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No. 1834119

Previous thread >>>/ot/1823007

No. 1834125>>1834126

File (hide): 1703932209393.jpeg (16.76 KB, 426x208, 1703838447275208.jpg.jpeg)

my muzzie parents are forcing me to start learning how to pray pls help. I do believe in the existence of God in theory but I don't feel anything when doing certain movements or repeating foreign text so this all just feels incredibly boring to me.

No. 1834126>>1834133

Are you more Americanized? I'm curious as to why they're doing this so late. Put on a show for them and once you leave, hopefully you can stop.

No. 1834133

Not really, russified would be more accurate in my case. My parents are still quite conservative in some aspects but they didn't push praying too hardly until now, as I am now an adult, since I was a really lazy teenager.

No. 1834220

Out of all the strong beautiful successful confident capable women around him why would he choose me

No. 1834221

I'm feeling so fucking done with people right now. I recently started studying this fall, so money is a bit tight (especially since I was in a situation where I had to live off my savings for a couple of months earlier this year), but people somehow get annoyed with me when I have to decline plans for going out because I need to save up, it's not that I'm annoying about it either I just say it as a matter of fact when I'm invited out and either say they are welcome to come by later if they want to or that I'll gladly come along if there is a change of plans for a cheaper place to go but thanks for the invite. When they come by my place they just kinda expect me to cook for them as well and doesn't even consider paying for at least some of the ingredients. No one I knew acted this way before nor have I ever treated others this way, it's like someone flipped a switch in their heads once I started uni.

No. 1834278>>1834279>>1834357

Im so scared about college I already wasted 3/4 months trying to learn german (I got the B1 certification and am in the middle of B2.2) while all my friends completed their first semester. I don't know if I got in I have no idea and im so fucking scared i want to just go to uni i don't care about what i study as long as i get in i'm a poorfag so i want to get in for the summer semester but i think they decided to stop having my desired course for the summer cause they're gonna start fees next semester. im so so fucked what can i do if i don't get in i don't have anything else

No. 1834279>>1834357

maybe i should recognise im young and i can do other stuff but i cannot and do not want to miss out on my education im a third worlder i can't

No. 1834292

I am SICK of my mother treating my cousin as if she's her own child and prioritizing her over me, my sister and our father. We're both adults now and it's been like that before we were even born (cousin is older than us) so we've all accepted it at this point but Jesus fucking Christ does it get on my nerves. We're on a road trip in our cousin's town and my mother refused to ask her to let us use her bathroom before leaving because her child (who's not a baby mind you) is sleeping. Did you seriously just prioritize the little fuck's precious sleep over OUR NEED TO USE A BATHROOM??? GEE THANKS, MOTHER OF THE YEAR 2023! I see you 3 times a year yet you still manage to make me so mad. Whatever, enjoy cousin's company, obviously you value it over your actual family.

No. 1834297>>1834307>>1834320>>1834323>>1834327>>1834392

Telling me to "grow up" because I told you beards are fucking gross and unhygienic is stupid. Plus your skinny ass wouldn't look good with a beard.
Again, beards are fucking gross and a lot of men would look infinitely better WITHOUT one.

No. 1834307>>1834419

You are so fucking right. Beards make men look so old and haggard too. Before when my boyfriend had a beard it made him look 10-15 years older.

No. 1834309

AYRT from last thread, still drunk, thank you for the reality check. you're right. i hereby exchange whatever my first two wishes were for the genie's freedom and happiness, then my third i will keep for me. i send you my love, i hope you have a nice new year('s eve and beyond into 2024, not to mention the many years after which will hopefully also be nice). kisses for you, anon.

No. 1834320>>1834419

I have NEVER been attracted to facepubed men. Fully heterosexual. Been avoiding them like the plague even in colluege/friendship situations since forever. They have unnamed, undiscovered diseases diseases brewing in there. Plus it makes them look like rapists.

No. 1834322

i wish i knew how to deal with controlling people. i grew up in a dysfunctional family, with a raging narcissist of a grandfather who was overly controlling, so i guess i give off this energy without realizing it or something? and it's weird because i am no longer as quiet and meek as i used to be when i was younger. i've grown a backbone and know how stand up for myself know, but i still have issues with people who don't respect my boundaries and act like i'm not an actual person. sometimes i feel like people treat me as though i am a slave or somehow lower on the social totem pole than them, and i have no idea how much of this might be prejudice and how much of this is just people being straight up weird. and even when i tell these people to stop and call them out on their weird ass behavior, they still act like i'm supposed to be subservient to them and that they're better than me - it's really, really bizarre. it's like they don't get it until you either resort to being violent, threaten them with legal action, or just disappear altogether. but of course you can't go around busting people upside the head, and sometimes you don't have to option of just walking away from situations because of people you don't like.

No. 1834323

Beards are nasty

No. 1834327

The majority of chin wigs indeed look like shit.

No. 1834334

Polyamorous people are a plague upon gay community spaces and most of them act like overgrown teenagers.

No. 1834348

File (hide): 1703955199541.jpeg (Spoiler Image,102.59 KB, 1200x674, IMG_3012.jpeg)

I hate the “Women age like milk meme” not because it’s offensive, but because it’s WRONG! Most Men stop looking like humans once they reach 50. Older men bald, molt into orangutang bodies, earn Gordan Ramsey foreheads, and get gopher hole pores while women just age normally and get wrinkles.
I theorize this is because women are expected to be beautiful and perfect while men aren’t. Ugly subhuman men are normal while a woman who doesn’t look like a 14 year old animu girl is automatically an eyesore.
I thought of this because I saw this ad on youtube. I cannot find it but you guys probably have seen it too. I keep getting this ad with the ugliest male hominid I have ever seen. He is obese in the weirdest form, has scary teeth and his eyes are weird: I just can’t describe them.And he is just…In the ad talking about his product like it’s nothing. I don’t even know what the ad was about because his ugliness was so distracting. A woman would NEVER be able to get away with being half as ugly without becoming a meme.

Spoiler for Beluga Musk kek

No. 1834357

sending you prayers anon, you'll get in.

No. 1834375

I'm watching The Fall Of The House Of Usher and why is the dialogue so scrotey? Every character talks like a scrote. I enjoyed Bly Manor and the Haunting of Hill House but not so much this one.

No. 1834382>>1834407>>1834414>>1834425>>1834430

Had a panic attack bc I’m going to a NYE eve party at my classmates place tomorrow. I don’t know the people attending THAT well but I want to expand my social circles a bit and they all seem really nice. My good friends plans got cancelled like and she’s spending NYE alone and now I’m feeling really guilty about going. I feel like I should ask if she can come as well but idk it would be really awkward, especially since I already asked if my partner can come. I also offered to cancel and spend time with her instead but she said no. My partner said I should just ask if she can come but idk if that’s socially acceptable to do lol

No. 1834392>>1834403>>1834419

God, I'm so happy to see fellow nonas shit on beards. They're public hair. They have the same follicle composition as public hair around the groins. Nasty.

No. 1834400

I hope the bitches who decided to ask my friends for insta and ignored me because I was tired of listening to them bash other women while laughing along to scrotes slut shaming women they hook up with step on legos. I'm fucking tired of going to this college full of misogynist with a slightly expanded vocabulary.

No. 1834403

Ew, that means they can get pube lice in it… crabs.

I always wondered why cartoons and stuff drew beards as this plush soft thing when they're more like steel wool. I just don't trust men, who eat and slurp like pigs, to truly keep that thing clean either. They probably have their own dead sperm cells in there.

No. 1834407

You can spend time with your friend during the day, or leave early and see your friend after the party. You sound like a great friend nonna, I'm sure your friends will understand.

No. 1834414

Bring her along. What are they gonna do, kick her out? No reason to let her mope alone.

No. 1834419>>1834441

It's hilarious how a lot of them think they are ultra alpha testosterone men if they have beards
I'm single atm but I kid you not that beards will be a make or break in a relationship for me. Plus all men look the fucking same with that shitty dead squirrel covering half their face
I'm really happy too, they're just so fucking ugly, it makes me irrationally mad.
Plus they give me contact dermatitis, I'll never forget when a guy rubbed his face on mine and ruined years of skincare , god I was fuming.
Not a fan and everyone can shit on kpop/kdramas all they want but at least the men there don't have those fugly things.
I can't remember who started this whole fucking beard trend years ago, but I just want it dead, moids literally look copy-pasted. I'd take zoomer broccoli /fuckboi hair over beards any day , it's just THAT bad.

No. 1834425

Just take her with you to that party, unless it's supposed to be a really small intimate gathering, literally no one will care lol

No. 1834430

ask the host if it's ok to bring someone else and say she's cool. tell your friend she is coming with you and your nigel to the party. problem solved.

No. 1834436

Anime moids are always nasty, but I love to see them seethe and leave comments like "max level cuckholding anime but non-fapable." Good, I'm glad you can't wrap your head around a JOSEI anime and jerk off to it. It's not marketed to scum like you. Useless faggot.

No. 1834441>>1834445>>1834456>>1834460>>1834485>>1835346>>1835870

File (hide): 1703961117924.jpg (311.34 KB, 1280x720, 61e.jpg)

Who seriously started this beard trend? Hipsters? Soy manchildren? I need to post this image for my nonas because this is how I perceive them. Bearded men all look autistic and like their only hobby is video games.

No. 1834445>>1834485

Moids with alopecia and shitty facial hair got the worst of both worlds kek

No. 1834454

all men do is say "I'm not the kind of man to do that" and proceed to do that

No. 1834456>>1834466>>1834469

Chinless men. Remeber when men would repeat that meme "take your girl to swim so you can see her real face" as if you can't tell how a girl looks without makeup… well, maybe they can't because men are retarded and legit think we were born with barbie feet and natural blush. The point is so many bearded men look like they have chin and when they take it off you have some weak jaw uggo, like that kit whatshisname from got. They're tricking us into believing they look normal and then saying shit as if makeup is actually able to change our face shape. Plus beard probably have poop in them knowing men hardly ever pass the basic hygiene test

No. 1834460

Bald and chinless man.

No. 1834466>>1834469>>1834480>>1834496

I dated a guy with a beard that didn't like eating me out. His reason was that "I'll have your smell on my face for a week" and that's when I realized he didn't wash his beard.

No. 1834469>>1834485>>1834494>>1834507

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>like that kit whatshisname from got
I had to check and he looks normal to me? it's no gigachad chin but it looks fine imo.
Reminds me of that study they did years ago where they found poop particles in beards of guys. Retch

No. 1834480>>1834491

The amount of men who walk around with an unwashed bush on their face at all times but they still get weird about vaginas.

No. 1834485

I'm pretty sure hipsters popularized it, along with some of those gymbros, like Lazar Angelov.
that pic sums it up perfectly
Having alopecia is grim and it even affects women, I really hope a cure is found in the future but we all know that wouldn't be profitable for big pharma
wow he looks so young here, he looks ok to me
someone post that gigafaggot billionaire Dan Blizerain or w/e his name was, truly the epitome of GARBAGE

No. 1834491

I just realized that must be why men always act like pubic hair on a woman is the grossest thing ever; men know they don't clean their own hair or the bodies very much (if at all), so they assume that women never clean theirs either. They unironically think the average woman with pubic hair is walking around with poop flakes in her bush like how moids do with their beards.

No. 1834494>>1834498

This man is so ugly he makes me angry

No. 1834496

The fact I pulled reading this.
What the fuck? Why would they not shampoo it when they wash their hair? Are they not washing their face either??

No. 1834498>>1834502

Post a man you find attractive

No. 1834501

my best friend AND my sister-in-law are both having sons i cant believe it. zero nieces and THREE nephews? what did i do to deserve this?

No. 1834502>>1834503

No. 1834503>>1834513

Because that man isnt ugly, so I'm curious what you consider an attractive man to be

No. 1834505>>1834543>>1834570

All migrant moids living in the uk should be drowned in the ocean

No. 1834507

You can really see how broken his spirit is, y'know from 'being objectified' or whatever tf he whinged about. Nonnies stop looking at him. It hurts his soul.

No. 1834513>>1834518

Nah he is very ugly. I hate baby faced adults.

No. 1834514

Another Palestine mob, I mean ‘peaceful protest’ cluttering up my nearest city today.

No. 1834518>>1834523

I take it that youre not going to post a male you find attractive?

No. 1834523>>1834531

I take it you want me to just to say my taste is bad because I find your boy ugly?

No. 1834530

I'm not afraid of dying, but as my mother is getting older and I hear news of distant relatives dying or my friends losing their grandparents and such I feel sad knowing that in the coming years I am going to have to deal with the death of people close to me. I lost three close family members when I was a kid and I remember how heavy and sad those times were, and it feels like I've had a good couple of years during my 20s where there were no deaths or tragedies up until now when I'm getting ready to lose my parents. What is worse is that I don't live in the same country as my relatives anymore and currently can't afford travel, so if news reach me of them dying or going to the hospital, I might not even get to say goodbye in person. I find myself making plans to move back to my home country just so I can be there, but I know my mother would absolutely hate the idea of this being the main reason I come back. I'm doing my best to keep my head cool and know that life is going to have a lot of nice things to offer, but it honestly doesn't feel like it. The rest of my life I'm just waiting for people to die, or for my health or the health of someone I love to tank. Cancer. Heart attacks. Sickness. It feels like it's all downhill from here and I'm so tired of life already, I don't want to go through this suffering. I honestly sometimes wish that I will be the one to go first.

No. 1834531>>1834533

No, I just want to know what man you find attractive if you think that guy is ugly. I was the nona who posted the picture

No. 1834533

I wasnt**

No. 1834534

really hyping myself up for failure i think. i'm telling myself i will start eating better and being more active even if just around the house within a week of the new year. i will eat better, feel better, lose alot of weight, typical "new year new me" bullshit. the whole worry is if i'll commit but i really dont want to spend another year in NEETdom isolation(2023 is my 5th year of being a NEET… yay.) and being female homer simpson. holy shit/

No. 1834543>>1834546

Have a friend who moved there about 9 years ago, she got bait and switch'd HARD imho

No. 1834546>>1834553>>1834602

Like, your friend moved to the UK to find some exceptionally attractive English and Scottish moids, but just found a big pile of 'Oops, All Pakistanis'?

No. 1834548

I hate haircare so much, why are you so fuzzy and frizzy, you're dead, you shouldn't have an opinion on anything I do to you. Skincare is so much easier.

No. 1834553>>1834570>>1834583>>1834592>>1834602

sometimes I forget what country this is. it is being swallowed by muslims and other brown people(racebait)

No. 1834555>>1834560

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ok nonnies it finally happened, my mom fat shamed me.
>my 3 older brothers and her are medically obese; I'm 23 bmi and my pant size is 6, I am dozens of pounds lighter than my mom whose half a foot shorter than me
>I have never commented on their bodies
>she frets and obsesses over feeding one of them because he "doesn't eat enough"
>whines about how I wear clothes for "fat people" (I wear lots of comfy sweaters)
it's like society's insane obsession with how girls and women look is starting to make her lash out at me. Shit. I thought I had at least her acceptance, yet it's like she's changed lately and has started making a lot more comments about my weight.
I just want to exist and not be needled at for it…

No. 1834560>>1834763

I don’t think that’s fat shaming but I don’t know your mom. It just doesn’t come across that way. Sorry she’s lashing out at you. Did you ask her what she meant by that? Like what does she want you to do different, does she have some totally different ideas about clothes or…?

No. 1834570>>1834571>>1834573>>1834577>>1834579>>1834581>>1834602

File (hide): 1703971506594.jpeg (197.24 KB, 800x656, 1673070222848.jpeg)

Why did y'all europeans do that to yourselves? i don't get it, maybe I'm too thirdie for this cause i can't understand the reasoning, maybe i need more context. Didn't it seem like an HORRENDOUS idea to being with? like, did you guys went collectively "nah, we are too fine, let's bring some fucking chaos"? was it actual sabotage from your governments?

No. 1834571

white guilt

No. 1834573>>1834575>>1834577>>1834579>>1834581>>1834598

File (hide): 1703971661275.jpg (101.19 KB, 735x726, 1000012895.jpg)

Ikr? I see europeans complain so much about Pakistani and Muslim moids harassing and assaulting women, bossing around natives on how to dress, eat, and breathe, and taking jobs from actual Europeans…but why does Europe keep letting them in then?! KEK

No. 1834575>>1834577>>1834580

there were muslim moids in germany who raped a girl and the judge said they wouldn't be punished because they are on their way to be perfectly integrated in german society…

we need stricter laws to keep them out and that includes rich expats who stay here for 10+ years and raise their kids here but never learn a single german sentence. same for handing out german passports like candy to anyone who has lived here for a few years.

No. 1834577>>1834598

see point >>>/ot/1834472
The interests of soulless capitalist corporations is exceptional growth no matter what, and well meaning liberal politicians who are easy to fool, essentially they get duped into accepting these migrants in the name of wanting to protect them or dealing with declining birth-rates, when it's actually just the rich needing a buyer marker and wanting mass exceptional growth

No. 1834579>>1834584>>1834585>>1834598

it is like you think we as regular citizens have a choice in the matter. unfortunately we can't all sit on the shore and push the boats back out to sea

No. 1834580

Holy shit, in Germany or across Europe…why do your own government systems hate you guys so much??

No. 1834581>>1834586>>1834598

> maybe I'm too thirdie for this
Clearly. Simply retarded takes

No. 1834583

this jannie is clearly not European kek

No. 1834584>>1834595

Mass immigration will lead to fascism anyway, might as well vote for AfD.

No. 1834585

> unfortunately we can't all sit on the shore and push the boats back out to sea
Such a shame

No. 1834586>>1834589

>retarded takes
Yeah no, I really DONT get it. I get that greedy companies will favor immigrant workers over native citizens because immigrants expect and accept less, but like with that German example, it's like European governments actually fucking hate their own native citizens. Makes living in Europe ironically seem like hell despite being a bundle of 1st world countries.

No. 1834589

Really makes you think about the Epstein shit and how many world leaders are compromised into doing what goes against their own interests

No. 1834590>>1834592>>1834593>>1834597

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I literally came in this thread to complain about how the few threads that I had left on Lolcow that weren't thoroughly pozzed with /pol/faggotry being intentionally edgy and offensive like they were 13, and of course this one is filled with retarded racebait AGAIN. I've been cutting down my Lolcow usage to only a couple of threads for the past years and even those are practically gone now. No fucking thread is safe from constant stream of intentional infighting, racism, homophobia, a weird variety of blackpill femcelism and other retardation that can only fester in 4chan and kiwifaggot migrants. I don't even know if they're getting banned anymore since I rarely see redtexts while forgetting to sage gets you redtexted in minutes.

No. 1834592

> retarded racebait AGAIN
Are you referring to: >>1834553 because if you are. it is deserved anyway

No. 1834593>>1834611

It’s a reflection of the world we live in, extremism is coming

No. 1834595

I'm not German but anything anti-migrants I am all for

No. 1834597>>1834604

What's actually wrong with talking about these sorts of issues?
Ignoring the issues like this is how its gotten so bad already.
The people make the place, assimilation doesnt exist across such different cultures. Governments are aware of it but choose to ignore for cheap labor and fear to be seen as racist.

No. 1834598>>1834607

Ngl i feel bad for you guys, this sounds like sabotage from all sides and you can't even complain without getting called intolerant. If the average person on my country was replaced by violent random moids that hate everyone i would think i'm living some kind of nightmare. I hope your situation gets better, if that's even possible at this point
I'm not the same anon as >>1834573, you need to understand that our governments and cultures are vastly different, from an outsider non-european view it looks like an actual shishow, that's why i didn't get it at first

No. 1834602>>1834605

she moved there with her husband for geographic and economical reasons
the way you phrased it is harsh but there are certain groups of people that patrol with knives and whatnot in the city she lives
I don't want to dive into this, but it is not the will of the people but the higher ups
There are outsiders who come to build a better life and integrate within the community but sadly there are many more who don't.

No. 1834604

with the current topic being migrants/muslims then that anon is probably one of the two, or just hates herself

No. 1834605>>1834606>>1834615

> There are outsiders who come to build a better life and integrate within the community
Rarely. Especially if they are religious.

No. 1834606>>1834608>>1834609>>1834613

It sounds like you are unaware of what is happening in UK, Germany, France, just to name a few.

No. 1834607

I get your government/culture is different. But your first reply made it seem you believe we have a choice in the matter

No. 1834608

I am from the UK kek

No. 1834609

What are we unaware of?

No. 1834611>>1834659

God I fucking hope the climate change kills us all before the rest of the countries in the developed world has a far right government in place and regresses for decades. There's no hope for people, Russia and China in tandem have already successfully spread their brain worms starting from the 2016 elections.

No. 1834613>>1834641

Oh yes, the migrants burning French flags in FRANCE are sure integrating with the community

No. 1834615

>…but sadly there are many more who don't.
can you not read

No. 1834641>>1834679>>1834688>>1834788

But why are they so damn pissed? didn't they move there willingly? and even if they didn't, its obvious any 1st world country is better than wherever hellhole they came from

No. 1834655

I thought dating a normalfag would enrich my life but instead I'm just super stressed out and worried about him the drama in his life is intense. I didn't sign up for all this I feel very out of my depth and also bland in comparison

No. 1834659

File (hide): 1703975147980.png (46.36 KB, 512x361, EJesQ4y.png)

China literally stated that it's state-plan is to become authoritarian in the coming years and I can honestly envision most nations, not just in Europe but around the world devolving into nationalistic populist state cults like in the 19th and 20th century, nations like Turkmenistan, Syria or Nazi Germany, for as much as people shit on American, If the American Empire falls, this really is gonna be the reality of the world.

No. 1834668

no fun allowed

No. 1834674>>1834684>>1835406

Am I making a "big deal" or am i rightfully annoyed my bf kept twlling me 'its ok and i dont need help' when putting away the groceries at his parents house ?? We went out shopping together with them and he was like "its fine you can do your eyebrows" because I bpught a new eyebrow pencil when out (dyed my hair) and so I like came out after doing them and he was STILL putting away the groceries and I asked if he needed help and he said no. His parents already think im vain (i know his mom does bc one time i asked to put on mascara before we went out and now she asks me here and there if she has to wait for my makeup but i was 16 and now we are 20s) and his parents didnt hear me ask if he needed help either idk

No. 1834679>>1834688

because they hate all non muslims and want everyone to pray to Allah

No. 1834684

Just let him put away the groceries himself. If he wants to act tough and manly, let him do the grunt work. You should express your concern to him if it hurts you though.

No. 1834688

Religious extremeism is the root of all evil

No. 1834721>>1834786

Getting real tired of my bf's social anxiety. It was almost cute back when we were teenagers but he's in his 30s and it's aggravating. Dude will freak out over making nothingburger phone calls and put it off for ages and still clams up when he needs to talk with service workers. It's dumb, it's just fucking dumb. No one cares if you stutter or screw up your script, they just want to get through the day so they can go home same as you. Sometimes I'm glad that I'm too retarded for that kind of anxiety because I already know I sound like a mega sped I have the tard voice, you all know the one, and stutter like a drunk despite not drinking and can't really do anything about it so I just deal. Genuinely don't understand what's so hard about it like this really feels like someone should have sorted out by their 30s, right?

No. 1834763>>1834765>>1835449

Idk, it's hard to tell. She called me fat a few days ago, keeps on commenting on everything I eat and saying I'll get fatter, that my body looks chunky, etc, alongside the general comments about how I'm wearing clothes for fat people to cover up how fat I've gotten.

Now that I think about I think it started around Thanksgiving? I had much more to eat than everyone else (I always indulge during the holidays IDGAF). My grandma had a good laugh about it but it's like my mom was embarrassed.

No. 1834765>>1835414

also to clarify I weighed myself and I probably gained like…2 pounds in the past months? My old clothes still fit fine.

No. 1834786

I'm anxious and neurotic as fuck, same as your boyfriend, and I still force myself to do those things. Men always make excuses to inconvenience others, especially their girlfriends/wives.

No. 1834788

most were born in france

No. 1834795>>1834799>>1834886

File (hide): 1703982851200.png (9.37 KB, 172x252, wellacktshulystacey.png)

i want to preface this with: i love my husband, i'm an insufferable bitch and was fine being alone forever but i fell in love on accident. anyway, he DOES NOT UNDERSTAND HOW MUCH COLD WEATHER SUCKS. FUCKER LIKES TO SHOVEL???? HA HAH SNOW IS FUN!!! I am torn between letting him do all of the heavy labor re: snow until he figure it out, or just being like ?????????? what the fuck is wrong with this MAN he literally got upset with me when i said "this is too cold to be walking around in, unless we have designated spots to warm up at every 15 minutes" HE GOT MAD i told him to go by himself and gave him a box of handwarmers. fuck that shit i was raised in this i'm not trying to have a FUN TIME IN -1 F

No. 1834799

i made him drop me off. i will spend hours shoveling and have (five so far this week), but i will not fucking walk around in negative temps bc you find it novel. IT IS NOT NOVEL IT SUCKS I AM COLD AND I HAVE REYNAUDS I DONT WANT TO BE OUTSIDE WHEN IT IS THIS COLD WHAT THE FUCK

No. 1834809

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Randomly miss having a bf badly if only because I have no one to know how deeply connected I feel to dead musicians who haven't made hits since the 80s. Nobody gives a fuck. I have to whisper "I love them so much" in my head like a retard. Wtf

No. 1834825>>1834834

Fuck my retarded little brother. Moids are knuckle dragging apes no matter the age. Ever since the wretched thing was born its been constantly poking and prodding and annoying me, then when of course I react like hitting him to make him piss off, he turns around and whines that I was the one who did it first akshully and especially as a kid it worked and it got me punished for being a "violent child". My parents even told me they wanted to disown me for it. Every time I asked for help every adult patronisingly said awww it's just what little brothers do, boys will be boys, it'll get better when you're older silly! Now we're older it's gotten worse cos he's had to make his tactics less obviously childish. Pitting our mother against me since she's made it clear he is the golden favourite child, so that I look even more like a crazy failure in her eyes when I say things against her more academically successful precious little sweetie darling. It's to the point where any time he gets into this idiotic almost trance like state of just targeting me I get so white hot angry. But if I show it, it feeds his shrivelled little excuse of his brain to do it more. Today he took it a step further and terrorised all our relatives at an NYE family get together with a water gun by hiding by the stairs then running away, and everyone was complaining about it. After someone dunked a drink on him he just got off scott free, and then he just started to target me. The third time or something I tried to take it off him but he got away, and the next time he did it I said if you keep doing it I'll have to take it off your ass. He said no, you're not even able to. He then did it on my buttocks and then squarely in my eye, and then basically let me take it cos he quickly took out the "magazine" out first. Leave me the fuck ALONE you grody little scrote, I fucking hope you die. I fucking hope you die. I fucking hope you die. I FUCKING HOPE YOU DIE.

No. 1834833

mom wants me to go back and get my masters in cs…she's like "you can get more student loans :) !! you don't have to pay them back at all, ever :o" because she's never going to pay her student loans back and she's like, pushing 60.

i'm just thinking, "okay, well, i'm only ~25k in debt (federal loans only, 90% of it is subsidized) and to be real i'm not that enthusiastic about the subject – and i don't want to incur MORE fucking debt" but ofc i can't tell her that because she knows everything lmao.

all that said if i could magically land a grad program that paid for everything yeah i'd go for it. i hate myself for dreaming, i only have a 3.2 gpa, but what if i got a full-ride and could go out of state. dreams are dreams but kek i can't help but entertain this

No. 1834834>>1834846

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>when people tell you to just be okay with it because it's your sibling
Or when they listen to your vent and accuse you of being jealous over your sibling. Like no, retards, I don't like my sibling because they've been obnoxious and got in my way since they fell out of momma. But seriously now, that sounds very frustrating and I'm sorry your little brother has aspergers with extra ass. If I were in that situation, I would flick him straight in his forehead the next time he intentionally crosses my boundaries and personal space. It seems "mean", but if you don't teach him how to fuck off when he needs to, someone much more cruel out there will.

No. 1834846

>Or when they listen to your vent and accuse you of being jealous over your sibling. Like no, retards, I don't like my sibling because they've been obnoxious and got in my way since they fell out of momma.
Ayrt, yes, all of this. I just want him to leave me alone but this behaviour seems so baked into him now because no adults stepped in when I alerted them of his bullshit as a kid.

>that sounds very frustrating

Thank you, its validating to just hear someone say it as corny as that sounds

>I'm sorry your little brother has aspergers with extra ass

He's been getting diagnosed for adhd, and trying to hide it from me, but I wouldn't be surprised if its this too

>if you don't teach him how to fuck off when he needs to, someone much more cruel out there will

He doesn't seem to do this to anybody else, just to me. But honestly? I fucking hope he does it to someone even more bitter and cruel than me and who is his size, because he likes the fact I am not who puts him in his little fucking place.

No. 1834875

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Why do I do this to myself? Why can’t I just spine the fuck up and just learn my lesson instead of taking the worst route possible? I’m gaining nothing but pain and memories I try to avoid. I wish I could just shut my brain down and go auto mode until I do what I need to do.

No. 1834884>>1834968

i hate 2024. i hate aging. i dont want to be old.
i dont want responsibilities

No. 1834886

Remind him that his penis gets smaller when he's cold. I do this to my husband and it puts him off acting like a retard in the ice and snow.

No. 1834949

I hate my personality, I hate that I lack confidence. I'm so boring and uninteresting.
I hate how pessimistic I am and controlling. I hate that I over-analyze ever situation I'm in. I feel like there's expectations whenever I'm talking to friends.

No. 1834968

No. 1834973>>1834983>>1835177>>1835186>>1835215

i'm 23 turning 24 in 2024, and im kinda depressed that i spent my early 20s fat and ugly. i lost so much weight this year and started dating handsome men and i just wish ive done this earlier in my life. maybe id have settled by now in my mid 20s

No. 1834983

girl, you're a child still by 20s standards, don't worry about it. obviously not trying to infantilise you but you literally don't even have an adult brain yet. personally I noticed a massive shift in mentality around 26ish. plus if you pop your head into a bar or pub you'll notice mostly 30 somethings cause that's when they have the money from jobs to actually go out and have fun. you got skinny early, you've barely started your life

No. 1834992>>1835174

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I truly hate end of the year holiday season. The beginning and the ending of the year are the absolute worst. I can't stop drowining in past trauma and bad things that happened, all i can think about is how all these things keep happening to me, and feel like nothing changed at all.
I can't help but feel like several years of my life were stolen from me. though i also feel like, after covid, everybody kinda feels like this, the feeling of just living the same year over and over again, but i have been feeling like this way before and it's just terrifying. My childhood is just a blur, so were my teen years, and after my suicide attempt it didn't become any better. It just feels like i'm extremely stunted at 19 when the attempt happened, but somehow i'm 25 now, and i can't cope with that.

The end of the year sending my anxiety through the roof, it makes me think about all that, and it's scary, out of nowhere i'm 25 and i have accomplished nothing. No education, no job, fat, fucking ugly, kissless virgin, lovesick for a guy that i lost my chance with due to my own dumbassery, my friends either leave me because i'm boring or the "friends" turn out to be backstabbing people that betray my trust over and over again.
I have spent the last week having a very bad breakdown and crying non-stop. I just wish i could be a normal person with passion, hobbies, friends, a loved one, a stable life.
It's just all so tiresome, and it only keeps getting worse.
I feel so disgusting.

No. 1834996>>1835000

I hope for the new year this disgusting moid who brings genuine evil into the world finally pisses off the wrong people and he gets exposed and rots in jail.

No. 1834998>>1835050

Going into the new year sick with a toddler who is also sick and whimpering. I seriously hate the winter

No. 1835000

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I will ~manifest~ with you

No. 1835029

I failed to complete this painting tonight since I've worked 6 days straight and today was my one day off to get things done. Tomorrow is the exchange I think I'm going to have to give a painting I already finished. It's fucked up that where I live seems to have bare minimum rights for workers. Tonight I had a few hours notice that I'd be working all day new years.

No. 1835044>>1835050

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Was supposed to go to a New Years party and I got sick with fever, body pain and all that, right after getting done with my period. Fucking stoooop.

No. 1835050>>1835164

hope your kiddo feels better soon!

hope you feel better soon too nonna!

No. 1835053

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Having an abusive mother fucks you for life. I am long gone from her clutches but I am never mentally free. I’ve gone places looking to make up for a lack of motherly love that I shouldn’t have gone even with a gun. My brother told me that her and my dad never leave the house. They don’t pick up the phone and no one except him has seen them in a year. He saw them 2 weeks ago and was floored at how thin she looks. Both her and my dad have had an orthorexic tinfoil agoraphobic existence for years but it’s escalated year on year. He says she looks close to death- would weigh maybe 100lbs at 5’9. I feel a mixture of sadness and anger. My dad’s shot too and my brother is a drug addict for near on 15 years.

No. 1835058

I hate having agoraphobia, I can't even go get a proper haircut. I try to trim it myself but it is awful.

No. 1835059

I hate it when straight girls say they love me or when they want to cuddle with me or even kiss me. You DON'T love me, not in that way, and these girls are never ready to return the love I feel for them. I hate to sound like an incel but I sort of understand them.

No. 1835060

I'm so fucking annoyed because I somehow lost a 30 oz bottle of body wash. I left it in a very specific place, and now it's gone. I don't remember moving it at all.

No. 1835070

2024 is in 11 hours and i just hope that this year will be amazing. 1st half of 2023 was shit, 2nd half was good. I just hope it continues being good. I want to have a good year in my life at least once.

No. 1835114>>1835156

there is something magical about k1lling yourself in new years (i don’t remember if suicidal ideation is against the rules).

i’m too much of a coward to actually do it, but even reading this thread everyone is fucking miserable. stop having slave wage children you autistic losers. it’s over('k1lling', l2integrate)

No. 1835116

trying to befriend me and i almost fell for it until i realized you wanna get close to him… like fuck you girl you're not using me for that you either befriend me for my friendship or go away

No. 1835126

going into 2023 without celebrating any of the good things that have happened this year because i made an unconscionable, evil mistake last week which will define me as a scumbag for hte rest of my life. have hardly eaten in days and want to kms

No. 1835132>>1835143

Friend fucked me over as a new years gift now I'm gonna spend it alone when I used to spend it with friends. Hooray.

Are any other anons that find it extremely hard to keep good friends around even if they used to be able to? I genuinely don't know if it's me and I have shit taste or something of people just gotten a lot more evil these couple last years.

No. 1835143>>1835255>>1835308

Do you believe in the law of attraction?

No. 1835146

My boyfriend is such a little bitch. No spine at all.
Im moving out soon. Cant wait to breakup with this submissive idiot. I need a real man thats not afraid to speak his mind.

No. 1835151>>1835159

>friends let me know last minute that they all bought special outfits for our nye hangout
>no way possible for me to obtain special outfit last minute
>no doubt tonight will be filled with heavy picture taking on their phones with their special filters that make them gorgeous while I look like beauty cam Shrek

No. 1835156

There is nothing magical about killing yourself around a holiday.
It's a mess for strangers to have to clean up your body, and for your next of kin to deal with the emotional burn and logistics.
If you want revenge on the unsupportive people who brought you into this, then work to live better than they do. No one is coming for you.

No. 1835159

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I hate nye I HATE IT. Coming off benzo's so everything sounds loud as fuck plus can't sleep plus rebound anxiety. God life sucks sometimes.
I'm sorry nonna. Do you have a fun party dress lying around or some stuff you can layer to look nice anyway? I'd confront them tomorrow or something, just say 'why didn't you guys tell me?'. Hope you have some fun anyway, if you can laugh and party with them you won't be worried about how you look. Hope you can whip something up ♥

No. 1835164

Thank you nonna and happy new year to you. ❤️
Unfortunately I won't go, symptoms came back and it's pretty cold.

No. 1835166

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>sister and her husband stop by to pick up gifts
>comment about how quiet the house is
>go to their house on Christmas
>they all communicate entirely by yelling room to room, yell at the kids to clean up all their Christmas garbage, kids yell back up the stairs from the basement, they literally open the back door of the house and stand on the deck to yell to their neighbor instead of calling/texting them

No. 1835174>>1835389

Last nye i got sick close to midnight, but i had fun up until that point. This year, i've got gastritis and can't even have a sip of alcohol, not a single bite of the buffet. If i'm sick next nye as well i will explode. Also this year was full of bad news, i really hope me being sick again isn't gonna jinx 2024 as well.

Anon i'm sorry to hear how bad you feel. I hope the new year brings some positive changes for you!

No. 1835177

girl, I'm 10 years older and I say this lovingly: you are young as fuck, don't make me come over there and slap you
you got all your 20s left to enjoy
and as the other nonna said your brain will finish maturing in your late 20s, I too had a massive shift mentally when I was around 27
You are young.

No. 1835181>>1835218>>1835413

Nonnas… I just found out I have gastroparesis, EDS and by extension PoTS
It's common enough among women so I suggest that any beautiful lady reading this should at least check em out, esp EDS
Anyways, I knew I had Hashimoto's and auto-immune problems in general but this… this is just too much. Cmon. Give me a break.

It's a little "validating" to know that I had chronic illness all along which would explain why I'm always so mopey and fatigued but it ultimately just brings me a sense of hopelessness. Also makes me feel like a weak little bitch which I hate.

Happy new year nonnas

(And if someone here has it pls tell me how it affected you mentally, physically and appearance wise)

No. 1835186

You're really young. There are anons here like me who are much older than you. Stop being depressed by what could have been and start enjoying your life now.

No. 1835194>>1835202

This has been the worst fucking year of my life even though I've been through a lot of shit in the past. I wish I could just go to bed right now and wake up the next day.

No. 1835202

Same. 2023 was a fucking disaster for me too, thank fuck it's over and I hope 2024 is meh, because even meh is better than this shit

No. 1835203>>1835225

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I'm so miserable I feel like I am going to collapse and physically fall apart. My throat is closing up on itself but I can't cry right now. I am palpably spiraling, I feel exactly the same as I did at my lowest only I'm not mutilating myself anymore but only because I'm being monitored. I'm failing everything and I don't have any motivation for anything anymore. I feel so ungrateful and worthless. My friend is coming to my city and it's somehow still not enough to make me feel better but in fact worse, because we've been looking forwards to hang out for months and months but I feel like shit and I really don't want to disappoint her with my state or worse, drag her down with me. I'm counting my blessings though and i really hope this isn't a bad omen that's foreshadowing how this next year is going to go. Speaking of which my delusions are getting worse and worse and I no longer have the power to do anything about them. I'm seeing and hearing things at an alarmingly frequent rate and I'm almost always paranoid to death, it's hard to figure out what's real and what isn't. I have a ton more "rituals" i have to do or else i feel like mine or my loved ones' lives are at risk. I know I'm being ridiculous but I just can't shake it off. At this point I just want to get everything over with.
Please, please let this next year be good to me and to the people i love. I really hope I'm not jinxing it by posting. If someone can pray for me I would really appreciate that.

No. 1835215

Nonni I'm a year younger than you and I understand where you're coming from but I agree with the other anons. There's no point in thinking what it could've been because you can't change the past, just learn from it. What matters is that you've made progress that made you happier. So please don't be depressed about the past when you're so young! Wish you (and all nonnies reading this) a happy new year!

No. 1835218

do you eat like shit? or is it stress?

No. 1835225>>1835259

Nona, I'm praying for you. Everything will work out, you and your loved ones will be ok. May the new year bring you peace and comfort.

No. 1835226>>1835231>>1835235

can someone please comfort me and tell me that 2024 will be a good year and that they believe in me and that they think im able to become a better person and make my life better. im so anxious about 2024

No. 1835231


not sure this is the right place for this

No. 1835234

looking at the twitter profiles of intelligent and articulate academics is pure suicide fuel. it hurts so bad knowing that i’ll never be able to achieve their greatness because of my poor genetics and upbringing. nature is so cruel in its arbitrariness

No. 1835235>>1835244

No year will be perfect but what matters is that you will be fully capable of overcoming hardships and you will become a better person if you wish to be a better person. Of course work will be needed on your part but if you decide to put in the work then you will get your result. Focus on your goals anon and be confident in your own strenght, you can do it.

No. 1835244

(ntayrt) You and other actual female anons that are nice and still hang out here: Have a great 2024 and keep being based. Thank you all for being fun company and giving actual heartfelt advice on the incel and pickme infested shithole that is the internet. You showed me I'm not alone in my experiences and that I don't have to put up with nonsense.

No. 1835255

Tf is this supposed to mean lmao some of you can be really passive aggro for no damn reason

No. 1835259

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Thank you so much anon, it really means a lot. have a blessed new year and I wish the same for you. and to every anon too ♥ I don't know how I would fare without this place, I'm really grateful. Love you anons, have a good one.

No. 1835302

Every time I write or draw I feel like there's something missing and it's not good enough. I always get so stuck and my ideas are rigid. It all feels so flat. Then I see other people's work and it feels so free and inspired. This isn't about skill either, I see people who technically might have a lower skill level than me still haveing more to their work that mine feels lacking in. I genuinely don't know how I can fix my problem. Kind of wish I went to art school or something

No. 1835307

I feel like everything good in my life is always taken away from me and there's no point in trying to get better. I feel like I am constantly punished just for existing and am told how I did nothing wrong but they still leave, or I wasn't chosen, or how some external factor is keeping me from progressing. So much of my happiness feels out of my control and I can't take it anymore. I feel like I should just kill myself and get it over with.

No. 1835308

You're an annoying bitch unwarranted damn

No. 1835316

I just want to be able to eat food without feeling sick and actually finish what I'm eating.
I take 2 bites and my brain goes nah.
How am I meant to feed the baby if I'm not able to eat anything??

No. 1835328>>1835392

I keep dreaming of my pet degu I had growing up. Everytime he shows up in my dream his cage has been neglected, he's thin, he has no water, etc and I am filled with so much grief and guilt. He died of old age and was pretty healthy up until he passed so I don't know why I keep dreaming of him like this. It's really getting to me for some reason.

No. 1835342>>1835356

Heartbroken on New Year's… I was supposed to go to a party but the past couple days were so shitty I only had 5'ish hours of sleep. Fuck

No. 1835346

I can smell the pictures on the right,ew.

No. 1835356>>1835421

I hope that your 2024 is much better, and you feel more well rested as well. This day along with all the other cruel days will mean nothing as you replace them with greater ones.

No. 1835375>>1835402

crying rn and depressed cause im so lonely tonight. all of my friends are from other countries and theyre busy so they cant even text me. i hope 2024 will be a good year

No. 1835389


Thank you, nonnie. I do hope too to be able to get something positive done this year. I also hope you will get treatment for your gastritis, and will be able to enjoy lots of yummy delicious things once again soon. Hope you have a great 2024 as well, nonna.

No. 1835392

I have similar, recurring dreams where I somehow neglect my pets and they're near the brink of death. I remember looking up dream analysis and it stated that it might symbolize neglecting something important in your life. I'd take it with a grain of salt but it seems like a pretty common type of dream.

No. 1835394>>1835399>>1835418

I hate these faggots that decide to throw illegal firecrackers days and hours before new years. They're not even the colorful type, they just make a lot of noise and smoke. Fucking stop already, it kills animals and wounds people every damn year, my dog is so terrified that she hasn't peed in 8 hours because of them.

No. 1835395

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I feel so bloated I look like picrel today I'm like a buddha what the fug

No. 1835399>>1835408

Barkbarkbarkfags vs snapcracklepopfags fight NOW

No. 1835402

We're here for you, nona. May your 2024 be a good one.

No. 1835406

Reading this that just sounds nice of him, tbh. Unless he said it in a particularly cold tone of voice. If he knows how his mom acted when you wanted to put on mascara first, maybe that’s just his way of reassuring you that it’s all good. Also just mascara? That’s no big deal. Takes like 15 seconds, tops. His mom should meet my grandma. She needs a new project-person anyway, and to her, appearances are everything.

No. 1835408

I don't even need to fight them, they regularly fuck themselves up with their shitty explosive toys. I just wish they wouldn't make that much noise and smoke.

No. 1835413

hm, how did you find out? any weird initial symptoms?
also sorry nonny. I can kind of relate. I had one day in my life I woke up feeling well - even the dark circles I had since I was a little girl were gone - and it genuinely haunts me because it made the rest of my life feel like a nightmare.

No. 1835414

2lbs are probably just water retention from eating a little extra salt/alcohol if you drink it tbh. your mom is just being an ass. if she were so concerned she’d propose some new year’s diet and exercise plan to do together

No. 1835418

Same. One day I saw or rather heard someone, who was hiding, throwing one at an old lady who was walking her little dog. They're cowardly sadists.

No. 1835421

Thank you so much anon. I'll try. I had problems with at least three people this year (latest being very recently as you can tell) so my trust and interest in other people is pretty low, but I'll try

No. 1835445>>1835454>>1835463

I am viscerally disgusted when I see fat men waddling around at the store like lost toddlers. Why are you, as a man, fat?? I see plenty of men with gross guts out of shape yet have crazy toned calves, like it happens just from them walking around every day it is so easy for scrotes not to be fat there is zero excuse for them. Pathetic!

No. 1835449

> My grandma had a good laugh about it but it's like my mom was embarrassed.
Ohhhh. This is something between your grandma and mom, but your mom is taking it out on you.

No. 1835454

Men have higher metabolism too. They have less excuse to be obese than women do.

No. 1835458>>1835517>>1835527>>1835567

Lmao I wonder what's up my bf's ass today. He was annoyed I used more toilet paper than usual. I just stared at him and said "yeah, I was on my period" and he huffed and walked away. Our plumbing is fine, I bought the last bag of tp, so he's just being dumb for no reason. If he wants to mope over something so stupid he can go right ahead

No. 1835463>>1835465

omg yes isn't the leg thing weird. I know an old man with really skinny toned legs but a massive beer belly, like one of those really solid ones that must be strangling every inch of his organs. It's disgusting looking but more importantly how unhealthy would you have to be to get that much visceral fat??

No. 1835465

Ugh I know a man who looks like this but his legs are just sticks with like no muscle tone. He looks like Dr.Eggman

No. 1835513

God, please smite down this crush. I know either of us aren't good for each other right now.

No. 1835517>>1835527

You say as you write a whole ass post about it here like do you document his sighs and shits too or(infighting)

No. 1835527>>1835534

Does he count every square? What a faggot
>t. anon's butthurt boyfriend

No. 1835534>>1835564>>1835594

Wooow that's such a clever joke! Really got me there. Knee slapper that one. Let me try
>t. the toilet paper she wiped her ass with(infighting)

No. 1835564>>1835581

You ok?

No. 1835567

A friend of mine does the same shit. Like why keep mental track of tp usage? Who fucking cares.

No. 1835581>>1835607

Don't mind the unhinged bpd-chan who called herself toilet paper. It's new years eve.

No. 1835594

newfags are embarassing holy shit

No. 1835607

Yayy!!! Happy new year!!

No. 1835617>>1835622

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I was supposed to go to a little get together tonight but I woke up sick instead. I'm having some little pickles and cheese cubes by myself. Not the plans I wanted to have but it's not the worst thing in the world.
I hope you all have a good 2024.

No. 1835622

you too nona

No. 1835629

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Indoors and bored on New Years/my birthday because there's no outdoor fireworks displays near me, just crowded nightclub stuff.
I'm going to eat chicken dippers with whiskey BBQ sauce, put on some true crime and try forget how much of a loser I am right now.

No. 1835633>>1836455

if mods haven't banned me they're gay(schrodinger's mod)

No. 1835724>>1835725

Not to be a child but I’m a little annoyed at how my bf keeps recommending me manga/anime and we watch them together orI read them but he doesn’t really finish much that I ask.
>read all of a manga that he suggested and it was moderately long, it became one of my favorites
>he doesn’t finish one of my favorites
>watch a ton of anime with him that he suggested
>he doesn’t finish an anime I wanted him to
>I recently caught up to a manga we both like, his suggestion
>still doesn’t finish anything I ask
>recommended me some manga all my friends are obsessing over
>I don’t care for it for once, there’s something I’ve been meaning to read
>he and my friends keep pushing it on me
I’m gonna lose it.

No. 1835725

Sorry samefagging really quick forgot to mention I recently started watching these anime movies with him part of one of HIS favorite series. Still won’t finish anything.

No. 1835792>>1835888

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alone on new year's eve, again. I know my whole life will look like this. I'm unable to form connections with other people, it's really scary to think I will never have any family or friends. truly lonely people are fucked in this world. the only thing I can do is to save as much money as I can so at least I can pay someone to take care of me when I get too old to take care of myself. I'm still in my 20s and that's my main plan for life

No. 1835800>>1835801

File (hide): 1704080991600.jpeg (41.5 KB, 540x353, C896CAFB-83F0-4274-98A6-A78B21…)

Ayyyoooo my long disyance bf just sent me a meme that mace me really insecure because it seems vaguely like he's implying ti have the ssme weird kink that my ex had that I'm just not into. What do I do? I thought he was so perfrect but I should have known it was too goof to be true kms.

No. 1835801>>1835803

Whats the fetish

No. 1835803>>1835804

it just was a meme yhat said "gf kissing me and calling me a faggot" but like i think thats nasty I can be dominant but I ain't calling him gay

No. 1835804>>1835805

Oh ok, I think you're really over thinking it then

No. 1835805


oh gosh I really hope it was ironic hopefully he'll be awake soon and I'll know the answer lmao

No. 1835813

Whoever outbidded me on a printer fuck you I hope it doesn't work

No. 1835815>>1835817>>1835845

geoengineered storms again here (not a tinfoil actually) knocking down trees and powerlines. 5 people dead on xmas day, now there's flood warnings. and they're gonna buy up all the destroyed houses
I really hate this place sometimes. or what they've done to it

No. 1835817>>1835839


No. 1835838

My first diarrhea of the new year. Woo.

No. 1835839

yep. flash flood warnings and shit
be safe ausfarmers it's kicking off

No. 1835845>>1835875

>geoengineered storms again here (not a tinfoil actually)
explain please

No. 1835849>>1835854>>1836344

File (hide): 1704088524083.jpeg (23.03 KB, 236x236, FD942BC1-BC85-4AA6-814A-B44031…)

My dad died earlier this year and it really hit me as I was watching the ball drop in Times Square. I miss him a lot and I feel like I can’t talk about it or go to many people for support. In fact my moid has been especially shitty to me ever since my dad died, so it feels even worse that the one person I should be able to rely on I can’t. I’m so sad nonnies.
(I know I need to break up with him, I’m working on it but also I want him to have to pay for some of my bills for a little while longer.)

No. 1835852>>1835867

I used to be an anachan and I had other friends online who I corresponded with and I remember sometimes we would share body checks when we felt good about our progress. I deleted all of our messages since back then and I never saved any of their face reveals or body checks, but sometimes I get anxious and concerned that someone could’ve saved mine and still has them? As irrational as that sounds. Especially because I was actually really skinny during that time. I just hope everyone else has been able to move on.

No. 1835854

I'm so sorry nona. My heart goes out to you.

No. 1835867>>1836011

Congratulations on recovery. Are you worried your photos were used as thinspo?

No. 1835870

File (hide): 1704091797603.png (606.92 KB, 580x575, iTqV38q.png)

>Who seriously started this beard trend?
Islamic societies and brain-rotten modern male leftists, compensating for their obesity and ugly faces.

No. 1835875>>1835878>>1835880>>1836027


they do this shit over my house lmao
everyone knows about the cloud seeding nobody wants to talk about it. kind of like the vaccine, you got people who know and those with their head in the sand.
it really is fucking shit up lmao
I have a few more sources just tapping some people for links atm, we're all super sus on the current as-we-speak storm, my net might go out again tonight boooo

No. 1835878>>1835882

I want to call you schizo so bad but there was a real life event that happened years ago that proved to me cloud seeding is real so I can't even act like you're crazy

No. 1835880>>1835882

Wait you're antivax nvm, you're crazy

No. 1835882

No. 1835883>>1835892>>1837724

My narcissist mother started an argument with me today because she saw that I wasn't wearing a christmas present she had given me which "hurt her feelings." I wish I could say this was an expensive and thoughtful thing, or an heirloom that she was so upset over. But no, it was over a cheap trinket she bought from Amazon when I don't even wear these kinds of trinkets. I didn't complain and I wasn't haughty, I just placed the trinket in my room. She also bought me pastel pink gator skin boots, and was equally irate when I gently told her they were not in my taste and to return it.
She swiped the trinket from my room and started to wear it. My crime was that I had not worn it. Then she yelled about how I had "no empathy and no social intelligence" to understand why she was so upset. Idk anons, I have bought presents some people did not like before and I have never made it their issue. She bemoaned how I didn't like anything she got me, but I pointed out some things I was using so at least I stopped that exaggeration early but it just fueled her aggravation at me. She proceeded to dig into me about other things…the trinket was just her reason to explode at me.
It was awful.
She started with guilting me for why I went no contact with her for three years. I told her it was due to her fighting like this and how personal she got. For instance, after comforting her during her third divorce, I went to her for emotional support when I was raped one night by a date who I thought I could trust. She blamed me for sleeping with someone "too early" and that she did not care about my "boy problems." When I brought this up during our fight, she accused me of making this up and went on to say that if I was really raped then I should have called police. And how I wasn't a real feminist because I would care more about how men have treated her and wouldn't be so mean to her. And that I better not post about our fight to social media (???). I called her a narcissist so she called me callous, ungrateful, and selfish and screeched about how I can't diagnose her.
I asked her why she was being this way to her own daughter which just resulted in the next topic change. Before I knew it, three hours had passed and her fight was no longer about the original trinket issue. It became about her disdain and resentment of me.

She didn't stop until I was in tears. I'm a grown woman anons…she treats me like a child. I was trying to get ready to hang out with my friends but she knows all my buttons to push. She whined about staying home by herself for NYE which made me think she made me cry and put me in a bad mood on purpose…I felt like shit the whole night, just like how she felt deep down.
At the end of it all, she barged into the bathroom to try to hug me and lovebomb me. "We both just needed to get it out."
I didn't hug her. I asked her to just stop and to please leave me along in the most defeated, non-confrontational tone possible.
She got pissed, "WELL, I tried to make amends but you're too immature anon! You win! Are you happy?!"

I can't say no to her.
Why am I so shocked that the same woman who cannot stand that I don't fawn over a christmas present she got me, or why I don't want to hug her after the disgusting things she said during a fight, wouldn't understand or care that I was raped? It makes perfect sense. I am not even a human to her.

No. 1835886

File (hide): 1704094085625.jpg (215.08 KB, 736x981, b680ca0e823137e256f022ed740d98…)

Im making a bag in this round style, and for some reason the sewing is absolutely fucking me up and I can't get it right. I've made one of these before, i don't know what the issue is. I'm gonna try one more time, if it doesn't work I'm just saying fuck it and doing a square shape instead.

No. 1835888

Kek at picrel dehumanizing moid propaganda.
>Have you ever kissed?
>Have you ever touched genitals?
>Ever been fucked?
>Has your anus ever been fucked?
The real question is should you feel comfortable asking for this shit? Clown world.

No. 1835889

I think about the past a lot

No. 1835892

Your mom sounds exhausting and awful. If anything she’s the one with no empathy and no social intelligence

No. 1835894

I stayed up until midnight for new years alone and it might be the last time I do it. I had a nice evening observing the local tradition until about 10pm, but going out to watch the fireworks display didn’t feel good. It was loud and crowded and all i could think of was the poor birds. The poor fish. And teens in hoodies setting off fireworks a little too close to the crowd, walked by a guy on the ground hugging his knees and another copiously throwing up. About 2 minutes into the display i just wanted to go home.

It’s also a bit different because I’m from a country that enthusiastically celebrates new years, yes optimism and a new beginning. Here the focus was fireworks, destruction and drinking and NO cheer, no merriment, no singing.

No. 1835914

I'm currently trapped at a relatives house. I agreed to go out here to celebrate new years with some of my extended family, but a big reason why I wanted to come out was to spend time with my sister as she moved out here and it's states away. Only I've barely got to see her while I'm here and the family member I'm staying with lives out in the fucking boonies where I barely get cell reception so I can't call. I've just been fucking trapped here and honestly this family member is really draining to be around and I eventually reached my last nerve when I was told I would be brought to stay with my grandparents at the very end of my trip so I'd only get 2 days with them. My grandparents also live close to my sister so that would've gave me more of a chance to see her and now that's all been shot to pieces.
I managed to get a meager signal by putting my phone in airplane mode and texted my mom about this, and was basically told I was overreacting. I'm already at my fucking wits end as it is and she just tells me to get over it. I lost it and ended up texting her a bunch of over emotional copypasta bullshit because I had enough. My relative found me and fucking flipped bc I didn't want to spend time with him anymore and preceded to nastily tell me I'm an ungrateful witch because I don't want to spend my entire trip with him and want to have an actual chance to see my sister.
Now I get to take an hour long ride with someone who currently hates my guts and when my trip is over he's also driving me back and that will be a 16hr trip stuck with his ass.
But the biggest thing this made me realize is that no matter how much he's claimed he's changed he's still the same controlling manipulative abuser he was when I was young and I agreed to be trapped at his fucking house.
I'm an idiot. And all I got from my mom was that I'm "stressed" and I would get to decompress when I'm home.
I'm always fucking stressed. I live in constant stress. That's not what this is about. That's not why I texted you. I didn't even text her to bitch about someone but just to agree that I got the short end of the stick and I got my feelings ignored. And in typical fashion my mother feigned ignorancy and just made some pathetic attempt to cheer me up after telling me to get over it.
If I sound like I'm the instigator in this situation maybe I am. But I feel liked I was manipulated to do this trip. I thought I was going to see my sister and was even told I would. But the measly amount I saw her so far hasn't even amounted to a whole day and I'm staying for nearly two weeks. And the relative I'm staying with is so controlling, you can't be left alone for a second you have to be constantly monitored by him including your phone calls which I guess its a good thing I can't call anyone while I'm here. I can't have any privacy and he insists on me watching movies with him that I absolutely hate and I can't act disinterested or not pay attention because it pisses him off. I also get constantly physically harassed by him which starts the moment I wake up to the moment I sleep. He has a massive stereo system with enormous subwoofers and nearly everyday he's blasted music from them on high volume with no care about me not wanting to hear it. And if I say anything negative I'm a bitch, a horrible ungrateful person and then I'll get treated even worse by him as punishment. He also has fucking anger problems and was gloating about him threatening to kill someone at his job.
I agreed to stay with someone like this, I'm such a dumbshit idiot. I regret this entire trip.
What a way to ring in the new year

No. 1835919

I have Covid and I am in so much pain I want to sleep but I can’t. Happy new year

No. 1835920>>1835923>>1835924

File (hide): 1704100275328.jpeg (100.86 KB, 422x750, EAE3E8E7-7649-4C7E-9E2D-238448…)

As an ugly woman with nothing to offer to anyone or the world, it is in my best interest to sterilize myself. I’ve become too horny lately and I really really shouldn’t pass on these genes. What’s the point of having desires if I’m so fucking ugly?

No. 1835923>>1835924

The world needs ugly people so the pretty people look pretty nona

No. 1835924

would you get your tubes tied or a hysterectomy?
kek this we're here for contrast

No. 1835938

I just woke up and the first news I see is that Japan got hot by a 7.4 earthquake and there's a tsunami warning. Jesus christ give me a break

No. 1835939

Damn I just woke up, checked twitter and all my timeline is about a massive earthquake and a tsunami prediction in the north of Japan. A friend of mine lives in Japan and travels a lot so I'll send her a message just in case because the videos are scary.

No. 1835960

Fuck boomers honestly. "Anon when will you have children?" "Anon why don't you have a boyfriend?" "Anon why are you so negative?" well you would be too if you were growing up today! It's so fucking easy to just shit all over the world and then just leave the next generations to fix the problems that YOU created. And then you have the audacity to make a surprised pikachu face when I tell you that no, I don't want to become a smelly moid's bangmaid the moment I turn 20 and no, the point of my life is NOT to get fucked by a man and then shit out as many children as possible and NO, WE DON'T HAVE IT SOOO MUCH EASIER THAN YOU. Stop giving me advice from your lifetime as if it's still applicable today. A bunch of tradthots who are all old and smelly now so instead of just chilling they decide to live their dream life through their children that are ADULTS. Stop projecting your failed dreams on me jesus fucking christ I'm sick of you.
Anyway, happy new year nonnies!

No. 1835967

I can't wait to have my gallbladder out, this is some of the worst pain I've ever experienced in my entire life. I've been nauseous for weeks, I feel like I'm actually dying. I no longer care how much it costs I just need to get this out of me like right now.

No. 1835976>>1835990>>1836041

I hate how ugly and inconsiderate (heterosexual) men are. They’d rather stay ugly and whine about being lonely because they choose to listen to other men on what is attractive in a partner. Go wear some nice clothes, style your hair, get your nails done, look pretty. I’m dog tired of seeing ugly ass men. For as much as they whine about being lonely and sexless they apparently don’t think it’s as bad as being called “gay” by an invisible man in their minds.

No. 1835984>>1836000

File (hide): 1704111051086.jpg (37.46 KB, 563x557, why.jpg)

i got frozen pizzas and one came without the mozzarella cheese, i will be suing

No. 1835990>>1836067

You think homosexual men are different

No. 1835998>>1836159

my pop is dying and I can't be there. my nigels gran died today, as my pop was on his last resuscitation and now he's DNR. I can't be with my nigel actual love of my life genuinely at his worst, I can't be with my mum while she's at pop's deathbead. we're all scattered across the globe and when it counts none of us can meet to support or grieve after. the hospitals just seem to do the prefunctory measures and want the bed free.
I know this is life, and I know it is cruel and the cruelty is equal to the grace and beauty but holy fuck, it feels so cruel right now.

No. 1836000>>1836023

Crying, shaking, and throwing up reading this. The world is so dark, nonnie, praying you get justice.

No. 1836011

Thank you nonnie, yeah, sometimes I do get worried that there could be old mutuals out there who are still sitting on old photos of me to use them for motivation to starve. I know it sounds self important but it’s also not uncommon

No. 1836023

thank you so much sweet nonnie, your support means the world to me in these trying times

No. 1836027

File (hide): 1704119600893.mp4 (5.78 MB, 648x360, Sigh0ps rainmaker.mp4) [play once] [loop]

I didn't even know this was considered a conspiracy. It's a real thing multiple governments are fairly open about doing or at least experimenting with. What's the tinfoil part? Is all bad weather being blamed on it or…? bad weather events happening after cloud seeding and the government is like "nah that wasn't us"? (I think I've seen something like that but it was vague in vidrel, not sure I got all the context as I'm not australian)

No. 1836030

I have no idea how to help my friend overcome her art/life crisis. The only thing she wants in life is to cosy up at home and do art, but she's not interested in it as a career, so she has a regular job to pay the bills. She's doing quite well in life. Her work leaves her with alright free time and weekends free, but the past year she's felt like she has no time at all because she needs a few hours of winding down after work to get in the mood to be creative. I feel her because I'm pretty similar, but I also know that if I really wanted to get creative I would use the time I had available to do so, which causes such a split between us because she feels like I don't properly understand her. Her biggest dream is to win the lottery so she never have to work a day in her life again and can just focus on her hobbies, and this past year it has really brought her down that this won't be a reality. She barely does art and when she does, she says she hates it. She had a two month holiday and got so anxious about not using her time efficiently that she barely got anything done at all, just sat around and played games and then complained to me at the end of her holiday that she hadn't gotten to be as creative as she wanted to be. It's so frustrating because we used to bounce off each other's creativity so easily, and now she can't stop getting in her head about this stuff and refuses to acknowledge that there might be other factors such as depression at play. Sometimes I even want to tell her right to her face that her dreams aren't unique to her alone. Everyone wishes they could win the lottery and sit around focusing on their hobbies, but that would cause such a rift in our relationship. I just want the old her back, but any attempt to support, inspire or talk to her just leads to another tirade of her being sad and upset about her life.

No. 1836031

File (hide): 1704121504926.jpeg (330.26 KB, 544x821, IMG_6371.jpeg)

Im an idiot for reading this book. I have wasted such valuable time reading a novel that is “supposed to be way better than the show.”
Bitch, it reads like a quizilla fanfiction about ferard in 2005?! How did it get so popular? Its so painful to read, it makes me want to write a better book.
Also, how are you going to make your main character a book snob judging anyone he passes, when you… wrote that? Mocked Dan Brown to the moon and back but to he quite honest; he writes far better than you ever will! I hate CK has made so much money off of this. I hate it i hate I HATE IT.

No. 1836041

It's funny because the same fugly men who whine about being lonely expect a beautiful woman who invests time, effort and money in her appearance to like them
growing up and seeing the double standards and reality of dating/men has been jawdropping for me.
A lot of women on this site say men are not worth it and I fully agree, the biggest majority of them really aren't.

No. 1836053>>1836054>>1836133>>1836137

I feel so inadequate. I have never had sexual relationships with anyone besides my boyfriend. Last night I tried to give him a handjob for the second time and he asked me to take off my shirt mid way through. I said no, it reminded me of the first time i tried to give him a handjob where he suggested that we look at nudes of me on my phone because he thought it would be “hot” i just don’t understand why me touching him alone isn’t enough. He told me that men are visual and i told him that i think that whole idea is bullshit. Idk I just feel like shit. He also claimed he had “performance anxiety” but im also kind of skeptical if thats a thing or a pornsick cope.

No. 1836054

Why would he think it’s hotter to look at nudes on his phone of you instead of just getting you naked then and there?

No. 1836060

I feel like my memory is turning to mush and I'm forgetting basic things, like the name of a band I used to listen to or an artist I listened to a lot at one point, but couldn't recall the name. Or like, names of restaurants I ate at a lot in the past. Or the name of the dorm hall I stayed in as a sophomore in college. Or even my professors names from this year. The name of an art gallery I enjoyed going to.
Like wtf is going on?
I think I really have to stop using instagram reels in 2024, like cut it out completely. That could be the only thing messing up my brain or maybe something else is really wrong with me. It's so weird.

No. 1836067

Why is this relevant? Homosexual men don’t want to date women so at least they have a reason not to listen to what they want.

No. 1836082

I feel like I look like shit in most clothes I wear, they just look wrong on me. I tried to look up kibbe and I can't even figure out what's my body type because either tight or flowy, cropped or long, nothing seems to match me. I'm basically underweight with no boobs, the kind of figure which should be "perfect" for most trendy outfits yet everything looks awful on me. My chest is too sunken in, my torso is too long, my shoulders are weird, my legs are too short and my hips are small. The face is also taking away from the look because of my massive jawline so I can't wear anything too cute or feminine. I just happen to have shit proportions and a masculine face so I can't find anything flattering. And I'm tired of wearing only baggy potato sack of clothes just to hide my body and to not bring too much attention to my face… I want so badly to wear cute feminine clothes like skirts and dresses but without looking like a fucking mistake

No. 1836083>>1836095>>1836121

Porn addiction is so fucking pathetic. You have to have an actual chimp brain to get hopelessly addicted to looking at pictures of boobs and feet or whatever degenerate shit it inevitably devolves into. It's the most pathetic addiction. Just go do drugs if you're gonna get addicted to something

No. 1836094

The thought of having to get a job terrifies me. I haven't worked a full time job since I got married nearly 10 years ago.

No. 1836095

I've never met a porn "addict" who wasn't fixed after a week in the woods with no internet access.

No. 1836121

And sex addiction

No. 1836130

File (hide): 1704131193547.jpg (50.47 KB, 384x766, 1645306387405.jpg)

I'm trying to get more visibility/donations for a local animal rescue (the only one in my country lol), but the first place I tried to seek help, the mods immediately went from nice to weird and standoffish when I said what country I'm from. I'm trying to ascribe this to fear of getting scammed rather than malice/pointless xenophobia, but if I wanted to rip off first worlders, there are probably a million easier, less conscience-wracking and more profitable ways than a community made to help stray animals.
I've sent in all the information they asked for to verify, so it's up to them, but the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth. I'm kind of worried they're going to refuse to look at anything and just reject it because "umm? uhhh?? sorry we don't believe anyone in your country can even use a computer or the internet. must be a scam, fuck you and goodbye". I've met so many first worlders who genuinely think that way, it's insane. It makes it feel pointless to even bother, but I really want to help the cats and dogs housed there. I just want to do something for them before I leave this place (besides all the donations I've made myself). I kind of feel like if I had been from a poor Eastern European country instead, they would've acted differently, but oh well, lmao.

No. 1836133

Seems pornsick to me. It's a good thing he didn't ask to look at other women. I'm reminded of a post where a nona said some guy wanted to watch porn while they were about to get intimate, and she noped out of there. What a joke men are.

No. 1836137

>He also claimed he had “performance anxiety”
Don't feel inadequate over a man when he's dealing with this and most likely did it to himself through porn use and death grip. He desensitized himself and you shouldn't have to endure your first sexual experiences being you jumping through extra hoops to make up for his broke dick syndrome

No. 1836144

threw a NYE party and someone broke the cat's tree, took our car keys thinking it was their own and stumbled over some figurines and dropped them. I'm about to veto these parties here, I'm done.

No. 1836146>>1836150>>1836152>>1836180>>1837259

File (hide): 1704132950971.png (208.71 KB, 828x749, 1704129180568007.png)

Shit like this makes me depressed. I've seen SO many women claiming to be "lesbians" and yet lusting after fictional men, dedicating entire blogs to them etc. It makes me think that real lesbians literally don't exist online. You will never see gay men doing this shit with female characters. Men don't fake being gay all the time

No. 1836150>>1836174

Real life men are so ugly, smelly, charmless and unkempt that some women who are either straight or bi are making up all sorts of ways to label themselves to explain why they're attracted to men but also not attracted to men

The fantasy of men is better than the reality of men

No. 1836152

It's surprisingly common. I followed an artist who drew nothing but good-looking men and then claimed to be 100% lesbian only. Why not draw any women then?

No. 1836153>>1836157

I'm feeling more lonely these days. I had new years alone, second year in a row, and today went on my new years day walk but it felt a bit boring actually. I saw the fireworks and it was a bit boring. I had a quick easy dinner and watched youtube and it was a bit boring. I don't know, at this point it does feel like a person would occupy and entertain me, but i'm an angry and bitter human being with too many issues, I'll angrily whisper to myself when my daydreams go too far. I saw a loud, happy family today and I just wanted them to shut the fuck up. How do other people with buckets of issues find partners?

No. 1836154>>1836158

My FYP is spamming me with ginger hate videos, I don't get it I don't even interact nor watch these videos at all. Currently blocking accounts at this point. Americans are so weird about gingers man, it's scary and they don't even realize. Why are they calling a group of people "soulless"? That's just weird but I think it hits too deep for me because i understand being harassed over shit you cannot control (I'm not white), it's not exactly the same because it's whites just bullying other whites I guess, but that feeling is still there, it just doesn't feel right no matter who they're targeting cause I know it could easily happen to me too and even worse

No. 1836157

Stay strong, nonna.
You already have the strength of living by yourself, something I envy and I lack as I keep attaching myself to people because I can't be alone. I am sure this kind of strength alone can attract a partner if you can look around.

No. 1836158

Americans just have a particular knack for racism.

No. 1836159

Oh nona, that's so shit to hear, i'm sorry. Life is definitely being cruel to you now, but know it'll be over at some point and you'll experience the beauty again.

No. 1836168

The past few days I've been suddenly seeing an insane amount of hatred against girls with stanley cups, especially teen girls. Lots of people will say because oh it's consumerism or whatever they say to make themselves feel better, but as always it's because teen girls aren't allowed to enjoy anything. Same thing with pumpkin spice, or anything else young women do. Yet none of the dumb shit young men are into is every met with the same level of disdain and mockery. Girls get made fun of wanting some uggs, but the boys that want whatever sneaker is popular atm? You never hear about that.

No. 1836174

They should just openly say they find most irl men ugly instead of claiming lesbian label, because of them so many people don't even believe female homosexuality is real kek

No. 1836180

I might get my opinion shat on because I'm bi but I'm fine with men being objectified by these women while they keep their expectations about women more realistic and earthly. like men are a disgraced gender already so might as well objectify and humilliate them with porn and leave women out of it. also it leaves no room for moids to enjoy it and they seethe about it kek

No. 1836194>>1836227

I've more or less given up on convincing women that all men are trash (EVEN their Nigels) but I wonder what needs to happen for a mass peaking on tranny issues. If I have to watch another person in my circle go "any pronouns" or "she/xe" or some other form of weird ~*gender expression*~ my head is going to split open. I wouldn't feel this bad if I could at least ask them why but doing any of that is considered harassment.

No. 1836200>>1836256>>1836266

the expression "serving cunt" is disgusting and the moids who made it popular should get their nuts crushed (or get SRS, same shit)

No. 1836226

I didn't sleep at all and my armpits are sweaty and cold at the same time and my skin feels hot and I'm definitely gopher-ing a poop and I have 2 hours and 30 minutes left of work and I really just wanna combust

No. 1836227

genderism is still mostly contained within their own circles, once it starts breaking containment like with sports or the sorority perv TIM things will start changing.

No. 1836256>>1836320>>1836351

Moids shouldn't be "serving cunt", they should be servicing pussy

No. 1836264

A kid just broke something that I got for Christmas. It was not that valuable and not that big of a deal but it was one my favorite gifts and for some reason I’m so fucking bummed and I’m trying not to lose my shit over something so lame and it was technically an accident and just a kid. But seriously what the fuck. Why am I so upset god damn it

No. 1836266

Ikr? Like what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

No. 1836275>>1836280

I feel annoyed that I was pressured to drink when I kept on saying "no" last night. I was pressured because it's my bf's family and to make matters worse, I would say "it's nice" to be polite after the shots and they'd make fun of me because I am not referencing notes when it's like, I didn't really want to drink so much in the first place, leave me alone you twats. Neither of you even read and you're calling whisky Bourbon when it's not even from Kentucky, but you're making fun of me for saying that a shot is nice and not dissecting the exact notes of it? Fuck off. My boyfriend is sober so no one offers him anything and i almost want to pretend to be sober so they don't annoy me. I usually enjoy drinking, but I felt sick yesterday. I said no like 5 times before accepting their shots. My new year's resolution should be to stop caring what others think of me.

No. 1836280

I totally relate to this. My bf is sober too and I’m not but I don’t enjoy drinking at all and get terrible hangovers from even a little bit. I hate when people pressure like that, it’s so fucking annoying. I was just thinking the same thing might start telling people I’m sober so they get off my back. Or yeah just say no and not give a fuck lol

No. 1836296>>1839545

I am sick to death of homeless people. I go outside because it's a nice day but there's trash all over the goddamn place in the alley because of homeless people digging shit out of dumpsters all night. There's feces in places people have to walk, they just hoard a bunch of crap all over the sidewalk, be disruptive on public transportation. Most of these people wouldn't be able to take care of themselves even if you provide them housing but they're so feral from being on the streets and some of them are dangerous. Fuck them and fuck city politicians or whatever.

No. 1836304>>1836311>>1836452

I want to legally change my name when I finally leave my family but telling people "hey call me this now" out of nowhere seems so awkward.

No. 1836311

It is. My family still calls me by my old name because "I named you that and that's what you are called to me". You shouldn't really care either way, as long as they don't try to embarrass you in front of others.

No. 1836320

This sentence should be preserved.

No. 1836323>>1836342>>1836445

30 is still young i'd say but it's a bit too far to be acting like a teenager at home on fortnite everyday…

No. 1836340>>1836482

spent all nye crying and today while walking my dog i found a dead kitten in a shoebox. great start to the year.

No. 1836342>>1836422

Do you sing "chug jug with you" while you play? I cant get that song out of my head

No. 1836344

I'm so sorry for your loss, nonnie. My ex-moid acted the exact same way when I found out my dad passed; completely emotionally unavailable, got angry at me for reaching out to my friends for emotional support, and jealous that I gave them more attention than I did to him. It feels like moments like these just really showcase that men aren't able to show empathy or support to anyone besides themselves.

You'll be okay, nonnie. You'll get through this. It'll hurt but you'll get through this.

No. 1836351

No. 1836390>>1836397

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update: I met the girl he was trying to get with; she was high out of her mind but even then was smart enough to know he wasn’t shit. I had to spend nearly an hour trip-sitting her because he was too busy raving to come find us. While we were waiting for him she confided in me that she was already seeing two guys back home and that this guy is way too square by her usual standards. Then she ditched him 20mins out from midnight to go find her friends when he thought that she would be his new years kiss kek. Meanwhile I had multiple guys ask me for my number and I’m still texting a few of them post-festival. A Very Happy New Year indeed nonnies.

No. 1836397

clink clink indeed!

No. 1836411>>1836905

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My room is a disgusting mess but I can't bring myself to clean it and I would feel so pathetic to ask for help. It's not like I can hire someone to clean it for me without my parents knowing, It's so bad I feel ashamed to bring my Nigel here, The floor is not visible and it smells like sweat and unwashed clothes. Everytime I go out somewhere a stranger will be near me I drown myself in deodorant and hope it will be enough to cover it up. Maybe if I take a pic of it the fake NEET femcel losercore aesthetic people will be able to romanticize my miserable existence.

No. 1836422

wasnt talking about myself but that is pretty funny, idk what the song is

No. 1836442

still have my braces on and not only has the issue i went in for not been fixed but it's been exacerbated way more than it ever has. wtf. just a bit of crowding/slight misalignment in my two front incisors and now it's way more extreme and i have all kinds of shit going on in my other teeth honestly don't know what the fuck is going on feel like i just go for elastic changes. i've had braces since i was like 10 for my gaps then took them off at 14 and had them put back on again at 17 for the issue i mentioned ( happened because that permanent wire detached during covid and i wasn't able to go back in ) and here i am now two years later still having them on. i still have an overbite, my palate is exactly the same ( wouldn't want to change it ). there's basically no changes other than new crowding i've never had in my life. and the other day she wanted to file my two front teeth like wtf !!!! obviously i said no because they still weren't straight like it's no longer subtle enough to where you need to feel it with a finger but you can see it as soon as i open my mouth. i'm so frustrated.

No. 1836445

>tfw I know someone like this too

No. 1836452

My mom has been encouraging me to go by my middle name (basically her naming me was through pressure on my dad's side of the family and it was a "fuck you" to them), but it's a little difficult.

No. 1836455

Mods not gay 2024 confirmed??

No. 1836467

Insomnia is the worst thing, I wouldn't wish it on anyone. I get 4 hours of sleep if I'm lucky, I'm tired all day yet can't fall asleep. I tried everything and nothing helped for more than a few nights, I'm going insane.

No. 1836482

That sucks nona I’m sorry. I found a dead kitten in a driveway this year and the people who lived there clearly ran it over and had left it there it made me want to move out of this town

No. 1836505

Wish my friend would get back to me on wtf is going on at his house so I can figure out whether I have enough time to host D&D tonight like we planned. He had to leave halfway through game to supervise construction at his house and was only supposed to be gone for two hours, but now it's been three and he's not answering anyone's texts asking what's going on or when he's coming back. Hate when he holds up the group like this but not much we can do since he's the DM. I'm blindingly angry right now and swear to god that one of these days I'm just going to run our damn game myself.

No. 1836512>>1836642

Me when my feet suck and I can’t stand more than 6 hours without agonizing excruciating pain and no job seems to understand that even if I work part time. “Just get better shoes!” Doesn’t work. “Wear compression socks!” Doesn’t fucking work.

No. 1836519

Fuck my tif cunt manager trying to get me fired for "being off these past few days". Luckily no one likes her psycho ass and I transferred to a different department

No. 1836534

Deleted all my social media accounts. Nothing particularly bad happened to me in 2023 but I’ve become very sensitive all of sudden and found myself crying over an article or a tweet. I’m not sure what’s wrong with me but I’m not dealing with it this year so I’ve deleted everything. I hope to become less sensitive this year. I wish I didn’t cry so much. I’ll come back to this at the end of year and I can hopefully say I’ve changed because I’m really starting to resent myself for being so weak.

No. 1836537

I think Panera Bread’s broccoli cheddar Mac and cheese gives me diarrhea and it makes me sad because it’s so good

No. 1836549>>1836580

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Thinking about all the time i wasted daydreaming instead of doing stuff is making me insane. I know its better starting now than never, but i wasted so much time daydreaming about doing stuff instead of actually doing it because i was so anxious and scared of failure. It angers me that i went to a therapist since i was 10, but never once i got diagnoses ADHD until now. All those years i could have used drawing if i had the correct medication are gone, now i am a late bloomer at everything because of it. I hate it, and i hate myself.

No. 1836554>>1836636

2024 is already off to a terrible start. I was no-contact with my parents for a long time but within the last few years, I started to keep limited contact with my mom. She and my dad were separated but not divorced for a while but she let him move back in with her last year. My dad was extremely violent my entire life to both my mom and my siblings. Since he's moved back in with my mom he has started to be violent with her again. I'm really upset that my mom let him move back in because I knew that this was going to happen. I live across the country from them so there isn't much I can do other than tell her to call the cops on him. She refuses to do so because she hates the police and I also suspect because they do drugs together. It makes me want to have no contact with her again because she only ever wants to call me to complain about the recent thing my dad did to her. It's brining me back to really dark places mentally and she refuses to listen to any of my advice. My grandma texted me today and told me that my dad and mom got into a really bad fight and he knocked out some of her teeth she might have a concussion as well but she refuses to go to a hospital. My grandma wants me to see if I could talk some sense into my dad and I genuinely have no idea why she thinks that would do anything. None of my mom's family members want to take any steps to actually help her even though they live close to her and have the means to do so. Instead, they bother me and expect me to do something even though I'm broke as shit and don't live anywhere near my mom. It's stressing me out severely. I feel completely powerless to do anything. I am really scared my dad could kill my mom. I want to call the police but I know if I did my mom would refuse to press charges and she would get pissed at me and threaten to kill herself or something.

No. 1836580

Some people go a majority of their lives until they realize they should have done more, just be thankful you realized it early

No. 1836594>>1836619>>1836691>>1836700>>1836703>>1836775>>1836881>>1836922>>1836950

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>little sister bullies tries to put me down almost everytime I speak to her, even when I'm just asking how her day went
>whatever, right?
>mom received a rice cooker around Christmas so I take a a good look at it so I can figure out how to use it (we never had one before)
>sister randomly starts calling me "an autistic dumbass" just for looking at the fucking rice cooker for like two seconds
>I politely tell her to buzz off and let me prepare some rice for my dinner
>she keeps insulting me over and over again like a fucking parrot about how stupid she thinks I am, even though she's the one who failed a math class and had to take summer school
>I tell her to fuck off
>she tattles to mom
>sister tries to make it seem like I'm the one who started the whole argument by being a bully
>moms sees through some of her BS and asks my sister to apologize
>sister just gives mom a dirty look before shoving her and goes to her room
>I text my sister a big lengthy text on why she's basically a brat for no reason and needs to quit her atitude and quit calling me dumb when she's the last person to be calling anyone dumb
>she runs and tattles to my mom again
>mom is almost crying on behalf of my sister about how I'm "ruining the family" and how she's "greatly disappointed" in me for hurting my "baby sister", and how I'm supposed to be the "bigger person"
>I confess to my mom that this is how my sister has been treating me almost every week or even day for the whole year
>my mom doesn't care and is more hurt by me sending that text than my sister treating and talking to everybody like a servant because my sister is "ONLY seventeen" and "doesn't know any better".
Even when we were kids, it was like this. She's the younger one, I'm the older one. She gets to bully, punch, bite, scratch, stalk, and poke me all she wants, but the minute I tell her to fuck off, I'm being immature somehow. Is this really how it's supposed to be for older siblings? Maybe I'm not a family person because I never liked this dynamic. Try as I might to be polite, I never liked my little sister.

No. 1836611

sending someone angry hateful messages and obsessively watching over heronline just because she don’t give you attention anymore does make you a weird mentally ill individual and i hope you’re able to get the help you need because why the fuck would you want to be like that

No. 1836619>>1836626

I thought she was 12 by your description, jesus. You parents need to get a fucking grip, this behavior is unacceptable for her age and it shouldn't be your job to correct her.

No. 1836625

I ended 2023 with food poisoning, and I started 2024 with my phone freezing during an update and giving me error messages when I try to restore it. The year can only get better from here, right??

No. 1836626

God, thank you for seeing the bullshit in what happened. My mom's words honestly put me in a bad mood. My parents are so lenient with her, the only chore they make her do are the dishes when it's her turn, and even still my mom once asked me to tell her to clean the kitchen when my sister wasn't doing shit all Thanksgiving break. It really weirded me out that my mom would need my help with telling her my sister to just do her chores. I'm the older sibling, but my mom's the mom and is still apparently scared of my little sister? It's frustrating to watch because until I turned eighteen, my parents were on my ass about a lot of things. School, grades, chores, manners, even what I watched on television. My sister though? She's been allowed to act and do damn near everything and everyway she wanted when she turned fourteen. I don't get why my parents would just "give up" on being parents, you know? But based on my early years of life, I think it's that my parents just didn't really like me. I kind of went on a tangent, but I needed to vent it. Thank you anyway, nonna.

No. 1836634

this guy is so fucking nuts lol

No. 1836636

calm down(bait)

No. 1836642

Samefag time.
>me and bf work at same job
>he could split my shift with me and greatly help me out, he doesn’t have much hours this week anyways literally only a couple days and not much hours per shift
>he’d still have like 4 days off not including our small vacation we’re going on more— days off
>”waaah we won’t be together much that day”
Dude we won’t be together that much that day anyways it’s a fucking full shift. Hope you can carry me when I’m limping and crying my brains out from the pain.

No. 1836691>>1836888

Beat her ass. My sisters were the same until I threw hands. Your mom is gonna whine and blame you either way.

No. 1836700>>1836888

this is insane, what ever happened to respecting your elders? was she never taught this? it could be a wide culture gap but treating an older sibling this way is unimaginable to me. i'm sorry you have such an annoying little sister anyway, if i were you i wouldn't text her, i would tell her this shit in person. and if she hits you, defend yourself. you as the older sibling should not be in a position of cowering away so as to be seen as mature. like the other anon said, your parents are gonna whine no matter what you do. they're blaming you for their own inability to parent her properly. you really shouldn't have to put up with this shit. and she probably carries on so much because she knows all you'll do is curse at her, which she can then go and tell your mother about. she sees you like a punching bag because you don't assert yourself back enough and she knows she can get away with this shit

No. 1836703

If she bullies you again just beat her

No. 1836775

sorry to tell you this nonna but this dynamic will likely never improve unless your sister makes some radical personal improvements (which sounds improbable considering she's such an enormous brat at her age) and your best bet is to cut her off one day. you can beat her back if it makes you feel better but she'll still manipulate your mother into perceiving you as the instigator. i say this because my younger brother was the exact same way when we were kids and his behavior only grew worse when he became an adult. i haven't spoken to him in years and frankly i don't really miss him. he grew up to be a massive piece of shit and our mother will be stuck dealing with his hideous behavior until one of them dies. if it makes you feel any better your mother will probably face a similar outcome in the future.

No. 1836837>>1836869>>1836874

I used to have 2 male friends that I was really close with, and I ended up losing them over some bad decisions I made relating to a loser moid. They were genuinely good people too, and truly just friends. I typically don't think men and women can be platonic friends, but they were more on the shy side, just kind of nerdy, quiet, polite. They had other female friends too, it's not like I was just the only woman of the group. And I would get along with their girlfriends just fine, I never got super close with them because if they broke up I didn't want it to be weird. But I had known these two guys forever and they were basically like siblings to me.

I had been dating a guy at the time who wasn't good to me, and that's where problems with my friends started. My boyfriend cheated on me and I stupidly took him back, on more than one occasion. He was very manipulative, would threaten suicide a lot, he was abusive in many different ways and my guy friends saw it immediately. They would always try to convince me to leave him and I was so stuck in my ways that I let it affect our friendship. That's what started to break us apart at first.

Then, when I finally did leave the cheating moid and was trying to move on in my life, I met a different moid who was just kind of like a breath of fresh air to me at the time. He was one of the most attractive men I had ever met, he was a semi successful musician, he lived such an exciting life and right away he was trying to make me a part of it. He was so flirty, and complimentary, he would take me to all of these parties and events. We started taking drugs together and I fully admit I just totally lost myself as a person. I did a complete 180 in terms of my personality for this man, I was partying all the time, I got really deeply depressed and was coping with pills, we got into a business together even and started making a ton of money together. It was such a wild situation and I became a really awful person and ended up completely pushing those 2 friends away. I irreparably damaged our friendship and did not treat them well at all, looking back now they were just trying their best to save me from myself. They cared about me more than just about anyone else ever has and I didn't deserve one bit of it towards the end.

It's been a few years now, I got away from the musician and got my life straightened back out. I've settled down in life a lot now, sober, happy for the first time in a long time. I'm in a stable relationship with a kind man who actually does love me, I have a house, a simple life, chickens, I love my job. But I think about my two former friends a lot and I miss them so much. I occasionally look at their social media to just get small updates here and there about how their lives are going, I hope they're happy. I wish I could reach out to them but I'm very conflicted about it for a few different reasons. Maybe it's best to leave the past in the past, maybe they don't want anything to do with me. Plus it might be weird for my current partner, me reaching out to two men from my past. Even though it is platonic, I'd feel weird if he had two women from his past he thought about and missed.

I just have a lot of regrets, these are two men that should have been like uncles to my future children. I lost genuine friendships over some brief thrill and I don't deserve to have them back.

No. 1836851

I lost some photography equipment and I was barely even feet away from my home when I last used it. I seriously felt like I spent half my waking hours yesterday being driven insane trying to find it. It makes no sense how the fuck I might have lost it. I live in safe neighborhood with no crime and I clearly remember packing it up and bringing it home.

No. 1836869

Yeah you dont.

No. 1836874

Just reach out you obviously want to. Invite them to something or visit them.

No. 1836881

you need to grey rock her. you sending that text was like winning the lottery for her, because she finally instigated you into providing her evidence. Your sister is a DARVO addict, if your mom is a flying monkey don't expect anything from her. It can be too hard for parents to acknowledge their children are pieces of shit and they failed to raise them.

No. 1836888>>1836941>>1836947

>this is insane, what ever happened to respecting your elders? was she never taught this?
NTA but I'm >>1836691 and younger kids aren't taught to respect their elders at all anymore. Neither my sisters or their friends got the upbringing I and my peers got. I was taught to respect elders, know my rights and responsibilities, be polite and have good manners. They were taught the rights part and not the responsibilities, not much else honestly.

It's like a switch flipped in parents' minds at a certain point in time and suddenly it became okay to be mouthy and rude because "sassy toddlers are so cute", "you don't have to hug relatives goodbye or say please or thank you because boundaries blah blah", "you don't owe anyone x, y or z", "it's okay if you're a bully at school because I'd rather my child be a bully than be bullied, not my problem". It turns them into entitled little brats who were never told no in their lives and think they're the main character. It's also wild what kinds of things they ask for at Christmas or their birthday. Dior lip oil, glow recipe, Van Cleef bracelets??? I don't care if "all your friends at school have it", you don't need an AHA serum. And of course my parents panic and call every Sephora in the neighborhood to get them what they want when I was given Bonne Bell and told it's all I'm getting until I'm 16.

No. 1836905>>1837113

I can relate with the messy room/apartment nonnie. Are you depressive? I know because of my depression I went through so many mess-cleanup phases, but there was a point where it was so bad I was so miserable with myself.
I'm going through this again but it's nowhere as bad as it used to be (except the kitchen kek) but what helped me is starting small: every day, for 30-45 mins, I would clean a room. I would do this for as many days until the entire home was clean. Some days I'd spend 3-4 hours because I'd feel really motivated and proud that I am getting things done.
Today I planned for 2 hours of cleanup in the evening, I want to tidy up my whole place before end of week, it's been proven that clutter makes your mood even worse.
Start small nonnie, get some trashbags and bins or boxes, sometimes I'd dump everything in a box (like clothes, to free the sofa) then I'd sort all later.
I know it's hard, but you can get through this. And always air out your room!

No. 1836922

I want to believe in peace and love and violence is never the answer but you need to beat her ass. Let your inner animal out, she won’t understand words.

No. 1836932

I'm gonna have a shit day cus I'm still hungover from new years and my dumbass decided to play Rollercoaster tycoon for 4 hours instead of keeping my eyes closed. I have no one to blame but myself. Aaaahhh

No. 1836941>>1836947>>1836951>>1836953>>1836958>>1836959>>1836963>>1836965>>1837163>>1837165>>1837194>>1837237>>1837238>>1837240

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> It's also wild what kinds of things they ask for at Christmas or their birthday. Dior lip oil, glow recipe, Van Cleef bracelets??? I don't care if "all your friends at school have it", you don't need an AHA serum.
I saw a video about this! 12 year olds or younger wishlists for christmas and it was FILLED with shit like this, drunk elephant, retinol, aha serums, dior lip oil or other shit like this. TikTok needs to be banned or kids shouldnt get smartphones. I am shocked.

No. 1836947>>1836948>>1836952

Are parents not worried/concerned that advertising and product placements have obviously taken hold of their child’s brain? Asking for stuff like that is a clear sign that your kid watched one too many commercials

No. 1836948

some really aren't and it's fucking insane to me
a lot of people who shouldn't have kids are having them so there's that too
I'd whoop my daughter's ass if she asked for things like those

No. 1836950

>sister just gives mom a dirty look before shoving her
>sister is "ONLY seventeen" and "doesn't know any better"
If a parent barely even registers that part and concentrates more on siblings exchanging words then they're gonna get a lovely surprise (somehow) when their kid does that out in the world with people who do not give a fuck about how slow she is at learning.

No. 1836951

Oh my god I don't want to believe this is real. She wrote "money" twice. Please someone tell me this isn't normal for kids these days, are they just like this now?

No. 1836952

No they obviously don't care. Some parents just don't give a fuck as long as their kid isn't watching porn/gore.

No. 1836953>>1836957>>1836960>>1836962>>1836970

It's always been this way and come on lol it's a retarded 13yo. Yeah she put a Macbook Pro on the list but also tons of 5 dollar items like cute candles and fake lashes or reasonable things to ask for when you're young and want a splurge item (silk pillowcase is probably for her hair). This is fine

No. 1836956

spending time around my family always makes me want to get extremely fucked up after I leave them. They’re not that bad but they set off my anxiety a lot, or something idk. The holidays was too much. I skipped thanks giving with them because I was sick and honestly it was great, I think I may start skipping more things. I really wish I could bitch about family issues irl but my closest friends have even shittier families or don’t have parents anymore. So I feel like I can’t really complain to them about mine.

No. 1836957

Those bronzing drops retail for $38 a bottle

No. 1836958

More than 40 items. I went crosseyed counting it up.

No. 1836959

nike dunks are notoriously shit quality for nikes and uggs are a meme, this child needs to get better taste.

No. 1836960>>1836971>>1836972

Except it hasn't. I vividly remember my wishlist when I was 13 because it wasn't so long ago. I wanted Bratz dolls, manga, candy and some retarded clothes from Justice. Dior lip oil, Apple Watch, Gucci perfume, lulu, facial ice globes? That's shit a 30-something fitness influencer would ask for.

No. 1836962>>1836972

this is not normal
just last week I saw a bunch of 12-13 yr old girls with full faces of makeup, false eyelash, acrylic long nails and ofc trashy attitude. I was disgusted. When I was 12 I still liked dolls and plushies

No. 1836963

I just noticed Skims on that sad child's wishlist. Girl, what for?

No. 1836965

holy shit the girly girls in my class were asking for tacky make up for children that was candy flavoured and had spongebob on the cover what is this

No. 1836970

i'm an older zoomer and preteens wanting expensive brands of makeup/clothing/technology that they see older girls with is nothing new, at least since social media and beauty gurus became a thing. the only difference from that list is that is that skincare wasn't popular like they are now, but i could definitely create a 2012 preteen wishlist that's equivalent to this.

No. 1836971>>1836989>>1837048

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Call me a tard but this was my xmas wish at 13. I might've gotten a drug store lip gloss set thrown in there too. And an obligatory chocolate reindeer.

No. 1836972

Maybe you need to live for longer then, I don't know what to tell you, but when I was that age (I'm 30+ now) my classmates were in full coverage makeup and way too grown up outfits and wanting to emulate celebs too. Back in my day it was expensive cellphones that could play a shitty b/w wallpaper pixel animation instead of iPads and Macbooks or begging for Playboy merchandise and hair extensions. This is just the modern variation of it. I didn't say it was reasonable or good, just that it happens in all generations, little kids are dumb and don't grasp the value of things/hope for the best, she had tons of cheap options on her list.

No. 1836974>>1836979

Found one of the videos about this I watched.
This is not normal, social media brainwash is a thing and any parent that enables this shit should be ashamed.
These kids don't know the value of money and think looks are everything.

No. 1836979>>1836997>>1837044

I have a hard time believing her opinion on the topic has any value when she looks like that, sorry to be a hater but she looks like she got some brain rot herself

No. 1836988>>1837075

My nice, loving, boyfriend of 4 years wants to get a house together and I was all for it until I just spent a week and a half with him for the holidays and I just got really stressed out by the end of it. I hate sleeping next to someone who is awake on their phone all night, and then wakes up even earlier than me and is loud as fuck getting ready and complaining about getting no sleep. I also hate that I can't have alone time without him constantly talking to me. I feel so mean. These are such small things in comparison to having a loyal and devoted partner who will always support you. Sleep is just really important to me for my physical and mental health and he really annoys me both at bedtime and in the morning. I feel like if we moved in together I would secretly hold it against him until we broke up. I feel like I would be happier and more healthy and at peace if I was single my whole life sometimes.

No. 1836989>>1837002>>1837007

omg I had one! or at least something that looked identical in like 03-04 I think? It took days of begging but I hadn't asked for a toy all year (we were poor and normally I didn't ask cause I understood) so my parents got it as a gift and I remember it gave me and my sister so much joy. A few years later there was a similar toy dog but with fur instead of looking robotic so my mom got it as a gift since she remembered how much we loved the first one.

No. 1836997

She's a big handmaiden with the most bland and retarded opinions possible. Says she's getting examined for autism and just waiting for the diagnosis but in a future video about autism, says she doesn't have autism. Big whiny cow.

No. 1836998

Make a reddit account per my bfs suggestion to try and make new friends as i have no social circle and lonely. Make post in subreddit for new friends

Get a bunch of men, three of which activly tried to convince me to make an onlyfans , share pictures, or trying to find out whwre i live because they wanted to make me cheat on my bf.

No im depressed, i feel like a piece of meat, even lonelier and now i wanna dump my bf for subjecting me to distressing chats lol

No. 1836999>>1837003

good two months after my shitty moid of three years decided he didn't want to live in the city anymore and expected me to quit my job and become financially dependent on him, my father passes away. I'm isolated, yet when someone reaches out to me I usually ignore them or don't respond for days. My life felt so normal only months ago and now it feels like it's almost over.

No. 1837002

this is so sweet Nona. I'm glad you have those memories.

No. 1837003>>1837015

I believe you may not want advice, but please, leave him. There's still time. If you don't die, you are going to regret the time lost in this situation. Good luck and be strong.

No. 1837007

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Poo-Chi, they made a Meow-Chi too.

No. 1837015

we already separated and I have my own place now. I just feel incredibly lonely even though it's definitely for the best.

No. 1837044>>1837053

>sorry to be a hater
for such a lukewarm comment? How did you find this site lmao

No. 1837048

Oh God. I had the same exact one. I would play with him outside and feel like I was in the future. I miss those old toys.

No. 1837051

I feel like SHIT today but I came to work anyway. I think im going to leave early. At least i made an effort to be here even though I can barely keep my eyes open and feel like i'm going to throw up.

No. 1837053

I watched like 15 seconds and turned it off because of how she looked so I had no way of knowing if she actually said something good, that's all. Usually I like to dig in a watch several hours and cyberstalk someone before I share my judgement with the farm but I was lazy today.

No. 1837075

If you're getting a house then you can arrange to sleep in different rooms, the issue is that you're dating someone you don't really enjoy being with if he can annoy you this much in 1.5 weeks just by existing around you and being chatty when you presumably don't see each other much

No. 1837082>>1837086>>1837120

Fucking Christ. I’m not sure if there is a better thread for this, but I am deeply disturbed right now. I just opened up the Threads app and the first post was a woman breastfeeding a baby and the post links to an adult page which I couldn’t look at because I needed to sign in. But the Threads profile had several other videos of women breastfeeding children that’s framed in a sexual/objectifying way. I don’t know how Instagram let their other app become such a cesspit if that’s the first post that gets shown to me. What the fuck…

No. 1837086

That’s big on TikTok too it’s pretty gross. You should delete the app it’s garbage.

No. 1837100>>1837102

My man is annoying me. He wants to be on the phone all the day. We LIVE together. This isn't long distance. He's just bored at work (FedEx driver, I don't work bc Reasons) so he keeps me in an ear bud. I'm annoyed. Annoyed annoyed annoyed. I feel like I'm on constant sensory overload when I'm on the phone and he knows this and STILL wants to monopolize every single airwave. I'm bored. I wanna watch TV. I wanna roll around on my floor freely. My phone is so old I end up being plugged into the wall all day like it's the fucking nineties. I wanna crochet and I can't because I can't concentrate, trying to read a pattern while he's talking, trying to count while he's randomly spouting numbers to me. I got four minutes to my damn self after doing the housework this morning. I'm going insane.

No. 1837101>>1837106>>1837116>>1837119>>1837122

I hate my fucking brother so much. an avid discord user. I made the mistake of checking his laptop that he left open on accident one day and looked at his discord messages and found so much tranny furry shit. He is also the worst most selfish autistic retard ever. But what really hurts me is how disgustingly misogynistic and porn sick he is and my mother will not (cannot) hear a word of it because he’s her little Angel baby boy who’s still a “kid” to her. Keep in mind we’re barely just a fucking year apart. She has never coddled me the way she coddles him. She reverts to this weird catatonic state when I express my pain and frustration regarding his disturbing behavior. Ive tried my best to forget about it and just pray that he grows into a normal fucking person (in vain). But recently I was sitting behind him and leaned in to look at his laptop screen and he got very very angry and started shoving me and cursing at me and I was like “why are you shoving me im just trying to see what you’relooking at” it was just his dms with some tranny on discord from what I could tell but either way I wasn’t being serious about really reading it and you could’ve been able to discern that from my tone if you were there in the moment but he fucking punched me so I hit him back and then he starts hitting me over the head over and over. I defend myself and then eventually I free myself from him basically trying to fucking kill me and scream at him and all he can say is “you were provoking me” I tell him he can’t fucking beat the shit out of people over nothing and that he’s a fucking grown man and that he’s going to end up locked up if he doesn’t become a person immediately and he calls me a whore and just repeats himself “you were provoking me you were provoking me” in that moment my heart just really broke. This is what my poor mother, who has been through hell and back, gave birth to and fed and clothed and looked after and raised. He yells at her, hits her and treats her like shit and calls her a slut and a whore and a dumb bitch and she still finds it in her heart somehow to love him, not only that, but love him OVER ME. I am older than him, we are just one year apart, and this grown manchild committed an act of assault on me, a woman, if he does this shamelessly to his sister and his mother I cannot fathom what he might possibly do to others in the future. He has gotten in trouble many times for harassing women. He associates with troons and “femboys” and calls himself a lesbian on discord. His notebooks consist of drawings of weird porn futa fetish femdom rape stuff. I’m so fucking upset. So so fucking upset. I want him locked away forever and ever and ever. What the fuck do I do. I want him fucking dead.

No. 1837102

At least he’s not making you look up directions for him the whole day, my husband used to do that delivering Amazon packages until I lost it on him.
He needs to listen to a podcast or music and call you on his 30 minute break only.

No. 1837106

Let him rot in his troony tunes discord room. Pray that he never meets another actual real woman and assaults her. He's not the sweet angel your mom thought he was, and there is no saving him. He's a base coomer with no redemption unless he willingly snaps out of it on his own. I'm sorry you have to deal with a failmale manchild like this, nona.

No. 1837113

ayrt I'm not just depressive I'm a bpdchan kek, I tried to start small but I do it for one or two days and then continue to rot in my room for a week and messing everything I cleaned and then some. Window is always open except when I sleep at night.

No. 1837116

seems like he is ashamed of his fetish stuff but also too deep into it. TIMs are dangerous, unstable people and so are boymoms. You cannot save anyone who is not ready for it. There are enough stories of boys recently killing their moms, your mom may very well end up on that track.

No. 1837119

Report the assault to the police

No. 1837120

I don’t understand how it’s legal for OF girls to continue selling videos of themselves in labor and breastfeeding as pornographic content

No. 1837122

You’re a girl he’s a boy. Moms are always gonna prefer their sons. Move accordingly. You just have to stop caring because this has nothing to do with you. If your mom wants to let him troon out and beat her that’s her problem because that’s her son. It seems like he only attacks you when you start getting in his business and you honestly just need to stay out of it.

No. 1837130>>1837138

i vent about this all the time here but it's soooo tough to accept that i'm fucked because i wasn't born in the right place. yeah i can probably make it out, but i can absolutely kiss my dreams of living out the rest of my youth goodbye. i really am just going to be miserable for the next year (at best).

>nooo 30 isn't old nooooo 27 isn't old blah blah blah

yes i get that. i know. but doing something at 24 is very different from doing it like six years later. it's like building blocks, or forming foundational experiences. you can learn to ride a bike at any age, but you're probably not going to enjoy it as much (or experience it in the same way) as you would have had you learned at 10. i wanted to experience things and grow but that's just not going to fucking happen ever if i'm stuck in my crazy mom's house and working retail in this highly racist, highly homophobic state.

No. 1837137

why am i so fucking unlikable like i don’t even know what i’m doing wrong. i hate myself and i wish i was dead

No. 1837138

oh and while i'm here i'm genuinely still depressed that i didn't get that tech job at the state. so much of that shit they threw at me (that i didn't know during the interview) i now know because i googled it. it would've been such a fun job, fuck fuck fuck

No. 1837140

Im so sad and i want to cry because of all those years ive spent being negative and miserable. Idk i feel like i cant rly blame myself because my life was genuinely kinda shitty and i turn into a very negative person when i feel for example left out, lonely, behind others in life, like a loser (those feelings were justified) but i still wish i wouldve forced myself to react differently. Being negative is a waste of time and i really want to change myself in 2024…

No. 1837142>>1837145

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No. 1837144

>one chance in life

i hate myself so much nonnies i’m so fucking retarded

No. 1837145

this is about my cat, but seems like you all could use the reminder to take your meds also.

No. 1837163

Fucking blackpill. Nothing is personality, hobby, or activity related, literally everything is looks. I remember as a 12 year old wanting some lip balms, but I think I mostly wanted DS games. Girls are so fucked, literally brainwashed into turning themselves into an aesthetic object to be observed by others. I wonder what ads boys are getting

No. 1837165

This just makes me sad.

No. 1837176>>1837183>>1837185

I'm one of those people who always defends pitbulls, as cringe as it is. I had one for most of my childhood/early teens and I was so attached to him, he really was the best dog. I got him because he was the "runt" of his litter and the backyard breeder was just going to kill him. He was so sickly and I bottle fed him all throughout the day and night until he got old enough to manage on his own, after that we were completely inseperable.
I had an older male cousin that was physically abusive to me, like really badly about hitting me and choking me and stuff. I was terrified of him and none of the adults in my life ever did anything, they always made excuses for him. He had tried to push me into traffic a few times, he would put so many bruises on me I would occasionally get questioned at school about my home life. It only stopped when my dog attacked him.
He had pushed me out of the treehouse one day and I fell flat on my back and really hurt myself, I thought he might kill me then so I was trying to escape him and get inside. I guess he thought I was running to tell on him so he ran after me and covered my mouth with his hand so I couldn't scream. I wasn't able to breathe and I started panicking and clawing at his arm but he wouldn't let go, and then all of a sudden my dog came running at him and latched onto his arm and got him off of me. It was the first and only time he had ever been aggressive like that, and from then on he just became like my little bodyguard and was always around me whenever my cousin was. He protected me until I got old enough to start defending myself and then he passed away. In a weird way it feels like I'm doing him a disservice if I don't try and make a case for his breed to people that don't think they can ever be good. He was good.

No. 1837183

That's a sweet story, nona. You took care of him, and he took care of you. Fuck that nasty scrote cousin though.

No. 1837185

damn nonnie that brought some tears to my eyes

No. 1837194

Damn that is incredibly sad. I remember my christmas wishlist when I was 13. It included stuff like plushes, beads to make bracelets, dolls, and webkinz kek

No. 1837202

Wish my mom would divorce my dad so bad. She clearly doesn't want to be with him, but feels obligated to stay out of guilt and because he threatens suicide and self sabotage every time she talks about leaving. She's been wanting a divorce since I was a kid, why won't she just do it? My dad also always tries to discredit me by saying she favors me over my brother and is too biased towards me, because God forbid a woman isn't an insufferable boymom who treats her son like he can walk on water and actually cares about her daughter. My father has been a piece of shit forever, but my mom is so succeptible to the poor sad misunderstood twaumatized sensitive introvert moid act, I hate it. Her best friend divorced her husband and he killed himself, and now my mom is even more afraid to leave because my dad keeps talking shit about the best friend for "having blood on her hands." I hate him so much, whenever my mom calls me after another argument, I feel like a broken record. DIVORCE HIM.

No. 1837204

This mood is constantly moaning at the gym. It's gross

No. 1837235>>1837241

My body and soul are still in recovery from bad things that happened a few years ago. I hate myself for still being depressed and not being able to bounce back. I don't have the discipline or drive that I used to. I feel pathetic for not being able to feel happy and liberated and motivated.

No. 1837237

This is honestly really disgusting. Reminds me of how most younger millennials and older gen z are in massive debt in Korea, due to keeping up fake appearances. When I was 13, I wanted color pencils and a Playstation 1 video game. I never knew brand or make up. I still don't give a shit about brand. Like damn, these kids are fucked.

No. 1837238>>1837242>>1837500>>1837502

Tbh at that age my wishlist probably would have been similar. Or I'd just ask for money so I could go get what I wanted. She's probably heading off to highschool, she's not going to be interested in Bratz dolls and justice tank tops like a stunted older millennial growing up in 2006.

No. 1837240

I looked up wtf blue roller rabbit pjs are and they're 150 dollars

No. 1837241>>1837248

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Same, sometimes. Some days are better than others, some weeks and months and years are better (or worse) than others. Unfortunately it’s not a straight line to recovery. But fwiw, even people that are overall happy with their lives are still not happy and motivated and liberated all the time.

No. 1837242

Nah, that lost is fucked for a 13 year old. They are terminally online

No. 1837243>>1838785

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It sucks to get dumped but I got dumped and the dude was really fucking rude about it even though it lasted for a year. Well, I hope it helps me move on quicker but I fucking hate myself for giving him a chance, falling in love with him, confessing my feelings and sleeping with him ughhh I really wish I could've avoided this. He wasn't even objectically hot either but he was so sweet to me at first and had his shit together. Fuck, I'm never doing this again.

No. 1837248>>1837251

>moving backward in time
This chart sucks

No. 1837249>>1837252>>1837253

Is this it?

I messed about in my 20s. Lived in three different countries. Didn't go to college but my uncle hooked me up with an electrician apprenticeship so I can work anywhere
I'm with a really solid guy. He's a quality surveyor so he can work anywhere too.
We got mortgage approval for a nice three bed semi detached house.

Now I'm just sitting her wondering. I'm probably going to have a kid with him in the next year or two. I'll raise that kid.

I'm not mad or annoyed at the hubby. I'm just like ok so this is our next 25 years. I don't really know what I want but I don't like this

No. 1837251

it do be like that tho

No. 1837252

Don't have that kid.

No. 1837253>>1837255

I think if I don't have kids now I won't ever have them. I'm in the best place to have them but to be honest I'm neutral to kids. I don't hate or love them they are just there

No. 1837255>>1837260

Nonny, please don't have them if you're just neutral to them, because once they're there, they're there.

No. 1837259

guarantee that's a troon using a throwaway trying to feel like a valid cissy lesbian
relevant vent - bg3 is a degenerate game for coomers and trooners. it has full nudity sex scenes, you can fuck a druid that'll turn into a bear during sex if you agree and you can have foursomes really love it when a beloved IP gets rebooted to normalize modern degeneracy. maybe in the next game we can have a druid that shapeshifts into a loli /s
see also: baldur's gate - siege of dragonspear where a new writer came and added a random troon who tells you they're a troon and you can't even respond negatively to it like you can to 99% of conversations in that game.

No. 1837260>>1837266>>1838785

I get that but I'm 31 now. If I don't have kids soon theyll have a high chance of getting weird retard genes

No. 1837263

Fuck, y’all, living in shame and guilt and discomfort in my own skin for 30 years is hard to move forward from. I want so desperately to feel like I can trust my own emotions and reactions but it feels like they’re out of my control…… I know they’re not and it’s all a matter of hard work and sitting in the discomfort, leaning into it and feeling out how to transmute it…. But here at the beginning of the journey it just feels so daunting. Figuring out who I am and what I like and what I want outside the parameters of society is so difficult and I’m lonely as fuck even though I’ve been in a relationship for 10 years and have family who loves me…. I know every “problem” I perceive is truly that, a matter of perception and attitude, and I understand the work it will take to change that perception….. just hope I’m doing the right things to build myself up and not repeat the patterns of my past… and halt all self-criticism as it arises….. fuck bros why can’t knowing you need and want to change be enough to change? Why is consistent action necessary? Boohooo, how much it sucks to have all your inherent human needs provided with no true effort so you have to discern and cultivate your own purpose in this life when your brain’s still programmed to pick berry have baby at a cellular level…… also quitting weed is a bitch and a half

No. 1837266

I mean as long as you take relatively good care of yourself and raise the kids without the trauma of being an unprepared parent they’ll probably honestly have a better chance at life if you wait, retard old mom genes or not

No. 1837276>>1837280>>1838785

I hate seeing straight women kiss each other for male attention. I don’t know why this of all things bothers me so badly, especially since I’m a straight woman and it doesn’t really affect me, but it just feels so creepy and wrong. Like not only are you objectifying yourself for a man, but you’re objectifying another woman as well. It feels like some sort of betrayal or something. We’re supposed to be looking out for each other not using each other as pawns to please men

No. 1837280>>1838785

Right? It's also such an strange strategy to get men imo, imagine french kissing your friend just so a random moid gets his rocks off, it sounds insane, plus doesn't it get extremely awkward?? Wtf??

No. 1837285

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I'm tired of always being the one to initiate things. Why? Why don't you ever bother? You really are bored of me, aren't you?

No. 1837287>>1837290

>join discord server to socialize with other people with similar interests as me
>introduce myself, send a couple of messages
>completely forget about it after a few days
>too awkward to reintegrate myself back into it
Why am I like this? It's exhausting for me to try to upkeep an appearance/personality online. This is why I prefer lolcow and other anon imageboards because there's no pressure for me to 'be the same person' constantly.

No. 1837290

It's so hard, I love anonymous spaces but it's impossible to make actual friends here so I join discord servers only to freeze up. God why is socializing so damn difficult, i wish I was a normie with proper social development so fucking bad

No. 1837309

I'm always fucking tired. No matter how much I sleep, no matter how many vitamins I take. I'm so fucking bored of being sick, I'm tired of the meds and the vitamins and the fainting and the bruises and the fatigue. I'm sick of my legs aching, I'm sick of having to use my entire body to open and close a door. I miss skating and cycling and hiking and all the things I just cant do anymore. I'm sick of needing to sit down all the time. I'm sick of being in and out of the doctors being told my symptoms are stress, until eventually getting blood tests and ecgs and having to lay on a table and being told oh actually you have insert minor chronic illness here. Its like its one thing after another and I don't think its just a bunch of small things popping up there must be something causing this. How over the span of the year can I just develop pots, a bunch of vitamin deficiencies that don't seem to change even when I take the vitamins every day, multiple new allergies, hyperthyroidism, chronic shaking. I am always in a little bit of pain and I just don't understand why or how this has happened to me?

No. 1837344

It's insane how different little tweaks make you look. I haven't gotten my brows or lashes tinted in awhile and I look so doughy and sickly but when they're dark a I look a million times better. I hate having barely there brows and lashes.

No. 1837347

amazing how my mom can ruin my entire night in like five minutes. so sick of her stupid, whiny, needling, pointlessly fucking with things that could be left well enough alone bullshit. and i especially HATE having to help her clean her messes. cleaning is enjoyable for me when i am not working against someone's lifetime of filth and squalor, fuck off and leave me alone. who cares if i have a sock or two on the floor or hang my pants so they can air out on the empty chair in my goddamn room. "it looks like shit" yeah to your retarded ass.

god and she's starting to forget shit again. "you need to go to bed earlier!" "i'm going to wake you up if you laze around all morning again!!" okay cool, WHO'S been using my phone's hotspot to watch netflix until like 3am this past week? it's been you, retard, and i don't want my phone on all night. that's bullshit. you have your own, you could use it, you just don't want to for some reason. i am so fucking exhausted of you

No. 1837374

I've only had my new laptop for a week and I've already dropped and damaged it twice. It makes me feel so awful because people always react with contempt and say I'm careless but I actually try really hard to be careful with my stuff, to the point where I feel anxious over it. But I'm just never able to predict all the ways things can go wrong out of nowhere and I think I have bad coordination with my body because it's like I get "lag" sometimes. I wish people recognized that I really try instead of just accusing me of being irresponsible.

No. 1837450

How do I stop being obsessed with someone to the point of stalking them? My happiness each day stems from whether or not I can learn something new about them. If I do I feel ecstatic, if I don’t I literally want to kill myself. Either way I think about them / dig for information for hours each day and it’s ruining my life.

No. 1837477

im a pretty lonely person and crave real life friendship but at the same time i hate hanging out with people especially the one non-related irl i do have. for the 24 years ive been alive i have not enjoyed being around people. i would much rather be in my own company and enjoy doing what i like. i get coming out of my comfort zone benefits me but i don't know why, im just super bad in social situations and the anxiety gets real worse when all focus is on me. i try to "not care" but yet theyre always able to tell i'm """shy""" yeah because """shy""" is as debilitating as this. i literally feel like a fat ogre beast and dont want to be seen by others yet cant turn this irl down cus she only means well and her family seems cool.

No. 1837481

I just found out Admiral Cloudberg, the man who writes informative articles on plane crashes, is a particularly ugly nonpassing troon. His "podcast" is hosted alongside two other they/them troons who sound like effeminate gay men. I couldn't even make it a minute into the podcast. I used to enjoy his works but I'm not going to be able to look at the articles the same now. When will autistic men realize that pumping themselves with hormones will fix nothing?

No. 1837486>>1837503

I spent months thinking this guy has feelings for me because of a couple of things he did, tonight I found out he jerked off to some gir he's been talking to online for months then went to sleep. The whole thing is pathetic and ridiculous, but I had to actively fight back tears all night thinking "what's wrong with me? why am i so unlikeable?" It's happened before too, where a guy was telling me he loved me and that I should trust him went on and got himself a gf in the meanwhile. Are all men cheaters or there's something wrong with me, or should I start treating men like crap or what

No. 1837487

reached a point in sadness where i dont want to be home but everywhere else requires money or people around. being home feels so empty since there is no one. i finally left some anxiety filled friendships too.

No. 1837492>>1837786

My mom is such a fucking bitch. I'm having an issue with my ears having tinnitus worse than usual. It's louder and generally driving me insane. My lovely mother decides to give me the advice of "ignoring it" because she has it too and this works for her. Basically stop being a baby because mine isn't bad therefore yours cannot be bad. She's always been dismissive of my issues and too bad I'm not male because then my mom would fall all over me. Her and my dad befriended this guy, late 30's, and she babied the hell out of him over an earache which he was refusing to go to the doctor for.

No. 1837500

most 13 year olds are only in middle school, at least in the US

No. 1837502

So 13 year olds are stunted if they aren't worrying about skincare and dressing like an adult? Weird opinion.

No. 1837503>>1837551

Don't worry nonnie, it isn't about you. Men say shit and settle with women they don't even want to date because they can't stand being alone and not having a woman taking care of them like their mommy used to.

No. 1837513>>1837515>>1837561

My friend ghosted me and I keep seeing posts I want to send her and it stings. I checked her socials and she’s interacting with the exact same posts. I wonder if she thinks about me when she sees them too since it’s stuff we had in common. If she does how does she cope with that? Does she just ignore her feelings? Doesn’t make sense to me. It’s all so heartless. I don’t understand how she’s going on like everything is fine. I’m starting to see her like a monster, I can’t imagine how else someone could be this way. I think about her many times in the day, does she not think about me at all? Does she lie to herself to justify it? I have so much rage and fear and sorrow built up in me. I feel scared to even talk to my other friends now because of what she’s done, I’m terrified I’m always one wrong word away from them running too. I’ve barely spoken to anyone since she left and it’s not like me at all. I wish there was some kind of consequence for people like this it’s so annoying they get off scott free doing this to people. Fuck people who think it’s okay

No. 1837515

Why did she ghost you?

No. 1837524

Being cast into a category of the lolcow awards was quite harmful to my mental health. I didn’t even do anything wrong to deserve this, I always get unfairly attacked at all times on here.

No. 1837551

Thank you <3 I hope you have a great day/night <3 <3(emoticons)

No. 1837558>>1837576>>1837738>>1838097

My 83 y/o grandmother officially has more hair than me (24). I’m so mad at the universe for making this happen to me so young. It’s not fair. It’s not fair. I was already born ugly, why could I not at least have hair? And yes I’ve tried everything, I could write an encyclopedia entry on treatments for female hair loss. There is no solution for me. And that’s what I’m mad about. Again, I’m already chronically
>0 friends,
>ugly from birth,
>and now noticeably bald?
And the meds I take to try to slow it literally make me stupid. The trannies who say their girl pills make them dumb are correct because spiro makes you dumb and foggy. So yeah now add
to the list when I used to be quick witted. And I’m still going bald. Fuck my life. I usually don’t waste time dwelling on the balding but tonight I’m just really fucking mad. My life is a sick joke.

No. 1837561

Maybe she's upset about something, and she's not good at confronting people, and that's why she's not talking to you about it. Or she could be like you described. I've known a girl like that who had no problem getting over people, because often they don't mean much to her. Such people do exist.

No. 1837576>>1837869

Is it just hair loss on the scalp, not arms or legs or anything?

Join the wig side nonny it's easier. Vid related. I have nanobladed brows too (but a good artist is expensive)

No. 1837604

I'm ready for lunch and a nap and it's not even noon yet.

No. 1837609

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It’s been 2 months and I still feel exactly the same. Mmm devastated with a side of absolute disbelief. I will never find another her. I want to get on a plane and fly the fuck away from my life.

No. 1837615>>1837621>>1837623>>1837632

One of my sisters is becoming or I guess already is a boy mom and it's kinda scary. She says we should not say the word "no" or "can't" to her son. When my parents said to her son that he couldn't touch something on the table (i think it was like a glass ornament) she went total berserk. I believe she read on facebook something about soft parenting, which means that you aren't allowed to teach your children that no means no. My parents and I are scared because never teaching a boy what the word no means just seems like a bad idea especially in the future. She also makes a lot of weird misogynistic comments about little girls. It's strange because I remember when we were younger she always said she wanted a girl. Now she has 2 boys and keeps saying how glad she is that it are boys. That having sons are so much better and that girls don't suit her. One of her friends was pregnant, she said she knew it would be a boy because the mom is "cool" (idk what the fuck that's supposed to mean). Even though her sons scream all day, don't listen to her at all and even hit her in the face. She still says that her boys are so lovely and sweet. Like I understand loving your child, but also she is getting to a point where she just sounds like in denial and instead of actually trying to educate her kids she lets them be hyper aggressive. Like I seriously saw her son slap her in the face during dinner, and she said in a jokey way "haha no one saw that" and then did not punish or correct him at all. I'm not saying she needs to hit him back, but can she atleast put him in a time out? She even got proffesional help, and the people over there said that she needs to punish them by setting them in the hall. But when she did thay she broke down and cried that it went against her motherly instincts and i just to cruel.
Honestly, seeing her kids is the best anti conception there is. I will never get children wtf.

No. 1837621

she's raising an actual demon who is going to hurt girls and in the future women

No. 1837623>>1837728

I don't know if this might effect her, but tell her's unintentionally abusing her son, by not being a decent parent figure in his life, if she truly loved her son, she'd be raising him to be a decent person.

No. 1837632>>1837728>>1837731

i'm glad she has boys too because i shudder to think of how she would allow her sons to treat any daughters she had. sorry if this sounds alarmist but if she continues to raise her sons to do whatever the fuck they want and never take no for an answer you're going to have two potentially dangerous moids for nephews. there have been many instances of teenage scrotes reacting violently or outright killing their mothers when she finally told them no after a lifetime of enabling them. barbara chandler coddled chris to an insane degree and look at what happened to her as soon as she was too frail to fight back

No. 1837661>>1837719

I don’t often buy myself things so I feel justified in buying this cute bear plush online that I fell in love with. For whatever reason it sent me on a nostalgia hunt, I was looking up all of the old plushies I used to have as a child and just reminiscing. I remembered the wild republic monkeys with Velcro hands, and then a wave of memories of having those plushies as a child came flooding back. I remember liking them so much because I could wrap their long arms around my neck and it felt like they were giving me a hug.
Childhood neglect is a wild thing to look back upon.

No. 1837662>>1837674>>1837703

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universe, god, mother earth, holy father, whichever one is real please grant me an autistic bestie i cannot stand this anymore. i’ll do rituals or whatever for it pleeease aghh im begging i need to experience sisterhood again

No. 1837674

How autistic

No. 1837703

I'll have what she's having, please mother Jesus of Earth and Heaven, Satan, whatever entity is overlooking my pathetic life

No. 1837719

File (hide): 1704293490222.jpg (152.07 KB, 900x1200, s-l1200.jpg)

I used to hide away in a little spot and dote over my plush like they were pets. idk if people would even believe just how much everyone in the house kept away from each other for years. Small house with everyone avoiding each other and I didn't have a room to go to like they did. Then on the odd occasion when we'd company over my parents would put on an act of normality. I'd be scared to enter the same room everyone was in because 'stay tf away from me' was our usual norm. My parents would laugh off my nervousness as me being silly or only shy in front of visitors. Then lose their minds as soon as the visitors left for 'showing them up like that' Crazy memories of all the coverup or keeping up appearances bs

This monkey (that's also a puppet) was one of my faves. My cope monkey lol

No. 1837724

My mom confessed that she was triggered at me because she witnessed grandpa giving grandma gifts which she would say she didn't like, and she is angry at her mom for being ungrateful for them. Even though how that's not how I reacted or treated her gifts at all.
So, basically my mom was blaming me for something I didn't do and wasn't around for because I vaguely reminded her of a "traumatic" memory.
Not only that, but she is definitely remembering my grandpa with rose-colored glasses in those moments. He was not good at giving gifts like most old school misogynists not in tune to their wife's wants or needs.
My mom used to reject gifts from my stepdad all the time because they weren't to her taste or poorly thought out, but that's typical selective memory for a narc. Just like how she's selectively religious, one minute using her religion to shame my morals yet in the next throwing tantrums over materialism and making Christmas to be about gifts.
I wish she got me nothing because the best gift she could ever give anybody is some fucking peace. She stressed me so hard that I got my period a full week early.

I tried talking to friends but none of them cared. I would have their attention for three minutes before it became obvious they weren't listening and would get distracted with something else before I reached the point. I could hardly blame them because holidays are meant for cheer and fun so who wants to hear some sad woman talk about the sick shit her psycho mother said? My friends took pictures that I look swollen and demented in from my crying and forced happiness, one of my eyelids started to sag from how much I cried so I'm glad I got to look hideous next to them too. If there's one thing my horrific mother was right about, it's that I shouldn't even post about this on socials because no one gives a fuck. They might actually assume I had done something to merit such an overreaction from a parent.
Happy New Year!

No. 1837728

My parents and I are to scared to directly tell this to her. She is a very sensitive person, when we say something that she will take as criticism she will over react a lot. One of my other sisters, who actualy has like a degree related to child psychlogiy tried speaking with her and eventually gave her the advice to go to a professional. But like I said she went a few times, but won't listen to the advice and now she doesn't go at all anymore. My other sister told her it's good to learn boundaries to kids, and tried to help her. But it truely seems like she does not care, she will take the advice random facebook moms give her instead. Who are all boys moms and say that her child will grow out of it. Like I actually read the posts she likes and follows. One of them was literally "if your child punches or hits you, just hug them". That's a confusing message to your child, reward them by hugging the when they hurt someone kek. My other sister literally had to explain to her that it's not abuse to make rules, and actually punish your child by placing them in time out kek.

You don't sound like an alarmist. I'm also scared for the future, what will happen when a girl says no to him? He's so young and already doesn't respect his mother, I don't want to imagine what will happen when he grows bigger.

I know this is bad of me, but I already accepted that my nephews will become dangerous for girls. All I can do is that when he comes by at my home, to actually say no to him when he's doing something in inappropriate. They have been parenting him like this for years now, I don't think they will ever change.

Also I googled it, and it's not called soft parenting but gentle parenting. I'm sorry, but I have to vent more about there parenting. He is also an ipad baby, since he was a baby he was allowed on the phone because they said they had no other way to keep him quiet. My other little nephew is literraly 1 year old and is also looking at screens all the time. They put youtube kids on autoplay and do not look at the videos that are being shown. A lot of them are also in English instead of our native language. I know this is probably happening to most kids these days, but it's still fucked. I can only hope that my other sisters will be better parents.

No. 1837730

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i miss my boyfriend very much. i saw him just last night but now im back home again and wont see him for another three months and the loneliness is sometimes unbearable. i have no friends, nothing going for me. i take classes online and work with animals so i dont socialize. he attends uni on campus so maybe its why he doesnt feel this way really. i have my hobbies and im thinking of attending a class twice a week and maybe volunteering to get out of the house. i dont know if its a friend i want or some security within myself im afraid to confront? my dad also has cancer and its hard because im distant from him due to things he did to me in my childhood. but this is a cancer that has spread all over and soon he will die. he doesnt know that i know…i am scared to pick up the phone. im scared to face it all.

i just want him here again so he can hold me and kiss me and tell me things are okay! that im loved! then i can spring up again and feel hope and joy and love and do my best.

i know lolcow isnt the place…im not a teenager anymore. i should be past this. i should know how to handle the hurt. but it still makes things so grey, it feels painful, it feels terrifying. i want to be away from my mother, i want to live happily and work hard with him, but i cannot have these things. life does not allow me to, at least not right now. my happiest moments are with him. and i think i will keep trying to be positive and do things for myself while i am home, but those few days i get to see him i never want them to end. going home to myself and the little i have here does not provide me any warmth. but i know its unfair to seek out all of the negative.

i miss him. i am lonely and unhappy with myself lately. i dont want to speak to my father but i fear ill regret not doing so before he dies. i want to make friendships and maintain them and stick to goals. i want to feel like i am doing good things for myself. but some days, like today, it feels incredibly futile. i feel so worthless and confused that id rather cry and contemplate if living is worth it!

No. 1837731>>1837752

One thing I don't see OP mention is the father. If the male figure is still in the picture, what does he think about telling the boy no? If he even cares about his family at all? It would be interesting to study cases like anon's sister cause it's my theory that these women are so passive and enabling with their sons because they are trying to replace the love they did not get from their partners. They desperately try to get their son's approval to feel the validation and love that the male partner are not currently giving or did not give them in the past. Bet the sister's partner was abusive too by the way she dismissed her son's violence when she felt no one was watching.

No. 1837738>>1837755>>1837863

>The trannies who say their girl pills make them dumb are correct because spiro makes you dumb and foggy.

Oh shit, really???
I take spiro for acne for over a year now and noticed lately that I am forgetful and not very sharp.
I was told the only side effect was increased pee. Wow.

No. 1837740

i hate this country and its moids. lesbocides and hate crimes on TIFs are common here because of the abnormal quantity of seriously misogynistic moids. yet they insist these crimes should be regarded all the same as retards who die in a knife fight or go out to see what's happening in a gang shooting. there are 0 crimes of women killing faggots for not liking females or being effeminate, yet there are dozens of moids killing women in horrendous ways because of their sexuality, and most of them were butch lesbians. but no it's not a hate crime and all citizens should be judged with the same rules!! FUCKING DIE

No. 1837742

You know, its really strange i was never good enough to ask out in school but i was good enough to get molested lol

No. 1837751

Men boo hoo all the time how no1curr about their depression but I literally tried to reach out to my friends recently when I had a breakdown and received very little support myself. I'm glad I didn't test it, but I wonder if I said how I wanted to die if they would have cared about that either.

No. 1837752>>1837758>>1837796

You are right that I did not mention the father. My post was not to blame only my sister. It's because I see her the most often with the children, so I mention her the most. But the father is probably even worse, for like almost 2 years he was on leave for work because he is depressed. However my sister told me that instead of helping take care of the kids or the household he just games to relax. My sister still works 36 hours a week, while her husband works maybe 8 hours a week now? I know that right now he actually needs to start working full time again, because they keep getting less money since only the first few years get compensated for the fact that he keeps calling in sick because of his burnout. I don't think he is physical abusive, but my sister once tried to convince me that I'm not a lesbian. She told me that she is not attracted to her husband at all, and only started dating him because he was the first guy who asked her out and he was funny. She doesn't like having sex with him, she even said that she was disgusted with his body, but she still married him because her dream was to become a mother. If she could she would become a tradwife, but it seems like her husband also would want to be a househusband if he had the choice and not work at all kek. I pity my sister, but also she has a tendency to be manipulative. Like I said, she wanted to convince me that it's normal to not be sexually attracted to your boyfriend because she really wants me to be straight and get kids. When she still lived with me at home, I was about 11 and she stormed into my room crying and begging me to believe in jesus again because otherwise I would go to hell. Sometimes she would twist the words of what my family would say to her. I have a difficult relationship with her, she is my sister so I want to support her. But I do think that mentally there is something wrong with her.
But you are right about the fact that her husband does not care enough about the family, and that she is probably in an unhappy relationship (if it's true about what she said, not being attracted to her husband).

No. 1837755

Huh I’m on spiro and have literally no side effects. Not even the burping and bad taste.

No. 1837758>>1837772

I knew he wasn't shit cause if he were an involved parent you would have naturally talked about him raising his son. I know it's easy to blame your sister but he is also a major part of the problem if not the root cause.

I know your sister talks up the game like she settled for him, but they settled for each other. He hates her. Any man that makes his wife work and doesn't lift a finger at home in order to game all day, hates her. They aren't fucking because he is on the screen all day watching porn.

She's going to latch onto her son to feel any kind of love she ought to have received from that scrote. It's sick and sad.

No. 1837771>>1837782>>1837818

being born in the states…my god the older i get and the more i try to do the more i understand why people call us a third world country.
nope it's a third world country if you're broke and living in the sticks

No. 1837772>>1837776>>1837777

fuck you are right, also i suddenly remember that years ago she told me that she actually fell in love with another man and how bad she felt about it. God I really want her to be happy, but no idea how i can help her.

No. 1837774

I've spent this new years at my mom's and she told me so much stuff about my past that I don't remember at all, and it kinda freaks me out. Like, i get forgetting shit from childhood, but i forgot some shit that is actually a traumatic event in my life that happened less than ten years ago, when i was a teen. How is that possible? I remember lots of other shit from that period, but not this, wtf. Memory is crazy.
I'm also pissed at her for being such a boymom, it's annoying, she keeps on bringing on how my brother is her copy, how male friendships are way superior, etc. There was lots of other shit and it was a weird ass experience overall, but whatever, glad to see her anyway

No. 1837776

If you could convince her she won't go to hell for divorcing him that might be a start. Maybe next time her husband is acting pathetic you could plant the idea in her head that her son will turn out just like that if husband is his live-in male role model.

No. 1837777

Would she even be okay with divorce given her convictions? She may not be comfortable abandoning the deadbeat even if he doesn't make things physically easier for her just because he fills some emotional role of being the husband and she is too fragile to be seen single.
The thing that could work is bringing around an available, better partner but unfortunately the dating pool of decent men interested in married women with kids who are looking to monkey branch is very shallow, unfortunately.
It's a shame how she cannot see that she is already single parenting alone anyway.

No. 1837782

Tbf the majority of rural areas don't have many nice things. It's why so many people migrate to the cities/suburbs while bumpkins catch sour grapes from people not enjoying their cliquey shitholes.

No. 1837786

same kek. i tell mom my medical issue that i've had for the past seven goddamn years is flaring up and her shit is flaring up too. i say "mom i'm depressed" and "oh sweetie i'm depressed too :/". the one time in my life i tried opening up about my loneliness and this retard goes "um i've never had a friend either!" as if she isn't always telling me stories of going to [x beautiful country] with past partners or how much fun she had at parties and shit. i used to think it was a sign of her trying to emphasize, but now i'm sure she just wants to shut me down lol.

No. 1837796

Mr too depressed to work might surprise her and be the one to end the misery marriage. They act workshy for a few years and you keep tolerating it just as long as you still have the consolation of 'well I still have them even if they're not bringing much to the household' Eventually they still do some shit like move back in with their folks, stay working minimal hours so minimum child support can be taken and only see the kids for the odd day at the park. He already has her prepped to be the one doing most of it alone.

No. 1837816

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I've been planning to gift my bf something really cool since last year (his birthday is this month), but he's been so unresponsive and uncommunicative with me that I am honestly thinking to not even bother. But then I think about all the cool and full of effort gifts he gave me before…
Why can't you just act normal? You always act shitty when you're not home. It's fucking miserable.

No. 1837818

My dad who grew up in a third world country said this himself lmao.

No. 1837821>>1837828>>1837836>>1837842>>1837861>>1837870

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I know it's not a big deal but… ok, here's the situation. I love snail mail and often send my friends postcards as well as letters. I always tell them there's no expectation for replies, since this is my hobby and I don't want to make them feel bad about getting a letter if there's strings attached to reply. But recently my friend who likes receiving my letters told me she's gotten a penpal in her target learning language and they're exchanging physical letters. I'm upset because even though I say it's okay not to reply to me or reply in a text instead of another letter, the fact that she's excited to mail a stranger something over me who has been sending mail for years sucks. I know she's doing it to practice her language but uhm. Hurts that she's excited about her penpal's letters enough to reply but not to me. Same ol' shit again; I care deeply about friends and go the extra mile, but I don't get the same efforts back. I've made peace with it. We all choose to live the way we want to and I want to keep expressing my love the way that's natural to me, but I can still be sad about reciprocity now and then. I've accepted that I'll always be the one giving more than taking.
I didn't make her feel bad or guilt her. What's the point? I reminded her that my mail comes with no strings attached and that she should have fun with her penpal. Why argue about something like this?

No. 1837828>>1837837

oh nonna, i'm so sorry to hear that! i can totally understand that it hurts to be treated that way. maybe you'll feel better when you don't send her letters for a while?

No. 1837836

it doesn't sound like you've made peace with it. matching your friends' energy and behavior might be good for you, slow down with the letter sending. if you love writing physically, maybe transfer that interest to keeping a journal or calligraphy.

No. 1837837>>1837870

Thank you nonna, you're a sweetie. I was thinking about that, but I also don't want her to feel like I am punishing her or anything. I have a problem with quietly being mad without expressing my true feelings. But I also feel that it's not fair to be mad when I was clear about not putting pressure on replies.

No. 1837842

I relate to this.

I make a post every year about sending out holiday cards. Get tons of replies from friends who want them, but maybe only receive a couple back from said friends.
One of them is always begging online for money, gifts, and so on and acting like she'd appreciate any scrap of attention. She always makes posts about large gifts she is sent, but apparently my paltry cards and little gifts aren't mention-worthy. Tired of having my feelings hurt, so I am not doing it again.

No. 1837850>>1837873

Haven't felt this low in a long while. It's absolutely freezing where I live, I'm down with a terrible fever and also having the worst mood swings because of PMS. The guy I like is also giving me weird mixed signals, I'm just so tired. I want to sleep for a week straight so I can stop thinking about all this nonsense. I haven't liked anyone in a really long while and I'm now again reminded why I hate developing feelings for anybody. I feel so insecure and miserable when my usual personality is not like that at all.

No. 1837861

Become secretly fluent in her target language and flex on her by one day sending her a beautiful and poetically written letter in that language with no warning.

No. 1837863

Ayrt. Yes, for me and some others it’s the biggest side effect. I once took a shower in the dark because I was convinced the power was out, only to realize I had only hit the fan switch and didn’t even try the lights. My mom is on it too and one time we were doing errands and got in the car and we’re convinced the car was broken and not starting, but really we were just pressing the park button over and over again. I used to be extremely sharp, nowadays I frequently get confused to the point I have a rule of “if something seems stupid and doesn’t make any sense why it would be that way, think harder about it before making a move.” I do everything slower now because of that and my processing time is slow too.

The fact that trannies experience this and just conclude this is how stupid women actually are instead of thinking “maybe I am experiencing adverse medical side effects” really speaks to men’s perception of women.

No. 1837869

Thanks anon. I’m glad it works well for you. My problem is I don’t really like long hair and it doesn’t look good on me, I wear a short pixie cut and that doesn’t lend itself to wigs very well. Unfortunately I look really bad and potato faced with a shaved head, but it will be my only option eventually. It’s just on my scalp, it’s literally age-related pattern baldness just started way too soon. I used to have extremely thick hair and that’s the only reason I have anything left on my head at all. Looking back, I started balding at 19. Really not fair.

No. 1837870>>1839514

I love your attitude nona, I wish I could be as kind as you one day. I've recently realized that I get easily upset by small things that I misinterpret and that it would be unfair to those people if I were to point it out every time, but I haven't figured out a way to solve the situation. After all I am still hurt, even if I can understand the reason something happened the way it did and that it didn't have anything to do with me. I used to get very resentful because of it, now I'm avoidant instead, I hope I'll be able to move past that some time soon, I don't want to lose friends because of it. It's so difficult to continue on when you feel underappreciated and hurt, I'm wishing you good luck. I hope you can find friends who reciprocate everything you give to them

No. 1837873

Had a pray for you nonna hope things turn around for you soon

No. 1837888

I bought someone a gift and I think I screwed up big time and he didn't like it. And now I feel terrible because of it.

No. 1837904

Not a vent but a confused/good update to something I vented about. I'd a 60 something year old neighbor where I could never leave my house without passing his. He'd pop out and talk at me while I'm rushing to work or coming home. Every single time. We'd nothing in common. Then he got weird with compliments about my 'fitness' and started looking at me weird any time I wore something even slightly less baggy than my usual shit so I was done. Started ignoring him and walking on. Got gray rock advice on here too and I thought eventually he'll give up

That wasn't the trick. He carried on no matter how ignored he was or for how long. What worked? Last interection with him he went into his beautiful woman, lovely looking lady speil and I just said what came to mind. "What do you mean? I'm a massive tomboy" and I laughed. He looked spooked. I'm months into being unbothered by him. Idk wtf he thinks a tomboy is or why that was the magic word.

No. 1837910

I am finally making the decision to cut off my sister from my life. She's always been a bit of a lolcow so I'm lowkey glad about this

No. 1837927

My cat gave me a giant scratch on my stomach/hip while I was sleeping. I guess maybe he got startled when I turned over? Still feel betrayed though.

No. 1837940>>1837972

i have therapy for the first time in 2 days and i’m so nervous. my stomach hurts and i want to bail

No. 1837943>>1837982

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I've been trying to eat fast food to not come off as rude when my friend wants to order takeout but i hate how uneasy i get when i have to eat it.
I try to ignore the fact that the stuff they use is of awful quality but oh my god i hate eating with my bare hands and i hate any format of food they have, i wish i could just get a drink without making it awkward.
I also struggle to finish anything and i hate wasting food.

No. 1837972

I don't know if it's like this for everywhere but my first few sessions were just normal chats. I think it's so the therapist can get a feel for what you are like. The heavy stuff came later when I felt more comfortable with her.

No. 1837982

What food are you eating? Fast food is expensive without coupons now so I'd rather get something from somewhere else, I could ramen or fresh kebabs or an order of Thai for the same amount. Some fast food chains do offer things like salads though, a drink and salad might be OK for you. If you have Wendy's near by they have their baked potato and chili, that's usually what I get and you don't need forks.

You could also eat nuggies with a fork.

No. 1837985>>1838003>>1838018

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Trannies are trying to horn in and gatekeep pickles. Over my dead body, bitch

No. 1837988

>haven't had a UTI in years
>be eating and drinking cranberries more than usual (like several times a month)
>not even to prevent anything necessarily but because it's tasty
>end up with a surprise UTI anyway
how. right after my period too..i never had sex and drink tons of water too, wear 100% cotton, basically do all the things to avoid it and yet it backfired. also what's with the constant itching and zero discharge? i almost thought it was a yeast infection because of all the itchiness but the lack of discharge and burning feeling cancelled that out.

No. 1837990>>1837994

thinking about sewer side again. i remember packing for uni and putting all the really pretty clothes i wanted to wear but didn't feel fit enough for away, i'd tell my mom "i'll wear them later" but it's later now and i still can't wear them. this isn't really a weight thing, it's more a "i'm still useless thing". every day is so tiring, nonas, and nobody seems to understand or care. everyone i know is definitely of the "if you want to kill yourself, then just kill yourself" mentality (my mum included). i don't know. i wish the process was easy, or that an afterlife was guaranteed(learn 2 integrate)

No. 1837994>>1837997

you can just say suicide on this website nona

and get your vitamin D levels checked, always worth investigating if you have Seasonal Affective Disoder

No. 1837997

yeah i was trying to be humorous. also i've on and off struggled with suicidal thoughts for my whole life just about. never really got around to attempting because i'm too cowardly kek

No. 1837998>>1838008>>1838231

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wow this year started out horribly for me. i was throwing up for 24 hours and fucked up my sleeping schedule so now it's the 3rd and i haven't done anything and feel like fucking shit. i'm still trying to get my sleeping pattern fixed and i haven't even managed to shower yet. my anxiety is horrible and it feels like i fell into some kind of bipolar depression from getting sick. i'm suddenly sad about a million new things for no reason. i have ZERO motivation to do anything now, and i was so excited before to start fresh and i had a long list of resolutions and actual plans to make them happen. now it feels like i'm doomed and that the year is doomed for me and that i can never become better or improve myself.

No. 1838002>>1838006>>1838009>>1838019>>1838021>>1838030>>1838032>>1838037>>1838047>>1838051>>1838100>>1838152>>1838162>>1838166>>1838170>>1838385>>1838498>>1838518

My husband called me(?) a "pretty little hole that takes him so well" last night while we were having sex and it hasn't been sitting right with me. I dried up so instantly and was completely put off the sex last night. Am I overreacting? I know its just dirty talk but I feel like using HOLE is almost degrading… I don't know. I'd appreciate some honest thoughts nonas

No. 1838003

Tranny memes like pickles and that ikea shark strike me as really pathetic. It's just a bunch of retarded autistic coomer moids giggling and teeheeing about being LE GIRL. We should exterminate all trannies but as soon as they start posting pickle and ikea shark memes their keyboards should give them one incredibly lethal shock.

No. 1838006

That's weird as fuck please tell him it was weird and not sexy and to not say that weirdo shit again.

No. 1838008

It's been kind of a slow bleh new years for literally everybody I know this year it's ok cut yourself some slack.

No. 1838009>>1838011

nah it's weird/gross, that's why I don't like dirty talk, men shouldn't be chatty in bed

No. 1838010

I don't want to go to sleep but I have to if I want even the slightest chance to fix my fucked up sleeping schedule.
24 hours is not enough for a day

No. 1838011

Yeah in general I don't like dirty talk, it always feels like a borrowed line from a movie or porno and it makes me cringe

No. 1838018

I honestly don't get the connection? Such a weird thing to claim ownership of.

No. 1838019

Further proof that men only see women as holes they can fuck. I know it's heartbreaking and hard to cope with but your husband barely sees you as a person.

No. 1838021

I got called a fifi (fake prison vagina made from a rubber glove) by my ex-bf while he was drunk. I dumped him the next day. I know he's your husband so there's probably more history there but consider his respect for you.

No. 1838024>>1838027

God I hate bitches who dunno how to drive. Some grody looking chick almost hit me as i was pulling out of my parking spot, but someone not looking out for other ldrivers and just WHOOOSH through the spaces instead of driving in between the parking spaces LIKE YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO . Bet you anything a man taught her how to drive .

No. 1838027>>1838042

Agreed, also I hope all everyone who drives with their brights on in full traffic die and go to hell no matter what

No. 1838030>>1838058

tell him he's a sexy atm machine next time

No. 1838032>>1838118

The amount of married anons on here lately is fucking with me because my reaction is dump him but then I've been through a divorce and I know you tend to try everything to talk yourself back down when its a divorce rather than a simple break up.

No. 1838034>>1838048

I stay on this site only so i can remind myself to never waste a microsecond with men.

No. 1838037

Ew wtf. You should ask him why he thought to call you that? Where did that idea pop into his head?

No. 1838042>>1838054

omg I have the deepest reserve of hate for people who drive with their brights on around other people. Manufacturers already make the regular headlights crazy bright these days, the brights make it impossible to see anything other than blinding agony. Fucking assholes make me afraid I'm going to hit a rabbit or something because I can't see anything but their headlights for half a mile

No. 1838047

Similar thing happened to me and I had the same reaction. It really pissed me off because I was having a great time until that point. Like way to ruin the mood, jackass. Can’t really remember I think I chewed him out like two days later after stewing, would have been better to just stop in the moment.

No. 1838048

lc and the reddit alanon sub are my moid kryptonite

No. 1838051

oh no he has been taking example from fanfics and chatbots kek

No. 1838053>>1838057>>1838109>>1838554

stupid fucking YouTube telling me they're gonna block me if I don't take off my Adblock after 3 videos

No. 1838054>>1838064

Girl I am so sorry, I am right there with you. I wear glasses and I completely know where you’re coming from. I have to flash my brights at people AT LEAST three times per commute home because they’re just sitting at a fucking full traffic intersection with their brights on. I don’t know why people do this, and most of the time it’s some dude in a lifted truck with blue LEDs because his cock is tiny and he’s gotta compensate. Wishing you safe drives home.

No. 1838057>>1838060

Maybe UBlock Origin might help?

No. 1838058

File (hide): 1704321565715.jpeg (177.23 KB, 750x677, 1644185629412.jpeg)

The true stacy answer

No. 1838060

Nta but UBlock is hit or miss for me, even after switching to Firefox. I think Google has different checks running on different servers, so it's down to luck where you are getting served from.

No. 1838064>>1838069

>lifted truck with blue LEDs
At the exact height to blare their lights right into the rearview mirror. Every. Time. Wishing you all the safe journeys and commutes fellow driving nona!

Side vent, sorry. I hope every moid who doesn't haul with his truck a merry stay in hell. The increase of truck:car ratio on the road is why there's so many more pedestrian deaths than there used to be in my country and so much of it is down to scrotes driving huge ass cars (trucks and suvs) they don't need and lifting it up so the front is level with people's chests instead of their legs. It's a public health issue but god forbid we shame scrotes for anything ever I guess.

No. 1838069

god I love it here. Thank you for the well wishes! Stay safe!

No. 1838074>>1838084

I wish we didn't put so much stake in "being able to tell" in the tim thread. The point for me is that women are oppressed on the basis of sex so men, no matter how well they pass will not face the systemic oppression that women face. They don't have the biology to. So when you go and push yourself into being grouped in with women as a man, you're muddying the waters and harming women's fight for equality. Its the same reason why rachel dolezel isn't black. I'm sure we'd all like to live in a world where gender and race are the meaningless social constructs that idiots say they are. They are social constructs but they have very real consequences. This is also why western radfems are dumb for dismissing racism as less important than sexism but honestly I doubt the majority in the troon threads are feminists at all. The more I go there, the more I feel like it's populated by mainlty tradthots.

No. 1838075>>1838078

>put my contact in the friend finder thread
>people contact me
>start contemplating suicide
i don't deserve to live on this earth anymore im a failed human being. why do i even attempt to be normal i should just choke and die

No. 1838078>>1838083

Did something happen? Do you have access to therapy? If you have social issues it might have been the reason why, but you can develop those. Don’t give up on yourself.

No. 1838083>>1838089

Nothing happened im just retarded

No. 1838084>>1838085

Welcome to the second peaking. After realizing trannyism is based on sexist gender roles, homophobia and misogyny, you'll soon realize that the gendercrit side is too. Except they're also filled with christcucks and conservatoids.

No. 1838085

Nta but you're retarded for being involved in either community, just be a based feminist-leaning (if not outright feminist) tranny hater and leave it at that.

No. 1838089

I’m sorry it didn’t work out. Maybe you just got nervous and the situation was too much, I can understand that! I really hope you can find some friends who can connect with you! Be patient with yourself and work on your life, then those connections will come. I hope you don’t give up. I’m sure someone would be happy to be friends with you!

No. 1838097

I feel this post so much nonnie and it's happening to me too. I started noticing hairloss around 4 years ago but I didn't do anything about it until recently. Been on minoxidil and on iron/vitamin supplements to maybe fix it but I'm highly suspecting it's just genetic hairloss since my dad is also a bald faggot. Like you, I had thick hair but I started shedding so fucking much in 2023 and now I can literally see my scalp through the thin hair I have now. I'd hate to be on medications for the rest of my life so if what I'm doing now doesn't work then it truly is ogre. This truly fucking sucks. Life is so not fair.

No. 1838100

Your husband is a creep who probably watches too much porn.

No. 1838109

I turned it off for a couple weeks then turned it back on, works fine again.

No. 1838118

same i can never get used to seeing "my husband" on here. what are you doing

No. 1838131>>1838193>>1843412

There's this new mahou shoujo yuri ecchi anime that released today and I want to rant about it so bad but I don't want to shit up the anime thread into a borderline politics thread even though I know most nonnas don't care or disagree with the general sentiment. I'm just so fucking annoyed that trash like that even exists. Mahou shoujo which was originally for young girls gets bastardized and now I have to see literal naked transformation scenes and moids cooming over being able to see nipples. Its a high quality adaptation too judging by what I've seen so far, meanwhile most anime aimed at women get shoestring budgets and incomplete 12 episode adaptations. And I hate the women that watch this show too, they remind me of how I used to be and I know they think they're so ~chill~ and "fit-in" watching the latest epic popular fanservice anime. I'm tired of that pedo country pretending like there aren't as many female otaku as there are male ones and treating us like second-class subhumans, and barely anyone even says anything because japanese women are just fucking doormats.

No. 1838150

I'm at such a major fucking low point in my life right now, I'm just sitting here crying and typing words into the void because I don't want to burden anyone I know with my problems.
I've been unemployed for almost a year and I feel like my career is slipping away. I've applied to every local job in my field I qualify for and I'm willing to take a massive pay cut from what I was making, but nothing worked out. I can't seem to get health insurance, my application has just been processing for months. I'm worried I may be developing medical problems that are going unaddressed. I've been in a relationship for fourteen years and I feel like my boyfriend tries less and less every year and he never even bothered proposing even when I tried pushing the issue, which may be a blessing in disguise. I feel like his maid. I want to live on my own and only worry about cleaning up my own messes and cooking for myself. He doesn't support me financially. My parents are so dysfunctional they can't even support themselves, let alone me, so I have to be self-reliant.
Did I bring my problems on myself? Am I being punished or am I just unlucky? I just want to turn things around somehow. I feel like I can do better than where my life is at right now.

No. 1838152

Are you saying he said "you're a pretty little hole that takes me so well"? Men who watch too much porn always sound sooooo retarded ou my god

No. 1838162>>1838175>>1838180>>1838204>>1838209>>1838212>>1838235

I think I have a bit of an unpopular opinion on this: I think if the roles were reversed and I were pegging a guy, I would think of him as a hole too. It's not because I don't see him as a human, but it's because, at that moment, I'm getting off to the act of course, but also to the fantasy (of controlling, and dehumanizing … the guy). I think where you can draw the line though is: do you trust your husband not to take your submission during sex to mean he can cross your boundaries, disrespect you… outside of sex / when you're not "role playing". In short: is he the type of person to try to push or eliminate boundaries just because you willingly and temporarily allowed him to ignore said boundaries?

No. 1838166

File (hide): 1704328246891.jpg (91.6 KB, 728x971, OJ6mX5rg.jpg)

Why did he call you a hole. That's a mans anus baby.

No. 1838170

Wow, unreal porn brain rot. Why do women submit themselves to this.

No. 1838171

I just wish we could be together irl….
Am I impatient and needy? I find myself asking if 10 years is too long to be wishing for you to visit… will it take another 10 for you to live with me?? I feel like I’ll end up dying waiting for anything.

No. 1838175>>1838194>>1838322

This is such a facebook "ethical non monogamous" split dyed BPD post kek.
The context is different.

No. 1838180

The difference is that men in general do not seperate them at all, in practice, around other men, alone, anywhere.

No. 1838183

>wants me to open up about my feelings
>constantly asking me to be honest
>never talks about issues they have with me
>ignores me when I do bring up anything annoying me
>doesn’t elaborate further until they decide they will speak with me again


No. 1838193>>1838221

I get what your getting at but weird nudity has been a thing in Mahou Shoujo forever. Sailor Moon had it during the transformation sequences. Heck Minky Momo had it way back in the early 80s. It got better in the late 90s with more action stuff like early Precure then went and shit itself with everyone trying to do dark Mahou Shojou after Madoka got big. I liked Madoka but everything got boring and lame.

No. 1838194>>1838198>>1838203

Why are you so belligerent? I don't even know what the fuck you're talking about since I haven't been on fb for almost 5 years now. As for polyamory, it might be for some other people, it isn't for me.

>The context is different

Really? And what's different?

No. 1838198

Anon you can't really think that a moid calling his wife a hole during sex is the same as you pegging a guy and thinking that somehow dehumanizes him.

No. 1838203

The difference is that men are subhuman apes who get off on demeaning women most of the time. Lurk moar newfag.

No. 1838204>>1838214

>take your submission during sex
girl what? nothing in her post alluded to anything dom/sub where are you getting that she's submitting during sex?

No. 1838209>>1838213>>1838222

Why is this typed like man?

No. 1838212>>1838219

See this is the tradthot brain dead stuff I'm talking about.

No. 1838213

What are you talking about? She sounds like she came straight from twitter.

No. 1838214>>1838216>>1838217>>1838226>>1838228

You don't think verbal degradation counts as submission?

No. 1838216>>1838236

Not when she's venting about it on lc. Sounds like she very much did not consent to that degen shit.

No. 1838217

You seem out of touch. He was probably just dirty talking while his head was on autopilot bc he's having sex and repeated some retarded porno lingo.

No. 1838218

Freshly out of highschool have no desire to go to college i felt like being a mortitician would be an amazing career because you need minimal school and the pay is above avarage for my country… except my country is fucking retarded and the only way to get any fucking job is trough family connections and in any other country you could finish mortuary school and be on your merry way but here there is no such thing and how am i supposed to get hired if theres no way to prove i can do the job i am just so frustrated with becoming an adult

No. 1838219

Trad? In what world do trad women like to dominate and objectify men?

No. 1838220>>1838229>>1838302

I hate men so much that I can only feel better when I see them getting hurt. I feel relief when I watch a video of a male dying. I feel satisfied when an “innocent” man has his life ruined by a false rape accusation. I don’t care if he didn’t do it. It is only fair that they have their lives ruined for petty reasons just like how they ruin women’s lives for dumb reasons. Thats all they have done: Ruin our lives. For most of human history and in some places today, women have been enslaved and prohibited from doing anything besides spawning the spawn of the narc moid. Moids can’t think of anything other than coom. It’s in their DNA. Male animals are like this too. Why would hominid males be any different? Male animals often die from over cooming because that is their entire existence. Women go through menopause and live several decades following, whilst men can coom forever because that is their purpose, and men are not happy with that fact. Men have lied to women that we are the inferior sex. They tell us that we are just a part of Adam’s rib. We are weaker, dumber, and more disposable. But none of this is true: Obviously. We are ahead of men in education. We live longer. We are more resistant to infections, we are kinder, and are mentally stronger. In times of hardship, women help others whilst men use such opportunities to rape. Women have empathy, whilst men only feign it. Men have used our empathy against us and gave us trannies. Again: they think of nothing but the coom.
The only area in which men are superior is in muscle strength, which, unfortunately for us, led to men believing they were superior in the days predating science. To this day they have yet to evolve. In a civil society, the man is like a hippo propelling shit, whilst the women is like a hummingbird. The fell of a tree sparks sadness, but not the death of a man. Trees bring air, beauty and life. Men bring death, destruction and tarnish the world with their ugly physique.

No. 1838221>>1838246

Anon… its not the usual nudity thing. Its straight up pink nipples carefully drawn for coomers. I agree though that its always been strange but this one is intentional and that wasn't really the focus of my point anyway

No. 1838222>>1838241

I would've said the same, considering that hateboner of yours

No. 1838226>>1838230>>1838249

File (hide): 1704329715911.jpg (6.69 KB, 174x209, 1000002672.jpg)

Oh nonna,you stupid bitch. Verbal degradation is an action being performed by the moid. The moid verbally degrading you doesn't mean you're submitting. It just means the moid is verbally degrading you.

No. 1838228

I'm the original anon, and it was just regular sex. I'm not into that kinky shit

No. 1838229

so beautiful and so true. Don’t let them brainwash you from your truth nona.

No. 1838230>>1838233

She won't get it nona, she thinks polyamory is heckin valid

No. 1838231

I fucked up a few of my New Year’s resolutions too, but it’s only been three days. It is not the end. You will make it.

No. 1838233>>1838240

and that sticking something in a scrote's bootyhole dehumanizes him

No. 1838235

The reverse would be calling him a "cute little fleshrod that fits her so well". It's wonky and cringe either way. Though most moids probably wouldn't mind because they love being treated like that kek. The only tolerable dirty talk is banter and subtle bullying.

No. 1838236

She is. But she also said she wants to hear other people's thoughts, so that means she's open to changing her mind. To me, her post reads like she doesn't know whether she can trust her husband, and she might have her reasons, I'm just saying, in healthy relationship, you wou
shouldn't be concerned about how you're gonna be perceived by your parnter, especially not during sth as vulnerable and important to bonding as sex

No. 1838240

Was probably a kiwifag and he had to backspace and change from "if I was buttfucking a man" to "if I was pegging a man"

No. 1838241>>1838257

Wow everything you say is dated, aged malespeak

No. 1838246

Yeah sorry I kinda got hung up on that point. I do wish there was more stuff that would cater to us without needing to pander to the secondary coom market.

No. 1838249>>1838251>>1838255>>1838258>>1838259

or you're the stupid bitch. you're talking about consent, and i made sure to explain that the husband should have consent.what i implied is maybe the husband is into degradation during sex. it's very common. in fact, if some of you were honest, you'd say you're into that shit too. it's just that you don't to be on the receiving end but want to perform it

No. 1838251

You are a literal faggot

No. 1838255>>1838263

>what i implied is maybe the husband is into degradation during sex
And what most of us are telling you is that is neither normal nor acceptable and is a sign that he is porn rotted in the brain.

No. 1838257>>1838266

sowz, I don't live online like you

No. 1838258>>1838276>>1838322

You should log back into facebook, all the fugly, insecure BPD girls with fried hair would LOVE you.

No. 1838259>>1838260

We kink shame over here. Lurk more libfem newfag, sexual degradation from a moid isn't something any self respecting woman should tolerate.

No. 1838260

Samefag and I'm not into moids…

No. 1838263>>1838265>>1838270>>1838291

Not necessarily. I grew up not watching porn (because of my religious upbringing), and only started doing that like 6 years ago (when I'm an adult). I watch porn maybe twice a week, yet, I find objectifying men and being a dom hot as fuck.

No. 1838265

I am begging you to go back to your containment thread. Please.

No. 1838266

You're posting on fucking lolcow. Yes you are.

No. 1838270

We're talking about a man doing this to a woman, idg why you keep bringing up femdom

No. 1838276

You know waay more about fb than I do. You sound like the typical american who's never left her hometown and keeps logging on there to compare herself to the rest of the townies.

No. 1838282

is your spouse a tranny

No. 1838287>>1838296>>1838303

Don't be mad at me, lol. I just want you to have sex lives that aren't restrained by your inability to let go because you think that might be used against you later on.

Anyway, believe it or not, I did enjoy talking to you. Even the more angry ones. Good night <3
Mod, slap me with a ban(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1838289>>1838416

I hate my PhD, but my life would suck without it. I wish I was not ugly and could find a husband for the citizenship, work chill low-wage job, and never touch fucking academia.

No. 1838291

Where did you find this site?

No. 1838296>>1838297>>1838298>>1838300

this is so fucking libfemmy I can't believe it. You stupid, stupid bitch. Go pleasure some men who think you are just a hole.

No. 1838297>>1838299

I don't think it's a woman anymore, just another case of moid defending other moids.

No. 1838298

That's just a scrote who's crying because his mommy hurt him. Let the farmhands take his botched needle dick away.

No. 1838299

Their assumption that we need to trust moids or even need moids in our lives tells me that

No. 1838300

It's a meth head tranny faggot on a bender, just report.

No. 1838301

Every fucking day my decision to remain celibate is vindicated. Thanks guys, enjoy you sad lives with your moids

No. 1838302

I specifically watch caving and diving videos where men die. They bring it upon themselves. They're useless. So many die because of their own confidence and ego

No. 1838303

Actually you're just seething because women have no desire to fuck you

No. 1838304>>1838318

Aww look how mad you are

No. 1838308

I'm so tired, nonas. I'm tired of how my brain is so willing to sacrifice things that I like for the sake of my friends' comfort. Don't get me wrong, I love my friends and they are nothing but kind to me, but the moment I find out that they dislike something that I like my brain immediately cancels it because the idea of gushing about something that my friends dislike to them and potentially upsetting them in the process gives me so much anxiety that it makes me want to throw up. I hate this, I hate that my brain's first response to everything is to sacrifice and mold itself into something that's harmless and likeable by my friends even when they tell me it's okay.

No. 1838314>>1838316>>1838320>>1838321>>1838323>>1838325>>1838328>>1838396>>1838413

Actually, one last thing: some of you here are cool. A lot of you however pretend to be feminist when all you are angry, and deep down you hate other women. Your language (the thing you've been frothing at mouth because) says so: every insult is a fucking cliche that was coined by a man. You're truly the opposite side of the spectrum of men who use 4chan. But it's okay, tbh I didn't think I'd fit here anyway. Peace.

No. 1838316

kek you know she’ll be back to see the response. I hope you see the light one day and realise men aren’t worth all that. Enjoy being degraded.

No. 1838318

I wish attention seeking scrotes would shut the fuck up with their dollarstore-tier pseudo intellectual persona and just take their needle dicks back to reddit. If I wanted to listen to a scrote ramble on about things he doesn't understand, I would just go talk to my uncle.

No. 1838320>>1838333>>1838346

Assuming you're actually a woman, I hope you lurk more. Not for integration (but also integrate, please), but so you can grow and hopefully respect yourself more. If you're male tho hope you rope.

No. 1838321

File (hide): 1704332971361.gif (554.45 KB, 220x206, IMG_2181.gif)

No. 1838322

Kek nonna you were spot on

No. 1838323

Learn how to use colons correctly before you come back

No. 1838325

Nobody cares about you, you don't have to announce your departure dumb ass kekkkk

No. 1838328

Back to kiwifarms retard

No. 1838330

100%, down to claiming everything we say is derivative from men.

No. 1838333

My guess it's just part of the larp. The seething about feminist always gives it away. A lá
>You can't be a TRUE feminist if you reject me

No. 1838336>>1838345

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No. 1838344

reddit's only use is screencapping cringe to point and laugh at redditors

No. 1838345

Fucking kek she definitely post herself in the Reddit porn subs

No. 1838346

If it's a girl I wouldn't be surprised. Libfems like her think it's perfectly fine to gaslight other women into allowing themselves to be disrespected and then cry anti feminist when they get checked.

No. 1838357>>1838372>>1838388>>1838393

I wish the anime thread here had more traction.
/a/ is just so, so, godawful.

No. 1838372>>1838374

Same with the video game threads. /m in general is so slow

No. 1838374

I like the slowness on /m/. Its the comfiest board

No. 1838375>>1838380>>1838382>>1838387

Another birthday that no one cares about.

No. 1838380

Happy birthday to you, nonnie. I care

No. 1838382

We're here with you, nonna. Happy Birthday, make it a good one.

No. 1838384

Some indian moid has been super creepy towards my bf and it’s pissing me off. Absolutely hate indian men more than anything. My bf just started a job and this freak asked for his number like instantly and kept asking for personal information which thankfully my bf didn’t give. The freak called my bf twice today (my bf is off) for no reason. My bf also told me he was brushing up weirdly against him and kept asking my bf where he lives on their like… 2nd meeting? Fucking rot

No. 1838385

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No. 1838387

Happy Birthday nona

No. 1838388

I post there whenever I watch something but anons get so spergy sometimes. I do wish there was a female /a/ though, that place is no longer browsable

No. 1838393>>1838398

Do you think combining the anime and manga threads would help? They're both super slow. Combining a lot of threads on /m/ would help speed it up I think, too many threads that are too similar exist for a low traffic board

No. 1838396

> you all hate other women because you all think it's wrong and gross for a scrote to call his wife a hole

No. 1838398>>1838405

Only problem I can see with that is maybe spoilers? But if people tag stuff properly then that might not be too bad

No. 1838405>>1838431

Maybe. I just wish the board had a bit more activity in general. There's a bunch of fun threads there. The baiting isn't as horrendous as on /ot/ or even /g/ which is only a little faster

No. 1838413

Kek, i love it when random lost souls come over here and get triggered like this, the trash taking itself out.

No. 1838416>>1838944

What field are you in anon? I’m debating going back for my PhD in Econ but the incels and predators in academia keep me away. I don’t wanna be in academia in the long-run though, I find it so tiring tbh.

No. 1838419>>1838422>>1838425>>1838434

you can't even squeal at how cute moids WERE when they were babies. this scrote i was talking to sent me a couple of his baby photos and he was adorable and so i told him he was so so cute etcetera. later he tells me he jerked off to the thought of me nursing and cradling him as a baby. nonas i'm so so so so so sick of these disgusting fucking scrotes everywhere. can you even find a good man anymore or have they gone extinct

No. 1838422>>1838423>>1838425>>1838428

tell him if he doesn't immediately send you $500 you will send those texts to his mother, then block him and send it to his mother anyway

No. 1838423>>1838426

NTA but that's genius, anon.

No. 1838425

Nona, do this! >>1838422

Or you could just send the texts to his mother before he has a chance to delete them.

No. 1838426

I know right, my friend did this when some asshole she was chatting with suddenly started to spam her with dick pics. She replied with a screenshot of his mom's facebook and then send an extortion text kek.

No. 1838428

i'd absolutely do this if i could but unfortunately he had the fucking audacity to mention it to me in person. i'll just stick to telling everyone i can

No. 1838431

Couldn't agree more, I really like talking to anons on /m/ but sadly the conversations are really short and happen over several days or weeks just to get 1 reply

No. 1838433>>1838496

If i got on wellfare i'd literally never work again and be happy.

No, i would not feel bored being a NEET, i would get depressed from playing vidya and shitposting all day, i wouldn't feel bad for being a lazy sack of shit, having to work for a living and enslaving away the hours makes me depressed.I can spend all day looking out the window and feel fine, its having to go wark to producing money which makes me want to rope.

I don't want to be rich or famous or brag about muh dream job (imagine your dream being a job), i am not a leader and i am not competitive. My only motivation to work is cohertion because i need the money and even if i am doing really good and i am getting more opportunities for better paid projects it still me fills me with as much dread as not having an income anymore. Both things fill me with dread, I don't know how normies gaslight themselves to keep motivated when its so pointless and the reward for work is more work and the punishment is just starve and die.

I am just tired of stress, responsibilities and expectations and having to do shit i don't want to just to survive another day so i can do more shit i don't want to.

If UBI was anything more than a pipe dream that will never really happen then i'd be the stereotype wellfare leech that proves all the arguments they make against it. I'd never contribute to society or do anything productive again, i'd prefer poverty and just living with the very basics over having to work

No. 1838434

Moids are always so quick to say "daddy issues" when a girl is slightly alternative or assertive meanwhile so many men have weird mommy fetishes. So disgusting.

No. 1838489

My ex is younger than me and looks like he's aged 10 years since we broke up. It's really strange, he looks completely fine when his face is at rest but when he smiles he has 3 separate smile lines, forehead wrinkles, and 2 inch long crow's feet. His smile looks really forced and sad too. I hope the stress from fucking up our relationship is killing him like it did me.

No. 1838496

I concur nonny… I wanna sleep, cook, play games, take walks, enjoy life

No. 1838498

Is your husband ethnic/brown and inexperienced? I know a lot of those guys who were brought up in misogynistic cultures but couldn't get laid tend to have weirdly misogynistic but awkward dirty talk.

No. 1838502>>1838520>>1838585

There are at least 2 people at my work who claim to be autistic despite having 0 social/communication deficits. To make it even worse one of our managers is actually blatantly autistic and they all talk shit about her because she's actually socially awkward, has weird quirks, and works slower. All of them are always virtue signaling on social media too. They are not even teenagers. I hate them.

No. 1838513

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Tell me how will I fall in love like that again?

No. 1838518

i'd probably beat a man if he said this to me

No. 1838520>>1838565

I know the feeling. Are they also bpd enby freaks. I had a coworker who literally would be a shit person just out of the blue and blame it on her autism that magically manifested. She would also legitimately bully the manager who she diagnosed with autism for being too rigid.

Also why are all these people claiming autism. There's no way this high of an amount of people weren't diagnosed earlier.

No. 1838554

brave works 100% of the time and i have both the Ublock in chrome that now seems to work.

No. 1838565

YES. One of them claims BPD and I 100% believe that diagnosis. Threatens suicide on social media more than Erin Paintr. The worst bully in the entire workplace is this nonbinary moid who is also the biggest virtue signaler I've ever witnessed. I hope he doubles down on the nonbinary shit because he would look ugly as hell.
Enby moid ran off to gossip to me about how stupid autistic manager must be because she said she failed a class. They are so braindead they don't even notice the conflict between trying to come off as some enlightened, progressive activist while also bullying anyone who they perceive as socially or intellectually different. They will ever work anywhere but this job.

No. 1838581>>1838584>>1838589>>1838596>>1838604>>1838610>>1838618

Husband has been sick all week, bed bound can't keep even water down sick.
I've been sick with pregnancy cramping pain and nausea, everytime I've stood up I've felt like throwing up.
We hosted his sister for dinner yesterday where I did most of the cooking.
I haven't gotten to the dishes today, somehow we used all the plates between the 3 of us.
Husband uses so many cups for his drinks, water included.
Husband goes to cook something for himself and I wash him a plate and I say "sorry for the mess".
To which he says "no you're not because it's always dirty".
I put the plate down and go to walk past him, he tries to stop me saying "oh did I upset you stop no wait".
I shut the bedroom door and shut the bathroom door, had a crying shower and now sitting on the bathtub writing this.

He's not wrong but I've really tried my best this week, I walked to the pharmacy at 11pm to get him electrolyte when he was sick and pretty much did anything for him this week while he was in bed which is expected of a spouse but like come on he didn't need to say that gottem line to me about the dishes right?
I know pregnancy hormones are rampant but I feel justified in feeling upset.

No. 1838584

your vent is valid. sorry nonny, you're fucked. hopefully he gets rapid acting ass cancer and leaves you a juicy life insurance payment.

No. 1838585>>1838586>>1838605

I swear where the fuck do nonnies here work when they constantly come across adult gendies and people faking autism as an excuse and other atrocities straight from fake tumblr stories? Because I work in IT of all fields and I've only seen normal or slightly eccentric people.

No. 1838586

barnes and noble

No. 1838589

your husband is a cunt and you should let him starve. his dumb ass needs to know how it looks like when someone actually doesn't care.

No. 1838596

jesus christ why are you married to this pos? leave him

No. 1838604

I started reading this mess and I said to myself "next she's going to say is that she also has a kid with this horrid moid", and of course you do kek

No. 1838605>>1838652

Most engineers are turbo-normies. Except in CS , thats where all the trannies, furfags and assorted pedos are. You could walk through a Tech campus and spot the CS tards a mile away.

No. 1838610

Shit this is fucked up, you're literally pregnant and in an extremely vulnerable state yet you're the one feeling bad over not attending a moid with a cold or something. That is just sad. Please understand you're the priority, you shouldn't be handling so much at the same time

No. 1838612

I'm so tired. My abusive ex made me homeless through a series of insane incidents in April and I've just been staying with a guy from works parents (at the time I had just started exploring the chance of being with him out of honestly what was kinda lonely desperation) now being woth him hasbecome unavoidable though dont get me wrong i care about the guy i just feel i had no choice. My biggest flaw is how dependent on others I am. On one hand I'm relieved I'm away from my ex because otherwise I think I'd have settled there forever. But I'm homeless,he has my dogs, and everything I worked for for the last 15 years. I work shitty minimum wage and no flat around will accept me anymore. I just don't earn enough. All I can think to do is save everything I earn and hopefully by next year have money to buy some shithole. But it's so hard to not spend. I'm trapped in one room and the little treats keep me going.im still in ongoing talk with exes mother about getting my belongings, but it keeps going in circles. All I ask is I'm allowed one day in there to sort what is mine. As adults but I'm getting nowhere.

Anyway I just applied for a studio flat in the hopes my current partner can get it totally covered by benefits. Sometimes I wish I could just do that too. I work like fuck to try and get somewhere and get it taken off in tax. I work 60 hours a week. Going straight off dayshift into a nightshift and I still can't afford to live. I really think it's not worth it anymore. I want to be a benefit leech :/

No. 1838618

You guys remember that "pregnant anons" discourse we had some days ago? when I see an anon talking about her pregnancy I don't figure a nice life with a cute baby and family, but this shitshow. Women always get the shit end of the stick in these situations and I feel bad so many anons choose that life for themselves, literally getting trapped and cornered by a hating ass scrote, this sounds nightmarish

No. 1838652

Well, I'm a software engineer but my girlfriend works in operations (networks and databases) and she keeps coming across fucked up misogynists and degenerate furfags, no trannies though. It's like night and day listening to her rants about her work when I'm surrounded by well adjusted people with only an occasional normie moid level sexist remark. The only troons I've ever come across worked in data security, never engineering, and I've kept a professional relationship without going into personal detail. Aidens I have never met but a few normal stealth FTMs I thought were regular manlets at first, the terminal gendies seem to prefer more artistic aspirations.

No. 1838684

Why are the only people I see getting dragged for not supporting Palestine /staying silent on the issue women? Why is it only ever young women getting shit on? And the name calling and harassment are always so fucking misogynistic. I hate leftoid men.

No. 1838696>>1838698

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There’s nothing wrong with my job or my relationship but I want to fly back to my home country. Fuck Australia honestly. Grenade my life and return to my mother land y/n?

No. 1838698>>1838699

is your country better or worse?

No. 1838699>>1838700>>1838721

It’s pretty much a third world country (New Zealand), but it’s my third world country and I have missed it every day for 9 years. I would be poor as fuck there but whatever.

No. 1838700>>1838703

new zealand sounds sick but see if you can get employment there before moving back.

No. 1838703

It is a great place but cost of living high and wages flat, so concomitant poverty and crime as a result. My main hesitation is my gf would not want to come with me and our relationship is fine. Nothing worth breaking up over anyway. Probably just going stay here for another decade and be homesick forever because I’m a spineless coward.

No. 1838721>>1838728

how is New Zealand a third world nation?

No. 1838728>>1838730>>1838731>>1838738

Have you been there anon? It’s destitute in so many places. The clean green socialist image portrayed to the world is very different to the reality. Half a million New Zealanders (NZ pop’n 5 million) live in Australia.

“ Zealand children suffer material hardship and the country is at the bottom of the developed world for child poverty. A total of 606 New Zealanders have committed suicide in the past year alone. New Zealand has the worst level of homelessness in the OECD.”


No. 1838729>>1838737>>1838744

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Sorry in advance for the potential wall of text. I'm so sick of my country and town's cynical outlook on life and crabs in a bucket mentality. There is never any understanding for issues a person may be going through, just gossip and speculation and claims that they deserved it for one arbitrary reason or another. I grew up in that shitty environment and couldn't get out of it until I was in my 20s, I thought the whole world was like that. And to a degree it does, but the place I live in now is so different. People actually grow up in loving families and are given compassion and listened to, so no wonder everyone here is so outgoing and well adjusted. I'm actually so jealous. I wish I got listened to instead of told that everything wrong in my life is actually my fault for being stupid and not doing xyz right. Or that I'm just exaggerating cuz they went through the same thing and they're fine, so I must be lying. Or getting made fun of and laughed at for every little thing only to grow up and realize I was just a normal kid and nothing was wrong with me, everyone just needed a punching bag to let out their frustrations on and I was an easy target?
Some of the things I was picked on for were so trivial and dumb
>want a footstool to sit down on and a shoehorn to put my shoes on easier
>mom says in a mocking tone "oh does the princess want a foot massage as well, sitting on the floor and using your hands is not good enough?"
>won't let me buy one with my own pocket money for some reason, makes me sit on floor and tie my shoes instead
>have health issues often as kid, have to skip school for dialysis
>mom won't let me say what's wrong to class because "they will gossip"
>instead classmates accuse me of crying to mommy and staying home to get out of exams, gossip anyway
>teachers don't care and some of them say the same, wasn't even their class I was skipping
>have bad day and miss school bus because i was sick all night
>your own fault, you should have woken up earlier
>get bullied at school
>your own fault, probably something you did
>ask if we are having xyz for lunch, politely
>"well you're not getting it, your highness! we're having abc instead!"
>we were having xyz and mom just changed the meal to spite me, because I'm "spoiled"
>complain about any sickness, told I'm being a pussy and to get over it because I'm just seeking attention, by a doctor at the hospital. One ended up being kidney failure that they took months to diagnose because Dr was calling me a weak pussy in medicalese.
>complain about the negative environment, told to nut up and if I don't like it I should move somewhere else
>move somewhere else, now I'm a snobby bitch who thinks she's better than them and probably slept with someone to get out
>people act nosy and ask private questions, tell them off
>"oh you think you're sooo special and unique that people will talk about you! Who do you think you are? You're not important, nobody is talking about you!"
>if I hurt myself or get punched in class, other girls approach you and ask what happened, the "empathy" stops and they leave when they get the information and go to gossip with others
Every time I come back I regret it and want to leave. Nothing has changed. I hate that it affected me and turned me into a bitter, negative person who grey rocks everyone who tries to get close.

No. 1838730

I will fucking pay money to never again have to see a first worlder call their country “basically third world” just because things aren’t 100% perfect in it

No. 1838731

If I had to deal with NZ men i would kms too

No. 1838737

Forgot to add, it's ten times worse when you grow up as an adult woman. If you have fertility issues or your husband beats you, you should have done this or that, you deserved it, or you are actually an evil whore trying to besmirch that kind man's name for money. Cops won't care or will be bribed to be silent. If you have any career as a woman, if you have money you slept your way to the top. If you don't have money you slept your way to the job anyway. Everything is always your fault and you should have always known better. But also you're an evil cunt if you don't take care of your elderly parents who leave all inheritance to your brother because he's the man, and if you do push for getting inheritance your family will stop talking to you because you're selfish and he needs it more because he's continuing the family name and not you. Female feticide is illegal but boymoms will still abort girl fetuses because their husband will leave them if they don't "give them" a son.

No. 1838738

Isn't that because of the indigenous people being fucked over like everywhere else in the world? If you're white and live in New Zealand you're probably doing just fine.

No. 1838744>>1838752

What the hell kind of shithole is that place. I'm glad you're in a much better place than them. Let them rot in their hell while you enjoy your "princess" life, as they put it. In the end, you won. You escaped that prison. Maybe they should have been smarter and saved their money in order to get a better life, huh?

No. 1838752>>1838759>>1838771

Russia. I miss the place I grew up for the nostalgia and nature. I don't exactly like living somewhere where I'm hated by default because of where I was born, but it's honestly a better choice than going back and I hope everyone who stayed there gets AIDS. Everyone there is cursed.

No. 1838759

It's funny that you confirm it, but I was wondering if it was an Eastern European country. I was born in an Eastern European country too, but the gossiping is the only thing I'm primarily familiar with.Leaving the country is the best thing you could have done, and you shouldn't have to go back to visit for familial reasons. Good riddance.

No. 1838771

Damn anon I’m sorry. It’s really depressing to hear from other Russians how provincial it is and how shitty their families are. I guess I really lucked out with my parents.

No. 1838785

>so sweet to me at first and had his shit together
you're not the first to fall for that low bar we give men. Hopefully he's your last and you heal soon.
If your man isn't much older than you, the likelihood of a fucked up kid isn't as bad as you may think if you actually look at the stats, most women had husbands 10 plus years older than them so obviously a kid at 35 is going to be a little messed up, it received 45 year old man sperm. Anecdotal but my aunt and her husband (2 years younger at least) had kids through ages 40-43 and it worked out fine from what I can tell a few years later. They very explicitly wanted to leave their 30s for themselves. Had 2 nice cars, traveled around, only settled because they actually felt it around 38-39. The kids are fine but she had some initial trouble conceiving. Second round wasn't much trouble but she wound up with twin boys in trying for a girl the poor woman, at least she's a good mom
my only "real" kiss with a woman was a straight girl whom I found out was doing it at the bar to sleep with some dude into threesomes. feelsbadman. I also have a deep rooted hatred of Katy Perry's I kissed a girl cause it came out right when I fully knew I loved women, the dramatic tween I was felt like an actual joke
>the years are 2010-2014
>you're in high school
>girls pretend "every girl is a little lesbian" to entice boys because it means they're up for threesomes (as if those happened in high school)
>dudes know about shipping and that girls are horny for guys kissing too (cobra starship's I kissed a boy has just come out) so they will kiss at parties to show that they're not "one of the toxic boys" and entice some girls
what a time wtf were teenagers in the 2010s? no wonder half of us are freaks and gendies

No. 1838788>>1838795

>Feeling happy
>Mind concocts random upsetting scenario
>Upset and thinking about it for days, start spiraling emotionally, feel like I'm not allowed to be happy
I wish I could stop getting upset over made up things

No. 1838795

I should have realized I'm PMSing

No. 1838804>>1838816

>client messages yesterday about my boss's shitty non-english speaking employees fucking up their dates on paperwork again
>my boss expects me to clean up their mess
>ask boss to please contact them and explain in their language the errors, that way when I show up to correct they will know what to show me so I can help
>I arrive, employees show me sheet they claim to have fucked up
>I fix the log onsite, document it on client form, go gome
>get angry phone call from boss this morning
>client emailed and said form is incorrect, and apparently this form is in another building
>I'm confused because employees showed me what they had showed me and I corrected what seemed to be the issue
>boss calls me embarassing and is mad that he lives closer and now has to go onsite to figure it out
Hey boss, you could try replacing these idiots who can't even write the date correctly instead of getting angry at me for not understanding their stupidity since I cannot effectively communicate with them? Apparently the issue is that after I helped them with corrections in one book the employees added shit that made it incorrect behind me, and that even though the email chain made it seem like the paperwork errors were only in one binder they had implied that these errors were in the other building too. And that building is where they still left it fucked up because I had NO CLUE from the email chain that this date error shit had hit the paperworks from both.
This is alllllllllll my fault guys /s

No. 1838816>>1838819

Oh this part is rich
>boss finally realizes I did fix the paperwork correctly in the building I said I did whereas before he accused me of "assuming" things were correct and not actually having been there
>call to tell him to visit the other building and check that paperwork because that is what I did not know to check and what the client complained about this morning
>he takes a picture of their entries, says they're fine, and leaves
>I call boss back and tell him to go back since the date errors were on the prior page and not the one he took a pic of
>the employees did not correct those entries and instead transcribed the old info to the new page with the right dates to make it seem correct which is what the client caught
>boss concedes that I am correct and that I will be back tonight to make a footnote about the transcriptions
Motherfucker I saved YOU from being embarassed lmao. You were ready to leave because YOU assumed things were hunky dory! See how easy it is to be confused by these shitlords who should know better by now and are constantly doing the wrong things to make themselves look good? Oh, but don't discipline your little darlings, just blame me! LOL

No. 1838817

My cats keep trying to rush me to feed them. They even figured out how to open my bedroom door. I feed them plenty so at the point its harassment. I DONT NEGOTIATE WITH TERRORISTS

No. 1838819

Hell yea anon. Good for you

No. 1838823>>1838826

My mom doesn’t like my boyfriend who is nice and respectful and a gentlemen but shes loves and still talks to the guy who solicited me for sexual favors for a week during vacation.

Long story abridged. Years ago my mom and sister try to set me up with my sisters friend because i got out of a breakup and he got wind and wanted to take his shot. Unfortunately i already knew his character and knew he was a sex pest.

Spend a week in his condo. All he does is ask me gross shit and suggest gross shit to me. Tell my mom. She laughs and goes “boys will be boys” basically. Really hoping id just give up and fuck this guy because she wants a rich son in law. The fact she mad im dating a retail worker and not a bitcoin fuck really makes me pissed off.

No. 1838826

Same OP im just gonna add he was REALLY adamant in fucking me because im bisexual but only been with a woman at this point so he wanted to “break me in” and fix my gay basically.

No. 1838838

It's taking everything out of me not to scream at my brother right now, every noise he makes is irritating me so much. I don't want to get mad at him for basically just existing, but he's making it so difficult. Why the fuck does he keep dropping random shit. And then he runs up and down the stairs to take something from the kitchen or elsewhere and it's all just irritating. Stay still and don't make any messes when I'm not watching you dumb fuck. Just the noise of his steps and when he opens or closes the door unnecessarily hard is pissing me off so much

No. 1838874

Ahhh I hate my life I wish I could vanish sometimes but I have a son and he means everything to me .

No. 1838914>>1838942>>1839066

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I'm in my mid twenties, why do I still sound like a retarded thirteen year old boy in recordings

No. 1838920

I hate that I can't mute the doorbell in our current flat. Someone's been ringing every few minutes for the past fifteen minutes, my cat is already hiding under my bed and I wanna join her. I'm alone at home, not expecting anyone and it's dark outside, take the hint and go away.

No. 1838922

i’ve had my period for a week now and i’m going to scream. never get pregnant. my period was consistent and i only had it for three days. now im getting surprised five days early and suffering for a fucking WEEK.

No. 1838932>>1838948

How often is the norm for seeing “in-laws” when your partner has a healthy relationship with them and you have no kids? I’ve seen a lot of once a week and every other week, and even some insane 3-5times a week and I don’t understand? Because this whole losing one weekend every other week thing is driving me insane and see them more on top of that for holidays Either I go and be bored as hell or I stay home but don’t get to spend my days off with him. How do you have your own fucking life seeing them that much? No seriously who are these people and when do you have time to plan proper dates or hang with friends? Thinking about losing half or more of my off time for the rest of our lives is so depressing

No. 1838942

It's okay, me too

No. 1838944

Biochem. Nothing predatory from coworkers or supervisors, just a lot of overtime work, low wages, no holidays, and no free healthcare because I am a student and not part of the staff. It is funded (never do unfunded PhD), but my supervisor is too ambitious regarding my work so I experience pressure. Additionally, you would expect 30+ y.o postdocs and candidates to act like adults, right? Unlucky, most are mentally stuck in the prepubescent years.

No. 1838948>>1838970

Does he go to his parents for the whole weekend? That seems excessive. I've never gone to partners' parents for more than one daypart in the week.

No. 1838970

Well no he will go one day but for like the whole day and we still need to run errands or sometimes didn’t have time to plan anything or it’s Sunday and we can’t stay out late. It’s insanity to me. What if I was close with family and wanted to spend as much time or every week? Then we would literally never have any time together??? What the fuck? I refuse to believe people are being for real with this shit. It only makes sense if you are in college or HS or something

No. 1839030>>1839051

My engine was overheating but was running fine a few weeks ago but the dealership now wants to do an engine teardown and do all this shit that costs like 6k? And my mom is like well that totals your vehicle huh and I'm spiraling. can't they just do stuff to make it bare minimum drivable it was fine before it suddenly wasn't. I'm seething

No. 1839051

Are you losing coolant?
Only reason why you'd need to do an engine teardown is if the engine block is cracked somewhere and that's where you're losing coolant.
It's either loss of coolant (usually hoses), bad radiator, failed pump, or failed thermostat.

No. 1839055>>1839190>>1839191>>1839209

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my mom told me something yesterday that really pissed me off…anyway when she was pregnant with me (or a few years after she had me, I can't quite recall) she was told by a family friend that if she gave them $20k in cash – which she had – they could set her up with a nice house (kind of resembles picrel – it's a pretty brick bungalow). however, this house was next to her sister's house, and she didn't want it. for that reason alone. she put that $20k towards a trailer instead.

at first i was like "haha, dumb decision, you were young it's whatever" but then i went "well wait, my mom was 30-something when she had me. and she'd been all over the world twice." so she wasn't a young retard, she had good sense. then i start to research the area and it's like, okay: great infrastructure, one of the safest neighborhoods in the state now, GREAT school like five minutes away, my aunt tells me there were tons of kids there when i was a kid, etc. etc. the benefits just go on and on.

the trailer i grew up in is rat-infested now, surrounded by shitty neighbors who won't clean up (so even if we clean the rats just come back to visit sometimes), 30 minutes from the city, there is NO infrastructure down here, etc. etc. etc.

anyway i'm pissed. you selfish donkey. my aunt's a bitch yeah but you apparently still liked her at that point so why didn't you take that house?? our lives would be so much better. fucking idiot.

now that i'm thinking about it, she mentioned something about owning the land the trailer is sat on right now, and i guess that's cool and all but you haven't really done anything with it? it's just a lot of bullshit nowhere nothing space that's going to shit kek.

No. 1839066

i sound like darth vader with pms, you're not alone anon

No. 1839097>>1839119

Rosie Jones has ruined so many shows I watch as a tradition and I am so fucking sick of it. She is a good comedy writer but why the fuck is she put in panel shows were the banter is fast paced and she is paired with someone who clearly doesn't match her comedy? Why pretend everyone doesn't need to shut the fuck and fuck up the rhythm and vibes just to hear her sound a joke that doesn't even land because it takes everyone at least 20 seconds of translating in their heads from tard to English to understand, I'm so goddamn annoyed. I know I sound heartless but you try watching her for more than 10 minutes, goddamit she keeps popping up in everything lately. What's also interesting and irritating is that her writing is good, just like I said but her own jokes she does? Fucking lame, like how are they so bad, it's not just because she is an all around attack on the senses but the material sucks ass. Thank you for reading, I was about to put something on and there she was, spazzing away again.

No. 1839119

samefag, forgot to add the video where she sounds very clear and that's the best you're getting out of her

No. 1839188

I think my boyfriend is just an autist but I wish he would act like he cares sometimes when I mention the news or issues idk

No. 1839189

I have a shit ton of work to do ans I can't keep food down or in me (horrific GI illness). It's for my dissertation so there are no "sick days" for me to take. I planned to spend this week and next fixing everything and writing the end of an important chapter. Instead I'm running to the bathroom for the 3rd day in a row and feeling like death otherwise. Fuck my neighbor who is playing some shit music 24/7 also

No. 1839190

Sometimes I also go "wow my mom is young and dumb (had me at 20)" but then I realize I'm 23 and never as retarded or had the grace to be so I feel your pain nonnie

No. 1839191

i completely understand being pissed, anon. that sounds like a really dumb decision on your mom's part.

No. 1839207>>1839208>>1839216>>1839228

Why the fuck does my dad who earns nearly $300k a year spend his money like he earns $20k? We all got covid and he's telling me that if I wanna test myself then I have to go out and buy the tests. We up until recently had extremely ratty furniture with holes in it that took years to throw out and replace. Every few months I maybe say that we need to replace something and he starts huffing and puffing. I don't understand why we can't fix things if we have the money to do it.

No. 1839208>>1839212

Did he grow up in poverty?

No. 1839209>>1839694

THAT was only 20k? Because your family friend was going to sponsor it or were that normal prices?

No. 1839212>>1839215

I don’t know because he never talks about his childhood—he had only one parent who was an alcoholic with no job so I kinda assume yes? He gets mad if I even suggest therapy so I guess he’s stuck like this forever.

No. 1839213

My lead is such a dirty nasty skank. Heard her complain about getting HR complaints about sexual harassment claims and thinks people need to get over it. Of course I wouldn’t expect a skank to take sexual harassment seriously. She’d probably take it as a compliment and give them sloppy for a chik fil a sandwich

No. 1839215

Maybe hes saving so you have more money after he dies ? Sounds like he grew up really poor, my grandpa does the same, he grew up like POOR POOR like eating from the dumpster poor so ig same thing

No. 1839216

you sure he isn't cash poor?

No. 1839218

The year had a good start but an expensive disaster just popped up which is the last thing I need. All this stress is going to make my hair fall out, fuck this.

No. 1839228

Maybe he's buidling a retirement fund. You see people counting pennies most of their life and then they spend their later years going on cruises and traveling cos they finally have more money in the bank than time to live.

No. 1839233>>1839248>>1839254

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Two of my friends met their absolutely lovely partners over tinder, so I figured I was gonna give it a try. BUT WHY DO I NOT MATCH WITH THE ONES THAT I'M REALLY INTO AND ONLY GET THE "hm, yeah kinda cute I guess?" THAT I HAVE SECOND THOUGHTS ABOUT. Picrel is me when I pick up my phone and go "oh, right. You." when I see they wrote to me.

No. 1839235>>1839250

The gynecology department I go to sent me a free HPV test in December and I got positive result for in group 35,39,51,56,59,66, or 68. It also said there’s no need for a Pap smear to test for cell abnormalities and that I should just retake the test in 5 years.
I honestly don’t think this is safe practice? In the test kit it said that if I’m positive for HPV I will get called to a Pap smear. Should I stand my ground and ask for one?
Also, I did a HPV test back in summer of 2023 and it said it’s positive. Last time I had sex was summer of 2022, so it’s safe to say I’ve had it for 1.5 years now..Should I be worried?

No. 1839248>>1839254>>1839266

You’ve gotta cut the talk and go on dates. I sometimes went on 2 dates in a day, I would propose a lunch date within 10 mins of chatting and they would choose the place. So many guys have shit pics. I saw guys who looked just ok in their pics that turned out super hot in person and one super hot pic guy just turned out to know his angles and was uggo to me irl when in movement.

No. 1839250

>High-risk HPVs can cause several types of cancer. There are 12 high-risk HPV types: HPV 16, 18, 31, 33, 35, 39, 45, 51, 52, 56, 58, and 59
>Two of these, HPV 16 and HPV 18, are responsible for most HPV-related cancers.
I had either 16 or 18 so the worst ones for cancer risk. I was automatically getting appointment letters every few months to keep going to follow up exams and keep an eye on it. Idk if the others are treated the same way as the main two. Every colposcopy pamphlet I got att seemed to only concentrate on those two strains and not really mention the rest.

Couple years later I was negative again

No. 1839254

god i wish i had the kinda cute type when i still used tinder. i live in a big european capital so there's a fuck ton of tech bro expats here that just like every woman on the app. i just gave up because i got tired of scrolling through the ocean of likes from amirs and muhammads.

seconding >>1839248 though, pick some of the cuter ones and go on dates.

No. 1839266>>1839281

That is not exaaactly the issue, it's like…the vibes?? I guess I get when they start writing. Maybe I'm judging them too fast, but I feel like I swiped on them too soon or made a judgement I'm not quite sure about
I'm trying to only swipe on guys based on the question "but…would I ACTUALLY respond?" and I broke it with the two latest ones, I'm a real serial ghoster because I still have some lingering tinder burnout I guess kek and I've also been kinda down over that I haven't gotten a match with the cute dorky asian guy that I had a lot in common with on his profile.

No. 1839281

Culling based on vibes isn’t necessarily bad. Just make sure not to obsess too much over if they seem kinda boring over text or if they don’t share whatever retard media consumption with you. If there’s even the slightest whiff of fuckboy, neediness, or misogyny you should bail though. Also you can’t ghost people you haven’t even met.

No. 1839314>>1839322>>1839332>>1839334

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i was excited to meet my friend that i haven't seen in a year and she fucking brings a troon along, simply because he lives in the same city and she wanted to meet him as well. i don't use social media much so i miss a lot of things and don't post about my life so i was excited to catch up with my friend. instead i had to listen to looney troon for hours and how he's the only girl at his IT job and that he's treated like a princess by his coworkers and has to do all the silly girl stuff like marketing in addition to his programmer job. then he took a selfie of us for his ig story and chose an angle in which i was barely visible. not like i wanted to be seen with this guy but can you make it anymore obvious? i'm so mad and i could barely talk to my friends about the stuff i wanted to tell her about because my friend decided that it was time to go when he said he had to leave now.

No. 1839322>>1839329

I would be livid. I'd have a discussion with your friend privately if you think the friendship is worth saving. What an asshole move to bring that along.

No. 1839329>>1839344>>1839371

i had doubts about our friendship because she's a militant vegan to the point that you can't even go to a restaurant without her vilifying the other guests who choose to eat meat. her constant complaining just took the fun out of everything so we didn't talk for a while but then we got back in touch and she seemed to have mellowed out a little. now this happened and i'm back to the doubting phase.

No. 1839332>>1839374

What a rude bitch. She clearly has no manners or care about you if she can't even have a one on one with you or at least tell you beforehand about the tranny she's bringing along. I hope you tell her how you really feel, nona.

No. 1839334>>1839374

that's actually very insulting, a similar thing happened to me but not with a troon and it turned out my friend (no longer talking to her) was so anxious to see me after a year or so me having been kinda sick, so she was triggered and needed an emotional support neet with her. Could there be a reason your friend didn't want to be alone with you or is she just a handmaiden who didn't think

No. 1839344>>1839374

I also am really grossed out that the troon used you and your friend as props for an IG story selfie. Did you agree to it? I hate random pics of me on strangers' pages so I might be kind of weird, but I would have declined. And if he took it fast without permission, I would have made him delete it. Creep

No. 1839357>>1839407

I don’t know why my best friend can’t be happy about me being in a long and healthy relationship. My boyfriend and I have been together for 10 years now. Since we started dating, my best friend always had something to say.
At first there just questions that I thought were out of curiosity but then I realised she was judging pretty hard everything that we did as a couple. She started questioning things about our way of dating that were pretty bizarre like how much we went to have dinner out or how much money he spent in my anniversary presents.
Then it got to the point were I couldn’t mention him without receiving a passive aggressive comment about how his feelings for me weren’t true and how selfish he was all the time. Of course it was all in her head, I never told her anything bad about him to her but she tried to twist my words to make it seem as if I was excusing him. For example, I could tell her that we planned to go to the cinema but we didn’t do it in the end because he was tired (when he was working 6 days per week, self employed, worked more than 10 hours everyday) and didn’t have a good day and she would start this rant about how he couldn’t EVER make an effort for me and bring me to the cinema either way because he just didn’t love me as much as I did love him.
Truth is we’re not perfect by any means but I truly see myself sharing my life with this person, I love him and he loves me unconditionally. We stayed together trough tick and thin and the worst part is he never complained about her, not once. He knows she’s a pretty difficult person but I feel terribly guilty every time she starts complaining about something that it isn’t real.
I tried to talk with her about it so many times, I told her how important he is to me and how I would like her to accept our relationship but she always tries to change the subject and dismisse it, telling me I’m a bit dramatic because I care too much.
Recently she started questioning about when we’ll be married. She, who never had a relationship that lasted for more than 9 months, thinks she would be married at this point and even trying to have kids. I told her I never want to have kids and I’m pretty sure my mind won’t ever change and again, she twisted what I said and started to attack me for being so “brain washed” (because of my partner) when actually never in my 34 years of life I said I want to be a mother.
Some mutual friends told me that she used to post in her secret social media account (to which I don’t have access btw) things about my relationship in a passive aggressive way and that everyone knew it was about me, but of course she denied everything.
If I’m logical, I know the answer is that she’s just jealous of me but it stills hurts either way. I truly wish she could be happy for once for me.

No. 1839364

I’ve been thinking about somebody so much that I feel like i’m going to accidentally say her name out loud or accidentally write about her and everything I think about her into anything I write so I have to reread it 10 times.

No. 1839371>>1839374

She's vegan? It checks out. She's already very self-righteous by your own words so maybe she purposely forced that troon onto you to virtue signal right in your face, extra points if you seemed visible uncomfortable

No. 1839372

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i'm on my 1st semester of college and it's good but why does everybody have friends that invite them to hang out of college, all my friends are cool but no one has invited me to a third space and idk like all my friends from school have been invited from other people but i haven't, this sounds edgy but it really feels like i'm the only one from campus that doesn't get invited anywhere

No. 1839374

thing is, i wouldn't have been this mad if it had been another woman but she just had to bring along a troon. i love meeting my friend's friends and i get along great with them 99% of the time, but moids are a no and troons even more so.

she's definitely a bit of a handmaiden who thinks watching heartstoppers is activism kek. i don't think she has any issues meeting me alone because we hung out just the two of us pretty regularly in the past…

i definitely would have objected had it not been a story post tbh. my friend and him both took pictures and he said he'd upload his later. when i was on my way home i got a notif that my friend had tagged me in a story, so i checked his account as well since she had tagged him. he only tagged her in it and i was half covered by his moid shoulders and hair.

kek i did look visibly uncomfortable in one of the pics she took because the troon had leaned in close to me to fit in the frame.

thank you for your support, nonnas. i felt a bit crazy seething so much about this but i feel better now. i texted my friend now and told her that it was sad that we didn't get to talk properly and that i might be in town sometime next year if she's interested in getting coffee "just the two of us." she hasn't replied yet though.

No. 1839395>>1839409

I wish my boyfriend would break up with me, I am constantly doubting my feelings for him even though he has never hurt me or acted in an unpleasant way, I never tell him about my state of mind but I do tell him when the thoughts just get too bad and he reassures me in the best way that he can. Just today I told him about how I wished I could be forever in a sleeping state and he sent me 5 audio messages telling me how amazing I am and how much I will be missed if that were to happen, but instead of making me feel better I just feel worse and the guilt is just too much. He deserves much more than me and I honestly wouldnt be mad if he cheated on me.

No. 1839407

Maybe she's jealous. I think the best thing you could do is say that you're worried that she thinks your boyfriend is a bad influence but you want to reassure her that you'll always be yourself and friends. The only thing that makes me feel she's a bit malicious is the posting about it on social media. So it could be that she's jealous of your boyfriend or she's jealous of you. Since this is lolcow, just try what I recommended and if she continues being weird that points to her being jealous of you

No. 1839409>>1839541

You definitely should see a therapist but that's easier said than done so I will share some videos that I found helpful. It seems you're at risk of sabotaging your relationship and you're depressed so I would recommend at least talking to a psychiatrist to get some srris because I don't think it's normal to be so down

No. 1839410>>1839419


No. 1839418

I wish my online friends would contact me first. I wish I was popular enough online to get invited to work on my fandom's newsletter.

No. 1839419

I love her thumbnails

No. 1839482

why does my skin keep getting uglier. it used to be so smooth and nice. its so rough and puffy looking????

No. 1839499>>1839568

I can't stand living at home anymore. My parents are so fucking controlling and I can't do anything. I have never been able to work a single day in my life because they're scared of losing their benefits. I just want to leave but that would mean finding a way to get money and giving up on college since no FAFSA = not allowed to attend school. I don't know what to do. I have received maybe 3-4,000 in additional financial aid after I paid for my classes this semester. I wanted to save all of it and still each time I got a check my parents took it to pay off their own bills and whatsnot. Each time they told me they would pay me back and never do it again. I have never had my own money in my entire life until now and of course the first time in my life I got something of my very own, they had to go ahead and take it. I just want to be as far away from them and the rest of my family as possible, but I don't know where to start. They have their hands on every part of my life. I have to do the school program THEY choose, pray and pretend to be a good little Muslim for them. And anytime I argue back, they pull out their stupid Quran verses and tell me how being disobedient will take me to hell. My house is a fucking pigstye because these fuckers decided to breed like rabbits and have 7+ kids with no money and no house to fit them all. I can't study or do shit without some infant crying or siblings arguing or being disturbed by my parents to pray. I want it to all be over. I've been contemplating suicide because honestly I don't have any hope for my future. I've also been thinking of murdering my family. I swear everyday I stay with them the more and more I feel pushed to get rid of them since it's the only way I'll be free. Maybe stab them all or burn them to death.

No. 1839505

For the last few nights there's been a quiet, but audible creaking noise coming from my bedroom wall, the one which connects to the neighbours apartment. I get so distracted by the noise because I can't tell what it is, and it lasts for hours! It sounds like someone constantly tossing and turning in a creaky bed, but I never hear anything else from my neighbour so that can't be it. I wonder if it's some weird piping or something. The worst part is that I can only hear the sound when I lie down. If I sit up to a certain level the noise is a lot more quiet, which makes me wonder if it's my bed that's silently creaking? Or is there some weird acoustics that make the noise audible only from the spot where I rest my head? It definitely sounds like it comes from the wall. It's not rhythmic. Sometimes it stops for minutes, but then starts again. I only hear it at night. So annoying!

No. 1839514

ayrt: thank you for your wonderful reply nonacita, but I'm not sure if I'm kind, haha. Like you, I still feel resentful when I don't get the effort back that I give to friends. However, I have been working not to take my failed expectations out on people since they didn't ask for them. So I take these moments as (painful lbr) learning opportunities to dial down my enthusiasm and perhaps direct it to someone or something else. I 100% understand how you feel about being underappreciated and am sending hugs and good vibes to you. I wish you the same as well! We deserve the love we give!

I don't know if it will help you, but another sort of coping mechanism I have is to categorize friends into intimacy levels, e.g. a casual work friend, friends for going to museums, close friends, etc. Even though I may really be into the person and want to be close, they may not feel the same way. So I repeat to myself that not all people I meet have to be lifelong close friends and adjust boundaries accordingly. However, I still don't know how to get over feeling less liked and in general that I have never been anyone's favorite while I have had many one-sided best friends. It's selfish to say, but I wish I was someone's best friend for once. I don't know. Friendships are hard. I don't know how people are so nonchalant sometimes.

No. 1839541

Thank you nonita bonita! I really dont know what happens to me sometimes, its like my brain stops working and it just get stuck on certain things, im fine now and thank you again for the vids

No. 1839545>>1839609

The worst is when bums dig bags of bathroom garbage out of garbage cans, and rip open a bag of bloody pads and throw those everywhere. It should be legal to shoot those fucks dead if you catch them in the act.

No. 1839547

> my boyfriend is a spineless wonder
> gets emotional over every disagreement
> if i dont micromanage each task its done incorrectly
> i call him an idiot because he is.
> he starts crying and calling me mean
Damn bitch, I already told you I am moving out if you dont step up and be a man- just except you wanna live like a 20 year old and lets just break up already.
Like honestly, with every emotional breakdown I am less and less attracted to you. Theres a reason why I stopped having sex and picked ip a second job. The only convenient aspect of this “relationship” is that I live here rent free so I can pad my savings before bouncing.
What a waste of time to date this wimp. Never again.

No. 1839554

I know damn well to never expect a physical present for a gift because he’s never bothered before…. But I didn’t think asking for a selfie would be too much?? The bar is literally set in hell.

No. 1839555

I could hear my grandma crying after she went to bed so I ended up staying by her side and holding her hand until she fell asleep.
I know it's not too long now and while I'm glad I can help her feel better I just know stuff like this is going to hurt really real bad to remember later on.

No. 1839568

Does your school have any kind of student counselor you could talk to? It's possible there's some kind of minority women's scholarship or something that could get you out of that house. Don't be ashamed to admit that your school performance is suffering because they stole some of your aid money, and you have to listen to screeching babies while you work. This is exactly what women in higher education used to fight against.

No. 1839595

My sister’s insane, I’ve always known that. Now my nephew is starting to show signs of her rage and aggression, which is going to be even worse because he’s male. Moid cousin 1 is sinking back into depression, drugs and alcohol. Moid cousin 2 may be bulimic to the point of causing blindness. I hate our cursed genes and I hate that I can’t do anything to help anyone because no one ever listens to me anyway. I feel bad distancing myself from them, and I feel bad being with them too. Damned if I do, damned if I don’t.

No. 1839600

Fuck i miss hearing her voice so much.

No. 1839606

Of course you've rejoined. If you think I'm going to acknowledge you in any way after you talked shit about me, then during whatever meltdown you had where you left the group servers and removed and blocked me and others, you're insane. You're the one who wrecked a 5-year friendship and a 2-year relationship. I have zero interest in a 27yo scrote who is avoidant af and can't apologise or communicate.

I just know this twat is gonna try and ask to join games I'm in when I play with mutual friends at the weekend. Fuck that, lmao.

No. 1839608

Ugh I fucking hate when people make super obvious excuses, because then it puts the onus on you to either be crazy and call it out or just let close friends you've had for years drift away. Like the fuck you mean you can't get dinner with me because you work all weekend? You work at a breakfast place. They're open until 2pm. Just say you don't want to be my fucking friend anymore

No. 1839609

What the fuck, why do they do that?

No. 1839617>>1839641>>1839645

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I'm sick of my family being seen as these angels I guess, that are in this world to help everyone.
Why do we need to help people? Why can't we be selfish? Why is everyone always coming to us asking for help? Why is it that every time we need help, no one can helps us without conditions?
We're not a charity, we're not psychiatrists, we're not millionaires, we worked hard to get where we are, if we could do this, everyone else can do this, we're not perfect, we're not mentally stable either.
But why do we have to deal with the hard shit that everyone is dealing? why is everyone telling us their issues?
I want to be an autistic mess in peace, and that peace means my family only dealing with their own issues, not my family dealing with other people's issues.
I don't want to know about anyone's problems, it's enough with our own problems, I just want to solve them slowly, but everyone else is making us lose focus on ourselves.
Like, my family isn't perfect but Jesus Christ everyone else in the world has shitty families and at this point I don't even want to date anyone, specially considering how batshit are moids even if they're raised in nice homes, I don't want to have to deal with anymore neglectful parents, I don't want to have to deal with any shitty irresponsible cousins nor weird ass family dynamics.
I literally can't relate and it's tiresome as fuck, plus no one can relate to me either because at least my family loves me and we support each other, and that only makes people mad, it makes them want to poke holes and try to see some sort of abuse when it was never to the point of like, having to learn to cook at 9 or having to get a job at 15 because otherwise we would all die of hunger or some shit like that.

No. 1839621>>1839646>>1839647

My boyfriend was being annoying and joking about how loving me is "the hardest part of his life" so I jokingly pointed out that if I kicked him out, he'd be homeless for so long that he'd lose his job trying to afford housing again and it obviously hurt him. Maybe uhhhh kiss my feet you worthless, powerless loser. We live in Hell, the least you could do is appreciate companionship no matter the difficulty. Bitch.

No. 1839625>>1839777>>1839895>>1839902

Sick of my crackhead faggot ground floor neighbour.
>Since he moved in its been a constant stream of junk in the road of the staircase that he doesn't use since he's ground floor.
Just no regard for anyone else.
>He's been putting a glass flower pot and plant in the road of the stairs so people have to awkwardly move around it. My husband put it up against his door so he has to tip it over to get out of his apartment.
>crackhead friend has his bike blocking the stairs, handle bars touching left rail, back tire touching right rail
>every few days a new faggot fight with yelling and crying happens after 1am
>some drugged up dude was slumped over out the front on Christmas morning, husband called ambulance and he started being violent and smashing cars with his fist
>the cloths drying rack has been out for 8 days with the same 2 pairs of faggot assless jockstraps and we have to walk past it everytime we leave
>had window open sleeping and suddenly my room smelt like road tar (herion maybe??)
>power tools after 12am
>4 packages have been stolen
>came home and as we approached the stairs next to his door there were 2 homeless crackhead no shirt wearing people talking to him, as we got closer they scurried away
>constant stream of random shit that looks stolen, a shopping bag full of baby nappies sat in a puddle next to his door for 6 days. Noone has kids in this complex

Cant move out because rent is retarded.
I hate crackheads and i hate fucking faggots holy shit

No. 1839641>>1839917

>we worked hard to get where we are, if we could do this, everyone else can do this

Shut the fuck up, you spoiled narcissistic cunt.

No. 1839645>>1839917

What did you do to get where you are?
Or are you talking about your parents and grandparents successes?

No. 1839646

you should make him homeless.

No. 1839647

He has such an easy life is loving you is the hardest thing he has to do. Get out of my house, scrub

No. 1839671

I wish I was too stupid to spiral over impossible existential problems.
I wish I could remember if it was this bad last new year or if something else just broke inside me again.

No. 1839694>>1840831

This was back in 1999/98 and like I said, it was a family friend. He owned the property at the time and was willing to transfer shit over. I forget exact details but essentially yes, 20k down payment for that house + rent. The rent couldn't have been too high because my aunt was able to pay it (and still is quite easily) and she's worked as nothing but like, a hospital aide for her entire life (one of the people who cleans up and shit).

No. 1839698>>1839721>>1840124

I'm a content creator for a small hobby, and someone has created an entirely different account to copy my content and alter it in such a way that it's extremely moid friendly. I'm trying to liken it to someone genderbending my character but I get pissed off whenever I check the account and I see interaction count spiraling. People who LIKE MY content are linking to my shit in the comments, but ugh this gives me a headache. I guess this is how artists feel when they have 'DO NOT REPOST WORK' all over their shit but it still ends up on Pinterest…

No. 1839721>>1840117

how is it more moidish?

No. 1839730>>1839769

I cannot get a fucking job right now because I had no car (that I can safely drive, at least). I just feel super down bad and hopeless right now, I'm gonna talk to some people and see what I can do.
>Inb4 "just take public transportation'
Not an option
>Inb4 "just bike"
I wish, but not an option.

No. 1839748

She can never, ever be happy for me, it’s exhausting. I have to excuse myself every time something good happens to me so she won’t get pissed off too much and start complaining. She truly made my self confidence go to hell after all these years.

No. 1839756

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>hang in there, it gets better i promise

No, it didn't. I should have ended it two decades ago.

No. 1839769>>1840023

anon, itll eat most of your budget but uber or get a cab to work. Dont make excuses. There was a point where I had to walk almost an hour to work but I was able to scrooge my money and save up for a car.
Make a facebook and look for women's groups and the ladies there will give you a ride too.
Stalk your neighbours and ask them if they can give you a lift.
Pls nona, its better to struggle now and not give up than losing money you couldve had with a little pain

No. 1839777

There is now 5 faggots over (as I was entering my apartment they were walking up to his door). I bet tonight will be so noisy

No. 1839790

My migraine is killing me right now.

No. 1839819

I hate when people make assumptions just based in their own opinions even when I make it clear it’s not as they think. I feel like they try to dismiss what I say and what I feel just because they want to believe they’re right and I’m wrong.

No. 1839823>>1839834

scrolling through IG i get the odd "support a 13-15 year old artist" post with real understanding of shit like anatomy and shadows, lighting, values and at first i was like man, good for them!!! i envy how good this young talent is starting to become! but with how many videos ive been suggested i'm really starting to doubt most of these are actually young artists which… good for them still if they aren't? but it just comes across as sympathy fishing for me which is kind of.. strange in a bad way

No. 1839834>>1839838

thats the oldest trick in the book, I've known about several age liars like a 30 yr old woman with a BA pretending to be a self taugh teen. Also, men pretending to be women to bait simps.

Its super rare when this gets aired nowadays though but i remember in old days of DA people ratted out each other a lot and made for some fun drama.

No. 1839838>>1839845

the man pretending to be woman thing i've seen time and time again but the former? seems weird as fuck to me or atleast a setup for odd things. well… i atleast feel less bad for having doubts now lol

No. 1839845>>1839954

I mean, it works. The same drawing gets more engagement when its made by a child prodigy who is self taught, became a pro in a month and also his uncle works at Nintendo

No. 1839864

I don't want to show up tomorrow. The newer coworkers have been starting shit with me over nothing and my boss already likes them more. We're overstaffed, there isn't enough money, it just gives me anxiety being in such a tense environment. The days I have off make me realize there's so much more to life. If I'm retarded my masking is terrible. I hate that it feels like everyone can just see, or smell my weirdness. All I want is a boss who actually sees me as an equal employee rather than one who practically yells at me cause I'm not the favorite.

No. 1839869

I might vent about my dad sometimes but I know he didn't come from an easy start in life and I wish my brother would give it a rest with his less than subtle inquiries about how much my dad will leave him after he dies. It's like he resents my dad spending any money in his retirement because he should just be scraping every cent together to leave a nicer will behind

My dad had to leave home early, work manual jobs and send a chunk of his paycheck home to help support his younger siblings because his parents were sick. Then when they died there was no will and my dad had to pay for their funerals each time because nothing had been put in place in advance. Idk how he's not more disgusted by my brother awaiting his death like it's going to be his opportunity to go on some more foreign holidays.

No. 1839877

I'm so grateful for you, but sometimes I wish we had never met

No. 1839882>>1839909

I've been wondering for some time how do we help TIFs and ex-TIFs? Like I might want to put some vitriol aside

No. 1839883>>1839886

I hate when gay moids take over something they don't comprehend/wasn't made for them. Lost braincells listening to two talk about Big Little Lies. There is a scene where Nicole Kidman's character says "indecent or not, this case is about mothering." It's a very poignant scene but these fags go "yaaaaaaass mother is mothering!". Fuck off.

No. 1839884

I've been feeling more and more sick lately and I'm worried that it might be a tumor or some shit

No. 1839886

Fucking wokebros

No. 1839895

Living in an apartment sounds like hell. How do you manage to get any sleep? Everything seems like a nuisance.

No. 1839902

people like that makes me think fentanyl is not so bad

No. 1839909>>1839914

IRL you can be confident, normal, and female. That's enough to throw most of them into a panic.
Express interest in their boyo hyperfixations, talk casually about how you've loved dinosaurs since you were a little girl, be nice when they ask if you're really agender nonbinary hyperspace-lesbian aligned queer because you owned a galaxy top in 2016. They're obsessive navel gazers with self-induced OCD and need to be shown that in real life nobody gives a shit about boi wear blue gorl wear pink. It takes a while, they like to delude themselves into thinking they've found a fellow queerio, but eventually they come round.
Oh, and treat them like you'd treat normal, awkward women. There's absolutely nothing masculine about them, so why pretend? You're talking to a flat-chested short-haired woman in a tacky shirt. That's all a normal person would see, they should get used to it.

No. 1839914

Ntayrt but I like this advice, I’d really like to help TiFs, their whole existence makes me sad TBH. My question is how do you “treat someone like a woman”? I feel like their whole thing is not liking how gender roles in society put them in a box for being a woman, and our ideas of “masculinity” and “femininity” are both attributes existent in people regardless of gender (so they can be masculine because masculine women exist and that’s fine).

No. 1839917>>1839934>>1839959

Sorry you have a shit life, but it's the truth, I don't need to stop for everyone if no one is stopping for me.
I don't understand just why do you need me and anyone else to help the world 24/7, ask a huge ass company for help, they actually have the money and teams to help people, not me or my family.
I have a career, I've been working with people I don't like, I've had to deal with people I'm sick of.
I don't get why is it that everyone seethe like the anon over you whenever someone has an almost happy home. Why can't I be proud of my family? Why do I have to act like I'm this martyr that never had a stable home and that had to work hard from the moment I was conceived in order to "deserve" what I have?
I don't get this, is it that everyone is just so used to seeing people miserable, that seeing a person with a regular life seems disgusting?

No. 1839922>>1839945

My parents are so obsessed with my work hours. They INSIST I work full time even though I pay them rent on time every month, with money leftover to buy food and other things.

No. 1839930

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Holy shit moids are so fucking retarded and socially inept. I got hit on by one of our friends last night and he tried to talk me into going home with him but I kept telling him that I'm too good for casual sex and that I only have sex when I'm in a relationship. He then proceeded to praise his skills (especially eating out) and how all the women he's slept with praise him for it. And then, after I told him again and again that I'm not fucking interested, he's like "Well fine, I know I'll get laid tonight anyway. I have my roster". KEK so pathetic omfg. He realy thought I'd think that I'm the one who's missing out. I'm sure I hurt his ego. Besides, he was in a relationship with one of my close friends and there's no way I'd touch him regardless of how pathetic he was.

No. 1839934>>1839937

No, it’s your attitude about it. Boo hoo, you’ve had to work with people you don’t like? That’s your idea of deserving to be a snob? Just a classic autistic child of successful parents that is completely clueless about humanity and the rest of the world.

No. 1839936

I have such a low mood today and don't feel like doing anything. Not even reading lolcow threads. I just wanna sleep

No. 1839937>>1839998

Again, I don't get this, Sorry I didn't have to sell candy on the street since age 1?

No. 1839945

Don't they just want you to work enough to save enough to be able to move out?

No. 1839953

I have dizziness, swaying feeling, and headaches all the time. I had an mri and it revealed that I hand something called chiari malformation and every doctor I’ve talked to is just like “aw yeah aha just take some motion sickness pills you can get at cvs!” this has ruined my life and nobody who has the power to help me cares. If I was a man they would have done SOMETHING by now

No. 1839954

ahaha.. good point..

No. 1839959

It's best not to respond to some posters. It's a crabs in a bucket mentality with some people. That's all.

No. 1839998

>I can’t figure out why all these destitute poorfags don’t like me uwu

No. 1840020

Hate how I can't post in my niche corners of the internet without this faggot I slept with from three years ago trying to stalk me. History shows he tried posting my selfies and nudes asking for me but obv that didn't work cause no one cares. He always looks for me. I post rarely, and I end up ignoring his replies, but he is irksome knowing I'm not even that special to him I'm just one of the only few women who indulged him so now he cannot leave me alone if he thinks I am around. He lies about his age +/- 5 years depending and always boasts his exploits if they can even be believed by how desperate he acts. He's just gonna be mean to me anyway, I know why he cannot move on–no women have wanted him since obviousky–but I wish he would try.

No. 1840023

this is good advice. there was a time period where I had to take lyfts to work, and it wasn't so bad. then again, I would've had to pay for parking anyway, and I expect fees got higher over the past few years, then now people expect a higher percentage of tips despite the fact that they're getting more money at the same % because the initial cost went up.
Maybe take an Uber or whatever to your interview and then for the first week or two, but meanwhile sniff out a cool coworker who might be able to give you a ride most of the time. You'll want to pay them for the gas they're using to pick you up and maybe a little extra as a personalized "convenience fee" but depending on what kind of job it turns out to be/your schedule, you might be able to find someone who'd pick you up and be appreciative of a packed lunch/breakfast sandwich to eat on the way, etc. as compensation for their time. Use the barter system and play to your strengths.

No. 1840058

I fucking hate i make myself up and dress nice and make sure im clean and not posing as a homeless person and i have to work with a man who smells like 4 week unwashed nutsack who looked like he got his clothes from a sewage drain.

Idk how a man can smell like a cow stable, balls, stale cum, and sweat all at once but he’s achieved it.

Im gonna hug my boyfriend later and thank him for showering everyday.

No. 1840117

They’re just adding details to my shit that moids like. Useless crap like “tit size” and hobby sections that are literally just “she loves to cook”. I’ve tried reporting and a few things they’ve reposted have been taken dow but the account is still there. Most of the time I forget about it and go about my day but sometimes I think “fuck, bottom barrel scrotes weren’t meant to have access to my content and now they do”.

No. 1840124

Use Glaze on your work in case the copycat account is using AI to help them out, then start posting muscular men with massive dick bulges and see what the copycat does with that.

No. 1840244>>1840269

I was in the ER New Year's with the worst pain I've ever felt, vomiting multiple times, I wanted to die. They did a CT scan and it showed I had two kidney stones on their way to my bladder, never had any in my life prior. Morphine did nothing they had to give me Dilaudid, but because it was right after midnight NYE I waited forever for each injection cause drunks. I've passed one stone I have no idea what's become of the other, I have an appointment soon to have it examined. I just feel so betrayed by my own body. I was very ill when I was 15 and had a hard time eating in fear of aggravating said illness. I lost a lot of weight and was in bed a lot. I've since recovered and eat fairly clean and drink plenty of water. I thought I was doing everything right. Now I'm almost 28 and feel I've been re-traumatized and regressed to being 15 again and I'm afraid to eat anything in fear of making another stone, or leave the house. The first two days after discharge I had tremors and anxiety attacks. I have managed to go back to work at least, keeping busy helped me feel somewhat normal again. I'm just so tired, nonnas.

No. 1840269>>1840322

I hope everything will become better for you. The body is such a fragile mechanism, but you're more resilient than you believe yourself to be. If it's OK to ask, do you know what caused those stones? Whenever I hear about kidney stones, they sound like the most painful experience ever.

No. 1840270

My family fucking hates me, it's clear they want me to go insane and be miserable and I want them to go to hell. There's no reason for them to be so angry and mean with me all the time. I work hard and I often do things for them but each time they turn around and call be a stupid useless retard and badmouth me to everyone they know. I can't take this anymore. I don't have anyone else in my life and I'm tired of always thinking of myself as lesser and subhuman because of them. I'm tired.

No. 1840283

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Sometimes I wonder if I'm really recovering. Just because I'm back on the wagon doesn't mean I don't occasionally lapse into habits I'm unlearning.

I wasn't dealt a decent hand in life with looks or smarts, so I have to accept the only thing I'm really good at is enduring and trying to find where I do belong in my utter mediocrity

why does it hurt so much when I have a few good days and then an awful meltdown? I should be kinder to myself since I was basically on the verge of death without meds.

But all I can think is how could I have been on meds a month and still hurt as much as I do? 2 weeks lowest dosage, 2 weeks higher dosage, 4 weeks this dosage, probably need higher.

The fact that I've basically accepted I have to be on anticonvulsants for the rest of my life to stop my brain from malfunctioning and live healthily fucking hurts. I didn't put myself in this predicament, it was years of trauma damaging me. I don't want to be damaged, or victimize myself, and I want to stop presenting or acting as damaged, yet I fundamentally accept I am broken. How I wish I could've had a healthy, neurotypical brain and a neurotypical childhood with parents, friends and partners who loved me, not this life I've lived.

No. 1840284>>1840749

I am trying to find a job and I'm so demoralized. I'm sick of telling people this because they just try to place the blame on me. I've sent out hundreds of applications.

Maybe 5 percent send me an automated rejection email.

The only other ones that reply to me are obvious scams. They offer to hire me but are emailing me from a dead URL.

I am very smart, very accomplished. I can do high level coding yet I can't find a fuckin job. I want to blame AI but I don't know if they're really to blame. I'm even thinking about going back to school, purely so I don't get the social handicap of being "lazy" because I'm unemployed.

No. 1840322

Thank you nonna. I'm not too sure yet what the cause is because there's so many different factors (they drew my blood in the ER and didn't say anything after so I'm assuming everything looked normal), but the packet they sent me home with with foods to avoid mentions nuts, almonds being the worst and ngl I eat a lot of stuff containing them and use almond milk. My primary thought I might be magnesium deficient and recommended it (the almonds as a source). High oxalates in certain foods can contribute to stone formation, but if you have it with a calcium source it will go to the gut and not stick around in the kidneys. And citric acid helps stop them from forming in general. I have rosacea so I was avoiding a lot of citrus and dairy milk (cheese doesn't make flare up for whatever reason). I've immediately reintroduced dairy yogurt into my diet with plain low-fat greek yogurt and swapped the almond milk for flaxseed, which has low oxalates. And then I have lemon water with lunch. I'll know the exact cause next week when I have a follow-up at the urologist and they can analyze the stone.
It truly was the most painful experience ever. I've had bad period cramps where I've thrown up but this was even worse. Thankfully they prescribed me hardcore pain meds and Zofran so in the future if it happens again I'm prepared and don't have to suffer in the ER again!

No. 1840323>>1840328

A scrote just now tried to shame me for not having a coat on my furry, bred for the Himalayan mountains dog. Yeah it’s cold but he’s literally built for this weather..

No. 1840324>>1840448

There’s nothing bad happening, everything in my life is fine, but somehow I still feel like shit.

No. 1840328>>1840334

‘people’ who put coats on their dogs who are covered in fur annoy me so bad. You think God just put hair all over him for no reason??

No. 1840334

Not even hair, fur is thicker and more dense than hair. The only animals that would need coats are either hairless or small. Most dogs will do fine in cold weather, and dogs bred to survive the winter will do absolutely fine in cold weather. The scrote who tried to shame anon is probably one of those retards that humanize animals with a whole different psychology and build. Probably the type to pet a random cassowary because "it's just a cute wittle blue ostrich!"

No. 1840400

Swear to god, if this bitch doesn't stop it with the heckin pupperino XDDD bullshit I'm gonna go off on her.

No. 1840421>>1840432

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I know it's stupid to be upset that a doctor told me I do not have autism nor ADHD, but I was really hoping I'd finally get some meds that would help me study and get my life together.

No. 1840432>>1840440>>1840443>>1841748

taking meth lite is not a solution to the fact modern entertainment is designed to annihilate your ability to focus. I was in your same boat (fully thought I was adhd, upset when doctors disagreed) but over time I was able to build up my focus by treating it like a muscle (training and slowly building the time I spent focusing over time) and now I can study for hour-long spans. You can do it nonna you're strong, don't let yourself be memed into becoming dependent on meds

No. 1840440>>1840485

SSRIs are poisonous but if you're actually ADHD or bipolar you may need stimulants or an anticonvulsant just to survive.

Depends on the severity.

No. 1840443>>1840487>>1840511

Hate the idiotic take that all pharmaceuticals are bad. Go take your apple cider vinegar and have your leech therapy dumbass

No. 1840448

same. i end up thinking i shouldn't feel like shit. no tragic backstory or big bad event to justify it. just this vague unease and depression i can't easily attribute to just one thing since it's made up of many small, scattered events i can't fully quantify. And it's even worse when i realize it could actually get bad in the future and now is the best it'll be (physically for example)

No. 1840458

I haven’t drawn in ages because I don’t feel like I deserve to be good at something. My self esteem is in the gutter

No. 1840460

I hate apartment living and I want to buy my own little house, but all the single family small homes that are cheap in America are in isolated pockets of the the southwest, surrounded by desert and highway. The thing that scares me the most about this is that a scrote could break in and kill me and prob never get caught

No. 1840462

want to kill myself for being autistic i am such a fuck up no matter what i do why did i start working at mcdonald’s i’m such a retard klutz and it’s 5th job in the past year kill me

No. 1840485>>1840491

You don’t get to adulthood undiagnosed if you can’t function without meds

No. 1840487>>1840495

You sound mad nonna, maybe you should up your fluoxetine and take more birth control kek

No. 1840491

That's not true. Plenty of people end up failing in life because they go undiagnosed in their youth and nobody steps in.

No. 1840495

Remember, if we all lived by your rules we'd be dying of dysentery and praying to various dieties hoping the floodplain has a good year.
The view that ,,pharmaceuticals = bad,, because they cause side-effects, of all things, is a stupid one. And you're encouraging people that aren't well to not take them.

No. 1840511>>1840545

>What do they call alternative medicine that works?
I'm sick of people telling me to take random pretty sounding herbs. I get a good mental state halfway there but come on.

No. 1840545>>1840548>>1840593>>1840614

Except it doesn't work.

Except to make people addicted and loose their money that is. The success rate of psychiatric drugs are abysmal and they cause more problems than they solve.

No. 1840548

Maybe in the US where it's big business to get everyone to swallow as many pills as possible. Here it took ages and multiple therapy sessions before they'd give me anything. Maybe that's the gov just trying to cheap out and not have to pay for it.

No. 1840555>>1840579>>1840599>>1840605

Was having a discussion with some people about OnlyFans and our various takes on it, and I was honest about my reasonings for why I think it's negative for women. In this conversation I used the term "cp" and then it shifted the entire conversation for the entire rest of the discussion to how my use of the term "cp" was bad and I should be using the term "csam".
I wasn't comfortable sharing this information with this group of people, but I am a victim of whatever the fuck you want to call it and whatever people are calling it means so much less to me than preventing it from happening. Hearing a bunch of pro "sex work" bitches berate me and police my language on something that directly affected me made me so irrationally angry. Calling it cp isn't what normalizes it and hurts children, normalizing barely of age women doing onlyfans and girlbossing their way into producing porn as their literal first adult decision is what hurts children. Fucking idiots.

No. 1840579>>1840605>>1840619

I never understood the argument that the word porn makes it sound consensual or whatever the reason was last time I read a back and forth about that. We all know it’s inherently an abusive act but now those people think they’re the woke supremes by learning a new term and have to flex their super progressive terminology on anyone who uses the common term instead of focusing on the bigger picture. It’s such a nothing of an argument. And I understand that rage completely, talking to pro porn and pro sex work women is blackpilling.

No. 1840593>>1840615

You're looking at it from a very US-centric standpoint.

No. 1840599>>1840604>>1840619

When someone tries to create a new euphemism for something they are bad people. CP is CP.
OnlyFans puts a bit of power into women to create their own content but it's being abused constantly. Better than having to run through gross porn publishers but not by much. There's multiple stories of women getting trafficked to Eastern Europe to only end up in OnlyFans content houses. Some of them are even linked to Andrew Tate.
The only way to ethically consume porn is through hentai or fanfics.

No. 1840604>>1840606>>1840609

> When someone tries to create a new euphemism for something they are bad people. CP is CP
Jfc the term “child sexual abuse material” started being used in clinical settings because it describes the abuse that was recorded. I’m a victim of it and no one is a bad person for calling it either “child sexual abuse material” or “child porn”, both terms are fine, just fucking shut up.

No. 1840605

I'm sorry that happened to you, and im also sorry those bitches you were talking to don't got no tact at all with victims, they're too far invested into their own fucked up "sex work" world
>I never understood the argument that the word porn makes it sound consensual or whatever the reason
They think porn is a consensual decision inherently, instead of what it is: rape. That's why

No. 1840606

Sorry I overstepped. I've just heard some moids online say phrases like "it's not actually pedophilia it's some other word because she's a teenager. I'm totally not a pedo guys". Like they are trying to lessen what they did.
I'm really sorry you were subjected to that and I didn't mean to insult you.

No. 1840609

wtf calm down

No. 1840614>>1840656

People who have bipolar disorder have micro seizures every time our brain switches from manic to depressive. Most people with severe enough mental illness cannot control it through natural means. It's quite literally that you're born that way (autism, adhd, mood and personality disorders are genetic in part) and/or develop it through trauma. I have basically accepted at this point that I'm going to be on Lamictal or an adjacent bipolar drug for the rest of my life. When I am off and I was for two years, I endanger myself. I put myself in exceptionally bad situations, resorted to dangerous coping mechanisms, and my body literally felt for 30 months like it was on autopilot mode.

I was doped up on SSRIs and other drugs from the time I was under 12 years old but I was too abused and ended up developing a mood and personality disorder. Thanks to my reckless nasty parents I will be forced into chemical co dependency for the rest of my life.

As much as I would like not to take meds, I have to and I wish people would realize it. Otherwise my brain is so active and overwrought it's on the verge of imploding.

No. 1840615

I am not even american.

Getting addicted to be benzos, meth and antidepressants that have just as much efficacy as a placebo is not good just because you are doing it in Europe.

Its even been proved that anti-depresants don't do anything. Depression.

No. 1840619>>1840707

Yeah I think you're both right that there's just this automatic view that porn is good and consensual, so saying cp just sexualizes that content. Porn at best is a neutral term, it just means erotic material of some kind. And that's the intent behind why it's made, because worthless moids are getting off to it. I don't mind the term csam being used but I think a lot of people aren't familiar with that term and trying to force others to use it just creates a lot of unnecessary misunderstanding.
To me, csam sounds vague and if I hadn't previously been exposed to that term it's something I could've easily overlooked if I had read it online or something. Whereas the term cp is familiar with everyone and can't be misunderstood.

No. 1840634>>1840640

ho boy time to go help my fat retarded mother fix what's probably an easy problem that she can't fix herself because she's rancorous and stupid. also why did you even buy a pc for like $100 and get surprised when it has issues. kek i hate this idiot

No. 1840640

yuup took like two goddamn minutes: it wasn't plugged in. i don't know why she thinks i unplugged it…? why would i do that. "you were using the saw!!" for what? what would i use a saw for. and why couldn't you do what i did, e.g. bend over and see whether or not it was plugged into the wall. stupid stupid stupid old asshole

No. 1840656>>1840691

Sad that you were made dependant on a drug for life at just 12 before your brain even developed fully. Its a tragedy

No. 1840686

This is literally me. I'm not 30 YET but I'm losing my fucking mind. I don't want to have "3" instead of "2" in my age. Just being able to clearly remember 10 FUCKING YEARS is crazy to me. Like I remember 2013 so well like it was yesterday. It puts time into a perspective. The entire life will flee like this. And I'm nowhere near the point I wanted to be in life in terms of personal/work/academics stuff because I never even expected to live that long, I was just surviving day by day, dealing with cptsd and chronic illness etc. And now I'm here and I can't do things, I should do things, but I struggle to find the time and I feel so fucking old and ashamed and tired and like it's too late for anything because this world only cares for young people

No. 1840688

I truly hope there is a hell so that all the animal abusers will burn it it. I understand wanting to be graphic so people understand how bad it is but you didn't have to include a picture of a kitten being blending with no warning or spoiler in your petition. Now I'm so anxious and upset after seeing that, I truly wish a very painful death on these people.

No. 1840691>>1840697

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I don't take SSRIs anymore. Turns out SSRIs in bipolar patients can induce mania. I was on a mood stabilizer and anti anxiety (alternative to benzos but not addictive) for the longest time till I went off thanks to financial reasons. Those did help. Now I'm back on a mood stabilizer alone and still upping dosage, but it's cleared my cloudy mind a lot. I no longer have crazy heart palpitations and a reduced desire to cut my wrists. Unfortunately in those two years I was off I had more traumatic things happen so it's not a cure all. I still have an adhd david lynch movie playing in my head what feels like 24/7, but it's not a horror picture.

On top of the substance dependency I was abused by family and later in life by men, can't keep friends worth shit, I generally consider myself to be a pretty fucked up bitch whose problems rub off on everyone. Fell from grace harder in the last two years so I have nothing left, lost my IRL friends, lost my job, my creativity, my motivation and my self worth. The only noteworthy thing was graduating college. I tried to kill myself so many times. My body is pretty impervious to dying. It always has been, I had an even stronger pattern of OD attempts in 2018-2019, an NDE, none of which killed me. no inpatient hospitalization, I suffered through them. All that's left plain and simple is in with the new out with the old, restart. Like I'm fucked up, and I have to take at least one medication for the rest of my life. As long as I can afford it, can keep a job in the future, and don't fall into dilapidation it's fine. But that is always a fear, especially without meds. I'm not one of those Kanye esque bipolars thinking I'm cured, I couldn't financially afford them for a few years and it was ruinous. I'd rather be in debt and happy than unmedicated and rotting.

Burgerland healthcare doesn't give a fuck about people like me and our struggles. what I need is a job with real, actual insurance coverage

No. 1840697>>1840710

if you were taking ssri's and they didn't immediately start triggering mania (think bright saturated colours, immediate uplift in mood, increased urge to drink, spend and do things that elevate that mood) then you do not have bipolar, stop deluding yourself
you would not want anything like bipolar, it ruins lives, look up the worst things done in bipolar episodes on reddit or quora and you'll see why.

No. 1840702

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2016 was the last good year
>2 years out of college and could afford a nice apartment with my 2 friends
>Republicans hadn't taken over
>The left hadn't gone bananas
>Economy was at a high after the recession
>I could afford to go to Europe
>Festivals weren't just an excuse for influencers to make "content"
>Tinder wasn't completely shit
>No Tiktok
>No pandemic
>People were nicer
I remember spending a sunny Saturday slipping in and out of bars playing Pokemon Go with my friends. I want to go back.
I still have you lolcow. I still have you.

No. 1840707

They want to separate child porn from child sexual abuse material for when they legalize it.

No. 1840710>>1840735>>1840739

I do actually have bipolar. I was diagnosed when I was 19-20… don't denounce what I've gone through like that, it's not the same for everyone. I was also hyper adjusted to being on SSRIs by the time I got off them, took some since childhood but when I realized how adversely they began affecting me I went off

No doctors told me they triggered mania till my most recent. I had a BP type I friend who took them who didn't have an adverse reaction to them. It's person to person, but personally I hate SSRIs and think they either don't do much good or worsen it. Doesn't mean I don't have bipolar because I don't have a certain reaction smh. I was given markers for bipolar as a teen and never officially dx'd till adulthood. It's common. If my brain no longer feels like it's melting on lamictal either way

No. 1840723>>1840732

I honestly don’t know where to put this thought of mine so I’m doing it here. Sorry in advance. What drives the male actors to bog themselves with plastic surgeries? I know that for actresses there is a pressure to stay young forever but males are not required to do that. Yet they do it, and it looks worse than on the women imo. It messes the face up and all of them just look very uncanny valley to me after. I hate it. I am an old fart and some actors I liked got a work done and they look like something out of a horror movie. Why, is all I’m asking. Like you have all the advantages of being a man, eg you can “age gracefully like a fine wine” and you decide to bog yourself. And look like a plastic doll. Sigh. That’s it I guess.

No. 1840729>>1840821>>1840850>>1840851

There is this guy I've been talking to on a dating app for a while, he is so thoughtful, adorable, and incredibly physically attractive (has a cute face and long sexy hair), absolutely obsessed with me and talks to me all day, but he's 6'3. Fuuuuucking why, this is a deal-breaker in any other situation, I am 5 feet. I'm scared we're not going to be physically compatible at all (how the fuck do you even hug or kiss with this much of a height difference). The only reason we haven't gone out on a date yet is because I told him I want to be the one to initiate things (he's not plate spinning), but I'd feel like such a weirdo dating a guy so tall.

No. 1840732

Men don't age gracefully. That's a myth. Both my brothers are almost fully grey and dumpy by their early 30s despite working construction. It's just that in Hollywood they can get testosterone hormone therapy to essentially naturally reset their bodies back to their early 20s. It's when that doesn't work they have to get extreme. Massive work like that is the ones you notice. Everyone gets work in Hollywood it's only the bad stuff you notice.

No. 1840735>>1840739>>1840748

SSRIs are very tricky. It helps some folks but not many of them. The cost vs benefit is pretty low, but it’s a cheap drug so it’s indicated left and right. And the side effects aren’t very serious (not life threatening).it’s the first choice for a vague depression symptoms as described by a patient. If you want to avoid any serotonin alternating drug, don’t you ever tell your doctor you are depressed. Otherwise they will throw it at you handful. It’s the guide. Depression equals lack of serotonin in the books nowadays. And it was the same 20 years ago and there’s no change coming, afaik

No. 1840739>>1840792

Have either of you had brain zaps? I'm about to go on SSRIs and I'm terrified of them

No. 1840748>>1840756

Its already known that serotonin has nothing to do with deppression but they keep drugging people anyway. Trust le science

No. 1840749

Going through the same thing nonna. Lost my job a few months ago and haven't had a single ounce of luck yet. Even though I have two degrees, I'm thinking of just going back for something more "marketable" just to feel like I'm doing something with my life other than waiting for an email. I wish you the best of luck. There is bound to be something for us.

No. 1840756>>1840760>>1840763>>1840765

I'm not expert but with the happy chemicals isn't it
>Oxytocin- Love that thing. Go make kids
>Dopamine - You ate, exercised or did something beneficial to the body. Feel good
>Serotonin - Your moods out of whack. Let me bump you up to ok so you can do things
Serotonin doesn't get you elated, just up to functional. When you're drained of that you can never get ok enough to do anything to push the rest.

No. 1840760

People don't understand biochemistry or hormones it's why retards think injecting the sex hormones will reverse aging. The telomeres of the chromosomes that contain your dna code are constantly deteoriating. That's what ages you. Unfortunately as much as trannies try to decry chromosomes don't matter they really fundamentally do.

No. 1840761

I am so fucking cranky right now. I want to throw myself on the floor and scream and cry like a toddler but I’m at my stupid fucking job so I have to be a normie. I don’t even know why I’m so upset, I just am which is annoying because I don’t want to be upset

No. 1840763

No chemical is singlely responsible for those feelings you stupid tard.

No. 1840765>>1840773>>1840776

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>Serotonin doesn't get you elated, just up to functional. When you're drained of that you can never get ok enough to do anything to push the rest.
It doesn't. Its been debunked already but they keep prescribing it anyways because psychiatrists are quacks.

If you take serotonin for depression i am sorry but you are eating placebos.

No. 1840769

I spent too long staring at the medicalgore subreddit and now I feel icky and depressed and keep imagining the meat under people's faces

No. 1840773>>1840775>>1840776

Stop speaking like you know anything about neurochemistry, chemical engineering and pharmaceuticals please, in reality you are a loser with a shit job posting on lolcow.farm, and that's reality. I'm amazed we keep fucks like you alive but you don't realize you're unwell I suppose(infighting)

No. 1840775>>1840791

Take your pills you're being hostile.(infighting)

No. 1840776>>1840784

There are better sources which support this including metastudies but anybody willing to believe in the modern equivalent of medieval humour theory isn't going to be interested in hearing about it.
>in reality you are a loser with a shit job posting on lolcow.farm
>and that's reality
You need to read this back to yourself. Retard.

No. 1840778>>1840780>>1840782>>1840783>>1840786>>1840805

What chemicals can I take to be happy nonas?

No. 1840780

No. 1840782


No. 1840783>>1840788

MDMA(samefagging retard)

No. 1840784

LOL. You are actually equating SSRI use to medieval humor theory, that is funny… You probably walk farmfields with copper rods. IDIOT.(infighting)

No. 1840785>>1840810

Straight up told my family that I can't have a relationship with anyone who has a relationship with my mom (siblings excluded, but that's complicated.) I'm not trying to punish her or be petty to anyone in my family but I just can't be around anyone who chooses a relationship with her knowing what she's done to me. I don't even care if it's my grandma, I want nothing to do with anyone close to her. They don't even know the worst of it, it makes me wanna go bonkers and expose her to everyone but I know I'm just feeling fucked and upset and would regret it for my own sake later.

No. 1840786

Carbon Monoxide. Your car makes it for free(samefagging retard)

No. 1840788

Dont do too much mdma though, the overdose of it fucking sucks

No. 1840791

She is taking them but they do 't work.

No. 1840792>>1840814

From my point of view SSRIs never ever helped anyone with long term problems. They’re shit for this. Even for short term I prefer bupropion for people reporting depression. It has its own shortcomings but still less harmful. If you want to try ssri, don’t worry, no brain zaps. The most common side effects I encountered were nausea, tremors and sweating. You be fine

No. 1840803

During the holiday season my fatass binged on junk and now i'm paying for it and trying to diet. I shouldn't have had too much food but here we are.

No. 1840805

Well, it depends on lots of things. First of all- What is the meaning of “happy” to you? It’s a very broad term and it can represent a wide range of things to various people. So ask yourself first what being happy feels like to you. Then write it here and hopefully someone will give you an answer.

No. 1840808

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I'm so jealous of Olivia Rodrigo it's actually sickening, she just seems to have all the fun in the world. Must be nice to be pretty, rich and popular with loving friends and family.
I know I sound underaged but sadly I'm not.

No. 1840810


Good for you nonna, I think you just set a boundary. Don’t be afraid to express your feelings and needs, you’re the one that matters.This is your life to live and no other person has power over it.

No. 1840814>>1840818>>1840832

1) You're not supposed to take anti-depressants forever, pharma companies and doctors will tell you this as their use becomes less effective over time.
2) Anti-depressants are not a magic wand that with one swish and a flick they'll get rid of all your problems in one-go, they are supposed to negate the effects a depressive episode has.
3) It's either an issue of a shit life, diet and exercise, an unaddressed medical issue or mental illness. Very few people have unconsoleable unipolar depression

As for depression being caused by low serotonin or a chemical imbalance, the bio processes are very complex, they are discovering treatments with schizophrenia recently that use different pathways other than the dopamine regulators to solve psychosis. THINK the extreme number of wires behind a TV. Very intricate wiring and tough to solve. Low serotonin can be one possible explanation for a small select group of people.

No. 1840818>>1840823>>1840824

>Very few people have unconsoleable unipolar depression
I win the lottery again! My first lottery win was the baldness lottery. I love living!

No. 1840821

Don’t worry, I’m 5’1, was with a 6’5 guy and everything was ok. Only trouble that I might think of was that friends made fun of the height difference. That’s all, just few jokes.

No. 1840823>>1840833

I imagine this is how scrotes feel, you lose an organ by MPB, and you get abuse, sort of have to soldier on, put on a brave face. And you're supposed to be ok with it. And nobody has found a cure for them yet. Must be horrible.

No. 1840824>>1840827

ECT for you then! At least where I live.

No. 1840827>>1840833>>1840836

Don't do ECT, it's basically just seizures in the brain like what happens with epileptics (sense of euphoria after a seizure) and bipolar (how it triggers the mood change from depressive v manic). Only offers temporary relief in some cases, can cause memory loss, your brain goes to it's normal-state eventually

No. 1840831

Do you think everyone has a family friend that can transfer property and 20k over? Fucking hate rich kids

No. 1840832>>1840838

I don’t know where you are from but here no one tells you you’re not supposed to be medicated long term. And only a handful of doctors warns you about the side effects. Free healthcare sounds nice at first but when you really get down to it, there’s a lot of ugly stuff going. Oversaturated docs are keen to find the easiest solutions to just get rid of you for as long as possible. Or there’s always the option of relaying the patient to other specialist. No time to really listen to your patient, because there’s always at least ten of them waiting and demanding your full attention.

No. 1840833

I'm the anon that the anon you're replying to replied to, and it's all doctors and therapists try to sell me on these days. I finally found a therapist I could afford and she dropped me and told me therapy couldn't help me and to just do ECT. I said "I heard it has bad memory and cognition side effects though" and she said "not always!" Very reassuring. My psychiatrists have all told me there's nothing more I can try either. I wish I was born without these problems. The worst part is my parents assuring me that I will get better! The doctors don't know what they're talking about! You will come out of this! and get mad at me when I say that's unlikely since I've been this way since 14 years old. It's maddening to have to live with their blind optimism and not show how horrible I feel every day.
>lose an organ
What? also idk if you're calling me a scrote but I'm a 24 y/o woman. That's just how unlucky I am.

No. 1840836

It was a joke… It is considered a last resort treatment, at least here. I knew this old fella, drug resistant depression and he got the ect. Didn’t help him either. For the ones who don’t know, it’s nothing like in the movie with jack nicholson, it’s under applied under full anaesthesia nowadays.

No. 1840838>>1840842

YES doctors are supposed to help you with medical issues you're currently experiencing and offer drugs they didn't make, just had good reported experiences with to combat these problems, please see a private doctor or specialist for a special treatment plan that works for you. If you need to talk about problems you're facing and dealing with then they'd suggest therapy usually. All of them offer separate services.

No. 1840842>>1840847

Imo therapy has the best results but it’s a very long term thing, and there’s also the thing with finding the best therapist for you. What I mean is that therapy is a mutual thing, you have to trust them and they have to be sure they can help you, at least a little bit. It’s very personal. And it might take some time to find someone who is just right for you and vice versa. And also this approach requires you working very hard. In therapy, it always gets worse before it gets any better.

No. 1840845

this is gonna sound pathetic but tbh, I wish I could work at a Barnes and Noble or something. I like books and I like how new ones smell. I love to hold them. I love to read. But I am a creep in the most mundane, boring way possible and I even look effortlessly terrifying. There's no way I'd ever be hired to work there. Maybe I could get a job gravedigging or at a Haunted House or something.

No. 1840847

ntayrt, but then why have both therapists I've tried just told me to do ECT and that they can't help me? kek it's like everyone wants me to die or something.

No. 1840850

I used to have a tall bf and it was awkward/incompatible sometimes regarding sex positions and he’d complain sometimes how much he has to bend down to kiss me. You should still try though, I’m not sure it’d be an auto deal breaker for me despite some struggles.

No. 1840851

My husband is 6'2 and I'm 5'0 and it works out fine for us. Worst case you can try and if it's too weird for you just go separate ways

No. 1840855>>1840902

I cannot fucking take trannies in amazon reviews anymore kekkk.
>look up old cows and end up on an ebook on how to be a golddigger
>reviews is full of women recommending it over the span of 13 years
>see profile picture of heavily shooped man in a wig grabbing his moob with dirty nailed manhands
>"this book is okay but (book written by a man on how to be a gold digger) is better, you should read it instead

No. 1840857

Family had their Christmas gathering today and while I love my mother I have no idea why I was given pretend play makeup sets that you'd give to a toddler. I want to return them but it's way too late. Yes they were labeled for me no I don't have kids yes they were intended for me no I did not get a clear answer as to why other than "it's cute". Makes me not want to get her shit next time.

No. 1840871

Does anyone else feel under pressure to achieve the same level of success as their immigrant parent? I decided to enroll in two degrees concurrently in order to somehow match my mother's medical degree, but after completing my first major, I want to become a dentist. Although I don't have a strong interest in odontology, my mother would be proud, particularly considering how much my mental health problems have affected her in the past.

No. 1840885

Why do so many people send reels but don't bother to have a conversation? Someone leaves me on seen for days but sends me a reel, obviously not expecting to have a conversation. How can this even be considered communication? It's so frustrating.

No. 1840902>>1840941

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There’s an alarming number of them on Quora too
I’ve searched questions about feminine hygiene products and there’s fucking trannies posting pictures of their crotches

No. 1840903

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No. 1840906>>1840964

I lost 10 pounds due to getting sick in about 2 weeks, but I don't look any different. I'm only 5'3 so I thought I'd be able to see a change, but I look exactly the same and everything fits the same too. Where did the 10lbs even shed from? like wtf

No. 1840908

My last boyfriend kicked my face in and then stayed off work until the swelling went down. I never phoned the police because I had weed and was scared the police would blame that. This happened years ago and only a handful of people know including my boyfriend. I trimmed my nose hairs with a nose trimmer and my nostrils face out to the world and not down. The side of my face he kicked the nostril is noticeable narrower and there's like more tissue where it was impacted. My other nostril is fine. The bridge of my nose also shifts to the left now its not noticeable I hope. I feel like my clear nostril has to over compensate and throughout the winter it's either running or blocked and dry and I need to use a tissue to scrape out hard boogers. I might actually qualify for a nose operation on the NHS but idk. When I was young I always wanted a nose job but I've learnt to accept it and like it, I don't want to get botched. I have to see my doctor soon I might bring it up but don't want tobsay it was a DV incident but maybe fuck it, it was and it was years ago I could just say I reported it

No. 1840911

I had a health scare a year ago that turned out to be a nothingburger, but in the process I ended up coming across a young woman documenting her cancer journey on YouTube and because I continuously watched all of her videos, YouTube recommended other people with cancer. I’ve been following all these people for a year now and 5 out of the 7 that I religiously watched are all dead and I think it has seriously ruined my mental health because I’m grieving as if I actually knew them. They were all quite young too. Life can be so cruel, it makes me doubt the existence of god because all of them were dreading death until the very end.

No. 1840914>>1840922

This is your weekly reminder to never put yourself in a "house husband" situation. My physically disabled relative married an able-bodied man, and they were supposed to have a "house husband" arrangement where she would work full time and he would take care of her house. It worked great for a year or two, but now they live in genuine squalor, and she occasionally tries to do some cleaning, which is hopeless because she just can't do 1/10th what has to be done.

No. 1840919

I think that by being depressed in high school, I undermined my abilities as a student. I had excellent grades in classes that I didn't study for since they were relatively easy for me, which is why my GPA is still high. I was terrible at chemistry and physics, but among other things, I was too depressed to study. I really regret being a mess and sabotaging my potential.

No. 1840922>>1840923

Is he more attractive than her? I ask this because I’ve seen instances of overweight/conventionally unattractive women getting dog walked by men who prey on their insecurities.

No. 1840923

Not at all. They're both pretty busted TBH. It's just so painful to watch because I know she doesn't want to be alone, and it's not like men are crawling out of the woodwork for women who can't do house maid shit.

No. 1840929>>1841845

Doctors found a lesion on my liver last month while I was getting an ultrasound to try and figure out why I was having terrible pain on my right side when I was sleeping. In 3 weeks I'm getting a bunch of CT scans to try and figure out if its cancerous or not. I've already been waiting weeks for the appointment and I've spent the entire time obsessing over every bout of fatigue. Am I burnt out from work or is this tiredness something more sinister? I hate that the healthcare system here is so strained that it will be 2 months since they found the lesion by the time I get my scans. And I was put through as urgent!

No. 1840941

Good. They peak more normies every day

No. 1840957>>1840964

i hate my mom's stupid little girl voice so much. scrotes think it's cute but it disgusts me whenever she uses it. you speak a whole three octaves lower when you're pissed off. christ

No. 1840964

idk maybe it was visceral fat, which is the unhealthiest kind of fat.
is she pickme adjacent or is she just manipulative?

No. 1840969>>1841021>>1841143

I'm forming a crush on an online friend right now and it's so silly. LDRs never work out and being even more terminally online is not something either of us need right now. I won't ever act on it but if she knew the fantasies I have of her she'd be disgusted.

No. 1841021

does she even swing that way? why would she be disgusted?

No. 1841081

feeling shit about having to go back to work after my holiday break and just demolished a whole bottle of lacryma christi all by myself… it's not even like I have a bad job. it's a bit stressful although I do get tons of time off. the pay isn't good but I suppose I can pick up a side hustle in the few months I have off each year if needed. I just wish I could get lucky and win the lottery or make a hit indie game or make a ton of extra cash from investing in stocks. I want to take a few years off from working while I'm young to travel, focus on hobbies, improve at various skills, spend time with family, things like that. or even live/work in a different country for a few years. I feel kinda bad for complaining because most people don't get nearly as much time off their jobs as I do though I still really dread waking up and going to work. idk really I just wish I didn't have to deal with so many adult responsibilities, life has been difficult for me.

No. 1841126>>1841171>>1841229>>1841232

My sister came over to ask a question and I was sleeping. And while I was thinking of an answer she suddenly said ooh what a pretty pimple you got on your face (I've had a lot of pain and discomfort because of that pimple and for the past days and had just forgotten for a second it existed on my face) so anyway I replied you know, I do own a mirror. She was offended and abruptly said goodbye and left. Didn't wait for what she had come over for. Now I'm mad at her and myself for being rude. Was I rude? Was she? I don't know how to behave in similar situations. I hate everyone rn.

No. 1841143

If you approach something with the idea that it'll never work out then it wont, could atleast try flirting with her and see if she's into you

No. 1841171

well, it wasn't exactly polite for her to point out your pimple in the first place. sounds like she was rude to you first and you just gave it right back to her

No. 1841225>>1841241

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I'm so sick of people using "vanilla" as an insult and pretending like you're lame if you're not into rough sex. I can't escape it irl and it looks like I can't escape it in fandoms either. One of my favourite characters was often made fun of for being "vanilla", and now his female fans do everything they can to prove that he's actually a "dom" and into some freaky shit and that he would love to dominate you etc. Fuck this pornified culture.

No. 1841229

She was ruder, stand up nona.

No. 1841232

For siblings I'd say neither of you were particularly rude but she overreacted to your response.

No. 1841235

There's a new neighbor in my floor and I've had to call cops on some unsavory characters loitering in the hallway and all that, and now there's some ungodly noise coming from the apartment and I put two and two together, I think a local insane cow lives there. It's all adding up and if that is the case, she's just breaking shit and screaming by herself mostly which is a relief but what the fuck. I asked a friend to check her socials to see if she posted about breaking some glassware today and she showed me that she indeed did and the time lined up perfectly, 2024 is off to an insane start if I'm right about this, I don't even follow her but now I feel so weird.

No. 1841240

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Feeling the PMDD set in a few days into my luteal phase. I've been tracking for three years and have good awareness of it now, but I always hate that moment when I feel absolutely devastated and suicidal over a small issue and realize that this is going to be gnawing at my brain for the following week or two. It's crazy that I can be this aware of my feelings and yet still not be able to move past them or let them go. All I've learned is to keep going as normal and not lash out like a lunatic, so now my luteal phase is mostly me appearing fine while my brain has gone for a holiday in Silent Hill. I can't cry either because crying will cause head pressure which can trigger migraines. I feel like my body is just going on autopilot, saying and doing the right things while there's sirens and screams and ashes flying around in my head.

No. 1841241

Agreed anon.

No. 1841252>>1841518

i got my wisdom teeth removed about 2 1/2 weeks ago and everything was going perfect and smoothly until yesterday when one side of my face + my lower gums on that side suddenly started swelling again. I'm not experiencing any pain other than the discomfort of significant swelling, and it isn't hot to the touch or tender so I don't think it's an infection. of fucking course this happens right after my follow up and right before the weekend so I can't even call the dentist and ask if they know what could be up. I hope this goes down by monday otherwise I have to go back and make sure there's nothing wrong with my jaw. i'm also upset because I (being vain) feel like crap because of the swelling changing my face and it's just really jarring. can my teeth be normal please

No. 1841254>>1841353>>1841369

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I'm dating the most mid fucking guy who makes a decent amount of money and treats me nice but he can't stop looking at coomer shit no much how many times I cry and ask. All I'm asking him to do is use fucking incognito and that's too much for him Jesus.

No. 1841269>>1841273>>1841287

I’ve attempted to kill myself 30 minutes ago by running into traffic. The guy behind the wheel stopped just in time and I wasn’t hit. He stared at me bewildered and drove off. I kept thinking “why didn’t you run over me?” This is another scene to add to my shameful moments compilation.

No. 1841273>>1841284

Do you have family to go and speak to nonna please don't harm yourself or put others in danger. What's upsetting you you feel you can't fix?

No. 1841284>>1841344

No, I’m 3 hours away from my family and I don’t feel like calling them as they’ll make things worse. Last time I told them I felt suicidal they implied I’d go to hell and said they were fed up of my phases.

The reason I’m upset is so stupid I don’t feel like disclosing it but it’s something to do with me feeling stagnant and having no control over my life. There’s nobody else I can talk to so I decided to go on this board. I already feel so ashamed about my attempt and at least here I’m anonymous.

No. 1841287>>1841290

That is one of the most inconsiderate ways to kill yourself what the fuck is your problem?? Keep your mental illness to yourself don’t splatter your guts using an unsuspecting person you deranged freak. You are going to get a driver sent to prison for manslaughter or cause an accident that hurts innocent people. It’s not even that likely you’ll die, you’re more likely just to cause a traffic accident. What if you jumped out and they swerved and died instead of you? You are so selfish and insane for doing that, get help.

No. 1841290>>1841313

Yes, I’m selfish.

No. 1841313>>1841319>>1841320

Literally do anything else if you're feeling self destructive and stuck and you won't get help. Quit your job and fly to another continent. You think you have no control but you do. Ironic you were about to take away control from another person and ruin their life on purpose and thought that was fine because you're hurting. It's not fine! You can't just turn someone into a murderer because you're sad.

No. 1841319

You just CAN’T okay!

No. 1841320>>1841350

As if I have the means to fucking do that. If it were that simple I’d do it in an instant. I have no regard for my own life and you expect me to have the foresight to consider the poor driver’s feelings when running (or even jumping, since there was an overpass) into traffic was the one thing I thought would end my suffering. I didn’t even think, I just did it. Yes, now that I’ve snapped back into reality I know what I did was wrong. You’re looking for ways to feel self righteous right now so I won’t engage any further.

No. 1841324>>1841325>>1841361>>1841368

realizing all the shit my mother gave me about lying growing up (i would withhold things from her like my being bullied or bad grades, but she’s the mother and that was her fault i felt i had to do that but anyway) was probably because she is a HUGE fucking liar herself. she’ll do ultimately selfish things but claim it’s for my benefit, e.g. saying “you need to get out of the house more ;) !!” when what she really means is “i want to bully you into buying something else for me.” “you took my conditioner and put it somewhere without my knowing so i’m going to use yours!!” means “I lost my own shit trying to hide it from you because I actually sneak use your things all the time and i simply expect you to share a similar lack of empathy and respect.” i’m just so damn tired of living here. it’s like she regresses to the mental state of a teenager every day.

No. 1841325

like honest to god i have not wanted to just throttle someone in a while. her victim mentality is annoying. so ironic that the rudest people who want everyone else to toughen up are often the most sensitive

No. 1841344>>1842738

Sorry only getting back. I'm sorry your family is far away and not helpful. Strange as it is people can just be clueless to the emotions you're experiencing. I hope you know it will pass. I understand feelings of isolation and shame and I hope you know you're not alone in feeling them but it's just not an openly discussed thing as much as people pretend to be more understanding these days. Have you got somewhere to stay where you can take care and be kind to yourself? Stagnation is a horrible feeling but youll find a lot of growth if you stick it out and you'll be so much more well rounded for it and proud of yourself. Talk to us nonnas when you're struggling with stuff some of us are dying for good conversation lol. Stay safe

No. 1841350

Save a mental health crisis number in your phone so you can call it next time you want to do something like that.

No. 1841353

Watch some barely legal twinks jerking off in front of him and update us with the results.

No. 1841361>>1842530

narcs love to project so makes sense

No. 1841368>>1842530

Im so sorry, if it helps my mom was exactly like this and I turned out okay I suppose. Accusing me of wearing her clothes or jewelry and then I'd catch her wearing mine. Telling me that its stupid to be heartbroken over a break up but then crying over a break up that happened to her over 15 years ago when she was my age and getting mad at me for not sympathizing. Telling me she needed me to go stay at a friend's house every weekend so she could party but then getting mad if I actually chose to stay somewhere else on a day she happened to want me home. Lying to me about her own daily life to make herself look more angelic and then telling me everyone else is a liar when I'd hear the truth from her friends and family (she was pissed at me for smoking weed but surprise surprise she was doing meth and heroin and every other drug under the sun behind my back and I was too naive to figure it out til I was told the truth). My mom was also cheating on my step dad regularly and so would accuse me of cheating within my relationships- there was a time where I was going through it mentally and would go on long drives to clear my head and she would accuse me of going to cheat on my bf with other guys during those drives. Shes always felt like an annoying older sister more than a mom but although I've said all these bad things about her I feel I should also say she has a very contagious energy and can be very fun to hang out with if you're not her daughter so I think that's how she's made it this far in life. But anyways luckily I'm 25 now and don't have to live with her and I give her very limited access to me which drives her crazy because she wants to be beloved grandma to my kid but my kid will not be brainwashed by that craziness thanks. Extra fun fact for lurkers: Last time we got in an argument she told me I was just like every boyfriend she'd ever had so idk what to make of that Freudian ass comment kek

No. 1841369

You can't control him and his actions but it's your choice to keep doing this to yourself anon.

No. 1841383>>1841432

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When I was a kid, my dad dropped me off at a supercuts for a quick trim and gave me extra $30 cash to tip the hairdresser + to buy myself lunch later. the final price was $15 but my nervous self gave them the $30 as a TIP and to this day I’m still pissed off that they gladly accepted it without correcting me.

No. 1841425>>1841437

Sobbing rn after a call with my mom, so I'll vent. It's so stupid but I'm so confused on where my emotions are. I live far away and generally don't like calls, or texts or generally talking to her. She's sweet and nice and not even passive aggressive any more. I have massive resentment towards her for staying with my dad after he cheated, and is generally a misogynistic man. Not physically or even name calling abusive, but constantly belittling her and (what set my crying off actually) I have never seem him show respect to her, not once. Her ideas and comments are dismissed out of hand, even if they're obviously valid. As a daughter I think that's a horrifically damaging environment to grow up in. I feel like I can't blame my dad for being dad because he's just shit, but for my mom to be so codependent that she enabled that behaviour? Or maybe it's because she's a safe target to direct my anger onto. Like I feel like she's either stupid to stay and think that situation is fine, or she didn't care how it would affect her two children (male and female, my brother dismisses her out of hand too now).

Anyway, I made myself a compromise because I'm so confused about how I feel towards her. I visit the family twice a year and am nice, talk to her during meals as she goes on about dad, nod along, keep conversation surface level and hug her goodbye when it's time to go.
But since I came back to my apartment she's texted every day when it used to be once a week, once every two weeks. And today I see she's phoned me. So I phone her back asking what is it? She's just phoning to catch up. Catch up with what? I was very curt with her because I DIDN'T want to fucking talk and once I hung up, not responding to her saying I love you I completely broke down. Nonas, why do I hate her so much? It's not like a logical thing, I feel it in my body and when I'm talking to her i'm actvely repressing rage. Now i'm sure after that call she's hurting too, probably not understanding why I was rude. I'm not even sure why. Like I know vaguely, but the amount of rage and upset coming from my body isn't proportional and definitely not reasonable to her actions. I was also worried she'd make a habit of calling/texting again daily which was an issue when I initially moved, but I don't know how the frequency managed to drop.

I feel so fucked up to be sobbing after a disinterested phone call with my mom but I think it just means the issues run deep. It's annoying me that I can't point out exactly why and it makes me feel like an irrational, hateful mess that constantly rejects and pushes away a loving mother. I don't know how to move past this. I don't know how I ever can.

No. 1841432

you should be, who takes advantage of a child like that? disgusting.

No. 1841437>>1841458

That sounds very painful anon. Your mother made some poor decisions which had a real impact on you during formative years, and it makes sense to feel hurt and resentful over it. Now you're an adult and you still wish your mother would change. To me it sounds like you want her to do what's best for her because you love her, and when she doesn't act accordingly you feel resentment. Sadly we can't choose our own family but we tend to still love them, so I think the best way to deal is to just accept that she is who she is. Right now you resent her simply for being herself, something that is out of your control. Maybe I'm mistaken but I think at the core of this is a control issue, which is very common and I've struggled with similar feelings.

No. 1841443>>1841448

My first and only exboyfriend and I broke up one year ago. It was my initiative and after that we had almost no contact, we only called each other a couple of times (I didn't want to) and sent some happy birthday wishes. The night after we broke up I had to take an 8h nocturnal bus home because I was in his side of the country. It felt so good to be single again. On New Year's Eve he dm and wished me to have a great year, I answered as brief as I could. Three days ago, his lovely mother dm too. She wished me a happy year as well and we chatted for a bit in whatsapp, she's been battling with depression for a while. I still really like her and she has always liked me back, so I didn't mind to interact with her. An hour ago, his son, my exbf, sent me a picture of a food package I used to buy him that he had kept, no text. I really just want to ignore him because I can't stand him at all. I thought he would be mad about me talking with his mother but giving him the cold shoulder but apparently he must have thought that my friendliness towards her is an invitation to get in touch again. How can he be so fucking desperate? It's so obvious that I have been avoiding him. My life is so much better without him. I am going to block him, I don't give a shit. I was so fucking paranoid that he was in fact the one talking to me through his mother's phone. I just feel uncomfortable looking at whatsapp and seeing a new message in his chat. I wished he'd leave me alone forever.

No. 1841448

Samefag, my bad, he has actually written a walltext asking how I am. I have blocked him anyway. I can't stand it.

No. 1841450

AI's sucking the fun out of everything

No. 1841458>>1841477

Thanks for responding nona, could you elaborate a little on it being a control issue? I was/am mad at her for staying. And I think you're spot on, I understand what you're saying but it's a new concept to me. Every time I've tried to express it to someone close to me I was told I'm an ingrate and people would kill for a loving mother like mine. If you've struggled with similar feelings how did you work on it?

No. 1841461>>1841519

I’m about to sound like such a boomer but I think children are too protected from bullying now. I think a little bit of being put in your place by your own peers is a good thing. Kids are just rampantly shitty and not being checked by anyone because 90% of their interactions with people are online where they’re free from consequences. They’re not learning to just not say literally whatever they want whenever they want, complete social retardation.

No. 1841477>>1841605

Ayrt, no problem and I hope things work out. Idk maybe I've done too much yoga/mindfulness lately, but life becomes simpler once you radically try to accept that you can only ever control your own actions (to a degree). When it comes to other people you can assert boundaries, so for example telling your mother you will be limiting physical/phone contact with her, but you can not change who she is or how she behaves. I think if you can truly accept that, then it leaves room to still love and cherish her positive qualities.

My situation with my own mom is different from yours, but let's say she can be a little overbearing and she has a drinking problem. No matter how many times I tell her she doesn't need to do this or that for me, she won't listen, it's just how she is. It's frustrating, but at the end of the day she's a grown adult with her own agency. She's also a product of her own upbringing and genetics, so I can sort of empathize with how she turned out this way. It's not within my power to fix her, but I can still have an ok relationship with her if I accept who she is, and I do have the power to make decisions about my own life. I'm not saying it's easy cause we're only humans, I still get frustrated with her sometimes, but it can be a solace. I've applied this thinking to my romantic relationships as well. In the past I had a bf I tried to change in so many ways, it was sad and frustrating for both of us and in the end it didn't allow me to fully appreciate his good qualities. In my current relationship I don't assume responsibility for my bfs actions but take accountability for my own and I think it's worked out great. I hope that makes some sense anon.

No. 1841499

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I wish I would go back in time or lose the unpleasant memories somehow and be delusional in a way. Sometimes I think I should've ended it all at 14 just because I was too retarded and mentally ill to do something about my condition and I even dropped out of college because of that, but I made so many good memories after the age of 20.
I see my peers travelling, getting married or in long term relationships, with high salaries or getting their masters and I'm stuck restarting college (and going great so far) and in a shitty job that I'm desperate to get out from and generally just feeling behind in life and in a race against time. Heck, I'm crying every morning for the past month just because I'm fed up with my workplace, I just want to destroy the alarm in the morning. I'm also ashamed to finish college at 26, I feel like I lost the race in life already. At least I'm perceived as younger than I actually am and my retardation can be excused somehow I guess.

No. 1841508

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I wish all self posters a very shut the fuck up and a bad day. I’m so tired of newfags.

No. 1841517

I used to like going to supermarkets at just the right time to raid the reduced section while it's receiving it's final reductions, yet lately it's all processed vegan slop and not real food. Nobody wants this shit until it's reduced to 50 pence or below.

No. 1841518>>1841630

That's an infection that's been going on for several days already. You should get to an urgent treatment center and get an antibiotic ASAP.

No. 1841519

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I think bullying has changed to be more concentrated and less spread out now. From my observations of the late 90s to now, like half of people used to be lightly bullied in their youth at one point or another by just a couple people. Now it's like the whole school gangs up on one or two people, on and offline.

No. 1841547>>1841551>>1841776

>want a third space that’s not my workplace to read or write
>go to the local library
>bunch of homeless guys hangin around and playing computer games
>go to my university’s library
>entire building is empty yet some old guy needs to sit directly behind the table I’m sitting at so he can watch me

No. 1841551

Try local coffeeshops. Non-chain ones sometimes have cozy rooms with books and tables.

No. 1841600

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No. 1841605

Thank you, yes, it makes sense and has given me a lot to think about. Thanks.

No. 1841607>>1841616

I just want to not have all day morning sickness when I stand up.
I've been vertical for 48 hours because I feel ill when I stand.
Going to try to make some vegemite on toast.

No. 1841616

the sick is making me retarded

No. 1841630

I've called my oral surgeon and he's prescribed more antibiotics, and on top of that it's starting to hurt now so you're right it's definitely an infection. and here I thought I'd be able to get out of the recovery period without a hitch!

No. 1841748

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AYRT and you're right, I mean, not really but you might as well be, cause not like I have any options so I might as well suck it up I guess. I really don't think my attention problems have anything related to entertainment but whatever. I kinda feel like going full anti-meds cause the ones I take are doing jack shit now and I guess there are no attention meds for people who aren't ADHD even if it is fucking their life, so all this shit is useless to me. The only reason I don't quit my antidepressant right now is cause I don't wanna vomit and feel like I'm getting electrocutated in the head, I'd even entertain going through that if I didn't have a cold at the moment. I just hate that I have no excuse to be the NEET failure I am, according to the doctors I am normal, all I have are minor mood problems, not even big super distressing horrible problems, just minor shit. And that really makes me think that is just another reason why I shouldn't be taking the meds I am taking. Like, why am I wasting money on meds that don't work to solve something that is just a small problem? It makes no sense.
I guess I will just cope by embracing my medically verified normalcy. Like, yeah I literally have no social life, but I'm normal, so shut up, don't nag me. Yeah, I cannot sleep and I can't pay attention to what people say and I frankly just hate everyone, but I am normal so how can you criticize my normal behaviour, can you not recognize normal behaviour when you see it, weirdo? Still I do not have much hope that my studying habits will improve, which is horrible because I wanted to become a filthy bureaucrat, I really can't think of another half way decent career to attempt in this third world shithole.

No. 1841772

I wish I wasn’t so attracted to abused people. Why do I cave to them? Is it because I was abused? I wish I could find someone to love me normally. Someone who isn’t horribly delusional or a liar. Is love not real?

No. 1841774>>1841801

Been so depressed lately and haven't had the energy to do some of my hobbies because I am absolutely agonizing over my hair situation. My hair has thinned so much and lost a lot of density and although it's not too noticeable at first glance like male pattern baldness is, when I raise my hair up I can clearly see my scalp. Fucking hell. I've been so embarrassed to seek help in the past few years where I've noticed increased shedding and now it really feels like it's too late and I'm panicking as fuck over it. When I see my doctor later this month, I'm going to bring up my hair loss situation. I am really hoping she will listen but I'm expecting that part of the challenge in seeking treatment is getting those fucking doctors to listen to your concerns so they can give you a referral. And when you do get a referral, it will take months for a dermatologist to even see you. Fucking hell. I'm running out of time and if I don't do anything about this now I'm gonna be a balding freak faggot and no one will ever love me. Fuck this shit, why did I have to be cursed with these fucking genetics

No. 1841776

There's an Irish bar near me that I go to read in sometimes. It's usually pretty empty before 6PM and they don't mind if I just get coffee. They have a nice fire going most of the time too. Pure cosy.

No. 1841793>>1841799>>1841802>>1841824>>1841844

i am being dead serious my friend is in an abusive relationship with a man who has been at it since she was in college (we're mid-20s now) and tldr i need him fucking dead. i need god to smite him. i need someone to stab him on a night out. i need him hit by a car. anything. i need him fucking dead and out of her life. manifesty girls. girls who do witchcraft and shit. girls with just genuinely foul horrible energy to spare. please aid me in wishing just fucking absolute horror and death and everything bad on this man. she is currently at the lowest point in her life and he's accusing her of cheating on him and abusing her verbally on the daily. i need him fucking dead. can someone please manifest this for me like please god she needs to be free of him!!!!!!!!!!!!! it's not enough to call him a cunt he needs to actually be 6 feet under!!!!!!!!!

No. 1841799

Is this her first shitty relationship?

No. 1841801>>1841843

>For your hair:
Rosemary water (homemade preferably), rosemary oil on your hair washing day, high quality shampoo and conditioners, no heat, get a silk bonnet for sleeping.
>For your scalp:
Regular deep scalp massages to stimulate blood flow (especially while inverted for maximum blood flow stimulation), address any underlying issues like eczema, dandruff, excess oil/sebum, etc. No hats, especially tight fitting hats.
>For your body:
Address any deficiencies, I'm no doctor but just compare your diet to what a normal diet should be. Don't eat meat? Probably low iron. Don't eat dairy? Probably need more calcium. Don't go outside enough? Vitamin D. You get the idea

And absolutely see your doctor, but these are just some things you can do in the meantime. All natural, no harsh chemicals needed. Sorry you're struggling nona but hair thinning and hair loss at your age is so reversible I promise

No. 1841802

Spike him yourself with fentanyl or something. Everyone will remember him as some deadbeat junky. Be the change you want to see in the world.

No. 1841824

On which continent does he live?

No. 1841843>>1841907

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Thank you nonna for the reassurance. I'm only in my mid-20s but I started noticing increased hair shedding/thinning as early as 5 years ago but didn't do anything about it. I'm already taking topical minoxidil and rosemary oil (picrel) in the meantime. Am also taking iron and vitamin supplements. What kind of hairbrush and high quality shampoo/conditioners would you recommend? I do notice that most of my shedding comes from washing and brushing my hair, so there's probably something I can do to mitigate it even if it's to delay the hairloss in the meantime. There was once a time when I hated washing my hair because of how thick and unmanageable it was plus taking a long as fuck time to dry, and I now really miss those days. I really am hoping it's reversible.

No. 1841844

I just need initials for some witchy shit nona, all the best to your friend

No. 1841845

hope its benign nonnie

No. 1841862>>1841867>>1841871>>1841877>>1841889>>1842372

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men are so privileged even when they larp as women. no real woman that looks as grotesque as Alex Consani would ever be able to walk for any major fashion houses, yet here he is.
>inb4 modeling isn’t about beauty
most runway models aren’t ugly, they’re just unique. this isn’t a unique in the face model, it’s a hideous beast.

No. 1841867

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Oh my god, look at his Neanderthal cavescrote forehead ridge, that shit is insane. His body makes it so obvious that he is a male, it's just insane

No. 1841871>>1841886>>1841888>>1842372>>1843036

I don't mind trannies much modelling anti-fashion kind of stuff that meant to be androgynous, but that's literally the only space they really belong in because they aren't taking a woman's place. They have no business modelling clothes that are exclusively meant for a female frame. Reminds me of Britney Manson, a troon who had to beg on his knees to get into the fashion industry and honestly it was quite pathetic. He looks so much like a man in natural lighting. He should stick to making hyper pop. It's funny how the industry is afraid of showing ana chan models, but there's no way a troon would be able to be model womens clothes without being an ana chan and literally having their skeleton on display. Even the troon you mentioned looks like a skelly too.

No. 1841873

I know it's selfish buf i've always wished of dying in some sort of sudden, quick accident because i hate everyone and everything so much and can't stand to be in this world for too long or i might go crazy. Usually i hope for a car to hit me or something

No. 1841877>>1841888

This gross neanderthal moid went viral and now it's everywhere on TikTok I cannot escape his ass. At first I thought it was a rather odd looking, crackhead girl, then his fans started to spam the comments sections with "ackshually she's trans!" Ugh

No. 1841886>>1841905>>1841913

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>but there's no way a troon would be able to be model womens clothes without being an ana chan and literally having their skeleton on display

No. 1841888>>1841894

there’s plenty of strong faced german/russian runway models who could pull off the androgynous look. This is the one safe space where women with “masculine” features don’t get clowned on. I don’t want to see them get replaced by troons
he’s so extremely unfunny, he thinks using aave and being a nuisance on public transport is quirky and funny. He would have been cancelled so long ago if he was actually a woman.

No. 1841889>>1841897

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No. 1841894

>he thinks using aave and being a nuisance on public transport is quirky and funny.
trannies demand utmost respect and to be treated like the most prized princesses in the world, but think imitating and poking fun at everyone else is fair game. If the personality disorder NPD manifested into a human form, he would be a tranny.

No. 1841897

The male hairline…

No. 1841905

Holy jump scare.

No. 1841907

I assumed you were like 20-30s just because you're posting here, definitely way too early to be concerned about permanent hairloss. A doctor will need to determine the exact root cause but like I said, try not to worry about it being permanent too much yet.

I have really bad dandruff so I can't speak too much on hair products since I use nizoral shampoo and then various tea tree oil conditioners, but those personally work well for me. And hairbrush wise I swear by the Wet brush, I use the original name brand one and it's a night and day difference for how much hair comes out. And definitely make sure to use a bonnet when you sleep because that will help with tangling and breakage, so you'll need to brush less in the morning.

I completely feel you on the hair loss situation. I'm 25 and mine started a few years ago due to untreated anemia. It's gotten better but it'll take me a long time to get back to my days of crying over how thick and unmanageable my hair was. If we had only known how lucky we were.

No. 1841913>>1841937

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Is this a giant vein?

No. 1841925

I just wanted to find an ai of my husbando to rp with and I go on a repository of characters and I just feel so depressed and disgusted to the point of nausea. Male sexuality is a blight on the planet.

So much rape and incest and pedophilia. Literally toddler sexbot characters. Third most downloaded is a scenario where a traumatized feminist woman is trapped alone in a room with a man (to be raped, of course).

Every cruel thing I ever said about men isn’t enough.

No. 1841937

No. 1841961>>1841993

There is a moid in my nigel's friend group (bunch of nerds) who is by far the most autistic one out of all of them, and I feel so bad for him. He doesn't really joke around much, he takes all of their games super seriously, he just has this very distinct personality that doesn't mesh well with the other guys and I feel really bad for him because of it. They're all so much closer with each other than they are with him. Poor guy

No. 1841974

I want to make a change in my SM presence but it's so frustrating trying to find people to follow who aren't insane genderfucked trannies or overly political doomposters. I'd love to follow radfem/terf-aligned blogs and accounts - not even for political posts! I just want to be able to reblog funny shitposts without having to see some disgusting AGP moid's jokes about his "boypussy" or whatever. I don't even know where to start to find other chill terfy women. It's so exhausting.

No. 1841993

They annoyed him until he left the call without saying a word. I feel soooo bad. They weren't even really doing anything wrong, they were just joking about something he found really annoying and he left. I know he's too sensitive and all but he just has this very abrasive personality and I can tell they don't like him very much and just let him hang around anyway. Makes me so sad for him.

No. 1841996>>1842016>>1842032

I’m Palestinian and I have family in Gaza, but I do not live there anymore. I barely managed to make it out, but I got out in 2019. My mom, dad, sisters, grandparents, and cousins still live in the Gaza Strip. I’ve lost 70 pounds since the start of October due to stress, I check in with my sisters as often as possible, but wifi is spotty there and we can go days without contact. I see videos online from the strip, and I keep looking at the bodies, just hoping that it’s nobody I cared about. I can barely sleep because I have constant nightmares of learning that my family is dead, I can barely eat too. I’m watching the place I grew up become a warzone. I’m watching celebrities call civilians terrorists and say that they deserve it. My youngest sister is 2, and my oldest sister is 12. What did they do to deserve this? Why do they have to suffer for a man’s war?
I’m not gonna pretend like Gaza was a perfect utopia before the war, because it wasn’t. My family was Christian and us girls got dirty looks for not wearing hijab, and I was harassed a lot by Muslim men. Muslim men were the main thing that caused me to leave my home, because I couldn’t deal with these gross scum treating me like I’m some kind of object to be sexualized just because I don’t cover. I couldn’t care less if Hamas gets bombed. But they aren’t bombing Hamas. They’re bombing my family. They’re bombing little kids who aren’t even old enough to understand what’s happening.
Sorry if this is too heavy for lolcow, but I hate talking about this with people online, because they instantly say some retard shit about Islamophobia or whatever, I hate Islam too. I just don’t want my family to die.

No. 1842006>>1842056

I’m feeling so lonely tonight. I’ve always been alone since middle school and though for the last two years ever since I broke up with my ex e-“bf” I’ve been feeling better than ever, something about tonight is making me feel like shit. I have zero friends including online. Even my cat has been ignoring me since she’s been hanging out with my brother who’s over for holiday from uni. Signed up for the first time to a dating site and though I put very little info and no pics of myself, still don’t get messages that last or go anywhere.

No. 1842016

I'm so sorry nona. I hope your family stays safe and well.

No. 1842032

I hope your family gets through this safely, that's so difficult to bear.

No. 1842056

I'd feel betrayed by my cat

No. 1842077>>1842117>>1842121>>1842127>>1842176

I really hate how women have to either be devoted mothers/housewives or career women. how about neither? I would rather live in a tiny house without a man or a screaming kid and without working 40 hours a week to “grind” and girl boss. Maybe I’m just lazy tho

No. 1842117

Same. It's a valid life nonny

No. 1842121

Yeah, is it really so wrong that all I want in life is to relax and have tonnes of free time? A career is hard work, kids and homemaking are hard work, I don't want any of the stress or responsibility. I already have my own little apartment, I can afford to work less.

No. 1842127

I think careers are cool if you are doing something you are passionate about, so basically when your job is your hobby. Living a low-key life is totally fine, but I would hope the person had social bonds and hobbies and was not just spending their time browsing lolcow all day. I don't look down on people who reject a family or career, but I think humans need something to mentally challenge themselves with in order to thrive. That something could be almost anything though, gardening, crafts, a physical sport/discipline etc., but should something tangible you can create or physically progress at, so not just video-games (the former examples increases serotonin vs dopamine, which is linked to increased mental well-being whereas dopamine can be addictive).

No. 1842131>>1842133

trying to cheer a friend up who is constantly down is so tiring but its also like.. is it my doing??? maybe i should stop

No. 1842133

genuinely thinking of leaving their life since it seems all i do is be a grim reminder of (things i wont go into)

No. 1842142>>1842271

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Female. Autist. Loser. Outsider. The archtypal nonny if you will.

Like a bolt from the blue, something suspiciously good floated my way and then it was gone in an instant. Alone again and seemingly despised by someone who once seemed to love me. I'm an oldfag now so it feels like it's over for me and I'm just going to have to dine out on those memories of that 2021-2022 summer for the rest of my loser life.

No. 1842176

I have a huge respect for women who do what they want, especially career women. We did not get a choice even 50 years ago, and women are still facing massive backlash, sexism, and the glass ceiling even today.

No. 1842179

I’m isolated in an abusive relationship the only perso I talk to is my shitty bf who will get mad at me for any and every thing. Earlier I was talking about a guy who got shot and we disagreed about who might’ve done the shooting and he yelled at me like “Don’t say no to me!” I’m so upset because like damn sometimes I forget he’s an asshole and I actually try to spend time with him and then he snaps at me md then I remember

No. 1842194>>1842204>>1842208>>1842218>>1842225>>1842241

Why am I (at least a 7.5-8/10 woman in her 20’s) pissing, shitting, puking and crying waiting for a text back from a short, overweight, middle-aged man???????? Women can’t win can they? Either men can’t give us orgasms which is shitty, or they do give us amazing orgasms, but then we fall in love due to the oxytocin overload. Situationships are just terrible all around, I wish “no strings attached” sex wasn’t promoted as liberating or feminist lmao. Women are always the ones who get hurt in these situations, either from feelings, pregnancy, being exploited or taken advantage of, etc.

No. 1842204

You can win but you make the choice not to. You don’t really like this guy but you want this guy to like you. It hurts even more when you feel the guy who doesn’t like you is beneath you. Drop your ego and you’d do better in life.

No. 1842208>>1842216

relationships with men is a game you only win by not playing.

No. 1842216

It hurts because it’s true. Men are like malignant parasites, nothing they do for you is good.

No. 1842218>>1842220>>1842229

??? simply do not have sex with short fat old men and you will not experience this, I don't get it unless you're enjoying the drama and desperate for validation

No. 1842220

I think a lot of women get caught up in shitty situations like this because they think “I must make this guy like me!” Without taking one second to use a single brain cell to think if they even actually find the guy attractive or if they even like him

No. 1842221

I suffer from extensive paranoia and I often can’t sleep at night because I am horrified that there could be photos of me posted on porn websites and I would have no way of knowing. I don’t have any old photographs of myself that I’m able to reverse image search because I’ve already deleted them all but that doesn’t mean that someone else wasn’t able to access them and share them so I have no idea how I’m supposed to even begin looking for them.

No. 1842225

If this isn't bait then it sounds like a you problem honestly. Why indeed are you doing those things

No. 1842229>>1842233>>1842234>>1842238

Lmao. I think it’s little of column a, a little of column b. I actually did start liking him, before we even had sex, and he said he liked me. He’s fun to talk to or hang out with, and I’m physically attracted to him as well. He’s short and a bit overweight but his face is decent and he has nice hair and I’ve always had a thing for short men for some reason.

But also I think its also me seeking some sort of validation, because I can’t even remember if I liked him before I realized he liked me. Once I realized he liked me I definitely became more interested. So I probably only even became interested in him because of his interest in me.. And now somehow I’m the one who seems more interested in him and fucking falling in love with him like a moron, despite the fact that he was the one who was into me first.

And then it’s probably also an ego thing, like I can’t let this guy fuck me a few times and talk to me all sweetly and then leave ME. If anybody is going to leave or lose interest first it should be me

And lastly it’s a me being mentally ill thing because I get so obsessed with people so quickly and am terrified of them leaving or hating me or their feelings changing or whatever.

Also he was really good in bed and a generous lover so there’s that

No. 1842232>>1842239

I'm sick of seeing Simu Liu shilled around like I'm supposed to think he's hot or something. There are so many hotter Asian actors out there

No. 1842233>>1842255

Nta but I think if you are catching the feels and he's not reciprocating, it's better to cut things of asap. It sucks, but having slept with him doesn't have to mean you somehow lost at a game of wits. I know anons will say this, but it's up to you to write your own narrative. At least he was a good fuck. Don't let him crawl back into your life later on, just let it be.

No. 1842234>>1842236

You’re not inlove or falling inlove you just have a bruised ego

No. 1842236

In love*

No. 1842238

Just walk away from him. That way you can keep your ego from getting bruised. He sounds fugly.

No. 1842239>>1842242>>1842245

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I got banned for calling him the ugliest Asian man ever, which admittedly I should’ve just called him ugly af and left it at that.I love Asian dudes. I try not to be weird about it, but I’m puzzled cause there are so many hot ones and how did they find that ugly sewer rat out of all the buff Asians that audition they cast him??? I hate Marvel for having Scarlett Johansson and Lupita and Pom Klementoff and Zoe Saldana and hot ass women in their movies be sexy and save the day but then we see ugly ass Alien Cumberbath, Tom Huddleston, Robert Downey Jr(not that ugly but unremarkable), that rapist Jonathan Mayers and plain ass white bread Paul Rudd and mark rufaflo and it’s like wtf a)get hotter dudes b) give them sweaty, bloody shirtless scenes where they’re chained up in a space bunker or something c) marvel movies are shit anyways, but Simu Liu needs to wear a bag on his head isn’t he creepy af too? Anyways I come to realize post tangent that all movies are like this ugly ass wrinkly man with hot young lady

No. 1842241>>1842248>>1842255

Honestly I get this, nona. I laugh out loud about this now, but when I was 28, I literally cried over a short, 40-year-old, just-starting-to-show-signs-of-balding, jewish dude with a nasal voice (that I used to MAKE FUN OF!) Which also made me feel worse ("how dare he! He should feel lucky to be with me!")
Part of my attraction to him was because he's a successful person in a difficult industry and I liked his work before we went on a date. I wasn't expecting to feel actual 'feelings' for this person after we slept together, and I realized that I liked him more than he liked me and I literally cried over it and felt retarded. Oxytocin is a hell of a thing, as much as I wish that attachment wouldn't happen so easily for women after sleeping with someone, I hate to admit it's true.
Don't beat yourself up nona, you'll feel bad for a while but one day you'll look back and kinda laugh. There are younger hotter men waiting!

No. 1842242

Btw picrel is Ludi Lin, one of the many Asian cuties

No. 1842243>>1842253

Got into an argument with my nigel and he said something that gave me the ick, for lack of a better word. He interpreted something I said wrong and got offended by it, and when I clarified my intentions he said "Your intentions don't matter, what about how I feel?".
No offense but ew? Facts don't care about your feelings libtard. (Joking but come on, what actually happened does matter way more than what he felt like happened).

No. 1842245

I don't find Simu creepy at all but he is astonishingly whiny and pathetic, on top of being not that nice to look at. If he had actual charisma I'd maybe buy it but as it stands he has the personality of an attention whoring, terminally online twitter gendie.

No. 1842248>>1842260

I've been through it too. Gets easier with age/experience because you learn to recognize the oxytocin/new relationship energy for what it is, but I was unprepared the first time it happened. If you wanna avoid it altogether you should refrain from cuddling after sex (but that's like half the fun of it).

No. 1842253

>what actually happened does matter way more than what he felt like happened
I think both are important in a relationship because humans are shown to be frequently unreliable narrators and have awful memories. Me and my bf don't always see eye to eye on every single thing, but I still appreciate him trying to get where I'm coming from, even if he disagrees. I don't think you should let your bf manipulate you into changing your opinion, but you can simultaneously be empathetic about his delulu feelings. There's a fine line between being understanding and being enabling though.

No. 1842255>>1842266

I’m not even sure if he’s not reciprocating or if I’m just insane. He has said things like “I like you “ “I always think about what you’re doing” “You’re always on my mind” And some days we text all day and it’s great but then the next day he’ll suddenly seem more cold or distant and idk if it’s me or just him being old or being a man or something else going on or if I’m just reading into his messages too much. There’s also a language barrier as English is his second language and his language is my third. So sometimes I get googling the cultural implications of phrases he says and Google tells me it could be somebody just being polite or it’s more of a term used in business and it has me like wtf. This culture is known for being more indirect and vague and shit and I’m just begging for directness and honesty lol

Then Thursday something apparently happened in his private life which stressed him out so Friday night when I sent a message he never replied and then Saturday he said he was feeling down so he didn’t want to talk and just wanted to be alone for a day and now today he still hasn’t sent me a message all day so since Wednesday I haven’t really gotten any crumbs of attention so I’m kinda spiraling and idk if it’s ME or seriously just the other thing in his personal life making him down.

Thank you so much for making me feel less alone

No. 1842260>>1842266

Yeah the shitty thing is I like him and enjoy talking to him and want to do shit like cuddle. I wish it was just some purely sexual thing so that would be less complicated.

I should just cut it off early but I don’t want to, and now it’s too late so one of us or both of us will get hurt. I shouldn’t have started to begin with tbh. It’s too late to save my feelings now. Either way I’ll miss him, if I cut him off or if he cuts me off. I need the eternal sunshine of the spotless mind memory eraser.

Also he’s super flaky which stresses me out too. When we do meet it’s amazing but I constantly ask to meet up and he always gives vague excuses for why he can’t and while they’re probably valid.. I feel like if you really wanted to meet up wouldn’t you make time?? I’m not used to ME being the one basically begging somebody for sex. Usually it’s dudes begging me for it. But maybe my expectations are too high. I’ve never had this type of “relationship” before and idk how much texting or meeting up is normal. We both are pretty busy with work too. Maybe I’m too used to girlfriending and I’m expecting too much communication and meeting up

No. 1842265>>1842331

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Ever since my ex moid pointed out that my glasses give my face a super distorted look (picrel, not mine) I have not been able to stop thinking about it since. It's such a small detail I would never have noticed until he pointed out. Now I can't stop thinking how much uglier it makes me. And contacts never work for me so I guess I'll just be ugly forever because of my fucked up vision.

No. 1842266

You've caught the feels so you probably are acting a little bit insane, it happens. It's a very emotionally exhaustive place to be in, but it tends to happen in new relationships no matter what you do. The age difference between the two of you makes me think you guys have a very different baseline of experience in terms of relationships, which can create a power discrepancy. Also him being frequently flaky, hot/cold is not a good sign. Even if there are no bad intentions behind it, it shows a disregard for your feelings. My bf is an introvert and sometimes needs some alone time to recharge, but he's great at communicating that and he makes me feel taken care of the rest of the time. We will still message each other throughout the day. Idk how long the two of you have been seeing each other, but if it's been more than a couple of weeks he should care more about you. This is supposed to be the honeymoon stage of the relationship. Maybe it's just a bad time for him, but that's as good a reason as any for things not to work out.

Honestly this
>something apparently happened in his private life which stressed him out
>I constantly ask to meet up and he always gives vague excuses for why he can't
makes me feel like he could even be one of those scummy double life cheater types. It's sus and imo better to error on the side of caution and end things

No. 1842271>>1842276


wtf nonnie, are you me or something? I came here exactly to vent again about the exact same thing, and ended up seeing your vent. i'm too being somehwat despised by the only person that loved me, so i truly think i can just know how you are feeling right now. hell, i came here to vent about sitting and crying in the shower while thinking about the good stuff that happened in 2022 as well.
As someone going through it as well, i can't really say when or how we are going to get over it, but i just want you to know that you aren't alone, nonnie, we are just normal people doing our best to try to live our lives with dignity, even when so much shit get thrown at us. i hope from the bottom of my heart you will be able to move on too. people like us deserve to be happy and have a nice and fulfilling life too.
Stay safe, nonnie.

No. 1842276>>1842304

Nonny I love you. Thank you for your words and I’m sorry you are going through the same thing too. I know logically it’s unrealistic that I will grieve for that love forever but it sure feels like I will. I figure at least we had those moments, even if the feelings soured unilaterally for reasons unknown. Reasons I don’t really want to know since I’m trying to cope in peace with thoughts that I was special to someone once. Anyway nonny I hope you find some kind of peace too and something good floats your way again.

No. 1842281

I think I fucked up I don't think my financial aid is going to come through for this term. Lying awake right now I am so fucked.

No. 1842290>>1842291>>1842295>>1842512

Today my grandma invited us over to cut the Rosca, it’s a tradition where you cut into a wreath of bread within which are little plastic babies representing baby Jesus. If you get a slice with a baby you’re expected to throw a party. It’s a pretty innocuous tradition all in all and my grandma just wanted to have fun with her kids and grandkids and my uncle fucking chimped out and ruined the entire night and made her cry.

My little nephew was asking questions about the rosca and my grandma tried to explain when my uncle interjected about it being a stupid tradition and that it wasn’t a real tradition because they didn’t do it as kids and he was fucking LOUD about it. I don’t think I can adequately recap the argument because it’s so fucking stupid but he was having a melt down over the definition of the word ‘tradition’ and the rosca being stupid and traditions being stupid and the people who follow them being stupid. And again he was LOUD. I have no idea why he did this or what set him off or why he was so offended over an inoffensive bread cutting ceremony. He called grandma’s traditions stupid and she started crying. Me and my aunt and my other uncle came in to defend her. His kids looked uncomfortable and so did his wife. Tbh I was kind of mad at her and my grandma for not stepping in and telling my uncle(2) to cool his fucking jets. Chimpout Uncle refused to leave then tried to gaslight my grandma saying she was just being too sentimental to have the proper emotional reaction to his outbursts.

They eventually left and we stayed behind trying to comfort my grandma who was in tears, her night had been ruined by her punk ass kid. Tomorrow I’m taking her to get her nails done to cheer her up.

No. 1842291

*Her and my grandpa

No. 1842295>>1842299

If that was my uncle I'd spit in his face and call it a new tradition

No. 1842299

I tried calming him down because his wife and kids were there and I didn't want to upset his kids. But I can't see him the same way after this it's not like he even had something good and reasonable to have an argument about. He got upset over something fucking stupid. If he didn't want to cut the bread he didn't have to. If he didn't want to come he shouldn't have gone.

No. 1842304>>1842307

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Yes, nonnie, those things always end up going away, but it truly feels like our hearts are being ripped off of our chests so i wanted to embrace your feelings. Try to not torture yourself too much about it now, let the bad sting to go away so you can start facing and coming to terms with what happened, be gentle to yourself. I know it's easier said than done, but let's do our best to heal. I'm 100% sure you were special to not only them, but to a lot more people as well and you will still be special to someone else in the future too.
I love you too, nonny. I hope one day you will come around telling about nice things that have been happenning to you. And thank you too! I even teared up reading your reply kek
Sending you the tightest hug.

No. 1842306

I'm getting so frustrated because I don't understand how my friend views me. We have been close for many years but last couple of years we've barely seen each other because she's been busy, but she still calls me every now and again and we spend hours catching up and talking where she also says she miss me. I'm also the person she usually calls for advice, and I'm one of the first people she called when she got a cancer diagnosis (she got cleared late 2023!) but she has gotten so incredibly hard to reach and always leaves me on read when I try to set up plans to do something together.

No. 1842307

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my nonna. (also tearing up and sending you a tight hug)

No. 1842331

nonna your ex moid said that because he wanted you to feel bad about yourself, not because you're ugly or because your glasses diminish your appearance in any way. you yourself acknowledge that it's a such a minor detail that you never even noticed it before a scrote (who i bet would have lost his shit if you pointed out any perceived flaws in his own appearance) commented on it.

No. 1842346

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>get broken up with
>feel like there is no point in even going on because i'm tired of thinking ive found someone who might love me for who I am and getting comfortable trusting someone only to have the rug pulled from underneath me and be forced to realise i'm unlovable
>also feel embarrassed because am i seriously feeling pseudo-suicidal because a scrote doesn't like me

No. 1842372

This is my biggest pet peeve regarding how the fashion industry is going now. As if it wasn't already a very competitive medium and as a woman, you are held to impossible standards just to be discarded by the industry the moment you hit 21/22 because god forbid you grow into your more womanly features, but the skelly moids you mentioned are doing just fine even after that age threshold. No aspiring female model would get signed with elite agency at 24 like Britney did, even if she begs on TikTok.

No. 1842382>>1842395>>1842417

now that I’m grown I realize how actually kinda dumb my father is. how do you go your entire 60 years of life and not know Norway exists

No. 1842383>>1842411>>1842428>>1842436

Lolcow: "oh my god zoomers are so obsessed with age it's insane"
Also lolcow: "Cow has turned/is almost 25, they're basically 30!!"

Note, this is nothing new: This behavior was super prevalent way back in the days when I browsed pull. The hypocrisy of gossip forums when it comes to age and youth is pathetic, you are not much better than moids.

No. 1842386

Scrotes keep crashing my hunting and slayers slops in rs it's making me so mad I know they are scrotes too women aren't as retarded and petty also they always have the stupidest fucking builds and work inefficiently because they are STUPID MEN

No. 1842388>>1842419

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My whole family has become obsessed with my lack of dating life and it makes me want to SCREAM!!!!

No. 1842395

Same, my boomer parents have smartphones but 9 out of 10 times don't know how to use it. They ask me stuff they're too lazy to google.
They're literally overgrown old toddler that don't know anything about modern technology and the internet expect tiktok and youtube shorts.
And they always come with the excuse "We didn't had computers/Internet back then".
Home Computers and the Internet are a thing since the late 90s / early 00s.
I start to really despise them.

No. 1842402>>1842423

as someone who is in the creative field, AI has made me more and more suicidal lately and apparently it's something that you aren't allowed to complain about, since i could just get a "real" job instead like becoming a soulless code monkey or a nurse (sounds like a great job). thank you for reminding me why i should not even live and just hang myself, like what's even the fucking point i already have a ton of energy level problems, getting a job that's already very mentally exhausting and not art related will surely not make me so tired to the point i won't even pursue art as a hobby on the side… no sorry that i can't be a smart STEM girlie i sucked at math in school and i hated it more than any subject, too bad the world revolves around being good at math. even if you go to med school you need to be good at math. what's even the point of life?

No. 1842411>>1842436>>1842467

It's the newfag zoomers doing that. One thing I've noticed that specifically zoomers do is they purposely get ages wrong to make what they're saying sound more shocking or to insult someone. For instance there was once like a five or six year age gap with adults and an "anon" was like why would a 40 year old get with a 20 year old" or something like that when the ages really weren't that far off. I've also seen an "anon" round a 22 year old out to be 18 which is insane. They spout misinformation so often that it's practically a disability.

No. 1842417

Some people just want to be dumb. I've heard all sorts of wild takes on geography from my sister, like how Canada could be in Europe for all she knows or cares (we live in Europe ourselves). She vehemently defended it by saying it's not common knowledge if she doesn't need it in her day to day life kek

No. 1842419

I have two cousins who started families in November and like clockwork my relatives started harping on my dating life and fertility during the holidays. Still don’t care, staying single and not having children.

No. 1842423

My way of coping for now is just looking away from it for as long as I can. I'm still employed, I still can do my creative job, whatever happens in the future should not stop us right now. Be strong, anon

No. 1842428>>1842436

Tbh those takes are basically from two different userbases on LC. the /ot/ and /snow/ userbases have way less overlap than you'd think on a small imageboard.

No. 1842430>>1842433

I am genuinely tweaking because my mom keeps throwing away things that I buy. I had tumeric powder in the cabinet and she tossed it out apparently. when I was making us yellow rice I was looking for it like ??? she was said “you weren’t using it so”

Do you expect me to go through a whole jar of tumeric powder in less than two weeks?? wtf I’m so pissed.

No. 1842432

2 weeks of hope, genuine joy and keeping my spirits high and now, I feel empty as fuck. Instant killjoy. I really need to get diagnosed for a mood disorder…

No. 1842433>>1842444

Why is your mom doing this she sounds retarded

No. 1842436>>1842441>>1842451

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Father time gets everybody eventually.

No. 1842441

Pretending it's some grand catastrophe kind of shows how shallow and weak-willed a lot of our gens are kek

No. 1842444

idek I’m gonna lose my mind because it was so thoughtless. she kept the 3 different bottles of generic italian seasoning so I’m gonna assume she was looked at the tumeric and thought “what is this foreign substance” and tossed it, even though I’ve been using it in different dishes and she’s never complained before??

No. 1842451>>1842461>>1842463>>1842469>>1842474

I was afraid of aging when I was in my early 20’s but now I’m nearing 30 and it isn’t scary anymore tbh. I hope when the time comes and people learn that I’m a 30-something I’ll be taken more seriously (well moids probably won’t but I don’t count them as people)

No. 1842461

I think it's because of Boomers ingrained this narrative into the younger generation that once you're 30 you will look like them.

No. 1842463

I have just always assumed it would be the same for me. Like yeah I’m kinda scared I but I can acknowledge it and let it go just trusting that future me is less mentally ill, kek.

No. 1842467

>It's the newfag zoomers doing that
Nah man, I saw it already in 2015 when I was still discovering gossip forums, I was 25 at the time so that attitude annoyed me even back then.

No. 1842469>>1842480

I feel like for many their parents had already achieved more at 30. When my mother was 30 when she had me. Meanwhile Im 27 still single, not sure if I even want children.

No. 1842474

I took some courses last year and when two of the girls - one 21 and the other 24 - learned I was over 30 they started asking me lot of questions about "what it's like". When I explained that my life isn't all that different from when I was in my mid-20's except neither I nor my friends party as much and we have gotten more comfortable (would rather pay the taxi fare to get home to our own beds than crash on someone's couch, stuff like that). They seemed relly relieved after our talk, especially when I told them to just enjoy what they can of their 20's and spend that time figure themselves out instead of rushing anything because I was about to start uni myself because I finally found something I wanted to do.

No. 1842480>>1842508

What did your mom have to sacrifice for that though? Having a child is not always an achievement

No. 1842489>>1842499>>1842501>>1842511

My super misogynistic father who made fun of me when I was a handmaiden for trannies started using Reddit a year ago and now he repeats all the tranny talking lines and argues with me and my mom (who is peaking). It's so surreal. This is a man who watches KAREN GETS OWNED!! type videos, has encouraged murdering women and makes jokes about beating women. And now he gets to claim the moral high ground by crying about punching down on the poor marginalized twans women who just wanna pee!!!1 But fuck women right? Women are such a problem. Feminism is something to laugh at. But God forbid you criticize trannies. I'm so livid. He spends hours a day on Reddit and playing video games because he's unemployed and ~too disabled to work.~ I cannot believe this is real life. I'm the one who earns income for the family, he is so useless in every way.

No. 1842499>>1842506

Nonnie, are you sure he isn’t thinking about “transitioning”? This is increasingly happening with a lot of middle aged men.

No. 1842501>>1842503>>1842506

Why is this even a topic that comes up when talking to your parents?

No. 1842503>>1842513

nta but you don’t talk about any social issues in your household?

No. 1842506

Fuck I hope not. I think he hates women too much to even pretend to want to be one.
We talk about social issues. I think it's pretty normal.

No. 1842508

Right. People need to stop caring about not accomplishing “milestones” when there is so much financial insecurity compared to two, three decades ago. We’re currently entering a period resulting from a ton of people not have kids because of the 2000s economic crisis. I already have to pay 3x the amount my parents paid to live in a 2 bedroom apartment. I’ve paid over $20,000 for college education out of pocket when my dad didn’t even have to finish college (nor did he pay for it- my grandparents did) for his job. Both of my parents are miserable shells of themselves because of how much they hate their life choices. There is no obligation to follow the same route when it’s barely even achievable. Whenever I feel like I’m being shit on for not conforming to societal norms I just remind myself how unstable things are currently.

No. 1842511

That sounds like a nightmare. Your mom should kick him out. He sounds useless if he isn't even making money. Men truly never grow up. Godspeed, anon

No. 1842512>>1843081

this broke my heart what the fuck nona. i hope she’s doing well now.

No. 1842513>>1842518

We do occasionally but more regarding things like immigration and housing. Why'd we talk about transgenderism? It's a subject you rarely hear about and barely exists outside social media, at least where I am. Maybe I'm underestimating how much of a hot topic it is offline in other parts of the world.

No. 1842518

Most normie Americans are familiar with Caitlin Jenner, it was a pretty big deal when that happened, and only made transgenderism more mainstream.

No. 1842530

kek she is definitely a stereotypical narc. i genuinely hate her.

> Last time we got in an argument she told me I was just like every boyfriend she'd ever had
my mom has said similar things to me; specifically “happy wife, happy life” wrt to our living situation and i distinctly remember complaining to her once as a child that she treated me more like a husband than a kid. shit’s so weird and annoying

No. 1842554

I've been caffeine free for a while and just today I had some cake with coffee in it and now I'm feeling the jitters. Caffeine has always had an antidepressant effect on me which I enjoyed but now it feels like something is wrong with me because I don't have a cloud over my head. Why can't I just be happy.

No. 1842555>>1842565>>1842573>>1842576

my family bought so many bananas i'm going to kill myself, i have to eat 2 a day so i eat them before they become too ripe. yes i'm retarded.

No. 1842562

I'm coming to the realization that I probably gave my body worth and self respect to a mid tier moid while I could get something better or someone I'm actually attracted to. Just like my mom, my grandma.. it's not the end of the world I guess

No. 1842565>>1842575

Banana bread?

No. 1842573

You can freeze them to make banana smoothie / "nice-cream" / bread / etc. later. Peel them first.

No. 1842575>>1842582

Everyone says they will make the banana bread. They never make the banana bread.

No. 1842576

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No. 1842582

i'm the only one who makes the banana bread at my office so everyone always gives me their leftover bananas. then they have the gall to point out that i only ever bring banana bread to the office.

No. 1842587>>1842593

I knew my period was coming last night so I put a pad on, and it already bled so much that it went through my pants.

No. 1842590

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>Watching video about the oversexualization of women in music
>"Omg guyz I can't wait to introduce today's sponsor!!!"
>Sponsor is a thong company
>Presenter is super animated about looking "sexy"
Mfw also is there a good faceapp alternative?

No. 1842593

Good forward thinking nona! If it's that heavy though I'd wear a bladder control pad, way thicker and ensures there are never any leaks.

No. 1842652>>1842662

There’s a middle aged woman who works at the Starbucks attached to my job and she’ll just randomly go up to me and tell me random things she probably sees online. literally the first time we ever met she goes up to me and the coworker that was training me and said “did you know white people were slaves too?” I don’t disagree, I mean slavery was around for as long as humans were, but what kind of icebreaker is that? and then today she was like “I don’t trust that vegan food, they talk so much about human rights but they kill little rodents to grow their beans. They’re the biggest hypocrites”. I will nod and be like “yea tru” until she leaves, but I’m afraid she’s going to get in trouble one of these days by someone who won’t tolerate her the way I do, or even worse, be one those viral videos. I don’t think she’s a mean hearted person or even right winger, I think she legit has mental problems. Kinda sucks

No. 1842662

she sounds kinda cool.

No. 1842669>>1842715>>1842885

I'm glad I'm well-adjusted enough and so good at masking that people are in genuine disbelief when they learn I'm on the spectrum. But I don't appreciate that I sometimes have to argue with people that no, I'm not lying and no, I am not self-diagnosed. Hell, it should even be obvious when they think about how I the other day dropped the mask and sperged out with unnecessary trivia about a game series for a couple of minutes before I abruptly caught myself. Like thanks for the compliment that you can't tell but seriously

No. 1842699

i had destroyed my ankle skateboarding. even though i had a doctor's note and barely walking with a brace, i was gleefuly told i had to run the two-mile final for gym class. i "ran" it, poorly. while tears streamed down my face, the teachers had snide smiles on theirs.
i spent that summer was spent in physical therapy. returning for sophomore year, i had a doctor's note which stated i could only walk. they told me i was "ineligible" for pe due to my walking restriction, and i would have to take pe my junior year. after parents got involved, i was told i could walk for credits, but only if i could do a mile in 12 minutes. why are they like this? i was an a-b student, but i got a d (minimum passing grade) in pe that semester.
there was also an incident with a (sexist) math teacher. he dropped my grade accompanied by a dismissive comment about needing to "learn i'm not perfect."

No. 1842714

Ew a moid I talked with on a dating app started messaging me about how lonely he is and bro no. Just no. We've talked for two days. Kind of glad the incel-tier pity baiting started now before I got invested in this on any level lol get fucked (not literally tho please stay away from women)

No. 1842715>>1842720>>1842721>>1842722

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>sperged out with unnecessary trivia about a game series for a couple of minutes before I abruptly caught myself.

Thats not what autism is. You absolutely sound like a poser.

No. 1842720

could just be mildly autistic

No. 1842721

I was diagnosed in 2002 when getting an aspergers diagnosis for girls still was a giant hurdle

No. 1842722>>1842730

You just proved OP’s point

No. 1842730>>1842898

File (hide): 1704654397451.jpg (18.58 KB, 360x360, raf,360x360,075,t,fafafa_ca443…)

>Has zero autism characteristics. Is a well adjusted stacy with no socialization handicaps.
>But likes VIDEOGAMES. Dude. So autistic!! XD

No. 1842732

so autistic.

No. 1842738>>1842753


I'm sorry, I think I'll try again tomorrow. Even after talking to several people I still feel terrible. I will run in front of a train at around 1PM CET.

I have no tangible reason to keep living other than the belief life will get better and that things will turn out fine regardless of what I have and will continue to endure. I have been in a perpetual state of waiting since I was a child, and every problem I hoped would pass (or I thought I could solve) has only worsened the older I got.

I don't have time to write an elaborate breakdown of all the terrible things that happened to me throughout my life but there are a few things that come to mind.
The intense bullying I endured from ages 6 to 18. My eldest brother turning out to be a pedophile, and nobody in my family believing me even after he admitted what he did. My attempts to stop being lonely and befriend other people only left me sexually harassed, picked up on relentlessly (people would often take pictures of me and film me because they found it funny), abandoned and generally worse off than I was before. I can only rely on online friends but they're not a good enough substitute. As soon as I log off they don't exist anymore, and even without that, they have no incentive to be decent because everyone online is easily replaceable, and I know I'm not special.

I'm just a shock absorber for others. I have no community.

I have been told countless times I need to hold on to life but each time I did, something even more vile happened to me and I'm running out of patience. It's no use persisting in a life as pointless as mine. All of this suffering was in vain because it only left me even more vulnerable. I know that if I survive or don't go through with my plan, life will come up with another situation to break me.

There's nothing the suicide hotlines nor my family can do. They can recite all the platitudes they want and it won't change a thing. You don't heal a wound by talking.

No. 1842748

Got covid. Not horribly ill, but waves of feeling unquestionably sick. I feel so antsy like I need to do more things around the house but when I do its like my ass gets kicked right back down to nap on the couch.

No. 1842753>>1842764>>1842863

Can you kill yourself at home? I hate people who selfishly kill themselves in front of trains, traumatizing people, and making others late for work. We need to start billing families, like they do in Japan.
no but for real. Please don't kill yourself. You are worth more than you think. Suicide is an abrupt decision that you can't take back. Please don't do it.

No. 1842764>>1842819>>1842860>>1842874

No, I can't kill myself at home because there's no way to. I either jump into traffic from an overpass or I run in front of a train, I can't think of anything else. I know suicide is permanent and that's the entire point of me wanting to do it. What do I gain from living? Seriously?

No. 1842819

can't you just do it in the woods. besides, in many cases people who kill themselves end up surviving but as a crippled vegetable.

No. 1842849>>1842866

Period pain at an 8 out of 10 rn, please fucking kill me

No. 1842856

i used to have easy periods until a year ago when i started experiencing cramps and fatigue and its been debilitating. i dont know how other people can function day to day like this.

No. 1842860>>1842875

Take some pills then. You are an insufferable, selfish bitch. Lc isn't your personal 100 suicide hot line. Subjecting innocent people to your suicide is moid tier.(alog)

No. 1842863>>1842872

Probably already posted this but I was on 2 trains last year (within weeks of each other) that had to stop because further up the line someone had done that with the train ahead of us. Same line, same time of day, same thing of it not being our train but the track being out for the day while we're on it in the middle of rural nowhere. Got home 6 hours late the first time and I was like at least I'm home and I'm not that persons family tonight.

Second time there was a whole live twitter debate while we were still stuck there because enough people had been on the previous train too. They were like once.. rip poor soul, twice.. fuck this shit. Followed by lots of 'be glad you're not dead' responses. They think the second person took inspiration from news coverage about the first and so they gave the second one even more news coverage..?

No. 1842864


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1842866

Drink hot water. Do a little bit of exercise. If you have a heating pad, that helps. I really hope you can find some relief. Period pain is different for everyone, it sucks.

No. 1842872

My dad tried to take a train to my house for a chill hang out, but we late 3 hours because someone jumped in front of a train and got almost fully decapitated. It was awful. He told me he heard the sound too. People who kill themselves in public are beyond selfish.

No. 1842874>>1842914

anyone who says this seriously isn't old enough to post here. Get help. Do not traumatize other people by involving them in your attempt to self-harm or suicide. You are not a bad person but you are a sick person, who cannot see the options available to you. Find someone who can help you concretely instead of trying to find a method to kill yourself. You will just end up injured and hating life more.

No. 1842875>>1842911>>1842916

I'll definitely jump in front of a train(stop)

No. 1842885>>1842892>>1842909

I wanna sperg out about nuclear reactor meltdowns but they never seem to naturally come up in conversation.

No. 1842892>>1842923

Maybe do it in the dumb ass shit or vent thread? I'll definitely join you, nonnie.

No. 1842898

Did you learn about autism from tiktok or something? Because you seem all socialization issues are the same for autists. It is a spectrum so it's different for everyone - especially highfunctional ones, and because I absolutely hated my diagnosis from the moment I got it I started observing how other people acted and learned through both that and my own social failures ("hm, when x does y they get z reaction, but if I also do y I don't get the same, curious"), on top of maturing as an adult as well. I still struggle with reading people or figure out if they are being serious or not sometimes, but I learned to respond with an awkward half-smile or chuckle when I don't know what to do but I will ruminate over it for hours, sometimes days even. I also struggle with fitting in with other coworkers, but again - I am masking well enough and picked up enough skills to do small talk and just let the other person do the hard work in talking about their life. But if I misread someone as being as into something I like I can absolutely sperg out in the speed of light and completely lose my composure until I realize that I can't tell if they're actually interested or just humoring me and shut up in fear of having "outed" myself. But I guess you'd have believed me if I'd been into something you'd find more acceptable instead of something that is widely popular, like deep sea creatures or knitting?
God I can't believe I have to do the same fucking arguing on an anon board that I have to do irl kek

No. 1842909>>1842923

please I wanna read, that's a favorite topic of mine too

No. 1842911>>1842913>>1842914

if you jump in front of a train your body will be destroyed in an extremely gruesome manner. anyone who witnesses the impact or has to clean up the resulting mess will be heavily traumatized. if your suicide is caught on film it will be posted online and for as long as the internet exists retarded moids will make crude disgusting comments about your final moments and get off on the fact that another woman has killed herself. it's so much better to live.

No. 1842913>>1842914

Stop responding. It's obviously a moid or troll. Either way, report and move on.

No. 1842914>>1842921>>1842981

I've sought help countless times. I've talked to therapists, psychiatrists, friends, family, anything under the sun and even had antidepressants and benzodiazepines prescribed. I took action and I've been proactive in changing my life but it seems it was all to no avail. I'm old enough to post here but I do realize my posts sound immature and impulsive. You're one of the few posters who responded with empathy and I'm grateful for that.

Those other replies (even though they were crude, but these people are not here to enable me and rightfully so) are making me reconsider my decision.

I'm not male or a troll, I was serious when I first posted my messages but I'm snapping back into reality.

I won't do it. Sorry for being insufferable.

No. 1842916>>1842919

And be a fucking nuisance to everyone I don't want to see retard guts on my way on to work if you really are desperate go do it where you wouldn't bother any one . Don't be a attention whore and although chances are low you might survive and live a life of agony you want to make the world pay? The pain is too much? Keep going.that's the biggest "fuck you" you can give this gay earth. Don't be retarded and take your revenge by living the best life you want

No. 1842919

It's hard but I'm gonna keep living even if it's out of spite. Your message made me smile, thank you. I'm done clogging up this thread with my complaints, I feel better now.

No. 1842921

Ntayrt but dw nona, I know how it feels to be in your position. I understand these comments but what people don’t understand is when you believe you won’t be here tomorrow, you don’t care about how your decision affects others, I mean you don’t even believe you’ll exist to witness it. It’s hard not to sound immature when you’re going through things like this.

I’m glad you’ve snapped back to reality a bit. I hope you can reconsider. Spend a week however you want to, doing what you enjoy doing in life. Then decide. Don’t be impulsive. Staring death in the eyes and then realising you want to live after all is probably something a lot of people who were successful went through.

No. 1842923

I still remember when netflix came out with that chernobyl mini series and lots of people were suddenly talking about it. No matter what your interest is or how little it comes up, rest assured that someday netflix will make a documentary or series on it and everyone will be like 'but wait I still don't get this part' That's the moment you've waited for.

No. 1842981>>1843781

ayrt. sorry I thought you might be a minor. I'm in a massively deep pit myself, and I've hurt everything that was good in my life because of how I have coped with horrible recent traumas (fwiw coping through withdrawing from everything & everyone, not addiction or lashing out). I wanted to say more but thought you might not be in the mood to hear it. I contemplate suicide a lot. But there are things in life to try still. There are options. Platitudes do not help, I agree. But concrete help might. Problem-solving, yes, but also like small things you can use to bring the tiniest amount of joy into your life. Anything to get you to the next day or week.

I also think that sometimes realizing that every fucking freak on this earth is imperfect and half-assing it most of the time helps a lot.

I had to care for my elderly dog as she was dying. Alone. For months she had dementia and I tried all the treatments. I ended up having to put her to sleep. Before the appointment I tried to savor every tiny shred of beauty we had together. I devoted my whole existence to taking care of her. After her death, I wish I had treasured even more every second she was calm & sweet. idk how to translate that to your situation, but there is something somewhere that needs to be protected and cherished in yourself. Do that. Sorry if that is kind of platitude-like.

No. 1843036

>that's literally the only space they really belong in because they aren't taking a woman's place
Tbf, I'll give it 5 - 10 years when women in modelling will start getting replaced by troons since the industry leans to more and more androgyny.

No. 1843057

I'm self-sabotaging again, lovely.

No. 1843080

I promised myself I wouldn't self harm again so I've taken up the occasional habit of carving and burning a word or number into my wrists. I have about three thus far. Two of them are significant numbers and one of them is word/s

I originally tried to do a home stick and poke and did it wrong so the ink didn't take. Guess to most people this is a form of s/h and hella demented, but I feel a lot more in control of myself when it's not brought on by a mental breakdown, rather something I chose to put there.

I'm too poor to afford a proper tattoo at the moment. But I am also a dumbass in need of better coping mechanisms and hobbies. There's a lot wrong with me I still am addressing. It beats last years self who'd slice into oblivion in one session until she could barely walk.

No. 1843081

I’m taking my grandma shopping right now to cheer her up

No. 1843085>>1843086

What the fuck is it with these Facebook mommy type of women who refuse to treat their fucking adhd? Just try the fucking medication and lay off the wine and maybe you wouldn't be a raging hypochondriac bitch, if I didn't know better I would just think she was bpd but she was diagnosed with adhd but doesn't wanna admit she did so no drugs, just rage.

No. 1843086>>1843105

boomers and gen x need to go to therapy challenge

No. 1843105

she's 34 though, but her gaggle of mommies seem to all be like this

No. 1843110>>1843119

So close to just going full on anti-psychiatry

No. 1843119

samefagging, actually it is ridiculous of me to expect psychiatry to do anything, because I don't have anything, so there is nothing to be treated, so of course nothing is going to work. I'm just lazy and mean spirited.

No. 1843121>>1843129

>had to move back in last year
>no job just yet (i'm running out of $$$ though, so i plan to get something by mid feb, if not the end of this month)
>usually go do driving lessons with aunt on sunday - monday
>cramping really badly today (i usually cramp + get intense headaches before my period)
>don't feel like being behind wheel
>tell mother
>cue her literally literally stomping around the house with her lips poked out and whining bitching crying about not even being able to get a day for herself
>ranting and raving about how i won't be able to take off for work because "my tummy hurts a little" (as if i don't have a degree, and never took off from school due to my period despite how painful it gets)
>says a lot of other weird degrading shit as if she's never had a period before
>extremely confused as this is hardly the first time this has happened
>few hours later after making her lunch
>overhear a conversation she's having
>it's with some guy she's been seeing
>she's doing her high-pitched breathy baby voice shit she always does around ""attractive"" scrotes
>kind of put it all together there
i mean…boo fucking hoo, but whatever. shit happens. ask him why he never wants you to visit him. and anyway you are pushing sixty, flying into a seething rage because you can't get fondled by your nigel is fucking pathetic kek. my dad was the same way regarding sex up until his seventies. no wonder you horny retards got together.

No. 1843124

I was woken up around 4am by a loud, repetitive scratching noise and I have no idea what it was. My parents house is on the edge of woods so I’ve heard mice before, but they make skittering noises and would pop up around 10-11pm. They also have possums in the yard sometimes but I don’t know…maybe it could have even been a bear?

No. 1843129>>1843159

why can't your mom go to his place? She's acting like an adolescent, I'm sorry. I'd bring you a hot water bottle and some soup if I could.

No. 1843150>>1843159

my undergrad degree is going to take me for fucking ever. it’s been a year and i’ve barely gotten anywhere. why do i have to be so retarded… i want to get my master’s too but i dont think it’ll ever happen if i keep up at this pace. i know i’m young but i feel like i’m wasting my time. i’m questioning my degree, do i even need it? i just wish i could get a stable job and start living my life. i don’t even want anything fancy just a home, food, and to be comfortable. i feel memed into university by my parents

No. 1843159

>i don’t even want anything fancy just a home, food, and to be comfortable
i dunno but definitely get an internship or two while you're in there. if last year taught me anything it's that bachelor's don't mean shit anymore lol

he doesn't want her there, for some reason. at first it was "i live too far away" and then it became "well i'm just going to come and visit you" whenever she brings it up. i only know this because she also loves to vent dump all her shit onto me

No. 1843191

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Growing up is so depressing. I wish I could still have the mindset I had as a teenager, the only thing 'holding me back' was school and after graduation I would go to India to drive a van and uwu find myself. I forgot I even had that idea, I'm so caught up in my stupid job and achieving enough to not be an embarrassment. Sucks you have to be rich to be a proper hippie. This is all sounding so embarrassing but I just miss that feeling.

No. 1843210

Women give so much to the world and men just take and destroy im so tired of their corrupt soulless bullshit
Why do so many men not seem to have souls
I am feeling more and more that being physically attracted to them is a curse

No. 1843303

I threw up because of morning sickness.
The nausea is now on day 4, all day when I stand up.
I knew the feeling of being sick would be bad, but I thought it would come and go.
Week 6-9 is meant to be the worst of it, I'm week 7.
I feel useless not being able to do anything.

No. 1843313

Fucking snarling moids. Shut the hell up already, doesn't snarling this much hurt your throat? What a horrible noise.

No. 1843333>>1843352

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God it’s too painful. I can’t believe it ended this way. The way love turned to hate, but it didn’t for me. I still love you.

No. 1843345>>1843354

I'm glad my coworker got fired. She slept last year with another deadbeat coworker who was married (his wife was heavily pregnant and you could literally hear them fucking in their office. Sadly his wife took him back) and is now in a relationship with a former boss of ours. She is a total pick-me and always tries so hard to come off as younger than her actual age (she is 42 years old) like always mentioning how short she is and talking in a high pitched voice. She also always flirted with any male client under 50. She studied psychology but I guess she couldn't fix herself. I'm glad I don't have to deal with that messy bitch anymore.

No. 1843351

I've been doing very bad. Eating way too much food. It's like I'm never full unless I'm literally stuffed and im always thinking about what to eat next. I'm not binging, overeating.

No. 1843352>>1843374

I understand. I don't know how to process it in my brain so I wind up going in circles.

No. 1843354

Women who do are the worst kind of trash. I'm glad she's gone too.

No. 1843374

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Sorry anon, it’s confusing and a shock. Sometimes feels humiliating. I’m trying to forget about the whole thing for now and maybe try and process at a later date when I’m not so emotional. I hope things heal for you.

No. 1843407>>1843474

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I seriously regret helping my neighbor.

She's been smoking weed and drinking like a retard even though her kids have been taken away from her and kept out of her custody because of it, she blames everyone else and "muh trauma" and i finally got sick of hearing "why won't da evil gubberment give me my kids back, they want me to die blah blah" even though they've told her "just stop smoking and drinking for 2 weeks and you'll get them back."

I've been supporting her and helping her since late 2021, i've gone out on a limb to be there for her and i've sacrificed a lot of my time and energy.

two days before christmas, she fell and fucked up her knee and hit her head, her autistic 9 year old son came to my house to ask me for help, i went and tried to talk to her - she was completely incoherent even after i'd spent about 7 minutes trying to ask and assess what was wrong with her, she was face down on the bed and i couldn't see visible injuries.

At this point she's let me down enough i was skeptical at the time if she was injured and had just said she'd concussed herself to avoid being reported for being drunk, she's lied to me before.

I ask her "have you drank or smoked anything?" she said she's drunk, she also had valium and oxycodone in her system when she fell. I had to cut the conversation short because her two kids, 9 and 3 were speeding up the street on their scooters, i had to sprint 200 metres to the end of the street because he was talking to a random teenage boy. I had the kids for about 2 hours, gave them water, offered snacks, played with them until my neighbours mum, aunt and family friend showed up, the 9 year old apparently called them on her phone, grandmother asked me what'd happened, i told her everything i'd been told and seen.

and now according to my neighbour, it's partially my fault that her kids have been taken away again.of course she's blaming anyone but herself.

i've been extremely depressed because of it. not because of my neighbour, it's because the kids are innocent in all of this. i feel so bad for them and i've gotten very attached to them both.

i know that her house isn't a good environment but these kids are going to have issues from being torn back and forth between houses with mentally unstable caregivers, and i've been so sick thinking about it that i've barely been eating or sleeping.my room is a mess. i don't want to do anything.

I've had to put away the christmas gifts i got for them because it makes me sad to look at them.
They're good kids, they deserve better, i've spent so much time trying to support my neighbour to do better so she can be a good mum and the kids can have a stable home but i can't make that happen. They're such wonderful and sweet boys, i hate this situation so much. it infuriates me that she's going to ruin her kids lives because she won't stop smoking fucking weed or drinking entire bottles of vodka. i fucking hate drug addicts who refuse to get better.

No. 1843412

Late but i feel the same way, and everyone else who i tried ranting about this to is either a coomer apologist or tries to be the "cool" chill girl. Im sure if the roles were reversed moids wouldnt be so kind, the double standards are insane

No. 1843430>>1843437>>1843464>>1843467>>1843469>>1843497

I genuinely can't tell if some of you are memeing or if you're being serious when you say you'll abort or try to induce a miscarriage if you get pregnant with a boy.
It just makes me sad for the baby, I couldn't imagine getting pregnant on purpose only to btof the baby if it's not the gender you want.
I couldn't imagine if they have a boyfriend or husband that they would be fine with that?
Just screams mental illness.

No. 1843437>>1843459>>1843485

Anon they are joking or being edgy.
You're chronically online enough to know about lolcow but not enough yo know when someone is being edgy.

No. 1843459

I don't think they all are, someone asked in the mom thread how to guarantee a girl or they will make themselves miscarry.

No. 1843460>>1843466

File (hide): 1704690002162.gif (108.71 KB, 275x256, 1698210255897.gif)

My cat likes to beg for extra food all the time. I try not to overfeed her, and try to space out her food out throughout the day. My mom decided that I'm starving her and will always give her more food regardless. My mom then tells me I'm munchausen by proxy-ing my cat. I tell her that's not correct, explain what MBP is, and tell my mom she thinks I'm controlling. I detest when my mom "learns" a new word off her brain dead streamers because always without fail they do not use the word correctly. I also despise how my mom likes to act like I'm terrible to my cat because I'm not overfeeding her. I'm miffed and want to scream.

No. 1843462

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My annoyance is twofold:
>living with mom cause 32 year old failure of adult relationships
>came back home to discover my mom has been in my bedroom once again
>because she disconnected my vibrator that was charging
>she will always be the same ol narcissist never allowing me boundaries, space, nor privacy
>and then she wonders why I am an abuser magnet when intrusive bullshit is so normalized for me


>alone, sad, horny
>simps and sneaky fucks galore
>but I hate them and it actually damages my confidence that they are so disgusting
>and it hurts my heart that I seem to attract so many bad options
>latest date
>seems like a normal guy so I invite him to an event where he is pleasant enough company
>later in he reveals dumb kook ideas that are dealbreakers
>"I don't know that the earth isn't flat."
>"I would want to have a ceremony but not legal marriage because I don't trust the gov't and I don't want my partner to take me for half."
"I don't trust doctors."
>"I want kids but not yet."
>of course he wants a third date because I am so put together and beautiful and gee maybe he could touch my bases too
I could've at least picked up a cute guy at the event to fuck instead of wasting time with this. He talked up being a provider at the beginning which is why I agreed to a second date because he seemed to have his shit together. I'm disappointed and feel so juvenile. All my friends are moving on with marriages and kids and I am so happy for them yet so sad because I cannot pretend those aren't things I want too. Here I am legally fending off the last bloodsucker I almost married and have nothing but heartache and debt to show for it.
I wish I were dead lately. No amount of distractions or volunteerism nor kindness is helping me forget what people do to me and WILL do to me if I don't have the strength anymore to fight them. I'm scared nonnas, most days I want to die cause I don't want to deal with people and their shit anymore.

No. 1843464>>1843468

Honestly who cares. Men shouldn't get an opinion in a women's pregnancy. If she wants a girl, she should get one. I had an aunt who got pregnant three times, only to have sons. One of them trooned out too. I feel bad for women who want daughters but get sons, they should absolutely be allowed to abort based on sex alone.

No. 1843466>>1843484

That really sucks, anon. Cats always act like they're starving. Is there anyway to lock their food bowls/food in a space she can't get to?

No. 1843467

As opposed to dragging your body through birthing a boy even though you really don't want one?

No. 1843468>>1843470>>1843473

That's just sad thinking. Don't expect the guy to stick around if she aborts a baby just because of the gender

No. 1843469>>1843485

>I couldn't imagine if they have a boyfriend or husband that they would be fine with that?
You're on lolcow, newfag. We don't give a shit about men's opinions here. Give back to twt if you want that validation

No. 1843470>>1843485

You are such a pick me. Pathetic

No. 1843473>>1843485

Men will leave for literally any reason, nevermind there's no reason to tell him either way.

No. 1843474>>1843495

That's a really tough situation. There's not much you can do since you aren't family or a legal guardian. You didn't do anything wrong by trying to help, but you might have to step back sadly.

No. 1843484

Right? This isn't the first cat to be around my mom. My mom has had cats since she was a young child and knows they do this. It's a good idea, and would work if my mom respected me, except my mom will either a) search for it and destroy stuff in her conquest or b) just open a can of tuna from the pantry to give her. She always goes around me because in her mind I'm a dumbass.

No. 1843485

I found the people I was talking about

No. 1843493

Aborting a kid you don't want is the opposite of edgy.

No. 1843495

i'm definitely stepping back, she screamed abuse at me from her door threatening to have me evicted and telling me i'll die a lonely death. it was pretty much a breaking point, if she's going to fuck up her kids lives and then fuck people over who want to help her, she can fuck off and keep smoking, drinking and screaming and crying because her life sucks and she's blaming anyone but herself.

No. 1843497>>1843513

Personally I'm being serious. I have watched the sons of my mom's acquaintances and other family members turn out so incredibly horrible while the daughters are normal, I'd never want a male. It's the same thing with me and my brother, despite the fact we were raised identically with lots of love and care. The huge emotional life-long pain these sons cause on their mothers is excruciating just to witness. My brother is the biggest problem in our family's life and he will be an insufferable, cruel leech on my poor parents until the day they die. My mom's best friend's son is so irresponsible that he's always in the hospital at the verge of death, putting his family in debt, for something he did that people told him not to, imagine the pain this causes his mother and the whole family. His sister is normal and thriving.
My mom is the most wonderful human being, and her brother is such an evil bastard that he would be elder abusing my grandparents if my mom did not step in to keep him away.
It's not a joke and not a meme, having a son can fuck up not just your life but the lives of everyone around you.

Additionally, the best-case scenario is that he comes out "normal" and even normal men are porn-watching, misogynistic weirdos with little to no empathy for women past a surface-level mask to get what they want.

No. 1843501

my uncle is such a cunt. if you can't even pretend to be nice to your sister for 5 secinds while your mother is half dying then fuck off. all because she made alternate plans for christmas 3 years ago.
im not ginna be visiting when it's his arse in the nursing home. fuck him.

No. 1843505

A couple years back, just before the relationship ended, my bf at the time went to a meetup for a particular subreddit. My friends happened to see him while he was out, said "Hey (first name), only to find the whole group he was with confused because he had been going by his middle name with them. We had had major trust issues throughout our relationship and broke up soon after for both those and other reasons, and looking back I can see it was likely some measure to ensure no one looked him up by his actual name and saw he had a girlfriend. I've recently noticed he continually stalks my Tumblr (often coming from my other social media) and w/ some detective work found he's in a relationship with a reddit mod from said aforementioned subreddit (along with a lot of other pretty big subs). The sad thing is she's posted about being cheated on by guys before (which my ex has a history of!!) so I'm assuming she's just totally unaware or naive

No. 1843513>>1843521

I had a room mate in college I don't see anymore because she had a severely autistic son. Like she can't leave him alone too long. All I hear are horror stories about sons, no matterhow hard you try. Women are proven to be more intelligent, engaging and empathetic. Even the most 'normal ' typed watch porn or at least say/do questionable things.

No. 1843521>>1843526>>1844286

That's another thing. If your son is born or becomes mentally disabled he turns into an actual threat when he completes puberty. The strength of an adult, the sexual urges of an adult male, and no reasoning to tell them not to assault people. When they get mad, they can beat and kill their caretakers or parents.
On the flipside, if you have a girl with the same thing, the most you'll have to deal with is tantrums that can be controlled by men or larger women, and maybe some awkward humping issues. Not the same risk even with the same condition, it's nuts.
>t. mother cared for developmentally disabled adults

No. 1843526

Yeah, male autists are legit a threat on society.

No. 1843606

I am a prisoner of my brain and I'm too paranoid to talk to anyone about it. Feels like hell on earth.

No. 1843647

>i hope you die from your disability just because you don’t give me attention anymore
Self importance is an ugly disease

No. 1843656>>1843663>>1843669>>1843678

I wish I was a woman's type. Every girl I've met either wants a 6'0+ mommydom or a skinny petite East Asian girl. Meanwhile I am average at best or fucking ugly at worst and I know I'll never be attractive enough for anyone. I don't care if I get rejected by a scrote but it hurts so much more when no woman wants you. It sucks and I should just stop dating forever because all it does is make me feel bad.

No. 1843663

Same, I’m just an ugly woman with no style and below average height. I decided not to try because I’m not really emotionally strong enough to handle getting rejected by the kind of women I like.

No. 1843669

I like women and I'm not into either thing you described, if anything I'm more into average women specially if they aren't into gender ideology or shit like that. What you described actually makes me flinch when I think about it

No. 1843678

> Every girl I've met either wants a 6'0+ mommydom or a skinny petite East Asian girl.
anon i think you are getting catfished by troons

No. 1843680>>1843818>>1843851

Anime has ruined my image of men. Really led myself to think that any 3dpd could compare to a fine animated man

No. 1843713>>1843723

I'm in my 30's, I shouldn't deal with this anymore. I'm so fucking anxious and it's overwhelming, I just want to cut so bad because I know it helps by freeing some comforting hormones but I've been dry for around 7 years and I don't want to relapse. On the other hand I don't care anymore because my brain short circuits but I know I'll be hit with regret once I sober up and see the scars.

No. 1843723>>1843728

Nonnie, 7 years is huge! You are 100% stronger than this urge. As a fellow anxiety disordered person, my heart goes out to you. It's so hard not to give into bad coping mechanisms when the anxiousness reaches unbearable levels. Trust in yourself and invest in your future self. I really hope you won't cut, and I'm sending you love and hugs in the meantime. Don't let the disorder win!

No. 1843728>>1843737

Wow, I didn't expect to get a response to my vent but thank you so much for your kindness nonnie. I've been crying for hours unable to do my work and it's causing me even more anxiety with the tasks piling up and I have an important meeting coming up in a few hours so I was desperate and had to vent it out. I'm really thankful for your reply and I mean it.

No. 1843737>>1843765

I'm very sorry to hear how much pain you're in, nonnie. If venting helps let the pressure out, please use the vent thread as much as you want instead of hurting yourself. But I definitely think you can overcome your challenges even if they seem daunting and I'm sure they are. I don't know if you've experienced this, but in my life of dealing with anxiety I have 99% of the time found that my response to stressors was higher than it needed to be, and even though the process wasn't pleasant I always overcame. So you can, too! It may not be perfect, and there may be some consequences, but you WILL get through and it won't be as bad as your worst-case scenario. I sincerely wish for you to succeed and get through this, and I'll be sending good vibes into the universe in the meantime while you get through your meeting. IDK if it matters much, but you have someone rooting for you! I'll be cheering you on!

No. 1843746>>1843779

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Hopefully I won't cry during the dentist from being so touch starved, I'm sorry to the women cleaning my teeth that have to deal with my pathetic ass.

No. 1843765

I don't think I've had anyone be this kind and attentive to me in years and I didn't expect to find it on Lolcow. All I can say is thanks, I'll keep you in mind ♡

No. 1843767

Sometimes I have dreams where I fight and cry a lot because of something and it drains me. It happened tonight too and I feel so stupid and tired, I have to cry even in my dreams. I feel so distressed.

No. 1843779

dw nonny dental hygienists have seen it all. they'll probably just be glad you're not afraid of them. sending you lots of love and support lovely nonna, you got this!

No. 1843781

I don't know if you'll see this since I'm responding so late, but thank you for writing this. What you said wasn't a platitude, you described how you coped with something extremely painful and that's way more useful. I wish you the best too, once again I'm grateful you typed those words. I'm sorry I can't think of anything else to say.

No. 1843818>>1843819

You reminded me of how I'd come across some clips of shoujo anime like Kaichou wa Maid-sama! for example, and there would be a whole bunch of comments that centered around how "Usui made me have high standards" or how "if he's not like Usui, I don't want him." Which made me think damn good for them. There really is no comparison to real men because real men are so lacking. The male equivalent is "I want big boob big butt anime girl who satisfies my coom." Pathetic.

No. 1843819>>1843836

the creepy weirdo that told the protagonist that if she was his little sister he would sexually harass her? such high standars wow

No. 1843825

I have been feeling like absolute shit all week and today I feel like nuking everything in my life. I want to die. How can things ever get better

No. 1843836>>1843858

KEK really? I haven't watched the anime, but I would listen to various anime openings and come upon all these clips.

No. 1843851

yeah but anime is just fictional so in the end it doesnt really matter

No. 1843858

yeah, he's creepy as fuck in the anime. It's why i dropped it.

No. 1843860>>1843881>>1843923

My mom raised me and we never celebrated anything. No special days like birthdays or even religious holidays even though she's extremely religious. Never celebrated anything I achieved either. She never cared if I succeeded in shit. Now my brother got married and his wife loves celebrating stuff and she's celebrating something for my mom and my mom wants me to show up too but I'm so bitter over her never caring about anything I achieved as a child or even a young adult. I would never even get a happy birthday before this woman she wants to impress showed up. She wants her to think we're a normal family so she's even told them I'm coming but I'm not. I don't know how to tell her off properly without breaking down because it's a sensitive topic for me. I wish I could let stuff that happened in my childhood go but I don't know, it's like the child in me is realizing she can throw a tantrum about things that bother her and won't let me forgive her for hating me and never supporting me emotionally. It's obviously not only about celebratory events, she never even listened when I tried to talk to her as a child and now I have to act like I give a fuck about her life achievements? No. My bro's wife even told me once that she understands why I never talk to my parents. It's just so unfair that she expects me to act like a child she never raised. I tried to talk to her about how much she hurt me (emotionally and physically) while raising me but she's never willing to accept it so I can't even tell her how I really feel even if I could do it without crying. It's frustrating that I'm a grown adult and a simple thing like this can make me spiral again.

No. 1843869>>1843895>>1843908

AHHHHHHHHH. I CANNOT GET BING AI TO CREATE IMAGES OF NORMAL WOMEN. It's so fucking frustrating. I just want to write short little sci-fi/fantasy stories and when I create a cute little scene, I want to manifest it for my personal enjoyment. So I'll type bullshit like "stained glass window scene depicting 14th century princess standing by river" and every single woman will be a same faced plastic surgery abomination with ridiculous proportions in disney clothing. So you'll type in "normal women" in front of that and it will block you and scream "DAT"S RACISS" because, and it actually does this, it adds secret words to your searches like black or asian and it thinks when you're typing normal woman you're trying to make to override its forced diversity.
So then you'll try every combination of words you can think of to make your princess look normal to slightly ugly like the inbred royalty that she is and you'll be blocked at every turn because again, it thinks you're trying to get around what it wants to show you, before finally typing in "ugly woman" and it shows you the same plastic surgery freaks except these ones maybe have an eye patch. So then you try "hideously ugly british royalty" at which point it shows you inhuman cronenberg monstrosities that are also unusable.
Please, I'm begging you. Just let me write my silly little fantasies and make silly little picture in peace. Why is every depiction of a woman in AI a fucked up blow up doll that got cheap plastic surgery? Why can't they train it on women who look real? When I search men I don't have this problem.

No. 1843881>>1843962

I think it would be best to not go if you feel so strongly on the matter. You can ultimately blame an illness, sickness, and so forth if need be.

No. 1843895

AI is trained on art online, there's more art of insta baddies than regular women. accept ai is as garbage as what it is trained on and move on.

No. 1843908>>1843913

Learn to draw or commission a real artist. AI art is evil for a reason. It's ugly and obvious when people use it .

No. 1843913>>1843928>>1843934>>1843948

File (hide): 1704724701797.png (255.99 KB, 1000x1000, 1624446988458.png)

>Learn to draw
No. My little stories are how I relax. I don't want to take on a frustrating and time consuming hobby just because men hate women and this fact permeates in every facet of our existence.

No. 1843923>>1843962

Is there any reason to not build a relationship with your brother's wife? If she invited you too, then it's my theory-if your mother is a narcissist like mine-that your absence would be spun around by your mother as if it were you who never enjoyed the celebrations and holidays and hence why you would not be there but she would be.
You should show up just to make subtle digs at your mom. Like if your mother seems impressed by something you should chime "I know, isn't brother's wife amazing to have put this all together for us? We never celebrated like this when we grew up and it's mom's FIRST TIME and she is so happy!"
You'll sound empathetic while your mom seethes at you revealing she didn't do shit, or watch her have a narc breakdown trying to recall all the times she actually did something celebratory adjacent for you kek.

But don't not go. It'll give her a chance to triangulate them against you. Don't think bro's wife is entirely in your corner if she knows about the shit your mom did yet still chooses to invite her..

No. 1843928

Well, art isn't that frustrating. Maybe at the start because you're probably old enough to see obvious mistakes the way children can't, but it'll get easier. Or maybe you can find artist friends that will agree to work on your stories with you

No. 1843934>>1843955

>just because men hate women and this fact permeates in every facet of our existence.
Women produce swaths of bimbo glorifying, retarded self-abasing misogynistic content too that is just as damaging to actual real women nearly as much as males do. Unironically actually learn to draw because you won't find a novel image that exists in your mind solely from "AI" or rather plagiarism machine learning programs. The only thing these programs are good for is generating the same regurgitated, most popular, status quo affirming, muddled bog standard crap. Every possible bias is cranked up to eleven since they take the median of all possible biases in their data sets to get the most accurate bias. Your idiotic spiel about forced diversity is exactly the same logic as to why it's giving you unsatisfying, unrealistic, plastic surgery fetus-faced women.

No. 1843945

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Im tired of these narratives because they all feel like backhanded ways of shaming women still. They also assume that getting picked by a man is a compliment when the majority of the time it’s not.

No. 1843946>>1844217

I am so sick pray for me

No. 1843948>>1843955

Then commission an artist instead of complaining.

No. 1843949


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1843955

>Women are just as damaging to actual real women as much as males do
Also no. I don't owe you money and if you don't like people venting don't come to the vent thread.

No. 1843962

>Is there any reason to not build a relationship with your brother's wife?
I want to stay away from my whole family and am distancing myself from everyone slowly. She's actually one of the few people I like and the rest are people I tried to connect with but their personalities put me off. Not to sound like a moralfag but all they do is gossip about other people and I realized they also gossip about me and the other side of my family only complains and overall their negativity really tired me out and I don't feel like keeping appearances just to get my energy sucked out whenever I try to hang out with them anymore. I know that if I have a relationship with her or my bro I will have to talk to my family especially my parents in the future where I'm planning to cut off contact.
>subtle digs at your mom
I did this for a while, not exactly digs but I said straight that we never celebrate anything. So she knows already, I feel like going just to do that for people I'm also cutting contact with will be useless.
>still chooses to invite her
I don't even hold it against her because I'm from a culture that puts parents above everything and caring for your child emotionally is not ever talked about. If you're lucky with the parent bingo you get it but boohoo if you're not lucky. On the same vein she has to act nice to her husband's parents no matter what or she'll get shunned. Thank you for your reply nonna, I would be convinced to go if there was anything to gain from it.
Yeap I'm not going. Thanks for your reply too nonna.

No. 1844217

Hope you feel better nonna

No. 1844286

One of the reasons I was absolutely adamant about using birth control when I still bothered with boyfriends was because I knew 3 different people with profoundly disabled sons. One couple divorced, 1 widowed, only 1 where the husband was there and involved. As you can guess, only the couple that stayed together had any quality of life, and that was severely reduced. The other two women had their lives and health completely destroyed, along with the lives and health of their other women blood relatives. And TBF the good husband also got cancer.

No. 1845229>>1845242

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I really hate going outside due to how ugly most places are(in the U.S. at least). It’s really hard to enjoy going outside when most of it is loud highways, Walmarts, parking lots and litter. It also always smells like gasoline, trash and cigarettes when i go out. I’d stop being hiki if everywhere looked more like this:

No. 1845242

I don't disagree with you, but it's unrealistic. That charming street is probably surrounded by all the crap you mentioned. In the US, it'd be impossible for it all to be local and well-maintained due to excess space with less population density. That said, you might like the French Quarter in New Orleans (just stay off Bourbon Street if it isn't your vibe and ignore the vagrants lol)

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