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No. 1534700

Post ridiculous rentals, silly sales, pathetic price, experiences with real estate agents and realtors, housing struggles etc.

No. 1534702

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Sorta related but not really. This has been quite literally every second millennial couple in New Zealand since 2020. We're about two years away from their 2.6% 5 year interest rates being reset at a 6.5% one year interest rate, followed by coping, followed by a foreclosure sale.

The US is different because everyone gets in with 30 year mortgages. But here it just seems like an inevitable five year countdown as that's the longest you can fix a mortgage for, and that's what everyone fixed theirs at.

No. 1534704

Interesting i didn’t know that. My friend is coming home from NZ to the UK after living there for 5 years, she said it was too uncivilised for her to live permanently in kek

No. 1534705

Is NZ really more uncivilized than the UK? I find that pretty hard to believe

No. 1534713

I keep thinking that there are way too many CC refugees or/and newfags who shit up /ot/ with threads

No. 1534718

I think it's less CC and more just newfags in general. Miners typically don't come here unless they absolutely have to because they are pretty sheltered and afraid, and usually their posts are all about struggling with actual autism or feeling like they look like crippled mothwomen with 9 legs because young men, the internet and society at large, has decimated their self esteem.

No. 1534719

Is there a thread about this in the catalog already? If not, then OP had every right to make one.

No. 1534720

I was the anon that responded, I thiiiink we have a roommate thread but maybe not a housing thread? Idk but I was just commenting on the thread making in general (as seen on /g/ as well). I'm too lazy to check the catalog but yeah if there wasn't, of course. Anon probably figured this is a thread that has already been covered cause it would make sense for it to have been.

No. 1534742

I don't get the image. Most people don't buy houses as an investment to sell later but to live in it.

No. 1534750

It's both. There are a lot of people who figure housing can only go up despite rampant overvaluation, and there are people who are killing 2 birds with 1 stone and don't want to pay rent + they like the security of the option of having to go through the foreclosure process before they're out on the street. The ppl who are the biggest problem are the ones who overload themselves with ridiculous loans and try to buy up homes simply for the sake of investment/passive income and it ends up taking them down

No. 1534771

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No. 1534772

that's the thing. housing is an investment and it's a good way to create wealth if you are smart about holding on to it and your children (if you have any) won't sell it off right after you drop dead. you can also use a home to refi on the average 30 year loan once it hits a certain point and get money to fix it up or another property, that's what my grandfather did recently. however, this is not a good market to buy an investment property unless you're some loaded chinese or russian investment banker who can pay all or partially in cash so you don't have to deal with the shitty interest rates in most markets, or like my family, you already have more than one home and can afford to sit on it until the market calms down and if needed, sell one to create a cushion.

No. 1534773

all of the people coming to the SE from the NE and W are going to be sooo sorely disappointed,kek

No. 1534796

My dad is a slum landlord. He owns multiple properties and even entire buildings of apartments. It's a family business that his side of the family have owned for decades. He never used to be as bad as he is now. He has spoken about how in the past he used to like that he could help people that were struggling to find somewhere to live and it would make him feel good to see one of his properties become a family home. Something changed about 15 years ago and he stopped caring. He does the bare minimum to keep his properties within the law. His excuse is that it's pointless to do any more because the tenants don't care about where they live and wreck the apartments.

No. 1535140

i kinda get where he’s coming from renters have become so much worse lately. Like i’m seeing people willingly clog their sinks with grease and shit to ‘own’ their landlords as if theyre not also fucking up your own home

No. 1535358

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Seen a few headlines like this from Canada. This area is 2 hours out of Toronto and there are 2 universities there but the rest is like a large suburb.

No. 1535370

My dad is a landlord too and he deliberately only allows high paid single women because they always pay on time no matter what or immigrant families to rent the home because they are scared of the consequences of not paying. He also has other properties in 3rd world countries where people pay a whole years of rent up front and those people tend to be way less annoying, even if they try to steal tv brackets lmao. I do think there is a level of entitlement with westerners who rent that goes unaddressed because were are overwhelmed with stories of people who have landlords who scam them or what not. I think people who rent forget that they are technically homeless. On the other hand, i think it's fucked up that rent prices constantly increase way higher than what people actually get paid, but at the same time seeing thing from the landlord perspective, rent going up is just the result of the cost of living going up for everyone and it's governments who need to ensure people can actually afford shit and that inflation doesn't go crazy, but lmao why would they do that?

No. 1535377

I got into an affordable rental program a few years ago (you must make within a certain bracket and it’s extremely limited/on a first come first serve or lottery basis you can get an apartment that is below the normal range in a hcol area), unfortunately had to give it up when I lost my job to covid lay offs. Was looking at Airbnb in the area recently, and apparently they pulled the affordable housing units and rent them to a hospitality company that specializes in apartments. I saw my exact unit on Airbnb- it was laid out slightly differently than others and why it was selected as one of the units for that program. It changed my life getting into that program and living there while I could, and now it’s more affordable for them to do that. It made me so sad, I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t afford anywhere now that I’m employed again (and with a higher salary that actually knocks my out of the affordability program bracket by about 1k). I’m going to leave the state next year not because I want to, but because I’m genuinely priced out. It feels like it’s getting worse.

No. 1535410

Oh god I needed this thread
Fuck landlords

No. 1535416

>I think people who rent forget that they are technically homeless.
Extremely middle class take

No. 1535420

It's just as worse here in Vancouver. They're building houses but it's nowhere near enough to keep up with the demand especially with Canada letting more migrants in. I have no idea what the future is going to look like but it's not good. I think part of it is that there needs to be more structural and institutional change to zoning laws.

Lmao I was also taken aback by that. Anon sounds privileged as fuck if she never has to rent a day in her life.

No. 1535424

Huh what about foreclosures

No. 1535431

I hate this anon and her faggot dad.

No. 1535446

he should get a real job kek

No. 1535455

My moms side are trailer park owners. They’re currently getting sued by a tenant for something that is 100% his fault. I can’t totally understand why owners mentally check out.

No. 1535458

Thats partially why I left Canada. living there is expensive and I wanted to be with my now husband. Hope Canada smartens up and re-evaluates what we need as a country. Gotta help your own first I’m afraid. Unfortunately for me I live in the southern US where housing is high again but it seems like a lot of Northerners are fucking off because rent is too high for what the non banking jobs pay.
My husband and I are saving up for a house and we already have about 70k saved up.

No. 1535473

It's such a shame because Canada is such a beautiful place to live in, especially Vancouver. I have the same plans as well. Once I graduate with my PhD I plan to either move to Europe or America. The culture is the same in US but at least there's the possibility of having more choices on where to live since most jobs for my field are either centered in high CoL areas like Vancouver and Toronto. Some of my peers also have the same plans as well. Canada is going to experience a brain drain if they don't make the lives of their citizens better. Even immigrants that Canada apparently needs is realizing the same thing and moving back to their home countries.

No. 1535485

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>I think people who rent forget that they are technically homeless.
And landlords are technically unemployed.

No. 1535500

i do too.

fuck you and your faggot dad.(Keep it civil.)

No. 1535503

I can't believe I share an imageboard with somebody like this. Im gonna think about this post next time I feel tempted to respond to an asinine take

No. 1535507

This is some quality bait

No. 1535521

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it feels like the system is set up so the average woman can’t live on her own and has no choice but to shack up with a roommate or partner. I’ve seen so many girls just boyfriend hop because they can’t afford to live on their own. It’s just so sad at this point.

Get that PHD and go to the country that gives the best options for your degree. I believe in you!! Vancouver is a beautiful city and I’m originally from BC too! My town used to be 4K people but so many moved from Vancouver/Calgary that the population exploded and housing is super hard to find.

No. 1535527

this landbaby and the ass eater in the shay thread forced me to be a stoic

No. 1535578

Women i know who are living with men are lucky i feel like but then i see all the vents here which remind me no matter how amazing a woman is the moid can always be a flaky piece of shit. Then their housing is put in jeopardy along with stability for their kid(s). Im not straight and might not even marry another woman because it makes me very happy to live however i want without compromise. Its so damn hard to live on your own as a woman. All I want someday is a small farmhouse with land. Ive considered moving to the south but their tornados scare me if im going to put so much down on a house.

No. 1535602

No. 1535662

I live in an Eastern Euro country which has in recent years been flooded with Western, specifically British expatriates who are doing the whole digital nomad thing and it's driving housing prices up like crazy.
In my town it's not a big deal because this place is an ugly shithole and nobody actually wants to live here unless they have to, but rent is going up in all the big cities, which is where most of the jobs are for locals, and where the unis are.
Now students going to universities can't find a place to live because Ricky Bobby and Cletus want to go to the spa and pretend they're not crusty deadbeats and I want them out. They will never integrate or learn the language, they do not pay local taxes, they don't use public healthcare, at best they'll manage to knock up some poor teenager who doesn't know better. On top of everything, our PM is a retarded toad man who will gladly sell the entire country to line his pockets and his party is currently holding the parliament hostage so it's not like things will get any better soon.

Because of all of the above my country is now known to be extremely racist, but this is the actual situation and people crying racism are just butthurt that the locals don't want them here, though sadly some tourists catch a lot of the anger by mistake.

No. 1535681

>moving to Canada
>Vancouver of all places
it's like you're telling nonna to pay 3000USD for a shoebox.

No. 1535683

I hope your dad falls and hits his head and gets a brain hemorrhage for each time he increased rent to a family that is barely scraping by.

No. 1535688

I love seeing anons come together to shit on people who are profoundly privileged and not at all self aware

No. 1535690

I hope your dad will get sodomised before he is guillotined(alogging)

No. 1535694

NAYRT but this is mento illness

No. 1535698

Yes. And I'm coming for you

No. 1535702

if you're that landbaby anon I hope your dad sodomizes you(alogging)

No. 1535704

Your father is a deranged faggot, I want to bully him into killing himself.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1535715


mods pls remove the scrote

No. 1535733

>I think people who rent forget that they are technically homeless.
your father's technically undead because he's living on borowed time

No. 1535756

I'm not a scrote, just someone who has a very hard time find a place for myself so I still live with my parents despite working fulltime and earning more than minimum wage. And a friend of mine was forced to leave our city to find a new place because of people like your father.

No. 1535760

If you're the sodomization anon, a-logging like you did above can get you banned if someone decides to report, it's against the rules
Just write normally like you did now

No. 1535762

I'm not her and I didn't even notice these posts until now.

No. 1535764

Learn to read she’s leaving Vancouver.

No. 1535788

And that’s anons fault how? Dude get a second job so that you meet the income requirement then drop it or if ur not a pussy just falsify some documents, not that hard.

No. 1535831

>nOt ThAt hArD!!!
>JUsT gEt a SeCoNd jOb!!!
You sound out of touch from reality. How privileged are you?

No. 1535839

I hate anons who blame everyone but themselves on their failures. Like imagine sending death threats and saying you hope anons father dors terrible things to her just because her father has a job they dislike. Some people here really need mental help.

No. 1535840

>Dude get a second job
Are you an Amerifat? That's not legal where I live, to prevent people from doing too many hours of work per week so we don't get exploited. I already work 40h a week and even without our labor law, my contract directly prevents me from getting another job on the side because of NDAs and confidentiality.

>so that you meet the income requirement

I already do and that's still not enough. You have to be actually rich now to have an apartment in the city where I was born anf raised and where I still live. On top of that for someone who's alone and wants a small apartment it's complicated because landlords prioritze rich students whose rich parents pay for everything, and on top of that prices are way too high because they love putting their shitty furniture that anyone who wants the apartment can't change or remove just to increase prices. I already have my own furniture so you can guess how that's a problem.

No. 1535841

Being a landlord isn't a job.

No. 1535856

Refrain from a-logging. Keep it civil.

No. 1535884

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No. 1535910

>her father has a job they dislike.

No. 1535914

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>a job

No. 1535918

I work 2 jobs so I can buy my destitute almost retired parents a house and have worked 3 jobs in the past while studying.

So I am not privileged at all or ouch of touch lel

No. 1535919

what jobs?

No. 1535928

fair enough actually kek ayrt

No. 1536014

I wonder how many people are stuck in shitty, toxic relationships due to the housing crisis. I'm currently living with my boyfriend who owns the flat and it's nice but if we broke up I'd be absolutely fucked, especially here in London. So many people I know have shacked up super quickly just to split the rent because there's no way to survive otherwise.

No. 1536018

Be my friend fellow Londononny …

No. 1536028

Kek, I do actually need new friends since a lot of mine have left recently because of the fucking rent increases.

No. 1536036

Are you and bf planning to save for a deposit on a place? That's your best option tbh

No. 1536050

This makes me appreciate my own home even more. My parents bought it for me. We are upper middle class i think. It is not big but a studio apartment big enough for me and my cat. If I don’t have kids I can live in this apartment till rest of my life.

No. 1536277


UK mortgages work the same way, you get a "30 year" or whatever mortgage, but it's based on refinancing to a new mortgage every 2-5 years.

As a bongland resident, I wouldn't say we are more civilized than NZ at all kek

No. 1536471

It's ironic that the anons who are calling you privileged for you working two jobs are %99 neets who live off of disability checks and theor mommy's salaries.

No. 1536583

literally kek

No. 1536593

I'm pretty certain my friend postponed the breakup with her then bf because they lived in a nice apartment, their relationship wasn't even toxic and the breakup was peaceful but it's sad that she wasted so much time just because it's hard to find a place to live when you're alone.

No. 1536609

how do the schedules line up and what jobs did you do to afford school before you got those degrees?

No. 1536635

university is covered by the UK government. My teaching and library science degree were covered by government loans

No. 1536705

i thought teachers barely get paid much, or maybe it's just in the US

No. 1536714

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I will never be able to afford a home, at least not while I'm still young. I wonder if I could buy land somewhere cheap and plop a trailer home on it. It's not exactly fabulous but it would be nice to have my own space and no rent.

No. 1536723

Anywhere you can afford land, you won't have water or a gas station or a grocery store. Oh, and the trailer will cost as much as a house anyway, so you'll be paying a mortgage.

No. 1536743

>the trailer will cost as much as a house anyway
nta but are you actually retarded

No. 1536761

Rednecks have been doing it for decades, the biggest (nonfinancial) obstacles are sewer and water

No. 1536772

she has two low paying jobs anon, she's practically middle class. in ten years she'll have enough to buy her parents a 2 bdrm house to die in.

No. 1536774

I've been looking at this myself recently. A small trailer costs over $100k and installing it is another $40k+. If the land was $10k and you only pay $15k for installing a septic system, digging a well, and hooking up electricity (and/or natural gas and/or stored propane), you're already up to $165k and you haven't even paid any fees, taxes, inspections, surveys, etc yet. Any area where you are looking at $10k lots to put a trailer on, you will find $165k homes already built.

No. 1536775

And not only does a used trailer cost more to move than a new one, they rot very quickly and tend to fall apart when re-moved.

No. 1536779

Most rednecks who have city sewer/water paid for the trailer and still have to pay monthly rent for the lot it's parked on.

No. 1536796

I think we are talking about two different types of trailers anon. Manufactured homes are very different from campers/fifth wheels/motor homes, and like above anons pointed out will have costs similar to stick built homes (or at least stick built homes in the 2010s economy). I assumed anon was referring to buying land and moving a motor home onto it, like the pic she attached. A livable, used motor home or camper might run 15-30k, but to use it as a year round home water and septic would be necessary (both practically and in most places, legally).

No. 1536818

There's no chance you're hooking up running water to an RV and you're probably not saving any money over rent when you factor in all your water and heat being liquids that have to be transported by truck to your home. It's a nice fantasy but the math doesn't work out unless you already have a paid-off lot and RV, in which case you could just sell both for a downpayment on something imporvable?

No. 1536839

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>A small trailer costs over $100k
I'm talking about a 5th wheel (or even smaller), not a manufactured home, and you can get used 5th wheelers for wayyyy cheaper than $100k. I wouldn't mind tearing it up from the inside and remodeling it to look comfy
buy a water tank till you can get a well dug

No. 1536845

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you could prevent that with a shelter, and make it look more home like in the process

No. 1536850

Airstream trailers also have a longer life expectancy and look cooler imo

No. 1536853

It sounds like you're stuck in the dreaming phase and never getting to the calculations phase. For the price of renovating an old RV you could just buy a better RV in the first place. Where are you planning to live while you're gutting the RV, anyway? A tuffshed? If you have $30k to buy a lot and an RV you have $30k to buy a house you could improve and live in for many decades.

No. 1536860

now we’re talkin

No. 1536947

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>renovating an old RV
I'm talking purely about aesthetics, the new RV's are just as ugly interior wise as the ones produced 10 years ago.
>you could just buy a better RV in the first place
lmfao "just throw in an extra 88k if you want painted different cabinets and wallpaper" … nonnie
>Where are you planning to live while you're gutting the RV, anyway?
I am pretty fortunate, I live with elderly family members. I pay dirt cheap rent in exchange that I take care of them. Of course this puts a time constraint on saving for land and a trailer, so it's something I do need to start seriously acting on.
>you have $30k to buy a house
liveable houses that are 30k in america are in high crime shitholes

No. 1537005

I have the money to buy my parents a house and buy myself a nice little flat, lel I am just waiting for my first house to sell.

No. 1537075

I wasn't saying to buy a $30k house, moron. $30k is much less than you need to get a loan for a fully livable house with even ok credit.

No. 1537120

Buying a house with a loan is the biggest scam that only retards could eat up and call the American Dream

No. 1537131

Whereas living in an RV in the middle of nowhere is super duper smart kek

No. 1537148

unironically yes. I want to live in a place debt free surrounded by nature. you want to live in some boring suburban cookie cutter home with a loan that will take you 20 years to pay off. we are not the same.

No. 1537152

Yes. You're paying a billion dollars for rent and can't even go to an art gallery or something like legit city dwellers can. Poor life choices

No. 1537155

>A job
Ruining people's lives isn't a field to be employed in.

No. 1537218

The whole trailer conversation is missing the central. It's not that trailers are cheaper, it's that we're functionally not allowed to build anything cheap because of regulations and sign offs.

Most barely functioning poors would absolutely love to throw up a shack, live in it cheap and just get by with more spending money for food and treats. But because supply is bottlenecked, those same poors are forced into spending 60% of their pay renting some overpriced box they don't even really want.

No. 1537221

Actually all three of us are exactly the same: none of us own the place we live.

No. 1537227

you're getting dogwalked but i just want you to know you deserve it.

No. 1537282

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>can't even go to an art gallery
How terrible

But isn't most housing the south just shacks?

No. 1537325

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I lived in a camper for about 6 months so April-November. It fucking sucked dick. You also run the risk of your RV getting mold in the winter. My family owns a trailer park and I think you’re better off buying a brand new trailer (or one that isn’t older than the 80s). We see people renovate their trailers once they start falling apart and they typically replace it with higher quality materials. Like seriously there’s some really nice trailers out there.

No. 1537342

My sibling owns a mobile RV and while I get the point of her and her family using it for camping and travel (they do racing stuff and their kids race too) it seems incredibly impractical to live in one 365 days/year. Like if I had to choose spending 60k on a RV or a house/mobile home I’d pick the latter. I’d go insane if I was cramped in an RV and they have a lot of vehicle maintenance

No. 1537477

They're either legacy buildings or they're in areas where there's poor law enforcement.

Here there's government software running that scrapes google maps satellites for any new structures, and they investigate it if they pick something up after a year. If it's got anything digging into the ground for support, it has to be certified several times over.

No. 1537558

god im 20 and im currently laying in bed thinking of killing myself rn at 2am i feel so hopeless im scared for my future and i desperately want to move out but i don’t have nearly enough money. & im scared i’ll fuck something up once i go out into the “real world”. im currently living at home & our house is falling apart we’re late on bills bc my dad started living in between america and liberia 2 years ago so he could retire and now my sisters and i have to act fast. i hate my job and i want to do something else desperately but i can’t quit now bc i just got it. dying sounds the best option

No. 1537599

Hope this isn't a dumb question but how do you deal with not having an address when you're living in a trailer on some patch of grass somewhere (or can you register an address?)? Not american so I'm a bit confused about this

No. 1537624

PO box id assume?

No. 1537628

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oh yeah

No. 1537629

Anon's never heard of the Roma

No. 1537634

>His excuse is that it's pointless to do any more because the tenants don't care about where they live and wreck the apartments.
They absolutely do destroy apartments. My parents house was rented by worthless hippie fucks before my parents bought it, they left the south-facing attic windows open nonstop for years, and let rain gush in and destroy the ceilings and walls. In the house next door, some renters got kicked out, they turned a faucet on when they left, and it ran for days and flooded the basement. I knew a lady who tried to rent her late mother's house, the people that moved in tore the house apart on the inside, and then sued her over the condition of the property. She lost in court, because there was no way to hire a contractor to fix everything within one month, and she had to sell the house to pay all the court fines. It was her only asset, she lost everything.

No. 1537636

Going through a house purchase right now and had to go through a big amount of proving who I am and where I live, that's why I was wondering how someone in a living situation like that would handle it

No. 1537660

Things are a mess here. It feels like every other person I know under 30 is moving to the UK or Australia. Rents here are super high compared to incomes which is an issue everywhere, but while in the UK you can move away from London and save money while still living in a big-ish city, New Zealand is too small for that. You either piss away 40% of your pay on rent in one of two half decent cities and try and have some sort of fun in the dirtiest trashiest parts of the nightlife district because they were the only ones to survive COVID, or save up some money by living in bumfuck nowhere and twiddle your thumbs until some local sharemilker or roadworker gets you pregnant and traps you there forever. We’re a low income nation that’s memed itself into an exclusive high income housing market, and a lot of young people have decided if they’re going to be renting forever they should at least do it somewhere that isn’t so depressing. Apologies for blog.

No. 1537661

Isn't Aus more expensive by far outside of being near Auckland? I was considering moving to the south island some years ago and it was very affordable in comparison to Australian property a few years ago, was it not?

No. 1537665

Kek I wish it was possible for me to live at home. A few years ago my parents decided to sell up and moved back to the Eastern European shithole we emigrated from and I'm stuck in London, renting a room in a house with 3 others at the age of 27 while earning £55,000 a year. I know it's not a huge salary but two years ago you could rent a nice-ish studio flat for that in zone 3. Absolutely fucking grim, I genuinely want to kill myself.

No. 1537675

I remember as a teen and young adult I was surrounded by peers who didn't accidentally get pregnant. Who chose that life because single mother benefits here are pretty generous compared to most places. It was their ticket to an income and a free house or apartment. An even bigger one if you have another child so why not. People weren't shy about bragging that they were fresh out of school but would never have to work or pay rent. Cha-ching. I remember thinking that the bubble has to burst at some point. How many people can take advantage of that before the supply of free roofs runs out.

For probably the last 10 years now the housing crisis has been a daily thing in the news. People in response.. just build a shitload more houses and house everyone for free. Get rid of landlords and private rentals and just give away houses. Reach into that endless bucket of money that apparently exists somewhere and make houses appear. Its always people who've haven't worked a day in their life or paid rent once who act like we can afford for the whole country to be built our own personal free house. The funds don't exist. You're crippling the system with your choices. I don't judge anyone who has a genuine unplanned pregnancy or who is abandoned or laid off because thats what those benefits are there for but if you bragged about scamming the system (hiding your partner and pretending to be a single mom so you can have your cake and eat it too) stop acting like there's a crock of gold that the government is holding onto.

No. 1537676

I'm not in a toxic relationship, but like your friend I am currently only staying because neither me nor my boyfriend can live alone and I've been saving what I can for two years now while waiting to get out. The pandemic really screwed me over when it comes to my job and career, so I'm slowly crawling back up the ladder. It's going to feel so good when I finally make it out, though.

No. 1537746

Late to the party but I have never felt as validated in my future plans as I have while reading these posts. I’m only in college but have never really given a shit about the prospect of homeownership. It was like the #1 goal of my ex who kept trying to convince me that rent was flushing money down the toilet (as pictured in the hoomer meme), but I didn’t understand how a mortgage could be that much better. That combined with the prospect of a mortgage locking you into one place to live until it’s paid off.

Is it bad to just want to be a renting city dweller for the rest of my days? I don’t plan on having kids so idc about building generational wealth.

No. 1537754

It sucks when you come to retire and have to continue paying rent. It also sucks because a mortgage locks your repayments at a certain level and they won't go up by hundreds of dollars out of the blue just because. I used to be a renting city dweller and had a nice life, now I can't afford the rent anymore since it skyrocketed in my city (and across the country) after the pandemic so I had to go back to living with my parents and I can't afford to move out. It was either that or share with roommates. I have to agree with the privileged nona - when you rent you're essentially homeless and have no control over your life. You can easily get kicked out for no reason or just have to leave due to unaffordable rent increases. When you rent you're at mercy of the rental market in your area.

No. 1537766

Note: my answer relates to living in the UK so it may not be relevant to you
What convinced me on buying a house is that all state benefits here seem to be calculated with no rent in mind. Any support you can get is for paying utility bills & food, but not rent, at that point you're kind of expected to own a house. That, and everything >>1537754 said
Mortgage doesn't lock you in here at all, you can sell and buy a new house, it just makes the process awkward because it becomes what is known as a "chain" sale
I guess that, and a few personal reasons make me a "hoomer". I hate living in white boxes where I'm not allowed to do anything to the walls (no shelves/hangings/even taped posters allowed), where any repairs are delayed by weeks/months (the boiler has broken every winter and left me with no heating/hot water), and where I can get kicked out any given moment (has also happened). I calculated that I should pay off my house in ~20 years so I hope I can retire early and comfortably and be a fun grandma in the future.
>ing4 you will have to pay for your own repairs
yes, and it will be worth it.

No. 1537777

no big deal, just throw another monthly fee onto the "cheap" housing solution lmao

No. 1537779

>ing4 you will have to pay for your own repairs
yes, and it will be worth it.
I've paid for every repair that's ever been done in any place I've ever lived. Landlords are worthless parasites who do nothing but take your money and spend it on drugs and porn.

No. 1537781

I normally push the landlord to do it, but yeah.. A lot of small repairs you end up doing yourself, as well as everyday maintenance of the house being your responsibility

No. 1537784

I will admit I spend the rent on weed, but I do every repair immediately and I fulfill all my obligations to the tenants.

No. 1537891

I live in the bay area and the housing crisis is so bad here. Every day there's a dozen articles about how we desperately need housing, and what they're going to tear down to build new housing. Every single housing development that they build is supposed to have x% be low-income, which is total bullshit. They tore down an orchard near where I live to build a bunch of housing. Not a single unit is under $1.3 million, how is this supposed to help anyone in the state looking for housing? The only people that can afford it are people moving in from out of state for tech jobs, or people in state who just got hired at tech jobs, and the insanely rich overseas asian businessmen who buy up a ton of property so their kids can have a condo or two.

If every single politician is going to whine about building more affordable housing, which the state actually needs, the least they could do is put some rules in place to make it so the housing is actually affordable. I know the thread has mainly focused on bitching about landlords but housing developers are so scummy. Cities are desperate to tell people they're doing something about the housing crisis, and so developers are getting away with building the ugliest things you've ever seen in the worst locations imaginable (like zero schools nearby, places where the roads need years of construction, in lower income neighborhoods for peak gentrification) and with maybe 8% of the units being "under market" (actually affordable). I wish they hadn't sacrificed an old orchard for a bunch of unaffordable townhomes that are only going to be sold to incoming managers at Apple.

No. 1537903

Agreed but thankfully the market reports are saying the bay area is dropping and I've been checking in on cities to buy a home nearby and it tracks. The problem with landlords vs developers with property management companies is that many landlords aspire to be as shit as these management companies. Landlords wouldn't be anywhere near as bad if they weren't all aspiring to be slumlords.

No. 1537912

Europe here and just at this point I've accepted either I"m finding a boyfriend that I can move out with or it's just not happening. Housing is insane over here with lots of housing prices straight up doubling over the past few years. I'm also somewhat stuck in how far I can move because I want to stay at least somewhat close to my family.
It's been getting worse for years but the past few really went hard in how much more expensive it became. I see the most basic 1 bedroom apartments going for 1500 euro a month and that's in a fucking village, not some sort of city with opportunities.

No. 1537915

Netherlands? Sounds like the Netherlands kek.

No. 1537918

Kek it's that obvious
But yeah, it's insane here, and then they have the audacity to have a laundry list of things you aren't allowed to have or do for those prices.

No. 1537920

Why dont you just move out with a friend? Most single people I know who don't earn enough for rent live with a friend or housemate.

No. 1538003

> vehicle maintenance
we're talking about trailers, not motorhomes.

No. 1538005

>becomes loan slave for 20 years because $5 a month is too much of an inconvenience
the absolute state

No. 1538026

Oh I know who you are kek, you were the local cow on the old lolcow server. It's funny how dislikable you are even when you're anonymous.

No. 1538029

1/2 the pics posted are motorhomes

No. 1538032

File: 1680295844525.png (17.45 KB, 872x244, Motorhome-Vs-Travel-Trailer-SE…)

no they're not.. you really don't know the difference do you?

No. 1538034

1/2 the pics posted are motorhomes

No. 1538035

KEK, I'm not familiar with the sever but it makes a lot of sense that she's notoriously a cow

No. 1538075

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Sis have you not seen the prices for even used trailers lately. We have ones from the 70's early 80's going for 65k and up. Brand new ones cost as much as what houses were going for before covid. Nothing personal but a 3/2 for a trailer that's going to cost 150k-250k is not worth it. And good fucking luck if its on some land cause those bitches have been going for 500k up into the millions just cause its on land.

(I live in the south and trailers were always cheap here, but even that's not a thing anymore.)

fucking hate this increase in housing and waiting for that damn bubble to burst.

No. 1538076

Kek, fucking APOPKA too lmao. heads up nonnies, land is way cheaper outside of florida. florida is experiencing a ridiculous boom in land "value" that is no fucking way near worth it. especially since the majority of this acreage is often swampland that cannot be developed due to zoning AND geography. please, no one consider anywhere in florida to lease land space or purchase it. you can literally buy like 10 acres in WA for 80k instead, that's already hooked up to power and water.

No. 1538127

jesus christ this depresses me, imagine paying that much money to live in fucking apopka

agreed, a lot of areas in seminole and orange county are old muck farms that they're selling for housing developments. 90% of land for sale in this state is total flood land. could not imagine buying a house here with how fucked up shit's been with climate change making hurricanes more severe. not to mention the rising sea level

No. 1538166

i don't have an issue with trailers really but they do not mix well with hurricanes.

No. 1538494

agree 100%

fuck benefit leeches

No. 1538530

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No. 1538531

i had to get it right leave me be

No. 1538533

im doing well now

No. 1538537

r u telling me its never taken u 6 times to get something right

No. 1538542

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>plus you pay $2000 per month 'space rent'

Cali moment

No. 1538598

I fucking hate California

No. 1538601

Really? I loved it there when i visited, I’d love to move out there permanently

No. 1538698

Who was she? I only lurked in that server because most of the active users were cowish so it doesn't really narrow it down

No. 1538731


I have since responded well to medication and left my cringe in the past and would appreciate if you would also, thank you

No. 1538739

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No. 1538741

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No. 1538745

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No. 1538747

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No. 1538748

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No. 1538751

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No. 1538752

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No. 1538753

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No. 1538754

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No. 1538755

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No. 1538756

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No. 1538758

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No. 1538760

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No. 1538787

>left my cringe in the past
Are you sure about that

No. 1538803

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No. 1538825

oh noo, not the pervy muslim guys

No. 1538834

Hey so i hope women like you do not call themselve feminists because it would make you a hypocrite.
this post of yours was already bad enough but the one where you were telling anons that they should work multiple Jobs just to afforf rent…was so socipathic. Karma and raincarnation is real.

No. 1538886

I am that anon, it's fucking ridculous. They are angry at my dad and not at their governments who refuse make sure that they get paid a living wage and in some cases a lot of you guys don't have healthcare. You can cry and be mad, calling me a bitch or a spoiled whore doesn't change the reality that you all own nothing. If you rent, it means you are BORROWING. It's not your property. You can be mad, but all the screeching won't change your situation or the fact that you are struggling to pay rent. The problem with westerners is that you all spend all day screeching about shit that doesn't fucking matter like identity politics or trannies and you do nothing to actual solve any problems. Guess what? Most of you guys still will never be able to afford your own homes, rent and inflation rates will still go up. Did screeching at me help you reverse this fate? No. None of you attend protests, write letters to members of politcal parties, organise yourselves and start a group to make your life better. Because at the end of the day, you are just as comfortable and privledged as i am and you don't want to admit it.

No. 1538889

What exactly does you being poor have to do with feminism? Boo hoo bitch, learn to read.

No. 1538894

lel in Germany they're literally clearing normal apartments for refugees

No. 1538908

>muh increased maintenence
>your current rent doesn't accurately reflect the market
>why doesn't your family move in my one bedroom apartment
disgusting greedy asshole

No. 1538928


you sound underaged as hell, do you even pay bills or work or do you just live off your dad?

No. 1538941

She obviously lives off her parents or else she wouldn't spout bullshit like "you wageslaves are just as privileged as me leeching off my rich neet dad". Reminds me of another anon a few months ago who had a similar delusional view on work.

No. 1538949

you know what fucks up the housing market by driving up prices and demand while no new homes are built? landlords. youre right about the government though, they should be lining your daddy up against a wall.

No. 1538981

You using poor as insult along with your other shitty ass comebacks tells me everything i need to know. Dont worry, you and your daddy will be burning in hell.

No. 1538987

tbqh I'd rather live in an appalachian shack than live in your dads curry smelling property

No. 1539023

It feels like things are going to get A LOT worse before they're about to get better. Rising food prices, rent prices, gas prices, transportation costs everything. How long until we get a violent revolution that will change things?

No. 1539025

Why are you apologizing for your fathers success? The man won at life and you will share the bounty. NEVER apologize for success to ANYONE. He managed to create generational wealth and that puts him and by proxy you above the rabble. It really is that simple. Nonna, you must understand that the Internet and imageboards especially are full of failures. Men, women, it doesn't matter. You are arguing with genetic trash with addictions and who knows what mental problems, for no reason. It's pointless to argue, since like all failures they want free things, or more accurately they want YOUR things and they try to make you feel guilty by moralizing and invoking bullshit.

Pay them no heed Nonna. There is no equality in this world, and that's fine. There never will be either. Some people and genetic lines are doomed, and it's okay to see them as beneath you.

No. 1539027

>anons here are poor trash who want anon's father's resources.

The irony of all of this is that this was probably written by a neet moid Who cant even keep a min wage job…or are you samefagging yourself.

No. 1539029

This is embarrassing kek.

No. 1539030

i'm literally ASIAN

No. 1539031

>implies only genetic failures use imageboards
>is also using an imageboard
>trying to imply they are better than other people for something they did not do/have no involvement in creating
You must be a scrote to be seething this much about cooming and dying kek.

No. 1539034

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No. 1539036

Your dad's income isn't yours kek. I agree with >>1538987 he sounds even more obnoxious, knowing he raised a pathetically samefagging daughter like this.

No. 1539037

I get it, this is an april fools post. Though sometimes it's hard to tell when we have posters like paki-chan etc.

No. 1539248

You children are so silly. If it's such a good solution why aren't you already living in one? Because you still need to save up for 10 years just to buy in?

No. 1539358

…mortgage is a cracking deal, you pay them back way later when inflation means the payment will be worthless toilet paper. literally the deal of a lifetime

No. 1539359

in 10 years rent will be $5,000 a month and your mortgage will still be $1000 kek how is that not a good deal?!

No. 1539604

I posted about it earlier in the thread, again, Americans can't lose with 30 years fixed interest mortgages. But five year fixed can absolutely burn many people. Imagine locking in at 3% and then having it reset at 8%, and having to suddenly pay twice the amount to just cover the interest only.

As long as the central bank is printing money and suppressing interest rates, and as long as NIMBYS throttle supply, and as long as the west collectively crams in as many Indians as possible, houses will retain their high value.

The whole thing is absurd though. 50 years ago houses were regarded as just what they were, a bit of building materials, labor and space on a bit of land. Imagine getting a $500,000 mortgage for a glorified wooden box on a bit of dirt.

No. 1539719

You are either young or stupid. The housing market goes up and down in price like any other asset. Sometimes houses appreciate in value, sometimes houses deprecate in value. Buying a house now before an obviously incoming major economic crash is peak retardation because house prices will be lower in a recession. Anyone that bought a house before the recession at high market prices will be paying a mortgage for than the house is worth. The dollar is losing it's reserve status and this is very bad for Americans because all their assets will become worthless and the government will be crippled with debt that it has no way to repay.

No. 1540073

mortgage is 2.59 % fixed for ten years


the housing market will never crash omfg they’ve been saying it for YEARS it literally will not

No. 1540078

Ok that anon is right you must be young. Too young to remember the 2008 collapse

No. 1540086

you sound like you were born after 2001

No. 1540099

Global housing collapse happened as recent as 2008 anon. You must be really young if you don't remember that and the global recession that followed.

No. 1540100

File: 1680537083920.jpeg (98.46 KB, 828x999, E82AF7C1-2E2E-4443-A5C9-04E896…)

yeah the ‘crash’ of 08 where the average house dropped by 5k and then immediately shot up again

No. 1540112

right, millions of homes weren't foreclosed on and rendering families homeless.

No. 1540114

Im not the other dad landlord anon, but i just wanted to say my dad has rebuilt apts from the 1940s from the wiring out. He bought them with fire damage, condemned and no one else bid on them during a county auction. For 13 years I have helped him relay hardwood, paint and clean apartments. He keeps his rent fixed terribly low (fully renovated 2 bedrooms for $500) because he also requires sober living for residents. He refuses to raise the rent even now because he understands what its like to be dirt poor. He only evicts people after 4-5 months of no payment, and he ALWAYS offers paid work (like simple cleaning tasks, garden upkeep, etc) to those who are struggling.
The city wants to buy the complex and tear it down for parking for a new stadium. My dad doesn't want to see these folks, some of them now sober for many years, lose their homes. Hes refusing to sell.
Idk, incase any of you needed to hear about a nicer landlord, hes out here.
Also, bonus, he made an abusive husband piss his pants one time because of a “conversation” they had after my dad saw his wife had a black eye. That man never came back and shes now completing a degree.
I just thought maybe some positivity might help because the market is horrendous.

No. 1540115

in defense of that anon, i believe she is british. the 2008 collapse affected every country differently, and some countries were not really that affected at all by the collapse of the financial system (like many developing nations).

the housing market in the united states collapsed primarily because of subprime lending and multinational banks basically using mortgages to "bet" on low-income or underqualified homeowners who should have never been given loans on homes that they realistically could not afford. but the banks did it anyway, and they collectively had an entire system where they essentially went back and forth to see who could give out the most shitty loans. then there was all the other stuff about wall street, dirty money, the whole "they're too big to fail!" drama when several top banks went under, and conspiracies about it being "planned". i could go on but that's the gist of it.

britain did not have as many issues with their housing market, however they did experience inflation, a hit to gross gdp, and the collapse of several banks. i know as a fellow burger we often have a tendency to see the world from our perspective alone, but what happened in the us was unique to the country even though it had repercussions for the entire system since it took several important banks with it, like the lehman brothers.

No. 1540117

Certaintly not where I am.

No. 1540123

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No. 1540155

That's fine and I agree but she should also understand that the collapse WAS still global and hit the US hard.

No. 1540178

If you were selling that shed would you sell it for less?

No. 1540303

yes kek otherwise it would sit on the market for years

No. 1540309

I love how they're too fucking lazy to even clean the tiles. One day with a water blaster and roundup, and they're too lazy for even that.

No. 1540368

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No. 1540498

Yes… Wonderful idea. Christ.

No. 1540507

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No other images, only a picture of himself and what I think is an older image of himself or a fatter twin.
The images are both MTL though the image on the left I corrected the grammar before MTLing. MTL'ed because I can't be bothered
To clear things up, he put up an advert for renting three of his rooms, one being the master bedroom. The rent includes the cost for food too, as he believes that the food is being poisoned with nuclear waste, human flesh and geldings?? He wasn't very clear on that and he's a food hoarder. He's prophet and can expel cancer and viruses if you have any and can see that there is going to be a ww3 soon or a 30 year war, not very clear as I felt like he had MTL his own advert or just has poor spelling and grammar. Beautiful women only, no mothers and he can lead the women to a brighter path along with the woman's loved ones, only love between him and the renter, no obstacles. He's a soldier despite the fact we don't have any active military services in our country and wants the women to come visit his home as he doesn't have a mobile phone and keeps his home locked up but otherwise the rooms are cleaned and ready.

No. 1540531

There's a free room waiting for him, it's nicely padded. His flatmates will be THE NAPOLEON and THE JESUS CHRIST

No. 1540605

Mark my words that ‘village’ won’t be around in 10 years time.

No. 1540998

The worst thing I saw when I was looking for a place to rent is a huge blood spatter on the wall of a totally stripped-down apartment in which some junkies were previous tenants.
The worst thing I saw when looking for a place to buy was a woman in a bathtub naked from the waist down, washing her genitals. Apparently she forgot the agent and I were coming.

No. 1541004

that sounds traumatic both of u

No. 1541646

Enjoy the homeless mobs/camp cities.
Cali is such shit one of the reasons everyone is leaving cause they can't afford it.

No. 1544472

That's pretty much the only reason anyone is leaving, except for conservative rich people who aren't actually leaving, just buying up housing to use as vacation and rental properties. Wildfires are nature's justice.

No. 1544512

I’m trying to buy a house as a single woman and it’s fucking rough. Due to strange circumstances I have a fairly sizeable inheritance but still live with my mom. I need to move out but rent is so insane that anywhere slightly decent would be the same or even higher than most mortgages anyways. I live in a super poor state and all of the out of town fucks keep lopping up any halfway decent house because they sold their old west coast 2 bed 1 bath fixer upper for 900K. Real estate here is cheaper than most cities of this size but it’s massively expanding because these people can do full cash plus 50K over asking price. I looked as this beautifully done starter home on Saturday that would’ve been perfect for me but by the time we arrive there were already 12 cash offers over asking price. For a 1200 sq ft home, in a just alright part of town. I have a massive leg up over people my own age and I’m still struggling hard. I don’t know how anyone can do anything in this market. Even absolute dumps are being sold for 250K where that was the price of a nice enough home even pre-pandemic. My mom and I get along and she’s fine with me being here as long as I need so maybe I should just tough it out for the crash kek…

No. 1544546

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picrel is basically when look for a new place. Basically impossible when I want a bathroom with a bathtub or a place for my own washing machine. I don't even dare to wish for a small balcony kek

No. 1544557

I knew so many families who lost their homes or had their parents laid off during 08’. The fear was palpable, You have to be a turbo zoomer or severely out of touch to have not felt it. My family managed to come out lucky because we snagged our home for like 100k after the crash, and would be worth like 300-350k in the current housing market. It was an insane time all around, and honestly we need home prices to come down like that again but hopefully without the same economic turmoil.

No. 1544559

There aren't homeless camps everywhere. Not everyone wants to live in LA or San Francisco

No. 1544592

The video that went viral of the lady looking for apartments with her son made me feel like shit when she started saying how unsafe the only affordable apartments looked. As a single woman I not only can’t afford to find a place to rent, but I’m also wary of sliding glass doors, large windows and weird landlords that show up uninvited. A while ago someone suggested that I should rent a room in a widow/retired woman’s house

No. 1544715

I live in a city where a 1 bd costs $2500 a month. Meanwhile I look at all the giant roads and parking lots and streetside parking. We could double our amount of housing just by getting rid of cars. We give more landspace to cars than to people. Notjustbikes is right. Every time I look at this 5 lane residential area stroad that is nothing but a source of pollution, traffic fatalities, and noise, I get unreasonably angry thinking of how many townhouses we could build on that land instead. I hate cars. I'm tired of this. I want a house.

No. 1544733

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Reminds me of pic related and all the other examples from around the country.
11 orcas live in the blue circle. The yellow circle is the parking lot. Sickening.

No. 1544748

This just reminded me of the time when I was 21, my landlord came into my house with 0 warning in the morning while I was in bed, and actually came into my bedroom where I was naked in bed. I don't think he actually meant anything nefarious (I honestly believe he thought I wasn't at home at the time) but still, so inappropriate, retarded and crazy. Of course I was too dumb at 21 to realize I could get him in trouble for that.

No. 1544757

that makes me so angry. humans are trash.

No. 1544797

File: 1681073673640.webm (2.68 MB, 320x568, ssstwitter.com_1681072931414.w…)

Just remembered this video that I saw a while ago on twitter, where people waited in a 150m line to view a three bedroom apartment next to a railway line in Berlin. The rent was listed as 1074€.

No. 1544840

There's no such thing as a nice landlord. If he wanted to be nice he should have considered the rent his tenants had paid throughout the years as payment for the home and either give or sell them the home for cheap. He can also let them keep renting it until they have paid the full price. He might not be as greedy, but he's still exploiting people. With the rent a lot of us have paid throughout the years we could have bought the entire apartment by now.

No. 1544842

the only place I could find near me for a studio that was only $200 above my price range was in an unsafe area with no laundry, and other outdated appliances. I want to top out at $1,200, but even that makes my skin crawl. Anything lower is for a room in someone’s outdated basement which makes my skin crawl for another reason.

No. 1544882

Lived in the same apartment for years and was paying less than $1000 because of rent control in one of the most expensive cities in my country. A month after I was out of there I saw it going for $2050 and they barely updated it.

No. 1544892

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i left my apartment because 1. the 'management company' that owned it was sold to a property management company which 2. went raise rent $500. all in a broke mexican neighborhood. fuck that i'm out and i aint coming back.

No. 1544896

well, that's cheap for Berlin, kek. We pay over 1.000 € for 60qm in Hamburg in a rather bad part of the city and if I look at flats in Munich, well, it's even more horrible. And then try to apply for a new flat, if you don't earn like 3.000 € or more a month you won't have a chance. I can't put in words how much I hate the housing situation in Germany at the moment, most flats are with furniture right now because they can get 1.000 € a month for 20qm….

No. 1544909

>tfw you have to move to munich this year

No. 1545063

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No. 1545065

what about your faggot fucking dad get a first job?

No. 1545255

any anons chose to stay in their hometown? I work remote and went back, and I feel a lot better to be honest. I can take care of my aging parents and they're helping me buy a flat (we're southern euros). Honestly I don't know what I was even looking for in the big city

No. 1565831

i’m desperately trying to save to get a home in my hometown. it’s so lovely

No. 1573242

I really want to be able to move-out from my parents house now that I'm getting my first big girl job. But rent here is so expensive that I would barely have anything in savings at the end of the month. So it's better for me to continue to live at my parent's while saving. Just gotta put up with the 4 hour commute everyday for a couple of years and maybe I'll have enough money to put towards a down payment for a condo.

I'm beginning to realize that one of the big secrets of adulting is to have cash on hand. Having a large amount of cash on hand that you can spend anyway you want really puts you ahead of others even if it's money that you would theoretically gain in a few years if you save up. And once you do get a house, you can get some other chum to rent your place so they can pay their mortgage for you. I've calculated the monthly cost of owning a home and it's the same amount I would be paying with the rent prices right now. Like that is so crazy. No wonder the system and housing crisis is so out of control.

No. 1573593

My home town is a middle class Tampa Bay suburb and I am so fucking glad I left. Everytime I go visit family or friends I just can’t stop thinking “FUCK this place, holy shit I’m so glad I don’t live here” everything is hellish and more difficult than in my new city. It’s always hot as hell cause they like to chop down all the trees??? I thought I hated Florida but I actually love Florida, I just hate the Tampa area.

No. 1573613

Blind landlord hatred is so fucking retarded. Individual people not renting property would just means large corporations renting property, not a sunshine and rainbows utopia where homes are affordable because John Smith is no longer getting $500/mo. I'd rather give even entitled anon's dad money than Blackrock. Landlords are mostly evil, but they're not responsible for the system they parasite and could not change it if they tried.

No. 1573630

my hometown is all suburbs and it's pretty boring, but I couldn't afford to move back even if I wanted to.

No. 1573727

File: 1683791627790.png (686.88 KB, 1440x1888, 1300 plus housekeeping.png)

>thirteen hundred
>apartment bedroom
>shitty backlot building behind hospital that brings crime
>another hundred for housekeeping
>coin laundry
gotta pay off the mortgage for landlords third vacation home in florida somehow

No. 1573792

>82.7% married

It's always weird seeing how the world has changed so fast. Boomers told me that in high school basically everyone had a boyfriend/girlfriend and almost nobody was single.

No. 1573802

I don't have a hometown, as a military brat I constantly moved as a kid, and whole I'm living in the city where I was born I only went back there after graduating high-school. The place where my parents are living is very nice and cheap but I have 0 attachment there, there would no point in living there.

No. 1573803

I live in a capital city and really want to move further away to a cheaper and quieter rural area but I need a remote job to do that and haven’t been able to get one so far, so many advertise “remote opportunities” but still want you to come to the office a bunch of times in the week.

No. 1574317

My hometown is NYC, can't stay unless I have 3 roommates.

No. 1576925

the lease i was forced to sign to avoid homelessness includes a clause that says my landlord has the right to use my image in any way they want, including to defame me, forever and i agree to never sue. landlords are parasites and should be exterminated as such.

No. 1576935

>landlord has the right to use my image in any way they want
Why the hell would they need that? What logical reason would a leasing contract need a clause that allows them to use images of you in any way they want? I would check my room and bathroom for hidden cameras.

No. 1576936

show a copy of that to a lawyer that doesn't sound enforceable

No. 1576970

how the fuck am i supposed to afford a lawyer after paying most of my income as rent

No. 1576974

Where the fuck in that comment does it say pay a lawyer? Most housing lawyers don't charge to consult.

No. 1576975


No. 1576977

anyway, basic googling confirms putting a photo/defamation waiver clause in a lease is 100% legal, so what would talking to a lawyer do? my options were: (1) sign the lease or (2) live in my car.
so i'm going back to my original conclusion: kill all landlords.

No. 1577308

I keep watching videos on the housing crisis in Asian countries along with the fertility rate dropping

After looking more into it, the housing crisis isn't even that bad as compared to Europe, America, etc. However watching people explain why they aren't reproducing was a culture shock to me. It's very nice to see how responsible they are and not reproducing over things that would only make it a little bit harder to raise a child, despite being given cheap child and medical care and other financial incentives to have babies

Americans on the other hand will live in a trailer one hard wind from falling apart, 800k in debt, half their income going to rent and still insist on having multiple kids or go broke to have IVF. How in the world are Americans so fucking stupid with reproducing?

No. 1577384

because jesus

No. 1577387

The fertility rate of Americans born in America is pretty low. First generation immigrants are the only ones having enough children to replace themselves.

No. 1577411

I don’t think the people paying for IVF are the same people that are breeding like rabbits. IVF is prohibitively expensive but may be covered with a good (high-paying) job. My work offers lifetime $10,000 for IVF + up to $20,000 per adoption, but I think even the 0 work experience college hires make $60,000 a year. Trailer park breeders are just a byproduct of abstinence-only sex ed, “birth control is a sin,” and prohibiting abortions.

No. 1577900

I have to see an updated statistic on this because every broke 20 something I know is on their second or 3rd kid and even teenagers are having PLANNED pregnancies now

No. 1577904

Don't forget the several generations of pop culture promoting the idea that we should all be having casual sex, all the time, with as many people as possible.

No. 1577931

sounds like you live in a trailer park

No. 1577968

Trailer park or not kek it's been a common occurrence. Most Americans are poor anyway And barely making it but still having tons of kids they can't afford. My living situation situation matter if I'm pointing out the fact most Americans are extremely irresponsible when it comes to reproducing

No. 1577987

I am trying to sell my house and I hate it. Realtors are little roaches. I really hate the fact that these fuckers get paid so much out of my pocket. Honestly wish I could sell a house by myself.

No. 1578043

anon statistics state very clearly most americans don't reproduce, even the 2nd gen immigrants give up on it, and the only growing numbers are mormons and amish. You live around an exception

No. 1578056

No? There's been a baby boom as of lately, especially for lower class families who have the highest birth rate. I also lived in 5 different states and 10 different towns since 2020 and EVERY where I've been was like this. Almost every store you'd walk into there would be babies and pregnant women everywhere, then families would be screaming and crying on social media demanding money for diapers because they thought it would be a good idea to get pregnant with the McDonald's fry cook while job hopping. There is a very real issues with teens purposely getting pregnant though, it's not super common but still baffling that such thing even exists even if it's not common, and it shows how pathetic and irresponsible Americans are

No. 1578067

wow youve seen literal babies while out in society and watched a TLC special about teenagers getting pregnant

No. 1578236

You're one of the ones who shouldn't breed no matter how much money you have, just so you know. You're an actual idiot.

No. 1578295

>There is a very real issues with teens purposely getting pregnant though, it's not super common but still baffling that such thing even exists even if it's not common, and it shows how pathetic and irresponsible Americans are
How is that an American thing? you can throw a dart at a map of the world and there is 50% chance you'll land on one where no less than 30% of teenagers and pre-teens get pregnant. Is that more responsible and honorable?

No. 1578299

Check the stats, young millennials and Gen Z are having less sex than ever before. Most poor people who end up with kids don't have access to the needed BC and abortions, especially if they're in the south. It's like 900, for an abortion and if you don't have a planned Parenthood near you and you work part-time at McDonald's, you likely wouldn't be able to afford to abort .

No. 1581243

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No. 1581277

maybe i'm just too poor but i don't understand how he did this. like he says that he would book late flights if he was hanging with friends or at the library. can he really just book flights on the fly like that, for a low cost?

No. 1581285

i'm like a month late to the party but holy fuck,
>pEoPlE wHo rEnT fOrGeT tHaT tHeY'Re TeChNiCalLy HoMeLeSs
is one of the funniest and most out of touch things ive read on this site in a while

No. 1581293

Sounds like he didn't book it on the day but used his perks for being a frequent flyer to change his prebooked flight times once checkin has opened. Basically making the system work for him. Hats off for effort, though he has probably increased his cancer risk via cosmic radiation (real thing, flying gives you small amounts pf radiation and he flew for 31 days straight…)

No. 1581295

The tagged replies kek, please my advice for you is to never again tell anyone your father is a landlord or that you "see things from a landlord's perspective" or that the government need to regulate landlord's crazy price increases - they do, but choosing to be a landlord usually means you are a scumsucking leech draining the bank accounts of hardworking people. Nobody needs to charge tenants 3x their mortgage cost and yet!

No. 1581331

Yeah my dad is a slumlord and charged women he deemed unattractive more and even I don't defend those blood sucking leeches kek

No. 1581363

File: 1684465958459.png (406.41 KB, 2038x2353, fertility_autism_collage.png)

You are both right! It is annoyingly hard to find data on birth rate broken down by income and race/religion, but I compiled the shit I did find. Also this is US only so sorry non-amerifags, I have no idea what's going on in yall's countries. Income and class do have a high correlation with birth rate, but so does religion, and education level, and race. Makes sense when you think about it - of the white people still having lots of kids, they're mostly Mormons or other conservative Christians, and more likely to be raised with the traditional homemaker mom and single income dad supporting a ton of kids. So more likely to be poor, less likely to receive adequate education on birth control and so get pregnant earlier, more likely to avoid family planning even if they can't necessarily afford more kids and won't abort because jesus… Versus immigrants where first gen tend to have a lot more kids because many have both the sex education and the ideological mindset of an older, more conservative generation. But also most immigrants come to cities where their kids will likely have decent sex ed, and immigrants also tend to push their kids to succeed or those kids feel like they have to succeed because their parents sacrificed for them - meaning more hours working and studying and less hours fucking around, and more awareness of how an accidental/young pregnancy will totally fuck up your future.

Sorry for sperg, here are my sources:

No. 1581478

File: 1684487138785.png (274.65 KB, 724x526, Screen Shot 2023-05-19 at 2.06…)

Lower class families were in the closet making babies and I saw one of the babies and then the baby looked at me

No. 1581485

>later gens have less kids because they're smarter
lol anon. You're forgetting the housing crisis and how expensive USA makes it to have a kid. Most countries pay you for having a child, while America punishes you for it.

No. 1581511

Anti-landlord shilling is a psyop by big corporations like Blackrock who want to demonize private ownership of homes and one of the very few viable ways of creating generational wealth. Anyone who is anti-landlord is a corporate stooge, and that of the highest degree.

No. 1581515

I’d rather be a gov psyop rather than being happy to give 3/4 of my paycheck to some entitled asshole that inherited a house and is sitting on his butt sniffing cocaine all day.

No. 1581522

I'm sitting on my butt smoking weed, not cocaine.
Long ago I started out renting to students that come in the capital to study, expecting to get new student tenants when they finish. But they finish their studies, get a job, get a family, and still stay.

No. 1581525

Even huge corporate run apartments can be shitty and drag their feet on certain services and repairs I can't imagine dealing with a landlord who has even less pressure to do what's right.

No. 1581528

My dad is a slum landlord and he is partial to the odd line of coke but what do you think the executives of massive corporations do? At least by keeping landlords as a group of independent property owners it limits the amount of power that landlords can have. While my dad might be an asshole, he still has to operate within the law and he doesn't have the power required to change that. There's plenty of corruption and nepotism that happens, he's friends with councilors, other politicians and the police, this is limited to the local level where his properties are located. A big corporation would be able to lobby the government to change tenancy laws on a national level in their interest which would screw over renters far more than smaller landlords could ever dream of.

No. 1581534

I've had one private landlord and he was the absolute worst. A creep who locked himself into my apartment while drunk because he wanted to party with me, raised the rent and never did any repairs. I live in an apartment building owned by a corporate business now and everything is kept in good shape, the building is clean and there is a 24/7 service number you can call regarding any issues. I hate giving my money to them as well rather than being able to own a place and have a good chance in life, but I will never give my money to a private landlord again. They take way more money from you as well in my experience. This depends on the country, I imagine, but I've never heard anything but horror stories from friends and family who pay rent to a private landlord.

No. 1581595

Congrats, you're the most retarded farmer on the whole site!

No. 1581598

Small time landlords literally burn down horses with entire families in them. Landlords are parasites, not people, and must be exterminated.

No. 1581632

File: 1684508418932.png (691.73 KB, 1238x2048, guillotine.png)

seethe and cope harder, baitnon
the housing industry should go the way of japan

No. 1581637

there are a ton of landlords that put secret cameras and live audio recorders in their properties, the number of stores I've heard of some old scrote bringing up topics that renters discussed only private or otherwise reference things the landlord wouldn't have known are infinite
one of my favorite videos out recently was a series of videos of a crazy landlady (i think wearing pink) freaking out at some college kids for using the oven, and having clothing in the dryer among other things

No. 1581658

corporations are the biggest landlords though, this tinfoil doesn't even make sense. if anything there was a serious push during covid to portray "mom and pop" landlords as angelic and hardworking americans that barely scraping by and deserve your support, and also a push to portray large landlord corps as housing-creators and builders (not the housing gatekeepers they are)

No. 1581660

why is owning a home tied to being a landlord for you???

No. 1581662

because daddy's tenants' money pays all her expenses

No. 1581682

That's obviously illegal and not what I am referring to. Depending on the country, the current laws can favour the tenant, such as being given time to find a new place to live if the landlord wants to use the property for other purposes, needing a valid reason to evict a tenant, limits on rent increases, the property has to meet certain legal requirements to be considered safe, etc. All of these tenant protection laws lower the potential profit that can be made from renting out a property. A large corporation is going to lobby the government to remove these laws because they above all else want to maximise profits.

If the rental market was to end up being controlled by a few large corporations, the situation for anyone needing to rent a home would be much worse.

No. 1581718

large corporations are already lobbying to remove tenant protection laws. they don't need to own the majority of rentals to be able to do that. it's not like small time landlords lobby in the opposite direction. they also pool their resources to rob tenants, for example by colluding on price increases.

the best, kindest, most attentive landlord is still a value-draining parasite depriving others of the opportunity for home ownership.

No. 1581725

File: 1684515215460.jpeg (81.27 KB, 680x680, FwcVFEvWAAIrZ2H.jpeg)

>they also pool their resources to rob tenants, for example by colluding on price increases.

want to add on to your comment in case anyone is interested in reading more, this is the case in the united states
there are several other articles linked within this one for even more reading

No. 1581731

thanks anon!

No. 1581758

I’m in a corporate run apartment and I like it so much more than having a private landlord. Repairs are faster, everyone has to be professional, and I don’t have to worry about a landlord letting themselves in and just “dropping in” at any moment while I’m alone or in the shower.

No. 1581794

i'm in a corporate apartment (owned by cushman and wakefield https://www.cushmanwakefield.com/en/united-states) and last weekend i counted 8 broken windows in my building covered with plywood or trashbags. every single security door in this building is broken. both of the fire doors on my hall are broken and permanently kept open. the roach infestation is the second-worst i've ever had to live with (first-worst was also in a large apartment complex).

it's hard to say whether this is worse or better than the 50-year-old house (owned by an LLC representing a single individual) that had shit insulation, no heat, and a porch so rotten that people fell through it and got hurt multiple times (one had to go to the hospital). none of the appliances ever really worked properly, if at all. there were no roaches, but there was black mold on all the walls which made all of us sick. the landlord said the mold was caused by us not running the air conditioning system to dry out the air inside during the summer, but when we ran it for a month (temp set to like 80something b/c we already knew the A/C didn't work) it increased our electric bill by $400 and the mold kept growing anyway.

at least my appliances and heat work and i'm careful about storing food and cleaning everything before cooking so i haven't gotten sick from the roaches (yet). the thought of renting for the rest of my life makes me want to kill myself.

No. 1582326

Nayrt, I’m sorry to hear that you have such a shit housing situation. What’s weird for me is that how the fuck is that legal? There’s no tenants rights there I guess?

No. 1582562

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No. 1582565

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No. 1582570

File: 1684599387063.jpg (99.69 KB, 740x1197, landlords steal from grieving …)

No. 1582575

File: 1684599679520.png (120.56 KB, 635x460, all landlords are murderers.pn…)

No. 1582578

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No. 1582581

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No. 1582582

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No. 1582584

File: 1684600512241.jpg (90.25 KB, 646x740, landlords are parasites.JPG)

No. 1582587

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No. 1582588

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No. 1582591

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No. 1582594

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No. 1583086

File: 1684645255289.webm (14.28 MB, 1080x1920, 10000000_997599354559736_43813…)

tried to find some of these listings but no luck, maybe they're on tt but i don't use it.
the first one, 600/month for a bathroom with two beds in it had me laugh out loud

No. 1592047

File: 1685458842281.jpg (46.53 KB, 960x517, gdcgbkup3r2b1.jpg)

An engaged couple rented a house from a parasite in Canada and asked for the mold to be removed. The parasite chased them down and shot them both in the backs until they died, then had a standoff with police. Other parasites are all saying it was justified and it's actually the fault of the govt board that regulates parasitism. I'm glad the parasite died too, but now his properties will be inherited by his parasite offspring. If you don't kill parasites, they kill you and the people you love.

No. 1592052

Come and kill me then internet tough guy

No. 1592053

Post your address, parasite

No. 1592056

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.

No. 1592077

File: 1685460687134.jpg (103.76 KB, 574x843, landlords regularly commit mas…)

they're trying to demolish that building in Iowa asap without bothering to make sure there's no one left inside. they almost killed an old lady who was only rescued last night.

No. 1592080

Yeah, that's what I thought.

No. 1592198

File: 1685467967964.jpg (102.97 KB, 1074x906, andrew wold slumlord.JPG)

Andrew Wold is the slumlord responsible for this tragedy. I wonder what connections he has to get the building slated for demolition while families of missing people protest beside it demanding to know where their relatives are.

No. 1592202

File: 1685468107963.jpg (65.05 KB, 684x451, andrew wold slumlord owner of …)

No. 1592328

>former coworker bought house precovid
>didn’t pay mortgage as he had 3 other people living with him paying rent which was enough for monthly payments and then some
>sold house for double what he bought it for, tenants moved out and him and gf moved in with his parents
>almost two years later and they’re still living with parents because he can’t find a decent house in area for an affordable price
I wonder if it was even worth selling the house for a quick profit.

No. 1592346

Depends on a number of factors. If they made out with a large windfall from the sale and didn't piss it away, they are in a much better position to buy another home but the tradeoff is moving elsewhere and mortgage rates are very high (US). If he hadn't sold, he'd still have his own place with a significant amount paid on the mortgage already and not stuck with the high interest rates. Hard to say what is better because there are pros/cons to either scenario.

No. 1592698

is this a shared BED? and not even a bunk bed? what the actual fuck i would never sleep next to someone who isn't family or a long term friend/partner even if you were paying me. who is PAYING to be subjected to that?

No. 1592992

File: 1685538153298.jpg (548.26 KB, 3564x2673, a6cr2fjq423b1.jpg)

On the left is the most recent permit record for this building as of yesterday, May 29, using the Wayback Archive: https://web.archive.org/web/20230529140403/https://codext.davenportiowa.com/building_permit/detail.php?id=87009033
On the right is the same record using the current link: https://codext.davenportiowa.com/building_permit/detail.php?id=87009033
Between yesterday and today, the most recent inspection on May 25 was changed from a pass to a fail.

No. 1598424

Every time airbnb hosts justify why they should use their property as airbnb instead of long-term rentals so local residents can actually LIVE IN IT, all their reasons come down to
>but I can earn SO MUCH MORE money on airbnb!
>what about my mortgage? what about my interests rates? what about my strata fees? what about my retirement? what about my vacation? what about my quality of life? what about MEEEE? WHAT ABOUT ME??? ME ME ME ME
They have already earned half a million dollars+++ in equity on their property, and now they're complaining they can't get more? FUCK YOU.

No. 1631424

File: 1689133966411.png (542.93 KB, 792x661, strangers.png)

We know how bad child abuse statistics are for step-fathers, now imagine what would happen in this situation, so hopefully this arrangement doesn't become normal. Governments who ignore the housing problem are indirectly condemning people to stay in abusive situations.

No. 1631514

This terrifies me. How media is trying to normalize this as "fun commune! everyone loves eachother! big family!", when in reality it is literally only option for many people going forward. I just wanted to own tiny place away from everyone else. I hate how unrealistic for some is to own their own house, ever. While being forced to rent and pay someone elses morgage.

No. 1631672

I've just accepted that I'll never own property. Even when society collapses, I'll still be a neoserf harvesting gasoline and moisture for my paint chugging warlord.

No. 1631776

I've seen documentaries about communes of 30-50 people and they always shill ot as something positive or back to farming villages or whatever, and I'm horrified by this because you probably have zero privacy in this kind of environment and it sounds like a breeding ground for child abuse.

No. 1631782

>Sounds like a breeding ground for child abuse
That's because it is one. Most cults/groups of people living together in dorm-esque situations have some form of sex abuse going on. If you listen to people who grew up in a place like this online (there used to be some hippie communes back in the day), a lot of them mention some form of abuse.

No. 1711060

File: 1696045564774.png (43.76 KB, 602x267, maid.png)

It's sad that 10% agree (MAID = euthanasia). Any polling question can get a small % of crazy responses but 10% is definitely over the threshold.

No. 1711125

Literally my sister in law kek

No. 1711180

this doesn't surprise me. most realtors are coming to the conclusion no one wants to pay thousands monthly for the most basic home ever, on the other hand a lot of people in the SE are going to be priced out because southern wages will never ever raise

No. 1711181

>you won't have water
there's water hookups on most land, if not you can put in a well
>or a gas station or a grocery store.
what? where are you thinking of where this is reality?

No. 1711182

is this reality? they'd rather literally kill people than instill some sort of affordable housing regulations?

No. 1711239

Yeah at least they should be honest about how for a lot of people they need to do this to afford a roof over their heads. I don't even live in Canada but I'm an Eurofag and even in my country they're shilling community living as this "fun, communal, economical way of living" when in reality you don't get any privacy, you don't have a proper space to call your home and you can't make choices concerning your living space and the people doing it usually had no other choice. I fucking hate how housing has become such a luxury that you have to go to medieval times living quarters, not because labor and materials for building proper apartments isn't available or affordable, but because the companies doing construction work are so fucking greedy they only sell to airbnb hosts and big landlord companies. There should be laws to regulate the market but politicians usually own big shares in housing companies so nobody wants to shoot themselves in the foot.

And not just child/sex abuse, just general emotional abuse is involved a lot in communities and shared housing. I used to share an apartment with strangers and I felt like I was losing all my hair from the stress and never felt safe in my own goddamn home.

No. 1719719

Most undeveloped land does not have "water hookups." There's many places where you legally can't put in a well and your only option is to use a cistern and have water delivered. It's very expensive to live like that.

No. 1741183

File: 1698436671842.mp4 (13.05 MB, diAgOm23z7bU8HGg.mp4)

don't be silly, this is totally healthy and safe.

No. 1795172

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No. 1796170

I believe many of the buildings and homes being built use low-quality materials, have a bad infrastructure, terrible isolation, flimsy roofing, et cetera. Tofu dreg nightmares are spreading everywhere, yet they still expect you to buy that trash for 500k. These companies are so greedy that they can't even use good materials to build homes. In China that seems to be a big problem.

No. 1820857

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No. 1820864

Landlords deserve the rope.

No. 1820867

This is insane. how can there to be no affordable housing globally? Governments have failed their people again

No. 1820959

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No. 1821145

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This reminds me of those communal apartments in soviet union where several families moved in together in a single flat after the owner got sent to Siberia. A room per family and shared kitchen/bathroom.

No. 1821203

This is you get dictatorships, this is what happened in the 1920s, when the economies of all nations were falling apart, liberal democracies were completely in-effective, and so all a populist thug had to do was offer subsidized housing, and people would cheer as they'd become a dictator for life.

No. 1821210

i moved into a condo last year. my decrepit, leaking, old apartment complex that was built in the 70s and in a bad area hiked its rent up to $1700 a month.

my condo, which is beautiful and in a nice area and that i own, costs me $1600 a month. i am so concerned for the young people in my family who i'm sure will be trapped in apartments forever.

No. 1834318

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Between things like vidrel, Zuckerberg and all the other billionaires buying, I'm convinced that the end might actually be coming, like a complete social collapse.

No. 1834349

Anon you really think anyone here wants to watch this ugly fear mongering moid

No. 1834352

This is so true and I'm mad about it. The natural population in my country in shrinking yet I can't buy a house or rent for a reasonable price. Me and many other young people with family who has lived in our area for generations is forced to leave meanwhile outsiders are getting free or cheap houses and replacing us. Actually maddening.

No. 1834457

it's like they are antically substantiating population growth to meet quotas or something

No. 1834468

It's definitely in part because the industry wants workers. From what I heard there's actually several times more imported cheap migrant workers and """expats""" coming into the country (mine anyway) than refugees, but people are pretty silent about that.

No. 1834472

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reposting from a previous thread, but declining birth rates genuinely aren't really substantially harming the quality for a major population or even the nation as a whole; it's just going to decrease the expectation growth of major corporations. That's it. They won't even lose money or stop growing, just decrease slightly. and so they bagger on about these birth rate crises and they want us to be afraid, but it's simply not true. Even at the complete worst, if all of humanity gets reduced to 10% of its size, it will simply grow again in the next few hundred years.

No. 1834528

It will end with 80% being over the age of 60/not working and the young 20% paying retarded tax to keep those over 60 alive and comfortable. We will enter into a horrible life for young adults or euthanasian will be pushed for minor reasons so some burden will be lifted.

No. 1836092

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already happening in japan

No. 1864485

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Can’t even have trailer parks anymore smh. My family owns one in a tourist town and this has almost happened to us a few times.

No. 1867144

Fuck's sake, we can't have anything anymore can we?

No. 1867323

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No. 1871245

I'm getting sick of people complaining about groceries NGL. Like, I spend way less than the "low cost" tier in that Tik Tok and I'm not even poor. There is a startling amount of people in this country who can't cook, eat tons of snacks foods and juices and shit, and are unwilling to bend the knee on anything. Imagine if we got out in a situation where we had to go back to victory gardens. I'm convinced half the population would rather go hungry than grow their own potatoes (which is easy as fuck).
Like fuck I feel bad saying it but so many people in the first world are just total pussies.

No. 1871257

The town I grew up in has the unfortunate combo of being kind of close to things, thus housing is relatively expensive, but is not immediately close to any real industry-so it's better to pay slightly more and not have to drive 80 minutes one way to your job. I'm really curious to see what the demographics will be like in a couple of decades. I imagine most of the homeowners will be 50+ and the only 20-30 somethings will be people who live with their parents and work in the local businesses like the mechanics and whatnot. Absolutely zero young professional potential. There will probably be a few electricians and plumbers doing well though.

No. 1871314

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We need to get back to executing landlords and the extreme wealthy buying up properties to use as airbnbs

No. 1872226

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How bad is the situation of Irish housing market so that a partly demolished house with visible fire damage costs 140k? In the middle of nowhere no less

No. 1872235

Am Irish; it's really bad. Never move here if you're from somewhere else. It's so overpriced, even houses out in the sticks aren't affordable. I wish I was able to move away, staying here I'm basically forced to live with my parents as an adult or live with a bunch of housemates because it's impossible to afford rent alone as a single person unless you have some dream job. I'm not even interested in having a relationship but I'm considering dating around and hoping I find someone I hit it off with just so I can afford to move out (although even a lot of couples who are both working full-time in decent jobs still have to live with their families to save up for a few years before being able to afford their own place so idk)

No. 1872238

It's a shame because Ireland is absolutely lovely landscape-vise and so far I've met only lovely people during my visit here. Do Irish ppl believe things will only keep getting downhill from there, or are there some glimpses of hope it will ever stop?

No. 1872244

You're not paying that for the house, it's for the land (an acre) + planning permission due to the established structure and utilities already in place. The house itself obviously has to be completely rebuilt. I'm not saying the price is reasonable but it's not really the same thing as implying it's the house itself that is valued at 140k kek.

No. 1872245

>I'm considering dating around and hoping I find someone I hit it off with just so I can afford to move out
I have a friend who moved to Ireland a few years ago because it had way more job opportunities than our country for her and she also lives with housemates. She has a bf, they love each other very much and are trying to live together but they can't afford it at all. I don't get how they're not losing their mind like this. Even shitty hotel rooms are overpriced, I wish I knew how horrible it could get when I planned to visit her a few year ago because I love her but it was not worth it.

No. 1872250

I'm in the same position but in Canada so I feel for you nona and it sucks. The only way I'll ever afford a house here is by inheriting my parent's house after they pass away. Like shitty little bungalows in my city are listed at over $1.2 mil—who the fuck can afford this? It's honestly depressing that the only options are A) be a perma-renter and be stuck with roommates if you don't have a partner or B) live at home until our parents die

No. 1872269

I’m in the US and houses that have been abandoned for multiple years and definitely need to be torn down in my area go for $169k-$229k usd on far less land than that listing, which also means it wouldn’t pass inspection for a mortgage, you’d have to buy it outright just to dump hundreds of thousands of dollars into it. The entire real estate market here is just targeted to investors and most of the descriptions of houses for sale specifically talk about its rental potential, how it would be a great house for a savvy investor; and nothing implying the people buying it would be living in it. I live outside one of the most dangerous cities in America, there’s not a lot of pros to living in this area either other than staying within 20-45 minutes from family which we’re kind of tied to as my boyfriend’s mom can’t drive.

No. 1872274

It's been happening, I remember growing up I knew people that lived in trailers for less than 300-400 monthly, all throughout the 2010s mind you, including closer to 2020. You didn't even need section 8 vouchers or anything. Now Bayshore is buying up a lot of trailer parks and requiring lot rent alone to be the same price as rent in most places and then along with the mortgage on the trailer itself, and then they have the nerve to increase lot rent every year while also not offering tenants to move the trailer off the lot. It's so fucking predatory on one of the only ways poor people are capable of having a place of living anymore that isn't an overpriced box apartment with little to no amenities

No. 1872285

But even food that requires very little "cooking" is still pretty cheap. You can get dehydrated potatoes, a can of greens, and maybe sausage for less than 3-4 dollars each and feed the whole house like that. Sure it's not super healthy but cheaper than everyone going to get fast food or other options.

I can sorta see where a lot of people are coming from though, a lot of people work two or three jobs in America while taking care of a house and/or kids and are simply exhausted and don't want to cook something that requires a lot of prep and don't have time for gardening

I also feel like the junk food and soda addictions are connected with the fact a lot of those people work a lot and use quick fixes for energy

No. 1872495

That particular listing isn't appealing to investors. That kind of listing is for rich people who want to live in the countryside and build their dream house from scratch. They're outsiders to the area so they can't get planning permission to build in the countryside without an existing structure.

No. 1874376

do those houses even sell? In my local Zillow at least I see so many overpriced fixer-uppers stay on the market for months or even years on end. A lot of realtors get obsessed with the rich unicorn coming to buy their overpriced piece of trash to turn into a mansion- they all actually believe some rich person will swoop them up and buy their home instead of letting less rich/poorer people buy the homes. It doesn't even make sense because if you sell like 10 crappy homes in a year you're making more money than hoping enough rich unicorns come along, it's especially funny when the area is like bumfuck midwest or something

I see the same happening with cars and crap too. A lot of people are standing around waiting for someone to pay for overpriced bullshit instead of selling to a -poor- person kek

No. 1874423

I just went to an open house last night where the owner was evicted, but before he did, he trashed the house. It's been sold under $200k market value, but it needs to be fixed up. Piece of shit ex owner broke every single door (it's all on hinges) and some of the floors are cracked. There's even a hole in the main bedroom wall, like someone smashed it with a hammer. Moid rage is terrifying.

No. 1874750

not to sound like a zoomer but who would want to live in a house where an abusive moid live? almost all homes like that have a weird energy that lurks around, maybe it's me. I can "feel" if houses homed an abuser

No. 1874841

I think a lot of investors/real-estate speculators are obsessed with this idea that "investment = profit." Sometimes investments go south and you have to sell for a loss: these finance bro types can't handle that. So they'd rather hoard properties or other assets and wait years. It's a problem I've encountered with a lot of people day to day.

No. 1874952

That at least sounds easy to fix and could be paced out (like replace all of the key doors first and do all of the secondary doors in the following months). Sounds like a steal to me unless there is some kind of underlying structural issue like dryrot, fucked well, knob and tube wiring, etc.

No. 1874979

>live at home until our parents die

I think about this alot. I know I'd probably end up having to fight my siblings for the damn house.

No. 1875004

Trailer park nonna here. We recently had a trailer we called “area 51” because a moid abused his girl and she ran away so he trashed the entire trailer. He hoarded, broke shit and It stunk to hell from the amount of garbage inside. I’m honestly shocked we were able to sell as is because you could smell that mf across the street.

No. 1875005

Nope, I’m looking at Zillow right now (I’m >>1872269 and live in the east coast in the US) and there’s a hundred year old 4bd with a basement that’s been for sale/abandoned since September 2022- they’re selling it for $40k more than they bought it, and they’ve never reduced the price on the listing and it’s being sold by a corporation. It’s a waterfront street but not a waterfront lot, and it’s not a very desirable town to live in.

There’s also a house in the town I live in that was bought by a flipper that ran out of money, they completely GUTTED the house so it’s unlivable in a highly desirable area (also 100 years old but has definitely had been renovated sometime in the 60s/70s. I’d wager the flip was due to cosmetics, not structural issues). This is also a 4bdrm with a basement. The flipper bought it in may of 2022, gutted it all in two months, ran out of money and immediately put a gutted unlivable house back on the market for $70k more than he bought a dated, but most likely livable house for. It’s been abandoned and on the market since July of 2022 and the price has only been lowered by $40k- you’re still spending $30k more than he bought the house for for a house with no floors/walls/ceilings.

You should be penalized by law for holding onto properties you do not occupy and are not renter-occupied for several years without a reasonable effort to sell. Those houses in particular stand out to me because I see them every time I’m on Zillow, and the sizes and ages of both houses are comparable- those are houses people should have families in, not sit vacant and become a neighborhood eyesore.

No. 1875010

Same, I want to say since my sister is better off financially than me and is in a relationship she would let me have it cuz I can never see myself getting married but knowing how selfish she can be she'd probably think she's entitled to it. I'm just praying my parents leave it to me in their will because they like me better than her KEK

No. 1875219

Yes they sell pretty well here. Our housing market is fucked but that one is actually a relatively good deal compared to 90% of daft. I have no idea why nonnies think the house is 140k, you're not buying the house, it needs to be rebuilt. You're buying an acre of land in the countryside, which doesn't need planning permission, and has utilities already. It's extremely hard for outsiders to get planning in the countryside (you have to basically live your entire life and have family in the immediate area of where you want to build) so that alone is worth plenty. The person who buys it won't be an investor which is obvious since it's in the middle of fucking nowhere… not sure what some nonnies in this thread are smoking.

No. 1875244

Tbf as an amerifag who’s used to the laxest property laws for rich investors, I wouldn’t have had a clue that building is that stringent in other countries. Of course we have zoning laws here, but nowhere near what you’re describing.

No. 1876105

I assume that a random burned down house 2 hours drive from the nearest place of employment or university is not an investment opportunity no matter where you are from.

No. 1876889

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I honestly don't know what the canadian farmers are worrying about, it's very easy to find a room to rent.

No. 1876890

Canadafags are so unbearable. Everytime Americans bring up the housing market they come on screaming about how it would totally be like 10x as much in Canada as of we're all retarded and Zillow/other popular platforms don't work in Canada
>t.burger who lives near the border and sees their home prices all the time when researching

No. 1927235

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Asking price €350000. Ireland.

No. 1927236

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No. 1927245

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No. 1927248

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Presumably there's a bathroom somewhere. Or are they expected to piss in a bucket in the hallway/kitchen?

No. 1927256

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Have you guys seen the "solarium rooms" that go for rent in Canada? A lot of them are the size of a bedroll

No. 1927277

Insulation must be shit inside that, freezing in winter and scorching hot in summer.

No. 1927401

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Burgers, we need to start eating these slumlords or potentially begin a hunting for sport situation. $400k for a house in Alaska that has been half washed away by a river. “A bit of a fixer upper 1br 1bath” my ass. Look up Riverside Drive Juneau AK, they managed to sell it to either some other poor sucker or it’s one of the billion homes now owned by private equity firms who are ruining everything else in this country.

No. 1927459

Obvious issues aside, am I the only one who thinks calling concrete a "great view" is absolute bs? A view full of greenery has health and happiness benefits that are backed up by science.

No. 1928402

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People on reddit were talking about sleeping in these and how they just delt with the heatwave in the summer

No. 1928647

Does this actually get people? I get housing prices are outrageous now, but there's no hotel/Airbnb with the same price and more amenities?

No. 1932453

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No. 1932612

when the final millennial turns 40 and the entire generation realizes they never had a single decent era in their adult years compared to all those before, they're going to ideologically die and allow whatever insane ideology that offers them the least bit stability and bare necessities to take power.

No. 1932626

As a millenial I genuinely don't know what will happen when boomers are all gone. We will go back to feudal times of a few ultrarich people owning literally everything while we have to live in debt and struggling to make ends meet with no viable prospects besides endless wageslaving. Gen X is even more money hungry than boomers and they made it just in time for affordable housing, college and better job market so it's not like they give a shit about it, they're set for life. I'm in my mid 30's and can't even afford to buy an apartment despite working a well paying job with a degree.

No. 1932629

I guess it just depends on your preferences. A lot of people like city views, it's nice to watch everything go by plus the sunrise/sunset.

No. 1932637

paying 900 monthly to sleep in a closet next to a window for "the view" is insane, you deserve to lose money

No. 1932648

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our options aren't looking great.

No. 1932658

Not to racebait but has anyone else noticed a lot of ultra-wealthy Chinese, Arab, and Indian families purchasing homes and then just leaving them vacant most of the time? I went to college in a city where a lot of international students had wealthy families overseas buying up houses but not living in them. There was this one Chinese guy whose parents in the mainland bought multiple houses in the nearby suburbs and one of his was apparently just used as storage for his multiple cars and motorcycles and he didn't even sleep there. I have a feeling this isn't just a California thing but I don't know

No. 1932659

I don't know about the other two, but wealthy Chinese are moving in droves as the CCP is becoming more and more authoritarian.

No. 1932671

I live in Europe and wealthy Chinese people have been buying up everything around us for the last decade. I know some of these guys own full-size family homes in multiple cities/towns over the country where they spend like 1-2 weeks every few months because they also own some minor shops there.

No. 1932679

Rich Chinese citizens doing this became such a massive scale problem in Australia and Canada (and many other countries) that they put restrictions on foreign property purchases. For example the ownership of all real estate in Vancouver is owned by Chinese buyers. They do this to get their money out of China because their wealth there is fickle, it's both a scheme to invest in a physical property (like a house) but also to secure themselves a living spot in case CCP turns on the flames under their asses. But what it does to locals is drive the housing market prices out of their reach because the nouveau riche ultrawealthy Chinese are willing to pay basically anything for a property that they even barely use, maybe give to their kids once they send them overseas to study at the university but for most of the time it just stands there vacant.

No. 1932684

I'm not sure if this is happening where I am, but I'm noticing a lot of suburban neighborhoods will only have like 3-4 homes occupied on the street, especially newer "modern farmhouse" type neighborhoods. It definitely could be investors or people buying part-time homes but I also feel like the prices they are charging for basic single-family homes just aren't matching up to the consumer they're targeting

I also notice this is the first time in years where I've seen homes basically rot on Zillow. It's not unusual in my area to see listings stay up for almost a year or more. A lot of it is the overpriced cookie cutter homes but a lot of it is realtors trying to overcharge for fixer uppers hoping the rich unicorn will buy it at like 5x price while doing a bunch of work for a home that will barely be worth it

No. 1932690

>what it does to locals is drive the housing market prices out of their reach because the nouveau riche ultrawealthy Chinese are willing to pay basically anything for a property that they even barely use

My fiance's cousin was trying to buy a house in the suburbs (middle class, low-to-medium cost of living area) and someone from China came in and bought it for way over the asking price, if they have enough cash they can just elbow out the competition and it's just pocket change to them.

No. 1932700

I was just speaking generally, not about that specific room. I thought anon was just talking about all city views.

No. 1932701

it's happening with cars too. I go on car auctions and a lot of cheap family cars will go for double asking price, always foreign people too. I've seen like 05 honda minivans that are completely wrecked and need like 10k worth of repairs go for the price of a brand new one + thousands of dollars worth of shipping fees to foreigners ofc.

why are they getting off taking things away from families just to not touch it? how can someone whos supposedly super smart with money think it's a good idea to hoard millions of dollars worth of cheap crap they don't touch? makes no sense

No. 1932713

Samefag to correct myself because I accidentally deleted a part of the sentence
>or example the ownership of all real estate in Vancouver is owned by Chinese buyers.
I meant that THIRD of all real estate, not ALL real estate.

>they have enough cash they can just elbow out the competition and it's just pocket change to them.
Exactly. The rich people in China are so rich they can just buy whatever and it means nothing to them, and of course people selling that real estate are more than happy to make a profit. So the prices soar to the point no working class local can afford them because the market has pushed them out completely.

No. 1932715

yes to chinese and arabs, it's happening in multiple uni cities across the UK right now.

No. 1932750

Not sure about them being vacant, but loads of housing in the UK is owned by Chinese investors. I've seen advertisements for it, one of the selling points was the fact that Brits tend to have low savings, meaning they are likely to rent for most of their life. Bleak.

No. 1932826

I choose pirate sea-steading

No. 1932829

This doesn't seem like it's compliant with fire code…

No. 1932864

What do I get if I submit to the omnipresent Ai goddess?

No. 1933265

>how can someone whos supposedly super smart with money think it's a good idea to hoard millions of dollars worth of cheap crap they don't touch?
investments but with peoples lives. instead of buying stocks go ahead and buy a bunch of houses so that way they become impossible for the regular person to buy, wait for everyone to get super desperate and then sell it double.

No. 1933407

so basically acting like slumlords?

No. 1933541

They're not "super smart with money" they just have a lot of it. When you have enough money you can be literally the most retarded person on earth without ever ending up less rich because money creates more of itself just by existing.

No. 1933586

>rich people will overpay for crappy cheap items they won't use for the sake of taking them away from poor people
poorfags whining about other poorfags has got to be a psychop at this points. how brainwashed do you need to be to completely ignore the fact you're being forced to overpay for necessities thanks to rich hoarding, just for the sake of stroking yourself off about how much smarter you are than other poors?

No. 1933617

NTA but what in the hell are you even sperging about? Did you reply to the wrong post? The anon just said that money attracts money which is a fact. Rich people sustain their riches simply by existing because their wealth is spread around and invested, their money isn't just in their savings account like us regular people. That's why they can be dumb about their money and pay whatever for garbage since for them it's what's a slightly regrettable impulse purchase on Amazon to us.

No. 1933866

I was actually referring to the anon that keeps inserting herself into every situation of someone "overpaying" for apartments, or getting something to eat out once in a blue moon because she had a house for 500 a month with a 3k down payment. She yells at poorfags for choosing to not sleep deprive themselves to keep their house spotless and cook every meal by hand if it means an extra hour or two of sleep, and if your electric bill is over 30 a month she claims youre a dumbass who keeps your lights on 24/7 and 5 at TVs on at once

No. 1933954

I am this anon >>1933541 and I have no idea who you are talking about right now.

No. 1933992

There's been some research that found the 18-35 demographic worldwide has more authoritarian political beliefs than older cohorts. Although I didn't see any historical data so not sure if this is new.

No. 1934178

I was referring to a specific anon who sperges out on threads

No. 1934181

I could see this. I notice a lot of the younger generation overreacts to minor disagreements. At worst boomers will just be mad or insult you, it's zoomers and millennials who want to dox, death threat, stalk and everything else everyone who has wrongthink

No. 1935117

I believe it. Zoomers are the ones cancelling and censoring things that are remotely 'triggering' and doxxing people they don't agree with. They're more aggressive and weirdly puritan than boomers, I swear

No. 2067028

>I'm noticing a lot of suburban neighborhoods will only have like 3-4 homes occupied on the street, especially newer "modern farmhouse" type neighborhoods
It sounds like what happened is an investment group bought up the real estate to squat on and use as an asset to back their debt and make a return later on. I think there needs to be a serious discussion in a lot of countries about the amount of homes a person, or a legal entity like a business, should be allowed to own. It's crazy that certain hedge funds can buy up entire streets just to let the houses rot all so that they can keep the market expensive and make a return on peoples' desperation.

No. 2087679

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i want off this ride

No. 2087756

I know this is old asf, but this is how most of the illegals/general low income people have been living for years. Every time I’m in nyc and I see a young person going into a building alone I imagine their living situation is similar to this.

No. 2087775

Ew, he has a crumb or something at hit right lip corner and I can't pay attention to anything else

No. 2087806

It's inaccurate, if the stuff you bought before isn't in stock anymore or they don't make it it replaces the item with a super expensive version. Stuff hasn't gone up 4x obviously but it's definitely more expensive

No. 2088199

I could believe it, I remember getting ingredients for a fancy dinner at home and thinking anything more than 40 dollars was up there, now 40 gets you like 3 items if you can find clearance meat

No. 2140823

has anyone here in the us bought a house?

No. 2140890

it's disgusting behavior, homes should not be used like investment vehicles like this

No. 2140990

The market will crash soon once investors realize it's no longer worth the money, right now it seems like they're trying "room rentals" instead of just renting the whole property/reselling. Once people get bored of that and no one is going to be paying a million dollars for a basic millennial grey home in the suburbs of meh cities who knows what will happen. With how childish they can be they'll either be forced to sell it for cheaper than what they paid or knock the whole thing down to avoid letting those evil poor people have anything decent

No. 2140992

My big question is what's gonna happen when the Boomers finally die off, in like 20-25 years. Surely a lot of houses will become available, but I'm not sure what the consequences will be.

No. 2141001

A lot of what I'm seeing is that it's just being passed down to other family members or boomers are just selling their homes to downgrade/buy an RV or something before they die. Given, boomers dying and leaving their homes to family will take a lot of potential buyers off the market

No. 2141598

No, it won't. The depressing truth is that land and homes are assets. People said this back in 2005, and prices continued to go up. Home values only decrease if entire populations leave to a more desirable city.

No. 2169620

So my family used to live with my grandparents in their house up until my parents finally bought their own. It is a small older house build in the 50s in a
working class neighborhood. My grandparents bought it in their early 20s by both working regular working class jobs(repairing cars and waitress) The house is small by todays standards(less than 1000 sqft) . Every house is like this in this neighborhood. They were built soon after ww2 and are exactly the same with the exception of paint color maybe. Both of my aunts, or my grandparents kids, lived in that same neighborhood when they moved out as adults because it was affordable. Recently, my aunt died, and her house was resold on the market. It was listed for over 500,000. In a WORKING CLASS NEIGHBORHOOD! For an old ass house less than 1000 sq ft.

No. 2169927

We're already seeing it happen. Boomers are starting to die off.

No. 2170090

Remember: overpopulation isn't real and is actually a Nazi psyop. The planet is infinite and we can put infinite humans on it.

No. 2334453

anyone else here absolutely terrified about what the future holds? My dream is to buy a house to live in to at least have a roof over my head when I'm old. I'm an immigrant so it's not like I can wait to inherit my parents' house (they live in a destroyed country I can't go back to) and I feel so insanely jealous of people who can afford to buy a house or who got help to buy one. I only have 7 years of saving what I could but it's not nearly enough to even make a downpayment. I'll just kill myself eventually

No. 2336909

Calm down nonna. It takes a long time to build a life in another country, you're going to have to adjust your expectations a little. The future hasn't happened yet, you don't know what your financial and personal situations will be like in one year, let alone ten. There are laws coming into effect in some places to stop landlords snapping up properties to rent as Airbnbs, which look like they're doing well and are likely to be implemented in more cities in the next few years. There's pressure on landlords to lower rent since everyone is working from home and moving back in with their parents to save money, I don't think this has affected large towns and cities much but I know it's making a difference in some smaller towns in my country.
Inflation is hitting hard too, very few people have enough for a full grocery shop let alone a down payment on a property they can afford. When the economy stops being so retarded you can go back to saving more money and reach your goals quicker, even if properties cost more on average you'll still be able to afford something.

No. 2339525

Also boomers in the USA are not going to take lowball offers because they know their next place is going to be a nursing home, and private rooms (where your demented drooling 85 year old roommate isnt molesting you in your sleep) costs 10k monthly. So they are going to sell to foreign investors with cash in hand for 10% greater than the asking price.

Gen Z or Gen Alpha will be doomed to rental hell life forever

No. 2339563

I inherited a home I can't afford… but it's cheaper than renting. The one roommate I allowed in my home (at well below market rate, only $400 monthly for a master bed/bath) absolutely wrecked the room, left part of the way through the month because I wouldn't allow her shifty friend to move in who didn't have a job/car and wouldn't be paying rent, and then had the gall to leave shit behind that I LEGALLY am required to haul off at my expense. Fuck this. Fuck that. Fuck everything. I don't want my childhood home to be ruined by stupid fuckers like her, and I don't think it'd be worth it to contract out to a landlord/rental company. I'm stuck.

No. 2339595

You need to stop looking at it like "roommates," because anyone you rent out too isn't going to be your roommate, that's gonna be your tenant. You need to be up front and honest about your expectations when renting rooms in your property. It will save you a lot of headache in the future. You need to also increase the rent that your tenants are required to pay. Asking for rent below the market rate will only attract bums and irresponsible people. Inheriting a house is a really great opportunity to elevate your financial standing, so make sure you do your due diligence.

No. 2340096

Hey anon I agree with the other above anon you need to increase asking price. Look at similar homes in your area and what they are renting for. Take that number and divide it by your sq ft for the bed and bath you’re renting out plus half the sq ft of the common space. That should be your tenant’s rent. If there’s a mortgage on the house you can do something similar but add a little more for taxes etc. make sure you have a lease agreement and clearly layout the terms. How long, how much, and terms. Certain jobs are red flags like serving and bartending. They make more money, but there’s a lot of irresponsibility and substance use. Look for office jobs, receptionists, physician assistants, etc that imply stability. Good luck and I’m sorry your previous tenant did that.

No. 2344383

Go back to Tumblr

No. 2353911

thanks, nonita. I hadn't come to this thread in a while but your comment really makes me feel better. All the best to you

No. 2419303

kek dear god

No. 2422024

Can anyone explain why every home that isn't run down is 1 million dollars or more? I can clearly see that building companies are building mini mansions instead of focusing on building more homes for people of average income. Like legit every home under 650k clearly needs to be fucking torn down and looks like an abandoned crack den.

No. 2422057

I hate to say it but stay off of coastal areas and this won’t be as much of an issue. I moved from WA to a nice city in a blue state and a really nice, newish 3 bd goes for less than $400,000 here. WA, CA, and OR were the worst of it from my experience. Probably New England too, except for NH. Those places are just kind of unlivable unless you have a ton of money or special circumstances.

No. 2422062

Man what. I'm in the midwest.

No. 2425905

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No. 2426006

What blue state?

No. 2463774

Boomers and landlords rather let places rot over selling or renting them for slightly cheaper (enough to still be profitable but just cheaper). And also for a while there was a rise in small towns claiming they're vacation towns, so realtors were trying to convince people that the magic rich unicorn is totally gonna to show up and buy their piece of shit property in nowhere Utah and shocker it stays on the market for years

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