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No. 1665859

previous thread >>1649489

>>1649478 Harry Styles has a tattoo of Olivia Wilde's name on his leg.
>>1649490 Kanye Twitter ban lifted.
>>1650022 (old milk) Neil Patrick made a Amy winehouse corpse cake years ago.
>>1650208 Pee Wee is dead
>>1650222 Kanye put North in a scrapped KKK homage hoodie from his "collection".
>>1650346 , >>1650425 cardi gets water thrown at her so she throws a mic back.
>>1650385 Angus cloud aka fez from euphoria died. He had sexual assualt allegation.
>>1650390 Britney's sons are completely estranged from her now.
>>1651101 allegations of Lizzo creating a hostile work environment and serial harassment.
>>1652107 Kylie Jenner and Timothee Chalamet break up.
>>1652376 , >>1652379 alexa nikolas posts creepy actor brandon quinns dm's from when he approached a then underage girl (15). he's now threatening to sue her
>>1652726 Lizzo responds to the allegations.
>>1653011 kylie is doing a collab with bratz. people on the internet are upset that the doll has a darker skin colour and kylie is a blackfisher
>>1653112 Leah Remini in legal battle with scientology.
>>1653282 Tori Spelling homeless.
>>1653374 Doja cat new song…sounds generic tbh.
>>1653833 Mattel planning to make more movies about their toy brands.
>>1654053 some people have started questioning the legitimacy of the claims made against lizzo.
>>1655089 Jamie Lee Curtis says she is neutral towards the writers and actors strikes/protests.
>>1655729 Ian watkins stabbed in jail.
>>1655914 grimes shows support for lizzo.
>>1656051 Bella Hadid has chronic lyme disease.
>>1656903 Fans of BTS (armys) caused a huge commotion in a subway that lead to evacuation and other passengers getting injured.
>>1657411 Universal Music Group Cancels Marilyn Manson Album..
>>1657502 Noah schnapps sister needs….to visit a therapist.
>>1657525 iggy Azealia shows support for tory lanez.
>>1658224 Matt Healy allegedly talking crap about Taylor's fans.
>>1658354 tory lanez sentenced to 10 years prison for shooting MTS.
>>1659470 Jonah hill looses weight.
>>1659827 Iggys letters to the court defending Tory get leaked.
>>1660118 Lil Tay is alive.
>>1660404 Doja cat jumpscare.
>>1662696 entitled Billy Porter calls Anna Witour a bitch for not adding him in the cover of vogue.
>>1663352, >>1663355 Matty Healy might face a huge fine after his Malaysia performance.

No. 1665865

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#survivingthepettys is trending on Twitter after a article got released with all the court documents with even more details of the things keneth did to his victim that are very disturbing to read.

No. 1665868

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No. 1665869

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Held a knife to her throat while raping her.

No. 1665873

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The court documents are disturbing to read. Kenneth also said YES to all charges and was charged with assault, rape and possession of firearms.

No. 1665876

the fact Nicki Minaj still has a strong fanbase of women is crazy to me. She married this man. This man who raped a woman. Thats so wild to me, to this very day there's stan accounts having actual IRL fights over NIcki.

No. 1665878

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No. 1665880

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Nicki Minaj harassed the victim and made up lies about the victim (she said the victim was white and was a girlfriend, both of these statements are false because the victim is a black woman and had no relationship with the perpetrator).

No. 1665882

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No. 1665883

That get's me a lot! I was terrified by the images above. The fact that a rich woman like Nicki settled for a demon makes me incredibly disappointed considering she claims to want to inspire and be good influence on her fans. Unfortunately it's too common of a pattern for successful black women. I've seen too many stories of such women going to law school, getting phds or running very successful businesses with whole futures ahead of them, then they settle for scum and some times don't even make it out alive of the relationship. Of course, in Nicki's situation, she is hardly a victim. She is just nasty through and through. I'd literally just date an adulterous man who calls me bro then settle for this shit. I think Nicki Minaj HATES women.

No. 1665884

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No. 1665885

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One of kenneth's ex-friends also came out and said how this behavior was common with him and talked about Kenneth molesting his 14 year old sister when Kenneth was a adult.

No. 1665895

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>I think

Then you need to think harder because she LITERALLY does hate women.

1. Defended her pedo brother who raped his 12 year old daughter and then wrote to Obama asking him to set her brother free

2. Marries Kenneth who has many charges, goes and harasses the victims of that man when they try to speak up. Makes up lies about them.

3. Collaborated multiple times on music with Tekashi who had a p0rn scandal involving a 13 year old.

No. 1665926

She was adopted. Still disturbing though. She was 11.

No. 1665927

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His stepdaughter. Her testimony is horrific.
>>She also detailed the moment her then 8 year old brother caught Maraj in the act and how she had to tell the youngster not to talk for fear they’d be “sent away.”

No. 1665933

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Thank you for the thread, Nonichka! I have been starved for celeb discussion… when the thread isn't filled with crazies, that is.

No. 1665935

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The countess has shared her wisdom. Truly the mad Targaryen of our timeline.
and yes I know this belongs to the Grimes thread but this is about celebrating Azealia's poetry, not Claire's whatever

No. 1665936

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>Radiate fresh pussy growing in the meadow
I wish I was Duchess of Lolcow so I could make it a law that celebricows thread titles were always Azealia quotes

No. 1665944

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bless you anon for the new thread.
i found out my library gives me free access to shitty magazines (not the ones about aliens or science though? the hell) so i have been reading national enquirer and the globe and losing it for the last few hours. there is something about terrible cheesy writing/no sourcing/weird pictures out of context that are purely hilarious. see related. also they have lots of ads for mobility devices and fishing glasses (??) also the globe has a classifieds section and someone has been looking for a f4f that is tall and into outdoorsey things. hit her up please

No. 1665946

"He wears these outfits partly because he genuinely believes they showcase his fashion genius and forward thinking," says A SPY, "but it's also to cover his moon face and man boobs, which are out of control." i had to share this solely because of this quote. a SPY

No. 1665947

Thank you! Sorry I deleted because I saw it was his stepdaughter after looking into it for a second and then I got absorbed reading about it. But he was still her father in the household even if not a blood relation and she was even younger than 12, like how absolutely fucked up. I know a lot happened in 2020 but I never heard anything about this.

No. 1665948

this is fucked up, and also you have to literally type the exact words to get this to show up on google. her team is pushing all of the reports of this further down into the algorithm. it took me ten minutes to find the actual article and not just people caping for them/slandering the woman he raped. this is so bleak

No. 1665955

No. 1665966

I wonder what specific drugs Azealia is on when she makes these stories. Still love her though, what a queen

No. 1665968

what do you mean 'survivingthepettys'???

No. 1665972

Nicki Minaj's husband's last name is Petty. She's Onika Maraj-Petty and he's Kenneth Petty

No. 1665977

im not really sure what a pic like this is supposed to prove but i believe it anyway

No. 1665989

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she looks like someone's chain-smoking, alcoholic aunt who has voice like sandpaper, smells like menthol cigarettes, and has one foot in the grave.(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)

No. 1666001

who is this and why are you so angry?

No. 1666004

It’s Florence Pugh, there’s one nonna who is absolutely obsessed with hating her

No. 1666014

literally me, leave us alone

No. 1666020

Amanda chan’s spirit lives on

No. 1666033

i actually think she's cute usually but in this pic she looks like a midwestern mom of 3 who recently discovered she was bi after 10 years of marriage to soybeard

No. 1666041

Hm. He should be killed. I never cared for Nicki but I don’t see how they let her do a song on the Barbie soundtrack when this stuff and her defense of it was already public. Libfem stuff

No. 1666052

I don't mind Florence but her styling is always so terrible. It's like she intentionally does her hair and wears outfits that maximally unflatter her features

No. 1666060

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So disappointing. But the way the prison is described makes it seem like Ian Watkins could be murdered in prison fairly easily.
>>”Another point is that prison cells do not have CCTV cameras inside them. So when the case goes to court it is very hard to prove who did what.
>>"Even when a prisoner is murdered by other cons the case can fall over when it reaches court. You can't prove what has happened in a cell.
>>"Moving forward it will now be a challenge to keep Watkins safe inside the prison system. "

No. 1666065

My fucking god, this poor woman & her family have been through SO MUCH. It's honestly so despicable, disgusting, depressing.. just ugh. I truly hope nothing but the best for her, how absolutely fucked of a traumatic situation

No. 1666075

Aw, lol this was low-key kinda sweet of her? But
Grimes doesn't deserve the gas up.
Can he just fucking Epstein himself already?? Otherwise someone needs to finish the job so he can go rot in hell eternally.

No. 1666081

Thanks for starting this thread, 1665859!

I vote that this should be the title of the next thread; "Celebricows #88: Radiating fresh pussy growing in the meadow".

No. 1666089

>”Moving forward it will now be a challenge to keep Watkins safe inside the prison system.”
Then don’t? I hope this doesn’t mean he’ll get moved to one of those lower security protective units for ‘vulnerable’ prisoners. Toss him in solitary or something. Or better yet, bring back the oubliette.

No. 1666100

usually it's for liability reasons. they have to at least take a few security measures, because when an inmate gets shanked he or the family will often go to court to try and get financial compensation
you don't want the nonce to drag you lto echr alleging the authorities failed at protecting him while in state custody

No. 1666103

>she thinks epstein killed himself

No. 1666109

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No. 1666172

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Sage for skim but this is funny in a pathetic way

No. 1666186

yeah that made me side eye Greta.

No. 1666187

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>well respected by my peers

No. 1666240

she probably hired some content marketing team specifically to bury all this shit in SE results, shameful

No. 1666264

>hostage ordeal over guitar lessons
>cannot believe it took so long for him to get attacked
This is just a proof that the whole "prisoners hate pedos" thing is a big lie and a myth. You really telling me that a prison full of murderers, rapists and fellow kid fuckers would do anything to yet another maggot? He fits right in.

No. 1666269

rapists and chomos are protected in prison. they’re often kept from general population and given cells with other sexual offenders. unless a guard is paid off or is lazy, these men are basically untouchable. it is surprising to me that this piece of shit was giving guitar lessons for a while before anything happened to him. i’m guessing the sessions were supervised but who knows.

No. 1666296

Ayrt, whoops I totally fucked up n worded that wrong. He most definitely was murdered & I feel like a complete dumbass now. Don't post on flu medicine kek

No. 1666307

If there's one thing men are, it's hypocrites with a caveman savior complex. I don't doubt for a second that they attack pedos to feel better about themselves.

No. 1666314

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>Zara Larsson responds to TikToker for making up a story that she is homophobic:

No. 1666345

Based, we need to be telling more types of Online Males that they are unfunny, especially the online gays. I wish Zara wasn't a literallywho in the US because this and her speaking against prostitution makes me happy

No. 1666368

You know they're doing it because gays hate all women, and think that ruining a woman's reputation is the funniest thing. Zara made a video assuming that this guy is clueless yet a fan, but this is far from the truth. She was too nice to him (yet she would get backlash if she gave him what he deserved). He and others like him that ganged up on Millie Bobby Brown are hateful fags that love to tear women down and then use their gay card to get out of criticism. This should be viewed as slander and should have more consequences than a slap on the wrist.

No. 1666393

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>tee-hee, it's just satire, omg Zara noticed me
So what was the satire, sir. What was satirical and well-thought out in your gag. Do you need to read the definition and differences between lies and satire again? Brainless moid.

No. 1666394

she sounds like Rihanna.

No. 1666433

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>coparents his 26 year old step daughter

No. 1666462

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Pic related. One of queen Lizzie's great great grandchildren.

No. 1666467

Imagine him being your stepdad oh my god. I really don't like that woman

No. 1666471

not to sound like a zoomer but Prince Louis is kinda iconic

No. 1666472

Why's he making that retarded face

No. 1666479

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No. 1666523

okay and? why are you posting pics of a kid looking goofy.

No. 1666524

>Some bullshit liberal academia term to punish people for having eyes and noticing someone is fat? Lol
>Men cannot push whole humans out of their little dickholes

Fucking based, kek. We have been blessed this day

No. 1666525

That's the age where he found his life partner, so he probably thinks the same is gonna happen to them.

No. 1666529

Oh my god I thought it was an old woman at first glance

No. 1666545

Based. We need more women publicly calling out gay men for lying about us and throwing us under the bus. I wonder if this would have happened if she were American. I think here in Burgerland everyone is so scared of offending the gays and being labeled as an intolerant "Karen" that nobody wants to say anything

No. 1666550

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>Aaron Taylor-Johnson, 33, addresses 23-year age gap with wife Sam: ‘Nothing to hide’

>Aaron Taylor-Johnson has opened up about his much-talked about relationship with his wife, director Sam Taylor-Johnson.

>The “Kick-Ass” star, who was 22 when he tied the knot with then-45-year-old Sam in 2012, gave a rare insight into his marriage in an interview with Esquire.
>“I’ve probably talked to you more about my kids and Sam than I have with anybody,” the “James Bond” hopeful, 33, said in the interview, shutting down further questions about his marriage. “I’ve got really nothing to hide, and I’m secure in what we have.”
>“But I’m not going to unlock things that are actually precious to me,” he added, referring to his and Sam’s 23-year age gap.
>Aaron met the British director, 56, on the set of the 2009 drama “Nowhere Boy” — Sam’s directorial debut.
>The “Bullet Train” actor, who landed the leading role as teenage John Lennon in the drama, began dating Sam when he was 18 and she was 42 — prompting major backlash and media coverage.
>“I met Sam as actor and director. I think we’re really great at collaborating,” he shared. “But that’s not why I fell in love with her.”
>The couple went on to welcome two kids together: Wylda, 13 and Romy, 11.
>Aaron is also stepfather to Sam’s daughters Angelica, 25, and Jessie, 15, whom she shares with ex-husband Jay Jopling.
>Reflecting on life with Sam and their children, Aaron said he enjoys the day-to-day aspects of fatherhood
>“I enjoy the normality of things, the everyday stuff,” he told the outlet. “Getting my kids ready in the mornings, taking them to school and activities … That feeds my soul.”
>Opening up about his own childhood, Aaron said he envisioned being a family man at a young age.
>“[I knew] I was going to have a big family. I knew I was going to be a young father. I knew I was going to have many kids,” he shared.
>The duo’s marriage has been met with “negativity” over the years, the “Kraven the Hunter” star told The Telegraph

No. 1666556

Idk why everyone hates their marriage much harder than Leonardo pedocaprio's countless barely legal gfs. At least his wife stayed with him and obviously loves him and their children unlike the male celebs that date young women just for the novelty.

No. 1666562

Cause he’s a child playing motorcycle guys or something

No. 1666564

I think ITT it's just one sperg with a crush on Aaron and particular hateboner for his wife that keeps bringing them up even if there's no milk on them

No. 1666566

Good for her, but he’s WAY too old for a sugar baby? Clearly she isn’t in love with him..? He is quite plain, in the nicest way possible. I think it’s time to dump him for a barely legal teen king

No. 1666582

> Clearly she isn’t in love with him..?
what makes you think that..?

No. 1666588

He isn’t husband material. He’s a Hollywood whore and lost his only redeeming trait (youth.) There’s no reason to keep him around anymore unless she got sentimental

No. 1666594

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Can't say I didn't see this coming, there were rumors he leaked info about her and she's mentally unhinging after the end of her conservatorship. Brit really needs proper therapy and to stay off social media


No. 1666615

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I think he's still Hot.

No. 1666627

I mean I get that he's hot but like hating his wife when they seem to have one of the most healthy Hollywood relationships and 3 daughters is stupid. Didn't his wife also help him with his career? It only makes sense for him to be grateful.
How is he a whore when he's been with his wife for so long and hasn't cheated or done anything similar?

No. 1666630

>>Don’t you ever threaten me! When your husband came to ME to get his butthole licked!
Taryn Manning is a treasure.

No. 1666635

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any bong will remember him from the film Angus thongs and perfect snogging. where he played Robbie

No. 1666639

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My dumb ass expected Greta to say something funny or deprecating to him. But nope, clickbait spoilers,

>Chalamet and her muse Saoirse Ronan were courted for cameo appearances in “Barbie” but scheduling conflicts got in the way.

>“Timothée did come by the set and then said, ‘I should have been in this,’ And I was like, ‘I know! Why aren’t you in this?”

Great story, Variety.

No. 1666648

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Why, Timmy Charcuterie, hmm? Why? What value do you bring? I really want to know whose sphincters he's been licking to get all of these parts he doesn't deserve. He is not. that. talented. Or handsome.
I can't get over why they casted him as Wonka for no goddamn reason without an audition. RATA-TOOT-TOOT YOUR ASS OUT OF HERE

No. 1666653

tbh i'm glad he wasn't. He looked great in Dune (despite me finding the movie to be extremely overrated), but there is just something weird about him. I don't think he would fit the barbie movie either.

No. 1666654

Seriously, what has happened to her? She sounds drunk and looks about 60

No. 1666659

She looks and sounds exactly like the meth heads in my town, I don’t know why they all have that same voice

No. 1666665

>I was lickin’ his butthole! shrug
Kek why did that make me laugh so hard

No. 1666667

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She did an interview like five years ago talking about her drinking problem so I’m guessing the stress of this affair situation may have caused a relapse.

No. 1666676

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No. 1666678

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No. 1666683

OT but goddamn he's so ugly

No. 1666690

Jesus christ I hate him. Gay men are moids to the core.

No. 1666691

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I feel like anons have mentioned it before, but maybe Doja wants to go full pop punk and hated being marketed as a big booty female rapper?

No. 1666696

I've been waiting a couple days to be able to post this re: Jonah Hill

No. 1666702

This really solidifies how far Nicki has fallen to me. What a pathetic woman. I genuinely can't believe this is the same artist who made Pink Friday, I don't understand why you would become such a bitter and self-absorbed woman over a man who offers you nothing and is registered as a sex offender. Shes disgusting.

I doubt she will even divorce him. She lives in her own world, she willingly believes anything that predators tell her. I wonder if she's a victim in denial or if sexual abuse has been so normalized to her from a young age that this is nothing to her.

No. 1666704

This whole family going to hell

No. 1666710

if that's the case then why do her newer songs sound the same as usual

No. 1666713

She isn't claiming the caps are real here. I know Azealia is like a skilled poetess but she's also unhinged and I really doubt she was being recruited for a threesome.

>especially the online gays
Oh they absolutely need whats coming to them. They've been allowed way too much legroom to be creepy and retarded for far too long, they've become the worst demographic online and they think they're allowed to be obsessed with women and harass them just because they aren't sexually attracted to them. Same standard, you're all grown men.

No. 1666716

God I wish that were me

No. 1666721

It's just so odd, I know he did it to make his place permanent and give him a career and good for him but there is nothing even remotely charming about her, I can't help but see her as just as gross as the men who do this. Like she isn't even cute, can't make milf jokes or nothing. Nasty.

I would be upset if that was my family too.

No. 1666731

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It’s so over for HOTD

No. 1666733

people can be uncomfortable with both. not to mention an adult shouldn't be seeking out a relationship with someone who's 18. if they met way later in life as fully matured adults it might not be as big of a deal. but 18 and 42 are very different life stages and ending up with co-parenting someone who's just a few years younger than you would be weird to say the least.

No. 1666737

Isn't that PhilosophyTube

No. 1666738

I've never heard of this person before but just from seeing the photo in the little thumbnail my brain screamed

No. 1666740

Apparently yes, yes it is

No. 1666742

>I think here in Burgerland everyone is so scared of offending the gays and being labeled as an intolerant "Karen" that nobody wants to say anything
It's getting old. American gay men are literally the most Karen of Karens alive, and any time they are given criticism for being horrible, unlikable, shallow, whiny and entitled people with no self control and severe arrested development they pull the homophobia card every time. Their obsession with women and using them as punching bags and inserting themselves into women's business where they absolutely do not belong is a privilege they do not deserve and a welcome they have long since exhausted.

No. 1666743

okay who tf keeps giving him roles??? the man's not an actor ffs he's a washed out youtuber who was forced to troon out in order to hold onto even a scrap of relevancy. can someone from the breadtube threads confirm that this guy has industry connections or something bc im frankly confused at why he'd get cast in something as mainstream as hotd

No. 1666744

Yes anon. It is is. That is why I posted. as if casting a they them to play a woman who birthed 5 kids in the book wasn’t bad enough. Not we have a YouTube troon on cast as well.

No. 1666745

I know almost nothing about his personality, but he always comes off to me as the popular kid in high school who has never been told "no". Like, the kid that gets away with saying stupid shit and making noises in class while the teachers laugh along, while the girls would get in trouble for doing the same thing (anyone know what I mean?)
And yeah, there's literally no reason for him to be in Barbie. He's not a Ken/himbo type, and he's not a comedic actor, either.

No. 1666748

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Brilliant, anon!

No. 1666752

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Kek the background is fitting

No. 1666757

ik this is the wrong thread for it but every time i see pics of him in his ridiculous getups like this i wonder why hontra hasn't publicly called him out and got his fans to dogpile him for his blatant skinwalking. it's so so weird

No. 1666759

NTA but you could have played it off as being a statement on the idea of him being killed in prison but made out to look like a suicide

No. 1666768

I hope that’s not really the character he’ll play… Alysanne is a prolific lesbian character and by changing Sabitha into a troon it’s actual lesbian erasure. Pretty bleak

No. 1666810

It’s kind of annoying that troons can be picked to play female characters while everyone in the animation industry gets riled up if a voice actor doesn’t match the race of their character. I feel like at one point (forgot the movie) troons complained about transgender characters not being depicted with trans actors/actresses. Maybe they’re quiet about it now that they can take and rewrite the role of any character.

No. 1666830

Tbf I regularly see this photo absolutely blasted on /tttt/ and called all sort of poetic insults for the term Hon

No. 1666835

kek his big wide male gunt bulging at the sides

No. 1666870

Now all they need to do is cast Honter Schafer as Alysanne Blackwood for the ultimate historically accurate transbian romance. Also PT comes from money so if they're going the nepo route they could have The Weeknd and Lily Rose Depp make a duet for the soundtrack?

No. 1666874

it's so funny how blatantly ripping someone off makes them seem so much better just by comparison, even if you don't like their stuff. like, this isn't madlibs. you can't just make the same thing someone else made and stamp your own face on top and call it a day.

No. 1666893

I’m the one who made fun of her for dating Zach Braff but there were other people claiming she was having an affair with Cillian Murphy and making fun of her appearance.People nitpick her looks every time she’s mentioned.

No. 1666904

Why do anons keep using male equivalent comparisons as if it's taken any less seriously at least here, Leo's been dunked on many times in these threads and elsewhere for his dating patterns. This was literally talked about last thread. Celebs staying with each other long-term doesn't necessarily mean a healthy relationship either

Him being still 18 when a 42 year old came along and got close to him to then help him advance in his career sounds like he should be grateful to a parental or authority figure, had they not engaged in a romantic relationship

No. 1666946

a lot of youtube video essayists copy off each other in one way or another (like vidrel copying hontra's aesthetic), it's just extra obvious with pt and contra. if pt does end up on hotd though it'll be painful watching all the chronically online performative leftist asoiaf stans lick it up

No. 1667040

File: 1692244590844.jpeg (822.16 KB, 1170x1630, AF83FE7A-FFBE-4745-BA46-4D0414…)

this makes me feel like the entire drama surrounding Keke, Usher, and her boyfriend was planned from the start. but if it wasn’t, Usher is really out here thinking that he’s stealing women from their boyfriends. and that’s hilarious to me.

No. 1667049

Did everyone conveniently forget that Usher gave at least one woman herpes and how she was relentlessly mocked by other people for calling him out on it? The praise of Usher and everyone forgetting about his herpes lawsuit baffles me

No. 1667082

At least Jordan Theresa is a woman that fits these aesthetics
She wants to be willow so bad now

No. 1667100

i like her but a lot of her stuff is cringe because she's such a libfem. someone needs to peak her

No. 1667106

Two things can be true at once. Calling her gross on a fringe board nobody gaf about shouldn't trigger as many of you as it does. She is clapped. Also he's an actor, and a damn good one. Bag secured.

No. 1667202

>I can't help but see her as just as gross as the men who do this

NTA I was with you up until that last part. Whether or not those people are unappealing or good at their work (or as with the other anon's point, staying with their partner for the long run) doesn't make the pursuing younger stuff any less weird

No. 1667256

I didnt say it wasn't weird, but he better be getting good benefits that outweigh being with someone really gross and unattractive fresh into adulthood. I would say the same for any young woman who does this with a nasty old man.

No. 1667283

File: 1692248759637.jpeg (886.27 KB, 1157x1426, 8132594D-5A01-4047-8D71-26BA7A…)

Sage since it’s more of a YouTube thing, but one of the troons from S1 Episode 2 of Euphoria has been outed for sharing cp with minors on discord and trying to get them on hrt. His name is Jean Michelena/Ella Michelena. A troon pornstar Sam Levinson hired. He’s also friends with Chris Tyson and people are begging Mr.Beast on Twitter to address it. But I’m more disgusted he has a foot in Hollywood already. Fuck Sam Levinson for not at least vetting the porn stars he puts in his crap. I know Hollywood is full of pedophiles, I just hope this can lead to Sam Levinson getting some meaningful scrutiny.

No. 1667332

Damn how many trannies are on this show

No. 1667355

i already hated nicki minaj but this is SO fucked up. she forced her husbands rape victim to move multiple times because they were harassing her CHILD? not even harassing her. they were harassing her child. and richard petty (her husband) has a nickname of 'zoo'? lol

No. 1667375

>from beyonce to pitbull
i'm crying

No. 1667380

i know this is bait but it sent me. never change, mentally handicapped anon

No. 1667385

bye bitch we don't care

No. 1667519

Outed where? I can’t find any info

No. 1667535

Literally sounds like this thread in print form.

No. 1667605

Search #goongate on Twitter(search screenshots and post them)

No. 1667618

If he didn't feel attracted to her he would've already dumped her, stop talking about how a woman id an abuser for being with a young adult man who didn't ever speak up about her abuse or claimed to have been coerced. The same people who blame this woman for dating the hot man they wanna fuck ignore the fact that Johnny depp had a lot of underage girls he dated speak up against him and still don't brand him as a pedo. I'm sorry but dating an adult man will never be a crime.

No. 1667619

Nta but do you really think anyone here would defend Johnny Depp of all fucking people

No. 1667621

Not in this thread but a lot of anons defended him during his situation with amber and when his past gfs' statements were brought up, anons said the underage women were lying, etc. Not all anons in this site are feminists and not all anons on this site are even women.

No. 1667626

Sure, but it's actually just dumb to think that they're the same people. If an anon says they don't like Leonardo Dicraprio, there's a 99% chance they probably don't like Johnny Depp either. Also most anons supported Amber

No. 1667638

File: 1692282235887.png (2.31 MB, 1110x1490, embarassing.png)

this bitch is out here making fun of her fans, dating a fat and ugly sexual predator, and doing SKETCHERS ADS? you can't make this shit up

No. 1667651

A lot of the depp supporters are male anons and a lot of the anons who are attacking this woman because they think she's evil for dating a younger guy can also be men. There are several male anons that attack anons whenever they mention having a younger bf.
Who tf is gonna buy these shoes when all of her fans dislike her because of her current actions?

No. 1667653

So if you thought it was a male anon, why not just report instead of responding?

No. 1667684

she has a lazy eye in that pic

No. 1667774

They made her arms so tiny! Like a midget on top!

No. 1667812

Nikki in the Barbie movie soundtrack is proof no one cares about sexual predators in the industry. She's a joke. She wants to make "real" music and not be famous, but she can't help it when a little bit of money is dangled her way. Also her new stuff sounds the same as her old stuff. Pathetic.

No. 1667814

She has one in every pic, what do you mean? Looks like a dead fish at the supermarket

No. 1667905

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No. 1667908

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No. 1667911

Doja can have her moment in the sun. The machine is just going to chew her up and spit her out.

No. 1667921

File: 1692301154501.jpeg (1.56 MB, 1620x1181, ACC13DF7-99B3-4B03-88AA-83BFB4…)

Sorry mod thank you

No. 1667952

File: 1692304971299.png (233.84 KB, 993x568, uin.png)

The "goonclown" person is fucking vile.

No. 1667957

File: 1692305208084.png (404.77 KB, 961x768, Picsart_23-08-17_13-40-37-520.…)

Sam Asghari is divorcing Britney. I always felt like this moid was after her money.


No. 1667960

I'm saying it's a possibility, either males or women with internalized misogyny who think a woman dating a more attractive adult man is a crime.

No. 1667961

how do i unsee this?

No. 1667964

I thought they both signed pre-nups.

No. 1667975

I'm one of the anons you responded to. Now you're making assumptions that people who even mention having a problem with people like Sam Taylor-Johnson would be the same kind of people who would stand for Johnny Depp? Can we actually stop comparing stuff that's both messed up as if people can't be against both. We're talking about the fact a 42 year old pursued someone who was 18, if you ignore who these people are as celebrities. Doesn't matter if they're still in a relationship now as both being adults, it's weird. Stop standing up for Sam and stop assuming that people who are against this kind of behavior would defend other messed up shit. Dating someone that's way too young is not right, full stop.

Thank you.

No. 1667989

>dating an adult man
who she started being in a relationship with when he was still in his formative years. are you blaming only the men that do this?

not to mention the fact that the reason the post that instigated all of this was because it was a recent interview >>1666550
>August 15, 2023
it's ridiculous that someone just mentioning a new interview with aaron or sam would instigate fighting where anons would even defend sam for doing something gross that men typically do. the difference is she had kids with him and settled down with the guy instead of either leaving. you're unfairly lumping a bunch of anonymous people with those who would defend johnny depp or other male hollywood creeps doing the similar things and it's wild you come to that conclusion. disagreeing with either issue is not mutually exclusive.

No. 1667990

i always see conflicting news about sam and britney. what the hell is going on

No. 1668001

please stop sperging about Sam Taylor-Johnson/Johnny Depp. It's just spawning infighting and there's nothing of value from that conversation that's new and milky. Continuing to infight will result in bans, please do not respond to it and just report it if it continues.

No. 1668012

File: 1692309161187.png (727.75 KB, 1440x799, Screenshot_20230817-165412.png)

.. like pic related.

No. 1668013

File: 1692309215352.png (331.8 KB, 545x770, Screenshot_22.png)

So not really actual celebrity milk but as many people pointed out, the Hollywood Strikes only pushed studios further to Invest in AI.

>While the Hollywood writer’s strike has reached and passed 100 days, a new report out says almost every entertainment and media company plans to boost generative AI spend. In fact, they are global leaders.

>“Companies in the entertainment, technology and consumer products industries are frontrunners in plans to increase generative AI spending,” Lucidworks, a search and insights company that commissioned the report, says.
>But the media companies aren’t alone
>As many as 96% of executives involved in AI decisions are prioritizing generative AI investments, and that means that most companies globally are investing. China leads with 100% of companies saying they are investing in generative AI, while 94% of U.K. and 95% of French companies say the same. In India, 98% of companies are also pouring resources into generative AI, while 92% of U.S. companies say they are as well.
>(This data is based on what Lucidworks says is the largest global study of generative AI in business, involving 6,000 survey respondents at companies with more than 100 employees who are involved in decisions on AI investments.)
>That’s a key concern of Hollywood writers, of course, and Wired says they’re right to fear AI. An OpenAI study on the “labor market impact potential of large language models” published in March says that multiple categories of writers are up to 100% exposed to career and work impact from AI. That does not necessarily mean that AI will take their jobs—though in some cases it could—but it will almost certainly have some impact in how they do their jobs.
>That massive change at breakneck speed, of course, is what worries most people. AI is improving so quickly—including full video generation from text prompts—that a full movie might be generated from prompts in just a few years. (Note: no comment on the quality of that movie.)
>Based on the investment media and entertainment companies are making, that could be possible. According to the report, only consumer products companies, tech companies and construction and real estate companies are investing at similar levels.
>Even the relative laggards, however, are overwhelmingly planning large and fast generative AI deployments.

No. 1668020

that's horrible. isn't this what the strikes were fighting against in the first place?

No. 1668028

I probably shouldn't be saying this but i am so morbidly curious to see how a fully ai movie would do. My guess is that they will do this with adaptations that already have source material/information to be fed to the machine so they can keep pumping out movies based on brands/stories that the public are familiar with. Of course i believe from what i know about AI right now that it's going to lead to a lot of people probably boycotting movies/tv shows and a lot of movies/shows that are essentially daddy finger elsa spider man but for adults. I hope that the AI generated films/tv shows are trash tbh, nobody will hold back or say you're being mean because it's done by a robot and not a person, people will be less forgiving. At least online.
From what i have seen the strikes have focused more on actors who aren't a-list getting paid fairly, but i have heard a lot about animators upset about how much they have been rushed and forced to work under unreasonable conditions.

No. 1668030

Yes, and studios are too lazy to pay their workers. AI isn't that advanced yet, especially when it comes to writing. No idea why the house of mouse would rather pay a million for an artificial intelligence specialist when they could just pay their workers

No. 1668032

Yes, and they ironically accelerated the development. They kind of overestimated how much average people were invested in most modern shows. most people are willing to wait a few more months or just watched something else. I feel a writers strike could have worked, but they planned this horribly

No. 1668033

I they could also save a ton of money by literally just cutting their budgets and not making insanely expensive movies all the time. They would even still have money left over to pay all their workers fairly.

No. 1668041

I'm 99% sure half those budgets aren't going towards the actual films and foot the executives cocaine bills or payment towards their 511th house. There is no way some of these movies and shows are costing so high without money laundering.

No. 1668042

tbf, the Fast and the Furious movies could have been written by AI and no one would have noticed. That said, I don't think we are at a point where it's possible to have a true AI-scripted movie. It will most likely require a specifically built AI for a specific genre, along with a pair of human editors.

No. 1668049

even as the popularity of ai is blowing up, ai generated people still look dead in the eyes. i feel like regardless of how much advancements are made, there will be nothing that can compare to a movie or tv show that involves the work of real people. these companies never needed to be stingy in the first place, just reasonable.

No. 1668064

File: 1692312001011.png (654.62 KB, 716x924, 1692298461497230.png)

This sounds crazy, but there's just something about Rachel Zegler and her facial expressions that I absolutely can't stand, and I have no idea why. (Obviously I agree with the message in her post here,) but she always seems so smug and bitchy. She just comes off as so unlikeable to me, like a rude TikTok kid with main character syndrome or something

No. 1668069

File: 1692312270984.jpeg (166.56 KB, 1176x1269, IMG_0425.jpeg)

I don't find her that annoying but I saw this meme today and it made me kek

sorry close set eyes girls our tenure is over

No. 1668071

You can make pretty convincing people in something as simple as FaceApp by compositing but it's always the eyes, the hands and the ears that look unnatural. AI generated faces tend to have differently shaped pupils than their human counterparts

No. 1668073

Kek. New beauty standard incoming

No. 1668081

i think it was said last thread that she's a gen-z theater kid and… i'm sorry for any nonnas that might fall under that umbrella but it kind of makes sense. like there's likely more but it adds to it

No. 1668082

File: 1692312700731.jpeg (39.2 KB, 612x612, istockphoto-496610944-612x612.…)

This AI bullshit makes my blood boil. Why pay a human minimum wage to write interesting, thought-provoking, funny stories, when they can just plug in [X,Y,Z] factors into some AI screenwriting algorithm, feed it Marvel screenplays, and churn out some soulless bullshit that appeals to the lowest common denominator and widest possible demographic in both the United States and China?

No. 1668087

that made me kek but how sad would it be if that actually became some sort of "beauty trend"

No. 1668090

Is he a nepobaby or something or do you just have to be an ugly tim to get a role nowadays?

No. 1668092

Those women all look their age and they don't even have bratz faces

No. 1668095

ayrt, true, it was a retarded comparison and I feel dumb now

No. 1668097

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No. 1668106

They are lying to make it not seem bad, she has known him since he was a child, like 8 or something, and "officially" met when he was 16 or 17. Not 18. She is just as gross as the rest of the hollywood moids.(please read the farmhand post)

No. 1668107

I know people used to say Hollywood is dead a lot to everything made these days, but I think we are witnessing its actual death now, wow

No. 1668109

She is the epitome of gen z over confidence and ignorance. It's really annoying

No. 1668110

tbh i low key loved his comedy role in dont look up, i personally think he has the range

No. 1668116

This is such a horrible time line we're living in. AI can never replace human creativity and art. I hate the AI hype so much.

No. 1668162

File: 1692320789651.jpeg (142.61 KB, 1125x472, 81D2D830-BCE2-4EB0-9459-F9F2BA…)

i went looking for more information and saw this in a bbc article. he's allegedly asking britney to pay spousal support and attorney fees.


No. 1668165

He's also accusing her of cheating on him now? And people are eating it up? What about all the rumors of him cheating on her and TMZ's history with defaming her in a very specific way, now they're pumping out articles in his favor. Hmmm.

Something isn't right in the state of Brittinenia.

No. 1668167

Hysterical. My favorite part is all the untalented actors that have to attention whore for a crumb of roles talking about how they're in the strike and how hard it is… dude you weren't going to work anyways.

No. 1668171

i saw that too while i was skimming, and a tmz article where sources close to them claim that britney got physical with him. not sure what to think but interested to hear fellow anons takes on the situation.

No. 1668172

Cope. She's nasty. Leo is nasty. Jack Nicholson is nasty. Every old man ever is nasty and the young martyr at their side for personal gain is very strong for pretending they arent disgusted. It's the same for her, she's clapped and nasy. Moving on.

>can also be men
You wish we were men, why does this offend you so much? Are you a cougar, does it strike a nerve? Also I hate Johnny Depp and I guarantee so do most if not all of the other anons calling her a creepy old horse do too. You're living in fantasy land.(please read the farmhand post)

No. 1668175

Yeah I'm not sure to what degree I believe what's coming out. Although she's defs not mentally stable, does it seem like she'd push him around? I'm thankful they don't have any kids, otherwise this could be so much uglier. I recall her saying she wants another baby but she's so far from being well enough to care for one. I love Britney but trauma from the conservatorship and her current resistance to treatment has stunted her.

No. 1668176

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No. 1668177

Because that's exactly what she is and if that's what you want to be you aren't going to be a celebrity for it. Be a condescending influencer bitch but don't cry when no real person supports you. This is pedestrian behavior, not talented actress behavior. This is entitled wannabe socialite behavior, not professional or interesting. Chewed up and spit out before the career even came.

No. 1668178

Anon you're right but there's a farmhand warning on the subject

No. 1668181

She's so beautiful looking here

No. 1668186

i agree, she should take the time to heal before considering having another child. it's sad, she needs professional help yet i've seen people use her mental health as a reason to put her back under conservatorship

No. 1668188


No. 1668189

She's probably skeptical because they used mental health treatment under the guise of the conservatorship to abuse her and dope her up. I hope she realizes that there are good therapists or even techniques out there, especially when this divorce bound to get ugly is over. Maybe there's people in her support system who'll push her towards recovery

No. 1668193

i'm hoping for that too.

No. 1668202

I’m retarded, who is this?

No. 1668204

Carla Bruni

No. 1668213

She looks incredible. I know she's probably not physically healthy, but I hope she's at least feeling better. Seemed like she was gone for a while
Bella Hadid.

No. 1668290

File: 1692327639542.jpeg (484.12 KB, 607x1094, IMG_1212.jpeg)

Imagine this thing grunting and humping you. He’s not even cute she just did it to do it.

Lol she left the comments open on ONE ig post from April 10 and I am enjoying reading people ripping her apart, and also stans being delulu saying this is all just a rumor or “separate the art from the artist always”
Sadly I don’t think ari will get cancelled, she has too many supportive simps with no brain cells

No. 1668302

i wish you'd spoilered the pic and that visual anon kek.

No. 1668303

I don’t know why Ariana would care, but apparently his dad is a doctor working for the FDA and helped found a prestigious Jewish day school.

No. 1668305

sadly not surprised her deluded stans are still backing her. for some reason she appealed to most of the public even though she was already known to be bratty and a diva before this scandal came out. taking her down a few notches will do fine though, she's not someone who deserves a-list status. also kek at them talking about "separate the art from the artist". i know it's a common saying but singing about fucking and breaking apart relationships is a funny thing to call art and her music isn't even all that great.

i don't think she would. but that's an interesting thing to know.

No. 1668344

how does that make him any more desirable? he's short, ugly, and cheated on his partner of 10 years within a year of her having his child after she supported his short, ugly ginger ass. he was fucking someone else while inviting them to be around his partner and child. that is whole other level of fucked up

No. 1668346

That whole cast is taking wicked way too seriously and it's been like four years, watch it be straight up ass

No. 1668349

It's going to be so dumb. I love musicals but I just know it's going to suck, also it feels like the Wicked 'craze' is over and it's just too little, too late at this point. Nobody really cares anymore

No. 1668350

>four years
I don't keep up with the Wicked stuff. Four years? I thought it was a more recent thing

I don't think anyone said it made him any more desirable. But you're right

Curious is there anything special about the April 10 post in question?

No. 1668360

it’s a promo post for her beauty line.

No. 1668386

No. 1668424

To be fair, why would she be cancelled? What she did was bad but I don't see why it should be serious enough to people who weren't involved to end her entire career over. also you guys know that if she was actually cancelled, some of you would be writing essays about how it's not fair that she gets cancelled but men can get away with much worse and still have a career.

No. 1668474

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No. 1668475

File: 1692355937973.jpeg (78.8 KB, 683x813, IMG_1220.jpeg)

Is Miley okay? Something looks off..

No. 1668479

Artists have done a lot worse are still have careers.

No. 1668493

it's the cheekbones

No. 1668527

She's been a long time serial cheater if you listen to a lot of blind items and gossip about her. I don't know what people expect of her or why anyone is shocked. I thought it was obvious that's what the song "Break Up With Your Girlfriend I'm Bored" was about. She's literally telling people she just doesn't care. Her songs "Bad Idea" and "Bloodline" are about cheating, too.

No. 1668530

File: 1692359810957.jpeg (59.29 KB, 560x423, BD3D77BB-E734-4DD4-AF9E-A27AEF…)

Life imitates art

No. 1668535

eyes too

No. 1668549

What is seriously going on here? Is this something akin to fetal alcohol syndrome?

No. 1668578

File: 1692363715938.jpg (74.93 KB, 534x770, F3x1mk2aQAAbjCY.jpg)

Meg the Stallion's statement to the judge to make sure Tory Lanez midget ugly ass is locked up at the fullest extent of the law. Its harrowing reading this. I feel so bad for Meg.And the audacity for that marsupial looking bitch iggy australia to try got get this crazed moid free is crazy. I hate pickme bitches like her she is so dangerous. Spent her whole career skinwalking black women and being beat on by black men just to turn around and STILL defend the men that harm both her and other women because they are men. Nasty work.

No. 1668579

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No. 1668580

File: 1692363915587.jpg (9.87 KB, 548x148, F3x1mk0boAAVMKm.jpg)

3/3 I feel so bad for Meg the craziest thing is she was willing to let it slide she's the one who brought up that she stepped on glass to protect his ugly ass. See how men will do you!? never trust those disgusting scrotes

No. 1668582

It’s just normal human variation, anon. Some people have eyes that are further apart, and some people (e.g. Ryan Gosling, Sarah Jessica Parker) have eyes that are closer together.

No. 1668586

Same thing with One Last Time. I always listened to it like it was about the end of the world and you want to be with your lover one last time but like….i think she meant even though you gotta girl lets fuck one more time cuz im not over you.

I know I should've fought it, at least I'm being honest
Feel like a failure, 'cause I know that I failed you
I should've done you better, 'cause you don't want a liar

And I know, and I know, and I know she gives you everything
But boy, I couldn't give it to you
And I know, and I know, and I know that you got everything
But I got nothing here without you

So one last time
I need to be the one who takes you home
One more time
I promise after that, I'll let you go
Baby, I don't care if you got her in your heart
All I really care is you wake up in my arms
One last time
I need to be the one who takes you home

[Verse 2]
I don't deserve it, I know I don't deserve it
But stay with me a minute, I swear I'll make it worth it
Can't you forgive me? At least just temporarily
I know that this is my fault, I should have been more careful

No. 1668588

halle bailey is so beautiful

No. 1668600

File: 1692365422644.jpg (59.37 KB, 796x647, halle-bailey-facts---who-is-ha…)

she freaking is! i like her a lot if i wasn't like 7 years older than her i would have a crush LMAO. i just that hate her taste in men is so tragic. her vibe reminds me of janet jackson.

No. 1668606

to stan for 1 second she released this song around the same time as doja's and its also a response to the "haters".its funny the juxtaposition on how they both went about it. idk if it was purposeful angel devil marketing but its funny to think about.

No. 1668655

I cannot wait for Ariana to dump his gross ass and then he’s left with nothing but regret. I hope his ex wife finds an attractive new man and moves on 100%

No. 1668671

I really don't see it..

No. 1668673

miley's face is raisin-ing meanwhile selena's is ballooning. interesting

No. 1668690

her expression is so odd here - like someone starving that's watching a hamburger being eaten

No. 1668693

her voice is so lovely. she had such a graceful reaction to the bizarre, racist bashing she got. i feel like it's rare these days for a celebrity be talented, pretty and not ridiculously mentally ill/a complete idiot when it comes PR lol

No. 1668727

Nta but I don't get the purpose of anons saying this every time they see someone say they find Halle or Anya Taylor Joy pretty.

No. 1668777

File: 1692374995911.png (767.44 KB, 977x547, fjgkl.png)

She definitely had buccal fat removal. It's a shame because her features were soft and pretty, and now she looks gaunt. She looks even more like her mom, which she might be happy about; I heard she's close with her and she disconnected from her dad when the two divorced. However, Tish was a momager so IDK what goes behind the scenes with them.

No. 1668812

me neither, it's just weird behavior. some anons need to understand that not everyone will share their opinion on women's looks tbh

No. 1668826

Hip bones popping out, I admire the anorexic willpower

No. 1668833

This sounds good but then some other evil will grow like social media or porn

No. 1668836

she looks like stockfish. really uhhh dry.

No. 1668845

Sorry to the nonnas who think she's gorgeous, but her pelvic bone protruding like that is terrifying.

No. 1668850

agreed, like what do they think they'll accomplish?

No. 1668855

Finally it's our time to shine, alien looking bitches.

No. 1669036

Massively underrated comment kek

No. 1669039

tf is this, and how is it milk? Is "goonclown" a celeb or?

No. 1669064

it's the ozempic

No. 1669069

File: 1692392217222.gif (1.02 MB, 400x226, single.gif)

>Single is called "single soon"

No. 1669088

he's who the euphoria tranny and chris from the mr beast videos were talking to, and how the former got exposed.

No. 1669162

File: 1692397663845.png (737.61 KB, 828x3732, screencapture-twitter-CalltoAc…)

Fiona Apple had to postpone her concert, and wrote a letter to fans explaining why. One of the most heartfelt things I've ever read from a celebrity.

No. 1669170

How the fuck was she 21 14 years ago? She's in her 40s.

No. 1669176

File: 1692398570415.jpeg (683.67 KB, 2048x2048, 3F309D5E-58A8-4647-A4D5-F95D22…)

If this isn’t just a weird photoshop then it’s because buccal fat removal + ozempic strikes again. She’s had a lot of work done over the years, I realized she doesn’t even look like the same person (and it’s not just because she’s not a teenager anymore). She looks like a doll or something now

No. 1669181

Halle is a professional and knows how to carry herself with poise. Amala Ratna Zandile Dlamini (holy shit my furniture just started floating) is a trashy, terminally online /b/tard from 4chan and always will be.

No. 1669190

Ok I definitely thought the same thing but it turns out this was from 2012, kek


No. 1669192

To be fair that's a photo from her teens, if you're gonna compare to spot a buccal fat removal you gotta pic a photo from her early twenties. People can lose a lot of face fat in their late teens.

No. 1669195

File: 1692400524178.jpeg (1.01 MB, 1170x1600, IMG_3335.jpeg)

Ok, here’s 2018

No. 1669196

Yeah that's a better comparison, her face looks way fuller there

No. 1669197

File: 1692400711597.jpg (555.58 KB, 1284x1336, F3xGAldWoAAJEV4.jpg)

Looking looking very scaring in some new pictures of her. I notice that she really has no true sense of personal style or aesthetic, she keeps changing every about herself every couple of months and it reminds me of those plastic surgery addicts you see on tlc. Each time i feel like there is someone specific she is trying to skin walk.

No. 1669203

Excuse my use of the word looking twice, my brain is fried.
Tbf she was always very skinny naturally so it's most likely just plastic surgery.
>>1668069 >>1668073
Good, it's very pretty and it's physically impossible to give yourself this look unless you shoop or already have it. I'll be anticipating people shooping it on their face with comedic results.
Regardless of how good ai gets for writing, a physical person would probably still have to make edits manually, although i agree with you about the Fast and Furious movies, but that's a very small niche of movies where nobody would care except children's films.
She's pretty but her pelvic protruding out like that with minimal posing is a little unsettling. I would have photoshopped it out. I am sure the anachans are happy.

No. 1669225

File: 1692402724507.jpg (115.08 KB, 1500x1127, joey-king-steven-piet-1-d4547f…)

she (24) is marrying he (32), he looks like a science teacher

No. 1669229

Who is this?

No. 1669231

I think its Khloe K?

No. 1669233


Joey King

No. 1669235

Looks like macklemore

No. 1669238

she means >>1669197 anon. did you even click the quote kek

No. 1669239

Oh shit sorry, I thought it was a joke about the fight Khloe and Joey had

No. 1669258

she's just a terrible person tbh

No. 1669267

selena's ballooning face isn't new though kek

No. 1669272

those are both already growing unfortunately

No. 1669295

Buccal fat removal plus giant dentures plus holding her eyes open like that

No. 1669315

It's not surprising that Fiona would be a pit mommy

No. 1669317

Her nose looks way too small for her face now, imo. Something about her nose in comparison to the width of her forehead, jaw, chin & mouth just looks so off & obvious that she shrunk it too small. She didn't even have a big nose, it really suited her face a lot better than her new one

No. 1669361

File: 1692413723083.jpg (106.58 KB, 1080x702, Screenshot_2023-08-18-19-48-58…)

Michael Jackson has been dead for a while now, but his two living victims might get restitution after all.

MJ was a chomo, and both of these men struck me as credible in Leaving Neverland, so here's to hoping they bankrupt that kiddy diddling junkie's estate.

No. 1669365

File: 1692413798653.jpg (120.41 KB, 577x732, 5sa.jpg)

Her husband is hot.

No. 1669383

i’m not as optimistic. it seems like a large majority of people believe that MJ was completely innocent. and the MeToo movement is long past its peak. any attempt to get closure/compensation now will appear greedy and malicious.

No. 1669389

i didn't even know she was married kek. i thought she was just dating someone

No. 1669407

this is ai generated

No. 1669442

kek, remember lesbians(and troons, like a lot of troons) freaking out when it was revealed she had a bf.

No. 1669447

She got her teeth done and they're too long. Reminds me of the bad tooth job Hilary Duff had to have redone.

No. 1669546

i thought the same thing, i couldn't exactly remember if it was her they were doing that for but i wasn't sure kek. what a ridiculous time lmao

No. 1669614

Not doing her tour because a pit is pathetic. Ofc she would love this kind of beast.

No. 1669617


Sorry but her proportions are kind of shit. Huge head and tiny shoulders makes her look like a lollipop.

No. 1669647

what are those nails? it looks like she dipped them in poopie

No. 1669717

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No. 1669747

File: 1692463503082.png (2.21 MB, 1440x926, Screenshot_20230819-114727.png)

No. 1669813

Unpopular opinion but I think mj was innocent, he was just crazy weird from being abused by his father and having to watch his brothers have sex from an early age

No. 1669836

She's way too cute to be marrying this ugly scrote

What grinds my gears is that Tay Tay was waving to her fans as she walked out of the ceremony like she was happy they were there. She just fed the blaze. Sis, the last thing you do is encourage the stalkers who doxed and followed you all the way to your fucking producer and friends wedding. condemn them and their creepy parasocial behavior for once in your life.

I don't understand why people are so stringent to the idea that Jackson was a kiddie diddler. Even infamous fixer Anthony Pellicano, corrupt as he was, said he could no longer work for Jackson anymore after he allegedly found some seriously disturbing shit on his computer. Implied to be cheese pizza. How anyone can defend MJ now is beyond me, those boys and their families were coached and threatened into pretending the abuse never happened

No. 1669845

File: 1692471754738.jpeg (1.03 MB, 1170x1486, IMG_0687.jpeg)

This is up there with Johnny Depp using welfare funds to pay for his mansion. Poor or middle class arts kids could've put this money to use and instead it went to already fucking rich celebs, including a longtime loathed abuser, lookit this photograph, and a herpes superspreader. The rich get richer through loopholes with money they don't need, and everyone else continues to get poorer


>A corporation controlled by Post Malone successfully applied for a $10 million grant from a taxpayer-funded federal program intended to provide "emergency assistance" to help struggling arts groups recover from the pandemic.

>The program, the Shuttered Venue Operators Grant, was a lifeline for the live-entertainment business. Administered by the Small Business Administration, it doled out $14.5 billion to institutions like movie theaters, ballets, operas, talent agents, performing-arts venues, and museums. Unlike the Paycheck Protection Program, which many venues didn't qualify for, the Shuttered Venue program was a grant, not a loan. Qualified applicants were eligible for up to $10 million with no obligation to repay it.

>R&B artist Chris Brown got $10 million. Rapper Lil Wayne got $8.9 million. Nineties rockers The Smashing Pumpkins got $8.6 million. Nickelback — yes, Nickelback — received $2 million.

>All told, Insider identified dozens of corporations and limited-liability companies controlled by high-profile musical artists that received grants through the program.

No. 1669861

It’s easy to steal money once you’re already rich but the people who actually need assistance get it snatched away at every possible opportunity. Glad the government has its priorities in check! It’s literally insane how much money gets mismanaged while people in lower classes are struggling to pay basic expenses. I’m skeptical of every grant and “charity” program now.

No. 1670040

damn they look so sad, it must be so painful to be brave enough to speak up publicly and then people don't believe you for years. after i read that they found a book of naked pics of kids in his house ("art") i switch channels whenever his songs are on radio - which is still crazy often.
i remember lil nas x doing a tribute to him last year and people unironically blamed it on racism that the official event didn't do that for him too…

wow this is one of the only celeb couples in which the woman found a looksmatch

No. 1670042


No. 1670060

Finally, a female celebrity is with someone attractive. In this case he’s way more attractive than her though.

No. 1670084

she looks like a naked mole rat

No. 1670116

Holy shit, that article is a trip to read through. Literally mind boggling how much money just gets thrown around & wasted on the rich.

No. 1670158

American beauty standards have really been retarded the last 20 years or so in the entertainment industry. They don't teach anyone about facial harmony, so every single woman in the industry thinks having bigger lips and a small nose would make them pretty which is untrue for many people. As a result especially in the early and mid '10s an uptick in unnecessary nose jobs and huge dental work plagued young women on the coasts because they thought that was the epitome of looksmaxxing. Now there are more widely known niche procedures and they become addicted to fillers instead.

No. 1670159

Buccal fat removal is disgusting

No. 1670162

I wanted to share the video of him trying to hide a boner covertly while playing with kids out in public next to a golf cart they were riding around on but its conveniently removed from YouTube. Somebody has that but it was what made me do a completely 180 from this misguided opinion years ago.

No. 1670200

File: 1692494032437.jpeg (258.17 KB, 403x579, 0FBA5BF9-244D-455E-BBDE-21004F…)

He was definitely a chomo

No. 1670207

In the 90s it felt like the equivalent to current ps was primitive lip fillers (not the form they use now, but it still made lips comically oversized) ala lisa rinna and bad bolt on breast implants

I'm just so tired of all these unnatural procedures being done to beautiful women kek

No. 1670215

There definitely isn't a high standard of quality and American greed still overinflates the price so it's inaccessible to most. It's kind of archaic and primitive but at least you're less likely to die from a bbl here.

No. 1670217

What’s a chomo?

No. 1670232

Child melesterr

No. 1670242

File: 1692496178878.jpg (53.98 KB, 800x565, mm.jpg)

nose jobs have been around since forever

No. 1670249

Nowhere in my post does it say they haven't been, redditor. It's just been trendy to try to create the smallest nose possible on entertainers faces since y2k.

No. 1670252

File: 1692496814197.jpeg (175.05 KB, 1536x2191, IMG_0712.jpeg)

history repeats itself, this is just primitive gua sha or whatever

No. 1670253

Theres a clip somewhere where he is turning his entire back to the camera and adjusting the thigh of his pants

No. 1670256

Idk what you're trying to say, even in the 50s they were more focused on facial harmony than modern western butchery. Idk why everyone thought a pinched nose was the beauty standard kek.

No. 1670270

>Unpopular opinion but I think mj was innocent, he was just crazy weird from being abused by his father and having to watch his brothers have sex from an early age
Yeah, no. Crazy weird people don't have sleepovers with 10 year olds. I might be willing to entertain the idea that MJ was just an eccentric dude, trying to live out his lost childhood as an adult by spending time with kids, if he hadn't literally slept in the same bed with underage boys. Fucker had a type, too; he liked little boys between 8-12, and lost interest once they hit puberty… if he enjoyed spending time with kids because they made him feel young and helped alleviate his childhood trauma, why didn't he invite girls to Neverland? Why was he sleeping in the same room, nevermind the same bed, with little boys? Just no. Normal people wouldn't do that… crazy people would even do that. He was a pedophile. If you haven't already, watch Leaving Neverland. I believe these men and their families. It's heartbreaking. They're both straight, but admitted that they basically fell in love with him and their worlds fell apart when MJ lost interest in them… I really don't think the average scrote would admit such painful and embarrassing shit unless it was the truth.

No. 1670272

File: 1692497681439.jpeg (300.15 KB, 2048x2048, IMG_0718.jpeg)

One of Diplo's previous accusers is now coming out and referencing a video where another woman he allegedly had sex with said she contracted AIDS. However, the accuser (Shelly Auguste) is HIV negative, and Diplo tried to claim he was HIV negative on his latest STD test. I don't trust this man though.

Diplo is long known for being a creep and targeting young women, especially fetishizing and targeting young black women.

No. 1670275

Hes so gross but has tons of simps because he pretended to be bi for accepting blowjobs from anyone. I've noticed when straight men get accusations of being a sex pest they immediately try to woobify or feminize themselves in some lazy, abstract way

No. 1670278


No. 1670279

Another one Azealia was right about, she was targeted by him too if I recall

No. 1670281

File: 1692498355136.webm (294.71 KB, 450x360, videoplayback_qdslcR3c.webm)

No. 1670283

>i remember lil nas x doing a tribute to him last year and people unironically blamed it on racism that the official event didn't do that for him too…

Jackson loved to make shit about race and play the Black card whenever he was caught up in another child molestation scandal, which is hilarious considering his appearance and the fact most of his victims were white little boys.

He literally showed up to his last molestation trial flanked by members of the Nation of Islam and claimed he was being targeted because he was Black. Kek, a, he was targeted because he was a pedo who openly admitted to sleeping in the same bed with little boys, and b, no sane person ever looked at him and saw a Black man after he lit his head on fire during the Pepsi commercial and started bleaching his skin; from that point forward, he ceased being anything other than a freak.

No. 1670284

File: 1692498461790.gif (1.55 MB, 450x360, ezgif-1-d9248bcee9.gif)


No. 1670287

Isn't this from a game? Not defending him just saying

No. 1670288

the police report literally lists the shit they found in his house. magazines and books full of “artistic” photos of naked or half naked boys. basically legal CP. no one can tell me that a man who sleeps in the same bed as little boys and has a collection of photos of naked little boys isn’t a pedophile.

No. 1670289

Same anon nevermind I was wrong

No. 1670291

File: 1692498922522.jpeg (110.84 KB, 1125x1176, IMG_0720.jpeg)

Elton John had dinner with Kevin Spacey following the end of his trial. After him and his husband served as witnesses, albeit not character witnesses

No. 1670294

always felt something is off about elton john. i don’t like the wholesome gay man persona he tries to pull off.

No. 1670297

File: 1692499541668.png (1.43 MB, 912x998, Jackson-and-Safechuck.png)

kek mj has been dead for over a decade but nonas are still debating whether or not he was a pdf. he obviously was. and it cracks me up that even 13 years later, he's still relevant. i'm honestly surprised his "children" aren't lolcows and constantly sperging on social media. i 100 percent thought paris and/or blanket would make spectacles of themselves constantly by now

No. 1670299

Im happy their kids turned out fine tbh. It's good.

No. 1670308

Does anyone actually believe those kids are his biologically? I never have.

No. 1670311

yah, i'm happy they turned out well, too. i didn't mean to imply that i wasn't. i'm just surprised is all.
yes, a lot of people have said that prince, paris and blanket could have come out looking white and love to point to wentworth miller as an example. it's really weird. most of the people claiming mj is their biological father are black from what i've seen. i have no idea how anyone with two eyes and a brain could possibly see those kids and think, "yeah, they're definitely mixed race." i guess blanket could pass for mixed, but not the other two

No. 1670314

>and it cracks me up that even 13 years later, he's still relevant
It seems that he’s still pretty popular in Asia, Hobonichi was going to release a bunch of MJ themed planners a couple years ago but they were canceled after the reveal got a huge amount of backlash from western buyers. Kind of wonder if they wound up in a landfill somewhere or got shredded

>i'm honestly surprised his "children" aren't lolcows and constantly sperging on social media.

IDK if his daughter posts on social media anymore but she used to trace manga and hang out with people on the streets to look cool (and not like she’s worth a billion dollars)

No. 1670322

File: 1692501419530.jpg (Spoiler Image,36.6 KB, 640x492, d409e454ef33f4351f0a761d9fcf8c…)

Not surprising

No. 1670323

File: 1692501512735.jpg (290.59 KB, 1748x1227, Michael-Jacksons-chaotic-bedro…)

>blamed it on racism
Come on

No. 1670327

The argument was that his library contained thousands of books with all sorts of artistic material, and that he had 'briefcases' with straight vanilla porn content. Of course a smart pedophile would be sure of this. The kids all described his penis correctly (his dog belly dick). There has been plenty of falsified evidence which is likely the only reason people buy into it being a huge smear campaign, but the dude commissioned this >>1670200 and died surrounded by pictures of babies. He was mentally ill enough to hold a baby out of a window and revolve his entire life around little boys but not enough to molest them? I sympathize for his upbringing, I agree he was hurt very badly as a childhood but a spade is a spade.

No. 1670361

It's so bizarre to me that people dismiss Wacko Jacko's obviously predatory behavior as an adult by saying his childhood was fucked up and he was abused and exploited by his father. And? Like, yeah, most of us sympathize with what he endured as a child, but the fact people like >>1669813 are so quick to exonerate him and excuse away his behavior as 'weird' but not predatory simply because he was abused as a child is insane.

No. 1670383

Ew, legit looks like a serial killer den or one of the deranged looking bedrooms that I've seen posted in the MtF threads. Stans are delusional.

No. 1670387

>it must be so painful to be brave enough to speak up publicly and then people don't believe you for years.
Yeah the MJ shit has always fucked me up, I remember growing up hearing about how talented and amazing he was and then when someone would bring up his pedophilia they would just be like "yeah… well it was never proven… he's very beloved" it just showed me from such a young age that people will defend or even outright deny a man's degeneracy if he does something they deem "worthy" of ignoring the victims for. Makes me sad, I hope the victims and their families can get some justice someday even if it's just the public opinion of MJ finally shifting and admitting what a scumbag pos he really was.

No. 1670417

No. 1670419

that tweet reads like a shitpost, i'm confused.

No. 1670439

okay 1) what the fuck i thought i could still love melissa ethridge. 2) I knew all of this shit was crap when I was a full time salaried service industry worker and couldn't get qualified for fucking anything. none of my coworkers could either. and i see idiots that were running 'restaurants' (money laundering schemes, nepo babies) getting massive loans they either never have to pay back OR EVEN FUCKING WORSE CAN PAY BACK AT LEISURE WITH NO INTEREST MEANWHILE WE WERE ALL FUCKED AND WE COULDN'T USE THOSE FRAUDULENTLY OBTAINED LOANS TO START NEW BUSINESSES PAYING PEOPLE LIKE SHIT OR PAY OFF OUR STUDENT LOAN DEBTS OR BUY NEW FUCKING PROPERTY i lost hope in 2020 and i don't think it's coming back

No. 1670447

Rachel Zegler reminds me of that Ducktails animator for the reboot who said some shit like "look at this sassy Latina about to cut you down" about his duck character

No. 1670461

She remembers me of my batshit former roommate. It's the eyes, cheeks and the mouth area. The eye area looks tense, in her case probably due to botox/lifting.
She looks pretty but something is uncanny.

No. 1670464

How insane must a man act in order for people to realize that no, he's not just quirky, eccentric and wounded, he's a predator whose status is so high that he's able to signal his predilections to the world and pretty much do everything out in the open (e.g. inviting kids to Neverland) and people STILL cape for him?
The "he's not an abusive predator, he just had a rough childhood"-narrative literally is the exact kind of narrative that an expert predator would use to garner sympathy rather than suspicion. Not only does it garner sympathy, it gives you an army of flying monkeys to do your bidding for you and defend you from criticism, because they now associate you with the image of an abused child and will try to destroy anyone who "attacks"; Johnny Depp and his legal team used this exact narrative to gain the public's favor, which they succeeded in doing bc apparently a lot of people have daddy issues. People really love to project some kind of wounded father figure onto predatory men that prevents them from thinking critically about said person's actions and behaviors, making excuses in the same way a kid, in a state of denial, idealizes their worthless alcoholic dad bc they desperately need SOMEONE to look up to would do.

No. 1670474

i know so many anons have responded to this already but in short: abuse inflicted on someone is never, ever an excuse for them to do the same to others.

not disagreeing with you but any celebrity (especially male, or just males in general) with a functional pr and/or legal team will always have someone out there thinking they're innocent, it's shitty that it's hardly surprising but just sad for the people they hurt. deviating away from celebs, we live in a world where even well known heinous serial killers have had people sympathize with them throughout history

No. 1670502

NTA, the joke is that when he farted a bunch of cum came out of his ass and landed on the cake, hence the look of it.

No. 1670549

Kek I was also just about to comment that Miley looks unhinged in both pictures, just in a slightly different way. Her stare in these unnerves me. She seems like an annoying person in general but it's too bad she's also feeling the pressure of impossible beauty standards.

I also watched Leaving Neverland and felt horrible for these two, and as you said, they seemed credible. They seemed to have been failed by so many adults in their lives as children and it's very sad and I wish they got some type of justice. I'm not very optimistic because plenty of people are so retarded and nasty and would rather defend a pedophile because he made bops they love, but here's hoping. I don't understand how people defend MJ to death, because even IF one would argue that there's no 100% certain tangible proof of him molesting kids, MJ would always hang out with children at one point and had a shit ton of very suspicious shit at his mansion. That behavior alone is inappropriate and shady to say the least. Idg how people refuse to get it. Idg celeb worship in general because I like e.g. Marilyn Manson and Rammstein's music, but if MM and Till Lindemann were to be fed to dogs or smth, I wouldn't care and would probably even lol heartily at it. Just because they've made music I('ve) like(d) doesn't mean I don't want to see them punished for being creeps.

Antonoff got married? I wonder how Lorde feels about it. I remember that drama surrounding her and Antonoff when the latter broke up with Lena Dunham and it seemed like Lorde was almost lowkey bragging/hinting at having an affair with this scrote kek. It was so cringe I loved reading about it. Also, of course Antonoff's new wife is 10 years younger than him and also too pretty for him, scrotes are really predictable.

No. 1670567

As someone who used to be a MJ fan watching leaving Nederland made me feel so betrayed by Micheal. Now I can't listen to his music anymore without getting reminded of the things he did.

His first victim acusser also knew the exact moles that were on his penis and the description was accurate too. Why was he showing his penis to children….

Micheal also had a photo book that had pictures of nude underage boys in it, that book was also given to him by a pedo. His fans defence for him having that book is that "how do you know he looked at the contents inside"

No. 1670585

File: 1692539353697.png (1.81 MB, 1439x1929, Screenshot_20230820-085119.png)


No. 1670590

Awwww my girl looking cute as ever, dressed totally inappropriately for a wedding, god I love her

No. 1670598

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No. 1670605

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No. 1670614

File: 1692540528249.png (1.65 MB, 941x1413, Screenshot_20230820-091103.png)

No. 1670639

he commissioned >>1670200 himself? always thought it was some kind of weird satirical edit when I saw it on the internet

No. 1670641

>white at a wedding

No. 1670649

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No. 1670653

File: 1692542347298.png (3 MB, 689x2074, Screenshot_20230820-094050.png)

No. 1670663

File: 1692542656084.png (2.03 MB, 669x1893, Screenshot_20230820-094643.png)

No. 1670680

Lana looks so cheap and ugly

No. 1670687

File: 1692543667811.png (2.87 MB, 881x2413, Screenshot_20230820-100317.png)

No. 1670735

File: 1692548203191.jpg (122.17 KB, 1400x1400, zoolander-2-blue-steel-screenc…)

I wish she'd quit this new Zoolander thing she's started doing with her eyes. She's tensing her eyes/gaze in a weird way.

No. 1670832

She looks cute, but why is she wearing WHITE

No. 1670837

Margaret Qualley must seriously hate herself to marry that goblin, my god

No. 1670885

File: 1692558845168.png (453.61 KB, 717x999, 169255749561718244.png)

No. 1670923

Lol why is someone carrying a Lana tote right next to her?
Also for the love of God, can she PLEASE hire a stylist? Her weight gain wouldn't look as noticable if she wasn't dressing like a 15 year old. She can still wear flattering outfits, I know it's possible!

No. 1670979

Bless her heart…

No. 1670981

Yes. We have all established she is an attention whore.

No. 1671003

noticed that too, and not that i agree with ever wearing white to a wedding but i'm wondering if the bride and groom probably allowed it or didn't give a shit about people wearing things in white or something

i would have said a fan that saw her outside the venue and wanted to take a photo, but it looks like whoever it is is wearing a long orange/brown dress and was probably in attendance too. could still be someone who is a fan though kek

No. 1671023

She dresses like a cleaner shayna

No. 1671034

I am gonna sage since it is not relevant milk, but what was the outcome of the sexual assault case by Till Lindemann? They said the German police was investigating but I haven't heard any news since

No. 1671037

Idk it looks really light pink in this one

No. 1671089

File: 1692570305510.jpeg (560.76 KB, 1242x717, IMG_3487.jpeg)

Wouldn’t be surprised if it gets deleted but Britney just posted an unhinged video to make Sam jealous. Says she “played all night” With these random men. They’re probably actually gay tbh but who knows? This is so weird

No. 1671095

File: 1692571359380.jpeg (1.38 MB, 1242x1984, IMG_3486.jpeg)

people on Reddit are saying they are gay so I guess she’s just being weird. This guy was licking her leg

No. 1671098

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No. 1671099

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No. 1671100

File: 1692572104950.webm (5.68 MB, 720x1280, 368384855_302054182373013_7530…)

No. 1671108

nta but they might be talking about the white cardigan she's wearing? so maybe not as bad as a whole white dress but it's still an unusual thing to wear white to the wedding if not the bride

No. 1671111

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No. 1671112

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No. 1671114

File: 1692573181587.png (966.94 KB, 1440x2058, Screenshot_20230820-181535.png)

No. 1671121


Fyi, there’s no reason to post a screenshot and link in separate posts. For the future try to condense what you’re trying to share into as few posts as possible because it gets redundant

No. 1671123

tbh the screenshots are somewhat helpful, i'm using my phone while i'm out and i wouldn't have been able to see which videos anon was talking about. a collage of the instagram captions might help though

No. 1671138

um so do you guys think she's ok

No. 1671140

No. 1671147

I looked for a quick second and thought that was a skinny Ice-T.

They aren't his biologically. The people using Wentworth Miller as evidence they could be are fools. There's only a smidgen of black in his father, so Wentworth's predominantly white.

I was aware since 6 that there were artistic nudes of adults (my parents weren't watching me close enough in a book store). I had no idea there were similar books with children as subjects. That's fucking horrifying!

Did she get this outfit on sale at Lulus? I'd be offended if someone showed up to my wedding looking like they're about to enjoy a date at the state fair.

That creep is actually grabbing her breast. IDC if he's gay, it's still inappropriate.

No. 1671149

File: 1692577377467.jpeg (219.43 KB, 1001x1417, 2A941011-9B25-43BF-8A94-D47A10…)

i was curious to know more about the britney and sam situation and what he's saying, and he allegedly posted this after she bared her feelings in >>1671098. sounds like he's getting blasted for it


No. 1671150

So dumpy and gross. Anybody who thinks she looks good is blind.

No. 1671151

He has such a punchable face

No. 1671155

File: 1692577736238.jpeg (899.47 KB, 1125x1829, F53B780A-91CB-4178-90CC-189251…)

the first i read of this news was actually from fox news that popped up in the first results of google and points out how he got backlash from it, but of course the moids in comments are taking the chance to say she should be put back in her conservatorship. page six just talks about how it was a "humorous" post… which doesn't strike me as such


No. 1671162

Well she’s rich and famous so she probably doesn’t care what you think about her style anyway

No. 1671163

what exactly is she implying? that caption could be interpreted in so many different ways….

No. 1671168

He generally sucks and this is cringe, but I don’t see why people think he needs to treat the topic so sensitively. It’s a divorce, nobody died. Britney seems at her baseline levels of unhinged so I think she’ll be okay if her ex makes some unfunny jokes to his three fans.

No. 1671173

Looks like a little baby teenager lolita

No. 1671185

File: 1692582804219.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1153x1446, FBA3A072-D294-48F5-876E-8AC359…)

zooey deschanel Is engaged to one of the property brothers.

No. 1671186

>so how was I followed
That's right. Gay men are not your friend.

No. 1671190


No. 1671275

Anon she obviously is a scrawny frail nymphet barely legal teen dream girl

No. 1671282

She'll never make a perfect summer hit again im afraid

No. 1671290

Did she get this shitty outfit from Forever 21 or…?

No. 1671311

Not defending either of their actions but I'm guessing the criticism was since he said this after Britney's statement of her not being able to take the pain anymore? Tbf he won't be relevant anymore after it's all over

No. 1671374

Caring about what people think about her is literally how she makes money and stays relevant. If you're going to be a retarded WK, at least try to make sense

No. 1671376

Nta but they said her style, which is true, she makes money off her music not the way she dresses

No. 1671383

Lets not start Lana sperging again, it's repetitive and annoying

No. 1671387

File: 1692595848346.jpg (325.26 KB, 1024x759, michael-jackson-children.jpg)

Not trying to defend MJ here, but it seems that he had a racial inferiority complex due to his father's insults about his black features when he was young. I remember sections from an autobiography where his father bragged about his white/Native American heritage. So even before the vitiligo, MJ used to bleach his skin and straighten his hair. The fact that he didn't want to be the father of his own children says something about how deeply he hated himself, again I'm not saying he didn't molest kids(he probably did)

No. 1671418

Leaving Neverland is absolute one sided bullshit. There are literal recordings of the fathers of those kids accepting money to make up shit about Michael Jackson.

No. 1671435

I remember being really off put by his looks as a kid (naturally) but I wish I could find a video clip from around his death when they were doing in depth studies of him, a woman was talking about how he was obsessed with a certain famous woman, I cant remember if she were a singer or model, but that he was trying to look like her when he began getting surgery. I still to this day believe he was trying to feminize himself to be more disarming to children.

No. 1671436

That does not make him innocent.

No. 1671440

Nta but even if that were true that just means some of the parents latched onto the accusations to make some money, or the parents of the molested children wanted to make more money off their kids abuse. But look at the behavior and evidence that he was a nonce, the accusers described his penis, he had a very strange infatuation with young boys around the same age/similar appearance and body type, he had photos of babies next to his bed, he had photos of naked children in his house, he had plenty of opportunity since the kids would sleep at his house and he had money and power over any potential victims and their families. If this was just some random guy anyone would be like "yeah that's fucking weird, he's definitely a ped." I really don't get how people can see so many red flags and still think he's innocent.

No. 1671448

He was sleeping with a baby doll. If he were an age regressor in itself there would be tons of stories now that he's dead from adult ex lovers, and instead there isn't a single peep and just tons of accusations of csa. If it looks like a dog and it barks like a dog, why do you have to pretend it's a parakeet just because it gave us Smooth Criminal.

No. 1671503

He was trying to look like Diana Ross.

No. 1671553

Exactly, it’s not surprising that parents who’d let their children sleep with an unrelated adult man in his bed for a shot at fame or money would do other questionable things for fame or money. That doesn’t mean that the man who sought out children of a specific physical description and age range to sleep in his bed isn’t a nonce, it means that all the adults in this scenario were morally bankrupt and failed these children. If the parents had only the best interests of their children at heart then these kids wouldn’t have been in this situation in the first place.

No. 1671562

>reeee stop bashing her for being hyperfeminine!!

No. 1671569

wait what, wasn't she married to that photographer? wtf happened? I thought she settled down and Ben Gibbard spite-wrote Cath about her and we would all ask what became of her.
kek speaking of which, whatever happened to Ben Gibbard after he cheated on the ultimate manic pixie with Mischa Barton? Micsha meanwhile was a deathcab superfan after they met on the set of OC
this betrayal will always stay with me. sorry for zoomers who weren't around for it but it was like indie britney and justin breaking up

No. 1671572

2 ugly people

No. 1671582


Oh nonnie, I have been itching to talk to somebody about it since the news came out! I was hoping that somebody will resuscitate the Rockstarcows thread but no luck so far.

The first girl that came forward with accusations seems like a cow herself, typical manic clusterbee with a vivid imagination, so I do not think that the inquest will yield any results. However, Till is a fucking creep and it was only a matter of time til somebody came forward. Shame it had to be that inbred Irish retard with a mullet, she is fumbling the ball so bad.

sage for no milk

No. 1671659

>his dog belly dick
his WHAT??(sage your shit)

No. 1671682

>shocked she was gold-dug by a scrote
"forever" meaning yet another 6mo-3yr celebrity sham marriage kek

No. 1671688

nta but any specific reason why her?

No. 1671713

nta he had always been obsessed with her, even called her "mother, sister and lover all combined in one". sounds like AGP skinwalking even

No. 1671750

you know your right, if he had been been born a few extra few years later, I could totally see him trooning out.

No. 1671814

Lana stan but this outfit is objectively bad (but her style has always been this way, it’s part of her charm). Redditors obsessing over wearing white at the wedding are even tackier tho, who tf cares, especially at celebrity wedding.

No. 1671829

Ayrt, kek I've been a fan for over a decade. No need to get defensive, just wish she put in more effort bc she dresses worse than most regular non-famous women in their 30s. Especially when she used to look so glamorous most of the time. >>1671435
I've read he was obsessed with & trying to look like Peter Pan. Could easily be speculation, but he did seem to be a bit obsessed with the story. (ofc he would, he'd love to be on an island with little boys that never grow up)
Kek, I went to a deathcab concert as a teenager (right around when they divorced) & it was honestly probably one of the worst concerts I've been to bc Gibbard was an absolute depressed mess. My friend & I actually left early it was getting so boring see him be so low-key & have no energy or strange presence whatsoever. The tickets had been practically free at least.

No. 1671830

File: 1692636217438.jpeg (40 KB, 374x480, IMG_2563.jpeg)

I find it kinda funny that we posted Lana and Taylor’s looks but not a full photo of Margaret’s wedding dress. She looked beautiful imo, very simple and elegant.

No. 1671835

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with the veil

No. 1671838

The entire outfit is like half white. The cardigan and the lacy parts on the middle and bottom of the dress.

No. 1671839

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her second dress

No. 1671840

The first is pretty chic in a simple way, but this is terrible. It looks almost vintage, but a bad vintage.

No. 1671843

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and some other bridal looks she modeled, the top right and bottom left are really beautiful on her, she looks like a princess

No. 1671895

A vintage that belonged to someone with a completely different body, I agree about the first dress

No. 1671933

She's so pretty! He looks like handsome Shrek but if the spell just gave up halfway.

No. 1671935

What >>1671713 said but also iirc Diana Ross was the one who helped the Jackson brothers become household names. She was the lead singer of the Supremes, managed by Motown, before pursuing a successful solo career, and it was her who influenced Motown producers to sign the Jacksons with them. She was particularly fond of Michael because he was the baby of the group and I'm guessing she also felt sorry for them.

No. 1671937

It was Elizabeth Taylor

No. 1671948

literally who?(lurk more)

No. 1671951

I'm sorry, it's pretty but it looks so much like a nightgown to me

No. 1671980

>he had a very strange infatuation with young boys around the same age/similar appearance and body type,
The thing that really sealed the deal for me is that he was picking kids of a certain type out of a lineup. When it was fresh, I had assumed that the kids had a real reason to be there, i.e. they were orphans, sick, or disabled, or something like that. Not that they were good looking rich people kids just hanging around for no reason.

No. 1671982

Right? She's SO much skinnier and more beautiful than literal "model" Barbara Palvin on her weeding day!

No. 1671987


No. 1671995

File: 1692646021179.gif (4.9 MB, 340x340, 16926460284907653.gif)

>I find it kinda funny that we posted Lana and Taylor’s looks but not a full photo of Marg
That's because no one gives a fuck about nobody-marge and her troll husband.(trump-chan)

No. 1672018

anachan brainrot

No. 1672032

No. 1672074

>drag queen gif
Go back to whatever hole you crawled out of

No. 1672085

No. 1672133

Her teeth and eyes scare me

No. 1672161

I'm calling it now, she's going to incorporate wearing white at a wedding into one of her songs. I can feel it, it's very Lana of her

No. 1672164

I don't think I like it, it's a bit too simple for a wedding and looks almost like a nightgown the way it hangs off her, and the flats don't really go with the look imo, but she looks happy and if she likes it that's all that matters

No. 1672248

>but her style has always been this way
No it hasn't, she used to dress glamorous

No. 1672402

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In 2012 maybe, when she was starting and her style was a big part of her image. Her street style has always been very casual (lots of flannels or just plain white t-shirt and jeans) or sometimes straight up bad. She just stopped caring I think and she’s allowed to, the imagery she creates in her music is so vivid that she will always be associated with glamour and coquettes will always love her. It’s a shit outift for a wedding tho ngl

No. 1672439

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No. 1672496

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Is Florence Pugh’s grandparent a dwarf? It would explain why Florence looks like that.

No. 1672502

Most old people are short anon

No. 1672503

Cant choose between Diana Ross skinwalk or fantasizing about being a smooth young twink and both are nauseating

No. 1672504

Wait you're right, it really was Elizabeth Taylor.

No. 1672524

File: 1692673295999.jpeg (1.27 MB, 1170x1716, IMG_8366.jpeg)

But shes like 5 feet tall so her grandparent must be like 4 feet tall. They both look dwarfish in my opinion. She tried to hide her height with this hat but you can tell by how her body is shaped.

No. 1672526

Sometimes it feels like anons just throw out random terms that they see other anons use and hope it sticks.

No. 1672527

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She looked 'glamorous' in heavily edited photoshoots where she was styled by someone else but her 'glamor' came in the form of a high density u-part sew in, acrylic nails, and Priscilla Presley makeup. She's always been tacky in her downtime, it was just cute because she was younger and cuter.

No. 1672540

right, just because anons point out the tackiness of wearing white to a wedding doesn't make them redditors

i'm not even sure what to think of this information, but interesting. thanks for sharing anon

No. 1672544

File: 1692675109305.png (790.81 KB, 929x622, kylie.png)

Kylie looking old af recently

No. 1672545

>she doesn't look and act the way she did 14 years ago, how cringe!!!
again with this bs, get help anon

No. 1672547

Something about her face sends me into sperg rage. Like logically I know she’s not the ugliest person ever but something about her expressions and overall features makes me repulsed by her. I just think she’s disgusting.

No. 1672552

Isn't this pic a couple years old

No. 1672554

It's because she looks like pepe the frog merged with a chola

No. 1672556

File: 1692676043534.jpg (149.58 KB, 980x1470, gettyimages-1486931794-64505b4…)

Not recent nonna, this is from the last Met gala.

No. 1672565

I think its because she concentrates really hard on trying to be demure. I think if she didn't get cheek or facial filler she'd probably be the most attractive sister, at least without the filler mustache. She keeps making herself sound like a terrible person but I want to like her and she consistently has the best looks.

No. 1672572

it's that perpetual smugness and lack of humility

No. 1672581

Bad plastic surgery

No. 1672587

who do you think is more mentally ill between britney and amanda bynes?

No. 1672588

The pillow face is bad but like her eyes are the most soulless I’ve ever seen. She has literally 0 life behind those eyes and it creeps me out. It’s like making eye contact with a serial killer.

No. 1672590

Read that allegedly kris is very controlling of her. Some accounts of people seeing her mom berate her in public. She's shy in interviews and often feels scripted or needs directives. Compared to the rest of the sisters she seems more reserved but was shoved into the spotlight from a young age. She replaced Khloe as the designated "ugly sister" and was pressured into surgery. She was groomed by a slimy rapper and other men. Out of all the sisters I feel for her one of the worst. I can't help but get the feeling that even though the Karjenners are successful all the siblings are miserable under Kris. Kris is the final boss of bad mothers, auctioning her daughters as products to be sold. Ground their self esteem down to nothing. They may be earning a ton of money but the family was already wealthy, and every single karsister's existence is the depth a drying puddle. One day the fillers won't work anymore, and what will they have left? By then will the current generation of sisters be exploiting their children the way Kris Jong Un exploited them? Not only did they badly influence an entire generation of impressionable young girls with their lies about their injectables, but they may ruin their own children's lives if they don't break the cycle. I hope one of the sisters does

No. 1672591

>Drag Race gif
either moid or future TIF.(report, don't respond)

No. 1672610

So true. She looks horrible and her music gets worse with each new album. I don't know how so many people can kiss her ass and say she looks good. She's always been a bigger woman and never stick thin but these days she looks unhealthy and anyone encouraging her weight gain has major issues. Her cheek fillers don't help anything. I used to be a huge fan but her lame cheesy ass lyrics that are too personal and boring ass tunes by Jackoff really led to her downfall.

As other anons mentioned, you have no idea what you're talking about.

No. 1672628

First Justin now these two leave scooter as well?


No. 1672630

feels like something is about to come out about him and they’re all jumping ship to avoid the fallout. swift has been talking shit about him for years, if they wanted the praise for cutting ties they would have done so by now. or maybe their contracts are all expiring around the same time? i don’t know how common that is.

No. 1672631

I just get such schadenfreude when legal lolis coquettes get fat like imagine I can’t believe it already happened to Melanie Martinez

No. 1672636

i thought the same. iirc when braun got big machine records and taylor came out about him being a bully, ariana had a post or something congratulating him that got quietly deleted. justin bieber has on at least one occasion taken digs at taylor swift (i think with scooter and kanye west once iirc?)

so no way that they only just now realized he's a pos.

No. 1672646

bieber and his wife regularly hang out with braun. ariana praised him for years and he’s been highly active in even her love life (apparently he conceived of the ariana/pete relationship). admittedly, i can’t really think of why demi would keep him around. but yeah, they’ve all actively sided with him before. this must be something new.

No. 1672659

Ok? I wasn’t necessarily talking about anons itt, I first read discussion about their wedding and Lana’s outfit on Reddit and obviously retarded Redditors were the most offended about it being white since it’s a crime there. Anons caring about it are also ridiculous but there are relatively few of them.

No. 1672667

File: 1692695643899.jpeg (125.89 KB, 1080x1350, IMG_2571.jpeg)

No idea how she keeps the same level of popularity. I mean, I objectively know that she’s one of the Kardashians etc., but her 2016-2018 fame and it girl status were very much based on her looks and sure, she was very pretty (although her super sexualized image was pushed by groomer Tyga). Now she looks awful and old, and her personality is the most vapid out of her sisters (Khloé is funny at least according to people), every IG model or copycat of hers is prettier than her.

No. 1672668

she aged herself by at least 10 years with the surgeries

No. 1672669

I think both look cute and very comfortable. she looks alarmingly skinny though

No. 1672670

>even before the vitiligo, MJ used to bleach his skin and straighten his hair
Do you have any sources on this? I always thought he bleached his skin because of his skin disease

No. 1672671

I think Amanda has worse psychosis but she has a good support system with her family so she is healthier overall. A few months ago she had an episode and ended up naked in the street but she was able to realize she needed help and got a stranger to call the police to take her to treatment. I don’t think Britney would ever have that type of self-awareness.

No. 1672674

May all of the Federlines die penniless.

No. 1672680

Agreeing with other nonas saying this doesn't mean shit in terms of MJ being a pedo. If their kids are already hurt by him (or even if they didn't believe the accusation themselves) their own reputation is tainted forever for being a terrible parent and their family is torn apart and it's all because of MJ - why wouldn't they be full of spite and hate and slander MJ even further and get money for doing it?

No. 1672688

why is it wrong to care, it's taking attention away from the bride. you sound like an awful wedding guest.

No. 1672701

NTA but in a thread that isn't about or even references Reddit that much how were we supposed to know or care that people outside of LC were actually making a big fuss out of Lana's outfit. I can see how anon you replied to got that impression

No. 1672711

Not that she would ever let this happen but I would kek so fucking hard if this happened to Ariana

No. 1672746

The bridal dress would have to be shitty for random guest to take attention away from the bride just bc of the same color. Besides, it’s a wedding, the newlyweds are going to be centre of attention either way.

No idea why anon assumed that by 'Redditors' I mean 'anons' but ok.

No. 1672773

I'm a lanafag too girly but you gotta learn to not engage kek, some of you guys make the rest of us look spergy and annoying, who cares if anons disagree with you anyway what does it matter

Nta but I don't know why this is the hill you're dying on kek, either you love Lana enough to defend her being a little hard headed or you yourself wear white to weddings. But lets be real here Lana probably wore white on purpose, she's a shit disturber and likes the attention of making a little bit of a scene and being a little controversial, she's messy that's why I love her

No. 1672860

Melanie Martinez is a well known bulimic. Considering bulimics are known for being heavier than their conterpart, it wouldn't really be surprising if Melanie's weight gain is a direct result of that

No. 1672863

Vitiligo was an excuse for the bleaching, the same way suddenly becoming a hat enthusiast seems to mysteriously come about when men are balding

No. 1672868

No. 1672904

Imagine either of the property brothers having sex. I just can’t.

No. 1672956

they behave as if they have sex with each other

No. 1672962

It’s not just a crime on reddit. It’s a cultural thing, you’re not supposed to try to outshine the bride, and a lot of bitchy wedding guests will try to look better than her to get attention. You’re not supposed to wear white or any light color to a wedding, it’s disrespectful and mean. Lana and Taylor both wore light colors which is weird behavior.

No. 1672977

She really doesn’t know how to dress herself or her stylist hates her. Her stomach is bulging out of the cut out in her dress, and sticking out further than her boobs

No. 1672982

jigabu the champagne goddess

No. 1673026

I always forget how young she actually is. Google says that she is 26 but I have her remembered (due to her looks) as a woman in her early 30s for a few years now.

No. 1673119

i get that - all the sisters got their new faces at the same time so it feels like somehow kylie and kim are the same age to me

No. 1673137

The person carrying a Lana tote is Chuck Grant, Lana's sister. I don't care about her white/pink dress but can't ignore the atrocious thick slides she's wearing to a wedding kek

No. 1673139

Sorry for not sage

No. 1673149

Lana has always been and looked trashy, that was her charm. I don't understand why coquette/anachan girls try to praise her as their fashion inspo when Lana's average outfit is either jeans and a tshirt or some ill-fitting mini dress, both of which make her come as more authentic and true to her trashy vibes.

No. 1673160

File: 1692732191690.jpeg (96.4 KB, 470x1333, IMG_0997.jpeg)

A very recent pic of Britney at a fried chicken place. Tbh I wonder why this is even news worthy? Who hasn't been out at midnight to a fast food place lookin like this? Normal occurrence that’s for sure

No. 1673164

For real, miss is just existing but I'm supposed to think she's unhinged from this photo

No. 1673166

If it were a young woman dressed like this outside I probably wouldn't notice, but to see an older woman like this is bizarre.

No. 1673168

Who is this woman and why are you saying this woman looks better than Barbara palvin? Why do some people always have to put one woman down to compliment another woman(lurk more)

No. 1673185

>Melanie Martinez is a well known bulimic
Interesting. Anyone know more about this?

No. 1673194

Well, she wrote the song Orange Juice about it.

No. 1673198

not at her age and financial status

No. 1673199

I do not want to imagine that bitch vomiting up orange juice. Celebs really need to start keeping shit to themselves.

No. 1673201

I think it's a beautiful song and I can't help but cry when I listen to it.

No. 1673203

Do they think of her as their fashion inspo? I always thought they just keep tossing around the same photos from the early stages of her career when she actually looked good

No. 1673205

Celebs don’t have to be in designer clothes to get fast food at midnight kek.

No. 1673208

The only reason this is in the news is because she's braless. Men are retards and turn everything about sex

No. 1673211

I honestly believe her ex is going to try as hard as he can to frame her badly so he can get money out of her

She never should've married him

No. 1673212

File: 1692734115772.jpg (17.27 KB, 236x349, kylie 2014.jpg)

Kylie's best era was her 2014 "Misfits" era and her 2015 blue hair era. It's been all downhill since then.

No. 1673213

None of the kardashians are particularly good looking and they belong on Botched. They're just shilled all the time and kim was always a wannabe paris hilton. Maybe that's why.

I feel bad for Britney. She's been in a vulnerable place due to the abuse from her parents and now it seems like she's still attracting people who just want to manipulate her while she's mentally unwell.

No. 1673215

File: 1692734377624.jpg (126.03 KB, 866x1024, 19well-lanadelrey-slide-X0HV-j…)

>She's always been a bigger woman
rattle rattle

No. 1673217

Projecting. She's not really skinny there and if you've seen her in person you would know that even more.(rattle rattle)

No. 1673220

Sam has been around since before the conservatorship was lifted. A lot of theories he's always been out to exploit her

Read an account from someone who knew someone who knew his family, so perhaps it's a game of telephone- but the gist was, his mom and sisters lifestyles were bankrolled by Brit's money in addition to his own. Now he's out conveniently smearing her on TMZ and other outlets. Pretty calculated. Even if their relationship was actually dysfunctional, he's taking advantage of a stunted, immature, likely bipolar woman.

No. 1673228

the Pepsi ad thing set his hair on fire

No. 1673229

this is like the most average build ever…not "stick thin". seek therapy nona

No. 1673231

Idina Menzel and Demi Lovato allegedly leaving Scooter too. Is there an exposé on the horizon?

No. 1673233

No. 1673234

I hate how people (mostly on twitter) are posting this and saying yes queen of unbothered iconic etc. if this was just some random person people would think said person was disgusting and lazy. i think she looks really trashy and like she probably smells.

No. 1673248

File: 1692735957262.gif (4.18 MB, 498x280, IMG_6514.gif)

Please eat something or else you’ll die

No. 1673251

okay now you nonnies are just spreading lies he really did have vitiligo and he bleached his skin because it got bad and the patches became obvious. On his autopsy it proves it.
He wore hats because from the pepsi commercial where he suffered like 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his head when his hair caught on fire. It was serious as hell and people think THATS what lead him to his addiction to pain medications.
idk about the pedo things and dont want to know all i know if he was he is burning in hell! My theory is Sony and them didnt want Michael to have the mastery of not only his music but the beatles music too! Cuz he bought Sony/ATV back in the 80s and had ownership of over 200 beatles songs. I believe Sony wanted it for themselves. Also think about it a black man owning the beatles iconic songs and his own iconic songs? Dude would be a billionaire if he was still alive from that alone. Sony can't have that! Cuz as soon as he died Sony regained the rights to the beatles and settled out of court with Paul.! I'm just saying its food for thought.I just don't like when people lie about easily debunked things.

No. 1673252

Huh I wonder why. I know Scooter Brahun also manages Ariana Grande and Justin Bieber so Arianas cheating scandal would reflect badly on him.(sage)

No. 1673256

that's the point. she was an average woman at that time, not a "bigger" one. it's obvious when someone is an ana-chan because they see anything other than stick-thin as abnormal, unhealthy, etc.

No. 1673258

this tradthot gif needs to burn in hell

No. 1673260

Ayrt she references bulimia a few times in the crybaby album, and then very explicitly wrote Orange Juice from k12. She has a bunch of unreleased sadgirl music too so there's probably some of her own lana style "pro ana nation" moments in her stuff

No. 1673265

Why is she holding the bowl like that? Is it not trad to have a countertop?

No. 1673268

ayrt nonnie I didn't even know the mfer had his head on fire, I was comparing the skin bleaching to men who start to get really into wearing hats to cover up that they're balding

No. 1673291

It’s because they’re filming a music video and not actually baking cake so it doesn’t matter

No. 1673295

File: 1692737388411.jpg (28.96 KB, 640x480, sddefault.jpg)

nta, the bone rattling is coming from inside the house

No. 1673304

Or maybe you're just fat and need to lose weight.(infighting)

No. 1673316

In that song she was talking about her experiences as a teenage girl.

No. 1673348

What does that mean?

No. 1673382

Damn y’all really got nothing better to do but bring up old Lana arguments that have already happened word for word. No one ever has anything new to say to even try to prove a point. Just the same arguments, examples, insults and tactics.

No. 1673386

You would love her song moon cycle then, she recorded her own period cramps for the sound and talks about getting eaten out on her period.

No. 1673397

i agree, that was her king kylie era

No. 1673400

it's probably just bait anon

No. 1673535

sage for 2 day old post but i genuinely thought this was shaynus while scrolling

No. 1673540

Guessing probably because anons on here sometimes just straight up resort to namecalling? Reddit isn't looked upon fondly here either

I don't think a cheating scandal would make him get rid of her or that he would even think much of it, as scummy as she is. She probably still brings in big money. Something fucked up is most likely going on in his side and people are jumping ship.

No. 1673588

i'm skinnier than lana and your disordered ass, no pro-ana or drugs needed xoxo(no1curr)

No. 1673593

File: 1692747192341.jpg (59.59 KB, 936x936, buzzballz-cocktails-strawberry…)


lmao is she drinking a buzz ball

No. 1673602

no one cares you have less meat on ur bones gossip girl(sage your lana sperging)

No. 1673605

File: 1692747638954.jpeg (405.8 KB, 1125x1125, 2AA96C8E-8F06-49D7-8136-458118…)

allegedly it's not as bad as people are saying it is, i don't know if i believe that there's nothing bad happening considering how many people are leaving.

from picrel:

>A music industry source with knowledge of the situation previously told PEOPLE that “all of Scooter Braun’s clients are under contract and negotiations have been going on for several months as Scooter steps into his larger role as HYBE America CEO," adding, "People are spreading rumors based on what they know, but they are off. Scooter’s team at SB Projects are still handling both Justin [Bieber] and Ariana as they work through what this new structure looks like.”

from another article:

>On Aug. 18, a Puck News report by entertainment lawyer and former Hollywood Reporter editor Matthew Belloni claimed that Justin Bieber and his famous manager, Scooter Braun, were parting ways after 15 years. The news quickly set the internet into a frenzy, but representatives for both Bieber and Braun just as quickly denied the report, with a source telling ET, “Justin and Scooter are still working together. Justin is not taking meetings to look for new management. The two recently worked on something together.”

>Although reps for Braun and Bieber have refuted rumors that the singer is looking for new management, a source close to the situation tells Yahoo Entertainment “there is some truth” to the Puck News report, which claimed that Bieber and Braun are “kinda done” and haven't spoken in months. “Their relationship is definitely strained,” says Yahoo's music insider. "They may not be parting ways right now, but Justin's exit is around the corner.”

>Meanwhile, on Monday, Billboard confirmed that Braun’s other two most high-profile clients, Demi Lovato and Ariana Grande, have both split with Scooter Braun Projects. Lovato had been with Braun since 2019, while Grande had been represented by him for a decade — aside from a few months in 2016 when she left, reportedly because she was displeased with Braun’s meddling in her personal life.

No. 1673607

If you were you wouldn't think lana is skinny. She's never been skinny.(fatsperg)

No. 1673609

yeah you sound anorexic or obese. no1curr about your weight(infighting)

No. 1673610

File: 1692747799160.jpeg (367.94 KB, 1124x1370, 3C08E866-1F7A-4F73-A8F5-3E0A3F…)

>"He's imploding"

No. 1673611

do you know what "nta" means? i never mentioned her weight. i'm sick of the newfags coming here. stop crying and projecting already

No. 1673614

I'm not either of those anons but the comment they responded to never said NTA.

No. 1673615

nobody cares about your weight you weirdo. go blog somewhere else about how you're ~so much skinnier than lana and all the anons here~. go to therapy

No. 1673617

the anon (me) who got called "fat" because i posted her old lyrics is >>1673295, and i did say "nta".

No. 1673619

get help, you're obsessive

No. 1673620

Kek she called herself out on samefagging.

No. 1673623

Nta, but are you having a stroke?

No. 1673624

>coming from the person who blogposts about weight

No. 1673625


No. 1673628

Did you look at the exact comment they responded to? It was this one >>1673588 not the one you said you made with the lyric video.

No. 1673629

Why do you feel the need to post your weight and say you're skinnier than Lana? Obviously it's coming from a personal place kek

No. 1673632

that was a response to >>1673304 which was a response to >>1673295. what are you missing?

No. 1673635

where did i post my weight? the post literally ends with "xoxo", please stop getting triggered over the most unserious shit, nonny. it's not good for your health, and lana will not reward you.

No. 1673636

This is bait. No one would post about how they're skinnier than a chubby/overweight women to brag about it.

No. 1673637

Don't bother responding. It's some samefagging anachan who needs to take her own advice about getting help and taking medications.

When you felt the need to say "im skinnier" you retard. Seethe and sperg.

No. 1673639

One single anon responded to that music video comment calling you fat. Others jumped on after your "I'm skinnier than Lana" comment. How are anons supposed to just assume that they're talking to the same person, or that you were even talking to the same single anon that said >>1673304? Anons are talking way too much about weight on a milk thread.

No. 1673640

yep that nonny sounds fat and in denial. i can't imagine trying to brag about being thinner than ldr

No. 1673641

>randomly call anons fat
>they respond with generic "no u" statement
>"how could this be happening??"
>multipost meltdown, samefag accusations and confusion

cycle of retardation

No. 1673642

Go make a twitter thread about how much skinnier you are than a 40 year old overweight woman.

No. 1673644

>How are anons supposed to just assume that they're talking to the same person, or that you were even talking to the same single anon that said >>1673304?
because i responded to that single anon, not everyone in the thread. my post was not made in seriousness or intended to cause any emotional breakdowns, kek. i'm sure the person in question is a legit anachan or fat person foaming at the mouth and actually samefagging to defend her(?) anonymous honor, so i'll stop bothering. if you suspect i'm a samefag, report my posts so the farmhand can confirm once and for all.(infighting)

No. 1673649

File: 1692749815756.jpeg (173.97 KB, 1125x637, E6AFBF07-C23B-4AE3-85AA-01C706…)

wtf happened to this thread in the last 30 mins?

anyway in an attempt to being things back on topic here's a tweet by scooter braun if anyone's curious to know what he said about the whole thing.

No. 1673652

psychosis. and i hope that scrote is jobless and goes broke, he seems like a piece of work.

No. 1673662

Nta but cmon she was glorifying that shit and sucking off old guys from day1 and the “I’m just singing about much trauma” is such a copout

No. 1673664

this is the cringiest picture i've seen in my life

No. 1673675

File: 1692752012045.jpeg (162.26 KB, 1121x768, 5B062369-EE98-4157-B1A1-80B542…)

what a silly reason to want a specific actor cast with you in a live-action remake instead of just… how much the person suits the role. why not advocate for a new movie that suits them both altogether? levi's too old to be playing flynn anyway, if he's being serious

No. 1673691

i thought the new prince eric looked like a teacher chaperoning ariel around all film, so an ugly old fuck is the exact person i expect disney would cast. there is a Hollywood psyop to only cast old men and timmy chlamydi in every male role.

No. 1673698

File: 1692753158190.png (6.15 MB, 1170x2532, IMG_1002.png)

TMZ reported that Britney can’t cook for herself and Sam said she has knives everywhere. 6 hours after the can’t cook article was posted she filmed this for us. It’s her making an omelette and cutting peppers with a knife.

No. 1673699

Nonnies really post this every other thread like it's some "gotchya," this isn't new, everyone has seen this, probably like 10 times by now cause some of you can't stop reposting old milk(just report it and move on)

No. 1673700

flynn is in his mid 20s. imagine if they casted a woman in her 40s for a character in their mid 20s, so much outrage

No. 1673701

agreed, it's even more tryhard than some of the other pics of her that get posted here. i don't get how the stans aren't embarrassed of mindlessly defending this woman.

No. 1673706

tbf, i don't think they would even recast the same voice actor in live action. for a cocky character like i remember flynn being, i don't know if a 40-50 something year old man playing him would hold the same appeal anyway, i feel like he would just come off even more as a prick. wonder if levi's just trying to generate conversation for one of his only other widely known roles, in a film that was originally released 13 years ago

No. 1673712

considering all the rumors coming out about them both in the media, so much for sam asking "for everyone including media to be kind and thoughtful". i like that she posted a cooking video though.

No. 1673790

MM is a weird woman. You can tell she's rotting her brain watching copious amounts of hentai or something because she keeps trying to force jiggle physics on her tape triple pushup breastplate this entire video

No. 1673806

File: 1692759371011.jpg (7.8 KB, 193x261, df3ebff3-20e2-43c2-8786-9d4847…)

She is trying really hard to do an image shift right now, whether forced by her mom or not idk, but I kind of think it might be for her daughter actually. I find her 'likable' for what she is in the sense that for someone raised in that environment she's the least catastrophic. She sounds like she's on a very excellent cocktail of benzos and cares only about her daughter, people make fun of her for being a catfish but she herself said she's just like a butterfly. I think she's at least moderately self aware but I don't expect intelligence from the youngest of that ilk, I don't think its possible for any of them to be people anymore at all. They're out of touch and there's no chance of rehabilitation. I really hate Kendall for some reason. Maybe it's those disgusting pictures of her horseback riding, she's built like a tabletop.

No. 1673810

This post is really good

I really do feel bad fod this woman and the way every single person around her has failed her to the point that her own children see her as nothing more than a piggybank. They broke her years ago and it's like she is never going to know peace.

No. 1673815

I'm not trying to be an asshole but skin bleaching and experimental therapies that cause the breakdown of melanin can cause milk spots, vitiligo, various skin conditions that would essentially equate to natural vitiligo. It was even more experimental at the time it was first introduced quietly. There isn't really a safe way to do it without risk, there is always a chance that you can permanently ruin your skins ability to create pigment.

No. 1673822

Scrolling that now and I can't believe they purposely kneejerk sperged about it when her intentions were obvious and that could've easily been overlooked. What is going on with the reading comprehension here

No. 1673841

There's no need to bring it up again. None of it was necessary from either side.

No. 1673860

What a strange music video. It's creative, I'll give her that but I don't think what happens in it suits the song's sound. If I heard the song on its own I wouldn't have imagined this would be the music video for it.

No. 1673881

Then don't reply to me. You're doing exactly the same thing. I'm just tired of anons being legit retarded.

I think it would be okay if she wasn't seizuring herself to try to make the teddies bounce the entire time.(infighting)

No. 1673921

It looks almost like a tiktok the way she moves, like those cosplay larpers or whatever with the overdramatized movements. I was really disappointed with her new album, not that I'm a Melanie stan by any means but I liked Void and thought maybe the rest of the album would be semi decent. That song milk of the siren was kind of cool but she forced some weird sound affects in there that made it seem like a knock off Labrinth song.

No. 1673924

Yeah no one can be normal when it comes to Lana, I don't know what it is that brings out the feral in nonnies when it comes to her but it's annoying. And no one says anything new either they just rehash the same argument over and over and post milk from 15 years ago kek

No. 1673931

Yeah, it's weird that whenever she comes up people can't just stick to strictly discussing any current milk she might have and resort to attacking each other and accusing anons of being anachans/fat instead. I thought she had her own containment thread.

Sorry, but I am too. I'll end it here but I was worried it would start up again

No. 1673951

File: 1692765250856.jpg (750.16 KB, 2436x1047, NYPICHPDPICT000025174849.jpg)

Jonah Hill's ex Sarah Brady was hospitalized on an involuntary mental hold. I'm not going to copy the whole article which mainly just recounts what she said but there are a few screenshots of her story.


>Brady, 24, shared a concerning video on her Instagram Story Monday showing bruising on her arms while alleging that she had been “strapped down” by medical workers who laughed at her and “treated [her] like a violent animal whilst [she] remained a human being.”

>“Medics strapped me down, shoved a mask in my mouth, put some mesh s–t over my face, LAUGHED AT ME,” she captioned the post, tagging The Queen’s Health System in Hawaii.

>Brady claimed the medics “INJECTED [HER] WITH DRUGS INVOLUNTARYILY [sic]” and did not give her water.

>“I’m sure the bill for the ambulance will be a fat one,” she added.

>The surfer, who previously shared that she was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, said she was “never informed” of anything illegal that she did before being constrained against her will.

No. 1673963

I dont like jonah but ever since the fight between him and her, I didn't side with her either. Like, why does she HAVE to post titty pics on instagram? For attention. She seems like a nutjob herself with a victim complex despite being some rich girl. I don't care who gets mad at this kek

No. 1673970

I think the leaked texts make Jonah seem like an asshole with an ego, and the way he views relationships seems very incel-like. Like he can do whatever he wants but his girlfriend has to act according to how he wishes, didn't he also try to get her to ditch her friends? But then when he finds someone he likes better he suddenly drops her, it's how ugly men who suddenly get attractive or successful act, they're not accustom to having confidence so the sudden possibilities of relationships just give them an insanely inflated ego. But yeah she does seem a little cowish herself.

No. 1673980

NTA but I do feel bad for her, it's disheartening that in places where I've seen this article posted, people are still on Jonah's side and saying things like he had every right to impose his "boundaries". Even if she is a cow, she doesn't deserve to be treated like shit. It's disgusting

No. 1673994

I believe it. People who run/work in those facilities are generally sadists who hate the mentally ill. Hopefully someone will look into her experience but sadly I doubt anything will come of it

No. 1674001

I do feel bad for her too, sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like I was siding with Jonah at all. And I agree that just because someone is cowish doesn't mean it justifies mistreatment. I hope she doesn't date someone like that again, all men are pretty much trash but insecure men who simultaneously think they're the shit have to be one of the absolute worst types to date. It's like they hate themselves half the time then the other half think they're better than everyone.

No. 1674013

It's okay nona I didn't get that impression, and I agree with you. I posted the article because one I kind of wanted to get the thread back on the celebrity topic and secondly I wanted to know what anons thought about it - to me it's just sad that in other places, because people still (somehow) like Jonah or because of her having a disorder they believe that somehow she deserves it

No. 1674054

Ngl I don't think she cares. One of her "things" is that she loves food and cooking, she used to do cooking segments on Instagram live and a lot of her promotional appearances are about food in some way, also seems like there are a lot of cooks in her family. I vaguely remember a YT vid, might have been with Vogue, where she vaguely mentions a past project where she put her foot down and refused to diet for a role because she loves food.

When did she post titty pics? I only followed that drama passively and only saw her normal surfing pics.

No. 1674062

File: 1692769087455.jpg (266.48 KB, 1200x1168, F10dk9rWIAE-qHL.jpg)

Why was this scene cut

No. 1674094

>Sienna Miller is pregnant from a zoomer
Did we talk about this already?(are you new?)

No. 1674098

No!! Holy shit no way

No. 1674099

It should've been Aaron Taylor Johnson
It shou

No. 1674101

He's honestly so hot, good for Sam(please read the farmhand post)

No. 1674108

File: 1692771529445.jpeg (1.24 MB, 1170x1422, IMG_1273.jpeg)

Who looks better Bebe or Lana(bait)

No. 1674118

File: 1692772219212.jpeg (245.86 KB, 806x1222, IMG_5456.jpeg)

He doesn’t look as young as he is tbh.

No. 1674120

careful you might summon the anon who has to say she's skinnier than both of these two fatties.

No. 1674122

Fucking kek, she is

No. 1674125

Bebe never wrote songs about being a tiny anorexic preteen so bebe

No. 1674135

Bebe has better styling imo. and I honestly think her body looks better than lana's too despite the weight gain

No. 1674139

File: 1692773286279.jpg (1.61 MB, 2000x1333, NYPICHPDPICT000010912605.jpg)

Idk if anyone cares, but Rihanna had her second baby with A$AP, their first (son named RZA) is 15 months already. Seems like just yesterday Boyega-chan was telling us how Riri made the ultimate mistake. They grow up so fast!
(Pic is their first, obv)


No. 1674143

the first son is named Rza?

No. 1674153

Already? I guess she was pretty far along at the Superbowl.

No. 1674165

Yes, after the producer/lead guy from Wu-Tang.

No. 1674172

I can’t imagine caring for a baby with nails like that.

No. 1674198

Eh it’s not hard, my mom did the same with me too, but nona you really think riri is hands on with her children? Maybe she is though who knows !

No. 1674211

I doubt she actually does anything. She probably has assistants to help her with well…everything

No. 1674236

Margaret Qualley.

No. 1674238

fuck i am not american, is this trashy? this looks so cute

No. 1674296

The person sperging out had no clue what samefagging actually was or how replies worked, too. They even tried to start another infight with the Bebe Rexha post, but got ignored. I'm convinced there are a handful of people who only come to this site for these threads, and they just never really integrate. It's like they long to recreate twitter or something.

No. 1674331

I am a very old fag and this was a schoolyard rhyme we used to sing while jumping rope "I pledge allegiance to the flag. Michael Jackson is a fag. Pepsi Cola burned him up now he's drinking 7-UP" Everyone knew how bad the burns were back then, we also all understood he was clearly gay. I guess enough time has passed that people forget.

No. 1674332

>I am a very old fag
I uhhhh, I think you're using the term oldfag wrong nonnie kek. An oldfag is someone who has been on lc for a long time, not someone who is older in age lol. But I'm glad to hear there's older nonnies around here

No. 1674335

Oh oops, well to be fair both are true. I am an oldfag on lc surprisingly, and an old fag (46 y/o lesbian).

No. 1674339

Kek, love it

No. 1674422

No. 1674486

it is so cool to hear you're 46, my mum is a couple years older and isn't tech-savvy but regardless i cant imagine her on an imageboard. how did you find this place? i hope this doesn't sound rude.

No. 1674490

Nta but your mom is 48? Did she have you young or are you a baby farmer? lol

No. 1674495

File: 1692802244778.png (1.59 MB, 1136x1082, lol.png)

anon are you bad at math? i'm 30 and that anon could be anywhere from a millenial to an older zoomer? what hill did you crawl out of? do you need this

No. 1674501

How do you crawl out of a hill retard

No. 1674504

I'm 27 but my mom is mid 60's lol, I guess I'm just used to seeing farmers with parents in their late 50's or 60's. Pardon my mathematical retardation I'm going to bed soon

No. 1674528

26 is a zoomer? that's kind of old

No. 1674537

Nta but I looked it up and the oldest zoomers were born in 1997. So he's at the beginning of gen z.

No. 1674550

Yeah, they're the oldest zoomers. The cut off year was 97.

No. 1674556

File: 1692805492844.jpeg (764.72 KB, 1170x1179, IMG_3544.jpeg)

No thank you

No. 1674558

File: 1692805574512.jpeg (76.47 KB, 700x420, 0ff34b02-3b14-414d-b8f5-5c5bec…)

No. 1674561

If your mom was 18 when she had you that’s considered young, my dudette

No. 1674565

File: 1692805831159.gif (1.14 MB, 498x339, crazy-die.gif)

I'm so tired of the fucking live action remakes oh my fucking god.

No. 1674566


No. 1674580

I said a couple of years older. I'm 26

No. 1674584

Forgot to add, my mum has just turned 51

No. 1674586

A couple is 2 right? 46 plus 2 equals 48, am I having a stroke lol. That just seemed young to me cause my mom had me at like 36/37 and I forget that isn't the norm for everyone else too

No. 1674589

sorry, I always think of couple as 3 or 4 years but I guess that's a few. But now I have just realised.. a couple, as in 2 people are a couple. Anon I'm retarded sorry. And my mum had me at 24/25

No. 1674595

Kek don't worry about it I'm retarded too

No. 1674674

nona, a couple can also mean a few. you weren't retarded

No. 1674738

Don’t care for live action Disney at alll, but I love a good casting. Good for Florence.

No. 1674788

She doesn't look old exactly but is she the Rapunzel kids want to see, and isn't Disney tired of losing money?

No. 1674817

Congratulations to her for actually getting pregnant and not using a surrogate like the rest of hollywood.

No. 1674828

Good casting choice. But not another fucking live action remake.

No. 1674850

I actually really think it is great casting

No. 1674852

> but is she the Rapunzel kids want to see
At least she is recognisable as rapunzel and they would be staying true to the character, white and blonde lol

No. 1674877

>Hollywood psyop to only cast old men and timmy chlamydi in every male role.
this is so true, him and tom holland really are the only non-hag actors, so who are they selling their ass to?

and who is this dude fucking that the media supports him over britney? does he even have any money of his own?
there's this really old south park episode about britney which basically is about the media only stopping when she's dead…it's really scary that she's now supposedly "free" yet get's still so much shit from so many sides including her own children and partner.

No. 1674881

I thought he was a perfect prince eric kek, prince eric was my favourite Disney prince as a kid and I thought was casted really well, appearance wise.

No. 1674883

File: 1692821474558.jpg (454.64 KB, 2000x1332, rapunzel and flynn.jpg)

But she's also fat as fuck. Too fat to be a Disney character. Plus, she only got this role because once again, by dating an older man who looks like her dad, she's shown producers what she's willing to do for a role. It was obvious in Oppenheimer and it's going to be obvious again here when they inevitably cast a washed-up 50-something to play Flynn, and she will enjoy every second of it.(baiting)

No. 1674888

it hasn't been confirmed? has it? i just want a disney movie where they can cast a woman who looks like the character

No. 1674890

File: 1692821893230.png (1.25 MB, 1194x810, Screenshot 2023-08-23 at 21.21…)

No. 1674895

i think it would be best for them to find a pretty white, blonde green eyed unknown actress to play Rapunzel

No. 1674942

Where is the Florence hate containment thread so we don’t have to hear from your mentally ill ass anymore ffs

No. 1675065

i'm guessing it's mainly the media already being biased against britney which is just sad. people are still looking for reasons to cry out about putting her back in conservatorship because of her being mentally ill and traumatized, when all she really needs is help and a support system that's genuinely looking out for her instead of people all over still trying to take advantage of her and stripping her of her ability to do anything.

No. 1675072

I think you’re projecting. I bet you are fat anon.(retard fatsperg)

No. 1675073

If you had gone through the thread, you would have seen that no one has and this is an imageboard

No. 1675075

Look I don't like Florence either but can we please stop weightsperging

No. 1675098

Yes, Buzzballz are extremely trashy. They're popular with alcoholics because of their high alcohol content and price.

No. 1675201

I feel bad for the A listers like Angelina and Emma Stone who played goofy roles in these live action remakes

No. 1675202

I think it's something bigger. SA allegations or IRS stuff like what Taylor swift alluded to in a song about him. He lost most of his big clientele in a week. Ariana left during the donut licking scandal and got back with him after she dumped that guy. Apparently it would have taken a lot for JB to leave his side.

No. 1675203

Not rude at all! I was an early internet culture adopter and I've been terminally online since the 90's. In the 2000's I ended up on Livejournal in all the snark communities including Efagz. I followed almost all the same people there including our Queen Pixy which is what brought me to lc originally! From there I found all kinds of wonderful cows here and delicious milk to enjoy. I love it here, and I love all you little shits so much, it warms my heart to see the snark carry on.

No. 1675211

File: 1692836966092.jpg (84.15 KB, 960x640, Brick shithouse.jpg)

I'm not fat, just stating the obvious. Why is Florence Pudge, a thorougly average-looking actress who is short in height and has a short neck, and also has a layer of softness to her, being casted in top Hollywood roles? The answer? Look no further than her relationships. She finds old men hot, and has a clear daddy kink that she is not afraid to show off. Really makes you wonder what Weinstein-tier stuff goes on behind the scenes.

No. 1675214

The caps were obviously real. It would make sense for Claire to fat shame because she is an anachan, secondly Elon did get investigated by the FCC over his 420 tweets. You really think he isn't a sex pest? Please.

No. 1675310

The donut licking was in 2015 I thought? The article in >>1673605 says she left in 2016 because she was "displeased" with him meddling in her personal life.

No. 1675319

File: 1692844496031.jpg (212.63 KB, 1080x810, 368476771_2457057257797309_855…)

He looks great but he tries too hard to look sexy and it's super weird.

No. 1675320

File: 1692844549468.jpg (116.25 KB, 1080x810, 368381055_130649313404457_4808…)

No. 1675322

I love this choice. I know she’s British but she looks like a very sturdy German lady. Perfect for Rapunzel.

No. 1675330

Ick not with those roots.

This guy is so fucking ugly and I'm sick of nonas saying they would fuck him. If any of you fucked this rat, you would actually get STDs.(sage your shit)

No. 1675332

I'm still on the fence. I prefer azealia to her by far and after they came out my opinion of grimes was abysmal, but I also think azealia is possibly capable of lies because shes crazy, i dont even know if i believed the threesome thing. Either way I side with her kek.

No. 1675334

Do you not live in the US?

No. 1675337

The ancient prophecy on scribe says:
Michael Jackson is a fag
Michael Jackson sucked your dad
He used to play with little toys
Now he plays with little boys

No. 1675339

File: 1692845211928.jpeg (40.4 KB, 495x619, 1246139803723.jpeg)

I saw some people say she's too old. The twitter and tiktok crowd wanted Maitreyi Ramakrishnan to play Rapunzel.

No. 1675340

i thought most nonas considered him ugly. though i think some were only defending him because men online hate him.

No. 1675342

I thought he just stepped down…?

No. 1675353

lmao i love how they use that picture instead of the ugly dyke haircut she currently has

No. 1675421

Accurate, these threads are getting really repetitive

No. 1675428

File: 1692848505554.jpg (26.94 KB, 540x299, 5e208fd82e76dbb8e3fd36904fb207…)

>I love it here, and I love all you little shits so much, it warms my heart to see the snark carry on.

No. 1675432

Both Azelia and Grimes are crazy, but they're different types of crazy. Azalia is more fun, Grimes just seems kinda stuck-up.


No. 1675441

I think the texts are real too, what I find retarded is that everyone loses their shit about Grimes making fun of Azealia's appearance but they don't carry the same vitriol for Azealia making fun of Grime's appearance. It's a weird double standard

No. 1675514

I believe she really interpreted it that way, whether they actually wanted a threesome or not. But I think if he wanted it he would have actively tried while he had the chance, but he was off doing acid somewhere and wasn’t trying to be around her at all. I think he’s a bit racist and probably way too intimidated by her

No. 1675543

aw i miss efagz so much! my livejournal account got locked because i didnt have access to my ancient email account. it's so funny how many lolcow users are from efagz. i met a good friend from there when we did the post your picture thing (we were like 18/19 at the time, i'm 31 now)

No. 1675545

Omg bebes bodyshape is so nice. I wish I was chubbier and had a similar bodyshape.

No. 1675552

apparently Ezra Miller was considered for the role of Willy Wonka before Timothé Chalamet and I can't help be think that Ezra might have actually been good at it. He exudes such a natural weirdo creepy scary energy that he could do as good as Gene Wilder, and then we roll him back to his asylum cell until we need someone to play another weirdo in a movie

No. 1675554

big "Bella Hadid isn't nepotism she's just really pretty" vibe, nonnie. You're saying this like being short and soft looking means she can't play star roles. You will walk past about 20 women who look like that a day kek it's not uncommon or bad to be a midget with round features

No. 1675563

nonnas will complain about unrealistic beauty standards in hollywood and simultaneously make posts like this kek

No. 1675568

>I'm not fat, just stating the obvious.
Must you "state the obvious" five times per thread? I think we get it already

No. 1675569

i love finding other people who have also been terminally online since the 90s. hell yes nona

No. 1675579

>race and blonde hair baiting
>body weight baiting
>woman's age baiting
Why does celebricows and disney remakes always bring out the most unbearable retards every time? Like omg, it's a kids movie, why are you bringing up race, women's age or weight into the argument? When I was a kid I wouldn't give a damn about the actresses' hair, weight or age as long as the movie was colorful and action packed.

No. 1675583

It's because grimes is objectively unattractive while Azalea isn't. Pretty people get more sympathy when someone makes fun of their looks - especially if that someone(like grimes) is uglier than the pretty person.

No. 1675595

True but the double standard is still lame, Azealia is a literal word smith and the shit she said about Grimes was so brutal I got second hand embarrassment for Claire kek, so it's weird that everyone was fine with all that but when Claire pitifully says "lol ur fat" everyone lost their damn minds kek

No. 1675620

azealia banks is the average internet bully weirdo, she's literally if LSA posts were a person. Someone who is very bold, loud and only does so because she's online and feels her opinion for some reason matters. Then when she actually is treated how she treats others (Wild N Out) she crumbles and plays victim.
She's no better then the people she bitches about, she's not even pretty enough for her being pretty for people to ignore her nasty ways. I legit think it's because she acts like so many do online.
She comes at the "right"targets. There's nothing fun or entertaining truly about someone as miserable and angry as AB is. It's just her targets are unlikeable and nobody cares about AB but thinks it's funny for a celebrity to sound just like some parasocial always online LSA poster.
Doja is the opposite, she tries badly to sound like a 4channer/edgy "rawr" girl, but it doesn't stick. Her "I don't care mean gorl" shit isn't realistic. AB really is that miserable and angry. She's not likeable and I don't find any worth or funny in her retarded rants.

No. 1675629

some of her targets didn't even do anything wrong, like when she called fka twigs a "golddigger" after twigs spoke up about shia labeouf's abuse. and that time she criticized a dead woman for her plastic surgery even though azealia got the exact same procedures (bbl and implants)

No. 1675631

yep thats what I mean, she's the mean girl that a lot of people wish they could be to famous people. Thats her appeal but except for retards online like me, or LSA posters or Lolcow or retarded tea blogs, nobody gives a damn. Her targets rarely even clap back kek. She's a shitposter with a little fame. She hates women, she plays the victim and she's not as funny as people claim.
I stopped thinking she was about shit, when she kept flip flopping on her opinion of troons. The woman she bitched about getting surgery was because, her boyfriend was the man who made her cry on wild' n out.
So big bad Banks can shit on every single woman in the industry, but that scrote calling her ugly in a segment where they insult eachother, means his unrelated to the situation wife, deserves to die? She had kids, she didn't do anything to AB.

No. 1675636

omg I would have loved Ezra miller as wonka, such a shame.

No. 1675637

If anyone but a white blonde actress plays rapunzel there is no hope. This is such a retarded casting idea(racebait)

No. 1675638

File: 1692871701806.gif (531.29 KB, 245x283, IMG_3141.gif)

this is my willy wonka. “scratch that reverse it” or whatever he says in the trailer

No. 1675645

Grimes is ugly, a bad person, and she deserved it. Also Azealia was funny but Grimes is a tryhard.

No. 1675647

I didn't say she didn't deserve it, just that people treat ""fat shaming"" like some horrific crime even though it's just making fun of someone's appearance, which is exactly what Azealia did too. It's just silly the double standard people on twitter have

No. 1675652

They need to stop making live actions, they all suck. They should start making old school animated movies again, it’s what Disney is known for and those are their best movies. Florence Pugh is just horrible casting, she doesn’t look like a Disney princess. She looks like a blocky short fat square, with a massive wide face. They might as well cast Trisha Paytas to play rapunzel.

No. 1675656

I’m the one who made fun of her for being an incest fetishist like two threads ago, and I haven’t mentioned her in this thread. Two different posters have accused random anons of being me and it’s silly, a lot of people hate her. Her Instagram comments are full of people saying the exact same things I was saying, and others anons agreed with me in the other thread.

No. 1675662

That’s hideous

No. 1675667

Elle Fanning, Sydney Sweeney, Anya Taylor Joy, Jennifer Lawrence, or Amanda Seyfried would all be better options. Hollywood has countless blonde white women, casting shouldn’t be hard.

No. 1675670

Ayrt I'm not an Ezrafag BUT I think for casting a character like Willy Wonka he could have done a better job than Johnny Depp. The tone of Willy Wonka is that he's an unlikable immature weirdo with a touch of darkness to him. Ezra could have done a great job since his performance in We Need to Talk About Kevin had so much of that. You could almost get away with not changing him all that much

No. 1675672

Sydney Sweeney can't act, Amanda Seyfried is like 40 so it wouldn't make sense to cast her as Rapunzel. Elle and Anya would work, so would Jennifer

No. 1675678

Anya would be great! Elle fanning already plays Princess Aurora in the Maleficent movies.

No. 1675679

Ezra was amazing in WNTTAK kek

No. 1675697

File: 1692878178435.jpeg (120.54 KB, 736x981, IMG_2577.jpeg)

People wanted Florence in this role for years, also none of these women fit the role or are prettier than her (especially Elle with her piggy nose).

No. 1675701

I think she is perfect casting but you know Florence Pugh's existence is a personal insult to some anons on here, so we know it'll just be days of rants angry about her neck or something.

No. 1675705

Because they're mentally ill disney adults who bring up "the kids" when they mean themselves (they're like the female versions of manchildren). They self-insert on princesses, have weird racial spite, hair color angst, body issues they project on the world and they get mad about the dumbest things.

No. 1675708

I’ve seen this comparison thing even before this possibility of a live action came out. I do think she is perfect casting idk

No. 1675721

literally everyone you suggested is a terrible option except for maybe elle. jennifer looks too old now, and the rest of them all have weird butthole eyes

No. 1675728

i just had a thought, if Sam divorces Britney can he take her for everything she owns? would prove he was there for the wrong reasons already.

No. 1675745

Amanda Seyfried is beautiful, Florence Pugh is average at best

No. 1675752

File: 1692883938154.jpeg (204.55 KB, 873x1390, IMG_1008.jpeg)

Anna Sophia Robb would have been a good choice too tbh.

No. 1675775

i suspect it's because claire had some semblance of a reputation at the time of those texts
however, azealia is known for trashing everybody so i don't think it's really surprising when someone who talks shit all day ends up talking more shit, you just kind of expect it from her

nowadays i don't think anyone would care that much if claire said something like that since her reputations out the window and she is now known for being a scrote's footstool

No. 1675831

She was likely suggested to troll the shit out of people who are overinvested in these casting choices.

No. 1675945

iirc he was against her dating the guy involved with the donut scandal
He spread Chlamydia all over NYU
I don't care either way but Banks doesn't look as much a mess as Grimes does. I don't know why Grimes is even bothering lying about the texts not being real, maybe it's because they show her trying to deliberately secure the bag with a baby. She rightfully gets shit on for larping as a socialist while fucking Musk.
The seething bone rattling is pretty amusing kek
I believe Claire was still peddling the poor woe is me origin story before it came out it wasn't true

No. 1675959

Agreed, she’d be perfect I think

No. 1675969

File: 1692897541684.jpeg (163.23 KB, 1155x1170, IMG_1279.jpeg)

Ew. Why would she post this. She looks sick. And her hair and skin are the same colour

No. 1675995

File: 1692899502716.jpg (59.71 KB, 1023x1023, Ariana-Grande-Yours-Truly-Delu…)

Her aesthetic choices are… questionable recently to say the least, this is supposedly the deluxe cover for Yours Truly (it has its decade anniversary on 30th August). It's so low effort, but I think it'a screengrab from a mv where she looks at Mac so it's supposed to be nostalgic.

No idea what is it with ugly covers this year btw, Taylor's 1989 was ugly and blurry too. I've had enough after Lana's monstrosities in 2021.

No. 1676019

I think she'd be very beautiful if I saw her in person on the street but I'm a small town anon. Her casting in Midsommar was so perfect because she looked like a totally normal woman. I never expected I'd suddenly see her in everything. She's clearly going for the "cool older sister" vibe so it's strange to see her pushed so hard in roles like Rapunzel where she technically fits the physical features but has the total opposite vibe of the character. You're right, there's totally something fishy going on. I do think she acted really well in Midsommar so she's one of the more talented of the crew of people being pushed in everything, but it really feels like we're going back to the old days of Hollywood where 3 or so big studios had their 5 stars they pimped hard

No. 1676058

Yes but she is 37. I think even Florence is too old for the role. I don’t even think this movie is confirmed yet…they are going to choose a young up and coming actress when they make it, just like they did with Snow White and The Little Mermaid.

No. 1676059

Sydney Sweeney is trashy and looks straight off a Brazzers set. Not a good look for family friendly Disney movies.

No. 1676070

leave us midgets alone we find things you lose behind the cabinets and fridge for you on the daily

No. 1676077

i never want to nitpick another woman but dear christ, who okay'd this hair color for her as glinda? unless the whole movie is tinted she's going to look like a stage four cancer survivor. also can someone please feed her

No. 1676081

sydney sweeney is cute and it's not her fault she's been sexualized. why would you mock a very young woman who started getting roles before she was 18. she's not from a rich family or a nepo baby. i refuse to watch euphoria but i've seen her in other things and her acting is fine. stop sexualizing women for the crime of having big breasts. brazzers? go back to whatever man hole you came from

No. 1676087

File: 1692904168934.png (1.21 MB, 1028x724, seems to actually have hobbies…)

bless you nonna. i think she's going to be coming forward with absolute horror stories about the hollycoom in a couple years. she seems like a decent woman and the way moids treat her makes me feel sick. that being said, i don't think she could get an in with disney due to the nude scenes she had to film.

No. 1676092

aw i want her to help me change the rear brake pads on my truck lol, this picture is so cute ty anon

No. 1676106

"short women go one day without telling people they're short" challenge

No. 1676116

impossible, we have to ask the tall women to grab us stuff at least twice an hour. we get it, you have beautiful long legs and we look like potatoes

No. 1676120

Right they're literally projecting their own body image issues. I'm blonde and thin(both natural unlike most of the obsessive disneyfags) but my favorite princess movie as a kid was Tiana because I loved her story and design. I don't understand why they're pretending to care about kids when they're actually just mentally ill women and men who are mad the actress doesn't fit their impossible beauty standards.

No. 1676127

She got a boobjob so she could get casted more so you're wrong. She's not at fault for getting sexualized but just like how megan fox was once only casted as a hot girl, Sydney will suffer from the same fate.

No. 1676150

Nta but, girl STFU.
"It's not her fault she's been sexualized"
"Never watched euphoria"
Fuck off, seriously. She CHOSE to be naked in nearly every single scene on that show. ~iTs nOt HeR fAuLt~
She literally bragged about her family watching her in the show and saying she has "the best tits in Hollywood"
Ffs, why defend this disgusting shit?

No. 1676153

I thought she was really good in Reality. It was nice seeing her in a different kind of role.

No. 1676170

Any basis for the boobjob claim? Lol.

No. 1676183

Hasn’t it been like that for years, though? I feel like every 3-5 years there’s a new handful of actors and actresses who get promoted like crazy and appear in every movie made during that timeframe, and then their popularity starts to wane a bit and they’re replaced with a new set. I rarely bother to remember the names of Hollywood people so it’s hard to come up with examples but off the top of my head I can think of Jennifer Lawrence and Emma Stone, and for men it’s currently Timmy Chlamydia. I feel like it happened with Benedict Cumberbatch and the Loki guy too but that may just be my circles. Of course for men it’s easier to keep getting roles even when they start to visibly age whereas roles for women all but disappear after they reach a certain age, so the drop in popularity for actresses is much more abrupt.

No. 1676216

File: 1692914453595.jpg (110.01 KB, 1532x1504, FB_IMG_1692914447699.jpg)

Also this?? Like what?? She looks like a corpse, I really have a hard time believing she doesn't have an ED

No. 1676223

I actually liked her in midsummer too, for the same reason you stated. I had the same thought about Anya Taylor Joy in the witch, they both looked like random average women and played their roles very well. But then I found out that they’re both nepo babies and learned more about their personalities and personal lives and now I can’t stand either of them. I don’t think they’re quite talented enough to be cast in as many roles as they’re getting (and Florence cast as a mistress? Why?) so there must be something going on behind the scenes

No. 1676228

File: 1692915527631.jpg (73.5 KB, 602x450, i'm lovin it.jpg)

has harry's hairline gotten worse? kek

No. 1676229

File: 1692915553127.png (501.03 KB, 531x521, 3;2 vs 4;3.png)

She looks like she is being projected in the wrong aspect ratio. She would look normal at 4:3 pic rel

No. 1676238

I’m one of the anons who doesn’t think FP should be cast as Rapunzel, and I’m not a Disney adult, I don’t have high beauty standards or racial issues, she’s just incredibly plain and refrigerater shaped. She’s repulsive to have to watch on screen.

No. 1676245

Having hair the same colour as your skin is something I'm seeing a lot of lately and it's absolutely disgusting

No. 1676247

You’re right, that’s so interesting to see. And film cameras make her look even wider.

No. 1676252

I think the fuck not. Also, there really needs to stop being these idiots telling disney to make more live action flops

No. 1676254

So tired of idiots taking photos of women like this and calling it news. Let her live!!

No. 1676257

These photos make me think she might be finally getting what's coming to her.

No. 1676259

this has the same vibe as grotty moids mad about barbies calling margot robbie 'mid'. you should consider suicide i think(a-logging over a celeb)

No. 1676261

I believe Anna-Sophia would actually work.

Almost all of those I can't see suiting the role aside from maybe Elle. Sydney would be especially not a great choice and I'm reminded of what Sharon Stone said in >>1647846. Jennifer and Amanda are okay but are too old to play a teenager and I don't believe they would be interested anyway.


No. 1676263

Margot Robbie is beautiful and males were calling her mid because they’re misogynistic. Florence Pugh on the other hand is the most nitpicked celebrity I’ve ever come across,for good reason

No. 1676268

NTA but even though I dislike Florence too sometimes the nitpicking gets way out of hand. We get it, she's badly shaped and shouldn't be cast in every new film Hollywood pumps out

No. 1676302

File: 1692921525233.jpeg (1.62 MB, 1170x1454, IMG_8482.jpeg)

She broke up with the old man who looked like her dad, now she’s dating someone who looks like he could be her brother. Maybe she needed to switch up her incest role play.

No. 1676306

>now she’s dating someone who looks like he could be her brother
I dont get why you a-log this celeb so much, are you a celeb too and hate her? is it jealousy? why are you so obsessed with her?

No. 1676309

Imagine telling someone to kill themselves over some celebrity, and especially one like Florence.
She is a literal industry plant and a casting couch woman with sponsors who gets roles by being okay with stripping in movies.
Her talent is non-existent and she gets critiques on her acting all the time but does nothing to fix that or practice.

No. 1676316

File: 1692922855845.jpeg (Spoiler Image,446.61 KB, 1241x1718, 84F5A476-DC78-4320-B833-916D01…)

No. 1676317

AYRT I haven’t posted much about her and I’m not a-logging. She just isn’t likable, get over it.

No. 1676323

It's subjective, you get over it.

No. 1676324

british men have notoriously terrible hairlines. honestly terrible hair in general.

No. 1676331

This is only true if they dont get hard, which from here you can't really see scarring because that could just be discoloration. Really weird observation either way.

No. 1676332

Britney should take his fucking teeth in the divorce too.

No. 1676333

Because of their weak inbred genes

No. 1676340


No. 1676343

Those are some good ones I’m very very jealous

No. 1676347

Couldn’t she at least have darker eyebrows she looks sick, but she probably likes it cause she’s an anorexic

No. 1676352

She's doing this for attention im sorry but

No. 1676353

I cannot believe this had me inspecting photos of her breasts on Google but I think she does have incisions although they aren't on the outside, they're closer to the middle and she has a 'blushing' shading type areola tattoo around it

No. 1676363

>she has a 'blushing' shading type areola tattoo around it
That's actually pretty smart if you get implants through the areola. I don't really think Sydney Sweeneys boobs are fake though.

No. 1676371

I didnt either until I inspected the pics and you can see an entire ring of incision around her nipples and they only get hard inside of the incision line. I'll cape for her either way though you're right she's natty

No. 1676397

She looks like an Olsen sibling on the right kek.

No. 1676406

Why do anons get so mad when u tell them their favourite didnt rise to fame organically but are industry plants/casting couch/nepo babies? Literally has been the case for the entire history of modern media, like the beatles were industry plants. Ofc your random nobody rising to fame suddenly in the year 2023 is an industry plant too. Ofc the random ass young and pretty actor or actress sucked old moid dick to get cast in every role. Literally every actor in hollywood has to, theyre prettt open about it too. Every pretty boy in the 90's had a rich old moid faggot as a sponsor. Every female actress during that same time frame sucked weinstein off. Nobodies from the trailer park like Justin Beiber had to gussle Ushers dick to get famous.

But somehow ice spice or florence pugh are different? LOL(sage)

No. 1676409

File: 1692928573506.png (171.19 KB, 573x839, hgpv328ix5kb1.png)

He's back.

No. 1676413

That looks shooped as hell

No. 1676415

Is that meant to be the real mugshot?

No. 1676419

File: 1692929149440.jpg (58.38 KB, 749x1106, lbhm1puvj5kb1.jpg)

Yes it's real.

No. 1676421

I've never stanned FP or IS and they're a far cry from my faves but watching the constant need to obsessively discuss them is annoying.

No. 1676435

Kek right? He looks like a cartoon

No. 1676445

I think it's just the big titties and way she dresses, if she dressed for the part she'd look cute and classy. But they probably wouldn't cast her in a kids movie because if the kids googled her name they'd see photos and gifs of her naked kek

No. 1676450

I just find it odd that your focus is on the nobody actors who may or may not have sucked and fucked and not the wealthy Hollywood producers who demanded that of them. It’s almost…scrote-like…

No. 1676454

Theyre not going to cast an actress who has done nude scenes into a Disney movie regardless

No. 1676459

File: 1692931866908.jpeg (1.28 MB, 3064x4405, IMG_3537.jpeg)

He looks nothing like her brother(picrel)? I don’t even like her but her haters are a level of mentally ill I’ve only seen paralleled in Lana Del Rey haters. But somehow worse

No. 1676491

Can you post pics of the 'blushing' tattoo around her areolas, I'm curious and I don't want to go hunting for the evidence

No. 1676494

I'm not going to post a zoom-in collage of Sydney Sweeneys nipples, no.

No. 1676495

I don't think anyone is mad just tired of the same spergers saying the same things about the same celebrities over and over, I think we all get it by now

No. 1676497

Kek well then tell me what you googled to find the pics, I don't wanna spend 2 hours looking at photos of her nipples because I wouldn't know how to spot incision scars or blushing tattoos anyway

No. 1676524

Edited to add NTA but this is exactly it. Especially since there's really not anything going on right now aside from a speculated casting and even so, all it's doing is resulting in sperging

No. 1676649

No one cares about you criticizing, it's more that we have to endure the schizophrenic ramblings of some of you who develop hateful obsessions and spend weeks/months trying to prove to everyone else that this person is ugly/fat/a nepo baby. I don't think anyone would've cared about your obsession had you also been entertaining, (e.g. Amanda Seyfried-chan) but you're not

No. 1676662


I'm not American either so can't comment on the trash factor, the only reason I know what it was is because my Mum bought us some one Christmas cos she thought they looked like baubles lmao

No. 1676700

Lookin’ like a sewer rat on vacation.

No. 1676708

sometimes i feel like a lot of anons in this thread specifically don’t have any female friends. just because it’s rare to see slim women with large breasts doesn’t mean it’s impossible. yes, weirdly shaped no hip dip bbl tiny waist women don’t exist. but slim women with large breasts do? it’s really not rare and you can go to any subreddit/forum that deals with bra sizing issues and see that. also, if she did have breast augmentation that means one of her guardians had to give consent, which is a whole other level of fucked up

No. 1676716

No. 1676754

That's interpretive dance for you, it always looks cringe to me even when professionals do it. She looks untrained, was she ever a dancer? If she does and it's just the fat making her look bad that is a topkek.(sage in this thread)

No. 1676756

In one of the euphoria scenes you can see the scars of her boobjob. There are also old pictures of her where she was flat even though she is the same weight now.
She did sexualize herself in euphoria and that's why she's now branded as that type of role only, I don't think she's a bad person but both the boobjob and her sexualized roles in euphoria were probably the only way she'd be able to be famous without having famous parents or the money to do so otherwise.

No. 1676757

>anya taylor joy
She has the most interesting and unique(as in not picture perfect fake pretty) face I've seen in a while. I don't understand why anons hate any woman who's not looking like a classic Victoria secret model as if you anons aren't the ones complaining about beauty standards set for women being too high. Let strange or average women get roles if they can act, it only makes the movies more interesting. And besides, pickmes even called Margot robbie too ugly to play Barbie so I don't take you pickme's opinions on beauty seriously anymore.

No. 1676760

>it's not about the beauty standards!
>calls objectively pretty woman plain and ugly
>spergs about a womans body being shaped like a refrigerator because she doesn't fit male gazey porny body standards
>photoshops her like an obsessive autist
Congrats on proving the anon in the other thread right and showing that the women who over-analyze and sperg about specific only female celebs tend to be autistic women who usually overestimate their own attractiveness and underestimate other women's.(derailing/infighting)

No. 1676761

she's so dumpty and thin lips. Whose dick is she sucking to keep getting roles?(weird-ass nitpick)

No. 1676762

>sand moid
It pisses me off Britney keeps getting taken advantage of by men. I really hope the best for her, and a good lawyer.(racebait)

No. 1676766

Sweet baby Jesus in the manger, please stop I will give you five American dollars to STOP(report and move on)

No. 1676768

Why are you randomly accusing her of fucking her way? Whats up with the misogyny in this thread? I'm blaming Twitter faggots because they're usually the ones who love tearing female celebrities the most. Didn't Perez Hilton stalk and shit on Brittney for years? Pure faggy jealousy(report and move on, infighting)

No. 1676770

Go back to Twitter.(report and move on, infighting)

No. 1676772

the anon(s) itt with a hate boner for florence pugh needs to get a diary and stop clogging up the thread with the same insults. it’s actually exhausting(sage your shit)

No. 1676775

Literally just posted this same sentiment in Things You Hate and even used the (s), we're twinsies

No. 1676793

This. I feel like some Twitter users come here only to use celebricows thread to air out the opinions they couldn't share oj Twitter and the same anons tend to racebait a ton and weirdly enough nitpick every single female celeb, especially their weight.(derailing)

No. 1676813

kek i added the (s) as i’m not sure if it just one retarded sperg

No. 1676827

Imageboard, post proof. It's not like we haven't seen nipples before

No. 1676830

No one was saying its impossible but you sound dense as hell when you consider breast aug is the top surgery in america and shes an actress who hasnt always had big boobs. They dont just show up on your chest at 16/18 (unless you gain weight). Olivia rodrigo got implants the second she turned 18. Most celebs have had some kind of work done. Plenty have had parents approve of their surgeries so they can do better in the industry. It’s disgusting when celebs (like Kylie Jenner too) get defended because at the end of the day 90% of them lie about the surgeries they get and call it a glow up. No one cares if you have a fake nose or boobs but its fucked up to lie about it

No. 1676944

nta but i assumed they were referring to how she looked when she filmed the witch. im also remembering that split personality movie where she played a kidnapping victim, she looked incredibly plain imo compared to now

No. 1676976

He moves like he's not human.

No. 1677062

There's a bunch of scrotes itt.

Other than losing weight, how does she look different now?

No. 1677072

NTA but to me she looks way worse now than before. Buccal fat removal was a mistake.

No. 1677073

100% agree. and anons get so personally offended and turn it into an infight. do you not know what website you’re on? let people make fun of cringey celebrities they dislike and move on.

No. 1677079

No one said her boyfriend looks like her actual brother you idiot, she said they look related

No. 1677081

making fun of them is not the issue, it's the level of sperginess and repetition

No. 1677082

I’m not autistic and I’ve never photoshopped her, the fuck? Female celebrities are always nitpicked over their appearances and always have been. There are a lot of Florence hating anons on here stop pretending like every post about her is the same person(sage your shit)

No. 1677089

File: 1692989905745.jpeg (376.92 KB, 1170x1755, IMG_3661.jpeg)

Theres a “comedians who are assholes” post in the DeuxMoi subreddit with some gems like this one about Bo Burnham. I always wondered if his sad/introspective, self-deprecating bits were exaggerated, he always reminded me of the popular boys from my drama school who pulled that same thing to get attention from girls (and it works, too)

No. 1677096

She’s an ugly nepo baby. Her face is narrow and projects very very far which is a weird combination, her bucks fat removal highlights her ugly fave shape and the fact that her teeth stick out too far and show through her cheeks, her lips are thin and a pointy shape, Al’s he has marionette lines leading from the corners of her mouth across her cheeks which looks like a Glasgow smile scar, her hair is thin and limp, bleaching it blonde didn’t help her, her eyes are far apart like she has fetal alcohol syndrome and she makes obnoxious facial expressions by moving her eyes around weirdly to bring attention to them, she can’t act for shit she was only good in the witch and sucks in everything else(nitpicking)

No. 1677100

File: 1692990511751.png (823.32 KB, 765x988, 1867446356.png)

>She’s an ugly nepo baby. Her face is narrow and projects very very far which is a weird combination, her bucks fat removal highlights her ugly fave shape and the fact that her teeth stick out too far and show through her cheeks, her lips are thin and a pointy shape, Al’s he has marionette lines leading from the corners of her mouth across her cheeks which looks like a Glasgow smile scar, her hair is thin and limp, bleaching it blonde didn’t help her, her eyes are far apart like she has fetal alcohol syndrome and she makes obnoxious facial expressions by moving her eyes around weirdly to bring attention to them, she can’t act for shit she was only good in the witch and sucks in everything else(infighting)

No. 1677102

>nitpicking random actresses appearance

100% faggot scrote behavior. can we go back to milky behavior?

No. 1677104

File: 1692990617599.jpg (729.06 KB, 2880x2160, MCDWITC_EC027.jpg)

Nta but anon was clearly saying Anya in the Witch was average looking because she was. She was a kid in historical clothing and her features fit really well for the role, but I certainly never saw her in that movie and thought she'd be an A-list hottie 7 years later. I think she did have really beautiful and unique features a year or two ago, but it's sad it seems like she either fell for the buccal scam or lost way too much weight, because her natural softer cheeks would be so gorgeous on an adult face. I don't want them to make a live action The Last Unicorn because God forbid but she'd make a good Amalthea.

No. 1677105

nooooooooo nonna every single actress on a big screen has to be a non subjective 10/10 otherwise they dont belong in there because that scrote hates ugly women on movies.

No. 1677107

File: 1692990739098.jpg (35.14 KB, 500x750, 421cSReX2Fktldac8SyY2k0yLwY.jp…)

She looks normal when she is styled properly, regardless of aspect ratio.
And yet, she is being casted as spiderwoman.
Who is Amanda seyfried-chan and what did she say or do?

No. 1677109

That’s how anons who think Anya is stunning look, because they recognize their nerd mouth breather phenotype in her features

No. 1677110

>ever average
you people are blind and delusional(unsaged infighting)

No. 1677111

is this your best comeback? "hurr you must be ugly like her too". this is the second time you've used this argument ITT. I will say it again, I wish I looked like her. you do too, otherwise you wouldn't spend precious hours of your life sperging about someone who doesn't even know you exist.

No. 1677116

AYRT, I haven’t used that argument in this thread or any other thread before. I have never spent hours talking about her or any other celebrity, I made two posts about her in this thread.

No. 1677119

File: 1692991540494.jpeg (43.9 KB, 559x549, IMG_8491.jpeg)

Anya Taylor Joy said she avoids mirrors because she’s overwhelmed by the countless comments she sees online calling her hideous, and that she has always been bullied for being ugly. Daddy bought her a career.(sage your shit)

No. 1677120

File: 1692991581037.jpg (423.66 KB, 720x1038, Screenshot_20230825_152506_Chr…)

I went out of my way to call her beautiful and gorgeous multiple times in my post. She is literally dressed down and covered in splotches to make her look even more like your average starving 1700s kid. Our society is so pornrotted that it's an insult to say someone looks like an average woman, as if it means she's "mid" and not that she looks like a real person, which I think is a good thing. It's a good thing she looks like herself and not everyone else in the industry, same with Flo. I think her buccal removal looks bad but it looks bad on most of them.
Anyways. Anyone keeping up with this whole situation with Katy Perry and Orlando Bloom trying to exict an 83-year-old with Huntingtons so they can have his mansion? I can't believe it's not elder abuse that this man's lawyers even let him sign in the first place, Huntingtons is so serious I'd be surprised if that man can even speak or knows his own children's names. I forgot Katy and Orlando were even still together.

No. 1677122

1. Post proof that she said this
2. Post proof that he did that

No. 1677127

File: 1692991898265.jpg (195.97 KB, 720x627, Screenshot_20230825_153400_Chr…)

No. 1677128

I think she was cute before the plastic surgery.

No. 1677129

The only thing I know about Bo Burnham is that he did some bit about how white women are bad for not ending slavery because they could’ve easily done so by refusing to have sex with their slave owner husbands, ignoring the fact that marital rape was completely legal in all US states until 1970. So my only reaction to reading that he’s an asshole is well, duh?

No. 1677139

How evil, I hope he wins

No. 1677142

AYRT, I meant she looked average mostly because of her styling in that movie. She was supposed to look like a teenage girl in the 1600’s, she wasn’t supposed to be dolled up. Being average =/= being unattractive anyway so it isn’t an insult.

No. 1677170

me too, she looks eerie now when before she had a cute look going for her

No. 1677171

File: 1692996094661.jpg (21.51 KB, 460x434, sleepy or tired meme cat (1).j…)

>Who is Amanda seyfried-chan and what did she say or do?

No. 1677174

Thank you, it's not that I didn't believe you but can we please stop just leaving comments like that without milk or anything??

Anyways, Nicki Minaj said she regrets marrying her rapist moid, yay.
It's not actually true but see how this works? If we all just said shit without posting milk, it becomes speculation.

No. 1677176

Is it Orlando in picrel??? God, scrotes really age like milk.

No. 1677226

There's already an image of it upthread. Maybe anon doesn't want to save a picture of someone else's nipples to upload?

No. 1677229

>It’s disgusting when celebs (like Kylie Jenner too) get defended because at the end of the day 90% of them lie about the surgeries they get and call it a glow up. No one cares if you have a fake nose or boobs but its fucked up to lie about it
Exactly, that kind of thing can make impressionable girls feel bad when they don't have those proportions naturally and they start to become beauty trends. At least say they were attainable via plastic surgery.

Thank you. Tired of anons making random claims without posting milk if it wasn't already discussed already. Like the Sienna Miller post from earlier.

No. 1677235

File: 1693002639336.jpeg (255.58 KB, 1652x2048, IMG_1292.jpeg)

No. 1677238

she looks exactly like this methhead/heroin addict my ex was messing around with, not even joking. she looks unhealthy. she needs some vitamins, some calories, an iv, SOMETHING

No. 1677248

I think her eyes give her an otherworldly ethereal unique look, I especially love the emotion her big eyes give in movies.

No. 1677280

Her trailer trash era is inevitable now

No. 1677281

Isn't it that her eyes are not that big, they're just more spread apart?

No. 1677301

I had this take and was literally going to call anon crazy until I scrolled through myself and literally saw the scarring all the way around her nipple.

No. 1677305

I literally refuse to post nude images of a woman to an imageboard. I don't care that they're already there. You can literally google Sydney Sweeney naked yourself and see them in the first handful of results. I am never going to be the one to do that sorry. You have the search engine and human eyes.

No. 1677307

>let people make fun of cringey celebrities they dislike and move on.
If this were the true motive, there would be a whole variety of actors posted here. Instead it's just crying about the same few women.

No. 1677310

I think this is unpopular here but she’s still very pretty to me after her cheek surgery, even though she looked better before. I think she could/should get a fat transfer to fill it back in. I don’t really feel her performances have been great outside of the vvitch and Queens Gambit though.

No. 1677314

Uh male celebs are made fun of all the time here

No. 1677316

Uh huh I'm sure the ratio is even halfway equivalent to the amount of sperging about women who don't look the way you want them to

No. 1677320

NTA but that's not the point, anons frequently sperg about the same celebrity women when there's a mere mention and no milk. Simply making fun of someone =/= sperging which shits up the thread

No. 1677326

AYRT and I don't know if you meant to reply to me or the other anon but yeah, that was the point I was trying to make. For that person to ask you or any anon to save a photo of and post a celebrity's nipples is weird and some people aren't going to be comfortable with doing that, even if this is a celebrity milk thread.

No. 1677327

Be honest, anon.

No. 1677329

She loves the attention from these face-checks and bodychecks she keeps posting. She likes the fact that everyone is saying she "looks sick" because it validates the image she wants to portray of being a tiny, frail waif.

No. 1677330

She's going to have to deal with the consequences. What happens as a result of her doing this to herself is on her.

No. 1677331

Then post proof that she used to be flat and then suddenly got huge boobs? The point of threads like this is to post proof of things your talking about not just say to go look for yourself. And people are saying "oh you can see the incision scars" or "she has blushing tattoos" but I can't see that? I've seen her topless in Euphoria and they look natural, how am I supposed to spot incision scars and blushing tattoos I have no idea what that would even look like. Obviously no one is going to post proof so that's fine it doesn't matter either way, but it's not that weird to ask for evidence of claims on a cow thread kek

No. 1677332

I realize it's a milk thread and imageboard but you do realize it's strange to ask another anon to save and post someone's nude body? If you're that curious you can look for yourself or if someone really wants to, they could probably post sources

No. 1677333

is hollywood not allowed to cast short actresses? wow, the more you know /s

No. 1677335

I think what you fail to realize is that there are quite a few of us who do not feel comfortable making edits of young women's breasts off of principle alone because we aren't loser coomers.

No. 1677336

these are WAY too saggy and ugly to be fake anon. skinny women with big boobs do exist

No. 1677337


No. 1677338

Implants hang low in many women due to genetics unless they are accompanied by a lift.

No. 1677339

>she chose to be naked in every scene
pretty sure that was Sam Levinson's idea but okay.

No. 1677340

I hate having to say that but it's so obvious after that video she posted trying to guilt people for talking about her and trying to claim this is somehow healthy. This woman is an actual psychopath who feeds off of it.

No. 1677342

No one's arguing that they don't exist, but are you really going to dispute that it's very likely she's one of the many celebrity women that have gotten breast augmentations?

No. 1677343

NTA and I don't watch Euphoria or know much about her but couldn't she have turned down the role? Sam Levinson is a gross scrote though I will say that.

No. 1677344

Not really no? Everyone is adults here and has privacy right? I don't understand why it's such a big deal to save and delete a photo? I'm not saying post it I understand no one is going too that's fine, but no I don't understand why it's so weird. But I'm not going to look for myself again cause I already have and again I don't know how to spot blushing tattoos or incision scars, but it really doesn't matter either way whether their fake or not

How am I a coomer? If I wanted to see her boobs I'd just google it myself not sit here and ask a bunch of anons to post evidence of a covert boob job. You guys are retarded but this is celebricows so why am I surprised


>Posts claims of sudden D cups after being flat chested, incision scars with blushing tattoos
>Oh so you want to know how we know that huh? Well you just want to see titties!!
Okay anon

No. 1677347

it's very BPD anachan behavior, she wants people to worry about her.

No. 1677351

Nobody said you are a coomer, but it shouldn't be that hard to understand why we don't want to be the ones responsible for posting it here where it will be archived and readily available in search engines so that any creep who wants to see it discussed with keywords can see it. Anyone else can but i refuse to be that person idgaf

No. 1677356

It's not really the privacy thing, it's just that most of us wouldn't do that out of principle. If someone wants to post sources they can go ahead.


Honestly, to me it was weird this discussion even started in the first place and I know her boobs were posted before, but I still thought it was odd that an anon decided to post her boobs unspoilered itt (they're spoilered now). I wasn't part of the initial discussion nor was I involved in talking about her breasts in detail and only jumped in when anon asked for proof, it was getting a bit much.

No. 1677361

Bo Burnham and Phoebe Bridgers are birds of a feather, I’m telling you. They’re perfect for each other

No. 1677368

No one is posting the milk because there isn't any, in all of her nude photos online they're not clear enough to spot shading tattoos over incision scars. From any of the scenes available they look natural, so unless someone has a high resolution zoomed in photo of her nipple that doesn't exist, they're lying about it being easy to spot

No. 1677369

then why do they look like she's had 3 kids and breastfed????? i think they are real that's just my opinion

No. 1677370

NTA but somebody could post pictures of her clothes and an adult being flat and suddenly her having big boobs (with clothes), people don't really even have to post nude pictures. Just the pictures they claim exist of her having small boobs and then pictures of her with big boobs (with clothes on)

No. 1677371

im conviced everyone is on their period, this thread is unhinged and unbearable lately with no fucking milk just autistics fighting other retards

No. 1677374

That's true and fine, though the wording of these requests >>1676491 and >>1676827 sounded like they wanted to see her nipples specifically

No. 1677379

same anon, I'm looking through all her pictures and I don't see a difference, her first roles she was a child and the other ones probably a teenager and I don't feel comfortable in figuring out what is what by finding pictures of her. So I'm going to assume her breasts are real, since no nona has posted "proof" of her breasts being flat (in adulthood) and suddenly big like they claim.
That'd actually be milk, very boring milk but something.

No. 1677382

They were obviously asking to see what the nonnies were talking about with the shading tattoos and incision scars, like the other anon said it's not unusual to ask for proof of milk on a cow board. They could've just posted the url of the photo they saw and said where/how to spot the tattoos instead of pearl clutching over the suggestion that they wanted to know what everyone is talking about.

No. 1677384

A lot of implants can look like that without a lift. If you don't have naturally like perky boobs or really flat ones, a small implant would look natural. I think they're called teardrops? Anyways she doesn't have any glands except inside the incision lines and three random ones far outside, this is really unnatural in nipples. She completely lacks the glands that shrink them when cold or stimulated and there's flat surface outside of the incision line very close to the nipple. The only other thing I can think of is that she had a lot larger and less symmetrical areola and was extremely self conscious about it so decided get them reduced and then add a tattoo. The smooth look like that is really common with women who have had breadt augmentations after breast cancer.

No. 1677389

>Can you post pics
>Imageboard, post proof
They asked for pics being posted on this imageboard which is what's being called out, I agree URLs could be posted and anyone's free to do that but why ask for someone to save and post someone's nipples close up here directly is what we're questioning

No. 1677392

Because they wanted to see the evidence of a boob job? Are you really still confused by this lol

No. 1677393

people could easily post those images of her being flat chested/smaller breasted and they don't even have to post close up of her bare breasts. I'm actually interested in this now kek.(enough about breasts)

No. 1677397

Then don't post it, damn. Can we get over this already, this thread has posted nudes before and is quite dedicated to shitting all over women who aren't 10/10 beautiful so I really didn't think it was that detrimental jfc

No. 1677400

More than one anon here has expressed that someone asking for nipple pics directly on here is weird. You're the one that sounds confused. Again, whoever wants to post URLs can do it or search it up, damn.

No. 1677401

>More than one person agrees with me so I'm right
We were already past it but you retards keep bringing it up again

No. 1677404

Oh you're actually retarded. You think the faggots who sperg about Lana and Florence are the same ones telling you they aren't going to post nudes? Fucking lmao(infighting)

No. 1677405

File: 1693013763739.jpeg (Spoiler Image,1.32 MB, 1125x1973, 93A53D97-D0D7-40B8-B9DD-FBC23D…)

can we stop derailing over non milk jfc. nothing too explicit here but spoilering image anyway.

drea de matteo has joined onlyfans.


>De Matteo’s page, available for a monthly $15, simply says “THE SOPRANOS” beneath a steamy close-up of just the actress’ cleavage popping through a star-spangled bikini top.

>Her profile photo shows the mob heartthrob completely nude in thigh-high heeled boots, smoking a cigarette bedside with another woman, who is sporting skimpy black underwear partially out of frame.

No. 1677407

nta but stop adding to it.

No. 1677408

All of you stfu

No. 1677409

Two different anons, and "More than one anon here" has said it's weird to make claims and then expect everyone to not ask for proof so what about it(derailing)

No. 1677411

Way to keep derailing, holy hell stop.

No. 1677413

You're beating this horse until your knuckles are black and blue huh

No. 1677414

That's not what I said, I just meant I didn't think it was going to cause such a stir because there's been way more unhinged behavior itt

No. 1677415

I hate that this shit is being normalized to the point celebrities want to join in.

No. 1677417

Nta but you're all kind of beating it at this point

No. 1677419

I didn't say I was right wtf. Just that I'm not the only person beliveing this is weird ass behavior.

No. 1677421

not involved in this infight but can you stop posting inaccurate greentext summaries of the fight, it's annoying

No. 1677424

Stuff like celebrities opening onlyfans (E.g Tyga), SZA only donating 2k to the people affected by Hawaii wildfires, Tori Spelling going homeless really made me realize that most celebrities really are broke. Not millionaires like how you may think or what they lead us to believe. Also makes me question the reports of Kylie Jenner, Bey, Rihanna, being billionaires. They're definitely some of the richer ones among them but..

No. 1677426

I like how it's only derailing when it's anons you disagree with lol(infighting, derailing)

No. 1677431

Some people aren't even part of this and just want it to stop.

No. 1677434

that could very well be true but i also feel like some of them are just stingy and greedy with their money.

can this please stop

No. 1677436

So tag all the derailers not just the side you disagree with

No. 1677438

I agree that people overstimate how much celebrities actually make, but I think most of the time they're just greedy and don't give a shit, hence the low donations. No one takes Tyga seriously as a rapper so this doesn't suprise me a bit.

No. 1677439

Nonnies always do that, they'll be like "everyone shut up" and then only tag the posts they don't like. My favorite is when they reply to your comment and then call it infighting once you reply to them

No. 1677440

Tyga the chaser has been in the sex work world before it was "Cool" he owned a porn company back in the day, There's a gross picture of two girls kissing and Tyga in the back awkardly watching. also one of his friends was arrested for Sex trafficking in 2021, I think it was his manager but they seemed close. SO him getting on onlyfans is a natural thing. He also loves troons, according to Blaire (unless I'm dreaming) Tyga tried to fuck him and that other troon that blaire used to hang out with. I forget his name

No. 1677441

Nta but you're ironically prolonging this when everyone else has dropped it. Please stop

No. 1677444

I was just making a comment about infighting on here in general relax

No. 1677471

File: 1693017919322.jpg (297.21 KB, 800x785, kanye.jpg)

Kanye in Japan

No. 1677477

Who's that?

No. 1677486

this is a hilarious image, but wtf is going on

No. 1677528

Ew, who was the nona in the hate thread talking about how gross it is for moids to wear sweatpants? Thinking of you
This looks like those images that simulate you having a stroke

No. 1677601

wait… stop bc i didn’t even notice his crotch until you said something and now i’m scarred.

No. 1677630

That's not what I said at all, and I didn't call anyone autistic? I wasn't continuously asking, I asked once and then was just trying to explain my reasoning and respond to anons who replied to me. I'm not starting the infight again I'm just tired of everything I say on here getting misconstrued and made to seem like I was saying something I didn't.(infighting)

No. 1677638

Not the anon you replied to, it's nice that you're being rational about this anon, but considering everyone else who jumped in to start getting all up in arms against each other it's best it ends here.

No. 1677662

I am more troubled by her grandfather or father saying she has the best tits in Hollywood

No. 1677687

she appears around 8:35. This is from 2011, so she was 14 and already has larger breast

No. 1677919

What an ugly sack of shit. He's so disgusting, it makes me sick.

No. 1677933

I wonder if the anons itt ever get sad that their autism made them fixate on Sydney Sweeney's breasts instead of something useful.(stop derailing and infighting about her breasts)

No. 1677935

Says the anon bringing up yesterdays infight, seems like your the one with the fixation(just report and move on)

No. 1677936

shut the fuck up already and get a hobby(just report it and move on)

No. 1677970

real or fake, her boobs look great(stop derailing about her breasts)

No. 1678018

Yeah I'm jealous

No. 1678049

It looks like he shaved his eyebrows and they're growing back.

No. 1678075

stop derailing and sperging about sydney's breasts. Please report the posters sperging, don't even respond to them.

No. 1678177

File: 1693079826011.jpeg (687.64 KB, 1170x1162, IMG_6553.jpeg)

Ethel Cain looking like the man he is

No. 1678178

I can proudly say that I've never heard a single song from this dude and I will keep it that way.

No. 1678233

Noooo not the short dick + porn addict curve combo

No. 1678283

Thank you, finally. I know hellweek was a month ago but jfc imagine all the bans almost everyone would have gotten itt.

No. 1678396

I keep seeing lyric art of his online and I think "oh damn that sounds kinda like my cup of tea" and then I see the name and I refrain

No. 1679133

>not her fault she's been sexualized
…she used to be a porn star and got a boob job, she's proud about it and was naked in Euphoria. i don't think she cares about being sexualized, it's obvious sam levinson hired her because he saw all the porn she's been in.

No. 1679143

wasn't the porn star the one with the giant lips?

No. 1679149

moids with porn addictions have the weird dick curve? am i reading that right and why does that happen?

No. 1679180

you're thinking of chloe cherry, the actress who played faye.
sydney was never a porn actress or has a boob job. once again, that is FAYE(read the farmhand post)

No. 1679182

Her old face looks a lot like Halle Bailey's. This is why the people calling one ugly and the other pretty (often to racebait) come off as face-blind and kind of dumb to me.

No. 1679204

sorry, you're right. i'm pretty sure chloe cherry worked with that creepy big gulp dude shay worked with. i mixed them up. her lip injections are awful too.

No. 1679214

The Brittany Venti phenotype kek, I think it's really pretty and unique looking

No. 1679244

File: 1693146770590.jpeg (1.07 MB, 1170x1149, IMG_1316.jpeg)

No. 1679245

Awwww I hope she had fun ♥

No. 1679248

At this point, I can only stare in contemplation. I have transcended, but in what way I am unable to say.

No. 1679282

I'm sure she had fun trying to fit into those ill fitting garments, that's for sure.

No. 1679414

Yeah, it's not always why a dick curve can happen but if you encounter a dick curve like that irl it's safe to say he jerked off so much while developing he deformed his dick

No. 1679550

I think Halle is very pretty, and Anya is very weird looking. I’ve never criticized Halle’s appearance, every post you disagree with isn’t all the same person just shut up.

No. 1679578

>I think Halle is very pretty, and Anya is very weird looking.
Nta but I agree

No. 1679586

not milk

No. 1679587

I somewhat agree too, but I might also be biased because Anya herself comes off dislikable to me for some reason.

No. 1679589

Yeah anyone who posts Lana pictures with no context just to show how she dresses or weighs seem to be bait

No. 1679593

It is bait, so lets just all be civil okay and agree to disagree. No Lana sperging anyone lets just like her or dislike her and stay in our lane

No. 1679597

Couldn't agree more nona. I'm tired of the sperging in this thread too.

No. 1679599

File: 1693168659061.jpg (406.23 KB, 1080x1037, cOAVHqS.jpg)

Some people think this line from sabrina carpenter is pedobaiting. I think she is cringeworthy when she tries to be "sexy"/flirty.

No. 1679604

Yes it is, it's chloe cherry. But after euphoria she did get type cast in sexual roles. White lotus was a break from that.

No. 1679607

It's the same idiot with the heart emoji every time, I thought Emojis weren't allowed? Only for fat fuck Lana or what?

No. 1679609

that's fucked up, almost 80% of all CP is made in Mexico

No. 1679610

File: 1693169182384.png (43.13 KB, 455x467, Screenshot (22403).png)

These sound like walmart Lana lyrics kek this isn't bait I just find the similarities amusing

No. 1679611

I don’t know this girl and how she acts but seems like she’s trying to cater to that Ariana grande demographic (young kids and pedos) bc yes it is pedobaiting and gross to infantilize yourself and say teehee I look like a child!

No. 1679612

I'm the idiot with the heart and I didn't post the photo, I posted the comment your replying too. And the black text heart is allowed. >>>/meta/6821

No. 1679614

NTA but it isn't an emoji, it's a unicode character which is allowed. See >>>/meta/6821

Ew, those lyrics are repulsive.

No. 1679615

Oops I didn't see this when I responded, you beat me to it.

No. 1679617

You're still pathetic and lame(infighting)

No. 1679619

Fine with me

No. 1679620

Oh that makes it so much worse.

The lyrics are disgusting and I don't think I like this girl but the industry is rinse and repeat with this kind of crap. When she's in her 30s she'll probably be in a similar state as Lana or Ariana now.

No. 1679631

She opened for Taylor swift. She was a disney actress but recently she is known for being the girl stole her boyfriend that olivia rodrigo kept referencing in her songs.

No. 1679634

File: 1693170844134.jpg (Spoiler Image,787.85 KB, 1080x1981, uqVTWzH.jpg)

Bad bunny posted a nude

No. 1679635

NTA but that's her? Wasn't the boyfriend some really average guy kek. Not seeing why Taylor would choose her to open if I'm being honest.

No. 1679637

Didn’t said boyfriend come out as a gay Christian kek

No. 1679639

Watch this get reported to Instagram and them being like "this doesn't go against our community standards" or whatever

No. 1679640

Oh that's even more hilarious if true kek

No. 1679645

That's not even a nude, it's just a silhouette and there's no dick

No. 1679649

He came out as "queer" and has yet to date mam. But anyway Olivia let her fans mass bully Sabrina and her ex while she player victim. So it's funny that Taylor picks Sabrina to open for her while she and Olivia are allegedly having beef.

No. 1679651

File: 1693171828021.jpg (377.96 KB, 1080x1128, RWtBZgG.jpg)

Samefagging I meant man not mam kek. Taylor also sued Olivia for copyright in a case that imo was just taylor being greedy.

No. 1679658

you wish he showed more?

No. 1679674

And? Does that mean that the unicode dicks are allowed too?(infighting)

No. 1679678

Not necessarily cause I'm not really into him, but I opened the photo expecting penis.

No. 1679683

Nude is when you don’t have clothes on, you know. Turn up the brightness and you can see some shaft too.

No. 1679684

Samefag but if I have to be completely transparent with you all, to me Bad Bunny looks like he has a small dick and I was ready to make fun of him for it.

No. 1679694

File: 1693174498490.gif (8.11 MB, 540x960, tumblr_7a8436b649e185592189c35…)

I don't like him as a person but I swear you can see that thang swinging in some of his tiktoks.
I don't see the meat, anon is being dramatic.

No. 1679701

The swinging is normal, all that means is he probably doesn’t have a micropenis. He could still be small or have a weird head.

No. 1679704

Him and Kanye are the two scrotes I can see openly dating a Troon. They just give me gamp vibes, bisexual coomers who fuck anything

No. 1679705

I can't find the video I saw but it looked decent to me kek

No. 1679706


No. 1679721

advertising to rich men

No. 1679760

File: 1693178439326.jpg (49.63 KB, 680x491, 1676460008868.jpg)

No. 1679775

why so hostile? anon was just answering when it was said "i thought emojis weren't allowed?"

No. 1679779

Nta and this is a shot in the dark but I have to ask cause I'm getting a hunch, colours? Is that you girl?

No. 1679889

I am blessed on this day amen. I am fine with bad Bunny having bf penis.

I dont think its like long or huge or anything but it looks a good average.

No. 1679892

File: 1693190591866.gif (Spoiler Image,4.98 MB, 268x427, tumblr_19056d77bd0be45be61b95b…)

Googling bad bunny penis has some horrible results btw

No. 1679903

File: 1693191607441.jpg (329.33 KB, 1280x720, 7WwijCu.jpg)

we need more (hot) men to act like bad bunny

No. 1679931

I acknowledge that bad Bunny isn't conventionally attractive but I have always found him really cute. He's kind of built like an iPad baby at times but he does go through periods where he gets that in check. Idk I just like him, I think he's hamsome.

No. 1680023

How is that reply hostile in any way? Do you even know what that word means?

No. 1680046

Clearly the farmhand saw a reason to ban whoever it was, if it wasn't you. Do you like putting people down, anon? It's getting tiring.

No. 1680125

ugh he's dancing like shay…


No. 1680129

you like men who act gay?


No. 1680145

File: 1693209468678.jpg (398.46 KB, 1080x1345, fZxUEuu.jpg)

I don't know if it's drugs or she is relapsing but Lily Rose Depp looks terrible

No. 1680150

File: 1693209637766.jpg (659.93 KB, 1080x1343, FnD2m9r.jpg)

Samefagging she's on tour with 070shake right now so I'm going to go with drugs. It's definitely crack

No. 1680151

her body looks fine, forearms and abdomen don't look too sinewy. i'm going with the buccal fat removal being a huge mistake and drugs.

No. 1680152

Who? I feel old. But yeah she looks terrible

No. 1680158

File: 1693210119156.jpg (685.22 KB, 1079x1343, 8E0R4Zz.jpg)

Her girlfriend a rapper, she was on the song escapism.
I didn't know she got buccal fat removal no wonder she looks older, that surgery ages people. Lily and her girlfriend look like a pair of crackheads

No. 1680165

Oh fuck I forgot lilly rose depp is seeing 070shake. Shake used to be with Kelani for any gay anons invested in the drama.

No. 1680168

I still can't believe so many celebrities actually got the dumb buccal fat removal. Everyone absolutely hates it since its conception and if they have eyes they can see it looks terrible. I simply can't comprehend it actually became popular and not been just a meme

No. 1680169

File: 1693211712537.jpg (126.42 KB, 990x1122, sub-buzz-907-1686844713-2.jpg)

Her girlfriend is cute but Lily looks ill, I googled her gf and found this kek

No. 1680173

Skinny dick ewwwww

No. 1680178

wasn't she dating some fugly looking french rapper as well, she seems drawn to diseased looking scrawny dark haired people(I'm sure its just a coincidence)

No. 1680188

I think it’s because they’re mostly surrounded by other botched LA people so they have a skewed frame of reference for what looks normal… and even though it’s absolutely retarded to get a surgery due to a trend, they all get massive fomo and do things impulsively. If i were a tinfoiler I might guess it’s part of those humiliation rituals or whatever they’re always talking about

No. 1680212

He's straight up ugly. Desperate anons will thirst after 3/10 men but nitpick conventionally attractive female celebrities' looks.

No. 1680223

Yeah I thought all the sudden praise for him popping up was strange too. Celebricows has pretty much always been a shitshow but it's been particularly bad itt. Not necessarily because of the Bad Bunny compliments but just the general attitude around here lately.

No. 1680329

You are so aggressive when no one accused you of shit. We are anonymous. I'm saying they have similar faces and that racebaiters are dumb and short-sighted. If you aren't one, stop giving crybaby replies, dumbass.(infighting)

No. 1680353

She's always had the same face but it looks like she's lost weight and prefer to wear less makeup lately. She's seriously anorexic, I feel bad for her, not only is her father a weirdo who literally tried to commit suicide recently but her last series got widely criticized. No surprise she looks a bit down.

No. 1680396

File: 1693233990486.jpg (41.5 KB, 615x348, 1_Screenshot-2023-08-25-at-092…)

>English television personality Ollie Locke and husband Gareth welcome twin babies

>Their journey to fatherhood has taken over three years, with euphoric highs and heartbreaking lows along the way. But now, sitting with their twin son and daughter in their arms, Ollie Locke and Gareth finally have the family of their dreams.

>"The babies are here – this is what we’ve been waiting for. It’s this wonderful moment when we know that we’re the fathers we always wanted to be," says Ollie, 36, as the two Made in Chelsea stars invite HELLO! into their south-west London home for their first photoshoot as a family of four.
>"The journey makes the end result all the more worthwhile and now they’re here, it’s the best gift," adds Gareth, 34, of their precious six-week-old twins, whose names are Apollo Magnus Obi and Cosima Emily Bex.
>Ollie and Gareth's journey to parenthood
>At the start of their journey to parenthood, they had been trying with a different surrogate, with embryo transfers taking place in Mexico and Cyprus, but she had two miscarriages. Embarking on IVF with Bex as their surrogate resulted in a third heartbreak at the first attempt, but now they have a happy ending to their story.
>Their path to parenthood may have been long, but the twins’ entrance to the world happened very quickly indeed, with the twins arriving seven weeks early, at 31 weeks. "Our little monkeys decided to be really strong," says Ollie. "They wanted to come out early because they felt they were ready, and they were absolutely amazing. They needed a bit of help, but not as much as a lot of premature babies."
>Our Daddy Diaries
>The pair intend to keep their fans updated via their YouTube series Our Daddy Diaries, which is sponsored by Johnson & Johnson and made its debut last Sunday. “People see our lives through the beautiful gloss of [Made in] Chelsea, with the lovely music behind. This is stuff like us getting up in the middle of the night or pulling our hair out because the nappies haven’t arrived. It’s our lives, but very raw,” Ollie says.

No. 1680400

File: 1693234324437.webm (3.7 MB, 320x400, IFuPUp1uwT47-PSr.webm)

here's the interview.

No. 1680409

Yeah and I think this explains why we have so many female cows on lc and almost no male cows. When they see any man they start thirsting.

No. 1680426

Well, we have Onision kek. I wonder if there ever was anon desperate enough to thrist for him.

No. 1680436

There were a ton of anons lusting after effinas manlet balding old husband in /g/ and sometimes even in her /snow/ thread. Some anons really are too desperate that it's disgusting.
Btw badbunny's ugly fangirls attacked kendall when they learnt they were dating, do you guys remember that? Lmao. They were literally losing their minds over kendall and saying how he deserved better

No. 1680484

She always looks terrible. If anything she's the celebrity we should all be ganging up on for looking bad. She reminds me of the way people used to call Onion's wife Footface. Her face looks like an actual foot

No. 1680486

damn lily looks like shit but her gf is hella cute

No. 1680490

Well I think that some of the anons who talked badly about his victims are fans of his.

No. 1680557

troon physiognomy

No. 1680560

It's because her dad is a diseased-looking scrawny dark haired person, and she, like Florence Pugh, is willing to show producers what they'd do for a role.

No. 1680589

The anon you replied to was one of the least aggressive posts I've seen on this thread. Was that the comment you intended to reply to?

No. 1680594

Please stop bringing her up when isn't even part of the situation at all

No. 1680604

Fags exploiting women. News at 8.

No. 1680799

I didn't know Kehlani was gay. She's so fuckin fine…. ugh

No. 1680819

She's bisexual

No. 1680837

File: 1693268690350.jpeg (1.52 MB, 1290x1599, 73A5649B-A2B3-4BCD-BCC1-2565C3…)

nonnies rejoice

No. 1680840

Old news and not milk.

No. 1680843


Even if this is old, I didn't know this. Plus most of the recent posts itt are barely contributing any milk anymore. Hearing it's canceled is great news.

No. 1680851

is it old? the only articles i’ve found about it are brand new.

No. 1680859

might be being optimistic here but maybe there's still hope that more of levinson's degenerate shit can be rejected

No. 1680861

NTA, it doesn't even seem to be that old honestly, apparently the tons of comments infighting is fine but try to post something that actually does relate to fairly recent celebrity stuff and it's not milky enough

No. 1680886

You're an asshole because she looks exactly the same she just isn't wearing makeup

No. 1680893

jesus christ dog people are such FAGGOTS. her writing style is so painfully reddit it makes me want to kill myself. WOW, wholesome 100, who is cutting onions in here…(calm down or go to >>doghate)

No. 1680905

Yeah I think Elle Fanning or Anna Sophia would be perfect to play Rapunzel. Way better than Florence. No shade to Florence but her looks don't fit the role.

No. 1680906

Eh, she was never a looker. Nepo baby and her face structure is weird.

Kek yes

No. 1680967

File: 1693275154250.jpg (Spoiler Image,25.96 KB, 267x360, faTASS.jpg)

"Kanye's" fat ass busting out of the seams on a boat with his wife.

No. 1680971

File: 1693275283751.jpg (Spoiler Image,68.31 KB, 680x452, K.jpg)

people (lipstick alley) claims he's getting his dicklet or his enlarged clit, depending on what you believe, I question everything sucked by his wife.

No. 1680978

nona drake-chan? even the biggest clits aren't gonna look like >>1677471 come on now

No. 1680980

File: 1693275673722.jpg (94.71 KB, 1007x975, FutUN_DXsAAPG_P.jpg)

No. 1680983

Are you implying that's not the real Kanye?

No. 1680984

That's exactly what's happening. His pants are down, not split.

No. 1680985

it could be a packer or one of those thick sausages, I have to see it in it's flesh but some nona explained he has that porn addict dick curve, IDk, regardless I'm sick of conversations about his dick. even if I posted about it. He's gross.

No. 1680989

The transvestigation satire was funny at first but now it really is pathetic and weird. Yall should not be so quick to claim men you hate have enlarged clits.

No. 1680998

It looks like buccal fat removal, no makeup, bad cheek filler and malnutrition.
With Euphoria having such a long gap between seasons (2019->2020/2) and now this, it's looking like HBO is quietly cutting Levinson loose.

No. 1681002

no im not, Kanye is fucking disgusting having a enlarged clit would make him beautiful. maybe i'm just in a retarded mood. Maybe you are right. I love women and Kanye is a disgrace to us. vaginas are beautiful in all forms. Im sorry, I did not mean to offend.

No. 1681008

I think some anons were actually taking it seriously

>it's looking like HBO is quietly cutting Levinson loose.

No. 1681019

File: 1693276819716.jpeg (263.49 KB, 635x708, 5C382FF0-3CFA-4D42-AD4F-0036DD…)

Sage for non milk but spotted in one of the other threads. Not sure how recent this is but assuming this is how Selena looks now.

No. 1681050

No. 1681053

doesn't she have a makeup line? has she forgotten that lip balm exists?

No. 1681075

wasnt she on a boat? doesnt equal shay level crust but…

No. 1681098

She doesn’t look like she’s had buccal fat removal. Fascinating.

No. 1681104


No. 1681111

thirded, feeling called out by that post about lily being drawn to scrawny dark haired people

No. 1681126

Kek, considering she does have a makeup line, you'd think a rich person like her would at least be using some of that time and money to take care of her skin before taking selfies like this, even if she was on a boat.

No. 1681135

I need to see her and Ice Spice (w/o makeup) merged.

No. 1681143

Nta but I don't think it's the makeup, she looks very gaunt and paler than usual

No. 1681144

His bald head is starting to look old

No. 1681155

File: 1693281021493.jpg (368.56 KB, 720x1449, Screenshot_20230828_235212_Chr…)

Either she has Bell's palsy or she's totally wasted here lmao. Her and Lana look really similar, and it's not just the weight. Plenty of women weigh way more than them and don't look bloated in that specific way. I wonder if theyre on prednisone or something and it's causing moonface. I had to take it short-term once and it caused that same kind of shiny puffiness.
I was looking for an example picture and Ashley Judd said prednisone caused her face to bloat and it looks very similar actually

No. 1681186

the "old news" were just rumors/speculation based off of obvious signs. Today it was officially confirmed

No. 1681191

File: 1693285571829.jpeg (142.68 KB, 1170x578, IMG_6565.jpeg)

Apparently Phoebe Bridgers used to perform in blackface? According to this redditer who claims to be her former roommate. There must be photos of this

No. 1681193

File: 1693285834733.jpeg (334.79 KB, 1170x1189, IMG_6566.jpeg)

No. 1681194

Oh this is juicy. If any proof hits the media imagine the fallout.

No. 1681195

Damn, if that's true it's gonna fuel those "Taylor Swift is secretly an alt right racist" rumors even more lol

No. 1681198

File: 1693286174052.gif (418 KB, 498x479, lololol.gif)

lmao rot in hell, dumbass

No. 1681203

I know! IF true. I’m wary of things like this but tbh I wouldn’t keep Blackface Phoebe Bridgers quiet for long, that’s such an awful thing to do. Knock her off her horse before she gets Taylor Swift level and can actually keep things like that quiet.

No. 1681209

Yeah I can understand where you're coming from. To me she's always seemed dislikable and like she could lowkey be a racist, now that her supposed ex-roommate is now coming out with this information and is claiming there are screenshots, I hope this person can back it up.

No. 1681215


Mitchel Musso from Hannah Montana was arrested in DFW, TX lmao.

"Former Disney actor Mitchel Musso, known for his role as Oliver in “Hannah Montana,” was arrested over the weekend in Texas, according to multiple reports from various news outlets and records from a local police department.

Mitchel Musso, 32, arrested by Rockwall police in Texas (Mugshot: Rockwall Police Department)
Musso, 32, was arrested by Rockwall police Saturday and charged with public intoxication and theft, in addition to other charges listed in jail records online.

NBC 5 in Dallas reported the Rockwall Police Department responded to a disturbance at a hotel on Lakefront Trail around 7:15 p.m. Saturday and were told that an individual — identified later as Musso — who “appeared drunk” entered the hotel, got a bag of chips and started eating them.
When he was asked to pay for the chips, the man became “verbally abusive” and left without paying, NBC 5 reported.

Musso’s total bail for the public intoxication and theft charges was $1,000, and the bail for his other charges was about $1,080, records showed.
A records check also revealed Musso had several outstanding traffic warrants out of Rockwall Police Department, according to NBC 5.

Rockwall is about 25 miles east of Dallas.

soooo fucking weird cuz I like like an hour from there wtf is he doing in bumfuck texas, that's not even Dallas or a nice part of it.

No. 1681218

File: 1693289085372.png (1.24 MB, 1348x634, Untitled.png)

6 planets in retrograde fuckin shit up for everyone huh. Fr tho this is sad af, Disney really fucks some of these kids up

No. 1681223

I'm not sure if this qualifies as tea, but my London-based cousin's friend works at a venue where Dove Cameron was set to perform, and he says that she was rude towards the staff. She was mentioned by a few people in a recent Fauxmoi thread, which made me recall this anecdote.

No. 1681224

I recall something also happened with him that led him to getting kicked off that Pair of Kings show so many years ago and ruined his Disney career, but I need to look it up. I just remember he hasn't been in the limelight ever since. Unfortunate to hear the only newsworthy things that happen to him now is to do with crime.

No. 1681225

>Musso’s total bail for the public intoxication and theft charges was $1,000, and the bail for his other charges was about $1,080, records showed.
That's a lot more money compared to a bag of chips, scrotes are dumb

No. 1681226

Yeah its definitely planets and not addiction frfr

No. 1681228

That's a rough 32, but he's always been fugly as shit so I guess he was doomed from the start

No. 1681234

Not surprised. A lot of these young stars who’ve been famous since childhood are entitled as fuck and think the world revolves around them at all times, like Ariana Grande who’s known to be a huge diva bitch to service workers and staff. Must also be an ego high from having millions of child fans blowing smoke up their ass and defending their every move.

No. 1681282

If you think those are ugly and saggy you should see mine.. I bet you’d run away and scream.(continuing the titsperg)

No. 1681285

I also feel like dove has an insecurity complex that makes her lash out at others she sees less than (allegedly) cause she seriously did not need to undergo so many surgeries and look alien-esque now
Sorry for the possibly dumb question but is the Haley mentioned here Haley Williams?

No. 1681289

Her name isn't spelled Haley, but she isn't close with Phoebe Bridgers anyway plus she doesn't fit the age bracket in those years. She would have been 28 in 2016

No. 1681293

File: 1693295462661.jpeg (952.11 KB, 1125x1611, 05645F59-6EFC-4CBC-BA55-A376C1…)

nta but i went digging in the comments and this is the haley that was referred to in the comment thread geminipraxis was part of.


No. 1681295

File: 1693295533304.jpeg (Spoiler Image,219.53 KB, 1169x1273, IMG_6568.jpeg)

Her name is Haley Dahl. Sloppy Jane is Phoebe’s former band. I think she signed them to her label, Saddest Factory. From what I know, Haley likes to get naked on stage. And so does Phoebe apparently

No. 1681298

File: 1693295839467.jpeg (371.19 KB, 1133x2184, IMG_6569.jpeg)

Reminder that she went out of her way to pose for playboy

No. 1681299

File: 1693295886948.jpeg (306.18 KB, 1125x637, 5F604930-0CEB-4B4F-95A2-E273A5…)

same anon that posted >>1681293 but you can read more of the comment thread by going to geminipraxis' page and looking through her post history.

the comment thread that leads to the comment in my last post:

No. 1681302

I did a little digging into her past, and it turns out that she has always been a petulant primadonna. She has a long history of lying; in fact, she bullied others while falsely claiming to have been bullied.

No. 1681304

sorry i should also add that if you go to that link, you have to click to reveal the comment i think because it was downvoted so much

No. 1681309

>she bullied others while falsely claiming to have been bullied.
I feel like so many celebs are guilty of this, especially when proven ex-classmates can verify otherwise. It's disgusting. Either own up to the fact you were a bully or leave it in the past.

That outfit looks tacky.

No. 1681311

The anti-surrogacy troll is back. When she's not eating twinkies dipped in mayonnaise without removing the wrapper she's posting here.

Girl you mad as hell. You ain't got no man? You must be one of them dyke bitches.(baiting)

No. 1681314

Aren't a lot of anons on here anti-surrogacy though?

No. 1681315

File: 1693297389236.jpg (738.58 KB, 1078x1942, Screenshot_20230829-112500_Tik…)

Selena posted this 6 days ago, it's the scene from sex and the city where the man is calling a woman saying he dumped his wife and they can be together now and she's saying "who are you?"
Selena is literally fantasizing about Justin calling her saying he dumped his wife, this is so creepy. I feel bad for Haley.

No. 1681318

Is she wearing a corset? Also her Tiktoks sound super lame from what I've seen from here.

No. 1681319

You tried to fit in and failed spectacularly

No. 1681320

File: 1693297662956.jpg (60.21 KB, 467x736, 1Y40JOf.jpg)

more pics of lily rose depp and 070shake looking like crackheads in a recent photoshoot. they look like they sell something on craiglist
she's an alcholic nonnie, she gets bloated and the fox eye surgery she does not flatter her
she was definitely on PULL before fauxmoi. nitpicking is a pulltard trait.

No. 1681323

File: 1693297809272.jpg (159.38 KB, 1279x1600, KDfAp0S.jpg)

selena is a weirdo but her new single references sex and the city
(she's also moved on from clingy to justin to clingy to the weeknd)

No. 1681324


No. 1681327

Hers don't look bad. Yours don't look either, anon. Please don't take the shit these 2iqs say seriously.

No. 1681330

I wouldn't look too deeply into her posts but at the same time I don't doubt she clings to her exes.

No. 1681331

Hard agree but I found a blind some employee at a studio posted about her stinking the place up and I can't unsee it.
She had a kid with a bisexual man but she came out as a lesbian in the past year or two. She used to identify as kweer(bisexual).

No. 1681332

She's an alcoholic who tricked her BEST friend into giving her kidney before cutting the friend off and sending off her fans to attack her friend several times afterwards.

She made weeknd cheat on bella and then posted about how she wished she was as pretty as bella so bella got attacked by seleners. When bella deleted the post Selena commented on, Selena again had a meltdown.
She's an unattractive woman who tries to steal other women's bfs and since she succeeded with weeknd, she thinks she can do the same thing with Haley. She's deeply insecure, she has her own makeup brand yet Hailey is the one who keeps starting makeup trends while Selenas stuff doesn't get popular because she looks botched from all the surgery, alcohol and kidney transplant drugs.

No. 1681335

>I found a blind some employee at a studio posted about her stinking the place up and I can't unsee it.
I'm confused, you replied to >>1680799 but the part I greentexted doesn't seem to relate to her

No. 1681337

>The anti-surrogacy troll is back.
That's like 80% to 90% of all users

No. 1681339

File: 1693299077368.jpg (33.77 KB, 734x213, CnZ3k16.jpg)

Correction, someone publicly came out about her stank on Twitter.

No. 1681340

File: 1693299107152.jpg (31.5 KB, 750x253, DhZNAEE.jpg)

I still would but I can't stop thinking about this possibly being true…

No. 1681344

I guess I stand corrected lol, I have nothing against Kehlani but I'll admit this made me kek a little

No. 1681348

well kehlani is also an ex crackhead so…

No. 1681352

File: 1693299789126.jpg (77.88 KB, 560x1079, emAe1L8.jpg)

have you seen pre-surgery kehlani was in a glass closet

No. 1681356

Shake looks like Jesus kek love both of them tho

No. 1681360

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That’s a fine Latin king right there!! Let me DM Kendall real quick and ask if I can have a go

No. 1681362

I would smoke a little crack with her

No. 1681363

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Wait is phoebe Bridgers the bitch that ruined the whole flow of of Sza’s Ghost in the Machine!? That alone was anti black in itself so I believe it !! My little sister is always like “why she put that white bitch in the song she ruined it with this part” and she was right! Dumb big headed bitch! The song is still my top 3 in the album. Far still takes first place!

No. 1681366

How do you function without lips!? I’d resort to petty theft and alcoholism too if those were my smackers

No. 1681367

No. 1681368


Thread has reached 1100 posts. The thread will be locked and you will be unable to post in it shortly after it exceeds 1200 posts. Please begin preparing a new thread and post a link to it when it's created.

No. 1681369

I had never heard that song before and just listened to it now and I love it, you and your sister are right, Phoebe is so out of place on the track

No. 1681371

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Hayley Williams would never! She is an anti racist icon! And us alternative blacks love her. No one is taking you to church like miss Hayley Williams! She has vocals and her pen game is sick! Don’t ever! Pheobe needs to use shock to get ahead all Hayley needs is them vocals!

No. 1681372

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Why is this troon suddenly everywhere?

No. 1681373


No. 1681377

Samefag but fuck I actually like it, only Ashnikko though, he ruins it but at least his vocals are quiet

No. 1681378

what is her kibbie type? gamine? god she's so cute, just think she's absolutely lovely.

No. 1681380

i don't get it either, he's astroturfed so fucking hard

No. 1681381

AYRT it's okay I wouldn't have said she'd do that kind of thing either, just proving that she wasn't that Haley.

No. 1681383

Phoebe Bridgers is the blandest indie transplant to date. She's only famous because she dated Connor Oberst.

No. 1681384

NTA but honestly I first heard of her when that guitar smashing thing happened, didn't realize dating him was what brought her into the mainstream.

No. 1681386

this is actually sad. also on the right he looks like that other guy from Hannah Montana, the small one who owned the beach shack shop or something? can't remember his name.. Ricardo or something

No. 1681387

I think she is cute too. I've never watched euphoria but I've watched a few interviews with her and she is sweet and soft spoken. it is a shame she is so sexualised and probably won't get many serious roles because of it

No. 1681388

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Is that a track mark lol

No. 1681390

Stuff like that is what I'd blame Hollywood and pornsick coomers for. Maybe if sex or sexualizing yourself wasn't seen as a way to boost a woman's career, maybe just maybe she wouldn't have to feel like taking the roles she has. I hate that this is the world we live in.

No. 1681391

Her father also has industry connections as a set builder and her mother worked at a art gallery at Pasadena which is a wealthy area she lived in.

No. 1681394

I'm not surprised that she would have had connections somehow. Phoebe is bland, she doesn't exactly stand out to me and I don't think anyone can get anywhere in fame anymore without having connections

No. 1681396

If Hailey posted something similiar, retarded Selena stans would immediately accuse her of starting drama (the 'god timing is always right' was very vague anyways). Also I know this is a trend but somehow I don’t believe she’s not trying to stir up something for promo.

No. 1681400

His music and Ashnikko’s are like polar opposites, tf?

No. 1681401

Still staggering to me that Selena beating out the Kardashians in Instagram followers was apparently such a big deal when it happened. I barely see Selena stans in the online spaces I go to kek. Hell I've seen more rabid Nicki Minaj stans.

No. 1681404

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That was Rico (Moises Arias). Interestingly enough I don’t think he’s ever been arrested and seems to lay low

No. 1681407

Honestly that whole eyebrow gate made me team Hailey and I don’t like to side with rich racists. But this is where Selena has me! She is such a bird! She is just like miss Tay Tay throwing rocks and hiding hands. I see why they are besties. Both insufferable and not girls girls at all! But both have nice music so it’s fine I guess? Selena Gomez love is bizarre as hell! I’ll never get it! Maybe it’s cuz she’s Latina but also white passing? She prob has a huge Latin fan base cuz no one in America is a Selena fan fr fr in 2023. Like please point me to them! I’ve never heard someone in the wild talk about Selena Gomez if JB wasn’t mentioned right after cuz no one cares about that bird!

No. 1681410

Right… They'd attack Hailey if she even mentioned how Justin chose her instead of Selena but this obese alcoholic bitch gets to make up scenerios of her ex leaving his now wife just to boost her shitty makeup line, lmao.
Selena has always been buying followers, that's why although shes the most followed on most social medias, you won't see her fans unless she has sent them to attack a more attractive woman like she regularly does.

No. 1681412

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Yeah I keep seeing gamine too! She is also really petite only 5’2 I’m taller than her! Also I remember in the fake happy video I was shocked to see she was carrying a wagon back there this whole time! Queen!

No. 1681415

>Selena has always been buying followers
That would make sense, but hasn't Instagram started banning people for that now? Not that I don't believe it. I don't think she has that many fans.

No. 1681416

I thought she was promoting her new single kek. Either way neither her music or makeup line are that great. I actually can't remember any of her hits at all except that really annoying Love You Like a Love Song (?)

No. 1681425

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i don't really have much to say on this but seeing this article makes me think grimes just wanted to self-insert. she ended up deleting the post anyway, for whatever reason.

>Miley Cyrus and Grimes both admitted that despite their successful music careers, they don’t enjoy being on the road touring.

>“Having every day the relationship between you and other humans being subject and observer isn’t healthy for me, because it erases my humanity and my connection,” Cyrus, 31, explained via TikTok on Sunday, August 27. “And without my humanity and my connection I can’t be a songwriter, which is my priority.”

>Cyrus received support from Grimes. “If u Exist entirely for the pleasure of others there is nothing left of you,” Grimes, 35, shared via X (formerly known as Twitter) on Monday, August 28. “It’s so hard to express this without feeling ungrateful but if you are an introvert I have no idea how to ever approach tour again, but I feel so guilty about it.”

>Grimes, whose real name is Claire Elise Boucher, deleted her post but kept the original video of Cyrus explaining her stance on her feed.


No. 1681426

Its huge in the music industry but let's be honest, bands who worked their way up are rarer and much more unique and not overproduced. Not to be such a blatant hipster, but indie music is dominated by industry plants like Clario and Billie Ellish. Grimes cosplayed poor before too.

No. 1681433

They look like sisters

No. 1681434

Phoebe's mother is also a real estate agent, her website screens are one of Indie Band threads. She also mentions raising her children in old mediterranean house area in Pasadena.
All this freely available online vs Phoebe Bridgers bitching about growing up poor and busking kek

No. 1681435

I do think artists that have worked their way up do exist but I get the impression they're becoming rarer and rarer that I'm skeptical of any new artist or group that hits mainstream or goes viral. I'm sure this system of preferring nepotism and connections has always existed but they feel like much more of a priority than before.

No. 1681436

Miley looks like a sleep paralysis demon in that picture.

No. 1681437

My god, they really do.

No. 1681440

I'm not sageing because this is technically milk and I'm not making this up
Decide for yourselves; When I was younger, one of my childhood friends told me about how her cousin sang 'the high notes' for Selena Gomez. I always knew she wasn't a talented singer compared to Demi or Miley(sage your shit)

No. 1681450

>Phoebe Bridgers bitching about growing up poor and busking kek
Seriously, why do these people always love to larp things like being poor or being bullied when those things never happened to them and they can be disproven kek. I remember reading how Halsey lied about being homeless lmao. Even Elon likes to pretend his family's wealth doesn't come from emerald mining and his own father called him out.

No. 1681452

idk who this chick is but ew, trashy

No. 1681456

You're lucky to have avoided learning I think kek. She's also part of Boygenius if you've heard of them. I can't seem to escape either myself since my friends listen to them. I agree though.

No. 1681460

They're entitled to their own feelings but it doesn't seem to be too fun if you like seeing people live and want to see artists who don't like touring.

No. 1681462

She’s constantly pushed by the critics and indieheads as this new great artist, but I’ve listened to Punisher recently and she’s so fucking BLAND, I’ve literally heard tons of girlies like this on Spotify. The most notorious case of nepotism in recent years or I’m just deaf.

No. 1681465

Honestly she really isn't that special and she has weird takes that for some reason people agree with, like saying stuff like how she thinks straight people don't exist

No. 1681466

It's definitely because of social media.

As a massive Elliot Smith fan, I find the comparison straight up insulting towards his musical career.

No. 1681469

i think it's mainly the hair and plastic surgery

No. 1681497

can't believe she's that tiny with such a huge voice wtf that's insane. a pocket rocket, if you will

No. 1681536

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Blake Jenner (Ryder in Glee) was caught dming a 14 yo and continuing to speak to her after knonwing it. Click here to see the full conversation: https://urlis.net/mdmf74sg

Cursed cast

No. 1681581

I swear that show is cursed.

No. 1681601

brad fulchuck and ryan murphy are faggot coomers who legit recycle all the same (male) actors cause they fucked them
AHS 1984 is so clearly homoerotic and woman-hating (all the antagonists/murderers are the women and the men are uwu objectified/killed) and is the gayest shit I've seen in a long time AND has the teacher (usually blonde?) from glee as a main character. lol, lmao even.

No. 1681659

you might be on to something, the women in AHS are always one-note and not the least bit interesting, even the man hating radfems were just so incredibly flat. plus I think Ryan Murphy has a legit rape fetish.

No. 1681666

Emma Robert's bitch ass is perfectly cast for this God awful show.

No. 1681670

ayrt he seriously does, in AHS murder house/first series the gimp rapist was there totally for the narrative. same with the twink school shooter (who onision ended up trying to skinwalk, what a timeline) like it's gore & porn and these fuckers are laughing their way to the bank.
kek fully, in 1984 she's playing a ~poor me uwu~ virgin and it's so not believable when you know what a colossal cunt she is.
I will say AHS 1984 is fun in the fact it's camp and nostalgic but otherwise the underlying faggotry and misogyny ruins it.

No. 1681688

what did Emma Roberts do?

No. 1681710

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>Investigations against Rammstein singer Till Lindemann in Berlin stopped

>After about two months, the public prosecutor stopped the funds against Rammstein star Till Lindemann. The evaluation of the evidence did not result in sufficient suspicion.

>The public prosecutor's office in Berlin has stopped its investigations into the Rammstein singer Till Lindemann, among other things, on suspicion of committing sexual offenses and violations of the Narcotics Act. The evaluation of the evidence did not result in sufficient suspicion, the authority said on Tuesday. There is no evidence that Lindemann committed sexual acts on women against their will.

>There is also no evidence to support the allegation that he gave them "substances that suppress their will" or that they exploited a power imbalance in relation to underage sexual partners. The investigations were initiated in June by complaints from third parties in connection with reports in the press.

>According to the authority, alleged victims have not yet contacted the law enforcement authorities. The statements made by the witness Kyla Shyx, who initially made allegations via YouTube, remained too "vague" in the interrogations.

>In the case of the suspected victim Shelby Lynn, the Lithuanian authorities are said to have refused to initiate an investigation. The public prosecutor's office in Berlin has documents from the Lithuanian authorities, according to a spokesman. These were evaluated. Here, too, there were no concrete factual indications of sexual offenses by the accused.

>According to the public prosecutor's office, the allegation of sexual abuse by young people about a young woman who allegedly wanted to have entered into a sexual relationship with Lindemann at the age of 15 could not be substantiated either, because the witness remained anonymous and could not be heard.

In German: https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/justiz/till-lindemann-ermittlungen-gegen-rammstein-saenger-in-berlin-eingestellt-a-a8355490-cd8c-4c7a-a88d-387cace33f91?sara_ref=re-xx-cp-sh

No. 1681713

She hit Evan Peters (based).

No. 1681727

I was aware of that, but I meant is she shitty to work-staff or something.

No. 1681737

That’s not based anon.. I love Evan peters

No. 1681771

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Is Ashnikko a farmer?

No. 1681773

I don’t think she can afford property and I don’t see anything in those lyrics that is reminding me of lolcow so it’s up to you

No. 1681774

No she is a giant pick me.

No. 1681782

Kek I remember when everyone who thought she was annoying was screaming about her being the most evil domestic abuser because their little boy crush got hit.

No. 1681786

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No. 1681798

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It had to be really bad if an outsider called the cops. Women get abused everyday B

No. 1681844

>aww boo hoo she hit my celeb boyfriend
Be serious for a moment…

No. 1681861

Evan consoled her after she hit him. The fight wasn't one sided if I recall correctly and he wouldn't have hugged her and kissed her after she cried if he believes she was the faulty one. They both had to play a lot of mentally unstable characters and they had their own issues as well, the relationship was toxic.

No. 1681889

It's crazy how quickly "indie" plants like clairo and girl in red faded out of fame. They got all that prestige from hipster critics but as soon as the 2020s hit they lost popularity. Phoebe music is boring but she somehow escaped that fate. Billie eilish is lucky that she is skilled at songwriting formulaic pop and has an equally skilled brother.

No. 1681890

Evan Peters was also abusive to her. He pulled a johnny depp on her

No. 1681891

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Right, I thought people hated working with her because she’s full of herself since she’s Julia Robert’s niece. Her dad is always the silliest b movies kek

No. 1681896

girl in red just opened for taylor swift and clairo sold out her own tour on the back of the most boring album in recorded history. they're both awful but they're doing fine

No. 1681901

>girl in red
I haven't thought about her in ages, but she was huge on Tumblr and artsy spaces on Twitter for a while. Then, she just faded away. Later, I learned that her grandpa was a record producer in Norway and I sort of lost interest myself.

No. 1681904

I thought pic on the right was Amanda bynes

No. 1681915

To me she gives off a really snobby vibe and doesn't even seem all that good at acting. She looks constantly dead in the eyes. I will say she still seemed human in Hotel for Dogs but she was basically a kid back then.

No. 1681916

I can't imagine being fond of either of them after learning the whole scandal. I remember I used to think he was cute when I was still a teenager but it wore off quick

No. 1681923

tbf its like she ever gets to act with the roles she's given.

No. 1681925

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Gwynyth paltrow out here looking like a literal corpse!

No. 1681926

Yeah because she’s 50 you stupid bitch. Did you think she was going to look 23 forever?

No. 1681927

nta but I've only ever heard bad things about her being rude and nasty to people. in roles I've seen her in where she's a bitch (which seems to be way too often) it doesn't seem like she's even acting. not in a complimentary way because her acting fucking blows. Definitely worse people out there but just a personal vendetta. never liked her

No. 1681931

anon, that’s not true, i know this site is anti-men so this is hard to stomach, but she was clearly the abusive one. she is a nepo bitch

No. 1681933

No. 1681934

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No. 1681935

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Yeah, but she has the potential to look Capital-S SNATCHED, if she only tried!(nitpicking)

No. 1681936

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No. 1681937

NTA and I don't like Paltrow but she doesn't need to be "snatched", just let women age as they do.

No. 1681939

you're fucking weird man. there's no need for that

No. 1681940

mark fisher spinning in his grave

No. 1681944

I'm pretty sure Amanda has small tattoos on her face now. I feel sorry for her because most of the news I hear about her isn't her doing too well mentally.

No. 1681945

This is so infuriating. If he didn't do anything wrong then why did he "acknowledge" his actions with the whole changing song lyrics and being put in a cage during concerts thing? Also how tf are the victims supposed to provide evidence of such a thing anyways. Kek at the file name though.

No. 1681949

Trump-chan is back ig

No. 1681953

I don't know her but based, I'm gonna listen to her music now

No. 1681963

This cover is getting a lot of hate online but I like it, it gives me nostalgia of seeing ghost pictures from the 70s-vibes.

Though her whole demon persona now is getting kinda tiring, but I guess it is Halloween soon.

No. 1681965

You would have a heart attack if you seen his show Hollywood. All the women are underhanded catty bitter characters while all the men are gay and have a lot of depth

No. 1681975

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No. 1681978

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No. 1681980

This sounds like it's going to be garbage kek. Hasn't AHS been going even more downhill with each season?

No. 1681985

I'm still in love with the alien half of season 10 and I will protect it forever.

No. 1681986

it was always a crappy show. started at the bottom

No. 1682003

season 10?! it's been going on for this long? i didn't realize there was still enough interest to even keep it going into the double digits kek

No. 1682008

Who even watches this?! Didn't must people fall off after Evan Peters left?

No. 1682009

I thought they already went the alien route in Asylum.

No. 1682010

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I actually will tune in to this show for the first time in forever just to see what Kim does, when news broke that she was gonna be in the show I thought it would be a cameo or something. It will be hard to get a creepy feel from Kim and Cara Delevigne, but maybe they will shock me. Maybe they know that and they're embracing it with this super bright style, idk.

Anyway, the AHS promo images for the recent seasons have been so boring. Even Lady Gaga got some cool promo images when she was in the Hotel season. I wonder why they go for this highly saturated style now? The teasers and promo images used to be like half of the fun of the show. If that was a regular Kim photoshoot I would say cool, but for AHS? Idk. Personally Coven and Freak Show had my favorite posters.

No. 1682014

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Samefag but I forgot to say, they shoulda cancelled after Jessica Lange left. Now like most of the OG cast that made people love the show, love the show is gone. I'm surprised they even had the money to get Kim. I thought Evan Peters was gonna leave when he can finally get work somewhere else, and it looks like I was right since it doesn't look like he's in this season. I think Emma Roberts is only still there because she can only play 1 character and she peaked in scream queens.

Btw, apparently this season will be based on Delicate Condition by Danielle Valentine.

No. 1682021

interesting, but the show will probably butcher it. i'm curious about the book now though, thanks anon!

No. 1682025

right, and that one was a bit much imo

No. 1682026


Thread has exceeded 1200 posts and is about to be locked! Please create a new thread and post a link to it.

No. 1682034

New thread:

No. 1682047

Why did this take so long to be posted? I guess I understand why everyone would nitpick and hate her incessantly now.

No. 1682050

i guess the comment was downvoted so much it was hidden and buried, since phoebe does have fans out there and they weren't happy to hear it. now there are more claims coming out there's more attention drawn to it.

No. 1682055

Oh I see. It always made me side eye how I would see Stan twitter fags like aggressively rip into her and her looks especially but now i just see they were doing that whole 'I can only be a misogynist toward white women in music who are unveiled as problematic now' thing kek

No. 1682130

Lucky for you her music is really good, enjoy it

No. 1682186

Rockwall is literally right outside of Dallas wym? It’s a suburb, and it is pretty nice. It’s also known for being racist and the police there will pull you over just for looking at them wrong. They are known to throw the book at people too

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