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No. 1515170
groke edition
>>>/ot/1506737 No. 1515176
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groke bebe
No. 1515180
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>>1515170my father would hyperfocus on what he was reading or browsing, and so would my mother. growing up like this, getting randomly ignored hurt me and normalized this behaviour for myself. yet when i gave into this autismo experience they would get mad at me and call it rude. when i asked them why is it only rude when i do it and not when they, the answer was either straight up denial, or that because i am the child. i wish i was not brought up spergways as it hindered my social development so hard. people out there get offended when you randomly start ignoring them for a stupid mobile game or to pick up a spider to play with.
No. 1515203
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why is it okay for everyone around me to be fucking reckless all the time but the second i show any emotion other than happiness or passivity im some sort of emotional time bomb. why cant i be the sad one for once, why cant someone comfort me for once.
No. 1515210
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My ex was spotted out with a girl two weeks ago but same time his gay roommates boyfriend flew in for his birthday and his whole family was there including gay roommates sister who matched the vague description of this girl and she has boyfriend and occam’s razer says this is the obvious answer but I’m still freaking out and spiraling about how he has a new girlfriend even though he pulled the old ‘I need to be alone’ schtick with me
No. 1515212
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>>1515170I had a whole-ass mental breakdown last night and feel dumb about it. I wish I didn’t overshare and constantly relive trauma nonnies
No. 1515244
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WHY do i repel my fave type of person… FUCK ME. i have too much anxiety to express myself freely. but i want you so bad and want to prove to you that i am capable and strong and have stood up for what is right. i am not a wuss. but you probably think i am, and boring, and mean. I DON'T KNOW! i don't know what you think with your party friends, artsy crew, beautifully adorned and dressed, cool room, enchanting travel location and musical hippie friends you amazing creature. i want to make arts with you, meet with your friends and bf, hang out in the parks and venues and just simply have a chat and a laugh but i am too awkward i guess. perhaps i can hide my anxiety by becoming an alcoholic…
No. 1515248
>>1515203I love you
nonny, sorry you are sad. All things come to pass, feel what you need to feel and be compassionate toward yourself. You are doing good at being a human, emotions are a blessing.
No. 1515294
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I have been crying off and on again today. I just want a break goddammit. Please brain leave me alone. Stop overthinking things. Please for the love of god let me sleep.
No. 1515319
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I swear to God, the way my 30yo sister tries to skinwalk me is just so creepy, it creeps me so much that i can't even write a lot about it without making my skin crawl.
I don't hold grudges, if she needs help or inspiration i would lend a hand but no, she goes on full weirdo with no self awareness.
I don't even know how to react anymore, talking doesn't work, blocking her from any social i own was the only thing i could do but i still have to see her and do small talk and it's always just so creepy please just stop, i hate this so much.
No. 1515324
>>1515319I'm sorry
nonnie, but skinwalking is such a weird phenomenon. Is she copying your appearance or also mannerism? Is she looking up to you?
No. 1515343
>>1515324Nona! I'm not special but i always had a hard time relating to other people because my taste is not really popular, my sister would try to break my privacy to sneak into my things just to bully me for it but now it's just creepy.
When i added her on Discord she stalked the socials i linked and copied any of my interests without even being into them, it was bizarre at first but now it's not even funny anymore.
I hate it because she is some sort of (online) e-girl and i don't like how she uses my way of things at the same time, even if she did some weird stuff IRL as well.
She can't copy my IRL style because she looks very different and i'm more of a "fashion over comfort" person, but she fell into this "FFXIV Twitter OC" circle and she made this 3D character based on me (not joking, she said so herself) and …i don't know, it's like watching a weird person writing fanfics about you, it's not the worst but it makes you wish they would stop?
I really wish i could say that she's doing that because she likes me but that's not what is happening at all, i know i will sound mean for it but the fact that she is older enough than me makes me feel worse about this, when i actually need her help she never tries to be by my side, all she does is trying to drag my identity and turn it into some sort of "aesthetic" ugh…
I always try to encourage her to find her own interests tho, wish it could work.
No. 1515361
>>1515344That's actually cute.
>>1515359It's all good, i actually had to go through those checks when i was a kid but it turned out that i don't have autism even if it seems kinda funny to me sometimes.
No. 1515367
>>1515360I think that when she said that se always liked different things and had difficulties relating to others because of that it made me remember the experience of autistic people, also her sister skinwalk her makes it clear that she's a person that strikes people as unique and that's something that i relate to autistic people.
>>1515361That's interesting! I think you are the reference of uniqueness that she haves and maybe she wants to be unique like you? You sister is very strange, definitely.
No. 1515377
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It's Sunday, I got woken up at 4 am by a neighbour, after that, at 5 am the dog of the neighbour barked so I couldn't get back to sleep and since 9 am the woman next to me is screaming in her phone with her loud high pitched voice while slamming every door in her flat. Besides all that there is a constant low frequency humming noise everywhere in this flat and I haven't had a proper night rest in months. I know, I have to move, but I'm poor and no one will let me rent a flat. Guess I will leave this country and find a nice house in the woods somewhere else, I'm tired, just so tired and if it would be legal, I would kill my neighbours, no on would miss that pedo scrote or that hysterical Erdogan loving woman.
No. 1515378
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I found a thread about the girl in pic rel. She obsesses over this random old bus driver moid. And I'm the same fucking way. Weird sperg who never got male attention so I latch onto older men I can obsess over. My current one is a mid 50s loser dude, and I love how calm and comfortable he is. With me being in my late 20s he doesn't even notice that I'm not the prettiest, his male brain is just going awooga because I'm the youngest and skinniest he can get. He just invited me to move in with him for free and his house is nice.
No moid my age would be as nice to me as these old guys are, because I'm not special to them. I'm competing with every other young woman. But with the old scrotes, I'm only competing with 54 year old Patricias, so of course I'll win. I don't get "good morning babe" texts, I literally get those boomer pics with a picture of a teddy bear holding a glittery heart going "good morning sunshine" or something. I just don't care anymore this is the only way I can get a man who puts in effort and who wouldn't scoff at the thought of paying for my lunch. I feel like being unwanted by men for so long is literally turning me into a prostitute. The last scrote I was involved with, early 60s, started hinting at a FWB relationship where he pays me. AKA hoeing.
No. 1515379
>>1515367Thank you for your words
nonnie, she did admit to me that she feels like she doesn't have a personality and that she's boring once but that's not an excuse for copying everything about me and throwing anything else away, i could tell her i watched Spongebob the other night and the next day she would have a Spongebob icon while not even knowing Squidward exists, it's just weird.
No. 1515395
>>1515391Samefag as
>>1515394 but
nonny young men just act weird and meh, normal young dudes are rarely effusive creatures, a lot of the effusive ones are actually the worst scrotes of all. You’re only gonna get those fake ass lovey dovey responses from men who wish they could be fucking a little girl and are happy to pretend you’re one. Men aren’t naturally effusive and honestly when they’re too effusive and there’s a significant age gap it’s one of the biggest red flags out there.
No. 1515398
>>1515389miss ugly is going to have the mental breakdown of her life when she reaches her 30's and is viewed as a old Patricia (this is what she calls old women so those are her words not mine) because all moids universally view women over 30+ as old including the boomers she is going after.
Also those men are dating her because they don't have the access to the women they actually want (18-23), she will soon be one of those desperate women in those 30's who date 50 year olds who spend their time on the internet complaining how they have to date 30 year olds and how much they wished they could date a 20 year old and had the resources for it.
A tale as old as time, for some reason i got reminded of shoeonhead.
No. 1515408
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Is it wrong to continuously have sexual fantasies about a man who doesn’t like you
No. 1515412
>>1515405NTA but normal men who date women their age or even older women when they can date younger women probably don't prefer teens but in your case, a 60 year old man fucking you just because you're 25 means he only wants you because you're young and he's more likely to be a teen chaser creep.
Not all men are pedos or teen chasers and thinking they're all pedos so you can make yourself feel better about catering to old pedos is retarded. You're just as disgusting as those old men.
No. 1515416
>>1515404ugly-chan also doesn't realize that the men she is fucking are the throwaway men who those Patricia's have divorced or dumped.
She cant even get the ACTUAL rich or famous old men (because then she would also have to compete) so she settles for sucking the dick of old, ugly middle class boomers while calling old women Patricia's to cope with the fact that she soon will be turning 30 kek.
No. 1515420
Last night I started doing dishes at 11pm. It was one of those days where I had cleaned the kitchen that morning but it was disgusting again by night, you know. I went downstairs to prepare a midnight snack for bf & I, but I got distracted trying to clean. I knew it was gonna be on me to clean anyway the next day and I was tired of looking at the state.
We had dropped some shrooms and I had a bit of energy, so I thought why not clean up if it so fancies me? I was being responsible, productive, and making sure I had one less chore to do today. Plus…I didn't want to attract bugs.
Bf popped his head down the stairwell a few times acting agitated that I was cleaning and kept telling me to just do it tomorrow. I got the impression he felt shame because he knew I was cleaning by myself but he couldn't reconcile his guilt cause he knew he didn't want to help, not that I asked him to.
I was almost finished. The kitchen looked so much better. I was hesitant to go back upstairs cause I knew bf was pissy so maybe unconsciously at that point I did want to avoid him. Then bf stormed down the stairs and started splitting at me. He was furious at me cause apparently me doing dishes was my way of avoiding him upstairs and he had been waiting an hour for me to finish which made me inconsiderate and selfish. Bear in mind we spend all day, everyday, hanging out and doing shit together as it is.
I asked him why if he was feeling lonely, he didn't come watch tv or hang out downstairs while I cleaned?
He threw an even bigger tantrum cause me suggesting he join me downstairs or self-soothing by occupying himself (not to help me clean–but just to be around me if he felt abandoned) was me trying to "bend him to my will." He wanted me to watch him play a video game and was apparently really upset that I did not come back upstairs to do that.
It turned into a fight because he cannot accept that the way he thinks is unhinged. He projects his own selfishness and guilty feelings onto me as if I am a bad faith actor. Like why the fuck are you yelling at your woman cleaning your dishes and prepping your snack because she didn't watch your manbaby game? I like video games but I don't care that much so he could have started it and I wouldn't have given a fuck. I didn't yell or raise my voice back and yet he was yelling at me and acting so ridiculous. I really got him angry when I pointed out that he was upstairs sitting relaxed while I was downstairs doing shit so it made zero sense to be so mad at me–"NO ANON, I WAS STARING AT MY SCREEN WAITING FOR YOU FOR AN HOUR I WAS NOT RELAXED!" Then it cumulates to him threatening to kill himself, end the relationship, and me comforting him crying cause he just tries so hard for me but I always just want to do what I want. He brings up that he's ill and tired–ok bf, so that means you shouldn't be staying up so late to play a video game anyway and we should go to bed and you should definitely call your therapist/doctor like I have begging for weeks–NO, NOT LIKE THAT, I JUST GOTTA DO WHAT HE WANTS TO MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER!!!
After his fit was over, he tried to retcon his problem with me cleaning saying that it isn't "healthy" for me to clean at night cause I was high on shrooms and that I needed to drink water…
I. was. fine. there. was. nothing. wrong. with. me.
I think he has undiagnosed BPD, I love him but he acts worse than a teenager.
No. 1515421
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Gave my number to someone for the first time in my life, no texts as of yet. I don't have high hopes, but I'm getting pissed. I really put myself out there to no avail. Nobody has ever loved me. The only person to ever crush on me was a fat kid in first grade, and again in high school when a weird kid apparently loved me, but only texted that to a girl after he left. I didn't like him, and knowing that he loved me during gym class when we went rock climbing means he probably stared up at my pussy. Also I was in a really bad place and was holding in my tears and I think he saw that.
Anyway why can't this boy fall in love with me? Do I need to start stifling tears in front of him or something? What makes a male fall in love with a girl? I will strangle him. No I won't. Yes I will.
No. 1515423
>>1515378the uggo woman in the pic looks middle-aged and im guessing you are a prematurely aged uggo too.
Also i know you are baiting but its kinda funny that your talking about not having to compete with old women yet in the picrelated its literally a woman begging a man (who probably doesnt even know about her existence) to leave his wife for her….that looks like competing to me…well failed competing.
No. 1515424
>>1515378I understand how some anons can be very decisive about things but i think they're being a bit too rough on you.
I myself find age gaps repelling and particularly hate old moids but i see that you're struggling with how you feel about your situation.
First of all, i think you need to have some good hold of yourself and not crave "male" attention or presence so much, i understand that you didn't get enough before but your happiness is not given only by the hands of a guy.
I will not deny that it's pretty obvious that old men don't want to date people like you for genuine romantic feelings and i will not deny that this happens with men around your age as well minus the extra effort but not every guy acts the same, maybe try to look into different environments.
I'm not saying that you should turn lesbian or something, but you definitely need to calibrate a bit the way you perceive your own happiness and romantic feelings.
No. 1515433
>>1515422Nta but I'm the first anon that replied to you and I'm 21 myself. You're disgustingly old to be acting like getting used by old men is something to share without a shame while calling other women old Patricias.
You're almost 30 yourself and it's obvious you're trying to cope with the fact that soon, no one will even want to use you because you have a shitty personality and a collection of mental illnesses that means any normal person will know to stay away from you.
No. 1515440
>>1515378I don't see what's the special effort about a sparkle glitter bear text or being asked to become a live-in roommate? Imo not worth the mediocre old dick or the embarassing judgement from strangers.
I know men 30 and below are losers and don't care as much anon but at least make sure there's more in it for you cause it sounds like the barest of minimums.
No. 1515444
>>1515424Thank you
nonnie for not yelling at me. The irony is I'm disgusted by age gaps too. I've seen age gap documentaries and feel so angry with these old men and I SEE how a lot of the women they choose are losers or vulnerable like me. Like one I saw she clearly had autism and needed a parental figure. Once in a while I feel extreme disgust and distance myself from the old guy and hate myself for being so desperate. This feels like a mistake I have to live through to learn from and I look forward to my 30s or 40s when I can finally think what the fuck have I done and move on with life in solitude.
>>1515430I'm not saying being an older woman is bad I didn't mean it in a negative way. I meant that these old guys I'm with can't get the pretty confident older women, they can only get the frumpy chubby ones.
Anyway I'm out of this thread I was just trying to admit something I'm embarrassed by and bothers me so much. It started in my teens when boys at school would just make fun of me so I'd go online and these groomers would call me pretty. Now I'm back to it again because clearly I didn't learn. Again I know my situation is retarded but the truth is I just really want to be shown affection like anyone else and again I have autism so I have no idea how to go on about it.
No. 1515446
>>1515436based fellow natsuo kirino fan. grotesque?
Out has probs some of my favourite ever female characters, we need more unhinged women in fiction.
No. 1515447
>>1515408Honestly i'm with you nona, but I can't tell it to anyone.
I think mine comes from the fact that I always had too many boring moids being fake and flirty with me so the idea of finding an attractive one that only wants to consume our flesh and nothing else is comforting.
No. 1515448
>>1515433this whole situation reminds me of this ugly 35 year old woman i met online who was clinging on to her youth so bad and was defending age-gaps between old men-young women. Me and other people in that online group were discussing the bad things when it comes to age-gap relationships and she got so mad and butthurt and started calling all of us old bitches as a insult and then left. Then when i looked at her profile and she was extremely hideous and older than all of us (we were all teenagers meanwhile she was 35 and bragging about how young she is and complained about old women).
>>1515444You dont have to backpedal we all know what you meant when you said you don't have to compete with ''50 year old patricia's''. Also who is to say you are not frumpy too.
No. 1515451
>>1515445That you have a secret obsessed friend that thinks you are cool and that we are connected transcendentally by our essences. You may as well be a insect woman.
>>1515446Oh, Natsuo Kirino is almost like a mother to me. I'm obsessed to her to a level of feeling like crying with happiness when i see videos of her, Grotesque is very good, but i love how disgusting and unhinged the whole narrative of Out is, i'm also obsessed with Masako so i love Out, i think that the "plot twists" Natsuo does are wonderful, but in Grotesque they don't have the goreish disgusting nature that Out haves, with rape, death, dismemberment, all those things. Have you read The goddess chronicle? It made me own my painful essence as a woman (and an insect woman, of course).
No. 1515454
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so my relationship with sex is… a fucking mess. i was sexually abused as a child and again as a teenager. my experience with consensual sex is extremely limited. i only started being sexually active recently and even then im not /having sex/ in the traditional sense. i know i have no one to blame but myself for this but i put on this persona of being super sexual and open but when i get into a situation where i’m actually about to have sex i get scared. i’ve had this persona since i was a teenager. i mean, i like the idea of sex but i don’t like the act itself. i like fantasizing about sex but i don’t like actually having sex. it’s not my partner’s fault as i act as if i like everything happening but i can’t help but feel so lonely and sad when my cries and pushing away is taken as me liking it rather then wanting everything to stop. i want the sweet kind of love, i don’t want to be choked and slapped anymore. but that idea seems so foreign.
No. 1515464
>>1515456I'm not trying to scare you, i'm just saying that i find you very fascinanting, at least. Well, if you want help in such thing, i would tell you that you can just go and talk to the boy, instead of getting crazy because YOU can't talk to him and he may not talk to you. But uhm, i do think that you should stop obsessing over him and start focusing in a hobbie. If he doesn't like you enough, it's only going to hurt you even if you get into a relationship… but still, you have an admirer (me), and you should be happy! Nobody has ever loved you but i do love you, in a platonic way!
Are you happy? Can i have your email?
No. 1515466
>>1515451>insect womannona I am fascinated, how do I know if I am an insect woman? my patronus is a praying mantis if that helps
also re: natsuo omg I fucking love her so much too!!!!!! I haven't read it but I'm gonna track it down asap. do you also enjoy Yoko Ogawa? her writing gives me a similar feeling. also Sayaka Murata is a goddess. each book gets more PALPABLE, you can almost taste the atmosphere. Life Ceremony is pure genius, especially the short story about the sentient curtain.
I could bookfag all day about japanese literature eeeeeee I love you based kirino-chan
No. 1515467
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>>1515464I tried talking to him, I think he's autistic and I have hobbies, go get hit by a train you weirdo
No. 1515475
>>1515290thank you! it stopped about two hours ago, I ate a vegemite sanga and my mouth hurts but way better! thank you for your advice. how has your day been?
I have recurring sinus problems so I'll definitely use your trick. miserable day but venting with you guys is so cathartic, thank you for listening (and you nona for replying)
I hope you all have a great day/night, genuinely. love you guys, I'm fucken so gay for lolcow
No. 1515477
>>1515466Nonna, i could write for hours about being an insect woman! Do you want to know? Can i have your email? I'm always so afraid of people who don't like Natsuo enough talking about her things, but you seem like someone who's genuine! It may seem like i'm a strange lady but i'm very cool and chill. I… swear.
Please, read it! I don't know any other authors because i'm afraid i'm going to find something not so good as Natsuo or the books don't have women as main characters (i'm only reading books with women as main characters now), but i do know Yoko makes thrillers and mysteries too! I had never seen Sayaka, though. Have you ever read anything by Kanae Minato? She's also genius, i even read something from her that was not a thriller and it was so beautiful, touching and revolting. Kanae Minato is not an insect woman, different from Natsuo Kirino. I love you too, japanese bookfag nonna!!!!
>>1515467Well, we are still connected, though, so keep being angry! You are what you are and i still admire you. I would love to be hit by a train, by the way! But not now, now i have to take care of the person i love. You should be happy, as i said before.
No. 1515479
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when will my brain develop into whatever shape all normal people's brains have and i become depression free i feel like im too old to be suffering from couldnt get up from bed because i was too busy feeling miserable
No. 1515493
>>1515477you 100% can have my throwaway but like how lmao
should I post and delete? I trust most nonas but I know moids and troons lurk and post
we gotta keep japlitfagging I feel you girl, insect women has me absolutely interested. how are we insect women and how can we rise to insect level?
praying mantis are most based animal ever, the female urge in insect form
No. 1515506
>>1515502>>1515499got you girl, spam me with all the insect lore. my dream job was entomologist before I wanted to be a mortician so I think we will be fast friends
love you already insect lady, it's 3am here so I might not reply for a bit but ILY! send me whatever strikes your fancy I'm excited to read what you have to say konchū-chan! have a beautiful day
No. 1515528
>>1515519double shower all day if it makes you feel better nona.
if it's any consolation (I keep meaning to fucking vent about this holy shit) when I moved back into my mum's her dementia-ridden dog pisses on EVERYTHING and shits EVERYWHERE and she gets home and says WHO DID THIS and screams in his old tiny face and I stg if she had've traiined that poor beautiful puppy or he had've been owned by anyone else he would have a great life. she feeds him shit food, 0 training, leaves him in a house next to a dog park and never walks him. his back leg is fucked and he can't jump anymore, his teeth are rotting out of his head and his nails are painfully long and theres nothing I can do. too poor to help, can't get him to sit still to trim his nails or brush his teeth. everything I try the next day he does it again. it's exhausting and miserable and I can see why I turned out like I did. this little pure soul is suffering from literal neglect and when you try and tell her she gets SO defensive. I almost feel like begging my brother to take him, he lives 6 hours away and has big dogs but he would be better off with them.
sorry for the rant nona I feel you. my nigel's cat is so traumatised by his sister (who originally got her) that when his retarded roommate berks out she leaves and doesn't come back for a whole day. some people don't deserve pets (not a dig at you, just the situation)
I hope you can get her feeling better and doing less bullshit, nobody deserves to wake up to that. the amount of piss-soaked shoes and socks I've thrown out and just gotten back in the shower about are myriad, you aren't alone.
I hope your day gets better. it will, I promise. manifesting that shit for you rn like the cringelord I am.
No. 1515545
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i'm so tired. i've been taking classes for two years now and barely passing them, just procrastinating everything until the last second and then going on adderall binges pulling allnighters to finish everything in the last 72 hours or so. i do this every single time. and i'm here in this situation again with two upcoming exams next week as well as two big papers i haven't even started yet due next sunday when the courses end. and i just can't do it anymore. i just can't study, i can't concentrate, i'm so tired and these subjects are honestly hard to understand in a way the previous ones haven't been. i know i only have myself to blame, i don't know how i ended up here yet again because EVERY TIME i finish my courses i go "oh thank god, i'm never putting myself through that shit again, i'm gonna study effectively now and not procrastinate this time". and then i do it all over again. and now i feel like i'm really at my limit, like idk if i'm actually going to make it this time. i just feel like i'm completely out of whatever juice enabled me to do this all the previous times. fuck
No. 1515560
>>1515548You really need to talk about financial expectations before you move in together. Before we moved in together, my now-husband and I sat down together an disclosed all of our bills and income. We devised a budget that feels fair to both of us. He makes a lot more than I do. He pays for rent, internet, and utilities, his own insurance and phone bill, and has our only car. I pay for groceries, my own insurance, my own phone, both of our toiletries, and gifts for holidays an birthdays for friends and family. We both set money aside in savings, and we both have a home furnishings budget that we spend on things for the household. We also each have money of our own to spend on things we want personally. He has more than I do, but it feels proportionate. This has worked for us, but it's not the only way to do it. A lot of couples put money into a shared account and use that for all shared expenses. What's important is that you both feel like you have a fair split that you can live with. You should both have roughly the same percent of your income left over at the end of each month.
No. 1515621
>>1515618stop living in delusional land. You and all the other fds ''baddies'' have never been around actual rich people and its shows. This is actually very normal behavior for rich people. They are every stingy when it comes to others and barely spend on others even if its a partner.
Even waiters talk about how their rich customers always leave them very low tips.
No. 1515629
>>1515623well too bad, she should find a sugar daddy then if she wants someone to pay her for the sole purpose of dating them.
>>1515626>I’ve dated rich guysim sure you have….lol.
No. 1515632
>>1515629You’re a scrote or a woman who lets men play with her which is why you’re
triggered by this conversation
No. 1515636
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I wish the scrote in ot would just fuck off to wash his foreskin or whatever, also debating on weather I should go do late night grocery shopping as there's gonna be busy days and a possible public transport strike coming up but I don't feel like going out to the cold, 1st world problems truly.
No. 1515641
>>1515637there was a anon in a different thread that got jumped at by all the anons because she said her man pays for her lifestyle, rent and everything else. Anons proceeded to attack her and claim that her partner will leave her one day and that this was against feminism bla bla bla.
But you accused me of being the scrote for saying if she wanted a partner who gives her money she would be a sugar baby and the original poster didn't even say she wants him to provide for her so i dont know why anons turned this into a 50/50.
What is she supposed to do? Be a mistress for a old rich scrote, because in the year 2023 only old scrotes are desperate enough to pay, then you are the same type of people who would also attack her for relying on a man for money.
No. 1515662
>>1515641To be fair, anons here have and are allowed to have different opinions. That said I do think there's a difference between going 50/50 when your partner earns more than twice your income and having your entire lifestyle funded by a partner without securing a backup (plan) in case that money falls away. Not sure if that was the case with the anon you mentioned. Imo if an anon has a man who can fund her expensive lifestyle but still has a means to make a comfortable living, even if that means of sobering her lifestyle and expenses, in case it doesn't work out then she should definitely do that. Key is not being reliant on an outside source to put food on the table and have shelter if you can, you don't have to avoid making use of any coin that doesn't directly come from your own wallet.
I swear nuance is often lost around here.
No. 1515689
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I faced childhood neglect in favour of a disabled boy, but now it's disabled men that are coddled. My creativity and talents were overlooked due to a boy's disruptive attitude. But now they're men and women have to coddle men. I can't forgive them! I'm done with moids, and their stupid image boards. Fuck them.
No. 1515711
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Lmao hope bf enjoys his evening alone because he wanted to get super defensive and salty over me thinking his precious edgelord Corpse Husband is an attention whore like ALL gaming streamers who avatarfag are.
Maybe don't force me to watch cloutchaser videos trying to paint him sympathetically and get offended when I have a different opinion about it?
Imagine calling your girlfriend who takes care of your ass a "negative" person because she dissed your parasocial relationship with an emo munchie fatty bomblatty who doesn't even gaf that you exist!!!
Aren't I such a bad person for thinking internet personalities should have a thicker skin? According to my bf, that means I condone slander and doxxing.
No. 1515713
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I've realized my mother is just too mentally ill to sustain a relationship with. I wanted to believe I can just be low-contact, not no-contact, but now when I go stay at her place I see she has actually gotten more unhinged. I really see how narcissists get even crazier with old age. Probably because they're more desperate to cling onto their N-supply.
Maybe I could continue to just have a relationship with her over the phone, but first I have to move somewhere where she won't know my physical location and that is as far away from her as possible. She knows where my apartment is now and keeps trying to come over uninvited. She just did again and kept knocking repeatedly, not wanting to leave.
She does all of this just because she doesn't hear from me for two days. She's threatened to call the police before because of me not picking up on her obsessive unhinged calling, so I just called the police to warn them in advance. She's even gone as far to learn my previous roommate's phone number and try and contact me through her. If she can't get in contact, she also sends my stepdad after me. This madwoman is a complete fucking pest that will bother everyone around me if I try to get rid of her.
No. 1515757
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>>1515711Judging by your post I can tell he can't give you orgasms and would be more likely to lick the sweat off a male internet personality's scrotum than rub your feet. I think you should dispose of him and tell his mom and dad that it's because you found out he was having anal sex with pic related (attach picture). Then tell his parents to send this picture to their son without any words to see his reaction. Then block them both.
No. 1515798
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I want to peak my mom because she's going hardcore TRA now and it's fucking retarded. I'm talking pro-changerooms, pro-sports, pro-draqueen-storytime, pro-this-never-happens. When she talks about it now I just let her, I argued my points to her a few times and she went from agreeing with me, to jokingly calling me a terf, to getting angry because she wants to agree with everything the left says but she clearly has not put enough thought into this issue to have any sort of argument in it's favor. When we were arguing about womens sports she said, I shit you not "I don't care, I don't play sports" and I was fucking appalled. My mom considers herself a feminist, and she's fucking 60 years old. Oh, and she thinks JKR is a terf(but still loves HP, I wonder what her twitter friends would think of that kek).
I know she doesn't really believe in it, it's the fact that she goes along with political peer pressure that really bothers me. Believe it or not she's a pretty intelligent person, I'm just so disappointed in her nonnies. At least I know my dad stays tight lipped on the issue because he 100% does not agree.
No. 1515857
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>>1515803Trans-inclusive radfems are the equivalent of this. The mental retardation, I swear.
No. 1516010
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I finally recognize and accept that I have ocd and that it's triggered by many things on the internet. How am I supposed to remain terminally online in these conditions?
No. 1516069
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My mom found my phone on the table with the ForeverAlone subreddit up. The thread that was open was something like "does anyone else think of everyone you meet as a potential partner out of desperation" I'm so humiliated. But at the same time, fuck her. She gave me shitty masculine genetics. She's probably gonna be thinking about what she found for days now. I know my mom cries about these things, she even told me she grieves that I never got to experience young carefree romance like she did. Fuck it all. I'm so tired.
No. 1516107
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Just blocked a moid, clicking that block button felt so good I was so sick of his bullshit, good thing it only lasted a day or so, I'm quite fast to check retards. He got it coming yet was crying "but is not what it seems! Don't be unreasonable!" do you think I'm retarded, you dumbass? Stop annoying me, go fuck your ""countless"" hoes and leave me alone, DON'T FUCKING TRY ME
He was also interrupting me while I was drawing art of my husbando, I cannot forgive that shit
No. 1516159
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I'm starting to despise my bf. When he studied full time I would make sure to cook dinner and make nice meals for him, even when I started work full time (10 hrs a day).
Now he's doing nothing, not studying or working (while I'm doing both) and only cooks meal prep for himself. He cooks all these nice, new recipes and I've started eating nothing or buying microwave meals because I don't have time. I don't mind this arrangement too much, but it upsets me that he never thought to return the favour, especially when he knows I'm busy basically 24/7. He lives by the "if you don't tell me to do (considerate/nice thing) how should I know to do it?" Whatever.
No. 1516162
>>1516107based. I block every moid who hits on me. one I've known for 10+ years said something sideways to me. guess what? fucking BLOCKED.
moids get the wall (blocked) every time. you are better than any of them. rise above, focus on yourself.
moids ain't shit but hoes, and more shit.
No. 1516173
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Why am I such a fucking autist that I get borderline fired up whenever someone claims the FF7 Remake is better then the original? I'm not even that big of a fan of the original and think other games in the franchise are better, but the remake just pissed me off in how much it screams Tetsuya Nomura and his pissbaby writing that is afraid of letting characters die or suffer, and can't his fucking heartless out of anything he fucking does. What made FF7 so memorable is it's dark themes and, while it hits you over the head with it's message a lot, is good at painting a picture of how evil Shinra is with how they don't care about anyone living below the plates. In the remake they might just as well be McDonalds. The remake is pretty good (except for a couple of points) until the point where the plate falls, after that it's just Tetsuya Nomura's Kingdom Hearts nonsense.
Idk why the debate invokes so much childish hatred in me. Maybe I was just hoping for too much from the remake and the let down was just too massive for me to handle.
No. 1516193
>>1516187Also one of the things I absolutely hate about that man's writing. Bitch can't write women to save his life. All of them are either manic pixie dream girl turned up to 11 or mother Theresa. Nothing inbetween.
Like I enjoy KH for what trash it is, it's my guilty pleasure, but I always fucking hated how the women had NO personality and were pretty much the same type of character (ok pretty much everyone are literally Kairi clones, but Sora's clones still got their own quirks that made them stand out). Like in Birth by Sleep they kept telling the player that Aqua is such a know-it-all and pretentious, but you never got to actually SEE any of that. FUCK that man aggravates me, he makes interesting art and character designs but that's about it.
No. 1516196
>>1516159>"if you don't tell me to do (considerate/nice thing) how should I know to do it?" This is a maturity issue where he dumps the mental load on you which traps you into being the one responsible for what should be his contribution to the partnership. You shouldn't have to point things out for an adult who should know better.
I have no real advice as–seriously–ALL men retreat to this tired ass excuse eventually when they don't want to feel guilt or shame. It's a copout and something they all say, mine literally told me this last night over dishes (tl;dr he bitches at me when I use the dishwasher, but he doesn't see why dishes left in the sink or after meals should be done promptly and not left up for me to do for days while he 'forgets' to do them). His solution was buying a chore sheet so he can keep his score and be accountable. Idk if that's something you wanna suggest but it all seems so childish. I just tell myself men are lazy and it is not a reflection on my value. It's helped to not take it personally.
No. 1516207
>>1516201nta, Same! Allergic to milk, sugar made my acne worse, and eggs would give me pimples.
>>1516197I'm really sorry
nonny. I've had horrible acne when I was a teen and it finally started clearing up now in my early twenties. I still have massive scarring. I feel you and I hope you feel better about your skin soon, and that it clears up
No. 1516212
>>1516197Struggled with adult acne too.
I stopped short of accutane cause a spironolactone medication and some topical benzoyl peroxide keeps it maintained with barely any side effects. I still breakout right before my period and if I have the audacity to drink milk, but it's nothing like it was.
I remember being concerned that the Accutane wouldn't help me in the long run cause my acne is hormonal and genetic.
No. 1516260
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Ngl I'm still fucking pissed about all the concerts I had lined up in between 2020 - early 2022 that were cancelled because of the rona. There were artists I've been fan for years and then BOOM all concert plans gone. Then things went "back to normal" but said artists have not toured in my area again because they are recording new music and and such so it means I have to wait AGAIN to get a chance to see them live and ugh it's been YEARS.
No. 1516404
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im a useless sack of shit, i cant do anything by myself, but i could never go home again because my stepdad is a sperg who was lowkey an abusive bully who chased me out of the house. i didnt stand a chance. i want to get rid of all my belongings and quietly disappear into nothingness. i hate being alive, everyday is existential torture
No. 1516432
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Trich is really getting me down watching this vid to feel better about my eyebrows
No. 1516449
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>sick of old friend group partly because one girl in it is always throwing huge shitfits, crying, and passive aggressively implying that I’m somehow stealing her crush just by existing in his vicinity despite that I am not even single, starts really grating on my patience constantly dealing with her petty insults and inappropriate comments about how she believes he likes me
>make new friend group, everything going well, extremely relieved being in a healthy social environment again
>everyone in the group is married or dating someone already as well, so that bodes well
>guy with gf who is also in the group messages me in the middle of the night asking me to come see him
>what the fuck
So much for me thinking I had actually made nice new friends. I fucking hate normies. If people could all stop being hormone fueled animals thinking with their junk it would be great. I am so full of hatred and disappointment right now I’m close to giving up on human interactions entirely kek.
No. 1516589
>>1516578samefag but what also drove me insane is that he did this all the time with random women. And he would be like "she just has the look I need in my gf!!!" and always insist this girl was the
one but obviously he would be rabidly obsessed with a different one the next week
No. 1516597
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my mom keeps pulling this shit whenever she does something wrong where she starts going crazy hitting herself and the instant you try to stop her she beats you up and accuses you of beating your own poor mother and cries. like wtf am i meant to just watch you beat yourself black blue and red so you can go to the police and accuse me there because i know she will. she's literally torn my hair out and cut me but when i restrain her by the forearms she says its mother battery kek. she's not fooling me she did this to my brother that she now infantilizes more than a decade prior. i know she's had a hard life where nobody truly believed her especially her victimhood but there's seriously no need to pull this shit to satiate your desire for it like no matter how many times i verbally repeat it she constantly tries to frame me like this. i know it's psychological and she does this in order to protect herself or to feel as though she is taking measures but its really getting to me. she really loves to make a scene but knowing so much about her i cant even truly get mad. she's also told me that i'm never going to amount to anything despite going to uni and i'm good for nothing even though i soak up all her horrifyingly traumatic shit she dumps on me constantly since i was a child, like i'm glad she has someone to let it out on but i'm getting tired of being her dummy. no matter how many times i try to do it right she always blows up on me and it hurts more that i can't even genuinely fault her. maybe it's selfish of me but like whatever i'm just venting. feelsbadman. physically and emotionally right now
No. 1516605
>>1516597your mother is seriously
abusive and you need to get away from her. it doesnt matter if she kills herself because you leave, nothing you did and nothing shes been through makes this okay and i really hope you can get the support you need to leave.
No. 1516635
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>>1516631>my bf has sprayed me with a water bottle for eating chips in bedDamn KEK
No. 1516636
>>1516609You probably asked that rhetorically but in case you didn't: I might be a little off on the details because I'm not a doctor but as I understand it progesterone (a hormone in bc) decreases cell response to estrogen in your breasts. An increase in estrogen is what makes your breasts larger and tender when you get your period among other things; on the flipside less estrogen will make your breasts deflate a little.
Depends on the type of birth control you're on but some of them make your boobs shrink. I lost an inch in my bust when I got an IUD and this is what I found out when I looked up why that happened (some other bc I'd been on had the opposite effect so I was like wtf is going on).
No. 1516671
I've been feeling a little weird about my bf ever since we went to a party on Saturday.
My co-worker invited me and a bunch of other people over to her place for a game night; I didn't really want to go but I said yes to be nice. I asked if I could bring my bf and she said yes.
The thing is, he and I are both socially awkward. We've been together for nearly a year and mostly just spend time with each other, so this was my first time seeing him in a group setting. He tends to give people weird vibes (nothing crazy, he just comes across as very quiet, blunt and serious until he loosens up). So I was a little nervous about the party but figured it'd be fine.
Everything started out good until we got to the "game" part of the night. My bf loves games and gets very intense and competitive about them. As the night went on I could tell he was taking things way to seriously and was throwing off the vibe of the party. I tried to subtly hint that he needed to relax but he didn't realize he was being weird. Eventually I pulled him aside and told him he needed to chill, these people were strangers and are here for a casual fun time. He relented and acknowledged he wasn't meshing well with the others but would try to be better. The rest of the night mostly went smooth although I could tell the others thought he was strange. Eventually we left, agreeing we had fun despite everything. I felt weird but didn't think too hard on it.
The next morning he apologized and said he felt bad that he couldn't have been more charming and that he feels insecure about his struggle to socialize. I told him it was fine and not a big deal, and that I love him the way he is.
But the more I think about it, the more I realize I was kinda… embarrassed. A lot of my coworkers were at the party and I could tell they were judging him and me. Part of me doesn't care what they think but another part wishes he could have made a better impression. It's so frustrating because I try so hard to mask around people and he just, well, doesn't. I really do love him but ugh seeing how bad he is with other people has put a dent in my mind. I wish we hadn't gone to that stupid party.
No. 1516684
>>1516680He's 48 but before you yell at me I can't get young men they don't want me.
>>1516682Internet guy, we were going to meet up and he still wants to meet up but he says we're friends and mostly talks to me like I'm his buddy or his 80 year old mother.
No. 1516688
nonnie that’s the same age gap between me and my actual father, do better
No. 1516764
>>1516672Because 90% of the dumbasses here are wasting their lives in
abusive relationships with no upside
No. 1516835
Are you the same uglychan that boasted about fucking 50+ year old man and being offered money by old men? Even old men think you're ugly, only sending a thumbs up for your selfie is fucking sad, even if someone thought you weren't hot, they'd politely compliment you.
No. 1516873
>>1516849you sound exactly like me when i was 24. i knew since in was a young teenager that i was likely never going to have a relationship and it was easier on me anyway to never have one. eventually when i was 20 family stopped mentioning anything relationship-wise about or to me, to the point that they would say the only grandchildren they would get from me was rabbits kek. for about a year or two at 24, it was really bad, i was indeed 100% touch starved and there was this horrible pitting feeling of loneliness and some form of pain inside me that i couldn't even cry out, i would just thrash in my bed in frustration, unable to make it go away unless i slept. eventually it passed and, while still occasionally thinking i wanted a relationship, or at least friends to fill that "void" and get hugs from someone. i went back to mostly not caring to entirely not caring.
i believed being vulnerable was a weakness, and i would refuse to ever stoop so low anyway. long story short, when i was 30 i met someone who set something off in my mind and that i wanted to try and be in a relationship with. we had a shared interest in a unique topic, which i thought i would never find someone else who was, among other preferences, and that was what drew me to him at first. so i wanted to work on myself for the betterment of myself, and thus leading to the betterment of a lasting relationship with this particular man. I am still closed off, he has mentioned it to me that he can tell and it probably hurts him, but i am working on not being that way anymore still, and he knows and has seen my progress. if we ever break up, i will never be in another one. once is enough, and it truly is so much easier and better being alone. you only have to worry about yourself when you're alone. having to involve another human being in your life is work. however, i love him and actively choose and want to be with him, so i tolerate the annoyances that come with being in a relationship with someone for that.
so either you might fall in the way i did, years on end up meeting someone who makes you want to deal with another human, or you dont, and both are totally fine. how that drive and push for affection will last and affect you, i only know what i experienced, and that is i just powered through it for a while until my brain switched to "lol idc". maybe making friends will help? that was the theory i had but i never was able practice it. but it seems to make sense. otherwise, you got this, it hurts a lot i know but it won't kill you. focus on yourself and the type of person you want to be, your hobbies, etc. you'll get through it. your family loves you and if they are worth being family they will love you regardless of your relationship status.
No. 1516948
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>>1516010You're safe here,
No. 1516955
>>1516762I have seen doctors, they even witnessed it happen to me in a psych ward after they gave me booty juice which often causes prolapses. They screamed at me for being over dramatic lol even though I angrily showed them my fucked up butthole. Super
It is normal though if you have hEDS like I do. Same shit has always happened to my dad who gave me his defective genes. It’s not like porn prolapse it’s just a tiny one that can be sucked and tucked right back in
No. 1516971
>>1516964i feel the same way. i HATE video games
well not all of them i like simple rpgmaker games and fran bow but it ends there. i especially hate online games and (male) gamers the value of the person in my eyes honestly lowers expinentially when someone mentions being one. and i am not in any way interested in sports least of all football/soccer which is one of the biggest topic of conversation in my country. i don't wear makeup either so i'm not very knowledgeable about the technical skills to give out advice, i've never been in a relationship or anything close so i don't have beef stories to tell either kek. i never even go out so i'm not averagely socialized, none of my interests align with "the norm" but i have a friend with the same core values as me so having shared interests matters very little, and it's fun to talk about them to eachother even if it's not something we are both knowledgeable in simple because it's enjoyable to listen to a friend and to learn more about a world "foreign" to you. hope you nonnies find someone like this too
No. 1516982
>>1516960he doesn't deserve you. leave him.
if you had a daughter would you want her boyfriend to treat her like that? or would you slit his throat and dump him at a new construction site? choose wisely.
No. 1516986
>>1516764Maybe it's because I'm that type of petty, but I don't think spraying someone with water for eating food in bed or whatever is
abusive kek. It's more funny than anything imo.
No. 1517004
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>>1516986NTA but it sounds very annoying and kind of infantilizing imo. I dunno I'd start alogging hard at anyone who did that to me.
No. 1517011
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>4 year IRL relationship
>has folders of nudes from other women
>routinely flirts with and maintains romantic online contact with multiple women
>frequently has sexual conversations online with other women
>broke down in tears once and confessed to flirting with an teenage girl (ffs)
>jerks off to our friends pictures
>downloads ALL the data off my computer and wipes it so he can ‘go through it’
>infrequently struck me a few times with various tech objects
>continued flirtatious contact with his ex girlfriend the entire 4 years. i accept it eventually
>lose everyone’s respect
> group chat begged me to leave for a year. eventually they couldn’t cope with my handmaidenry, constant complaining about him even though i was choosing this horrible relationship.
>tried to hang himself and posted on twitter that it was my fault because i ‘scared away his new gf’
>left the group chat after being rightfully ostracised over choosing this relationships i
>gutted because i felt a strong bond with the women in that chat but towards the end they were clearly making fun of me
>i avoided responsibility and blamed other women instead of leaving him
>i buy us a house
>big mistake
>3 months after i buy the house. he brings another woman into it. tells me it’s over between us and that he is bringing her back and that i will accept it or he’ll become homeless or kill himself
>he threatens suicide, threatens to damage my belongings, threatens to squat in my house, threatens to sue me if i don’t allow her into my home.
>she’s apparently fine with all that for whatever reason
>they have hours of loud phone conversations 5-12pm every night in MY house while i cry myself to sleep, have to listen to them both mock me
>one night he comes into my room and cuddles me even though he’s supposedly ~in love~ with new gf
>i didn’t want him to leave so i begged him to end the affair like a spineless fucktard handmaiden (cringe)
>he moves out and i let the house out
>he adds himself to my previous group chat and tells them he never loved me, we were never in a relationship, and that i raped him. (they believe him kek)
>truth is that i was a very devoted and loving gf and did everything he asked of me
>still talks to this woman and composes international handwritten loveletters which she then posts online despite purporting to be in a new e-relationship
>i point out that he hasn’t changed
>’i never treated my other gfs like that, only you because i didn’t respect you’
i’m now medicated and receiving the correct help i need for my affliction and no longer have contact with him. it’s been 6 months since this 4 year pantomime ended and i still have nightmares about it.
i have so much anger. i’m angry that he’s still doing the same thing to other women. i’m angry that he refused to let me take him anywhere but went on constant trips with someone else. i’m angry that he keeps getting away with it. i’m angry.
No. 1517018
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>>1516963>>1516976>>1516983>>1516982>>1517001I appreciate the support nonnies, it actually means a lot. An hour after I posted my vent, he came to me sobbing and hugging me saying that he can’t believe he treated me that way. I’d thought I’d heard silent sobbing in the room. He was still sobbing, said he thinks he’s going to die and that the pains causing him to hallucinate. I’ve known him for a decade and I’ve never seen him sob and scream in pain before. Not anything like this. And I’ve seen him hurt himself pretty bad. This is excruciating even to watch and listen to. I don’t actually think he’s trying to be manipulative cause he’s not a good actor at all and he couldn’t fake this kind of thing even if he tried.
I also know he has several fucked up wisdom teeth and I am worrying he could have a raging infection at this point. Poor man is rocking in the fetal position in tears, this is not like him, he’s not a crier. My hearts breaking and I can forgive him since I think the pain is so intense it could be breaking his mind. I called the ER and the nurse even said “severe tooth pain can bring the strongest dude down” so now I’m hoping to convince him to go to the ER. He’s considering it but also he hates hospitals and doesn’t have a lot of faith in doctors due to several misdiagnoses of random crap. Current plan is for him to just verbally abuse his shitty rich af family into giving him the money to get these removed in one fell swoop at an emergency oral surgeon. They’re loaded and
abusive so they deserve it and I fully support that decision.
No. 1517022
>>1517018nonna, he is going to give another excuse next time, just fucking dump his retarded ass and let him die of sepsis next time because he can't take care of himself.
>calls someone who verbally abused her several times poor man>gives excuse after excuse even though admits he cant do anything for shit even when he is not injuredyou deserve this treatment if you stay.
tbh you should help him to get better then leave his ass immediately but you won't, so enjoy caring for a broken moid that will call you a bitch everytime you try to help him for the rest of your life.
No. 1517027
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>>1517022I’m a chronically ill NEET and I can’t even sustain a part time job so it’s like, he supports me doing a job he despises. I’d kms if I was forced to do that for the rest of my life. I try to cut him some slack, esp considering I’m not always an entirely reasonable person myself.
Idk maybe it’s just Stockholm syndrome at this point in some ways. But I do love him a lot, even if I could support myself I’d still want to be close to him, maybe just as friends and occasional FWB. Since I can’t support myself independently I’m forced to rely on someone and I kinda would be screwed without him. I love my mom and would love to live with her, unfortunately that would mean living with my extremely
abusive father who is over a million times worse than my partner even on my partners absolute worst days. I can’t spend more than 8 hours around my father without a screaming match ensuing over his constant misogyny, flagrant boundary crossing, purposefully being grossly sexual and then playing dumb and acting like I’m the gross one for “taking it that way” , belittling comments multiple times a day and consistent negging. He’s also a shit head to my mother and I would probably be arrested for domestic violence if I had to move back in with him, I want to beat the shit out of my dad.
No. 1517038
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>>1517034All the jobs I’ve gotten wouldn’t have paid any bills even if I could have kept them. and I had mental breakdowns at them cause they refuse to accommodate my physical needs and get mad when I have to pee every hour. I had one job I could handle my whole life that I lost to corporate greed but still that was a weekend job and I only made $200 a week
>>1517033Tbf he does pretty much all the chores and even takes over my chores when I’m bedbound which happens sometimes
No. 1517043
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>>1517037Nonny for real if I thought that would fix the issues I have with my dad I’d do it. But it would just make them worse and he’d want me arrested for DV.
No. 1517049
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>>1517045Well the problem with that is also that my mom relies on him for financial support and would probably be screwed without him
And be mad at me for rocking the boat. She’d be mad at me for beating up an old man she claims to love and he’d still make every day living hell for all of us. My partner sucks occasionally but my dad is a raging shitbag boomer 24/7 and he comes after me to be shitty. At least if I leave my partner alone when he’s being a shitbag scrote, he doesn’t come after me. Meanwhile my dad would literally pick the lock on my doors while I was masturbating in my room. I feel far less safe around my father, and I know my father is violently pornsick.
No. 1517050
>>1517049so your mom lives with an
abusive bastard that she needs for money and this is the life you want for you as well? nonna??? im sure there is SOMETHING you can work with if you can sit on your ass on the computer all day
No. 1517054
>>1517050I did get a less
abusive bastard and at least mine apologizes and does a lot to make my life good. I think if he had a job he didn’t hate and made more money he’d be far less volatile. He takes care of me and the house, not just pays the bills.
I did better than my mom for sure, she’s my fathers full time fucking maid. My dad has his dream job that he loves but refuses to do more than the bare minimum cause he has literally said my mom and I don’t deserve better than barely above poverty. He works barely 5 hours a week. If he worked 30-40 hours a week he’d be loaded. Meanwhile my partner works 40 hours a week doing soul sucking work and takes in overtime whenever he can cause he wants the best for me. He loves buying me gifts and doing special things for me. He just needs therapy to deal with his emotional shit, which now that he has insurance he is starting. Meanwhile my dads had insurance that covers full therapy for years and he flat out refuses to attempt it and says he’s fine.
No. 1517056
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>>1517052She flat out refuses to leave him which is one reason I am a logging him constantly in my mind kek. My dream is he gets hit by a truck and it’s not his fault, he dies instantly, and we get a huge settlement of money from it to live on. He has like no life insurance to speak of.
No. 1517060
nonny I’d miss my bf, he’s really good to animals and wants to better himself. My dad on the other hand…
No. 1517061
>>1517059he probably did nice things to your mother before you were born, people dont get full
abusive out of nowhere, it starts with subtle disrespect, then someday you realize you're being treated like absolute dirt. your mother probably realizes that not complying and obeying would mean he would get physically
abusive and probably eventually kill her. it's a sad situation.
No. 1517064
>>1517061Actually he was always awful to her literally from the start. I don’t understand why she stayed. He cheated on her and never even love bombed her to get her back. I get angry thinking about it too much cause of how she literally had a child with a man who called her ugly and mousey and cheated on her with her underage niece. And I’d have never had to deal with an
abusive guy if she’d had protected me as a child and gotten me away from my father. At least I’m not having kids.
No. 1517067
>>1517064> I don’t understand why she stayed. >And I’d have never had to deal with an abusive guy if she’d had protected me as a child and gotten me away from my father. She's brainwashed and has low self esteem just like you. If you want be better than her start by protecting yourself right now and get yourself away from the
abusive guy you're with! (and after that –I'm not joking– please beat up your dad if you're physically capable of it)
No. 1517068
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>>1517064Samefag but I gotta step back from this cause now I’m honestly angry at everyone in my life even my mom. She’s a coward for not leaving the man who constantly emotionally abused her child. I begged her to divorce him starting at age 3. They separated briefly and I loved living away from him, her brief new bf was so nice and fatherly to me. Then she got back with him and life was hell forever. She literally let this man bully and abuse a poor little girl and was too much of a pussy to leave. Your child constantly wishing you would divorce their father should have been the most reddest flag of the century. Your child begging and crying to not have to drive anywhere alone with their father should have sounded alarm bells. I never came back from a solo car ride with him without being in tears. I sometimes think that my mom wouldn’t have even left him if he’d had straight up sexually assaulted me.
No. 1517072
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>>1517065>>1517067I just wish there was a way out man I have no fucking friends that aren’t struggling with poverty and have kids of their own and I so many damn issues physically and mentally I literally don’t have anywhere to go. I’ve had some scrotes offer me places to live in exchange for sex but that doesn’t seem healthy or safe either. I can’t even drive due to my disabilities. I have pets that are my children and that complicates shit even more than if I had human children. I think I’m just stuck fuck fuck fuck goddamn I’m taking my internet break for a month
No. 1517073
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Some days - like today - I genuinely feel braindead. I cannot focus on work, I don't process what people are saying to me, I gloss over text messages where someone is saying where to meet them and then I ask multiple times where we are meeting and come across as retarded. I have stupid impulses to have an Irish coffee at work or to binge eat chocolate or impulse shop or do drugs or something. I feel like my brain is shriveling up from the lack of stimulus and all I can do is cry. I just want to fucking feel something other than this brainfog and I'm afraid that I might have some sort of neurological disorder like Alzheimer's or Parkinsin's or some shit
No. 1517076
>>1517072>>1517073Matthew 24:12 And because lawlessness will be increased, the love of many will grow cold.
Read the Bible and seek Christ. You are in this position due to lawlessness.
No. 1517078
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This was a long time ago but I still think about it from time to time, I was talking about my trauma with a MtF (at the time I did support tif's/tim's) and I was pouring my heart out to him and crying, he then says to me that I should maybe forgive him for what he did to me as a child, I honestly thought he was going to support me and it shocked and angered me so much, he was a neet at the time and last I've heard of him he's been homeless twice, Good.
No. 1517079
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>>1517076suck my fart out of my asshole
No. 1517081
>>1517078it is the most vile
victim-blaming shit when we're expected to forgive our predators like it is a flaw to hope they get hit by a bus and die.
No. 1517088
>>1517078Unrelated but
nonny do you who's the artist of this art?
No. 1517111
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i'm looking at old pictures and videos of what used to be my best friends and i miss them so much it hurts. this is probably nostaglia speaking, but i feel like i'm never going to have a connection like i had with those two ever again. i don't think i could contact them because my head is messed up and i'm terrible with friendships and i always inevitably fuck things up somehow, and it's just better for me to be alone instead of eventually letting people down. it's been 4 years since the last time i've talked to them, i need to move on. they probably don't even think about me anymore.
No. 1517133
>>1516986Perhaps, but 90% of the gigastacys here being in
abusive relationships with ugly worthless and aloof men still holds true
No. 1517196
>>1517018It's still inexcusable for him to rage like that. He clearly wants to be alone, so leave him alone to suffer. It's what he chose.
>>1517027You just went from one
abusive moid to another, you need to get a job and some introspective skills and realize you deserve way more than an
abusive moid.
>>1517039Shut up I've had glasses since kindergarten
No. 1517198
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Sometimes, I really want to go in on people and not care if I look mentally ill, but I'm too worried that all my good points will be dismissed because of how I presented them. I'd like to follow my instincts and absolutely schizo-sperg, but I don't want any of the repercussions that follow.
No. 1517221
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I have super thick 4c hair and if you even blink wrong at it, it gets all matted and tangled. This shit sucks.
No. 1517249
>>1517198Me whenever I discuss hollywood from a critical perspective. I never even bring up anything irrational, but people are such idiots buying into the PR grift that they can't suspend their disbelief. they're an industry that partially still runs on coverups, money laundering and organized crime. Just like most higher crust industries in the world. I ain't saying people are drinking baby blood or anything, I'm coming forth with the completely rational explanation that it's full of abusers and dirty hands. This is how you protect pristine images
But no she's just a schizo! Don't listen to her! Go off and suck your celebrity crush's dicks!
No. 1517379
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It's stupid but it still hurts how a person who comissioned a character sheet from me ended up using it only twice ( i follow them ) yet everytime they post some "drop your oc" replies they post some other random artworks made by their friends (i assume) that dont look as good and just have a tumblr artstyle. It's a dumb reason to be insecure about, especially because i got the money from it but whatever. Not like i asked for much anyway, 50€ for character ref sheet from 3 angles.
Ever since I've been less confident at my art to a point where a work on which i am working on for 3 weeks now looks like as if i just learned how to put shadows. Man, i am a stupid person. Why do i take this so personally? I can't even open commissions thinking my art is shit, despite me needing the money rn.
No. 1517447
>>1515763We met up last night, had some drinks, chill time nothing happened.
A little infatuation is fine, I’m human and in control, all of you who were so scandalised that someone in a relationship could find someone else attractive need to grow up, it’s a vent thread not a confessional
No. 1517469
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>>1517261>>1517295>>1517341>modern dating sceneI would assume you're interacting with men you meet on dating apps or in bars/clubs. You're picking from the worst sample available.
>>1517359Typical sinus infection symptoms. Bonus: sensitivity to light. has something for this, but I haven't verified it yet. Read with not a grain but a handful of salt.
>>1517381Modern diets have ruined men's testosterone levels.
>>1517427For your current predicament, you can give thanks to central banks and feminists.
Central banks - because for a while now most countries have been off the gold standard (read: they can print money out of nothing). It's like a hidden tax. And feminists - because women entering the workforce effectively halved wages over time, despite rising worker productivity due to technological advancements. Your grandmothers and mothers were conned into it, and now we all suffer.
>>1517447Any sane man would dump you for this. Your boyfriend would be devastated to know what you've been up to. Your current feelings are a disaster that has produced misogynists over time and space without fail. Men detest women like you and want nothing to do with them; nobody wants to raise bastard sons.
Women act like this and then wonder how they managed to end up alone, or with a man they don't like.
No. 1517473
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>show someone something ive been working on for a while and have retried three times
>"well it's a good start"
>"oh, what can i improve on"
Was that just a nice way of saying it looked like shit
No. 1517476
I think I fucked up.
Back in December, I attended Christmas party at my workplace.
I work remote and I hardly know people in the company while most of them know each other and are chummy to each other while I just kind of hang out awkwardly around them. We were all drinking, though I did not get fully drunk, a bit buzzed at most.
Anyways I was friendly to a new coworker (who is male). I swear I did not flirt or show huge interest. We mostly talked about cooking and that is about it from what I can recall. Before he went home, he quickly said we should meet up and cook together at his apartment. Now my first fuckup was I said something along the lines of "uh okay" as he was leaving. It was simply out of awkwardness but I did not think much about it.
Anyways few weeks after, he messages me on linkedin, saying how he has not forgotten the "promise" I made and asked me for my private number. I dodged it back then because I was on a ski trip in another country so I told him I would be unreachable until I'm back home.
Now two months later he again asks me to meet up for a coffee. Again I don't really want to so I talk to my friends about the situation. They tell me that maybe he has no ulterior motives, that he is new in city and in company and maybe just wants a friend and since it is just a coffee, I should go and meet him.
I kind of accept and schedule a meeting him during weekday in a busy place.
But now I am feeling all sorts of anxious about it. I don't want him to think I am interested romantically. I usually do not have problems rejecting men but in the past I had several bad experiences when I rejected a man that was part of my "cycle" (friend, school or activity cycle) where they would get angry and spread rumors about me. Now I am afraid this one could get butthurt too and start shittalking me to work colleagues and I really do not want this to happen because my workplace is nice and I have good benefits and so on.
I have no idea what to do, feels like I am trapped.
No. 1517477
>>1517471Don't worry, I'm an interloper. I'll stick around for at most another day or two, and leave you to yet again fumble in ignorance.
>>1517474Sure. Add it to the list. Central banks, feminism, adultery, 'gay pride', mass immigration, mass apostasy, …
If our forefathers had continued to abide by God's laws given to them at Mount Sinai, none of this would have happened.
Oh, if only you knew how liberating God's law is. You might see it as a set of restrictions, but to live in it is extremely refreshing.
No. 1517483
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>>1517476Well, it's simple. You've already agreed to meet him. So do exactly that.
Act casual and be polite. If at the end of your date you are still not romantically interested in him, express your feelings clearly and without fear.
Women overthink things to an almost comedic level. From a place unrelated to this I know of a girl who was so afraid of rejecting a guy she had a full blown panic attack. When she admitted this to him, he said "oh, ok, well the dates were fun, bye".
No. 1517487
>>1517484You can download an emulator on your PC that simulates a phone. Install it there.
What's the name of the app in question?
No. 1517499
>>1517496Yeah, don't do it then. I can relate
nonnie, these fucken minimum wage companies are getting too audacious.
No. 1517515
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this girl in my class is seriously such a cunt. every single time she makes it a point to mention that every asian looks the same and about a week or two she loudly called asia/ns rotten/filthy while she was sat behind me. i'm asian. we're in uni for god's sake leave your edgy jokes elsewhere cause i'm not laughing. just don't understand what's so funny about doing this kind of stuff and it hurts even more when others are laughing sometimes even the professors as well knowing i'm the only foreigner in the class and of that race as well. i don't talk to anybody either i don't know what i did so wrong for her to do this kek are you 15 just leave me alone this isn't high school. the last thing i expected was for this type of harassment to follow me here as well in the same way too
No. 1517526
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>>1517490Any men who reacts as such is inherently low T and not worth pursuing. They basically self-filter. Read the attached image.
>>1517492Never use that word combination again.
>>1517496Never mind finding a 'secure' emulator, it's a bit more
problematic getting the cursor working. If you can get past that using the tab and arrow keys, you're set.
As for it being a povery-wage job, I wonder why more women, who make up the majority of minimum wage workers, don't harbor resentment towards their corporate overlords.
>>1517507You've got parasites in that enteric nervous system down there (your gut). Clear them out.
>>1517516Relax, you have the safety net of women's shelters. Women make up ~5% of the homeless population.
>>1517525Well, sure. But first I would have to make an account and post braindead globohomo rhetoric in various comment sections.
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God my boss is a so fucking inept stop being such an absolute wet wipe that you fail to manage people properly. you fucking moron, eat dirt
No. 1517535
>>1517528Don’t worry,
nonnie, maybe you got to spend some good times with him and that’s what your brain keeps thinking about. You’re just a good person if you can still think of that piece of shit as something that you can miss. But don’t fall for that trap, he’s already a moid to moid in a dress, he will never get better, specially if he wants to get a rot pocket, so maybe try going out with friends, or on your own, the more busy you are the less you will miss that pathetic waste of space and resources.
No. 1517538
>>1517526clear your brain with a bullet. anyways,
>>1517536thank you, i appreciate you saying that very much. i hope you have a wonderful rest of your day.
No. 1517554
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>>1517469Kys and stream it so only one person watches you die.
No. 1517558
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I just wanna be good at drawing, god i hate everything i hate people, i hate life, i hate work i just want to be good enough to draw my disgusting fetishes so i have a reason to keep going. Why am i so fucking untalented?? everything i make looks like shit even if i read my loomis and draw everyday. fuck AI shills too for ruining art, hope the fuckers catch butt cancer
No. 1517592
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Came back home after a week visiting my gf and my best friend. Back to being lonely and depressed again. I love them so much, but they are too far, live in a country i hate (and they can't leave) and finding people like them near me is impossible. I want to marry my girlfriend so much, i want to live with her and have our quiet life together, but so far, with the way things are going on it's just won't ever happen. It's just not fair. Looking for ways to do it only proves to me that it won't happen. Wish i could just give up and live as usual, but i desperately need human touch and connection! And i'm too autistic to find someone else or even just some new friends. I can't afford therapy nor afford to marry in another country where it's still possible for us. So now i'm back to eating my feelings and whining on lolcor i guess.
No. 1517608
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tired of people holding up marriage over my head as if I secretly desperately want that and am merely pretending to be disgusted by the prospect
No. 1517610
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>>1517579yeah i am trying to both do studies and drawing for fun
>>1517596i know you sperg, i was just venting because drawing is the only thing i enjoy out of life and i am not good enough yet to enjoy it to its fullest
No. 1517615
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MAJOR DOLL SPERGING AHEAD: This is probably an incredibly niche topic but FUCK THIS BITCH, seriously. As a kid I was so saddened when she took down her Fabulous Life of Bratz series. It's so WEIRD how she spent so much time having her sister design an entire website for her series, went through the trouble of taking pictures of the characters and editing them in photoshop, did voice-overs for the characters, edited the videos, etc. etc. So much time and effort went into this little Bratz doll youtube series. Not to mention her side channel and her Flickr account and how she competed in Bratz Next Top Model competitions. She said she had to take down ALL of her videos because her employer was sent goofy videos of Bratz dolls trying to solve a murder mystery made when she was a literal child? I'm sorry but how and in what way would that negatively affect your employment? And why would you have to take them down?
Doing a bit of digging around, I found a video where she replied to a comment a few months ago (I'm sure this was a year or so ago, so quite recent for a youtuber that had to DFE and leave youtube because of "harrassment") and she was arguing with and as far as I can recall, insulting someone who wanted the videos back up because they would watch them all the time as a child. Bitch what are you doing logging back into your Bratz doll murder mystery youtube channel? The fuck?
Doing more digging, you can find some videos made 10+ years ago by a fan of hers. She made some bitchy comments on that video, too.
Bottom line: Angela Parkes who Created the Fabulous Life of Bratz is a BPD bitch. Canadians: not even once.
No. 1517617
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nobody cares aviut me
No. 1517623
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Bf came home seeming super aggro and agitated in general cause he had to do a lot of driving today. He was also being a dick to me too but that isn't entirely unusual these days, I've learned to cope with petty.
Later while we were watching tv, he somehow breached the subject of how he almost got into a physical traffic altercation earlier.
Some guy had cut him off pulling out of a gas station and didn't use his signal. So bf took this opportunity to lay on his horn and act enraged. He said the confrontation escalated from just flipping each other off to him rolling down his window to tell the guy to meet him in the parking lot. The guy told him to fuck off so my bf, admitted while laughing, that he threatened to kill him!
Apparently people from other cars were watching, bf said someone attempted to follow him for a bit.
I can't fucking believe how casual he is about this. I can't believe he thought it was a good idea to tell me. People can be armed…he's lucky he guessed right about the guy cause it could have easily been another hothead with a gun!
The cherry on top is that he explained "it wasn't even about the guy, I just had negative and angry energy so I wanted a fight to feel release." WTAF.
I knew his road rage was bad but this unhinged cluster B shit can actually get himself manslaughtered.
No. 1517634
>>1517623I hope you never
trigger him, nona. This is very telling.
No. 1517666
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i wanna make myself another bjd folklore doll. i want to make realistic bat dolls. i wanna make visual novels about victorian romance. i wanna make a terfy yume nikki fangame. BUT INSTEAD IVE GOT THINGS IM OBLIGATED TO FINISH THAT WONT BE FINISHED FOR ANOTHER YEAR. FUCK
No. 1517685
File: 1678244331405.jpg (73.65 KB, 500x500, jkr2.jpg)

>i wanna make a terfy yume nikki fangame.You have my support. I would totally play something like this. Make sure it has a world full of JKR's face everywhere to make troons extra seethe.
No. 1517774
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>>1517118Nonny will you push me in my wheelchair when my illness is flaring and hug me when I have scary flashbacks?
No. 1517811
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I’ve been in intensive mental health treatment for a while and now I’m petrified of going back to my old stressful job once insurance inevitably decides they don’t want to cover me anymore. Reading this back, I’m such a spoiled brat because a) I’m lucky to have been able to afford the copay on the treatment on my own b) I’m lucky to have any insurance coverage at all c) I’m lucky to even have access to this kind of treatment for any amount of time d) I have a job waiting for me when I get out
…maybe recognizing that means the treatment is working. Anyway, fuck work I’m not done crying every day
No. 1518042
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I wish I could meet a guy into the same dumb fandom stuff as I am, making fanart, fanfics, fancomics, shipping, etc., doubly so if it's for my somewhat niche kiddie franchise fandom but I know that's borderline impossible and I think I'd feel bad to subject a guy to that sort of stuff and even worse if I'm just placated and he doesn't even care. I wish I were into women so that finding this type of person would be easier…
No. 1518053
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men be the stupidest fucks on earth then get mad at you for not reading their minds and act like youre stupid for not getting what the vaguest description means. this stupid ass fucking man called me cause im home and asked me to send a pic of his medication. he has a fuck ton just put on top of each other. i ask the name of the medicine, the colour, the effects of it even cause some have it written on the front, he doesnt know anything. i read their names and he says one, i send pic, he calls back, hes mad that its not the one. all hes saying is "its there, its uh, its there! send the right one!" YOU DUMB FUCK cant even string a sentence together. then we find the one after i send a pic, and the worst part it was the only one in this colour and i asked before if it was this one!!!! i asked if its this colour and read the name!!!!! but this man is so stupid he doesnt even know the colour let alone the name of the medicine hes been having for days now. it really angers me that men are this fucking stupid and they have the chance to be women's bosses and order us around just because they are men. literally not a single braincell working and he has the guts to act like his description of the medicine being there must be enough for me to magically guess which one it is, and if its not then im stupid. how did these stupid genes even pass through natural selection?
No. 1518054
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>>1518052>stupid ass gameRin is my wife
No. 1518076
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Hate lost media communities and how a lot of it is just autistic manchildren trying to find shows for preschoolers
The other end of the spectrum is looking for actual gore (big example that people with no respect for anyone will look for: that newscaster who killed herself live on air) which is for edgy autistic manchildren
You go on the front page of the lost media wiki and you get hit with "Lost SpongeBob Armenian Dub" and "Footage of the Murder and Rape of Two Dozen Kids" right next to each other.
No. 1518079
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Only the worst women I know are making posts about International Women’s Day that are just selfie dumps kek. Two faced BPDchans who are constantly putting other women down for being fat and threatening to kill the selves when their scrotes don’t text back for 20 minutes. Embarrassing.
No. 1518103
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Last night I had a dream where I discovered that my bf was secretly a pornsick coomer (which he very much is not in real life) and it made me feel so disgusted with him. Even after waking up and realizing it was a dream I can't help but still feel a bit repulsed by him. Obviously it's not fair to him but I just can't shake it.
No. 1518168
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I already hate playful bullying or whatever by pretty much every single person, but it's even worse when it's someone who's basically a stranger doing it to try to force some emotional closeness between us. Duh, of course I'm not going to give my best friend the stink eye for calling me a dumb weeb (not immediately anyway…), she's been my best friend for ten years and knows when I'm genuinely being a dumb weeb, but we've known each other for literally a week, why are you calling me stupid, why are you calling me a cunt or your bitch? Who the fuck raised you that you think it's okay to talk to someone else like this, and are you talking to them the same way you do to me? There hasn't been a person I've wanted to smack like I want to smack her in a long ass time, I feel like I'm going to pop a vein the next time I see her.
No. 1518170
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So I'm an ex-NEET and college dropout who works full time in retail and up until half a year ago I was dating an autist guy who had a lot of family wealth and didn't really have to "do" anything. We were together for nearly a decade and I think it really stunted me.
Now I'm in my late 20s and trying to casually date again bc I'm touch starved and bored and I just feel like such a loser compared to these dudes I'm seeing with lots of money, high-powered jobs, and I just can't relate to them. It makes me feel terrible about myself when they're asking me things like what I'm passionate about or what my best qualities are when I feel like I have nothing going for me. I know they're probably losers in their own right.
Of course they're still DTF cause they're men, but it's just so depressing. I'd like to think I could just have a casual fling but I'm just so worried they're wondering what's wrong with me- why I don't have a degree- why I'm broke- why I have no friends. I hate it.
No. 1518188
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>construction going on on my street
>got those folks with the “stop/slow” flippy signs and walkie talkies on either side of my block
>driveway is coned off
>it’s fucking trash day today, wondering if they’ll be able to pick up my trash with this dumb shit happening
>hear knocking on door
>doggins activated, BARK BARK
>hate answering the door but I do it much to my dismay
>bring my dog with my cause usually she stops barking when she comes to greet them
>she just gets madder and starts barking super loud, lunging, growling at this moid donning a hard hat
>he’s trying to talk over her Hyper Voice attack and I can’t hear shit
>put her inside and apologize and ask him to repeat himself
>”Oh yeah anon just wanted to let you know we struck a gas pipe so there’s a gas leak and you gotta stay in your house”
>nervously ask if my dog’s gonna die since I just opened my door
>”nah nah just… don’t come back out until we knock again”
>hypochondria activated
>close my bathroom window and turn HEPA filter on turbo
>take some Xanax
>my head hurts
>feel faint
>I’m gonna die or worse my pets are gonna die
Anyway I guess I’m gonna film the next interaction with this worker so if I or my pets die or get sick I can at least sue these incompetent fucks, how is the gas leak so bad I can’t leave my home and wtf kind gas is it!??! I was too frazzled and wanted to gtf inside so I didn’t think to ask in the moment wtf corporations are so negligent wtf
No. 1518207
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>>1518195two are no more work than one and seven are no more work than six. if you're not living in a one bedroom apartment, and can afford vet bills, adopt away
No. 1518223
>>1518208Don't say that,
nonny. You have us!
No. 1518261
My entire life I have been infantilized and my knowledge or mental capacity have been denied. It feels like people turn everything against me. I had been struggling with mental illness since I was a kid and have attempted suicide 14 times. I posesses a pretty profound and indepth body of knowledge, however I have always struggled with words. I cannot memorize new words. It may sound narcissistic, but I have aquired all the information that could be aquired on a lot of subjects. Psychology, mythology, internet culture, history, religion. I try to express my knowledge but people constantly downplay my mental capacity and infantilize me. It is mentally damaging to be infantilized. Yea, I struggle with mental illness it would be nice if you could offer me some empathy. Also, I've never really been allowed to disagree with others.
My entire life I've been kept to another standard than others. I'm not allowed to have opinions, beliefs, my knowledge is constantly being denied, being endlessly harassed. If I disagree with people on one little thing they just place me in a false stereotype where they impose all these other fake beliefs that I do not hold and if I ttry to stand up for myself they continue in their assumptions.
Long story short. I've always been held to another standard. I cannot earn money from my work. People deny my knowledge or mental capacity and I'm never allowed to be disagreeable, despite me having a pretty normal system of values. It's objectifying and mentally damaging.
No. 1518264
>>1518219You know your data from those app's
is all collected to be used against you in the USA right? I hope you are in europe.
No. 1518277
>>1518266this happens to me everywhere. No matter how hard I try to stand up for myself my value or knowledge are being denied and even if I put in a lot of effort or more effort than others my work goes completely ignored and unpaid. I've always been kept to a different standard. I do not have many work options left I'm struggling mentally, have no support, no friends and have placed in too much fucking effort into my work for nothing and now I'm exhuasted. My entire life people have not cared about my needs and I have been endlessly guilt tripped and not allowed to disagree or express even minimal negativity. Also, as I said previously my linguistic capacity is poor and I struggle to convey thoughts and ideas to people, despite me having a pretty solid body of knowledge that most people do not have. I have nobody in my life because everyone treats me the same…
Also, I'm constantly being insulted and undermined by people that are way dumber than me. Literally mentally abused by troglodites that posess half of the knowledge that I have.
My entire life it has been like this. My work is overlooked. People use my mental illness to infantilize me and they place me in a position where basically am regarded as not having knowledge or understanding and my actual body of knowledge is denied. Also, nobody helps me with anything. I have been tried to get people to help me but I'm just bound by a different standard. I have no support system so eventually I will kill myself but man was this little life I have lived exhausting.
No. 1518321
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I'm a bad person, nonnies. This batshit insane girl I know with an annoying attention-seeking personality easily scored a kind Nigel, has a tight friend group and is super smart. I'm seething so much I'm so jealous of her. Many of her friends are my ex friends, she is always center of any conversation she is in, whenever I talk to her friends they always bring her up regardless if she is there or not. I'm not going to claim that she doesn't deserve these things because she does. She has been trough a lot and I know I should be happy for her
No. 1518385
>>1518340I wonder if this is helpful or harmful of the cause. Because my first instinct is annoyance at the woman and for the moid it’s like what do you expect of scum. I almost feel like I’ve gone full circle back to
victim blaming when I see these posts. Not in the same way but i suppose it’s a similar sentiment.
No. 1518420
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No. 1518473
>>1517476Well update on this.
When I agreed to meet him for a coffee he said "under one condition" I ask him what the condition is and he says it is a surprise. What the fuck? Told him I don't understand and to be clear, he said you "do not be afraid, you will see but trust me you will have fun
winky wink". He just won't say what it is even though I am clearly saying "Look, I will just meet up for a coffee"
Okay this definitely isn't "friendly coworker with no ulterior motives" in my book so I tell that to my friends but according to them, I again am the one who is wrong. One friend accuses me that I must have seduced him, other friend pities him and tells me he deserves a date and that I should not take him seriously.
No fuck him, fuck my friends and everyone. I cancelled the date. He starts how he bought tickets to go bowling for the two of us boohoo. I didn't agree to go to fucking bowling nor on a fucking date for fucks sake.
I don't care anymore. Everyone is going to pity the poor moid. Oh he was so hopeful oh poor little thing, that cold bitch rejected him.
No. 1518524
>>1518505Yeah, in my previous post I talked how I was a bit buzzed during company Christmas party but when I talked to him I only talked about cooking.
My friend said she thinks I must have been drunk and seduced him or given him false hopes because why else would the poor guy try to make me go on a date with him.
Keep in mind we used to go out together and she has seen me drunk. Even in my drunkest state I do not flirt with men, the "worst" I do is just blab too much.
So yeah, I hoped for advice and support from her but got shat on.
She was a vocal Johnny Depp supporter during trials, I should have taken a hint then.
No. 1518530
I hate everything. This whole world and humans suck ass so unbelievably much. I’ve carried this hate my whole life. I keep a strict façade of ”everything is fine” for everyone else except my nigel. I am sure the hate seeps through, sometimes more, sometimes less.
I am not a hateful person toward others, I am the compulsory kind, polite, thoughtful and self-sacrificing person. Maybe others experience the uncanny valley with me. ”She’s nice but there’s something wrong with her”, sensing the abysmal void inside.
I also hate myself so much for being such a spineless bitch. I guess I should direct it to all the shitty men whose doing this is. I’ve just been beaten up to be that subservient girl, whose fault everything is.
Today, my life is quite nice, but I can’t get anything done, I can’t improve myself. The hate both fuels and paralyzes me.
At the same time nothing is really wrong
but everything is also shit. I also feel like I am a waste of resources, I don’t deserve my life, because I can’t appreciate it enough.
I’m like a piece of meat that keeps on living. Well. If you read it all, thanks for joining my pity party, I hope you had a nicer day kek.
No. 1518533
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I have these weird white cuts (?) in the back of my mouth that have always been there and they fucking hurt. I can't find anything at all online about this. The closest thing I could find was Linea Alba but that's not really that similar to what I have ahhhhhhhhhhhh it's so annoying. I do this weird thing with my jaw to squish/massage them and it looks retarded. I don't want to go to the dentist because I'm almost positive there's nothing he can do about it. It would be nice if possible to stitch them up I guess. PS I fucking hate when you're trying to save a picture and it saves as webp, what the fuck.
No. 1518546
nonnie people rlly went off on you huh, sounds like you went for drinks with a friend who you acknowledge is a moid but is hot and didn’t do the brain dead coomer thing? You’re already better than most men for that just be chill who cares
No. 1518632
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Men are so TINY! If I'm 5'3" why are you only a few inches taller than me - in shoes too!
No. 1518637
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i'm seriously at my limit
i'm a brownoid whose parents are very strict, and because of that, i have to lie to them every time i hangout with my bf. and everytime i go back home i have to hold my tears back on the bus or cry because i know I'm gonna have to lie right when i enter the house when mom asks me if i ate and what did i eat and i tell her pizza from uni every time. and I feel so fucking disgusting and I feel evil
i fukcing hate thinking that my bf could possibly think that i can lie to him because i lie to my parents and i wish i was born to non-brown parents, i would've had life on easy mode
and most of all, i hate not being able to tell him that because i don't wanna sound naggy or i don't wanna imply that I wanna end the relationship because i'm struggling on my side because it's been only 4 months since we started dating. I tried to vent to my fren but I don't wanna be a burden or something and I just wanna kms
No. 1518692
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>>1518674speak for yourself, my man IS my punching bag and he likes it too
No. 1518709
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Anyways, this part of The Little House on the Prairie (S1E2 "Country Girls") absolutely destroyed me last night.
No. 1518725
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>>1518265nonny, dating a cluster B person will alter your expectations for relationships for life. It’s literally a traumatic experience. The BPDlovedones subreddit is overly hyperbolic imo, but it’s also
victims of BPD abuse venting so I get where they’re coming from. BPD people aren’t quite the monsters they act like they are, but there are absolutely grains of truth in what they say and express.
A normal relationship with someone without a cluster b disorder will never make you feel that crazy high high that you felt with the BPD ex. Ever. Normal non cluster b people, especially introverted ones, do not behave that way because they don’t have such strongly wavering emotional states. Your bf sounds like a really good catch, please don’t compare him to the way your person with BPD behaved while they were idolizing and lovebombing you, it’s just not a fair comparison in any way because the way your BPD ex treated you is literally why people become addicted to being in relationships with cluster Bs. They hook you with the ultimate fantasy high of the perfect relationship and literally make you addicted to them like a drug, and then they stop acting that way and you’re scrambling to get back that perfect person you’d found. You blame yourself and keep trying to get the perfect person back but it was all a carefully crafted facade, personally tailored to hook you. Cluster B people can create a false self that perfectly mirrors and/or meets any and all expectations about their target. They are experts at making you feel special and experts at selling themselves. But when the mask comes off they rarely put it back on much after that. Just enough to try to get you to stay. Mask off cluster b people are extremely volatile and empty.
No. 1518726
>>1518717Yeah, he did eventually get his shit together but I'm never going to forget that time my older brother got drunk and straight up asked me if he could grope my boobs…
At least my little brother is nice, though he's still messy and too picky about eating leftovers.
No. 1518762
>>1518265It could be my post, but my introverted bf is in the past now, just like bpd-ex. Not saying that you should dump yours of course, but I totally get you, nona. Other anons right tho, your ex was creating this beautiful illusion, and even if he genuinely felt that at the moment, it still didn't have any value. He might have had this strong feeling…so what? It wasn't enough to treat you with basic respect and actually care about you and your feelings. It might be hard and sad to realize, but all the loud words really didn't mean anything, it was all just empty. Leave it in the past, nona.
No. 1518808
>>1518801Thank you
nonnie. I hope you feel really good about this (well, as good as you can, given the situation)
No. 1518817
>>1518265maybe because you're used to people who are so intense, people who are more chilled and don't explode on your face seem more boring. your bf seems like a laid back and introverted person, perhaps a little autistic, but it's multitudes better than a psycho BPD retard. you need to learn how to appreciate a slower and calmer relationship or you will be bored and seek the thrill of a psychotic manipulative person forever.
the kind eyes and expressions were definitely a manipulation tactic, if he lied a lot and his BDP felt like he needed your approval even though he didn't love you, he pulled those to keep him on your graces. seems like you probably know it was typical BPD manipulative behavior and liked drinking the poison. not everything that shines is gold, nonna.
No. 1518825
Who needs to know the cycle of my period?
No. 1518830
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So i apparently get reddit update e-mails (I just never really bothered to turn notifications or newsletters off,) and this post popped right up in my e-mail as a "top post" I might like from the subreddit /r/mademesmile. Made me barf.
No. 1518839
>>1518219I don't mean to pile on because this wasn't the point of your post but I'm sure those apps sell your information to advertising companies too who analyze your data to use it to sell bullshit to you and other women using targeted ads at the "right" times. Anyways I also hope you didn't end up freebleeding on your walk nonna, Happy Women's Day!
No. 1518841
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>>1518830Took a look at this guy's post
Why do women do this to themselves
No. 1518877
>>1518234KEK why did a man make that shirt
>>1518264For better or worse, I'm not in the US
>>1518839It's fine lol I guess it's better if more users know these things, but ads are really a non-issue for me - I have ad blocker everywhere where it's possible to have it, turned off personalized ads on my google account etc. This app is the only thing that works for me, it can be off by a couple of days but that's on my cycle, not the app, which btw, I didn't freebleed yesterday! Happy Women's day to you as well nona ♥
No. 1518878
>>1518265You got some decent replies. Never thought about it from those perspectives.
I'll throw you a more practical take - he simply has a bunch of mental inertia. Next time you both have a day off, get up in the morning and play the following game:
Person A chooses a topic.
They set a timer to one minute, and person B has to talk about the topic for a minute.
You may pick the topics using an online term generator.
Alternate like this for a couple of rounds. It's like starting a lawnmower or something, you need to stimulate it, get it working. He'll probably be more expressive/talkative throughout the day.
You may notice a reset overnight. It may be a daily process that needs to be repeated every morning.
No. 1518899
>>1518632I can’t stop laughing at this. 10/10 vent,
No. 1518912
>>1518271>>1518725>>1518736>>1518762>>1518817>>1518878Thank you all for your takes anons, both the hateful and sympathetic ones. It means a lot to me, especially those of you who relate to having been close to a cluster B-person although I'm sorry you also went through that. I didn't mean to imply I wanna date another cluster B-person, but I feel like current bf is at the opposite end of an extreme. Surely there must be some sort of middle ground person between lovebombing and one word communication lol. Wanted to post on lolcow because I think some of you might give some insight into what it's like being very introverted.
>>1518878I really like your practical advice, will give it a try!
No. 1518918
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I hate myself for not telling people (only women tbh, I dont tolerate male autism from the start) they're fucking weird and they should stop talking to me about stuff early on. I keep making friends and they show their weird sides to me, like this friend has a fetish and I thought she was only making jokes about it at first and I went along with it, but now it's all she ever brings up in any conversation we have. If I said something like "haha funny it's weird when ppl actually like it though" I could have shamed her into not speaking about it so much. I tolerated it being brought up at first because she's a little autistic and has few friends she can be herself/weird with, but I'm sick of her autistic fetish and stupid anime men that she keeps slapping this fetish on to being brought up every single time we talk. I can't say anything serious without her pushing the conversation to being really fucking weird again. And this isn't the first time it happened. I wish I didn't make jokes with her about this at first, I almost never learn that making jokes with or simply listening to someone about weird stuff always sticks around and they think I'm cool with it. Now if I tell her to stop she'll feel bad. But I fucking want to have normal conversations!!! I feel like I lost her because every time we talk she just has to one up herself in terms of out of pocket weird shit to say. Now I tell her when I disagree with something or when I think a person/act is weird and I laugh at it but she ignores me, probably because she's used to me never having been hateful outwardly. I feel like she's becoming more and more a woman-child? Ugh I hate it I wish I never let her be weird with me because we had proper conversations before she got taken over by this weird shit saying virus. I ask her her opinion on shit SHE brought up and radio silence - until she messages me about her retarded fetish again. It's like she loses braincells in my presence. I won't say what it is but the way she talks about this fetish is also becoming more and more misogynist, yes even when it's about anime men. I want to block her and just forget about it but she's too lonely for that to not hurt her severely. Why do I keep doing this to myself? I don't know how to draw the line between what I'm comfortable with talking about and what I'm disgusted by in friendships. It's my fault, I should've known anything ironic would become unironic with time.
No. 1518995
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I'm 24, I have no friends, I never had a romantic partner, I never had anyone show any romantic interest in me. I can't relate to anyone or anything. As much as I enjoy art and music it makes me realise how disconnected I am to humanity. Human relations play a huge part in art but how can I relate to that when I don't have any? As a teenager I at least hoped I would one day get to understand the human relations that my favourite songs are about. But now I'm an adult and I still don't. I haven't had a crush in over a decade. I haven't had a close friend in over a decade. I'm not even talking about over the top art that shows emotions in some grand manner. I mean just throw away lines in a movie or song where someone goes to town or gets a call from a friend
No. 1518999
My maternal grandma was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. I've been grieving all day, she's the coolest person I've ever met and now she's in the ICU, likely going to die in the hospital bed she's currently residing in. I want to tell her I love her but have no way of reaching her. She accepted me immediately upon me coming out as a lesbian and went to bat for me, she taught me a lot about my family & about my Indigenous bloodline (I wasn't raised in it, but she & to a lesser extent my mom was), and she opened my eyes to a lot of different cultures and experiences, and her sudden decline in health is really hard to accept, like I just got punched in the face. And the heart a few thousand times.
I feel so lost, I spent around a month with her slightly over a year ago, and she was so excited about the legalization of shrooms, and talked about how she'd love to have some with the rest of my family, including me.
I'm sorry for being mopey, nonnas, it's the first time I've (almost) lost someone close to me and I'm trying to cope the best I can.
No. 1519042
>>1518524if you're gonna keep these friends you just have to keep them at a distance and never vent about any poor moiderinos again. Although I can say now its not that hard to find women who would side with you, even normie girls who dont ally with any feminist movements would go "ya hes thirsty lol stay away".
You seem to have a fine posse of pickmes in your circle.
The same people who go "AWW JUST GIVE HIM A CHANCE" will call you a whore who leads men on for doing just that even though you had no interest but "gave him a chance". You can't win with them unless you just give free pussy to every man in the vicinity, like a proper cool girl.
No. 1519045
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A coordinate a small team of 3 people at work - all moids.
One of them smell do bad.
I don't get how can someone smell so bad like that.
It doesn't seem like he's dirty (I mean, he does not look greasy).
He's not fat.
It's not sweat smell, it's a really, REALLY strong musty scent.
It makes me nauseous.
Luck me and everyone else that everyone stays in a small room.
I put on two air humidifier with lavanda oils in my place, but when he comes here for some reason, it almost kills me.
Just passing the corridor of the room he stays, you can already smell it.
No. 1519062
>>1519055Yeah, its lavender.
Sometimes I put on vick vaporub under my nose too.
>>1519055>>1519059I also thought the same. But HOW can he not smell his own clothes? Does he not care?
It almost like he don't dry up his clothes and put them on wardrobe still semi wet.
He is on his 30s, how can he not know this?
Anyways… it's disgusting and I don't know what to do.
No. 1519071
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>>1519067because elegance is something men can only pretend to have, their nature is to be a rapeape
>>1519062>I also thought the same. But HOW can he not smell his own clothes? Does he not care? It almost like he don't dry up his clothes and put them on wardrobe still semi wet.male logic is
>me dump clothes in washer to max fullness 1 time a month (so full theres no room for water to submerge and wash it but just get it wet)>any detergent just gets dumped at the top of the pile in the machine, or even worse throws in a tide pod that just stays dry on an overstuffed pile of laundry>when its done he leaves it in there for hours to get musty>when he puts it in the dryer he doesnt bother checking if its damp anywhere but pulls it all out and leaves it in a pile for more must accumulation >ape nose and general disregard for nice things makes him not give a fuck because he technically "did his laundry" and isnt to blame No. 1519091
>>1519087Love you
nonny, thank you baby cat. Your cat loves you too.
No. 1519093
>>1518265I can relate to your situation because I feel similar about my bf and we've been together for over 10 years. I feel bad when I'm bored but he is just so extremely introverted and in his own world all the time. The worst part is the lack of real conversations, I always feel like he's not interested in that so I tend to talk more to my/our friends. I sometimes wonder if we are just too different in that regard even though we've managed to get along for so long. It's the same with activities, when I suggest to do something like go for a walk or go eat something together, he's totally up to it but he rarely takes initiative and that makes me feel like he's happier on his own. It really frustrates me and I've told him multiple times but it doesn't really change.
I agree with the other nonnas that you should not compare him to your ex though.
No. 1519097
>>1519087How wonderful that you have your sweet cat, I'm glad she made you change your mind. Wish you all the best with your healing,
No. 1519100
>>1519078I know. This is the first guy I was actually interested in for over a year, and I go on a decent amount of dates. I was excited that I met someone who I wanted to go on a second date with rather than agreeing to it in case something will develop. I usually never get attached this early on, but here I am.
No. 1519116
nonnie i teared up reading this, please give your kitty lots of hugs. I hope you can get the help you need and live happily with your cat
No. 1519145
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I've been waiting for such a long time to get a message back about the progress of my (supposed) new job. Its so depressing and I've been feeling so wired up for the past couple of weeks. I did sign some paperwork last Friday. But there another step…so many fucking steps. The next form I was supposed to sign was supposed to come early this week, it's Thurs today. So what's the holdup??? It's so crazy, I've been in contact with the recruiter and other teammembers for 2 months and I'm still not signed on. I'm almost starting to think that I'm just being fucked with for some reason. I'm too anxious and I can't wait. I can't take another day where I'm working now. The kicker is that my "supposed" start day will be the 29th. And at this point it doesn't seem likely that I'll be making that. I haven't even spoken with someone from hr? I haven't even received an official notice, just a lot of bureaucracy. When will this end??
No. 1519195
>>1519147Love you nona. This messaging is so good for your brother and all young moids to hear.
I'll never forget how my dad had a talk with me when I got my first boyfriend telling me he's the only man I can really trust until I'm married. I thought it was lame at the time but it was so true.
No. 1519219
>>1519177White women are acceptable targets now for men to be the usual selves without any shame. It's annoying as hell and I'm also not white myself. Everytime I hear a man going "white women.." I know he is full of shit. Sad thing is to see a bunch of white women saying shit like this, like, wtf??? Why are you doing this you fucking retard?
Also that annoying "white het men.." argument. Yeah right, non white and gay men are totally safe and good for women, this shit is utterly stupid, when I want to criticize men, I'm talking about all of them, not just the white het ones, especially since my country has mostly mixed people, it's not just white men causing me problems being misogynistic, nor just straight ones. This is ridiculous. They take out the blame off other men and at the same time blame and separate women and make us see each other as enemies. I'm so tired of this stuff.
No. 1519230
>>1519219i see this a lot online about groomers, these people going "cis het white men are 90% of pedos and sex abusers" when i can show you 300 articles over the last six years from, say, Pakistan, about how males there raped yet another child/woman/corpse. they are giving a pass to degenerate non-whites because, why? americanized white guilt? some disgusting male in Mongolia is somehow a
victim of old white men privilege in Oregon and that's why he can go ahead and kidnap and rape a woman? it's ok for a gay man in China to rape a 3yo boy and post photos on the internet because… white cis het men? It is insane that this thought process is prevalent online, and infecting young kids into thinking it.
No. 1519234
>>1519228if you want it im sure you wont suck at it. i suck because i knew i didnt like engineering but jumped at the first job i got.
i hope you enjoy your future cybersecurity job nona. i dont think mine is about time, because i definitely shouldve been able to complete certain tasks. everything seems impossible.
No. 1519241
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>>1519225what retards. "it starts with you" isnt just a dumb corporate job motivational phrase. corporations don't do things because it's for the good of the planet or the people, they do it because it will make them money. cities don't just start outright banning plastic bags because ~`•°× they felt like it uwu ×°•`~
No. 1519265
>>1519225While there's truth to it that corporations have a bigger impact and are responsible for most pollution, it's still common sense to choose a lifestyle that is more environmental-friendly if you care about that stuff. using single use plastic is just lazy.
>>1519241this, there has to be some push from society for governments and corporations to take action. Just like there are so many vegan products in grocery stores now because people started to eat plant-based diets, it created a demand so now they can make a profit.
No. 1519269
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>mfw catching a ban on /cgl/ for making a tranny joke
Kek janny is definitely a tranny. Would make sense that it leaves up all the retarded coomer threads.
No. 1519301
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6 hours in between the end of my last shift and the start of my next one from friday to saturday damn these motherfuckers must really hate me. 2 of those hours is commute and getting ready to leave or sleep. 1 of them would be cooking, eating, cleaning or buying groceries. that would realistically leave me with maximum of 3 hours of sleep, if i did not actually wake up 2 hours before my shift to have coffee, practice basic hygiene and eat a breakfast.
No. 1519328
>>1519307i am not sure and it's a transitionary timetable so i'm only getting fucked for 2 days.
>>1519318not really it's a big chain and minimum wage but it is what it is
No. 1519332
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i just read up on it. that is extremely cool.
No. 1519336
>>1519269All jannys and mods on every board of that site are either tranny themselves or tranny enablers.
Its basic knowledge
No. 1519371
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>>1519269All the mods on 4chan are trannies that larp on IRC, picrel
No. 1519390
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oh god I know it's so fucked up but I want to see a picture of Dolores O' Riordan in her coffin. I feel like I need to see it for some insane reason
No. 1519391
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I couldn't bring myself to feel good about Women's day, I'm just demoralized. The whole shit is being overshadowed by all these trannies and the march at my country is plagued with libfem ideology. At the same time I feel guilty because maybe I should just suck it up and March for all the feminicides in my country that the government is doing nothing about, but I don't wanna be associated with this backwards sexual liberation and those cringy "Trans women are women" signs. I wish that, at least for one day, libfems could just not lump all that woke ideology along with feminism.
No. 1519511
>>1518079Same, I have this pick me zoomer friend and she's been posting selfies on instagram in stupid sexy clothes and poses with the capture
>proud to show my feminine side on international woman's day!Jesus Christ. She also likes to complain about moids sending her creepy dms but uses hashtags like #smallboobs, #widehips and stuff like that. Not to
victim blame, I mean, what do you expect? What is the purpose of such hashtags except to attract moids for validation?
I hope she finds real feminism one day cause it really is just sad.
>>1519391I refuse to go anywhere near these idiot fake feminists, it would make me so mad to be walking when these tra signs are being held up. Until there are radfem groups walking in my city I'll stick to donating money and stickering and peaking people.
No. 1519512
>>1519391I posted
TERF stuff on my social media on International women's day. Men are not women. If someone wants to unfollow, whatever, then that's on them. I will not be silenced.
No. 1519588
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so today was worse than usual. i'm the bpd/eating disorder/autism unholy trinity (diagnosed with the first two, not autism but only because i refuse to be tested for it) and i had a 6-ish hour dissociative sort of self harming screaming crying meltdown that ended with me having to get stitches. my bmi went up to just under 15 after months of being spoop tier and i lost my shit about it. i feel so bad for my family who have to put up with me and i've been trying for a long time to seek some form of recovery with the help of the mental health professionals i see, but… it's been about 18 months of hell at this point and i start wondering if things can ever go back to being mostly peaceful and healthier. half the time i don't trust the professional people i see and think they don't think i have a problem or something. basically i don't know how to proceed when i wake up tomorrow, i have a therapy appointment with someone who was mad at me last time she saw me and she expects me to have some food with her when i'm pissed off at her still. i already lost all my friends because of this months ago. don't know if my long term goals (making friends again, building my career, study, dating) are all impossible. is there still hope? at least my family love me but idk if i deserve it sometimes.
No. 1519639
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I really wanna travel the world but the few female friends I have can’t/ don’t want to come. I tried solo travelling for the first time this year but I felt so lonely, and too anxious to go out of my comfort zone and go to certain attractions/ dine out by myself. It kind of just felt like ‘what’s the point’ and now I’m wondering if ‘solo travelling’ is just cope. It’s the perfect time in my life to travel, I have a flexible job and money saved, but I don’t want to do another trip alone if it’s gonna be like that. I tried going on a trip with people I wasn’t super close with (males) and it completely destroyed the friendship, I cut them off after. Other moids have expressed an interest in going on a trip, platonically, but I don’t like the idea of travelling with a man especially one I’m not dating. I feel like they put all the pressure on you to decide what to do and they need to eat so much food and constantly, it would basically be like travelling with a large child. Im not getting any younger though, I want to see the world :(
No. 1519656
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I can't find any figures of my husbando outside of one thats 500 bucks, which is insane since it's a popular series and i was able to find figures from the same franchise under 70 bucks for more obscure characters. what the hell.
No. 1519669
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I just moved out of my childhood home for the very first time ever to a totally new state and the loneliness is honestly so crippling.
My family is what I would describe as toxic so I don't really miss them very much at all, but I miss my cats so much. My tiny studio apartment feels so empty. I've never lived without some pet in my life. I think about them everyday and feel some regret for leaving. I absolutely gained some peace of mind being away from my family, but I don't know if this trade was worth it to be completely honest.
God, I'd be so happy if my cats were here with me.
No. 1519672
>>1519593Ok … Honestly your feeling make a lot of sense. It's very normal to get in contentious situations with therapists when you have a self-harm style problem like and ED and also interpersonal issues like bpd/autism. But getting better is more important than your ass being chapped someone was mean to you. You are there to follow their advice.
I've snapped back at therapists and always regretted it when I stuck with the program and discovered they had my best interest at heart.
No. 1519673
>>1519669Is it possible to go get those cats,
No. 1519716
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>>1519692Fuck those troglodytes
No. 1519726
>>1519674I'm both glad and sorry you can relate. It's absolutely freeing to get away from a
toxic situation, but the choices we have to make for the sake of our own well-being can weigh so heavy. I hope you're doing better these days, nona.
>>1519673Sadly not. Not only does my apartment not allow pets, but they're also technically family cats. I was the main caretaker of the both of them, but my parents and siblings are very attached to them anyway.
I'd also feel bad selfishly moving them from an environment they've lived in for their whole lives, especially the older one who is turning 18 this year.
No. 1519768
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I feel so defeated. Somebody please feed me a cigarette.
No. 1519777
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an old friend of mine from school and i planned to go to a concert this year and its coming up after the weekend. i thought i could get a ride with him into the city but turns out he's working near the venue that day and will just have a short drive over, so all i've gotta do is bus/train/train/walk to the place, about a ninety minute trip. due to illness i can't walk long without limping and am susceptible to sickness but the arena is only a 15 minute walk from the station. cool. check the weather: 40mm downpour predicted at the time with 90% area coverage, aka yeah bitch you're getting soaked hobbling from the train amongst a throng of strangers at night right as the data is showing another covid wave hitting the locale. not to mention the train system has been hit by a ton of issues the last few days and i have little faith in it. adding that all up makes my skin prickle at the thought, but i haven't seen this friend in years! and there's no issues for him giving me a ride home. just need a ton of faith in the underfunded public transport and a bit of patience.
anyway i pulled out of the concert and feel like shit about it. that's all
No. 1519813
>>1519803and to be clear she snapped at me for not bringing enough food for group dinner which made sense from her end because she spent 10 hours with inpatient girls who were anorexic from 7am-5pm and then had dinner with us outpatient randoms at 5:30 for another damn hour and a half but I didn't know her work hours were crazy or why she was on edge at first, and I wasn't anorexic I had a different issue (which she didn't know because I was new) so her anger made no sense to me. Bottom line everyone was trying to do the best they could but we were clashing because everyone was fucking stressed.
In my experience all their advice worked when I followed what they said even if we clashed sometimes.
No. 1519841
i got a long overdue ultrasound to see why my periods were so bad, they're not allowed to tell me what's wrong until next week, and i got a quick glance
white fuzzies all over the top of it, i'm no doctor but it seems like cysts of some kind. no wonder i get completely incapacitated for a week or more every month
No. 1519847
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>>1519841one of my gynos used an ultrasound wand on me (which I'm not 100% sure but I think she did it for free and it should have cost like $700 because I'm american but yay for her if she was just being sneaky) and my ovaries looked like lotus-pods from the cysts. I have PCOS. it was very clearly a random circular pattern. so that's what ovarian cycsts look like if it's what you're worried about, it doesn't look fuzzy
No. 1519866
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i cant believe i got depressed from reading the AVGN's biography. He's such a cute sperg, and it makes me sad cute spergy men like that dont exist anymore. Also, it makes me sad to hear how fun and chaotic the world was in the 90's and 00's. From his college starting a gigantic snowball fight out of word of mouth to the dean expulsing him for a year because someone ratted him out and sent him a VHS compilation of all the shit they destroyed on the dorm. I just hate the 10's and onwards so much nonnies, i feel like i got robbed out of my teenage years and early adulthood. I just want to have fun stupid memories too…. I hate modernity, I hate how everyone has to have their phone at all times, i hate how you cant go 5 seconds without someone pulling up their phone to take a picture they are NEVER going to see again. I just want to make dumb VHS tapes and share them with close family, i wanna be part of a small forum dedicated to a game or niche without it having trannies ruinning the fun, I want to watch youtube without the retarded youtuber spending 5 minutes to tell me about today's sponsor I want to actually see an artists gallery instead of having to scroll thorough trash on their twitter timeline. Fuck everything, fuck the 10's and onwards, fuck my fellow zoomers you fun sucking assholes.
No. 1519905
>>1519866I thought I was the only one who got depressed watching James talk about his life. I resonate with your post,
He once talked about how he used to scan the TV guide so he could record obscure movies. While finding shit on the internet is way more convenient he tailed about it with such joy. It must had made watching these movie feel way more special
No. 1519986
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I'm starting to feel annoyed by my boss. I hang out with her and two friends during lunchtime and it's becoming obnoxious. She has a degree on psychology, which I didn't really care about before, the problem is ever since we got closer she spends the whole day trying for us to "open up", tries to analyze every single fucking sentence we say and sends us "food for thought" videos daily. Is this normal? Is it normal to think about your traumas every single fucking day?
Telling her about my abandonment issues was really helpful, but now everyday she relates something to what I told her. I know she means good but it fucking sucks. If I wanted to face my fucked up head everyday I would talk to a therapist. She even tried to make one of my friends tell her about some abusive shit her ex did when she clearly didn't want to.
One thing that especially pissed me off was me complaining about the sexual dances in Steven Universe, and she asked me (she knows I'm a kissless virgin) how could I know what was sexual if I had never had sex. I swear she treats me like a retard sometimes.
No. 1520031
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dear universe: please let the next job I get have a boss who speaks perfect english. i cannot handle my korean in laws any longer. i love them both but their english is atrocious. i’m losing my mind here, even when i speak korean i’m still misunderstood, it’s like they’re not even trying to understand me. i cannot break down concepts more than i already have. i cannot sit back and deal with rules changing on the fly based on whether or not they like the customer or not. i already live with them, i don’t need to deal with them at work too. one conversation with either of them and i’m fucking exhausted.
i. cannot. handle. it. anymore. i’ve been here three years. after this year i’m DONE. i want to like living again, i’m so tired of waking up every morning and wishing i was fucking dead. i’m tired of these fucking entitled customers. i’m tired of BEING TIRED. what about my happiness??? when will i finally get to live the life i want????
No. 1520143
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>something important was suppose to be covered in class this friday
>I oversleep and miss that class and spend the whole day beating myself over it
>oh well at least it's weekend tomorrow and I get to chill
>wake up saturday and start chilling
>day is almost ending and I'm checking my calender
>turns out that today is actually friday and yesterday was thursday
>mfw I realise I still could had made it for that very important class if I hadn't mixed up the dates
No. 1520147
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REEEEEE fuck all the non-vegan/allergy/intolerance fags who keep buying up all the alternative milk since the pandemic. Keep to your inferior quick spoiling abuse juice and leave the good stuff for the deserving and needy! Or at least have the balls to go vegan reeee
No. 1520293
>>1520268Which meds? There was one my bff in hs took. Acutane(?) dried ger out completely, her lips cracked and all her skin looked so papery. After a few months her acne subsided.
Be careful! Drink plenty of water
No. 1520402
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I'm hungover and I feel like I'm dying
No. 1520504
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>bought a bunch of stuff on mercari
>neokyo lists weight of items now but in beta
>first orders that come in have weight
>the other twenty items no weight listed
pic related. curses. i wanted to estimate my shipping cost and now i can't. just gonna submit and let it be a surprise
No. 1520509
>>1520445Anon, aside from what other anons said regarding health and all, I feel like this might be a matter of habit as well. I don't want to trivialize your problem, I've been the same honestly (only taking meds and looking after my health now in general, so don't feel miserable anymore), I just feel like it's simply really hard to start doing something when you're not used to it. It requires certain buildup, and then some time to adjust. It might be easier if you think about it this way, instead of expecting some big changes and constantly being disappointed by yourself. Start with little steps, pay attention to what you manage to do during the day (like taking a little walk, going to get groceries, cleaning, etc.) and praise yourself for it, write it down and make little plans for the next day.
No. 1520652
>>1520027im drunk again and I want him to die
die you fucking senile filthy stench and waste of air die for all you've done to me you pervert die for all the sins you've heaped on other girls
die die die
No. 1520657
>>1520654people's apathy fucking sucks and then when they are survivors they're often more concerned with how their experiences are compared to yours and trying to 1 up you
I've met survivors who aren't like this but the amount who'll say your experience doenst matter because it's not as severe as theirs and choosing to play oppression olympics is fucking staggering
why can't survivors just be compassionate to other survivors and people be compassionate to survivors of child abuse in general! have we not been through enough
No. 1520712
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I hope I don't mess this up, she's so cool and I want to get to know her plus vice versa. Early conversation is so, so tender and I'm worried I've taken too many risks here.
I want her to like me so badly. Looks like I haven't really changed when it comes to this sort of thing. If only my social and conversational skills were better.
No. 1520721
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>Mom is a tumblr addict who constantly posts about the ugly actor from riverdale and Zach and Cody (tumblr social experiment one)
>Being a mom who doesn’t know how to use the internet properly, she constantly baits trolls and posts about her personal life on her blog
>has anon haters who post random schizo shit
>no surprise I get dragged into this shit despite not doing anything
>look on her blog today because I mentioned to my friend that my mom doesn’t mind me being a fujoshi which surprised her and I mention she has a tumblr, already noticing a trend from the first minute of my scrolling on her page and look up my name/daughter
>shit ton of anons calling me a bitch in doll clothes who carries stuffed animals in public (I wear lolita, so usakumya)
>talk to my mom about how uncomfortable this makes me and that she should at least make her blog password protected
>noooo you shouldn’t let those haters get to yoooou
I’m happy I have a mom that’s supportive of my interests but Christ I wish she would get off tumblr and stopped posting like a 14 year old despite being in her 50s.
No. 1520735
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I wish I had the kind of trauma response to sexual assault that made me completely put off by sex instead of the kind that made me relentlessly horny and hypersexual.
No. 1520741
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I accidentally opened chrome on my phone in front of my sister and boyfriend and a video of Aella writhing around on a chair was open
No. 1520743
>>1520608I think I might be? Maybe not by european standards but I’m 90 lbs
>>1520636It made me feel so dumb for even trying to buy it. I go to that store a lot so the staff definitely knows my name and recognizes me when they see me, including the guy who did this, and yeah just because they know me doesn’t mean they’re gonna telepathically know that it would bother me to make a comment on what I’m eating but how hard is it to just ring me up, tell me how much I owe you, and say “have a good day”!! like come
on sir please don’t make me try to get you fired
No. 1520756
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I hate how wokies and troons always assume EVERYONE are just as terminally online as they are, and so should just magically know whatever twitter drama is going on right now on their end of the web or what phrases or choice of words are considered whistleblowing against whatever minority of choice this week. No explanation, no leeway for not knowing, you are a bigot for not reading their minds. I don't care enough about your precious fee-fees to read up on whatever isn't validating your existence today whenever I wake up.
No. 1520833
>>1515170can someone give me love advice? how do i stop being so mentally ill about this shit?
i have had a crush on an online for a while now but i've had trouble getting to spend time alone with him because i'm too shy, sometimes we do stuff together alone but then he does other stuff and i've been too shy to make a move.
yesterday this other girl who's been in a discord server we're in mutually joined a game of cards against humanity me, him and some friends played, and he seemed totally interested in her..
after that she started talking about her d&d sessions and he's a big d&d fan, and i saw they ended up staying together in the server's voice channel for a whopping 5 hours talking about god knows what.
she has a boyfriend so i wasn't that worried at first, but i'm stupid and obsessive and this has made my heart hurt a bit, because i really liked him and was hoping we were going somewhere slowly because we've been hanging out more and more. but he's never shown that much interest to someone nor even stayed up late in a vc channel like he did with her.
and even though she has someone i felt like there was something going and her having a boyfriend doesn't exclude the possibility that she'd take him away from me.
i feel so jealous and bothered and on the verge of crying because this happened, i just wanted to spend time with him without feeling jealous over other girls, just how do i stop making it hurt? how do i stop being so jealous? why can't i be happy by myself?
No. 1520841
>>1520666Cursed trips,
nonnie. But yeah just cut your mother and your dumbass half bro out of your life. Sounds like they are literally nothing to your life besides bullshit. The only reason to keep talking to family like that is if they’re giving you a significant amount of money, otherwise there’s no reason not to cut them out of your life.
No. 1520849
My coworker came up with an idea for the four of us to go to a restaurant/bar this weekend and I agreed, and she said that we can just add all our expenses and divide it by 4 and everyone have to pay an equal amount of money, and I disagreed to that. It's unfair and illogical, if someone let's say eats two meals and doesn't drink alcohol (I don't drink btw), why would that person pay more money just because someone else ate 3 meals and had 4 drinks? I think everyone should pay for themselves. She basically called me scrooge, but then kinda agreed to that (I hope). Still, she made me feel like there was something bad with me and I don't get it? She also said she wouldn't have a problem with spending a 'few extra dollars' on us, implying I'm a baddie because I don't want to do that for them. She earns more money than me plus she has a partner who shares her life expenses, she has more spare money than me, I earn less money and I'm alone thus I need to pay all my bills alone, I also have some medical expenses. But even if we were totally economically equal in everything, I would still think that in a group of coworkers going out, every person should pay for themselves. I wouldn't want someone to pay more than they ate just because I ate more than them, it wouldn't feel ok.
No. 1520875
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My bf keeps having nightmares, typically about me doing something humiliating to him or cheating. He tells me about these negative dreams like he is covertly asking me to apologize and then reassure that I won't do the things in his dreams.
It hurts me a lot that he has never had a positive dream about me since we have started dating, not to mention if I don't say the right combinations of words and reassurances he splits on me as if I have done something wrong.
This morning he woke me up and it was before 8am (super rare for him to not sleep in). He had made me some bacon, so I thought it would be a good morning. Turns out he likely just couldn't go back to sleep so he made breakfast, cause that's when he dumped his nightmare on me. In this dream I was hanging out with his friends and laughing with them while we ditched him at a hotel while I cheated with them. I have never met his friends IRL. So I laughed a little and asked him which friends these were? I reminded him I have never met a single one of his friends.
Well HOW DARE I think this very serious topic over my dream self and people whom I have never met could be remotely funny?! I replied saying obviously I don't find it funny but I feel pressured to apologize constantly for things I haven't actually done.
He shouted OH SO NOW YOU'RE MAKING THIS ABOUT YOU and now has stormed off to play rap music in the computer room to give me the silent treatment because I didn't display perfect empathy over these imaginary crimes.
No. 1520885
>>1520875Isn't it sort of suspicious he's regularly having dreams about you cheating without reason (as far as I got from your post)? Like who has that unless he's an anxious mess with confidence/trust issues or lying.
>give me the silent treatmentAnyway I was gonna call him a manchild until I read that. You really gonna put up with a guy who's punishing YOU because HE is having nightmares?
No. 1520888
>>1520885He's borderline and is avoiding therapy. He seems to think he's good with medicating with Lexapro (which could be causing the excess nightmares). But you are right.
Had he showed this side of himself I would have never agreed to subsequent dates, it's a lot of work and walking on eggshells.
No. 1520905
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>>1520888Nonnas here roasted my ass for venting about by mean moid when he had a toothache even though he apologized for being a piece of shit. I had a BPD ex that acted like your current partner and I’ll take a scrote that chimps out when in pain over that agonizing BPD scrote shit ANY DAY. And he’s never gonna apologize to you over it. Your scrote better be a mega hung hottie for you to be dealing with this shit.
No. 1520939
>>1520934I’ve sperged about this several times but I
keep meeting zoomers who don’t even know what a text editor is/means
No. 1520951
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I bought an ab roller, and jesus christ I had not realized in how bad of a hape I am. Like I can't even do the basic exercises, I just collapse. I'm trying to do even a little bit though, even if I can't do the exercises properly.
No. 1520961
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>>1520955Zoomers have Pluto in Sagittarius which explains why they are so confidently retarded. They’re only somewhat less insufferable than the boomers with their Pluto in Leo placements.
No. 1521013
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>>1520992It's true, that's why the computers are fucked up today, it's definitely not a problem a person caused or an issue with the system, better not find a solution, damn planets are preventing this. Mercury must be in retrograde 365 days a year, definitely nothing to do with airheads making mistakes and continually downloading the same viruses. Just that silly Cancer in Venus always making us do the wrong thing. Moon did this. Technology is like a crystal with no soul. I have no free will. Maybe if I hold a quartz obelisk when I push the wrong buttons the right thing will happen. Yes I also broke this machine last week but that was because of the Saturn return, today it's because I pulled a reverse triple cup and you know what THAT means for a Libra like me! Choose kindness, don't judge, its not dyslexia, it's my Pieces rising. Maybe align your chakras before implying someone aligned with the plants ever makes a mistake. I fucking love my job and coworkers
No. 1521014
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>>1521000It’s spiritual, honestly recommend looking into weird CIA type unclassified shit and those kind of rabbit holes. The only problem with suggesting anyone research this stuff is that you have to filter through so much garbage and attempts to misdirect and feed you false information so you just disregard everything that is informative and meaningful. That’s why I hate being compared to flat earthers and satanic panic christfags and racebaiters and anti mask tards. Cause that’s what the elites (who use astrology extensively) want, for astrology to seem like some retarded shit, there’s constant attempts to make the mainstream view of astrology negative and “just some more dumb shit” when it’s not. Took me forever to finally open my mind and research and it was exhausting filtering out the absolute crazy bullshit half the time but it was worth it and I’m better for doing it.
No. 1521018
>>1521009Happened to me once but it was because of the dude. Turned out that he was a virgin and too insecure to have sex. Another time I was rejected in a club when I was stupidly drunk and trying to flirt with a dude. He had a girlfriend. It was embarrassing but it was also my friend's fault for pushing me to do it like a retard.
Don't feel stupid, it's absolutely normal.
No. 1521039
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>>1521034Sorry for sperging meanly anon I’m just also fed up with being made fun of by scrotes for my views and I was really mad to be made fun of on here too. Sorry
toxic positivity girls who believed in astrology (and probably had no idea wtf they were doing anyway because only autists can really truly grasp astrology imo) were shitty to you and sorry for being shitty on top of it. And yes I’ve got the tism and needed lunch and probably need a nap
No. 1521043
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>>1521038NO it makes way more sense because there are so many more factors in your natal chart than there are regarding your blood type, literally nobody has the same natal chart as you do and tons of people have the same blood type. Fhsgdiaoshfhsjg do you realize how many placements are win your chart, the aspects they form, the degrees they’re at?? NOT THE SAME REEEEE NOT EVEN CLOSE I NEED A NAP
No. 1521045
Man, my bff keeps making these weird comments about how I've changed because I grew up frankly in poverty and now that I have money I'm sharing cute things I want to buy, like nice jewellery. Nothing outrageous, 100 euros tops. She's like "what happened to the nona who was happy with the simple ear studs?". Rinse and repeat with "luxury" food, nice clothes, branded coats etc etc. If it's something smart looking "that's so not you". She insinuates that my character has changed, for the worse, because I can buy things I can afford. And i'm a financially responsible person, I can definitely afford it.
She's not poor (always been average income) and buys herself stuff so it's not jealousy but when she says something the only response I can think of is fuck off you hater COW. On a deeper level I think it's really shitty of her and hurts me but I can't articulate why, even to myself. Why be so negative and bring down my choices? What the fuck does she want me to do?? Not that I would do it, but I don't even understand her motive.
No. 1521070
I'm in college, and I live in a (themed) dorm building for creative and performing arts, so a lot of the people here have some interest in the arts, as do I. But, as you could figure from the 'performing arts' bit, it's got massive theatre kid energy—like tryhard, spicy straight 'they/them/ze/zir IM DEMIROMANTIC GREYSEXUAL' libfem nonsense. Last night they had this ridiculous activity where they went to 'ironically' watch porn and make commentary on it—which, to me, makes zero sense. Nobody normal watches porn 'ironically', and there's nothing insightful that could be said about exploitative straight porn that couldn't already be surmised that they need to hold this event every goddamned year. I'm sure if I said something I'd get told I'm being too stiff or somethingphobic, but no one can convince me that porn is anything less than abuse, and that there's nothing funny or progressive about watching women being objectified for the male gaze and as pitiful as it was, even the Luna and Lurch sextape was less funny and more horrifying. It's hard being radfem-adjacent or non-leftwing on campus.
No. 1521112
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>>1521075I saw cakefarts when I was 13 and didn’t realize it was porn and not just gross but hilarious comedy until a couple years ago. I literally didn’t even think that could have been filmed for erotic purposes, I thought the trailer trash lady, the tone, all of it, were clearly meant to be shock comedy. But alas, I didn’t understand just how disgusting men really were.
No. 1521119
>>1521045you should start saying the same things she does when she shows something "that doesnt suit you" "that's too elegant for you" negging comments like this, it's going to make her realize what she is doing
either that or she's actually jealous so time to dump her
No. 1521130
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I’m so pissed off rn, greentext because
>pick out online order for customer
>customer allowed substitutions on their order (it will specifically say if they don’t want substitutions)
>I subbed for items that weren’t in the store
>she calls back and starts screaming at me that she didn’t want subs
>he gives her store credit for a bad “in store experience”
>I’m the bad in store experience
I shouldn’t be so mad but tf? She ruined my day and got compensated for it
No. 1521134
>>1521131I have the same cursed witch face, but to be honest is the blonde bombshell aesthetic even a thing anymore? I always seen them get called basic on tiktok
I think if you have a white face with sharp features, you should go with dark hair and you could pass for some exotic Balkan girl. If you have a witch face and go with light hair, you can risk looking like Florence Welch (luv her music but her face is
No. 1521141
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>>1521133I find the industry viscerally fascinating, and it's always been a cesspool. I have a penchant for gossip and studying scandals, and analyze how events could've been handled better or worse historically. It's very much an interest of mine that I'm passionate about, and aligns with my interests and pays a lot more than all of my other proposed job ideas. Problem is that I'm not a traditionally attractive or particularly submissive type of woman, and I tend to repel men with my aura, but I figured maybe if the scape has changed enough I could find myself a female boss or mentor. I am actually very passionate about what I want to do and I want to be a part of the industry, not because I'm a sociopath, but because it genuinely interests me, maybe that makes me a sociopath. I'm afraid it's also going to drive me to fucking kms
I'm probably less ugly than I think but I take into consideration how bad my dysmorphia is combined with not having pretty colored features or a pretty skintone, and then I think how ugly I must be. I look sort of similar to picrel and Olivia Cooke but I'm uglier, my face is rounder, and have a lighter skintone. I've seen people call Jenna pretty but I've also seen some nasty comments about the way she looks. I have a young looking and kind of resting bitch like face with dark features which I imagine must make me seem pretty ugly and unapproachable for the job I want to work. My personality won't ever match my face no matter how hard I try, and it'll make getting hired in an elitist (and to be frank a white supremacist) industry even harder because people will view me as deceptive.
No. 1521143
>>1521123>Avoid these fuckers, anonHa, no kidding. Most of them are absolutely insufferable and like
>>1521121 said they're overly sensitive, and way emotionally immature. Some of the residents are chill and reasonable, but too many of them are drunk off of Kool-Aid and make being 'gay' (i.e. spicy straight, if they're female) their entire identities. I mean, I'm not straight and I don't even think about my sexuality enough to find these jokes relatable or entertaining. Nothing can be a personality quirk anymore, it's because they're gay/lesbian/trans
although admittedly I apparently give off lesbo vibes to my normal straight friends/relatives even kek No. 1521156
>>1521134My face is both kind of sharp and round, it's hard to explain. It's a mess of contradictions, that's why I feel like a witch. I'd say dark hair or red hair actually looks better, blonde clashes vastly with my features and skintone. I'm some kind of winter or autumn and our skintones notoriously look bad with blonde. My nose is just raised enough to where it unfortunately makes my lips and eyes look worse by comparison. My features are intense, I think I look very unwelcoming with the way they're set
If I ever earn enough money in the industry I will probably get a nosejob, because that's the feature I'm most self conscious about. Seems like everyone has nosejobs there anyway.
>>1521147I would say the closest European phenotype I resemble besides Jewish is French, Russian or Germanic, I have dark hair, midtone skin, freckles, very dark (unfortunately straight shaped) brows, maybe "black Irish" other than having a red and blonde tint to my hair, I look like the swarthiest Europeans. My highest match on those celeb lookalike sites is usually old Hollywood actresses like Judy Garland or Natalie Wood rather than anyone current. I was clearly just born in the wrong era and traumatized too much into thinking I'm way uglier than I am, plus growing up in the era of Paris Hiltons and bad bed tans.
Ironically being the ugly nerd brunette never used to bother me when I was younger but now it makes me feel like a fucking goblin thanks to all the Margot Robbies and Sydney Sweeneys popping up
No. 1521158
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>>1521137I live in a place with a lot of Romanian/Serbian/Albanian women, they’re visibly white, but they don’t look white American. You can tell just by looking at them.
>>1521138If you have a strong feature like a hooked nose, you might as well fill in your brows and dye your hair dark, achieving a classic Mediterranean woman appearance, and not rock the man face Germanic woman stereotype.
No. 1521181
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>>1521177I have done gel and pencil on them before and it only makes them look more like sausages
>>1521158I tried to dye my hair lighter again without bleach a few months ago and it only successfully took on the crown, so now I'm at this weird admixture of black and red that I'm too lazy to fix kek, I almost considered something like picrel if I planned to re dye it but I don't have a lot of money right now to fix my hair and I'm hopeless with bleach
I'm really just too tired to do anything right now. I might as well spend the last semester of college before I have to try and look professional and find a job after I graduate looking ugly I guess
No. 1521220
My mom, knowing damn well I'm ugly, always has to comment when shes sees beautiful women/girls. She just called me downstairs, only to show me a Facebook pic of her former classmates daughter. "Look how beautiful she is!" She was fucking gorgeous, like 16 years old, looked like she could be a Tiktok star. Probably has a fucking fairytale dream of a life. Meanwhile, when I was her age, I was constantly mocked and laughed at.
Why does she have to rub it in my face how beautiful other women are? Does she think I'm blind? Is a pretty face really something to go OOOOOHH!! LOOOOOOK!!! at, unless you're a horny scrote? Seeing pretty teenagers gets to me the most because they get the princess treatment during those vulnerable teen years. I'm so bitter and sad, I constantly feel heartbroken over the fact that I'll never be pretty. I'm getting close to becoming a 30 year old virgin, unkissed too.
No. 1521233
>>1521225I hate when males do that. I would get scared and nervous and I am a legitimate autist and couldn't find the courage to say no or walk away. I am too nice, too beta. I would give them my google voice number but the issue is you can't text from it on your phone, unless someone texts you through the number first. so if they ask me to text them or call them first I would freak out. and sometimes if they texted or called the number it wouldn't always direct to my phone. every time after these interactions would happen, i would refuse to go to the area where i encountered them for years just in case I saw them again.
one time the guy, probably in his late 40s/early 50s who was probably not mentally well, called me then made me call him to make sure I wasn't lying, and for months after he would leave voicemails on my google voice that were odd. and would just call and wait on the line until it automatically ended.
I finally managed to work up the courage to tell these people "I don't share my social media or number with strangers" . they get mad and go "b-but how would you get to know someone so that they aren't a stranger if you don't share" i say i dont socialize and walk away. idgaf anymore and it feels great.
No. 1521293
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Jesus christ I hate men so much! There's a male coworker who's been visibly interested in me for a few months, he also did some nice things for me, helping me at work, driving me to work and home even though I never asked him etc., he never tried to force himself on me because I'm a shut in autist but people noticed he liked me, my female coworker constantly talks to me about him being interested in me, he asked her if I have a boyfriend etc., she told me he's a good guy, bright, educated (studied engineering), helpful, she told me he would take care of me and I should give him a chance etc. Today I went out for a dinner with her and in a conversation about men paying prostitutes for sex she casually mentioned HE told her he once paid a prostitute for sex in the past. I felt sick immediately. I told her what I think about men who have sex for money and that it's a total deal breaker for me, I told her some stats about prostitution in general and that I don't believe that men who use prostitutes even see women as fully human beings. To my horror, she was surprised by my reaction, she told me I'm overreacting and that the fact he paid for sex once in his past doesn't mean he's a bad person. She also said she wouldn't mind if she found out that her now boyfriend had sex with a prostitute before she met him. I'm so fucking disgusted and disappointed right now, to think that for a moment I felt like he's different, because he was indeed more helpful and thoughtful towards other people, me included, than the majority of moids I met in our environment and at work. But no. I feel like crying now. Am I overreacting, really?? Please tell me something that will ground me. I'm scared I will die alone, every time I meet a moid who seems even slightly good, I end up finding something fucked up about him. At this point I feel like the only women I know who are in relationships are those who simply overlook something fucked up about their men, please end me
No. 1521300
>>1521295Most people hate to admit this but they find messy and
abusive people more exciting
No. 1521326
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I am hosting my (friend) moid's cat.
Due to an untreated-mood-disorder/coke-induced psychosis episode, he flipped and ended up putting the Cat's life at risk.
He ended up in a skid row and took her.
He was gone to emergency treatment, which may last a couple of days. I am 80% sure he won't look for a proper treatment after that.
I know he LOVES the cat, but I don't want to give it back already because he's mentally unstable.
No. 1521327
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I am hosting my (friend) moid's cat.
Due to an untreated-mood-disorder/coke-induced psychosis episode, he flipped and ended up putting the Cat's life at risk.
He ended up in a skid row and took her.
He was gone to emergency treatment, which may last a couple of days. I am 80% sure he won't look for a proper treatment after that.
I know he LOVES the cat, but I don't want to give it back already because he's mentally unstable.
No. 1521345
When I was a young teenager I had a therapist ask me if I had ever considered getting tested for autism. I said no, and that I had no interest in pursuing a diagnosis. Now that I’m an adult I think I regret not taking her up on the offer. I feel very strongly that there is something different about me at my core and that it is only a matter of time before my close friends (bar one who I feel very similar to) figure it out and decide that I’m genuinely too weird to put up with. I generally find it really difficult to make friends with “normal” people (most of my good friends are autistic or have some kind of severe mental illness, and if neither are just very unusual people) and feel like I’m playing a character whenever I try and talk to them. I naturally have a very flat affect and I know it comes off as bored and “robotic” to most people, so I try to seem more enthusiastic but this has resulted in me coming off as quite intense. I feel like I’m playing a character a lot anyway, but most of the time it’s in a fun way where I feel like it’s all a big joke but no one seems to understand. I end up being misunderstood by a lot of people because things that are funny to me don’t usually have a reason for being funny beyond them sounding funny (I enjoy wordplay and sometimes particular combinations of words just sound very funny to me), so I say things I don’t actually mean without people realising I don’t mean them. I feel like most people can sense that there is something off about me, even people I pass on the street (I often get the urge to run away when I hear laughter in public because I think it is directed towards me), and I feel like people are staring at me or talking about me quite often. Obviously I find it quite difficult to trust people, and even though I do have close friends I don’t really feel the same draw towards socialising that most people seem to (I’m happy speaking to my “close” friends once or twice a month). I also have pretty bad sensory problems which I have been thinking of as misophonia for almost a decade (bad as in I could not eat dinner with my family as a child because the noises would make me start crying), but I’m wondering if its something more. Perhaps I am just genuinely a little weird and none of this is autism, but I often wonder what would happen if I approached a psychologist for an assessment. I worry that they would try to take issue with my interests (there are certain creative projects I feel I must complete over the course of my lifetime if I am to live in accordance with my nature & live life to its fullest, and I am also really interested in philosophy & have some particular metaphysical views that impact the way I view the world on a day to day basis), just because of how meaningful they are to me. It would hurt to have someone accuse them of being a symptom of something. This is probably all really incoherent and rambly but I have been thinking about a lot of this lately and I’m not sure what to do. Not sure if I’m really looking for advice, I just wanted to share some ways in which I’ve been feeling strange lately.
No. 1521372
>>1521369I guess my point is, I'm sure people who actually do it think of others. I know at this point my mother probably hates me or resents me. I know it'd hurt everyone but I don't feel I can climb out of what I'm in. I'm almost 30, no job ever. No relationships except for when I was in high school, no house, no money of my own, aniexty, fat, ugly. I don't know, I know i'm a huge burden on her, I know i'll be told
"You can do it
nonnie, it's not that bad" No it really is. Im a alcholic, the other day my brother in so many words basically said, "it's getting old". I'm that loser who nobody wants around. I can't even see myself in my own minespace out of my house, I have no life skills. I feel so so badly about myself and I project that onto others online and this very website. I'm miserable and miserable to be around. I feel as if me being here benefits nobody. I thought I'd get out of this in high school, being shy, low selfesteemed but it got worse for me, until i'm 28 and a fucking hermit, with an ugly obese body, horrible skin, and mental issues. I cannot be loved. I don't know what to do, but i've done nothing
No. 1521379
>>1521369Nona, I agree that calling suicidal people selfish is horrible. It's an immense lack of empathy.
On the other hand, a depressive person is barely functional, and they do make wrong decisions - because they are ill.
To be suicidal, the several systems of our brain ought to be malfunctioning, even our body.
But how can I say that what you are feel is not real? Because it is real. But you can improve your condition with proper medical help and care.
I just wish you to know how much your life is precious and how much you deserve to live - not a life you are experimenting now, full of pain and suffering - but a healthy life.
You deserve to feel better and to live better, you deserve several second chances. A better condition of life.
I just wish with all my heart you can find the help you so much need, so the several collapsed systems in you brain function better and you feel better.
Pls nona, try a little more. I want you to be happy!
No. 1521385
>>1521379Thats my thing, I even think it
>Oh wow so sad, look at how loved this person wasbut now at this very mintue, I get it, when you get to that point it hurts to live, it genuinely hurts. I'm so isolated, I feel I do not know how to be a human. I look at people with lives, like "How do you do it? How do you work?"
I just feel so horrible and I know i've disappointed everyone. My mom told me, "I make everyone think it's their fault" and…I try so hard to keep it to myself. I don't ask for clothes, or money more then $15 or so. I cook, I clean, I do things for my family.
I just feel now i'm at a point where, it's now or never. No one gets the jail my brain is in, nobody gets how hard it is for me to go outside and be in this body, the dreams, how I can't even look at myself naked in the mirror, lord I sound pitiful.
No. 1521389
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I hate that my mom implies that I want to fuck every moid friend I have my moid friends are good people but they’re fucking ugly. Sorry not sorry. My friend group is pretty equal in terms of gender division too so it’s not like I’m the NLOG in a sea of scrotes either.
No. 1521392
>>1521372>I cannot be lovedYou don't have to be loved in order to have a fulfilling life. It's something I told myself and I started to believe it, my situation was pretty similar to yours, minus the alcoholism. I'm privileged because I have my own apartment, but it's only because I inherited it after my mother died, and she also hated me and threatened to kick me out, I was a depressed neet for years, no life skills either etc. My aunt helped me to find a job one year ago when I was 26. It's the first job in my life. I never had any relationships or friends and I will probably die alone but I also accepted that. I won't tell you it will be great for you, but I believe it can certainly get better than it currently is. At some point I also believed there's no other way for me but to off myself. I got lucky only because my mother died, I know it sounds horrible but it was only then I could make a progress, because I had to, or I would end up homeless and starve. There has to be someone or something in your life that can help you. Even if it's not a single person, maybe an institution? Please seek for help, seek for a job, find something you like to do. Even if you get a shitty job that won't satisfy you, you can still have your own world in your room and your hobbies, interests etc. I don't care if it sounds sad to normies, but I feel fulfilled within my own world, my spirituality, my passion for knowledge, my hobbies, books, contact with nature and animals. I learn languages on my own, I learn about philosophy. I almost feel content and I know I can get even better. The point is not to change yourself and turn yourself into something you're not, because you can't to that. Just learn how to work with what you have. Please focus on your survival and getting help and finding something you like, fuck relationships with other people, fuck love and fuck what they think about you.
No. 1521397
>>1521385My biggest implication is that depression has multiples causes but is essentially a disease of the brain and it shows in several aspects, including lack of concentration, creativity, even the energy.
I am telling you because I've there. Back in 2018 I was sure that death was the only way. I stopped eating, grooming. I could not function and even it was all mental, I felt so much pain that my bones would hurt as well. It would take me HOURS or even a whole day to find the mental strength to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water.
I was in a state of so much pain, there is no words. But shit, I got better. My life of not a fairy tale (far from it) but I got rid of the suicidal thoughts.
I just mean you can live with more quality of life, and regain a good part of your intelligence and creativity with the correct medications.
I never fully recovered (specially my memory), and I will never be 100%, but you can live much better than you are now if you seek treatment. That I can asure you.
I just remember this immense pain, and how I got better, I just can't help but wish everyone has the same. I am sorry if an offended or made things worse, not the intention. I wish you well, truly.
No. 1521401
>>1521392Despite all of that you sound like someone who has adjusted, I guess I cannot explain it all without basically telling my whole life. What you do is amazing, but I want to be loved. I want be normal. Maybe I should be instutionlized, I don't know. I often do think of doing something to myself and it dos bring me a odd sense of comfort, but not to do anything.
I know this is retarded but just today I thought, "i want to die" and then I thought, "Well if I kill myself I'll go to hell" and thats a new fear, so now I just don't know. I'm so so happy you've found peace, but there's so much, my life isn't normal.
I have nothing to work with, I was always called ugly or stinky or picked at as a youth, then when I did get attention it was from scrotes who used me, then i retreated into my shell. Using reading/writing to escape my life, for years in high school I could'nt look at myself in the mirror period. I'd have to read while eating, brushing my teeth, every second of the day because I cannot deal with all the things I'd done with boys (when I was 16), I realized I've never truly been happy with myself.
I can't even properly talk about my childhood and point out things my mother did wrong, because I live with her, she's a single mother. Sometimes I just want to walk away. Leave my family behind, not because I don't want them around and don't love them, but because I know everyone hates me or pities me.
Nobody gets it, I constantly have dreams of my life and I was always depressed, alone. I only had 1 healthy relationship and I was fucking 14-15, I'm sorry for venting but I have nothing for me. I hate even being seen. I want to get out of this but hate how I am. I'm sick of feeling sorry for myself, but i always have. I keep thinking back and I've never had fucking peace. if I were to tell my mom all the things that lead to where I am, I'd feel retarded and she'd think i was blaming her.
I'm 28, who cares if you were bullied in school? Who cares about the shit you saw at home, or the things my mom said to me, or my own dad who abandoned me and abused my mom, the multiple men that abused my mom and my siblings and…I have so much inside. I just really wish I had someone.
And it's hard, like mentally it's so hard for me, I know I sound retarded and like a sob story, but I can't just do these things. Mentally there's a roadblock.
No. 1521404
>>1521345Not sure if you want advice, but nonna, you are not a little strange, you very probably are autistic or have any other disorder, but you ARE different. Go look after your diagnosis, you are going to be much, much free. None of your likings are symptons, the way you deal with them may be a symptom but that doesn't mean that you are a fake person, since allistic people have their ways of dealing with their likings, and it's as it's because they are allistic. Nonna, i hope you are able to follow what makes you the happiest and are able to express yourself; remember, people are only able to understand and love you when you are being your full self, your natural way is the right way, and you should strive to be your way. If someone judges you, go after someone who will embrace you.
No. 1521406
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i've accepted a hard truth about an art-related hobby of mine: it doesn't really matter how good you are at it, in the end. people are human. they want to be with their friends and will always favor someone interesting over you. in fact them liking that person will make their inferior work superior to yours.
knowing what i know now, no longer can i cope. i've lost. those years of improvement were for nothing: this won't bring me friends.
No. 1521415
>>1521401>but I want to be loved. I want be normal.Anon it can come to you with time, but it can't be your main goal if you want to survive and get out of this state. I understand that on an emotional level, but you have to think about YOU, not about the hypothetical people who can love you and the societal expectations of being "normal" and achieving certain things at a certain age. There are people who were drug addicts until their early 30s and never went to college and then went to college and found a job etc. Yes, some of them died, but others survived. It's really scary how long your life can actually be, logicially speaking, you still have so much time to use. I know years of suffering seem like eternity, but you're not even half way through. I don't believe anyone from your family can understand you so don't even think about venting to them, retarded parents will never ever admit to their fuck ups, even though your fuckery is mostly their responsibility. I deeply believe that if someone as hopeless and suicidal as me could get better at 26-27, you can do it too. Making the first step is the hardest part. I felt like there was literally no area of my life I had any influence on. I didn't even understand simple things like, what I put inside my body impacts how my body functions, how it feels and looks, because I wasn't even able to identify with my body, I was zooned out of this world 99% of the time and yet still in so much real, physical pain. Now I can do simple dumb things like, idk, feeding ducks and feel the rays of the sun on my skin, and I can identify it with feeling nice, and I'm content and that moment. Before that I felt nothing even remotely close to "nice" or "good" or "warm". My perception could be altered and yours can be too. I'm sorry I talk so much about myself when responding to you, but I just want to show you it's possible to change the way you feel about things even though it felt impossible once. Now at first it's just BASIC things, like being able to survive, pay for your bills, eat healthy, feel positive emotions and feel less suicidal. Then something else can come, like a fulfilling hobby. And then who knows, maybe you can get closer to the people you choose yourself (not your shitty family), get friends etc. Even if it comes to you or me in the next 5 years, or even later? So what? At least you're giving yourself the chance. If you won't do anything, or just die, you will lose the chance forever.
No. 1521427
>>1521345I promise your friends won’t abandon you for being too weird when they already know and like you m. I used to feel this way, always feeling like an impostor, a complete alien around everyone, the only person in life with no manual to life. I was certain everyone pitied me and would figure me out or already couldn’t wait to get rid of me. Last year I finally got my autism diagnosis and you know what? Not only did my close friends I told react with total support and happiness for me, but I realize more than ever that I am loved, I am liked, and fuck it, I’m even really cool. It’s given me the confidence to go out in the world and make dozens of new friends, understanding that okay, I AM weird, but don’t I deserve to be proud of who I am? So I started facing the world brimming with pride instead of shame and my life has really changed from it. Anyone who doesn’t treat you right is a dipshit, they have their own issues that cause them to be mean, and you can and should cut them off and move on. But the world is always filled with more people who will appreciate you and your uniqueness and humor. Maybe you’re autistic, and finding that out or acting in ways that help you cope with your particular struggles of social differences and sensory sensitivities can make a huge positive difference. But if you aren’t, either way you still deserve to eventually be able to change your outlook to one of defiant pride, that you deserve to exist in the world and go where you want and talk to people regardless of being different. I still get comments from people about how my expressions are flat or my emotions are hard to understand or my interests are so unusual and so on, but now I know that’s just how I am, I don’t want to change, I feel almost smug and happy about it, and the right people like me anyway. And if no one liked me now I’d think “so you’re too close minded to understand me” and feel pride again, I won’t ever feel ashamed again. I tell you all this because I hope you can one day feel similarly, anon. You deserve to move through the world comfortably like everyone else.
No. 1521445
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I honestly feel really jealous of pretty girls and imagine they have cute bfs and tons of cute guys asking them out etc but then I see their husband or bf and he usually looks like shit and it makes me feel less fomo. So, maybe I’m not missing out on much being born ugly.
No. 1521448
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>>1521445Samefag but this is her. I’d say she’s very conventionally attractive but she dates uglier men then me. Makes me feel better.
No. 1521457
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Guys I am so fucking hot, I am skinny have big tits, good hips to waist ratio, nice face, and really long thick hair, I am an international student in this white ass school, I am so fucking inept, have no social life, get no male attention…..I just don't get it, i am so fucking awkward, and freeze whenever someone tries to talk to me, I pretend I don't know English and never take out my AirPods because I am sooo scared of people. I am alll alone in a country, my rich parents keep giving me money so I have no incentive to work so I just sit at home when I don't have to go to college, my life is literally slipping away……. I know I am hotter than too many girls, is it because I am not white????? I thought getting hot will solve all my problems but it has done nothing…..
No. 1521461
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my friend crushes roaches in his apartment with his hands because EW GROSS HATE THEM SO MUCH. same but i'm more than glad to let the critter get away for a later, fairer battle where i don't need to actually touch the fucker
No. 1521484
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i wish there was a way to wear this sort of stuff without looking like a mass shooter or a military larper. i just want to wear tactical gear in a stylish way
No. 1521489
>>1521464there are plenty of hot men out there who will do all this kek. statistically there must be
also he literally literally resembles a pig. probably snorts like one too yuck
No. 1521604
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Saw my ex in his friend’s IG story wearing a shirt I gave him while we were dating. He never wore it while we were together and it’s related to my niche job. I’m trying not to read into it but I wonder if he misses me.
No. 1521612
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My cats have horrible food anxiety because their previous owners died from Covid unexpectedly & as a result they starved for a few days before the shelter picked them up. Which is fine y'know, I simply measure their portions and feed them four times a day so they don't shovel their entire meals into their stomachs in five seconds like some deathfat and then puke it up afterwards because "meow meow tiny stomach I'm a kitty cat".
And they don't just meow or something nononono they start DESTROYING the entire flat if I don't get up and stare angrily at them. My tiny baby siam learned how to open doors and cabinets and empty them completely, while also eating any rubber band I keep in the kitchen drawers. We got baby safety locks but now she just jumps from my drawer on me while sleeping like a cannonball OVER AND OVER AGAIN. My whole stomach is one big bruise because of her.
My big baby ordinary cat keeps dramatically puking up tiny amounts of stomach acid into my shoes (we got it checked at the vet early on, she literally only does this because she gets so anxious about potentially starving that she panic-vomits).
The clean up just isn't worth not getting up at six and sitting in the living room angrily watching them. And they don't do ANY of that as long as I just sit there and look at them occasionally, I've started browsing this fucking website for an hour every morning because what the fuck else would I do at 6AM. I don't have to go to work till 10.
I love them but Jesus fucking christ on a bicycle, this is how I imagine it is to have kids one day.
No. 1521644
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>>1521614What are you majoring in? You could try to get a master's degree in another field. Check to see what master's degree will take your degree. I knew a bio major who got accepted in a audiology doctorate program with no prior classes. Also there's a cow (former cow?) that had a art history degree and got into a masters program for speech lanuage pathology. If you don't/can't go down that route, check to see what jobs will take your degree. Otherwise do you have in mind what major you'd like to pursue instead? Maybe you could set up a meeting with that major's guidance counselor and just ask questions. I'm just spit balling some ideas down. I know the future looks bad at the moment but I encourage you to stay positive.
No. 1521692
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nonny? Fuck you for using a cute pic of a cartoon cat to accompany your nasty vent. And if you’re SEEING roaches in your home, there are hundreds of not thousands of them teeming in all the dark spots of your home. Call fucking pest control omg how do people just live with dangerous pests like roaches and rodents, CALL A PROFESSIONAL this is disgusting and also roaches are terrible for your respiratory health, and if you have pets it’s bad for them as well.
No. 1521693
nonny I feel bad for you and I also feel bad for your poor traumatized kitty cats. They love you. It’s not just food they want, they want your company too, that’s why they don’t destroy the place when you’re up to stare at them.
No. 1521695
>>1521580>normal people in normal relationshipsAh yes the classic scrote fucking prostitutes and giving STDs, including potentially cancerous HPV strains, to their partners and seeing women as objects. The classic heterosexual dynamic.
>you know nothing about them uwuI know they fuck prostitutes/defend men who fuck prostitutes and I know facts about prostitution. That's enough to judge them morally.
I would put every scrote who fucks prostitutes and every normie woman who defends and enables them and allows them to have relationships, including my retarded coworkers, into a lime pit kek
No. 1521747
>>1515548Samefag. Said bf and I have been wanting to play games and have been looking at options of either buying a gaming laptop or a console.
I got really excited bc he said I could choose the laptop and I could use it for office work as well (my workplace only provides desktop pcs) and he would pay half of it. I've been wanting to have a laptop for a while but wasn't sure if I should buy a regular one and play games via a cloud service or a gaming one with a dedicated gpu and was really happy that this will finally be resolved.
My boyfriend yesterday calls me over saying that he has a 'surprise' and a 'solution' to my problem. I got ridiculously excited and got myself hyped up for a potential gift laptop. I even considered that maybe he wants to give me one of his Macbooks because I don't understand why he has multiple ones in the first place. I go to his place and he has a Nintendo Switch with multiple games and a Steam Deck on the table and he starts explaining that I could buy a regular office laptop for myself while both of us could use the consoles for gaming. He thought it over and didn't think that sharing a laptop would have been a good idea.
I feel conflicted because I understand his logic and this arrangement seems to make sense and he's very nice to let me borrow the consoles that he bought for himself but I couldn't help but feel disappointed again because I didn't receive anything again. At the same time I wonder if I'm being a materialistic bitch and feel guilty/ashamed of myself
No. 1521759
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>>1521727Brought everything back in and ordered some contact paper
I feel guilty for even thinking about throwing him away…
No. 1521760
>>1521747Dunno, if your guy has money to spend and he spends plenty of it on himself regularly, it's not unreasonable to expect a nice gift sometimes. Especially if you've been in a relationship for a while. I assume you occasionally do nice things for him (within your budget) too.
If I understood it right you end up having to spend more money on a laptop than the originally solution proposed by him and that sucks, I'd be kinda pissed.
No. 1521769
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I’m so sad anons. I found a dog that looks for a family and my husband said we should consider him but now he says the price is too high. I know we kind of have the money to get him, my husband just doesn’t want to make an unsmart decision without having a longterm project this year. So i got my hopes all hyped up and now I just want to cry.
No. 1521773
>>1521769>we kind of have the moneyI will have to side with your husband on this one, sorry
nonny. You have to have your finances in order to take good care of an animal. I think it’s very responsible to wait until your situation is stable enough for a pet (like until he has a project on the lookout for work (?).
No. 1521784
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I'm sad and angry at myself. I can't stop myself from buying things. For the longest time I had absolutely no money and now that I have some, I'm terrible at controlling myself. I always buy things. They are nice things that I use but I feel like it's endless. I buy things to make myself happy. I'm buying the lifestyle of the person that I want to be but I'm not living the life. I have so many cute outfits but I always wear the same shit because I'm lazy but I want to look cute. What the heck is wrong with me?
No. 1521794
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Why do I have to wait over 6 months to get a fucking therapist and if the one wouldn't work out, I would have to wait again for months. And if I'm lucky and have moved to another city by then, the waiting time will be for nothing. I can't afford paying for one myself but after having mental health issues since my early childhood it would be nice to finally have someone to just tell every bullshit thought without feeling guilty for bothering them because it's their job and maybe in the end work through some stuff. And again, money would solve that problem and again, I don't have money, I'm just so tired of living like this no, I won't kill myself, I fought too hard to end it now
No. 1521806
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I had a dinner with two female colleagues and the owner of the restaurant was flirting a little bit with them and he basically didn't talk to me or even looked at me. I guess I'm ugly. I always thought I was more attractive than one of them, she has thin lips, a very round face and a double chin, I thought those traits weren't considered attractive. Maybe I'm being petty but he treated me like I didn't exist and it just felt uncomfortable seeing him giving them attention and not even acknowledge me. Maybe it's because they had make up and I didn't? Idk I never experienced that because I rarely go out, but I feel even worse about myself than before. I feel invisible at work, I have to feel invisible even at a damn table in a restaurant when the owner says nice things to the two women I came with but doesn't talk or even look at me while I sit right across the table. People used to tell me I'm pretty, but maybe I'm not anymore, maybe I already look old, maybe I don't seem approachable, I don't know. I just feel like shit, invisible like it has always been for the past 2 years. I don't feel like going out with them again
No. 1521868
>>1521840"just go on tinder"
leave this site, hellspawn. that's the worst advice you could give to a woman on a women's imageboard.
do NOT download tinder nona
>>1521819 I repeat do NOT you will get murdered, raped or heartbroken. in that order.
No. 1521873
>>1521870okay scrote
also any woman worth anything wouldn't put herself up for unpaid auction for moids. disgustang
get some respect for yourself jfc
No. 1521874
>>1521819It's another artist on twitter lol, yeah, I know
Honestly I wouldn't advise you dating apps, especially not tinder. At least this moid doesn't live in my city and can't stalk me irl. Also it seems that moids push you to meet you (to fuck you) on dating apps, which doesn't really build up the sexual tension. I'm sure you'll feel disappointed.
No. 1521880
>>1521873I’m not a scrote but anon did say all she wanted was to sext. She didn’t say she wanted to meet them and get married.
>>1521872Oh I’ve been on tinder and all I’m getting is tons of men trying to have sex and sext even though I don’t even want it. I’d like to have an actual conversation first but they go right into sex talk and I find sexting/dirty talk to be cringe.
No. 1521901
>>1521612Cats in nature hunt at dusk and dawn, so it's best to have their feeding times as close to that as possible. It's just their natural instinct driving them to look for food at that time. This is also why at dawn and dusk cats are the most active and will run around and make a mess - it's their hunting time. You can rederect this with play.
My rescue cat will also sometimes wake me up at 6am and demand food (did this just yesterday) even though I've never fed it at that time and never will. Just sometimes the instinct overrides the feeding habit/schedule I set up.
No. 1521924
>>1521806Stop caring about men who want to fuck your colleagues. Male attention is worthless.
>>1521905Learn to love yourself and to masturbate. Men are men. They are all the same.
No. 1521974
>>1521969Damn, a decade? What's your main motivation to be using it for so long? I bet you have a lot of interesting stories.
(I hope I don't sound sarcastic, I'm genuinely interested, there's so much insight you must have after such a long time)
No. 1521977
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I live with my parents because there's nowhere else, no money, and I really do love them underneath everything but:
>Paranoia ingrained into me by parents, real fear of men came with experience and realizing the truth about them
>No car or transportation, no job
>Local park sucks, poor and drunk men walking around all day/sleeping in the park, loose pitbulls and soccer tards
>Only close "friends" are loser males I stick around to talk about games/tech with and get "human" interaction and free things
>2 female almost-friends not close enough to ask to hang out yet
>Stuck in house most of the time with sister's kids, toys everywhere,movies blasting, kid is 6 years old and doesn't know how to write ABC's, lets male kid get away with stuff
>Inflation raising prices of rent,houses, simple food, everything
>Discouraged from even walking a block away, encouraged to focus only on school
>Always asked why I don't go out with friends or have a social life, why I'm inside room all day
>Try to bring family together and do things "We're too tired" is the standard response
>Send mother "Black Sheep" definition because it fits how I've seen my situation for the past 5+ years
>"No one sees you that way ON PURPOSE honey" standard blaming me
Looking back at vents through the years and realizing shit in the little 3 months this year, I've really given up on us having any real connections ever. I've already made a layout on what I'd need to live in a car, best lowprice cars for travel, motels and places that let you shower, what weapons I can get legally, diners, exercise routines to get stronger, durable clothes, etc. Even if I never truly overcome fear I'm working towards at least having weekends away from everyone and everything alone by myself in my car. For now I have to keep getting my education, making connections with other women, women's groups, all-female/women's lands, build my self-confidence up even more. I've already stopped buying useless clutter and figurines and sold old clothes, wish me luck!
No. 1522175
I dated a guy for a while but it didn't work out, he had certain red flags and I grew distant because of that, but I still tried to be friendly, he said I can always ask him for help etc. But at the same time he was whining about me not giving him any signs I actually cared for him blah blah (well maybe I would if he gave me more reasons to trust him, like not showing tendencies to aggression during sex etc.) A few weeks ago, right before my birthday, he told me not to sleep till 0:00 because he wanted to call me exactly at 0:00 to make wishes, I didn't plan on staying awake till 0:00 just so he could call me but I didn't sleep anyway and he indeed called me. Today is his birthday but he made a party yesterday, he didn't invite me, probably because he thought I wouldn't want to come anyway since he invited me for christmas to meet his friends last time and I rejected it because I didn't want to spend time with a bunch of LSD taking pot smoking people I never met before. So yesterday I didn't call him because I didn't want to call during their party and formally his birthday is today anyway. So I called him now (it's evening already) and he rejected my phonecall. I don't get it. Is he angry because I didn't call him at fucking 0:00 like he did with me, or what? Like seriously, what should I do? Try to text him and ask what's up? I feel like I did something bad even though I don't think I actually did? Is he angry because I didn't call him earlier? Idk.
No. 1522184
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I get offended when people ask me about how my day went because I hate opening up and it's none of their business but also feel hurt when they don't because it makes me feel unimportant and ignored. Fuck me I guess
No. 1522187
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I wish I could wear the kind of clothes I like but I live in America and I don’t feel like being stared at and bothered all day
No. 1522192
>>1522187if you're in an urban area people don't really care. you might get some stares but mostly compliments if there is any interaction in regards to your outfit. I don't know about less populated areas. probably like Germany where you get stared at and thought of as a weirdo.
my style is very varied and includes this, I grew up hiding in jeans and tshirts, hoodies, a couple years ago I started wearing whatever I wanted and I feel so much better about myself. my worry about being gawked at went away. in fact I look forward to the old ladies giving me compliments. i feel like a different person when I dressing what I like and what makes me feel good in the mirror. you can always try it out anon! if you like it, it doesn't matter about anyone else, you'll probably stop worried about being noticed pretty quickly i understand it's not for everyone though.
No. 1522202
>>1522187aside from the kink gear this looks pretty normie to me. A pretty shirt and skirt isnt out of the ordinary for girls to wear. I lived in an area where all the girls and women wore basic jeans and beige sweaters while I used to wear clothes like that and no one commented on it. So even though I dressed differently than others it didn't bring any attention to me since clothes like this uses basic clothing items, but coords them in a pseudo formal style. The only thing I can imagine that would bring attention is the kink gear (as I already mentioned) and the hairstyles.
Just wear what you like anon without worrying about what other people might say. If it can cheer you up I will say that the few occasions I got comments about my clothes it was compliments from other girls who said that they liked how girly and cute I looked
No. 1522206
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>>1522204That’s where I was. There were a lot of girls wearing cute clothes like pic related.
>>1522202I live in a majority African American area where wearing anything other than jeans and a tshirt or fashion nova will get you comments. People comment on my clothes all the time just because they aren’t tight. Plus there’s something about living in America where no one’s really dressed up so I feel less motivated to bother. Maybe one day if I get to move to Tokyo or something I’ll wear what I like.
No. 1522209
>>1522206There are girls who wear this stuff, of course, but it's not popular. Mostly jirai bitches wear stuff like
>>1522187And this
>>1522206 is more normie stuff, they wear it but it depends on age, over 20 wear more mature clothes.
No. 1522214
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>>1522209Not everyone wears it but I saw a lot of women wearing and it’s a lot to me because in America I see no one wearing it. Even clothes like pic related that would be considered basic in Tokyo would get me rude comments and stared at where I live. Like people saying I’m dressed old or I look like I’m going to church kek
No. 1522216
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>>1522208Pretty much something hideous like this is what the average woman in my area would be wearing
No. 1522221
>>1522208when i started dressing in clothing that wasn't jeans and t-shirt, i would get comments every day asking where i was from or if i was an artist, because i was standing out.
the fucking "athleisure" cults have a chokehold on the country.
No. 1522239
>>1522216Most of the women in my area are fat boomers who wear clothes several sizes too small or wear bathing suits outside of the pool or river. American fashion is horrible, especially waterside boomer fashion.
Like I'm fat myself, but it's very hard to fuck up what you wear. Brightly colored leggings that show off curves and clothes too small are the two instant fails for me.
>>1522214 , those are very cute dresses! I'm sorry everyone's so cruel to you nonna.
No. 1522397
>>1522323You are not alone, nonna. It's hard because it doesn't matter how things go; we always get out of the interaction feeling like shit.
I compare myself to everyone, and desire to be better than everyone, while at the same time finding myself superior than everyone. Everytime i see something that someone did, i only care about the fact that i'm better. Someone being better than me also doesn't make me sad because then i can use this person as a guide to get better. I don't even know if i truly feel bad about it, since i feel a constant euphoria from being so much better than everyone. I know rationally that i'm NOT better than everyone, not in a objective way. It's bad, though, that i don't have a core personality and my main goal is to be better than someone or make something better than the original version.
No. 1522503
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My boomer father sperged about me joking about a shitty proposed state bill. He's the one who taught me that everything in life is a fucking joke, we even watched a comedy special together recently, and now he's getting offended I satirized a current political event.
Then he starts howling about fascism and nazis and how apathetic my generation is and blah blah blah. I'm pretty lefty but even that made me grind my teeth. so the neoliberal boomer who doesn't really care for socialized healthcare when his daughter is currently uninsured, unmedicated, and is suffering because of that, is sperging about nazis. How is it my fault that the world is in its shitty current state and that I try and lighten it up a bit?
My old man literally socialized me to joke about dark subjects. It doesn't mean I don't care about the oppressive reality of the issue. It's like he just wants something to rage at for no reason.
No. 1522565
>>1522561>said that was a necessity for are weak, they need to put dick into a hole just to function normally kek.
>I was in a horrible, really fragile place when I met both of these guys. I was too open and obviously unwell mentally from prior trauma. And they took advantage of that.Sorry to hear that. I hope you heal youself mentally before jumping into relationship again. Make a good relationship with yourself a priority.
No. 1522584
I turned 28 and wish people would stop commenting on my age.
I don't keep quiet about it because I'm embarrassed, I keep quiet about it because when I mention it, there's always gonna be someone shitting and pissing themselves over it.
>Oh my god I thought you were a teenager!
>But you look so young, I had no idea you were a crusty old crone haha ecks dee
>Wow you're how old?! That's so old!
>You better start having kids soon
>You're turning 30, how come you don't know how to do X?
>Doing Y, at your big age?
Please shut the fuck up I beg you. I am not old, being my age doesn't mean I am all-knowing and without fault, I don't have my life together because I'm a millennial and the economy is in shambles, being in your late 20s doesn't mean looking like the crypt keeper, I don't use botox, I look my age, and saying someone looks "so young" isn't the compliment you think it is. Stop making a big deal about it please. It's like whenever I reveal the number I get side-eyed for not being perfect and/or told I look less ugly and old than someone as old as me normally does. It's as backhanded of a compliment as "I can tell you used to be beautiful when you were younger".
No. 1522588
I’m so tired, I just want to sleep a lot already, I can’t wait to finish this semester so I can grab a whole week to just sleep, drink water, piss, eat soup and sleep. I haven’t even been able to daydream about my husbandos because I’m so tired I just end up falling asleep, and at work I’m so busy I can’t even think about them like at all. I just feel so tired, but I can’t tell my best friend because she then tells me that I shouldn’t have picked this career, and yeah, I don’t like it, but it was my only option, I just want to vent to her and get asspats, that’s it.
No. 1522591
>>1522584I'm 24 but there a lot of 20-22 year olds in my social circle and they always call me old even though I'm only two years older than them
I blame tiktok brainrot people have a really screwed up vision of how women of certain ages should look and act like
No. 1522601
nonnies…im at my work and i dont even wanna try anymore. i dont do my tasks and i even sound less enthusiastic talking on the phone. i dont even wanna try to improve my mood. i am on a 2 month contract since my performance during my internship wasnt great(not only my fault though) and i have about 2 weeks till the contract ends. i have been flirting with the idea of giving up for weeks now. i just know the reactions from my family will be bad cause i was finally supposedly on a good path and i want to give it up. and im in my late twenties, never had a proper job aside from working for the family business which i dont count and no particular experience and skills. this job would ensure me that i would always have work and get decent money but idc. idk sometimes i feel that aside from my unwillingness to learn and my shitty procrastination, i dont particularly feel welcome here. i especially dont like one of my co-workers who really reminds me of my father sometimes(she is a woman though). and due to some recent events, i feel there is a lack of clarity and communication(which i knew but now it's too much. i feel like i dont even have the right to ask)
but on the other hand, i actually know i havent tried enough so i dont have the right to complain about things. i know my behaviour isnt right on many aspects but im afraid to talk here. or there is simply not enough time for others. i general i hate the fact i have to settle being here because of family pressure and my uncertainty of what i want to do. i would drop everything in a second if i was sure that my next venture would be a successful one…but i have no clue what that venture would be. and if i did, i know for a fact i dont have the motivation and the attention span to make it work. i have failed to many projects and im "too old" to keep looking for things
aside from my uncertainty, i know that many people would be disappointed or even downright angry at me. i told me employer i wanna learn but i feel this is a lie because i have done shit and he is also barely here to begin with. i only feel like a burden. he needed a person to learn the job well but he is way less close to me than i wanted him to and i feel i waste his precious time. as i said, i could have tried more but i dont know how to deal with myself in the first place. im a walking self-sabotage. life has no meaning and i hang on to things like a few friends the thought of that a reckless action could make others feel worse .im too scared to try and kill myself and at this time i do know i'd hurt people if i did something. or if i survived but i was disabled forever. that would be worse for everyone
i feel like life is too complex sometimes. i just wanna pause and not worry about anything, that being,the past, the future, other people or having to take care of things. there's no shortage of things to stress over and worry about
i feel to ungrateful for tossing this opportunity like this…but i dont wanna be here. but im also afraid that i may regret it and want to leave the door open. but i dont know how to go with this. i just wanna be happy
No. 1522618
>>1522601Don't give up!! You sound like you want to give up because it's daunting but don't!! It sucks you don't feel welcome there but you're not chained to the job, you can use the experience to move on to something else later. Don't make thinks more difficult for yourself, I've been there and it really fucking sucks.
>i feel like life is too complex sometimes. i just wanna pause and not worry about anything, that being,the past, the future, other people or having to take care of things. there's no shortage of things to stress over and worry aboutI feel this a lot. Life truly is too complex. If you think about it, the way humans once started by just gathering their food and living in nature and that was it, I think we're not built to have this much complexity going on in our lives, and it sucks. But try not to make things more difficult for yourself by giving up now! If this sucks, it's only gonna suck even more later on.
No. 1522619
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>>1522175>>1516960The common denominator between these men is that they both have Sun in Pisces. They’re really prone to being crazy druggies (just look at Jillian).
No. 1522624
>>1522175 and the guy has indeed sun in Pisces. I don't even believe that hard in astrology but this is a funny coincidence. He's not even that much of a druggie, not as much as his friends at least, but has some weird and crazy behaviors that even his friends aren't aware of for sure because they never were intimate with him. They all think he's a big softie and they probably think of me as the bad, cold one
Btw I just wanted to be fair and I sent him wishes via messenger, he didn't answer so whatever, I'm just gonna ignore him at work
No. 1522626
>>1522584This happens to me a lot. I just take it as a compliment and move on. The only time I’ve been genuinely upset by someone thinking I looked like a teenager was the 16 year old boy who would aggressively hit on me at my previous place of employment. I figured he was in his 20s and flirted back a bit, then he eventually saw me ring up alcohol and was shocked and was all “wait, you’re 18??” Uhhh try adding 10 years to that dude… that’s when he was like oh I’m 16 and I thought you were younger than me, they’ve hired 14 and 15 year olds here before.
I vowed to never flirt with anyone again unless I know how old they are, cause I was disgusted.
No. 1522631
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I did something extremely careless that might have affected my future, then I panicked and decided to ignore it for some dumb reason. I'm trying to fix it now but I'm scared it's to late. I just want my life back on tracks but I always mess it up
No. 1522633
>>1522618you say give up and im not even sure what you mean. give up my job? in general? i could let this job run its course but then what. i cant make excuses to my employer anymore, i know i wont try. i already havent. nothing stops me from behaving the same way esp since i dont like it here
i feel ungrateful since it's a decent working environment and it could be much worse but im just SO unsure…
No. 1522644
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Im so close to burning out, idk how to avoid it. I think I'm going to explode
No. 1522655
>>1522631I relate to this. This is how I also cope. I actually think of picrel at times like that too.
Do you want to talk about it here
nonnie? It might feel less overwhelming if you can first describe what went wrong, and then try to fix it a little later. One step at a time. Hope you're doing ok.
No. 1522656
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Wish it was possible to find cute underwear that is actually wearable. I feel like everything nice looking is always 99% polyester and has that seam that runs down the middle front which ends up riding up into my crotch and hurts my clitada. I'm fine wearing cotton grannypants the majority of the time but once in a while I wanna wear something a lil bit sexy. Help ???
No. 1522658
>>1522656I bought underwear that was made of synthetic fabric and they made my coochie itch so baddd
High rises might be nice? Briefs? Clitada gave me a good kek on this fine Monday afternoon, cheers for that
No. 1522666
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I am having unwanted flashbacks to when I found out my ex fiancé cheated me on (many many times). I just woke up and I feel so upset. This happened years ago. I thought I got this out of my head. I wish I could just go back to sleep to reset my brain and forget about all of that.
No. 1522680
>>1522667Thank you nona! Those look both cute and extremely comfortable. Seems like they are all synthetic, but then again they're the type of underwear you'll probably only be wearing for an occasion so I'm willing to compromise on that.
>>1522658Haha, I'm glad I could help an anon kek