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No. 1797041
File: 1701509311935.png (143.28 KB, 1280x160, 1.png)

i'm coping by masturbating so hard that my knees locked and almost gave out trying to walk downstairs.
No. 1797042
File: 1701509331693.gif (10.77 MB, 498x488, monkey-animal.gif)

made this thread the first time with the subject in the email field, on that real dumbass retard shit
No. 1797048
File: 1701509812772.jpg (178.59 KB, 1024x1024, weeee.jpg)

>>1797042still a good thread nona! real dumbass retard shit hours lets just enjoy them
No. 1797082
>>1797078sounds like he was mad about it for some reason. the female centric-community? the liberal use of the word moid? the fact you found joy outside something other than him? regardless, very glad he's your ex too.
hate to be sappy but nonas will be here post moid. got me through a fucky breakup and have been vibing since. unironically based advice on here if you know where to look for it. bless the farms amenhope you're having a lovely day knowing you're well shot of a dead weight and are appreciated my beautiful nona
No. 1797092
>>1797078I've heard this sentiment of "stay away or they'll go after you next!" from people towards different sites they don't like multiple times, like 4chan or KF, it's so silly. People are unable to grasp that nobody is interested in ganging up on some random nobody or playing personal army, only in laughing at cows who actively create milk.
nonas with current nigels, does he know about your site usage? I've honestly wondered for a while
mine knows I used to be active on 4chan and female IBs, but I don't bring it up nowadays. He hates 4chan and rants about how stupid and degen the retards there are, so it bothers him, and tbh his criticisms are completely right. but I don't use 4chan much anymore anyway No. 1797100
File: 1701516301138.jpg (115.78 KB, 642x660, IMG_20231202_222304.jpg)

Just saw this. Moids really think they're funny
Here's a correction:
BPD man: Abusive wife beater
Autistic man: Rapes his mother
Depressed man: Whines about how nobody will fuck him
BPD woman: Probably sexy, love her
Autistic woman: Empathetic and altruistic, love her
Depressed woman: She's trying her hardest, love her
No. 1797109
File: 1701516709281.jpg (194.01 KB, 1024x1024, tinfoil12.jpg)

>>1797107I love this. hello nona's friend. you were based for tripping your ex out with nona's wattpad. you both were.
picrel you stacies trying to fuck with said moid
No. 1797113
>>1797095ayrt I showed the site to an irl friend and she thought you guys were so mean so I had to backtrack and pretend it's just some weirdo site I stumbled across kek. She now understands it as "the lesbian cyberbullying website" (as in a site for lesbians who bully)
She is lesbian and has genuinely rarely interacted with men in her life, and she's very sensitive so words like fag and retard really upset her
No. 1797133
File: 1701519492879.jpg (78.19 KB, 644x960, 1591460604709.jpg)

the boys are back and they are drunk but funny
No. 1797159
>>1797133nvm they're trying to rationalize fucking "young looking" aka women they can't tell the age of
another pinkpill down the hatch
No. 1797184
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No. 1797186
File: 1701525941753.jpg (8.77 KB, 275x198, 1446199304981.jpg)

>>1797092Same anon you replied to, my current bf actually does know I lurk/post here but he has no idea what internet board culture is like. He didn't even know what 4chan was until I explained it to him lol. He didn't spend a lot of time on the internet as a kid so he never ended up in weird places like the rest of us here.. He doesn't care I do this stuff.
On another note since I see others discussing it, I found this website by randomly finding Ashley (ghostinmypocket) and being so amazed that she was still alive. I love gossip so I couldn't get away from here. I've grown more fond of this board over the years and moved away from pt and the like. Felt like such a different place when we were voting on board tan.. pic related was my submission lel
No. 1797192
>>1797092He knows I look in /g/ and threads like the bad art thread but he doesn't know I frequent and actively post on /snow/w/ and /2x/ and I'd rather he won't as we both hang out in leftist spaces.
>>1797184me irl in real life right now
No. 1797210
File: 1701530087853.gif (1008.53 KB, 498x280, 1701129417025.gif)

>>1797092>nonas with current nigels, does he know about your site usage?He does (bonding over old internet culture and imageboards is one of the reasons he's my nigel in the first place) but I always refer to this site as the "femanon imageboard" I never link it to him directly. I think he respects that this is a site I can be on without him to talk about things he isn't necessarily interested in.
No. 1797226
>>1797100every moid comes with mild to moderate NPD and Dunning-Kruger pre installed.
>>1797221literally couldn’t have put it better myself
No. 1797265
File: 1701536903705.jpg (21.21 KB, 750x724, FB_IMG_1701536848473.jpg)

I am gonna scream
No. 1797267
File: 1701537054267.png (208.55 KB, 479x624, Screenshot_20231202-191038-934…)

No. 1797273
>>1797258No I hate the feeling of the inside of my vagina, there's weird ridges and a drop off.
I hate being able to feel both my fingers in my vagina and my vagina around my fingers
No. 1797276
>>1797092Met my husband via 4chan.
I talk to him about the bans I get here because it happens alot
No. 1797283
God some of the posts I write here make me feel like a modern day philosopher.
>>1797279…What exactly are you implying anon? This is just hypothetical right? Right?
No. 1797338
>>1797313I don't have trauma either, it just makes me feel gross feeling it. I don't like putting dildos in there either, they feel too hard and the ridged feel like they clunk over what I assume is my pelvic bone.
>>1797297Yay I'm not alone. Idk autistic??
>>1797312 No. 1797384
>>1797313Weird… it’s just soft, warm, and wet? Like was said above I really wish I had a dick for a day just to experience it as nature intended. I bet it’s so amazing. I’ve actually had dreams about having a dick kek it felt so realistic, I wonder how accurate it was?
>>1797382Oh no. It’s not that it’s a bad name by itself but anyone who would name their kid after that character is guaranteed to be a wack job parent
No. 1797393
>>1797391nta I've always grown up with very positive relationships (as in any relation, not romantic) with men and didn't "get" the way women viewed men at all, it seemed borderline schizo. In fact I often had nicer interactions with males and felt safer around them.
But then I experienced
domestic violence and it singlehandedly sort of reconfigurated my whole worldview. I still have very positive connections with men in my life but its underlined by a sense of specific awareness of "maleness" and I find myself having paranoid thoughts and feeling at least a little guarded all the time. And now I "get" how sometimes women can feel so overwhelmed and make hyperbolic statements (e.g., saying they hate men when they clearly have men in their lives whom they love), sometimes I just want to say that I hate them too. Sometimes I miss when I didn't know. Ofc I always knew that logically men are more dangerous but I didn't understand it on a personal emotional level
No. 1797410
>>1797380i'm happier this way than i was when i was more naive about the way men think. not implying that you're naive but i lose a lot less by assuming men are creepy than i do if i assume they're not. i also just assumed it was possible he might get weird thoughts about me if i hugged him?
>>1797407 weird hyperbole. you clearly have a lot more to worry about than fat guys eating online so i get where you're coming from i guess
No. 1797442
File: 1701550781966.gif (2.14 MB, 310x248, giphy.gif)

I feel like most of the time DJs are just pretending to do shit. They turn a few knobs while the songs are playing so they can look busy.
No. 1797462
File: 1701552868761.png (36.89 KB, 545x504, puzzle.PNG)

I fucking hate sudoku wtf am I supposed to do here but guess???? Fuck!!
No. 1797498
>>1797467As someone in law school right now thank you nona for giving me a potential aspiration rn
I'm only in second year and have barely gone through any of the fields of law but maybe I'll do this kek
No. 1797504
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I think this is as accurate as it's gonna get
No. 1797515
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>>1797504I want to eat all the Keroppi-themed food I find on the internet, I wish Keroppi was real
No. 1797517
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Keroppi is cute and tastes like green tea
No. 1797521
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>>1797518I hate kirimi chan more
No. 1797530
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>>1797529Food needs to leave from somewhere.
No. 1797531
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fat jello bastard
No. 1797540
File: 1701559335723.jpg (234.92 KB, 1500x1500, 71IWfg9dHdL.jpg)

>>1797538I bought the hello kitty gummy advent calender and I regret it the gummies are tasteless and fossilized felt like it was gonna rip out my fillings. I hope I get kerropi
No. 1797542
>>1797540My mom bought me a hello kitty advent calendar, the chocolate's pretty nasty which we both expected but I thought the thought was really cute.
Thanks mom!
No. 1797548
File: 1701559651905.png (1.92 MB, 1845x727, fumo.png)

Sanrio for autistic men
No. 1797551
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>>1797538me reading this from my bed full of plushies
No. 1797552
File: 1701559700222.jpeg (84.94 KB, 680x676, IMG_9709.jpeg)

>>1797401fingering yourself at your desk? moid post and moid behavior
No. 1797567
>>1797565Is female orgasm even a real thing? People always talk about it but I've never gone through it.
I pretty rarely masturbate as it is though.
No. 1797574
File: 1701560461911.png (427.49 KB, 640x554, yuyuko.png)

>>1797548I will not accept fumo slander.
No. 1797577
>>1797571Well, anon, if your really must ask: yeah it's a thing. You'll realise if you ever have one, I really hope someday you and
>>1797573 experience it because it really makes you feel great.
No. 1797590
File: 1701561406022.png (1015.8 KB, 1005x685, Screenshot 2023-12-02 155758.p…)

>>1797574I like touhou but fumos aren't really my thing, I like these more recent plushies more.
No. 1797595
File: 1701561695143.png (544.04 KB, 619x750, reisen.png)

>>1797590i just found those and this one thanks to anons telling its reisen. its really cute i would have ordered her.
No. 1797612
File: 1701563861814.png (508.19 KB, 674x846, 1554107627924.png)

>>1797548sorry I know some nonnies love touhou, I still love it too but every fumo moid is irredeemable to the point it's kinda ruined touhou for me. Especially if they're a military/nazi sperg or a tranny too. Idk if it's something in the water but that trifecta has an insane amount of overlap and they're all the worst people you've ever met. Makes me sad tbh the girls aren't even sexualized in the games why are moids like that
No. 1797644
File: 1701565904521.jpg (295.52 KB, 1200x1200, 6529282492dde1dd7fb8a85c9fc119…)

>>1797612I especially hate when alt righters use touhou characters.
Only touhou that should be sexualized is Rinnosuke.
No. 1797673
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I can beli
No. 1797675
File: 1701567508068.jpg (27.56 KB, 400x300, 1498888887996.jpg)

QUIT DODGING DURING QUEUE I just one to play one fucking round but I have been sent back to the queue because of people leaving like 6 times in a row
No. 1797691
File: 1701568747090.png (1.25 MB, 1600x1157, fart.png)

how i feel while analizing anime girl hentai because the artist is extremely good at anatomy
No. 1797702
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>>1797698i am grinding fundies only so i can draw degenerate husbando coom so i cant cast the firt stone. I honestly hate the pedos and gendies more than the regular anime coom artists, the gendies specially since the ones that are talented always end up glorifying self harm(tit scars) or develop ugly stylies just to be quirky and NLOA(not like other artists)
No. 1797713
File: 1701569770092.png (36.4 KB, 766x1000, 1692638508925.png)

I love introducing my male fren to all of my hobbies. He sits and listens to me talk about TMNT/Godzilla/Kamen Rider and lets me pick the movies we watch.
No. 1797736
File: 1701571161908.jpg (61.14 KB, 552x560, pantone color of the year.jpg)

I'm eagerly awaiting Pantone's 2024 color of the year, hoping it doesn't suck. The last good one was 2013 Emerald, maybe 2016 Serenity but they had to do two colors that year for whatever dumb reason. All the other colors in the past decade have been ugly or boring. If it's good this year I'll buy an overpriced Pantone mug with the color.
No. 1797749
File: 1701572570585.jpg (56.26 KB, 894x894, 51llfA -I1L._AC_UF894,1000_QL8…)

>>1797736Honestly I think Pantone are some of the biggest scammers in life. They charge over $100 for color swatches that you can get from any home improvement store for free.
No. 1797751
>>1797744I'm not an expert but I've heard that for very young babies, having time to bond with the mother who they were just born from can have important psychological/physiological effects? Can anyone confirm?
In general I think people are just not being precise about expressing disgust at the kid being taken away intentionally and unnecessarily. Like if a child loses their parents I don't think people will whine about loving adoptive parents, it's just gross when it's planned out for a kid to be split off from mom immediately for reasons that aren't in the kid's interest.
>>1797745I can't be the only one who can't see this as magenta, right? I'd understand vermillion or scarlet or crimson, because it's obviously red to me. To me magenta is a specific very saturated pink and not a shade of red, like how cyan is a particular saturated blue and not just a light blue.
No. 1797753
File: 1701573057490.png (45.72 KB, 600x900, pantone.png)

>>1797751> it's just gross when it's planned out for a kid to be split off from mom immediately for reasons that aren't in the kid's interest.That's reasonable actually, I can agree with that
Re the magenta: it's pinker in the actual swatch pic. In some photos it looks much brighter than this though, like neon.
No. 1797754
File: 1701573196417.jpg (8.2 MB, 3131x4128, 18-1750-viva-magenta_custom-2d…)

>>1797753Samefag, this is the fabric swatch
No. 1797777
>>1797747Nope, I don't like magenta. It's just my personal taste. I might like a reddish purple though.
>>1797751I think of magenta as the CMYK version of the color, which makes Viva Magenta looks red.
No. 1797835
File: 1701580822400.jpg (12.91 KB, 564x295, 234661bef1b38e009523026f3b48f4…)

I want to archive all the old art I liked on DeviantART 13 years ago. So many artists don't post anymore and I wish I knew what happened to all of them. I hate the current art scene and I want to go back
No. 1797839
File: 1701581231763.png (179.98 KB, 1200x1200, 16F03E9E-2100-477E-94D5-BE71E9…)

>>1797832I can’t tell if she’s a pick me or gay cause it doesn’t seem like she’s dating anyone, is a ballerina, hangs out mostly with lesbian and gay men, retweeted a super sexual twerking video, follows the Dolan twins and unfunny white men, and has picrel on her water bottle.
No. 1797913
File: 1701591381266.jpg (208.97 KB, 750x862, IMG_20231203_191723.jpg)

No. 1797925
>>1797462top left square, middle row centre mini-square, is 6. other nonna is also right, top left square, middle bottom row mini-square is 2. bottom centre square, top row centre mini-square is 7. give it some more thought
nonnie, you're also noting the possible answers/notes wrong as well, like in bottom centre square, there's only one place for 7 to be.
No. 1797927
File: 1701593190101.jpeg (259.56 KB, 1242x1545, 1699915286721.jpeg)

self indulging and doing some gacha pulls with the excuse of ''needing stronger cards'' i got a really good card and i got like a year to save for my husbando's sexo card, so i am not complaining
No. 1797938
File: 1701594689210.png (101.37 KB, 790x757, giga stacy.png)

>found out japan released a training app to train alongside husbandos
i am so making it now nonnies, this is the beggining of my stacy journey
No. 1797948
File: 1701595137938.jpg (63.35 KB, 493x574, cdd0d1dcf816812f9ccd5a88ec643d…)

>>1797942Oh I wish it was more muscular husbandos actually working out.
I would buy an "excercise with Leon" or similar app.
No. 1797958
>>1797952There should be an option to choose his response style, like if being called fatty works for you you choose it, but there is also an option for him cheering you on and flirting instead (I want that)
>>1797953Thanks kek
No. 1798025
File: 1701606803341.jpg (68.18 KB, 850x611, 1594073067558.jpg)

When he got a cute face, nice body and interesting personality but his hair is thinner than my patience
No. 1798144
>>1798028It's super cool that you are thinking about this.
I'd be interested in a point system too. As for characters it would be super easy to make a Leon who is not Leon, just give him the same haircut but change the RPD vest to a NYPD vest kek
No. 1798170
>>1798168It was really hard for me to not vote for myself as worst troll but may the best
nonnie win!
No. 1798197
File: 1701625863069.jpeg (105.34 KB, 640x640, IMG_0165.jpeg)

Wondering if it’s worth it to start learning the piano at 23. I mean I’ll never be a virtuoso (virtuosa?) but maybe it’d give some meaning to my piece of shit life.
No. 1798210
File: 1701626634215.jpeg (30.95 KB, 300x300, DDB6BE24-9837-4A00-98E1-447A30…)

I genuinely think she’s a very beautiful woman but like the self hatred leaks out onto her face and ruins her beauty. I really think she’d be happier as a libtard.
No. 1798222
>>1798205I know that ship sailed long ago so I’d be doing it for fun too. But I’d like to become somewhat decent eventually, because the idea of pouring months (years?) of time and effort into something to still suck at it, it’s a bit bleak
>>1798206Thanks nonna I’d really like to
No. 1798332
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No. 1798336
File: 1701634978860.jpg (65.67 KB, 704x489, Capture1.JPG)

>>1798323the pills do sometimes but the topicals not really. either way its not any worse than BC pills are on women and they dont care about those side effects on us
No. 1798352
File: 1701635639565.jpg (55.24 KB, 828x814, 1687442162787.jpg)

I can't help but think of this image whenever an infight starts on here
No. 1798377
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>>1798352I think of this one everytime someone posts ultra retarded bait
No. 1798387
File: 1701637991747.jpg (15.22 KB, 390x280, 1700165257109.jpg)

>>1798377Me when I make a post expecting to get dogpiled for it
No. 1798411
File: 1701639412397.gif (1.1 MB, 498x249, F5E61AC2-50A5-4328-8C77-6603A1…)

me every time my phone is at 41%
No. 1798416
File: 1701639597972.png (322.37 KB, 507x369, two retards fighting.png)

>>1798352mine is this one
No. 1798510
File: 1701646950424.jpg (32.66 KB, 622x649, F9ITN-aa8AALxvK.jpg)

good night nonnies, trying to get an early night and fix my sleep schedule
No. 1798518
File: 1701647198099.gif (1.23 MB, 1300x1450, Eleven Australia.GIF)

>>1798503I would, a conditioner that works lasts longer. May I ask which conditioner, Nona?
Also, were you recently on the vent thread discussing conditioners? I’m always looking for recommendations.
No. 1798543
File: 1701649023255.jpg (180.57 KB, 1247x1251, 20231203_191046.jpg)

I would have this in the bag. Mr Beast would lose a sizable amount of his fortune. I would be blasting music on the loudspeakers and going full Home Alone. I'd be cooking Mac n cheese on a hot plate and making the most scrumptious elevated jail food youve ever seen. I would come out that bitch a millionaire.
No. 1798571
File: 1701650992568.jpg (57 KB, 777x428, the-prophecy-1995-angels-war-h…)

i thought the PROPHECY spam on the front page was a moovie announcement and we were watching prophecy 1995. oh well.
No. 1798572
>>1798543Never thought I'd say this but
god I wish that were me.
No. 1798616
File: 1701655382433.jpg (247.29 KB, 1024x1024, red and yellow frog happily sq…)

>>1798611Sounds incredibly comfy.
No. 1798660
File: 1701658841598.jpg (23.18 KB, 640x632, 1697046710314.jpg)

making a cowfefe then back to work
No. 1798664
File: 1701659106433.png (2.9 MB, 998x1012, c4f1d9ec-690c-4937-a6fc-2c2143…)

>>1798659That's Miss Jock, bitch
No. 1798666
File: 1701659237960.jpg (28.95 KB, 500x387, ff46e441d6ea9b5a0218fdb0b3b1fe…)

You can have a bite of the corner but only if you kiss me on the temple afterwards while I look forward stoically, mafia style
No. 1798670
File: 1701659391127.jpg (71.28 KB, 916x665, 20231130_010740.jpg)

The youtube hate thread is autosaged but I want to talk shit about loser weeb men who move to Japan to make youtube videos
No. 1798679
Why do so many anons beat me to posting an opinion or topic I wanted to post about. And sometimes they go about it in a retarded way so I don’t want to post about it incase i’m accused of being them.
>>1798670Post it here
No. 1798681
File: 1701660603002.png (214.76 KB, 762x763, 1693523496420828.png)

pacing around my room while listening to anime openings and thinking about all the cool shit i want to draw instead of drawing
No. 1798791
File: 1701668079498.png (213.61 KB, 720x800, 1675383830223.png)

>>1798785nonna learn to read
No. 1798804
File: 1701669314951.jpg (55.49 KB, 657x527, 1699382833341.jpg)

i showed my friend a drawing i did and he told me i improved a lot. Normally i dont show my drawing to my friends because they always nitpick them and i end up discouraged, so i am happy and motivated now.
No. 1798805
File: 1701669333174.jpg (113.38 KB, 634x791, f24fb89a728e381832ac2e49304dc1…)

I don't know why she's posing with a skeleton it made me laugh
No. 1798808
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>>1798805The skeleton has a fucking beard!!
No. 1798811
File: 1701669861051.png (212.67 KB, 595x577, skelly haircut.png)

I love art that is just all the things the artist thinks is cool.
No. 1798844
File: 1701674690891.jpg (63.61 KB, 560x793, 1701113279335.jpg)

>>1798832Fags ruin everything i will never forgive them
No. 1798868
File: 1701677736159.jpg (115.62 KB, 1280x720, 57fh6879.jpg)

>>1798844Something very wrong happened to men.
No. 1798869
File: 1701677868579.png (10.35 KB, 610x531, 1690508849853798.png)

>>1798868videogames, porn and not being deployed for wars anymore did irreparable damage to men
No. 1798882
File: 1701678787215.jpeg (119.47 KB, 500x748, tumblr_px87p2twIx1r90m4vo1_500…)

>>1798864I'm old and don't have Google lens but thank you.
No. 1798899
>>1798210she's so pretty. in the purest most unique way she's so beautiful imo. she has a very pretty voice too and I like her fashion advice even if she usually comes off as 100% bitter she does have a dry sense of humour I really respect. idk maybe I have a soft spot cause she was orphaned so young and has been trying to make it as a woman on the internet since.
and she's been right about a lot of people before anyone else talked about it.
hate her moid though. hope she's happy and she talks about how loved and respected she is but like, love yourself girl please.
No. 1798927
File: 1701685576617.webp (Spoiler Image,125.46 KB, 640x800, need this card.webp)

>>1798923ensemble stars i have been addicted to it for the past week, it fits all the spots i though would never be fulfilled with the absolute state of yume media. I normally either dislike all the boys or only like the designated ''cute'' boy, but this time i like so many i am already crying over all the money i am going to spend, kek. I wish there was an otome that had a feeling similar to this, i need anime boys to lift my spirit i have been drawing like crazy since i downloaded this game.
No. 1798929
File: 1701685794161.png (338.64 KB, 964x598, icantbelieve.png)

WHY IS IT SO HARD FOR ME TO START A PROJECT?! I have made notes, some psuedo-code and sketches on what I wanna make, but I've been sitting in front of my school laptop for an hour now not able to bring myself to open up vs code. I hate that I'm so slow at starting things when I know I will be completely engulfed when I finally start and absolutely love the experience.
No. 1798935
File: 1701686056695.jpg (415.71 KB, 1920x1080, Harry-Styles-Pleasing.jpg)

I just found out that Harry Styles has a fragrance line. That man looks like the epitome of must, who in their right mind would purchase a perfume from him
No. 1798946
>>1798927Kek the regular ass pants and belt with the whore fit.
>>1798935I have the original One Direction perfume still it’s all brown now.
No. 1798966
File: 1701689140404.jpg (Spoiler Image,208.67 KB, 850x547, deresute mio.jpg)

>>1798946>Kek the regular ass pants and belt with the whore fit.its fucking sex to me even if it looks retarded to you, no booly. I never get cattered to please andastand. He has another card where he's literally wearing BDSM get-up lmao.
>>1798954I like the style a lot. I normally hate the fujo/yume husbando muppet visual kei style like utapri, so i am really glad there is a game out there that has a more moe style. I am not a huge fan of the card's art quality, though. The art isn't fantastic, and the outfits are mostly ugly, but i am used to female waifu bait idolshit, and those games normally have insanely high art quality. I hope the art quality improves, SS cards used to be butt-ugly but now they look like this, so i have high hopes.
No. 1798974
File: 1701689481602.jpg (137.32 KB, 1920x1080, old deresute card.jpg)

>>1798969The cards used to look like this when the game just started. It's definetly an improvement. You just had to be there to witness it growing…i wish i hadnt sold my old account.
No. 1798980
File: 1701689846183.png (857.05 KB, 640x800, flambe outfit.png)

>>1798977oh, my bad. This is the bdsm outfit. I like the high amount of tummy shots this game has too. Too bad idolshit games aren't allowed to be lewd, but at least it forces me to pick up the stylus and draw them myself.
No. 1799024
File: 1701693815369.jpg (363.57 KB, 2282x1521, a821250b2053d423_a.jpg)

>>1798968He was born in Sweden to Dutch parents. Average Swede looks like Skarsgard nona.
No. 1799028
File: 1701694006610.jpg (628.81 KB, 1490x2048, licensed-image.jpg)

>>1799024samefag he's obviously part Indonesian or something too.
No. 1799046
File: 1701695430030.png (797.2 KB, 480x854, image-35.png)

>>1798974I'm gonna massively sperg on you but this art is actually older than you think because deresute's early SR cards were taken verbatim from the older, browser-based Mobage game from 2011 that derewsute ended up replacing, you're definitely right that the art improved over the years.
I tried playing the older game years ago but my Japanese wasn't good enough to get very far and it heavily relied on you spending real money, you were also limited in what you could do without verifying with a Japanese phone number. But it shut down earlier this year, so rip.
No. 1799057
>>1799046i didnt know that
nonny, thanks for the explaination. It's amazing how anime mobile gacha games evolved. I think the very first one was SIF, which was just static cards and a pretty simple gameplay, then Starlight stage came out and that was the first one to introduce 3D models. I am so glad we are a point where we can get good quality gacha rhythm for free. I remember playing SIF from the start and it's amazing how mobile games went from static cards, to 3Dmodels, to Live2D models+3D models. I really like how Ensemble Stars gives you so much to collect, kinda make up for how money thristy it is. I fucking love being able to unlock a Live2D model and a 3D outfit for my husbando lol. The new Love Live game looks amazing too but i grew out of the franchise. I am glad they made a new game, SIF was becoming outdated and boring.
No. 1799068
File: 1701696850984.png (46.01 KB, 144x357, tired banana.png)

has anyone ever suffered from impostor syndrome? i have no idea how to overcome it, i feel like such a failure
No. 1799071
>>1799068Not imposter syndrome, but crippling self worth issues that can skill over to that sort of thing.
Idk how to overcome, maybe therapy?
I'm not getting therapy though but maybe it could help you?
No. 1799074
>>1799072kek i was feeling terrible but your comment brightened up my day and made me laugh, thanks
nonny. I need to work on my english and proof reading.
No. 1799085
File: 1701697622647.jpg (158.53 KB, 1024x1024, chibi style animation, woman t…)

>>1799074Your English and grammar were perfect, I was just being a smartass. I'm glad I made you laugh though.
No. 1799102
>>1799068>>1799071you don't always need therapy. you just have to change your mindset and not listen to negative internal thoughts. talk to yourself everyday. be kind of yourself, remind yourself that you deserve everything you have, that sort of thing. i used to be afraid people would find out i was a 'fraud', but i started to realize how stupid i was being when i actually met people who were legit frauds. i had really low self esteem, but i wasn't doing anything wrong. i just had to work on my confidence and belief in myself and remind myself of that everyday.
it also helped that i knew someone who boldly lied to my face about everything in her life. turned out she was blowing smoke up everyone's asses and it all came out eventually. her reputation was ruined in the end as she couldn't deal with the stress of lying constantly and people started asking too many questions because her stories were not matching up with reality. as long as you are not fabricating stories about yourself, being arrogant, shitting on others for no reason or talking yourself up more than necessary, you are fine.
No. 1799170
When I was sixteen, I was babysitting my neighbor's kids who were nine, seven, and four years old. It was early morning (for a teenager) because her regular babysitter had called out so I had been woken up at last minute and asked to come over. So I was drowsing on the couch but trying to keep an eye on the kids, so I rolled over onto my stomach, gave them a bunch of gel pens, and told them they could "tattoo" whatever they wanted on my back. It kept them occupied for over an hour and they ended up giving me the most hilariously generic and redneck tattoos. Like a giant pair of angel wings on my shoulders, feathers blowing in the wind, a big heart that said mom, a curly black tramp stamp ("Just like mommy has!"), and hands praying. Good memory.
No. 1799186
File: 1701706005209.gif (1.06 MB, 256x194, snake-approves.gif)

I was going through my old IG messages last night, and I ended up stumbling upon a message from a woman who basically bullied me when I was a young teen and when she tried to befriend me again 10 years later, claiming she's changed. she told me I wasnt good for not supporting sex work and drag queens/gay men. We ended up having a huge blow up and I unfollowed her on IG. she told me I wasn't good enough to be her friend anyway and now the same woman who called me fat as 16 years old is three times the weight I was. It was shocked she didnt private her IG, but I was morbidly curious and went through all her recent photos. She is enormous, and she does drag stuff for a 'living.'
I'm pretty happy about someone who bullied me for my body type becoming this way.
No. 1799189
Tfw I have some naturally acquired during the time troll face shirts I wear around the house but I feel like the retard #internetcore Y2K posers in vidrel wearing them.
>>1799149I was just wondering if some poor bastards out there lost their husbandos/waifus they sunk real money in. I would not mind lost media autists looking into those, sounds interesting.
No. 1799221
File: 1701708976987.png (142.39 KB, 354x790, tumblr_134235257e02e1827bd3c13…)

>>1799186Sweet sweet karma. May she suffer as much as you did and then a little extra as interest.
No. 1799249
>>1799221Appreciate your kind words,
No. 1799283
File: 1701713606606.jpeg (223.74 KB, 1013x719, IMG_1878.jpeg)

No. 1799355
File: 1701718869880.jpg (51.33 KB, 735x871, download (12).jpg)

I was halfway through writing the new celebcow thread and I closed out the tab. Fuck this, I'm going to do something else.
No. 1799361
>>1799355I’ve been there
nonnie. That is why I always write it in the notes and then just copy and paste from there when I make the new thread
No. 1799380
File: 1701720266481.jpg (50.88 KB, 530x589, E4j7UpqXEAAsZET.jpg)

My mom has had cats before, but for some reason she finds even the most mundane and typical things my cat does "quirky". I was talking to her on the phone about how he's been obsessing over candy wrappers lately and always carries it to bed to play whenever he gets his paws on one and she went off like picrel
No. 1799430
File: 1701723629579.gif (6.72 KB, 150x150, 1000009823.gif)

My neopets stocks are crashing and I'm broke
No. 1799442
File: 1701724530491.jpg (16.79 KB, 225x225, Z(16).jpg)

>>1799430>>1799432if only real stocks worked like neopets stocks, I'd be swimming in cash rn
No. 1799443
File: 1701724561896.jpg (90.83 KB, 1920x2880, hello kitty.jpg)

I unironically think I may buy the Zara Hello Kitty perfume and empty the bottle to make a new perfume myself. I just want the bottle but I doubt the actual scent is good or lasts long.
No. 1799459
File: 1701725971610.gif (133.25 KB, 150x120, 1e6626c4d810.gif)

Is it true the twitch tranny Finnster an hero'd? please tell me it's true
No. 1799544
File: 1701732421132.gif (266.42 KB, 220x275, cat-grin.gif)

I order some contact lenses for my next cosplay from Pinky paradise and my bank contacted me to ask if someone else used my credit card for fraud. kek. The order was only $35, but I appreciate my bank being so diligent.
No. 1799572
File: 1701735433606.jpeg (51.88 KB, 460x316, IMG_3833.jpeg)

blow dried cow picture
No. 1799581
File: 1701736490459.jpg (190.68 KB, 1080x1350, MTMUMfS.jpg)

>>1799572She is absolutely perfect.
No. 1799582
>>1799552I use old toiletries
and makeup if it needs using up. As long as it doesn't smell funky or has turned to weird goop I don't care.
No. 1799603
File: 1701738605978.jpg (22.64 KB, 428x378, 234a5e4a66348aeb9adabd4a9dd6e6…)

>get this retarded crush on a random moid celebrity from a tv show
>instantly feel the urge to flirt with a guy i'm acquaintaces with online
>i don't even know anything about him
Why am I like this.
No. 1799615
File: 1701740519873.jpg (144.5 KB, 720x832, Hall is the blond one.jpg)

I didn't realize Daryl Hall and John Oates were in a legal battle, and Daryl got a temporary restraining order on John. Sounds like a dumpster fire. Here's the rest of the article: No. 1799660
File: 1701744632076.jpg (20.07 KB, 476x429, cat.jpg)

I've been watching videos of parents meeting their babies for the first time and now I'm crying. One day it will be me!
No. 1799693
File: 1701748158645.jpg (94.35 KB, 1024x699, 30983793752_055b2733af_b.jpg)

i had a long day so i think i will cover my face with vaporub and put on some white noise and imagine him planking on me like a weighted blanket.
No. 1799755
File: 1701754178294.jpeg (32.98 KB, 720x720, 1694694232831.jpeg)

i feel so confused when someone makes a spongebob reference since i hated that show as a kid and never watched it, same for fairly odd parents
No. 1799757
File: 1701754425281.jpeg (1.17 MB, 1170x2010, IMG_8856.jpeg)

Sarah Michelle Gellar is yelling at Roblox on Instagram because her son’s account was hacked, kek. This is so fucking funny to me, where’s the celebricows thread when we need it!
No. 1799772
File: 1701754909493.png (210.42 KB, 1144x1464, 1670935692202.png)

>tfw will never be a moid and experience bromances
why live being tomboy is pain
No. 1799778
File: 1701755467223.png (85.63 KB, 1839x347, IMG_8293.png)

>>1799768Fucking kek, that one and picrel kill me every time
No. 1799784
File: 1701756212249.gif (2.83 MB, 640x640, 2024 approaching.gif)

are you getting something for yourself this christmas? i am getting a basic at-home excercising kit
No. 1799805
File: 1701758297470.png (18.24 KB, 250x100, F_TV3r2aoAAwUvq.png)

>"i love winter, summer is so annoying and sweaty and gross, and i get to cover my body as much as i want"
>have headache, day old still going
>stuffy nose
>back to my mouthbreathing habit
>mild but irritating pain all over the body
>eyes feel like my tears were replaced with spiced water
>want to sleep but have assignment tomorrow whose work i was planning to start and finish today
>random tummy pain?
i am so not having a good time, girls
No. 1799819
File: 1701760700315.jpg (27.21 KB, 500x281, 1681753678509.jpg)

Bellesa sucks why am i surprised
No. 1799824
File: 1701761408432.jpg (80.6 KB, 759x629, gagle.jpg)

Naur I did NOT mean Kuromi fuk that overrated emo bitch.
No. 1799826
File: 1701761521879.jpeg (537.44 KB, 1060x883, 745E7711-5863-4481-A692-4274F2…)

Why does an animatronic with a dead child inside have to be sexy
No. 1799836
>>17997951. ugly
2. ugly
3. ugly
4. LOL stickers
5. gross
6. ugly
7. ugly
8. ugly good job breaking it and claiming it came broken
9. ugly
10. ok thats kind of cute
11. ugly
12. ugly lmao
13. ugly
14. ugly
15. its ok but still kind of ugly
16. lmao fucking ugly
17. its ok, the red dot is meh
18. its cuteish
19. this is the nicest one of that type but still ugly
20. ugly, all of those flat crystals with the cheap printed faces look awful, especially as she said the colours arent consistent
21. ugly
22. I like the glitter stuff on the top but not the red
23. ugly
24. ugly
25. the best in terms of theme and I understand if you like micky mouse but still…bit ugly
No. 1799873
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No. 1799878
File: 1701765710286.png (301.87 KB, 800x800, og casey.png)

as much as a i dislike all the changes to original april o'neil, i am glad moids are getting their og waifu ruined. If i cant have croptop wearing cassey jones moids dont deserve their big titty ginger waifus.
No. 1799879
File: 1701765818213.jpg (187.83 KB, 1024x1024, lolcore.jpg)

it's lolcor hours baybee
No. 1799883
File: 1701766268399.png (122.67 KB, 317x566, downgrade.png)

>>1799881they turned him into a generic npc male from the 2003 series and onwards
No. 1799906
>>1799887do you guys eat mostly cold stuff for christmas lunch/dinner too? usually we have cold cuts/meats, coleslaw etc, prawns and white wine. too hot to cook all day or eat hot food.
also I saw ugly xmas sweaters on sale today…it's 30+ degrees celcius and it's the start of december. so braidead following american trends when our season is the literal opposite of their christmas weather. has bothered me since I was a kid, seeing that fake snow in summer heat.
No. 1799917
File: 1701768591638.jpeg (271.01 KB, 640x805, 18E0E038-DD32-46B7-9A60-2B5EEA…)

I like the fluffy white dog disses. They are usually as dumb as a bag of rocks with weird human eyes. But they are sweet.
No. 1800091
File: 1701784664079.jpg (174 KB, 600x621, Savage-garden.jpg)

>>1800068>>1800073>>1800088southern hemisphereians rise up
No. 1800094
>>1799936samefag but babes, ausfagyrt we did ham too! usually the big ole pre-wrapped and tied cold ones from woolies or whatever. it would be in like a cold wet sack in the fridge for a week or two after. goodest of the good shit.
I hope you have a lovely spread this xmas and it isn't too hot, they are cloud seeding and absolutely rooting the atmosphere atm so slip slop slap etc.
No. 1800127
File: 1701786617705.gif (11.24 MB, 640x636, cat-shaking.gif)

must resist the urge to start infighting
No. 1800150
File: 1701787637880.jpg (152.59 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (1).jpg)

Large perfume collections stress me out so bad. I understand that the pretty bottles are half of what makes perfumes so appealing, but at a certain point you need to just buy minis, samples and travel sizes. but I know if I won a million dollars today at least 10k would go to fragrances kek
No. 1800184
File: 1701789504339.jpeg (139.45 KB, 1200x1283, IMG_9064.jpeg)

>>1800127fite me then you coward
No. 1800215
File: 1701791473430.jpeg (77.93 KB, 1300x951, IMG_1324.jpeg)

I want to start reading something I just don’t know what
No. 1800228
File: 1701792221841.jpg (193.74 KB, 266x376, Y_The_Last_Man_secret_sequel.j…)

I unironically wish my life was like a cute girls doing cute things anime—I want to be part of a tight-knit group of girl buddies in a world where men don't exist like picrel.
No. 1800404
File: 1701800631900.jpeg (966.07 KB, 1801x1078, IMG_1888.jpeg)

>>1800391I feel like Rachel McAdams could really kill it
lol but she might be too old at this point.
No. 1800421
File: 1701801304945.png (1.79 MB, 798x1000, ySUpS9L.png)

No. 1800473
>>1800468I promise you that the type of people working in an agriculture processing plant are not the type to be able to afford medical care. That's how we get hepatitis outbreaks. Johnny Hepatitis, rather than take the pay cut to walk to the bathrooms (which depending on the size of the fields can be a half hour away), will instead squat and shit right on the plants that produce your peppers. These unwashed peppers are shipped to a restaurant where some line cook who's breakfast was a red bull and two cigarettes fourteen hours ago forgets to wash it before serving it to you.
The whole process is gross. Wash all your fruit and vegetables, even if they say pre-washed.
No. 1800485
File: 1701805281225.png (1.11 KB, 698x47, openrct2_e46TYtlTUo.png)

I'm playing rollercoaster tycoon multiplayer with my moid friend and this just came up
No. 1800500
>>1800494>he kept making knock knock jokes while I painfully smiled then kept asking me why I look so depressed and upset, and then he asked me if I hate himsounds like a faggot wtf.
yes it seems like half the time the cut wasn't what i asked for (even with a reference pic) or the color didn't match the swatch i picked in her swatch book. she also would often curl my hair without me asking for it, she didn't charge me, but i don't like how my hair looks curled and i would sit there like why are you doing that though???
also there's youtube tutorials, we can do our own research on what products to use for our hair. my hairdresser would upcharge me for stuff.
No. 1800520
File: 1701806823139.mp4 (1.67 MB, 720x1280, gym.mp4)

Why do gymrats do stupid, dangerous shit like this just to flex
No. 1800523
File: 1701806943137.gif (1.62 MB, 500x522, 93ec09a54a96735ddc9f811ef6dc6c…)

>>1800506Wait, YOU have a Persona? Tch.
No. 1800591
nonny dont rope. First give me all your money and valuable items, then you can rope.
No. 1800596
File: 1701813580010.jpg (108.52 KB, 612x612, Princess_Leia-displayed.jpg)

>>1800587>download fun lineart off of deviantart or steal from pinterest and colour it in. Even using ms paint might be fun>download a short visual novel>emulate ps2 games (can run on dogshit laptops too)>play terra nil, dredge, dave the diver, or mini metro/motorways>download cool snowflake designs and cut some out. I like these (picrel) those recommendations aren't up to your tastes let me know
I've got countless things I'm trying to motivate myself not to be too depressed to do kek No. 1800603
File: 1701813888048.png (16.78 KB, 128x128, 1696388266016.png)

i wish i was good at drawing so i could expend all day drawing my husbandos getting abused
No. 1800617
File: 1701814719215.jpg (122.32 KB, 612x612, R2-D2-displayed_2012.jpg)

>>1800604I do them every year they come out and try and save my old ones when I take them down for the next year. They're all super cute and if you have a paper cutter it's so satisfying to get the spaces just right. Once I was anxious for a chem exam and in an ocd panic did the entire 2012-15 collections through the afternoon and the night exam kek. good times. Glad the university never noticed how scratched up the desk got my years there
No. 1800619
File: 1701814750712.jpg (40.85 KB, 526x583, strong but sensitive.jpg)

>>1800603Me too. When I was a teen and used to draw lots I remember my scrote friend asking me what kind of art I'd be doing when I get good and I linked him some semi realistic drawings of men getting abused and he was horrified. It wasn't even that bad, just half naked guys with black eyes or crying or whatever and when they were naked it didn't show genitals but it was so damn hot to me. But he said I was sick, I kid you not, the man who'd sent me unprompted incest porn and paintings of males giving birth from their anus told me I was sick for wanting to draw bruised men crying. Men are fucking weak and my biggest regret in life was stop drawing cus now I'm stuck in teen level art, you know, some understanding of anatomy but still stiff type of shit, and I can't make men seethe while women like me appreciate peak masculine beauty which is when they're on their knees crying all bruised.
No. 1800621
>>1800603I've took the courage to do this a couple of times but then i always delete everything no matter how much effort i've put into it because i start to regret my actions.
It started also because there is so little content of my husbando, i wish i could share it so other people who like him can find something new, but i get the terrible fear of being recognized and i'm unable to develop a new drawing style kek.
No. 1800638
File: 1701815638450.jpg (Spoiler Image,314.85 KB, 2048x1431, 1653895546932-4.jpg)

>>1800603>>1800619>>1800628>>1800621i hate how theres barely any male ryona artists smh, you are all doing something good for the world
No. 1800642
File: 1701816005752.gif (232.88 KB, 400x300, 1688843694014084.gif)

>>1800638there need to be more degenerate cute male artists overall.
i need more feet art of my husbando No. 1800647
File: 1701816144616.jpg (241.49 KB, 1280x1707, 1691482858086.jpg)

>>1800642agreed, im tired of every female nsfw artist pandering to male coomers
also im not a footfag but good for you kekk No. 1800656
File: 1701816387352.jpeg (562.57 KB, 1170x1114, saagelius.jpeg)

>>1800647holy shit yes, its either pickmes drawing waifu shit for moids or genderspecials drawing ''cuntboys(women)''
No. 1800660
File: 1701816545941.jpg (113.41 KB, 564x772, 1650728913762.jpg)

>>1800647I don't know what I'd do without Sachiko's artwork.
No. 1800779
File: 1701823460232.jpg (164.46 KB, 660x914, 1650727776994.jpg)

>>1800774Depends on the image, I think this one is pretty nice.
>ywn have a moid you can just take the batteries out of when you don't want to deal with him anymore No. 1800791
File: 1701824054544.png (888.7 KB, 650x910, __original_drawn_by_kaneoya_sa…)

>>1800774I think the boys she draws are cute, then again, I just love anime boys bleeding sexily.
No. 1800797
File: 1701824458635.jpeg (22.97 KB, 548x540, A8DB1168-E965-4120-8B5D-4BF7AE…)

they didn't let me try on the sick shoes at the sick shoe store because they didn't think i'd buy them (which was true, i was gonna buy some online later when they got discounted or something). "they're delicate" THEY ARE JORDANS. aren't they supposed to be indestructible or something. fuck you.
No. 1800811
>>1800720>>1800774>>1800786I like her art but I do find it weird that she is the most popular internet artist that makes sensual art targeted at women where only men are sexualized. Yet her males are "unconventional attractive". Its hard to find artist that draws ikemens or bishouns in vulnerable or "objectifying" positions. Not saying that art like that doesn't exist but it rarely goes viral. It just sucks if you are a man you can easily find art of every type of woman in any sort of situation
catering to every fetishes meanwhile if you are a woman and wanna look at sexy het art that doesn't feature sexualized women then you're out of luck unless you like oddball men. She is free to draw whatever she wants and im not saying she should make her men more appealing to me. What i am saying though is that I need female artists to get more degenerate and shameless
No. 1800813
File: 1701826504862.png (586.88 KB, 822x665, 1697710410786.png)

>>1800786i don't understand this 'prey eyes' vs 'hunter eyes' thing, i thought nonnas made fun of that shit
No. 1800845
File: 1701829120662.jpeg (80.72 KB, 1024x768, d6b64c70a393ec7ea8bd7285666428…)

>>1800813Atsushi Sakurai mogs them all
No. 1800853
File: 1701829957294.gif (903.2 KB, 498x284, atsushi-sakurai.gif)

>>1800846Hmmm they kinda are but he still mogs every single ai generated looking man in that shitty chart
No. 1800896
File: 1701835064994.jpg (23.92 KB, 618x618, 1681522870700.jpg)

young ben shapiro was so cute. he needs to get his brows fixed if he ever wants to look like this again
No. 1800914
>>1800911Hi high-as-fuck, I'm
No. 1800915
File: 1701836048993.jpg (47.91 KB, 620x487, hymkr.jpg)

>>1800911What is up girl I'm listening
No. 1800926
It's the best feeling ever, isn't it?
No. 1800947
File: 1701838623361.png (483.53 KB, 1276x1114, noshitsherlock.png)

>>1800813They look like they got run through a "chad" filter, maybe two of them are ok looking but like, what the fuck and also, ew.
No. 1800965
File: 1701840563928.png (61.35 KB, 328x328, assstarion.png)

>>1800774opinions are like assholes, anon. I find asstarion and the spiderverse richard ramirez guy repugnant looking but they are extremely popular amongst women
No. 1800994
File: 1701842046767.gif (110.02 KB, 90x90, 1689188022091.gif)

No. 1801006
>>1800966Nonna you're not on their minds, people mostly think about their self, I remember all the embarrassing shit I did as a kid and teen but only remember a couple things other kids did, and we all did stupid shit back then. I don't even remember classmates I wasn't friends with. Whatever you did, you're an adult now and have grown. If someone today judges you for that now they're the weird one. I don't know what happens to school records but no one is going to look for those, teachers are all busy as fuck and dealing with a new generation that is going to be far cringier than you ever were.
>>1801004Fingerable like the /co/ anon's Wally Darling sex doll demands….
No. 1801007
File: 1701842912978.jpg (62.26 KB, 800x800, d921276abf77a2dde23d99911bcd93…)

>>1801003Are you not intimidated by this?
No. 1801025
>>1801011There's nothing any of us can do about it all so don't get too stressed nonna. Someone being able to keep and remember that they have screenshots of you for
decades and decades is just a scary thought.
Most you can do is scrub any accounts and posts you made and get any archived saves removed. Things are also saved somewhere on some server too where there's no way for us to know what will happen with it. We all have to deal with this, we can't change any of it and caring about it too much will just lead you down a paranoid rabbithole and trying to hide it all just leads to the Streisand effect.
People also lose devices and data all the time, accidentally or on purpose to save some space or even hide the embarrassing of themselves they have saved. Sites go defunct all the time, I don't think Twitter and Tumblr will be with us much longer. Accounts get deleted, usernames get reused, library of babel shit, someone out there is going to type some of these same sentences somewhere else in the future.
It's a general rule that things may live forever digitally, but that doesn't mean anyone cares about it all. The world could end in 5 days from some huge disaster, don't spend your precious time worrying the past.
No. 1801030
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i invited my friends over to watch godzilla, i am so happy i finally have friends i can introduce to my favourite stuff. We are watching objectivelly the best godzilla movie(1954) followed by the goofiest(1967)
No. 1801036
File: 1701847659688.jpg (Spoiler Image,83.38 KB, 640x640, ad52db05f31ceb3f404da6f10a8a22…)

where 2 cop these booty shorts?
No. 1801197
File: 1701869793160.jpeg (38.18 KB, 589x255, yeaaaah motherfucker.jpeg)

fuckkk time to do my drawing reps, those horny husbandos aint gonna draw themselves
No. 1801215
>>1800774Agreed. I'm not into this genre in general but if I ever was in the mood for it, I want the men to he hot and strong and masculine but weak for me (or the self insert pov character in this case) and I can do whatever to them and they can't say anything about it. I don't care if they enjoy it or not as much as I get the specific reactions I want from them. And I want the self insert character to be a hot successful and smart woman, not some sparkledog furry.
>inb4 make it yourself Don't wanna, can't draw, not willing to learn, don't actually need that in my life, just giving my two cents on the topic for discussion purposes.
No. 1801229
>>1801219I'm so sorry but it reminds me of
nemu's art. But to each their own.
No. 1801246
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This frozen berry color from Porsche is so pretty. Ban white cars, replace them with this color instead.
No. 1801322
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All I want for Christmaaaaas iiis DEATH
No. 1801379
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Käärijä at Finland bday party
No. 1801645
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>>1801568I think he's just fucking with you
No. 1801646
File: 1701897040491.jpeg (53.91 KB, 503x533, 97CC1F4F-9082-48E0-9F91-6116C7…)

I’m really crying over a fictional man………I know I get hyper fixated and obsessive over things that’s just how I am but this feels like a new level of mental illness. I kinda wish I would die in a freak accident just to get this over with
No. 1801720
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>>1800998How useless and frivolous? What about an OTT moidmobile?
No. 1801753
File: 1701903422816.jpg (17 KB, 400x400, mikey-way-sidekick.jpg)

I'm ignoring a moid on one of my discords. I don't mind the main one, but he DMed me and it was okay for like the first 2 months, then he started going off about being a TRA/pronouns matter and he disowned his past friends for disagreeing with his political viewpoints. lmao men are so pathetic. I am enjoying looking at his messages, asking if I'm ignoring him on purpose since he sees my main posts in the discord we're both in.
He also claims to be a male feminist who only writes women in his stories because they feel more 'natural.'
No. 1801761
>>1801751white miso
it doesn’t taste good
but the macros? also not good.
but the aesthetic? terrible.
but is it satisfying? no.
is it at least low salt? haha
i eat things like this to reassert control in my life. fuck you recipepilled flavourcels, i’m not participating in your macronutrient psyops
No. 1801833
File: 1701906749633.gif (503.22 KB, 200x153, IMG_1363.gif)

You ever get lazy and don’t brush your teeth
No. 1801877
File: 1701907777962.jpg (89.49 KB, 753x330, tumblr_f8a93e00da64a5d613d6ee6…)

6 hours and uBlock still hasn't updated… Fuck youtube I need my slop NOW
No. 1802033
File: 1701915835392.jpeg (292.83 KB, 1200x852, FPGiR0OXwAI9_NK.jpeg)

>>1802015My boring daydream fantasies go even further into just apocalyptic events. My entire family getting eaten by zombies > increasing worldwide dependence on using the internet and social media. Technology is the work of the devil.
No. 1802050
>>1802046I’m this anon
>>1802048 and I suddenly feel better about myself. Thank you.
No. 1802085
File: 1701918296786.png (126.5 KB, 427x344, 1694892338203.png)

just took a big sip out of a lemonade with worms on it
No. 1802110
>>1802089i have no idea
>>1802090please fuck i beg you god dont let it be pinworms
No. 1802112
File: 1701920101298.jpg (38.47 KB, 735x616, 1698286329546.jpg)

all of this because my mom is too cheap to buy pre-made lemonade and makes me make it out of real lemons in our yard
No. 1802133
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>>1802004I’m here mamasita whats up
No. 1802206
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>>1802195what the hell, i'd never heard of this kek
No. 1802264
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Real asf
No. 1802350
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>>1802344This made me look up young Aries Spears and EHAT THE FUCK he actually used to look normal??? Somewhat cute?? Was he cursed by a gypsy what the fuck happened
No. 1802354
File: 1701950677159.mp4 (15.5 MB, 576x1024, Snapinsta.app_video_10000000_7…)

>>1801412Funny and creative and actually catchy
No. 1802417
File: 1701958322448.jpg (205.83 KB, 896x896, 1682879979377519.jpg)

i forgot how old i am
No. 1802425
File: 1701958957470.png (1.88 MB, 1722x1204, Screenshot 2023-12-07 at 09.10…)

>Items sold by Etsy sellers, such as masks, aren't medical-grade. Etsy sellers cannot make medical or health claims. When selecting a mask, consult official guidance to make the right choice for you. More info.
>the mask
No. 1802444
File: 1701960490226.png (4.07 KB, 266x130, 1641347922743.png)

when i was 14 i wanted to be like shuwu so bad so i started working on a script to make a video like her shitting on the evil feminazis!!!1! i am so fucking glad my adhd/anxiety ridden cocomelon brain stopped me from ever making that shit. I have nightmares of an alternate universe where i became shoe2.0
No. 1802450
>>1802425well for fuck sake
nonnie that won't stop you catching covid and dying what are you thinking
No. 1802601
File: 1701970169139.jpg (42.71 KB, 750x750, sunglass cat.jpg)

I got the job but can still NEET out until the new year, feels good man
No. 1802604
>>18025421. Corpse rape
2. Drugged out rape
3. literally just be a groupie
No. 1802619
File: 1701970954803.jpeg (265.06 KB, 1998x1170, IMG_8131.jpeg)

Don’t wana see your face you’d better disappear!!
No. 1802636
File: 1701971665318.jpg (10.47 KB, 330x269, 1680531112028.jpg)

I like catfishing moids on discord. We met through some niche moid-ridden hobbie, we become friends, chat, they assume i am a moid, and then when its time to vc i surpise them with my super squeaky squirrel voice, kek.
No. 1802699
File: 1701974264378.jpg (102.14 KB, 640x830, tumblr_3d78d30f3776ce09dddcee9…)

The XY chromosome truly is evil in all species
No. 1802700
File: 1701974266884.jpg (209.57 KB, 1941x2048, AAAAAAAAAAA.jpg)

im fucking dying scrolling through my old husbando fanart acc give me strength nonnies im cringing too hard i was too fucking horny and autistic god
No. 1802718
File: 1701975040500.jpeg (21.06 KB, 235x187, 750E6653-C256-4746-9544-4D5728…)

>>1802700reading this as I’m making my own horny husbando art. Sometimes I look back at the horny shit I posted and think “wtf was wrong with me” but also I just can’t stop, and there’s not a lot of fan art of him out there so even if it makes me cringe I feel like it’s nice to share
No. 1802778
>>1802748nta, i should be happy about having friends and having a recognizable artstyle but the reason why i don't post anything like that even if i know someone would appreciate it is because i don't want anyone to recognize me and i always feel DREAD over it because there's almost no horny art of my husbandos, or it's gross gay moid/gernderswap/genderspecial content
this thing demotivates me so hard
No. 1802790
File: 1701978556949.jpg (865.41 KB, 2795x4096, [23-10-13] 1712753646612742236…)

>>1802748same, i wish i could be one of those very autistic but very talented artists so i could draw my degeneracy while the angry twitter mobs seethes at me ''wasting'' my talent, like pic rel
No. 1802840
>>1802826>my last living enemy Also, here’s a thought; don’t let your kids around troons and you won’t have that problem, assuming that you are a mother. Hands-on parenting is a virtue. We believe in you!
>>1802827>someone dying is never a good thing A lot of you are being a little too generous
>>1802819Sweetheart do you think I’d make that statement if he wasn’t already publicly bragging about how he’s already found a surgeon? Was there some kind of issue here today why is everyone so on edge
No. 1802901
>>1802878It's not only social media, video games have a lot of social interaction and those in turn end up forcing you to use discord.
And if all the kids at school are playing Minecraft, your kid will want to play it too.
No. 1802980
>>1802973>you are totes badassNever said that, but it really doesn’t take anything more than “get out of here” in my city and usually they’re gone. I’ve never had an issue with spraying troons in the face and leaving, either, because yes they do try to challenge women but usually
blinding him with spices incapacitates him within few moments. I’ve said that multiple times. What is with all the spite in response to my post.
No. 1802983
File: 1701984408047.jpg (29.42 KB, 250x334, 2958557.jpg)

baby cows are so sweet…cow hybrid carlos w the prettiest big eyes that tear up when his soft tamales are milked and his voice pitching up high when someone reaches down to touch his cute little burrito bc he doesn't deserve it but it takes the edge off
No. 1803001
File: 1701985404951.jpg (116.6 KB, 735x1187, runway.jpg)

Does anyone ever wonder why they had to be born into their family? Or the place they were raised in (although I'm American and wasn't raised in a bad area so I don't think this too often, I just hate my state kek). I like to think everything has to happen for a reason, but I do wonder why the universe had to align to put my soul into my mother's womb where I was born into a dysfunctional family. Like, was it truly necessary? Couldn't it have at least been an extremely wealthy dysfunctional family to numb the pain? At the same time, I love some of my relatives so much that even if I had a chance to start my entire life over with a new family I wouldn't take it.
Pic unrelated.
No. 1803019
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No. 1803024
File: 1701986847094.jpeg (248.2 KB, 1170x560, IMG_8504.jpeg)

>why the fuck are you riding around playgrounds naked on a bike
>uh…the environment?
>oh ok, sorry to bother you
No. 1803034
>>1803018FBI I know you’re reading this, can I get a job? I want to scare schizophrenic people all day.
>>1803001Yes but I wonder why I couldn’t have been born in a different time, I could’ve have the time of my life in the 70s. Or I could have been born a whale living a peaceful life of just swimming around the ocean. Hate it here let me reincarnate.
No. 1803043
>>1803033A lot of moids stared at
nonnie. She put her middle finger up at them.
No. 1803059
>>1803046Yeah sorry let’s go back to arguing about trannies, sorry 3 posts derails the thread and it’s all tinfoil even though that information is very real.
No. 1803062
File: 1701988753135.png (1.02 MB, 1383x1030, IMG_8505.png)

>>1803050makes me think of when david duchovny played a troon all because david lynch asked him to kek
No. 1803070
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>>1803068The hell is that, reminds me of picrel
No. 1803073
File: 1701989315850.jpg (166.88 KB, 2008x3307, puffy.jpg)

anon what hole have you sent me down
No. 1803077
File: 1701989401062.jpg (2.74 MB, 2000x2499, emotional-support-human-sized-…)

>>1803073>>1803068i'm sorry but don't worry, he's there for you too
No. 1803079
File: 1701989485286.jpg (190.2 KB, 469x618, Spam_Boy.jpg)

>>1803073Swear to God if they make him built like this it will be my lifelong onahole
No. 1803090
>>1803084wtf no it's fun u elbow face
>>1803085its like a fleshlight that's why im confused as well
No. 1803091
File: 1701989817352.png (164.57 KB, 312x408, 00128434.png)

>>1803079You want to peg the emotional support teddy bear or what
No. 1803093
File: 1701989877917.png (432.41 KB, 1050x624, furry.png)

>>1803077But Puffy is a fucking manlet at 5'7" and only weighs 7 pounds. I need him to be tall and to weigh as much as a real man, i'll take the Sally Acorn technique with human bones if that's needed. Moids get their Hazbin Hotel furry dolls to be over 6 feet, it's not fair. I mean at least he's not 3 feet tall like that /co/ anon's dream Wally Darling plush.
No. 1803106
File: 1701990238599.png (171.86 KB, 668x524, queen.png)

>>1803093Samefag, my bad I forgot about her.
No. 1803107
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>>1803073they're made for each others
No. 1803123
File: 1701990882450.jpg (117.39 KB, 800x1067, sally_by_gradendine_d1ji8e5-fu…)

>>1803112I've never heard of that lmao, it's not whatever creepypasta that must be. A furry made a life sized doll of Sally Acorn but for some reason he needed it be as anatomically correct as a human so he created a skeleton for it that looked like a real human skeleton. She probably weighs the same as a small woman. My husbando doll will have metal made bones because he's strong and badass.
No. 1803125
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>>1803024just when i thought i couldn't hate bicyclists even more
No. 1803128
File: 1701991275250.mp4 (7.78 MB, 630x700, 09.mp4)

>>1803123based to the point of being foundation, unbreakable husbando
No. 1803131
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>>1803129do you think that the swimsuit is part of her or it's just something you can remove?
No. 1803135
File: 1701991859503.jpeg (217.4 KB, 1280x720, IMG_6545.jpeg)

I have hip length hair that I have been growing out for nearly 10 years- I was pondering over cutting maybe 4-5 inches to freshen the ends a bit and I made the mistake of asking my boyfriend what he thinks- he suggested doing a massive chop and going over my shoulders. I feel strangely betrayed for some reason lmao I am kind of nuts over my hair so it really took me aback. Am I crazy y’all
No. 1803177
>>1803175ironic that you’re posting this right after my student debt was randomly dropped. Maybe yours will be forgiven too,
nonnie! I’d love to see that happen for everyone even people I hate
No. 1803179
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That missmangobutt woman on YouTube is a psycho and the way she narrates the emotions, thoughts, and feelings of victims of brutal tragedies as if she knew them is so creepy and weird
No. 1803190
File: 1701994254730.jpg (1.65 MB, 5481x3654, 1415050183.jpg)

Blocks your path
No. 1803192
>>1803179i hate a lot of "true crime" youtubers. a lot of it seems so disrespectful
>doing makeup while talking about horrific crimes and profiting off of it>eating while talking about horrific crimes and profiting off of it>any channels/podcasts that have a "spooky uwu" theme or background seems very ham-fisted and inappropriate>saying things they couldn't have possibly known, things that were never reported>honestly most of the time their commentary on stuff is stupid, uninformed, unnecessarylist goes on. i like some channels especially if they're cases that haven't been covered by 100 fucking people
No. 1803199
>>1803192Oh I definitely hate them all, but I've specifically noticed she regularly talks as if she knows the people who died and how they felt or what they saw, like she's describing an OC and not a real person who was brutalized and murdered. I tried to like her but its so gross lol. My last straw was that she gatekeeped the real name of a murder
victim she made a video about because she knew it wasn't in American news thus forcing her video to be the only source of any English coverage of the story. Opportunistic shitbags, all of them
No. 1803202
>>1803199>like she's describing an OCthis is a really good way to put it. a lot of the moids covering true crime come off like they get off on it and a lot of women who cover true crime always come off phony to me, like they're pretending to care sooooper hard about the
victim and have this faked empathy in their voice and i feel like it's all to look like "omg i am such a caring person"
No. 1803228
>>1803223you fucking fuckhead now i have halsey stuck in my head
>>1803209it's full idiat. i am making a new one
No. 1803236
>>1803203Same. The
victims are always 90 percent women. it's extremely uncomfortable
No. 1803251
File: 1701997280983.jpeg (1.15 MB, 1170x1889, IMG_8511.jpeg)

I open twitter for 2 seconds and this is the first thing I see how thrilling. Baby hoarders need to be investigated by the FBI.
No. 1803255
>>1803251lmao, moids will praise this though. "my ideal waifu!!!"
when we die out as a species it will be their fault and i dont even care