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No. 1602910
Reddit, the hugbox for libertarian snowflakes, troons, suburban white dudes who think they are oppressed because women won’t suck their dicks, and a variety of other losers suffering from unmitigated autism.
Previous thread
>>>/ot/1507070 No. 1602913
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It's amazing how she makes a post about her moid making her uncomfortable, then gets defensive over the same moid in her replies. girl get out of there.
No. 1603233
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why are males’ responses always gotta be sexual? it’s so tiring
No. 1603506
>>1602913The comments saying she should talk about it with him are annoying me, because…what will communication fix? He literally told her what's up, and they're just teaching her how to cope, play dumb and waste her own time.
>B-But it's edgy humor!!!Does he joke about being gay and letting random men fuck him in the ass? Wearing diapers? Being inbred? These are all taboo topics, but he probably avoids those. Why that, but not this? Occam's razor. I swear the women on Reddit are crabs in a bucket.
No. 1603585
>>1603553>It's literally fake. If it was a real woman, she'd alert the mother that her son is planning on raping the girls. I wish this were true. I know many women so deeply insecure and obsessed with moid attention that they decide to "compete" with little girls instead.
I put compete under quotation marks because young girls aren't really competing and are
victims of predator moids but deranged pickmes see it as competition.
No. 1604691
I ask myself, why do you still browse that pedo-tranny-groomer central? There are better alternatives, even covering niche topics. I bet you got lured in by the member count, hoping for a good discussion, but these numbers are fake. I don't know what % is bots, but it exceeds 60% for sure. For example, no fucking way you'd get only 123 people online from a 21.8K member count or only 322 people online from 556K followers (VNs are very niche).
My example are these sub:
>> No. 1604739
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>>1604717Sorry you had to see that nona ♥
No. 1605425
>>1605415It's going to result in nothing.
Reminds me of how Twitterfags impotently protested and proclaimed they are leaving the platform recently and nothing came of that either
Reddit and Twitter have much more power over their users than the users have over the platforms. The platforms know it.
No. 1605644
>>1605607Redditors trying to feel like they're taking part in something important. Reddit would charge fees for third-party apps to make data requests, so the most popular reddit viewer apps are shutting down.
This is such an important issue that half the site has gone private in protest.
No. 1605758
>>1602913This is
triggering AF because I'm a dependent doormat in relationships and this is the exact kind of thing I'd jump through hoops to cope. Good lord, sometimes if there was no feasible way to justify it I'd just tell myself to forget about it. Reddit is horrible in aiding the gaslighting of insecure, low self esteem women. I think 2 X Chromosomes is generally lighly hateful towards men though. Also kek at the subreddit name, they'd never get away with it now. I did see a pro trans sticky, they must have had a lot of "what about men" complaints.
No. 1605782
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>>1605607>>1605644It's actually people (a lot of them mods) being mad about the API increase and with that killing 3rd party apps, because a lot of mods use the 3rd party apps to mod their subreddits and the official app is useless and awful, they (the reddit official app) aren't giving mods the tools they need, the increase is huge and they gave the developers of 3rd party apps only a month to decide what they are doing - pay millions of dollars on a monthly basis or disappearing from the market. There was some slander (from reddit) or something like that against the developer of Apollo or some app like this - reddit claimed the developer was threatening them, wich was just a misunderstanding, which they confirmed - this guy is from Canada so he legally could and did record every single conversation. Reddit claims they want to work with the developers of the 3rd party apps say they haven't been answered at all, it's a shit show. There was a AMA with u/spez who is the ceo and he answered only a few answers and they were copy/pasted kek
Oh and they aren't going to show nsfw on 3rd party apps, I'm pretty sure that got a lot of people mad too kek and not official apps don't have adds, but reddit wants to show you adds so I'm sure this is a big motivation for reddit - I'm sure there are other reasons too, but i think those are the biggest ones, so mods from a lot of subreddits are putting their subreddits on private, some for two days, some indefinitely to protest the changes and screenshot from the lifesrtream
No. 1605938
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the state of men.
No. 1605993
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No. 1606001
>>1605989It's like how in a lot of old art men who had no experience with women painted women with weird innacurate bodies.
Women couldn't be scientists or anything for most of history, it was men making guesses. There's so much study on their piss rods because it's attached to their own bodies.
No. 1606007
>>1605993Lmao then by all accounts she should have left him when she found out he was cheating on her by fantasizing it to real porn actresses instead of fake text on a screen made by a robot.
Reminds me of my BPD ex who threw a mantrum and destroyed my clit vibrator to call it "cheating" meanwhile before I caught him jerking it in the bathroom to fucking porn.
They CANNOT handle it. They never want a taste of the fucking rejection they make others feel.
No. 1606036
>>1605649porn makers/defenders, including women, all say that "teen" refers to someone's "body type" and doesn't actually mean a teenager
fucking disgusting cope
No. 1606225
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“erm……..we are NOT going to stop blowing elementary schoolers heads off until there is a miserable trafficked woman for me to readily fuck and abuse on every street corner”
No. 1606231
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Then everyone clapped.
No. 1606272
>>1606225Im glad there's at least studies into it. I think when a public crime like a mass shooting happens the public is entitled to know motive and background of shooters. The public should be allowed to know of any information that could help them make a decision later on that could potentially save them.
There is a clear societal and psychological issue happening. It cannot be coincidences that so many angry man take up arms and commit domestic terrorist acts. That's what they are. They're fucking terrorists. They are never some good guy or hero fighting injustice, they are sad pathetic individuals with massive chips on their shoulders.
No. 1606304
>>1606227There are so many infuriating things about this shit but leaving aside the obvious (that they want a subclass of women who exist to absorb male violence and depravity for everyone else's benefit), do these retards really think a fucking MASS MURDERER cares about the legality of prostitution, and that's the only thing stopping them paying for sex? They go on about it being the ~worlds oldest profession~ (it's not) but somehow don't realize that the availability of hookers does not, and has never, stopped men from being violent and entitled.
These posters only have themselves in mind - they wish they could buy sex freely and without concern for legality or stigma, and the threat of shooters is a convenient way to pressure women into it.
No. 1606325
>>1606279100% what they are. Will forever be ironic the US prided itself on being the global police to fight terrorism when their home states have so many domestic terrorists active and committing atrocities but it's not reported like that. Why doesn't another country take it upon itself to liberate America from its failing government?
No let's just pretend it's all isolated fringe incidents that follow no pattern or motives
No. 1606709
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From a thread about third party apps being kill.
Of course this moid and many others in his replies would do anything to not spend time with his own children. And of course it's always the mother who has to take care of them. Useless rotten cum dispenser moids, just think about the poor woman who had sex with him and he would rather mindlessly scroll plebbit instead of caring about what he took part in creating.
I don't think reddit is doubling down on this decision and I don't think the protests would do anything to make the users leave, reddit is nice for reading people's personal experiences with some niche things and it probably will stay that way due to there being no viable alternatives for exactly that (most forums are dead/overmoderated (not saying plebbit isn't, but it's one of the reasons why forums die)/in different languages/difficult to register/etc)
No. 1606761
>>1606354ayrt i use reddit on a computer and all those things you mentioned work fine
granted i'm only subbed to meme pages and flork of cows so don't see too many videos
No. 1606763
>>1606517idgi because there are many ugly, lonely, unfuckable women who are involuntarily celibate.
or even just lesbians. i didn't have sex til age 21 because i never met another lesbian. it's possible to be a woman who can't even find a random gross man to have sex with if you don't live in a major city. how come none of these women need porn and hookers and to abuse women? why can't male incels just be normal like femal incels
No. 1606825
>>1606768Are you stupid or is this bait? Mods can be ass but especially in the biggest subs they make sure people don't post gore or worse. Kinda like here.
Also earlier measures have already stopped the automatic archival of threads meaning that it's harder to get the deets on degens and those that reddit mods themselves try to hide.
No. 1607555
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>>1606719its a bit more annoying when the mods powertrip and makes the subreddit go dark indefinitely. i go to a city's subreddit every once in a while to see if there's anything that will affect me personally but the trannies in charge have made it private and direct users to their discord instead. talk about taking your ball and going home. whatever, someone will make r/city_subreddit2 eventually.
No. 1607663
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On a post on r/tinder about a woman wanting a man taller than 5’11 (among other ‘demands’)
Why are men so fucking insane? Jesus Christ.
No. 1607751
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>ugly tattoo>dudes in the thread gleefully jump at the chance to screech about how much (white) women suck>tattoo owner is shown to be black>crickets No. 1607806
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I could stomach about 5 mins of scrolling through this and 99% of the answers were “high body count” (which, how would moids even know unless the woman told them?), “feminism” (no I’m not kidding, a lot of the comments just said feminism), “whales” (predictable) and “knowing they’re a 10/10” (aka, feeling confident). Also something I noticed, there were no women in the comments acting pissy and replying to every comment with vitriol like men would if this question was reversed.
No. 1607908
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>>1607806i went and looked in one of the threads for the reverse question and it's pretty much like you said:
>almost no answers because women avoid all but a few subreddits these days>the few answers from women are reasonable and obvious things that make otherwise attractive people unlikable>scrotes arguing with those reasonable and obvious answers>scrotes just going ahead and openly answering for women, as men No. 1608018
>>1607917Damn, you just reminded me of trannies taking over the sub for tall women years ago. It was cozy and small and simply tall women talking about shared experiences, struggles, and pants until one day trannies started popping up out of nowhere. Like bro you CHOSE to be a 6’3” “woman” don’t tell the 5’11” actual woman who grew up as a tall girl she has it so much easier than you and how OMG why are the only heels in man sizes made by fetish brands???
Somehow that whole situation felt worse than the GC sub simply being nuked.
No. 1608174
>>1607663>>1607670yeah sorry, if you say "how tall are you", hes allowed to ask how much you weigh.
litrally i have never thought about height once in interacting with men for dating purposes. it's such a random thing to care about, like skin colour or some shit
No. 1608189
>>1608174NTA but I kinda disagree because height is the same in everyone but a 145 pound woman can either be overweight or thin and fit depending on her body type and height. I only used a dating app once and met one man (idk I usually date women. we wound up being friends for a few years) and felt the need to warn him that I’m 5’11 before meeting. I don’t personally care about anyone else’s height but I hate when people are weird towards me about being tall. I live on the US/MX border so 5’11 is very tall here. While I don’t care about a potential partners height, my mother and eldest sister are both 5’10 and would never date a man shorter than them because they both think they’d feel big and unfeminine and I can empathize with that because I always feel big and manly.
How someone treats me and others is so much more important than looks that I don’t really care about appearance but I accept that most people have physical preferences (sometimes even requirements) that I don’t relate to.
No. 1608223
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Decide to put this in here instead of the troon threads because the whole thing is so Reddit-ified
>obvious thing that never happened
>angry stereotypical boomer fox News character
>and then everybody clapped.jpg
No. 1608224
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No. 1608230
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>>1608223This is him btw for anyone curious.
No. 1608384
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i just learned what the ceo looks like.
No. 1608853
>>1607908Is it seriously that hard for them to not watch porn and flirt with every girl that exists in their vicinity? Life on easy mode. I'd kill to be a straight man especially considering how many women nowadays will happily splurge their life savings and financially support porn addicted moids all while they also have to do all housework too. It seems like the easier the have it the bigger of a
victim men are convinced they wre
No. 1609158
>>1607663Welp, before reading this I
didn't judge men for their height, but if a lot of them think like this, then I'm gonna start doing it. Ridiculous how men expect a woman to be employed full time, be a "natural ten," do all the housework, bear his children, weigh less than 130 pounds at all times, and never age. Yet the second a woman shows a preference for men taller than themselves, they flip the fuck out. I'd be willing to bet money that the girl who posted about wanting 5'11 guys was probably 5'8" or 5'9" and just wanted a guy taller than her in heels. It's a super common, perfectly reasonable thing. My brother is 6'4" and he married a woman who was 5'10".
No. 1609679
>>1608189ayrt kek i'm 5'10" and have never felt big or manly
i'd turn down an ugly guy but if an attractive person is shorter than me idc
No. 1609769
>>1609158The height obsession is such a meme. I've met one woman in my entire life who only wanted tall guys, and every short guy I know never had an issue finding a girlfriend
As far as dating apps go it's usually because the male to female ratio is way off (mostly due to cheating moids who are married using the app) and its overwhelming to match with and talk to hundreds of people at once (while they still want us to respond to them timely?) Of course women have the right to be superficial or picky. Of course the solution would be is to stop hook up culture, ban men in relationships already, and men should start swiping on women they actually like instead of everything they can stick their dick in. of course that will never happen because then they can't just use women for power trips and shitty sex
No. 1610625
>>1609769I've dated two manlets and they are so angry, I couldn't do it again. They usually have a huge insecurity even if they try to hide it at first. I'm European, not American. The difference in confidence between a normal tall guy and a short one is crazy. Men are also weirdly proportioned and have really long torso and short legs, when you have a short guy, he has proportions like a kid and it's ugly as hell. Average male height here is 180 cm and honestly shorter than 175 look weird because of their short legs. Women are kinda tall here too, average is 168 cm, so there isn't a
huge size difference though.
No. 1611252
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presented without comment
No. 1611562
>>1611252>look as close to a child as possible>wow so hotmoids
on another note moids didn't give a single shit about jenna when she was styled for her age until she became a high schooler in a show. Same for Sydney Sweeney and others, not to mention how quickly they lost interest as soon as she started playing a character closer to her actual age. moids think all women in hollywood are ugly until they are able to play a child in an show
No. 1611952
>>1605993Kek, based queen. She should have broken up with him but I loved seeing a moid getting a taste of his own medicine.
>markipliershame on her choice of husbandos though…
No. 1612024
>>1611982One of my favourite gaming subs is closed. It kept me away from braindead discourse and I felt happy for a bit.
>>1611965I hate how the braindead subs are the ones still open (eg antiwork), even though you’d expect them to keep protesting.
No. 1612231
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Kek. LMAO, even.
No. 1612362
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>is this a deal breaker?
women on reddit are something else
No. 1612565
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No. 1612571
>>1612565Why would anyone play diablo when path of exile exists
Her husband is an alcoholic with bad taste to boot
No. 1613618
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No. 1613747
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five THOUSAND dollars on avatars??
No. 1613847
>>1612806>>1612362Why are men so obsessed with gaslighting other men's GFs for them? I mean, it's one thing and practically expected from an
abusive partner to gaslight, but they're so obsessed with making women miserable they will do everything in their power to keep women in a relationship they know is bad
No. 1613855
>>1613831It really depends. The issue with a lot of these is that it's often a young girl with a bad home life and a much older guy. Most young girls can't just up and go home or fully support themselves alone without putting themselves in potentially dangerous situations (roommates, room renting, etc)
It's also weird that when a couple is sharing everything 50/50, they automatically expect the woman to up, move everything and leave when in reality she should be kicking out her crappy man since men typically have better support systems/friends and family who will let them mooch when most women don't have that
No. 1613937
>>1613747What a fucking consoomer. Although reddit will ban anyone who goes away with big think. I called out troons for having a nasty attitude towards actual women (ofc using all the PC terms) and they were so determined to ban me that they not only banned my profile or any other profile made but also started banning my husband and sisters profile for being in the same area (not even using WiFi). If you come to my apartment and use my wifi at anytime while having a reddit you will immediately be banned
All of this and somehow they can't figure out how to keep pedos off of here
No. 1614026
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is this typical for straight relationships? is it just two people constantly disagreeing and one or both choosing to be petty and immature about it? why not make the eggs the way you like it, then for her, make them the way she likes it?? i don't even care for relationships but if one of my friends told me how they like something cooked and i didn't like it that way, i'd cook their portion how they like it and my portion how they like it. is that not basic human respect
No. 1614041
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Accurate mini choice for trans representation lmao
No. 1614279
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Nonnies, don’t you miss the good old days when going to the gym meant avoiding outwardly predatory men while the rest leered and ogled you with other random moids bc wholesome male friendship?
No. 1614417
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Is he just trying to be edgy or is it because of fucking Diablo?
I don't care if his aunt is religious, she's correct.
No. 1614610
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>>1614609But don't you DARE to misgender crazy powermod no one likes!
No. 1614613
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>>1614609And what broke the reddits back
No. 1614684
>>1614679samefag as
>>1614682 but I agree with you, it's not a great name to burden someone with for life because it sounds like some emo or trans reddit name
No. 1614775
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>>1614417Lilith is a cool name honestly
>>1614723I know a woman who named her son Itachi KEK
No. 1614937
>>1612362>women on reddit are something elseWait till you see women outside of reddit, they’re the same or even worse(
>>1613847You know why, but it’s so chilling this solidarity they have about putting women in their place.. It’s the way they see things like not fucking men left and right = fine, good woman, but god forbid you mention being celibate, not wanting kids, female leaning bisexual, dressing “modestly” on principle, lesbian etc, they take it as a personal attack every single time. They’re like a hive mind working together towards the goal of making women completely subservient. So disturbing.
No. 1614949
>>1605993this is hilarious to me because i am in the exact same situation
No. 1615052
>>1613831More women need to be leaving their partners including women using this website. The amount of shit straight women force themselves to endure for the sake of sunken cost is horrible. I don't care if you have been together 10 years, do you want to deal with his bullshit 10 more years? Women need to realise how disposable relationships are.
No. 1615095
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>>1614417Everyone in this situation is retarded. Lilith is a cringey, dated name, but the aunt is completely overreacting. Also "Lily Marie" is a shit name, too.
>>1614437Anon, there are so, so many better feminist figures you could name a kid after. Lilith is a fictional character whose name is associated almost exclusively with trannies and goth teenagers. If you want a biblical name, how about Judith, who fucking decapitated a general when her cowardly countrymen wouldn't act? (Yes I know Judith Butler exists, but she can go fuck herself and is barely relevant anyway.)
No. 1615179
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>>1615095i won't let men have lilith and neither should you
No. 1615254
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Update on awkwardtheturtle
No. 1615414
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>>1614417The aunt is right.
I honestly think that naming your child after a character from a piece of modern media is quite empty or vain I guess. Maybe in 50 years Katniss will stop being considered a cringe name, but when a name is a bit too “unique” it makes people question the person and their family a lot.
>inb4 live a littleNames are important, how many Aydens are doctors or in positions of power? I haven’t seen the first unironically named Superman or Usnavy being a president of a company.
And that’s not even bringing up the fact that Lilith is indeed a name used for succubi characters and demons, being a little girl, looking up your name on the internet and finding pic related sounds depressing.
No. 1615421
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look at this scrote putting his undergraduate degree as flair in the science subreddit. bro all you did was read textbooks and color in bubble sheets, you're not a scientist kekkkkkk
No. 1615436
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>>1615414>>1615400>>1615368by that logic every biblical name is scrotey, and every name with any religious association at all is scrotey, which is like 30% of all names. if lilith is too scandelous for a child to google then so is almost ever name previously owned by a cartoon character because of the risk of rule 34 cancer, so literally every name available in the top 10000 list of first names would be too risky to expose your child too. you'll have to name your child some shit like myrtle and even then they're going to find moaning myrtle toilet porn fanfiction so what the fuck is the point of being anal retentive about naming conventions? its not like they're naming they're daughter crystal mercedes meth, its the origin of the name lily. absolutely fucking hysterical pearl clootchers. im in disbelief some faggot will call a baby a future nlog for being named after a character men designed just to hate, as if either women had any choice in the matter. quintessential nlog behavior on display right here
No. 1615444
>>1615436Just naming a child after some flower, maybe a place, region, state or country, is enough, hell, colors too, or popular names that won’t bring up weird shit on google images like the picture of a sexy demon. If you look up Lily, all you find is pretty flowers, when you look up Mary, it’s pretty pictures of the Virgin Mary.
Sadly, people should make sure that the kids aren’t going directly to rule 34 the moment they grab a computer, and sometimes it starts with their names, because in the end that’s probably the first thing they will type on google.
No. 1615473
>>1615436>by that logic every biblical name is scrotey, and every name with any religious association at all is scroteyDo you have some argument as to how they're not?
>crystal mercedes methMercedes is a Spanish female given name, derived from María de las Mercedes ("Our Lady of Mercy" or "Mary of Mercies"), which is one of the Roman Catholic titles of the Virgin Mary, according to wikipedia. Interesting that you've used it as an example of a trashy name kek
No. 1615568
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>>1615414It's not even necessarily related to Diablo, fucking Sims 2 character was named Lilith (the game is from 2004). Most of you are actually pearl clutching.
No. 1615740
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>>1615368>>1615400>>1615710I hate this has had to be stated multiple times in this thread, but Lilith was never in the Bible, she's from a Midrashic text that was written centuries after Christianity had already been established, she was literally never mentioned even by the misogynistic theologians cause she never existed, her theological status was only in certain Jewish communities, all the later stories involving her come from the Talmud, also note there are references to there being multiple Eves in midrashic literatures.
No. 1616044
>>1615436You can't be serious. Imagine how many people will turn her down for jobs thinking she's an edgy teen. Or moids would probably sexualize her with crap like "so you're Lilith the succubus huh". With other biblical names at least theres plenty of common ones like Mary, eve, etc that can easily fit in
We are naming people who will grow up and have a lot of things affected by their name. Don't be shitty parents
No. 1616186
>>1615758I randomly learned the meaning of my name while online. It was as lame as you'd expect a stereotypical white girls name to be.
On an additional note I would never want to give my kid certain names for many of the reasons anons mentioned, it could really screw them over if they are named weirdly. Yeah certain names are cool but not everyone is going to think that way. Plus I'd never name my daughter off a prominent tim name. I absolutely hate that even names are being stolen by them but here we are in 2023, women cant have shit, and reddit males name their daughters after pornified game characters they wank to.
No. 1616418
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Of course this is front page news for redditors to fume over even though husbands leave at like 4x higher rates than wives
No. 1616424
>>16164187x higher actually
Plus she stayed for the first 5 years of treatment. Most men start cheating the day you get diagnosed.
No. 1616510
>>1616418They've heard about the uneven stats and that's exactly why they try so hard to spread around these stories of a rare reverse 'omg woman leaves her sick man?!'
>Til death do us..People with diseases/mental illness/who're dealing with grief still get dumped in and outside of marriage vows every single day.
No. 1616669
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No. 1616743
>>1616045NTA but when I've asked White people about their names in the past, the response is just a rundown about who they're named after. The only time I remember getting info dumps about the names' etymology, historical significance, etc was back in HS for an English assignment.
>>1616048Why are you trying to pivot this discussion to be about Black people?
No. 1617150
>>1616957That sub is the most pathetic thing I saw this week, scrotes are awful, but those are the lowest of the low. Sadly a lot of them are married.
Don't ever marry scrotes who watch porn
No. 1617640
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Like how am I not supposed to cackle at this very sad display of degeneracy
No. 1617758
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Anytime you go to a sub about paranormal anything some guy will b there saying shit like this as if it’s fact and not completely unprovable fiction he thought would be cool to post online
No. 1617896
>>1617640The quality is so bad that I can't even understand what the blob thing is supposed to be, a breastplate?
That or maybe I need to get my eyes checked
No. 1617908
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Imagine spending actual money to give this moronic comment a fake award
No. 1618121
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Copped yet another ban for a subreddit I've never participated in. I posted in conspiracycommons… I know these things are memes but at this point I'm banned from like 6 subreddits despite having the most milquetoast opinions. Shit is unusable
No. 1618148
>>1617640Absolutely treacherous looking
>>1616418Reddit clutches their pearls so hard when a woman dares to do any of the shit men do on the regular.
>>1617908Crazy how villified women get for being any amount of confrontational, yet aggressive men like the guy who was screaming in the bagal shop dont represent their sex as a whole. Sucks because I am pretty confrontational, I'm probably gonna end up on some karen comp when menopause hits lmao
>>1616045I am white people so apparently not. If you gotta strawman to get your point across it sucks.
No. 1618182
>>1618121>abortions are awesomeEvery woman I know who has had an abortion found them to be traumatic despite them being very much needed
>white poeple do not experience racism in any meaningful waySo fuck the Irish right? Kek
God this whole thing is so cringe and patronising. Reddit really is a shithole.
No. 1618226
>>1618121Tbh my abortion was pretty awesome and I felt amazing knowing I wasn't going to be creating the next generation of degeneracy (the would be BD was an
abusive piece of shit). But this list reads like it was made by a white transwoman who turned 19 last week, so the opinion is disregarded.
No. 1618240
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>>1617640this is dystopian as fuck. A completely ruined man.
No. 1618277
>>1617640People on reddit like to claim that shit like this is totaally no different than a woman owning a bullet vibe. They'll really argue that til they're blue in the face.
Same if a man owns like 10 different multi-thousand dollar sex dolls that he dresses up, makes social media accounts for and brings out in public, then posts em to reddit. "Um women own dildos so its the exact same thing?!" They're nuts.
No. 1618309
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They started kicking out noncompliant mods and closing subs permanently
No. 1618353
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>>1617796>>1617886>>1617896>>1617947>>1618069>>1618240>>1618277I let out a real snort when I saw that picture. Truly a perfect representation of how pathetic /gooncaves is. One thing I noticed is that it's mostly gay men, writing comments about how 'hot'it is that their laptops are covered in lube and cum grease. There are a handful of guys on there that pose poppers in their photos as well. Several asshole gapes while posing in front of ten different screens of women? And a few videos of guys throating dildos while jerking off in front of monitors with women. Lots of those weird, Boxing Helena amputee torso thigh fleshlights. A guy in a face mask literally jerking off to teen tiktoks. There are some
bleak set-ups.
No. 1618362
File: 1687822131502.jpg (Spoiler Image,41.79 KB, 640x357, goon-sesh-5-20-2023-a-v0-98nzb…)

Oh guys I think I found the scariest one.
No. 1618452
>>1618353>>1618362This guy has made his entire apartment into a gooncave. I would post vidrel but it's so NSFL I will just post a link to the post instead: being this guy's landlord and walking into this hellhole. Another part of me is wondering if he has a normal apartment and rents this one out for degeneracy. It doesn't look like there are other belongings there other than the porn and laptops/TVs. Christ, imagine if he has a normie life with a wife and children and a house, then routinely goes to this depraved apartment just to wank.
No. 1618694
>>1618353I wish I didn't unspoil that, day ruined
Is that a fucking huge mole on his dick? Wtf is that?
No. 1618719
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No. 1618806
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Imagine burning your parents house down while they're away. Leaving it in ruins. Not telling them about it and days later thinking hmm better ask reddit to make sure I'm not in trouble.. Priorities?
No. 1618990
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>>1618925>>1618974My first name is Star, now i wanna change my middle name to Wars just for shiggles
>>1618967Mods are still kicking and screaming and shitting and farting, except that they have to go to their own containment subs such as r/ModSupport because they no longer have a captive audience. r/Save3rdPartyApps in particular, has a lot of tantrums, including mods threatening class action lawsuits, mass-emailing advertisers, and whatever the fuck this is: No. 1619069
File: 1687907138363.jpg (48.26 KB, 690x418, incel rants.jpg)

r/roastme is always a fascinating example of misogyny. go to any woman's post and you'll see hateful tirades like this getting awarded, go to a guy's post and you'll see stupid one-liners. moids really use this sub to just spew their hate of women and claim it's all a joke
No. 1619081
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I made a discussion post on a sub and I keep getting comments with the most unfunny lame attempts at “jokes” and puns. I’m like actually offended by how painfully unfunny men are. The women on here run circles around them in clever humor. Reddit moids kys
No. 1619175
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Time for all the pickmes to come out and talk about how they love fat guys that make them laugh and that big penises are a turnoff. Dear women of the world, it’s okay to like conventionally attractive muscular men I promise you’re not a bad person for it. Physical attraction isn’t a charity event. I only ever see women going on about dad bods anyway, it’s annoying as fuck because men get coddled so much for their appearances already.
No. 1619224
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beyond stupid, as are the comments. sub is r/CircumcisionGrief, which is a hilarious concept, as if their foreskin was a lost family member or something
No. 1619289
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Found on r/justneckbeardthings. Was quite surprised to see a comment questioning why Elliot was there with a decent amount of upvotes. OPs response had actually quite a few downvotes when I first saw it, but I guess the troons woke up during the hour I was making breakfast. No. 1619371
>>1619175Even on nothowwomenwork there's a weird amount of
>uh anything more than 5 inches feels horrific for the vast majority of women!>As long as you can reach the entrance that's all that matters to the vast majority of women
>Most of the best selling dildos for women are only like 4 inches long because that's what the vast majority of women wantWomen have different preferences. Applying 'the vast majority of women' at the end of all these 4/5 inches tops statements is trying way too hard to push in the opposite direction of incels raging about size mattering. This isn't it and I hope no young woman reading that shit ends up feeling like a freak of nature because she owns a fucking 6 inch toy instead of 4"
No. 1619809
>>1619371>>As long as you can reach the entrance that's all that matters to the vast majority of women
What. Can't a literal micropeen technically reach the entrance? The entrance is the ENTRANCE it's right on the surface, my 0.5mm thick underwear is currently reaching my entrance.
No. 1619942
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This interaction is so stupid
No. 1619964
>>1619587Kek I've even seen this happen on another site where a yume was talking in a husbando thread about her husbando, and praising moids in bad shape at the same time, saying how cute their unattractive traits, as if she didn't want to hurt the feelings of lurking males. I thought that was kinda fucked up because when have you ever seen a male waifufag do the same in fear of getting female users angry?
But admittedly I used to be like that, and I didn't realize it back then. It's a desperate attempt to not get moids angry at you, and to not seem shallow because that would "confirm" to those moids that all women are shallow worthless whores. Women like that feel obligated to be attracted or fake attraction to men like that to prove them wrong.
No. 1620356
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No. 1620433
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Moid drives over the speed limit in another country. He rightfully gets arrested for speeding and Child Endangerment, leaving the mom and baby wandering around trying to clean up his mess. But don't worry, she won't let him forget it…
No. 1620435
>>1619224Every day on reddit there's some shit about how childbirth doesn't even hurt because its natural, how periods only hurt because 'women have shit diets' how women aren't even meant to have any body hair at all but again.. apparently we give ourselves hair through diet choices. How vaginas can get stretched out by one big dick and never go back to how they were. How periods can be held in til its convenient but we're all too lazy and gross to hold them in. How semen gets into a womans body and never leaves it again. It just pools in our wombs and women who've slept around can have babies with the genetics of every man she's ever fucked all mixed into the baby. How our bodies work according to men..
They can give it a rest with the whole 'women don't understand so they shouldn't speak on it' shit.
No. 1620756
>>1619224honestly this reads like a 14 year old wrote it. i know a lot of older grown men think this as well but this just really comes off as an angsty teenager who likely got schooled in class for trying to bitch and moan about le ebil circumciscion. like sorry bro but getting your nasty foreskin trimmed off or whatever it is that they do is nowhere near as bad as young girls being mutilated to the point that their labia is either gone or unrecognizable due to scarring or having their clitoris removed entirely. at least with male circumcision, the justification has typically been linked to hygiene, which men do have an issue with depending on who you are dealing with. but women are being mutilated for no other reason than to control their sexuality and low vibrational, misogynistic bullshit…getting your foreskin taken off is not even on the same level. and yes there have been instances of young children's penis being burned off by dumbass doctors and priests, but still, these are accidents. it isn't being done on purpose and circumcision does not greatly affect sensation in the penis like it does when it happens to women. i really do not understand why men want to be
victims so badly.
No. 1620830
>>1620756I mean. The "hygiene" justification for it really only applies to places where people don't have access to clean water and such, and even then, it's kind of working backwards. Like we're taking this retarded custom practiced thousands of years ago and trying to justify it, instead of organically discovering something that actually benefits people through medical rigor. The reasons for doing it in the first place had no rational basis. Pretty much all of the studies with "conclusions" that favor it either had shit methodology or were conducted in third world countries, I'm not kidding.
I don't give a fuck about scrotes or their feelings, I just super dislike the precedent the weird safeguarding of circumcision sets. The famous 2012 AAPM guidelines about it were authored by doctors who had religious biases. It's fucking absurd that we can't have a rational conversation about how it's wrong to cut healthy parts of off literal children without a bunch of retards leaping into the discussion to either screech antisemitic nonsense, accuse anyone who opposes circumcision of antisemitism, or senselessly compare it to FGM. I'm tired of people using idpol and muh religious freedom as justifications to hurt children and undermine science.
No. 1620908
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No. 1620933
>>1620830>senselessly compare it to FGMi blame this on researchers who initially labeled fgm as "female circumcision" and made it seem like people were just taking a knife or scalpel and "scratching" or nicking at the genitalia instead of what was actually going on…full blown mutilation. that was how it was initially presented when i was younger. then it eventually came out what was really going on and people had to change their tune.
>The "hygiene" justification for it really only applies to places where people don't have access to clean water and such…no i agree, i wasn't trying to justify it, just giving some of the reasoning that i've been told over the years when i asked about what the purpose behind it was since this is the typical gotcha argument scrotes love to fall back on whenever they can. i just hate how men make it seem a lot worse than it really is because it just isn't on the same level as fgm and never will be. like so much else i see online, men just want to be oppressed for some reason and then claim that their particular flavor of oppression is somehow worse or greater than women and minorities. if it isn't their dicks they're whining about, then they're pouting about how they used to die in wars en masse (a choice moids made and still make everyday), or how women they slept with a handful of times take them to court to pay for child support/alimony (wear a condom you fucking idiot), or how everyone hates them because of their ethnicity. i am just sick of the whining and whataboutism from moids.
No. 1620944
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>>1620908Why are millennial men so childish and embarrassing
No. 1620977
>>1620961Please no, we don't need another way for men to trick us. The hatfishing and beardfishing are bad enough.
Balding is pure karma for moids, it's the most unattractive sign of aging amongst either sex. It's a pity that we're left with fewer options but it's funny that they have a randomized chance of being irredeemably hideous as they age that they can't do shit about.
No. 1621411
>>1605968My unpopular opinion is that I think the labia can be stretched out, but there wouldn't be any difference between sex with lots of different men and the same amount with one man. I think any skin can be stretched out, that's why pulling on your ear lobe daily can stretch it, or that one woman who has the stretchiest belly. I have had some dry sex before and I could literally feel everything being pulled with each thrust. I imagine that if a woman has to have large amounts of sex with men without her being aroused (like in a porn situation), that her soft tissues would be more prone to stretching.
Though I wonder if lack of fat and elasticity also contributes to the appearance of a larger labia as we age and men just assume that because we're older that we've had more sex. I know that the skin gets less elastic, so I would assume that everything starts to droop with age.
No. 1621421
>>1621411With the earlobe thing I'm assuming it would take quite a lot of extended, heavy pulling every day for it to permanently be stretched, and the same goes for other body parts. If your labia would be pulled to that extent it would probably be quite painful. I think even if you'd have bone dry sex for half an hour every single day that would probably not be enough to make a huge difference in how your labia look. Much less if you're actually aroused and there's enough lubrication. Sometimes when I've very recently had sex I do notice my labia feeling and looking somewhat stretched out or at least not tucked in as much, but it always goes back to normal pretty quickly.
Of course like you say as you age the skin gets less elastic and starts to sag more, and labia are no exception, but even with body parts that gravity is constantly pulling down on, it's an extremely slow process. And of course while this is true for labia, when scrotes talk about women getting 'stretched out' by having sex, they're not just talking about labia but also claim the actual vaginal canal somehow becomes looser, which is of course complete bullshit and on par with claiming that eating food makes your mouth bigger.
No. 1621444
>>1621421>I think even if you'd have bone dry sex for half an hour every single dayBut from what I understand, isn't that what porn stars and prostitutes experience? Except for the lucky few that got rich, they have to have large amounts of sex frequently. That is the situation that I'm imaging when I think that any body part can be stretched.
>actual vaginal canal somehow becomes looserThat one I can't imagine being real. The only reason I can think of that, is during pregnancy the tendons relax and sometimes make changes permanent (me and my sisters all went up half a shoe size with each kid), so I can imagine the vaginal canal feeling looser, but that would happen any any advanced pregnancy, even c-sections, so it isn't caused by something large coming out of or going into the vaginal canal.
No. 1621997
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This is so fucking gay
No. 1622169
>>1620961I always say that if women could become bald, they wouldn't even think twice about getting wigs or hair transplants. Hell it would probably be as expected as it is to shave your legs. But because it's men, nobody cares. Nobody pressures men to do the bare minimum with their looks.
I always tell my moid I expect him to do something if he goes bald. Be it hair transplant or finasteride or whatever.
No. 1622305
>>1622169Women absolutely can become bald but like you said they usually feel obligated to hide it. Generally not shiny bald like men but tons of older women have diffuse thinning where you can see through to their scalp. Most conceal it the best they can with short haircuts and various hairpieces like toppers. I’ve noticed more and more hair thinning among younger women in recent years, too. Idk if it’s because more people have health issues or due to new shampoo formulations and new shampoo preservatives that are causing a lot of allergy issues.
I was friends with a man in his early 40’s for many years and it was honestly annoying listening to him whine about his hair and planned transplant procedures. I understand not wanting to appear bald but he only wanted his OWN hair (also understandable) and refused to even consider a hairpiece even though he agreed that they can be imperceptible. The thing about hair transplants is that if you’re still actively losing your hair, and he was despite being on finasteride and idk what else, you’ll lose the transplanted hair as well. Luckily he’s a specialist doctor and can afford to be a vain bitch. He eventually became so intolerably mopey and depressed and negative I had to cut him out of my life for my own well-being even though he was my only friend. I’m kinda convinced his hair loss meds contributed to his constant low mood. I’d rather a man just be bald than constantly be chasing procedures to cling to his hair.
No. 1622434
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This is the type of thing that makes me feel concerned about myself because I hate it so much and I shouldn’t hate harmless things so much.
No. 1622437
>>1622434samefagging I posted too early sorry but I seriously just despise it, first of all the pretending to be the pet thing and posting online is a weird hobby in and of itself but the cringe doggo speak just makes me want to smash my head against drywall
If the cat can speak, why couldn’t it speak correctly? Why would it be able to get like 95% of the way there and then just stroke out and sound retarded like that? How do people think it’s cute and not insufferable? I feel like if I posted my cat “talking” like that on the internet she’d somehow know and love me less because I’ve embarrassed us both
No. 1622490
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>>1622460>you guys talk like cats are such rude petsThat's the appeal
No. 1622599
>>1622462That’s actually bullshit that can never be proven. It’s also not an issue in the United Stares because cats have many predators. The people who push the “cats are bad for muh ecosystem!” argument for their hate of cats are often times trying to justify exterminating them.
Also, pet cats exclusively belong inside.
No. 1622797
>>1622599What? You can verify that with a quick google search. definitely is an issue in the States. They don't actually have predators that specifically prey on them, just animals that happen to kill them if they get in their way. It's not like how lions prey on zebras.
Cats do belong inside, but the issue is most of the world doesn't even know the concept of an indoor cat. Which has led to this disaster.
I love cats but this is an absolutely retarded claim. Saying this isn't true implies it doesn't matter if cats are left outside, which is not true. Like you said they're pets and being left outside harms them too.
No. 1622900
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>>1621997And I bet the weirdo tries to smoke those when he runs out of weed.
No. 1622974
>>1622445maybe i shouldn't feel this way, but whenever i see posts like this, i really do assume the person has a below average iq. like there is just no way a reasonably intelligent person thinks this is funny in any capacity. and it's sad because people on reddit thinks they're smarter than everyone else, that they're all sekrit geniuses who are misunderstood by the world, and that posting on reddit makes them members of the cool club. but then they laugh at shit like this and i wonder, do they realize how retarded this looks?
>>1622460cats are (generally) quiet, cautious, and introverted with people that they don't know and set boundaries with themselves that they enforce (scratching and biting or running away), unlike dogs who are silly, childilike, and lovingly naive even when people are cruel to them, so of course to the average american, they're assholes. it's a cultural thing. americans say the same thing about introverted people.
No. 1623277
>>1622974I wish cats would leave me alone, but they never seem to be introverted with me
like they're cute and all but I do not wish to interact
No. 1623315
>>1623277Cats dislike direct eye contact from strangers because they interpret such as a threat, so they’re more likely to choose
disinterested people as potential friends over cat people because the disinterested aren’t staring them down and freaking them out
To avoid a cat you’d rather not befriend, stare at em, they won’t like it and most will leave you alone
I’m the anon that posted the awful doggo speak screenshot and I just want to clarify that I fucking love cats and I just think they deserve better (and also that posting pictures of one’s cat and posting a title spoofing /r/legaladvice in normal English is at least understandable as to how people enjoy it
No. 1623517
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Fucking hate how men have to co-opt female genital mutilation to make it all about them. Was on a post that said "circumcism is genital mutilation" and comments are either calling it henious or saying how unfair it is that female genital mutilation is seen as worse. One person said how it's unfair women can joke about circumcised penis' look bettet but he can't joke about how female gential mutilation removing the labia makes a vagina look better. Cannot believe men can even pretend a woman getting her clitorus scooped out with a paring tool is at all similar to removing the foreskin. The pain and lifelong complications aren't even similar in scope. I guarantee if there wasn't a media fuss about how bad female genital mutilation is men wouldn't even care or get jealous and have to minimize it to "whatabout" themselves into the spotlight
No. 1623520
>>1622305I noticed women getting balder young too. I honestly think it has something to do with hair dye. I used to dye my hair with manic panic red and thought it was safe because it was semi-permanent, but after a year started notice really bad thinning. It seemed to agitate it when I dyed my hair, so I stopped. My friend had hair thinning too and used same hair dye but insisted it was only semi-permanent vegetable dye so it couldn't be causing it.
I'm not sure what happened to her but I stopped using it and now 4 years later my hair is back to normal thickness, I use henna once in a blue moon but I don't trust a lot of shampoos and hair dyes. It could also be city air, I lived in a polluted city around the same time and moved out, I feel like I saw a lot more women with thinning when I lived there. Could just be seeing more people though.
No. 1623547
>>1622305New body care products are definitely fucking women up. Garnier Whole Blends gave me massive dermatitis that fucked up my lips for a month, a bleeding rash on my crotch, and gave me a thin spot that never fully healed. Silicone shampoo will also cause baldness if you let it get on your scalp. It seems like half the new body care things I try these days give me some kind of bad reaction. I never had this problem before maybe 5 years ago. The 99 cent basic products are ironically the highest quality products you can buy.
>>1620910What a piece of complete shit. OFC by the end of it he's justifying men being
abusive if they had their toddler feelings hurt in the past. No self control, complete expectation of emotional coddling, as if they were literal babies punching their parents during an emotional meltdown over a booboo. They want to be respected, but act like bad little kids. Maybe act like a grown adult, instead of grasping for reasons to act like a spoiled child. The average man has the emotional maturity of the most deranged bpd woman you will ever meet.
No. 1623834
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(Would’ve posted on the youtube hate thread but it’s pretty much dead so sorry if this doesn’t completely fit but i did find it on reddit so pls don’t ban me) Anyone else seen this bizarre ass channel? The amount of views all of the videos have is insane,I can’t bring myself to go look at the comments but I imagine they’re a shithole. It’s either fetish content or MRA brainwashing. Daily reminder 4 out of 5 drunk drivers are men, and men cause the majority of serious/fatal accidents.
No. 1623857
>>1623517Moids have a serious complex about wanting to be the
victims, the only
victims, in any fucking way, always bitching about being disposable boo fucking hoo your moid brethren are the ones sending you to war and cutting your foreskin off. I see this exact type of bitching on Reddit all the time, moids crying about “oh so I guess it’s ok to be mean to men sad face no one cares about me” not even realizing the horrendous scope of misogyny they interact and surround themselves with. They can’t stand when any attention isn’t on them, the most sensitive little whiny retards ever, useless cock vessels.
No. 1623879
>>1622169i don’t know if moids realize how many of the celebrity men they hold up as examples of men “aging better” either have hair plugs or use hairpieces. There’s a reason that you see way more full heads of hair on middle aged and old men in Hollywood than you do IRL.
(FWIW, I think bald men can look handsome if they’re in good shape, especially if they have tan or dark skin)
No. 1624111
>>1623857maybe this is an unpopular perspective but i like reading reddit or similar male dominated spaces just to see briefly into the mind of your average terminally online moid. they always whine and complain about being oppressed, but then you find out they're living in some totally average suburban hellhole in the middle of bumfuck, minnesota or whothefuckshire, england. they work normal jobs and have some fuddy duddy girlfriend who babies them, a family that loves them (or at least tolerates them), a somewhat decent job, and at least one college degree. and yet they still somehow find a way to make themselves a
victim of society because reasons. i really have no words.
No. 1624703
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troon claims jihyo from twice was rude to him
No. 1625001
>>1623520Cause and effect capitalism. Poison women's hair products so they have to buy hair treatments, wigs, extensions, etc
Poison women's nail products so they have to go to the salon if they want decent nails, etc
I also think our hormones are being messed with. The amount of young women I have met with PCOS is insane, it also would explain why a lot of young women are seeming to struggle with losing extra fat
No. 1625287
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>>1602910 >He is on disability and is diagnosed with adult child syndromeI hate how legal subs are full of abused wives trying to get their pervert husbands out of trouble. Adult child syndrome! He was only setting me up to possibly get raped cos he has this syndrome that nobody else on earth has or has ever heard of.
No. 1625415
>>1625287>adult child syndromelmao I hope "manchild disorder" has finally become an official diagnosis.
>>1625001> it also would explain why a lot of young women are seeming to struggle with losing extra fatIt's the refined industrial oils in food. Soybean oil drives obesity, diabetes, and Alzheimer's disease, it fucks you up. And it is in EVERYTHING. If it doesn't have soybean oil, it has palm oil, which helps cancer grow and spread. No. 1625811
File: 1688612227817.jpeg (269.35 KB, 748x1021, 0DAD1474-C502-425C-9CC8-719005…)

And then everyone clapped.
No. 1626818
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Imagine being with a manchild like this
No. 1627095
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On a post about a dyed geode. How fucking braindead do you have to be to want to fuck a rock?
No. 1627113
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Most mentally balanced redditor
No. 1628097
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>TERFs are actually NLOG and radical feminists are actually misogynistic.
No. 1628121
>>1628097Trannies seething about JKR never gets old.
Also, did he just equate crossplaying to being a full-time troon? Weird since they so insist that drag queens aren't True and Honest Transwimmins.
No. 1628149
>>1627133In reddits mind, if you even so much as yell at your moid for this shit you are considered an
abusive negging bitch wife who deserves to be cheated on and for domestically violating the poor man and giving him forever PTSD.
No. 1628903
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Some thread on misandry offends misogyny kills
No. 1628906
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>>1628903>Men committing suicide due to being divorcedAhahahahah I wish)
No. 1628931
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>>1628911>>1628906>>1628903I hate men so much anons, I wanna a-log just reading this shit. And yet there is 0% chance that I will ever be violent to a moid let alone actually kill one.
But I guess they are literally being murdered by me not having sex with them, in which case good riddance.
No. 1628950
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anyone else see this one? his wife put her foot down against marital rape and he throws a temper tantrum and threatens divorce.
at the core of all of this is the fact that they don't see us as equal humans, just sex dolls for them to use whenever they please.
No. 1629047
>>1626818Does drugs all day
Crashed 7 cars
Whines about wanting to kill himself
Can't hold down a job
Porn addicted
>Literally only bothered about if his baby mama has sex with him or not No. 1629063
>>1628959I've been where she is, the moid is downplaying his attitude. He's likely been very forceful about it, kissing her when she obviously doesn't want to, constantly touching her, ogling at her, etc. I'm sure he has coerced her into sexual acts too. This made his wife go from seeing it as affection and intimacy to harassment,because it's always one sided. It has become so normal for her that she can just walk away without saying anything.
He says kissing her only when she wanted to (i.e when she consented and it was mutual), made him feel worse. That just tells you he's constantly touching her only when HE wants to. Now he doesn't get to do it as often, and it made him depressed. Moids don't understand consent.
No. 1629074
>>1628950>>1629063For me it was the same thing. My ex was constantly touching, ogling and groping me even when I had told him multiple times to please leave me alone, give me some room to breathe etc. In the beginning of the relationship he also would give me the silent treatment for days if I refused sex and don't speak to me until I apologized for being lazy. I have no doubt that the guy in
>>1628950 loves and misses intimacy from his wife, but he's also most likely the cause of her aversion and unwilling to admit that. These guys also only threaten divorce, but leave it up to the wife to actually initiate it so they don't have to be the bad guy. My ex still keeps telling people that he was "totally willing to fix things", but that I decided to take the easy way out and divorce him instead. They don't want the divorce. They want their wife to magically get fixed from the wreckage they caused on her libido. No sympathy for them. My only wish is that the wife takes the plunge and leaves him, since he's too much of a coward to do it himself.
No. 1629084
>>1628938I love how your comment implies that people who want cats to be indoor only and people who are frothing at the mouth to build bird killing buildings are the same people.
But also, you're completely wrong. Building collisions are estimated to kill between 100 million and 1 billion birds and have negligible effect on collision deaths of mammals. Meanwhile, cats kill 1.3 to 4 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually. These numbers are for the USA only. 13% of all modern bird species that have gone extinct, have gone extinct because of cats. It is currently estimated that cats are responsible for 2/3 of all bird deaths.
No. 1629143
>>1628906LMAO that gay comparison. Yeah, preventing two people that want to live in a public relationship is exactly the same as you not being able to dick women that do not desire you, mate.
Also apparently men would rather kill themselves than to be equal partners in relationships, by his own logic. Like no way they could prevent any of those divorces by actually giving a fuck about their wives.
No. 1629147
>>1628903literally 90% of these problems like war and violence men create themselves and somehow women are to blame
And when it comes to being homeless, women are at risk of the same things men are at worsened by the fact they are physically weaker and can more easily be overpowered and are much more likely to be
victims of sexual assault, rape, etc.. how dense can these moids be, I can't
No. 1629184
>>1628950I love how he says she's just playing the 'PMDD' card when she explains why she didn't want it in that moment, but then the whole post is him playing the good ole
> if I'm not getting enough sex then that gives me depressionCard. A very serious ailment that they always pull out whenever their partner is either recovering from birth, dealing with post natal depression, pmmdd or anything else like that. Those forms of depression… meh they're not real or good enough. Women just use them as excuses. But self diagnosed lack of sex depression.. now that's the real deal.
No. 1629185
>>1628903ok just for fun i'm going to break down all these points he's bringing up.
>warhow is this misandry? men go to war over the dumbest things and then get their legs blown off and brain damaged because of it. that's not our fault and whenever women or more peaceful minded moids try to stop you guys, then you whine about "muh nation, muh religion, muh politics" because apparently that's all you need to justify murdering hundreds of millions of other dumb moids on the battlefield.
>isolated suicidei'm not really sure what he means by this. does he mean: men commit suicide and don't tell anyone that they're struggling mentally until their 14-year-old child walks in on their corpse with their brains splattered all over the garage? most people do commit suicide alone and sadly those around them are typically willfully unaware that said person was struggling until it's too late. this isn't really that unusual.
>lonelinesssome people really do need to learn how to love themselves first before they love others.
>substance abusei don't have a lot of symapthy for drug users having lived in the house with a relative who was taking drugs to "medicate" her problems. in reality she was just a selfish twat who wanted to get high whenever she wanted, never grow up, party all day and night, and then whenever we tried to take her to rehab or get her help she would cry about losing her father (that she never knew to begin with) or some other stupid shit. then she would go right back to popping pills and drinking herself into a stupor.
>all ways misandry killsthis isn't misandry. all of these things happen because people make choices, some better than others, but it is still a choice that you made. at the end of the day no one is responsible for your life except yourself. all of these men want women to babysit them, coddle them, be their fallguy (or fallgirl?) when their life fucks up, be a warm body for them to sleep with and then take their rage out on instead of getting help when they have emotional issues. i've been in the house with a man who thought like this. it was always my mother and mine's fault for his problems. he wasn't succesful because we weren't "supporting" him. he wasn't happy because we weren't following him around like slaves. my mother was an asshole because she wouldn't have sex with him whenever he wanted. everything he didn't like about himself or his life, he would find a woman to blame it on. but the actual woman who was a whiny harpy - his own ugly ass mother - was the first bitch he ran to when he decided to divorce my mother on the grounds of "emotional abuse".
i try not to get too irritated with moids but i see through a lot of their bullshit now that i'm older. the same men crying about how the world is apparently hating on them because they have penises, are the same dudes who beat up on their girlfriends/wives for not coddling them, or terrorize innocent women because they're "lonely" and they think we should just stop whatever we're doing and be their bed slave. but of course they never consider how we feel, or their children, even other men who aren't as fucked up as they are. it's all about me me me me me.
No. 1629205
>>1629161It obviously wasn't always like that. We used to have a great sex life/relationship, I even wanted sex more than him, and we were very affectionate. But I got a chronic illness and the first time I refused sex in 2 years, he started with the coercion. The first few times I just ignored it, but then it happened again and again and again. It kept happening even after I told him not to coerce me, even after I explained why it was hurting me, even after seeing me cry in pain constantly from my illness.
When I asked him why he continued to coerce and pester me, and explained how I had never done that to him when he had rejected me, he told me it was normal. He told me women were just lazy and that you had to convince them into it.
Now imagine if every hug and kiss turned into this. Into your bf guilt tripping you into sucking his dick, and then throwing a tantrum when you refuse.
>>1629093Mine would mention the goddamn Maslow pyramid of needs. The one that says intimacy=sex and implies you cannot live without it. I had suicidal thoughts from my extremely painful chronic illness and there he was being "depressed" because he didn't want to masturbate. It amazes me how these 3 random men are so similar.
No. 1629267
>>1628906I'd a divorce that financially fucked us both over and was a low point but imagine killing yourself over divorce and making out like thats practically somebody else pulling the
trigger for you. Look what you made me do! Its half of all marriages ffs. Killing yourself over a break up, even a marriage break up means you had much deeper issues to begin with.
Don't leave your man or you'll turn him into a suicide stat. Don't deny a man sex or you'll turn him into a suicide stat. Somebody please cushion men from the reality that life throws shit at you or they'll kill themselves and it'll be on us for not staying/fucking them back to life.
No. 1629297
>>1629267this part is really stupid and should negate anything this fool wrote.
>Men killed acting on behalt of misandrist women, acting in violence for them, or trying to impress them with rears onoravery in service of womeni really cannot believe he is trying to put this dumb, rock brained shit on "misandrist women". only the most low vibrational types of women, usually the types who run in gangs or are incredibly violent themselves, think moids fighting over them is cute. most women i know, including myself, get extremely turned off by men doing shit to "impress" them. a decent woman does not want to see you getting hurt or intentionally hurting yourself because you have a low iq and are stupid enough to think we get turned on by me throw stone, me jump off cliff and die behaviors. any girl who encourages that shit is a dangerous person who should be avoided at all costs because she does not care about anyone but herself.
then of course he also goes on about muh intimacy. like no, please call it what it is, sir: you pressuring, berating, and attacking women for not wanting to suck your dick and then getting angry when she won't let you bully her into submission because you think you're entitled to sleep with someone because you're attracted to them. sorry but this sounds extremely predatory as fuck because it is no matter what he thinks or how he tries to phrase it. there's no love here, no interest in getting to know the woman, she's just a sex object, a prize, and you're the dumb stag in heat chasing her like a deranged, instinctual animal with all the blood in your body gone to your stupid fucking dick.
No. 1629985
>>1629776Men love to say this about women, but I only see one side that refuses to do basic chores, and pretends they can't use the dishwasher, the clothes washer, basic food staples, and drops out of jobs to sit around playing with electronic toys. Women are the ones who need whole interventions to try and break them free from assuming all responsibility for everything in a relationship with a man who puts NOTHING back in.
>>1628950This scrote did something, multiple somethings, but he's careful to not mention what he did. The usual situation is that she's working 16 hour days, and is absolutely exhausted and in physical pain most of the time. Shockingly, you can't work a woman like a mule and expect a relationship at the same time.
>>1629267As always, just imagine how much men would mock women making the same demands.
No. 1630038
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i've started reporting every comment by a male in the twoxchromosomes sub as spam because they banned me for saying that being upset about experiencing sexual assault doesn't make you a tranny.
No. 1630054
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>>1630038Twox users are sympathising with him, meanwhile the sluttyconfessions mods are directing him to a rape kink sub instead. I mean at least they know what hes doing.
No. 1630354
>>1630054My jaw dropped when I saw them acknowledge it was SA but told them to post on a rape kink page instead.
Also this reminds me of those creepy pedo posts that would get posted on mom subreddits. Does anyone remember those?
No. 1630373
>>1628906See also: men executing their entire families over their wives leaving them, almost always for being a serial cheater or abuser
>a man cannot handle reality so badly that he will execution style shoot his small children in the head or strangle them upon wives announcing divorceOkay
No. 1630428
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Clicked on this red pill alpha's profile after seeing this comment and found pretty much exactly what you can all expect.
>Loves to make comments about how women are children, and need to be "better adults" etc
>Also makes multiple posts in the Adulting subreddit whining about being a video game addicted loser at 36 with no friends
>Literally lives in his moms basement
No. 1630435
>>1630038Men love to whine about how their victimhood of sexual abuse is never taken as seriously as women. Thing is, they're always shoving themselves into conversations in which they don't belong. I also see a lot of male
victims on reddit be coddled, while the female
victims are far more likely to be
victim blamed or objectified. You never see a woman barging in to talk about her victimhood in a conversation about male SA
victims and if you did, she'd be harshly insulted for doing so. However, men do that same thing all the time and receive nothing but support. People baby and pamper adult men more than they do underaged girls.
No. 1631028
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Anyone want to take a guess at what depraved sex acts OP pressured his girlfriend into? /r/atheism think they're the biggest intellectuals to grace the earth yet their porn addicted brains can't even figure out that OP's gf made up an excuse to not have to fuck her pervert of a boyfriend. I'm glad she left!
No. 1631172
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Misclicked and landed on /all/. This tinder post currently sits at over 14k updooderinos and 3k comments, of course full of everyone seething that she's a stuck up walking red flag or that they'd love to go eat ice cream on a first date, she's just out for his money or a free meal. Like, you can have your opinions on first dates as you may, but absolutely nothing in this interaction warrants several thousand reactions kek
No. 1631200
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No. 1631395
PLEASE put these side-by-side and post to reddit or something. Oh my sides. His projection. It couldn't be anymore on the nose! LOL what a loser.
No. 1631444
>>1631172There’s always posts on Reddit complaining that women get hundreds of matches in an hour on Tinder, but then they complain when a woman (who’s getting asked out
all the time apparently) wants more than a low effort hangout date. Makes no sense.
No. 1631641
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i'm seeing more and more of these types of posts on reddit and i have to laugh. these bottom of the barrel moids are so upset at more and more women having standards now
No. 1631680
>>1631641Eh, I get what you mean but I would be caught off guard by that reaction as well. Like, apparently she liked him enough to plan a date so why not just tell him you want to do something else/go on a more elaborate date? It seems needlessly final when he didn't even say he definitely wanted an ice cream date, but just suggested it.
Anyway it's retarded that he would post the screenshot on reddit, he needs to take a rejection without having to resort to his hugbox to tell him she was in the wrong. She dodged a bullet either way.
No. 1631974
>>1631641Ah yes the "I'm cheap with you because I want to hit it sooner rather than later and if we do end up working out, I can get you used to the bare minimum."
I've seen a lot of "Durr, yeah I always suggest a coffee for a date or a hike in the woods! It's my go-to, good luck, OP" Men on Reddit are diseased-ridden.
No. 1632186
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Reddit scrotes are so fucking stupid.
No. 1632243
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>>1622305in general female pattern baldness is more common than most people think, in general it happens eqully across women and has the same nature has male pattern baldness by simple estrogen functioning, the reason most women don't see this is because a lot of them like you were saying hide it almost immediately and and by professionals counting only the grave cases as female pattern baldness while saying that the most minimal cases aren't, in general most men on their lifetimes who are diagnosed as the first or second stage while mantaining themselves like this until 50, woman have the same but when woman get into the final grades of pattern baldness start using hair treatments or simply use certain hair styles to hide it (something which is easier by still having hair on the back and sides.
in general bald people are awesome so don't use this to harass anyone, i just put this as an information piece.
No. 1632245
>>1632243i wrote this too fast.
and was only meant to be put once and that men who are diagnosed are on the first and second stage just like woman and that woman are more likely by an extreme mile to do counter measures against it than men.
No. 1632261
>>1620008in general most cases of fgm aren't full ablation but the cutting of the clitoral head, it's still awful but in general it causes the same issues as circumcision by being the most sensitive spots for males and females respectively with an equal innervation, circumcision is extremely equal to fgm by there being procedures which mutilate on the same manner as control measures towards everyone and as a way to make traumatized people (see aboriginal penis ablation and penile mutilation by cutting all of the skin, cutting the head, cutting it in half and things like that), no one should downplay any mutilation towards any human being in general by any reason because it's proxy to justify the other ones.
>>1620924the innervation is different, the foreskin is the most sensitive spot for men while the clitoris is for women so it's understandable to say that they are equal by the pain they cause, this is retarded of course because it isn't the pain which causes the issue but the simple act of cutting someone else, in general no one should rank mutilation acts as worse or better than others because each one of them cause dysfunctions and destruction of another person which in turn suffers physically and emotionally on all manners while reducing the importance of other mutilations which people could consider less important by being counter parts like labia mutilation (which causes a lot of suffering, issues and causes total sexual dysfunction but by people relating it to the foreskin and seeing it as "useless" or bad by violent porn (which is nearly all modern sexual media) or
abusive aesthetical preferences caused by misogynistic falsehoods, something which in turn justifies his mutilation through social abuse.
>>1620933they do it to hurt other people, cause trauma so they are easier to control and in general destroy the natural sexual act to abuse men and women in their bonding times, in general everyone as suffered but there have been people which use this to hide their
abusive behaviors, circumcision can't be this because it comes from a point of general prohibition of mutilation towards anyone rather than an specific issue in general, even more when the man who have done those things are normally the ones who justify circumcision by evil interests.
No. 1632342
>>1632270the issue is that people from both sexes accept the practice and as a result make for doctors which accept that mutilation socially and culturally, the simple fact of dismissal causes doctors which can do this practice with no consequences, it's the same as hiding doctors putting arsenic on meds because they said that it was alright to eat and as a result cause hundreds of deaths, in general it was created by religions which are made by men and women which as a result wanted to have other people which were easier to control, it's delirious to say that just one sex had this part, even more when the evil people who spread it were supported by people like you.
in general smegma isn't produced on extreme levels, first you have smegma as well and aside from that if you don't take dairy it is produced normally, the reason americans have "cheese" is because their diet is based around so much diary and thus lactose which they can't process so it slouches off outside of the body by fluids, something which smegma is, normally it's just one smooch and it's as easily cleaned by running water, something that you should do in fact as well.
>>1632316>paper cutit's more akin to cutting or burning the clitoris with the labia minora, it is the same thing and you downplaying the most sensitive spot by medical malpractice, abuse and personal bias is akin to someone saying that fgm is chaste or some disgusting shit, in general both of them are akin to cutting your fingers and putting acid, it's even worse because you just don't put acid on your fingers you cut the nerve directly and burn it, the simple fact that you are so ignorant to not even recognize that the foreskin and the clitoris have an equal amount of nerve endings and the fact that you downplay the sensitivity of the clitoris and his functions makes me think that you are a tranny or a person so out of touch with oneself that it cannot set oneself to reflect on his own reflections, just being media focused sycophants, in general most men don't orgasm and as a fact this destroys the normal bonding aspect of sex, so this isn't just an affection which affects the man only but a thing which makes sex unpleasurable for woman and in general causes a lack of broken bonding which in general makes for awful relationships and the destruction of love and care on the sexual act, it's the reflection of evil spreading on almost all manners.
No. 1632343
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>>1632342here's an image which i didn't had on the first post.
No. 1632361
>>1632342> it's more akin to cutting or burning the clitoris with the labia minorakek.
Circumcised males can orgasm just fine. It’s still a violation of bodily autonomy but comparing it to FGM makes me care less and less about moid plights.
No. 1632500
>>1632342>>1632261Wow I was against penis circumcision but you're making me an actual fan of it kek
Comparing cutting off actual clitoris to a tiny piece of penis hood skin, are you serious. It's like saying cutting off one's ring finger is the same as cutting off an arm. Dumbass.
No. 1632572
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No. 1633417
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Most of the comments were obviously agreeing with OP and even mocking autistic or NT women
No. 1633845
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Top fucking kek at shooting themselves in the foot and removing awards from their website
No. 1634276
>>1634273samefag also autistic males should unironically autismmaxx, I've seen plenty of evidence of happy autists in relationships together who bond over their special interests and general obsessions, doesn't need to be shared obsessions either. Autist males just need to be the stereotype and become an expert in some obscure shit they love to win over the hearts of autistic women
t. neurodivergent but not autistic
No. 1634448
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If anyone has time for the rambly version
>Three Tall Greys stand before them, calmly, but, the one standing in front is speaking over my parents screams. Neither of my parents notice that i walk in, as i walk in behind them, facing the Greys in front of them, the short Grey at my side. My father screams,"This is Ridiculous, there's no way that's true!" >My mother screams,"We love Snackie, there's no way we wouldn't know their sex, there's no way their sex would be confused, we are not bad parents!" >The, Grey, talking over them, says calmly in his telepathic voice; "Snackie is not, what you assume of them by their evident dimorphism. Snackie identifies with 3 states of being, two dimorphic, one pre-dimorphic. Snackie is not, the sex you are trying to raise them as. Snackie will suffer if you do not raise them in a way that accommodates this information.tldr, Enlightened aliens test a 4 year old and discover they're some third gender. They scold the parents for not accepting it. True story and there's definitely no link between mental illness and gendershit
No. 1634477
>>1633417>>1634458I think the OP of the post doesn't understand how socialization affects the data when it comes to more autistic women being in relationships. We mask more than men do, for one, and there's a lot more pressure on us to get married and have children. Socialization also affects the sort of hyperfixations we acquire; female autists (outside of the internet) tend to fixate on things like horses, botany, needlepoint, historical figures, etc. Men don't generally consider those interests off-putting or weird, and society at large even considers some of those endearing.
It's an oversimplification to say that male autists literally cannot find girlfriends. The lower EQ does put them at a bit of a disadvantage, but many of the obstacles that prevent them from getting girlfriends are things they have control over. These are things like hygiene, being a coomer, dressing like toddlers, etc.
I briefly dated an HF autistic guy in college, and he actually got a lot of attention from women because he was soft-spoken, good-looking, and actually had decent hygiene. His hyperfixations were elevators and infrared, kek. The main difference between him and other autistic guys is just that he exercised, had good hygiene, and wasn't addicted to porn. That's literally it.
No. 1634546
>>1633417Men refuse to put in the work to be social, pleasant individuals, then act offended that social, pleasant women (who have put in the work) won't bother with them.
>>1633623Part of the problem is that men honestly do get quality of life increases from relationships with women. A woman doesn't even have to move in to start serving as a social status marker, a free on-call hooker, and satellite mommy #2. Men know relationships are beneficial to men, but they only acknowledge that fact when men are mad because men aren't getting benefits. The rest of the time, men bitch and moan about how much women take from them, while not actually putting anything into their relationshits. Women of course get nothing out of it.
No. 1634548
File: 1689443218735.jpeg (1.42 MB, 4096x3072, 2B3936B1-1F1B-483B-A515-DF215A…)

Here’s a joocy one if it hasn’t been posted yet!;DR: A user posts on r/antiwork complaining about how they have zero money and how damn hard it is to do anything in the USA-
>31 years of age now.. been working full time since I was 16 years old. Never had the privilege to "formally" educate myself.. I would go homeless otherwise.>Rent is about $25k/year for my 800sqft apartment.>There is no end to the abuse, I spent my whole 20s boot strapping and having faith in a system that only takes and does not give. I've never left my state once since I cannot afford a vacation, never been on vacation and have always chose to work since I would drown otherwise.As the thread continues and redditors pry into their post history it’s revealed…
>OP is a troon living in Los Angeles>has a NEET partner living with them >apartment is over 800ft (a shit apartment is like 300)>makes over 75k a year and pays 25k for their apartment >owns thousands of dollars in anime figures, videogame consoles including multiples of the same consoles + games, arcade cabinets, cosplay shit and other videogame/anime merchandise No. 1634549
File: 1689443477245.jpeg (1.05 MB, 1125x1497, 21C51F36-E1DD-4A81-9827-C101E1…)

>>1634548And here’s a thread ripping on the guy once everyone realized how ridiculous they are. Gotta love Reddit constantly wailing trans rights while he/himming this poor, struggling lady! No. 1634912
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Reddit tard having a meltdown over a chatbot not working kek
No. 1635147
>>1633417My bestie in school had an autistic father (she is nt, as her sisters are).
He is happily married with his sweet wife and they had 3 children. Looking at them, you wouldn't imagine a nicer and friendlier family.
The autistic father is also a doctor and med uni professor who earns a lot of $$$ (a rarity in my country where medicine is a low-paying job). I was at their place once and my friend showed her family pictures. I couldn't believe it, but her father was a jacked gigachad who was very into bodybuilding.
With that being said, you can clearly see he is autistic. He just acts really weird. I don't know, maybe it's his autistic voice but it's obvious.
And despite that he still has a loving wife, great job and a big family.
In short, skill issue lol. If all the other autists were so much obsessed with bodybuilding and acedemic pursuits, they wouldn't have a shortage of woman interested in them. But instead they just sit at home all day and jerk off to sonic anal vore.
No. 1635282
>>1632501they are the same, read correctly, the most basic fgm is equal to mgm.
>>1632500because they have the same number of nerve endings and that can be seen on studies which show that is more sensitive than the head and has the same surface area (most fgm is only cutting the head or the clitoral hood only, it's a 100% horrible not matter the size of the area which is cutted tho, ablation is more akin to 1% of cases), the number of nerve endings shouldn't be a point as well too, no woman should pass for earlobe punturing for the same reason.
>>1632365aside from the bait, no, most can and circumcision is more unhygienic by being a wound and removing a fold which evades external dirtyness from outside sources
>>1632366circumcised men in general don't feel anything by simply not having any total feeling there and the remaining nerves being totally hidden on keratine.
>>1632361it's comparable by having the same number of nerve endings (by real testing which i shown which shows that is more sensitive than the head, it would require skin extraction to know the real specific number but in general that's a human right violation and it hasn't been done on men by the foreskin being used for cosmetic shit, in woman the number was obtained by TiMs who mutilated themselves.
Aside from this, no, ejaculation isn't the same as the orgasm, the head causes an hormonal change which
triggers ejaculation but in no way in fact causes orgasm (this is the reason there's woman who have a one and unsatisfying done feeling which takes some time to repeat and men don't feel as much pleasure from ejaculation and feel less pleasured), orgasm is the release of sexual excitation rather than the one time release of fluid, that men never recognize the other one by ignorance and obfuscation of male erogenous zones by
abusive doctors is an issue which causes very retarded sexual dynamics.
>>1632364sorry for my weird shit, i just like to explain things to others.
>>1635302I used to work at a Walmart as a cashier and the best part of the job was getting my nosiness satisfied by seeing what people were buying. The only time I kinda judged people were when they were landwhale families buying TONS of extremely cheap, low quality meat along with tons of artificially colored, high fructose corn syrup laden fruit flavored sugary drinks with their EBT. Tbh I didn’t even judge the soda buyers because I know bubbly shit and caffeine and sugar are addictive and super hard to cut, but it’s like, wtf are you doing buying all this nasty fake shit that’s basically super expensive pre made koolaid??? I can’t even begin to empathize kek (never had a soda addiction but known dozens of people who did, usually it wasn’t the sugar alone they were addicted to but the combo of sugar+caffeine+bubbles). Tbh koolaid is actually better than that shit and if I remember correctly uses real sugar not HFCS? Idk, I haven’t drank koolaid in like 20 years. But I finally learned the answer to my oft asked question “who tf is buying this garbage” - it’s landwhale families with EBT.
Tbh I judged the people who clearly weren’t poor and weren’t using EBT who were fat and buying garbage WAYYYYY more than the landwhale EBT families. Like you’re shopping at Walmart and you have a Rolex on and nice clothes and a brand new phone and coiffed hair and you’re buying tons of processed garbage, battery hen eggs, non-organic milk, great value butter, and the cheapest ground beef you can find? No wonder you’re fat if you won’t spend $1 more for decent imported butter, how do you not know how disgusting our food system is?
No. 1635415
>>1635282>>1635286>the most basic fgm is equal to mgmTrue but that isn’t mutilating the clitoris and considering there are multiple forms of fgm:
>the same mutilative harm, not less or moreThis is false, very disgusting to downplay the severity of fgm.
>they’re the same because they have the same number of nerve endingsSince when?
>>1632343 compares different parts of a penis which is not equal in form or nerving to female genitalia.
>the foreskin is the most sensitive spot for men while the clitoris is for women so it's understandable to say that they are equal by the pain they cause“Sensitive spot” in this case is in relation to sexual stimulation, not pain. Chopping off a chunk of solid meat is going to be completely different from slicing skin.
No. 1637078
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No. 1637188
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Fuck, I hate Reddit moids so much it’s unreal
Look at this shit: (tried to put the text in a spoiler but I’m retarded and might not have done it correctly) boyfriend masturbates to pictures of female friends
I’ve never posted on here before and I never thought I would. My bf and I have been together for almost 3 years, he’s honestly a great guy.
About a year in we talked about watching porn and pictures of porn stars etc., I told him it made me uncomfortable, not because I consider it cheating but because it’s just repulsing to me and damaging to relationships. He agreed and told me he never watched it a lot but would stop completely.
Yesterday he woke me up at 1 a.m. crying. I was confused but he was almost hysterical, so I tried to get the reason for this sudden change in behavior out of him. So he told me he “was bad” and that he had started to look at porn etc. again.
Honestly, I didn’t know what to say and it confused me a little that he would freak out about it like that.
So I dug a little deeper until he told me IN TEARS that he has also been looking at pictures of girls we know, like as in our female friends.
I know that he did look at girls he liked before we got together but this seems very very wrong to me.
ESPECIALLY since he crossed boundaries I explicitly set.
We normally use each others phones without even asking, because we genuinely don’t hide anything from each other (or so I thought). So I went through it, I searched everywhere I could think of but didn’t find a single picture or something.
When he wakes up, I plan to ask him about his phone.
I also need advice on whether to ask him who the girls are? I want to know but then again - do I really? I’m not at all insecure in myself and he told me several times yesterday that he was “completely satisfied” with me. Well.
I also got him to admit that this has been happening for almost a year. I feel so betrayed. Especially because I’ve been insecure about how frequently we have sex versus how frequently he masturbates. For example, he sometimes would masturbate before meeting me - like hours before?? So I kind of suspected him looking at other girls but I honestly can’t understand it at all.
I’m almost done I swear. So basically yesterday when he woke me up in tears he told me he was so afraid to loose me or that I would see him as a different person. He also obviously knows it’s wrong and he beats himself up about it - I tried to comfort him as good as possible until he fell asleep.
The reason for his outburst of emotion was that he had just come back from the bathroom, where he -, already crying and saw me sleeping in his bed. So he basically lost it in guilt. I might as well add that we had sex like 3 hours before.
While talking, he kind of blamed it on the stress he’s been under, and I knew that he was mentally not at his best but I’m wondering whether this is a valid reason in any way? Like maybe he needs therapy? I don’t want to invalidate his feelings but I feel so empty now.
I honestly have no idea what to do, I feel hurt and unwanted and he’s my best friend and the one and only person I could talk about something like this. And we normally talk about everything - or so I thought.
Help me?
EDIT: I got this a lot and I just don’t feel like I can answer this individually, so I thought I would add it here.
I don’t like porn, I don’t like the industry. My partner knew this and AGREED about it being unethical. I’m sorry but if he lied to me - how am I at fault for believing him?
That being said, I never set up rules for porn consumption, as I assumed we were on the same page. I do not and would not have a problem with him doing it occasionally, for example when we don’t get so see each other. I STILL however don’t like the whole concept.
The most important thing is however, that this post was not even meant to be about porn. As I said earlier, his extreme reaction yesterday night confused me, as I don’t view him watching sometimes as a horrible breach of trust. This is really about the pictures. It’s about me feeling compared to each and everyone of my female friends, when I never doubted his intentions before.
EDIT 2: I posted an update separately due to the amount of comments this post received, in case you want to read more! No. 1637191
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>>1637188Samefag, another one but from a pickme
No. 1637195
>>1637188>>1637191Kek fucking retards
>You're a controlling bitch for not letting him look at porn!!He agreed to it, he agreed to her terms, he lied and said he thought porn was unethical just to relapse again, in fact, that's why he's crying because in his own words "he was bad", he knows he fucked up and admitted fault yet redditors are still trying to defend him
No. 1637207
>>1637191Also kek at this pickme,
>Women need to have more confidence and let their moids watch porn and fancy other women including their female friendsThis retard suggests accommodating and allowing all this porn crap just to be ""accepting"" totally ignoring the fact this goes against OPs personal beliefs (because we know women's opinions aren't relevant amirite?), yet she doesn't even consider that maybe OPs relationship is just doomed to begin with, if her moid can't stop looking at porn even though her gf is not okay with it then they should just break-up
No. 1637211
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>>1637191God, the pickmes in that thread are all just unbearable lmao. This one made roll my eyes too. "OP's concerns about trafficking are
valid but also fuck her for being uncomfortable!"
No. 1637215
>>1637191At least the top comments point out how he's not only a liar but also very manipulative by forcing her to comfort him after being woken up at night when he was the one crossing her boundaries, just so she can at least go back to sleep.
Imagine if your biggest inner demon was NOT jerking off to your friends, coomers are a true menace.
No. 1637521
>>1622460it's a joke amongst Americans that cats are selfish rude creatures who see you as no more of a servant to them. Cats have far different personalities to dogs, and are very set with their boundaries. They pick and choose who they give their affection to, that is a fact. While there are many breeds of dogs who have a "see friend" attitude. It's not meant as an insult, it's a self deprecating joke on how cat parents are masochists for owning a creature that hates them
>>1623209I've almost exclusively owned street cats and I've never had many cats with a bitchy personality. Plenty of the cats I've had over the years have been very fine with being picked up, receptive to affection, and genuinely been affectionate towards me. Maybe its because they were are inbred homeless cats or something but they were really sweet. I think some people who hate cats for being douches just had an experience with a very moody cat or have no respect for personal boundaries which is a red flag for humans as well.
No. 1637547
>>1637521I fully believe people who hate cats have control problems and can’t handle being around a furry creature with autonomy (although I kind of except people with allergies from this because I think it’s fair to subconsciously develop a dislike for a critter that makes you feel physically miserable)
Street cats are often great though, once I was squatting down and doing the click sound and “come here cat” hand gesture to a random cute black cat and he was not interested at all and then when I turned to leave him alone I heard a jingling from my left and looked over and this big fat ol tortie was full-speed trotting down to me from like four houses over, pouch wobbling and all, rearing to make a new friend and I could have cried it was the cutest thing
No. 1637555
>>1637521>>1637547I work with animals. People are just retarded and perceive all animals the same way. Cats were domesticated a lot more recently than dogs, and they are one of the few domesticated animals that don't have a social hierarchy. Instead of seeing as as their superior the way dogs, horses, chickens, etc. do, cats basically just view us as other cats in their colony. Tame housecats basically live in a psychological state of perma-kittenhood where they view their owners as mothers. They meow at us for food and knead because that's what kittens do. They rely on us because they trust us, not because they view humans as their butlers. As for the environment thing, cats live longer lives indoors, and if your cat seems sad indoors, you need to provide them with more enrichment and privacy; more hidey places, more toys, and more interaction. Even "working" cats (mousers) shouldn't have unrestricted access outside; they should be kept in the space they work in, like a barn.
I always think it's a red flag when someone dislikes any entire species. It reflects a lack of nuance when it comes to animal behavior, and is just intellectually lazy.
No. 1637570
>>1637188The crying at night was so emotionally manipulative and sickening to hear. He didnt do it bc he was genuinely upset, he did it to garner sympathy so he could feel okay about going behind her back in the first place. Shit like this shows me why men find women crying manipulative. Bc they only do it as manipulation. They hate being treated as the bad guy in a situation, instead they want to be the perpetual
victim that gets to be a piece of shit that does whatever he wants. They get upset when women show emotion against them that "guilts" them and paints them as the bad guy so obviously women doing this are "manipulators"
No. 1637578
>>1637570This is so true. Men will do anything to not have to take responsibility for their actions. They are masters at reframing things in their own mind to make themselves the
victim. Guys who jerk off in the next room while their girlfriend is sleeping after they just had sex 3 hours earlier… that is so fucking evil, such a breach of trust. He knows exactly how much it would hurt her, but he probably thought to himself "she is a bitch who is trying to control me, what I am doing is perfectly natural and it's her own fault I have to break her trust to do this because she should be allowing me to do this in the first place" probably even getting off to how much it would hurt her if she knew. I know men literally do "dangerwanks" where they will call out for their mother/gf before they are about to coom because the thrill of getting caught doing it excites them. Men are fucking vile and evil.
I remember in my first relationship when I was a naive teenager I found porn on my bfs computer and he cried because he thought I would break up with him and I wanted to, but seeing him cry I got manipulated into staying with him. I was too young to know better. He of course continued to watch porn and eventually cheated on me with another girl.
No. 1637586
>>1637191"Me and my bf have a fun time trying to replicate the stuff we see in porn!"
Imagine admitting you're just acting out videos your scrote jerks off to. Cucked beyond belief… I used to date a guy who was really into porn and it was miserable, he took forever to get off and I could literally feel him trying to recreate some video he was watching in his head, he also constantly wanted to try a bunch of deviant crap that doesn't even feel good. Women don't want men watching porn because they're insecure, it fucks up your sex life and they eventually get porn fried from watching it too often. I don't want him getting ED at 30 from constant extreme teen bdsm porn. I made it clear I hated porn when I first met my husband, neither of us watch it. This whole comment section is men with broken dicks who "need" porn and cucked women trying to crab bucket other women into being cucked too
No. 1637824
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Excuse my boomer screenshot technique.
I don't think anything outside of divorce would be on the cards to be honest.
Imagine making a life with someone and they are a disgusting fucking coomer willing to injure you without asking in order to get off
No. 1638517
>>1637188Men being told that their porn consumption hurts their partner = suffering KEK that’s the most ridiculous shit. I can’t even take anything seriously after that. Porn isn’t a fucking need, this is insane. Moids are coddled like children living their life on easy mode but still trying to be
victims so they can get permanent praise and pickme doormats on Reddit love to defend their pouty tantrums by using vile insults toward women who have the most mild and understandable concerns. They also always love to pull out the prude, moralist, religious puritan cards to pressure women into accepting vile male behaviors, it’s sad. God forbid a male gets his feelings hurt when you tell him watching teenage gang bang part 4 isn’t part of a healthy relationship, you evil Karen bitch! No man will ever defend women’s behavior to other men in this way.
No. 1638549
>>1637560It's really depressing to realize that most women can love a spouse as a family member, but men just can't. If any truly can, it's 1% or less. And this is what we raise girls to believe is the most important relationship in their lives.
>>1637570Depressing and true. Even when they do awful things and feel guilty, they don't ever stop. They just get mad at the person they hurt. One of my exes berated me at a restaurant until I silently put my head down to cry, and then he said, "Oh NO, now everybody will think I'm a jerk!" The shame just shot through me. I'm glad he's now post-wall and single.
No. 1639665
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Vindicta posters are so sad
No. 1639714
>>1639665I saw that post too. I appreciate their honesty, but Jesus, she’s only 22. Could you imagine doing all that shit to your body at 22?
No. 1640381
>>1639972I don't understand why plastic surgery procedures are replacing what can be done with makeup. Then they're filtering to hell anyway. What was the point? By the end of it you're literally more cartoonish than human
Vindicta and their celebs rating sub are such a
toxic place. It does nothing for women's self esteem and their endgoals only seem to be to please moids. always warn any woman away from those subs. With the recent truerateme controversy there is absolutely no reason to be posting your face on Reddit knowing what kind of terminally online coomers lurk and mod on the site.
No. 1640547
>>1637188this honestly makes me appreciate living in a more "trad" area, i saw a tv show in which a moid was caught watching porn, and she immediately moved out and only came back months later when he literally threw always his computer and started a therapy. in the us moids jerking it to all kind of things is always only portrayed as funny and harmless.
moids being porn addicts and cheating on their wives is one (horrible) thing, but other women defending them and this being considered a normal thing is total insanity. how can you even call yourselves a couple, if basic stuff like having the same standards, morals, interests is considered too controlling?
No. 1640711
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>>1640663Mods are total neckbeards, but the main gist is users are theorizing most of the pics are stolen and not real women posting there.
A former mod of the sub leaked information about the mod team, and one of the mods was under investigation by the police for encouraging a user to kill themselves. Some are even speculating that the sub was entirely founded as an incel safe haven alternative to r/rateme so men could harass women more freely. Truerateme sub blew up in notoriety the past few months thanks to the API blackout eliminating subs that would otherwise show up on peoples feeds, and truerateme went to the top of peoples recommendations No. 1641049
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Woman dates crusty gross old man, surprised to learn he's a disrespectful perverted crusty jizz sock who will ruin her life. Apparently she got with him when she was 17 and he was 32. Older men view a younger woman as a sex trophy and possession. That is the only reason men date way younger women–to control her and boost his ego. Now that she's "locked down" pregnant with his baby he's immediately violating her boundaries and being a family-destroying perv. I feel bad for this child. They're going to grow up with a gross old geezer as a father who disrespects their mother and flagrantly cheats on her.
No. 1641075
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>>1641049yep, just checked out the comments. this is awful.
No. 1641141
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I know this sub is filled with troons but I think it's funny when you see a post made by an actual lesbian about a concern she's noticed within her community and everyone jumps to "maybe she's asexual!!!" instead of accepting that there are women who want to be perceived as gay for clout. No. 1641212
>>1640547I bet the poster in picrel considers herself to be trad
>>1641049 >>1641075
>>1641141Out with the fake bi era, into the full on fake lesbian era. Fucking hell. At least the bi fakers had a little less audacity to waste people's time and were only half lying about their attractions.
No. 1641374
>>1637078"Someone is exposing themselves to children? Maybe tell your child not to look"
Whatever happened to
victim blamin
No. 1641380
>>1635315I use to work food delivery and I refused to deliver 50$+ orders to areas I knew were poor. Most of the time I'd see the same income apartments ordering 3xs a day of the most priced up fast food, never tipping either. I had to quit when I started literally losing money trying to pay for gas than what I was making in tips. It use to be a good way to get money fast if you're low income and need to buy diapers, food, pay a utility, etc. Now it's just literally just giving broke people food they can't afford while they call you entitled for literally going out of your way, spending your gas, and risking your life to go to a strangers house to give their lard ass food.
I don't hate poor people, but consumerist poor people are the absolute worse. They will go broke just to flex or give into any glutton, sloth, lust, etc they decided to whim for
No. 1641393
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What the fuck is wrong with moids
No. 1641524
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No. 1641531
>>1641524Yeah, until the day she “politely” turns away a violent moid who will not accept a polite no as an answer.
I hate these “violent interactions never happened to me so I’m going to invalidate the experience of all
victims” kind of people.
No. 1641749
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How grateful the average scrote is when you cary his child.
No. 1641915
>>1641749This poor woman was groomed by this dude since the age of 17. I won’t even mention her “best friend” who was supposed to help and guide her through this difficult time.
Ladies this is what you get for giving an old moid a chance.
No. 1642574
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Barbie dolls with colorful outfits is suddenly "queewr cowded!1!1!"
Also men should stay away from dolls.
No. 1642778
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>>1642716I'm not saying every man would do the same. But literally when they collect and customize dolls, specially rainbow high, they do shit like picrel.
This tard is sexualizing high school girls and nobody seems to care, literally all the doll pages who do this are men and sometimes men in drag. Fucking disgusting.
No. 1643134
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I present to you the latest development in the moid false accusations talking point, tldr:
>I was openly talking about my weird kinks and a girl called me out on how fucked up they are and I decided to social isolate myself because of the embarrassment. This is womens' fault.
His kink in question is "free use," btw. As in, sex anytime without any boundaries or limitations or asking for consent every time, gee I wonder why someone would think that sounds rapey. Many of the comments are predictably by coomers sympathizing with the poster, only a few sane ones because this is reddit.
No. 1643748
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>free use kink
Not even once
No. 1643887
>>1643748Who in their right fucking mind would ever have this kind of agreement with a moid? It’s setting yourself up for abuse and rape, even if it’s “agreed upon”. Seriously, what is wrong with women who are okay with this and similar kinks? Is it a form of pickme-ism? Is it because of trauma? I really don’t understand. You can click any video on the front page of a porn site and see the violence men are capable of, and yet you willingly subject yourself to it, then get upset when you get physically hurt. I’m sorry if this sounds
victim blamey, but it truly makes no sense. This man raped her and she’s still with him. Why?
No. 1645057
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Clicked on the profile and sure enough it’s a weirdo who just posts chatgpt responses in a bunch of completely random subs. What do they get out if it? I can’t think of a more pathetic waste of time.
No. 1645092
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A reply to an AITA type post where a moid doesn't understand why his girlfriend is upset he did nothing to protect her from muggers that made them both strip down to their underwear.
"rape is only a few minutes, dead is forever" tell that to the women who've been traumatized for life or committed suicide after being raped for "only a few minutes". I swear being a pick me deteriorates women's brain cells like nothing else, this shit makes me wanna a-log so bad
No. 1645093
>>1643748Not to blogpost but I too have some weird skin tag (I'd say hemorrhoid but it doesn't hurt) on my butthole from an anal fissure I got from severe food poisoning years ago kek.
Someone should tell this girl that normal men still want us and will have sex with us in spite of our ugly buttholes. If a guy rejects you because of your asshole then he is a faggot and you are his beard.
It sucks that her condition is chronic but I am unsure why her doctors have never recommended surgery and only prescribe ointment? That part tips the story into 'fake' to me. I think it's just a scrote typing out his free use kink and how a woman can never find love again cause he ruined her butt. Stupid.
No. 1645172
>>1645092Replace “girlfriend” with “daughter” or “son” even. Now what? It’s just a few minutes.
>>1645126He would not be found guilty for just standing there but it is completely reasonable that the girlfriend now feels unsafe, unprotected, and disillusioned. Men harp on and on and on about “Who’s gonna protect you???” But they never actually do.
No. 1645211
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>>1645092Men are genuinely useless. There is not a single upside to dating men because modern men can not offer a single service to a woman. Unless he has taken care to train his body and mind and taken up arms and is ready to fucking die for you, there is no point in relying on them for a single thing. Women are better off training herself, carrying a weapon and always be ready to protect herself and her child because a man will NOT do that.
To be mugging
victims to begin with, they were probably careless and unaware of their environment, most likely because the presence of a moid offered false sense of security. If the woman was alone, she would have had all her guards up and tried to avoid unnecessary risks.
>>1645178I agree that de-escalation should always be prioritized. It’s important to identify what kind danger you’re in, usually muggers don’t want to waste time or leave evidence or kill people, but if the assailant is deranged to the point of willing to rape and kill then you will just have to do your best to fight. You are just as likely to get killed after getting raped as before getting raped. If a criminal feels comfortable enough at the time and the place to commit rape that means he has confidence that he won’t be disturbed or caught, there is no downside to killing you and no upside to letting you go. You should always be prepared for that possibility. The scrote basically maintained that if the situation escalated to gross violence such as rape then he would still do nothing because he and all these delusional pickmes really believe that shit hasn’t already hit the fan at that point. That kind of stress response where you start telling yourself that “it’s still fine” inhibits you from actually preparing yourself to fight. He cared more about his emasculation feelings than offering her ways of feeling safe again like you said. It should have been his wake up call to start taking responsibility for their general safety.
No. 1645318
>>1645256Looked through her posts earlier too because I expected a dumpster. Plenty of people responded telling her that "rape is only a few mins" is the worst sentence they've ever read (including rape
victims saying this over and over) and she just left it up. How tf do you ignore all that and just keep posting to other threads.
On a site full of men who openly despise women yeah it still takes the award home for worst sentence I've read in a while.
No. 1646192
>>1646027I mean she kinda has a point this woman did fuck over 4 married women by sleeping with their husbands, can't feel bad for someone lile that.
I knew one older man who specifically slept with married women, showered them with gifts, etc and tried to fuck their marriages up. This dead bitch was probably similar, I'm sure all 4 women she screwed over are happy she's dead.
People with a fetish to break up families and marriages don't deserve happiness just like cheaters don't. They're guilty as well.
I think a lot of anons are desperate women who have been second women so they're biased but in reality everyone hates the second man/woman just as much as they hate the cheater.
No. 1647081
File: 1690524827051.jpg (577.07 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20230728_080621_Gal…)

Woman has real concerns and is concerned everybody will hate her for her doubts about letting a tranny into a space for women… I hate this world.
Posting follow-ups now.
No. 1647082
File: 1690524886091.png (512.24 KB, 1080x1384, sketch1690524718826.png)

>>1647081I must post with background like that because sometimes LC won't let me post unedited screencaps, saying the files are too big.
No. 1647083
File: 1690524922698.png (143.28 KB, 1080x1384, sketch1690524756217.png)

>>1647082Fuck the anti-women establishment.
No. 1647094
File: 1690526510380.jpg (138.88 KB, 1030x754, Screenshot_20230727_233925.jpg)

>>1647081>>1647082>>1647083>>1647088He was dressed as a man, complete with fucking facial hair. But fuck women for feeling violated and unsafe, right guyz
No. 1647115
>>1647106they don't care, most of them don't evn know what a radical feminist is. they will still call you a
terf. even a middle-aged man who doesn't like them is a "
terf" to them lol.
No. 1647168
Terf if just the new 'feminazi'.
No. 1647439
>>1645092i thought they're our protectors and this is why we need to stay beautiful and give sex and have no rights hm…?
my dad is by no means perfect but reading about reddit relationships always makes my parents seem like the most romantic couple ever, i know that he'd die for her and imo no woman should accept a man who loves her less than this.
No. 1647782
>>1647701Reddit knew what they were doing when they banned third party API crawlers and wanted them to pay. I don't even think it's worth it to call it a tinfoil at this point
Stupid corporations protecting the interests of the rich as usual
No. 1648036
File: 1690625162466.jpeg (92.42 KB, 500x664, i see you.jpeg)

okay bare with me because this might sound tinfoiley but i don't think it is. i have had a reddit account for 12 years (i'm 30) and almost never post anything unless it's in a niche subreddit, i have like 10k post karma. recently i have been getting 'followers' which why the fuck does reddit allow followers? i didn't want anyone to see my posts about clothes, old hollywood drama, and pictures of cats. so i click the followers and they look like AI generated posts. i am convinced reddit has been selling data to make posters look real by analyzing real posters who barely post but are real accounts instead of premade accounts. this is so gross
No. 1648543
File: 1690673550908.png (294.49 KB, 318x934, reddit2.png)

kek, this is so much to unpack. Guess your family sees you as a valid man now and won't let you around their kids.
No. 1648551
>>1648036On my old account I had followers that were likely my stalker (long story), bots and occasional randoms who followed me from my quippy posting on subreddits
It didn't start bothering me so much until I realized at least one of them was a stalker
No. 1649183
File: 1690736826238.png (44.46 KB, 673x318, StinkyRedditScrote.PNG)

Are men incapable of basic hygiene?
Holy fuck the men in the comments telling her she's belittling him. How "Some men just don't maintain all that shit."
Oh and "Stop treating him like a toddler." But not saying it like she's wasting her time, but more "You are being a meanie."
According to OP, he started getting neglectful with hygiene after they got married. Go figure.
No. 1649368
File: 1690753568523.png (64.16 KB, 724x601, insane.png)

i hope she leaves.
No. 1650106
File: 1690813124719.png (389.94 KB, 602x914, capture.png)

don't worry, we figured it out.
No. 1650306
File: 1690831716129.jpg (69.67 KB, 644x443, Screenshot_20230731-152646_Ope…)

It's my fault for going on reddit but goddamn. This is the first post I see? Justifying a brother staring at his sister's breasts?
No. 1651431
File: 1690938744143.jpg (346.52 KB, 1020x1529, IMG_20230801_210906.jpg)

Usually only check r/hockey for hockey news and that's it, but the one time I'm reading comments it's this kind of shit
No. 1652244
File: 1691024649250.jpg (98.53 KB, 500x307, carlsjr.jpg)

>>1651431Thank God only women are depraved enough to sexualize celebrities in shitty fiction! Ugh. What if they felt emboldened enough to take that filthy shit IRL? MEN WOULD NEVER.
No. 1652409
>>1649455My thoughts exactly, holy shit, I was abused by a BPD man in a very similar fashion. This guy would have to have things his way or else it was some huge betrayal. Projection city, whenever I, too, would have taken enough and gotten angry, he'd reverse
victim and would say shit like how what I say makes him feel like a can being crushed, or how he would be "submitting" to me if he would just concede to
my feelings sometimes. I never saw our arguments as a winner/loser, just trying to get him to feel some empathy for how he made me feel even unintentionally. Sometimes he'd even self-harm or otherwise hurt himself intentionally in front of me. Yet if you asked him to this day,
I was the asshole. He's scorned I discarded him and didn't stick around to be his dicksleeve.
BPD men should unironically seppuku
No. 1652498
File: 1691045700328.png (22.84 KB, 848x236, fhfhg.PNG)

Context: OP makes fun of her sister for doing a joint bachelor/ette party at a strip club and doing coke. Picrel is one of the highest voted comments, but it's only been four hours so far.
Reddits affinity for strip clubs is well known already, but apparently we've also reached a point where you have to be considerate of junkies doing coke, because it's their choice after all kek.
No. 1652788
>>1652758>>1652441The funniest part to me is that some men get upset with media depicting buff, stoic heroes because this will make the females are perpetuating
toxic masculinity and bodybuilding standards on men.
Then they also get upset at depictions of soft pretty bishounens and boyband singers because how dare these stupid females like gays and pussies when they should be liking REAL men and the females are perpetuating
toxic standards on men.
Then then also get upset at media depicting geeks and nerds because it's offensive and clearly just radical females making fun of them and that's also
Then they also get upset at media depicting somehow lovable dadbody men with hot wives because that's perpetuating the dumb husband trope which never happens and that's
toxic too.
Literally what's acceptable to these guys at this point? Depictions of men as uwu kawaii anime girls?
No. 1652795
>>1652758It’s probably knowing that women will admire an idealized male form separate from them. I feel like they should be happy women are expressing sexual desire but men online get unbelievably
triggered at women expressing any sexual interest. If you go to fan spaces where younger women bond over enjoying something they usually thirst or obsess over it in innocent ways but moids act like it’s disturbing and disrespectful. Scrotes seethe at how cringe teenage girls can be but men will make graphic porn of video game characters or deepfakes of real celebrities, also straight up stalk and try to kill performers they like. I really will never care if some guy in a band feels uncomfortable because a girl posts fan edits.
No. 1652809
>>1652795not sure how well aware y'all are with mobile gacha games but men online recently
1. harassed a company into firing a female artists because the game put out a wetsuit summer skin for a female character while a male character got an open shirt and shorts summer skin. the fired artist didn't even draw the skins.
2. constantly joked about killing cats and reported literally killed a cat just because a bratty male game character who's popular with girls resembled a cat
No. 1653758
File: 1691163795949.png (131.02 KB, 644x947, AmItheasshole000.png)

I know AITA is full of fake stories. But that said some will be based on real scenarios. Will women ever learn that, no, you gain nothing by getting with that 'single' dad? When women are single moms and get with a guy, she's still the mom, the parent. When guys do it, he just landed himself a fucking babysitter/mommy.
No. 1654031
>>1653839Addicts do and probably should, I know a gal irl who’s in such a bad state that her actual felon ex got custody of the kid after she did some fucked up shit involving severe neglect
She’s also a literal lot lizard who charges nasty johns only $20 extra not to use a condom. The dad probably isn’t much better but he’s sober so he wins. I wish she was more active online cause she’s awful and she’d be a fun cow
But also like yeah obviously men are worse in every way but I don’t understand pretending like there are hardly any horrible women who exist and those horrible women are never horrible mothers who don’t give a fuck about their kids cause god knows there are plenty
No. 1654079
>>1653924Worst of the western sphere: glass cupcakes, harassing voice actors on twitter for their ship preferences
Worst of the eastern sphere: stalking idols and voice actors, harassing with demands that creative workers be fired, death threats for manga developments, the Kyoani studio arson
Damn, I have to apologize to tumblr.
No. 1654911
File: 1691253011326.jpeg (728.06 KB, 1170x1640, IMG_9567.jpeg)

A FEMALE penis? Clown world.
No. 1654951
>>1653763Expired goods is a cruel phrase and I don't agree with it, but I agree that unless everything goes perfectly, it's a terrible deal that always ends badly. The only situation where things end up good is where a woman wants to be a step mother and loves kids, the father is a great father, and the mother is either absent or a rational and amazing co-parent. Oh, and the children happen to be normal children and aren't sociopaths or psychopaths.
>>1654031>She’s also a literal lot lizard who charges nasty johns only $20 extra not to use a condom.That's so sad. That's such a rock bottom and pitiful thing to do. Did she have a normal childhood and got into drugs, or was she doomed from the start?
>>1654911>There's nothing gay about a female penis.I can't even tell if people are being serious anymore.
No. 1656033
File: 1691344161193.webm (Spoiler Image,3.32 MB, 480x848, IMG_6420.webm)

Spoiler: robot sex doll simulating rape
No. 1656037
File: 1691344183430.jpeg (Spoiler Image,497.83 KB, 855x3172, A3AABB84-7C08-4BD6-A3B0-8FE3AC…)

>>1656033ft. a bunch of rapists dogpiling another spineless scrote for wrongthink
No. 1656540
File: 1691374951940.jpeg (280.81 KB, 640x640, 55106F5E-E924-4960-87B4-D97AEB…)

>>1656530Harrowing read. If I heard a moid utter “it’s jUst a fAnTAsy” irl I might have an actual psychotic break.
No. 1656643
File: 1691388050742.jpg (67.62 KB, 640x828, humMANsrevil.jpg)

>>1656283Agreed. It comes off as trying to separate men into 'normal men' and 'abnormal men' to trick anons into no longer posting manhate. Like:
> "You saying all men have sexually harassed women? Those men aren't normal, are you trying to normalise sexual harassment by accusing all men of it!"> "You saying all men have fucked a chicken sandwich? Those men aren't normal, are you trying to normalise fucking chicken sandwiches by accusing all men of it!"It's likely a psyop considering it's appeared in the tradfag thread and pp thread accompanied with "W-well women can be pedos too! Say people not men!". In the end picrel is always correct.
No. 1656677
>>1656643One thing I find interesting about this is that its been an ongoing problem for a very long time, but young men refuse to believe that their peers
are a part of this. Millennial and zoomer men refuse to believe that men they know will be the ones joining this statistic and shield eachother all the time. Like it isnt going to randomly end just because you all have access to better porn.
No. 1657198
File: 1691438106446.png (93.25 KB, 806x536, HMOMF.PNG)

Picrel is some incel teen who realized his latent sodomite desires for his giga-chad friend.
And they say women are dramatic.
No. 1657455
File: 1691464760887.jpeg (600.75 KB, 1170x1305, E7852957-8534-4D1B-ABAE-483DCC…)

men on reddit: ugh once a woman asked me to pay for her food
the average woman: once a man said that i’m lucky he didn’t rape me on the first date
No. 1658384
File: 1691537751174.png (493.8 KB, 2556x1370, Screenshot 2023-08-08 at 6.36.…)

>Don't know what women are crying about it's okay to move ~just a little~ piece of an organ no anesthetic
>wahh but my tiny little skin I have no memory of and don't notice
No. 1658404
File: 1691539317439.jpg (283.49 KB, 1364x2048, 3f2376a582b584865cade72a054744…)

>>1656033that's not a robot. I am sure its(luckily) a moid inside one of those creepy ed gein weeb kigurumi outfits.
No. 1658491
File: 1691543448276.jpeg (440.15 KB, 809x2121, IMG_1628.jpeg)

i hope for her sake that this is a shitpost and none of this is real
No. 1658681
>>1658573not to mention the procedure. circumcision is often done as an infant, with proper medical tools and pain relief, men who get circumcised go on to live normal lives and very rarely have any complications, nor do they live with the trauma. In fact, if it wasn't mentioned to them, they wouldn't notice
when FGM, it happens on teen or child girls with no anesthesia, traumatizes them and they end up having a long list of gynecological issues later on and most of them can't do functions like peeing, having sex or even birth properly. It's not remotely fair to compare something thats literally murdering little girls to something most moids prefer having their dick cut anyway
No. 1660159
File: 1691691843964.jpg (236.42 KB, 1118x910, FVhuPzWYAAvAGV.jpg)

This seems autistic.
No. 1660184
>>1660172Personally I can never bring myself to poop at a friend's house but I seriously doubt that anyone visits your house at all lol
People who actually have friends just don't act like this.
No. 1660227
File: 1691695224594.jpg (8.64 KB, 310x350, everbody poops.jpg)

>>1660172Do you want me to read picrel to you?
No. 1660265
>>1660253i've drank lots of very strong coffee but never got the mystical shits afterwards, even when combined with smoking a cig/vaping (the ana "nicotine hack")
>>1660256my diet is pretty regular but my shits are still random, am i just the loser in the genetic lottery?
No. 1660280
>>1660243>>1660245>>1660252I swear it's normal, other people replied too and they do it. I'm not the only one. It doesn't even take coffee and cigarettes, I get up and drink a glass of water and shit, then I'm on my way and don't have to think about it for the rest of the day. I learned this when I was like 9 years old.
>>1660258>pooping and wiping>wiping*Disgusting. Access to soap and water is one reason shitting in your own home before showering is great.
No. 1661027
File: 1691766656719.jpeg (871.57 KB, 1170x1478, A9F8C8E7-A84F-4714-8E8A-B8A2E7…)

oh shut the fuck up.
No. 1661039
>>1661027Men are always the
victims crying about not being coddled 24/7 and flatout say they can’t be held accountable for their own actions. Kek why would these retards think women have such an easy time dealing with mental health anyway? Moids are so weak and whiny, literally defective.
No. 1661063
>>1661027Love how men have managed to turn 'men's mental health' into something that excuses all of their actions. Can't say anything bad about male violence or you're hurting some scrote's feelings and are the reason the male suicide rate is so high, boohoo.
I also can't stand the subtext when men's mental health is brought up that women's mental health is somehow given all the attention? I've never even seen charities or organizations specifically talking about women's mental health. The pick me's I know who are always sharing cutesy graphics on FB about men's mental health will then share a meme making fun of teen girls for faking having depression for attention and not see the irony.
No. 1661112
File: 1691772919866.jpg (323.92 KB, 1154x760, ldfdfegh.jpg)

Am I tripping or did one of you fuckers literally post something similar on here a week ago? About being worried about dressing sexy in front of your post partum friend and making her feel bad? What the fuck is this weird mentality the ego is so funny to me this has to be some creative writing shit. Just an fyi nobody gives a single fuck about your body anachan nobody is looking at you grow out of your middle school syndrome I beg of you and stop making this shit up cuz it's embarrassing
No. 1661136
File: 1691775272942.png (111.4 KB, 711x641, 09reddit.PNG)

>Step Sister threatens to call the cops on OP
>OP goads her on to do it
>OP is flabbergasted she does just that
He's leaving out some details. Scrotes often do this.
No. 1661162
>>1661125>I think anon means like having good connections to friends and family.I hear this a lot too and I just don’t see how it’s true? Anyone can have a poor relationship with their family or not have good friends, in fact I feel like it’s even
more common for women to go no contact with their shitty parents/family in adulthood since we’re often given more responsibility as girls and we’re not usually the golden child if there’s a boy around. I also feel like it’s easier for men to keep or make friends, you don’t have to worry about a woman feigning interest in you as a person just to sleep with you, and women tend to coddle their male friends way more. Just don’t get it at all. Otherwise I agree with you anon kek.
No. 1661210
>>1661177Sounds like the women who are traumatized from dating blatantly disrespectful porn addicts and get
triggered seeing a woman jogging outside because they know their bf is checking them out and fucking them in their mind. You should be able to trust your partner to not be a complete creep ogling strangers just because WOMAN BOOBS AND BUTT AWOOGA. But even without all that I do understand not wanting to be in an environment where women purposefully sexualize themselves (not saying bikinis are always sexualized), it’s gross to me with or without my partner.
No. 1661212
File: 1691780642532.png (114.93 KB, 1822x678, taht happened.png)

And then everyone clapped. Also, how did she find out that they are claiming she hexed them?
No. 1661249
>>1661210Probably, I used to have a bf who would BLATANTLY stare at women. It was so obvious I felt both bad for the women and humiliated for myself. If I called him out on it, he'd claim I was insecure and paranoid. My husband doesn't glance at anyone now, never seen him look at another woman. Once I'm pretty sure a bartender was trying to flirt with him infront of me and he didn't seem to notice. Very vindicating. I still get sweaty though when I see very attractive women in public, even though I've never seen him stare once.
>>1661112Redditors are always dicks about making the tiniest concessions for other people. Tbh if another woman told me that she felt that bad about her pp bod, I'd probably wear an spf surf shirt. You're not a massive dick for not doing it, but you're also not particularly nice eituer
No. 1661513
>>1661439Not all men. I'm
>>1661508 and there's a type of man that harassed me in public, it's usually couples where the man is uglier and older, the larger the age gap the more likely he is to sexually harass underage girls even with his wife/gf around because he's a pedo. Don't normalize sexual abuse, checking women out and making them uncomfortable in public is abuse and normal men don't do it, if all of your boyfriends are men who do it, get rid of them.
No. 1661520
>>1661517I was 11, he was a pedo and his wife is as guilty because she attacked me. If I had called the police, they'd probably get deported because they were both broke Russian tourists.
I'm sorry but if a womans/girls brother/father/mother/etc. Catches you harassing her and reports you, you'll definitely get fucked over especially if she's underage.
No. 1661601
File: 1691808616463.jpg (663.81 KB, 1440x3088, Screenshot_20230812_055040_Sam…)

Ah yes, let's make the main character of a show aimed at young girls a boy in a skirt! How progressive! I'm glad the majority of the votes hate it though. And someone in the replies said something that may indicate that the show creator is a crypto terf because he likes JKR and her work and supports her but it's not clear if this was a recent statement by him or an old one before the whole troon shit started.
No. 1661611
File: 1691809422266.jpg (143.14 KB, 1440x730, Screenshot_20230812_060430_Sam…)

>>1661601Ofcourse they want to claim the prettiest and most feminine girl as trans, how pathetic. I'm afraid it's probably because of some bimbo fetish they have since she's blone and into fashion and can be an airhead and dramatic.
No. 1661661
File: 1691812920662.jpeg (708.22 KB, 762x1800, IMG_7884.jpeg)

I genuinely hope that this is satire because if not then wtf?? ?
No. 1661910
>>1661027Where is the empathy for mentally ill women and women who are
victims of men’s violence? Because 99% of time they don’t turn into Nazis or violent incels. I genuinely hope all moids rope, the 60-something statistic makes me sooo happy.
No. 1662019
>>1661559If you're checking a woman out and her friends or husband notice it, you'll still get in trouble. An immigrant in my country got beaten up until he was disabled and deported because of just that, it's not normal to harass women on the streets and even stranger men will attack you for doing so.
>>1661551It's either a man or a woman who's excusing and supporting her bfs harassment. There's a specific redditor type of woman who normalizes sexual abuse on the street and even "checks out women with her bf" to cope with it. Though him saying kids deserve being sexually harassed for going to the beach does make me think it's a man, no woman no matter how brainwashed will blame kids for getting harassed by old men.
No. 1662789
>>1661125>They don’t even have the burden of traumatic events usually, just sadness or rage because the world isn’t giving them everything.I find this line to be particularly true. In the past I dated moids who had amazing families, education, and careers, but would constantly whine about their terrible lives. I am someone who was raped, grew up with an
abusive family, and was in a traumatic car accident growing up. Know what I did? Went to therapy. Even when I’ve suggested this to men, even when they have no trauma but I think it still might be helpful, they NEVER want to help themselves or find help.
No. 1662875
>>1661910Men will commit almost all violent crime and rather than being ashamed or thinking it's important to criticize violence, simply seethe about that violence being recognized as bad. They are children who wish to control the world and bastardise it for the worse.
>>1662871Samefag, the men who post about muh poor mens mental health are usually also the same ones who want to keep their guns, so they aren't actually against a high suicide rate which the easy ownership of guns contributes to the high rate of.
No. 1663318
File: 1691939005926.png (535.1 KB, 576x1280, Screenshot_20230813-115831.png)

Imagine paying 100usd for this shit.
No. 1664138
File: 1692007572930.jpg (977.77 KB, 1440x3088, Screenshot_20230814_102726_Sam…)

Troon groomer in a subreddit for a kid's cartoon. I knew it's a troon from the header alone. Fortunately everyone in the replies is rightfully repulsed and told him to fuck off.
No. 1664277
File: 1692022412099.png (83.91 KB, 576x566, Screenshot_20230814-111528~2.p…)

>>1664138Don't forget part two kek
No. 1664301
File: 1692025886680.png (29.67 KB, 660x348, readingcomprehensionsaywhat.PN…)

>>1664138fucking kek this guy is so blatant
No. 1664807
File: 1692057600936.jpeg (139.58 KB, 1125x768, 70360C10-EAEF-4C1E-8512-507819…)

Can Intersex people have PCOS? I miss how easy apollo made it to screenshot
No. 1664819
>>1651431KEK oh my god this post is so old but I'm fucking losing it over r/hockey commentators malding and doing the whole
>Just imagine if a MAN did this to a WOMAN! thing over teens reading why choose hockey romance ebooks
No. 1665174
>>1665133Kek if women with PCOS could qualify as transgender I'd be on GoFundMe funding my breast implants, nose job, "housing" and everything else years ago. Do they want to just instil dysphoria in women with PCOS for no reason?
I also love how there's no male equivalent like trying to call men with gyno intersex, seems like erasing women's femininity seems to be the main goal
No. 1665236
>>1665183You're actually correct, anthropology wise, a man with a micropenis is less likely to be correctly sexed than a woman with PCOS. There's literally no way to trace PCOS on an
unalive body (outside of directly looking at ovaries), micropenises can look like deformed genitals and it can be questioned what potential female organs they have
This is literally all about making women insecure over literally nothing, ofc trying to seal it with "just be secure in yourself uwu how do you think trans people feel" even though they use this very thing to validate transmen
No. 1665979
>>1664849>There's a huge gulf between people with androgenetic variance and modern social transgenderismCan you elaborate further? Because for the medically dysphoric trutrans or transmed people, this
>living with a body you never asked for that doesnt share any connection to your brain is horrifying and difficult to find normalcy on outside of fetishism.Is what it's like for them, or so they claim.
No. 1666091
>>1665979That's why trans people grasp so hard on intersex people or try to change the definition of intersex to include them
As for the difference - transgenderism often has deep roots into trauma or other factors that makes the person believe there is something wrong with their body despite being healthy, there's almost no difference between female vs male brains and 9/10 times it's just rooted into stereotypical gender roles, there's mental illness when someone is healthy but wants to drastically change their body including amputation of genitals or sex organs
Intersex people are simply just living with their condition, it's often a condition they want to hide and live normally, I feel like this could be applied for anyone who is born with any sort of abnormality. If you have no abnormalities and still have a bunch of trauma to the point of wanting to amputate organs then you have a mental illness
No. 1666284
File: 1692195725411.png (130.65 KB, 642x913, BleakRedditstory.png)

OP tells her friend to settle. She backtracks when everyone tells her how sad her life is.
It's fucking insane, downright psycho how men will settle down with a woman they have no attraction to and waste years of her life.
No. 1666350
>>1666326>You can love someone and want to spend your lives together without physical attraction and if the wife didn't even notice until he said so then what does it matter?In that case, you could just be friends?
I feel like this mentality exists because most people see romantic relationships as the only ones that matter, and other kinds of relationships are shallow. You can have someone as a friend and keep them in your life too.
No. 1666351
>>1666284Classic case of the "modern" man being so economically and socially castrated that he glomps onto the first woman willing to support his ass even though he doesn't like her and then only stays out of "duty" aka stability until the next best option presents herself.
We all know how disloyal men are in reality. He probably jacks it to porn and doesn't even fuck her (doesn't sound like they have kids–but bet they disguise this elephant in the room as quirky childfree shit). I'll give it another 10 years until he divorces her for a new woman who supplies him and who he would be attracted to.
I hate women who tell other women it's ok to settle because they are projecting how they are being treated onto others. You think going through a shitty experience like that would make her want to encourage other women to not endure the same, but I guess some women are truly just crabs in a bucket.
No. 1668607
File: 1692366017347.jpeg (535.01 KB, 1125x1621, AC04AC50-7696-47F3-8F55-2CA325…)

I visited the consoomerism Reddit and I kind of regret because of the shitty moid takes hitting both extremes. There are redditors calling any child free person an infertile manchild/womanchild poisoned by plastics, processed foods and marvel movies, but proudly claim that the human purpose is to reproduce and have children because society is focused on the long term fulfillment of raising families.
I don’t understand how they can mindlessly proclaim that when buying a house, paying a mortgage, getting a new vehicle to cart their children in, spending spending spending on kids clothes, education, daycare, toys, entertainment, after school activities. They bemoan the endless work grind but how else is that $17000+ a year per child going to appear? Do they just not notice it because it’s always the women that have to do the childcare? Of course, it could also be that they’re all childless incels
No. 1668759
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Not sure if anyone's kept up with this woman's story about her marriage and divorce from her redpilled scrot, but she finally updated that her nightmare is finally over. The moid's new pregnant gf asked to meet up with her asking when she's moving out of the house, but found out that OP is keeping the house she inherited from her grandma kek. Glad she's free
latest update update No. 1668760
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No. 1668762
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No. 1668941
>>1668759Too bad Amy is too far along for an abortion. She just ruined her executive prospects and any opportunities all because of the liar scrote.
I wonder how he was gonna pull off bullshitting to Amy about a place to live once the divorce finalized and he was forced to give up the house to op? I guess tell her to deal with it while making her pay for half of some ramshackle apartment with a newborn in tow. I knew before I read the other two posts that he played this girl hard. I'm glad the op has the maturity to see what a malicious bastard her ex isn't accusing a woman of homewrecking.
No. 1669316
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>>1668759One of the replies to OP saying she wasn't planning on dating anymore for a long time.
No. 1669379
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what the fuck is going on with all these rating subreddits? RoastMe, FaceRatings, RateMe, AmIUgly, TrueRateMe, FirstImpressions, etc. like r/popular is flooded with them and it’s all really pretty women who have no reason to get validation from fucking reddit of all places. i’ve read that a lot of people think some of these submissions on these subs are men stealing photos of women they follow online but why would they do that? what the fuck is the purpose of any of this? who wants to subscribe to a sub that’s full of men calling beautiful women 3/10 because they have a large forehead? picrel for example.
No. 1669385
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>>1669379I thought that was a picture of Lillee Jean before she started doing whatever she does now.
No. 1669396
>>1669379It seems like a bunch of bitter ex-bfs or moids in general just posting women they are angry about. Might be a mass troll event instigated by 4chinz or something.
The internet can be so shit…
No. 1669400
>>1669182This is very relevant to modern dating, particularly in the West.
Spoiled weasels these moids are. They get chauffered (sp?) around like passenger princes, free housing, free food, sex at the drop of a hat, etc. The more these moids are spoiled, the more ungrateful they get.
Women are too nice. I remember one girl getting so excited/happy at how "sweet" her fwb was because he bought her an energy drink before sex…. the bar is in HELLLLLL.
No. 1669473
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What a fucking prick.
No. 1669500
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Went on some generic "how to know you're in love" thread on r/askreddit, most answers were sweet. Then I saw a huge rambling reply about uh love not being real because it's ultimately selfish, we should love everyone for the betterment of the world or something, and recommending some guru's book. I check this guy's profile, he has a bit about being spiritual in his bio, and he's got lots of posts in some scat fetish subs going like "yes mistress I'd eat your shit sausage like a lollipop." I can't screenshot due to app issues and it's not that important but still I had to rant lol. Guy misses the point of a simple cute thread, and turns out to be a literal shit eater. Only on reddit.
No. 1669531
>>1669473>>1669496Not letting your kid see the other parent in situations of emergency where the kid would benefit from extra support just because you dislike the other parent is
abusive imo. Regardless of gender, both the mother and father should be allowed to be by their child when their child needs support.
No. 1669919
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>knitting HOOKThat's crochet you dumbfuck. His whole complaint is basically "waaaah, she's not giving me her undivided attention!1!1!!!!!" but he doesn't even pay enough attention to his girlfriend's hobbies to know that she's not knitting. How many times do you think he's complained about this and she's told him "I'm not knitting, I'm crocheting"? And both knitters/crocheters are perfectly capable of multitasking. If she's not paying attention to the show she probably just doesn't give a fuck about it.
>This might be petty but I think I might feel better about it if she knitted things for me, but it always seems to be bags or clothes for herself or like random squaresMENTALLY DEFICIENT NARCISSIST. You've only been together for 3 months, she doesn't have to put her blood, sweat and tears into shit 4 you.
No. 1669922
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>>1669919Samefag but he's such a fucking bitch. He feels inferior to her because she makes more. One of his other comments said
>Umm she showed me how to knit before, it definitely requires a lot of concentration.Because you don't know how to do it, idiot.
No. 1669955
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I don't know what to say. I'm starting to get convinced that all men are truly faggots like nonas here say all the time.
No. 1670130
>>1669955This isnt gay. This is rationality. She is insecure and it was clearly a lighthearted conversation. Men are mechanical and more honest about sexuality when they are secure in themselves and not hiding something, generally. I have no sexual attraction to women but if I was offered a million dollars I would eat one. Even thinking up that sentence makes me feel queasy (sorry) but a million dollars
is life changing money. The point is that it would never happen anyways, people just fantasize about coming upon large sums of money somehow because life is hard. This was a non-issue.
No. 1670133
>>1670064Kek I typed up all of
>>1670130 and never read the edit at the bottom until reading this comment. I think its a creative writing exercise.
No. 1670221
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Man wants his boner photoshopped out
No. 1670472
>>1668941I bet he started running his mouth as soon as he started cheating, and smugly assumed he would automatically get half of her inherited house, and half of her everything else. I also bet he didn't really have a want for tons of useless sports collectibles, he was making sure he looked poorer on paper. Now he'll start trying to sell that shit and transfer the money through the sidepiece.
>>1668759This is why women should never trust "childfree" men. It probably does not mean he never wants children, he just doesn't want children with you, because you're the placeholder.
No. 1670609
>>1670508>>1670513He literally lied to her. Even the OP sees she was manipulated.
Weird moidposters on lolcow lately.
No. 1670710
nonnie, prepare yourself for ‘OMG how could you possibly believe that I’m a moid??? Just because I called a woman a whore?? And moral-fagged about out-of-wedlock children???? Don’t tone-police me!!’