullying, but it's likely that hypocritical bullies like you've described don't really realize the extent of their actions, esp if you never really confronted them and just kind of faded out of their lives. Not that that excuses them or anything, they probably legit just forgot they bullied you guys. OR they realized and "vowed" to "make things right" by doing this stuff but not having the balls to be straight with people.
>>190043I was the lowest on the bully totem pole in my family life,
after that ended I def stopped taking out my aggression on other people. Some people just like being mean though.
Sage because not venting.
No. 190054
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Why are people playing Overwatch are so fucking retarded?
>hmm looks like we don't have any tanks and only one healer, oh right guess I'll pick the 3rd dps
>enemy has a pharah? oh let's roll with symmetra and junkrat
>enemy has a rein? let's not shoot the shield guys.
>oh is that a bastion, lemme just run towards him
>oh let's throw our ultimates at this and deflecting genji
>healing what's that? I'm waiting for that 5 man rez
>what's a counter pick
>how do I into team comp?
>what's hero switching?
Dropped down to fucking silver today because of these fucking retards.
No. 190068
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>>190054TBh you're probably a retard and half the problem, are you a mercy main by chance?
t. male in master
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Just came from the Dollanganger's Calves thread - fuq the h8rz, this is the best version of Yolandi. Always thought she was mad to change her style so drastically from here, but it helped bring in the bucks I guess.
No. 190105
>>190080Once his summer break starts I for sure want to try staying for at least a week. I need to save enough money to fix my car so I can drive there, that way I wouldn't be completely reliant on him for transportation haha
>>190084I posted my Snapchat to /soc/ and he sent me his dick and the rest is history :( He isn't super 4chan though luckily.
No. 190106
>>190047When you gang up on someone with your group of friends every day for years, and this someone is visibly distressed for it, you should take a clue. Anyway, it's still something from high school so nowadays I've changed and it doesn't affect me anymore, but it's still funny to see.
I have to say that most bullies of the type I met only act tough when in group. When you meet them alone they don't do/say anything or even just smile awkwardly. It's curious
No. 190115
>>190068Zarya main, you're trying way too hard m8
>>190070Guess you can win with 5 dps and no healers eh?
>>190088I expected it to be bad but not this bad to be honest.
No. 190155
Me and my boyfriend just fucked, and he is sleeping now.
First i was riding him and everything was fine, but them i asked him to do missionary. When i layed down, he looked to the ceiling vacantly before proceeding the shag.
Then, he was pretty quiet, no kissing, didn't seem to be enjoying it anymore.
I came, he said he did (i didn't see it so i am not sure if he truly did), went to the bathroom super quickly to clean himself afterwards. I followed him a bit later, kissed his back, he was reactionless, when he's usually very lovable.
He was super cool before he went to sleep, i asked him why he was acting weird and he just said (minutes after) that he was not mad at me.
Whatever it was, made me super sad ans removed all the joy of the sex section.
No. 190168
>>190009>>190010I totally agree. Speaking about fandoms in general and not just fujoshi, the recent drama with that artist lohkay and the power tripping con volunteer feels like it's a great example of everything wrong with fandoms nowadays:
>lohkay's fucked up kinks and her being an asshole, even though she seems harmless>someone calls her out on it>turns out the second person is just as bad, if not worsr than the artist>she starts a witch-hunt against the artist because she's working for a con she's never been too for the first time because of the artist's fucked up kinks and drawings but she's into Killing Stalking herself>wants to waste the police's time and resources because of drawings instead of actual CP that harm and traumatise really childrenWhere are the normal fans?
No. 190169
>>190168The normal fans are quiet and in the background, just enjoying the game/series/book/whatever
They don't feel like arguing over such trivial shit and risking getting doxxed
This is why I left the Walking Dead (game) fandom. The fans aren't that rabid but getting harassed because you say that x character probably isn't gay isn't worth it.
No. 190192
>>190169Oh man, the whole my headcanon is real is so absolutely annoying.
Every single time someoene of the same gender shows any kind of affection for someone of the other gender, has feelings or has a certain stereotypical look, these rabids jump at your throat aboyut them being a certain thing and anything else is you being a shitlord.
For people who think sterotypes are dangerous, they sure as hell like to apply them, like the recent mass effect andromeda controversy.
>female character with short mom hair who is a trained soldier and not overly girly>is straight>people literally sending deth threats to devs and calling them bigots for not making a woman with short hair a lesbian and how anti lgbt they are for using short hair on a straight womanAnd the worst, is that normal/moderate fans don't come out as much because of rabid lunatics like these ones who attack anyone that doesn't follow their thoughs, so fandom culture seems like a bunch of shit full of hormonal speshul people instead of a community, which makes it really difficult to find anyone normal easily since people dont wanna risk getting attacked for not following the vocal minority opinion who has no problem hurting them.
No. 190195
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>>190192whoops, sorry for samefag, but dropped pic
No. 190198
>>189949What sort of stuff was on the sideblog? Because if it's your version of a diary, he doesn't really have the right to tell you what is the right or wrong way to do it and should respect your prvivacy
But if it's a catalog of reblogs of self hate porn, thinspo and self harm images then that's something else entirely
>>189959Cut off the opportunity for her to use you. Don't leave your keys or things in accessible places if you're not okay for her to use them. Next time just say you can't cover her rent, and stick to it. Whatever happens will happen to her and not you. Put your damn foot down, and then however she reacts to that will show if you need a new flatmate
No. 190204
>>190195I hate this. I hate this so fucking much.
I'm not even straight and this shit is just…so, rage inducing jesus
No. 190220
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My best (and literally only) friend is a damaged girl who has been in love with this one guy for a few years now. He doesn't reciprocate except every once in a while they'll meetup and make out but nothing more. I tell her that shit isn't right because he has a girlfriend and she wouldn't like being cheated on, so they never go further. Now she's telling me they plan on fucking in the same sentence she tells me she let her drunk ex come over and fuck her last night. Now she's crying about how she feels used and how nobody loves her. I just can't deal with my friend's BPD and low self esteem. This shit is fucking ridiculous. Why complain about FEELING used? She IS being used. Goddamn I just want to slap her in the face and tell her to wake the fuck up.
No. 190252
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I'm afraid I might fail university. I'm just finishing up my first year and my grades are mostly okay (I've only failed one assignment) but knowing how much effort and work I put in it's a miracle. Next year there will be higher expectations and I don't think I'll be able to make myself work more with my current mental state. If I keep going like this I won't make it. I'm telling myself I'll go see a doctor when I get home but fuck if I know where to actually go. I just want to stay in bed forever.
There's also a guy I'm interested in, (I think I wrote about that in a previous vent thread) we went out a couple of times but I haven't spoken to him in more than two weeks. I don't know what to do about him, he doesn't seem very interested in me; but I also know that he has to get to know more about me to develop an interest. Every time I think about writing to him I talk myself out of it because nothing feels like it's worth saying.
Sage for blog
No. 190254
File: 1494625832980.gif (1.38 MB, 300x199, 1444241335985.gif)

>Live in a shithole town
>Look for a job in my area
>Experience required
>Experience required
>Experience required
Perfect then, I'm gonna be a stripper
No. 190262
>>190254same. i cant even walk anywhere because the town is so rural and everything is spread out.
and then all the simple jobs are taken so no one is hiring. fml
No. 190267
>>190259Yeah, I couldn't believe my eyes. They were even seeking "experience" for a cleaning job. A cleaning job. No wonder my country is a sinking ship everyone is escaping from. There is literally no hope for young people.
>>190262I was looking for an au pair job. You can do it too, you spend time abroad living and eating for free in a local family home, you just have to do light housekeeping and look after their kids for 5-6 hours a day, they also give you an allowance, and meanwhile you can look for a job while there. A good opportunity to leave for good.
No. 190310
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some background:
>work at restaurant
>boss thinks i have no social life despite being 21
>expects me to run the place from 11am to 10pm without a break
the venting:
>regular customer makes order for delivery (he lives about 5-10 minutes away depending on traffic)
>when i ask him for his card number, he says, "you have it already" and hangs up.
>driver makes a mistake and ends up driving two towns over, so i call the guy to inform him that his delivery is late
>he gets his delivery half an hour later
>calls me screaming and saying that there's no reason i should be working there, and how i always fuck up his order and how he wants his meal comped.
>says he's a regular so he should have been first priority.
>berates me for a solid minute and a half until i broke down in tears on the phone.
>i manage to force out, "sir i'm sorry about the wait, it won't be like that again"
>"that's not what i'm angry about!"
>says "you forgot the fucking spicy sauce, are you retarded?"
>mfw he never asked for spicy sauce.
No. 190311
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>>190308Because they're darn stupid
No. 190366
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>tfw brain fog 24/7
No. 190380
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I feel so depressed. I've been off meds for a while and I did great for a few months, but uni is really stressing me out. I'm about to graduate but I have so much left to do and it feels like I'm running out of time. I also feel unhappy with my current situation with my control freak family and I wish I'd fix it, but it doesn't depend only on me. I would love to move somewhere else, maybe to another state so I could start over. I believe I'll be able to do that once I graduate but it will take, realistically speaking, 1-2 years. Minimum.
And my love life is pretty much dead. It's been dead for a long time now. I've met 2 new people online a couple months ago. It was very casual, while I was doing something slightly work related. I crushed on one of these guys first and then on the other. First guy and me started talking non stop, I thought we had lots in common and crushed on him very briefly until realizing we wouldn't work out. Then basically the same is/was happening to guy number 2, and this one seems kinda popular with the ladies and maybe he's a player who will only destroy my heart because that's his hobby and what he does during his free time.
But I guess I'm just lying to myself because I want to like someone, you know? Not that these two guys aren't great people in their own way because they seem like it, but I've been so sad and so lonely. And touch starved… I guess I just want to feel loved and give someone my love too :'( I feel like no one wants to be with me, as a friend or a significant other, because I am ugly, disgusting, shy and hurting inside, despite being a relatively good person who actually has good qualities.
I don't think I just need to go back to my meds: I need to heal from inside, and that seems impossible now because I have no willpower to TRY to get better. I really just want to die. I have no will to live. A few months ago I started dieting and I lose a nice amount of weight, but I seem suck at the same number now because I've been binge eating a lot to overcompensate for my feelings. I really wish I'd just drop dead. Even suicide seems too complicated at this point. I tried to kill myself several times when I was younger, but now I'm just waiting here for death instead of actively seeking it. Of course I'll die old as fuck feeling miserable and alone.
I have some other very specific problems, but those will do. I'm just tired of all of this and wish I'd die tomorrow.
I know this is very long, I apologize if anyone took time.
No. 190382
>>190366same. I can barely remember anything. I just feel like I'm drifting from day to day doing absolutely nothing.
Like I'm just on autopilot not really taking anything in.
No. 190391
>>190380The thing about meds is that they sort out your chemistry and keep it functional while you do the therapy and healing. The meds are there to help the healing process because untreated depression eats away at your ability to do anything to help yourself.
You need the meds to heal if you're not getting better without them. Meds are what often make the therapy possible. It's not bad to use that, and people who claim that meds change you are fucking stupid. Yeah they change you, change you from a couch zombie who's too tired to kill themselves into a person who can function and live and feel again.
No. 190409
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I broke up with my s/o of three years a few days ago. It got to the point that they were upset I had fallen asleep on them after a 12 hour shift at work and they berated me for it, saying I wasn't sacrificing enough for them when I had cut out my family and friends for her so we could spend as much time as possible together. I still love her but I hate how she never supported me and made me feel insignificant, but I am afraid she may be the only person who could genuinely love me.
I don't know what to do and I am afraid I will take her back and she will try and manage my life again.
No. 190474
>>190464I did the extra fucking step. Like sit while they refuse to talk my language (and they can pretty well). And learning later from my bf they were talking about me.
I wouldn't even be against learning some Chinese but my bf is uncomfortable with his origins and don't even like speaking Chinese if I'm here. He doesn't like his parents either ffs.
No. 190493
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Me and an ex-friend broke off our friendship sometime last year because of a stupid reason. I want to find and reconcile with her but it’s impossible because she was that kind of person that always deleted her social media accounts out of paranoia/anxiety.
I was able to find one account of hers but the only reason it’s still up is because she probably forgot the site exists. I remember her first name, birthday, and which state she lives in but not her last name, but I think I'd be able to recognize it if I saw it.
I just want to talk to her.
No. 190512
>>190474>they refuse to talk in my languagei mean you refuse to try talking in theirs
>they were talking about mehow dare they. you sound like a paranoid cunt tbh
No. 190516
>>190515I know how you feel. Trust me, losing weight and changing your wardrobe does help. It just takes a while, don't look for a quick fix, even though it's easy when you hate everything about yourself. Start counting calories and if you can, exercise s bit. There's tons on videos. Take care of yourself, your skin, hair etc and try to dress as good as you can. You can make it. Jul
You just have to start.
>>190512Why are you so salty? No one can just try to speak Chinese, OP even stated that she asked her boyfriend to learn it and that he told her that they spoke about her.
No. 190555
>>190542I've never even seen one. Sorry about the weird
triggering happening if you dare venting about an Asian bf, I guess.
No. 190569
>>190565Did you just try to imply that I'm salty about Chinese bf anon's story and that I'm
>>190562 this anon? Wow that is some major reaching. Are you the person who posted the story?
I literally just shared the posts I've been seeing on here and wondering what the hell is up with them like
>>190472 Maybe you're the one who should relax.
No. 190586
>>190516not salty, just like, this is a problem she can solve herself with a bit of effort but instead decides that her bf's family should bend to her restrictions while she does nothing to humor theirs. the 'omg his mom hates me' thing - like, yeah, you're not making yourself a likable person in her eyes. find a way to bridge the gap or break up with him imo
funny to see the goddamn shitstorm i
triggered by basically saying 'you're miserable because you choose to be'
No. 190587
>>190581Don't say that, anon, you're going to
trigger again the weird Chinese bf hate going on here.
No. 190595
>>190570You must be 18+ to post here.
That's some Kiki tier sperg. Woah
No. 190602
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Was gonna post this in the career thread but its slowly dying and I do need to vent so I guess it fits here…
I really don't know what I'm doing with my life. I'm studying art and design (level 3) right now, my career plan was always going to college, then to uni to do an art foundation and then get a BA in cartooning, become a freelance illustrator/graphic novelist. I changed my mind about the BA earlier this year, the literally 3 uni's that do it here (UK) are shit, the good ones are overseas and I don't have the funds/mental state to deal with living so far from home. I did bank on getting in overseas at first but I had to suck it up and realize it's not got gonna happen. So then I figured I would do the foundation and specialize in illustration, then try and get hired by a company or do freelance work. Now the first year of my course is ending and I'm so behind, I hate this course and I feel so stuck, and I want to drop out desperately, but that could prove disastrous.
Everything about it is awful and coming in every day is excruciatingly draining. Its underfunded, none of the students actually care about art (They are all idiots who want to become architects bc they think its easy money and freaked out when they were told that it takes much more than just a level 3 course and retaking maths) and the ones that do just spend all their energy on their work and have no social lives because of it. The latter group dislikes me for reasons that are too long and pointless to go into, maybe another time kek. Our tutor just started this year alongside us so she doesn't really know the ins and outs of the course. Despite trying my best to interact with everyone, I've only made two friends, who are both leaving because they also hate their courses (One girl who is on fashion, wants to change to photography and one girl from my class who technically was kicked off the course but is still in the college) so when I go back (if I do choose to stay) I will be utterly alone, as opposed to right now where I am I alone in most classes but have a few classes with fashion girl, and can hang out with the other girl during breaks or after class. Me and her get on really well, and we spend loads of time together on our days off, but she's awful at making plans and responding to texts, so if we aren't together during the day when we see each other around the building, we will most likely fall out of contact which I literally die if that happened, she's all I have for a social life, it's pathetic. Most days I have to take breaks because I get panic attacks thinking about all of this, being alone, having no life out of college, etc. It really does all go back to my fear of dying alone which will likely happen, but I'll get to that later. Everyone in class is civil but we pretty much all just come in for class and then leave. It doesn't feel like a real group because there's no structure. If I left I wouldn't have anyone to miss, apart from the two who are leaving anyway. So Im pretty adamant on leaving, Im going to weigh out my options, they are all things part of me wants to do, but my mind is always changing and time is running out
Stay on course;
>Get qualification that lets me move onto pretty much whatever next educational step I want
>Can reach original career plan of foundation illustration
>Will take me to uni where I can meet like-minded peers
>Its depressing as shit
>Spend all my time alone, stuck with the same group of peers who dislike me
>If I want to change my mind, it's too late to take up another course as I'll be 19+
>If I do end up becoming an illustrator (the path I will go down in this course) I will aim for a UAL campus, and I will end up having pay for it as foundations are only free for 18 and under
>The course is made for people who want to go onto higher education, so its focused on getting a qualification rather then learning skills, I feel like my year has been wasted
>I will get pushed into going to uni, possibly wasting more time and money
Leave course;
>Be out of an environment that depresses me
>Still get smaller qualification for the first year
>Can re-join course later to finish the second year if things don't work out
>Can basically do whatever I want (course wise) as I long as I apply now
>Can do second year at an another college, meeting new people and tutors
>Need to find something and apply ASAP if I want to switch careers
>Harder to get into UAL uni if I want to do that
Now for the other career paths I'm looking at if I leave
Tattoo apprenticeship;
>Love tattoos
>Get to work in a stimulating environment
>Will work with like-minded peers and clients
>Dont mind being shop bitch for a year or so, seems like it could interesting
>My style of illustration can translate to tattoos well
>Overall seems like a fun career
>Appretiships are extremely difficult to find, and you have to work your way up to them and build a portfolio so that's 6 months-1 year gone already
>Will spend 1-3 years without being actually taught how to tattoo
>I don't think it's something I could do forever, perhaps 5 years max before I start to get bored of it
>Its a very serious career that is easy to get stuck in, as it requires no qualifications
Theatre/SFX makeup;
>It was the only other option I considered when first applying for colleges
>Stimuling environment, like-minded peers etc.
>I can try to weave illustration into it
>I love makeup and hair
>Im starting to enjoy 3D arts more and more
>Again, IDK if it's something I see myself doing forever
>The 'traditional' way to do it requires level 2 first, then level 3 which another 2 years down the drain if I dislike it
>Otherwise I can enroll in a year-long program that is paid for, requires no experience however it is 19+ so that's another year before I can apply
I wish I could take the year out and focus on myself, do some short courses, get a better job etc. (basically an early gap year) and then apply for the paid SFX course, but since I already took a year out before college for health reasons it feels like just wasting time. I think that course I really what I want to go for, whilst I wait to turn 19 for it I might do level 2 beauty just so I have some experience. Illustration will always be in my heart but its best suited to be more of a side hustle/hobby, it's too isolated of a career and it's becoming clear I need human interaction 24/7 or I get depressed and have a mental breakdown about being alone and dying alone (Ive never been in a relestionship, but this is for another time lmao)
That's a load of my shoulders, I feel like I forgot a few things but oh well
No. 190603
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I found out last night I contracted genital herpes from my boyfriend. I recall him mentioning once during our relationship that he was prone to cold sores, and he had revealed that he had one under his lip last week.
I didn't know he had an active cold sore at the time we had sex, and that through oral sex it can be transmitted to genitals. I'm frustrated at him for not knowing this, I'm frustrated at him for not telling me he had an active cold sore but then again he was not aware it could spread that way and it's unfair to strictly blame him.
I told him over the phone today and he felt awful and apologized, and he was supportive of what happened, but I still feel so distraught. I love him, but we've only been dating for about 7 months and at my age (23) I know the possibility of moving on from this relationship.
I can't imagine being intimate with a partner in the future knowing I will have recurring herpes outbreaks. I know it's not necessarily a romantic death sentence but I feel like a sexual leper. I'm so repulsed by the idea of sex at the moment I want to become a celibate monk.
No. 190622
I am madly insecure about my body and I have never had sex before because of it, I want to lose weight, get a breast lift, fat transfers, and laser scar removals, but I am 18 and just starting out in life and haven't even found a good enough job to move out my dorm yet
I know some may have their opinions on plastic surgery, and I know I'll get the whole "oh you're still gonna hate yourself after it" bull, I have bad marks all over my thighs, all my fat goes to my arms and stomach and my tits are A or B and massively saggy with puffy nipples and my butt is so square with craters on the side
I just want to look decent or feminine, it looks fine in clothes then when the clothes comes off it is nauseating, I want to be able to wear tight clothes, go braless, go swimming without embarrassing myself and I want to be able to take all my clothes off in front of my significant other and have them be attracted to me and I want to be confident, any tips on how I can work this out or alternatives to plastic surgery? (my knees are broke atm so I cant do squats but I been doing squats since 2015 and with work, school and everything its hard keeping on schedule)
No. 190674
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Ugh this is going to be a ridiculously simplified version despite the misleading length but…
>date guy for 3 years, long distance but we spent half the year together every year
>stoic but with heart of gold
>totally my type, kind and affectionate, smart, funny, rich and works from home(as do I), so lots of time to hang out and overall ideal
>gradually he became more cold to me
>had biiiig drama (turns out he was pushing me away on purpose for reasons too long to get into, but we've never had any major blowouts. sidenote: we are both mental and have lots of baggage)
>really damn hurt, end of the world, useless mess
>guy basically became a piece of emotionless shit, harsh words were said and lies were told instead, and it was fucking my brain up hard
>still have a few months left in the country, not quite ready to hop on back home
>I go to visit my best guy friend of ages who I've never met before
>said friend and I, when our friendship first started, had possible interest in each other but he wants kids and I do not
>been platonic ever since (and not in the naive one sided friendzoning way)
>me coming to visit was totally unexpected
>for over a month he took care of all my things, cooked for me (talented chef), never made a move not even a hug, let me be a useless shit while dealing with the breakup
>try as I might, relationship with exbf was down the shitter and a relationship can't be repaired by one person's efforts
>got drunk one night and made a move on my best friend
>really awkward for both of us since we were like brother and sister at that point
>gradually start acting like a couple but we agree nothing serious, I still judge girls with him on tinder, we keep it casual
>another month passes, I start noticing cute quirks of best friend and look forward to him coming home and our daily routine, hello emotions!
>and hello wall o text from exbf!
>my stoic exbf who has been a dick and has not been open to me about his feelings suddenly apologized for everything he could think of. quite heartfelt, appropriate, and retrospectively understandable
>heart is ripped in two
>the only winning move is not to play at all
How the fuck did I let myself fall into this trap. My exbf is complicated. I love him but he's always been one of those guys who I know others won't understand. He tries to be strong but I've always had a sneaking suspicion that he's hiding his emotions so it doesn't interfere with his work. His apology to me confirmed everything I could never get a clear answer about (affection is nice, but words are important too). He's a hard rock with a soft squishy core and very few people get to see that side of him. He's wonderful and we've had such great times together. It crushes me knowing that it's quite unlikely someone will ever get to be as close to him as I was.
My best friend is a god damn cookie cutter version of me. We're like pb&j. It's an effortless connection and it's made even better by the fact that we had so many years of just being friends. I think that's something not many men and women get to experience. But the damn kid thing. Kids are a big important thing to him because his mom and siblings have all passed and he wants a family again. His dad wants to be a grandpa. I absolutely won't budge on my stance about it. He's been conflicted about it but last night confirmed he can't change his mind for a few more years when he maybe feels there's no chance left at being a parent. Last night was pretty damn heartbreaking. We just sat and cried together knowing we're perfect for each other but there's nothing we can do about that issue and we need to stop it now. He said he doesn't regret anything, and I don't either, but what a roller coaster ride it's been to fall in love with my best friend. This pain is the price we have to pay for having too much fun without considering our goals I guess.
I don't know what to do… My visa is almost expired so this timing is weird and I wish I had another month or two. Things with best friend can't work out currently no matter how much we both wish it could. My exbf and I are on rocky waters but he's never needed a second chance before so I think he deserves it. Which means I should spend the last week of my trip with exbf to see if we can rekindle things or otherwise we're done and I'll be alone and just holding onto hope that my best friend never finds a good girl to procreate with. I feel like such a selfish bitch. It's an unreal feeling to be torn between two men that I both care for very much. For now I guess I'll just take it day by day. I don't want to hurt anyone and I don't want to leave either of them alone. I am not a decision maker. Picking a restaurant is like pulling teeth for me, nevermind this shit my god.
No. 190703
>>190623Hi anon, are you me? Because like 2 weeks ago I was in that exact same position, same with the Aussie bf and discord servers.
I would be blunt about it, I was too busy being sad about everything and apologizing for my emotions that it didn't help.
Just try to first assess if you're overreacting and letting your depression tell you a bunch of bullshit or if he is going out of his way to ignore you.
If he is, pin him down and tell him how you feel and do not apologize for how you feel.
If you are overreacting then just step aside for a moment, don't look at discord and focus on your emotions. After you calm yourself down, join in on the conversations. Make yourself a part of them instead of feeling like the odd man out. It's hard and it feels awkward but just stick your neck out and try to spend more time with him even if it's with others.
No. 190714
>and I want to be able to take all my clothes off in front of my significant other and have them be attracted to meThat's easy, men are 'attracted' to liquid concrete given the chance. Occasionally they even fall in love with it.
>I want to be confidentThat's hard. Find something to keep you going and get good at it.
No. 190720
>>190714it kills me, I feel like if that ever happened theyd say inside their mind "she has nothing good about her"
I have an objectively shitty body, my boobs are near tubular breast syndrome, chubby stomach, sad man looking ass, ugly skin and acne everywhere and scars, not even my vagina is good its wrinkly, I want to at least look average, be able to wear a bikini and nice clothes, I'm tired of wearing thick trash bags to hide this sad excuse for a body
No. 190723
>>190714my measurments are 39-42.5-36
I have an extremely wide chest and shoulders, they stick out the most, chubby arms, skinny thighs and legs, saggy sad tits with somehow big pale areola nipples and barely any boob,my skin is pink looking but pale and lots of thigh and butt acne, my butt is square, flat, with weird craters in the side you'd often see in men, its like a hip dip but more intense, with narrow hips as well, I'm not an average girl with a few flaws here and there and now I think I'm hideous because of it, I don't want to hear this "men will fuck anything" or "be confident people will love you" type shit, I want to hear actual advice, from girls like me who KNOW what it feels like to be objectively, ugly
No. 190727
>>190622Hey anon. I don't know if you are really as bad as you think you are, but if so, I am a fellow ugmo and I'd be happy to give you some advice to make life a bit more bearable and help your body image.
Take advantage of this site. Seriously. Lolcow and /cgl/, though their beauty standard are pretty extreme, are a treasure trove of information. I would totally go through the makeover thread in /g/ on here. You probably want to check out the skincare threads too.
What race are you? What is your skin like? Do you have any remarkable features? If you have even one beautiful feauture, no matter how insignificant, please try to highlight that and downplay the things you are least confident about. For example, I am ugly in the face but I have very unique eyes. So I try to keep my makeup simple, but wear flattering eyeshadow that draw attention to my eye color.
Try to sort things out a category at a time. Hair, skin, body, nails, makeup, and clothes.
Hair that is healthy, in good condition, and a flattering color/cut for your face can be life saving. A bad haircut will make you feel worse about yourself. Find out your face shape and search the Internet for good styles that suit you. Do you want short hair? Long hair? Long hair will inherently make you seem more feminine. You can also search for flattering hair colors for your skin tone. Just make sure it is healthy and well styled.
Skincare is very important, not only for the condition of your skin now, but also as it appears when you are older. I recommend an oil cleanser, a regular cleanser, witch hazel toner (no alcohol!), and moisturizer to get you started. Wear sunscreen during the day, and exfoliate once a week. Check out the Korean skincare threads on here and Reddit for product recommendations, and examples of specialized routines catered to your skin type.
Your body is probably not as bad as you think it is. But I also struggle with bad body image. If you want to change, you need to make the decision to diet and exercise. We have some absolutely wonderful diet and exercise threads on here. Calculate your TDEE, and subtract 500 calories from it. Boom, you will lose weight. Do both cardio (running, swimming, biking) and strength training (weights, push ups, squats, lunges, etc.) 2 to three times a week to tone your body. I promise that if you truly dedicate yourself to this lifestyle change, you will be happier with your body. You may not look "perfect". You may not look like the girl of your dreams. But you will look so much better and be so much happier than you do now.
Take care of your fingernails. Take a women's vitamin and invest in a good nail file. You don't need to get a manicure every week, but try going once every month or two months. Giving yourself self-care and making yourself go out into the world will help you.
Flattering makeup is one of the best things you can do to help yourself appear more attractive. Insta ho makeup looks terrible on everyone. Try to do light, natural makeup suited for your face and eye type. Invest in a BB cream rather than a foundation. There are a million makeup tutorials out there, YouTube is the best place to learn. We have a makeup thread here too that can help you with more specialized tips. Just remember that less is sometimes more, and you want to focus on highlighting your good features more than hiding your bad ones.
Finally, you will feel more confident in clothes that flatter you and you personally like, than clothes that are unflattering but trendy. Not to say that you can't like what' she in right now; but some of the styles that are popular this month won't be by Christmas. Go through and konmari your entire wardrobe. If it doesnt spark joy, donate it. After that, assess what you have and don't have (lacking basics? Lacking shoes or sweaters?) and make a list of what would make your wardrobe more complete, and more you. Buy what makes you happy and confident. Just remember that not everything we love looks good on us.
I'm 22 and I'm still struggling, anon. I can't tell you how many times I've looked in the mirror and hated what I saw. How many times I've planned out all the variously plastic surgeries I want. But you are still young, and you can do so much to inspire confidence in yourself before you seriously consider surgery. If you put hard work into improving yourself, it will be more rewarding.
Don't forget that your personality, charm, and unique talents are important to you right overall attractiveness to other people as well. You can be the most beautiful girl in the world, but if you are cruel and stupid, you will be disliked. I know it seems hopeless now. But you have the power to change. You are beautiful and unique. I wish you well.
No. 190735
>>190727I am native american and white, but I have naturally awful genes, its not so much my face, its my skin and body, I use witch hazel, tea tree oil, drink plenty of water, etc
I plan on corsetting more, massaging boobs, taking supplements like fenugreek for bigger boobs, maca for bigger butt, I take fairly good care of my hair and teeth with whitening and hair treatments for frizz
I have naturally, an unlucky figure although working out, taking care of skin, corsetting and other things can help, it can't help me a lot, especially with my breasts, which I am madly insecure about and when I did have intimate experiences I pleaded to keep my bra and shirt on
thank you anon
No. 190736
>>190734when my knees heal I'll start squatting again, I plan on fat transfers, scar removal, etc in the future, like in the previous reply I made, I ordered maca and saw palmetto, fenugreek, and alternating my diet and rountines for better skin and body,
for things I cannot fix without surgery, mostly my boobs, I will do that
No. 190740
>>190739Tears incoming.
It's a long story, anon. I'm out right now so I don't have much time to type everything, but I will probably be back later. thank you for your concern. I mean it.
No. 190747
>>190745I didn't get some crazy gluteboost or whatever, just the cheapest capsles of maca, saw palmetto, and nursing tea, I might get some weight loss supplements, my estrogen is very low and if it rises it will help make me more feminine
I'll also work, the thing about these pills is that it boosts working, not that it magically happens
No. 190748
>>190747No anon, they don't boost anything. Go to a doctor and discuss hormone pills with them lest you fuck yourself up irreparably. All supplements that aren't vitamins or feeding formulas are bullshit and rely on people's ignorance and desire for a quick fix.
Eat properly, exercise, and your body will be fine. The best you can expect from the supplements is a placebo and maybe some diarrhoea-induced water weight loss.
No. 190754
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my fiancé just left for 2 weeks to visit his family on the other side of the world. i've been crying all night. this will be the first time in months i'll have gone a day without seeing him. it's a 12 hour time difference too and i work full time 9-5 so talkin will even be hard.
any suggestions of fun activities i can do alone to take my mind off it?
No. 190758
>>190755If your plan involves throwing money at obvious scams it's a terrible plan. If you aren't going to be serious about it, people aren't going to keep giving good advice to you. What's your workout like? What's your diet like?
Those things are gonna make the difference not some plant powders that smell like foreskins and get peddled by fat Facebook Mum's.
No. 190764
>>190761You don't fuck with it without a doctor. More estrogen will cause you to make more testosterone to compensate. Hormones are incredibly tricky and require specialist medical supervision and monitoring. Sorry but that's all there is to it.
Anything that is sold on social media, hippies, and/or "health food" stores is more than likely a scam. If it's something that promises to cure disease, alter a particular body part, or is touted as a 'natural cure' it's absolute bullshit every time.
You need to educate yourself on how the body works and learn some critical assessment skills if you're buying powders and potions.
If you are diagnosed as hormone deficient your doctor would have prescribed you a course of treatment, was your deficiency self diagnosed or legitimate?
No. 190768
>>190761Not to be rude and I haven't read all of the posts, but instead buying herbs and all that crap, save the money so you can go to a doctor?
Also, everything
>>190764 said
No. 190800
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I get why people jump into conclusions sometimes because that's part of human nature, but FUCK. My ex was like that and that's one of the reasons why we had to end it. He'd jump into conclusions way too fast and wouldn't accept explanations because of how "intuitive" he was, so by his logic his crazy assumptions were always right.
I'm seeing this new guy now and yesterday we had an argument and kept assuming things about the way I felt concerning the topic we were arguing about. When I said "no, I don't I feel this way. This is what I feel: yadda yadda yadda". Then he said "no, you don't. I'm very perceptive and intuitive".
…Fuck off. First, you get super pissy over something pretty much unimportant,
then you try to guilt trip me (it worked, it made me feel awful!),
then assume things about me,
and when I tell you how I genuinely feel you say I'm lying because your shitty ~intuition~ says so?
Why do people act this way? Why?
I'm sure his ~intuition~ is telling him I'm mad because he said I'm not being myself today. Yeah, I'm not feeling that great around you anymore. Surprise. I'm disappointed and bitter now. I guess that under different circumstances I probably wouldn't have cared this much about this problem, but the fact he acted like a cunt/reminded me of the worst traits my ex had really ruined it. I was starting to develop feelings so I guess I'm lucky… But it feels bad, man.
No. 190834
>>190818You are right, anon. I'm just feeling shitty because he's the exact type of person I thought he wasn't. Sucks. It's still soon enough to cut ties without hurting feelings though.
>>190826He didn't have any other information or anything. His assumption was complete BS, based on
his emotions and he just came across as rude instead of perceptive and intuitive. Anyway, thanks for the input.
No. 190848
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>>190843>>190845Yep USA, I'm not an artist but doodle of what is going on.
I had braces when I was younger, got a permanent retainer put on. He put it on misaligned and I kept telling him over and over it was wrong but he managed to talk me past it. Over time it just got worse.
I grind my teeth at night (I have a night guard) so since my retainer isn't straight, my grinding is pulling my bottom teeth backwards in toward my tongue. It was really impacting my speech and I started to develop a lisp.
I legitimately sound like this chick now and anything with a T, S, P, anything like that is a HARD Lisp. No. 190850
>>190849I know, I don't have the money to sue anyone anyway haha. The dentist even admitted it was the teeth grinding and retainer slip that caused it but oh well, gonna have to get this fixed with more braces.
I'm just angry and sad that it wasn't my fault by any means but I have to do this to fix the damage.
No. 190862
>>190858It was only slightly misaligned for a long time but didn't cause any issues, it just annoyed me that I could feel it with my tongue. Then it slipped down more and it's been an issue for about…9 months? Like 3 of which I've been waiting for the impressions to be sent off to make the trays and then have them shipped back. the first 6 or so, I brought up that I thought it was getting worse, he said it was fine, waited til my next checkup and was like "dude no fix this shit"
Permanent retainers are fairly common here from what I've seen, it's literally just a piece of wire fused to the back of your teeth with strong glue and you can't take it off unless your dentist does.
>>190860 said is right.
No. 190902
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>>190794I want to try the possibilities to see if they work on me instead of assuming if they're fake
I'm desperate at this point especially about my tits,I'd kill to look even SLIGHTLY average, or have at least one attractive feature on my body
Pic related this is what my body somewhat looks like but with chest acne and larger whiter nips, don't open this if you do not want to see a complete nauseating nightmare
No. 190905
>>190904No,I've only had intimate experinces probably less than 3 times, no penetration, and each time I had to keep my bra on and shirt due to insecurity plus it would be better for their eyes
I'm young, I have lost about 10 lbs in my entire life, although I'm hitting 140 and want to get down to about 108, where I was freshie year of uni and my body looked good despite my awful tits, lack of hips and ugly skin
I gained a lot of weight due to a breakup over my insecurity (ironic i know)
No. 190912
>>190910it worked for some, with minimum or small results, at this point I'm desperate for even the smallest improvement
I know I should go ahead and get breast correction surgery, but I have no idea how I will pay for it
No. 190913
>>190912anon… I 100% understand you about the breast (size) issue. I'm not even a full A cup and have an column/inverted triangle shape which makes me look like a boy.
I started BC a few years ago, and the effect was minimal (I had to because of hormonal imbalance). People who go up a cup size or more are very, very rare.
What ACTUALLY helped me with the issue was fitness. Lifting to be more precise. I started gaining muscle (and some fat ngl) and now I'm a nice A cup and still going up.
Hormones just don't work like that, sadly. Would love to have C's. I know it's really frustrating but it's best to forget about it or accept it. There are other ways that can help you.
No. 190916
>>190914then work on your chest muscle, which will lift them up and make them more perky…
>>190915not to mention they sometimes take before/after pictures from implant surgeries
No. 190917
>>190916>>190916>>190915not talking about the same 10 pics all scam companies use the same of
I've had friends and women who had actual results from eating certain foods or drinking certain drinks etc
No. 190925
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>>190917As someone with the same unfortunate type tiddies as you anon (grade 2), save your pennies to get the reconstruction of your dreams.
My tits are C cup pancakes because of repeated weight loss/gain and years of birth control. I personally didn't see improvement with strength exercises, but mine aren't tiny balls of tissue like A cups are.
Treat yourself.
You'll regret buying these herbs and supplements, and wonder how much money you could have saved for the surgery had you not purchased them.
No. 190929
>>190926If it helps, he was most likely unconscious or dead before he burnt. If it was a nighttime fire he might have even been asleep and asphyxiated without ever knowing.
Even assholes don't deserve the fiery sort of agony you're imagining, and it's entirely possible he didn't experience that at all.
No. 191018
My life is falling apart because of my mental problems and idk what to do. I can't afford any hobbies or to go anywhere or do anything, all I have to play on is my shitty old iPhone and since I had to move back in with my mom, none of my friends talk to me anymore. My job is giving me 15 hours a week, saying it's not fair to the other employees they hired when we were at fucking capacity to give me more hours. And finding a job is stressful as fuck because the amount of kush I have to smoke to relax and be able to sleep or avoid the trembling, nausea, vomiting and stomach issues I have makes it nearly impossible to find a job in an already shitty economy. I guess re one bright side is that I have insurance, but after the money that gets taken out of my paycheck every week to pay for it and my car payment and car insurance, I can't afford to use it. Not only that, living with my mom is hell because she has a hair trigger temper, nags incessantly, and is the most reclusive person I've ever met- she goes to and from work and only talks to people she absolutely has to, hates everyone and says eeeyone is just using you for something or wants to dig gossip out of you. She's the reason I have so many self esteem and trust issues, and idk. Just being stuck in a house with her and not havignsyrhing to do but browse the same 3 apps on my phone and stare at a wall because I literally have $3 in the bank and can't afford to go anywhere or do anything and knowing that nothing is going to get better is really just making me want to die
And I've already called my therapist, suicide hotline, shelters, everyone who claims they can help me get my life back on track and help me get out on my own are a bunch of goddamn liars. Nobody wants o help you unless they get money or recognition out of it, or it makes them look like a good person.
I just want to die and stop being surrounded by happy, normal people who get to just be okay while I struggle to break even every single day of my life. I've lived the last 4 years like this and it's killing me to watch everyone else get their lives started and to sit here and feel so stuck as helpless just because I'm mentally ill.
No. 191020
>>190926>>190928>>190929Against my better judgement I looked into it and I actually got the details wrong. He was found burning in a pit in his yard, the articles are vague but they suggest that it was suicide. He was apparently still awake and moaning when someone found him and called the police. I should really stop thinking about it but I can't.
>>190930That sucks about your boyfriend's dad :/
No. 191041
I'm emotionally attracted to a boy I'm not physically attracted to.
On top of that, it's long distance.
We met on a dating site, and we share the same interests and values. He's a huge weeaboo and very sweet. He also knows all about my mental health problems and isn't scared away by it, if anything he's supportive.
He's just not my type physically, he's not ugly per se, but just not attractive to me. Maybe he could clean up well but I don't know, I'm not physically interested in him.
Lately, our conversations have been growing more distant, both because of our work schedules and stressors in our individuals lives. Now, our conversations are mostly "Hope your day has been going well." and nothing else. Hours between texts.
I think the support I've mentioned before has turned into more of an older brother caring attitude than anything else, and there's no flirtation or chemistry in the chats. I guess that makes it easier when he inevitably leaves me.
I don't date, I can't find guys that I have a mutual attraction to. I don't think I'm even that picky. I don't drink or enjoy clubbing so I just use OKCupid and Tinder, but I know that's not going to get me anywhere. I just keep holding out hope.
Love is just a numbers game…right?
No. 191048
>>191041Listen to me anon. I am also trapped in a loveless ldr and the best thing is to just break that fucker off NOW before it causes more shit for you. Go and live a happy life. Go out to a bar and find a guy you'll fuck for the rest of your life on sight.
Don't be like me and think that just because he understands your weird hobbies and feelings no other man will. Escape that shit before it becomes an emotional hole you can't climb out of. The only reason you're holding on is because you THINK he might work out someday when you could be finding the one who works out now. Heed my warning
No. 191066
>>191043>>191048But what's even the point of shagging a guy you have nothing in common with? I had incredible attraction to a guy, the sex was great but the fact we had not much in common made it awkward, frustrating and really sad in the end.
I'll take someone I can have great conversations with over a good shag any day now.
No. 191082
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A new ''friend'' of mine is being really cold towards me and not replying to messages after disappearing for a few days I know he was having a few problems at home because he poured his heart to me and said I'm the only person that makes him happy, he also said he was sick.. I'm a bit of a clingy friend, though I do not reciprocate his feelings as I have a bf already.. I just want people to talk to, I would love to have a girl friend but I'm a shy hermit shit fucking sucks
No. 191175
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Trying to pay for my summer college classes online but my card keeps getting declined. School starts on Tuesday. I was told that it accepted debit cards, but I guess I was lied to.
Also I'm alone, bored and sleepy.
No. 191200
>>191188>>191190Wow, how are you people so negative?! Holy fuck. My first thought was she does it from love.
Parents often struggle to express love for their children as they get older and more rigid and their children more grown up and complex. They seek the kind of relationship they had once, but it's hard to do so when they've naturally grown apart. They often resort to showing love in ways that worked best when their child was still little: some are seemingly overbearing, some are seemingly too critical, some worry needlessly, some pamper ridiculously, some do this, some do that, and their kids find it awkward or confusing, or infuriating. But it's all their way of showing love, in the best way they can think of.
Yours buys sweets for her darling little child. It used to put such a huge smile on your pretty little face, and a tiny squeal of joy! Remember that? She does, it was the best thing in her life, it lit up her soul.
Understand your parents, cut them some slack, be gentle and patient with them, put your love for them before your desire that they do as you please. It's your time to take care of them, they did their fair share for you.
No. 191203
>>191200Eh, that's not what it sounds like. It's not like her mom was gifting her food while she was away before she mentioned trying to change her diet. Also why taunt her to her face when she's clear about what she wants?
Some parents only want the best for their kids all the time, but that's not all parents. Some fall on the other side of the spectrum a lot of people fall in the middle because they are humans with their own emotions and can sometimes get greedy or jealous.
No. 191206
>>191203>>191204I'm sure she's got best intentions, she just doesn't know how to express them better.
Her much missed child just came back home! She wants to show her love, indulge her, pamper her, and is not used to (and probably doesn't like) the idea of her sweet baby restricting herself of a joy (in her eyes).
She's well-meaning and doing the best that she can. And that's the most any of us can do.
>my favourite brand chocolate barYeeees, such evil, much resentment!
Pshhhh, you guys
No. 191209
>>191207People are not always rational, particularly when they get emotional, and few things are more emotional then having your child back with you after a long time apart.
She cares more than you can imagine. But OP is still and always will be her child in her eyes. So that's how she behaves. And that's ok.
No. 191215
>>191206This, all the responses read like everyone here is underage.
Yeah it's not healthy but do none of you seriously have a grandmother who always makes you food and packs your plate full of doughnuts whenever you come visit? They don't do this because they're 'jealous' (lol), they do it because it's a ham-fisted way of showing love. They just want to make you happy. My dad does this, he is most certainly not jealous of my figure. Jfc.
No. 191219
Two days ago I had some severe sleep paralysis. I get it about maybe once every 2 or three months, sometimes more, sometimes less. At one point I was getting it back to back, like every morning I wouldn't be able to move for maybe 2-3 minutes.
But anyway, this incident lasted longer, and I started to hear voices telling me random stuff that I couldn't make out. The voices sounded familiar, like my grandma, but a 2spooky version of her.
I did my usual, breathe through your nose and try not to fight it but it lasted so long. And After it was over I ended up going back to sleep lol (I first woke up at like 7 or 8)
I also have a lot of problems falling alseep so I pace around my room for a while. I always feel like some sort of monsterish version of a male figure that used to be in my life is going to pop up and scream at me. I feel like when I turn the lights of and try and focus on sleep the voices come back. Telling me I'm going to go to hell and that my boyfriend is gonna leave me and that everyone hates me.
I think of suicide and death almost every day now, I was waking home one day and looked at the very top floor of my apartment and fantasized about just jumping off the roof.
The voices told me it'd be a good idea but then I remembered it was finals week and I was about to graduate so I decided to go get a drink and watch TV instead.
I had stopped cutting for a while but I picked it back up and now one of my wrists looks pretty fucked up. Not super bad because I try not to cut too deeply or too long, but there are enough noticable scars. When people ask I just lie and the subject usually gets dropped.
Idk what's wrong with me but I'm also weirdly uncomfortable with going to a therapist even though I know I should. The thought of talking to one of them and then getting drugged up and dependent on whatever they give me to feel 'better' makes me shiver.
For some reason, I feel like I'll lose a connection with myself? Like, the voices and everything are my sixth sense and going to therapy will take that away from me?
I know it sounds ridiculous but I feel like I just have this ability, like I was chosen for something and this is just the price I have to pay
>Inb4 schizo
I'm pretty sure it runs in both sides of my family, so there's that. But, I don't feel like I'm that crazy.
No. 191225
>>191219Onset schizophrenia? How old are you, anon?
Even if you did have it, there's nothing to be ashamed of and you're not "crazy". It's just another bullshit stigma surrounding mental illness.
No. 191230
>Adding to >>191175My skin is burning and itching. I fucking hate having eczema. i hate summer.
I am getting bit up by fleas. I don't know how since my cat is at my mother's house and I live at my grandmother's house, plus I haven't seen her in days.
I hate my art. It fucking sucks, It looks like I draw like a fucking 5 year old. I can't improve no matter how hard I try.
My brother keeps getting suspended from school. He doesn't do anything about get in trouble and getting expelled from every school he goes to. We keep telling him to stop, but her just keeps fighting with kids and getting himself hurt.
Once, my mother broke down and started cussing out the vice principle because of my brother. It was so embarrassing going to my old high school and having to pull out my mother who was screaming and cussing and everyone could hear her. She can't go anything without embarrassing anyone. She screams and cusses so loudly that everyone within a 5 mile radius can hear here and it makes her look trashy and ghetto and I can't stand it. I just want to change my name and move away. But I don't have the funds as of yet.
No. 191266
Oh boy, me again
>>190848When the assistant shoved the thing in my mouth I said it felt like I had been stabbed and she went "oh a little, it'll be fine" and two days later Ha Ha Ha I have two good sized holes in the fucking roof of my mouth from this shit being flat against it 24 hours a day.
I had to go on a liquid diet because my mouth hurt too much to even eat soft bread and hummus, at least I can lose some weight I guess. One bright side to this shit show.
I want to call and complain but they're closed until Monday so I'm just swallowing antibiotics I had from when they removed my wisdom teeth and ibuprofen hoping I don't end up with an infection from this bullshit.
No. 191351
>>191266Oh man, I am so sorry for all this shit you are going through. Your posts sound like a medical horror story, it was hard to read them, and I felt angry and frustrated on your part.
Hang in there, this dental nightmare will soon end, your body is strong, it will push through and adapt. All the best to you buddy!
No. 191391
>>191390we haven't really ever gone to anything like a movie so i can't say, but i definitely can't bring it up to her. she's super dramatic and gets offended easily.
i remember once she posted a photo of this necklace online (it was expensive) and then made another post joking about getting a sugar daddy. i texted her and asked her if she got the necklace, she said no and i said "oh i figured" (because of the sugar daddy post). i assume she blocked me because she wouldn't respond to my texts for a day, and when she came back it's because i apparently called her poor. so god forbid if i come for her makeup, i don't even want to think about what she'd do. she's nice and probably the only person who gets my sense of humor but.. i feel bad for saying this but holy fuck she annoys me sometimes with her time management and how offended she gets.
No. 191400
>>191391>whole paragraph showcasing her distilled cuntiness>she's niceno.
You meekly put up with her shit, are afraid to confront her about it, and even feel guilty about thinking of it. Of course she got worse, expect it will get even more as she pushes even more boundaries. Doormat.
No. 191416
>>191388Get friends who can manage their time. If she can't get ready without wasting everyone's time because she feels her face is more important than your hours, she's not gonna be any more considerate in other areas. Her shitty self esteem looks like it comes before anyone's anything.
How does she manage a job if she can't get her face ready without causing a three hour delay?
No. 191417
>>191388I don't get it, why is the makeup the issue when logic says she should just start getting ready earlier to be on time? The problem is that she doesn't respect your time, not that she takes ages to get ready.
This should be pretty easy to discuss, next time you plan something just tell her not to be late because you're not gonna wait, and suggest getting ready earlier.
No. 191446
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Oh god farmers, I'll never be able to find a house so perfect for me ever again I could cry rn.
I'm trying to buy my first home because I'm paying an absurd amount of rent, that's as high as a mortgage for a >$200k home in exchange for this dingy, non-remodeled, loud, 1 bed 1 bath apartment in a corporate complex that doesn't give a shit. Constant spiders and roaches get in because of poor sealants and dirty neighbors.
It's awful, I live in a box and the only time I get outside is on my little patio in the shadiest, mosquito-ridden part surrounded by a bunch of durka durkas at any given time.
The housing market in my area is so hot that homes are sold or under contract in as little as 48 hours after they post. The homes that tend to stay on the market for a week or greater tend to range $300k+ with some issues, or they're million dollar homes. Or they're ridiculously priced condos or townhouses.
Yet I found the cutest, single-family bungalow with a wonderfully updated kitchen, hardwood floors, a yard, storage shed, and for $150k. Which was an AMAZING deal considering it was located next to an expensive country club and 10 minutes from my job.
It stated for sale even though it had been on the market for about a month, but I figured maybe so since it was rather small and not exactly convenient for adults w/ crotchfruits, a rather common factor around here.
I was prepared to apply for down payment grants, initiated a mortgage lender for pre-qualifying questions, and then finally called the realtor who posted the listing. As I introduced myself to her and told her I was interested in a showing, she interrupted me and told me that the listing had long gone under contract to someone else.
I sounded polite, but on the inside it was so soul-crushing. She was kind of condescending about it too, like, how dare people not know the house was no longer for sale even though it was listed as such. She even said "I don't know why people are still calling about that listing…" Stupid.
Worst part is, I'm completely alone in trying to find a place to live. My bf is extremely unmotivated and is too lazy to do the basic stuff for himself like schedule a doctor's appointment or get his license. I love him, but I don't expect anything from him.
I wish I were richer. I wish I had a bf who was also rich and who would take lead in helping us get out of here. It's so hard to feel like the only one interested in this and doing it myself.
Either way, I'm stuck here for another year as we have no choice but to sign another lease before our old one expires. I'm so bummed.
No. 191447
>>191048>>191043>>191066I know, the right thing to do is break it off.
I honestly don't think I'm going to find love at this stage of my life. I'm too focused on work and surviving to have a social life.
I need to delete the apps, but it's just so hard. I'll go a few months without them and then reopen them again. I don't want sex, I just want companionship.
No. 191469
>>191318It's kinda funny/sad because we all live in different countries. and I've been starting to compare myself to her lately, I should stop.
>>191440I think he does have kind of a big ego cause he has a lot of girl friends and some have fallen for him. He said that sometimes he ends up unintentionally flirty and doesn't realise it until later, which sounds kinda bs.
And thank you! I get more chatty/needy/annoying when I drinking, the liquid of courage is srs stuff.
No. 191492
I had a bad dream last night, well more or so of a dream because I felt like I was reliving what happened to me a couple years ago. Maybe I'm just super sensitive, but what my friend did to me really screwed me over emotionally. The " dream " went like this: Me & friend were talking to each other about school alone in a classroom. For whatever reason he starts getting very close to me. I back up slowly while he keeps moving towards me. I try to laugh it off because he's making me uncomfortable, he starts to chase me around the class. He pins me on the floor and he gropes me, won't let me go even after I told him to stop repeatingly. It was only a couple of minutes of me struggling to get him off me yet I started to cry. He tells me how small my chest basically is & then lets go of me. It's always been an experience I wanted to forget because it's the first time I've ever grown to be scared of someone I trusted. I constantly went to school with fear that he's going to touch me & I wouldn't be strong enough to get him off me. Everyday I would try to avoid him, but he manages to find me & acts like nothing happened. Even after all these years, I feel humiliated, powerless & scared that I might see him again somehow. I never told anyone this because I feel like I'm overreacting. This isn't the first time someone has touched me against my will, but whatever it's not like I'm entitled to my own body. I don't know, but I woke up crying last night over this. Maybe it's because he's the reason why I dropped out & became a neet. Maybe my actions afterwards were extreme, but the only one affected by it was myself. I'm suicidal nowadays, to think something as stupid as that could turn you into complete waste of air. I've had a lot of breakdowns this month & my hair is started to fall off from all the stress. I've delt with depression most of my life & it's starting to take a toll on my health. I'm so fucking pathetically stupid & useless. I don't even know why I bother even existing at this point, which is dumb because I'm giving myself until the end of the year to live. See? All of this baggage for something stupid that happened years ago, yet I still cry about it like a pissy bitch. Dumb. Sage for excessive spergs
No. 191539
>>191538Eh, ASPD is fairly uncommon and laymen using the wrong terminology doesn't make sociopathy a legit diagnosis. Anybody calling it sociopathy these days is pretty obviously uneducated on ASPD.
Besides, if anon actually had ASPD they sure as shit wouldn't be too concerned about it or about drama.
No. 191557
>>191541You sure?
Working in MH I've never once heard a professional use the term sociopath despite the patients being high behaviour and regular ASPD cases. Even our teachers looked at you like a retard if you said 'sociopath'. Maybe it's different in America or wherever you are, but in my country it's not considered a thing by anyone respected or even mediocre in the field.
No. 191559
>>191557I'm not in the field, but I've worked in correctional services and yes it's still in use and differentiated by psychologists I've spoken to.
That's anecdotal though, I suppose more recent graduates wouldn't. In any case there is a certain debate about it. Personally I do believe there is a difference but that's just my own experience/opinion.
No. 191560
>>191559I agree with you about their being differences in presentations of ASPD and the changes around use of the term sociopath, but ime it's more of a spectrum of behaviours similar to the autism spectrum. You get your severe "sociopath" level cases who are dangerous as rabies and moderate cases where the person doesn't present with such full-blown behaviours and is manageable with community intervention.
I'd say you come across the first type whilst I deal with the second type, which would definitely be different experiences entirely. My kids can still be swayed be certain consequences for their actions, but I imagine your clients were closer to the 'I'll murder you, rape your corpse, and laugh about it every day in solitary' end of the deal.
No. 191566
>>191560A spectrum makes sense yes, that's kind of the gist I got. But I also had a psychologist tell me that sociopaths were just "missing" something, like a brain defect and she seemed to genuinely believe that.
I don't think that's true, but I can see where she's coming from. She was pretty old though and in that kind of environment maybe it's easier to tell yourself that than admit humans are just fucked up without being defective.
Thankfully no I didn't work with truly dangerous criminals. Some I was warned about definitely had something "off" about them but that could just be confirmation bias because I was told beforehand.
No. 191593
>>191535 here
I'm not a psychology expert or anything. I just wonder if I'm so screwed up that I have all these incidents for attention without being conscious about it, and this is why everyone pulls away. I fear that there is something far worse wrong with me than just my mental illness that I know about (major depression, anxiety/panic disorder).
I can't stop thinking about and analyzing everything I did and those around me did and trying to understand why I lash out and I just can't get a hold of it. Every time I feel that I was pushed, but other people don't see it that way.
I don't want to be a bad person or so screwed up. I just want to be a good person.
No. 191594
>>191593Go get a diagnosis and therapy instead of wondering then. You don't fit NPD or ASPD, and are probably a garden variety depression/anxiety or at worst another moderate BPD.
Worrying about having an illness you aren't diagnosed with is silly, especially if the illnesses you're worried about are severe and mostly untreatable personality disorders. Anyone with those disorders will not give a shit or will reject it as an insult to their superiority, not lose sleep over whether they're harming people or if they might be insane.
No. 191609
I started dating someone a few months ago. We are long distance. I've visited him twice already, we are really compatible and into each other. He doesn't want to commit to me because there is no end date to us being long distance (I am trying to find a job where he lives, but it will take some time). Despite this, things have been going well, I feel as though he is my boyfriend–we are only seeing each other, we spend a lot of our free time together (Skype, playing games, etc.) and hell, he even referred to me as his girlfriend to his mother.
The other day, we were talking about someone who's dating around, and he was like "Why don't you do that too? We are so far away after all." and… my heart hurt. Why would I want to do that? I have him. Do I have him? Can I even say that? It made me realize he could easily start dating around and leave me for another girl who could provide him with physical affection, and the thought devastates me. I feel so helpless and fucking stupid for being so in love.
No. 191629
>>191609You need to get some self-respect and leave him. He's told you directly that he doesn't think you're dating, and he would go for a real life girl if it was convenient. Why are you agonizing over him? The "evidence" for him considering you a partner is easily explained (tells mom you're his gf so he doesn't look like a loser), and besides that vastly overpowered by him saying DIRECTLY THAT YOU'RE NOT HIS GF.
He is clearly using you temporarily: for emotional support, for fucking once in awhile, for social status. At least he has the honesty to tell you that!
No. 191634
>>191632Based on my past experience (raised Catholic and attended religious schools for 5 years), people with religious affiliations often do and say deplorable things with the expectation that as long as they're
weally weally sowweh about it later, they'll be absolved of all wrongdoing by their deity.
I've literally witnessed child molesters and other horrible people say they're going to go to heaven after they die, whereas any non-believers will not no matter how good they were in life (Pope Francis recently turned this around a little, but up until him this was seriously the belief).
I'd argue that religion makes social cooperation worse because it gives a false high ground to people who essentially believe they can do whatever the fuck they want under an appeal to authority.
No. 191638
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I feel like I'm doomed to be stuck in high-stess, low paying customer service jobs because I'm a short, young female holding advanced degrees that nobody respects with a job history that is all service.
I try to find upward mobility but either under-qualified (yet seniority) people outrank me, I don't have the experience, or my degree type isn't right.
It's frustrating.
I requested sick from my call center today just because we were having massive irregular operations due to weather (something customers expect us to be miracle workers about) and I didn't want to have to deal with nonstop rudeness and bitching today.
>"You actually thought a Master's degree was going to help your resume! You must be so embarrassed!"
No. 191644
I used to have a friend I sometimes talked to in high school that lied about some really personal - but pretty harmless - stuff. I wouldn't call her a pathological liar since she never really lied about anything else, just this one lie that sort of got out of control. She was otherwise nice, albeit quiet, and had some problems at home with a controlling single mom and had to take shitloads of Xanax or something similar because of that.
Anyway, we graduated high school and got into college, and since the community here is very small, I ended up getting to know some people that knew her from elementary school. The truth behind that lie got out, and then they also started spreading gossip about her from her early days and piling on her. She'd dropped out not long before that and disappeared without a trace.
The rumors kept going and she soon became like a mini college lolcow.
Lately I've been watching "13 Reasons Why" and wondering what she's doing now. She's always been kind of a weird, cringy sperg that people made fun of behind her back but other than that the girl was nice and pretty harmless. We've since graduated, but I wish I could've done something to make it stop. I tried to contact her a few times over FB but she ended up deleting it, I just remember that her Facebook posts were always some negative lowkey rants (irl she was always happy to talk to people, so idk). I hope she's okay.
No. 191659
>>191657No… I don't think that's manipulative. Either that person is dealing with someone who is, or they're a prick. And that is why you should never ever confide in your friends, they either won't have the energy to deal with your problems or will use them against you eventually. Learned that the hard way.
See a shrink or any professional that's used to dealing with stuff like that.
No. 191662
>>191657You can't talk about your mental illness to normies. They won't get it, and worse, they'll make fun of you.
Find yourself a shrink, take medication and keep this shit in your head.
Trying to explain my GAD or depression to people always made them freak out (and it's not even the hard-core stuff in the mental health world). You have to learn your own coping mechanisms. Don't rely on others (you maybe can on your so or your parents but even that isn't guaranteed).
No. 191663
>>191659>>191662Thanks guys. They aren't even 'normies' though - all of us have a history of mental illness so I thought I'd be in the clear. It's kind of become…normalised though, in the sense that because everyone suffers with shit, it's not a big deal. So then even suicide attempts aren't a big deal.
But anyway. I've found that friends who have no mental health issues/have recovered from them are still more helpful. I just really needed to know if what I was doing was wrong (it still might be, in their eyes).
No. 191668
>>191657>abusive/manipulative people love to complain about how they're left with nobody and then play victim lol>constant manipulation is boring don't you ever get tired?You know why these statements are ironic, anon?
Because this person is trying to manipulate people into thinking that because they hate manipulative people, that they aren't manipulative.
I'm pretty positive passive-aggressive rallying against a certain person's positive OR negative traits is also a form of manipulation in their favor.
No. 191670
>>191664I'm trying to recall other conversations I've had but most are along the lines of 'I feel like you hate me' or 'I think everyone is trying to hurt me but it'll be alright as long as nobody sees me and I stay in my house'. I'm never exactly fishing for 'we don't hate you!!! uwu" since I never believe them anyway, but when I get into the state where I actually have to ask, I'm more just trying to get them to admit it (since other actions have kind of told me that they're sick of me, regardless of the paranoia BS). Which I understand could be manipulative. But to me, why lie about it and then get annoyed if I ask after you've shown that we're not that close any more, rather than just tell me?
>>191668I understand that anon, thank you. I haven't even spoken to that person (or anyone who could be somehow relaying what I say to them) for a while, so it seems like they're just trying to get me to retalliate somehow. I might just try and talk it out now.
No. 191671
>>191670To be honest, why even merit that with a response? It just shows to them that you've internalized what they've said regardless of whether or not you're actually guilty of that behavior.
I mean do you seriously feel like you've played a victim card to this person?
No. 191679
>>191638what did you study?
No. 191681
>>191657from what you said, it doesnt seem that youre abusive or manipulative in any way.
but this guy seems. you can make it so you dont see his posts on your feed. I would encourage you to do that if it boggley you.
No. 191682
>>191219voices can be seen as kind of a sign that something is wrong. same as a depressive mood can be there to tell you something isnt working right in your life. hearing voices can have the same aspect.
it doesnt mean though that a depressive mood or hearing voices is a sixth sense.
get professional help and if it's only for the self harm and suicidal thoughts.
No. 191683
>>191671I don't know. I guess I'm just trying to cling onto friendship but it probably won't be reciprocated. I actually messaged them on twitter (classic me, forgetting I blocked everyone on everything else!) but I just want to unsend it before they wake up and see it. I don't feel as though it's a battle that I want to keep fighting.
I think they think I play the 'victim' card because I tend to use my twitter as a bit of a venting space (hardly anyone follows me so why not) and so if they see something like 'lol everyone hates me' they assume I'm trying to get people to feel bad for me or something? Or make someone else out to be the bad guy? As
>>191673 said, everyone is somewhat self-centred anyway so considering that I know they feel the same way about themselves sometimes, wouldn't that just resonate with them rather than give them another reason to call me manipulative?
No clue. Bit of an odd bunch I'm in. I think I'm clutching at straws for reasons to keep the 'friendship' alive so now would be an ideal time to give up if I didn't feel so guilty about leaving things on shit terms.
>>191681Thanks anon. I might try and just cut myself off from that particular group for good (i.e. unfollow/unfriend on all platforms). It'd be easier if I didn't have mutual friends with them, haha. But what's done is done.
>boggleyI had a little giggle at that even if it wasn't intentional (sorry!) so thank you!
No. 191685
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>>191684it's okay anon.
everything's gonna be alright someday.
No. 191687
>>191683youre twitter is not completely anonymous then?
do friends of you know its yours? this would strike me as odd then.
>boggley kek nah, was suppossed to say boggles, but i realize thats still wrong lmao, thought there was a verb that derives from mind-boggling (not native in english over here).
No. 191690
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>>191684Me too, anon. Me too.
No. 191718
People become more like their parents the older they get too.
No. 191721
I'm overseas and left my mom and stepdad to care for our pets.
A dove which I raised from birth escaped. I never trusted her to be released because every time I tried to give her a fly around the house she didn't seem to get the hang of landing and would just drop right out of the air. She'd even seized once and that was the last attempt.
Fortunately she's been doing well outside and visits our feeder everyday. I was a little ticked that it happened but I'm glad to hear she's doing well.
Also last year my mom wanted to get some baby chicks. I said nope, no, I'm going to be the one to care for them, I'm terrified of them getting eaten by wild animals, bad idea.
She insisted my stepdad would build a big safe run for them outdoors.
So we got three. We were in the middle of a move to a proper house but stepdad never had the time for that run before I went on my trip.
I was with them everyday and raised them. In particular the white one grew really fond of me and she was quite an adventurous and curious bird.
So the chickens stayed in the sunroom once they got bigger but that of course didn't work as the weather got warmer and so we got a pretty large chicken tractor that I figured would do the trick until the run could be made.
Before I left, and I had mentioned this many times to the point of probably being an annoyance, I said… "Don't let them out unless you're watching"
"Yep got it, I absolutely won't"
That said, my stepdad is stubborn and kept talking about letting them out to free range and that they'll pop back in their little home when the sun sets.
So the other day I got this text from my mom…
>Ducky (the white chicken) got alien abducted the other day. Literally disappeared and we haven't seen her since. I still look for her but no sign at all. If an animal got her there would be feathers. It's been making me crazy. We came home from work and no Ducky. Now we are afraid to let the chickens out if we aren't home. I miss her.
I was kind of confused at first about how a chicken could have escaped that tractor, reached the end of the text and I was furious.
Calmed down and just said "Oh no… I said not to let them out if no one's watching… This is why I didn't want chickens"
>I know. They like being out so much though.
Awesome. No apology. And this is silly but my meds give me really vivid and realistic dreams and in my dreams since that day I've been endlessly trying to find all of my birds (and also my childhood dog?). If I was home I would search for hours. She's a chicken, so that's great cause she can eat whatever and be fine. But I'm not sure how she'll do for water and also she's bright white and we have hawks, coyotes, snakes, all sorts of shit around… Hoping she's just being broody somewhere and will come back soon.
Just… insanely frustrated. I love my mom but this is such an "I fucking told you so" situation and I wish it wasn't. I'm crushed that my buddy is gone.
No. 191722
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>>191697Bird anon from previous post. I've never incubated any eggs but time will likely sort that out for you as they're probably cold by now. If they actually hatch it's surprisingly easy to raise them.
>dental syringe (I found pharmacies give them to you for free, something similar to this)>Kaytee Exact baby bird formulaMix the formula, open up their little beaks and drop a few squirts on their tongue and let them swallow. Repeat.
You won't need a cage until they can fly and there's usually free or cheap ones on craigslist that'll do the trick.
I'm sure the eggs have been dealt with by now but if your boyfriend is insisting I wouldn't worry about the hassle of it too much. They need to be fed regularly but I've never lost a bird while giving them formula. It's like an IV drip.
No. 191786
>>191780Depends on the thread.
Some of the threads I don't post in just because I'd suspect it be full of sensitive PULLchans, and I'd expect that vlogger thread to be one of them.
No. 191795
>>191786What is the general view of PULL here? I've only ever visited once or twice, and it just seemed blander and tamer than here. It didn't hold my attention.
Vent: Most of my friends have moved away and now I'm alone most of the time. I have plenty of internet/skype friends, but no one to hang out with IRL. I feel like all I do is go to work and come home. I don't really have the money or drive to go out, I'm not a bar or club person. Thoughts?
No. 191810
>>191783Yeah, I agree. I mean, anonymity always brings out a few edgelords, and that's fine, it's not like lolcow used to be one big hugbox, but it used to be more of a discussion of topics, not attacking each other for saying like "oh, i don't mind ethan from H3" for example?
>>191786I mean, I get what your saying but why the need to hate so intensely? I'm not saying that you are, and there are def some whiteknights who show up from time to time that I truly understand people snapping at i.e "you are all bitches!!! So and so is an angel!!" But just because every single thread here isn't a perma circlejerk of nitpicking and frothing at the mouth, is that really a bad thing?
All in all, I'm getting older, and the more laud back vibe we used to have here was what attracked me in the first place. Lols were had. Now it's become more of a hybrid femme 4chan and it's kinda boring. I saw some anon had made a new board and so far the place seems more calm. I might just migrate. Anyway, I have noe idea how I would go about "fixing" this place, bans are moot, and anons keep getting angrier.
>>191795I personally don't like PULL because of the namefagging. They seem to have their own popularity contest within their own, and on top of that they can get ridiculously tinfoil. Most of them are no better than the cows themselves.
Tldr; I just wanna have some lighthearted fun, tired of the excessive aggression that's been brewing. Wish spamming reeeeee-anons would be marked. Bet most angry posts are from the same few anons.
No. 191863
>>191834Are you doing it to emotionally replace something? If you watch porn that might have a lot to do with it depending on what it is too.
I used to feel that way, but it was a weird shame/self harm thing I was indulging in bc I stopped drinking and used that as a form of release. Maybe try looking into other forms of release especially exercise, that way you are in your body and using it to release endorphins in a healthy way. Otherwise consider seeing a therapist short term depending on how bad it is, for me it ended up being a symptom of a really big issue I would not have discovered on my own.
Good luck though!
No. 191894
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>>191883>I feel like a piece of shit for being empathicSay what? Dude, people are usually there just for the good times, and run away when bad times come. You're the opposite. You're good, and you should feel good.
Call her. Don't fret over what to say, just say exactly what you feel - that you heard the bad news and and felt the need to check up on her. Trust me, she'll appreciate it. And it's more than is expected from you.
And don't you dare ever again feel bad for being a good person. The universe depends on you.
No. 191896
>>191893Why are you suicidal in the first place?
Focus on that, never mind the "baww, mean gurlz".
No. 191907
>>191905Just forget about working out and diet properly, you can easily lose weight through a caloric deficit without working out, whereas you would struggle to lose weight with even a significant amount of exercise unless you dieted to. It's harder to maintain without muscle tone but at least it's a start and will boost your self esteem/motivation.
I gained 30lbs in a very short period of time due to serious overeating and lost all of it by eating less. No exercise at all. It didn't make me stick thin and toned but it got me down to the low end of a healthy BMI, and that was enough to save my mental/emotional health.
No. 191909
I broke my nose when I was very, very young and it's always made me look so fucking ugly.
It's not very big per se, but it has a bump, a bulbous tip and bends to one side a little bit. I don't have an ugly face but my nose completely ruins it.
I've wanted a nose job ever since I was 14, I'm now 24. I was finally going to have it. I even went for a consultation and the doc showed me a photoshopped after pic on my face and I cried, it looked so much better.
But I'm a poor person living in an expensive country and the price was €8700. I'd saved up 8000, and I was given an option of a loan. They said there won't be any problems since I already have most of the money.
However, when I went to apply for the loan, the bank denied it because I have no income and they don't take savings into account. I can't afford it now, and I can't get a job for other reasons I won't disclose here. I'll also be really busy for the next 5+ years and will have to move several times so if I ever get it done, it'll probably be when I'm at least 32.
I'm devastated. It was finally going to happen, and someone just jerked it right out of my hands. Now I'm stuck with an ugly nose forever, or at least while it matters. I know people are going to start lecturing me about life not ending after you turn 30, but I want to be pretty and enjoy life while I still can. When I turn 30 I'm planning to get a husband and have a baby anyway so my looks won't matter as much.
No. 191912
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>>191857Don't forget to put him down in time. My cousin's dog had a huge cyst(?) on its belly for years but she was reluctant to ease his suffering. In exchange she had to witness his death agony lasting for two hours.
She was a mess afterwards. It took her a long time to get over it. She had the dog for most of her life.
No. 191919
>>191905Hi anon. I'm the same height as you and I've lost 25lbs so far without doing any work out. I
should hit the gym because I need it to avoid being squishy like I am right now, but that is a whole another deal.
Anyway, if you're struggling please know what
>>191907 said is completely right. When I started my plan I'd watch tons of videos on weight​ loss and i remember one that specifically said it's better to focus only on dieting when you don't have much motivation/need to lose a considerable amount of weight. First because you
will feel more motivated to better yourself once you lose some lbs and because if you're too heavy, working out can really fucking exhaust and stress you out in the beginning. You don't need to lose much but I think the motivation thing could work for you. Good luck!
No. 191958
>>191952 said, the paint thinner thing makes me think meth
No. 192054
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i'm so fucking exhausted. i have severe restless leg syndrome and sleeping at night is getting worse. i can't lay on my back or the wormy/crawling jolting feeling intensifies. laying on my side hurts my hips because for some reason my bones are tender ? (i don't know why this is but even a small amount of pressure is horrible)and sleeping on my stomach is ruining my shoulders because i have to extend one arm under my head/pillow and it feels like i'm really fucking them up.
i have no comfortable sleeping position and by the morning i've reverted to a baby's sleeping pose, all bunched up under myself just to get a few minutes before i just give in and wake up.
i want the RLS to go away, it ruins my day and my nights and the last few medications i took for it sucked. one made me dissociate for like 3 weeks.
i used to have my bf really grind his fists/heels of his palms into my muscles, stand on my legs, just to make the sensations stop, but that kept causing really bad bruising and i can't do that anymore.
i'm just so god damn tired and exhausted from the no sleep, the ants and worms and tightening ropes in my legs and the pain. it's making me weepy.
No. 192057
>>192054Some things that have helped our patients who have this:
>sleeping in a recliner>warm or cold leg soaks>exercising We've had a lot of patients say a combination of those things has improved their RLS. Otherwise are you seeing a neurologist or just your regular doctor? It might be worth it to see a neurologist, they might be able to help.
No. 192063
>>192058Definitely method. You can buy those drug testing kits that cops use off of Amazon and test some stuff in her room. The only thing is those kits are sensitive to pretty much anything and will give a false positive a lot of the time.
Do you own the place or are you renting from someone? If you own the place start the eviction process and evict her but make sure to change your locks and stuff afterward.
Otherwise just call the cops on her.
No. 192069
>>192057i don't have a recliner to sleep in, but maybe i can rig up something similar and i haven't tried a soak, warm or cold, in a while, i'll give that a shot tonight. as for exercise, this actually makes the sensations worse for me, the days after a walk or strength training are intensely uncomfortable. i still do them tho.
i haven't been to a doctor in a few years , my last one really phoned it in when it came to rls. seeing a neurologist is something i've never considered however. i'll definitely look into locating one near me. thanks for the advice anon!
No. 192089
>>192063I rent from someone else. Thing is, she doesn't /seem/ like a meth head, she's (Supposedly) a bio student and she doesn't seem to have fucked up teeth or anything.
I just can't place the smell and it's really concerning. I mentioned it once kinda off-hand, "Do you smell burning plastic?" and she acted like she didn't smell anything, but it's impossible not to notice. It can't be any sort of normal BO or hygiene smell, it's too chemical.
The oven thing this morning really weirded me out too. The vent was on and I felt the heat as soon as I walked out of my bedroom. I gave it a few minutes in case she was preheating it or something, but nothing. Then when I vaguely called her out, I got a "wasn't me" until I pointed out the burnt bananas. Bitch I was sleeping until now, who the hell was it?
Of course the first time I room with a stranger and they turn out to be a meth head. IDK what to do because I don't want to cause tension if I am just overreacting and then I'm still stuck with her.
A friend is picking me up to hang out tomorrow, I might ask her to stop in and see if she can't place the scent.
No. 192092
>>192089Lol most people who do meth don't have scabs or smell bad. That's just propaganda. Only backwood hicks experience all that and let's face it, they'd have scabs and poor hygiene regardless
If she's a bio student then she's smart and she's using meth or some addy type substance as a study aid. The problem isn't the drug it's sleep deprivation that makes people do weird shit.
Source: have Desoxyn prescription which is pretty much meth
No. 192126
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I'm glad they didn't kill themselve but whyyyy compare suicide to weightloss jfc
The amount of dumb posts I come across on this webiste is astonishing
No. 192136
>>192092UM, no.
Most people that DO meth have scabs and smell bad. Maybe if they're a clean person to start out with they might still seem normal until they get deep into their addiction then they're just like every other meth head. I work in a rural hospital. I see this shit all the time.
No. 192137
>>192115Thereally isnt anything "quick" about therapy. She shouldn't have said something like that. Therapy takes a long time, especially when the issues are severe. It's going to suck a lot at first, talking about and bringing up all those painful memories and experiences but that's the best way to get through them.
I bounced around to different therapists because I was in the military and they all ended up getting deployed or PCSing to a different base but at my last duty station I finally found someone that actually taught me useful coping techniques and educated me on how to take a step back and analyze my feelings about a situation if I got too anxious about something or if something gave me flashbacks.
Maybe you need to find a different therapist? That in itself is a daunting prospect, having to rehash everything but you need to find someone you're comfortable with that you can share your feelings with.
No. 192196
God, this is gonna be a complicated story to write down but I'm gonna try anyway.
So, I met this guy last year in summer and we hit it off immediately. We text for some weeks, until he starts ignoring me. Turns out he was having drama with this then-gf. After a month of no interaction he texts me again, telling me he's sorry he didn't answer me but that he was busy with life stuff. I tell him it's okay and that I hope he's alright. In respones, he starts telling me about how much of a bitch his ex gf is and how horrible their relationship was and stuff. I don't mind because we're "friends" and friends are there to listen, aren't they? Anyway, we keep talking and start meeting up almost daily on our breaks from work. We mostly talk about music and movies and stuff, but we also go kinda #sad sometimes and talk sbout our struggles and stuff. We end up going on a little trip together with some of our friends and I start catching feelings for him. He seems to be into it. Until I tell him about my past and my abusive ex. At first he tells me it's okay, that I don't need to worry but he keeps getting more distanced. We talking, but I can tell that something's going on. I keep telling myself that I'm just paranoid, until I get into the hospital because of some minor health problems and he starts ignoring me again. After two weeks, I get out and meet up with him so he can tell me what the fuck is going on. He doesn't tell me, just starts a fight over nothing and the next morning he's in a facebook relationship with some other girl. I'm super angry, tell him to go fuck himself and that he doesn't even have the balls to break up with me.
After that he tells me that "life is perfect right now" and that he never really liked me, he was just afraid of telling me after I told him about what happened with my ex. He and his new gf are in a "dream relationship" (They got matching necklaces and made slimey "I love you!!" facebook posts almost everyday) for about 3 months until they break up in february. After the break up, he texts me and tells me that it's my fault that they broke up, even though I haven't talked to him in these 3 months. He eventually tells me he's sorry and that he was acting like an asshole and that he "misses our friendship".
At that point, I'm so fed up with his highschool bullshit that I just tell him to grow the fuck up and leave me alone.
Now I didn't really bother with him again until like the end of april, when I noticed that he started getting closer with our friends again after ignoring them for the entirety of his last relationship. Eventually, one of my best friends tells me that he regularly stalks my social media accounts with a fake account (because I blocked his orginial ones). And just now he texted me about how his "open office" won't work and If I could "help him out".
What should I do? I kinda wanna help him out because I still think he's a good guy but I also kinda think he can go fuck right off
No. 192219
>>192216It's just so frustrating. I've had so many setbacks in life to keep me from being where I could be but a lot of it is my fault too. Plus my stupid personality I can't exactly fix.
>>192218I would but she has less than 1000 followers. :/ She's not some big Instagram personality or anything, just a regular girl. I don't want her to find out and lock her Instagram. She already locked her Twitter because someone else was also stalking/copying her that she personally knew. Like, she appears so perfect IRL that people who meet her try and copy her life. That's so amazing…
No. 192221
>>192215Try to remember that people only put on social media what they want people to see, especially people that seem super perfect. She might actually be very boring or curating her photos in a certain light, even stressing over it.
I remember someone once DMed me to tell me my body is "goals," while I'm actually struggling very seriously with anorexia.
Enjoy your life, you're still very young. In any case, remember that you can actually "create" a perspna like this, too, if you want. Haha.
No. 192409
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I just found my small tri-town area's revenge porn anon.ib or whatever the fuck. Not only that, but a lot of images of girls who clearly were underage during the time the image was taken or posted. Awesome. I just looked at all these kids I graduated ahead of butt ass naked.
Then, I send the local police department a late night FB message. Their response is that the people in the pictures need to take action if they have a problem with it.
I literally just gave you a link to child porn, and you want me to comb over the identities of these people to contact them?
So I did. How fortunate was I to see my little cousin's nude ass body. I sent her a message I wrote out to send to all the girls I could identify, either with file name or whatever stupid bullshit hint those snot dicks drop to try and goad more teen titty snaps out of each other.
My cousin, probably embarrassed, told me it wasn't her. Come on dude. It's you. I feel like I have to shower over and over again. I hate myself, I hate those pigs, I hate that I just messaged a bunch of women I barely know at 3:33 AM about how I found pictures of their naked body on the internet.
All because I was curiously and stupidly trying to find an ex-girlfriend of an ex-boyfriend's camming site. Because I am a nosy bitch with nothing better to do.
God. I have 5 hours until work, kill me now.
No. 192412
>>192409because morbid curiosity rules my life I checked that out because I'd never heard of it and now I feel disgusting. I'm afraid to check my city or the town I grew up in. I'm glad I never take any nudes men can be so vile.
Sorry anon :( I hope some good comes out of your/the girls' situation.
No. 192413
I wish I had slept tonight. I have 1h left to (try to) nap and then I'll go work. And then after my horrible shift I'll have to go with my mom to this really shitty place I can't stand. I'm tired and sick, I've felt sad lately and I think I'm falling for someone I can't have because we live really fucking far.
He seems to be really interested in me too, and has said multiple times that he really wishes we could be together, and expressed his romantic feelings for me as well, but we're trying to be realistic to an extent… so knowing we most likely can't be together hurts so much. We're broke and far away.
Just to make things worse I'm a complete idiot: I started flirting with 2 people a couple days ago to try to forget about this guy I like, while telling myself I need to forget him, or that he doesn't mean much to me ("see, if i
really liked him I wouldn't be flirting with this person") which a complete lie… and now I feel even worse. Worse because I don't really care about the people I'm flirting with/leading on, and because he'd feel very sad, just like how I am feeling too. I just wanna dump these two other people and be with the one person I really want and care about.
- Not really looking for advice btw or I'd go to our advice/relationship thread. I'm just wanting to vent in the vent thread.
I probably do know what I have to do and every option available, but I can't fucking act and fix this shit right now. I'll kindly explain to one of the people I have been flirting with that I'm not really interested, and I know this person will get it, but idk what to say to the other one yet.
>>192409You're doing the right thing, anon. The fact the police said that to you is horrible. I had a crazy ex whom I had a relationship with years ago say he'd post my nudes on the web and I was scared as fuck. Lucky me he didn't have any nudes showing my face anyway, just some body parts that could be anyone's, so I lied to my close friends saying that if he ever posted anything those pictures were not really mine. Like, she's obviously doing it because she's embarrassed, so don't be too harsh on her because she must be feeling awful and sad right now. Maybe talking face to face with her will help.
Sending you good vibes.
No. 192414
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After getting my first job (fastfood) I never want to work again. I quit 4 months into it because I just could not take it anymore, I mean the paycheck was ok but with dealing with the most unpleasant retarded customers on earth, co-workers talking shit behind my back, and my manager who was literally power tripping Satan (and my boss who refused to fire him despite multiple complaints), I just had to get the fuck outta there. I know fast food isn't supposed to be a walk in the park but it was a complete shitshow.
I've been so hesitant lately to get another job (I quit that job last October) mostly because of this experience, I keep thinking/replaying in my head of all the shit I'm embarrassingly still mad about.
I wish I could just git gud and make money off my art
No. 192420
>>192415sorry for laughing at your pain but "norbert" made me laugh so hard.
I've told my bf that I was uneasy about him having female co-workers that got to see him all day(lol I'm so sad) and he hugged me hard and laughed because he's hella introverted and I am literally retarded to think he would cheat.
The important part is, I was insecure because I am scared of abandonment and he saw that fear because he knows me- so he comforted me because he has empathy for me.
If your boyfriend jumps up your ass every time you're feeling insecure you have to ask yourself if you want to be around that kind of shit. Best case scenario here, you two have unresolved issues caused by a lack of communication that have nothing to do with cheating, you feel like you can't talk to him and he feels that you don't trust him. Worst case scenario, every time you have a pregnancy scare, every time you feel depressed, every time you feel like you need a sympathetic ear, he'll treat you like a clingy bitch.
I hope it's not the latter but it's a good idea to find out.
No. 192421
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>>192413Thanks anon. I didn't press it, I just said "thank god it wasn't you, I hope those get removed, I hope those people get punished, etc." and ended the conversation. I don't want to argue with her about that. I'd be mortified. It's almost 5 hours later, 8 AM, and not a single person has responded.
I'm not desperate for people to respond, I am just cringing at the imminent devastation of seeing such a mortifying thing. Also, I'm not even acquainted well with half of these girls, so it's like… hey I'm some random chick on some anon porno site at 3 AM and I found all your pics. I just have a huge fear of making it worse than it already is by letting them know it existed.
Even worse, what if they already knew and have just obviously not mentioned shit to people? And then I come along and dig up some site filled with nude pics of them they didn't post, and maybe they couldn't get them removed, so they decided hey let's just ignore it and move on with my life, and now here I am, going hey I'm a complete stranger and I found your nudes that you've been trying to ignore! Let me remind you again of how scummy life is!
I really hope that something eventually good and productive comes from this, I really feel like I did something bad.
No. 192458
>>192409Ugh ugh ugh ugh ugh. I had no idea this existed but I checked out my city's one and found multiple requests for 'wins' from my relatively small town. Noooope.
So sorry that happened OP. The police do fuck all if you try so you did the right thing by contacting the girls yourself.
No. 192459
>>192392I have trans friends and I'm an artsy person so really I have nothing against transgender people. It's the 'reclaiming' of sexuality labels that gets me - if you really are a dude, you're not gay for liking girls. You're straight. Buck up. It also means that I end up being shamed or called 'transphobic' for having preferences.
>>192401Gender and sexuality are such wildly different issues that I agree it gets difficult to combine them within the community. It's the same sort of 'self-identity' idea that lumps us all together though, which I understand, but in the situation I'm in it makes it really difficult to socialise with gays without being deemed trans-exclusionary or something. If there was a sexuality society, and then a separate T society and maybe a collective LBGT one, it'd be easier but you know someone would have a problem with it.
No. 192462
>>191905I'm in the same boat. And I'll do just like the other anons said, I'll eat less and watch closely how much and what I eat. Unlike you, I'm taller with 180cm and weight 75kg. I feel like a Godzilla. I just want to have a tiny frame and the only time I had it when I was doing a calorie deficit diet. Unfortunately, even when going to the gym for 8 months I barely noticed any difference despite not pigging out.
And I feel you, I can't even look at myself in the mirror anymore and just today I went to buy myself a pair of jeans, and in those dressing rooms I saw my body and wanted to die. jfc I should never eat again. I have the image etched into my mind so I'll keep reminding myself how gross I am.
No. 192467
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Emily Browning is so small and cute. I don't know if I love her or if I want to wear her skin.
No. 192475
>>191905Workouts aren't necessary. Lower your calorie intake to less than what you burn daily and the weight will go. Never go back to eating more than you burn daily and the weight will never come back.
Weight loss is nothing but maths and food.
No. 192531
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Accomplished a lifelong dream to move abroad last autumn. I've got a great job, a loving SO, and an adorable dog. But my stupid depression hasn't let up–in fact, it's gotten worse.
This is just going to make me sound like a huge crybaby, but I hate that I've yet to make deep connections with people. My only friends are other foreigners, which doesn't really bother me except for the fact that the only thing we have in common is that we are foreigners.
I know that I should be grateful for having friends, but our relationships are so shallow that I'd rather stay home. I've tried to make friends with the same niche hobbies/interests (Jfashion, anime, dumb weeb shit) but haven't had any luck.
If I could just make one genuine friend out here, I think I'd be a lot happier. Of course I'm seeking medical help for depression as I did back home, but in my experience it only did so much.
My problems are futile compared to other people's so i get frustrated at myself for being so depressed and whiny.
No. 192552
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I got my period today and got really sick the first hours after waking up. Woke up with the usual cramps, then i had to poo a LOT, cramps got very painful, started cold-sweating, shaking, trouble seeing and standing, dizzy, cold and hot flashes etc. I took a paracet and passed out for 2 hours and then afterwards everything was fine.
I should also mention i drank a lot the night before but i usually never get sick from drinking. Do i have anemia? Just really bad cramps? I finally think i understand the women who have to take sick days for their periods.
No. 192555
>>192552I get super painful cramps few days or a day before the start of my period. Exactly like what you described; cold-sweat, shaking, pain so severe I can barely move, let alone walk. + diarrhea.
It started last year, I think, and doesn't occur every period. So I wouldn't be surprised if it's something you will be having from now on. "Period routine" sometimes changes. I doubt it's meningitis
>>192553, sounds like a very severe cramp.
No. 192559
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this is very autistic but,
i got measuring tape from amazon and it came with two separate measuring tapes. one is a standard pink one and the other is pic related. the standard pink one and the blue one give me a 2" difference between measurements because i measure the blue one by the end of the tag instead of by the 0 inch. i know it's probably incorrect to do so but by the way my clothes (vintage AND modern) fit the blue one is the more accurate one, which is very confusing.
so what do i do about this? is the blue one invalid? (again sorry for autism)
No. 192598
>>192587>>192583at least the scar wont be visible once they take it out.
i personally wouldn't get piercings because there's a chance they don't heal properly (my fucking ears have been pierced since i was a toddler and are still unhealed) and you could get infections and shit with all the bacteria in your nose.
No. 192615
>>192583screw the detractors, do it anon! septum piercings are easy to hide (Flip em up!) and if they leave a scar, who tf is gonna be looking in your nostrils?
YOLO, if you hate it just take it out, nbd
No. 192627
>>192583I was in the same situation a year ago when I got my navel pierced
You just have to get out of the house, after that it'll be easier
And take good care of it
No. 192635
>>192598>>192615Yeah that's the exact mentality I had. If I don't like it, it won't leave a visible scar. Plus I've three lobe piercings which I love so it's really just a progression from that.
>>192621>>192627You're right. Thanks so much anons, I think that's the motivation I needed. It's a new experience because it's the first time I'm not going to a jewellers lol but once I get this done I'll know what to expect in the future :)
No. 192644
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I'm getting angrier and angrier at my bf of three years.
We haven't fucked for months despite me being open and pointing out how since I've gained weight, he doesn't touch me anymore except kisses. At this point, I'm convinced he won't just say "Why yes, I don't find you attractive anymore" because he doesn't want to be the bad guy or get dumped.
I mean, I'm fine with sex not being the sole focus of a relationship.
BUT it's not that he's not having sexual intimacy like I am, he's just waiting until I'm at work/asleep to go on sites like Chaturbate and MFC to jack off to personalized whores. And one frequent whore in particular looks like a trashy fivehead hoodrat, pic related. He's focusing on this one in particular and even goes to her tumblr (probably has her on Snap too). I found that he clicked the link to her Amazon Wishlist and no man can tell me he doesn't know what that is!
I want to demand access to his billing statements and phone. He locked his phone from me because a year ago I busted him on a lie, and ever since he's nervous as fuck when I grab his phone. Probably because there's sensitive shit in there he doesn't want me to see despite it being locked.
If he's spending money (tokens) on these nightly cam rooms, which history shows he's on them every night before he deletes the history on the 3rd day, I'm so fucking done.
I almost feel like making a dating profile so I can rack up sexual attention and comments from males again. After all, how is it so different than what bf is doing to me? As long as I "keep it online" it's not cheating! As long as the men stay online as they show me their cocks and talk dirty, it's not cheating! Ugh.
No. 192649
>>192648>First of all that camgirl is hideousMy thoughts exactly.
Yet I've read a theory that not all men go after the cute or hot looking whores because it's more 'real' for them to have someone that's not out of their league. The uglier camwhores tend to give better attention because they're not as swamped with viewers as well.
No. 192652
>>192644You should dump him.
… How much weight have you gained, tho?
No. 192654
>>192651I can't confidently say I have all evidence, only because the phone and billing clues are missing.
Easier said than done to dump him too. In two weeks we're supposed to be signing a new lease, but I'm also not sure I can support myself if I move out. It's a competitive housing market, and most shitty 1 bed apartments start at $850 and up.
I'd prefer to move back in with my parents temporarily who live about 40 minutes away, but that means I'd have to beg my job to let me go home based so I wouldn't waste so much money commuting. I'd have to scrounge up a work PC too.
Or, heaven forbid, I quit my current job and work retail out there.
The money is what's making things so complicated.
>>192652>How much weight have you gained, tho?A lot, but not so much that I'd say I look drastically different. I know I'm prettier than the fivehead hobag. If I showed my friends the pictures of that whore and said that's who bf spends time with at 4am, they'd shake their heads and say what a stupid cock he is.
Besides, it's not something I let 'weigh' on my conscience because I know it's not my job to be responsible for my bf's feelings towards my body.
If he hates it so bad, then he should leave me.
Like I said, he's probably too worried it would snag him the label of "bad guy," which he'd deserve at that point, imo.
No. 192679
>>192654If you've gained a lot, you probably look different. That camgirl looks pretty thin from the pic. I don't like to say this but well… I think it might really probably be about the weight. The way he doesn't want to touch you anymore but still has crazy libido on the side…
Honestly the best play would be to just lay out all the evidence you've gathered and demand an honest conversation about it. Ask what he would want to improve, that kind of things. It's your best bet at opening him up.
No. 192682
>>192644At least she's not hot. In fact I think I'm fine with my bf jerking to ugly girls. I don't wanna know about the hot ones, lol.
The not having sex part is really bad. Dump him and buy a toy
No. 192683
>>192654>A lot, but not so much that I'd say I look drastically different. Yeah, he lost interest in you because you're fat.
You guys should just break up​ tbh. Not worth the headache.
No. 192685
>>192654well the fact that you mentioned it, but didnt want to tell how many pounds it is exactly, tells us it's more than 10 pounds.
dump him. and be glad you were able to realize it now, not after gaining weight through a pregnancy and then being dumped. (that happens)
No. 192695
>>192654What is a lot of weight? Are we talking a lot by lolcow standards (like 10-20 pounds) or a significant amount in general? Is there a medical reason for this weight gain (medicine change, injury, illness)?
I can understand that physical things can change about your partner that gross you out. My boyfriend sometimes has bad breakups around his mouth that squick me out but you know what? I don't make him feel like shit for them. I give him acne product recommendations, and I don't make him feel bad about it.
If it is your weight, your boyfriend if he cared about you would just tell you in a gentle way and maybe make some helpful suggestions. Does he go to the gym and eat healthily or does he sit on his ass all day? If he does work out he could offer to help you form an exercise plan and a meal plan. But he isn't doing that and is instead turning to porn and camgirls. He's not just not attracted to you, hes checked out of the relationship completely and you deserve better.
No. 192705
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>>192679>>192683>>192685I was fat when he met me, and I'm a bit fatter now. Of course I'm not posting pounds bc ya'll go ham over that and I know better lol.
Going up a dress size, to me at least, isn't a massive change. Not a good enough one to be resorting to camgirls, imo. Yet you farmers bring up a fair point to say that men have cheated for less than that. Thank fuck I'm not married, pregnant, or have any kids because this would've destroyed me in that situation.
He should break up with me. Which is what I told him.
Speaking of that, now for the juicy part:
So I did confront him earlier today before I went into work. He slept in until 1pm, like usual, and didn't say a word to me until he was about ready to leave for a work meeting. I was in the bathroom getting ready, and he goes in to kiss me.
I told him no, and that I was mad at him over an issue that we would discuss later after work.
Like a typical guy he just couldn't handle feeling in trouble, so he kept trying to guess what it was about: "What? Am I not picking up enough? What is it?? What???"
So I finally said
>"It's because I know you're watching camgirls and porn while I'm at work or sleeping. Just why?"He goes dead silent. Eyes widen. His mind tried to search for deniability or an excuse, but he had none. He knew it.
He was so surprised I had found out, he couldn't even ask to see how I found out.
Farmers, if there's one satisfying thing in a relationship to relish–it's knowing that you're right about something and your partner knows it too. The power rush in that moment is intoxicating.
After a couple minutes of silence and seeing how mad I was, he tries to come and hug me. I was shaping my eyebrows so I pulled my scissors on him and said not to touch me. He always tries to blow over my anger by giving me affection when it's already too late.
I continue asking, if it was about my looks? My weight? How would he feel if Tyrone was sending me pics of big black cock?
He said no, and that it had nothing to do with my looks and everything to do with his gratification.
>"Okay, but you know I feel awful about my body and I've told you before how I feel like we're not intimate. Seeing you pornchat with skinny camgirls only reaffirms my reason to be insecure and feel like shit." Next he tried to say "Well I've tried engaging a few times but it never seems to work.." trying to pin our lack of sex on me not being reciprocative.
Which is bullshit, because I know if there was any genuine attempt at him romancing me or even ASKING if I wanted to fool around, I'd member.
I got him to admit that. At least.
I finally said that if he's going to continue doing this, fine, but I can't be in a relationship where I'm not desired and that he should just leave if it's true.
I told him his taste in whores was ugly and poor as well.
He decided to not go to his meeting and sat silently on the toilet seat while he watched me put on makeup. Almost like he was waiting for me to forgive him or say something peppy.
He tried complimenting my hair, and dress. But at the moment, it was way too corny and suck-up.
I went to work for a couple hours, came home for lunch, and he was still here playing vidya. Again, showered with more sudden compliments about my appearance.
We talked about it further and he made promises to not do it anymore and be more vocal about his sexual needs.
I'm not sure if I trust him, but at the very least I addressed this issue. So blame can't be pinned on me later.
If he isn't attracted to me and needed an out, he didn't take it when I offered it.
So anything that happens after this is entirely on him. And that makes me satisfied, for now.
No. 192716
>>192644Were you both aware entering the relationship that wou were going to get bigger? Was there a discussion about attraction and making an effort to remain attractive to each other? Was that effort made? Are you willing to lose the weight?
Look, all honesty rn, if you're pushing something like 200 pounds it's gonna be hard for him. That doesn't excuse his actions whatsoever but it does explain his headspace a little. How old are you two?
No. 192723
>>192717i agree 100%. boy is whipped by a fat insecure bitch. both op and him would be better off without each other.
also the whole getting up at 1pm, skipping his meeting to play vidya, he doesnt sound like a catch in the first place. let him go so you can find someone more spineless to trample on, rhino.
No. 192736
>>192695Yeah, I had a bad mental breakdown at work last year but the way I was treated during that time by my bf still resonates. I've blogposted in previous relationship threads about what happened during that time.
TL;DR he treated me badly and broke my trust with another female friend.
We went through the same cycle of me feeling betrayed, forgiving him, and putting the problem behind.
But to your other questions, no. He doesn't offer to exercise with me, and since he works at a restaurant he gets free food like entrees and salads. He doesn't cook. He never brings anything home even though he could. I eat how I do because I conserve money and try for convenience because I work so late.
Fact is he's never hinted my looks were a problem until I found out about this porn thing.
>>192709Maybe. But if there's signs of track covering he's absolutely out.
>>192714But he decided to do something that many people would consider cheating.
It is his fault, and it's not fair to me.
>>192717>>192718See this is why I don't mention anything weight related ever because some posters like you immediately use it to be smug.
He lied to me. Pretty much cheated. And you call me an "emotional manipulator" because it felt good for five seconds seeing him scared of the consequences after he hurt me? Really? What did I say to him, that you took from my post, go indicate I "whipped" or "power tripped" him?
That's so stupid it has to be bait.
>>192716Do people enter relationships knowing that their partner will get terminally ill? Get horribly burned?
If you love someone truly, it seems there's a certain degree of presumed commitment regardless of what happens.
I just went up a dress size, it didn't land me in the beetus or in need of a scooter.
And anyway, he's denying it's about my weight.
>>192723You seem a trite spineless yourself, maybe that's why my post is especially
triggering to you.
Considering bf admits he wouldn't be better off without me, I'd say you're wrong on at least one account.
No. 192744
>>192736Adults in successful relationships discuss what they would do in what-if scenarios. My husband and I know what to expect from the other in case of weight gain, cancer, paralysis, infertility, unexpected pregnancy, amputations, brain death, heaps of shit.
A dress size could be ten pounds of it could be forty. You saying it's not a big deal doesn't mean it isn't to him. Attraction isn't something people can help and it's very hard to be attracted to someone who is overweight or obese (not saying you are I'm just covering the possibility)
Him cheating is wrong as fuck but you pulling scissors on him and reveling in his discomfort and unhappiness is wrong as well.
Also that girls forehead isn't even big. The way you keep attacking her looks makes you come across insecure and petty. Calling some random girl ugly isn't gonna make your boyfriend less of a cheater, it's not her fault and she looks fine.
No. 192757
>>192742>You shouldn't be attempting to gain emotional satisfactionIn that moment I did, I'm sorry if I made it seem like that was my only goal all around.
We already talked and I just went on a walk with him since I got hours off from work.
>>192744>cancer, illness, pregnancyWe already have discussed these issues, at least.
Anons trying to affirm that he is secretly only concerned about my weight isn't what he said when I came home though.
He's denying it's about my looks.
I refuse to take responsibility for his feelings about my looks after this point if he's saying he's okay with this. Which he did.
>pulling scissors on himCuticle scissors that happened to be in my hand as he tried to come for me before I get a word in. If I wrote this like it was a big deal, it really wasn't.
>The way you keep attacking her looks makes you come across insecure and petty.Sorry but I can't take this criticism seriously coming from this website.
And imo, she is ugly trash. Fatter girls don't have to constantly asspat skinny ones just to prove we're not insecure.
But that's okay, it's like people here who have free reign to call me a rhino because I gained a size, and those people don't even know what I look like even. Turns out this website is ripe for petty shit and that's why I come here to bitch anonymously.
>>192747Maybe, we'll see anon.
If he does this again, and if you and others are right, I've got nothing to lose to come back here and say I was wrong.
No. 192764
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>>192763>Attacking her isn't gonna do anything but soothe your ego for ten minutesAnd? I already know I'm better than a literal drug-using camwhore with no skills or education, the bad face is just the icing.
But I look forward to you raiding /pt/ and /snow/ to chide everyone who makes a comment about appearances like what you're doing right now.
>mfw anyone tries to make a moral argument about name calling on this website No. 192767
>>192763Tbh you kinda sound like an insecure fivehead.
You're getting worked up over a girl with pit hair, a huge nose, nasty plugs, and
daddy's lil slut written on her chest in a gross looking bathtub. Other posts called her hideous too like
No. 192771
>>192770D U M P H I M
No. 192780
>>192775And you pretending that you have a moral highground on a gossip website doesn't make you any more mature or righteous for defending a camwhore whose profession it literally is to be judged for looks.
This is my last post too.
No. 192790
>>192789Figurative friends, or are you legitimately giving people contact info so they can talk to you outside this website? Curious as to how this works considering the people who drop content on cows are top tier info moles and I'd be paranoid as fuck. Esp considering how mods already keep tabs on the Discord posters too.
How is it in there?
ntayrt btw
No. 192791
>>192790It's pretty chill. Figurative friends, you can still chat and watch movies together and stuff.
Ntayrt? What's that?
No. 192792
>>192791Thanks for clearing that up. Who knows, maybe one day I might get bored and high enough.
I meant to say 'not the anon you're responding to' just in case op might come back. Kinda feel bad when I hijack another anon's post.
No. 192835
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>>192815>>192824Don't worry, I feel the same way about my father and stepfather sometimes. (For different reasons.)
I'm a poorfag to so therapy is somewhat of a pipe dream unless I go of the deepend in public.
picture not related
No. 192841
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NSFW: I'm getting romantically involved with this guy and everything was beautiful until things started to turn sexual. He's not a freak, thank god. but there's one thing he likes that I am not really into: cum play. Like, I wouldn't mind swallowing his cum, and I really love giving oral sex, seriously. But the thing is that he likes to drink his own cum. He also asked me if I would let him cum in my mouth and then kiss him so we could play with it. UGH. I know this is pretty tame compared to most stuff many of your farmers are into (I am talking about the kink thread), but just the thought of doing that made me want to gag.
So today he sent me a short video of himself stroking his dick and then eating his cum. I couldn't even watch the whole thing and deleted it right away.
… It made me want to vomit. Idk why! It just does. I lied to be nice and didn't show my disgust because I don't to make him sad, but he's so into it that I know it's a really big deal for him, so I'm rethinking our entire possible relationship now.
No. 192842
>>192841Ignore all the typos, everyone. I'm still
triggered as fuck. Also i think it's important to say that my exes were disgusted by their own cum (maybe because they see liking it as gay), so seeing a guy swallowing his own cum and loving it as weird.
No. 192845
>>192844nope, I'm really rethinking things now because this cum play kink is really important to him, and I know he'd try to get me to do it. I wish I hadn't lied, I just fucked myself over, but I was caught off guard. I don't even know how to address the issue at this point.
I didn't even know it would disgust me so fucking much. When he told me about it I was like "well, I can learn how to enjoy it", but when I saw the video… no.
No. 192862
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>friend helps me get my first job, awkward and anxious mess the first few days, spend nearly all my time hanging around him, didn't know anyone else on staff
>one coworker is obsessed with him, crushing extremely hard
>gets jealous of me clinging on to him, starts telling other coworkers that im a slut/slept with him for the job/etc, starting drama already not even a week in
>coworker starts aligning herself in my group of friends, starts coming to our parties
>coworker comes to the epiphany that shes a lesbian, starts being friendly with me
>we actually get along very well, forgive her for all the bullshit, get progressively closer as the year passes by
>get a better paying job, start providing her with most of her meals, smoking her up daily, etc
>coworker forces me to go to the local gay bar every week, she meets a bunch of other lesbians
>theyre the worst group of girls i have ever met in my life but try to be supportive bc she never really had many friends in the first place
>coworker takes me to a lesbian party, the birthday girl cheats on her girlfriend in the bathroom, her girlfriend was outside banging on the door, crying for them to stop
>nopenopenope ive seen too much
>coworker starts spending more time with lesbians than me
>coworker gets into a LDR with a girl on tumblr, within a week theyre engaged to be married (???)
>coworker leaves to visit family for the holidays, LDR girlfriend pays for her train ticket
>coworker throws a new years party, invites ex-fiance, ends up sleeping with the ex
>comes home a week later and confesses the cheating, smiling the whole time, super giddy over the fact that she got laid
>instantly tell her that her gf needs to know, she puts of telling her for nearly two months, constantly nagging for her to do the right thing
>finally tells me that they talked about it, her gf "forgave" her but put a lot of limits on relationship, was no longer allowed to go to gay bar/parties
>stops talking to me altogether after that
>months past, hear from a mutual friend that LDR gf broke up with coworker
>sinking feeling in my stomach/not convinced coworker actually told her, confront the LDR gf with the truth bc im a nosy bitch
>turns out coworker NEVER told gf about the cheating, lied to basically everyone for months including me and a bunch of other friends
>coworker told the LDR gf prior that i was a spiteful petty bitch, that i would try and break them up with "lies", and tried getting her to block me on everything
>gf was also completely financially supporting coworker bc she quit her job a few months into dating
>LDR gf is heartbroken/pissed, coworker uses this as a way to try and get back with her, pretends to be sorry and remorseful, no ones buying it
>coworker drops out of school the next day and returns to home state
im just.
what the fuck why the fuck are people like this. sorry had to get all of this out my system. has anyone else dealt with someone this fucky before?
No. 192867
>>192862The way you wrote this, it's really hard to understand but what I got is
>crazy lesbian gets into melodramatic antics Lots of gay people are like that and have no idea what a stable relationship is supposed to be.
No. 192871
>>192867I mean, essentially yeah. Gay melodrama is all it boils down to. Honestly, I could write 100 pages on this girl, but I tried condensing a lot of it for one post. So much drama, so many failed relationships, etcetc.
I'm mostly just bitter over the fact that I trusted her and she ended up lying to me…a lot. I haven't had a falling out like this before so it feels very fresh and painful.
At least I know better now, but the lesbians in my community really are the shittiest of people. I witnessed two dyke fighting, rolling around in dog shit, at a party once.
No. 192872
>>192862your "mistake" was forgetting what she did. forgive but never forget. means: it's okay to let the stuff behind you and get along at work, but dont think she will be a good friend, because she suddenly talks nice to you.
I wouldve been friendly with her at work, but wouldve avoided her like the pest outside of it.
No. 192874
>>192871I ditched all of the dramatic gay friends I used to have, mostly homo guys.
This one faggot pretended to be my friend throughout high school but he only ever did it to mooch rides or hang out with everyone else I'd invite. Also:
>Incredibly jealous of real women.>Bad personal hygiene and obeast.>Failed drag queen.>Always brags publicly about whatever demented soul he managed to trick into doing sex stuff w/ him.>Never has had a solid relationship and frequently complains about not getting one.>Histrionic need to be center of attention despite most people hating his gutsWhen he wasn't sucking up to me, he was a horrible jealous cunt.
I remember him staring intently at me during my 16th birthday party, and the next thing he does is yank out one of my extensions that took out some of my real hair. I screamed but he said nothing. He also smashed my birthday cake into my face (which at the time I thought LOLSORANDUMXD, but looking back he did it to be a sick and destroy my picture moment). For some reason I let that psychopathic episode go.
He didn't speak to me for a few years after I graduated (2 years younger) but the little asshole contacted me again after I started dating this guy who was bisexual, just so he could get a chance to flirt with that person. When he hung out with me and the ex, he'd clearly try to ignore me as if I weren't the sole reason he was there. Lol.
TL;DR avoid these selfish fags like the plague.
No. 192901
>>192896>I was too dense to see past my extreme loneliness and need to be loved by a partner. This doesn't make you stupid, it makes you human.
You had needs, and loneliness drives people to desperate measures. Almost everyone has made a relationship mistake, so don't beat yourself up.
Tell your dad that you appreciate him and all that he's done. It can be straightforward and simple as that.
No. 192916
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I'm currently into a character/ship but it makes me miss internet communities of 10 years ago. I miss when different pairings had their own comms on LJ with discussion. Now I feel like to talk about shipping, I have to go to tumblr. I don't mind the discussion they have, but I feel like communication on there is kind of a chore. Plus if you don't have a popular fanblog, your posts might go unnoticed. I can sometimes talk about it on 4chan, but it's kind of meh too. But I like how you can jump onto 4chan and start talking with no problems.
The character I'm talking about is Goro btw.
No. 192930
>This doesn't make you stupid, it makes you human.Nah, it's makes
>>192896 stupid. Everyone wants to be loved, but there's absolutely no excuse to be pathetic, stupid, extremely self-sacrificing, or dangerous about it. And being alone isn't the worst thing in the world.
No. 192978
I've been struggling with one of my longest standing friendships for the past few months. We've been friends for about 7 years now, and I used to consider him one of my closest friend.
We've always had a bit of an antagonistic friendship, due to us both being arseholes, but recently I've been taking his behaviour (insults, condescending, apathetic nature) personally. On some level I know that it isn't, and this is honestly just how he is, but it's not easy to keep close, but still distant, to somebody.
Anyway, I made the mistake of saying to him that he has been upsetting me with his 'I-don't-give-a-fuck' attitude, and asked him to be nicer to me. As we've been friends for so long, I didn't think it would be a complicated request.
Naturally, he flipped out, and threw it back in my face with a whole 'playing the victim card' speech, it was so fucking dramatic (and hypocritical, because of course he labelled my request as dramatic and insisted I should just 'get the fuck over it', before deleting me off Facebook in a rage).
I'm very angry at him right now, but I am also genuinely upset for opening up to him about how I feel and having him hit back at me on my insecurities. I regret opening up, and I'm now so paranoid that I AM being a fucking pussy about it all.
Regardless, it's really changed my opinion of him. I like him less as a person now, and that also breaks my heart.
No. 192979
>>192978Seems like he gave you the opportunity to distance yourself. Take it anon. He sounds like a toxic person with no sense of boundaries or compassion.
Though I'm sorry for your loss of your friendship, it's hard to think about how much it meant. I would know.
No. 192995
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I realized I really, really found someone who shares common interests with me, is attractive and totally someone I could see myself dating. The issue is that he's my ex's best friend, and I have an awful feeling that this guy won't ever actually date me because the past I had with his best friend, and maybe, he one of those guys who dates a girl who doesn't really have anything in common with him because 'opposites attract'. Every day I get more and more interested in him and it feels so futile.
pic unrelated
No. 193083
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I've been very iffy about literally ever getting this out here, to anyone ever. I'm not looking for anyone's pity, I just want this off my chest, and to stay off my chest.
My ex-boyfriend and I never had a good relationship, he tried to make advances knowing i didn't want the,and even forced me to have sex with him. He broke me. He then decided to take me out to a group of his friends and then proceeded to make me have sex with them. I've broken it off with him, and even attempted to confront my parents about it. They told me I was making it up, and I don't want to get the police involved. We're states apart now, but I'm afraid he's going to try to reach out and do the same things to me again.
No. 193095
>>193085 I feel you, anon.
>>192847 this is going to be hard because I'm the one developing strong feelings, but I really can't let this get worse
No. 193096
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>been wanting a nosejob since I was 14
>have very long and realistic dreams at night, once or twice a month, about me getting one finally
>wake up, I'm still broke and with an ugly nose
No. 193104
>>193102With Anastasiya it was more the case of her asking a surgeon to do something extreme with her nose, and the surgeon being negligent enough to do it.
IMO had she visited any other surgeon with a moral code and basic understanding of cartilage, they all would have told her they can't do it and would have given her a less extreme rhinoplasty.
Not saying it's her fault, but she was given what was ordered and it didn't end well.
No. 193110
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>>193104that's not what happened with anastasiya, he frequently botched people's bodies also specified she wanted nothing he removed and he said he wouldn't, then when she was under threw the majority of her nose in the bin, but that's OT anyway
>>193096 try to learn to love yourself before such a drastic change, I remember Harutam got her nose done and that ended up botched so bad she spent forever covering her nose in instagram photos with stickers and blurring her nose completely out. (Pics are before and after screenshots from her makeup tutorial videos, the bottom is from her instagram) I felt so bad because she didn't like her nose then ended up hating it more than before
No. 193112
>>193102But Anastasiya 1) had unrealistic expectations, 2) had a really shitty surgeon who takes pictures of his fingers in his patients' bumholes and instagrams during surgical procedures 3) did not do any research and instead went for a guy who offered her (???) a cheap nosejob (!!!), which should've been suspicious from the get go 4) should've walked away once she saw what the inside of the clinic was like, it looked like something out of a Silent Hill game.
Don't know about the other girl, but Sophie (PeachMilkyTea or whatever) also had one and she's fine.
No. 193120
>>193110I've seen that thread, that's why o called him negligent and implied he was ignorant.
Sure she'll say now that she didn't want anything extreme because that makes her appear innocent. But we all know, based on the way she shoops and contours her nose, whatever she requested was unrealistic and would've been put down by a more reputable surgeon.
No. 193131
>>193117Samefagging, rinofiller only works if you need to correct a hump. The price also starts from 300 and you have to do it every 6 months for the rest if your life.
Wouldn't work with my potato nose
No. 193186
>>193157idm her trying to be an instathot, Im mad at her acting like such a princess saying if she doesn't get 50 likes she's not gonna post her next photo, or begging for free stuff when she has like 5 followers and acting like because we are her friends we have to follow and like and comment on everything even if it isnt good and needs a lot of work.
Im also mad that just 2 weeks ago she was saying how jeffree was a huge racist, sexist piece of garbage and anyone who follows him is trash too and he doesnt deserve anything he has because he scammed everyone to get it.
now shes following and liking every pic, commenting "yaaass baby slaaay"
thats what I meant by fake, and I want to call her out but I know everyone would just get mad at me for doing it so Im secretly wanting her to be found out for being such a phony.
No. 193194
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>just learned some hours ago I failed some of my final exams but because my university is shit I'll have to redo the whole semester next year to get better grades. All of this because the exams were about things the teachers never talked about once
>I want to graduate asap to get the fuck out of my parents' house because I can't stand my family anymore. They're less abusive than when I was a minor but it's still unbearable, and I won't be able to move until I get a degree and a job.
>today is my first day working, in retail, I'm 23 and have no professional experience and I'm scared of fucking up because of this
>can't sleep, it's too hot and I'm uncomfortable because I'm on my periods and I can't stop thinking about my finals. It's 2am as I'm typing this
>mfw I'll always be a pathetic loser no matter how hard I work to achieve my dreams of become an independant adult and living in peace
Can someone put me out of my misery please? Thanks.
No. 193202
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When that past trauma hits you with a fucking bus but you don't want to talk about it, but you want too
No. 193276
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I made a social media post incentivizing some local friends to come help bf and me move bc I need to go on a work trip the next day. It just goes quicker with more people.
Bf got some of his buddies to agree, but so far my post only got one private message and it's from a girl who was low key mean to me in the past and her attitude isn't very good.
I've got no one to blame but myself though. I've been boring and socially distant this past 5 or so months so all my superficial friends don't talk to me hardly. I couldn't go to one's birthday party because of work, and I think I peeved the rest by not responding to a group PM chat.
I don't know why bad attitude girl really wants to be my friend, considering I ignored her the most.
I really wish I hadn't dug myself into such a social hole. Yet I still don't want to socialize despite being so lonely.
Or…or, or, or I could just be overthinking this.
Like who really wants to lug around someone else's shit on a hot weekend? Maybe because the majority of my friends are women?
No. 193312
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I've been struggling to accept my body and have a hard time being comfortable with being single. I feel like I'm always the problem when it comes to meeting and dating guys. Everytime I meet a guy, they're super excited about texting me, shower me with compliments and tell me about their day up until we have our date. Whether I end up doing anything more with them by the end of the night or not, it's always the same thing: they immediately make excuses that they're busy or sick, and then ghost the fuck out of me. I just feel like no matter what I do, I'm always doing something wrong.
And it feeds into my body issues. I've gotten more serious about my workouts and diet. I've been doing a more intense routine for about six months after two-three years of putzing around with just squats and benches with other workouts sprinkled in here and there and whatnot. I also do calorie tracking religiously where I leave leeway in the amount I consumed and do my best to leave a 400-500 calorie deficit to start burning fat. I just feel like I haven't been achieving the body I'd really like. I have no tits to start with, my ass has been getting smaller (even though I do targeted glute workouts), and my stomach has been the same with minimal change in size or ab appearance.
I just feel like I look like a little kid with that and how short I am as well, especially when going out to the gym or walking around and seeing the majority of women are way more taller/bustier/thinner/curvier than I am. Sometimes I'll feel super confident about my body, but it'll take something as ridiculous as some guy being rude or inconsiderate towards me to accomodate a more objectively attractive woman. I just feel like I won't find anyone that I consider attractive and goodlooking because of how I look or how I am, while I'll continue attracting uggos and weirdos and continuously get lurched at by gross, middle-aged men.
No. 193318
>>193312Would you say you wear your insecurities on your sleeve?
Sometimes when we feel insecure about things like looks, we give off cues that can be as subtle to us as bringing up the subject a bit too often, or be sensitive towards the subject.
It can be a turnoff, or make the date awkward.
No. 193323
>>193315I mean that's been my approach recently with this one guy I've been seeing. We went on two dates, and all the physical contact I've engaged in was a hug and a kiss on the cheek. Then all the sudden he just doesn't text me anymore and cancels our next date, and I don't know what I did wrong. I offered to pay each time we met up and we seemed to hit it off well in terms of conversing about life experiences and whatnot.
>>193318Sometimes, maybe. I typically am more confident on the first date, especially when I get dressed up for it and everything. I was especially confident when meeting in person with someone I've been speaking to for a while through a dating app said I look just as attractive as my photos I posted.
But now that I think about it, I do think that I did at some points during my dates talked about working out to an obsessive degree that may have been a turn off. Doesn't help that some of these guys either bring up their own workouts into a conversation or the fact that I meet some of these guys at the gym….
No. 193337
>>193329Sharing friendship funnies with a public audience (50 people is still 50 people) can backfire because you don't know how she feels about just you having it vs. other people seeing it too.
Back in high school I got super mad at my bestie at the time because she took this embarrassing, dorky picture of me dressed in a Christmas present costume when I was 11 and posted it to her Xanga blog. All of her msn and AIM chat orbiters would constantly view it.
It did make me look pretty fug, I was clearly the joke of the picture.
At first she wouldn't take it down telling me that I was just overreacting, but I finally whined to my parents and they got her parents to tell her to knock it off. It made me really upset and knocked my self-esteem.
That's why I always ask my friends if they're comfortable with pictures first before I post anything online. It's should be courtesy these days.
No. 193378
>>193180You're so bright, anon. You really got that.
>>193329I think you're both right… You didn't do anything wrong posting it because you didn't have malicious intentions, but she also sounds insecure about the way she looks, that shit can make one overreact. Maybe she had a bad day too. The important thing is that she's not mad at you now, like, you deleted the pic - peace.
No. 193525
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>>193486Why are you still with him????
No. 193549
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I had this thing with a girl for a couple of months, and we would always message each other and I always used to get super happy when she would drop me a message. We went on one date and we both wanted to do it again but every time i asked her on another one she would drop out last minute because she was basically feeling like shit. My feelings were really hurt but, i still seemed to think she liked me, because she still occasionally would message me.
But it took me until now to realise she probably doesn't anymore, not only that but I think she's interested in someone else who she talks to all the time.
We never got that close but I wish I had the chance to get to know her better.
No. 193575
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>>193547Trust me, I was unaware I had a UTI for at least 2 weeks until my guts kicked my ass when I went to pee one time. Just go to the ER and save yourself. You could permanently damage your organs, especially your bladder.
Aside from that, (without being too bloggish) I'm a victim of domestic abuse. I broke up with said boyfriend 4 years ago but every night I'm still having nightmares of him raping me and strangling me. Ironically this was my fetish before meeting him and I'm at a loss. I want to divulge this information with my therapist, my current boyfriend, and have sex again but I feel like I'm allowing a bad thing to happen. I know I'm kind of a dumb bitch for saying it…I really hate this shit. Since the past breakup I feel nausea if my boyfriend just touches my butt affectionately. I haven't had sex for months with him.
No. 193626
>>193547I get them on a regular basis so I feel your pain. If you can manage to go to the shop or get someone to go for you, buy a big carton of cranberry juice (or any kind of juice!) and those little sachets you put in water.
The only thing you can do is drink these and shit tonnes of water. I generally lock myself in the bathroom with all three while sitting on the toilet. DON'T force the pee out as that makes it worse, just wait until you've drank a fair amount first.
Hot water bottles sometimes help relax me. I also find that if it's mild enough, taking painkillers can dull the pain a little and give me enough pain-free time to run downstairs to get a new bottle of water or refill my hot water bottle. Run yourself a nice hot bath too (but don't add any bubble solution!). Sometimes it's nice to sit in the warm water which soothes the pain and also pee in if you need to lol (people who think this is gross have never felt this amount of pain before).
It should go away after a day but if you still have it by the time your doctor opens, GO. Women are really good at ignoring pain and when I had my first UTI at 15 for about two weeks my doctor said that usually people are rushed into A&E with that kind of pain but I managed to tough it out for two weeks while still going to school daily. They'll give you antibiotics to kill the infection and hopefully painkillers too.
No. 193658
>>193608thanks for the advice
>>193626fortuntely it's actually only hurting when peeing and only at the end.
>Women are really good at ignoring pain yeah lol, burned my whole stomach from that hot-water bottle that seemingly was a little too hot and now everything is red TT___TT
but im already drinking cranberry juice and jfc i swear i gotta pee nearly once per hour. but okay, i also already drank like 4-5 litres today.
fun fact: yay, i also will get my period tomorrow. isnt that fun.
not No. 193670
I did something sexual for the first time in my life and I'm still trying to process it.
Went on a date with a guy, wasn't expecting anything, then we wound up back at my place. It started with just some heavy making out and touching but then he went down on me.
He would go for a while, then we would take a break, but I couldn't get off. There was no penetration, I gave him a handjob, it was the first time I'd ever touched a dick. I know it wasn't "real" sex but I still don't know how I feel about myself.
It feels like everyone is all gung-ho about having sex except me. It wasn't unpleasant, but afterwards I just felt so awkward and uncomfortable. Even when he left this morning I couldn't handle it. Now it feels like it didn't happen, or it was some bizarre dream I had.
I've always had insecurities and hang-ups about sexual activity, but now after having done something, I don't know how to feel. I felt like I was in autopilot, or out of my body.
No. 193690
He wasn't a bad partner at all, he wasn't 10/10 perfect stud or anything, but he was sweet and nice on the date and I felt comfortable enough to allow access to my body, which is already incredibly unusual for me.
>>193677He knew this was my first time. He would ask if I felt like stopping and respected whatever I told him, yes or no. We tried about three times through the night and even though he came, I never was able to get off.
I just feel so broken. I mentioned this to a friend and they pulled the "maybe you're asexual" thing and I hate that idea. That's such Tumblr bullshit. I've masturbated before and even if it is a bit lackluster, I think I just have a hormonal imbalance or something with my psychology wrong with me.
No. 193699
>>193690There's nothing wrong with feeling empty/disappointed by a one night stand. In fact, I think it's a very normal reaction when putting out on the first date.
Next time you should try to take it slower and make sure you feel a little more invested emotionally before you fool around. It will really enhance your experience.
No. 193705
>>193697I have a therapist and we've briefly touched on sex before, but because I was a virgin it was never one of the issues we really stayed on in sessions.
I hadn't really picked up on my choice of words…maybe this is something I need to work on now.
>>193699I don't understand how guys can want sex so much, especially on the first date but it feels like it's expected and required now.
No. 193717
>>193670Something similar happened to me
Went on a tinder date and that guy was a jerk. He would only talk about himself. I was too nice to him from the beginning because I kind of felt bad that he drove like 45 minutes or so to meet me.
The moment he started to make out it was super akward but not too bad and he drove us to a park or so, so I couldn't just leave.
Anyways he ended up bringing me home and wanted to make out more in the car since I told him that he can't come inside.
He seriously tried to have sex in his fucking car in my neighbourhood.
I told him not that we aren't going to havr sex (virgin-chan here so I ain't doing that with a stranger the first time)
Gave him a handjob (first time doing it)
Felt super uncomfortable the whole time and I couldn't say no because he was such a push over.
Anyways still regret it to this day.
I'm definitely asexual I think.
No. 193725
>>193724True. I already identified with asexual tho. But I'm totally for trying to try before being like 'I hate this'
This event was just another proof that I might be asexual.
No. 193815
>>193725There is no such thing as an 'asexual' complex mammal organism.
Can't wait until the 'asexual' fad dies out by all its proponents being unable to propagate by budding.
No. 193836
>>193815Asexuality has been around way longer than it has been a fad. Just because you don't like it doesn't mean it's not real.
I am in agreement about wishing the fad would end, however. Too many people fake it for attention.
No. 193867
Sex-anon update.
He called me last night to check up on me and make sure that I was OK. That was nice but I found it difficult to talk to him. He texted me after he got off work late that night and I didn't get back to him til this morning and nothing. I'm worried that he thinks I hate him or that he'll leave me. But the thing is, I wonder if I subconsciously want that. I've always been obsessed with romance and was always boy-crazy, but never very sexual. I wasn't sexually abused but I was emotionally abused by my stepfather and it did escalate into physical abuse from time to time, I've also had issues with body image most of my life and have been on anti-depressants since before puberty, and I'm pretty sure that all of those things have led me to the problems with sex I have now.
I've always dreamed of some perfect romantic relationship, like a Disney prince, but I never really thought about sex. I always saw it as something I would do to keep my partner happy. So he wouldn't leave me because men want sex and you're supposed to give it to them or they'll find someone who will. Now after all that, after going on a pretty romantic date and feeling worse after, I wonder if after all that obsessing I should just stick to being alone, like that wasn't really what I wanted or that I'm confused.
At least I have my 2D husbandos, they can't touch me.
No. 193929
>>193925Lol. No I'm glad they used their celebrity to raise money for that tragedy. They raised 2 million. The people of Manchester enjoyed it and tbh Ariana looked like she had to fight back tears the entire time
Stay salty tho
No. 193938
>>193925To be fair, I'm shocked Arianna did anything at all to raise money for those people. She always struck me as selfish.
I don't know what her true intentions are (whether or not she just did it to make herself look good) BUT she's done more for the victims than most people criticizing her have, or will do. So it's something. And it means something to the victims. That's what matters.
Earlier I made a bunch of alt-righters rustled because I told them to shut the fuck up about their anti-Mussie tirades and how they weren't planning to help the victims. I'd be pretty fucking angry if some assclown was using my tragedy as a platform for their political agendas.
No. 194105
>>194098I can't stand the stress. I've been fooling myself into thinking I could get myself a degree and was doing good but now I'm sick with anxiety to the point of wanting to kill myself.
It's been like this every time I tried (three different majors). I think I'm just not cut out for it, too mentally ill, idk. It's stupid to try to force it and lose a year again to depression and intense anxiety.
I guess I'm going to try another path.
No. 194134
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>>192467that's basically how I feel about Garance Marillier, after watching the film Raw. She's basically the opposite of how I look :(
No. 194138
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>Go to con a few months ago, cosplay as Emilia from Re:zero. Feel super dolled up and pretty.
>Spent alot of time fixing said costume, trying to perfect it.
>Make friends with some photographers before hand and go to a big photoshoot with multiple photographers
>Am photoshoot noob so they guide me through it all, feel really good about it
>In my head I'm thinking all these shots are coming out good
>A few months go by and slowly get the photos back
>Almost all the photos my neck piece is side ways, my bra is hanging out in some, wig cap showing sometimes.
>Made sure I looked okay before hand, feel like shit now
>Don't even want to look at anymore photos despite maybe 3-4 turning out good (out of over 10)
No. 194147
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I broke up with my wonderful boyfriend because I found out he had sex with 4 other girls before me
We have only been dating for 2 months but I falsely thought he was a virgin
Funny thing is I had sex before too but with just one guy
When I found out I wanted to throw up so hard and I basically broke up with him
I don't understand why I'm so insecure I'm embarrassed but I can't get over it. I only ever was with virgins before lol idk. I only slept today 2 hours I hate everything and I'm in constant pain
No. 194153
>>194149I'm actually 20, yikes
>>194150As I said I have only been with virgins before so idk I guess I just feel inadequate and not special? I don't know even I know I'm being retarded about it.
No. 194197
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I have horrible insomnia. People think I sleep too much. But the truth is that I'm usually in my room desperately trying to sleep to no avail. Then I'll fall asleep for like 15 hours and people go "How can you sleep so much?"
I'm not really sleeping that often. If only you knew…
I'm supposed to get a sleep study actually. Because I have something that's definitely wrong that the doctor is worried about. But I haven't managed to get the blood work done that they want. Because I'm so damn tired and it has to be done before 8am to test certain levels that occur after sleep. And I'm not sleeping. I have a rheumatology appointment at 5pm. I haven't slept. I tried. Nothing. I should have taken a benadryl. Stupid me.
So I have no choice but to either try to nap for a few hours or load myself up with coffee and ultram. Ultram makes it impossible for me to fall asleep. But it also launches me into the Kuiper Belt. Which is why I hate taking it.
No. 194204
>>194147>>194153>I had sex before too but with just ONE guy>I only ever was with virginS beforeYou need to be this
meticulous to troll here
No. 194225
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>>193276Just wanted to update this because I feel like not doing so perpetuates some kind of female stereotype.
did in fact find out the reason. ILD-related events were happening and most of my girl friends were away at conventions. They were just busy, plus facebook algorithms suck and never show my posts to others until days later because I don't post often.
Said friends asked if I wanted to do a wine party at my place after unpacking, so there's that. So now I know I'm not a social leper as much as I thought.
Holy fuck anons, has it been stressful! When I left the apartment before I went on business, I had organized most things with the impression that bf just had a few more boxes to move and unload into the appropriate rooms. My parents were also meant to drop off hand-me-down furniture as well, so I made room for that.
I was swearing and cussing a storm the night before I left just to get a lot of shit done. My head was so backwards the next day that I forgot my wallet so I didn't have money for my entire trip, but I digress.
I got home yesterday night. The apartment looked like it belonged on an episode of Hoarders: Buried Alive. Bf never threw out trash or his old bachelor college dumpster furniture like I told him. My parents had come by to drop off furniture. Bf decided to just stack, and stack, and stack, and throw unboxed items (re: books, bags, trinkets) into every open space. Kitchen things were in the living room, living room things are in the dining room. Also there wasn't a clear footpath to anywhere!
I freaked the fuck out and had to rotate, pick up, and move a ton of shit just to get the living room area under control.
I concluded that all bf did was just plop all the shit to the floor and didn't touch it for two days. I got the living room floor clear within two hours of coming home.
There's still so much shit everywhere it's like an "I Spy" book. I was in such a flabbergasted daze that I set my car keys down and couldn't find them until hours later. This morning, bf couldn't remember where he put his keys either.
>tfw had he just done a little bit of work it might not have gotten this badOh well. I get to work on it some more after I get home at 11pm tonight.
No. 194412
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I didn't grow up on imageboards, so I didn't really understand its culture very well, or how robots, incels and men of that ilk thought and behaved. Lolcow was my first imageboard and i've been here for a year or so, and got to know how those people think through here. Also, I was never really a weeb and my interest in anime and anything related died when I was 13 or 14 (I only started reading manga again every once in a while a couple years ago, when I was 22).
anyways… all this intro just to say this: I guess I finally got over my ex, mostly because of this place, because I realized how ridiculous he actually was. It took me over a year. Looking back my whole story with him is hilarious and sad.
I was madly in love with him, and when he told me he was really big into animu waifus, pure smol azn girls, lolis, and was a secret degenerate I decided to put up with it because I was ~in love~. All those things made me very uncomfortable, but I tried not to care. Other red flags were all over the place, like him being a NEETish robot, but I was too ignorant to realize that his problems were deeper than they seemed. Now everything makes sense and the puzzle pieces match together perfectly. I think I really dodget a bullet there, and I've realized that many things he implied when we were together actually meant, and how many came from r9k, and would lead to problems in the future for us as a couple.
I remember many times when he said the Internet really ruined him, and blamed it for his sick thoughts. And he really struggled with his video game addiction, which caused a lot of stress not only for me, but also his parents who wanted to see him grow up for good. Too bad he was a cutie, but I know he's probably going to look fugly as he ages, and that the person I believed him to be was a facade. He left me during one of the hardest periods of my life, when we were both feeling really shitty, and I was taking a powerful antidepressant, and giving lithium a try. I guess that for the most part I feel really relieved now, I just wish I had known better back then so I'd have avoided getting into a serious relationship with him.
No. 194416
>>194376>Maybe I'm just upset he's totally moved on from the "old" family, and I haven't. Is it normal?Depends on how old you are. If you're of the age you could start your own family, then no. If you're not, then yes.
>I'm an adultSo no. Let him do his thing, you do yours.
No. 194428
>>194416>>194376Samefag, but seriously. You gotta encourage and applaud your only remaining parent in their attempts to move on with their life.
You know how hard to move on it is yourself. Look up to them instead of judging and blaming them. Help them.
No. 194434
>>194423>>194376Stop fucking wasting your time and energy into having your ideal birth family again. Not gonna happen for you, or anybody. Time doesn't run backwards.
Never pine nor moan about it again. Because you have your second chance. It's a big one. It's the one you make yourself.
You get to create your ideal family yourself.
You're not an impotent child anymore, to get angry, grossed out, and whatnot at your parents. You're an adult with significant experience, and a strong drive. You're a soon to be parent yourself.
Focus on your future family, not the past one.
No. 194437
>>1942251. I feel the lack of being social part, I miss a lot of my friends too, especially now that I work and live in a different part of the city or an entirely different city entirely. Everyone says just talk on FB but it's not the same as spending time in person, y'know?
I hope you enjoy your wine party, anon, and that you get to spend more quality time with your friends to help you de-stress.
2. Your BF sounds like a lazy ass though, especially if you were going on a business trip. The least he could have done is handle moving the stuff while you were gone on a BUSINESS TRIP.
No. 194442
>>194439Look dude, you work on making you happy, and let him make himself happy.
Keep in mind that you are here, existing and posting, thanks to that man having (probably very kinky) sex.
No. 194452
>>194450So what's the fella supposed to do when he wants to have weird sex? Rent a room outta town? Is it less "disrespectful" the further it is? Then maybe fly to Paris for some kinky time?
Don't be silly.
No. 194453
>>194450Plus, I bet your mom and him had waaaaay weirder sex then he has now, they were both young and horny.
And look at the result of that - you! Respect your origins.
No. 194494
>>194489fuck the white patriarchy, seriously.
what we need is more muslims and blacks.
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I'm a shut-in and live with my boyfriend. Because of my job I don't have to leave the house but my boyfriend works down the street. I spend almost all of my time alone, indoors, and online.
At first it was pretty nice. Everyone said how lucky I was to not have to leave the house.
But no, it sucks. I don't have any friends here. I don't have friends online either. Whenever I join in on a chat (even ones I frequent often) I just get ignored. After this going on for 2 years I only lurk and rarely post, which only furthers the issue, really. It's lonely.
Being isolated like this has taken a toll on my mental health as well. Thankfully I haven't started starving myself or cutting like years ago. I do have fantasizes about dying but keep telling myself I won't act on them this time.
After getting used to living like this going outside is actually scary. It makes me feel vulnerable, hated, and my heart starts racing. A therapist told me it's anxiety but I've never had it until now. Hell, even talking to mental health professionals and people I once vented to makes me feel like I'm going to faint.
Anyways… I hope things get better. Feeling lonely and depressed sucks.
No. 194541
>>193274im op and just wanted to say i feel a lot better now and if any of you ever struggle just hang in there, i know it sounds cliche and everyone says it but its true
i hope youre all having a nice day
No. 194558
>>194514My Dad passed a couple years ago and my Mom is a long story. To put it short she's the one that found me when I OD'd and now panics if I mention depression or harmful thoughts (she's a very sweet woman, just naive about mental health and sensitive). Sometimes I can call my Godmother to chat but she's chronically ill so most of the time she's asleep/can't speak.
Boyfriend and I take my dog to a park every other month. Unfortunately he's the type that'd rather play video games on his day off or play golf with his friends.
>>194521Hah, that'd be great!
Anyways, thank you for replying. It's nice getting to talk to people.
No. 194570
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>tfw your bf is balding and is kinda sensitive about his hair loss so he keeps his hair grown out but it looks kinda bad
He's already got a crown and it looks super bad how he lets the middle grow out into these greasy strands, and he tries to keep the sides shaggy. I can see it start to thin in the back.
Poor thing, he's just 26.
He drinks lots of water and both of us have healthy appetites, I chalk this up to stress.
No. 194604
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>not allowed to go to the jacks during my final exam
>felt nervous all morning, really had to go
>tfw I pooed my pants in front of everyone 5 minutes before the exam ended
>exam went well though
No. 194621
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>accept the fact that you're a lesbian
>one day family will learn about it
>dad and sis will accept it without a bad word
>bro will most likely judge you
>mom will do her best to emotionally blackmail you and start arquing every time you visit her
I-it's not too bad I guess.
No. 194664
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i hate studying the neuro system
i hate having to learn what each cranial nerve is and what it does and what each part of the brain is responsible for and the different types of head injuries
it's so goddamn unintuitive
No. 194687
I've completely lost interest in my boyfriend. The honeymoon phase is long over.
I guess what started it was he assumed I was ignoring him for no reason… I thought he was sleeping. Then he got mad at me and yelled at me and it resulted in me crying. Then he realized that he fucked up because I genuinely thought I was sleeping… I'm really bad at conveying my emotions when I'm under pressure like this. If I could go back to that night I'd express how offended I was that I'd think that ignoring someone for NO REASON or any reason was a logical response… Because I don't do that unless I'm incredibly overwhelmed. And there was no reason for me to do that.
And yes, I have not brought this up to him… I'm really bad at communicating… I know…
OT that relationship: I've had people assume I was ignoring them for really petty reasons. I have no idea why - I haven't ignored someone for shitty reasons since I was a kid.
I was struggling with one particular class this entire semester. Most of my classes are difficult for me but this class was so much harder for me with a lot of content that I could not get - the lectures weren't helping me. I spent a lot of days meeting with my professor for more help. And I wasn't seeing a lot of progress and I was starting to feel defeated.
As a result, I shut myself off from the world - blowing off basically everyone in favor of my academics because I did not want to royally fuck my GPA. Shutting off from the world is pretty inconsiderate. But I did not have the mental capacity to do things with other people and instead focused on single player games to de-stress. I didn't halt communication with anyone - I was still talking to my boyfriend daily as always. He asked me out to do things but I told him I really couldn't as I had to study. Eventually, I started playing a bit of League again because I kind of missed playing it. I just did ARAMs (a pretty unstressful gamemode) and my (male) friend (who loves ARAMs) asked if he could play. As Skype wasn't part of the equation I said sure and let him tag along. We didn't talk about anything personal - and we played a game or two at night for three nights in a row.
As my boyfriend doesn't like League and especially hates ARAMs I didn't want to invite him. Also, I didn't feel like talking to anyone over Skype, even him so that was a big part of it, admittedly.
So eventually he confronted me in a long message saying I was leaving him in the dust in favor of that male friend. My BF is really jealous and has confessed that he saw this guy as a threat. I always assured him that he would never compete (this is 100% true and still is). I vented in a long message about how the stress got to me and I was dying inside and just explained myself. He just went on and got even madder at me, even comparing me to his friend's girlfriend (who I've never met, and in hindsight this is a shitty move. I hope it doesn't poison our friendship if we ever have one). I was heartbroken and just ignored him because I felt like a huge failure.
The next day I stayed in bed and cried all day. Something I haven't done since I was a kid. I didn't even interact with my cat other than feeding her - she spent part of the day at my door mewing while I felt dead inside. I did not do anything productive all day, so this also affected my academics. I just had no energy to do anything at all. Barely drank, didn't eat… I even thought of continuing this like I used to as a way of punishing myself for fucking up. These are dark thoughts I haven't had for years.
Anyway we made up, he apologized, I promised to make more of an effort.. Which I did, I hung out with him more even though my anxiety was sky high over this class. It's over now which is pretty cool and all and we've been hanging out more, talking more. He's now on vacation with his family.
I'm enjoying the alone time so much. I guess this is what I was craving when I was stressed. I'm not into flirting/dating a lot of people but I think I'd rather be single. I don't think we have a spark anymore. We have a lot in common but nothing to talk about. I don't know if it's a rut (we've both been going through a lot of shit in our lives apart from each other)… I think I resent him for all of these fights because they took me back to a place I thought I'd never have to revisit.
I will probably break up with him next month some time after his vacation if things don't improve.
No. 194723
>>194687He sounds like a jerk
Also single player games are the only type of game I can enjoy, too. If it's multiplayer I want silly nonsense instead of something that might make me feel worse than I already feel.
No. 194732
>>194691love how u wrote that, made me laugh
don't schedule yourself around him if that's how it is.
No. 194739
>>194691Have you come right out and talked to him about it? If not, do it–make it clear how inconsiderate as fuck it is. If he's not willing to stop being an autist and actually spend time with YOU doing things that are NOT fucking mc, just drop him. Being less important to him than mc def qualifies as a deal breaker lol
Good luck, anon! I hope things work out. <3
No. 194743
>>194623Probably a dumb question, but have you tried many other medications? Maybe it's possible to find a non-benzo that works for you?
>>194627Not that anon, but "mindfulness meditation related to body posture and breathing" doesn't work for everyone. It's non-addictive, etc. but it doesn't work for everyone (not trying to jump you, just frustrated that so many people think it's a magic cure-all). Speaking from personal experience, I've not had a counselor who didn't suggest that before meds tho, so surely some shrink has suggested it to anon before? I'd hope so, anyway.
No. 194790
>>194726I guess I should, thanks for hearing my rant guys. I've noticed that since that happened, I've been completely turned off of league. Not because I dislike it, it's still fun but just because he kind of ruined that for me. Now I schedule my games to when that friend isn't on… So I resent him for that too.
I just resent him for so many reasons that I feel like it's a loss cause at this point. He messed with my academics, my interests, my happiness… Ugh.
No. 194792
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I'm so fucking freaked out.
I use Instagram. I don't post much but when I first made my Instagram a year ago I think I posted it on a fashion thread on 4chan because it used to be fashion themed. So people from there were following me and I was following them.
Fast forward to now. This guy that I follow/he follows me messages me from time to time to comment on my stories and whatnot. This guy has a ton of followers, and he runs a fashion type Instagram and he lives in Australia (I do not.)
He seems normal enough. Until one day he randomly starts sending me my own posts and telling me I look cute or hot or whatever, which was weird, but I said thank you and tried to act nice about it. He must have gotten comfortable from that point because afterwards, while we're having a conversation about health, he makes some comment like "Chances are I'm not too healthy with all the fucked up shit I've been doing to my body." So I was concerned and asked him what sort of things. And then he starts telling me about how he fists himself and scratches himself in the shower when his roommate's gone. I was honestly so freaked out but I just kind of made a passive comment about it and moved on from it.
The next day after we're done talking he sends me this video of himself doing some weird thing with his asshole and I just didn't respond. But he kept sending me messages and I tried to send a message across that I was just not into it and he should stop messaging me.
Throughout my time ignoring him, he tells me from time to time that he's into vomit/scat. And sexual messages about me involving shit and it was just fucking gross and confusing because I didn't give him any sort of indication that I liked it or was into it. To be honest, I was a little entertained because this guy was so fucking popular and he was telling me this weird shit about him having a scat fetish and vomit fetish yet everyone saw him as this normal dude and he had so many followers. I regret being too nice to this guy and looking at his messages at all, I should have blocked him right when it got weird. But I was in a hard place and I liked it when people talked to me so I just didn't.
I finally broke when I had made a post about how I had been watching this documentary about death and the internet and he sends me this message about how he's into snuff. He says something like "imagine defiling a body together." and I asked him if he would actually do something like that and he starts telling me that he "would do it to someone", and asking me if I was a "honeypot" and if I would put him "on my website" (whatever the fuck that means?)
I blocked him after that. I thought it was funny for a while until he started telling me about how he wants to kill people. I don't know why he involved me into it or found interest in me with how much I was ignoring him but I'm so spooked. He lives in Australia like I said and I don't so I don't know how and if I should report him. I could easily expose this guy and post his messages. He gave me his full name, Facebook, I found his roommate's Instagram, etc. But I'm too scared to get involved, and unblock him.
No. 194797
>>194792What the fuck? Christ, you've discovered a goldmine of milk, anon.
Anyway, what is it that you're scared of? He probably can't do anything to you even if you expose him. It'd be a bit mean to do since he opened himself up to you like that, but he pushed all that (literal) shit onto you and basically harassed you, so he has it coming. As for reporting, I don't think there's much you could report him for, since all he did was talk about his fucked up fantasies.
No. 194804
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>>194792Yoo you have to report this guy, it reads like a true crime show in the making. Super fucking creepy! Did you give him any info on you? Has he seen where you live? I'm super paranoid about this shit though, haha but… I think I would move, lol.
No. 194818
>>194816Imo a lot of the genuine stories speak for themselves. I post quite a few and I don't get bothered if no one replies as I take it to mean that people generally get it and have no further comment.
I honestly dread the times people reply, based on how many times I've been trolled for posting something intense in the peak of my emotions.
No. 194821
>>194818Makes sense about the lack of replies on other posts, thanks.
Still doesn't make sense about the rebundance of replies like this
>>194819. Yo,
>>194819 why did you reply?
No. 194873
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I feel like a stunted child who can't be an adult at all. My mother won't let me get my license because the insurance would be too expensive. Thus it makes getting a job 100x harder.
I get anxiety being away from home at long distances because what if I can't get back home. I also can't interact with people for shit. I just want to move out and have a stable life. Yet I'm a child at 21.
No. 194875
>>194873Fuck everything anon and just start to do something. Believe me it cannot get worse.
Cause honestly with the way things going now,one morning you will wake up and realize you are 40 with no real life experience, friends or independence and still treated like a child.
Just fuck it all and you do you, don't waste your life for others and don't let your insecurities control you.
No. 194877
>>194874I'm not really sure? I tried looking it up, I didn't really get a clear answer.
>>194875You're right anon, I need to put on my big girl pants and start my life already.
>>194876Yeah that seems like my best bet would be to get a job first and then offer to pay for the insurance. Its just hard because I live in a rural area and she would pretty much be my only ride for a job.
No. 194887
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>apply online for unpaid practice somewhere to hopefully fatten up my cv because where i'm from not even entry level jobs take people that don't have at least uni (i know) and supposedly practice is for everyone
>only had "high school" and 3 languages (which i speak) for requirements and "looking of the [insert thing i was trying to practice for here]
>my time to shine
>wait for a few days
>get "rejected"
>ask why i was rejected for an unpaid practice or if there were no more space for ant more workers (which would have been understandable)
>sorry we require at least 4 months of experience
It appears it's my time to become a homeless person that lives under a bridge has begun.
No. 194902
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>>194887>Unpaid internship>at a call centre>'minimum 1 year experience required'>in 'training' for the first week, then they'll decide whether or not to take you on
>cleaning job>required qualifications: bachelor's degreeFor what fucking purpose?
No. 194905
>>194902To be fair to the employers of call centers, it takes intelligent agents in order to deal with the public's rampant stupidity and protect the brand.
t. call center agent with two worthless degrees
No. 194912
>>194911I work for an airline, results probably vary for different or smaller companies. Half brainers and people w/o a thick skin don't survive in my line of work.
We had two months paid training though. Sounds like the places you're applying to are sketch.
No. 194913
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I just listened to an 2 hour rant about what a shitty person and daughter I am because I told my mother I don't plan to call her every 2 days and more like once a week when I move out.
And now I don't know if that was reasonable or egoistic? I just want some privacy and a peaceful family life without drama..
Those of you with own appartments please help. How often did you call your parents after you moved out?
No. 194915
>>194913Pft. My parents call me more often than I call them. I call them once a week.
Tell your mom if she wants to chat so bad then she can call you instead of passing the buck and making it solely your responsibility. She's being unreasonable, might be empty nest syndrome kicking in.
No. 194919
>>194915Thanks for the tip, I will! Though she has a history of immediately going into panic mode if I don't pick up the phone twice in a row.
>empty nest syndromeI never heard of that before but it sounds really similar to her situation.
>>194917Haha, same.
I never said that I planned on not calling her. She said she wanted me to call at least every 2 days and I said that's a bit much and once a week would be nicer, after which she got increasingly angry and started crying. I completely forgot about text messages in that mess, so that's a good advice.
No. 194920
>>194913I only ever text my parents because I hate talking on the phone… and even then, I text them maybe once a week? Every ten days maybe? idk. Or if they instigate a conversation.
I do, however, have dinner with them maybe once a week or so because we live in the same town so I guess that fills the void.
No. 194940
>>194937Does your school have mental health counselors? Most colleges these days do and the list shouldn't be ridiculously long. Otherwise please utilise this website and get yourself help
https://suicidepreventionlifeline.orgNo matter how you feel about yourself or what you think people think about you there will be someone out there that will miss you.
No. 194970
>>194922I know that anxiety too well. Now every cramp I feel, every bloated morning after a pizza binge, every time I feel a hunger pang and feel nauseous, I immediately think I am feeling the effects of pregnancy. Cue purchasing 4 to 5 pregnancy tests and using them at different times throughout the week. So glad my partner isn't a hound, I don't feel like I have to fend off his dick 24/7, so that itself alleviates some of the anxiety.
LOL at anon telling you to use condoms. Try telling that to your partner when you're already on the pill. Actually, LOL at anybody who thinks that using condoms in an exclusive, long term relationship will be a suggestion that goes over well for more than a few rounds.
You could alternatively use spermicide or a sponge. I think that spermicide would work better in terms of application and maybe easing your mind a little. I don't know how much the morning after pill costs, but if you miss a day of BC and are frightful that "this is the moment" you could purchase it, or purchase a few morning after pills in advance. They are fucking 35 dollars where I live though (generic version) but I live in a city so that may be more of an option for you.
Godspeed, fearful anon.
No. 194973
>>194922It's not a good thing if it's ruining your life but honestly I think everyone else is too relaxed. I have friends who miss periods, miss a day of the pill, break condoms and don't even think twice about any of them.
I just get into a little routine that helps me feel better. I never wait around after sex, I go straight to the bathroom and either push it out or have a shower. I wipe the entire area to make sure there's no cum to be felt anymore. Spermicide or asking him to pull out might help you relax a little more too.
>>194970If you're having sex with someone who won't wear a condom then he's a massive cunt and you shouldn't entertain him any longer. No decent man I've ever met has ever had a problem with them (especially when the chance of pregnancy is involved) and the whole "they don't fit!" or "they're uncomfortable!" excuses are just memes.
I've been using only condoms for the past 4 years and my boyfriend has no problem with that because he knows it keeps me safe and he cares about my well-being more than a little bit of rubber. Went on the pill for a while and we stopped using them, neither of us felt any difference. It was pretty disappointing since we kept hearing that stupid meme that it ~feels much better~!
No. 194996
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i have some form of mental illness, obviously undiagnosed thanks to my fucking mother who thinks these little breakdowns i have are just related to stress and missing my boyfriend. i mean, i normally would have these by myself in my bed but one lasted a fucknig week and she tells me that it's because COLLEGE IS STRESSING ME THE FUCK OUT AND BECAUSE I'M LOVESICK NOT BECAUSE I HAVE BEEN TRYING TO TELL HER SINCE SEVENTH GRADE THAT SOMETHING IS OBVIOUSLY WRONG WITH ME.
on campus i would go see one of the counselors there since that's as close as i'll ever get to a therapist and honestly, it felt nice. during my week long downward spiral i had to rely on someone who wasn't my mom, which hurts because she's my mom and you would think that she'd want to help me. the killing thing is this fucking bitch has depression and and a fucking personality disorder and insomnia but she just dismisses my shit because, "oh that's life."
and i want to get better. i just don't know where to start. i nevr got to learn to drive, i literally just got behind the wheel for the first time about 4wks ago man, if i could go and get my own damn doctor i would. but i don't even have a job. this summer home is killing me, it feels so much like suffocating cuz i was away from her and able to be free.
i literally cannot express myself unless it's like this, indirect and anonymous because it's either, "you're fine you'll get over it," or she goes through my shit, reads my journals and humiliates me for FEELING. it's painful not ever being able to vent to people while fearing i'm gonna be fucking persecuted for it. i've been crying for hours now. i've even cut friends off because i knew it would happend again soon. idk idk i just needed this off my chest because i've been feeling tormented all summer but at the same time i just feel as though anything i feel isn't valid or it's fucking retarded. at times it really feels like she's controlling me down to my emotions, which i know is impossible. but it's like she doesn't want me to have anything, not even the ability to express how i feel, or get better.
No. 195013
>>195001i can't wait either anon. my college counselor was the only help i've ever gotten. my best friend's fam moved out of state so i haven't seen her much this summer, and it feels like i'm alone because my boyfriend is stationed in tx and my close friends are either out of state or too far away to visit.
i don't get out of the house much because there is nowhere to go unless i want to try my hand at walking down the highway-like road behind my house and risk getting hit (it's nearly happened before back in high school). the streets are too busy. if my mother wants to go out then it's the same shit. i mean how many times in your life can you go to the same 3 stores and do the same shit every time?
all my hobbies kill me. they make me feel even more dead because it's pathetic that i have to force myself to read or write or draw or just do anything. or even listen to music! there's alll these things i want to do, i dream about them but after waking up…who cares, my bed is somewhat comfortable and i won't have to face disappointment or the painfully boring, mundane same day as the last. it's always something in this fucking house. if im holed up in my room, minding my business i get bitched at. for fucks sake she bitched at my about not applying for jobs bUT SHE WOULDN'T LET ME APPLY TO THE ONES I WANTED! there's restrictions to my freedom it seems and it's so constricting.
im sorry, i'm just letting this all go right now, i've been holding these things in so long that i'm bursting at the seams with rage and frustration, and feelings helplessness.
No. 195014
>>194872Dude, just let him be. Nothing forced is enjoyable.
Don't you have someone else to watch that movie with? That's what friends are for.
It's extremely unrealistic to expect to share
everything with a single person.
Get rid of that stupid desire, it sounds needy and controlling.
No. 195019
>>195014Nah, if she's putting in an effort to try and enjoy the things he things does but he refuses then he's being majorly childish. Relationships are about compromise and it's not painful to listen to a band your SO likes, especially if you would expect them to do the same for you.
Just sit down and tell him 'I always do you what you enjoy, why don't you let me pick the movie this time? Doesn't kill you to try new things' or something along those lines. Maybe you can agree to take it in turns picking movies or activities when you hang together
No. 195025
>>195019>Relationships are about compromise Unsubstantiated mantra that rings true only thanks to being mindlessly parroted a million times.
Here, let me set a new, better and improved one:
Relationships are about counterpoint No. 195037
>>195027I really need to explain this? Sigh.
Making generalisatic statements about relationships is retarded. My example is as valid as the prevailing common mantra "compromise hurr durr". Except better, cuz I find it more elegant, and cuz I say so.
>>195033>>194872>My boyfriend and I share a lot of the same interests and same tastes in music. >If I stopped trying to do his hobbies with him, we'd have nothing to do together except sleeping and sex. Well which is it? How do you expect useful advice when you post contradictory accounts of your situation?
No. 195049
>>195037>How do you expect useful advice when you post contradictory accounts of your situation?By not asking specifically for a bitter hag to come and sperg all over her posts probably. I can tell you have no friends, jfc. She explicitly said they share the same interests and tastes because she puts in the effort to do what he likes.
>>195033I'd agree with you, I'm the same with my bf. He doesn't really want to do anything I like and if he says yes he'll spend all day complaining about how bored he is and how much he wants to go home. Yet I play video games with him and do other stuff he likes because he'd otherwise just be sitting on the sofa with headphones on his ears all day and not talk to me at all.
No. 195055
>>194913I don't think you sound like a bad daughter at all.
Personally I don't call my parents unless I have an occasion to do it and I realise it might sound shitty now. Otherwise I mostly text them and send my mom silly pictures of my cat.
I have a sister who's very different and calls our mom maybe a couple of times a week but she usually does so because she wants our parents to do x or y for her lol.
No. 195063
>>195052I've talked with him about it before. Whenever he sits down and tries to talk she just cries says everyone is ganging up on her and pulls the disability card.
We all live together after his mother passed and his father couldn't afford the house bills. Our rent contract was ending so it seemed like the perfect time to move in and help until we found another place.
But with her not helping with bills at all I feel like we'll never move out.
And honestly I can't stand living with her another moment.
No. 195064
>>194913I called my mom a couple times. I mostly text her.
But honestly I barely keep in contact at all and mostly like some posts on Facebook she makes. She'll call me on birthday and holidays.
I'll call her on her birthday but that's it.
You aren't a bad person at all
No. 195116
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my mom was obsessed with pets and i grew up in a house unreasonably full of pets. cats, dogs, rabbits, hamsters, turtles, a skunk, a racoon, a pot-bellied pig. we were poor and our house was too small for this many pets (some were definitely illegal e.g. the pig). i'll never forget the smells, the sounds, the constant presence of animals in my personal space from age 3 to adulthood.
i've recently moved in with my long term boyfriend, who loves animals and really wants a dog. i've begged him for two pet-free years and he agreed, but he always talks about the dog and other pets he's going to get when the two years are up.
i want to tell him how much it upsets me that i'm going to be sharing my space with an animal again in two years, but i don't want to force his hand since he'll definitely give in if i really want him to, plus i know my revulsion is irrational when it will just be one or two pets with a responsible owner in a decently sized place.
No. 195120
>>195118No, I'm with you anon. There's one user who posts stuff from her e-begging friend and I want to unfollow her but I like her stuff.
It makes me unreasonably angry to see that shit.
No. 195124
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>work for airline
>corporate gave all employees in our company two confirmed tickets roundtrip to anywhere
>have to be used by mid 2018
>people are booking to Paris, Rome, etc.
>I want to go to Japan with bf
>bf is being lazy about getting his passport
>doesn't have driver's license, permit expired months ago
I might just ask someone else who has their shit together to go with me. You'd fucking THINK if someone offered you free airfare to a foreign country, you'd do whatever you can to get your shit together asap. But not bf.
If something like that doesn't motivate him, then I don't know what will. I feel like making a public post to my friends saying that his ticket is up for grabs. I'm really annoyed, it's almost like he takes my job perks for granted.
No. 195142
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Going back at home after two years of living on your own is so fucking hard. Especially if you're poor with a dysfunctional family. I'm going crazy looking for a job here, but everything I come across are shitty jobs full time, 5/6 days a week for only 300 or 400 bucks per month. And there's no way in hell I could afford to move out with that.
My mother's verbal abusiveness is driving me crazy, I'm depressed because my hometown is a shithole and I have only a friend here because my circle of friends was in the city I lived in before. She's also in a relationship so she spends her time mostly with her bf. I can't see the end of it.
Also, an aunt of mine can't stop butting in my life, telling my mother that I should be a nurse, and her personality lacking self yells at me that "You should be a nurse!" even though:
a. Did you forget we're broke and that's at least five years of uni?
b. I actually have friends who are studying to become nurses and it's super hard to get into the business here, many nurses aren't paid for at least the first two years of "stage" and the demand is meager
c. I… don't want to be a nurse?
Now you would say, maybe she's lecturing me out of her wisdom.
The bitch is 45 years old, never had a job and is still living at her parents' house.
No. 195150
>>195124jfc.. dump him for that trip. take a friend who you have fun with. have fun. profit.
thats so cool by the way.
No. 195166
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If I could get some advice with my vent I would be grateful, I will greentext:
>with gf for 7 years
>we agree to break up now almost 1 year ago
>typical reasons: "we're both young, been together since we were 16, we want to experience life (aka Tinder and fuck everything)
>tbh I take it way worse than I imagined I would
>pretty much we stop talking
>I don't want to look desperate, she obviously has a lot going on
>but I'm in the game, doing my best, turns out 7 years had me rusty, I made out with a few girls but for the most part struck out big time
>takes me like 7 months but I meet a fun girl interested in me and we have sex
>totally over ex-gf, not thinking about her, at this stage she's making a few attempts to reach out to me but I'm kind of salty how easy it was for her in the first place so I don't really respond
>she's dignified, doesn't persist so I do eventually send an amicable text
>meet her at a party about 1 month ago
>polite conversation, but after about 6 hours (long party), we're both stoned and end up playing Mortal Kombat round after round
>essentially: reunify, have sex, tentative sort of thing, talk, get deep, "I still love you" etc.
>after conversation it becomes apparent that in the year she had sex with roughly 5 guys, shamefully admit my 1
>basically decide I'm not getting back with her, as much as I am more sensible than most of it, the /r9k/ horror stories about girls who keep you in their back pocket and don't respect you get to me.
>she tries to prove that she's not just "crawling back", shows that there are guys still texting her, saying things like "thanks for breaking my heart", "can we please hang out"
>her argument is that clearly the whole thing has worked out according to plan for her, I'm a choice not a last resort
>weirdly this does appeal to reason.. I mean it would be worse if she was "used up" right? Like I guess I am a choice?
So major tl;dr, thankful for the opp. to vent anyway, just want to know your thoughts? No matter of pride came into this until the discussion about how the year went, it was all organic, I wasn't looking for it, sad or anything like that.
Which is why I'm weighing this up - can my pride sustain it is the question but I'm wondering how does this seem to others?
No. 195167
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>>195166Move on, man. Maybe if you're truly meant to be you will reunify down the road, then let things be water under the bridge. For now, you have all these questions swirling around that can't totally be answered by starting the relationship again as if nothing happened.
I understand why you come to the assumptions you do, but it could be more about the fear that you settled so quickly and are fearful of "missing out". Shit is complicated. I feel like we are still selfish human beings. You weren't gravely ill or anything. It seems like maybe at least she was flighty. Growing up does all kinds of crazy ass shit to you, you wind up wondering what if so many times, and other times looking back and not feeling an ounce of regret for what was. Other times, not so much. It's confusing.
Sorry for rambling, but I think your reaction is normal but it's time to do you and move on. You are uncomfortable for how expendable partners are to her, and I totally feel that.
For real though, who cares about sex? So your gal wasn't a prude. If you aren't into that, though, or are worried about STDs or something, I get that.
Don't read /r9k/ anymore man, you are straying far from the path of non-rusty courting.
No. 195174
>>195166I think the question you should ask yourself is this: are you still crazy about her and feel that you will help each other grow if you continue your relationship, or do you just want to stay with her because it is familiar and you have a lot of history together?
When I was in my early twenties I decided for myself that I would not enter a relationship with anyone unless I felt certain that we were a good enough match to pretty much be together for life. Suffice to say the person I chose at 16 would not have had qualified. Enjoy your youth being single and carefree until you find someone you really want to commit to, when you do find them you'll know.
No. 195175
>>195166Have you guys mutually decided to break up because you want to experience sex with other people? Or was it someone who initiated the whole thing?
And why are you salty if it's a thing you both agreed on? You have made a decision, and now you regret it because she's doing better?
I don't know, to me it sounds more like she's hurt over the whole break up thing.
No. 195184
>>195166This reminds me of my situation, OP. Its not the same, but very similar to an extent. Not sure what type of advice I can give, probably none, but when I asked people for help I was given the same advice you've been given. Just move on. Will I take it? Dunno, probably not because I still like my ex and I was the one who broke up things because he was a huge neet during our time together, and I wanted to take our relationship to the next level. Sometimes i wonder if I just want him back because it's comfortable feelings wise, and because I feel very lonely.
Anyway, just wishing you the best of luck and I hope you can figure things out soon.
No. 195188
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Its summer break, but theres still so many things I should be doing rn
Instead all my mental energy is being poured into improving my skin and losing weight\
Self care is important but I still feel guilty for not getting other things done, but I'm the kind of person who has a one-track mind so it can't be helped
No. 195242
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I'm not asexual or repulsed by sexual things/the thought of sex, and porn/masturbation/talking about sex is fine with me. Part of my job can be sexual (but the job itself isn't sexual in the slightest, it's confusing) and so I don't find myself being uncomfortable with that. But I am just so hung up on the idea of having sex with someone that it's giving me irrational anxiety about it now being a situation I could easily opt into.
My friend sexually abused me at 14 - I don't know if abuse is right, but I was depressed and relied on that one person to keep me from killing myself and was told 'we're two girls, we have to try it eventually' and 'just pretend I'm someone else' and 'it'll make you feel better'. I think that contributes to my insecurities. I also don't think anyone should be able to see me…enjoying myself? Like during an orgasm? I think that because of that situation with my friend, I've seen actual sexual intercourse as a taboo thing so I think that people consider me 'not allowed' to enjoy it or something.
It's a weird situation and I'm aware that it's probably not coherently written either. I just have the opportunity for a few hookups with someone I like a lot and who likes me too, and I would obviously jump at the chance but I'm so confused about it all that it's making my head hurt to think about it. I know I like girls and guys and lean more towards girls - lesbian songs or music videos or Youtube videos or movies/TV shows make me feel like 'yes, that's me! That's what I wanna be like!' but I feel like it'll never happen because of the way I think about sex. Which is stupid. I feel somehow impure or dirty and don't want someone to see me in such a vulnerable position.
Pic completely unrelated, obviously.
No. 195376
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I have really bad depression, not for one particular reason but lots of tiny things that become exaggerated into a big fog that just hangs over everything I do. I had counseling for a bit but I felt like I couldn't tell the counselor anything because of course even tho there is confidentiality I get paranoid that telling her lots the things that play a major role in my feelings (some of which involve drugs, alcohol etc) will end up being pursued further, so I stopped going bc it was kind of pointless. The only person I have to talk to right now is also my only friend (Seriously, I have no other people I have actual conversation with on a regular basis) and she's been really sweet listening to me and being 100% honest when giving me advice. I'm really glad to have her but also really scared that I'm going to lose her as friend bc the few times we've hung out it just ended in me crying. I feel like a massive idoit and like I'm just burdening her, especially after reading some of the replies in
>>195281 thread. No one wants to hang out with someone who just cries and ruins everything all the time but she's all I have it's so pathetic. ofc I listen to her when she has stuff to talk about too. She keeps telling me its ok and that she wants to help but I really feel like it won't be.