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No. 1522675
let it out, no infighting pls
>>>/ot/1515170 No. 1522683
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headed to a meeting with my bitch boss about contract renewal and i dread it. i dont' even want to stay in this piece of shit dead end job but i don't have anything lined up. fuck this shit
No. 1522705
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Fuck the annoying faggot ass scrote at work. Hell no im not staying extra time! Bye fucker! I’m also 99% sure he’s actually autistic and sometimes he comes in absolutely drenched in this awful cologne. Nasal voiced manlet piece of shit.
No. 1522712
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My boy cats’ shits are so fucking stinky. It’s indescribable, nobody believes me when I vent about how godawful their shits stink. Until they’re visiting and one of the boys takes a big hairy steaming dump. I have to scoop it IMMEDIATELY and take it outside, open some windows and light a joint or some incense to make being inside tolerable. All my friends are flabbergasted and blown away by the stench, they always say they thought I was being hyperbolic when warning them (I’m sensitive to smells in general) but that nothing could have prepared them for that miasma.
One of the cats refuses to let me wipe his poopy paws so if he’s ended up stepping on his shit (happens like at least 2x a month) I have to put him in a kennel and order him to clean himself up, or else he’ll walk all over the house with poopy paws looking for a perfect spot to clean his smelly poopy feet and getting poop everywhere.
The boys both have IBD. They have been examined by vets. They’ve had their poop lab tested. They’ve been on strict probiotic regimens, but one of the cats is literally allergic to the flavorings they add to all the damn cat probiotics. He can ONLY EAT RABBIT MEAT and extremely extremely trace amounts of fish, we’re talking maybe 3 bonito flakes any more he’s got the shits. They are on a special and extremely expensive diet. It’s the only diet they’ve tried that didn’t give them consistent gas and diarrhea, often with blood. It took so much trial and error to find something they could eat without having daily diarrhea. Even the prescription foods didn’t agree with them.
They don’t have diarrhea anymore. Regular old cat logs from the one, and fully formed but weirdly giant shits that look pretty gross from the other one. I have taken their shit to the vet to be like wtf and the results are just that they are stinky, I’m doing everything I can. I just have to live with stink bombs getting let off in the house 4+ times a day. They’re lucky they’re so fucking adorable and charismatic. I wish cats could get fecal transplants or something cause I’ve never had cats with shit this stinky and I’ve had cats all my life.
No. 1522864
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kind of mundane and not that serious but i have to cut my hair so much after growing it out of so long because my ends are burnt to a crisp. i say ends but it's easily like 10cm of ratchet unmanageable hideousness. it honestly may as well be those metal sponges rn. i'm kind of devastated but i know hair grows back i'm just upset because it took me so long to get it to where it is currently and once i get it cut i'll be back to an awkward stage. i don't have a choice and i've already been made fun of in public and in uni of all places because of how awful it looks. whatever. i also have a thousand million split ends everywhere because i'm retarded and i seriously believed my cheapo (but talented) hair stylist when she told me to use head and shoulders and other "affordable" shampoo packets for my hair and now it's absolutely horrible. i used to pride myself on my hair and now it's just so ugly. it breaks so easily now and it's much thinner than it ever was. i guess that's karma, or something. i'm at a loss
No. 1522871
>>1522864i'm sorry anon. try getting something fun like layers, it's going to feel so refreshing and good to get rid of the unhealthy ends once you pulled the
trigger. and look up some hairstyling or haircut videos of the length you are going for on youtube, it's going to help with getting hyped for your new haircut instead of mourning the loss of the length.
No. 1522878
>>1522871thank you anon, that's genuinely good advice. i didn't think about layers, you're right that will make me feel a bit better
and most likely make my hair look less awkward. you have a kind heart, have a good day!
No. 1522894
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>>1522730I would probably have to light a whole matchbox worth for it to maybe cut through the stench. Tbf even incense gives me migraines these days so I usually just use it as an excuse to quickly roll a joint and smoke half of it with the windows open, since it’s one of the few scented things I can light that doesn’t give me headaches. I miss the days where I could burn incense and nice candles and wax melts and use nice smelling sprays and soaps, which is a whole different vent kek - any other nonnas develop crazy sensitivities to scented shit they used to tolerate just fine?!?
It is insane what we do as pet parents. That sounds like a terrible experience for you and I’m sure your dog made things even harder and less pleasant. What’s even more insane though, is that I wouldn’t trade it for anything. But my cats are really really affectionate and entertaining when they’re not stinking up the place.
>>1522731Oh anon I hope they live with me for at least another decade. They’re wonderful companions with very dynamic personalities, they brighten everyday for me, but good god if their shit isn’t something else. One of the reasons I hate smelling their poop is because it makes me start worrying their IBD and past histories of eating literal actual garbage are gonna lead them to an early grave. Cause there’s just something so wrong with these cats’ guts from their previous lives of garbage eating for their shit to be smellin like it’s on fire.
I’m already used to having to scoop cat boxes multiple times a day cause our late cat was a sweet weirdo who would demand the box be scooped everytime before he’d use it. Sometimes he’d be screaming at me to scoop it when I’d already scooped it, but I had to go dig around and show him it was clean and empty before he’d use it. I miss that sweet sassy old man. Picrel not my old man but some cat on google images that closely resembles him.
No. 1522909
I usually keep things to myself and check out lolcow for funny dumb shit but at this point I'm really tired and need to vent somewhere. If I post this on other websites I'll probably be labelled the usual slurs women my age are.
I'm early 30s and I've never been in love, I liked someone once, when I was 24, met plenty of guys and went on many dates but nothing really happened, I just felt….nothing for anyone. I really tried, as in went out several times, had conversations, tried to build a connection etc but I just didn't feel a thing. There were 2 notable instances when I gave in to peer pressure and started dating someone because the circles of people I was in said we would be good together. I forced myself to kiss those men and actually felt disgusted with myself and started really feeling uncomfortable when they started touching me. I snapped out of it, politely excused myself and never talked to any of them again.
Im not ugly or fat, I have my own place and a good job, I have fun and healthy hobbies.
I'm tired of reading online how women in their 30s are "barren" , "roasties" and that "nobody will marry you" and all that jazz, but is it really my fault if I didn't have feelings for anyone?
I've always been the type who wanted to have a family but I would despise myself if I got together with a man just to pop out a kid, I'd be miserable having to force myself to have sex with someone I feel nothing for. I know other women who got married at 24-25 but didn't have a kid until they were 32-33. I don't know why it's hard for a lot of men to understand that for some women a child has to be born out of love, not necessity.
IF you've read this thanks, I had a really bad day and had to vent a bit.
No. 1522986
My father an my brother are such violent pieces of shit, I can't stand them. They aren't violent to me (anymore, I stand up for myself as and adult and I try not to associate with them). But because we're blood related, everyone in this small town knows we're related.
Basically just found out my piece of shit brother was being a POS and suicide-baiting his girlfriend yesterday. People arrived at my parent's house and he was fine and asleep, of course. I wish his girl would leave him so bad. I know it's something that's not really my business, and idk if she'd listen to me because I'm sure my brother has told her lies about me, but I wish she'd run and save herself.
Nonnies, it bothers me so much. I hate these two fuckers. I don't wanna cut my mom out of my life but she won't leave my dad/brother. They're physically violent, garbage human beings. I hate being associated with them even a little bit. It's so embarrassing seeing distant family members or people from high school and knowing they know me as the girl with a violent brother. I'll tell anyone I hate their guts. The less I think about them, the better. I was having a good day until my mom told me about what my brother did yesterday. Idk how she can't see what he's doing is wrong. WTF. I know my mom probably can't be saved either but I'm just so frustrated.
To all the others out there with shit family, I feel you sisters.
No. 1523014
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>24 this year
>getting degree in may; stopped taking classes in fall (tl;dr had to finish a final project, got an incomplete, etc.)
>have lived with dad since i started uni since he's maybe 5 minutes away from the uni
>he doesn't work; getting retirement money, has savings, etc.
>all i'm responsible for $-wise is feeding myself and keeping the home clean. fair. we get along okay
>mom works a bad factory job
>whenever we talk she sounds mad that i don't have a job yet/am just indulgently lounging around as i search
i feel bad but i also don't kek. i started working this stupid degree (cs) so i wouldn't have to work a terrible retail job. don't see the point in applying for one now – or any other job that isn't remote – that i actually have it. sorry bro but i will continue to chill and pray something comes up that will allow me to not leave the home
No. 1523096
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My bf tries so hard to make me feel like an uncaring piece of shit JUST BECAUSE I don't want to watch "long" animes with him re: Naruto, Bleach, One Shit, etc.
He constantly dunks on "shorter" re: 20 episode series, I like or could tolerate watching because he wants something with "longevity."
Yeah uh, sorry, but you can't force me to watch shit I'm not and never will be interested in for months on end. He is also the type to expect me to give undivided attention to the screen so I cannot even be doing something productive or be browsing on my phone while these monstrosities play in the background.
To prove a point–cause he never pursues/pays attention to things I am interested in but he isn't–I asked him if he would like to watch Sailor Moon together as that is a relatively long anime? (Even I don't want to re-watch the entirety of SM lol).
His reply?
"No, that doesn't interest me."
I cannot fucking stand it! I am 31 years old which is old enough to know what I don't fucking like. I have seen enough episodes and have never gotten into them.
The characters are fucking obnoxious. The art is ugly. It appeals mostly to children and teens. Most episodes are pointless filler or redunant battles or shit that goes fucking nowhere. Major mysteries to the plots are still unanswered after hundreds of episodes.
No. Just fucking no.
I begged him if we could build our relationship pillars around any other hobby that didn't involve staring at a screen like a retarded consoomer all day. All he wants are shows and games all the time. I'm so fucking bored, which is sad cause I like these things to a limit but he has already exhausted me of them.
I am not trying to be a bitch. I completely understand the core issues about how nice it would be to have a longstanding, common interest.
However it should not be a big deal that the interest isn't fucking anime.
No. 1523115
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ill be on my period on my birthday
No. 1523238
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>be me, 25 and with a history of not being taken seriously and dismissed by most doctors, reluctant to even get medical assistance in the first place because of the dogshit state of female healthcare
>finally book a smear test and some vaginal swabs after years of suffering from weird symptoms with my discharge and periods
>the test is extremely painful and feels like it's burning my vagina but the nurse manages to get everything done and sends the swabs off for analysis
>i feel great and really brave for doing this as i also have sexual trauma
>everything comes back negative wtf? okay whatever
>i come back later for some routine blood tests and i ask "hey what did you actually test for in my vaginal swabs"
>"oh we just tested for 2 stds"
>both of those stds symptoms are completely unrelated to mine and i haven't had sex in years
>they didn't even test for thrush, BV or anything normal like that. they didn't even test for trich, which was the one std that could have lined up with my symptoms
>i had my legs spread open and got my stinkussy painfully swabbed for no fucking reason
>i bring this up to the nurse on the spot and ask if my problem could be thrush or BV and she doesn't even offer me any assistance or ask about my symptoms again
>she instead tries to talk to me about going on the coil? fuck off
>i leave the doctors trying not to cry knowing this was all a huge waste of time and yet again they have proven they aren't taking me seriously or even listening to half the shit i say
>cursed for being born female
>cursed with a healthcare system that doesn't give a fuck about us
>cursed with stinkussy
No. 1523497
>>1523257I feel like most of those anons are either detrans or TIFs larping as feminists.
In the first case, they go way too far in going against troon ideology that they in turn deny blatant truths, like femininity existing.
In the second, they're trying to blend and failing.
No. 1523536
Update to
>>1522175 if anyone cares. He replied next morning and thanked me and said he was already sleeping and his phone was in not disturb mode. Today our mutual colleague and coworker who was invited to his birthday said it was crazy and they took cocaine and mephedrone. I don't like it but it's not my business, they're perfectly able to function at work, it's just that sometimes they behave weird, last time the guy called me and asked if I can lend him some of my sedatives because his friend took lsd and she was having a psychotic breakdown. Normal stuff I guess. Also, he said that he and a bunch of his friends go to Spain in June for vacation, the parents of one of his friends own a house there and they let them stay there during summer. Ngl I would really want to go and rest, I haven't had recreational trip/vacation since I was like 11 years old. Many years ago. Every time I take vacation I spent 2 weeks on going to various doctors, doing medical exams and buying medicine and fixing stuff around my house because normally I don't have time for it throughout the year. And 2 weeks is still not enough to get my things done, and I can't get more free days if I want to keep this job. I'm so tired. But at the same time I can't imagine spending time with them, we're too different, and I would also probably have to sleep in one room with him. Fuck I wish I had some close, normal friend to go on vacation with. I'm so tired and I'm so jealous of them, they're junkies but they're so much more lucky than me in many ways…
No. 1523602
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I have this habit of stalking pretty girls I don't know on social media or sometimes even on LinkedIn or Google. I just want to know how are their lives going what do they look like in every angle, who are they married to wha are their zodiac signs. And then after I'm done I sink into the depression of comparison I created for myself. It's honestly so sad and it makes my daydreaming more intense and long that I feel even worse after snapping out of it. I know I'm not that ugly, people complemented my looks multiple times but I've never been in a relationship and I feel unwanted. Does beauty really matter? Should I have plastic surgeries to fit the beauty standards? What if I looked uglier after it? Is it true that pretty girls have it all? Tell me I'm not the only one going through this nonas please….
No. 1523610
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>>1523602Must suck. I've never been pretty by any measure and sometimes I feel a bit bad about it, like when I see a photo of myself or think about how attractive someone else is, but it's fleeting and most of the time I just go about my day living my life. Maybe I can deal because I grew up during the 90s with parents and friends who didn't put a lot of emphasis on looks, and I had female role models who were cool and practical. Me and my gfs were all a bit dorky/tomboyish. I've still had relationships, boys who crushed on me, friends, a job, and I feel like I generally do ok at life. I'm sure if I was a looker I'd be more successful in certain aspects, but it is what it is. Idk how old you are, but I think kids these day have it a lot harder with your social media apps, they are likely the number one cause for rampant depression in teenagers these day.
No. 1523615
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I need to get a massage, something sweet but delicious and to get my pussy licked.
No. 1523620
>>1523610Thanks nonie
I'm not e even that young I'm 27!
Maybe I need to get a job to distract myself from all these thoughts
No. 1523643
>>1523629You seem like a nice person to be around nona<3
I’m sure things will get better as I get older
(emoji) No. 1523851
>>1523238For what it's worth, I have been treated like this by doctors all my life and I now have a pathological anxiety about seeing one. I need to see some specialists but I've been putting it off for years.
It's not a female problem, the problem is that most doctors are just not good at their job and don't give a shit about anything but the maybe dozen things that make up 99% of their day to day business and if that doesn't fit you they'd rather you leave them alone and not bother them to the point they will not even run tests they get paid to do and refuse to hand you results they get sent even if you ask and they say "np we'll mail it to you". The ones that are more intelligent an involved usually have waiting lists until you fucking die or you pay a fortune out of pocket.
God, I hate doctors so much.
No. 1523870
I don't know what I can say and do for aunt and uncle who are sweet people stuck in an awful situation. They are caretakers for my grown cousin who uses mental illness as an excuse for her behavior. She's their only child after they had difficulty with having children when they were younger, which makes aunt and uncle more unwilling to give up on her no matter how much both of them have to put up with even though they're getting to retirement age and should be able to relax in their later years. Now this is what I hear from them, so I can imagine it only gets more embarrassing than what they're willing tell me publicly, but put it all together and it sounds like she's a made up character. I'm not kidding you - she supposedly cannot do anything on her own, even excuse herself to the washroom without making a scene about something like needing something to be done in a specific way first or angrily attributing blame to something that shouldn't be aunt/uncle's responsibility. The lady will let herself starve and blame my aunt and uncle for not being readily available to get her water or food every time she's thirsty or hungry when they have full time jobs to attend to. Mind you, she is also obese, but not to the point she would have trouble moving and getting things for herself… Like, babe, learn to cook or get canned meals, ANYTHING. On whim, she has to have my aunt or uncle bring her amenities such as cushions, blankets, drinks, to her exact location exactly when she wants it, and get this… even have someone turn on her little nightlight for her and just about near tuck her in bed when she wants to sleep. Gets irate if they are too busy to help her because again full time jobs. She will point it as the cause of her poor health. Again, the ones forced to be her caretakers are my aunt and uncle who are adults with full time jobs outside the house when they should be relaxing at home just because cousin is the jobless one. She doesn't just blame them for not always being available on her time, she goes on screaming matches with herself apparently for hours where she'll call aunt or uncle worthless and every name in the book when she's JOBLESS, living in their house, and counting on them to basically spoon-feed her and wipe after her. This is an able-bodied woman in her late 30s. Her slight obesity doesn't excuse her and I doubt it gets much in the way of her functioning like a normal human. I had the unfortunate chance to meet her in person a few times at reunions and you could just tell. There's definitely something not right there, but I doubt it's what she claims. Insufferable even in a public space. I can't imagine having to live with that everyday. Relatives won't be likely to take her if uncle/aunt ever passes after they vented about cousin's behavior. As detestable as my cousin sounds, I don't want homelessness to be the only option as she's unwilling to find a job for herself because of the illness she claims, and her public freakouts would probably be too much to sustain one. I wouldn't want to wish homelessness on anyone, but I don't want to be the one step up to house her and ruin my own mental health if what my aunt and uncle says is true. Advice?
No. 1523871
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I've suffered from a restrictive eating disorder for a while and I guess I went too far and now my body is in extreme hunger mode. This is awful. It's not really binging because there's no emotional eating / stress eating and I do stop if I'm full… but I'm a literal bottomless pit. if I eat anything, even huge meals, I just shit it out 20-30 minutes later and have to keep eating (or suffer from hunger). Food seems to go right through me. Starting to get more and more worried this will never end. I wasn't even ready to recover so I'm not mentally recovering at all, the guilt is awful. Just my body wants to recover while my mind doesn't. I fucking hate everything and I hate that my brain has been wired this way.
No. 1523874
>>1523871Anon, is it possible for you to go to a treatment center or ER? It's best to begin recovery under medical supervision if you're body is being that reactive. It's definitely not impossible though! Every meal is healing. Be gentle on your digestion.
My recovery was super messy and uncomfortable too but I made it, at least far enough to regulate my digestion.
Best of luck
No. 1523886
Bit of an NLOG rant but I'm sick of how any women dominated online space with a geeky audience, and this includes lolcow, is dominated by the most socially and sexually dysfunctional losers imaginable. Want to try making online friends as a woman with interests typical women would find odd? Your options are basically women who: either have or continue to post their tits on 4chan, women with no job prospects, women with no hobbies, women who "dated" 4chan loser moids as teenagers (and continue to do so), women who are or used to be sex workers, women who swear they hate men but somehow can't seem to stop having casual sex with the worst sort of men every other weekend, women who are drug addicts and spend all their money on frivolities into their 30s. What's more depressing is these people aren't even interested in being friends because they're messaging five different men (usually from the same scrote infested imageboards they complain about) at the same time.
We all rip on normies for not being attuned to our style of humor, but the older I get the more I realize I've just outgrown imageboards and hanging around these places isn't good for you if you have any ambitions in life. The women I've met in book and sports clubs live far healthier lives both physically, mentally and sexually than women on imageboards, which is honestly why I take people's radfem creds on here with a pinch of salt. None of my friends from my badminton club would think driving several hundred miles to meet a fucked up moid they met from a place like 4chan was a good idea and yet that's not an uncommon story here.
You'd expect better of lolcow given at least the simple presentation of feminism, but it's not, it's actually worse than many apolitical online spaces I share with normies. It's arguably worse. It's annoying because I'd like to meet friends who still like reading shoujo manga or playing video games now and again (not that common in my country/age group) but the ones I've met around my own age have completely dysfunctional lives and have zero self control when it comes to men and sex and I am just at a total loss as to why. Not even going to touch on the coomer-y nature of a lot of people I've encountered here and elsewhere either. If you can't get off without thinking about rape and violence towards women you're just one step down from gooners.
No. 1523946
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my house suddenly got flooded and we had to spend 2 hours mopping up everything. i feel like i just aged 10 years. honestly the damage could have been a lot worse, but some of our things got completely soaked (including electronic devices. god hates this fucking family) i managed to salvage my most important personal possessions but gah i know everything is gonna get moldy and gross and we're gonna have to replace some things. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
No. 1523994
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do i ask dad if he took my vibrator?
basically noticed it went missing a couple of days ago. i normally put it in the same place (a hidden spot out of sight) but i guess i could've left it out once. i can't verify if he's been in my room or not, but ever since my new one came in (wanted to stealthily nab the package from the mailbox, but the delivery guy was a retard and took it to the place next door – whatever, dad saw the box, it's long i guess he can put two and two together) he's been acting disgusting. asking me shit like "do you watch porn"? and otherwise implying i masturbate, and i think i caught him looking at my ass once. i've cleaned my room up pretty well and i literally cannot find it fucking anywhere, but i dunno why'd he take it outside of trying to play a nasty prank. or prove a point. someone stole his shit once (but gave it back) and i told him to stop whining about it.
when/if i bring it up i intend to make it as uncomfortable as possible. i'll ask him if his son faps and how he feels about it.
i can't rn. i don't want to do this but i'm frustrated that the new one i bought is complete ass and i can't get a refund for it at all
No. 1523996
>>1523994This is why I haven't bought a new toy since living at my dad's house again
Is he ever out of the house? Have you ever thought about digging in his room or office when he's away to check if he stole it? Sounds like the best way to handle it stealthily, if possible
No. 1524029
my rant is sort of related to this too kek
>>1523886 so i made an online friend who was the first one i could talk to about the real struggles of being a woman without virtue signaling and not liking the troonery going around, but she's like the average poster here, casually dropping racist remarks towards my (third world) country and at first i thought she really didn't know any better but it became more frequent and felt intentional the last few sane conversation we had. on top of that, she told me about the horrible things a pedo did to her when she was in highschool and how much she hates him but is running back to him after he stalked her and harassed her for years into adulthood, she doesn't have a single monetary problem or safety issues in the parents house she lives in, she just feels lonely because her anime man will never come alive and love her and shes too autistic to go out and try to go on dates with normal men. she doesnt listen to me at all when i try to warn her or ask her why she would ever do that. shes been talking to other scrotes that gave her depression too and ignores me when i try to ask about it, even tried to hide it from me for some reason. i know she only has other femcel online female friends and no irl friends. tldr i want to stop being friends with her because i worry for her even though she knowingly does the harmful shit.
but shes so sensitive and might go into a more self destructive mode if i outright tell her "i dont wanna talk anymore". also shes the autistic fetish friend i had ranted about before on the last thread, in short she can barely hold a normal conversation with me anyway, she just says weird shit and always ignores me when i try to talk about normal topics. i hate myself for feeling such annoyance at her after making her feel comfortable enough that she could share a lot of private stuff with me but i cant stand it anymore. im used to tolerating stuff because most women around me drop random misogynistic and homophobic comments but it always builds up hatred in me that bursts after eating away at me mentally so im trying to drop that habit, i should tell this online friend i hate when she does stuff but we dont even have any conversations where she doesnt piss me off anymore because of the weird shit she keeps pushing into the conversation. i dont wanna be her friend but i dont wanna break her heart. i wish i never made her feel this comfortable while talking to me and called her racism and weird moid chasing out when they came up instead of tolerating, will definitely do that if i ever make a new online friend after this one traumatised me lol
No. 1524039
>>1524029>"groomed by a pedo">Running back to himRun. Don't waste your time with these people online, find irl friends instead. This is your typical imageboard edgelord woman with no friends who is ruled by her vagina in the same way moids are ruled by their dicks.
Nothing good will come of making friends with these awful, unpleasant, mean, slutty women.
No. 1524050
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>>1524027I've had my ikea shark before trannies started trying to associate blahaj with their bullshit for 5 years now and idgaf. Because I KNOW that the only reason why blahaj became popular were these cute pictures from russian social media, west started picking up on them too, and after that people would make their own cute shark OCs and blahaj original content without any troonery involved. I understand it's so frustrating but when I see people associate blahaj with trans bullshit, i just want to laugh at them. Trannies will always ruin everything, but they are extremely slow at picking up the trends. You can always say you just love sharks or sea animals in general. Nothing wrong with that. Fuck western corporations and the internet for turning a sweet shark into a retarded agenda though. They will never stop me from loving this shark.
No. 1524067
>>1524059On a tangent, mental illness and prior abuse are known risk factors for getting into
abusive relationships repeatedly, and it really shines through on lolcow. Seems like it’s full of girls who have or are being sexually/emotionally abused. There are gut wrenching stories every day about dysfunctional discord relationships that are so over the top you almost become apathetic to their suffering, sprinkled with violent moid hate, then the next minute it’s back to someone new obsessing over their next
abusive moid prospect. Feels like girls here ignore danger signals on the regular just to not be alone and it’s really sad. Being in a relationship isn't the end-all be-all of life, but it's possible to find moids that are ok. It’s hard when you’re so insecure and have never been in a normal relationship though, so you haven’t had the chance to learn how to function in one and assert boundaries. It becomes a self-perpetuating cycle.
No. 1524084
>>1524059Yeah ngl I feel like slutty women have played their own role in screwing up the dating scene, marketplace whatever you want to call it since now even average moids have a base expectation of sex after a couple of dates. I try not to be resentful but individually people's behavior adds up to collective expectations after enough time.
I do think women who just hook up with an irl friend or even go on a dating app are a bit better though. While I feel all promiscuity is damaging to various degrees, I think the sort of promiscuity you see from traumatized, chronically online geeky girls is way, way more unhealthy if you see where I'm coming from and you see it in abundance here: hooking up with internet rando moids on discord over and over again who are just horrifyingly deranged people in their own right. I fundamentally don't get it and I know I'll get naysayers for this but they really are the equivalent exchange of /r9k/ mental cases.
No. 1524094
>>1524020All the women I know who talk like this let their husbands violate their asses and compensate for the self disgust they feel by calling random women whores. You're a vile gutterball yourself, just for a singular man. Whore for one, if you will. Cope, seethe & you will be in adult diapers in 30 years.
-signed, actual self respecting virgin
No. 1524102
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>>1524054samefag WELL?? say something. i'm probably the biggest virgin on the site
No. 1524113
>>1523886It's a myth from TV and film that it's the "popular" and "cool" set that sleeps around. In my experience the popular, conventionally attractive women usually just have stable relationships. On the flip side it's almost always the unpopular, conventionally unattractive or awkward women who are more inclined to have "casual partners", disgusting fetishes and such.
Don't bite my head off. Just talking anecdotally.
>>1524108Do they even want to make friends? My experience has been that women saying they want to talk to other women on imageboards and don't want to talk to men are just straight up lying/virtue signalling unfortunately. I'm mostly drawing from my experience on /soc/ years ago but if a hot enough moid comes along they'll ignore all his red flags and ignore any women they were talking to almost instantly.
No. 1524115
>>1524113Come to think of it the armchair psych in me speculates it's because the unattractive and awkward set never really learned how to handle attention from attractive men, so they just ignore all danger signs and fall for it.
It all comes down to being raised by good parents and being able to know and internalize what men are like from an early age (i.e. animals who lie constantly).
I do admit I'm kinda tired of of "if I have a one night stand with this guy it means I'm using him haha!" cope from some on here though. Should be old enough to know better if you're posting here.
No. 1524122
>>1524115Agree with your post but
>if I have a one night stand with this guy it means I'm using him haha!Does anyone on lolcow actually say that? I have casual sex sometimes if I'm not in a relationship and feelin horny. If anything it's mutually using each other. It's not ideal and I don't go around advertising it, but I have sexual urges sometimes
No. 1524129
nonnie? TBH i just want a cool girl friend with experiences similar to mine and who can stand to write a lot while talking to me. I feel like people tend to be so defensive and simply not want to make friends. Why?
No. 1524151
>>1523886I think your wording is the cause of any defensiveness as it seems you’re lumping innocent anons into a pile of crazed degenerates to shit on. From everyone else’s point of view, you’re also a random lolcow poster so it does come off distastefully NLOG and accusatory. Demonising young women who don’t have sporty hobbies or jobs when such is the reality for many “normies” is unnecessarily harsh.
The general consensus here is that the character you’ve described sucks so saying you suspect it of even radfem posters is going to be offensive, sounds like a troll post.
No. 1524154
>>1524113Lc isn’t /soc/ and many people here never even used 4chan. It’s hypocritical projection to say everyone here is like that and you’re so NLOG when you were actually taking part in those circles yourself.
Of course you’re going to get women who dated 4channers ON 4chan. And of course you’re going to get mentally unstable attention seekers on a misogynistic website for
victim complexed, self imposed “outsiders”.
>>1524115>>1524122Stuff like that is usually said in response to “women biologically cannot have sex without falling in love with their partner”. I’ve never had casual sex and I’ve argued with anons over it.
No. 1524156
>>1524029Just tell her a little summary of what you’ve written here, in a few sentences and bounce. Alternatively, to avoid any harsh reaction, tell her you won’t be able to chat anymore, stay in touch lightly for a couple days to say goodbye and completely stop contact afterwards.
You’ve said she’s the average user here but plenty anons reject racism and I don’t think it’s a real friendship if you have to tolerate that. The moid stuff sounds pretty miserable for you when she won’t take your advice so be sure to mention that you can’t watch her do that anymore. Losing you might drive home the issues of her behaviour, either way there’s no reason to hang onto such an incompatible relationship.
No. 1524170
I developed a very active social life this past year just out of boredom and interest in interacting with a lot of new people IRL, but most of the places I socialize have at least some men at them (some 50% but some of these places/hobbies that are more popular for women to meet and hang out there’s still one or two guys around). The result is I seriously hate men more than ever. I already had very strong convictions about them as a general social class and felt they commonly hold serious issues as individuals, but the last year of speaking with random guys has made me believe that there are almost none of them on earth who aren’t actually evil freaks.
As soon as they get comfortable around me they’ll immediately launch into revealing the most unhinged, delusional misogynistic fantasies they have, acting like overbearing creeps, talking about their plans to harass other women, sharing their MPDG movie fantasies they think are real, showing me their “writing” and it’s always some weird porn about meeting a MPDG who has sex with them, or they’ll vaguely proposition me for sex and try to invite me to be alone with them and want me to go to their place or meet me at night despite them already having a girlfriend.
My goal obviously isn’t to make friends with these guys and I tell them I’m not single almost immediately, but they’re simply around to an extent in most social circles and at most places adults can go to meet friends, and they almost always quickly find a way to shock and disturb me with how sex obsessed and delusional they are. Some of them live in such a stupid fantasy world in their heads they seem like children mentally.
Do I have to only meet people at pilates classes or something in order to avoid ever speaking to men? I’m still making plenty of female friends at other hobby clubs and such and having positive interactions, but I have to deal with men being around in the process.
No. 1524403
nonnie, I'm sorry about your grandmother. I have weird dreams about my grandma sometimes, too. I think it's hard not to have regrets about how they passed. It sound like you really loved her and were doing your best to take care of her. I think it's easy to be hard on yourself and always ask 'what if', but in reality it sounds like you already did the best you could do. I bet your grandma could tell how much you loved her. I hope you can find some peace in the future.
No. 1524461
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Becoming more conscious of women as a class has made me mad as fuck when I see women posting obviously self owns like this because I know men will see it as a reflection on the rest of us.
No. 1524477
I'm the US anon from before. The doctor just called back and said that I was just being overly dramatic and that there was nothing wrong, and that having "heavy and painful" periods is normal for a 19 year old and apparently the tech didn't even check my ovaries, just the uterus. And that my blood work showed that the excessive blood loss wasn't a "danger" because I had such good health. He also said I should either try hormonal pills (which I had a suicide attempt when I tried them last) or get an IUD if it's "that bad."
He also claims he got me a gynecologist, but he never did. Mom yelled at me for panicking over the idea of having an IUD, and honestly I'd probably need to be chained down or otherwise restrained just to see a gyno in the first place regardless of if they're a woman or not due to the severity of my GID, but I'm not on hormones or anything especially because I have to go 3 hours away to see a doctor for that.
I've never faced this kind of discrimination due to my sex before. I hate that.
No. 1524481
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>>1524318Dasha is average but I think what makes her so unappealing is that she looks so obviously dead inside. Like her nastiness just bleeds out in every way. If she had a little more life in her she’d look fine.
No. 1524489
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I’ve been so fucking depressed since my last breakup. The anxiety is lessening but the sadness just stays. It’s been months and I’m still crying over him almost every day. I can feel myself slippping further and further and I don’t care enough to stop. I’ve only had bad experiences with antidepressants and I’m afraid to try another one. I’m so tired. I miss him so much. I just want him to get a new girlfriend so I can get the pain out of the way. He never posts anything online but his best friend does and while there hasn’t been any evidence so far it doesn’t mean it’s not happening. I want to go to sleep and never wake up.
No. 1524502
>>1524477I didn't read your post before, but take a deep breath now, nonna. That doctor is bullshit and you know it. What you can do and what helped me is taking iron supplements with vitamin c in it, nothing overdosed, the normal amount you would need in a day and only on the days you are bleeding. That helps when you are feeling weak and sleepy because of the blood loss while having your period, took me only 20 years to find that solution, kek. Pain can be normal within a period, but you should find another doctor to get it checked out. And if you have been on hormonal pills and had a suicide attempt while on them, don't take them again. If you can, find another doctor, even if you have to drive some hours for that, maybe, if you have the money, combine it with a short holiday and don't let anyone push you into getting an IUD. Someone should find out why you are having painful periods before prescribing you birth control that you maybe don't even need. And your mother shouldn't have yelled at you. Hope you can find a better doctor that treats you right and listens to you.
No. 1524522
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I hate my body, I hate my hair, I hate my face, I hate…everything. And I don't know what to do about it. I'm on the waiting list to get therapy for my BDD, but at the same time the thought of having to accept myself feels like a fate worse than death. I don't want to just be okay with the way I look, I want to be happy with myself and feel confident. But I know I can never achieve that.
No. 1524529
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i want to be free of my own head
No. 1524535
>>1524523Many of them will eventually because it will be difficult for them to find someone to weather all of life forever with them when they harbor such selfish,
abusive traits. Many of them will eventually divorce, lose their friends, and be more or less alone.
No. 1524538
>>1524522Sometimes I think aging ironically can save us from this to an extent, even though women often judge their aging bodies more harshly, there can also be a sense of liberation like “so I’m not expected to be a beauty queen and hot anymore, I’m just some lady. I’m just some lady and that’s all anyone expects of me.” I’m pretty preoccupied with my appearance as well and spend so much time working out, styling my hair, doing skincare, perfecting my makeup and clothes, because I want people to be impressed with me and to like me, to think that because of a good appearance then I must be interesting and quirky instead of just weird and lame. I don’t know if this will ever totally change for me but I always think of those middle aged hippie farmers market ladies who seem so totally chill, just living their healthy calm lives, natural hair and no makeup, baggy old clothes and ugly shoes, and they just radiate joy and everyone loves them. That’s what I dream of having one day I guess, being totally free like them. Idk, maybe this all sounds stupid, but maybe you get what I mean, that I hope we can be liberated like that one day and just exist and be happy.
No. 1524560
>>1524523 I feel the same way about my childhood bullies,
nonny. They're all successful in life, while I'm so broken to be anything but average (at best).
No. 1524607
>>1524574>>1524583kek anons my mother was also an ex model for a time and I'm the ugly eldest daughter who looks more like dad
aren't we lucky
No. 1524609
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Is it much that all I’m asking for is a husband who loves for who I am and how I look and talk and laugh and smile and cry? Is it much that I want him to be my type in terms of looks and personality and that I want him financially stable? Is it much that I want him to take me out for night walks and take me me out in drives while we sing out our favorite song? Is it much that I want him to understand me when I’m sad or angry or whatever? Is it really that much that all I want is to be loved?
No. 1524614
>>1524609I feel you anon. I really don't want a man. I hate men. yet I want love. I wish someone would just love me, without the conflict and abuse and pain I've experienced in relationships but nobody ever does
It's too early in the evening for me to be drinking wine and starting to cry
No. 1524644
>>1524502Thank you! I know some of it is somewhat normal, but most women aren't bedridden from pain every day on their period. I've only had this doctor since July since my father moved us to a very backwoods, medically inept area. When I tell people that yes, technically it's a city, but there are no resources for the disabled, nothing for the autistic, hell, nothing for women either. If you want an abortion, or if you're a troon, or if you're sick with female-only disorders, you have to go to Phoenix. I know I'm probably revealing who I am but it's legit horrible. I love the view, but it's not worth having no medical care and waiting 4+ months for a doctor to even talk to you. It's not worth the suffering, or the pain, and I know most nonnas aren't fans of TIFs and I don't blame them, but GID makes all female disorders much more taxing mentally, and people think you're a hysterical woman faking your suffering to be an NLOG. I'm glad the radfems here are so understanding towards people like me and the women here have helped me with so much.
TL;DR thank you so much for the advice, genuinely. I took Vitamin D and it made my periods a normal length and only once a month, so Vitamin C may help with the pain.
No. 1524664
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>be loner with no friends
>find guy to obsess over 24/7
>finally, something to live for
>insane motivation and lust for life
>get to know him better
>find out he's a piece of shit, coomer, etc
>end things
>feel huge void in my heart, insane loneliness and a lack of will to live
No. 1524679
>>1524583>who cares about you, it’s not like you’re ever going to be in magazinesOuch
nonnie. My mom said something similar when I expressed insecurity, she said "stop feeling sorry for yourself just because you don't look like a model". I obviously know I don't look like a model, but it still hurt hearing her actually say it out loud that I was "less than" in terms of looks.
No. 1524729
>>1524679ntayrt but other anon with a model mom. when I was a child she would constantly force me and my sister into compromising positions, matching clothes, photoshoots, something resembling a more safe for work child beauty pageant, I'm surprised she never tried to shop us around to acting workshops, force us into hollywood, or become a stage parent, but she was beside her obsession with vanity a horrifically lazy person.
when I grew up to be a curvy fat teen once I hit puberty and lost all my remaining self worth she would belittle me into the ground, I was constantly and incessantly harassed at school and by men for originally gaining DD boobs. I developed an eating disorder. I wholeheartedly loathe her for how she treated her daughters as objects. my sister was always the skinny beautiful one who was built thin as a rail, was a carbon copy of her facially, and even grew into an apple shape with big boobs, latent puberty. and I am still the ugly, fat, tomboyish pear shape whose tits never grew back, perma slouch back damage from my eating disorder and disgusting fucked up hormones who has her fathers face. I was a less ugly kid.
It's like the moment mom realized I was never going to be her clone and rebelled against her standards I was useless to her.
I loathe media monster mothers like yolanda hadid and kris jenner for bullying their daughters and manipulating them in similar ways. nothing about the success of those women narcissistically molding their daughters into vain products is empowering, makes me sick. even hearing things about like drew barrymores or brook shields childhood just fucks me up that if my mom weren't so lazy she very much could've sold me and my sister when I was a less ugly kid to the fame machine, but she ruined us in other ways
No. 1524774
>>1524759Samefagging because I want to vent about my mom more. She…
>Threw a fit when they had to cancel a Vegas trip to attend my paternal grandfather's funeral. She cut herself, tore their bedroom apart, threatened divorce and suicide.>Starts fights and threatens divorce when my dad questions her crazy spending.>Cut herself, threatened suicide, threatened to call immigration to accuse my husband of something that would get him deported when I had a fight with her>Screamed at me when a lightbulb burnt out when I was 14. No, I'm not exaggerating.And now I'm at the top of the list of people she blames so she's doing shit like lying about me to manipulate people.
No. 1524844
>>1524831I think I see your problem.
What do you consider "boring" and why do you think it's bad
No. 1524871
My mother, who has been a helicopter parent and never respected boundaries throughout my whole life, somehow finally got on social media and has been adding my old former friends and classmates from elementary to high school that I haven’t seen or talked to in literally 15+ years. She tried pulling the “you HAVE to add me, I nEeD heLP wITH fAcEbOoK!” I’m proud of myself that I at least grew a backbone, and put my foot down and simply said that as a personal boundary I just don’t add family or family friends.
Ever since childhood, she has ALWAYS been so toxically enmeshed with me, she used to snoop through my stuff, chaperone at every school event, read what my classmates posted online, and snoop and pry into literally everything about my life, my friends, every drama, every little detail and random quotes that I can’t even remember.
And through the years I either burned bridges or just faded away from these people, and I don’t keep in touch with any of them at all. I just assumed we all grew apart and these people probably don’t remember me, but my mom remembers EVERYTHING about them.
I’m a grown woman in my 30s, and for some retarded reason it gives me anxiety that my mother stalks these people and adds them and then texts me about who got married, who got divorced, constantly sends me articles about my old classmates on her local news websites, tells me who has a good-looking husband, who has been struggling, whose parent died, etc.
At some point it hurt to realize she has ALWAYS overestimated my importance to other people. I’d guarantee nobody else’s parent remembers me, but here my mom is, talking about these random memories from my junior high 20 years ago. I don’t have a lot of good memories from my youth. I was pretty weird, never really felt accepted and I didn’t keep any school friends when I left for college. I’m sure my mother constantly hovering around didn’t help. Who wants to be friends with the girl where you can’t hang out at her house and speak freely, because her mom is always around and never leaves?
Idk why this bothers me or feels like such a violation, it’s like I’m back to being an awkward 12 year old again.
No. 1524879
I got banned on CC for no fucking reason at all (at least, they didn't state a reason) and all my posts got deleted. I don't even care about not being able to post anymore. It's seeing all my posts gone, especially when I provided useful information or added to an interesting conversation, and especially if I got replies, that really pisses me off. I fucking hate it when they do that. What evidence did they have that made them suspect I was a moid? I never said anything scrotey, but maybe the mods over there are paranoid because they're a small chan and get constant raids. Or maybe I talked too much like I was from lolcow and they permabanned me for that alone? I didn't even infight or anything. And without a single post of mine remaining with a redtext, neither I nor anyone who saw my posts will be able to tell what exact post I got banned for. Now that none of my posts remain the anons I was talking to will be like "damn, I can't believe I was talking with a moid". I really want that imageboard to grow and be more than just /feels/ and their troon-hating and man-hating threads, but it's so irritating when they delete your whole post history and ban you forever just because you had a few disagreements with other posters and the discussion got heated sometimes, or because you made a little joke or posted something perverted about a fictional male once. Apparently biological women aren't capable of any of that or else they're male or trolls.
I also hate it when I forget to do duolingo until the last minute before midnight and I have to use a fucking streak freeze. I fucking hate their shit streak system that makes me feel guilty about mssing a day.
>>1524856NTA but I wouldn't call that "boring" just shit personality or being a selfish scrote. I thought you meant something else entirely since you weren't this specific at first.
I've abandoned all hope of getting a man like the one you want because it simply doesn't happen anymore (well you didn't mention "porn addict" but I know you also meant that and it's pedo-adjacent). Most men can't even bother trying to be physically attractive to women by not being fatasses, picking nice clothes or learning to groom and be clean, or the ones who do are totally not my type because modern fashion trends for men are fucking shit and somehow a lot of women have been memed into thinking the fuckboy douchebag look is hot (I cannot overstate how much I hate trendy male haircuts). And when a man rarely passes that simple test he fails to NOT be some kind of degenerate or loser who doesn't know how to behave like an adult, or he's a total pain in the ass or "boring" like you said, so not fun to hang out with, terrible personality both as a boyfriend and a friend and completely incompatible with me. That's why when I ever meet a man who's physically my type, is half-compatible and doesn't seem to be an overt degenerate I might date him for a while because I still have sexual urges but there's no fucking way I'm committing to a serious relationship with him because I know his presence will add nothing of worth to my life in the long run, due to his immaturity, and last time I dated someone was years ago anyway. It's not fucking worth it anymore and I've stopped seeing the point in relationships other than having sex which isn't even that good anyway because I know I won't get to cum, masturbating to fantasies and/or memories of making out with someone I find attractive is more physically satisfying.
No. 1524884
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Me and my boyfriend started doing a collaborative comic a while ago. It was a ton of fun. We got a good amount of pages done and everytime we finished a big chunk we'd let our friends read it and they loved it. So much so that they'd ask us about updates and tell us what they wanted to see next. It made us really happy. We already planned an ending for the comic so all we needed to do was make it to the finish line. I was excited because we were pretty close to finishing it which was exciting. We both are creatives that always have a lot of projects planned out but never finish them! I was excited to finally finish a project even though it was one started randomly out of boredom. So as we're drawing this comic we put it on the backburner because of work and school. The comic went untouched for a couple of months but I tried to add to it here and there on the days off we had together. Eventually though I was the only one drawing out pages or working on it at all. So I'd ask my boyfriend "Hey how about you draw next weekend" and he'd roll his eyes, sigh and draw one panel. I noticed this so I asked him if he wanted to scrap the comic. I was a little disappointed but I'd understand. He said no and was really adamant about it even though I insisted. I'm understanding of these things with him because he tends to burnout pretty easily. So a few weeks pass, we dont talk about the comic or anything, and then months pass. I clammed up about it for fear it'd upset him. When I asked him if he wanted me to just draw the pages and he can just tell me what he wants to happen he insisted he draw. He drew a page and then didn't touch it again. I drew two pages and then we gave it to our friends to read. They really liked it! We were talking in the car one day and he just randomly said "Im sick of the comic, I've been sick of it for months." I just told him we didnt have to do it. But I let him hear it because I asked him if he didnt want to do it anymore and he insisted. I'd prefer he be honest about something like that tbh. So now the comic is scrapped. I really wanted to finish it. He's done this a few times though. He can be really near impossible to work with at times. Like when we were working on a pitch from scratch for a silly comic I'd want to start from the ground up. I'd say "Alright so lets start with a setting" and he'd go "Thats not how I write I cant work with that" and when I'd let him do it his way he'd completely overpower my input. Like for example: "Okay, so what about the setting" "Alright,lets do a story where a guy has robot octopus arms". And when I'd try to get him to engage with the other way he'd just outright refuse, I swear to christ one time he actually drove me MAD. Im not kidding. It makes me so upset because I really want to do projects with him. I think it'd be so fun! But he always burns out early, refuses to build worlds and stories from scratch in a collaborative sense, and just all around stubborn. He wants to do another comic with me, a more serious one but idk. Its tempting but working with him is draining a lot of the time.
No. 1524890
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Realizing I am everything I hate in other people, I'm so slow. Not to be all I'm so horrible and terrible. That weird, self-absorbed, self-loathing. I have good traits and I am not self-loathing at all, which is why this is so odd. Shouldn't I be hating myself? Or I do hate myself and just don't know it? Some signs point that way.
Lazy, unambitious, bitchy, overtly fake nice, fake helpful, judgmental, hypocritical, aloof, conceited, it's all me… I really need to work on myself, this is alarming. No wonder I haven't ever truly connected with anyone, my actual self is walls behind the obviously fake persona that everyone can see is a front. Maybe my mom knows the real me, kek, but that's it. But at the same time, is connection with others that important? Or is it enough that go out, work, come home? But I do wonder what it'd be like to feel close to someone. Either way, I do want to work on myself, if only for me.
No. 1524934
I don't hate my mom anymore. She used to be a genuinely horrible person, turned my life into hell when I was a kid, did some criminal shit…but something in me simply doesn't let me hate her, and I'm so confused by this feeling as I promised I would never forgive her, my rage simply disappeared one day, like something in my mind forgave her before I did. I flipped out at her yesterday and now I feel like shit, I don't want her to feel…bad? I don't understand, after all she did and I feel bad because my words made her feel bad. I'm so…confused, I don't know what to think. This post is very intimate to me, my relationship with her is so incredibly complex sometimes I don't know how to approach it, mom used to be…someone, but I cannot hate her, I just can't, I don't even know why
No. 1524935
>>1524927NTA but kek
Honestly there are few things more dystopic to me than the idea of finding my soulmate to endlessly binge shitty Netflix and youtube reels with for the remainder of our days
No. 1524958
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my boyfriend just spent 10 minutes talking about his female coworker and then said 'what did i do qrong this time' after i quietly wasn't reaponding like on one hand I don't want to come off as the insane insecure bitch that i am but on the other hand shut the fuck up
No. 1524977
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Nonnas, I just want a hug. The PC barely works, it's almost half-dead right now for some reason. Probably because of its age. I've got so many exciting things to share with people, but now I can't even show them because even opening a drawing app makes the computer lag. I can't afford a new PC this year, let alone go to a repair place. I really fucked myself over didn't I. Even worse is that I depend on people online so much, as my followers are my only actual friends. Everyone else I talk to on social media is just an acquittance of mine. God help me. I am so pathetic.
No. 1524989
>>1524888as someone who also doesn’t really have hobbies, you can show your personality in a lot of other ways apart from talking about hobbies. like discussing foods, movies, tv shows, or other things you like or don’t like, or just discussing their hobbies and getting to know their hobbies better. perhaps something they like might appeal to you, and you can gain a new hobby while also spending time with them.
i used to feel really embarrassed and felt like i was too stupid to have hobbies. turns out i did, i just didn’t realize it because they weren’t common hobbies everyone talks about having. maybe it’s the same for you too?
No. 1525002
>>1524993you're probably a scrote but
no! I met them through school and acquaintances :) they were well-liked but weird/nerdy to some degree and they approached me
No. 1525003
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I really don't understand the appeal of twitch streamers. I hate sitting there, waiting at least 30minutes for the content, hearing random notifications, alexa reading the supporter messages, people trauma dumping, the streamers reading it and then faking compassion, coming back on the content, getting interrupted again and so on
I mostly watch youtube reuploads with all this shit being cut and video essays with no randos saying "PLEASE SAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE"
No. 1525010
>>1525003You have to be very susceptible to parasocial relationships to want to watch the average twitch streamer. Only those with exceptional skill are different, and even then those streams can be less about the game play and more about memes and entertaining a weird, festering community.
I will always prefer to be the one playing games or painting or whatever. I have a feeling that most people streaming at any given moment resent having to entertain people and don't even want to be there.
No. 1525039
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>>1525022look into kegel exercises before going to the doctor, it might help! it's normal that our muscles weaken a bit with age. if it makes you feel better i have a weak bladder too, and pee a little when i sneeze and i'm around your age.
No. 1525050
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>meet scrote online
>clingy, super sweet, patient, enthusiastic about me, quick to reply, asks so many questions and is even interested in my family and the most boring mundane stuff
>he hasn't seen what i look like yet and claims it doesn't matter
I want to get it over with and show him my face, but then I might lose him. I shit tested him and sent him a picture of someone who looks a lot worse than me and he said I was "beautiful" and wanted to keep talking, but I'm still worried. I should've done it as soon as we started talking, now I probably got his hopes up. Does he think I'm some babyfaced cutie? I'm the opposite of that.
No. 1525102
>>1525050>>1525050>Does he think I'm some babyfaced cutie?KEK
nonnie. Scrotes will literally fuck microwaved sandwich meat, couch cushions, a sheep, a hole in the ground, anything if you leave them alone long enough with it. He doesn't give a fuck what you look like, like he told you.
No. 1525114
>>1524970this is pretty true tbh, men love and respect other men, they'd never go on and on about a woman for platonic or respectful reasons. I've never in my life heard a man do this. I have close male friends who I know only like me platonically because they've never really talked about me unless prompted.
>>1524964Was he being complimentary or bringing up random stuff about her like he was excited to talk about her? or was he just telling you about his plans?
No. 1525115
>>1524970this is pretty true tbh, men love and respect other men, they'd never go on and on about a woman for platonic or respectful reasons. I've never in my life heard a man do this. I have close male friends who I know only like me platonically because they've never really talked about me unless prompted.
>>1524964Was he being complimentary or bringing up random stuff about her like he was excited to talk about her? or was he just telling you about his plans?
No. 1525129
>>1524970this is pretty true tbh, men love and respect other men, they'd never go on and on about a woman for platonic or respectful reasons. I've never in my life heard a man do this. I have close male friends who I know only like me platonically because they've never really talked about me unless prompted.
>>1524964Was he being complimentary or bringing up random stuff about her like he was excited to talk about her? or was he just telling you about his plans?
No. 1525138
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i want to fuck this one vtuber so bad. he has big brother vibes and im a sucker for that. i know his irl looks and most of you would call him names but i think hes cute and wanna fuck him even more. what the fuck. i thought i wasnt like those parasocial bitches and i dont even wanna date him or anything but i want his dick so bad!!! what the fuck!!!!!!!!! hes streaming as we speak and i cant stop feeling shame for it because hes sweet too and most of his fanbase is normal people anyway i feel like an impostor for wanting to fuck him this bad
No. 1525146
>>1525102Sure he'd fuck me but I want more than that.
>>1525133He wants to fly to meet me, no Discord kitten stuff.
No. 1525188
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I want to die
what point is there even to go on living as an ugly woman?
No. 1525197
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>>1525168Well it’s perfectly normal and understandable to not want to treat people badly.
So stop seeing men as people.
No. 1525223
>>1525210>are you getting enough sleep?My sleep is really inconsistent and I fall asleep anytime from 8 PM to 1 AM. I'm tired all the time, I've been so lazy and canceled my plans.
>anything else stressful or painful happening in life nonna? Idk. Maybe? I used to feel stress but now I'm detached from it all.
No. 1525238
>>1525230Give me some of your intuition
nonny. I used to feel so safe and comfortable with a guy until he suddenly started pressuring me into sleeping with him.
No. 1525241
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>>1525236It was a coomery look. You know how coomers have this greedy look in their eyes? I'm surprised I was right, I was so nervous to ask if he'd been with a guy, because who the fuck asks that? But now I'm glad.
I know 2 of his exes, they're well adjusted super cute women who probably don't have a clue. To think that I could've wasted years dating this dude, holy shit. Fuck porn and fuck men, install a keylogger on your boyfies devices ASAP.
No. 1525242
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>entry level job
>required experience: 3 years
No. 1525246
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>>1525241you really can see a man's depravity in his eyes every time
porn watchers have glassy dead eyes that see right through you
No. 1525247
>>1525244based for you
sadly for me they've always managed to upgrade and the pickmes will stay with them and everyone likes them, they won
No. 1525252
>>1525198Some people are just introverted by nature and thrive in more solitary lives, living on their own terms.
I’m the same way. I prefer this kind of no pressure anonymous text communication to actual human contact most days and when I finally get a house in the wilderness I’m getting a flip phone and basically disappearing. I like talking to and seeing people sometimes so I’m okay with them being able to reach me but not that much. I’d rather be sitting outside reading a book alone most of the time, or gardening, or hiking or running, or cooking and doing chores listening to music. That’s my idea of a perfect life.
No. 1525269
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My dog has several mast cell tumors growing on her body that can’t be removed by the vet and I’m now having to plan for her death. She’s already had 3 high grade ones removed but they keep coming back despite several surgeries and vaccines to slow down the growths. I’ve already spent thousands of dollars in vet visits and can’t financially do it anymore. My girl also hates going to the clinic so I don’t want her last months or year to be stressful. I’m just scared of the inevitable decline as she’s still acting normal but I know at some point she’s going to stop eating or wanting to go on walks and I’ll have to put her down. This sucks.
No. 1525297
>>1525283I hype myself too and most of the times I’m excited to go out it’s not like it’s happening 24/7. Thanks nona!
>>1525286 Nothing BAD happened to me but I sink into waves of sadness and crying afterwards it’s hard for me sometimes. Thanks nona!
>>1525287 I actually never heard of this before!! I’ll look into it. Thanks nona!
No. 1525325
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Mods don't ban me for racebait this is a legitimate question on God please. I'm being serious I'm a good noodle
So obviously all feminists aren't perfect, and some are racist sadly. I see some white feminists get uncomfortable or angry when black women speak about disrespect they get from white feminists.
But why do some, not all but there's still a pretty big amount of black women that do this, get angry and hostile towards feminists who aren't black who do ask what they go through and try to support them? Basically in a "I don't owe you shit" way and call you stuff like "yt devil/troll". I don't think I'm entitled to know, I just genuinely don't know and want to support other women. And I do understand the hostility to a degree since they're pushed out of spaces or criticized in those same spaces, but if someone is trying to "do better" and be supportive they get super angry? It reminds me of those tumblr SJW days where you'd ask someone about the oppression they face and they go "educate yourself bigot!"
I've only noticed it in this specific group and when I speak to mexican, asian, etc women they were very open to tell me what they deal with. Obviously this won't sour my opinion of black feminists, I'm just confused on what I'm supposed to do because there's so many of those kinds of women.
No. 1525327
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Why do people gossip?
Even I sometimes get this urge to whisper things that might not be true just for the sake of gossiping…
No. 1525333
>>1525290I'm in a
South Park yaoi server with minors in it and it's sooo weird that I feel like I have to police my language when talking about a show that is very much not targeted minors. I know that it has a large young fanbase and I don't blame minors for watching it (I started watching it when I was 11 so I can't judge) but they shouldn't participate in the fandom imo
No. 1525334
>>1525290Honestly? Some people(moids) are desperate for attention, if they’re not getting their shit validated then they get desperate and allow anyone that comes around.
Sometimes it’s just pedophilia too, just like, they act like these weird exhibitionists that open their coats for any passerby to see, and to them it’s better if it’s a minor.
And some losers love to feel like they’re cool when a kid asks them millions of questions about random shit.
I honestly gave up on open discords and online communities because they always have stupid ass kids either trying to be part of the adults, adults (mostly moids) trying to groom them all, and spineless little bitches that can’t seem to be able to say “no” to a fucking kid begging to stay in a fucking 21+ server about porn.
No. 1525358
>>1525337Ya I know what's going on I just don't know the subtle signs regarding social cues because I'm unironically an autist or no one wants to talk about those specific issues. It's pretty obvious what the general issue is but I want SPECIFICS so I can look out for them and call them out and talk about it with other women in other racial groups and stuff.
If someone's throwing around the n-word I know they're racist and that's pretty clear. I just learned how
abusive black men are to black women and never support them, how the media under reports black kidnapping
victims if at all, how black women are underrepresented in media and if they are cast for roles it's typically lightskinned black women, how nonwhite sounding names on resumes are more likely to be tossed. I did not know any of that shit until this year and that's all I'm asking more of, things that are generally not talked about or brought up in mainstream media. How am I supposed to know what else you deal with if you're unfairly ostracized so I go to you directly because everyone around me isn't black so they won't know or care, and you get angry at me? That's what puzzles me.
No. 1525371
>>1525325Black people are often racist against whites, others use their victimhood as a cudgel to beat down people. The kinds of people drawn to political activism are often not good people. Just look at the leaders of the trans movement for example or read a bit about the experience of feminists in feminist movements.
>>1525337Honestly my view on people like you is "I want to know nothing about you except how to remove you from my life".
(racebaiting) No. 1525386
>>1525358NTA but I learned a lot of things I didn't know before about African-American women's struggles by lurking black women centred online spaces (ignoring libfem bullshit ofc) and reading black feminist literature. Also helps to just make black female friends and ask them from a genuine place.
You can probably imagine how taxing it is to get interrogated on the painful shit you go through, even if it's well-meaning. Idk why other anons are playing dumb. If a moid kept asking random, individual women about women's struggles, no one here with two X chromosomes would reee "you're SEXIST against men and are such a cranky bitch!!" if they replied "I'm not a fucking ted talk, read a book". inb4 "But we're all women" the problem is most groups, even among women, have weird anti-blackness. Even pakichan from bumfuck shitty inbred village feels the need/right to bash black women lol. Why should they automatically trust you with their own issues/trauma if they're not close to you?
No. 1525406
>>1525387I made some jokes about Usami's sperm being potent and other retarded shit because of some stupid mangaka lore. And linked a doujin because I was asked. Idiot fucking move. It was my first time interacting in any fandom community off of 4chan.
I just forgot because I was drunk that there was kids there and now I feel like a freak. They snapped at me because I'm 20. I hate myself. I wish I didn't have to go into discord servers and see 17 year olds there.
I'm sorry that I'm being so melodramatic. I'm just sad. It was my first time trying to talk to people about my special interest.
I know no one cares I just feel so gross and embarrassed. I'm so clueless. I just wanted to talk about gk but I'm severely autistic and have no idea how to manage social communities.
No. 1525408
>>1525386I get where you are coming from anon, thank you for the explanation. My struggle was that I was having difficulty finding black literature and articles/statistics plus constantly stressing that I'm not trying to be an ignorant dick I genuinely want to learn and getting super hostile behavior was just like what the fuck lol and a bit offputting. When I asked in other radfem circles there are either no black women, or the white women get offended for some reason and passive aggressively question statistics I post. It's like so barren that when I posted an article regarding black female youth a lot of the people online thought I was black. What are some of your favourite books involving black feminism?
Unfortunately there's very few black people where I live and I would feel kinda weird just befriending them solely for the "tell me your pain" type thing so I'd rather ask anonymously online. I know that's probably what you didn't mean, I rarely go outside already too besides for work so I feel like i would be a big retard about it.
>>1525392Yep I see that occasionally and it's really embarrassing and ugly.
No. 1525415
>>1525412It was a seventeen year old. I was drunk as fuck and am an actual severe diagnosed autist so I got excited and started talking about my ship + joking about Usami when asked. Never trying to go into fandom circles again. The main person I was talking to who asked for the doujin was 18.. I'm just an idiot. I feel like a freak.
Sorry again.
I just feel like I failed so hard at my first non image board socialization.
No. 1525431
>>1525424Thank you. Sorry for double posting, am still very tipsy, that's a good idea.. I was invited to a server randomly, not really seeking them out, but you're right, I should really try to find servers from here! It just was a very bad feeling because it was my first time trying to interact outside of anonymous platforms or discords I found through lolcow/4chan, so I guess it just made me feel really devoid of ability to interact due to severe autism moment..
>>1525427Thank you for your support. I think in the future I will actually read server rules and avoid being intoxicated when posting around new people in general, lol. Thank you, it means a lot to be given such supportive responses because I was on a massive self hate spiral all day today. It was just some dumb pixiv link to a doujin of one guy kidnapping another and then him taking him to America in the end and I was emotional over it so I shared.
I hope I can get past this. I guess I just felt creepy for being in a server with teenagers at all.
No. 1525447
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>>1525417Bro I just want articles and statistics and shit. I specifically said I don't want to befriend black women only to benefit myself and quiz them like a weirdo. I never said I treat them any different just that I'm aware they face different kinds of oppression and I want to expand my knowledge on it because female solidarity and supporting other women. This is the frustrating part where there are assumptions and words put into my mouth.
>>1525435Cause they're women. To me the point of radical feminism is female solidarity and uplifting other women so I should educate myself on what other women go through. What's the point of this entire movement if you're not helping other women?? It's like me being a heterosexual being willingly ignorant of issues lesbians are going through cause at the end of the day they are females and we need to have eachothers backs. Plus they don't represent all black feminists like nonna
>>1525432 being kind enough to respond and give me recommendations. I am aware and don't want to come off as having a savior complex but like, what do you want from me? Women talking and being educated on each others problems is power. You always see how moids have a tantrum over women "gossiping" and try to pit us against each other
>>1525432Thank you I appreciate the reccs so much. When I get my next paycheck I'll buy from them
No. 1525449
>>1525441NTA but trying to coddle up to people who are clearly harmful (narcs, ASPD, histrionics to a degree, BPD), will destroy you and whatever movement you let these people let a voice in because they are there for themselves and themselves only and will destroy anything that stands in the way of their hunger, which includes both the movement and your personal life. It's essential to identify those people and eject them from whatever social circle they're trying to enter. Call them out at every turn, expose them, humiliate them intellectually. Show their stupidity and baseness to everyone.
"Empathy" is the only weapon they have, do not allow them to wield you through it and try to inoculate others against this poison.
No. 1525486
>>1525480You're not trying to understand the other side, and you put the entire onus to understand you on them. The original post stated that SOME, not all, SOME, black women get hostile and abrasive when asked normal questions. I think that's trash behaviour and these people can fuck right off, if you want to be part of a group, you need to cooperate and and you can't demand special treatment or else the group devolves into oppression Olympics and endless arguments about nonsense that lead nowhere because everyone is constantly resenting everyone else, but can't express that, let alone resolve it, because it would break the performantiveness of the whole thing.
>>1525483You're free to have your racially segregated organisations, but the original point was someone non-black trying to understand black people's experience.
Idk why that is so insanely offensive to you.
No. 1525495
>>1525494Called out, eh?
(sorry, I'll take my ban for infighting now)
(infighting) No. 1525498
>>1525486Why are you accusing me of reacting that way just because I can empathize with women who do? I genuinely don't get how this is hard to understand. If you don't try to look at things from another person's perspective and approach her accordingly, you just look petulant and entitled demanding that they trust you. If you blatantly ignore that her experience in life is different from yours, it's an oxymoron to demand that you're "just asking normal questions" (what normal questions?) and want to know her perspective. You clearly don't.
I don't even remember seeing a black anon ITT asking demanding that you "understand" if you don't want to. Maybe you should just leave them alone. It doesn't seem like you're ready for these discussions if any sort of skepticism is automatically "racial segregation" and "special treatment" to you.
No. 1525505
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>>1525408I'll answer you. For one, whenever black women try to talk about their shit outside their own spaces, it gets hijacked by other groups of women who feel like they have it worse or just people in general who feel the need to defend black men. This can range from black pick-mes in denial about the abhorrent state of black men, sjws of any race, misogynistic men of any race who think that all women are spoiled princesses, including black women which is laughable. Black men are the face of oppression in the black community. When people march for against racism, it's not about black women, it's about men. Everything in our universe centres around them, everything bad that happens to them is either the fault of black women or white men, they can do absolutely no wrong. We aren't allowed to vent about black men here because of race baiting, meaning while Asian and middle eastern nonnies can complain about their moids, have whole threads dedicated to them with little to no incidence.
Pick-meism is rampant amongst black women, but i understand why they are that way. Black women are pretty much the only group of women where they are stripped of their womanhood by any means possible, whether it be a tranny needing them for their analogy, a racist who decides a black woman is no better than a man because they don't get their dick hards like 12 year old white girls do and by non-black women who bully black women because they need to make themselves feel better. The last part is why a lot of black women are highly standoffish when with non-black women, because they don't trust your intentions. They have had negative experiences of being around passive aggressive non-black women who get off on racist men and black proclaiming black women as ugly or manly and angry. Imo, black women have a right to be angry at everyone. Everyone used their identity for free sjw points, but they don't actually give a shit about the issues in the community because it would mean being rude to black men or most of the time, they only cared about making their ego feel good.
I could go on forever, but if you want to know about domestic violence in the black community in the US, i like this article
> also follow this account for more up to date information regarding black femicide
> men no matter what nation or culture they come from are pure fucking evil permanent
victims. Black women hold themselves back by not realising they are not as chained to them as they think they are.
Are you happy??? I'm going to get banned for this now.
No. 1525520
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I will never lose weight and I will look like dogshit in my grad pictures with my double chins and huge bingo arms. I’m trying to pick a dress and I can already see myself looking like shit in whatever dress I see online, I keep trying o lose weight and I keep messing up because I’m stressed because in only a week I will be finishing my studies and I’m still a disappointment to everyone around me.
If I was skinny I would at least look cute while depressed. But I look like pic related.
No. 1525524
>>1525520don’t be hard on yourself,
start by making little changes - be kind to yourself and start doing things like going on walks during the day. it doesn’t have to be a lot, but start little by little. sunlight has some pretty good psychological effects as well.
it didn’t take a day for your body to get how it is, it won’t take a day for it to change. you’ll have ups and downs but just stick with it.
No. 1525558
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All the people I was planning to live with next semester have decided to just go get single rooms in dorms and I'm stranded. I do not want to have to live in a dorm again, I don't want to live in one room with someone and pay the absurd cost my college charges for usually mediocre food
No. 1525585
>>1525573The thing that differentiates female bisexuals and male bisexuals is that male bisexuals, as males are, are fucking disgusting and dirty and spread HIV as freely as they spread their hairy legs. This anon said it perfectly
>>1525547 bisexual men are even worse than gay men. Every single one of them are mindless coomers. The second a male willingly touches another sexually he's a faggot. I am homophobic towards gay males, what of it?
No. 1525589
>>1525586I dont even know what to say to someone like you. Thank you for sharing your
victim narrative.
No. 1525595
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>do ancestry test
>make family tree
>both sides of my family had og English colonial ancestry
>a few famous names who have wikipedia pages in there
>I grew up poor and white trash
how did we fuck up so hard, I could've been a nepo baby. I have to laugh when people talk about their ancestors watching out for them. Mine all collectively screwed over their descendants.
No. 1525601
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>>1525595a lot of women in daughters of the american revolution have very famous names in their tree but are just basic normal people today. you're not alone anon No. 1525616
>>1525603Looks like the twitter faghags are here. What's next? Will you complain about the transphobia?
Lolcow is pro-woman/pro-lesbian, anti-tranny, anti-pornography, anti-scrote (which includes gay ones). Cry harder.
No. 1525636
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>>1525634Bacha bazi existing disagrees
No. 1525702
>>1525574This used to be a normal opinion on here idk what happened. Everyone trying to defend bi moids in this thread must be newfags. LC has plenty of examples in threads of why not to date a man who fucks with other men. Sticking a dick in a man should be enough reason why to avoid one.
>>1525630Nta but when and how the hell did you even find this site?
No. 1525735
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I fucking hate this shit I wanted to submit to a horror lit magazine and they closed off submissions except for poc. It was my favorite god damn magazine… fuck this its so pervasive in lit and its not fair that I get shut out cause I'm not networked in or black
No. 1525739
>>1525735it says ''identify as''
nonny just pretend you are 1% cherokee princess
No. 1525770
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>>1525747They accept submissions two weeks a year, one in march and one in september. The regular non BIPOC submission doesn't give any future submission dates. Maybe next march? It's frustrating because there's tons of popular publications for black or LGBTQ authors, why for a horror mag?
I'm probably going to do the cherokee angle in september… fuck them
No. 1525772
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>>1525766Men look dumpy anymore, even the "hot" dudes nowadays look worse in some hard to describe way. Not effeminate, more like their testosterone just doesn't do as much as it used to. I blame microplastics
No. 1525807
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my boyfriend is ghosting me. i spent the weekend ranting constantly about some conspiracy of society and he tried taking me on a date but the place was closed. when he went home i started thinking about what if he faked the date. and he did not text me when he got home or anything. so i spiralled further into conspiracies and asked him in text just what does he want, and to stop playing mind games. during the time he was here there was also a text from his girl friend which i mocked when the notification popped up while we watched some stupid videos. i texted him what does he want and that i will do it. then he said "someone who trusts me". and hasn't texted me in 2 days. am i really about to be dumped by a mf who i saw pick and eat from his nose?
No. 1525822
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the people i am most attracted to friendship wise all tend to be bipolar or borderline because i am a dopamine seeking idiot. ofc bp people disappear for months on end, and bpd people never have long term relations of any kind unless the other person is a completely spineless doormat. bipolar people are great to be honest, are very strong to be navigating such ups and downs. it's the borderline that fucks me up because they make up shit about people and get batshit mad over it. they accuse and spread rumours which are actually dangerous. it's too bad the smarter ones tend to be too good at mimicking so you feel an instant click between you two.
No. 1525824
>>1525823No Doubt - Don't Speak
Makes me wanna maul the speaker
No. 1525831
>>1525031shut up and enjoy it. you could be doing something way more exhausting and embarrassing like scrubbing toilets, wiping people's butts, lifting liters of paint, carrying large wood pallets, crouching above dirt under the sun all day, sweating in a greasy kitchen with coworkers yelling at you, having kens and karens berate and bully you in public, lifting boxes up and down ladders at midnight, just about any night shift and weekends which would make you lose your social life potential with 80% of people, giving out alcohol to annoying scrotes who try to hit on you, collecting actual garbage from the curb side, sorting shitty diapers from recyclable materials for 8 hours everyday, babysitting brats that screech and smear their sticky fingers everywhere. just a few off the top of my head. if you are done with your office shift and still have energy and will left to look at a computer screen, not being completely sick of screens by the end of it then you have it better than most office workers. just don't say fucking anything about being bad at it and nobody will fucking notice. maybe if you worked one tough job in your life, just once, you wouldn't be this cowardly. you all cuck yourselves by thinking capitalism enslaving you and you giving it your all and beyond for no pay rise is some virtue. no it's fucking not. suck at it, get paid, go home and move the fuck on.
No. 1525840
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why did got make me like this. other people can carry on despite the challanges why cant i
No. 1525862
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I just watched Jill/aka Pixielocks’ birthday vlog. I’m literally tearing up because of how much I wish I had some friends to hang out with like she has. I wish I had friends who wanted to come over for my birthday and play silly games. Hell, I know I could arrange more fun games than she arranged. I don’t even want gifts. I just want company. I’ve lived in a new city 3 hours away from my hometown for 3 years now. I have not made a single new friend. I love my Nigel but I want a group of friends. I have some old friends back in my hometown and scattered around the country, but I literally haven’t made a new friend in damn near a decade. I have no fucking clue how I’d even make a new friend.
But what I want more than a friend is a friend group. I’ve had that once in my entire life and it was the happiest I’ve ever been. We grew our separate ways because it was in high school that we were a tight knit group that hung out (outside of school) 2x a week at least. But dear lord I miss being involved in a group of friends.
I feel like I’m the only person on earth who doesn’t belong to a group chat of friends. All my other friends have other groups that they’re involved in group chats with. But not me. I’ve never been invited to a group chat. I love my one on one friendships don’t get me wrong. But I wanna go be part of a group of friends. I want them to wanna come celebrate my birthday with me. I wanna be invited to celebrate their birthdays with them. I feel like I’m too old and autistic and nobody would wanna be my friend, and even if some individual wanted to be my friend they’d be too embarrassed to introduce me to their squad.
I’m basically 30 but I am not like other 30 year olds because I’m too crazy, I’m NEET due to chronic illness. Which speaking of my chronic illness I just spent over 24 hours bedbound and it was a struggle to get up to pee and brush my teeth and I crashed for another 8 hours. And I have a bunch of annoying food issues (not ARFID thank god but I’ve got celiac disease and it’s super sensitive so I suck to feed and suck to take out for food, I’ve barely gone out to eat anywhere since my diagnosis cause I’m so ashamed to have to ask for the special treatment I need to not get sick from normal fucking food).
I’m lonely nonnas. I know I’m luckier than a lot of people cause I have my partner at least, I’m not a kissless virgin stuck with her parents like some anons, but I just want more companionship and more connections. I’m a fucking extrovert believe it or not. But I’m too fucking weird and awkward to make friends.
I’m also kinda psycho cause I have a parasocial relationship with a YouTuber who actually lives within an hour of me and I fucking found out his real full name and figured out his address. I daydream about being friends with him and his wife. I wish I could hang out with them. I wish I could send him a letter in the mail or be weird and ask if he wants to go hang out sometime in a DM. I wouldn’t do that cause it’s psycho and I know it, but that’s honestly what made me realize how fucked I am. It was a wake up call. Who tf does that??
No. 1525870
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>>1525807>am i really about to be dumped by a mf who i saw pick and eat from his nose?you still dated and kissed him after witnessing that? i mean i know it's not super major germs or anything but just the thought of seeing that is just…
No. 1525871
>>1525867>>1525862I was just about to comment on this, how does it happen every time
I'm distrustful of women who can't make friends with other women but always have a bf around
No. 1525875
>>1525867>>1525871I have friends that are women, but they have been my friends for a decade or longer. They have families now and they live far away. they are in friend groups with other local moms and stuff. I love them but I know that despite having such a long history, I’m not a mom and I don’t have a kid for their kid to play with, I never will. I don’t begrudge them this and I understand, but it still makes me sad.
I’ve known my bf for half my life. If I had to find a man from scratch I think I’d be forever alone. I don’t know how to meet new people. I’m more similar to how I was when I was a teenager and I relate better in person to people a lot younger than me. They usually assume I’m their age and then they realize I’m a decade older than they assumed and they’re weirded out I guess. I had a part time job and some younger teens/early 20s girls were nice to me and we even exchanged numbers but they never texted me back when they realized how old I was. I think I might just start lying and saying I’m 22 on bumble bff or something idk nonnas I’m sad. Regardless one on one interaction with gals is great but I want a friend GROUP where we are ALL friends and have a group chat.
No. 1525877
>>1525867They gotta have someone to be leeches to
>>1525871Nta, but you guys need to realize that a friendship with women is vastly different from a relationship with a man. It's ridiculously easy to get into a relationship with a dude (seriously, men are loose and simple) but sometimes it's not so easy to find other women who who can truly relate to and connect with on a platonic level. And I don't mean that in a "girls are just more drama!" way. It doesn't necessarily mean anything is wrong with anon or any women who find it hard to find female friends. Shit is hard sometimes.
No. 1525878
>>1525871do i count if i'm a lesbian that does not relate to or enjoy the company of most other women? i'm attracted to them and only them, but i can't maintain a friendship, let alone a relationship with them, and i also tend to be politically at odds with most other lesbians to make matters worse. i know "internalized misogyny" and all that but it's basically external at points and very noticeable before i even open my mouth.
i decided it's best for other women as a whole if i don't get in relationships with them, as i know it will end poorly and it'll hurt them, so it isn't worth the risk
No. 1525901
>>1525882That’s another issue I have, I’m very leftist/socialist type but identity politics piss me off. I have strong
TERF leanings but I actually don’t mind enbies or their whatever pronouns because they’re not choosing to basically make themselves chronically ill. Troonery upsets me and even personally offends me as someone who is chronically ill with no fucking cure, seeing people turning themselves into lifelong medical patients for fucking aesthetics and political clout is disgusting, and then with TIMs it’s even more infuriating since most of them are just getting off to it! But then the enbies I don’t mind still support all that nonsense and would burn me at the stake for being a
terf. Honestly I’d probably get along with you
nonnie, I’m someone who can disagree with my friends about certain topics like troonery without canceling them or even having it hurt our relationship. One of my best friends is actually a huge handmaid who thinks lesbians who won’t have sex with troons are “genital fetishists” and we’ve had a heated discussion about that, but we’re still great friends and don’t hold each others beliefs against each other (which seems like cognitive dissonance on her part since she used to love Harry Potter but won’t engage with any of it cause Jo is a
terf - I informed her I’m way more of a
terf than JK and asked why she was still my friend and she was just like that’s different anon we have a bond).
I don’t really mind people with differing opinions, as long as they’re not super duper trad folks who hate gays and think mental and chronic illness are just synonyms for lazy fakers (without even knowing anything about munchies and the discourse surrounding actual illness fakers, they just think EVERYONE who is too sick to work a normal job is a fake whiner). But those folks wouldn’t wanna be my friend anyway so it’s a moot point kek. But then so many people will publicly burn me at the stake for not agreeing with their troon related stances or for saying some dumb shit is “so gay” - it’s frustrating to say the least. And even radfem types are guilty of this, if you’re not hardline and agree with everything they say you’ll get cancelled and called a pickme or something.
That’s likely another reason I can’t find friends, my beliefs make me a black sheep and in the current social climate you have to virtue signal in all the right ways or people will be weird about you if not downright hostile.
No. 1525904
>>1525882Why are you pro troon? Do you not see the correlation between extreme sexism and the way men and women larp as caricatures of each other, promoting
toxic gender roles?
No. 1525950
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It's St. Patrick's Day and nobody I know can party today are you fucking kidding me. I'd go to the bar alone but I don't have the charisma. I wanted free shots reee
No. 1525951
>>1525491>>1525486Thank you
nonnie(s)? for understanding. This is really where I was getting at and I like your point about books are not a sub for a personal connection. They might not consider the perspective of a black woman in "modern" times if they're written in the 80s/90s for example.
I get why they are the way they are because I do see a lot of racism in radfem circles, it just sucks when there are genuine people who want to understand but the above mentioned type of feminists ruined it and now there's a lot of tension and hostility.
>>1525505Yes I am happy because I didn't know any of this and this kind of content is all I'm asking for. I know socially you guys are on the bottom but I didn't know the extent or severity of it. I appreciate you taking the time to write this post and provide links. I didn't know how bad black men treated black women until the Megan Thee Stallion situation was going on if that helps put in perspective how hidden this sort of issue is on my end atleast, unintentionally.
No. 1525984
>>1525785it's only a few anons doing it, or scrotes, another catch is one of them misusing the term woke
woke this, woke that, I don't think they actually know what the word means, it's just a buzzword for everything they dislike. very boomery
No. 1525985
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>>1525950nona are you me… I was gonna go to a party tonight but my friend got extremely sick and now I'm not sure if I should go because I'm scared of being harrased…
No. 1525986
>>1525904AYRT, because I'm a tif and can't control being mentally ill. Being anti troon would be hypocritical because of my own experiences with dealing with dysphoria. Obviously I fucking hate troons who say that "lesbians can like dick" or "gay men can like vagina," especially as a female exclusively attracted to other females & would sooner blow my brains out then touch a penis.
Point being, I tend to get along with the women here more than I do other tifs. Especially because I only respect the he/him Kalvin Garrah or Buck Angel types and refuse to entertain the ones not obviously suffering from GID.
I wish there was a way to cure it and I wouldn't have to transition, but I've tried every other thing suggested to me and my mental health is jumping off a fucking cliff. I'd rather be comfortable in my body, without having a panic attack or considering self harm every time I take off my shirt. Contrary to popular belief, therapy doesn't do jack shit to cure dysphoria. It's the worst mental pain I have ever experienced. Worse than my depression, my OCD, my severe anxiety disorder. It's horrible and I would not wish it on anyone. We need another way to "cure" it that isn't permanent alterations to the body, but it's the only thing that shows any sign of improving anyone, even if it's only half, so doctors have put all their eggs in one basket, for the worst.
Sorry if my response got rambly or OT. I hope you can understand it's not like that for some of us.
No. 1525995
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>>1525985>>1525950I wish I had friends I could plan stuff to do with and at least have stuff to look forward to, I wouldn’t mind if they got sick and had to bail, happens to me too, y’all can always have a rain check for another day and things will prolly be less crowded too. I wish I could plan a fun little party night with some girls. God that would be so fun. Girls night out. I’m seriously a really fun person to go out with, I wish I wasn’t so bad at befriending new people. The last time I had people to hang out with was when I cheated on my bf with an old flame and got to hang out with his friends, it was so fun and they all liked me so much and I liked them too. I loved playing bar games with them and all the fun banter.
No. 1526003
>>1525996You sound like an incel on /r9k/ they say the same shit that a woman with a bf can't feel lonely
As if it's healthy or normal to expect your bf to fulfill all your social needs. And there's a certain degree of "he has to like me" like when your mom calls you beautiful she has to say that.
No. 1526004
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>>1525995tbh I'm deathly afraid of losing my bestie because I also haven't made new friends in ages. And I've become complacent with a lot of my other friendships too.
…BUT ALSO I was super hyped about tonight's party because my favourite DJ is gonna play so I might have to risk getting groped just to hear his set. He's not gonna be up until like 2am at the earliest UGH
No. 1526029
>>1525986Most women suffer from body issues. It's why the majority of eating disorders are prominent in women and not men. If it's because women are highly sexualized no matter what they do, then transitioning is shit all because you're gonna be a woman no matter what hormones you take. The best you can do is learn to deal with your issues and get to the root cause of panic attacks.
You will never be a man. troons are setting feminism back decades instead of getting to the core of sexism, which is mainly men who have insane standards for women while also degrading them. A lot of us can look back and say how embarrassed or ashamed we were of our breasts. Getting a reduction could help but hormones will fuck your shit up severely, as well as you are okaying the behavior of women who also seek this troon path by doing it to yourself. Hope you can get help in the future because this aint it, sis.
No. 1526031
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Another boring weekend where I will drink and smoke weed out of boredom
No. 1526065
>>1526027It's not totally baseless. even if it's not the chemicals itself, being fucked by a guy on a regular basis and existing next to still affects the way women think and behave. Women who have clear minds after becoming voluntarily celibate and women who still fuck men and thus always think the scrote they fuck is
different - it's like two different worlds. A woman who sleeps with moids will always be, in one way or another way, a pickme. Even the majority of the so called radfems still dream about fucking men, they just can't find the so called
good ones. Those women will never become free.
No. 1526097
I'm trying to make an otome game in Ren'Py this March so I've been looking for resources, you know, like placeholder graphics and such, and tutorial videos. Unfortunately, sometimes I have to use resources by coomoids.
There's this dude on who uploaded some buttons or backgrounds that I thought would be useful. Everything looked fine, until I saw the first comment where some other moid asked the "femboy" creator when he was gonna upload more nudes. Then I went into the creator's page and the first thing I saw was a "3D pornstar generator" with extremly creepy, uncanny CGI graphics and, as the preview image, a female CGI character that had a child-like face. I know the graphics I was looking for have nothing to do with that, but I just didn't want to use something that I was aware was made by a pornsick pedo troon.
Then I started looking for tutorials on YouTube, and some of the best tutorials on there are made by those scrotes who churn out extremely shitty and degenerate porn visual novels with uncanny CGI graphics. I have to begrudgingly watch their tutorials because sometimes they're the only ones who cover the topics I'm looking for, and even if I did make a lemmasoft account to ask for help there's a chance my threads won't get any replies or won't get any helpful ones. Ugh. I hope I get better at Ren'Py and Python than these disgusting freaks soon so I can help people like me.
No. 1526112
>>1525992I plan on getting a breast reduction rather than a full on chop– just removing the ducts and most of the breast fat, but simultaneously the entire problem I have with being female are my voice, my name, my lack of body & facial hair. It's like my brain was transplanted into another body, I've felt this way my entire life. I got diagnosed with GID several years ago, it's horrible.
>>1526029First, I'm not a feminist, nor do I find feminism to be a good thing whatsoever in western countries. In 2nd and 3rd world countries its needed, but in places like the US its finding problems where there are none at best. Second, my GID was prevalent long before puberty, and has nothing to do with being sexualized. Contrary to popular belief, not all TIFs are
victims of "the male gaze." I've always been extremely ugly and I've always taken great pride in that. I need a deep voice, a hairy body, generally fucked up & greasy test skin for my own sake. A mere reduction would not cut it. Although, like I said above I don't want all my breast tissue gone nor do I want the scars. My weight would make a double mastectomy the world's worst idea. Next, I have seeked help. I have tried every other alternative, I have had mental health treatments for a decade. I want to do proven things. I also know I will never be male. Anyone who troons out without knowing they can't change their sex is a fucking retard and deserves to feel regret when they realize they fucked their body up.
No. 1526121
>>1526115No, not "NLOG." I have an actual incurable mental disorder (gender dysphoria) and simply want to neutralize the pain no matter what I have to do. TIFs who wear makeup or dress up feminine or lust after men or call themselves "totes kweer" are genuinely enough to make me say things that'd count as fedposting. I fucking hate every single fucking troon without the dysphoria that makes you not regret it it's so fucking annoying.
I can also go in depth about everything I hate about feminism, both libfem and radfem but mostly radfem. Most of the radfems here are awesome despite our differences, and I can get along with them. It's the ones that think they're always right or that it's some conspiracy against women instead of a severe mental disorder with no known cure, that piss me off.
I just wanted to relate to a nonna, and correct some dumbass on why she's speaking out her ass, but apparently you're too stupid to be able to comprehend that.
>>1526117I know you're being sarcastic but I am a trutrans and go out of my way to avoid other troons, mostly for their safety and to prevent me from getting banned from social media for thought crimes. Trust me, if it was possible, and scientifically proven, that there was a way for me not to troon out, I would take it.
No. 1526125
>>1526122I thought this was the vent thread. I'm not breaking any rules, plus I'm still female. I swear to god if you're that same tard that screeched about how semen is addictive or whatever I'm going to piss myself laughing.
If you want to mald about this, /2x/ and the TIF thread are open. There's also another thread in /snow/ that may be very obviously connected if you look closer.
No. 1526144
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I recently had the realization that some traits that I considered just my personality might actually be the product of depression and what my friends have considered to be my 'accepting & tolerant nature' was actually just apathy on my part
No. 1526145
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>spend 15 minutes answering questions on job application page thoughtfully
>required checkbox that says “do you agree to invest 3 months of work before receiving your first paycheck?” at the bottom of the page
No. 1526183
>>1524578I know, i hate xtianity, but it's the only place irl that I don't have to worry about "misgendering" some retarded genderspeshul celebrity or some shit. Anyways, I only interact with other women, since I hate fundie scrotes as much as i hate trannies.
>>1525882>>1525901I hate all kinds of TIMs (AGPs, HSTSs, nu-male enbies, etc) but I'm apathetic to TIFs (either transmeds and xem/xyr faegender tucutes), I only hate when they enable/simp for the aforementioned trannies and spread fake science (blockers are 100% safe, sex is a spectrum, etc).
>>1525541I don't see the problem with dating bi moids in general, I'm just repulsed by tranny chasers and femboys bc they're always porn addicted and potential troons.
No. 1526208
>>1526183I'm the TIF that started it. I hate enbies and fetishists, regardless of TIM or TIF. Actually dysphoric people regardless of sex I tend to respect, but I can't fucking stand people like the resident cp spammer, Dylan Mulvaney, anyone who goes by anything other than he or she. I don't give a fuck what somebody chooses to do to their body, it's bodily autonomy, but if you're gonna be a disingenuous piece of shit and say it's not a mental illness, or dysphoria does not exist, or other things that are blatantly untrue for the point of virtue signaling, it pisses me off. I agree with radfems that female only spaces should exist, with the caveat that both TIMs and TIFs be banned and forced to make their own spaces. Generally, I don't mind troons as long as they aren't being sex pests, denying the reality of dysphoria, and/or pretend to be a real troon for attention, or sex or whatever. I can't look at the TIF thread because I'm always tempted to hunt down their accounts and harass them into no longer faking being trans. The TIM thread makes me violently ill because most of them are sex pests or look terrible. I'm no expert in fashion, fuck, how I dress is very exceptional and a dead giveaway of who I am, but there's a point where even I draw a line lol
Back on topic, I agree with you in small chunks, I guess my standards are just different.
No. 1526210
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i wish there was a database that warned you of gender shit in books. i don't even care if it's made by gendies and in order to spread the word about "kweer friendly media", i would still use it to avoid any kind of pronoun and gender fuckery.
picrel, started reading this and ofc the asian lesbian is a they/them with short hair. idk what makes her so special and non-woman when the main character is a woman and has a pixie cut herself, but i guess some women are just too special and unique and have a more complex inner life than other women, huh!
No. 1526223
>>1526214I know you don't care and I know I'm a woman to 99.9% of the userbase here, I enjoy being able to have a place where I can speak my mind, though. And I'm not a narc, just an autist who thought what I said was 100% relevant, plus I have a habit of explaining everything I experience or see in great detail, which tends to annoy others but other autists usually appreciate it. Which is one of several reasons why I'm lucky if a friendship lasts longer than a month if I make one at all.
Essentially, I don't care that you don't care, and I don't care that you think I'm a woman. Free speech is important and I enjoy hearing the opinions of the women here. Just know that the reason for the "long spergs" is because I am a sperg. There's a reason it's called "sperging."
>>1526220I'm pretty sure (s)he's either a polilez or MtF sperging now. If he's a MtF I hope a farmhand deals with him, although if she is a "true and honest" woman she still needs to be dealt with. Just less so.
No. 1526226
>>1526220Straight women need to stop bitching about their shitty men here then. Either drop them or stop complaining,
you are acting like you're oppressed by your own choices. Unless you want to claim that bitching about low value scrotes is just part of the normal culture of the normal people - unlike freaks like me. I swear, women who want be with men want to keep the cake and eat it, they don't get it you can't have both. It's probably because they have no idea about the true moid nature, or they're simply in denial.
No. 1526233
>>1526229I see spermcels can't stop calling separatist women incels
>>1526230>but this IS the vent thread lmaowell, why then can't I vent about straight women being hypocritical? Also I'm glad you can feel it
No. 1526239
>>1526226>>1526230Yeah, honestly i agree. Every time i see another in that situation i am literally pretending to feel bad because sure there moid didn't have to act that way… but why endure and constantly let it happen? Whenever i see a man is
abusive or misogynistic, i literally feel nothing. It doesn't shock me, it incites no anger, but i see with women who still like and engage with men literally see red but hope that change will come, all while literally doing nothing to help anybody. I don't have anything against hetrosexual or bi women who continue to date the opposite sex, but shit stop being so surprised and terrified when a moid does moid shit. This is an irrelevant point BUT STOP MOVING IN WITH BOYFRIENDS IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAN B FOR FUCKS SAKE. NO MORE HOBOSEXUALITY!!!!
No. 1526240
My god, I honestly believe I am beyond saving. I really believe I am a joke. I'm watching a bunch of friends doing challenges together, and I'm not laughing AT them, I'm laughing WITH them, like I am part of their gang. I say shit like "Wow, you're so funny Sam!" or "Omg, can you imagine if x did the challenge with you, Sam?"
I feel so lonely, it sucks. It sucks it sucks it sucks. It fucking sucks, I'm fucking screaming, I can't get it out of it my head
No. 1526256
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>>1526210you can search Goodreads for books you are interested in, you'll see if they are in any lists like nonbinary characters or written by trannies etc No. 1526263
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I'm super annoyed that my mom is inviting her friends over for saint patty's dinner. these people are total strangers to me that I see maybe once every 2 or 3 years. I'm super shy and feel uncomfortable around people who aren't immediate family, and she knows this. I'm probably going to go out and walk around until 9pm, by that time they'll hopefully all be all gone. maybe I'm an autist, but why can't we have one holiday with just us. I feel bad in the sense because they're my moms friends, but why can't she hang out with them on any other day.
No. 1526288
>>1526282It's not the same shit, retard. The existence of women dating other women doesn't perpetuate female oppression. Women dating men, marrying them, giving them children, energy, resources, time, space, money, often lives, basically, DOES perpetuate it. Thus you can't compare women dating men out of their choice to women dating women out of their choice. You're either playing devil's advocate now for teh lulz or some pussy crumb points, or you're too naive/dumb to see it. Your orientation is not a choice, but the things you do with it are a choice, and those choices can and should be judged.
No. 1526299
nonnie! my friend said to just google "book title lgbt" because there's always at least one sperg on goodreads asking if there's kweer representation in a book. guess goodreads is finally useful for something!
No. 1526306
>>1526305That's normal and I have the same issue. It gets better with practice and the second I'm a hikki NEET for a couple months I reset to speakingwaytoofasthahahI'mnotnervousatallhowdoyoudo and after half a year it's back to stroke status.
It's just one of those things that people who aren't normal have to deal with on top of everything else.
No. 1526318
>>1526306Not that anon but it's been almost 2 years since I started going outside and got my first job, and I still sound like a stroke
victim, and I'm losing hope. i know this might be amplified by my autism but I'm scared it will never go away. I'm so scared of confrontation and making a fool of myself, I think people assume I'm either much smarter or much dumber than I actually am. I drop some random facts about something and they're like wow you're so smart and they want to get closer to me and then I talk to them normally and I sound like a stuttering retard and they don't look at me the same way again lmao. There's no use. Is there a way fix my brain and learn to form sentences properly, and stop stuttering and forgetting words etc.?
No. 1526334
>>1526288Women aren't causing oppression by dating men. Women aren't spreading it either. Men being mean to you also isn't oppression. Maybe this is why I have no female friends but my god I'd fucking take it if it meant never having to hear some discriminatory woman bitching about men ever again. Most of the feminists here are fine. The ones that hate men regardless of nuance are not.
Just let straight and bi nonnas date guys if they want to. It isn't affecting you, it isn't affecting society, it only affects them. For example, I choose not to date women because I'll get extremely obsessive and jealous and generally a nuisance and a dead weight, and it isn't fair to the other woman. If a nonna feels like she can't date a man due to her feminist beliefs, that's her choice. Nobody's forcing that on you, except for random incels and trads on 4chan and the odd troon.
So you're right that nobody's forcing them. But they should do whatever they want. If they want to find their nigel, let them. This is such a non issue kek
No. 1526373
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Who the fuck let’s their teeth get this bad dude
No. 1526377
>>1526357I hate men and everything but the truth is all of us are only alive to make more people, so no wonder there is a heavy majority of women who
do want to get picked by some moid so they can pass on their DNA. Not all of us can be autistic bra burners, noniqua
No. 1526380
>>1526373What am I missing looks like genetics to me
Not everyone wants braces
No. 1526381
>>1526357Pickmes or just women who date men or want to be in a relationship?
If we're being honest, the amount of manhaters is the same. The truth is that anons who actually separate themselves from men completely
my brain is farting and I can't think of the term for that, sorry were always a minority.
>>1526373Her teeth look a little yellow but I really don't see the problem. Who even is this, are you vendetta posting?
No. 1526425
>>1526377>truth No such thing
There's nothing we exist "for". Your biological programming doesn't have to be your destiny, unless you choose it.
>>1526410I noticed that too. Things had changed here. Maybe all the genuine manhaters migrated to 2X and simply don't interact here, but many definitely left. Overall I think the best time for online communities for separatists and radfems was 2012-2014, and I don't think it's just because of my nostalgia, since I was a teenager who just started discovering the existence of women who thought like me. Blogs like Icemountainfire and some cool youtubers, all of them left because they knew there's no point in talking to women and they focused on themselves and their separatist lives. Everything has been watered down these days. Stuff that was totally normal to say a few years ago is now considered super radical and blackpilled and offensive, "radfems" went "not all men" etc.
No. 1526438
>>1526425I was only old enough to browse LCF in 2021, but I've been part of internet discourse since around 2018, exclusively because some kid was getting harassed by they/thems and I wanted to make sure he was okay. It kinda all went downhill from there, since I'm very adamantly anti-radfem still but not wishing death on them. I just want to understand how their brains work. And thankfully, I understand bits and pieces now, but it seems we disagree on basic fundamentals that make having any sort of discussion very hard. So in the few cases that I can have a basic conversation with them, I do learn a bit.
If it helps you feel any better, the only radfems I've seen go "not all men" are Menalez's clique, and she's insufferable for different reasons to me. Namely her constant race and oppression baiting.
>>1526426And how are women responsible for something that doesn't exist?
No. 1526449
>>1526438What doesn't exist? You mean patriarchy, as the system where the majority of power and resources belongs to males? It does exist. And women are helping it by birthing sons for example
>ooogaa booga they were forced by men, ooogaa booogaa they needed to marry men to survive!Even if that was truth, who is forcing them now? Nobody. Most women in western countries are perfectly able to support themselves yet they still choose to marry men and give birth to sons and to lose their money if they get divorced (women become poorer than men after divorce), and sometimes sacrifice their careers for family, wasting time on child rearing instead of gaining resources and knowledge etc. Female only communities failed so many times because there had to be this one woman who brought her soYn in despite no males policy and then there was a snow ball effects and most women left to get a traditional nuclear family kek. WoMEN are hopeless.
No. 1526453
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>my brother is bipolar, bpd, addict, general asshole. Made my family's lives hell for years, but managed to somewhat get his life together and still has a good(albeit weird and codependent) relationship with my parents
>be me, youngest in the family, had to be alone with my mom and brother who were having screaming matches late every night from the age of 12 onward, coped with shitty home situation by trying to please everyone. Would cry and beg them to stop fighting. Thought it was my fault. Wanted to run away from home but had nowhere to go. Wasted my youth trying to fix my unfixable family, only to realize later that they didn't know or give a shit about my efforts and it changed nothing.
>be me, grown woman, barely functional. Now fully resentful of my family, who are now happy and well adjusted while I fall deeper into mental illness. Started yelling at my parents for nothing at all, constantly screaming at the top of my lungs and I don't know why. Everything sets me off. Every day using all of my restraint to not actively terrorize my elderly parents and failing miserably.
>tfw my "evil" brother now brings my parents joy and pride, and me who used to be the good one, who was supposed to make everything better and keep my family together is now an empty husk of a person who will probably end up being the one to destroy my family
No. 1526510
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hi I am back and am comlaining about people involved in the overwatch community! I hate seeing this fuck on my timeline bc he is apparently only 23? but looks old as fuck and deserves to be made fun of.
No. 1526519
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>>1525807yeah, it happened nonnies. he said it's unforgivable how i accused him of something. i have trust issues. frame of reference, i disabled all of my social medias and accused another friend of pulling a prank on me. i did not like my nigel having a female friend that he has asked out in the past. it feels like he is leaving me to rot in my depression, just as i was about to get out of it. did i ruin it all by myself? i still have trouble thinking that it was that hurtful. i feel very sorry about it and i would like to make it right but he was always so sensitive about stuff i did not pay mind to like, cussing, so maybe he did find it completely unforgivable. i wish he did not hate me and i wish we could still cuddle. fuck long distance relationships.
>>1525870i almost threw up when i saw that and needed a moment to sit in silence tbh. but he was so cute otherwise and very quirky and nice…
No. 1526532
>>1526477Seperatism is even more unfortunate and insufferable tbh
>>1526487And I'm a lesbian. Why would I want to get picked if I find males physically repulsive?
No. 1526534
>>1526477Seperatism is even more unfortunate and insufferable tbh
>>1526487And I'm a lesbian. Why would I want to get picked if I find males physically repulsive?
No. 1526650
>>1526239>no more hobosexualityLiterally though, what are the options for nonnas who are too disabled to work? Hope their shitty parents are better than a moid? My moid has a verbally
abusive every so often but otherwise is really pleasant to live with. My dad is verbally and psychologically
abusive all day everyday and even the idea of having to live with him again, I’d literally sooner kill myself. I attempted to kill myself when I thought my moid and I would never find a place to live together and I’d be stuck with my dad forever. Thankfully I survived without lasting damage and like 3 months later my moid, by some fae magic and good fortune, was able to buy a home. Day to day life with him is infinitely better than it was around my piece of shit dad, and at least my moid apologizes after he’s a piece of shit.
No. 1526655
nonny, rich people are just as disgusting as poor people if not moreso. The difference is that rich people and buildings where rich people live hire cleaners to clean up after themselves. Poor people literally spend most of their time working and end up becoming chronically dissociated from their physical environments as a result of basically needing to do so in order not to go postal.
No. 1526670
>>1526656Some are naturally faggots, raised by women and shunned by men, so they picked up the mannerisms and interests. (Both consciously to fit in and unconsciously when they continue it outside of that social circle)
I have a gay nephew, he’s only had female friends after guys punched his face in for expressing romantic interest. I doubt he’ll ever be masculine because no man wants to interact with him.
I understand when some gay men see themselves as a different caste/gender entirely. (Like when they say they hate “all men,” because they know most will never see them as such) It’s an odd place to be.
No. 1526680
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Who tf at Target decided to stock the lube in the same aisle as woman products? My period is late and I wanted to buy a test, but they were all on the shelf below the lube. On top of that, some girl was stocking that very section so I didn’t want to linger and felt embarrassed kek. So mission failed, gotta go get a test elsewhere.
No. 1526685
>>1526656>>1526670It's do funny reading something like this here because it sounds like there's a pattern of 'feminine' behaviors innate to women that non straight males will pick up if raised around women only. I didn't know it was a conservative board kek
Anyway many straight women indeed behave like faggots and I dislike them just as much as I dislike actual faggots. Whenever I hear high pitched voices, or see someone acting this particular way, it makes me mad from cringe, regardless of it being a woman or a moid.
No. 1526691
>>1526685There are behaviours innate to women, as there are with men. If not, I can’t imagine why the labels of feminine or masculine have existed and been applicable to people for centuries… Labels that can be used inversely for deviations to the norm.
(Maybe not every behaviour, as some are learned and continually adopted, like shaving legs and applying makeup.) But women have been shown to use language differently, “I feel” rather than “I think,” and value social relations higher than men.
No. 1526693
>>1526685The problem is that not every straight woman act like that but 100% of faggots act like that.
Many straight girls don't wear makeup, many straight girls have deep voices, many straight girls aren't that obsessed with appearance and that has nothing to do with sexuality. Femme lesbians exist, lesbians who wear make up exist, lesbians with loud voice exists. It's a pattern that can only be observed in passive men.
I think they're trying to attract straight males or something for validation, like the faggot James Charles said. They're also weirdly obsessed with proving that people are gay or they have a "gay radar"
No shit sherlock, that's not a gay radar, that's you recognizing a pattern.
If your point was also correct, then all faggots would only come from single mothers. They don't. Many faggots come from straight families and many straight men come from single mothers. That's not learned, that's a performance they put up and it's annoying as hell.
No. 1526702
>>1526519He’s gaslighting you to make you think that his behavior is in your head. The fact that he’s pursued that girl before and then when angry at you called her “someone who trusts him” is proof enough he was emotionally cheating on you and wanted to date her instead. Good riddance but don’t let him convince you this is your fault. Cheaters and those thinking about cheating project hard and blame the other to cover up and the way he put her on a pedestal says everything.
You definitely have some issues with paranoid thinking, conspiracy obsession and magical thinking that you need addressed, but his behavior regarding that girl is 100% suspicious and his response to you and ghosting afterwards is damning.
No. 1526708
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>became neet during covid because mental health declined due to PTSD and sever anxiety
>has no money
>people tell me to stream for money
>I stream and it turns out somewhat successful / making $1200 a month
>not good enough, now people are telling me to apply for work from home jobs
>I apply to a lot
>no where calls me back for an interview
>people treat me like I’m not applying for jobs sometimes yelling at me and lecturing me about laziness
>i tell them everyone is applying for wfh jobs it’s hard to find a job like that
>they tell me to forget about wfh and just apply anywhere local
>I apply to a grocery store instead
>instantly hired / $1200 a month from this job
>one week into my job now they’re telling me to quit the job because it’s not good enough and apply to wfh jobs again
>I’m so confused?????????????
>tells them I will keep the job and apply to other jobs on the side
>they give me an angry face for saying that
>still streaming on the side because it’s extra cash, I make way less now because my work schedule
>one month into work I get yelled at to quit again
>gets told if I don’t apply to jobs then my bf will apply to jobs for me
>bf asked when do I plan on quitting the stream
>I say I can’t quit because I worked super hard to build my current community and it would feel like shit to leave all of that behind
>I get an angry look because I said that
The people I’m referring to is my parents and my boyfriend. I’m never good enough for them no matter how hard I try. I did literally everything they asked me to do and I still get treated like I’m a lazy worthless POS. My boyfriend didn’t even have a job until a month before I got my job. His job is also the same tier as my job. Why am I the bad guy here? Honestly I don’t want to apply to other jobs for awhile considering I’ve been applying for jobs for nearly over a year. Why can’t I just live in peace? It’s not like I’m struggling for money right now. I feel like everyone is fucking with me.
No. 1526716
>>1526683protip, next time if you're too nervous say it's for your friend that's too nervous. embody the nerve-less friend, looking out for the scared friend waiting for the test. the girl stocking it would have given you space if you had've asked and wouldn't have even blinked (have done that job, nobody is looking at what you buy besides moids possibly but women not even once will judge you for your purchases)
hope you get the confidence next time nona, hope when you get the test it goes the way you want. hope you're okay.
No. 1526753
I'm not even a lesbian and I hate actively straight women. The wast majority of them would throw other women under the bus, including their own sisters and daughters, for the sake of their shitty scrotes and male attention. Female solidarity was always a meme. The anti suffrage views were dominant among both men and women through the early 20th century. I think the first feminist movement really wanted to make a change but they were shat on by both straight women and men, and the elites allowed them to make those changes not because they had sooo muuuch support from normie women and they were an actual threat because of their numbers or something, but because the elites simply wanted more workers to pay taxes. Then years later other women started calling 'feminism' everything they wanted, including dick sucking and porn and being trad, everything that it a 'female choice' is feminist. Now women are bitching they have to go to work and they can't have both work and family life most of the time and so many of them would like to be stay at home wives and mothers but they can't afford it. Ofc there are exceptions, there always have been throughout history, even before feminism, but I think that's accurate for most women, they will never be my sisters, they would be happy to just fullfill their breeder and cleaner role if only their men earned enough money to support a family from one salary.
No. 1526774
>>1526713>I personally met gays who didn't act this way and you couldn't even tell they were gayYes, that was the point. We're not talking about faggots as gay men but faggot as "passive gay men who can't seem to act like a normal person and not a walking "fuck me" request and that are weirdly obsessed with fucking and sex"
There's a difference in between gay men and those men who act overly effemminate and talk like a goose for a bit of attention and by a fatal coincidence, if they act like that, they're gay. Did you ever met a straight man that acts like that?
No. 1526781
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I wish someone would make a new Venus thread. I’m not gonna do it cause I don’t even have accounts on the socials she uses and relied on her thread for updates about her wild ass life.
No. 1526784
>>1526647I hate him. I had 6 hours sleep and have to get ready to work.with him again in less than 2 hours. I've wrote everything out in my phone about what he said last night. I'm the only female worker on site after 6pm and the male factory workers are uncomfortable with me? Some nights I lock my door at work to stop all the unannounced male visits keeping me back from work. I hate walking around feeling all eyes on me. Some of them take cocaine and I had an
abusive ex that took cocaine. Do you know how uncomfortable I feel being the only woman on site when half the workforce are on a drug that makes you horny and agro. Martin better not speak to me tonight or I'll drop that mf
No. 1526793
>>1526781i was hoping the same. she keeps popping up as first post on my IG.
however all her accounts are listed in the first comment on the last thread
No. 1526794
>>1526753The wast majority of this post I did not read. I hate actively
>>1526713The gay you met was probably a top. Bottoms act like SLUTS! and make up 90% of gays.
No. 1526854
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Why the hell is my friend always bringing up JKR in conversations unprompted? I saw her today and first thing she says is "did you know that JKR is actually a far right fascist? not that I looked into it all that much but I saw it on the internet and her charities are discriminating against poc and lgbtqi+ just like the salvation army in the US!" and oh my goood she felt so smart when saying this, that was so embarrassing… The more I talk to my friends about anything the less smart they seem it's ridiculous. I respect her a little bit less now.
No. 1527012
>>1526732I disagree with you on (TIF) trannies but agree with you on this. As a lesbian, I hate the ones that hate straight women. I may not find them relatable whatsoever, and that's why I tend to confide in people like my mom (who is bisexual) who understand my attraction to women and go above and beyond to be supportive. It's funny too, because she could tell I was a lesbian well before I did.
>>1526885I get that, nonna. I don't have a regular period, it's extremely spotty and happens at completely random times, the only time I don't PMS or have varying levels of tit pain is the week after my last period. It's really bad, too. It hurts. I know I don't have any uteran and ovarian problems, but I just learned that some young adult women still have a few years before their period "normalizes." It doesn't make it any less frustrating, though.
No. 1527205
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I think I'm about to lose my apartment. I found it 4 years ago for a steal. It's dated with shag carpet and vintage appliances but it's big with lots of windows and architectural details that show its 70s build date, I think it's very cute kek. Every year when I go to renew my lease they've raised rent higher and higher, and this year they even started charging a pet fee. I know that's just how landlords work but it still feels dumb to me since there's been no renovations to warrant the continual price increases. It looks like next year the rent will be raised again and it will be too expensive for me. After being here so long it feels like my home and I know wherever I move next will be a massive downgrade. I hate renting, I wish I could be here forever
No. 1527349
first of all sorry for the long post. also i really extremely want to emphasise that this is not a sexual thing or an age play thing in the weird kinky twitter way. i do not want to act like a child or wear fucking diapers or be fed baby food purée. please do not act as though this is what this is because it absolutely is not and i find it disgusting.
tldr: i have been talking with my therapist lately about how i have been struggling a lot with feelings from my childhood revolving around the abuse and neglect i had to deal with and how a lot of it revolves around just generally not having any positive attention or really any attention that wasn’t negative paid to me. my dad was better but my mother was awful about it. one thing i mentioned to her is that my boyfriend is very good at making up for it by being very supportive and giving me that sort of positive reinforcement i wished i had as a kid. she mentioned that maybe we could sort of have days dedicated to it and dedicated to me trying to almost ‘recapture’ and redefine those parts of my childhood. she suggested k bring it up to my boyfriend and that we have days where i can feel like a kid again (doing things i enjoyed then and was shamed out of when i was made to grow up too fast - cartoons, drawing for fun, etc - and not having to worry about things like cooking or cleaning) and that he could help me since he’s always very caring, positive, kind, etc, and he can really help me let go and enjoy my days with nothing else to worry about.
i agreed that i wanted to bring it up to him but i don’t know how. even as i’m typing it it makes me think of those disgusting shayna like freaks who do it. but i don’t want it sexual, i don’t want to wear nappies or be treated like a toddler or even really a child. i just want to sink back into that place i wasn’t allowed to fully enjoy as a child and have him support me. i know he would if i explained it right but the shame of it and the embarrassment and the immediate thought of ‘ew does she want to be an adult baby??’ would be the first thing anyone would think about. i’ve discussed it fuether with my therapist and she keeps saying she can’t really help me ask him since the main issue i have is being too ‘afraid’ and even talking out what the worst/best situation could be didn’t help, and she’s right. i have to do it but idk how and i’m so embarrassed. for any mothers out there: please treat your children with love, this is what happens when you don’t, kek.
No. 1527475
>>1526775No shit, who the fuck would want to work some unskilled job over doing a bit of housework now and then? It's not like it's 1900 anymore where that takes all day every day, if you go above and beyond you're done in an hour and the rest of the day is lazy time.
Plenty men would make the same choice if they could and and are only held back by social stigma.
No. 1527517
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>>1527475>if you go above and beyond you're done in an hour and the rest of the day is lazy time.if youre a stay at home childless gf/wife then sure
No. 1527534
>>1527475>No shit, who the fuck would want to work some unskilled job over doing a bit of housework now and thenMe, it's better than being a slave and a cumrag. Literally nothing but spreading legs for food. No difference between that and being a prostitute. Well, many straight relationship basically are prostitution.
Also, I posted about women with children and you're not done with that within an hour…
No. 1527548
>>1527475I mean, the allure of working isn’t the work itself, it’s the ability to make your own money and enjoy the options that come with it.
I grew up with a stay at home mom who is now divorced and has to start working to make her own money after a lifetime of “sitting around” while most of her working friends are now getting to retire.
No. 1527556
>>1527548I'd rather spend my youth being lazy and start to work in old age, but I also live in a place where retirement is not a thing for people who aren't middle class or above.
I've never had a job that didn't actively make me suicidal and I constantly alternate between working and saving and being a NEET whenever I can't take it anymore.
No. 1527582
>>1527556>I'd rather spend my youth being lazy and start to work in old ageWhen your stamina isn’t as good and physical health starts to become an issue for most unskilled jobs? Suit yourself, I guess.
Though I do understand where you’re coming from if the perspective is from someone who will never be able to retire anyway.
No. 1527648
>>1526564NTA, but she does match the description of the subject of
>>>/snow/1778636 which ironically missed one of her handles (count-incel) but I can see why anon thought that.
That doesn't change the fact that the thread was written by the pedophile tranny and was killed because some moid started spamming her address and threatened to rape her. So it's a dead thread, but there's a few interesting things in there.
While she deserves a thread, absolutely, I feel bad for her. She's rude, she's very obviously uncaring for others, and so on but it's not like she's a pedophile like Shayna or anything along those lines, so the logic of moid alogs raiding her thread is nonexistent.
No. 1527651
>>1527556Working when you're old isn't likely to make you less miserable… it'll be physically harder, you'll struggle more to get hired, and it would suck seeing your peers enjoy retirement.
I can't blame you though, I have no intention of working too hard in my youth. I'm not going to delay enjoying my free time until I'm old, you can die at any time. I work less as I become more financially stable with the eventual goal of just working part time until retirement.
No. 1527670
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I tried so hard to save my middle nail. I wear gel on my natural nails, but over time they start getting cracked along the sides to the point where they just break off.
The rest of my nails were doing ok, but my middle suffered a break and I had been trying to glue it back together everyday so it wouldn't snag on things or get worse. I needed to wait too because it broke over my nail bed which would have been painful to tear off at the time.
It just re-broke again and now the crack is past the middle. It feels weird and the glue doesn't really work. It's time to clip it off but it will look so retarded to have one ultra short nail. Now I gotta clip the rest off and start over.
I hate how the nail techs always meme me into getting gel. I feel like the gel generally weakens my nails from all the drilling anyway. Last time I just wanted a french tip manicure but the tech literally said she wouldn't do it unless I got gel so…here we are, again.
No. 1527701
Ok so I’m already acknowledging that this is probably the most privileged, tone-deaf take, but fuck. I’m an actress, who is also white and it’s fucking impossible to get auditions and jobs anymore.
The real kick in the ass is that I’m Italian, Spanish, and a little bit Jewish with brown eyes and naturally black, curly hair, so as a kid all of the other kids in my white, suburban hometown made fun of me and my black, frizzy hair growing up in the 2000s and said I was Mexican. So I didn’t even have the experience of privilege and attention that the straight-haired, blonde, blue-eyed girls did. And now I’m apparently supposed to sit down and shut up and “be thankful for aLl oF tHe hAnDoUtS aNd PriVelEgE” I supposedly experienced by being white. And now, because “white women already had their turn”, every casting call, audition, and agency looking for new talent wants Black, Asian, Middle-Eastern, or mixed race actresses ONLY. And yet they STILL, always, cast a white dude as the lead male love interest.
No. 1527702
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same with jobs in general. they need to fill their diversity quotas so, depending on where you live, if your name sounds white or asian, good luck getting a callback
No. 1527717
>>1527707i haven't bought new jeans in years because of this. i went to target once because the pair of black jeans i found at Nordstrom that fit nice i had and loved and wore almost everyday, wore through one of the thighs bear the crotch seam. so in desperate need of new ones , i went to see if i would have any luck. i started with 6 which is what I thought i was, way too big. kept going down, down, 2, still too big, 0, still too big, needed to order a pair of 00 off the website to try.
i am not a 00. i know what 00 is, it is those toddler sized pants from Abercrombie every teen girl wanted to fit into in the 2000s.
so i ended up finding the same pair i had for sale on Mercari used and just bought them and tried another pair from Levi's which fit nice too and still have.
it's a nightmare. i switched to mostly skirts last year because i cannot go shopping for jeans without losing my mind
No. 1527724
>>1527717Aww so sad skinny girls can’t find clothes that are small enough
rolls eyes. Do you have actual problems or are you humble bragging?
No. 1527726
>>1527723It's also funny cause being that small is becoming so exceedingly rare that literally the 0s and 2s are always left on the rack at every clothing store I've been to.
Now the average-overweight sizes are where the real bloodbath is because that's the most common therefore the biggest bitch to find.
At some point anons you have to accept that a size 00 is
small and not the norm the way being a size 20+ is also not normal. Just own it and make do.
No. 1527732
>>1527727you are missing the point, it is all vanity sizing. a 6 from ten years ago is like a 0 today. the giant fatties feel bad seeing any number in double digits on their pants that companies are making the sizes sit on larger clothing. there used to be a website that showed the measurements of jeans across several companies, and what size those measurements correlated to. cheap companies like target, gap, walmart had bigger measurements on smaller sizes compared to more expensive brands was the biggest takeaway.
i am not thin, never been thin. my body proportions on top of vanity sizing is what makes it difficult to find items that fit how i want it to fit. you cannot just grab a pair of jeans off the rack and assume they fit. you have to try every single pair on in three different sizes in order to figure out what fits. and i mean real jeans, not elastic crap passed off as jeans.
No. 1527737
File: 1679195588324.png (195.26 KB, 700x2763, wsizes-web-history-150-new.png)

cope and seethe
No. 1527743
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>>1527735same type of person that goes "b-but Marilyn Monroe was a size 12! We are the same, big is beautiful"
No. 1527748
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>>1527745Make it a literal whale so you can cry more about swimming in the clothes!
No. 1527755
>>1526738Its enough in some areas in America if you're ok with not living in a city.
>>1526708Holy shit I should be streamer. Tips?
No. 1527771
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>>1527766Exactly which is why I don't understand why there are people in this thread accusing others of being anachans when you have no idea what size of something is going to fit you until you try it on.
No. 1527775
File: 1679199465163.jpg (69.64 KB, 1200x675, Abercrombie-Fitch-NETFLIX-1200…)

>>1527753what's interesting about this article is that the Abercrombie and Fitch ones being gigantic, off by 6". they used to be accused for not catering to fats and being racist amongst other things. see pic related
they seem to have gone the complete other way after Mike Jeffries left the company
No. 1527783
>>1526683just buy extra tests and keep one in case you need it. i had someone i knew give me one as a joke since i'm currently voluntarily celibate but hold onto it in case i need it
>>1527771i remember going shopping with a friend who was a size 16 and another one who was a size 12 and pants and skirt shopping was not easy for them. i'm a size 6-8, and i was astounded by how slim their pickings felt compared to mine. even i hate vanity sizing. no consistency, majority are tailored only to fit one body type. it's infuriating to have to shop around to find a brand that actually works for you, meanwhile men's clothes has standardize sizing for pants that simplifies their life a thousand times
No. 1527792
>>1527788you should be responding to
>>1527786 instead
No. 1527794
>>1527786I’ve heard people say that but idk I walk past them and see a lot of variety in style and types of clothing. I’d rather go there than try to find pants in the boys section at target or wherever.
>>1527788You don’t make sense. Yes it’s difficult trying to put a professional outfit together when everything is baggy as fuck and doesn’t carry or have my size. Like lol are thin people just supposed to have perfect lives now? You shouldn’t let insecurity control you like this. If we were in year
2000 I would agree that it’s tough finding nice plus size clothes and that it’s unfair to not have the option.
No. 1527795
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>>1527786You should change your aesthetic then
No. 1527808
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>>1527783It has infected men's clothing too.
No. 1527809
>>1527766I mean, I'm very butch so I wear men's clothes, and I'm plus-sized so a waist 46 fits me perfectly, but women's clothing is always so fucking different even if I liked being feminine I wouldn't risk it.
The problem, is that even in big & tall sections, they scarcely sell size 46 clothes. Usually, 44 is the biggest you can find and that's way too small.
I know most women like to be "small," but I like being fat. I'll lose weight if it's imperative to my health, but my blood work was top notch, so I think my current diet works fine. I don't gain anything, but I don't lose anything. And a good 230lbs is perfect to me.
Finding men's shirts that fit is impossible unless they're a 4x. Which is weird, because my chest is tiny
No. 1527847
>>1527845AYRT, there's definitely a lot worse things I could talk about, like how not even 10 minutes after making this post I may have ended up making myself homeless, I don't know yet, though.
But back on topic, it's because I love being this size. The thought of me being thin is deeply repulsive to me, partially because I don't like having breasts whatsoever and the tit chop is too drastic, and partially because I just like it for a lack of better words.
No. 1527850
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I feel so lonely and disinterested in everything.
I don't know how to connect with people. I feel extraordinarily isolated. I don't have any friends and I don't know where to even begin with making them.
None of my hobbies really bring me joy anymore. I keep starting new books and never getting further than 100 pages. I'll make it past the tutorial of a video game and get bored of it. I can't focus on a single thing.
My existence feels like a cavern that's fallen in on itself. I don't know what to do with myself. Every day feels like a rinse and repeat or work, force myself to try to do something, and sleep and I don't know how much longer I can handle it.
No. 1527859
>>1527783>>1527784You don't have to shop in every store. If a store has bigger sizes they usually appeal to an older demographic or simply plus size women. I'm a size x-small and sometimes I can't find my size in certain stores, I just dont shop there. I don't get why average women complain about not being able to find their sizes in shops though, like a size 8 is literally average and if a garment fits you loosely, it's probably not about vanity sizin but the clothing is being oversized as that's in fashion right now.
a lot of anons complaining about anout vanity sizing point to a fat girl and how it's evil that she can fit into a size that's smaller but like anons posting those shit are fat themselves. Get help and stop being obsessed with fatties.
No. 1527870
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>>1527858>anyone that says females over 200lb are fat is a jealous anorexic skeletonstraight delusion coming from your mouth right now.
No. 1527876
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>>1527873go back to twitter
No. 1527878
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>mfw anons actually took the weightbait
2017 lolcow vibes.
No. 1527881
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>>15278782017 lolcow was good times except for the discord anons. if only we could go back before the pull/twitter/reddit pests ruined it
No. 1527886
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im so depressed and so are every one of my friends. no one mentions it. no one even makes jokes about it anymore. we're all fading away slowly
No. 1527894
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>>1527886go build a fort or something. plant a garden. because sitting online and staring at a screen won't help you nor anyone else. 90% of depression can be corrected by simply not being online or watching tv. the other 10% are people genuinely messed up.
issue is sadgirl/sadboy aesthetic is popular and cool, and that is not helping anyone.
No. 1527899
>>1527884All they had to do was not be obnoxious and ~*~MaLe HeReEE~*~ everywhere, but they proved this to be too impossible of a task.
Guess they'd rather larp poorly as women, fags.
No. 1527903
>>1527890very long story short my mom called the police because he took my phone and she couldnt get in touch for hours. they had patrols looking out for me.
mom was scared, sobbing, worried something happened to me
real bad feelz. we never spoke of that day again
i did get my phone back
No. 1527905
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>>1527900right, oversized jeans are not going to be six inches bigger than the reported waist size. that's just a completely different size
No. 1527917
>>1527909I don't know, anon. Everything is centered around these interests these days so if you're not into it, you're out. I tried giving dating a go recently and it was so painful to tell them how much of a boring idiot I am not knowing about anything and seeing their interest in me fading away slowly right in front of me. We had no common ground we could start with.
>>1527910Thank you for trying to make me feel better, kek. I'm just a little bummed, will get over it. I have hobbies but they're so self-indulgent (painting, writing, crafting) it's hard to talk about them further than "Oh yeah, I like to paint."
No. 1527920
>>1527863This wasn't about looks whatsoever. I was talking about the physical limitations of being fat when I said 'being fat is a handicap'. Being out of breath from merely walking a short distance, struggling to walk up stairs and your own body restricting your freedom of movement. No one likes those physical limitations (hence my comparison to cripples) but that's where you're at at size 46. Nor did I say a single word about my own weight so not sure where you got "skelly anon" from. It's apparantly news to you but it's not exclusively camp
(wannabe) anachan vs camp deathfat when someone critizes unhealthy weight.
No. 1527936
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FUCK WISDOM TEETH HOLY FUCKING SHIT. GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. JESUS CHRIST. what did I do to deserve this? being born to parents who can't afford braces? yes I took painkillers, I've been taking so much ibuprofen for the past month that my liver is probably rotting by now and my body is becoming twitchy. I feel like a crackhead. No I don't have dentist money, they'll put me on a waiting list anyway. I cant wait any longer let me die already please god. I never thought I'd say this but this is worse than period cramps
No. 1527955
>>1527936My moid has 5 wisdom teeth. FIVE. He had to threaten suicide so his rich family would give him the money for getting them taken out. He’s getting them out tomorrow.
Ibuprofen rots your kidneys and fucks up your gut more than liver though. Tylenol is the liver fucker upper. Speaking of, you should be alternating between Tylenol and ibuprofen. Also try dabbing a cotton ball in some gin and putting it on the sore part of your mouth (or just take a gulp of gin and swish). Salt water rinses are another thing that will help you. Also ice. Ice your jaw. You should also consider going to the regular doctor and asking for some amoxicillin cause you might have an infection.
No. 1527993
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My new manager called me “so cute” all because I left a handwritten note on a sticky pad asking for a specific day off next week, and now I am paranoid that he wants to fuck me.
No. 1528030
>>1527997true, before it registered as creepy, I really did feel belittled. Like I’m sorry, was leaving a note that silly to you? But he’s a moid and now it feels darker.
>>1528000I would shrivel up if he said that ew, did that manager ever get called out by other people?
No. 1528035
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>>1527755I live in a city, sadly.
This reply is late but some major things that helped me build up my stream was sticking to the just chatting categories and doing these vlog like life style streams. People love to watch me just hang around my house cooking, cleaning and doing fun little hobbies like sewing. My viewership tanks when I play games because people get bored very quickly. But they do appreciate a gaming stream here or there once in awhile so I play games if I can’t think of content. Raiding other streamers after you’re done streaming, they will give you shoutouts and you could possibly make friends with them that way. Doing that doubled my viewership. Another thing that helped me a lot is kinda studying my favorite streamers, I would try to understand what makes it fun for me to watch them, or what makes me feel bored and click out their streams and try to put those elements in my stream. Oh and make sure you have good channel point redemptions that are fun for people. I use something called triggerfyre and some people use blerp. Along the way you will find someone who likes to fund a gals streaming hobby. Be careful of the crazies btw they can be vindictive and entitled to you
No. 1528036
>>1528030Unfortunately no one cares
>>1528034I slapped him then broke down crying in the bathroom
No. 1528093
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>>1526775Being able to not work sounds amazing, but I would never want to be tied down to a man for the rest of my life lmao. Reject wage slavery and reject being a literal slave and breeding cow to a man, be self sufficient and take the homestead pill. This is what women have always done when our husbands were killed off in a war.
No. 1528126
>>1528101My grandparents live in a Balkan village and I have helped them take care of their animals, and they cared for a somewhat larger farm too. It was far more relaxing and peaceful than what my current crack ass of dawn 40 hour work week is.
Anybody could be self sufficient on a micro level if you live alone and only have yourself to take care of. The people you associate with sweating and toiling on their farm had to take care of giant families and sometimes their entire town, which required far more crops and animals.
>b-but if you have a paved road that you drive to the farmers market on to sell your potatoes, you’re still engaging in capitalism ok lol?
No. 1528127
>>1528112She has
fourteen kids now, she is a homemaker, and little derail I also learned that apparently the reason she ended up conceiving 8 babies was because she requested for the 6 remaining embryos she had from her previous IVF cycle to be transferred at once because she didn’t think all of them would fertilize but still didn’t want to waste any, get this: the doctor transferred 12 embryos into her at once and thankfully had his medical license revoked.
No. 1528166
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A moid is training chatGPT to larp as a woman, hence the uptick in weird replies lately that seem to gloss over points of other posts just to argue. At times it argues even if what it is saying is agreeing with op.
No. 1528207
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This isn't related to Vivziepop, but this post reminded me of how I used to as a teen have a friend with a bunch of OCs All druggie twink prostitutes with a SA past, and those OCs were the ONLY thing she would talk about in the end despite all of them being and basically looking the same (she was absolutely amazing at art, but suffered a bad case of same-face syndrome). Why are some fujos like this? She was an extreme case of privileged girl that seemed to WISH she had a tortured past though, she had a really supportive home that bent over backwards to get her to go to school when she just couldn't be bothered. Whenever someone confided in her for their trauma or bad home environment she got giddy and told us as if it was some sort of fetish to her (those of you who follow Jill, imagine her giddy behavior whenever she talks about her "trauma", just like that). It was uncomfortable to see her eyes light up and smirk when my best friend asked us for advice on her girlfriend at the time that was getting abused at home. Just how can you not understand how tactless it is? How can you be so privileged that someone else's story just becomes this niche fantasy concept to you?
We distanced ourselves when we got into our 20's because we couldn't deal with her spoiled ass any longer. Last thing we heard she had started dating a tif and become a gendie herself, of course.
No. 1528220
>>1528042I interacted with them my whole life lmao. The women in my family were physically ruined by that lifestyle and the scrotes still cheated on them despite their wives doing everything for them including folding their clothes for them like they were literal toddlers.
>muh antisocialSociety is fucked up and there's nothing evil about criticizing the fucked up aspects of it.
>>1528055Exceptions prove the role, statistically women who never marrien don't have shorter lives than those who married, divorced people live shorter, consistency is what matters more than being married or ummarried. Women initiate the wast majority of divorces though, they also become dissatisfied with marriage sooner than men, also once marriage ends, women are much less likely to marry again than men. That should imply something
No. 1528234
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i s2g im gonna end up killing my moid neighbor one of these days
he had a conversation with a close family member, and it was a conversation that was extremely misogynistic, antisemitic, and homophobic
when i tried to calmly explain how he was wrong and poked holes in his argument, he tried to forcefully use god to scare me
when he realized i wasn't christian he flipped the fuck out, and started being even worse. claiming women were breeding stock and that the only reason a woman would ever not want a family is if she was "denying god."
the funny part is his ex wife divorced him and took his son, so i can't exactly say he's an incel, just scary close
he then started talking about how lesbians "choose to be attracted to the same sex" and that we'd all burn, and that being homosexual is "delusional."
the funny part is i almost did strike him in the face for that but was held back & threatened by someone.
yesterday he went to the hospital for heart problems and he refuses to take medication for that so i hope it takes him soon lmfao
No. 1528241
>>1527083What made him so great nona? Stop reading those ex articles and start reading ones about building self esteem.
To be honest I think if he was SO great, you wouldn't be talking about yourself like this. Every actually good boyfriend I've had left me feeling like an interesting and special person the likes of which he'll never experience again, and the shit ones had me feeling like a worthless woman who was lucky to ever had him, but when time passed and objectivity overrode feelings it was obvious the latter were the insecure dullards.
Good luck for tomorrow (today?), but to be honest I hope it goes disastrously so you can move on without question.
No. 1528413
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Everyone nowadays says that women don't need men or that having a man in your life is not important and that you can live without one. I certainly can live without a man but there's this emptiness inside me that I tried to fill with multiple things hobbies, jobs, friendships, family relations etc but still I have this feeling that I need to be loved romantically. I want someone to talk to at night to travel the world with. The gratitude I feel for having friends and family is huge but I want someone to fill the void. Sometimes I think maybe I feel this way because of my culture or because of the social media posts. Idk I'm rambling.
No. 1528432
nonnie you should be proud of yourself. It's amazing that you were already making 1,200 a month streaming! I hate that your parents and bf aren't supportive. Especially mad that your bf is against the streaming since he is younger and should understand these unconventional newer ways to earn money better. I hope you can build up a life on your own soon and stop listening to them because obviously you're doing something right and have talent. I know how it feels when your family and friends don't believe in what you're doing because they don't understand it.
No. 1528434
>>1528433I chuckled
nonnie thank you
No. 1528546
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I want to use this site less but I don't know what to do during small downtimes like when I'm waiting for a bus. So I just keeping back to this website as I pull out my phone like a dumb ape in need of stimuli.
No. 1528575
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Can someone explain getting over someone and being in a long term relationship for years, be super happy then all of a sudden still feeling like you still miss that other person. I feel so fucking STUPID AAAAG
No. 1528592
>>1528563As a 31 year old anon literally everyone still thinks I am in my 20s (and for my career this is
problematic for me as it's hard to be taken seriously sometimes as a manager).
It's all bullshit, dw.
No. 1528613
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nonas i'm gonna be real for a second, i'm really desperate for some support and human companionship and i feel cripplingly lonely right now. how the fuck do you get over a person you thought you were literal soulmates with. this sounds stupid and embarassing which is why i struggle to talk to my friends about it but she was so special to me that the thought of losing her forever makes me so scared my heart literally palpably starts beating so fast i feel like i'm gonna die. i was never one to idealize anyone and i never felt this before. talking to her felt like a high back when we were friends because i never felt so understood, i never laughed so much with anyone, i never felt like i was completely on the same wavelength with another person, it was so effortless and easy to talk for hours about all kinds of different things and made me feel so happy, she is to this day the most genuinely interesting amazing person i have ever met in my life and to know all those feelings were reciprocated made me feel like i can't describe and like i didn't even know i can feel. i don't want to post details but we got into a relationship and it ended and now it still feels like the lowest of lows. i am going out, i am connecting with people, i see friends and i even went back on dating apps and still every good thing i have has a bitter aftertaste because it can't compare to the connection i felt, everything feels lacking in comparison. it's deranged, i'm so braindead i was literally having sex with a girl and it was really really good and during that i still had thoughts of my ex that made me feel pangs of deep sadness, kept comparing it to the physical connection and intimacy i felt and not just casual sex that's good and fun but not emotionally fulfilling. i'm embarassed to admit i can't resist checking her socials and making myself so miserable because she changed and i feel like i'm missing a person that doesn't exist. she moved half the country away so there is no way i'll see her irl anymore but she said maybe we'll reconnect and talk again in the future, i have her number and i feel like a pathetic abandoned dog still whining and waiting. i am so full of regret, i don't know how to move on when all i wish for in life is to go back in time and just remain friends because then we would still talk. i don't even care about being together (or maybe i'm just convincing myself) i just want her in my life because i think i will never find a person this special again. i ruined something some people are never lucky enough to experience in their entire lives. at this point i don't know if i'm just mentally ill and delusional, i just never had this with any of my other exes or anyone i have ever met really. and seeing her post on her socials now sometimes i think i don't even recognize her and it feels like losing her over and over again every time. but then i come across something where my heart stings and i think i would recognize her in this even in 50 years and in another lifetime. sorry for my deranged ramblings, i just feel like absolute shit and i know it's retarded of me to expect to get over her when i still check her socials like an insane person and obsess over whether we will see each other or have any kind of contact again but i can't cope with the thought of losing her it actually fills me with the most dread i have ever felt what the fuck is wrong with me
No. 1528626
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I had to create a massive project that's bootable from my USB and it needs to be handed in today in 8 hours. Turns out I need to produce 2 identical USB sticks to give off for them to test out (instead of 1 like I thought).
I don't have a second stick that's big enough for that AND even just thinking about tampering with the files makes me feel dread
No. 1528690
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I gave myself some really fugly bangs and im sorta rocking a mullet at the same time. Feeling like picrel.
No. 1528698
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I miss my girlfriend so much. We're taking a break and I'm in my hometown now, 7 hours away from her. It's an outrageously expensive shithole full of the worst types of champagne socialists and creepy tech bro transplants. (You can probably guess what it is from that).
I hate my hometown with a passion and I want desperately to get out of here. Living with my parents isn't that bad but it has its negatives. I have Schizoaffective Disorder (mostly contained by meds) and BDD (not so contained) so I've been on disability a long time, most of my adult life, I've had some jobs but was never able to hold onto them.
I want out of this rut so badly and I don't know where to begin. I'm in AA and working on sobriety and that's going well but how do i even begin to look for what is basically a starter job at 25? I have no connections here and the competition is high even for retail jobs etc. No matter what someone will have a better resume than me. And it's not like I can afford a place of my own on disability benefits+part time job (and I could only get a part time job, not full time, otherwise they would take away my benefits) in this city. Or probably most anywhere.
I have a goal of getting off disability. I just don't know where to start and I desperately want to get my own independence and a housing situation away from my parents. But I don't even know how good of an idea that is because I don't know what the situation with my girlfriend is going to be like. We definitely need time apart but for how long?
2023 has been so tiresome.
No. 1528711
i just got news a really long time family friend (practically was a family member) passed away suddenly. i'm venting here because there's so many layers i'm trying to process. it was my mom's best friend who was also like my uncle as well as his ex boyfriend that he had for around 10 years. i do hate men and always have, but growing up they were both truly there for me and did help me with being more open about being bisexual in a southern US state where it was very conservative. they both made huge impacts on me as a person and growing up. in recent years, they broken up in a really messy way. the one who passed away (let's say his name is K) lived with my mom for a short time until K's alcoholism and lying got in the way of their friendship that my mom felt hopeless to helping him out of his addictions when he's even stealing from her. K was a completely different person than he was 10 years ago, which yes people change, but it still hurts to see a downhill change. K finds a new boyfriend in the area, K moves in with new bf. K and my mom havent talked and ended on horrible terms. before they stopped talking, i sat both of them down to help mediate a conversation to see if the friendship had any redemption to it. i really was able to get both of them connecting heart to heart until he kept lying to her and she decided enough was enough because she does deserve a healthy friendship and especially in her own home. but now he passed away only a few months later. very soon after. it all hurts. i do this where i try to fix situations and people, it almost never goes my way so idk why i kept doing it for so long. i dont blame myself for his choices and his death, but i feel so defeated. i always thought they would reconnect and i'd still get to have my uncle K at my future wedding like we always talked about when i was a kid or to do a movie night again with K. i never got any closure with him that i didnt know i would need even more than ever. it hurt enough seeing how he changed and how badly it hurt my mom with the drama they had, but now its just that. thats the ending. its really never being resolved now. i'll never get any hugs from him again. i dont have much family to talk to, and so another layer that's hurting is that this will be a reoccurring pain i'll feel. ive tried fixing situations and changing to make some of my family talk to me, never works. so if they died, theres nothing i could do to have any closure with them. i just feel like this is a start to getting used to grieving people more than once. i understand life sucks and boohoo me, but i really just want K back on this earth to at least resolve things enough to have a friendship again before he went. there's too many memories of K that I cant hate him for his choices with alcohol and his mental health like choosing to lie and how he treated his body. nobody chooses to do all that shit for fun once youre past a certain age. its to hide repressed memories and feelings and whatever. i understand he has trauma and i heard about it before. but i just hate the fate of life for making this being the ending. everyone dies but why like this? i'm not religious so if anyone has any really good general advice to being able to grieve with no closure that doesnt include praying to anyone, i'd really appreciate it nonnies.
No. 1528727
>>1526689yeah i thought though it was reasoned by that he asked her out more than a year before we even met and they stayed friends
>>1526702he did not mean that girl by that, it was that i did not want to move in with him in the middle of nowhere where i would have no job. he promised a nice dreamy getaway, that i could focus on my art and visit my family on the weekends, and he wouldn't make me pay rent or anything. but i thought it's weird to live together without a proposal or marriage because i am afraid of being broke and disconnected once that relationship ends or when we want children but suddenly not enough money because i was "focusing on my art" aka unemployed in the eyes of society
>>1526764thanks anons. he tried being there for me during these times. he thought i should be watched when i had a very good day after months of depression (because i took a sick day from my shitty back braking and humiliating job for once when i was actually ill) he was scared i could do sudoku iykwim so he came down to spend an extra day to spend with me. i never attempted tbh and he knows but he thought my behaviour was erratic. i wanted to have children with him and marry him but also found that friendship of his annoying and he was kind of disrespectful to his own parents. he also had no concrete plan on when to have children, seemed uncomfortable discussing this after 2 years of dating, so i did not want to move in with him. well, another anecdotal statistic for lolcow about scrotes leaving us when we are depressed or when things get serious.
No. 1528765
>>1528761nonnie I'm in my 30s and still not married or with a kid, while it does make me sad somewhat, that doesn't stop me from enjoying anime ,cute fanart and laughing at retarded shipwars
don't let others dictate your hobbies or things you enjoy, you live for yourself, not for them
No. 1528807
>>1528803Not to defend it, but have you considered most autists find the idea of being a parent or being fertile whatsoever deeply disgusting and disturbing? I don't think that's why some autists troon out, but as an autistic person I think sterilization should be far easier to obtain
without trooning out, as long as it's done exclusively to adults who have been thoroughly explained to what that entails.
I feel like if that happened, and if people stopped respecting "nonbinary" whatsoever, the trooning rates, especially of autists, would plummet to a very small portion of the human population.
No. 1528841
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Meme tier picrel but oh lord how I hate this. I love the idea of cuddling and someone liking being next to me and taking up my space, but the moment someone tries to touch me I cringe and immediatly pull away and it's a russian roulette of reactions. I can go from simply saying "no thanks" to have a full anxiety attack and rarely, a panic one. I'd love to feel the warmth of another person next to me but the moment I feel it, my mind goes back to when as a child and a teen, adults pulled me closer to beat me up or do other bad things and I want to avoid that sensation at all costs. When I was a teen, I also used to be in toxic relationship where physical touch was only for the other person, not me and I had my boundaries constantly broken, for example I told people to not to touch me in certain areas and they thought I was doing it only for being self conscious and that didn't matter to them (for example, an ex of mine used to touch my breasts randomly and when I told him "no" he said "Well, I like them, you don't have to worry" and that quickly went down at using my body only for his own pleasure). I let this happen because I dissociated for years and now that with the help of my therapist I finally "know" what's wrong but I hate how my body still reacts to any sort of touch. I just want to watch a movie in bed with my boyfriend (which is very respectful and nice and it still weirds me out because I'm so used to being forced to do these things) without feeling uncomfortable after some time and stop hiding behind him or my friends when we meet someone new. I didn't give a hug to my friends in almost ten years and while they know that I don't like it (they don't know about the details), I would love to show something more to them. I know it's a long way but damn, it makes me suffer sometimes because I want, but my body just nopes the fuck out unconsciounsly.
No. 1528844
>>1528816>and she’s not really his typelmao from my experiences with men that means jack shit, they can hook up with the women they say are completely opposite to what they like
women always get shit for "they dont even know what they want" but it's the same with men
No. 1528852
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>>1527937>>1527955Sorry I'm late but thank you nonnas for your encouragement and advice. I actually did the salt water rise method for a while and didn't notice much of a difference but I will still try these other methods, thank you.
Also recently learned something the hard way: if anyone here's going to take as many pain meds as me nearly everyday
do not use the ones with caffeine in it or make sure there's a huge, like even more than what the label mentions, time gap if you use different kinds. That fucked me up so much my body automatically
puked and shit it out my system because my twitches turned into full on shakes, started getting shortness of breath, and became extremely lightheaded even tho I drank tons of water. But I'm alright now.
No. 1528874
>>1528777Anon, I feel you. Never saw a doctor about it but mentioned it once to my psychiatrist and he couldn't really say anything about it, only suggested taking antidepressants (which is totally legit btw). Before that, we thought I had either bipolar II or cyclothymia, but when I started using period tracker app and sort of keep a mood diary there, I noticed there was a distinct pattern. You can actually take SSRI in the second half of the cycle, there are kinds that you can just stop taking abruptly without any nasty consequences.
Sorry if you already researched and know these things but also: you may try taking chasteberry supplement (vitex, recommended for various female issues),
calcium supplements (it noticeably drops during luteal phase which causes most PMS symptoms, both physical and psychological), and also magnesium, omega-3 and vitamin D (which also fluctuates during the cycle). Vitam E if you have physical symptoms, especially if your boobs ache (it really helps!). Other general recommendations for improving mental (and physical) health are also suggested: longer walks, including leafy greens in your diet etc.
No. 1528898
>>1528816She's clearly on his mind a lot, and yeah, it doesn't matter that she's not his type. The same thing happened to me with my ex, he would get all indignant when I pointed out that he talked about his new coworker often and that I thought he was interested in her, and I didn't even accuse him. Just calmly brought it up because something clearly was off and I wanted him to admit it. Then he left me for her haha. And she's not his type at all. Something similar was with my next ex, I suspected he was interested in his friend more than, well, just as a friend, and even though he didn't date her or anything, after we broke up he did accidentally admit a few sus things about their communication that happened during and after our relationships. Surely people can be paranoid sometimes but your bf does act weird, don't gaslight yourself.
No. 1528920
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I turned 30 a couple months ago and I feel weird and uncomfortable about my place as a consoomer, if I’m being real. I always turned to books or other media as a form of escapism, but I don’t really feel like fiction media is for me and my age range nowadays. It’s not being marketed towards me, and it feels a little voyeuristic and immature to care about the whims of fictional teenagers. So I guess the first error was making an identity in the consumption of media to begin with, but it’s not like that’s a unique problem for a millennial to have. So now idk I guess I’ll just read engine repair manuals and other non-fiction to pass the time.
No. 1528936
>>1528920I don't think it's an issue of age anon, I'm a zoomer and find most media to be pretty shit/not to my taste. There are some movies, games books etc I have meager waning interest in, especially the themes and hypotheticals but often times they are ruined by coomer moid shit, or shrouded in moid male/colonizer worship and undertones. Overwritten female characters are also a source of annoyance from moids at to this that older female authors when writing women characters are written as so strong they're basically men and both moids and women writing stories that are just tone deaf to the real world and/or hackneyed, been done before dozens of times filled with cliches that provide nothing new of substance or character, that challenge nothing. I have no interest in "the classics" and moid shit am sick of reading. I've read enough to know the whole lot. I used to enjoy reading when I was younger but realization that most of it is shit peddled by pedofilic moids to other pedofilic moids, while women generally are conditioned to write terrible stories that internalize the shit in the world caused by moids.
Ive given up entirely and just write my own stories now. I'd recommend finding a hobby you can channel your own interests in and what you want to see in media effectively creating the works yourself rather than relying on the objectively voyeuristic and commonly pushed pedoshit in much of moid dominated media (not just YA fiction).
No. 1528942
>>1528925recently have started reading and collecting works by late 19th and early 20th century female writers, you should start with mary shelley and even essays by her mother(Mary Wollstonecraft), If your into more standard adventure and action then I'd recommended Marjorie Rawlings and Charlotte Perkins Gilman if your into early feminism Sci-Fi
I have books downloaded and set to order that I'm set for the next 20 years
No. 1528978
>>1528965I might be wrong, but I think it has something to do with KF gaining a reputation of "free speech" website. Well, and sites like this always attract all sorts of weirdos. Before they were contained in the autistic thunderdome, but now that shit spilled all over the website. And people think that KF is some sort of "nazi" website, so those members act accordingly.
I don't mind a Holocaust joke here and there, it's not so bad to be edgy. Hell, maybe you think Holocaust was a hoax. I don't really care. Just don't push this shit into every discussion.
No. 1528982
>>1528965I might be wrong, but I think it has something to do with KF gaining a reputation of "free speech" website. Well, and sites like this always attract all sorts of weirdos. Before they were contained in the autistic thunderdome, but now that shit spilled all over the website. And people think that KF is some sort of "nazi" website, so those member act accordingly.
I don't mind a Holocaust joke here and there, it's not to bad to be edgy. Hell, maybe you think Holocaust was a hoax. I don't really care. Just don't shower this shit into every discussion.
No. 1528983
>>1528965I might be wrong, but I think it has something to do with KF gaining a reputation of "free speech" website. Well, and sites like this always attract all sorts of weirdos. Before they were contained in the autistic thunderdome, but now that shit spilled all over the website. And people think that KF is some sort of "nazi" website, so those members act accordingly.
I don't mind a Holocaust joke here and there, it's not so bad to be edgy. Hell, maybe you think Holocaust was a hoax. I don't really care. Just don't push this shit into every discussion.
No. 1528985
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>>1528613Holy shit, I feel like this is exactly me of several years ago who could have written this. I met a girl my age online when I was about 12 who I continued a friendship with until I was about 16-17 and had been crazy for her the moment I met her. She ghosted me several times but I still couldn't let go and kept trying to talk to her, so I never thought I would but now I've gone several years without talking to her and never will again. It's cliche, but the only thing that helped me is time. It was the most powerful infatuation I've ever had with anyone (and that I probably ever will, but maybe that's a good thing since it wasn't healthy) so I know how good it feels in the moment but the only thing that will heal it is forcing yourself to be away from them. I hope that helps nona. xoxo
No. 1528992
>>1528965Reading Kiwifarms and seeing them bleed over here unironically made me a pearl clutching SJW boogeyman stereotype. I always thought that type was exaggerating the amount of racism, homophobia and misogyny in the world and playing down how common white supremacist and fascist thoughts are but over the years I've become more and more nihilistic regarding specifically white heterosexual men. At least the violent black men have the "excuse" of being raised in an ultra-macho environment without a dad exposed to racism and poverty since birth but these pampered little white boys have been coddled by their society and their families everywhere they go yet they still choose to use their privilege given to them at birth for whining about how minorities are out to get them, ultimately going on a school shooting spree because stacey didn't fuck him. If only their substitute internet daddy read their superchat they spent their entire allowance on.
>The only "based" takes I see are in troon threads and I know a lot of them men really don't care about women or our rights, they just hate troons.And eventually most of those "based tranny haters" will troon out themselves or become a chaser after exposed to enough internet poisoning. Never, ever trust a kiwifaggot to be "based".
No. 1528994
>>1528433gross. sick of scrotes having the highest self-esteem ever with their unwashed, crusty swamp ass, yellow calcified rotting teeth, prematurely malding heads, nose hairs curling out of their nostrils, greasy unbrushed hair, chapped and flaking lips, wart and grime covered hands, grown out cuticles, dirty fingernails, unibrows, orange earcanals, and young age dadbods. meanwhile we women easily hate ourselves daily for the smallest flaws in our appearance or think we are undateable freaks for having body hair.
No. 1529000
>>1528991I notice how whenever a black/asian person does something it's because their race, but when white cow number 23928267 rapes an animal, molests a child, fucks their mother, rapes a woman, commits a fucked up crime in Womanface, it's never about their race.
Also it's very clear that Josh knows he has nothing else but his site and skin color to be "proud" of. It's comically racist is what gets me, I don't even get offended as a black woman browsing the site for select cows. It just comes off fucking ridiculous like a parody.
I just know they are all ugly fat ass white men who probably don't even look people in the eye in public.
No. 1529032
long post i'm sorry but my friend has suddenly decided that after 20+ years of a relatively healthy relationship and 2-3 years of living peacefully with her parents, her mother is now 'abusive' because she keeps making rude comments about her weight. it wouldn't be that big of a deal if she didn't then unload all of this quote-unquote 'abuse' onto me, when she KNOWS full well my mother is horribly abusive, has been since i was an infant, and will be until the day she fucking dies. my friend also will not stop doing it to the point where it is triggering me on a near-daily basis and i am so. fucking. tired. i'm so tired of it.
yesterday was mothers day for britbongs, a day she knows is exhausting for me, and she decided to unload more of her mothers 'abuse' (telling her not to take a specific gym class) onto me. in turn, this triggered me to the point of tears because all i could think about was how she considered that abuse when i was told near-daily as a fucking little GIRL that i was a horrible, selfish waste of space (just like my father!) and how after hours upon hours upon hours of that until i was sobbing, i'd then have to get in bed and cuddle my mother to 'comfort' her. i couldn't stop thinking about how my dad let it slip that my mother still says it about me even though i've fucking moved out and give her next to no information about my life. like she fucking hates me. she really hates me! and she thinks being told to not take a gym class is 'abuse'. fuck.
i ignored her for the rest of the day because she genuinely ruined an already bad day, but i came back this morning and explained that she triggered me but i hoped she was okay and, yet again, as she always does, she's been ignoring me all fucking day because of it. i have dealt with shit i haven't ever dared tell anybody because i can't bear to speak the words aloud and she thinks her mother implying she's fat is on the same level. why the fuck does she have to tell ME? get a fucking diary. and it's the fact she KNOWS what i've been through. i'm just so fucking tired of it, god. she does it every fucking day and i don't know how to tell her to shut the fuck up because she's putting me into a state of having to constantly relive my fucking childhood bullshit trauma because she'll throw a fucking strop. fuck me dude
No. 1529055
>>1528796All men you see and match with are ugly? What age range do you go for? I'm 21 and I set it to 18-21 (aka college age so I'd match college students like myself) because old men repulse me, the men I see and match looked good imo. The main issue is they had bad careers, if one at all, and seemed to be severely mentally ill. I wouldn't meet or date any of those guys because of that.
Also the app "lookmatches" you so if you keep getting ugly men, you're ugly. The men that get liked less are shown to women who get liked less, there are like posts made by dating apps who admit to doing this which I think makes sense because the chances of ugly people matching one another is higher than a hot person matching with an uggo.
No. 1529065
>>1529032Honestly Nonna, your friend sounds like shit. She shouldn't be complaining about her mother everyday, especially if it's
triggering you. It sounds like she doesn't care about your feelings at all. I'd seriously consider going no or low contact with your friend. It sounds like she has issues of her own (and I don't mean the mommy issues).
No. 1529080
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>>1529027>>1529028Are you retarded? You really expect any of us to believe the moids on KF (which, funnily enough, you are defending now kek) don't also shit on non-white women?
>I don't shits on asian or hispanics with regards to violent crimeChop your cock off with a rusty knife, KF moid
No. 1529100
>>1529087>>1529089You're sweet
nonny I wish you all th best
>>1529088I hope things get better for you too
No. 1529102
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So I have a pretty physical job where it's hard to find people with similar interests to mine, like classic european cinema and literature or philosophy, I know it's nothing special, it's just the place I work at isn't full of people who know what I'm talking about, and to be honest I also usually don't know what they're talking about, and I don't have much of a practical knowledge either, so I gave up, I'm shitty at casual conversations anyway, I need a specific topic to talk about because I'm an autist. So today I met an eccentric guy who's like 50, I never talked to him personally or worked with him, but I heard his conversations with another guy at the canteen a couple of times, and he sounded very well read and interesting and weird but in a good way, he also speaks like 4 languages, besides our native one, including chinese. Today it just so happened that I was sent to another department because there was basically nothing to do in mine, which is rare, and he happened to be the one to show me what I had to do. At first we were both quite awkward and I started to think he's also a turbo autist like me. But then I randomly said something about an old movie and we both started sperging about movies and books and religion. It felt great because for the first time since I started working there, and that's almost 2 years, I met someone who knew what I was talking about. We gave each other some movie recommendations and he told me his facebook name and said I can send him something later if I wanted. Do you think there's anything risky about this situation? I really just want to have someone irl I can sperg with, plus he sounds like someone I can actually learn a lot from, and he didn't seem creepy or anything, I'm in my 20s and I've met some creepy older dudes here, he doesn't resemble them
No. 1529106
>>1528965i feel the same way about the h3h3 thread on kiwifarms. You go to look for the actual milk/drama but instead all you see is mostly retarded posts about ethan and hila being jewish. You'd think with the thread almost having 500 pages they would think that their ''haha ethan/hila are jews'' posts would get repetitive but no they are too retarded for that.
Alot of kiwifags destroy threads on their own site and make them unreadable because they tend to hyperfocus on the ethnicity and gender of whatever cow they are discussing.
No. 1529112
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So fucking mad at my moid roommate. He was raised in a conservative religious country in a family where boys are kings and learn to rely on women in the house for fucking everything. He barely knows me, barely says a word to me but bums all my cigs while I load and unload the dishwasher, vacuum and clean, take out the trash he continues to pile up, cook from scratch and even offer him some (he refuses and continues to get takeout everyday as he can't cook a basic meal). In his late fucking 30's. He's on the lease, I'm just here for a few months and the other female roommate is gone for a while so I can't say anything. This retard yells and cackles hysterically on the phone from 8 in the morning to midnight, never wears headphones, comes home at 1 when I'm sleeping with the volume on max, singing and turning on all the lights. I don't even have my own room (the living room is big enough that we put up several partitions, curtains and I get a proper bed but all light and sound pour in). He chimps out when I bring a friend up to the flat for a minute so they don't wait outside before we go out, but always brings his loud greasy moid friends without warning while I'm chilling in my PJs.
Then he started smoking in his room and this shit reeks from the hallway. Neighbours are snitching cunts who could get all of us evicted, so I asked absent roomie if I should tell him to take it outside or say nothing and keep melting wax & ventilating. She fucking phoned him and told him off before even texting me back and he's been passive aggressive for a week when I've been nothing but a maid and doormat for the past 2 months. I'm losing my fucking mind. I hate men and those who raise them. I never wanna share any living space with a moid ever again.
No. 1529163
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Girls, what is the chance we will ever have someone like him?? I'm rewatching his old stuff and im dying of envy/sadness. Very upsetting.
No. 1529224
nonny, give him all the hell he deserves.
No. 1529323
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it may not look it, but im not okay. im not okay with this
No. 1529378
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Bf likes to watch this rich douchecanoe youtuber buy then break expensive shit (guess who).
He was trying to sperg at me about why he likes this asshole. Apprently he criticizes how more value is tied to things than what they are actually worth by buying the stuff just to destroy it (in outrageous, marketable & viral ways only–of course!)
Okay, philosophically, everyone agrees that things aren't always priced at a reasonable value. It's why we hate things like inflation and scalpers.
However, buying something FROM SOMEONE SELLING THAT PRODUCT FOR THE PRICE THEY SOLD IT FOR is not a critique on the system! That is PARTICIPATION. Faggot isn't actually disrupting anything, he is buying for the price someone else had sold for. He is taking more objects out of the market–unless he somehow buys them all which wouldn't happen because people would just blacklist or ask for an insurmountable price–which only serves to increase the prices and raise the bar even higher for everyone else who may have held something sentimental to those 'valueless' objects (and how DARE they!)
And of course this obnoxious gaylord just pisses on his idiot fanbase and calls it rain: "TeEeEhEeE I RuInEd ShInY PopuLaR ObjEct i So SmuRt n MorAl dNt 4gEt 2 lIkE & SubScRibE!1!"
He's got no skin in the game anymore because his youtube bux pays for all the shit anyway.
Bet he won't burn all that sweet free money he's hoarded and bought nice "valueless" shit with. Fucking fagboy and my stupid fucking bf.
No. 1529487
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>buy luxury skin care
>must be good because $$$
>it’s better than drugstore tier stuff
>my skin will get better with these products
>skin doesn’t change at all
>buy Korean skin care stuff because no money anymore
>oh my god skin actually gets better a little bit
>want to buy all the Korean skin care products
>but broke af
>put yogurt on face
>skin never looked better
>mfw I could’ve made my apartment nice and cozy with all the money I spent on useless shit
No. 1529491
>>1529487put yogurt on your scalp, that shit fixed my dandruff issues/itchy scalp
I too put yogurt on my face and went through my korean products phase only to go back to my tried and trusted french products
No. 1529494
>>1529484what the hell were you doing when you were 16, just how bad can it be?
I was a wallflower and had 0 interest in boys
No. 1529495
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>>1529494I had no friends irl or online apart from this one person that lived across the planet and I suppose I liked him and things had gone downhill from there… it's stupid I know.
No. 1529497
>>1529495i understand you,loneliness can make us do stupid things
but if you sent him nudes and judging by what you said about him it's 99.9% likely he kept all your pics
>he's a footfagI want to beat him with a stick so badly lol
whatever you do don't stir any more drama with him, idiots like those do the worst when they're provoked. Or worse, they might do it for fun. I just hope it doesn't come to this.
if any young nonnas read this, never fucking ever give your real/full name to men you talk with online, I had my fair share of stalkers but since I gave out a fake name they were never able to track me down on social media or institutions (some tried to find my highschool/college, the internet is full of creeps)
No. 1529571
>>1529374It is so stupid. I'm never changing myself or frying my hair to fit in so no worries but jesus christ, admittedly it was a drunkpost but it's so insane to me how you're a weirdo now even in places that are only really for 'weirdos'. Luckily I have a few good friends, it's just the cliques that annoy me.
>>1529463The fuck? I'm so sorry that happened to you nonna, that sounds awful.
No. 1529600
>>1529510You’re an exception to the rule and most people will eventually develop problems with their wisdom teeth, that’s why it’s recommended to pull them out at 16-18 before the roots grow into your jaw. If you wait until they become
problematic (which they do in 9/10 people eventually) then the recovery is way worse because they have to break your jaw to wrench them out.
No. 1529604
>>1529600Samefag but I meant to mostly reply to
>>1529541 kek
No. 1529658
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A family member was in town over the weekend. I'd told him about this movie I really love, and so we decided to watch it on Saturday night. Well, he and my other family members had some drinks before, and so they were extremely annoying and talked over the film for 90% of it. At first my feelings were hurt, even though I knew it was because they were drunk. Then I realized it doesn't even matter. It wouldn't mean what it does to me to them. I always give my full attention when people want to show me something, drunk people are so frustrating when you are sober, lol. Sometimes even when you're drunk, too.
No. 1529671
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>i find comfort in streaming and making stuff for people who talk to me
>my pc fucking dies, cant do anything, even open blender
>the laptop i have doesnt let me do anything, even watch videos. Its just that old and broken
So much shit and worries are happening in my life, and of course today is the day when some random ass incel comes to my chat and starts trying to talk shit about me and call me a kid and then an adult that pretends to ne a kid!! Why? I am so tired, i just want to have fun, fuck you. I am minding my business, chatting with people and you come here, act like a fucking retard. I can't believe i am crying because some idiot decided to try trolling me. I am so mentally tired of everything right now and this shit is what broke me?! Goddamit.
No. 1529677
I hate scrote forums but there's only one big forum in my country and that's a scrote farm.
>>1529675Same, I came here in 2017 I think and even reading through old threads it was so different.
No. 1529690
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Woke up with a nosebleed, blood spattered all over my pillowcase and blanket. This is fine I guess.
No. 1529777
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>playing vidya with a moid online for a couple of years
>get along great over the mic and pretty much act as best friends
>assume he's a loser retard like me because he's online 24/7 playing with me
>develop crush
>we decide to exchange pics
>he's absolutely gorgeous and i'm a 4/10 awkward looking autist
needless to say it's been awkward ever since. he still wants to play together but it feels super awkward, at least from my side. how the fuck was i supposed to know that he was hot? i've never talked to a moid that hot in my life
No. 1529787
>>1529777just act normal and dont let your autismo get you
if he still acts like before it's all good
No. 1529793
>>1529787nonnie i'm trying so hard, but i'm embarrassed that i've disappointed him. sometimes we'd flirt on mic and now he knows all along he was flirting with an ugly haggard looking retard. i thought flirting was ok because i assumed he was in my league.
>>1529788he's shown me items from his bedroom and the selfie was taken in that same room, i fucking wish he was catfishing. i like his personality so much, i wish he was uglier. i wish i could make him gain 100 lbs or give him a huge honker or a weak jaw. at least one flaw, please god.
No. 1529801
>>1529800I need to add, it's not me being autistic or stupid, it has never been an empathetic
>oh when did he pass, was it a long time agoI'm talking 3 separate people asking for a date, like it was a horoscope or something, girl I don't have that luxury, shit's fucked up and not everyone's daddy dies in a hospital bed.
No. 1529881
>>1529873true, i'm waiting for the inevitable argument where he pulls the "i always thought you were ugly anyway" card
>>1529871maybe he finds me a little bit attractive but i'm still far below him. when he's playing video games with me on a Friday night he could've been out there fucking really cute women instead.
No. 1529901
>>1529852Are you over 30 years old? Because I have read that bone loss from extraction is more common then and it can affect your appearance this way.
I'm supposed to get one of my uppers extracted because it is impacted. But I keep putting it off because I'm terrified of bone loss and change in facial structure. I'm not sure if it even really needs to be taken out, because it is not moving, and my dentist recommended it to be taken out because the gum flap over the partially erupted tooth keeps getting inflamed and sore. But if I keep my dental hygiene very high, I don't think this is a huge issue, and anyway at worst it means being a little uncomfortable when I chew for a few days until the medicated mouthwash kicks in and it goes back to normal. IDK how to talk to my dentist about this though because I know dentists don't give a shit about facial aesthetics and are all about the functionality and health of the teeth themselves, plus I think I'll sound neurotic (I am) if I go on about bone loss and orthotropic shit which I know mainstream dentists hate. At the same time I read that if they 100% have to be taken out, the sooner the better. But I'm in my 30s so I might already be past that point.
Sorry for sperg No. 1529903
>>1529708Actually tho. I had the unfortunate events of meeting a group of moids who all simped for horrible and hideous morbidly obese alt girls who are crazy and actually they're some supernatural beings
sometimes underaged too. I couldn't figure out why all of them had the same very specific preference until I found out the "leader" of the group had these preferences and all of them just followed. I thought it couldn't get more pathetic until I found out they thought I was old and used (I was literally a virgin) because I'm old enough to drink. They also go to hooters to complain about how all the waitresses have small breasts because they expect all skinny or healthy women to have the same sized breasts of the landwhales they bang
No. 1529921
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I hate tryin to do some basic ass task and my anxiety (maybe a panic disorder?) kick the fuck in and just kick my ass. I mean, I still got the tings I needed to do today, but I just feel anxious the entire time I'm doing anything, like I'm going to throw up.
I know this is just a shitty meme but I literally will feel like picrel. Like I'll just be trying to do something like driving, cooking, searching for a job, contact someone and boom, shitty anxiety attack. The only thing I can't fuck up is laying on the floor under a blanket, but even then I'll still feel anxious. Why the hell was I born this way? What am I even anxious for? Even if these things could kill me, why care if it kills me if I'm going to be anxious all the time. Not suicide baiting at all, just trying to vocalize how stupid it is to be scared of everything when what's the worst that could happen? It's not like I'll literally die from making a phone call, and yet I feel like my body is telling me I will. So what body, you stupid piece of shit?? Kill me then, you coward. Give me a heart attack. I'm sick of being anxious of everything.
No. 1529968
>>1529954I don't know why your brother said you shouldn't call. Even if it didn't help this time, it might help a potential domestic abuse
victim in the future, because it creates a paper trail of evidence. I'm proud of you nonna. Too many people are bystanders. It's better to be safe than sorry.
No. 1529970
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The Korean and Japanese music industry is very deranged. There’s this new girl group coming out and they are all born after 2005 and they are dressed like this. They are from a popular record label too.
No. 1529979
>>1529954Calling is the right thing. Even if nothing comes of it, the woman knows someone cared about her in that moment. And for things like this where you have anxiety that you technically "did the right thing" but there is some hypothetical chance that it could have caused a bad outcome -that is 100% not your fault in any way and is completely the fault and actions of the
abusive person, don't feel any guilt for that. You did the right thing.
No. 1530070
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i noticed more and more homosexual graffiti on my uni's stalls which has me wondering where all these women are. a few months ago i thought maybe it was a joke or they were writing it post breakup with a guy or something but different handwritings are piling up with lesbian confessions. like where are all of you? i'm so lonely. ultimately i am grateful for this girl from my class who is the only person who has noticed my existence and more than that, is seriously nice to me ( she bought me snacks once ) unfortunately she's really religiously conservative. nothing against her or her beliefs considering our country i just don't think i'm the person for her to be friends with. she needs a better suited person and me being a 'mo is obviously not it. she has actually expressed disdain and hatred for gay people but idk if she meant women too but rationally thinking she obviously most likely means every homo i went to private school formerly but it was really small so i was pretty much the only known "lesbo" despite never having come out, only to like four girls that i was friends with separately during different times of my life, none of them were shocked or had any type of reaction but tbf i never did it formally just sprinkled the information indirectly confirming the rumors casually into conversations. the worst experience with a friend is probably in middle school when i had a fujo friend that went on a big rant on how lesbians are disgusting and irrational ( because you can't insert anything and vaginas are gross inb4 anyone starts with me we were kids but she was also kind of religiously conservative at her core in real situations, she said she wouldn't actually support gay moidery irl which might be based to some of you. and no i don't hate fujoshis ) and i was so shocked but i still kept feeding her fujoisms anyway kek i couldn't let her know and especially not when people were already ostracizing and bullying me over a rumor that was actually true. plus i live in a muslim third world country albeit one of the most liberal so i couldn't let it out.
i wish so bad that if these girls writing there were really homosexuals that we can be friends in the future, or at least acquaintances. but it's probably never going to happen because my uni is public and therefore gigantic, there's a very slim chance. i was thinking of making some account and dropping the handle there to communicate but i'm afraid of being tracked down or something, and i can't promise i'll even respond as i'm horribly shy so i can't expect that in return. ughhhh i am so lonely and embarrassing… and curious.
another thing is ever since i enrolled here for the first time in my life i've felt hormonal in such a way that makes me desire a relationship (and more) without having a direct crush, and i've only had one of those because my self esteem was so low i never pursued or expected my feeling to be requited by anybody so i was just an admirer than somebody with a crush. this desire is so strong that it feels almost debiliating and uncomfortable but it's not like i'm being perverted, i guess i'm just not used to it. like obviously i've been horny multiple times i know what i like but i was previously on meds so i was inhibited and subdued and like i said about my self esteem didn't allow me to have those thoughts, plus i felt like i was being a stereotype predator so i repressed a lot i've never had one before and all i can think about is how nice it would be if i did and what i would do if i did have one, ALL the time. like i'm thirteen years old. i have no idea what made me subconsciously free myself and if uni has anything to do with it but this needs to end or i'll end up outing myself and having my life actually be over as i would be in serious danger.
No. 1530093
>>1530065ok. I'm basing feedback off specific personal experience so totally might not work for you. how long did living alone last / what happened to end it?
what I'm thinking of that could work is just accepting that you're crazy about food. then, if you're alone and have to support yourself the basic needs of life will keep you putting one foot in front of the other, so to speak, and you can simply live your food-hating life without feeling bad about relying on your mom etc. unless you're mentally disabled and not actually functional.
No. 1530101
>>1530049It's delusional to think someone who weighs
38kgs should move out on their own away from family support while they have little professional help either.
No. 1530282
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I hate a girl from my class so fucking much. She is fucking retarded. She hangs out in the same group as I do and we often do group assignments together bc we are the only ppl who talk to her. She's really bad at school, constantly asks ppl to do stuff for her, does her part in group projects after the deadline. She has harassed other girls in our class she had a crush on, including me. She always has food stuck on the sides of her mouth when she eats.
No. 1530307
>>1530306Not saying all problems will go away, but I've had temporary gum infections that went away on their own after like 3 days that made me think something was wrong with the teeth around the area. Of course actually having problems is the only
valid reason to take them out
No. 1530387
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Not super serious, I’m just dejected about trying new foods and not liking them. I was really excited about trying a butter chicken sauce but I didn’t like it at all, I wanted to try tikka masala next but what’s the point when I probably won’t like that either. I hate being a picky eater but how tf do I fix that?
No. 1530407
>>1530387Might sound retarded but try tricking yourself into assuming that you will like it before you even try it
Just hype yourself up and think "this looks/smells delicious". I'm not as picky as you but i have problems trying new food too. Another tip is try making it at home instead of eating out, especially something like butter chicken. Just make it with a jar of sauce and follow the recipe, tbh it will probably be more palatable for you that way. Butter chicken is something even chicken tendies ipad kids can stomach so it might be worth trying again nonna