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No. 1930010
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anyone know where I can find scans of the posters that would be included with the bratz dolls? I have some that I have kept (hoarded) since a kid and I wanna scan them but I have a shitty $20 scanner and they're too big to scan with. I tried searching online but I'm terrible at it and all I get are ads.
No. 1930256
>>1930249it is a bit too far. i was hoping to secure employment before i got home from university so that i could start shifts immediately.
i may try calling though, which probably would be the next best thing. thank you nonna
No. 1930420
>>1930290Tea leaves contain lead and cyanide. Fluoride even.
>>1930366Please be a different anon baiting
No. 1930433
>>1930422When we first interacted, she said she found her valentine, referring to me. I acted like a bit of a POS for a while after I saw that message because I wasn't ready for that kinda thing. She started being sorta passive-aggressive with me for a bit after that, and now she uses that image for some of her social media acocunts, likes my stuff and so on.
I'd agree that I would be reading too much into this, if not for the fact that she showed obvious interest in me at first.
No. 1930446
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How often do you see a true and honest Stacy at the gym? I thought they’d be everywhere but most of them have just been chubby girls with a few thin but fit girls, like picrel. Only today after 8 months have I seen my first gigastacy. Can’t decide if I want to look like her or not but I do ballet anyway, so feelsbadman
No. 1930569
>>1930495>Russian blue mix, I speak to her in EnglishWhen she is being particularly loud with her vocalizations, get down to her level and look her in the eyes and say in a calm but clear voice: "Pohz-hal-uy-sta yah uhm-ol-yay-you vahs prek-rat-it."
This is a transliteration of the common phrase "Пожалуйста, я умоляю вас прекратить." Make sure that she understands the words by speaking slowly and with clear intent. After you tell her this once or twice, she might realize the folly of her ways and recant.
>The mrrap is usually when she wants attentionShe potentially suffers from narcissistic personality disorder, (NPD), and wants to use her "unique" vocalizations to be a NLOC (not like other cats). You must constantly remind her that although you love her dearly, she is not better than other cats nor is she more important than other cats or people around her. She is your friend, yes, but you must be stern with her and tell her to her face "You are a cat, cats go meow meow not mrrap mrrap." Say it with a concerned look in your face so she knows that you are not making fun of her or demeaning her, but letting her know the expectations and that she is acting like a silly kitty.
>It's common in unfixed females, but she's been spayed since she was a babyThis is common in cats that experience peter pan syndrome; they want to be kittens forever because deep down they think kittens get more love and attention than full grown cats. Use DuckDuckGo and search for kitten images, then hold your cat and show her the kitten images and say to her "I still love you even more than I love all of these kittens because you are my special little baby you will always have a bigger place in my heart, even though you are grown up you will always be my little baby." Make sure you say this in soothing voice while petting her to make sure she knows that your attachment to her is not predicated on her age. She may also be self-conscious about her age, if this is the case instead of kittens, search for images of senior cats and show them to her to normalize the ageing process for her.
No. 1930605
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>>1930569KEK this brightened my day. I never thought of speaking to her in her native tongue. I can’t doxx myself bc a few irl friends of mine use lolcow, but she gave me a look strikingly similar to this. Pure shock. I don’t think she’s ever questioned why she feels the need to mrrap.
No. 1930651
>>1930631YES you need to. It sucks but it’s the only way to get rid of them. I threw out almost everything, put unopened stuff in the freezer for two weeks, and deep cleaned my entire kitchen. Never came back. I didn’t bother wjth the traps. Now I put all new dry goods in the freezer for two days after I buy them and put everything in air tight containers.
Don’t forget about teas, coffee, pet food, etc. If you saw two adults that means there are eggs and babies in your dry goods. You don’t want to eat that
No. 1930994
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Please no booly I got swayed by it
I bought some shein dresses, awful quality, looked like shit on me. I could return the items but I'm too lazy to do so. Thinking of simply donating but the money would be lost. Has anyone returned shit to shein before?
No. 1931084
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I got a sweater like picrel, the label says 'hand wash in cold water only' but that seems really annoying for such a bulky sweater. Would machine washing it with cold water/gentle cycle be okay too?
No. 1931092
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what should i try from the local asian supermarket? i tend to stick to bland, generic, mostly sort of healthy bri'ish foods like sandwiches and potatoes and i don't like cooking. i tried and liked some of the sweets. there's just so much variety, idk what's good, they have like 100 types of dumplings alone.
No. 1931107
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>>1931092Are you looking for actual foods (like frozen and pre-packaged) or ingredients that you can use? Laoganma chili oil is my only recommendation that I can give before you specify because it goes with practically everything savoury.
No. 1931175
>>1931169Hello sir/madame
I hope this email finds you well. My name is [y/n], I'm a student at [university]. I'm taking a class right now about [class name] and we've been asked to interview a [persons job title] for a short assignment.
Would you be open to holding a brief interview with me?
I anticipate your reply,
Anon you need to learn how to write proper emails for yourself kek this is a really important life skill. No. 1931443
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DAE get hit with severe drowsiness while at work? Like really bad to the point where you can almost fall asleep while standing? It's such an issue for me that I can only work part time now, because when I worked full time I took 5 minute naps in the bathroom to cope. Caffeine doesn't help at all, it only makes me anxious and jittery.
I get 6-8 hours of sleep every night and wake up without an alarm clock at a consistent time every morning. This sudden drowsiness never happens to me on weekends or on my days off so I don't know what it is.
No. 1931462
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>>1931349a thumbdrive containing a playlist of songs that you think your boyfriend would like, maybe spell out "I LOVE YOU BOYFNAME" with the first letter of each song (when you read it vertically). maybe record a little voice memo too of sentimentalities
No. 1931737
>>1931734I think it's a natural for humans to emotionally invest in an issue even if another person isn't fussed about it. If my friend was say, cheated on, and gave no shits I would be invested because they're my friend, I am emotionally invested in them and their wellbeing.
Now some situations are more serious than others granted but I think it's a natural human response, we are social creatures, how other people live is our concern as a species.
If they didn't wanna talk about it I would leave it though.
No. 1931775
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Why aren't murphy beds more popular? I'm looking at furniture right now and I always thought that the fold-out bed was a really genius idea for saving space. Are they unpopular for any real reason?
No. 1931790
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>>1931775Well they're fatal in the sims and that's scared me off ever getting one
No. 1931811
>>1931805There's been a few, where a guy was crushed by the bed folding up or two sisters who weren't crushed, but trapped in theirs for days, unable to get out and eventually dying. The spring on the murphy beds are so strong that most if not all sellers recommend you get pros to install them instead of doing it yourself and potentially getting killed.
I love the idea of a foldable space-saving bed but after reading a few articles, I don't want to gamble with something I'll be unconsciouss for a third of each day on. In my ideal future set up, I'll probably loft my bed and use the space under it as a reading nook or something, depending on the height I get from it.
No. 1931832
>>1931775Might be because you have to install them. I know two people, one who had one pre-installed in her apartment and it saved a ton of space. My other friend went through weeks of hell having to pre-measure her room for the murphy bed, getting parts sent back and forth before installing it. It works fantastic since when she doesnt have guests over, she can put it away.
It only really works if you have the space for it, oddly enough. Installing it yourself can be a large task, but I do like them.
No. 1931997
>>1931966Will do, anon, thanks for the advice!! The height/space division issue makes me keep revising ideas on what to do with it.
Maybe you can use cut-up pool noodles to cover the loft edges so it hurts less when you hit it? That sucks.
>>1931977If you use the folded up space as an open area, you can cram the rest of the room with stuff, I think. A cramped room layout when your bed's unfolded isn't going to matter when you're sleeping, after all.
No. 1932088
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When is one supposed to wear knit sleeveless tops like picrel? I would imagine that they are way too warm for summer but sort of pointless in fall or spring since they are not warm enough?
No. 1932200
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trannyjannies didn’t bother gracing me with a reply so can someone explain how this post was supposed to be formatted? pretty please xoxo
No. 1932216
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why did i not really have a couple of dreams in the late years and suddenly i'm dreaming every day of the week?? wtf
No. 1932224
>>1932200Usually when you quote someone on imageboards you quote the post first like I'm doing to you right now and then write what you want under it. Example for your post specifically would go like this:
>>##this is way funnier than this >>
No. 1932371
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What are some signs that you will be fired?
No. 1932395
>>1932374They are fainting. If you have ED you tend to hide the negatives.
>>1932382Barring other factors like a hormone condition and stuff like that, weight constantly fluctuates but if you eat in a caloric excess you will slowly gain depending on the excess but it's not as dramatic as immediately.
This also depends on how you've fed your body in the past, you'll gain weight more dramatically if your body is used to say 1500 cals and you start to eat 2500 for an extended period.
No. 1932512
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What's the worst way or place for you to meet your future spouse? Personally, I'd hate it when I meet my husband at work. I keep work and private life separate lol
No. 1932778
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Anynonna seriously considered going vegan but ultimately decided against it? What were your reasons?
No. 1932782
>>1932778I hate cooking meat but I like meat too much to stop consooming it entirely
And I like cheese and have yet to find any cheese substitution that actually mimics the taste
No. 1932792
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Hey Japan nonas, I'm traveling there for a week next year, and I'll be in Kyoto and Tokyo. Instead of buying a bunch of mass produced crap as souvenirs, I was kind of hoping to buy something handmade to support a local artisan. Do any of you have recommendations for shops to visit with things like that? Pic mostly unrelated.
No. 1932856
>>1932778I knew somebody who went vegetarian for years because he didn't like his mom's meat dishes.
He stopped when she stopped slamming too much spices on food.
No. 1933053
>>1932994Not to be awkward but It really depends on the individual. Some severe autistic kids are quite sweet but some dementia patients are violent and sexually
No. 1933419
>>1933400If you’re hot and somewhat engaging it’s probably more standout to show your face. Need to have zero tolerance for moidshit chatters since day 1 cuz they will try to test boundaries with you. Plus all the associated risks
>>1933416 mentioned. Vtubing is safer but harder and slower startup.
No. 1933442
>>1933400I love art and I like looking at vtuber designs so I feel like I should be the target audience but even I can't stand them. I'd just rather watch a real person. I don't mind if it's a real person with a cartoon avatar who rarely shows their face, but as soon as it enters actual vtuber territory with the acting and playing a character I'm out
>>1933424seconding this
No. 1933483
>>1933307i think it's just a mix of overthinking from your end and lack of communication from him… or atleast he isn't direct enough, atleast direct enough for you.. personally i wouldn't call either of you an asshole because your story is kind of confusing, it's hard to tell. but i do second what
>>1933342 said, you come off as a wee bit immature and the mention of him being a pisces is irrelevant. hope you two do manage to talk and bond though, best of luck
No. 1933507
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Real talk: how much money can I actually make from an OnlyFans that solely posts feet pics?
I have 30k in student debt for an unfinished degree that can never be finished becasue the specialty school shut down. When I tried taking the credits to other places it went something like
>even though you were like 4 classes from graduating with a bachelors we can only give you like 2 credits in an art degree and you'll have to retake the non-art classes
And it's been like almost 11 years, I'm not getting a job in the industry, and Google said I can ask for student loan forgiveness if I hadn't attended the school in 1 year before the shutdown.
No. 1933535
>>1933507>Because the specialty school shut down.Honestly, you should talk to a lawyer. Not even joking. That's what lawyers are for.
Go and pay for a consultation with one or perhaps even two who have some measure of professional expertise in the area and then see what they say. The thing with debt of this type in situations like yours is that it's probably going to be less expensive to challenge it in court than to pay it back lmao.
No. 1933548
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>>1933544actually i might as well post a pic they're basically picrel but in black
No. 1933720
>>1930010Doll Scans on Flickr has a lot uploaded think it's mostly ads/magazines but it looks like there's a good amount of the posters you're looking for
No. 1934263
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How do I prevent this?
No. 1934325
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Does anyone have recs of very well written VNs? I am currently reading Higurashi. I don't mind if they are NSFW/Porn as long as they have good stories.
No. 1934369
>>1934325428: Shibuya Scramble don't miss it it's underrated. It's on a lot of platforms (but I played it on ps3 and should make no difference).
0 porn content
No. 1934512
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How to get over a crush on an ugly moid? I have to see him every day.
No. 1934687
>>1934627I have a step sister and she's never made any effort to get to know the rest of my biological family. I don't think it's weird, they're not related to her, only my dad is and she talks to him.
That said, we do have an age difference of 10+ years so we barely talk to each other either. Maybe if we were closer the situation would be different.
No. 1935027
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Is it normal for your partner to grope you without permission? My ex used to do this a lot and I just laughed it off because I didn't know how to tell him to stop even though I was uncomfortable
No. 1935101
>>1935071No one can ever really understand each other, whether you try to befriend a man or a woman.
Whether or not other people see you as human, secretly hate you, or see you as an npc, you just got to keep living and that means trying to communicate despite it all.
No. 1935400
>>1935391Yes, when I was anemic and had B12 defficiency I had brain fog, fatigue, would sleep 10 hours everyday yet I felt like I had no energy, I didn't retain info no matter how many times I read a text, reading comprehension was at its lowest, I also had permanent blank page syndrome (awful to do exams), would constantly forget casual things despite always having had a good memory, I was unmotivated and unable to focus, I hardly ever used my inner monologue, etc… I've improved and recovered completely with a better diet, excercise and some suplements.
No. 1935467
>>1935099AYRT but I suppose I could have said, "there's no explicit content." This feels like a nit-picky comment, though, as most people who have been exposed to the medium would understand what is intended when someone says there is no 18+ content in reference to a VN. Ultimately, even if you dislike the writing of the ending (as I do, too), there's still a stark difference between that and more explicit games which comprise the medium. Raging Loop is sold on consoles without censorship, which I can't say for other horror titles like Saya no Uta or Subahibi. I agree the themes discussed in the ending were gross and unnecessary, and it did slightly sour the overall very positive experience I had, but I don't agree with putting it in the same category as proper 18+ VNs, as it would be extremely misleading to do so. I hope this answers your question.
No. 1935516
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Is there a plastic surgery to fix nipperonis? It must be a fairly simple and cheap procedure. What is it even called? Is it a good starting point to get men hooked on surgeries? I think it could be the first step to introcing the idea for a boyfriend
No. 1935777
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>>1935516as a nipperoni baddie this is how i feel right now
No. 1935791
>>1935789eat some more food
nonnie the burger probably just wasn't enough to meet your caloric needs
No. 1936002
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Do all tablet computers have this kinda Google search thingy? I've seen Android tablets and Apple tablets and so far each I've interacted with had one. Can you deactivate it?
No. 1936152
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>>1936080Jesus was so fuckable
>ripped>handsome>a carpenter (practical and good with his hands) >great head of hair>great public speaker >charismatic >generous >respected his motherThe Romans put him on a cross because they were jealous. He’s hot and charming and he knows how to treat a lady.
No. 1936225
triggering me, shitlord!
No. 1936474
>>1935805I am, pretty much. And I'm not a christian (or conventionally religious). To be fair, I only really crush after his hellenic depictions, because those are the ones I've seen the most throughout my life obviously. But a big part is his personality too - if the things that were written about him were even mostly true, he's a genuinely nice guy, esp for the time. Another reason is that
I have a femdom kink and there a bunch of depictions of him being bloody and hurt etc. Plus he's in a loincloth for a considerable amount of time, kind of compounds on that. I dont feel great about it but he did say he died for my sins, including weird religious femdom thing so i could potentially go to heaven.
Anyways I dont really imagine us having sex together because honestly it isn't his personality kek. Maybe us hugging in Christian heaven. I just kinda freak it to the lashings, for example. I'm a little surprised more non-Xtian women don't have crushes on Jesus, he's literally perfect.
No. 1936494
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Does anyone have any recommendations for alternatives to this? I love it but it's not easy to get where I live.
No. 1936510
>>1936500Yes, I think Lotte yukimi daifuku came first ?
>>1936504we need to keep the barbarians out
No. 1936545
>>1936504It's like how people don't like illegal immigrants coming into their countries. We don't want cringe newfags coming here.
If it is written in your fate to become a farmer, you shall find lolcow. No need to advertise it
No. 1936603
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>>1936494This shit is so good
No. 1936622
>>1936603Thank you, I've seen this locally so I will give it a try.
>>1936612I love having it on roast duck and roast pork. Just open the jar and spoon it over cooked meat. It's incredibly addictive.
No. 1936677
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Why do I always get a sore throat if I stay up late???
I don't feel sick otherwise and it's only if I stay up "too" late. (like 1-2h past my regular bed time) It feels just like when you're about to get a cold and your throat hurts. If I sleep a normal amount it's gone in the morning and I feel fine all day until just before bed again. If I don't sleep enough it kinda lingers tho.
When I try to look it up all the results just tell me about feeling sick when waking up, becasue you've been lying down for so long or something but that clearly isn't the issue as this only happen before I go to bed, and lying down to sleep seems to be the cure. I'm scared I really am mildly sick with something that could get worse since I wasn't always like this.
No. 1936714
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Why is anime so allergic to having cute, normal non-fetishy lesbian relationships and always force the obvious female love interest with the main male character? So fucking annoying
No. 1936726
>>1936697Nigel is a pretty old term, i think i saw it mentioned in a Sheila Jeffreys essay from the 70s. It's got to be of UK origin obviously.
I really do think it's because Nigel was a common male name in the UK back in the day, so many women had them as bfs, so eventually someone got sick of that and thought of the acronym "NIcest Guy who Ever Lived".
No. 1936744
>>1936741Yeah, I wasn't going to go the autism route kek
>>1936743improving my personality
No. 1936751
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is there a fun mobile phone game to learn and practice math? i want to stop being tarded
No. 1936777
>>1936761My parents are too bad with money to give me money.
They do give me 100-300 dollars if I ask, I feel too guilty to ask for more than that, but I got to tell them like, a day in advance.
I do do work they'd normally be forced to pay 20 dollars an hour for though so I'm just being emotional.
No. 1936805
>>1936761If your parents are well off and you are a decent kid (ie not a deadbeat leeching off them), they 100% should give you money imo. wtf is the point of having kids if not to give them a good life? They bring you into this world, they owe it to you. I don't want to have kids partially because I hate working and I'd feel obligated to keep working and give my kids as much as possible because that's my responsibility.
My parents are perfectly happy to spend money on me, my dad's attitude is that the money means nothing to him and everything to me (because he's a lot richer than I am) so why wouldn't he shout me lunch or give me a lot of birthday money or whatever.
No. 1936827
>>1936801I'd guess because of bullshit about male loneliness and male beauty standards and other nonsense they cobbled together from poorly understand feminist concepts which they use to play
victim and as an excuse to make more effort. Before this
toxic masculinity shit took off in the 21st century, men made more effort with their appearance. If you ask your mother about her celebrity crushes from when she young (before men appropriated feminism to whine about how hard men have it under patriarchy) she'll probably reply with like Duran Duran or Jimi Hendrix or one of the many other male celebrities that made a great effort with their appearances instead of just throwing on the most boring suit imaginable for occasions and low effort clothing the rest of the time. And for normal men it's even worse because they're not even trying to be bare minimum presentable, so why would they care if their sweatpants get a hole?
No. 1936928
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>>1936801Steady decline of formal clothing practices throughout the 20th century, then 1960s postmodernism have fundamentally changed the way we dress, by the 1970s it was already set in. 2000s fast fashion, which made the quality of clothes worse and worse with years. During 2010s specifically people started to place more value on "comfort" above anything else, you'll be sticking out and made fun of for "caring too much" now kek
This decline is both sexes problem btw, as this anon point out
>>1936803 KEK. Men always cared a lot less, of course, they'd be shamed more back then for looking unbecoming though. Sometimes i also feel as if now the gap between women taking care of themselves and men not doing so is even bigger than historically, but i can't tell if it's the case for sure.
No. 1937082
>>1936928It does really feel like there's some vendetta against formal clothing for males unless they can swing it as something 'alpha'.
Going to a wedding? Not alpha, may have to force him into being formal.
Memeing in a primarily racist/sexist/homophobic way? Might wear a suit to do a cute lil nazi photoshoot with the boys.
Obviously not for every male just the extremes but there is a clear gap, even in certain asian countries where women clearly put more effort into everyday clothes, the males don't.
No. 1937266
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Does your guys mouth also feel sore after eating prawn chips? I've been eating prawns and tapioka flour no problem all my life, so I don't think I'm allergic to the ingredients, but if I eat more than like five or six pieces I always feel like having glass shards stuck in my mouth, no matter the brand doesn't mean it's stopping me though.
No. 1937323
>>1937277It depends on what you need. I usually look at my phone and distract myself. Sometimes I'll excuse myself and splash myself with cold water. Sometimes i just need a glass of water or a snack because I'm hangry. If it's people I'll never see again though, like in the subway or in public, I might just let it out, esp if it's crazy PMS and my mental state gets super volatile.
I try box breathing sometimes, or listen to positive music and breathe to the beat – that also helps if you get paranoid while high.
Lastly, stopping yourself from crying takes a lot of practice! Eventually you'll build up an inventory of things to tell yourself/things to do before you cry.
No. 1937416
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>>1937413yeah i've been sick. sick of living
No. 1937450
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>>1937413been having bad headeaches this week
No. 1937815
>>1937722I like my life to be in distinct categories
Family - Friends - Hobbies - Career
All separate so I hardly ever talk about my hobbies unless I'd like to provide a loaf of bread as a present. I much prefer to hear about other people's hobbies IF I like them.
No. 1937830
>>1937722I have the opposite problem, if you ask me about things i like i will talk your ear off about it and tbh it's really the only thing i enjoy talking about. It's
problematic irl because idk how to have a conversation outside my interests because i have literally nothing going on in my life outside it, so i have nothing to say.
No. 1937841
>>1937833They kidnapped her and she escaped so they kept seeing her as "their property" and claimed she needed to pay several thousand or so to get out of all that
>>1937829I'm not sure about that, I've definitely see people deny gang stalking though when trying to push down sex traffic
victims No. 1937895
>>1937829Gang stalking is real just as stalking is real, but unfortunately schizos keep them protected because no one believes real
victims of abuse.
No. 1938098
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>>1938086Samefag here's an example
No. 1938312
>>1937855Core and back workouts. You don't need to spend hours a day at the gym, you can do this at home with no equipment for like 10 minutes every other day and it will vastly improve your life. Look up Youtube vids for back and core workouts, posture workouts etc and see which ones work best for you. And do stretches afterwards.
>>1938098It warms my heart to know that as soon as being queer goes out of fashion these retards will stop clogging up gay and lesbian spaces with their tranny husbands.
No. 1938375
>>1938312What kind of stretches do you recommend for back pain and posture? I have pain from sitting all day
Also thank you nonnies for the tips, I’ll be sure to report back once I’m doing it for a while
No. 1938517
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>>1938375I do these ones during my lunch and it really helps.
No. 1938536
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Let's say you were born with a disorder that causes you to be unable to bend a finger on your non-dominant hand. Would you have the corrective surgery? Or leave it since you don't use that hand that much?
No. 1938544
Reminds me I need to pester a surgeon to reply back and fix my fingers after a mild botching kek. You'd be surprised how useful it is to be able to move your pinky finger
No. 1938664
>>1938536As a happily two-handed individual, I say do serious physio as other anon said for a while before opting for surgery. Having two hands is lifechanging in terms of full freedom, safety, getting out of situations, so for that reason I'd want the surgery
on the other hand if you genuinely have gotten used to onehand life then maybe that's "your normal" and doesn't need to be fixed if it isn't causing disorder in your life
No. 1938707
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Hear me out nonnies,
the wrestling thread is dead yet there is so much milk to enjoy.
We have old attention starved men abusing social media, roided up pigs with glass ego fighting on twitter, schizos, corporate crime, coke head manchild funding a company with his daddy's money, paranoid malding.
Who want a new thread? With a good OP right in time for wrestlemania
No. 1938746
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>>1938729The ones in their 30s can be pretty milky, punk always deliver with his cheap pandering.
No. 1938783
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How I do kill my crush on a random man? I was sad and he was tall and strong and had sexy eye creases when he smiled. I cannot afford to be so distracted right now..
No. 1938806
>>1938800It isn't all that, it causes problems and makes the internet feel smaller than it is because i run into people i know everywhere now
>>1938802Sorry about your lost friends. Hopefully you find a community that sticks one day
No. 1938907
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Why does this style of sweater have the slits on the side and the front flap is shorter than the back flap? Are you supposed to tuck them into high-waisted pants or something? I'm a millenial who can't into shirt tucking but I feel like I'm doing it wrong anyway when I try
No. 1939089
>>1938948Root beer is disgusting and tastes like medicine. Dr. Pepper is the nectar of the gods. It's made up of cola, cherry, licorice, amaretto, vanilla, blackberry, apricot, blackberry, caramel, pepper, anise, sarsaparilla, ginger, molasses, lemon, plum, orange, nutmeg, cardamon, all spice, coriander juniper, birch and prickly ash. It's…Spicy, but not like a spiced drink or something.
No. 1939133
>>1939089And funny how it literally just tastes like sugar water corn syrup even with all of that in it.
>>1939091I don't think Luna Slater ever gets truly entertaining. She's a groomed druggie doing her emotionally stunted groomed druggie shit as one does.
Check out Katherine McMahon for a slightly more autistic arguably more cringefail "sex worker" than Shayna. There's some great milk and all around laughs imo her threads are great. They have all but completely stopped being updated though, and anons are more often focused on her repulsive ogre of a boyfriend than her goofy beaky ass.
No. 1939273
>>1939222Probably jobs where you'd need previous experience and qualifications.
Photographer, fashion designer (for men ofc), fashion magazine editor, working on advertising, a lot of fashion things basically.
No. 1939278
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>>1939272oh no it's a open street data map like picrel but edited in adobe illustrator. Really I just need an AI I can feed the image and tell me the coverage % of a specific color so I can calculate the surface area. Surely there's an AI that can do that for me right.
No. 1939428
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>>1939425not a fujo myself but i go to school with one and shes just a cute awkward girl with a thick accent and the most weird thing about her is exactly that. shes awkward and shy to speak but shes a lovely person and has incredible strengths (we are in a male dominated school)
No. 1939432
>>1939425I look like a hobo irl, when I'm not working or out with friends. I only carry husbando merch on the inside of my bag. I don't support trannies and I'm anti woke/ (a
Terf myself.) I have dark hair with some tattoos, so most might mistake me for punk rock lover rather than a fujo.
No. 1939436
>>1939430is it always going to be this scary and uncomfortable?
I recently saw a short video of Angelina Jolie whom I know nothing but positive things about (if shes an awful person just dont tell me , she said beautiful things that resonated with me) about withstanding walking through the fire and feeling it all..
does it get easier to process it?
No. 1939440
>>1939425I am pretty normal, I go to the gym and do pilates, i work from home so i dont have much social life outside of that though but i dont like people a lot so whatevs.
> i look through some of the threads on this site and have trouble comprehending the fact people like this exist among so? how normie are you?
No. 1939451
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>>1939439Being hot and working out does not always mean that people are superficial and have no substance to them.
If you are getting more and more attractive remember to balance it out with adding more substance to yourself as well, so that you may not end up as what you are trying to avoid. All the hot couples I know are both incredible people that arent full of themselves, I think that gives it away a lot of the times.
Observe how they speak about themselves and others, ask the right questions. No trap setting, just weeding out the ones putting up a misleading image.
"Who are you the closest with?" - if they answer only with people that they actively gain something superficial from thats telling for example
No. 1939453
>>1939425i'm a fujo – write fanfiction, own doujinshi, have ita bags and merch, and my best friends are fellow fujos. irl, i make six figures, am married, own a home, and am super into beauty treatments like lashes, botox, filler, facials, etc. i think most fujos my age (30s) that have been into it since their preteens are pretty similar to me, honestly. you can look and act normal without revealing your power level. i don't talk about it with anyone unless they throw me a crumb indicating they like the same stuff, and even then, never at work.
No. 1939455
>>1939452Thank you,
nonnie. You sound absolutely sweet and amazing. You gave me courage.
Also I agree shes incredible in that clip. I love her voice so much and how you could hear either her throat being sore or her choking up a bit when she says that often you have no choice.
This video is also amazing, you can really tell that she did have a strong mother who loved her and built her up to who she is today.
I envy that
No. 1939468
>>1939464Absolutely agree! You will often find men that keep a lot of girls to talk to, thats a red flag.
good men that are fit are often snatched up fast or just dont interact with random women all the time, unless they just reached a phase where they feel like they can be in a relationship, thats how i met my very fit husband.
No. 1939477
>>1939425I'm not a husbandofag here since I make my own characters and draw them, but I've had bizarre, nonhuman husbandos in the past. And my drawing my own characters the way I do is basically husbandofagging.
I used to be very clockable when I was younger but average people see me as "cool" on a surface level now (have had them say this). A bit odd but in an artistic way. I socialize, workout, have a career, etc.
No. 1939492
>>1939489Song of Solomon. Have fun
No. 1939511
>>1939508thats incredible that you could identify the things that make you think you are worth less than you offer, keep at it and you will realize eventually that its something that is more pronounced the more you manifest it.
i have tons of baggage but im very easy going and i have had no issues with moids helping or listening to me because to them it was worth it. just be clear about it from the start and dont make it all of the interactions, make memories and do fun stuff together to balance it out.
No. 1939517
>>1939512I have a feeling that you say that but you have a very set image of what filler looks like, because all the filler that is noticable looks pretty bad.
If you have had a very stressful life sometimes you have wrinkles between your eyes and a tiny bit of filler makes them disappear and can improve confidence a ton.
Just dont judge too harshly, I am sure anon is fine.
No. 1939520
>>1939514What subreddits does he use?
What boards does he use?
How often?
Both are bad options
No. 1939534
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>>1939514reddit is too curated for me, but if he is using it only to browse hobby posts and not comments im fine with it
No. 1939582
>>1939511Ty for your response, I need to be more light hearted ig but I’ve been told by everyone my entire life I look intimidating off the bat (and I think it’s because have sharp features, not a cute face).
> you will realize eventually that its something that is more pronounced the more you manifest it.Can you tell me what you mean by this? Sorry for my stupidity but I don’t understand what you’re saying here. Thanks again.
No. 1939769
>>19397614 days of money would be good but not needed, I don't know if having to deal with that guy is worth it though.
I don't know why he'd send an email only to text today the opposite?
No. 1940188
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Would Lennon have been gender critical?
No. 1940388
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Where is this kitten art from?
No. 1940399
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>>1940388other anon was right about AI, this seems to be the origin of it
No. 1940424
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Is there a name for the fetish of "dressing sexy" or "slutty" in public? Ever since I saw a cow mentioning it I've been wondering
No. 1940480
>>1940467Yeah, animals aren't like people they are way better than people. I get a pet first and then I consider getting a human companion kek.
One example why poor people get pets would be a person who is very depressed and has nothing to live for gets a pet and now they have someone to live for, care for, work on being a better better person for, looking forward to coming home from work to. They have someone who will always love them and wont leave them and all it takes is skipping a few dinners so your pet has food. I think that's worth it for your mental health.
No. 1940504
>>1940498It's unconscious visceral repulsion, basically.
What they are talking about, to translate into normal woman speak - is that any attractive moid is still repulsive if they have a repulsive personality or red flags. And they KNOW that even if they looksmaxx or whatever, on the inside they're still dusgusting wretches, but they justify it by "muh attractive guys can still give women the ICK, so why should
I even try"
No. 1940541
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Which colour?
No. 1940549
>>1940541Blue generally
Yellow depending on skin tone and hair colour
Green never
No. 1940600
yellow if you have a tan or darker skin
the green is a no-no
No. 1940706
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>>1940685I think you could youd likely want to use parchment paper and make the tops longer than the pan to be able to lift it out. if you're using a round form you'd probably want to adjust it to be 2 strips that form an X at the bottom. Picrel is the best example I could find since idk what this technique is called.
No. 1940933
>>1940909>>1940916NTA but I'll try. I don't think you can make a sweeping generalization on ALL creatives. I have some artist friends who are cool and normal. But I also know a lot of musicians- they tend to be extremely self-absorbed and think their generic shitty music is god's gift. You can tell they socialize solely so they can beg people to go to their shows kek.
One time I got invited to a musician moids' party. there was no food and he made us watch a powerpoint of photos of him and then pass around a mic and say what we liked about his band, followed by an hour of him freestyling. it wasn't even his birthday or anything. and that sums up my experience with musician moids pretty well kek. I think they all have narcissistic tendencies tbh
No. 1940936
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If I want to change schools from one country to the other, from Uni A in country A to Uni B in country B - while I'm on a student visa. Should I apply to the uni B first and if admitted, drop out of Uni A?
I'm also not sure if I'll have to leave the country in the middle or if I could just apply for my visa while I'm there.
No. 1940983
>>1940916AYRT and it's been my experience having dated musicians, artists, and writers (of both genders) that they had some gradation of narcissism. Being with them and being their muse feels amazing, but they always prioritize themselves and their art at the end of the day. That can make the relationship feel insignificant, cheap, and as if you're being used. I also went to school and was friends with many creatives. Even the nicest of them are very self-involved, which isn't necessarily narcissism but still makes being around them challenging from time to time. Many of these people were bipolar or BPD. That's not inherently a bad thing, just that combined with narcissism, it often meant that they believed their genius stemmed from their "struggle" and wouldn't treat their issues. It can be hellish being close to those kinds of people. I'd also add that most creatives I knew came from privileged and wealthy backgrounds. Pretty much the only people who can live that life these days are from well-off families, and that of course impacts their personalities, too. But as
>>1940933 said, I probably shouldn't make sweeping generalizations about all artists kek. I've been burned by them so many times that my kneejerk reaction is a wholehearted "yes."
No. 1941001
nonnie. At least it taught me to be cautious about getting close. For some stupid reason, I kept being attracted to them, so only experience can really instill that lesson.
No. 1941054
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>>1941041Basically, being embarrassingly excited for a consumer product and non stop talking about it.
No. 1941063
>>1936622Update. I bought a big jar of
>>1936603 and it's delicious. It's not the same as the chiu chow chili oil and it's not as spicy but the umami hit is so good. I tried it on roast pork and I'm going to be having it on roast duck.
No. 1941199
>>1941193It depends on what country your in.
In the UK it's safe because everything is grounded, the power strip is fused as are all the plugs and a maximum of 2990w can be drawn from a single socket.
If you're in the US it's less safe because it's usually not grounded, plugs aren't fused and only 1800w can be drawn from a single socket.
No. 1941377
>>1941359Better go to a doctor, nona. It might be cartilage damage or something. Don't get scared though, it's just a guess and when my knee was worse than yours I just took collagen, used ointments that dr prescribed, and made a compress for a week or so, it got better and stopped bothering me completely after a couple of months even though I did nothing at that point. Also try resting your left leg somewhere higher while you're sitting, like on another chair if it's possible. It's only from my experience, you can have something else, so yeah, as I said, better visit a doctor!
No. 1941649
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Do Mary Janes look juvenile?
No. 1941848
>>1941829It counts unless the person rots their brain with porn, which can make people believe they have another sexuality. It's what happens often to moids and some women, they watch too much porn and then moids believe they're gay or bi and women believe they're lesbian or bi.
And no, fictosexuality isn't real, you can only be straight, gay/lesbian or bi.
Plus it's kind of interesting how your sexuality just is, my best example is myself kek. I'm painfully straight, I can play games with different flavors of anime boys and girls, but I will always gravitate towards the boys because I find them attractive.
No. 1941877
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>>1941866I see it regularly here in Spain! There’s even mint chocolate nougat, although I was never brave enough to try it.
No. 1941933
>>1941887Gotta rip it off like a bandaid. Something like
>Look, I think you’re a sweet person, but I’m not looking for anything to continue between us. I wish you all the best.Or something similar and more specific to your situation. It’s going to hurt her no matter what, so just be honest and upfront before it goes anything further. Remember that this is a totally normal thing to do. You can’t control how she’ll feel or react, but ultimately that’s on her, not you. Good luck,
No. 1941945
>>1941933Thanks. You're right that it'll hurt her, because for her, things are looking good, I'm such a liar… I must do it now before it's like too far gone, I've like.. had sex with people when I didn't want to because I couldn't say no to not hurt their feelings. It's like.. you will hurt feelings and that's okay, just like your feelings are hurt and you get over it, they will too. Thanks. Sorry, I went off a bit there, but I really needed your assurance, thanks, anon. Hope you have a nice weekend.
No. 1942067
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>>1941866You can find it in europe too, I think that people are just very divided on it. Either love it or hate it.
No. 1942299
>>1942293I have a habit of typing something, re-reading it, spending an absurd amount of time typing out my idea, then not even posting it and/or posting it and deleting it.
This happens to me a lot in Shay's thread, plus i have a weird guilt in talking about her sometimes. It creeps up on me.
No. 1942321
>>1942293yes, all of the time. i'll re-read things, edit things, and straight up remove things to avoid conflict. i try to be clear and concise and use non-accusatory language. phrases like "seemingly" or "gives the impression of", ect.
it makes me all the more angry when i get replies by people who act like i was accusatory when i went out of my way to use specific language to avoid those types of responses. but then i just assume they're younger than me and grew up reading tweets instead of books, kek, which feels cruel but i legit have to remember that a lot of people do not understand nuance and i try not to take it personally
No. 1942563
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>>1942562thank you
nonny it works
No. 1942631
Something I don’t understand about myself is that ever since I was a young teen, whenever I see one of those lowkey (aka NOT the rainbow haired tryhards), trying-to-pass-but-not-on-T-yet tifs, or any woman (back in the day, girl) with a similar vibe, I become fascinated and have the strong urge to stare at them and have to try really hard not to do so— if I followed my instinct, I would wind up acting like when a random baby is staring at you for 10 minutes in line at the store and you’re like why is it doing that kek. I usually wind up sneaking really quick looks when I feel like they won’t notice. These types are so rare to see, when I do see one my adrenaline starts going crazy. I saw a Chinese girl at a protest recently with a very short men’s hair cut in an oversized plaid jacket who was really quiet and kept to herself. I moved a few rows behind her so I could peek at her. Luckily no one caught me, everyone was too focused on looking for the president’s motorcade.
I guess the normal suggestion would be to say hello and talk to her but I don’t understand myself or what my fascination is about so I would definitely come across as weird. Plus she looked like a loner type that wouldn’t want to be talked to.
Anyway, how people choose to dress and style themselves is none of my business, but I wish there were more women like that around because seeing them adds a bit of excitement to my dull life, but then again, maybe I would get used to it and it would stop being special.
Are other people like this? What is my deal and why am I reacting like such a freak to something so mundane?
No. 1942700
>>1942693I don’t think it’s sexual, they just make me excited and I want to look at them. I know that makes no sense.
I suppose I explained it badly. It’s when I see someone and think “is that a teenage boy/young man?” and then it’s actually a woman, that’s what makes me excited. Then I fight my internal “baby in a shopping cart” instinct to stare at them like they’re the most interesting thing in the world. I just hope and pray I’m being subtle and unnoticed because this is seriously embarrassing behavior I can’t shake.
No. 1942864
>>1942854>>1942858Please don’t become teachers.
>>1942861Okay true but also please don’t be a teacher it’s not that personal
No. 1942945
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Is it normal to suddendly feel attraction/ sexual chemistry with people while in a loving long term relationship?
No. 1942974
>2 whole red bell peppers (preferably female)> 5 red Serrano peppers or 7 whole Fresno chili peppers (they look like the little red jalapeno peppers)> If you want to add a smokey flavour, use 2 dried Chipotle peppers.>4 cloves roasted garlic>4 cloves raw garlic>2 tsp (tsp = teaspoons) cumin seeds>2 tsp coriander seeds>2 tbsp (tbsp = tablespoons) freshly squeezed lemon juice>1 1/2 tbsp tomato paste>1 tbsp virgin olive oil (plus more for storage)>1 & 1/4 tsp saltProcess:
1. Roast the red, and chili peppers under the broiler of my oven (a few minuets each side until the skin has blackened, then place them in a bowl covered in plastic wrap to steam for a few minutes, before peeling and cutting up. Peeling the skin eliminates their bitter notes, and steaming will bring out the sweetness of the peppers.
2. While bell peppers are roasting, pour the spice seeds into a pan and heat over medium, stirring constantly, for a few minutes until they are toasted and fragrant. Be careful not to burn them, it happens fast.
3. As soon as the seeds are toasted, remove them from the skillet and pour into a spice grinder. Grind the spices to a powder. Reserve.
4. Place the roasted peppers in a food processor along with the 4 roasted and 4 raw garlic cloves, ground spices, tomato paste, lemon juice, olive oil, salt and chopped soaked chipotles.
5. Process the ingredients, scraping the sides of the food processor periodically, until the mixture is thick and smooth. Add a little more olive oil for a more liquid texture, if desired. The mixture will be very spicy, if you want it to be even spicier you can add in more of the reserved Fresno pepper seeds. Make sure you use gloves when you touch these spicy ingredients.
When ready to store, place in a sealed container and top with a rather thin layer of extra virgin olive oil. The oil on top will help preserve the sauce. Store in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks.
No. 1942995
>>1942993>If you get a nosejob you shouldn't ever have childrenOnly on LC.
>>1942994Yeah me. It wasn't that serious kek. These types of conversations are why I keep it to myself though.
No. 1943000
>>1942995genuine question if someone hates their genetic appearance so much to the extent where they'd have it surgically removed, why would they have a child who's going to be born with features similar to what the plastic surgery receiver was born with? Also, I never said nose job specifically, I already shared with you that thats simply the first thing I thought of. But really, if anyone has any kind of plastic surgery then they're obviously suffering from
extreme mental illness, which should bar them from being a parent. Hating yourself so much to the point where you feel the need to get unnecessary surgery doesn't sound like an individual who'd be a very loving parent.
No. 1943016
>>1943011No nona, every day I personally interogate both my parents to deduce where my facial features originate from. It usually devolves into petty screaming matches where I demand to know why my eyes are 2mm farther apart than my mothers, or why my nose droop is more than 3 degrees off from my father. Why do my lips seem to curse slightly upwards by .5cm when my mothers droop by more than .7cm? I've scanned all available family albums, conducted vast research into my ancestral history, just to find out the answers: why do I look somewhat
similarly to my parents, but not the exact
same? As crazy as it is, it's like I have only half the looks of my mother and half the looks of my father… but I don't look exactly like either of them alone… The question keeps me up at night and I haven't found my answer yet… One day, I will!
No. 1943038
>>1943000I swear there was a case in Asia where someone got sued because the had extreme plastic surgery before the child was born, and the poor kid looked nothing like one of the parents. I always thought about ugly people getting surgery, hating themselves so much, but dont bring a kid into the situation. it's sad for them
>>1943029NTA I'm glad neither of my parents got plastic surgery. Like I'd feel betrayed if i found out my mom or dad got a nose job. My mom hated her mouth/big lips growing up because of how her own mother treated her, but I ended up getting the exact same face as her, like a copy paste. She grew out of the low confidence once I was born and that helped my own self confidence a lot growing up. Now imagine if she got some weird ass surgery before i was born. I really love my mother
>>1943035I feel like it's the same one or two anons posting this shit at the slightest differing opinion.
No. 1943065
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>>1943064No it's for real. The female ones are usually juicier and sweeter so it gives you a better flavour when you're processing it IMO. Male peppers are usually better for being cooked in stuff.
No. 1943078
>>1943072>What happens when the daughter ends up with a hooked nose that her mother thinks is 'ugly'Nothing? I think you're thinking too much about it
>>1943075Try to invite him over for something lowkey like trying a new wine or watching a movie, then during it just be really flirty and smiley and be direct after a while. Don't just say "I want to have sex." but say something like you think he's handsome or funny and be a bit touchy, like brush his hand and make eye-contact. He might get the message, if not just ask him if he wants to kiss, usually that will lead to more.
No. 1943079
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>>1943065Cool, yet another L for the male gender. I'll be eating only female peppers from now on to reinforce my commitment to female supremacy.
Women are in fact sweeter. Now, if only I could cook IRL moids….
No. 1943094
>>1943076Well since schools tend to start earlier than scientists recommend and women and girls naturally need more sleep than males, I understand how it could've worked for you.
In contrast I'd get around 7-8 hours sleep and could not stay awake at school.
No. 1943167
>>1942974Damn anon, thank you! This sounds delicious, I’ll definitely try it. Google says halal cart red sauce is harissa based but this recipe sounds really dope. I live in the Southwest so luckily I’m very familiar with roasting and peeling peppers lol.
>>1942994Not rhinoplasty but I had a medically necessary septoplasty and turbinate reduction in 2016 due to uncontrollable nosebleeds. Turns out I had a blood vessel directly over a bone spur and cauterizing it (nearly a dozen times in under 6 months!!!) didn’t work. It healed wonderfully but my front teeth hurt so bad for years afterward and the slight change in my facial looks really screwed with my BDD. I feel like my philtrum looks longer now and I can’t tell what the midline of my face is. Breathing was also pretty painful for the first few years and I was constantly using nasal saline because it felt really odd.
I’d never ever recommend nasal surgery unless absolutely necessary.
No. 1943171
>>1943167Kek the recipe I gave you is actually my recipe
for harissa, I was originally just gonna tell you the name of it but then I decided to be sweet and give you the whole recipe instead
No. 1943340
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Why does Facebook suggests my coworkers as people I might know if I did not indicate my workplace anywhere on my profile and my LinkedIn is also out-of-date?? So creeped out
No. 1943477
>>1943467 because their standards don’t stem from porn, it stems from their ridiculously facetuned ig model obsession too
the porn just makes them grossly overly sexual
No. 1943567
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Every time I go to the supermarket this woman who works there seems to watch me. WHY? I've wondered if she is looking at my brother who usually goes with me, but I don't think so. He had to interact with her once and she didn't seem into him, so now we both think maybe she is interested in me, or maybe she thinks I look weird and that's why she watches me? I don't know, I doubt I look suspicious or strange enough to get her attention every damn time we're there, but either way we're not going to that supermarket anymore because I hate feeling she's following me with her eyes. I'm a tist who wears Sailor Moon t-shirts sometimes when shopping there so maybe that's why she's watching me thinking I'm cringe
No. 1943848
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Can someone explain what is up with the red cows and the Third Temple?Not trying to racebait, I am just asking a question.
No. 1943973
>>1943943The first is a real idiom (and it basically means arrogance, believing your own hype) the second is 100% online and would be incomprehensible to normies (and it means convincing yourself of something you want to be true, but isn't).
I honestly wouldn't use either irl they aren't classy phrases even if they're useful kek.
No. 1944396
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Yall, how the FUCK do I remove this AI generated porn spam off my Facebook feed, yall? Every time I click on "do not show", more appear. I don't follow any pages even remotely similar, just my HOA, the town events page, my college alumni group, and buy and sell/free stuff groups yet it keeps appearing, even sandwiched in between Marketplace posts
No. 1944650
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Nonnaz, How bad would it be to start producing ragebait videos to get some of that sweet sweet cash?
No. 1944700
Not pirating but library apps like hoopla and Libby are good too.
No. 1945077
>>1945059Maybe not a redflag but it’s worrisome because it makes you a target for men that would want to take advantage of you. I would try a disability centre or women’s support group. There’s the friend finder in /g/ but I would be cautious.
>>1945053 Check for blood, pain, tearing. Also please stop trying to break that, you at risk for infection down there.
No. 1945083
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Do long sleeve surfer bikinis make you look like a poser when you're not a surfer? I like the sporty look and coverage.
No. 1945115
>>1944709Yes. You might be having a reaction to the antibiotics. Antibiotics are notorious for causing stomach issues but imo it’s weird that it suddenly became worse. If you don’t go, try to get some pedialyte or other electrolyte drink in you and call the doctor who prescribed the antibiotics or even the pharmacist in the morning for advice.
I hope you start feeling better soon!
No. 1945134
>>1945119NTA but are you underage or do you just have no understanding of your own anatomy for some weird reason? A hymen “breaking” isn’t common unless it’s abnormally thick; they generally gradually stretch out. If you can comfortable use tampons or insert two fingers sex likely won’t be painful if you’re aroused.
I really don’t think you’re ready to be having sex yet and need to familiarize yourself with your own body first. If you are really determined to have sex, please only do it with someone you know and trust and ask him to stop if you’re in pain or just not into it. USE A CONDOM and be safe, anon.
No. 1945148
>>1945119Depends on what you’re doing to break it and if you disinfected your fingers or whatever you use to break it. Why not just use a lot of foreplay to relax your muscles and break it during your first time
>>1945128I was only trying to help.
No. 1945212
>>1945134Nta but now I'm confused too because
>>1945128 says it's common and I've seen other women online say the same thing (am not underaged either, just sheltered and uneducated kek)
No. 1945290
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are there people who genuinely believe the things that redpill podcasters (pearl, andrew tate, whatever, fresh&fit, etc) say, or does everyone know it's all a grift
No. 1945323
>>1945319Am I sure that Jesus died and rose 3 days later? No. I have faith, and faith is the most important attribute. I have faith in my statement that 30-40% of the population borders on clinical retardation. Especially scrotes. If 50% of the population is scrotes, then the 30-40% I mention leaves a generous 10% for non-retarded scrotes, which even then is very generous.
>>1945310I think it's low production costs coupled with how many people watch it/how much $$ it brings in for Netflix. I personally don't watch it because I'm not slow but I was surprised by how many of my old coworkers watched it religiously and actually found it funny.
No. 1945372
>>1945368>Why are people between age 30-50 considered old?Nobody actually considers them old besides chronically online Zoomers or Millennials obsessed with being 18 forever.
>If someone dies between age 30-50, they are said to die young?Most people die of old age around 70 or 80, so if you die before then you die "younger" than you were "supposed" to die.
No. 1945458
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Why does AI always give people the exact same face? If it was trained on a multitude of images, shouldn't it at least give different facial features and expressions?
Picrel, someone posted this creepy ass image on a sub for AI girls. It got over 600 upvotes even though everyone looks exactly the same. Look up other images of AI and you'll see that all the generated women, girls, and children look like this too.
No. 1945669
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Why am I still a size 14, despite being a BMI 20?
No. 1945705
>>1932945Yes, they're still half Asian and half white
(50% asian + 50% white) + (50% asian + 50% white) = 25% asian + 25% white + 25% asian + 25% white.
No. 1945724
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What am I supposed to do when I wake up with anxiety? Help please
No. 1946045
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Is picrel true? I'm a bit annoyed by the use of "need" since it's not like sleep or food.
No. 1946112
>>1945502No, that advice only applies if you're a BPD mess who begs for attention 24/7 and constantly grovels at your moid's unwashed feet for validation. If your moid thrives on this sort of neediness he's ready for the noose, so go find yourself a better one. If both of you are functional, non-retarded humans, just be normal, nobody likes being ignored.
>>1946045It might be true for little kids, but not for adults. Your picrel makes it sound like they're talking about child development, where kids do need lots of contact with their parents to develop properly.
No. 1946380
>>1945724You establish rituals that focus on calm. So every morning, you would make an effort to have a cup of chamomile tea, and while sipping it, focus on your breathing and relaxing individual muscle groups. If focusing on yourself is too big of a step at first, then start with watching a relaxing video like birds at a bird feeder. That way, when you wake up stressed, as soon as you start walking towards the kitchen, your body starts getting rid of the stress chemicals because it knows that you wouldn't be performing the ritual if there was actual danger.
Or, in a quick pinch, you start running/jogging. You go until you can't go anymore and then your body is tricked into thinking that you outran the danger and calms down.
No. 1946477
>>1946468>When you're always thinking about the next time you'll 'party.'>When you spend more money than you'd like to on 'partying,' or it's interfering with your other financial responsibilities.>When you only have friends that 'party.'>When you forgo important life events, e.g., hobbies, job advancements, travel, to continue to 'party.'>When 'partying' has an adverse reaction to your health.It's a slippery slope. I've known some people that like to get shit-faced for the whole weekend then go to work for the whole week, other people that go on benders once a month, some that smoke a little bit of pot every night, etc., and at the end of the day whatever they're doing works for some and doesn't work for others. I think those 5 points I mention are useful in deciding if what you're doing stops being just "parting" and becomes substance abuse. It's cute to use drugs and stuff when you're a young adult, but I've known people in their late 20s that still spend 1/2 their pay cheque on drugs (and then get angry and wonder why they can't move out of their parents house kek)
No. 1946702
>>1946661So many things give you cancer but general things to do, bear in mind a big part of some cancers is genetic.
Food (avoid)
High in 'bad' fats
Highly processed (crips and so on)
From chernobyl
Red meat
Food with cigarettes in (be careful of france)
Don't smoke, don't drink, stay away from fire.
Regular checkups are one of the best ways to prevent a developing cancer but only rich people do that.
No. 1946727
>>1946661there's no surefire way to avoid it.
main causes are age, smoking, sun exposure, smoke expsoure, alcoholism, bad diets and carcinogenics in your environent. but there's no miracle diets or special trick that will allow you to eliminate the risk.
if avoid smoking, excessive drinking and tanning and too puch red meat you'll definitely have mitigated some of the risk but even people with healthy lifestyles can get it.
it's a horrible disease but many cancers are treatable if caught early, so it's important to do regular checkups.
No. 1946749
>>1946699No. If I wanted to die I would choose a quicker and more painless method.
No. 1947243
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Any nonas who learned to drive later in life? I'm 29 and I still can't drive but have been thinking about learning it.
Cars and driving literally terrifies me though.
People who try to be supportive of me learning to drive will say things like "it's ok, nobody is judging you if you make mistakes!" only to then turn around and cuss out a storm over seeing a practice driver go a bit too slow, calling them truly vile things. It stresses me out knowing that pretty much every other driver is going to be that hateful towards me while I learn.
I'm scared of borrowing a car to practice driving and breaking and/or damaging it from making a mistake. I literally cannot afford it. Or to accidentally hurt or kill someone if I fuck up really big. I already have such a poor sense of spacial awareness of my own body, how am I supposed to not hit things with a massive car when I can't even walk past a table without bumping my leg into it? I can't imagine driving anywhere that isn't basically a straight road forwards. Just thinking about driving is making me tear up from stress, I feel like I'm too cursed with anxiety to ever learn it. I wish I had learned it when I was younger just because people will excuse a teen for being a bad driver and having anxiety but they have less compassion for adults.
No. 1947270
>>1947163Ntayrt but at least in my country “just laying there” will make the courts believe that you consented. Plus most rapes in the middle of nowhere end up in murder regardless because the
victim is likely to have seen the attackers face etc. Being a coquette won’t save you from shit.
No. 1947287
>>1947243Anon, I had a big fear of driving/cars to the point I genuinely thought I would never get my license. I don't really have good advice for overcoming it because unfortunately for me I was bullied into learning by a shitty ex, so it was kind of forced exposure therapy for me. Which I guess worked, I was still a nervous wreck when I started but it eased up over time. Even now I try to only drive in situations I'm more comfortable in (no high traffic areas/times, no bad weather conditions, no night driving, if I'm driving other people it can't be more than one and they have to be quiet) if possible. However, the only thing that ever comforted me before that was a therapist telling me that it's fine if I never learn to drive, plenty people don't and they manage. There are busses, and if not there's Uber, there's carpooling, bikes, etc. Hearing that other adults get by just fine with only a little difficulty/inconvenience made me feel less shameful about it. Wishing you the best anon. Do you have any calm friends you trust to be good drivers that you can just chill in the car with while they drive, or who can chill in the car while you practice? Not being driven around or accompanied by a stress-inducing maniac did help me be more comfortable with cars. As for the judgment of others, something I read a long time ago stated that people get so mad when driving because it's basically anonymous. They usually can't see you, and you usually can't see them so no one will judge them for getting so pissy either so they don't have to hold back. They see a car, not a person, while on the road. They're not thinking "Anon Doe is such an idiot" they're thinking "fuck that Honda Accord just cut me off" idk if that's comforting at all though. I'll admit my feelings do get a teensy bit hurt if other drivers ever honk at me lol
No. 1947304
>>1947243Driving can make you very anxious, but it can also be very fun. Driving lessons are pretty affordable, but if you feel too nervous to start with that, use exposure therapy on yourself. Borrow/rent a golf cart, or even go to the go kart track. This gives you experience operating a motor vehicle that you're in control of, but with very low stakes.
Plus, new drivers don't start on the highway, you start on back country roads where there are barely any other drivers and people go slower. This allows you to get comfortable to how a car responds while at low speeds with no people before making things gradually harder by doing things like cruising around a sleepy suburb. Another tip is to practice late at night. The later it is, the fewer people are driving so you have less interactions.
No. 1947437
>>1947243I was scared of driving on my own despite getting a license as a teen and it really is a mental issue, regarding fear or lack of faith in your own judgment imo. The only way to build your faith in yourself and your skills is to start driving more like doing small trips and then building up to doing what scares you the most. For really dangerous things you need to learn (like on the highway) do practice more with a friend as much as you feel until you're comfortable.
>People who try to be supportive of me learning to drive will say things like "it's ok, nobody is judging you if you make mistakes!" only to then turn around and cuss out a storm over seeing a practice driver go a bit too slow, calling them truly vile things.I grew up around people with road rage too and honestly, you have to learn it's not a big deal to piss other people off if you're learning. If you start to drive in less busy areas, you won't be pissing off many people. And then you can get used to driving faster so you won't piss most people off. Driving is a skill you can improve in, unless you truly have a kind of disability in which it is not safe for you to drive.
No. 1947625
>>1947287>Do you have any calm friends you trust to be good drivers that you can just chill in the car with while they drive, or who can chill in the car while you practice? No, I wish I had! The only friend I'd trust to be calm also can't drive (she has seizures from time to time so she's legally not allowed to to drive but unlike me has a
valid excuse)
>>1947304>Driving can make you very anxious, but it can also be very fun.I've had a few driving lessons (years ago at this point, with friends/family) and I hated every second of it, I didn't find fun at all.
>Another tip is to practice late at night. I like this tip, only problem is I'm obviously not allowed to practice alone and I can't imagine anyone in my life would be willing to stay up just let me practice driving.
>>1947437>Driving is a skill you can improve in, unless you truly have a kind of disability in which it is not safe for you to drive.I kinda feel like my anxiety may literally be a disability from how much it hinders me. But I don't know how to get over it when real people's lives or years of debt is at stake at every mistake. It's not like I'm making the "threats" up!
I think I'm also scared over the fact that I know everyone around me will see me as an incompetent mess for not being able to drive right. My dad gave me a driving lesson once and all I remember is "never do X thing, you'll break the car" and I can't even remember the context, just that he told me that and how anxious it made me.
No. 1948208
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Should I get more than one type of tampon per menstrual cycle? The first 4 days of bleeding I literally bleed through the tampon but by day 5 I have not much left, yet I still use the same "super abundant" type, and it's kind of dry. Also should I feel bad about liking applicators? I feel like they contribute to micro plastics way too much but it's easier and less messy to insert
No. 1948275
>>1948208If you feel like you're wasting it or it's uncomfortable sure.
I use two different types of pads on my cycle. The expensive foam super absorbent ones the first day or two, then some cheap store brand ones the other couple days.
No. 1948383
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>>1948376Does it include Internet ads?
No. 1948452
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how do asian people eat this disgusting shit
No. 1948508
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nonnies nonnies, who's this hunk and what's this show??????
No. 1948534
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>>1948508>>1948509samefag nonnies, the lady stayed on the metro long enough for the other character to mention his name, its Kalix from the Rain in Espana
No. 1948610
>>1948596Silent treatment shit is at best an immature way of handling conflict and at worst, yeah, i'd say it's
abusive. Particularly if it's done in parent/(non-adult) child relationships.
No. 1948620
>>1948596>Was it somewhat abusive or was it a normal reaction to being hurt?It can be both because she's only human but also she's the parent and she shouldn't be getting her feelings hurt by you, her child. If you ever said anything actually hurtful her reaction should be to talk it out with you because kids need to learn why you shouldn't say hurtful things. I guess it depends on what you said and how old you were. Some people aren't mature enough to be good parents when the time comes, and some kids are unintentionally incredibly vicious with their words (I'm guessing that's not you but I don't know you).
A couple times I said some hurtful things to my mom and I could see they cut deep and afterwards she didn't talk to me (or anyone, outside the necessary niceties for a while). I was only a tween but I understood I went too far. She was prone to depression so silent treatment was not special it was her norm, it might not be the same for you. I felt pretty bad, we had a pretty bad life and I was being a nasty little hormonal shit while she was the only one holding it all together. I didn't consider her
abusive for that at all, just human.
or maybe it just didn't bother me so much because her depression made her neglectful which was a bigger problem. It's all highly situational, probably no one else can tell you if that was
abusive or damaging to you except you.
No. 1948808
>>1948800Some oldies I've found do get mad at the idea of changing jobs, my grandmother got annoyed at my brothers girlfriend changing jobs. (even though it was a classic new manager ruins everything situation)
Is she any type of traditionalist or conservative? It's a talking point among them that the new generation (z and milen) change jobs too much.
You could ask her?
No. 1949107
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What’s the evolutionary benefit to oily skin and why is it more common for Mediterranean people to have it? Furthermore, why are we both greasy AND hairy?
No. 1949121
>>1949107Grease is a natural barrier against water loss. If your face is dry your body might overproduce oils to match up.
Some ethnicities probably evolved to protect against dry or harsh weather. Or maybe even sea salt in the air but that's pure speculation on my part
No. 1950172
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I want to go blonde/light pink but my hair is jet black and I'm cool toned (bright winter colorimetry). Can a person with dark features such as myself pull off lighter colors? I know my og hair color looks best but I want to get an interesting hair dye and bright colors like fuchsia and royal blue draw too much attention
No. 1950531
>>1950514Thanks anon, I need to hear that.
I just feel like such a weirdo stalking him when he won’t even reply and then I guess that shame spirals into a cycle of stalking then feeling bad.
No. 1950794
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Who are these girls?
No. 1950836
>>1950833And do you think that I’m
valid to want to break up with him over this?
No. 1950847
>>1950835Men don't have high standards when it comes to sex. It's like when straight men have sex with women they don't really feel attraction to but want to coom.
>>1950836If it bothers you and you feel you won't be able to get past it then sure.
No. 1950871
nonnie. I’ll take this into account. He’s the best guy I’ve been with in other ways but I think this is just too big of a dealbreaker for me.