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No. 1803280
previous thread:
>>>/ot/1797040let's get retarded HAH
No. 1803285
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Ugh you beat me by literally 2 seconds! I was gonna make picrel the threadpic
No. 1803316
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>>1803308whuh? you mean these lads don't absolutely whet your appetite??
No. 1803326
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Which baby tree are you?
No. 1803353
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>>1803333im hungry and bored… i have nothing to eat!!!!!!! my package arrived tho so that's nice
No. 1803392
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hopefully this thread has more funposts getting replies and less recreational screenshot outrage like before… make dumbass shit fun again PLS for the love of cheap holiday desserts
No. 1803441
>>1803394>adults are well aware of the negative effects on open internet accessibility on babies, children, and teensI disagree, at least in that there isn’t a big enough majority of adults with a sensible view of internet access for minors, not yet. Go on social media and there’s billions of people posting their child family members, and billions of children on social media. Often even allowed to be by their parents. Even the generations that grew up with the internet are careless and just give children all iPads. I agree with you on what platforms are to die next though, Twitter is for sure going to be gone within the next 5 years. I kinda hope gen alpha will be against social media oversharing and Google, Meta, etc. Gen alpha is going to be even more traumatized from the internet than my generation and the one after it, maybe that will do something?
Lots of talk about social media, technology, and privacy from you lately nonnas. What’s up? Are you in my brain kek? I love tech and the internet for it’s possibilities but when I start thinking of how it’s able to destroy ways of life and lives and it’s becoming impossible to live without I just get sad. I hope gen alpha pulls the plug and sets up into an apocalyptic powerless world. I try to send my starving family 2 dented cans of peas from an old drone and they shoot it down and then me.
No. 1803447
>>1803441I definitely agree with what you’re saying, there are a lot of careless parents who slap an iPad down in the kids crib and ignore it from the moment it’s born. I’ve encountered many. Same goes for the parents who post their children in bathing suits or scantily clad for dance or other physical activities, and I know that does appall not only myself but many others; so I feel like posting your children or attempting to make money off of them using social media is going to become much more looked down upon than it already is. As for iPad babies and little kids with open internet access, I might be wrong about this but I feel like people are just going to start flatout shaming other parents who revert to such lazy parenting and are so neglectful of their children, no matter how young of a parent they are or however long they’ve been exposed to social media/the internet. There’s already hundreds of outlets that provide evidence and anecdotal resources about the myriad of negative effects that unmonitored screen time has on children such as stunted brain growth, autism, and other issues socializing, but also more extreme cases as well, such as sexual extortion, cyberbullying, and the rise of AI porn. Imagine giving your child an iPad for their 7th birthday, seeing that she’s posted a few selfies, and then having the police knocking on your door because her face was used in a pornographic video. It would be your fault, and I think this unreal sounding scenario becoming a reality would be enough for people to start putting in at least
some effort in parenting their children. At least I can only hope.
No. 1803457
>>1803394I wish big social media would disappear and forums would come back. all places attract attention whores but i genuinely think tiktok is peak attention whore central.
just imagine if bdsmfags, trannies, "littles", every group got splintered off and basically quarantined within websites/apps. less centralized than reddit or any of these other gay ass places
No. 1803475
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>>1803285i see you saw my post about being dissapointed by Bellesa and still offered no comfort
No. 1803481
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What do you think Ben is doing right now?
No. 1803490
>>1803481Naughty Santa’s elf roleplay
>>1803448There was a recent report on ai generated CP by the internet watch foundation that was really disturbing. Ai CP using the faces of celebs when they were young and I think even real
victims of CP being revictimized with ai too. And when that came out I straight up saw so many people (mostly all moids I can guarantee) defending it as being victimless or even good because it could “help” pedos to not need the real thing.
No. 1803656
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my friends are coming over tomorrow and i havent cleaned my room yet
No. 1803679
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Michael would have 100% bottomed for Ryan they should’ve gotten married
No. 1803850
>>1803842I hate to sound like one of those overdramatic people who get all reactionary but his inclusion kind of singlehandedly brings down the movie for me. It also makes me mad that he's Dr. Barbie specifically! He doesn't fit in at all and I think I was initially confused on why there was a man
But I also get the sense that he wasn't totally embraced and was maybe kinda shoehorned in out of pressure. The ending where
Barbie goes to a gyno after becoming a real woman is a nice troon-exclusionary touch
No. 1803891
>>1803550what the fuckkk?
I didn't know I hadn't seen this one
No. 1803909
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goodnight nonitas love you all
No. 1803910
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>>1803909Love you too, sweet dreams.
No. 1804072
>>1804058Yeah and it’s taking damn long because it’s from an iPhone 4 kekk
>>1804069I sold someone some fireworks that they used to tried to blow up someone’s car, so since I sold them to him I was found to be an accessory to attempted murder which is bullshit so I got 2 years but I think the longest possible sentence is like 15 so I lucked out surprisingly
No. 1804086
>>1804076Prison life is definitely dramatic and constantly changing so I wouldn’t compare it to orange is the new black, probably more like one flew over the cuckoo’s nest
>>1804078I’ve never gotten the chance, apparently they dont keep loose powdered yeast in the kitchen anymore for that exact reason kekk
>>1804080I am a burger but I’m just in the county jail, the penitentiary I think is a little different from just regular jail because it’s for bigger crimes
No. 1804103
>>1804093I haven’t been taken to the psych ward before jail and I also haven’t been to solitary thankfully because I’m an asskisser
>>1804096Kekk I didn’t initially enter jail with a phone but one of the ladies gave me hers when she got out early! I felt so loved and it was already connected to the wifi I have no idea what she had to do to get the password though.
No. 1804139
>>1804118>>1804120April ‘24 better watch out!
>>1804122It’s not particularly tasty but it’s edible. It’s the same as high school food, but you also shouldn’t eat that 3 times a day
>>1804125I don’t ever see unprovoked anger or overreaction from the security guards, the only times I see them really laying it down on someone is when they’re sperging bad like threatening to hurt themselves or others. It’s not like scared straight kek, they’d lose their jobs.
>>1804124I don’t really do much because I wasn’t sentenced to hard labor, so I mostly just clean and sit in the yard with the girlies kek it’s like summer camp sometimes as long as no one’s in a bad mood.
No. 1804190
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I've been away for a while and i didn't want to mention it but i notice other nonas thinking the same but is it true that we got some new influx of anons lately?
Some really sound underage and it kinda worries me
No. 1804228
nonny it's that you??? The one that said was going to jail in the graduation thread, I hope you're okay
No. 1804236
>>1804072Wow, what a bullshit sentence.
You'll have to post when you get out in April nonners, I'm rooting for you!
No. 1804327
>>1804225>>1804228Kek I had no idea there was another inmate! I looked back at the graduation thread it looks like she was booked a few months before me.
>>1804241I’ve already got a few ladies in mind lol I’m sure you guys will love her
>>1804236Thank you so much
nonnie, I’m excited to go back home and walk on my own street
>>1804242Sorry I took so long to answer, in my mind I consider the activities boring but we do have activities such as group talks, religious services, AA/NA, art classes, you can request therapy, every so often there’s art classes that you can go to, and they also have programs that allow you to get your diploma or GED. However you aren’t required to go to any of these, accept for meetings with your assigned correctional officer who keeps track of your behavior.
No. 1804345
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>>1804241>>1804327omg yes have tons of lolcow bookmarks and add it to the home screen if you can that would be amazing
No. 1804371
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>>1803702I know Georgia isnt exactly leftist but I think of this
No. 1804380
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You can't stop the Homestuck
Though it's weird and random it's the greatest fandom
No. 1804387
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I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need these salt and pepper shakers I don't need-
No. 1804390
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night night nonnananas.
>>1804387you kinda do tho
>>1804388kids are retarded and gross
No. 1804487
>>1804480just become a dj and remix the songs to make them suit your mood, very simple
Though i can get why someone would prefer lower pitch Britney tho
No. 1804496
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my mom works at a college with a 3d printer and is willing to print anything smallish, like smale-scale projects and models ig, nonnies what should i print? should i try getting this bunny doll printed?
No. 1804540
>>1804383…who the fuck is doing that
>>1804386i always laugh when we're considered
femcel central or one of the worst female-oriented places on the internet. good, either don't bring it up or make us look so evil no one will want to come here even out of morbid curiosity
No. 1804550
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>>1804383lolcow pics as in ss of the site or just photos posted here getting reposted to pinterest? bc when i look up LC, i'm seeing more of the latter. there's also this horrifying picrel that links back to the site
No. 1804555
>>1804546My favorite meal……
Also I got a milkshake from Steak ‘n Shake. The Nutella one. My stomach hurts a bit. It’s okay tho. It’s so fucking good
No. 1804637
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>>1804626ANON i've been feeling your same way but with kids, i've ranted about it with friends and i didn't know how to call the whole feeling and just now i learn this term… anyway i hope you get to have your animal friend when it will be possible, hang in there!!!
No. 1804651
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>>1804636But who would even pay for that? She better learn how to draw or make stuff she can sell if it's money she wants
No. 1804657
>>1804651>>1804647Apparently a heavy hand of her followers would. She took a whole poll and its balancing toward yes
>>1804646I’m biased in her favor so although I’ve never seen her nude I bet she is still beautiful
No. 1804667
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How long till i will have a very realistic and fertile android husbando that i can have kids with at any time i want to but most importantly will always stay young, strong and beautiful, will take care of me when i will be too old and once i pass away he will try to find a way to bring me back to life so we can spend the rest of eternity together
No. 1804678
>>1804577When I was 9 my parents bought me a used cellphone because they were paranoid that I would get kidnapped after school. Somehow I figured out how to use the internet on it and the first website that opened was Google images. when I clicked the search bar the only thing in the history was “naked woman” and obviously I had to click on it and see what naked women really do look since I’m a girl. Turned into me spending hours alone in my room googling webkinz cheats and playboy models then finding male nudity and porn. One day my parents confronted me about my internet usage but said nothing about all the porn stuff, just awkwardly told me they knew I was looking up club penguin surfing game cheat and whatever and that I should be careful posting about myself online. I’m fucked in the head now but there’s a lot of other reasons for that
I’m so scared for kids who get addicted to porn now that front page pornhub is all incest, blatant rape and abuse, and extreme kink. Porn has always been bad but I feel like it used to be not as extreme at its base level as it is now
No. 1804697
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Don't buy these things. I ate one like 3 hours ago thinking it would be fine and dandy, I literally cannot even stomach water right now. You know when you eat something and it's just too fucking much and tol rich so npw you can't eat anything else? Thats how I feel right now. The little strawberry jam bunnies are cute though.
No. 1804700
>>1803426No, you put the dog poop in a paper bag, set it on fire, ring their doorbell and run away.
Might need to wear a ski mask nowadays though, everyone has those gay cameras now
No. 1804702
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>>1804697Samefag but why the fuck does it say "frozen dairy dessert"???? Does that mean it can't legally be called ice cream? And the back of the box says "whipped cream FLAVORED swirls". Wtf did I just ingest?
No. 1804705
>>1804697Are you the
nonnie from the food cravings thread?
No. 1804708
>>1804642I'm 34, never wanted kids, still don't, no trace of any desire to change this as of yet.
In fact, the older I get the more smug I feel about not having to deal with all that fuckin bullshit lmao
No. 1804737
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It's weird lillies across the globe are used for funerals or have something to do with death. Red spider lillies, white lillies, resurrection lillies… Is it just a coincidence?
No. 1804742
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>>1804740and the bring back invader zim petition
No. 1804760
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>mfw my friends are coming over in 7 hours and i havent cleaned
No. 1804774
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>>1804702>>1804768do americans not have artisan/good quality ice cream available?
No. 1804783
>>1804774it depends on the area you live in. where i'm from there's plenty of variety and high quality food (and stores that carry real, quality food) but it's also just as easy to find trash tier low quality frankenfood. and high quality tends to be pricier so your income will influence that too
>>1804779why? it doesn't even taste good.
No. 1804843
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honey, you haven't seasoned your eggs
No. 1804853
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Fuck irl grandpaganda being pushed in media with ugly moid actors but also fuck me for liking video game grandpas, I played myself and they won
No. 1804868
>>1804846Sometimes I miss the days when the French government called Hokuto no Ken
problematic chink cartoons because it had blood and martial arts and they assumed it was an anime for 6yo kids just because it's not live-action. Times have changed.
No. 1804930
>>1803385he probably sees them as a cool weird art thing tbh. I doubt he sees them as the same as females. he's japanese so he's been exposed to crossdresser vs hsts culturally at least. I'd be sad if he plays a real female role. thought tbh if he does at least that means he'll probably have a small part kek. Or it'll be super pornified and hunter will somehow turn it into a "woman" thing
>>1803387probably a stupid pretencious art thing. Let's see if he can top PT in terms of scares and shoved-down-throat imagery
I'm trash and will probably love it minus the troonery>>1803872I'm proud of you nonna
>>1804190a while ago I saw tik tok mentioned it and I've seen people be less scared about saying they've stolen content from the threads when talking about cows. I also see people call this the female 4chan because they don't know IBs exist
No. 1805000
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>>1804705I mustn't say.
>>1804774>>1804786Yes, but that doesn't mean we always want it. There's literally a froyo place right by where I grocery shop but I knew I wasn't going to want to eat ice cream the day I bought it. Also there's different flavors that I can't get in ice cream shops, like picrel. Btw ice cream sandwiches are super easy to make, just put some ice cream in between two cookies. There's no difference between store bought and homemade with those.
No. 1805005
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No. 1805006
>>1804850i keep getting reels of women claiming to feel like ugly girls dressing up as pretty girls and other posts about being ugly and feeling fat and seeing "liked by
instagram account of one of the prettiest girls in my class" and it's absolutely crazy, there's exactly 5 males in my class meaning that it would take them miniscule effort to look decent even in comparison and yet everyday they show up to class looking like hairy toes.
No. 1805007
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>>1804774yes of fucking course we do. why would the existence of otherwise labeled cheap frozen desserts you can shove in the back of your freezer for months to pry one out for the occasional rainy day treat lead you to believe that's all we have available?
>>1804776we also have prepackaged gelato.
No. 1805022
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Does anyone else ever see anons going on about normal to very attractive women being hideous and think that they would literally die of distaste if they saw you? I don't mean this in a self hating way, I think these anons deserve such a lame death.
No. 1805087
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>>1805008Okay I’ll try that one, ty ♥
No. 1805234
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>>1805211Yeah you can, all you gotta do is save your pics/videos to the built-in files app, you can change the filenames and they'll have those filenames when uploading them to any website, this is an example, I'm uploading this from an iphone by clicking "select file"
No. 1805289
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I just realized me and my scrote look a lot like Kathy and her "keeper" (down to me being a shorty with a big witch nose) And I don't know how to feel about this besides picrel
No. 1805496
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No. 1805556
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>>1805320So something like these? Idk about you all, but I would 100% a menstrual brand if it's name came in that first font, It's so pretty. Anyway staidri would have minimalist yet colorful packaging like all the cool new trendy brands are doing. And be viciously overpriced and overhyped, also like all the cool new trendy brands.
No. 1805599
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>>1805598Print this out and look to it for guidance when you feel your willpower fading. May Elsie guide you on the righteous path.
No. 1805633
>>1805569hot take but I think most of the time when people talk about being to identify a poster by their typing style, whether as an individual or just m/f, they are deluding themselves. People only correctly guess the difference between human and AI 68% of the time; I don't think they're going to be much better at telling humans apart.
Looking at other sites that are female-focused in content, like Pinterest, it's 60:40.
No. 1805738
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>>1805022I remember a user claiming "we're all barbies here"
Hell no I'm a dusty and if anyone saw what I look like here I'd probably be accused of being an mtf. Not every woman can be pretty.
No. 1805744
>>1805739Everything will be okay
nonnie the universe will suck it out and transfer it to a deserving moid
No. 1805749
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>>1805726Compare Tokyo Disneysea to Disney World in Orlando, Florida. The size difference is baffling in the people.
No. 1805757
>>1805022it's annoying as fuck when anons nitpick some normal or above average woman because of some retarded shit like her face being asymmetrical or not being bmi 18. I would love to see what these anons look like in real life, they always sound like they're projecting tbh.
>>1805460I can tolerate a lot of retarded tiktok slang but delulu makes me want to hit someone every time I see it
No. 1805769
>>1805756 it's called "consuming too many calories", even if they swear they don't
>>1805754 is right
>>1805757 yeah there are many cows i don't personally find pretty but would say they're average looking. yet threads are chock full of farmers posting about how horrendously beastly every cow looks. while many cows have horrible styling choices it's not like many of them have truly ugly features (some definitely do though)
No. 1805844
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was gonna play some vidya today and watch a movie but suddenly i just feel like taking a nap. wtf
No. 1805856
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>>1805845pregnancy fetishists are not so rare between old pornrotted moids, it's always about the woman being pregnant and not really about having kids though, bonus points if the woman is white.
No. 1806015
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Who wants to write crappy screenplays?
No. 1806024
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Me and the homies
No. 1806097
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Brisbane, Australia
No. 1806100
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>>1806099ok weirdo have fun
No. 1806110
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This girl that I went to school with a long time ago, like over a decade and a half ago, is either pretending to be nonverbal autistic or deaf when she goes into public places. We were in line and she was in front of me, it was really odd and she used hand gestures and put her phone screen up to their face with writing on it. I saw her do this like six months ago and felt really bad because i thought maybe she had a bad accident or health complication, but when I asked an old friend about it she said she was fine and we looked at her Facebook because I didn't believe it and she had a (confirmed new) video of her talking to and interacting with someone, hearing their voice with no aids in, speaking clearly. I'm really confused. Also she got into her car (it was a super small parking lot) and drove away with no disability plate, im perplexed at why she does this. This time I got confirmation that it was def her so it wasn't mistaken ID. I'm not going to make anything out of it, I just wonder why she does it. I even tried to justify it to myself that maybe last time she lost her voice from covid or something but the same thing six months later? Idk what is going on. What makes someone do that. Like I mean straight up grunting like a deaf person and everything, even though her social media feeds have videos of her speaking with ease and listening to other people's verbal responses to her. This will forever be a mystery to me im not even going to bother trying to understand anymore.
No. 1806319
>>1806260I'm just sick about so many women after a certain ages solely talking about their bf/husband and wanting/having kids, so I'm really sensitive when I encounter the exact same talk online too. And like the other anon said, moids still have their own seperate lifes, even if they do have family, plus the average moid doesn't get married and start a family as early as the average woman.
Inbefore "you can still have your own interests etc if you're a mom" but sorry, I just never see it. I think most of them don't even notice anymore, just how insanely much everything they do and say is solely about their partner/child.
No. 1806336
File: 1702216955017.gif (837.38 KB, 320x240, woo.gif)

My hair is finally growing a bit longer after I had a pixie cut. It is also no longer at the awkward Lord Farquaad stage.
No. 1806342
>>1806329Thank you for your sensible answer,
nonnie. I feel like a lot of people on lolcow dont get women grow up, have spouses and families. They always take priority. It's how it works. I have single friends and see them as much as I can, but I also understand my married with kids friends have far less time. Even my own sister, i don't see as much since she gave birth last year. It's easier when kids are older, but starting off, they need education and nourishment. I really enjoy being married in my 30s and preparing for my life ahead. I also love lolcow. It's been my rock and space space for 10 years at this point. I hope this site will continue on for a long time, because it's so important for women to have their own space online.
No. 1806365
>>1806355I've noticed a ton of replies here lately sound very moidy and shame women. Hell, there was a whole anon calling women who have baby showers selfish and pandhandling/beggers. It makes me wonder if we got invaded by moids or if these women are the worst kind of pick mes and truly hate mothers/pregnant women. It's really sad to see.
There are tons of places on reddit for them to bitch about how much they hate women and get picked. I wish they wouldn't bring that shit moid mentality here on lolcow.
>>1806356Exactly. How many times are women the ones picking up their kids from school, preparing dinners, helping them with homework while the moid in the bg simple plays video games? there are too many men who want play time with their kids and never does any real work. The anon who thinks women spaces are exhausting because all her 'female friends' (doubt she has any) are all talking about their kids and families is sad. I mean, there's a ton of women who dont JUST talk about their kids. Women do not lose their identity when becoming a mother. It sounds like they just want male friends to be the cool girl who doesnt have any kids and is totally available for men and their boring ass interests. I hope both you anons have an amazing rest of your day, btw.
No. 1806367
>>1806342>I feel like a lot of people on lolcow dont get women grow up, have spouses and families. They always take priority. It's how it works.Girl, we do. In my very first post I even wrote that I know that it's on me not growing up. It just hurts to be always solely surrounded by people who are completely different than you both irl and online too.
Supposedly the birth rates are so low and so many people are single and living alone, yet it's really difficult to find women who are like that. When I was younger I had the impression that older farmers are like that but now as an old farmer myself I see so many posts about husbands and babies too. I just don't know where to go in order to find likeminded women. It's annoying to always listen to that talk with irl friends and coworkers, so I wish I could get a break from it.
No. 1806368
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>sincere discussion about motherhood, family , and growing up
This is why the dumbass thread should not be for general chatting and wasn't intended for that.
No. 1806373
File: 1702219836402.png (114.93 KB, 398x338, Screenshot_20231210-010852.png)

Sir you are literally bald, I'm not gonna listen to you talk about hair for 14 minutes.
No. 1806383
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>>1806369you have fun. it's fine, it's sunday. kinda wish we had the weekend threads back
No. 1806401
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I feel like people kind of shit on the 'y2k' trend but tbh I'm so happy things like picrel are available now, it's just so cute.
>>1806373Kek nonna I've had this video recommended to me too, men in beauty industries are always weird as hell anyway.
No. 1806408
File: 1702220927839.png (1.11 MB, 1471x1199, 1644872401051.png)

>>1806236I'm glad that nonnas at least still get bullied for happily raving about how they show lolcow posts to their husbands. Hasn't happened that often yet, but still. Lolcow's whole demographic is really weird right now. From moids hiding behind certain lingo to hate on pregnant women and mothers, to unapologetically underage TikTok kids, to pickmes telling us how living the tradwife life is actually great and empowering. I blame moderation of the past 3 years and them taking malicious /meta/ infiltrators serious.
No. 1806412
File: 1702221046912.jpg (108.6 KB, 1200x1204, atdeaniechen-gb23-pink-panther…)

>>1806407they are being influenced by tiktok and celebrities. pinkpanthress likes to dress in ugly y2k clothes for example and many zoomers follow her
No. 1806424
>>1806412that outfit is wretched.
>>1806423yes that was my point. i think some teens see pics of famous people like gwen stefani and believe the typical young adult was dressed like that at the time
No. 1806426
>>1806407>>1806419I get what you mean, I don't think it's based on the actual fashion but more on stuff like music videos.
No. 1806431
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The level of hatred I feel for this kid is irrational. Notice how he starts crying louder when he realises he’s being ignored? No. 1806432
>>1806367>so many people are single and living alone, yet it's really difficult to find women who are like that.>I just don't know where to go in order to find likeminded women. I'm in the same boat as you,
nonny, and it hasn't really gotten any better for me so I don't know what to suggest.
>>1806408I feel like I'm in this weird place but not in the same way. I knew about this site for a long time but only started browsing and posting since around summer of this year, I know I'm a newfag and don't pretend not to be, but I've always been around imageboards online so I know the importance of board culture. I've made an effort to integrate here, unlike a lot of other new posters it seems like.
No. 1806474
>>1806450>>1806456Recently I saw some viral clip of Bretman Rock saying white people destroyed the beauty community. Glad so many called him out and said it was him and his fellow moids/fags kek
The og influencers were all girls and only doing it for fun but then all those ugly fags came in and suddenly everything became a huge business. Same for skin care, back then bubzbeauty or Michelle Phan showed you fun diy face masks that every broke teen girl could try too and now we have uglyass Hyram and co.
No. 1806481
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I’m imagining this /meta/ comment is not a redditor newfag or a disgruntled oldfag but is actually a devious farmer psyoping the trash who would use Reddit off our site
No. 1806498
File: 1702226653877.gif (158.22 KB, 183x200, IMG_6612.gif)

I will not infight in the trashy thread I will not infight in the trashy thread I will not infight in the trashy thread I will not
No. 1806501
>>1806461I blame the women who fall for this. Women who think gay hair dressers and makeup artists are somehow better than women who have been pressured by society to do this. Who have been practically most of their lives to get better at the art. I will never give men my money. I specifically look for women only brands for makeup and only go to women only doctors too.
The whole 'omg he's so brave' mindset also ruined cosplay. It used to be very majority women, but as soon as men get involved, it doesnt matter how shit they look, THEY'RE THE BEST. Look at Terry/manaknight's thread and it's proof. Women are their own worst enemy.
No. 1806507
File: 1702226972914.jpg (76.48 KB, 560x316, mwah.jpg)

>>1806498Let them know they're wrong,
nonnie, they
must be made aware
No. 1806518
File: 1702227353425.jpg (46.99 KB, 680x636, 1700885274237488.jpg)

All k dramas do is show us that domestic violence and just beating the shit out of women is normal there… can you name a single k drama where a woman isn't getting the shit beat out of her casually
No. 1806520
>>1806474I loved those videos. Blogs were such a thing as well, I miss it. It started to become iffy when affordable products were 'out', then the uwu 'sassy' moids came and ruined it for everyone.
>>1806501I hate that this is true, when a woman puts on makeup she's superficial or an airhead but when catty men do it it's *~stunning and brave~*. Online anyway. Nikkietutorials is skilled in OTT makeup imo but he only got recognition after being outed as a troon, I remember watching her videos in 2017 and Nikkie got at best a tenth of the views that Jeffree got.
No. 1806528
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>>1806518I can name you a kdrama whith degenerate man death if that makes you feel better.
No. 1806531
File: 1702227886794.gif (4.19 MB, 498x245, sushichaeng-nanno.gif)

>>1806518Extraordinary Attorney Woo
A Korean Odyssey
I don't watch a lot of kdrama, the other two I like (Hello My 20s, Mask Girl) do have women getting beat up, although he goes to jail in Hello My 20s it's still fucked and goes on for too long.
Have you seen the Thai show Girl from Nowhere? It's so bizarre I like it a lot
No. 1806554
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>>1806544NTA I only learned about him when he was invited as a host for Eurovision and me and my family were like "WTF is that" because he was twice the size of any woman (or even human male for that matter lmao)
No. 1806599
File: 1702231977746.jpg (65.98 KB, 564x564, 50 Photos Of Animals Just Livi…)

I'm developing an addiction to playing a puzzle game. It's become a procrastination tool at this point, I keep starting a game thinking "just one quick one to warm up my brain for the day" and then I finish and I'm like "well just one more" and then suddenly I've played 5-10 games and it's been like 2+ hours.
No. 1806606
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some shit is about to go down im callin it right now
No. 1806645
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>>1806621please shut up about this shit already. Let that anon go die on her way to reddit because apparently she cant relate to women anymore. This subject keeps shitting up threads and it's irritating
No. 1806655
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Orange soda is just such a childish ass drink.
No. 1806657
>>1806652I hear you,
nonnie. I think we need to normalize living apart, but still being together as a couple for a while. I want a cozy, one bedroom to myself. Most people move in as soon as they get together and it kinda ruins the mood for having your house how you want.
No. 1806680
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>>1806663>not the greatestYou're not a real human I can't believe this what are you talking about, what do you think the greatest flavor is then?
No. 1806684
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Landing strips used to be my favorite pube style, but for some reason recently I just think they look a bit strange.
No. 1806700
>>1806694Kek calm down, are you a landing strip or something?
>>1806693Yeah I think some of those are made up.
>>1806699For me I've always personally done either bald or bush cause I don't have time to style my pubes, but landing strips were very appealing to me and I thought they are very attractive on other women. Idk why I'm suddenly liking them less. Perhaps I'm just over thinking it.
No. 1806703
File: 1702237534370.jpg (102.85 KB, 1073x1148, ezgif-4-16175e40c0.jpg)

I'm such a retard I got the Onyx Poke 5 which is 6 inches and I knew it would be small but not this small? We don't use inches in my country so I had no idea… I mean it looks like a toy. Why didn't I look at pictures of it before getting it? This could all been averted. Oh well it's cute I guess…
No. 1806704
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>>1806698I am inconsolable. You don't like fudgesicles either? What about vanilla soft serve with a crunchy chocolate coating?
No. 1806705
File: 1702237655902.jpg (192.97 KB, 800x1067, Mister Softee - Elmont - 7-22-…)

>>1806698Wait samefag so we can agree these are good right, we can still be friends?
No. 1806708
>>1806700>are you a landing stripNo waxing is just retarded I’m with this
>>1806691 anon
No. 1806709
>>1806704No fudgesicles, and for the soft serve it has to be on a cone. I barely even like ice cream sandwiches anon, I'm sorry.
>>1806705Yes, I would take great delight in eating that. Especially if it had some peanuts or sprinkles on top. Cones make everything better.
No. 1806731
File: 1702238232248.jpg (100.35 KB, 1000x1000, 00.jpg)

>>1806709Ice cream sandwiches are too decadent for me as well even though the concept sounds great, the intestinal aftermath is rough. I'll try the kind with sprinkles when the ice cream truck comes around next and think of you!
No. 1806769
>>1806684team full bush
>>1806702agreed it's super cute although i'd like it more if it was bigger… i wonder how someone even manages to do that though shaving is already straining enough for me and i can't imagine the precision it takes i'd probably get so mad i'd shave it all off kek
No. 1806788
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A book market I recently went to published a photo of me on their facebook page and I realized I look like a non-fat Sarah Millican. Damn, I'm happy I don't ever see myself from profile
No. 1806831
File: 1702244290141.jpg (65.82 KB, 480x640, aa3fc0e00d773b6f946fa7668d4a3f…)

>>1806738not even this one?
No. 1806848
>>1806847Samefag, the "indescribable feleing" is fucking embarrassment. I guess I couldn't think of the word.
I also have to say that I'm not very well spoken so the embarrassment would be worse when it's a misunderstanding likely caused by my lack of eloquence, but I just care so much less. I know what I meant even if other people don't, that's all that matters.
No. 1806849
>>1806847I have this problem but in a weird way where when awkward/overly friendly interactions from strangers make me frightened I just tell them whatever they want to hear and give them whatever they ask for. Some random guy asked for a hit off my joint in an attempt to be flirty and I got so scared I was like
>u-uh you can have the whole thing haha! Here have my lighter too! I have no idea what I’m afraid they’ll do either kek. Chew me out? Insult me? Stab me even?
No. 1806857
>>1806699same here, when im reminded that anyone actually shapes their pubes i feel so confused. regular trimming makes sense, but shapes??
>>1806684speaking of this the term "landing strip" gives me flashbacks to earlier this year. my bfs mom is a dog groomer and i took one of my parents' dogs over to her, she had surgery recently and had a little "landing strip" on her back. i called it that and mimicked a plane landing on it with my hand, without realizing until days later that it's also a pube styling choice and i really was only thinking about planes when i made that joke and hoping i didnt come off as making some pervy pube joke.
No. 1806884
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I took that quiz that tells you who you’re most similar to from tons of different shows and movies a while ago and all my top results were grumpy old men and neurotic loser moids. There really are not enough neurotic weirdo women out there in media. Oh I found it I’ve taken it twice and my top overall match both times was Stewart from Big Bang Theory im kms No. 1806890
File: 1702248077562.jpg (655.39 KB, 1080x2340, 845786.jpg)

>>1806884i got 76% match to violet from the incredibles lmao
No. 1806895
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>>1806886I got shinji too kek
No. 1806906
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Can some nonnie yell at me to go trim my hair? I'm being lazy as fuck and need motivation.
No. 1806934
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>>1806884I don't know who most of these are but I guess this is about right because I put the nerd slider as 100%
No. 1806987
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Why is this a font
No. 1807069
File: 1702259787281.jpeg (64.84 KB, 596x900, IMG_6619.jpeg)

I need images for a Dark Stacy moodboard does anyone have some?
No. 1807075
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>>1807069shes a dark stacy to me
No. 1807076
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>>1807069ill stop spamming with my ideas unless u ask 4 more
No. 1807085
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Damn, the manta rays too?
No. 1807098
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>>1806431So that's the
mom who smacked the boy away like he was a twatty little gnat? Kek, she looks done with being a mom, but if I gave birth to a moidlet that looks too old to be acting like he's three, I'd kind of hate my life too.
No. 1807140
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what's your aesthetic?
personally i'm a sadgirl with an affinity for gloomcore and inkyglow visuals but deep down i really just want to be normcore No. 1807146
>>1807140i don't think about these things, i just like what i like
i miss the emo kids saying labels are for soup cans, they were right this whole time
No. 1807160
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>>1807140This is so vapid and superficial I can't even laugh. The list of mandated "aesthetic activities" is pretty funny though, are you a real fan if you don't draw your band's favorite logo at least 30 times daily?
No. 1807166
>>1807158i would respect zoomers more if theY ACTUALLY PLAYED/LISTENED TO/WATCHED the content they claim to enjoy. they are so phony. that's goddamn heather from SH3
also apparently i dress like a female horror game protagonist, cool
No. 1807175
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>>1807171I'm so confused, how do they manage to be like this while they write all those rambles on each and every term they come up with
No. 1807180
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>>1807168i'm in a derealization maze on this wiki!
>>1807177how dare they say nihilcore/nihilism is redundant to sadpeople when they are clearly entirely different!
No. 1807188
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>>1807175I love bleachcore
No. 1807191
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Nonettes in a nutshell.
No. 1807197
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i thought this was about being attracted to hololive vtubers but it's just about liking holographic stuff
No. 1807201
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I thought Japanese women were being secretly based for a moment.
No. 1807260
File: 1702275762026.png (113.28 KB, 790x871, personality test.png)

>>1806884what does this say about me nonnas? I'm happy about tonks
No. 1807261
>>1804383Just comment “so you visit that racist
terf femc site?” the user will delete out of fear of getting fallout posted
No. 1807263
>>1807236I can’t comprehend how this has become essentially commonplace in modern society, no matter where you live. Even in third world countries, there’s ‘ladyboys’ available for sexual purchase. Women have their lives ruined for speaking out against
this level of mental illness, and people will rally behind the male.
No. 1807269
File: 1702277169457.gif (6.99 MB, 1218x500, the power I wield.gif)

>>1807265off I go to fulfill my potential in cuisine!
No. 1807299
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>>1806884I had this and the ones i know are basically just gay sidekicks, never thought i would relate to Smithers but it makes a lot of sense honestly
No. 1807336
>>1806884>>1806886+1 for always getting incel male characters and shinji every time
the only female character I've consistently gotten is shakespeare's ophelia, kek
No. 1807339
File: 1702290989532.jpeg (558.72 KB, 1125x1981, IMG_7717.jpeg)

Idk. Can’t say I see myself in these characters. Maeve and Naomi are nice tho.
No. 1807344
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>>1806884kek i only recognise a few of these characters. no idea what it says about me
No. 1807345
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>>1806884site crashed twice while I was doing it ngl pretty annoying
No. 1807354
File: 1702292751942.jpg (789.01 KB, 1080x2126, 1000012554.jpg)

I dont even watch Breaking Bad.
No. 1807358
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is there any british nona that can tell me if your policemen look like this
No. 1807363
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so why was the hayes code bad again
No. 1807393
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is there something worse than being retard AND self aware of being retarded?
No. 1807411
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>>1807140Really surprised this was allowed.
No. 1807414
File: 1702299594979.jpg (70.75 KB, 1225x855, a4bd973d38f62831cdd49c0e0c9bf8…)

First piano lesson in like an hour I don't wanna go nooo! Why did I even sign up in the first place I mean there are children that play better than I ever could. It's supposed to be for fun but this anxiety overrides any possibility of having fun… and my teacher is male too (I wasn't able to choose). I just hope he's nice and patient… also I feel retarded starting out in my 20s ffffuck someone kill me
No. 1807417
>>1807414Have fun
nonny I’m proud of you for actually signing up!!
No. 1807422
>>1807414>there are children that play better than I ever could.Yeah so? The whole point of lessons is to learn something from scratch anon, you don't go there to prove you're a fantastic player.
It's kinda immature to have this "I'm too old to learn xyz" mentality in your 20s anon, it's a teenager's mindset, try to leave that behind from now on. Enjoy your first lesson!
No. 1807461
File: 1702302348699.jpg (75.62 KB, 800x639, lady-frankenstein.jpg)

>>1807069Yes, moid, I'll love you, if you agree to go through a very dangerous surgery to exchange bodies with a much better looking guy, you ugly old man, the other is literally retarded, so…
No. 1807471
File: 1702302938908.jpg (354.17 KB, 828x731, 1678704209110531.jpg)

>game has a co-op event
>want to make friends so we can both get the event rewards
>everyone on the western fandom is a schizophrenic gendie
No. 1807489
File: 1702304015891.jpg (17.37 KB, 403x382, 41CCtUIouuL._AC_.jpg)

I feel like a retard but I need an opinion: I am on this discord server and everything is usually pretty chill. I lurk mostly, but I'll post from time to time. This random user there DMed me a while back and it was okay, but he would DM all the time, it was fucking annoying.
We got into a disagreement and I'm 100 percent sure he'll an extreme left wokie type. He keeps DMing me, but now I ignore him. He sees me posting on the main discord. Should I just tell him in the DM to fuck off and that i dont feel comfortable talking to him anymore or just block? It's been a week since I've spoken to him and he keeps DMing me bullshit like "hi" "are we good?" etc. fucking hell
No. 1807496
>>1807489If you want to go out of your way to be nice, message him, "Hey man, I'm just not looking for an online friendship this intense. Best of luck." then block.
If you don't care, just block.
No. 1807503
nonnie. I'm so annoyed because I know he sees my messages on the main board. I'm gonna DM him now. I thought he'd get the hint to stop talking to me through DM, but apparently a week of ignoring isnt enough.
No. 1807553
File: 1702308354621.png (1.4 MB, 1440x3088, Untitled35_20230511024332.png)

>>1807069Late to the party but she's a literal dark stacy to me
No. 1807566
File: 1702308799613.jpg (39.59 KB, 467x404, undefined - Imgur.jpg)

>be me, 18-year old enlisting in the army
>get sorted with eight other girls to be roommates
>sit down with three of them for dinner
>one girl has a boyfriend; one is a lesbian another is a self proclaimed bisexual that sleeps around with men on tinder
>remember picrel and want to test it out for funsies
>explain it to them and we all compare hands
>mfw I'm the only one with a shorter ring finger
>mfw I realize I'm surrounded by autists
true story
No. 1807584
>mfw I'm the only one with a shorter ring finger>mfw I realize I'm surrounded by autistsanon, it says those with ring and index finger the same size are
less likely to have autism…you’re the sped
No. 1807585
>>1807566>You: goes to the autist recruiting machine>Also you: there better not be any autists in hereSensible chuckle. Best of luck
No. 1807590
File: 1702309954231.jpg (58.79 KB, 460x615, chrisma.jpg)

Whenever I'm forced in some way to hang out with my mom's friend they always think I just get out my phone and start scrolling because I can't speak their language. In reality, I can understand their language perfectly well, I'm just very unfriendly
No. 1807592
>>1807582well it is pseudo science, supposedly all it means is that you have higher testosterone
>>1807584the normal for woman is shorter ring finger this one says equal I guess because it also includes men
>>1807585serving in the army is mandatory for woman in my country
nonny don't worry tho I got out of there fast, at least I got some funny stories out of it
No. 1807596
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>>1807361Guy in the middle
No. 1807606
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>>1807566I can't ever figure out which one is longer, like the slightest movement of my hand makes them change so much and idk what a neutral position should be.
>>1805453Nonnie get Mr. Stripey tomaters and thank me later. They're soooo good sliced up on a mater sandwich.
No. 1807613
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>>1807609that's suppoused to be the top one
I guess equel and longer index finger are the same? idk
No. 1807619
>>1807613Wow and did you also know if your hand is bigger than your face you’re gay?
SMACK this shit is so dumb
No. 1807621
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>>1807619Cranky because your fingers told you the truth of yourself, aren't you?
No. 1807659
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I feel so fucking bad for cavewomen, imagine having to use rough ass stone in your vagina.
Speaking of, I think sex toys are one of the least wasteful ways we use plastic. We definitely are not seeing landfills filled with rabbits, or butt plugs getting wrapped around turtle's necks.
No. 1807694
>>1807683>>1807650read the thread again
it means you had a normal or lower amount of testosterone in the womb
No. 1807701
File: 1702317040008.png (632.06 KB, 2754x1272, finally.png)

I was trying to do research on Spongebob and found that Reddit is finally dead, this is probably a good thing
No. 1807753
File: 1702319858705.png (765.8 KB, 1051x561, h-hey.png)

um, let me introduce myself. i'm the big eared bear! no big surprise there i'm sure, but i'm so sorry i'm late. have i missed much of the story?
No. 1807772
File: 1702320564200.png (121.82 KB, 504x827, characters.PNG)

>>1806884am I cool nonnies? I don't know most of these but I liked Christina Yang for the 2 seasons of Grey Anatomy I watched so I guess that's nice.
No. 1807796
File: 1702322335760.png (245.21 KB, 747x1249, damn roasted.PNG)

>>1806884oh I found my results. this is awful right?
No. 1807806
>>1807800i contain multitudes n shit
>>1807803110% accurate, ouch….
No. 1807807
File: 1702322779111.png (89.58 KB, 492x906, dumb.png)

>>1806884i dont know who most of these characters are. someone psychoanalyze me or something
No. 1807813
>>1807811>probably on drugshell no
>sad and angrytrue, mostly angry though
No. 1807836
File: 1702323887684.jpeg (243.47 KB, 1170x432, IMG_2420.jpeg)

>>1806884Can someone tell me what mine means
No. 1807839
>>1807835That’s not true
nonny! Vlad the Impaler sucked his blood and made him a familiar. That’s why he lost the war. Read a book.
No. 1807892
File: 1702327838328.jpeg (509.37 KB, 1170x762, IMG_4061.jpeg)

>>1807888These are my other matches. God I am so stupidly sensitive I feel bad now.
No. 1807895
File: 1702327902643.jpg (83.18 KB, 720x670, Screenshot_20231211-154608_Ope…)

>>1806884I don't know who this is but I'll take it this is not good, kek.
No. 1807905
File: 1702328579491.jpeg (206.33 KB, 1200x1185, IMG_4062.jpeg)

>>1807896Kek I have tried to leave multiple times because sometimes depending on my mood if I am caught up in infighting it plays on my mind
No. 1807908
File: 1702328835209.png (304.14 KB, 890x1138, Screen Shot 2023-12-11 at 1.07…)

>>1806884I get Audrey from Twin Peaks as my #1 every time, I still haven't seen it. What do these characters say about me? kek
No. 1807915
>>1807911I'm 24 and i haven't seen it yet either
>>1807908So far i think you're hot ig……
No. 1807916
File: 1702329430414.jpg (73.08 KB, 960x640, poohsticks.jpg)

when I was young I used to love going on forest walks with my grandparents as we would always play Pooh sticks. (for nonbongs, it is when you stand on a bridge over a river and each of you drop a stick on the upstream side of a bridge and the one whose stick first floats out on the downstream side wins)
No. 1807932
File: 1702330467465.jpg (224.75 KB, 1500x1500, 1000012556.jpg)

Oink! Oink! Zoo Pals! Buzz! Buzz! Zoo Pals! Quack! Quack! Zoo Pals! Zoo Pals making fun!
No. 1807933
File: 1702330589713.png (243.99 KB, 476x540, a38274ccj338.png)

>>1806884I'm hot and I cause problems for people
No. 1807943
File: 1702330956658.jpeg (85.72 KB, 810x882, IMG_6637.jpeg)

>>1807935You shut your mouth about Yennefer!!!
No. 1808008
File: 1702334411767.jpg (113.87 KB, 883x694, eun1.jpg)

Ugly rich man VS handsome poor man.
You must choose.
No. 1808019
File: 1702335114486.jpg (160.6 KB, 648x696, Large.jpg)

>>1808008Handsome poor man, i will not share my genes with Globglogabgalab and i live in an age where i can be thankful enough if a moid is born with good looks and doesn't stink and is not a faggot
No. 1808022
>>1808008Handsome poor, hands down. I dated a manlet with money once who wasn't
ugly, just very average looking I just wasn't that physically attracted to him. I thought that I could overlook it because the gifts and trips would be worth it. Turns out life is way less fun when you're with a dude that you're not 100% into. I dated a hot but poor "artist type" after that and we had so much fucking fun because I just wanted him to jump my bones constantly and we looked great in photos together. 9/10, would date a sexy poor guy who is good in bed again rather than let a beached whale like Elon roll around on me to secure the bag
No. 1808061
File: 1702337442871.jpg (1.41 MB, 1125x2196, sfhedxvf.jpg)

>>1806884Late but I had to. These are all the annoying characters aren’t they?
>>1807761Furries but special
No. 1808066
File: 1702337764141.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1170x2306, IMG_8629.jpeg)

>>1806884I got Anastasia too what the fuck. Also why are we all getting Buster Bluth kek
No. 1808073
File: 1702338110926.jpeg (24.76 KB, 226x350, b21b9d09bfb15154fce2b8d5d25b8b…)

i didn't get shinji No. 1808084
File: 1702338582688.jpeg (1.53 MB, 1170x2411, IMG_8702.jpeg)

>>1806884I don’t know why I got two girlies from Little Women. Amor fati tho
No. 1808093
>>1807566>>1807613i'm straight but always get the gay fingers, what does it mean?
>>1807849it does, check the ai threads. you just have to use terms like 'embracing' or 'hugging' or something
No. 1808106
>>1806884Whenever I take this test honestly I get Leslie Knope.
Take this shit to the quiz thread though. Leslie would lose her mind at the state of this thread, at least follow the categories laid out you heathens.
No. 1808114
File: 1702339957926.jpg (305.85 KB, 1009x1077, emo.jpg)

>>1807838i get her too, a bunch of emo/edgy/autistic characters which i would say is accurate but i don't think i am a particularly sensitive person.
No. 1808118
>>1808008who treats me the best?
if they're both perfectly nice in this scenario i go with handsome poor man. i'm hot and wouldn't settle for some ugly mf just because he's got money
No. 1808149
File: 1702342296635.jpg (60.51 KB, 1011x453, test-lc.jpg)

>>1806884I have two wolves inside: One of them is autistic ass Mike Wheeler from Stranger things and other is Lady Edith from Downton Abby. I actually really like both shows, so I'm satisfied.
No. 1808201
File: 1702346687378.jpg (211.43 KB, 736x1066, 87500fedb117d5e7e2a337a33a5d0e…)

shoujo manga be like
No. 1808209
File: 1702347442621.png (445.6 KB, 1181x1200, 1547191433401.png)

I just want to find friends to play project sekai events with but that would involve joining a discord server and talking to a bunch of gendies… Been playing with /vg/ posters and they're only slightly more tolerable
No. 1808210
File: 1702347509759.jpg (111.6 KB, 1174x720, FUh82k2WIAIe3NY.jpg)

>>1808201is that
a condom ??????
??? What is that. It can't be.
No. 1808212
File: 1702347539022.jpg (568.79 KB, 1074x1362, 1000011188.jpg)

>>1806884Is this good or bad?
No. 1808217
>>1808211??? Why is that in a shoujo manga illustration?? It's so casual.
I'm so confused by this picture
No. 1808229
File: 1702348532022.jpeg (35.74 KB, 407x612, IMG_8733.jpeg)

>>1808210>>1808211>>1808217I think it’s supposed to be a lollipop.
No. 1808237
File: 1702349116947.jpg (294.81 KB, 1580x610, XqngeK8.jpg)

>>1808218Aww sweet, they brought 'em back!
No. 1808255
File: 1702350173404.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1170x2156, 99F56813-113F-4E64-9B2D-140477…)

>>1806884I got the fucking euphoria troon as my top result tied with two other characters I’ve never heard of at 87%. At least I got Audrey Horne in my top ten at 84% kek.
No. 1808265
>>1808256KEK it’s not exactly wrong. But also I got 78% in common with Lilo from Lilo and stitch which makes me kinda happy.
>>1808257Kek thanks nonna
No. 1808275
>>1808254nta but i never could get into shoujo/josei too much and never read erotica or anything romantic in general
>>1808272i strongly agree with you there
No. 1808312
File: 1702352389020.jpg (600.24 KB, 1066x1600, MV5BZDhlYjk1YzQtZjA2NC00N2E4LT…)

>>1808304Nta, it's a movie from 2011
>>1808301I hate gnomes myself so I wouldn't go see it
No. 1808354
File: 1702353764682.png (293.19 KB, 562x935, Screenshots_2023-12-11-22-03-0…)

>>1806884Someone explain this to me, I don't watch TV
No. 1808361
>>1808354>big bang theory moid>Morty Smith>Tina Belcher You're pretty autistic, but that's not a
terrible thing.
No. 1808406
File: 1702356300984.jpg (40.88 KB, 799x1000, 51mAiABT8fL.jpg)

I love perfume oils but I hate not being able to spray them all over my body. I'm one of those people who drown myself in perfume, sue me!
No. 1808408
File: 1702356386238.jpg (95.52 KB, 1280x720, f1280x720-3330_135005_5050.jpg)

These memes are really funny to me
No. 1808418
File: 1702356932232.jpg (790.97 KB, 1080x2126, 1000012564.jpg)

>>1806884Well I took this test five times and I got pretty much the same answers for the most part. Time to throw in the towel and accept my results.
No. 1808420
File: 1702357183704.gif (1.36 MB, 498x278, gibbsandnozozozo.gif)

>>1808418>Agent Gibbsbased head smacking
nonny No. 1808425
File: 1702357819482.png (491.59 KB, 479x479, 1702347110286.png)

i want to experience this
No. 1808431
File: 1702358394665.png (48.88 KB, 1062x787, chaotic neutral.png)

still chaotic neutral and proud
No. 1808453
No. 1808457
>>1808440Honestly would be great
>>1808453You mean my cat? She's screaming because she wants attention. Dammit you're suppose to brush her when she says so. Jeez.
No. 1808466
File: 1702361700845.jpg (103.55 KB, 736x736, monkey.jpg)

Next time I get my period, I'm doing what post-partum moms do and using frozen pad. I don't have crazy menstrual symptoms or anything, but I just bet that it feels literally amazing.
No. 1808469
File: 1702361860983.jpeg (739.23 KB, 844x1463, IMG_8728.jpeg)

Why do tradwives have such dead emotionless faces
No. 1808535
>>1808532I feel like being a SAHM is different from being a tradwife. SAHMs seem to be pretty cool.
Tradwives are the ones I see preaching and screeching about how women are "wasting their lives" for not giving birth to seven kids.
No. 1808601
>>1808548>as in they will tell you it's not just having fun playing with your kidTradwives on the internet are lying grifters or mentally ill, there is no third option. SAHMs are normal women sacrificing their happiness and careers for their families, not doing so because of some innate evolutionary desire to burp babies and clean. "Mommy's hobby is cleaning and daddy's hobby is video games" is actual child reasoning and no adult, especially adult women, thinks like that for real, they're just lying to get right-winger ass pats.
Playing with your kid stops being fun when everyone yeets themselves out of your life after you have one. Your spouse will have their work friends and colleagues to socialize with but you only have the internet and your toddler. Anyone who thinks grown women "evolved" to want to spend 18 hours watching Bluey, wiping toddler ass and only communicating in baby talk needs a lobotomy.
No. 1808691
File: 1702387251956.jpeg (246.18 KB, 939x1448, 5E406816-FF38-4611-BC9D-7A941B…)

My Nigel’s results are picrel and kinda hilarious, fuckin jughead from riverdale
>>1808341top kek nonna, I appreciate you
No. 1808863
>>1808532Yeah, have fun having a man that controls all your finances and definately makes more money than you.
>>1808548SAHMs are mentally stunted and can't seem to make friends outside other moms and legit dont know how to talk about anything other than their kid. This just makes me think of wine moms from desparate house wives.
No. 1808922
File: 1702397854089.png (66.52 KB, 257x219, 1624618129568.png)

A guy in my uni class came up to me today and asked really quietly "are….aren't you illiterate?", I could tell he was being genuine so I got really confused and told him my giant book collection definitely says otherwise. He looked really surprised for a second before facepalming going "HOLY FUCK I AM AN IDIOT". Apparently he had overheard me going mumbling about how I'm a bloody illiterate when I was trying to read my own notes (my handwriting is awful to an absolutely embarrassing degree) at the start of the term and thought I was 100% serious, so he would make sure to read any important bullet points written on the whiteboard out loud from time to time to make sure I was keeping up.
I absolutely lost my shit laughing because this is the funniest shit that's happened to me in a long time, I don't know how he thought an actual illiterate would have managed to enroll into our university but he was extremely embarrassed while I ensured him that it was very sweet of him to try and help for this long without saying anything until now.
No. 1808939
File: 1702398676341.jpg (254.84 KB, 1024x1024, imagine you are me. You are lo…)

I asked AI to draw an image of me and it gave me this.
No. 1808941
File: 1702398789991.jpg (228.48 KB, 1024x1024, i am a man. imagine you are me…)

Then I told it I was a man and to try again. (Btw, this archetype is really common with this AI. If it could think, this is what it thinks the average man looks like.)
No. 1808942
File: 1702398894582.jpg (120.75 KB, 1024x1024, i am a woman. imagine you are …)

And finally, I specified that I was a woman.
No. 1808997
>>1808980I tried these parameters on different accounts with different operating systems so these are not every picture ever produced, but when selected from the least likely to appear versus the most likely to appear, these are what the prompts look like on average.
I find it interesting that DALL-E doesn't know what mirrors are, it only has an understanding of them as something that creates fractuals.
No. 1809117
File: 1702404269612.jpeg (1003.09 KB, 1170x1370, IMG_8739.jpeg)

Well here we fucking go
No. 1809150
File: 1702405168388.jpeg (553.81 KB, 997x1383, IMG_8741.jpeg)

This lady freaks me out. Why is she wearing a binder
No. 1809162
File: 1702405533432.jpg (11.37 KB, 411x360, 40e64d5092780299cb1120f2d9e237…)

>>1809150I WILL NEBEER HAVE A STRONG GF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
No. 1809188
File: 1702406386398.jpeg (727.77 KB, 1170x892, IMG_8744.jpeg)

Prolifers are insane because I’d rather my parents abort me than let me look like this with an Amelie haircut
No. 1809197
File: 1702406618311.jpg (57.94 KB, 1079x1209, awx0d1cl1mqa1.jpg)

>>1809150Is that lean beef patty? I don't think she wears a binder her boobs are just naturally small from typical low body fat female body builder body.
No. 1809222
>>1808863>SAHMs are mentally stunted and can't seem to make friends outside other moms and legit dont know how to talk about anything other than their kidwhy so much hate on lolcow lately for moms? my mom wasn't unable to talk about anything other than her kids, she grew up in an
abusive household and wanted us to have better so she put the time and work in. it's not like my mom literally didn't have anything better to do.
No. 1809233
>>1809218Womens bodies simply aren't made for all that strenuous work. The only sport female athletes dominate is something like figure skating - and now look at the eating disorder rate and those russian skaters unironically looking like they're 10 due to starving and god knows what pills they give them.
Maybe no human is actually meant to push their body to its limits like many do nowadays, I remember watching some skin doc on youtube and he said his worst looking friends are always the ones who do shit like running 10 miles each day and that's why they look horrible, it's just too much for our bodies.
No. 1809240
File: 1702407993199.jpg (181.33 KB, 1200x675, Kornelia-Ender.jpg)

>>1809218>>1809233>>1809218The absolute worst was what happened with the Eastern block athletes. These women were essentially coerced into subjecting their bodies to the most extreme, bare-bones, male-centric and backwards training regimes and an obscene amount of steroids. What's even worse is that the trainers were fully aware that this would utterly destroy these women, yet they disregarded their well-being in pursuit of some misguided notion of victory for their nation or self-serving agenda
No. 1809246
>>1809240There's a documentary (but in german) in which former athletes talk about binding their arms bent for the entire night and then trying to break them in the morning, just in order to not having to exercise for a while.
And yet decades later murican tv shows still make fun of them looking like moids due to steroids, when in reality all of them horribly abused little girls.
No. 1809277
File: 1702409148546.jpg (518.07 KB, 700x760, leanbeefpatty-1.jpg)

>>1809197More Lean Beefy Patty
No. 1809279
File: 1702409187350.jpg (105.08 KB, 670x800, 241492381_4292587514158771_920…)

>>1809277Woman is pure goals
No. 1809293
File: 1702409677300.png (485.03 KB, 771x794, image_2023-12-12_203535853.png)

No. 1809296
File: 1702409740820.png (10.51 KB, 200x198, npc.png)

What does it mean if i don't suffer from loneliness? I'm grateful to have people i love around me now and i try to do my best but i always feel kinda bad because i know that if i was completely alone and knew that i would never be personally close to someone i would feel better. Am i autistic or insane. I dream about being a hermit or staying as a stranger to anyone i meet and just help them out if they come to me.
No. 1809323
File: 1702410632499.jpg (51.62 KB, 436x600, albert-lynch-une-femme-prenant…)

why are you swearing so much anon
No. 1809329
>>1809311I mean I will say that the reason it's believed in sociology that men are more likely to get assaulted by strangers (also men) than women is because males aren't as cautious about other men and go to places where women would either not go/or only go with protection (not necessarily self defence items can be as simple as a group of friends). If women acted like men do when it came to caution and safety, we'd be hurt more.
I'm not scared of the average male on the street but I also don't go out at night alone, and avoid non-public areas.
But I think the fact that males don't tend to do basic risk assessment is because they're inferior intellectually and with emotional management. lol I'd hate to live like a male.
No. 1809330
File: 1702410767394.png (37.9 KB, 300x301, F0242651-EB18-48CA-B485-A42635…)

report and ignore does not mean respond immediately in droves
No. 1809354
File: 1702411231639.gif (8.07 KB, 190x229, hug.gif)

Damn. That seems to be a hard way to think and also live. Want a hug nonna?
No. 1809362
File: 1702411441803.jpg (106.31 KB, 768x1024,…)

Reasing comprehension aside, thoughts about steroids?
No. 1809364
File: 1702411522654.gif (29.94 KB, 75x130, bunnyhug_clear.gif)

Hey. Calm down. Accept hug? Or nah
No. 1809382
File: 1702411874688.jpeg (Spoiler Image,84.51 KB, 700x698, EHspUytXkAAUAAC.jpeg)

>>1809362she kill ai, steroids or not
No. 1809420
File: 1702412861477.jpg (77.1 KB, 736x843, b8a1c63c10392cbf784b12dc285f6d…)

>>1809394Forgive me,
nonnie, for I am cringe. Every time I see burger time I think of this. Also like
>>1809402 said, so yea.
No. 1809422
File: 1702412864210.gif (263.7 KB, 300x100, 1696845280133.gif)

>>1809416It's not illegal, some employers just checks to see if you aren't slacking. It's just embarrassing to be found on that website. Imagine he/she opens it and sees that banner first thing…
No. 1809437
File: 1702413165443.png (505.81 KB, 561x491, satc.PNG)

I love SATC but please for the love of Elsie let it die
No. 1809471
File: 1702413961426.jpg (6.42 MB, 4493x6733, valentina-shevchenko-poses-por…)

>>1809362Roided bodies look ugly. Natural muscles are much better
No. 1814358
File: 1702701426767.jpg (171.37 KB, 1079x1239, 20231216_053150.jpg)

>be a retarded funposter or a based farmer?
Why can't you have both?
>you need to pick one
I refuse the question
>you can't
But I did
>but I just said you had to
chuckle so what?
No. 1814438
File: 1702707982741.jpeg (7.06 KB, 131x153, autism-vs-autism.jpeg)

>Anon with identifiable writing quirk
>Quirk is extremely grating
>She's in every thread I frequent
Should I kill myself over this?
No. 1814441
File: 1702708015353.jpg (71.47 KB, 960x1280, 69210da7-c4d2-4c6d-a163-0b9739…)

Warning: Any institutions or individuals using this site or any of its associated sites for studies or projects - You DO NOT have permission to use any of my profile or pictures in any form or forum both current and future. If you have or do, it will be considered a violation of our privacy and will be subject to legal ramifications. (It is recommended that other members post a similar notice to this or you may copy and paste this one)