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No. 1823178
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God heartbreak is so gay. I hate that I still can't deal with that shit like a proper adult. I wish I could just have that "well it just wasn't meant to be" mindset and move on instead of ruminating and hoping that things will magically change with my ex moid and that there'll be a happily ever after for us.
No. 1823199
My birthday is next week. I am having the birthday meltdown early this year. I see no reason to turn 24. I am useless. I have been fucked over by adults as a child, a uncaring school system, a mental health system that sees me as a total retard so they won’t do anything about it and medical doctors who can only shrug at me because there’s not much anyone can truly do.
My physical health has controlled my life. My mental health has controlled my life. My family has controlled my life and taken away any agency I could have that now I still have very little as an adult. I never finished school. I had to drop out due to a family situation I was powerless over. They hate me. They always have. I was my mother’s pawn against my dad. I was only born to keep him. He didn’t want me. She didn’t actually want me either. So they both didn’t give a fuck about me. My brother who was supposed to be aborted is the golden goose. His existence was priority. My siblings all got lives. Got help. I was toted around to doctor to doctor, they listened to how awful I was or broken and they didn’t listen to me. I did communicate unlike what I am told I don’t. I just never say what they want to hear. I see the bad. I see the things they won’t admit to. My brother’s coddling, my step mother’s shopping problem, my father’s lack of back bone and the fact no one truly cares about me. They just say it because they have to.
I have no power. My friends can’t do anything. My family treats me like a maid and prefers when I stay in my room. Disability services don’t give a rats ass but bend themselves over backwards for liars and drug addicts. I have been on the wait list for housing for a year. My step mom doesn’t want me here. I recently had a conversation with my dad and her where I told them I was suicidal and they cared more about themselves. I made a recap but it’s long and I would post it but it’s long.
I have a lot of issues I see munchies or attention seekers want. It’s so awful to see them getting help while I suffer. I would kill to be them. They are pretending. They aren’t in pain all the time, they aren’t developmentally disabled, they aren’t this. They all have loving families, friends who can be there physically, boyfriends or girlfriends that don’t have to watch them suffer, money, jobs, lives and some fucking how manage to get crooks who will do something. Even the crooks who will do something won’t do anything for me. I didn’t go through years of testing for multiple disorders to flaunt it on social media. Support groups are just munchies and BEEPEEDEES circle jerking. I am literally in multiple medical studies for girls with autism and then pediatric cases of ehlers danlos because they gave my mom money and pity. I have looked for them before but it got so upsetting that I couldn’t.
The two people who cared about me are dead. I want my step dad. I want my gramma. The two people who fought for me and helped me fight are gone.
I just want to go to grandmas. It’s not fair. I watched that woman crumble before my eyes with no help. Before and during the pandemic then after. Foraged signatures at a fucking hospital because she couldn’t sign and her stupid whore daughter that is my mother couldn’t be arsed to come when she’s power of attorney. Not to mention my gold digger aunt who relishes in the fact my uncle is dead. I did it alone. There were times she begged to be dead and I thought about killing her so she wouldn’t suffer. So it would finally stop. My family did nothing. They even sometimes yelled at me for asking for help. The state she died in was horrific. I am selfish for wishing she was still here. She wasn’t her anymore.
The only reason why I left is because I moved to live with an older man who used me up and threw me away. It was the only way she would go to the nursing home was if I let her fail. She did then she died soon after.
I want to go home. I just want to home. I want to go to grandmas. I just want to go home. I want my grandma. I want my stupid ugly cat with no tail and a big head. I want to wake up in MY bedroom. I want to walk into the living room in MY home and see her sitting there on her silly little iPad while watching law and order. I want to get stuck in MY room cuz the door suction cups to the frame and has for years despite it being fixed. I want to go to Walmart and lose her in the aisles cuz I went to get something and she wasn’t where she said she would be. I want to get fucking Arby’s even tho I don’t like it that much. I want to play rhinestone cowboy over my speaker while I make dinner cuz she hates that song but knows all the words. I want to hear the same stories over and over. I want to watch her go through the chaos that is feeding the cats wet cat food because she insists that she doesn’t need me to help. I want to vacuum the house even tho it hurts but it’s better me then her I want to stay up late for no reason watching TV and talking to her. I want to go to bed in MY home. I want my birthday to be the same again. My family never cared about it. Stopped caring by the time I was 10. She was the only person who made sure I at least felt appreciated that day. Every night at midnight she would come into my room to sing happy birthday to me. Even when I was really little. She won’t be knocking on my door at midnight anymore.
I want to go home but it’s gone. They sold the house. The people remodeled it. It’s not home anymore.
I just want to wake up and be at home. That’s what I want for my birthday.
I am sorry nonnies. I just can’t tell anyone this. Not even my friends or boyfriend. They are scared of losing me but I think they will. Don’t have a therapist anymore because mine quit after finally getting one. Only had one for 4 months and she fucking quit and told me literally right before she left. The office told me I was SOL. I am tired. I hurt physically. I am exhausted. I am surrounded by people who don’t care. The people who do are dead or miles away. I don’t want to be 24. For my birthday I would like to be dead. Home is gone.
No. 1823211
>>1823200I know the one! It's part of my routine.
My days are arms, core, legs, core, legs. My butt is coming along nicely. I think I might just have bad genetics.
No. 1823225
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Like over a month ago I told my team leader I wanted to request leave for february, and she said sure no problem, then she accepted someone's vacation from late january to early february and now I heard another person wants to go in february too, and if it turns out she accepted that person's request instead of mine and I will have to stay here, I swear I'm fucking firing myself. My birthday is mid february and I don't want to spend it here again, like for the past two years, I want to go to my home country. I was on sick leave for one week now so I didn't have the opportunity to talk it out but when I'm back to work after christmas and I ask her about february and she tells me I can't go, I'm fucking quitting. I've spent the past hour crying and seething, just thinking about the possibility I will have to stay here for my birthday again, third time in a row
No. 1823509
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I've been drunk since about the last Friday of November. I've been on benders before but they usually last 3-7 days and then I chill out for a while. This is weirdly long. The loop is:
>Wake up shaking somewhere between 5AM to 8AM
>Shower, hair, light makeup etc
>Morning zoom call at 10AM
>Start getting nervous that people will notice I'm off, so at 9AM 100ml of vodka and soda water for breakfast
>Meeting goes fine
>Vodka is great, more vodka
>Around 2PM head out for lunch and get 2-4 bottles of wine and some "safety" vodka
>Put MS Teams on DND or arrange fake meetings while I watch old anime or play Animal Crossing
>Drink the rest of the day. Maybe eat something.
>Return to step 1
I don't really know why I'm like this. I don't feel sad or anything just kinda numb. I'm going to try sober up in January since we are doing mandatory 3 days a week in the office. They told us that last week. Dumb af. I'd sober up sooner but my mam will be worried if I show up to Christmas looking like a mess and I've got a wedding to attend over the holidays (who books a wedding on the 27th?).
I've been watching Toradora and Aggretsuko recently. They're fun. Sometimes I black out and buy myself stuff on Amazon, forget about it and it shows up and it's like a little present for myself.
No. 1823522
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>>1823512Pic related. Lmao wtf is this
No. 1823530
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my dad is one of those useless moids who act like the world is ending when they have a mild cold, but refuse to say a word/go to the doctor/etc when something is actually wrong. since the summer, he's had this cough and shoulder pain and we keep telling him to go to the doctor and get some tests done, and he keeps refusing and telling us off for "nagging" him.
anyway, he collapsed a couple of days ago and we called 999 and they FINALLY did a chest xray and mri etc. it turns out he's got lung cancer so far progressed that it's eaten three of his ribs and part of his shoulder blade. now my mum is super depressed and it's literally christmas and i'm so fucking angry at him for doing this to her when it probably would've been much more treatable if he'd just gone to the fucking doctor in june like we told him to!!!
i literally want to SCREAM
(i've cropped all identifying info out of his xray so don't worry, i'm not doxing myself)
No. 1823533
nonnie. I'm kinda thinking about the return to office might be good. I'm get listless when I'm not forced to leave my house.
No. 1823632
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>>1823597>Nonnie please try sobering up as fast as you canThanks but if I stop now I think I'm going to go into WDs and still be a shaky mess by Christmas. I can't let my mam see me like that. I'm going to stop after the wedding. I'm going to go cold for at least 3 months after. I usually end up breaking binges for a couple weeks.
>People do notice when you are constantly drunk, they just don't say anythingOutside of work calls I don't really interact with anyone except for the off license owner. I doubt they care, I must be making them a lot of money after all. I don't really care if they care though
>I'm sorry for sounding like a grandmaYou don't, you're right
>Rooting for youThanks. Hugs from Ireland
No. 1823635
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>A year ago, not on a strict diet, healthy
>Nothing to eat or snack, bread and water at most
>A year later, nowadays, on a strict diet
>Family suddenly and coincidentally buys sweets, desserts and soda drinks every damn day, gotta watch them eat all dat while i seethe eating plain oatmeal
how fucking funny, how fucking delightful. This diet better work because i want to end it all, i'm so cranky
No. 1823645
>>1823638I always thought the Karen thing was messed up. There's lots of TikToks that are obviously edited to make older white women standing up for themselves look bad. Maybe there's some context why she's pissed that isn't in the 15 second clip but it gets dismissed as "just another Karen".
I might be biased because I have a friend named Karen who goes by Kate now.
No. 1823651
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>look through channel of a woman who would make old cosplay videos
>She makes a short talking about her how her bf of 4 years cheated on her and yelled at her for not doing the dishes
>He even tried pressuring her into polyamory as an excuse to cheat
>he looks like pic related
I was shocked to see that for a small time she let this hideous thing pressure her and treat her like that. I'm glad she broke up with him at least. I know she's not a looker either but goddamn he's ugly af. Also she posts all the details in her shorts and I don't understand why she doesn't keep it private because all she gets is trolls anyway. She is an enby though so maybe it's all for sympathy or something. I had to laugh when she said he brought up her "queerness" though. They're literally a straight couple KEK
No. 1823658
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I hate that apartments in America are so expensive. I hate this. I hate this. I hate this so much. I just want to move out and live on my own. I just want a office job that utilizes my skills, a apartment with a flat rent rate of $750.75-$850.95 and a pet snake. Is that so much to ask for? It feels like I have to get married so I can have some form of financial stability without living paycheck to paycheck. Sorry for alogging but I would unironically support public mass-execution and beatings of slum/landlords if it meant an end to this madness. I had a friend suggest I move to a different country with cheaper housing and COLs but I don't want to do that, I don't want to become another country's burden because of my own country's failings. What the fuck, is there any hope at this point?
No. 1823666
>>1823663This might come as a shock for you but people can have different tastes to you, and they can be attracted to other people that aren't conventionally attractive
Nobody should be mocking you for being single, that's weird, but you're being pretty weird about this whole thing too
No. 1823682
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I miss my Siamese cat so much it's unreal
No. 1823684
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This is embarrassing but Honestly I have to admit that i am unfit for society. I am fucking stupid and tired. I hate everything about it and don’t get along with anyone. I seriously desire going into the remote wilderness and living a hunter gather lifestyle because despite the obvious cons, they are cons that id rather deal with. I probably will die within the first year, but it’s the next best thing to suicide.
No. 1823729
I hate my 30 year old, free loading, piss poor hyigene having, absolute pyscho brother.
He is the worst fucking person, constantly lies and plays the victim, nothing is ever his fault and if it is, he thinks he can call himself a loser and retard and that fixes everything considers it taking accountability.
He will bitch and complain and say he's gonna do something himself if you say no to helping him, then never fucking does it, no matter how important it is and if he was asked by someone else to do it, if you're not gonna help him, it doesnt get done.
His room smells exactly how it did when he was 16, he is gross and I hate him.
No. 1823782
I used heroin, again.I had deleted my dealers' numbers from my phone book, advised a friend not to help me any more. But for some reason I have no idea why, last night I had written a text message, a complete jumble of random characters, and hit send accidentally. I wasn't aware but it was in the "Conversation" flap with one of my guys, so it sent it to him. He called me back while I was asleep, so I had his number and got him to come around early this morning. I bought two bags. Then a friend calls up and says there's coke around: oh boy, speedball. CH-aChing! Ten more dollars. I had been four days without using. Well I sort of cheated, had a big oxycotin the one day, but it was late in the day. I had been demonstrating to myself that I could keep occupied, just walking around the neighborhood with some grass, doing stupid errands. But god would all that be more fun if I was high.
I'm making this bag of powder last. All my tracts had healed up over the past four days: I can already count 8 new ones. Just little tastes; speedball is good, you don't need much.
No. 1823830
>>1823819I caught it!!!
>>1823824I forgive you nonna, now it's time to forgive yourself. I love you too and I hope you have a good night/day
No. 1823909
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You really do just have to watch people wax poetic and make up retarded soap opera Odin style fanfic about how they're going to do x y or z useless dumb thing that 1000%%% will not heal them or improve their lives in any way in fact making their catharsis worst often until they grow up enough to stop trying to mimic shit you would see in a shitty lifetime or hallmark movie. People watch way too much media and think doing over the top cliche things is some sort of means to an end and you literally can't say anything about it and how it won't really help them, you just have to let them be cringe until they finally grow up. They eventually see that they were being embarassing, you can't force them to or lead them to any sort of positive change. You just have to let them larp or whatever or live in some stupid fantasy where they think acting like a main character in a drama will heal their twaumas. It's really painful to watch sometimes though because it's like… get over yourself. And then they think everyone around them has no idea what it's like when we all do, we just aren't dumping it onto other people and learning to live with it in ways that doesn't include dramatized poetry trying to turn everything into a tragedy. People really do get addicted to wallowing in their past and amplifying it. Im not saying you can forget it, but romanticizing it and acting like its your sole personality trait is so gross and self-indulgent. You are not a magazine protagonist dude. This isn't some sort of dig at vent thread btw I haven't read any recent posts.
No. 1823953
>>1823931I know what the root is and it’s impossible for me to fix it. My suffering and longing is related to the state of the world, and I can only cope doing what I can as one person. There is no way to fix this and I think I was born to be unsatisfied. I was born feeling like nothing was ever as rich as I wanted it to be. I am internally obsessed with the world of fantasy in every regard, and it just makes everything around me feel fake and gay. I don’t want to get rid of it because it compels me through life, to make things better, but I get overwhelmed with it sometimes,
I am not feeling suicidal or think I would be better off dead. It’s more like I’m not afraid of death. It would be an absolute end to my story, or the start of a better one, or maybe the exact same kind of suffering, but I’m willing to life toiling to manifest something great.
I’m sorry if I sound up my own ass, I just really don’t know how to express myself when all the existential shit really hits.
No. 1824672
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Stupid piece of shit washing machine decided to stop working when i could finally do my laundry
No. 1824905
>>1824892>>1824894>>1824898>>1824898i love you
>>1824897i'm just sat here procrastinating going to bed and listening to oklou. how is the podcast nony?
No. 1824918
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Respectfully, I do not love any of you as I do not know you at all. But I do hope you have a good holiday and find solace in something (moderately safe or happy) this new years.
No. 1824923
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>>1824854NTA I know it annoys people when they see a writing style they don't like but too many people type in lowercase. I'm sorry but does it really mean anything? Wouldn't newfags be mostly phoneposters? I doubt they're manually changing the capitalization back to lowercase. It's been coming up so much lately it feels really forced. I searched /meta/ and even saw Ritard weighed in on it 8 months ago, calling lowercase typing newfag behaviour but also saying she did it herself. Of all things to get so assblassted about why this? The farmhands aren't here to teach people Proper English for free. Lowercase is not a bannable or policeable thing and it's a little late to try to make it one, might as well go lobby the mods for your preference of "lol" or "kek" and try to make the other bannable, like get real.
No. 1825312
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>>1825308>when we have doggystyle sex he just rests his gut on my buttfits like a puzzle piece I guess
No. 1825345
>>1825308I agree with other anons, give him an ultimatum and a realistic deadline, and then actually follow through. If you don't want to be mean, say it's because you don't want him to jeopardize your future together by killing himself with food. Do not let yourself be guilt-tripped if he fails.
Also, it's time for another game of "would a man do that for a woman?" If a fit moid had a girlfriend who ballooned up into obesity, he would leave her ass instantly. Men are not the only ones who deserve a partner they're attracted to.
No. 1825351
Well, just as I said, then.
No. 1825362
>>1824688My mom used to
>Use me as an emotional punching bag after work>Make me go out to the woods to select the switches she'd then beat me with >Got so mad at me one week as a kindergartner (?) that she made me eat ramen off of the floor >Strangle me for fun >Somehow convinced 16 y/o me that I was a Master Manipulator and Totally Tricking her big, 40 year old self >Gaslit me constantly. She was an alcoholic and a stoner so she'd hear shit and forget shit >Kept me extremely sheltered and ignorant >And now acts as if I was an insane Devil Child and she was Mother Theresa for doing such incredible motherly things like…keeping the bills paid and me fed. Ignore all the abuse And a lot of other awful crap. Compound that with constant bullying in my developing years and I'm just an anxious, self-doubting wreck now. Being around her makes me feel so stupid and brain-fogged that I forget my left from my right. I really feel similar to this
>>1824719 nona because people my age are moving up and up in their careers and I'm desperately trying to withhold my stutter enough to get my foot in the door.
That said I just try to be kind to myself, you know? Whenever I fuck up I remind myself that not everyone has grown up as badly as I have. Just got to take it one day at a time
No. 1825365
>>1825357literally just being annoyed with women for constantly sucking up (and sucking off) males kek. or feeling like there's no hope of ever achieving true liberation for the female sex when
so much of the female sex buys into and supports their oppression
No. 1825373
>>1825370it's bait because I never did any of that and 99% of anons never did any of that and you're just chimping out for no reason trying to egg responses out of people.
>>1825371did your nigel do something that pissed you off today and you're taking out on poor anons? Go drink some warm milk anon it's okay I will forgive you.
(infighting) No. 1825418
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>>1825397personally i don't have a problem with that, i just hate 'blackpillers' like picrel
No. 1825497
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Gonna run down a list of replies since I guess I started a shitstorm
>>1825351>??? Well, just as I said, then.No, you really do seem to take yourself way too seriously, because let’s unpack what you said.
>don't try to reason with herooo so intimidating kek
>if she sincerely thought the obvious shit moid thread in /g/ about how it's "blackpilling" that "society was better when father's chose their daughter's husbands" was from a feministWho said I thought that was a moid? I’m talking about actual female anons spewing misogynistic garbage about women they don’t like, and then calling it “blackpill feminism”. You’re writing conclusions on your 2-minute think pieces that don’t even apply to me.
>then she is too dumb to be helped.You sound like some priestess or cult member talking shit about “outsiders” that are gonna be “doomed by the devil” kek, like girl stop huffing your own farts.
>>1825352>It's funny how they claim they're so le blackpilled but their favorite pastime is degrading women online and telling them they're stupidYou summarized my point, thanks for getting it.
>>1825355>nta but do you remember what happened to the blackpill threads on 2X? almost every post there was calling women "whores" and "cockbreaths"Thank you, this is exactly what I’m talking about.
>>1825365>literally just being annoyed with women for constantly sucking up (and sucking off) males kek. or feeling like there's no hope of ever achieving true liberation for the female sex when so much of the female sex buys into and supports their oppressionYou can be mad at pickmes without talking and thinking like some 4shit incel who calls women cockbreaths for losing their virginity to a guy, or suggesting that women “deserve whatever they get” for getting married to scrotes they were betrayed by. The problem with the lot of “blackpill feminists” is that they think and act like emotionally hurricaned teenagers who shit on everybody around them, when it’s clear that they hate themselves the most. Can’t explain it in any other way when I see these types of “feminists” talking and generalizing their own gender for being “dumb whores” at whatever opportunity they get.
>>1825368>wow you're literally hitler for women, anonNobody said anything about anyone being hitler, just that “blackpill feminists” (and I use ‘feminists’ very generously for blackpillers) have a problem with being some of the most emotionally unintelligent, and whiny group of people I’ve ever seen.
>>1825373>it's bait because I never did any of thatIf you never did any of those things, uh, congrats because it doesn’t apply to you specifically.
>and 99% of anons never did any of that They do. You imply that you’re a “blackpill” yet you don’t recognize the pungent, internalized misogyny that most blackpillers are known for on 2X and pretty much anywhere else on the internet.
>and you're just chimping out for no reason trying to egg responses out of people.I have a question: If what I said doesn’t apply to you specifically, why are you so mad?
>>1825376>nigel has a greater chance of landing you in a grave somewhere You see this? You see this right here? This is why nobody likes blackpilled “feminists”. You make everything as morbid as possible through such extreme reaches and exaggeration.
>close the tab retardTake your own advice, you honestly sound like a teenager.
>>1825380>They hate you for speaking the truth.The “truth” you’re referring to is literally just a thinly veiled a-log. Nobody hates you guys for “telling the truth” because very few of you actually say anything sensical. People hate you because you’re annoying assholes kek
>>1825379>bait bait bait bait bait>>1825389If I was that anon who brings up the “women aren’t funny” stereotype every single time she thinks a woman isn’t funny enough for her CEO of Comedy Central standards, I would've had a mental breakdown and a days-long infight over your autism.
>>1825397As long as you aren’t shitting on your entire gender for being “cock-brained, cum-crusted, whore-biscuits that deserve what they get” for dating and getting her heartbroken by a moid, I guess my complaint doesn’t apply to you. Can’t say the same for most of the other blackpillers.
>>1825418The irony of lolcow is that despite being a man-hating imageboard, you can always count on some female users to “fill in the blanks” on behalf of moids. Precisely what blackpillers do under the intention of “just trying to educate everybody”.
>>1825433>>1825433It ain’t “just one schizo on 2X” that happened “a long time ago”. It’s more like every other week or month that some retard (AKA the average blackpiller) spouts some misogynistic bullshit like that, and it’s not even limited to 2X or just this board.
Hm, gonna go eat some cherry pie and listen to the rain now.
(autism) No. 1825605
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>>1825308My moid is getting in better shape but going bald.
No. 1825611
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$50 for a big box of optislim shakes and i know if i start them tomorrow and eat with family on christmas day then it's pretty much useless.
No. 1825615
There should be more hierarchies between women that aren't: the 99% of female population aka the disgusting pickme tyrants with no self respect ruling over the smart women with reasonable opinions and justified rage. Can't anyone really fucking see how patriarchal the current hierarchy is? Blackpilled women do nothing but express reasonable opinions and comment on 99% of women tyrannical patriarchal behaviors. But ofc women fucking socialize over moral standards and constanly punish other women for not being feminine enough. If you are offended then it's your fault, you choose to be offended. It's like your fucking tainted cause you made retarded choices out of lack of self respect or shit like that anf then make this burden fall on other women and create a disgusting hierarchy because you are moid stained. Even at my most sex positive and libfem I never acted like the 99% of women. There's something seriously wrong with women and pickmes deserve to be at the bottom in the female hierarchy because they are a tyrants that cause hell on earth to other women. And ofc y'all will go and let moids do disgusting acts on you yet a woman expressing rational opinions, being smart and observant is too disgusting for you as if you are fucking entitled to policing other women thoughts because of your own faults. Blackpilled women actually predict the shit that is gonna happen cause they are smart but everyone gaslights them and then thr shit they predicted fucking happens over and over again after you made them feel crazy for being intelligent. You create a patriarchal hierarchy with men, pieces of shit that constantly talk about stupid they are for their current dick and spread constant male worshipping and trauma content and groom other women into retardation, for gods sake I'm saying it again, stop talking about how brain dead you act for your current master and how you lack self respect, you deserve all these insults(cum dumpster, dick sucker) of the only reason you are so insufferable is the act of sex, you act evil cause of this shit you do. You are filthy and disgusting. You do the most tyrannical degrading mind breaking shit with men then demand other women are positive towards it. You deserve the bad words cause you're the bad one here. Women are a weak followers even their hate for the female blackpill proves it cause other women say it's bad so now all bitches think it's bad cause they are so small, weak and scared of having their own voice. And the women who hated me for being blackpilled were all bad people and one who loved to whine about I hate myself. Hates herself. That's how authentic you are. I'm fucking serious, everyone with a brain cause see the harm male lovers do. I'm begging for a different hierarchies between women.
No. 1825616
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>>1825308there's no talking to him. men just push it away, they hear blah blah blah when women talk. besides, he KNOWS. men act like they don't know what the problem is and what would make you happy… but he knows and is too lazy to do anything about it. and women's desires are only important to men during the acquisition stage of mating and they don't give a fuck about the rest.
the most potent thing you can do is have an online affair with a sexy guy and "accidentally" have him see. or just leave him. you'll have to be his 600lb life nursemaid before long.
ironically men pump iron the best when they've been rejected or had a taste of the dating market as a newly single fatass, so you'd probably make him actually lose the weight that way.
No. 1825648
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I've never known real love and that thought's been depressing me over the last couple of days. I've never been "chosen", never been just accepted for the way I am, always had to tiptoe around someone elses feelings and reactions because I feared that they'd dump me yet still I got dumped. I don't know what love without worry, tears and fears of abandonment looks like but I probably wouldn't even trust the kind of love I'm looking for because I'm so used to just the pain of it.
No. 1825664
>>1825661Honestly I barely understand it all. I didn’t even realize he suspected I had it until he sprung it on me today that he and a few other doctors were very confident that I have it.
I have the relapsing remitting version so I potentially could go into a phase where I’m okay for a while. My motor skills in my legs and hand have already declined since the beginning of the year so I assume I’m fucked
No. 1825682
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I miss reading a good cow thread
No. 1825707
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'tis the season once again for my mom to hoard the fridge full of way too much food for the 3-6 of us, and so much of it is just nostalgic shit from her childhood nobody (including her) actually eats but she insists on having at the table anyway.
No. 1825764
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I just want to get some good quality sleep. I couldn’t find my meds last night, couldn’t sleep and then ended up in the emergency room for reasons unrelated to insomnia. My health is good which is a relief but I was there for so many hours and didn’t get any sleep. I got home and slept for a bit but it was in a weird position and now my neck is really fucked up and hurts to move, AND I still haven’t been able to find my sleeping meds. I have to do my Christmas shopping but I’m so exhausted I can’t think of anything I want to do less.
No. 1825768
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FFFUUUCCCCKKKK I can't wait for the holidays to be over. I've never had such a shitty December.
No. 1825787
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>>1824668my aunt called and invited me for christmas eve
No. 1825794
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I'm just so fucking tired of everything in this fucking house! Every fucking time we have plans or a party, or i get enough money so i can take a weekend off or buy something i need, something in this house breaks and it's an emergecy. All i wanted this year was a free two weeks, i work 7 days a week for 3 years already feeding our disgusting stealing goverment. I got nice money from a client and was going to enjoy some free holidays and a new year's party with friends this year but the fucking septic tank got full when it wasn't it's time at all (we don't have normal canalization here in fucking "civilized" europe) so i called an expesive emergency septic guy, he suked out what he could and rest will get sucked on january by the normal septic company that didn't have time for me now. Solved right? NO. Toilets started to barely work so we have been pouring tons of acid on them and it doesn't even help much. Today the kitchen sink hose started leaking and i can't even see properly from where it's leaking… if it even is that hose or something else. Why is it so cursed here?! Why is it that it's always 3 emergencies at the same time? Not even talking about the constant errors on our heating system.. I'm really starting to belive that there's some cursed corpse in the septic or somewhere in the garden because i kept seeing ghosts in my dreams when we moved in, i also saw a big cthulu-like shadow above me when i woke up in the night multiple times and you know what? my boyfriend saw it above me too one time when he just came to sleep. I don't know what i have done wrong, i'm trying to help animals all the time, i'm not beefing with anybody, i just want a peaceful home.
No. 1825816
>>1825809Thank you anon!
No. 1825882
>>1825822Thank you
nonnie. I don't have a sponsor yet but I think I will ask someone the next meeting, can't do this shit alone.
No. 1825930
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Send good vibes out for me, please, nonnies. I have to be in the car for 2 hours with relatives/relative's friend who still believe in the plan as well as spend 3 days with same relatives. Relative's friend is being dropped off but since we're going the same direction figured we could give her a ride. I have both bluetooth headphones and earbuds thankfully but it gets so tiresome having to wear them all the time. My hope is they don't sperg too much but that would be nothing short of a Christmas miracle.
No. 1826065
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Fucking airplane company lost and then mistagged my luggage, 4 days into the holidays with nothing I get a delivery and it's the wrong luggage. FML. I had so much sentimental and important shit in there. Lord knows if it got delivered to a crackhead who will just toss it to the side of the road once they realize it's not theirs. It's silly but I've been crying for an hour because of it, this was one of my top nightmares and it became true. I hope my luggage turns up eventually. I want to scream&shit&cry
No. 1826091
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wish i was a man because once my mom is no longer constantly with me ( the only human that talks to me anymore ) i would become a fisher and just spend the rest of my days at sea. but i can't because it's dangerous for me as a woman. oh well. i'm now already at that level of loneliness you only know at an elderly age. i know i'm actively being ignored but whatever. idk if i'm even sad about it i just want to leave and go away to make it less cringe for everyone. i'm so, so grateful for my mom.
No. 1826104
Anons, how do you deal with the following situation?
I had a falling out with a friend. They were considered high maintenance. I kicked them out three months later after they moved in with me (I knew them for a year total, maybe). The other friends in my friend group contacted me and said they don't blame me, they understand, and that they KNOW this person is manipulative, toxic, a bully, etc.
This former friend has a boyfriend, also in our friend group. Everyone in the friend group still interacts with this manipulative toxic person but me. They still hang out with this friend, etc.
I'm troubled by this. Because if they can still maintain a friendship with a toxic, manipulative person, and said person clearly doesn't know how their other friends feel about them (besides me), who's to say that they're not doing the same thing to me?
Who's to say that I'm not another friend they deem annoying, toxic, etc but they're just pretending to be my friends?
Has anyone dealt with this before? Am I going crazy? This shit troubles me. The more rational part of my brain has created a scenario where nobody in this friend group wants to rock the boat, and it has nothing to do with me and only has to do with maintaining a precarious relationship with the ex-friend and boyfriend.
No. 1826145
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i'm so close to ghosting my know-it-all friend.
No. 1826219
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This is going to sound so stupid but I have massive imposter syndrome about being bisexual even though I’ve literally fucked women. The idea that I might be solely be attracted to males is horrifying
No. 1826239
>>1826229That sucks nona I'm sorry to hear your mum was rude like that.
Hopefully it's something she will reflect on and feel bad about
No. 1826303
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I'm in Burgerland California and the customer service here is so abysmal I feel like I'm living in a simulation. Any front facing person will just lie through their teeth with the fakest, most passive aggressive smile ever it's actually scary. I thought people here worker for tips? The inebriating aura of fakeness and blinding white teeth paired with the total incompetence cannot be real. It can't be real. This country is so fucked up I could never live here. What did queen Ursula Le Guin say, your hell is my heaven or something. Doesn't help that the was of immigrant low skilled workers looks like this place is run on actual slavery.
No. 1826351
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i'm really not trying to suicidebait but i'm so depressed and anxious and lonely and just awful and miserable i want to slit my wrists to let it out. i don't even want to die i just want to get rid of this horrible feeling of dread inside me, and the only thing i remember helping is cutting myself open. externalizing the pain within and such. of course, i won't actually do it, but only because i don't have the tools anymore and i'm still under strict supervision from my mom. i'm not financially independent either so i can't just get something myself and everything i can hurt myself with i got confiscated, except for a few things that are not worth the effort to work with. this is so pathetic and i'm really ashamed of myself but i just needed to get this off of my chest. whatever, i'll just keep repressing it, as per usual. it can always be worse and this saying continues to be proven true. it especially hurts that i can't seem give up hope no matter what. i just want to cut myself open and feel the warmth, adrenaline and catharsis of everything rushing out, and then cleaning myself up and taking care of myself after. i want physical proof of how i feel right now.
No. 1826482
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Why is it always the worst people to ever be around in life ever thar are always like "IM THE BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO THEM" uhhh no. Noooo.
No. 1826534
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I am so impulsive I end up doing and saying so much retarded shit. I screwed up so much shit for myself before I became an adult and now i’m still screwing up even more for my future self. I’m so bad at breaking habits and I procrastinate and put off doing so much too, I can’t even get myself out of bed I have 3 million alarms and I snooze them all. I have the audacity to have such high ambitions and free time to work on them but I just waste it all.
No. 1826539
I have spent too much money on my boyfriend's family for Christmas, and too much time hand making things as well. I know all of the money, time, and effort will go unappreciated and they will continue to not really like me. I just wanted to try anyway. Feel like shit, wish I never had to see them again, miss my mom, it doesn't feel like Christmas at all this year. Probably going to wash my hair tonight so I have a reason to go cry in the shower for an hour.
Got into an argument with my boyfriend too over unrelated things, which just makes all of this harder. I wish I could just have my babies in a cabin in the woods and live my life. Or join a mommune with all of you. I'm a great cook, I promise. And great at growing plants too, we could have a big mommune with a garden, and bees, and goats, and chickens, and we could raise our babies together as a village. This is the way we were intended to be. Not bending over backwards to impress a moid's judgy ass stuck up family
No. 1826544
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everyone getting overexcited about new year's stresses me out. maybe it would be different if i had friends to celebrate with but it's like birthdays, every NYE only makes me more aware that the passage of time is relentless. the closer it gets to the new year the sicker i feel, it would be nice to hibernate through the last week of december. i hate feeling like everyone is in on the joke except for me.
No. 1826719
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I'm officially Poor. Why continue to live.
No. 1826768
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>>1826748My account was actually in the negatives…..I had just enough to pay it to bring it back to $0.01. Groceries are so expensive I think I should start starving.
No. 1826810
>>1826754If he can't support you with this now, he never will. If you cannot communicate what you need to him now, things will never change. The relationship can be beautiful but still a
toxic waste pit. I would run far from him. Sorry to be so harsh but I've been in your shoes and these men never fucking change.
No. 1827007
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>>1826978I'm worried too, but there's zero chance i'll get a referral to an allergist without severe symptoms on our clogged underfunded public system and I can't afford private
No. 1827048
>>1826923Apart from the bin part I know a few men who meet this stereotype. Over a certain age, single, have more money in the bank than alot of families have but won't spend it on absolute basics to be presentable, will spend it on alcohol or cigs though. Realistically they could drink and still afford to wash but that's their choice. Anytime someone feels sorry for them being alone they end up showing up empty handed and letting you feed them all day. They're hard to get back out the door or start showing up uninvited after.
Its what I think of any time people start banging on about how single older men are isolated and depressed. People show a weird amount of charity to them already and they can't even show up with a box of the cheapest chocolates in exchange for all the free food n drink invites that get thrown at them. They're not cheap n thrify, they're leeches that just wanna walk around smelling and getting freebies
No. 1827106
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Pig uncle is staying at our place for the holiday. Cannot wait until he leaves. He has tourettes on top of being a massive retard, he literally grunts and breathes heavy like the piggies from Spirited Away and eats like it too. I'm making prime rib and seafood and my mom is trying to coach me on "creative" ways to keep the porker from devouring everything into his massive gut like serving him portions. Hey, have we ever tried hurting his feelings and telling the truth? Like maybe how being a 400 pound glutton isn't good for his health and doesn't endear people to him?? Nah, let's just try to trick the dumbfuck into food control like an obese cat.
He walks out this morning smelling like moth balls and we all try to tell him not to put those in his clothes anymore because the gases are toxic and he does not need to actually do that. "Well I'm still alive!" Yes, but hopefully not for long. He left because I was guarding the kitchen. He walked over to a relative's house when all he could get for breakfast was coffee and a few christmas cookies. Fuck visiting and talking to people like me, his only concern is finding somewhere to watch football and stuff his gob.
No. 1827138
>>1827134Your mother is an asshole and you need to stop contact with her or it will kill you.
Is your dad in the picture? Sit down with her and someone else shes close to and tell her if she continues to offer alcohol to you she will play a part in you dying. Hopefully it will shame her into stopping it.
No. 1827142
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Oh no here come the chirstmas and new year depression ….fuck..
No. 1827152
>>1827110I think it's also because it's just the thing to do now. I've never heard much about attachment styles before (not saying they haven't existed before) and people who do shit like this were just called assholes, just as
>>1827120 said. I guess it's because we always look for a reason behind something and sometimes it's just hard to accept that there are people who just don't give a shit.
No. 1827174
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Retarded uncle spent years downplaying thr celebration of Christmas because he turned to a new religion (that he won't even tell us), and even though he never cared to help out with any decorations or food-prep, he openly stated that he still expects gifts this year. I thought he wanted no part of Christmas, but he wants gifts? I wish he would quit his bullshit.
No. 1827384
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>Friends from abroad coming over for Christmas
>They are staying in my house in the city before heading back to the village with the family
>12 Pubs of Christmas
>Drink, drink, drink
>Good time had by all
>Wake up back at house in the middle of the night needing to pee
>Bathroom is locked. Hear snoring. Great someone passed out in the toilet
>Bang on the door. No answer
>Bladder is about to burst
>Go into the garden to pee
>Mid pee upstairs light goes on, head sticks out
>Lights go off
I heard nothing about it in the morning but the girl who saw me is the biggest fecking gossip in the group after a few drinks. Come New Years I'm going to be the weird pee girl. God I just want to stop existing for the next few days.(emoji)
No. 1827446
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No. 1827455
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Asada Nemui posting old ladies on Christmas will save me
No. 1827479
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I'm in massive mental pain right now. I wish others merry christmas but it feels completely empty irl. Merry? What about it is merry? All christmas shows to me in painful clarity is how cold, dysfunctional and abusive my family is. Feeling alone in other's company is awful. At least I'm at home actually alone now and surfing LC.
No. 1827483
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Had another painful cramping session, I really hope I'm not miscarrying. No blood but I had to get into the shower and lay down and let the hot water hit my belly
No. 1827489
>>1827476Hope is one of the few things that will always keep you going and one year can change everything. I hope next year will be amazing for you.
>>1827479Christmas is hard for people with horrible families. I know exactly how you feel and one of the best things in my life was not celebrating with the people anymore that cause hurt. Hope you have some happy time alone and that you can completely ignore the shitty people in your life next year.
No. 1827556
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A friend got me into tarot recently and I really wish she didn't because now she won't shut up about 'divine timing' and 'the universe'. It makes me so mad that people are wasting time and money with this sort of scam. It's all super vague and general and boils down to "teaching you a lesson to help you grow and leave things behind that are no longer serving you" and that "energy can change" but they'll do reading about the future like?????(I fucking hate myself for even rembering these sentences after she got me to watch a couple of them). It's even more sad when I see comments of people who say they've been waiting for an ex to come back after five years but they can "feel" that they'll reach out like…. how do they not feel bad for feeding into people's delusions?
No. 1827594
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so unbelievably depressed i didn't study at all for the midterms i'm taking tomorrow. but at least i'm going out to get some fresh air after all this time stuck at home. i'm so stressed out there is a giant feeling of dread growing inside of me that i feel lethargically powerless against. i just want to hit the pause button for a while. no one has spoken to me in god knows how long. holiday and new years season has been consistently miserable these past years, but i'm keeping my hopes up anyway. i really feel like throwing up until there's nothing left inside of me
No. 1827621
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I think taking low hanging trolling seriously is a sign of acute newfaggery
No. 1827634
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>>1827604I'm the first quote and yes I do because I like my lolcor and think it should exist for as long as possible. If you don't then leave instead of stinking up the place and wishing its demise.
No. 1827649
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A single blade of grass produces 0.0000008 grams of oxygen per second.
A person would need to be in an airtight room with about ten thousand leaves to not suffocate.
No. 1827720
>>1827682you probably already know this but he knows what he's doing, he just doesn't care and there's really nothing you can do to change that. I hope you can leave him someday
No. 1827721
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I'm so tired
I just want the year to end already
No. 1827738
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My lord I can't stand how my mom will argue with me and not pay attention to the words I say. I'm tired, it's not even Christmas yet, and I want to go home. Hope all you lovely nonnies are having a nice Christmas eve/Christmas.
No. 1827798
>>1827783It's apparently much easier to continue a longstanding tradition of telling
victims its their fault, they were asking for it, something was wrong with them, they weren't perfect enough, it was a lesson, it wasn't a big deal when every bit of their personhood is violated than to just stop abusing. Over it.
No. 1827817
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I'm at my aunt's house and I just clogged the shitter. I don't know what to do
No. 1827976
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I wanna be loved for being me
No. 1828162
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I hate being hyperfixated on autism larper cozy kitsune who isn't considered milky enough for lc, where am I supposed to sperg and nitpick about her lmao
sorry reposting just to ask if there's a non-specific thread for disorder larpers? not giving her the validation of posting her in the autism thread, i bet she'd love that
No. 1828174
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Ok so first of all bear with me because not only I'm retarded but I'm also european so that goes hand-in-hand about how I'm about to write.
My experience as being bisexual is hard. I'm way more attracted to women (I like pussy, softer bodies and such) but I cannot stand the "one of the boys" type of butch lesbians. Don't get me wrong, I love butch lesbian. I love me a good butch, it doesn't matter how she looks, I like them but there's something weird about those lesbians and I cannot put on my fingers on why. As I said, I'm bi, I'm also attracted to moids but I don't find "masculinity" attractive at all nor I like typically male things. My current Nigel is not aggressive, behaves like a decent human being and is also very caring (he grew up as the only male in a family, I think that says something, he had to take care of two younger sisters), takes care of himself properly and so on. I very much despise moids and moid socialization, if I can put it that way.
The thing is, in my past, I had an experience with a butch lesbian and I liked her but there was something very off: her fucking behaviour and "act".
Buzzcut, talking about beer all the time (I don't drink) and only went out with her moid friends. She also believed that taking basic care of herself outside the shower was something only for "girlies" so she ended up with a shitton of solar spots on her face and early wrinkles. Not necessarily a bad thing per se but she remembered me of those "12 in 1 shower gel ahah lmao" moid jokes. She was also aggressive, forcing me to do stuff and claimed I was a "fake bi" for not being attracted to her, a true lesbian. She was acting like a moid. That's what put me off. If I wanted a moid, I would've got one.
Sorry about the disorganized thought but talking about faggots on lolcow made me realize that there's also a certain type of lesbians that act like moids and that pains me. Is that a thing? Do (some) lesbians really feel the need to act like moids to attract other girls? Is it wrong if I'm not attracted to them? I know that in the end of the day it's who I sleep with, and that would be a woman regardless but idk, I feel icky when I think about them because there's literally no need to act like moids to attract women, in fact that's what repels them…
Faggots are mentally ill and want attention but I wish lesbians who act like that a good awakening into realizing that it's not something that will do them a favour. Fellow "girly" women of lolcow, how do you attract other women? It's not like I want to cheat on my Nigel, I'm just very curious because I'm having a bit of an identity crisis.
No. 1828185
>>1828170I get the feeling but trust me if you want this guy to feel bad just dump him silently and never reply to him again lol
worst thing you can do if you want a moid to care is to act upset. speaking from experience kek
No. 1828191
>>1827917holy shit nona you've talked to him also? he orbited me too kek dude was crazy.
>>1827958well they were pretty shit at being feds since nothing was ever done about a lot of the pedos and crazies, some of them appear to still be around and in the current server too
No. 1828219
Merry Christmas nonnies!
Anyway, h8 my dad. Love my mum, she’s very sensitive and anxious but also an undying handmaiden for dad. How do I say it? Hm, she babies him and he gets annoyed, and then also gets annoyed if she doesn’t baby him enough, blaming her for all his oversights, everything he’s forgotten or misplaced. It’s so frustrating because i want to bond with her and want him to go the fuck away but she insists on clinging. I suggest we go shopping, she insists he take us there and go with us. Obviously he’s someone who hates that stuff (he gave mum money to buy her own Christmas present, go figure) and is impatient and I felt rushed the entire time. We lost sight of him for a few minutes and i was like cool, let’s shop but no, she has to start frantically phoning him until we’re reunited with his miserable ass. I told him we’d be a while and he said he’d wait in the car, cue mum immediately sighing and asking ok?? To rush me on. She’s constantly asking for attention and interaction from me (because I’m the only one in our immediate family to give her positive attention), yet when i make an effort to actually connect it amounts to fuck all thanks to him, just stress and misery.
No. 1828223
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I know it's a no no to do it but I just texted my ex how much he hurt me after we broke up after a fight two weeks ago. I probably look pathetic now because it was super long and turned into a whole rant and he doesn't care about me anyway but I've been meaning to tell him all of that shit for a while but he cut me off as I was trying to do it and it's been making me mad ever since. I just needed to get it off my chest so I don't even regret it that much. Meh, I'll live.
No. 1828273
Went to visit my partner’s family (mom’s side). They are nice and friendly people, but I hate seeing them because they always just ignore my partner. It’s an age and dynamics thing, but that whole side of the family loves his little brother (who I think is a douchebag, but I’m trying to like him). We talked to some of his cousins who couldn’t make it on FaceTime, and they chose to speak to my partner last out of everybody, and they were very short with him. Basically just said merry Christmas and hung up. All the male cousins were stepping outside to smoke and hang out, and they never invited my partner. Everything his brother says is so interesting or hilarious to them. They talked with the brother about hanging out, making specific plans, but when it came to my partner, they just politely said, “oh, we should hang out sometime.” I don’t understand what my partner gets out of all this. I went to support him, but it was kind of boring being ignored for 5 hours. Does he not notice that they don’t give a shit about him? I don’t want to bring it up in case it depresses him, but it’s so hard for me not to tell his family to stop being assholes
No. 1828302
>>1828279Stop sugar coating it and call her an animal abuser. Show disgust every time the animal is locked up and call her
abusive. Shaming people about their animals has been working well for me, kek.
No. 1828346
>>1827954sry for the late reply, had to sleep and buy some beer, kek. This year I didn't celebrate at all, especially after my grandma died this year and she was the last family member besides my sibling I care about. I'm planing to celebrate next year spending some time on holiday, don't know where, just somewhere nice and quiet, not being available for other family members, just my sibling, maybe friends and me having a nice time enjoying food and the world. Celebrating with chosen family is really the best, no stress, no horrible memories, no drama, hope you get to experience it next year.
No. 1828376
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I think I bought a fake perfume and I can't return it, although I checked the box and bottle and it looks genuine, I'm so frustrated. When the first 2 times I sprayed it on my wrist, it lasted around 6 hours and now it's skin scent after an hour and I paid 100€ for it and I wanna cry…is it something wrong with me or should I sell it somehow?
No. 1828377
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I hate that my depression hurts everyone around me. The illness is entirely inside my head and completely under my control, meaning it is solely my responsibility to cure or at least manage it… but I don't! I don't do anything for myself, and somehow I do even less for the people around me. My evil thoughts are so self-centered, all about how much I hate myself: I want to hurt myself, I want to die, I ruin everything, I'm no good. What about the people who care about me and all the pain I bring them? It's not fair. Nobody should have a person like me in their life, someone who can't even smile. I am a bad friend and wretched daughter. I show people love only when it suits me, and that's only 1% of the time. The other 99% I am exhausted. I am toxic and disgusting. My mere existence is miasmic. I wish that everyone would give up on me and forget about me so that I could die. Hahahahaha. Instead of being motivated to help myself and be healthy so that I can treat people better, I've once again turned it all into something selfish and disgusting.
No. 1828383
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Just another day
No. 1828452
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Praying for a good night of sleep. I am on a trip in the mountains and I brought work with me and I can't enjoy my time neither work because I have a cold that only gets worse. I haven't slept properly in 3 nights and I feel like shit.
No. 1828483
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>>1823509Fortune favours the useless! I was very wobbly during Xmas dinner but I managed to rally. My cousin had to excuse herself to loudly vomit during post dinner deserts and my sister's BF passed out upstairs. Any other family I would be a focused mess but I don't think my mam didn't noticed me. Couple more days, then get sober, get rehab then I'm the best child.
No. 1828493
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I've been throwing everyone under the bus for my financiary success
I finally understand what these meant
No. 1828536
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i'm currently going through the painstaking process of cleaning up my online presence. it's so annoying when websites don't offer the option to delete your account and you have to contact their support team. i'm a eurofag so i can just mention GDPR but still. some of them act so retarded about me leaving their system, even when i've never used their service/placed a single order.
No. 1828543
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Another morning, another bout of morning sickness.
No. 1828566
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i got called childish and to "grow up" for finding semen gross as a lesbian on twitter. i made the most neutral un-inflammatory remark too. i don't know why i am so sensitive and getting more and more so as i age but i am, i hate that people are allowed to just shit on each other relentlessly anonymously without a second thought. (yeah ironic considering where i'm posting but i unironically consider nonnas less toxic than mainstream social media sites. there's a weird difference between the retarded infights here and the vile shit i see on places like twitter and IG comments).
i want to love the world. i think i love the world and the magic in it and i have a love-hate relationship with humanity. people say i'm very compassionate but i feel evil for feeling so angry at people and the things they do. merry christmas
No. 1828579
>>1828571Thank you nona! I sadly don’t meet the requirements. I don’t make a ton of money, but I still make too much for Medicaid. I’m just hoping I can get on a fairly reasonable monthly payment plan.
I don’t know how all of this works, that’s where a lot of my fear is coming from. Just so much uncertainty and fear of being in debt forever.
No. 1828582
I HATE my friend's friend. She's rude, standoffish, and an nlog, while also having a man-hating attitude and pretending to be for women. I actually knew her before I met my friend, and distanced myself from her because she was a terrible friend.
For the sake of this my friend is A and she is B. A met B because we run in the same circles, separately to how I met her. B uses a fake name, is a they/them without a hint of androgyny in her, is so private about her life but expects to know everything about yours. She's a literal lolcow, she's also a prostitute but you'd only know that if you did some digging. We were at a christmas party all together and every single thing she had to say was aggravating. She's one of those people that always needs to have an opposing opinion to reiterate how quirky she is, that she doesn't think like you, and it's exhausting.
What annoys me more is that she has cost A so much money in cancelled plans, being flaky, and disrespecting her time. A tells me this recently and yet is letting B walk all over her. There were a few times at this party A would be talking about something that interests her and I watched snarky looks on B's face as she talks about them. It feels like she also looks down on A but isn't as forthright with it as she is with me, because her friendship with A is beneficial to her.
It's dirty and manipulative and I'm really at a point where I want to tell A I'll no longer go to her events if B will be there. I told A (when she opened up to me about losing money to B) that she needs to guard herself more given she's had friends in the past swindle THOUSANDS out of her because she's someone who will do anything for her friends. I rarely hang out with B and A together, but the times I do I'm left fuming for days about how annoying, snarky, and rude B is. A friend joined me as a plus one to this thing and 5 minutes in she texts me and tells me I'm right, B is horrible, so I at least know this isn't all in my head. I'm just so over it.
No. 1828593
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I'm rewatching naruto after wasting my time with a few episodes of boruto and I just can't, I have to share my hatred for boruto. Everytime I think about naruto having a whiny son it just makes me seethe, really, how could them? Naruto and hinata could've had a great kid, but nah, he is so fucking annoying, more than naruto ever was, at least naruto was endearing annoying, boruto is just needs-a-beating kinda annoying he has absolutely no reason for angst but that doesn't stop that entitled shithead, does it? Nope, boohoo daddy is hokage, my family loves me, like imagine that? People have actual problems, boruto. And to think we're supposed to cheer for him. Everytime I think about boruto I just need to express how displeased I am with that fucking anime, I have to, because it is terrible and I can't keep it to myself. He has no reason to be that way, I wish someone would rewrite that crap and give naruto a better son because he doesn't deserve that asshole after all he went through, what did hinata do to deserve that? She doesn't deserve bad things. Also whats up with him looking exactly like naruto? Couldn't he look like hinata? Grrrrr fuck you boruto I am never finishing your story, I hope naruto kills you thats what you deserve. Nothing makes me angrier than boruto's existence, he ruined my christmas.
No. 1828608
>>1828162Ooh, I remember reading her old thread back when she was more relevant. Not sure if you knew it existed, but just in case (ofc it's been dead for years now)
>>>/snow/263942I actually had no idea she was still around, kek. It feels super weird seeing her face pop up again after all these years
No. 1828631
My brother insisted my boyfriend and I come over to unwrap presents even after I told them we were sick. Thought maybe he was going to say something important about his life, why else would he insist so much. Nope, he wanted to show off the presents he bought my dad. Hundreds of dollars in things for his garage, meanwhile giving me slippers and a gift card. I think he did it because we bought him a semi decent drill last year so he didn't have to use his cheapo walmart one. He tells me nothing about his life, just talks about his cars and shit he buys for them. He never responds to my messages or straight up tells me he doesn't care about serious things like our father not telling us he got engaged but posting it online months ago. I've asked him years ago and several times since if he wants to come over to my house, he refuses. I don't know if it's because of jealousy from having a home and long term relaltionship or if he straight up doesn't care about me at all, he use to act similar when I lived a home but it was never this bad. I know, after seeing memes he's tagged in, that his current girlfriend had a child in the past year but the time line doesn't line up with their relationship and a child, kek I am so confused. I asked my dad and he tells me he has no idea she had a baby even though my brother and him live together, wtf. Brother says nothing about it. They ask nothing about my life, nothing about what we are doing and give me absolutely nothing of their own real lives. I am going to play sick or busy next year, what is even the point of playing these holiday games with the only couple of family I have.
No. 1828649
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Fuck I’m so jealous and I hate feeling this way URGH. I feel so possessive over my best friend and I just have a penchant for hating my friends’ boyfriends and I really hated hers. Aside from being a retard and being incompatible with her, I just hated that he had her. He was able to have her, and I had to tone down how close I was with her because I wanted to be respectful and I noticed early in the relationship that she would be uncomfortable if I was touchy and I had no problem with it. Four years later and I kept to that. Anyways they’re not together anymore and it’s not a celebration for me because it deeply hurt her but I can’t find my peace because there’s this fucking faggot that undercut her previous attachment and urrghrrggrgrg now he has her. Fuck not even for a second could I have her to myself. I know this makes me so awful but I know whatever kind of hug I give won’t compare cus this weasel cuddles with her and she really likes it and GAH I COULDN'T BE THERE FOR HER. And I was away with my family for a month while this all went down and this weasel inserted himself in. Some fucking NOBODY. The worst part is that this is all so disingenuous because he’s non binary so apparently it’s all ok as per her and it’s not a problem and I told her careful with this man be careful and in the end she had to tell me I was right because he ended up falling for her (duh since day one men are literally single celled organisms PREDICTABLE AS FUCK..). Now he’s the one that can give her emotional and physical comfort and I can’t. I need to get off my ass and get my license since he has a hand above me because he has a car and can see her whenever ugh. And they stay up so late together and she’s always tired with me! Why is it so effortless with him. I’m just greedy cus she gives me so much and we’re close but I was just hoping that after the breakup I could have a moment where she could be mine for a little but nooooo some faggy weasel had to come in between gah it’s just I hate scumbag lefty commie men because they’re so dishonest and it really is every time. He’s such bad news. Whyyyyy. I miss the way she felt in my arms when I would hug her when she had a big sweater on. I can’t remember the last time we really laid down cozy. I wanna spoon (me big spoon). I can still do that now but I know that his hugs are probably better ugh I oughta spit on him. How can a girl compete. On a more serious level I can’t be there to support her, like I would have no problem supporting a crush and egging her on but again I don’t support it with this guy. So now it’s like I’m a hater and lacking in this way and I would love to egg her on but I have my personal selfish reasons and my dislike of this weasel. Feeling like a bit of a meanie.
No. 1828680
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applied to jobs for the very first time. wish me luck in escaping NEETdom
No. 1828700
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I tried to click a link to a reddit review of a hair dye I was curious about and was met with this. This is so dumb.
No. 1828709
>>1828633He’s just mentally ill.
>>1828705No anon, how old is your friend? I’m nearing my 30s, tell her it’s not worth it is she’s younger. Men will never make a commitment irl
No. 1828745
>>1828738That last part is so true. Thanks for reinstating faith in my gay side
nonnie, even if just temporarily. May we both find our based, non-moid apologist brides in the near future!!!
No. 1828747
>>1828745Thank you
nonny and good luck ♥
No. 1828794
>>1828783I know how you feel
nonny, I'm sending you a virtual hug. I know it's not the same but it's something
No. 1828853
>>1828783I'm so sorry
nonny, that's tough. I hope new people come into your life soon.
>>1828828I was on my period too
No. 1828876
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Ok this is a retarded rant but I still need like I have to vent. My OC is 21 years old and she got shipped with a male character who's 35 years old. I expressed my discomfort with it and they were like "chill out it's just fiction, and 14 years age gape is not that big anyway". Ok but why do you have to ship me with older scrotes even in fiction? Like it isn't enough to see age gaps pushed in real life? Is 14 year age gap really not big? Because to me it is
No. 1828897
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I managed to dodge covid all these years just to get it from my bf.
No. 1828966
My parents were fighting while I was right in the middle of it. My dad stormed off and started throwing shit off the back porch and breaking it, then stormed off to lock himself in the garage. My mum and I silently cleaned up the mess. I went outside in the rain to pick up all the broken pieces of the shelf he threw, and the barbecue, and just broke down in the middle of it. Crouched down on the deck in the rain bawling my eyes out.
My dad came back out and forced me to go inside, so I locked myself in the bathroom until he left to take the dog for a walk. I heard him talking to himself making like he was the victim, and that he should probably not even come back from the walk.
At dinner time, he came into my room and tried to explain himself. I told him that it made me really uncomfortable and scared when he started throwing shit around, and you don’t deserve to break things just because you’re angry. He basically said that he breaks shit because it’s better than hitting a person. How is that meant to be reassuring? I’m pissed off that he’s trying to sway it that way, and try to make a joke of it to “cheer me up” There are so many things I could have said, but didn’t want to risk another broken shelf. So I just said it’s okay.
But I’m so sick of this. On Christmas, where mum and I are working our asses off cooking and cleaning, and he sits on his ass drinking beer.
It’s stupid, but my mums upset that she puts in so much effort every year for christmas, and he doesn’t bother to offer help, didn’t even buy her a present. I was the only one out of all my family members that got my mum a gift. Everyone expects everything to be handed to them with no effort on their part. I hate this family so much.
No. 1829067
>>1828352>all he had to do was jerk off into a cup and we could've gotten assessed much sooner and be on our way to fixing it but somehow never occurred to him because of course all of it was the woman's job to care and it couldn't possibly be a man's problem! I'm sorry this happened to you anon. Not that it's much comfort, but literally myself and at least two other friends have gone through this shit with moids. My good friend has been off bc for almost a year and still has had nothing happen, and her husband puts up massive shit about going to get tested. Men are pathetic and don't want their manly egos bruised to know that they have fertility problems, so they always gaslight their partners.
My ex fiance never got a single woman pregnant, not even his ex wife, but was insisting I should get tested (I've aborted before..) up until urologists told him that he was sterile and needed to take hormones for the sake of his own health.
Honestly anon, this gaslighting and refusal to seek medical care are serious relationship problems.
No. 1829069
>>1827472Tell your parents to quit buying such expensive shit for your husband, unless it's something that benefits you too i.e. a new house appliance.
It would bother me too if my in-laws saw how much my family was spoiling their kid but never reciprocated to show they gave a fuck about me.
No. 1829152
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>>1829030>it's the only reason i miss pull, even though her thread was a nightmare in and of itself.I even miss the spergs in her pull thread kek
Remember when she had an art theft scandal and her apology was a video poem on par with
toxic gossip train? Only to then later retcon it all and pretend she didn't understand stealing art was theft "because autism teehee oopsie". Kenna was truly before her time. She may not have been as big of a cow as others posted on lc but it was good wholesome fun gossiping and laughing at her being cringe
No. 1829157
>>1829152kek the file name
the weird thing is that kenna enjoyed even the negative attention and even when she fucked up for real because she was sooo obsessed with being a misunderstood villain. it genuinely fascinated me how she always managed to say the wrong thing and to be so utterly tone deaf. sadly i stopped following her after pull went down, but did she ever get an actual autism diagnosis in the states? i remember that there were rumors she just shopped around in japan until she found a "doctor" that just told her that yes, she's totally autistic.
it's funny because i know another personal cow who is very similar to her and suddenly that one had an autism diagnosis too and uses it to justify her shitty behavior. we're talking death threats, sexual harassment, suicide baiting, ed baiting, etc here. curious, that.
No. 1829212
>>1829157>did she ever get an actual autism diagnosis in the states?Nope, just her "level 3 autism" diagnosis from a single sitting in japan. She quietly deleted the "level 3" part quite quickly once people questioned that since level 3 is the highest level of retard
>i know another personal cow who is very similar to her and suddenly that one had an autism diagnosis too and uses it to justify her shitty behavior>>1829162>we definitely need a thread focused on mental disorder larpers I'd love that kek
No. 1829216
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I need to find an important document that I got years but god knows where it is, I just looked through all sorts of boxes, folders and idk what but I can't find it reeeeeeeeeeee fuck
No. 1829265
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having my laptop on is making me retarded. when it's off i can just lie around and read books for hours. as soon as it's on i'm constantly getting up to browse mindlessly. i only bought it for gaming purposes which it's great for but outside of that it's giving me brain damage.
No. 1829269
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>>1829265Same here lol It's microwaves getting demonized for what laptops are actually responsible for
No. 1829271
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I hate what my life and I have become. I used to have dreams and goals that I pursued for a while then eventually dropped all of them. I've never been good at being consistent with anything, never finished what I've started. But at least I used to do meaningful things, I used to draw, write, read regularly, I used to have a rich imagination. Nowadays I'm only doing things that require minimum effort. Watching YouTube videos, playing games. Zero social life. I`m in awe of my bf who has a wide social circle and has his own projects while working towards a different career. I used to want to switch careers and do courses but I don't care anymore, jobs feel the same.
I don't think I'm depressed because I can function, I have a job, I eat and shower regularly. It's just, in order to have friends for instance, you have to love yourself and have hobbies that you do consistently and can talk about. In order to be able to have hobbies, you have to believe that what you create has value and that you have value and be driven enough that you do them regularly. I feel like I'm missing some essential puzzle pieces and I
am stuck
No. 1829279
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The company announced that the project is shutting down in a month, they refused to set us up for the new project and are expecting us to sign an agreement where they won't have to compensate us, including giving up our rights for gov. pay. I'll make this thing as difficult as possible for HR.
No. 1829281
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Im friendless and it makes me miserable. When i meet new people and all they talk about is their other friends, I feel an immediate disconnect. Im going to have to live my life all alone, surrounded by other people that get to truly enjoy another's company.
I feel like shit. I want to go somewhere with a friend and actually feel like a normal person, participating in life. But im just at some place i thought would make me happy if i sat and drew a bit. But instead im surrounded by couples and people in friend groups. Im always alone.
No. 1829352
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I've known my dad tends to be a passive-aggressive asshole for awhile now but every time I come back to stay over his house I realize just how pronounced it really is. He reminds me of an asshole boss but more passive aggressive and with a greater veneer of happy-go-lucky and nonchalant rather than just smug, which makes it worse. Self-evident by the amount of times he replies "No worries" about anything, even if he just complained about some stupid shit while muttering to himself or I tell him off and he goes quiet.
He also has always looked down on women. He's already casually said "This is why women should listen to men", said "You're a woman so you're probably not interested in learning to fix cars", violently pushed my stepmom against the door just so his dogs wouldn't escape. He does passive-aggressive shit when shopping with him that expects me to read his mind like standing to the side of the door without saying anything so that I can open it, then impatiently going "Come on!" if I don't realize what's happening. He holds his hand out with this phone without saying anything, expecting me to take it even if I don't see him. He treats women like handmaidens, evident by how much my stepmom is one. When learning to drive from him, he keeps grabbing my steering wheel even when he doesn't have to. He always gives orders to get him this and do that, that he can clearly get and do himself. I can't eat at the table with him without him repeating "Slow down" every 2 minutes at me. He's always been a serious control freak and it's infuriating.
He used to beat the shit out of my brother and breathe down on him even worse, and now wonders why my brother doesn't want to talk to him anymore. I tried chalking up some of his bossy, prissy behavior to him being former military but he switches constantly back to acting like a very nonchalant and laid back, "No worries" type of guy so it's hard to determine if narcissist moid or not. My mother is definitely one though, and from my experience with that, I certainly feel the same egg-shell walking around him constantly. Except even worse because he's a huge, several 100lb pound moid literally built like Fat Albert and with the booming voice of a drill sergeant that can easily kill you without even trying.
Oh yeah, he's also a Bible-thumping and pro-gun conservitard that looks for any chance to complain about "those Democrats". He holds beliefs like that police should be able to shoot unarmed kids. It's ironic because we originally come from Eastern Europe but with his Ameritard beliefs he now more closely resembles a hick from Alabama than he ever will his actual own countrymen. He still tries to larp as us when he's not like us.
No. 1829377
>>1829352The insane part about people like this is that 9 times out of 10 they think their behaviour is completely justified and good. He probably SERIOUSLY thinks that everyone around him is stupid and that he has to do everything himself. It's almost as if these people are not even capable of self-reflection for more than 3 seconds… When you finally make a point they don't consider change, they just tell you to get fucked and double down on their behaviour and insist that it is YOU who is acting wrong…
Honestly, why would even visit someone this? Genuine question. I am willing to bet that they guilt trip you into visiting them or they get mad when you want to stop seeing them.
No. 1829406
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I've been so fucking miserably horny. I usually only masturbate once a day every few days, but this past week or so I've been masturbating every fucking day 2-3 times. I don't know what's wrong with me. It doesn't even really feel good anymore because of how frequently I've been doing it. I just think about my husbando and I can't help but masturbate.
No. 1829417
>It's almost as if these people are not even capable of self-reflection for more than 3 seconds… Sometimes we have agreed on a certain viewpoint, and he'll go "No, no I agree with you" but still show manchild mannerisms by following it with shit like "I'm just saying" and his stupid constant "No worries" that he parrots at everything. He can say all that with a smile and while starting to hum, but then being a giant grumpy and bossy bastard the rest of the time. His dog bit him yesterday and he felt the need to yell so loud the whole house heard him. Stepmom goes "What happened?" several times and he doesn't say anything, just scowls and then yells at the dog to go away. I'm not sure even his dog likes him. lul
He also shows memory problems and hearing problems. He does the moid thing where he repeats what I just said as if it was his original thought. He asks shit like "Why is this here?" and "Why didn't you bring X?" in an accusing tone for shit he never informed me about. He really expects women to be handmaiden mind-readers.
>He probably SERIOUSLY thinks that everyone around him is stupid and that he has to do everything himself.However he does make decisions in a very calculated, clever way that will be in a such a way that you end up obligated to him in the long-term and so that he can hold that obligation over your head at any time and at any place. Then to loudly pat himself on the back about how much he has helped everyone and how it is all because of him.
He helped buy me a used car with a big downpayment, but is going to saddle me with the rest of the 7k for it on top of my student loans now, claiming it's to "build my credit score" even though I told him several times already that it's 756. I would have been better off if I just bought one myself in cash. This sure is exactly what I needed on top of already having student debt. I let him know several times I'm currently unemployed and w probably shouldn't bother getting the car at all if he can't help at the moment, and he told me he will but I know he easily could without putting me in deeper unreasonable debt. He's only after doing things in a way that will still make you owe him, even if it screws you over long-term.
Or he just wants to boast about how his conservitard American viewpoint. Most people's parents apparently help with college because of how unaffordable it has become but my $200k a year making dad has left me with $20k in student loans to "teach me responsibility". Even though I've demonstrated it in more than several ways, by having perfect grades, working and paying everything else myself, for over 2 years now. There's families in actual poverty that do more for their kids than he has done.
My $200k a year making dad also wants me to take a defensive driving course just so he can get $100 discount from his insurance. I can see why my brother says he is a "A bigger Jew than most Jews" now. He likes to operate like an evil CEO more than he does a dad. He's a classic boomer.
>Honestly, why would even visit someone this? Genuine question. I am willing to bet that they guilt trip you into visiting them or they get mad when you want to stop seeing them.I'm visiting him so he can teach me to drive. He's the only one I have to teach me, because I have no one else that cares to.
No. 1829443
>However he does make decisions in a very calculated, clever way that will be in a such a way that you end up obligated to him in the long-term and so that he can hold that obligation over your head at any time and at any place. Then to loudly pat himself on the back about how much he has helped everyone and how it is all because of him.
My dad does the exact same shit lmao. The only difference is that he doesn't plan or calculate how he can get obligations. He just does things for me (that are expected from any parent, really) and acts like everything is ok and that it doesn't matter, but then later when he wants something out of me he starts harping on how I owe him so much because he put a roof over my head and that I am ungrateful and never want to do anything for him in return. He also likes to go around telling people that if it wasn't for him I wouldn't know or have anything and that all my good qualities are thanks to him. He genuinely believes this and tells people this INSANE fiction.
>He helped buy me a used car with a big downpayment, but is going to saddle me with the rest of the 7k for it on top of my student loans now, claiming it's to "build my credit score" even though I told him several times already that it's 756. I would have been better off if I just bought one myself in cash. This sure is exactly what I needed on top of already having student debt. I let him know several times I'm currently unemployed and w probably shouldn't bother getting the car at all if he can't help at the moment, and he told me he will but I know he easily could without putting me in deeper unreasonable debt. He's only after doing things in a way that will still make you owe him, even if it screws you over long-term.
This type of stuff kills me. It's funny because they will practically sabotage your life, if you let them, and then genuinely think they helped and improved your situation.
>I'm visiting him so he can teach me to drive. He's the only one I have to teach me, because I have no one else that cares to.
This is where things take a weird turn for me. Because my dad will still come help me sometimes and then I feel like a piece of shit for thinking so negatively about him but then later he will treat me so poorly or do something totally fucked up that kind of shatters this illusion of us being happy and getting along. It is a little funny because he does it to himself. Creates the illusion of being happy and likable but then proceeds to treat you like shit and act miserable later.
No. 1829446
>>1829441I have already posted here a few times. I am
>>1823199 ,
>>1823773 and
>>1827807I can’t do this anymore. I am really tired. This stupid website is easier to talk to than anyone else. I wish I was a liar. I wish I was a munchie. Some days I think stupid fucking pixielocks or Shayna are happier than me. I rather be pretending to have DID and still have a family who loves me then being this retarded space waster
No. 1829456
I know I'm not the first to say this, but I really don't understand who decided to sell this whole "your 20s are the best time of your life" bullshit. Seriously? University is hard as hell compared to anything I've done before, all of my time goes to either studying, shopping, cooking or cleaning, I have to think about shit like housing, masters degrees and careers and I'm starting to feel this awful pressure to do it all asap because my parents are getting old. "Student years are all about getting drunk and chilling with friends" was a big fat lie, I'm barely into my 20s and already witnessing my father taking all sorts of medication because of deteriorating health, talking about where I'm gonna live in the future and all this shit. My mother whining how 30 is too old to get married and have children isn't helping either. I know that probably 99% of people in this age group have to deal with this shit, it's called growing up, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly. I guess I'm just gonna kiss my free time goodbye and start working my ass off as soon as possible, hopefully I get used to it all.
No. 1829469
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I thought that I was over my hypochondria and then I'm in the middle of a bad episode.
I don't feel anything beside a very mild tension in my left middle finger for carrying around xmas bags of food and gifts and I'm having muscular problems in my shoulders and neck from cervical syndrome, so my whole chest to back area hurts. I know it's something mild and everything will go away but damn, this is hard…
Please send me some positivity nonnies…My doctors said that it's all anxiety but damn!! I hate this!!!
No. 1829486
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I thought I was just good at making friends, but it turns out, they all thought I was a lesbian. I'm not a lesbian, just slightly GNC in my clothing choices. I have a bob haircut it's not even a lesbian haircut. I'm just autistically blunt, I don't know what to do. I also had an actual boyfriend for a while but somehow everyone I fucking meet thinks I'm gay. Some of these women are hot, too, but I'm genuinely heterosexual, I tried that shit before and I did nothing for me.
I wear my natural nails long now too to try to deter this, but it looks like full on Bimbomaxxing will be the only solution. I hate that shit, it's exhausting and Sisyphean and I hate feminine clothing but if I could attract moids with even 1/10th of the success I seem to have in attracting women, I'd have a whole simp army by now and want for nothing. It's bullshit. Nothing against actual lesbians btw, but why do I have to be cursed with being seen as so hot by the female gaze and have zero attraction towards women. And why, more importantly, is the male gaze so retarded they only seem to see performative femininity as attractive? Like it doesn't even matter what you look like physically, "hot" is a uniform as someone on here said once.
No. 1829487
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>went to a walking trail in the woods by myself, only two other vehicles in the parking lot
>walk by a guy talking to a lady that she obvs didn’t go there with, she says hi to me
>he’s talking nonstop and standing in front of the lady so she can’t move
>get kinda bad feeling about them and turn around to pass them again/go to the parking lot
>sit near them for 10sh minutes before leaving because more people are coming up the trail
>after getting back to the parking lot I just sat in my car for a bit, guy followed the lady to the parking area and went back down to the trail
>lady gets to her vehicle, makes eye contact with me before driving off
>while getting ready to leave I can see there’s at least two other guys around that look homeless
I don’t know if I’m overreacting but I think I’m going to avoid the trail if there aren’t like 4-5 cars in the parking lot
No. 1829490
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I have a very important appointment tomorrow that might change a huge part of my future and I didn't get the letter with the invitation before said appointment because it's been Christmas and I don't know which room I have to go to and I'm nervous and I'm overthinking it so fucking much right now. I hope someone can tell me where I have to go and that I will get a nice belated Christmas present tomorrow, but my brain won't shut up and I hate it. It would just be nice if 2024 could be a fucking nice year for me.
No. 1829495
Henlo, nonnies. I'm the same nonnie that have been ranting about being a retarded bitch with a broken heart after i stopped talking to the moid i liked, and i'm once again here to vent because i'm losing it kek.
I've spent xmas alone, just like a lot of nonnies here, and i have been on meltdown for a few days now. This is the time of the year i hate the most, the depression of the year ending, and the anxiety of the new year's expectations have only been adding more to my heartache, since now all i think about is the past years and everything that happened so far.
We have been talking again for around a month, and my brain keep constantly throwing at me the memories from last year and it's driving me insane. I feel my body going numb entirely whenever that happens, ans i just try to take it away from my mind as soon as possible to not end in a self destructive cycle from that.
I just wish so badly i could go back in time and tell the moids that were fucking my life at the time to fuck off and just drown in his love, if regret could kill, i'd surely be dead by now since i still can't believe i did that to him, oh my god. What wouldn't i give to just have him calling me my love again.
I truly hate myself.
No. 1829496
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>>1829483ty nona…will try….
Lately I've been very stressed due to work, I even had a bad panic attack, the kind of attack that leaves you exhausted, and I want to rest but I can't due to work….
Every doctor that has seen me said that I'm basically feeding my bad health delusions by being so anxious but I cannot help right now, I can't go to a psychologist so I'm seeking for some comfort online since I don't want to bother my friends…
Hope your day/night is good,
No. 1829502
>>1829463Ah yeah marriage, something
really popular these days
No. 1829554
>>1829437>>1829446Don't do it nonna. I understand how you're feeling right now because I was feeling a similar way 2 years ago.
I wish there was an easy way to communicate/swap discords on here. I'd offer to talk to you nonna.
No. 1829569
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>living at home with an overbearing immigrant mother
>I’m retarded and school is taking me longer than I was hoping so I’m stuck living at home because it’s insanely expensive to move out whilst studying.
I don’t know how much longer I can do this, it feels suffocating and inescapable.
No. 1829579
>>1829554Thanks nonna. I am doing a little better. I honestly completely lost it tbh? It doesn’t happen very often but I have been under a lot of stress.
I wish there was too. Just in general kek
No. 1829619
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>>1829496I hope you feel better and feel able to open up to your friends soon or are able to seek comfort in other ways
No. 1829652
>>1829610For dating options, younger isn't bad. I just find the younger crowd I match with to not be with or aren't ready for the relationship that I would like re: marriage and kids.
Many of them don't have their shit together and more or less are looking for a mommy trope to help them build something. I'm established so it's hard not to feel taken advantage of. I want men to offer me some shit.
No. 1829703
>>1829685You were arguing with someone who psychologically thinks punishing rape is "too punitive" because they have either raped, edged on the boundary of what could be considered coercion if not outright assault, or think of the act as no big deal inside their minds.
Watch yourself around that person.
It's a defense mechanism.
No. 1829750
>>1829443aitayrt My dad is particularly intelligent so that's probably why he does that. Greater intelligence gives you greater ability to more inconspicuously screw someone over. And act alot more pedantic and with a superiority complex over someone else, because they're more likely to not know what to say in turn.
>starts harping on how I owe him so much because he put a roof over my head and that I am ungrateful and never want to do anything for him in return.Mine has done the same thing however. People always just throw terms like like "ungrateful", "entitled", and "spoiled" without having any idea what someone ungrateful, entitled and spoiled is actually like. If a parent just throws that as a buzzword as a first sign of disagreement or offense, they just feel their position as a benevolent dictator threatened. Some people need to have others perpetually below them and to keep them below by perpetually reminding them of their inferiority, lack of life experience, age, gender, etc. This is especially common between parents and kids, because it's the easiest.
>This is where things take a weird turn for me. Because my dad will still come help me sometimes and then I feel like a piece of shit for thinking so negatively about him but then later he will treat me so poorly or do something totally fucked up that kind of shatters this illusion of us being happy and getting along.That's considered lovebombing. I've had my parents suddenly show up with an IPhone they gave me as a present, even though I never asked for one, then a few weeks later be faced with comments like "You don't deserve anything ever" and "This is how you thank dad for buying you a new phone" after I ask my mom for something like not coming in my room unannounced.
No. 1829798
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>my grandma died last year
>me and mom visit grandpa for a few hours bc he's alone
>he goes on a rant about how he is super alone and that my grandma is dead and how she did everything for him
>he's crying and howling at this point and doesn't stop
>my mom just gets up and leaves the room
>It feels super uncomfortable so I try to make the crying stop and hug him
>He suddenly slaps my ass
>Bitch wtf
>feels awful
>Disgusting moid
>Can't say anything
>That was the last time I ever hugged or comforted my grandpa about my grandma's death
>btw she left a moid behind that is unable to care for himself
>my aunt who is a doctor and works 60 hours per week does his laundry and he needs two whole other people who keep his house clean
>he scared off all of his friends too
My grandpa doesn't deserve to be comforted. Next time I'll leave the room as well when he's crying and screaming.
No. 1829807
>>1829801No he is just an old dumb scrote he has no excuse
>>1829805I wish she would have told me tbh
No. 1829826
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No it fucking doesn't.
No. 1829840
>>1829816Yes we literally do.
>>1829818Ah yeah, a sentence blurb about poopoo peepee is totes a real vent
No. 1830010
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Lately I feel like more big singers are trying to emulate the kpop sound becuase that's what's popular but imo they're all failing to see what made kpop popular was never the music itself. People love kpop because they're fronted by perfectly groomed and surgically altered people to look aesthetically pleasing. They're walking ads, an image of perfection to dream about, project onto etc they're not even to be seen as "real" people. They're not allowed to have private lives or to date. They have to keep selling this dream to fans.
They're like game avatars for people who don't game, or a football team for people who don't like sports. You pick your fave and live through them. People do like the music because it's catchy enough (should be from all the millions they pump into it) but they're not anything special. Doesn't matter if a group release a total banger - if they're not by YOUR kpop group/artist you don't give a fuck. Doesn't matter if your fave's song isn't the best one song, you'll still only put that one on repeat becuase that's your fave. I'm saying this as someone who listened to kpop all through my teens so I know plenty of kpop fans would never admit to it and insist "it's about the music" but sis we know you only like the music because a hot perfection of a guy is singing it. His face is your phone background, you ain't foooling anyone. And that's why western singers fail when they try to copy it. It was just never about the music.
No. 1830031
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Fucking fantastic.
No. 1830058
>>1830010Damn, and you can tell by how much they shooped selena gomez that youre right. I didnt even realize it was her till i read your image file name.
I totally agree with you. Their music has always been weird to me but i liked their music videos. But the one kpop person i knew would insist their music is good. To me it always just sounded like cooperate garbage lol.
No. 1830075
>>1830015Nta but the generational curse of people being fully able to recognise that their own parents messed up or were outright
abusive but magically thinking they'll be a better parent all while they've done little to heal.. so they then mess up their own kids up but through different and often opposite parenting methods (overbearing/strict vs being so hands off that its neglectful and leaves a kid vulnerable to abuse by others) It still sucks. Nobody is helped by being told that askually grandma was more
abusive than mom was. Or that someone elses bpd parent is worse and a 'real' bpder compared to theirs. What?
No. 1830077
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Visiting my sister and her BF over Christmas and their dog hates me. Every time I'm in he leaves the room or paws at the door. It shouldn't bother me but it's a black lab and labs are supposed to love everyone. Idk I shouldn't think this much about a dog
No. 1830118
>>1830091That's horrible I'm so sorry. Not very hands off of her, I'd say that's actively participating in hurting you.
Sorry for getting my ass chapped over your vent and doing the whole "whose mom('s mom) was worse" bullshit even though I could guess how what you described would be bad and I should know better. It looked like you were complaining your mother didn't argue you with you and bought you too many presents. should've followed by gut suspicion instead of being an asshole.
No. 1830144
>>1830031I've been googling into this for a while now because it always makes me nervous using tampons and pads and I just found this site that might help, it's a lot of text but towards the bottom they list the worst types of pads, a better option, and the best option. I don't know how accurate it is and they could be in part paid to post certain brands but maybe that could at least give you an idea where to start looking for pads and tampons that don't have bad chemicals. I was so disappointed to see Rael listed there cause I just bought a 48 pack because they said they were organic and made without dangerous chemicals. So shitty to lie about something like that.
Anyway here's the one for pads: one for tampons: No. 1830148
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"I've noticed that in your absence that I like you" this is why I was stepping back! Because you've been weird the past month and a half! Cool that you've finally caught up with the program I guess but fuck I hate that I always end up being right! I'm three months out of a five year long relationship (with your ex-best friend!) and more importantly not even on the fucking market and don't plan to be any time soon, if ever! How the fuck are you going to segue discussing your BPD ex-wife's latest antics involving your son into some hamfisted confession that you know would never amount to anything anyway! I didn't want to broach it first when the weird vibe kicked off because I didn't want to come across as paranoid or conceited, but maybe I should have. I ultimately prefer that I was told but I also wish that you just didn't fucking say anything and just got over it on your own time rather than put me in this bizarre position where you say that you would never pursue those feelings because you don't want to risk the friendship but I feel like I still have to turn you down anyway! God! Fuck! On christmas?????
I'm so tired of men and their stupid little antics go be emotionally constipated somewhere else with someone else, please I beg of you. Fuck.
No. 1830164
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>a vaguely phallus-shaped silicone rod is exactly the same as a real life penis and lesbian women who enjoy sex with strap-ons are secretly heterosexual
why are men retarded. im not even a lesbian but ffs
No. 1830220
>>1830208If you want to spin it you can say something like
now that we're such close friends I feel comfortable confiding in you that actually I'm really uncomfortable with casual hugs and I only put up with them out of social pressure / not wanting to appear cold or awkward. but I actually don't like it, never have. I can tell you this because you're so cool and I know you'll understand and be respectful. kek
No. 1830231
>>1830207That's not my experience from both being with normie men aswell as being amongst men as the invisible, sole woman. They truly tell on themselves when they're talking amongst themselves. A large part of their pleasure is derived from the idea that you're in a vulnerable position, that they're "taking" you, that you're "ready" for them. I wish that was just corny porn shit and I wish I could unhear the things I've heard.
I'm not saying it's impossible there's men who genuinely see sex with women as a loving, equal act, but you shouldn't be naive about the nature of their sexuality either.
No. 1830233
>>1830198It destroys their fallacy about sexually promiscuous women not being able to find love and be happy. "Happiness" for women is for those who bend over to the whims of men and opt for a life of servitude and make them feel wanted and a like a prize to be won.
>>1830207You say that as if most normie men aren't porn sick and in some cases will happily sleep with a prostitute. Every man has a bitter incel sitting within them.
No. 1830243
>>1830225You got one of the few good ones
nonnie. Best wishes
No. 1830261
>>1830198>They also get mad if these women have husbands and children years after the fact.It doesn't suit their narrative that women become used up whores begging for crumbs of dick in the streets after turning 30.
The way they hyperfixate on their children is fucking sick too. They're always making comments about how their children will be "bullied" for their mom being a slut but children tend not to care about porn unless it is shown and taught to them by rabid deathgrippers who want to use them as proxies to shame women who won't fuck them.
No. 1830275
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>Be me
>Living in a house with my BF and little bro
>Get home late last night and little bro is passed out in the bushes after having "pints with lads for the craic"
>Poke him a bit to wake him up
>Starts swinging at BF
I'm so sick of him, he constantly gets wasted with his friends and I'm supposed to be the one to pick up the pieces? I'm not his mam.
No. 1830289
>>1830231 >They truly tell on themselves when they're talking amongst themselvesA few years ago someone at work assumed I was a lesbian, it spread around work as if it were fact (without me knowing) and suddenly the conversations that men were openly having in front of me were insane. I didn't know wtf was happening. The shit talking about women, the open talk about manipulation tactics and the pedo talk. Idk if any actual lesbian anons have had the same thing happen but it's shit I can't unhear from people you wouldn't expect. Casual talk about how first pubes and first periods make a girl 'fair game' Like ffs guys I don't think lesbians are any less horrified by that but get comfortable I guess.
I'll never forget being like you guys do know its not uncommon for 11 years olds to have their periods. Followed by a long pause and them insisting that oh wait they thought those started at like 16. Sure you did guys. You 30-something year olds with sisters and ex gfs and current gfs all collectively thought that 16 was the average age of onset for periods. Even though you said the age of consent here (also fucking 16) is such bullshit.
No. 1830310
>>1830144Thanks for the info anon.
It makes me so mad that we as regular people have to play fucking 5D chess with these companies because ofc none of them are self regulating and put profits before the health outcomes of people buying their shitty products.
No. 1830339
>>1830298gonna be thinking
the garlic bread is giving fish all day now I have got to shoot myself
No. 1830359
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I feel so stressed, I couldn't even sleep last night, so fucking stressed do I feel. I'm waiting to hear back from someone to meet that person tomorrow so I can keep a deadline, but no call, no e-mail so far. Worst part is, I would have some time left, but I have to visit my parents the day after tomorrow and will be out of town and they won't accept that there are more important things in my life than to visit them to just sit around and watch my mother have another narc breakdown.
No. 1830404
>>18302334channers are going after some woman who did interracial cuckold porn. They say she degraded herself and white men by doing it. Never mind that the pictures they posted are her with what looks like a loving white husband and three children by him. She just looks like a normal soccer mom but you can almost feel the rage and desire to destroy her life and her children emanating from within her.
It makes them so mad that there are men who can genuinely love a woman even if she did make mistakes in her past. So so mad. That's why so much of their rage is focused on shaming those men I think.
No. 1830455
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My dad spent Christmas with me this year, just me and him (my mother passed away a few years ago) he left today and I can't stop crying. He doesn't have anyone else in his life apart from me and my brother who lives thousands of miles away. Since my mom died he more or less does the same routines he always did: gardening, playing viola, attempting to write his fantasy novel he has already wanted to. But it's like he does them half heartedly and without the joy he used to. He needed my help to carry some things down the steps this time, for the first time, and I saw just how frail and old he is. It's like I was reminded of his mortality in person for the first time.
He has been such an amazing father all my life, in spite of his occasionally emotionless tism. I made his life and my mom's lives so difficult when I was younger and he never got angry with me or shamed me. He was always there for me. And he always buys me amazing gifts (he got me a car). God I just can't stop crying. He never once went on a date with anyone following my mom's death because he didn't want to ever forget about her and find someone else. Everything he has ever worked for or gotten he gives to me and my brother. Every time I need help with furniture or DIY at my place he's at mine within an hour. I feel guilty too, because I really did make him and my mom stressed with doing dumb shit, sending nudes to older men, trying to meet with them etc when I was young.
Is it weird part of me wants to move back in with him and take care of him somewhat? Is it weird he's the only man I feel safe around? I probably sound like a child but I'm 27.
He is just such a good man. He set the bar too high.
Sorry for being such a sperg about it.
No. 1830539
>>1830455Very sorry to hear this. We all take our parents lives for granted and don't usually think about them much until their final moments. It is unfortunate that we are like this. The amount of times I've seen close ones to myself and others pass away and we always think the same thing "I wish I had seen them more often, said hi more often.." etc…
>Is it weird part of me wants to move back in with him and take care of him somewhat? Is it weird he's the only man I feel safe around?No
No. 1830689
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I love watching what’s in my bag videos but it does make me seethe knowing that all these women carry around products and lotions and everything so they can look/smell nice and men only have to carry the necessities aka wallet and keys. Most fuckers don’t even carry chapstick or lotion for their dry ass lips and hands. I know not all women carry a lot but I’m just mad at how moids never have to carry this much shit on them.
No. 1830858
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knitting/fiber arts group that was up to this point the only local hangout where I could stand everybody there has apparently exploded because of stupid fucking highschool tier interpersonal bullshit and I'm gonna fucking scream. the two queen bee types who've been butting heads are both in their sixties. I just want to show up and make things with yarn or sew or spin and have decent conversations while I do it, I don't want to fucking reenact the nerd school anime club civil war of 2007.
No. 1830875
>>1830868 Try consuming less media, or get rich and be one of those sponsors for aspiring male models. Or looksmax yourself, idk. You’re capable and deserving of the love you feel you deserve, and I hope it does come to fruition. Maybe you should live in a city with more beautiful people like NYC or something. Idk
nonnie, I love you
No. 1830880
The fact that I don’t think I can go all of January without weed is probably a sign I should attempt it.
>>1830872lmao same, I can’t claim to be super gorgeous but I’ve had several beautiful women hit on me and if I were gay I’d probably have a lovely wife by now. Sad.
No. 1830908
>>1830522I'm also 28 and I agree, I wish the internet had better segmentation.
Would be easier to make friendships
No. 1830910
>>1830851Yeah it was me.
The Dr was quite rude, idk if I'm just being emotional and he's just straight forward or what. I'll give him another shot with my partner there with me and if he's just a dickhead I'll find someone else.
No. 1831115
>>1831104Do something special every birthday, like going out to eat something nice that you can't cook by yourself, go somewhere you don't go often like a museum, the cinema or some park, maybe even the beach or go hiking if that's your thing, you could also get yourself a present like something you truly want, so you can have your birthday as some sort of target date to save money.
If you already do anything like that and/or have friends and family that celebrate with you, then go get an autism diagnosis and learn how to feel, and I say this as an autist that's learning how to feel.
No. 1831119
I wish my bf didnt get me 90% of the things he got me for xmas. I cant stand clutter and there just isnt any room in our rental. So much crap to find a place for and there just isnt one. I asked him not to get me anything but instead lets go out on a nice date or do something together. Instead I get ignored for weeks while he shops on Amazon from his phone after work hunting for the perfect christmas gifts for everyone. Its great that he is thoughtful and wanted to get nice things for his family since he made a littlemore money this year, but I myself did not want any more items I just have no room and nothing I really need at the moment. I love candles but cant burn them because the cat has asthma, so I just regift all the ones I get for xmas from other people. Im tired of recievibg so much bullshit for christmas. I dont want to sound ungreatful I just hate heavily scented lotions, bath bombs, shower steamers, makeup, all those 'standard' and 'safe' girly things they just get hoarded and take up room. The only 'safe' thing I like are candles but I cant have them. My bf did get me one thing I could actually use but I honestly wish I could have just picked it out myself. It has a stupid blue LED light that burns my retinas when it is plugged in so I just leave it unplugged. I could have gotten a non lighted one for myself because I hate those stupid always on LED laser beams that some things seem to have standard nowadays it disrupts my sleep its awful. The rest of the stuff he got me is just…more for him than for me? Like stuff he wishes I wanted? Not bad stuff but itsstuff I straight up dont have room or time for. Stuff id not buy myself and if I knew I would have tried hard to stop him. Now more and more shit is just sitting in my garage, where I work because I have my own business. I cantkeep working around all this clutter. I got some really cheap awful plastic amazon crap from his mom, and I feel terrible for hating it but I just…dont want all this junk! I threw it away when I got home. I feel so bad and guilty. But for the love of god I just dont want to recieve all this shien alibaba temu plastic planet killing bullshit. I hate it. I just want to spend time with my family. I want to engage with them. I hate gift giving like this. I wish I didnt have to spend money that I would rather use paying off debts on stupid items to be gifted for xmas. I feel obligated to do it. I hate what christmas has become and I just want my simple, practical, clean, organized, amazon-shit free home. I wish my bf had listened to me because I am stressed about finding space to put all this shit. I wish he saved the money. Or just literally given me the cash.
No. 1831134
>>1831053Because they aren't attracted to women physically they're attracted to performative femininity and "hot" is a uniform.
>>1831104LSD usually works for me but make sure you have a chill place to hang out
No. 1831135
>>1831115I am diagnosed actually. I have a bunch of just bad thing surrounding regarding my birthday. It doesn’t help. I try to make it feel good. It just feels bad. The way my family treats my birthday vs everyone else’s has always been off and on. Some years it exists and some years it doesn’t. Most of the time it doesn’t. The people who bothered to care are gone. My friends and boyfriend are trying but I don’t wanna do it at all.
I am not doing good at all. I am scared my new psych is going to take one look at me on the 3rd and have me admitted. I am so scared. I am tired and just don’t feel good. Here is the only place I can talk about it without guilt. I have done so much to make me better but it never changes. I don’t know why I bother talking about it. I should be dead.
>>1831111 never felt like my day. Sporadic acknowledgment even as a kid. My mom using it to attention seek for herself. The people who tried to make it my day are gone. The people who want to celebrate it with me are far away. doing anything nice for myself feels shameful cuz when I do something I want to do my family immediately makes me feel bad. Autism lol.
No. 1831142
I had to come back t my hometown (my mom's) to get a surgery I need, and it's taking a bit to get everything together so I've been away from my boyfriend for awhile. We haven't had our Christmas together yet, and it'll be a few more weeks before I'm able to come see him.
I know he's been planning my gift for awhile but he doesn't want to get it until it's close to me coming back home, incase I want to exchange it, whatever that means. He said the gift is wearable, "the size of a melon", and something he knows I want. The issue here though is we've talked about getting engaged a lot, he knows this is something I want, and he just asked me to make absolutely sure my ring size was still accurate. He knows I do not want a ring as a gift unless it's an engagement ring, so why is he asking this?
I swear if this retarded moid gets me a ring as a gift and has made me think he's proposing when he's not, I'm breaking up with him.
No. 1831229
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Aggretsuko nonna who said was drinking heavily everyday, you said you were stopping after the 27 and I'm here to hold you accountable. I hope you get clean, I'm rooting for you.
No. 1831267
>>1831262no im more using that as proof that im getting old and ugly tbh. like it made me officially aware of the fact.
also its not even just that, the past few months i havent been getting carded when even at the beginning of this year i got carded all the time. not anymore.
appearance of youth is over i guess, so now i have to cope
No. 1831306
>>1831267>>1831256You sound a lot like me a few years ago. I became obsessed with the fact that I looked 'older' in my mid-twenties and compared myself constantly to my younger friends, trying to quantify the positive attention they got, convincing myself I had lost value.
Your attitude is going to age you a lot faster than your appearance, and I don't mean strictly physically. If you carry yourself like you are lesser, if you harbor this anxiety about looking 'old' and let it wear you down, you will give people the impression that you are weary and humbled, and it will make you seem older. This sounds fake but I swear it is true. I believe that consciously dropping my dread about looking 'old' put me back into the healthy mindset of a 20-something and therefore allowed me to give the impression of someone more youthful. I style myself a bit better now that I'm less self-conscious and I detach my identity from my age. I recommend you try to do the same.
This is a silly conversation to even be having, we are both in our 20s talking about looking 'old'. Try to visualize yourself at 75 looking back at this moment. Feeding this anxiety with confirmation bias is a waste of precious time. You are 25, you are not old or ugly and you won't be for many, many years. People can't tell how exactly old you are at a glance. I know it is brutal out there for women, but when you internalize these ideas about being used up, you are helping the enemy and worsening your own quality of life. Try to lighten up. Love you, nona.
No. 1831323
so I need to vent… I've been letting my little one play with the food I prepare. I mean really getting in there with hands and sometimes in the mouth. then I serve it to guests. I don't know why I find it so amusing. if they don't like it they should make their own food. what do you expect? mine as well get used to it.
>>1831307can we stop pretending it's unusual for moids to be attracted to young, pretty women in their prime? I know a lot of us are older and jaded, but this is just nature here. not really worth fighting it.
(moid moment) No. 1831336
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it's been rainy and cloudy for weeks. i can't remember the last time i saw the sun
No. 1831510
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The mods can’t stand my ass and give me temporary bans just for posting simple jokes and opinions, I’ll admit that it hurts sometimes
No. 1831517
>>1831459I haven’t seen that happening lately but I have seen it before. Vast majority of the time it’s a newfag or kiwifag or if it’s some post on here going unchallenged thats because you’re not supposed to interact with bait, so it’s reported and ignored but maybe the farmhand didn’t show red text when banning.
There are some young anons who don’t know though. I’m remembering a nona who said she found kiwifarms as a teen and assumed it was a radfemy site with radfem users because of the troon hate and it took her a couple years to realize they were the furthest thing from that.
No. 1831633
>>1831606>>1831570We have the same agent. My mom recommended her to me and I've used her for many years. I was just informed by someone else that I should just file a complaint and switch agents which is what I'm going to do.
My mom is just a nosy narc who NEEDS to know my every move and it's the reason I typically don't share anything and gray rock her, but she really fucked up this time and I'm going to start cutting ties with her.
No. 1831853
>>1831119I forgot to tell people gift ideas this year and this is basically what happened to me.
My mom gifted me a bunch of junk. I wish she could have either kept her money or have asked me what I needed cause the mid amount of money she spent on those items probably could have went towards something nice.
I never wear watches, yet she bought me a knockoff smartwatch from amazon with bad reviews and the features don't actually work and it's really just spyware.
>>1831256Coincidentally, I was at a bar hanging out with my 22 year old cousin and stepdad over the holiday.
She wasn't getting attention from 40+ year old moids because she is attractive (she is average and overweight), it's because men fucking love naive women who they can take advantage of.
The men that were hanging around her were trying to find their in with me (asking about my age, saying we both looked the same age) but knew I would not bite. They loved my cousin because she was telling us stories about how these gross moids call themselves her 'bar husbands' and have her personally driving their drunk asses home. Or how she's filing for bankruptcy because she loaned a ""friend"" her info to take out a credit card, except she took out three, maxed em out, and ghosted her while leaving her on the hook for $65,000. This is only the shit she has admitted to or has been caught doing, just imagine how these fucks are sexually exploiting her though she won't ever admit it.
Young women are easy and it's not fair.
No. 1831884
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I am stressed and I want to consoom. Currently it feels like I am going to combust unless I order a Rom&nd lip tint and a new eye liner. I've been so inefficient this week, even though I'm on vacation I haven't managed to get anything done. Didn't finish grocery shopping for NYE, didn't find an outfit for NYE, didn't manage to find time for friends, didn't make much progress with my thesis, didn't find time for a hair appointment that I desperately need. And I'm exhausted. I get up at 6am just to take care of the essential stuff every day.
No. 1831971
>>1831134>>1831053It's so true. I've always been a tomboy (and I'm straight) and it's so fucking annoying that there's rarely any representation for us and whenever there's a 'tomboy' type character in tv shows or cartoons it's always assumed "oh ho HO her 'rough and tumble' veneer must slip and SHE MUST
No. 1831983
>>1831053>>1831971Same anon as
>>1831971, also wanted to add that I follow this animator Kelly Turnbull on twitter, she has a "butch" aesthetic and also draws beefcake men, lifts weights, rides a motorcycle and has a buff Viking-looking husband, I always thought she seemed cool as hell No. 1832044
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Developed an UTI after taking a bath with my moid, hope I can get it under control. Usually I'm good at preventing an infection but this one kinda hit me out of nowhere.
Having an UTI triggers me, I had a really bad one as a child, but I had no idea what it was. Everytime I went to the restroom it hurt so bad and eventually it would also leave a lingering smell of death even if I flushed as fast as I could. My stepdad got mad at me for stinking up the toilet instead of, you know, actually worrying for my health.
No. 1832062
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I binge watched jjk and one of the parts that hit me the most, unintentionally since it's mostly for comedy, is the whole big brother thing.
I have an older brother irl, and I can separate fiction from real life, but remembering what a piece of shit manchild my brother is makes me sad when I compare it to the show. My own brother never gave a crap about me, never protected me despite KNOWING and SEEING that I was being bullied back in school (I'd literally get beaten up by the boys from my school) and sometimes he'd bully me too. Now he's a 30 something manchild that relies on our mother, is a leech and borderline alcoholic. The fact that people irl don't seem to understand why I cut contact with him and then on top of it all go on to talk about how great their bother is just makes me both annoyed and somewhat depressed. Wish at least that part of my childhood could've been normal but no
No. 1832066
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I STARTED MY PERIOD TODAY AND EVERYTHING HURTS. My insides feel like they're ripping in half and my abdomen is so painfully distended, I look like I'm 9 months pregnant. I'll never understand how troons romanticize this shit or think it's uwu cute and girly
No. 1832091
I instacart a lot because my boyfriend doesn’t let me pay for groceries otherwise, and 90% of the time I have some minor issue that I never complain about (getting the wrong brand, a different size of what I ordered, an orange bell pepper instead of a red, etc) but the past 3 orders in a row I’ve had major issues,
1. Replaced the fresh $2 chives I needed with 3 jars of $7 dried chives, so my total for them was $21 instead of $2
2. She smoked in the car on the way to my house and all of my produce reeked of cigarettes
3. I just flat out didn’t get 4lbs of carrots I bought
Today I get an email from instacart saying basically I’ve got a suspicious amount of reports on my account and I’m not going to be eligible for refunds in the future. I guess it’s because the reports were back to back, but I literally have so many orders over years on this account and I’ve gotten refunds maybe like 2-3 other times, when I have issues constantly I never complain about. I always tip extremely well, I’ve never rated someone badly (except for the smoker), so I’m just like wtf is this even about. I know this is such a ridiculous problem to be complaining about, like my life is just soooo hard because I can’t pay other people to grocery shop for me, but it’s just the principle of like I try to be nice and tip well and I’m getting fucked over.
No. 1832096
>>1832046No??? Is doing so common outside of Asia? Usually I shower afterwards, to rinse of any remaining soap.
Anyway I am NOT looking forward to peeing in the morning.
No. 1832112
>>1832094You just replied with a retarded take and a typical response volcel women get. Volcel women are actually enlightened but everyone shits themselves over their existence and shuts them down. Denying it is fucking ignorant and pathetic,
And the kind of normie accomplishments you have doesn't mean anything, these people still can be and are a pieces of shit despite these AcOmPliShNenTs. You also nitpicked and made this about men.
Smart women always have to suffer because others get threatened by them then we have to obey other people like an authority just to be let astray by them and their social norms and standards. We at least have self preservation and can predict the outcomes of certain situations and don't put ourselves into these situations meanwhile other women do and end up badly and then still claim women like me are the mentally ill losers and give ignorant takes on mental health. Meanwhile moidlovers are just as much if not more mentally ill.
No. 1832128
>>1832122I have 20 cocks in my mouth as I type this.
Go take a shower.
No. 1832200
>>1831510you're not alone, nona, I kind of feel the same. Makes me not post even though I follow the rules. It's just that the rules are so subjective and some threads are massively overmoderated. Possibly the mods don't even read those threads in context.
Anyway I hope you are having a good holiday time. Mine sucked a lot but I had fun playing a game online with an old friend today. We don't really talk much about deep life stuff but damn we have fun gaming together during the holidays.
No. 1832221
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I hate gacha games that release both male and female characters except males make up maybe 20% of the roster while waifutrash makes up 80%, and the waifutrash is all meta except maybe ONE male character who happens to be meta BUT you have to attach him to another meta support waifu to give him maximum damage output. Fuck incel devs and fuck the average obese male gacha gamer. I hate that its such a common business plan for these games to cuck female players but give moids everything they want and I hate that stupid women still roll and spend money on waifus that aren't meant for them when moids don't do the same for male characters.
Fuck moids who doompost about every male character but will wank off shitty hollow waifushit with sob stories. Fuck the game writers who give the waifutrash all the relevant story roles and humiliate the male characters or make them irrelevant supporting characters. Fuck the pedo hub these games have grown always going on about "uohhh ToT". Fuck the fake twitter lesbians who think propping up the moid 2d waifu fantasy to downplay husbandos is a form of "feminism". Fuck the fact that there's no ACTIVE place for normal female otaku to chill and sperg like there used to be in the early fandom internet.
I genuinely wish death upon all moids. I almost wish I could go back in time and force my childhood self to never get into weebshit if all I have to see in my hobby is half-assed fujo/yumebait while moidshit gets the full deluxe set.
No. 1832255
>>1832238The only ones who parrot this are handmaidens and podcast scrotes with a porn addiction. I remember being in your shoes and I promise the wall only exits for men and their receding hairlines. As you get older you’ll have more money and better access to self-care treatments and higher quality clothing. Teen me looked a hot mess. Your peak has yet to come
nonnie enjoy your youth and focus on building a good foundation for yourself later on.
No. 1832257
>>1832221Tower of Fantasy is the only gacha game I play, so I had my first experience with this concept this year. I’d see all these interesting storylines that could be developing, really unique male character design, I really enjoyed this game for what it was despite it being totally out of my norm (Stardew). I’d get all hyped for new updates, I’d be browsing through patch notes, understanding that I’d have to put up with a lot of coomer pandering content to get to the cool stuff. And then the cool stuff never came.
It was just coomer waifus after coomer waifus, over and over again. No new male characters, cosmetics going from unique sci-fi robot outfits to schoolgirl softcore porn skins. The only variety was sometimes they’d make the new waifu look like a child.
No. 1832399
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hate when i'm having a crisis and i message my close friends gc and no one is online, really makes me feel lonely because I don't have an S/O or any other friends to turn to in these situations. Here's to hoping i can expand my friendship circle or find a dedicated partner in 2024.
No. 1832505
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>>1831149Update: I went to the grocery store… saw my case worker. that’s it. My friends did some art for me that was cool! I am very grateful and they have planned it for a while. Yet the weird feeling remains. I know it’s partially autism. I know that but there’s just too many factors into the weird feeling. At least my family told me happy birthday I guess. I have accepted that this feeling towards my birthday has had lots of years to build. It won’t go away. Definitely any time soon. I think from now on I will just celebrate my birthday in the summer or smthin. This is just another day ending in y and has been for years. I am going to watch pokemon concierge I think
No. 1832509
>>1830910Me again, idk if I should tell him in the phone call in 2 hours that I'm going to find a female GP or just say I'll book in online once I've checked my schedule and then just fuck off and never go back to that drs.
Even having to have a call with him has made me anxious, I dont want his scrote rudeness when I'm super preg and emotional.
No. 1832578
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>tfw no Snufkin bf
No. 1832684
>>1832664yes that's me. thank you but i don't think i deserve to just move on from having done something so hurtful and pathetic
his girlfriend said that she's fine with him sleeping with people outside of the relationship (she is "queer and poly" etc) but 1) i don't believe that 2) even if i did believe that it would be no justification for him sleeping with his ex without telling her. it's just fucking scumbag behaviour and i was a participant
>>1832682he is a close friend of mine who i've known for years but you are right i should cut him off
No. 1832697
>>1832690thanks for your sensible advice anon. i'll start trying to move on when the situation has been dealt with, i just feel so much despair right now, and i should.
he is definitely going to leave her though; i honestly believe he is too retarded to pull a long game plot like that or deliberately deceive me in any way
>>1832692her being a gendie is actually one of the reasons he's breaking up with her
No. 1832814
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it isn't even 10am yet and i'm already drunk. i wish that even mattered. i was never going to get anything done today either way. i also wish that i could snap my fingers and have never existed at all. my third wish is that i wish genies were real, or maybe world peace instead. enjoy this picture of pinkie pie. i might kill myself soon if the genie thing doesn't work out.
No. 1832819
>>1832815Womp womp.
This is what it's like to hurt other people, you have this guilt as a consequence of your actions and you just have to sit with it. You don't get to do bad things and then immediately feel better and stop caring, how unfair would that be? You did something bad, you hurt someone else, now you're hurting. What exactly are you looking for if not validation? Because there are no answers anyone can give you about how to move on from this, it's been a day. You've done nothing to grow from this experience or change as a person and you're just going to have to be okay with feeling terrible for awhile.
No. 1832858
>>1831633I'm pretty sure that's a serious breach of contract unless your mom managed to sneak in some rights to your account. Is the agent her friend? You should talk with her and figure out why she gave your mom any information instead of shutting her down immediately for confidentiality
>>1832091>my boyfriend doesn’t let me pay for groceries otherwiseare you saying he's willing to pay for it and you're not letting him or he's not letting you use the shared card or something? cause if it's the former let him pay, stop putting yourself through this nonsense for it; the latter you need to find a better boyfriend, that's not a man worth spending the rest of your life with
>>1832208he's a moid with unfair advantages, don't forget that. I hope you get a job soon nona
No. 1832882
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A guy I used to work with insistently invited me on a new years road trip to a music festival for a genre I don’t love. I let my family get me all excited about the idea that he might really like me, only to drive 12 hours listening to him talk about a girl he really liked who ghosted him a month ago, and have his friends ask about her when we met up with them at the gate. I can’t believe I paid $300 to get rained on and be surrounded by pillheads when I could be drinking wine for free and lounging in the sun at my parents lake house. I’m stuck here until Monday, but if I had my car I would be on my way to a hotel by now.
No. 1832921
>>1832914I'd recommend looking at models and actresses from some decades ago, there's a lot more variety and looks to imitate there
Women were even allowed to have jaws and shoulders in the 80s
No. 1832948
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Abusive men always think they're so scary and powerful. This is you faggot. You are consumed and actively ruining your own life for nothing. For attention from other weak, cowardly faggots who dehumanizing and degrade women for fun because you've got the brain of a violent cave creature.
No. 1832994
>>1832993Nta but that's a good idea,
No. 1833003
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>watch anime with normal female characters
>almost canon gl pairing
>one of them instantly dies
No. 1833014
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welp the results are in, looks like another friend has ditched me for a moid. i really want her to be happy but i'm just upset because i'm in a relationship too but still love spending time with female friends, it's important to me. and she'll drive four hours to see him but has barely spent time with me even though we both said we always had so much fun together. i get it's a new relationship but i've been tossed in the backseat for a moid so many times now i'm feeling cynical. people really want relationships only and no friends? i want both. any of my closest female friends that i genuinely loved so much for YEARS and we had similar interests and same sense of humor, have ditched me like friends mean nothing to them.
also not sure how to feel that she and i both became good friends with her now boyfriend while her and her husband were still very much together
No. 1833016
>>1833014>do friendships take a backseat to intimate relationships?Unfortunately, yes.
Don't beat yourself up.
No. 1833037
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Why can't I stop procrastinating why did I do this again fuuuuuuuuuuuck
No. 1833055
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alright girls this is a long one and its really fucking weird
i got a weird feeling at my moids house the other day when he went out so i proceeded to check his computer which came up clear
so then i check his drawers, specifically one drawer without a handle that is very hard to open with the design of the drawers. I FOUND
- another womans shirt
-childhood photos of himself with sister x 2
-clothes hanger rope (unopened)
-assortment of tent pegs
- small mens underwear, like teen/children size
this pinged my radar so i proceed to check under his bed. I FOUND
-framed photo of himself with ex girlfriend (clearly old and covered in grime)
alright so now im like who the fuck is this serial killer i have been having sex with 3x a day so when he gets home i pretend to lose my underwear far under the bed and JUST SO HAPPEN to find the photo. i thought it would be funniest to just fake laugh psychotically as a reaction, then he explains he has other old photos of exes he also forgot to throw out in
A SECRET CUPBOARD THAT OPENS UP TO THE INSIDE OF THE HOUSE??? i knew the cupboard existed but it was so small i had no idea it opened up to a fucking crawl space
so anyway i go through the motions of pretending to think his handle-less drawer is sus and i look through it and question him (excuses, its a junk drawer, i forgot to throw this out)
-chocolate chilli premix shot glass drinks in bag
-a bag with a nightie i wore on our first date
-some of my birth control???
-a subwoofer or speaker he said originally he told me it was an oven. it looked like a safe with a giant hole in the middle with plugs in the back like some dick of electrical dick shocking box
-results of tova adhd test (didnt know what this was, thought maybe he was an alien sent by the CIA at this point
-small notebook with angry letter addressed to mother from 2010, codes in the back, half a drawing of man holding gun (he says his sister wrote the letter which is even weirder to me)
-more framed photos with an ex
anyway I proceeded to have a small panic attack on the floor because i was just so confused and also it was fucking hilarious. i was in there with my phone taking flash pictures like a goddamn detective while he pretended to remain calm. he then proceeds to tell me he isnt cheating on me (like thts what i was worried about wtf man) and if he was hiding something it'd be actually hidden and not easily found (my thoughts exactly at this point)
if it was just one random junk drawer or old pictures of exes that would make sense. i have no idea what to make of this though , i knew the guy was weird and obsessive but so am I however I don't know what to say anymore. attached image of speaker that looks like electric dick glory hole.
No. 1833068
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>>1833055Mostly this sounds like your boyfriend's house is disgusting. I feel gross just picturing the lazy moid hoarding you're describing. Does he have his own place or is this his bedroom in his parents house?
>-a bag with a nightie i wore on our first date>-some of my birth control???this is creepy but hard to say since he's hoarding literal trash with it.
PS if he's a "moid" you shouldn't be fucking him,. it's so weird when nonas call their boyfriends scrotes and moids. if he's not a nigel leave him. but I'll forgive you since you are clearly overexcited right now
No. 1833150
I've lost a decent amount of weight this year and gotten into a good routine of taking long walks and going for runs to keep my health in check, but I still love food and snacks and have been doing a lot of guilt-free munching during this holiday, since we visited my family with my boyfriend and there's always good food, snacks and drinks around. My boyfriend, however, has been acting extremely huffy and aggressive the last few days. He's a lot more health obsessed than me, but once he starts snacking he never stops. He's eaten entire pints of ice cream for himself and the first thing he did when we got back to our apartment yesterday was to go out and buy more candy. While I've been pacing myself he's been whining about stomach aches, headaches and has now decided that Christmas sucks and going to see my family was a mistake because now he feels fat and lazy and it's going to take ages for him to recover. God forbid I suggest that maybe, his health obsession is what makes him completely lose it once he gets a taste of chocolate, and if he tried to have a better relationship with food he wouldn't gobble himself sick like this. A week of trashy eating isn't going to ruin all the work he's done during the years, but feeling guilty, yet blaming me and my family for breaking his routine is sure to make me resent him. I've done so much work to lose weight and become healthy without aggravating the eating disorder I had as a teen, so to see him talk to himself and behave the way my 14 year old insecure self used to do frustrates me to no end. He doesn't have an eating disorder, but I'll never understand what's the point of working on your health in a way that makes you lose complete control the moment you start snacking again. You're a grown man, for fuck's sake, get a grip.
No. 1833206
>>1833162>And reporting is spineless as fuckReporting is done if she doesn't stop, dumbass. It's not spineless to advocate for yourself.
>I'd rather just ask her to please tone the distractions downOk so do that then instead of seething about it to yourself? I have no sympathy for people who do nothing to help themselves and just whine and whine instead.
No. 1833216
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I was just walking back from the shops when 5 feral scrotes ran up and started screaming in my face then walked away laughing. Uggghhh I want to live in a country when I can have a gun.
No. 1833224
>>1833214This is what an ex did to me.
I knew something was up because he would be unaccounted for and would get angry with me if I'd ask where he'd been, and also started accusing me of trying to get with my exes.
It was because he was courting his fat slobby bitch ex who he talked massive shit about to me. Not because he was happy with her, but because she was willing to pay half his bills whereas I was not.
Scrotes are hella mercenary.
They'll be with women they hate just because it's more convenient for them.
No. 1833231
>>1833193Realise living your life for approval is a losing battle because I assume your father has more issues and typically those sorts of people with high expectations will never be satiated.
People who are top drs still have parents wanting more from them.
If you're always chasing after a moving goal post you'll never find true happiness and finding happiness should be your ultimate life goal.
Dial back communication with your dad, try to live life for yourself. I believe in you nona
No. 1833294
>>1833284I'm gonna say it (worst case scenario) could some of the clothes be his sisters?
I'd get out either way. Best thing that could happen here is he's a gross hoarder.
No. 1833308
>>1833055please let this be a shitpost because otherwise what the fuck
>>1833068>if he's a "moid" you shouldn't be fucking him,. it's so weird when nonas call their boyfriends scrotes and moids. if he's not a nigel leave him.women should stop fucking guys they find repulsive or weird
>>1833142there is a girl who is always eating in the silent study room. its gross because you can hear her chew and her food smells up the whole room. you arent even allowed to eat in that study room so i dont know why she insists on eating in there instead of any other study room where food is permitted
No. 1833317
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It is absolutely ridiculous how much the youngest sibling gets away with, my brother who is still in highschool gets to have his gf sleepover and they fuck of course, AND my mom knows he smokes weed and is not fuming mad about it. And it's not cause he's a scrote I have an older brother too and she would absolutely not let us get away with any of this shit. So if you're the baby of the family fuck you and if you're one of the elder siblings I hope you find 50 bucks outside
No. 1833337
There's plenty of conversation that happens on this site that could potentially apply to me but still never offends me. I'm never bothered when I see people insulting a certain behavior or trait just because it applies to me too, it's anonymous conversation and it's hardly anything to be offended by. However with that said, the conversation about grooming that happened in Unpopular Opinions earlier was extremely hurtful to read and I really just have to hope that it was a bunch of worthless cretin scrotes and that there aren't actually women who feel that way.
I have so much guilt and disgust with myself even after all this time over my "relationship" with a man 12 years my senior when I was 12-16. He was gross, creepy, fat, already balding neckbeard. But he was also nice to me, genuinely kind at first. The first male figure in my life who didn't actively try to hurt me. He didn't pressure me sexually, he took me on dates, he would listen to me attentively, he was so good to me at first because that's exactly what grooming is. He wasn't some old gross loser that I wanted to fuck, it was the first time I had felt love from an older man and it was a very needed thing for 12 year old me. By the time that it got unsafe and he started actually abusing me I was too afraid to leave. Afraid of getting in trouble, of not being believed, or blamed if I was actually believed. I feel like I've aged a lifetime since then and I'm still not as old now as he was when I finally escaped him. It was the worst time period of my entire life, and I have so much regret I carry with me every day.
I think that's why that conversation in UP hurt so badly. I expect as much from men, there were other men that knew about our "relationship" at the time. But I just want to believe so badly that if I had just been able to find a woman that she would have helped me, believed me, not blamed me. I just have to believe that there is still some hope for every future girl who will fall victim to the same thing, that she's not just totally on her own to be prey to pedophile men forever. This board has me fucked up today.
No. 1833359
>>1833317>if you're one of the elder siblings I hope you find 50 bucks outsideThanks,
No. 1833393
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I've been working up the courage to tell my online male friend that I have a crush on him (I know this is incredibly retarded but I'm pretty sure he feels the same and its been driving me insane for months)
No. 1833462
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>Going out for drinks tonight
>Get all dressed up
>Pretty hyped
>Taxi called, sitting, drinking wine
>Get a text
>Sorry can't make it not feeling well
>Haha no problem, we can catch up some other time. I didn't really feel like going out to be honest. It's super busy. Hope you feel better
She always does this, gives me 10 minutes notice. I get that you're not feeling well but do it earlier so I can manage my hype levels. I swear she does this at the last minute so it sounds more real.
No. 1833636
>>1829352Same anon but I hate this fucker so much that when he spots me while parking I just want to ram into him. He does nothing but give me orders all day long. I didn't even know what he was talking about and what those are but he had been saying he bought new floor mats for the car and apparently they came in today. I saw them and said they're nice. Then a couple of hours after we parked he complained "Look at the flootmats in the back. You could have said something nice about the floormats I bought for you." like a 12 year old. For a bunch of floormats. You piece of shit manchild, I already did.
I have a medical complaint no one here cares to help me address and all I got done from coming here that I couldn't back home besides practicing driving is get into car debt. Stop doing useless shit, neglecting anything actually useful and then begging for compliments. You giant piece of shit moid. I hope you die.
No. 1833970
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>>1830010At one point I started binging female K-pop groups and the more I listened to them, the more they all start sounding the same. After listening to every single album of about five or six different girl groups, I feel like I entered some sort of space-time loop where I was just listening to groups with the exact same songs but only with different visuals.
The only girl group that has stuck with me, although unfortunately it has now disbanded, is Lovelyz. And it was mostly because of the members, so you have a point. I love Jiae the most and she is my spirit animal.
I also became a huge btsfag back in 2017 and although I really liked some of the songs, I was still around mostly for the members because even BTS started pushing out very early on songs that sound like any other groups'. K-Pop, regardless of group, has a very low ceiling when it comes to music originality. Nonas deny this even if they literally know 90% of K-pop songs are generic garbage outsourced to tool Western producers. lul
No. 1834015
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Some ugly moid cunt messaged me on a dating site just to point out how "not a match" we are. Like wtf why message me then? I put one main "deal breaker" in my bio and I guess that applied to him so now he's got to let me know about it. Dating apps are so fucking shit. I keep getting pissed off using them. Most of the moids on them are ugly or cant carry a basic conversation. I'm trying so hard to meet more people bc right now it's difficult for me to meet anyone, so I turn to apps. But i feel like it's making me more miserable and affecting my confidence.
No. 1834051
>>1834017Good idea nonna. Unfortunately this particular dating app doesn't allow images/video to be sent
>>1834020I wish I took a screenshot bc he looked rancid, but i blocked him as soon as I read his message
Actually, Im surprised we don't have a thread on here that complains about dating apps/ posts pictures of the ugly moids we find on there. Or maybe one exists on /g/ that I dont know about. I never venture there