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No. 1880081
>>1880072shouldn't it be obvious i mean women
>>1880074sure but women too. otherwise you could have a man prove himself out of the snippening then go fuck some retard
No. 1880185
>>1879871I feel the same way too. I find that there's a level of nastyness with terminally online women that outshines even terminally online men. A sort of vindictiveness and total lack of empathy even my male discord friends are shocked by sometimes.
Then I remember the normal women I know IRL are lovely and kind and what I see here is mostly just a function of sad, angry, lonely, e-brained women rather than women as a whole. Although I feel Gen Z girls are pretty awful precisely because so many of them are terminally online.
No. 1880257
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NLOGs are unfairly demonized. It is perfectly understandable and even good to be wary of normie women when you grew up as a a heavily bullied tomboyish woman who was constantly tormented by said normie women (most of whom bullied you because you represented something they want deep down - freedom from the male gaze - or because they wanted male approval). It has been years since I graduated and I still cross the street when I see a huge group of giggly sorority girls heading towards me
No. 1880360
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I avoid any media made after 2020, because I fucking hate raceswaps. Every raceswap discussion makes me so anxious and I start to fear future violence. I still wish media was mostly segregated. I wish we had functional separate channels for media. Begging for inclusion is so humiliating, look at its rotten fruit.
No. 1880367
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>>1880213100%, that's why I support boarding schools and kids only rec centers and expanded library services
>>1880257I feel the same way. Normie women will never apologize for their cruel behavior. The burden is always on su to accept them and play nice with them. I wear a feminine mask when I chat with them, but I still feel alienated. No amount of feminist writing will fix that.
No. 1880492
>>1880453this isn't an opinion, this is a factual worry of yours. May I suggest, not having biological children/choosing to adopt a male/don't have kids.
No use worrying and then creating more true
victims of the patriarchy.
No. 1880577
>>1880257Fully agree. Women who are mean to others should just be judged for being mean/being bullies/being tryhard eccentric without a reason but that’s unfair to hate on women who openly speak about their feelings of not fitting etc. To be honest, even the word NLOG seems like an attack to me, maybe if had more specific meaning (mean individuals) but I hate how it spread to belittle those who just can’t relate to most.
Everyone might be equally bad or good, I accept that some men are so stupid they can’t be helped but in my life women hurt me more because I was supposed to trust them. Or they used fake personas which let my guard down.
No. 1880590
>>1880257I once stumbled upon a subreddit dedicated to making fun of nlogs. It was full of screenshots of 13 year old girls saying that they don't get the appeal of make up and for some reason they deserved mockery for that? Extreme beauty rituals are pushed on girls at a young age of course a girl who feel like she can't maintain that is going to feel alienated from her peers and i don't think she is a bad person for venting about it.
Honestly vain people are just annoying to be around regardless of sex. I hate hanging out with gymbros and I hate hanging out with hyperfeminine women. Bu I
have to hang out with hyperfeminine otherwise I'm an nlog? As a women you're not even allowed to make friends with people who share your values you're expected to be besties with every single woman ever otherwise you get accused of being a pickme or nlog.
I hate how people can be so mean towards women with "masculine" hobbies but if you dare to say that its not healthy to be unable to leave your house without make up then you're in the wrong
No. 1880598
>>1880596from a non literary perspective it's boring and pedo filled and uncomfy. read literally anything else, this one you can figure out from other people reading it for you. don't waste your time
and if someone comes in here reeing about how it's important PEDO DETECTED it isn't necessary just dip this one or read notes and shit. I read it and it was a waste of time and I hate to say it
bought up some shit fucking sucked at portraying what it meant
you read it though, I think I was like 15 and online and read something similar and was like I GOT THIS and I wish I never bothered besides the miserable context I have to give ever time this fucking book is bought up. it proved nothing and perpetuated pedo culture. fucking next.
No. 1880655
>>1880638This is just another variation of “fat girls give the best head” - the assumption being because she’s less conventionally attractive she’ll be willing to do more degrading stuff in bed, both to win male approval and because deep down she doesn’t think she deserves any better.
You and your boyfriend sound gross and annoying. Get well soon.
No. 1880676
>>1880663“Pickmehag” is this because normies/scrotes picked up NLOG and keep misusing it.
> …malding about gen Z women after she spent her youth malding about women older than her.The one true legacy all women can claim every successive generation.
No. 1880772
>>1880573It was specifically written to be horrifying. Writing from the POV of an evil, depraved person who rationalizes all their wrongdoing can make for an interesting read where you wait to see the mask slip and the truth come out. I don't think that writing style/idea is bad. I found the book itself miserable though, I wouldn't reread it or recommend it. I'm sure it felt groundbreaking for many to realize abusers don't see themselves as abusers, but in modern times, if you want to see an unreliable narrator explain how his
victim was definitely a bitch who wanted it, while being so self unaware even a precursory scan makes it unconvincing, you can just go on Reddit.
No. 1881095
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I’m not into the husbando life anymore, I grew up kek but Mamo-chan looked so fine in the first 2 seasons of SMCrystal rather than the 90’s anime, Crystal’s 3rd season and movies
No. 1881145
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Sexyy Red is really pretty
No. 1881201
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Pixyteri should have her own dedicated board like /shay/. There's over a decade of milk to reminisce over.
No. 1881319
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when tyra does that dumbass smize she looks like a baby dropping a fat shit in its diaper
No. 1881419
>>1880645post him
>>1881145I can’t believe she actually has a kid.
No. 1881422
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i miss prettyuglylittleliar so much i'm sorry for revealing myself as a former PULLfag well i only lurked but it's true. i wouldn't trade it for lolcor, i love the anonymity here and the distinct culture, but what was special about PULL was exactly that it wasn't anonymous and that the posters were clearly obnoxious cows themselves that were harboring lots of envy. it was so much fun…
No. 1881514
>>1881145Piece of shit promoted to kill black culture and influence black children to destroy themselves.
Her and others like it are funded by billions of dollars by investors like Larry Jackson.
No. 1881645
I wasn't gonna try
No. 1882076
>>1882074Incredibly low IQ take. I'm an atheist with zero knowledge about architecture and St. Peter's just blew me away. It is awe inspiringly beautiful. I've never seen anything like that in Japan. Likewise for Gaudi's work in Barcelona.
If you are only there to take selfies then that's a reflection on you, not the beauty of the art and architecture.
No. 1882130
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>>1882017>>1882077Whenever I've seen photos from my friends who visited South Korea everything looks grey, hazy and dull and all of the concrete buildings look the same. It looks like there's not a lot of cool architecture at all and it just doesn't seem like an aesthetically pleasing place to visit. Seoul-less, if you will.
No. 1882136
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I fucking love old facebook memes like this kek
No. 1882187
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>>1882130I studied in Korea and what you said is true. My pictures look exactly like what you’re describing except for the silly things like kids cartoon characters and random creative stuff I would take pictures of. The palaces are absolutely gorgeous and colorful too. The newer fancier architecture within the cities is super nice like picrel really impressed me when I went there but it’s usually darker shades of gray and black. Honestly the other parts of the city that aren’t Samsung or other new buildings are kinda dingy and ghetto. I don’t know how to explain it but sometimes it feels like Korea is overcompensating to be like the west when in places you have to squat over a hole to take a shit and there’s markets where they sell bugs that you can eat. Some of the other things like how Korean people’s living rooms are often their closets and their storage space strike me as really “countrified” and not enviable at all. If you’ve ever watched a documentary of average Korean families in apartments then you know what I mean—they always have all the clothes and random storage stuff in their entry/living room area and it looks so suffocating and sad. I’ll add a picture of what I mean if I can find one but I honestly cannot stand Korean people’s living spaces for that reason with the exception of influencers who go out of their way to make their places look beautiful. There are some really aesthetic cafes in Korea too. I suppose this makes me sound like a dumb American bc of course it isn’t actually super glamorous but Kdramas, Kpop, and chaebols do a great job at selling a fantasy to you of this super high tech dystopia.
No. 1882216
>>1882136Some of them make me laugh, but most
trigger me. I had to unfriend my dad on fb years ago because that's all he responded with in the comment section.
No. 1882316
>>1882301>if it wasn't 'the most noble virtuous sacrifice' martyrdomhonestly i don't think modern women have kids for this reason, typically. in my mind it's just them deciding being a (working) mother is easier or more cost efficient than being a single woman. the social boons are definitely there and generally if you like a man enough to have a kid with him, you like him enough to look past or outright be blind to general male defects. so even if outsiders see it as an L it isn't really, not entirely, the number of happy mothers and wives isn't 0%
i am 100% pro seperatism btw, i think being a wife is cringe, i also think motherhood is an L
(i feel complicated about this if it's a woman who's always wanted a little girl though), i'm just saying
No. 1882332
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>>1882150Cheating means multiple men get to have sex undeservedly, that's a win for them. Real haters deny men access to their bodies because that's what makes them suffer most. And cheating requires being in a relationship, if you'd enter a relationship with a man you must like him somewhat.
No. 1882358
>>1882301the issue isn't motherhood it's how certain cultures can make or break motherhood. In the Western world babies and children are seen as burdens with little to no accommodations, and there's no support for mothers, especially in America where they can't even take maternity leave after doing one of the most dangerous and damaging things to your body. Women don't get proper pain relief after childbirth because of the fear-mongering of opioid addicts even though it's basically standard everywhere else
people - men especially have a no-win paradox towards mothers. If you work you're abandoning your kids to child diddlers because of your selfish desire for a career, if you are a mother they don't mind going mommy dearest on your ass over everything as if taking care of a baby was just a walk-in the park. If you take your kids out you're annoying and exposing them to germs, if you don't you're leaving them in four walls all day and turning them into social retards. Oh and any sort of issue with toddler or babyhood? people immediately start blaming the mom and making up all kinds of weird shit instead of acknowledging toddlers can be high energy and wreckless sometimes. Once you become a mom people will jump through hoops to make your life a living hell and blame everything your kids do on parenting
No. 1882367
>>1882316>it's just them deciding being a (working) mother is easier or more cost efficient than being a single womanI think women who want kids have kids. I've never wanted kids and I wouldn't sacrifice that for a relationship. I choose bfs who are aligned with my views and are fine with not having kids. If their feelings regarding this change at some point we're gonna have to break up, I won't suddenly budge because I'm too afraid to be alone. Having kids is fucking expensive even if you are two people sharing them. I can't imagine someone having kids just to appease a man unless you have no access to abortion or are in a severely
abusive relationship. I feel like you must on some level want to have them or at least feel indifferent. It seems like a very normal thing to want kids one day.
No. 1882374
>>1882367multiple things can be true at once. sometimes kids are accidents, sometimes kids are just the woman's way of 'doing her part' in a relationship, sometimes a kid is a tool for getting government/social benefits, sometimes kids are born out of love. it's all true.
>I can't imagine someone having kids just to appease a manwell, this was the case for most of human history…for an extreme example, see women married to royalty or married off in general kek
No. 1882386
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No. 1882395
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>>1882379>If you…opt out of having an abortion then I assume you on some level want to have the kidwell:
>not everyone can opt in. either due to a lack of research (misunderstanding the cost), or outright being unable to afford the cost, or maybe it's illegal in your state/country/wherever, etc.>religion is a factor, as is social judgement and a general fear of backlash for aborting >women still, in non-insignificant numbers, despite ALL the evidence showing it's a bad idea, get dependent on a man and generally need to keep his favor – a child is a great way of doing that. >like i said in my previous post, kids give access to plenty of gov benefits. i whined about that here >>1880065. you won't live a great life but you'll be able to live a life, and for some women that's good enough (re-posting due to typos)
No. 1882400
>>1882394I never understood the whole '
oh black women only have babies to get their welfare checks' but why the fuck would you get a check just for having a baby? And it wouldn't even be that much it would be like 200 dollars which is basically how much a whole month of formula costs
No. 1882406
>>1882394>you have to be very smooth brained to think having a kidyes, these women
are that retarded, and for them it's perfectly fine because their parents were either in a similar frame of mind or worse. they know no better
the goal isn't to give the child a good life, the goal is to get food stamps, collect your baby daddy's (daddies) check (checks) monthly or weekly or whenever, and perhaps sell those food stamps to go get your booze or crack or whatever while your shitty job barely keeps the lights on. barely keeping the lights on = doing an a1 job as a parent
>>1882398did you call me a scrote because of the anime picture…grow a brain
No. 1882454
>>1882440>ebul wimminz having kids to reap off the govsome women do! i know this for a fact, because i grew up around them. some of these women are even in my family. i don't know why the reality of women being awful people (sometimes) is one you rally against so hard but it's retarded to woobify poor mothers. not all of them are rape
victims or "wanting to have something to look forward to" (by bringing multiple kids into poverty? that's evil) a few of them are just vile
No. 1882458
>>1882454is this what women around you do? brag about TTC and almost dying of child birth just for a few extra bucks of food stamps?
>>1882455It's literally just a phrase. I'm pretty sure it's men and women but whatever, hypothetically men did all black market abortions now what weird response are you going to have?
No. 1882465
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>>1882452i am referring to the southern us specifically, this doesn't prove anything. are these "women in rural communities" you mention in africa or russia
No. 1882475
>>1882458well it's not really a few extra bucks, SNAP benefits go up according to your household size. my aunt had ~6 kids and got like 2k per month. she sold her stamps for crack, weed, booze, and foisted them off onto various family members. she was not the only "mother" doing this
>>1882469>you: i grew up in the poor south! women are totes having illegal abortions there!>also you: provides proof that does not support your initial point take your own advice retard
No. 1882491
>>1882484no, it isn’t. it is specifically about women who do what i said.
>>1882395>for SOME women, that’s good enough you idiots don’t know how to read
No. 1882504
>>1882501what the fuck did you mean by
>i listen to what women have to say thats why i have no idea what im talking aboutunless you're not that anon. that's the most scrotoid shit I've read in this site for months.
No. 1882509
>>1882507it wasnt me who posted but how the fuck is
>>1882465 a map of nigeria kek
No. 1882567
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Can we all stop responding to bait and infighting now it's not fun.
No. 1882945
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Berserk is just an enormous pancake stack of gore, rape, edginess and predictable turns for a story with generic messages about human nature and society. Moids praise it so hard, but it's so obvious that 90% of them just love this story because their dicks like the part where that brown chick gets raped by the bird man. Scrotes get triggered at women dismissing this story, using female aversion as "evidence" that "women are too dumb to appreciate a good story", but to me it's the opposite. Men love the hell out of this story because they love violence and rape and want to be unstoppable like Guts and think they ARE Guts because they think their mollycoddled depression makes them anything like Guts. Women are less interested in this story because they see it for what it really is: just a really drawn out story that is carried by shock, themes about people and society that are ultimately just cookie-cutter and things anyone with a brain already knows, and obvious pandering to pedos and other scrotes that should be put on a watch list.
No. 1882952
>>1882949nta but everything these days is fast. The popular anime that will dominate cons for the next 5 years doesn't exist anymore because it'll last 6 months at best. General fashion trends exist for 1 season at most, but often times even shorter. The Stanley cup trend? Nobody will be asking for one this year's Christmas. And agreed with the quality thing, there's countless of videos of formerly more mid-tier brands having just as shit quality as something that's a fraction of the cost off of Shein.
Sage because I'm going off topic but you see it entrenched in everything. I believe it was the game theory guy (I swear I'm going somewhere with this) that made an excellent video explaining why the current push for short form content is terrible, mainly because the entire experience is passive, compared to actively watching videos by creators you like. You also see it in things like vidcon, which are a shell of their former glory now that the most popular creators are tiktokers but their following isn't the same as having fans. I'm sperging a bit but that's because I think it's a really fascinating topic.
No. 1883102
>>1883069>I encouraged my mom to get divorcedThat’s nice but have you ever been divorced? What does you encouraging your mom have to do with going through a divorce?
Are you just talking about kids of divorced parents?
No. 1883325
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>>1883317NTA but picrel is how you sound right now.
No. 1883328
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>>1883325You caught me…
I don't think cows eat lettuce actually, just grass and flowers and hay and grains. Like a horse. I don't think lettuce appears in the wild? No. 1883344
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>>1883325cows are based so being compared to one is not a bad thing kek. if you guys want to make an actual anti-greens argument then stuff like how the bioavailability of certain minerals and vitamins in greens is much lower compared to certain other things (like organ meats or chocolate) and how difficult it is to consume a large amount to hit actual RDVs might be more relevant.
No. 1883354
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>>1883344No I love leafy greens. Spinach, kale, cabbage, all really tasty and delicious. My anti-greens argument is actually an anti-lettuce tirade. I just think lettuce is stupid and kind of retarded to eat. It's like whenever I go out and order a salad somewhere, why am I just getting a metric shit tonne of lettuce and 2 cherry tomatoes with 4 crumbles of feta cheese and some baby carrots? What the fuck is that tonne of lettuce supposed to do for me? All these stupid ass restaurateurs think that if I order salad then that means I must want to lose weight so they give me something with a grand total of 5 calories, and it's like: no I want a salad because I like the taste of vegetables not because of your weird psychotic delusions about how only fatties or anachans want to eat salad which just isn't true to all the restaurantards out there. Lettuce is just tasteless and it's only added to things like burgers, sandwiches, other meals, because it's "crisp" or adds some green to the meal so people think what they're eating is healthy. Besides all that, lettuce kills people all the time because of all the E. Coli and Listeria that grows on those stupid heads of romaine lettuce. Sorry I have to stop talking about my lettuce hate now typing this out made my blood pressure spike I feel faint but I hope you get what I'm trying to say anon. I just hate lettuce so fucking much.
No. 1883391
>>1883354oh, didn't realize you were OP! is it really true that it's more likely to carry disease? shocking if true.
also cabbage gives my tummy issues so it's very YMMV.
No. 1883407
>>1882248Most people don’t move to or stay in Korea permanently. Even married expats end up leaving after a while, sometimes bringing the partner back to their home country because they claim it’s easier to live elsewhere. I see a lot of foreigners who live in Korea that end up relocating to other countries like Japan and China. I think many of those relocating foreigners have an empty hole where the obsession for other countries go to fulfill them. Then when they realize the downsides of that country and the guaranteed harsh realities of being an outsider/expat, they find a new place to relocate and blame it on the other country. Personally I don’t think I could live in another country permanently. My time there was extremely eye opening for me because I’ve been really interested in Korea’s history and development for a long time. I have no desire to go back, I feel like a month was enough for me to get a feel for how rapidly developed but miserable it is there. The juxtaposition of Korean pop culture, high tech chaebols, but the complete and utter depression looming everywhere you go made me more fascinated. The images of Korea that you everywhere (high tech, cute, perfect, sleek, idyllic) is a cheap plastic veneer for the hellish dingy rat race that’s happening at all times within the country. The perspective that I got from actually being there was something I would have never gained just from reading and watching documentaries. I also do not regret visiting the palaces and temples because those were stunning irl. I also met some really wonderful people during my time there and most of them confided their worries and miseries at some point. A lot of the Koreans who could speak English were saying that they were looking for jobs abroad and trying to get out.
Another thing is the extreme lookism. I got bizarre celebrity treatment while I was there and that month was honestly (sadly) the most important I’ve ever felt in my life kek. But its privileges also dialed in why so many young Koreans want to get surgery and why some celebrities have attitude scandals because they’ve probably been treated like royalty from birth simply due to their looks. But it’s not just your looks—everything superficial matters like your pedigree, your university, the size of your employer, your parents’ wealth. I get the feeling that they don’t even respect self-made people who are the most hardworking of all. Koreans generally look down on those who work at small companies too. The ideal life is to be born beautiful, rich, good at studying, then get top grades, go to a SKY university, get a job at one of the chaebol companies, get married to someone of high status with the same credentials and always maintain the perfect image and remain a dutiful daughter/son/employee to your family and employer.
No. 1883537
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Gore should be illegal to post and own like CP. Literally someone’s death being exploited, especially when it involves women and children.
No. 1883603
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Farmers internalize this idea of "women are expected to be soft and gentle so I'll be as unpleasant, vile, fucked up and malicious as possible." It fits perfectly into the already malebrained nature of imageboards and the tendency of socially ostracized and peripheral people to adopt extreme attitudes for the sake of causing a tremor in the web.
More to the point it makes dealing with them deeply unpleasant and it becomes readily apparent they have no friends because of them, not because of some sympathetic narrative about "shyness" or w/e.
No. 1883741
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I'm convinced we need incel camps, especially for third world moids. It's not enough that incels and piece of shit pickmes who side with them like Isabella Jankes are lonely outcasts. Those kinds of people can't help but take out their mental illnesses on the innocent (animals, children, etc). This becomes all too clear in places like China, where incels brag about being able to torture cats and dogs because their incompetent cockroach government does nothing about it, or Indian moids who brag about raping girls.
In an ideal world, we wouldn't have to pretend these are people.
No. 1883844
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Pillsbury cinnamon rolls are unironically better than any fresh baked, bakery or homemade cinnamon roll
No. 1883960
>>1883851Except one/two threads isn't used by all or most users. This is a cope to pretend that everyone you disagree with is insane/an asshole and ironically in itself BPD in a way. Camgirls etc. find the site so they can nitpick their competition for getting more attention than them, not everyone uses all boards. They didn't organically just start using the site.
>>1883896Is this literally just people who hate the site reeing kek? Lurk more before getting mad at anons because you don't like the site userbase.
No. 1884039
>>1883992I think you're taking the diagnosis too literally. Sexual behavior doesn't have to form in public or exhibitionist ways, especially for women. And that's only one component of the disorder that I don't understand why you're hyperfixating on it.
As another anon said you can also be a sex addict or some other form of mentally ill without being bpd and your hypergeneralization is pretty retarded and damaging to the discourse.
Then you wonder why anons on this site don't want to stay here when the ableism and awful hot takes uneducated anons have on mental health keeps getting more presumptuous and judgmental
No. 1884057
>>1884047This is some 60 IQ scrotum logic that I find it hard to believe you're not baiting. Where did you get your psychology education from? TikTok?
If everyone with promiscuous tendencies had BPD then every moid in existence would be classed as BPD. Last I checked moids aren't being diagnosed as BPD left and right and I find it alarming and gross that you're trivializing a very painful disorder for a lot of women by boiling it down to "lol it just makes you a manipulative slut who thinks she's Hannibal". Sounds like you're a bitter bitch yourself who's either a denying bpdfag or knew one self diagnosed bad bpdfag who did sex work and is forever bitter. Wish you better luck in life!
No. 1884100
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>>1883603off topic but these are the kids whos baby was decapitated. They look so young I can't believe its even possible for that to happen to someone and them still go on
No. 1884146
>>1884134The baby was 25 weeks and premature. Theyre very fragile. The dr put too much force. They tried to force the baby out of 4cm dilated cervix and tried cutting the cervix to make room. I dont understand how anyone thought this was okay, premature babies are mainly born through c section because theres an issue and need the baby out asap.
The dr doesnt think she did anything wrong.
"“However, there was an obstruction during the birth which proved to be fatal. Dr Laxman allegedly delivered the legs, torso and arms successfully but whilst trying to deliver the head, it got stuck in the cervix.
“The attempt to manipulate the baby’s head to come out of the cervix failed because the cervix has clamped onto the baby’s head and despite effort made to assist, these efforts failed. Dr Laxman made three attempts to cut the cervix with scissors but Baby B’s head was separated from his body and his head was stuck inside Patient A’s body.
“The doctors had to arrange for the head to be removed. A Caesarean was then carried out – not by Dr Laxman who had become overcome by events – but by Dr C and Dr D, and his head was removed in that way.
“As a matter of compassion the head was reattached so the appearance of the baby was not too extreme. The baby was shown to his mother so she had the consolation of seeing him.’’
Mr Garside added: “At no stage was Patient A given any pain relief or instructed on when the C-section was being carried out. At no point did she try to comfort or consolidate or explain to Patient A what was going on.
“She failed to perform a Caesarean… without general anaesthetic at a time when speed was needed. They should have carried out a category one Caesarean section. The baby had a heartbeat, it was slow, but it was not dead. The choice was taken by Dr Laxman to try a vaginal delivery and this was the wrong choice. They should never use a vaginal delivery in that situation.
“New babies are fragile, but this tiny baby was more fragile, and being pulled or twisted could do a lot more damage
Dr Laxman, who was working at the hospital with a team of other doctors, faces being struck off. She denies contributing to the death of the baby." No. 1884236
>>1883775What have you made an anonymous blog? I feel like that would be very
valid research,
valid discussion and I think we need to have that for this century. I would be very interested in reading what you have to write
No. 1884331
>>1884309>>1884314Piercing and tattoos are so fugly. It's the only thing I can agree with trads on.
Stretch piercings genuinely gross me out. I normally respect other people's tastes but I genuinely think that anyone who claims that stretch piercings are hot is lying. I also hate those bull nose rings they just look stupid. I see so many girls who are into jfashion who has them and they ruin the kawaii uguu look.
always looks garish. Some people get them because they genuinely like art which I can understand even if I do think its ugly. But there are also a bunch of people who gets tattoos just because all their friends have them. They dont view their ~bodies aa a canvas~ and they dont care about the art and they end up getting a random stockphoto tattooed. I dont underatand their end goal its not like they to look rebelious either because everyone has a tattoo now. Tattoos are expensive too and you need to have it redone at some point I dont get people who gets them on a whim
No. 1884376
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People with mental illnesses, both women and men, shouldn't have kids at all. What's even the point of having a kid if it's going to be all fucked up with some crazy mental illness? It's fucked up and straight up evil, specially when said people are like the moid from this post, like just remove the balls and let it die, there's nothing useful in there.
No. 1884494
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Some troons are just as pretty a real women(pic related is an example)
No. 1884513
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>>1884508Pretty troons kind of give me hope. If a man can become cute with plastic surgery it should be easy for me as a woman.
No. 1884518
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>>1884516He looks perfect to me
No. 1884536
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>>1884494Kek at the giant man head, can’t even skinwalk gangnam unnies properly and shoop his head smaller to fit the aesthetic
No. 1884538
>>1884525Except it is
abusive because you are using your partner as a porn actress and a proxy. The male takes on the role as the observer instead of engaging with her, it's the same as watching porn. I guess people think it's not too bad because the woman gets to sleep around which some women like, but it's the opposite of intimacy, you're just a performer. In reality a lot of women find it distressing and humiliating. Couldn't be me.
No. 1884554
>>18844941. the troons that look decent are in the <.00001%. the vast, vast, VAST majority are ugly
2. that photo is likely edited to hell
No. 1884556
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>>1884494Meanwhile in un-shooped, un-surgeried reality
No. 1884594
>>1884589I think cuckolding is gross when it's a dude basically forcing a woman to be his personal pornstar when it's clear she doesn't want to do this stuff. If it's a woman who genuinely wants to fuck around now and again with no strings attached and come back to her boyfriend or husband after I don't see it as something gross though. So long as it's not some bait and switch shit of "wahhh I liked the fantasy but not the reality".
I wouldn't want to humiliate my bf either or any of that weird stuff. But if it's just like… Giving handies while telling him about it or having sex with him and telling him about how deep the other guy went then I have to admit it has a certain appeal? Know I'm gonna be crucified for this but whatever. Under the right circumstances it feels like it could be genuinely appealing.
No. 1884595
>>1884594I assume that's what most cucks are like but as long as if they're not manipulative or forceful I don't see an issue
maybe it's because I had a mmf threesome before but there's way worse things for moids to be into. Imo it's just silly to act as if the worse fetish moids can have are things like cucking, feet, etc when most moids can't get their rocks off without almost murdering women
No. 1884597
>>1884595I think it's because it is humiliating to masculine ideas of ownership in a way the more vile sadist stuff isn't? Not saying it's right. That's just how this culture developed that a dude who gets off to the idea of his wife with other men is put on a lower moral level than men who want to literally torture women.
The guy I'm currently dating took like four months to admit he found my sexual history a turn on. From the way he built up to it, stuttering and blabbering and umm'ing, I thought he was going to say he'd cheated or he had a criminal record but it no, it was "you know that time you told me where you did that thing with that guy? That turned me on. I know it's screwed up."
No. 1884626
>>1884623I have a moid friend like this. I slept with him years ago and he is literally incapable of trampling on boundaries. Getting him into bed was genuinely hard because he was terrified of seeming like he might be taking advantage of him even when I was sitting on his lap in my underwear. I had to essentially force everything and he kept saying "do you actually want to do this?"
He is totally clueless about women's advances and genuinely shy. Not shy in the /r9k/ sense but genuinely really mild and passive.
No. 1884632
>>1884610Based opinion
Inb4 “you just haven’t found a man good at PIV sex yet”
Nah the dangers are not worth it and there are better things life should revolve around.
No. 1884719
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Ham is disgustung. .
No. 1884727
>>1884722Only men need "good points" (among other men) to have basic principles, nice try. I also like how you assume no one here could be a woman of the race(s) you bash.
>Earn 5 more by explaining how empowering sex work is!All racist men support prostitution, get off on rape/conquest fantasies, and simultaneously want to turn women of their own race into mindless broodmares and ball-washing, cuckquean pickmes begging for scraps. You're malding here because society has made that impossible for you to live out except with ugly, prison gay trannies.
(replying to bait) No. 1884735
>>1884727Sure, female socialization and the subsequent groupthink totally isn't a thing, as evidenced by you reeing at everything slightly out of the agenda. What is the virtue signalling for if not peer approval?
I used to consider myself a feminist, but then I began spending more time on this website. Women are almost as much as hateable as men, only in different ways.
>>1884735>slightly out of the agenda>"I dehumanized women, how could anyone possibly think I'm a man?! So much for feminism, hmph!!"What "virtue signalling"? What "peers"? I am blatantly insulting and misgendering you in this anon space, knowing that it
triggers you. You're not going to "muh female socialization" anyone into respecting your chosen "gender identity" online. This isn't twitter, the reverse uno "i learned the foid's language and therapy speak huhuh" horseshit only works on libfems.
You're not a feminist (and definitely nowhere near a radical feminist) if you have a cock or throw women under the bus to suck it, especially on racial lines.
>Women are almost as much as hateable as men, only in different ways.Write about it in your blog, I'm sure we all care
(replying to bait) No. 1884748
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>>1884722>that you have likely never interacted withSome people here are burgers.
>>1884735Okay leave
No. 1884760
>>1884758NTA, but the fact that women aren't a monolith doesn't give men the right to post incel bullshit here, insist they're "totally
valid female opinions" and throw tantrums when we call a spade a spade. They're so obvious, and they always fail at gaslighting. I'm sure next, he'll fume here or in /meta/ saying that "male posters were never
really banned anyway" and we need to accept him.
No. 1884830
>>1884806I used to think the term terminally online was just a joke until I realized (esp after 2020) that there are people are literally live online. Look how many people became 'tiktokkers' during the pandemic, living at home with their enabling parents. People who cant function as normal adults, or hold down a steady job. It's so pathetic. I cant imagine posting videos about my life online and expecting money from it, while competing with others doing the same.
None of these people have any personality, but they are the same ones complaining about a loneliness epidemic when they refuse to go outside.
No. 1885070
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mom I frew up (modern horror movies suck)
No. 1885082
>>1884589Have you ever dated a cuck? They fucking suck, my ex from forever ago was a cuck and he'd always bring up black guys randomly during dirty talk and would turn anything sexual into an excuse to be degraded about how my exes probably pleased me so much better, the guy couldn't even finish without thinking of black guys or me having sex with someone else. Paranoid guys suck too but I'd take a mild jealous guy over a mild cuck tbh, men with a cuckold fetish are the most objectifying men you can find, they're worse than office brads or any normal type of misogyny imo.
inb4 you were retarded, he was really normal at first and I left him not long after all of the weird cuck stuff.
No. 1885207
>>1884401I was too excited by the topics, finally I get to talk about this dumb terminally online shit that I’ve been into over years
Made me seriously step back.
Still a fun thread for commuting lol
No. 1885208
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>self insert (as bottom)
>think the men in yaoi resemble irl gay men, leading to their trooning in order to pursue these fictional relationships
based fujos
>don't self insert b/c they want to see men dominated
>are put off by the faggy way irl gay men behave, so are not attracted to them(bait)
No. 1885209
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>>1885208You forgot self-inserting as the top for le based fujos
No. 1885224
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I'd like to see an example of a top self-inserting FTM if Im gonna be honest, I am curious what phenotype of troon they are.(not an opinion)
No. 1885397
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>>1885375I’ve literally called guys that are literally
my age hot and be called a shitacon on this goddamned site. You’re attracted to young men because young men are hot you don’t wanna deflower them or think they’re fertile or wanna pretend they’re a schoolboy like how men who go after younger women do (most of them). Very few women are pedophiles. I am myself a young woman and I’ll be damned if I let people call me creepy cause I like nonthreatening boyishly cute dudes who are my age or even older sometimes. I don’t like beards if a man can say he doesn’t like pubes then I can say I don’t want a guy with a gross cactus face because I’d much rather get with someone as cute as me.
No. 1885409
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Jesus was a homosexual carpenter with a foot fetis.
No. 1885638
>>1885636i see your point but when i was in china most expats did the exact opposite, they only ever frequented other foreigners and never interacted with locals at all. many of them didn't bother to learn shit about the language or culture. i haven't seen ppl like you describe but i suppose they might be more common in japan or korea.
also the trouble with expats is that a lot of them come in and out of the country quickly and you lose sight of them real quick when they go back. as a student it was pretty isolating having to find new pals every semester. it's probably better to hang out with both expats and locals.
No. 1885639
>>1885638There's no shame in wanting to hang around with "your own people" when you first move to a strange place. It's quite literally what Asian students in the West do almost exclusively.
China is a bit better but foreigner/native friendships in Japan and Korea are super fickle and you'll never break into their close circle, i.e. they'll never have your back when push comes to shove. The sorts of people who are ostensibly "westernised" and seek out foreigners are even worse because nine times out of ten they have a racial fetish.
No. 1885656
>>1885639that's a bit of a bleak view. the local friends i made were generally well-educated people with an interest in travel and other cultures, not just in it for the sex. but then again i always make friends with women.
i agree that it's normal to seek out your compateiots too, i was always stoked when i met someone who spoke my language, but i din't think it's right to systematically keep natives at arm's length. sure, bat away the moids, but it's not right to say every asian you meet just wants to fuck you.
tbf it varies from place to place , i was in shanghai where there are so many expats that you're not that much if a novelty to locals.
No. 1885669
>>1885661honestly i see it as a moid problem. the local ones who think western gurls are easy as well as the western LBHs looking for muh asian waifu.
the women i know all are all well travelled enoughbot to fall for the forst moid that waves a foreign passport in their faces but i'm well aware the people in circles i ran in (arts and academia) aren't representative of the average folks.
No. 1885682
>>1885675Yeah. i know there are plenty of women daring weternesrs for a visa but they weren't the ones i frequented. and imo the problem you described is by and large a moid probelm.
but i freely admit my experience is limited. i bet the horny weeb thing is a much bigger factor in jp/sk than in cn.
No. 1885707
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lilies are pretty but they literally smell like vomit
No. 1885755
>>1885737I kinda agree. I have to assume that those types of women are incredibly stupid bc some percentage of the moids they’re fucking with must be
abusive and deranged. You can barely find one decent moid these days so how are you constantly cycling through them without putting yourself at risk? Yet they go give the most vulnerable part of themselves to someone they barely know and go into a closed space naked with a [porn-addicted] stranger? It’s a clear lack of self-preservation and it’s getting passed down to the future generations because of the risk of accidental pregnancy.
No. 1885781
>>1885755exactly, you have to assume that most of the guys that they are sleeping with are already cheating on someone,
abusive assholes, open-relationship red flags, losers who can't find a girl, rich grandpas, weird filthy looking scrotes, "bad boys" or just ugly as fuck in general…
No. 1885861
>>1885737Sorry but it
is misogyny if it’s only aimed at women. Where is this same attitude for men who sleep around?
No. 1885862
>>1885737People all over the world usually end up forming couples of 2 (in more misogynistic societies they end up with 1 man having several women, yet as soon as the women get freedom that magically goes away huh), so it seems like there's always been this natural need for us to form a couple that we stay with long term. So disliking anything that disrupts that also seems fairly natural to me. I'm from a very liberal country, my family and everyone around me are very open about sex, I grew up on "sex-positive, don't slut shame!"-tumblr and I still think sleeping around is trashy. I agree, it's got nothing at all to do with virginity or purity, it's just disruptive behaviour. I think especially for women, as we do have "more to lose" since we're the ones to get pregnant. We have more to lose both from sleeping around (accidentally getting pregnant with no father to help out) and our men sleeping around (them getting someone else pregnant and switching resources to that other person instead) so we naturally "care" more. This is true on an animalistic level, so I think we have evolved to dislike when someone sleeps around, because it's kind of a threat to our community.
No. 1885868
>>1885075Glad to see someone else going from misanthropy to attempted feminism and then back again.
>>1885806The fault is shared. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Women are supposed to be responsible adults, not helpless children, so stop robbing them of accountability.
>>1885861They are worthless whores as well.
No. 1885873
>>1885764You want people to treat you with less empathy? Just because you're a useless unsuccessful little cunt who can't do anything on your own? You think your "feelings" are holding you back but in reality you're just a lazy fuck who wants to get everything served to you without any effort and that's why your life is so pathetic and worthless.
Not being serious, just wanted you to see how that feels and if you think the world would really be a better place if everyone treated you like this, without empathy. Empathy only hinders "success" if you think being filthy rich from hurting others is something to strive for. Most people don't think that. You decide what success looks like to you, being an ugly moid millionaire with 20 sports cars sounds boring as all hell to me personally.
No. 1885878
>>1885868i want you to know the life of every “”
WOC”” and white woman on the planet is more valuable than yours. even the whores. please 41% whether you’re a titchopper or a failmale
No. 1885919
>>1885893My point is that you do what you can. There are at least some people who will listen and question, even if it's not right away, eventually.
>>1885896Nothing. If I let her influence me, I would have become extremely self-loathing and subservient. Are women where you live not taught to minimize themselves, to be overly nice and agreeable, to pander to men and that they are worthless if they don't, to put their looks above everything else?
No. 1885963
>>1885873>would you want people to show you no empathy?I’m black, poor, dark skin and a woman so yes I know what people showing no empathy looks like and I still think having empathy hinders success. I think shamelessness and a lack of empathy are two key personality traits that are necessary in becoming rich and it’s not even just rich men who have these personality traits, most rich women are like this as well. It’s possible for a caring and compassionate person to become successful but it’s easier and more likely for narcissistic people to be successful. All the top women like Beyoncé, Taylor swift, female politicians, Kim k etc etc don’t give a damn about anyone but the people they’re close to and everyone else might as well be an animal to them, especially poor people.
>>1885952>you need skills to be successful Not always. Sometimes it just requires being able to steal ideas etc from others and claim them as your own and make money off it. That’s how a lot of rich people became wealthy.
No. 1886059
>>1885764You’re forgetting that there are also a lot of
unsuccessful selfish people too. Any given prison or rehab is full of people who don’t care about anyone but themselves. It’s just that the super wealthy ones are more memorable and noticeable. Don’t let confirmation bias tell you that the only way up is through being shitty.
No. 1886098
>>1885963I disagree, and I think the whole "le CEO Sociopath" thing is very overblown as well, even the stats on it takes it from 1% of the general population to 4% of the population, not much at all. And if you're black, that's actually the same over-representation black people have with sociopathy, sociopathy is around 4x as common for blacks as it is for whites, and they're not any more successful for it.
People forget that dark triad traits are associated with low intelligence. And the myth of sociopath success comes from, well, the braggartry of sociopaths themselves. How often do you hear about them being overrepresented among surgeons and CEOs compared to being overrepresented among prisoners and butchers? All the time.
(racebait) No. 1886143
>>1886129This is true to people I know too. I know a lot of fat people who everyone loves because they're just nice folks and fun to be around and known fat people who aren't well-liked. ime I can see why because they acted dour and rude every time I saw them.
>>1886140Smell gets trapped under the folds and doesn't reach their noses as much as someone standing next to them, some people also just get used to the smell
No. 1886186
>>1885882>I am saying they don't deserve to be hurt because they "chose wrong"This argument always baffles me, just because something isn't fair or isn't
supposed to happen doesn't mean it will not happen regardless if you aren't cautious, if you play with fire you will burn and a lot of women need to get back to reality and stop letting their guard down around our predators. As someone from a thirdie country, I'm very used to my actions having direct consequences in my life and keeping myself safe as much as I can, if I did the exact opposite of that I would be dead. If I go out at night, knowing damn well my ass will get kidnapped, people would rightfully think I'm either retarded or suicidal. It's simple basic reason and forethought
No. 1886225
>>1886192This opinion might be a bit
too controversial for this board.
No. 1886269
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>>1885897I think about this daily.
No. 1886489
99% of the time, the kind of person who obsessively crows about "virtue signalling" and complains about "groupthink" whenever even one other person disagrees with them after they start shit really just has a victim complex, and is upset that the world isn't functioning as their hugbox. They want other people to ascribe to a sort of logic where you are "privileged" if your opinion is seemingly more popular/less reviled in any given community, and you should treat them with kid gloves for the simple fact that theirs isn't (even if the reason their viewpoint is "unpopular" to begin with is because it's verifiably retarded, not because something something we live in a he-hehiety).
There's also a clear element of desperation to things when they do it without actually being able to argue with whoever's disagreeing. It's like instead of engaging, they choose to self-soothe by telling themselves that facts don't matter and everyone would actually totally agree with them (even if you're both talking in communities that have no repercussions for speaking your mind either way), if only it weren't for those goddamn opinion chads and stacies. I've seen multiple pedophiles, actual incels and racists essentially try to use "Well, your opinion is more popular than mine!!" as a gotcha this way, and they always throw in a self-pitying whine about how much they hate society. It's like they're edgy 12 year olds who still mistake being a loser for being noble. I think I might hate this group even more than I hate actual virtue-signalling SJWs, honestly. They muddy discourse for anyone outside the mainstream with this expectation to automatically be coddled, barely have any thoughts themselves, and are somehow both entitled and self-victimizing.
No. 1886511
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Xena is a good streamer
No. 1886521
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>>1886519Bong men have a certain rawness about them that continent men don't have, like Jack O'Connell and young Morrissey. Look at picrel, if he was British everyone would call him hideous.
No. 1886532
>>1886530Where have you been,
nonnie? Loads of women think he's hot just because he played a gay character.
No. 1886610
>>1886595pretty sure meghan and prince harry got excluded because she has african blood. don't worry
nonny, it's going to stay painfully caucasian as long as it can.
No. 1886646
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>>1880012Male Circumcision is male genital mutilation just as female circumcision is female genital mutilation. Any parent who mutilates their children's genitals is a child-mutilating child abuser. It's sad that in so many supposedly first-world countries millions of people would disagree with the previous two sentences.
And I just know that so many of the supposed "progressives" on the internet(not all of them, but some of them, typically the American ones) will claim that I'm male just because I criticise male genital mutilation. And so many leftists and right-wingers will defend male genital mutilation just because of Jews and Muslims, when bodyily-autonomy is more important than religious rights.
No. 1886647
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>>1886646And here's an example of the sexual dysfunction caused by male genital mutilation. How could any parent do this to their children?
No. 1886654
>>1886646I agree.
>so many supposedly first-world countries millions of people would disagree with the previous two sentencesAs far as I'm aware it's only America that routinely circumcises males for non religious reasons. It's not a common practise in Europe because it's not a requirement in Christianity. Circumcision became normal in America because towards the end of the 19th century puritanical Christians started claiming that it stopped masturbation.
No. 1886671
>>1886662>Why should we care about circumcision? Because you should have empathy for your fellow Humans.
> I am not going to feel sorry for men whos foreskin is lopped off.Imagine if you were born as a male, of course you wouldn't want to suffer male genital mutilation. Of course you wouldn't want to be deprived of healthy sexual pleasure. Of course you wouldn't want your romantic and sexual relationships to be destroyed by a sexual dysfunction that was forced onto you.
If you were a good person you would want boys to benefit from the same legal protections that you benefited from when you were a girl. Male genital mutilation should be rightfully banned just as female genital mutilation is rightfully banned
No. 1886683
No, I don't think or care about men.
No. 1886689
>>1886678>men will cry about not being able to coom but will willfully cut off their own penises by trooning out Genital mutilation causes serious brain damage. I wouldn't be surprised if half of the men who troon out do so because they were genitally mutilated. I also remember reading about the case of a boy whose genitals were mutilated so much that his entire penis was amputated, so his parents raised him as a girl without his knowledge, and when that boy grew up to be a man who was forced by his parents into being a girl he committed suicide.
>they think that fgm is hotThat isn't true at all. Males in Europe and North America are horrified by female genital mutilation. Female genital mutilation is committed only in backwards third-world shitholes in Africa and the Middle East or by immigrants from those shitholes who move to Europe and North America. And of course anyone who commits female genital mutilation in Europe and North America is rightfully punished, and people who commit male genital mutilation should also be rightfully punished. Both male genital mutilation and female genital mutilation are evil and harmful and wrong.
No. 1886694
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>>1886689ewwwwww anteater penis gross
No. 1886701
>>1886700ew gross who cares about what’s ‘natural’.
flayed looking dick is hot and the fact that it means sex is less enjoyable for them makes it even hotter. ideally sex should be painful for them.
No. 1886738
>>1886671Equating circumcision and FGM feels like bait. FGM is done in unsanitary conditions, when the girl is old enough to form memories, and is designed to make it impossible for a girl to feel sexual pleasure. That's the whole point of it. Circumcision is done right after birth in a hospital by medical professionals and is designed to keep the penis clean. Huge difference between the two in terms of context, motive, purpose, and outcome.
Blog but I've been with several cut dudes and they have not been any less romantic/sexual than intact partners so I think you're greatly exaggerating the impact. My current partner is cut and he literally doesn't care about it at all, and would let his son be circumcised.
No. 1886754
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>>1886738>>designed to keep the penis cleanMale genital mutilation doesn't keep the penis clean, it does the exact opposite. The foreskin has an important protective functions and immunlogical functions which protect the penis from injuries and infections.
>Fleiss et al. (1998) have listed numerous immunological functions of the foreskin that help to protect the human body against infection. The foreskin maintains the moistness of the preputial mucosa and the glans penis by transudation. The sub-preputial moisture contains cathepsin B, chymotrypsin, neutrophil elastase, cytokines, and lysozyme, which has the capacity to destroy the cell walls of bacteria. The preputial muscles keep the tip of the foreskin closed to keep out pathogens.[3]
>The foreskin is highly vascularized. The high rate of blood flow helps to prevent infection.[3]>>1886738>>designed to make it impossible for a girl to feel sexual pleasureSo is male genital mutilation. The foreskin is the most erogenous and sensisitive part of the penis. Circumcision was designed by Jewish Rabbis centuries ago to remove sexual pleasure in males.
>The foreskin is a sexual organ.[15] It provides both mechanical and erogenous functions in sexual intercourse, as well as pheromones.[3] Winkelmann (1959) classified the foreskin as specific erogenous tissue.[9] When the penis becomes erect, the foreskin unfolds to provide the skin necessary to allow the penis to expand to full size and length.The gliding action provides stimulation and facilitates intromission.[8][21] [22] At times of sexual arousal, the foreskin may be lubricated by pre-ejaculate. During the thrusting of sexual congress, the gliding action reduces abrasions and irritation in the female partner and avoids problems with vaginal dryness.[8][21] The foreskin may protect the corona glandis from hyper-stimulation and prevent premature ejaculation.
>Nature designed the foreskin to be an erogenous sensory organ.[15] The foreskin has a layer of muscle called the dartos muscle sheath that provides the foreskin with elasticity, flexibility, and stretchiness, which allows full stimulation of the nerves in the ridged band(of the foreski ) that sense movement and stretching to provide foreskin sensitivity. There is a mucocutaneous region at the tip of the foreskin where outer skin changes to inner mucosa. Winkelmann (1959) identified the foreskin as a specific erogenous zone (meaning an area of acute erogenous sensation). Winklemann reported rete ridges in the foreskin with nerves set close to the surface with closely set networks.[9]
>The prepuce(foreskin) provides a large and important platform for several nerves and nerve endings. The innervation of the outer skin of the prepuce is impressive; its sensitivity to light touch and pain are similar to that of the skin of the penis as a whole.[6]Mutilated men are gaslight about the mutilation that was done to them.
>>1886738>>My current partner is cut and he literally doesn't care about it at all, and would let his son be circumcised.Your mutilate partner is in denial, him mutilating his own son is an harmful(to his sons and himself) psychological coping mechanism to deal with his own mutilation, just like how abused children are more likely to grow up to be
abusive parents than children who were never abused.
>Denial of loss. Persons who have lost body parts must grieve their loss.41,42,43,45 The first stage of grief is denial of the loss.25 Fitzgerald and Parkes state that "Anything that seriously impairs sensory or cognitive function is bound to have profound psychological effects, not only on the person who is affected but also on family, friends, workmates, and caregivers."42 The thought of permanent loss of sensory function is so painful that persons deny their loss in order to avoid facing the painful feelings.42 Denial of loss causes a flight from reality. Parkes et al. state that persons in denial may minimize their loss.41-43 Circumcision causes the loss of a body part and all of its functions including a drastic loss of erogenous sensory function, so denial of loss is not uncommon in circumcised males. Circumcised males may experience the full range of distress and emotional dysfunction resulting from loss. This frequently results in circumcised fathers adamantly insisting that a son be circumcised.25,29A
No. 1886756
>>1886751Mutilated men are unable to have sex without lubricant. The foreskin provides a gliding action to the thrusts of the penis during penile-vaginal sex that is pleasurable to both men and women and also is much less likely to dry the vaginal walls of women or cause vaginal abrasions.
>>1886747The foreskin of prepubescent boys isn't even supposed to be seperate from their glans, during male puberty the membrane joining foreskin and the glans separates, but so many
abusive and ignorant parents took their perfectly healthy pre-pubescent boys to be genitally mutilated for "phimosis" even though there's nothing wrong with their son's penis, and criminal doctors mutilate the genitals of those boys anyway.
No. 1886763
>>1886662There's evidence suggesting that being circumcised makes moids more violent in later life.>Our findings resonate with the existing literature suggesting links between altered emotional processing in circumcised men and neonatal stress. Consistent with longitudinal studies on infant attachment, early circumcision might have an impact on adult socio-affective traits or behavior.>Research has demonstrated the hormone cortisol, which is associated with stress and pain, spikes during circumcision (Talbert et al., 1976; Gunnar et al., 1981). Although some believe that babies “won’t remember” the pain, we now know that the body “remembers” as evidenced by studies which demonstrate that circumcised infants are more sensitive to pain later in life (Taddio et al., 1997). Research carried out using neonatal animals as a proxy to study the effects of pain on infants’ psychological development have found distinct behavioral patterns characterized by increased anxiety, altered pain sensitivity, hyperactivity, and attention problems (Anand & Scalzo, 2000). In another similar study, it was found that painful procedures in the neonatal period were associated with site-specific changes in the brain that have been found to be associated with mood disorders (Victoria et al., 2013).Compare violence rates between America and Europe and then Islamic countries and non-Islamic countries in Asia. It makes complete sense.
>>1886689>so his parents raised him as a girl without his knowledgeThe David Reimer case where paedophile John Money tested his theory of gender being different from biological sex, which was later used as justification for the current troon trend. Both David and his brother committed suicide.
No. 1886770
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>>1886738>>Blog but I've been with several cut dudes and they have not been any less romantic/sexual than intact partnersThe majority of women disagree.
>6 out of 7 women prefer intact partners>women having sex with mutilated men were less likely to 'really get into it' and more likely to want to 'get it over with'>women having sex with intact men were more likely to 'really get into it' and less likely to want to 'get it over with' >these results clearly show that women prefer sex with men with intact penises. No. 1886779
>>1886776>personal preferenceThat "personal preference" becomes harmful when
abusive mothers mutilate their sons' genitals so that those genitals align with those
abusive mothers' "personal preference".
Imagine if parents started starving their children because anorexia is the "personal preference" of those
abusive parents.
No. 1886799
>>1886790Sorry i don't want to be like that but i kinda agree, why wouldn't he want that for just his "kids"? Why is it strictly for his daughters?
I might be stupid because i never lived with men but it sounds kinda weird.
No. 1886804
>>1886801Nona, yes i came to life, but my father was never part of my family?? Kek
i mean my parents didn't even marry in the first place so i wouldn't call it a divorce.
No. 1886828
>>1886738> Circumcision is done right after birth in a hospital by medical professionalsI think you forget that religions also practice that shit.
I accompanied my Dad to his Jewish work colleague's son's circumcision with a Rabbi when I was 13, which I doubt Rabbis all have surgical and medical experience being priests. I stayed the fuck away from the people gathering around the less than 4 month old kid and Rabbi, because I didn't wanna be traumatized for life.
No. 1886829
>>1886823NTA, but he has a daughter now is what I'm gathering? So it takes him having his own child to realize treating women like people instead of objects to sexualize is wrong? Fuck him kek, he only feels guilty now because he knows what other men are like towards women
>>1886826>Says he wants daughters because daughters are more likely to take care of their parents than sonsGross, already thinking about instilling retarded tradwife gender roles onto children he doesn't even have
No. 1886836
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I think picrel is kinda cringe, like, I'm happy for them, but I don't really see the appeal. It's cringy enough when 40-year-old moid do the "daddy dom bs", and it's just as cringy when a scrawny lesbian does it. Like just be normal.
No. 1886840
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>>1886828This is what pedophile Rabbis are doing to little boys: Rabbis fellate the genitals of little boys after mutilating those genitals, which is a physical assault and sexual assault on those baby boys and infects those baby boys with sexually transmitted diseases. And if you criticise this horrible mutilation and sexual assault on children, Jews and right-wingers and left-wingers would call you "antisemetic". A
(will not stop sperging about circumcision ) No. 1886842
>>1886829Yeah but you're acting like I said he was
abusive. He never has been. He was just a coomer with multiple different women on rotation, sleeping around, not really having any care or concern for the women he'd have flings with, leading them on etc.
No. 1886848
>>1886842Where the hell am I implying he was physically
abusive? Coomer men are still bottom of the barrel pieces of shit who inflict damage upon women. He's a user and washed up manwhore who only decided he's remorseful because he has a daughter and knows that there's a chance she'll be used callously and tossed away by another guy who doesn't give a shit about women. Stop trying to defend him, he's disgusting
No. 1886849
>>1886844He genuinely feels bad about what he did. To the point of crying. He said if he has a son he'll teach him to love and respect women, and stand up for them too. I happen to believe them. He has a lot of self loathing, and would actually agree with a lot of what's said on this board about men, although not all.
But it's not fair to claim he's on the same level as someone who rapes and abuses.
No. 1886851
>>1886825Ayrt, well that's better than the weird pedo vibe of the other but if it was like that he would just say it, eventually?
Sticking with only wanting daughters to spoil sounds odd, even if he had good intentions i feel like there is a lot of other ways he could put that.
No. 1886854
>>1886849Leading women on and using them for sex is
abusive. And if he’s the kind of guy who engaged in the casual sex life style he’s probably not too far mentally from a rapist.
No. 1886858
>>1886854>>1886852Yeah he's not a rapist jeez. There are varying degrees of male badness. Manwhores can get better no matter what you believe.
A lot of you like celebs who are far worse, especially if you're into kpop/jpop so don't go lecturing please.
No. 1886881
>>1886877Oh yeah I've definitely noticed this. Men lie: a huge amount of men not just like but actively prefer slutty women. They cope by pretending that sluttyness means a women will "never get married".
My brother freely admits that he prefers slutty women and that was the effect of his manwhore days. I have half a suspicion he has cuck fantasies but also maybe not because he literally tells me everything. Even more than he tells his wife.
No. 1886891
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Ice spice is prettier than beyonce
No. 1886911
>>1886892That's not an unpopular opinion at all dumbass.
I think the farmhands are even stupider for autosaging it because the same conversations have just moved to different threads.
No. 1886957
>>1886475Nta but
>she's a good singer Good joke
No. 1887039
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Anyone who finds this sort of stuff (pic related) attractive or charming is sad. I don't mean that in an insulting way either. I find it genuinely sad.
No. 1887065
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>>1887039Ugly men get shilled worldwide. That being said, in the west the type of men that get shilled tend to have a ‘white trash line cook that’ll spit in your burger for a laugh’ vibe meanwhile in Asia it’s like ‘vaguely special needs guy that’s too innocent and sheltered’. It’s sort of like those nonnies in the unconventional attraction thread who said they wanted to fuck Ben Shapiro
No. 1887066
>>1887049Samefag as
>>1887056 but you don’t speak for all “attractive women” kek. I’ve struggled with BDD for most my life, even though people always seem to expect me to be way more confident than I actually am. It’s crushing, in a way, to know that most people value you for your appearance above all else
No. 1887074
>>1887071The point is the innocence isn't real. These guys are all borderline rapists and sociopaths who are pretending to squee uguu so innocent! Somehow in my mind it comes off worse than someone being out and out skeevy
No. 1887218
>>1886595British isn't a real genetic pool. Just like how American isn't. Anglo-Saxon genes (the 'british' genetic, most commonly) is of German ancestry. German and scandinavian viking settled in what we now know as being Britain/
No. 1887242
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>>1887218 This is true, I'm a bong and this is my 23&me timeline
No. 1887245
>>1886662I mean…
Personally I don’t care about men and their peepees but I do care about what it means for an individual’s right to bodily autonomy. I don’t know why you would cut off part of an unconsenting person’s body for no medical benefit. I’m kind of fascinated by the American obsession with circumcision, and can only assume it’s become culturally ingrained in order to line the pockets of private doctors.
No. 1887312
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>>1887232This is false. The Human nervous system becomes functional many months before babies are born and babies are born with just as functional and complex a nervous system as you have. Trauma such as genital mutilation inflicts immense pain and immense suffering and immense brain damage on children. You don't need to remember pain for it to harm you. If someone were to physically abuse elderly people with poor memories those elderly people would feel pain and be damaged by the pain inflicted on then.
>>1886763 for scientific studies on the brain damage and psycholotical harm caused by male genital mutilation.
No. 1887338
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>>1887328I’m trying so hard to not call you a scrote, I really am, because I don’t want farmhands to ban me for scrotefoiling again, but-
No. 1887343
>>1887328I mean, they can still feel with their dicks, just not as much as a moid with foreskin. Meanwhile women and specially girls just can't feel a thing and are made to have painful sex with disgusting moids that are like 40 years older than they are.
I don't get why people get so visceral about moids' feelings and bodies when women are made to go through horrifying shit and told to shut up and sit down.
No. 1887352
>>1887344Farewell, fallen soldier. You had the courage to go where the rest of us dared not
Here’s my unpopular opinion: I miss being able to call retards scrotes without getting a ban kek
No. 1887367
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>>1887343>they can still feel with their dicksThey can't. Pleasurable sensations are instead replaced with irritation or pain for mutilated men.
>Meanwhile women and specially girls just can't feel a thing and are made to have painful sex with disgusting moids that are like 40 years older than they are.Female genital mutilation is banned in almost every country of the world.
>I don't get why people get so visceral about moids' feelings and bodiesIf people cared about males nearly as much as you think they did then male genital mutilation would rightfully be banned just as female genital mutilation is rightfully banned, but instead only females have their bodies protected by the law while males are left at the mercy of their parents who are too often
(stop) No. 1887386
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Life is high school and if you manage to become famous and or rich youre now a part of the popular kids in life. You can cope all you want and say things will change after high school and college because people mature after 25 but they won’t. Watching all those celebrities at the super bowl really just made it click to me that they all just act and look like the popular kids in high school. Taylor swift and her bf are the popular cheerleader and jock for adults.
No. 1887413
>>1887405You can find it hard to believe but it doesnt change it.
I am good natured and friendly outside of gossip, I ask about peoples weekends/day off, bring cookies on Christmas, cake on birthdays. Generally being a likeable person helps negate people ganging up.
Of course there are a few catty women but they are unlikeable and it seems like everyone around them have the same issue with them.
I dont go out group lunches or engage outside of the workplace. Like I said, I tell them if they want to vent I will be their ear and most people are fine with that since its basically a cone of silence and they know I wont repeat it.
I dont even want to hear that amount of gossip, but usually its ''X did this thing to me and it was so frustrating what a bitch'' and they feel better having gotten that off their chest.
You can be well liked without playing the game by just being a likeable person, at least in my experience. I've never been pushed out or fired.
No. 1887498
I agree with cake
>>1887413nonnie. I am someone who also bakes, brings cakes, makes jokes with the bosses and befriend hr. I really couldn't give a fuck less if anyone thinks I'm brown nosing or ass kisser. That's the point. Even if THEY don't like it but pretend to. This world is about strategy, not feelings. I will always go out of my way to befriend 'important' people, sometimes its more blunt than others. I have no friends for this reason. I see others as 'tools' in order to succeed, learn or ignore. I do not genuinely consider anyone my friend despite their impression of us. I am seen as friendly and nice, and a team leader at my work, but it is all fake.
No. 1887517
>>1887514Don’t try to force your
toxic positivity on me. If I want to complain I’m gonna complain. I don’t want to move on, i want to be bitter and jealous.
No. 1887539
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come anons, now is the time to show cerbmin how unpopular their opinion is. Onwards!
>>>/meta/70188 No. 1887836
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If you have poor posture or a lock neck don't cut your hair short or you'll look like a turtle
No. 1887875
>>1887752It is that way in Germany. Germans and moids from all over the world act as if Merkel destroyed the country, when in reality her party (which is christian and conservative btw) has pretty much always been in power and the decision-making is much less up to one person than in other countries, meaning she herself didn't do much.
I once had to argue with my dad who said that we should never ever have a female leader anymore - remember what can happen when Germans have a male leader..?
No. 1887894
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>>1887836True, I have let my hair grown for this exact comparison but instead of just bad posture I also have a stupid long ass neck and maxillary prognathism. Now I look like a monkey but I think it’s better like it’s a more evolved animal right ?
No. 1888107
>>1888006>IMG_8915.jpgA phoneposter sperging about little things and trying to fit in. Typical.
Newfag test: Do you know what MF was, and what behavior got it shut down?
No. 1888114
>>1888108people who come to live on the streets do so b/c they have no other options, ie they have alienated/become alienated from anyone who
would have helped them otherwise. i only feel sympathy for homeless women and children.
No. 1888126
>>1888121Phoneposters have just been mocked here and on 4chan for being annoying/new since forever. Where have you been
No. 1888137
>>1888133You're definitely lying or new if you think anons stopped making fun of phoneposters just because we split off from/cgl/.
It's not that big a deal, either. It's a meme based on how phoneposters tend to act. Get over it. I'm not a millenial, either, and I dislike gen Z/millenial fights, so quit projecting.
No. 1888145
>>1888142>now the majority of our traffic comes from mobile users. Source?
>Yeesh, Gen X'ers are so mean when they dont get their morning kratomNot to take you by surprise, but not everyone here is old or a burger
No. 1888393
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>>1888386I googled “Average nordic disability salary” and this was what came up
No. 1888405
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>>1882411I think you are confusing currencies here.
No. 1888450
I'm unsure if you read the original post but this
>>1882398 is not comparing USD to KOK, nor does it ever refer to converting the two. We were discussing welfare benefits for families and I googled disability benefits in Norway to see what it says.
>>1888448But you know exactly what I mean when I am saying 'norwegian dollars'. Unless you're pretending to be retarded and suddenly don't remember what KOK is.
No. 1888453
>>1888450nta but
>Unless you're pretending to be retarded and suddenly don't remember what KOK is>KOK? what did she mean by this
kek No. 1888516
>>1888455It could also be farmers can't distinguish between reality and bait. A lot of anons are anger-poisoned and want to take every joke super seriously for some reason. When I read the Antarctica interaction I just did a hearty kek, I didn't try to psychoanalyze the retard.
>>1888470I suggest we implement a new rule where we all have to wear formal business attire to post on LC. If you just want to lurk, it's business casual (but still no open-toed shoes).
No. 1888533
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>>1888500These are comfortable but mostly because you don't need to wear socks, but make sure your toenails are very short tho.
No. 1888546
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>>1888533My unpopular opinion is that wearing shoes without socks on is horrifying. I always get a blister on my heel when I do that.
No. 1888631
>>1888625I think you misunderstood my post because I didn’t say anything about being pregnant itself I said how it causes other people to view you and treat you..All the older adults I know (35-60), whenever a pregnant lady is around, they love to make a point about how you have to be as nice as possible to them because all of them are hormonal and sad and need to be treated as delicately as possible, being all fake nice to them and giving them a million disingenuous asspats, and the thought of being perceived and treated in that way by others just makes me gag. also
>most of you are minors Right cause you have to be a child to notice behavioral patterns. Got it!
No. 1888644
>>1888635Why should it be defended? What's misogynistic about recognizing that pregnancy is an L for women? You yourself said it's a curse.
>>1888625How can you say
>it destroys your insides>causes insane surges in hormones>can make your teeth rotand then wonder why someone views it negatively?
No. 1888646
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>>1888636See you're so fucking fragile and for what? Everything is cringe to you precious adult babies kek. Yeah literally growing a human being out of your stomach and expelling it from your crotch is hardcore is it not?
>>1888644Yeah okay let's cut off the whole species because you want to be a nihilistic brat
No. 1888697
>>1888612kek true, plus I don't want to destroy my body functions for a moid's spawn and then be stuck doing 95% of the child rearing with my newly permanently wrecked body (which always happens).
between my mom and her friends, they experienced:
>losing their teeth>permanent back damage>incontinence>painful scar tissue>ripping from clit to asshole>boobs that now fall into your armpit crevices when you lay down>near deathno thank you. You'd have to be [redacted] to agree to go through that or try to convince other women to.
No. 1888751
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>>1888732You need to stop spamming lighten up heart emoji, you're just making it look like you are here 24 hours a day kek
No. 1888758
>>1888743>you can't like something without wanting to fuck it!!Moidbrained and malding, what a combo
>>1888749You need to relax, newfag-chan kek
No. 1888871
>>1888866thatd be a really dumb thing to lie about kek
>>1888865♥ is allowed to be used here wtf? You need to lurk moar
No. 1888878
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>>1888871Well then you picrel bitch
No. 1888891
>>1888882Well I wasn't cringing about the physical aspect of pregnancy I was talking about how I personally would feel uncomfortable with the way people would treat me during pregnancy. And since you brought it up, theres not really a more digestible way to discuss child birth and basically defecating out the cell that you grew. I really don't think its the same as saying women can 'hit the wall', because I do not think that suffering from injuries due to pregnancy and birth is something that degrades her beauty or worth, and I don't believe that other anons saying that feel that way either. I think its much more of a
valid, reasonable fear of how your body drastically changes, and for some women; changes forever, in very drastically life-altering ways. Of course child birth is a natural part of life, but it is also butchery to the mothers body. Theres not really a palatable way to sugarcoat it, and thats why we're discussing this in the
unpopular opinions thread. A lot of users are forgetting that this is not and never has been a debate thread or chat thread, its a place to post unpopular opinions. If you disagree, then okay. But theres also not a discussion to be had about it.
No. 1888899
>>1888895Giving birth is not "basically defecating out the cell that you grew". I guess that's certainly an unpopular opinion, though I would say its more of a not factual and incorrect statement.
>>1888896Yeah, how bizarre.
No. 1888905
>>1888901Pushing a child out of your vagina. Defecating is expelling faeces from the body, which a child isnt faeces, you're not pushing it from the bowel. Though its common to have a bowel movement during birth. Giving birth is something completely different and feels different than taking a fat shit. Contractions are felt all the way up the abdomen, so far up as it can be felt under the breasts. Cant say I ever felt that while trying to take a dump.
>>1888903Using wrong words to describe something is incorrect, turns out words mean something!
No. 1888918
>>1888912I doubt a sensible take of
>I wouldn't want to have kids because I'd worry about losing teeth and tearing my vagina and my partner not contributing enoughwould cause arguments in the same way that TEARING ASS TO CLIT AND HAVING YOUR TITS HANG BETWEEN YOUR SHOULDERS WHILE YOUR MOID DOESNT DO SHIT would
No. 1889065
>>1881422Same. But I also fucking love hearing other people’s petty rants about boring people. I hate the policing of “WHERES THE MILK THO” because I don’t need the cow in question to be Hitler 2.0 or whatever. I want unhinged posts the length of novels of how X jvlogger doesn’t deserve to live in glorious nippon because OP once went on a 2 week vacation and visited the temples and actually appreciated it or some shit like that.
It was basically like a forum version of your annoying coworker talk shit about a person you both find grating. Its just entertaining and I really do just miss reading there because I swear they had a thread on just about anyone back then
No. 1889083
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>>1888933>>1888962looked into it myself, and most users are from the US.
No. 1889142
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I can't support active euthanasia even though I don't have a particularly strong opinion on assisted suicide per se, it just feels wrong on some fundamental level to medicalize and institutionalize it to the point of having doctors perform it. I don't think a person's "right to die" is something that would come with the obligation for others to assist in dying and if you can't kill yourself on your own then maybe you don't actually want to die bad enough. Medicalizing assisted suicide brings too many juridical issues not unlike those related to surrogacy, which is why it should not be legalized.
No. 1889172
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>>1888579That's not how it works.
No. 1889200
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This phone case is okay, but everytime I see this, it always makes me think this is the pussy lips phone case
No. 1889201
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>>1889172This is the unpopular opinions thread, not the legal thread,
nonny, and the people I'm talking about are not law enjoyers upset about muh copyright violation, kek. For example, selling fan art is technically a violation of copyright, but that doesn't stop them from doing it.
Besides, transformative work that alters the original with a "new expression, meaning, or message" falls under fair use.
In general, things get even murkier if the piece is of a third party or the commissioner's intellectual property to begin with.
No. 1889234
>>1889201I'm just addressing the part where you said that commissioned art becomes the commissioner's property and that the artist has no right to complain. That's not an opinion, it's a statement and a false one
nonny. I do think people should be allowed to edit art that they've commissioned though, but I can see why it would feel weird to the artist depending on the kind of edit it is.
No. 1889241
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>>1889239Samefag but at least when clothing brands turn people into advertisements with their monograms, it can look fashionable. That's just a plain phone case and lip gloss tube with "Rhode" on it. I'm telling you, the minimalism trend is just companies manipulating consumer preferences so that they can get away with being lazy and cutting costs on design and packaging.
No. 1889246
>>1888625>it's very metalHilarious, you have a way with words.
>>1889142It feels dirty. But at least its not mandatory yet, it'll probably change in the future though, when tax payers won't be able to support the aging populations.
No. 1889248
>>1889242NTA, but why be against someone else's wish to die, if every day is constant physical misery and they can't end it themselves? It's not like you're holding the needle. Will you go out of your own way to try and improve their life, change their bedding/diapers, feed them, talk to them, etc? Society isn't really like that anymore.
It's not pretty, but leaving someone to suffer a slower, more painful death by their disease, natural causes, etc so strangers don't have to ~*feel bad*~ is even crueler IMO.
No. 1889259
>>1889248im not against anyone wishes to die. i agree with
>>1889142 that no one should be
forced to participate in someone else's suicide, doctor or otherwise. if someone wants to help you kill yourself thats their prerogative
No. 1889282
It's crazy how we chalk up sibling abuse as some funny or sexy thing. Older brothers abusing their younger sisters is by far the most common form of incestuous abuse.
No. 1889562
>>1889546>40-50 year olds gushing at the thought of someone being fired…I don't really see that level of sadism on 4chan anymore Maybe because 4chan is a place where men love to post animal gore, human gore, nudes they've received, etc kek. Regular social media is more of a diary that people feel comfortable attaching their name and personality to, 4chan is for
actual sadistic content that is shared anonymously for the interest of protecting their public personalities.
No. 1889644
>>1889626Talking for myself for a second here: I'm a contrarian when it comes to all form of media mostly because when shit gets over hyped, I smell fanservice and basic pandering shite, that I refuse to join the bandwagon out of principle (and also because I would rather be frugal with my money). The thing that started it all for me was goddamn Avatar and being in the movies with 3D glasses back in the day and all the wowzers,
. I waited until the movie was on TV like 2-3 years afterwards and it really wasn't all that impressive. And second reason would also be because there's been proof of media going super high in the public's expectations and falling so low with the results
Game of Thrones season 8 is a big one but not the only recent example that I'm just going to ignore any recommended media from the "mainstream"/from people who recommend stuff because they assume we have the same taste. I'd rather consume whatever media that doesn't gather attention much or at all, or catch up on old shit (still have to pull through some old shows like Lost). And if anyone reads a book somewhere in the train or something, I'll write down the name of the book and google it to check if it's something I'd be interested in reading. I'll also look into recommended albums on YouTube if they are niche stuff as well but that's the extent of me being open minded.
No. 1889719
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I think people who worship food like in picrel and attach their identity that hard to it need to get a fucking grip. This isn’t just about veganism, because you see this a lot with unhealthy food or eating ungodly amounts of food etc. I think this mentality that food is deeply sacred and emotional instead of a way to fuel your body that can also sometimes be fun, and that criticizing foods is tantamount to racism or worse is part of the reason people are so damn fat. IMO if you are sobbing over eating the same food with one small replacement or a healthier version of a food that is disordered eating
No. 1889958
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I can't stand people wearing these retarded horse hoof uggs out in public. I'm 100% certain they will be the galaxy leggings of 2024. House slippers will never be a haute lewk
No. 1890203
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I hate when people compliment cows or even say mildly positive things about them in their threads. Take that uwu shit to /ot/. The thread is for shitting on a horrible person not saying wow this sad attempt slapping sloppy makeup on in poorly fitted outfit is good.
No. 1890275
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>>1890073honestly it's all marketing, nearly anyone who is at least average could be considered stunning if they only get the right makeup, lighting and a fancy dress. most celebrities look normal and average, they're just people
No. 1890447
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>>1890342Stacy is a state of mind my
No. 1890504
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The Black eyed Peas is unironically better than The Beatles. Even just Don't Phunk With My Heart singlehandedly destroys their discography. Fergie's goat voice > John Lennon.
No. 1890544
>>1890504fucking kek.
time of my life was the way i found out about that song, it wasn't until 5 years after that song came out that i ever saw ditry dancing and i still prefer the black eyed peas version.
No. 1890813
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I don’t like chihuahuas and some other types of small dogs
No. 1890843
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>>1890073I think Megan Fox was striking before she overdid it with plastic surgery, but I agree that most of them are average looking
>>1890444You’re right tbh the other day I saw some woman on tiktok who I thought was prettier than any current actress I’ve ever seen, I would rather watch someone who looks like her for 2 hours instead. But then again, the modern actresses are all nepo babies or industry plants.
>>1890486NTA but I don’t think any male celebrities are attractive at the moment. I think some were attractive back in the 90s but they’re all old now. The studio execs don’t want to be jealous of the handsome young men so they cast uglies and old men
No. 1890863
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Man, Asians should try to rock their natural eyeshape (monolid/ almond) more often, I don't understand their obsession with making their eyes bigger I doesn't even look right most of the time. It's always "eye enlarging makeup/surgeries"
and big contact lenses, their original eyeshape looks way better and striking imo