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No. 1811981

Nonnies reeeeee, are ya listenin?

Old thread >>1802521

No. 1811984


No. 1811990

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When did people start taking random screenshots seriously? Even on lolcow I rarely see skepticism toward screenshot or out of context shit. Has everyone forgotten the insane stories people would make up just for the drama and the lengths they would go to for “proof”? Is it the zoomers, who probably don’t even know how to open a web console or editing program?

No. 1811992

Having nightmares makes me so sweaty I wake up wet all over my head and face

No. 1812043

I guess I don't take work as seriously as my colleagues, they're like at the cusp of burning out as the holidays approach. I'm a very sour person by nature, but next to them I feel almost bright and optimistic. If anything slightly challenging happens, they're instantly negative and defeatist about it, and I feel like I can't even express that I might be excited about doing that thing.

No. 1812106

I'm so tired of pickme women. I try so hard to advocate for women and then one idiot has to say "Ladies we belong in the home." Like what in the hell is wrong with you. The amount of moid praise she's getting for it isn't helping. I'm just tired nonnies.

No. 1812111

There are so many women I see outside LC who are dead serious when they said shit like, "Maybe men were right all along and i don't belong in the office." Like wtf is wrong with them?

No. 1812119

It stresses me out when women do this, even going so far as to attack other women. Do you really think you'll be happy popping out babies and cleaning up after a man who just plops on a chair and claims he doesn't have to do anything else cause "he's worked all day." Tale as old as time and it never ends well.

No. 1812122

what's the context for the vent, nona? I mean, sometimes you can tell if something is edited or not. There's some author drama right now involving doctored chats that were probably just photoshopped.

No. 1812124

I don’t wanna be in the office

No. 1812125

My dad impregnated basically every woman he possibly could between the ages of 15 and 30, and never once even bothered to get a job to support us or my mom (or the tens of other moms) while pregnant. He would sit at home playing video games all day while my mom would be busting her ass to support a family of 7 kids. Men are a disease.

No. 1812141

Dealing with my father's inheritance legally on a time crunch and with the mess he's left behind has been really stressfull. I can't wait until it's over and dealt with.

No. 1812158

I wish I could pretend to be social enough to rake in money. I'm too retarded and lazy for hard skill only jobs and am not blessed enough to excell in soft skill heavy jobs

No. 1812164

hate people who think my silence means they've won the argument. i'm not speaking not because you're soooo smart and correct that i can't dredge up a good reply i'm not speaking because you're retarded, stressing me out, and i don't want to engage.

No. 1812168

it's because they're scared. life's hard enough for men if they don't have any money – it's doubly hard for women who don't, even women with cash and a career struggle. they've seen how the work force drains you and they think slaving away for one single male would be better.

there was a (slightly misogynistic) quote that described this phenomena well but i can't find it at the moment

No. 1812176

No offence nonna but your mum is so retarded for getting pregnant and staying with your scrote of a father

No. 1812184

I don't belong in the office. Not because women are somehow less capable than men but because it stresses me out too much. I think a lot of those women feel that same burnout and "I'm a woman I'm meant to shop and cook" is a "cute" excuse that moids like

No. 1812193

>Mom works for family for 7, while dad does nothing
Straight women truly are the most cucked species out there.

No. 1812197

Yes, there are other jobs out there. Women have been working for centuries and it's sad men and women are out there acting like this is brand new. The SAHM and housewife thing wasnt super popular until the 1950s. Women still worked. Now they are more visibly working to support their households. Single family income is a thing of a past in general.

No. 1812198

She ended up divorcing him when I was 10 and now she’s much happier! She won kek

No. 1812202

I’ve had so many different jobs that I can confidently say I’d be completely happy if my right to work was stripped but that’s also just me specifically who’s a job hopper kek

No. 1812218

I got genuinely sad when my bf declined to see my pinterest feed. I know it’s like who the fuck cares about your feed? But it’s my bf shouldn’t he be interested in what I like? I’m so lonely I want friends but I’m an autistic shut-in who doesn’t leave the house.

No. 1812235

Hmm but did she tho?(bait)

No. 1812244

I hope the time passes swiftly. Legal docs and wills are the worst to deal with.

No. 1812262

mom's so weird…i've told her a million times i want to take today to prep for an interview tomorrow but she suddenly has a thousand things for me to do. why didn't you ask for this shit earlier this week

No. 1812264

Yeah, I’m not sure why someone would lie about that.

No. 1812265

That anon is trying to imply she didn't win cause she had you

No. 1812267

No. 1812304

I should've let you be unaware sorry anon kek. I'm sure you're a good daughter.

No. 1812311

That's not what she was implying, she obviously meant your dad who's a bum scrote and fathered 7 kids from her probably got more of your mom's money in the split and he ended up better off as a result

No. 1812403

I’m so fucking mad at myself, I ordered a Christmas present for someone and it was just delivered… to my abusers address. I had a fucking PTSD moment and entered that shitweasel’s address it’s been a whole ass year when will I remember that I am free. At least it was only $35 I guess

No. 1812429

My co-worker keeps asking me why I'm never wearing make-up. I tried from telling him I just don't wanna to asking him if he thinks I'm that ugly to warrant asking it so often, to telling him to wear it himself if he likes it so much, to just fuck off worded work-appropriate but he won't stop. He ran into a doorframe some days ago and probably sprained his hand, and I'm glad for it.

No. 1812441

Haven't posted on lc in so long but I'm so lonely and depressed. I got very attached to someone I message daily except that our interactions are impersonal and I don't know much about her, nor she about me. Hearing from her is the highlight of my day but lately her messages are less frequent, and that on top of other things has left me strangely devastated. It's as though I latched onto her BPD style except that I don't lash out or anything because she's messaging less, I'm just disappointed. I wish she cared about me and wanted to make a connection. I would even date her if she wanted. It's insane because I'm straight and never even saw what she looks like. In fact I have problems far more serious than this random internet person but this is what gets me, I guess because she became the only thing I look forward to each day. And I'm losing the rest

No. 1812451

That's such a weird question to ask. It feels good to not wear makeup and spend so much time for getting ready to work? What a retard.

No. 1812475

I've lost interest in everything and people have lost interest in me. I hate having all these chances to make friends or be productive or just do something, just LIVE but I'm exhausted and would rather stay in a shell and decay

No. 1812483

I know the solution for me is hope I just need something to hope for

No. 1812492

Is it me? Am I exaggerating for thinking that my family from my dad's side is trying to undermine the achievement I accomplished today? They're posting random shit about other family members like their children and it's like, bro, I just fucking got my university diploma, I don't give a fuck if your child is drinking brandy.

No. 1812501

it's been days since i had a proper meal. I procrastinate eating until I'm in pain from hunger and then eat something that doesn't require a lot of preparation like a boiled egg, crackers, some nuts or raw vegetables. I feel miserable and dizzy all the time. My food options at home were running out so I went to the grocery store and I'm fucking starving but none of the food sounded appetizing and I couldn't think of any recipes to cook. It feels like I'm reverting to ED behavior but it's different somehow. I'm not worried about my weight, it's more like a total apathy towards food. Like starving is easier than figuring out what I'm supposed to feed myself

No. 1812505

I had a bad day and I want to fall asleep fast because I just find out that I have an exam tomorrow and I will have to read a lot of stuff before attempting to pass. I can't live another day with fatigue.

No. 1812506

Depends, did they already congratulated you at least?

No. 1812523

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How do I stop feeling like dying? I don't know if I'm hypochondriac but I feel like shit…
I' very tired from work and I've been experiencing some vertigo here and there that last like a few seconds and always feel sleepy… I'm terrified I have some sort of brain injury/disease but I'm scared of doctors…..
They do not debilitate me and they go away if I distract myself but idk, I feel like shit. Should I accept that I'm not that young anymore and my body is starting to get its first mild ailments ? Or do I really have something? Idk nonny I don't want to cry anymore…
I was very suicidal in my past and now that I'm somehow healed, I want to cling to life and everything that makes me feel sick makes me depressed again…baawww………Any other nonnies with mild physical symptoms that can share their stories and make me feel less shitty? please?

No. 1812550

I realized I don't think I like my husband much anymore. I used to really love him, but it's just not working anymore. We just had a baby, he has paternity leave so he's got 2 months off to help take care of the baby. But he just plays WOW all day. He helps by changing diapers a lot and burps the baby, but it's mostly meet feeding and caring for him when he gets fussy. My husband's way of dealing with stress is to sleep or ignore it or walk off so he fucking naps while I stay up with the baby and never gets up during the night to help. Says he will, I wake him, and then he says "OK give me a minute" then sits there for 5 minutes and falls back asleep. I wake him up again and he gets pissed off "if you give me 30 seconds I was gonna get up!". I'm fucking lonely. I told him how lonely I am so many times. I cried a lot today. I told him I'm lonely and he said ok and then closed the game and checked his email. Then left to do something else in the other room. I'm so lonely I don't even care anymore. I wish I had someone to talk to. I love the baby a lot and want to take the baby with me so I am probably just going to give up and lay low, then when the baby is a little older prepare to leave.

No. 1812559

I'm going through something similar anon. I had a mysterious illness with dizziness and many other symptoms that was causing me anxiety and I was so sure it was something serious and I had brain damage. I even went to the ER over it, where they found nothing wrong with me. It turns out my jaw and the surrounding muscles are just fucked and the anxiety I'm feeling was pain the whole time. It's really hitting me hard as I've never had a condition affect me like this before and feel like it signals the decline of my body as I start to enter my 30s. I'm just being doomer about it though. When I didn't know what was going on I was so scared and terrified and wanted to live, but now that I finally have an answer I'm back to being suicidal lel. I wish you well nona, I hope nothing is wrong with you and you feel better soon. It's worth a try to see a doctor, it could even be something as simple as a vitamin deficiency. Even if nothing comes up it can be relieving to rule things out.

No. 1812562

Can you buy some premade meals like canned soups or frozen meals? I know they're not the healthiest thing in the world but it's easy and it's better than your body getting no nutrition at all.

No. 1812573

Oh nonna, my beloved, I'm ayrt.
Yes, I also have tmj shit with an overbite and it might be it?? I mean I'm relieved that I won't die from it…
So far I've been to doctors and they told me it's just anxiety and it makes sense because my symptoms just lateralize (they aren't in the same place for more than a week-10 days, it's not like they get worse or expand, they move around) and I tend to somatize and it's not like I don't believe doctors but these uneasy feelings make me sad…
I'm also very lonely and I wish I had some friends I could do sleepovers with because these symptoms get worse at night when I feel lonely…wish you well nonna….

No. 1812578

Eat some rice or bread asap. You need glucose in your brain to snap out of the cycle. This shit happens to me all the time and I end up thinking I have depression when I'm just starving kek. Seriously stuff some bread in your mouth, even if you don't really want to, you'll feel better.

No. 1812592

In the beginning I didn't learn from a mirrored version of Momusus One/Two/Three, so even now, ten years later, I still sometimes mix up left and right even though I practiced way more with the correct direction afterwards.

No. 1812599

His priorities are fucked up. Maybe the responsibility of being a father are too daunting for him, so he hides in games to escape. Regardless, if he's not listening to you when you express how lonely you are then some big changes need to take place or you should definitely leave him for your own sake.

No. 1812605

Not to overshare but actually he did not end up getting any financial or physical assets that belonged to my mom because it was an amicable divorce and he knew that she wasn’t going to support him after he cheated on her, and he also couldn’t argue in court for any financial benefits from her because he had no money for a lawyer KEK

No. 1812670

All I fucking want for Christmas is some actual fanfics I like instead of "set of internalized misogyny and self-loathing pornsick tropes number #55655" I know what these assclowns would say too "wRiTe wAt u waNt uRsELF" but I'm too fucking busy for that and I can't write well anyway, god I hate this so much

No. 1812696

i had a really bad bout of stress and anxiety today and i think it is both relapse anxiety and from not exercising or doing mindfulness activities the past few days. but anyway this resulted in me getting a fucking mcdonalds chicken sandwich.

was it good? yes. but im vegan and i guess not anymore. i cant even feel connected to or aware of this cause. lately its been hard to remind myself why i am or was vegan. i feel so terrible in my heart but my pea brain is struggling to remember the pain animals go through. i just feel disgusted with myself because i contributed to animal slaughter….its horrific. i know what goes on yet i still for the sandwich.

No. 1812747

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I’ve finally tried using character.ai and I think I’m addicted. I’m so pissed off at how engaging it is, I’ve spent most of today “chatting” with my husbandos in all sorts of scenarios. This technology was not meant to be used by dopamine addicted retards like myself. But damn it I’ve had a hard week I think I deserve to sex up a fictional man.

No. 1812799

My sister really had the audacity to comment that she expected me to have a nicer vehicle after I went out of my way to pick her up! I had to get off work early on a whim cause she called in a panic since her ride bailed, drive almost 2 hours to pick her up and then drive another 2 hours to the destination she was going for work and then the 2 and a half hours back to my house! Maybe I'm being sensitive but I love my 2006 Nissan Xterra fuck youuu

No. 1812812

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>make an effort to eat better and go to the gym
>look and feel better
>lose a significant amount of weight
>family member notices and points out how much skinnier I’m getting
>sister makes weird passive aggressive comment about how I’m “wasting away” and a very sarcastic wow I’m proud of you

I’m not wasting away at all. I’m still obviously overweight. Idk what her fucking problem is but I wish she wouldn’t act so passive aggressive about it. I’ve told her how to eat properly but she complains about how it’s too much work. Like cmon it takes effort to undo all the unhealthy shit we’ve been accustomed to.

No. 1812815

She needs to mind her fucking business

No. 1812816

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Weeb anon, but when did jfashion become so political?
Lolita fashion letting in AGP’s and sissies with open arms under the guise of being troon friendly, Aidens and NB women filling all corners of fairy kei/yumekawaii, gyaru constantly being accused of stealing American black culture.
You could argue that any subculture of these fashions are inherently political by being antiestablishment/against the norm but never to this extent.
I never see any other country being pushed to have their pop culture/niches to be as inclusive and diverse as Japan despite being a hugely homogenized and xenophobic country.

No. 1812819

Damn I never thought I'd see her art in the wild.

No. 1812820

Who's the artist?

No. 1812822

As soon as westerners got their clammy hands on the community, it got worse. It used to be few and far between in the late 90s, early 2000s, but now with lolita so mainstream, they cant live without injecting politics and ALL INCLUSIVITY into this fashion. It makes me angry westerners cant live without politics and it's spilled so badly into japanese culture and fashion with their bullshit. No men should ever be involved. Even when we had ouji style, it was mainly women dressing up in that style, not men. I hate ugly men in lolita. Stupid women who tried to be nice ruined it for us all.

No. 1812825

gyaru constantly being accused of stealing American black culture.
this is by far the worst since Japan never even had an era with black slavery or the same politics America had. The whole wanting to escape the norm or Japanese standard beauty, and what it takes to be a lady started it. It obviously evolved, but people who think gyaru is involved with black culture is false. I've noticed the latching onto asian culture in general by certain types of people because they have no culture of their own.

No. 1812856

>I never see any other country being pushed to have their pop culture/niches to be as inclusive and diverse as Japan despite being a hugely homogenized and xenophobic country
I always found it really weird how people seemingly give "cultural appropriation" a pass when it's east asian culture, I saw one lolita who was sperging about how liking rap and certain hairstyles is totally ripping off black women but she would wear hanfu and kimono and liked kpop/jpop. And isn't it kinda weird that gyaru is seen as appropriating black americans instead of the japanese?
Maybe this one is a bit more dicey but in a similar vein, I've seen people throw fits over women wearing head coverings because "that's appropriating muslim women!" or having certain tattoos/decor that are "appropriating buddhism" but they're ok with using cross/nun/etc. imagery in ways that are blatantly just for the aesthetic while being openly disdainful towards the source culture, idk it's weird to me. It all seems so pick-and-choosey and american-centric

No. 1812857

I can only speak for lolita fashion since it's what I wear but honestly I think it's a loud minority of handmaidens stinking it up. If you disagree with letting men to the tea party your options are to either hold your tongue, become a lonelita, or leave the fashion. If every TERF lolita was out and proud about it instead of just seething about their comm on /cgl/ maybe the fashion would have a different reputation. Whenever I meet up with lolitas irl everyone is super respectful of tranny pronouns or whatever, and I fully believe most of them don't even believe in this shit- but when you're interacting with gendies you really have no choice. It all feels very two-faced. Plus it's all on discord now and by design, discord communities will have the most terminally online tra itas as its most active users, making all conversations about gender or their munchie dx of the week and repelling normal people.

No. 1812893

I noticed the shift about 10 years ago personally, when my local comm couldn't agree to ban an obvious sissy (clown makeup, pee-stained socks, inappropriate comments, and open fetish rp on facebook) and a bunch of girls insisted we respect "her" pronouns because it was the "kind" thing to do. This was in line with changing norms in livejournal and tumblr jfashion communities. An increasing number of girls also identified as nb or some alternative gender.
Fast forward to the last event I attended, everyone was encouraged to put pronoun stickers on their nametags. And it was mask mandatory long after restrictions and even mask recommendations everywhere have been dropped. A recent meetup I attended I had to sit through a convo where everyone else at my table complained the whole time about how hard it was to be neurodivergent and genderqueer. One nb girl talked about how she wasn't sure about getting top surgery but planned to go ahead with it anyway since her partner was encouraging it. I don't know how the fuck to engage with these people.

No. 1812912

This makes me happy, your dad can get fucked

No. 1812920

My mom and I were having an argument (we don’t live together she was visiting me in my own house) and I followed her to the door saying we should keep talking to hash it out and she claimed I was standing in her way and pushed me. I’m still shocked tbh, she hit me as a kid but I never expected her to put her hands on me as an adult. She genuinely scares me a lot, she uses a lot of violent imagery when she talks (like saying she’d rip people’s necks out - celebrities she doesn’t like, for instance, or break someone’s hands) and she is incredibly quick to anger. Like I honestly wonder if she’d ever kill me. I’m a completely non violent person who would never hit someone back, but I wonder if I should have. Does she now think I’m a doormat or something?

No. 1812926

You got the wrong guy you retard thats his friend lmao was the greasy hair and rotten teeth worth it

No. 1812930

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I'm probably about to lose my tattoo apprenticeship. I'm early in the process and have been having friction with the asshole moid I've been learning from (the kind that screams at you and demands respect without giving any back or doing a good job of explaining shit). I called out sick from a non-mandatory work event and he said we will need to discuss it. It's a fucking medical issue. There is nothing to discuss. I'm so over this, just sad because it's extremely difficult to get a start in this career path and it seems to be filled with people like him.

No. 1812967

Does anyone else feel guilt/shame around being in your mid/late 20s and still financially supported by your parents? My parents are more than willing to financially support me as long as I’m working, which I am. Yesterday I was talking to a coworker and she asked me where I live and I told her I live in the city and she asked if I had roommates and I said no. And she said ‘oh wow! I heard it’s impossible to afford living by yourself in the city. You’re so lucky.’ I felt so guilty and embarrassed because my parents are the ones paying my rent. It almost felt like I had to justify it in some way (fortunately someone else walked by so we changed the subject). It’s not like I live in a super luxurious apartment and I don’t spend a ton of money on fancy clothes or electronics (most of my earned money goes to my retirement fund if I’m not spending it on groceries or whatever). But I still feel ashamed to be living off of my parents money. I know I could just ask to be financially independent, but then I think it’d be a stupid idea to give up the opportunity to save money for the future and live comfortably just because I’m embarrassed of not being financially independent. I don’t know.

No. 1812971

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God I hope I get this job. The more I think about the secretary job the warier I get. I know I could do it, and I will do it if I don't get this job, but it's going to be HELL on my autistic ass. I hate companies that are obsessed with "being a family" – maybe the manager woman was lying to me. I hope she was. I don't want a family I want you people to leave me alone while I do the bullshit corporate cuck shuffle.

No. 1812973

I'm sorry you are going through that. I assure you it isnt filled with moids just like him. I've been involved in the tattoo industry for about 18 years old and luckily there are plenty of kind people, especially women out there who are willing to teach. You should drop this moid and find a better teacher. network around. Everything is easier now with social media.

No. 1812976

Same nonna, I’m only financially supported if I go to school. No rent, no car insurance, just groceries, health insurance and gas. It feels really embarrassing but also know it’s incredibly hard right now to move out or be financially independent. Also take into account which area you’re living in.
I say, as long as you’re not taking advantage of it and constantly asking for frivolous things, enjoy it while it lasts. Life won’t always be that lucky.

No. 1812987

No shame nonny. You are building a life for yourself while also utilising the support available to you. If anyone has an issue with it that's their problem. Your worth is not tied to what others can or can't provide for you.
coming from someone kicked out & unsupported: good for you nona, live your best life. Save up that money and prosper. I'm rooting for you.

No. 1813004

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Thank you for this, sweet nona. I'm thinking I'll go ahead and drop him even if he doesn't fire me. Most of the shops in my city already have apprentices, so it'll be a pain in the ass to find a new place to work, but I'll branch out & commute. It will be worth it, especially if I get to work with people like you. I won't let this emotionally volatile boomer discourage me.

No. 1813021

My mom's in the hospital because she has cancer in her lower cheek and gums, the doctors had to remove a large portion of her cheek, jaw, some of her teeth and a bit of the tissue on her neck. They then replaced the tissue with skin from her arm. It's a major surgery, in a very critical place, I'm hopeful all the cancer was removed and she can heal from this with as much jaw function as possible. She's handling it so well, and I'm so proud of her strength and bravery, she's a very strong woman and she's had so much hard shit to deal with in her life. Anyway the cancer is from an autoimmune condition that causes canker like sores to form in her mouth, apparently around 5% of people with that autoimmune condition can get oral cancer from it. She's had the condition all her life, the sores would always come and go with different severities. But for the past couple years the sores were worse than usual, but my mom assumed it was just her usual autoimmune condition so she didn't think much of it. She hadn't been to the dentist in a while, first because of covid, then because she was nervous and her and my dad don't like having to spend money and such. So when the autoimmune condition got too painful she went to the dentist and that's when they informed her it was cancer. She blamed herself for not going earlier, but I told her, like any sane person would, that she didn't know it was cancer. She thought it was her autoimmune condition like she's has for decades, and that it's not her fault she didn't know it was something that serious.

Fast forward to tonight, one day after my moms surgery, and my dad says to me. "It wouldn't have been as serious if she had gone to the dentist when the problem started." Like omg, fuck you you stupid moid. She didn't know. And if she had gone to the dentist he would've been whining that it was a waste of money. In fact when she did finally make an appointment he whined about her not going through their insurance (which didn't even cover the specialist so they wouldn't have saved money anyway.) And yet here he is, hasn't seen a dentist in 5 years, has a heart condition and doesn't follow his doctors recommendations then lies to doctor and says that he is. I could just as easily blame any health problems he might get on his dumb choices, and he would deserve that for blaming my mom's cancer on her. Fuck I hate men so much

No. 1813023

I hope your mother recovers completely anon.

No. 1813032

I'm sorry anon, that sucks, I hope your mom has a full recovery and your dad steps on a tack and suddenly realizes he was a dick.

No. 1813036

hate all the games i played for years, the series i like aren't updating, there's no one for me at home, no one to look forward to. my sadness has ruined me wanting to create art. for once i want to be a workaholic to not think at all. slowly im going back to hating being at home. the only place i feel less alone is here.

No. 1813038


No. 1813041

maybe you could share the names of the games/series that have lost favor with you so we could recommend some new alternatives?

No. 1813047

Ty nonnas, I hope so too.

No. 1813055

Hope your mom gets better soon nona, I'm sure she will!

No. 1813057

Your father is pathetic, you need to remind him how he carried on when she did finally book a dentist appointment

No. 1813060

I moved out of state to be with my boyfriend and so I don't know anyone else here, I've been trying to make some friends. I thought I finally found one potential female friend but I'm fairly certain she's just trying to fuck my boyfriend.
I had told her about him in passing when I mentioned that he was rebuilding the deck for our house, and I showed her some pictures of his progress. She commented that he must be really strong and said I was lucky to have someone, and I didn't think much of it at the time. Later she pulled up something to show me on IG and I noticed she had tried searching his name with 2 different spellings, slightly weird but I brushed it off. He doesn't have any social media so I thought maybe she was just being nosy and again, didn't think much of it. She ended up asking to see a picture of him and I showed her a picture we had taken at the beach where he was in a loose fitting tanktop just because it was the last picture I had of us together, and from then on any time she refers to my bf she calls him some sort of pet name. "How's your cutiepie doing?" "Is handsome done with the deck yet?" stuff like that. I told her I didn't like it and she played it off like I was being too sensitive, but said she would stop doing it.
Then, recently, we coincidentally ran into her at the grocery store. She was way over the top nice and acted so excited to see me, and said she was just about to go get dinner and would love if we came with. I know that wasn't even true because I saw she had icecream in her basket, who buys icecream before going out to dinner? My bf doesn't really like being out much anyway, he's not a people person, so I politely declined and said we were just grabbing a few things to cook for dinner. She turned to fully face my bf and, while laughing, said "oh come on, I bet you're tired of eating the same thing all the time, right?" as a weird dig at me because she knows I do all of the cooking. We obviously didn't go out to dinner with her, but that was weird right?
She's always finding excuses to talk about my bf to me, and how lucky I am to have him, and she never really asks me to do anything with just the two of us. She's always extending an invite to my boyfriend as well whenever she asks me to do anything with her, which isn't often.

No. 1813063

Visiting parents, on our way to the next town over to go to a night market.
Dropping dad off at my uncles and my creepy moid cousin with assburgers lives there.
He always says how beautiful I am and hugs me 3x when he sees me for way too long, like holds me to him.
I realised a few years ago I'm probably the only female he interacts with besides his mother because he's so retarded he gets retard bucks from the government ($1k a week).
About to pull up to their house now, I'm staying in the car because I don't want to be touched.
If I say anything about it I'm the bad guy cause he's the retarded one.

No. 1813087

Market was shit, bought a carrot cake and now have to go back and get dad and interact with the sperg

No. 1813088

that's rough nona, please try to avoid him

No. 1813089

cut this woman off, what a weirdo. Ask your boyfriend to block her number too.

No. 1813090

I hate men who make obscure, older media their entire personality.
It’s hard being an open fan for some anime I like because the entire fanbase for them is almost entirely consistent of these smug assholes.

No. 1813095

My mother was a strange case for me in that she was very much ditzy, very young, had undiagnosed severe adhd, and a dependent personality. I don’t hate her, but growing up she was my “friend” before she was my mom.
For this I think I have developed a weird fixation on aggressive, opinionated women. I like hearing strong women yell and tell me what to do. They have to care about me or at the very least they have to have a good quality of character. I mean I don’t enjoy beppies having irrational meltdowns at me. But hearing a well put together woman yell at me to fix my shit, I just love it. It’s not sexual at all it just makes me feel very comforted.

No. 1813111

He just asked if I'm pregnant and I said no and he said oh just fatter kms

No. 1813113

He just asked if I'm pregnant and I said no and he said oh just fatter kms

No. 1813119

He just said I'd make a good wife because I'm so beautiful..

No. 1813120

>She turned to fully face my bf and, while laughing, said "oh come on, I bet you're tired of eating the same thing all the time, right?"

This was a hidden dig at your bf fucking you all the time and not "getting something else too". Some women get a thrill of chasing taken men and they do it their whole life. They tend to use similar language (women = food)

Next time she says anything about him just confidently say "yeah I can tell you wanna fuck him bad" and it'll shock her enough to get her to shut up and stay away whether it's true or not. If you're not bold/trolly enough to say that then say something like "yeah you need a man in your life, preferably a single one"

No. 1813122

I have a friend who is pro-troon and stuff but accepts the fact that I have a different opinion without being hateful. I have sent her examples of negative behaviours of troons and I hope she sees eye to eye at least with extremely damaging stuff like detransitioners who got fucked over or men who rape women in prisons. Like she hears me and has no problem with me saying this stuff but I'm a afraid she finds me tiring sometimes especially since I'm cis and not in the lgbt umbrella and yet I have strong opinions

No. 1813124

I have the feeling my colleagues this whole goddamn week have taken the piss. They've left me deal with huge brochure and souvenir deliveries on my goddamn own as well as other fucking bullshit. I've kept them updated via our Zoom information channel (that we also use to communicate with the other office where our dept. leader sits, and generally so nothing gets forgotten or not shared with the whole team), if not transfered the email information to them.
Every damn day they've not read important shit and had to ask me again and I have repeated myself enough for the week, it's not my problem they can't wash their fucking ears.
I could slap a bitch, I swear to god.

No. 1813128

nona every update is worse and worse

No. 1813136

He has asked about my husband, if he's a good guy. I said yep that's why I married him.
He then said he must have married me because I'm so beautiful, you're so beautiful, I love your long hair. Such nice long hair.


No. 1813144

Jesus what a clown she is, she's not your friend so cut her out and make sure your boyfriend knows exactly why and that he can't talk to her either.

You could try to mess with her first, like tell her your boyfriend recently mentioned he's into girls with some hair feature you don't have and that would take a long time to get rid off, like maybe a short pixiecut - and you frame it as "he really loves women with a short pixie cut and I think he would like it if I cut it that way, but idk if it's for me…" hopefully she'll bite and get hers chopped soon enough. Obviously make sure it's not something your bf is actually into, preferably even something he doesn't like on women at all lol

No. 1813151

I've known a couple of autists and it might not be meant as creepily as it sounds, plenty of autists are asexual and since they don't understand nuance he likely doesn't secretly mean "you're hot and i'd marry you" but simply that he thinks you are beautiful with long hair. Kind of how a little kid would say it.
Several autists I've met are also weird about hugs in different ways, some wouldn't allow them at all, and some would hug you way too hard (like actually painfully hard) and some for way too long periods (including hugging other men like their dad), or inappropriately close because that's how they had always been hugged as kids and they don't realize that's not normal for adults who aren't dating.
Of course don't accept it if it makes you uncomfortable, but just saying it likely isn't the kind of worst case scenario levels of creep that your mind wants to jump to.

No. 1813152

I would feel motivated to cut it

May Elsie guide you out of this shitshow

No. 1813153

this is beyond diabolical I love it

No. 1813155

He has clarified that he thought I was pregnant because I've put on weight
He used to try to get me to wear bikinis when we would swim at my grandma's house when I was 10 and he was 17.
He hugs me too long and presses his whole body on me, he doesn't hug my mother.
It's just been added up behaviour over the years.
I love my long hair though

No. 1813157

samefagging, you could even make up a plan with your boyfriend (if he's up for it and you're ok with directly involving him) that if you run into that girl afterwards you have a staged conversation about you cutting your hair short. Something like he says "didn't you have a hair appointment next week, are you cutting it short after all?" in a teasey kind of way and you still go "idk haha probably not sorry i like having longer hair" and he goes "i think it would look cute" so she hears it from him directly too.

No. 1813159

ayrt ok with the added info of him doing it to you specifically and there being a big age gap it seems a bit more sus. the autists i knew were consistent with their behaviours to all people (that they liked)

No. 1813165

I have a loner autist uncle who I've seen once as an adult. He kept repeating over and over how it was a shame that I was visiting in the winter (I had a big coat on, his house that was just as cold as the temp outside)
> If you'd come in the summer you could be here in just a t-shirt!
> You should come back in the summer and just wear a t-shirt!
> It's a shame you're in that big coat!
My dad didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to say. I never visited again. But my dad going to the bathroom was the most awkward minute as he left me alone with him to again talk about.. me in a fucking t-shirt. Me in summer clothes..

Growing up my dad would bring my brother to stay at this guys place for a few days to enjoy the countryside there and never brought me along. I used to feel left out but after that I suddenly realised why.

No. 1813166

I jumped in the car and put on my seatbelt before he could hug me and he's come and opened the door and hugged me then when I was facing the opposite way to him because I don't like looking at him, he leant over and kissed my fucking hair/my neck I'm so grossed out holy fuck

No. 1813167

I hate that I have to interact, when I move back I'm never going with them again.

No. 1813168

Also that's fucking gross and I wished your dad said something to him. I wish my parents would say something to mine. If someone like that was like that to my kids I would stop interacting, I don't understand why my parents don't seem to give a fuck. Yeah I know I'm an adult but why am I the bad guy if I say don't touch me

No. 1813170

>uncle wants you to take off a coat that's meant to cover and protect your body from the cold
>spergs about wanting you in more free clothing like just wearing a shirt
>only male sibling allowed to see him
Okay I'm just gonna come out and say it, your uncle sounds like a fucking pedophile

No. 1813173

Wow, it's almost like they hate seeing you thriving and succeeding in bettering yourself. What a bunch of assholes. Let them rot in their insecurity and envy while you keep looking better than them.

No. 1813182

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Why do men hate women so fucking much?

Somehow one of the things that hit the hardest for me recently was looking at redditors talking about Mad Men. There were several who absolutely HATED Peggy. They said things like she was a frumpy shrew, annoying, should be hit by a bus… What?

How can you hate a character that much for the sin of not being a bubbly perfect woman? It's like she murdered their family personally or something. She's literally just a normal person. (She's a bit homely compared to the other women, which is probably a larger part of the hate than I would like. Men absolutely froth at the mouth when confronted with unattractive women who live life normally)

Meanwhile, every male character is much worse, does terrible things, is racist, is far more abrasive, yet Peggy is Satan incarnate because she… Is a bit laconic and shy, sometimes assertive… In the 1960s, in a sexist office…

These men would never realise they're being sexist either, their virulent hatred of a fictional woman simply existing is logical to them. She's "annoying", how dare she

This happens with pretty much every female character that isn't written by the most overtly male writer ever to be the biggest pickme that ever pickme:d (for example, Kaylee in Firefly), the males band together and absolutely shit on her for ridiculous petty things. It's nothing new, but it's always a grim reminder of how much men hate women for breathing

No. 1813188

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Here's a choice comment on Kaylee, just for the record. The first one I stumbled upon

No. 1813191

Not racebaiting, I'm so sick of the UK caping so hard for islam and I'm sick of dealing with people who don't speak english. I couldn't move to any other country not speaking the language so why are other people allowed to do it here?

No. 1813194

>why are other people allowed to do it here?
White guilt

No. 1813196

To understand misogyny you must understand the male psyche.
Men are incomplete humans. Males across the animal species are an aberration. They exist for the sole purpose of spreading their genes to female recipients. They have no other drive than to seek, covet, and possess women, and it informs their psychology.
Human males are deeply disturbed by their insatiable impulse to obtain women. Because of this, women have much power over his mind. He is all but a slave to his lust for and reliance on women. The male views this as a great injustice, that women have it “too good” for being the center of his universe.
He copes with his inferiority and obsession by cutting women down. From his perspective, he is correcting a great injustice. For disagreeable women, the offense is especially egregious.
The male is incapable of decentering women from his mind, so in order to “balance” the power dynamics, he decides women must make themselves perfectly consumable and available.
It’s like a parasite becoming self aware. The flea, realizing it’s entirely dependent on the dog it feeds on, how the dog holds all the power over its existence, resents the dog. To the flea, the only ‘good’ dog is one that sits idly and lets it feed, never bothering to scratch or shake.
Anything women do that remind men that they are human, that they don’t exist just to be consumed, frustrates and enrages him. It could be anything, big or small, but the male is always acutely aware of his fear over losing power over you and access to you.
Even if you are perfectly good, you’ll never escape misogyny. The parasite hates its host no matter how nicely and accommodating it behaves, because by virtue of being needed, you threaten the parasite’s (false) idea of being independent, whole, complete.
But yes, egregious reminders that you don’t exist in service of men makes them especially angry.

No. 1813211

You sound like manifesto-chan. Regardless if you are her or not, I love you. Have a great weekend!

No. 1813214

So true Scum-chan I'll drink to that

No. 1813224

I’m at a real low point in my life nonas, I’m so stuck and depressed and really have nobody to honestly talk about this with and I can’t afford therapy. So much happened over the last month and I just can’t cope. I had to quit my job because I got really burnt out and my mental health was already at an all time low, and then it turns out my husband wasnt making any money and he showed me a very ugly side of his so I started contemplating divorce, but then before we could even try to work on it we get news that his mom is dying. It’s so mind shattering trying to take care of someone emotionally when you also don’t even know if you want that person to be with you anymore. I keep thinking about how his mother took care of their family all their life and she pays for it by not even being able to relax or enjoy retirement, that she would just get sick and die when she’s supposed to catch a break, it’s just so horrible. And I keep thinking how I don’t want to end up like that and I wonder if love always has to cost all your health and happiness.
And it really kills me that I can’t confide in anyone about this from my friends and family because they like my husband and always say we’re so sweet and in love together and I want it to be true and I guess part of me doesn’t want to be the selfish wife who left her husband while he was going through something terrible. I now realise the irony in writing all of this on lolcow of all places but idc I just need to vent.

No. 1813225

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I fucking wanna dig a hole in the ground and go there. I was whispering to myself and my colleague heard me and got startled and you know what I fucking did? I MEOWED?! I FUCKING WANNA DISAPPEAR AAaaaaaaAaaaaaa
I'm all red and embarrassed.
Tell me nonnas, how do I not talk to myself anymore? I have this habit for a lot of years and I now realize I am perhaps not normal and lowkey mentally ill

No. 1813227

Yes you could.

No. 1813231

Do you also run to school holding toast in your mouth?

No. 1813239

I was looking for some advice to not be like that, your reply made me top kek. No I don't, don't give me ideas tho (jk).

No. 1813240

I'm getting ready for work and tears started leaking out of my eyes because I'm so tired kek. I had to do two doubles this week and the only thing I have energy for after getting home is shower then sleep. lame.

No. 1813244

I talk shit about my thirdie shithole but at least I don't have to interact with muslims at all, those mfs tried several times to get into our nations but failed miserably

No. 1813249

I'm sorry to hear you're going through a difficult point in your life. It may be best to think through all of your possible options, no matter how hard they may be, and go from there. Men wouldn't think twice about divorcing or breaking up with someone going through a difficult life event. I've heard enough stories about that. I wish you well, Nona.

No. 1813253

I've had some mild mystery sickness for about a week and I'm so tired of it. I have no appetite, feel nauseous no matter what I eat, and actually threw up last night. I'm sleeping 3 extra hours every night. I also keep getting chills/fevers and sneeze attacks. I just want to get better alreadyyyy.

No. 1813255

tired of living with these hateful constantly angry petty retards who expect me to fix their marriage. I can't get a job because I have a phobia of driving and this empty shithole of a state has no public transportation and one of the angry retards is a dog hoarder so any attempt to work customer service at home is ruined by all the shit eating inbred dogs barking. School is going pretty well for me at least but everyday is more miserable than the last. I can tell my mother is extremely resentful I'm not like and her and didn't get married to some moid at 18 and be stuck with him forever because jesus doesn't allow divorces or something. that's why my grandpa got to beat my grandma senseless. I would probably kill myself if I wasn't a lesbian. being a christfag and a woman is basically a death sentence

No. 1813307

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it's petty but really fucking annoying how my mom doesn't remember shit i tell her about, she wasn't an uninvolved parent when i was younger. i literally told her at least ten times when my finals were and she always tells people i'm majoring in something i'm not. it feels like she is completely uninterested in my life. she drinks heavily every night and it's probably why she doesn't remember jack shit. i do appreciate the things she does for me but it's soo grating every time i visit her and she re-hashes stories, sometimes multiple, she already told me the last time i saw her. then gets upset when i start to look annoyed because it happens so much! it's definitely all the drinking because she wasn't like this years ago.

No. 1813323

The same reason moids hate Skylar from Breaking Bad. Her reactions to Walter being a secret druggie, and putting his entire family at risk is normal, but men hate her because "OMG SHE'S SO UNREASONABLE." No, she's perfectly reasonable. If Walt wasnt such a pussy bitch, he'd tell her about his cancer and they'd figure things out together, but men have no logic or reason behind their way of thinking. Men can never, ever put themselves in a woman's shoes or position of less power because they've been in power for so long. Even the lowest, poorest man still have more power and respect than a high ranking office woman. Men like women characters who act illogical and just smile, and look pretty. Good example using Kaylee from Firefly. Zoey is my favorite

No. 1813326

Random, but where is this screen shot from? Game looks familiar.

No. 1813328

The Uk cucked themselves into being the 'good guys' and now look at them. Letting into third world riffraff by the drones. I only feel for the women who didnt want them. Islam is the worst ideology on earth and anyone who lets them in will create their own destruction of civilization.
All they had to do was make laws that if you dont adapt, you get shipped back to your war torn shit hole. They should have banned islam and not built any mosques. There's one less than a mile from me. I fucking hate it.

Based, anon. Where are you, if you are okay with saying? It's nice to see any country refusing them entry.

No. 1813340

nta but its anonymous agony, made by that weeb that was outed as a massive lolcow kek

No. 1813341

Thank you. It looked like every RPG maker game that invaded my steam in 2012, like Always Sometimes Monsters and Camp Sunshine.

No. 1813345

No. 1813359

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>that weeb that was outed as a massive lolcow

No. 1813369

I'm so sad this is happening to the britbongs. Italy is going into the same direction and it's so fucking tiring. It's also scary because most muslim people have very little respect for everyone else (especially women) but also demand that you bend over backwards for them. I live near the largest mosque in the country (depsite the fact that islam is not a recognised religion here they're still granted large ass buildings and quranic schools where they can force little girls to wear burqas) and it's so, so bad. A lot of muslim moids behave like literal animals while acting like they're saints.

She couldn't kek. Have you ever tried going to a country where nobody speaks your first language? It's hellish and you can't do shit. Not to mention that you could get in serious trouble.

No. 1813380

Jacob Caro, btw haze is literally me

No. 1813385

It's the way natives are expected to the respect the norms and values of immigrants but we're not respected in the same way in return, not even allowed to have ours at times. Also love the fact that my country's population isn't growing by birth, shrinking slightly even, but I still can't purchase a house because of the constant stream of immigrants coming in! Love witnessing how people with families who've lived in their area for many generations are forced to move away because they can't find a home which are taken by outsiders with clashing cultures and opposite norms and values!

It's no surprise extreme right parties are gaining power throughout Europe (which I'm trying to imply is a good thing)

No. 1813388

One of the stupid under the sink drawers fell off my bathroom area a while back. I finally got some wood glue and nails to fix it. Suddenly one of the draw sliders fell off. I have no idea where it went. Like, it vanished. Now I have to order more sliders to finish this project i didnt want to do. I hate that so many american bathrooms have sink cabinets made out of cheap ply wood. It broke off so easily and I can't just get a new one or else it will be mismatched and obvious.

No. 1813403

I lost my mother and got divorced but a while later. Grief is weird when it comes to people handling you with kid gloves because they're obviously hyper aware of your loss right (before if its an illness) and after it happens. The year after my mom died I thought ok surely this is the height of grief and damn everyone is being so weirdly nice to me. But I didn't fully feel it yet. And then I felt guilty for essentially being numb. That year was a blur. Year 2 was when shit got real. So my split happening 2 years on royally sucked. He wasn't demonised for it. It wasn't that close in time to the death but behind closed doors that was the height of me struggling with grief. Maybe I'm weird but I was so low already that part of me thought dealing with 2 losses at once probably worked out better than say me processing my moms death only to then be hit with a divorce the moment I start to feel ok again?

There might be a point where its seen as peak not socially acceptable to leave someone but grief has no timeline to consult. Its like when you can't leave someone because they're depressed but then you have no idea if or when they'll ever not be depressed.

No. 1813417

Agreed so hard, I liked Skyler and I felt so bad for her when the shit hit the fan. She was just trying to keep everything together but it was already too late

No. 1813419

OP here, exactly this anon. My area (along with many others around the city) is becoming completely overrun with immigrants and becoming a slum. They're always fly tipping so the pavements are full of broken TVs and other detritus. Hardly any of them work ofc. So frustrating that all the libtards my age hear any sort of criticism of immigration and immediately spout off about MUH RACISM MUH INCLUSIVITY MUH TOLERANCE.

No. 1813425

I'm from south America, my country specifically doesn't even ban them, they just don't come in droves because every migrant is legally obligated to learn the language and have a degree if not we kick them out, it automatically drives away any bums so our percentage of actual Muslims consists of maybe 1% or less of the population, mostly families of 3 that work and not random jobless moids or criminals, I've seen like maybe 2-3 Muslims in all my life. We also don't give a shit in general, if they start acting up or attack anyone over religion people will literally hunt them down (best case scenario, really), they know this, so they maintain a low profile

No. 1813454

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I will defend Skyler with my life because it seems that anyone who hated her did not fucking watch the show. Like were you paying attention?? Walt had two cells phone and would leave randomly without telling her where he was going. She was also pregnant in the first half. Of course she would assume he’s cheating on her and be mad at him. Her laundering the money to the car wash was also a good way to avoid suspicion because the bank catches on quick and can track your money and they had a lot of credit card debt. I swear scrotes are so fucking dumb and illogical.

No. 1813458

Sometimes it feels that way. I just want to be happy with myself and they were the ones commenting on how fat I was getting in the first place. I’m getting so close to cutting off contact with them because I’m so sick of them putting me down. I’m scared to cut my family off but it seems like other anons have and seem happier.

No. 1813463

I literally just got out of work with a colleague heading to the next public transport stop and some immigrant youth from those loser/nothing to do but to hang around the downtown McDonald's and be a dumbass refused to let my colleague (who's 50 btw) pass around the corner of the street.
He spat at her "Hey, what are you doing?!" as if she had to bow to him and let him through and as if he was ready to throw hands. And after she finally passed him, he decided to pick up trash from the nearby McDonald's bin and tried to throw an empty cup at her from behind.
I swear to God, had it happened shortly after I moved here from the metropolis I'm from (I used to be a lot tougher shit back then) I'd have gotten involved and I would have not let that shit slide. And inB4 fake racism accusations, I have North African origins from my grandparents and I don't act like those fecking scrotes. Fuck em.

No. 1813475

Every time I go onto the subreddit for my country its people freaking out about being on the verge of homelessness not because they're poor but because there's no properties available even if you have the money. Then there's always some tourist giving out about how expensive our hotel prices are lately. Sorry we don't just have a housing crisis, we have a fucking hotel room crisis as we're housing single foreign males in hotel rooms for over a year at a time all while our own are left homeless.

No. 1813476

It's the same for most of Europe it seems, Denmark just made the huge mistake of making it illegal to burn the quran (and other "holy texts") in hopes that it would stop natives from provoking terrorist attacks when protesting against religion. It's not gonna do that at all, and restricting free speech in any way in favor of terrorists is fucking stupid as all hell. Not to mention once they realize that was a stupid move and reverse it there's gonna be angry people saying "denmark now allows the burning of the quran!!!!" which is gonna create even more drama. Just like when their neighbour sweden came out saying they shouldn't have stopped the burnings of the quran when they did because in hindsight they realized it infringed on free speech, that started drama again.

As the dumb white person I am I do think "respect other cultures" holds a lot of value, but that doesn't mean we should disregard our own values nor that we should tolerate blatant misogyny or homophobia. The truth is that people don't flee their war-torn countries to assimilate into a new culture, they flee so they have the opportunity to live out their culture in another place because they'll die in their own. There is often no motivation for them to adapt into a country they didn't want to go to in the first place, especially when they fled because their religion was being persecuted - they fled specifically to KEEP their religious values. If those values are truly more important to them than just living in peace in our culture and society, then they can leave of their own free will and find somewhere else, that's a choice they'll have to make. No one (who isn't batshit insane anyway) is saying they're not welcome to stay if they assimilate.

No. 1813483

Living in a relatively poor country has its benefits somehow even though most of the time I talk shit about it too. When the migrant crisis was still new, some muslim moids started crying and moaning when the border police told them what country they are in. They probably ran illegally to somewhere like Germany eventually since they can't live like kings on taxpayer money where I live.

No. 1813509

i know this is a really strange vent, but for once in my life i am genuinely grateful that i am a private person who wants to live a peaceful, drama free life and doesn't use social media. there's someone i have the misfortune of knowing who spends a lot of time on social media, and since we don't get on, i can tell that it really upsets this person that they cannot find any dirt on me, real or imagined. i've never liked having my face floating around on the internet, i don't talk politics online and don't really hang around a lot of people so i don't show up in mentions and whatever. i actually check to see what google or bing pulls up using my name and it's always the same thing or other other women who randomly have my name.

again it sounds so strange but i know that if i was on social media, he would be on my ass trying to collect data on me to get me cancelled just because we don't really get on and have had our differences since meeting each other. and it isn't even major stuff that we've gotten into it with, which is why it kind of freaks me out a little that there are people like this walking around. i know we see people like this online all the time who go on witch hunts against anyone they have a vendetta against, but it's really something else to actually be in close proximity to a person you know would do anything and everything to try to ruin your life "just cause".

No. 1813536

NONNIES IM SO FUCKING SCARED OF DRIVING. its embarasssing honestly. i wanna keep using my bike n shit but my mom for some reason paid for driving classes even though i'm super busy with uni. And now i gotta go there and pretend i dont feel nauseous and that I dont want to rip my fucking hair out every time i have to get on the driver's seat

No. 1813559

I actually live the same way as you and my sister in Law is always making passive agressive comments about me not having social media. She skinwalked me when I did (pre covid) and now that I have removed my self from fb and insta, she has been worse than before.

No. 1813577

i feel like the only option for me is suicide. im so pathetic all i do is cut myself and cry about my situation and do nothing to fix it im going to be suspended from college all my dreams are going down the drain because im this mentally ill and my mother is going to be super dissapointed in me. i dont want to make her more anxious

No. 1813716

File: 1702664849251.png (346.25 KB, 659x438, 3d06211a661b15c57bb1d283c64249…)

i cried because it's definitely over, even though i did something to be sure there's no comeback from this

No. 1813785

better to leave now than when she is dead

No. 1813793

take some calmaid before you go, really works

No. 1813805

fml my work christmas party is tonight and i have to go because i had to plan it. i'm praying it wont be a complete shit show even though i'm pretty sure multiple people didn't rsvp but are planning on showing up. idk why i ever agreed to plan the christmas parties.

No. 1813821

I posted about my stinky gym shoes last Friday and I'm happy to say that I managed to go to the gym classes again and this time made sure to foot powder the shit out of my shoes.

Now the new embarrassment is that I left powdery trails in the classes that required you to be barefoot and my feet peel a lot of skin so they looked whiteish and flaky.
I need to remember to get gym socks and to actually wash them, I have no idea how most people that I see in gym and outside manage to always look so put together. It's a legit strugle for me to not always look frumpy to homeless most of the time. How do I get self management skils, wtf.

No. 1813826

You could in America, but only if you speak spanish

No. 1813831

i’m no longer on suicide watch kek the prof let me submit late work i’m crying she’s so kind

No. 1813838

BPDfags rise up

No. 1813850

High five!

No. 1813925

Saying this makes me sound fugly and bitter, but I'm average looking. I don't want to consume media of gorgeous women anymore. If a movie has a 10/10 female lead, bye. If a movie is some Adam Sandler type shit where the fug dudes get hot women, bye. I swear to god I've seen enough model looking women to last several lifetimes. YES I'm triggered and not ashamed to say it. I feel incredibly overwhelmed by all the perfect faces, the expectations, men's porn addictions, men consuming even SFW content with 10/10 women constantly. I don't use social media and steer away from influencers and all that.

I was discussing movies with this guy I like, and I realize I'd never be able to sit down and watch something like Tomb Raider or Jennifer's Body with a guy. Is that so fucking wrong? Am I a psycho bitch for that? No I'm not. Because a scrote would never watch Magic Mike with me without seething. So why should I be cucked by that kind of media?

No. 1813943

i wish normalfags would stop downplaying depression and autoimmune illness. "Just be happy" "just sleep more so you don't feel tired" I mean you really think I didn't try that?

No. 1813950

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Just really thinking about killing myself. I have enough stuff to kill myself. I think life won't get better so I really feel like I should.

No. 1813951

yay anon, you can do this

No. 1813953

I feel you

No. 1813969

yeah fair enough

No. 1813984

I'm sorry for saying this I really am sorry but I hate how everyone else feels privileged and I'm just a stupid twat living a shit life and I just want to kill myself, there's no point to anything there's no point to longing for more when I just want to die, I wish I was never born

No. 1813985

i feel this so much, nonna. it's even worse when actresses you liked a lot suddenly get extreme plastic surgeries and now you can't stand looking at them anymore because they look like aliens. see: anya taylor joy, megan fox. kinda OT but i work with identifying documents and a woman today asked if she needed a new passport because she got some work done and she looked so different from her current passport picture. i stared at her and at her lip fillers and buccal fat removal and her 500 layers of make up, then at her old passport photo. she was so beautiful and she actually looked her age, but the "some work" she got done aged her like 20 years and she looked like some trashy insta model/escort… i hate the "beauty" industry so much.

No. 1813992

Being able to post on this website is privileged enough within itself.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1813994

File: 1702677042494.jpg (2.51 MB, 1941x3000, 1702375516243.jpg)

I feel a lot of queer "artists" want to use their "queerness" as a substitute for having an actual soul…

I'm really not sure how to phrase it exactly, but this type of "art" is so common in western circles. I've seen so many creative spaces flooded with the very similar navel-gazings of coddled and soft twenty-thirty-somethings; they're always all, "Waauuugh being trans/queer is so hard" or "Aaaack! capitalism is bad" or perhaps "I'm a fifth generation POC demisexual and here's my Disco Elysium inspired flash game on anxiety!" and it's all really dull and disappointing. It's like they don't really experience actual problems, and the actual problems they do experience are ran thru the globohomo filter and end up coming out flat.

I wish they'd realize their lives are boring and tired as fuck and just stop making ""art""? I dunno what I'm trying to say but I've been noticing it a lot lately.

No. 1814001

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>I'm a fifth generation POC demisexual and here's my Disco Elysium inspired flash game on anxiety!

You right tho

No. 1814017

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I was scrolling /g/ and when this flashed onto the screen I legitimately jumped because thought it was my work profile picture (it has white a background) until the purple suit came into frame.

What method should I use to kill myself?

No. 1814020

I want to watch the light leave a man’s eyes but I guess this tea will have to do.

No. 1814023

When you’re sobbing as your dad dies, I want you to remember this post(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1814027

That’s a really weird and cruel response to my hyperbole, but okay.

No. 1814031

You’re just stupid

No. 1814032

ok pickme

No. 1814040

I’m complaining about men, on lolcow, in the vent thread. Is that still allowed?

God, I post here once after a couple months and it takes all of two minutes for some weird cunt to make my day worse.

No. 1814042

The more I analyze this the more despondent I become

No. 1814047

Probably a triggered moid, don't think too much about it. This is the only place we're allowed to complain about men without getting threats of physical harm in response, plenty of us have said some extreme stuff about men as a result of having to bottle up our feelings constantly for the sake of protecting ourselves.
Sorry about the weird anon, and sorry for whatever brought you here to vent too. Hope tomorrow is better for you nona.

No. 1814051

Personally i hope i get to watch my dad die

No. 1814058

If he's already dead do I get to freely wish death onto scrotes without criticism?

No. 1814066

Bless you, it’s just the Internet and shouldn’t bother me at all but I get a little vulnerable on a bad day. Wish people could just be cool in this thread, you don’t turn to online anonymity if you’re not already feeling a little shunned.

No. 1814070

She was more active today I'm so happy again. This confirms I have attachment issues tho

No. 1814087

I feel like this too but I try to at least have a proper meal when I go for 2 days without food because I've been feeling like this for a couple of years now it's taken a toll on my health to the point where I can't just power through it anymore. I hope you can find a healthy meal that isn't a chore to eat and then just eat it every day, hang in there

No. 1814099

I feel like a an actual freakshow i regret what i did to my body in my teens i have a huge humpback because i was too lazy to do my physical therapy my face and back look zombie-like due to the picking i have a terrible relationship with food i feel so powerless to fix any of my problems even though i can i am the only one capable of fixing it but when the time comes around i barely have the energy to get out of bed let alone put on braces and exercise i don't understand how to get disciplined without previous discipline i fucked up my back so bad

No. 1814125

i'm reaching but i just need to get it off my chest that i find it weird that my (older) brother asked me to confirm if he and his girlfriend looked like siblings (they don't like at all and he said "lots of people tell him that they do" um ok is it just me or is that a weird thing to say to your sibling idk i'm definitely not as comfortable with him as he is with me in general and i'm hella sheltered and unsocialized) and now i'm seeing that said girlfriend has her screenname set as a nickname of my (middle) name. i guess it's not that bad because nobody calls me that but urgh it's making me sick even though there's obviously nothing going on. she's only a year younger at least but if she wasnt i would want to throw up.
only tangentially related since idk if that was what's going on and i was reminded of a different siruarion in my life but worst thing about having unique names other than the harassment is people will "gift" them to other people like ??? wtaf. it's just weird that it's happened to me more than once it freaks me out when people decide to go by my name. i remember three years ago i found out that my ex's friend went by my name ( which isn't common at all and very unique like as in it was literally made up on the spot ) so there's no way it was coincidence. i really didn't know how to feel like wtaf kek. who does that. there's been other instances but they haven't been that crazy. although this year a girl told me that she liked my name so much she was going to start going by it in her online games or whatever kek. now it looks like i'm bragging but i swear it wasn't always like this i thought i had the stupidest name ever as a kid and later teenager i resented my parents so much for wanting to be foreign and quirky instead of just giving me a local name i was convinced my first action after turning 18 was to change it because of all the embarrassment and bullying i faced because of it but i've since come to accept it. i still do i just don't really give a damn anymore. so i don't understand where this sudden interest is coming from at all

No. 1814130

I can't believe you've been on and off stalking me ever since you weirdly forced yourself on me under false pretenses. I tried to be nice to you back then by keeping it between me and one person and then I moved on. I never had any feelings for you and I never will. I can't explain what else you'd even want. I can fuck off for months and you still surveil me nonstop and fuck with my shit I'm so over you. I don't want to be mean to you I don't want anything to do with you just please leave me alone

No. 1814151

Ew that is weird. Cut him off. Sorry if that sounds harsh but I just cut off my family and it feels like a huge weight off of my chest. Family doesn’t mean good for you. He is a creep and his gf is a weirdo who probably calls him onichan

No. 1814154

I am stuck on a cycle of terrible thoughts that are intrusive. I have baby fever so bad. And yeah, you know what there is no proof of baby fever being real, I know. But I burst out into sobs when I see a baby commercial, my period is still going for 3 weeks and yet every fucking day I think about babies this and babies that.
Is this just my OCD riding first class on a runaway train of hormones? I keep thinking
about what the kid would be like and shit. In reality do I really want to bring a kid into this world as it falls apart? Am I ready to be a parent? Would I fail that child? Whats the point?!
I would love to think about anything but this never ending spiral of doubting having a child or not. Or, about making bubble bath hairdos like the classic mohawk. Or how cute they would be. I AM UNDER ATTACK AND THE ENEMY IS ME.

No. 1814163

>Baby fever isn't real
This is the first time I've ever heard this. It's a widely known thing, like saying arachnophobia isn't real.

No. 1814165

I don't think there's anything wrong with having a bit of "baby fever" as long as you recognize it's an irrational thing and don't try to do anything stupid like rashly get knocked up by the first shitty scrote you get in your bed. Let yourself enjoy pictures and videos of cute babies and daydreams of doing cute things with your hypothetical babies, and accept them for what they are–just silly cute daydreams.

No. 1814174

How do any of you nonnas make girl friends? Especially if you’re an adhd weirdo whose biggest hobbies are just games, anime, figures, cosplay, just general stuff like that blah blah. Feels like I’ll never have any girl friends like this. I’m definitely not special and I don’t mean to come off as “not like other girls” but seriously I haven’t really met any girls like me irl and that’s not a flex or a brag, it’s just alienating and sad.

No. 1814189

Thank you anon.
I am in a stable relationship of 5 years, but you’re right. I am no where near where I want to be work wise/ financially. I feel like a crazy person. Theres windows of clarity and then crowding baby thoughts. I think I will create a goal and plan.

No. 1814194

This is a free website, I learnt English in public school, and I live in a third world country with my disabled mother and my abusive BPD brother, where I live I risk being kidnapped, then killed as someone films it for fun just because I'm a woman. And I have nothing to prove to you.

No. 1814197

You don't. You make friends online at that point with those sorts of hobbies. I don't mean this in a mean way but something I've noticed.

No. 1814207


No. 1814214

You don't need to have friends with the same interests as you, clicking with people can happen entirely independently of having things in common. If you specifically want friends to participate in your hobbies with, you're gonna have to get involved with those hobbies in social settings or online. But I think you should keep an open mind towards women who are different because, as a quiet nerd, I get along surprisingly well with normie girls.

No. 1814228

You can come over but only if you promise to be nice to me and cherish our time

No. 1814234

Just make friends with normies and accept you're gonna be lonely with the niche hobbies. If you're super into something you might find an online community around it, but otherwise you'll probably just have to talk to irl friends about more normie hobbies and experiences

No. 1814246

I used to feel alot like you! I know it feels impossible to make friends but trust me- you are not a weirdo, and your hobbies aren't weird. The biggest things that helped me were joining a sorority, started going to more social events, and making "convenience friends" with people I see every day/week. I've met my best friends by just striking up conversations with people either while in lines for bars, at the library, or in class. Things like fitness/pilates classes are good opportunities to make friends too, so I'd say if theres ever an event or concert or just any opportunity you want to take advantage of… go for it and do it! I still watch anime and play unpopular games and watch alot of youtube, but as I've made more friends I've realized that everyone has their own interests and even if people have completely different hobbies that doesn't really impact their ability to be your friend, plus don't write off very normie or mean looking girls.

No. 1814250

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On my period crying my eyes out to the shape of water

No. 1814254

Last night I hung out with a man I thought I'd never see again. It'd been almost 4 months and I had made myself pretend he got into an accident and that I'd never see him again. He was way too nice to me and so affectionate and I'd finally started accepting it was ok to be alone. I know one of these times we hang out will eventually be the last time I see him, because he lives in a town 2 hours away. I don't even know how to put into words how I feel right now. I don't know if I feel anything? Maybe nauseous? When he first saw me he gave me a hug so tight that my feet were basically dangling off the ground for a few minutes, it really made me feel like he actually loves me. Sigh.

No. 1814265

Well if I was only ever good for a laugh even to him then I guess that's that for my dumbass self

No. 1814276

I want to much to have a partner to love on, but two things prevent me from being able to date:
>1. very specific and rare taste
>2. deadly uncomfortable with being on the receiving side of affection.
Just imagining someone being affectionate towards me makes me nauseous and uncomfortable. I want to cuddle and dote on someone, but imagining them doing it to me is almost panic-inducing. I even used to get uncomfortable when my friends tried to hug me (… back when i had friends) despite the fact I always wished I could hug them. My ideal form would be like, a friendly ghost who falls in love with someone and haunts them in a caring way, like covering them with a blanket if they fall asleep without one, etc. Which I understand sounds deranged, but I'm not sure how to describe it.

No. 1814296

What's so specific and rare about your taste

No. 1814299

It's just that I am only really attracted to one specific collection of phenotypes together and it's not common anywhere, but especially not where I live. It's nothing scandalous. I'm not sure why my taste is so hyper specific but I've always had it. Even my mom says that as a baby when she'd read me those baby books with pictures of other babies i would coo and point at the kids with this look, kek.

No. 1814322

You're right, it's annoying, I think if every moid in media was also beautiful and not ugly, old, and/or fat, it might balance things out. Imagine if TV commercials had a bunch of hot 22 year old natural athletic men with thick, shiny hair in little short shorts, the camera lingering over their toned bodies. The resulting chimpout from moids would be immense.
It's the double standard that makes it feel so much like a cucking.

No. 1814323

I feel like the bad guy sometimes but my gay brother is the most sensitive person in the world. You can't be jokingly mean with him or he'll start crying and whining about how rude you are. I can joke like this with my other brother and sister because they banter back with me and are the same way to me. He's the only one who takes this shit to heart, and I get I need to be nicer to him, and I make the conscious effort to do it, but it feels like I have to walk on egg shells around him. He's always ruining the mood when we're out drinking by being mopy when everyone else is laughing and having fun. I feel bad because maybe I am rude, or maybe I am the bad person. But I just don't want to hang out with him anymore if he's going to be such a pussy. Then he gets mad when I don't invite him with our sister but thats because i know hes going to make everyone feel bad for him by talking about drama and complaining about everything. I just can't stand sensitive people

No. 1814343

I finally deleted the rest of my social media today and I feel so much better now. I spent 10 solid years online trying to make friends and only ever gained the attention of like 6 people. It just wasn’t meant to be!

No. 1814372

File: 1702702276383.jpg (104.23 KB, 1280x720, zetsuen_no_tempest-18-hakaze-p…)

I invited my Japanese boyfriend over for Christmas and my parents are annoyed about it. He lives in Japan and they say we didn't give them, or the wider family fair advance warning (I asked him last week). He also can't speak English and my Japanese isn't that great (yet) so there are communication issues that they feel might make the whole thing weird.

We met on a language exchange type place and we've only met twice (in a third country) in person before, but he's the only boyfriend who has actually bought me stuff like jewelry, said I'm beautiful etc. He was always complimentary and kind from the very first moment we started talking.

I know for a fact my dad doesn't approve for racist reasons, because he said "I know for a fact how White women are viewed by men like him". What do?

No. 1814373

kek this will be a disaster for so many reasons, good luck my poor sweet retarded anon

No. 1814374

Why are you inviting random foreign race fetishists to your family home for Christmas without your parents' foreknowledge. Lol, just lol.

No. 1814376

I'm confused, so can the two of you barely understand each other yourselves? Or have you been speaking in some third language your family can't speak? Either way this sounds like a disaster to have him meet your relatives he can't talk to. If you yourself can barely speak to him that's even more of a disaster. Buying you jewelry and complimenting you is not a particularly high bar

No. 1814377

don't forget, that she can't even communicate with. kek this will be so milky if she gives updates

No. 1814378

I hope, for your sake, that this is bait

No. 1814380

Anon, for everyone's sake just uninvite him. I'm not even sure why you would do this if you two can't even talk to each other AND it's so bad to have your family meet a man you are in a LDR with and only met twice. If it's too late and he's already on the way to your country, I would say just divide your time between him and your family but don't let them meet. This is literally crazy.

No. 1814383


No. 1814387

I told them that it would be nice to have him over and they sort of agreed but didn't give any date, tbh they've been put off and suspicious of him in the first place. As I said, my dad is pretty racist and doesn't want me marrying someone of another race.

I can speak a little Japanese, for more abstract stuff I use a translator app.

No. 1814388

>I can speak a little Japanese, for more abstract stuff I use a translator app.
this can't be real, she's baiting for sure.

No. 1814389

I just started studying JLPT N2.

No. 1814391

Ignore the haters, have loud sex with him on Christmas eve and then take him to KFC the day after

No. 1814397

Best be trolling. If she's serious this is among the most stupid things I've ever heard someone do on lc, and I've heard many.

No. 1814399

I wouldn't go that far. Anyway I've only given him oral sex so far and that's because he did the whole pushing my head down hard when we were making out and kinda guilted me about doing it (but apologized afterwards).

No. 1814402

Ewwwwwwww dump him

No. 1814405

ok now i'm sure this is definitely bait. pack it up girls. be more subtle next time

No. 1814408

I honestly didn't expect this to receive so much hate, because 1. despite what >>1814397 says I've seen dumber stuff than me simply wanting my bf to attend Christmas and meet my family and 2. I assumed we all, you know, liked Asian guys a lot?

No. 1814409

He doesn't sound like a good guy at all, and if he's willing to force your head down like that and guilt you into doing sexual things for him that behavior is only going to escalate

No. 1814411

barely 18 newfag from chaochan or whatever the fuck? my personal guess. or bait

No. 1814412

I was gonnna say this is kinda hot and you should make him moan like an otome drama cd anime boy at your parent’s house but he’s just a weirdo sex pest.

No. 1814415

Realtalk for a second: Sometimes when I'm high I get genuinely curious how much international marriage divorce, spousal abuse, hapas from broken homes, sexual abuse/rape etc the weeb and kpop crazes have accounted for. Lost count, and this was back when I followed them, of how many old jvloggers ended up trapped in awful marriages, got divorced and went back home.

I'm not bs'ing. I think it's a super interesting sociological question to consider.

No. 1814416


No. 1814425

Those girlies don't fuck it's too scary

No. 1814439

File: 1702707995828.jpg (43.72 KB, 500x375, 1653279675269 (1).jpg)

Grrrr the bitch anon i argued with earlier could be anywhere. I could be reading a post thinking "wow what a nice nonnie" only for it to be her. Grrrr

No. 1814442

kek this is me in the shower

No. 1814443

fighting with a nonny to then make her kek in another thread is what nonniehood is all about, you will get used to it

No. 1814492

Learning to love myself when I was a mistake and inconvenience to my parents as a child is so hard. Sometimes I just put too much pressure on people to love me idealistically and then when they don’t I break down. I’ll never find a mother figure, I’ll never find a man who’s unlike the perverts of the past, I used to think maybe I wasn’t pretty maybe I wasn’t nice enough, from what I gather it wouldn’t matter at all what I was like, even the prettiest girls have found about their boyfriends cheating. I still have this childish dream of finding the love of my life, I still want to just be plucked away and be taken care of but I’m gonna have to just get off my ass and love myself like my mom should’ve and should and I’m not even disappointed about my dad I mean I am but he’s a piece of shit who was so apathetic to me and it’s like, I don’t even think he’s worth the emotions. I just can’t seem to get close to people. Even friends. Every time I think I’ve become close with someone they remind me that the feeling isn’t mutual, It’s so hard not to be desperate and sad and pathetic. I’m just so sad right now, tempted to drink some wine to soothe myself but I willl let this feeling pass. I still want someone to love me. I don’t want it to just be me forcing myself to.

No. 1814494

Kek, relatable

No. 1814507

so i posted in the kibbe thread because i've always wanted to know my kibbe type, but
when i took the pictures, i realized how horribly uneven my waist is and when i asked about it a kind nonna said she was surprised i'd never been diagnosed which made me KEK but i also feel…idk a bit scared, like…i can't tell if mine is actually horribly bad or if there's any hope to fix it now or not. i'm 26 and idk if spines can be uncontorted at my age….basically my waist is snatched on one side and really straight on the other and it makes certain clothes look really unflattering, and i really hate my waist because of it

No. 1814521

this is me but to the nonas I talk to from the friendship thread.
One nona I was talking about my ban to told me she has never been banned..

No. 1814523

File: 1702710861664.jpg (38.26 KB, 563x629, 0091962c2a8f143f397cb8320557c4…)

its me bitch…

No. 1814529

I got absolutely shitfaced at the club last night and even though I didn’t do anything crazy I’m mortified and sick with shame. I danced like a retard, screamed the lyrics to every song I knew at the top of my lungs, and was talking so loud on the train to and from the club. Like I know that’s normal drunk person behavior but the thought that so many strangers saw me acting like that makes me want to never go outside again.

No. 1814530

File: 1702710929056.png (227.26 KB, 439x424, Screenshot (25066).png)

Omg I love crunchy cat Luna

No. 1814532

well you should still get it checked out by a doc and maybe you can do something for it so you dont have pain as you age

No. 1814560

Some cats are truly born to take the internet by storm. Luna has so much star power.

No. 1814569

can skinny bitches get half off then for lighter burden on the plane

No. 1814590

No. 1814599

File: 1702712439245.jpg (319.21 KB, 1080x1555, Screenshot_20231216_022635_Chr…)

>muh medical condition

No. 1814807

the anons constantly saying they can identify typing styles makes me not want to come here anymore. i don't think mine is recognizable though i do change it up a lot, but my paranoia of being potentially identifiable, potentially getting accused of being some random x-fag and someone infighting over it and the vagueness of those complaints are freaking me out

No. 1814808

Absolutely. Paying by weight (person + luggage combined) is fair and logical because weigh is literally what impacts fuel usage. It doesn't even discriminate against fat people in particular, because if they're short or a child or pack lightly they may end up better off compared to, say, a tall muscular man with a big suitcase.

No. 1814816

File: 1702720345860.png (264.13 KB, 512x512, 1622a5c6-3f87-4a70-b491-8b4b94…)

For me its hoseobi (i thought they were the same cat for a while)

No. 1814853

Relatable, this happened to me so I literally left the site for over half a year

No. 1814855

>I assumed we all, you know, liked Asian guys a lot?
lmao wtf??? speak for your damn self newfag

No. 1814862

This is why I never infight, sometimes I'll say something stupid, I'll get a "shut up retard" and I'll quietly leave the thread until my post gets buried under following posts. I'm more scared of being banned tbh.

No. 1814877

File: 1702729875335.png (1.28 MB, 888x656, bipocow.png)

Imagine how the general behaviour would change if people had usernames here

No. 1814878

No. 1814879

but then the users would become cows themselves, like back at pull.

No. 1814924

This month I've been so happy since it's my birthday month, but now it's actually my birthday and I'm just stressed and crying and unhappy. I'm trying to get myself together cause I have a few people I'm going to see today. I'm just thinking about all the times I did nothing for my birthday (most of them) or when I did something nice but it was completely ruined for me. Plus I have so much to do so I'm just going to spend today working. Today will probably just be another birthday that I don't remember aside from being sad. Maybe it's dumb to care so much about birthdays.

No. 1814926

Samefag, it's literally 9am and I haven't even got up to brush my teeth and shower. I hate that I wrote this post because now I'm just crying harder.

No. 1814927

>Maybe it's dumb to care so much about birthdays
it is, i get it's a day everyone is entitled to make their special day but the worst adjusted people i've known were absolutely obsessed with their birthday being perfect (and did the whole birthday month thing)
i'm not judging you and hope you still have a good birthday

No. 1814929

I want to kill myself

No. 1814931

I didn't have a birthday month, I was just getting a few gifts before today which I was appreciative of.

No. 1814942

>try to mask better, talk a little more, more open body language, look at people more when talking to them instead of looking somewhere around them
>this immediately draws moid attention
ok I'm back to being mute and detached again

No. 1814950

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My therapist cancelled the online appointment for the second time in a row. I get that she's sick, lots of people are sick now and I understand that, but at the same time I feel like I'm about to rope. I've been waiting to talk to her for 3 weeks, I had an online appointment for thursday but she cancelled and said we can have it on saturday but now she cancelled again. I said I understand and I'm sorry. But I need to talk to someone I'm going to kill myself

No. 1814952

I’m sorry nonna, I know how you feel, my therapist has done something similar to me too and it’s pretty annoying. I later found out he had a stroke and that’s why he cancelled so I forgave him after finding that out kek

No. 1814957

Damn. Mine said she had covid and I really get it, I'm just frustrated because it's hard for me to get therapy because of my usual working hours (10:00-18:00) and now when I finally had the time for an appointment it was cancelled

No. 1814966

Aww I’m sorry nonna, has she set a date for your next appointment or did she leave it to be decided?

No. 1814973

You didnt pay rent for 6 months. You were offered help with the local housing authority. Then you claimed youre moving out, in writing. Now its been a month and you are still there. And yet, now you scream and freakout when there is an eviction notice on your door… what did you actually expect?
Take your crackhead drama elsewhere. You dont deserve kindness.

No. 1814977

She just said she will immediately let me know when she feels better

No. 1814982

I've noticed an increase lately in anons who post, but before they do, they have to make note that they are 'asexual' or 'autistic.' Like, why the fuck does that matter? I feel like the twitter refugee crisis is worse than we had in years. "Maybe it's because I'm autistic, but I've noticed…" and then they go on. Like, shut the fuck up. No one cares you are autistic. Autistic posters are so annoying

No. 1814984

It's because they're autistic

No. 1814988

autistic men are violent, but autistic women are annoying. I was forced to go to an outing with a mutual who was autistic and she made her autism part of her personality. She also couldnt use escalators. So when we went to this convention center, she refused to take the straight route to the main halls and had to take the elevator, meant for people in wheelchairs and the elderly. She didnt get when we were was pissed at her holding our whole group back because of her retardation.

No. 1814989

Not gonna lie, anon. That made me kek out loud.

No. 1814995

I'm also autistic and I totally understand the fear of escalators, I think it has to do with our retarded bodies having problem with keeping balance, if something moves under our feet it's hard to keep balance and it's an unpleasant feeling. I still take escalators but it's always very stressfull. I fear normal stairs too. For the same reason I can't learn to ride a bike

No. 1815002

I'm tired of people catering to autism and acting like it's some super power when being around autistic people is mentally exhausting. When are people gonna start admitting autistic people are hard to be around? I try to avoid them as much as I can. They are more likely to go down the enby/gendie and troon route, or end up on twitter sprouting non sense because they are easily influenced.

No. 1815020

RIGHT? like why are they announcing themselves like that? we have some autistic anons but ASEXUALS?? kek that shit ain't even real, they need to integrate asap

No. 1815023

I'm glad you said it, nona.

No. 1815029

What the hell should demisexual mean? I never understood it, like you're not special for being attracted to someone who shows you basic respect and have things in common, that's uhhh…normal? It sounds like the sapiosexual meme from a couple of years ago.
I keked so hard, you're right.

No. 1815031

Exactly, anon. There are plenty of autistic anons here, they just don't announce it every time they post or make it their personality. Twitter invasion hit us hard. I wish mods would start banning new fags again.

No. 1815034

I think I'm getting crabby by obvious underage posters more, they're usually also the ones that need to declare any sexuality, mental illness or whatever, which really only other teenagers care about.

No. 1815036

Not my mother asking me for cigarettes ffs GO BUY YOUR OWN

No. 1815043

That sucks. overly sensitive people really are annoying, and I'm sorry you have to deal with that. Gay moids are such pussies wth

No. 1815044

90s movies are filled to the grim with super hot women getting with below average looking men. It's been so bad in the last 20 years, but now it's gotten worse with ugly, OLD men and age gaps being so open. You are totally not bitter for thinking this way. Women should be tired of it and demand more male eye candy.

No. 1815046

Here's a hug, anon. It was a good movie. Made moids seethe.

No. 1815049

Might be weird to say this after all your lead-up, or I'm just not getting it, but I don't mind beautiful women (and men) on the screen, I do not compare myself to these people and I love eye candy. And then I'll watch some British panel shows with the goofiest looking human-shaped fuckers on screen and I still don't really think "thank god I'm not some brit with teeth twice the size of my mouth and no chin"

No. 1815056

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I AM SO GODDAMN UNINTELLIGENT like i'm for real retarded. i wish i was the type to be super smart and i'm not just talking about mathetics or scientific subjects. i'm so stupid it makes me so mad i want to rip my hair out i'm so irritated with myself and i bet i'm only going to get even stupider as i age. i don't know how anyone can stand me and tell me that i'm not dumb i know it's out of a place of politeness and pity, kindness even. like a participation award. i'm just so upset. i really can't stand it. it's so obvious how much harder for me to understand anything, i'm already crippled socially and i can't even make it up by being good academically or even by having a generally good sense of logic. it's like i've got dust instead of brain matter. my memory is horrible too. i honestly barely deserve to be alive with how genuinely dumb i am. good god

No. 1815060

Based. Some of the replies on here are also weird. Just go to therapy ETC. Like, going to therapy is useless if you don't have a support system. Friends, family, significant others.

No. 1815064

So glad I fly United.

No. 1815068

>customer of size
>their girth
kek. i feel like this is worded in such a meanspirited way

No. 1815070

No. 1815073

I often wonder what it is like to be smart and feeling capable in almost any situation knowing you'll be able to comprehend what's going on. I'm only book smart, but I have zero conceptual ability or common sense.

No. 1815091

kekk, it does feel very based and anti-fat.

No. 1815092

The amount of people i have met in my lifetime who do not understand the concept of "no, i do not think nor have sexual feelings for random scrotes who i find good-looking" is immense. It was only after i found out about "demisexual" and i send them the description that they finally understood. I always felt weird for not having sexual feelings for randos, because apparently everyone who has ever been in my life wanted to fuck X actor or Y classmate, and i could just never relate. I would never call myself demisexual cause it is cringe as fuck, but i do resonate with its description a lot. They say it is a type of "asexuality". I don't think either are sexualities as much as having anorexia is a diet. It's weird that they fall under the umbrella term of "queer", but then again a lot of weird stuff does.

No. 1815093

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My social anxiety is a constant point of tension for me and my bf and every time I promise to go to an event (like a party with his friends), I feel compelled to call it off right before and it drives him insane. I have been in therapy for almost a decade with different therapists, took antidepressants, etc. and having to spend time with a group of people still freaks me out. I also suspect that I might have autism despite none of my therapists suggesting it, but I mean who doesn't these days.

Also on an unrelated note, I have a weird cold going on and the inside of my nose HURTS. A lot.

No. 1815094

You're a retard.

No. 1815095

No one wants to fuck every single person they find good looking or attractive. Stop falling for the twt bullshit.

No. 1815110

Thats called being normal lmao

No. 1815116

I hate straight people like you so much.

No. 1815117

my god, you are so special. the specialist little girl in the world. everyone else is such a sex crazed coomer, but YOU… you love people for their personality and not for their body. you are so different. wow. it must be so hard to be you, anon.

No. 1815121

You're just normal it's ok. Youngsters like you (no offense) got so confused about sex as this abstract concept from talking about it online to much that they had to make up a whole new sexuality for "normal". I'm so glad I am old enough to have missed this aspect of modern culture because it's exhausting and I just know I would have gotten really into it and been super annoying about it kek.

No. 1815125

Holy shit lmaooooooo

No. 1815128

I'm so glad I'm a disgusting slut cooomer with no feelings and not you

No. 1815129

you are a run of the mill heterosexual. back to tumblr with you

No. 1815130

I think you all misunderstood me lol. I didn't mean to make it seem like "i am special" i don't think that at all. Nonna asked what demisexual meant and i explained it and said that i relate to it. I did this to maybe make it understandable why other people would relate to it too (especially in this oversexed day and age). I still don't think it is a sexuality (also explained in my post). Not wanting to hump everything with a dick IS normal to me, but as i said, from what i've seen from people around me it does not seem normal. Which is probably why more people started to identify with demisexuality because everyone on the internet is obsessed with sex. That's what i tried to explain in my post, but apparently it was misinterpreted immensely wrong.

No. 1815133

excellent bait 11/10

No. 1815135

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No. 1815141

Kinda proved my point kek, I understand somehow, but it just proves that the social context right now is just so upside down. What was normal is becoming weird and needs a label, I still find it stupid as fuck

No. 1815150

>Not wanting to hump everything with a dick IS normal to me, but as i said, from what i've seen from people around me it does not seem normal.
that part is why everyone is calling you a retard.
no one's misinerpreting anything; if you think the average person is out here humping table legs like a chihuahua you need to go offline. demisexual was made up by retards on tumblr and has no basis in reality

No. 1815156

Are you autistic? The original nona wasn't literally confused by what demisexuality means, she just expressed that it was bullshit.
Also when young teenagers express "omg tony is hottt" and such feelings, it's basically just play pretending being an adult because they're socialized on TV shows that equate teenage years to messy romances, so it is in a way life imitating art, most of them would be terrified to see a real person undress. I feel like now teens have these two types of reaction to this confusing exposure to sexuality: either A, act the way I described above and hope no one calls them of their bullshit or B, start looking for snowflake sexualities because they do not see through others bullshit and don't understand they're supposed to play along. That's probably why most "asexuals" are also autists

No. 1815157

>everyone on the internet is obsessed with sex.
Find different internet spaces or go outside if it's that bad? Seriously I can go days without witnessing any of these supposed sex-obsessed people just by avoiding places where (mostly impressionable teens and spicy straight adults) post. If all the "demisexuals" did that, they probably wouldn't need to form a new identity whole cloth.

No. 1815168

Again, i do not think demisexuality is real. I literally said that twice. There is also a difference between "wanting to hump table legs" and actually doing it. If you constantly have your female friends and college friends/classmates talking about their object of desire (may that be an actor or some other person they don't know) it gets really fucking tiring, especially when you explain to them that you don't relate to those feelings and they refuse to understand because to them i am not the normal one. That's what i tried to explain in my post: demisexuality isn't real, it is a retarded label, but it makes sense why people relate to it when looking at the modern zeitgeist. Nowhere did i say that i agree with its existence.

I wasn't talking about myself if you actually read the context of the sentence "people started to identify with demisexuality because everyone on the internet is obsessed with sex". I was speaking about teens and terminally online adults calling themselves demisexual and theorizing what the context for that could be.

I will stop trying to defend myself now since i think i have explained myself enough and don't want to shit up the thread further. Sorry nonnas!

No. 1815173

ayrt, I probably should have put a "They can" in front of the "find" in my first sentence, sorry. I was saying that anyone who identifies like that should spend some time offline or in different internet spaces.

No. 1815220

Hospital bill came in for giving birth, 41k, 10k with insurance. AUUUUGH! I checked the bill apparently I paid 43 fucking dollars for a single stool softener pill what on earth. Thank god we got good savings that is fucking absurd

No. 1815222

Just got real pissed off at my (Britbong) self for realising I could have bought an NHS pre-payment certificate for 3 months and it would have been cheaper than the prescription I paid for the other day with 4 meds on it… then I figured it could be worse; I could be American.

No. 1815226

my insane misogynistic mother is arguing with me and saying she gives my brother less responsibilities and lets him get away with more because "he's a guy". she proceeded to twist herself into a pretzel doing mental gymnastics about how it's valid that men are allowed to be dirty, lazy, gross, rude etc while women have higher expectations but it's totally not misogynistic or anything - of course she kept constantly contradicting herself the whole time. then she started changing the subject and arguing with me about how I need to contribute more even though her retarded loser coddled scrote parasite son does nothing except watch tiktok and eat all day while she pays all his expenses. I hate my family.

No. 1815250

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there was a little girl crying at my job so i gave her my treasured stress cat, squishy. he had one eye that would bulge out super big that mirrored how my brain felt when i squished him. i found him on aliexpress but it feels so unethical to buy shit from these places??? i only buy thrifted/rummaged or if new it's from a co-op store or US made brand. also what if they send me like a squishy SNAKE and not the same cat??????? i hope squishy is well loved

No. 1815254

been their anon, i'm sorry. i will say that your mom knows the truth, but accepting that she raised a failure means she is a failure. she doesn't want to say it out loud. it took my younger brother physically assaulting me for my mom to wake up. if he's violent/explosive at all stay away from him and don't talk about him to your parents where he could hear

No. 1815261

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now i'm looking at other stress cats on aliexpress and why so mean to kitty? rude

No. 1815268

I hate my mom, thats all and i hate hating her but thats where i am at

No. 1815274

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please don't

No. 1815283

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Why is there so much suicide baiting on lolcow? There are mentally ill anons here, for sure, but there are so many more posts about "I want to kill myself." I just don't respond to them mainly, but fuck- do it or don't.

No. 1815287

i have really bad social anxiety as well and i've found having a limited time frame helps: e.g. being told "we have to go" because my brain kicks into YOU HAVE TO DO THIS mode instead of PEOPLE ARE THE WORST FUCK FUCK FUCK I WILL BE THINKING AND DREADING THIS AND SWEATING AND NIGHTMARES mode. i ask to be told like 8-12 hours before so i can go into planning outfit/hair/clothes/what time i need to be ready mode instead of devolving into "OH FUCK I HAVE TO BE AROUND HUMANS? EVEN THOUGH IT ISN'T BAD MOST TIMES? WHY IS MY BRAIN LIKE THIS? FUCK WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES AGAIN I HAVE MET THEM 10 TIMES AND FREQUENTLY SAY IT BUT NOW I CAN'T"

No. 1815288

That's absolute bullshit. Why does giving birth have to cost so much money? And why do you have to suffer and pay for out of pocket costs? My specialized medicine comes in at 200k for whatever godforsaken reason, and I have to use a special savings card for that bullshit. Fuck big pharma and the healthcare industry.

No. 1815296

$43 for a pill you can get at CVS for like $2 is highway robbery. What country are you in, if you don't mind me asking? Also, congrats on your newborn, anon.

No. 1815301

this should be illegal, what the fuck? women already have their bodies completely changed, won't fit into pregnancy clothes or prepregnancy clothes OR SHOES, can't sleep for like three years, why the FUCK do we have to pay MORE on top of that? Congratulations on the baby though anon, i hope you and your baby are doing well!! I am sending you a big virtual hug and wish i could babysit for a few hours so you have time to take a shower and nap

No. 1815317

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congrats on the baby, anon! hope you have a speedy recovery and lots of support from your family.

No. 1815331

>conservative law-makers: why aren't women having babies
>HAVE TO PLAY 41K to have a singe baby's existence.

No. 1815333

Government wants women to breed so fucking bad but doing fuck all to mitigate this bullshit. But try not to think about it for now anon and congrats!

No. 1815337

Everytime I go outside moids stare at me and I hate it so now I wear a mask, sunglasses and hat grr.

No. 1815441

I wish I was immortal so I could outlive all my problems.
Knowing that if I wait everyone involved would end up forgotten and I can just move on would make a lot of things less stressful.

No. 1815445

How the fuck is anyone alive in the US is beyond me, in my country giving birth is free and it sounds absolutely dystopian having to pay this amount of money for it. Sick. In any case, congrats for the baby!

No. 1815451

>no, i do not think nor have sexual feelings for random scrotes who i find good-looking
this is normal for a lot of women, giving it a special label is separating them from other straight women and doesn't make sense.

No. 1815457

thanks nona.
>accepting that she raised a failure means she is a failure
this probably holds some weight to it also, she has high opinions of herself so I think she'll spend her entire life making excuses about her failson. he has literally tried to murder both me and my mom multiple times but she doesn't care and still treats him like he's a little delicate snowflake. he hasn't had a violent outburst in like a decade or maybe more but I just avoid and ignore him regardless.

No. 1815477

Dunno, pretty sure they have significantly less money taken from them through taxes.

I like not having to worry about health care fees but god damn the amount of money taken from me through taxes is infuriating at times.

No. 1815482

File: 1702765092131.jpg (24.49 KB, 540x360, 360_F_79283203_nTNvEEhoXcPUf6Q…)

Really wish I didn't have such a distorted view of sex and relationships and emotional intimacy in general. Sex repulsion/sexual shame has been hitting really hard and a deep sense of shame over ever being seen in a sexual light by anyone and enjoying it at all. Realizing how bad at communicating I am and probably confuse and irritate everyone around me. Starting to think it really would have been better if I had joined a convent and forgone the rest of human society.

No. 1815496

i need a new job. my shift online was from opening to the midday but i got there and the floor supervisor opening acted like i was the retard and told me to come back at noon. okay whatever. i wait an hour and a half and i get back and notice i have no breaks, even though i have worked the same amount before and gotten a 20 minute break. she says "you don't need a break." this frustrated me and i might've sighed a bit but i let it go. coming to this job fills me with dread and anxiety and especially on weekends and i got upset but trying to hide it i.e. going into the bathroom and crying until i can come back out rinse repeat. i tell my coworker i want to quit and she tells the floor supervisor who comes up to me and says i need to stop lashing out at work and i was being hostile and aggressive towards her etc. i apologize but i'm just beyond stressed and upset at this point because i'm a crybaby who can't stop showing my emotions and she says "if you're going to act like this over not having a break then just go home" and she's obviously sick and tired of me. i don't fit in with these zoomers i'm fucking old and useless and i hate my job so badly i swear to god i really am quitting. by the way the TIF coworker came in early for a shift once but she was allowed to clock in early. this floor supervisor is a nonbinary and gives fake-as-fuck vibes and i just get the feeling everyone there hates me.

No. 1815505

File: 1702765749789.jpg (17 KB, 400x400, mikey-way-sidekick.jpg)

I accidentally ordered seamless to the wrong restaurant. The driver is having issues finding it now. I hate this so much. I just want my food. pray my fries arent cold

No. 1815591

You and me nona, I'm completely fine with living a celibate life though.

No. 1815594

Samefag, My driver is amazing. He got the food to me exactly on time and it was still hot. The Iced caramel coffee was perfect.

No. 1815605

I went through this at an AA meeting anon kek. Just feeling like you don’t belong there and so uncomfortable around all the enbies and junkies who love perpetuating toxic cycles rather than do anything about it. I am also a crybaby and can’t hide emotions but I think our emotions are just really strongly trying to tell us that we don’t belong there.

No. 1815609

File: 1702768857712.png (626.81 KB, 735x434, drfdredsdssdrf.png)

i have the urge to do something self-destructive that will not be good for my mental health in the long run yayyyyyyyyyy

No. 1815611

talk to me nonny, why don't you go take a shower or something instead

No. 1815619

yeah i was just about to shower right now anyways. maybe itll clear my head… i dont know. i wish i wasnt so impulsive smh

No. 1815623

Slime is such a funny word fir other people

No. 1815630

File: 1702769284291.jpg (23.75 KB, 720x645, cat scream.jpg)

Have one single best friend without falling in love with them challenge (impossible difficulty)

No. 1815633

What country to you live in and how long was the shift? Just wondering if your boss is illegally denying you a break. They all think people don’t know the law and it’s fun to tell them they can’t deny your legally mandated break (if that’s the case) and watch them sputter and huff away

No. 1815636

File: 1702769634069.jpeg (412.78 KB, 828x1071, IMG_7649.jpeg)

Sometimes it feels like I’m perma anxious, like my mind just looks for reasons to be scared or upset and I’m so tired.
I can’t not think and I feel like I don’t understand how people can not freak out and obsess over everything!
I’m not on anything so I’m considering going on an SSRI because I want to get my life back, sometimes it feels like I just want to go back to normal but I’ve been so anxious the last 4 years, I don’t know what normal means.
Noñitas what should I do?

No. 1815646

File: 1702770523825.jpeg (30.05 KB, 192x192, IMG_7105.jpeg)

my stomach is doing jumping jacks and somersaults and i don't understand why. i'll get schizo if i believe it's any type of intuition. i'm seriously freaked out and i can't sleep because of this. i'm cold all over and shaking from anxiousness. i have no idea how to calm down, it's been hours since i've been feeling like this. i can't even recall what might have caused this i'm flipping out right now. i feel so horrible and dreadful i seriously want to puke everywhere just to get it over with

No. 1815656

four hours. where i live, if you work over 3 hours but less than 5 you are legally entitled to one 10 minute break. when my actual boss comes back in i am probably going to tell her about it.

No. 1815667

I'm about to sound super fucking ungrateful, but do not get me any gifts if you have to ask what I want. All I want is thoughtfulness, all I want is effort, asking defeats the entire point for me and I would literally rather have nothing at all.
I LOVE to give gifts, I thoroughly enjoy it, Christmas is a very selfish time for me admittedly because I go way over the top with gift giving. It's the only time of year that I can, and I've gotten really good at it. I know my loved ones so well and I'm so good at getting exactly what they love. And I always explain this to people, how much I love doing it, how it's my favorite thing to do this time of year. I love the picking things out, making lists, purchasing, organizing, all of the time and effort I put into wrapping and bows and etcetc. I make it so clear I do not expect anything back, I do this for fun and my own enjoyment, it would be ridiculous to expect the same amount of effort back and that's not the point for me at all.

BUT, I am such an easy person to get gifts for. I like pink, and yellow, I like flowers, rocks, bugs, wildlife, gardening, art, I have so many hobbies. I love being outside, I love experiences with people, feeding the birds, there are so many cheap and easy things to get for me. I absolutely adore handmade things, gifts of cooked food, thrifted ceramics, I'm so easy to get gifts for. So if you have to come to me of all people, someone who is so not picky and happy with anything, and ask me "Ugh I don't know what to get you, just tell me what you want. Do you just want a giftcard?" don't fucking get me anything. If you can't write me a nice letter in a card and get me literally anything in my favorite color, or bake me some cookies, or get me the same $5 for 5 pair pack of cheap ankle socks I wear all the time, do not bother. If you can't put in even an ounce of thought into getting me something it means nothing to me. I don't know how many expensive gifts I've received over the years that have really just shown no one pays attention to my interests at all. Designer purses in colors I never wear, silver jewelry when all I wear is gold, perfume when everyone should know by now I have bad allergies and strong scents give me a headache and make me so sneezy. It's like no one actually cares to think about me at all

No. 1815669

Samefag, I'm back to say today was actually ok. I think today just brought back a lot of bad memories from past birthdays so I freaked out. Some things definitely went very, very wrong but I hung out with loved ones, got some food and drinks and did some Christmas gift shopping so overall alright.
This is my reminder to not be so dramatic because most of the time nothing is as bad as my mind makes me feel.

No. 1815778

I went on a rant about pro-life and my friend had to "correct" me about the fact that "it's also transphobic" despite us being two black women so I had to go and be like "well it's mainly women of color who suffer the brunt of abortion bans". How is it fair that a small group of people are centered in this convo tf

No. 1815804

>expressed to my mom that it’s a ton of stress on me to have to manage everything for my boyfriend (medical stuff, decisions, legal stuff and documents, calls etc etc) when I have my own problems I need to take care of too
1. You’re married, sure maybe you have more of a responsibility I don’t know?
2. Feeling guilt like maybe I do have to be his secretary and push all my stuff to the side because he doesn’t try to do these things on his own and relies on me to figure it out.

No. 1815823

I’m upset I sold so much of my stuff before I moved. I desperately needed money and now I deeply regret not having a few of the more sentimental things anymore. I’m thinking of buying them again for a higher price because I miss them but I might just be having an OCD attachment moment, the minimalism experiment did not go well.

No. 1815828

The way I see it, if the woman has to take full responsibility in one realm for both people, then the man should be taking full responsibility in another realm for both people, like earning and paying. I don't think things have to be symmetrical but they should be balanced. He should use the extra time he gets from you helping him to do something for you too

No. 1815834

I honestly despise the response my natural physical form gets from some random people. I am someone who has dealt a lot with random people commenting really nasty things about my physical appearance, granted i haven't helped myself by gaining weight over the years. I wish i was better at ignoring horrible comments, but sometimes they really get to me. If i get plastic surgery, i let those people win and tbh, i don't want to waste money on surgery because i know i won't really be happy, even though there was a point in my life where i was really considering it. The only way i feel like i can be happy is if i existed in a form that is healthy, untamed and free. I do not want to go to war with my physical form just to make people happy.

No. 1815852

how to stop being sexually frustrated. it’s genuinely gotten to a point that it’s bothersome in daily life. Is that normal? I feel like it isn’t. I was never this horny during puberty (I’m in my late teens) but I seem to get more and more sexually frustrated with time. when does it stop?? or at least plateau…

No. 1815866

my mom got a bf so she saw me 2 times this year and I got mad at her over it but seriously what the fuck

No. 1815868

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God fucking damn it I hate living with 6 scrote housemates and only two women and when the scrotes invite their gross scrote friends it's the worst. The other day I heard them bragging about going to Thailand to "find love" and I almost puked. I'm a night owl and it's 2:00 am here and I went to make myself some tea and two scrotes came to the kitchen and started staring at me and they didn't say anything for a while and the friend of my housemate started to just say some dumb shit to me
>ehehehe why are you making tea so late, can't sleep?
>I never had the opportunity to meet you heh heh but I heard that you are sad often. But I don't think it's true hehe…
And when I didn't respond he was still smilling at me in a gross way and looking at me from top to bottom and I felt gross and it was to the point when my housemate told him to leave me alone like two times and they finally left and went outside?? I know that on paper it doesn't look that sketchy and you might think I'm overreacting but it was very uncomfortable for me irl. Fuck I hate living with men so much. I wish it was easier to rent shit in this town. There are days when I fear that one of them will seriously cross my boundries so I'm basically not leaving my room when I'm home, only if I need to take a bath

No. 1815877

Feeling suicidal isn't the same as suicide baiting. The latter is when someone acts like they're going to do it but doesn't, simply saying that they want to or feel the desire to is different imo.

No. 1815891


No way, I couldn't do that. I know it's technically illegal bc discrimination but many of my family members who own bigger properties ONLY rent to girls or ONLY guys. They won't do mixed groups. Otherwise is just weird.

No. 1815899

does anyone else feel like there is no future? except, time just keeps on passing and passing. honestly I've felt like shit for years and it seems to only be getting worse. the one day I didn't everyone I knew reacted in shock to how different I looked (my eyes weren't sunken, warped, and black for once) and…I have come to realize that I will never have a day again like that. I will keep on feeling like shit, looking like shit, and it will never go away. and it fucking sucks. seeing a doctor didn't really help. there's at least a few things I want to do for myself…I have a childhood friend that actually wants to hang out that I've been turning down for example just because I am so tired. it's like I reserve what crumbs of energy I have just to make a bit of money and then I'm done. I haven't laughed in over a decade because I'm just too exhausted to have fun and I'm so embarrassed of how deathly I look and I hate being perceived. I know I don't have it that horrible, but I still wish I was never born.

No. 1815932

Idk why but I feel like something fucked up happened with time after 2019. 2019 was the last normal year for me and after that time started to fly too fast and more bizarre shit kept happening. Like I still can't believe we're not in 2019 anymore.

No. 1815954


No. 1815957

Even my bf is sick of my shit. I have no one to talk to now. also he's sending me minion memes even though I told him to fucking stop

No. 1815963

That's a really tough living situation. I hope you can find some women only room mates. I wouldnt be as brave as you to live with so many scrotes. Stay safe.

No. 1816020

Covid? lol

No. 1816023

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Same. I really felt like a lot of the world stopped for me in 2012. The internet was still peak and not filled with clout chasters. No tik tok. No insane zoomers controlling and cancelling you for anything they deem offensive. Not nearly as many troons. I really hate this current time line. I want to go back to the late 90s.

No. 1816069

called in sick to work again today. i dont deserve to be alive. why couldnt another sperm swim faster

No. 1816073

fuck your work queen have a relaxing day and don't feel guilty

No. 1816086

thanks but this is the fifth day in a row and if i get fired my parents are going to be so fucking mad. whats worse is that i work a mindless wageslaving job and even thats to exhausting to me. i truly wasnt meant to be born

No. 1816089

That’s your boss getting in your head. Don’t let the workplace toxoplasmosis win

No. 1816094

You should. Also if it happens again and you’re not feeling like fighting it say you have to take a shit and walk to the bathroom (or just fucking walk outside and say you’re gonna shit out there kek)

No. 1816098

Are you sick or not?

No. 1816099

Look up your work laws and go to a walk ins for a drs note, plenty of places can't legally fire you for being sick (claim covid worse case ig if ur burger)

No. 1816100

I think nonita is sick with depression, thats me too. (Sometimes I can't go to work or else I'll impulse)

No. 1816104

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Nonnas what do you do to comfort yourself when you feel this way? Ever since I reached an adult age, sometimes everything feels very far away and foreign, like it's all deteriorating around me. It's all so different. The person I used to be seems to have vacated this body, like it's only a husk. Or a jar of mental problems. My memories and life before adulthood don't even feel like my own anymore. I think everything is just going to get worse from now on.

Isn't it cruel, how you get a taste of how great life can be when you start it, only to realize it was just a demo version and you can't go back? I think everyone is just trying to go back in whatever way they can.

No. 1816105

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I wish I could give you a hug, I'm sorry you feel this way

No. 1816106

we spend our entire childhood preparing for the worst part of our lives. I think everyone becomes a bit of a husk in order to deal with it. “becoming an adult” is synonymous with just accepting that this is all there is, this mundanity. it’s no longer acceptable to rebel against it, that’s maturity. I think we’re brainwashed to think it’s normal. But who knows, I might just be depressed.

No. 1816114

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No. 1816121

I think that most of us are depressed but because of our global society. A few books I've read i've come to realize despite all of the technology and scientific advancement, we are not living in any golden age. I think truly the best time to be human was in ancient times where civilization was just beginning. Now is a dark age for us and we aren't depressed, we are just reacting to the dystopia we live in.

At least I was born in the late 90s and got to have a good childhood. I think my generation was one of the last to have an idealistic time. Sure I was on computer but it was CDs and then Neopets. Social media was simple just posting fun pictures and browsing with friends. I played outside often too. I don't envy young people of today at all.

No. 1816123

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I'm going too sperg out. Who the fuck would willingly fuck this ugly fat fuck for his body count to be that high? He looks like he smells like smegma and yeast. The way he waddles over to show off his body count, probably leaking grease on the floor where his obese body goes. Ugly and fat with a bridge troll face. How many of that number was actually consensual? I just can't believe anyone would willingly touch him.

No. 1816126

I was going to post an answer, but then my stomach churned. I think you can guess how he did it.

No. 1816127

funny because I’m a said young person who grew up on the internet but that made it easier for me, honestly. I always thought if I was born a couple decades earlier I probably would have committed suicide by now otherwise (although tbf I’m a PoC and gay and have struggled even in current times because of it). finding people I could relate to and who understood made me feel less lonely. And things like video games felt like an escape from the reality of what life in society actually is, dull. I’ve felt very dystopian about the world from a young age, and it definitely wasn’t because of technology. it’s probably more because of the fact we’re kind of just expected to spend like 1/3 of our waking adult lives working, lol, and the time before preparing for that. I don’t really feel like I’m living. And I don’t feel like I’m built for this mentally either.

No. 1816128

Do not hang on to your previous way of being. Keep your childhood wonder and curiosity but take hold of your adult life and take charge. If you feel lost find your way, it’s there.

No. 1816132

He either fucked other ugly faggots, or is just lying.

No. 1816136

kek someone forgot to tell him the trannies he erps with on discord don't count

No. 1816145

College pagan society orgies will get you that body count real quick

No. 1816170

Everytime he cums to hentai inside one of those fake vag male toys he adds to the count, that or it's all fake for the sake of the video

No. 1816196

I am such a retarded waste of space I wanna kms. There’s a group assignment I dont want to do and I have just been avoiding it. It really feels like eating shit. My group mates hate me and idk I should get my shit together but I am such a loser.

No. 1816244

Oh, to be a lesbian in a situationship.

No. 1816245

I just did an 11 hour understaffed busy christmas bar shift, in the final hour of our gruelling close, I completely shattered a large glass all over the shelf where we keep the clean glasses and got loads of tiny shards in me in the process. I'm home and now the sun is rising. My life is shit.

No. 1816250

I have recently contracted cold sores and I am so pissed. I hate the guy that gave them too me so much, because he would always go on about how he is SO SAFE and gets tested regularly for STDs and assured me he was clean but neglected to tell me he carries the oral herpes virus. It fucking sucks so much, I got my first outbreak in October and it was intensely painful and my mouth was filled with blisters. It's calmed down since then, but for me its still like constant small blisters on my lips, or they're gone for like a week and come back. I have spent like $60 on Abreva, and more on Vitamin C and D to try to prevent them but it hardly helps. I don't understand why he wouldn't have mentioned that; now he has put the burden upon me to have to have this conversation with every future person interested in me. I honestly hope he dies, I hope he gets into a painful traffic accident.

No. 1816260

I thought I had them and was super paranoid and begged for meds but apparently it was 'perleche' because I was drooling in my sleep. I have no idea if I actually have it or not given how common it is and how it is difficult to test for. I'm sorry to hear you have it, that sucks, I'm surprised we don't have better treatment for it or a vaccine or something. If it makes you feel better he really could have tested negative for it, the tests for it aren't very reliable if you don't have active sores.

Have you tried zinc? Zinc is supposed to help slow down the viral replication.

No. 1816262

I feel so mad I want to scream. Breaking it off with a friend hurts, but it feels worse when that friend was someone you've known for years.

No. 1816265

No chance of reconciliation?

No. 1816269

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The heartbreak I feel whenever a great woman mentions having a boyfriend/husband. It ruins my image of her completely. Not that it should matter to her at all, this whole thing happens just in my brain. Don't feel the same thing when I learn of her hooking up or something, I suppose the lack of emotional connection to a man in that situation helps. It might be because most women I've been around don't date, give their time to men, so it feels like a disappointment when I see charming, interesting women with boyfriends. Giving your love to a man, who will always be undeserving, in my opinion. Just feeling sad because a new friend I made has a boyfriend, I can't feel the same about her anymore.

No. 1816270

I had to google perleche, I know it as angular cheilitis. Unfortunately I have that as well, though I think mine tends to come when I get toothpaste in the corners of my mouth. Unfortunately the guy did know he had it beforehand and just didn't mention it because in his words it is "ubiquitous, normal and banal" so he didn't consider it worth mentioning. God I hate him. I appreciate your sweet words and your advice, I will add zinc onto the roster! Hopefully in your case, you don't have it!

No. 1816272

That was just cruel of him, what a monster.

oh and look into lysine. Hopefully between the lysine, the zinc, the vitamin C and D and the abreva it goes away fast.

No. 1816273

Gonna add: this is why I'm so paranoid about kissing. And while cold sores themselves are not a banal experience kissing is. Like, you're expected to kiss someone well before you sleep with them, even tradthots and moid tradtards tend not to have issues with kissing but that's enough to get you saddled with cold sores. Unfair.

No. 1816279

Many men enjoy spreading their diseases because it feels to them like you're carrying a piece of him. Whether it be cold sores or HIV. It's a common fetish.

No. 1816281

This 19 yo guy I was crushing on has gone on a full tirade about how modern women are shit and how he's going to get a child bride to groom her into becoming the woman he wants and god I feel like a retard cause he's so smart otherwise and interesting to talk to but right now all I can think of is boiling him with syrup. My fault for liking a paki I guess

No. 1816282

>pakistani scrote
Please… let's hope he dies alone and miserable but you know his family is gonna arrange some poor woman to marry him.

No. 1816287

Keep an eye on him, his family will kidnap a little girl for him to rape soon. Gather evidence.

No. 1816288

It kills me to think of this the most, the poor girl that has to marry a man like this and that some father out there is willing to do this to his own child.

That's a good idea

No. 1816292

i know i shouldn't feel sad because i didn't do anything wrong other than stand up for myself, but this whole situation between myself and a professor of mine at my university kind of depresses me. he's angry with me because i complained about the editor in the class talking shit about me and my work behind my back, because apparently if someone is upset about a person who doesn't know anything about you spreading false rumors and making fun of you because you're "too quiet", then apparently that makes me a terrible individual. i know he's angry only because his goal was to try get me to drop the class. i stayed the course and refused to let them bully me or get a W on my transcripts because again, i did nothing wrong. i told him very politely what i heard and he went on this tirade against me because of it, like i was lying or something. i couldn't even begin to tell you guys all the terrible things this man did to me over the rest of the fall semester but they kept wasting my time, rejecting my ideas over perfectly fine articles, and just treating me like dog shit.

well things came to a head during the final exams. i had to walk out of the class in the middle of the presentations as i saw he didn't have my presentation in the list, didn't inform me, and was acting like he was going to punch me in the face/kick me out for even being there. and i also found out that they had actually stolen one of my ideas for a magazine article and assigned it to another girl. they said this in front of me and had a big laugh about it. and when i left he was laughing and said something like "good riddance" or whatever, it was hard to hear as i was walking down the stairs.

i sent him an email and told him off as professionally as i could for the things he did. i've had to get the board involved in this situation because of him, so i hope they spoke to him and told him to chill out. again, this is all over me having my differences with the editor, and it's starting to make me suspicious that they aren't sleeping together because i've never seen a man go so hard for a woman unless he's getting something out of it. or maybe he's just a cunt, i can't really tell these days. but shit like this is why i hate writing-focused classes, these courses are always so hit and miss. you either meet really talented people who are fun and creative, or like in this situation, bitter snobs who can't take any criticism whatsoever. also, i should have known he was a POS since his introduction to us was how old he was (he's 44-45) and how he's some scottish australian irish white mixture, because that's apparently the most interesting thing about him.

No. 1816293

>Having feelings for a paki scrote
Anon this was your first mistake

No. 1816300

It's terrible. I hate arranged marriage culture so much. A coworker I know kept getting badgered into getting married by his grandparents and he was like, "Alright, fine." And just agreed to marry a girl he's only seen one picture of, never talked to her ever, just to satisfy his grandma who's honestly gonna croak soon. So cowardly and disgusting. Ruining not only yours, but another person's life like this.

No. 1816318

I wish I looked like Amy Adams and age like her. Dunno if she had work done but if that's the case it's very subtle and she doesn't have that uncanny look.

No. 1816326

Amy Adams is so pretty. I told a coworker she looked like her, and she said, “Ew, Amy Adams is ugly!” Wth

No. 1816328

Nobody's ever cared about my soul and I've never been in a relationship with a man that I'm actually attracted to and I've never felt respected or genuinely loved

No. 1816333

The amount of bullying and social rejection I've experienced throughout my life is extreme and it's hard to cope with it and the worst part is that it happens in public and people use something to justify the abuse. Like, there being something wrong with me to warrant that. I've been suicidal since I was a kid and I've never felt like anyone has truly actually cared. I've always felt like just a shadow that lurks in the back. Having to carefully walk around people's Ego's out of fear of making them feel uncomfortable or not valid. While nobody's ever truly been there for me and all of my interactions are uncomfortable. It's either someone talking down on me like I'm a kid, dismissing my problems altogether or just telling me to "get help". Not to mention I've played the therapist for other people my whole life.

My life is so miserable and I've never really had that friend group that I can trust and I've never really had a boyfriend that was truly there or like that genuinely cared about me and my mental health has hit rock bottom. My whole life it's been about others. I've been suicidal for such a long time and honestly I can't see a way out of it all by myself. On top of me being so unwell Im being harassed by everyone including leftists that usually are hyper aware of mental health issues and are against bullying and harassment

No. 1816341

I’m just a nonnie on the internet but your post has resonated with me. I get how you feel. I’m unfortunately in the same boat as you, and I hope that one day you will find your own ‘tribe’ to hang out with

No. 1816353

I can't sleep and I am so sick, I just want to cry. My whole body aches.

No. 1816355

I’ve heard people call her plain before, I don’t get it. I think she and Isla Fisher are both extremely pretty

No. 1816366

I think it's so rude when someone muscles in on plans then at the last second doesn't even come? You stressed everybody out and we did extra shit to accommodate you then you don't even come? Whatever, we had our tradition without you and were probably better off for it. Enjoy being "sick" with your kids. Fucking liar

No. 1816368

is this romanianon

No. 1816373

I find it depressing that so many people have suicide as a second option rather than a last resort. I know I do, so I don't judge. However, I find it more depressing that safe, accessible, and efficient methods for both pain reduction and speed in terms of methods are inaccessible to many for what is most likely for profit related reasons rather than moral and ehtical good ones. I genuinely don't believe that the government or any agency that petitions to remove materials nesscessry for a quick and painless suicide are doing it out of a moral good. I wish it was the case but we don't live in that kind of world.

No. 1816376

I'm so sick and my body is refusing to cough any of the mucous out of my lungs. I just cough and cough with nothing coming out. I took a hot steamy shower, hot water bottle under the covers on my chest, cardamom tea, nothing. Help me nonnas, every breath is this annoying whistle on top of the bubbling of mucous refusing to unstick and I'm so tired. also my autistic mother is taking my cold personally because I can't help her at home so I also just want to not be sick so my mom will stop being mad at me. I want a hug and she's just laying it on me about how nobody apparently cares if she died meanwhile the family is sick and she's chosing to overwork herself instead of waiting until I'm better to do shit for her and hurting herself by overdoing it to "punish" us so she can languish over whatever injury she manages to give herself again. No object permanence so she'll stop when I'm better and helping her again but I dunno, I'm just sad and wish I had a motherly woman caring for me right now or at least wasn't sick so she'd just stop punishing me for it.

No. 1816377

Don't bring your dakimakura to the christmas table.

No. 1816379

I got an industrial piercing recently and im so scared that its gonna get infected. It got infected once already but i took antibiotics and now its fine. Im constantly paranoid that it gets infected again tho. I hate the first few months of getting a piercing because i always have this paranoia that something will happen to them

No. 1816389

I don't get it, do you communicate in a language that's not Japanese or English together then? Either way, good luck.

No. 1816394

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>Be suffering from anxiety problems
>Be feeling faint and nauseous because there's a heavy situation at work
>Don't sleep, eat like shit, don't complain, don't even vent because I feel like I'm annoying
>Bottle up shit, explode in a panic attack
>Scream for help but also stop people that want to call an ambulance because I'm scared of anything medical related, from doctors to ambulances to white coats and scrubs so even the thought of getting help makes the situation worse and I start to struggle to breathe
>I am now afraid of sleeping alone (house or even in the room) because I'm afraid to have another panic attack while no one can help me cal m down.

I guess I'll die nonnies. Yes I know I need therapy, I just wanted to vent on how shitty is to have both panic attacks and medical phobias.

No. 1816395

i had this too, anon! you can ask someone to knock on your back to loosen the mucus (you have to do this for a minute or two) OR if you have a strong vibrator/magic wand put it on your sternum or between your shoulder blades. sometimes hunching over helps additionally. i hope you get better soon! and sorry about your mom. my mom used to do this too whenever i got sick but it got better after a while at least.

No. 1816399

In the concept of "twin flames" the woman is the chaser and male runner and it reflects the reality, the woman is always abandoned abd is the one that has to get over it and open herself or open her heart and not be InSeCurE. Basically accept that she will always be abandoned and embrace being a forgiving servant that is an open minded loving alut. In spiritual communities they say the same shit like "healing the fear of abandonment". I really wish I were a man, female life is just a sadness and you get blamed for being sad or for suffering cause supposedly its all a fault of you not being open enough and any woman that isn't a loving bubbly forgiving mother Mary servant is evil and closed to the world. Even all the songs women write are either about being sluts for men or crying after being abandoned. What's the right philosophy on female life wtf its so retarded we exist to serve others but never get served and have to be okay with being an invisible slaves who get abandoned by moids eho chase other bitvhes and we have to be bubbly about it and if we get sad then we are not being feminine enough or some shit like this, psychology basically says that depressed people are an evil narcissistic repressed insecure evil people with low self esteem who are depressed bc they are so hateful or hate themselves or feel sooooo insecure that they isolate from people and a woman that isn't feminine is a disordered monster

No. 1816417

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i honestly wish i was asexual. i'm not even fucking anybody (couldn't even if i wanted to) or overwhelmingly horny or anything i don't even masturbate because it does nothing for me anyway i just feel like i would lead a better life if i couldn't feel anything at all. one less thing to affect me. at one point of my life i was so mentally ill and repressed i was completely inhibited before i was even put on any medication. now that i'm better and stopped repressing as much i'm back to my pervert ways. i could never be a nun or anything close. but on the other hand it does feel good to be back to the way i was i'm just really freaked out by it and i feel, almost, "dirty". maybe all the homophobic spiels i had to endure these past few weeks and months is getting under my skin i know i couldn't ever be out anyway might as well just be free of desire somewhere closed off. you can't die of a lack of sex anyway and i know i won't ever be able to have it anyway, but i'd be living a lie. i wish i could just extract this out of my body. it's less that i am ashamed and more due to the fact that i am convinced that it's useless of me to have these thoughts and feelings, and that my life would probably be better and easier without them. just venting though i don't know how much i really mean all of this but yeah

No. 1816423

i feel the same nonnie. I feel like I’m being a bitter lesbian though kek (technically bi but mostly lesbian). on top of that most women put up with so much moid shit. It’s like “have some self worth”, you know?

No. 1816427

Hope venting helped a bit, I’ve been dealing with the same shit. It’s so hard to explain a medical phobia as well, like rationally you know they’re there to help. Honestly with panic attacks I’ve just started saying “do your fucking worst then I don’t care” because I just don’t have the energy to fight them anymore. Weirdly it helps a bit, they fade quicker. Remind yourself panic hasn’t ever killed anyone and you’ve survived all of them so far, you’ll get through the next one too.

No. 1816429

I rly want to move out but im so scared to do it cause i think its so overwhelming paying the bills etc and everything is so expensive and i dont earn much

No. 1816430

ty nonny
Yeah it helps but even if I know that panic never killed and has no long term effects, the fainting sensations scare me a lot…and I also hate attention, one time I had to suppress one in the bus and a nice lady asked me if I needed help, I told her no but I felt so bad for her, worrying about me.
I wish I could rationalize panic attacks thinking that it will go away but it's scary, I actually feel like dying and I don't want to leave behind my beloved nigel and my mother…that would be the worst, I want to be healthy… I need to let this shit out but no money for regular appointments, maybe I should seek some benefits from psychologists, since my country allows them

No. 1816439

Boyfriend has a folder in his phone titled "exs", there's nothing lewd or dirty - he's just moved pictures of them partying, having fun together with mutual friends etc in there but it freaks me out because I've noticed him mumbling the names of one of his exs in his sleep. He's also mentioned in his friends group chat that he misses one particular ex sometimes. What really gets me is that despite the fact I think he's hot, he is objectively very average looking and all of his exs are these total stacy looking white girls (I'm South Asian, he's White). There are times I feel that he misses White women and he'd prefer to be with one rather than me.

No. 1816448

This isn’t even about them being white women nonna, he just clearly is a scrote who isn’t over his exes or atleast one of them and you’re doing yourself a disservice by being with him. Good that you realize he isn’t a catch visually nor is he clearly a catch emotionally.
To make you feel better most people do not have a 1/1 racial dating pool where they have dated all races equally and its very common to have mostly dated within your own race, I would be more worried if he had a long streak of asian women and you were just one of many.
Tldr not a race thing, your moid is just emotionally cheating on you and simping over his exes.

No. 1816449

Why are men like this? He said in his friends group chat this particular ex was his "biggest regret", and he said if he were single again and she reached out, he'd "drive for 20 hours straight just to hold her tight, even if there wasn't any sex." What gets me is white men never seem to feel this passionately or strongly about woc, they reserve their adoration, passion and almost worship for women of their own race. It feels like I'll never be the object of that depth of affection and love.

No. 1816450

Its actually insane that you havent broken up with him yet or killed him or anything. You need to leave.

No. 1816459

holy shit if my bf said that to me i'd tell him "well you've got half of the equation already. get the fuck outta my face". smh that's so disrespectful to say to your own gf! please don't tolerate that kind of treatment nonna you deserve someone who's crazy about you in a good way!

No. 1816461

He didn't say it to me, he said it to his friends.

No. 1816463

that's somehow worse. does he think you don't know? nonna please stand up for yourself your bf is actual garbage like i know it's fun to hate on moids on this site but genuinely there are males who don't act like your bf and value their gfs as much as a moid is capable of doing. your guy isn't worth shit and you deserve better

No. 1816466

I’ve seen woc be the “true” loves aka the one that got away for plenty of white men. Its just once again statistics, you’re already more likely to date within your own race so the likelihood of the “one who got away” being white is gonna be more common for a white man. Interracial dating can bring alot of insecurities to the table if you’re self conscious over your or your partners race, but what you’re facing is average scrote emotional cheating, race be damned and I’ll tell you right now he would cheat on you with his ex if he had the chance. The “if I was single” is to cover his bases and not come across as a complete monster.

No. 1816469

>I’ve seen woc be the “true” loves aka the one that got away for plenty of white men.
I don't want to sound doomer but I have never seen it. It feels like you could be perfect body, perfect skin and perfect face as a desi or east asian woman and white moids will still pine over their slightly chubby white girl from their hometown they dated when they were 22.

No. 1816470

Obligatory break up with him post

No. 1816473

I fucking hate any form of exercise and I hate being told that I just need to keep trying until I find something I'll enjoy. I won't enjoy it! I hate being sweaty! I hate having to change out of my comfortable clothes! I hate having to go out of my way to exercise in an attempt to feel like I did the right thing but it just feels like a waste! I've never gotten any dopamine or rush from any kind of exercise.

No. 1816474

Not defending his disgusting behavior but I understand the feeling of wanting to be around someone like you, culturally, visually, having gotten out of an interracial relationship earlier this year. There's a comfort to it. Feels like there's more implicit understanding.

No. 1816475

NTA but I’ve seen men literally want their fat meth head ex over their Stacy gf. The one that got away is just the one that broke up with them and broke their fantasy. Men do this shit and then cry over their current gf leaving as she’s the one that got away now. It gives them a reason to A be sexual degens who still wank it to their ex like they do porn. B compare the new girl to ex girl to make her insecure and neg her down. C use it as a emotional justification for being emotionally constipated and not having open communication and trust with new girl because girl before hurt me so bad!!
Interracial relationships are very hard though and even in the same country can come with a lot of cultural differences and outside opinions that ime put a lot of stress on the relationship just to acknowledge your struggle. I’m sorry anon you deserve better than this creep.

No. 1816477

Just got dumped by someone I've been seeing for a year and I've never felt this much pain before, meanwhile he's living his life as if I was never part of it. I know it's stupid to be so upset over someone who never cared about me but I just want to stay in bed all day and I'm not looking forward to anything anymore. I hate that I love him so much. Seeing his face burns a hole in my chest and I miss the times where he'd be so sweet to me. I'm so confused how that happened. I feel so shitty.

No. 1816478

Today I randomly realised that all my friends look down on me. They think I' stupider than them. Lazier, more childish…I cried.
It was so sudden in the middle of doing something completely else.

No. 1816480

interviews been rescheduled…and she kept me doing bullshit for hours and hours on saturday. now she wants to do the same thing on sunday. can’t deny her either because she’ll bitch. god knows i hate her stupid ass

No. 1816482

my parents are being weird again, last night calling me super upset, getting more upset as i refused to get upset with them, and then threatening to leave me homeless. sure i have my faults but its like they blame me for my brothers faults too and whatever else stressors they have. i almost asked them if they were going to drain my bank account to try and starve me back into contact with them later lol. thems the breaks i guess. ah well, play with the cards im dealt. im working on being stoic this time, i wont let weird pollyannas trick me into opening up to them

No. 1816486

Why why why did I suddenly get an interest in programming and cs now that ai is on the rise. I hate everything about it and what it represents and refuse to interact with it out of principle while I'm sitting there doing my coding assignments and thinking what to make for my portfolio. Everything I'm good at will be obsolete but I just want stability in life and not to wonder how I'll pay my bills next month.

No. 1816488

> i almost asked them if they were going to drain my bank account to try and starve me back into contact with them later lol.
let my mother do this to me and i’ve been regretting it for months. now that i’m running low on cash she always bitches at me about “moving if i can’t stand her”. i really don’t understand how her mind works kek, but i suspect not very well

No. 1816489

Why does the us make it so hard to get unemployment? I have to smoke weed before I file my claim because it's so stressful. I hope they accept it because living off my savings after being unfairly fired is the worst.

No. 1816493

And you haven’t broken up with him yet because?

No. 1816494

File: 1702830387079.jpg (74.92 KB, 828x765, KC12.JPG)

>be me
>somehow get herpes

No. 1816496

What is the setup with the bank account taht they can drain it? You don't have your own account?

No. 1816498

>emotional cheating
Can someone explain this to me? is it common for moids to do this? Why do they do it and does it go beyond just sexual stuff?

What's weird to me is so many moids say they 'hate sluts' but they actually seem to really like women who are wild partying types who have had a lot of partners before. Like, that's actually their revealed preference on some level.

No. 1816500

because moids want what they can't have. many of them idolize ex-gfs who left them or women who wouldn't give them the time of day, and then ruin any good relationship obsessing over a woman who isn't even there.

sadly it's usually either those types or sour grapes moids who act virulent about their exes, and they're not healthy either because they'll take their butthurt fury out on you. it's hard (impossible?) to find a moid who has a healthy outlook on exes or women in general. it's what happens when moids can't out-think their evolutionary drive to pursue women (especially ones who aren't interested in his pathetic ass)

No. 1816501

>is it common for moids to do this?
it's just narcissism and using people as validation machines, all moids do this the moment their current validation machine isn't giving him enough tingles for whatever reason

No. 1816503

Currently wishing a giant eagle would swoop down upon my scrotoid neighbors and snatch them into the sky never to be seen again. That is all.

No. 1816504

Men honestly don't know what they want that's why they're not loyal. They're the most mentally impaired sex

No. 1816509

I know my moid e-stalks his ex. Checks her instagram etc. She was one of those women who partied really hard, they'd go out until 3am drinking, partying, getting high. I just don't think I can compete with that. I can't unsee her face. She's this beautiful brunette with pale skin, really thin (like close to pro-ana thin). Even at 31 she's still beautiful. I know he thinks she was "amazing in bed" too.

No. 1816513

no offense nonna but your bf sounds like a total loser for pining after a partygirl ex in his 30s instead of his based farmer gf. if he misses those days or that crowd he's definitely not worth your time.

No. 1816516

All moids like party girls, or 'sluts'. That's what makes me mad. They say they want a girl who is more innocent but deep down they don't. Deep down moids absolutely love the sort of woman who is hot, parties, does drugs, wears little revealing dresses etc. That woman is always, always a moid's most wistfully remembered ex. Those pickmes on tiktok who made those posts saying 'he won't marry me but he'll be thinking of me when he's having starfish sex with his boring wife' may have been pickmes, but they were right.

No. 1816518

Love? Your jealousy has blinded you. Those women are raped when drugged out and then discarded. No man loves "sluts" as you call them. Men hate everything they fuck and giving it up too easy will only diminish your chance of a relationship.

No. 1816520

You're such a cuckold. 31 isn't old. Your boyfriend is a piece of shit. You're jealous of a random woman you've never met. He's fucking with your head. Get out of there, because this is embarrassing.

No. 1816523

I mean we all know this but it's still so funny to see how every retarded incel concept like "alpha widow" is just males projecting their own nature and getting mad at it

No. 1816526

Wtf is that?

No. 1816527

>Even at 31 she's still beautiful.
I don't care about the drama, just wanted to point out that "even" just sounds dumb. Like it was something surprising or weird. 31 is young and if a woman doesn't have super destructive lifestyle she will still look young and good at that age, like many moids are never able to tell women's age and when you're 31 they will still assume you're like 25 at most

No. 1816528

File: 1702832356491.jpeg (52.1 KB, 612x422, Image.jpeg)

i know a lot of people say this but for the first time in my life, i realize how much i dislike the holidays because i don't have a family to spend it with. like it's just me, my mom, and my grandfather right now. i'm estranged from most of my family for various reasons, haven't spoken to my narc dad in nearly a decade, and cut off my aunt and cousin for being abusive to me.

i haven't been deeply depressed about it, thankfully, but every now and then when i'm sitting in my room or just walking around the city, i get a slight pang in my chest because i will think about people and pets i've lost over the years. i have so, so much regret because i can't go back in time and tell them how much i love them. i wish i could apologize to some family i've lost because i feel like i never appreciated the time we had together and i have no clue if we will ever meet again in another life. i really wish i could hold my old childhood pets again like my dog. i just want to squeeze them close and pet them and play with them and tell them i'm sorry that we were separated. like my shitty cousin ending up taking all our cats when we moved out to renovate one of our homes so she could go live in the mountains with her aunt, and a lot of them have started passing over the last few years cause they don't really take good care of them.

plus i feel sad because my grandma died from cancer when she was 73, and i regret not being there when she died (even though she didn't want me to see her in her last moments). i have a lot of mixed emotions about her now that i'm older, mainly because she had a lot of weird beliefs about women because her own mother was kind of a mess. she also had a lot of emotional baggage she never dealt with because of childhood trauma, but she was still my friend and i've never met anyone who i feel close to the same way i did her. we were alike in so, so many ways and i realize i compare a lot of my friendships to my relationship with her and they just never measure up in terms of intensity.

i'm living the life i know she wanted to have too, and it's sad because a part of me thinks in some way she sacrificed so much for me to be where i am today, even though she focused a lot of her efforts on trying to rehab my dumb ass cousin who ended up turning into a loser drug addict. plus when i opened up to some people about how i was feeling and how this is the first holiday season that's kind of gotten me down, i found out one of the moids went behind my back and was claiming i was making things up for attention because apparently i don't look like someone who has had a hard life. my friends cussed him out about this, but this is one of the reasons why i don't tell my business to people.

so for the anons who have good, loving families, decent childhood memories, and not a lot of emotional trauma, please cherish them. you have no idea how precious these things are until they're gone.

No. 1816530

it's not even worth looking up, but incel moids believe women fuck a chad once and then they never get over him. this isn't true, however this is exactly how males operate

No. 1816533

This is literally men? Lol they know everything about themselves and project it on women. They're so crazy it's almost funny

No. 1816535


No. 1816537

also honestly, like with most of the little incel axioms they spout, the moids repeating them don't really believe in or even understand the concepts they're trying to (in a retard maleoid brain damaged way) communicate, they just repeat them over and over because it makes them feel an indignant rage against women

No. 1816539

why do people disliking the things i like bug me so bad? it shouldn't matter at all and i know it's not a personal attack but whenever i click on some random's profile and they're bashing a character i love it irks me for a while

No. 1816543

File: 1702833272546.jpeg (53.48 KB, 495x619, IMG_1145.jpeg)


I am really sorry but it's so fucking annoying, we're almost 30.

No. 1816544

I don't want to refresh the page when I have the "nonnie oh nonnie" cute cats dancing banner. Imagine like three crying emojis here. It's just so cute, I stare at it and get emotional

No. 1816545

Emotional immaturity.

No. 1816547

Doesn't exist. As long as you're behaving like a natural woman (not dating men who don't give you anything material, not dating men who you love more then they love you, knowing he will cheat at some point so cheating before he does, not emotionally fixating on a single man but keeping a harem of suitors) you will be impossible to cuck. Men are chairs, they're meant to be public use. You don't get jealous of visitors sitting on your chair, right? You own the chair and that's that. Being possessive over an immaterial object is mental illness.

No. 1816548

File: 1702833381762.png (139.11 KB, 600x315, myfacern.png)

I recently lost feeling in the right side of my face and my eye/brow is starting to droop and I can't move the side of my lower lip at all. Already sucks because it's harder to talk, but I now also have a seriously lopsided retard smile and I look like I'm constantly doing the Dreamworks brow cock. It makes me look like I have an attitude problem and I hate it. Kinda scared someone's going to punch me in my now very smug-looking face.

No. 1816549

I hate men a lot. Seeing what men post and consume online is lighting a fire of hatred inside my heart and it's only growing larger. I fucking hate them, they don't think or act like humans, their interior workings are that of insects. Even insects have more solidarity and intelligence than the average male posting online though, these males are more like non-sentient sperm cells than they are actual organisms

No. 1816550

This notion that all women are innocent victims and are incapable of being manipulative and dangerous is just disingenuous and demeaning

No. 1816553

Kill yourself male <3(<3)

No. 1816554

Are you sure you're not having a stroke

No. 1816555

Do you think the evil party girls raped your boyfriend or what?

No. 1816559

wtf does this have to do with nonna's bf being a fickle piece of shit who can't move on from the past?

No. 1816561

It started last Wednesday, but I won't know for sure until I see the doctor in a week. So far I haven't seen any other symptoms so it's hopefully something else.

No. 1816562

Fucking men is mental illness

No. 1816563

You sound just as unhinged as him. Leave that poor woman alone, before you skin her.

No. 1816564

Why would you deal with this?

No. 1816566

You take me off of my station and put me on support and when your buddy comes in you have a full length conversation completely ignoring the station you took over so I have to do both of your work? Fuck that! And it's the way that buddy buddy coworker's lazy ass saw the customer and looked at me and continued to ignore the customer to talk about dumb shit. This coworker is always coming in late and is always slacking the fuck off and then has the nerve to get an attitude? They came 30 minutes late and was allowed to take there break right into their shift wtf!!

No. 1816568

Same anon as before. As I was on my station, no one would let me get away with texting meanwhile this lazy slug does it all the time and is still getting treated special

No. 1816569

I just googled the TIF I had a crush on in my freshman year of high school 10 years ago, turns out she’s getting top surgery in exactly one month. I feel sad about it. I guess I was hoping maybe she grew out of it. She’s into tarot and astrology now too, why is absolutely everyone so stereotypical these days? It’s as if there’s only like 4 types of woman and everyone self selects into one category.

No. 1816571

kek I'm sorry nonna but the image of someone having permanent Dreamworks smirk irl is incredibly funny to me, I hope you'll manage to get rid of it though

No. 1816572

It's such a break of code girl to bring your boyfriend out to a Girl's night.

No. 1816574

nta if they're like me it's just asking for cash all the time and threatening to be kicked out if you don't cough it up. if we – me and my mother – go out (and she rarely lets me stay in the house when she leaves) then i'm like her second wallet and she screeches and whines if i don't buy her [x] fast food. doing this over the period of six months added up quick, and that's on top of me paying her phone + internet bill. i never get my cash back either because "she's paying the bills and i'm living here rent free! the bills i pay don't really mean anything~"

No. 1816575

My ex stalks me 10 years later and his current gf with the child they have created doesnt care.
Even after several screenshots and concerned messages from me, she ignores it. He has made me 20 playlists and directly sent them from his account, and she doesnt care. Ive told him and her I dont want to be bothered anymore. Ive blocked him several times. He hust makes a new account and repeats.
It blows my mind she continues to choose to raise a girl with him. Like, where is her self worth? I warned him I would be moving forward with a restraining order.

No. 1816576

men will literally put their dicks up an ass full of shit but refuse to touch a vagina if it's menstruating smh weakass punks can't handle some blood

No. 1816577

OK no for real. I just gotta get this out of my system, sorry to springboard off your post. My friend group is all late 20s so it's not like it's teens or a 21 year old acting like this. My best friend was in an abusive relationship with a cheating narcissistic scrote and she finally left him after five years. She immediately got into a relationship with an ugly Nigel that's actually treating her really well and I was so happy for her that I tried to give her grace that she suddenly invited him to every girls hang and only wanted to hang out with him, cause I've been in her shoes before(even though when I had a Nigel I still had one on one hangs with her and she'd still criticize him for taking her time with me) . But now they've been dating for over 6 months and it feels like at that point as an adult woman you need to go back to being a good friend. I'll make plans and she'll invite him without asking me and they'll spend the entire time whispering conversations to each other that I'm not included in, and doing such intense pda that people in public will make disgusted faces. They'll wander off without me and I'll have to meet up with them 20 minutes later at my own plans. Theyll walk ahead of me instead of beside me now, and every 2 minutes he'll loudly slap her ass. I'll turn to ask her what she thinks about something as a Christmas gift and he'll be literally tickling her pussy in public. It's disgusting and I don't want to lose my best friend I've had for my entire 20s, especially not when she's finally happy, but the difference in the way she's treating me makes me feel like I was just a replacement moid to her, giving her the affection she wasn't getting from her ex. I mean I'm almost 30, these are friendship problems 16 year Olds with their first boyfriend are supposed to have. When I had a miscarriage and her scrote cheated on her I slapped a diaper on to go over and be there for her, but now when I tell her I'm still struggling with the miscarriage and ask to hang out, she invites new moid without telling me and is shocked I don't want to talk about it in front of him. Sorry for the rant nonnies, just feelsbadman.jpg

No. 1816578

Are you the anon from the dumbass shit thread last night? I was worried you had a stroke

No. 1816582

I think this relates to the idea drilled into our head that men taint women

No. 1816585

Is it possible for you to take some kind of legal action against his creepy ass?

No. 1816586

Thanks nonna! It'd be hilarious if I didn't look like such a smug asshole. My face was not made for looking sassy.
Oh, I don't think so? I wasn't in dumbass shit last night. I hope that nonna is okay though!

No. 1816589

Ask for a raise and quit. My blood pressure raised sympathetically just reading that. Any time that's happened to me at a job, once they notice they can get away with it, they'll just put more and more of their and their friends' work onto your back and the exact second you're visibly annoyed by it plant the seeds of you having an attitude problem. Get out of there before it weighs you down so bad you're too exhausted to find another job

No. 1816598

It could be another anon with symptoms of bells palsy, strange how coincidences like that happen on here but I guess it's not too uncommon of a condition to get. I hope it subsides for you soon nonna

No. 1816600

I did do this at my last job because it was legitimately a clique type of situation. The thing is I'm work friends with both of them and they are for the most part good to work with (though that coworker is still a lazy slug, this time the other coworker wad being lazy too). I didn't get a good start to the morning or else I would have told one of them to get on the station so yh this is a pure rant. Once the slug went off to their break, the other coworker helped me. I'm off work and am cooling off

No. 1816602

Samefag sorry I'm still mad and hurt, it's to the point that I asked her for weeks straight to go Christmas shoppping with me, when it used to be our favorite thing in the world to get a coffee and go thrifting and hit up TJ Maxx, and now suddenly she's sooooo busy that she comes up with easily disproven last minute excuses every time. She finally hangs out with me last night (scrote included with no warning of course), spends the whole night with me thirdwheeling on MY OWN PLANS, the scrote goes "thanks for coming out with us" like it wasn't my plans, and then she starts talking quietly to her scrote about a friend that wants her to come to his birthday party, and I hear the scrote say "I'll make up an excuse, I'm the king of excuses". In front of me. The person who has gotten obviously lame excuses every time I've tried to make plans for weeks now. So she really was blowing me off to hang with her scrote (who's her boss BTW, she sees him every single day all day).

No. 1816605

I know it's scary nonna but if you have genuine interest keep at it. I don't think the field is doomed, but using AI as a complimentary tool once you are finished learning is the future.

No. 1816611

Maybe I'm bitter too? Never thought about it like that, I've never wanted to be with someone so I never imagined it'd be that. But yes, the idea of a charming, interesting woman being with a… man. Loving him, caring for him, keeping him in her thoughts, things like remembering birthdays, compromising etc. I just don't like it, she doesn't feel the same to me anymore. Like.. that's a scrote you're giving your heart to…
That is not the reason, I don't think so. I don't care a bit if it's having sex with men, but it's a relationship that just doesn't sit well with me.

No. 1816624

I have a letter to send next time he does it that will be served to him by a courier he is forced to sign for. After that I will file charges.
I am at a loss that his girlfriend stonewalls me
every time I reach out for help. I send polite messages with proof and she just ignores me.
Ive even sent her a list of local therapists/support groups that handle obsession issues, for her to book for him.
I really dont get it, at all. Its exhausting and hes absolutely insane.

No. 1816625

Anon your bestie sounds like a loser and I am sorry it’s taken you this long to realize but all the drama with her abusive ex scrote probably hid her trash adult traits and you’re only seeing them now. Leave her alone to get kitty diddled in public by her ugly scrote and focus your time on people who actually care about you and not simply the attention you give them. This type of behavior as an adult is a glaring red flag and the type of shit you want to avoid in close friends (or lovers), since she was a doormat for so long she’s also probably going from one extreme to the other because she doesn’t understand what a middle ground is and these people are quite frankly the worst to have around when you’re settling into healthy adulthood because they’re gonna be 5-10yrs behind you in emotional development at all times. I’m not say you should completely cut her off but you need to accept that shes not your bestie anymore and if she wants to see you she needs to stop bringing her moid unprompted or you will simply leave.

No. 1816630

A "friend" of mine tried that shit twice after ignoring our other friends and I for a year straight and after that we stopped inviting her to anything at all and created a group chat without her because she wanted to invite her bf to our next outings again and again. She used to bring random girls that nobody knew except her to our plans before that but at least they were nice, friendly, more or less our age and didn't ruin the vibes even if it was always awkward at first. Good riddance.

No. 1816633

Just exerting that big girlfailure energy today

No. 1816644

File: 1702836009148.gif (177.95 KB, 350x298, crying from happiness.gif)

thank you so much. had a shower and the vibe helped though it felt really odd to use it this way haha. Helped relax the muscles too which I cannot believe I don't really think about. Thank you, thank you

No. 1816667

File: 1702836730960.jpg (25.71 KB, 563x395, e50968c05a36b937b2335905915760…)

My boyfriend's grandmother is very ill in hospital right now and is probably going to pass away soon and all of his side of the family are there visiting her.

I didn't go along to visit purely because I thought it was a thing for their side of the family, I've also never met his grandma before so I figured it would be very out of place and awkward for me being there. I didn't go purely because I didn't want to step on any toes like that but I will be supporting him when he comes home from the hospital.

But now I've heard that his family were quite annoyed that I didn't go. I personally wouldn't want my bf there for one of my family member's funeral or seeing them in hospital if he didn't know them well/know them at all because it would be awkward for him. I don't even know what I've done wrong here to be honest, or maybe this is just another social etiquette thing I'm not understanding.

No. 1816671

Why dont you reach out to one of his family members? Ask how grandma is, how they are, and what you can do. Then explain that you were trying not to overstep at the hospital.
Just show you care and let them talk; thats alot of emotion to process and knowing you are there to support will help, and clear the air.

No. 1816682

Thank you, really. I think I just needed to hear it from someone else. I've been beating myself up a lot and wondering if I'm actually the bad friend and just jealous of her happiness or something. But I really have been there for her in a way that she only shows up for for scrotes. I should have known when she spent our entire first half of our 20s obsessed with Twilight and "jokingly" comparing herself to Bella that female best friends were a temporary accessory and chasing scrote affection is all she really cared about, I'm just a loser and don't want to push away one of the only friends I have. Thank you nonnie

No. 1816692

oh jeez, Im sorry nona, I hope you can save up and gain independence soon
its my own account but theyre signed into it and can move funds and check what i bought. they have the same set up with my brothers too, last time i checked. mom only drained my acc once and purely to try to manipulate me into taking her calls again - she didnt spend any of it and my dad told her to put it back, which she did - but ngl after they both coerced me into cosmetic surgery a few years back by breaking me down for 2 months etc etc, i just want to stop giving a fuck about them. i kinda want to force-sign out of all my bank accounts and change passwords but my dad's already threatened to disown me before for not merging lanes like he wanted me to, so it would just add more fuel to the fire

No. 1816743

There's a very particular kind of radfem take that looks down on women's empathy and sees it as something weak and pathetic. I hate that. I hate this radfem school of thought that teaches us we need to be just as sociopathic, evil and subhuman as moids.

Our empathy per se isn't some awful thing. It's what makes us more human than them.

No. 1816769

It's so disgusting. The tinfoil hat in me wants to say it's astroturfed, because how does anyone get far enough to consider themselves a radfem but still enough of a pick me to think that the best of us should act like the worst of men, and that's a GOOD thing. I know it's probably mostly just teen girls who think the idea of calling themselves a radfem is so cool and edgy, while also being deep in their pick me phase, but I still tinfoil

No. 1816785

I love being empathetic. Except for moids. They deserve no empathy and I hope for male suicide stats to skyrocket.

No. 1816800

>I hope for male suicide stats to skyrocket.
I don't. My brother was suicidal. It's not something nice to wish on anyone.

No. 1816803

Well I hope your brother kills himself and some faggot morgue worker rapes his corpse and uploads it on cutedeadguys.net(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1816810

Moid or tranny, call it

No. 1816812

File: 1702840127761.gif (1.78 MB, 498x498, 紫咲シオン-ホロライブ.gif)

>another normal day on lolcow.farm

No. 1816814

my boyfriend is airheaded socially but he is so handsome and smart, I just wish he wasn't so aGGh sometimes
>talking to his mom
>mentions there's a ferry we can take to travel
>mention it to him
>"oh i forgot to tell you nonnie"
grr, my nigel…

No. 1816816

I agree. I do feel like we are way more sympathetic to male sob stories than female pain. This is kind of retarded, but you can see this in how female characters versus male characters are treated. Where she is a dramatic harpy mary sue, he's a cool stoic with a tragic past. Empathy is what makes us human. It's genuinely important not to lose it. No greater tragedy than giving up the core essential of humanity.
That's likely not happening to a moid.

No. 1816820

We don't need to get rid of or suppress our empathy dealing with other women, but we need to stop extending it to men. Women would not so consistently keep getting the short end of the stick in our interactions with men if we didn't so foolishly offer them kindness that they will never return

No. 1816822

you don't need to be a sociopath, you just need to stop being a bleeding heart for scrotes. i've called women weak for being "empathetic" too, but it's always in reference to women who continue to give men the benefit of the doubt. many women will outright be told by a man "i think women are lesser (or something similar)" and rather than cut him out, they'll either a.) laugh it off or b.) yell him down, then continue to interact because they think he now understands them. he very well may, but he's a male so he won't change his behavior.


>Our empathy per se isn't some awful thing. It's what makes us more human than them.

men are more than capable of empathy! i hate this idea that they aren't. the think pieces mras wrote about johnny depp during the trial nonsense should prove that. they just don't care enough about you (a female) to extend or display their empathy

No. 1816827

You sound no different from a 4chan moid lol. Even if a lot of men are bad people, I'm still going to treat people with kindness if they treat me with kindness. There are good men out there, no matter what you've convinced yourself of to believe in your crazy channer ideology.

No. 1816829

File: 1702840469716.jpg (66.65 KB, 800x900, 1615315435829.jpg)

No. 1816833

Huh. For some reason I really thought this would be a fake website (the name is too silly) but it's a real corpse/snuff fetish forum.

No. 1816836

>There are good men out there,
And they still benefit from the generational submission and abuse of women all over the world and they still watch porn like most men. Cope harder

No. 1816838

ER now

No. 1816843

I know there are men out there that are fighting against porn use because they feel empathy for the women who suffered in it. I've spoken to a couple of them.

No. 1816847

And being cruel to "good guys" makes me wet. So what?

No. 1816849

They don't do it out of empathy but because porn gives them erectile dysfunction at 20. If porn didn't have any negative impact on male health and their ability to enjoy sex with actual women, they wouldn't give a single flying fuck about it.

No. 1816850

they do feel empathy for them…men enjoy porn specifically because the woman is suffering, and they find her anguish titillating kek. total animals

No. 1816851

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No. 1816853

i think that post is being sarcastic

No. 1816854

If it's just a consensual sexual fetish then I don't see what's wrong with it but being evil to men who are genuinely nice and kind seems sociopathic.

No. 1816855

stunning, brave and valiant males! we should throw ourselves at them for basic human decency. no one here is seriously going up and assaulting men because of their lack of empathy for men, that's a more male trait, and while i do believe lunging around hate all the time is gonna stifle you, it ain't healthy, even the worst, violent posts here are ultimately meaningless. they have no impact on anything. no one here is actualizing their hate, because it's dangerous and dumb.

No. 1816859

Genuinely nice and kind men who don't have any hidden agenda and don't hope to benefit from you in the long time? Never heard of her

No. 1816860

Call me a sociopath the way I'm lacing your man's weed with fentanyl and pimping him out to homosexuals(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1816861

Yes, and as soon as they close the door they're looking at "teen stepsister anal gangbang gape" penis in hand

No. 1816865

>tranime pedo pictures
>ummm not all guys? tee hee

Ball stank, it's in here

No. 1816867

> Even at 31 she's still beautiful.

No. 1816871

No. 1816872

The only ethical way to consume porn is to watch hentai or read fanfics but those are often so weird I just feel I'd just feel I'm enabling some psycho
>But muh OnlyFans, girlboss get it done
They regularly clear out apartment blocks full of trafficked women in Eastern Europe forced into that. The head of the site is some Andrew Tate creep.

What we really need is to just ban porn and get out and meet each other. That or look at some attractive rocks or wood or something.

No. 1816875

tranime is a term often used by 4chan scrotes so try again detective-chan

No. 1816877

Lmao he admitted to me once when we were high he had had bi fantasies while crying. Grew up in a strict diaspora Russian Orthodox Christian household.

No. 1816905

you're dating some repressed faggot.

No. 1816950

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I think I'm going insane. Six months ago I got evicted. My sister offered to let my move in with her and we get along well and it's super great. We get along but it's her dog.
> The dog will not acknowledge me. I call his name and he does nothing.
> He never snaps at me just kinda apathetic when I'm around.
> I feed the dog sometimes and he takes the food and walks away. With my sister or her BF he eats in front of them and wags his tail.
> He scratches my door sometimes, I let him in, he has a sniff then walks out. Doesn't acknowledge me at all.
> I throw his ball when we are at the park. He brings it back for my sister or her BF but not me.
> I've walked him a lot of times and he seems excited to be let out but when we come back it's all apathy. With my sister or her BF he's bouncing.
BF isn't living with us btw. They've only been dating for like three months. I am putting way too much thought into this dog but like my sister's BF, our mam and our brother who are around a lot less than me he loves and is super happy with. With me he just doesn't care. My brother lived her before and the dog was great with him. How has this dog got such a hold on me? Pic related he looks like that. This is stupid.

No. 1816957

Literally no one cares about your suicidal brother

No. 1816962

maybe he senses how you feel and you're giving him negative vibes. Try not to overthink it and give him some extras treats and actually sweet baby-talk him if he likes that.

No. 1816975

He's not used to your presence yet. It will take some time, maybe a year or two, then he will make the habit

No. 1817001

either moid or soon to be TIF

No. 1817007

Hate when a woman I’m following online pivots to onlyfans content. I wanted to see her cute outfits and makeup but now she only posts retarded lingerie horny bait shit. Whyyyyy do so many women in the alternative scene do this??

No. 1817035

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BF hasn't lived with the dog and brother hasn't lived with him as long as I have so I think it's not that.
Probably this. I just feel super emotionally radioactive since I had to leave the city. He can smell the negativity off me.
If the dog can get it off me other people probably can too. Need to work on myself and be more positive.

No. 1817046

kekkkk i envy your creativity

No. 1817051

It's weird if someone copy and pastes the same conversation prompts between all of their friends just to have the same conversations with different people right?
Please tell me I'm not bugging. Is this some new way of communication I've just missed out on within the last five years?

No. 1817066

If you can't pick up a sponsor you need to pivot to that to keep active. Instagram pays pennies compared to Youtube or Twitch. Porn obsessed Onlyfans moids are a consistent stream of revenue. I follow a few people who keep their Instagram seiso and it's nice but the comment sections suck.

No. 1817126

Border collies are super smart dogs, let yourself be more positive and carefree around him, he can probably feel how stressed you are

No. 1817146

Yeah it's a bit weird, that's basically treating you all as different AI chatbots

No. 1817149

Why did you all take it as that anon saying we should still be empathetic to men. I took it as talking about the way we interact with other women. I've seen lots of online radfems use a woman doing something like having plastic surgery and lying as an excuse to start up sexist slurs all while crying that Karen is a slur. To add on I like a focus more on solving issues women face than hating men (I think it's justifiable for members of an oppressed group to have a hatred/bias of their oppressors though).

No. 1817166

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Yeah I've heard they are way up there with the most smartest breeds of dogs or general animals. If you don't keep giving them activates to do they will think themselves in anxiety. Gonna try act super cool around him and maybe drop a rubix cube or something. I'm half joking but maybe if I stimulate him rather than be part of the furniture I'll get on with him more.

No. 1817194

I'm so fucking ugly and unattractive and I realized this just now. One of my male acquintances falls in love with pretty much every girl he interacts with besides me and my other friend. And, no I don't even feel attracted to him I think he's kinda ugly actually but I'm seething because not even this guy finds me attractive, a guy who doesn't even have particularly high "standards". I don't even remember when was the last time a guy genuinely liked me, that's how fucking hideous I am apparently. And it bothers me because when I look in the mirror or in the pics I don't think I'm ugly. I thought I was cute, but apparently not because men think I have the appeal and charisma of stale bread and I'll fucking die alone

No. 1817197

Also I hate when people say shit like "there's someone for everyone" or "you'll find someone eventually" yeah like a desperate incel who would fuck any woman?

No. 1817199

I bet you are cute nonnie. Are you a bit GNC? Some men don't like that since it isn't stereotypical for their monkey brains

No. 1817207

Men are attracted to long hair and lipstick, not your face.

No. 1817210

Honestly, no, not really. I don't think I stand out that much from the average girl in my area. I wonder now if I'm just being delusional about my image and overestimated my physical attractiveness all this time. I know I shouldn't ask for validation especially male validation because it's not worth it but it still hurts.

No. 1817214

Its almost impossible for a woman to overestimate her looks unless she's some kind of Chris Chan. maybe you're not whiny/childish/loud enough? That gets moids going

No. 1817215

No. 1817218

Kek the chris-chan comparison, I really hoped it's not the same case here
>maybe you're not whiny/childish/loud enough?
I feel like it would make me look pathetic instead so I don't act like that. I'm also a bit autistic so I genuinely don't know how to behave like that in a manner that doesn't disturb everyone around me

No. 1817223

Yes it would make you look pathetic but men are legit into that. The whinier and dumber the better. "Whore that's been born yesterday" is what sells. It tingles their pedo sticks.

No. 1817226

If you're objectively pretty and come across as smart men are more reluctant to approach because they can't cope with rejection well. They'll bad mouth easy girls all the time but those girls wouldn't be considered easy if so many men didn't seek them out for whatever reasons.

No. 1817239

cut my bangs uneven and i'm trying not to freak the fuck out about it. it's not a big deal but it's really bothering me right now and i'm thinking about how there was nothing wrong with my bangs before i hacked them up (they're fine just a little uneven i'm just dramatic) and now i have to wait for them to grow back and who know if it'll be in the same way because i did them way too blunt this time and accidentally missed a good lock of my hair. trying not to go insane because i have to go to sleep. i'll just sleep it off. i'm just so sad about my bangs. one day i'll go micro. but for now i've got these cowlicked-almost-straight-across-but-only-sometimes-other-times-side-swept bangs.

No. 1817241

Exactly. Moids don't want the best option even by their own definition, they want what's easiest.

No. 1817246

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I'm jealous of my friends who are in long term relationships. We're in our late 20's and I'm the only one who's single and all the "good men" are taken past a certain age. I just want someone to love and care about me and have someone to build a life/home with…I miss being held, feeling safe and laying my head on someone's chest. I have lots of things going for me and people tell me that I'm pretty, interesting and smart but I don't belive them at this point because why else would I still be single. All I need is mutual attraction and care..

No. 1817255

Just date younger lol.

No. 1817257

I'm in the same exact boat nonna. Part of me hates need moid validation so badly but when you're truly in love with someone it's amazing. Especially being in my late 20's, everyone's already paired up and all that's left are the dregs. I've dated younger my past few relationships and it's bit me in the ass each time. My last ex told me I was so amazing that it scared him and he just ran. That I made him extremely happy and he wanted to be with me a long time but that it scared him because he was too young. Even though he was three years younger. I really wish he had called me a cunt instead kek.

No. 1817268

>All good men my age are taken! They've settled a long time ago!
>Then date younger men
Ok, I guess you'll just have to kill yourself.

No. 1817269

Been there, done that. I don't want a guy who plays vidya all day and is only interested in a situationship. Most young guys aren't ready to settle down.

I'm sorry nonny! But I agree about being truly in love. I don't "need" a man, I can support myself and am independent but there's just nothing that can fill the void of wanting companionship and romance. It's just something different when you have someone to come home to.

No. 1817272

No need to be so rude about it jeez.

No. 1817274

I'm just pointing out where your brain short-circuits.

No. 1817275

Still no reason to tell someone to kill themselves. It doesn't make you look any more rational

No. 1817289

I have this fear too, nonnie. I'm in almost my mid 20's and I feel like I have to be fast, dregs are already hitting on me so much too. Guess that the only option is to wait for some of those good guys to get widowed kek.

No. 1817298

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I made the mistake of speaking to my mother again. I hope she realizes that if not wanting to put up with her bullshit makes me like my father, then literally everyone who knows her is like my father.

No. 1817302

To be fair there's a lot of dregs that end up in long term things because women hate themselves. But a real, reciprocal relationship that lasts seems to be impossible.

No. 1817306

I know i'm so obviously in the wrong but i haven't had the gut to confess this anywhere else and the guilt is eating me alive, not even because i'm self aware, it's just because i know i'm going to get caught. I made up a dumb lie when i was like 12 in an online friend group that oohh there was a hacker and i never confessed i did that n NOW its coming back to bite me in the ass i'm in complete distress how am i this braindead

No. 1817315

I feel like online dating and social media in general made it even worse. Either moids will string you along because they feel like they can "do better" or the ones who are in relationships will still do shady shit such as follow girls on OF. I sometimes skim through some of my friends' boyfriends' following lists and there are at least 10 twitch thots or girls with OF or Snapchat links on there. Disgusting.

No. 1817322

How bad was it? If it's bad confess now and it's going to look much better than getting caught. People sympathise with the guilty.

No. 1817329

>there's a lot of dregs that end up in long term things because women hate themselves
Also this, and I think it's worsening the dating situation tbh since not accepting dreg bevahior is frowned upon and it lowers the chances of finding a decent guy. Because of most women hating themselves, there is no incentive for moids to strive to be better people.
Where I live, most of the decent moids are taken by the age of 26 at most and I feel in a race against time which will be futile in my case…

No. 1817379

help i'm ovulating and in dire need of affection
I wish I could lose myself in the embrace of a guy who smells nice
I wish I'd still see the world through pink colored glasses
this sucks

No. 1817409

I'm frustrated with my younger self who didn't understand the value of being a "normie", when being a normal, healthy, well balanced individual is the ideal way to live life. I stunted my own growth and psychologically gave up by withdrawing into my mind. I'm a midwit, and lived in a shoebox apartment with my narcissistic mom and oafishly stupid and selfish father for the past 22 years of my life. It's easy to dislike my father because of all the outright heinous stuff that he did, but my mom being a narcissist is just way worse. I love her, but now that I'm 22 and can see her through the lens of an adult, she's scary to look at. It almost seems unhinged, or like that of a malevolent or attention seeking child. I'm so scared of going against her too. I hate some parts of her, but I'm also reliant on her. I'm going to try to move out soon and I know she'll go crazy because she wants me close by to control. I wish I didn't have to do this to my parents, that we had normal boundaries and respect between one another, but I feel like if I don't do anything now, I'll lose my identity.

No. 1817455

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feeling very lonely today. i'm coming to terms with how i don't have that many people in my life outside of immediate family and my one IRL friend. i think a lot of it is that i don't put enough effort into my relationships anymore and also don't care enough to maintain them since i know i'll be moving after i graduate college. even outside of that, me having friends and then losing them has been kind of a reoccurring theme for me for the last 7ish years so i should probably seek therapy after the new year starts. i usually am fine with not having too many people and doing things on my own but on some days (like today) it really catches up to me

No. 1817531

tough situation

overall my experienced dating younger have been better than older but I get your hesitation

No. 1817579

I want to experience ego death… but forever. Sure my life is heading in a positive direction right now, but i don't feel excited to be a full adult. I went on vacation and did a whole bunch of stuff that was out of my comfort zone just to feel something… i feel nothing. It was kind of a waste of time. I feel like i will be happy trying to be closer with nature and trying to embrace my natural form, something i feel like i have been at war with my whole life. I wish i could find a way to explore spirituality without getting sucked into a cult or going back to Catholicism, which is what i grew up with. I became an atheist because i felt like i didn't understand the point of going to church or believing in something that was unproven, I had an obsession with wanting to be logical and having extreme self awareness. I was unhappy with how my life was going and i felt like god hated me. Now i know that my life is shit because i refused to accept god's plan for me and i want to develop a way to build a connection with god and understand what he wants for me. I have let god down for not taking care of a my mortal form and accepting myself for who i am.

No. 1817584

I look worse with undereye concealer than with no makeup, it makes me look so dry and crust

No. 1817592

do you think a club or volunteering or some sport or activity might help you? if you have time?

my boyfriend lives across the country and i do classes online and i just quit my part time job for freelancing work. though similarly im used to being alone and friendless i understand how hard it can be some days. my plan is to volunteer one day a week and do ballet another day of the week to try and combat this and be around people more. would this help you? or you want specific help with the personal friendship maintaining?

No. 1817594

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Reeeeeee why does my art such reeeeee why don't I understand rendering or lighting or anatomy reeeee stuck in eternal shit sketch stage and can never live my fujoshi dreams of drawing hot men because I use ibispaint and all real artfags use procreate reeeeeeee

No. 1817597

I'm working a fairly easy job , wrangling sped children in elementary school. The pay is alright and I feel a bit of ease finally having an income. But I'm still so unhappy with life. Its lonely everyday. All the other employees have worked there longer and are better friends.
I go home and just sit in my head because I'm either too exhausted or too depressed to do anything productive.
I've been making good strides to pull myself out of this NEET hole this year but it doesn't feel like enough. Everyday feels so pointless. I'm wondering when will I finally be happy. I only feel a bit happy when I'm actually useful to someone. I think I need to drop everything and just build up marketable skills like a machine.

No. 1817600

Late but you’re not a loser nonna and I know people who care about you the way you do for them will show, one of the ways that happens is by boundary setting with the people who do not. Its a pretty decent asshole filter and you deserve caring adult friendships.

No. 1817602

File: 1702867713551.gif (1.57 MB, 498x498, 1661523137081.gif)

tomorrow is my little dogs 15th birthday so im baking a special cake for him and i even got candles. but also its just me at home to celebrate and i feel like its going to be depressing. im already overthinking and getting emotional about it.

No. 1817603

Wrangling sped children is a marketable skill because I assure you that the tard field will be booming

No. 1817606

Happy birthday to him! Does he have any dog friends you could invite?

No. 1817612

And it will pay a whopping $13 an hour

No. 1817618

Get your bcba

No. 1817619

im too scared to check my academic email

No. 1817620

thank you nonna. i have a second dog actually, so they'll both get some cake

No. 1817698

Nonnies I feel insane.. I ranted at my boyfriend for using gifs and reaction images of asian girls all the time on his discord server. He told me he uses them because people like them and they are cool. Thing is I know he used to like asian women he says that not anymore, and also I have past trauma of ex bfs comparing me to asian women and telling me I'll never be as good as them. Anyway my bf got really upset and rightfully so, it's just gifs, he is very sweet and loving and nice to me, irl where it counts. So I feel so stupid, I had like a full on breakdown over him using asian girls gifs, anyway I'll get therapy , and he still uses the gifs. Gosh I feel retarded nonnas help

No. 1817703

You have every right to feel that way and he's weird for using those gigs, LEAVE and stop dating weaboos

No. 1817707

My mental health has been at its worst. I feel like everyone is against me except for my boyfriend. I want to kill myself. I’m so bad at conveying my feelings and thoughts and I always come off the wrong way and it usually upsets someone or gets some pushback. I’m so tired of feeling like I can never come off the right way. Why am I so bad at interacting with people even though I try to be friendly? I’m sure my mental health isn’t helping how I come off either. It feels like no one understands me, even my mom misinterprets me 24/7. I should either shut the fuck up or kill myself. I want it to end.

No. 1817712

He totally gaslit her into thinking she's crazy meanwhile I bet his bookmark stash is all jav

No. 1817713

Start using gifs of hot guys that look nothing like him and see how he likes it. He's playing dumb, we all know why he chooses those gifs in particular and he doesn't even have the tact or consideration to refrain where you can see it. What a tiny concession he failed to make for you…

No. 1817714

I feel like dumping someone over gif usage at our age is abut insane, we are both former weebs, he is not cheating, or a bad person, or anything like that at all. It's just this particular thing that bothers me because I have my own issues with it but it's so retarded. We have a nice life together, I'm just severely insecure and anxious fml

No. 1817717


No. 1817721

You're going to suffer more from inaction than just looking at it, do it nonnie

No. 1817727

Don’t let him get away with making himself the victim when you brought up an issue kek that’s your classic moid tactic to get away without changing behavior and make you feel bad for voicing boundaries. He’s not worth it if he can’t even stop using a gif of all things to make you feel more comfortable. Think of the shit he’s going to pull in the future if he can’t even do this one thing you’ve said is hurtful to you. Ffs there’s like billions of other possible gifs to use kek

No. 1817730

Don't let him fool you into thinking it's merely about "gif usage," it's about him violating boundaries

No. 1817733

Idk I feel a bit controlling asking for that. He uses other gifs, male female, whatever. I have issues being a bit controlling because of my anxiety, and also I didn't bring it up in a calm way, I got super upset and confrontational. I hate when I get irrationally angry at stupid shit, which is why I need therapy. Also he is making money with youtube rn and he shares that money with me and well you can't escape a weeb audience so he also uses that for that purpose, anywhere else he doesn't use asian girls gifs, just on that server. Idk it's all very stupid he is a very nice man

No. 1817817

Wow, you really do have notifications enabled for all the channels in this Discord server.

No. 1817823

You just rationally excused and explained this away. Maybe screenshot your own post and look at it if you feel the anxiety bubbling up again? Good luck with therapy if you decide to pursue it. Dating a youtuber though… I mean, you do you.

No. 1817847

don't get married, nonas

No. 1817851

Why nonny?

No. 1817854

start using gifs with muscular men only. I recommend jojo and gachimuchi gifs. see how it goes when he tastes his own poison.

No. 1817857

just remembered how the man I used to think was my "best friend" responded to me opening up to him about having an eating disorder by calling me a retard. I brought it up years later and he didn't even think it was bad, he just spouted something about that he thought it was ok because "our banter". lol, more like the constant neverending stream of disrespect that I tolerated for nearly a decade. I dumped him as a friend for far worse things last year, then this summer I became retarded again and tried to reconcile with him because I was uwu forgiving, color me surprised when he yet again showed his true colors by being his boring condescending bully self. I ghosted him for good after that but I'm still ashamed of how much shit I ate. male friends, not even once. truly hope his gf dumps him before he manages to manipulate her into becoming a tradwife

I found the guy fucking posting on 4chan, he'd always masquerade (badly) as a male feminist type and he had tons of female friends (ENORMOUS red flag in retrospect). he tried to gaslight me about this when I confronted him but I know and he knows that I know. you're disgusting mate, I gave you so many chances to be better! you ARE a bully and you don't have redeeming qualities to make up for it. all you listen to is /mu/core and you will never be a real intellectual. your sycophants will never love you and the e-girls you're truly attracted to would never look your way. deep down you'll always be a jordan peterson following incel brony.

No. 1817858

men lie out of convenience and self preservation by nature. none are different or special. its hard coded into them.

No. 1817862

good, sage advice. my mom gave me this exact advice during a particularly emotional day, but she's gone back on it saying, "marriage is beautiful and fulfilling" disregarding the fact that she and my dad divorced after like 4 years and she's been unmarried since.

No. 1817863

i wish i had known about naproxen medicine sooner so i wouldn't have developed tinnitus from advil

No. 1817865

what did he do that was so bad it snapped you out of it, despite putting up with his shit for so long?

No. 1817868

honestly? defending the shit treatment of another girl. the way he didn't think saying bad things about someone else was bad if they didn't find out. that was definitely the last straw, realizing he's a terrible person and a coward as well
also I think taking psychedelics with him one last time helped, it's like it un-brainwashed me and made me see him as he really is. immediately upon coming down he was talking shit about someone and it just disgusted me a lot.

No. 1817876

on a related note, men who take psychedelics are awful. at best they're smarmy pseudo-intellectuals and at worst charlie manson types. you'd think ego death would help moids but somehow it only makes their moid egos GROW

No. 1817882

I had a friend like that, basically treated me as an asset, was nice to me when he needed something, eventually he hooked up with this girl I was befriending, I randomly introduced them to each other but I didn't think anything would come out of it because he's kinda ugly. then they started dating then living together and eventually he hit her and they broke up. from our friend group (we used to call it party lol so fucking cringe), literally EVERYONE knew why they broke up except for me because I was the token girl there. I was a dumb nlog so I blamed her and while I was blaming her and badmouthing this woman to these men who knew why they broke up, they also blamed her and kept blaming on feminism and kept shitting on her and all the things she liked. I feel so dirty even nowadays because of it, and it's been over a decade. later the guy admitted to me why they broke up and I felt so fucking dumb and gross. they knew I would shit on him and defend her if I knew but they wanted to keep me around as an asset because I was dumb and threw money around to hang out with them so I often paid for stuff because they were all broke and unemployed. I cut them all off my life eventually, not immediately because I'm fucking retarded. I had hopes he would improve as a human being but never did, none of those guys did, their antics with women only got worse and their ego struggles with each other only got more defined. I'm pretty sure those guys didn't even like each other either, they were always arguing about something and someone had to be the right person. the same guy who hit his exgf, also knocked up a girl and told me he wasn't going to participate in anything because "her family didn't want me to". like bro. it's your fucking child, at least pay child support. I knew at that moment there was no going back and he was irredeemable trash so I ghosted them all.
I feel terrible for the way I treated her. I bet she browses here because she was into imageboards and was an ana-chan though so it's not like she is a perfect human being. but miles better than any of those scrotes I used to hang out with. it sucks how it happened but at least I learned to always prioritize my female friends and never get too close to scrotes again. they will never treat women as their equal peers.

No. 1817883

godspeed nona, in the end it was a blessing for us both to learn the hard way that male "friends" are worthless. a shame that they get away with ruining other women though, these scrotes always cause so much collateral damage
>because he's kinda ugly.
same with the guy I was talking about. the ugly ones are the worst for some reason kek

No. 1817885

I swear his only good physical trait was that he had a head full of hair, besides that, the guy was ugly as sin and looked like a malnourished and short sticc frog man wearing a long brown wig. his exgf was so cute though. she was literally too good for him in several ways.

No. 1817887

the situation you described is so similar to the one I was in that it's funny. these disgusting moid circles somehow always manage to ensnare beautiful amazing women, the bar is so low that it's insane. ugly and evil men don't deserve to have their pick of no-self-esteem nice pretty women but in this world they do for some reason!

No. 1817891

uggghhhh the women these guys pulled were WAY out of their league. and they kept fucking with them, they literally didn't deserve dating these women yet they hit/cheat/abused them. I remember she literally sold her burando because he hated when she wore lolita because it was too modest for him and hid her figure. he obsessively kept trying to make her change her tastes. even the videogames she played. the girl didn't catch a fucking break. all these guys tried to do that, make the girls become someone they would prefer. being so close to these guys and seeing them admit openly they would tell their gfs what to do and manipulate them to do whatever they wanted through literal emotional manipulation made me not trust men anymore but also not do a single thing a man tells me to.

No. 1817893

I wish I was a zoomer so I could draw and post fanart of a cringe webcomic I'm into without feeling massive shame. It doesn't help that the fandom is infested with tranny porn fanart and zoomers projecting their mental illnesses on the characters.

No. 1817897

>look cute and proportional in the mirror, people tell me I'm pretty, some even called me beautiful
>ugly tranny potato face on phone camera, both selfie mode and back camera; huge nose, chin and jaw too small, small deflated lips, unnaturally wide set eyes
I want to kill myself, I will never have any photos of myself. It makes me sad because when I get old I will never know how I looked like in my 20s, I will forget it, and K will have no photos to show to my grandkids. Is it worth to invest in an actual camera, will my face look better? I'm afraid I will only waste money and I'm that ugly irl, and the mirror just makes me look better and more symmetrical and proportional and the people keep me delulu out of pity

No. 1817908

I also look like hot garbage on my selfie camera. I found out taking photos with the regular phone camera looks a bit better.

No. 1817909

that can happen?

No. 1817912

yeah it's listed as one of the side effects

No. 1817914

have you tried taking photos with the camera in the mirror? step away a little and zoom in so your face fills the frame - find a balance so that the quality doesn't look like shit, and hold your phone to the side so it doesn't come in the frame. you can get some nice photos that way since they don't come out looking distorted - they look as close to what you see as possible with a phone camera. obviously they won't look as professional as with a dslr, idk what you need them for. maybe invest in a camera stand before getting an expensive camera - you can set up a nice backdrop and lighting, and it can turn out good enough for any pfp you might need for your job.

No. 1817918

samefag and probably because i kept taking it every 2 weeks for years since nothing else worked for cramps, i didn't get exposed to loud noises or anything like that. but now i read that even naproxen and basically any nsaid in general can cause it welp

No. 1817926

I tried it and it still looks like shit, I look 10 years older and fatter, my skin looks saggier etc.

No. 1817929

going to have to work on 3 hours of sleep tomorrow (well today kek) because for some reason my brain refuses to shut off some nights. I used two of my few sick days last week though since I had a terrible virus that I'm still recovering from so I can't stay home. I wish I had some work from home programming job or just any decently paid wfh job that lets me set my own schedule so that I never have to worry about sleeping through my alarms and working while fatigued.

No. 1817962

someone explain to me why clothes look better on skinny women 99% of the time so i have to reee as a chub when looking like shit in the same cute outfits

No. 1817966

Dealing with a sinus infection rn and my eyes hurt so much

No. 1817974

Omfg I swear to god theres nothing more insufferable to me than seeing women spread positivity around het dating and sex meanwhile it only ever serves men. Why are you acting so incomplete like you need a man to validate your existence even tho the natural power dynamic between sexes is horrendous. It's a breeding ground for thr worst shit possible worst hierarchies possible worst shallowness and egoism. It only even gives more power to men, only men have power on these relationships and women are the desperate ones. Like wtffff is the point of dating as a woman I hate this shit sooooo much it makes me feel powerless like a slave

No. 1817996

solidarity anon. Mother shit is the worst.

No. 1818004

sometimes I feel really down about all the retarded stuff my abusive bf forced me to say to other people. those people don't know that I didn't actually feel that way or want to say those things. I know at least one friend who wound up believing I was unhinged because I do look unstable without the full context, and I have a kinda bad rep in some respects for some things that were coerced.
And I can't really do anything about it now, because it would also seem crazy to contact people like "hey you know this stupid thing I said ages ago? Actually I didn't mean it and it's all [bf]'s fault." Even if they believed me 100%, people would still say or think that I'm retarded for letting myself get manipulated.
Normally I have a really positive outlook when I remember cringy stuff from the past and feel grateful that I grew as a person and now know that it was dumb behavior, but I feel really stuck on these incidents because I already knew back then, I was just too scared and alone to rebel. And I really loved him. I can't confide in people because they'll think I'm absolutely braindead for that part if they knew a fraction of what he did behind the scenes.

No. 1818005

I hate this too. I hate how like 80% of mainstream womens "empowerment" content I see is centred around sEx PoSItIvItY bullshit. And if you dare suggest that sleeping around and not being selective in who you allow close to you to might be detrimental to your mental health you just get morons jumping at you going on about "reee some women ENJOY being used by men!!!! its my CHOICE to be used by men!!!!!"

No. 1818007

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Is it just hard to meet new people when you're 20+ ? Are people less social since covid happened ? Am I the problem ?

I've been meeting some new people at uni and making an effort to come up to them, ask about them, and it always naturally comes down to "we should grab a drink/meet sometimes". I try to let them say it first so I don't feel like they just agreed to be polite. Nonetheless, after texting, sending an email or whatever I get ghosted. Then see them in class, they apologize but don't follow up anyway. I will naturally send my notes from class, ressources regarding their topic of research, articles that we could read and discuss later, or anything that can help someone I meet in their studies because I feel like our uni is very individualistic and lacks solidarity between students. I feel like I did this kind of things to 10-15 people, like once or twice each. I 90% of the time never receive an answer, a simple thank you or whatever - I don't do this to receivre gratitude, but it just seems like a normal thing to do and doesn't take more than a minute ? How am I supposed to connect with anyone if they cannot even make that simple effort ? I'm starting to believe that I'm doing something wrong or that people just don't like me. I have friends and don't need more but I'd like to exchange with people in my field of study, give support to new students and maybe organize group projects to stay motivated. The researching world can be so alienating, and everyone I've talked to about this agrees, gets excited with me when talking about social projects, than drops everything and can't even meet for a drink. Maintaining old relationships is even harder and I'm just tired of pulling all the weight in most of my relationships. I have so much love to give and don't want to waste it.

No. 1818022

i have an interview at 11 and it’s 6:36 right now. barely got any sleep last night (went to bed at 12 am after it quieted down and finally got to sleep around 1 something) because the rats decided to go crazy, i woke up at 4, and my retarded mother decided it was a great idea to wake up at 5am and play the tv at full volume while talking to herself. i hate my fucking life and i hope i can still get this job. i feel better than expected i just don’t know how well i’ll do in the actual interview. i hope i don’t forget things i need to say during a critical moment or something

No. 1818028

I'd love to have one get together with my friends that didn't involve them staring at their phones for 3 hours. I feel like we're growing apart because they can't remove themselves from the social media cesspool. It's such a pain in the ass to try and make new organic friendships when everyone around you is so terminally online too. I don't want to be alone so I still see them, but it feels so toxic every time I have to hear about someone else's life because thats all they look at online.
It feels like there's no one with interest in actually living life anymore because it's more convenient to live through someone else.

No. 1818029

My two friends are kind of retarded. They got into an argument and aren't talking anymore. Friend number 1 is a Type A personality and only sees her perspective and number 2 is super passive aggressive about everything and is giving everyone the silent treatment rn including me and the other people in our friend group for some reason. I've tried to call her multiple times already because her silence got me worried but she isn't picking up. Number 1 has been venting to me about everything and wanted to talk shit but I told her that she should please go and talk to 2 about it directly and find a solution they are both ok with. I like both of my friends but dear god I don't want to be caught in the crossfire of their petty fight.

No. 1818032

Good luck for the interview nonnie! I’m sure you will do great!

No. 1818037

My best friend is getting married and she’s 23. I think she’s insane but idk if I’m the insane one. The moid is so average too, he is acne-ridden and she complains about him yet says he’s the “love of her life”. I truly don’t get it and it’s hard to hold in how stupid I think the decision is, especially given the state of the rest of her life.

No. 1818046

I feel similarly. My closest friends live in other states so we can only interact online but nowadays they're never up for doing anything, like playing a game or really talking about anything, they're just scrolling twitter and watching youtube while we're in a call together. People always say to meet people outside but people around me are glued to the internet too, even my older family members want to talk about or show me stuff they saw online. The irony is that I end up wasting hours online doing nothing because I feel lonely and want to distract from it

No. 1818050

There is literally nothing powerful about having sex as a woman. When women say that making men scream and shake from pleasure makes them feel powerful I cringe so fucking hard no way you have to lower yourself to such a degraded beast like state as a woman to have power!? Like wtf is even female power… Theres no such a thing. I would become suicidal if I had to give men pleasure I can't never experience because of my biology

No. 1818053

>Like wtf is even female power… Theres no such a thing
How do you guys talk like this without becoming suicidal, this can't be healthy

No. 1818058

Men are too lucky, they always experience pleasure and orgasm during sex so wtf. I hate how the women as caregivers thing is still so powerful that we’re taught to feel massive self worth from pleasing someone else. Imagine if moids got all their happiness from giving us orgasm and pleasure, even when there was nothing in return for them. Like goddamn wake the hell up, this is only beneficial for one side.

No. 1818064

I feel pretty powerful when I've convinced my nigel to let me up a buttplug in his ass, stick him in a cock cage and make him think I'll let him cum only to snatch it away and add 3 more days to him wearing it.
Then I get him to eat me out and bully him over being pathetic.
The fact when we were first talking he told me hes not interested in any of that stuff and knowing I've manipulated him into doing it gives me a deep sense of satisfaction.
The fact if it were to get out hes like this in his industry he would lose opportunities and social standing makes it that much more delicious.
Writing this out seems super larpy but I promise I'm not lol.
I'm not even really into being dominant, its the fact I've made him do it thats the hot part. Stupid nigel.
I wonder how far I can push it.

No. 1818065

It's crazy because women are so powerful in many ways. We can love without bringing sex with men into the equation. But men can't live without sex. I wish more women centered stories would inspire other women, without men being involved at all. The whole hyping up sex with men is a scam.

No. 1818068

I really thought my (now ex) bf was the perfect man and that I would be with him for the rest of my life, until he did a total heel face turn and turned into the most awful human being I've ever had the displeasure to deal with. I'm bitter as shit cause I really thought there were good men out there but obviously I was very, very mistaken. I'm also annoyed that my own judgement of someone could be so off, I thought I had a good grasp on people but apparently not. Well, glad he's an ex now and I learned a lot of valuable lessons for sure. Fuck men.

No. 1818074

Can I ask what he did… Cause I'm just interested in topics like this and I'm curious

No. 1818075

This sounds like a burden tf you get out of this

No. 1818080

Its fun lol, he works and cleans up while I've been neet for the last 2 years.
He gives me money for my hobbies and interests.
I'm starting a new job so I can save to buy a house.
I've enjoyed the last 2 years focusing on my interests, I wouldnt have had as much time to do it if I were working

No. 1818083

Ntayrt it’s cool that you enjoy femdom stuff but I think for most women that would be pretty performative. I guess the bare minimum is for guys to at least go down on women but it’s not nearly as normalized as blowjobs where general consensus is men should literally leave partners who don’t blow them because it’s “abusive and withholding.” Women simply aren’t able to demand sexual service the way men are because it isn’t baked into social culture the same. We can individually change things but it’ll never be on the level as the entitlement and expectations men have in terms of sex.

No. 1818088

It really does not sound fun at all, sex still can't really serve women the way it serves men and it's biological. Even being around a moid sounds like a burden. Femdom women are cringe and desperate, you are not breaking any gender roles at all as much as you think you do. Its just so retarded

No. 1818090

Femdom women are the worst. The biggest Nlogs and pick mes of all.

No. 1818093

Exactly, I wish our lives weren't so centered around men. A lot of us have been told that's the end goal for a woman, or that it is a natural progression of life to be with a man. Sad. Living with someone who directly or indirectly reaps the benefits of misogyny.

No. 1818098

It's the whole 'empowerment' bullshit. While men enjoy actual power and authority, women get to feel empowered by asinine, meaningless shit like how much makeup they wear or don't wear, what kind of clothes they wear, what kind of sex they have. That's empowering. I loathe the empowerment shit so much…

No. 1818105

I'm in so much pain. My period started last night, but I have a job interview today. Do i just trudge through the cramps or try to move it to a new date? i'm so tired, nonnies.

No. 1818107

tfw the man youre eyeing fanboys over the most coomery body types in games so you get slapped with the truth that even if you dated he wouldnt be able to get off to your ugly body with stretch marks and body hair and thick waist and ugly everything. it's stupid to want attention from such a man but i still feel so insecure about my body when this happens.

No. 1818111

Man, fuck that guy. You can find someone who will get off to your body easily enough, so this bullshit doesn't matter. Reach for the stars, don't stay around the weeds.

No. 1818120

kill him

No. 1818126

I still haven’t been asked to join my bfs discord group w/ all his friends . Im still thinking its one girl in that group in question because ive tried to talk to her solo a few times though pms and the like and she like never contributes to the convo.

Idk if shes like an alpha bitch and wants to be the only girl on chat or what. But its going on three years since ive been with him and he keeps saying hes gonna add me but then there always “something” that prevents it. So my bf and his friends all have watch parties and play games together and then theres me off to the side in my house alone folding laundry. Lol. I don’t have a friend group of my own and i was excited to be a part of his but now i feel like im not wanted.

No. 1818128

>so my bf and his friends all have watch parties and play games together and then theres me off to the side in my house alone folding laundry
Message him right now and ask to be added right now.
Thats pathetic.
Do you want me to add him to see if he will cheat on you?

No. 1818130

What is the "something" he says is preventing him?

No. 1818133

Oh no m, i know hes loyal so i dont think its anything like that. I think its just his friends not wanting me to join for one reason or another. Idk.

No. 1818134

shitcord really breeds discord, god, that site should be nuked. anyways, this is weird as hell, just ask him to add you in, damn. how old are you guys? this is highschool tier bs.

No. 1818144

not to make you feel bad nona but you never really know theyre loyal.

No. 1818148

I hate that this is my last Christmas with my dog… I am going to miss her so, so much. I hate that I haven't had a bath since May (don't worry, I shower. Just miss soaking in salty hot water to soothe my muscles.) I hate that I'm the one who has always done so much Christmas stuff for the family that it is now expected, and I am overwhelmed, and I hate so much that I'm too embarrassed to ask for help. I guess I will so I don't kill myself kek. Time to go to the post office

No. 1818153

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I’m so tired of thinking I look cute (or at least okay) in the mirror and then seeing a photo or another mirror outside my house and looking like an absolute butt ugly gnome.

I’m 33 for fucks sake. Am I ever going to not feel like shit about myself or am I just fucked for life?

No. 1818182

Good luck at the post office, I hope your holidays are smoothe and you enjoy your time with your pup

No. 1818190

my boyfriend is stressing me the fuck out about his job. he's annoyed at the fact that his job hasnt given him a raise in 2 years and he works mainly with teenagers who don't pull their own weight which is understandable reasons to be annoyed but he has no other jobs lined up and we live in a small town where there's not endless options of jobs that are hiring. he only has experience in one area so that limits him even more.
he told me again this morning that he's not going to go back to work after christmas break but we're so fucking broke right now we can't afford for him to be out of a job even for a few weeks while he looks for another. he quit his last job over covid and was out of a job for a month or so and all the finances fell on me. i literally couldnt afford that if it happened again. i wish he went to school or did some courses like he said he would do over covid so he could have a chance at a job in a different industry at least. it's not fair for him to keep doing that to me and really pisses me off that he doesn't even consider that. i get that he's annoyed with the job and it is a shitty job but it pays the bills, suck it the fuck up. find another job while you still have one. dont just quit with no fucking plan.

No. 1818193

>it's not fair for him to keep doing that to me and really pisses me off that he doesn't even consider that. i get that he's annoyed with the job and it is a shitty job but it pays the bills, suck it the fuck up. find another job while you still have one. dont just quit with no fucking plan.
Tell him exactly this if you havent already

No. 1818194

I agree with everything you said anon. He needs to find another job without quitting this one. Not getting a raise in 2 years is wild and he's dumb for not looking then, after a year. I hope your situation changes anon. I hope you have somewhere to go if he fails because it doesnt sound like he's being realistic at all.

No. 1818198

He's got to remember that you're not existing to act as his financial/emotional life support while he tried to sort his shit out, ESPECIALLY if he's gonna take YEARS doing it. Boy needs to suck it up and go work with the kiddies until he has something lined up. That's very immature just to quit without a backup plan for himself

No. 1818200

about to barricade myself. landlord/neighbour had the police called to her last night, about her abuse to her daughter. it wasn't us, but we were driving home from a night's out and they questioned my boyfriend. idk what he said to them because i was terrified. the landlord/neighbour tried calling me today, im too terrified to answer her. my car is out there, so she probs know im home. am i paranoid to assume she will come ringing non stop and possibly open the door with her landlord key?
im so scared, i'm actually afraid i might lock self in my room until boyfriend comes. im usually strong and capable but this situation just causing major PTSD induced panic attack.

No. 1818204

This is wild. What is the nature of the abuse?

No. 1818234

My friend predicted his therapy probably wasn't gonna go well, and that he'd hit me up within a year. She's right; he dm'd me a few days ago, and ik that's going against whatever his therapist told him. He's also been saying/doing things that make me think he's still unhappy (but is paying hundreds of dollars for therapy now). My therapist told me to be careful and not get involved in w/e agenda he has, so I'm following that advice. Even so, I'm so curious about what's going on in his head.

We have to coexist in this group chat, and I don't want drama so I'm just going w/ the flow and minding my own business. I really was hoping his individual + marriage therapy would help him find happiness, but I guess he's still miserable. I doubt he'll ever leave his wife, though. From what I learned, they're just fundamentally incompatible intimacy-wise but have been together for too long. Even so, I guess he'll just keep coping by throwing money at his problems like he told me he's been doing for the past decade. I know divorce comes with its own issues, but surely that's preferable to remaining in a relationship where you're still lying every day. I'll never understand men.

No. 1818236

Call the cops and see what the operator says you should do.

No. 1818238

i hate depop and i hate the zoomers on depop who genuinely can't fathom that depop is not amazon prime

this one illiterate dipshit wasted roughly an hour of my time yesterday trying to haggle me down on price and asking multiple times about "is it really authentic though? bcuz idk if it is.."

I wouldnt' have bothered if it weren't a high value item

i finally made the sale and then of course zoomer messages me "can you get it here by christmas?"??? My terms clearly state that I have a week of handling time and its december 18th

No. 1818246

I love you

No. 1818247

i want you to keep posting on lolcow.farm, does that count?

No. 1818248

I'm here for you nonny

No. 1818251

Trauma took away my teenage years because I was focused on surviving (manifesting testicular cancer to moids who abuse teens, I want them to painfully die) and I felt responsible for keeping my mom happy because her boyfriend was a piece of shit and she always said "at least I have you."
I don't blame her for feeling like this but the situation as a whole took a large blow to my development and now that I'm almost 30 and we're better, not only I'm ridden with various ptsd symptoms but I feel I'm stunted socially. Or maybe I'm autistic, idk.
My friends are nice, I know they love me but now that I'm an adult, I feel like a teen. They're talking about living with their nigels, marrying them while me and my nigel still go to McDonald's sometimes (he's the same age as me if that counts but he's more mature…I guess), we go to parks, watch cartoons, he buys me cute things, we go to the arcade and stuff mainly associated with teens.
We have a job and are financially stable, no kids and our work hours are matching so we have the same free time and a bit of money, but I'm reviving my teen years. I know, you can be an adult and enjoy childish things but I'm doing it because I feel robbed of my teenage years and have to catch up. I want to talk about anime sometimes and my friends are all like about their relationships, "adult" problems and such and I don't want to attend spaces with people way younger than me. I know I am an adult and I can pay rent and do adult shit out of surviving mechanism but sometimes I just want to lie on the floor and kick my feets at tv shows, wear makeup for fun, listen to fun music…It's a weird feeling to describe and I know this post will sound like gibberish but I have no idea how to explain this weird feeling..

No. 1818254

Dump please

No. 1818256

>while me and my nigel still go to McDonald's sometimes (he's the same age as me if that counts but he's more mature…I guess), we go to parks, watch cartoons, he buys me cute things, we go to the arcade and stuff mainly associated with teens.
There's nothing wrong with that, you deserve a life full of happy and joy nonny

No. 1818261

unfortunately remembering a decade back when a moid wanted me to do "femdom" bdsmfaggotry with him in the high school classroom where he taught. i was suitably icked out and gtfoutta there and back in those days i had no self preservation instincts so you know that shit be unfathomably gross.

wishing that moid and many others a very merry spontaneous testicular combustion in gta6 this holiday season.

No. 1818268

Had to take a picture for my passport with an eczema riddened face. I lowkey wanna cry. I know 99% of people won't see nor care about it but it still bothers me. I wanted my passport picture to look cute.

No. 1818273

There are literal children on depop that need their phones taken away from them. Also, I can't fathom the audacity that some of these girls have to spam with offers. I'm glad they're not messaging me and only haggling via offers but still. If I decline or counter, you should get the clear point that I am getting across to you. Retards.

No. 1818291

Same thing on mercari. I heard of zoomers leaving you a bad review if you item isnt shipped out in 24hrs, despite the site saying it gives us 3 days to ship out.
I had a little shit buyer harass me on mercari because supposedly his $8 game didnt work, even though I took pictures and tested the game twice before shipping out. he gave me a 1 star, then demanded a refund. It was the first time ever mercari sided with me and removed the rating.
I've also had someone waste my time, and ask me questions after buying the item from me, despite me having "ASK QUESTIONS BEFORE BUYING" on my profile and descriptions.

No. 1818311

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My sister helped me out on a coding project, and now my Professor is accusing me of using AI because "its beyond what we learned in class" and I didn't cite the resources I used. I USED FUCKING YOUTUBE AND CHATGPT LIKE YOU TOLD US TO MAKE AN ACCOUNT FOR, I NEVER CITED ANY RESOURCES BEFORE IN ALL THE PROJECTS I SUBMITTED. THE EMAIL WAS SENT YESTERDAY TELLING ME I HAVE TO "MEET WITH HER TO EXPLAIN THE CODE". I COULDN'T EXPLAIN WHAT I HAD FOR BREAKFAST YESTERDAY!!!!! BITCH I WAS LOOKING ALL OVER THE HOUSE FOR THE KITTEN WE LOST WHICH ENDED UP SLEEPING AT THE BACK OF A DRAWER. I thought I was finally done with this bs class. Grades are due today so I guess I'll be failing all my classes this semester and wasting almost $3000 dollars of my parents money because I fucked up everything by being a paranoiac + OCD + agoraphobic combo of a person. The fuck do I do know when grades are final today and semester officialy ends tomorrow???

No. 1818324

>ate a bunch of shit earlier like 1/2 a muffin, coffee and a cookie
>stomach has zero reaction
>ate two slices of deli ham on a piece of bread with mustard
>stomach immediately goes berserk

I mostly have had good experience with Mercari except for one person that tried to buy an item in retaliation to me telling them I wasn’t haggling + it was reserved to someone else. Just to waste my time.

No. 1818331


they have a "im the customer so im always right" mentality, they're so entitled and cant fathom that this isnt most peoples' day job

a few weeks ago some german teen fuckboy kept sending me curt obnoxious messages demanding that i offer international shipping on a vintage womens designer shirt i had listed for $75

i gave him a polite 'oh im so sorry i dont do international shipping' at first and when he persisted i explained to him that i can just chuck my domestic packages in the post box right outside my home, but to mail something internationally i have to spend 15 minutes each way during my workday driving to the post office waiting in line and arranging the customs forms and shit and hoping it doesnt get lost and then depop holds onto my money until the item is delivered across the world which who knows when that will be, so i don't do that for items less than $200. obv im a regard for not just blocking him instantly but honestly if he really wanted the shirt he could have offered to pay me more for it and I'd have been happy to work with him on it

entitled little bitch sent me a minimum of 2-3 more messages along the lines of "this is unbelievable. this is so unprofessional. im even willing to pay for shipping" (like of course you'd need to pay for shipping on an item you bought, idk why he's bringing this up as though it'd be some incredible favor to me)

anyway i sold the shirt to some girl the next day and i put a nice handwritten postcard and some stickers in there for her

No. 1818340

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Trying to explain a break up that happened because the other person hates themselves is so frustrating, especially as a woman. Everyone dismisses you and says you’re delusional and misread the situation but I definitely didn’t, especially with the context of knowing him for several years. People say you can’t love someone if you don’t love yourself but then apparently I wasn’t good enough for him because I didn’t fix him… despite his words AND actions being the exact opposite of ‘not that into you’. He just genuinely hates himself and couldn’t handle someone actually giving too shits and showing up for him. He still has a lot of blame for being an enabler but when all of his “closest” relationships are either incredibly shallow or him saving emotionally unstable wrecks every time they shave a crisis it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t feel comfortable receiving genuine affection. His own father can’t remember his birthday yet he still makes excuses and says he’s a good dad. He drops everything to help people he doesn’t even like because he’s been so brainwashed by his shit parents. Maybe it’s just because I’ve also completely rejected affection before when it was all I wanted but I am just so sick of being on the receiving end of broken people’s issues while they go and take the easy route of surrounding themselves with things that keep the miserable.

No. 1818343

my retardation eludes me. enrages me.

No. 1818344

Ot, but you dont have hit space so much on lolcow. This isn't reddit.

No. 1818348

How did it go, nonna?

No. 1818351

Really wish my sister wasn’t an insane abusive alcoholic bpdchan but c’est la vie.

No. 1818358

I totally get you nonny! I'm so sick of those emotionally distant men though. I just got out of something with someone who pursued me heavily first just for him to shut me out once things got intimate. I'm tired.

No. 1818366

why does my mom have to be such a demeaning bitch? she thinks of the worst, harshest thing to say then she says it. only to me though, to the scrotes in her life she’s a baby-voiced retard. at least be an asshole to everybody.

like no wonder i’m a self-hating nervous wreck with a stutter. life sucks

No. 1818368

Whenever I complain about something that happened or I say I'm not feeling well emotionally, my mom will always bring up something similar that's happened to her. Like I told her about something that happened at work that really upset me and she started talking about how stuff like that always happens at her job too. Or when I spoke about being depressed, she'll talk about how she struggles with it too. I pointed it out to her and told her that sometimes when I complain about things I just want her to listen. I hope she starts doing that more, but man sometimes the stuff she says really isn't helpful. Like she said she tries to tell me these things because "I just don't want you to be very upset over it. I want to help you get over it." Well making the conversation about you or telling me to get over it (even if well-intentioned) isn't going to help me feel less upset! Even when I was trying to tell her that I just need her to listen when I'm upset, the conversation goes back to her feelings. She feels upset when I tell her I'm upset, so that's why she does whatever she can to try to make me feel better (instead of just listen to me).

I used to not open up with her because of these frustrations and I'd end up becoming angry and it hurt her feelings. Last year, I was seriously depressed and it was pretty obvious so she told me I should try to talk to her more. Sometimes it helps, but most of the time it ends up like this and I think why bother. Even in general conversation, I'll try to talk to her about something on the news or current events I think are interesting and then she'll just steamroll me and go "yeah, okay. Anyway, how are your friends doing?" I know she isn't the worst mom in the world, but it can be so frustrating when our relationship is defined by what is most fulfilling to her (me being happy and having my life together instead of actually opening up about what's bothering me, talking about mundane shit that she cares about and I don't, etc). I'm trying to do the healthy thing and communicate my needs to her, but I feel like there's no point to it and I should just give up.

No. 1818372

my mother does this exact thing, i have realized this is the only way she knows how to communicate. when this happens, i let her know what she's doing and to stop it please. you should definitely communicate your needs to her, else the resentment will keep building. hope it goes well, i think she will be receptive.

No. 1818390

Has anyone else ever been to a pediatrician that used their hands to clean your gentaila region?

No. 1818408

No, what the fuck? I used to work at a pediatricians’ too and never ever recall or even heard of that. I’m so sorry nonna that sounds awful.

No. 1818424

Not that i remember.

No. 1818442


Oh… Well. I guess that doesn't bode that well for me and my already shaky mental health. I recently remembered that even happened to me. I hate uncovering traumatic memories why can't they just stay lost lol

No. 1818451

Mind pursued me heavily at first too and then hit the brakes when it got too much for him without even talking to me about his anxiety. It’s already a massive mindfuck being left unsure if any of it was real and then everyone around you saying “Well he just didn’t like you enough!” really twists the knife. I’m convinced most moids can only be in long term relationships with women they don’t like that much. I have a different ex who is very similar in a lot of ways, an emotional fixer for other people but extremely emotionally unavailable himself, and he’s shacked up with this poor girl for years now doing all of the things regular couples do while privately talking about how he loves her but isn’t in love with her. I don’t think he’s in love with me but he gets a level of emotional intimacy from being my friend that I don’t think he’s really found in anyone else so he’s always reaching out to me in some way despite cutting most people off.

No. 1818458

earlier today a memory resurfaced of my bf when I was 15 or 16 sending photos of my face to catfish pedos he met on Omegle as part of his obsession with tricking and harassing them and it makes me feel sick. It makes me feel horrible wondering what happened with those pictures and whether the recipients saved them or spread them amongst themselves. I don't know how to deal with this and I feel like people will think I'm insane if I bring it up to anyone. I also feel like because a bunch of really disturbing stuff I'm remembering recently is from years ago and I got over them when they happened, I'm stupid to suddenly get upset about them now and nobody will care because it's in the past

No. 1818464

It doesn’t feel like anyone likes talking to me anymore… my depression has made less peppy and upbeat as I used to be. No one really talks to me anymore.

No. 1818475

i hate working mornings bruh fucking 4 ppl have told me to smile today. one of them asked me why i wasnt so i said "im too busy working" leave me tf alone

No. 1818479

I've been trying to dissect why i feel so empty lately and it's because i feel so disconnected with my online friends lately. I thought going on a solo vacation would help, but it didn't. They seem to be busy irl and living their best normie lives, but i will always be stuck as an autistic woman child. I have been trying to convince myself for years that i don't need friends, but having someone to bond with on interests is something i need more than anything right now and i just don't know how to go about doing it. I have very poor social skills and it's rough trying to work on them. I miss having someone to watch movies and tv shows with. I also hurts how big of a family i have, yet there isn't a single person who i can truly connect with because they are all turbo normies. I have nothing to look forward for and it makes me so sad and idk how to cope because i feel so ashamed to feel this way. I actually burst into tears writing this.

No. 1818481

Same thing here. He pushes me away and when I do the same, he keeps coming back again. I wish such men would just leave others alone. Why bother pursuing someone when you can't handle it? Mine was really into me and let others know but then all of a sudden he closed up and not even those around him understand. It hurts not to get any closure and I wish I could just move on. No other moid has hurt me like this one.

No. 1818495

missing my period for nearly two months and i'm trying not to freak out about it even though i know it's probably normal to have these changes in your cycle. i'm trying not to go back to skitzing out and worrying about immaculate conception because god knows i don't get out of the house but there's my brother in my house and idk. i'm not even anachanning or whatever i'm so confused as to why this is happening to me i'm ingesting so much vitamin c, tea, and cinnamon trying to induce it. i'm praying it comes. i get like this everytime it goes away for months i'm worried sick

No. 1818497

Were they coworkers or random people? Each time someone told me to smile, I would make a horrible and fake scenario to make them feel like shit.

No. 1818503

I hate when men project their experiences onto you and you have to stand there all polite nodding when you want to tell them they’re pathetic. I’m going to graduate soon, and this guy comes out and tells me that I’m going to be miserable doing a 9 to 5, I’m going to get fucked, my salary is going to go to transportation and rent and nothing else, and I’ll wake up one day and a couple of years will have passed by. First off, I’m clearly unresponsive and tightly smiling and not even making eye contact and trying to walk away. Second of all, this guy is like on a thousand meds for his back issues and general health issues and is clearly trying to project his problems onto me. That is verbatim what happened to him. Who the fuck are you? And why do men think this is an acceptable form of “socializing”? It’s pathetic. We’re being subjected to your projection and we all remain too polite to tell you that you are projecting your misery, so we remain frozen in place, having to just absorb your stupidity. Like why would you subject someone to this? It’s undignifying.

No. 1818511

Wanna be friends anon? What stuff do you like watching?

No. 1818533

Earlier this year I missed my period for 3 months when that has never ever happened to me. It was really scary but it eventually came. Stress can delay it even more and I was beyond stressed at that time, and you sound like you’re going through it too. Hang tight nonna, it’ll come when it wants to as annoying as that is. If it’s a super frequent issue you might wanna get it checked at a gyno.

No. 1818537

I know I'm literally repeating what pathetic moids say but god I want a girlfriend so badly. That being said, I know me not having one is 100% my fault since I'm an autist who barely socializes and spends most of her time either studying or doing solo hobbies. Though the fact that I can never find other lesbians also isn't helping. I live in a somewhat homophobic country so it's very hard to find them, they're mostly in big cities and I live in a stupid place in the middle of nowhere. So add that plus my autism and it makes me think that no matter how much I try to improve myself I'll never find a fulfilling relationship. Whenever I see happy couples I get so envious and I know that it's not a healthy mindset to have but I cannot help it. I genuinely feel so miserable and alone

No. 1818556

What the fuck is wrong with liberal/progressive/leftist men? Don’t answer, I already know, they’re men.
The amount of times I have seen them do absolutely heinous shit to women they deem acceptable targets. I just saw someone I know who was critical of the progressive movement and got DMed by a deranged lefty scrote calling her a whore/slut/cunt/used up etc. in multiple paragraphs.
These same men will tell you how “sex work is work” and to “respect sex workers” but where do their minds automatically go when looking for the most degrading insults to spew at women? Calling them prostitutes and/or how they’ve been corrupted by dick.
I trust no fucking man, and it’s incredibly obvious how misogynistic they are and how I just fucking know the “feminism” they support isn’t out of some genuine concern for the plight of women, they just use politics to reason having more access to our bodies. They still hate us and see sexualized women as defiled and detestable.
They say swerfs are oppressing and dehumanizing SWs but I’ve never seen any feminist hate SWs anywhere near as much as the men who say they support them.

No. 1818566

Yeah that's just cope on his end for not making any meaning out of his life. Working a 9 to 5 can suck, but that doesn't mean you just have to resign yourself to eternal misery. I dunno. Men just assume that we care about them and their lives much more than we actually do. That sucks that his life is like that, but yours doesn't have to be that way.

No. 1818582

I believe in you, trust yourself more

No. 1818585

What the fuck is going on with lc lately with so many anons hating mothers or women who want kids in the near future. it's feeling so moidy up in here lately.

No. 1818603

What the fuck is going on with lc lately with so many anons saying "not all men" and claiming there's nothing wrong with birthing 4 kids
for our oppressors or saying that we should have kids in our early 20s because apparently women's wombs turn to dust in their mid 30s. It's feeling so moidy and tradthoty up in here lately

No. 1818619

it's a fucking monday afternoon no one wants to hear your faggy ass moid music loud enough to rumble every house within a block radius. fuck it, i'm leaving the house this is too much. praying that every scrote gets eaten by manticores starting with those ones

No. 1818624

Why do some people take it so personally when women point out the negative or oppressive aspects of pregnancy?

No. 1818632

How would that make them moidy. Men are loving their tradcath larp lately with their low IQ madonna-whore complexes

No. 1818646

I need to take a fucking shower. I haven't in… im not sure I think it's been 3 months. I just don't like them, when I actually take one I feel fine but I'm so reluctant to get in them. I started the shower and let it heat up the other day and then didn't feel like getting in it and shut it off. I'm super unacceptably stinky. Husband does not seem to mind which I think is just enabling me.

No. 1818651

Nta but don't be so disingenuous. Bait about pregnancy and mothers has been consistently getting posted here for a while. It's not valid concerns, just anons wanting to fight.

No. 1818653

He's likely just pretending to not notice to be nice anon. There's a saying that if you can smell yourself, everyone else has already been smelling you for a while.

No. 1818655

Maybe he likes her smelly you don't know

No. 1818661

You know what? You could possibly be right anon. Some people like the funk.

No. 1818663

Not wanting to derail too much but there's so many posts atm just to derail with nitpicks or fight other nonnas currently. I know all the Christmas cheer, stress and stuff can be a lot and people are looking for ways to unload their frustration, but holy cow Batman, there has been an uptick in bullshit, even in wholesome /g/ threads. It kinda pisses me off.

No. 1818667

All the jokes I see online daily about how being 30+ is just being tired and in pain all the time is really hitting me hard. I'm 29 and I was suddenly hit with joint problems and chronic pain pretty much right after by birthday this year after being fine my whole life. I know I am still so young and yet I feel like this is the start of my decline and I'm so incredibly depressed about it.

No. 1818669

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My boyfriend said the moids who had gay sex in the senate hearing room were "based". When I expressed disapproval, he asked me "Wouldn't you do the same?". Um no, wtf? I wouldn't want to defile such a sacrosanct American institution. Some of the decisions that have shaped the entire world have happened in that room, and these faggots mar it? For crying out loud.

No. 1818670

Every fucking week with these complainer posts. Every week for the last 6 years. It's almost like this is just how it is here

No. 1818672

he's confessed he masturbated to gay porn, men are so shameless nowadays. Make sure to beat him with a cactus before you dump that faggot

No. 1818675

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> Make sure to beat him with a cactus before you dump that faggot

No. 1818696

it was all coworkers which is why it was so annoying, don't they get that its no fuckin fun to be at work lol

No. 1818705

I’ve had it called “bait” for pointing out pregnancy comes at great cost and will most likely impact your career so idk depends what you even mean by bait

No. 1818706

oh sorry nonnie that was me

No. 1818722

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The worst, absolute worst, part of being chronically and severely depressed is that nothing is interesting. Even the most exciting activity or interesting hobby is unappealing. The sadness is rough, sure, but to me the most excruciating part is having no desire to do anything. That's what really drives me to consider suicide. The prospect of "watching-paint-dry" levels of boredom for the rest of your natural life with no reprieve except for brief bouts of extreme sadness is unimaginable. It takes an absolutely insane amount of will-power to will yourself to keep going for others' sake when your life consists of watching paint dry. Getting up, taking care of yourself, going to work, doing chores, just to watch paint dry. It's so incredibly hard.

No. 1818725

I'm a husk of my former self

No. 1818748

Same. Mine has gotten so bad that I lost the desire for basic needs like eating and had to force myself to even get up. I'll probably lie back down after this.

No. 1818751

I'm almost 30 and I've never had a real job. I barely graduated high school and I've failed all my studies ever since. I don't have any friends and never managed to learn to make any as a child. I don't have a relationship with my siblings, they aren't people I can rely on or even have a normal conversation with. My mother is a neglectful fake positive husk that turns into a demon when provoked and my father has never given a single fuck about me, he decided to move abroad and have new kids now that he realized all his previous ones are fucked. Men have used and abused me every time I've desperately tried to find some form of connection or human contact. I'm too ugly to be this depressed and this incompetent, nobody has patience for me and my issues and I don't have anything to make myself more palatable to others. I tried really hard in the past by agreeing to disgusting sex things and all it did was cause further shame and trauma.

Now I'm realizing how fucked I am as the clock is ticking by. My mom can't afford having me live here much longer but I have no idea how I am supposed to become a functioning adult. I'm so scared of people, all I've gotten is rejection and bullying when I've been exposed to the world. I feel like I'm far too defective to get hired for anything that isn't soul-crushing but if I take a job like that I will break down or finally kill myself. I have an autism diagnosis but that's just becoming more and more meaningless, it's not like relying on gibs is going to be a viable strategy in the future anyway.

I don't wanr to kill myself but I don't see a way out. I think my only options are suicide or becoming super religious, for a person like me there aren't many other ways to cope with life. But I can't believe or redeem myself either, I'm too empty and soulless. I have nobody, no extended family and no community.

No. 1818753

I have a nail biting habit and I've struggled with it for as long as I can remember, but what I hate the most about it is that people who do not have it genuinely don't understand how it feels. I cannot stand people who will hear me talk about how badly it affects me and then say the equivalent of "you just need willpower bro, just stop doing it bro". Like wow, thanks, I'm now cured. Thank god you were here to enlighten me. Never thought of that before

No. 1818773

ayrt, me as well. I'm alwyas just counting down the minutes until I can lie down and sleep again, nothing else matters to me.
One personal thing that gnaws at me is that for some reason I was born with artistic skill, and as a kid and young teenager I used to draw all the time, that was what I was known for. But then when i became depressed at 15, I slowly stopped drawing to the point that now, at 25, I do one drawing per year, usually as a gift or something, and nothing more. I've lost a decade of time I should have been using to refine my skills, I know I would have had the capacity to become truly incredible, but this disease killed that.
I know the new hip thing to claim now is that depression is purely caused by bad circumstances and that it's a myth peddled by the pharmaceutical industry that it's your brain that's sick, but living the life I've lived, I don't know if I can really believe that. Sure, the shittiness of the world does not help, and for some people I'm sure depression can be circumstantial. But for me, who was an upper-middle-class kid with excellent parents, no deaths in the family, no real hardships, there was no reason for me to lose myself into depression at 15. My life was, and still is in many ways, perfect. What changed at 15? finishing puberty. I really think that puberty irreversibly changed my brain. Something happened at that time that twisted the connections into incorrect shapes. It would also explain why no medication has ever worked for me even slightly. I think this is a physical, (epi?)genetic malfunction. I can feel with every fiber of my being that I am being drawn towards suicide, which is the rightful end to this story according to Darwin's law of evolution.

No. 1818798

clubs don't really fit into my schedule with work/school but i never actually thought about volunteering, to be honest! there's a pretty good chance that i could one day during the weekend. i still think that i probably should work on maintaining my personal friendships but i don't think it would hurt to actually do stuff ie volunteering

No. 1818807

Got that Prozac Flu
Press F to pay respects

No. 1818930

I like talking with you on lolcow, nona.

No. 1818949

I remember how I used to bite my nails when I was younger, like elementary school ages. I wonder how I stopped. Have you tried dipping them in something gross and unsavory to make them off-putting to you? Just curious.

No. 1818952

I had a thumb sucking habit as a child and my parents bought this clear nail polish that tasted bitter. As a kid I would just run to the bathroom and wash it off kek but since you actually WANT to stop, maybe it would help remind you to not bite.

No. 1818957

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No. 1818959

hang on, WHAT? when anons were talking about the "gay senate guy" I thought they were talking about fucking compulsive lolcow liar Santos. WHO HAD GAY SEX in the SENATE?

No. 1818962

Can't type with any degree of eloquence (pretentiousness? You be the judge) without getting accused of being a man. Says more about you than it does about me tbh. I integrate when I want to, and sound like a flowery fucking faggot when I so choose. Fuck off infighting retard.

No. 1818965

I was just reading about this ugh. I don’t understand why the french are pretending to care about this when there are much worse things happening in their country

No. 1818966

Some guy with a concave ass

No. 1818967

lmao is it that serious

No. 1818985

No. 1818996

My year of dreams has come to a brutal end. For as high as I was taken, in the end I have been thrown equally far back down with bone-crushing, brain-splattering finality.
To think that this time last year, I was beginning to think I could believe in something. It's all smeared on the pavement now.

No. 1819004

Okay Shakespeare

No. 1819006

You could have just not responded. It strikes me as particularly mean-spirited to come into the vent thread where people are suffering just to mock them.

No. 1819010

Your life and dreams can directly benefit from not waxing poetic about your struggles.(infighting)

No. 1819018

you're right anon, let's delete this whole thread or else you shall be forced to guard it hurling insults at all those who dare to post in it and that would be such a waste of your time, wouldn't it?

No. 1819022

You are vapid and soulless.

No. 1819031

Romanticizing your problems is cringe idc

No. 1819050

Being a bitch for no reason is cringe too, bitterchan.

No. 1819054

I'm thinking about my ex lately. We don't talk much and there's nothing going on but he's sending me pics of my cats. It just stings. My cats, my old flat, my old life.

No. 1819055

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Fell asleep probably close to 12am, woke up at 3:40am and haven't been able to go back to sleep worrying how I'm going to be able to pay my bills while studying if rent is going to increase like this. It's now 7:05am and now too hungry to sleep but so tired my head hurts. I'm gonna be all fucked today.

No. 1819087

I've been building up a lot of resolve and I think I'm getting close to finally leaving my abusive relationship, but I know things are still going to be hard after I'm free. I'm doing it on my own and don't really have social support. On one hand I feel excited to be free (I've already stopped following a lot of his "rules" and it feels good to start to lead my own life) but on the other hand it's hard to think about the future.
In the immediate aftermath, I'll lose a lot of friends (they aren't willing to ditch him and he organizes everything for the friend group) and my social life will be bleak for a long time because I struggle to make new friends. Maybe he'll do something retaliatory and spread more lies about me, or real personal secrets. And long-term, it's still painful to think about the life I dreamed of and how it's all going to go away. I know it's not my fault, but it hurts to accept that all the wonderful things we wanted to do aren't going to happen. Beyond the specific dream of me and him together, I feel like my entire dream of ever having a relationship or family is destroyed now because of how traumatizing this was.
I'm going to keep trying to make it through all this, I'm just scared.

No. 1819107

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it seriously feels like every weird autistic woman has trooned out. where am i supposed to find my ilk now. it's really depressing

No. 1819113

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I’m ordering high potency sodium nitrite so I can finally off myself, I’m done living through my happy memories. They’re just starting to make me sad, I’ll never have a life even somewhat as good as I used to. My life peaked at 22 and has been a downwards slow death spiral since. The future is nothing but horror and agony and poverty.

No. 1819117

oh nona a ton of us quirky autist women are terfs now, we've just been chased out of the fandoms over "transphobia"

No. 1819120

Before you leave, make a secret folder of proof with bad things he's said and done so you can at least defend yourself if he spreads lies.

No. 1819123

academic probation. again. one of my professors told me a few months ago he doesnt think i'm the sort of person who should be in uni and i would be better off at a trade school or something. wasnt the first time i've been told this and i'm starting to think there's some truth to it. of course my parents would rather i kms than be a tradie because they worked so hard to be able to pay for my college and i really am working my hardest but they seem to think i'm trying to spite them and waste their money. i have no friends i dont go out i dont even do school sponsered events i just stay in my dorm or the library and study and hack away at papers. trying my hardest seems to result in what everyone else thinks is the bare fucking minimum (or in this case, not even. i fucking failed all but one of my classes) and it doesnt help i sleep around 16-18 hours a day. i know its not normal ive been like this since age 12 so it is normal for me. anyway. now that the semester is over i thought i would have more energy but tbh now i feel worse. i basically have only gotten out of bed to use the bathroom and drink water for the past couple days.

No. 1819126

She couldn’t care less about me even if she tried. I’m not saying she has to be all over me all the time but sometimes just a message would feel nice, to ask how I’m doing or how I’m feeling. I’m always the one having to start conversations and if she was in my situation, of course I’d be worried. It hurts knowing you’re not a priority to someone who mean so much to you. The one time I tried to explain to her how I was feeling, she dismissed it all and made fun of me and even worse, she resented me because she knew it was true.

No. 1819139

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Men need to stop acting oppressed for their sexualities.
I have seen countless men cry about the death of civilization and how their heterosexuality is maligned because a video game/anime/cartoon character isn’t a walking pair of tits.

That catboy YouTuber Jocat who made that cringe music video where he goons over 2d girls and got harassed (IRONICALLY BY MEN CALLING HIM GAY can you believe it!!?)… Now the menfolk are getting all retrospective and philosophical and extending SO much sympathy and, predictably, crying over how oppressed her men are. How he was just a normal straight man who was witch-hunted by an evil gynocentric, prudish society where depictions of sexy women aren’t allowed to exist.

Do they live in fucking reality? Obviously yes, but men’s entitlement knows no fucking bounds so they do not perceive reality. Every single girl growing up is bombarded with pornified images of women as decoration and as their primary “role models”.
In what world are heterosexual men objectifying women and getting any pushback for their coom habits at all, anything being done at all?
In what world am I coming across pictures of sexy men in skimpy swimsuits plastered on endless advertisements? Where are the male characters in media that exist just to be the female lead’s accessory, show skin, and jiggle their cock bulges around? Nowhere.
Heterosexual men are not oppressed. I’M OPPRESSED.
I wish these whiny males could walk a single day in my shoes as a heterosexual woman. Where beautiful men are so rare they might as well not exist, and depictions of them are stifled by men in power who feel threatened and don’t think women deserve anything nice. Do they know how hard it is for me? How I have to hunt for content where pretty men exist, but I can’t browse any website innocuously without seeing a half naked woman beckoning me for sex?
I am so mad…. So mad…

No. 1819142

>person who should be in uni
That's most uni students. In fact teaching masses how to read was a mistake, your average person doesn't benefit from being literate.

No. 1819144

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my job in customer service is giving me suicidal and homicidal urges. during this holiday season the customers are extra stupid and i don't go a day without imagining someone dead. and this shitty piece of shit job is the same everyday and is minimum wage and yet the managers are fearmongering, gaslighting, manipulating and shitting on me for the pettiest of things. it's like they can't accept that i'm here because otherwise i'm broke and i would rather not have to worry about homelessness. my back hurts in multiple spots, my fucking knees and hips are sore, and these bitches would tell me to smile and do my hair and to wear or not to wear certain accessories that harm literally nobody. my socks were dark gray the other day instead of black and apparently this is unacceptable and so they threatened to have me sent to another department. fuck this stupid fucking store. nobody realistically gives a single fuck if their cashier wears a non-offensive tattoo choker, colorful nail polish or lipstick and absolutely nobody would ever notice the color of their motherfucking socks. this is the most basic, the poorest grocery store of the city. nobody cares. people think it sucks to work there even when they have never tried and it does suck ass. i quit and i am sedating myself with cups of sleepy tea while waiting out the notice period. fuck my fucking life i would rather be unemployed in the new year than destroy my physical and mental health for a shitty ass place which offers the bare minimum while still berating me. we don't even get the normal required break times, they expect us to sacrifice 10 minutes for coming back from the break room and we can't even be 2 minutes late without being told off, but we have to clock in exactly 5 minutes earlier and then hurry to the cash desks already dressed up. stealing our time constantly but fucking complaining about us reclaiming it. lying ass bitches even make shit up about when you called in sick and how early. i would rather be broke at this point.

No. 1819147

Thank you for your advice nonnies, though sadly I've already tried bitter nail polish and not only does it not work, but I am also left with a bitter taste in my mouth 24/7 that just makes me binge on mints to try and clean my mouth kek. I think I've tried it all at this point, nail polish does not work, manicure does not work (I used to do gel nails and they wouldn't even survive for two weeks), trying to replace the habit with something else didn't work. I'm not really sure what I can do at this point, other than trying to reduce my sources of stress which isn't really working out either kek

No. 1819157

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I hate that whenever something good happens to me it doesn't last very long because the universe decides I can't have nice things and absolutely rocks my shit.

No. 1819159

sobriety sucks. drunk people are boring. and stupid.

No. 1819164

Now here's a question. How short do you keep your nails? Would keeping them short at all times help at all?

No. 1819181

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can't stop crying because i really miss my dad and i just keep thinking of both my mother and father's mortality and how they're getting old and i'm not even 20 yet and they're already elderly/in their 60s. it hurts so much anons

No. 1819184

What do you do when you know you have every right to be shit to a person who hid things from you and treated you badly during some pretty bad irl events, who won't really own up to it either, but you also care a lot about them because of happy memories, so you keep second guessing yourself and if you are actually the problem? I'm so tired of feeling like a horrible tard who should beg for forgiveness from everyone no matter what they do. It's not even that anyone is telling me I should, I just feel guilty on my own for asserting my boundaries or expressing any negative feelings

No. 1819188

Is it being dead better than experiencing life? Are you prepared to face the unknown? I never understood, even at the lowest point of my life, how embracing the infinite nothing is better than scarce flashes of positives between a sea of suffering. It doesnt register as a rational decision. What if God is real? What if before drawing your last breath i regret my decision and that becomes the last entry of my conscience into this reality? The moment i understood the way we affect the world by simply perceiving it, death became so scary to me and ive been cracking my brain trying to understand the wager that is just existing in the moment. What if God is real? What if i can fix whats wrong with me? The moment i die is the moment another parallel world of probabilities dissapears within me and outside of me. Sorry for the schizo rant but i just wanted to say that making that decision is something i could never fully understand and if i cant understand something then i cant consider it a possibility.

No. 1819192

Beautiful post anon
t. was also suicide baiting earlier

No. 1819193

My bulimia and drinking is out of control I can't even find a day to see my bf because I'm so fucked up. I got my weight down a few weeks ago but regained 5 lbs and it made me spiral

No. 1819204

You'll ruin your teeth like that.

No. 1819217

They are always extremely short because I basically bite them 24/7. Ironically I found out that I can manage the urge a lot better when they're longer, but since they're very fragile, even if I miraculously manage to let them grow they break immediately and then I'm back at square one

No. 1819248

Huh, alright. I tried lol. I hope you can manage and quite the habit eventually, nonna.

No. 1819264

Im happy that you were, makes me sad thinking about nonas seeing no other choice but death in their futures

No. 1819285

Thank you anyway, I appreciated it. Have a good day nonnie!

No. 1819289

>The coloring is sooooooo good! Wow, the composition! This piece is so beautiful and so amazing!
Her art is shit, man. Are you just trying to make her feel better?

No. 1819308

>ask where to meet similar autistic women
>on lolcow
we are here, anon. This is your safe space.

No. 1819342

>be shy autistic woman
>attracted to twinky effeminate gentle guys
>those type of guys are usually attracted to cool confident women that can dominate them
it's literally so over for me, i tried but i can't change my fucking personality i'm such a weakling and i only attract rude assholes

No. 1819351

Fuck I hate holiday season. It makes loneliness hurt even more.

No. 1819364

You shouldn’t try to change your whole personality, but working on your confidence can help in all areas of life. Start by not calling yourself a weakling just for being more introverted. I’m sure your personality has its own strengths too.

No. 1819402

I want to work more on my confidence, but i feel like even though people are more misogynistic than ever there's also this push in some circles to be this super strong and brave assertive woman who always speaks her mind and guys love this because they don't have to work as much on their relationships. why bother chasing a girl who probably doesn't like when you could just let this woman who took an interest in you lead you while you do literally nothing

No. 1819494

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Not only was my stupid fucking cunt of a professor an incompetent teacher this semester, she also bitched and complained 99% of the time during class about personal problems that have nothing to do with students. I thought she was depressed so I went out of my way to be friendly to her and say encouraging things to her, like how lucky we were as students to have her as a professor even though I really thought she was mediocre at teaching, at best. So I turn in my final assignment which was WAY more work than it's worth, and everyone in the class received feedback except me. Everyone got their feedback 10 days ago and were praising her for how quickly she gives feedback on papers and I'm like, uh, okay, where's mine? I'm too pissed off to even check what grade I got on the stupid assignment, she was supposed to email me feedback but she never did, guess I'm not good enough for that, stupid fucking cunt. I hate this bitch I hope she chokes on her food and dies. I'm not normally this angry but the entire university and everyone there has continually pissed me off, they're all so fake and some of them have this glassy dead look in their eyes and it creeps me out. I've continually been annoyed with all of it but I feel deranged today in particular because of PMS. I fucking hate this school and I hate this city. I really think I'd rather kill myself than go through another semester. Also at this point I don't even want that stupid bitch's feedback on my paper, it would be worth dog shit anyways.

No. 1819498

This is so cringe I'm gonna vomit guys I just have mood swings but keep pushing it!!!!

No. 1819499

I want to get back into rollerskating but all the rinks around me either have atrocious hours, fees, or you need a child to get in. WHY

No. 1819502

thank you nonas. i did talk to him and told him exactly that. i at least convinced him to talk to his boss again before he gives up and quits to try and fix the problem but on top of all the other shit about not getting a raise and working with teenagers, his new manager refuses to work around the bus schedule which is how he gets to work. i'm just hoping to god that he finds another job ASAP and maybe this experience will finally convince him to do something to upgrade his skill set so he's not so limited to the same shitty job industry but i wont hold my breath on that one.

No. 1819514

is anyone else like me? im finally transferring to a university a bit later in life (27) and i feel this crazy pressure to be excellent to make up for it. i used to be a poor student in high school/early college but i came back and switched to a STEM major which i now love, but i feel like i need to relearn everything that i may have missed from my earlier educational years. now its winter break and i could finally read a a book for pleasure but i could also be getting a head start to my semester by previewing some of my textbooks for university or brushing up on other things. i honestly dont know what to do with myself. i dont want to regret wasting my winter break but i have so much worry about my performance/ being prepared for university. i wish i could just relax.

No. 1819536

There's a retard in a certain thread who posted a retarded unfunny video and is still seething over a week later that no-one liked it and is trying to reverse-uno card the situation by saying others are obsessed with it when that anon is the only one adamantly fighting everyone over it. On one hand you just wanna go in and tell the anon to shut the fuck up but I don't wanna be accused of mini modding or adding fuel to the raging anon. Wish they'd just ban the anon already when it's just shitting up an already slow thread

No. 1819580

Link it

No. 1819606

I’m fucking miserable and pathetic. I’m struggling so hard in college after changing my major like 5 times. I settled for accounting cause it’s not stem or medical but will provide financial stability. Problem is I fucking hate it. I have mental breakdowns every fucking day and thoughts of suicide. If it was a perfect world I’d be studying what I have a burning passion for but I don’t come from a rich family. I’m bitter at the people who have the support to pursue what they truly want.

No. 1819617

I think I replied to a post by someone I had an argument last week. It feels like the same anon. This time, like last time, I've said what I felt it had to be said calmly, no passive agressive tone, no smugness, no nothing. Just my piece, after all it's topic I know about, my higher education touches that topic quite a lot. I don't want to start a fight. I also can't let some anon say such false statement like nothing.

No. 1819618

Nah I don't wanna cause more sperging in the thread lol it's over in /m but that's the only the hint you get

No. 1819622

I really feel like killing myself, I've been trying to ignore the urge all this month but it pops up everyday. I feel exhausted and I don't have anything to look forward to in the future. Not anymore. I feel like the universe is reclaiming me. I can't keep on living

No. 1819626

Unfortunately anons are dense and stupid. This shit is infuriating, happened to me in the art salt thread, retards there literally think hentai art is better than art you see in a museum, kek.

No. 1819627

idk if you're the same anon or two people but for both of you, don't do it. If for nothing else, live to spite your enemies. Get a cute cat, get into writing, create art, go out in nature.

No. 1819634

Sorry for using this thread for my suicidal thoughts but I literally can't tell this to anyone else. I just don't want to live anymore. I think all my illusions and dreams were shattered and I really don't feel like living you know? I want to fast for 48 hours and then attempt. I think it's what I need to do. Part of me is still convincing me that I shouldn't go of course but I'm just tired. My depression won. My insecurities won. My anxiety won. I haven't bathed in 5 days, it's never been so bad. I feel ashamed, I shouldn't even be saying this here publicly.

Regardless, this is why whenever I see sad directionless or suicidal anons I try to reply to them so they don't do anything rash. I really don't want them to go through this like I do.

No. 1819639

Yeah, I try not to be too judgemental because some posters sound terribly young and I am a zoomer myself but I'm starting to suspect some posters are literally 16.
What are you passionate about, anon? Would dropping out be such a terrible idea? I don't know if your ideal career path would be something artistic but in case it is here's my advice: You don't have to go to a pretigious art school to learn. In most countries there are usually public ''art schools''. I know it's not the same that going to the best art university but those public art school places can be very instructive too and instead of 4-5 years of courses you can get your certificate in less than 3.

No. 1819647

Anon, stay with us for a little longer, please. Is it already nighttime where you live? Don't pay attention to the moon. Nighttime is the worst. Are you home? I'd really suggest you to take a hot shower, wash your hair, put on some clean clothes, drink water or fruit juice, lay down and browse LC if it's what you feel like doing.

No. 1819651

nona sweetie please stay and make fun of cows and troons with us, we enjoy your company more than you know!

No. 1819673

the only friends that keep in touch with me are 3 and im not getting tired of them but they leave me speechless and drained half the time cus all they do is complain. (atleast 2 out of the 3)
the first about her life and how invisible she feels how irrelevant she feels with all these dry replies from all friends and being left, the second is not so bad as he just talks about being tired from being overworked and not eating enough and the third is struggling with some run of the mill egirl he met on valorant that led him on and fucked him up like okay i don't like to see them struggling but why lay this all out on me

No. 1819694

It freaks me out that our "objective" opinions on beauty are all made up. Like or example "big lips are more attractive" is taken as a given fact even though if I think about women I personally find attractive the lip size has never been a factor, at all. When I was a kid a "big butt" was an insult for women, it was ugly and gross. "Objectively" having a fat butt was just less attractive than a small butt - then it totally flipped so round big perky butts are the "objectively" more attractive ones. I feel like my mind is poisoned and none of my thoughts are my own.

No. 1819697

My parents had kids in 2 waves with the oldest from the second wave having an age gap from the youngest of the first wave of 12 years and yongest 26 years, and it kind of tears me up. I feel the worst about it at the holidays. For the first wave of kids everything was so shit, we were dirt poor and only even got things like soda once a year max. On top of that my parents were emotionally and physically abusive, and I had to raise the younger kids when they were born and sacrifice homework and friends. Now everything is so different. I’m happy for the kids that they don’t even get spanked and my parents have made a big stride in emotional regulation, and that they get to have the magical christmases we only dreamed of… but it feels like my parents were replaced by aliens and I feel deeply jealous as well. At the same time I don’t, because the kids are retarded and spoiled beyond fuck. Idk

No. 1819711

lol. im a doctor, both of my parents are accountants. every day i wish i did accounting. my dad is a very senior accountant and he makes fuck you money with 0 effort, he goes to work in the afternoon(if he feels like it) takes a quick look at whats happening and signs stuff that needs to be signed then wanders around the city all day, he gets into random hobbies all the time because he has so much free time. the man went to tazmania by himself to climb mount kilimanjaro. he (was) a severe alcoholic with horrendous people skills how he managed to remain a successful accountant is beyond me. i will never make as much money as him. accounting is legit the best profession out there, you make the most money with minimal effort, stress and time. you will reach a point where you will make good money and have time to pursue your passion but you will be old, for people like us(who have to earn for a living) prosperity comes later in life. i dont think its necessarily bad though because rich kids are pathetic and everyone knows they are losers and they're not taken seriously.

No. 1819715

why fast before? as a kind of clarifying ritual? humans need food and good food to be at our best mentally and physically.

>I haven't bathed in 5 days, it's never been so bad. I feel ashamed, I shouldn't even be saying this here publicly.

5 days isn't the worst, it's gross sure but take it easy. being in pain isn't shameful.

No. 1819722

Yes, this is a good time to flatter a friend by calling her a fatass.

No. 1819728

fasting does kind of feel good, i feel like eating 3 full meals a day is uncomfortable because it’s hard to function comfortably when you’re full of food and constantly digesting

No. 1819747

I'm PISSED because I've been super mentally ill but have gotten to year 4 of med school with very little revision because im good at science shit at interacting w people. However, idk if I want to he a doctor. The NHS is a mess and I fuckin hate how patients/family treat you. My family think ill never be successful. I wish I did an art degree. I'm almost in my 30s now and I'm stuck. Fuck my life. I hate everything !!!!!!!!!

No. 1819754

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH I hate that I lost my virginity to such a fucking idiot!!!!!!

No. 1819759

I’ve already tried and failed a few times. Life can be okay but I’m legitimately a burden to those around me. I cannot fix my problems, I have a chronic illness that will only get worse. I’m holding my partner/caretaker back. My parents are wasting their last years of life working and sending me all their extra money bc our government can’t take care of disabled people. They aren’t having fun. My partner isn’t having fun, I’m not having fun, everyone will be better off without me including me. If there is a god he will either understand and welcome me with open arms or he is an evil bastard and I’ll happily hang out in hell and rebuke him for creating such a piece of shit world and then being a piece of shit about people who leave it “early”.

No. 1819761

I've always liked big asses, even before it was cool. For lips i never cared, i liked boys with both thin and plump lips. However you could never meme me into finding fatness or the juiced bodybuilder build attractive. I think some things are universal, for instance moids had always been attracted to neotenous features and a curvy body, this goes way back to ancient times. The skinny 2000s chicks they liked still had bleached hair, big boobs (like this was a major thing remember) and a hourglass figure. I think women are the ones who tend to have more varied taste and that's why they prefer to create or follow new trends

No. 1819763

My parents are actually insane. They handwash everything before putting it in the dishwasher bc then they wont have to clean the filter, vs letting the dishwasher do its job and washing the filter evry couple days. Literally doing the work for the dishwasher and using 5x the water doing so.

No. 1819773

Skepticism leads to nono topics. Only youknowwhos discuss nono topics, you don't want to be a youknowwho, do you?

No. 1819787

When I was a kid my mom would threated to give me up for adoption. Until I got old enough to threated that I'd call cps on her to get taken away from her.

Extra fucked up bc she was adopted by my grandparents. So she got a family, yet threated to take her own childs family away.

No. 1819896

My grandfather is currently on hospice, and it is pretty depressing to see how old age can degrade your quality of life. His illness is progressing pretty fast, recently he's lost appetite, is always cold and has poor control his bowels. He doesn't even seem to care much, some of my others relatives had to convince him to be bathed. It's sad to see. Please take care of yourselves while you're young anons.

No. 1819907

There's this one moid who's probably in his 40s or 50s that makes gross comments from time to time at work. In regards to that gay stuff that happened in the senate room, he said "if it was two women, it'd be hot." Another day, he mentioned how this one new hire had a name that sounded like a porn star. He also has this wide-eyed stare that makes him look like a coomer too. I don't interact with him, but I just find it baffling that these older men with families are so crass. Nasty.

No. 1819976

>and a hourglass figure.
nta but i don't remember this at all, they were the letter P shaped at most

No. 1819978

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I feel lonely after reading the nigel thread. Or I just want a friend. I’m starting to think that my personal beliefs are deterring me from opening up to anyone. They’re not cemented in my worldview yet. But I wish I could just talk freely with someone. Idk anyone want to be friends?

No. 1819992

I wish people would comment on my art. I wish people would reach out to me first.

No. 1820009

the heat in my apartment is broken. it's been 80 degrees with no end in sight. all the working windows are open. good god

No. 1820011

tras are all such wimps. there's nothing punk or rebellious about kneeling to big pharma and societal trends

No. 1820028

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Idk if this will help at all nonny, but I recently got health insurance and saw a doctor after the absolutely worst year of my life (brother died, lost my job, had to move to a new state and leave everything I loved behind)

She was amazing, got me on the right meds, listened to me break down on the table (despite being a GP in a mediocre neighborhood) and has been a really huge help this last few months.

I can’t say I’m doing great, but having access to a compassionate, caring female doctor has been an incredible privilege for me. If you decide to continue down that path you might do the same for someone else.

No. 1820038

I want to be your friend! Describe yourself

No. 1820042

Some hobo fuck caused a blackout trying to steal copper wiring and I'm at 28% battery.

No. 1820073

I've been watching rhony and I hate that misogynistic lispsy california condor looking melting dried up oatmeal coloured prune dorinda with a passion. She is the type of woman that would SCREAM with her whole chest that a raped woman was "asking for it", absolute fucking waste of space and air.

No. 1820109

My ex has been doing really well recently and it makes me really sad he doesn't want me around for it.

No. 1820121

My ex gf dumped me earlier this year. Since we broke up she immediately started doing all the self care stuff I used to try to encourage her to do (cleaning her home, wearing sunscreen, exercising regularly, cooking healthy meals etc). She got a new girlfriend right away. We were together for over a year. I always tried to pick up the slack for her so she could live a healthier happier life even when she was depressed. I don't want her back anymore but when I think about how I wasn't worth doing those things for I want to KMS.

No. 1820152

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Ahh nonna thanks for your interest. Um irl I’ve been told I’m comforting to talk to. But idk how I would come across online kek. I’ve been feeling very lost lately so paradoxically (?) I don’t think im a good candidate for making friends rn. But we could chat a bit!

No. 1820192

i suddenly remember being 7-8 and telling my mom i didn’t like my nose and she said i could get plastic surgery when i was older. what the fuck. i’m 26 now

No. 1820232

I'm about to go back to school in my 30s for accounting, thank you for this motivational speech. Fuck my stupid bio bachelors I hated everything about it.

No. 1820248

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dammit, I applied to my first credit card (it's considered easy to get) and got rejected. I feel so dumb for not doing the pre-approval first. I really thought I'd be able to get it.

No. 1820252

I’m going out to eat with my coworkers after work tomorrow, I was hesitant to sign up but my parents have been so dysfunctional in the last that I’d rather be out of the house than deal with their drama

No. 1820268

Posting this to vent as it's too off-topic in the other thread and it was recent:
My boomer mother was going off on me the other day about some admittedly poor financial choices I'd made and owned no accountability for her lack of support which certainly was a factor to drive me to such decisions.
She has a pension from being a very (mediocre) teacher, and social security from retiring at 65, but boasted to me recently about having a $100k savings.
So I asked her if she could possibly live the rest of her life on $100k without SS and a pension?
No, of course not?

I am just so jealous of people who have parents who cared and planned in real ways.

No. 1820273

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>post obese peter griffin meme to diss a scrote poster
>didn't even reply directly to him
>temp ban
no, mods. I won't respond directly to scrotes, but I'll still make fun of scrote posters however I want to.

No. 1820276

dont respond to scrotes

No. 1820277

I just randomly looked up the story behind this photo. kek

No. 1820288

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No. 1820306

Python is so hard.

No. 1820314

Thank you nonnie. All I want is to help ladies like you. I hope you're doing well.

No. 1820319

People in the unpopular opinions thread were saying high functioning autism isn’t real and occurs because people are spoiled as kids and it made me so angry. First off, if it’s because people are spoiled, then so many trust fund babies would be autists, and they’re not. I literally knew a girl in high school with obvious autism who’s father was dangerously schizophrenic and she had to babysit her siblings constantly and basically serve as another parent to them. You think that girl really grew up spoiled? Probably not. Secondly, just because some people are munchy about it or use it as an excuse not to do things doesn’t mean its not a legitimate condition. You might as well say all mental illnesses are bullshit if that’s your logic, because there will always be people like that.

No. 1820328

Also, like, people will make fun of autistic people for acting a certain way but then when they act normal, they suddenly don’t have the condition at all in their eyes and are seen as just having autism because it’s trendy, and somehow their ability to mask becomes problematic. Not to say you should go around telling people you have autism, just something I’ve noticed from anons on here. It’s really like any other illness. There are people with depression who may be very obviously falling down hill (not showering, tired all the time, etc.) and then there are some that have learned to cope and seem like regular people. I just don’t know how anons can’t comprehend that. Like yes, I understand TikTok and their dumb ass takes but I wish those would just go away because they aren’t getting the point either, because they’re acting as if getting better is oppression. Ugh.

No. 1820350

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i always run to this site whenever i feel sad. i just scroll thru threads on ot and don't post anything. ot is like an emotional support place for me lol

No. 1820353

Theyre called languages for a reason arent they lol

No. 1820373

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I bought influencer ink from a stationery website and the day after the company does a BOGO sale on their own site. Annoyed but at least the color I ordered was sold out so I’m not wasting any more money.

No. 1820375

Same. I'm silently crying myself to sleep so where do I go? Lolcow. I feel slightly better now kek.

No. 1820382

i'm jealous, coming here makes me sadder. it's often the reason why i'm sad actually.

No. 1820403

It’s a mixed bag sometimes it makes me feel sane and sometimes anons are posting botched women and saying bimbos are sexy

No. 1820430

the latter are baiters and probably males too. The ones that anger me the most are the ugly men posters because i know they are being 100% serious.

No. 1820474

I hate myself for not taking nonnies' advice when it came to my relationship with my ex. You were right every single time and not once did I take your advice. It would've saved me a lot of heartache had I listened to you but I guess I had to learn the hard way that moids can't be trusted. I love you all though I promise to listen to you in the future. Have a wonderful christmas and new years everyone.

No. 1820502

as an autist, i think it's because 99% of "autists" these people see are tiktok larpers who really are just spoiled. so they're right in a sense, because they never see the real autists all they see is a fake condition

No. 1820509

I find the wave of single discussion subject-threads lately annoying tbh

No. 1820521

Sure nonna go ahead

No. 1820525

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pic i saved from here, sorry for reusing. sorry for possible tmi. i always had pains in my nether regions, very extremely especially as a child. i was told it was an infection because i did not wipe right. but i was always gaslighted and manipulated and put on drugs (mdma and sleep drugs i believe) and knew how to clean myself properly. the pain was extreme. i still had pain up until i became 18 years old. i believe one family member or more has been raping me. i have a man now they keep asking and prying about when we will have kids. when i call out creepiness and gaslighting, i am being told that they did not say anything, or that i have schizophrenia. but i told them i went to the doctor and they did not find that i have that disorder. they are scaring me and i don't know what to do. i want to stay with my boyfriend but my brother has known him for longer and he is scary too. i am also scared that if i get checked for another mental disorder then my boyfriend would leave me.

No. 1820535

I'm so SICK of not feeling good enough, of feeling insecure. It's boring, it's unattractive, it's pointless but I can't get myself out of the thought cycle.
My situationship bought me a Christmas present, yet I still think he doesn't like me. We've been seeing eachother since FEBRUARY and I still don't think he likes me. I feel like I'm not good enough for him, when deep down I know I'm fucking better than him, but I like him so much I find myself curling into a ball and crying after he leaves after sending hours together? Not because he's gone, but because I almost feel like he's lying, like he's only with me because he feels like he has to be. How do I feel good enough? HOW DO I FEEL LIKE I'M ENOUGH

No. 1820540

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I always resent how I was raised, and the kind of relationship my parents has because I truly want to enjoy everything in life with my boyfriend, but god I’m not used to the calmness of it all. Watching my parents constantly fight, name-call, and have screaming matches with eachother made me think that was what my relationship would be like in the future, and I think that absolutely ruined my perception on love. I really wanna get this settled with therapy…

No. 1820542

Oh I feel so miserable. I have taken numerous gap years to navigate multiple tumultuous events and get on my feet as an independent adult. Finally I am able to go to school after postponing it for a while, but now I can barely afford to get by due to my school/work schedule. I need to move out badly— I want my own place, especially before I get married. I will likely be getting engaged next year and I want to experience normal university life just once before living together with someone for my whole life. I have had to give up so many experiences typical for youth due to the obstacles hurled at me, so I am desperate to experience some slight youth experience of living independently as a student. It isn’t right, but I am envious of those who are able to go to university and live on their own at the pace of everybody else, befriending their peers and enjoying their life free of worry aside from concerns with exams and internships. I’m tired of deaths, abuse, health complications and manipulation. Although I think I am finally in a place where those things can rest, not being financially free is still so limiting. How others do it, I don’t know.

No. 1820546

holy SHIT nona. If you're still in that home GET OUT.

No. 1820550

once a month or so i drink and tonight was that night. it made me feel good for a bit but now im so damn tired… damn i wasted my whole night

No. 1820568

Good you were getting annoying with it download a new pic

No. 1820572

what is the difference between romantic and platonic love? why does it feel different? I am so so loved by my friends, I'm so grateful for them and all they do for me and the abundance of love they give to me, but why do I feel incomplete without romantic love? is it because the possibility of it is there but not being reached? if romantic love was off the table would I feel so incomplete?

No. 1820577

probably some natural instinct to find a "mate" to build a life with, i mean we evolved over millions of fucking years to seek others out for romantic companionship, and also to build a strong community aka platonic love - we call it all love but they're exactly the same thing

No. 1820580

Humans are animals. Animals seek to reproduce. To reproduce you need a partner.

No. 1820607

How do I get over being used and repeatedly treated extremely bad by men in the past? How do I stop feeling that it's because I'm too ugly/worthless to be loved and that I don't deserve better? Men themselves and the ones who abused me openly admit that they only date women who are good enough but will fuck and discard lesser ones. I really feel like a lesser one and it hurts, a lot.

How was I supposed to figure that out, I was never taught about men or warned. All that talk about muh equality and guys are just like me and so on. All I wanted was to be loved, of course I was naive and "easy". Why do I still feel like I'm the fool and the stupid ugly slut? Why does it feel like society sees me that way?

No. 1820612

Lack of intimate touch and hormones that get released with it

No. 1820613

>one chance at life
>mess up youth because of shit home life, untreated depression and dropping out of uni
>friends I went to school with own houses now
>I'll never own a house because the housing market exploded before I could graduate and save a significant amount of money
I'm so mad. I've worked so hard to get my shit back on the road but I still won't ever own a house because I was a couple of years too late, meanwhile my friends who didn't mess up their development throughout their childhood to young adult years are living life happily while owning nice homes. I love that for them but I'm also jealous and hate that my setbacks early on have basically ruined my chance to own a house for the rest of my life.

No. 1820621

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i wish i wasn't so retarded about food. i've been stuck in this anachan rut for so long that i cannot imagine ever being any different even though i wasn't always this way. i have plans for christmas and while i'm looking forward to them i'm afraid someone is going to comment on my weight and the fact that i'm not eating. it's extremely embarrassing and i feel so much shame over it

No. 1820625

I have mentally ill misogynistic parents who always always fucking always fought and broke things over the stupidest shit and then always took it out on me, because the daughter has to be the punching bag of course. My mother would call me a useless cunt and my father would tell me I was as crazy and ugly as my mother. It's made me so miserable over the years, to the point I wanted to kill myself and just fucking disappear. I was also bullied in school but could never talk about it to anyone because obviously my parents were unavailable (which is a nice way of saying they hate me kek) and I had no friends.
How will I ever get over not being loved by my parents anons? I feel so worthless. As a lonely adult now I realize how much I missed and still miss because of them. Your own parents, who should be the ones loving you the most, telling you how useless, ugly, stupid and annoying you are (plus a few "kill yourself" here and there) fucks with you in a special way. The fact that I was always pushed away by other people as well only confirmed what they thought of me.

No. 1820629

Why do you call it a situationship, is he not your bf? I think almost a year is a long time to just go with the flow, maybe it's time to have a talk about where the two of you are standing anon.


It's hard, but I just kind of decided to one day. When I first started dating my current bf I had some uncertainties about him. We'd talk about it sometimes and I'd confess that I felt like he didn't love me etc. until one day he teared up, told me I have no right to decide how he feels and to stop it. It made me realize it was unfair of me to project my own insecurities onto him and that it hurt his feelings. It's actually kind of a retarded thing to do when you think about it, so I made a conscious effort to stop. With time it's gotten easier and easier and nowadays I always believe him, unless he were to actually do something that would tell me otherwise.

No. 1820636

I wake up and I’m immediately stressed out, I cannot relax. It’s so tiring and at this point I’m desperate for a relief. I’m not interested in drugs because the relaxation is just temporary. I want something that actually helps. It doesn’t help that my work is very stressful after a shift I am wondering how I survived kek. I have no hobbies anymore because who got time for that. Today is my off day so I will just rott in bed and hoping to find some relaxation. I bought my favorite snack and I will eat it and watch sims lets plays I earned it.

No. 1820637

if you’ll be with people you trust (at some level, but the more you do the better) then eating, even only a little bit, might smooth out some of the anxiety. Maybe do something kind for yourself until then to get yourself in higher spirits and prepare mentally. You will feel insane in the moment but you’ll probably regret it less in the long run. I’m wishing you the best and I hope you have a restful holiday

No. 1820638

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anons have always been complaining that the farm has gone to shit in recent years and i never felt it until now. sure there has been weird shit going on sometimes, but i could always shrug it off. however, the past few days i've been feeling it too. anons being overly aggressive, constantly seething and frothing at the mouth, picking fights on purpose, stirring shit and provoking infights, poor reading comprehension, acting obtuse just for the sake of flinging shit… there have been times when i haven't browsed the farms for weeks/months but i always came back because i love posting on here. but maybe it's time to move on if the userbase continues to rot like this. maybe almost ten years on the farms is enough.

No. 1820651

I've had severe anxiety since I was like 13 and although it's waxed and waned over the years in severity and presence it's always been affecting my life. I'm so tired of always being nervous, or scared, or paranoid. I'm so tired of being neurotic and hyperreactive. My cat went missing for like 16 hours the other day and I had a full on breakdown, couldn't sleep or eat, cried in bed for hours, searched around for him and panicked some more. Turns out he had just accidentally gotten locked in my neighbors shed for the morning and afternoon. When my sisters cat went missing for a day she still went to bed, got up, went to work, she didn't even cry, he returned home and she carried on like nothing was ever wrong. I just wish I could be normal and not react like a child to everything remotely stressful. I have a therapy appointment in like a day and a half and then I have to go to a garden store after to get a Christmas present for my sister. I'm already so anxious I'm cold and shaking, panicking about going to a fucking garden store. I hate this, I took 2 ativan just to calm down but now I just feel tired confused and groggy but still anxious and scared. I would do anything to not be anxious anymore, it's just so fucking exhausting

No. 1820657

I really wanted to chime in with my own experiences during that whole shitfest but I didn't because it wasn't worth it for such an obvious baiter.

No. 1820660

My previously well off country is currently being absolutely wrecked into a capitalist dystopia by right wing conservative parties that retards voted into power and I just want to wish every anon who vouches for conservatives because "they're based for hating trannies!!!!!" a happy shut the fuck up, If I have to tolerate some rare basement dweller degenerate putting on a dress to be able to afford healthcare, housing and a stable income by voting left then fuck it, I will. I'm so tired and genuinely anxious about the future and right wing being in power is making people more confident in being openly misogynist, racist and homophobic as well. I sure fucking hope the pendulum swings in the other direction as soon as possible and above all I hope it won't be too late.

No. 1820664

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WHY ARE MY TEAMMATES SO FUCKING RETARDED i can pour my heart and soul in a turf war and get all the n°1 awards and those SHITHEADS still make us lose

No. 1820670

Fuckinkg mac n cheese gave me diarrhea

No. 1820675

Argentina? I don't keep up with politics, but a friend mentioned Milei to me. Regardless, I'm sorry you have to go through that. It feels like nowhere is really all that great.

No. 1820676

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Tell me about it anon, some of these players are atrocious! I wish we could play together, having a team makes things a little better.

No. 1820681

Holy shit I feel this so hard, I've taken breaks in the past and just came back from a 3 day one tonight. But the way you explained the recent behavior is so accurate. It feels like there's a lot of new anons who come here just to fight and argue and if there isn't anything to fight about they'll pick random posts to take out of context of get mad at for no reason, then keep moving the goal post of what they're arguing about and it results in everyone fighting about different things, it's so weird. It also feels more malicious than it did years ago, even when anons would fight back then they'd be cracking jokes at the same time and it was clear that the arguments weren't that serious even when the topic was. Now it just feels like some users are so angry and desperate to "win" an argument it's not fun anymore

No. 1820687

I think this dude at work is interested in me in some way (though I hope not) and I hate it because he's so fucking annoying. He keeps trying to make small talk even when I don't say anything back.

One time, I coincidentally shared the same public transport as him and I was so triggered throughout the ride because I saw through my rear vision that he kept staring at me. He did the same thing at work too fucking kill me.

No. 1820721

i've seen it several times lately that an anon will agree with another anon but then the initial anon takes one part of a sentence in the reply out of context and starts acting like a batshit insane retard towards the anon who was actually agreeing with her. makes me not want to post here anymore if we have reached this level of retardation.

No. 1820722

pretend you have a bf already

No. 1820727

He's not my bf, but I think he referred to us as partners last week? We both had just come out of very long term relationships when we started seeing each other (which initially was just for sex but has evolved into something more) so not putting a label on it has been relaxing for both of us.
That's really good advice nonna, it's not my place to decide how he feels based on my own view of myself. Thank you xx

No. 1820734

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It hurts because there's no other place to go from here. if older anons or veterans made another forum with similar rules and regulations, it would be okay. I've been on lolcow for 8 years old and it would suck too much if this place died. However, I agree with you that infighting and bait has been rampant. Especially in /ot

No. 1820742

Didn't the admin say that it's the schizos from choachan doing it deliberately? Like picking random posts in random threads and just fighting anons endlessly. Don't think it can solely be attributed to them because it spans a large scale of topics though, I feel like it's just generally the younger userbase from Tiktok and the leftovers from Kiwifarms after null got his site fucked that join in on it and keep it going since they come from a place of constant hostile arguing.

No. 1820747

I crave companionship and support so much I took a stupid risk and let myself be in a situation where it's obvious I'd get taken advantage of but for whatever reason I did it anyway. From now on I'm telling people I have a great life and that i'm very happy, confident, and secure. The amount of people that have seen me at my low points, offered help, then took advantage of me because they knew I was vulnerable is upsetting on multiple levels. One obviously because how could someone be so vile to abuse someone's trust while they're weak? And two because how I could be so foolish as to let it keep happening despite all the past experiences I've had that should be telling me it'll be the same exact thing this time. Maybe this time it will be different. This time it is a nice person that just wants to help. Most people are good, people are mostly good, if I keep giving people chances that childish belief of mine can stay secure. I don't want to acknowledge that people can be bad. I want to be able to be vulnerable with people and get help. I can't become jaded, I've resisted it for so long, people even compliment me on that. You're so kind, you haven't lost that innocence and hope that other people who've experienced what you've been through would have. Is it hope? I think I'm just naive. Willfully naive at this point. I just want good people in my life that care for me. I just want friends. I just want support. There's no beauty in suffering in silence. It's not stoic, it's a slow suicide. The day I stop trusting people and closing myself off is when I will know I have truly given up. I can feel myself getting closer to that point and I'm scared.

No. 1820748

Cc was raided by soyjacks yesterday, maybe it's those scrotes too. It's bad enough the regular net doesn't want women's spaces but it makes me extra annoyed when it's dudes who should be fine with an isolated obscure IB to ignore and shouldn't be taking part in the destruction of these places now when social media corps are doing their best to crush us out of existence as a whole. I don't expect moids on the internet to think but this just particularly bothers me. Especially when they raided fujochan because God forbid women have a spot to be horny to ourselves when men hold monopolies on all other spaces.

No. 1820749

Kek I've seen that too, reading comprehension is getting so bad. That's what makes me tinfoil it's a lot of young newbies from tiktok that are still in school or something, it is winter break after all

No. 1820751

The reading comprehension has gotten so bad, I agree. Sometimes an anon writes a full ass rant post as a reply fighting an anon she's actually agreeing with but because she couldn't be assed to read the post again (if she ever did once) she's basically getting angry over nothing. It must be really young people, especially because during arguments they devolve it into a literal "no u" slapfight and escalate it to unnecessary levels just to shut it down.

No. 1820755

Honestly this might be a complete shit take so feel free to call me retarded, but maybe bringing in more bans for infighting would help, and maybe even harsher ones than just a few hours or half a day. Not forever but just for a month or so? Not sure how everyone would feel about that though especially in threads where infighting takes up the majority of the posts like the unpopular opinions thread

No. 1820758

No problem anon! Taking people ate face value can feel scary and vulnerable especially in this day and age, but I think vulnerability is the price for any type of relationship, there's always a little bit of risk involved. If you start listening to what people say and believing them, it will also take a huge mental loud off your shoulders. You don't have to ruminate on whether you're not good enough or worry about people's ulterior motives, you can just focus on the present and be responsible for your own actions. Things become less complicated. I firmly believe now that actions speak louder than words, so I pay attention to how someone treats me and whether they show integrity. Best of luck to you!

No. 1820761

Samefag but I've seen other anons suggest a hellweek but I noticed the last hellweek didn't help much because the anons in the threads that would receive the most bans just didn't post. Celebricows was dead for the whole week to avoid any harsh punishments, I feel like lately hellweeks just give the shitty posters a warning and they just avoid lc for the week lol

No. 1820764

It should really be an unannounced, invisible hellweek to catch them off guard.

No. 1820766

>it's been umpteenth not upteenth this whole time
sorry if it's a damp sQUID to mention it

also vidrel maybe headphone warning

No. 1820767

nta but i agree, im sure there would be an influx of meta posts saying "wtf why was i banned i was just racebaiting/taking male bait??" and those anons should just be banned again for even bitching about their bans

No. 1820776

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Pleaseeeeeeee I just want to get over my ex. I've replayed the times he hurt me and imagined what he looks like shitting on the toilet a thousand times yet I still can't stop crying and thinking about him.

No. 1820785

I made a mistake in 1. trying to reason with a moid 2. unleashing SFU wisdom on a moid
I showed him this clip TO CONTRADICT HIM and now he keeps saying "well maybe you'd laugh if you weren't purple" when I call him out for being retarded, or sexist, or ANYTHING and he laughs and says "I'm not purple"
I want to actually hurt a grown man. also when I explained I don't like seafood, the taste/smell/anything he cracks a whole huge mud crab in my face.
this dude is my age with two kids and two "baby mamas" he's warring with (he probably baby trapped actually) and I am so so sick of his retardation. I'm sorry, I have 2 jobs and function TERRIBLY with ADHD but you cooked your brain with party drugs and gave yourself some brain damage so you're getting allocated my pills? the ones that help me function? the ones that get you all speedy and abhorrent to be around when when I take them they get me baseline? fucking junkie shit sorry to junkie nonas you cannot be trusted and if that offends you you musn't be purple kek
this is the thread for alogging about irl shit right?

worst part is even wishing him some retribution has me like OH NO OH GOD THAT COULD MAKE HIS LIFE BAD like yeah bitch he's making YOUR life bad? I'm more pissed at myself I'm never in my own corner enough. he's gonna keep doing it until I snap and seem insane.
any and all based and stacy moves to tilt a filthy cooked loser out of my strat would be incredibly appreciated. I'm too fucking TIRED for these male antics. someone teach the next gen to function or all but the handmaidens will opt out of breeding. and tbh it's what the XY deserve

No. 1820787

I’m glad fentanyl is going around so that all of the drug addict idiots who’ve wronged me will croak sooner or later

No. 1820789

>cracked a mud crab in my face
He sounds insufferable oh my god is he your brother or something? Push him down the stairs

No. 1820793

nigel's roommate. nigel's mother keeps moving the retards in while nigel's looking after her rent, the house, and the cat her daughter left there. also nigel's mother (the leaser, not the landlord, the landlords are a big BIG corp) keeps moving in "creatives" aka junkies and retards cause they can strum a guitar with her. out of any control nigel could have tbh, I don't even live there just stay with him depending on what day/job I work and him too. we both work two. this fool works maybe one odd one and spends the time between one "baby mumma" (his words, I think of them as his long suffering victims he knocked up) and the next. slams into the house like fucking Kramer (so did the last one, who was a woman perpetually fucked up on mushrooms) at all odd hours, feeds his kid(s) on milk we pay for and lets them trash the house with abandon. any word I say he chimes in to contadict me but will always listen to the men in the room and add to their points but me he just blatantly contadicts.

not to reddit space about it but I have an enemy now. he doesn't know it because he has XY defect but I'm getting him the fuck out of my vicinity. even typing this out is making me realize how retarded it is. and that's coming from the actual retard herself. fuck.

No. 1820796

Based six feet under enjoyer

No. 1820800

ayrt wtf I actually am crying a little at how spot on of a scene you could have sent me. fuck I love you nonas. you actually have no idea, any of you

No. 1820802

Agreed so hard lol

No. 1820803

People say that, but honestly I think computer languages are way harder than regular languages. It's like learning an ancient forgotten language. Computer languages feel more like learning concepts if that makes sense.

No. 1820809

knew you'd like it

No. 1820811

I wish Harry Potter wasn't as big in the US. they are the reason for the remake and I bet there will race swapping and stuff. why can't it just be a bong thing? like when we used to read the books in primary school and it was magical. the fantastic beasts movies are awful because they mixed in stupid americas with there stupid jarring accents.

No. 1820813

they have to get involved with shows like doctor who and Sherlock too. gatekeeping should be a thing

No. 1820814

ty nona, this ones for you
emojis not allowed but kissy face hearty emojis all day

No. 1820817

man I love claire
ty nona have a good one
and fuck scrotes

No. 1820829

XX: ahh theatre

No. 1820832

Actually, you feel like you aren’t enough because you aren’t to him. If he wanted you to be his girlfriend he would have made you his already. You need to get some self respect and end it, allowing yourself to be someone’s situation ho is retarded

No. 1820833

he is such a good example of how "artistic" bi scrotes are the most evil

No. 1820835

Why don’t you poison him you’ll do everyone in your home a favor and I doubt they’d snitch

No. 1820840

he literally stole russel from claire and the fact she gives him grace in this episode/anywhere still sucks to see even though that's what her character would have done? fuck I love claire. I still want the avocado cadillac hearse and I always will.

that's murder babes x

No. 1820848

ugh but he sucks! maybe make him feel bad about himself for being a deadbeat dad and he’ll do it himself

No. 1820858

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I'd do it just 4 u nona if I could get away with it

No. 1820875

claire is megabased, I love that she turned out to be the main character. FUCK nate

No. 1820880

or, well, at least it's my interpretation because she died last in the finale iirc

No. 1820884

I took a shower. But I still feel like I want to kill myself. I still feel like I should it's just that the timing might not be right. I don't want to ruin people's Christmas. There's a very big empty feel in my stomach. Things are not as bad as they might be and the thing is, knowing things could get worse is what is making me despair. I want to go while I still feel loved by people, I don't know if I can keep feeling empty like this any longer, if everyone went away again I would just, not be able to keep living

No. 1820888

not correcting you cause I want nonas to watch it and I don't want to spoil them kek
or is that what you're doing rn and I'm ruining it? time will tell

vidrel makes me feel like a googy egg (ausfag)

No. 1820891

I can relate a lot to the "it's all gonna get worse, better kill myself now" thought, that's where my mind goes when I am at my most depressed. The fear and that certainty of things going to shit in the future is worse than anything. I don't think real life suffering comes close to the suffering we imagine will happen.

Not gonna throw platitudes at you, but can you at least postpone it and be open to having a nice christmas if possible? You have literally nothing to lose. I understand what you're feeling though, being scared and convinced that you'll end up all alone. Even if that happened, there's almost always a way out if you're open to it.

No. 1820906

Thank you nonna.
The thing is, every Christmas I have to stay inside my room because I live with my unstable brother (and my mom, but she's ok) and whenever he's outside his room, I have to hide and run away. He's always mad whenever I'm outside and even though yesterday I only came out of my room once he still got pissy because he saw me. If we're having Christmas here and family over then he'll want to be outside, otherwise he will become angry. I can only stay inside my room that day, new years too. I don't have anywhere to go.

This year my aunt took me to the movies with my cousin, and then when the movie was over she told me to stop being a little bitch and let my brother be happy on Christmas. She told me it was all my fault. The thing is ever since my brother and I fought (he followed me through the house screaming and trying to manipulate me and my mom, I had to run away, he also hurt my wrist) I just don't want to see him. I don't have the money means to do anything else on the 24th/25th etc. But anyway, aunt decided forcefully that Christmas would be at my house. Brother is on his Christmas break. I think I'll just sleep the rest of the year off, I don't want to think. Don't have friends or more family to be with either. Thank you for being nice to me nonny, I'm not sure why I'm so open suddenly. I don't always talk about this stuff to people.

No. 1820925

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Paid a doctor to check on my exams, my own doctor had an emergency and she can't get back to me until February, so I got anxious and wanted an opinion on the results because some looked really bad. Went today to this random moid doctor, that piece of shit wouldn't even look at my face while speaking. I thought he was autistic and was willing to overlook his weird demeanor, but he was so rude it started getting on my nerves. I thought that also could be due to him being autistic, but for fucks sake he wouldn't even look at my exams properly. I had to point out the things that troubled me and he went "oh", like he didn't pay attention in the first place and didn't notice that.

He didn't give me any explanations for my concerns, he just played it off and even said "this is exam is probably just wrong", so what then? Do I repeat the exam or do I trust your gut feeling that everything is fine? He was passive aggressive, I was anxious and nervous about my results and he goes "why are you so anxious? what's your problem?" like he seemed annoyed. Ofc I got more anxious over his awkward communication and when I asked about my exams he said "why do you care so much? Do you work in the health industry?". I was so shocked by how out of touch he was. He ended up asking if I wanted meds for my anxiety, something I never complained about and he isn't even a fucking psychiatrist, he wasn't prepared to diagnose and medicate me my anxiety at all. I can't believe I wasted my money and time on this scrote. I am so angry at this guy and devastated I lost my money.

No. 1820930

I didn’t know whether to take this to the amerifag thread or what, but I seriously can not stand fat people it is fucking disgusting. Every time I go out in public it’s 80% fat. There is no excuse to be repulsively obsess I hate the excuses “oh we’ll transportation, food, accessibility in amer-“ shut the fuck up. “Oh well non walkable cities-“ run laps around your house idgaf. “Oh but I live an apartment an-“ shut the fuck up do laps around your living room then. “Healthy food is so expensive-“ shut fuck up no it’s not go to Aldi. There’s always some excuse or other amerifags WK the fats for who knows what reason. Stop making excuses you fat idiot.

No. 1820957

Oh nona, I'm sorry to hear that. Can somewhat relate to the whole "being a sister to a fucked up brother and having to fend for yourself" thing but mine isn't nearly as bad as yours sounds. Can you get at least some support from your mother? If she's reasonable she should be aware of how taxing this is for you and your mental health.

Man, I hate how much mentally ill moids are coddled in comparison to women. You really shouldn't have to spend christmas barricaded in your room, fucking hell. I get why things feel hopeless when you're in a situation like that, it's hard to recover and gain strength with such a stressor. I believe in you though, and someday when you no longer have to deal with your shitty brother life is gonna feel much lighter.

No. 1820967

gosh I hope I haven't ruined it for any nonas now…
he's pretty comedic here ngl. "YOU HAVE A SHIATSU MAT" made me kek, something about the delivery

No. 1820972

i think this woman in my hobby circle is a little terfy because she
>was firm on only xx chromosome women being able to inherit some kind of magical power (lore for a game she was running)
>agreed with me when i told a tif to fuck off with her "people with wombs" bullshit

No. 1820981

On a side note, I kind of hate that common sense on how biology and gender works is called "being a terf". No hate to you or your post though.

No. 1821002

> I kind of hate that common sense on how biology and gender works is called "being a terf".
oh i hate it too kek, but that's just the world we live in now. or in my circles at least that's how it is. you admit you think sex exists and it's just endless unfunny jokes or comparisons to…algae or intersex people brought up

No. 1821051

My phone keeps having video/audio delay on YouTube and twitch and it's irritating me so fucking bad

No. 1821067

Some psycho in a red truck road raged hard at me today, I had plenty of room to move over/had my blinker on/moved over and I could tell she pushed her foot down on the gas pedal to try and "block" me from getting over, but she couldn't as I had ample space. She held down her horn at me for like 20 seconds straight in a tantrum and a quarter mile down the road when I turned left she blasted around me holding down her horn again flailing her arms like a muppet. Absolute freak of nature I can't believe people drive around like that. She needs to go the fuck home before she crashes and hurts somebody

No. 1821087

average truck driver. i had one come up behind me yesterday and try to pass me when their lane was ending and there was absolutely no one behind me, he hit the gas hard to pass right as his lane ended and nearly side swiped me doing it, just to get stuck behind a line of cars a couple seconds later

No. 1821090

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I think about him a lot. Yeah because of the obvious but also because he was sad and couldn’t hold down a job and had to live with a friend and killed himself in her garage and my life is going nowhere and I can empathize with that a lot. I also can’t watch hoarders because it stresses me the fuck out, feels like I’m looking into my future. I’m just goin through it today, wish I could be hugged, did you know babies will die if they aren’t held enough

No. 1821097

There's a builder working right outside my window who sounds absolutely pissed about something. He's been snarling about it for the last hour since he's been there.
I'm sure he's got a perfectly good reason to be so angry and it's not like he'll break through my window to attack me kek, but I'm still spooked. I hope he calms the fuck down soon.

No. 1821104

Were there any reviews on this doctor? I make it a habit to check if they have review. I chose my mom the kindest family doctor thanks to that. Leave negative reviews on websites for this guy. Fuck him. Also, maybe you can complain via the hospital phone number?

No. 1821105

Honestly, same. I'm not even an anachan, but the excuses are saddening.

No. 1821114

I don’t hate fat people but what I do hate is when chubby and fatties act like I’m a severely disordered freak for eating like a normal person.
>you’re turning down ice cream on pie after our 4 course dinner? You know you don’t have to restrict yourself sweetie…
>you know you’re allowed to eat candy right
>i know you wanna stay a skinny legend but
I just don’t feel the fucking need to eat 3 deserts a day and wash it down with boba tea get off my ASS jfc. The first one isn’t even hyperbole, it literally just happened this weekend. The whole family is fat and “don’t know why” and blame the soil depletion and talk about how Euros have better soil to cope. And all of their dogs are morbidly obese too because their fatness can not stay constrained to themselves, the project their food needs onto everyone

No. 1821118

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I'm a very frugal person, I just hate wasting anything at all and can get anxious about it. Today I found out my mom already owns the appliance I got her for Christmas (last month, she told me she didn't have it) and even though I know she wouldn't be upset with my present (she's not that kinda person, plus I got her smth else as well), it's still bothering me a lot that it was a waste of money, like it's actually distressing to me. But even more than being wasteful, I hate that this simple thing is causing me so much anxiety, I wish I weren't this gd weak.

No. 1821119

No, really. It's so fucking hard to stick to a healthy diet because everyone around you is literally shaming you for not stuffing your face full of food. I need to lose around 20 pounds rn on my current diet and every fucking day my mom is basically yelling at me for not eating enough, while in the same breath telling me to lose weight. it's so tiring

No. 1821125

People are so fucking weird about food. It's so emotional that all logic goes out the window when it's dinner time.

No. 1821129

I'm pretty sure I don't want kids and the way the world is going right now part of me is preparing to try to get myself sterilized before it's too late and I don't have rights anymore. That or if collapse happens, I wouldn't want to be a fertile woman in that scenario. It's my worst fear. I'm somewhat afraid of regretting it but I'm leaning more and more towards getting my tubes removed out of fear. The alternative is far worse than feeling FOMO over an idealized image of motherhood.

I don't live in america but sooner or later it's gonna be like that here too. Men are going apeshit too, I genuinely wouldn't be surprised if governments start to solve "male loneliness" by making us into actual slaves and broodmares within my lifetime.

No. 1821132

I will just kms if that happens. No need to prepare for it because fuck that.

No. 1821149

If you do get your tubes removed and come to regret it, IVF is an option. Not sure if it's accessible in your country. I had similar feelings and went through with getting sterilized. Been a few years, no regrets, YMMV.

No. 1821150

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Nate is awful but Peter Krause did so well (though not as well as Lauren Ambrose and Frances Conley) SFU had an unbelievably talented cast. One of the all time best shows.

just hearing the first few notes of Breathe Me has the tears flowing no matter how many rewatches

No. 1821156

I have never cried from a film or a tv show like I did from that finale lol

No. 1821159

The reviews were all good, surprisingly. I think he bought the reviews because one of them referred to him as "she". Yes, I'll leave him a terrible review. I might also call the hospital, I know it probably won't matter but that's the best I can do.

No. 1821160

You don't have to answer, but how old were you? I'm not quite 30 yet but my European country is pretty progressive (for now) and would probably let me if I seem confident enough about it. I hope.

NGL, just the thought of removing my tubes is extremely relieving. I'm still a bit scared I'll le change my mind if I le meet le love of my life but I have literally never wanted kids and am not cut out to be a mother for a lot of reasons, and that's without getting into the absolute state of society and how to successfully raise a kid in it

No. 1821201

idgaf about israel vs palestine but the pro-israel screechers are infinitely more loud and annoying about it and i instantly tune out whenever they start talking. when will this be over

No. 1821253

I only hear/see pro-palestine and god they are so annoying, you can't click one unrelated video or image without comments like "did you know there are children suffering right now and being killed right now" or FREE PALESTINE

No. 1821267

Last night, a friend of mine who hasn't talked to me in over a year sent me a text about a show she thought I might like. I haven't replied to her and it's been almost a day now. What is wrong with me?

No. 1821315

pro-israel people say the same shit, with the added bonus of random white americans trying to play oppression olympics bc theyre jewish

No. 1821345

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every year, my mom asks me when i'm going to give her grandchildren. if i buy her this bag, do you think she'll overreact?

No. 1821351

She's gonna think you're telling her you're pregnant

No. 1821352

nothing wrong with you. that's just the way shit goes nowadays. you never know when someone will reply or if they even will

No. 1821369

Cut her off then maybe she’ll get it

No. 1821373

if you have to ask you probably shouldn't gift her that kek

No. 1821383

We’re short-staffed at my job because a bunch of people have the flu, and I’m absolutely wiped out from having to pick up the slack since I’m second-in-command. On top of that I’m a bit sick myself with a sinus infection and I hate being sick at Christmas! I’m so frustrated and I wanna cry.

No. 1821387

yeah I would think that too

No. 1821395

My best friend used to complain when I didn’t tell her everything about my life but she basically nitpicked all of it, always making passive aggressive comments about it and judged me constantly because she was jealous (not making this up, even our mutual friends agreed with me with this one).
I feel like I can’t tell her anything nowadays. I tell her good things and she’s not capable of showing the minimum interest. I tell her something bad and of course she’d change the story to make me feel guilty or like I’m doing something wrong.
She’s never happy for me when I accomplish something and when she does it’s just so fake. I still love her even when I know she doesn’t deserve it. When something good happens to her, I feel truly happiness, I feel like my heart is happy for her and I’m excited for her future. When something bad happens to her, my first instinct is to search for a solution, or how I can help her.
Some years ago we were watching a movie and one of the characters said that the worst feeling is when you’re not your best friend’s best friend, and I had to suppress the urge to cry because it resonated so much to me.

No. 1821407

my ex who i still am (or at least used to be) super close friends with has a new girlfriend and now he's pretty much ignoring my messages and when he replies it's super short and dismissive. he admitted to me and my bf the last time we met together that his gf doesn't like our friendship and that he's been replying to me less frequently etc because of her. he also doesn't tell her when he's been hanging out with us to avoid drama/hurting her. i'm sad because i really don't have another friend quite like him that i can share the same humour with. but ofc i understand his gf and i'm happy he's got into a serious relationship. at the same time i'm kind of eyerolling at his behaviour because when they got together he was always going on about how he's never going to "change for another person again" (like he did in our relationship) and have jealousy and cut off friends etc kek. a part of me gets sad and pissed because it feels like he doesn't see me as an important friend and if i was a man this would never happen.

No. 1821417

This exact thing happened to me a while back. Let's be real, he probably just wants a placeholder and/or someone to have an emotional affair with as soon as his new shiny gf starts becoming too demanding. I wish moids could see us as friends but from my experience they're always weird about it and looking to use you in some way, ESPECIALLY if you have history
BTW in case you need to hear it this behavior only reflects on him and he's the one that's a terrible person for both being unfaithful to his gf and pretending to be your friend. He wants to have his cake and eat it, he's immature.

No. 1821423

Wow, I guess that's a possibility too. Unless they messed up and wrote the review for the wrong doctor somehow. Spread the word, nona. He deserves that much anyhow.

No. 1821430

i feel like we had such a good and casual relationship though, there wasn't any tension or feelings, it didn't feel like being friends with an ex specifically. but whatever. the thing that bothers me a lot now though is that be basically forbade me from talking to anyone about the fact that she doesn't want us to be friends, so i can't vent to any of my friends or family about it (who doesn't even know her or live in the same city as him and her) other than my boyfriend who was with us when he explained everything. he's always been paranoid and a control freak about stuff like this which is very stifling and always makes me feel like i'm gossiping and starting drama if i feel the need to discuss things about him with anyone. hence why i'm venting on lc instead kek.

No. 1821441

lol, the guy I'm talking about was exactly like that. down to the feeling like talking about him at all felt like "drama" and "gossiping", while he'd spill everyone's secrets behind their back no matter how long they'd known him and how chill he seemed
He ain't a good person. It might have felt easy, but if your situation is like mine that ease was mostly an illusion and the guy's a lot more manipulative than you think

No. 1821466

I want to be normal i want to be normal i want to be normal i wish I could be like everybody else and be attracted to the people around me and have a relationship and I wish I could be into the things other people are and I wish I didn't have mental illness and I wish I wasn't born with an ugly face. And I wish my whole family did not get COVID for christmas when I took time off work to be with them, and was looking forward to it as opposed to being totally despondent and now it's ruined.

No. 1821470

I feel so fucked up. I see arousal as cheating. If you are a coomer who gets aroused at shit you see online or other people, you are cheating. I don't know anymore. This is not normal but I can't feel but feel so betrayed even though I'm obviously never going to date a coomer. I project and get SO angry

No. 1821473

I bought my bf presents but I'm scared he didn't get me anything

No. 1821474

You're not fucked up, it's society that's currently normalizing moids openly lusting over other women while in a relationship. It's definitely a form of cheating

No. 1821477

Bring it up. What if he’s one of those people who doesn’t do Christmas presents? You better set the standard instead of being disappointed and him calling you eMoTiOnAl or some shit after the fact.

No. 1821480

I understand this. But there are times that people cannot help but get physically aroused like when they so happen to see what they like even when they didn't ask or seek it out, or straight up rape. In those times I get irrationally angry too. I'm just being way too mad and projecting honestly. I am with someone who is not a coomer but not back then, so I can't help but get jealous and seethe

No. 1821482

Anon dump him if he doesn't give you anything (or at least has a very good reason why he didn't do it). You're in a relationship and giving your partner a thoughtful gift at this time of year should be a no-brainer.

No. 1821484

kinda weird that you're calling it "projecting" and keep saying you're so irrational. it's completely normal to not like it when your moid gets aroused by others. why are you even complaining if you think it's crazy to think that way?

No. 1821485

That is so obnoxious. And of course, there are no police around when people are raging like this. I will never understand road rage. shit is not worth it.

No. 1821489

I'm sorry nonna, wished I could hug you right now.

No. 1821490

it's not irrational to be mad about a moid being a coomer in his past. it's completely fine to desire a man who hasn't watched porn. it's also fine to get a little jealous or angry. some of the hormones we experience when we're in love make us depressed and give us mood swings.

No. 1821502

not a moid, my gf who used to be an ex-coomer. She doesn't do that anymore but I can't help but apply that standard on her and think that she is just looking for someone else for her and maybe there are other people that would make her light up. She tells me all the time that she loves me more but I still feel so insecure, so I think it is my own problem honestly. I just don't want to feel jealous and insecure in this way anymore since I love her very much and she does for me too and would call me a retard for thinking this way

No. 1821505

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I know I'm a gatekeeping oldfag but I hate how popular hatsune miku has become in recent years, to the point where it feels like every other streamer claims to like her. You could ask them what song they like and they say something like 'world is mine'. On one hand it's not like everyone has to know literally every vocaloid to be a fan but on the other hand it just rubs me the wrong way that coomers can collect a gorillion miku figures and jerk off to them and say she's great, but those same people can't list any vocaloid music producers. I guess it's good Miku is popular because more interest in the fandom will bring more songs but idk. I feel like there's a huge divide for people who like Miku for her visual design and people who like Miku for her voice.

No. 1821513

wrong thread SORRY

No. 1821527

I finally experienced true happiness for the first time in my life since childhood for a brief couple of months this year, and then it was ruined with betrayal and death. Things will never be the same. I want to go back to those happy moments so badly. I wish I could live the rest of my natural life in a time loop between last April and July.

No. 1821561

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>tfw been a Miku/vocaloid fan since 2007
>the only vocaloid music producer(?) I can actively name is Wowaka

I feel like a terrible vocaloid fan but I get what you mean anon. Anime becoming "mainstream" in general has been a curse. I'm so tired of seeing anime sticker cars, especially Demon slayer ones.

No. 1821581

Vocaloid has been popular, normie, and mainstream for nearly my entire life get over yourself weeb

No. 1821582

I'm still baffled that this didn't lead to more actually good western producers.

No. 1821583

>vocaloid has been popular my entire life
>needlessly aggressive
Ah. underage or barely of age newfag. I suspect you or your kind is responsible for all the overly aggressive posturing the last few weeks. Gen Z is so insufferable but I guess this is what happens to a generation raised on sociopathic modern social media

No. 1821592

I’m a millennial you larping newfag

No. 1821595

everytime someone complains about how newfag zoomies ruined something their butthurt asses jump to defend themselves in an overly aggresive holier than thou tone

No. 1821601

And I'm a unicorn fairy.
My issue with vocaloid being popular is how there's barely any true autists making vocaloid music, like back then you would have cute as fuck shit about, like, switches that can destroy the world, candies or evil organizations creating mutants. Those types of songs made genuinely by genuine autists are the only good ones and we will never have that back, just like how genuine cringe will never come back.

No. 1821602

You’re just straight up delusional. Vocaloid has always been babbies first weebshit right after sailor moon or dbz

No. 1821603

Either you are lying, or your statement about vocaoild being popular for "nearly your entire life" was false. It's basic math, you poor retard. If you're going to bait and larp, at least know how numbers work.
>vocaloid becomes popular with the release of hatsune miku in 2007
>someone born in 2007 is currently ~17
>The youngest possible millennial is currently 28

No. 1821605

Nta This one is my favorite because of how ridiculous it is

No. 1821606

it was a meme that newfag naruto watcher weebs would ask you what anime miku was from, retard.

No. 1821609

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Why are you two even fighting about this

No. 1821613

Right. Because Naruto is right there with dbz and vocaloid is next in line.
Hyperbole you autist. In middle school hatsune was everywhere and.

No. 1821619

That's not how hyperbole works kek, I know you are projecting because if you weren't autistic you'd know why. But I'm going to stop taking your bait and instead hope that whatever is causing you to act like a pitbull online gets better soon.

No. 1821627

The real annoyance on lolcow is retards who ree about the most basic disagreement and call a tame “get over yourself” r-rabid and aggressive.

No. 1821629

ok anon. maybe drink some warm milk with honey in it and you will feel better

No. 1821632

get over yourself, take a bath, go watch tiktoks or cocomelon

No. 1821633

Imagine infighting about Miku on the vent thread

No. 1821636

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No. 1821637

I love putin-P, some of his songs are great.

No. 1821639

I think I’m fucked up in the head. I’ve been obsessed with someone who doesn’t know me for 3 months, for the first 2 months I would stare at their face for literally 6 hours every evening. Now if I go a day without looking at their face I feel extremely depressed. I’ve also done some gross things that have definitely violated their privacy, I think I qualify as an internet stalker atp. I’m obviously not going to bother them and don’t want to but this obsession is causing me extreme distress and I don’t know how to handle it. I don’t even really care about anything else in my life anymore.

No. 1821644

Kek agreed

No. 1821649

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i am in a lot of physical pain, gonna watch a movie that my 3d husbando is in to distract myself… le sigh

No. 1821651

Can't you take a painkiller? I hope the movie distracts you and you feel better soon. Which movie? if you want to share ofc

No. 1821658

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I think I've lost it a little, because I've been having a lot of anxiety recently and the only thing that calms me down is thinking of an alternate version of myself, a magical girl type of character that is always fun and happy. I want to be like that. Is this unhealthy? Am I meeting myself into something bad? Or is this autistic but okay.

No. 1821662

Lately when I have weed (usually vaping) I get this crazy health anxiety that I didn't used to have. I don't know if it's just too strong for me now or what, but it feels like almost every time I smoke I get this crazy anxiety about my heart, any twinge of pain I feel in my limbs and I secretly freak out that I have a blood clot or a stroke or that I'm having a heart attack or something. I hate it so much. It's also probably because I've been pretty unhealthy and gained weight this year (from being lazy and also eating and drinking too much) so I feel worried about my health already but ugh.

No. 1821666

I actually think this is really healthy. It's like you're doing a visualization exercise of your "Best Possible Self", and that can help you make it become a reality.

No. 1821682

Aww this is cute anon. I always wanted to be this type of person but I accepted my fate. I don't think it's unhealthy, fake it till you make it is a real self-improving strategy.

No. 1821698

I asked my boyfriend over text if he wanted to break up with me and he said yes and I called him and screamed at him and vomited on the bed. He's in a state over and I just don't know. He's a socially inept idiot but I just don't know anymore.

No. 1821783

My vent is that i like fighting and feels like youre talking to the true face of the person on the other side of the screen (raised on a family that communicated through banter)

No. 1821787

I think my favourite interactions on this site are all infighting honestly kek

No. 1821855

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I know I shouldn't let my dumbass mother get under my skin, but god does she ever. I got tinnitus because I gave myself tmj. I got a mouth guard; it helps but I still get it pretty badly. My dumbass mother decided, she who has absolutely learned no anatomy, that it is not why I have tinnitus. She deadass believes it is "the elites" and their "evil ways" why I got it. I want to punch a wall because I hate how stupid my mother is and how the internet made her even stupider than she already was. I hate having a crazy mother. Nothing is safe to talk about. I feel like I'm going schizo being around her. Kmn

No. 1821874

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Fuck this guy (not literally). Hope you feel better soon and pamper youself a bit, nonny!

No. 1821885

i’m a zoomer but what the FUCK why does it feel like every zoomer does drugs now? not even shit like weed but like crazy shit like cocaine? why??
t. straight edge

No. 1821895

Everyone has always done drugs especially shit like cocaine as long as you have the money for it. Congrats on getting older and realizing what the world is like I guess

No. 1821897

fellow zoomer and maybe it depends on where you live? It feels like my peers are more straight edge than previous generations (which I’m glad about, I hate using any substances even alcohol).

No. 1821965

I was 27 when I had my tubes removed, got approval from the doctor at 26. It's a bit cringe, but I found her through Reddit on a list of doctors known to sterilize women without pushback. I do harbor a bit of the same anxiety about meeting 'the one' and changing my mind, but the older I get the less likely it seems that I would ever want to tie myself to any moid in that way. It feels like fantastical thinking, whereas the benefits for me have been concrete and very comforting.

I also feel I am not cut out to be a mother. I respect women who have/want kids a lot, someone's gotta do it, but it won't be me. Whichever choice you make, godspeed nonnie

No. 1821973

Hellweek is necessary immediately. The newfaggotry is off the fucking charts. Why do they refuse to integrate?

No. 1821995

Is it even worth trying to date irl when the vast majority are normies and won't share your very specific niche interests? I'd imagine it would be harder to connect with someone like this or even get close to them. Is online e-dating the only alternative to me with other fellow autists? Seeing all my friends trying to date irl and trying to live their best life not on the screen is really making me feel like I'm being left behind. I never thought much about it but maybe I am missing out.

No. 1821999

I love how they cry about how persecuted they are but then call you whiny when you point out how retarded they are

No. 1822014

Niche hobbies aren't a great starting point for genuine relationships in my experience. It's important to have things in common but things like communication, chemistry, values and how you both process emotions are going to get you a way more fulfilling relationship than someone you meet in a nerd Discord. I think a lot of anons end up with their shit moids because they focus on things that in the long run are way too shallow to sustain a long term realtionship on when the rest of the scrote is trash. There are so many people who love the same things as I do yet I find them extremely annoying kek.

No. 1822212

most of my friends forgot my birthday with the exception of 2. I don't have many friends but I usually remember their birthdays and try to gift something if I can afford. I just feel sad and unappreciated but I know I'm just being selfish and birthdays are dumb.

No. 1822282

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Feeling very dizzy because of my period. I feel like I just got off of a rollercoaster.

No. 1822302

Everyone wants to feel appreciated. Sometimes appreciating yourself when others don’t helps. Yet, being acknowledged and appreciated by others is okay to want too. Especially when you go out of your way to make sure others know you appreciate them. It makes people forget that you want the same treatment. I know it doesn’t mean much but happy birthday, nonna. You deserve to be appreciated too… but also birthdays are dumb you are right about that

No. 1822336

thank you so much nonny. I really feel like I show appreciation towards my friends but I never get the same. I think I will just start buying things I want for myself instead everytime it's the birthday of someone who forgot mine. it feels petty but I put emotional labour and money on remembering their birthday, getting a gift and wishing them a happy birthday to not even get a message on mine. I wont stop talking to them but I know if I can't rely on these people to send me a message on my special day, I wouldn't be able to rely on them for anything else anyway. the 2 people who remembered my birthday could get better gifts with the money I spent on those idiots, too.

No. 1822429

At least if someone says they like Meiko you know they're not lying

No. 1822608

Happened to me when my two "closest" friends forgot my birthday, it was sad because I wished them both at 12 am on their birthdays but the didn't even remember mine, and we even talked alot that day. You deserve to feel loved back by the people you love, it's not selfish it's just how humans are. Happy birthday nonna I hope you still enjoyed the day and I also hope you meet new people that do love you.

No. 1822641

this post could have been written in 2010

No. 1822668

Shitting is the only joy I have left

No. 1822674

thanks nonnie <3 it hurts so much, doesn't it?

No. 1822676

Don't use emojis though

No. 1822704

I'm dreading a holiday visit with an elderly relative who Boogied her weight loss surgery during COVID. I think she must have gained close to 100lbs in each leg. And is now shaped like glitternlazers + several decades of gravity. Is barely mobile and can barely do anything except sit in a chair and ask other people to do things for her. It's very sad and anxiety inducing.

No. 1822706

I wish men were attracted to women and interested in our sexual pleasure.

Men would literally rather violently fuck a dry uninterested woman and force her to scream and piss herself than to take a few minutes to learn about the clit. It's so fucking easy to give a woman pleasure if you actually want to. But sex for moids isn't about giving pleasure, it's about dominating and satisfying their ego. It's more important to feel like you're hurting someone with your tiny dick than to get your sex partner off and make her feel passion. Absolute insanity

No. 1822709

At this point they're straight up starting to be afraid of female pleasure, just look at the complete and utter obsession with anal that men today have. It's almost like they have to find a way to fuck a woman that will hurt and humiliate her the most while giving her the least amount of enjoyment possible. All because they fear and despise genuine female sexual pleasure.

No. 1822714

Yeah it does, but you just learn to choose better for yourself this way

No. 1822722

Yes, also they want anal, to come on a womans face, eating ass etc. but somehow periods are too gross for them.

No. 1822733

I hate when people take me for granted.
I’m always trying to be there for everyone, always checking up on them, always doing my best to help. And what do I get in return? Absolutely nothing.
Been trying to meet up with this friend for a few weeks now. Every day I propose, there’s always something first than me. She already told me we could meet in January.
Just now I saw some pictures of her from two days ago, hanging out with some of our mutual friends. The fact that she’s not even trying to hide it tells me all I have to know. The problem she has is not the lack of the time, is the disinterest in meeting me but of course she can’t tell me this because she thinks I’d do a drama of it.
And truth is more than angry, I’m sad. Because I put so much effort into doing things, not to get the same in return (I know I can’t force people to act like do, that’s just messed up), I just wish sometimes people would stop and think that I’m someone who deserves to be appreciated too.

No. 1822738

I am really sorry this friend didn't appreciate your efforts. I know it's frustrating, but I hope you find someone who reciprocates the same effort you put into them. You may not find a lot of people like that, but you might find a few and things will flow better. Until then try not wasting your energy on people who don't do the same. Put more of it into yourself until you find people who match you. Put as much effort and energy into others as they put into you, otherwise they'll get used to you going the extra mile everytime and they for sure will take for granted.

No. 1822739

Yes same old topic whatever but I hate being attracted to moids. They only bring me pain but I can't stop obsessing over some of them. I can't stop feeling jealous when they prefer the company of another woman. It's like being addicted to hard drugs, it gives you a rush and makes you want to crave for more and then you realize that shit is actually ruining your life instead but you still can't quit it. That's the average experience of falling in love with a moid. You know you're gonna get hurt eventually but still chase the rush that comes with him and I hate hate hate myself for that. I can't blame pick mes or handmaidens, they're just following their basic biological instinct after all…

No. 1822744

God, I'm reminded of how I used to be a Meiko fan back in the day and collect all Meiko songs in a playlist because she was my favorite . I miss those early 2000s days.

No. 1822746

My hatred for moids grows exponentially every day. Helped by the fact that 99% of women I encounter daily are super nice whereas 99% of moids I encounter are absolute egotistical assholes.

No. 1822750

Was in the hospital today and there was a drunk Japanese woman being detained by police in the next room. She kept screaming at the white cops in Japanese for maybe 2-3 hours while they were getting mad and telling her to sit down in English. I couldn’t understand all of what she was saying but I heard her saying baka a lot and asking them insulting questions and they were getting mad because she absolutely refused to speak English. I felt proud of her.

No. 1822765

I feel everything unfortunately

No. 1822767

Explain what exactly is non-degrading het sex kek(bait)

No. 1822781

Being alone terrifies me so much but I know it will happen

No. 1822782

Don't start now

No. 1822790

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i was shopping yesterday and some 600 pound moid on a mobility scooter backed into the aisle directly where I was standing. i got out of his way but instead of continuing down the aisle he drove away in the direction his scooter was already pointed in, meaning there was absolutely no need for him to back up in the first place. i'm pretty sure he did it just to be an asshole. later i saw him driving through the store and he was wearing a face mask and talking loudly on his phone and becoming agitated because he couldn't find where something was. he had it on speaker so i could hear that he was talking to a woman.

No. 1822798

Mobility moids are the weirdest. Must be all that fat clogging their blood flow and brain.

No. 1822803

like being without a partner? why?

No. 1822806

Noo oral sex is degrading (unless done to/by women), noo penetration is degrading (unless its woman with a strap on). Women who like het sex dirty whores, lesbians uwu pure.

No. 1822807

delusional. Glad to see I hit a nerve though with no answer in sight lel

No. 1822809

>dirty whores
Nice horrid misogynistic language too btw. Bit of a peek into a handmaidens mind

No. 1822824

The point is women are always shamed for their sexuality like whore or predatory dyke, or if not expressing it enough like prude or must be just fake lesbian. Bis must be doing it as a show for males. It affects all of us. It is not that moids cant have sex that pleasures the woman, it is just that a lot of them choose not to.

No. 1822825

I live in kind of shitty suburbs and yet a 1 bed apartment is almost 2000 I’m never gonna make it. Also I’ve been noticing more homeless people around everywhere. This is the society men are so proud of having created, everyone is struggling and miserable thanks you fucking over grown cum stains

No. 1822826

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I'm my boyfriend's prostitute. I don't feel like a girlfriend at all.

He needs someone who is absolutely ok with his lack of commitment issues, and unfortunately I know pickmes like that exist out there. But anyway, I'll continue being a prostitute. I wish I could be all like "uwunoitsok lol uwuyeah I'm your cute happy girlfriend" but honestly it's pissing me off. Or maybe I should? Maybe the positive reinforcement on how good of a boyfriend he is will make him feel better. Lmao

No. 1822828

No just alone with no family or friends. I only have one friend, and I only have my mom. I'm halfway there when it comes to being alone.

No. 1822831

What the fuck? Get away from him no relationship should make you feel like this. He sounds like an asshole. Dump him.

No. 1822836

The doctor's office broke hipaa and let my dad talk to the scheduling office (my mom is my listed contact, he is not). Now he's convinced them to let him join in on my appointment today and I'm not allowed to do anything about it. Really gonna hope this doesn't go like the last doctor's appointment where he baited me into sharing information I wanted to keep to myself, let the doctor reduce all of my problems down to weight gain and not do any tests or scans, and talked with the doctor about baseball for ten minutes while I sat there looking like a fucking idiot at my own appointment. He called me last night to tell me that he'll meet me there and he's already talked to the office so they know he's coming and that he used to be a doctor. I'm really, really hoping he's going to respect the whole "let me do the talking" thing this time, but he probably won't. Upside(?) is this time half my face is paralyzed and he's really scared I had a stroke so he's probably going to strong-arm this doctor into over-prescribing scans and tests unlike the last appointment.

I dunno, I'd just really like to conduct my own medical care and not have the office break hipaa? Like I love my dad but he has control issues and this is a shining example of it and is part of why Mom is on my medical contact list and Dad is not. I'm thirty fucking years old and live alone, actual retardation or no I should be allowed to do these things myself, right?

No. 1822841

Please leave, he will never treat you the way you deserve even if he says otherwise.

No. 1822848

>The point is women are always shamed for their sexuality like whore or predatory dyke, or if not expressing it enough like prude or must be just fake lesbian. Bis must be doing it as a show for males. It affects all of us. It is not that moids cant have sex that pleasures the woman, it is just that a lot of them choose not to.
No, the point was those sex acts are degrading. Anon then shot back with w-well lesbians must be degrading each other too! Yet I don't see much lesbian degradation porn, lesbians raping women or lesbians speaking about fucking and degrading other women. Stop turning things into a mental abstraction.

No. 1822853

also men:
>Acts retarded with women
Everyone is alone, you get what you deserve retard

No. 1822857

I have been so forward about the fact I want to be in a relationship building a future together
My bf of 5 years is wonderful but also has no drive to improve- such as a joint savings account, preparing for marriage, saving for a future family. I told him last december we needed to take action and get started- even if its only $20/week into a shared savings.
A year later, here we fucking are.
>no joint savings
>no proposal
>no job improvements or anything
Ive had enough. I woke him up and told him flat out he has 6 months to propose. I am moving upstairs and no sex until there is a ring on my finger. Getting a keyed lock too.

He starts crying and telling me I am mean and i must have bpd. I told him when he books an appointment for his anxiety, I will go get evaluated for a personality disorder. Send me the appointment proof and i will call today.
Before the anons chime in yes i see its pathetic to even think he will change. Hes not worth begging for a fucking future, but at least with 6 months, I will have a savings for moving and set my shit up.
Im done waiting, and the sad part is, he is so loving and kind. But he is content being 30 years old only making 15$ /hour flipping burgers.
I am not impressed. I am not into it anymore. We wont grow up and improve and i am DONE. Fucking ball-less wonder really thought I want to live like this for ever? Even after clear communication of my needs? What a retard. He will make some dumb retard happy one day.

No. 1822872

Are you fucking kidding me anon? Call the office right now and tell them he is not allowed in the appointment and that they have violated your rights

No. 1822880

Proud of you for putting yourself first nonny! Better to leave than waste more years with someone who can't be bothered to build a future with you after 5 years.

No. 1822882

my sister decided to get into an actual relationship with her trashy tinder situationship guy and my mom and grandma are trying to gaslight me into thinking he's a good person. it won't work because not only is he an unctious blowhard who's clearly desparate for any kind of approval, he's also a manosphere retard who believes in "firm, dominant masculine energy" and "soft, yielding feminine energy" so hard that he apparently forced my permavirgin sister into having sex with him that left her fucking bleeding from the vagina. but he likes her!!! and he makes her happy(er than she was before as a deeply lonely person, at the expense of months of drama)!!! gee golly, why can't i look past all the boundary pushing and sex pestiness and see his relentless asskissing for what it truly is: an earnest attempt to be the goodest of boys? the worst part is my mom knows about all this and refuses to do or say anything because she wants my sister (who is almost thirty) to grow up on her own. fucking madhouse in here.

No. 1822894

I can't. I really can't afford to piss these folks off because then I won't get seen after waiting for 3/4 of a year to see the specialist and Dad will get mad at me and act unhinged like last time when I told him off for talking over me at the last appointment. I just have to play nice until my parents leave the state in half a week and I'll (hopefully) be free to conduct business by myself.

No. 1822895

Glad to hear you are taking action and putting yourself first. He doesn't deserve you.

No. 1822912

Hes already wasted a year leading me on. No more damnit. Our time is the most valuable currency we have! Done done done waiting!

No. 1822938

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Fuck this workplace, how does my coworker who is universally unliked and known for doing jackshit, making mistakes, showing up late every day, causing drama, etc. get granted a 4 day work week next year with every Friday off?? It's such bs, she constantly gets exceptions made for her no one else here gets despite being the worst employee here. She's gotten so much time off this year too, she even got an entire month off and wasn't forced to use her holidays up for it so now she gets Christmas off too. I can't stand working here and making less than this woman, praying to any gods out there I can land a better job after I'm done with these night classes I've been taking

No. 1822953

different anon but if you have to keep seeing a doctor at this office in the future, maybe you could call them after this upcoming appointment and nicely ask that they never allow him to do that again? make if very clear that you want to be by yourself unless YOU state otherwise. yeah, they definitely fucked up, but if that's what you have to work with (and I totally get that, it sucks) they maybe be very understanding and probably apologize. and like, personally, I'm sorry you have to put up with all that. Hoping your appointment goes as well as it can, nona

No. 1822954

I know it sounds counterintuitive, but the best you can do for your mental health is becoming that type of coworker. It was for me, although I wish good luck finding a job that respects hardworking people

No. 1822956

I keep letting people hurt me. Someone this stupid can't live. I want to just kms

No. 1822958

I just wanted to say I love this cat gif. The expression is relatable.

No. 1822959


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1822960

I had surgery on my hand last year and this year it fucking aches in the cold. It's so stiff and painful every time I get even a little cold. At least it's not my dominant hand I guess

No. 1822968

I just want to dieieie

No. 1822971

I'm so conflicted, supposedly we are in control of our own happiness but people are also depressed for real reasons and these reasons are not always within control. So which is it? Can I really delude myself into being happy despite it all? But contentment will just lead to stagnation, which I guess doesn't matter since I've already been stagnant for years anyway. I wish I didn't have to bother on with living anymore. I wonder why some people have the capacity for living and are even resilient enough to survive wars but I'm over here pissing and moaning and sticking my head in the sand because everything is too hard and tough for me to bear. I'm too delicate and I don't think I was meant to live in this world, which is stupid and self-centered to say but I genuinely believe some people are too sensitive for this cruel and harsh world. There is good but it does not outweigh the absolute evil humanity has to offer. I have no hope.

No. 1823003

I uncontrollably cried on the train today after getting a fine. A dumb fine where I was going the right journey at the right time but because it was going direct and not through a particular stop on a particular track it wasn’t valid. Not like I was skipping deliberately. I wasn’t even sad but it’s like my body was crying. I’m at an age where this is really embarrassing but the more I was telling myself to stop the harder I cried. A nice woman asked if I was OK. Point is, how do I control crying? I’m fine to go home and let it out but this is the second time this year I’ve cried uncontrollably in public then had to buy water to rehydrate. I’m not this super repressed person, I’m open with my feelings but had a stressful 2 weeks.

No. 1823027

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So I've been struggling with depression & suicidality and today my dad said that I "just need to stop bothering him with my crazy breakdowns." I don't even know what to say. I hardly even come to him because I know he's not supportive and will always try to give me "tough love" & doesn't even comfort me (he just goes into 'solving' mode)–the only time I really approach him for help is when I have nobody else and can't manage it on my own.
I genuinely feel like this man should have never become a parent. If I was more fragile then I probably would have killed myself after hearing that my own parent finds me a bother. I rarely even tell him what I'm feeling unless I have no one else. I try seeing my therapist weekly but it only does so much.

No. 1823043

Nonnie it's not healthy to control crying, it's just your body trying to de-stress and have some of those sweet sweet endorphines after a good cry
People are usually very understanding if they see an adult crying in public as it's implied it's for a good reason, except for specific countries i guess like a Japan or something idk
My first instinct is to console another women crying in public, doesn't matter the reason behind the breakdown, I just think it's human nature (a moid crying tho? Ew)

No. 1823045

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If you have other stressors then that's probably increasing your distress level and then when something bad happens (like getting a fine, a bad grade), it's the trigger event on top of that. If you can find a way to decompress your stress levels it should help. I did DBT and the skills they recommend are TIPP to calm your nervous system. If you do this a few times a day (just the breathing one or some jumping jacks) then it should help you 'reset' your distress meter instead of letting it build. Hope this makes sense. However, I still cry a lot compared to others and I've realized that it's just how I am. So another part of it is learning not feel ashamed about it or else you will hate yourself for what you can't control as I always have. My therapist says that at the root of my emotions is hyper empathy that can be channeled into positive things like volunteer work and better relationships (with good people who aren't energy vampires lol).

No. 1823068

I seriously hate being southern I'm only 5'3 but I'm taller than most other girls I see in public and it makes me feel giant and disgusting

No. 1823079

We should swap lol. I'm 5'2 and moved to the Netherlands recently. I swear everyone here is like 5'10 minimum. I feel like a Polly Pocket.

No. 1823086

5'3 is average for women in the states though.

No. 1823097

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do you like it? But yeah I've heard thats the tallest country I can imagine everybody towering lol
Yes but people here are shorter than average, and I stopped starving myself but I still have a voice in my mind that tells me I need to be smaller and it drives me insane

No. 1823103

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I hate men, why do they have to kill the vibe of fucking everything why can't they shut up nobody cares that you were abandoned by your daddy and now for some reason blame all women for every problem in the world

No. 1823104

I hate when my friends are like "I might come by later!" now I can't do anything but wait until they're here because my brain is so hyperfocused and stressed about it and that's if they even come, I hate that my brain is like this

No. 1823114

>do you like it? But yeah I've heard thats the tallest country I can imagine everybody towering lol
I don't really know. It's annoying to get noticed when I'm trying to order drinks and stuff and when I'm with my friends I feel like I look like someone's kid sister. Crowds suck. I don't think it bothers me that much though.

I've been called super cute and adorable because I'm small by moids and that creeped me real bad.

No. 1823263

My out of town aunt was supposed to visit me today. I got up before the sun came up and started cleaning and baking. Around the time she was supposed arrive, I found out she wasn't coming because she had a fight with my uncle. Now I'm tired and lonely, and I have to mail a cute gift that I really wanted to see her open.

No. 1823413

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When you replace men in this with women you sound like what I imagine this wojak sounds like(bait)

No. 1823415

Are you new here

No. 1823425

but if a mouse said that about a kia sorento

No. 1823437

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No. 1823488

fucking kek

No. 1823546

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Praying for the day anons stop making threads too early, it's actually making me autistically mad at this point. I will harass the mods over it if they don't do something.

No. 1824029

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrhgggggggggggggggggggggggg fuck

No. 1824060

Was about to lay down for bed and had a massive nosebleed. Like went through half the paper towel roll and bled all over myself trying to contain it massive. Love my body but wish it would stop being such an insufferable jerk. I'm gonna go wash my face and hands and then actually try to sleep now. Hope all you ventnonnies sleep well and have nice dreams when you get there!

No. 1824078

We have mice and so far we’ve caught two one of the little bastards tried to escape, I wanna throw up.

No. 1824098

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Gotta get you one of THESE bebes.

No. 1824105

Annoyed that its been a week and my room mate again hasn’t done the dishes or cleaned up her piles. Im gonna start throwing stuff away of she doesn’t get this box of random bullshit out of the kitchen.

I lived woth oack rats my entire life. But my family was poor. Hers was well off. Theres no reason for her to hang onto every little thing. Its rightfully pissing me off. Id like to come home WITHOUT dishes piled in the sink (all hers. I maybe like use one or two llates a week.) and like boxes pf scarfs and shit from when you were in highschool. Youre 32. Toss it.

No. 1824114

>I will harass the mods over it if they don't do something.
please do. it's driving me nuts too

No. 1824119

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Being the only failure sibling is so cool. Love it.

No. 1824146

I feel like absolute crap, I've been feeling like absolute crap, can't believe I went to a doctor and I still feel like crap, they just told me everything is fine and yet i still feel like shit nothing seems to be working out at all, they deadass told me to go home with next to no meds on prescription how the hell am I supposed to get better like that. Now my throat is sore, let's hope is not a cold before Xmas because it's already hard for me to eat. Everytime I'm feeling discomfort they bring up my anxiety issues like I'm the one causing this "Why are you moody nonna?" Well idk maybe because I'm the only person in the house that is apparently perpetually sickly, if it's not gut problems it's a random virus and if it's not that, metabolic issues, I can't catch a damn break. And no matter what I do or what I eat, the same ol' shit happens, all my efforts to the drain, of course I'm livid. "Just have some patience nonna!" How would you like it if you did your best for months and even years yet nothing changes?

No. 1824163

I hope you feel better soon and that the pain eases a little

No. 1824183

Thanks, I hope so too

No. 1824249

I get that this website wont be all positive interactions all the time, but it really seems like I cannot post a single comment without someone replying to it with snark.
Maybe because its the holidays everyone is on edge?

No. 1824252

I think a lot of zoomers are on holiday now, so the invasion feels worse than ever. We need Hellweek and heavier moderation, but mods are no where to be found.

No. 1824253

I agree with you. Not every response should be snarky. It feels like artificial rudeness by newfags.

No. 1824275

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So I used my sleuthing skills and spent all day internet stalking a guy who was pursuing me on and off for a year or two. I looked through his art stuff. Not only did he turn out to be an absolute nutcase schizo conspiracy theorist, but I'm pretty sure I just found a vault of sick perverted r. crumb esque comics (worse than his stuff actually, serial killer tier) that he drew under a pseudonym. Jesus fucking christ. I knew the vibes were off, when he made advances on me my body started violently shaking and I felt sick from his touch. I KNEW he was hiding something. If only I'd have trusted my gut and rejected him immediately instead of having sympathy for yet another messed up scrote because "I'm weird too"

No. 1824291

Starting to think that maybe I'm not as autistically rigid like I thought, I just can't stand that my parents change plans constantly. No exaggeration, in the week they've been here they have changed up how Christmas is going to run no fewer than five times so far (and who knows there might be more to come by the end of today). Somehow it went from me cooking for everyone and we all meet at Grandma's house in the early afternoon (yay!) to them cooking and we all meet them at their vacation rental in the early morning. Over five different iterations of "hey, we're doing this-and-that now" either by phone or text and both Grandma and I are the last to know anything so one of us has given outdated information to the other twice now.

I'm also a little salty because this was the first year I was supposed to cook for everyone and I was so excited to do it! I also was going to be the only person allowed in the kitchen because my parents ruin every single holiday by working themselves into a huge stressful tizzy in the kitchen year after year after year and it's not necessary when there's only four of us. Also I don't want to deal with anyone in the family when they haven't had breakfast yet, myself included, so I personally think that their idea to do presents before we eat (like always) is dumb as bricks because no one actually enjoys the process they're all just rushing through it so they can eat and get extra catty when someone takes too long to unwrap (me, it's me. My uncoordinated butt takes forever and I don't know why anyone bothers wrapping anything for me because we all know it takes too long and I can't help it but they get frustrated anyway.) I just want tomorrow to go well and I'm going to go into it with a good attitude, but fuck man every sign points to this being as disastrous as every other year. At least it'll be so early in the morning that neither of them will have a chance to get drunk yet. I fucking hope anyway. If I smell a drop of alcohol I am walking my butt back out the door because I will not have another Christmas like last year when Dad got hella drunk and screamed at me to get out of the house and that he never wanted to see me again.

Anyway I must not be that autistically rigid because my awesome neighbor asked me to help her with something yesterday and that was no big deal, and Grandma wants to get together early this week and she told me as much when we first set up the plans. Also no big deal. I don't know, I can't tell if it's the 'tism or if this would rightfully piss off normies too. Am I crazy?

No. 1824308

i’m not “lazy” i just hate cleaning because you’re a total cunt about it and 99% of this filth is yours, it’s always yours. plus if i clean your hoarder ass is just going to get it dirty again within the week, then proceed to yell and bitch and literally stomp around (and make this shitty little house shake) pouting like an old fat child if i don’t jump up to tidy after you. like seriously do you never question why the house goes to such disaster when i’m gone on the weekend? christ i’m tired

No. 1824315

Living with other people and hearing them have sex makes me feel so violated I wanna kill them

No. 1824317

Went to the doctor. It's Bell's Palsy unless they find evidence of a stroke in the brain MRI. I have to patch my eye again. Don't want to patch my eye because I look scary when I do so I'm going to mess around with fabric until I find a way to make a cute cover for it since this is looking long-term. The palsy is supposed to get better anywhere between a couple of months and never. Missing my sense of taste and the ability to make laser noises with my mouth the most so far.

No. 1824328

I wish a virus worse than COVID that is only for male chromosomes would come along and kill all men. I wish for it every day. We would thrive.

No. 1824330

I finally stood up to my former ""best friend""" which was entirely okay with ignoring me for months to hang out with moids who treat her like shit then immediately come cry to me whenever something bad happens because her moid friends are unreliable, but whenever she wanted to have fun I was at the bottom of the list, always benched, always the "mom friend". basically lying to me she will put the effort to talk to me more than once every 2 months or reply to my memes whenever I complain, promising to do this and that with me only to leave me hanging, making me buy games we're supposed to play together and never do, let alone do something together, then say she never told me to expect anything from her and it's her autism's fault, putting the least amount of maintenance in our friendship possible. it's been years she has been someone decent in general (surprisingly even her bf agrees with me, someone who has actually been my friend through way more than her) and I'm really disappointed by the person she has become. bitch, if you don't want to put the effort to be someone's "best friend" you don't get to have your cake and also eat it, I will treat you like the acquaintance you treat me, just don't expect anything from me, like you told me to expect nothing from you. good fucking luck with your weeb moid friends from discord, cunt.

No. 1824337

I'm so sick and it's not getting better. I was hoping I could push through it but I ended up having to call out the past two days. I feel like shit and it won't get better, it's fucking annoying

No. 1824341

This preoccupation with needing to have children before 30 weirds me out. A guy I'm friendly with implied that because one of our mutual friends is pregnant at 29 and her baby will be here before her 30th (we're all the same age), she's "winning at life". I know he wants to be a dad and have a family, but I don't think he's emotionally in the right headspace for that sort of life-changing responsibility, tbh. I basically said to him that people should have kids when you're ready for them, not by a certain age.

I'm so happy for our friend, though! She's been sharing her journey with all of us and we're all so excited for her, but I wish this guy wouldn't use her pregnancy to indirectly insult himself or the rest of us for not being at that stage yet. It's also insensitive to people who simply can't have children, but I don't think he even considered that.

No. 1824367

Me and you anon, hope we get outta this soon

No. 1824373

I think a decent amount of people, men especially, see having kids as an abstract milestone.

No. 1824374

Wouldn't that be amazing. Someone should make a movie about that already, would love to see moids seethe.

No. 1824393

Good on you. She sounds like an autistic pick me. She's not a best friend if she's not your ride or die.

No. 1824408

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JFC. I am trying to find a work from home job, but I am concerned because three or four of my neighbors near me have these annoying ass dogs that don't shut the fuck up. I dont know if they go off to work and leave them outside in the yard or balcony, but i fucking hate hearing them yap and bark for hours during the day. I am tempted to go find out which units have these barking dog issues and report them to HOA. I am mentally exhausted. Even with my windows closed, I hear it so loud and clear. Lock your mutts up!

No. 1824410

That's a very big step, anon. it sucks being used by people you thought you were your friends, especially on making empty promises. You made the right decision.

No. 1824411

I've recently discovered that my difficulty academically (not intellectually) has been because of fucking ADHD, which my parents knew about but never told me, instead telling me that I was 'lazy' and 'stupid' for not getting into our chosen uni. On the contrary, I'm pretty damn smart but I cannot control my focus to such a crippling degree that keep falling behind and into abject despair as all my peers inexplicably seem to keep on track. Deep down, my one fixation and love in life is art. I wish I could leave this house and this horrid degree and go lock myself in a room and paint for the next 60 years of my life until I curl over dead. Art is the world to me. I can't do it at home though because my parents take it as a sign that I'm not focusing on my degree when I'm not focusing on it anyway and when it's the only way I can relax, which means I never relax, so I sit here rotting neither able to study nor able to reset my brain by enjoying my only hobby in life. A first world problem, sure, but this shit is miserable. I wish I had the mentality to kill myself, but I'm too logical for even that kek. So I just sit here, rotting away in loathing of everyone and myself, unable to focus or do the basics of what is expected of me academically. I hate this. Worst bit is I can't even get medicated yet and it's so stressful having to sneak around my parents to get a diagnosis.

No. 1824420

your parents are sound like extremely miserable people. they should understand if you want to be able to succeed you should also have some joy in life. not having parents who even believe in ADHD is truly a curse though. I keep wondering how life would be if I was medicated as a child. my academic life is also a nightmare and I've been always told I'm lazy and I could do better and I'm just not trying hard when I'm always on my breaking point. I wish you the best, nonny, I know how hard it is.

No. 1824435

so mini update, landlord/neighbour got her kid taken away. i RLY want to move, but my lease renewal is january 1st and i haven't found a place. i will probably have to break the lease or something. maybe the rental board will be on my side seeing how we are uncomfortable with her. plus she tried to take her life and i had to literally drag her off the fucking middle of the street

No. 1824483

Thanks nonny - not that you asked, but approximately 5 minutes after posting that, I decided that I'm going to apply for a history of art degree or kill myself trying kek. As it stands I have no focus and nothing to live for, so even just reframing my degree as 'get a first so that I can convince my parents that I deserve to go and do a second degree/masters' gave me such a powerful surge of motivation on the spot. I even pictured myself getting accepted to the uni in particular and started crying. I haven't allowed myself to consider studying art until now because it's just so unthinkable to my parents but I never truly realised the extent of how badly I wanted it. I'll get through this nona, and best of luck to you too!

No. 1824658

>she's "winning at life"
I'm happy for friends when they hit marriage, baby, mortgage milestones etc and have also been supportive if it later turns into divorce, messy coparenting, moving back home or even if none of that happens and it just gets tough to follow through on the daily upkeep on your commitment. Nice to celebrate all those milestones but they're only the beginning of taking on new responsibilities. They're not the finish line with a prize waiting for you and smooth sailing guaranteed from there on out.

Like other anon said, it does sound like its all just an abstract idea to him.

No. 1825341

I’m so retarded socially that I can’t make friends even in nerd/autistic settings or even in online circles. Jesus christ, I’m gonna die alone and it’s all my fault

No. 1825374

Get a cat, take care of cat, seek another autist who will listen to your stims and dump theirs back etc

No. 1825414

autists tend to hate me. i wish i knew what made me so unapproachable to fellow autist girlies. and I’m too autistic for normies, those friendships don’t work either. I would love a cat but it’s not possible in the current apartment i live in

No. 1825416

How do you think you are unapproachable to other autistics women? Just curious.

No. 1825420

they don’t ever approach me/avoid me/ get visibility uncomfortable when i try to talk to them etc

No. 1825442

I relate to this because I'm not autistic but a lot of people think I am. So I'm at this awkward in-between point where I don't totally click with normies irl because they think I'm too weird but I'm not actually spergy enough to be the same wavelength with fandom spaces or other nerd circles.

No. 1825470

a girl I’ve been talking to from the ff thread for over a year randomly blocked me on discord & our shared social medias out of no where yesterday. I have no clue why, nothing happened and we were getting along fine as always. It really hurts. I felt close to her, we used to vc often and game together and were recently planning to watch a movie together and stuff. I considered her one of my closest friends and even felt comfortable enough to show her my face and I think she knows roughly where I live too. I put a lot of trust into her. Especially right before Christmas it hurts a lot because I’m seeing things in stores I would’ve liked to show her and I keep feeling like I want to share the things going on with the holidays with her. I know nonnies do this sometimes and I’ve heard of it before but it is really cruel. I don’t really understand how you can do that to someone. It feels like my emotions weren’t considered at all. I don’t know what happened but I at least hope she’s alright. I don’t think she frequents here anymore so I don’t think she’ll see this but if she does I really have no words. This was an incredibly mean thing to do to someone.

No. 1825489

I had an online friend do this to me too, she didn't block me but just stopped responding to me while continuing to use other accounts. Sorry anon.

No. 1825512

It’s a shitty thing to do. I’ve been guilty of similar and cleared my friend list when I had a mental breakdown many years ago. Can’t speak for her but maybe she’s going through a difficult time which is common around the holidays. Sounds like you’re a good friend and sorry this happened to you.

No. 1825552

yeah, the only times I've ever ghosted people is when I have fallen into deep mental illness and feel like I can't keep up the charade. I've never blocked anyone though, that part is a little weird to me.

No. 1827132

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My little sister broke off her 7 year relationship a month ago. I don't talk to her much, if at all, but i heard it from my grandparents. My grandma told me that she broke it off cause he had bouts of anger because "he had trauma from losing his twin brother in his childhood". Which is such a slap in the face cause my sister and i lost our dad in our childhood and we also both had issues with anger and got help for it to become better people. Not this guy though. I asked my grandma if he ever reached out for help, but he didn't. When my sister advised therapy to him he became angry. He never took her anywhere either, or did fun things with her. Everything was initiated by her. My sister is a very outgoing and social person so this honestly shocked me, but it also made me realize that no matter who you are, what you look like, what type of men you date they are all more or less the same. Every woman i have ever spoken to has at least one story of an ex who had mental issues he didn't want to resolve with therapy or just soul searching. And also many, many women who complain about their boyfriends never taking them anywhere fun (especially when it is a 3+ year relationship). It seems that every man just wants to lock up their love interest in an ivory tower; just to have access to their 24/7 bangmaid. I fucking hate it here.

No. 1840349

Sorry to hear that anon. I've had this happen to me a lot. I was in this really toxic loop where if I thought someone was ghosting me I'd block them first. I just try to accept that any relationship is temporary.
If people think you're autistic you probably are tbh. I used to be offended and I thought I was above the label because I was used to people using it to mean r-tard. What makes you unapproachable to either group?

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