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No. 1647768
You must confess
previous thread
>>>/ot/1627083 No. 1647794
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>>1647778Learn from your mistake and your sin will be forgiven.
No. 1647967
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you can keep them but would recommend deleting them so they don't get compromised also eat condensed milk instead of your own please No. 1647987
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I'm happy the supermega milk is popping off. I always a bad feeling about them and I'm very happy to see I was right this whole time. Like they both were into trannies ffs it's no surprise they were manipulative sexpests. I don't understand how anons could admit being into these losers LMAO
No. 1648153
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i like a guy who looks like picrel and i regressed like 10 years in maturity. i hooked up with him before we even discussed relationships and the dicking itself was mediocre but the chemistry and his cuteness made me cum because i was trying to quickly get over a coomer i used to have a crush on. he turned out nice and we got to know each other over time. he has narcissistic traits though and i would hate having traded one degenerate for another, so i am secretly looking to build my defenses unless he proves me wrong and i feel like a psychopath for that.
No. 1648189
This summer cloud watching has become a legitimate hobby for me. Just laying outside and looking at clouds until your brain makes shapes out of them, I'd never put it on my resume but it's more fun than it sounds. Calms me down.
>>1648156Same, completely different things but one of mine is being more and more reckless and selfish. Anyway, you know she'll ignore any advice so no point in giving any. Some people have to fuck up for themselves in order to learn.
No. 1648548
I entertained a friend's crush on me just because she's a lot more beautiful than I'll ever be and I loved the validation and the making out. I just don't want to officially date her because she's a niche eceleb in a scene I absolutely hate and I don't want to breathe near any of these people. I've stopped interacting with her more and more to stop leading her on.
>>1648472Completely agree, just knowing there's still a place left for women like me and who aren't going to shun or cancel me is a good stress reliever. It helped to make me feel more confident in daily life because I know I'm not alone in terms of quirks, habits and opinions. Imageboards and the old school web also feel like the last bastions of what comes closest to anonymity now. I think
>>1648484 is right, before coming here regularly I was a lot more fake and full of internalized misogyny, but you don't even have to post much or at all to read other women who echo your opinions and thoughts on a lot of things. When I feel like things I see on here are just making me angry and a hater on purpose, I can just close the tab. It's not like the social media I have left that I have to be on to keep in touch with friends, family and for my career.
Every public space has become so sanitized and corporate that expressing anger and hate can be dangerous. Having an outlet to vent or to see other people are annoyed by the same shit you are and you're not crazy really is healthy to me.
No. 1648666
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I am legitimately terrified of butterflies and moths. I saw a butterfly outside my house today and I literally wanted to cry. I have been this way since I was a child and my dad brought home a giant moth in a box and he wanted me to pet it or something idk but they're so gross. I can't even look at pictures of them without feeling skeeved out. I hate these sick freaks!!
No. 1649189
>>1649175Glad to know I'm not entirely alone. I also noticed the same. The things I find the most interesting is the debates on whether adoption is ever good. I get the feeling some of them have this almost dream like idea that if their bio parents had just gotten this or that, then they would have been a happy family and nothing bad would have happened. Which I can't blame them for thinking, but it doesn't feel like a healthy mindset.
Then again the adoptees that will discuss these kinda things are almost never the ones that have no issue with their adoption.
No. 1649348
>>1649189I've seen that too, like a lot of people talking about wanting in family fostering until the bio parents get back on their feet. But sometimes it just never happens, you know? I thought about adopting for a long time, because it'd be way simpler as a lesbian to just foster / foster-to-adopt an older child. But reading all this stuff… I don't know, it feels like there's no good options. It could also just be the normal internet echochamber calcification of fringe opinions seeming way more typical than they actually are.
>>1649344And today you just taught me!
No. 1649376
Throughout the years I've on/off pretended to be male in various social circles online, usually game-related ones. It starts innocent enough, people assuming I'm male by default and me just running with it, or it being a largely male-dominated space and I had no reason to point out I'm female, then it would just go on for so long or I'd tell one little lie (like calling my boyfriend a "girlfriend" when referencing him to my peers to keep up the facade) after another until I was in too deep to confess to not actually being a man. For the most part, I never saw any issue with this, as the social groups were brought together over mutual enjoyment of a game/hobby/whatever and our real identities should have never truly mattered.
Yet, without fail, whenever this happens, I end up finding otherwise "straight" men (often with girlfriends or even wives) getting really 'close' with me (or as 'close' as you can get in a less personal chat). Interacting with me more, or wanting to play games specifically with me, etc.
Usually it happens so gradually I figure it's regular e-friendships and nothing more. A bit bro-mancey at times, but like I said, lots of these dudes have relationships and such so even a bit racy jokes just get brushed off as weird 'no homo bro-humor'.
But eventually, it gets to the point where it truly feels like they're full homo for this 'male' me. Obviously it never goes further than vibes, but it gets to the point where you'd be retarded not to see it.
It really makes me wonder if there's a much larger portion of guys who are closet homo than I'd normally think. Or if they get subconscious vibes from my innate learned female behaviors that I'm actually a female, and their attraction to me 'as a guy' is unique to me, and just their mind being confused by the subconscious female-vibes, or whatever.
Maybe it's a combo effort, I don't know. Overall I feel more disgusted by the idea of a bunch of men being closet homos than that these guys are crushing on 'guy me' when they're in relationships with women.
Which I know isn't logically 'right' of me, and I can only assume on some level it's some immature, petty, primitive emotional feeling of competition. If men are closeted gays, then I might end up with one who actually likes men, and I can't compete with that attraction because I am not one.
If men just cheat in their relationships, it's shitty and I dislike it, but I feel 'safer' in the idea it's with other females, even if it'd be disrespectful to me and end the relationship.
Maybe it's some innate homophobia or something, but realistically I don't care if a guy is outright gay. It's more like, him being with me while being secretly gay, leaving me part way in a relationship to go pursue the gay that bugs me, don't know.
Not as bad as the idea of a dude trooning out, but I think so lowly of troons I think that no matter what that'd just feel like the guy was dead to me now/too much disgust.
I'm going to start calling this phenomena 'Mulan-ism', any who.
No. 1649383
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>>1649376your experience reminds me of the quote in picrel. i wouldn't be surprise if straight men are so repressed about not being able to interact with women on a level other than seeing them as sex objects that they begin to use their male friendships as surrogate romantic relationships, without ever getting to a point of downright saying 'i want to fuck you'.
No. 1649393
>>1649387I'm 31, I want to believe I know the difference between 'friendship' and weird more-than-that vibes. In fact, I imagine most women learn to make this distinction pretty quickly with their male peers.
I also struggle to see how that holds up when it's not as though I'm saying multiple men are acting that way towards me at once. It'll always just be one guy who goes a bit too extra, where the rest maintain 'close' friendships without getting weird about it.
There's truly a distinction, and I start out each time giving them the benefit of the doubt much longer than I should. I assure you, in the scenarios I'm referencing, it goes beyond 'norms'.
No. 1649396
>>1649383Yeah, that quote and the general concept of it all reminds me a lot of something I'd read before about ancient spartans or whoever apparently having long spanning relationships with other men.
In general, the societal norm for men to see women as inferior or objects, it makes sense that they would romantically want for someone they saw as their 'equal', even if they were otherwise sexually attracted to women. Which is actually even more sad/disgusting to me, if true.
Christ society is fucky.
>>1649384Yeah, but I mean, ultimately you'd think I should still feel that same way about cheating with another female, right? Like, cheating with other females also wastes time and can spread disease and so forth.
>>1649385Actually really happy (well, happy isn't the right word, obviously I'm not glad for it) that someone else knows what I mean. I even get like, the idea of 'prison gay' or if it's a community of incel-tier horny touchless guys that end up projecting sexual desires on anything and everything. But this is definitely not limited to that. It's honestly REALLY weird to me, maybe because I can't fathom doing the same with a group of female friends. I'm sure a lot of that does come down to societal/cultural issues/pressures and differences, but I don't know.
No. 1649412
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>>1647948Is this a moid? Since when do women ejaculate?
No. 1649414
>>1649413Of course but I don’t
expel liquid
No. 1649415
>>1649376same experience down to the t. maybe you're not as offputting as a true and honest moid to them but at the same time you're "not a stinky ass subhuman feemail" so you're perfect for them… shows it's not gender/sex that they're attracted to.
so yes, no truly straight moids exist, just moids who are sexually attracted to submissive holes you can fuck and abuse.
couldn't say the same for male homos since they're usually very attracted to sex, don't care about romance at all and are very sexual (sex references everywhere, orgies, gangbangs, etc)
No. 1649418
>>1649414don't know how to say it without seeming awkward but I assume it's referring to the
goober that comes off on your fingers or the dildo which is usually thickish and white
No. 1649419
>>1649414You expel enough fluids/slick when you orgasm due to vagina contracting. This might be less noticeable if you don't use your hand and get off by squeezing your thighs together, dry humping, etc. Spoilered for TMI.
My fingers look like I dipped them in milk by the time I'm done. No, I don't have a yeast infection. My ex used to gush this transparent, lube-like slick, and my chin would look glazed from eating her out. It's just different for everyone ig. Technically, it's not sperm. But it's also something that comes out during orgasm, so…
No. 1649424
>>1649420See, the real reason why OP said cum is that if a girl ever called that stuff discharge to my horny face, there would be no sex.
>>1649421Thanks. Doing my part.
No. 1649541
>>1649376this has happened to me and i think it's
> they get subconscious vibes from my innate learned female behaviors that I'm actually a femalei find it hilarious that it fucks with them so much though
No. 1649544
>>1649376I think you're looking into it too much. I know the 'men are ebil' venting exists for very
valid reasons but there are many men who would like regular, comfortable relationships with people with little pressure or posturing just like anyone else. You probably made a space where they were not judged harshly or weirdly, no machismo Olympics, etc. I dont think wanting to have friendships with people that don't have a forced dynamic is gender-exclusive by any means, so I think your lack of stupidty or shallow masculinity is why they enjoyed your presence. I think a lot of men would be completely different if they weren't forced to participate in The Machismo Olympics.
No. 1649565
>>1649559Thank you. I worry sometimes I will set off the… particularly um extremist anons that cannot have a neutral discussion, but I firmly believe that if men weren't deeply culturally engraved to be misogynistic they wouldn't be. You see a lot of no-homo type friendships because men aren't socially allowed to express themselves or else they're called gay or a woman. It would make sense that in online friendships they would gravitate toward people without a
toxic mindset when they themselves are just trying to unwind and make friends. Im sure there are plenty that get exhausted from the constant theater of having to act like an ape or be deemed a faggot.
No. 1649584
>>1649544>>1649559>>1649565OP here and I think this is a misunderstanding because I didn't really express in detail how it amplifies past just friends vibes. I can't think of any specific examples but it's leagues of difference from just clingy friendly bro shit, I think you'd really have to experience it yourself to fully understand it.
This isn't the same behavior but rather a similar hard to explain vibe you might be able to more easily relate to: It's a bit like when a guy is acting like a super nice guy to you and you can tell he wants in your pants, but he generally never openly crosses the boundary line
enough for you to want to hurt his feelings putting him down. There's just that persistent and obvious vibe where you know exactly what he's after, even if he hasn't said it outright. Except in the case of when they think I'm a man, it's usually a lot cruder and different and you can tell they're treating you differently. It's DEFINITELY a distinct difference from them just acting a certain way in some safety no macho man safe zone, I assure you.
That all said, I fully recognize not all men are like this or like that and I never intended to imply they are. We can all safely covet our Nigels and still have Mulanism exist, lol
No. 1649605
>>1649587Ok, here's a few of the more harmless but persistent examples I can think of from, say, discord groups. Alone some of these things may seem normal-ish if you imagine the dude is perhaps just socially awkward, but all combined and with general vibes it paints a different picture. Keep in mind this person would not have me as his only friend in the group, rather we are all friends to some extent, generally.
>Guy emoji reacts to all of my messages, but no one else's >Guy gets possessive or passive aggressively jealous when I'm chatting lots with someone else in the group >Guy gets weird if I haven't immediately replied to his DM but am finishing a convo in the main chat >If I'm doing or saying something to someone else completely independent of him, maybe even a channel he doesn't usually post within the discord, he will react or comment or whatever to insert himself >Frequently gives me heart or hug reacts but not others>frequent weird homo erotic jokes or passes played off as just kidding no homo etc, beyond what is normal for the group or his jokes with others >Acting in a strange or avoidant way suddenly if you try to bring any of this behaviour up >If you act in kind in any way, suddenly pulls back or goes on excessively about his gf or attraction to females, etc Obviously each scenario has been different and this has happened more times than I can count, but theres always a persistent difference and behavior that goes beyond normal. It'd be like a dude liking every instagram picture you've ever posted, then commenting on all your statuses, and your friend says you're overreacting for thinking there's something to that. There's always a vibe you can pick up on that's hard to describe or place for most people if they've never been in your shoes.
You can think what you will and I can think what I will, but I sincerely believe this is more a case of me being unable to accurately relay the overall mood to you vs me seeing something where there's nothing. I'd be perfectly happy for there to be nothing, as like I said, I would frequently brush these things off and give various excuses for these men until the patterns became undeniable to me. (keeping in mind these are things I've experienced over 15+ years over different online mediums with different people, since I'm an oldfag)
No. 1649616
>>1649609Based on the reply, I feel like it's something that's not being conveyed or understood properly so yes, I do want to clear up the misconception?
If it's tl;dr or you want to just agree to disagree, that's no skin off my back
No. 1649643
>>1649631And I still really think you anons might just not "get it". But it's neither here nor there, I can have my mulanism and you guys can believe I'm wrong it will continue to change absolutely nothing kek
>>1649632Lmao anon, time to revive that catfish show
No. 1649644
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I love being mean to moids, trannies and pick-mes online and I can't stop. It's so freeing
No. 1649671
nonny it must be annoying to have to pander to her delusions by calling her a man and using male pronouns. even if she's cute, it can't be worth it. Good luck though
No. 1649673
>>1649668If not I'll actually believe
>>1649657 was onto something…
No. 1649678
>>1649649You're right, that shit is
sus and different from homoromantic jokes. The posters trying to gaslight you about it are 100% just men who feel called out, kek.
No. 1649684
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>OMFG some of you are so delusional. Sorry that I don't want to feed into her lonely delusions that her pretending to be a man and making male friends while gaming is totes turning them secret homo with her seductive gender neutral typing. Please get real kek.
No. 1649688
>>1649679Think of it as her trolling. A social experiment
An effort to study moid behavior from the perspective of pretending to be a moid, as disgraceful as it must feel
No. 1649708
When men meet another man who is confident enough to drop his ego they tend to flock to him because men are dicks to each other most of the time. It's not gay, it's literally just moids being affectionate. Which you think is gay. You should open your mind and/or get off of lolcor for a bit. The whole internet in fact. Touch grass.
>>1649703Literally where did she say that it's uncommon
No. 1649709
>>1649687I don't know what to tell you if you can't see why I used the term "Mulan" KEK, you are in a whole different reality damn
You really had me going for a while there, anon. I honestly believed you were sincerely misunderstanding and not just a piss poor attempt at trolling. GG, as they say
>>1649708>IT'S IMPOSSIBLE THAT RANDOM MOIDS COULD BE ACTING GAY OVER DISCORD REEEEWhatever helps you sleep at night, I guess…?
No. 1649723
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No. 1649726
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Spoilered for moid ass
No. 1649729
>>1649722>>1649715>>1649726Ladies, please, calm down, or Anon will start schizoing out that they're surrounded by the evil fujoshi menace cosupreeing Mulan, or whatever
>>1649724Please stop being gay for me, I already addressed in my original post I am not actually a man.
No. 1649754
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>>1649748It's easier to post during the day when the angry wagecucks are online, they have more sense than you PMneets
No. 1649762
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They should form a gayhomo gang btw
No. 1649764
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>>1649754Keep posting yaoi.
(don't) No. 1649765
>>1649760I'm not actually
triggered by yaoi so post to your hearts content I just think the nightcrew is severely autistiq
No. 1649769
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>>1649734Then you will never be able to return, it is always autism o clock for God's strongest fujo soldiers.
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>>1649769God pseudonormies please wake up the weird girls are lesboposting again
No. 1649783
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>>1649779They are loyal to their boyfriends nonna
The other two are Kaworu Nagisa (originator of this character trope basically and the guy from psycho pass I think.
No. 1649789
>>1649777wow how are you still here
>>1649776idk i found it on google images but you should try reverse image searching it
No. 1649795
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>>1649793I care about cows. I think you all should argue about which breed of cow is the best. Here, I'll even give you a wikipedia link so you can gather your sources No. 1649797
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>>1649795More cow breeds. The last two at the bottom are Floridian Cracker cattle and Menorquina cattle. Tag yourself, I'm Beefalo.
No. 1649813
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>>1649807Majestic creatures
No. 1649814
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>>1649812Beefalos when you threaten to reduce them to beef
No. 1649818
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>>1649815Jannies coming! Everyone delete your posts!
No. 1649821
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>>1649815my confession is i have to wake up in 4 hours to manage an office full of retards and i'm reading fanfic instead of sleeping. confess your sins
nonny come on do it
No. 1649829
>>1649821I made a cringe powerpoint or two or three I intended to show some friends about my escapades and then shelved them, although 2/3 of them were more for my own catharsis
complicate everything so the almost finished one is a whopping 100+ slides long
No. 1649839
>>1649829powerful stuff, i admire your dedication. is it cringe if you made them from a place of love? you are absolved.
>>1649831that's a secret between you and the jannies.
No. 1649851
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>>1649842maybe all that time you spent on them
triggered some self reflection, which is leading to growth and realization. maybe you can delete the powerpoints after you finish them as a way to let things go. you seem a little sad hope everything is going ok for you anon.
No. 1649853
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>>1649851I'm okay! I'm just in the passing phase between whatever the last step before acceptance is and acceptance
No. 1649961
>>1649953Who cares what anyone else thinks about what makes you feel good? You're not hurting yourself or anyone else. Just let yourself enjoy what you enjoy
nonnie, you don't owe anything to anyone, especially not your standards as to who you find attractive.
No. 1650441
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This is really shallow, but a famous person I used to follow the activities of got some work done to their face, and to be honest I don't find them attractive anymore. I've made some friends in fan groups and I want to continue the way I used to, but I don't feel that into them anymore. Looking at their old face in all my hoarded photos makes me sad because it's gone for good now and I loved it soooooo dearly, I would daydream about kissing them constantly. a shallower, more pressing issue is this person has been my #1 masturbation fodder for like a year now but now imagining them and their face situation makes it feel too weird and sad kek
It's not even bad plastic surgery, in fact most people would say it was tasteful and natural and that they look better now. But idk, I just really liked their old features way, way more. Like 500% more. I'm basically in mourning over a stranger's face kek.
No. 1650471
>>1650454no, kek, i am not a kpopfag. Korean plastic surgery always looks creepy and uncanny as fuck. The person I'm talking about still looks natural, but just… not like the person I fell in (visual) love with anymore. I think the main problem is they changed their eye shape, and eyes are such a major part of what makes someone look like themselves. It's cringe but I'm actually super depressed over this dumb shit kek.
>>1650459I would totally share, but the person is very obscure that merely typing the name in english might show up on search engines and make me identifiable kek.
No. 1650567
>>1650471Write it with numbers
nonnie! We wanna know!
No. 1650591
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>>1650576Well if it makes you feel better I had a crush on my grandpa.
No. 1650608
>>1650576Needed a
tw incest
No. 1650698
One of my coworkers got shitcanned bc of something stupid he did and everyone in the office is sad about it. I really don't care. He was a pain in the ass to work with bc of his ego and mantrums. And he'd always blare music or sing. Now that he's gone it's way better at work, and I can actually concentrate, but I have to keep up this façade of giving a shit that some moid moided out and actually faced consequences for it. But I really don't, and don't give a single crap. I hate that I have to pretend to be sad that a moid moided so hard he's unemploid. Maybe at 50+ they should develop self control. Especially bc I'm the one who reported his shit to hr in the first place, lol, but they don't know that.
>>1650003>>1649990They make these things called furzappers that I toss in my laundry and it takes the fur off. They're cheap, too. Maybe give yall a win-win situation for a stocking stuffer or birthday gift for the unhygienic fur-bearing pet havers in your lives.
No. 1650776
>>1650711i came here to talk about something similar to this lmao.
i like the smell of my body. i feel like a fucking degenerate scrote but my underwear genuinely smells good to me. i think my period blood smells good too but that could be because of the fragrance used in the pads i buy, i think.
No. 1650798
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I've got bent pinkies. Never got made fun of as a child and other kids thought it was interesting. To be honest I don't particularly like the fact they're bent but they do in a strange way fit with the rest of my long thin fingers.
No. 1650936
I always thought cat videos were a meme for some reason and no one really watched them, now I fell in the rabbit hole and I'm perfectly fine with it.
>>1650872I used to sometimes read the google reviews of the store I worked at at the time and fishing out who they were talking about. It was so petty but also kind of funny.
To be honest some of those people were insane. I was a teen when working there and grown adults would come up to me and ask me how to build a garden fence or what type of paint roller is the best for type X of paint, then get angry when I told them I wasn't sure and they could go to so and so to figure out what they needed. I was a cashier kek. No. 1650967
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lolcow made me hate women a little. I used to believe non-normie women were better, but some of you are just deeply retarded. Terrible moid choices, terrible husbando choices, babifying grown ass men, willingly dating and defending retarded moids, spending hours criticizing every fat roll of some ugly boring camwhore. At least moids have cringe solidarity. It's funny how some of you also turn on eachother and will defend men on an anonymous site for female dweebs when moids would never. This site made me go back to my self-hating teenage days where i hated being a woman and having to share my sex with retards.
No. 1650980
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>>1650973i seriously doubt men would spend hours sperging about their goblin husbandos. As a severely autistic husbandofag i know that's an inherently female super-power.
No. 1650984
>>1650967Hate the system not the
victims of it. What's cringe is complaining about lack of solidarity and then falling into self-hate over other retards. There's plenty of great and dangerously based nonnas on here but you focus on the retards for some equally retarded sense of superiority.
No. 1650989
>>1650967It's so hard to be a woman with self respect who's incapable of masochism while so many women are losers and when you dare to mention in they start lecturing you and moralfagging like they have no critical thinking skills. besides that sometimes I feel like to engage in society as a woman you have to be a prostitute cause let's be honest about human mature and female-male relation. However many other social media are worse than lc for me because women just straight up talk about the worst degradation possible they like, post porn of themselves, talk about sucking dicks, make self destructive jokes like even on reddit there's over hundred 100 nsfw subreddits in which women post themselves.. No it's not men, it's literally women calling themselves cum dumpsters. So idk why you see lc as so bad but ofc I get it. But I found the most horrifying shit on sm like fucking Instagram, I used to follow this one girl who have gone missing in 2016 and Lana del rey bf or ex posted a pic of her and said that She's missing and it gave her more popularity, at first I thought shes normal and got obsessed with her but then she started dating a 37yo moid at 17yo and it shocked me how retarded women are, she's in her twenties still obsessing over Lana del rey and mimicking her and theres like 2000000 other women like this on social media jfc in here at least women will get criticized for some extremely retarded shit.
Like the girl I was talking abt that shocked me even made a Playboy page where she wrote that She's obsessed with sucking dick… She only had sex with the pedo moid she dates like what the fuck is going on and why the fuck all other women are okay with it and enable her!? Obviously women make me wanna kill myself, they even nonchalantly talk about throwing up with dicks in their mouths and in real fucking life when I was a minor this one girl came back from hanging out with her moid and joked about how she's nauseous bc she swallowed his cum and I got so fucking suicidal kek teenage girls and young women behavior was the worst irl it traumatized me like all the sex and relationship shit being so male worshipping
No. 1651000
>>1650984thats the point, we are on probably the only place on the neet when women can bee themselves yet they still retain all the shitty traits from normie twitterfag women. It saddens me how everytime an anon says they are dating a man in his early 20s while being 30 or god forbid late 20s they get labelled a pedo freak and the MAN gets turned into a little smol baby uwu.
>>1650995i know, women will never be raping babies to death vile like moids but i envy moids because they actually have some form of brotherhood.
No. 1651041
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>anons whenever they see something they don’t like on
No. 1651065
>>1651041everyone you don't like is a husbandofag.
or a tranny, or a fujo, or a moid, or cat/dog hate trying to stir shit up, or a pick me,
No. 1651105
>>1650698Bravo anon.
>unemploid Kek
No. 1651159
>>1650967>>1650980what is it about non-conventional husbandos that
triggers anons so much? they're not even real, they don't effect anyone, what gives? the most popular husbandos are still bishonen anyway
No. 1651369
>>1651265Some of the work was done in ancestry but my other side is from a small rural town with no records online. I had to contact by email in their native language. And I only got two baptismal records from that whole ordeal (it took months). So yeah…quite a bit of effort.
Ancestry is worth a shot but will be of limited use if your ancestors are from tiny villages with like 500 people.
No. 1651456
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People always say, "You should feel confident at the gym because realistically, nobody cares what you are doing because everyone is focused on themselves!" No sorry I definitely notice when the chubby girl next to me walks for ten minutes and gives up after I've been running for 20 minutes straight. I will never acknowledge her but I notice and I remember her face and I remember that she gave up. Sorry, it's motivating. She's not a bad person for showing up and trying but I see myself in her and I will use it as motivation.
No. 1651696
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Men with long legs scare me. No real reason, they just look weird, like their proportions are off idk.
No. 1651746
>>1651744you got the numbers wrong, the woman she's looking down on ran for 10 minutes. she ran for 20 minutes herself. honestly if you're just going by running standards neither of those times are impressive so the whole post is retarded in that regard but I assume she was just throwing out the first example she could think of and she really just means she looks down on fatties at the gym and is motivated by
fatspo (which is super cringe, no wonder she's posting it as a confession)
No. 1651749
>>1651746It's a different argument but there is really nothing wrong about being on the treadmill for 10 or 20 minutes as long as you are incorporating other activities.
Anon is being retarded in general.
No. 1651841
>>1651456Did she just walk for ten minutes and then go home? At my gym plenty of people, skinny and fat, walk for ten minutes to get their body warmed up and then go do something else, especially if they're focused on lifting weights and just want to get their muscles in gear. But then again if it motivates you to work harder and you're not bothering anyone, I don't really see what people are getting upset about. It's just your thoughts, after all.
My gym related confession is that I sometimes go there just to take a long, scolding hot shower because it's right across the street from my apartment and always empty. Hot water is crazy expensive where I live, so I like to get my money's worth out of my gym membership, kek.
No. 1651848
>>1651754What I don't get is that many of the people who virtue signal when an overwhelmed person talks about their severely disabled family member know they wouldn't want to be in that situation. It's not even hypocrisy when they say "don't insult your disabled, violence, very dangerous family member that's bigoted! you should be more open minded!", they're straight up lying.
I feel like if people didn't worry about others' opinions the common opinion on the matter would be that complaining from time to time and even disliking living like this is perfectly normal.
No. 1652144
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>>1651696don't unspoiler this
No. 1652315
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>>1652308Well? That's some big talk, are you going to share with the class
No. 1652388
>>1652383Manifesting anon gets a pussy eating (and so does her character)
Now I want to go rewatch atomic blonde for some reason
No. 1652461
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I unironically love this kind of Shayna tier cutesy tumblr weed gorl aestetic
No. 1652906
File: 1691091278716.png (62.08 KB, 301x147, 1641586750655.png)

I masturbated to a scene in Killing Stalking back when it was first coming out. Confession because It's fucking Killing Stalking
No. 1653110
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>>1653052Nah, those fuckers are faster than you think
No. 1653340
>>1653095I feel like it's the other way round. Back then, even all my friends who are now on their hyper-individualistic "Everybody knows themselves best
uwu" trip made fun of neopronouns.
No. 1653361
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>>1653351Maybe it's the shape? Butts have shapes like faces have shapes
No. 1653746
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i slept for 17 hours today.
No. 1653747
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>>1653746That's my record, too.
No. 1653962
File: 1691176284845.png (271.95 KB, 1200x1522, Logo-JSTOR-2290513032.png)

i like to search for my favourite characters and franchises on jstor because i like to read the weird articles intellectuals writes about pop culture. i genuinely do think pop culture's evolution is worth studying but on the other hand i think its really funny that these people gets paid to publish academic articles about capeshit and manga. its every tumblrinas wet dream
No. 1653972
>>1651143i'm the same way, nona. when i think about the generations of people who had to suffer through hardships to live and eventually lead down to me, i feel grateful beyond words, especially for the women, who did all that thanklessly. it's because of their perseverance that i'm even here and when i remember that i feel like i owe it to them to not just stay alive, but live my life to the fullest, and help as many people (particularly including my living family) as i can. so nona, even if your own family doesn't understand, know you aren't alone! and you're doing a beautiful thing regardless of how they feel about it—keeping alive the names of the people who fought for you through history. even if nobody else is an ally to you, they were before you were even born. i know that's super cornball but i guess i just want you to know it's a perfectly good thing to be autistic over. keep doing what you're doing, because it's clearly meaningful.
No. 1653988
>>1653976Sometimes they can be used for interesting writing. I absolutely hate when people just write thesis about how they discovered themselves (ie trooned) via media, but there are a few like this one
>>1653966 that go into ridiculous detail about the production and marketing of a franchise, where and how it engages viewers, and what changes are made to target specific demographics
No. 1654147
File: 1691192932968.png (263.96 KB, 680x680, FxnTa7QWIAMVI01.png)

My confession is that i want to a log to the post above so fucking bad. I won't out of respect.
No. 1654215
File: 1691196615808.jpeg (1.36 MB, 1200x800, IMG_3790.jpeg)

My confession is that if I was a moid I’d be exactly like my fraternity bro dad and have 2 brain cells along with a feed that is solely Barstool Sports and sorority girl bikini pictures. I would be the type of guy with the personality of cardboard whose Twitter is all dedicated to sports and whose Tinder bio is empty.
Whenever I see incels on our obscure image board I just laugh at how they really fumbled being male so badly that they’re here. I was in your shoes I would have done it a lot differently. All the women in your family doting on you from birth and you still managed to turn out like this and on here of all places, KEK. Even manual labor or a trade would be better than being the typical terminally online autistic pedophile shrimplet moid who angrily lurks on lolcow. It’s just a disgrace. Just look at the moids in picrel compared to the cute redhead. This is truly life on easy mode and you failed at it. It’s time to kys.
No. 1654216
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>>1654186I also had the same experience as you and I almost trooned out as well from hanging around with misogynist guys and nonstop browsing 4chan all my life, but it's in the past and your not the only one who said dumb shit, we grow up eventually from that and I just hope you find someone to talk too nona.
No. 1654235
>>1654215Honesty, having no friends, no gf, and no job isn’t really that bad
I get to go on the internet all day
File: 1691200976636.jpg (107.46 KB, 761x600, samcat.jpg)

After Jennette McCurdy's book came out last year I unironically masturbated to the fantasy of her and Ariana Grande fucking. The Ariana cheating scandal is taking me back and now I can't stop thinking about it in inappropriate situations
No. 1654320
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My favorite way of cleaning my ears is taking a 8mm crochet hook, putting toilet paper on the tip, and sticking it in my ears. It feels way nicer than a q tip, and because the hooks are metal they don't go flimsy like q-tips do. The pointed tip also makes it nice to clean the outer shell of my ear. And it feels so strange and bad but also kinda good to repeatedly push the crochet hook against my ear drum.
In general I love sticking some things in my ears, beads are also a favorite. It's weird because I also hate having things in my ears..
No. 1654321
nonnie except I use the hollow end of a bobby pin. Legit the only thing that gets the gunk out my ears.
No. 1654492
File: 1691214535065.jpeg (78 KB, 828x1066, E846C14A-288D-4684-B6A4-908DD9…)

I have obtained three online people’s addresses, two of them living in the same house. I could leak them now if I wanted to. It could make me feel better but I have moral standards that would get in the way. I could easily just leave the situation but then they will continue to think of me as some lolcow. I want them to genuinely fear me. It’s a horrible intrusive thought I keep having that I would never act on, but I always feel some weird tension when interacting them as if I have to pull back my outer layer and get irrationally angry.
One I found through a Canadian database, while the other on a people search site. Verified both through facebook posts with houses in the background.
No. 1654782
>>1647768I have figured out that my narc ex has a new
victim he's stringing along, so now I go to his gigs after ignoring him for three years with the sole purpose of ruining this new thing for him.
Idc what he's doing with his life, but he's got this 13 yrs younger girl losing her mind on social media bc he's probably her first real 'relationship'. I know it's none of my business but I want her to get rid of him so bad and be free, I want her to be smarter than I was at her age.
If it takes me sitting in skimpy outfits at his shows every other weekend then so be it. I know she'll hate me for 'trying to get his attenttion/taking him away from her' but in the long run she'll be grateful that he showed his ass right in front of her.
No. 1654878
>>1654348It's nice you're still around too anon.
>Stop doing that though.I will not.
No. 1655230
File: 1691269906308.png (68.89 KB, 285x450, erwerewer.png)

I've been adjusting my glasses like (2) for the past fifteen years because one of my How to draw Manga books told me that's how you draw cool and intimidating guys, and I also wanted to be cool and intimidating, and now I'm just in too deep to stop. I think I used to be (3) before that. When I'm actuallying my friends, I'm always doing (1), and while I also did get this one from anime, I picked it up organically.
No. 1655359
File: 1691280475120.jpg (20.27 KB, 622x464, hmm.jpg)

I have a friend group, and they all hang out with some dude i really don't like…for no reason.
And i had a dream the other day about us hanging out, hugging, and looking at eachothers eyes while smiling. i'm obviously not telling them
No. 1655399
File: 1691282474025.jpg (37.07 KB, 512x512, img099.jpg)

I take it very personally when things I like get made fun of even though I shouldn't. I have too much attachment to these things. I feel like I'm close to having a mental breakdown. I can't brush it off like other posters. It's very stupid, especially here of all places. Maybe I won't post anymore but I won't go anywhere else either. It's very strange to me though, how my standards are always seen as bizarre when that's how I feel about the "good" so-called visually appealing things. I feel like I'm being tricked the way others standards are shilled everywhere. They have the gall to say x is ugly while shilling a goblinbeast themselves, they don't realize that we're more similar than they think.
No. 1655420
File: 1691286157078.jpg (344.08 KB, 855x873, Screenshot_20230805_214312_Tik…)

If I was 8 I would've masturbated to this. I had a huge thing for muscles idk why??? Lmao like I'd just get off to huge muscles, I thought it was erotic????? Before I even knew what sex even was I'd pleasure myself to muscles
No. 1655439
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>>1655420That’s a horse, and you’re worried about having a muscle fetish?
No. 1655510
>>1654798You should definitely give it a try! I liked the book a lot; it's my favorite Steinbeck, and a favorite overall. The movie is pretty good, too (I think I saw the 1992 version, but the 1939 won like four academy awards).
It's just a novella so it's pretty short. Not as funny as nonna you replied to made it sound though! If only kek. Hope you come back and let us know if you read and liked it!
No. 1656496
File: 1691370190153.jpeg (19.99 KB, 290x289, D5C36A4E-EE99-4545-9C30-E8464B…)

i use an email that i had since i was 13 thats a juvenile and not very subtle play on the word 'cum' for basically everything including serious things like uni and im not sorry.
No. 1656555
File: 1691376589430.jpg (36.17 KB, 575x394, 133648b0c194a661fdb8a7809d8448…)

I've looked down on other women for acting like absolute clowns for moids. When I've absolutely played the fool too, just for other women instead.
No. 1656657
File: 1691389084148.jpeg (127.61 KB, 750x999, IMG_3808.jpeg)

I’ve weaponized cuteness for my benefit since I was a child and I will never stop. When I’m an old lady I’m going to lean into that frail cute old lady archetype so people treat me a little better than they treat the average old woman. It’s hard out here as a woman, we gotta do what we can to survive.
No. 1656661
File: 1691389586101.png (7.67 KB, 259x194, index.png)

>>1656657God I wish that were me. I've got a really cute face and shy/innocent look but I can't act cute for the life of me or smile at strangers. I had a fucked up life that made me really bitter and it shows, and people of course treat me accordingly. Being diddled as a kid and then turning into a fat teen really robs you of everything, huh.
No. 1656679
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I'm having a hard time accepting that I have to retire my childhood stuffed toy to a shelf because she got too beat up in bed over the years, and I want to preserve her. It's going to feel empty every night.
No. 1657408
File: 1691456207947.jpg (94.08 KB, 794x714, 987_53215_011.jpg)

I can't stop thinking about dick bulges.
No. 1657478
Death doesn’t scare me at all. Well to clarify, a swift death doesn’t scare me. I’m absolutely terrified of suffering, of clinging to life, of having to live while maimed or ravaged by disease. I’m terrified of suffering and outliving my loved ones. I’m terrified of suffering mentally - and most of daily life causes me to suffer mentally - so I cloister myself away and am NEET. I do believe that when I do die, it will likely be by my own hand, because of how much I despise suffering. And before anyone tells me I’m full of shit and would feel differently if I was in a position to suffer but survive, you’re wrong. I’ve already tried to kill myself twice because I was suffering so greatly, mentally suffering. the only reason I didn’t try again right away is because my situation improved both times and I was no longer suffering for a period after the attempt. When I began to suffer endlessly again, I had learned from my past mistakes and gave myself a far more lethal cocktail of drugs, flatlined, and was warned I wouldn’t survive if I did that again. I have more than I took than what I took that nearly killed me, way more, hidden away for safekeeping. I’m not currently suicidal and haven’t been for a while, but the idea of not having my exit stash makes me want to go to a shooting range and shoot myself immediately because of how much anxiety it causes me to feel trapped. I am comforted by knowing I don’t have to go out in a scary bloody way if I need to peace out.
No. 1657680
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It's not going to happen but I need to get railed. Not want, need. Neeeeed
No. 1657780
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>>1657773I’m manicposting rn and haven’t slept in a day. WEEEE!
>>1657768Made me cacklesnort out loud thank you
No. 1657785
>>1657779Ayrt and fine I’ll make it a confession. My shittiest ex would rape me and tell me he needed it and everytime he was done he’d be like “see, you needed that just as much as I did, we both needed to fuck” and I am legitimately
triggered by sex being referred to as a need ever since. He smelled bad he always smelled like farts and he had an ugly, tiny dick and he verbally sexually physically and emotionally assaulted me.
No. 1657789
>>1657779separatist radfem/tradthot horseshoe theory
>>1657785>you needed that just as much as I didhow did he even get there? pure moidprojection
No. 1657801
>>1657791I became unhinged one day and like… purposefully fell to the ground and pulled him down with me. He already complained of a bad back and constant headaches and he shook like Michael J Fox despite being early 20s. After I yanked him to the ground his back was noticeably worse and when we broke up he told me he should have sued me for injuring his back KEK.
He chainsmokes hookah tobacco like 8 hours a day and only eats fried rice and tendies and like I said had constant headaches and mainlined OTC analgesics. I wish I hadn’t told him he cannot take 1500mg of Tylenol at once, but he definitely did a whole lot of that kind of dumb shit before he dates me. And he regularly went to trashy bonfires where people would burn shit like stereos. He’s got like 20 years max before he gets some debilitatingly painful cancer and dies I’m sure.
No. 1657809
>>1657789Nta but:
>Reeing that saying sex isn't a need is basically the same as being a tradfag that preaches women must obey men, not work, and tries to remove abortion rights etc.This has to be bait.
No. 1658122
File: 1691519360453.webm (2.73 MB, 854x854, 1637485431645.webm)

i wish i could ask my mom for money. she's not super rich but i am aware her assets total up to ~100k. i wish i could just ask her for five…ten grand to get myself started but i know she'll never do that because she is very Very frugal. of course i don't knock her for that – it's her money – i'm just saying. i do get bitter seeing other people have their parents buy them new cars and shit
but now that i'm typing this i realize how odd it is that i'm paying her phone + internet bill as rent. mom why am i doing this kek
No. 1658167
>>1658152There is nothing wrong with some
anorectal violence.
Besides, you can't get a prolapse from using a regular butt plug.
No. 1658182
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>>1658175yeah but the poopy goes out, as god intended. god didnt intend for us to insert rainbow furry buttplugs up our arse
No. 1658193
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No. 1658245
>>1658054Should be obvious, but I realized just now by reading this that they smuggle stuff in by putting it
in their butt. I always imagined it just stuck between the cheeks but now…
No. 1658280
>>1657732I don't think anon was being literal..damn some of you are a little
too autistic
No. 1658561
>>1658517I never feel sorry for them either. Some ugly scrote convinces a girl to have his babies and he offs himself years (around 7-10) down the line, leaving her with the aftermath. His family often fucks off from her life. All the women do is post (cause internet age) about him online or do some youtube video about how his suicide impacted her life. She has no life. Her life is about him. I'm kind of convinced Moids love the idea of her life being ruined by his actions.
If you go on Reddit's suicide watch, all moids bitch about being lonely because women won't grovel at their feet. Or how no one loves them, but you best believe they never brought any sort of love to someone else.
No. 1658628
Nonnie. Was in a similar spot a few years ago. Hoping you're able to jump off that wagon before you're thrown off.
No. 1658641
>>1658517>>1658561Personally, I always wonder if they meant to kill their families as well but found a selfish reason not to.
My cousin's husband shot himself in the head with a shotgun in front of her. They later found two more shells in his pockets, and the only other people in that house were my cousin and her daughter. Later on, she told us things about the night leading up to the shooting that made us very sure he did intend to kill them, but may have been too drunk to follow through.
Considering how common family annihilators are, I'm just happy when moids kill themselves before they get their families, too.
No. 1658830
File: 1691588181213.png (710.81 KB, 707x765, 1604726208356.png)

I'm jealous of the financial support my younger brother gets from my parents.
I feel bad about it since we get along great but we recently spoke and it turns out that on top of them paying for his living arrangement and groceries, they're also paying him MORE every week just for walking the dog than I get paid working my ass off at my part time job. Meanwhile he's a neet when I'm still studying, paying my own rent and generally fully supporting myself, and in student debt despite also working.
He's not a bad person or anything, I love him a lot and he is grateful for the support he gets, but damn does it hurt knowing his current living space is twice as big as mine and he's in zero debt able to spend all his money on video games when all he does for it is walk the fucking dog every now and then. My parents just have this image of me as someone who doesn't need that kind of support and will just land on my feet, when academic success and self-sufficiency really don't come naturally to me and I struggle a lot to keep myself afloat. When I say anything about the difference in how they're treating my brother I can tell they just think I'm being spiteful and jealous which in turn makes me ashamed.
No. 1658883
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Retarded confession but here goes. Something about pnp was oddly comforting to me. Wish I could still look through her original insta, I loved the pics that were from before her crazy surgeries.
No. 1659767
>>1659765Last night, nonas were talking about grits, I joined the conversation and said it tasted like sweet warm sand. Just so happens I brought childern sand and it'd been sitting across from me on my dresser for a long while. I kept looking at it, went to look for grits, had nine. Stared at the sand some more and I went to the stupid questions thread and asked.
I do not know why
No. 1659768
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>>1659765nta but I assume it's pica, she's not the only one here with it
No. 1660257
File: 1691696377948.png (59.19 KB, 700x322, 2917853.png)

Sometimes I drink buffalo sauce or mustard by it's self.
No. 1660270
>>1660257have you tried straight up vinegar? it might be what you're missing.
there a cold korean broth soup that you just pour vinegar into… really scratches an itch. it's called mul-naengmyeon. it sounds complicated but it's really just icy simple broth with cold noodles in it and you pour mustard oil and rice vinegar into it, add some vegetables stuff you have laying around if you like. I bet you would flip your shit (in a good way) if you tried it
No. 1660297
>>1660287Nta but its korean.
I had some cold korean noodle soup out of a packet but it turned out one pack is like two servings… Couldn't finish the whole thing but it was good!
No. 1660389
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>>1660379Don't forget about this little queen.
unless she also killed female students, the story is kinda fuzzy No. 1660649
File: 1691719645828.jpeg (10.99 KB, 177x172, BDB74BE4-21F1-4D42-B964-9BD180…)

I like some of Wendigoons videos but I don’t really trust him since he’s a YouTube scrote. Especially after seeing him reply tweeting shitonhead .
No. 1660680
>>1660271Hm. Don't think a nonna collecting publicly posted pics that anons shared with an imageboard willingly is comparable in anyway to sexual exploitation of women by moids.
>>1660643You sound like you need a refreshing nap, anon. Maybe you will feel less angry when you wake up.
No. 1660712
>>1660707People say it all the time, you're just trying
really hard to have shady asf comebackzz
No. 1661279
>>1661252>Nta but realizing religion and "sacred books" were all text made up by a handful of people (most likely men) is exactly what demistyfying is. But it isn't like that though. Its traditions and beliefs are built upon each other. Trying to argue that a religion just came to be thanks to a unified group of writers who were in cahoots with each other for generations is as ridiculous as the Elders of Zion. Islam most likely came as a non-trinitarian Arab-centric Christian heresy, and the first converts in the Byzantine regions were also non-trinitarian Christians. However, it was in the Umayyad era where the Hadiths came to play, which made Arab identity far more central to Islam. It wasn't just mere Christianity anymore, but something beyond it. This explanation does a better job at demystifying Islam (and other religions) than simply stating that Islam is wrong because it doesn't align with your values. When I was a Muslim (and for the majority of Muslims to this day), it was not a matter of debate, we had a comprehensive belief system that had survived well enough for 1400 years, every question regarding morality and law is already is answered with the actions and sayings of Muhammad or his companions.
If you disagree with an actual believing Islamist and try say that Muhmmad was a pedophile, warlord, they'll claim that Muhammad greatest human being who will ever exist allowed all this, if you disagree with him your against Islam and thus against God and so your opinion doesn't matter to them
No. 1661637
>>1661635What's a tim. I wasn't. There are certain groups of ppl, I don't like. You're always ripping on paki chan here.
>>1661636I was joking around with another femanon and he posted that I should try his curry. Then I made the racists remarks.
No. 1661958
>>1649732You get me
No. 1661997
>>1661992They think posting edgy misandry (
valid otherwise) is subversive and somehow pwns them when they don't care at all and all it does is beg for attention. It's misguided.
No. 1662021
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>>1662018I can smell your degeneration from a mile away
No. 1662031
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Original hamster shaker here and I'm not even kirbynon. Though when i talk about shaking a hamster I don't mean like waving him around, just a little shake. To remind him.
No. 1662051
>>1662031I know everybody is fighting about this, but this drawing is the funniest thing I've seen today, thanks anon
>>1662038To me that is just a typical art style I see pretty often on tumblr/twitter. Not saying they are from there. And I don't think kirbynon typically denies it when it is her post.
No. 1662116
>>1662004She's not actually shaking hamsters, she's just saying she gets urges to do weird/sadistic things. And then when anons flipped their lids, she clarified she meant like. Wiggling it in her hand, I guess?
No. 1662174
>>1662004I killed a small animal when I was 4 years old (one of my earliest memories, I did not know it could die from me holding it) and that cured me of this sort of urge for life, I was pretty upset at myself. Maybe if you saw what happens when it goes too far you'd be cured too…but I can't really recommend you try it out since that would be fucked up.
Have you ever read Deen, My Love by Asada Nemui? I think it's like thatReally think you should stop indulging in these little power trips, it's bad for you mentally and even if it's "harmless" it's cruel to the animal, they are sensitive things. You probably just shouldn't be around small animals to be honest lol
No. 1662179
>>1662144That sounds weirdly sexual out of context.
I like shaking hamsters.
I want to shake a hamster.
I get the urge to shake my hamster.
Sounds strange no matter how you put it.
No. 1662425
>>1662004When I was a child I use to mistreat my cats (I mean, they weren't really my cats, they kinda went everywhere) and at some point I would wrap yarn around their necks, chase them around with sticks and I would use sticks to trap their heads in place (like… imagine a slingshot-like branch and I would place it on their necks against the ground). As years passed I realized that I felt the urge to hurt/play rough with them because my mother wouldn't let me actually touch and interact with them (OCD autistic motherfucker, she would really tell me that I could "just look at them"). Then I actually grew up, gained empathy, understood that I didn't want them to hurt (plus some traumatic events made me understand how delicate life can be) and I stopped being a loser asshole.
People who hurt animals all have these things in common, they often lack empathy because their brains don't properly develop due to some issue, or they hold on to childish behaviours and thoughts (wanting to be "superior", wanting to get back at smaller things, being envious of cute animals, finding others' distress funny, lack of life experience and understanding of it) and refuse to grow up. This is also very common with moids because they're retards by default. So you're one of the two, or you're a moid.
No. 1662439
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>>1662416This is common, it’s called cute aggression. It’s expected of humans to recognize it and not give in to intrusive thoughts.
No. 1662445
>>1662425I have never actually hurt an animal though and me thinking about pinching a baby duck's peak for a moment or shaking a hamster a little bit doesn't sound exactly as drastic as what you actually did
>>1662439This kind of makes sense because the cuter the animal the more aggression I feel like, i just want to squeeze them little fuckers kek
No. 1662450
>>1662439shaking a hamster is not the same thing. feeling cute aggression is different than being aggressive/hurting them
>>1662425fuck you. you are acting like we have to grow up in order to gain empathy. you are still a sick fuck hurting animals regardless when age you were. don't use 'trauma' as an excuse either
No. 1662451
>>1662425I don't understand the hate towards this post, anon was an unsupervised, probably disturbed
child, kids don't respond for themselves and don't understand what we adults know, specially if they're this disturbed, if she was wilding around her momma should've stopped her and take her to a doctor, it was her responsibility to address these tendencies on such a young child
No. 1662484
>>1662480this is the anon being talked about
>>1662425 lmfao
No. 1662486
>>1662484Nope, I'm just not a completely retarded normalfag posting on a chan board instead of Twitter
Why are you even here? Wouldn't you feel more at home on a normal site with normal people instead of literally where freaks are supposed to be contained?
Go away, normalfag, go drive a car and get laid
No. 1662496
>>1662492I'm serious, what do you have to gain from being here?
A girl literally cannot
confess that she had bad
thoughts as a
child without being compared to a serial killer, it's fucking stupid for sensitive people to post here, you can't handle reading g about someone's
thoughts? No. 1662502
>>1662496Nta, read the posts back. They're not talking about OP, they're talking about the anon who said she
did hurt animals.
No. 1662509
>>1662496i thought this was a female image board? you basement dwelling scrote.
>>1662504>>1662505you are literally retarded. the anon was referring to the girl who admitting to hurting cats.
>>1662484 No. 1662522
>>1662518Nope, I said "normalfag" for not having any empathy for a retarded child with bad urges that she didn't act upon
I cannot believe it
doesn't go without saying, but no, I am not defending the anon I keep referring to as "cat-strangler," I thought "cat-strangler" was a pretty universally distasteful name to be called.
No. 1662523
>>1662519>all of youi just said i wasn't apart of this conversation omg can you stop exaggerating everything. i'm deeply disgusted with anon's actions
as a cat lover and someone whose mother used to do the same as a kid but it doesn't mean she will be a serial killer
No. 1662691
>>1661729Not really but ok, whatever
>>1661992I dunno moid s are sensitive?
>>1661997No I was just bored
>>1662076It is fun to take moids down a peg
No. 1662692
This is the confession thread so I will continue my confession as "cat-strangler". So yeah, I think it's normal for kids who live in odd situations to respond to their own feelings with violent thoughts or actions. Even completely normal children and teenagers struggle with having empathy for animals and other people. As a child I was actually obsessed with cats, I truly loved them (even had several books with information on them, I loved to know all the breeds) yet sometimes I couldn't cope with some of my feelings and turned to those behaviours (also my mother would stop me). At the same time I would take a ton of pictures of them, name them, feed them, cry over their deaths or injuries. As I said I grew up and now those feelings went away completely. I've owned and cared for several pets (including cats) since then, even vulnerable ones, I've educated myself on a lot of things regarding animals, pets and pet ownership. I am very proud of how I was able to grow up and change. I know some people on an imageboard will tell me I deserve to die regardless, but I only care that I'm doing good things right now.
No. 1662702
>>1662700nta but yes it's abnormal behavior but i think she meant it's expected for children in tough/
abusive situations to react in such ways, not that their actions when isolated are normal
No. 1662732
>>1662692I agree. One famous and tragic example was Judith Barsi, the girl who voiced Ducky in the Land Before Time movies. Her neighbours said she pulled out her cat's whiskers a lot and reacted very angrily to things because her father was an
abusive monster towards her mom. Then he killed the whole family, Judith was shot and then burned in her sleep iirc. She wasn't a psycho, she was a kid in a bad home. Some kids who are neglected and abused start smearing their shit on walls too, children are helpless and get desperate when the people who are supposed to look out for them abuse them instead.
No. 1662773
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i think he's cute. i don't actually watch his streams though because he's just a basic male but at least he knows how to do makeup + look pretty
No. 1664815
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I consider myself a leftist but I recently got a job in loss prevention and holy shit it's so addictive. I love the cat and mouse game, I love when a dangerous career criminal walks into my store and sees me and goes on edge. I'm supposed to hate cops but I work with them. It's fun and I'm good at it lol. My "woke" friends are disgusted by me.
No. 1665146
>>1665114Try a tiktok filter or a wig. I'm only saying this because I did the same thing as you, found out I definitely did
not suit orange/strawberry blonde hair, tried dyeing it another color, it got severely damaged, and I had to chop a lot of it off. Which sucks because I liked my long hair and I definitely can't pull off a pixie. It's at shoulder length now but it took forever to grow out and it'll take another century to get it back to the length it used to be.
No. 1665253
Sometimes I want people to suffer just because I suffered in the past, even when they personally didn't do anything bad to me. I don't have this with people who are genuinely disadvantaged, because I sympathize with them, but for example, I have this with someone whom I know had an easier life than me and/or got somewhere because of nepotism, and I know it doesn't mean they're bad people in general, still, when I hear they had some bad luck I'm like "finally, now you know what it's like. You can't be privileged all your life I guess". I know it makes me petty, I just hated being unlucky, bullied, abused or simply disrespected thtoughout most of my life and I want it to be inflicted upon others who didn't experience it
No. 1665259
>>1665256The hard truth. Bitterness only breeds more bitterness. I understand ops hurt though because I've gone through it myself, but I've come out the other side with the opposite point of view. That I don't ever want people to have to experience the pain that I have. I hope
nonnie can reach that in her own time!
No. 1665319
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>>1665306Anon I don't have any answers but I'm sending you love and hope
No. 1665443
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One (small) reason I broke it off with my ex is because I got too infatuated with 90s Damon Albarn - it killed pretty much any attraction I had towards him. It made me realize that I was dating the most average, bland man I’ve ever met. I feel kind of bad about it. But I also don’t..
No. 1665497
>>1665358ooga booga food good food make me run fast
t. your cavewoman sister
seriously though sometimes I even pretend I'm an ancient hunter hunting a deer on foot, then when I come home after a long run I make myself a huge sandwich and pretend it's the 'pray' I 'killed'. No. 1665504
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I bring all of my negativity here to lc and I'm sorry for that nonnies, I don't want to be so angry
No. 1665533
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>>1665524Self awareness is the first step to change
nonnie No. 1665683
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I told my gay frenemy that he has a fagccent and I wish I could say I feel bad but I don't. He is a being of incomprehensible Eldritch evil. He is somehow more bigoted than every KKKaren I've encountered combined and he always tries to trigger my body dysmorphia and gender dysphoria on purpose when he's mad at me (I'm detrans but I still have dysphoria)
No. 1665705
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I got my ex fired from her job. She’s nasty and vindictive and laughed at my sexual assault and other misfortunes I’ve had in my life because I dumped her after a week. She actively alienated my friends from me because she was in her feelings about the breakup. The evil I did? I told her I wasn’t ready for a relationship like I thought I was. She’s already gotten complaints about being nasty to customers and written up. She also is currently in the middle of a nasty breakup and had the audacity to use my friends previous ED as a gotcha to say friend is a bad person and airing out her “dirty” laundry like she did with me. Things told in confidence, traumas, and she pretended to support the whole time only to share with everyone within earshot. Nah fuck you bitch, get wrecked and die unhappy because everyone keeps dumping you and you decide to be toxic.
No. 1665712
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>>1665497Love it nona, I'm going to steal this idea too.
No. 1665786
>>1665665I hope you and your current bf go on to be much happier than that
abusive loser, anon. Don't waste time on him, if you still can maybe you can report him using text evidence and such to get a restraining order or such only if you're sure it won't make him more violent, other than that, try not to get involved with him again. Seeing you with a bigger and steonger guy is probably much more tortuous for that
abusive failmale than anything else you could've done.
No. 1665845
>>1665687Listen here newfag-trying-to-larp, Karens exist. It's an easy to use, all-encompassing term that can be very on the nose. Stop crying like a little bitch, when you get so
triggered by the term it makes it seem like you are personally hurt or offended by it.
(infighting) No. 1665889
This is stupid and childish and hard to explain but I split up myself into different categories, I have one that goes to college which is my main self that I use to do most things at home and school, then I have my work persona who only knows that she goes to work, then I have one more that is for doing scary things and handling stressful things. I know people put on different 'masks' when they're around different people in different situations but its not exactly like that, its more like a role-play/LARP, I pretend like my main self doesn't even have work, I force it out of my brain, I don't work, I'm just going to school, no work. At work, I have no school, I'm only a worker, I have no schoolwork to think about because I'm not going to school, only work.
Is this normal? My brain has been ruined by years of anxiety and stress and severe depression and I have no friends, I don't know if that's normal, but its the only thing that keeps me from going insane. If I am one whole person who goes to school AND works AND has to do things that scare me, it is too much, I'm a big wussy. I can't handle it all as one person but if I can pretend like its all simply a LARP and not real, its fine. Am I stupid
No. 1666067
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>>1665923Bless you nona, I’ve been letting my hair grow for a year now but unfortunately my body hair is way too thick and long, it’s getting caught on stuff and pulling. I want to be free but the tugging hurts too much. Even granny panties and loose skirts can’t save me, I guess I’m part Sasquatch. I will live vicariously through you beautiful
No. 1666263
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I found an online friends secret porn twitter account a while ago and I felt so ashamed for finding it that I didn't even look at it. Until today.
Her fetishes shocked me. At least she only sticks to 2D and she's not posting real women getting abused but damn.
No. 1666664
>>1666656Girl a 20 year old man isn't a kid, he beat you up and raped you, you're not the pedo you're a literal
victim please don't blame yourself. How can a 20 year old grown ass man ever be considered a kid? Even if he had a youthful face, it doesn't mean he's innocent when he abused you.
No. 1666795
>>1666787touting guns as a means for women's self protection just seems really idealistic imo. if a gun is in a household, isn't it more likely for a scrote to get hold if it and turn it against a woman? and its not like itd be possible to pass laws saying that only women can handle firearms.
for some context, im from somewhere where owning firearms is really uncommon and not the norm at all. so im sorry for my kind of rude reply kek, gun owning is just entirely alien to me & i wonder if other forms of self defence wouldn't be more effective for women in particular
No. 1666862
>>1666827Do you mean corn
husks, anon?
No. 1666885
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>>1666862I wish I did anon, I wish I did. Didn't believe my dad when he told me awhile back.
No. 1666912
>>1666898>>1666885WHY NOT WATER???
Americans will really think of anything but a bidet
No. 1666914
>>1666827This makes me feel better at least. I am a different person when I am in a sleep stupor.
>>1666912Well I don't think people in the 17th century would've had the technology for a bidet
No. 1666922
>>1666918Ah, I thought she was referring to the last part that said
>Americans will really think of anything but a bidetAnd was weired out thinking that she thought people also drink from bidets kek. I should just go to sleep.
No. 1666924
>>1666922Ayrt from
>>1666915 , my bad I didn’t specify lmao I also should sleep
No. 1666933
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>>1666912sorry for burgerfag but I don’t understand how after one uses the toilet, do you waddle over with your pants down to the bidet errrr. Does that not drip I’m a little confused? Genuinely curious
No. 1667608
nonnie, but replace fucking with fighting. It's fine as long as you don't act on it like a retard.
No. 1667698
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I really like my moans, sometimes they turn me on more than porn. Not fond of myself in the slightest, hate how I look, talk and sound but I sound nicer when horny. God help me
No. 1667925
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I have a huge thing for opulent fat men in suits and idk if it's internalized misogyny or not, I know it's gross but idc? Other girls make fun of me for it as if they didn't have any shameful wants themselves. Every now and then i get dreams of being a good student (adult still) spoiled and pampered by the rich fat principal and it's embarrassing once i wake up
No. 1667935
>>1667925you said this on cc too
No. 1667959
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I guess it doesn't matter but I wonder if there's really any power in not adhering to femininity. Aren't women who struggle to look refined and perfect no matter the circumstances actually really cool? Don't know why I'm spiraling like this but I feel like I'm betraying women or something by just not shaving, not giving a shit about beauty, etc. just doing what a guy would do and waking up, throwing on some clothes, and just going outside.
I say "I don't know why" but it's actually because I went outside with hairy legs today and got stared at. It felt good to feel the breeze on my legs for the first time in years but all the staring made me insecure kek
No. 1667982
>>1667963>>1667959i feel conflicted on this. i don't shave my body hair unless it's physically uncomfortable, and i always think "fuck anyone who'd negatively judge my or any other woman's natural body hair". i dislike makeup for the most part, too. at the same time, i have a pedicure, i care about having "pretty" skin, i like smelling like desserts/fruits/flowers, and i want to get certain beauty treatments done.
i like feminine enhancement, but i hate its trappings. i hate that i and so many others were taught since childhood that it's an obligation (and some never stop thinking that).
No. 1667984
>>1667959You are spiraling.
>I wonder if there's really any power in not adhering to femininityAnd is there any power in adhering to it? Spending heaps of cash on beauty products, wasting time on useless appointments, wasting even more time drawing on your face? Wearing uncomfortable, impractical clothes? How does that improve your life? By making you feel like you
have to put on makeup when you go out? By giving you additional insecurities? I struggle to see the appeal. That shit is vain and shallow.
You should also remember that most people are conformist NPCs. If leg hair were fashionable, they'd be paying to grow it out. They can't just be. You can.
No. 1667986
>>1667459worked a 16 hour shift and hustled like my life depended on it
i made another $500 today and was unceremoniously banned during the busiest time, fucking rip, i was planning to make use of the first week promotional period and then just dip tf out with a weeks worth of 16 hour shifts, be able to furnish my new house and then pretend it never happened
didnt even show face either
>>1667580(learn2integrate ) No. 1667988
>>1667982Always consider the price. A waxing is something i would consider wasted money, while a nice-smelling lotion is worth the price. Usually, the least
toxic/misogynistic beauty standards are the cheapest, and things like skin detox or hair care is straight up good for your body and mental health
No. 1667999
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I had plenty of issues that prevented me from looking for an apartment ever since I came back to my parents' place because of covid (and before that I only stayed a semester away in another country and then I caught the virus and took months to recover yay). I'm talking about reasonable issues like not earning enough to pay rent anywhere close to where I work, then not having a permanent job contract at my next job, and soon after I renewed my contract to have a permanent one at the same company I thought I was going to have cancer and I needed to live with my family for after surgery so they could take care of me during the following month. Now that I finally had some sort of stability in my life I haven't looked for apartments again out of sheer laziness. That shit is way too stressful and I'm finally not worried about being about dying very soon or about being too broke to function, I want to enjoy that before having to pay rent even if living with my family is pure torture and our place is located in a shithole.
Confessing this because it's embarrassing given my age, even though some people around my age are more and more understanding because of how rent prices are getting worse and worse these days. I'm not working tomorrow so I'll take the time to send applications even if all the good places are already taken by pieces of shit spoiled students from other cities with rich parents paying everything for them, since landlords are so biased.
No. 1668021
>>1668006>but still have your own spaceThat's the issue for me. My parents are uneducated boomers, as in they only have a middle school diploma so I have to deal with things like working from home and having online meetings and them trying to barge in my room, unlocking it from outside while I'm sleeping or busy doing whatever. I can barely have hobbies indoor like reading novels, watching movies or playing video games because I know I'll be interrupted all the time, I can never call anyone without telling everyone to shut up first, I can't cook because the kitchen is off-limit, my mother likes cooking so if we touch anything in there she'll take over and yell at me that I'm a terrible cook, I can't shower when I want because we all want to shower at the same time, my parents are early birds so they yell every morning at 5am or 6am instead of talking normally and they wake me up but they also sleep early because of it, etc.
>i only got my own place like 2 weeks before my 30th birthdayGoing by that I have like 20 or 30 weeks left. If I give myself a deadline maybe I'll be more motivated.
No. 1668418
>>1668364What a thoughtful, feminist and sisterly reply. You're the one who's embarrassing. Maybe the other nona used NLOG in a sarcastic way and just wanted to admit she doesn't get along with most women, just shared her experiences and you're angry about it?
That way there will be even more "NLOGs", I'm ashamed with whom I share this board sometimes.
No. 1668507
>>1668487Right? I've read so many times on here that many were just bullied by girls growing up and want female friends but are scared of screwing it up, or they desperately want a BFF but were used by several women they let into their lives, or just have raging autism and can't understand female social cues. That used to be me a few years ago and in my case it was just shit luck and awful timing. Sometimes it just isn't your fault.
This hatred of maladjusted women is so bizarre. I wish whoever thinks this ends up lonely and friendless and sees firsthand how hard it is.
No. 1668596
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I got into an argument with my friend over the Barbie movie, we both loved the movie, It's just that I said Ryan Gosling did steal the movie, she got mad and hasn't talked to me since. I don't realise people could be so radical with it (both sides), I liked ken because he was the most goofiest in the movie and he was really physical with humour.
No. 1668792
>>1668596I really liked Ryan as Ken, but only because i wanted the movie to be funny and he was funny
But i still thought Margot had better acting and her scenes were nice
No. 1668979
>>1668534I am the
>>1668314 anon and i think you are lost. People here are always describing themselves as "retarded", "
TERF", "autistic", "weeaboo", "fatty", "something-chan", etc etc, in a sarcastic/playful way. Hell, there's even a "cow yourself" thread. It's nothing deep.
>>1668418>>1668552> Maybe the other nona used NLOG in a sarcastic way and just wanted to admit she doesn't get along with most women
> Because after hearing it enough times you don't really care anymore. Kind of like people who call themselves 'cringe but free'This.
No. 1669092
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taking too many pills was not a good idea I am sweating like a pig
No. 1669103
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i'll never experience it but twink death makes me so sad. i am actually tearing up as i type this and i don't know why…this world is really awful. thinking about twink death makes me anxious kek (even though i am not a twink, i am a woman, and i will probably age well because i have good genes and am not white)
No. 1669530
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I originally came to lc because my ex dumped me and then trooned out immediately,blatantly skinwalking me. It creeps me out, he never had the same aesthetic taste as me before.
No. 1669689
>>1669663I was thinking of wiping her skin clean like how they prep you before taking a blood draw then using a sterile lancet, on her shoulder. she said anywhere on her body is fine.
I don't know if I am anemic but that seems possible after last night. it wasn't a mental desire roosted in delusions, it felt like my body truly
needed it. I don't understand, I eat a good amount of organic red meat.
No. 1669759
>>1669739hard not to peak when it happens to you.
He was pornsick anyway so I don't know why I was dumb enough to expect differently
No. 1669884
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I can't use a drip coffee machine. It always turns out like garbage. My mom makes it good but when I copy her exact grounds/water measurements it still doesn't taste right. I don't know why but it just doesn't work for me. I do have an espresso machine and I can use that though.
No. 1670378
>>1670061I'd say this place is pretty alright given that anons here dont post webms of people dying and animal/child abuse.
There's way too much of that on 4chan.
No. 1670411
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I repent for the confession I made and deleted earlier wherein I wished calamaties and misfortune to befall others. Also I don't want to die. Amen.
No. 1670568
>>1670517I'd like to direct your attention to the Celebricows thread. Being in the spotlight for one second too long will get you lambasted by the public due to oversaturation, and that's
if they don't find something inane to nitpick you about (assuming you're a woman, they 100% will).
No. 1670571
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this post is wholesome but irritates me regardless because it’s always reposted on social media to guilt-trip women into playing the role of healer/nurturer/mother for lonely men
No. 1670608
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I normally hate travelling, but just once I wanna visit Hong Kong or New York, just to walk between high rise buildings in the evening when it's dark, and some time just short of noon. I've never seen a skyscraper in my life.
No. 1670760
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>>1669103Imo twink death only happens to men who weren't good looking to begin with but there was something about their looks that somehow concealed their ugliness, and once they aged the thing disappeared and their true form (aka ugliness) started to show. While actually good looking men age like fine wine BECAUSE they're good looking already and will always have good features, and if they work out and take care of their health and skin they'll look somewhat youthful. Like picrel. At least imo he still looks good at his current age
and better than when he was young since he was kinda bland back then, now he has something to him same principle applies to women imo. A pretty woman will always be pretty regardless of age, while an ugly one might look relatively pretty in her youth compared to her uglier looks at an older age. But this is just my theory. Aslo skin color/race has nothing to do with that lol, it's all about genetics, diet, exercise and advanced hygiene (skincare, haircare etc.) Lol. But it just happens that Americans and some brits have bad diets and don't work out and don't take care of themselves properly so ofcourse it'll seem like white people age like milk. But look at European white people and you'll see they can age like wine with the rught practices and circumstances.
No. 1670883
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>>1670760>>1670783see picrel, yes he's not even half as attractive as he once was but better then being a fat disgusting slob.
No. 1670891
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>>1670886Let me correct myself, not perfect in my eyes but like as himself maximized. I hate his stupid tattoos but I love to look at him.
No. 1670940
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>>1670924That isn't really true if your definition of 'hitting the wall' is not looking 19 anymore, which a lot of women here seem to be. Which is fine I guess I'm not here to infight about that, but testosterone literally ravages the body. Being bald and having thick skin can age anyone, and a lot of 'wall-hitters' can't avoid either without hair plugs and actual cosmetic work. That said yeah they can look much better with better care, there wouldn't be as broad of a difference as some women seem to think.
No. 1671117
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>>1670980My next confessions because I’ve been stewing on this reply is that my ex definitely looked like a hotter version of the dork with the puppet from Victorious so I just have a type
No. 1671398
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I am actually delula. I really think I have a great personality and that I'll marry a rich person. My fantasies and self perception have ruined my life.
No. 1671442
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I wanna do coke but addictions run in my family
No. 1671444
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>>1671431>>1671433Well what is it ladies? Mind sharing the juice?
No. 1671592
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This sandal wearing fucker awakened a certain something in me 4 years ago and it's been only getting worse and worse…
No. 1671641
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A spaghetto fell into my tea while I was eating, so I fished it out and continued drinking my tea.
No. 1671847
>>1671793I'm making the kimono cardigan from the video!
>>1671796Thanks, your posts makes me feel a little bit better ♥
No. 1671893
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when i was a kid/teenager i was friends with a yumejo/husbandofag ( although at the time neither of us knew any of the those terms ) that was deeply obsessed with whichever character she was in love with, making intricate art of them together including multiple long comics of her getting boned drawn with utmost effort, care, and precision. she was seriously so skilled and talented at a young age so it didn't really cringe me out i was just fascinated, and for unrelated reasons as time passed, enamoured. it got to the point where we acted like we were a real friend group, and that she was in a real relationship with the character, which we treated as such even while consuming his source material like he was really a part of our/her life. over the years she even told her therapist about said husbando because the delusion was getting serious, not to get rid of him but because of how intensely she was attached to the character. i enabled all of it because i thought maybe she would fall in love with me in the process kek, and i really didn't want to hurt her feelings if i acted otherwise because it was dead serious for her as my attraction was to her. i honestly felt guilty and even sometimes jealous, as silly as that sounds, for acknowledging in my head that he really was just a fictional character because i felt like i was betraying or humiliating her, but i didn't really feel secondhand embarrassment from the ordeal. i liked entertaining it for years because it made her really happy. even now i can't even really laugh about it because i just feel bad kek it's been years since we last spoke, i'm honestly still in love with her but she's in an LDR with a tif redditor and i'm not even joking. can't even hate on it either because she's more satisfied/fulfilled with said tif. also no it's not kirbychan she was into people, well one of them was sans actually but he's closer to being a person
this sounds like such a copypasta but this really was my life as a teenager kek and i'm probably never getting over it
No. 1672000
File: 1692646286935.gif (2.48 MB, 498x460, garfield-grandma.gif)

Few months ago I got myself a rocking chair at home and I spend majority of my free time just sitting on it and doing nothing (feel free to call me a grandma, I like grandmas, they're cool). I'm so used to it at this point that now whenever I sit on a normal chair, I unconsciously try to rock it back and forth… I've actually fell doing this around 3-4 times already, but that was fortunately infront of my mom and I know plenty of her awkward moments to embarrass her so she doesn't really dare to bully me over that. The only thing that concerns me is that it has become such a habit of mine, I feel kind of uncomfortable and can't properly focus at uni anymore only because they don't have a rocking chair kek.
No. 1672146
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the only porn i watch is 70s-80s gay porn. i like the idea of them being homeless/drug addicts/runaways kicked from their home, possibly straight men doing gay porn for less than min wage just to live
No. 1672174
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Lascivious posts make me uncomfortable. I am a giga prude.
No. 1672274
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Sometimes I feel so weirded out about the whole idea of liking another person. I don’t know, I guess I’m seeing it from a weird perspective from time to time in which it’s like looking at this blob of flesh who pushes the right buttons in your brain, which makes you think you really like the way this particular blob of flesh is shaped and the colors it has, the sounds it emits and how its brain makes it act.
Sometimes I just can’t help but think, I like this guy, I think he’s cute and whatnot, but he uses the bathroom like me, he gets a runny nose like me, he can also have skin issues and dandruff, he probably stinks in the morning and needs to brush his teeth, he burps and farts too.
And then I think, why do I like anyone at all? Is there even such a thing as liking someone even if that person isn’t perfect, just like yourself? I don’t know, it’s kind of funny, thinking that maybe you will think that this person looks cute with a runny nose or sounds funny when he/she is constipated, or that you wouldn’t mind petting her/his back when he’s/she’s puking aggressively because she/he forgot that you shouldn’t mix antibiotics with vitamins, and that you even think it’s kind of cute to be able to experience these moments.
I’m guessing that’s true love, I wonder if I will ever feel like that at all.
No. 1672360
>>1672019>>1672057Kek anons you're too nice.
>>1672005Same, my grandma had a rocking chair that I was obsessed with even as a child and would glue myself to whenever I visited her. Unfortunately, her health started declining so she spent majority of her time in the hospital and I could barely visit her, then I forgot about the chair. I bought my current chair just recently to remember the times we used to spend together because she passed away and hers was given to my aunt.
No. 1673594
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I didn't really have a "childhood", it was full of pain, dark days and tears, I was treated like a "mini adult" and not a kid, I was a very repressed kid, so if I suddenly became rich, I would buy my favorite dolls, fun clothes and coloring books, everything I always wanted, I would secretly dress in frilly skirts and wear pink crowns and big bows with glittery stuff, I'd buy a big, pink carebear plushie. My bed would be fuzzy too. I'd like to buy a cute slide and a swing to play in whenever I want to, and my own cinema where I'd watch my favorite Barbie movies and Barney episodes while I eat candied popcorn. I wish I could run and play everyday in a playground like picrel, and then eat some cotton candy
No. 1673603
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>>1673594Something like this, too. I want to clarify this is not sexual, I just have very repressed childhood dreams
No. 1673723
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>>1672146I had a huge crush on evil Ed from fright night and I looked him up and saw him naked and oiled up In google images, did a little moar digging and saw he did gay porn when he was older and hit the wall I was absolutely mortified cause why couldn’t he have done it when he wa a young and cute
No. 1673751
>>1673594Same and your post made me cry.
>>1673630Becoming a lolita would be wayyy to stressful, I know what you girlies are about.
No. 1673877
>>1673594I hope you can make your dreams come true,
No. 1674029
File: 1692767870708.jpg (118.02 KB, 1080x1355, 1589910833295.jpg)

I am so lonely that I developed a crush on a guy who has stolen like 400 dollars worth of Tide Pods from the store I work at…last time he came in I was following him with the cameras zoomed in on his face so I can get good headshots to send to the police and I was enjoying it a little bit too much. I swear he looks just like Daniel from Stargate (my childhood crush).
No. 1674046
>>1674029Daniel from Stargate is damn cute, i wonder what he needs all of those tide pods for, please update if you'll find out kek. i hope you will be seeing him around more, nonna.
No. 1674072
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My ex’s new girlfriend is the dollar store version of me. He hasn’t done any work on himself while single and the distractions stopped working so bad that he finally got into a rebound. He is going to do to her what he did to me and his ex but instead of processing how bad his previous relationship was he is going to realize that what we had was special and he can’t just replace me. But it will be even more pathetic because it’s been a long fucking time since we dated. I would feel like he’s moved on fully if he hadn’t started suddenly keeping tabs on me again after disappearing for months. I’ve dated a lot of moids and have had plenty that were just lukewarm about me. I know that a real connection doesn’t just happen with whoever you date, and I know that it’s not because Im so perfect. It’s because he and I truly did work well together yet he fucked it up because he hates himself. His new girl is ugly, sorry not sorry. I’ll admit that his other exes were pretty but this new girl is just not it. I am so tired of being used as an emotional rest stop for damaged men and they take those skills and give it to someone else. He used me to get over his previous girlfriend while I was GRIEVING A PARENT. And now all of the emotional turmoil I went through is all for her benefit. I’m bitter and mad and heartbroken but I know I’m not going to just settle with whatever 5/10 throws some interest my way.
No. 1674076
>>1674032>>1674046>>1674056So glad you anons approve, the cameras we have are detailed enough that I can zoom in and read the time off someone's watch if they're standing in the right place, and I was abusing that power just to look at his jawline.
>what he needs all of those tide pods forthat's honestly the most shameful part of this confession…people steal Tide Pods all the time because they can trade them with local fence stores for
fentanyl.samefagging bc I fucked the spoiler.
No. 1674092
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>>1674076>fentanylOh no nonna sorry for that kek still hope you'll be able to ogle him through cameras some more he's such cutie. Sanic said suffering awaits, i'm not sure what it means for you.
No. 1674103
>>1674092kek I can't believe you asked sanic about my situation for me. You are very kind but sanic is unfortunately right because my workplace just locked up all the Tide behind glass cases, so I probably won't see him again.
>>1674096the black domes are cameras
No. 1674106
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>>1674103>sanic is unfortunately right because my workplace just locked up all the Tide behind glass cases, so I probably won't see him againNOOOOOOOOO-
No. 1674111
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>>1674105if you ever see a black dome like picrel, of any size, on the salesfloor or in the backroom, it may or may not have a camera in it. We leave up dummies all the time. Only we know what actually has a cam in it.
>>1674106I knooooOOOW anon. I'm so sad. Maybe he'll upgrade to Lego sets or something though! I might still see his beautiful face.
No. 1674127
>>1674119Do you have any places you could recommend recommend? I'm mostly into cultural stuff like monuments and museums, I don't care about clubbing.
Also there's a lot of things to do in Japan even if you're not a weeb, I'm sure even my parents would enjoy visiting it.
No. 1674133
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>>1674111>Lego sets for fentanylKEK we can only pray, nonna
No. 1674137
>>1672532I feel your pain anon. I cried for a long time when I read about it… I just had a baby too and I didn’t let them out of my sight for even a second just because I know people like that exist.
Babies are so innocent and sweet and helpless, that woman is a demon for hurting them. I hope you can adopt and help some babies in the future.
No. 1674748
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I work in the office at a business that does custom manufacturing and sometimes have to take orders over the phone. Got this guy the other day who was rude as fuck and talked down to me like I was retarded while I was explaining how we add extra material to the piece he wanted so that the customer can finish it off to whatever length they need it at. He insisted he needed it done at X inches, so I purposely put out his order at that size knowing he'd get it and complain.
Naturally, he calls back a couple days later seething that he can't use it since there's no extra material to finish it off. So satisfying to be able to tell this asshole I told you so KEK can't even get in trouble for it because the call was recorded so anyone would be able to hear me telling him it needs the extra material and him saying he needs it at exactly X inches
No. 1674909
>>1674857I'm single. Enlighten me
nonnie, let me live for you.
No. 1675277
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My confession is that I’m slowly falling into my old habits of being a consoomer. I see cute music boxes, figurines of any animal I like, and I’ll just buy it all without thinking twice. I have to keep myself to thrift stores to stop myself from spending so much money on expensive items. It would be easier to stay away from buying thrifted stuff if they weren’t worth anything, but now all I can think about is buying things under the guise of making a profit knowing damn well I can’t bring myself to sell them all
No. 1675542
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I want to have an MFM threesome.
No. 1675605
>>1675542God me too
>>1675483I can’t imagine my life sucking more than the psych ward. Best incentive to not fail at a suicide attempt. Fuck psych wards.
No. 1676231
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i lost my virginity to my long-term nigel two days ago and it still hurts to sit. im too embarrassed to tell him or anyone but you nonnas about it. i cant tell if its religious guilt or my cocktail of ssris, but i feel awful.
No. 1676256
File: 1692917613744.gif (928.08 KB, 540x221, transparent fat pony.gif)

>find cool lesbian art
>these women look so familiar but i can't quite put my finger on it
>look closer
>it's realistic humanized mlp fan art
it was rarijack btw
No. 1676514
>>1676441yes this sounds like obsessive thinking, like with "cleanliness" obsessions. a degree of separation between family contact and sex is healthy but some part is weird.
>I feel so uncomfortable thinking that they laid down on my bed and such, that I can’t masturbate until after a few weeks passes by and I feel like my things are mine againThis seems kind of obsessive.
>I also can’t masturbate in a room that belongs to another person, like at some house of my friends or of my family members, it feels wrong.this seems normal to me if you're a short term guest.
No. 1676798
>>1676788Well adjusted ones aren't ugly or violent towards other women, that's the thing. The ones who are full of themselves and constantly put down other women are usually the insecure ones who chase after men. I even saw one anon here admit she kept serially dating men who cheated on her and she came on here to larp as a female seperatist who hates straight women and men while staying with her cheating bfs. Another one was an anon who pretended to hate all men and be a husbandofag while sending her nudes to men on R9K and getting them all leaked by those incels.
A lot of anons with mental disorders tend to lie anf attack others to feel better about themselves.
No. 1676806
>>1676490It still feels uncomfortable, a few weeks have to pass so I feel comfortable again.
>>1676514Even if I’m a long term guest it feels wrong, and tbh, I wouldn’t want to know that someone is doing things like those in my house, but it’s more like what makes me uncomfortable is the whole act of sexual things than the fact that it’s dirty.
No. 1677685
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I love fluffies and fluffy community, I feel like I’m moidbrained sometimes…
No. 1677765
>>1677487I used to
eat my cum/discharge after I finished so you're ok.
No. 1677818
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I just want to be a stupid housewife and cook delicious meals and make art all day with my moid by my side but that’s impossible.
I pretend that I want to be independent and have a career but I have no drives no hopes no ambitions. I just want to be comfortable.
I’m so weak willed that I let myself have my hopes and dreams beat out of me.
I want to be a pet or an accessory. No responsibilities cook and create.
No. 1677823
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i ordered food and the guy picking it up called me to say something wasn't available but he didn't say anything when i answered the phone so i thought it was a scam call and i told him to kill himself
No. 1677833
>>1677818I get you, I don't really want to be a housewife either, but I've never had dreams/goals/ambitions.
It's why I spend so much time escaping and self-inserting into vidya, the rules are simpler, the real world is too complicated.
No. 1678122
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I miss masturbating with the shower stream so much, it was the only way I could really cum, but it has ruined my vaginal ph balance. Doing it with hands also feels good but it takes too much time and strength to reach orgasm for me and getting toys is not an option because I live with my parents.
No. 1680854
>>1678175Don't. I did, and I was smart, you see, I had done coke once and didn't feel the need to overindulge. What could snorting one line do?
Ruin my fucking life is what. I was addicted for years, dropped out of college, and have been on Suboxone–which fucks up your teeth, skin, and hormones–for nearly a decade. The curiosity is not worth the damage it will do.
No. 1680857
If you'd asked me at any time between age 11 and age 18 if I'd "rather be a boy," I'd have said yes. No periods, no unwanted boob attention, no ogling, no fear of walking alone, no being left out of things I'm interested in that are "boys only." I'd have said yes in a heartbeat. It's TERRIFYING. I was always more interested in "male hobbies" (read: hobbies men have taken over and forced women out of until somewhat recently) and I'm so grateful I was born before this trans bullshit could convince me I'm not what I am: a member of the mentally, artistically, and aesthetically superior fairer sex.
But now it's like… I want a kid. I don't want to homeschool them. But I don't want to send them to school to get shot and convinced they're trans. I don't want to live in a state with no abortion rights, but I also don't want to live in a state that has abortion rights AND gives schools/counselors/doctors permission to socially or medically transition children without their parents' consent. Hell, in some states CPS can literally take your kid if you refuse to "affirm their gender." It's fucking insane. I don't want my child to live in a state where a man in a dress can be alone in a public restroom with her. I hate this. I hate America. I honestly wish I could move to a giant female commune on an island where only women and underage children can live in peace. We can have a satellite island for meetups with moids/babymaking purposes/whatever, but they're not to set foot on the island if they have a penis and are over 18. Males who are born on and grew up on the island may visit and stay on a case-by-case basis with written permission. Honestly, after a few generations, maybe it could become a coed–but still matriarchal, no men in positions of power–society, since raising men without the influence of other men would likely make them far less toxic.
I'm sure I sound insane. I don't care. It's less insane than daily mass shootings, epidemic of rape, workplace sexual assault, low wages for women, no reproductive rights, no childcare, no Affirmative Action rights, no support for mothers, and people who make up over 50% of the population occupying like, 1% of the positions of power.