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No. 1585531
You probably are not alone in your opinion.
Previous thread:
>adhere to site and board rules>do not respond to bait>report and ignore trolls or obvious maleposters instead of replying like an idiot No. 1585637
>>1585568You're right, and you should say it. Even if I try to get into the mindset of a
TERF i don't understand the logic. I mean I know a lot of people here are anti plastic surgery in general, but if a girl doesn't want to have tits, let her remove her tits. What's the big deal? Like even if it were for an aesthetic reason. Why does it matter what other people do to their bodies, I feel like some of yall are just threatened by someone taking ownership of their life like that. Lots of women even might get mastectomies due to misogyny and they aren't even trans. Misogyny does not only exist on the internet, god damn. Like, what's next, you're gonna get upset at women who get hysterectomies because they don't want children and hate having periods? How is that different even? I bet most of you don't even want kids anyway. I think a lot of you are also just mad that someone could choose to be a woman, because you weren't given a choice, and you're weird and resentful about it even though you don't have to keep being a woman if you hate it so damn much.
No. 1585651
>>1585647I did mention
side effect of another mental illness, such as BIID which you seem to be talking about. Why is "gender dysphoria" treated as a separate thing and not just BIID or body dysmorphia?
No. 1585668
>>1585637Human beings are not bionicles and whoever tries to tell you they are is trying to sell you something. You can't just decide to swap organs at will, it literally isn't physically possible. So no, you can't just decide not to be a woman.
Even if you wear a dress, take the right hormones for years as soon as you hit puberty, call yourself Sally/Bob and get surgery for a prosthetic dick or pussy, you won't be the opposite sex. Also, if you happen to be unfortunate enough to be a woman in places like the Middle East, you can't just decide to be a man, you will literally be punished by death.
No. 1585678
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>>1585637>someone taking ownership of their lifeWomen are mutilating themselves because they see themselves, their breasts, as a problem to be fixed, when men are the problem. Cutting a healthy part of someone is never healthy. It's beyond fucked up and you have normalized that because you believe women deserve to suffer.
>get mastectomies due to misogyny and they aren't even transWomen with gigantomastia, an extremely rare condition, has nothing to do with men wanting silicone implants to wank at themselves. pic related for women who are just busty.
No. 1585737
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The fanbase and hype around horror movies for the last decade or so feels very pretentious and often spoils the movie before going in. Don't get me wrong I actually like the movies in picrel and I'm a horror fan, but all of the hype around these movies feels very similar in the way they were marketed as some revolutionary never been done before masterpiece. I know that's the job of the marketing team trying to create excitement around the film, but those sentiments are echoed by the fanbase. Often saying stuff like "oh I don't like horror, but this movies different!" or "this movie is so much deeper than other horror movies, it's got multiple interpretations!" It's like they feel they are somehow special for liking films that are extremely popular and easily watched. And a lot of them feel similar in the setup and pacing of the movie, starting off very slow with some great tragedy to the protagonists, dark comedy in the buildup, political undertones, and then everything happens in the last 30 minutes of the movie, often shit that doesn't make sense and is just shoehorned in there to make it artistic. Anyway I'm not coming at anyone who likes these movies, again I really liked a lot of them, just the over pretentious and often male fanbase around them is irritating. And it kind of creates more opportunity to be let down before seeing them, when a movie is hyped as "the best in the past decade" or some unique rarity that no one has made before it gets people excited and then are let down when it's just a good movie and not some instant horror classic. Sorry for this long ass post I just wanted to get my point across
No. 1585796
>>1585737I think it's more that people are starved for decent media and entertainment so that anything remotely good is going to look like a Citizen Kane by comparison.
Definitely hype.
But I loved The Witch and Midsommar though, we need more movies that spook men.
No. 1585821
>>1585796Agreed, 100%. A24 movies feel like a breath of fresh air after having nothing but Disney/Marvel capeshit shoved down our collective throats for the last 10 years.
I also love how basically every woman I know loved Midsommar and it made men seethe, kek
No. 1585846
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While we're on the topic of horror movies I have one more unpopular opinion. Jennifer was not the bad ass final girl man eater everyone acts like she was. Yes she killed men and that's great but that was no longer Jennifer, she died the night of the concert fire. What was left was no longer Jennifer but a demon that had taken up residence in her body, she was a murder victim and people are cheering on the demon possessing her, not Jennifer. I don't think she was happy or satisfied with what happened, when she explains it in a very cavalier way it's because she is dead inside. We see glimpses of the real Jennifer the night she visited Needy after being killed, her expressions falter from sad and confused to angry and seductive. I feel like that was indication of Jennifer's last moments alive, scared, confused and hurt, the anger and seduction that followed was the demon. The real bad ass man killing final girl was Needy, who not only killed the demon that was wearing her dead friend but then killed the men who murdered Jennifer. Also more indication that Jennifer was gone and it was only the demon left was the night of prom after she killed Needy's boyfriend she was going to kill Needy too, Jennifer wouldn't have wanted that.
No. 1585851
The horror of the movie is that the cult is
truly more accepting and supportive of Dani than the outside world. Indoctrination happens because reality is people are shitty and those without support systems are the most vulnerable.
We root for Dani and the cult because the retarded moids–who clearly were used to getting away with doing and saying whatever they wanted in male mollycoddling society–got what they deserved. Her boyfriend was a shitball who just used her and couldn't even remember her birthday between his conniving plans to discard her needy ass after their trip. Sounds like a lovely thing to do to someone who just lost her whole family. Horror in that? Well, at least it's fiction. Meanwhile if I as a woman were to step into a Middle Eastern country with no regard for weird rules, no compliance with their misogyny ""culture"" and ""religion"" (Islam ain't a cult cause it's been around long enough right lmao?), and then I disrespected or had no deverence to men, I would likely be harmed, incarcerated, and/or killed.
I have no sympathy and that's why I love the movie because it does not apologize for the ending. It's saying something that women would identify and be more comfortable participating in a death cult because men and society are so vile and gaslighty towards us. Why does Dani smile at the end in spite of the horror? Because she realized the cost of empathy is to discard her own so as to not put others through what she feels. The scene where she finds out about her boyfriend's infidelity and they all cry together? She realizes that her pain is shared. If you are a woman, you felt that pain through the screen, and how you have been in a situation where you have had to be strong and unbothered so as to not make others suffer with you.
Men are afraid of this movie because it shows men being the so-called prey, except they are not innocent unlike the women portrayed in most horror slasher flicks where they are raped, tortured, and murdered.
No. 1585974
>>1585870Did I say it was a "feminist" flick?
I said I relate to the pain I observed in the film and that there are material reasons why women are partial to it that are not rooted pretention.
But sure, evil pretentious wahmen booly poor men movie.
>>1585871>Islam is one the 3 main abrahamic religions Gold star, but they all started as blood magic cults regardless of how you want to repackage it today because it is popular–just like I said.
Islam is for pretentious goat fuckers and none of you wokies can cancel me for saying it here lol
No. 1585994
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The military should be male only (including MTF troons) if men start these wars only men should participate in them.
No. 1586012
>>1585974>evil pretentious wahmen booly poor men movie. Your
victim complex is astounding. I am a woman that has been assaulted and mistreated by moids and it was just a boring, bloated, pretentious movie to me about a mentally unwell and isolated woman being indoctrinated into being a broodmare for a fucked up swedish cult. Have fun huffing your pretentious farts over some overrated barely-horror movie.
No. 1586095
>>1586057NTA. All men who practice Islam are degenerate goat and dog fuckers, misogynists and rapists worshiping a ginger Arab pedophile. Everyone in the civilized world knows it, and they will always say and think it.
If you hate this being said, tell your pube-faced men to stop honor killing women and little girls, throwing acid in their faces and whipping them in the streets.
No. 1586102
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I think surrogacy is awful. But this type of activism just makes our position(which is based on rational facts) look absolutely insane. It is unhelpful and makes our cause appear irrational.
No. 1586104
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>>1585851Quickly, explain why this innocent woman deserved to be killed.
No. 1586117
>>1586057What could you possibly gain from stanning woman murdering religion this badly. Brainrot.
>>1586072They need to teach critical thinking in schools, holy shit.
I brought it up because I LAUGH at how you are pearl clutching about a fictional movie that murders men for petty slights against a cult yet we have entire countries who murder women for the same slights against their blood cults, oops, I mean religion!
No. 1586122
>>1586116It was mostly a joke but her post looked pretentious
>>1586117>I brought it up because I LAUGH at how you are pearl clutching about a fictional movie that murders men for petty slights against a cult yet we have entire countries who murder women for the same slights against their blood cults, oops, I mean religion!Girl what the fuck are you sperging about I didn't say shit about the movie other than I liked it but the ending made me sad, and I'm not religious. Relax, step away from the computer for a bit and touch some grass. There's no reason to rage this hard over a strangers opinion.
No. 1586128
>>1586102I dunno I don’t have extreme opinions on it and that looks a little stupid (honestly don’t know the context there) but it doesn’t make me think anti-surrogacy people are cringe. Any woman will understand how it is super fucked out. Maybe when I was like 20 years old I didn’t totally get it and thought it could be okay
sometimes maybe but probably not. But you’re probably right it’s a psyop sort of thing. Just don’t think this one is gonna work
No. 1586131
>>1586104Deserved? According to whom? She was killed by the cult for being a combative pickme kek
>>1586122>words look pretentious Tells me what I need to know kek. I mean it's okay if people experience movies different ways but why shit on someone for analyzing a piece of art?
>>1585851>Sounds like a lovely thing to do to someone who just lost her whole family. Horror in that? Well, at least it's fiction.Go off nonna!
No. 1586147
>>1586137>Denies woman-centric male-death cult Ok
>>1586138That wasn't me dumbass
>>1586142Literally yes, that's why. They are a weird cult. I'm not saying it's justified. Damn you all are dense.
I looked into it and maybe Connie died for racist reasons
>It also raises the troubling matter of race in the film. The sea of white faces greeting the group upon their arrival hinted things would not end well for Josh, Simon and Connie (not that the white members of the group fared much better, bar Dani) and the sight of runes and white clad Swedish neopagans is a profoundly uneasy one for obvious reasons. This connotation is pointed out more explicitly in the director’s cut, with Josh holding a book titled “The Secret Nazi Language of the Uthark” in the car on the drive to Halsingland. No. 1586149
>>1586131How was she combative? For crying after witnessing old people commit suicide with zero warning, and wanting to go home? May it happen to you, kek.
And where is the pickme aspect? Having a boyfriend? Guess Dani's a giga pickmeisha for not dumping her boyfriend from the start of his bullshit, and just latching onto some other moid who had her drugged and kissed her while she was still intoxicated. In fact, the whole cult is full of retarded pickmes encouraging young girls to get impregnated by ugly, schlubby old moids while their family members watch, have "woke" defomed incest babies and making sandwiches all day for men. These are really pathetic copes.
No. 1586158
>>1586147Being a racist pickme will never be "woman-centric". It's an inbred cult of gross incels and pickmes. Your business if you find that preferable, just don't try and push it as "woman-centric", empathetic or a W for women in any way.
>The scene where she finds out about her boyfriend's infidelity and they all cry together? She realizes that her pain is sharedThey all knew what was going on, and they orchestrated it. They did not share her pain, no matter how tempting of an idea that is. They were mirroring her to keep their new recruit and completely sever her from her old ties. Women can fuck over other women. In fact, pickmes love doing that. Misery loves company/Crabs in a fucking bucket.
No. 1586159
>>1586122>Girl what the fuck are you sperging about I didn't say shit about the movie other than I liked it but the ending made me sadYou're anonymous and replying to my posts when I never quoted yours, you couldn't even say "nta but." Why are you sperging that I should know who or what you posted when you're responding to me and getting into a dogfight that wasn't even aimed at you. Weirdo.
>>1586104>>1586130Yes I can answer you: She attempted to leave the cult and was loud about it like other anon said. Of course I do not think she deserved it. Had nothing to do with skin color, as evidenced by the murdered whitey men.
Did yall even watch this movie, truly?
Worst attempt to racebait, ever.
Anyway, Islam is for goat fuckers to reiterate.
No. 1586163
>>1586159>Had nothing to do with skin colorDid you miss the part about them being Nazis? No, the real reason she was even brought there was to be sacrificed
because she rejected the moid who brought her there in the first place.
>Did yall even watch this movie, truly?Did you? The director has discussed race as an aspect of this movie and incorporated it into the story, just because it makes you uncomortable doesn't mean everyone is just racebaiting.
No. 1586164
>>1586159>I never quoted yoursYes you did, you tagged
>>1586072 and sperged about school and pearl clutching. Go outside you're rage is making you retarded.
No. 1586176
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Everyone post your favorite final girl, mines Jennifer from Revenge and I don't care if she's a pickme
No. 1586181
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>>1586176She's not really a final girl I don't think kek but
I love devious, manipulative women and even though another girl had to suffer for her decision, I totally understand her choice 100% No. 1586182
>>1586168>idk how people miss this.Because they want to. The types of women who choose to play dumb about this are the same sort who go full pickme for racist moid celebrities, or date racist men, let them insult their non-white friends and then try to gaslight them about it. Then, they complain about "their friends abandoning them" after they (and other friends who aren't racist) get sick of it. Since it directly harms other women, but not themselves (at least not at first), they'd rather scold everyone else for noticing it and making them uncomfortable.
This sort of thing would actually be less annoying if they didn't try to deny that they're pickmes.
No. 1586190
>>1586163>did you know that, uhm, white pagans are actual Nazis?Lmao, weren't you going off on me about my ~pretentious interpretation~ and yet you clap with this twatter hogwash?
>the cult incel is actually a Nazi>that's why he brought her onsite to use her as a mixed race baby factory and then killed her when she rejected him Your logic doesn't check out. White supremacists don't really care or like to make mixed babies with what they deem as inferior races. Stop watching 'bleached' porn.
>>1586164The post you're quoting is a separate one entirely from the one you mentioned so I thank you for doing the legwork to solidify my point.
>>1586158The anon you replied to isn't me as I am OP of the original post–fyi.
>>1586166I wish I could light this strawman on fire with the same embers from the movie, alas.
>>1586167Nobody itt even labeled it "feminist." Quit strawmanning and crying retard because that doesn't an argument make.
No. 1586193
>>1586192No and also not an argument.
Die mad.
No. 1586198
>>1586190>The post you're quoting is a separate one entirely from the one you mentioned No it isn't it's the one you tagged, my post, and then sperged.
>>1586117 here's where you sperged, and here's the post you tagged
>>1586072 mine. There you go nona, I know I know this is big girl stuff and it gets confusing.
No. 1586200
>>1586184I'm not talking about the anon ITT, I'm talking about women who actually get mad and try to downplay it when people point out the cult was racist.
>>1586189Nah, you stfu. Keep scrolling if you don't like a post, dumbass.
No. 1586203
>>1586200Samefag, changing my mind. The exact type of braindead loser I'm discussing is right here in this anon:
>>1586190She didn't miss shit, she's just in denial mode. Many such cases, and the more it happens, the more women will talk about it.
No. 1586207
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>>1586202The irony of you seething and calling for silence because a type of pickme is being talked about.
No. 1586208
>>1586198(You) responded to me here
>>1586122 crying that I was supposed to know that you made a separate post stating that you liked the movie when your first post to me was this
>>1586072. I did not quote or respond to your initial post regarding your opinion on the movie, yet you're mad because you were dense and got into a fight that had nothing to do with you.
You weird diaperbaby.
No. 1586218
>>1586210Obvious how? If you're annoyed, it's counterproductive to reply to me more, because more replies are clearly what you're after.
>What pick me?I can't help you if you're this illiterate
No. 1586221
>>1586212Please elaborate o wise and totally unpretentious one.
Did they bring the brown girl to be a broodmare for these totally mixed white supremacist babies or did they play the long-con to trick her into being the sacrifice knowing she would reject the Nazi incel?
You make zero sense.
No. 1586228
>>1586221When they're introduced, he literally admits to inviting them after "they dated", and she corrects him and says "After we talked", then he gets upset, but agrees she's right and changes the subject. If you understood anything about the plot and how the cult works, you'd realize he never "wanted mixed babies with her for the cult". Why do you think that was added in? If you think about the relationship and revenge aspect of the entire movie, the most likely scenario is that he considered leaving the cult after getting a crush on her, but she spurned his advances and just dated the brown guy, prompting him to rage and think "You're both going to feed my white mommy and daddy deities (also sorry to my nazi family for lapsing and even considering racemixing or leaving you, here is my penance ala typical cult fare)".
Paying attention while you watch a movie is fundamental. Lay off the meth pipe next time.
No. 1586231
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Its very clear the Midsommar defender is 100% trolling, even people who like the film will admit that the cult is supposed to be bad but they choose to ignore it for their enjoyment.
No. 1586253
>>1586231Exactly. I'm one of the anons saying the cult was racist/bad, and I actually enjoyed the movie. I read a bunch of interviews, the screenplay, watched deleted scenes, etc and that's why I'm going so hard. There's a certain type of person that really wants to "girlbossify" the whole thing while blatantly ignoring all its actual details.
I think they just really liked the visuals and concept of a flowery cult, didn't pay attention to much of what was going on and get
triggered whenever anyone actually tries to discuss it outside of their headcanon because they think it's all about "revenge on muh degen scrotes". I can't stand that shit, women should be smarter than that.
No. 1586263
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>>1586250The nona deleted her post lol, I feel you weird nona, I feel you
No. 1586294
>>1586286I mean, you don't have to apologize for your likes anon. I should have worded my post less aggressively kek. I just think that FiM fans and MLP fans are different things almost entirely. There is actual lore and plot in FiM, which can really turn conversations about MLP into a slog because really all I would like to talk about are toy releases, different country variants of toys, unreleased toys, etc. I'm more into the production of the toys than the lore of FiM. It kind of frustrates me that the MLP thread in /m/ includes G4 just because there is so much non-toy conversations to have about it that it kind of bores me. Don't feel bad about liking it, this is just my opinion and it shouldn't have any effect on your likes. Enjoy the pony show
No. 1586326
>>1586300Nta but how is this bait
>>1586303Finally some good fucking bait
No. 1586354
>>1586228>you'd realize he never "wanted mixed babies with her for the cult"Then why were you, or another anon? who cares, sperging about her being an incel broodmare from earlier?
No one pulled that from nowhere as a gotcha, that's what some anon upthread said before they sperged about Nazis.
>If you think about the relationship and revenge aspect of the entire movie, the most likely scenario is that he considered leaving the cult after getting a crush on her, but she spurned his advances and just dated the brown guy, prompting him to rage and think "You're both going to feed my white mommy and daddy deities (also sorry to my nazi family for lapsing and even considering racemixing or leaving you, here is my penance ala typical cult fare)". Which at the end of the day is still only your interpretation. Nazi white supremacy makes zero sense for this movie but you do you.
>>1586231Funny how I never defended the cult in my OP, but go off. And needless to say, multiple people have disagreed with you.
>>1586303Still waiting to be shown the post itt that claimed Midsommer was "feminist."
No. 1586356
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>thread gets critical about muslims and suddenly arguments appear bitching about Nazism and white women
No. 1586358
>>1586354>Then why were you, or another anon? who cares, sperging about her being an incel broodmare from earlier? I wasn't? You're so confused about who's posting what in this thread while sperging so hard.
>Which at the end of the day is still only your interpretation. Nazi white supremacy makes zero sense for this movie but you do you. Go argue with Ari Aster. Next, I'm sure you'll be posting here that trans women are women and it's only our inerpretaion that they aren't kek.
No. 1586359
>>1586354>Nazi white supremacy makes zero sense for this movie but you do you. The fucking book. That Ari Aster wanted. In the fucking movie. Were you in special ed? Because you are becoming more and more retarded with each reply.
>claim to love movie because it makes moids angry>interpret it wrong in the processIt's giving mental retardation.
No. 1586364
>>1586349No I'm the one with the old cat, I'm saying it's weird to get this worked up over someone else's cat, insulting it and wishing death on it. As if my cat knows he's getting called old and mangy lol it's bizarre
>>1586350No I care about his happiness and he's happy being indoor/outdoor. It's worth the risk to let him live his life the way he wants. He used to live on the streets downtown and now he can do what he likes. I take a risk every time I go out, risking getting hit by a car or getting shot. But I'm not going to shelter myself in my house and be miserable just because there's risks. That's life, and I'd rather he live out a few very happy outdoor years then 10 years stuck inside miserable and bored because he likes climbing trees and running on my back hill
No. 1586365
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Slightly unrelated but Blake Anderson kinda looks like my bf and when we broke up one time for like a month Blake became my husbando.
No. 1586368
>>1586358>I wasn'tFine. Someone else did, retard. Hence I put a question mark.
Do not play dumb.
>>1586358>>1586359>b-b-b-but DA BOOK! I need to see the quote that the movie intended to be white supremacist. The plot, again, makes zero sense in argument for it no matter how much you protest it ought to be interpreted. If that were the case, then it's done poorly.
>>1586359Moids are still angry regardless of anyone's interpretation of it and that is the beauty.
>>1586362The OP makes no mention of supporting the cult but it sounds like you need to convince yourself of that to believe in your own point.
No. 1586372
>>1586368Look here!
>>1585851>We root for Dani and the cult"We" root for the cult TOP FUCKING KEK I sure as hell wasn't!
No. 1586378
>>1586372Saying that the audience is convinced to support the cult =/= the cult is morally sound and justified. Also is not stating the cult is feminist.
I feel bad that you read with no nuance and it causes you to seethe so badly for no real reason. Sad.
No. 1586385
>>1586373You are a retard.
Islam is still shit.
Men are still mad.
And you are still the idiot who cannot even sage so others can filter out your sperging yet you say others cannot grasp imageboards.
>>1586382>The audience was not tricked into siding with the cultThen you are an idiot with no psychological understanding of how cults appeal and work, which was described in detail in the OP which you blindly took as "support."
Multiple people have disagreed with you too.
No. 1586395
>>1586261 ,
>>1586266 ,
>>1586269 it's obvious what it is. It identifies as blending in kek.
No. 1586400
>>1586390Sage allows posts to be filtered.
You don't "have to" do shit but I am making you aware of the feature in case you did not understand that other users might want to actually read unpopular opinions without your pants-shitting, since you brought up the subject about imageboards. Newfag.
>>1586391No. Just no. This must be bait.
No. 1586417
>>1586408Which post shat on the brown girl?
You're not responding to the same anon and you seem very confused.
>>1586411Cope & seethe.
No. 1586419
>>1586396>cats are similar to childrenThis is literally fucking retarded, I'm sorry for being mean but Jesus. Cats are
literally apex predators nonna
No. 1586422
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>get called out for being a scrote
At least he's being honest, I guess. Fucking hell.
No. 1586485
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>>1586166>>1586158NTA. In fact, I have called her out multiple times, but the word Incel really has all its meaning, I once saw a misogynistic man who was married with multiple children being referred to as an incel. It just feels strange to use that term to describe any misogynistic man or woman when it has a specific meaning.
No. 1586503
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>>1586485Dani didn't have great looking male options, but I'd say the actor who played Pelle would probably be the best one and he def don't look/act like an incel in spite of the manipulative tactics.
No. 1586772
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The best way to 'find yourself' isn't always having great adventures, but spending a lot of time in solitude. We internalise who we are from the people around us. It is in your darkest and loneliest moments that you have to find who you really are.
No. 1586856
>>1586456women shouldn't post here too lmao. 4chan is unironically better even at mocking the people this place mocks.
Honestly I don't get why not just use twitter to gossip like everybody else
No. 1586883
>>1586876cgl is not a thing anymore thankfully
>>1586880yes, but even with all that its more entertaining
No. 1586887
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Probably not an unpopular opinion here but I HATE these ugly fucking things with a burning, seething fashion. They're so. Fucking. Ugly. It immediately turns whatever a person is wearing into cheap chinese slave labor polyester trash no matter what they're wearing. Again, they are so fucking ugly and cheap looking and the worst part is that every fucking shein goth has like 20 of them. It is on par with the tranny heart o-ring chokers to me. Just fucking UGLY. I HATE THESE. And like 80% of the people who wear these are retarded girls who call themselves "man loving men" and faggots. If you wear these I fucking hate ypu and wish you the worst. Get out of my fucking sight if you got one of these on, fucking hideous.
No. 1586918
>>1586913They also float better.
Though this is useful in very rare circumstances, like when your ship capsized
No. 1586934
>>1586896The show's producer got into some shit because he took over a show a woman initially worked on and essentially turned it into a rape porn.
Maybe i'm tinfoiling but i think the entire storyline around Kat is to groom nerdy fat ugly girls into camming and I'm sick of the way the troon is glorified even though his actor wrote an incel manifesto.
No. 1586943
>>1586913Sage for blogpost. My moid is fat and i can confirm this, i do this to blow off some steam at times. Another pro is that he can literally act as a living heater when we're out in the cold,and in crowds he moves assholes out of my way.
Before you ask, yes i make him go to the gym regularly but the retard lifts instead of doing cardio
No. 1587267
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>>1587251>>1586896Sam Levinson’s face literally looks like the Coomer wojak meme
No. 1587332
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>>1587314It’s not Sydney who is the porn start it’s that other girl(chole cherry) on the show with the big lips who does ddlg porn. He saw her in a porno and thought she would be great for the role. I think his type is barely legal blondes. The fact that pic related is the kind of porn he watches says a lot kek
No. 1587358
>>1587352I'm saying women WITH high t.
>>1587353You heard me. Liking men that are scrawny and ill looking is a sign that you have a hormone imbalance.
No. 1587364
>>1587358then I suffer from mega PCOS cause I love me a slim, skinny, cute guy
Fuck them fatties and gym rats forever
No. 1587367
>>1587343>>1587358You just sound like you want to pathologize other women not sharing your taste.
>thick boysVomit. Get well soon.
No. 1587369
>>1587358the post said
>Women with abnormally low t like guys who look like Timothy Chalamet with his underdeveloped chestand i'm saying there's nothing wrong with women having lower t. are you the chumbucket stacy anon
No. 1587396
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>>1587367Liking this shit is a sign that you're underage or need to go to the doctor
No. 1587418
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>>1587348fucking kek, the resemblance is uncanny
No. 1587429
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>>1587358Liking men that are scrawny and ill looking is a sign that you are sick
No. 1587433
>>1587429See at least you're going along with it unlike
>>1587424 who got so mad she had to make it personal and dream up obese men to be angry about
No. 1587438
>>1587332oh i googled "euphoria sydney" and for some reason it was showing me that blonde girl. and yeah says a lot… especially weird bc they kinda put hunter in those kinds of clothes, right? i've only seen comps of the show on yt and it proved that the show was trash enough for me to never watch it.
>>1587337>due to her sense of humoruh huh, sure bro
>>1587343you do realize there's a spectrum of body types that don't just range from twink to beefcake right? im ayrt and i tend to like super tall thin guys who have some muscle but aren't "buff". i definitely don't like the twink body type here
>>1587396>>1587364love you nonna, we are on the same team.
No. 1587447
>>1587396I like my men and women with some muscle and tone, but skinny guys can be cute if they have a certain style and a big fat dick.
No. 1587453
>>1587441me too, other girls always shit on my taste in men growing up. at the time that magic mike dude was all the rage and i thought he looked like a meatwad idiot, i hate himbo types. maybe anime is to blame for my tastes but obviously here i am not the only one and my friends irl have similar tastes to me.
>>1587440ty nonicita <3
No. 1587469
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This is the best body type. Not too honey not too big.
No. 1587506
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>>1587453>maybe anime is to blame for my tastesI feel like shoujo mangakas are the only ones who understands what makes men attractive. They have to have a gentle look to them and be pretty instead of handsome. I hate that webtoons are pushing for square shaped men with tiny heads and romance movies are pushing fuck ugly old men. I feel bad for modern teen girls who wants to indulge in romance stories because men are just ugly and modern 2d men are too
No. 1587528
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I’m more annoyed by weak willed and spineless women than sympathetic. Like seriously…jealous of your own daughter because she has the same skin color of the women your scrote cheats with?
No. 1587548
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>>1587517>>1587520>even thick baddies have good tasteSo what's the problem here? Get off tumblr and start starving. It's heroin chic era for men whether you like it or not mf
No. 1587559
>>1587491it's sexy. deal with it. it's arousing, i don't like chubsters, fatties, or musclebros. i don't even like twinks. i just like a little muscle. too much makes men look chubby to me especially their weird bellies they always have.
>>1587504these kinds of posts are hilarious
No. 1587563
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>>1587506This is what some people think the average woman should be attracted to. Millions of dollars poured into pushing this in the media, thousands of cryptobisexual men angrily projecting lust for creatures like this onto all women, hundreds of hours put into evopsych copes to defend ugliness and low visual expectations for the male sex. I refuse. Male beauty is important, and no big roid gorilla moid, wrinkly old husk or dadbod can take its place.
No. 1587569
>>1587557he looks like a homo i used to be friends with. pass.
>>1587562the machinist. i get it, i just like skinny lanky overworked schizoid types. it's not just the body type, it's the personality i associate with it. women fawn over brad pitt in fight club, fuck that, i thought ed nortons character was A1.
>>1587563based. also gymbros end up BECOMING the dad bod types when they age, they age like milk. i noticed thinner guys (unless they bald) tend to fare better over time.
>>1587564nta but that twink is gross and gay imo. i literally thought that was finn wolfhard or whatever. there are leaner guys who are still masculine.
No. 1587570
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You could say I'm different from other girls. I wish they knew what I knew. I hate those beckys, how they yearn for muscleroided disgusto freaks. I dream of collarbones catching rain and dewdrops so I can drink them in the early morn, of purple veins and dark circles and nicotine stained knuckles, of ribs like ladder rungs, ribs delineated like a starving street dog. Between the dips of his sharp hipbones lies my heavily zenith. Nobody understands my pain any time I have to gaze upon thee rotted filth that is Channing Tatum, Jason Momoa. I long for purity of the highest order. I long for
No. 1587578
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>>1587570im one of the anons you're parodying and this made me laugh, i like it
>ribs delineated like a starving street dog No. 1587593
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>>1587453Ok magic mike looks like a fucking cobra. I think this must be what guys mean when they complain about other guys only building “decorative muscle”. The himbos I know are hot and don’t look like cobras they look actually strong and you can’t take your eyes off dem titties
No. 1587600
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Alex Wolff is so cute
No. 1587605
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>>1587600Only time I've ever found him attractive was in Hereditary.
No. 1587623
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>>1587621He looks like a washed up cokehead from Florida
No. 1587641
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This is the "dark web".
It just has yet to hit everyone else..
No. 1587689
>>1587686you don't need a husbando or know who's being talked about to fit in there. just this post
>>1587661 alone is enough.
No. 1587795
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Pugs are the dog equivalent of picrel. I actually feel bad for the poor creatures, humans shouldn't just be allowed to play god like this.
No. 1587886
>>1587844You're not like those
other girls nonna
No. 1587889
>>1587883Yeah but from what I’ve discovered is boys like that become
abusive because they are mad they can’t get “better women”
No. 1587932
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>>1587918This will forever be what I visualise when someone says "bob cut"
No. 1587989
>>1587973I think alot of the self love talk that you hear now is a very surface level rosy version of it. Bit like how people started to think self care is all about bath bombs and treating yourself.
Don't do the internal work, don't tackle those deep rooted issues that are holding you back (and affecting those around you) The just fake it til you make it mentality. Say a few affirmations and hype yourself up. Set boundaries for how everyone else needs to treat you but don't look at your own behaviour. One way street
No. 1588182
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Dance scenes in anime look even cringier than dance scenes in live actions.
No. 1588293
>>1586856KEK 4chan is currently a shell of it's former self. Most of it just devolve into coom posting or sperging about muh jews/niggs anywway
Embarrassing that you'd even say this.
No. 1588325
>>1588316I used to agree with this until I found God.
jk, I just prefer cold when its spring/summer and warm when it's winter. I used to drink hot water when I was young because my mom told me to but my teeth are too sensitive for that.
No. 1588346
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>>1588334Gotta put another one down like old yeller
No. 1588475
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>>1588356bAcK iN mY dAY…..wE dRaNk from the hose……got spanked!….stoOd for the flag… cell phones in sight…..and we LIKED IT!!! Gob bless
No. 1588537
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>>1585737I find myself going back to “the classics” a lot, too bad most of it is unwatchable save a few gems. Alien holds up amazingly well.
Its very rare to see a film (any work of fiction really) where the men are at an equal risk of being violated by the monster.
No. 1588667
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>>1588626just searched about this and a normal fridge is 3k and a filter water fridge is like 3.5k. you guys are really being dramatic
>>1588629yeah exactly how did you know
>>1588636yeah the cost of living in a poor town is less so you can buy more expensive things for the house but thats not the case because i live in a favela in high cost of living town and i still have a filter water fridge so theory debunked poor ass bitches
No. 1588711
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>>1588697i will not lend money to anyone but any
nonnie that is living in a more poor country than mine (hard but i think there are few ones) and dont have a fridge water filter can contact me so i will take you all to my country and in return you will have to work at my company (which I am yet to create) to pay for the plane ticket and expenses i paid for yall (will have to work a considerate time of years)
No. 1589181
>>1588218im gonna sound insane but i dont care. the goal is to create a society where all deeper emotions are outsourced to therapists so we cant make deep connections with friends so we can dedicate ourselves to our worklife. This also puts more money into the psychology industry so they can invent bullshit disorders to any inconvenience. "what do you mean you dont like getting harassed at work? must be because of your disorder. No need to talk to the higher ups or implement laws that protects you. This isn't a problem it's just your brain".
>>1588324there is a balance between not unprompted sharing your trauma and projecting it into others and having a little bit of compassion for people who has been trough trauma. It's not easy to manage personal relationships but outsourcing every conflict or negative emotions to a therapist is not the solution. Therapy can be good but having people you can deeply bond with on top of that can do wonders
No. 1589252
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>>1589251That is literally an entirely different situation. Are you retarded? What's next, "what about the removal of tumors"?
No. 1589534
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Underage scrotes can also be predators and sometimes pedophiles, not just adult ones.
No. 1589731
>>1589719Nta but yeah I've known a lot of gay men and almost every single one of them confided in me that they were abused by an older moid when they were kids.
>>1589726We're from here nona people can have vastly different opinions than you and still be a farmer
No. 1589737
>>1589726posted by a str8 "ally"
>>1589731every gay guy i've known has also told me he was molested by a man as a child. FWIW i dont have an issue with gay people at all. but i've seen many lesbians here post that they also were CSA'd by men while they were underaged
No. 1589759
>>1589754Let me spell this out for you since you're slow.
>men molest kids indiscriminately>lets say one man molests 15 kids before he dies>3 of these kids are homosexual as adults>you: they are gay because they were sexually abused!!!1Do you not see how retarded you sound? You know TONS of straight people that were molested too, why don't you interview them?
No. 1589761
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>>1589755Hey I'm not fat…
No. 1589769
>>1589759Ayrt, see we agree on the first 3 lines, my "evidence" for this theory is moreso
>be me, known at least 25 or more gay men in my lifetime>almost all of them confided about abuse they experienced by men as childrenAnd see
>>1589760 for your last line, that's my post too and it explains my point better
No. 1589773
>>1589769They confided because gay men are more open to being emotionally vulnerable. The glaring truth that you refuse to stomach is that there are just as many straight men that have been molested, but they aren't going to open up about it out of fear of being accused of being gay. Boys are PERFECT
victims because there is more stigma for them not to tell. A majority of the men in my life have been molested. Brothers, cousins, uncles. Your refusal to see what is right in front of you is sad if you're a woman with such conviction kek
No. 1589802
>>1589793It's cool to admit you're wrong and you're close but not quite there. I have a very hard time believing you've met enough gay men for your "99%" statistic to matter at all, or that you know many intimately enough for the topic to ever come up like this. Either way, your question was already answered. A hefty amount of of males were molested as boys, whether it be a brief encounter or many, an older boy, a boy their age, a girl, or an adult. I can think of plenty of straight men I know that were brutally sexually abused as kids, many of them I didn't find out about until adulthood after a few ODed or left their families, had severe problems, or confided it to me out of total trust and vulnerability. I know some pretty horrible things about adult men I grew up around, they were molested and in turn molested other younger boys in their life when they were in their early teens. You're discrediting gay people as a whole with the half-baked theorizing.
No. 1589812
>>1589799Oh god that's sad, yeah that could definitely be a possibility as well
>>1589802Fair enough I know it sounds far fetched, but growing up middle and highschool the majority of friends were gay men, and when we'd party and drink together those topics would come up and they'd share them with me and I'd share my experiences with them. Also hearing from other people gossiping about certain friends of theirs have a horrific childhood, one had a no contact order with his dad even. Then in my early 20's I did a lot of clubbing and my closest friend was a lesbian so we'd go to gay bars and I made a pretty big friend group there. When the clubs are dying down before closing everyone would just be huddled in different booths talking and waiting for cabs and so many of the men at the time would sort of trauma dump on me. I think it also had something to do with them being on coke as well but yeah. Others were personal friends that told me in a private setting, I've just pretty much always interacted with gay men cause there was so many where I lived at the time.
No. 1589838
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John Mulaney talking about drugs is unreasonably annoying. Ever since his act became him talking about substance abuse he has become annoying and horrible. Listening to Johny Mulaney talk about cocaine is like if Taylor Swift started talking about race relations. I hate him now.
No. 1589992
i literally can't believe people are this retarded and homophobic on this website. you can hate faggots all you want but here of all places you're telling me in this year you think female homosexuality is only a result of mental problems and "trauma" ? and there's more than one person that believes this ?
>>1589617>>1589626>>1589633inb4 no one said that, the implication is there clear as day if you don't have autism which they're accusing other women of having
No. 1590129
>>1590124>caused by trauma means it wasn't your fault and outside your control>it wasn't your faultas if being gay is a fault
>woman definitely can't help being straight is differentyou're being retarded. stop it.
No. 1590155
>>1590112Extreme copium in these replies, you're absolutely right. These idiots want preferencial treatment and think we should just take their bullshit. They cannot even contain their hate towards bi/ straight women and somehow blame everyone for reacting to their antics.
I literally didn't even mind them until they started showing their asses everywhere for no damn reason
No. 1590174
>>1590169how is it projection when lesbians are
victims of homophobia on top of baseline misogyny? stop this victimhood olympics shit and focus on real actual life outside and away from the internet
No. 1590221
>>1590199Honestly. This is not a place where you get validated just by existing like Twitter or Tumblr, if you're acting retarded anons will dogpill you no matter your sexuality
>>1590214Black anons barely fuck around the way lescels do
No. 1590237
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(Some) lesbian anons are absolutely annoying and I'm always gonna tell them off if they try to start shit outside of their thread, but also trying to insist that people are only gay because of being sexually assaulted is dumb as fuck. You're all retarded.
No. 1590259
>>1590251just stop you're seriously making other anons
like myself look bad as if anyone shares your crazy porn addicted beliefs piss off
No. 1590262
>>1590202Kek but that's funny at least come on.
What's not funny is the blackpilled doomer "radfem" lesbians but I learned to ignore those since they're a very mentally ill and terminally online subset of schizo women I don't even feel like replying to
No. 1590327
>>1590262>blackpilled doomer "radfem" lesbiansExactly this. There's a weird subsect of women who have personality disorders and/or weird/socially unacceptable paraphilias (or just "unladylike" kinks) pushing themselves as lesbians even when they're blatantly bisexual or even straight. They have the most terminal NLOG syndrome and internalized misogyny, and are fixated on bashing women they deem "normative". They're honestly not different from tiktok e-girls who troon out/call themselves non-binary, just edgier. For the tiktokers, the women they're "not like" are "cis women", and for the "blackpilled radfem lesbians", it's the "straight and bi women".
I actually don't have a problem with "weird" women bc they are still women, but it's honestly off-putting how much misogyny and hatred they tend to hold for other women.
No. 1590634
I used to think feminism was good and men are evil, full stop.
But I learned that it's more of a class thing. Feminism is shit for most women.
If you're an overworked lower class woman dating a scrote, do all the housework, childrearing and breadwinning, of course you're pissed. And you're losing.
I feel like the top 1% of women in good relationships get houses, get their food and clothes and everything provided for. Have the freedom, luxury and safety to do whatever they want just for existing and being female. The sexual revolution may have even benefited them because now they don't even need to provide children. Just sex. In exchange for an easy life.
"Scrotes" know instinctively this power dynamic that women have a right to just not work and have things handed to them, which makes them mad.
If I wanted to, I could have men and boyfriends paying my education, giving me a place to live, investing in my dreams, vacations, and luxury goods WITHOUT even needing to sleep with them. Even if you sleep with them, the price is small and imaginary, a few minutes of bumping uglies in exchange for security that takes hours and weeks of work for the man. the patriarchy was created by women for women to give men the illusion of power so they can make them do all the dangerous and hard work while relaxing and being provided for, by creating social games like "yes dear we will use your last name in the family" but women win in the game of survival by having needs met by exchanging ego strokes for men in return for tangible material goods. I think feminism exploits most working class women and benefits capitalism. Finally I agree feminism is important for the lowest most vulnerable class of women who need protection to escape traumatic pasts, poverty, abusive situations, but for the middle class and up, we actually had a better deal having men do everything and provide everything. I think the top 1% of women are basically the wives of leaders and CEOs who play their social game right and amass power, making their husband their employee/slave.
No. 1590671
>>1590634This looks baity but I will bite.
>If you're an overworked lower class woman dating a scrote, do all the housework, childrearing and breadwinning, of course you're pissed. And you're losing. This isn't feminism's fault. It's how society didn't evolve to up the ante of expectations for men when we gained the legal abilities to finally take care of ourselves and make our own reproductive choices.
Society did not make demands that men should take on the fair share of domestic responsibilities, and now we have whole ass generations of men who don't even contribute financially or practically. Many men are losers living in a human version of mouse utopia, they serve no purpose.
They are useless and violent for it because women do not want to saddle themselves with them, at least not for long.
As a working/middle class woman, YOU still need feminism. Procreating with bad men can destroy you. Having no legal recourse against men leaves you vulnerable to their will.
The answer has not and never will be to cater to men for materialism, it's to make them become truly equal partners.
No. 1590674
You’re so riiiight incel Virgin-kun
I mean get your bag boy show those nasty feminists who’s right
Voting and driving is soooooo lame let’s go shopping!!!
Haha men are actually slaves because they can trap you in relationships and marriages and abuse you and your kids even if you are rich.
Those stupid men are getting conned so badly because if you call the police during any kind of domestic violence disputes both you get arrested and taken to jail!
Haha the system is so against men that’s why they commit 90% of crimes including violence against women
No. 1590676
>>1590634>get houses, get their food and clothes and everything provided for. Have the freedom, luxury and safety to do whatever they want just for existing and being femaleSo….who’s doing the housework, the child rearing, the emotional labor? Unless you’re suggesting that without feminism (which it sounds like you haven’t a clue wtf it is), men would be the ones performing all these duties on top of providing for you, the only other option is slaves.
Anon, you don’t give a shit about class inequality or intersectional feminism, you just want to live the idealized life of a trophy wife to a plantation owner. Do you truly think if women as a class who live soft, be illiterate, and fuck for new shoes, we would be be allowed any amount of political power? You’ll go back to being property by morning. You should stop watching those retarded divine femininity videos from ukrainian hookers.
No. 1590698
>>1590634Sure you may get lucky and have some nice kind scrote to give you his money and not abuse you or expect unreasonable things but by putting yourself in such a position as this in the first place, you can't fucking get out if you're unlucky. Your wonderful moid starts to abuse you after you have kids (yes, its common for them to hide
abusive tendencies til you're trapped) and you've never worked a day in your life with no money that is exclusively yours? Congrats your options are poverty or staying in abuse. Also why the fuck would you ever encourage women not to work the numerous jobs we need more women in? There are so many medical problems exclusive to women that don't get enough research or funding behind them because moids are in charge of things, there's so much scrotey media catering to garbage moid tastes because there are too many moid directors, abortion rights are fucked because there are too many moid politicians. Women who are wives to the wealthiest of scrotes have to deal with their husbands replacing them with a younger woman, going to places like epstein island and raping children, all in exchange to be able to use their husbands money…for things he approves of since it's literally his money, not hers. The scenario you are describing has women acting as purchasable slaves or perhaps employees to their husbands at best. You are not "manipulating" men by receiving their money in exchange for fucking them
>>1590646>Inb4 what if he leaves you - a woman who knows how to be a woman is always in high demandWill this still be the case for you when you're 40? 50? Even older?
No. 1590709
>>1590682Then moderation ought to be deleting these post-haste, and no, red-texting is not enough.
Men brigade and infiltrate here because they know our weak ass moderation gives THEM the platform and punishes US if we dare try to clear the air with a response to correct them, and heaven forbid we do that on the offchance that OP is a seriously confused girl or that someone reading that tripe will believe it if it goes unchallenged.
I have argued this for YEARS on this site and I am tired of a well-intentioned userbase getting browbeat for the shite they see on this website. It's bullshit.
>inb4 weeh take it to meduh! No. 1590741
>>1590709NTA but I agree that users shouldn’t be punished for making it clear that a stupid OP is seen and shunned. It is a difficult line to walk, overzealous moderation could cause distrust even more. I very much want every dumbass opinion to be obliterated but I’ve been here too long and have in fact seen many instances where some anons genuinely just never had certain shit challenged. Which is understandably tiresome for oldfags.
Personally, by principle, I do want lolcow to be a space that includes “free speech” as much as reasonably possible. Obviously ban on something like racebaiting since there is nothing productive to be had with exclusively bad faith trolls. That said it’s not always obvious, and with anonymity, some things always get misconstrued. Example being non-white anons having to tread lightly when complaining about scrotes in their community. It’s not fair but it is what it is. Yeah idk, unique problems of an anonymous yet exclusionary yet diverse space.
No. 1590885
>>1590878>just following trendsThis is what most women do too, with makeup and clothes and even plastic surgery. Those fat eyebrows everyone had at one point actually suited only like 5% of women.
But women are allowed to follow trends no matter how bad they are (buccal fat removal? Ew), men get shit on every time they even try something mildly different.
No. 1590889
>>1590873It’s sexist to not tell men they look like shit babe we gotta actively hold them to high beauty standards
>>1590885In what fucking world do you live in where women aren’t shit on for following trends or performing femininity poorly, eyebrows and makeup and buccal fat and whatever else women do are made jokes of all the way through are you retarded?
No. 1590899
>>1590889It's normal for women to follow ever changing trends, including hairstyles, but when men start wearing on their head anything else than the standard short hair people go berserk.
You people are the reason we will never have beautiful long metalhead hair be mainstream. You are actively stopping my surroundings from becoming more sexy with your shit.
No. 1590903
>>1590885>makeup and clothes and even plastic surgeryYou mean things that women are systematically pressured into doing? Things with which compliance
and rejection both result in social ostracism?
All said was a certain scrote haircut is ugly. Get a grip. Imagine babying the paper thin feelings of tiktok moids on
No. 1590907
>>1590873>uwu leave the guys aloneno lol. men need to hear they look fucking ugly more often.
also broccoli hair looks retarded on both sexes
No. 1590910
>>1590907Well buzz cuts look even more retarded why don't you bully them for that?
Oh that's right, because that's a socially acceptable cut. You're not based bullying men, you're acting like an old aunt tut-tutting new trends
No. 1590914
>>1590899Shut the fuck up lmao, no one is executing males for having long hair. Don’t backpedal when you specifically addressed people’s disdain for the ugly zoomer perm. Btw most people didn’t have a problem with man buns as an aesthetic choice, it was because the moids who wore them were usually insufferable douchebags, it became a stereotype. I can tell you weren’t there.
>>1590905JB didn’t invent being a singing twink. They hated him the same way they hated any male act popular with young girls, same old story since eyeliner was invented. It’s an attack on girls and women’s interests first and foremost.
No. 1590927
>>1590918I'm not samefagging, which brocoli faggot fucked you over that you're so mad? Kek.
>>1590911Older men will always hate young men and their trends. Older men were also the ones who were literally sending gore on Twitter to young girls simply because the girls were fans of kpop boys. Nothing makes men seethe as much as women being attracted to young men our age.
No. 1590937
>>1590927I’m not mad, you’re the one who wanted a nobel peace for your work against hair-based discrimination.
>women being attracted to young men our ageWhat does that have to do with fugly haircuts? There’s no need to victimize yourself unto some imaginary social injustice to justify unpopular taste. They’re not rounding your precious scrotes up and shaving them by force, unfortunately.
No. 1590957
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>>1590925who did this to poor goonter
No. 1590960
>>1590958one of my anthropology profs used the term "residual patriarchy" to refer to the social relations here. i'm not actually sure how i feel about it, but the term activated my neurons. another argument i've read from some radfem-adjacent literature is that women have become
both the objects and subjects of the sex industry, and i think there's truth to this. obviously women experience misogyny and we live in a society that generally privileges men and i'm not arguing otherwise
No. 1590964
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>>1590873Men used to let their hair grow longer (or at least were allowed to) back in the day. The 00s ruined everything with the rise of shorter hairstyles and shitty, ill fitting outfits for men
No. 1591122
>>1591112What does that have to do with my argument? I'm saying most people are just boringly average and women look better only if we're forced to spend an ungodly time changing our appearance. It's not something to be proud of if the society is making the average woman feel the need to dye her hair a different color than her natural one, use tons of products to look younger than her actual age and do her makeup a way that hides her natural features while accepting men as they are. Women aren't more beautiful, we're just forced to fit into higher beauty standards and it's not a good thing. This kind of upkeep isn't common in smaller cities and most women are fine the way they naturally are.
>>1591118Gay men don't look good in general imo, at least the gay guys in my friend circle, they just look like average men and the feminine style most tend to have very rarely looks good on them.
No. 1591126
>>1591109Women have more body fat and people start to look sick when their body fat is too low and that happens faster with men since they start with less body fat.
>>1591114>almost all of us are descended from just a few men in recent history who raped hundreds, even thousands of women eachAre you lost cuckanon?
No. 1591128
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Men aren't people
No. 1591149
>>1591129I'm straight too and feel the same. I'm not overly picky or only attracted to like "perfect" model 6'5 men, but I'm hardly attracted to any men at all and see way more sexy and cute women than men. I know my usual type is brown hair and taller than me by at least 1 or 2 cm.
I think it could be the mood stabilizers + birth control pills that are killing my sex drive and attraction levels.
No. 1591167
>>1591161Women were always meant to carry a higher bf% than men, it's the way our reproductive biology evolved. Men are more muscular which is why, in theory, it should be easier for them to lose weight if they curb their beer and pizza addictions since muscle burns more calories at rest. Being tall helps metabolism too.
The majority of modern men have lifestyles which enable to be lazy and gluttonous. Women have to put in way more effort to lose weight. Doubly so now that we have a tainted food chain and a social narrative that we are the responsible party for safe sex via injecting ourselves with weight-gaining hormones.
No. 1591233
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I think this pic is cute. Idg why /snow/ nonnies hate it.
No. 1591291
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>>1591233>90s vintagebrb checking myself into hospice care
No. 1591365
>>1591289One of the very tards I was referring to here locked her account right after I made this post, kek.
PS You're so embarrassing, being a gigaweeb who can't even stay in her own country while malding about women of other races
No. 1591415
>>1591408Yes, women are property under Islam. They are not like western women, they have no agency or control. Hijabis still get raped, murdered and then
victim blamed by moids and their families too.
No. 1591435
>>1591077this is so sad if true kek.
>>1590909this is the real shit right here. more than fitness or even height, I feel like good hair on men is the thing straight women are always obsessed with and it's male jealousy fueling the backlash
No. 1591453
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>>1590964Back in the day men reeee'd over long hair as well. Middle aged journalist moids harassed the Beatles endlessly about their hair kek
Old men getting insecure and angry over youthful, even slightly feminine styles on young men is standard
No. 1591585
>>1591453I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but I don't think those are "feminine" styles, just not hypermasculine (which does not automatically mean feminine). But of course moids are fucking retarded and think not striving to prove their fake masculinity to other men 24/7 is girly and therefore weak and bad and shameful.
>>1591493Hot metalheads with (clean) beautiful long hair exist today and many of them think it's a sign of masculinity.
No. 1591647
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>>1591608>absolitely retarded terminally online braindead turbocially autistic behaviormy sides
No. 1592002
Lawyers really aren't that intelligent. Detectives as well, who likely studied law.
Here is why I say this
When you study law most of your courses are about learning the laws and history of laws. You have the same general eds as everyone else but that is basic common knowledge and most people forget it as soon as they finish the exams. You then have to specialize in the law of where you will work, because it varies. So then you basically know the local laws and… that's it. Now that is important information but they hardly know anything else, they aren't well rounded, most of them are rich and privileged enough to even pursue law, there is a lot of nepotism, so they live in their own little bubble in their own little world. They never understand much else. All the science and math, all the real skills are filled by people in other positions who help the detectives and lawyers do their jobs. These are the intelligent people. Lawyers are hardworking at best, lucky and comfortable at worst.
At least with others who specialize in something it ties in to other knowledge. Anyone who studies science likely understands a wide range of science and math, probably a knack for another language as they must learn latin terms and science is worldwide regulated. Law is very specific, unless one becomes an international lawyer. Even a translator in law has to know all law terms in two or more languages.
I just think it is viewed as such a prestigious job because it is reserved for the rich and fortunate. Much like a doctor is viewed but they do not actually have to pay much for education nor earn as much as US doctors do in other parts of the world. A lawyer is the most exclusive education you can brag about to other people. Oh wow you studied law? You went to law school? Sounds impressive.
But I would not expect a lawyer to be able to engage in any deep conversation about anything outside of law. They have neither the time not expectation for that.
No. 1592006
>>1591638Why is this so true
Why are mens feet so damn ugly
I took a feet pic with a bf one time and I looked like a goddess while he looked like an ogre. I almost felt disgusted, like I was kidnapped by King Kong. Mans feet are just not it.
No. 1592024
>>1591986Because of what
>>1591647 said. Sorry you were seething too hard to read one post above.
No. 1592762
>>1592002>you inly know the laws of the places you liveyou do know there is such a thing as international law?
and studying law isn't about learning statutes by heart the main goal is to learn legal reasoning and argumentation.
besides i cant speak for us law schools but 'round rhese parts we have legal theory, philosophy, and history of law as well as political science as art of the cursus
No. 1592828
>>1592824working having to*
cant into english today apparently
No. 1592848
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I am now 100% sure that the tardthot thread is filled with moids and bunkertrannies(probably the same one's causing the in-fighting in the the twitter thread), their is a distinct male coomer leftist energy that they have(USER HAS BEEN PUT OUT TO PASTURE)
No. 1592989
>>1585531I hate that some people legit defend the use of violence because "sometimes words just won't do" and their "hand is forced", whether it's for political, economical or personal means.
Some fucking alt left leaning scrotes willingly planned to beat up some alt right leaning scrotes in my region and now that justice is being served, which they should have seen fucking coming, all the alt left scrotes' WKs are going to go REEE in my town this weekend, and probably will hurt people who have other business to attend to.
I didn't condone that behavior when the George Floyd riots/lootings happened, I don't condone them now. The bullshit commie power dynamic rhetoric doesn't fly with me, you're being a dipshit with your actions, there are consequences.
No. 1592990
>>1592965No, moids can have belly dancing and pole dancing. Let them sexualize and objectify themselves for once.
>>1592988Cope. Pole dancing is associated with sex work.
No. 1593042
>>1593036The problem is the left leaning scrotes unprovoked decided to start shit. I don't care what political side you're from, if you start the shit flinging, don't cry injustice if the police/the juridicial system pinpointed that you escalated a non hostile situation.
Even without any political ideology or reasoning, if I went ahead and pushed someone in front of me at the crossroads as the cars are passing by, and caused an accident just cuz, I'd also get punished for it.
No. 1593103
>>1592002You're right, I dated a law student (I'm in medicine) and some of his classmates were straight up dumb, guys with 0 brain cells mainsplain like hell, girls tend to be the hs bully stereotype. We lived together with two of his classmates, I was working as a paralegal for a year and attended some classes so I think I saw enough to judge. The things I've heard them say were crazy but they also think way too highly of themselves, some of them would straight up come to classes in suits (which is 100% not normal here). Every law guy I've met was also rapey as fuck and law school here had a huge scandal because of that. Worst thing is law guys will gaslight you like crazy after being
abusive. Most of them also tend to be rich brats who routinely take cocaine at parties (and I think this is purely a status symbol for them because they know it's expensive as fuck while not being better than a simple alcohol shot). I genuinely dislike lawyers after interacting so much with them. Law school and working as a lawyer is also much easier than outsiders think.
No. 1593107
>>1593066This is very important. A prostitute shot her pimp by wrestling his gun from him and shooting behind her in the dark, some creep hired an assassin to kill his wife and she beat the shit out of him. I think it's important not to self victimise and be too defeatist. I support women's right to bear arms for this reason (not that I can do much about it here in Australia lol).
I also think men's dominance over women would not have been possible without women's empathy and highly-exploitable sense of ethics. If we had male levels of empathy we'd just stab them/push them off ledges and be done with it.
No. 1593128
>>1593066>>1593107>I think entertaining the mindset that you are inherently weaker than men is a recipe for subservience that should be avoided for your own sanity and wellbeing.I actually agree with you so much. I understand why a lot of women are afraid, but they internalize men having more physical strength = they could never do anything to defend themselves ever. Hell, a moid could trip in an altercation with you and die on the way down if he hits his head wrong. Men are really not as sturdy and infallible as they are made out to be, a lot of women act like they're a different species instead of them just being marginally stronger.
Of course, women should always take precautions to avoid getting into situations where they could possibly be attacked by a moid, but at the same time not victimizing themselves so much that they would just lie down and be killed if something happened.
No. 1593176
>>1593128It's what moids repeat to us any chance they get. And it's obvious why they do it, to keep us weaker. Same with crazy beauty shit they want women to perform (heels, nails, uncomfortable clothes, long hair) and how they want us to be skinny even though women are meant to have fat and
men are wired to be skinny. Crazy how even dumb men subconsciously know how to manipulate us.
No. 1593182
>>1593176It feels so insidious. Keep telling women to eat salads and low-fat low-calorie food with no protein, and to only lightly jog and don't do any strength training to keep them weak. Oh, and get on hormonal BC too so your mind/hormones are completely disordered. Then you stick with the most
abusive moids for years because your body is a wreck and you can't even think straight. It feels like everything women are taught to do is against their best interests.
No. 1593197
>>1593161Seconded. I still use old memes even if friends of mine say that makes me an old lady.
I'll even go one step further: Vine was superior to TikTok because people were more authentic and human (even prone to hidden camera worthy shit - see "I'm just making pizza" Vine) in their approach to it.
No. 1593214
>>1593201Where are you from? Is this mostly an American thing?
t. euro but also turbo volcel who never even went to the gyno before so idek lol
No. 1593224
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>>1593212>vasalgelhuh I'd never heard of this. it's like… an injectable vasectomy sort of.
No. 1593226
>>1593190I was prescribed hormomal BC for my abnormal periods that made multiple doctors very confused since they couldn't figure out wtf caused them to be so painful and spotty (several months in between, no cysts, tumors, and I'm not underweight. So painful I'm bedridden when I do have them.) and I tried to commit a murder-suicide. The doctor laughed me off and told me to keep taking it since this was April~May 2020 so I dumped it, and those thoughts stopped. I saw an actual gyno in person at the beginning of this month, and she has yet to examine me since she noticed how anxious I was. Said that my symptoms qualify for a hysterectomy and that she's also a licensed (reproductive) surgeon, especially if nothing helps, when I'm 21. Only a year to go until I stop suffering, I already have menopause symptoms from my psychiatric medications of the same severity so I'm not too worried especially if she leaves an ovary or two.
I personally think hysterectomies should be more commonplace, especially for women with reproductive disorders like endometriosis or PCOS, where having either ovaries or a uterus is hell on earth, but also as a more "permanent" form of birth control for those with a pregnancy phobia or those incapable of motherhood for one reason or another.
No. 1593231
Sorry I meant it's enough for the sterilisation, not endometriosis
No. 1593245
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>>1593233That's all I could find. It looks like there's a push to market this as "Plan A" (lol @ name) by 2026 so I'm just finding a lot of positive stuff about it.
Wiki says that in animal trials conducted in the US around 2012ish "reversibility proved unsuccessful" but the source is a book I haven't read so I don't know exactly what the issue was with reversing it. and "In October 2002, India's Ministry of Health aborted the clinical trials due to reports of albumin [a protein found in blood] in urine".
Interesting theory on wiki (picrel) about how it would work too well so pharmaceutical companies don't want it developed because they would stop making money from selling the pill. I don't know if that's all it is because IUDs are pretty popular but it's probably at least a little true.
No. 1593330
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I think this is good (depends on how they spend it and probably should have been more money though). They weren’t going to guillotine the whole Sackler bloodline and seize all their assets and ban painkillers from the market or make healthcare free, so….
No. 1593355
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>>1593351is this supposed to be thanos?
No. 1593364
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>>1593356I feel bad for her. girl must have seen some of the worst anime and never anything fun.
No. 1593472
>>1593456NTA. There's more to being non-white than experiencing racism, you know? It's not a matter of being anything enough, the truth is just that a biracial person is 50/50, and it's only because of the racist, outdated one drop rule that they're only considered "non-white". IMO they should be considered both races or neither, it's unfair to both them and the minority group to push them to one side only and try to tell that group they need to accept that person and pretend they aren't mixed.
>FKA twigs is the whitest mixed race black woman ever and she received tons of racist hate and taunting for years in the uk.Right, so imagine what the actual black women go through? Would they ever get as famous as she did? Most likely not. The thing is, even if you are fully black and just don't fit a certain stereotype looks-wise, people will make a habit of asking you if you're mixed, treat you better if they think you're biracial and be visibly disappointed if you're honest about your ancestry lol. I'm saying this because it has happened to me, it's just really grim.
No. 1593504
>>1593487>I was just stating the glaring difference between being a white person and a biracial person, you know? No one said they were white and only white, just that they are not black and it's dishonest to claim as such just because they face racism (which no one denies).
>I couldnt imagine how it feels to experience colorism but I acknowledge that it exists and profoundly effects scores of black women–constantly dark black women are stolen from and ripped off without ever getting the flowers they deserve–but im only stating that unless a biracial person looks like fucking Logic, they are absolutely treated entirely different from white people in most societies.It's not a matter of colorism (which exists but is separate), it's a matter of literally being biracial. A fully black person with light skin still isn't treated the same as a biracial person if people know they're not biracial. Again, I am speaking from expereince. Actually having a white parent (or being an obvious mix of both, besides skintone) does open doors that would otherwise be closed, for a myriad of reasons.
>it just rubs me the wrong way when nonblack people try to get overinvolved in whether or not a biracial person is "black enough" or not on imageboards because they mean something entirely different from the sentiment you express.I'm pretty sure OP is black, I've only ever seen black people speak on this openly. IME, non-black people can obviously see the difference and make all sorts of snide/shitty remarks, but they don't really have the cultural understanding or know the terminology because it's so outside of their own life experience.
No. 1593738
>>1593510Nonna, you're not helping. If you're not going to treat them as you would anyone else, no wonder they'd treat you poorly. A lot of gendercrits forget that troons have feelings too, especially FtMs. You're best off calling them "they," avoiding politics, not commenting on their transition in their presence or trying to convince them not to, and interacting as little as possible. If you don't, there's a 50/50 chance of them threatening you somehow, and in person that could be
very dangerous due to how testosterone changes muscles. Humor them until they leave, and they won't treat you poorly or try to assault you. The children aren't as big a danger but if a 15 year old gayden comes up to you and starts shit, it would be understandable to tell her to wait until she's an adult and thought it through for a couple years thereafter. Even if you have no intention of ever humoring her. Most minors who are troons desist. Once they're 18, the desist and detransition rate plummets and permanent detransition becomes extremely scarce, albeit heartbreaking when it does in any situation. Also try to get a minor's parent involved if they're threatening you in person or laugh them off/don't interact if they're online.
No. 1593900
>>1593495for sure but usually there's a lot of mental gymnastics involved to justify treating others differently due to their race but not wanting it to be done to you because then it's racist
>>1593833age restrictions don't work on the internet and never will sadly
No. 1593942
>>1593534I misread minors as moids and was confused why they should only he held accounted when arguing with fellow adults ups
>>1593929I know people have a lot of nostalgia for avatar-based games but I remember meeting so many pedos on those sites. Not to mention they where also super predatory in the way they tried to pressure children into a subscription based service. My unpopular opinion is that children should only have access to websites that has flash games(I which is why I'm upset that it's dead) and apps like messenger where they only get to have groupchats with their irl friends and classmates. I don't think children should need to communicate with strangers online. I know that modern society is depending on online communication but that's only because we made it that way. If we start encouraging offline hobbies for children and make video games that doesn't require any online functions then the next generation will grow up to be less internet addicted
No. 1594099
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Illustrated cover magazines (and non children's book in general) are superior to the ones with photography. And seeing how most of my non-art normie friends and relatives flock to anything with a colorful drawing on it in preference to photography or simple designs, i think it would be a net positive for a lot of published mediums to hire illustration artists over photographers. I was pondering on that after having a chat with an acquaintance that worked in the magazine industry and was complaining that the interest of magazines (especially printed) with younger generations was low and searching ways to stand out.
No. 1594531
>>1594481One's faking and one is not. As a stoney baloney I agree tbh. My friend who has anxiety got a panic attack from smoking weed and won't touch the stuff even though she's done harder drugs. Weed
triggers a lot of mental illnesses in people. It helps more with physical aliments I've noticed.
No. 1594705
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>>1594683Psychiatry is about as advanced as medieval medicine was for physical ailments but I still think you’re wrong
No. 1594930
>>1594804>>1594888Dang…that’s some gnarly
victim blaming, dude
No. 1595015
This shouldn't be an unpopular opinion as I believe it's an obvious fact. The entire skincare routine is a scam. A shitload of sunscreens contain carcinogen substances. have no idea what they're using.
Besides, nothing you put on your skin works as well as the things you feed your body from within. The collagen in your food is more important than the collagen you put on your face. Same with vit C and A. Make up is a scam too. Many cosmetics contain carcinogen asbestos and heavy metals, and you're literally leaving this shit for hours on your face when wearing make up. This shit stays in your blood for weeks kek
No. 1595079
>>1595057I don’t even understand what’s there to complain about. The human body is weird, I’ve met two women that used to have A cups and after gaining a bit of weight they suddenly got C cups or D cups.
In the end, shit changes all of the time, even as an adult, complaining about your own body only makes others thing that they can talk about your insecurities.
No. 1595083
>>1595015If you wear chemical sunscreen you get estrogenic effects which could predispose you to cancers, but if you don’t, you could potentially put yourself at risk of skin cancer? You’re honestly fucked either way. Everything causes cancer, it’s just whichever switch in your body flicks and causes rogue cell proliferation. I’ve seen too many melanomas in
young people/festering last of us vibe looking cancers to spook me into wearing SPF.
No. 1595086
>>1595015That's a pretty succinct article, I'm gonna bookmark that. There was one weird part:
>Investigators at the University of California at Berkeley reported a dramatic drop in teen girls’ exposure to oxybenzone in cosmetics when they switched from their usual products to replacements that did not contain this chemical.Water is wet. Thanks Berkeley.
No. 1595093
>>1595083Just use mineral sunscreen. Zinc oxide sunscreens work great and they don't hurt you unless you literally ingest or inhale repeatedly or in large quantities. Titanium is okay too but not as good (if I recall correctly it started being used because it leaves less of a white cast, not because it's the best mineral for the job – and it still leaves a white cast so why use the worse mineral.)
That organization is just saying that chemical sunscreens aren't safe because they build up in the body and cause a lot of health problems over time, including disrupting hormones in children and pregnant women and causing cancer. …I don't know how people read those articles and decide not to wear sunscreen. read the ingredients. it's a good article, very clear about what's safe. wish the government would regulate the sunscreen companies and ban them from using the bad ingredients.
No. 1595097
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>>1595088 one is honestly really good (I know it's a celebrity brand but it's so good). yes it's very white because it's zinc but if you massage it you just look like you put a very fine highlighter all over your face. my friend says I look "sparkly" not ghostly.
No. 1595107
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>>1595097Sunscreen always makes me look like a vampire from twilight. I basically have to draw a new face with makeup over it so everyone stops asking if I’m okay and if I’m sick.
No. 1595112
>>1595093I unfortunately don’t react well to mineral sunscreens. I read a couple articles that were referenced and then a systematic review stood out to me saying there’s potential for issues in chem spf but there’s not enough longitudinal studies to further back up their claims. It’s still really confusing to me as a consumer on what to do. I don’t want skin cancer but I don’t want cancer caused by my endocrine system being screwed up. I’m just saying as a consumer, I can’t win. The FDA really doesn’t give a shit tbh.
>>1595099Yeah soz anon I meant in general. Also where I’m from, SPF and sun protection is so ingrained into our culture because we live under a ozone hole and it’s pretty easy to
fry like an egg. It’s kinda whack to me other people from other cultures don’t think too much about sun damage? It’s interesting.
No. 1595118
>>1595057All breasts are wonderful, but sometimes I am over having a bigger chest. Dresses never fit, bras are daunting to buy. It hurts to run.
I miss my B cups so badly. I remember the hot pink bra i owned freshmen year with the little bows- i loved it so much.
Ive even lost 65 lbs this year, and it didnt even affect my cup size.
No. 1595133
>>1595115As a young child, if I didn’t bring a hat to school you weren’t allowed to play at recess. Solariums are banned and demonised here. Its commonplace to see strangers put sunscreen on other strangers at music festivals. This cultural change only really came about in the 90s due to vigorous public health policy.
>>1595122“Natural” is such a broad term, it’s a bit of a misnomer. That’s my unpopular opinion. Don’t get me wrong if something natural does work, and there’s evidence, sure. However, plenty of natural supplements also have effects on the body we may not expect as well. Reading about melatonin gummies is pretty fucken nuts, some brands have 200% more than what is safe No. 1595306
>>1594079Am I the only one that has seen that area maybe once or twice in her entire life? I cannot even remember what it looks like. I give a general check everyday but I don't grab a mirror or camera and really look at it.
I also only saw myself from behind for the first time a couple years ago, did not know you could even see the labia from behind. But also every man I've slept with whose seen it just kinda gazes at it and calls it beautiful or a flower. Idk it's kinda ugly, all genitalia.
No. 1595312
>>1595311Nta but japanon did send messages in the discord saying she hated all men and that she wanted them to die even though she kept chasing men she met online. This time, she's chasing a model she met on Facebook.
Traumatized and autistic women usually both hate men and also get attracted to men that are going to abuse them. It's not a conscious thing.
No. 1595367
>>1593345Nonnas would had agreed with you if you said "shounen anime"
I'm not sure I'd say they have the same plot lines but I've been thinking for a while about the paralels that shounen anime has with capeshit
>powerscaling>targeted at 13 year old boys yet most fandom consists of manchildren and sometimes some fujos>fans get incredibelly offended if you say their battle series for kids are not high art>shitty comic relief people always complain how marvel movies will interrup serious moments with funny quips, which to me is exactly like when demon slayer is constantly interrupting serious moments with Zenitsu>story is milked for as long as possible so they can keep making money of of itThis is more about fandom context, but it honestly surprises me how normies haven't picked up yet on how
toxic shounen moids are and we don't have any trend of mocking shounen in the same way as we do for capeshit.
No. 1595371
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>>1585664see that fricken try guy who cheated on his wife EVEN WHEN SHE WAS PREGGO and she made an entire video where she tried to make herself feel sexy again because shes lost the body she had before having kids.
No. 1595380
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>>1586887KEK im that nlog who buys them at hot topic when i see a really nice one im sorry for assaulting your eyes
nonnie No. 1595481
>>1595478I have songs stuck in my head so rarely that when I do it’s very jarring and annoying, and it always happens after a rare music binge.
>>1595480Cope, addict
No. 1595532
>>1595477what else constitutes a music addiction?
i mainly only listen to songs on the way to work, which is about 70 minutes total for 5 days in a row. i know there's people who are listening to music more than twice as much as me and they don't get songs stuck in their head like me. maybe it's because i like composing music? who the fuck knows.
No. 1595809
>>1595803ah yeah then i agree.
>naturally there's no epic meme word for them.good point, though i feel like men are less 'pressured' to be (or at least appear) unique. they're not the ones getting so easily called basic bitches for having a hobby or a style that's common.
No. 1596037
>>1595794nta I hate how frequently "pickme" gets misused but my unpopular opinion is that I still firmly believe that women need to have a word to shame women who throw other women under the bus/prioritize men at the expense of other women.
Big sperg incoming but men have SO MANY tactics to shame men who do things that go against the common male benefit. Men who speak out in defense of women? Soyboys and cucks. Men who dress nicely/style themselves well and may raise the bar for men to look nice? Gay and effeminate. Men who take the side of a woman they know over a man they know are breaking the "bro code" and get ostracized. Men never ever think highly of women's art/hobbies/opinions and would never have a female public figure they look up to unless they're gay or would be accused of being so. Male culture is heavily based on putting other men first but the equivalent is not remotely true for female culture. Imo, the current problem of women shaming other women is not the shaming part, its only a matter of priority. Women need to emphasize common interest and shame and ridicule those who break rank from the rest of us. We need to let go of all the gendered insults for women created by men/for men in mind and learn to not give a shit about whatever "bad" things a woman might be doing if they aren't actions that negatively impact other women (and especially if they are doing bad things to men). Obviously this is all idealism but a girl can dream. The point is libfems cry about le
toxic masculinity actually hurting men but the reality is those practices are perfectly fulfilling their function of upholding male dominance and tearing down men who go against the zeitgeist and imo women will not socially advance further until we develop some of of these tactics for ourselves on a wide scale
No. 1596179
>>1595773So true, they can dish but never take. Seen it in so many lolcows who are bullies but cry
victim when someone does the same to them
No. 1596225
>>1585821could not enjoy it as much knowing that it's just ari aster's weird fantasy stemming from his own anger about his breakup and he likely only switched the protags gender because everyone would fall for the girlboss shtick instead of finding it to be misogynistic (imagine if the boyfriend's fate was put upon a woman (aster's ex girlfriend) instead). besides that it's just a shit film, it's so obvious that aster is afraid to stray from whatever he was taught at film school
>>1585737agree a lot of modern horror fans are insufferable, the films themselves are fine but get treated as masterpieces of horror because we're in a horror era that's a direct respond to the 00s-10s jumpscare era. i guess people got tired of those and when a24 horror started getting traction, people were drawn to the reliance on atmosphere and themes and the indie vibe.
No. 1596311
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Imagine being an incel
No. 1596342
>>1596332My parents have told me directly that when they die I'll go to a tard home because my extended family has either disowned me, died, were drug addicts, or don't know how to help me. I'm not severely retarded, but my autism affects my ability to convey topics while speaking, do basic tasks, take care of myself, work, et cetera so they have no choice. My mom is physically disabled and addicted to percocet she was prescribed so taking care of her is my job, essentially. Thankfully not too demanding but I can't touch raw food or waste without trying to take my skin off and having an ensuing panic attack, so if she ever needs help with that, we're fucked.
No. 1596416
>>1596412Strongly disagree, but this
is unpopular opinions.
No. 1596842
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I don't get the appeal of reading fanfics. In my opinion, is akin to wearing someone else's underwear, in the sense that headcanons and interpretations tend to be somewhat personal, i simply cannot get into someone's personal idea of my favorite characters even if said headcanons are similar to mine, not out of possessiveness, i simply prefer a more "personalized" approach so to speak
Not every fanfic sucks ass, i suppose there are genuinely good writers out there, but its just not my thing regardless of quality. I'm fine with fanart tho
No. 1597015
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Ducks aren't cute.
No. 1597017
>>1585637Anyone into extreme body modification ends up being severely fucked in the head and self-centered/narcissistic. Lopping off your tits ~for aesthetics~ is extreme. People severely underestimate how involved all of your organs are in your endocrine system, including your breasts. They aren't just "sacks of fat". Removing your entire uterus (and landing yourself with early menopause, severely increased risk of dementia, etc) when you can get a bilateral salpingectomy is extreme. I want women to take charge of their life in a way that doesn't jeopardize their healthy future. Young people are so quick to dismiss how aging works and how quickly your health can flee, never to come back.
I'm tired of the libertarian mindset. They make everything sound so easy with "just let people do what they waaaaant, why do you even care". Libertarians are fucking retarded and I'm surrounded by them - sorry, I have no idea how they're usually perceived and whether this is considered unpopular or not.
No. 1597018
>>1596622anon didn't talk about murder
>>1596842100% agree!
No. 1597024
>>1597010this is true
>>1597015this is untrue. and you should feel really bad.
No. 1597054
>>1596842You sound autistic.
>I'm fine with fanart thoOf course you are. You don't fully understand how labor-intensive writing is (good or bad) and simply consume visual art. Why is it that artists get far more adulation and credit than a writer? Why is fanart "okay" for you even if it doesn't cater to your autistic "personalization" while fanfic is "ugh unappealing"?