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No. 1892866
Thread to discuss the rise of "sad beige" and "millennial gray" interior design. Notably popularized on instagram and tiktok, it includes infamous videos such as a moms painting their kid's toys so that they'll match their (depressing and monochrome) decor, furniture flippers turning beautiful wooden vintage items into sad beige IKEA rejects, and millennial (though not only) houses where everything is a shade of gray, black and white. Includes monochrome minimalist lifestylers.
This goes into the wider topic that colors seem to be disappearing in the 21st century. This can be seen in everyday objects, cars, furniture, buildings, interiors and even fashion. Since we are currently living an era of 90s nostalgia, a decade remembered as being vibrant and colorful, the phenomenon is even more striking.
Post examples from reels, Tiktok etc., discuss your own opinion, speculate, etc.
Related threads:
Consoom general
>>1872764Minimalism thread
>>1243596Tiktok hate thread
>>1879378 No. 1892867
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The infamous christmas tree
No. 1892869
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Interesting thread idea
No. 1892870
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>>1892867Excerpt from a medium article on color allocation in museum items
>The image on the left shows how the colours of objects have changed over time. Each object was assigned to a year group (spanning 20 years), based on the earliest year associated with the object. We then calculated the mix of colours amongst the objects in each group.>The most notable trend, in both the chart and the video, is the rise in grey over time. This is matched by a decline in brown and yellow. These trends likely reflect changes in materials, such as the move away from wood and towards plastic. A smaller trend is the use of very saturated colours which begins in the 1960s. No. 1892902
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>>189289970s houses are so incredibly dreamy. I would kill for a 70s cocaine mansion.
No. 1892906
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I wonder how the sad beige trend will impact children, particularly those who are in daycare as babies. I've worked in child development and it has spilled over to many childcare centers. A lot of infant rooms in daycares are completely beige with some pastels thrown around specifically to attract millennial tiktok moms. Infants need bright, high contrast colors around them to help their brain grow and to develop their vision. Imagine being a baby in daycare, can't see shit because everything around you is a homogenous beige blob, from 6am to 6pm you spend most of your time in a crib without any meaningful interaction with a caregiver aside from diaper changes and feedings, and when your mom comes to pick you up the only thing you can properly see is her neon pink limited edition stanley cup. How sad!
No. 1892907
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It affects buildings too, I remember as a kid the inside of a McDonald's was always so colorful and fun. Nowadays it's all boring and unremarkable.
No. 1892918
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I’m someone who’s extremely into architecture and interior design, (as in I want to pursue a career in architectural history and am currently in school for it rn) so the whole beige/grey millennial ikea amazon furniture etc trend at the moment hurts me extremely badly. The thing is, even though I am a self proclaimed maximalist, it’s not even the minimalism that’s the problem. Minimalism in the 60s, 70s and 80s still had the capability of looking cool, futuristic, and soulful. It’s the fact that these modern interior design trends are just tacky, due to the cheaply made, worthless furniture that it used to furnish the space, and other tacky amazon-esque furnishings which have 0 value. The colour schemes are also just terrible - beige and grey are colours which are simply awful and should never be used in an interior design setting. Ok enough spelling but one thing that I find absolutely revolting and disgusting as a britbong are newbuild houses. Like I want to burn them down they disgusted me so much, god. And fellow britfags just know all of the grey velvet plush furnishings which lurk inside these monstrosities.
No. 1892926
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>>1892918*sperging not spelling kek. Also samefag but the trend of destroying the front of your house by doing this should get you assessed for low-iq sociopathy.
No. 1892945
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i can't stand how prominent this trend is where i live (scandinavia). picrel is the front page of a popular furniture store called bolia. i happened to walk past one irl the other day and it was dystopian. i don't understand how anyone can live in these surroundings. aren't they afraid of spilling something?
No. 1892948
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>>1892932Yeah, see picrel. (Btw I’d recommend checking out the account if you haven’t before)
>>1892935I really think that’s the least of concern to the retards who do this. Generally really low-iq people who do this type of remodelling
>>1892937Kek sorry for the jump scare
No. 1892949
I have been fighting with my mom for over 3 years over our house. She really wants to turn everything grey and ugly. We have really cute vintage ceramics that have really cutesy drawings like strawberries in the kitchen and she wants to replace them for boring grey blocks.
>>1892918I want to hear more of your sperging, interior design anon.
No. 1892951
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>>1892907>>1892913Actually there's a reason for this change. Around late 90s/early 00s McDonald's went through a major shitstorm because parents thought the franchise was purposely attracting children with toys, characters and flashy colors so they would tell their parents to buy them more unhealthy fast food, in fact, it got to a point were McDonald's was directly blamed for the rise of child obesity. To clean their image, McDonald's got rid of almost all characters besides Ronald McDonald, and changed their look drastically so people wouldn't think they were trying to manipulate anybody into buying their meals. Instead of a inviting, warm place where you'd like to go eat an hamburger, now it looks like a random coffee shop
No. 1893028
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>>1892945I've never understood why minimalism became synonymous with nordic countries (specifically Sweden) because a lot of traditional art is so colorful and has personality like pic related. Also, i would think a population surrounded by white snow and gray skies half the year would go out of their way to have more color in their homes
No. 1893032
>>1892869gotta love how these bitches post on social media to brag about how "good" the after looks
I've seen so many reels on insta that were supposed to be "funny" of wives throwing out whatever colorful objects their husbands buy or painting their kids toys in beige
I haven't hated a trend this much in a long time
No. 1893051
>>1892907>>1892951This is my biggest issue with the beige/gray thing that happened since I grew up in the 90's since this not only happened to McDonalds but every single restaurant, store, malls, the list goes on. I know when you become an adult people say that things get dreary compared to when you were a kid, except for that generation it happened
literally right when we grew up and it makes me so sad. Even as an adult I want to have fun and whimsical things in daily life. It would make everything at least a little less depressing.
Also no more grandma houses. I went to a huge thrift store (not the shitty ones they have now, a real one where sellers buy out spaces and only sell real vintage stuff) and got such a dopamine high just because it reminded me of a grandma house kek. Because there was so many random toys or something you would just come across that a grandma would have stashed away, along with old lamps, tea sets, books etc. Some of them were set up like a room.
No. 1893072
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Self aware yet still tragic.
No. 1893114
>>1893072This was so nice before, but idk why she's painting it anyway to begin with, that
toxic shit will go into her food
No. 1893137
>>1893115the window tax was real
"The window tax, based on the number of windows in a house, was first introduced in 1696 by William III to cover revenue lost by the clipping of coinage. It was a banded tax according to the number of windows in the house. For example, for a house in 1747 with ten to 14 windows, the tax was 6d per window; it increased to 9d with more windows. Not long after its introduction, people bricked up their windows to avoid paying the tax."
No. 1893288
>>1893128>She also wasn’t allowed to eat any food with bright colors either, so it was all organic, sugar and dye free home baked stuff. that's kind of sad
>>1893261good. I'm happy for her.
No. 1893310
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>>1893128More info because I need to ramble about just how insane this sad beige family was. First off, I was in elementary school during the early 2000s, bright and colorful time. I was friends with sad beige girl because we were both losers, so I got to see this up close and personal. From what I know about this gitl, her parents were extreme health nuts. They didn’t have a microwave because they thought it would poison their kids. Red40 was bad and they assumed all artificially colored food was bad. Then that slowly devolved into all colored food is bad, and she only ate stuff like pasta with butter, white rice with chicken, etc. She was a huge outcast because while all the little girls in elementary school played with Monster High and Barbies, she was playing with painted wooden dolls. She had some modern toys, like a Barbie dream house, but her mom didn’t put the stickers on and painted it brown and white. She had a baby brother, and like picrel, their mom would paint every bright toy they had into muted colors. The thing is, back then, her parents were weird as fuck and nobody likes them. Everyone thought they were insane and stupid, but people are bringing it back for no good reason. I didn’t get to see how she grew up cause they pulled her out of school when she was 8 and homeschooled her
No. 1893428
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>>1893419I almost brought it up in the OP, but Montessori definitely is part of this when it comes to children's rooms and toys. I don't have kids myself but seeing Montessori rooms makes me extremely depressed, not even their books are allowed to be colorful. I'm no professional but bright colours being overstimulating to children makes absolutely no sense to me, when humans lived in nature nature was actually quite colorful and vibrant. It's with modern society and industrial development that most people living in cities are able to be born into sterile white environments and spend their entire lives going from beige room to beige room. Clothes and furniture are also not as colorful as they were historically due the above also killing traditional craftmanship, something that is colorful in 99% of cultures. I do wonder how did we get this way?
No. 1893486
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Just for shit and giggles, I did this google search. Look at these beasts. They're painted that shade of gray that sucks all the joy out of a room.
No. 1893487
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And you can tell it's going to be that plastic print veneer over cardboard.
No. 1893534
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>>1893319Holy shit you are right, this is so fucking sad. To this day i remember my crib being bright green. These poor babies are being kept with the same amount of visual stimulation as a asylum patient being kept in a paded room
No. 1893552
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>>1892867here's the actual final result tho, slightly less beige
No. 1893565
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I think a lot of this has to do with people seeing homes as investments rather than a place they'll stay in for life. They're scared to paint a wall any color other than grey because they have the 'apartment renter' mindset of "if I paint this, when it comes time to see it won't be everyone's cup of tea and it'll be harder to sell." It's sad at it's core, since you give up personality or ownership of your home. And yeah, I guess you technically don't own it in most cases - the bank does, but still, what's the point of getting into a 15 year mortgage to live the life of a renter?
Also people are scared to be seen as tacky or kitsch (without even knowing what the latter really means), so they err on the side of caution and go for what's being sold and advertised rather than something they actually enjoy seeing.
>>1892945 Norwegian nonna I see you! What I also find just soulless is how people do this to their out in the middle of pristine nature hytte. Take a cabin your grandfather built with wood and some second hand furniture and paint it ikea grey like picrel. Makes me rage.
No. 1893567
>>1893559I doubt the babies are locked up in their cribs 24/7, a base room full of white furniture and walls can still be filled up with colorful toys. And even if not, the entire outside world which is quite literally exactly what we developed for over millions of years still exists so they still get that stimulation?
>>1892867 mom was getting roasted for depriving her kid of color when if you just scrolled her page for 3 sec you could see her kid did have normal toys and the tree was just for the video aesthetic. I'm not convinced the "beige mom" epidemic is real
No. 1893570
>>1893567as much as she probably doesn't spray paint all her kids' toys doing it to one toy the kid probably shoves inside his mouth is enough to get the baby to ingest
toxic shit so it's better to not do it at all.
No. 1893577
>>1893028>I've never understood why minimalism became synonymous with nordic countries (specifically Sweden) because a lot of traditional art is so colorful and has personality like pic related.MEN. Men like "minimalism", while delicate colorful beautiful handcrafted work like weaves, painted horses, knitting patterns (art traditionally done by women) was seen as cheap and tacky and became undervalued.
That and we are SO focused on not being seen as superfluous and wasteful that even color is "too much". Don't stand out, always be "lagom".
No. 1893608
>>1892906>the only thing you can properly see is her neon pink limited edition stanley cup. How sad!megakek. And that was so interesting nona ty. I'd love a child development thread! Scandicunts ARE to blame for the spread of greige prisoncore. They popularized it and sold it back to the masses as 'modern' and 'progressive'. They can be very snobby about what they deem 'old fashioned' furnishings, anyone who likes it must be mentally deficient and stuck in the past. Cold cardboard conformists, I say. Women like prisoncore because it's less housework IMH0 and men don't bitch as much.
>>1892872Grey cars look so cool in the Med. They're a depressing sight in Northern climes.
No. 1893656
>>1893567>And even if not, the entire outside world which is quite literally exactly what we developed for over millions of years still exists so they still get that stimulation?Fake and gay. Did humans develop over millions of years stuck inside gray-painted rooms in cities surrounded on three sides by masses of concrete, plastic, iron and glass? In many where one sees one or two trees lining the street only sometimes if not at all, if the area is poor and densely built? Where, in northern hemisphere western countries, for 8 months of the year those same rare roadside trees are dead and lifeless? Where to be in nature, one has no choice but to go to a park, provided that a) the city provides and upkeeps them b) they're spacious and with diverse flora and fauna c) they're numerous and close by ? And if the city has no parks, where one must be part of a family which owns a house somewhere out in the countryside, where they then must travel to while stuck inside a car?
No. 1893693
>>1893028Watching interior design shows my mum would always get so excited when people talked about a “scandinavian” scheme thinking they were talking about colorful follk-art like in your pic-rel and she’d be so disappointed when she realized scandi meant boring ikea minimalism. She’s super out of touch with fashion, and paints all her furniture with multicolored folk-art designs she’s copies from 90s craft books. While her house is super over-kill and clashing, there’s something charming about someone completely going against what’s fashionable and being authentic to themselves.
So many middle class Brits and Americans are obsessed with scandi minimalism and tbh I think it’s so depressing and bland. It’s also almost all about consumerism and buying expensive beige items, whereas folk art is something you can do yourself. Lawrence Llewelyn-Bowen talked about this shift on the Great Indoors Podcast, away from crafts and maximalism, towards modernism and minimalism and he blamed a lot of it on misogynistic artists who associated craft with femaleness. I also think a large part of it is also capitalism, if you can make something yourself then companies can’t mass-produce it and sell a worse version to you.
No. 1893703
>>1893656>Did humans develop over millions of years stuck inside gray-painted rooms in cities surrounded on three sides by masses of concrete, plastic, iron and glass?I mean that doesn't disprove the theory, it just means modern cities are a large scale beige mom (which i've been saying for years, i don't think humans were made for large cities as it's an unnatural environment)
>Where, in northern hemisphere western countries, for 8 months of the year those same rare roadside trees are dead and lifeless? Where to be in nature, one has no choice but to go to a parki'm a eurofag with abundant nature all around me despite living in one of the largest cities of my country, what you describe sounds very american and dystopian
No. 1893765
it's dumb but i feel weird now about my own interior design/color scheme preferences because i've always liked soft, muted colors and would love a gray bedroom. not dark gray, but soft, pale shades of lavender and dove. those colors that remind me of the morning sky and puffy clouds at dusk rolling in from the ocean. it kind of runs in the family…everyone in my immediate family wears the same colors. i love color as an artist but i need my living spaces to be calming and peaceful so that my mind, which is always going a mile a minute, can rest. i think when done well, gray can look absolutely beautiful, but it only works if you have the money and the talent to invest in and look for unique furniture and interesting art so it doesn't look entirely like a prison or something out of a home improvement store catalog. i hate it when people do the whole gray thing and then they go out and buy some dinky furniture and uninspired splatter wall art, makes me gag. you have to add something to break up the monotony, like a beautiful full length mirror, some kind of crazy art of like people screaming or whatever lol, some abstract statues here and there. even a funky chandelier that brings in a lot of light, or an oddly shaped sofa. it's a waste of time in my opinion to do monochromatic interiors and then go shopping at some strip mall furniture store because the lack of color will just highlight the cheapness of everything around you. if you're not going to experiment with textures, space, and patterns, it's not worth it imho.
No. 1894009
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>>1893703>i'm a eurofag with abundant nature all around me despite living in one of the largest cities of my country, what you describe sounds very american and dystopianI know, and that's the point. Western eurofags are in the minority and are privileged in this aspect. Hell, I can guarantee even in your city if you go to the poorest district there will be almost no nature. Access to nature in a city in a developed nation is a phenomenon linked with wealthy areas. I say this as also being a western eurofag, if we as city-dwellers can see a few trees every day and live next to a maintained park, forest or waterside it means we are lucky. By contrast ask any eastern european about the commie blocks they grew up in. And let's not even talk about America and pic rel.
No. 1894251
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>>1894009Commie blocks have nice parks around them all the time and I like where I grew up, no need to speak for me. Why are you assuming everyone lives in rural North Russia where nothing grows, and everywhere east of Berlin is a concrete wasteland? Many of them are grey concrete buildings on the outside sure but the interior is usually fine and thats what people living there see. If you gave me a choice between a modern expensive greige Scandi apartment and a Hungarian commie block with my aunt's old furniture I'd choose the commie block. Those apartments also have better bones and soundproofing than anything built in the past 10 years otherwise I would have strangled my neighbors a long time ago.
No. 1894385
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I genuinely prefer the ‘tacky’ wood panelled, shag carpeted floral print and brown-everything type rooms from the 70s-80s over the sterile bland white walled modern decor. I’m a zoomer so I didn’t really grow up with it besides some areas of my grandmother’s house which I loved. She had a basement that was largely unchanged from when her house was built in the early 80s and she recently updated it with grey walls and linoleum floors, I hate it. Both her and my gen x relatives seem to have the idea that it was ugly, to me it’s just cozy. At least orange and brown are somewhat warm and inviting and don’t make me think of a hospital waiting room.
No. 1894499
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>>1894385Nonna this is the exact sort of home interior I love too. I find a lot of the sims houses I build have this sort of style, it's both nostalgic and all the browns/oranges have a warm, homely feel to it. Also, this is an awesome thread!
In terms of my personal gripe, I hate that we don't often see people experiment more with tiling. Why did white tiles become so commonplace when they're the worst when they're so flat and boring. Also quick to look really grimy as well. I was in Portugal last year and was totally enamoured by how beautifully tiled all the buildings were, it really made for a much more visually appealing city.
No. 1894597
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>>1894583I live in a country where tiles are the norm. You can find a big range from very cheap tiles all the way to very intricate handmade stuff, or even stuff like cheap tiles that imitate said more expensive ones. Tiles and ceramics are a big thing where I live. And I still see a big devotion to the gray aesthetic look. There's tiles that try to resemble wooden floors as well, and those are very fancy looking. But colorful tiles are everywhere, even if they're plain, I wish I could explain better. Anyway if you're American and live close to the border, I recommend you searching for "talavera". It looks like this. Maybe you'll have more luck next time.
No. 1894701
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>>1894385the problem with this era, imo, is that it's just as cheap and badly manufactured as current day grey stuff because of houses being built quickly and en masse to fit the baby boom.
A good balance is some white, some color. I like white walls to be filled with fun paintings. I always avoided white furniture though because I grew in a 90s all white kitchen and in 2 decades it became piss yellow, so ugly and depressing to look at
No. 1894710
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>>1894707What's wrong anon? You don't like this?
No. 1894716
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>>1894710the thought of driving around that makes me want to not go outside ever again. how do you amerinonnies do it? I would feel suicidal.
No. 1894728
>>1894716That's just Texas (I think).
Not every American city has giant sprawling freeways like that.
No. 1894729
All this thread is doing is showing how varied people's tastes really are.
>>1894385 looks awful to me, so much so that a boring beige room would be preferred. But tiles like
>>1894598 are cute to me too.
Is the beige/grey trend really that big or is it just the current marketing trend? Like how you see every B-list celeb and influencer with inflated massive lips and the same insta baddie look, but few real women actually get it done and look like that. Is it the same with beige houses? Does anyone know a person who styles their house/flat like this?
No. 1894735
>>1894729I'd expect many are decorated in neutral colours simply because it's easy. More complex colour schemes or maximalist styles take a bit of thought and taste to pull off, and you have to go out of your way to find pieces that match. My sister has a bit of a bland neutral apartment (not all beige tbf mainly grey and cream) and that's because she worked at a bougie furniture store and it was their selling point.
I'd assume average people don't have an aesthetic at all though. They just have furniture they got cheap or second hand and don't have the luxury of coordinating everything.
No. 1894747
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>>1894735>More complex colour schemes or maximalist styles take a bit of thought and taste to pull off>I'd assume average people don't have an aesthetic at all thoughThis tbh. Plus people pay for whatever good deal they can get, it's not always going to be the best looking stuff. I've seen more andore gen z being adventurous with colors and styles in their houses though, so that's that, it's actually cute to see even if not all of it looks good. The kitchyness and diy aspect is a nice contrast to the gray beige sad mom aesthetic. Only thing is, how are zoomers doing this? They're painting walls and stuff, I assume most of them aren't renting then? Because you would have to be rent friendly and idk if more "out there" styles could work with that
No. 1894778
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One theory I've seen is that because people are constantly stressed and over-stimulated from modern life and staring at phones all day people are in a desperate need for peace and quiet, so they make their own spaces as calm as possible so they can finally relax - hence the minimalist beige/grey/white trend. Thoughts on this?
No. 1894782
>>1894745So it's Germany's fault then? those darn nazis strike again!
(this is a joke)
No. 1894805
>>1892866i hate millennial minimalism so damn much. gen x-ers had better minimalism back in the 90s and i wish finding items from that period in my country was easier…
>90s nostalgia, a decade remembered as being vibrant and colorful, the phenomenon is even more striking.90s were complete mix of styles that coexisted which died after late 00s. Back in 90s and early 00s you had so many popular styles and flipping books or magazines from that period is so striking, as now you only get shitty beige minimalism or airspace. Before that you had colorful, eclectic styles, light minimalism that was more human and livable, highly modern and cold styles, rustic and folk-y styles, classic styles with heavy wooden furniture, 60s and 70s toned down revivals and many more… but now it's gone
No. 1894929
>>1894805>90s were complete mix of styles that coexisted which died after late 00s. Back in 90s and early 00s you had so many popular styles and flipping books or magazines from that period is so striking, as now you only get shitty beige minimalism or airspace. True. I saw a Tumblr post talking about this once. All of those styles back then were 90s but very different to each other.
I think nowadays people would like to think we have more aesthetics and choice but honestly? It's pretty homogenized
No. 1895763
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Not sure if this is the right thread but I feel like this cool 2000s lounge vibe just sort of disappeared (picrel is the best I can find) does anyone else get what I mean
No. 1895767
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>>1895763carrie's apartment from sex and the city, is this what you meant?
No. 1895770
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>>1895767Nta but that was not how I remembered it.
No. 1895777
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>>1895763You mean like an art deco revival? I feel like it constantly comes back to a minor capacity, not many people can be bothered to commit to such an aesthetic.
No. 1895784
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>>1894385>>1894499anons you get me… Warm cluttered vintage houses are peak. Weirdcore getting big definitely helped popularize it but I think it's also a generational thing. I wonder if in 2060 there will be young people yearning for the retro sad beige interiors kek. Also going to shill mcmansion hell in case any nonas haven't heard about it. If you love trashing soulless new builds it'll probably appeal to you
No. 1895817
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>>1895814I posted it for the vibe but I agree, the artstyle had something special, it was so sharp, a little stylized but realistic, I loved how the overlaid vectors kind of looked like cutouts. It was so nice to look at. I also loved how confident the women looked. Compare that to the humans of blob style we have now.
No. 1895838
>>1895780Wasn't kitsch way more colorful and over the top? I admit I liked some kitsch interior designs, but it's usually a love it or hate it with nothing in between.
>>1895811There are options in between bright colors and plain white. I think you can have soft muted colors without it looking like a hospital. Spaces that only have one or two colors in it's entirety feel artificial to me.
No. 1895973
>>1894897>this looks depressing to me, it would make me more anxious living there. Specially because i would have to worry about cleaning it every day so it doesn't look dirty.Question for everyone, what would it take to make a grey/beige space nice and liveable to you? Would inclusion of 1 more accent color be enough, or do you prefer colorful spaces like the pic in
>>1894747 ?
No. 1895990
>>1895973I think when it comes to beige spaces, having things in accent colors that compliment the beige such as mint green, sky blue, brown, copper, soft reds and a strong burgundy or deep navy for contrast.
Alternatively, if you must stick to monochrome, the most important thing is texture. All beiges must have different values and as many as possible contain different interesting patterns.
No. 1896165
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>>1896097tbf light beige IS a natural color of wood. in sweden, where ikea is from, 85%-90% of all native trees are a type of spruce or pine with a light beige color wood. that is why ikea and swedish interior design in general has always stuck to that color wood.
No. 1896455
>>1894929Is there any way to find that post
nonny? sounds really interesting.
No. 1896479
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>>1894778there’s nothing calming to me about beige, white and grey rooms with little to no decor, but I guess some people get stressed out by clutter. The most comforting rooms to me are ones with lots of plants and colour. I love looking at 70s-80s modern bathrooms because of the tile, the glass, the lighting and the plants. Even malls and hotel lobbies back then had tons of plants and cool lighting.
No. 1897210
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I hate stuff like the "wood" tile floors, cheap-looking gray cabinetry and barn doors that are everywhere. It's one thing for it to be in every sad beige new build, but I look at older houses built pre-1980 and most have had "updates". There's maybe 1 in 15 older homes with any personality left to them. I know this style is trendy but I refuse to believe everyone other than me wants to live in a greige open concept box, and if that's what you want you could buy it new easily. Not every home needs to match!!! I pray to god there's a scrap of wallpaper, real wood floors or a colorful tiled bathroom left on the market if/when I look to buy a house. Also I hate this particular thing in picrel where they rip out ALL the walls and then the kitchen is just sort of awkwardly floating in the void. It seems like it would be cold and echoey.
No. 1897231
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>>1895973You have to up the coziness factor intensely. The worst kind of neutral colour scheme is cold, sterile, rich person minimalism (eg kim k's place), but a smaller room can be comfy and welcoming in all beige/whit and well placed accent colours definitely make a huge difference. Something like pic related is obviously not 'interior design', it's just a random japanese person's room, but it's the sort of room I'd be happy in.
Also, is this making anyone else miss the houses and interior design thread on /m/?
No. 1897250
Why are elder millennials obsessed with painting solid wood furniture grey or beige and removing intricate carvings? What the hell is the point of turning unique antiques into ikea? Or painting tile/marble grey? Disgusting. Luckily it seems like younger millennials and zoomers refuse to commit those atrocities.
>>1892875He bought the furniture with his ex gf and his new gf felt intimidated by it so she threw everything out. No I'm not joking.
No. 1897313
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Cheap “minimalist” interior will be more pleasing to look at and to live in than cheap “maximalist” one. Minimalist interiors are much easier to clean. And sad beige or millennials grey lighter colors are adding to the “cleanliness”.
I lived surrounded by dirty and ugly, clashing cheap furniture and objects - because that what we can afford (or, in most cases, my relatives could afford 20-30 years ago at some point of their lives and just stop bothering) and I would like to abstain from living like that. While I am not a big fan of sad beige scandi, but I like geometric monochrome plus accent color or texture, so I think that would fall into “colorless”. I better use saddest black and white, but that would always be a safe choice. Besides, when you live in a place with little to no sunlight, you would prefer reflecting white walls (I know I do). Also, unfortunately, colorful and not ugly - and relatively cheap - is rarely attainable. And yeah, there was already a point about renting, I agree - safe and cheap
No. 1897339
>>1892866every time i see the right picture on the OP image, i immediately think of my (millennial) brother's condo because it's the spitting image of his place. when i see the right picture i'm reminded of a childhood friends living room. i definitely know which place felt more welcoming. there is not one thing that displays color in my brother's condo and it's a bit mind-boggling, there NEEDS to be a splash of color somewhere.
i like the black and white color-scheme overall, but having everything be devoid of color is just insane. especially when you add the grey and beige to the mix, those colors are nasty with each other. i'm not against minimalism but it's just ridiculous when there's not one sign of color.
No. 1897345
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I found it. These girls all looked so great, but the colors all instantly made me look like a 50 year old truck stop whore. There was a reason they were at Big Lots years after the original release.
No. 1897346
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Look at this. Even in the ad the product looks like Chester the Cheetah's diarrhea.
No. 1898111
>>1897313There is more color in your pic than
>>1894778, this one. It's the obsession over having one or two colors that barely has any contrast that looks bad imo. Look at this woman ruining a perfectly fine looking mixer because it didn't blend in perfectly with the rest.
>>1893072 You can have a predominant color scheme, but it's fine to have colorful accent pieces like one rug or a lamp. You can still be a minimalist and have some color here and there with a few items.
No. 1898878
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No. 1898915
>>1898878Why is her husband not doing this for her?
I think the after looks pretty nice, definitely a major improvement. Just needs some colorful pictures/curtains/pillows etc. I know she won't add that because she's miserable and does her husband's work but it's fine.
No. 1899305
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>>1894009I'm from Eastern Europe and it's green everywhere in my city. I grew up in a relatively poor district, which used to be countryside in the mid twentieth century, that is full of commieblocks and it's super green and blooming in the spring. There are a lot of parks, lakes, groves, boulevards around. Pretty sure it can be said about any city in my country. But yeah, I was surprised to find out that some of the cities in Europe are not as green when I walked there using google maps, it's really weird to see streets with almost no trees or bushes, but it seemed more like a rarity to me.
>>1894251>Those apartments also have better bones and soundproofing than anything built in the past 10 years otherwise I would have strangled my neighbors a long time agoThat's so true. When I lived at my sister's in a new high-rise, the audibility drove me mad. It was like neighbors were stomping and talking right in my hallway.
Her flat is also mostly grey and cool beige btw, and for some time I couldn't understand why I didn't like it. It's objectively better than the place where I live because mine is ancient and needs renovation, but it's still so much cozier than a sister's newer apartment. It's not all grey, there's a few bright spots but it somehow doesn't help, everything is just too minimalistic and squarish, and it definitely lacks something, seems more like a neutral place for rent.
No. 1900116
File: 1708804471787.jpg (605.61 KB, 1440x1080, 30258560051988391_7319.jpg)

>>1899305Speaking of! I'm really happy to see that some building management repaints their krushchiovkas in fun colors! I've been seeing that a lot in my home town. Picrel obviously not mine, but I like the design here with the fun blues. Some older pre-dissolution blocks were already painted, but it seems like more people are embracing less standard colors (like red or yellow).
No. 1900652
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>>1899305>Communism = grey, ugly, bad!I hate this concept. Communists are people not evil mythical concrete-monsters that hate colour. Even in Free Korea's capital city, the city-planners are anti-beigeists. Picrel is a typical neighbourhood in Pyongyang, you can see how beautiful the buildings are and they're painted in wonderful pastels. People are happier when they're surrounded by beautiful things; see the broken window theory.
>>1900118>Paint ages badlyThat's why the rich landlords should paint their buildings yearly. It's not that expensive to hire painters and buy paint every 2-3 years when you're earning hundreds of thousands per year from rent. I cba with the "we can't have pretty things because they cost some money to keep up!" attitude because it's like okay… so when we build something we can never go back to touch it up or renovate? It has to age, yes, but it doesn't have to decay unless we shirk our responsibilities towards our creations.
No. 1900899
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>>1898878 I don’t think that room quite fits this thread, to me sad beige baby is more like picrel where there is absolutely no colour except for white and beige. But what really pisses me off about this video is, why the fuck is she doing this and not her husband? It’s his kid too, he should be doing the work. Frankly, there’s no good reason for an eight-month-pregnant woman to being going up and down stools.
No. 1901005
>>1898878i think it looks fine albeit a bit too polished for a child (we know this room is gonna look like shit once the toys pile up) but "recruiting" her husband to help… this is like saying that fathers who are taking their kids to the playground are "babysitting".
>>1900116kek i love seeing those houses, my dorm in leipzig looked exactly like this. i later moved to berlin and lived in another plattenbau but the walls were super thin and i could hear everything. i now live in a typical pre-WWII building with high ceilings, hardwood floors, etc. and it's aesthetically pleasing but it's sooo cold.
No. 1901025
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just caught a real one in the wild. this was posted on reddit in the plants sub, with the caption "what tree should i put in this pot?" (lol). anyway, your house can be expensive as fuck but if it looks about as sanitised as a hospital or architecture magazine, i'll pass.
No. 1901097
>>1901025Seems to me like this fell
victim to the photographer. It's probably quite nice with lots of natural light. The only thing I'd add is lots of plants.
No. 1901377
>>1900652Retard, it's impossible to repaint a building every single year. It's not even cost effective compared to silicone paint which can be washed. Most of pastel vomit that commieblocks in my country got covered with still look fine after years.
Commies and nork simps deserve the rope.
No. 1901466
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>>1895765>>1895763>>1895817Kek my immediate thought too, those girls were at the club/lounge way too much for being marketed to kids. The art style is so cute though and so typical for its time. Love it and miss it
No. 1901530
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>>1899305>>1894009Yeah, it might be weird but I also like my commie blocks, I'm used to them usually being located in very safe areas, calm and having a lot of parks and forests around them. Most of my friends that lived in the 'stone pretty building' historical center of our capital moved out to commie blocks on the outskirts because it's just comfier inside and they missed nature.
People are so clueless about Eastern Europe that isn't Russia.
No. 1901743
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>>1895763Yes! Here'sa Jason Brooks illustration. He did a lot of artwork for Hedkandi which is totally the 2000s lounge vibe you describe. Jordi Labanda too. I love this kind of art so much. It's kinda frutiger metro/2000s vector art.
No. 1902498
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I got 2024 snow miku in the mail last week and here’s my question: is this miku a millennial beige or zoomie aesthetically pleasing?
No. 1903117
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>>1902391nta but thank you this is an amazing resource. I'd die happy living in any of these places. I found this pic from that blog and I'm obsessed with it. even though it's beige, it's not "sad" at all.
No. 1903578
>>1903142your sort of right, but there isn't much untouched nature left in the US either… or anywhere really. Going purely by protected areas, there's more protected nature in europe than the US, but protected area includes a lot of stuff that I wouldn't call nature (mountain pastures, protected forests that are still used for timber ect.) No. 1905259
>>1903142>Some trees and parks is not 'nature'. Most European countries have no nature to speak ofabout 70% of my european country is straight up just fucking forest
>>1905020just in the intro she says things like "stripping a child's life of color", but I've yet to see proof of mothers who actually do this outside of social media posts. So far every account I have checked quickly shows the kid does have plenty of colorful toys to play with, they were just neatly tucked away for mommys perfect beige feed posts. If a mother makes her kids room all pink (which I've honestly seen more of than beige), is that damaging the kid due to a lack of color variation? Or do we just hate beige becuase it's "boring"?
No. 1905869
>>1894428It reminds me a lot of vintage linoleum patterns you saw in victorian houses. Back when linolium was real, not the plastic-sheet kind.
The worst part about sad beige interior design is it's ruined furniture shopping. I've painted my house lots of different colors and use a lot of bright wallpaper. But buying furniture, especially a couch, is impossible. There's entire companies that only make white (and five colors of off-white) couches. What the fuck. White is ugly and the least practical color for a couch.
No. 1905936
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>>1905020Not saying she doesn't lurk here but I think you have it backwards. When Stanley cups went viral on tiktok, anons came here to talk about it. Within the week all the youtubers made their videos on it. By the next week it had been forgotten and everything was about Sephora kids.
Sorry this is pretty off-topic from your post now but I've been thinking a lot about how there's hundreds of interchangeable commentary youtubers whose repeat the same topics and points ad nauseam kek. like I've seen every topic in picrel
idk who she is, I picked the first example I could find discussed here and by other youtubers but I think that just means we are all consooming the same content.
No. 1906228
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No. 1906380
>>1906228A cool hi-gloss (very likely) 00s kitchen became another beige shit. Sad!
>>1903874CARI is a shitshow. I knew people who used to be around them, I even was in their server for a while. It always was bad but it got worse after they opened it and it got swarmed by autistic moids and they had to close it again. FB groups before also were full of minor cows.
Their shitty fake analysis is wrong, they love revisionist bullshit and entire system they use is basically bunch of made up nonsense. I feel they are at fault of legitimizing "aesthetics" bullshit and bringing it to mainstream. Moids on 4ch are right about them
>old web neo neo sites peopleThese kids often overlap with carifag crowd.
>>1905869>it's ruined furniture shoppingSo true, I hate furniture available new and I hate that I don't have big enough car to pickup turn of millennium era furniture (which is more plentiful far away from me) as I'd get everything used instead trying to pick anything passable in stores.
No. 1906592
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>>1905020are kids really deprived of color? is this really bad? because years ago there was no plastic toys and plastic clothes with artificial bright pigments and kids were all right
there was some ornate objects and muted pigments here and there (if they had privilege to own something like that), but overall houses and clothes were sad beige
No. 1906639
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>>1902884I need this type of thread, I love that aesthetic. Just a 2000s aesthetic general would be nice
No. 1906654
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>>1906592The past wasn't as colorless as its often portrayed since pigments fade over time. A lot of old toys looked much more vibrant when they where made than they do now. But I agree with you that kids being exposed to saturated colors 24/7 is a new concept. Specially during winter where the only source for color simulation would be from indoor decoration since nature is dead. Houses in the past weren't build for natural light either so during winter they would be dark and candlelight doesn't exactly highlight saturated colors.
I don't doubt bright colors can help children developing faster but
this thread have some weird pro-consumerism tendencies like when some anons acted like it was a bad thing that Mcdonalds stopped marketing themselves as a family restaurant
No. 1906655
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>>1906592Natural pigments can get pretty bright, and a lot of historical clothing was colorful when people had the option. That child's petticoat in your picrel was probably close to pokeweed berries or madder red in picrel but is painted duller to match the low lighting.
No. 1906701
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>>1902498YOTSUBA! Great taste nonna, where'd you get the volumes?
No. 1906706
>>1906682>Are they really that deprived?Yes because when I was little the way my home looked was really important to me, I felt way more comfier in actual places with personalities versus in a boring white retarded house (which a friend of my mom had, that's why I never wanted to visit her)
>or on their iPads kekThat's sad but knowing these normalfag parents I'm pretty sure they don't give a shit about their childrens' comfort or their well-being/growth. They probably pop a baby or 2 because society told them to.
No. 1906770
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i think prettyinthepines dances on the edge of beautiful aesthetic and depressing millenial beige. and if it's not directly beige or cream, it's very muted colors. she has gorgeous furniture in her home but sometimes i look at her whole space and think it's missing so much warmth. i'm pretty jealous that she can afford so many nice antique or antique revival things kek but at the same time i don't think i'm completely biased in my opinion? ie in her new house, she painted over the living room walls, which were a beautiful blue/mint color (which was definitely super victorian looking and would fit her vintage-sort-of inspired aesthetic) to a boring desaturated vomit color.
No. 1906776
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>>1906228nice to see someone finally found a use for the cat-dog thing from the simpsons
No. 1906789
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>>1906770I like her style tbh, don't really like the wall colour in this room but the furniture and decor looks lovely. At least you can tell she put some thought and time into choosing pieces she wanted in her home
No. 1906848
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Thoughts on green carpeting? I think it can look really beautiful in a room if it's styled correctly
No. 1906851
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>>1906848Like this, it just kinda has this earthy feel I'm into. Dunno if my taste is off
No. 1906852
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No. 1906868
>>1906851That is absolutely gorgeous. Love it nona, you've got great taste.
Vividly coloured carpets are pretty amazing. In my living room we've got maroon carpeting. I used to hate it when I was younger and wished we had a modern looking living room but I've really grown to love it.
No. 1906880
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>>1896479I think it’s because back then office/mall workers cared enough and knew enough about the plants to make sure they thrived. The buildings also had ample lighting and tons of windows so the plants would do well.
>>1892902Blog but I’m listening to weather channel vaporwave music while reading this thread and I’m on my period so I started crying a little like a dumbass because I love this home so much and it’s sad that I’ll never be able to live in something like that because they don’t exist anymore. I don’t want a mansion, just a modest home that has this exact style and atmosphere. I don’t know if any of you nonnies know about the Instagram page that shows cheap homes in Japan, but it has many photos of homes that kind of resemble this
No. 1906896
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>>1906648>>1906639>>1902884Has the thread been made yet? If not I could do that but give me an idea for the OP description and title please
No. 1906979
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>>1906963It's even worse when they put it on on toilets.
Same disgust I get when people wear furry butt plugs if that makes sense No. 1907040
File: 1709257619879.jpg (Spoiler Image,70.8 KB, 750x849, 1597845414165.jpg)

>>1906979All i think of when i see these nasty carpeted toilets.
No. 1907630
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>>1907040superior mood ring toilet seat
No. 1907653
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I have an unpopular opinion but “beige” and “bleak” styles in picrel is just minimalism that’s been here forever and I love it kek. Looks way better than the sloppy, clunky hoarder’s paradise that nostalgiafags lust after because if something is popular people are always automatically going to hate it, and the cycle repeats and trends get repeated blahblah. Maximalists SEETHE at the clean and organized nature of a type-A’s home, it’s always poorfags and broke people crying about minimalism because poorfags for some reason love surrounding their home with useless consumerist junk towering the walls and their floors with dusty, moldy autistic collectibles and trash while classy rich people know what’s necessary to buy, what’s true quality, what your money’s worth and what’s not, kind of projecting back at how trashy some poor people can be and that’s why people get mad at these interiors. Maximalists think they can clutter their home with TEMU junk, closet full of shein garbage while trying to barter for a cheap price at a homemade tailor because again they think they can get quality for a small shekel. Poorfags like myself ruin fucking everything, and it mirrors right back on to why people are so anal about minimalism, tldr you’re poor and need to stop hoarding shit that’s making you even more poor(infight bait)
No. 1907692
>>1907660>I also like the minimalist trend because my mom's the type to hoard multicolored junk.I like minimalism for that same reason and I made that rant probably out of stockholm syndrome because there’s a flavor of poor people who love hoarding shit and it just creates a huge embarrassing fucking mess, especially when you’re moving to another house or apartment and then you inherit that same habit from your parents thinking it’s the right thing to do.
>>1907667Op’s description says we can discuss our opinions here, doesn’t have to be pro-maximalist
No. 1909358
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Some monochrome sad minimalists.
No. 1909361
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>>1909358Seems like she lives there with two kids.
No. 1909369
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>>1909361All of her kid's clothing
No. 1909422
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Store redesigns, definitely lost some of their quirk and uniqueness.
No. 1909647
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one thing i suspect about these people is that they never hang their kid’s paintings or drawings up on the wall because it goes against their aesthetic. not that every parent has to do it, but with the way these sad beige parents withhold joyful colors from their children it’s the least they can do. like, my grandparents would hang up my terrible anime cat girl drawings next to my art school cousin’s professional paintings kek. they had a pretty minimalistic and not that colorful home, mainly because they were quite old, but the sentimental art on the wall added a lot of warmth.
for example
>>1909377 why doesn’t she have any drawings from her kids on the wall? i get the minimalistic principle of owning as little stuff as possible, but why not hang up artwork that her kids make? or have colorful children’s magnets on the fridge? like this must be a sign of her having mental illness, having an empty room should be put in the dsm-5 as a diagnostic criteria
No. 1909710
>>1909361Okay I'm sorry but why is she brushing her children's teeth??? They look old enough to be able to brush their own teeth. Why is she the only one allowed to brush her teeth by herself by the sink? This video has stuck with me all day what is going on here?
>>1909594When she she showed the full on "empty room" my blood pressure spiked. I got angry.
No. 1909920
File: 1709456567917.mp4 (5.09 MB, VID_222371024_191227_482.mp4)

Sad beige children I raise you - minimalist summer break fight-with-your-brother-for-the-single-chair children.
No. 1910271
Gray will be 2024's color apparently
No. 1910350
File: 1709490745871.mp4 (17.35 MB, 1080x1920, VID_231630217_192754_058.mp4)

All boring as fuck. I can't help finding the Eames chair also a scam, it's big and uncomfortable and ugly as hell. Modern design is seriously souless, I wonder how we'll look back on it in 20 years or so.
No. 1910408
>>1910350Kek, this belongs in the consumerism thread. Imagine fantasising about which brand you'd buy your kitchen from, not the features you want, not even the look or the materials… the brand.
Also the eames chair, notice how he talks about them being famous for being comfortable, he hasn't even tried the chair. I'm sure what he'd like to do the most, if he was rich, is to tell everyone what brands he's bought.
No. 1910411
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>>1910350grant confort or barcelona chair are prettier chairs if you totally need a pretentious expensive one. and that eames chair… i always hated it lol, it became so omnipresent
No. 1910698
>>1910663What do you mean?
>>1910667>Let them sit in an empty white room with a wobbly mirror and three candles and a woven basket.Kek
No. 1910715
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>>1910663I keep seeing women irl going for that look when it’s extremely obvious that they’re not “old money” sporting Brunello Cucinelli and Cartier, but the typical Amazon earrings and Brandy Melville pullovers. I know what they’re going for but seeing anyone clinging to a specific trending aesthetic will always give me a sense of pity. It’s like seeing a young woman in a thrifted fur coat in broad daylight at the grocery store trying to channel that weird “mob wife” aesthetic on TikTok, you can’t help but feel a bit sad because you know they’re mindless consoomers playing dress up according to whichever aesthetic is currently trending according to their algorithm. But when you actually interact with these types of women, they have major main character syndrome where they think they’re actually killing it and everyone else is beneath them. Especially if you don’t have a currently popular aesthetic and don’t use social media, they’ll look down on you. I blame the popularization of those affirmations like “I am magnetic and my energy is incredible” and the other terminally online shit for “hot girls” to “level up” that reeks of delusion when taken in by women who possess some narcissistic tendencies. These are also the types of women that moids constantly complain about, but imo their shallow insufferable asses deserve each other.
No. 1912289
File: 1709643801231.jpg (8.92 KB, 299x168, download.jpg)

>>1906025Color is cultural. Himba tribesman can't see blue. There's no word for it and they literally cannot perceive it. Babies should be exposed to different colors, shades and textures and parents should support exploration with accurate and precise language.
No. 1914964
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No. 1915200
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Were houses like these even real though?
No. 1915255
>>1915200i feel like that look was mostly reserved for 70s scifi movies like soylent green and those movies austin powers was parodying. If you check comedies from the 70s like woody allen's movies they look less crazy.
>>1915208that 70s show is from the 90s
No. 1915309
File: 1709859533364.jpeg (38.34 KB, 201x251, IMG_7416.jpeg)

>>1915200This looks AI generated. Picrel is from a 70s era interior design book, so more accurate.
No. 1915902
>>1909377I'm going to go against the grain here, but as a kid, I would have prefered this minimalist home over any "beautifully decorated" space that has been posted here. I would have prefered being able to run around and being allowed to physically interact with everything in my enviroment, over looking at tastefully arranged stuff.
>>1914964That being said, this is the worst of both worlds, your not allowed to knock anything over and it's not interesting to look at.
No. 1915954
>>1915200No because that's AI, literally no house like that ever existed. People didn't build random ass shapes into the fucking walls and the orange cabinet only has 2 legs
But honestly the fake AI image made me realize this beige trend isn't even half as bad as an all brown trend would be
No. 1916549
My grandparents have 70’s house and it’s got wood paneling, small kitchen, living room pit, ugly brown floor and used to have green shag carpet.
>>1915208That 70s show is like the y2k resurrection where people who grew up in the time period didn’t dress/act like that at all.
No. 1916706
File: 1709932276414.jpg (66.53 KB, 1005x670, kitchen.jpg)

tbh I get the pros of living in a minimalist beige house, it's not for me though. I think a lot of the hate is coming from the fact that most young people are renting, so they can't paint walls or renovate, and most apartments are very beige. The maximalist clutter aesthetic that's popular with gen z is just a reflection of this imo, just doing what you can to make a space that you can't change feel like home.
Having my own place and the freedom to put up crazy wallpaper or redo the bathroom is a dream of mine. Preferably I'd find an old "time capsule" home and leave it as-is. My current apartment's from the 70's but every surface is painted white. In some parts the paint is peeling and you can see hints of the cherry wood cabinetry or holographic floral wallpaper. I get that's not appealing to everyone but it makes me very sad that they covered it up tbh
No. 1916856
File: 1709937854975.png (1.3 MB, 1080x772, kitchen.png)

>>1916706I don't like that specific shade of yellow, and tbh I think yellow is a color where less is more. But I like the wallpaper.
I fucking love wallpaper in general. Nice wallpaper is all it takes to save an otherwise sad gray or white room for me. I grew up in the 90s and my parents' house had this striped wallpaper in the kitchen that had some kind of tiny vines/flowers/fruits motif on it and I remember it being kind of enchanting to stare at. I can't remember the last time I saw wallpaper in someone's house irl. I guess it's expensive compared to paint, but I think it looks much homier than textured paint (which I see a lot of).
No. 1916882
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>>1916816post some stuff you like, I'm curious! Most of those ugly pictures ITT are probably from me kek sorry I have bad taste. My least favorite is definitely that clunky 2000s tuscan style, for similar reasons to you- that's what my home looked like growing up. The dusty fake plants and fruit on top of the cabinets, chubby chef decor, squat brown furniture with studs and tassels kek
>>1916856agreed, wallpaper is amazing. I've been interested in getting some removable wallpaper for my kitchen but it's so expensive… Wouldn't be worth the money and effort unless I was renting long-term imo
No. 1916943
File: 1709943379676.jpeg (228.85 KB, 1254x942, IMG_4258.jpeg)

>>1916706I love this! It may be controversial but I really like when almost everything is colourful from the wallpaper to the cabinets to the floor tiles. I never understood why people consider it ugly/gaudy nowadays. I’d rather a place be “overstimulating” than be surrounded by blank white walls.
No. 1917509
File: 1709990493617.mp4 (6.77 MB, VID_33730915_023128_816.mp4)

No. 1917531
>>1917516One normie woman I know ended up marrying my ex that has filled his room with the most depraved coomerish anime figures you can imagine. Although he started purchasing them from the very start of their relationship so it wasn't a surprise to her, but it would become a nasty surprise to me if we stayed together.
>pickle rickShit like that is one of my greatest fears haha, I used to think that I had to make peace with something so innocent like a taste for crappy merch but now I'm sure it would really bother me, so I will definitely pay attention to things like that in the future (and probably stay single forever).
No. 1918236
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>>1917539Like I said, to me it is not garish or ugly at all and frankly I don’t give a fuck if something is ‘old’. I don’t want it to be ‘60s-inspired with a modern twist!’ I want it to be exactly the way it is in the picture. To me there is a lot of beauty in design that is considered ‘outdated’.
No. 1918372
File: 1710049670035.jpeg (332.89 KB, 1080x663, hot topic.jpeg)

>>1909422Oldfag here, the Hot Topic one makes me sad. I mean, look at this! The spiderwebby metal doors, the gargoyles, the columns - it actually felt kinda spooky! I remember being a kid and going into the Hot Topic in my local mall in the late 90s and I was mesmerized by the huge platform boots, the chunky creepers, big stupid pants and spooky dresses and I couldn't wait to try some of those styles when I got older. There was also the huge "rock wall" of band tees and funny edgy shirts that you couldn't find anywhere else. You couldn't just buy crazy alternative outfits online at the time. Nowadays, the store is just shitty anime, Adventure Time, Marvel and Disney merch. And Funko Pops. They still have some band tees, though.
No. 1918514
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>>1918501Imagine not liking anything pink just because a few retards use it too much
No. 1918557
>>1918524That wasn't me kek
>>1918498Thank you anon. I like the chairs and the flamingos
No. 1919132
>>1918666You can get a rug just like that at IKEA love
And even if you couldn't, there's no paint in that picture
No. 1919514
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No personality or colour allowed, if anything is colourful we have to compensate by making everything else white or brown
No. 1919526
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Something like this is definitely an upgrade from having everything be uncomfortable and beige but to me it’s still pretty boring. I think anons here would like it though
No. 1919587
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>>1918486my taste is pretty "childish" but I love cute bright rooms like this
No. 1920234
File: 1710142670266.jpg (81.09 KB, 720x529, 1000003335.jpg)

If you ignore the fact that it looks like popcorn ceiling on mattress foam it's cute conceptually
No. 1920236
File: 1710142706527.jpg (188.99 KB, 828x1203, 1000003334.jpg)

Rich people have no idea how annoying they are.
No. 1920263
>>1919587honestly it's cute, though it feels oddly sterile? the art could be more fun.
>>1920253my first impression was that this is some sort of basement room meant to torture their children. imagine the splinters they get just trying to navigate that monstrosity.
No. 1920324
>>1920253Yeah there is nothing rich about this. It's also not anything near shabby chic like
>>1920259 said. It's honestly giving cheap high traffic tourist area airbnb kek
No. 1928527
File: 1710673988168.mp4 (16.12 MB, VID_55511106_120922_767.mp4)

Oh boy! Springtime means the children have lost the right to have a rug. All the better to enjoy the coldness seeping from the hardwood floor.
No. 1928536
File: 1710674402025.mp4 (15.22 MB, 720x1280, VID_69641007_091506_683.mp4)

Perfect bathroom colour to disguise dried wall shit stains. Maybe beige moms are onto something.
No. 1928763
File: 1710690912755.jpg (87.57 KB, 500x889, 45e506c6695144089c529ec525b0a2…)

How do you guys feel about sad beige things that aren't minimalist? Sometimes stuff like this finds it's way onto my Pinterest feed and it's interesting seeing minimalism collide with the tiktok obsession with consoomerism, creating a market for really bland ugly junk
No. 1928840
>>1928837no, they are selfish retards that are stunting their children, if not outright poisoning them like
>>1892867 , for tiktok likes
No. 1929416
File: 1710737098379.jpg (291.08 KB, 1440x1704, 1000003481.jpg)

I hate AI. Do you think they searched up "modern high end home open plan lesbian flag color interior RPDR workroom"
No. 1929462
File: 1710739968978.png (1.79 MB, 1000x1046, modern vs classic.png)

I think the reason a lot of youth and young adults are depressed today is in small part due to the architecture becoming made for convenience and all colour drained from our surroundings. I'm a 2000s kid and all the colours on the early internet, the neon lights, bright holographic designs, sparkles, rainbows etc only made me feel better, not 'overstimulated'
No. 1929467
File: 1710740561703.png (952.67 KB, 609x607, faero.PNG)

I honestly hoped we would continue with the fruitiger aero movement, and it feels like we should have continued with this rather than going with the minimalist ikea looks. We were meant to evolve technologically alongside nature and it was going to look colourful and hopeful, what year did this minimalism thing start? I'm guessing around 2015 when the whole world started changing for the worse really.
No. 1929469
>>1929462Restaurants in the 2000s
>Laughing with friends, cheap food, colorful fun designs, lots of stuff to doRestaurants now
>Beige mom esqe designs, filled with chloride staring strangers judging you while you pay 6 hours of work for a tiny cheap meal that will destroy your stomachAnd people will blame everyone but corporations
No. 1929479
File: 1710741456915.png (890.36 KB, 674x988, Screen Shot 2024-03-17 at 10.5…)

The celebrity I'm in love with has a grayscale house. But also she wears black 99% of the time. And she has a giant painting in her house that is just all black paint on a canvas. I hate millennial grayscale interior. But at least this lady isn't doing it because it's trendy. I think she's just autistic about black kek
No. 1929490
File: 1710742794563.png (652.33 KB, 1024x573, Interior_Rick_Owens-1_1024x102…)

Rick Owens' house
No. 1929594
>>1929566>Not the corporations who are just playing supply and demand. This time, it actually is on the moms.Well the moms for sure didn't do
>>1929462 and I doubt they even asked for it, they don't seem the type to hang out at mcdonalds kek
Maybe it's regional but I live in Sweden, ikea-land and part of the Scandinavian minimalism that gets blamed for this trend, and even here the trend is really rare in real life. It's a magazine trend the same way you don't expect every woman to walk around in strange high fashion, it's only meant to be a nice ad picture. It's not women who are pushing the high fashion, it's the designers and rich brands creating a demand for it. I think it's the same with this interior design trend, and I think
>>1929473 is right and it's cheaper for brands to push minimalist boring items
No. 1929624
>>1929618>Creativity and imagination are internal, they're not about your environmentThat's a load of horseshit
>>1929610t. family from siberia
have you seen the 'inside' on these homes? folk art, colourful antiques, rugs, candles etc.
We're talking about beige mums creating a world where its bleak on the outside and the inside, all architecture stripped away to its core of a box.
No. 1929634
File: 1710755726378.jpg (754.42 KB, 3000x3000, jail.jpg)

I like to play the game, which one is a jail room and which one is a minimalist bedroom from a magazine
No. 1929659
File: 1710757917104.png (1.19 MB, 1474x599, beigetreemom.png)

>>1929598>No but they're incorporating that into their homes and depriving kids of like basic whimsy and sentimental items when they have literally no reason to do so.So far the only one I've seen (seemingly) actually do this is
>>1909369 every other time people freak out about moms depriving kids from a tiktok video it turns out it was just for a video and the kid does in fact have colorful toys like picrel
No. 1929690
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>>1929687You replied though so maybe you did just a little bit?
No. 1929696
File: 1710760825993.jpg (167.71 KB, 1125x750, hhh.jpg)

my city has started to introduce these kinds of bakeries/cafes and I can't fucking stand it, when I think of baked goods I think of dark wooden counters and pink ribbons and cherries on cakes but seeing this pop up everywhere even near my house is very upsetting. i DONUT approve
No. 1929717
>>1929709Yeah. Very accurate.
>>1929696Kind of off topic but I’ve noticed every “trendy” cafe basically sells the exact same drinks, maybe with one special seasonal one that the other ones rip off after it’s announced. I remember getting these caneles I thought were really nice, then I went to a few other places with the exact same ones and I realized they get delivered all over the city. It feels so homogenous? Idk
No. 1930254
>>1919587this looks like every 2015 back to school video on youtube
>>1920234it's all fun and games until the cat poops in the tube
No. 1930869
File: 1710837548436.png (1.61 MB, 1372x465, oldnew.PNG)

My hometown is this huge city in New Zealand called Christchurch, and in 2008 we had this awful earthquake which destroyed so many buildings especially the old ones. Christchurch was known for being the old french settlement style town, with antique buildings all around the city center mixed with the retro brutalist buildings. It was super nice, old churches everywhere etc. Now, going back there, it looks completely different and I mean, completely different. The city I once knew is no more, all the nice churches are gone, the heritage buildings are destroyed, the old style streets are gone and they are all replaced with these UGLY boxes. The entire place looks like some new style university campus and it's horrible. Here's an article discussing it:
>"That is why one of the most common responses to these designs is they are ‘soulless’ or ‘cold’. You can boast about eco-tech in your design and how ’quake-proof it is but greenwashing and safewashing won’t cover up the fact neomodernism perpetuates the machine age aesthetic." No. 1930967
File: 1710841130807.png (386.62 KB, 718x539, 1000003494.png)

Saw this in the Simlish thread but this is every 30-45 year olds home in both LA and Manhattan. The fucking wavy mirror.
No. 1932697
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…anyways, i am just a burger hoping that maybe, one day i will be able to afford my own home that i can decorate to my hearts content. i'm tired of living in spaces that aren't cozy, or home-y. i also hate how "safe" people play when it comes to homemaking. i'm not into anything really fancy, but i want to make the space maximum comfy with different colors, textures, and forms. i don't like homes that are too empty, square, etc. i feel like i see less people being adventurous with wall colors nowadays too. i'm thinking something kind of boho kind of goth. i hate the candles in picrel though.
No. 1989674
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No. 1990173
File: 1714806441627.jpeg (1.86 MB, 2343x2340, AdobeStock_5392800.jpeg)

>>1989674the first one was a modernist nightmare to begin with, I hate that fireplace. No tiles, no shape, no decorations
No. 1991076
File: 1714876211407.jpeg (186.54 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_6809.jpeg)

>>1989674Besides the ugly fireplace, can the trend of TV over the fireplace die? Absolutely soulless.
No. 2137545
File: 1723745273599.jpg (155.07 KB, 1000x1000, grey wood.jpg)

If I see one more apartment with these retarded cool-toned grey floors I'm gonna lose it. What happened to hue? What happened to saturation? I hate the new flipping style.
No. 2137793
File: 1723752287466.jpg (100.23 KB, 1024x678, fixtures.jpg)

I hate to the matte black trend for fixtures. They look like they mark up easily, and you can find dozens of people saying theirs are scratched and/or damaged by hard water. Literally any metal looks better and is kept clean so much easier. Why do people want their drawer handles to suck the light out of the room?
No. 2137817
File: 1723753724328.png (400.51 KB, 640x760, cold.png)

>>2137797I'm glad it works for some people, I do think that it can be styled nicely. I wish I chose a different pic because that one honestly isn't too bad. Unfortunately, I don't think many people are willing to experiment with textures/styles, so the black fixtures end up in a sad, cold, bland room with hard water build up.
No. 2144305
File: 1724112788422.jpg (219.92 KB, 1170x1705, 1000004558.jpg)

These women are crazy
No. 2144536
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So we're just gonna pretend weebs had nothing to do with this, huh?
No. 2144557
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>>2144536Most of the examples in this thread have zero to do with japanese minimalist interior design. They all clearly take from scandinavian interior or the farmhouse aesthetic. The point of these homes seems to be to mimic something that you would see in a home interior magazine or in a high end hotel. But that being said, i have seen people increasingly getting into sleeping on futons on youtube, but i don't think that has much to do with being a weeb than it does for being a penny pinching minimalist who is obsessed with wellness and has a floor desk. They aren't the same to me as women who paints their children's toys to make them more aesthetic since they don't really care that much about aesthetic, unless emptiness counts as an aesthetic. Tbh, i feel like a lot of the griege houses are exactly a product of people not really giving a shit about how their house looks too much and valuing functionality over design to an extreme. Tbh, i hate cluttered houses so i'd choose a bare minimalist room over the glam grey house or even the maximalist houses a lot of anons like here very much, i hate sensory overload and having too many chores to do, so i am speaking from a place of biased on this matter.
No. 2144691
>>2144536Lmfao nvm I just scrolled up
>>1909920>>1909377Of course this disposable poorfag VOMIT aesthetic is japanese
No. 2144732
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>>2144557This looks like the room a novitiate would find herself in once she joins the nunnery.