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No. 1638502
>>>/ot/1624241Discuss art and related topics such as:
-Talk about Art Youtubers
-Ask about art supplies
-Discuss trashy art trends
-Instagram bullshit
-Art theft!
-General Art Bullshit
-Fandom and Shipping Discourse
-AI generated art
Articles about useful resources for improving one's art: and true books on perspective, anatomy for artists, etc:
1. Perspective Made Easy by Ernest R. Norling
2. How to Draw by Scott Robertson
3. Framed Ink by Marcos Mateu-Mestre
4. Figure Drawing by Andrew Loomis
5. The Atlas of Human Anatomy and Surgery JM Bougery
6. Drawing the Head and Hands by Andrew Loomis
7. Figure Drawing by Michael Hampton
8. Force by Michael Mattesi
9. How to Render by Scott Robertson
10. Color and Light by James Gurney
11. The Skillful Huntsman by Scott Robertson/Mike Yamada/Khang Le/Felix
>useful youtube channels>where to find art>other useful sites OF THESE BOOKS ARE AVAILABLE AS FREE PDF FILES ONLINE, GOOGLE AROUND.
also check e-hentai No. 1638590
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Can anyone give me tips on how to concentrate/make and stick to a schedule? I struggle a lot not knowing what to focus on next when drawing. Right now i am trying to read Force, but i get distracted every few pages.
No. 1638593
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Saw someone in the prev thread complain about lack of milk, so… Kooleen, YouTube, instagram and TikTok tutorial extraordinaire. Incapable of drawing a face with more than one two-dimensional plane and blank wasian anime features. Draws these lifeless models in perpetuity whilst claiming to never draw ‘ugly’ people. Resembles every one of them herself. Not narcissistic in the slightest. Makes shit ass tutorial declaring that the mouth and chin on a side profile can never overstep the nose, calling this facial type ‘gorilla looking’. Odd. Warps a black woman’s natural face shape into the mold of her flat, glassy eyed K-pop models in the name of “art correction.” Peculiar.
All in all, as a black person I find this situation far more hilarious than offensive. Her tutorials have always been unfunny, unhelpful and actively detrimental to beginner artists. Her voice is grating and I pray she can scrape together enough coins from the ad revenue of her inevitable half assed apology video to finally take a sip of water and cure that permanently scratchy, fake ‘milf’ccent. Maybe a few will be left over to fund corrective art lessons for her poor, pre-school following. random mfs tweet happens to have all the videos in one place, so here’s the link)
No. 1638595
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>>1638594This is her actual art btw. Lack of fundamentals and shitty, scratchy linework covered up with a thin layer of a 1,2,3-step rendering routine. And I shit you not when I say they ALL look like this.
No. 1638602
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>>1638593i really hate her videos, but i think this is really uncalled for and taken out of context just to generate drama and have a ''
valid'' reason to hate her because she comes off as really annoying and cocky on her videos. She draws kpoop ''yassified'' art, i dont know what people expected when they sent her art to get correction, did they really expect proko-level advice on anatomy from a shitty entertainment channel that cant draw beyond her comfort zone?. The art of the black woman in side profile is really, really shitty, so its understandable she thought it was due to a lack of drawing skill and not because that's how the reference looks. Overall just more bullshit drama targetted at random sucessful female artists when moid artists do way worse things and get 0 repercussion, like that really popular nsfw artist that came out as a pedo last thread and all of his followers accepted him.
>>1638597this is so petty, good for her for not bending the knee and drawing that ugly as shit moid. I am tired of ugly, old male characters getting the husbando treatment when they are so incredibly hideous.
No. 1638668
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>>1638652Pic related is literally how most zoomers think. They want to hate on someone but they don't want to actually seem hateful or mean, so they have to wait for a reason to justify it when it would've already been understandable to hate her for her bland art and annoying personality. Her word choice in that situation was bad and she shouldn't be giving out advice at all, but some people are really obsessing over it and demanding a public apology now, as if that's going to change anything.
No. 1638687
>>1638602You're so real for this. I see female artists getting shat on because people don't like their style, or because they drew something slightly
problematic when male artists can draw the most horrid shit on the planet, have the most generic ass artstyle and quite literally admit to being a pedo and it becomes a one in a million chance if people budge at all. It sucks but i blame it on the female zoomers that are sometimes obssessed with finding the ever so slightly cancellable shit someone in their online circle has done
No. 1638781
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>>1638593Not too familiar with her but the smoking image reminds me a bit of late 90’s early 00’s anime and manga like Yoshitoshi Abe and another artist whose name escapes me. It’s not bad but she needs to look to past work since she’s not doing moe proportions.
No. 1638807
>>1638802nta but those seem ai generated too, something about the hair on the second one and the text on the bottom right one, i could be wrong though. her art can be seen here
>>1638602 the side profile meme is referencing her tutorials
No. 1638847
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>>1638823i cant wait until these people find proko's videos on anatomy, they are gonna shit their pants when he says men have bigger heads than women and narrower hips
No. 1638851
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It’s wild that apparently only east asian and white people are allowed to be drawn anime-ified now because it implies east asian/white people actually look like that irl kek
No. 1638878
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>>1638851This makes me feel nostalgic for 90ies character design <3
No. 1638927
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>>1638847There artists who exaggerate this to a retarded degree too though, like lore olympus which was mentioned in the last thread, also picrel from some art posting thread
No. 1638928
>>1638687I’m tired of replies like this:
>”Everyone only hates [insert artist] because she’s a woman, there are a gazillion pedo coomer male artists are are way worse and never get dragged through the mud” >Proceeds to never divulge any namesIF THERE ARE SO MANY SHITTY MALE ARTISTS THEN GO AHEAD AND POST THEM ANON WE’RE BORED AND WE WANT MILK
No. 1638946
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>>1638944also this horrendous creature from hell
No. 1638957
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>>1638940Have you ever watched a TV show?
No. 1638996
>>1638807>>1638808Thanks l haven’t kept up with anime in a few years
>>1638952>>1638957That shape language works
>>1638946This does not
No. 1639000
>>1638878Same 80’s - 90’s were the best visually because they looked similar to people with proportions and expressions and not moeblobs. I couldn’t tell you how old characters are now in anime because they’re all soft looking.
>>1638847I had a teacher stumble over this when he was telling me there are no differences between drawing male/female and even said maleness or femaleness (never man or woman) and proceeded to list the differences lmao you could see cognitive dissonance in real time.
No. 1639027
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Funny how we’re still romanticizing irreversible mutilation in the year 2023.
No. 1639138
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>>1639000So many of key art pieces from that time are seared into my brain haha. And the more expensive animation from that time is just crazy seen from today, everything just feels so much more real and founded and also more creative. Like I know I just sound old and I enjoy new animation but it does feel like a golden age ~
No. 1639226
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>>1639027>Places a shitty cross on chest>If you're gonna use this credit me!!1Kek makes me wonder how much thought went into this since she cares so much about getting credited
No. 1639301
>>1639138Lodoss was my jam and Escaflowne despite the funny noses. Even Rayearth and early Sailor Moon were great compared to nu-Sailor Moon
>>1639063Those subcultures exist in aesthetic only. Try talking to someone who dresses like that and see what kind of music they like, they can’t name any bands. It was already dying when I got into the goth culture but we did research back then dammit lmao
No. 1639411
>>1638957>>1638927In all honesty, people who often post this have some of the shittiest art imaginable.
One of the things with stylized art is playing with shapes. Make big things big and the small things small and crank it up to 100 or a thousand. Or somewhere in between if you want. Not to mention, most artists are teaching how to draw in their art style. Some people have an art style where it is more based in realism while others have one based in exaggerated shape design.
>>1638946>>1638952It isn't everyone's cup of tea but I enjoy looking at and studying art like this because even though you can argue its coomer and unrealistic, what is the point of realism in stylized art? Not to mention, I'm more interested in the choices and how to use shapes as opposed to just making everything anatomically correct.
>>1638961Just from a visual perspective, it can look odd but it fits within the style of how they chose to design the characters. The cubical people are square shape in every aspect, the body builder dude is body built, etc. It's pretty clear they went with the "exaggerate everything"
>>1639052Elastigirl just has dexter's mom's hips but in 3D. Given the style of the incredibles it isn't like she doesn't fit in with how other characters are designed.
No. 1639418
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>>1639046Man this looks like she's the height of his shoulder width
>>1639301>>1639374>>1639399Ugh yes it genuinely annoys me now that everything alt is being aggressively watered down through social media so a lot of people think the superficial social media version is the real one now. Sperg incoming. If you care about the music you're a bully meanie gatekeeper who isn't letting people just enjoy things uwu. It's telling that they go straight to acting like a
victim when you call them out for being fake, like they do know the subculture exists but wanna gentrify it because they wanna appear cool and dark and edgy, which ironically just makes goth become associated with being basic and mid. And yeah men in eyeliner and dramatic clothes are hot but now it's a tim red flag, or it's just a fag
No. 1639519
>>1638593i hate her stuff, her ""lessons"" are awful and straight up harmful, too bad people will just forget this in a few days.
also i don't get why nonnas here are saying that her comparing certain features to gorillas isn't blatant racism. do you think she is that naive? specially when she's been criticized for colorism before.
No. 1639547
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>>1639519>she's that naiveshes drawing animu, not hyper realistic proportions. Anime with exagerated mouth/chin does look gorilla-like. Everyone is criticizing her as if she's proko giving accurate anatomy classes and not a kpoopie weeaboo drawing ANIME. Ethan Becker is equally annoying and draws jim crow tier coomer cartoons of black women and no one has ever called him out on it. I know i sound like a white knight, i hate her art and her videos, but this is 100% a vendetta attack from jealous artists towards a female artist just from not being another uwu pastel pro lgbtwtfbbq+
poc pandering frog drawing female artist.
No. 1639555
>>1638593Isn't she filipino? You have to understand how many filipino women have gorilla-sized complexes because of South Korea's
toxic influence. These are not normal people. This is someone who draws sameface webtoon kpop goyslop art, probably thinks her ancestors are ugly and has a non-zero chance of bleaching her skin. You can't expect anything better. Her art won't progress because of her own complexes and the cultural factors involved. It's sad, but I don't know if much can be done, besides uplifting artists who actually know how to draw multiple races (including in anime style).
No. 1639556
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>>1639547Ethan Becker's art is the epitome of a man going "it's my style" over and over until people believed he had some sort of talent.
No. 1639565
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>>1639556so many artists with decent skill get destroyed by muh style autismo mindset. I cant believe he works for dreamworks, his art is so tumblr popular artist tier mediocre. No wonder japan is mogging the west, you actually need to know how to draw to get into a japanese studio.
No. 1639570
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>>1639564> seems to be a more technically skilled artist than her, though.lmao, they are both the same type of artist who are never going to get out of their comfort zone because of internet attention. Koolen has built a fanbase off drawing kpop inspired pretty girls/boys and this girl, while having the skill, prefeers the asspats of her art being ''correct'' over being appealing. That's why she has 1k followers, her art is really unappealing and she seems more interested in causing drama than actually getting better at art. Both are eternally ngmis(pardon my ic speak), but this girl seems really salty over koolen ayy lmao kpoopie zombie boys being more popular than her ugly art.
No. 1639574
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>>1639570>picking her attempt at anime over her other stuffAt least she doesn't draw same-face kpoop shit, she actually practices fundamentals and can draw human faces. She is more skilled than Koolleen on the basis of knowing how to draw different features. Be realistic anon, kek.
No. 1639577
>>1639574whats the point of being a skilled artist if you are going to draw ugly as fuck stuff? and i am not saying that beause she draws
poc or whatever, but those creatures on the third image look awful and her follower and likes count reflect that. Koolen has the skill to draw stuff that ugly(its literally just rendering heavily based on a reference), but she defaults to same face kpoop shit because she likes it and its more appealing. Imagine if people called out scrote artists over drawing baby face girls with thicc bodies like they call out female artists when they dont draw hyper accurate
poc features. Just let her draw her pretty boys jesus christ. I am tired of female artists, because its only female artists they call out for this, owing everyone representation, while moid artists draw nothing but baby faced animu grills and no one gives a shit.
No. 1639579
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>>1639574Samefag, even at 15 her art was decidedly better than Kooleen's. Kooleen's tutorials are shit and she "fixes" random people's art without their consent/permission because she's up her own ass, so it's good to see someone break down why her "lessons" shouldn't be relied on. This person also actually recommends Proko and Marco Bucci to people instead, so she has my respect.
No. 1639581
>>1639577This seems like a cope. Even if you find the other person's art "ugly", they clearly have more understanding of anatomy, color and human faces than her. Kooleen stagnates because she's obsessed with "pretty faces" and outright tells her viewers not to draw "ugly people". I'm not convinced she can draw what she claims is "ugly", she's probably symbol-drawing as a crutch. It's a childish mentality from someone who has internalized racism, and people should steer beginning artists in the right direction.
>Imagine if people called out scrote artists over drawing baby face girls with thicc bodiesYeah, they should, because coom shit is hideous as well. I would like to see more of that, moid big booba thicc art is ugly.
>Just let her draw her pretty boys jesus christ. No one cancelled her for her kpop stanning, the problem is the bad advice and the racism. Also, pointing out the advice is low quality isn't banning her from drawing what she wants, don't be so sensitive, kek.
No. 1639585
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>>1639570Kooleen’s brain probably short circuits when she has to draw anything that isn’t based off a korean instathot. I haven’t even heard of this person until today and it’s surprising that she has such a big following
No. 1639593
>>1639577>Thinking kooleens kpop ultra derivative and badly executed "style" is beautiful while a fully rendered illustration with realistic proportions/features is uglyI mean we've all our tastes, but the kpop shit is ugly as fuck and she doesn't even draw them well.
>>1638602 the middle drawing on the first row is wonky because she's probably so obsessed with the "perfect" korean webtoon front face and draws that over and over. They all look so similar too, you can tell she really just symbol draws everything (pair of eyes with makeup, big red lips, neutral/slightly smirking expression, pointy chin, blush). Her rendering is very mediocre too, literally just a few sketchy lines and some simple coloring. She's in no place to teach anything, and calling a non-kpop profile (that looks a lot like a black woman's profile) gorilla-like is extremely retarded, racist and just ignorant.
I don't particularly like the other artist's art but technically she's leagues above kooleens and everyone who has working eyes can tell.
>>1639585Like come on you can't tell me this is beautiful.
No. 1639595
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>>1639581''internalized racism'' my ass, no artists owes you drawing your ethnic features or ''ugly people'' and if you feel like her only drawing anime makes her ''racist'' that's on you for having a twitter brainrot. People have been debating for decades whetever anime characters are european or asian, guess what? they are fucking any race you want them to be, they are extreme simplifications to make it easier to animate. Most black anime characters are literally just generic anime characters but brown-skinned. Again, she isnt no proko, people who watch her videos want to learn how to draw yassified anime shit, they dont want a 3 hour lecture, otherwise they would open an art book or again, watch Proko. Why cant these people just ignore her shitty videos and move on? let her teach her viewers who want to learn how to draw like her do it, and if you want to draw super accurate monstrosities with neon skin go watch proko/marco bucci. Its not that hard. Twitterfags are so annoying, i hope she comes back with a another tutorial on how to draw another kpoop bishie just to piss off twitterfags. That's how most western female artists end up drawing ugly shit like pic rel, while male artists dont give a fuck about pandering and draw their big titty girls in peace.
No. 1639597
>>1639595You're so
triggered. A Filipina woman who calls non-kpop features gorillas and worships S Koreans (who also see her as a monkey) does have internalized racism. Learn to draw, that's it.
No. 1639601
>>1639593>koolen has a large fanbase>the girl who called her out barely has 1k followersits unappealing, you can have good skills but use it to draw shit, like that girl does. You might not like kooleen's samefaced art, but its miles more appealing, and that's why people WANT to learn how to draw like her. Its very annoying when people think artists owe them being able/wanting to draw different features. Again, no one asks this of male artists, its always female artists that have to draw whatever the fuck other people want. Again, i dont like her art or her videos, but i just ignore them and move on. I might not want to learn how to draw/paint like her but other people do and i am happy for her for thriving doing what she likes.
>>1639597whole lot of projecting going on. She never even called non kpop features gorilla, she called common mistakes begginers make while drawing animu profiles gorilla-like as a joke, because it resembles a gorilla(the animal) not a person. Its funny that the people that call anime moeblobs ayylmao looking are always the same people that get angry when someone draws one of those moeblobs that happens to have brown skin without detailed racial features.
No. 1639610
>>1639602i dont like her art, but people calling her out for ''giving bad advice/not dawing
poc people'' is extremely petty and shitty. She doesnt owe you academic level tier advice, people watch her because they want to draw kpoop bullshit and she gives her fans tutorials on how to draw kpoop bullshit. It's that simple, and if you dont like tutorials on how to draw kpop girls/boys its as simple as not watching her channel, youtube is filled with academic level courses on art completly for free, watch those and let her and her kpoop fans draw whatever the fuck they want. People are so entitled to what female artists draw, go call out the millions of male artists drawing loli ryona.
No. 1639675
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I’ve said this before, but since no one seemed to listen the first time around, I’ll say it again. I’m tired of people in this thread shielding female artists from criticism by saying ‘WAGHHH BUT THERE’S A BAZILLION MALE COOMER MOID ARTISTS WHO ARE A THOUSAND TIMES WORSE HOW DARE YOU CRITIQUE A FEMALE-‘ Either give us a list of these moid names to milk or shut the everloving fuck up. It’s a circular argument and is lazy, annoying and dries up threads of valid criticism for no reason.
No. 1639687
>>1639675the kooleen shit isnt
valid criticism, it's just entitled artists that want to force her to draw what they like the way they want. They hate her because she's a woman that likes to draw pretty women and bishies instead of goblincore bullshit. minus8 came out as a pedo(again) and no one gave a shit, literally no one called him out and no youtuber made a videos about it either. ''completly change your artstyle to fit my criteria of whats good art'' isnt criticism, it's entitlement, and kooleen doesnt owe them anything. She doesnt owe them drawing
poc, she doesnt owe them proko tier advice, she doesnt owe them drawing ''ugly people''. It's her channel and the criticism is complete bullshit from people who want to be as sucessful as her but never will because they draw ugly shit. The girl that called her out is completly obssesed too, it must be burning inside her that kooleen hasnt responded while she's still ''making fun'' of her to this day and barely getting 3 likes on average. It's pure narcissism.
No. 1639693
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>>1639686you know people can dislike both koooleen's same-face kpop idols and this garbage, right? you talk as if the girl that called her out drew amazing classical pieces that mirror Norman Rockwell's approach to different face features and not the same shit with a different smell. Instead of soulless kpoop idols staring at the nothingness its soulles goblin looking people staring at the nothingness, wow what an amazing display of skill. Outside of the ugly faces the yassified elf creature has a broken arm with a floaty hand that's resting on the nothingness and missing a thumb. Both are awful artists and it just reflects the modern western artist landscape.
No. 1639698
No. 1639701
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>>1639696You are putting words in my mouth because you cant believe someone can dislike both kooleen's and this girl's art. Wow, almost as if people outside of twitter didnt live in a hivemind!. Pic rel is how you draw different face features correctly, that girl just slaps ''ugly'' features to otherwise shiny, yassified characters for asspats, not because she actually wants to get out of her comfort zone and draw different features, but rather because she thinks she has to for the sake of representation or some other bullshit. She built her own comfort zone of goblin caricature creatures that still display the same mistakes kooleen's art have, like overly shiny skin, no emotion on display, big shiny lips, all the people she draws look like those ''unique features'' models big companies like to hire once in a while that have like one defect but are absolutely model tier otherwsie . She would rather die than draw an old person or normal person without shiny skin and big lips.
>>1639699because the milk is autistic petty vendetta, not real criticism.
No. 1639724
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>>1639703Why are you so adamant about defending her, her art is just okay and behaviour has been insanely unhinged because she's probably chasing that high from the first tweets about this blowing up. Of course she has no followers. Despite some technical skill she barely draws, she makes no fanart or anything else people could connect to and most of her tweets are reposts.
No. 1639739
>>1639595I have no dog in this fight, but that picture is actually really nice and imo way more attractive than anything like
>>1639585 or
>>1638595 . That guy that Koleen drew just looks like if you were to put too many snow filters on a generic Korean webcomic character to me.
No. 1639745
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>>1639732That's because it
is a caricature, the
nonny cropped this out conveniently, kek. Anyway, her art isn't amazing, but she clearly has a better grasp of human faces and anatomy than Koleen. Derivative k-pop shit is just that, it's not some horrible injustice or use of "force" when people reject it.
No. 1639753
>>1639601You gotta be very cynical to believe comparing
poc features to monkeys is just a light hearted joke. Can't you see the obvious problem with this? I don't blame you if you are just ignorant on the subject, but are you for fucking real?
No. 1639756
>>1639698Nta but it seems like there isn't anything more than the stuff that was shared last thread. Moids put no emotion or personality into their art so it's easy to scroll past and ignore. I saw one callout post by a rando about it with 20k likes and it couldn't even generate a discussion because no one has strong feelings about it, unlike shit like genshin ships being
problematic because the thousand year old god took the form of some guy that hasn't been described further but that could have very well been a minor so even if you don't draw him like a child you are actually a shotacon etc. Seeing that that guy had almost half a million followers on twitter was crazy to me though
>>1639733I wouldn't even call it drama, it was one post critiquing her for making a racist remark and her cutting that part out of the video and moving on. All the current talk about it is from people that agree with eachother about how bad this all is and how Kooleen needs to apologize. She's not engaging in this, her tiktok children followers never cared and most normal people have long stopped caring because it really isn't that serious. By next week there shouldn't be anyone left who remembers, especially if something "worse" happens.
No. 1639758
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Nonnies I have to ask what brush is this? Or how do I achieve this effect? I really love the texture on cleoptras face
No. 1639761
>>1639753I feel like a lot of the rage about Kooleen being criticized for this (and the bad art) is from posters who can't draw anything but the same sort of webtoon stuff, and they insist it's because "Anything else is ugly, especially
POC an dark skinned people!! Sorry not sorry" when the truth is they're just unskilled, lazy and/or actual children. Or, you know, racists who sound and reason like children, kek.
If she didn't try to influence people's art (including those who didn't even seek her help) and make racist comments, she'd just be one of many generic sameface people on IG and no one would care.
No. 1639762
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>>1639693not sure the style is even original it kinda looks like yassified nina bunjevac with the addition of elf ears
No. 1639774
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>>1639768>I wish there had been the same energyThere was, though? Even fucking Jacksepticeye commented on it. I fear in the end it doesn't matter anyway, because normies just simply don't care. Some will forget, some won't even know about it, and they will continute to like and retweets posts of cool looking art and don't think about it much.
No. 1639797
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>>1639782No it wouldn't and that's likely because he doesn't show anything of his personality and stays mostly quiet from what I've seen. People don't think he's annoying enough to bring it up again, unlike Kooleen with her grating shticks. His recent Spiderverse fanarts for example have all the men looking on model while Gwen was given this typical face he likes, so it's not like the experience made him change.
No. 1639799
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>exaggerated/unique/poc features=good art!!!1!!1
This thread is so retarded sometimes. Both kooleen's and that girl's art are awful, none of them is better than the other, kooleen is just more appealing because she panders to kpoopies. It shows that i was right about koleen's hatred being petty vendeta instead of genuine criticism. If people actually cared about Kooleen's art quality they would criticize her lack of background/interesting compositons/not drawing anything but portraits, but the whole harassment campaign is just based on her not drawing what twittertards want. Drawing unique faces doesnt make your art better, you can draw diff body types/races/made up gendershit bullshit and your art will still be boring and less appealing than generic moeshit.
>inb4 ur just a scrote moid that doesnt like anything that isnt moeshit and you want to fuck blah blah
I am not a retard whose knowledge of art waters down to either goblin blobs or moe blobs. Adding unique/dystinct/whatever features to your character doesnt make your art interesting or better than moeshit artists, it's just a lazy way to try to shield your lack of skill with ''muh style''. It shows that none of you actually know about art beyond twitter artists if you think there is only goblin shit and moe shit. Pic rel, again, is a real artist who knows how to draw different people and make it interesting. But whatever, you can keep thinking that drawing dif races/body types/whatever makes you a better artist.
No. 1639803
>>1639799Koreaboo-chan, you're still at it? You posted
>>1639701 before. Give it a rest already, we don't care.
No. 1639804
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>>1639797For comparison. Her nose is wider and she doesn't have those disney-tier eyes
No. 1639812
>>1639809anyone can draw that
nonny, its not hard to draw a fat blob and stick a bigger nose/lips to something. You thinking its somehow hard shows you have 0 drawing skill.
No. 1639834
File: 1689960708725.jpeg (227.51 KB, 945x1536, IMG_9401.jpeg)

Alright, alright nonnies, enough Kooleen talk. Let’s talk about Minus8 and maybe have a larger conversation about fiction versus reality particularly pertaining to lolicon on the internet. I’m neutral on the topic myself, in the sense that I hope all irl pedos burn in hell, whereas lolicons are morally questionable but sort of harmless. In this case, I do respect him being honest and actually seeking professional help (not in picrel but stated in another tweet), although his comment about if he had the ‘money and power’ to do X casts a lot of doubt as to how revealing he’s actually being about his levels of self restraint… all in all, just a bit fucking gross. Thoughts?
No. 1639844
>>1639834>>1639838>>1639842he isnt really a lolicon, he's just a pedo, all of his animations are of big titty characters, which is why no one suspected him being a pedo. He's the artist that started the pandemic of internet animation memes being solely coomshit with big tits bouncing. He sounds mentally derranged, he should stop drawing coomshit since it obviously fried his brain.
>although his comment about if he had the ‘money and power’ to do X casts a lot of doubt as to how revealing he’s actually being about his levels of self restraint… all in all, just a bit fucking gross. Thoughts?i wonder if this is why he never wanted to make money off his animations despite being so popular, it makes sense now… yuck
No. 1639913
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>>1639834for reference, this is the man who drew an entire image around 2015 about getting off to kids looking at his art. warning for ""shota"" porn
No. 1639914
File: 1689968362514.jpg (149.27 KB, 1080x1350, Fx3vV6uX0AE1rto.jpg)

>>1639902My point is that his paintings have Miles and the others looking exactly as they do in the movie, he only does this shit to female characters.
No. 1639915
>>1639804>>1639914He’s cuter here too. It’s a cute style.
>>1639909She had a different nose. It doesn’t change that much unless she got a nose job lol
>>1639864Porn affects men and women but would any therapist help with porn addiction or pedo issues? I would assume they’d get you on drugs or report you to the police. I don’t trust therapist and anyone who tries to help pedos reform and get rid of it are called enablers or aiding them. It muddied the waters because pro pedo people (that one TIF who worked for a medical university) was outed as being pro pedo under the guise of “helping” them reform.
No. 1639955
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>>1639948i never said ''better'' i said more appealing, shadman is appealing to coomers, kooleen to kpop stand, that girl with the weird elf oc to no one. It's simple. I dont understand why some of you cant grasp the difference between something being appealing and something being good.
>>1639952i never denied that, i dont know why you are so dead set in me being a kpop stan defending the honor of the yassified queen just because i said her art is appealing to the kpop audience she has.
No. 1640052
Because she makes clickbait
No. 1640058
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>>1638593I agree, her tutorials are detrimental to beginner artists but every beginner gravitates towards “how to draw anime head” type of tutorials anyway.
It feels like a lot of the hatred is unwarranted.
I can’t get over, a similar artist with a similar shtick defending Kooleen then throwing her under the bus
No. 1640059
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>>1640058Here is the artist (Rin)
No. 1640074
>>1640059I don’t want to draw ugly people either. The redline head doesn’t even look like a gorilla so it’s obviously a joke; and to conflate it with black people is retarded. Gorilla is a gorilla like an orc is an orc. If you think otherwise that’s on you. Is this art channel good for drama or is she just a commentator and not an artist?
I know people are seething about Ethan but I would say he plays with shape language a lot and he likes tan/darker women. I don’t care lmao. Besides I don’t think he’s getting enough traction since he stopped doing YouTube crit. Thanks for the reminder anon.
No. 1640075
>>1638928Last artist that was the subject of a witch-hunt was samdoesart but he knew how to respond and imo made many of his critics seem unhinged.
Kooleen is just the newest
victim No. 1640082
>>1640074She’s very similar to Kooleen that initially I thought she was the one that got cancelled. She probably will one day since she attracts the same crowd that are hungry for blood.
She’s an artist but most of her stuff now is about art tutorials which are lot better than Koolen’s, which with all due respect isn’t an achievement.
Other than tutorials she mocks art correction artists but honestly I just can’t bring myself to care about. The only noteworthy one is this video Because the corrector didn’t catch on the zippertits .
No. 1640089
>>1640077You can donate them away to a thrift store
nonnie? I mean you've paid for the art book and print and reselling is well within your right(although itll be copyright infringement if you make copies and sell it). I've seen some art books pop up on some thrift books stores
No. 1640093
>>1640075You sound like that fag solar sands. She's not the newest
victum she's just fucking dumb. This is her audience she cultivated and they themselves called her out on it. Now stop sperging about a two bit artist you can find om tik tok in a second
No. 1640115
File: 1689985530348.jpeg (1.18 MB, 1655x1964, IMG_4996.jpeg)

Anyone know where I could find Ayami Kojima’s nsfw yaoi doujins? I’ve searched every archive I could find but no luck.
No. 1640132
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>>1640115I don't think they've ever been uploaded (aside from Heel Heal) sorry
nonnie. Someone is having a huge lot sale of her doujins on Paypay right now though if you have money to burn
No. 1640141
File: 1689988188227.png (282.32 KB, 448x302, IMG_4997.png)

>>1640132I’m not much a fan of Heel Heal (it’s too goofy and the lolicon undertones throw me off). I would look into the sale but I can’t imagine what the proxy cost will be kek.
No. 1640208
>>1639675Yes, and it's stupid cuz you just need to think for two seconds to realize the actual reason why the coomer pedos aren't called out by twitterinas, and it's a completely different issue. It's such a text book case of whataboutism.
Moid coomers have exclusively moid coomer fanbase and regular artist twitterinas do not interact with that side of the internet, so they just don't find them to make a call out. It also means there's not really anything a callout could do. The coomer moid's coomer moid fanbase isn't gonna stop supporting the coomer moid because you made a callout post about him being indeed a coomer moid (it's the exact reason why they are following him), so he will just completely ignore any callouts like nothing happened. Also, coomer moids are deranged, I wouldn't want an army of deranged pedo coomers doing whatever troll tactics they have at me only for nothing to happen to the gross moid artist.
Similar reason why Stonetoss or that guy with the greek last name aren't really cancelled (you just replace coomer moid with e-conservatard).
The few cases of coomer moids I can think of getting called out are that one youtube geek animator that got bullied of the internet for having a fart fetish (his main audience was
normie geeks), the SCP Confinement guy (originally made his work for
regular non-coomer SCP fans, scammed his fanbase) and Shadman (pretty much the only nsfw artist that a good ammount of
non coomers/some normies are aware of because of memes, actually drew real kids, still took like 10 years of outrage for him to fall down because obviously his coomer moid fanbase/clientele didn't care, was actually being investigated for his pedo shit and was actually arrested for attacking someone). I've also seen some people call out pantsu ripper (used to have a good chunk of actually artsy work, got big because of
non coomer meme art) for his holocaust jokes and for drawing patreon stuff of teen characters, but it was more like people complaining about him in their own space than trying to start a crusade on him.
No. 1640267
>>1640261Men are just so proud about their interests that it's hard to cancel them. I mean Minus8 literally said he was a pedophile, and people called him out, but he still has over 400k followers. I don't think this is a women eat other women situation, I think you should be called out for pedoshit no matter what your gender is. It's not petty, it's just the fact that so many women politicize being into "
problematic" stuff and turn it into some weird movement instead of just being loud and proud about their degen fetishes. They get so upset when called out about it and try to make it seem like they're being called out for being a woman or called out my "puritans" or something. I've never seen a man sperge out this much when called out for their fetishes.
No. 1640473
>>1640060I feel like it's actually more normalized now. Just recently I read about a teen that got groomed by a 35 y old or something "transwoman" and none of the adults, some of them social workers, involved said anything to let the teen know that maybe this was inappropriate and she wasn't just very mature for her age. In my memory when I was young this was much more openly frowned upon and people were more mindful about appropriate relationships between adults and kids. Now there's this whole culture going on of how normalcy is stuffy, boring and bad and adults who don't have their shit together are poor
victims that encourages removing kids from stable and protective environments (or accepts not giving them one if they don't have it).
No. 1640490
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Let's say that hypothetically I am a somewhat famous internet content creator (not related to art), and let's also say that hypothetically I draw very nefarious shit for myself. Is it a good idea to post it online? How easy is it to track someone's art from a very few sketches, mostly made for fun or for advertisement purposes? I also only showed my personal art to hypothetical online friends when I was just starting and I didn't think I was going to garner this much attention. My hypothetical style is very generic anime, but I do have very niche interests, and that's why I am tempted to post it online.
No. 1640494
>>1640490Kek I love the thought of a famous youtuber browsing lc and drawing kinky anime porn in their free time.
To answer your question, how would it affect your career if the art got connected to you? Would you be cancelled or would it just be embarrassing? You have to always consider the possibility of it happening, it has happened to other content creators as well. Have you posted other art online, could people connect the dots by the style being similar (even if it is generic anime style)? Do you talk about your niche interest in your content or on your social media?
No. 1640506
>>1640494i honestly dont know, most of my fanbase is men so the chances of being genuinely cancelled might be slim, but also i dont wanna lose connections with other creators who are sadly very reactionary twitter adjacent thanks to the current state of the internet. Its funny because i started content creation as a hobby to help me distract from grinding art fundamentals because i wanted to get good enough to start working on my manga/game. Monkey's paw. I dont post my art anymore, but i used to make art for mutuals so those are the only traces of my art left.
>>1640499thanks for the tips. I am mostly conflicted because i grinded fundies so hard just to be able to draw my niche interests and now i have to think if posting my art might make troons angry
No. 1640520
>>1639834>I do respect him being honest and actually seeking professional help if he actually wanted to get better he would distance himself from the internet. The only reason he even publicly admits that he is a pedophile is so he can get pity. Why even fish for sympathy when you are a pedophile? Just keep that shit private, stay of the internet, don't interact with children and go to therapy. Ideally pedophiles should just kill themselves
>>1639838Many lolicon artist uses pictures of children as reference for their porn. Lolicons who don't draw can at least excuse themselves with separating fiction from reality but lolicon artists can't
No. 1640531
>>1640516male ryona and underage male characters that arent shota-bait. I know
male ryona is considered based here but normies arent ready for the most based of fetishes yet. That's kinda why i wanna post my stuff, kinda out of spite for the hoardes of female ryona and ugly old male characters that plague the net. I think women get shit on more for not being perfect tbh, i remember one of the girls on the whole creepshow drama that did a video criticizing loli/shota for being pedo and then was found out drawing that blond guy from MHA and being called a pedo for that, when that bastard aint no shota, kek.
No. 1640534
>>1640520The fact that he's done this waaah im a pedo pity party several times lets you know that he's not a no-contact pedo desperately wanting to get better. He's just an attention whore.
>>1640531>underage male characters that arent shota-baitHow is a character being underaged less of a problem than them being shota-bait?
Drawing out of spite or ironically only attracts people who are genuinely into the subject, so you'll just end up being known as the high school boy ryona lady and not a funny meme troll that draws stuff to get a rise out of people. Women can't win for losing so you're better off keeping you stuff to yourself or not attaching your name to it if you at all care about your current reputation.
No. 1640540
>>1640534>How is a character being underaged less of a problem than them being shota-bait? they dont act or look like children so who cares?
>Drawing out of spite or ironically only attracts people who are genuinely into the subjecti do like male ryona though, its not ironic. i say out of spite because there is like one male ryona artist vs a bazillion female ryona artists, so its mostly just me being spiteful that male ryona isnt as popular.
No. 1640825
>>1640267Exactly. Men don't try to morally defend their fetishes, they'll just say "yep, I have pedo fetishes and draw gross shit, deal with it, if you call me out you're a stinky sjw just because I said so" and then ignore it and have their coomer drone army defend them. Worst case scenario they'll create a character to represent the women that are criticizing them, and draw her being sexually assaulted, and they'll still be uncancellable after that because they have absolutelly no shame and their fan army has absolutely no interest in morals. I think coomer moid artists could pretty much commit murder and their fans wouldn't care. I think only if the moid artist is scamming his audience they might care.
The only way you can actually cancel a moid coomer artist is by literally sending him to prison.
Anyway, I can't find it right now, but since nonnas want moidcows, I think people should make fun of George Alexopoulos more often for drawing those unironic high school MAGA bad boy self insert fanfiction comics kek
also for drawing gross conservacoomer shit, but the way he does it isn't even fun to mock, it's just gross No. 1640912
File: 1690053268731.jpg (240.05 KB, 1280x891, schedule.jpg)

a nonna last thread posted this and i would like to request more boot camp type schedules if anyone has any. i like this one and i am following it but i also like to shake up the routine every so often so if anyone has any other useful detailed schedules like this please post! thank you
No. 1640949
>>1640267>They get so upset when called out about it and try to make it seem like they're being called out for being a woman or called out my "puritans" or something. I've never seen a man sperge out this much when called out for their fetishes.i mentally groan whenever i see a female artist trying to defend her fetishes lol. i have some
problematic fetishes as well but i can't be bothered to rationalise it. People need to learn to ignore the callout posts they get. Don't draw attention to it so your fans will see it and don't respond to it because then you are encouraging the person who made it to futher engage with you which leads to more harassment. I have unfollowed artists before because their feed was them complaining about "puriteens" or whatever. Your fans just wants to see your art not read about the 367382th slapfight you have gotten into this week
No. 1640970
>>1640949True. You’re a grown woman - you shouldn’t be arguing with teenagers.
>>1640952TIL not liking animu faggots makes me a twitterfag.
No. 1641413
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I wonder if this could be the actual end of artfight. I feel like there has been a lot of drama behind the scenes for years now and it's crazy that no one got paid despite the huge sums they make in donations. As far as I understand there is only one coder left right now, the rest has stepped down.
No. 1641529
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>>1640912I was that nonna. Just google like I said.
>>1641520Nope, but I only did a few on reddit before I got lucky in twitter. But it's still the dominant commission format if you check r/hungryartists
No. 1641611
>>1641119Sadly it's not in my Budget to hire a interpreter they're a vtuber so I'm doing detail work on their illustration (character concept). I try to simplify the terms as best I can but sometimes it still gets lost in translation
>>1641539I want to try that dunno if it seems rude. I really want to communicate with them better after all they've paid quite a bit
No. 1641615
File: 1690122694323.jpg (57.33 KB, 1000x500, No.jpg)

Which one of you is making us look like weirdos in the new /cbsg/ thread on /ic/. People think lolcow users are pedos.
No. 1641659
>>1641622I speed read what happened, the /cbsg/ thread tried updating the rules to get rid of shotacons and someone made a copy of the thread that keeps shota as retaliation. The op got in an argument and eventually posted their own art. Someone called her
nonnie and said they've seen the art so I'm assuming the shota op has posted here. Small world, it's funny seeing my niche threads overlap.
No. 1641673
>>1641659>>1641622>>1641615Yeah I'm catching up with it now. Some shota poster that rarely posted in their general to begin tried to highjack the threads because /cbsg/ wanted to split from shotas for months now. and now that thread split to make another general for solely for hot guys the pedo still won't fuck off back their shota generals. They even found the post the pedo made both here and on /ic/ lol i'm not a regular to /cbsg/ the
nonnie ruining shit for handful of nonnies who still draw there is so fucking lame.
No. 1641906
>>1641771Ty for your answer!
I was planning on starting to post as soon as i was finished with the second chapter but i think i'll wait to produce a couple more.
And yeah, if it somehow causes discourse i don't plan to react to it at all. Actually, i don't plan to post anything that isn't directly related to the comic with maybe the exception of side drawings, just in case something seems a bit too controversial to a reactionary weirdo.
No. 1642431
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>>1641041Thankyou! I see so many people saying to 'just ignore it', but the whole reason there's been a massive spike in online 'accountability' and the enforcement of real life moral principles on the internet is because we've moved into an era wherein your online persona is no longer considered a throwaway play-pretend mask, but is expected to represent you as an individual. Of course, this change comes along with the growth of a generation growing up mostly on the internet, and who therefore never fully disconnect their online personas from their irl experiences unlike us elder users. Hence, why the proship/anti divide is so strongly situated between age groups as opposed to any other factor. But back to the original point, if people (as they do now) interact with you in a way that suggests your online persona truly represents you as a person, it's hard to disconnect when they suddenly flip on you because they're deliberately trying to target hate towards the person behind the screen. This is particularly evident by how people start assuming stuff about your irl identity (they're probably straight, white, blah blah who gives a fuck) even when you've made no such reference in your bio. But that's just my two cents, as someone who's experienced relatively minor fandom cancellation.
No. 1642466
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Sometimes I understand people who say artists are obsessive and addicted. You wouldn't normally see a person teacher her feet to learn to type in a desk job. Sorry I don't know how to embed twitter videos. No. 1642636
>>1642466True, I remember this person getting issues with their dominant hand and then switching to their other one and getting issues in it as well and now feet. I love artists that get so into it, but I also wish they would take care of themselves before getting to that point.
I really want to know how they do it so tirelessly though. Like, I saw rinotuna stream and he goes for 5-8 hours sometimes, without many breaks inbetween. Just one drawing or painting after another and 82pigeon does the same from what I've seen. I take too many breaks while drawing, but whenever I manage to keep going I quickly run out of new ideas to draw. Is it even something that can be learned through practice or is that what pure passion for a craft looks like?
No. 1642647
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I have been drawing for years and would love a career involving art someday, but I've honestly never gotten past the "making the sketch look good" phase of drawing because of all the years I've spent focused on just that. I think I can sketch out something that looks decent but anything past that, whether it be lineart or coloring (mostly coloring), I fail at tremendously. I'd like to post my art online and have at least a bit of an internet presence the fact that all my stuff is unfinished sketches is preventing me from doing so. Are there any recommendations for good paint tool sai tutorials that'd help me find my own way of painting eventually?
No. 1642657
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I've noticed that in Japan most art booths are super simple and comfy. They only sell doujins, fanzines, artbook or fanfics and maybe a few keychains or stickers here and there. Most of them stick to one or two fandoms that they're currently obsessed in which is pretty amazing. I wish I can just sell doujins of my favourite fandom at animecons but nowadays most artists (at least in my country) go super over the top with their fan merchandise game from t-shirts to bags to intricate plushies. Some even expand to selling car accessories! No one even sells doujins anymore. But I know if I just sell doujins I won't even be accepted to booth at cons because there's a lot of talented artists with amazing fan merchs to compete with. I keep getting rejected from most artist alleys even when applying for it with the standard fan merchs (keychains,stickers, artprints). But what the heck! Next year I'm going to try again but I'm going back to basic and just sell doujins. I don't give a fuck! I just want to share fancomics of my weird niche fandom to share with other fans that are into the same weird shit as me. We need to go back to making fancomics/doujins goddammit!
No. 1642707
>>1642431Yes, exactly! Being so terminally online has blurred the lines for younger people. And the growing trend of people saying you can't consume media unless it relates to your identity is making them believe that you have to agree with everything you draw or watch and that every character has to be a self insert. Media literacy going down because kids don't read more than what they find online also doesn't help. And since they are kids they don't have any self-reflection abilities and won't admit to mistakes and people from your circles won't speak up because there's no way you're getting called bigoted for no reason and it's not their place anyway and whatnot. They just silently unfollow and undo all retweets and then they'll shittalk you to their other friends to make sure they know they aren't like you. Or they slip you a dm and tell you to apologize because their reputation is on the line as well. It's all very stressful and I wish I could start completely new without any of those useless ties.
Sorry for rambling on, I actually wanted to ask if you came back to that fandom afterwards and what your experience was like if you don't mind? I've gone through something similar back in january and I still don't know if I should go back. I want to post fanart and engage with other fans again, but I likely won't be able to share or talk as much as I did before and thinking about posting gives me a weird feeling, almost like an oncoming stomachache. I know I shouldn't care, but I'm scared it'll be a very joyless experience where I silently post finished drawings and get no comments until I slip up and say or draw something that could be taken the wrong way again…
No. 1643123
>>1642978As I may understand that negative talk isn't comfortable, it's still your life and not theirs. Do you want to give them the power to run your life and decide what you can and can't do? Whoever shit talks, block, delete, and tell them to mind their own business.
Also, styles can be changed, may take a bit but you will be a better artist by being versatile.
No. 1643131
>>1642657NTA about selling doujins, but I've also noticed how crazy convention tables have become. Artists are expected to compete with professional manufacturers in terms of merch now. Few people just sell prints. Unpopular opinion, but enamel pins are so shitty to sell. Close to half have some defect, the costs to manufacture are so high, and creating a design that sells is a crapshoot. I can't wait until enamel pin trend dies.
Books are my favorite thing to buy in AA, but I'm an artist. People who shop at AA have different tastes.
No. 1643602
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>skills you develop in fanndom can lead to full-time careers.
This is not gonna end well for them.
No. 1643624
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>>1642707Well, yes and no. Full disclosure - it was the fucking Genshin fandom, for starters. I did manage to start anew with a fresh account but this was mostly because my art style changes often enough that I could even still interact with my old mutuals. However, this could be an issue for you as you stated that yours is pretty recognisable. I ended up losing interest in the game and its fandom anyway, and the only remnant I have left is a single rarepair that I'm super enthusuastic about that no one else in the entire fandom gives two shits about, so I'm over allat… as for you… it's really your decision, but I would agree with the anons who said to just turn off comments and steamroll ahead. It's tough, and it requires thick skin, but once you've reached a certain threshold I think you'll be able to own it like so many unfairly semi-cancelled artists eventually do.
No. 1643715
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Is it possible to reach this level of mastery as a self-taught artist?
No. 1643906
>>1643901Depends. What was the kind of NSFW you drew? Typical NSFW wont get you called out, but lolisho or anything
problematic will.
No. 1643932
File: 1690308485778.jpg (19.37 KB, 626x463, ccda72612353be1b6c7f3591bda55.…)

>>1643614>>1643615>>1643732but she isn't an artist, she's a fan-fic writer/pro-stan(someone who is terminally online and spends their days trying to uncover the personal life of various artists, as well as defend them from randos on the internet)
No. 1643989
>>1642707I get what you mean, I cant get over the stress of having someone recognized my arts and traced back to my past works. Here's my solution for you: You can choose to jump to a platform with less traffic, or if you're still on twitter (X now, the fuck Elon?), mass block all of your previous followers and former friends. If you're already ESL and/or willing to speak foreign language other than English, use it to your advantage. I don't know how unique your art style is, although you can use this as an opportunity to step out of your comfort zone, try something new.
Best of luck nonna!
No. 1644158
File: 1690323601657.jpg (538.28 KB, 923x1330, shutup.jpg)

Beyond tired of seeing artists with massive followings (in this case 166k) piss and cry over "low interactions".
Of course she deleted the first tweet after like… 2 people called her out on it.
No. 1644190
>>1644120she said
>a friend recommended the animemaybe she didn't really expect anything or knows the target demographic for everything she watches chill anon lol
>>1644158this is so annoying i remember following some instagram artist and all their stories where crying about not getting enough likes, or shares or growth in followers, i ended up unfollowing them but sometimes i wonder if that helps with the algorithm somehow
No. 1644274
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>>1644158is it just me or is it always the coomtard artists who do this kind of retarded narcissist shit. I haven't seen one sfw artist cry about their low follower count this hard and most of them always have less followers. Im guessing its just the fact that most porn artists are simply mentally ill most of the time. wouldn't be shocked if that were the case.
No. 1644287
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>>1644279i just like posting random images i find, kek.
No. 1644317
>>1643131> Close to half have some defect, the costs to manufacture are so high, and creating a design that sells is a crapshoot. I can't wait until enamel pin trend dies.That's why I like the acrylic and wood pins better for fanmerch. The price for one 2" the enamel pin die alone could get you a small set of acrylics or woods with multiple designs in the same size. I've seen the printed steel pins. I like them in concept but not in execution just yet. If I were going to invest in another enamel pin die, it would sure as hell not be for fanmerch unless I had a license.
>>1644015The gatekeeping came from a fear that the same manu would be overwhelmed and the quality would go down if people swamped them. They never just counted on the factory to turn people away when overwhelmed, or that some will prioritize a huge Disney/Universal order with the better artisans, leaving the trainees to work on the 100 pin run of the recently Kickstarted sailor moon 3dgy girl meme mashup pin #204940940.
>>1643602My professor taught us this. At least with a fandom we love, we're creating something instead of not creating at all. No matter what subject you make, you need to push yourself or you won't get anywhere with a portfolio full of polished turds. Though given
>>1643932 this revelation, this ice person sounds like a dunning kruger sufferer trying to cope within their comfort zone.
>>1644158A lot of them got into coom just for the (perceived) easy attention. They should be happy their half bodies in the void get any traction.
>>1644182NTA but he wouldn't be the first hired-by-Pokemon artist to do so.
No. 1644319
File: 1690333227836.jpg (3.59 MB, 2166x3278, 15451947518_3bfcc0525d_o.jpg)

>>1639758this is sweet. i love the sexy textural brushwork. reminds me of bob peak! i would recommend a rake brush, hatching brushes, maybe some texture blur brushes, chalk, and a lot of noise/scuffed gritty texture brushes or overlays. also a paper texture probably.
No. 1644385
File: 1690337454183.jpg (56.57 KB, 422x427, Fm7vDVHacAcjH8A.jpg)

do any nonnas have tips or resources for proportions? i feel like everything i draw looks fine until i get to the end then i notice all these anatomy errors
No. 1645061
File: 1690376546156.jpeg (713.87 KB, 1170x1596, IMG_9426.jpeg)

I’m sure you grouches will find a reason to hate on it but I actually love this lmao
No. 1645131
File: 1690383998127.jpg (51.23 KB, 736x715, 1646694748421-3.jpg)

Nonnas, do you have any advice on how not to feel pigeonholed when it comes to your art account? I have some followers on mine, which I'm grateful for, and I just upload fanart time to time for fun, but I feel like people only expect me to post about one topic only instead of multiple subjects I like to draw beyond the scope of one specific series.
No. 1645165
>>1645131Are you drawing for yourself or for your fanbase?
It's the question that got me out of my own pigeonhole. I used to have that problem a lot- I primarily post fanart and I even managed to get a pretty decent following, but everyone only wanted to see the fanart I drew for this one specific game and fuck the rest. OCs, even art for other series, they all got ignored by my fanbase. That was when I figured they weren't following me because they liked my art but because I was little more than one more fanart machine for them to consume from. After that I just started to draw exclusively for myself and stopped caring about what my followers think.
No. 1645200
File: 1690389837577.jpg (4.35 KB, 250x201, download.jpg)

i dunno if this should go in the finances thread or this since its art related but how do you all manage taxes? i received quite a big commission and now i need to pay taxes? i live in third world country so the taxes arent that much but i really dont know how finances work in the art field since im a hobbyist can someone fill me how to manage art financing? someone recommended me to make a freelancer certificate just to be safe
No. 1645267
File: 1690393981784.png (988.11 KB, 663x1010, gth56rtfhr54.PNG)

Sorry to bring Kooleen up again, but people are so close to realizing that she's just a bad anime-style artist and that's why she fails at depicting different features properly
No. 1645302
>>1645299At this point people are just making up stuff to make Kooleen seem worse than she is. After all, it feels better to say you dislike someone because that person is an awful person or an awful artist, and not because you just dislike them and that's it.
Plus I highly doubt those people complaining about Kooleen "erasing features" are able to perfectly reproduce said features on their own art.
No. 1645562
>>1645200You can start by getting the freelance certificate which is easier for you to sign up wire transfer accounts like Wise or Payoneer. As for taxes and tax returns, there's always finance consultant agency you can look in your city or province.
If you draw on Patreon there's a supply of agents and finance consultants provided by Patreon, I got mine via recommendation although it does require you a bit of trial and errors until you find a compatible one. Good luck nona!
No. 1645614
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Was last thread's op californian or is it just a coincidence that the piece is this year's pageant of the master's theme
No. 1645991
>>1645267ngl it isn't that people are "realizing" she is a bad artist, it is that they smell blood in the water and are on the attack like sharks.
They don't really care how good or bad of an artist she is they just want the power and clout that comes with shitting on someone lmao. They're just parroting some random BS, especially when they're talking about how her tutorials will stunt beginner artists as if she is some bonified or proko level teacher and not just someone giving tips on how she does stuff.
These same people wouldn't be able to replicate a fraction of what she is able to do and regularly attack artists that DO make really good tutorials because "what if it's my art style" and "this is so mean let beginner artists do what they want." like how Manga Essentials/Sensei got attacked some time ago over telling beginners to avoid chicken scratch lines.
No. 1646092
>>1645995In a similar boat. I've personally never liked Koolean's personality or style of "teaching", but I know there are a market of people who do so I just don't bother with her content.
But you're right the backlash is just an attempt by mediocre artists to punch down, across, sideways or however you want to put it. They know their art won't get any attention unless they are dunking on another artist for a perceived gap in skill.
If you notice, confident artists or at least those not desperate for a modicum of attention, regardless of their technical skill never do this shit.
No. 1646246
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How do I achieve this traditional marker-colored look on digital
No. 1646267
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I knew Sakimi had fucked up anatomy since she started going more coomer but what is this?
No. 1646278
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>>1646273NTA but cmon
nonnie, you dont even need redlines to see this shit kek.
No. 1646280
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I miss it when art anons came here to post milk or ask for genuine advice. I can't bring myself to give a fuck about art youtuber number #5720958294 please kindly move the fuck on
No. 1646632
>>1646305The issue is that when you see most roasting videos it's really really obvious that a lot of people that submit their art are teens that are submitting either for their senpai artist's attention or in hopes of youtube clout. Not only does this give people the "she's bullying minors!!!!!" argument, but if you think of what other nonnas are saying about trendchasing 14 year old bad artists cancelling better artists for clout, then roast videos are possibly cultivating a fanbase of exactly that type of person.
I don't think she's horrible, but her sassy demeanor puts her in a bit of a glass house situation.
Speaking of roast videos, I hadn't realized it but Angel Ganev had a year long hiatus. IIRC his videos were literally just the male version of koolen
he was also unfunny. I know that people have more bias against sassy mean woman than agains sassy mean (gay?) guy, but I wonder if Ganev would had gotten some negative attention out of the koolen stuff if he kept making roast videos.
No. 1646784
File: 1690505780546.jpg (19.6 KB, 300x300, 1689819176840102.jpg)

>>1646553had to stop midway because this is too cringe inducing, you better be 12yo otherwise you should take off time from the internet and rethink your life
No. 1646895
File: 1690512071269.jpeg (2.56 MB, 3852x3847, IMG_5026.jpeg)

Sorry for the shitty collage but @DONDRRR recently got accused of SA.
No. 1647107
>>1646280even the advice being asked is so /beg/. It's probably just summer.
>>1646895Him and males like telepurte. Glad there's more evidence to distrust big coomer twitter accounts. I'm sorry this happened to her. Males cannot be trusted with popularity.
No. 1647192
File: 1690539475803.jpeg (611.24 KB, 1239x1244, IMG_1374.jpeg)

Something this Kooleen saga taught me that it literally doesn’t matter how good your art is as long as you’re a good entertainer you’re going to get attention online.
>>1645267The responses are so unoriginal just repetitions of “omg how do you whitewash a white personality”. Are Westerners so afraid of stylising now.
No. 1647211
>>1646896You can embed videos anon
>>16469153.2K subs now
>>1647146I still feel kind of bad for her but fuck, it's a circle of coomers and degenerates girl. It was only a question of when this would happen, not if.
No. 1647725
File: 1690585251775.jpeg (999.95 KB, 1497x2048, IMG_5029.jpeg)

I know this sounds stupid but does anyone notice some artstyles have this gender-ey feel to them? I don’t mean necessarily bad art (picrel is pretty skilled) but you know the woman who drew it is some kind of theythemie at least? A lot of TiFs do try imitating Amano for example. On the other extreme I’ve seen some copy Robert Crumb.
No. 1647802
>>1647696nta but wow, I'm not surprised ngl. What else did your partner told you, without revealing too much about neither of you two's identity.
I'm just sad to see anons reacted to updo's confession "you're in a coomers friendgroup, what did you expect" kind of mentality is why a lot of SA
victims refused to speak out, and led to moids to assume consent by default ~coercing is fine~
Most geeky workspace these days are male-dominated and you either the decorative woman that knows how to play along, or be singled out and be a feminazi bitch, there's no in between for them. Super Mega treated this like most HR would do to cover up creeps because they don't want a predator reputation attached to their brand. Even if the
victim speaks out, the most she gets is sympathies from her female colleagues but no one would want to stick out their necks for her and get blacklisted.
I've seen too much of these cases in the indie game scene, not going to lie. Several cases where I warned my female colleagues about the red flags they decided to hook up with. For them to ignore my call and a few months later they posted about being kicked out by their former partner, and "not noticing the
abusive behaviors sooner". I can't tell if they're stupid on purpose or just needs serious help on their
toxic relationship pattern.
No. 1647888
File: 1690601168129.jpg (56.06 KB, 800x933, 24780-shoulder-joint.jpg)

>>1647861Memorize how the humerus works within the clavicle and scapula. Everything becomes much easier once you understand the skeleton.
No. 1647922
>>1647725>robert crumbi saw one get posted in the bad art thread (or maybe it was the bad comics thread) are there more examples? if there are, please post them
No. 1647992
>>1647725That comes partly from FF14. That game attracts a lot of people who are obsessed with jockying for social interaction, which makes it prime a prime watering hole for BPDs and sociopaths to fuck with people, collect orbiters and destroy friend groups. There's really nothing to do in the game besides drama and gossip.
It's a piss easy game, built for workaholic japanese dudes to get some feeling of success after they get home from work. Most of it is basically single player and you can still complete 95% of the game while just being shit and carried by other people.
A few of the models in the game have that kind of facial style - female roegadyns in particular, as well as a few of the major male NPCs like Emet Selch - and that gets transplanted into the art as a kind of gender-blurring nuButch ideal.
Another thing you see a lot are what I've seen called "shovelchins", drawn almost exclusively on male characters. This is more commonly from people who get horny over male Au Ra and also bleeds over into some D&D shit. I don't save that crap so I don't have an example.
No. 1647994
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Kooleen posted an apology on istagram.
No. 1648017
File: 1690621018518.png (585.25 KB, 1193x848, IMG_9476.png)

>>1647994It’s not an half-bad apology but using selective language like that never ends well, lmao. She’s about to get cooked by annoying ass mfs on Twitter and as an unapologetic Kooleen hater I am happy to bust out the popcorn and watch the show.
No. 1648029
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>>1647725The one exception to this that I've seen has been Miro Haverinen.
No. 1648044
File: 1690625947255.jpg (426.25 KB, 2048x1664, FzmdSR6aAAE7hQ5.jpg)

>>1647725Alternatively there's clockable tim art styles. They're trying to be like every down to earth girl but failing to see things without their weeb coomer lenses. Picrel isn't a tim afaik but it's that same vibe kek.
>>1647427>>1647503>>1647696They know they're not allowed to. Most men just think women's opinions hold no bearings to their wants. A woman will say yes if you wear her down and that's all that matters.
No. 1648085
>>1647725an artist I like has a realistic style and a good grasp of anatomy and clearly likes drawing bodies instead of just doing constant headshot. She also doesn't use common tif mortifs like religious imagery and Greco-roman elements. She doesn't take any influence from anime or kpop in her art. She doesn't make the characters goblincore gremlins, she doesn't make the characters refer to memes and such. Her ship art is two characters doing something romantic
maybe a little sensual she doesn't give them a billion microsexuality labels. She doesn't even headcanon them with new genders or anything.
I genuinely thought she was a regular fujo who was only interested in american geek media, who had been studying old art and who hadn't been super involved in fandom since her fan/shipart avoided all the typical fan/shipart tropes, so it was sureprising when I went trough her blog and learned she was a tif
maybe she is an oldschool transsexual thats why her art doesn't feel like gendie art? but if I recall she was supportive of the alphabet soup and genocide-fearmongeredtbh I have reached the point where I assume that every female fanartist i see is some flavour of gendie. It was easier to tell 5 years ago but now every nerdy women is non-binary. At least gendies are putting effort into their art now but it's sad you cant be a woman with stereotypical male interests anymore
No. 1648256
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>>1647725>>1648085Maybe I don’t see it just because I like some of these motifs and happen to have friends with similar inspirations without being tifs? Some of us just like bifauxnen characters, it’s not always a sign of pronouns.
No. 1648605
>>1648588>Break your work up into blocks of time. Between 15m and 50m, depending on your energy levels. >After 1 block, take a 5-15m break.>IMPORTANT: Swap to a different workpiece for the next time block>keep doing this, rotating between 3-6 different artpiecesThis keeps you from fatiguing. Built up fatigue = burnout. If you autismo hyperfocus and grind you will inevitably fuck up your posture, start to move slower, forget to pee or get a drink unless it gets bad, and be both less productive and more likely to fuck your wrist or mood up.
Also make at least 1 day for resting. An easy one is to figure out what day you were born on, and make the rest day the day immediately before that. So if you were born on a monday, it would be sunday.
No. 1648751
File: 1690694402239.png (758.1 KB, 1361x768, anatomy.png)

>kooleen gets cancelled for teaching anatomy 'wrong' over some anime profiles
>meanwhile every single anatomy video from a male
No. 1648896
File: 1690705445637.png (354.06 KB, 583x341, wwwwwwwwww.png)

>>1648751LOL. I'm inclined to painting and inking is awful but there's just something about artists who just refuse to get confident with line drawing.
>>1648895There is no single solution to your issue. Everyone develops their own methods to tackling art. Anons already gave good responses. You either have to be more specific or you just have to sit down do it like all of us had to do and continue to do.
No. 1649050
>>1647192>it literally doesn’t matter how good your art is as long as you’re a good entertainer you’re going to get attention online. 100% true, artists are entertainers. Whiny bitches who dump their personal BS on social media are only gonna end up as nobodies unless it's insane enough to be milk, or controversial enough to get them traction for THAT, not their art. People who had their brains melted by art school into corporate drones also have disproportionately low followings, because their art is too safe, boring, and familiar in a bad way. This still applies if their art is technically alright or even decent in terms of skills, because they use those skills to either bring nothing to the table or the price of entry is dealing with someone's public trauma dumping or other bullshit.
If you ever look at the art from the various people who orbit RJ Palmer's hot takes, it's almost all those types. The latter get insanely neurotic about competition or people copying them, even in ways that are acceptable like "I like how you color" or "cool pose reference", because they make their most of their living from the WORST kinds of clients: Those who only want product, not entertainment, and will happily dump that artist when they can find someone else that's cheaper for similar output.
No. 1649437
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Not super interesting so I'm sageing.
The korean bjd company Cocoriang is putting up a suit against some other bjd company outlined in these posts. They just posted these recently explaining everything. Only they didnt get the reception they wanted from their english speaking followers so they closed the comments and are hunkering down on their story. I didnt manage to get the screenshots before they closed the comments but apparently people were saying the designer that left was a founding member of the company and the wife of the other founding member. They divorced and she left with her designs and started her own company selling the designs. She got them licensed to her company.
No. 1649442
File: 1690761796801.jpg (285.03 KB, 517x1225, 1690760925440.jpg)

>>1649437Follow up after the backlash. Sorry for the shitty quality. I can only assume the article they attached is a recording of her time and stance while working at the company
No. 1649972
>>1649912Almost every webcomic creator I've seen post on webtoons and talks about it on YouTube becomes obsessed with the idea of getting 'featured' and all the granular, arbitrary metrics of their shitty little website they can't even customize, it gets so fucking boring and whiney. They all go into this thinking they'll strike gold and then 90% of the time they don't unless theyre making a certain kind of genre.
These two women may be right about the way webtoon works, but they also quit their jobs to see if webtoon would be a viable way to make a living and now they're sitting on their parents couch making 3 and 4 hour videos about Lore Olympus and Let's Play like it's their job to talk shit about other shitty popular webcomics. So I wouldn't call how they approached this 'business minded', exactly.
Slight blog but Speaking as someone who has a webcomic that isn’t on webtoon or tapas, but enjoys casually making it on the side, it is so fucking freeing to not have any of that social media gamification crap shit up a thing i love doing. The trap people constantly fall into is thinking they'll make bank if they tell a story that's popular and pretty enough to feed webtoon's dumb audience.
No. 1649994
>>1649972I understand, I was sceptical of them as well. For one, they're very self aware. The genres they made first was made to try to cover as much ground as they could (they did romance because that's the most popular one, action when webtoon tried to steer to have more shounen titles, and mystery/horror because it's one of the less dominated genres. Additionally the horror title was thebone that caught on because webtoon featured it a ton during October). They mention webtoon isn't viable also because the korean titles they feature are most likely produced by actual studios which is closer to a business (writing what formula is guaranteed to work) than an individual writing out of desire to communicate a message. Shueisha also came in the competition with their digitized shounen jump releases which they think is way better than most webtoons, even the professional ones. They admit they're two losers shit talking about popular (and bad) titles. Not to mention they both got well paying jobs which allowed them to do webcomics on the side. Though not too sure if they completely quit them to do webtoon. Their vid was genuinely insightful even for someone not pursuing to be picked up by webtoon, I'd list nore but I'm forgettin some details. Ironically they say the low quality vids they shoot from their couch did so much better than webtoon. Despite their small youtube channel they got 300 usd per month, still not a lot, but more than the 90 hour for 50 usd that webtoon never gave.
Also genuinely good for you
nonny! I also do webcomics and just post them on various sites. I've given up on popularity but tbh I'd still want a loyal readerbase who connects with my works, kek. The thing is webtoon (and even social media to an extent) is trying to get free or cheap content from young artists who don't know better and have the freetime. Honestly what's popular and pretty
is what sells, but even then there's a slim chance to be the minority that makes money.
No. 1650092
File: 1690811491834.jpg (494.5 KB, 1298x918, dondrrr2.jpg)

>>1647118>>1646895He made a new post realizing the first one is shit, it's no anything better but whatever.
>even if it's just twiceAs if he's asking mommy for a new toy, kek.
No. 1650310
>>1650092Disgusting human behavior, "i-it's not my intention to hurt her I had no idea she felt that way!!", textbook
abusive language if not a coddled moid who's so used to assume every female around him must be obligated to suck his unwashed dick. This is even worse than his first apology, I can only wish the current attention is geared towards Lex to support her instead.
Don, if you're reading, kill yourself! -Your former friend.
No. 1650357
File: 1690838154063.jpg (303.21 KB, 847x807, Hchgvj_Etsy.jpg)

>>1647725This style is usually always a they/them or tif.
No. 1650570
>>1649833>>1649864>>1649914>>1649972I'm the person you all replied to and I'm not really hoping to be super successful, I just want to get my stuff out there and hope someone likes it. I dont care too heavily about engagement and frankly I dont want to. I had a short lived art insta and closed it down due to the stress of posting for what little audience I had. I dont want to care as much about numbers but just know that someone saw and liked my work. It's upsetting that oldschool comic hosting sites like smackjeeves are gone bc frankly that's what I wanted to post on in the first place. Most of the webcomic platforms suck nowadays as they are more focused on getting views than user experience. I honestly find webtoons awful to navigate, I only considered it as an option bc theres so few options as there is.
And I have no huge interest in making a career off what I make, so the point in the vid about making shit all money off webtoons never mattered to me. I hate how predatory a lot of media enterprises are in the first place, they want to milk every dollar out of your creative passion by putting you through the wringer. Webtoons is no different. And making art that way is incredibly draining and soul sucking and not the reason many people want to make art. I just want to post my work to a place with a good community, and have others enjoy my work and enjoy others work as a reward. But it seems not such comic community like that exists. I also want physical copies of the work I created, not for money but just as a physical embodiment of my art, but as I said I dont really have money for that, and to get money I'd have to have an audience so I'd need to get my work out there. Honestly what that yt vid taught me is that while theres outlets for indie comic work, there no outlets for the community itself which is what is the most draining and unrewarding part of it all.
No. 1650733
File: 1690872894067.jpg (369.16 KB, 1600x1243, fan_art__dondorororo_s_cassett…)

>>1650551>>1650700off-topic but cassete girl is such a boring oc, probably the worst oc alongside that ugly oni girl. It shows you can sell and make anything popular as long as its a cute girl because coomers. I fucking despise oc culture and how rampant it is in western art communities, the popular ocs are never well design or interesting they are just pretty girls coomers can jack off to. Outside of that ocs are so narcissistic, why they fuck should i care about your character that isnt attached to a story? i hate it and it's the thing i hate the most about western art communities.
No. 1650744
File: 1690873976648.jpg (483.88 KB, 2400x2000, FU82gX0WAAYr1jg.jpg)

>>1650700It doesn't look like Lex much tbh. She reminds me more of console-tan, which were made on /v/ where don started posting
No. 1650766
File: 1690878435246.jpg (439.03 KB, 2160x2700, christophe-young-15paint-0-5x-…)

>find artist with superb rendering skills
>its either the most boring thing you will ever see or the most degenerate
lmao why is it always like this?
No. 1650769
File: 1690879351317.png (1.33 MB, 1440x1080, 1920xauto.png)

>>1650733I hate twitter oc fotms so much nona, you don't even know it ♥
>>1650766Because rendering, anatomy is a part of illustration. But character design, "storytelling" is another. If your pic rel is a professional, there's a good chance they'd be hired for rendering rather than designing too.
No. 1650781
File: 1690880187142.jpg (2.92 MB, 3840x5120, christophe-young-23a.jpg)

>>1650769honestly i think artstation has probably done more damage to art than calarts, what a waste of talent
No. 1650797
File: 1690881063577.gif (1.71 MB, 1080x1080, tb-choi-gekko-facial.gif)

Picrel is TB Choi, a character designer and part of her job is to direct this character's design and she includes very detailed notes correcting 3D model and animation.>>1650781Like it or not rendering is also part of the job. I wouldn't be surprised if what your picrel is churning out for their job is even more soulless and boring than that. Personally I'd place the problem on just not having more female artists in the movie/games industry which causes things to look shitty and moidy. And then blame western animation to budgeting, devaluing of animation than calarts.
No. 1650804
>>1650800Actually, if you're
>>1650766 don't go looking around in a website for commercially driven illustrations and designs when you're looking for fine art, nona. Other than that, again I understand what you're saying.
No. 1650811
>>1650803Even old art for games/movies tends to stand out more than modern art. Art nowadays is just overly safe and boring, i would take scuffed 90s art than ugly stuff like valorant/lol any day.
>>1650804i know, i only checked his artstation because i came across his tutorials on youtube. It was extremely sad to see such a waste of talent.
No. 1650835
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>>1650817my problem isnt with the 13yos but the school graduates who draw boring stuff. i am going to get called a weeb for this but i think japanese art tends to be more interesting because its mostly comprised by hobbist rather than people with art degrees trying to compete to get into the most soulless of art industries. Ofcourse you have to swift through a lake of garbage to find good stuff, but i have found several anime artists that make interesting stuff meanwhile most western modern art is so…ugly and devoid of soul, even though its more skilled. This girl makes really interesting surreal paintings, and its meguka fanart of all things. It just makes me sad to see these people on artstation with amazing skills wasting their talent drawing neon colored babyfaced girls with scraps of machinery attached to their bodies, or artists like tbchoi drawing in that incredibly harmless disney inspired artstyle that is such a bore. Call me a bitter asshole, but i wonder if they realize they will never leave a foot print in the art world? not like these animu artists will either, but most are hobbist doing it for fun, while these people work on the industry and are virtually indistinguishable from eachother. I like to collect artbooks and i dont think i have ever seen any of these guys get one, not that i would buy one anyways, but its so depressing. They have the skill to do stuff like old illustrators, and they waste it away on such garbage. Makes me sad.
No. 1650851
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>>1650835From a weeb (anime inspired artist) to another, I dare you to browse the newest tab of pixiv. It's not so obvious now with all the AI and 3D shit but here's plenty of bland, soulless, unskilled artists even in Japan. Not to mention pixiv artworks also fall into cliches that are undeniably visually pleasing but some just take it to extremes without understanding the theory and it's obvious. You're being philosophical about the purpose of making art. Unfortunately it's pretty common for artists to mellow down on aspirations to not risk being jobless and or ruining their health to have time for both paid and personal projects. We're in the type of world where excelling at your passion just gets you more work you don't want because you finish it faster than the others, rather than giving you the opportunity to work on something you really want to. It's a privilege only few can afford. Though I thank the stars when they happen
like Ikuko Itoh's baby, Princess Tutu. I'm so glad it didn't get super monetized and they bloated it to a 50 ep anime with bajillion toys to sell. Personally it's cute that you're passionate, keep that energy so you don't loose sight on things as many soulless artists who strictly only do it for income feel.
t. kind of one of them, who more or less given up being da best gaijin illustrator, but also I do a personal oc project on the side for funsies, definitely not something that will leave a foot print in this world when I'm gone lol.
No. 1650932
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I know looking for drama over just doing the art is probably bad but whenever I start learning a new art form I'm super nosey into what type of autists there are in the community or if any of the big creators are cows. I'm getting into 3D shit right now and I'm just itching to see the drama lol. I haven't come across any annoying TIFs yet like you'd see with digital/traditional art so there's that.
I'm really kind of spoiled with how much you could call "women drama" there is with the digital/traditional art community. Anons have said it already in these threads but men just don't get called out or call each other out for thing. Which sucks because I'd love to see coomer pedo moids get roasted over female artists being destroyed on Twitter for drawing a character slightly thinner than in canon. 3D anons basically just tell me what bullshit goes on.
No. 1651017
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>>1650835I think these working artists draw plenty of interesting personal art, they just aren't posting it on their ~professional portfolios~ because it might be less than perfect or fanart.
However, if you venture outside the realm of corporate animation, you'll find plenty of illustrators doing their own thing. Check out working editorial illustrators and book illustrators, there are a huge variety of styles there. Picrel is by Victo Ngai.
No. 1651036
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most art courses and books are such a scam i am glad i can watch them without paying. marco bucci's course was alright until it came to the eyes why the fuck is his so deformed the reference is right there you fat retard. his looks so ugly compared to the elegant shape of the asaro head, i feel sorry for people who paid for this, what a scam
No. 1651077
>>1650570If you want a place like Smackjeeves, look into ComicFury.
I'm going to make an online resource for artists wanting to share their work, but avoid algorithm junkies and corpo bullshit.
No. 1651122
>>1651077>>1650570I don't know about ComicFury. That place is filled with weirdo furries, eye-watering (troon) porn, and the art of the majority of comics there is mediocre to bad.
If I were to chime in, I'd say (probably) good Webtoon/Tapas alternatives would be: GlobalComix, Dillyhub, (yeah, there are lots of gendie shit there but I personally find it comfy), and INKR. Or you could make a site by scratch via WordPress or Tumblr—which offers a lot of webcomic themes.
No. 1651205
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>>1650811>i would take scuffed 90s art than ugly stuff like valorant/lol any day.I agree.
>>1650835>its mostly comprised by hobbist rather than people with art degrees trying to compete to get into the most soulless of art industriesArtists hired for western media projects USED to be like that - if they were art school trained it wasn't "to be an industry drone" but more about how to kiss ass to get their art out there. Around 2007 is when everything in media started to fall apart and I'm not sure why.
Picrel is a more recent drawing by rk post (yes all lowercase), he used to do a lot of art for Magic The Gathering, RPG shit, and I think some videogame things. Still making soulful art, but either he's exceeded the need for a corpo shit job or nobody is hiring him anymore.
>>1650876>They don't care about "art world". It's just a normal corpo job, they want to get paid and go home.People who treat art like that have no justification for complaining about the lack of traction they get on their galleries and social media.
>>1651017>I think these working artists draw plenty of interesting personal art, they just aren't posting it on their ~professional portfolios~ because it might be less than perfect or fanart.I've seen some. They don't. They just entirely honed their skills to be "product" and end up in a cope spiral where they try to act like they are better than everyone because they get to eat the boot of a soulless megacorp that will replace them with someone from thailand or malaysia once the economics and aesthetic trends turn to make that profitable enough. Or someone using AI who doesn't take 8 hours to make 1 decent corpo-soulless image. Or they fire their illustrators and have the Graphic Designers work overtime to make corporate memphis trash when they don't have design work to do.
No. 1651638
>>1651457I think the issue is more that it looks like they're not trying to have fun with their art on their own time. Like, sure. These kinds of people just do it as a job. But if all their work OUTSIDE the job is just more grinding for their job potential, then they are not any different from the hustle bros in substance.
You would think that someone's personal art shown in their portfolio would be showcasing a wide variety of skills, subjects, moods, etc. based on what they like to draw. The only thing I get out of most industry artist portfolios is "I draw/paint/render corporate slop," almost like they hate making art.
>>1651493Independent artists are small, self-run businesses. "Stable paying jobs" don't exist in art for 99.99999% of artists. The only one I can even think of is being a studio lead or art director, but even you're always on thin ice and those get replaced as the winds change above.
No. 1651725
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>>1651638Online portfolios on the sites where employers are going to look are not really a place to put your own personal art. From what I've been told you should only showcase the work that the job you're interested in is looking for. So, environment artist is not going to post their waifu doodles or whatever. Old work is also advised to be purged every once in a while.
The artists you are talking about are probably having their personal art showcased under different names or within their friend groups, or kept to themselves.
Maybe they are working the souless art jobs because they need the money? Maybe even for their own private art projects? Also it's better to both earn the money and hone your drawing skills at the same time. And for many living outside of US the money is going to be enough because of currency exchange.
As for your last point I don't really get what you mean. Yes, art is generally not well paid job by any means, but even in my shitty country there is a lot of opportunities? A LOT of shit needs some type of graphic design/art and there is a lot of niche fields that you can get in thanks to your art skills.
If you mean the typical dream job "drawing my OCs", "working on my dream game" that is rare. That's why people usually have those souless jobs you mentioned, to fund that sort of projects.
No. 1651742
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the mental gymnastics of this coomer, jesus. I dont understand why even have a FAQ section to answer how you are totally not sexist for drawing women getting raped and how being into rape and violence is totally just like being homosexual. I am very desensitized to coomers and i normally dont care but the lack of self awareness is baffling.
No. 1652158
>>1651663It's a problem that those people are a minority.
>>1651725>you should only showcase the work that the job you're interested in is looking forThen a lot of people are looking to do soulless, shitty work. This also contrasts with your other point, where if someone HAS a variety of skills, that means they SHOULD be appealing to anyone who wants anything they can do. You don't have to be just a "background artist" if someone likes how your concept art works, and if someone likes your landscapes you don't have to be hired to animate.
>Maybe they are working the souless art jobs because they need the money?If you have skills as an artist then you don't need to be working soulless jobs. So many artists have such low fucking self-esteem I swear to god.
>As for your last point I don't really get what you mean. It's not a "stable job." Any industry job for an artist is going to be subject to trends and cost-cutting more than many other highly skilled professions. Your best bet is actually cultivating an audience online, but you can't do that if all you post is slop to appeal to corporate suits who are only shopping around for a meat machine to print art for them. It also takes personal investment and work, but a lot of artists are so fucking lazy they can't even tag their shit properly and would rather pray to the algorithm gods to deliver views and job offers into their laps.
Also, if you live in a shitty country with low exchange rate value then it's even more retarded to be pining for a corporation to pay you a shitty rate when you can just work on your online presence and get people throwing more than that at you for direct commissions and other things.
>>1652066Things actually have changed, since you can reach people well-outside your immediate area now and find an entire town's worth of people who like what you like to make, with dozens or even hundreds who are willing to pay you for it. It is literally more viable than ever for artists to be individual small businesses, and yet so many of them don't even respect their own profession to take seriously the need to keep accurate records for paying taxes on their work.
No. 1652280
>>1651337OC culture nowadays is so shit and it's sad because I love OCs and original stories in general. Nowadays people only draw OCs for clout or for self-indulging porn and most OCs nowadays are just "pretty girl (insert concept)". Don't get me wrong, I love designing girl characters and all, but it's just so tiring now how almost every OC I see is "(concept) anime girl" or random iterations of random girl this, random girl that and they never look interesting, just generically cute.
And man, OC-focused artists tend to be milky as shit. When I was younger I used to be in a circle of people on Twitter who drew OCs and other original content and almost once a week you'd see drama sparking because "x stole my design" or "y is copying my concept" or "z's design is offensive" and so on. So fucking tiring.
No. 1652427
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Tfw you don’t have rich parents or any financial help to go to art school full time to help hone skills needed in order to succeed.
Yes of course I know you don’t NEED art school but having time and expert mentors will of course give anyone aspiring professional artist a boost. I can’t help but feel envious of anyone who’s able to dedicated years of their life studying what they are passionate about. Meanwhile I’m going to school for something unrelated so I don’t end up starving on the streets. Sure I dedicate all my free time to studying art but I can’t help but wonder how life would be if I was just putting 100% of my effort in what I had always been wanting in life.
No. 1652446
>1 year at Gnomon thats about $48,802
>2 and a half years at ArtCenter48,044 USD x 2.5 is over 120k
>half a year at brainstorm$700-$900 per class
christ did this person get some good scholarships or something?
No. 1652483
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>>1652280I see milky OC artist too but they're really the vocal minority, or maybe I'm just good at curating my circle. To me this stems more in hating uncreative moid artists and moid culture.
No. 1652487
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>>1652427I expected some nice render and good character design since it seems then paid quite a bunch and all I got is another newground artist bootleg …you can learn all of this for free..I'm pretty sure they got the job because of networking…not because of their..skills?.dw
nonnie you can still learn art regardless if you can afford they're are resources for it out there if you just look for it although it'll require self discipline
No. 1652506
>>1651122I suggested ComicFury because it's more like Smackjeeves: not focused on monetization and completely customizable. Everything you suggested outside of and Wordpress are closer to Webtoon, which was the issue in the first place.
Tumblr is a weird middle ground. I haven't seen a webcomic theme for it, but nice to know they exist.
I think nonas here put too much thought into who your neighbors are. You're going to find weirdo furries and troons on just about every art site there is.
No. 1652519
>>1652494It's probably more like 75-80% networking.
You don't get into art school unless you either already know fundies to at least a passable intuitive degree, are rich as fuck, or are doing something fine artsy where it's more about being able to bullshit your portfolio.
No. 1652529
>>1652494>I'm pretty sure they got the job because of networking…not because of their..skills?It's a junior artist skill level in gamedev industry and he/she was hired by a smallish struggling studio. You don't need a very high skill level for entry-level job in a good studio either, thousands of simple assets need to be designed.
Yeah, those courses are waste of time, you can learn it for free.
No. 1652537
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>>1652522self admittedly coombrained and transed from yuri too.
No. 1652717
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Does anyone have any tips on how to manage hand pain whilst drawing, specifically using a screenless desk tablet? I can draw for maybe 15 minutes straight before my hand and forearm start to cramp up. Is it a matter of poor technique or should I stretch and take breaks more often? Most of the pain is located in the areas I circled, if anyone's had any issues with this area as well. It's been really difficult for me to draw for the past few years due to this pain, and I can usually cap out at around one 40 minute drawing session a week because of said pain. Fortunately, using my iPad in bed isn't so bad, but I don't like it as much as much as my desk setup. Thank you in advance for any help <3<3
No. 1652748
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>>1652717You might want to look into something like this I didn’t use screenless tablets but I had the same problem til I got this. Yes it’s kinda overpriced for what it is but the wider ergonomic grip really helped my pain. Also how big is your drawing tablet
Nonnie? I found upgrading to a bigger size helped me use my shoulder muscles more.
No. 1652827
>>1652519The whole weight on networking rather than skill was what turned me off permanently from pursuing an art or design career. I became an ergonomy researcher instead.
I don't know, it just never felt "right" or "fair" to me how people in art and design tend to get spots based on how good their networking is (or how good they are at kissing ass) instead of how skilled and creative they actually are. Back when I was in design college I'd see so many half-assed cocky students getting some pretty impressive spots at big name design agencies simply because a friend of a friend of a friend of a friend who plugged them in, and not because they were actually good designers (both hardskill and softskill wise) that got through the whole selective process. Meanwhile other students that were actually impressive designers and amazing to teamwork with had a much harder time finding jobs because they didn't have that level of networking and no one around them was willing to help them with it. It never directly affected me because I jumped branches as soon as I started to grow uncomfortable, but it did made me pretty bummed out for years.
The art and design industry only cares about your contacts and not if you're actually skilled, creative and a good teamworker I guess. And yes, I know networking is a valuable skill, but it just doesn't sit right with me how it can override almost everything else in art and design at times.
No. 1652847
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>>1652427>>1652487>>1652773Looked up this person and aside from their paintings their art really isn’t bad? Not everybody can be a savant and there are far, far, worse artists who get consistent work in the industry. Seems more like jealousy at them having rich parents/a support net to put them through school.
No. 1652858
>>1652845What the fuck are you even on about? First of all I'm not male, and second of all I never said I wanted art and design to be some sort of meritocracy-only hellscape. The problem I see with the industry right now is that it's the reverse- there's almost no merit and almost all of it is through either nepotism or becoming buddy buddies with the right people which is why we often end up with people who have the artistic skill of a knob working on major media. Art isn't only skill indeed, hence why I mentioned networking and softskills ARE important, but come on. SOME skill should be necessary.
Why it is only art gets to have this "but think of the young hopeful artist with no skills whastoever!" card? If an artist wants to get in the industry they should have a minimum of skill, period. It's not "evil male talking about job", it's literally just how any regular job works.
No. 1652877
>>1652845ah yes, having actual art skill is bad actually. if you have art skills and you want to be acknowledged profissionally for it then you must be some dirty meritocratic asshole.
seriously nona, coddling young artists and telling them they can be anything they want without putting in effort on bettering themselves as an artist and just rely on network plugs is just shit behavior.
No. 1652884
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>>1652748NTA but whats your tablet resolution? I use a screenless wacom of this size in picrel for nearly a decade now, it's been working fine and I like to draw on it more in compared to my Ipad Pro, although recently I start to get intense shoulder cramps in my dominant side as well. Which size should I upgrade to?
>>1652717Anon! You should consider getting a wrist-thumb bracer, look up keywords 'wrist thumb carpal tunnel brace' or find at your local medical supplies store. I've been wearing them when I'm sleeping or not using my dominant hand, it does help a lot after several comic deadlines crunch.
No. 1652890
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>>1652884ideally 1:1 tablet drawing area to screen is but it’s not always feasible. Get one as big as you can considering your table/set up. consider buying some angled tablet stands too.
No. 1652958
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It feels like I know of so many art/animation students with this same awkward face style
No. 1653082
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>>1652717I feel you so hard, was going through that for a while. I second a wrist/thumb brace and a bigger screen if you’re able to invest in one. Another thing that helped me was doing light dumbbell wrist exercises. It seems counterintuitive and if it hurts a lot, stop, but it can help strengthen the muscles there. If nothing at all helps, please go to a doctor. They can give more suggestions or refer you for physical therapy and complete worst case, surgery. My dr also suggested picrel, which is technically for arthritis and isn’t for long-term use but it did help me for a little bit. You just have to be diligent in applying it.
No. 1653119
>>1652858Not what I said, at all. I'm agreeing with you for one. Get some fucking reading comprehension and stop trying to infight.
>>1652877 You're both being retards.
>>1652847This person's art is literally fine and all this complaining is a giant nothingburger. I miss when this thread had actual milk and not just jealous crabs and lurking /ic/ moids.
No. 1653148
>>16527171. Try to find a position you can put the tablet at that doesn’t cause pain. The traditional tablets are pretty lightweight so it shouldn’t be too hard to move around or put on an adjustable laptop stand to angle it. I don’t have a stand so I put a random Christmas gift box behind mine and it works.
2. Wrist strengthening exercises (see video)
This one also looks helpful: Buy a box of dixie cups, fill one with water and put it in the freezer. After it freezes you can peel the paper and rub the ice on your wrist. A seamstress with arthritis told me about this one. If you wear a wrist brace don’t wear it while drawing. Wear it at nighttime.
No. 1653204
>>1653119Agree, a lot of back seat driving. Holdong myself back from asking them to pyw.
>>1652937Vid rel doesn't link where he got them but hopefully the name would help?
No. 1653356
>>1653337As in gold flakes? They are generally easy to use and from my exp you get “more uses out of flakes than leaves” - but it really depends what you need the gold for and what surface. You just need to be careful with flakes to not have any windy stuff nearby!
But you could always use gold pigments and make your own super saturated gold paint!
No. 1653432
>>1653427You’ll be shocked to find out that the average employed industry artist in Japan and China is also averagely skilled and that they don’t all draw like
>>1639758 who also works for western media companies.
No. 1653436
>>1652717The ergo grips and other other stuff are mostly for very specific use cases, and scams outside those.
Learn to set yourself up properly, this anon gave a great starting point video:
>Figure out what part of the tablet maps to the center of the drawing area on the screen, this will not be the middle of the tablet itself>Set that spot so it's horizontally under where your arm is >For the near/far distance, first angle the tablet - you need a separate book or tablet stand, tilting desk, or nigger rigged solution>Then set this distance so that using your pen to touch the bottom of the tablet does not cause your elbow to cross the front-back midway point of your body, but isn't so far you have to extend or twist your shoulder to get extra reach.>If you can't get both, increase the tablet steepness until you canIt goes without saying that you will also need your chair and desk height set properly for this to work.
When actually drawing, you primarily use the muscles of your shoulder and elbow, not your wrist. For small details, use your fingers - again, not your wrist. Zoom in/out to get better control in the other two areas.
Also you need to NOT squeeze your pen hard. It should be held so lightly that if you were to flick your arm up the pen would slip out. If you feel you have to press very hard, adjust your pen/brush settings so the maximum value is achieved with less pressure. It should be "J" shaped. Play around with it.
No. 1653439
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>>1653432>You’ll be shocked to find out that the average employed industry artist in Japan and China is also averagely skilled that's a lie and you know it, the a average moeshit like pic rel has more skilled artists working on it than megacorporation western bullshit. We will never get a disney renaissance again because no one can animate like that anymore in the west. We are stuck with mediocre artists that can make mediocre things and people siding with them because ''muh style muh they only have to design characters(and suck on it)'' meanwhile someone like yoh yoshinari can animate, illustrate AND design characters.
No. 1653441
>>1653439That's primarily because of two things.
The pipeline is different in eastern vs western productions. Various eastern studios (not just japanese, chinese and koreans do this as well) are the ones who are outsourced to by western companies, so there's always work to be done and the jobs are a little more stable.
Meanwhile, a lot of western studios are formed by bigger parent companies to give specific people jobs, and then either dissolved when no longer useful or there's just nothing to be done outside that one asshat's series/projects. It's a lot less consistent, and animators are rarely tied to the studio as they're only needed for part of the production. Much of western animation's gruntwork is still being outsourced to asia.
The seconf point is a difference in attitude - a lot of western studios are filled with worse nepotism than eastern because of there being far fewer actual PRODUCTION companies, so you have this big insular group of retards who've been controlling things.
Many animators go into the industry with the dream of making their pet project, but that rarely is the case. It takes a LOT of brownnosing and playing office politics to get to that point. I don't know why, but western animators seem much more bitter and resentful over this than eastern ones seem to be, and if you look at peoples' filmography you'll see a lot of eastern animators that have worked as a director or lead still end up doing work of less-responsibility/prestige on other series. This seems to be almost unheard of in the western sphere.
As goofy as a Vivziepop is, it really was funny seeing how many people were shitting on her purely because they were knee-deep in swallowing their bosses' boots while she just "cheated" by bypassing the whole hierarchy. I have never heard of such pettiness of that scale surrounding any japanse animators.
No. 1653444
File: 1691134791958.png (1.18 MB, 854x480, Ace_Attorney_Anime.png)

>>1653439a lot of mediocre trash is produced with mediocre artists in Japan. Go to any anime website and browse new and half the stuff is unwatchable and awkwardly drawn
No. 1653462
>>1653451>>1653446Another issue in the west is that a lot of the shows tend to be "genreless". In the west, "cartoon" is a genre in and of itself whereas in Japan anime is treated like a medium. A more fair comparison would honestly be comparing movies to anime because they are more similar to each other compared to cartoons.
Even though a lot of anime can be described as average as best, cartoons have an issue where there is almost no diversity. Regardless of how average it is, anime almost always has some diversity as a medium. Horror, psychological, romance, shounen, shoujo, isekai, etc. take your pick. Cartoons tend to either be coming-of-age stories, slice-of-life, fantasy, comedy or adult. Action cartoons focused on superheroes (and in general) got phased out for a time in the west and/or don't receive nearly as much promotion as anything else.
Not to mention, a lot of cartoons are forced into the same-ish art style these days and even though anime can have severe same face syndrome, it is at least contained within the show itself. Animes can be produced by the same studio but look different from each other despite their similarities in animation style or quality. Western studios have the issue where different shows will oftentimes just look the same as one another.
No. 1653482
File: 1691139567544.png (336.98 KB, 579x738, Screenshot_83.png) is a western animator who had his impressive layout scrapped because of budget constraints.
>>1653455>>1653478honestly of all the sakuga clips to use, using a waifubait clip should have been telling enough.
No. 1653488
Last for sharing an interesting vid. Less so much to pit western and eastern art but moreso to show it's apples and oranges even to the smallest detail.
>>1653485Thanks making me feel less insane, nona.
No. 1653515
File: 1691143816091.jpg (85.46 KB, 1176x680, _mad_man__by_sakimichan_d4cfok…)

Showing my age a bit but man,I really miss mid 2000s deviantart and smaller communities in general (compared to how everyone is on the internet now).
I haven't looked up sakimi chan in years, she really sold her soul didn't she? after reading some posts in this thread I definitely tinfoil too that she teaches the AI with her art to get stuff done faster.
sometimes I wonder what happened to all those great artists that were around in 2005-2006 ( hoon,idnar,pokefreak,druihd the girl who did spot on inuyasha fanart lol), dA was pretty comfy back then.
I'm nostalgic af right now. I need to go find my dvds from that period, had a lot of art saved.
No. 1653530
>>1653515>>1653519It's hard not to think I just have dunning kruger when my art barely gets noticed nowadays but my dogshit mspaint art years ago got more comments compared to both of my current art and even beautiful artworks on twitter would get thousands of likes and no personal comments.
No. 1653579
>>1652958This face style is so ugly. It's like the inbetween of cartoons and anime. You have the round face and defined nose of western, but big eyes of anime (but drawn in a cartoony way)
It's like the result of weebs who think drawing a defined nose makes their style better than the moe artists who draw a line for the nose, ignoring that an anime face is stylized more consistently than whatever this is.
No. 1653913
File: 1691173288926.png (5.61 MB, 1864x3000, Untitled255_20230522075124.png)

Is this a good art style?
No. 1654051
>>1653913No, messy rendering and atrocious anatomy.
Made me remember of an artist that made dress up flash games, she had a similar style
No. 1654197
File: 1691195505125.jpeg (338.28 KB, 520x903, 215611FA-CB10-4459-95EA-405722…)

Side account of @ofangie on Instagram
No. 1654253
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>>1654244I loved the OC art memes so much, really good for art block
No. 1654543
File: 1691215956831.jpg (43.62 KB, 1600x1600, 51kj4pIJqcL.jpg)

>>1652717 anon here, thank you all for the advice! I honestly didn't expect so much useful discussion because I didn't think my sort of pain was all that common. Sorry if this gets pretty long, all of the replies were very helpful and has given me a lot to think about.
>>1652748>>1653082Picrel is my tablet, I wouldn't call it small (it's like 10inches wide, I believe?) but that's because I graduated from one of those small Wacom tablets, so anything's an upgrade. I've been thinking of investing in a bigger screen tablet for a long time now, preferably a Huion Kamvas 20 Pro, and it's nothing to do with money because I can very readily afford it, however my biggest issue would probably be setting it up / potential back issues. I have awful shrimp posture and shrimping over a screen tablet seems like it would worsen it.
>>1653148Thank you for the video! It's actually a bit of coincidence that you'd recommend strength exercises, because I've been doing strength training recently because of recommendations made by my doctors because of my poor grip strength for my age. Thinking of it, that also might cause the pain whilst drawing.
>>1653436This was also very helpful, and the part about pen grip was eye-opening, because I noticed now that I do press down fairly hard whilst drawing, but I never had a frame of reference for something like that. I've tried playing with pen pressure before, but my natural grip fit the usual pressure so well I never bothered changing it for long. I'm going to take your advice and work on my pen pressure and see if that helps at all! Thank you!!
No. 1655637
File: 1691307304845.jpeg (75.53 KB, 800x854, 3C6CAD45-616A-4218-975C-9A8166…)

>he's just bi
all of the speculating nonas are just try-hard catty and failed to come to a conclusion that he should not be near any women or children, let alone posting his arts online for all to see. Even if he's to put to jail, it would do nothing to his degenerate nature.
No. 1655806
>>1653439>onimai>"average"This is such a lie and you know it, anon. The literal tranime has a very unusually high budget/production value.
Stop trying to dress up the Japanese anime scene as more than what it is. It's still QUALITY and dogshit abound, except now the stories they use don't even make it worth trying to watch. Goddamn I hate weebs
No. 1655955
>>1655905Mine is a Wacom, sorry, I saw the cord issue and had to add in that I have the issue too. Yeah, my Wacom's internal connector has been wonky since the first 3 months of having it. I still used it 2 years later, it's a very common issue that the port on Wacoms are shitty, so don't get your hopes up too much. It might eventually, otherwise good for you for getting one that isn't faulty. I have a WIPro specifically and these are so faulty a lot of the time, there's issues from a bunch of artists about them, but they are still the best tablets to use. It functions just fine, I have some tape to keep the cord in place to help it from moving the port around inside, but I literally can't move my tablet basically lol
No. 1655956
>>1655695I'm the same way. I think
>>1655797 has a good point, I might try to make some improvements to my visual library indeed. However, my end result is always nice and you might just need to embrace the process. If you are able to run Blender, trying to sculpt some stuff in 3D could help you with this since it's basically just taking a bunch of awkward lumps and going over them again and again until they look right. After taking classes in 3D sculpting I realized that I already had a similar mindset while drawing and it helped me enjoy my messy drawing process more. My only problem is when people ask me for help or advice and I can't even give it because I have no idea how I got to the final result, kek. If you are very worried about people seeing the whole process, you could prepare a piece to a certain extent before you start streaming and work it out from there, and just be honest about not wanting people to see your messy startup process just yet.
No. 1656017
File: 1691343056230.jpg (526.95 KB, 1478x2323, 68106623_2zvjOaANY.jpg)

not too bad but i wouldn't pay $45 for this
No. 1656126
>>1656017I feel like we have this argument every couple of threads
Also I agree with the other anon 45 dollars is nothing. Artists are allowed to set their rates this honestly isn't milk
No. 1656195
File: 1691352394353.jpg (295.07 KB, 1586x1397, 49319988_1VYwYcDEWE9Qdlf.jpg)

holy shit its hand
No. 1656774
File: 1691405278806.png (621.83 KB, 741x697, artfix.png)

Maybe I'm retarded but I think she made it worse while claiming to "fix" it
No. 1656882
>>1655995>>1656002Slightly OT (emphasis on "slightly" because this is something to keep in mind when navigating art spaces and filtering potential clients, too) but I tend to call this stuff Greco-Roman thinking. You see it with some MENA cultures. They are straight, but their misogyny is so warped that they're horny for literal children and weird, bloated, dolled-up men.
I'm trying to take care on how I draw my ikemen. There's a massively distinct line between what women like and what these dudes like. But, if I'm not careful, I'll get one that's looking for something a little "different" (i.e. something softer than their usual coombrained nightmares). Any of you interested in doing male erotica, take note of this convo.
No. 1656937
>>1656882The only art that actively reflects peoples' attitudes is the kind where they explicitly state they are venting or trying to make a statement/propaganda. "Making weird porn" does not mean someone is secretly some kind of terrible person in a way related to the subject of their art.
However, like I indicated there ARE people who - based on their other behavior - you can tell are fucked up because it overconsumes their life, and then they make art as a subservient action to that. Some people who are super-depressed, with an external-locus-of-control and poor self-esteem end up making art that's just a cope for them being fat or whatever. Like "I put zero effort into keeping my appearance nice so all my art is of ugly people to validate my choices" type shit. As well, lot of gendie artists are "gendie-first, artist second", same with activists.
No. 1657037
>>1656816>>1656888I've seen this quick series on TikTok and she has people send in their art to see if there's anything she could edit in that they could fix on their side that's not perfect like perspective. It's pretty informative and she's good at it actually, she's not just randomly
fixing art like idiots on twitter would do.
No. 1657104
File: 1691429047137.png (49.42 KB, 295x640, IMG_1903.png)

Does anyone else have the feeling 3dtotal is pushing out kickstarter artbooks of any artist they can get their hands on? Ive backed some books but lately it has been just wtf “art of xx” books…
No. 1657158
>>1656882> You see it with some MENA cultures. They are straight, but their misogyny is so warped that they're horny for literal children and weird, bloated, dolled-up men. jesus christ this wouldn't be something I learned from lolcow today, that makes a lot of sense during my early days or Deviantart commissions where I hadn't cultivated a 'normal' target audience yet, my 16-years-old self got so freaked out after approached by one of these - but luckily I rejected all of them and wasn't recruited by their niche.
I'm in my 30s now and still can't help running into self-IDed he/she/it even in 'industry' comic scene, the most I can do is humor them even when they joke about fucking a corpse rather than a woman. Just typing this making me nauseous aughhh.
>>1656937I agree with you anon, a lot of my favorite arts are horror/gore that are on the emphasis of aesthetic experimental. Then there is 'cope' art, which is fine, but I'd wish them to be contained rather than all of them having such exhibition freaks about it.
No. 1657490
>>1656774I like her fixes because she doesn't change the original artists' styles, just does small tweaks. Like, this character is singing, so her cheekbones would be popping out more, and you'd see her lower teeth. She's adding anatomical structure to a loose drawing.
You can still prefer the original though, illustrative styles don't need to be structurally correct.
No. 1657690
File: 1691485919577.jpg (236.71 KB, 1181x1427, F2_E2I_bQAAmIOA.jpg)

Anons, how do you use texture in your art? I've been using the standard round brush for years but I'd like to add some texture to my art (like picrel), but every time I try it looks like shit. It doesn't help that most brushes/textures I find are pretty bad (seriously, I even paid for a pack and it turned out to be awful) and low-quality. Am I missing something here? Is there a way to make textures look good in a piece? Do you have some good (possibly free) brushes to recommend?
No. 1657854
>>1657690i only use traditional mediums but ill try and help (with digital art), try using watercolour brushes and pencil like brushes they go really well, you can also create really cool gradinets
try also using gouache/acrylic brushes and oil pastel brushes
in conclusion I suggest you try and look into mediums that work really well traditionally and try and replicate it digitally
No. 1658678
File: 1691565025286.png (186.9 KB, 604x771, why.png)

This shit is so pathetic to me, for context Savannahxyz makes blender videos, the model in her picture is from a moid who makes porn of her, along with making gross porn of other Youtubers like Jaiden animations and the Game Grumps. It's inevitable that any female creator with a cartoon avatar will get porn made of them I know. But I don't understand the creators that want to get validation from the lowest of the low types of men.
No. 1658828
>>1658678This made me remember of a group of girls (I believe kek) who contacted me to draw for their nsfw visual novel, I'm always in need of money and I can draw nasty shit so why the fuck not? I told them to send me what they want to draw and what they send me is a reference of, I think 8 characters.
All of these 8 characters are literally copy paste of each other the only difference being that there's an special slot in each the describe in tremendous detail how the vaginas should be drawn and how the crotch should look when clothed. I can't make this shit up.
I decided to investigate further and apparently they are being supported by around $2000 usd on Kickstarter and also on Patreon, so I guess coomers are satisfied.
No. 1658832
>>1658678they probably know that if they refuse and call out coomers it's just going to be worse. They are gonna get a bunch of contrarian faggots drawing porn of her ''for the lulz'' and moids feeling like the
victims for being called out for being coomers
No. 1659077
>>1658993Technical art that's kid friendly is pretty much non existent. Do you think she would be cool with general mecha art?
Artbooks by Simon Stalenhag might be fun or maybe they're a little too gloomy for a seven year old.
No. 1659090
File: 1691608321017.jpeg (1008.87 KB, 1552x2000, IMG_9547.jpeg)

>>1659087Found it. This guy has a lot of illustrations.
No. 1659171
>>1659077I think she might like that to be honest, I do wanna get her something that might inspire her but she would definitely enjoy just flipping through a book like that, thank you, I need to check it out!
>>1659090this is actually perfect wth, I am gonna be her fave for a while if I manage to get her this!
>>1659159This is a nice idea, she does like stuff like ships and airplanes, I am pretty sure she also has talked about architecture like Eiffel tower but I don't see why she wouldn't like mechas, especially if I get her a toy to have a little hand feel to it also. She might really enjoy that now that I think of it, all you nonnies have been super helpful even though I was kinda messy with my post, many thanks!
No. 1659174
File: 1691613994288.jpg (45.5 KB, 354x500, 51I44817BJL.jpg)

>>1659171your niece sounds cool af. I am an aircraft autist and i really liked pic rel. You could also try getting her an aircraft model to paint, although when she's older.
No. 1659179
>>1659174Not a bad idea, I do some miniature painting myself but not planes, might plop her next to me some time to observe when I'm babysitting
>>1659169She still hasn't entered her dinosaurs and egypt phase but I should gear up for sure
No. 1659221
>>1659129NTA, I don't have the brush nor use photoshop but with "textured" painting that has similar look to
>>1657690 you can try to combine lasso tool to map out areas before you apply the brush.
>>1659213Block and ignore isn't an option?
No. 1659222
File: 1691617093397.jpg (328.96 KB, 1638x2048, F2_gOJPaQAA6ae5.jpg)

For anyone who watches or pops in from time to time on Twisted Disaster's art streams, have any of you noticed how it seems that her troon/tif friends seem to have a case of NPD. I know that not many people here like Michie or her gaggle of friends but I still sometimes listen to her streams and whenever she has any of her TIF friends ("StarHeavenly", Holly Brown, or ThEZodiacLord), something that really sticks out to me is how narcissistic they can come off.
I notice that when Michie tries to engage on a topic with them, a lot of the times they don't even engage back with the topic and redirect to whatever it is that they themselves brought up. It's not as bad with Holly but it certainly is a lot more prevalent with TheZodiacLord and StarHeavenly. They also tend to cut her off when she's making a point or in mid-sentence and it's just annoying to listen to. I notice that her non-TIF friends are not as bad and they all tend to have a flowing engaging conversation on various topics but with these two, sometimes three girls, it's exhausting to listen to.
I don't know if it's their autism with the hyperfocus on things or some kind of ADHD but it's just interesting to listen to (before tapping out because you get bored).
No. 1659416
>>1659213Basically what
>>1659235 said. I think it's better not to block but to simply step away for a few days. Blocking people who are trying to paint you as a bad person will make them feel justified in continuing their arguing or whatever, but if you leave it be it'll resolve itself since they have no attention spans. If absolutely necessary you can always make a statement next week about how you were busy with your real life and didn't know. A week later or so you can run blockchains on everyone who got mad
No. 1659439
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>>1658678Isnt her kid old enough to be in preschool now? Why engage in it when all it does is make people create more porn of an oc that is clearly supposed to be her and have her face be posted on her twitter acct tied to all that
No. 1659687
>>1659224Wow, now I'm curious who you're talking about kek.
>>1659369>Crab iconThat's TheZodiacLord and yeah, I'd argue she's probably the worst with this because she's the one who really rambles on and on about BS that is boring. She's been talking about theater shit for the past few streams she's been in and she always finds a way to redirect back to that boring topic. But Michie does engage with her in it which shows that she's trying to be supportive which is endearing but again, I notice that whenever she tries bringing up a subject that she's interested in, she hardly ever tries to engage with it and she's the one who tends to cut off Michie a lot too.
>I was tired but I remember feeling bad for Michi because she kept trying to talk and the call kept turning into a mess of everyone cutting each other off as she worked. How irritating.I think I saw this stream, was it the one when there was like 2 or three other people in there beside Michie? One of them with a slight accent? That was a somewhat recent one and I remember getting annoyed as well because of how much they'd be cutting each other off. Personally, this is why when it comes to Michie, I prefer when she's only talking with one person, preferably the non-TIFs because the conversation flows better.
No. 1659791
File: 1691670202567.jpeg (168.29 KB, 1080x1452, FuL5wnwX0AMY6uY.jpeg)

What is the milk behind the tranny who drew this?
No. 1660140
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No. 1660215
>>1659791of course the quickest way to make a "normal" girl character quirky is to add titchop scars and pubestache
it's not even r63 they're still women
No. 1660224
File: 1691694941666.png (874.68 KB, 1400x700, trigun3d.png)

>>1660140this is an issue of remakes imo. They are done purely for commercial purposes and repackaged to be more market friendly. The new Trigun has the same issue, it looks like it's made to appeal to zoomers
No. 1660231
>>1660143Anime adaptations exist for the purpose of making series accessible to normies. They have been smoothing the personality out of the original manga drawings since forever, just not like this. Remakes are bound to be weird like that because it's smoothing over something that's already smoothed over thus making it completely sterile.
My personal non-coomer examples are Bungou Stray Dogs and the 2011 adaptation of Hunter x Hunter, which both do the original drawings dirty imo. My problem with HxH is mostly that they added a lot of unnecessary dorito chins, but with BSD, it's a completely different artstyle that completely sucks the charisma out of every character. However both series are popular because most people are not art spergs, they just want their fun fandom time so of course they're going to pick the format that moves on its own, has music and seiyuus and colorful visuals, and is readily available.
No. 1660278
>>1660266I get you, nona. I was one of those early 2010 Axis Powers Hetalia weebs and I admit I was most likely obnoxious as fuck and I remember how the fandom was a notorious problem child but I had so much fun with the APH fandom back then. We'd have ship wars and all but in the end it all boiled down to silly Tumblr fights and if you liked a ship or not you could just move on and the same would extend to the characters. Nowadays you can't say you like or dislike a ship because then you'll have to justify it from a moral standpoint with the chance of the fandom deciding you're a "
problematic creep" and if you like or dislike X or Y character you can be just freely accused of being a racist bigot for nothing.
I've stopped engaging in fandoms now, I just enjoy the series and games I like privately because I just have fandom culture now. IT makes me sad honestly, I've gained many great friends from my fandom time when I was a child.
No. 1660295
>>1660274imagine almost suiciding because of troon madohomu
also this is an image board, anon. post a screenshot next time.
No. 1660384
>>1660359nta but I feel like the fights have gotten nastier too. Yeah there used to be anon hate, or just general fighting and throwing around words, but I feel like it's way worse now. Now the poor fanartist of the week they decide to hate on gets called either racist, transphobic, a pedo or sometimes all of them and their proof will be the artist using the term shackles (this happened within the Genshin fandom of course).
Most are teens but some are unfortunately adults and it's wild to me how vindictive they get.
No. 1660441
File: 1691704944726.jpg (126.05 KB, 1164x1310, FTDC-x4WQAARDqU.jpg)

>>1660408That came from the Genshin fandom, so it's a completely braindead situation. Basically a really popular artist called Veechu tweeted about finally being freed from the shackles in relation to finishing finals or something, then some random person wanted to start drama and said that the term was actually racist. This isn't true, but the sudden critique must've caused a panic reaction, Veechu only tweeted about hating the genshin fandom and deactivated. Afterwards some people went out of their way to spread racist messages because they thought they were defending her. I wasn't close to the situation so I have no idea how bad the harassement actually was for her over using that term, but in tweets that have been made afterwards the consensus seems to be that Veechu was only in the wrong for not calmly taking the "criticism" and that no one would've pressed it if she just reacted positively. But she and other artists that were drawing a certain ship have already been getting harassed for weeks at that point, so I imagine she just didn't want to deal with pointless accusations anymore
No. 1660456
>>1660441>freed from the shackles in relation to finishing finals or something, then some random person wanted to start drama and said that the term was actually racist.i get slavery collective trauma of black people and stuff but aren't shackles also used in prisons and animal farms to this day and they've had a lot of history before their usage to restrain slaves? this is so ridiculous, why don't they also call her speciesist/human supremacist (because no one gives a fuck about animal abuse)
you're right about the genshin famdom it's a dumpster fire, it was doomed from the start
No. 1660493
File: 1691708349664.png (100.28 KB, 666x932, respectthepng.PNG)

>>1660450Genshin ship discourse would be so much easier to bear if they had released official ages and sexualities. Just a few days ago another artist got cancelled for making a ship bingo that included a "lesbian-coded" character with a man and a minor with an immortal god, when said minor could be interpreted as any age between 15 and 19. It's all so fucking stupid, Pic related was funny though
>>1660464Yeah, for some reason people get really vicious about this shit, especially when the artist in question has a cute style and draws harmless things.
No. 1660498
>>1660493It wouldn't help. Literally everything in the game points to the Traveler being hundreds of years old and I still regularly see them being called anything from 16 to 12 years old.
It also wouldn't matter because nobody should give a shit in the first place if someone draws a canon gay chara with their opposite sex self insert. I mean a straight chara could have a whole ass family and professing their love for said family every other line and they'd still ship them with someone of the same sex. Which is fine. Because it's just people having fun.
No. 1660499
>>1660493Shipping used to be a fun little Team A vs Team B type of rivalry within fandoms, now it's all been taken so seriously for no reason.
Also, it's funny that "you gotta respect canon sexualities" is suppose to be some kind of argument when people like this often love shipping two straight characters in a gay ship all the freaking time.
No. 1660525
>>1660498It would put a stop to a lot of baseless accusations at least. But you're right, it doesn't matter and it shouldn't matter and the coomers at hoyo are certainly not losing sleep over it. I've noticed that those arguments are generally only ever brought out when people
want to start something because they already hate the specific artist, they can let the exact same things slide or block silently as long as it's made by someone else. The first crime is to be seen as annoying, the second is drawing or saying something that could be misinterpreted, that's always how it goes.
>>1660499True, zoomers have unhealthy attachments to these pngs and for some reason they get really really mad when someone mischaracterizes them or draws them in a way that isn't canon compliant
No. 1660535
>>1660274>>1659791Looking at their profile and although they primarily post in chinese they strangely behave more like your typical western online artist than a chinese one. I don't have any evidence and am just going by my gut feeling + my experience in interacting with chinese artists online but this looks like some american LARPing as a chinese to me.
The first red flag to me was them folding so miserably over criticism on the tranny madokaxhomura pic. Most chinese artists I've seen would bite back with all sorts of colorful insults and tell you to fuck off their page.
No. 1660551
>>1660541Oh wow so it's a chinese LARPing as an american? Now that's something.
Their art has some interesting themes but the way they draw male bodies looks fucking gross to me for some reason.
(racebaiting) No. 1660644
>>1660587nta but i think they thought the person was larping because in the end it's still a chinese user heavily trying to act like a western artist in order to be assimilated by the western fandom like
>>1660541 said. the same way it's not unheard of to have westerners trying to larp as eastern asians (usually korean or japanese) in order to try to blend in with them on twitter.
No. 1660652
>>1660644AYRT but this is my personal take that speaking a language where the platform majority speaks of shouldn't be considered 'LARPing' or pretending to be another nationality. The fandom I'm in almost doesn't exist in English space (BL lightnovel) so if I want to share interests with other fans, I should at least speak Japanese with them.
As well as "gender culture" can go so far, and yes there are creepy Westerners trying to racebend themselves irl to make themselves exotic (Olly London is too much of a notorious examples, I've seen this with otherkin too).
Most of the time people do this for social reasons. I hope other anon here can take notes before throwing assumptions
This is from a 30yo nona too tired of language gatekeep conversation online
No. 1660653
>>1660493>you gotta respect canon sexualitiesPeople regularly don't, fujos turning everything into yaoi is a meme for a reason, bffr your ships aren't more ~
valid~ cos you're such an ally or whatever. Genshitters will say anything to prove their crush on animu boy 56 is the bestest.
No. 1660693
File: 1691722855970.jpeg (91.33 KB, 350x700, 1651193704888.jpeg)

is drawabox worth it? ive been drawing since i could pick up a pencil but its always something ive done for fun so i never really bothered to learn the fundamentals, and now that im taking my art a little more seriously im looking to hone my skills but im not sure where to start. drawabox seemed promising but i read through lesson 0 and i just felt overwhelmed… ffs i dont even own fineliners. im considering just doing the entire course digitally even if they warn you against it
No. 1660759
>>1660652(Same anon as
>>1660551 )
I assumed they were LARPing not because they speak english, but because of their behavior and the way they talk (type?). East-asian artists usually type and behave online in ways that are quite different from western artists and are easy to identify. Of course, it's not all of them, but a good amount out there. This artist behaves a lot closer to how a western artist does, down to their usage of certain emoticons, hence why at first I thought they were just some american that happened to know how to speak chinese. I was never talking about the language they spoke, but rather they way they type their posts and how they seemed to behave online.
But I get your point, I'll try to improve myself on that front.
No. 1661013
>>1660974Yeah, it's pretty much just a tantrum. They're always a freeloader who doesn't want to put in work themselves, so they try to bully others into doing it, or create a desolate wasteland trying.
The argument I mentioned is used by retards in a lot of fandoms, but one of the best instances was a D&D podcast. The tif was arguing that the ship was wrong, because you were shipping two brothers' characters, so it's pretty much incest (freaks). Completely ignoring the fact that the podcast is three brothers and their dad playing, so by that logic ANY ships that weren't pure NPC ships were meta-incest, I guess, KEK
I wish that weirdo's blog was still around, page after page of sperging and meltdowns over proper shipping activity, dotted with woe is me self pitying posts about being trans.
No. 1661458
>>1660762This literally gives me a giggle thank you, I'm glad I avoided genshit like wildfires and will continue so.
There are so many anime-style games out there, obscure JRPGs there deserve fan contents imo. I hate this current game era where you can't just make one-off games anymore (and as example FF16 tanked like fucks, despite Square Enix' attempts to appeal to western audience).
>>1660974>>1661013>>1661044Based takes. I love making fan arts and gag comics for fun. Entitled fans really ruined it not only me but also just also other artists and fans who just want to have fun. Although I don't think non-artist can understand this (aka the advice is "just ignore them", okay you're in my charge on my notifications and DM then).
I can sympathize when east asian artists (jpn,kr) gatekeep their arts to an obsessive level. I do this now too.
No. 1661628
File: 1691810615008.jpeg (323.9 KB, 1125x765, 55CA1B8B-7990-4967-8B3B-4E1335…)

>>1661577Here, take some note anon
>Find a specific niche that's too obscure for the mentally ill to flock with>Do some research on active posters of said niche (be on twitter, instagram, misskey)>Create a new account, post some daily drawings while actively engage with the community you want be involved by like/retweet. A follow might be too much of an obligation, and people are just shy.>Organically grow your community while capping your followers. If the number starts to grow in a certain degree, lock your account and start screening your followers.This is where the work comes in, you will have to manually check on your follower profile, notice the DNI/minor/pastel flag and immediately mass block that account's followed, and then block that account. Keep doing that step until your followers seem "clean". Some of my artist mutuals have put warning "do not view or follow if you're under 18" in their bio, so if there's seem to be a locked account you cannot screen but have put their age (20↑), which is still on thin ice for me, but I leave that to your judgement. There's no shame to private your account from time to time, you'll get used to it.
This will take awhile, but usually a full two weeks is enough for me to create an account to gatekeep my arts while still able to get validation from (real) interactions with other fans. It's really fun too once you start to participate online events like celebrate a character's birthday, or a stageplay announced out of the blue.
I think occasionally my problem is that one of my mutuals is more vain than the rest of us, and would retweet my art to LRT commenting. Which led to their 8k-something followers to flock onto my purposefully gatekeep art account.
Feel free to ask any question if you're curious. This method has been effective for me in before Musk had decided to ruin twitter for us all, I also don't draw as much these days because of full-time job.
No. 1661652
i won't say what it is but a fandom i'm in right now is split between the first game in 2016 and the second game in 2019; the first game's fandom is really niche and non-existent while the second game appeals to alot of twitter/zoomer shits with poorly written gay characters and maybe two characters who are "ENBY!1!1!". since we're talking about OC's i actually have a few that i was thinking about posting art of and writing for and stuff but like,,,one of them is shipped with a canon character the fandom considers to be gay (not canonically, ofc). should i post my straight ship art of him regardless of how everyone feels? should i do like what
>>1661628 said? am i wrong for not caring whether or not i get cancelled?
No. 1662177
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>>1662085I caved in and looked into the cursed madoka art's OP and honestly, I agree with this person. I actually participated in their kickstarters before.
I don't like the called out fan art for sure, but I believe they got the same degree of harassment that most of us received esp. during the peak tumblr->twitter migration era. Take my word for this, but there's a subset of tumblr blogs that are convinced all asian artists are generically homophobic and all subsets of ~phobic, just another branch of white women's conspiracy theory to be anti-asian (mostly due to jealousy). I was harassed by one of them and fuck all I wish I hadn't come to know of their existence.
I just feel really bad for them now tbh.
No. 1662746
>>1660398One of the nastiest ship discourse I've ever rubbernecked in was the one about whether BBC Sherlock/John fans were more or less pedophilic than John/Sherlock fans. It also remains one of the absolute dumbest because it was a bunch of tween to college aged women flinging accusations of criminality, rape apologia, and
problematic-ness at each other of each other's preferences for combinations of the same two gross middle aged British men.
No. 1663004
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Was watching Ignatz awarding from 2020 knowing an artist I followed was in it. I assumed most of the indie comics online community are made for and by women, gendies or otherwise because of the clockable art and writing style but all of the tims took me out by surprise kek. No. 1663007
>>1660737>>1660744>>1661044>>1662746The retards who joined fandoms in the 2010s heard "don't kinkshame" and assumed that kinks were part of someone's intrinsic identity like being gay was. Shipping also ended up in a similar way, because shipping for most people = sexual = kink purposes. So maladjusted teens/young adults who were marinating in the protoplasmic cultural soup that became gendie nonsense began associating their random interests with key parts of their beings.
Also note that many of these shits subscribe to at least a small dose of social constructionism - the presupposition that EVERYTHING is socially constructed.
They throw a fit because you're interfering with THEIR illusion of reality by imposing what they see as YOUR illusion of reality when you have either no authority to do so or deserve to have your illusions of reality stripped away as punisment for perceived slights.
Yes, even by shipping something else you are, to them, entering into conflict with them over "what reality is." The claims of "erasure" come from the sheer fact they think that disagreeing to someone's face, or publicly, means that such a person has a privileged position due to their mental strength or resources to weather a shrieking mob.
And yes if you encounter such a person outside fandom shit, they're basically going to be insufferable due to seeing every social interaction as a conflict over determining reality.
No. 1663018
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>more obviously female-friendly Superman cartoon is released where there's a female protagonist that isn't sexualized at all
>coomoid's first thought is to draw this shit
Exterminate moids
No. 1663030
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>>1663023Even if they seem natural size, the way the fabric wraps around the shirt in that pic is peak coomerism. Are you blind? Her chest does NOT look like that at all in the show.
No. 1663043
>>1663004Kek this is why I've stayed far away from the indie comic scene also the people in that scene are insane and
toxic. Carta is a huge creepy degenerate who is friends with the like of that Gretchen tim that wrote the manhunt book. Don't recommend looking at his Twitter
No. 1663045
>>1663030I meant
>wraps around the chest*Anyone with a functional brain would've have noticed the problem with the art anyway
No. 1663076
>>1663004I'm new to western comic scene since I'm used to comiket doujinshi kind of comic market. I saw a comic mutual got nominated for Ignatz and I still don't know how much of a big deal it is?
>>1663043You have to give us milk
nonnieI got to admit, I'm used with my more homogenous comic market where it's mostly introverted women who preferred anonymity. They also do not refer by themselves even when we meet offline. Meanwhile when I first joined an 'indie' comic server where most members are based in the US, every of them has to have to spam their selfies daily. There's always a pressure to show your faces on voice call too. it's making me increasingly uncomfortable and I don't know how to integrate with them.
No. 1663096
>>1663076I don't hang around these people anymore and haven't for a very long time so I think I'm safe saying some of this shit lol.
I don't know carta personally but he influenced a huge group of people who I use to hang around (very loosely tbh I wasn't super close with any of them and kind of watched this happen from afar) with and a bunch of them are now tifs. This woman who used to seem pretty normal suddenly left her husband and tif'd and went to live with Carta, I have no idea if she still does. She seemed really normal so it was such a weird change I think she goes by Casey now. Carta also may have buried some of this now but he made a comic years back about how the meet n fuck games on newgrounds made him want to be a woman because he saw the women getting fucked and wanted to be that. Classic agp. He also has defended other tims that are accused of sa. I can't recall who it was but if you do some digging you may be able to find that on Twitter.
All these people are insufferable and backstabby too. I don't mean to scare you or anything because this is a specific group within that scene but I've stayed away from it ever since. Which is a shame because I'm sure there are some cool people there. I've met some really awesome people who self publish and do interesting work. Sorry this was still pretty vague lol.
Honestly anon if you're not comfortable maybe these aren't your people.
No. 1663122
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>>1663096Honestly as someone who browses the tim/tif threads a lot I knew these were happening. I knew trans people are grooming others into their social contagion group but it's so surreal to see it actually happen close enough that some random artist I stumbled into is only a few degrees separated from this shit happening.
>Carta also may have buried some of this now but he made a comic years back about how the meet n fuck games on newgrounds made him want to be a woman because he saw the women getting fucked and wanted to be that.
>"Porn Girl" or pornography trans fetish actor>safe tagged by shinigami eyesOf course he is.
He also made a hilarious navel gazey comic No. 1663135
>>1663096AYRT thank you for the milk nona, may your upcoming days are blessed with good arts.
I don't recognize these names (yet) but I will keep an eye around these individuals. There's definitely a pattern of how the women behave in this group, if I can describe, almost depersonalized themselves to make space for their maladjusted NPD sperging partners. I feel sorry for them whenever we get to talk one on one.
I know
toxic art cliques is mandatory whenever I go, but with my local art market is so stagnant in opportunities these days, I will just try my best to humor these lots while keeping a safe distance.
No. 1663154
>>1663122Oh I think the comic I'm thinking of is from that same year too lol. Or a year earlier. His comics are incredibly mediocre the cult of personality around him is weird
>>1663135Probably the best solution. You'll always find some people you'll get closer to and click with so best just to keep an eye out for those few you do. Years later and I'm still friends with the people like that that I met a decade ago.
No. 1663235
Do it
Take the plunge.
You don’t have to finish it if you don’t want to. I think up until the plant lesson is good enough.
Alternatively you could do dynamic sketching what level your art is at but this shit is super useful.
No. 1663436
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No. 1663462
>>1663436I mean, it makes sense but the art is so terrible. I honestly hate 99% of those tiktok\whatever artisits who make tutorials because even though they make have a certain grasps on how anatomy works (they at least understand what they are doing) the execution is very sub-par.
At this point, I believe that learning from artubers or whatever they call themselves actually can hurt your progress. Imagine looking at anon's screencap and going "yeah, this will help me. From now on, I gonna draw like this".
No. 1663569
>>1663498Because mediocre artists with anatomy skills bordering "passable" tend to be the most obnoxious ones when it comes to tutorials. They're the ones who try to teach people what's "right" and what's "wrong" even though it's based on what they think it's right or wrong and not on actual reality.
I'll forever die on the hill that 99% of online artists are allergic to real human anatomy and would rather shit and cry at the sight of an actual anatomy book than to actually use it to better themselves.
No. 1663584
>>1663500>>1663565>>1663569I also feel like newbie artists feel intimidated by actual professional art books since they think they can't learn from something that complex and thus would rather look at very basic and poorly drawn tutorials that seem to be more approachable and matching their level.
Or maybe they want to draw in anime/toon style and think they can throw out actual anatomy out of the window since steven universe or what have you doesn't have complex anatomy. Don't mind that you need a very strong grasp on shapes and lines to be a good cartoonist. In fact, toons are more difficult IMHO cause you need to really think about every single line you put on the paper or otherwise it wouldn't work.
No. 1663856
>>1663588>>1663584Most artists are terrible teachers.
Most drawing books suck.
The "good ones" primarily require some background knowledge in order to use effectively.
Many newbie artists think they need to learn anatomy when they really need to learn things even more basic - line, shape, form, and thing like the person further up the thread who was having shoulder issues cause of never being shown how to actually sit and hold the pen/pencil.
I think older drawing books assume you have some minimum level of basic "how to hold a pencil without cramping" from school and practice in penmanship, which is just nonexistent now.
No. 1663861
>>1663856That's a fact, but even then…I am a self-taught artist, far from some super amazing perfect professional but good enough to be able to work with art as my profession, and I am entirely self taught and I was born in 2000. I learned the things I know because I went out of my way to search for them BECAUSE I wanted to learn.
Most of nowadays newbie artists, like
>>1663588 said, seem to want a shortcut more than to actually learn. If this was the early 00's or even the early 2010's I'd accept the "but they don't have background knowledge" excuse, but now with the amount of information freely available out there…it's just a matter of wanting to learn and wanting to look for information. If you hand is cramping, search for ways to not have it cramp and you'll eventually discover how's the correct way to actually sit and draw. If you want to learn anatomy but don't trust books, use photo studies from the hundreads of art pose photograph sites around. The information is all out there, you just need to actually want to look for it. However these newbies just don't, for whatever reason.
"Oh, but they don't know what terms to search" girl, when you're in need of something you'll try every keyword on the planet until you find it. When I was younger and didn't know what chromatic aberration was but I wanted to add it to my drawings I remember googling every single keyword and term I could think of and asking around on Tumblr until I managed to find out the correct name and a tutorial, and that was in the early to mid 2010's.
Maybe I'm sounding cold or harsh towards nowadays newbie artist, but honestly with how easy it is to get access to information, resources, tools and everything else for art on the Internet I don't really buy their excuses anymore. If you want to learn, just literally open Google and search or ask people on the Internet.
No. 1663969
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It really feels like (female) Chinese artists are leaving the rest of the world in the dust
No. 1664022
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Anons recent discussion of new artists refusing to learn realism or any anatomy reminds me of this I saw on tiktok once. Zoomer artists refuse to learn actual anatomy and realism, they only copy animu art styles. The obvious answer is to learn the features of people of every race and then learn how to stylize them. But also does it really fucking matter of you don’t perfectly represent a POC in your animu art style? It doesn’t fucking matter if you don’t have accurately lighter colored palms on a black character or whatever. Last I checked black people or anyone of any race don’t have giant bright white eyes that take up 60% of the face so I don’t get retards nitpicking on heavy stylized art being perfectly representative of real life. Basically the saying, you need to learn the rules before you can break them.
Also zoomers care so much for their art style but can’t even create unique art styles for themselves. All they do is steal bits and pieces from other zoomer artists who don’t know what they’re doing either. Just look at how obsessed with “rendering” they are that they think it magically polishes bad anatomy and wonky lineart and nonsensical lighting/shading into a work of art.
No. 1664038
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The only zoomer artist I know who actually cares about anatomy etc. is 7greentearz, who is unfortunately a very delusional tif
No. 1664093
>>1663861>it's just a matter of wanting to learn and wanting to look for information. If you hand is cramping, search for ways to not have it crampA lot of artists are in social circles where pain and struggle give you brownie points and the more defective things you can list off and never actually fix the more sympathy you get. I've seen people who assume that your wrist is SUPPOSED to get sore too, and plenty who get venomous over even tracing as practice, even mad over using their art as a reference. As if you're supposed to just have fully-formed ideas in your head that you project onto the canvas using your pen.
It doesn't help that some of the people who have these derangements got to being decently skilled. The newbies who look up to them don't realize they're getting to the equivalent of like… weight loss tips from someone attractive that's neither been fat nor understands anything about nutrition.
>>1664022A lot of them care about status games too much. Most artists just copy things they like, with certain segments trying to draw what they think will be popular. SOME terminally-online zoomers copy what they think they're "supposed to support" because they're either afraid of getting dogpiled on or are psychos similar to email scammers, and recognize that the people who bitch about "
POC hand skin tone" are so stupid they're easier to get money out of.
>I don’t get retards nitpicking on heavy stylized art being perfectly representative of real lifeSome are just using any excuse they can think of to rip apart others, some are neurotic and trying to signal they're "actually a good person" because they are afraid they'll fuck up and get piled on for it, some are insane and, consciously or not, believe that any style which can't actually "represent everyone" is immoral. That also means they use such a thing to test artists, and those who refuse to change their style to be inclusive are considered to have been bad people all along. Witch hunting.
No. 1664113
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>>1664043>>1664038Didn't say it was good, kek, just that most zoomies art I'm exposed to look like picrel
No. 1664334
>>1663030The way big name productions would rather randomly race swap white characters in the endless remakes they churn out, because they don't want to greenlight original stuff anymore let alone original
poc centric stuff
and also forced diversity. Couldn't they have at least made an original Korean character (this Lois is Korean) instead at least like how they made Miles Morales for spiderman?
At least there's indie stuff. But yk?
No. 1664392
>>1664117>>1664156That's actually going to lead them to job insecurity. Global market = as soon as someone from malaysia or whatever can do the same corporate slop for cheaper your ass is out of there. Plus fiverr exists, and the absolute bottom barrel "doesn't need to be looked at for more than 5 seconds on a screen bigger than your palm" art for ads, articles, and scammy mobile games are slowly turning to hiring pajeet AI artists instead because the quality bar is that low.
Sadly many think the only options are "be an industry pro" and "be a clown on social media" when simply running your art on social media and gallery sites like an old school small mom-n-pop business is the way to go. Legitimately curating your followers to those that like your art BECAUSE its your art you have more job security and happiness (since you can be chill with your clients).
This is compared to waking up every day preparing to lick the boots of your manager, your department head, and the more-catty people in your team so their willingness to throw you under the bus for the slightest thing is directed elsewhere, while not making things you actually enjoy.
No. 1664587
>>1664518Right like when they made the gen z gendie caricatures "snowflake" and "safespace" for marvel. Boggles my mind that they'd rather do cringe uncreative shit like that, or just swap the ethnicity of a random character, than actually
make something. But, as long as remakes are easy money they ain't gonna do anything else.
No. 1665043
>>1664400It's really not nearly impossible. You just have to not suck, "actually do art", be professional, track your expenses and what you charge people properly (including pay your taxes!) and have realistic expectations for your lifestyle. This means working 8 hours a day regularly even when you DON'T have commission work, making sure you can do quality within a reasonable time frame and also charging for that. Like, a 60 USD commission should be doable within 2 hours at the very most, as art is a skilled profession.
What's NOT stable is having to worry every 2-5 years if you're going to stop getting your contract renewed or if your callbacks are going to slow because your style just isn't compatible with the current trends, all on top of needing to work in a highly expensive, trendy area and blow a good deal of your income on required 40$ lunches and 8$ coffees with your bosses and/or corporate clients.
>>1664580Yea art as a job is NOT for introverts. It's entertainment, you are not just selling the result of what you make but also the whole context around it, which is what makes your art "yours." You can do this very calmly by simply posting almost nothing-but-art (plenty of asian artists do this!) but it's still good to be polite to the people who legitimately enjoy your work and remember that you're working with people, not things.
Introvert jobs are classically things like electrician, AV or telecom tech, plumber, etc. because you're talking with people for <10% of your work hours and primarily just alone in some crawlspace or hole with some problem you need to fix.
No. 1665078
>>1665052Don't worry about your age anon, it really doesn't matter, you have a great drive so keep it up and you'll reach your goal! Just remember to be smart about it and really study, not just draw whatever to fullfill your 30 minutes goal (which is a very good one)
>>1665043>Yea art as a job is NOT for introverts.Not true at all, most (if not all) artists I know are introverts, you gotta enjoy your time alone to do it. One doesn't have to be an extrovert to do networking and to, idk, respond to a few comments a day; but I suppose it's just mixing up introversion with being antisocial and these are two different things. Still, with the latter it's possible to have a stable art job in an art related company which I'm a big proponent for, freelance is way overhyped and not for everyone for sure.
No. 1665118
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>>1665078thanks, i tried doing some figure drawing and i feel like i regressed. I was reading force and i though ''huh finally i get this'', took a break, and now i feel like a complete begginer unable to draw a stickman again. I did a schedule and i am trying to focus on it starting with faces. I always feel so overwhelmed with the amount of stuff you have to study to be able to draw anything remotely good.
No. 1665126
>>1651742>male-on-female """power play"""kek
>people don't choose their fantasies just like we don't choose our sexualitiesSo moids are inherently violent and inherently hate women. Got it.
>>1652958They try so hard to achieve an authentic anime look and fail miserably. They don't know what makes Japanese anime art style look a certain way. Honestly they should stop trying and instead they should focus on developing an appealing art style that is neither ugly nor a cheap anime imitation.
No. 1665147
>>1665143here is it fucking despise when peope diminish artist's talent. This artist is obviously really talented.
No. 1665150
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>>1665143>>1665147Alright, so where the fuck is your proof that this person doesn't use 3D models for the more complex drawings?
>Disney did it way before this animu.Disney used a shit ton of rotoscoping and real-life referencing with recordings they did of real actors you retard
No. 1665156
>>1665043It's obvious you aren't a professional artist, stop posting misinformation.
>What's NOT stable is having to worry every 2-5 years if you're going to stop getting your contract renewed or if your callbacks are going to slow because your style just isn't compatible with the current trendsYeah if your fundamentals are so weak that you can't even emulate styles they'll fire you kek
No. 1665180
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>>1665141Is rotoscoping a new buzzword? Kek. I'm sick of random nobodies trying to qualify what "real art" is. You can't gatekeep art, regardless of skill level, and tools like these have existed for literal centuries.
No. 1665209
>>1665205NTA but to be clear she didn't say that that clip of Alice was rotoscoped, she said Disney used rotoscoping
and references.
No. 1665217
>>1665180Motherfucker I never claimed that these techniques haven't existed and been used by pros before. What I'm saying is that the tranime that was used as an example looks rotoscoped as hell, that's it. It's pretty fucking obvious. The animators definitely didn't animate all that shit without using 3D models or something like that.
And the original point was that the average anime doesn't have that level of detail or such a high budget anyway. Most anime doesn't look that good, most Japanese animators aren't that skilled. And most of them certainly don't use reference or 3D models to achieve that three-dimensional look so consistently (or at least, they don't use it to its full potential).
No. 1665249
>>1665247I've only seen one guy do this and I honestly wonder if it's because he didn't want to go through polishing the 3d lol but he also may have just liked the look better
>>1665248I'm not sure I follow are you talking about animated bgs? Or animating camera moves?
No. 1665261
>>1665243I haven't been following the conversation, there are some people do this but usually they're already indie animators or have a certain workflow they're more satisfied with. It can be like this: 2D for sketch -> tweaking in 3D for accuracy -> 2D again, or sometimes we call it 2.5D to keep the style of moving models and static background looking consistent.
I'm interested in hearing other anons with different animation experience btw. I tried to scroll up to find the zoomer sperging nona but hopefully she's just embarrassed by how wrong her tiktok selftaught experience was.
No. 1665266
>>1665171Sure, nobody is saying introverts are unable to also network as a professional, but networking does typically come much easier to extroverted people. The same amount of time spent on networking may be very exhausting to an introverted person while an extrovert may not find that it takes much energy at all, and so even if they're both able to do so it takes a different toll on them. And especially with something like art where there's often not an ideal clear-cut separation between your professional life and your free time, that matters a lot.
Also nobody is saying there aren't any succesful introverted artists around, but those are typically succesful despite their introversion, while the success of extroverted artists is aided by their extroversion.
No. 1665275

>>1665222I used the Alice gif because it's the one I had.
I'm not even saying rotoscoping or heavily referencing is bad. I know Disney even recycled a lot of their animations during their "Dark Age" and don't think there's anything wrong with that. You're just reading too much into my post.
And the reason I said Disney also rotoscoped and referenced (yes, I did say both things and wasn't implying the Alice gif is rotoscoping) is because someone said "that anime isn't traced, y-y-you're just so used to toonboom animation that you don't even know Disney could animate that smooth without using those techniques" which is false. Now someone is backpedaling and admitting that they did those things, but that there's nothing wrong with rotoscoping or heavy reference (I never even claimed otherwise anyway).
My initial comment about the anime was pointing out that for anime to look so three-dimensional, smooth and realistic and so consistently, usually 3D models or rotoscoping are used (as with vidrel), so it's very, extremely unlikely that was made with the animator's skill alone. There
are very good Japanese animators that can do impressive things without reference, but in this case, it's clear they had to use something else. And that technique is obviously missing from a lot of modern frame-by-frame western animation.
By the way, there are good animators in the west, it's just that most networks demand they streamline the character designs and dumb down the animation so it's easier to make new episodes. And as other anon pointed out, most of the animation is done overseas anyway.
Rebecca Sugar actually knows/knew how to animate and had a unique art style before they turned it into the shit we saw on TV. This is a pattern you can see when you look at the initial concept art for some of the current beanmouth cartoons. So clearly the networks are at fault here for killing creativity in western animators, along with some of the major art schools such as CalArts which only want to make uncreative drones so the networks can keep budgets as low as possible by replicating an easy-to-animate style over and over. A lot of western art schools do not invest a lot in offering courses for great old-school animation either, because again, they want to produce uncreative drones that will work on the cheapest cartoons ever. But not all western animation is like this, take the Castlevania cartoon for example. The
victims of beanmouth and CalArts style are usually children's cartoons.
Now, subject matter is another thing entirely. One could hardly call a moeshit pedo tranny anime "creative". Just because that show's animation is good, doesn't mean it's not creatively bankrupt. All that skill wasted on coomer shit.
No. 1665291
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>>1665235>>1665239That's literally what they did with the sprites in KOF XII (pic related). It took them a long while to finish each character but they did it anyway.
It seems entirely plausible with a high budget and the right staff, which not many anime shows get. We can already see here that budget is a huge contributing factor to quality. And it doesn't necessarily have to be 3D models they could've rotoscoped real people or just "heavily referenced". Whatever the technique, it's very unlikely it was animated purely out of that guy's skill with no reference whatsoever.
And I'm not saying every single shot used 3D models, nor am I saying that the 3d model has to be super detailed and accurate if they did use them. Something basic will suffice too.
>>1665246My god you are retarded and just arguing for the sake of arguing at this point. Read
>>1665150 again.
Also even if they didn't use models, they still obviously took advantage of digital drawing tools to perfect each line and frame, tools which weren't available in traditional animation.
No. 1665293
>>1665275Ntayr, and slightly off topic but the vidrel looks very obviously CGI because of the way it was rendered, and it's for some reason unnaturally slow to me. It feels like the dress and the character should move faster than this?
Btw, I don't have anything against cgi as long as it's done well and looks good, but the vidrel type of cgi usually found in anime looks weird/uncanny to me. Korean and Chinese cgi is the best, and Japanese games cgi (like resident evil, final fantasy, yakuza) looks amazing as well.
No. 1665299
>>1665261>I tried to scroll up to find the zoomer sperging nona but hopefully she's just embarrassed by how wrong her tiktok selftaught experience was.There was none, just some retards getting offended over me saying an incredibly three-dimensional looking anime clip looked rotoscoped or traced. I don't know why that's so controversial to say when it's obvious that particular anime is not average by any means in terms of animation quality. Probably some /ic/ scrotes that felt attacked when someone didn't praise their weebshit. This was my first post btw
>>1665141 nothing special.
No. 1665357
>>1664022shitting on tiktok zoomer art is funny but let's not get carried away here kek
millenials are the catalyst of "muh style", tumblr red nose and animu shit, just doing it on deviantart and tumblr instead of tiktok and instagram. This is not a new phenomenon and most of the biggest artcows on LC were millenials. The zoomers were doomed from the start
No. 1665575
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in all fairly nonnas I love making fan animation so much, it's so demanding but I'm always so inspired after finding MAD vids from niconico douga and bilibili. The crazy amount of efforts spent into something so seemingly shitpost humor was the catalyst of my early internet exposition.
I've made approximately three videos so far, all under 90 seconds for twitter video compression. Took me a whole week to complete just one but completely worth it to sit back and watched everything moved accordingly to my storyboard.
Has anyone made their own fan animation before? How do you feel about your process?
No. 1665722
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>>1665573I personally wouldn't consider it true rotoscoping if it's not used in the final animation. But I guess you could still call it that I just don't think it's entirely accurate personally. I literally have done animation and rotoscoping before. Can we just chalk this up to a difference of opinion though?
Source: No. 1665739
File: 1692132986864.jpg (1.35 MB, 4096x3582, FZAvEtXVUAAxLj8.jpg)

>>1665299you are such a newfag, you are so completly misinformed about animation you and dead set on being right even though everyone told you making that quality of cgi/3D models is an insane waste of time. Why is it so difficult for yout to understand there are talented animators? the vast majority of onimai animators have twitte accounts where you can see their art and tell its their actual talent and not some tiktok kiddie attempt at cutting corners while being lazy. Onimai is so well animated because the animators behind it are top-notch.
No. 1665748
File: 1692133561881.webm (Spoiler Image,327.41 KB, 900x1080, 1673559746840.webm)

>>1665739also, japan is very open about their techniques, like with the chika animator who outright said it was rotoscoping. There have been artists BANNED out of the industry for rotoscoping and stealing before without making it known. I dont know why this thread sometimes seems deadset on deminishing artist's skill just because they cannot comprehend some people are capable of drawing/animating so realistically. The animators behind onimai also worked on some isekai shit prior to it which also has superb animation quality.
No. 1665808
File: 1692140823049.jpg (282.6 KB, 1295x695, ddzg8jl-fd49d5a2-e9ef-4e75-a87…)

who are some artists who draw really good faces in your opinion? preferably semi-realistic.
No. 1665811
>>1665808Even Amundsen
Tatsuyuki Tanaka
Winston young
Claire Hummel
Tonci zonjic (tozozozo)
Calum Alexander
No. 1665950
File: 1692152115708.png (290.5 KB, 650x650, example.png)

>>1665945you mean the skull, right? like this?
No. 1665957
File: 1692152725927.png (141.42 KB, 572x365, loomishead.png)

>>1665940It's the loomis, method for finding the angle of the head, Proko explains it really well in "How to draw the head from any angle" video.
No. 1665958
nonny i already read loomis, i am just a tard
No. 1666006
ah fuck tried to draw again after some weeks of hiatus and everything looks like shit. Will i ever be able to draw even faces?
>>1666000normally the part that isnt facing the camera gets sliced
No. 1666068
File: 1692165095582.png (981.37 KB, 928x698, mgong.png)

I love mgong old style and it makes me so sad she ditched it for generic painterly artwork. For me the right looks exactly like
>>1663969 it's not ugly or bad, just such a downgrade. I am so sad.
No. 1666141
>>1665078Introversion = "loses energy from interacting with people, gaining energy from being alone" while extroversion is the opposite. Art as a job SPECIFICALLY is primarily one of communication. Work is work. If you're an introvert, that makes the work of an artist extra hard. It's really not a career for true introverts, so for their mental health they're often better off making art in their free-time and doing a less mentally-taxing job to sustain themselves. A lot of people who think they're introverts actually aren't, they just, as you pointed out, antisocial, anxiety issues, etc. Those can be overcome to be an artist (especially on the internet.)
Company work just sucks though, people who want that are either naiive and don't know how stressful and unfriendly it can be or manipulative social-power-game psychos who would be cows if they were doing their bullshit online instead of in person.
>>1665156So many "professional industry artists" are so fucking bad it's unreal. Look at this garbage:>>1665160"Beyond the standard" tbh is "not starving and not bootlicking" in this case. There's nothing wrong with having art as a hobby and using it for some side money once in a while but if you're an introvert you're really not gonna be able to keep up with the networking needed to successfully stand on your own.
>>1665213If you're actually good then you can get an easy 50k a year without needing to grind a dozen OCs a week. Plus you can live in someplace cheap and peaceful instead of needing to blow money by being near a studio.
But you sound like you might just be an insect so living in a hive might suit you more, idk
>>1665266Yep 100%. A lot of people get into art-as-a-job bright eyed and hopeful and then get crushed by the amount of work it is. There is no shame in doing "art for art's sake" while having another job.
No. 1666148
File: 1692182670928.jpg (124.32 KB, 990x600, death-dealer-iii_frank-frazett…)

>>1666141> fucking way that person works professionally. Is her ''professional'' job illustrating shady mobile phone ads for cents? she also traces and its very, very obvious. Where did all the cool pro artists like frazetta went? I swear i havent seen a single
non nsfw artist on the level of pre internet era professional artists. A month or so ago they were talking about how some loli vtuber artist was some pixar artist and i couldn't believe it, her art is so fucking bad. I wonder if Disney artists still attend figure drawing classes, do they even have artists in-house that can animate in 2D? I know CN cartoon creators cant draw beyond shitty doodles, which is pathetic.
No. 1666149
People are forgetting art is really just any other job, some people will be memorable but a lot will be mediocre but get the job done kek.
>>1666141I mostly agree with what you said but watch your spacing and integrate anon. Not following introversion or extroversion but you're fucked in nearly every job that requires you to work with a team if you aren't comfortable communicating with new people. Shit gets tiring when overworked no matter what you identify your mbti as.
>>1666146technically skilled but weird application and execution.
No. 1666156
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>>1666154you cant compare me this guy who makes literal ads for shitty mobile phone games and abuses every single photoshop brush under the sun to Frazetta and not expect me to laugh in your face
No. 1666163
>>1665808Sakamoto Shinichi, especially in "the climber"
Takehiko Inoue
Naoki Urasawa, he's very good at drawing different features of different ethnicities imo
Hirohiko Araki, minus the eyes I like the way he draws faces, especially around part 7 and 8 and his standalone art pieces
No. 1666164
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>>1666161he's the only one who copies frazetta and worked for magic the gathering. It's a shame modern artists have to resort to copying popular artists instead of developing their own identity
No. 1666199
File: 1692187205751.jpg (2.28 MB, 4227x2048, 45346356362.jpg)

Recently saw yet another tracing scandal where the person sold the traced art in an artist alley. I wonder if anynona has crazy tracing and or AA stories to share. Though these bootleg would get less policed in other cons where T-shirt printers can just sell anime promo art on merch and make more money than those in AA kek.
>>1666181Is this the first time they're posting? I don't remember this obsession with le old masters from previous threads though I don't check often enough.
No. 1666207
I remember a similar argument happening a thread or two ago although about different artists but same concept.
No. 1666211
File: 1692187920926.png (1.29 MB, 1200x675, trace.png)

>>1666199my country has the craziest story of tracing
>live in cancerous populist third world shithole>national museum buys a lot of shitty animu inspired eva peron art>looks like they are made by a elementary schooler that got brain damage from sniffing too much glue and watching naruto 24/7>its actually from a ''professional'' 37yo libfem artist>turns out the vast majority are heavily traced>the original artists start comming out to call out for tracing >she gets dunk on by news, cringy online antifeminist guys, anime fans>refuses to accept she traces and says its just ''inspired'' >before closing her fb account she said>''I'm being attacked by a bunch of anime fans, who call me a plagiarist for using manga references in my paintings. Kids, the whole history of art is the representation of images that already exist, please read up on them.''>it's actualy way more condescending in spanish but there is no way to translate it verbatim No. 1666220
File: 1692188861470.png (1.04 MB, 860x637, trace3.png)

>>1666217dropped pic, there are a bazillion of these and they are all equally shit
No. 1666224
>>1666211Holy shit kek. Been noticing a pattern where the ones who would know anything about (lib) feminism are likely rich spoiled kids who are super out of touch in reality in third world countries unfortunately.
>>1666213>>1666220It would be so earnest-looking if it wasn't a 30 year old doing some money laundering shit.
No. 1666229
File: 1692189775110.png (1.62 MB, 1200x675, trace5.png)

she traced the same drawing TWICE
>>1666224its something i would make in art class in elementary school, we deserve everything bad that happens to us honestly
No. 1666230
File: 1692189972818.jpg (91.4 KB, 482x700, Evita-Ninja.jpg)

>>1666229there is also something genuinely funny about a libfem tracing animu coombait drawings
No. 1666234
>>1666148Why is it every time anons here whine about “where have all the good artists gone???” they only post moid catering fantasy artists like Frazetta and act like men who 90% of the time draw naked men and women in loincloths with their cheeks hanging out are the pinnacle of the art world. Absolute dorito dust crusted fingers opinions
>>1666213This leaves out that the art being plagiarized is fanart of My Little Pony, I think it’s supposed to be Rainbow Dash?
No. 1666239
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>>1666236>Frazetta>Not coomery You have to be baiting
No. 1666241
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>>1666239never said he wasnt coomery, just that modern artists are equally coomery but cant even do non coomer cool shit like pic rel
No. 1666288
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Everytime I started a new topic question and every of you still manage to find a way to start infightings, so what I'm getting from couple of posts
>everyone's preferred animation method is different
>everyone's preferred art style, including facial features are different. Consider geography cultural varieties, and also a matter of personal taste
>stop bitching about terminology, include your source before flexing would help shitting the thread less
No. 1666454
File: 1692210342258.jpg (399.6 KB, 1981x703, stolen character designs high …)

The discourse around High Guardian Spice was a trip. It's basically the worst cartoon ever produced, it fails on every metric from worldbuilding to writing to voice-acting to character designs (they have straight up rip-offs from Madoka and Tokyo mew Mew), to animation quality. And the lead writer was a tim and made two of the characters troon out.
(took me forever to figure out where i'd seen olive's design–it's tokyo black cat girl, a tokyo mew mew one-shot…side story?) Look how blatant it is. same hair style, same dress cut and bodice, same color scheme. it's just so fucking ugly and awful on every level and the staff threw a fit when people criticized it. the animation was stiff, poorly done, and looks like a cartoon for 7 year olds. they had 3 years and a HUGE budget and came back with this. the way the characters move is like they're neckless stiff cardboard cutouts, it's janky all over and super generic and lazy.
No. 1666495
>>1666312I think you should go to a museum sometime instead of assuming everyone only cares about artists that make trading card and videogame art. I’m not going to doubt you’re female but your taste in art and attitude are like you only browse /ic/ and read Heavy Metal storytimes on /co/
>>1666454The opening of this show also copied Azumanga Daioh. It’s creator was more or less a 2000s weeaboo that got access to an entire studio to make their dated web comics into a show (her current art is incredibly mediocre as well, draws awkward BL stuff like a teen weeb would), and they blew it while blaming how shitty it turned out to be on everyone else that was involved
No. 1666502
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>>1666495Also, I’m not sure if Raye is working on anything in animation now but they charge $150 for portraits that look like this
No. 1666563
>>1666522I think the reason is that 99% of the time those people don't actually understand why the original design is good, so when they try to recreate it all they can come up with is a cheap-looking knockoff. Just look at the HGS protagonist and Madoka- the reference is quite obvious but because HGS' creator is just your regular gendie weeb they didn't stop to think "okay, but why is Madoka's design so nice? What makes it eyecatching and original?", they just went "Madoka wears a poofy pink dress with pink hair so I'll also make a poofy pink dress with pink hair girl".
It's why I hate most modern cartoons + particularly reboots that are very obviously inspired by 90's and early 00's anime. They all look like cheap knockoffs because the team didn't stop to think what made their favourite anime/design good or why exactly their favourite anime/designs were good, they just list out the things they like and then try to make their own version without a drop of substance. It's no wonder why HGS feels like a blatant shitty "weeb tries to make their own anime".
No. 1666565
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>>1666522Ostensibly, simple designs facilitate easier fluid animation… but the animation is stiff and amateur. The characters just do not move or bend, no cool flashy animation and perspectives like you can see in
Trigger anime, no complex fight choreography like samurai champloo; most of it is just people standing around talking. I think part of the issue is the heads are too big and bodies bloated and fat, you can especially see it in the adults, the proportions are excessively cartoony and stunted. Thick bodies work for Bee and Puppycat because that isnt' focusing on dynamic animation, but rather aesthetic style. HGS doesn't have aesthetics, it's exceedingly generic and plain to the point it's a slice of untoasted white bread. They attend ripoff-Hogwards in generic fantasy world with magic involving wands, staffs, and runes. No creativity. BaPC is like dreamwave lofi fairytale and digital glitter. What is HGS? No direction.
Take ATLA. You can tell which episode a still came from by the color direction alone. The ep with Jeong Jeong had a lot of yellows, the first 2 eps in the southern water tribe when he meets Katara have this sailor moon pastels scheme, boiling rock uses dark gritty colors, the Jet episode had reds. it makes for a dream-like vibe. HGS…didn't do this. It all looks the same all the time, the art direction is lackluster. So why are the character designs so simplistic? What did they do with that flexibility?
It's lazy and mediocre in every facet, like no one enjoyed working on it and they didn't want to be there. They just didn't give a shit. And they had a huge budget. Princess Tutu and Utena had shoestring budgets and look fabulous because of thoughtful direction. HGS looks like a breakfast cereal advertisement.
No. 1666587
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Tranny kissasses ruining every anime in existed with their weird HC why does kakyoin have to be a tranny? Just Cus he was a LITTLE skinny compared to the other stardust crusaders?
No. 1666595
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>>1666587I mean, the artist views Jotaro as mtf too, just more masculine. But whenever a fanartist develops headcanons and designs like that instead of making an OC I have to wonder why. I guess it takes away most of the work of writing a personality and backstory and posting online will net you more followers than simply posting your OCs, but I don't understand why anyone would insist that these new versions are the same characters as in the source
No. 1666614
>>1666595Fr Jotaro was not safe lmfao
When I first saw it I thought these were of characters but I read the comments and it was jojo
It sucks because I liked their style and animations
No. 1666772
File: 1692232185075.png (198.18 KB, 598x1058, VA-industry-narcissism.png) vivzie has to do is not be retarded! she already won and got her dream projects, there's no need to try to clout farm like that
>>1666148>Where did all the cool pro artists like frazetta went?Gatekept out by narcissistic sociopaths taking over the industry, then hiring less-smart narcissistic sociopaths who won't threaten them
>>1666150>what do you gain from justifying mediocrity?It's a wagon-circling technique.
>>1666189>it's just really a cop out to justify lazy artiststrue
>>1666195>i hope you are actually dumb industry drones and not defending fucking corporate slop for freeA lot of people are practicing for their hopeful job where they eat the anus of a harvey weinstein lookalike in the hopes of securing a greenlight. I want to say only metaphorically but really you can't be sure anymore
>>1666312real. I only know rutkowski by name because of him and his orbiter-friends flipping out over AI
>>1666328>nmemorable renderer artist #903 makes mediocre work like that because her stability to submit competent artworks on time and sort her folders properly is actually her best strength in a tight deadlineThe portfolios of thos people are full of trash that only advertises "I'm cheap and desperate" because they don't work on their skills in their own time, which makes the problem worse
No. 1666807
>>1666587Most of the “hate” she gets isn’t even hate, it’s literally other troons and TRAs going “Feminine transboiz are
valid but why not just make an OC? (ur
valid btw!!)” or “I’m sorry, but this looks like regular m/f. (ur
valid btw!!)”
No. 1666956
>>1666816same here, seems like just a few anons getting their ego bruised and somehow need to retaliate "industry bad" vs "indie bad" or vice versa. Almost feels like reading my shitty local artist community drama while in reality every of them cant figure out how to negotiate their contracts. I'm just embarrassed reading these.
>>1666502Are you the same anon that posted about some furry colored art was too high for 70 dollars or something. Are you just posting these to cope because no one bought your commissions
I'm the same anon asked a few threads back about 2023 is bad year for commission artists, I've been doing this for living and this is a normal price.
No. 1666970
>>1666355>I dont believe in "muh time" excuses, they have all the shortcuts available yet still produce garbage. Also again you are pretending as if older artists didnt have to work on a tight schedule and with even heavier limitations. Artists nowadays have it easier than ever, you dont even need a studio anymore. So there is no excuse to make worse art than 40 years ago.100%
But what got us to this bleak point is that art is no longer something you go to school for or get a mentored into. For the past decade or so, young artists have been learning off youtube and pinterest tutorials and 99% of them know jack shit outside of what Jazza, Proko, or some doughfaced cottagecore influencer tells them. I died when I saw a reddit post asking if Blick is a reputable place to buy art supplies from. Unbelievable…
Despite all the bleating that digital art iS jUst as gOoD AS TRaDiTioNal aRt, it will forever be the most low-effort medium, and is responsible for the plethora generic garbage online and rise of AI imagery. At least with traditional art, artists had to make a very conscious effort to create trash.
No. 1666974
File: 1692243391760.png (177.4 KB, 605x635, FEBUTZBVEAEiDxW.png)

>>1666816Start it yourself. Otherwise it's gonna be this blind dumbass leading the other blind idiot because they don't accept reality from someone working under an art job kek (or any art tangential job). I genuinely pray for them to have better literacy! Overnight, hopefully.
No. 1667015
File: 1692244146354.jpg (194.63 KB, 2048x1769, 20230817_115052.jpg)

>>1666587The gendie thing is weird but it doesn't really need a reason why to happen. Pic rel just blorbofied Jesse and Ash's mom. Its a shame because I like that person's style.
No. 1667020
File: 1692244188874.png (2.03 MB, 2559x1440, thundercats rawr xD.png)

>>1666974ofcourse a wojak poster is fucking retarded. Cartoons nowadays arent even animated in-house anymore. All the fat ass troons who work in modern cartoons have to do is make some shitty scribbles for storyboards then send them over to the korean sweatshop to be animated by actual artists. Also, for someone calling others out for ''illiteracy'' your shitty wojak meme doesn't even make sense, people complain that the designs look all the same and ugly, not the animation. Such a bunch of whiny babies working in LA thinking they are exploited because their bosses tell them to stop posting hot takes on twitter to actually finish stryboarding the extremely simplistic blob cartoon.
No. 1667024
File: 1692244256868.jpg (100.09 KB, 720x501, Screenshot_20230817-115310.jpg)

>>1667015I meant to add she writes an ongoing series of small comics about them with wide reach
No. 1667053
>>1667020Bestie, here, at least insult me accurately because you keep misinterpreting and inserting meaning where there's none. I posted the wojak meme you're so mad about because it encapsulates the situation. I didn't make it. Another thing it's interesting you think said sweatshop or animators can't complain about the exact same thing. And you're so murrica centric you forget lc posters can be from other parts of the country. I'm from a a third world country where animation studios are not a lot. And as you say the most profitable work is the ones outsourced from countries (hopefully with money) I don't work under a strict animation studio but had to wear many hats including animation and have worked closely with those who left the industry.
No. 1667063
File: 1692245177556.jpg (215.58 KB, 1247x1580, aniwagee.JPG)

>>1667020>Such a bunch of whiny babies working in LA thinking they are exploited because their bosses tell them to stop posting hot takes on twitter to actually finish stryboarding the extremely simplistic blob cartoon.nta but hearing them whine online is annoying when even as trainees they get paid better than most americans ever will.
No. 1667066
File: 1692245195591.png (397.29 KB, 513x720, morden storyboarders vs 80s st…)

>omg the poor exploited modern western animators who have to work 5 hours drawing the simplistic blob going from point a to point b on computers, with stabilization and ctrl z and with a retard that tells them not to worry about following reference sheets ''because its their style uwu''
>vs the western storyboard from the 80s who has to work in paper, with crazy christian and corporation restrictions to the point if they accidentally fuck up the reference they still have to stick to it untils its fixed and approved and THEN they have to re do it
yeah no, go have a pity party somewhere else. Working in the industry nowadays it's an extremely privileged job, you are getting paid to make art so at least make something good. You have no excuses, fucking toy commercials from the 80s have better designs than modern cartoons.
No. 1667108
>>1667097i seriousy doubt time was a problem for
>>1666156otherwise why would you waste time rendering every single one of his chest hairs instead of making a better composition with more interesting colors
No. 1667178
File: 1692247004585.jpg (144.23 KB, 512x512, 1682125817920496.jpg)

stop playing the victim. storyboarders in the 80s also didnt choose to work on shit but they made a better job, whats your excuse? this thread is filled with industry drones who feel entitled to be pitied and patted on the back for doing something that has been done better before in worse conditions. No one envies industry artists, the vast majority of artists see industry hacks as rich kids who payed to learn the same shit teenage self taught artists learn with youtube and to get connections. The state of the industry is dire, with heavily untalented artists who cant draw for shit yet complain when normal people with 2 working eyes dont want to see their ugly scribbles. It's like feeling jealous of sakimichan making 10k drawing coom.
No. 1667371
File: 1692250840464.jpg (126.68 KB, 1004x720, ThuviaMaid_of_Mars.jpg)

i was obviously refeering to his professional art. You are so desperate to win an internet fight you went on to find his weird black porn he drew on his personal time to try to ''own'' me. You are so fucking pathetic. The modern uwu poow baby cinnamon roll concept artist with ''super tight schedule'' nowadays draws way worse shit and they are shameless enough to post it on the internet. I already gave you the example of the yordle lol artist who draws yordle futanari in the same style as his lol splashcards and there was also a valorant artist that i think was posted ITT before that had a baraag account, oh and the rat vtuber pedo loli who works for pixar and draws lolishit.
No. 1667376
File: 1692251139127.jpg (296.9 KB, 888x1050, 1658691657120141.jpg)

>>1667373yeah i miss old school fantasy a lot and i hate troons, hacks, lol and artstation for ruining it. His inked works were fantastic too.
No. 1667382
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>>1667374Nvm it's sokol my bad this was the artist I was thinking of
No. 1667395
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>>1667393how is this not vanilla? you literally see worse things on tiktok. Or are you still hyperfocused on his personal drawings he did for himself and are comparing it to the shit gross coomers nowadays post online for everyone to see?
No. 1667405
File: 1692253388982.png (205.96 KB, 980x980, emoji-showing-fatigue-discoura…)

>she's developed coombrained from underaged exposure to 4moids.
No. 1667419
>>1667418>muh bikini armorWe're talking about the racist BBC shit here:
>>1667342Try again
(infighting) No. 1667441
>>1667260Happened many times to me before. Here's some tips: Whether it's communicating about payment deadline or a response from client after you've turned in your sketches or completed work,
give them a deadline to respond back to you.
Clients are busy people too, although it's also a good discipline to be transparent about your wait-time boundaries. Is there any extra step you need to do after turning in your commission? If so, state it in your terms of service next time.
No. 1667443
>>1665275I think rotoscoping looks really bad and out of place if the whole thing isn't rotoscoped. Too heavily referencing from sequences of movement from 3D or real life looks bad too if it's out of place with the rest. And it's a faulty approach in any case because it limits the unique freedom of 2D animation. Skilled less is more is way better than putting the labour into something that is closer to copying to awkwardly transplant a different medium. Also makes a lot of work for very little gain, instead of putting resources elsewhere.
MAPPA or whoever makes these decisions keeps mixing random rotoscoped scenes in anime like attack on titan and vinland saga, and it always looks awful and actually cringeworthy.
No. 1667464
File: 1692260243382.jpg (173.15 KB, 1000x1451, 1690649170138.jpg)

It is very obvious that the frazetta defender is a troll((most likely a moid/troon). While I can acknowledge that he was skilled, I always assumed he was some type of early porn addict who most likely referenced his images from porn magazines. They are correct in their assumption that artists in the past were far more skilled than modern artists(mostly cause anyone had to learn to draw still to life to even be considered an artist back then). Even gag artists like Rose O'Neill were better at drawing than anyone in the industry today.
No. 1667465
>>1667464I think comparing these illustrators to animation artists is a moot point personally.
I can't figure if they're a troll or just very dedicated
No. 1667466
File: 1692260533278.jpg (421.34 KB, 1381x2007, 66b49b937b2c603b34f29e4ac51b41…)

>>1667464>you cant like frazetta unless you are a moid/troonshut the fuck up already, i love fantasy and he's just the most popular one and because he inspired pretty much all fantasy artists that came after him. I am right that biki armor shit is super tame in comparisson that the shit we get now. AT least frazetta drew both half naked women and men, most artstation concept art shit still has naked kawiwi women in latex suits but the men are all covered up, i will take frazetta over that any day.
(ok but please stop infighting) No. 1667476
>>1667469Because I didn't want to continue this. I have no idea what that animation is but a lot of 80s shit was super limited with not a lot of drawings in the boards and animation. I know people who worked in the 80s and view it as a dark time for animation, filmation would pump out cheap shit to sell toys… They were viewed as a joke then. my point is things haven't really changed just trends and tech. Why not compare it to an action cartoon which takes a lot more skill to story board over something like SU.
I'm not a storyboarder but a lot of storyboarders have to essentially animate whole sequences now when making animatics compared to just drawing some panels and passing it over. There will always be good and bad artists and yes some people who aren't very good get in but to say everyone can't draw is just not true and ignorant.
I really have no interest in continuing this.
No. 1667502
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>>1667466please stop, I can acknowledge he was skilled but many early illustrators had a similar level of expertise, he just found a niche with fantasy and that's fine, I would love if majority of illustrations were up to this standards(especially with modern book covers)
I love the art for 59's-80;s novels, picrel is one of my favourites, F
No. 1667521
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>>1667507isn't it the opposite for asian coomers, they usually have a white guy be the "bull" in their weird cuck fantasies.
No. 1667540
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>>1667521>isn't it the opposite for asian coomers, they usually have a white guy be the "bull"Now that I think about it, I have honestly never seen that until your pic. I’d tell you to search netorare on hentai sites or danbooru or even pixiv, but spare yourself the degeneracy. Just know loads of this stuff exists, even more than you can imagine
No. 1667553
>>1667544>That's literally what the website is there forThen the block and mute button is for people who just want to curate their twitter experience to not be overwhelming? Remember that not just twitter, but every social media out there is trying to force casual artists and "influencer" artists into the same space, and nobody likes it, especially when it comes to fan artists who just want to share their works in their immediate circle.
Again, not everyone is going to cater to your social media habit, if it bothers you so much that artists want to gatekeep their arts: learn to integrate. I'm just assuming that you're just young or not friends with any asian artist personally. I hope you can take from my perspective to perhaps, be a little bit compassionate to another artist, nonna.
No. 1667617
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>>1667597So what would you describe this style as?
>Are you looking for more realism or something?Yes, and definitely without the bestiality-lite shit.
No. 1667623
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>>1667598the artist is a moid and his art is terrible
No. 1667630
>>1665575I'm so happy to hear that you're having fun animating! You're right, seeing everything all put together is so satisfying.
I'm still learning and working out what's comfortable, I find I get better movement when I'm working straight ahead vs pose to pose, but I've heard the best way is to combine or alternate between the techniques, especially when working on something that has certain timing like syncing to music. It's easy to get too ahead of myself and get overwhelmed, I just want to animate my shitposts already!
Have you noticed any improvements after making certain changes in your process?
No. 1667654
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>>1667592There is an insane demand for it right now. Fujos are now seen as cringe and the most basic princess x knight (but a woman!) will get thousands of likes and memes like this are everywhere. I also see a lot of talk about bending het or gay ships to be lesbian, the general consensus online seems to be that people are tired of looking at men all the time. But you shouldn't let the shit you see online discourage you unless someone directly says that you need to draw something a certain way, and even then you should just get mad and block them instead of giving in.
No. 1667734
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>>1666956>seems like just a few anons getting their ego bruised and somehow need to retaliateI just don't want people to fall into the trap of thinking that "getting into the industry" is going to make their life better and/or validate them as an artist. It's the same reason I'd encourage people interested in art education to find atelier to learn from instead of getting an art degree.
>>1666970>Middle school art classes are just a time waster, to give kids some familiarity with making things because shop classes got torched. "Guided Recess">High school art classes are electives focused on portfolio-building, because they're geared towards the fact it's picked by kids who already have skills and to discourage picking it for an easy A>postsecondary art education requires you have skills to even get in, so it's focused on refinement, networking, and "assisting with transition into the industry" for the people to realize that's what it's forpicrel to both
>>1667097I criticized actual-scam mobile games and the artists working for them because nobody should expect those kinds of studios to actually care about retaining an artist (some are already swapping to AI because they want loose-wallet idiots to blow money on them!) Additionally, by directly working for them an artist is actively assisting in making the world a worse place. It's only a few steps removed from being the person who keeps a phone scammer's equipment tuned up.
No. 1667760
>>1667648none of them draw "semi-realistically". not sure why me saying this making you so salty, lol. but it really is all simplified anime-influenced work at best.
>Don't know what bestiality you're talking about thoughuh, all the werewolf strapon and furry shit the artists you shared post/rt to their twitter accounts? not to mention one of them rt a bunch of bara and male coom shit.
>I don't like realism, maybe someone else can help you if you're too inept to find anything yourself.yeah, clearly i made a mistake asking a coombrain for anything that isn't degenerate anime shit. carry on.
No. 1667780
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>>1667688>ricecelscan just say asian moids or incels next time anon
No. 1667782
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>>1667753This book, from 2001
No. 1667828
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Are these any good? (Faber Castell polychromos)