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No. 1755801
Is the question stupid? Or just silly?
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>>>/ot/1343869 No. 1755812
File: 1699293398896.png (186.78 KB, 1080x399, iefhifheigje.png)

Who is this?
No. 1755825
The cold turkey sandwich the next day with cranberry sauce and other leftovers in it is actually the best part of thanksgiving.
No. 1755828
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>>1755819I can't pick between cranberry sauce and yams and mac and cheese
No. 1755860
>>1755819am southern so we eat ambrosia and its the one thing I still lug my ass over to my grandma's house every year for
>>1755825the sandwich too omg anon you're making my mouth water
No. 1756000
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What are the best international websites to sell on? I basically want to sell almost everything in my room, but everyone in my country is currently borderline poor so stuff just sits on my page with a ton of views and likes but no one buying.
No. 1756019
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Anons which celebrities do you think are the most attractive? I think Monica Bellucci is beautiful
No. 1756051
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>>1756019Laura Gemser, Zeudi Araya, Türkan Şoray
No. 1756087
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Been getting alot of videos of women using this ministepper thing. Just walking in one place, some claimed they slowly start to feel the burn but does it work? Is it worth it??
No. 1756387
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>>1756019probably gong li tbh
No. 1756605
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why is it whenever i find someone on the internet around my age who is absolutely bonkers for their husbando, I mean like every post is about how they want their fictional man to fuck them or even just hold their hand, as soon as I follow them, they make a post talking about their IRL moid? It's not that the idea of someone fantasizing about characters while being in a relationship is strange to me, it's more like seeing someone constantly post about how they wish their fave would stroke their hair, take care of them when they're sick, hug them,etc, it gives off the vibes that they're currently single so it blindsides me when they reveal they're taken. Is that their moid isn't meeting their needs?
No. 1757370
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>>1756019For male celebrities I think Alain Delon
No. 1757481
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can a anon help me find pants similar to pic related, good material, not some drop shipper or $300-500 pair? maybe in blue, lavender, green
No. 1757659
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What's the deal with headpats?
>expecting a scolding? Headpats
>feeling sad? Headpats
>in need of encouragement? Headpats
>need love and affection? Headpats
Is headpatting other people like dogs the norm? Like why wouldn't you want to instead pat the person on the shoulder or stroke a person's back which is more intimate? Picrel is how people in my country act like.
No. 1757660
>>1757527Not really from my experience. One of my friends has a little sister and he often uses her to explain how he sees women as equal/deserving of rights kek. For instance "If anyone ever did something to my sister he'd be dead" when I think oh so you wouldn't have empathy for women being raped if you didn't have a sister? Or how he sees that women aren't being taken seriosly because of his sister. It's really weird moid logic, they need a close relative to prove they see women as equal.
Another friend who's always talking about women's rights told me he's like that because his mother is such a rolemodel for him. He doesn't have siblings but he's one of the more kind men in my social circle (even though I cringe at his attempts at being a feminist). My bf has been the best so far when it comes to treating women right and he only has a brother. I think it comes down to character/personality and upbringing.
No. 1757669
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>>1757370Good taste anon. He's unmatched
>>1756019Also Keanu Reeves, especially in younger years
No. 1757948
>>1757849I've tried it once out of curiosity and it felt good but also weird? Literally like passing a giant shit in reverse kek. Like other anon said the full feeling is the nice part.
TMI maybe but apparently it doesn't feel particularly good for the male either, because compared to a vagina the butt is only tight around the entrance and doesn't have any texture… I don't really understand why straight men are into it because there is a hole not full of poo poo that feels much better right there
No. 1757952
>>1757927I'm mostly in it for the cuddles and companionship, I haven't met anyone who could get me off properly.
>>1757934IDK who you think I am but I barely post
No. 1758008
>>1756087Mmm so very mixed I see.. another stupid question is how do they compare to a treadmill? I'd invest in a treadmill but I'm a neet with limited funds right now..
>>1756168Yeah I don't leave the house, anxiety and all that shibang. It's awful and I hate it
No. 1758078
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>>1758052iirc it refers to the "crabs in a bucket" metaphor, means dragging each other down.
No. 1758096
>>1758067I come here, or go to the library and start a small conversation with the librarian. They're always willing to talk for a moment. I'll ask them to tell me what they're favorite non fiction book is and ask a few open ended questions there.
Have you considered joining a church? It's a pre made community. It sucks that you have to say "praise God" and "god is good" a lot, but otherwise the conversations are very human and mostly you just talk to each other.
No. 1758162
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Is this show even worth watching? Or are people just romanticizing it? kek
No. 1758186
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Anons how often do you get complimented on your appearance, and which compliments do you usually receive?
No. 1758191
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>>1758186Every other time I'm out in public. Compliments on my skin, on how long my hair is, and my face being "pretty" even though I'm a bit of a chinlet. But it does feel good, because I only wear makeup on special occasions.
No. 1758214
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>>1758186"You're so beautiful/pretty" types of compliments I mostly get from my boyfriend and parents, but that's kind of a given. My friends will compliment a specific thing like my eyes, hair, clothing, or smile.
Strangers never talk to or compliment me unless they're homeless crackheads or drunk, but I don't live in a country where talking to strangers in public is normal and we all have autism so I don't expect it. Acquaintances don't either, they usually just say I'm very friendly because that's socially acceptable.
I sometimes get second-hand compliments, as in people will tell my friends I look good.
No. 1758227
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>>1758186I get compliments often, probably a few times a week, and usually about my lips, eyes, and hair. People tell me that I remind them of old hollywood actresses pretty often, the most recent one I was compared to is vivien leigh
No. 1758229
>>1758186I don't get complimented on my face much, but a lot of people say i have very pretty hands and very nice skin.
Slightly related but like a year back i met one of my aunts in person for the first time in almost 20 years. Last time she saw me in person was when i was a toddler, so she'd only seen me in pictures from then on. She basically said to my face that I looked like shit in photos and my real features were "surprisingly soft and delicate". I still don't know whether she was insulting me or not. All this confirmed for me is that I look fuckling ugly in photos. I already didn't take selfies, but now I also avoid other people taking photos of me.
No. 1758243
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TLDR Are there bots that scrape random user names on Instagram, that people can then get to follow them as fake followers?
My bf has never had an insta account according to him (he doesn't even have it on his phone) but there's an account under his usual online alias, said alias has been used on other sites like Youtube and reddit, which is pretty unique, not a common name at all. It has no icon, no bio, 1 following, 0 followers, created earlier this year. The guy it's following has a bunch of these blank accounts following him with only 1 following (just him), with no icon, usually no name, and created at the same time the fake account of my bf was.
So is the guy using some bizarre bot farm that scrapes random usernames from other parts of the internet to gain followers?? Is that a thing? Considering how many of them there are on this guy's account following him, that's gotta be it right?
No. 1758246
>>1758186If I wear makeup and “an outfit” rather than jeans and a t-shirt, I get random girlies telling me I’m pretty/beautiful/etc. but day to day I look like a rat so
At cosplay conventions, I sometimes get asked if I model (by other women). I get compliments from moids too but they are null and void by default.
No. 1758278
>>1758186I don't go out much so the numbers are skewed but I would say I get complimented quite often, mostly on my style. I get a lot of extremely high praise from zoomers and old people saying I'm stylish, look really young, I should model, generic stuff.
I've started to notice that as I get older (28) I get a lot more attention in social settings from both men and women, and usually the cutest ones so that's super flattering. But I really don't think I'm anything special so I'd attribute it more to the fact that I'm really silly and overly confident. And because I have bangs and eyeliner lol
No. 1758572
>>1758422Women go through a “second puberty” because we enter into our fertility window at around 28, and that fertility peak lasts until some point in our 40s. Because of that our hormones change a lot and we start carrying more weight in our chest, butt, and hips, where before we might have carried weight evenly across our bodies or on our torsos more. Women’s sex drives also sky rocket, our sexual preferences change, and our pheromones are way stronger. So it doesn’t refer to weight gain but it can significantly change women’s body types.
I think the reason women gain weight in our 20s is partly lifestyle changes, ie working more, being out of school and not caring as much about looks/how we’re perceived by others, possibly being in relationships or having kids, and indulging too much without counteracting. And I think most women go through a quarter life crises about aging and feeling like we’re running out of time, and overindulging in food and alcohol is one way of coping with that
No. 1758588
>>1758243This happened to me lol with throwaway accounts. There’s just random empty accounts with the username and even the fake name I originally put myself. I don’t even remember where I signed up with the username and the fake name, I just recognize that it’s one I came up with because it was total random bullshit.
My aunt got her real Instagram account hacked and they changed the username to some fake name and changed any pictures that would show her to just be some ai generated man. Instagram has never done anything about it despite multiple reports.
No. 1758873
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Is there any way to find a more gender critical therapist? It seems like just about all therapists are super progressive strongly libfem leaning and it makes it hard for me to be open about a lot of my honest experiences and anxieties regarding being a woman. Maybe it's stupid but when I meet with a therapist for the first time and she goes "hi my pronouns are she/her" it just tells me that she's not safe and won't understand. I went through a brief troon-leaning arc a few years back so it's kinda relevant for me.
No. 1759030
>>1758422It's 100% just a lifestyle change. All that's needed is to eat slightly more and move around slightly less. A lot of the time alcohol is a big culprit (alcohol is very high in calories and people forget about it because it's "just a liquid") because you're now legally allowed to drink, and most social events make you drink - often a lot.
Adult metabolism doesn't change significantly at all until you're in your 60s or so, and the difference between a teen and an adult really isn't that big and is just an excuse people use to cope.
No. 1759101
>>1759030Fat distribution can change though, see girls who would gain fat in unnoticeable places turning mid 20's gaining it in the most noticeable places. Same happens during menopause, not necessarily weight gain but in a society that hates fat people, having visible fat can give the illusion of weight gain. I feel like there must be some sort of metabolism change though, some males, not all but some I have known have always been lazy cunts but then mid 20's it catches up.
It's kinda silly to say it's a cope when second puberty is 100% real and because it's primarily women, no one talks about it, we should really be taught during the puberty section of sex education.
Tldr. Fat distribution. Also a forewarning that this happens during menopause too.
(Not saying it's the only reason, obviously lifestyle has an impact)
No. 1759113
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what would be the easiest most straightforward way to make a transparent rotating gif out of an object like this?
No. 1759142
>>1759101nta but i feel like the other anons are right and it's a lifestyle change, not a metabolism change. i don't doubt there are lots of hormonal changes in your 20s, but i haven't seen anything about your heart rate/bmr changing. also just from personal experience i feel like i've seen so many situations where someone is like 'oh she just has a fast metabolism, that's why we eat the same but she weights less.' when really, if you look at lifestyles, the 'naturally fast metabolism' person walks everywhere, fidgets constantly, chews gum, parks far away from the entrance… little changes to how much you move, even without properly exercising, add up a lot. i do know that fat storage changes as you age though. but i thought it was mostly adding fat to places like your hips/chest, which should make you look thinner compared to a preteen who stores fat in their belly/limbs, right?
No. 1759144
>>1758209Just keep it in a low bun - it's easy to do, it fits all settings and you won't be tempted to mess with your hair while you're being interviewed.
(also, good luck with your interview, nona!
No. 1759183
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I'm on birth control, had sex, I have thick brown blood discharge now. I'm not pregnant right?
No. 1759188
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hi nonnas! i have decided to take up art and i think i want to paint. i got myself red, blue and yellow as well as black and white daler rowney graduate acrylic paint. now here's the stupid part: how do i know how to mix the colors? are proportions super important?? should i have bought different colors to mix each other with to get what i need??? i decided the best way to start would be to make a color wheel so i know what is what.. but i also have never ever painted or mixed colors. i feel very dumb and i am ashamed to post in the art threads. if any kind nonna is willing to help and explain this and that to me i will love you forever!
No. 1759196
>>1759183You probably have either skipped a pill or your period is due soon and the brown sludge is breakthrough bleeding.
When I was in the pill, I had some gross stuff coming out of me too around my period
No. 1759203
>>1759188I went to art school and they had us only buy whose colors at first so you're good there - almost! you actually don't need black. If you use black for shadows it will look drab and dirty, instead you want to mix in the opposite color to get a darker version of that color. Say if you want to add shadows to red, you'll mix in red and green and then that's your shadow. When it comes to proportions you just have to try and figure it out, colors are very intuitive! Good luck
No. 1759242
>>1758577I think it's just genes. I moved around way more as a teen but I didn't even gain a single kilo the last 20 years despite doing nothing but sitting in front of the PC and eating meat and casually fastfood + cola.
For my male friends it was random too. Most suddenly grew fat when they hit the 25 but two dudes stayed the same without ever trying. Sometimes the metabolism simply slows down early for some people, same with early loss of hair or wrinkles.
No. 1759244
>>1759142Agreed, every time you see someone who "outgrew" their supposed fast metabolism it's clear their lifestyle just changed. My male friends suddenly getting beer bellies after entering their mid 20s isn't due to their metabolism changing for the worse (like they'd claim kek) they literally just drink more beer than in their teens.
I'm also someone who grew up fat and thought I had a shit metabolism even as a teen. I lost all the extra weight in my mid 20s, and easily so, because I made simple diet changes. It would have been equally easy for me to add an extra starbucks latte every day instead of removing it, but that would have pushed my calories to a surplus and made me gain weight instead.
No. 1759291
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>>1759244Based only on my own situation, I really do think something changes after you're thirty. I've stayed with the same foods and caloric amounts and my job is the same, but I lose muscle mass so easily now. Although I weight the exact same as I did ten years ago, I can pinch myself and feel the difference between the thickness layer of fat in my body and the thickness of the muscle layer.
Shit sucks yo. Find an exercise you like in your twenties and stick with it, because it only gets harder and harder as time goes on to get into the rhythm of taking care of yourself.
Oh, and stretch, for the love of god stretch. The pain is coming, and daily stretching is going to be one of the only ways to prevent and reduce it.
No. 1759320
>>1759288I have a secret theory that puberty's full effects are not manifested unless you spend time around the opposite sex who is not your family. I was extremely isolated and so had no interactions with males beyond seeing them in stores until I was twenty two when I started physically hanging out with a boy. In only a few months I went from less than an A cup to a C, my menstrual cycle became regular, and I grew another 3.5 cm.
This isn't to say that "women need men to mature hurr durr", but I think the body actually depends on chemical signals or pheromones from potential mates to achieve the final touches, otherwise it doesn't bother wasting the calories to create something that might never be used.
No. 1759354
>>1759353Thank you,
nonnie. I will. Men are so emotional. I didnt want to work for him after he treated me like that during the interviews process. Imagine how he treats his workers
No. 1759364
>>1759344Yes, like dating. I didn't want to take my conclusions that far since I only had a sample size of one, but I had also heard that sexually abused girls go through puberty sooner ( and so wondered if there was a connection. Also you're right, I had forgotten that my hips got much bigger. It was enough of a change that it affected how I ran so I noticed the difference.
>>1759349I think you should go into the police station and tell them along the lines "Hey I'm safe now, but something really weird happened and I would like there to be a record in case he does this to other women or escalates." and then tell them what happened. They'll take the report and that way if another woman gets hurts by him or he does this again, the law will take it more seriously since he has a history on file.
You should write down facts now so that you don't misremember things as you get further away from the event. You can also leave a bad review for his business and even call indeed and tell them that the boss harassed and berated you during the interview and they might take away his account.
No. 1759965
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Is it still broccoli hair if it’s a black guy?
No. 1761181
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Is autism queer? Why or why not?
No. 1761518
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Have you ever been in love?
No. 1761730
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how do i stop being addicted to my phone? can't ever sleep and consooming endless memes is never satisfying but everything else is boring compared
No. 1761767
inspired by
>>1761729 does anyone have more examples of unusual plurals or singular forms of words that you wouldn't see often? another one I like is how the plural of focus is foci
once I told this to a guy and he got really mad and said I was lying and looked up "foci" then and there to prove it but the dictionary definition for "focus" came up immediately and he was embarrassed No. 1761854
>>1761840is she a tif? I know she said she doesn't need help but maybe she won't resist if you initiate instead of hoping she reaches out, maybe you could see if she'll let you guys deliver some meals or help with chores just under the guise that surgery is a big time regardless of what it is. Or with an excuse like "hey we can't finish all the food we got so we brought some to share." Don't force it if she says no but keep extending the offer in case she needs someone eventually, and don't push the topic, just be open and try to watch her safety
If she is a tif, sadly a lot of them get sucked into that space and can't/won't connect with people who aren't part of that in-group. It's grim but many in that community isolate vulnerable ones from their family and encourage poor life decisions. I don't know if maybe you might know someone who's able to act affirmative just to monitor her and make sure she's safe, and might be able to gently ease her towards good choices. When they're at these make or break moments where they risk strong regret it's probably not a good time to question their logic, the focus should be on making them feel like they have supports they can turn to
No. 1761859
>>1761854She considers herself they/them but probably actually thinks shes a he and has used that as a stepping stone.
Changed her name to a more neutral one.
She 100% got sucked into that group via tiktok and the city she/we live in now.
She cut my husband off before over trans shit, but since she came over when I had a trans friend over shes opened up more to him again.
We're hoping if he maintains a line of contact, if/when she does regret what shes done she will turn to my husband instead of killing herself.
Her dad said to me theyre basically just waiting for the phone call..
My husband has helped her when shes been suicidal before but that was before the whole tranny shit.
She just isnt interested in hearing anything else besides asspats for her ideology, its incredibly sad.
>>1761856 Yeah I did, she went through with it in the end. Husbands mother messaged today about christmas stuff, idk if shes told her mother about the surgery. I feel sad she doesnt have family to physically go with her to help her but my husband wont be the one she picks anyway. The group chat when she mentioned her new pronouns and new name was awkward.
I wonder if she thinks I'm more liberal with this shit than I actually am, my thoughts on it align with my husbands lol.
No. 1761883
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Does anyone remember that Frozen promo that looked similar to pic related but they had to edit/retract it because they looked too dead/too much like Jack in The Shining? Am I going insane or did this happen? Maybe it wasn’t Frozen but another kid’s movie/show set in the snow?
No. 1761933
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asking this again but is there a website like kissanime/cartoon/asian but for western tv live action tv shows ? just to be clear i only want these for the comment section because i otherwise know where to watch in high quality. it's just a hassle to go and look up what REDDITORS (or paid articles) have to say as there's usually nowhere else to discuss specific episodes… i don't care that they're stupid my favorite part of watching anything is always the comment section. and even if they are bad it gives me an additional excuse to complain kek i wish there an extension that could join the two or something but it's probably not possible
No. 1761998
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am i the only one who thinks of picrel whenever i see a pic of suella braverman
No. 1762193
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>>1761181autismgender exists
No. 1762400
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I got switched from prozac to citalopram years ago, but citalopram is out of my budget. Should I try prozac again or like, talk to a doctor and ask for something else entirely? Escitalopram is cheaper but I haven't used it before. Anyone here has had experience with them?
No. 1762796
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Hi nonnies, I'm wondering, how do you get emergency antidepressants/anti-anxiety meds (a specific type) for someone? Is the online telehealth ones a scam? How quickly can they be received?
My autistic brother said he might become suicidal if he runs out of meds. He does have a video appointment with his primary doctor but he's not 100% sure if he'll get a refill or not considering it isn't a walk-in appointment.
No. 1762940
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So is miyazaki a pedo or no? I have my suspicion men can’t be trusted to animate or make stories about girls, and I saw questionable stuff in a few movies… but is it definite? Would people generally agree that he is?
I saw the quote about loving a 12 year old but someone could argue it’s out of context or not a definite things since it’s basically going off one guys word. I saw picrel too but I noticed that there’s no mention of how old the character actually is, and the clips don’t necessarily look like a kid so I could see people discounting that.
No. 1762975
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>>1762940The movie came out 1958, when he was 16-17. Bai-Niang looks kinda adult-ish tbh. She's supposed to be a spirit of white snake and is like thousand years old from what i read. I don't think she's supposed to be a little girl. Maybe there's other evidence? I genuinely never heard about Miyazaki being a pedophile rumours. I'm really scared that he could be, i really hope he isn't one.
No. 1762991
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>>1762975The other evidence is picrel, along with the weird scenes in his movies like the cow licking kikis foot and the creepy old men in Porco Rosso and Castle in the Sky etc. there’s also a rumor that spirited away is about a brothel but I don’t know much about Japan so I wouldn’t present that as anything meaningful. I’ve also seen a few other potentially suspicious comments he made in interviews but nothing outright saying he’s pedo
No. 1762996
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>>1762975>The movie came out 1958, when he was 16-17.holy shit miyazaki is fucking old
No. 1763011
>>1762991That's an incredibly incriminating thing to say, and i cannot imagine how it can be interpritated differently no matter the context… Hard to tell with the movies scenes. The brothel theory seems a bit far-fetched too, but who knows.
>>1762996He's basically a mummy at this point kek
No. 1763019
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>>1763015why is japan so fucking weird ghibli also made a whole movie about tanukis with big balls
No. 1763081
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Picrel is google-translated, but you got the idea.
>>1763015Bathhouses sold sex everywhere. And in Japan public baths are also normal. But also japanese are normally huge pedos too, so it wouldn't be no shock either.
No. 1763130
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>>1763116ballsack flying example
No. 1763143
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This is dumb but for how long can you use a disposable camera? Can you just put new film in once it runs out?
No. 1763154
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>>1763150The Death Valley Germans story and discovery is the hole my internet friend sent me down when I was in a similar situation No. 1763172

>>1762532I'm not sure if this is similar to your issue but I feel like my toenails grow too wide and it unnerves me with how they embed sideways into the skin. I'm constantly snipping the edges to make them narrower/more rounded but I wonder if I'm just randomly mentally ill about a normal development.
>>1763150I dunno if this counts as a rabbit hole but I love pannenkoek2012 on YouTube, it's some of my favorite weird content and has no heavy/depressing subject matter. Dunno if it counts as niche since he blew up at one point.
It's a guy who's just super autistic about Super Mario 64, in particular the concept of beating the game without pressing the A button, which is what makes Mario jump. Most of his videos are him doing random stuff in the game but he has some long commentated videos where he explains the insane nonsense he goes through just to avoid jumping and I think it's hilarious because of how absurd it is. I am a SM64 fan but I don't think you need to be familiar with the game to get a kick out of it. I like to watch them when I'm sad/bored because they're innocent, but technical enough that I have something to focus my mind on following along with.
No. 1763184
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>>1763165I know the general public hates her now because of how annoying she is about filtering out her fans and trying to keep a hardcore stan fanbase, having a boyfriend that talks to and has groomed kids with proof being sent to her, and ignoring everything just to maintain a new bad bitch persona that she made for her shitty album which is just songs about her pedo scrote and how much she loves him. Here its always been infights about how Doja is either a “poor ib girl that sent nudes to white supremacists on tinychat/4chan just like us” so therefore her being retarded is fine and relatable or how Doja is just a self hating biracial who has a history of keeping ties with racist moids. Her old song dindu nuffin was based on old /pol/ shit, she used to write the n-word on her tits and flashed them to white moids on chat sites for attention, and she recently posted a selfie of her wearing Sam Hyde merch from his peak “us vs (((them)))” phase
No. 1763188
nonnie's rec, i looove panenkoek2012. in a similar (ish) vein, here's one I like to turn on sometimes.
No. 1763217
>>1763188This video made me love math
No. 1763218
>>1763188ayrt, I LOVE the sphere eversion video! I saw it as a kid and became genuinely obsessed with it, I still have a good part of it memorized. There have been a few times irl where someone would naively mention "that weird sphere video on YouTube" to ask if I knew about it and I'd stun them by reciting the first minute word for word. I studied math in uni (briefly) because of this video activating deep seated autism.
I love niche shape-related mathematics in general. I like to learn about different categories of 3D shapes and I can recognize and name a lot of polyhedra. A lot of video games and misc decor use these shapes because they're easy to create graphics for so it's like my personal easter egg hunting game to spot and name random shapes I run across.
Off the top of my head I remember this website which is super old and I don't think the .wrl files work anymore but I liked poking around on it. There's a good amount of polyhedron junk on youtube too.
Another rec: this is a store run by an eccentric old man who loves a particular 4D shape. It looks outdated because of how messy the site is but he actually keeps it very updated, last update was 1 month ago. I think there are videos where people interview him and he literally jumps out of joy because he's so happy about his favorite shape
No. 1763253
nonnie, as I was reading your post I was JUST thinking "oh, she would love the klein bottle guy" and then you mentioned him! I aggree, he's really fun. I've watched the sphere video many times because it calms me and because I have this certain fascination with early CGI, 80's and 90s pre toy story stuff is just so hypnotic to me. in that domain i also love animusic (short for animated, not animal). it was this weird ova series of music videos.
No. 1763258
>>1763218>>1763231This one is mega popular so there's a good chance you've already seen it but i love it.
>>1763217 ntaryt but the one who posted the vid and i have done so, many many times haha
No. 1763276

>>1763231If you like the sphere eversion video, the company that made them also made a few other videos, Not Knot and The Shape of Space.
Here is a more obscure video I liked about map projections, it has a similar trippy atmosphere as the aforementioned ones.
3Blue1Brown makes math videos that are really beautifully presented. Some of them can be hard to understand if you don't know some university or at least high school level math, but it depends, some videos are more accessible than others. Even if you aren't really following along, it can be nice to just stare at some visuals and watch them click into place. Specific recommendation: "Who cares about topology? (Inscribed rectangle problem)"
CodeParade has stuff about non-Euclidean space that's pretty accessible. He focuses on making games, I have not played his games but some of the videos are fun and have cool visuals.
Not as familiar with these two but Tibees and Vi Hart are some female creators. Vi Hart is the granddaughter of the guy who made that archaic polyhedron website
This is not math related, but another rec I have for the "niche-ish stuff to occupy your mind" is the MandaloreGaming channel, idc about most of his stuff but he has a series where he goes through absolutely unhinged adventure games, which is pretty funny. It should be in a playlist.
>>1763258Yeah, I played around with that game and had some fun! I think that is the guy who is developing Miegakure which is supposed to be a true 4D game (not like a tech demo style game but something with actual characters and gameplay). It is taking forever but it's understandable because I think you have to basically invent new software and file formats for the 4D assets
No. 1763554
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Are these cats part of the short nose cats with bad breathing?
No. 1763595
>>1763276i didn't forget!
>2000 viewshow did you find this,
No. 1764068
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Was this really her note? Omg
No. 1764170
>>1764052>Is it a design choice or is it the natural consequence of a well-made shoe?Mostly that a well made shoe is going to be blockier and thicker, but also partially design choice. You're buying a shoe bought almost exclusively by lesbian construction contractors, they all have a distain for the girly.
>Are normal, mass produced shoes poorly designed on purpose in order to get a more stylish feminine toe shape?Absolutely. The average woman's shoe is designed for fashion, and fashion currently likes a slim pointy foot. Small toe boxes cause bunions, which is why women get them so much more commonly, though even men's tennis shoes are also not good for our feet, just less so compared to women's feet.
No. 1764259
>>1764250Hmm… you're right about the extent thing.
And yes, they show their face a lot.
The issue on the table is that they allegedly had sex w an 18yo when they were well into their 20s. Which to me personally isn't a big deal but there's always this feeling of an imminent danger that will result in the creator not uploading to the channel anymore because of that.
It's really childish, I know, but I can't seem to be able to disattach myself from their content.
No. 1764340
>>1764333If your guy has a podcast, then we're definitely talking about the same person. What are the odds.
I'll try to find another thing to keep me busy, but I just don't want to get attached to
another content creator and end up on the same page. None of them are trustworthy, I know, but they're like friend-simulators. It's why anyone watches streamers or youtubers.
Going from something so real to a show or something just feels like a downgrade, always and forever. But it's definitely better for your mental health, so I'll just man up and do it anyway.
Thank you for the advice nonna <3
(integrate) No. 1764744
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Can anyone recommend some motivational audio or video that tells me to get my shit together? Preferably spoken by a woman.
No. 1764804
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>>1757659>What's the deal with headpats?originaly, in the very ' NO TOUCH'' japanese culture, you don't kiss, you don't hug, you don't do public display of affection,you don't even shake hands unless you ask for first.
but for some reasons, heatpats are okay ( and for kids only ) but on the internet it's mainly popular because weeb culture, it's cute and quirky to do headpats like cute animes gurls
No. 1764825
>>1764812in some countries like thailand, it's very offensive to touch someone's head
i'm just saying that it's weird that in japanese culture were you don't touch other people much as a sign of affection, this one is specificaly okay and popularized in pop culture
No. 1764831
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nonnas ? is it racist not being attracted by black dudes while being white as moby dick ?(racebait)
No. 1764849
>>1764825It's not that strange. It would be strange if hugging kids was a thing instead because of the contrast you're talking about, there's still plenty of distance when you pat someone's head.
>in some countries like thailand, it's very offensive to touch someone's head I know, I heard about some Japanese tourists visiting Thailand are told in tourist guides or whatever these books are called that it's offensive so they really shouldn't that until they're back home.
No. 1764873
>>1764852>>1764860you know nonnas, it might really sound like a stupid troll question but i'm really conflicted about this
when someone ask you your type and all you can't say is '' i don't know, don't really have one, but i'm not found of black people romantically and sexually'' not only i sound like i'm a racist grandma from alabama but it feels like it's a dog whistle for Pol/ard and unironicals nazies
but at the same time, i'm not found of fat people so i also must be an absolute fatphobic shitlord
No. 1764878
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>in female-dominated uni class
>instructor asks us how often we think about the Roman Empire
>I say "most days, maybe 5-7 days a week"
>everyone laughs at me with bewilderment
>turns out it's a viral meme that women don't think about the Roman Empire while men do, and literally everyone else in the class says they "never" think about it
>ask every man I know and they all say they think about it regularly although maybe not as much as me
>ask women I know and they also say never
Wtf?? Is this how troons feel when they ruminate over being "malebrained"? I can't find a single other woman who answers siimilarly. Are any of you like me?
No. 1765077
>>1764878It's stupid, every course I've been on where history was the main thing, almost everyone is a woman, when I was younger, first elective all women bar one, in university, noticeably more women. History is seen as a male subject when it's convenient and respected, and a female one when it's demeaned as a subject or useless degree.
Anyway, I find Rome boring as fuck. The idea of 'thinking of insert generic period here x amount of days a week' is silly. Unless it's your job or you're autistic, that's fair enough.
No. 1765177
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>>1764878i regularly think of ww2 (europe only, asia was boring), medieval britain, bosnia war, and whatever the hell the autistic dumbshit going on right now in guyana/venezuela is. (i do not care about any other wars, also, i'm not from any of those countries kek i'm just gigaautistic)
No. 1765256
>>1764878I think for me it’s the Holy Roman Empire.
>>1765168Why on earth would anyone lie about that
No. 1765278
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>>1764878I think about mermaids and fairies 5-7 times a week is that weird
No. 1765486
>>1765168I don't sit there and deeply ponder it in detail every day, but it crops up tangentially in my thoughts. Like if I pass by a crucifix I might think about Jesus' crucifixion by Romans, if I'm eating foods like olives I might think about how they liked olives too, if I think about volcanos I might think about Pompeii, if I'm thinking about power/conquest I might think about emperors. I can't imagine
never thinking about it ever, they were influential
>>1765278>>1765480this is so real
No. 1765609
>>1765558Alot of the time it's genetics, bassically the way you and your face looks like.
People will say it's expressions but I don't think that's true at all from my experience.
Some of features people condier intimidating tend to be hooded narrow eyes, sanpaku eyes, long noses, downturned lips, low placed eyebrows etc etc.
No. 1765986
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I like to lay my head on my cat. Sometimes it's so comfy that I start falling half asleep, but I'm worried about squishing her if I'm not conscious of not putting my heads full weight onto her. Cats have enough of a survival instinct to get up and run away if something gets too restricting, right? Like, I won't kill her or anything because I used her as my pillow, right? She't not a baby (by age, that is), she's fully grown and I'm not holding her or anything, I'm really just resting my head on her and listen to her purring.
No. 1766012
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>>1765932I think there are a lot of factors that coalesce into the US's weight problem. People that big in the US have easiest access to shit food, so yeah, ones pumped full of corn syrup and generally very high calorie and low nutritional value making them eat more. This is primed from primary school, where if you buy lunch it's low-quality premade slop. Pic rel is the closest photo I could find which looked like the food they used have when I was a kid. Also generally large portions and the social aspect of eating is diminished in the US. Families are less likely to sit together, at a table, to eat and on average eat faster than other countries which allows for a higher calorie intake before realizing they are full.
No. 1766105
>>1764878my best friend is a woman, majored in history, and is extremely interested in ww2 / american presidents on the whole.
i think my most moidy interest is dinosaurs and prehistory periods in general, i love everything about the animals and the plants and climates and land formations of prehistoric times.
No. 1766132
>>1765783You could:
Go to a physio
Invest in an exercise ball to sit on instead of a chair
Move in general, stretch, exercise, walk.
Source: Long time fucked up spine haver.
No. 1766242
>>1766218no i want real soup. to eat hot
No. 1766275
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>>1766246I remembered Hasan called himself that and upon googling I found that he has himbo workout merch. Also why does he look so sad in this pic, it reminds me of sad Keanu Reeves sitting on the bench, did he get stood up by his friends or something
No. 1766331
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where's the husbando thread
No. 1766336
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What's the story behind the 32" waist chan picture
No. 1766423
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I tested positive for COVID 5 days ago (started feeling sick 2 or so days prior) and isolated for those 5 days according to CDC guidelines. Now I’m supposed to go to my friend’s birthday party but I don’t know how I’m supposed to be wearing a mask 24/7 when everyone is going to be drinking and partying. Does it actually matter if I don’t wear a mask?
No. 1766510
>>1766498It's 4 inches taller than the American average of 5'4", so I'd say it's reasonable to call that tall from a burger perspective
But I also think there's a bias where tall women sometimes aren't seen as tall unless they're REALLY tall, whereas slightly short or even average women are seen as squarely within the short category. Like I think there'd be lots of burgers who'd claim that 5'8" is not tall but very few people would call 5'0" not short, even though both deviate the same amount from the average. Sometimes 5'3-5'4 are considered "petite" despite being very average.
I think people perceive the average height as being notably taller than it is, I've long wondered why that might be? Maybe because lots of women wear heels? Because models are usually close to 6ft? Curious if anyone else has observed this
No. 1766516
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>>1766498Sounds pretty tall to me
No. 1766525
>>1766510I think you’re right. I’ve noticed that too, but I don’t know why it could be either.
>>1766512Kek, I wasn’t sure if I should, so I did to be safe. How do you guys usually round your heights in cm? Like for us, we just do to the nearest inch, MAYBE specify a half inch if you’re truly exactly that, but it’s still kind of weird. Do you guys round to the nearest cm and using decimals is considered weird?
No. 1766535
>>1766498For me women 170 cm and more are tall. Globally they're on a taller side. But it's not shockingly tall either.
>>1766510I think 5"3'-5"4' just the MAXIMUM height for shorter proportions. But short people with longer proportions exist too. I also think that if a woman is 170+, you'll see that she's not short, but the opposite might not be true.
>>1766518True. Noticed asians usually claim 5"0' is not at all short.
>>1766525We'd round it to 173 or more rarely to 172.5 i think kek
No. 1766538
>>1766433Kek. Espicially say you're thinking of going platinum.
>>1766498You are 4'20", very cool. Also, that is tall.
No. 1766539
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>>1766518I thought about that too but apparently the average for white women is 5'5", which is barely above the general average so it doesn't feel like it should make a big difference. Hope this isn't too racebaity
No. 1767994
nonnie… I've been trying to do that but it's not really helping so much anymore… I think the thing that ruined everything for me was that I started having super realistic dreams about being intimate and loving with
a particular unattainable woman I was fixated on, and I hadn't experienced that before so i didn't know what I was missing, but now that my own dumb brain gave me a taste of it, i feel like I can't live the way I have been anymore and be satisfied. The dreams opened up a huge, gaping, hungering need I didn't know was even inside me. It made me think
>if this is what it's like, I can see why everyone else can't live without it and does reckless things just to get itIf there was any chance I could fulfil this need irl, I'd do it for sure, but since there isn't, I know I need to find a way to be okay with living without. It sort of makes me wish I could get into a religion or something and lose myself in it, but that's not in my nature.
No. 1768156
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Sorry for the jak but that is literally me. How do I combat this.
No. 1768171
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>>1768159I try not to use any images on here that depict men so it limits my library since I only have so many images saved on my phone. Plus if I see something here I like, I save it so it probably gets reused.
No. 1768194
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So I've been keeping my eye out for a french press at my local thrift store and yesterday I came across one without snout, what's the point of that?
No. 1768286
>>1768263Because my husband killed himself after our daughter died. I understand deeply why he did it, but there's still a hole in my soul and even years later it affects me every day.
Suicide can be the right answer, but it has to be taken very seriously because not only is it permanent, but it's highly contagious to anyone who loved you or even knew you.
God do I miss him.
No. 1768381
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>>1768361You could get rid of things the konmari style
No. 1768518
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Whats the difference between the absolute retarded thread vs. dumbass thread vs. funposting thread? They’re all the same to me.
No. 1768529
>>1768526Kek dumbass is North and Funposting is South
>>1768524This basically
No. 1768542
>>1768531Half agree half disagree, sometimes the dumb posting is very dumb and fun. But yeah it's mostly a general.
When it got super retarded that's when people started complaining and how the retarded shit thread was born. Now funposting is doing the same, though I don't see as much barking and I see more yaoi in it
No. 1768562
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>>1768555Uuu I'm gonna FOIGHT AAAAAAA
No. 1768628
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should i get a pin button maker? can it do different sizes and shapes or will i be stuck with one kind
No. 1768677
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I got into a relationship with a guy, and I lied and said I have a job as a supervisor at a warehouse and I do night shift (which is why I'm at home all day and awake at strange hours of the night). I am not, I'm just an insomniac autistic NEET.
4 years later, our relationship is still going strong, and he has asked me to move in with him. Wtf am I supposed to do now, he's going to find out I never actually had a job. What do I tell him? If I refuse to move in, he's gonna ask why. If I pretend I quit, he's gonna be suspicious when I can't actually find a "new job". Do I just get pregnant and transition into housewifedom and hope he doesn't notice down the line?
Please can someone less autistic help me worm my way out.
No. 1768680
>>1768677Well that was a ride.
Idk, just tell the truth, if he loves you, he will accept you even as a neet, if he doesn’t love you then maybe it would’ve never worked out in the end.
Plus if you can’t even be sincere, how can you even get pregnant? That sounds like a dumbass plan.
No. 1768699
>>1768682I made up stories from "work", fake coworkers and bosses and tasks, etc. I don't use social media, so he never had the opportuntiy to snoop and find my "coworkers" so onto now, he hasn't noticed. I also just told him a random warehouse place and said I work there, so far he hasn't tried to visit me "at work"
>>1768680>>1768684Yeah, but I built up an elaborate lie to make it look like I'm a normie with a job. Is it offensive if I go cold turkey and admit that I lied all along?
>>1768691pls be patient i have autism
No. 1768714
>>1768699Plenty of women have been trapped in
abusive marriages, don't be stupid.
No. 1768723
>>1768677>>1768699Don't just drop "oh actually I've been lying to you lol" without context, bring it up to him slowly and explain that there's something you've been embarrassed about and not being truthful on, and that you feel bad for letting it get this out of control but you want to be upfront now. And be gentle about your situation instead of calling yourself an insomniac autist NEET, like saying "I've actually struggled to find employment and felt ashamed about potential stigma, so my career wasn't as vibrant as I might have described." And depending on what you think is realistic you could say that you're working on getting started up in the workforce soon, or that you need some time to tackle certain issues before you can pursue employment.
I think it'd be normal for him to be upset or disoriented for a while but I think it'll work out better if you're upfront about it now, I don't see this lie holding up well over time. Let him know that you trust him and are committed to being more honest in the future.
Be very careful if he's aggressive in response, if he's a good guy he'll probably be disappointed or hurt but still want to understand you better.
No. 1768780
>>1768776then why did you say
>couldnt be arsed to commit to them legallyas if it not committing to them legally was a bad thing?
No. 1768837
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What do you do with celebration cards that contain sentimental messages of important events from close family and friends? When is it appropriate to throw them away?
No. 1768849
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>>1768837I save them and use them in scrapbooking. Also, with old christmas cards you can make gift tags or this cool 3d ornament thing (I did this with chrismtas cards my dead grandma sent me I love the result)
No. 1768986
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I just found a Ladybug in my fruits. I took it, put it into a cup with some flowers and a piece of fruit to eat. But i don't know really if it eats fruits or anything. I want to let her back to nature in the morning. How to take care of it until tommorow?
No. 1769003
>>1768990Woah, asian kind of "lady bug"? Can you tell me about it, i'm so curious. Ladybug i found looks exactly like the one on the pcture i sent.
>>1768997Good to know! They're such helpers. I'll just put it outside later then, was just worried about it. It almost got crushed by an orange while i noticed it.
No. 1769014
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>>1769011Oh, i see. They look crepy af. They're agressive and can bit apparently?? Scary kek
No. 1769017
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>>1769003The Asian ones are more orange instead of red and they have more white on their head part
No. 1769034
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How to become a twitch streamer in a way that would allow me to pay at least half of my bills but without sexualizing myself? Is it even possible for a woman? I get so mad when I see mediocre male streamers being able to literally live off of streaming while not even being funny imo. Well, everybody has their own tastes. But a popular female streamer can't be mediocre, she has to sexualize herself and/or be a lolcow in order to get big. I don't want to be super popular, just somewhere in the middle, have my own community, and as I said, be able to pay some of my bills.
No. 1769052
>>1769033I've seen some in Currywurstland, quite recently in fact I had one in my bathroom. And back in spring I have seen a couple near green areas that only ever get mown once or twice a year.
They're cute but one of them peed on my finger once when I was lifting it up to put it back in some grass, no joke.
No. 1769065
>>1769041I can draw and at one point I gained some following on twitter but then I chickened out and left for 3 years kek. Now I only draw for myself, I know that some people still remember me though so maybe I could go back. I would first try to gain following on twitter before even trying with twitch though
>>1769042>It’s a pyramid scheme that uses you upCould you elaborate on that?
No. 1769189
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How to make my boobs shrink? Is there any exercises I should do?
No. 1769220
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is shayna bi?
No. 1769373
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How do I get Ron L Hobbard and his cult to stop stalking me? Picrel is a fugly statue of him
No. 1769394
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>>1769381It’s no laughing matter. He’s trying to menace me by using mind control, dream infiltration, and other such things… his busts keep appearing to me
No. 1769436
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Nonnas, do you look like any celebrities? I’ve been told I look like Isabelle Adjani
No. 1769448
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>>1769436my aunt told me i look like anya taylor joy lol
No. 1769457
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>>1769436michelle reis a couple of times
No. 1769468
>>1769445Ayrt I also got her in my results on that celeb face website so I don’t think people were just saying it to be nice
>>1769438Why? It’s a silly question like the thread says
No. 1769488
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>>1769436Only ever one time, when I was a kid my neighbour was convinced I looked exactly like the little girl who played Lyra in the old Golden Compass adaptation and would bring it up all the time.
I don’t see it at all, didn’t then and don’t now.
Whenever I do those celeb face match things I get either the Israeli woman from NCIS or Saiorse Ronan, neither of which resemble each other let along me so I’m convinced my face is some kind of eldritch chaos rune at this point.
No. 1769499
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>>1769436I've been told I look like both of these multiple times. I guess I can see myself passing as felicia day's less camel-like cousin kek
No. 1769536
>>1769530you just get used to it. it's also normal not to remember everything, especially at first.
also the more you learn, the easier it becomes to guess the meaning of words you don't know based on context or similarity to other words
No. 1769581
About 2 weeks ago I finally got a job, I got hired back at a pizza restaurant I worked at in 2018 as a dishwasher (same position), but it's a whole new manager and crew this time.
In my interview, the manager said he'd throw hours at me bc he needed a dishwasher badly, and my first 2 dish shifts I killed it and even the servers were coming back to compliment me.
Then the manager hired another dishwasher, a man a bit younger than me (I'm 30) who somehow isn't even properly washing the dishes. You're supposed to rinse off as much of the food & date stickers with the handheld sprayer, then load them I to the machine to be sanitized under high heat w sanitizer solution.
This guy just loads the machine without rinsing anything, and stacks things in a way that they aren't being sprayed by the machine and cleaned properly, so the dishes coming out are still greasy and caked in stuck on food and half melted date stickers (the kind that dissolve w any moisture, you can spray them off with cold water, it takes so little effort).
I'm getting 1-2 dish shiftsba week now, and the manager wants to put me up front making pizzas and says I can't get more than 18-21 hours a week until I'm fully trained on pizzas and FOH kitchen, even though I applied, interviewed for, and was hired as a dishwasher.
I'm kinda pissed off bc whenever there's an available dish shift on the scheduling app, I request to pick it up but get denied and the general manager ends up doing it himself sporadically thru the night while he manages FOH as well.
Why tf won't he give me hours I dish? Every time I ask him about it he gives me this speech about how everyone rotates, but that's not true. Servers don't to prep or dish or pizzas, pizza makers don't do prep or dish. Why am I the ONLY one who has to be a floater when I applied for a single position and why hire snother dishwasher after me to fill the position I applied for?
The general manager keeps talking me in circles and none of the other managers seems to care, but I'm the only one supporting me rn and I ant afford teenager hours. Every job I get does this to me- they hire me for what I applied for, promise me hours, then give me 18-21 hours.and hire another employee to share my position with me.
I genuinely can't understand why EVERY SINGLE JOB does this ti me no matter how well I do, it's like they acti Ely want to keep me from doing well and getting g hour by shifting me into positions I didn't apply for bc I knew I wasn't suited for them, so they have a reason to give me less hours and hire a male to scoop them up instead of me.
Its always a male, too. Always.
I live in Florida I've tried calling the deot of labor before but it's automated to send you in a circle back to the email form on the website which I never hear back from.
What can I do?? I'm already at rock bottom and struggling to do anything I can, I can't get any financial aid or foodstuffs without a human person helping me bc I have people in my family actively working against me using my identity to keep me from having access to my own money and resources. I'm down so hard I need help, I cannot get myself out of this. I just need an advocate to help me stand uo for my right and myself bc I KNOW this isn't right, but it's like it's OK to keep doing it to me bc I don't have anyone beside or behind me to keep people from screwing with me or taking advantage of Mr.
Please help me, anons. I'm so sick of struggling so, so fucking hard just to keep my head above water & it getting harder to do so the more I work to prevent it.
No. 1769623
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>>1769604Buratino's Return
No. 1769642
>>1769581He thinks you're too good for dishes and wants to use you elsewhere and save money on dish labor if he can. He's trying to squeeze you into other roles because he thinks he can get more value out of you that way. You can accept it and move into the other roles asap and take his job too while you're at it because he's being a dickhead (revenge path lol) or you can find another job. There is no legal recourse for this in the US, it's not illegal, employers can give you 2 hours of work in a week or 100 hours.
He may also be keeping your hours low because a part-time employee is cheaper for a business to keep than a full time employee (full-time employees must be given certain benefits that cost money for a business.) Do most people there work part-time? If a business keeps a lot of part time employees that's probably a strategy they're doing on purpose and you will never get the hours you want there.
>no matter how well I doIn low wage jobs like this you can actually be shooting yourself in the foot by doing the work too well. You want to be invisible, not stand out, or Managers get ideas and try to get more out of you. Not sure if that happened here.
I hate to say this and be mean but… you might think too little of yourself, and you might be being too picky, and your expectations of this employer were too high (not that you shouldn't have standards but you should never expect them to keep their word when they don't have to). Take the jobs you don't prefer to get whatever hours you can, you can do it. Look for a better job in the meantime if you can.
No. 1769650
>>1769642That's the thing though- my expectations are on the fucking
floor. All I need is hours, whatever position he wants to use me for, it's cool- but I'm still getting 18-21 hours regardless of the position. Last week I got a 1.35 hour shift bc it was so slow I got cut before even being there for 2 hours, but the dish out was stacked up- I offered to clear it out, but he said he'd do it.
My only expectation is to have a job that gives me enough hours to pay my bills, but everyone around me acts like that's me asking for too much? So what, should I refuse to work and demand everyone else pay my bills for me? That doesn't work unless you already don't need it.
I'm not applying for glamorous jobs, I'm applying for easy jobs at places that SAY they need help, but then act like they have too many employees or not enough payroll to give me hours.
What am I supposed to do?? I'm already limited by chronic health issues that I can't deal with bc I can't get to a doctor, I don't qualify for anything thanks to the BS loopholes my
abusive mother has stolen my identity to drag me through since I was 18 (collecting unemployment in my name 2x, impersonating me & opening my mail, etc.).
I'm seriously at my absolute end. I can't do this and I need help, but everyone everywhere acts like I'm just making it up. I'm already starving and struggling to eat, keep gas in my car for work and neglecting the maintenance on it bc I just don't have
anything. The more ai ask for help, the harder it gets. The more I try, the less works. It's like there's some weird curse on me that turns all my efforts into the opposite of what I'm working for and everyone around me just throws up their hands and acts like I'm too stupid to "get it". In that case, why am I all alone? Like if I'm so unable to function and it's sooo easy and apparent to everyone else, why can't I get on disability? And why do I have to have a whole lawyer to prove I'm disabled when I already can't function enough to survive?
No. 1769654
>>1769581>I have people in my family actively working against me using my identity to keep me from having access to my own money and resources. are you a
victim of identity theft? call the police, i'm so sorry your family is evil.
No. 1769711
>>1769654>>1769669I've called the police, they tell me to call the IRS & post office. Called them, they told me to call the police. I get run around in circles no matter who I call or what happens to me. In Florida, this is the norm- they expect you to "get a lawyer" (what, for free?) but when I call legal aid they said they can't help me unless I'm being sued or there's a case against me already.
I genuinely don't know what to do because I've reached out to everyone I can but everyone tells me to reach someone else. It's literally a closed loop of "not us, tell them" over and over again. It's rigged to keep poor people from being able to protect their rights so we can be exploited to death while everyone else blames it on us being """lazy""". I've worked since I was, 18, I've worked jobs nobody else would take, I'm not fucking lazy or stupid- I have undiagnosed autism bc my mom did her best to isolate me in the woods and keep me away from anyone else who could help me, now i have 0 idea what to do or where to go for help and everyone I ask is just sorry for me and shrugs me off.
What the fuck am I supposed to do??? I genuinely cannot understand how my mother can take so much damaging actions against me that are federally illegal, but when I call and report it they tell me "do you have proof?" like ????? I'm not an investigator, am I supposed to do it all for you for free while being abused?
Seriously, I just need ONE person I can talk to about everything and get help here in FL, because I literally cannot survive like this. My own family won't barely help me bc my mom has caught me up in so many situations where she can make me look like the villain just by keeping me isolated and controlling the narrative against me. Idk how she does it my moms been an asshole to the whole family all my life and even physically assaulted a few of my aunts n uncles, but they'll take any word from her mouth abt me as Gospel even though I'm the one they call every time they need an errand or a chore done (for free mind you, bc they're 'letting' me live with them 'for free' after 17+ years of stesling everything I work for & slandering me to anyone willing to help.
I also live in a tiny, rural town where my family has a good reputation thanksnto my grandpa who died in 2009, so these malicious redneck slots have literally been sitting on their asses on their land in their homes that they only got for having kidd while me the only kid who didn't have a kid myself, has to beg for a couch to stay on a month at a time all because they "can't understand why I can't get it together" when NY mom has destroyed my credit, stolen my identity, collected unemployment in my name twice, rerouted, open and responds to my mail as me, and probably more I don't even know about. Since school every friend I've ever had has somehow had contact w my mom and has always told everything I say and do to her. Idk why, I've always just been a shy, quiet weeb that kept to myself bc insecurity and social anxiety plus autism. It's like my family actively want me to be a degenerate sack of shit who can't survive all because I'm not a religitard conservative baby maker like them.
No. 1769716
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Anyone just hoping/waiting some high tech corporation will eventually make AI android boyfriends so we never have to interact with real moids again? I'd love to never get weird messages from moids ever again just bc I put myself out there trying to find somebody. I hope AI husbandos become a really thing in my lifetime.
No. 1769737
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>>1769716this is my dream tbh, all i can hope is that with apple and other companies developing VR/spacial computing headsets is that someone can combine that technology with AI to make virtual husbandos a thing in the coming years so I can be like this queen kek
No. 1770110
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>>1770083I always slide past most anime shit tbh. I don't watch it. I don't understand it and when I see people talking about it I see picrel.
I embraced the husbando thing cause I thought it was hot and i have a few inaminated things that are my husbandos (along with Rick Grimes) but Im not gonna lie, I assumed fujo was some kinda gay anime and BL was like a sequel or spin off.
I just knew it was gay anime shit but I thought it was some kinda twist to it. I never looked deeper.
No. 1770120
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Why would a guy be drinking Starbucks at the gym? Is he just being a fool?
No. 1770372
>>1770171not really a normalfag but i never got into anime or weebshit. i grew up reading encyclopedia dramatica so i have been in the internet drama circles for half my life and just bounced around from ED to PULL, to lolcow and /cow/, to KF, back to lolcow and so on and so forth.
holy shit that's depressing now that i'm typing it out.
No. 1770444
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Ugh I don’t know what thread to put this in but what do you think of this relationship. There are pics of her holding him like a baby (not purposefully but holding him and it looks like that) idk imagine if it was the opposite genders? It just makes me feel so weird? I want to know what you anons think
No. 1770467
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>>1770444There's an entire genre of couples like this. Picrel is Loren and Sabia a youtuber couple where Loren the moid had some sort of accident and lost half his body and he somehow has a gf (Sabia) who helps him out in his day to day life
No. 1770473
>>1770467At least that moid has a cute face,
>>1770444 is deformed
No. 1770475
>>1770462It's a sickness specific to women. That guy who is stuck in an iron had a woman who was trying to marry him until her parents stopped her.
>>1770467I actually feel sick.
This really has to be because they want a man who would never try to leave them. There's no other explanation.
No. 1770479
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>>1770444Those eyes hide something sinister
No. 1770484
>>1770467someone else who watches this couple kek i kinda like their videos but loren’s stumps grossed me out sorry
and let’s be honest a moid would never do that for his girlfriend or wife even if they were already long term before the accident
No. 1770491
>>1770486I am just watched a video of
>>1770444called “intimacy in our marriage Q&A” and I saw that they’re trying to have a baby through IVF
No. 1770497
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>>1770467Sorry but I was just reminded of this from the first caps thread
No. 1770504
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He does, he said everything works despite his disability
Also look at this
No. 1770940
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why do tiktoks on here show up like this for me? When I click on them nothing happens either, it doesn't take me to tiktok like the prompt says, I straight up can't watch them. For reference I'm using firefox
No. 1770966
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>>1770930Picrel is how they go to the bathroom, the waste collects in a bag outside the body and it’s emptied manually. Also their spinal cord would have to be damaged higher up for them to experience paralysis in their upper extremities.
No. 1770982
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Do moids dislike bangs?
No. 1771067
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>>1770982Most men hate shorter bangs from personal experience, blunt or choppy it doesn't matter they mostly associate it with alt whores and feminazis which equals bad women with no morals or something.
They seem to fall into the same category tattoos, piercings and dyed hair do, if it's their fetish or a subculture they're a part of they'll likely be fine with it.
Longer bangs I haven't seen or heard much hate for because they're more conventional and socially accepted.
No. 1771198
>>17710671000% yes, men are so triggggered by short bangs. remember when they were called
terf bangs? lmao
No. 1771205
>>1771198I remember when they were called SJW bangs kek. I wonder what made moids change the name from SJW to
terf though.
No. 1771208
>>1770982I had a boyfriend who begged me to get bangs but I always declined because I think they're ugly on a lot of people.
>>1771007They worked so well. They would naturally decompress though. But since you get out the quilts and comforters once a year anyways, it was no issue to revacuum the ones you weren't using that year. I saw people using them to compact childhood stuffed animals, but I was always worried that doing it for years would warp them so I didn't.
>>1771026Pimple patches are better. Also, if you put a pimple patch with tea tree oil on a dark mole, it fades it immensely. I have one on my chin and I put a patch on it for a day twice yearly and it retains its shape but it's the same color as my skin.
No. 1771376
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Anons who have chronic hand pain, do you have a hand massager and do you like it? Does it relieve the pain? My grandmother has carpal tunnel and I want to get her one for Christmas, but I'm also not sure. I'm also open to other gift suggestions!
No. 1771444
>>1771383This convinced me! The massagers have heat, compression and vibration settings. Thanks anon, I'm gonna buy it.
>>1771400Thank you! I'll definitely suggest it to her, I'm not sure what medications she's on or if turmeric interferes with any medicine.
No. 1771536
>>1771216My sports bra is from Panache and I wear 28F so pretty similar to your size. I got their non-wired one but I like their wire bras too. It works by encapsulation rather than compression which I think is what you're looking for
Bra outlets:
>Bravissimo>Brastop>YourBraStore>Amazon, surprisingly, if you filter by brand/size No. 1771576
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Is anime curable? What can be done to bring my iron levels up if I have heavy periods?
No. 1771797
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Has anyone experienced somewhat sudden changes in their eyelashes? A segment of my top lashes (near the inner corners) is suddenly curling inward. Ophthalmologist shrugged it off as “you have curly hair”. Never mind the fact that she has seen me for over 5 years and this is a new occurrence. I don’t wear makeup regularly so it’s not a result of that. Suggestions online are to get a lash lift (which I’d like to avoid) or to cut them, which wouldn’t solve the issue. Any other ideas?
No. 1771878
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Is it dumb to buy a wig just because I want to know how I would look like with fantasy hair colors? I’m not too fond of dyeing my hair, it’s too much of a hassle, plus it would be even harder for me to find a job, and I’m dying to know how I would look like.
No. 1771903
>>1771576something like 1 out of every 3 women in the world has this problem and it's just a matter of consuming more. Meat and some dark vegetables are good sources, and cooking in an iron pan can actually significantly boost how much iron is in your food. You can talk to a doctor about supplements if you're really struggling.
If there's no underlying health issue and your periods are just heavy, you can also take NSAIDs (like ibuprofen) to lighten the blood loss. But you shouldn't do this constantly since there are bad effects from long-term use, it's just a quick solution for if you're having a particularly heavy one.
No. 1772729
>>1772680Yes I hate myself for saying this but it's because I feel obligated to in order to have a relationship. I wouldn't mind having no sex ever again but as a straight woman you won't find a relationship that way. Hey if I could purchase a house and live a secure life with a woman in a platonic life partner sort of way, trust me I would.
I know anons are gonna ree at me and call me a whore for not being confidently single but I don't want to live out my old days without company, so.
No. 1772734
>>1772729>Hey if I could purchase a house and live a secure life with a woman in a platonic life partner sort of way, trust me I would.Let's do it
nonny I'm right here
No. 1772738
>>1772723Laundry twice a week
No bird baths… unless you count washing poopy butthole with soap and water which is a must after shitting. I also rinse crotch with plain water after peeing.
Brush and floss every day.
Wash hair like twice a week.
Honestly I only skip maybe two showers a week.
No. 1772740
>>1772723I shower every other/every two days during winter so I guess I belong in this group
>How often do you do laundry?Shirts every two wears or if they get smelly after one wear, underwear after one wear, the rest is pretty random
>Do you take "bird baths" in between your non showering days?Yes I wash my armpits and genitals
>How often do you brush your teeth?Twice a day
>How often do you wash your hair?Every second day, I usually wash my hair separately from my body. I skip washing my hair if I'm staying home all day so sometimes it'll be three or maximum four days without washing it. I've got pretty greasy hair.
No. 1772747
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>>1771813Nona, thanks! I’ll try Vaseline and see if it helps. As far as their shape (?), they are partially hooded (?).
Please no bully, I’m an ESLfag and this is what Google is telling me they’re called.>>1771818My understanding is that I’d have to continue to do it forever and if it’s anything like perms and chemical hair straighteners, eventually the hair gets damaged. I haven’t seen a dermatologist as I was directed to the ophthalmologist by my GP. Perhaps, I should? Thanks for your input too, Nona.
No. 1772755
>>1772723>How often do you do laundry?Every week, jeans and hoodies/cardigans are worn a few times before washing them. Everything else is worn once then washed
>Do you take "bird baths" in between your non showering days?When I can’t shower I’ll wash my feet, crotch and armpits at the bathroom sink
>How often do you brush your teeth?2x a day, floss and mouthwash before bed
>How often do you wash your hair?2x week
No. 1772758
>>1772746Yeah he's going to die before I do but if I'm in a relationship I'm still going to have companionship throughout my 30s 40s 50s 60s and maybe/hopefully 70s and 80s. Nothing in life is a fool proof plan so you've got to take risks somewhere.
>>1772739I don't think I believe in asexuality aside from trauma induced asexuality honestly, but unironically tell me where I can find sane men who're openly asexual, I'm open to exploring.
>but single isn't the same as alone unless you're friendless and antisocialSure but friends can't replace a life partner no matter how close and dear they are.
>>1772734I wish I could find someone like you irl.
No. 1772772
>>1772680I don’t feel any pleasure from sex or masturbation anyway so for me it’s just expected. Yes it’s boring and if I never had sex again I’d be fine with that, but like the other anon said it just comes with being in a straight relationship and keeping each other happy. The frustrating thing is that my husband actually does try very hard to pleasure me but there’s just nothing there. I think my body isn’t wired properly.
If he dies I’d be down for a platonic life partner house sharing arrangement with other nonnies.
No. 1772801
>>1772772>>1772729>>1772680i feel kinda similar. For me I have always had a strong desire to have a husband and enjoy the intimacy of a romantic relationship distinct from a friendship, but I'm not sexually aroused by men, just at all. It's a difficult situation because I have a lot of love for my bf/fiancé yet zero physical attraction, and he can focus exclusively on me and I'll still feel nothing. And I'm not drawn to being with a woman either.
He's ecstatic just with cuddling or kissing so it's not as much of an issue as it might seem but it makes me feel broken.
No. 1773032
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What is it about horses that attract so many people, even to an autistic extent? I can't think of any animal (other than cats and dogs) that have as big of a fandom as horses. Does My Little Pony contribute to this?
No. 1773059
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>>1773032Clicked from the front page so fast WHO IS SHE? Seriously what kind of horse is this it’s so cute
>>1773035As a former horse girl, it is most definitely not a class thing. I’ve seen other anons say this and idk where this line of thinking comes from. Idk what it was about them, growing up I read a lot of horse books, but I don’t remember if it was the books that created the interest or I read the books because I already loved horses. I was overall just a huge animal autist
No. 1773069
>>1773059The irony I just clicked this from the front page as I grew up reading Pony Pals. Miss those books
>>1773032As a former horse girl too, I'm sure a lot of our early childhood media played into it as well. Lots of coming of age and becoming independent stories/movies/books/games. Horse riding is something fun and independent you can do before the age of even learning to drive.
No. 1773198
>>1771967Heat travels away from the hotter object to the colder object. Therefore the ice melts. The hot object also cools.
It's all about reaching equilibrium. If you overwhelm something with enough ice, the equilibrium will spread the heat across the whole system. So eventually it would all refreeze evenly.
No. 1773275
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this was under a reddit post "EA Refuses to Greenlight Alice Asylum", can any nonna explain tf happened to McGee? i know he sorta went off his rocker, spent years developing a single "pitch", made BPD plush bunnies… but i never seen proof of any of this, this is just what others told me kek
No. 1773345
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>>1773303nta but here's the bpd bunny. There's a whole line of mental illness plushes for autism, ADHD, and every other disorder you could think of
No. 1773352
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not sure if this is unethical or not, but might as well ask…can I get some tips on getting my new doctor to refer me to a physical therapist or at least a chiropractor? Is it a matter of just playing up the symptoms? I am pretty sure I have some really bad neck issues (bad posture?) - and I was in a minor car accident recently too which left me with horribly neck pain, fatigue and dizziness for days even worse than usual - but substantiating this is hard considering I'm still youngish.
No. 1774312
I'm retarded how do you meet new friends as a NEET? The few friends I made after high school were through people I already knew.
>>1774229Depends on how much hair you have naturally, it took 2 months for the ends of my eyebrows to grow back but only a few weeks for the rest. Get an eyebrow pencil and just wait it out, good luck
No. 1774330
>>1772723>Questions for people who don't shower everyday:I shower every 2 or 3 days. When I go to the gym or summer I might shower every day because I sweat.
>How often do you do laundry?Every week.
>Do you take "bird baths" in between your non showering days?Idk what this phrase means
>How often do you brush your teeth?Twice a day
>How often do you wash your hair?2 times a week
No. 1774611
>>1772723I shower once a week.
>How often do you do laundry?Twice a month maybe, I usually only change my socks and underwear regularly, other clothes only when they start to smell.
>Do you take "bird baths" in between your non showering days?Yes after a run (3 times a week), I wash my feet and armpits.
>How often do you brush your teeth?Twice a day.
>How often do you wash your hair?Once a week (when I shower). I've always hated showering, takes too much time.
No. 1774647
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should i bother getting a pair of dr. martens? i'm a poorfag so dropping 200 bucks on a pair of shoes that is rumored to be the most painful shoe ever to break in is daunting. my feet tend to hurt/blister for weeks whenever i have new shoes. this happens even with vans, which i wear exclusively since i have wide feet. i'm enamored with picrel but 200 euros is a lot…
No. 1774673
>>1772723I shower reliably every other day. But usually I do shower
almost every day. I do laundry about weekly. I change my clothes pretty much daily- never re wear socks, undies I miiiight wear for 2 days but usually not, sports bras get about 3 days sometimes more if I didnt sweat or wear it long and sometimes less if I get really sweaty. Shirts sometimes 2 days, pants get a lot longer before I wash kek (normally wear sweatpants and shorts but if I get gross then I will wash them sooner). Clothes I sleep in get 2 to 3 nights. I wash my feet after wearing tennis shoes reguardless if I am going to shower or not. Sometimes I use a damp washcloth to freshen up my ass and crotch if I am avoiding showering for whatever reason (the cloths get bleached in the wash). I wash my hair every 3 days- I HATE having wet hair and use a shower cap but sometimes I rinse out my hair with water between washings. I brush teeth at least 2x a day, use a tongue scraper a lot because I get awful dry mouth from meds and it makes my tongue all gross, I floss on average 10x a week- sometimes 2x a day sometimes I skip 2 days but I do floss regularly if you look at my whole week lol. I rarely wash my armpits between showerings.
No. 1774723
>>1774671Martyrs, at least the American version, it's just an hour and a half of women being graphically tortured
Like maybe the story
is good, I wouldn't know, I couldn't look away from people having their fuckin skin peeled off and shit
No. 1774725
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I'm using a MAC and trying to hardcode some subtitles for a movie but in spite of following the directions for doing that in VLC (which is supposed to be easy, it look super easy) it isn't working… Anyone done it before? What am I missing? Please tell me how to do it, I'm starting to feel retarted. I have a .mp4 file and a .srt file, the movie approx 2GB so the free online in-browser services (if those are even legit) will not work
No. 1774743
File: 1700169125373.jpg (6.51 KB, 206x275, 1687932549683.jpg)

Mean question, but why do bisexuals keep trying to mooch off of the lesbian name? I discovered that bisexual women will call themselves "temporary lesbians" when they say they're in the "man hate phase". Or bisexual women calling their relationships with other bisexual women "lesbian relationships" even though they're both bisexual and not lesbians. I already know that straight women will try to call themselves bisexual for shit like attention, but why do bisexual women keep larping as lesbians?
No. 1774745
>>1774743I've never heard the temporary lesbian thing, but two women in a relationship
is a lesbian relationship. It's describing the relationship, not them. If they called it a bisexual relationship that would be like a man and a woman calling their relationship "queer" because they also are attracted to the same sex.
No. 1774760
>>1774671Jennifer's body. It's always been toted around as this feminist horror and I never saw that. I've seen it at least 4 times. Ginger Snaps is better imo.
>>1774712Same with Canabal holocaust. they killed real animals and almost hurt the actual people in that film. isnt the director Italian? i honestly hate italian moids in horror
>>1774718Agree. The whole appeal is extreme violence to women and that makes me side eye anyone who likes it. Art the clown can go fuck off.
No. 1774773
>>1774743Lesbians are the least represented and most oppressed group out of LGB, so they want to feel extra special while still being sexually attracted to men. It's extremely insulting.
Whenever I heard there is going to be 'queer representation' in any media, i always assume it's going to be gay men or a tranny involved.
No. 1774801
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>>1774760>The whole appeal is extreme violence to women and that makes me side eye anyone who likes it. Art the clown can go fuck off.When I was a huge slasherfag, I checked out some less popular movies like Leslie Vernon or Hatchet. Came across this movie named Laid to Rest and its sequel. On top of being hilariously bad, it's exactly what you described.
No. 1774814
>>1774743Talking about being bisexual gets you pummeled with comments like "no you're not," "there's no such thing," "make up your mind/pick a side," "you just want attention," "bi now gay later," and so on. Saying you're lesbian is a whole other can of worms yeah, but for the most part people will at least accept it as real or not try to argue with you about itor treat you like you're lying to them. And then on top of that, most people, including most bisexuals, don't have a working understanding of what being bisexual actually is, maybe because it's just too simple and everyone loves to overcomplicate shit. And there are people out there that will scream and shout that "lesbians can be attracted to men!!!1" also. So when you are tired of defending yourself and/or you have been fed misinformation or are ignorant, there's a good chance you just end up going "yeah okay sure I'm a lesbian I guess, whatever" because it's easier.
No. 1774825
>>1774811english was the easiest language to learn for me. english grammar is fairly simple and there's plenty if media you can read/watch so that really helps to gain vocab and improve your reading and oral comprehension. i didn't really learn english grammar, it's straightforward enough that i was able to pick it up intuitively. can't do that with, say, russian.
hardest language for me was chinese, the grammar is extremely simple but having ideographs instead of an alphabet means you have to completely alter your way of conceptualising the language
No. 1774831
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>>1774745>but two women in a relationship is a lesbian relationship. It's describing the relationship, not them. If they called it a bisexual relationship that would be like a man and a woman calling their relationship "queer" because they also are attracted to the same sex.Based on the number of bisexuals I see labeling their woman/man relationships as "bi" just because one of them was bisexual, I was met with the impression that relationship "tags" are based on what sexualities the couple has. So if bisexual people's relationships are categorized "technically bisexual" based on their sexuality, why would a couple of bisexuals be classified as a "lesbian" relationship they're bisexual?
I'm sorry if I'm making this confusing, I'm just a bit annoyed with bisexuals talking about "bi-erasure" when they're called "straight" for having female/male relationships, but calling themselves "lesbians" instead of bi when they're dating another woman.
No. 1774834
>>1774831You sound like you spend too much time online. You wouldn't have to be annoyed with losers complaining about "bi erasure" if you deleted twitter or discord or whatever you use.
The answer to all of your questions is: internet induced brain damage.
No. 1774847
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Is there any solid proof Master Morya existed?
No. 1774856
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>>1773630Thanks nonna! I’ve been doing great in classes, and I don’t want people to think I’m a “wreck” anymore because I’m not. Any tips for looking put together when I go to class? I go to classes/errands like a gremlin because I don’t want to damage my skin/hair with makeup/ heat. I look great when I’m going to events but the contrast between my two looks is ridiculous. I’ve invested in some aviator nation stuff and some lulu tops but in the morning I always throw on whatever’s most comfy even if it doesn’t match/look good and then I end up wearing that for the rest of the day. Also wearing a backpack always makes my hair look silly. How do some girls always do their hair/makeup for classes? I feel like most people can tell I used to be weird in hs. Also I’ve been going to the gym and I want to try this nice Pilates class that opened near me but I’m a bit nervous to try it but I think it would be a good way to make friends
No. 1774902
File: 1700176535790.jpeg (79.32 KB, 1125x1046, 2A5CF6CB-0F79-4D04-A577-5532E8…)

are they making kids films anymore? like non-animated ones? when i was a kid we had these huge franchises like harry potter and lots of actually good kids books too, and i can't think of any modern examples of that. in general i feel like i had a lot more choices regarding what to read/watch. i recently checked the kids channels and one was showing cocomelon, the other one broadcasted goddamn alvis and the chipmunks episodes every hour all day every day of the week, i am not joking, the third one gave me hope because it at least occasionally showed decent stuff like scooby doo. are kids just mostly stuck with the new disney crap and tiktok? if so that's depressing.
No. 1775104
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Who had a shitty adolescence growing up but is living as a happy adult right now?I am the only one?
No. 1775123
>>1775088ayrt, it was 'aight. Not life-changing, but a nice little indulgence. Pretty expensive to what amounts to drinking a lot of water and taking all your vitamins. However, I'm chronically dehydrated so it felt really nice to not be super thirsty. And I also don't usually take vitamins in pill form because they make me nauseous (prob why I don't drink a lot of water), so feeling the effects of them w/o feeling queasy for a couple hours was nice as well.
I could see it possibly be super beneficial to do it weekly for a couple months, but that's a big investment for me, and IV therapy is only covered for very extreme health issues in my country (amerifag). If someone offered it to me on a silver platter or w/e I would def do it more often.
No. 1775130
>>1775109Love to hear that
nonnie, me too,I'm so glad!
No. 1775402
File: 1700214099125.jpg (16.79 KB, 500x500, silicone-socks.jpg)

>>1774647If you do end up buying them, these are a lifesaver. I have extremely sensitive feet and I get massive blisters from any type of boot, let alone docs. These helped me so much.
No. 1775403
>>1775402NTA what are these called,
nonny? Thanks in advance.
No. 1775476
File: 1700222887023.jpg (288.21 KB, 1080x2193, Screenshot_20231117_130556_Chr…)

Lol what's going on? I get this weird ass view on the other catalogs and also on Facebook (I know I'm phone posting, I'm just at work, sue me).
No. 1775521
File: 1700227474429.png (364.51 KB, 430x540, hoodie.png)

>>1774856The outfit is cute, I'd probably swap the bottoms for a pair of comfy wide leg jeans or trousers in a similar colour, black, or a tan/beige though. Athleisure is still very in so even wearing a hoodie or sweats but dressing it up a bit and accessorizing looks good if you still want to wear comfortable/casual clothes.
No. 1775655
>>1774657>>1774665>>1774717thanks for the feedback nonnies, i will refrain for now. i looked into threads about it on buy it for life and was pretty disheartened.
>>1775402these look like they could save me so much money spent on compeed blister plasters. thank you for the rec!
No. 1775658
>>1775636sounds like self sabotage. are you a perfectionist or did you have very demanding parents who expected a lot from you? alternatively, parents who made you feel small/insecure a lot? any history with
abusive partners/friends who told you you didn't deserve nice things?
No. 1775661
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Are powdery florals universally considered an old lady scent, or does what is a "old lady perfume" change depending on the country?
No. 1775728
File: 1700241982051.jpg (79.22 KB, 1920x1080, oreally.jpg)

>>1774730same here kek, except I was also on various videogame forums doing ancient shitposting. (imagine adult gamers in 2003 responding in paragraphs and serious arguments to a kid who is just posting bullshit like "zelda is the true main character because its her name on the game and link only wakes up when he has something to do for her"
No. 1775791
>>1775658>are you a perfectionist or did you have very demanding parents who expected a lot from you?Yeah my childhood was horrible, somewhat schizophrenic father that was autistic and religious so he would tell me what God desired from me being the head of the house and the one that communicates to God on behalf of the family. Impossible standards, and women are born of sin obvoiusly because of Eve's temptation for Adam (not what I believe but how I was raised) Ive worked thru most my issues kek but the avoidance or self sabbotage seems very sticky.
>>1775659Oh boy
>>1775685Just started meds again maybe it will help when they actually kick in. Sorry youre dealing with this too, its a very odd kind of hell
No. 1775797
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I always thought being a housewife was sluttier/immodest than being a working woman. Imagine being at home all day and having to fuck a man, literal harem logic.
No. 1775871
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Is this metformin? What dosage? (I just wanna make sure my pharmacy didn't fuck up but I'm too chicken to go back and ask them)
No. 1776167
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Anyone here buys makeup online? How do you know what's your color?
No. 1776175
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>>1776166Idk I just ate a whole handful of these things and now I need to lie down.
No. 1776207
>>1775104i had a dogshit childhood and ive learned the older I get, the more freedom i obtain, and the more space I have between me and my family, life only gets better. we only go up from here
nonnie xo
No. 1776388
>>1776296My parents were 17 and 24 when they met (they did not date, only met) and are married 56 and 63 now. They get along and run a business together, I don't think splitting was anywhere on the table at any point.
Mom isn't the affectionate type and has a critical tough love attitude towards him, but dad is autistic and very obviously endeared to her. As a kid he'd often come up to me just to sperg about "your beautiful mom is so strong and smart." Our family was very matriarchal
No. 1776437
>>1776436I know you’re trying to do this to make your lips look fuller, to give them slight curve or something like that, I did it because of anime.
The thing is that my family says I look disabled when I do that kek, and after seeing a disabled aunt of mine a few weeks ago… I kind of get why they told me that.
No. 1776442
>>1776437hmm, well thank you for you input, it's something to keep in mind. though I think the only people who would notice it though would be people who already know what I look like, imo (biased) opinion
>>1776439I'm not into makeup, but yeah that would be easier. I'm looking for something more permanent since I have a very homer-simpson-like lower face kek
No. 1776444
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I didn't poop in 9 days, help
I tried restoralax, bisacodyl, and psyllium already, as well as eating fibrous foods. I drink 2-3 bottles of water per day. What else can I try?
No. 1776472
>>1776446>>1776447>>1776448It's the 750ml bottles. I try to drink more but I feel like I will burst. I try to eat too, but the fiber fills me up (I've been eating oatmeal, Weetabix, watermelon, greens etc these past few days)
Oh well, I guess it's over for me. Off to the doctor I go.
No. 1776652
File: 1700303424629.jpg (52.12 KB, 503x1280, cute scissors - Copy.jpg)

nonnies, i got these cute new scissors, i want to make the design last, should i spray it with varnish? will it fuck up the design?
No. 1776717
>>1776707I just went to sleep for one hour, I didn't know it would do that in the short time I was away. A lot of the time I will have the computer on while I'm not there though because I share it with someone remotely who might need to access something while I'm away, or for another reason. Once it was because I was in the middle of downloading a large file, which got interrupted when I wasn't looking.
I usually have the "pause for x days" on for as long as it'll go but it hasn't stopped it from sneakily coming out of nowhere and disrupting something every once in a while, this instance was a relatively harmless one but it's not the first time so I'm looking for a more permanent solution. It does not always warn me before it's seconds away from trying to update!
I've seen a lot of "why didn't you save every 2 secs, manually update constantly, not walk away ever, not be on the internet, etc." responses to similar questions online and I get the idea that that would help, but it kinda misses the core issue… I just don't want my computer to do unexpected things on purpose lol. Yeah I know it's unideal to leave something unsaved or a program running while you're away but it happens sometimes and it's mostly an issue just because the OS is intentionally updating without my confirmation. It'd be a lot more convenient if it just didn't do that as a built-in thing to begin with so I wouldn't HAVE to babysit it as much, you know?
No. 1776741
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how the FUCK do i get rid of period bloat i get for an entire 10 days or so before and during period? i can't do this shit no more… i have to unzip my pants entirely just to not feel like a bleeding sausage in a case. this wasn't as bad as when i was underage, but ever since i turned 20 i've been getting more and more bloated during my period and i'm really over it..
No. 1776781
>>1776695You can't, Microsoft is just intentionally malicious like that, but Windows 10 LTSC exists, its a Windows version for ATMs, industrial machinery and such, it doesn't have updates unless you enable them, but in doing so it will permanently turn into regular consumer Windows with updates. Its a stripped down version, but some people describe it as "windows as it should have been". Supposedly its unavailable for regular consumers, but i'm pretty sure it can be pirated. I should have tried it out long time ago, but i just keep postponing, because i'm lazy.
No. 1776809
>>1776802>go back to /pol/NTAYRT but holy damn, how was that a malicious question? White guys, black guys, and asian guys all have a creepy habit of pretending to be different races or even women online so that idiots will see their takes and think "see? even
this group agrees!". Not every mention of race is racebait, gahdamn.
No. 1776812
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>>1776794Now to answer your question, I say it's the same reason so many Latino incels larp as six feet tall, Caucasian men with blue eyes and regurgitate the same shit the Nazis and the KKK would say about any person that's brown; they glorify white people and they want to be them. They hate their own race, and they hate other races that aren't white. I knew a poltard back in high-school who hated jews, hated black people, and was the typical dipshit who hated everything that wasn't "normal" and European-centered. But here's the catch: he was American and his father was a brown Mexican.
No. 1776841
>>1776806Where do you encounter neo-nazi indians outside of /pol/?
>>1776809How was that a malicious answer? I seriously think that /pol/ might be a better place to ask since they think about it 24-7.
No. 1776858
File: 1700323937998.png (452.71 KB, 747x865, 3269493F-1426-4E36-8B4D-D588F4…)

>>1776841Are you a newfag? Genuinely asking because seeing other races spew alt shit is common on other places than 4chan. Twitter, insta, and even youtube comments are filled with people seething over anything that isn’t white. You get people making statistics jokes on any news outlet that has a comment section, people freaking out if there’s new laws about anything because they wanna blame other races for voting democratic, and for the last ten years memes have been pushing alt shit. From alt right meme magic shit from 2015 to must have a blonde east euro tradwife and be a sigma male that only drinks unpasteurized milk group. Picrel is other races taking alt memes and making it their own to project the same message they all want, trad bullshit that hurts women
No. 1776863
File: 1700324283647.jpg (348.23 KB, 1075x2020, Indianracism.jpg)

>>1776856Their politicians also say stuff like this… what did black people ever do to them? And the remark about south indians was terrible.
No. 1776866
>>1776841>Where do you encounter neo-nazi indians outside of /pol/ntayrt, but India itself and Twitter, my brothers drop n words left and right, even with the hard r, don't think they could actually do anything to a real black person tho, they're both crazy short and obvs would get intimidated by real black people.
>>1776856ntayrt, and also bc there's little appeal India has to women. Japan and Korea are shitholes but they try to make up for it with shoujo/otome/josei/BL and kpoop/kdramas respectively, the Occident also has it's bad moments, but at least they've got good looking male models and it's the birthplace of most feminist works and has some semblance of femgazey stuff in their films. India doesn't. Indian men are a pain in the ass bc they talk with the arrogance of white men that live in developed countries with ample resources for women but feel as persecuted as black people even with the image they have of them just bc some mwean American feminist said this and that about men.
No. 1776867
>>1776863>what did black people ever do to themI think it's the same mentality of those losers who team up with classroom bullies to pick on other students; they're scared of attracting negative attention, so they do what they can to deflect it onto anyone else.
Too bad the world already made up their minds on hating Indian men in general and with a burning passion.
No. 1776910
File: 1700328096318.jpeg (344.71 KB, 1083x2257, IMG_9292.jpeg)

Why would Redditor moids be seething so hard over this image? It was one of the top posts this week on r/WhereAreAllTheGoodMen, then reposted twice to Purple Pill Debate. Everyone in the comments was screeching about how she's an example of a woman who chased bad boy Chad, failed, and is now looking to settle down (nowhere in the image is this mentioned, she could just be a regular divorcee). But how is that a problem? If she doesn't want to play games, doesn't want to jump from person to person, and wants stability, loyalty, and respect, how is that a bad thing? That sounds mature and normal. Do they think she only deserves "bad boys" and/or to be alone?
Please can someone explain what the Redditor train of thought is. Also it was posted by a "passport bro", it's apparently a screenshot of his "western" ex-wife's dating profile, and he claims to have "won" the divorce. kek
>>1776741Nothing helps me except reducing carbohydrates, especially bread and grain. Also, yoga.
No. 1776970
>>1776910Her profile could imply that she has slept with a bunch of people, which something that most people are not fond of in a partner, and is tired of it and ready to settle down.
Men read a bunch of studies that showed that the more people a woman sleeps with, the higher the chance she will get divorced if she ever gets married. Not understanding correlation and causation, they think that sleeping with many people makes a woman unable to truly fall in love with one person, so you shouldn't marry anyone who has slept around. Obviously, the real reason is that a woman who is unwilling to settle with one person is more likely to sleep around, but the effect does stay the same in that your chance of divorce is lower the lower the number of partners your partner has had.
So they consider women like this to have missed her chance in finding a solid partnership, as well as they are not interested in "being used" as a boring someone to settle for now that she has lived out her adventures.
No. 1776971
>>1776910They see a woman who is fed up with the dating market and it angers them, ironically because they are also fed up with the dating market.
It doesnt matter that they dont want her or they are too young for her etc, they take it personally no matter her age or looks. They project onto her the typical recreational outrage redpillers pull from their arsenal: Chad widow, the wall, etc. They do assume just about every man somehow peaks at 45 or something and doesnt end up lonely, somehow gets a younger wife. They also assume that all the women they post don't end up with someone and stay on the app forever. It is a comforting thought for them.
No. 1776998
File: 1700332723457.jpg (170.07 KB, 774x1024, Et43D9WXcAQ2GaV.jpg)

>>1776444buy sugar free gummy bears, pic related
No. 1777016
>>1777012Well for one there's a gender difference and due to socialisation that means there are different contexts for why both of them act like they do. Not considering that what a simp is particularly has been diluted due to misogyny.
And one is linked to a political ideology like my God, I feel like I could write a lot about it but it's dinner time. Godbless.
No. 1777022
>>1776652samefag, some
nonnie, any
nonnie, pls help
No. 1777045
>>1777028I think pickmes try to appeal to men they don’t even find desirable because they have low self-worth and are female misogynists, so any positive male attention is validating to them. Wish they’d listen to that disgust in their gut and stop being pickmes lol
But yeah also both terms are washed up and losing meaning
No. 1777093
File: 1700339095046.jpg (84.51 KB, 1080x903, IMG_20231119_012408_928.jpg)

I'm a dumb fuck but how do I generate images on bing? I read about nonnies doing it on there, but I can't see any function about it.
No. 1777179
>>1777159 I've definitely known a couple women with foot fetishes (or reverse foot fetish? Where they like when a partner appreciates their feet) and
I kinda get it kek. But for some males it's a severe paraphilia, where it takes over their sexuality and they don't feel arousal at any other body part. I haven't heard of a woman having it that bad and I wouldn't be surprised if it's caused by mis-crossed wires in the brain from birth or being autistic and watching fucked up cartoons as a kid
No. 1777188
File: 1700345562541.jpg (6.42 KB, 290x253, F8c9LUWa4AAYEMb.jpg)

i am a tech illiterate idiot, i need more storage but im not sure if i should choose a SSD or a HDD. which one is better? how do i even know which one to buy? when i go on amazon to look for SSD/HDDs idk what all the specifications mean and i dont want to buy something expensive just for it to not work on my computer…
No. 1777215
File: 1700346850731.png (600.36 KB, 840x859, sticker-tomoko-kuroki-watamote…)

"Femcel" has become a word that's basically like "bitch", "cunt", and "whore"; something people throw at women when women aren't being "agreeable". Ive seen female users also call themselves "femcels" for just not having sex. It got watered down so much, can anyone be a dear and please get my memory jogging on what exactly a femcel is supposed to be? Like, what are the qualifications to being a femcel?
And while I'm at it, what makes a goth too? Is it the clothing only? Does it need to include a perticular music taste? An attitude? A certain outlook on life? Goths, please explain.
No. 1777219
>>1777022You’re probably going to have to do some searching into hobbies/crafts that have something to do with painting or printing onto metal objects anon. I don’t know, maybe something like those people who make things out of tin cans or how to protect painted hardware.
>>1777159There’s a wikifeet for male celebrities, somehow I expected it to have some women but it’s just all gay men.
No. 1777228
femcel was adopted by women who were ugly, very awkward, have little to no dating experience, and feel like they may never have a partner. There was a community on reddit and Crystal Cafe where they vented about these feelings with a dash of misandry.
Femcel then suddenly became adopted a couple years ago by young women who are of the coquette, "traumatized" aesthetic and either seek to manipulate men ala fds or they admit to seeking men who are
abusive and hurt them. The key here is that these women often do date, unlike the previous group of women.
Men online just use it as the new "cat lady" or "feminazi."
The original community was weirdly nice and supportive and I occasionally miss it despite no longer fitting the definition. No. 1777234
>>1777228i wish there was an actual
femcel community. I want what moid haves but with misandry.
No. 1777235
>>1777234A lot of LC users do fit the description but I think we spend our time talking about other things I guess
except some 2X girlies who make it their whole personality. I think what we have currently is nice. Basing your whole identity on what makes you miserable is just a breeding ground for toxicity, male or female
No. 1777238
>>1777215Femcel is a women without luck in love life, typically due to psychological, physiological or ideological reasons.
Goth is someone who is fascinated by morbidity and makes it a statement.
No. 1777244
>>1777238When you say luck, do you mean not being able to get any boyfriend at all, or
had boyfriends but relationships ended in big dumpster fire?
No. 1777264
>>1777261nta but leaving shit covered wipes in a bin is kinda gross, even if it does get emptied later
No. 1777279
>>1777215The term was literally made by incels as a "reverse gotcha" in hopes it hurts women as much as it
triggers them. It's fucking hilarious retarded tiktok teens winded up using it as an aesthetic instead kek.
No. 1777285
>>17772641st, you wipe your butt with them? Wet wipe truthers are wild.
2nd, I think they do that in Greece or something and it's fine.
No. 1777287
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>>1777270>one (1) singular womanwoweee
No. 1777290
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>>1777260No they don’t actually. They say they’re flushable but it’s not regulated and the wipes actually make ropes in the sewer system and water treatment plants. There are numerous lawsuits from municipalities against wet wipe companies trying to make them stop printing “flushable” on the package.
No. 1777301
>>1777270One fucking example and it’s not even known if she called had
femcel ideologies. The leaked writings read like she could have been trying to imitate incel moids, I don’t see any
femcel in them.
No. 1777308
four women…? kek
No. 1777315
>>1777292Damn if those can't even handle shit papers how do they handle actual shit? What if someone took a giant log dump?
>>1777311Pads and tampons aren't as bad imo
No. 1777335
>>1777315>"What if someone took a giant log dump?"constipated
nonny from upthread: report back to us after you poop, for s c i e n c e
No. 1777336
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It has been many years that people viewed a difference between how they look in the mirror, versus how they look in a phone's camera. To get the closest to knowing what other people see when they look at you, which is more accurate: the camera or the mirror?
No. 1777338
>>1777279Femcel wasn't invented by incels but it was popularised by them. Calling yourself a
femcel is a self-own. Women are celibate because they have standards. Men are celibate because women have standards. Both groups have almost nothing in common.
No. 1777341
>>1777338I hate that women not wanting to date men and just enjoy life more on their own is now a "
femcel trait". Is being tired of men really being a
femcel now?
No. 1777349
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Thanks for all the answers, nonnies ♥ have a good night!