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No. 1923647
This thread is dedicated to all and any fandom discourse.
Current topics include, but are not limited to:
> Proshipping vs Antishipping> Ao3 Censorship and TOS> Sapphic Underrepresentation in Fandom> Carrds, DNIs and Call-out Threads> Whitewashing vs Blackwashing> ‘[Insert Sexuality]-Coded’ Characters> Sapphic vs Fujo Misogyny AccusationsPrevious:
>>1904259 No. 1923660
>>1923647Tag yourself, nonnas ♥
I’m fred because I’m also in a queerplatonic relationship with my beloved nonnies here ♥
No. 1923670
File: 1710368224277.png (512.41 KB, 1497x784, queerplatonic is some heavy re…)

>>1923665I think it's meant to be that only Daphne and Velma fuck
No. 1923682
>>1923654I try to be a good conscientious person but artists like picrel
trigger my bullying instincts. I want to slam her into a locker and pour sour milk in her backpack.
No. 1923707
>>1923660im scooby. i never existed.
>>1923670kek the filename
No. 1923726
I fucking cackled at the threadpic nonna, great choice. Scooby better be the one driving the Mystery Machine, he's the most responsible adult in the group.
>>1923667Lesbians= holding hands and giggling while on a date at the aquarium. The artist seems to have a slightly stunted social life going by this pic and probably thinks that lesbian is another word for friend.
No. 1924069
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>>1924058there are more screens scattered through the art salt and youtube thread
No. 1924289
>>1924283>>1924284Like on one hand she got a point about the porn-addiction aspect of it all, and on the other hand 2nd Nonna is right about the Japanese not having this issue but I think that's sincerely a cultural difference because Japan's still in the "tomboy" phase and hasn't gotten to "gnc" and then "tif" phases of cultural degradation.
I'm just saying you can't get to here without blurring gender lines back there.
No. 1924305
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>>1924296The fact they hyperfocus on yaoi and not on YA smut novels that are 10 times more popular and harmful proves they are tradthots.
No. 1924311
>>1924305YA novels are about the same level as yaoi. It's both harmless and focusing on one vs the other is dumb since there are wholesome YA and BL stuff too. It's not all degen (and some stuff in that pic isn't that bad, just cringe and lacking context).
No. 1924330
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>>1924328ugh are you this sperg again? glamourizing women getting abused isnt a guilty pleasure, it's disgusting and indulging in something millions of women go through every day. Its not quirky and hot, it's disgusting.
No. 1924336
>>1924330>picYou're obviously one of the spergs in the pic kek. I'm saying you're incorrect saying it's all abuse and is the same as the people who sperg about yaoi. Don't continue this stupid infight you're mad you got banned for. If you can't help but get upset over people disagreeing ree fandom and media, stick to the containment thread.
>>1924334Stop infighting over opinions.
No. 1924354
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>>1924346>>1924337Okay, what are your thoughts on her observation (from someone not in the fandom) about how men in slash seem like "women in drag," where it's clearly from her perspective a "heterosexual coupling"?
No. 1924356
>>1924296Every yaoi girl I knew back in the 2000s is now some flavor of tif. Every single one. Most of them transitioned in the early 2010s. Some have detransitioned. There was definitely a yaoi tif boom.
Also, there are definitely Japanese tifs but they're lesbians, not fujos. Lesbians hate themselves over there but fujos do not. Japan is a fujo-positive society where fujos live fulfilling lives and do not need to transition. Most Japanese fujos will go their whole lives without ever meeting a gay man. So they never have that moment of cognitive dissonance where they realize gay men are human. They never have to wonder whether fantasizing about gay men raping each other is possibly homophobic. So they don't need to transition in order to relieve the cognitive dissonance the way Western fujos do.
I know this isn't the place to discuss homophobia against males. I only care because homophobia against males always ends up negatively effecting lesbians, too.
No. 1924373
>>1924360>>1924361>>1924363nta but you know that's not what she meant. I watched the video, and she mentioned that she's read both straight erotica and slash fiction. To her, it's obvious that the designated bottom acts like a woman and the sex is exactly like a straight romance erotica.
>>1924368That's kind of true though. Men who are attracted to hypersexual, pornified displays of femininity have pseudo-bisexual leanings.
No. 1924378
All of this seems cope from a woman with internalized misogyny. The average, real woman is already an idealized idea of a woman. We are forced to shave, dress nicely, smell nice, be fit, etc to be consumable objects for moids. Yaoi boys just live in a world where moids are held to the same standars as women. That doesn't make them women, but pickmes like
>>1924283 ,who put on lipstick for a thumbnail, cannot wrap their heads around a civilization where, gasp, moids are held to isane standars?! wow why would women fantasize about hot men looking good for her?! must be because she's a lesbian.
No. 1924387
>>1924382who cares if hot sociopathic men fuck eachother in the ass with a knife handle? it's not comparable to straight smut where women get abused. Also
>caring about scrotes being abused in fictionkek
No. 1924416
>>1923647They just copy and pasted the bios because both daphne and velma say dating velma kek.
No. 1924466
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>>1924283Alright, let's not discuss any aspects of specially male shipping, but there is an interesting observation she made about women who read and write fan-fiction in general. While people who read and write fan-fiction will be a minority of the general population, they will be slightly more represented in academia and journalism. This is because reading that much requires a level of patience and intelligence, but also neuroticism. Neuroticism isn't a bad thing per se, a lot of intellectual people are neurotics. Also this poor normie woman had to read both ABO shit and the worst types of het stuff, so give her a break.
No. 1924526
>>1924357Incredibly based. Women who make and consume yaoi will never not be based. No amount of b-but they're going to became TIfs pearl clutching will change that for me.
Irl butt pirates gtfo. TIFs gtfo. Misogynist tradthots claiming yaoi makes women into TIFs gtfo. Lying tradthots who claim they care about women turning into TIfs but also feel squicked out by men being degraded in the place of women because yaoi is icky gross and weird since it makes moids look turbo gay gtfo. Pickme moid defenders gtfo. Fuck off and tell the truth; you need to protect your speshul super straight no gay moids. All can gtfo. Male defenders gtfo with your excuses, stop tearing mentally ill women down for their interests and shaming them under the guise of protecting and helping them. You don't care about that, you care about men being degraded so gtfo. The baseline point is yaoi humiliates and degrades moids and it's made by women for women, what's there not to like?
(fujo derail) No. 1924590
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This is blogging on my part (and it will sound beyond stupid) but liking yaoi as a teenager is one of the things that saved me from becoming a gendie. Basically, I saw that only women (and mostly straight ones) liked yaoi like me, so my stupid 14 yo ass connected the dots and felt relieved that it's a woman thing that has like a 99% female demographic.
In general, fandom women (and not just some fujoshi) saved me from feeling alienated by other girls… anyone else ever felt in this situation?(fujo derail)
No. 1924602
>>1924590The only thing yaoi did to me as a teen was make me feel comfortable with being a tomboy and accept my attraction to women but that was just me flocking to a thing that already represented what I was feeling at that time.
I'm not into yaoi anymore though. It's been many years since.
No. 1924611
>>1924590It did that for me too since I was a closted lesbian and felt way too uncomfortable reading moid drawn yuri and wanted more nuanced and better written stories so I picked up yaoi
and ai no kusabi was the first anime I watched on YouTube kek the mid 2000s fujo scene was so comfy and fun countless fan translations nonas ripping obscure yaoi vns,bl cds,fan fictions and making art it was all so fun to engage in but not even once I self inserted myself into the uke nor questioned my gender. I only had a gendie phase when I was told I was abnormal for being a women who liked women so i assumed then maybe if i turn into a man that would mean I'm normal i woke up real quick when I realized I was being retarded and I can be a women liking women.most nonnas seem to forget that most tifs are gay so it's internalised homophobia that affects them and fucked societal pressures on women that makes them confused over their gender not fucking 2d drawn men fucking each other
No. 1924643
>>1924611I wish that happened to me, I'm a lesbian as well and seeing two guys going at it does nothing to me, so since the majority of women and female spaces in fandom are mostly about yaoi or male characters for obvious reasons, I have always felt alienated. I find very hard to connect to other women in fandom due to not caring much about men.
There are m/m ships and male characters I enjoy, but they're never my favorites. Thanks to them I'm able to connect a bit with other women, but it's still very lonely and it's just not the same (plus most of my followers ended up being moids since I talk/draw female characters a lot, I wish I could post dicks here and there to shoo them away kek).
I'm glad it helped the majority of women to find a space though. I hope TIFs aren't runing it too much.
No. 1924650
>>1924596AYRT Personally I was talking about the alienation I felt IRL. That said, I loved magical girls anime but at the same time I figured out that most online fans were perverted males and that you'd run across porn of the magical girls sooner or later, so sadly I avoided it until I grew a little older. Moids strike again tbh.
>>1924602>>1924611Yeah, that all makes sense to me. Even if yaoi is about men, it's still a genre for women and by women, so if back then lesbian teenage girls would rather read yaoi than moidy yuri it was understandable. Also in terms of anime it was even worse afaik: there were a few exceptions but most yuri anime was for moids. Gravitation, Yami No Matsuei, etc, all those popular early 2000s yaoi must have been a superior option for homosexual anime romance than some 80s OVA with mecha and "lesbian" school girls…
>>1924617It's true and also you reminded me just how ever changing the fandom rules of trans people are. Like you said, liking yaoi was bad and for lame women so omg only bara is for us heckin real men. Nowdays on the other hand liking any kind of fandom romance (but especially gay ones) is a sign you're just a smol egg. Propaganda at its finest honestly. I wonder how things will change once again in 3 years…
>>1924631In general fandom puts so much scrutiny over what women do… and I don't even mean shit like liking shota: If you step into male or general spaces you'll see het shippers get called insane and fanfiction gets mocked to hell and back.
Idk how fujos got at the bottom of the fandom bullying pyramid scheme though. In Japan the term fujoshi was coined by male otaku who hated them and hated yaoi, so obviously it's some kind of misogyny. Plus some fujos are very sensitive and tend to overreact which makes them perfect for bullies.
No. 1924669
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>>1924283I wonder how she'd respond to something like the moid fandom and preoccupation with characters like Astolfo. A dude with a girl's face, hair, and clothes. Sometimes he gets drawn as having broad chest and lean muscle mass with a huge schlong. Sometimes he gets drawn with a small dick and soft gestures with wide hips making him almost entirely female-coded besides the penis. All the while moids try to draw the line on how gay all of this is.
My take is we are observing the spectrum of autogynephilia and how it is experienced subconsciously (how many are truly aware of what they are doing when they choose how this character is drawn-no clue).
No. 1924676
>>1924650>AYRT Personally I was talking about the alienation I felt IRL. That said, I loved magical girls anime but at the same time I figured out that most online fans were perverted males and that you'd run across porn of the magical girls sooner or later, so sadly I avoided it until I grew a little older. Moids strike again that sucks
nonny, i was speaking from my experience too. My two friends in MS were shoujo fags so it was really hard to relate to them or talk about anime with them because our tastes were so different, it was nice to go home and talk to other retarded south park fujos on DA kek
No. 1924829
>>1924816What do you gain from refusing to acknowledge that CSA is an extremely sex-targetted attack, with females making 70% of all CSA
victims? you are a fucking ignorant retard.
No. 1925023
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>>1925005i am so pissed off. It's so obvious it got watered down to be safe for modern sensitive moids that think a hot goth dude with makeup and long hair is 'gay'
No. 1925031
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>>1925026so true, long hair and make up is gay as shit, retarded nipple tattoos are whats cool now
No. 1925033
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>>1925023>>1924970I get the feeling moids are just somehow even uglier now.
No. 1925038
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>>1925034i cant get over it, the more i look at it the worse it gets. It screams ''trying to be cool for modern insecure scrotes that think wiping their ass is gay'' the tatoos, the disgusting hairstyle, the lack of anything resembling 'goth'. I am so, so tired of the world catering to moid's temper tantrums.
No. 1925040
>>1925023Why do we keep getting baldies, I am so tired, I just want long haired actually good looking men. Every women we see in movies is a model but the men keep getting baldier and uglier. Fuck this shit.
>>1925028Yeah I have only seen that ship as crack. Zuko/sokka is quite popular though but I don't think they have any chemistry, so they always get ooc to work. Zuko/jet are not as popular as I expected, guessing cus they wouldn't live happily ever after
No. 1925052
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No. 1925081
>>1925044that's not baiting. it's being cheekily sarcastic.
>>1925077just end this already, take it all to your Individual containment threads.
No. 1925091
>>1924669Interesting analysis, anon. I'd also like to add that human sexuality is a spectrum, and I don't mean it in the retarded gendie way. If you go onto a website like rule34 and look up the porn that gets made for any particular series. For just one cartoon you'll find people drawing yaoi-style gay, bara-style gay, lolis, adult aged females with massive mommy milkers, aliens, tentacles, robots, and then some good old fashioned heterosexual sex with appropriately sized body parts. I think it's fascinating to observe the entire range of human sexuality on display by what porn people draw.
>>1924673Hell yeah I'm gonna ship Mako and his brother
No. 1925583
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>miku binder thomas jefferson
It's funny how this trend from 10 years ago still survives today though
No. 1925585
>>1925569Saitama is probably the biggest baldo that gets stuff, I think.
I follow a husbandofag for him. She makes cute bald dolls.
No. 1925621
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Honestly? So true.
No. 1925805
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>stumble upon someone whining about how a character is undeniably a lesbian and how it's completely out of character for her to end up with a male character (regards of how the romance is well-executed)
>decide to look up the account and and it turns out the complainer is a certified troon
This has been my experience 9 out of 10 times. I'm sure there are some real lesbians who think a particular character seems gay to them, but in my experience it has always been some TIM who insists upon it, picrel was by a troon if you couldn't tell.
No. 1926280
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>>1922876Late reply, but I think picrel perfectly describes their thought process and resulting behaviors.
No. 1926687
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>>1926280While I don't disagree, I don't think I trust the guy in that screenshots opinions. He's a misogynistic "politics" guy
No. 1926703
>>1926692>>1926694NTA and nothing he's saying here
>>1926280 is interesting or profound, it's just "ppl think fiction = real!!!" every sane person thinks. It's not saying anything everyone else hasn't said before but literal smug redditoid posting.
No. 1926755
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>>1926718I'm not into saitama like that, but a lot of people also like his 'serious' face. Tbh, murata doesn't shy away from attractive men in general
No. 1926764
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>>1926755Murata uses yaoi as reference when he draws men, that's why they're like that kek. Men on Reddit are always sperging about the fujos and yumes in the OPM fandom but it isn't some mystery as to why they're there.
No. 1926862
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>>1926687I hate to agree him, but he's not completely wrong here either.
No. 1927071
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>>1926862>>1926280This is just RW schizo-babble like picrel.
No. 1927261
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>>1927254ofcourse not, that would mean they attract lesbians that are threatened by raw fat bald moids testosterone exuding bodies.
No. 1927286
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>>1927261funnily enough, he got into trouble with other RWers for his insistence that men being ugly is their own fault and they have no one to blame themselves for being fat.
No. 1927395
>>1924043>>1924301it doesn't matter if he troons out or not but trooning does serve as yet another get out of jail free pass for scrotes who groom children. their main pass being their dicks. i've seen scrotes groom children into porn addictions online (they call it EPI - early porn introduction) and they are still popular creators with a large platform they absolutely do not deserve. but god forbid a woman opens a private ao3 account, writes 1 slightly
problematic fic, and some asshole with a vendetta knows about it.
No. 1927437
>>1926862ignoring the moid and his points being about moids, but I do kinda agree that people see openly submissive sexuality as more palatable than anything more dominant/assertive, even among women/in female spaces (at least online). I'm not even talking about anything extreme either, I've seen very mild assertive female/audience stand-in nsfw by women be considered 'suspicious' and talked about like it's another red flag to add to the cancellation pile (god I'm so tired of the rabid and spastic antagonism in fandom these days, at least old school ship wars were more condensed and focused and actually funny)
(also, while my ramble obviously applies less to men in general– especially when it come to coom artists and their ilk– no one seems to be able to openly post sadistic/psycho 'dom' shit like a tim and get away scot free)
No. 1927552
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>>1924970as I posted in the celebricows thread, but I actually hope it does well, just so that maybe it could restart a real alt-trend with zoomers and convince men to dress goth and be fitter these days.
No. 1927555
>>1927552are you blind
nonny? the nu-eric isn't goth, he looks like the die antwood scrote.
No. 1927674
>>1927618nta but thank you
nonny for finally saying it, i felt i was going insane. Fucking blue checkmark scrotes always gotta drag simple basic statements even toddlers can understand into long ass fart sniffing threads.
No. 1927716
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>>1927618>>1927674tbf a lot of radfems have devolved into not trusting anything by the mainstream establishment or well-meaning neutral people, and as a result they have to recycle their takes from the crazies.
No. 1928189
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My man acting like killing stalking is euphoria kek.
No. 1928336
>>1928330They never held those beliefs to begin with. Everyone denouncing
toxic dynamics was secretly reading and writing those exact dynamics they denounced secretly and just virtue signaled on Twitter. Now that the group opinion has shifted, they're back to doing what they've always done, just openly now.
No. 1928341
>>1928336Samefag, okay maybe not everyone. At least 50% of them. Now that the opinion has flipped, some of the people who actually hate
toxic dynamics are now LARPing as the other side to fit in again. It's a push and pull cycle because female spaces heavily enforce conformity and people will lie to be included.
No. 1928358
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>>1928330Bad things are fine as long as no one points them out. If one of their friends turned on them they would probably use it to say something like "I've always known they're a freak because they shipped xy!!". But you can also say it's you coping with your own abuse or that you're "highly critical" of it.
Like, there was this artist that got dogpiled for drawing Hazbin characters pale, especially because Alastor is supposed to be black(?) but on the same day another artist posted a genderbent Alastor that was white and didn't get a single negative comment about it despite also receiving around 16k likes. It only takes one person to point it out and another to agree, that's how non-issues blow up
No. 1928411
>>1928330Sometimes this is because they've decided one or both members of a pairing are 'unacceptable targets' in their heads. So, sticking with your example, bakudeku is bad and unacceptable not necessarily because of their dynamic and issues, but because Deku is a perfect delicate cinnamon roll who can't be harmed and is who the person complaining about the ship being
toxic and
problematic probably fixates on or relates to the most (especially if they kin them kek). It's been talked about here before, but a lot of these fandom hypocritical crusaders often attach themselves too heavily to a given character and view 'harm' to the character as being harm to themselves. The key to having fun with all forms of fiction is keeping enough distance that you don't feel personally affected when something bad happens to a character, but invested enough that you still empathise with and feel the stakes/emotions the story is offering.
Some people also have (what can feel) weird priorities when it comes to morals in fiction– that's how you get the whole 'bakugo can't be shipped with deku because he was his bully' thing while they ship deku with one of the actual villains or something, because getting bullied is more relatable than getting brutalised by a nefarious literal supervillain.
No. 1928818
>>1928330They have no principles and the goalpost changes. I once knew a self-proclaimed "anti" who would tell people "trauma isn't an excuse to be a weirdo" when it came to survivors making
toxic ship content, but was into Hannigram and sexualized cannibalism. It's only okay if they do it or someone gives them "permission" to.
No. 1928888
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>>1928358oh my GOD I am so sick of the twitterfags screeching about Alastor’s skin color! Vivienne mentioned ONE time that Alastor is half-creole on his mom’s side. My dad’s side of the family is a mix of Creole and Cajun people from Louisiana, and I know firsthand that Creole people themselves can have all shades of skin tones, from light and pale to dark brown. And if he’s half white already, it’s not a stretch that he’d be a lighter skin tone or just a light tan color - it literally doesn’t matter! (Picrel is a random pic of Creole women, not my family)
No. 1928896
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>>1928888American wokies seem to think that if you have one non-white ancestor you are permanently non-white and they will literally refuse to accept any possible alternative. This often comes up with characters who are said to have Romani Heritage, as we talked about in the Twitter hate thread, they seem to believe that there are only four races in the world: white, black, Asians and 'brown' people and anyone outside that distinction (such as picrel) can't possibly exist.
No. 1929173
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>>1928330One of the strangest aspects of what you're describing is how they are completely fine with an evil character being a murderer or a rapist, but god forbid if they're racist, homophobic and especially transphobic.
No. 1929231
>>1929173They're like this OCs in non-fandom art communities. I saw one artist brag that her OC may be a redneck serial killer, but
at least he doesn't support the confederacy!
No. 1929232
>>1929187That's easy to say but impossible to happen, just look at this site.
Everything will be nitpicked because there's always something bad about liking it.
No. 1929270
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>>1929173Stuff like this feels like there's a weird pseudo equivalence going on. Murder or extreme violence are ok because it's fiction. Characters like the Joker are ok to like because he's an insane mass murderer. Also he's heckin based because he hates Nazis.
Issues like homophobia or racism are a bit too real so you can't even have a character who overcomes there prejudices without that character being unsalvageable or the author being thought of as phobic.
I guess it's relatability or lack of. Hard to put yourself as a
victim of some fantasy deathcamps, easy to relate to an average asshole you see day to day. It kinda messes up the whole perspective.
No. 1929333
>>1929270>>1929173It would be so easy to just not bring up the issue at all. Really, do you
need to explicitly know whether so and so villain is racist or not? Alternatively people could actually commit to writing nuanced villains who are evil despite their political views, or even making villains who are legit prejudiced, but most twittery types are way too afraid to do so (they'd probably get eaten alive for trying it, in all fairness)
No. 1929360
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the only villain i know of that can be a bit racist is manchester black, who is a superman villain and would non ironically be perfect for a new superman movie cause he hates superman in the same way people irl hate superman (boring, out of date, doesnt kill his villains)
>What is known includes insinuations that he was physically abused by his parents while growing up and has a hatred for people with "high moral concepts" who feel they are better than people like Black, who would do anything to survive. This hatred included superheroes who would only turn over captured villains to the police instead of killing them, which was the only way Manchester and the Elite felt villains could be dealt with. Black also claimed distant African and Korean heritage, but as he made these claims to justify his use of racist terms towards these groups, it is possible he was either lying or joking. No. 1929599
>>1929579Yeah, but that's one villain with his motivations and backstory, the guy in
>>1929173 character revolves around being a crime boss who is also a sexual sadist and enjoys torturing people. Why would anyone wanna make him as an LGBT ally
No. 1929674
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>>1929270>Issues like homophobia or racism are a bit too real so you can't even have a character who overcomes there prejudices without that character being unsalvageableThis reminds me of Barok van Zieks from The Great Ace Attorney.
When you are introduced to him all you know is that he's a ruthless prosecutor who's ridicously racist towards the japanese. Of course, since the very first moments you see him, the game implies there's more to his prejudice and, through the story, not only you learn about his benevolent nature but you actually see him become less and less of a racist also because the protagonist and his assistant are willing to help and listen to him, culminating with his apology and his will to become better.
However, despite the game making a big deal about how people change and how they can change for the better, a bunch of more extreme fans in the west think he's unforgivable and irredeemable and make it so being racist is all there is to him.
Funniest thing about this whole deal? In Japan, the country of the people he hates so much at first, he's been voted third most popular character in the game.
No. 1929783
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>>1928330This isn't limited to zoomers. Feminist Victoria Kith talked about this in her book, since the dawn of the sexual revolution, women were the most vocal against the increased sexualization and proliferation of raunch and filth in media. These women were labeled as 'prudes' or considered fundamentalists. I think what we're seeing with 'puritans' is the same label being put upon women who are simply trying to safeguard people from filth and raunch
No. 1929832
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Really sucks the isekai for women have been getting attention from fakebois and tims.
No. 1929843
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>>1929832Really headcannon two characters in a relationship as T4T, kek.
No. 1929886
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>>1929832>>1929843we discussed this in one of the earlier threads, but this is an issue I've personally seen in real time, TIMs infesting both Yaoi/Yume spaces and doing what they do, shipping the female characters and HC'd them as "dom mommies" and literally feminizing the male characters and the worst fact is that you can never say anything about it, if a TIM says 'x gives me transgirl vibes' you are not allowed to question him or you will be accused of twansphobia, it's kinda cringe to admit but this is what peaked me, seeing actual extreme coomers Incels get their way and no one seeming to realize it.
No. 1930091
File: 1710786405887.png (494.66 KB, 572x660, DFRVNVA.png)

How do you even reason with people this dead set in their retardation.
No. 1930117
>>1930099I agree honestly. I did see someone say that they should be using something other than a wheelchair so that's it's more fantastical, like riding a creature, which I also think would be nice.
In general I think people are right when they say that if you can handle magic in fictional universes, you can also handle disabled people, people who aren't white, etc…
No. 1930209
>>1929886>if a TIM says 'x gives me transgirl vibes' you are not allowed to question him or you will be accused of twansphobiaI've been in this situation several times and I literally just start ghosting the TIM before I get accused of anything. Never making the mistake of shipping shit with moid fans again because some of them troon out and start shoving the proverbial girldick on you already. You can't say "No, I'm not into that" or "No, I don't agree" or "No, that's not what's appealing to me about the character". Like that's what's fucking annoying about troons in fandoms. You can't even politely disagree with them about shit they just hate you. You don't even need to
TERF out when they eat other gendies alive for disagreeing with a trans hc.
No. 1930331
>>1930099It's fine as long as they do something fantastical with it, not something like a normal wheelchair.
Do some hover magic shit, steam punk spider vehicle, magic legs, something.
No. 1930419
>>1930333>>1930391Haven't encountered it personally since I've heavily pruned my friend group since but if handmaidens start handmaidening in my vicinity I'm going to start amputating them out of my life too. Literally wouldn't be half as bad if troons could take literally the most polite "no" without shitting and crying.
>Handmaidens do that egg shit now? Gross and sadYes, and sadly. Wish they'd just stuck to the TIF headcanons. Retards playing pretend and slapping pussies on whatever dude they're fixated on is easier to ignore. If you are actively ignoring popular transfem headcanons you'll just become a target.
No. 1930463
File: 1710808919921.png (649.23 KB, 640x640, GIx9JykWcAAH4Mq.png)

it's been a while since something obscure(ish)/not extremely mainstream i liked blew up so watching new age dungeon meshi fans do this to it is so jarring. i hate them all so much
No. 1930592
>>1922876>Why do these retards act like fictional characters are real peopleMy tinfoil:
I feel like it started out with normals being really, really insecure about liking cartoons/anime etc. So began adding meaning or overemphasizing some plot point to make it seem deeper than it actually is. But insecure people like this who need to justify their hobbies also tend to be the biggest assholes. So over the years they've taken over the mic and declared themselves as "leaders" of fandoms and pop culture. And the algorithm rewards these screeching controversial banshees so they feel extra validated on their asshole behaviors.
Not that anime/cartoons and vidya can't have meaningful plots, but you will still be considered a nerd or a dork for liking these things (with or without the 2deep4u themes). A well adjusted person won't give a shit and enjoy life; but the normalfag will shudder at the thought of some wanna-be chad making fun of them resulting in their erratic behavior.
No. 1930626
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I posted this in /m/ a while back, but I want to drop it in this thread because I think it fits here, too. I'm so, so tired of seeing canonically gay or lesbian characters being """headcanoned""" as straight troons. Or even straight couples portrayed as "T4T" for that matter, like the artists feel ashamed of liking a straight ship and therefore feel the need to troon the characters to signal that they're woke.
I'm tired of getting jumpscared with untagged PIV in same-sex pairing tags when I'm looking at ao3. And you're not allowed to push back against anyone's troon headcanons no matter how nonsensical (or even offensive sometimes) they are. You'll be watching a live action show where a character is played by a natal male actor and is shown shirtless, then you look at fanart and it's an avalanche of titchop scars. I've seen IPs where they literally show characters being born and growing up with no sign of transitioning still be headcanoned as trans. I've seen characters who are literally described as white in canon be drawn black. Headcanons used to involve people using actual logic to fill in gaps of information not provided by the canon narrative; things like the sort of music the character listens to, their height, etc. Now it's just another platform for virtue-signalling, an arms race to see who can have the most diverse, fashion-statement headcanons. It's a ritual that also involves denigrating anyone who draws the characters logically based on canon as "boring." There's no love for the source material anymore, to their point where you have to wonder why the fuck these people even consider themselves fans in the first place. To them, the characters are either vehicles for their ideology, and/or a blank slate they can project all their own shitty traits onto.
Internet politics and the over-commodification of IPs has ruined fandom culture, full stop. I miss when fandoms were cringey and irreverent.
No. 1930635
>>1930626did you draw this, nona? your blobs are very cute!
and i agree, it's very annoying that someone would get into a piece of media only to give gender/sexuality headcanons to the characters and then forcibly ship them like slamming two dolls against each other. like you don't care about the rest that piece of media has to offer? plot, genre, themes involved? it's so shallow and passionless.
people who hc live action characters should be publicly shamed. if i was an actress and my character had only fanworks displaying her as a tranny of sorts i'd shoot myself. you see the body of a normal, healthy human and your first instict is to pretend that human is the opposite sex. it's so bad when they do so based on stereotypes (a short man, a buff woman, etc.), that will only drive more people to troon out!
No. 1930638
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>>1930626your comic reminded me of picrel
No. 1930642
>>1930626Hardcore agree with everything. The annoying part about people's "headcanons" is that a headcanon needs to build from the canon and be supported by the unconfirmed implications of the canon. Like shipping is easiest to headcanon because if two characters are obsessed with each other you can headcanon that they are attracted to one another. But "modern" "headcanons" are literally just "Here's how I would re-write this
heathen show and increase my twitter clout while catering to my fetishes!" like shut the fuck uppp lmfao.
No. 1930652
>>1930635>people who hc live action characters should be publicly shamedi see this so much with characters played by manlet actors, literally any manlet character in existence, even if they would realistically be against tranny shit (or are '
problematic' in other ways), even if they're from historical settings where those HCs wouldn't be possible. short scrotes are like catnip for tifs. a few years ago they used to make 't4t' jokes too if the actor dated taller women (like tom holland with zendaya)
No. 1930975
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One of the best m/m fic authors in my fandom has transitioned, wouldn't care at all, if it weren't for the fact she's gone back and rewritten all of her explicit fics to be m/tif instead. Oh and she hasn't tagged any of these changes or made any authors notes mentioning them. The only differences are that any mention of his dick is replaced with a strap and when he's bottoming it's some weird euphamistic language like "folds" or "valley". The vast vast majority of fic readers are women (and a lot of them are fujocoomers) so I really don't know what she was hoping to achieve by stealth editing an existing work instead of republishing it or even adding it to the tags. Either way I'm irritated.
No. 1931124
>>1930626KEK if this is your comic then it's a work of art, thank you for encapsulating it so well (with a good analysis attached too!). would love to see your take on the f/f version of this should you ever feel like it, though tbf the "have lots of piv sex and get super pregnant" would pretty much stay the same. troons actually ruined fandom, and i wish they'd pack up their bizarre obsession with shoving in "breeding kinks" everywhere and just leave the rest of us alone.
>>1930975now that's mental illness at work. grim.
No. 1931199
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>>1931153I do think there's an interesting sociological aspect to the "fandomization of war" because I believe they care, but they're treating it like it's some bad fan-fiction and I don't think it's out of choice either, they're just so terminally online and wrapped up with fandom discourse that statements like picrel that are incredibly offensive and confusing to regular people are okay to make.
No. 1931211
>>1931153>>1931199And the fact that most of them have no idea how the conflict started and think Israel is bad for being "colonizers" or "Europeans anyway".
Besides, wasn't an artist called out as "racist" for drawing Miles from Spider Man holding a watermelon?
No. 1931249
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I find One Piece fujos to be the oddest branch of fujoshis, even weirder than South Park fujos. because if you remove the sexual content, One Piece like a series made for 8-year-old boys. The art is objectively awful and the "emotional portrays" are so cartoonish. this goes beyond just female fans and fujos. I don't even understand why men enjoy it either. I've seen clips of the rubber boy fighting as if it's a Tom and Jerry cartoon. and I can't even imagine a fully grown adult taking this seriously, unless they have severe mental retardation.
No. 1931251
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>>1931249one piece was included in this extremely juvenile take, because they're all adult-children that can't take any real complexity. they think some black-and-white good vs. evil plot is the most profound work imaginable, because they see themselves as the "good." it reminds me of a christian coworker i had who loved naruto because of how its childish teachings of being nice to your friends and working hard reminded him of his christian values, lmao.
No. 1931267
>>1931249Pirate sex?
Not enough made for adult sexy male pirates out there. There's a bunch of pirates people can draw as sexy.
My guess, at least. Haven't seen One Piece since I was a child.
There's a couple One Piece yume here, aren't there?
No. 1931271
Here's a weird ass phenomenon that I've noticed. This
>>1931251 could have been a text post but its an image to give illusion of effort. "I cannot understand why racist, fascist and homophobic people read stories with queer anti-racist themes, with lessons of equality and love". But that's too regular, isn't it? So this person thought what a good idea it would be to change this into a picture, because who doesn't love visuals? This person is neither a talented artist nor a talented writer, so in what way will he/she make him/herself sound more interesting and gain more online recognition? By making it relatable, is the answer. Bro literally drew a stickman but made it more humanoid and added a face on it, because who gives a shit about legs, really? We don't need them to convey a person's expression, a face is enough. And there has to be an inside joke line of course. By a inside joke line, I mean the "oh boy, I sure love these pieces of media" which I assume is a line they stole from Tom and Jerry. At least, one guy stole that from Tom and Jerry and the others parrot it as that's what has happened with language since the dawn of time. And there's also the animes he/she is talking about, but they're badly drawn. However, people who are in her circles or the people who have good enough pattern recognition know what she's (fuck it, I decided it's a girl now) referring to. And she's also talking about a heated issue (racism! homophobia! fascism! how tragic!) people will react emotionally to it. Oh. And because people like being included in things, by "getting" what she means, their natural desire to connect with others will be unconsciously
triggered and thus they will like or share or subscribe blah blah. It's a smart tactic. People like "getting" it.
>>1930638 >>1930626 That's why people like those two. A smart tactic. Humans are fascinating. But I don't think she even realizes it! I bet she hasn't thought as much about this as I have by looking at her drawing and neither have those who have liked, shared, subscribed blah blah. She just did it unconsciously. Ah, social media, a beautiful yet wicked creation. You think because you don't speak with anybody, you're not doing the "social" part, but in reality you do. Now you "get" it.
No. 1931278
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>>1931271You say this on a site where you're allowed to post an anime girl face just to convey tone.
No. 1931293
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>>1931271You're overthinking it anon
>>1931278I wish we'd use more dumb or reaction images with our pics, it is an imageboard after all.
No. 1931309
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>>1931153Reminds me of picrel from the autism thread
No. 1931319
>>1923670I had to look up what the fuck "queerplatonic" means and
>committed intimate relationships which are not romantic in nature.So…friends? They really had to make up a genderspecial term for being friends? jesus christ.
No. 1931362
>>1931251I mean half the time the queer, anti-racist themes are completely invented by the fandom, and 'racist, fascist, homophobic' describes someone who doesn't lick tranny axe wounds enough, or who likes the wrong fictional relationship between fictional cartoon characters.
>>1931319Can't feel special if you have a garden variety same-sex best friend, nonna. Queerplatonic aromantic asexual cuddlecore sapphic-coded enrichment datemate it is.
No. 1931429
>>1931304People don't care about canon anymore, they see every character as their own dress-up doll. I'm in a fandom where the creator is
problematic and there are people who genuinely think that if you care about OOC or being canon compliant that somehow means you agree with or condone the creator's views. People are just retarded now
No. 1931525
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Idk if this is a better fit for the celebrity thread, but I feel like I'm the only person under 35 who's fucking appalled by the way fans (or I guess former fans) treated Noah Schnapp, a gay jew, for being a Zionist. I saw so many violent threats against him out in the open on Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr. People circulating a fake article about him dying in a freak accident. It's insane, because before October last year, the fans were fiercely protective of him and proselytized Will/Mike shipping constantly. I know he's a scrote, but I feel genuinely bad for him. If thousands of people were willing me to die when I was 20, I probably would've had an emotional breakdown. Like why do fans even care what his stance on the middle east is? He's not a fucking politician, he plays a gay nerd in a sci-fi horror show.
I'm generally more sympathetic to the Palestinian civilians, but it's annoying that people think "Zionist" automatically equals "Netanyahu supporter." Zionism is just the belief that Jews need sovereign representation to protect them from atrocities. That's literally all it is. The fact that he actually capitulated to a harassment campaign full of violent threats and apologized for his opinion pisses me off. He shouldn't apologize for supporting the mere existence of a country he has a personal religious connection to. He can disapprove of the government's conduct without wanting the place where he had his bar mitzvah wiped off the map. I despise Netanyahu, I think he's evil and I'm furious at the wanton killing of civilians. But I don't think Zionism is evil, and I certainly don't think Jews should be threatened with death just for wanting a fucking homeland. Christ.
It's just another example of politics ruining fandom. I'm tired of this, it's sociopathic and entitled. People need to remember how to casually enjoy shit without shoehorning their politics into it or forming parasocial relationships with the people who work on it.
No. 1931600
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“Ship dynamics” and its just a man being tall and a woman being short
These blob arts are so desperate for easy likes that they dont even try anymore
No. 1931601
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>>1931590And Himmler would have loved fate stay night.
No. 1931631
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>>1926280decided to look him up and he's really something.
No. 1931642
>>1931586>>1931587>>1931637It's shorthand for authoritarianism.
There's lots of things to complain about ITT but I think the descriptor broadly fits as these regimes often made use of an us vs them rhetoric to rally the base. It's naturally exclusionary.
No. 1931835
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terf on tumblr explained this much better and far more succintly like 2 years ago, but her blog was nuked around the same time she wrote that post. I sadly don't have caps but she brought up the fact of how tumblr 12~ years ago built the current culture in leftist circles and how what we considered cringe twelve years ago are an untouchable holy cows now, like trans people that don't transition if neopronouns.
No. 1931855
>>1931271This is unintentionally the funniest post i’ve seen on here this year. I haven’t seen a paragraph oozing of intellectualism like this since deviantart. I’m so sorry you had to find out how people talk about their interests from tweets and not real life social interactions.
>>1931835I remember when kinning characters was a serious business on Tumblr and now it’s evolved to having DID and having alters of the characters. Straight TIFs also can’t just admit they find a male attractive or cool so now it’s “gender envy”. It’s the need to be special by rewriting really liking characters into being a poor oppressed neurodivergent queer.
No. 1931931
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>>1931601why do so many people romanticize the ugliest scrotes
No. 1931973
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>>1930117>people who aren’t whiteI hate how westerners are so uncreative and have this inability to look beyond Europe for inspiration. But I also hate this weird learned helplessness developed and cry when fictional cities don’t have the same diverse ethnic/racial composition of like NYC/London/Dubai etc and “waaah waaah when will Hollywood represent us properly!”
Sticking a
POC character into what is obviously a European based setting is so insulting unless it’s implied.
No. 1932117
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It’s so funny to me when people pick one of the most popular husbandos out there but then are like ‘NO SHARING I HATE SHARING!’
I guess it’s pretty typical behavior from kids though.
Also I find them husbandoing one of Vic’s characters but also saying you shouldn’t support her (for whatever reason) to be pretty hilarious.
No. 1932272
>>1932117This made me want to commit murder.
I'm a bit of a yume myself, but to get mad about 'sharing' is hilarious. What the fuck. You don't own the guy. Obviously others out there like him too. I like finding others who like my husbando because it's fun to talk to them. I swear these people are fucking delusional. And yeah sure, your name is totally aphrodite or angel…
'Special interest' kek. I feel bad because everyone is faking autism nowadays and the terms are starting to piss me the fuck off. I feel bad for actual autistic people out there.
The way this fool types pisses me off too.
'moots' 'um uh' ':3' SHUT YOUR GOB.
Sometimes I just fantasize about a Carrington event to wipe out the internet for good.
No. 1932277
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>>1932272somewhat related to this, there's a trend I'm noticing with the characters I like that, they're either portrayed as Incels, "dom tops" or rapists in fandom, it fucking sucks.
No. 1932298
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>>1932272i made this for you
No. 1932326
>>1932277I noticed that with cod, when ghost got popular at first the majority or reader fics were about you as a fellow soldier, but now if you go look its all ddlg, dadsbestfriend!simon, olderbf!simon with like two decades of age gap.
at this point aren't <ou grooming yourself?
No. 1932367
>>1924283I know this is a week old post, but this post and the replies just prove to me that i should stop visiting this shithole site because its very evident that its now filled with radfems who are going through the tradthot pipeline.
So many actually serious current issues relating to women that they could talk about but instead they choose to hyperfixate on dumb shit like this.
Imagine trying to control women and tell them to not read female erotica and generalize all erotica but then call yourself a feminist when you share the same views as a puritan christian or a radical muslim.
I guess i should not be surprised since these are the same group of people who get exposed for collabing or being friends with anti-abortion organizations/people.
Actual women rights are not a priority for many radfems who are now converting into becoming right-wing tradthots which is why all they do is talk about the LGBT or what women should read.
No. 1932377
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>>1932345There was a term for this phenomenon on turmblr that I can't recall at the moment, but essentially it refers to when your dad or older brother introduces you to a movie or video game that you unexpectedly enjoy and become highly obsessed with. you become a fan, create fan art, and even start shipping. picrel are the main characters from Jaws
No. 1932422
>>1932117>>1932272I hate to break it to this autistic teenager but Alastor definitely fucked me last night in my imagination, whoopsie
>I am cRiTiCaL and dO nOt support the person who randomly made up an original character for her comic that I just decided is my husband nowKek the mental illness. Also what the fuck are moots?
No. 1932546
File: 1710958672828.jpg (Spoiler Image,291.2 KB, 960x1200, mental illnesss.jpg)

>>1932277>>1932326Women into daddy dom and older men pickme bullshit are the true reason female spaces suck. I have noticed that despite having extremely degenerate disgusting fetishes themselves they are also the ones to try to cancel women for being into high school bishies or femdom or other lesser degenerate stuff. They can't just make their own degenerate space to share their ddlg, daddydom, older man shit they just HAVE to push it into everyones faces. So many time i have read these degens call their shit ''femgaze uwu'' no, it's not, you retard. It's as femgaze as shit like Poor Things is feminist. They are insufferable and i fucking hate them. I am so tired of them turning every single male character into a daddydom who wants to rape women and piss on their corpse.
No. 1932579
somebody post those school shooter OC's to counteract whatever this
>>1932546 is
No. 1932602
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>>1932272>I like finding others who like my husbando because it's fun to talk to them.Same! I feel like this is mostly a thing that mostly comes from just random series in, actual series meant for romance (like otoge or shoujo) I don't see as many 'NO SHARING' autists for, but it's also probably because most of the people into them are a bit older.
>>1932277That's been a thing since basically the beginning of women's fandom, not that I'm really complaining.
No. 1932605
>>1932546this is so frustrating to see and these people arent even real
>>1932579at least those are cuter
No. 1932623
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>>1932610What? This is clearly an incredibly realistic portrayal of a gay male.
No. 1932665
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I still maintain she has some merits and she seems self aware at least, which is way more then most delusional fetish artists.
No. 1932676
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>>1932277Why is this Rebornica's purple guy kek
No. 1932678
>>1930463if it wasn't the elf and the wanton amount of sexulization she receives (outside of canon, manga does a good job of avoiding that) and all the stupid qweer headcanons, I could given this manga a shot. I'm just sick of tried of modern fandoms taking characters and believing their fanon is law. it's fanon for a reason. It will never in the history of ever be canon but it's sounds like a hate crime so no with low self esteem says it.
Also lol with dehumanization. They're still humans, not moths piloting a human fleshsuit. It's like condemning a person with the flu inhumanity for being sick. Kek.
>>1930626why do others feel the need to shove penies or vagina in same-sex ships? I don't read m/m for PIV with extra steps, I want to see men, not mutilated frankensteins engaging sex. If I want penies and vagina in the same vicinity I'd read straight fanfiction but even that's been pozzed. Instead of het being mid, it's
problematic and hurts my qweer (read: spicy straight) feelings. and you know what? I don't see an end until every young person peaks, realizing the dangers of troon ideology and hopefully bringing an end to this madness
>>1931295jfc, seriously? remember when that one muslim queer artist took people's art and redraw them out of brownie points? Got driven off but her lot always pop back like freaking weeds. For what purpose? clout, always the clout with these people.
No. 1932691
>>1932678>if it wasn't the elf and the wanton amount of sexulization she receives (outside of canon, manga does a good job of avoiding that) and all the stupid qweer headcanons, I could given this manga a shot.It really sucks that the reputation, completely seperate from the canon work, gets so bad that people refuse to even try reading something.
I read it as it was ongoing, I'd love to see reactions and all I see are headcanons about how Laios is autistic.
Other series too, it'd be so fun if only non retards gave it a chance, but they won't.
No. 1932727
>>1932683it's honestly mid. If she'd sharpen her fundies and maybe got out of her comfort zone, her art would go from decent to amazing in the span of a few years.
>>1932691Normally don't let fandoms ruin a series for me. You gotta be so damn
toxic as to spread poison to even the work itself. I've heard nothing but praise from meshi so why is it's new wave of fans so freaking weird? I could chalk it up to kids being kids but wholesome media has a reputation attracting all sorts of freaks but the edgiest souls ripoff gets nice sane people. Not saying it's wholesome, again, I should read the freaking manga…but I really wanna know why?
No. 1932739
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It’s unbelievably fucking weird that many children’s cartoons have massive shipping fandoms (filled with people over age 13).
I can somewhat understand 3D cartoons with less stylized older characters, IG, but what possesses someone to look at the lumpy whimsical faces of the gravity falls kids, or god forbid Steven universe and think “I want to imagine this thing in a romantic / sexual relationship”?
No. 1932741
>>1932739It's that billdip anon, does it for a lot of people.
With that being said I haven't really seen a big children's cartoon fandom post voltron (maybe she ra)
No. 1932745
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>>1932742that explains everything
>>1932743To be fair it's like south park where I've seen very little on model art
No. 1932753
File: 1710968868500.gif (1.02 MB, 600x338, chuckin.gif)

>>1932727I started reading it from around chapter 1 or 2, almost ten years ago.
It had small monthly threads on 4chan, and crazy enough the shipping was almost nonexistent for a good while. Sure, moids liked elf but other than that it was just, actual interest in the story and monsters. Headcanons were about whether Marcille was a full elf or not. Near the end, the elf posting became obnoxious but it went completely batshit with the anime. With people just bitching out about characters, how they were autistic, lesbian, pickme, gay, too ugly, hetshipping, literally me, actually trans.
Maybe it's just anime going mainstream and bringing in people who don't really like anime, just what it can give them as toys.
No. 1932754
>>1932751>GideonFat and ugly
>RobbyCraig McCracken
Doesn't help that neither of them are popular characters, while Bill is pretty much there with the leads in terms of popularity.
No. 1932756
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>>1932748I can’t even imagine getting turned on by the space rocks that much either, they’re so weird looking.
>>1932745How do they convince themselves that the characters would look like jrpg supermodels in real life and not something more like pic rel?
The power of delusion?
No. 1932759
File: 1710969065554.png (439.47 KB, 1080x633, fgiy44ijixwx.png)

>>1932756>The power of delusion?If you believe hard enough, anyone can become a final fantasy bishie.
No. 1932767
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>>1932762Him being a triangle leaves the opportuinity to humanize him and make him a bishounen though, same cannot be said for already human characters.
I don't think the majority of Bill fans at the time were into Bill the triangle, but rather Bill the spooky onceler gyaruo boy.
No. 1932772
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>>1932759Alex was such a pissy fag for doing this instead of letting women enjoy their bishie triangle. Trey and Matt are honestly so cool for embracing the fujo autism instead of acting like whiny babies angry at free advertisement.
No. 1932773
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>>1932751Shippers (and to be honest, more so gay shippers) will go to any length to find someone to ship the character they like with. Even if it has to be selfcest ie the onceler fans.
>picrel with a huge fandom and they’re not even in the same fucking movie No. 1932774
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>>1932751its because of the episode where he possesses him, that cause a huge uptick in fanart and shipping between the two of them, especially since he wore some little priest outfit.
No. 1932780
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>>1932772To be fair I don't think he said you CAN'T draw Bill as a bishie, but it does come off as pretty 'STOP MAKING MY CHARACTERS SEXY!!'
Same thing happened with some Rugrats animator who threw a fit over the characters being drawn as pretty tumblr hipsters.
Honestly though I find fandom bishieifying is one of my favorite aspects of fandom, like for almost a decade people were drawing Red from pokemon as a red eyed emo boy because of pixiv.
No. 1932790
File: 1710970076467.webm (2.88 MB, 1280x720, we need to go back.webm)

>>1932773I miss the cringe and free days.
No. 1932812
>>1932805I have to agree. It’s just too much of a grey area to try and define the legal limitations for highly stylized drawings.
People who enjoy it should be publicly shamed though. Sick of them showing up on twitter and other mainstream spaces with no shame. Stick to 8chan or something ffs
No. 1932813
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>>1932807>They did the same thing to the fucking clock puppetI thought he got shipped with the notebook.
No. 1932818
>>1932814Probably because you're on an anime site.
>>1932816Same, I remember people would shit on them because 'THAT'S NOT A CLOCK' but I genuinely always thought they were very clever and cute designs.
No. 1932824
>>1932821Many don't really watch anime, tbf.
Or they watch "the good ones" like Houseki no Kuni.
This is sarcasm, as the author of that wrote incest loli.
No. 1932828
In their case I think it comes down to that most of them only watch shounen shit. I do think animecore girls who collect loli figures while saying they're against lolicon are really strange though.
No. 1932840
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>>1932838It got that nice booty though.
No. 1932849
File: 1710972532791.jpg (154.48 KB, 1014x870, 7bc65099b416ee4cf43759ff57fe16…)

>>1932847>The 0.5% of actual female lolicon fansEh, they're more common nowadays than you would expect.
>they're self-inserting as kawaii uwu little nymphette girls instead of actually fantasizing about childrenThat's likely accurate for most cases though.
No. 1932854
>>1932844Not really, only in certain threads which i don't go to and other than those, most threads im active in share similar opinions.
>>1932842I hope you get help for your brainrot
>>1932850>Lots of people put up with loli because they don't their own interests getting fucked over in the process.Please elaborate.
No. 1932861
>>1932854Just look at your response to yaoi. With that, you already lost the fujos.
You probably also lost yumefujo and Husbandofags. Why would they did with somebody that says they're brainrotted?
No. 1932863
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>>1932862I overall agree but I still think it counts as loli.
I just don't have any issues with it like I would with moid stuff.
No. 1932868
>>1932866It adds a level of cute factor where there's an age gap, same goes for an older guy with a shota.
As long as both of them are pretty and it's made by and for women I don't see any issues.
No. 1932909
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>>1932882>>1932895>>1932872I can see the appeal, although I personally don't enjoy it. Like my original point was that I hate moid lolishit because you know that moids are retarded enough to be memed into liking disgusting shit and doing those things irl
No. 1932912
>>1932367They reposted many anons posts in their women-hating catty backtalking wrongthink thread
>>1628970 kek. Personally, I'm curious about what content anti-fujo anons like
>>1932854 absorb to speak down to fujos here and whether it passes the arbitrary misogynistic women controlling purity test.
No. 1932919
>>1932913I feel like height difference has a lot to do with it, also a lot of people just think shota/lolis are cute.
shoujo in general (whether it be het or BL) is kind of into the concept of ‘taboo love’ so it’s no surprise people who grow up reading stuff with age gaps and incest as teenagers continue to enjoy it into adulthood.
No. 1932935
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>>1932925anime is filled with ''draw a loli call it a 23yo'' though
No. 1932937
>>1932813ayrt that's what I mean. He got blasted with the Onceler beam.
>>1932816>>1932818Same. These designs ruled. When I was a massive DHMISfag in middle school, I had them as my phone wallpaper kek.
No. 1932954
>>1932914Oh definatly. Its the same delusional idea of
>I can ffix him/he'll be nice to menot-like-other-girls behavior that's women into serial killers and slasher villians exhibit just with a high school flavor
No. 1933009
>>1932960kek is that your way of asking for the @ without getting dogpiled for your shit taste?
sorry if its not but thats just what it sounds like No. 1933270
>>1933264Ntayrt but
>imo the whole entire porn/hentai industry needs to go, especially loli/shotaYaoi would be part of the former, no?
No. 1933411
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>>1931600And of course, the fat fuck fetishist had to make it even worse. Thankfully people are finally calling them out for just being "woke porn addict"
No. 1933485
>>1932925This is what happens when you are a weaboo who only consumes content made in japan. It rots your brain. You and all the others really need to broaden your horizons and look at smut thats not just from japan and go on a break from DLsite or pixiv.
Also the fact that anons here are more defensive of l-oli than yaoi is very sad to see. You fuckers are more okay with seeing pedophilia than two pretty men kissing.
>>1932623I tried to check where this image is from and it looks like this anon got this image from a porn site. This anon is literally on straight male porn sites browsing consuming their degenarate shit and coming here and posting out of context porn art to spread her "fujos are tifs" agenda because she knows retards will fall for it.
>>1932960The anon can't give you the @ because she found it on a porn site KEK…
>>1932935Im so fucking happy that i stopped consuming anime and mangas. Now i watch/read manhwas,manhuas, donghua, danmei, novels etc and do you know how refreshing it is to read about adult women falling in love and them having developed lives. I still sometimes will read a small ammount of manga but for the most part i stay away from it.
Like i said in the beginning anons need to broaden their horizons because there is good straight and yaoi/BL content that NOT from japan.
(newfag) No. 1933488
File: 1711026844974.png (197.78 KB, 741x777, Screenshot 2024-03-21 101441.p…)

>>1933411a fat tif made that post
No. 1933498
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>>1932676You can't escape the William Afton
>>1933495It says fag nona, tifs love to say fag and faggot
No. 1933501
>>1933485>Now I read manhwas, manhuasOh man those are objectively worse kek. Especially manhwa. They're even more uninspired than the average isekaislop manga
>she found it on a porn siteIt's a TIF twitter artist that's been discussed here before?
No. 1933510
>>1933501>you should broaden your content (gives other comic styles as a example).>hurr manhwa, manhua is worse than pedo-autism because its uninspiring.Nevermind i obviously can't reason with you. I know my post went over your head.
I checked the tags associated with them and its hetero porn, they make hetero porn. Also that one picture that anon posted could only be found through a porn site or a paywall…..hmmm.
Also whats the point of adding a question mark at the end when you worded it like its a fact.
No. 1933534
>>1933524your hyperfixation with tifs or yaoi is peak autism.
>>1933512What did i even say that is newfag-ish ,retard.
(infighting) No. 1933674
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>>1933488>>1933636100% tif. They are so idiots that they can't pretend to be "cis" for 5 minutes.
At times I feel like she's DestinyMoon but the style looks uglier than what she used to do.
No. 1933713
File: 1711039248567.png (548.87 KB, 600x2976, everything is about gay…)

Reminder, these are the same retards who will lecture about media literacy. So the actual reason Li Shang was upset was because of sexism, but then he changes his mind when he saves China and he realizes the error of his ways. It was a simple character growth for a children's movie, it's feminist for its time and people still find ways to make it about gay moids.
No. 1933748
>>1933674I think there's a chance she might be. The style and content looks the same (stupid 'shipping' blob memes designed for clicks, unwholesome horniness, racefaking)
>>1933705>she speaks Spanish fluentlyThis HAS to be her. It looks like her style and handwriting to me, plus the "Gentlemen" in the handle….Gotta be ESL.
No. 1933773
>>1933713You're right, his reaction was more so that women weren't allowed to be warriors and due to chinas sexism and view of women at that time, but instead woketards are making it about him being "gay/bi" and posting misogynist memes about it.
Its crazy how when it comes to misogyny woketards, leftists, right-wingers, centrists, commies, comservatives all have that in common or are okay with it. Mysoginy is the one thing people of all beliefs or movement's participate in.
No. 1933844
>>1933816I hate the cutesification of deviancy and objectification.
>tehee he’s just horny and we love him>she’s just a horny lil bean who gets flustered so easy>horny bonk! >teehee I’m sending you to horny jailI never want to hear the word horny again
No. 1933916
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>>1933485>You and all the others really need to broaden your horizons and look at smut thats not just from japanNot my fault that Japan draws the hottest stuff consistently. Call me back when another country has their own nitro chiral.
>You fuckers are more okay with seeing pedophilia than two pretty men kissing.Anon what the fuck are you talking about nothing about my post implied that.
No. 1933995
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I know that this involves a celebrity, but I would consider this 'fandom discourse.' so retarded takes like picrel come when people attempt to blend twitter fandom logic with actual marketing strategies. For a genre like country music, wearing an American flag will be an effective marketing tactic. However for those who live and breathe twitter pseudo-politics, it doesn't make sense for them. If one were to solely rely on twitter spaces, it might appear as though Beyeonce is the least popular artist in the world, it's just the tyranny of the extremely online.
No. 1934010
>>1933995My Ameriboo ass loves the American flag. I genuinely think it's the world's best looking flag. Wish I was American because I wouldn't stop waving it around and wearing clothing items with the flag on it.
Anyway, these people need to shut the fuck up. This is so ridiculous. As if a few old men in government represent an entire country. All countries have done some bad shit in the past. How does that have anything to do with a random citizen just trying to live their life? Look at these losers on their high horses moralfagging on twitter 24/7. Bet they haven't done a single good deed in their lives.
No. 1934024
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>>1934010>My Ameriboo ass loves the American flagsame
nonny, same. The red+white+blue adorned with gold borders is just chef kiss. The american flag is also one of the very few flags that reads from left to right, instead of having a centered design. It makes it stand out amongst other flags. It's just very pretty. Ever since i was a kid i have had a little american flag next to an eagle statue on my bookshelf, i am not even american but it makes me happy.
No. 1934040
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>>1933995The thing is, Beyonce called attention to the Congo and other African countries all the way back in 2020 before it became a trend on twitter. It was on her website but I'm pretty sure it's gone now. She got a lot of hate for appreciating Africa and African culture too.
>>1933999>>1934010Tbf, it is not about how the flag looks or how pretty it is. Those tweets are dumb but this is kind of a braindead thing to say.
No. 1934133
>>1933995Fandom activists are some of the most joyless and miserable people in the world. It's like turning the most mundane shit into something
problematic is their day job. I remember how during and after BLM the ACAB stuff became a really big trend so now you have to assure your followers that you know Brooklynn 99 is copaganda and everyone treats fictional cop characters like they're exact same as cops in real life.
No. 1934150
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>>1934024>>1934018Speaking of which, I really hate this recent trend of vexillology autist's who believe that a flag is bad if it isn't overly simplified. Having a bear on your flag is way more interesting and memorable than whatever this is and to keep it related to fandom, it's infecting fictional media, treating the 'rules of flag design' as fucking gospel, and declaring that if a fictional flag doesn't follow those guidelines, it's unrealistic, despite real-life empires and states having vastly intricate flags and banners.
No. 1934195
File: 1711061495512.png (112.93 KB, 1280x853, Flag_of_California.svg.png)

>>1934150I always thought the Californian flag looked nice, a bear reaching for a red star.
No. 1934258
>>1934150I hope whoever designed this dies.
CA has one of the best flags in the union
No. 1934735
File: 1711105014439.png (396.82 KB, 738x671, why yes I'm a pedophile, how c…)

What too much fandom discourse does to a mfer.
No. 1934813
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I remember hearing a discussion about a new Carrie movie in nthe works with a TIM Carrie. I always thought that if you were going to insert trans shit, the best option would be to make Carrie a TIF since that would go with the themes of womanhood, plus TIFs are practically an afterthought when it comes to trans shit anyway hmm I wonder why. I would really want something like picrel, but it seems like it's not gonna happen.
No. 1934828
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>>1934821i remember correct
No. 1934832
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>>1934827ocs are a male pedo sadostic groomer and the female 'sub' he abuses, who also is a former student of his. so queer
No. 1934833
File: 1711114976588.png (Spoiler Image,6.79 MB, 1920x2400, 23697a86e0ba03e3.png)

>>1934831no it's
>>1932546 i dont know who nemu is
No. 1934903
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>>1934150lmao, this is the same loser who made a whole "tier-list" video ranking US state flags.
No. 1934915
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Spotted this in the wild. While I don’t care about Hazbin and Vivzie this is an amazing bit of the typical fandom hypocrisy just in general of only scrutinizing the things they’re told are bad because reasons.
No. 1935471
File: 1711143148962.gif (2.52 MB, 374x200, lmfao.gif)

>>1933485>Im so fucking happy that i stopped consuming anime and mangas. >Now i watch/read manhwas,manhuas, donghua, danmei, novels etcThanks for the laugh anon, I really needed this
No. 1935480
>>1935471kek same nona.
I can't stand them korean manhwa. The artstyles are so shite. The guys have these fat tree trunk necks and tiny little v-shaped kpoop boy heads and they always have that shitty gradient lipstick. Fugly as hell. The plots of manhwas are look vapid too. How does anyone read those things? Barf.
The Chinese crap is even worse.
No. 1935544
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>>1934827i get so baffled by what this woman says about her world. FGM is inherently traumatic, it is one of the most violently misogynistic things you can do to a woman. i just don't how she doesn't just embrace the fact its all fucked up, she just tries to.. make this into some BDSM-mutual-consent-mutual-toxicity situation, but i just… how? how?? i hate that she actually makes me MATI, but seeing people agree with her weird stances drives me insane. how is the woman who had her clit mutilated just as guilty in the relationship as the man who made her so it??
No. 1935920
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>>1934831I was just about to say her style really resembles Nemu's, especially the sweat drops (tears?)
No. 1935922
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>>1935920its not nimu because i know she would be all over this mf
No. 1936046
>>1936016He's single and owns a child mannequin and multiple pieced of children's clothing, especially panties, which he uses as references for his drawings to be as detailed as possible. He also makes multiple comments about how he loves to be around children and spend moments with them, accidentally holding them or the items they touched, et cetera.
And Japan is having a laugh about it, treating him as the quirky funny child lover.
In vidrel he feels blessed by having touched a paper written by Naoki Saito's daughter. Naoki Saito gives him a weird look of agony and people in the comments are having a laugh about it and sarcastically calling Tsukushi such a nice and benevolent child lover.
In vidrel, Tsukushi also draws an horribly ugly moid because he hates bishonen and only likes feminine shota, lolis and big titty pedophile oneesans.
No. 1936205
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>>1935544Kekorama she doesn’t know that the body keeps score and that being attacked unexpectedly and receiving a consensual BDSM beatdown releases the exact same chemicals into our brain and has the same long term impacts on our bodies and spirits. Also for someone jumping through hoops to give a tumblr friendly explanation for her degeneracy she doesn’t seem to realise what she’s suggesting is only a few strides short of full-on
victim blaming. Retard. I hope ten years from now she wakes up in cold sweats remembering this stuff and cries herself back to sleep.
No. 1936366
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>>1935531>>1935550Don't forget the entirety of the Qing dynasty. To keep this to the thread topic, there is occasional discourse about the lack of representation of the Qing period in Danmei and C-drama communities, these discussions often devolve into arguments about colonizers, the oppressed and even discussions about Euro-centric beauty standards. but the main reason there's less representation is that the Qing period was aesthetically was one of the worst times in Chinese history, so there's state enforced widespread use of the godawful manchu Queue hairstyle for men. but it goes beyond that, both men's and women's clothing during the Qing period were more rigid, less colorful, and lacked innovative designs. but then in later periods they tried to bring back more pomp from earlier Chinese dynasties while still keeping the original framework of Manchu clothing, so as not to dishonor the previous emperors, but this led to a weird aesthetic clash, as these clothing's were originally designed for goat herders in Manchuria.
No. 1936409
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>>1936366To add to this, wokies in historical c-media spaces are a small but growing issue. there are usually three common topics discussed, queer discourse, appropriation and 'lack of representation'. the latter reveals their ignorance and ironically western-centric perspective on race and ethnicity. In ancient china before contact with European nationalism there were no concepts of race as we think of it today. Instead people were categorized as civilized or non-civilized, with the chinese being seen as the most civilized and everyone else being considered backward savages, but this categorization was not based on race, If anyone adopted Chinese customs, such as dressing in Chinese clothing and following confucianism, they would be considered chinese. like half of China's founding dynasty emperors came from non-Han backgrounds.
No. 1936506
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No. 1936546
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No. 1936550
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No. 1936553
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No. 1936554
>>1936550Who is mentally ill enough to make tranny anime uwu versions of World leaders like Obama and Putin and make gay ships of them?
Back in my day we just shipped Russia and America…
No. 1936555
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No. 1936557
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No. 1936558
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No. 1936563
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Last one
No. 1936859
File: 1711244400562.png (421.09 KB, 768x768, co.png)

>>1934150He gave Colorado a bad grade because the flag has a "C" on it, and he has a rule against flags having names on them. It would've taken a five-second google search for him to find out that the "C" also stands for "centennial" because Colorado was made a state 100 years after the U.S. was founded. Also, Coloradoans actually use and wear the flag a lot, probably as much as Texans use theirs. But he put Ohio higher, even though their flag is ugly as hell, less commonly used, and has the exact same issue with having a letter on it. Colorado has a fantastic flag, Grey is a fuckwit who knows nothing about art.
He also just has the most retarded, ass-backwards take on why it's better to say "Indian" than it is to say "Native American." A non-idiot would have just said that it's an example of the euphemism treadmill and that the term is already in the names of government institutions, leaving it at that. But the rationale he used is that "Native American" is too vague, as if "Indian" isn't equally confusing in a country where more and more people are from the actual country of India. Dogshit logic, especially when iirc he uses the superior phrase "First Nations" in the goddamn video.
>>1934195The bear is kind of ugly and the grass is unnecessary, but otherwise I think it's a fine design. Honestly the only change I'd make is to have the bear be a brown silhouette.
No. 1936971
>>1936550idk how to deal with this
a worthy successor to thomas jefferson miku binder though
No. 1936982
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>>1934150I'm not even a burger and I think the CA flag is one of the most iconic state flags there. people who want to redesign flags should be executed tbh. pic related a flag in my country that would probably
trigger burgers into asking for a redesign kek
No. 1937055
File: 1711269541599.jpeg (236.77 KB, 1280x720, 1539565737401.jpeg)

>>1934831>>1935920>>1936078And of course the absolute degen fetishes, with emphasis on being a woman attracted to lowest of the low males. I think she also got into trouble for lolisho content but it's been a while since that thread. Maybe nemu has finally reappeared…
No. 1937064
File: 1711270513869.jpeg (510.79 KB, 1675x1665, nemu husbando chart.jpeg)

>>1937063I miss her autism so much. This weird pickme bitch will never be nemu. Nemu's autism was hilarious. Her husbando chart always cracks me up.
No. 1937410
>>1937064She's kinda like Shmorky in the sense that newfags and people with shitty eyesight think that anyone with an artstyle remotely similar to theirs must be them coming out from hiding. It doesn't help they had a cult following of weirdos that brainwashed themselves into thinking these kind of degens are cool.
I remember seeing caps of furry zoomers who were fascinated by his lolcow story and this made them try to impersonate Shmorky. These retards ended up being posted on KF and equally retarded KF posters thought they were the real deal for a while…
So honestly, how long until it happens with Nemu?
No. 1937820
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>>1934150>>1936859Look, if we're going to redesign the California flag in a way that stays true to its character (and is inclusive of the state's vast furry community), we should go with the Bojack Horseman version.
No. 1938258
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Twitterfags are physically incapable of keeping politics out of their dumb fandom arguments, somehow proship vs. anti discourse got mixed up into this kek. Retard on retard crime
No. 1938619
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With the Netflix Avatar live action show a certain segment of fans have started coming out of the woodworks to talk about TlOK and how the only reason why it was getting hate was because of sexism and homophobia. The show was genuinely not that well written and retconned some established things. I’ve never seen a fandom make as many excuses as TLOK’s has for Bryke. They knew they were getting 3 more seasons and yet did fuck all establish Asami and Korea as even friends, their friendship was really badly written. Mako and Bolin are more or less irrelevant as the show went on.
It’s always telling how the best rated episode was Wang’s lol.
I can’t be bothered to go back and fish for tiktok screenshots.
No. 1938851
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>>1933995holy fucking shit i hate self-hating gringos so much, you're the face of their empire and you know it, y'all were eager to see it strike uganda to "legalize gay marriage" (get their gold reserves), y'all cheer when other countries pass wrongthink laws in your image, you impress nobody but each other with your fake self-flagellation but that's the only opinion you actually care about, isn't it? fuck
No. 1938901
>>1938654I saw a comment that was saying how korrasami was planned because asami painted her car blue . It just comes off more as a “team avatar.
The only way to enjoy the ship is if you turn off your brain and fill in the blanks with fanfics. Maybe that’s why the perception over the ship is so different. If you read fanfics while the show was coming out it will affect how the character dynamics are.
No. 1938975
>>1938946as someone who's been inonline fandom since the mid 00s, imo it changed circa 2009/2010 when internet drama in general shifted from being edgy and unapologetic cyberbullying to moralfaggotry.
instead of just having fun and laughing people who posted dumb shit, you suddenly needed a goid moral reason ti be mad at them. they started to make it an exercise in wokeness. fandom and drama communities became less about "looks at this retarded fanfic" and more "omg this person said something ~
problematic so i can make fun of them and still be a good person!!"
which morphed into "omg this person said someyhing bad so we should all yell at them and if you dint take part in the dogpiling ur a bad person too!!"
the change started on lj/dw and became exponentially worse with tumblr. it wasn't just a generation thibg, even some of the edgelord older posters suddenly became sjw as the trend came.
No. 1939043
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>>1938348Same, I hate that shit so much. It's annoying when I follow someone for their fanart or shipping stuff only to be bombarded by graphic images of dead children and shit. Do they honestly think that "raising awareness" on their profile dedicated to Chinese cartoons is going to do anything to help people in Gaza? I had to go into my Twitter settings and mute all posts with the words "Israel," "Gaza," and "Palestine." I don't use Twitter for political news because Twitter is full of retarded teenagers. I just want to look at pictures of my favorite fictional guys.
No. 1939188
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how are a bunch of gendie donut steels supposed to fight in war?
No. 1939192
>>1939188Just staring at this gives me so much information about the retard who spent like 7 hours drawing this shit, kek. I can't imagine being some sort of politician/terrorist/soldier/whateverelse, staring at this and thinking "Oh yeah, I should probably stop killing people, I will make sure everyone else looks at this so we can all stop this nonsensical act".
I know that in the end, these are just promotional opportunities for everyone to post their shit and get likes and follows, but can you even imagine someone actually doing a drawing supporting some cause, posting it and it looking like that sped-tier drawing? I just can't.
I miss when political art was made for a purpose and not for the sake of getting as many likes and retarded comments as possible.
No. 1939252
>>1938915Not going to disagree with you I'm a JJK fan myself (the fandom is nice) but I will still admit that the manga is pretty weak, especially now.
TLOK fans insist that it's actually a really well written show and the only reason why people hate/d it is because sexism. Your enjoyment of TLOK depends on your enjoyment of ATLA and maybe some nostalgia. I like the concept of Korrasami as well I used to hate it way more when I was younger but now idk it's cute, doesn't make the show any better when I have to substitute the character dynamics with tropes and fanart.
No. 1939355
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She's 100% right here, most of the "trope discourse" is obviously from shows that were meant for children or teenage boys.
No. 1939366
>>1939363these people are used to excusing every "bad" thing that was said about them as people as the other person being abelist/sexist/racist etc. because their egos are fragile and they dont want to look at themselves, and I guess this translates into the media they consume too. When I was a huge sjw as a teen I would do the exact same thing.
Its unfortunately a difficult mindset to shift out of and I had to cut out a bunch of people that thought this way just to start healing from it.
No. 1939375
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>>1939355Looked up op and it’s a south park fag kek??? I just imagine if you’re obsessed with that, a kids cartoon having lazy girl designs would be the least of your concerns. Your favorite show is a bunch of palette swaps of circle heads.
No. 1939420
>>1939188?? what do tifs
the artstyle is proof this was drawn by one think will happen when they drew this? like?
>be war>both sides trying to kill eachother>there in drops a tif in between battle holding this poster>both idf and hamas see queer poc lgbtqwert+ ocs holding ceasefire now with smiles on their faces>"maybe their right…we should stop this complicated conflict that the western social media hemisphere has fandomadized….i dont want to be problematic">"world peaze!!!" No. 1939422
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>"how can you people call yourself activists if you are mean to degenerates online"
No. 1939431
>>1939420the point is a) to feel better about themselves bc it makes them feel like they're doing their part and b) to prove to everyone in social media that they're a good person who holds the right opinions
they probably feel some compassion for the
victims, but mostly it's about ego and online brownie points
No. 1939456
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why the hell do people do that, write fic for fandoms where they don't even bither to check the source material? especially for a fandom as lore-heavy as tolkien's
in general i've noticed less and less consideration for the source material. people write fix-it fics where every conflict and character arc disappears bc conflict bad, they butcher chahracterisation, or they didn't even borther to read canon bc unu it's boring! there's also a massive uptick un AUs over canon-based fic
i'm not saying canon has to be this scared thing you should never deviate from, but it's a noticeable trend now that fanworks have increasingly little to do with the work they're based on
No. 1939590
>>1939456It's been harder to ignore recently.
Fandom tweets in non English will be mostly quoting the content, theorizing, calling stuff cute and digging for more source material to talk about while English, it's always something about them, how the character is relates to them, how the character makes them feel seen or some shit. That, and complaining/simping other people and making shitty memes.
No. 1939620
>>1939456liberally writing fanfiction without the fan. Starting to hate the trend where being a 3rd degree fan gives somebody credence to smear the good name of a work. Not a fan? than don't write any unless you can pass it off as an AU.
>>1939590Less an english thing and more of american thing. America made individualism it's main founding pillars hence birthing self entitlement, going alone, and main character syndrome. But since english is spoken here, it naturally spreads like a disease and burgizes anyone with the same tongue as a american.When their met with other views that differ from their own, it's touted unpatoric and must be corrected somehow. In the case of more left-leaning ilk, it's
problematic. Not condoning the barbaric norms in other countries but like it's none of their business? and these are fans we're talking about? Some slavic bl fan couldn't give two shits about a burger aiden's triades over fetishzation.
No. 1939640
>>1939384I blame Homestuck. It was patient zero for the whole obsessively woke headcanon thing. It was the very first fandom I saw vitiligo headcanons and trans headcanons, because the retard who wrote it caved to the SJWs and lied that the characters were "aracial" even though the comic describes them as white several times.
That said, I think the first target of the plague would've been anything that was popular with Tumblr kweerios in 2011, because that's when a lot of fandom autists started going to college and getting indoctrinated by nutter gender studies professors with fringe beliefs.
No. 1939657
>>1939643I got really tired from trying with an English speaking side of the fandom for a series I like a month ago so I decided to ignore most speaking in English and just translate all the text tweets people made.
It has been better, at least for me.
No. 1939688
>>1939650It's sad how right you are that a lot of women can't just say they ship something because the pairing is hot to them, rather than trying to sell their interest in it as having some grander meaning or evidence behind it. Shipping should be about fun and enjoyment, be it a crack or canon ship, it's so tiring how people intellectualise ships or aggressively try to prove them.
Also, I get why fans shipped korrasami (and they should enjoy it), but man the show did them dirty with how the 'romance' was handled in canon. Such a strange show.
No. 1939810
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>>1931304About this. Could we please all sit down for a moment and talk about the overall deterioration in the quality of Ao3 content? I know it’s nothing new but a while back, I felt like I was going insane reading fic after fic in this one tag and thinking to myself: “Why are these all… genuinely just bad? Borderline objectively bad?” Then I went digging on for nostalgia purposes (yes, I’m not the oldest
nonnie on the board) and lo and behold, the general standard of writing was restored to its former glory. By which I mean, to that of the era when people in fandoms actually read literature unrelated to booktok and fandom for the pure enjoyment of it (and lack of TikTok and/or soft core pornographic fanfic dopamine addiction). It’s actually depressing. The average person might not have been a skilled author back then, but at least people knew how to write somewhat cohesively and with some basic thematic and narrative comprehensiveness. This new wave of fanfiction… I don’t even know anymore. The kids are fucking illiterate. That much is for sure.
No. 1939832
>>1939355fucking lol if even umitrannies are dunking on you then maybe it's time to take a step back
>>1939397like clockwork
No. 1939952
>>1939941>writing fanfiction used to be a more niche hobby that appealed to people who were already interested in writing in generalThis and everything you said, ten times. A few years ago fic existed that was so beautifully written, poetic, clearly researched, thoroughly edited, and while I hate the 'fanfic > real published literature' crowd I think these gems are what pushed that attitude. Now, though? Like you said, it's slopification. Those amazing fics are either inaccessible on dead LJ links or sit at like 2 kudos on AO3 because they weren't tagged to hell like everything is nowadays. Sorting by kudos isn't even a good measure because the most popular fics are just the ones that did one trope first, or god forbid a oneshot collection.
>>1939927Right, what happened to smut? If it isn't tranny-infested, it feels like every other fic nowadays needs to have some forced aftercare or explicitly given consent that isn't in character at all. It's all written by self-proclaimed asexuals too and they always feel the need to announce it as if the virginity doesn't bleed through to their writing already.
Sorry, slightly OT rant. The state of fic has me in depair. I just want well written in character porn that tries even a little to be truly sexy.
No. 1939995
>>1939952I hate to say it, but the best smut I've read in the past 5 years was
kpop rpf. I've stopped reading it since then because I lost interest in those fandoms and just felt gross about sexualizing real people like that, but there was some insanely good shit that was just a cut above anything else, and it wasn't bogged down by cringe ooc moments like you said, perhaps because the premise of rpf is already fucked up there's no point in being anything other than sexy and interesting
No. 1940017
>>1939995samefagging to add younger zoomers discovered fanfics through shitty wattpad fics written by other 12 year olds, while the rest of us older zoomers and millennials (sorry for the powerlevel) first read the gold posted by anons on lj, then the mixed bag with some diamonds that was, and finally the declining but sometimes good fics of ao3. like
>>1939941 said, it's no longer niche, and more and more younger fans are exposed to low quality fics by authors who aren't autistically obsessed with the source material and literature in general
No. 1940023
>>1939941This is 100 percent it. I remember when people would be so invested in characters, they would write beautiful novels featuring them. I think things got bad once hack writing like Stephanie meyer and the women who wrote 50 shades starting selling literal fanfiction as books for the public.
I remember the days of, and early days of AO3 where some of the fics were just so beautifully written, i had to download them just to re-read. Some of them were turned into audio books by fans even.
No. 1940115
People keep combing over ATLA and make analysis after analysis, yeah part of it is autism, but TLOK will never have something like that.
I’m convinced the whole thing was an accidental success. The lead writer who went off to make the dragon prince also couldn’t have his show live up to the success of ATLA. The post ATLA comics are a mess and the TLOK comics are also a mess. Everything we’ve gotten post ATLA has been a mess. Kyoshi is such a weird OOC donut steel character “oh she’s a tall bi and badass, she’s so badass” . What happened
It’s why I’d prefer if the they stopped revamping the franchise
No. 1940146
>>1931304What I've noticed was the rise of the porn without plot fics. Not saying shortfics and one-shot can't be good, but long fics with slow burns required a tiny bit more of skill and knowledge of the source material to write. PwP fics can be reduced to ship tropes and be repeated over and over without much thought. Pick the flavor of the week anime/game/series and tell me their fics aren't all the fucking same. When I see a ship that fits a specific trope, I immediately know how the fics will be.
Fandoms aren't about the media anymore, they are only about the characters. Fics are only about fucking the characters. It's bound to become generic, boring and repetitive. You can tell when a writer cares for the source material and when they just know a thing or two about it. I'm tired of the same repetitive tropes and ship dynamics.
>>1939927And their obsession with daddy dom shit. They take the most vanilla character on earth and suddenly he is tying someone with a chain to a wall like some yandere simulator. Ofc we always had shitty fics like this, but they didn't dominate the whole thing. I tried looking at smutty fanfics for a character and couldn't find a single one of him in character after 10 fucking pages. It's honestly not too different from the porn I've seen males create. When the characters as just skins they applied to a porn setting. Their personalities and stories don't matter, It's just them fucking and repeating porn stars phrases with ahegao faces and giant boobs.
No. 1940209
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>>1940115>The lead writer who went off to make the dragon prince also couldn’t have his show live up to the success of ATLA. The post ATLA comics are a mess and the TLOK comics are also a mess. Everything we’ve gotten post ATLA has been a mess. Kyoshi is such a weird OOC donut steel character “oh she’s a tall bi and badass, she’s so badass” . What happened It took the specific collaboration of three men to make Avatar make it work, Bryan Konietzko was the one responsible for the world building and lore, Michael DiMartino was the one behind the designs and Aaron Ehasz was the head writer who gave the series the pace it had, as for the comics, well none of the original staff were involved in writing them, the vast majority of fans ignore them completely.
No. 1940523
>>1939810I feel your pain, but it's definitely worse in some fandoms than others. I find that fandoms that attract a more niche audience and therefore writers tend to have better quality-written fics on average, and that niche doesn't even have to be a very small one– an example would be ones that overlap with the interests of people into classics and period pieces, in my experience they tend to have more fics that read like an actual novel (within those styles/genres) than more generic or FOTM fandoms, as those can become quagmire of badly written nonsense.
An older average age for authors can also help, but younger writers can still make something good enough through sheer passion and effort alone, so I don't like blaming the quality slippage on youth alone– besides, there's a large chunk of women in their 30s who only read YA schlock (or other similarly written fast fiction), and if that's all you read, that's going to be how you write.
If the fanfic is almost exclusively smut then that's also usually a bad sign (slight aside, but does anyone else feel like a fandom devolving into only smut is the death knell for its fanfic content?), whereas lower ratings for ship fics or higher numbers of gen fic seem to correlate with a more balanced level of quality.
I dunno, sorry for the ramble, I think there's a lot of different factors at play, but the biggest ones are definitely what the source material is/who it attracts, and the fact that a lot of people's experience with writing is either mostly fanfic or pulp that reads like mediocre (at best) fanfic. It's an interesting topic for sure though, frustrating as it is.
No. 1940591
>>1939810No one knows how to write anymore. It's extremely frustrating. When there used to be two characters from the same series together, even if they were doing something kind of ooc, they didn't speak like it. They still interacted as they would as those characters. I've read a lot of AUs in my days from 2002-2018ish and you can see the degradation of fanfiction. No one is creative as they used to me. They are hyper focusing on diversity and inclusion, so every fic is turning into trannygenda and politics, even when it has nothing to do with a fandom. It's all so exhausting. I have never in my entire life read about tranny stuff in fics (since I only read fujo/BL stuff) until recently. I avoided it because of tags, now people dont even tag their shit anymore.
I feel like the best writers are hiding out or just abandoned their fics all together.
No. 1940655
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So, is there even a term for this? because I see it happening way too often in modern western comics.
Basically, what happens is that writers who are hired for specific properties(like some random comic book character or some tie-in stuff) end up using the story to showcase their super cool OCs and barely focus on the actual characters they are supposed to write. The most notorious and successful example of this is with Ken Penders. He was a frequent writer on the Sonic comics, but instead of staying true to the Sonic story, he would use those comics as a platform to tell his own rejected sci-fi stories(one of them was a story where Native Americans got hold of sci-fi technology and became Nazis). He was smart enough to have these stories be spin-off tales, essentially making them an "expanded backstory" for Knuckles.
No. 1940677
>>1940655KEK what the fuck. Insane that no one stops writers like that but it's probably because no one gives a fuck as long as
something is getting made and sold
No. 1940697
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>>1940655I feel like I should post this too, in his knucklehead spin-off comic he also paraphrases a poem about the Holocaust but applied it cartoon animal people.
No. 1940730
>>1940655This is quite common when a frustrated writer that got their pitch rejected is given a bit too much creative liberty. This happens even with successful writers that "became famous for the wrong reasons" and try inject the stuff they like into the thing that made them successful.
>>1940677It's because it was the 90's and Sega didn't bother to keep a close eye on whatever was happening in the american comics, the last thing they expected was literal nazi echidnas and allusions to the JFK assassination (yes, this happened, even though I don't think it was Ken Penders who did this). Sega got so mad they reseted the comic and put down a list of rules that the comics had to follow as to prevent further autism.
I don't know what is it about Sonic that attracts the biggest, worst spergs from all sides.
No. 1940758
>>1940146That's right. Fanfiction nowadays is fucking terrible. Smut one-shots everywhere or fucking bland ass high school AUs… What retard is writing this slop?
I remember when I was young there was this amazing author for my fandom who wrote the most beautiful fanfiction ever. It could be published as a novel and no one would ever be able to tell it was fanfiction. That was a decade ago and I still go back to read those fics every few years. I've never found any other fanfiction that's made me feel the way those did.
No. 1940903
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No. 1940921
>>1940585Forget her having children
A big part of her arc is her being a girl and having to live up to the expectations of coming from loyalty and being lady like.
All that aside it’s actually weird she doesn’t have haters. She berates the main character and had a crush on both zuko and sokka but it was played for laughs. I think if it weren’t for her tomboy-ish personality she would have gotten more hate
No. 1940952
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>>1940926>>1940915So, all of this goes back to Ken Penders. There were other writers involved with the Sonic comics, but he was the most prolific and well-known because he wrote the most issues and he had a habit of including more "mature themes" in the Sonic comics, such as an assassination plot and framing the struggle against Eggman as a Vietnam-like situation. But with the Knuckle comics, he had the freedom to create the sci-fi Native American story he always wanted to write. So one of the main antagonists of this series was the "Echidna Dark Legion" a group of technophile Nazi Echidnas who wanted to use technology to conquer the world and In 2009 Sega of America published a game for the DS, which also featured a group of Echidnas who wanted to use technology to conquer the world. Ken thought Sega of America was plagiarizing his work(you can compare the two designs if you think it was accurate), and the legal proceedings lasted for half a decade until it was settled that he got to keep all the characters he ever created, If anyone ever used them, they had to pay. Then the Sonic comics had an event where they ended the entire universe and the property was sold to another comic studio.
No. 1940998
>>1940910Some books look like the bottom half while the top is only found in fanfiction and maybe modern literature. I don't know where the idea of fic formatting came from? Isn't it common practice to format a fic in ways that make sense like maybe a novel if you're going for that vibe? I haven't read much in 10 years, but the last book I read was a mix of two and three.
and as a writer myself, it'a a mixture of all the above. Use the tools given. And if one style works stick with it. There's no one way to format a fic since it's a free medium for crying out loud. Publishers aren't gonna bash down their door and force them change it.
No. 1941035
>>1939723troons level of delusion and cope never ceases to amaze me
>>1940903not the point but I hate it when writers don't know when to paragraph indent
>>1940910racist? how
No. 1941104
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>>1940655Ironically out of all the 200+ characters he created and owns, each with extensive lore and pages of backstories, only one of them is truly important to the fanbse. This character is Scourge, who Penders initially just created as an evil alternate version of Sonic that esd easily defeated in one issue. a few years later another writer, patrick spaziante, turned him into an overconfident edgelord who gets his shit kicked in, but somehow it worked. Scourge has a fanbase of devoted male autists and fujos who long for his return to the Sonic comics, but Penders still retains ownership of him.
No. 1941176
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>>1940730>allusions to the JFK assassinationKek I forgot about this, it's a real thing and the context makes it even crazier. Tails wished that Robotnik was defeated, so the unicorn man sent him into an illusion to test his heroism. Tails says that he can’t kill Robotnik, because it’s not the right thing to do, so the unicorn man reveals that it's just a test and as long as Tails keeps his heart in the right place, victory will come his way.
No. 1941194
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>>1941158Too many words make brain hurty
No. 1941237
>>1940903How long till we say published YA starts looking like top two? I give it ten years. Enough time for the raised-on-fanfic-turned-fanfic-writer-turned-author ouroboros to eat itself a few times and destroy what published literature looks like. Unless fanfic tier YA slop already looks like that and it's already too late.
By 2030 most people won't be able to read a sentence containing more than 6 words.
No. 1941266
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>>1940655I remember that one of the writers tried to do this in the Brazillian Megaman comic (which, yes is somehow an officially licensed thing) and wanted to kill off all the canon characters but then the other writer killed off their OC instead.
Honestly if you ever want to read the worst comic possible just read this…thing….
No. 1941312
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>>1933713>Tumblr post that pointed out Li Shang's bi awakeningCan I bet the Tumblr post was from our famous Chinese bookcow Xiran?
No. 1941469
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>>1941449>>1941456Holy shit, you made me remember a tattoo artist who draws and tattoo amazing and uses nice colors, but most of his tattoos are hentai anime women with big nipples and ahegao faces. I can understand tattoo it in a place where you're going to cover it (like a leg or in your back), but most of the time the tattoo is located in the arm, is like a red flag right there.
Picrel, one of his safest "nsfw" tattoos.
No. 1941507
>>1940903I'm sorry in advance but usually if I'm reading fanfic it's for smutty purposes, and I want to scroll to the spicy parts instead of actually enjoying the rest of the story. I'd normally agree with this if it was anything
but fanfic and I'm sorry for being a coomer degenerate
No. 1941546
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>>1941104IMO Scourge getting written out because of Penders' mantrum ended up making way for an even better replacement with Surge the Tenrec. Definitely one of the coolest, if not the coolest, female character in the comics right now—and the IDW run ended up with a good amount of great female characters. I legitimately love her storyline and personality so far. She is a far cry from the Archie comics' treatment of female characters only being there to pair with existing male characters for drama. It's legitimately nice to see her and a few other IDW characters being canonized/mentioned in Frontiers, and playable in Sonic Forces Speed Battle.
No. 1941724
>>1941695For most people it has the opposite effect. You're
Forced to.
Read the text as if.
It's disjointed rather than.
It being just one.
Coherent text. So it can be incredibly fucking annoying to read and breaks the flow. Once the flow is broken you get easily distracted and disinterested.
No. 1941768
>>1940903I think something being missed here is screen layout. At least in the days of FFnet, the fic would take up about the whole width of the screen. Eyes aren't exactly made to read giant blocks of text that wide, so the upper two formats became more widely used as it was easier to read that way.
Even in general I'd say you can't compare a block of text on a standard size book page and a block of text on your computer screen.
No. 1942159
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>>1940655All of this proves what I said in a previous thread, creators having creative freedom isn't always a good thing. Restrictions have to be imposed to create a cohesive story. Anime and manga have a track record of editors forcing creators to have restraints, which removes juvenile/pervy humor and gives proper pacing. otherwise you end up with situations like picrel, where one Avatar comic writer split up Zuko and Mai just to attempt to pair Zuko with Suki instead.
No. 1942351
>>1942273Suki and Zuko were never set up as romantic endgame partners where is this coming from?
Mai’s biggest problem is that she’s written as a love interest by people that don’t know how to write romance . The followup comics don’t help since she flipflops between being loyal yo Zuko’s cause and her dad’s which undermine one of the most badass scenes in the show, her standing up to Azula in support of Zuko.
No. 1942751
>>1942586 said, most trannies are self hating men so the misandry will attract them, fandoms with a hatred for men is extremely common. doing the nazi LARP will keep away most annoying people that are inclined toward trooning out into joining because they dont want to be associated with something "wrong". Notice the people that are desperate to be validated as a good person won't touch anime like K-On because of this strat.
No. 1942808
>>1942776I don't even think most troons actively see themselves as failmales anymore though. Most terminally online trannies genuinely see themselves as women and interpret their hate for the "jocks/chads/normal moids" as proof they're ackshully women (and lesbians) because they think their incel drivel is the same as women tweeting all men are pigs.
Misandry won't dissuade troons besides the "hating men is a
terf pipeline" types but they're not the ones primarily involved in fandoms in the first place. The fandom troons are the yuri purist transbians who tweet about misandry and yuri not having enough content because of misogyny etc. You're never going to drive away trannies from fandoms no matter what you do because handmaidens and troons outnumber us anyway, the only thing that's kryptonite to them is very female stuff like yaoi/otomeshit. No matter how much they try to larp as NEET lainpilled fujos they don't actually engage in shipping/headcanon autism beyond performative tweets.
No. 1943421
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>>1941104On DeviantArt, I saw so much fan-art of Scourge with Sonic that I believed he was a main character in the series. But learning that he was only from a tie-in comic was genuinely so bizarre to me. It was the first time I realized how niche but passionate fandom can have an impact cause there were probably hundreds of people who started reading the Sonic comics because of artowrk like picrel.
No. 1943486
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>>1943421kinda reminds me of the character Matt from death note. When the series was new people would cosplay, draw fanart, and write him like he was a main character. Meanwhile he only appeared for a couple minutes in one episode, and a few panels in the manga. I dont see much fandom autism like Scourge or Matt nowadays since people move on to the next big thing too fast.
No. 1943526
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I believe that for any form of media to truly excel(whether it be art, literature, comics, or even memes) it requires a either pure talent, a solid understanding of the fundamentals or an element of sheer insanity. This is why I think fandoms often struggle to produce original content that spreads outside, as they often resort to creating copies of copies, on the other hand this is why niche right-wing memes tend to gain traction and have a greater impact because they compensate for any lack of originality with genuine madness. For instance, this particular meme recently became popular on fandom Twitter, at first as a joke but then people started posted it unironically.
No. 1943576
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>>1943486Watched death note on adult swim as a child and he forever lives on my dsi camera roll because of his hot topic looking ass. I also don’t notice this type of autism for side characters that barely get any screen time in newer series unless they’re posted on twitter for engagement or virtue signaling purposes.
No. 1943790
>>1943786what?? I'm
retarded ESL if it makes my question more believable
>>1943787ok I see, thank you. I've been obsessively researching pedos and lurking in their spaces out of morbid curiosity so maybe that's why my mind goes there
No. 1943804
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Do you think i will banned from the game for using the wrong pronouns?
No. 1943817
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>>1943804In the concept art she looks like a cute tomboy design
No. 1943818
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>>1943817But then in the game he's just a fugly TikTok haircut guy
No. 1943865
>>1943817Sad. I thought this was a really cute woman design. I wish we could have more female characters designs similar to this, but oh well.
>>1943816Thank you for confirming this.
>>1943818He's hideous in game
No. 1943894
>>1943889Ntayrt but it just seems autistic.
The joke is their chest sizes are different. Wasn't even the point of the post, really.
No. 1943907
>>1943897Learn about time and place.
When it's constantly done to random shit where it's not the point, it's just obnoxious. Be self aware.
>kek I didn't even noticeYou would if you read the actual post or image.
No. 1943914
>>1943908Being annoyed and being offended two different things.
Your shitty "stand" just sounds cowardly, doing it here at random posts about right wing memes.
(infighting) No. 1943979
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Are people seriously attracted to this shit? I miss when it was the norm to be attracted to say sebastian or rin matsuoka, now women are conditioned into finding fatties like him hot. Sad.(rancefag ban evading)
No. 1943986
>>1943979Yes, me.
I'm sorry I don't like who you like.
No. 1943987
>>1943979kek anon you are so right but you are going to get dogpilled by the fatty lovers that swear he's not fat. I don't even care if women love fatties or not, but i am so tired of pickmes always white knighting 2D men. That ugly faggot always attracts the worst kind of pickmes, especially here.
Has anyone else noticed that men shit on female characters that have one slightly flaw, like not having massive bimbo tits or being ''too manly'' aka not looking like a 12yo with big tits, while women white knigth they ugliest motherfucking 2D moids? it's honestly so tiring. I think misandry in fandom will never be an option because even in lolcow you have turbo pickmes who get offended when you call a fucking 2D male character old/roidpig/fat.
No. 1943993
>>1943986I'm sorry you're a chubby chaser, get well soon.
>>1943988Or maybe other women should stop lowering their standards and being complacent with mediocrity. I remember back in ye olden days female weebs used to only be attracted to bishounen and didn't subscribe to pleasing men like that, i miss it.
>>1943987Couldn't agree more
No. 1943995
>>1943991Nothing fights misandry more than calling other women conditioned pickmes kek.
Why not be honest about that though?
No. 1943996
>>1943991why? men will literally never lower their standars. Why should i lower mine and praise ugly fatty moids?. Read the caption in
>>1943979 ''a guy built like a guy'' she isn't even genuinely interested in him, she finds him attractive because ''muh realism, muh body positivity'' meanwhile the main girls from dungeon meshi are pretty skinny waifu bait. We have been conditioned to have low standars, that's why men get pretty skinny waifubait and we get shit like Astarion. Worst part is we can't even complaing anymore because the turbopickmes get offended and start defending their ugly scrotes.
No. 1944003
>>1943995The truth is harsh
>>1943996Couldn't agree more nonna
>>1943997Yes, the author is a pickme for designing him like that. You see that a lot with female mangaka; deprived of attractive male characters meanwhile all the women are attractive
No. 1944012
>>1944005He's fat and has a bara-esque face. He's not an attractive bishounen at all which should be the standard for anime men but unfortunately it isn't.
>>1944004Kek i don't even talk to scrotes i just think women should stop being shamed into finding ugly safe horny characters like him hot
>>1944007I hate enstars and there's nothing wrong with liking youthful characters. I think any moid that isn't skinny and/or has lean muscle is revolting and i am proud to admit that. I don't like my fictional males to look like they've hit the wall
(rancefag ban evading) No. 1944025
Dungeon Meshi getting an anime was a mistake.
>>1944021>blorboKek is it really enstarsfag?
No. 1944026
>>1944012It really does seem like women's standards for 2D men have lowered over the years.
>>1944018It's probably just a retard with zero reading comprehension.
No. 1944047
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>>1944012I wouldn't say he's fat, I think for someone to be fat they'd have to be overweight like that little bearded guy. If anything, he's average with extra muscle. As for the bara face thing, I don't think you know what a bara is. This, this is what bara is. Is it because he has a mature looking face instead of a moe anime one? I'm more so confused by the ugly aspect you and others say, because when I think ugly I think someone who's visibly deformed and disgusting. Laios's only tragedy is that he kind of looks a bit bland and average.
No. 1944053
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>>1944047he's fat for anime standars, pic rel is ''fat'' too by anime standars.
No. 1944056
>>1944049This thread is pretty shit regardless. What type of fandom discourse is this?
I was expecting tumblr gendie shit, not nonnas jerking off over their taste in men.
No. 1944057
>>1944047Ew, wtf is this. I swear chubby chasers really are the bottom of the pit for women.
>>1944028Yup. They are the same types of women. Old psy-op fags and chubby chasers
No. 1944062
>>1944053Why do you care so much for moid standards?
She isn't fat and neither is the dm dude, I don't care what men have to say about it.
No. 1944069
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>>1944057>Ew, wtf is this. I swear chubby chasers really are the bottom of the pit for women. What? Do you actually unironically think women are looking at that? That's bara. I was posting a pic of actual bara which is fat gay anime porn made by fat gay men for fat other gay men because I didn't understand how Laios is bara when that's what bara is. If you were saying the Senshi is bara then I 100% agree. Laios though? I don't see it he doesn't really have that physique that's common in bara which is hyper obese muscular blobs.
No. 1944074
>>1944067>anime standardsAnd you posted a girl that was made and labeled by men.
Do you think they're right that she's fat?
No. 1944078
>>1944073>kek no one is insulting your taste, we are insulting the ugly 2D scroteIs this a serious lack of self awareness or an insult about how stupid dm nonnas are?
Also, none of those guys look like dm dude.
No. 1944081
>>1944073>you just cherry picked some unconventional baras when the average bara looks like this.Oh, then that's my fault then. I'm used to bara being associated with that sort of style and physique. I guess that's more akin to geicomi isn't it?
>Anyways why are so many anons annoying their flavour of the month they are going to get tired of next month gets called fat and bara?Because he isn't in they're opinion while he is in your opinion so they're arguing why they believe that isn't true.
No. 1944082
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>>1944073Ew, I really miss the Free days of anime.
No. 1944084
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>>1943979This is literally just western dad bod shit but pushed on 2D weeb media. I’m just waiting on a different anime to take over this flavor of the month shit, I’ve seen the trailor for Delico’s Nursery and want to see a resurgence of women fawning over vampire bishies
No. 1944101
>>1944098That sounds pathetic, no thanks.
Frankly, I'd rather Dungeon Meshi just not get brought up at all.
(derailing) No. 1944114
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>>1944101I can't believe that when the anime was announced, a part of me was actually excited about it.
Never again.
No. 1944119
File: 1711844226064.png (Spoiler Image,19.25 KB, 400x632, dungeonmeshifeeder.png)

>>1944111>mangakas are pushing fat shit because they wanna pander to the westNo, the Dungeon Meshi mangaka is just a feeder/chubby chaser kek, are you also gonna tell me the potato elf mangaka is totally not just a chubby chaser?
No. 1944122
>>1944111So you're calling the author a western shit pandering pickme thats drawing piggy uggos and you seriously are unable to understand why some nonnas are mad?
Have you been tested?
No. 1944128
>>1944126So you can't, kek.
Case closed.
No. 1944133
>>1944107>you are trying to convince us that he isnt fatThat's not lowering someone else's standards, that's just being disingenuous and lying to oneself. Trust me when I say this, when people hornypost about Laios or even say that he likes him I genuinely do not think anyone will be that easily influenced to like him and "lower their standards" if they didn't already have the tastes Laios falls under. I swear, it's not a cigarette PSA where some
nonnie in a black leather jacket is taking advantage of some other ill-informed poor
nonnie asking them if they'd like a Laios and they just immediately fall under peer pressure and like him too. Also, this is super unrelated but this is pissing me off. Laios isn't fat but he certainly isn't fucking skinny. I don't agree with Anons acting as if Laios is some 600 pound lard beast but I doubly so don't agree with Anons acting as if he's some skinny twink bishounen. Maybe it is because when I think fat, I think of someone with with an actual roll or two, someone with a soft plush belly and neck you can really sink your hands a couple of inches into. The kind of guy who has heavy "dus dus" footsteps and would leave a mark in a mattress or sofa. The kind of guy who gets absolutely out of breath when doing the lowest modicum of exercise. Now that, that is fat. Saying this as someone with one of my husbandos being an actual unironic fatass. I am tired of these zoomer posers who talk about how they "totally love fatties" but can never say the words "fatass" and only use fru fru words.
No. 1944137
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>>1944126Kek nona very cute but The Monarch will always be the superior VB husbando
No. 1944143
>>1944134Do Men shit on waifus like that to begin with?
They just post fat elf, friren, and Marcille wearing thongs together and call it a day.
No. 1944144
>>1944135i just dont understand why i have to white knight some 2D moid let women have high ass standars if they want to
>>1944143have you seen how men reacted when they made harley quinn '''ugly''' in the new suicide squad game? we deserve to have high ass standars too, i dont care how autistic. especially since ugly men are the norm.
No. 1944171
>>1944164Damn, I figured that might finally make sense for some.
Point is, it's all very stupid.
No. 1944175
I beg you.
Learn to be self aware.
Google it, get a book, something.
No. 1944178
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>>1944049i'm gonna assume people are bored and have nothing else to do on a Saturday night because this is the most nothinburger argument ive seen in a while on any site.
No. 1944210
>>1944202You are missing my point. They aren't going to, it is impossible for them to do so. You are blowing this out of proportion and making a mountain out of a molehill. I assure you, just because a couple of people on here and a group on twitter like Laios and some of them say he isn't fat does mean they're going to collectively lower the standards of women or they
are actively trying to lower the standards of all women like some weird malicious psychological psyop. Women are not a hivemind, women are not so weak willed that they'll immediately lower their standards because they see other women with supposedly low standards in 2D men.
No. 1944213
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>>1944137>>1944126Not bad, not bad, but I think Dr O is still my guy
No. 1944215
>>1944211I think the other side being
triggered at people liking a character being fat is the one actively crying tbh
No. 1944219
>>1944213I honestly love that venture brothers has a moderate female fanbase. Based.
I love the dude from the fantastic four parody that is always on fire and in pain.
No. 1944227
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>>1944213Molotov was my waifu for a while, along with Dr. Girlfriend.
No. 1944230
>>1944224no? there are tons of anons who are tired of being shilled mid and ugly guys i dont know why it angers you so much that women are criticizing how male characters are treated in comparison to female characters.
>>1944226ok you dont like bishies, that doesnt mean they arent attractive. They are fit young men with swimmer bodies, they are designed to be attractive.
No. 1944251
>>1944246yeah, i dont know why they always take it so personal. Like be glad you are getting pandered to, bishie fags have to watch shonenshit to get even some mildly attractive male characters.
>>1944249because lolcow is the only place women can come and vent about how unfair anime is yet there you have hoardes of pickmes spending hours defending some fat moid. Again, no one said you cant like the piggy, but stop trying to lower our standars and convince us that he isn't fat, because he is fat. There is nothing wrong with liking fat male characters but dont get defensive when women dont like unconventional men and want actually attractive ones for once.
No. 1944257
>>1944253I literally agree with him being fat? I called him chub
I think you're just baiting on purpose at this point
No. 1944264
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boo nigga(derailing)
No. 1944270
>>1944260Do you seriously think shitting on some anime dude nonstop is a virtue?
If you are serious about getting more attractive male characters how is jerking off over how other women are pickmes on lolcow supposed to help? You're just bullying at that point, you know that right?
No. 1944275
>>1944267>If it angers you that women ask for attractive male characters, then you are a pickme.That's not what people are against though. Everyone wants attractive characters. It's just dumb to think that women liking non attractive characters is a psyop to control other women, it's such a weird tinfoil
>>1944268>and? are women not allowed to have high standars in male characters, especially considering attractive female characters are the norm already?Women can have high standards and deserve high standards, but shitting on anons liking unconventional anime husbandos is pretty retarded
No. 1944279
>>1944275>>>1944224no? there are tons of anons who are tired of being shilled mid ugly guys i dont know why it angers you so much that men are criticizing how male characters are treated in comparison to female characters.
>>1944226ok you dont like bishies, that doesnt mean they arent attractive. They are fit young men with swimmer bodies, they are designed to be attractive.
when you spend HOURS trying to convince women he isnt fat then yes, you are trying to convince women he isnt fat and thus lower their standars. Again, no difference than men saying ''men age like fine wine'' and shilling old men are better.
No. 1944297
>>1944292are you being dense on purpose or did you miss the part where laiosfags where trying to convince us laios isnt fat? how is that not psyoping women into accepting fat moids.
>>1944295yes, because you spent HOURS defending laois against anons calling him fat kek who the fuck does that if they arent pickmes
No. 1944299
>>1944296you spent hours trying to convince us he isnt fat, peak pickme behaviour.
>>1944298>shota oniuh oh
No. 1944307
>>1944301again newfag, this is an imageboard i cannot tell which posts are yours. This whole argument started because laiosfags got angry their husbando got called fat.
>>1944302when you are trying to make women lower their standars by pretending he isnt fat, yes it is. You are no different than men shilling old men as ''the peak''
No. 1944313
>>1944308Everyone is a pickme. Everyone except nonna.
If she keeps repeating the same stupid shit, maybe finally someone will cave in I guess.
No. 1944324
>>1944319>literally everyone is pretending laios isnt fat though?He is fat but just because you're retarded I'm not going to agree with you KEK
>>1944314>i am the only one thats in favour of attractive characters being the norm apparently. All of you want things to stay the same, so pretty women for moids, ugly mid fat men for women.Literally nobody itt has said that, you need to stop calling everyone a pickme, or thinking this is all a psyop, that's all
No. 1944333
>>1944327Not an answer. Do you think that it's fine to call an anime girl that size a fat uggo piggy piggy?
Why do you think that should be the case in general?
No. 1944341
>>1944333Female standars arent lowering any sooner, so why should we held women at insanely high standars and have low standars for men?
>>1944335trying to convince us a fat man isnt fat is a psyop sorry, its like the astarionfags trying to pretend their senile moid is on the same level as a youthful bishie
No. 1944346
>>1944341>its like the astarionfags trying to pretend their senile moid is on the same level as a youthful bishieI kekk'd
Everyone should just get along and let this shit go lmao
No. 1944349
>>1944346>omg stop talking about how unfair the standars for male and female characters are please just accept the status quos and that fatties and old men are beautifullol no
>>1944347No, women are beautiful regardless of age, weigth, whatever. In a perfect world we would have diverse female characters and only fit male ones, but we live in a world run by men so we get perfect waifus and mid, fat moids.
No. 1944355
>>1944344Men don't have standards to begin with.
If anything, to be like moids being human shaped is already limited. It'd be the opposite. Giant, inflated pecs, tiny heads, and huge asses.
No. 1944361
>>1944356Idk, I see the mutated amorphous blobs they labeled breasts and ass on twitter.
I'd rather not be at moid standard, thanks.
No. 1944362
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Anyway. Apparently there's some stuff going down in the harry potter fandom over older(?) fans getting annoyed at newer fans (the new wave of wolfstar and jegulus) for doing shit like picrel
No. 1944363
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>>1943979i am glad you're lucky enough not to see fat men often enough to recognize them anymore, but seriously? this is just average, muscle isn't always dry.
No. 1944378
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No. 1944379
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>>1944362its not happening with only harry potter ive been seeing this with every popular fandom, attention whores tagging ship tags or fanart tags to promote themselves, the bastardization of harry potter is so ironic considering troons are literally witch hunting j.k rowling, as a zoomer myself its worrying to see this braindeadness
No. 1944391
>>1944381ugh no no aishit
>>1944379the best part is them trying to do that shit for visibility on ao3… which has no algorithm